With just a few more hours left in 2020 for most of the world, how could 2020 possibly get any worse?
2020 rocked. I haven't had to go to work since April, get paid to sit about doing nothing, moved back to glasgow (my work is in london) and my boss couldn't give a shit. 10 / 10 year
What is a dream that you had that feels like it could be a video game or movie?
I've had several night terrors that'd fit perfectly in a horror game. Y'all know PT right? It was a looping hallway horror game that got more *disturbing* as time went on. I had a scenario just like that the other night! Expect it was so surreal yet life-like at the same time. Tripped me the fuck out.
What would be your main reason for having a full sized stretch armstrong doll?
Uhhhhh okay.... mmmm... You know I’m trying to think of one but I physically cannot bring myself to answer this question XDXD
What is the hardest job in the world?
Being a caregiver to a loved one
People who managed to stick to their New year's resolutions, just how?
It's easy! Make a New Year's resolution not to make any New Year's resolutions.
what is snoop dogg doing?
Smoking a blunt and reading his emails from his sponsors for more $$$
what’s one strange thing you constantly think about but will never do/act on it?
Going on a crime rampage
Wow. Nearly 2021. What are your resolutions?
Eat less of my dry skin.
what would you do if you won the lottery ?
Donate the all money. I am fortunate to make enough income to love comfortably and then some, and at a point in my life where I value time with friends and family over material goods.
What is a thing you can say to your dog, but not your girlfriend?
Bend over I want to fuck
What is everyone's new years resolutions?
Well, I’ll be 18 so probably overcome my fear of the road and start driving.
It’s that time of year again. What are your resolutions?
To stop sniffing bike seats
Who is the most drunk?
I’m sober as a judge but my boss texted me about an hour ago and I texted back like I was drunk so he wouldn’t ask me to come to work. Hasn’t texted back. Happy New Year to me.
What was it that caused you to become jaded in life?
When I was in 5th grade i was picked on for the umpteenth time by a kid literally twice my size because I played with pokemon cards. I told the teacher like I was always supposed to and she just told me to "run along". This was the final straw when I realized authority/adults don't care and the only way to gwt rid of my problems was to solve them myself. A glass bottle on the playground upside said bullies head and he never bothered me again, which also showed me violence may not be THE answer but it will get results. Throw in narcistic parent and being the black sheep of the family and voila.
What relationships of yours have ended due to attitudes towards COVID?
I was starting to date a chick and once I came to know she's anti-mask, I stopped seeing her again. she contacted me 4 days later saying someone she met had tested positive, I was like what else do you expect? fuck!!! luckily she tested negative and I had no symptoms.
What's the most relatable film/TV Show of all time?
Married with children
What movie did not age well?
Nutcracker in 3D
People who stuck to their new year resolution, how did yall include workouts in your daily routine?
Question is worded a little weird, but if you're just looking for how to work out in your routine I can answer that! So there's a few obvious ones, like adding time to go to the gym or waking up earlier to work out. But you can also add small exercises to your routine, such as a lap around the office during a down period or break. Also, I've found that small workouts during quick breaks, such as commercials while watching TV, help. This method was actually taught to me by Herschel Walker!
If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Groundhog Day
What is your New Year's tradition?
Drink alone
To those of you already in 2021, how is the future?
No flying cars.
what are your thoughts going into 2021? resolutions, fears, etc.?
I fear that I'm going to be unemployed somewhere 3rd quartal of the year 2021. I currently have a 1-year contract, that normally would have been extended.. but my workplace is, due to corona, completely closed down and due to inexperience, they can't use me for anything else. So it is likely I'll be unemployed this time next year. Like, I would find a new job, but it'd mean I have to move away, which means I get a massive raise in monthly rent coming at me.
What would you do if they lowered the money their sending out from six hundred dollars to fifty?
Well probably not two chicks at the same time.
What are your last words on 2k20?
3.. 2.. 1
(SERIOUS) Do you know someone who has died from COVID-19? What is your favorite memory with them?
Nobody I know has died but one of my relatives works in the hospitals. She's barely home and when she is she doesn't get to see her kids. She's like a ghost living in her own home
Wow. 2021. What are your resolutions?
Downvoting resolution posts
If you talk to your past self, what is something you would tell you?
You can do this, don't give up
Once it hits 12:00am how many people do you think will ask "People who haven't pooped in 2021 yet, why are you still holding on to last years shit?" for 2021?
Only you bro
What happens if you’re watching the office at midnight tonight?
Will netflix kick you off? Can you keep watching until you exit the app? My tv is basically an office playing machine so I would be cool with that loophole.
Students, what’s the worst thing to happen in your school?
Good friend of mine committed suicide. At my last school there was also a machete fight just outside.
What resolutions do you have for 2021?
What is a hard to swallow pill that people need to know?
