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In 1988 , a year and a half after Mrs. Marcos and her late husband , Ferdinand Marcos , the ousted president of the Philippines , fled the Philippines for Hawaii , they were charged with racketeering , conspiracy , obstruction of justice and mail fraud in a scheme in which they allegedly embezzled more than $ 100 million from their homeland . <arg1> they </arg1> <rel> were charged </rel> <arg2> with obstruction of justice </arg2> 1 |
In 1988 , a year and a half after Mrs. Marcos and her late husband , Ferdinand Marcos , the ousted president of the Philippines , fled the Philippines for Hawaii , they were charged with racketeering , conspiracy , obstruction of justice and mail fraud in a scheme in which they allegedly embezzled more than $ 100 million from their homeland . <arg1> they </arg1> <rel> were charged allegedly embezzled </rel> <arg2> more than $ 100 million from their homeland </arg2> 1 |
In 1988 , a year and a half after Mrs. Marcos and her late husband , Ferdinand Marcos , the ousted president of the Philippines , fled the Philippines for Hawaii , they were charged with racketeering , conspiracy , obstruction of justice and mail fraud in a scheme in which they allegedly embezzled more than $ 100 million from their homeland . <arg1> Ferdinand Marcos </arg1> <rel> fled </rel> <arg2> the Philippines for Hawaii </arg2> 1 |
In 1988 , a year and a half after Mrs. Marcos and her late husband , Ferdinand Marcos , the ousted president of the Philippines , fled the Philippines for Hawaii , they were charged with racketeering , conspiracy , obstruction of justice and mail fraud in a scheme in which they allegedly embezzled more than $ 100 million from their homeland . <arg1> they </arg1> <rel> allegedly </rel> <arg2> embezzled more than $ 100 million from their homeland </arg2> 1 |
In 1988 , a year and a half after Mrs. Marcos and her late husband , Ferdinand Marcos , the ousted president of the Philippines , fled the Philippines for Hawaii , they were charged with racketeering , conspiracy , obstruction of justice and mail fraud in a scheme in which they allegedly embezzled more than $ 100 million from their homeland . <arg1> they </arg1> <rel> were charged </rel> <arg2> with obstruction of justice in a scheme </arg2> 1 |
In 1988 , a year and a half after Mrs. Marcos and her late husband , Ferdinand Marcos , the ousted president of the Philippines , fled the Philippines for Hawaii , they were charged with racketeering , conspiracy , obstruction of justice and mail fraud in a scheme in which they allegedly embezzled more than $ 100 million from their homeland . <arg1> they </arg1> <rel> allegedly </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
In 1988 , a year and a half after Mrs. Marcos and her late husband , Ferdinand Marcos , the ousted president of the Philippines , fled the Philippines for Hawaii , they were charged with racketeering , conspiracy , obstruction of justice and mail fraud in a scheme in which they allegedly embezzled more than $ 100 million from their homeland . <arg1> they </arg1> <rel> embezzled </rel> <arg2> more than $ 100 million from their homeland </arg2> 1 |
In Japan , those functions account for only about a third of the software market . <arg1> those functions </arg1> <rel> account </rel> <arg2> for only about a third of the software market </arg2> 1 |
In the corporate market , an expected debt offering today by International Business Machines Corp. generated considerable attention . <arg1> an expected debt offering today by International Business Machines Corp. </arg1> <rel> generated </rel> <arg2> considerable attention </arg2> 1 |
In the first nine months , profit rose 10 % to $ 313.2 million , or $ 3.89 a share , from $ 283.9 million , or $ 3.53 a share . <arg1> profit </arg1> <rel> rose </rel> <arg2> 10 % to $ 313.2 million </arg2> 1 |
In the first nine months , profit rose 10 % to $ 313.2 million , or $ 3.89 a share , from $ 283.9 million , or $ 3.53 a share . <arg1> profit </arg1> <rel> rose </rel> <arg2> 10 % to $ 3.89 a share </arg2> 1 |
Indeed , the insurance adjusters had already bolted out of the courtroom . <arg1> the insurance adjusters </arg1> <rel> had already bolted </rel> <arg2> out of the courtroom </arg2> 1 |
Industrial Bank of Japan , which claims to be the biggest Japanese buyer of U.S. mortgage securities , says it will more than double its purchases this year , to an amount one official puts at several billion dollars . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> will </rel> <arg2> more than </arg2> 1 |
