The two leaders are expected to discuss changes sweeping the East bloc as well as human - rights issues , regional disputes and economic cooperation . <arg1> The two leaders </arg1> <rel> are expected to discuss </rel> <arg2> changes sweeping the East bloc as well as economic cooperation </arg2> 1
The two sides are also discussing certain business ventures involving cable rights to Columbia 's movies . <arg1> The two sides </arg1> <rel> are also </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
The two sides are also discussing certain business ventures involving cable rights to Columbia 's movies . <arg1> The two sides </arg1> <rel> discussing </rel> <arg2> certain business ventures </arg2> 1
The two sides are also discussing certain business ventures involving cable rights to Columbia 's movies . <arg1> certain business ventures </arg1> <rel> involving </rel> <arg2> cable rights to Columbia 's movies </arg2> 1
They claim to have busted spirits , poltergeists and other spooks in hundreds of houses around the country . <arg1> They </arg1> <rel> claim to have busted </rel> <arg2> spirits in hundreds of houses around the country </arg2> 1
They claim to have busted spirits , poltergeists and other spooks in hundreds of houses around the country . <arg1> They </arg1> <rel> claim to have busted </rel> <arg2> poltergeists in hundreds of houses around the country </arg2> 1
They claim to have busted spirits , poltergeists and other spooks in hundreds of houses around the country . <arg1> They </arg1> <rel> claim to have busted </rel> <arg2> other spooks in hundreds of houses around the country </arg2> 1
This involves trade - offs and { it } cuts against the grain of existing consumer and even provider conceptions of what is ` necessary . ' '' <arg1> This </arg1> <rel> involves </rel> <arg2> trade - offs </arg2> 1
This involves trade - offs and { it } cuts against the grain of existing consumer and even provider conceptions of what is ` necessary . ' '' <arg1> it } </arg1> <rel> cuts </rel> <arg2> against the grain of existing consumer conceptions of </arg2> 1
This involves trade - offs and { it } cuts against the grain of existing consumer and even provider conceptions of what is ` necessary . ' '' <arg1> it } </arg1> <rel> cuts </rel> <arg2> against the grain of existing provider conceptions of </arg2> 1
This is the U.N. group that managed to traduce its own charter of promoting education , science and culture . <arg1> This </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> the U.N. group </arg2> 1
This is the U.N. group that managed to traduce its own charter of promoting education , science and culture . <arg1> the U.N. group </arg1> <rel> managed </rel> <arg2> to traduce its own charter of promoting education </arg2> 1
This is the U.N. group that managed to traduce its own charter of promoting education , science and culture . <arg1> the U.N. group </arg1> <rel> managed </rel> <arg2> to traduce its own charter of promoting science </arg2> 1
This is the U.N. group that managed to traduce its own charter of promoting education , science and culture . <arg1> the U.N. group </arg1> <rel> managed </rel> <arg2> to traduce its own charter of promoting culture </arg2> 1
This provision met early and strong resistance from investment bankers worried about disruptions in their clients ' portfolios . <arg1> This provision </arg1> <rel> met </rel> <arg2> early resistance from investment bankers </arg2> 1
This provision met early and strong resistance from investment bankers worried about disruptions in their clients ' portfolios . <arg1> early resistance </arg1> <rel> worried </rel> <arg2> about disruptions in their clients ' portfolios </arg2> 1
This provision met early and strong resistance from investment bankers worried about disruptions in their clients ' portfolios . <arg1> This provision </arg1> <rel> met </rel> <arg2> strong resistance from investment bankers </arg2> 1
This provision met early and strong resistance from investment bankers worried about disruptions in their clients ' portfolios . <arg1> strong resistance </arg1> <rel> worried </rel> <arg2> about disruptions in their clients ' portfolios </arg2> 1
This week , New York City announced a 10 - point policy patterned on the federal bill of rights for taxpayers . <arg1> New York City </arg1> <rel> announced </rel> <arg2> a 10 - point policy </arg2> 1
This week , New York City announced a 10 - point policy patterned on the federal bill of rights for taxpayers . <arg1> a 10 - point policy </arg1> <rel> patterned </rel> <arg2> on the federal bill of rights for taxpayers </arg2> 1
