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004f5e748bf9-347 | \r\n FLIP\r\n My number\'s unlisted.\r\n Felix just continues to stare.\r\n \r\n FLIP (CONT\'D)\r\n What address did you go to?\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Over on... Bluestem Lane.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-348 | \r\n FLIP\r\n I don\'t live on Bluestem. I live off\r\n 21st Street...\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n So you don\'t know that Nigger?\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Oh, that\'s that Nigger I keep in the\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-349 | Nigger I keep in the\r\n woodpile.\r\n \r\n Everyone laughs. Felix finally cracks a grin.\r\n \r\n FLIP (CONT\'D)\r\n 1813 South 21st Street. Come by\r\n sometime we\'ll have a Coors.\r\n \r\n Ivanhoe and Flip clink cans.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-350 | FELIX\r\n And y\'know what? That loud mouth\r\n Black Student Union Bitch that\'s been\r\n in the paper complaining about the\r\n Police. She was there.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n That Fuckin\' Cunt.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Like to close those Monkey | |
004f5e748bf9-351 | Like to close those Monkey Lips\r\n permanently.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Yeah, after I get em\' \'round da Head\r\n of my Dick.\r\n \r\n Everyone laughs, agreeing.\r\n \r\n EXT. RON\'S APARTMENT - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron takes a letter out of his Mailbox and excitedly rips open\r\n A Letter from the KKK National Office. | |
004f5e748bf9-352 | A Letter from the KKK National Office. He grins and claps his\r\n hands!\r\n INT. INTELLIGENCE UNIT - CSPD - DAY\r\n \r\n Flip stands looking at what looks like a Credit Card as Ron\r\n sits at his desk, leaning back, satisfied.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Are you Fucking kidding me?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n What?\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-353 | What?\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n You don\'t cross those lines. This is\r\n about an Investigation. Not a...\r\n Relationship.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n You\'re right, I\'m messin\' up. Hate to\r\n violate that Blue Wall of Silence.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-354 | \r\n FLIP\r\n Nice one.\r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Is Patrice a Target?\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Maybe.\r\n \r\n Ron goes quiet, concerned.\r\n \r\n An excited Ron | |
004f5e748bf9-355 | \r\n An excited Ron goes to the once stark empty white walls now\r\n covered with numerous Klansmen Photos. Ron SLAPS the Photos\r\n of Active Duty Soldiers.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n We got Active Duty Soldiers from Fort\r\n Carson. Going to the CID with this.\r\n \r\n Ron SLAPS the photo of Steve and Jerry.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-356 | RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n Our Mystery Boys Steve and Jerry.\r\n Still don\'t know who they are.\r\n \r\n Ron SLAPS photos of Felix, Ivanhoe, Connie.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n We got Felix\'s Old Klan Crew.\r\n \r\n Ron turns to Flip and he SLAPS a photo of Walter.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH | |
004f5e748bf9-357 | RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n And we got new Klan Walter.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Walter\'s a General without an Army.\r\n Felix\'s Crew is stronger than him.\r\n \r\n Flip looks at Ron, amazed.\r\n \r\n FLIP (CONT\'D)\r\n You\'ve really been talking | |
004f5e748bf9-358 | You\'ve really been talking to Devin\r\n Davis?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Oh Hell yeah!!!\r\n \r\n Ron SLAPS The Large Photo of Devin Davis.\r\n RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n That\'s my Ace Boon Coon Running\r\n Partner! And now that you got that\r\n Ronny Boy. We are on a Roll, Baby!!!\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-359 | We are on a Roll, Baby!!!\r\n \r\n Ron laughs and points at the KKK Membership Card and Flip\r\n picks it up.\r\n \r\n CLOSE on the card as Flip reads it.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Member in Good Standing\r\n Knights of the Ku Klux Klan\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-360 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n That\'s us The Stallworth Boys.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Yeah, funny, but you didn\'t have\r\n psychopath staring at you asking\r\n where you lived.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I called to warn you, | |
