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004f5e748bf9-47 | \r\n Landers scowls. Ron stares back at him, Eye to Eye.\r\n \r\n LANDERS\r\n Heard you think you Hot Shit but you\r\n ain\'t nuthin\' but a Cold Fart. Name\'s\r\n Maurice, Maurice Smalls...That\r\n respectful enough for you, Officer\r\n Toad.\r\n \r\n Ron pulls The File, throws it down on the Counter as | |
004f5e748bf9-48 | The File, throws it down on the Counter as Landers\r\n snatches The File and storms off.\r\n INT. RON\'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - MORNING\r\n \r\n As Ron sleeps, a phone rings. Ron snaps awake and grabs at\r\n the phone on the night table.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Hello.\r\n CHIEF BRIDGES (O.S.)\r\n It\'s Bridges. You sleeping?\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-49 | \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Yes, Chief, I was. Just worked a\r\n Night Shift.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES (O.S.)\r\n I changed my mind, you\'re gonna come\r\n in a little earlier today. We\'ve got\r\n an assignment for you. 12 Noon.\r\n Sharp. Narcotics Division. Wear\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-50 | Sharp. Narcotics Division. Wear\r\n Street clothes.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Yes Sir, see you then. Thank You.\r\n Thank You.\r\n \r\n Ron sits up in Bed, excited, thinking about the challenge\r\n ahead.\r\n \r\n INT. CSPD - NARCOTICS DIVISION - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron, dressed in Bell-Bottoms and a Hip Italian Knit | |
004f5e748bf9-51 | dressed in Bell-Bottoms and a Hip Italian Knit Shirt,\r\n Marshmallow Shoes steps inside the Narcotics office, which is\r\n literally The Basement of The Station. He looks around at The\r\n Area Buzzing with Activity and sees\r\n \r\n ANGLE - UNDERCOVER COPS\r\n \r\n at their desks. Looking less like Cops and more like unkempt\r\n Hippies or Rock N\' Rollers.\r\n \r\n CLOSE - RON\r\n \r\n just stands there looking at all the activity.\r\n \r\n CLOSE - | |
004f5e748bf9-52 | \r\n CLOSE - CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n \r\n waves Ron back to the rear of The Room for privacy.\r\n \r\n CLOSE - FLIP ZIMMERMAN\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Rookie, you\'re late.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Sorry, it won\'t happen again.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-53 | again.\r\n \r\n Flip, late 30\'s, long hair, looks like anything but a Cop, he\r\n however is somewhat of a closed-off guy, all business, Ron\r\n sits across from him. Chief Bridges steps before them.\r\n CHIEF BRIDGES (CONT\'D)\r\n We\'ve got limited time so I\'ll be\r\n quick. That Black Radical Stokely\r\n Carmichael is giving a Speech Tonight\r\n at Bell\'s Nightingale.\r\n \r\n Ron is surprised at this.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-54 | Ron is surprised at this.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n The Nightclub?\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n No, Emmanuel Missionary Baptist\r\n Church!!!\r\n \r\n Flip just listens.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES | |
004f5e748bf9-55 | CHIEF BRIDGES (CONT\'D)\r\n Carmichael is a former High Muckity-\r\n Muck with The Black Panthers and as\r\n far as I\'m concerned, FBI Director J.\r\n Edgar Hoover was dead right when he\r\n said The Black Panthers are The\r\n Greatest Internal Threat to The\r\n Security of these United States. This\r\n Carmichael Joker, former Panther or\r\n not, they say he\'s a Damn Good\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-56 | Good\r\n Speaker and we don\'t want this\r\n Carmichael getting into The Minds of\r\n the Black People here in Colorado\r\n Springs and stirring them up.\r\n \r\n Ron\'s face cringes at Chief Bridges\'s words. He steps to Ron.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES (CONT\'D)\r\n Ron, your assignment is to go to this\r\n Speech tonight and infiltrate these\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-57 | Bunch of Subversives and monitor The\r\n Audience reaction to Carmichael. You\r\n ready?\r\n \r\n Flip and Chief Bridges stare at Ron.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Born Ready.\r\n \r\n INT. NARCOTICS DIVISION - CSPD - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Ron stands, his shirt off, as Flip wires a Wireless\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-58 | off, as Flip wires a Wireless\r\n Transmitter and Microphone to his body. Another Narcotics\r\n Cop, JIMMY CREEK, 30\'s, observes the installation.