Industrial Bank of Japan , which claims to be the biggest Japanese buyer of U.S. mortgage securities , says it will more than double its purchases this year , to an amount one official puts at several billion dollars . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> double </rel> <arg2> its purchases this year </arg2> 1 |
Industrial Bank of Japan , which claims to be the biggest Japanese buyer of U.S. mortgage securities , says it will more than double its purchases this year , to an amount one official puts at several billion dollars . <arg1> its purchases </arg1> <rel> puts </rel> <arg2> at several billion dollars </arg2> 1 |
Industrial Bank of Japan , which claims to be the biggest Japanese buyer of U.S. mortgage securities , says it will more than double its purchases this year , to an amount one official puts at several billion dollars . <arg1> Industrial Bank of Japan </arg1> <rel> claims to be </rel> <arg2> the biggest Japanese buyer of U.S. mortgage securities </arg2> 1 |
It came in London 's `` Big Bang '' 1986 deregulation ; and Toronto 's `` Little Bang '' the same year . <arg1> It </arg1> <rel> came </rel> <arg2> in London 's `` Big Bang </arg2> 1 |
It came in London 's `` Big Bang '' 1986 deregulation ; and Toronto 's `` Little Bang '' the same year . <arg1> It </arg1> <rel> came </rel> <arg2> in Toronto 's `` Little Bang </arg2> 1 |
It rose 4.8 % for the 12 months ended in June and 4.7 % in the 12 months ended in September 1988 . <arg1> It </arg1> <rel> rose </rel> <arg2> 4.8 % for the 12 months </arg2> 1 |
It rose 4.8 % for the 12 months ended in June and 4.7 % in the 12 months ended in September 1988 . <arg1> 4.8 % for the 12 months </arg1> <rel> ended </rel> <arg2> in June </arg2> 1 |
It rose 4.8 % for the 12 months ended in June and 4.7 % in the 12 months ended in September 1988 . <arg1> It 4.7 % in the 12 months </arg1> <rel> ended </rel> <arg2> in September 1988 </arg2> 1 |
It surged 2 3\/4 to 6 on volume of more than 1.7 million shares after the company agreed to be acquired by Japan 's Chugai Pharmaceutical for about $ 110 million -- almost double the market price of Gen - Probe 's stock . <arg1> It </arg1> <rel> surged </rel> <arg2> 2 3\/4 to 6 on volume of more than </arg2> 1 |
It surged 2 3\/4 to 6 on volume of more than 1.7 million shares after the company agreed to be acquired by Japan 's Chugai Pharmaceutical for about $ 110 million -- almost double the market price of Gen - Probe 's stock . <arg1> the company </arg1> <rel> agreed </rel> <arg2> million </arg2> 1 |
It surged 2 3\/4 to 6 on volume of more than 1.7 million shares after the company agreed to be acquired by Japan 's Chugai Pharmaceutical for about $ 110 million -- almost double the market price of Gen - Probe 's stock . <arg1> the </arg1> <rel> to be acquired </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
It was the most active of the 100 - share index at 8.3 million shares , 6.5 million of which were traded by midday . <arg1> It </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> the most active of the 100 - share index at </arg2> 1 |
It was the most active of the 100 - share index at 8.3 million shares , 6.5 million of which were traded by midday . <arg1> million of which </arg1> <rel> were traded </rel> <arg2> by midday </arg2> 1 |
Jaguar 's own defenses against a hostile bid are weakened , analysts add , because fewer than 3 % of its shares are owned by employees and management . <arg1> Jaguar </arg1> <rel> are weakened </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Jaguar 's own defenses against a hostile bid are weakened , analysts add , because fewer than 3 % of its shares are owned by employees and management . <arg1> fewer than 3 % of its shares </arg1> <rel> are owned </rel> <arg2> by employees </arg2> 1 |
Jaguar 's own defenses against a hostile bid are weakened , analysts add , because fewer than 3 % of its shares are owned by employees and management . <arg1> fewer than 3 % of its shares </arg1> <rel> are owned </rel> <arg2> by management </arg2> 1 |
Japanese office workers use PCs at half the rate of their European counterparts and one - third that of the Americans . <arg1> Japanese office workers </arg1> <rel> use </rel> <arg2> PCs at half the rate of their European counterparts </arg2> 1 |
Japanese office workers use PCs at half the rate of their European counterparts and one - third that of the Americans . <arg1> Japanese office workers </arg1> <rel> use </rel> <arg2> PCs at one - third that of the Americans </arg2> 1 |
