Watson was the founder and editor of `` newcritics.com , '' an online journal of media and arts criticism launched in January , 2007 and shuttered in June , 2009 . <arg1> an online journal of media criticism </arg1> <rel> launched </rel> <arg2> in January </arg2> 1
Watson was the founder and editor of `` newcritics.com , '' an online journal of media and arts criticism launched in January , 2007 and shuttered in June , 2009 . <arg1> an online journal of media criticism </arg1> <rel> shuttered </rel> <arg2> in June </arg2> 1
Watson was the founder and editor of `` newcritics.com , '' an online journal of media and arts criticism launched in January , 2007 and shuttered in June , 2009 . <arg1> the founder of </arg1> <rel> launched </rel> <arg2> in January </arg2> 1
Watson was the founder and editor of `` newcritics.com , '' an online journal of media and arts criticism launched in January , 2007 and shuttered in June , 2009 . <arg1> an online journal of arts criticism </arg1> <rel> shuttered </rel> <arg2> in June </arg2> 1
Watson was the founder and editor of `` newcritics.com , '' an online journal of media and arts criticism launched in January , 2007 and shuttered in June , 2009 . <arg1> Watson </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> the editor of </arg2> 1
Watson was the founder and editor of `` newcritics.com , '' an online journal of media and arts criticism launched in January , 2007 and shuttered in June , 2009 . <arg1> an online journal of arts criticism </arg1> <rel> launched </rel> <arg2> in January </arg2> 1
When civilian government was introduced in Romblon by the Americans in 16 March 1901 , Banton was one of 11 new municipalities reinstated or created . <arg1> civilian government </arg1> <rel> was introduced </rel> <arg2> in Romblon by the Americans in 16 March 1901 </arg2> 1
When civilian government was introduced in Romblon by the Americans in 16 March 1901 , Banton was one of 11 new municipalities reinstated or created . <arg1> Banton </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> one of 11 new municipalities </arg2> 1
When civilian government was introduced in Romblon by the Americans in 16 March 1901 , Banton was one of 11 new municipalities reinstated or created . <arg1> one of 11 new municipalities </arg1> <rel> reinstated </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
When civilian government was introduced in Romblon by the Americans in 16 March 1901 , Banton was one of 11 new municipalities reinstated or created . <arg1> one of 11 new municipalities </arg1> <rel> created </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
When the explosion tore through the hut , Stauffenberg was convinced that no one in the room could have survived . <arg1> the explosion </arg1> <rel> tore </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
When the explosion tore through the hut , Stauffenberg was convinced that no one in the room could have survived . <arg1> no one in the room </arg1> <rel> could have survived </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
While pursuing his MFA at Columbia in New York , Scieszka painted apartments . <arg1> Scieszka </arg1> <rel> painted </rel> <arg2> apartments </arg2> 1
Why the `` Epilogue '' is missing is unknown . <arg1> the `` Epilogue </arg1> <rel> is missing </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Wide acceptance of zero-energy building technology may require more government incentives or building code regulations , the development of recognized standards , or significant increases in the cost of conventional energy . <arg1> Wide acceptance of zero-energy building technology </arg1> <rel> may require </rel> <arg2> the development of recognized standards </arg2> 1
Wide acceptance of zero-energy building technology may require more government incentives or building code regulations , the development of recognized standards , or significant increases in the cost of conventional energy . <arg1> Wide acceptance of zero-energy building technology </arg1> <rel> may require </rel> <arg2> significant increases in the cost of conventional energy </arg2> 1
Wide acceptance of zero-energy building technology may require more government incentives or building code regulations , the development of recognized standards , or significant increases in the cost of conventional energy . <arg1> Wide acceptance of zero-energy building technology </arg1> <rel> may require </rel> <arg2> more government incentives </arg2> 1
Wide acceptance of zero-energy building technology may require more government incentives or building code regulations , the development of recognized standards , or significant increases in the cost of conventional energy . <arg1> Wide acceptance of zero-energy building technology </arg1> <rel> may require </rel> <arg2> more building code regulations </arg2> 1
With no assigned task , the Cosmos expressed concern for what Battra might do . <arg1> the Cosmos </arg1> <rel> expressed </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
With no assigned task , the Cosmos expressed concern for what Battra might do . <arg1> Battra </arg1> <rel> might do </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
With the help of Morena , the goddess of the underworld , she has captivated Yaromir . <arg1> she </arg1> <rel> has </rel> <arg2> captivated Yaromir </arg2> 1