Though Mr. Packer has since sold his stake , Courtaulds is moving to keep its institutional shareholders happy . <arg1> Mr. Packer </arg1> <rel> sold </rel> <arg2> his stake </arg2> 1
Though Mr. Packer has since sold his stake , Courtaulds is moving to keep its institutional shareholders happy . <arg1> Mr. Packer </arg1> <rel> has since </rel> <arg2> his stake </arg2> 1
To avoid a runoff , one candidate would have to win 50 % of the vote -- a feat that most analysts consider impossible with so many candidates running . <arg1> one candidate </arg1> <rel> would </rel> <arg2> have to win 50 % of the vote </arg2> 1
To avoid a runoff , one candidate would have to win 50 % of the vote -- a feat that most analysts consider impossible with so many candidates running . <arg1> most analysts </arg1> <rel> consider running </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
To increase their share of that business , jewelry makers such as Crystal Brands Inc. 's Trifari and Monet units and Swank Inc. , maker of Anne Klein jewelry , are launching new lines with as much fanfare as the fragrance companies . <arg1> maker of Anne Klein jewelry </arg1> <rel> are launching </rel> <arg2> new lines with as much fanfare as the fragrance companies </arg2> 1
To increase their share of that business , jewelry makers such as Crystal Brands Inc. 's Trifari and Monet units and Swank Inc. , maker of Anne Klein jewelry , are launching new lines with as much fanfare as the fragrance companies . <arg1> jewelry makers such as Crystal Brands Inc. 's Trifari units </arg1> <rel> are launching </rel> <arg2> new lines with as much fanfare as the fragrance companies </arg2> 1
To increase their share of that business , jewelry makers such as Crystal Brands Inc. 's Trifari and Monet units and Swank Inc. , maker of Anne Klein jewelry , are launching new lines with as much fanfare as the fragrance companies . <arg1> jewelry makers such as Crystal Brands Inc. 's Monet units </arg1> <rel> are launching </rel> <arg2> new lines with as much fanfare as the fragrance companies </arg2> 1
To my knowledge , no government entities , including the EPA , are pursuing UV - B measurements . <arg1> including the EPA </arg1> <rel> are pursuing </rel> <arg2> UV - B measurements </arg2> 1
Tom Panelli had a perfectly good reason for not using the $ 300 rowing machine he bought three years ago . <arg1> Tom Panelli </arg1> <rel> had bought </rel> <arg2> three years ago </arg2> 1
U.S. makers have under 10 % share , compared with half the market in Europe and 80 % at home . <arg1> U.S. makers </arg1> <rel> have </rel> <arg2> under 10 % share </arg2> 1
USG Corp. agreed to sell its headquarters building here to Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. of Toronto , and will lease the 19 - story facility until it moves to a new quarters in 1992 . <arg1> USG Corp. </arg1> <rel> agreed to sell </rel> <arg2> its headquarters building here to Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. of Toronto </arg2> 1
USG Corp. agreed to sell its headquarters building here to Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. of Toronto , and will lease the 19 - story facility until it moves to a new quarters in 1992 . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> moves </rel> <arg2> to a new quarters in 1992 </arg2> 1
USG Corp. agreed to sell its headquarters building here to Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. of Toronto , and will lease the 19 - story facility until it moves to a new quarters in 1992 . <arg1> USG Corp. </arg1> <rel> will lease </rel> <arg2> the 19 - story facility until it </arg2> 1
Under a merger agreement reached Sept. 14 , the UAL board agreed to reimburse certain of the buy - out group 's expenses out of company funds even if the transaction was n't completed , provided the group did n't breach the agreement . <arg1> the UAL board </arg1> <rel> agreed </rel> <arg2> to reimburse certain of the buy </arg2> 1
Under a merger agreement reached Sept. 14 , the UAL board agreed to reimburse certain of the buy - out group 's expenses out of company funds even if the transaction was n't completed , provided the group did n't breach the agreement . <arg1> the group </arg1> <rel> did n't breach </rel> <arg2> the agreement </arg2> 1
Under the debt - equity program , potential investors will submit sealed bids on the percentage of discount they are willing to purchase the debt at , and the bids will be allocated based on these discount offers . <arg1> potential investors </arg1> <rel> will submit </rel> <arg2> percentage of discount </arg2> 1