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Any chance this thing Fucks Up?\r\n FLIP\r\n Fuck yeah.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-59 | Then what?\r\n \r\n JIMMY\r\n Just stick to The Game Plan.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Which is?\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Improvise. Like Jazz. This isn\'t some\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-60 | some\r\n Big Bust. We just want some Intel,\r\n that\'s it.\r\n \r\n JIMMY\r\n What happens if someone offers you a\r\n Marijuana Cigarette?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n You mean a Joint?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-61 | JIMMY\r\n Yeah.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n "Soul Brother, I\'m already High on\r\n Life. Can you Dig It?"\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n And if someone pulls a Gun on you?\r\n \r\n Ron | |
004f5e748bf9-62 | \r\n Ron is caught off guard.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n You expecting that?\r\n \r\n Flip pulls his Gun.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Barrel of a 45\'s in your face, Finger\r\n on the Trigger, now what?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-63 | \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Blood, get that Gun out my face.\r\n Peace Love and Soul.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Gun is still in your face.\r\n \r\n Ron gives Jimmy a wary look speaking to Flip.\r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I de-escalate. | |
004f5e748bf9-64 | I de-escalate. Talk calmly, firmly.\r\n Find a way out of there, A-Sap.\r\n \r\n Jimmy nods, satisfied. Flip is finished with The Wiring. Ron\r\n takes a deep breath.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Relax, we\'ll be outside, listening\r\n in.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-65 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Can I order a Drink at The Bar?\r\n \r\n Flip steps away, no comment.\r\n \r\n JIMMY\r\n That\'s fine, just don\'t get Shit\r\n Faced.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Got it?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-66 | \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I got it. I\'m gone.\r\n \r\n Jimmy laughs, Slaps Ron on the back.\r\n \r\n EXT. CITY STREET - OUTSKIRTS OF DOWNTOWN - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Ron pulls an unmarked Sedan to the curb. He gets out and\r\n looks around.\r\n \r\n A Crowded sidewalk overflows into The Street, filling a line\r\n that Bottlenecks into The Club with | |
004f5e748bf9-67 | that Bottlenecks into The Club with the Sign: \r\n \r\n CLOSE SIGN - BELL\'S NIGHTINGALE\r\n \r\n ANGLE - TONIGHT: KWAME TURE SPEAKS\r\n \r\n Ron walks to the back of the line. He becomes an Every\r\n Brother slowly moving forward as People enter. As he moves\r\n forward he notices a striking Woman at the Front Door.\r\n \r\n ANGLE - PATRICE DUMAS\r\n \r\n Mid 20\'s, an Angela Davis Afro, she wears a Hip array of\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-68 | a Hip array of\r\n Militant wear, Black Leather Jacket, Love Beads but on her it\r\n looks fantastic. Ron is taken by her Beauty, he watches as\r\n she monitors the door, clearly in charge.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n How are you doing, my Soul Sista?\r\n \r\n Patrice gives Ron a good look summing him up.\r\n PATRICE\r\n I\'m doing fine, my Brother. This is\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-69 | I\'m doing fine, my Brother. This is\r\n going to be an Amazing Night.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Indeed it is.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n Have you heard Brother Kwame speak\r\n before?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-70 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Who?\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n Kwame Ture.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Actually, I haven\'t, I didn\'t know he\r\n changed his name.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-71 | PATRICE\r\n Yes, after he moved to Africa. He\r\n took the names of Kwame Nkrumah of\r\n Ghana and his Mentor Sekou Toure of\r\n Guinea to honor The Great Leaders.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n That\'s Heavy. Do you know how he got\r\n to Colorado Springs?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-72 | \r\n PATRICE\r\n The Colorado College Black Student\r\n Union invited Brother Ture.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I can dig it. I can dig it. You with\r\n The Black Student Union?\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n I\'m | |
