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Soviets remain in charge of education programs , a former head of an African military tribunal for executions is in charge of culture , and a hard - line Polish communist in exile directs the human - rights and peace division . <arg1> Soviets </arg1> <rel> remain </rel> <arg2> in charge of education programs </arg2> 1 |
Soviets remain in charge of education programs , a former head of an African military tribunal for executions is in charge of culture , and a hard - line Polish communist in exile directs the human - rights and peace division . <arg1> a former head of an African military tribunal for executions </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> in charge of culture </arg2> 1 |
Soviets remain in charge of education programs , a former head of an African military tribunal for executions is in charge of culture , and a hard - line Polish communist in exile directs the human - rights and peace division . <arg1> a hard - line Polish </arg1> <rel> directs </rel> <arg2> the human - rights division </arg2> 1 |
Soviets remain in charge of education programs , a former head of an African military tribunal for executions is in charge of culture , and a hard - line Polish communist in exile directs the human - rights and peace division . <arg1> a hard - line Polish communist in exile </arg1> <rel> directs </rel> <arg2> the peace division </arg2> 1 |
Standard & Poor 's 500 - Stock Index climbed 5.29 to 340.36 , the Dow Jones Equity Market Index added 4.70 to 318.79 and the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index climbed 2.65 to <arg1> Standard & Poor 's 500 - Stock Index </arg1> <rel> climbed </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Standard & Poor 's 500 - Stock Index climbed 5.29 to 340.36 , the Dow Jones Equity Market Index added 4.70 to 318.79 and the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index climbed 2.65 to <arg1> Index </arg1> <rel> added </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Standard & Poor 's 500 - Stock Index climbed 5.29 to 340.36 , the Dow Jones Equity Market Index added 4.70 to 318.79 and the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index climbed 2.65 to <arg1> the New York Stock Exchange Composite Index </arg1> <rel> climbed </rel> <arg2> 2.65 to </arg2> 1 |
Strong sales so far this year are certain to turn the tide , but even the 25 % market share that Nissan expects in 1989 will leave it far below its position at the beginning of the decade . <arg1> Strong sales so </arg1> <rel> are </rel> <arg2> the tide </arg2> 1 |
Strong sales so far this year are certain to turn the tide , but even the 25 % market share that Nissan expects in 1989 will leave it far below its position at the beginning of the decade . <arg1> Nissan </arg1> <rel> expects </rel> <arg2> in 1989 </arg2> 1 |
Strong sales so far this year are certain to turn the tide , but even the 25 % market share that Nissan expects in 1989 will leave it far below its position at the beginning of the decade . <arg1> Nissan </arg1> <rel> will </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Strong sales so far this year are certain to turn the tide , but even the 25 % market share that Nissan expects in 1989 will leave it far below its position at the beginning of the decade . <arg1> Nissan </arg1> <rel> leave </rel> <arg2> it far below its position at the beginning of the decade </arg2> 1 |
THE CHIEF NURSING officer can be responsible for more than 1,000 employees and at least one - third of a hospital 's budget ; a head nurse typically oversees up to 80 employees and $ 8 million . <arg1> a head nurse </arg1> <rel> oversees </rel> <arg2> up to 80 employees </arg2> 1 |
THE CHIEF NURSING officer can be responsible for more than 1,000 employees and at least one - third of a hospital 's budget ; a head nurse typically oversees up to 80 employees and $ 8 million . <arg1> THE CHIEF NURSING officer </arg1> <rel> can be responsible </rel> <arg2> for more than </arg2> 1 |
THE CHIEF NURSING officer can be responsible for more than 1,000 employees and at least one - third of a hospital 's budget ; a head nurse typically oversees up to 80 employees and $ 8 million . <arg1> a head </arg1> <rel> typically oversees </rel> <arg2> $ 8 million </arg2> 1 |
THE CHIEF NURSING officer can be responsible for more than 1,000 employees and at least one - third of a hospital 's budget ; a head nurse typically oversees up to 80 employees and $ 8 million . <arg1> a head </arg1> <rel> typically </rel> <arg2> up to 80 employees </arg2> 1 |