It isn’t a matter of IF but a matter of WHEN the stock market will crash, resulting in a depression that will make the 1930s look like a picnic. It may not come tomorrow, next week or next year but it is coming. It is inevitable. The national debt continues to grow, thereby devaluing the dollar and fueling inflation. Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.
What were you hoping to hear?
That MF DOOM didn’t actually die
What laws make it into the Bill of Rights of the imaginary country/world inside your head?
I definitely don’t want soldiers living with me and let’s make 2 that both say but in slightly different ways that if a law isn’t a law then it isn’t a law.
Happy new year everyone! What are your resolutions?
Stop watching her from behind the bushes
Fellow TI’s (Targeted Individuals), what got you on the watchlist?
I once pooped in a sock and declared I had trapped Moscow Mitch in a fabric prison.
How will 2021 be different from 2020?
Everything will happen approximately one year later than it did last year.
Has a simple Google search ever saved a life-threatening situation? If so, what was it?
Yes, I put a passed out stranger in stable lateral position to avoid her choking on vomit. A stranger told me it was wrong and to lay the stranger on the back. I protested and googled it to prove my point. Do not want to know what could have happened if I had just obeyed a (pseude- educated) strangers order.
What's the tldr of 2020?
People who haven't pooped in 2020 yet, why are you still holding on to last years shit?
Made sure to have chinese yesterday so I would start the new year with clear Bowels.
What stupid thing did you think as a kid?
rape is when a guy forcibly kisses on a girl's neck
People who loiter: What the hell man?
I prefer prowling, myself. Always getting lumped in with their lazy asses
Don’t be shy, what are your New Years resolutions?
Don't eat the cat litter
You've been sent back to this time last year with no proof from the future. How do you stop covid becoming a pandemic?
I don't because no one would listen or care.
With the new year here /coming how are you all doing? it's being a rough year for all of us, r u OK?
No. Not OK.
How the heck was your 2020?
What's the scariest afterlife idea you can think of?
Your consciousness remains in your body as it decomposes
Who were some of your worst teachers you have had?
When i was like 4/5 years old, during playtime I was playing in the sandpit (if your American I mean recesse and sand box) one kid accidentally flicked a little sand in the air and immediately apologised to me. It didn't get in my eyes but a tracher saw and rushed over and it went like this. Kid: *flicks sand* Sorrysorrysorry! Me: its ok, im fine! Teacher: *runs over* hey what have you done to OP?! Apologise now!!! Kid: *clearly embarrassed and upset* im really sorry OP Me: its ok! Im fine, see! *big smile* Teacher: "sorry" doesn't mean anything! You're in a timeout Kid: *crying and confused* Me *thinking wtaf?! But gets given a "i was brave today" sticker* I threw that sticker in the bin. Stuck with me for years that "sorry doesn't mean anything" what a terrible thing to teach children.
What's the BEST thing that happened to you in 2020?
The pedophile moved out of my neighborhood. That's about it.
[Serious] What is the most heroic thing you have seen a parent do for their child?
Me and my father were canoeing on a lake. We took a wrong turn and got sucked into a strong current. We were heading down Rapids when our boat tipped over. I was stuck under the boat, to the point where I passed out and lost consciousness. My dad, who had just gotten to shore couldnt find me. He then drove back into the Rapids looking for me. He saved me and we managed to get help and get to the hospital. He is my hero, and I would have been dead if not for him and risking his life to save me.
What are your thoughts on the UFO info coming in 180 days?
It will be unspectacular
What are you going to do to improve your life in 2021?
Stop my porn addiction
2020 has sucked. What was your silver lining?
Getting out of social situations. Yeah, it's been too much of that but I am more relaxed now.
What's the most valuable thing you learned in therapy?
Small milestones are still milestones. Ate 2 bites of a cookie before throwing it away? Good job, you str something and thats better than nothing! Got out of bed to go bathroom and wash your hands? Hell that's still walking and you cleaned up! Better than laying in bed holding it in!
Everyone has unique ones, what are your New Years resolutions?
Make 456 kebabs by the end of the year.
In what ways has 2020 changed you as a person?
I now know how to produce music. I also read 79 books and they really changed my way of viewing other forms of literature and the world in general. I think I got to know myself better because I spent much more time alone. I learned how to organize myself and improved my workflow at home. Some other things. 2020 was a shit year, but not totally.
People in 2021, what’s it like?
Same shit, different year
The planet Earth Has ended, how (did it end) and why (did it end)?
The sun consumed it
What was something good about 2020, besides that it’s over ?
I am an introvert so basically everything about 2020 is good
What would you call being bullied because you’re from somewhere else, but you are both white?
You wake up after celebrating New Years and find out it is January 1st, 2020 what do you do?
Buy stock in PPE, Pizer, Moderna, and whoever makes toilet paper and paper towels.
How possible is it for a stripper to be an incel?
There's no sex in the champagne room.
[Serious] Why freak out when b00mers date highschool seniors, and not freak out when high school seniors enlist to die for America?
