Saves a few bucks and nobody questions tickets you pay for on your phone.
You don't tip because that trains the drivers to come slower to your place, further increasing the chance the pizza will take over 45 minutes to be delivered. Milked this more than I'd like to admit. :>
I actually caught someone doing this in one of my courses. I let him stay.
Must not be on WiFi.
And if its torn or damaged on your trip you can just say that this is why you're returning it.
I’ve done this a million times and always get away with it. For example, I buy my dog a large nylabone ($24 in store) and put up the online version of an extra small Nylabone ($5) on my phone. They never question it because they don’t get paid enough to care and I always save a ton of money.
Make a Snapchat account using pictures of a pretty girl. Interact with some accounts other than your friends first it looks like it has activity. Contact your friends. Send female nudes to friends. Note that pics must have a similar skin tone. Ask for dick pics.
This is mostly for people who just bought a vehicle (in WA temp tags are good for 30-45 days) and you can use EZ pass lane,express lane without being charged a toll because cameras aren't programmed to read car windows. No license plate no place for state to send a bill. Same goes for running Red light camera.
Also, if you're trying to convince your boss that you are sick, don't wear any makeup so that it's more believable.
I've used a barcode for personal art supplies, but at my job, they have me buying a bunch of canvases and paint and I don't want to pay full price. Can I just find one online and Photoshop the expiration date or are the codes one use only?
We all know about this, however I was wondering; How many times can I get away with it? My plan is to build a new computer. I want to buy the most expensive part first, refund it, and then continue with all my parts. My question is how many times can I do this in a row before my account gets flagged or they just wont refund me? Thank you
Just do this! > #**Man Arrested After Eating Free KFC For A Year Claiming He's From Head Office** > We've all got a mate who's gone back around the drive-thru, claiming an item has been 'missed' from their order even though it's most definitely right in front of them - only be met with a polite apology before receiving a substitute for said 'missing' item (and sometimes an extra portion of chips to soften the blow). > But what one 27-year-old fella did was quite close to genius - only it just missed the mark because he has now been arrested and will appear in court after allegedly scamming his way to eating free at KFC for an entire year. >The South African man is reported to have told employees of the fast food chain that he had been sent from the KFC headquarters for quality checks to make sure the chicken was up to standard. > According to India Today, the University of KwaZulu-Natal student would walk in with confidence and tell staff he was there for quality assurance checks of the food served in the restaurant. > It has also been reported that the unnamed man carried an ID card from 'head office' and would dress very smart - even arriving in a limousine. Credit where credit's due, that's dedication. >Well, according to Xpouzar, the man's friend is a part-time limo driver and seemed to be a pretty good alleged accomplice for pretending you're a man with status, by the sound of things. > A member of staff from KFC told Xpouzar: "When he arrived we would all try to act our best so that we didn't piss off the man from head office - he was so convincing because he was so confident, and even colleagues from other branches of KFC know him. >"When he came in, he rushed to the kitchen and checked everything, taking notes and then asked for samples of whatever he wanted. He probably worked for KFC before because he knows everything." > The story was shared on Twitter by a Kenyan journalist who tweets from an account called 'The African Voice'. > The post currently has 22,000 likes and 10,000 retweets with people dubbing the KFC impostor a 'hero'. > One person commented: "They should give that man that job already." Another added: "Not all heroes wear capes.." > A third person wrote: "He is a legend and is now very experienced taster. KFC should employ him." > An almost flawless plan... until he inevitably got caught. Unlucky, mate. Source: http://www.ladbible.com/news/food-man-arrested-for-eating-free-kfc-after-saying-hes-from-head-office-20190513?source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR38H8_7zlXltUGUmKY20tcy6GR7s1VAbDaazef_iAjzBmM4P1XyyLj3aa0
They should test your sample for STDs and call you if it comes back positive - make sure to ask them at your clinic if they do. And before you say “GIVING BLOOD ISNT UNETHICAL” please know that it is highly irresponsible to give blood if you think you might have an STD, and that EVERYONE in LPT flipped the fuck out when I tried posting this there lmao
Sometimes I check on posts from my second account and upvote either my comment or other comments but occasionally it looks like the votes don’t register. Does Reddit base it on you IP address or device id?
There’s a chance that it will backfire, but if pulled off correctly, they will feel guilty and won’t try and get you in social situations.
Next time you go through the Zaxby's drive through ask for a Zax sauce at the window after you pay. Fast food employee's aren't paid enough to care and 9/10 times they'll just throw it in the bag for you as to not hold up the drive through line just to ring up a separate 25 cent order.
Next time you go through the Zaxby's drive through ask for a Zax sauce at the window \*\*after\*\* you pay. Fast food employee's aren't paid enough to care and 9/10 times they'll just throw it in the bag for you as to not hold up the drive through line just to ring up a separate 25 cent order.