Keeping the Japanese happy will be one of the most important tasks facing conservative leader Ernesto Ruffo when he takes office Nov. 1 , as the first opposition governor in Mexico 's modern history . <arg1> Keeping the Japanese </arg1> <rel> will be </rel> <arg2> one of the most important tasks facing conservative leader Ernesto Ruffo </arg2> 1 |
Keeping the Japanese happy will be one of the most important tasks facing conservative leader Ernesto Ruffo when he takes office Nov. 1 , as the first opposition governor in Mexico 's modern history . <arg1> Ernesto Ruffo </arg1> <rel> takes </rel> <arg2> office Nov. 1 </arg2> 1 |
Labor costs are climbing at a far more rapid pace in the health care industry than in other industries . <arg1> Labor costs </arg1> <rel> are climbing </rel> <arg2> at a far more rapid pace in the health care industry than in other industries </arg2> 1 |
Meanwhile , at home , Mitsubishi has control of some major projects . <arg1> Mitsubishi </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> control of some major projects </arg2> 1 |
Medical cooperatives , among the most successful in the U.S.S.R. , are banned from providing general - practitioner services ( their main source of income ) , carrying out surgery , and treating cancer patients , drug addicts and pregnant women . <arg1> the most successful in the U.S.S.R. </arg1> <rel> are banned </rel> <arg2> from providing general - practitioner services </arg2> 1 |
Medical cooperatives , among the most successful in the U.S.S.R. , are banned from providing general - practitioner services ( their main source of income ) , carrying out surgery , and treating cancer patients , drug addicts and pregnant women . <arg1> among the most successful in the U.S.S.R. </arg1> <rel> are banned </rel> <arg2> from providing general - practitioner services </arg2> 1 |
Metromedia , headed by John W. Kluge , has interests in telecommunications , robotic painting , computer software , restaurants and entertainment . <arg1> Metromedia </arg1> <rel> headed </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Metromedia , headed by John W. Kluge , has interests in telecommunications , robotic painting , computer software , restaurants and entertainment . <arg1> John W. Kluge </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> interests in telecommunications </arg2> 1 |
Metromedia , headed by John W. Kluge , has interests in telecommunications , robotic painting , computer software , restaurants and entertainment . <arg1> John W. Kluge </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> interests in robotic painting </arg2> 1 |
Metromedia , headed by John W. Kluge , has interests in telecommunications , robotic painting , computer software , restaurants and entertainment . <arg1> John W. Kluge </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> interests in computer software </arg2> 1 |
Metromedia , headed by John W. Kluge , has interests in telecommunications , robotic painting , computer software , restaurants and entertainment . <arg1> John W. Kluge </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> interests in restaurants </arg2> 1 |
Metromedia , headed by John W. Kluge , has interests in telecommunications , robotic painting , computer software , restaurants and entertainment . <arg1> John W. Kluge </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> interests in entertainment </arg2> 1 |
Most yields on short - term jumbo CDs , those with denominations over $ 90,000 , also moved in the opposite direction of Treasury bill yields . <arg1> Most yields on short - term jumbo CDs </arg1> <rel> moved </rel> <arg2> in the opposite direction of Treasury bill yields </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters also almost certainly would n't be able to participate in future sequels to `` Batman , '' the blockbuster hit they produced for Warner . <arg1> they </arg1> <rel> produced </rel> <arg2> for Warner </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters also almost certainly would n't be able to participate in future sequels to `` Batman , '' the blockbuster hit they produced for Warner . <arg1> Mr. Guber </arg1> <rel> would n't be able to participate </rel> <arg2> in future sequels to </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters also almost certainly would n't be able to participate in future sequels to `` Batman , '' the blockbuster hit they produced for Warner . <arg1> blockbuster hit they </arg1> <rel> produced </rel> <arg2> for Warner </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Guber and Mr. Peters also almost certainly would n't