PC gaming vs. Next Gen Consoles, Which one is better?
It depends on what you give the most importance to. I'm a Nintendo fan so no other game systems interest me.
What is your best advice for empty nesters?
You tried buying eggs?
How do you hangout with your enemy when you’re all a part of the same friend group?
Don't make a scene and just speak to my friends in the group - if the enemy starts something with me, tell them to back off.
What animals do you think are the most natural?
Cats. Apex predators
[Serious] What is something you haven't been able to forgive yourself for?
Honestly, everything. I blame myself for everything that goes wrong.
If you have a relationship with a girl who is about to turn 35 and she wants kids but you don't, is it right to let her go to have them even if you still love her?
The question is why would you want to stay in a relationship that doesn’t work for you?
Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
Dead or, if alive, deeply unhappy.
To those who have suffered from alcohol/drug addiction, what was your wake up call?
My alarm in the morning
What makes you confident enough to take leaps in life?
Not confident at all. Just tired of bullshit. At some point you say "fuck it".
What does it take to become a baker (or someone who bakes for a living)?
start baking at home and documenting it, when applying to a bakery (try to apply to a small one to start, since you won’t need as much experience), cite what you’ve done as past experience. you can build your way up through your resume. or, i guess, in theory. you could also go to culinary school, but i don’t know if you need to
If you could fight any person dead or alive , who would it be and why ?
Donald Trump. It would be a true test of my stamina and his pain tolerance.
Without saying your job, what's the signature tool of your trade?
Naked bodies (no it's not porn)
What is your safe word?
Don't need one. Ultra virgin 😎
Why are you running?
What is the dumbest thing you have done ?
Lately it's been answering some random that kept texting me to meet them in the woods by my home to compare dick sizes. What a ducking weirdo. They didn't even show up or nothing.
How does someone exude Big Dick Energy or make that the first impression or make a Big Dick Energy First Impression? New Job Starting soon?
Tf is this question 😭
What was a strange question a partner or current partner asked if you were willing to do and you actually considered doing it?
Water sports
What is your it’s so crazy it just might work moment?
Once, when I was much younger, I was broke and I didn’t have money for rent and it was the 1st of the month. So, out of desperation I took the little money I had and went to a local casino and played a slot machine in the off chance I’d win some money to help make ends meet. I walked out of the casino 15 minutes after I arrived with $1500 in my pocket.
What is everyone addicted to without realizing it?
Social media
People who know more than 3 languages, is it a struggle to keep remembering the words and structures of each language?
Yes! I have difficulties speaking my native language these days. And when I do, people say I speak it with an accent now. I also mess up the grammar and sentence structure. And depending who I am talking to, I sometimes speak spanglish, dunglish or even spunglish.
Which game is fun, but too expensive to enjoy? Why?
Anything in a casino
New Job Starting Soon...How does someone exude Big Dick Energy or make a Big Dick Energy First Impression?
Start by erasing this question from your mind and never thinking about it again
People who have both cats and dogs as pets, do they really fight like they used to show in kid's shows? How is their behavior towards each other? Also how do they behave with other stray animals of your locality?
Our dog treated the cat like another smaller dog and would get confused when she didn't want to run around and play. The cat treated the dog like her mentally challenged older sister. The cat would groom her and begrudgingly play with her out of pity sometimes. They were sisters and always had each other's backs.
For someone really good at lying/manipulating, what are ethical ways to use it? Comedy, story telling, what else?
Defense attorney
What is the best part about being in a hotel?
Stealing a towel and 4 soaps. I have a collection.
What's one non sexual thing that you all enjoy?
Back scratches.
What is the worst "Flesh Wound" you have seen?
7.62 shot through someones face while he was screaming. Went through both cheeks and didn't touch a tooth or his tongue.
What are some (early) signs of narcissistic behaviours in a friendship?
Ignoring your stated boundaries
What's the weirdest/worst reason that a past friend unfriended you?
Because I called her out on bs 🤷‍♀️
For what reasons does the apartment always have to be cleaned even though only one person lives in it?
Because there may come a time when you unexpectedly have a romantic partner interested in coming home with you for further romance. You don’t want to spoil the mood with an unsightly mess.
In your mind what real word equivalent does bantha poodoo smell like?
The word reminds me of pandas and bamboo but I’ve never smelled either of those
What is some stuff that would realistically happen in a zombie outbreak?
Zombies are constantly decaying - muscles would die and atrophy would kick in so they couldn't run or even walk too well. The eyes would degrade fast and they wouldn't be able to see. So really - just weather the storm for like a month and the Outbreak will take care of itself.
What’s your ideal work schedule?
Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday. That way I'm never more than two days out from my next break. Worked pretty well for me in college.
When was the last time you cried and why?
I’ve cried every single day for the past 7 weeks since finding out about my husband’s cheating. Usually I can hold it together during the day but the drive home from work gets to me.
What is the stupidest thing you've heard a "covid is a ploy" person say?
“Why is it that only people who don’t get the vaccine are dying!?!”
If you suddenly become a billionaire like Jeff Bezos in what ways will you use your wealth?
Buy all the classic cartoons from the 1920s - Mid 2000s (except Disney) and create a new TV channel that runs them all with bumpers.