004f5e748bf9-361 | I called to warn you, but you must\r\n have already taken off.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Ron, I wasn\'t raised Jewish. It\r\n wasn\'t a part of my Life. So I never\r\n thought much about being Jewish, was\r\n just another White Kid, didn\'t even\r\n have my Bar Mitzvah. No Chanukah for\r\n me. Christmas. In this job, you try\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-362 | In this job, you try\r\n to keep things at a distance. You put\r\n up a Shield so you don\'t feel\r\n anything... This shit is deep. When\r\n that Fuck Felix had me in that room\r\n and I kept having to deny my\r\n heritage...I have been passing.\r\n OMITTED.\r\n \r\n OMITTED.\r\n \r\n EXT. FREEDOM HOUSE - DAY\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-363 | FREEDOM HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron drives up and gets out of his Car and walks up meeting\r\n Patrice, Odetta, Hakeem and other Members of the Black\r\n Student Union outside holding flyers.\r\n \r\n Patrice stands there looking very upset, she shoves a Flyer\r\n out at Ron. He takes it, reads.\r\n \r\n THE FLYER (RON\'S POV)\r\n \r\n A drawing of a Hooded and Robed Klansman. Above the Drawing,\r\n there\'s Text: You Can Sleep Tonight Knowing The Klan Is\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-364 | Tonight Knowing The Klan Is\r\n Awake.\r\n \r\n 2 SHOT - PATRICE AND RON\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Where\'d you find them?\r\n PATRICE\r\n I found this one on my Car. But\r\n they\'re all over The Neighborhood,\r\n too.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-365 | \r\n Ron looks around seeing Residents and Students holding the\r\n Flyers, discussing them, some upset, others bewildered.\r\n \r\n PATRICE (CONT\'D)\r\n Do you think this is Real?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n It\'s Real.\r\n \r\n ANGLE - STREET\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-366 | \r\n Hakeem, Odetta and the Others look around for them, pissed.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n This is intimidation.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Clearly, this is about the Black\r\n Student Union and you.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-367 | PATRICE\r\n Me?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n You\'ve been outspoken about the\r\n incident with the Police when Brother\r\n Kwame was here.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n So the next time they\'ll have a\r\n Burning Cross out Front.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-368 | Burning Cross out Front.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n They\'re trying to get to you, like\r\n you said they want to intimidate make\r\n themselves feared. If you don\'t let\r\n \'em scare you. They got nothing. But\r\n keep your eyes open. Be Cool.\r\n \r\n ODETTA\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-369 | ODETTA\r\n That\'s the problem we\'ve been too\r\n Cool!\r\n \r\n HAKEEM\r\n Way too Cool!\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Maybe the both of you should call The\r\n Cops.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-370 | HAKEEM\r\n How we know this ain\'t some of the\r\n KKK\'s Honky-Pig-Partners passing out\r\n this Shit!\r\n \r\n Patrice and Ron step away from Odetta and Hakeem. They walk\r\n and talk.\r\n \r\n EXT. WINDING ROAD - HILLSIDE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n A Fleet of Pickups rides uphill. A Flat Bed on the end of The\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-371 | of The\r\n Convoy has an Eighteen-Foot Wooden Cross fastened on it.\r\n A CSPD Patrol Car drives past The Convoy, headed downhill.\r\n \r\n 92 INT. IVANHOE\'S CAR - WINDING ROAD - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Ivanhoe, riding with Flip, watches The Patrol Car pass in the\r\n opposite direction.\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n Soak the Wood in Kerosene, we light a\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-372 | we light a\r\n Cig on a pack of matches. Gives us\r\n time to Beat It before The Cross\r\n catches Fire. Safeguard against CSPD.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Must be quite a sight.\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n The Best. You can see it | |
