However , a Canadian Embassy official in Tel Aviv said that Canada was unlikely to sell the Candu heavy - water reactor to Israel since Israel has n't signed the Nuclear Non - Proliferation Treaty . <arg1> Canada </arg1> <rel> unlikely to sell </rel> <arg2> the Candu heavy - water reactor to Israel </arg2> 1
However , a Canadian Embassy official in Tel Aviv said that Canada was unlikely to sell the Candu heavy - water reactor to Israel since Israel has n't signed the Nuclear Non - Proliferation Treaty . <arg1> Israel </arg1> <rel> has n't signed </rel> <arg2> the Nuclear Non - Proliferation Treaty </arg2> 1
In recent testimony on Capitol Hill , Treasury officials said they were considering the new reporting requirements , and the expected publication of the proposal in the Federal Register today is the first official step toward creating final regulations . <arg1> Treasury officials </arg1> <rel> were considering </rel> <arg2> the new reporting requirements </arg2> 1
In recent testimony on Capitol Hill , Treasury officials said they were considering the new reporting requirements , and the expected publication of the proposal in the Federal Register today is the first official step toward creating final regulations . <arg1> Federal Register </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> the first official step toward creating final regulations </arg2> 1
It said CS First Boston `` has consistently been one of the most aggressive firms in merchant banking '' and that `` a very significant portion '' of the firm 's profit in recent years has come from merchant banking - related business . <arg1> CS First Boston </arg1> <rel> has consistently been </rel> <arg2> one of the most aggressive firms in merchant banking </arg2> 1
It said CS First Boston `` has consistently been one of the most aggressive firms in merchant banking '' and that `` a very significant portion '' of the firm 's profit in recent years has come from merchant banking - related business . <arg1> of the firm 's profit in recent years </arg1> <rel> has come </rel> <arg2> from merchant banking - related business </arg2> 1
Merrill said it continues to believe that `` the causes of excess market volatility are far more complex than any particular computer trading strategy . <arg1> the causes of excess market volatility </arg1> <rel> are </rel> <arg2> far more complex than any particular computer trading strategy </arg2> 1
Milk sold to the nation 's dairy plants and dealers averaged $ 14.50 for each hundred pounds , up 50 cents from September and up $ 1.50 from October 1988 , the department said . <arg1> Milk </arg1> <rel> sold </rel> <arg2> to the nation 's dairy plants </arg2> 1
Milk sold to the nation 's dairy plants and dealers averaged $ 14.50 for each hundred pounds , up 50 cents from September and up $ 1.50 from October 1988 , the department said . <arg1> Milk </arg1> <rel> averaged </rel> <arg2> $ 14.50 for each hundred pounds </arg2> 1
Milk sold to the nation 's dairy plants and dealers averaged $ 14.50 for each hundred pounds , up 50 cents from September and up $ 1.50 from October 1988 , the department said . <arg1> the nation 's dairy plants </arg1> <rel> averaged </rel> <arg2> $ 14.50 for each hundred pounds </arg2> 1
Milk sold to the nation 's dairy plants and dealers averaged $ 14.50 for each hundred pounds , up 50 cents from September and up $ 1.50 from October 1988 , the department said . <arg1> Milk </arg1> <rel> sold </rel> <arg2> to the nation 's dairy dealers </arg2> 1
Nixon , on the fourth day of a private visit to China , said that damage to Sino - U.S. relations was `` very great , '' calling the situation `` the most serious '' since 1972 . <arg1> damage to Sino - U.S. relations </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Panhandle Eastern Corp. said it applied , on behalf of two of its subsidiaries , to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for permission to build a 352 - mile , $ 273 million pipeline system from Pittsburg County , Okla. , to Independence , Miss . <arg1> Panhandle Eastern Corp. </arg1> <rel> applied </rel> <arg2> on </arg2> 1
Richard Newsom , a California state official who last year examined Lincoln 's parent , American Continental Corp. , said he also saw evidence that crimes had been committed . <arg1> Richard Newsom </arg1> <rel> examined </rel> <arg2> Lincoln 's parent </arg2> 1
Richard Newsom , a California state official who last year examined Lincoln 's parent , American Continental Corp. , said he also saw evidence that crimes had been committed . <arg1> crimes </arg1> <rel> had been committed </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Rolls - Royce Motor Cars Inc. said it expects its U.S. sales to remain steady at about 1,200 cars in 1990 . <arg1> Rolls - Royce Motor Cars Inc. </arg1> <rel> expects </rel> <arg2> its U.S. sales to remain steady at about </arg2> 1