What’s a good dog breed for a 1st time owner ?
I'd say a lab or golden retriever. Also recommend getting a mix rescue!
People who had to deal with narcissists, what’s your story?
My boyfriend's mother is a diagnosed narcissist. Well, both of her kids had long term mental issues and couldn't really find their own personalities till they were like 25 and living on the other side of the country for 8 years. She destroyed her older daughter's marriage and forced her to end up in a mental institution. Needless to say they don't communicate with her, ever. They only talk to their dad who works in different cities and comes home for a short period of time. He loves his narcissistic wife enough to never leave her, but just can't stay close for long.
People who never brought their own water bottles to school, what happened after?
I just stood in line for the drinking fountain like the old days and built up my immune system.
What’s a great album that goes to shit when played on shuffle?
Any album that tells a story. Two people have already pointed to The Wall as an example.
If magical machines can be made, which one do you wish for?
a machine that can double the size of my dick
What is an album where every song but one is good?
Blurryface by Twenty One Pilots. All the songs are good but the last one
Any advice on how to start living and to stop just existing?
Do the work to figure out who you are and live that truth
You can have sex with Kim Kardashian but only in public place. Let`s say you take it, which place would you choose and why?
Honestly, it doesn't even matter. I would have already surrendered whatever dignity I have in agreeing to have sex with her, what more could I lose?
What's something you're happy doesn't exist?
a smart version of Trump.
What's the best last line in a movie in movie history?
A Boy and his Dog "Well, I'd say she certainly had marvelous judgment, Albert, if not particularly good taste."
What do you do in the shower for 45 minutes?
Enjoy the hot water. Fap. Day dream. Fap.
Music lovers, why did Arctic Monkeys name their band that way, when they could've called themselves Antarctic Baboons?
The word Antarctic is horrendous to pronounce. It may be due to the two syllable / two word thing.
What is the first song you heard that made you love music?
Sadly, I can’t pin point an answer but I love this question
Dudes who identify as str8: how many have experimented with guys or had at least one consensual gay experience?
There was this one time, yeah. Didn't really turn me on or off, just felt neutral about it.
The aliens are coming to destroy humanity, who do we send (anyone alive or dead) to convince them to stop?
Mr Rogers
How can you tell when someone is lying to you?
I just assume everyone is
What current battle of brands (coke vs pepsi, etc) is completely f*cking ridiculous?
Every single one... they all just want you money. Don't pledge your allegiance to a brand.
What was something someone has said/done on a first date that made sure there wasn't a second date?
I lost a bunch of weight and got in good shape. Back to back dates I had told me they weren't digging me because they preferred heavier men.
What are you going to ignore tomorrow?
People who have been in a coma, what was it like?
I was knocked unconscious by a car windshield. Almost 6 weeks later, I woke up in ICU. Starving. I didn't dream, or if I did I didn't remember. It was just like I walked into that crosswalk & it teleported me into a hospital ICU.
What was the first album you bought?
Weezer blue album
[Serious] What is sure to make a person become evil?
Being completely ignored and shut out by the world.
What’s the story of the worst date you’ve ever been on?
This honestly isn't too bad in the grand scheme of things. But I once went on a date where all she did was talk about her ex and how their relationship ended. They had been broken up for like 6 months at this point.. After I dropped her off at home she smiled, said she had a good time, and asked me when I wanted to go out again. As you can imagine, there was never a second date.
What’s your favorite historical fact?
Napoleon asked his wife not to shower 8 days before his arrival so he could have *a stink in the streets and a freak in the sheets*
What country would you want to go to least? Why?
Liberia. Because General Butt Naked is still allowed to kick it.
What is the point of doing a good paying job if it causes depression?
You can afford your antidepressants
If you could choose between only 2 countries where you will be born in, which one would you pick? North Korea or Afghanistan?
Afghanistan. It has poppy fields and food.
to the girls who use the dog ears filters on your selfies, why?
Yeh a female dog is called what? LOL
what does knuckles exploding on stone sound like?
Kablewy crack crunch pop blamm
What are your thoughts/opinions on paying on the first date?
I think splitting 50/50 is best if both people agree to it, but I think the person who intially asked someone out should offer to pay the full bill and go 50/50 if the other person insists.
Ive been feeling extremely sick as of lately with chest pain and upset stomach what could it be and what does it feel like to get blood drawn?
No one can diagnose you over the Internet but I just had my blood drawn yesterday and it felt like a little poke.
What are some great Space horror recommendations, anything from books, movies, to games etc?
Event Horizon
What looks or feels stupid but really isn't?
You. You're smarter than you look buddy. :) Keep your head up.
What’s stopping the people from A Quiet Place from moving?
I think the whole world was invaded
What is a trend you promised yourself you wouldn’t do but ended up giving in anyway?
Fidget Spinners
What kind of weird shit do you think billionaires like Bezos get up to in their free time?
keeping their employees souls in labelled jars
What is a physical health tip that everybody should hear?
All those fad diets do not work. Best way rule to eating is anything too much or too little is bad. Basically, moderation.
People who have gone skydiving, what was it like?
Happy I did it. Nice to say I did it. But it wasn’t anything great, at least for me.
What is the best way to get out of a rut?
Try busting a nut. If that doesn't work try exercising.