004f5e748bf9-373 | The Best. You can see it for Miles.\r\n Freaks out The Jew Media and puts\r\n Niggers on their Nigger Toes.\r\n \r\n They ride in silence for a moment.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n A lot of these Guys in The Army?\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-374 | IVANHOE\r\n Yeah, even got a few in Active Duty.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Just finished my Second Tour in Nam.\r\n \r\n Ivanhoe\'s eyes light up.\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n Oh yeah? Know anything about C-4?\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-375 | \r\n FLIP\r\n Enough to make shit BLOW UP.\r\n Flip stops talking. He might\'ve revealed a bit too much.\r\n \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n EXT. OPPOSITE HILLSIDE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Ron watches as Walter and | |
004f5e748bf9-376 | Ron watches as Walter and Felix argue through Night Vision\r\n Binoculars. Ron says on the Walkie-Talkie.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Send another one.\r\n \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n 93A EXT. TOP OF THE HILL - HILLSIDE - NIGHT\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-377 | \r\n Another Patrol Car passes.\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n Damn, that\'s The Second One. Pigs are\r\n out tonight.\r\n \r\n 94 EXT. TOP OF THE HILL - HILLSIDE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n The Convoy crests The Hill, pulls to The Side of The Road.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-378 | \r\n The Klansmen dismount and gather around The Flatbed Truck\r\n carrying the Wooden Cross.\r\n \r\n Another CSPD Patrol Car appears. It passes by, not slowing.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n That makes Three Piggy Wiggys.\r\n \r\n Everyone stops what they\'re doing.\r\n \r\n Felix turns and catches | |
004f5e748bf9-379 | Felix turns and catches Flip\'s eye. It almost seems as if\r\n he\'s staring directly at Flip...\r\n \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n 94A EXT. OPPOSITE HILLSIDE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n RON LOOKING THROUGH THE BINOCULARS\r\n \r\n lowers them, grins to himself.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-380 | \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Good job, Men.\r\n \r\n CUT TO:\r\n \r\n 94B EXT. TOP OF THE HILL - HILLSIDE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n THE PICKUP TRUCKS\r\n Peeling out, heading back down The Hill.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-381 | \r\n EXT. PATRICE\'S HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n Patrice comes outside and gets in the Car taking off. Felix\r\n has been watching her the whole time sitting in his pick up\r\n truck. He spits, tosses his cigarette and follows her.\r\n \r\n 96 INT. RON\'S DESK - CSPD INTELLIGENCE UNIT - NIGHT\r\n \r\n It\'s late. Ron\'s alone on the phone in mid-conversation. It\r\n is intercut with Devin Davis speaking on the sofa in his\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-382 | on the sofa in his\r\n OFFICE:\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n ...I don\'t share this with many\r\n people, but My family had a Colored\r\n Housekeeper growing up. Her name was\r\n Pinky. She was probably the closest\r\n Woman to me other than Mother.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-383 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n That surprises me.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n I know. People think I hate Negroes.\r\n I don\'t and The Organization doesn\'t\r\n either.\r\n \r\n Ron gives a "This Is Crazy!" Look.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-384 | \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n They just need to be with their own.\r\n That\'s what Pinky would say, she had\r\n no problem with Segregation because\r\n she wanted to be with her own kind.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Sounds like she was a Mammy to you.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-385 | like she was a Mammy to you.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n She was. You ever see "Gone with the\r\n Wind"? Pinky was my Hattie McDaniel.\r\n She won an Oscar for Best Supporting\r\n Actress.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n You were | |
004f5e748bf9-386 | You were Scarlett and she was Mammy.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n That\'s right. When she passed away it\r\n was like we lost one of the Family.\r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n A good Nigger\'s funny that way. In\r\n that sense they\'re like a Dog. They\r\n can get real close | |