THE CHIEF NURSING officer can be responsible for more than 1,000 employees and at least one - third of a hospital 's budget ; a head nurse typically oversees up to 80 employees and $ 8 million . <arg1> THE CHIEF NURSING officer </arg1> <rel> can be responsible </rel> <arg2> for at least one - third of a hospital 's budget </arg2> 1 |
Takeover stock traders noted that with the junk - bond market in disarray , Georgia - Pacific 's bid is an indication of where the takeover game is headed : namely , industrial companies can continue bidding for one another , but financial buyers such as leveraged buy - out firms will be at a disadvantage in obtaining financing . <arg1> Georgia - Pacific 's bid </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Takeover stock traders noted that with the junk - bond market in disarray , Georgia - Pacific 's bid is an indication of where the takeover game is headed : namely , industrial companies can continue bidding for one another , but financial buyers such as leveraged buy - out firms will be at a disadvantage in obtaining financing . <arg1> financial buyers such as leveraged buy - out firms </arg1> <rel> will be </rel> <arg2> at a disadvantage in obtaining financing </arg2> 1 |
Technology stocks bore the brunt of the OTC market 's recent sell - off , and traders say it 's natural that they rebound sharply now that the market has turned around . <arg1> Technology stocks </arg1> <rel> bore </rel> <arg2> the brunt of the OTC market 's recent sell - off </arg2> 1 |
Technology stocks bore the brunt of the OTC market 's recent sell - off , and traders say it 's natural that they rebound sharply now that the market has turned around . <arg1> they </arg1> <rel> rebound </rel> <arg2> sharply now </arg2> 1 |
Technology stocks bore the brunt of the OTC market 's recent sell - off , and traders say it 's natural that they rebound sharply now that the market has turned around . <arg1> the market </arg1> <rel> has turned </rel> <arg2> around </arg2> 1 |
That compares with 3.5 % butterfat for whole milk . <arg1> That </arg1> <rel> compares </rel> <arg2> with 3.5 % butterfat for whole milk </arg2> 1 |
The $ 150 million in senior subordinated floating - rate notes were targeted to be offered at a price to float four percentage points above the three - month LIBOR . <arg1> million in senior subordinated floating - rate notes </arg1> <rel> were </rel> <arg2> at a price to float four percentage points above the three - month LIBOR </arg2> 1 |
The $ 150 million in senior subordinated floating - rate notes were targeted to be offered at a price to float four percentage points above the three - month LIBOR . <arg1> notes </arg1> <rel> targeted to be offered </rel> <arg2> at a price to float four percentage points above the three - month LIBOR </arg2> 1 |
The 41 - year - old Mr. Azoff , a former rock 'n' roll manager , is credited with turning around MCA 's once - moribund music division in his six years at the company . <arg1> a former rock 'n' roll manager </arg1> <rel> is credited </rel> <arg2> with turning around MCA 's once - moribund music division </arg2> 1 |
The Lone Star Steel lawsuit also asks the court to rule that Lone Star Technologies is jointly responsible for a $ 4.5 million Lone Star Steel pension payment that was due , but was n't paid , in September and that the parent company ca n't recover the amount from its subsidiary if the parent company makes the payment . <arg1> The Lone Star Steel lawsuit </arg1> <rel> asks </rel> <arg2> the court to </arg2> 1 |
The Lone Star Steel lawsuit also asks the court to rule that Lone Star Technologies is jointly responsible for a $ 4.5 million Lone Star Steel pension payment that was due , but was n't paid , in September and that the parent company ca n't recover the amount from its subsidiary if the parent company makes the payment . <arg1> the parent company ca </arg1> <rel> n't recover </rel> <arg2> the amount from its subsidiary </arg2> 1 |
The Lone Star Steel lawsuit also asks the court to rule that Lone Star Technologies is jointly responsible for a $ 4.5 million Lone Star Steel pension payment that was due , but was n't paid , in September and that the parent company ca n't recover the amount from its subsidiary if the parent company makes the payment . <arg1> the amount from its subsidiary </arg1> <rel> makes </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The Lone Star Steel lawsuit also asks the court to rule that Lone Star Technologies is jointly responsible for a $ 4.5 million Lone Star Steel pension payment that was due , but was n't paid , in September and that the parent company ca n't recover the amount from its subsidiary if the parent company makes the payment . <arg1> Lone Star Technologies </arg1> <rel> was due </rel> <arg2> in September </arg2> 1 |
