Say I were to keep getting phone calls 3 or 4 times daily Monday through Friday from an energy company. It's always with a live representative. They use use three different phone numbers, and they are not spoofing their phone numbers. Someone answers right away as soon as I call back to find out why I have a missed call. They have not stopped. What would be a good way to flood their phone numbers and waste their time? Robokiller app was great. Unfortunately, trial is only for one week. Any other apps like this? Or other ideas.
The series finale of Game of Thrones, an enormously popular TV series, was last night. Many people for various reasons have the episode on DVR but have not yet watched it. You can establish your dominance over them by surprising them with inline Game of Thrones spoilers embedded in other comments or posts that have absolutely nothing to do with Game of Thrones.
Lots of people are uplifting themselves these days by picking up trash all over the world. Your little bit here and there helps them have something to do!
Doesn’t have to be 10+ grams but just make sure to drink a lot of it. Within 15-30 minutes you should start getting sick and another 30-45 after you’ll be good again!
A lot of your less connected people won't go, it being in the middle of the week, which will make the wedding cheaper, but they will still send a gift.
All exams have a few minutes of pre-amble where they explain the rules, and in that time you forget any specific formulas or details. So, instead of going in on time, turn up five minutes late, take a piece of paper with all the important information on it with you, look at it right before you go in and then copy it onto the back of the exam paper as soon as you sit down.
It picks up where you left off before the ads started. Hey, those seconds add up! I think it's worth it... ​ \#firstWorldProblems
Your local automotive shop may offer good discounts on things such as oil changes and transmission flushes for having an Uber profile.
Your local automotive shops may offer good discounts on things like oil changes and transmission flushes if you have an Uber profile.
Any ULPT about lying that you have a bachelors degree to get a job? Perhaps sticking to a small company as to avoid serious inquires into education?
Any ULPT about lying that you have a bachelors degree to get a job? Perhaps sticking to a small company as to avoid serious inquires into education?
Sure, I Maybe came off as a bit of a dick but the dude literally watched me bag up a whole cart of groceries at the self checkout so fuck him. I'm not gonna spend 5 minutes rooting around 30 bags of food trying to figure out which one I shoved the receipt into. I paid for my shit and now I'm Leaving. Go bother someone else.
I would like to have my record say that I've completed a ministry approved driving course to lower my insurance rates. I don't want to actually take the lessons. Any way to do this?
That works with iPhones.
Credit cards from retailers often offer interest free balance promotions for big ticket items. If you have say, $5000 interest accruing balance just purchase a big ticket item for that amount, and then return it. Any credit to the account must go to satisfy your highest interest balance first by default. By creating the interest free balance and then returning the item, the credit for it satisfies your interest accruing balance leaving you with an interest free balance for 12-24 months.
If someone sends you a message on Snapchat and you don’t want it marked as “read” just slightly slide it as if you are about to open it but don’t fully open it. You should be able to see the end of the sentence and get an idea of what the person sent without having it marked as read.
Like in title. Was looking for one but didn't find in HD, I want to watch online not download so please don't give torrents.
This has two benefits: 1. It may give them a nice confidence boost. 2. You can now enter their phone number as “alternate ID” for the store’s reward system and receive their employee discount on your purchases!
Whenever I go to the footy or cricket the food there is so expensive and not very good. I also can't be bothered cooking. The stadium allows outside food but you are not allowed to bring branded fast food. Usually I go to KFC and empty the food from the branded boxes into a lunch box I brought from home. The stadium security can't refuse that food because there is no branding and so you get to enjoy a 3 piece feed while watching the game.
It will make them paranoid about what you could know and they are likely to admit to any wrong-doings or at the very least their new paranoia will prevent future wrong-doings
Might help your grade
Nothing like swagbucks I don’t want to watch a million ads
As title says. How? (Without her noticing)
Lots of hotels have departments with third party employees who are trained in multiple hotels . Valet usually doesn’t press about who you are in lots of major hotels, as they don’t have access to that info anyways
I had shit going for me. I topped basically all my subjects and was a pretty likable person as I would frequently help people struggling academically. Now this one bitch, who just enjoys watching other people burn I guess, spread a false rumor about me being a perv and now everyone is creeped out at the sight of me. Now, I’m fucking ruined. People don’t know I’m ace and I’m to scared to come out. So what to do?
