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Was wondering if they usually do any crazy inspections or anything when you give a pair of sneakers.
I know of a good website that sells 1:1 replicas for cheap and if I can even sell them at retail price or a bit below to the thrift stores I’d still be making bank. If anyone has experience in this field let me know if this would work! | 1 |
All I have is their username | 1 |
I actually always thought of this but was never able to really get a good way. I once suggested that we should lock their bedroom so they would have to unlock it making noise, but then I realised that the perdon who locked it wpuldnt be able to get out. | 1 |
As stated, it's a Jeep - so you unzip the window and you can unlock the door. Fortunately I don't leave anything in there for this exact reason, but my neighbors have had stuff stolen from their unlocked cars as well.
Every few weeks someone comes by to rummage through it. I've filed police reports, put up cameras and lights, but they keep coming back. I'm at the point where I want to camp out in a bush with a firearm.
This time I want to make sure they get something.
I've tried 3d printing nail spikes (and let them rust for a while) and putting them around the vehicle but I'm affraid to leave them out because of lawnmowers and kids. my next project will to be printing inserts for the door handle that hold razor blades and open wires connected to the battery.
I wanted to ask if anyone here may be able to come up with a more unethical approach. Bonus points for anything dealing with electrical or chemical. :> | 1 |
Most public disabled toilets (UK) or disabled toilets in bars/restaurants have a universal key, meaning you can buy a disabled toilet key from eBay for no more than £2-£3 and use any disabled toilet you like to save you having to go into the communal public bathroom. | 1 |
Backstory: I have this pretty old HP laptop from almost 10 years ago (it was my moms' old work laptop) but when she got a new one about 5 years ago, she gave that one to me. about 2 years into me having it, the laptop basically crapped out and formatted itself loosing ALL of her work documents. I had it for about 2 years after that. She never found out because she never needed it. No big deal. Fast forward to about two days ago. parently there's 1 document on there that she needs for some reason (she hasn't specified what it was) but now she wants to turn the computer back on. Keep in mind, my mother is the least understanding person I know, and if she thinks something happened, it happened... whether or not it actually did. The only thing preventing her from turning it on is that she can't find the charger (which I have). but anyways to sup it up, whats one way I can break the laptop (clearing all the data) she when/if she takes it into the shop, they can't recover anything?
I've thought of pouring water on it, but it's pretty clear to see water damage when you open up electronics.
Another thing I thought of is pounding on the hard drive until it fucks itself. I know this is possible because I accidentally did this one time on my new laptop, and I lost all my data.
well, any tips help, thanks! | 1 |
The service staff will just assume that you're visiting from a place that hasn't incorporated the stupid social convention of tipping and you can save a few bucks on your meal/drinks. | 1 |
There is a app that I found and it scans through your credit card and email to find purchases and when the price drops it gives u a refund for that amount, check it out https://earny.app.link/L6G828EfYW | 1 |
If you are in high school or college, or otherwise have a big test coming up, get a smart watch that can store pictures. This is especially handy if the questions will be known, or if there are tricky equations.
- Take a picture of the questions and answers for any review problems. Make sure the text is large enough to be read on the watch screen.
- Make an identifying mark on each picture, separating the problems from one another. (Question number, topic, section, ect...)
- Transfer the pictures to the watch.
- Check your work for readability. You don't want to put in all that work only to not be able to read it!
- During the test, have the watch on the inside of the wrist. Use a calculator or paper in hand to have an excuse to turn the watch your way.
- Ace the exam that you may have failed.
It works. Trust me. | 1 |
Hello, so my landlord is making me pay an extra fee for every device connected to wifi (so I'll pay for my desktop and laptop and phone to be able to use wifi on all of them!) is there any way to make all my devices kinda appear as one device somehow? | 1 |
Could be classed as illegal or unethical. I'm trying this tonight with a girl.
Go on Instagram and find a girl you think is really hot and near to you. This could be someone you vaguely know of in your area or you may discover her on Instagram by typing in the name of the town you live in on the search section and then going to the tab called "places" so it shows people who tagged your area when they took a photo and then identify the hot girl/guy you want to sleep with.