be able to participate in future sequels to `` Batman , '' the blockbuster hit they produced for Warner . <arg1> Mr. Peters </arg1> <rel> would n't be able to participate </rel> <arg2> in future sequels to </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Phelan is an adroit diplomat who normally appears to be solidly in control of the Big Board 's factions . <arg1> Mr. Phelan </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> an adroit diplomat </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Phelan is an adroit diplomat who normally appears to be solidly in control of the Big Board 's factions . <arg1> an adroit diplomat </arg1> <rel> appears </rel> <arg2> to be solidly in control of the Big Board 's factions </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Ridley 's decision fires the starting pistol for perhaps a costly contest between the world 's auto giants for Britain 's leading luxury - car maker . <arg1> Mr. Ridley 's decision </arg1> <rel> fires </rel> <arg2> the starting pistol for perhaps a costly contest between the world 's auto giants for Britain 's leading luxury - car maker </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Stoll suspected the intruder was one of those precocious students who has fun breaking into computers . <arg1> Mr. Stoll </arg1> <rel> suspected </rel> <arg2> the intruder </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Stoll suspected the intruder was one of those precocious students who has fun breaking into computers . <arg1> the intruder </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> one of those precocious students </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Stoll suspected the intruder was one of those precocious students who has fun breaking into computers . <arg1> one of those precocious students </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> fun breaking into computers </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Wathen , who says Pinkerton 's had a loss of nearly $ 8 million in 1987 under American Brands , boasts that he 's made Pinkerton 's profitable again . <arg1> Pinkerton 's </arg1> <rel> had </rel> <arg2> a loss of nearly $ 8 million in 1987 under American Brands </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Wathen , who says Pinkerton 's had a loss of nearly $ 8 million in 1987 under American Brands , boasts that he 's made Pinkerton 's profitable again . <arg1> a loss of nearly $ 8 million in 1987 under American Brands </arg1> <rel> made </rel> <arg2> Pinkerton 's </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Zayadi was previously president and chief operating officer of Zellers Inc. , a retail chain that is owned by Toronto - based Hudson 's Bay Co. , Canada 's largest department store operator . <arg1> Mr. Zayadi </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Zayadi was previously president and chief operating officer of Zellers Inc. , a retail chain that is owned by Toronto - based Hudson 's Bay Co. , Canada 's largest department store operator . <arg1> retail chain </arg1> <rel> is owned </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Mr. Zayadi was previously president and chief operating officer of Zellers Inc. , a retail chain that is owned by Toronto - based Hudson 's Bay Co. , Canada 's largest department store operator . <arg1> Mr. Zayadi </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> retail chain </arg2> 1 |
Mrs. Marcos 's trial is expected to begin in March . <arg1> Mrs. Marcos 's trial </arg1> <rel> is expected to begin </rel> <arg2> in March </arg2> 1 |
Now that the New York decision has been left intact , other states may follow suit . <arg1> the New York decision </arg1> <rel> has been left </rel> <arg2> intact </arg2> 1 |
Now that the New York decision has been left intact , other states may follow suit . <arg1> other states </arg1> <rel> may follow </rel> <arg2> suit </arg2> 1 |
On a broader scale , the ruling could encourage other states ' courts to adopt the logic of the New York court , not only in DES cases but in other product - related lawsuits , as well . <arg1> the ruling </arg1> <rel> could </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
On a broader scale , the ruling could encourage other states ' courts to adopt the logic of the New York court , not only in DES cases but in other product - related lawsuits , as well . <arg1> the ruling </arg1> <rel> encourage </rel> <arg2> other states ' courts </arg2> 1 |