Almost got scammed by a Facebook ticket scammer 3 days ago, but realized it was fishy and backed. Today he texts me asking if I'm still interested in the concert tickets (the show was last night). I have his email and his phone number. What can do I other than send him pictures of corpses or fucked up shit?
Usually at schools and universities you can just walk right in they either think you are a student or a parent so no one bets an eye. Go in there take the shit and you don't have to hold it in the car hoping zo get home on time and its free not like in restaurants where you have to buy something.
You only need like 10k followers you can get those in 2 weeks with other unethical hacks and make it look legit. Pm them like we want to feature you on the page bla bla bla and most of them will willingly sell pictures for you to wank to.
They will have you swipe your credit card, but you won’t be charged as long as you return the bike in the same condition in a timely manner.
Everyone knows girls with low self-esteem are so desperate for male approval, they'll be sexual with you easily, are quick to send nudes, and will do whatever they can to "please" you. They do well with structure, so demand multiple selfies a day. Offer to "help" them, require they send you pictures of everything they eat, and criticize them for it. After only a few days, they'll be willing to send you nude "check-ins" so you can monitor their bodies. Have them give you full access to their MyFitnessPal (they all use it). When you do meet in person and fuck them, be sure to criticize their bodies. That's what they need to fuel their obsessions, you're just giving them what they want. When they suck your dick, be sure to show them the "cum" entry in MyFitnessPal, and tell them at least one day a week that's the only calories they're allowed to eat. They love structure and control and being told what to do. Warnings: * They get clingy really easily. This sounds cool and like a lot of fun, but when they blow up your phone because you don't respond to them for a couple of hours it can be annoying. * They'll definitely cheat on you, they're the "low hanging fruit" of the dating world, and other men know how to manipulate them too. * Use condoms, and don't let them ever know your full real name, where you work, or where you live. They're definitely the type to go batshit crazy obsessive, so have your lies lined up. * Most of them are into DD/LG because they have daddy issues. If you're not comfortable with a girl calling you "Daddy," this isn't the path for you. None of this is illegal, just highly, *highly* unethical. Being a deceptive asshole isn't against the law, and taking advantage of someone's mental weakness isn't rape.
Turnitin to yourself?
I finished it and forgot to send it in on google classroom. Is there any way i can make her think the file was corrupted or something, or that it tried to send but failed?
Yes, I think I got the right sub.
Thought this sub would enjoy my twisted thought while mattress shopping today. Hopefully there’s no mattress salesman here
If you get out of the car the police have the right to handcuff you. If you don’t they need to get a warrant.
If you're going to sell someone a broken lawnmower you don't want them to know where you live in case they come back. Use your neighbor's driveway so that if the person does come back they confront your confused neighbor instead of you.
When people see a one star review they will just assume you're ranting or have a vendetta and wont take your review seriously.
Beats taking it out on people that haven’t asked for it.
After months of applying literally everywhere I qualify for that pays more, and a lot of jobs I don't quite meet everything on the checklist, I've exhausted all positions in my city on every major job site. I'm a big enough man to admit my real resume is crap thanks to being bounced around by temp agencies and being part of mass layoffs for a couple years. Even omitting some of the short-term junk jobs my resume looks like an autobiography of a ping-pong ball. That changed in the last couple years but it's more than enough to ruin my chances. A bad resume is basically the same now as a criminal record. I need somewhere that I can pay to have set up a company website and phone number so instead of 6 shitty jobs for short time periods I have 1 good job for years. Does this kind of 'service' even *exist*? If so has anyone used it?
My roommates and I all agreed on chores when we moved in, 2 of us do the dishes, one on trash, and one on vacuuming and sweeping. The roommate who is supposed to vacuum and sweep hasn't, so today I asked him to go ahead and clean up since it was getting messy. He replied with a thumbs up and later I head him downstairs complaining about having to do it. He said things along the line of "I'm a GD adult, I don't need to do chores and it's not my mess blah blah" (when I always do his dishes). This is not the first time, as the trash roommate hasn't been taking it out and my dish partner has been taking it out twice in a row. They always complain in the kitchen, and it's right next to my bedroom. Today they discussed starting to blame us when their cat gets into things, but it is so hard to hear what they are saying. I'm looking for a bug that will record his voice, that I can leave in there. If something happens to his cat I need proof I wasn't involved in it.
or not, it's up to you - whatever bruh
They won’t try to “confirm” whether or not you’re actually trans. Just write about it in your college essay. They will love you.