004f5e748bf9-73 | I\'m The President.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Right On. Right On.\r\n \r\n INT. BELL\'S NIGHTINGALE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n The Club is PACKED, a Sea of Black Faces punctuated by an\r\n occasional White Face. Ron moves through The Crowd. He avoids\r\n direct Eye Contact, trying like Hell to act casual.\r\n \r\n Ron steps to The Bar and signals The BARTENDER JABBO, | |
004f5e748bf9-74 | to The Bar and signals The BARTENDER JABBO, 60\'s,\r\n Black.\r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Rum and Coke with Lime.\r\n \r\n As Jabbo makes his Drink, something catches Ron\'s Eye.\r\n Patrice exits through a door with several Black Bodyguards.\r\n \r\n Ron observes as a Tall figure comes out from Backstage with\r\n Patrice, ODETTA and HAKEEM. The Tall figure hangs back\r\n covered by The Bodyguards.\r\n \r\n Ron on his feet, | |
004f5e748bf9-75 | Ron on his feet, Black Fist in the air with The Crowd.\r\n Patrice on Stage with Kwame Ture with her Fist raised too.\r\n The Shouting and Chanting finally cease, as Patrice speaks.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n The Black Student Union of Colorado\r\n College is honored to bring The\r\n Vanguard of Revolutionaries fighting\r\n for The Rights of Black People all\r\n over The World. Let\'s show some Black\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-76 | some Black\r\n Love to The One and Only, The Former\r\n Prime Minister of The Black Panther\r\n Party, The Brother Man with The Plan\r\n who\'s stickin\'it to the Man, put your\r\n Hands together my People... for Our\r\n Kwame Ture.\r\n \r\n PANDEMONIUM! As Kwame Ture walks onto a small raised stage\r\n with Patrice. The entire place rises to their Feet, Fists\r\n Raised, Clapping, Shouting "Ungawa Black Power!" Ron watches\r\n as Patrice and Kwame | |
004f5e748bf9-77 | as Patrice and Kwame hug. Patrice sits on Stage with Odetta\r\n and Hakeem.\r\n \r\n Kwame soaks in the Crowd\'s reaction, until...\r\n \r\n KWAME TURE\r\n Thank you all for coming out tonight,\r\n My Beloved Sista\'s and Brotha\'s. I\r\n Thank you...\r\n \r\n CLOSE - KWAME TURE\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-78 | \r\n towering at Six Feet-Four with an infectious smile and\r\n Flawless Dark Skin, he\'s oozing Charisma out of every pore.\r\n He stands behind a small podium.\r\n \r\n KWAME TURE (CONT\'D)\r\n ...I\'m here to tell you this evening\r\n it is time for you to stop running\r\n away from being Black. You are\r\n College Students, you should think.\r\n KWAME TURE (CONT\'D)\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-79 | (CONT\'D)\r\n It is time for you to understand that\r\n you as The growing Intellectuals of\r\n this Country, you must define Beauty\r\n for Black People, Now that\'s Black\r\n Power.\r\n \r\n BLACK MASS\r\n BLACK POWER!!! BLACK POWER!!!\r\n \r\n The Black Students in The Audience are laser focused on him.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-80 | \r\n KWAME TURE\r\n Is Beauty defined by someone with a\r\n Narrow Nose? Thin Lips? White Skin?\r\n You ain\'t got none of that. If your\r\n Lips are Thick, Bite them in. Hold\r\n your Nose! Don\'t drink Coffee because\r\n it makes you Black!\r\n \r\n The Audience laughs! Loving it.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-81 | \r\n KWAME TURE (CONT\'D)\r\n Your Nose is Boss, your Lips are\r\n Thick, your skin is Black, you are\r\n Black and you are Beautiful!\r\n \r\n Everyone cheers including Ron!\r\n \r\n KWAME TURE (CONT\'D)\r\n We want to be like The White people\r\n that oppress us in this Country and\r\n since they | |
004f5e748bf9-82 | since they hate us, we hate\r\n ourselves. You dig Tarzan? I remember\r\n that when I was a Boy I used to go\r\n see Tarzan Movies on Saturdays. I\r\n loved me some Jane too. Jane was A\r\n Fine White Woman. White Tarzan used\r\n to Beat up The Black Natives. I would\r\n sit there yelling "Kill The Beasts,\r\n Kill The Savages, Kill \'Em!" Actually\r\n I was saying: "Kill Me." It was | |