004f5e748bf9-387 | can get real close to you and when\r\n you lose em\'. Just breaks your heart.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Well said Ron.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I knew a Nigger once.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-388 | DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Didja?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Yeah. Nigger lived across the street\r\n from us. I must of been Six or Seven.\r\n His nickname was Butter Biscuit.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n How\'d he | |
004f5e748bf9-389 | How\'d he get that nickname?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n He loved his Mama\'s Butter Biscuits.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Yum Yum!!!\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-390 | Me and Butter Biscuit played together\r\n everyday. One day My Father came home\r\n early from work and told me I\r\n couldn\'t play with him anymore\r\n because I was White and Butter\r\n Biscuit was a Nigger.\r\n \r\n INT. DEVIN DAVIS\'S OFFICE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Davis laughs.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-391 | DEVIN DAVIS\r\n That\'s rich.\r\n \r\n Ron\'s face reveals the story is probably true, but reversed.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Ain\'t it.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Your Father sounds like a | |
004f5e748bf9-392 | Your Father sounds like a Terrific\r\n Man.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Thanks, Buddy.\r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Well, you\'re an upstanding White\r\n Christian Man. I tell you this is why\r\n we need more people like us in Public\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-393 | Office. To get this Country back on\r\n Track.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Amen.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n For America to Achieve our\r\n Greatness... again.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-394 | \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Absolutely. Sure wish we had the\r\n chance to chat Face to Face.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n In due time, my friend, in due time.\r\n I\'ll be in Colorado Springs for your\r\n initiation...\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-395 | \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n You\'ll be in Colorado Springs?\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n You bet your Mayflower Society Ass I\r\n will.\r\n \r\n Ron smiles and takes a SMALL NOTE PAD from his jacket pocket\r\n and writes something down.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-396 | \r\n INT. COLORADO COLLEGE LIBRARY - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Patrice sits in front of a MICROFILM READER.\r\n \r\n CLOSE UP - PATRICE\r\n \r\n Her Face is covered with EMOTION as she rolls through the\r\n ghastly photos of BLACK LYNCHINGS.\r\n \r\n 97 INT. CSPD INTELLIGENCE UNIT - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron is alone at his desk. He is on the | |
004f5e748bf9-397 | Ron is alone at his desk. He is on the Undercover Phone Line.\r\n \r\n WALTER (O.S.)\r\n We need a new Leader. Someone\r\n everyone can unite behind. Felix\r\n would Love to be The One but we can\'t\r\n let that happen. He\'s a Crazy\r\n Sonofvabitch. A Loose Cannon. We need\r\n someone Articulate, who displays\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-398 | Great Leadership qualities...\r\n Cherry Revision 77.\r\n \r\n WALTER (O.S.) (CONT\'D)\r\n It should be you, Ron. You should be\r\n Chapter President. You!!!\r\n \r\n Ron sits there a moment, unable to say a word. After he\r\n COMPOSES HIMSELF:\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-399 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n That would be quite an Honor.\r\n \r\n WALTER (O.S.)\r\n You will be Great...\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I\'ll have to think about this. My\r\n father is very ill and he lives in El\r\n Paso. | |
004f5e748bf9-400 | Paso. I won\'t have the time.\r\n \r\n WALTER (O.S.)\r\n You\'re a Smart and Diligent Man. I\'ve\r\n got no doubt you could handle it.\r\n OMITTED\r\n \r\n INT. UNMARKED CAR - NIGHT\r\n \r\n The Car\'s parked across The Street from Felix\'s House. Ron\r\n listens in.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-401 | \r\n INT. FELIX\'S HOUSE - DINING ROOM - NIGHT\r\n \r\n The Whole Chapter is present. Half of them are open-carrying.\r\n In a corner, Ivanhoe teaches Flip the historic Klan\r\n handshake.\r\n \r\n CLOSE - Index and Middle Finger extended along The Inside\r\n Wrist.\r\n \r\n WALTER\r\n I think it\'s time for some new Blood\r\n to get in here. I\'m | |