Idea came after a friend finished chugging her beer and found a shard of glass at the bottom of her glass. The manager of the restaurant voided our entire bill.
How would I go about this? The easiest and most effective way? Thanks
Looking to get a few certifications. They can’t be taken online. Where can I hire people to do them for me in person?
order a small item like a coffee or a drink, once you have received your meal, if the employee went back into the kitchen, wait for them to go to the window again and get the next meal free of charge!
Rack up a huge tab at the bar or a table. Ask the waitress/ bartender to watch said backpack while you “go to the bathroom” then just leave
Or buy the correct number of tickets and hold one of them back when going in. If they actually do count, pull out the “missing” ticket. If not, keep the whole ticket and go to customer service after the movie to get a refund on the friend that never showed up. To make it even cheaper, but half the tickets at the kids price. Movie theater workers don’t get paid enough to care.
So when you are pulled over on a traffic stop the cops will likely see it and go easier on you.
I need help focusing at work. ADHD medicine did wonders for me and I wanna know how to get diagnosed with it
Source: actually became disabled this year, and telling them I'm disabled and lost my income stopped all the high pressure sales pitches and pushy warnings like "if you cancel now and decide to resubscribe it may cost you a lot more money later." Works like a charm. Note that this also works for cell phone companies, cable/satellite providers, internet services and pretty much any subscription based service. And there's no way they'll bother to check because who wants to ask a disabled person to "prove it".
I got 10 phones connected to my hotspot right now but my phone gets really hot and the battery gets drained very fast. I've tried to split the connection by using bluetooth tethering to another phone so my friends could connect to that. The problem now is that the connection is bad. Anybody know how to keep my phone alive while also maintaining a good connection? Thanks in advance
I say beginning of the season because a lot of driving ranges put out "new" balls then.
IMO someone who wanted an abortion for whatever reason (mentally, physically, financially) but was barred by law would definitely be in danger of a "[serious health risk](https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/xwngmk/abortion-is-still-legal-in-alabama-but-people-are-already-terrified-weve-never-seen-it-this-bad) ".
Note: this only gets rid of ads in the middle of videos, so this works if you're listening to a long compilation or 1 hour version or something. Also, I only use chrome, so I can't guarantee it working on other browsers.
They have them at TJ Max, Taco Bell, among other places. Not sure if they actually hold sweepstakes but you also have to take the survey multiple times. Also you need the humility to make separate transactions.
Idea came after a friend chugged her beer and found a shard of glass at the bottom of her glass. The restaurant manager voided our entire bill.
No one watches and by time someone complains you're gone.
In a pinch, you could grab one from someone else's car. Joke shops often have fake ones, as well.
Although I don’t think that people will be leaving in droves, these abortion bills have a more direct impact on people’s lives than the abstract threat of a certain candidate winning a general election. People will actually be jailed for doing something that millions of people do every year throughout the U.S. If I was a young person living in one of these states I would seriously consider moving, to avoid potentially going to prison. Correct me if I’m wrong but Georgia’s bill even prohibits people from going across state lines for an abortion. Additionally, real estate prices are dependent on certain factors such as demand. Even if many people don’t leave the state, demand will drop due to the negative image that these bills will cast. Real estate in these states won’t completely crash but we should see some prices drop.