Next, slide into their DMs. Private message them saying something like "keep this between you and me but do you want a sugar daddy". Or you could say "Keep this between you and me but I'll pay you $500 to sleep with you".
She may reply no, she may seem interested but skeptical (very promising sign basically means yes but she doesn't want to sound too keen/like she's that sort of person, or she may flat out say yes.
You might want to create a second Instagram account for doing this ILPT just so you don't build up a dodgy rep.
She's probably going to want proof that you're as rich as you're claiming to be so next, log onto your online banking through your phone and screenshot how much money you have on there. Then email this screenshot to yourself.
Log onto a computer/PC/laptop, go on your emails, open up this screenshot on your computer and go onto Microsoft Paint (or photoshop if you can use it but you can use Paint if you're not so good with technology).
Say you have €864 in your bank account, on Paint highlight the "8" and click copy then paste and stick it in the front so it'll now say $8864 then copy one of the 4's and paste it into this number so it may say "$84864" and you may want to copy and paste one more number or try to add a new number such as a 0 so it looks more legit/genuine e.g. $840864" or jumble around the number so it doesn't look like a sequence. If you're on an iPhone you may also want to change the time at the top of the screen to what the current time is so when you send the screenshot to the girl it looks like you've just screenshotted it rather than something sent several hours ago.
Then say to her we can get a hotel and you'll pay her. You may need to take her on a proper date too e.g. Dinner or drinks so she trusts you. I recommend drinks - will explain why below. Then when you get to the hotel, sleep with her and spend the night there. In the morn if she's had enough to drink she'll be a bit hungover and maybe smelly. When she's in the shower, quietly find her purse in the hotel room, take the $500 out of her purse and make a quick but quiet exit (even if she hears she won't run down the hotel in her towel she will need to get dressed).
You would've paid for the hotel and possibly dinner/drinks but not the $500. Of course there's a small risk she may not have a shower, may take the money into her bathroom with her. If you can build trust/rapport that you're rich she may let her guard down a bit. If she doesn't have a shower, make sure dinner is something that's going to make her need a poo so she's on the toilet for a while and use this as an opportunity to make a quick getaway. | 1 |
Sup guys, yesterday I bought a 2nd hand MacBook Pro 2018 ,from a dude who was barely using it. The machine runs super hot and I just did some reading and fuck me, it’s a problem with those macs but it doesn’t seem that Apple is fixing them. I wanted to book an appointment with the “genious” with the goal of
Coming home with a brand new laptop possibly the 2019 model, is unethical I know but there is no really a fix for the hot temps as far I could read. Any help would be greatly appreciated it ! | 1 |
I’m looking for brands where the makers of the clothes still exploit really cheap labour, but the quality of the clothing is still overall pretty good. Basically, I want to maximize wearability and quality while still minimizing cost as much as possible. | 1 |
I’m looking for brands where the makers of the clothes still exploit really cheap labour, but the quality of the clothing is still good. Basically, I want to maximize wearability and quality while still minimizing cost as much as possible. | 1 |
He/She thinks that this is their own connection problem and doesn't doubt your existence | 1 |
You've earned a FREE standard oil change on your next visit to [Tire Company]! Expires 3 days. Show text to redeem. Msg&DataRatesMayApply. STOP to end | 1 |
I saw John wick in manhattan last night at amc 25 and used for the first time express pickup where you pay for your food ahead of time and it’s ready to pick up at theatre. What a joke it was first of all no one was there to verify it was you or not and second they just leave all the orders on the display for people to come and take. I was missing my cheddar popcorn but my drink was there. Feel free to grab whatever you want and continue to your movie. Literally no employee is supervising the express pickup and no one checks any receipts | 1 |
I want to order something (legal) online that my parents would never let me get. Where can I ship it so I can pick it up and bring it home? If I ship it to my house my parents will open it. | 1 |
Never did this before but was watching antiques roadshow and there are tons of people that think their 1955 rolex is worth 1200$ when it easily goes for 55000$ | 1 |
I purchased a smart phone Global edition for $640 on eBay. The next day I saw an article saying that the Global version of that model hasn't been released yet. It said sellers were unlocking the bootloader and flashing the Global rom on Chinese phone hardware and selling them with Condition: "New" and under "LTE Unlocked Global ROM".