004f5e748bf9-402 | to get in here. I\'m planning to step\r\n down as your President.\r\n \r\n Members exchanged looks. Felix can\'t hide his smile.\r\n \r\n WALTER (CONT\'D)\r\n I\'d like to make a nomination...\r\n Mr. Ron Stallworth for Chapter\r\n President.\r\n \r\n The Room is Silent.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-403 | \r\n FELIX\r\n We just met this Guy.\r\n IVANHOE\r\n He just walked in off the street.\r\n FELIX\r\n Let me ask a question. Is there\r\n anybody here that is willing to put\r\n their Neck on the Line for Ron?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-404 | \r\n WALTER\r\n I will vouch for Ron.\r\n \r\n All eyes turn to Flip.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n It\'s a Big Honor but I can\'t accept.\r\n Problem is, what you Good Men need is\r\n a President who will be constant, on\r\n CALL Day In, Day Out. I\'ll be back\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-405 | Day In, Day Out. I\'ll be back\r\n and forth between here and Dallas.\r\n \r\n INT. UNMARKED CAR - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Ron on headphones squints, WORRIED, saying to himself.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n El Paso, Flip, El Paso...\r\n \r\n INT. FELIX\'S HOUSE - DINING ROOM - NIGHT\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-406 | \r\n WALTER\r\n Dallas? I thought it was El Paso.\r\n \r\n The rest of the Chapter Members are paying attention now.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Did I say Dallas?\r\n \r\n WALTER\r\n You sure did.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-407 | You sure did.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Ron which One is it?\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n Make up your mind.\r\n \r\n The whole Room waits.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-408 | FLIP\r\n Dallas is where my Plane layover is.\r\n El Paso is where my sick Father is.\r\n \r\n They buy it. We think.\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n Dallas, where they killed that Nigger\r\n Lover Kennedy.\r\n FELIX\r\n Where you learned that?\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-409 | Where you learned that?\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n I can read.\r\n \r\n The Chapter chatters in agreement.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n I just hope my Father isn\'t cared for\r\n by some Texicano Spic Nurse.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-410 | \r\n Collective moans.\r\n \r\n WALTER\r\n We\'ll pray for ya Pop\'s health.\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n And Big Spic Teets!!!\r\n \r\n INT. CSPD INTELLIGENCE UNIT - RON\'S DESK - DAY\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-411 | \r\n Ron is on the Undercover Phone Line. Sgt. Trapp sits behind\r\n him. Ron has his Receiver out so that Trapp can listen in.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I\'m anxious to meet you and it will\r\n be something I share with my Family\r\n for Generations to come.\r\n \r\n 103A INT. DEVIN DAVIS\'S OFFICE - DEVIN\'S DESK - | |
004f5e748bf9-412 | DAVIS\'S OFFICE - DEVIN\'S DESK - DAY\r\n \r\n INTERCUT RON AND SGT. TRAPP WITH DEVIN DAVIS AT HIS DESK:\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n I\'m eager to meet you too, Ron.\r\n \r\n Ron and Sgt. Trapp make eye contact. Sgt. Trapp nods, a laugh\r\n threatening to spring out of his Face.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-413 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Say, Mr. Davis... I just have to ask.\r\n Aren\'t you ever concerned about some\r\n Smart-Aleck Negro calling you and\r\n pretending to be White?\r\n \r\n Sgt. Trapp covers his Mouth.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-414 | No, I can always tell when I\'m\r\n talking to a Negro.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n How so?\r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Take you, for example. I can tell you\r\n are a pure Aryan White Man by the way\r\n you pronounce certain words.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-415 | words.\r\n \r\n Sgt. Trapp is doubled over now.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Any examples?\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n Take the word "are". A pure Aryan\r\n like you or I would say it\r\n correctly... like "are". Negroes\r\n pronounce | |
004f5e748bf9-416 | pronounce it "are-uh".\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n You are so White... Right. I want to\r\n thank you for this Lesson because if\r\n you had not brought it to my\r\n attention, I would never have noticed\r\n the difference between how We talk\r\n and how Negroes talk.\r\n \r\n Sgt. Trapp is laughing so hard he is | |