I'm a college student. I was at a bar a couple months ago and i got a $5 beer. When I checked my bank account, the restaurant had charged me $49.20. They won't answer my calls and my bank isn't helping either since it was on a debit card. I wrote a bad yelp review but I want them to have more trouble
So if you want a super easy $200 for opening a checking account, just Google Chase $200 new checking bonus and it's like the first thing that comes up. The only requirement is a direct deposit which can be tricked if needed. A transfer from Circle Pay I know counts as a direct deposit. After a "direct deposit" of any dollar amount (yes, $1 is enough, a penny I am pretty sure would work too but I wouldnt recommend doing it then waiting a week to find out for sure when a single dollar definitely will) Below this i am including the same link that you will find googling, but this one gives me $50 for the referal while having no additional positive or negative effects on your $200. The $150 for the savings account it talks about has a bunch of stipulations and I wouldnt really recommend trying to fool with it. Anyway, enjoy! PS I can only get a max of 10 referrals so it would be neat to keep this going and rotating the referral link to whoever is in line next after 10 occur. But I repeat you dont have to use my link if you dont want to. I've gotten five referrals (as of of today 5/17) already and will let you know and edit to a new person's when I get 10! https://accounts.chase.com/raf/share/1668449656
Put a bible in the bedstand. Modern people have been conditioned to hate Christianity, and will angrily deface the bible. Before they clock out you check the room and charge them 10 times the price of a new bible for a replacement ... Profit!!!
Physically attack expecting mothers in Alabama who want an abortion just for having a baby. This will fall under the exception to no abortions, where "the child's mother has a condition that so complicates her medical condition that it necessitates the termination of her pregnancy to avert her death or to avert serious risk of substantial physical impairment of a major bodily function. " They will then be able to get an abortion because you are threatening her life. ​ [Actual Law source](https://www.al.com/news/2019/05/alabama-abortion-ban-passes-read-the-bill.html)
Bonus points if you’re speeding, more speed = more damage.
My place of business supplied us with a laptop of our choice. The tech was then reimbursed by our number 1 client on the day of purchase. I have a Dell G7 Gaming laptop that performs amazingly. Original cost \~$1000. ​ The client has let our company go, replaced us by a different company, who now wants everything the client has purchased for us to be picked up. There are many laptops, TV's, and equipment that needs to go. The laptop is listed on the pickup sheet as "Dell Laptop" because everyone else has Mac books. I found a 15.6" Dell Inspiron open box laptop at Best Buy for $100. Could I buy this and turn it in instead of my gaming laptop and get away with it?
For example: they live in a city 20 minutes to the East of where you live, tell them you live in a city 20 minutes West of where you actually live, and if they’re willing to meet you half way. They agree and voila, they’re driving over right around where you live and you don’t have to bother with the driving.
There is a great deal on a great Motorcycle Brand called Indian Motorcycle, that allows you to ride for free AKA (NO PAYMENTS) UNTIL 2020 subject to credit approval. I read the fine print and it's pretty damn good deal as long as you can get approved... If you're Trying to live your best life and you're dying soon and don't give a fuck about the loan.... Buy this Motorcycle for free and when your time comes it's too late. It's like $12k. Hopefully though you things in place so you don't pass on your debt to your family
Also, you can say you are taking prescription drugs that make you impaired. Don't elaborate if they ask to tell them its private :)
Ever needed to change something on a website (for whatever reason) to make it look believable? I used this method to create a static web page of my college grades, I gave myself all 100’s and created a link and when I clicked on the link, you would be directed to a page that would look exactly like the original, only difference is you would not be able to interact with, any sort of button or tab will not work when clicked on, so this is visual only, however I still think the possibilities for this are endless. Here are the steps: 1) download a chrome extension called sitemod.io, then go to the page you want to modify 2) inspect element on the page 3) click on the sitemod extension 4) in the top right there is a plus sign, click it 5) click create new fork 6) edit whatever you want to the page in the source code 7) when you are done (with inspect element still open) click save fork 8) now this “fork” is saved and if you go to a new tab and click on the fork, under the sitemod extension, you will be redirected to the page you just modified. 9) and if you want, you can copy and paste the chrome link at the top of the browser and now you are able to link this modified static page and send it to whomever I think there are great unethical possibilities for this, one I’m thinking of is using this method to change prices on Walmart or other stores websites by a small margin, 10 or so dollars, and showing it to an employee in the store on your phone, since it’s a web page and not a screenshot, they will be able to zoom in, etc. Usually when I say, “on the website it’s listed as X price and in store it’s more expensive, can I get the website price” as long as it looks legit enough they don’t give it a second thought, just make sure they don’t try to navigate the page because none of the actual buttons/tabs/menus etc work.
not a lot of gas and you have to wait a little but totally free and legal
Looking for some unethical tips for pranks or other ways to say goodbye to horrible neighbor. I am the upstairs neighbor (apartment.)