On a broader scale , the ruling could encourage other states ' courts to adopt the logic of the New York court , not only in DES cases but in other product - related lawsuits , as well . <arg1> other states ' courts </arg1> <rel> to adopt </rel> <arg2> the logic of the New York court </arg2> 1 |
On a broader scale , the ruling could encourage other states ' courts to adopt the logic of the New York court , not only in DES cases but in other product - related lawsuits , as well . <arg1> the ruling </arg1> <rel> could encourage </rel> <arg2> other states ' courts </arg2> 1 |
On a recent afternoon , Mr. Baker and a reporter go ghost - busting , visiting Kathleen Stinnett , a Lexington woman who has phoned the University of Kentucky to report mysterious happenings in her house . <arg1> Mr. Baker </arg1> <rel> go has phoned </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
On a recent afternoon , Mr. Baker and a reporter go ghost - busting , visiting Kathleen Stinnett , a Lexington woman who has phoned the University of Kentucky to report mysterious happenings in her house . <arg1> a reporter </arg1> <rel> go has phoned </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
One had best not dance on top of a coffin until the lid is sealed tightly shut . '' <arg1> One </arg1> <rel> had best not dance </rel> <arg2> on top of a coffin </arg2> 1 |
One had best not dance on top of a coffin until the lid is sealed tightly shut . '' <arg1> the lid </arg1> <rel> is sealed tightly shut </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Only his factories in Japan and Korea , employing his followers at subsistence wages and producing everything from rifles to ginseng to expensive marble vases , kept the money flowing westward . <arg1> Only his factories in Japan </arg1> <rel> kept </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Only his factories in Japan and Korea , employing his followers at subsistence wages and producing everything from rifles to ginseng to expensive marble vases , kept the money flowing westward . <arg1> producing everything from rifles to ginseng to expensive marble vases </arg1> <rel> kept </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Only his factories in Japan and Korea , employing his followers at subsistence wages and producing everything from rifles to ginseng to expensive marble vases , kept the money flowing westward . <arg1> Only his factories in Korea </arg1> <rel> kept </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Only when one is ascending -- or in our case descending a tad trop rapidement -- does one feel , well , airborne in a picnic basket . <arg1> one </arg1> <rel> is feel </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Osamu Nagayama , deputy president of Chugai , which spends about 15 % of its sales on research and development , was unable to pinpoint how much money Chugai would pump into Gen - Probe . <arg1> Osamu Nagayama </arg1> <rel> spends </rel> <arg2> about 15 % of its sales on research </arg2> 1 |
Osamu Nagayama , deputy president of Chugai , which spends about 15 % of its sales on research and development , was unable to pinpoint how much money Chugai would pump into Gen - Probe . <arg1> about 15 % of its sales on research </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Osamu Nagayama , deputy president of Chugai , which spends about 15 % of its sales on research and development , was unable to pinpoint how much money Chugai would pump into Gen - Probe . <arg1> much money Chugai </arg1> <rel> would pump </rel> <arg2> into Gen - Probe </arg2> 1 |
Osamu Nagayama , deputy president of Chugai , which spends about 15 % of its sales on research and development , was unable to pinpoint how much money Chugai would pump into Gen - Probe . <arg1> Osamu Nagayama </arg1> <rel> spends </rel> <arg2> about 15 % of its sales on development </arg2> 1 |
Osamu Nagayama , deputy president of Chugai , which spends about 15 % of its sales on research and development , was unable to pinpoint how much money Chugai would pump into Gen - Probe . <arg1> about 15 % of its sales on development </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Pennzoil 's poison pill covers five years in order to give current management enough time to put these proceeds to work in a prudent manner . <arg1> Pennzoil 's poison pill </arg1> <rel> covers </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Procter & Gamble Co. recently introduced refillable versions of four products , including Tide and Mr. Clean , in Canada , but does n't plan to bring them to the U.S. . <arg1> Procter & Gamble Co. </arg1> <rel> n't plan to bring </rel> <arg2> them to the U.S. </arg2> 1 |