The Lone Star Steel lawsuit also asks the court to rule that Lone Star Technologies is jointly responsible for a $ 4.5 million Lone Star Steel pension payment that was due , but was n't paid , in September and that the parent company ca n't recover the amount from its subsidiary if the parent company makes the payment . <arg1> Lone Star Technologies </arg1> <rel> is jointly responsible </rel> <arg2> for a $ 4.5 million Lone Star Steel pension payment </arg2> 1 |
The Lone Star Steel lawsuit also asks the court to rule that Lone Star Technologies is jointly responsible for a $ 4.5 million Lone Star Steel pension payment that was due , but was n't paid , in September and that the parent company ca n't recover the amount from its subsidiary if the parent company makes the payment . <arg1> Lone Star Technologies </arg1> <rel> was n't paid </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The National Transportation Safety Board ruled that pilots failed to set the plane 's wing flaps and slats properly for takeoff and failed to make mandatory preflight checks that would have detected the error . <arg1> pilots </arg1> <rel> failed </rel> <arg2> to make mandatory preflight checks </arg2> 1 |
The National Transportation Safety Board ruled that pilots failed to set the plane 's wing flaps and slats properly for takeoff and failed to make mandatory preflight checks that would have detected the error . <arg1> pilots </arg1> <rel> would have detected </rel> <arg2> the error </arg2> 1 |
The National Transportation Safety Board ruled that pilots failed to set the plane 's wing flaps and slats properly for takeoff and failed to make mandatory preflight checks that would have detected the error . <arg1> pilots </arg1> <rel> failed </rel> <arg2> to set the plane 's wing flaps properly for takeoff </arg2> 1 |
The National Transportation Safety Board ruled that pilots failed to set the plane 's wing flaps and slats properly for takeoff and failed to make mandatory preflight checks that would have detected the error . <arg1> pilots </arg1> <rel> failed </rel> <arg2> the plane 's slats properly for takeoff </arg2> 1 |
The New Orleans oil and gas exploration and diving operations company added that it does n't expect any further adverse financial impact from the restructuring . <arg1> The New Orleans oil exploration operations company </arg1> <rel> does n't expect </rel> <arg2> any further adverse financial impact from the restructuring </arg2> 1 |
The New Orleans oil and gas exploration and diving operations company added that it does n't expect any further adverse financial impact from the restructuring . <arg1> The New Orleans oil diving operations company </arg1> <rel> does n't expect </rel> <arg2> any further adverse financial impact from the restructuring </arg2> 1 |
The New Orleans oil and gas exploration and diving operations company added that it does n't expect any further adverse financial impact from the restructuring . <arg1> The New Orleans gas exploration operations company </arg1> <rel> does n't expect </rel> <arg2> any further adverse financial impact from the restructuring </arg2> 1 |
The New Orleans oil and gas exploration and diving operations company added that it does n't expect any further adverse financial impact from the restructuring . <arg1> The New Orleans gas diving operations company </arg1> <rel> does n't expect </rel> <arg2> any further adverse financial impact from the restructuring </arg2> 1 |
The Second Section index , which fell 36.87 points Friday , was down 21.44 points , or 0.59 % , to close at 3636.06 . <arg1> The Second Section index </arg1> <rel> fell </rel> <arg2> 36.87 points Friday </arg2> 1 |
The Second Section index , which fell 36.87 points Friday , was down 21.44 points , or 0.59 % , to close at 3636.06 . <arg1> 36.87 points Friday </arg1> <rel> was down </rel> <arg2> 21.44 points </arg2> 1 |
The Second Section index , which fell 36.87 points Friday , was down 21.44 points , or 0.59 % , to close at 3636.06 . <arg1> 36.87 points Friday </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> down 0.59 % </arg2> 1 |
The Soviets complicated the issue by offering to include light tanks , which are as light as 10 tons . <arg1> The Soviets </arg1> <rel> complicated </rel> <arg2> the issue </arg2> 1 |
The Soviets complicated the issue by offering to include light tanks , which are as light as 10 tons . <arg1> light tanks </arg1> <rel> are </rel> <arg2> as light as 10 tons </arg2> 1 |