I heard it works 8 times.. a friend told me.. I'm poor and I like books ok ? I mean my friend is.
As we approach 800,000 subscribers here I am noticing more and more complaints about garbage posts and things that don't belong. While the mod team does approve or remove every post on the subreddit we are not all the same. There are ten of us, some more active than others, and we all have varying degrees of what we will put up with. We are all human (except /u/I_am_bot_beep_boop) and not everything is super cut and dry. We do our best to keep the tripe from sticking around too long. In fact only about 1/3 of the posts on this sub do not get removed. That being said, if you see something you think does not belong, please use the report button or message the mod team. Complaining in the comments and doing nothing doesn't help keep the subreddit the way it ought to be. And please, remember that kindness goes a long way and gets you much more. Messages along the lines of "I don't think this belongs because X." are much easier to deal with and more likely to put us on your side than "This is dumb, remove it." which is in turn infinitely greater than "dO YoUr FuCkInG jOb mOdS tHiS sUb Is ShIt." As always, if you don't like the way we do things, you can make your own subreddit, with blackjack, and hookers.
Biting, eye-gouging, hair pulling, throat punch, stomping, 12-6 elbows, etc are all very good self defense moves. They can be ***LETHAL*** so use with extreme caution.
Take advantage of early pregnancy morning sickness to drastically cut down on caloric intake for a while then have an abortion. Repeat as needed. Disclaimer: not available everywhere, check with a lawer in addition to your doctor before beginning this diet.
I'm looking to download some movies to a flash drive what is a safe website with no viruses to do it on.
I bought a second hand pair of Razer Kraken USB headset from a friend of mine. 3 days into using the headset even though it looked and performed as if it was brand new the plastic headband broke and will not fix with glue due to the break being too low. I found the exact headset on Walmarts website, the return policy is within 30 days of receiving the item with a 20% restocking fee and shipping. My main question is would it be better to try and buy a headset through Walmart or Amazon because Walmart has a restocking fee because they sell the headset from a third party, would that make it easier to return to the customer service at Walmart or would working with Amazons return policy make this easier to pull off? I apologize for formatting I'm on mobile currently.
The card won’t have a balance on it, since it was never paid for. You can still slip it into a birthday card or something as a gift. It’s the thought that counts right ;)
WARNING: ILLEGAL I was busted as a teenager for this, and I do not recommend you commit this crime. It costed me a pretty penny and obviously is illegal. So, as a teen I figured out how to get free cell phone service. Got a prepaid phone, and activate it. Went to a store where they cell prepaid cell phone time. They come on little cards with a scratch off code that you can enter in your phone to unlock another month or 1000 minutes or data or w/e. I scratched off the code in the bathroom and entered the code into my phone, but didn't hit "enter" because the cashier needed to activate the code before it was valid. So I went up to the register, they scanned it, activated it, and told me the total. I told them I forgot my wallet. Walked out of the store. Hit enter on my phone. Minutes activated. Not a penny spent. Luckily I was 16 when I got busted so it didn't stay on my record. They started to develop different methods of providing minutes because of this, but some still have the scratch off cards.
We have a base of good customers and we're doing just fine, but finding new loads to do for different people is difficult. I would even be willing to pay bribes if necessary.
My father always interrupted my studying for university with some super annoying but dumb stuff that I couldn‘t care less about (filling documents for his new girlfriend) and wouldn‘t take a no as an option. So I started to fuck up everything he wanted me to do for her/himself. Sorry Dad, not during exam weeks.
Just remember to make it so the comments don't seem unrelated to the story itself. It's important to change only the small details. It's also best if you acknowledge that you made perhaps a small mistake, because that will make your post more sincere. Btw, I never tried this before so good luck. (:
Because yeah, imaginary points are better than actual research.
I have about $50 worth of games coming later today via UPS. Would they replace them if I say the box was empty or missing a game or something like that?
Works well in retail or food service. If the place closes at 9, tell customers 8:30. This keeps people from coming in shortly before the place actually closes (and you want to go home).
A great way to crack a beer while driving.
If you’re in a crowded bar finish your current drink or grab an empty glass and go up to a bartender and tell them someone knocked your drink over then order what you like. Works 9/10 .