004f5e748bf9-83 | I was saying: "Kill Me." It was as if\r\n a Jewish Boy watched Nazis taking\r\n Jews off to Concentration Camps and\r\n cheered them on. Today, I want The\r\n Chief to beat The Hell out of Tarzan\r\n and send him back to The Caves of\r\n Europe. But it takes time to become\r\n Free of The Lies and their shaming\r\n effect on Black Minds. It takes time\r\n to reject the most Important Lie:\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-84 | Lie:\r\n that Black People inherently can\'t do\r\n the same things White People can do\r\n unless White People help them.\r\n The Audience laughing, overwhelmed, shouting back support! A\r\n ROAR from The Crowd. Ron finds himself clapping along.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Right on!!! Right On!!!\r\n \r\n Ron looks around at everyone caught up in Kwame\'s spell.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-85 | \r\n KWAME TURE (CONT\'D)\r\n If a White Man wants to Lynch Me,\r\n that\'s his Problem. If he\'s got The\r\n Power to Lynch Me, that\'s My Problem.\r\n Racism is not a question of Attitude;\r\n it\'s a question of Power.\r\n \r\n Ron is struck by the remark.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-86 | KWAME TURE (CONT\'D)\r\n The vast majority of Negroes in this\r\n Country live in Captive Communities\r\n and must endure their conditions of\r\n Oppression because and only because\r\n they are Black and Powerless. Now We\r\n are being shot down like Dogs in the\r\n streets by White Racist Police. We\r\n can no longer accept this Oppression\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-87 | without retribution. The War in\r\n Vietnam is Illegal and Immoral. I\'d\r\n rather see a Brother Kill a Cop than\r\n Kill a Vietnamese. At least he\'s got\r\n a reason for Killing The Cop. When\r\n you Kill a Vietnamese you\'re a Hero\r\n and you don\'t even know why you\r\n Killed him. At least if you Kill a\r\n Cop you\'re doing it for a reason.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-88 | a reason.\r\n \r\n Another Applause Break.\r\n \r\n CLOSE - RON\r\n \r\n Ron listens, challenged, torn.\r\n \r\n INT. BELL\'S NIGHTINGALE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Kwame holds The Crowd in The Palm of his Hand. Members of the\r\n Audience who were sitting already are rising to their Feet...\r\n \r\n CLOSE - RON\r\n \r\n sits, claps | |
004f5e748bf9-89 | \r\n sits, claps vigorously, as if forgetting he is Undercover...\r\n \r\n CLOSE - KWAME\r\n KWAME TURE (CONT\'D)\r\n In closing I know it\'s getting late,\r\n may I leave you Sista\'s and Brothers\r\n with these Last Words. "If I am not\r\n for myself, who will be? If I am for\r\n myself alone, who am I? If not now,\r\n when? And if not you, who?" We | |
004f5e748bf9-90 | when? And if not you, who?" We need\r\n an Undying Love for Black People\r\n wherever We may be. Good Night and\r\n POWER TO THE PEOPLE, POWER TO THE\r\n PEOPLE.\r\n \r\n The BLACK MASS STANDS AS ONE WITH KWAME TURE.\r\n \r\n KWAME TURE AND BLACK MASS\r\n ALL POWER TO ALL THE PEOPLE\r\n ALL POWER TO ALL THE PEOPLE\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-91 | ALL POWER TO ALL THE PEOPLE\r\n ALL POWER TO ALL THE PEOPLE\r\n \r\n Caught up in the moment, Ron gathers himself, as if\r\n remembering why he is here. Kwame takes Patrice\'s Hand and\r\n raises it in Celebration and Unity!\r\n \r\n INT. BELL\'S NIGHTINGALE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Ron moves down the Greeting Line for Kwame. He watches as\r\n Patrice stands near him. Kwame pulls her in close, whispers\r\n something in her ear. She smiles, a bit smitten.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-92 | smitten.\r\n \r\n Ron watches as he finally reaches Kwame, shaking his hand.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Brother Ture, do you really think a\r\n War between The Black and White Race\r\n is inevitable?\r\n Kwame pulls Ron in close toward his face. Too close.\r\n \r\n INT. SURVEILLANCE CAR - BELL\'S NIGHTINGALE - NIGHT\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-93 | \r\n Flip and Jimmy wearing Headphones listening react to ear-\r\n splitting Audio feedback.\r\n \r\n INT. BELL\'S NIGHTINGALE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Ron stands mid-grip with Kwame. Nerves pinballing. Kwame\r\n lowers his voice, looking around conspiratorially.\r\n \r\n KWAME TURE\r\n Brother, arm yourself. Get ready.\r\n The Revolution is coming. We | |