The Chemical spokeswoman said the bank has examined its methodologies and internal controls . <arg1> the bank </arg1> <rel> has examined </rel> <arg2> its methodologies </arg2> 1
The Chemical spokeswoman said the bank has examined its methodologies and internal controls . <arg1> the bank </arg1> <rel> has examined </rel> <arg2> its internal controls </arg2> 1
The company said the fastener business `` has been under severe cost pressures for some time . '' <arg1> the fastener business </arg1> <rel> has been </rel> <arg2> under severe cost pressures for some time </arg2> 1
The market 's tempo was helped by the dollar 's resiliency , he said . <arg1> The market 's tempo </arg1> <rel> was helped </rel> <arg2> by the dollar 's resiliency </arg2> 1
Unemployment has reached 27.6 % in Azerbaijan , 25.7 % in Tadzhikistan , 22.8 % in Uzbekistan , 18.8 % in Turkmenia , 18 % in Armenia and 16.3 % in Kirgizia , the Communist Party newspaper said . <arg1> Unemployment </arg1> <rel> has reached </rel> <arg2> 27.6 % in Azerbaijan </arg2> 1
Unemployment has reached 27.6 % in Azerbaijan , 25.7 % in Tadzhikistan , 22.8 % in Uzbekistan , 18.8 % in Turkmenia , 18 % in Armenia and 16.3 % in Kirgizia , the Communist Party newspaper said . <arg1> Unemployment </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> 25.7 % in Tadzhikistan </arg2> 1
Unemployment has reached 27.6 % in Azerbaijan , 25.7 % in Tadzhikistan , 22.8 % in Uzbekistan , 18.8 % in Turkmenia , 18 % in Armenia and 16.3 % in Kirgizia , the Communist Party newspaper said . <arg1> Unemployment </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> 22.8 % in Uzbekistan </arg2> 1
Unemployment has reached 27.6 % in Azerbaijan , 25.7 % in Tadzhikistan , 22.8 % in Uzbekistan , 18.8 % in Turkmenia , 18 % in Armenia and 16.3 % in Kirgizia , the Communist Party newspaper said . <arg1> Unemployment </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> 18.8 % in Turkmenia </arg2> 1
Unemployment has reached 27.6 % in Azerbaijan , 25.7 % in Tadzhikistan , 22.8 % in Uzbekistan , 18.8 % in Turkmenia , 18 % in Armenia and 16.3 % in Kirgizia , the Communist Party newspaper said . <arg1> Unemployment </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> 18 % in Armenia </arg2> 1
Unemployment has reached 27.6 % in Azerbaijan , 25.7 % in Tadzhikistan , 22.8 % in Uzbekistan , 18.8 % in Turkmenia , 18 % in Armenia and 16.3 % in Kirgizia , the Communist Party newspaper said . <arg1> the Communist Party </arg1> <rel> said </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Unemployment has reached 27.6 % in Azerbaijan , 25.7 % in Tadzhikistan , 22.8 % in Uzbekistan , 18.8 % in Turkmenia , 18 % in Armenia and 16.3 % in Kirgizia , the Communist Party newspaper said . <arg1> Unemployment </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> 16.3 % in Kirgizia </arg2> 1
`` Business across the country is spending more time addressing this issue , '' says Sen. Edward Kennedy ( D. , Mass . ) . <arg1> Business across the country </arg1> <rel> is spending </rel> <arg2> more time addressing this issue </arg2> 1
`` Business across the country is spending more time addressing this issue , '' says Sen. Edward Kennedy ( D. , Mass . ) . <arg1> more time addressing this issue </arg1> <rel> says </rel> <arg2> Sen. Edward Kennedy </arg2> 1
`` I ca n't believe they ( GM ) will let Ford have a free run , '' said Stephen Reitman , a European auto industry analyst at UBS - Phillips & Drew . <arg1> Stephen Reitman </arg1> <rel> a </rel> <arg2> European auto industry analyst at UBS - Phillips & Drew </arg2> 1
`` I ca n't believe they ( GM ) will let Ford have a free run , '' said Stephen Reitman , a European auto industry analyst at UBS - Phillips & Drew . <arg1> GM </arg1> <rel> will let </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
`` I do n't foresee any shortages over the next few months , '' says Ken Allen , an official of Operating Engineers Local 3 in San Francisco . <arg1> any shortages over the next few months </arg1> <rel> says </rel> <arg2> Ken Allen </arg2> 1
`` I wo n't be throwing 90 mph , but I will throw 80 - plus , '' he says . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> says </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
`` I wo n't be throwing 90 mph , but I will throw 80 - plus , '' he says . <arg1> I </arg1> <rel> will throw </rel> <arg2> 80 - plus </arg2> 1
`` If working capital financing is not provided , '' he said , `` the RTC may have to slow { S&L sales } or dump acquired assets through fire sales . <arg1> working capital financing </arg1> <rel> is not provided </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
`` If working capital financing is not provided , '' he said , `` the RTC may have to slow { S&L sales } or dump acquired assets through fire sales . <arg1> the RTC </arg1> <rel> may have </rel> <arg2> to slow </arg2> 1
`` It 's a super - exciting set of discoveries , '' says Bert Vogelstein , a Johns Hopkins University researcher who has just found a gene pivotal to the triggering of colon cancer . <arg1> a </arg1> <rel> has just found </rel> <arg2> a gene pivotal to the triggering of colon cancer </arg2> 1