When sites like LinkedIn question you about your salary for specific positions, always add 25-30% on your base salary. Company HR departments use this information to base your salary on. All of this information is used against you so companies can prove why you don’t deserve that raise at the end of the year.
This"bar bet" has literally paid my bills more than a few times. I learned it in 1998, from a magician at a porn store. I've probably made at least a couple thousand over the last 20 years with this bet. No one has ever won/gotten it right. •Take a soda bottle/water bottle/any bottle with a flat lid and put it upside down on a $5. It should have at least an inch or two of fluid in it. (Sometimes I used larger bills but it took a while before I was confident enough to risk that.) • Say (to whoever you're betting), "I bet you can't remove that $5 bill without touching the bottle or knocking it over. If you win, you keep the money BUT if you lose and touch or knock the bottle over- you owe me the same amount." (This is where I make them put their money down) * Usually they just go right for it, try and rip the money out as fast as possible and they always lose. The way to do it, is to roll the bill, slowly, while using the rolled part, to push the bottle off the money. I reccomend you practice rolling the money off at least a few times before trying this. It's not hard but you definitely need a bit of a soft touch.
This"bar bet" has literally paid my bills. I learned it in 1998, from a magician. I have probably made thousands of dollars over the last 20 years with this bet. No one has ever won/gotten it right. •Take a soda bottle/water bottle/any bottle with a flat lid and put it upside down on a $5. It should have at least an inch or two of fluid in it. (Sometimes I used larger bills but it took a while before I was confident enough to risk that.) • Say (to whoever you're betting), "I bet you can't remove that $5 bill without touching the bottle or knocking it over. If you win, you keep the money BUT if you lose and touch or knock the bottle over- you owe me the same amount." (This is where I make them put their money down) * Usually they just go right for it, try and rip the money out as fast as possible and they always lose. The way to do it, is to roll the bill, slowly, while using the rolled part, to push the bottle off the money. I reccomend you practice rolling the money off at least a few times before trying this. It's not hard but you definitely need a bit of a soft touch.
If you eat rather regularly, and the items you eat are fairly consistent, your poops should be pretty regular. Do your best to schedule them during work hours. When you must relieve yourself, refuse to flush. This will deter most everyone from using this toilet. The janitor may flush/clean it, but that's a free cleaning. This will seriously minimize how many people you have to share with - if not eliminate competition altogether.
Unfortunately I learned this ULPT the other day when one of our roommates forgot to pay the power bill and PSEG came and turned our power off. We ended up paying it that same day and they said it would take 6-7 hours for them to come back out. Then I called them back and told them someone in our house had Chronic asthma and needed the power for a respirator and they came out to fix it in an hour.
Most university libraries are 24/7 and so don't mind if you are there at 2am. Make sure to come back periodically to ensure that your stuff is okay. Add/remove a coat from the back of the chair, change the settings of your papers to keep suspicions low when you take a break or leave it overnight. Don't leave valuables but scrap paper and a few pens with a locked desktop will do the trick.
If they still don’t let you in you can threaten to sue.
All cops will respond unless you're in a place where shots fired calls are super common, in which case you won't likely get pulled over anyway bc cops have other stuff to do. Or just uber, which might not be ethical due to low wages💁🏼‍♂️
You can anonymously give multiple platinum/gold awards to the person you're arguing with, then in your next comment call them out for gilding themselves. Whenever it seems like someone has gilded themselves so their comments stand out, they usually get plenty of downvotes, which should help make your viewpoint "win". Note: This is extremely petty and internet points/arguments don't matter... but hey, unethical is in the name.
Can confirm it works so far
The reasoning behind this is that scantron machines were specifically developed to be used with HB (#2) pencils, because this lead hardness grade was the only one the scantron machine was able to read properly. A scantron is one of those answer sheets given out during exams where you pencil in the bubble to a specific question.
I basically just keep all receipts for anything that I buy over $50. Whenever I get a chance, I go in the store with my receipt, grab the item off the shelf, and make my way to customer service. The key is to act normal. Don't dart your eyes around, keep a straight face, and act semi-friendly with the person at the customer service desk. If all goes well, you'll have the item that you already paid for and your money back. I've done this with at least $5K - $6K worth of merch over the years. If you can act cool and natural in high pressure situations, you'll be just fine. Good luck! :)