With this act , Russia was officially transformed from an absolute monarchy into a constitutional one , though the exact extent of just `` how '' constitutional quickly became the subject of debate , based upon the emperor 's subsequent actions . <arg1> Russia </arg1> <rel> was officially transformed </rel> <arg2> from an absolute monarchy into a constitutional one </arg2> 1
With versions in 1/48 , 1/72 , 1/96 , and 1/144 scale , Big Gun Model Warship combat clubs have rules that make provisions for cannon caliber and armor thickness to be scaled according to that which existed on the prototype vessel . <arg1> Big Gun Model Warship combat clubs </arg1> <rel> have </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
With versions in 1/48 , 1/72 , 1/96 , and 1/144 scale , Big Gun Model Warship combat clubs have rules that make provisions for cannon caliber and armor thickness to be scaled according to that which existed on the prototype vessel . <arg1> cannon caliber </arg1> <rel> to be scaled </rel> <arg2> according to that </arg2> 1
With versions in 1/48 , 1/72 , 1/96 , and 1/144 scale , Big Gun Model Warship combat clubs have rules that make provisions for cannon caliber and armor thickness to be scaled according to that which existed on the prototype vessel . <arg1> cannon caliber </arg1> <rel> existed </rel> <arg2> on the prototype vessel </arg2> 1
With versions in 1/48 , 1/72 , 1/96 , and 1/144 scale , Big Gun Model Warship combat clubs have rules that make provisions for cannon caliber and armor thickness to be scaled according to that which existed on the prototype vessel . <arg1> armor thickness </arg1> <rel> existed </rel> <arg2> on the prototype vessel </arg2> 1
With versions in 1/48 , 1/72 , 1/96 , and 1/144 scale , Big Gun Model Warship combat clubs have rules that make provisions for cannon caliber and armor thickness to be scaled according to that which existed on the prototype vessel . <arg1> cannon caliber </arg1> <rel> to be scaled existed </rel> <arg2> on the prototype vessel </arg2> 1
Wright was the subject of `` This Is Your Life '' on two occasions : in May 1961 when he was surprised by Eamonn Andrews , and in January 1990 , when Michael Aspel surprised him at Thames Television 's Teddington Studios . <arg1> Wright </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> the subject of </arg2> 1
Wright was the subject of `` This Is Your Life '' on two occasions : in May 1961 when he was surprised by Eamonn Andrews , and in January 1990 , when Michael Aspel surprised him at Thames Television 's Teddington Studios . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> was surprised </rel> <arg2> by Eamonn Andrews </arg2> 1
Wright was the subject of `` This Is Your Life '' on two occasions : in May 1961 when he was surprised by Eamonn Andrews , and in January 1990 , when Michael Aspel surprised him at Thames Television 's Teddington Studios . <arg1> Michael Aspel </arg1> <rel> surprised </rel> <arg2> him at Thames Television 's Teddington Studios </arg2> 1
`` Black Water '' became one of the few records by any act released as a B-side to another Hot 100 hit `` before '' topping the Hot 100 itself . <arg1> Black Water </arg1> <rel> became </rel> <arg2> one of the few records by any act </arg2> 1
`` Black Water '' became one of the few records by any act released as a B-side to another Hot 100 hit `` before '' topping the Hot 100 itself . <arg1> one of the few records by any act </arg1> <rel> released </rel> <arg2> as a B-side to another Hot 100 hit </arg2> 1
`` Greenfish '' was launched by the Electric Boat Co. , Groton , Conn. , 21 December 1945 ; sponsored by Mrs. Thomas J. Doyle ; and commissioned 7 June 1946 , Comdr. R. M. Metcalf commanding . <arg1> Greenfish </arg1> <rel> was launched </rel> <arg2> by the Electric Boat Co. </arg2> 1
`` Greenfish '' was launched by the Electric Boat Co. , Groton , Conn. , 21 December 1945 ; sponsored by Mrs. Thomas J. Doyle ; and commissioned 7 June 1946 , Comdr. R. M. Metcalf commanding . <arg1> `` Greenfish </arg1> <rel> was sponsored </rel> <arg2> by Mrs. Thomas J. Doyle </arg2> 1
`` Greenfish '' was launched by the Electric Boat Co. , Groton , Conn. , 21 December 1945 ; sponsored by Mrs. Thomas J. Doyle ; and commissioned 7 June 1946 , Comdr. R. M. Metcalf commanding . <arg1> Greenfish </arg1> <rel> was commissioned </rel> <arg2> 7 June 1946 </arg2> 1
`` Greenfish '' was launched by the Electric Boat Co. , Groton , Conn. , 21 December 1945 ; sponsored by Mrs. Thomas J. Doyle ; and commissioned 7 June 1946 , Comdr. R. M. Metcalf commanding . <arg1> Comdr. </arg1> <rel> commanding </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
`` It started from modest beginnings and became a gigantic charity '' . <arg1> It </arg1> <rel> started </rel> <arg2> from modest beginnings </arg2> 1
`` It started from modest beginnings and became a gigantic charity '' . <arg1> It </arg1> <rel> became </rel> <arg2> a gigantic charity </arg2> 1
`` Le Griffon '' is reported to be the `` Holy Grail '' of Great Lakes shipwreck hunters . <arg1> Le Griffon </arg1> <rel> is reported </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