004f5e748bf9-94 | The Revolution is coming. We must\r\n pick up a Gun and prepare\r\n ourselves...Trust me, it is coming.\r\n \r\n Kwame pulls back. Returns to his normal speaking voice.\r\n KWAME TURE (CONT\'D)\r\n Thank you for your support, Brother.\r\n \r\n EXT. BELL\'S NIGHTINGALE - FRONT ENTRANCE - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Ron is waiting outside as Patrice steps out, followed by\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-95 | out, followed by\r\n Odetta and Hakeem. Ron nears her.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I don\'t know what you have planned\r\n now but maybe I could buy you a\r\n Drink?\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n I\'m waiting for Brother Kwame, I have\r\n to make | |
004f5e748bf9-96 | to make sure he gets back safely to\r\n the Hotel and he\'s squared away.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I can dig it.\r\n \r\n Ron starts to walk away.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n Maybe, if it\'s not too late, I\'ll\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-97 | meet you at The Red Lantern. You know\r\n where that is?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I do.\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n So I\'ll see you then.\r\n \r\n RON | |
004f5e748bf9-98 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Cool. All Power to All The People.\r\n \r\n INT. RED LANTERN INN - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Black folks are dancing, getting down. At the bar, Ron looks\r\n at his watch having been there a while. He finishes his Rum\r\n and Coke with Lime watching the door open but it is not\r\n Patrice. He decides to call it a Night, stepping off his\r\n stool, paying his Tab to BRO POPE, The Bartender when...\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-99 | PATRICE\r\n Sorry I\'m late...\r\n \r\n Patrice is right there near him. She flops down on the Bar\r\n stool, exhausted, and lights up a Kool Cigarette.\r\n \r\n PATRICE (CONT\'D)\r\n ...You won\'t believe what happened.\r\n Patrice says to Bro Pope, The BARTENDER.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-100 | PATRICE (CONT\'D)\r\n Bro Pope, Seven and Seven, please...\r\n The Pigs pulled us over.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Say what?\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n Yeah, they knew Brother Kwame was in\r\n Town. Made us get out the Car. Pigs\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-101 | Made us get out the Car. Pigs\r\n pulled us over for no reason. Total\r\n harassment.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n True?\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n Truth. Do Four Dogs have Four\r\n Assholes?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-102 | CUT TO:\r\n \r\n EXT. COLORADO SPRINGS STREET - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Patrice\'s Car is pulled over and a Uniformed Cop gets out his\r\n Squad Car revealing Master Patrolman Landers. He instructs\r\n them all with his hand on his Revolver.\r\n \r\n PATRICE (V.O.)(CONT\'D)\r\n We\'re tired of Police Brutality.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-103 | We\'re tired of Police Murdering Black\r\n Folks.\r\n \r\n LANDERS\r\n All right everybody out the vehicle.\r\n Now!!!\r\n \r\n Kwame, Patrice, Hakeem, and Odetta climb out of the vehicle.\r\n Landers pushes Kwame against the Car.\r\n \r\n LANDERS (CONT\'D)\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-104 | LANDERS (CONT\'D)\r\n I don\'t wanna see nuthin\' but Black\r\n Asses and Black Elbows. Spread \'em!!!\r\n \r\n Kwame, Patrice, Hakeem and Odetta are all Spread Eagle\r\n against the Car. Master Patrolman Landers pats them down.\r\n Another Police Cruiser pulls up. TWO MORE COPS, SHARPE and\r\n CINCER, both White 50\'s, get out and observe.\r\n \r\n CLOSE - LANDERS\r\n \r\n He takes Extra Time patting down Patrice getting some\r\n "Groping" in | |