Under the debt - equity program , potential investors will submit sealed bids on the percentage of discount they are willing to purchase the debt at , and the bids will be allocated based on these discount offers . <arg1> the bids </arg1> <rel> will be allocated </rel> <arg2> based on these discount offers </arg2> 1
Vernon E. Jordan was elected to the board of this transportation services concern . <arg1> Vernon E. Jordan </arg1> <rel> was elected </rel> <arg2> to the board of this transportation services concern </arg2> 1
Warner Communications Inc. , which is being acquired by Time Warner , has filed a $ 1 billion breach - of - contract suit against Sony and the two producers . <arg1> Warner Communications Inc. </arg1> <rel> is being acquired </rel> <arg2> by Time Warner </arg2> 1
Warner Communications Inc. , which is being acquired by Time Warner , has filed a $ 1 billion breach - of - contract suit against Sony and the two producers . <arg1> Warner Communications Inc. </arg1> <rel> has filed </rel> <arg2> a $ 1 billion breach - of - contract suit against Sony </arg2> 1
Warner Communications Inc. , which is being acquired by Time Warner , has filed a $ 1 billion breach - of - contract suit against Sony and the two producers . <arg1> Warner Communications Inc. </arg1> <rel> has filed </rel> <arg2> a $ 1 billion breach </arg2> 1
Warner has a five - year exclusive contract with Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters that requires them to make movies exclusively at the Warner Bros. studio . <arg1> Warner </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> a five - year exclusive contract with Mr. Guber </arg2> 1
Warner has a five - year exclusive contract with Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters that requires them to make movies exclusively at the Warner Bros. studio . <arg1> a five - year exclusive contract with Mr. Guber </arg1> <rel> requires </rel> <arg2> them to make movies exclusively at the Warner Bros. studio </arg2> 1
Warner has a five - year exclusive contract with Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters that requires them to make movies exclusively at the Warner Bros. studio . <arg1> Warner </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> a five - year exclusive contract with Mr. Peters </arg2> 1
Warner has a five - year exclusive contract with Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters that requires them to make movies exclusively at the Warner Bros. studio . <arg1> a five - year exclusive contract with Mr. Peters </arg1> <rel> requires </rel> <arg2> them to make movies exclusively at the Warner Bros. studio </arg2> 1
While the campaign was Mr. Gibbons 's idea , however , he wo n't be paying for it : The donations will come out of the chain 's national advertising fund , which is financed by the franchisees . <arg1> the campaign </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> Mr. Gibbons 's idea </arg2> 1
While the campaign was Mr. Gibbons 's idea , however , he wo n't be paying for it : The donations will come out of the chain 's national advertising fund , which is financed by the franchisees . <arg1> The donations </arg1> <rel> will come is financed </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
With companies such as Honda Motor Co. , Toyota Motor Corp. and Nissan Motor Co. running so - called transplant auto operations , Japanese auto production in the U.S. will reach one million vehicles this year . <arg1> companies such as Honda Motor Co. </arg1> <rel> running </rel> <arg2> so - called transplant auto operations </arg2> 1
With companies such as Honda Motor Co. , Toyota Motor Corp. and Nissan Motor Co. running so - called transplant auto operations , Japanese auto production in the U.S. will reach one million vehicles this year . <arg1> Japanese auto production in the U.S. </arg1> <rel> will reach </rel> <arg2> one million vehicles </arg2> 1
With companies such as Honda Motor Co. , Toyota Motor Corp. and Nissan Motor Co. running so - called transplant auto operations , Japanese auto production in the U.S. will reach one million vehicles this year . <arg1> companies such as Toyota Motor Corp. </arg1> <rel> running </rel> <arg2> so - called transplant auto operations </arg2> 1
With companies such as Honda Motor Co. , Toyota Motor Corp. and Nissan Motor Co. running so - called transplant auto operations , Japanese auto production in the U.S. will reach one million vehicles this year . <arg1> companies such as Nissan Motor Co. </arg1> <rel> running </rel> <arg2> so - called transplant auto operations </arg2> 1
With more than 15 million exercise bikes sold in the past five years , he adds , `` a lot of garages , basements and attics must be populated with them . '' <arg1> lot of garages </arg1> <rel> must be populated </rel> <arg2> with them </arg2> 1