`` Le Griffon '' is reported to be the `` Holy Grail '' of Great Lakes shipwreck hunters . <arg1> Le Griffon </arg1> <rel> to be </rel> <arg2> the </arg2> 1
`` The Cure '' topped the online music sales charts . <arg1> `` The Cure </arg1> <rel> topped </rel> <arg2> the online music sales charts </arg2> 1
he was one of only a few concert organists worldwide who supported themselves exclusively by giving recitals , concerts and master classes , without any supplement from teaching or church position . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> was supported </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
he was one of only a few concert organists worldwide who supported themselves exclusively by giving recitals , concerts and master classes , without any supplement from teaching or church position . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> without any supplement from church position </arg2> 1
he was one of only a few concert organists worldwide who supported themselves exclusively by giving recitals , concerts and master classes , without any supplement from teaching or church position . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> supported </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
he was one of only a few concert organists worldwide who supported themselves exclusively by giving recitals , concerts and master classes , without any supplement from teaching or church position . <arg1> concert organists worldwide </arg1> <rel> supported </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
he was one of only a few concert organists worldwide who supported themselves exclusively by giving recitals , concerts and master classes , without any supplement from teaching or church position . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> supported </rel> <arg2> themselves exclusively by giving master classes </arg2> 1
$ 300 million of bonds due Nov. 16 , 1993 , with equity - purchase warrants , indicating a 3 3\/4 % coupon at par via Nomura International Ltd . <arg1> $ 300 million </arg1> <rel> due </rel> <arg2> Nov. 16 </arg2> 1
( Separately , the Senate last week passed a bill permitting execution of terrorists who kill Americans abroad . ) <arg1> the Senate </arg1> <rel> passed </rel> <arg2> a bill </arg2> 1
( Separately , the Senate last week passed a bill permitting execution of terrorists who kill Americans abroad . ) <arg1> a bill </arg1> <rel> permitting </rel> <arg2> execution of terrorists </arg2> 1
( Separately , the Senate last week passed a bill permitting execution of terrorists who kill Americans abroad . ) <arg1> execution of terrorists </arg1> <rel> kill </rel> <arg2> Americans abroad </arg2> 1
A San Francisco lawyer , Mr. Panelli rowed religiously when he first got the machine , but , he complains , it left grease marks on his carpet , `` and it was boring . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> complains </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
A San Francisco lawyer , Mr. Panelli rowed religiously when he first got the machine , but , he complains , it left grease marks on his carpet , `` and it was boring . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> left </rel> <arg2> grease marks on his carpet </arg2> 1
A San Francisco lawyer , Mr. Panelli rowed religiously when he first got the machine , but , he complains , it left grease marks on his carpet , `` and it was boring . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> was </rel> <arg2> boring </arg2> 1
A half - dozen Soviet space officials , in Tokyo in July for an exhibit , stopped by to see their counterparts at the National Space Development Agency of Japan . <arg1> A half - dozen Soviet space officials </arg1> <rel> stopped </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
A month ago , when Beatrice first filed to sell debt , the company had planned to offer $ 200 million of its senior subordinated reset notes at a yield of 12 3\/4 % . <arg1> Beatrice </arg1> <rel> first filed </rel> <arg2> to sell debt </arg2> 1
A month ago , when Beatrice first filed to sell debt , the company had planned to offer $ 200 million of its senior subordinated reset notes at a yield of 12 3\/4 % . <arg1> the company </arg1> <rel> had planned </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
A month ago , when Beatrice first filed to sell debt , the company had planned to offer $ 200 million of its senior subordinated reset notes at a yield of 12 3\/4 % . <arg1> the company </arg1> <rel> to offer </rel> <arg2> $ </arg2> 1
A similar technique is almost impossible to apply to other crops , such as cotton , soybeans and rice . <arg1> impossible to </arg1> <rel> apply </rel> <arg2> to other crops </arg2> 1
A similar technique is almost impossible to apply to other crops , such as cotton , soybeans and rice . <arg1> A similar technique </arg1> <rel> is almost </rel> <arg2> impossible to </arg2> 1
A similar technique is almost impossible to apply to other crops , such as cotton , soybeans and rice . <arg1> A similar technique </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> almost impossible to </arg2> 1
A similar technique is almost impossible to apply to other crops , such as cotton , soybeans and rice . <arg1> almost impossible to </arg1> <rel> apply </rel> <arg2> to other crops </arg2> 1