004f5e748bf9-105 | some\r\n "Groping" in for Good Measure.\r\n LANDERS (CONT\'D)\r\n Search The Car. I know these Niggers\r\n are holding something.\r\n \r\n Cincer and Sharpe enter Patrice\'s Car, searching it. Landers\r\n turns Kwame around, facing him.\r\n \r\n LANDERS (CONT\'D)\r\n You that so called Big Shot Panther\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-106 | called Big Shot Panther\r\n Nigger aren\'t you? Heard you was in\r\n Town, Stokely.\r\n \r\n KWAME TURE\r\n My Name is Kwame Ture.\r\n \r\n Landers stares him down for a moment. You think he\'s gonna\r\n slug him but he thinks better. The other Cops go through the\r\n Car searching, throwing things around.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-107 | LANDERS\r\n I know you Black Bastards are\r\n holding. What you got in there some\r\n Weed, Pills, Heroin?\r\n \r\n Patrice, Kwame, Odetta, and Hakeem and the others just stare\r\n back, silent.\r\n \r\n OFFICER CINCER\r\n It\'s clean.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-108 | clean.\r\n \r\n Nothing more to say. Landers gets in Patrice\'s Face.\r\n \r\n LANDERS\r\n You get this Black Panther outta\'\r\n Colorado Springs before Sunrise. Hear\r\n ME??? Or you all go to Jail.\r\n \r\n CLOSE - KWAME\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-109 | KWAME TURE\r\n Black people were Born in Jail.\r\n \r\n CUT BACK TO:\r\n \r\n INT. RED LANTERN INN - NIGHT\r\n \r\n Patrice at the Bar with Ron, he is stunned.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Did you see | |
004f5e748bf9-110 | Did you see the Officer\'s names?\r\n \r\n PATRICE\r\n I know I should have but the whole\r\n thing was so frightening... I didn\'t.\r\n Bro Pope, The Bartender sets the Drink down. Patrice takes a\r\n gulp, her hand shaking. Ron observes.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I\'m sorry.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-111 | I\'m sorry.\r\n \r\n Patrice nods, pulls herself together. Ron looks at her,\r\n softly touches her on her back, trying to comfort, thinking\r\n to himself, torn in many directions.\r\n \r\n INT. CSPD - CHIEF BRIDGES\' OFFICE - DAY\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n What was the Room like?\r\n \r\n RON | |
004f5e748bf9-112 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Folks were hanging on every word.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n Sounds like he had them pretty riled\r\n up?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n But I\'m not sure that means Black\r\n Folks were ready to start a\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-113 | Revolution.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n What makes you think that?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Nobody was talking about that. That\r\n wasn\'t the Mood. Everybody was Cool.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-114 | CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n So let me get this straight. He told\r\n a Crowd of "Black Folks" to get ready\r\n for a Race War. That they were going\r\n to have to arm themselves and kill\r\n Cops. What about that?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Yeah, he said that but I think that\r\n was just talk. You know, Rhetoric.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-115 | Rhetoric.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n That\'s what I thought too.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n Thank God, Carmichael has left\r\n Colorado Springs.\r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Kwame Ture.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-116 | \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n What?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n He changed his name from Stokely\r\n Carmichael to Kwame Ture.\r\n \r\n Chief Bridges humored by as if he is suppose to care.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-117 | CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n I don\'t care if he changed his name\r\n to Muhammad Ali, he\'s still\r\n dangerous.\r\n \r\n Chief Bridges starts to leave the room. Ron decides to say\r\n it.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Did you hear the Story Patrice told\r\n me about how the CSPD pulled over her\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-118 | over her\r\n and Ture?\r\n \r\n Chief Bridges stops, drinks in the question. Everything goes\r\n silent. He then gives Ron a deliberate look.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n No. We didn\'t hear that.\r\n \r\n From Chief Bridges\'s look, Ron knows he did. Jimmy, Flip\r\n stare at Ron. A Big White Elephant in the room.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-119 | CHIEF BRIDGES (CONT\'D)\r\n Patrice. Isn\'t she the one from The\r\n Black Student Union? They brought Too-\r\n Ray in.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Kwame Ture, Correct.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n You getting pretty Chummy with | |