The Soviets complicated the issue by offering to include light tanks , which are as light as 10 tons . <arg1> the issue </arg1> <rel> offering to include </rel> <arg2> light tanks </arg2> 1 |
The U.S. market , too , is dominated by a giant , International Business Machines Corp . <arg1> The U.S. market </arg1> <rel> is dominated </rel> <arg2> by a giant </arg2> 1 |
The basket product , while it has got off to a slow start , is being supported by some big brokerage firms -- another member of Mr. Phelan 's splintered constituency . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> has got off </rel> <arg2> to a slow start </arg2> 1 |
The basket product , while it has got off to a slow start , is being supported by some big brokerage firms -- another member of Mr. Phelan 's splintered constituency . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> is being supported </rel> <arg2> by some big brokerage firms </arg2> 1 |
The campaign , a patriotic celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Bill of Rights , does n't mention cigarettes or smoking ; cigarette ads have been prohibited on television since 1971 . <arg1> The campaign </arg1> <rel> does </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The campaign , a patriotic celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Bill of Rights , does n't mention cigarettes or smoking ; cigarette ads have been prohibited on television since 1971 . <arg1> The campaign </arg1> <rel> n't mention </rel> <arg2> cigarettes </arg2> 1 |
The campaign , a patriotic celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Bill of Rights , does n't mention cigarettes or smoking ; cigarette ads have been prohibited on television since 1971 . <arg1> cigarette ads </arg1> <rel> have been prohibited </rel> <arg2> on television since 1971 </arg2> 1 |
The campaign , a patriotic celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Bill of Rights , does n't mention cigarettes or smoking ; cigarette ads have been prohibited on television since 1971 . <arg1> The campaign </arg1> <rel> does n't mention </rel> <arg2> smoking </arg2> 1 |
The centerpiece of that complex , the Landmark Tower , will be Japan 's tallest building when it is completed in 1993 . <arg1> the Landmark Tower </arg1> <rel> will be </rel> <arg2> Japan 's tallest building </arg2> 1 |
The centerpiece of that complex , the Landmark Tower , will be Japan 's tallest building when it is completed in 1993 . <arg1> Japan 's tallest building </arg1> <rel> is completed </rel> <arg2> in 1993 </arg2> 1 |
The conviction stemmed from federal charges of consumer fraud for sale of phony infant apple juice between 1978 and 1983 . <arg1> The conviction </arg1> <rel> stemmed </rel> <arg2> from federal charges of consumer fraud for sale of phony infant apple juice between 1978 and 1983 </arg2> 1 |
The discount rate on three - month Treasury bills rose slightly from the average rate at Monday 's auction to 7.79 % for a bond - equivalent yield of 8.04 % . <arg1> The discount rate on three - month Treasury bills </arg1> <rel> rose slightly </rel> <arg2> % </arg2> 1 |
The dollar drew strength from the stock market 's climb . <arg1> The dollar </arg1> <rel> drew </rel> <arg2> strength from the stock market 's climb </arg2> 1 |
The effect is that lawsuits that might have been barred because they were filed too late could proceed because of the one - year extension . <arg1> lawsuits </arg1> <rel> might have been barred </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The effect is that lawsuits that might have been barred because they were filed too late could proceed because of the one - year extension . <arg1> they </arg1> <rel> could proceed </rel> <arg2> because of the one - year extension </arg2> 1 |
The effect is that lawsuits that might have been barred because they were filed too late could proceed because of the one - year extension . <arg1> they </arg1> <rel> were filed </rel> <arg2> too late </arg2> 1 |
The executives had profited handsomely by building American National Can Co. , Triangle 's chief asset . <arg1> The executives </arg1> <rel> had profited </rel> <arg2> handsomely by building American National Can Co. </arg2> 1 |
The field took off in 1985 after scientists at Britain 's Sheffield University developed a handy , compact magnet for brain stimulation . <arg1> The field </arg1> <rel> took off </rel> <arg2> in 1985 </arg2> 1 |
The field took off in 1985 after scientists at Britain 's Sheffield University developed a handy , compact magnet for brain stimulation . <arg1> scientists at Britain 's Sheffield University </arg1> <rel> developed </rel> <arg2> a handy , compact magnet for brain stimulation </arg2> 1 |