I read that eBay requires the destruction of counterfeit goods because it is illegal to ship them back. Can I claim the phone as counterfeit and fake destroying it or can a seller in China blacklist the phone from working in the US on ATT?
Any tips on how to raise my odds of success? | 1 |
Tested by yours truly | 1 |
Can I come off as a sex offender and tell her that "I can't be within 10 feet of a kid" or something?
We really really don't want to babysit...
Her coworker is also the type to take this kind of stuff personally and hold a grudge... And she's also my wife's supervisor... Not a good combo... Help? | 1 |
Most cars have Basic, Hybrid, Drivetrain, Emissions, and Corrosion warranties. What are some ways to make the most out of the warranties without having to pay a dime? For example, having the dealership replace your Hybrid battery with a brand new one?
The bonus of this could be free food and free car washes at some brands, like Lexus, just for coming in. | 1 |
It’s ok to get a pure breed dog. Not everyone wants a rescue. Not everyone wants a generic vehicle nits ok if you want something g special.
Here’s a thought too - maybe some of those rescue dogs are actually part of dog breeders anyway? Those rescue fees seem a little high to you? Think the rescue outfits are all altruistic?
Another thing - if you didn’t adopt a child don’t lecture about adopting a dog. You tried to have a kid?? Omg you went to a fertility clinic?? When there are kids in foster homes?!? Same theory. There’s plenty of children available, why would you have one for yourself? It’s ridiculous to say about kids why say it about animals. | 1 |
In my state it’s usually motorcycle officers who observe and cite carpool violations. Guess who doesn’t drive a motorcycle on rainy days? While everyone else’s commute is slower on rainy days, yours could be faster by using the carpool lane without consequence.. | 1 |
P.S. I use it to store a backup of my OS with all the essential applications, settings etc. | 1 |
Clearly they don't want to lose hostages, so you now have all of the leverage. | 1 |
Works for sobriety tests, parking lot pan-handlers, road ragers, etc. | 1 |
Stay out of prison as others have suggested. White? Claim you're an illegal immigrant from Europe or Canada. | 1 |
I just moved across the country for a new job and am pretty much going to be broke until I get my first paycheck in a couple of weeks. Last night, perhaps the **dumbest** thing that has ever happened to me happened.. I haven't made any friends here yet (third day here), so I've been aimlessly killing time in my hotel room. I came across a superball as a prize in an arcade, and haven't seen those in probably 10+ years so I had to have it. Well, I made the grossly unintelligent decision of bouncing it in my room, and the first fucking bounce it took went off of a wall and hit square in the middle of the 40" flatscreen (or plasma?) in my room.
It wasn't on and I haven't even turned it on yet, but my fears came true as I turned it on and the LCD is completely fucked. When it's turned off you can't tell in any way that the TV is screwed up.
I'm checking out on Sunday, and I looked up the value of the TV and it's roughly $500 somehow..
Is this something the maids would check when cleaning and readying the room for the next people? I imagine one of two scenarios happen here:
1. The maid turns on the TV while cleaning to either make sure it's not damaged or for entertaining while (s)he cleans, sees it's fucked, and reports it, or
2. The next people to use the room turn on the TV, see it's fucked, and report it to the hotel
In either scenario I assume I'll be blamed (and billed), so what is my best unethical course of action here? I've considered going to the front desk and saying I haven't used the TV yet but just turned it on to find out oops someone before me broke it, but since I've been here for a few days I assume they'll call bullshit. Thoughts? | 1 |
Is there any way to add someone's number to a list so they constantly get called by scammers and receive embarrassing text messages | 1 |
Asking for a friend. | 1 |
source: was in a dense crowd last night and could barely get five feet. girl came through with a small towel looking like she was about to throw up, and people gave her about two feet of room on either side and at least four feet of room in front of her so she could run through towards the exit. | 1 |
There is a new way of creating your own passive income. It's a legal way to earn money by helping and supporting other people by giving them real value to their questions or posts on reddit or quora. The website ClicksFly which you can find here: [https://clicksfly.com/ref/Hegengart](https://clicksfly.com/ref/Hegengart) gives you the opportunity to shorten a URL of for example a youtube video or wikipedia article. If someone clicks on the created URL he will see some ads for a few seconds and then gets directed to the video or website you wanted him to got to. Depending on your current location you will get paid 8$ - 16$ per 1000 clicks. Of course I don't want people to just post links everywhere but if there is any content which is helpful for people asking questions on reddit or quora or even in facebook groups, it's a fair way to earn money by giving value to others.