`` It 's really bizarre , '' says Albert Lerman , creative director at the Wells Rich Greene ad agency . <arg1> 's </arg1> <rel> says </rel> <arg2> Albert Lerman </arg2> 1
`` Most people -- whether in Toledo , Tucson or Topeka -- have n't got a clue who we are , '' says Guy L. Smith , Philip Morris 's vice president of corporate affairs . <arg1> Most people </arg1> <rel> are </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
`` Most people -- whether in Toledo , Tucson or Topeka -- have n't got a clue who we are , '' says Guy L. Smith , Philip Morris 's vice president of corporate affairs . <arg1> Most people </arg1> <rel> have n't got </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
`` Most people -- whether in Toledo , Tucson or Topeka -- have n't got a clue who we are , '' says Guy L. Smith , Philip Morris 's vice president of corporate affairs . <arg1> Most people </arg1> <rel> have n't </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
`` Most people -- whether in Toledo , Tucson or Topeka -- have n't got a clue who we are , '' says Guy L. Smith , Philip Morris 's vice president of corporate affairs . <arg1> Most people </arg1> <rel> got are </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
`` Nobody told us ; nobody called us , '' says an official close to the case who asked not to be named . <arg1> Nobody </arg1> <rel> told </rel> <arg2> us </arg2> 1
`` Nobody told us ; nobody called us , '' says an official close to the case who asked not to be named . <arg1> nobody </arg1> <rel> called </rel> <arg2> us </arg2> 1
`` Nobody told us ; nobody called us , '' says an official close to the case who asked not to be named . <arg1> an official close to the case </arg1> <rel> asked </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
`` Now everything '' -- such as program trading and wide stock market swings -- `` that everyone had pushed back in their consciousness is just sitting right there . '' <arg1> everyone </arg1> <rel> had pushed </rel> <arg2> back in their consciousness </arg2> 1
`` Now everything '' -- such as program trading and wide stock market swings -- `` that everyone had pushed back in their consciousness is just sitting right there . '' <arg1> everyone </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
`` To allow this massive level of unfettered federal borrowing without prior congressional approval would be irresponsible , '' said Rep. Fortney Stark ( D. , Calif. ) , who has introduced a bill to limit the RTC 's authority to issue debt . <arg1> this massive level of unfettered federal borrowing without prior congressional approval </arg1> <rel> would be has introduced </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
`` We were oversold and today we bounced back . <arg1> We </arg1> <rel> were oversold </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
`` We were oversold and today we bounced back . <arg1> we </arg1> <rel> bounced </rel> <arg2> back </arg2> 1
A casting director at the time told Scott that he had wished that he 'd met him a week before ; he was casting for the `` G.I. Joe '' cartoon . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> met </rel> <arg2> him a week before </arg2> 1
According to Hofmann , while still a teenage coin collector , he forged a rare mint mark on a dime and was told by an organization of coin collectors that it was genuine . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> forged </rel> <arg2> a rare mint mark on a dime </arg2> 1
According to Hofmann , while still a teenage coin collector , he forged a rare mint mark on a dime and was told by an organization of coin collectors that it was genuine . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> genuine </arg2> 1
In fact , Condon , after seeing Hauptmann in a lineup at New York Police Department Greenwich Street Station told FBI Special Agent Turrou that Hauptmann was not `` John , '' the man to whom Condon claimed he passed the ransom money to in St. Raymond 's Cemetery . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> passed </rel> <arg2> the ransom money to in St. Raymond 's Cemetery </arg2> 1
In fact , Condon , after seeing Hauptmann in a lineup at New York Police Department Greenwich Street Station told FBI Special Agent Turrou that Hauptmann was not `` John , '' the man to whom Condon claimed he passed the ransom money to in St. Raymond 's Cemetery . <arg1> Condon </arg1> <rel> was not claimed </rel> <arg2> Cemetery </arg2> 1
He sold them well below market value to raise cash `` to pay off mounting credit - card debts , '' incurred to buy presents for his girlfriend , his attorney , Philip Russell , told IFAR . <arg1> He </arg1> <rel> sold </rel> <arg2> them well below market value to raise cash </arg2> 1