The fitness craze itself has gone soft , the survey found . <arg1> The fitness craze itself </arg1> <rel> has gone </rel> <arg2> soft </arg2> 1 |
The forest - products concern currently has about 38 million shares outstanding . <arg1> The forest - products concern </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> about 38 million shares </arg2> 1 |
The forest - products concern currently has about 38 million shares outstanding . <arg1> about 38 million shares </arg1> <rel> outstanding </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The government , already buffeted by high interest rates and a slowing economy , has been badly hurt by last week 's shake - up in Mrs. Thatcher 's cabinet . <arg1> The government </arg1> <rel> has been badly hurt </rel> <arg2> by last week 's shake - up in Mrs. Thatcher 's cabinet </arg2> 1 |
The government , already buffeted by high interest rates and a slowing economy , has been badly hurt by last week 's shake - up in Mrs. Thatcher 's cabinet . <arg1> The government </arg1> <rel> already buffeted </rel> <arg2> by high interest rates </arg2> 1 |
The government , already buffeted by high interest rates and a slowing economy , has been badly hurt by last week 's shake - up in Mrs. Thatcher 's cabinet . <arg1> The government </arg1> <rel> already buffeted </rel> <arg2> by a slowing economy </arg2> 1 |
The issue is backed by a 12 % letter of credit from Credit Suisse . <arg1> The issue </arg1> <rel> is backed </rel> <arg2> by a 12 % letter of credit from Credit Suisse </arg2> 1 |
The last time IBM tapped the corporate debt market was in April 1988 , when it offered $ 500 million of debt securities . <arg1> The last time IBM </arg1> <rel> tapped </rel> <arg2> the corporate debt market </arg2> 1 |
The last time IBM tapped the corporate debt market was in April 1988 , when it offered $ 500 million of debt securities . <arg1> the corporate debt </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> in April </arg2> 1 |
The last time IBM tapped the corporate debt market was in April 1988 , when it offered $ 500 million of debt securities . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> offered </rel> <arg2> million of debt securities </arg2> 1 |
The office may also be able to advise foreign and multinational clients on international law and general matters . <arg1> The office </arg1> <rel> able to advise </rel> <arg2> foreign clients on international law </arg2> 1 |
The office may also be able to advise foreign and multinational clients on international law and general matters . <arg1> The office </arg1> <rel> may also be </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The office may also be able to advise foreign and multinational clients on international law and general matters . <arg1> The office </arg1> <rel> may also </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The office may also be able to advise foreign and multinational clients on international law and general matters . <arg1> The office </arg1> <rel> be able to advise </rel> <arg2> foreign clients on general matters </arg2> 1 |
The office may also be able to advise foreign and multinational clients on international law and general matters . <arg1> The office </arg1> <rel> to advise </rel> <arg2> multinational clients on international law </arg2> 1 |
The office may also be able to advise foreign and multinational clients on international law and general matters . <arg1> The office </arg1> <rel> may also be able </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The office may also be able to advise foreign and multinational clients on international law and general matters . <arg1> The office </arg1> <rel> able </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The office may also be able to advise foreign and multinational clients on international law and general matters . <arg1> The office </arg1> <rel> to advise </rel> <arg2> multinational clients on general matters </arg2> 1 |
The operative definition of newsworthiness will favor virtually unrestrained use of personal , sensitive and intimate facts . <arg1> The operative definition of newsworthiness </arg1> <rel> will favor </rel> <arg2> virtually unrestrained use of personal facts </arg2> 1 |
The operative definition of newsworthiness will favor virtually unrestrained use of personal , sensitive and intimate facts . <arg1> The operative definition of newsworthiness </arg1> <rel> will favor </rel> <arg2> virtually unrestrained use of sensitive facts </arg2> 1 |