All you need to do is go to the page i just posted and create your account. Then you can start shorten URL's and help others by answering their questions with a message and the URL to the content they need.
Hope this was helpful for you guys. | 1 |
I got hired at a Tim Hortons within 3 days after applying online and I didn't have any previous work experience. While I was doing my paid training, I realized I didn't wanna work there, so I just quit. They still had to pay me for the training I did and I just got the paycheck today | 1 |
I have a pet ball python that I’ve had for three years now. I’m moving off to college and know that my family will not take proper care of him.
The apartments I’m looking at only allow emotional support animals.
How can I guarantee that my snake gets approved as an emotional support animal? | 1 |
My girlfriend and I are expecting a baby and we've done this 8 times now at 4 different Targets. They have never once questioned it or done anything to verify that we have a registry or that we already picked up the gift bag (we actually do have a registry there though). The gift bags include free bottles, pacifiers, shampoos, lotions, breast milk bags, blankets, etc. As well as bunch of really good coupons. We actually won't have to buy any bottles or pacifiers now because of this. | 1 |
Short version: I'm looking for a some who is or can believably pass for a US based technology manager (or above) to claim that I worked for your company as consultant (1099 contractor). This person will need to respond to reference requests received by phone or email as needed for up to 4 months. In exchange, I will pay you a retainer and perform a similar white lie service for you if needed.
**About me:** I'm a Professional Scrum Master and Product/Project Manager. Those statements are objectively true. I have the skills and PSM I certificate to prove it. Unfortunately, my recent work experience doesn't reflect my capabilities.
Three years ago I was working in a technology implementation manager role (with a shittier title, of course) for a professional services company. The sales team continually lied about the company's technology offerings, including to the client for what ended up being my last project. Instead of actually funding the solution they promised this client, they tried to force me to travel to the client's HQ every other week (50%+ travel) to manage the relationship (read: lie, lie and lie some more). The stress, hours and work environment were killing me, so I resigned.
I thought I would find another job quickly, but I live in a somewhat rural area and was hit with a series of unfortunate events. Several employers ghosted me at the offer stage. Several more offered me jobs with terrible pay. (The worst offer was less than $13/hr.) One consulting firm hired me and let me go after just one day due to an oversight on their part. The longer this went on the more depressed I became. Eventually I had to stop looking for full-time jobs and just make some money, which is what I did.
Unfortunately, the bulk of the freelance work I've done in the past 3 years has been writing. I need to move back to a more stable line of work with benefits, so I've been taking steps to make that happen including learning some new skills, getting my PSM certification, etc. The challenge I'm facing is that I don't have a recent position that demonstrates my most marketable skill sets.
**What I'm looking for**: I need a US based technology manager or someone who can convincingly play one to serve as a professional reference. Since I have documented experience as a freelancer, I think it makes since to say that I was hired as a remote-based consultant on a specific longer-term project. The reason I'm no longer working for your company is because the project ended. The reason that they can't just call the office for a verification is because I was a contractor, not an employee.
While I'm aware of services like Career Excuse, their reviews make me question whether they actually perform the service they promise. I decided not to ask a friend to do this because anyone I'd be comfortable asking could be easily identified as a close friend of mine.
I'm offering $100 USD and one similar white lie to serve as my reference for up to 4 months. I'm a pretty good interviewer and already have some interviews lined up next week, so hopefully this won't take that long.