If you're a guy and having a bad time on Tinder/Bumble/etc. Set your preferences to both make and female. Gay guys are equally as trigger happy as straight guys so you'll get tons of lines from them. This will boost your meta score that tinder or bumble uses and will recommend you to more people in general. Thus getting you more matches with girls. You can set it back and tour score should maintain that boost for a little while but if your down with left swiping all the guys then just leave it
Stole it from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/cursedcomments/comments/bnnehl/youre_lucky_i_didnt_abort_you_child/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app
Some credit card companies such as Capital One and Bank of America allow you to create virtual card numbers to use for specific merchants. Use the virtual card number to sign up for a free trial (Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc). When your free trial ends sign up for another one with a different email address and a new virtual card number.
We can't log into the account because it sends a code to the user's phone. There is a "tip" option in the emails that we haven't tried.
You might have to add a little water to pages before wiping but after that works just as well. a bible lasts me for 1,5 weeks so 3 bibles a month should be sufficient.
**My Experience:** Last night grocery shopping w my husband and kiddo, he wanted to make beef stroganoff from scratch and picked up a really nice looking beef kebab loin (?? something like that), from an organic brand that we really like to buy when it’s on sale - the sign said it was $6.79. When we get to the checkout, I’m bagging groceries and entertaining kiddo while husband deals w the cashier, and he stops her when the meat rings up at $13.99, saying it was supposed to be $6 something and he’s positive about that. She does the whole “call someone to go check the price”, and while waiting, a meat department worker happens by. She calls out to him and asks if he knows the price off the top of his head (to save the other person a trip). Meat Guy tells Cashier, “Welp, it’s .99 now!” in a way that we weren’t sure if he was joking or not - so cashier kinda laughs and goes “Wait, really?” Meat Guy’s like, “Yeah, we can’t re sell it now...” and they lowered their voices so we couldn’t hear the rest - but I know general grocery store policy in the US, and I realized that we were unintentionally taking advantage of a loophole in that moment. Sure enough, the cashier went ahead took the amount off our total, and entered “0.99” as a miscellaneous charge. (Well actually she kinda messed it up so the manager had to give us $14 cash back but that’s not really the point). ________ **Why It Works:** I can only speak for the US, but the law requires grocery stores to dispose of any meat, dairy, or other bacteria-prone refrigerated items that have been in someone’s chopping cart for an indeterminate length of time (aka everyone). They cannot re sell products safely to the public that are refrigerated and have been outside of refrigeration for any length of time. This does lead to massive food waste in the interest of public health, and this ULPT is aimed to take a little advantage of that. ______ **Please don’t abuse this to the point of them needing to change policy - be cool and let everyone get a little piece of the ...uhh, meat pie**
[https://www.dnvod.tv/](https://www.dnvod.tv/) ​ [https://thefraudbible.blogspot.com/](https://thefraudbible.blogspot.com/)
Not sure if every company does this, but ive had tech issues with one product before and normally they would only respond after a week, but when i put in a refund request they responded in one hour to each email and they went through the same responses as before.
Right now I live in a state with no income tax (NV) and own two homes here. We are thinking of selling one of those homes and moving to OR which has income tax. I will continue to work for the company I currently work for so I won't be working for a company that is in OR. If I keep that other home (it's a rental property) can I still keep my DL and registration and claim that I live at that property in NV? I would still travel to NV every few months so it wouldn't be tough to keep my DL or register my car (will be tough to get the smog check though, would have to drive to NV each year), I'm guessing you pay income tax per which state you have your DL in? This would save us a massive amount of money each month. ​ Appreciate the help.
You can also change "utm\_source" or "utm\_term" and they'll be in all the google reports, analytics reporting, etc. It'll make some very interesting marketing meetings to say the least.
So I don’t know if this really counts as unethical, cause in a way you’re helping somebody who might not be comfortable going into the store themselves, but when I lived in the city I’d post my old clothes on Craigslist & find dudes who cross dressed to buy or trade for them. This is mainly aimed at other women but I could see it working for men as well in certain scenarios
I worked at Mcdonalds 3 years ago and I still have a stack of free coffees and big macs
If they say that cops don't have to tell you that they're undercover when asked, they're real. An undercover officer would most likely say that they'd have to tell you.
If you've finished your secret stash, go ahead and eat your rightful house of the public snacks. Your SO will be proud of your self restraint and you get what you want. Win win
Seems like ( at least in the U.S.) “men of god“ get off the hook/leniency more often than the average joe. If you know you are someone that is more disposed to criminal acts, might not be a bad idea. Maybe even go so far as to make some donations to some religious organizations.
Also subtley jiggle the ice from time to time to make sure they don’t forget.