With more than 15 million exercise bikes sold in the past five years , he adds , `` a lot of garages , basements and attics must be populated with them . '' <arg1> exercise bikes </arg1> <rel> sold </rel> <arg2> in the past five years </arg2> 1
With more than 15 million exercise bikes sold in the past five years , he adds , `` a lot of garages , basements and attics must be populated with them . '' <arg1> lot of basements </arg1> <rel> must be populated </rel> <arg2> with them </arg2> 1
With more than 15 million exercise bikes sold in the past five years , he adds , `` a lot of garages , basements and attics must be populated with them . '' <arg1> a lot of attics </arg1> <rel> must be populated </rel> <arg2> with them </arg2> 1
With real estate experts Olympia & York and Samuel Zell 's Itel owning close to 40 % of Santa Fe 's stock , management was under pressure -- in a favored phrase of Wall Street -- to quickly `` maximize values . '' <arg1> close to 40 % of Santa Fe 's stock </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Within two hours , viewers pledged over $ 400,000 , according to a Red Cross executive . <arg1> viewers </arg1> <rel> pledged </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Workers at two Chilean mines , Los Bronces and El Soldado , which belong to the Exxon - owned Minera Disputado group , will vote Thursday on whether to strike after a two - year labor pact ends today . <arg1> Los Bronces </arg1> <rel> belong </rel> <arg2> to the Exxon - owned Minera Disputado group </arg2> 1
Workers at two Chilean mines , Los Bronces and El Soldado , which belong to the Exxon - owned Minera Disputado group , will vote Thursday on whether to strike after a two - year labor pact ends today . <arg1> a two - year labor pact </arg1> <rel> ends </rel> <arg2> today </arg2> 1
Workers at two Chilean mines , Los Bronces and El Soldado , which belong to the Exxon - owned Minera Disputado group , will vote Thursday on whether to strike after a two - year labor pact ends today . <arg1> to the Exxon - owned Minera Disputado group </arg1> <rel> will vote </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Workers at two Chilean mines , Los Bronces and El Soldado , which belong to the Exxon - owned Minera Disputado group , will vote Thursday on whether to strike after a two - year labor pact ends today . <arg1> El Soldado </arg1> <rel> belong </rel> <arg2> to the Exxon - owned Minera Disputado group </arg2> 1
Years ago , he collaborated with the new music gurus Peter Serkin and Fred Sherry in the very countercultural chamber group Tashi , which won audiences over to dreaded contemporary scores like Messiaen 's `` Quartet for the End of Time . '' <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> collaborated </rel> <arg2> with the new music gurus Peter Serkin in the very countercultural chamber group Tashi </arg2> 1
Years ago , he collaborated with the new music gurus Peter Serkin and Fred Sherry in the very countercultural chamber group Tashi , which won audiences over to dreaded contemporary scores like Messiaen 's `` Quartet for the End of Time . '' <arg1> Tashi </arg1> <rel> won </rel> <arg2> audiences over to dreaded contemporary scores like Messiaen 's </arg2> 1
Years ago , he collaborated with the new music gurus Peter Serkin and Fred Sherry in the very countercultural chamber group Tashi , which won audiences over to dreaded contemporary scores like Messiaen 's `` Quartet for the End of Time . '' <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> collaborated </rel> <arg2> with the new music gurus Fred Sherry in the very countercultural chamber group Tashi </arg2> 1
Yesterday , Mr. Matthews , now a consultant with the Stamford , Conn. , firm Matthews & Johnston , quipped , `` I think he 'll be very good at that { new job } . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> be </rel> <arg2> very good at that { new job </arg2> 1
Yet the Soviet leader 's readiness to embark on foreign visits and steady accumulation of personal power , particularly since the last Politburo reshuffle on Sept. 30 , do not suggest that Mr. Gorbachev is on the verge of being toppled ; nor does he look likely to reverse the powers of perestroika . <arg1> Soviet leader 's readiness </arg1> <rel> to embark </rel> <arg2> on foreign visits </arg2> 1
Yet the Soviet leader 's readiness to embark on foreign visits and steady accumulation of personal power , particularly since the last Politburo reshuffle on Sept. 30 , do not suggest that Mr. Gorbachev is on the verge of being toppled ; nor does he look likely to reverse the powers of perestroika . <arg1> Mr. Gorbachev </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