* Fluent English speaker (I'm not prejudiced, but a lot of employers are.)
* Work experience in an IT related position
* US phone number
* Professional email address
* Willingness to use your real name
* Ability to respond to requests within 1-2 business days
* Willingness to sign a NDA
* Ability to improvise and redirect conversations when necessarily
In terms of legality, I'm not applying for any government positions or with any organizations that would perform a comprehensive background check. My fake reference will be one of three or more total references with all of the others being legit, so I'm not relying on a lie to carry my entire application.
I typically have to pass some type of skills test before even being offered an interview, so you know that I can back up anything I ask you to say. I'm also willing to meet with prospective references via phone or web conference (after signing a NDA, of course) if you'd like to vet me before agreeing.
Reply or PM me if you're interested. Thanks! | 1 |
As a bonus sell anything valuable on eBay | 1 |
Tell them it reminds you of them, most people will quiet down to listen to it if they think it has to do with themselves. | 1 |
I work at a pizza restaurant. One of the big names corporations and such. Today we had somebody come in, claim their order and leave. Normal stuff right? Wrong. They actually grabbed someone else's, which we in return, had to replace. So essentially, said man, got free food which got me thinking. If you place a carryout order for food and pay online with your card, you could send someone inside to grab your food by just saying the name you put on the order. Then come in yourself (with photo ID for proof) and claim the store gave away your food to some random person. That's an automatic replacement of your ENTIRE order. Double the pizza profits for one low price. I know you could get away with this as, like I said, I work in the pizza industry. | 1 |
ULPT: so I have brought study material stuff & the package got 500 gb of video files which are encrypted. I found no ways to decrypt it.
company gave a dedicated web app, bundled with electron & JWT player(all in all, it's a JS app)
so after the purchase, I plugged in pendrive & entered the phone number in web app & got myself a license to be expired in one year.
other than first time registeration, application is offline & data is on my hard drive, also the web app will work only on my PC. they would have gotten my machine ID.
so here is the question, is there a way of manipulating with code & unlock the software ? i'll definitely not resale it & it would be totally fine if it will work only on my PC. | 1 |
Recently had all my laundry stolen in my apartment complex. Doors can only be opened with a key fob so it was a resident, but there are close to 40 different buildings in the complex | 1 |
That way if someone stops you and take keys from you or if you are at a bar and your friends are worried about you drinking and driving you can just give them your key to "make them sure" that you won't drive but you still have extra keys! | 1 |
Long story short my AirPods were stolen and their warranty only activates when they are damaged. I don’t have them. Is there anyway to pull this off? | 1 |
Works with police too, but not as well. | 1 |
Remember hide the scent of alcohol though! | 1 |
Is it possible to order multiple items, and then when they arrive, say that only one item was in the box? Will they refund, or replace the original order? Please let me know as it’s finally getting warm and i’m not trying to spend a check on new clothes. thanks :) | 1 |
Can't open Word document. | 1 |
I’m creating a discord server where I offer to double-triple your credits for DoorDash orders. For example if you place a food order for $20 after I’m done you will have $40-60 on your account.
Since I’m just starting out I will do for the the first 3 people to comment for FREE. (You just remember you have to pay for the food first then I get the credits back for you).
I’m going to be charging in the discord after the first three people get their orders, so be quick!!! | 1 |
Does it fix the problem? Maybe...
Is it extremely satisfying? Yes | 1 |
My wife and I share a Google Sheet for our expenses, and one day we were both working on it from our offices. We started chatting in the cells and I realized it would be an excellent way to carry on an illicit sexual affair. | 1 |
I’m in a discord where you can pay someone $10 after you DoorDash food and he will get credits on your account for double what the food cost. For example, order $40 worth of wings, pay $8 and get $80 worth of credits back on your account.
I’m just trying to figure out how they do this? It has to be some glitch or refund policy or something in the app right?