Procter & Gamble Co. recently introduced refillable versions of four products , including Tide and Mr. Clean , in Canada , but does n't plan to bring them to the U.S. . <arg1> Procter & Gamble Co. </arg1> <rel> recently does </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Procter & Gamble Co. recently introduced refillable versions of four products , including Tide and Mr. Clean , in Canada , but does n't plan to bring them to the U.S. . <arg1> Procter & Gamble Co. </arg1> <rel> recently introduced </rel> <arg2> refillable versions of four products </arg2> 1 |
RISC technology speeds up a computer by simplifying the internal software . <arg1> RISC technology </arg1> <rel> speeds up </rel> <arg2> a computer by simplifying the internal software </arg2> 1 |
Rather ominously , rabbit studies reveal that RU-486 can cause birth defects , Lancet , the British medical journal , reported in 1987 . <arg1> RU-486 </arg1> <rel> can cause </rel> <arg2> birth defects </arg2> 1 |
Repeat customers also can purchase luxury items at reduced prices . <arg1> Repeat customers </arg1> <rel> also can purchase </rel> <arg2> luxury items at reduced prices </arg2> 1 |
Roger M. Marino , president , was named to the new post of vice chairman . <arg1> president </arg1> <rel> was named </rel> <arg2> to the new post of vice chairman </arg2> 1 |
Ryukichi Imai , Japan 's ambassador to Mexico , agrees that Mexico may be too eager . <arg1> Mexico </arg1> <rel> may be </rel> <arg2> too eager </arg2> 1 |
Second , the dollar is showing persistent strength despite a slowdown in the U.S. economy shown by economic indicators . <arg1> persistent strength despite a slowdown in the U.S. economy </arg1> <rel> shown </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Second , the dollar is showing persistent strength despite a slowdown in the U.S. economy shown by economic indicators . <arg1> the dollar </arg1> <rel> is showing </rel> <arg2> persistent strength despite a slowdown in the U.S. economy </arg2> 1 |
Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Byrd ( D. , W.Va . ) strongly resisted deeper cuts sought by the House . <arg1> Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Byrd </arg1> <rel> strongly resisted </rel> <arg2> deeper cuts </arg2> 1 |
Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Byrd ( D. , W.Va . ) strongly resisted deeper cuts sought by the House . <arg1> deeper cuts </arg1> <rel> sought </rel> <arg2> by the House </arg2> 1 |
Shaw Industries , which agreed to acquire Armstrong World Industries ' carpet operations for an undisclosed price , rose 2 1\/4 to 26 1\/8 . <arg1> Armstrong World Industries ' carpet operations for an undisclosed price </arg1> <rel> rose </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Shaw Industries , which agreed to acquire Armstrong World Industries ' carpet operations for an undisclosed price , rose 2 1\/4 to 26 1\/8 . <arg1> Shaw Industries </arg1> <rel> agreed to acquire </rel> <arg2> Armstrong World Industries ' carpet operations for an undisclosed price </arg2> 1 |
Sidley will maintain its association with the Hashidate Law Office in Tokyo . <arg1> Sidley </arg1> <rel> will maintain </rel> <arg2> its association with the Hashidate Law Office in Tokyo </arg2> 1 |
Similar studies are expected to reveal how stroke patients ' brains regroup -- a first step toward finding ways to bolster that process and speed rehabilitation . <arg1> stroke patients ' brains </arg1> <rel> regroup </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Similar studies are expected to reveal how stroke patients ' brains regroup -- a first step toward finding ways to bolster that process and speed rehabilitation . <arg1> Similar studies </arg1> <rel> are expected to reveal </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1 |
Since the real estate unit also includes debt , the imputed value of the real estate itself is close to $ 3 billion . <arg1> the real estate unit </arg1> <rel> also includes </rel> <arg2> debt </arg2> 1 |
Since the real estate unit also includes debt , the imputed value of the real estate itself is close to $ 3 billion . <arg1> the imputed value of the real estate itself </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> close to $ 3 billion </arg2> 1 |
Six years ago , Judge O'Kicki was voted president of the Pennsylvania Conference of State Trial Judges by the state 's 400 judges . <arg1> Judge O'Kicki </arg1> <rel> was voted </rel> <arg2> president of the Pennsylvania Conference of State Trial Judges by the state 's 400 judges </arg2> 1 |
Subsets and Splits