A specialist is an exchange member designated to maintain a fair and orderly market in a specified stock . <arg1> A specialist </arg1> <rel> is </rel> <arg2> an exchange member </arg2> 1
A specialist is an exchange member designated to maintain a fair and orderly market in a specified stock . <arg1> an exchange member </arg1> <rel> designated </rel> <arg2> to maintain a fair market in a specified stock </arg2> 1
A specialist is an exchange member designated to maintain a fair and orderly market in a specified stock . <arg1> an exchange member </arg1> <rel> designated </rel> <arg2> to maintain a orderly market in a specified stock </arg2> 1
A state judge postponed a decision on a move by holders of Telerate Inc. to block the tender offer of Dow Jones & Co. for the 33 % of Telerate it does n't already own . <arg1> A state judge </arg1> <rel> postponed </rel> <arg2> a decision on a move by holders of Telerate Inc. to block the tender offer of Dow Jones & Co. for </arg2> 1
A state judge postponed a decision on a move by holders of Telerate Inc. to block the tender offer of Dow Jones & Co. for the 33 % of Telerate it does n't already own . <arg1> 33 % of Telerate </arg1> <rel> does n't </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
A year earlier UniFirst earned $ 2.4 million , or 24 cents a share adjusted for the split . <arg1> UniFirst </arg1> <rel> earned </rel> <arg2> $ 2.4 million </arg2> 1
A year earlier UniFirst earned $ 2.4 million , or 24 cents a share adjusted for the split . <arg1> UniFirst </arg1> <rel> earned </rel> <arg2> 24 cents a share adjusted for the split </arg2> 1
About $ 70 billion is estimated to be tied up in the short - term money market , which acts both as a hedge against inflation for consumers and an accelerator of inflation and deficits for the government . <arg1> billion </arg1> <rel> be tied up </rel> <arg2> in the short - term money market </arg2> 1
About $ 70 billion is estimated to be tied up in the short - term money market , which acts both as a hedge against inflation for consumers and an accelerator of inflation and deficits for the government . <arg1> short - </arg1> <rel> acts </rel> <arg2> both as a hedge against inflation for consumers </arg2> 1
About $ 70 billion is estimated to be tied up in the short - term money market , which acts both as a hedge against inflation for consumers and an accelerator of inflation and deficits for the government . <arg1> billion </arg1> <rel> is estimated to </rel> <arg2> in the short - term money market </arg2> 1
About $ 70 billion is estimated to be tied up in the short - term money market , which acts both as a hedge against inflation for consumers and an accelerator of inflation and deficits for the government . <arg1> - </arg1> <rel> acts </rel> <arg2> as an accelerator of inflation for the government </arg2> 1
About $ 70 billion is estimated to be tied up in the short - term money market , which acts both as a hedge against inflation for consumers and an accelerator of inflation and deficits for the government . <arg1> money </arg1> <rel> acts </rel> <arg2> as an accelerator of deficits for </arg2> 1
According to one person familiar with the airline , the buy - out group -- led by United 's pilots union and UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf -- has begun billing UAL for fees and expenses it owes to investment bankers , law firms and banks . <arg1> group </arg1> <rel> led </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
According to one person familiar with the airline , the buy - out group -- led by United 's pilots union and UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf -- has begun billing UAL for fees and expenses it owes to investment bankers , law firms and banks . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> owes </rel> <arg2> to investment bankers </arg2> 1
According to one person familiar with the airline , the buy - out group -- led by United 's pilots union and UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf -- has begun billing UAL for fees and expenses it owes to investment bankers , law firms and banks . <arg1> the </arg1> <rel> led </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
According to one person familiar with the airline , the buy - out group -- led by United 's pilots union and UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf -- has begun billing UAL for fees and expenses it owes to investment bankers , law firms and banks . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> owes </rel> <arg2> to law firms </arg2> 1
According to one person familiar with the airline , the buy - out group -- led by United 's pilots union and UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf -- has begun billing UAL for fees and expenses it owes to investment bankers , law firms and banks . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> owes </rel> <arg2> to banks </arg2> 1
According to one person familiar with the airline , the buy - out group -- led by United 's pilots union and UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf -- has begun billing UAL for fees and expenses it owes to investment bankers , law firms and banks . <arg1> the </arg1> <rel> led owes </rel> <arg2> to investment bankers </arg2> 1