If anyone has any ideas of how they do this I’d appreciate any insight! | 1 |
I want a back up card and my bank won't send me one
It's contactless if that helps, it would be fine if I could just make contactless payments. | 1 |
Focus groups usually pick 1 or 2 more people than they need in case some people don't fit the background they're looking for. If you show up a little late (not more than 10 minutes), then they might already be screening the people who showed up earlier. If they decide everyone's good, then you will get paid regardless and get to go home without having to do a single thing. | 1 |
So I'm a 27 year old loser, that's never had a job. And I'll likely never get a job if I don't fabricate something on my resume. Can someone help me write one that looks legitimate? Or maybe even give me yours so I can change some numbers/names around and use it as my own.
I don't care about getting caught anymore. | 1 |
They’ll let you raw-dog it too, because they’re old and don’t care if you give them an STD. | 1 |
[Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/bs4zo6/the_toilet_paper_on_all_regular_employee_floors/eojf78z) from /r/mildlyinteresting | 1 |
Canadian alcohol taxes are through the roof, and we pay around double of what Americans do for beer. I live around 2.5 hour or so away from Buffalo, NY. If I stocked up for a few years, I would be worth it. How would customs react to this? | 1 |
Same as above. I just wanted to know if anyone had experience using a VPN to trick FuboTv (or another service) in thinking you are in a different state in order to watch sports that would otherwise be outside of the viewing area. If so does anyone have a recommendation of service/ VPN? | 1 |
I AM CANADIAN (canadians will get it) when I buy things from other countries I pay for the fastest shipping. When the shipping company calls to collect duty taxes I don't answer the phone. I wait for the two or three days shipping passes then call the company I ordered from and complain. They refund shipping costs and go after the shipper for the funds. Et voila! | 1 |
I noticed this when I used to work in fast food. Every time someone would order and give a heads up with an allergy, it would result in the employees washing all the tools they were gonna use to make their food and washing their hands. Also, their food would usually come out really well every time with the extra attention. | 1 |
You can waste their time and gas this way | 1 |
ERROR: type should be string, got "\nhttps://discord.gg/aeyrWaB" | 1 |
You can also see who the local competition are when they apply for your job listing. | 1 |
Pretty easy to utilize... simply copy the thread address, open a new browser window, paste address and replace the "r" in reddit with a "c" and view all previously delete, censored, or removed comments! | 1 |
If they’re really hesitant to give you a discount just stay calm and polite and ask if there’s “anyway you can get around this”. As long as you’re nice to the operator they will typically say they can drop the price. Works best if it’s within the first 7 days after the ticket.
Discounts will be between 10-30 dollars in my experience. Racks up if you’re like me and have ~1000 owed to parking companies over the last year. | 1 |
I used a friend's cell to get a referral and the $7 off + free delivery to get $20 on my account but I'm out of extra cells. Is there any way to use fake/temp numbers to get more referrals? | 1 |
## ULTP: Think someone is guilty of something? Accuse them for the truth
Ex.. 1 You think person 1 are the last cookie but don't know for sure
Go to person 1 and tell him you can smell it in his breath (even though you cant"
Either he says I didn't do it or he confesses because you have "evidence" | 1 |
For those who are like me and too lazy to sign up for things. This lets you get the discounts 100% of the time. | 1 |
Obviously it's not for all situations, but a friend of mine used to do this in the English room when he was teaching overseas since other people wouldn't often go there. The paper clips were pretty easy to use since it wouldn't be strange for him to be using them. | 1 |
The $1000 is just an estimate, more can be invested. I’m not necessarily looking to flip the cash overnight because there will most definitely be some risk involved, but just something relatively easy that I could do over time and make some extra money | 1 |
If you do shopping at, lets say, Walmart, and you have groceries that just been sitting or you got some type of grocery you know you wont use. Make sure Publix carries that product and go to their customer service and return. They will give you cash for it. | 1 |
"Dear First Methodist Church, please pray for my daughter. She has fallen on hard times and can not even afford the $5 chicken wings at Buck's Taven on Holgate. If it's God's will she'll get the job she's applying for and can then take her co-workers to Buck's Happy Hour from 5-7 every weekday!" | 1 |
So as the title say I dont care if it is unethicall or even slightly illegal ( but not serious stuff please) I just need to make money and I already have two things that can be a big advantage: infinite intenet and since the summer vaction is coming soon so I will have a lot of free time. I will be really glad if u will help make some money and help my family. | 1 |
I got a Nintendo switch for Black Friday last year and after like 2 months the left controller just died and would not charge or turn on. I then bought another set of controllers and after a few more months the right one got messed up. I’m kinda tired of spending money on these cheap controllers. Does anyone know if this trick still works and where? | 1 |
I did it today and as soon as I said that she offered me a full refund.. | 1 |
I’m trying to do a jig and I need a few (10+) emails to work with, yahoo lets you have 500 but they all have a base name that goes in front of all of them, which is probably gonna be suspicious. are there any email services (preferably well known to not be suspicious :p) that allow me to have even just 5 or 10 aliases that all send to the main email? I could make a few of them so i have 20 aliases total, but all the ones i’ve found so far either limiting it or have a base name. thanks | 1 |
Trying to fly out this weekend for Memorial Day but I want to save my PTO.