A spokesman said HealthVest has paid two of the three banks it owed interest to in October and is in negotiations with the third bank . <arg1> HealthVest </arg1> <rel> has paid </rel> <arg2> two of the three banks it </arg2> 1
A spokesman said HealthVest has paid two of the three banks it owed interest to in October and is in negotiations with the third bank . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> owed </rel> <arg2> interest to in October </arg2> 1
A spokesman said HealthVest has paid two of the three banks it owed interest to in October and is in negotiations with the third bank . <arg1> HealthVest </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> in negotiations with the third bank </arg2> 1
Also , the premiums paid by the U.S. government on a purchase of copper for the U.S. Mint were lower than expected , and acted as a price depressant , analysts said . <arg1> the premiums </arg1> <rel> paid </rel> <arg2> by the U.S. government on a purchase of copper for the U.S. Mint </arg2> 1
Also , the premiums paid by the U.S. government on a purchase of copper for the U.S. Mint were lower than expected , and acted as a price depressant , analysts said . <arg1> the </arg1> <rel> were </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Also , the premiums paid by the U.S. government on a purchase of copper for the U.S. Mint were lower than expected , and acted as a price depressant , analysts said . <arg1> the </arg1> <rel> acted </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Although Mr. Azoff wo n't produce films at first , it is possible that he could do so later , the sources said . <arg1> Mr. Azoff </arg1> <rel> wo n't produce </rel> <arg2> films at first </arg2> 1
Among other things , they said , Mr. Azoff would develop musical acts for a new record label . <arg1> Mr. Azoff </arg1> <rel> would develop </rel> <arg2> musical acts for a new record label </arg2> 1
As a result , he said he will examine the Marcos documents sought by the prosecutors to determine whether turning over the filings is self - incrimination . <arg1> the </arg1> <rel> sought </rel> <arg2> by the prosecutors </arg2> 1
As a result , he said he will examine the Marcos documents sought by the prosecutors to determine whether turning over the filings is self - incrimination . <arg1> turning over the filings </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> self - incrimination </arg2> 1
Avery Inc. said it completed the sale of Uniroyal Chemical Holding Co. to a group led by management of Uniroyal Chemical Co. , the unit 's main business . <arg1> Avery Inc. </arg1> <rel> completed </rel> <arg2> the sale of Uniroyal Chemical Holding Co. to a group </arg2> 1
Avery Inc. said it completed the sale of Uniroyal Chemical Holding Co. to a group led by management of Uniroyal Chemical Co. , the unit 's main business . <arg1> the sale of </arg1> <rel> led </rel> <arg2> by management of Uniroyal Chemical Co. </arg2> 1
But yesterday , Mr. Carpenter said big institutional investors , which he would n't identify , `` told us they would n't do business with firms '' that continued to do index arbitrage for their own accounts . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> would n't identify </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
But yesterday , Mr. Carpenter said big institutional investors , which he would n't identify , `` told us they would n't do business with firms '' that continued to do index arbitrage for their own accounts . <arg1> would n't do business with firms </arg1> <rel> continued to do </rel> <arg2> index arbitrage for their own accounts </arg2> 1
Coca - Cola Co. , aiming to boost soft - drink volume in Singapore , said it is discussing a joint venture with Fraser & Neave Ltd. , its bottling franchisee in that country . <arg1> Coca - Cola Co. </arg1> <rel> aiming to boost </rel> <arg2> soft - drink volume in Singapore </arg2> 1
Coca - Cola Co. , aiming to boost soft - drink volume in Singapore , said it is discussing a joint venture with Fraser & Neave Ltd. , its bottling franchisee in that country . <arg1> soft - drink volume in Singapore </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Coca - Cola Co. , aiming to boost soft - drink volume in Singapore , said it is discussing a joint venture with Fraser & Neave Ltd. , its bottling franchisee in that country . <arg1> soft - drink volume in Singapore </arg1> <rel> discussing </rel> <arg2> a joint venture with Fraser & Neave Ltd. </arg2> 1