Tokyo (ˈtoʊkioʊ, Japanese: toːkʲoː), officially Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital city of Japan and one of its 47 prefectures. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is in Japanese </rel> <arg2> toːkʲoː </arg2> 1
Tokyo (ˈtoʊkioʊ, Japanese: toːkʲoː), officially Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital city of Japan and one of its 47 prefectures. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is pronounced </rel> <arg2> ˈtoʊkioʊ </arg2> 1
Tokyo (ˈtoʊkioʊ, Japanese: toːkʲoː), officially Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital city of Japan and one of its 47 prefectures. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is officially </rel> <arg2> Tokyo Metropolis </arg2> 1
Tokyo (ˈtoʊkioʊ, Japanese: toːkʲoː), officially Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital city of Japan and one of its 47 prefectures. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is the capital city of </rel> <arg2> Japan </arg2> 1
Tokyo (ˈtoʊkioʊ, Japanese: toːkʲoː), officially Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital city of Japan and one of its 47 prefectures. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> the capital city of Japan </arg2> 1
Tokyo (ˈtoʊkioʊ, Japanese: toːkʲoː), officially Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital city of Japan and one of its 47 prefectures. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is one of </rel> <arg2> its prefectures </arg2> 1
Tokyo (ˈtoʊkioʊ, Japanese: toːkʲoː), officially Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital city of Japan and one of its 47 prefectures. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is one of </rel> <arg2> its 47 prefectures </arg2> 1
Tokyo (ˈtoʊkioʊ, Japanese: toːkʲoː), officially Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital city of Japan and one of its 47 prefectures. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is a prefecture of </rel> <arg2> Japan </arg2> 1
Tokyo (ˈtoʊkioʊ, Japanese: toːkʲoː), officially Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital city of Japan and one of its 47 prefectures. <arg1> Japan </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> 47 prefectures </arg2> 1
Tokyo (ˈtoʊkioʊ, Japanese: toːkʲoː), officially Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital city of Japan and one of its 47 prefectures. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> a prefecture </arg2> 1
Tokyo (ˈtoʊkioʊ, Japanese: toːkʲoː), officially Tokyo Metropolis, is the capital city of Japan and one of its 47 prefectures. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> a city </arg2> 1
The Greater Tokyo Area is the most populous metropolitan area in the world. <arg1> The Greater Tokyo Area </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> the most populous metropolitan area </arg2> 1
The Greater Tokyo Area is the most populous metropolitan area in the world. <arg1> The Greater Tokyo Area </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> a metropolitan area </arg2> 1
It is the seat of the Emperor of Japan and the Japanese government. <arg1> It </arg1> <rel> is the seat of </rel> <arg2> the Emperor of Japan </arg2> 1
It is the seat of the Emperor of Japan and the Japanese government. <arg1> It </arg1> <rel> is the seat of </rel> <arg2> the Japanese government </arg2> 1
It is the seat of the Emperor of Japan and the Japanese government. <arg1> Japan </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> an Emperor </arg2> 1
It is the seat of the Emperor of Japan and the Japanese government. <arg1> Japan </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> a government </arg2> 1
Tokyo is in the Kantō region on the southeastern side of the main island Honshu and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is in </rel> <arg2> the Kantō region </arg2> 1
Tokyo is in the Kantō region on the southeastern side of the main island Honshu and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is in </rel> <arg2> Kantō </arg2> 1
Tokyo is in the Kantō region on the southeastern side of the main island Honshu and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. <arg1> Kantō </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> a region </arg2> 1
Tokyo is in the Kantō region on the southeastern side of the main island Honshu and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is on </rel> <arg2> the southeastern side of the main island Honshu </arg2> 1
Tokyo is in the Kantō region on the southeastern side of the main island Honshu and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. <arg1> the Kantō region </arg1> <rel> is on </rel> <arg2> the southeastern side of the main island Honshu </arg2> 1
Tokyo is in the Kantō region on the southeastern side of the main island Honshu and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. <arg1> Honshu </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> an island </arg2> 1