I don't see how how an older person choosing to date someone in high school relates to someone choosing to join the military? Like I get you're trying to make a point or trigger people, but they're not the same thing. Also, to answer your question, the military industrial complex needs people to sign up.
To people who haven’t pooped in 2021 yet why are you still holding onto last years poop?
It’s nearly 2021. What are your resolutions?
To kill anyone who asks me.
What are you looking forward to the most this year?
Hopefully getting cardiac arrest
When’s the last time you broke a glass?
I got really really drunk and just sort of broke it with my hand
What do you think about a Keanu Reeves Matrix, and Game of Thrones crossover movie?
They should make a John Wick/Matrix crossover where Keanu Reeves plays both his characters except his character from the matrix is tasked with hunting down John Wick
People who've had a good 2020, how was it?
What if George Lucas actually went through with his vision and made Jar Jar Binks a Sith Lord?
What is the saddest thing that you remember?
20 veterans take their own lives each day. Nearly a quarter of all persons experiencing homelessness are veterans in the US
Americans, what is the worst that can happen if we collectively decided to not pay 2020 taxes or only paid $750? No taxation without representation, right?
You go first.
What’s on your mind?
Kebabs and money.
What's the dumbest thing you did as a kid?
Tried to jump over a glass table and failed.
What’s the funniest, most blatant knockoff item you’ve ever seen or purchased?
Of course wish takes this. I seen a listing saying "high quality ps4 controller" and it was for 10$. I wanted to buy it as a joke, when I got it, it was a ps3 controller. It didnt even work ):
What is your favorite book of all time?
Watership down
To people who HAVE pooped in 2021, why have you let go of last years shit?
It's still 2020 on my end. I pooped earlier today and it clogged my toilet. I'm happy to say goodbye to this year's shit.
If you could prevent ANY event in history from happening, what would it be?
Trump getting a Twitter account.
Who are the worst retail customers?
What’s a complete waste of money that people buy anyways?
Why there is a giant health bar in the sky?
Holy shit, I just noticed it now... *It's charging*
Anyone else also gets kinda sad during the holidays for some odd reason and why?
Becaus maybe some people like the build up and knowing that they still have something to be excited about so when it comes they don’t really have anything to be excited about anymore
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever found and bought at a yard sale, garage sale, swap meet or flea market?
Once I found a Sega Genesis collection with the boxes and instruction manuals intact.
What could possibly be worse than 2020?
What's the weirdest place that you've seen public nudity?
I was in a bus, it was at a red light, there was a group of drunk chicks on the street, and one of them lifted her skirt to moon the whole bus. She had a nice butt.
When we’re depressed, how responsible are we to make sure we don’t infect other people with our darkvibe?
You have no responsibility to others! This does not mean you shouldn't care, but it means you do not have to hide how you feel for the sake of others. There are of course disclaimers here, being at a funeral and saying I feel sadder than your loss because I am down, is not ok...but you get what I mean I hope.
People who feel like they'll never find love, why do you also feel this way?
nobody has interest in me
What would be the ending song of 2020?
Beating a seagull to death with a set of bagpipes.
What is your worst "what are YOU doing here" moment?
There was a party that my school was having. There were posters everywhere saying come join us! And so I thought it meant everyone. When I got there, I walked into the room, and everyone stopped and looked at me. I immediately left
What was your 15 minutes of fame like during school?
I set my project on fire outside.
2020 wrap-up. What did you accomplish for the year?
I'll start. I survived a severe case of Covid and kept a job. Not great, but at least it's something.
[Serious] What are some horrible things you’ve don’t to other people?
Sent them incorrect spellings in messages.
This may be a tough and unique question but what are your New Years resolutions?
Learning to love my "mum bod" and feeling sexy as ever.
Are there better opportunities modeling with Burger King or Taco Bell and why?
Probably at Burger King. Lots of women show their tacos.
What was the worst job you ever worked?
My very first concrete job. Had no fucking clue what I was doing, constantly getting screamed at, never fast enough, nothing ever seemed good enough. Fucking miserable. Literally not a day went by that I didn’t sit in the parking garage before work and seriously contemplate calling in. Could count on one hand the amount of days I didn’t consider just walking off the job and/or taking a swing at my foreman. Hated that job so much I made a fucking career out of it lmao
People who partake in cancel culture, why? And how would you like thousands of people to attack you online?
Humans are hypocrites by default, so you can just guess.
What’s the link to your best Spotify playlist?
I am just here to recommend Hypa Hypa by Eskimo Callboy because i have it like permanently on repeat
What would you do if Dinosaurs came back randomly?
Depends on if they're as dangerous as Jurassic Park portrayed. I'm sure we'd end up making many wildlife sanctuaries and national parks designated for them like any other creature. It may be tough to round them all up, though.
What resolutions did you pick?
1920x1080 and 3840x2160
what scares you most?
Dark and closed places I just think I can't breathe it's like being trapped in a coffin