004f5e748bf9-417 | Sgt. Trapp is laughing so hard he is shaking violently. He\r\n shakes his head as if to implore Ron to stop.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n From now on I\'m going to pay close\r\n attention to my Telephone\r\n conversations so I can make sure I\'m\r\n not talking to one of dem\' Sneaky\r\n Coloreds.\r\n \r\n Ron cups The Receiver, looks at Sgt. Trapp, whispers.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-418 | Trapp, whispers.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n You okay?\r\n \r\n Sgt. Trapp gets up and bumbles away. Ron speaks into The\r\n PHONE:\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n I would love to continue this\r\n conversation when you are in Colorado\r\n Springs. Beautiful here, Sir. God\'s\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-419 | Beautiful here, Sir. God\'s\r\n Country.\r\n \r\n DEVIN DAVIS\r\n That\'s what I\'ve heard, Ron. You have\r\n a nice day.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n You too, Sir. God Bless White\r\n America.\r\n Ron hangs up, laughing. He calls to Sgt. Trapp:\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-420 | calls to Sgt. Trapp:\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n It\'s over!!! You can come back!!!\r\n \r\n INT. FELIX\'S HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n Just then-- The Undercover Phone rings. Ron hesitates. It\'s\r\n strange timing. He picks up.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-421 | Hello?\r\n \r\n FELIX (O.S.)\r\n It\'s Felix.\r\n \r\n Ron quickly cups The Receiver.\r\n \r\n FELIX (O.S.)(CONT\'D)\r\n Catch you at a bad time?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-422 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Not at all. Just... finishing a Meal.\r\n \r\n FELIX (O.S.)\r\n Meeting. My House. Now. Git ya Ass in\r\n gear and don\'t tell Mealy Mouth\r\n Walter.\r\n \r\n 104 EXT. BACKYARD - FELIX\'S HOUSE - DAY\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-423 | \r\n Flip looks down at a Steel Door built into The Ground, its\r\n latch left open. He looks around. Paranoid.\r\n \r\n 105 INT. FELIX\'S STORM SHELTER - DAY\r\n \r\n Flip enters The Short Stairwell, steps to The Cement Floor.\r\n \r\n FELIX (O.S.)\r\n Welcome to The Promised Land.\r\n \r\n The Room is Tight. Military Outfits hang from | |
004f5e748bf9-424 | The Room is Tight. Military Outfits hang from The Wall,\r\n surrounding The Group of Klansmen, who sit on Milk Crates. In\r\n the corner, a Sniper Rifle rests on a swivel near Boxes of\r\n Canned Goods and Stacked Cots.\r\n \r\n Flip finds an empty Crate, Squats.\r\n \r\n Felix stands underneath a single hanging Light-Bulb.\r\n \r\n FELIX (CONT\'D)\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-425 | In about a week\'s time, we will be\r\n welcoming Mr. Davis to our City.\r\n \r\n Felix lets that hang in The Air for a moment.\r\n FELIX (CONT\'D)\r\n Who\'s packing tonight?\r\n \r\n Ivanhoe goes upside his head with his handgun.\r\n IVANHOE\r\n I\'m packed.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-426 | I\'m packed.\r\n \r\n One by one, Brothers brandish Weapons. Except Flip.\r\n \r\n FELIX (CONT\'D)\r\n Where\'s your Piece, Ron?\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n I don\'t carry it on me All The Time.\r\n \r\n The Chapter Members laugh teasingly.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-427 | teasingly.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n I got ya covered.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Won\'t happen again.\r\n \r\n Felix reaches behind his back, pulls out a Sharpe & Gibson\r\n .45 caliber and hands it to Flip.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-428 | FELIX (CONT\'D)\r\n We\'re gonna need your Good Shot come\r\n next Sunday.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n What\'s gonna happen next Sunday?\r\n \r\n A beat. Felix regards the rest of the Men with gravity.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-429 | FELIX\r\n The War is gonna come to us.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Fuck ya\'.\r\n \r\n Felix grins.\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n Looks like we got ourselves another\r\n Soldier.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-430 | \r\n FELIX\r\n Just make sure that when you\'re at\r\n The Steakhouse, you\'ve got your new\r\n friend with Ya.\r\n \r\n IVANHOE\r\n And give it a name.\r\n \r\n INT. FELIX\'S HOUSE/BEDROOM - NIGHT\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-431 | \r\n Felix and Connie are in bed, she is lying on his chest.\r\n CONNIE\r\n Honey, you ever have second thoughts?\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n About what?\r\n \r\n CONNIE\r\n Killin\' \'em.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Never think twice about | |