Company officials said the current robust domestic demand that has been fueling sustained economic expansion helped push up sales of products like ships , steel structures , power systems and machinery and resulted in sharply higher profit . <arg1> the current robust domestic demand </arg1> <rel> has been </rel> <arg2> fueling sustained economic expansion </arg2> 1
Company officials said the current robust domestic demand that has been fueling sustained economic expansion helped push up sales of products like ships , steel structures , power systems and machinery and resulted in sharply higher profit . <arg1> fueling sustained economic expansion </arg1> <rel> resulted </rel> <arg2> in sharply higher profit </arg2> 1
Company officials said the current robust domestic demand that has been fueling sustained economic expansion helped push up sales of products like ships , steel structures , power systems and machinery and resulted in sharply higher profit . <arg1> fueling sustained economic expansion </arg1> <rel> helped </rel> <arg2> push up sales of products like ships </arg2> 1
Company officials said the current robust domestic demand that has been fueling sustained economic expansion helped push up sales of products like ships , steel structures , power systems and machinery and resulted in sharply higher profit . <arg1> fueling sustained economic expansion </arg1> <rel> helped </rel> <arg2> push up sales of products like steel structures </arg2> 1
Company officials said the current robust domestic demand that has been fueling sustained economic expansion helped push up sales of products like ships , steel structures , power systems and machinery and resulted in sharply higher profit . <arg1> fueling sustained economic expansion </arg1> <rel> helped </rel> <arg2> push up sales of products like power systems </arg2> 1
Company officials said the current robust domestic demand that has been fueling sustained economic expansion helped push up sales of products like ships , steel structures , power systems and machinery and resulted in sharply higher profit . <arg1> fueling sustained economic expansion </arg1> <rel> helped </rel> <arg2> push up sales of products like machinery </arg2> 1
Considered as a whole , Mr. Lane said , the filings required under the proposed rules `` will be at least as effective , if not more so , for investors following transactions . '' <arg1> under the proposed rules </arg1> <rel> following </rel> <arg2> transactions </arg2> 1
Despite the modest gains , traders said the market remains dull , with investors remaining cautiously on the sidelines . <arg1> the market </arg1> <rel> remains </rel> <arg2> dull </arg2> 1
Edison Brothers Stores Inc. said it agreed to buy 229 Foxmoor women 's apparel stores from Foxmoor Specialty Stores Corp. , a unit of Dylex Ltd. of Toronto . <arg1> Edison Brothers Stores Inc. </arg1> <rel> buy </rel> <arg2> 229 Foxmoor women 's apparel stores from Foxmoor Specialty Stores Corp. </arg2> 1
Edison Brothers Stores Inc. said it agreed to buy 229 Foxmoor women 's apparel stores from Foxmoor Specialty Stores Corp. , a unit of Dylex Ltd. of Toronto . <arg1> Edison Brothers Stores Inc. </arg1> <rel> agreed to </rel> <arg2> 229 Foxmoor women 's apparel stores from Foxmoor Specialty Stores Corp. </arg2> 1
For the record , Jeffrey Kaufman , an attorney for Fireman 's Fund , said he was `` rattled -- both literally and figuratively . '' <arg1> Jeffrey Kaufman </arg1> <rel> an </rel> <arg2> attorney for Fireman 's Fund </arg2> 1
For the record , Jeffrey Kaufman , an attorney for Fireman 's Fund , said he was `` rattled -- both literally and figuratively . '' <arg1> attorney for Fireman 's Fund </arg1> <rel> was rattled </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Ford Motor Co. said it is recalling about 3,600 of its 1990 - model Escorts because the windshield adhesive was improperly applied to some cars . <arg1> Ford Motor Co. </arg1> <rel> is recalling </rel> <arg2> about 3,600 of its 1990 - model Escorts </arg2> 1
Ford Motor Co. said it is recalling about 3,600 of its 1990 - model Escorts because the windshield adhesive was improperly applied to some cars . <arg1> the windshield adhesive </arg1> <rel> was improperly applied </rel> <arg2> to some cars </arg2> 1
He said he expects the company to have $ 500 million in sales for this year . <arg1> the company </arg1> <rel> to have </rel> <arg2> $ </arg2> 1
However , a Canadian Embassy official in Tel Aviv said that Canada was unlikely to sell the Candu heavy - water reactor to Israel since Israel has n't signed the Nuclear Non - Proliferation Treaty . <arg1> Canada </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1