004f5e748bf9-120 | You getting pretty Chummy with her?\r\n \r\n If Ron pushes it more he knows it will go bad. He drops it.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Just doing my job, Chief. Undercover.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n Yeah and it better not be Under the\r\n Cover Of The Sheets.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-121 | \r\n Flip and Jimmy chuckle.\r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I would never jeopardize a Case...\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n ... you don\'t know what you would do,\r\n you just got here.\r\n \r\n Ron takes this in. Dejected.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-122 | \r\n FLIP\r\n Good work.\r\n \r\n JIMMY\r\n Rookie.\r\n \r\n Ron nods, appreciative.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n Ron, let\'s take a walk.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-123 | \r\n OMITTED\r\n \r\n INT. HALLWAY - CSPD - DAY\r\n \r\n Chief Bridges and Ron walk down the hall.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n I\'m transferring you into\r\n Intelligence.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-124 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n What will I be doing, Chief?\r\n \r\n Chief Bridges stops and looks at him.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n Intelligence.\r\n Chief Bridges walks off. Ron stands there,Jacked!!!\r\n \r\n OMITTED\r\n \r\n \r\n INT. INTELLIGENCE UNIT - CSPD - | |
004f5e748bf9-125 | INT. INTELLIGENCE UNIT - CSPD - DAY\r\n Ron at his desk in The Intelligence Office in Street Clothing\r\n among his COLLEAGUES. He sips Lipton Tea with Honey and\r\n looking through various Publications. He then picks up The\r\n Colorado Springs Gazette Newspaper.\r\n \r\n CLOSE - Classifieds section of the Newspaper. In the bottom\r\n right corner, in small print:\r\n \r\n CLOSER - Ku Klux Klan - For Information, Contact 745-1209\r\n Ron thinks a moment. Then grabs the phone. Dials.\r\n After a few Rings, a Pre-Recorded Message Pops On:\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-126 | \r\n PRE-RECORDED MESSAGE\r\n You have reached The Colorado State\r\n Chapter of The Ku Klux Klan. Please\r\n leave a message... God Bless White\r\n America.\r\n \r\n There\'s a BEEP...\r\n \r\n CLOSE - RON\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-127 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Hello, this is Ron Stallworth\r\n calling. Saw your Advertisement in\r\n The Colorado Springs Gazette. I\'m\r\n interested in receiving some Reading\r\n Materials. My Phone Number is 403-\r\n 9994. Looking forward to you\r\n returning my call. God Bless White\r\n America.\r\n \r\n ANGLE - ROOM\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-128 | \r\n ANGLE - ROOM\r\n \r\n Ron hangs up.\r\n \r\n Flip at another Desk spins around looking at Ron like he has\r\n 3 Heads.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Did I just hear you use your Real\r\n Name?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-129 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Motherfucker!!!\r\n \r\n JIMMY\r\n Yeah, Motherfuckin\' Amateur Hour.\r\n What were you thinkin\'?\r\n \r\n RING!!! RING!!! Ron\'s Phone. Flip and Ron stare at it. Flip\r\n gestures to answer it.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-130 | I wasn\'t.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n You dialed. Pick it up.\r\n \r\n RING! RING! Ron looks at the ringing phone.\r\n \r\n FLIP (CONT\'D)\r\n PICK IT UP!!!\r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-131 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n This is Ron Stallworth.\r\n \r\n Through the Receiver, a Gravelly, Secretive Voice.\r\n \r\n WALTER BREACHWAY (O.S.)\r\n This is Walter. Returning your\r\n call... From The Organization.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n The Organization?\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-132 | \r\n WALTER BREACHWAY(O.S.)\r\n Yes. Well we appreciate your\r\n interest. So what is your Story, Ron?\r\n \r\n Ron looks around. Shrugs. Might as well do it...\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Since you asked- I Hate Niggers,\r\n Jews, Mexicans, Spics, Chinks but\r\n especially those Niggers | |