The operative definition of newsworthiness will favor virtually unrestrained use of personal , sensitive and intimate facts . <arg1> The operative definition of newsworthiness </arg1> <rel> will favor </rel> <arg2> virtually unrestrained use of intimate facts </arg2> 1 |
The prices of most corn , soybean and wheat futures contracts dropped slightly as farmers in the Midwest continued to rebuild stockpiles that were depleted by the 1988 drought . <arg1> farmers in the Midwest </arg1> <rel> continued </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The prices of most corn , soybean and wheat futures contracts dropped slightly as farmers in the Midwest continued to rebuild stockpiles that were depleted by the 1988 drought . <arg1> stockpiles </arg1> <rel> were depleted </rel> <arg2> by the 1988 drought </arg2> 1 |
The prices of most corn , soybean and wheat futures contracts dropped slightly as farmers in the Midwest continued to rebuild stockpiles that were depleted by the 1988 drought . <arg1> The prices of most corn futures contracts </arg1> <rel> dropped slightly </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The prices of most corn , soybean and wheat futures contracts dropped slightly as farmers in the Midwest continued to rebuild stockpiles that were depleted by the 1988 drought . <arg1> The prices of most soybean futures contracts </arg1> <rel> dropped slightly </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The prices of most corn , soybean and wheat futures contracts dropped slightly as farmers in the Midwest continued to rebuild stockpiles that were depleted by the 1988 drought . <arg1> The prices of most wheat futures contracts </arg1> <rel> dropped slightly </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The share price was languishing at about 400 pence before Ford 's Sept. 19 announcement of its interest in a minority stake . <arg1> The share price </arg1> <rel> was languishing </rel> <arg2> at about 400 pence before Ford 's Sept. 19 announcement of its interest in a minority stake </arg2> 1 |
The surprise announcement came after the IRS broke off negotiations with Mr. Hunt on a settlement of the one - time tycoon 's personal bankruptcy case . <arg1> The surprise announcement </arg1> <rel> came </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The surprise announcement came after the IRS broke off negotiations with Mr. Hunt on a settlement of the one - time tycoon 's personal bankruptcy case . <arg1> the IRS </arg1> <rel> broke </rel> <arg2> off negotiations with Mr. Hunt on a settlement of the one - time tycoon 's personal bankruptcy case </arg2> 1 |
The tax has raised less than one billion marks ( $ 545.3 million ) annually in recent years , but the government has been reluctant to abolish the levy for budgetary concerns . <arg1> The tax </arg1> <rel> has raised </rel> <arg2> less than one billion marks </arg2> 1 |
The tax has raised less than one billion marks ( $ 545.3 million ) annually in recent years , but the government has been reluctant to abolish the levy for budgetary concerns . <arg1> the government </arg1> <rel> has been reluctant </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The tax has raised less than one billion marks ( $ 545.3 million ) annually in recent years , but the government has been reluctant to abolish the levy for budgetary concerns . <arg1> the government </arg1> <rel> to abolish </rel> <arg2> the levy for budgetary concerns </arg2> 1 |
The three existing plants and their land will be sold . <arg1> The three existing plants </arg1> <rel> will be sold </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The three existing plants and their land will be sold . <arg1> their land </arg1> <rel> will be sold </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
The two leaders are expected to discuss changes sweeping the East bloc as well as human - rights issues , regional disputes and economic cooperation . <arg1> The two leaders </arg1> <rel> are expected to discuss </rel> <arg2> changes sweeping the East bloc as well as human - rights issues </arg2> 1 |
The two leaders are expected to discuss changes sweeping the East bloc as well as human - rights issues , regional disputes and economic cooperation . <arg1> The two leaders </arg1> <rel> to discuss </rel> <arg2> changes sweeping the East bloc as well as regional disputes </arg2> 1 |
The two leaders are expected to discuss changes sweeping the East bloc as well as human - rights issues , regional disputes and economic cooperation . <arg1> The two leaders </arg1> <rel> are expected </rel> <arg2> changes sweeping the East bloc as well as regional disputes </arg2> 1 |
Subsets and Splits