According to one person familiar with the airline , the buy - out group -- led by United 's pilots union and UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf -- has begun billing UAL for fees and expenses it owes to investment bankers , law firms and banks . <arg1> the </arg1> <rel> led owes </rel> <arg2> to law firms </arg2> 1
According to one person familiar with the airline , the buy - out group -- led by United 's pilots union and UAL Chairman Stephen Wolf -- has begun billing UAL for fees and expenses it owes to investment bankers , law firms and banks . <arg1> the </arg1> <rel> led owes </rel> <arg2> to banks </arg2> 1
After practicing law locally , he was elected to his first 10 - year term as judge in 1971 ; in 1981 , he was effectively re - elected . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> was elected </rel> <arg2> to his first 10 - year term as judge in 1971 </arg2> 1
After practicing law locally , he was elected to his first 10 - year term as judge in 1971 ; in 1981 , he was effectively re - elected . <arg1> he </arg1> <rel> was effectively re - elected </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Although Heathrow authorities have been watching a group of allegedly crooked baggage handlers for some time , the Gauguin may be `` lost . '' <arg1> Heathrow authorities </arg1> <rel> have been </rel> <arg2> watching a group of allegedly crooked baggage handlers for some time </arg2> 1
Although Heathrow authorities have been watching a group of allegedly crooked baggage handlers for some time , the Gauguin may be `` lost . '' <arg1> the Gauguin </arg1> <rel> may be lost </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Although the Treasury will announce details of the November refunding tomorrow , it could be delayed if Congress and President Bush fail to increase the Treasury 's borrowing capacity . <arg1> the Treasury </arg1> <rel> will announce </rel> <arg2> details of the November refunding tomorrow </arg2> 1
Although the Treasury will announce details of the November refunding tomorrow , it could be delayed if Congress and President Bush fail to increase the Treasury 's borrowing capacity . <arg1> it </arg1> <rel> could be delayed </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
Although the Treasury will announce details of the November refunding tomorrow , it could be delayed if Congress and President Bush fail to increase the Treasury 's borrowing capacity . <arg1> Congress </arg1> <rel> fail </rel> <arg2> to increase the Treasury 's borrowing capacity </arg2> 1
Although the Treasury will announce details of the November refunding tomorrow , it could be delayed if Congress and President Bush fail to increase the Treasury 's borrowing capacity . <arg1> President Bush </arg1> <rel> fail to increase </rel> <arg2> the Treasury 's borrowing capacity </arg2> 1
And , since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health . <arg1> reporters </arg1> <rel> will strain </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
And , since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health . <arg1> the public </arg1> <rel> has always been fascinated </rel> <arg2> by gossip </arg2> 1
And , since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health . <arg1> editors </arg1> <rel> will strain </rel> <arg2> </arg2> 1
And , since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health . <arg1> the public </arg1> <rel> has always been </rel> <arg2> fascinated by voyeurism </arg2> 1
And , since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health . <arg1> editors </arg1> <rel> will strain </rel> <arg2> for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including activities of family members </arg2> 1
And , since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health . <arg1> the public </arg1> <rel> has always been </rel> <arg2> fascinated by gossip </arg2> 1
And , since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health . <arg1> editors </arg1> <rel> will strain </rel> <arg2> for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities </arg2> 1
And , since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health . <arg1> editors </arg1> <rel> will strain </rel> <arg2> for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including domestic relationships </arg2> 1
And , since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health . <arg1> reporters </arg1> <rel> will strain </rel> <arg2> for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including domestic relationships </arg2> 1
And , since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health . <arg1> fascinated by gossip </arg1> <rel> will strain </rel> <arg2> for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including all matters about mental health </arg2> 1
And , since the public has always been fascinated by gossip and voyeurism , reporters and editors will strain for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including sexual activities and domestic relationships , activities of family members , and all matters about mental and physical health . <arg1> editors </arg1> <rel> will strain </rel> <arg2> for creative angles to justify the inclusion of collateral facts about private lives including all matters about mental health </arg2> 1