Was planning to use two sick days with the excuse that I'm recovering from a root canal.
Problem: I've never had a root canal. Please enlighten me with:
1) How your root canal was diagnosed
2) How long after your diagnosis did you get your root canal done?
3) Recovery steps/days.
4) Anything else to help me solidify my story! | 1 |
I have a friend that does this quite a bit and says that most of the time drivers don’t even check the license plate number on the tickets and go ahead and pay the fines. You can check online to see if the ticket has been paid before the date that the fine doubles. If it hasn’t been paid, go ahead and pay it yourself. He said he has about a 50% success rate and he’s never been in trouble for it. | 1 |
As the title states, how can I do it. I want a $20 gift card and I have $23 on my amazon account. Please help. | 1 |
i’ll try to keep this as condensed as possible
i basically bought a jersey from fanatics (authentic sports apparel site) that i had a 30% off coupon for but when it arrived i noticed that the name on the back was smaller than advertised and learned that it was because they put the name on a black jersey instead of sending me the pre made one with the correct font size
i ordered one from Nike at full price which came with the correct lettering but without the 30% off it cost me over $70 more
would i be able to return the one i got from fanatics to nike to offset the price. the difference is pretty indistinguishable aside from the fact that the UPC on the tags are different
further along i’m wondering if i need to return to nike with the tags attached for full refund or i could just send the fanatics one back with the tags from the nike one
to clarify once again the fanatics jersey is not fake nor a knock off. it’s just a jersey that they customized with the players name instead of sending me the pre made one. all of the tags and everything on the jersey match aside from the sizing of the name on the back. which is unnoticeable unless you know what the customized font looks like | 1 |
Think about it. They're interfering in our elections, our news, and our social media. They already want us fighting amongst ourselves. Why wouldn't they want to kill our children and weaken the overall health of our citizens?
Why risk nuclear war when they could discretely release a super virus that would piggy back off the weakened immune systems of the unvaccinated?
Seems like it would be an easy sell to anyone who believes essential oils are the pinnacle of medicine and 200+ years of science is a scam by big pharma. | 1 |
just did this, shits hilarious | 1 |
Someone at work I believe to be a 2 faced douche so I told them I stepped out for an interview and told the boss I had an emergency to leave for awhile. I was actually with the boss meeting with an agent because her son is going pro and wanted my insight since I played sports. Boss was surprised when douche told her my evil intentions when I "disappeared" today. | 1 |
Start a "cosplay" patreon that mainly consists of you wearing store bought costumes. Pose topless with handbra action, use angles to hide your tummy pooch or use falsies with a padded bra.
If none of this works, suddenly come down with a easy to fake medical problem and start a vague GoFundMe with a high goal, about what you'd need to not stream for awhile and keep the Starbucks, hair dye and tattoos ink flowing. | 1 |
Enclose a baby picture and a note saying “my lawyer will be in touch with you soon”.