004f5e748bf9-133 | especially those Niggers and anyone\r\n else that does not have pure White\r\n Aryan Blood running through their\r\n Veins.\r\n \r\n All Heads in the Unit turn toward Ron.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH (CONT\'D)\r\n In fact, my Sister, Pamela, was\r\n recently accosted by a Nigger...\r\n \r\n Ron is snarling now, every ounce of his Voice | |
004f5e748bf9-134 | Ron is snarling now, every ounce of his Voice projecting\r\n White Supremacist Hate. He is utterly convincing.\r\n \r\n WALTER BREACHWAY (O.S.)\r\n ...Is that so?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n ...Every time I think about that\r\n Black Baboon putting his Filthy Black\r\n Hands on her White as Pure Driven\r\n Snow Body I wanna | |
004f5e748bf9-135 | Snow Body I wanna Puke!!!\r\n \r\n Silence on the other end of The Line.\r\n \r\n WALTER BREACHWAY(O.S.)\r\n You\'re just the kind of Guy we\'re\r\n looking for. Ron, when can we meet?\r\n \r\n Flip, Jimmy and all the other White Undercover Cops are\r\n Rolling their Eyes. Stepping away, shaking their heads. Some\r\n wanting to laugh but DON\'T.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-136 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n How about Friday night? After I get\r\n off work?\r\n \r\n The other Cops are losing their minds, Quietly.\r\n \r\n WALTER BREACHWAY(O.S.)\r\n Deal! I\'ll get back to you with\r\n details. Take care, Buddy Boy.\r\n \r\n RON | |
004f5e748bf9-137 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Looking forward to meeting you.\r\n \r\n Ron looks around. Everyone in the Unit is standing around his\r\n desk. All White Faces. Looking on, astonished.\r\n \r\n FLIP\r\n Good Luck Ron with your New Redneck\r\n Friend.\r\n \r\n The Undercover Gang Cracks Up!\r\n \r\n INT. SERGEANT TRAPP\'S | |
004f5e748bf9-138 | INT. SERGEANT TRAPP\'S OFFICE - CSPD - DAY\r\n \r\n Ron is facing Sergeant Trapp, who sits at his desk, Jaw hung\r\n slightly open.\r\n \r\n SGT. TRAPP\r\n They want you to join The Klan?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Well... they want to meet me First.\r\n \r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-139 | \r\n SGT. TRAPP\r\n They want to meet you?\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n I\'ll need another Undercover to go in\r\n my place.\r\n \r\n SGT. TRAPP\r\n Yeah... you probably shouldn\'t go to\r\n that meeting.\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-140 | \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n You think?\r\n \r\n Everyone has a Chuckle.\r\n \r\n SGT. TRAPP\r\n We\'d have to go to Narcotics. Meaning\r\n we\'d have to deal with Bridges.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-141 | RON STALLWORTH\r\n Damn.\r\n OMITTED\r\n \r\n OMITTED\r\n \r\n INT. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF POLICE - DAY\r\n \r\n A spacious office, its walls brimming with Books. Chief\r\n Bridges sits behind a wooden desk, his gaze thoughtful.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-142 | CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n I can\'t spare any Men.\r\n \r\n SGT. TRAPP\r\n I\'ve looked over the Logs and it\r\n seems you can spare them.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n Sgt. Trapp, Ron spoke to the Man on\r\n the phone. When they hear the | |
004f5e748bf9-143 | the phone. When they hear the Voice\r\n of one of my Guys, they\'ll know the\r\n difference.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Why so, Chief?\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n Want me to spell it out? He\'ll know\r\n the | |
004f5e748bf9-144 | the difference between how a White\r\n Man talks and a Negro.\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n What does a Black Man talk like?\r\n \r\n Silence.\r\n \r\n SGT. TRAPP\r\n Ron, I think what The Chief is trying\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-145 | to say is...\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n ...If you don\'t mind, I\'d like to\r\n talk for myself, Thank You. How\r\n exactly does a Black Man talk?\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n You know... YOU KNOW!!!\r\n | |
004f5e748bf9-146 | YOU KNOW!!!\r\n \r\n RON STALLWORTH\r\n Chief, some of us can speak King\'s\r\n English and Jive. I happen to be\r\n fluent in both.\r\n \r\n CHIEF BRIDGES\r\n Ron, how do you propose to make this\r\n Investigation?\r\n | |
Subsets and Splits