Tokyo is in the Kantō region on the southeastern side of the main island Honshu and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. <arg1> Honshu </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> the main island </arg2> 1
Tokyo is in the Kantō region on the southeastern side of the main island Honshu and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> includes </rel> <arg2> the Izu Islands </arg2> 1
Tokyo is in the Kantō region on the southeastern side of the main island Honshu and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> includes </rel> <arg2> the Ogasawara Islands </arg2> 1
Tokyo is in the Kantō region on the southeastern side of the main island Honshu and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. <arg1> Tokyo </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> islands </arg2> 1
Tokyo is in the Kantō region on the southeastern side of the main island Honshu and includes the Izu Islands and Ogasawara Islands. <arg1> Honshu </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> a southeastern side </arg2> 1
Formerly known as Edo, it has been the de facto seat of government since 1603 when Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu made the city his headquarters. <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> was Formerly known as </rel> <arg2> Edo </arg2> 1
Formerly known as Edo, it has been the de facto seat of government since 1603 when Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu made the city his headquarters. <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> has been </rel> <arg2> the seat of government </arg2> 1
Formerly known as Edo, it has been the de facto seat of government since 1603 when Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu made the city his headquarters. <arg1> Tokugawa Ieyasu </arg1> <rel> made </rel> <arg2> the city </arg2> 1
Formerly known as Edo, it has been the de facto seat of government since 1603 when Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu made the city his headquarters. <arg1> Tokugawa Ieyasu </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> Shogun </arg2> 1
Formerly known as Edo, it has been the de facto seat of government since 1603 when Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu made the city his headquarters. <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> the seat of government </arg2> 1
Formerly known as Edo, it has been the de facto seat of government since 1603 when Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu made the city his headquarters. <arg1> Tokugawa Ieyasu </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> headquarters </arg2> 1
It officially became the capital after Emperor Meiji moved his seat to the city from the old capital of Kyoto in 1868; at that time Edo was renamed Tokyo. <arg1> It </arg1> <rel> became </rel> <arg2> the capital </arg2> 1
It officially became the capital after Emperor Meiji moved his seat to the city from the old capital of Kyoto in 1868; at that time Edo was renamed Tokyo. <arg1> Emperor Meiji </arg1> <rel> moved </rel> <arg2> his seat </arg2> 1
It officially became the capital after Emperor Meiji moved his seat to the city from the old capital of Kyoto in 1868; at that time Edo was renamed Tokyo. <arg1> Edo </arg1> <rel> was renamed </rel> <arg2> Tokyo </arg2> 1
It officially became the capital after Emperor Meiji moved his seat to the city from the old capital of Kyoto in 1868; at that time Edo was renamed Tokyo. <arg1> Kyoto </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> the old capital </arg2> 1
Tokyo Metropolis was formed in 1943 from the merger of the former Tokyo Prefecture (東京府 Tōkyō-fu) and the city of Tokyo (東京市 Tōkyō-shi). <arg1> Tokyo Metropolis </arg1> <rel> was formed in </rel> <arg2> 1943 </arg2> 1
Tokyo Metropolis was formed in 1943 from the merger of the former Tokyo Prefecture (東京府 Tōkyō-fu) and the city of Tokyo (東京市 Tōkyō-shi). <arg1> Tokyo Metropolis </arg1> <rel> was formed from </rel> <arg2> the merger of the Tokyo Prefecture and the city of Tokyo </arg2> 1
Tokyo Metropolis was formed in 1943 from the merger of the former Tokyo Prefecture (東京府 Tōkyō-fu) and the city of Tokyo (東京市 Tōkyō-shi). <arg1> the city of Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> Tōkyō-shi </arg2> 1
Tokyo Metropolis was formed in 1943 from the merger of the former Tokyo Prefecture (東京府 Tōkyō-fu) and the city of Tokyo (東京市 Tōkyō-shi). <arg1> the city of Tokyo </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> 東京市 </arg2> 1
Tokyo Metropolis was formed in 1943 from the merger of the former Tokyo Prefecture (東京府 Tōkyō-fu) and the city of Tokyo (東京市 Tōkyō-shi). <arg1> the former Tokyo Prefecture </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> 東京府 </arg2> 1
Tokyo Metropolis was formed in 1943 from the merger of the former Tokyo Prefecture (東京府 Tōkyō-fu) and the city of Tokyo (東京市 Tōkyō-shi). <arg1> the former Tokyo Prefecture </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> Tōkyō-fu </arg2> 1