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وانا اشدراني ان ياي المكتب ياخذ اشويه اغراظ وبيروح | How am I supposed to know where he's going | 3Qatari
انطروا بوفهد | Wait Bu Fahad | 3Qatari
لحد يتحرك | Don't move | 3Qatari
لا تقعد | Don't sit | 3Qatari
انطر بو فهد | Wait Bu Fahad | 3Qatari
لحد ايداوم | Don't go to work | 3Qatari
انطروا بو فهد | wait Bu Fahad | 3Qatari
انطروا بوفهد | Wait Bu Fahad | 3Qatari
انطر بوفهد | Wait Bu Fahad | 3Qatari
انروح اندوره في اوز باكستان | us to go search for him in Uzbekistan | 3Qatari
دار دار | room by room | 3Qatari
زنقه زنقه | alley by alley | 3Qatari
نزحف عليكم اهني والملايين | * * | 3Qatari
اتصلوا بالمستشفى ابسرعه | call the hospital, quickly | 3Qatari
لا اتكلمون المستشفى | don't call the hospital | 3Qatari
انطروا بو فهد | Wait Bu Fahad | 3Qatari
قزرت عمري كله مراسل من ذيج السنين لي اليوم | I spent my entire life as a messenger, since many years, till today | 3Qatari
والله عمر يا بو سعيد | Such a long time, Oh! Bu Saeed | 3Qatari
شلون عيل | What was you thinking | 3Qatari
يمكن حروه الاربعين سنه | maybe around fourteen years | 3Qatari
وانا مراسل | as a messenger | 3Qatari
دوخه يابوك | such a headache | 3Qatari
وعرقات اتهطل بعد مافي مكيفات ذيج السنين | and sweating without air conditioning the past years | 3Qatari
وتفتكر انت السيكل سهل ذيج الايام | Do you think riding a bike was easy before | 3Qatari
فيه ختم اصفر | with a yellow mark | 3Qatari
والله تعبتوا يا بوسعيد | It was a very tough time, Oh! Bu Saeed | 3Qatari
شقى يابوك | a misery, Oh! son | 3Qatari
لكن عاد شتسوي يابن ادم | But what can we do, Adam's son | 3Qatari
ابو سعيد | Bu Saad | 3Qatari
يالله سامحونا عاد المدير وصل بنروح انخلص امورنا على قولته | Ok, excuse me men, the manager has arrived as he said, let's go finish our work | 3Qatari
المدير وصل يا حلاو يالله | The manager arrived Oh! pretty , Let's go | 3Qatari
مبروك بوسعيد | congratulations Bu Saeed | 3Qatari
ايقولون ولدك خالد اشتغل | they said that your son, Khalid, was employed | 3Qatari
اشقايل لك انا | What did I told you | 3Qatari
ما قت لك انشالله | I told you, If God wills | 3Qatari
بواق الحمام | Pigeon's robber | 3Qatari
ما قت لك انشالله لي تخرج اخر واحد من اعيالي بفنش | I told you when my last son graduate, I will resign | 3Qatari
تخرج واشتغل | He graduated, and got a job | 3Qatari
الحمدالله هذاني احين رايح اخلص اموري | Thanks God, I'm going to finish my work | 3Qatari
اديت الرساله على اكمل وجه | You served properly | 3Qatari
حمدالله ما قصرنا الحمدالله | Thanks to God | 3Qatari
غير بدل يا بو سعيد | Change your mind Oh! Bu Saeed | 3Qatari
وانت تستاهل | and you deserve it | 3Qatari
ما قصرت والله يا بوعبدالعزيز | Thank you very much Oh! Bu Abdelaziz | 3Qatari
ما قصرت والله يا بوعبدالعزيز | I am really thankful, Oh! Bu Abdelaziz | 3Qatari
هي هي | hey you | 3Qatari
سوينا اللي علينا | We did our duty | 3Qatari
باجي هم ايكملون المسيره | let them continue the journey | 3Qatari
ح ك | it's your right | 3Qatari
عقب هالعمر والتعب | after all this age and work | 3Qatari
يعني كلها امراكظ ف امراكظ | means all rushing back and forth | 3Qatari
لازم ترتاح يا بو سعيد | you have to rest, Oh! Bu Saeed | 3Qatari