004f5e748bf9-432 | Never think twice about Killin\'\r\n Niggers.\r\n CONNIE\r\n Won\'t be able to take it back.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n They\'re da\' first of many Niggers\r\n that must die, Honey Bun.\r\n \r\n CONNIE\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-433 | CONNIE\r\n I know. It\'s just... becoming so\r\n real. It\'s always seemed like a\r\n dream.\r\n \r\n Felix sits up, reflecting, proud and determined.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n I know. It\'s just so beautiful. We\'re\r\n cleansing this Country of a\r\n backwards Race of Monkey\'s. First | |
004f5e748bf9-434 | backwards Race of Monkey\'s. First the\r\n Spooks then the Kikes.\r\n \r\n Felix sits up raising his hand like Martin Luther King.\r\n \r\n FELIX (CONT\'D)\r\n Free at last! Free at Last! Thank God\r\n a\'mighty - Free a\' dem Niggers At\r\n Last!!!\r\n \r\n They chuckle.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-435 | \r\n CONNIE\r\n I love when you do that, Honey.\r\n \r\n Connie looks into his eyes, also reflective.\r\n \r\n CONNIE (CONT\'D)\r\n You know, we\'ve talked about killing\r\n Niggers for so many years and now\r\n it\'s really happening.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-436 | it\'s really happening.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n My Old Man always told me good things\r\n come to those who wait.\r\n \r\n She touches the side of his face, very loving.\r\n \r\n CONNIE\r\n Thank you for bringing me into you\r\n Life. For loving | |
004f5e748bf9-437 | Life. For loving me like you do and\r\n giving me a purpose, direction.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Y\'know, this will be the Shot heard\r\n around The World.\r\n CONNIE\r\n The New Boston Tea Party.\r\n FELIX\r\n Honey Bun, one day, | |
004f5e748bf9-438 | Honey Bun, one day, The Great\r\n Historians will write about us like\r\n that. They\'ll say we were the\r\n Patriots that saved America. You and\r\n me. We turned the Tide. Saved our\r\n True White Race... it fact, saved an\r\n entire Nation and brought it back to\r\n its Glorious Destiny.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-439 | CONNIE\r\n In a way, we\'re The New Founding\r\n Fathers.\r\n \r\n This strikes Felix. He sits there soaking it in. He finally\r\n turns to Connie.\r\n \r\n FELIX\r\n Yes we are... Martha.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-440 | CONNIE\r\n Indeed we are... George.\r\n The Couple Kiss each other passionately.\r\n \r\n 106 OMITTED\r\n \r\n 107 OMITTED\r\n \r\n 108 INT. CSPD INTELLIGENCE UNIT - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron arrives. Sits at his Desk. A deep sigh. But then...\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-441 | But then...\r\n \r\n He sees something. On his Desk. A Simple Note:\r\n \r\n ACACIA PARK. 12 PM. BRING CASE BOOK. AGENT Y - FBI.\r\n \r\n EXT. OLD ABANDONED BREWSTER\'S FACTORY - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron\'s Car is parked, and another Car drives up and parks\r\n across from him.\r\n \r\n ANGLE - BOTH CARS\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-442 | \r\n AGENT Y - (40\'s) in a Suit - gets out the car and Ron follows\r\n suit.\r\n \r\n MAN (O.S.)\r\n Mr. Stallworth.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Agent... Y?\r\n EXT. OLD ABANDONED BREWSTER\'S FACTORY - DAY\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-443 | \r\n AGENT Y\r\n Names of Chapter Members?\r\n \r\n Agent Y shows Ron a folder and runs his Finger down The List\r\n and suddenly stops. He then continues going down The List,\r\n then stops again. He pulls out a Small Ledger and makes a\r\n note.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n What is this about?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-444 | \r\n Agent Y turns back.\r\n \r\n AGENT Y\r\n Two Names on your list work at NORAD.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n The Two Mystery men. Steve and Jerry?\r\n \r\n AGENT Y\r\n Their real names are Harry | |
004f5e748bf9-445 | Their real names are Harry Dricks and\r\n Kevin Nelson. Two Clowns with Top\r\n Security clearances. These Klansmen\r\n are in charge of monitoring our\r\n Safety.\r\n \r\n Agent Y lets this sink in. Even Ron is surprised by this.\r\n \r\n AGENT Y (CONT\'D)\r\n You\'ve done a Service to your\r\n Country.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-446 | \r\n Agent Y slips Ron a folder full of Papers.\r\n \r\n AGENT Y (CONT\'D)\r\n We\'ve been monitoring your\r\n Investigation. Impressive.\r\n \r\n Ron flips through the Papers. Various documents about The\r\n History of The Colorado Klan.\r\n Agent Y takes a thoughtful pause.\r\n \r\n AGENT Y (CONT\'D)\r\n Last night, Fort Carson | |
Subsets and Splits