It will make him nervous. | 1 |
I've never done this, of course. | 1 |
They will give me the money but I can’t ask without a good reason and I can’t really tell them the truth about why I need the money. It can’t be anything medical related. I need a good excuse that would warrant asking for about $1600. I was thinking something car related but don’t know much about cars and what type of issues would warrant that amount of money. | 1 |
Let me know if you got any tips. Need em' quick. Cheapest and most effective... | 1 |
Even if you don't pay enough, it will still be sent to the destination. | 1 |
Cops will respond faster and probably break the party up straight away. It’s a fast track to a good nights sleep | 1 |
I've had a few jobs where Hispanic people made up the majority of the workforce. To be more specific, a lot of these Hispanic people were new citizens or were/are working on becoming citizens. Most of them could hardly speak any English.
At most of the jobs like this, I noticed that a lot of the employees would throw away their used toilet paper in the trash can... It's disgusting IMO, but I've been told that they do that as "instinct." Apparently the plumbing is very bad where their originally from, so to try and reduce how much goes through the pipes they throw their used toilet paper in the trash can instead of flushing it. If anything, they're actually trying to help the company out in a way by reducing the chance of clogging the toilet 🤷🏽♂️ In some cases however, it's an act of sabotage...
At this new temporary job I got, an employee gave me a new perspective on the issue. A lot of employees are unhappy with their job, but they can't find much work with the hours like what they get from this company. There's only two restrooms at this company too, a men's restroom and a woman's restroom. So the owners use the same restroom as the employees. I was told that the reason they throw away their used toilet paper in the trash can is so that the owners have to smell it when they use the restroom 🤣🤣🤣
So if you ever want to passive-aggressively piss somebody off and you get a chance to use their restroom, pop a squat and throw away your toilet paper in their trash can 😂 | 1 |
My area only has 2 providers: Comcast and At&t. How can I get them to give me the best deal possible? | 1 |
Can’t fight if you can’t walk so an easy win | 1 |
One with a reasonable/just about average amount of money in it
One with a more generous amount of money in it
Sometimes it's hard to predict in what kind of circumstances the party will take place. You could be an invitee to a sub-par party or it might just be an over-the-top all-you-can-eat-and-drink-all-night'er.
Based on the surroundings and how the "atmosphere" feels when you walk in, you can either grab for your mediocre or the bigger envelope. | 1 |
I've been reading through this subreddit recently, and it's reminded me of a way of making the famous, 'dine and dash', a lot easier.
Things you'll need; an accomplice, and an Alka-Seltzer, or other effervescent tablet.
If you decided you want to try this, which I obviously don't recommend, here's what you do.
Make your reservation at the restaurant you want to eat. Show up at the correct time, well dressed, and park around a corner away from the restaurant. Walk in, order your food and eat as per usual, until it comes time for the dessert. You can either pull the trick before or after your dessert, but ideally you want to act while your waiter is still expecting to bring you something, even an after meal coffee. This way it doesn't look *too* suspicious.
I'm guessing most of you will have already figured out what to do, but incase you haven't, all you need to do is slip the Alka-Seltzer into your mouth, and let it start to effervesce. When it does, start dribbling the resulting foam out of your mouth, clutching your heart, or your throat, having your accomplace 'help' you up and straight out the door. Have them help you all the way to the car, get in, and drive away, marking the restaurant off your list of establishments you can pull the stunt at in the future.
Note: you need to be careful to dribble all of the foam out of your mouth, and pretty much as quickly as it forms, because you don't want to block your airways with the foam. For this reason it's also sensible to use as little Alka-Seltzer as needed, half a tablet, one at the most. Although, again, I suggest you *do not* actually try this. | 1 |
Try this after breakups, family deaths, or they get fired. | 1 |
In the UK, I have his name and address and I believe the first 4 letters/numbers. Can I use this to find the full plate? How? | 1 |
Obviously not something you’d try for jobs that pay like 200k+ a year, but theoretically speaking how hard would it be to get away with teaching yourself coding really well and then lying on your resume about receiving a degree in computer science from a nice college, then applying for/getting a nice 6 figure job? That’s just one example but there’s a million ways you could go with it, point is: if they do it at all how do most companies very information on applicants’ resumes? | 1 |
Subsets and Splits