عقب ماطلع من عندك اهني عازمتني المدام | After I get out of here, my wife is inviting me | 3Qatari
بمناسبه التقاعد | celebrating my retirement | 3Qatari
ودله ققهوه واتميره يا سلا | a coffee pot and some dates, how wonderful | 3Qatari
عاد بتخلصني يابوك | when are we going to finish, my son | 3Qatari
شكلك مستعيل عالخنفروش يا بو سعيد ها | you are in hurry because of the Khanfarosh, Oh! Bu Saeed | 3Qatari
ولا ايهمك | Don't worry | 3Qatari
الخنفروش جاهز | Khanfarosh is ready | 3Qatari
ياي ياي انشالله من اعيوني مع السلامه | I'm coming, sure, good bye | 3Qatari
ما قت لك الخنفروش جاهز ينطرني واويلاه | I told you the khanfarosh is ready, waiting for me, | 3Qatari
انا الحين اخلص لك الاوراق كلها انشالله | I will finish all your papers now | 3Qatari
فرصتك ترا اتوديها اليوم | It's your chance to submit it today | 3Qatari
قايل لي مديرهم بيسافر | he told me their manager will travel | 3Qatari
ومالي خلق | I'm not in the mood | 3Qatari
حتى مالي نفس اتحرك | I don't even want to move | 3Qatari
زين طرش حد | send it with someone else | 3Qatari
جذي انت رسميا تعتبر حر | Now, you are officially free | 3Qatari
الله ايبارك فيك | Thank you | 3Qatari
الحين عاد خلاص اتفرغ حق الراحه | Now, you are free to rest | 3Qatari
ما قصرت يا بو عبدالعزيز مع السلامه | Thank you very much Oh! Bu Abdelaziz, good bye | 3Qatari
بارك لي يابوك | congratulate me | 3Qatari
مافي شغل | no more work | 3Qatari
يعني انت مب مرتبط يبه | It means you are free dad | 3Qatari
ازين يبه عشان خاطري | Ok, please, my dad | 3Qatari
اي الموارد البشريه | yes the human resources | 3Qatari
مشكور مشكور مع السلامه | Thanks , good bye | 3Qatari
اكي زهرو امسويه حفله بمناسبه نجاح ولدها | Zahro is throwing a party to celebrate her son's exams passing | 3Qatari
ويايبه كيك | she's bringing a cake | 3Qatari
يختي ماقدر | I can't | 3Qatari
انا ابروحي عندي معامله امطرش ابوي ايخلصها لي | I already myself sent my father to get me some papers done | 3Qatari
زهره ابتزعل | Zahra will be upset | 3Qatari
عيل خلاص يمه | Ok, mom | 3Qatari
ابوي هد الشغل | My dad left work | 3Qatari
الله ايكون ف عونه عاد الحين | May God help him now | 3Qatari
اهو اشتغل وايد خله يرتاح خلاص | he worked enough, let him rest | 3Qatari
خله يرتاح | let him rest | 3Qatari
قالي سوي لي خنفروش | he asked me to cook some Khanfarosh | 3Qatari
قمت سويته وجهزته | I prepared it, | 3Qatari
وقعت انطره | and I waited for him, | 3Qatari
خافوا الله في هالشيبه ارحموه ارحموا سنه | Have the fear of God and have mercy upon your father | 3Qatari
احين دوركم | now it's your turn | 3Qatari
باجر بياكله | He'll eat it tomorrow | 3Qatari
يبي يرتاح المسكين | he want to rest, | 3Qatari
بهدلتوه هالشيبه | you made this old man tired | 3Qatari
هذا اهوه من رجع | As soon as he came back, | 3Qatari
واهوه تعبان | he was tired | 3Qatari
لا اتمرمني ف امرهم | don't distress me in their matter (singing) | 3Qatari
لا اتمرمرني ابامرهم | don't distress me in their matter (singing) | 3Qatari
انا كنت ناويه اودي المعامله البنك وانا رايحه دوامي | I wanted to take these papers to the bank on my way to work | 3Qatari
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