I used to work at Panera Bread a long time ago in the salad bar before I quit. I began to notice that there are some different regulars who always do this: 1. Ask for a piece of bread at the cashier and wait for the cashier to ring your order. Wait for your food and then when you are called, pick your plate up, pretend to take it for a few seconds and come back to the counter saying that you asked for an apple or a chip and have told the cashier to change it earlier. The employee will give you an apple or a chip and let you keep the bread as their policy is, they are not allowed to take food back after it leaves the counter. You can now enjoy 2 sides instead of one. 2. There is this regular couple that comes every weekend on lunch, the busiest time ever that stresses me out in the kitchen. They always ask for a bowl of soup, ate it up and then come back, asking for a manager and saying that they're disappointed with the taste. They asked politely though, and ask if they can change it to another soup. They did not get a refund, but they do get another bowl of soup. 3. The last one is the best for me in a customer's POV. This lady ordered a salad online and makes a lot of typos on her notes. I made her salad the way it should be made. When she arrives she checks it and said "I'm sorry, but I put a note that I don't want this in my salad. I'm in a hurry, can you please fix it fast?". Well as you have guessed, I don't want to be bothered to take out the ingredients she doesn't want (In this case, it's poppyseeds and bacon after I shake them). So I just make a new batch of salad. I let her keep the salad that I made before because it is our policy to let the customer keeps the wrong order, we are going to throw them away anyway since we, the employees, are not allowed to take it home. I took a break after that and I caught her eating the salad in the dining area. 4. This one is not really a tip, but if you ever need a free Wi-Fi, Panera Bread is the best place. You don't really have to buy anything at all, you can just come and sit everywhere you want from morning time till they are closing. If you are thirsty you can come to the cashier and ask for a cup, they won't question you anything and will just give it to you. You get a free drink and Wi-Fi which is a win-win situation. And since you asked the cashier, it is technically not stealing. You still might need to eat though, but you can buy food from outside the store and come back since Panera Bread menu is absurdly overpriced. No one will dare to ask you to leave as long as you are not making any commotions. That is all my Unethical Life Pro Tips that I can share with my experience working in Panera Bread for 3 years. It has been a while since I left Panera, it is a great place to start. I speak French, so please excuse my grammatical error. I personally don't count any of these tips as stealing, because you do ask them and they have the rights to say no; it is also a tip that takes advantage of their policies.
They prolly won’t wanna hit it.
You really shouldn’t go to a blood bank if you think you have an STD, but you can. Most of them test for STDs...AND call you if it comes back positive - but make sure to ask to the staff lmao
You skip the line and they don’t even check it
Yes, I may have had a margarita or three Whil posting this.
Person at work backed into my car I was back up into the center of the isle, started to see someone back up into me, honked at them, looked forward and there was a person in my spot climbing into their car. I honked again as they smashed into me, pretty hard. They admitted fault and asked what I wanted to do, I said it was a minor accident and would they rather use insurance or pay for the damage in cash. They said it was up to me so I went and and got a quote. Gave them it (1K) and they said they would need to do insurance. I get a call from the insurance agent and they are claiming we smashed into them. They reversed the story, they even got a fake witness to go with there story. I'm working on reversing the insurance companies mind and getting real witnesses. But if I don't and they fuck me out of 1K dollars how can I fuck there life up? Legally of course, I work with them and can't do to much there different departments. Only thing I'm working on now is spreading the (true) rumor on how they lied about the wreck in order to steal from me. Any other legal ideas.
Separate hidden bank account? "Donate" any expensive assets to a friend/parent/hidden-company-formed-solely-for-this-purpose? For the record 99% of me believes she would never cheat or anything but people change and you really never know someone just because you've been dating for years.
I set the card up when I first started at my company and completely forgot about it. I got a call saying I need to use it by May 30th, but I don't have any medical appointments coming up, nor do I need to see a physician or dentist for any reason because I already went a couple of months ago. How do I get the money off the card? It's $375 and I could use it for necessities.
There are half a dozen printshops around my university and most of them have a pile of lost USBs displaying on the counter. Nobody will know/care whether the USB belongs to you or not. No one will likely be claiming them for years to come. If you think about it this way, you're actually recycling and reducing waste!
I disgust myself while typing this.
Use a shitload of citation footnotes and you can save yourself from 1/3 the amount of actual writing.
I work for a small cruise company that treats its employees absolutely terrible and pays very little. They recently royally fucked me over and I’m trying to let everybody who is looking to work for them just how bad they are. They have an Instagram page and a website. How do I go about this?
A “friend” of mine who I have been extremely close to recently told a girl he liked all the secrets I trusted him with. How do I get back in a way that’ll slowly torment him? I don’t wanna spread rumors/leak his secrets to everyone else. I’d rather have something more atypical, thank you!
I'm still trying to figure out what they did.
Get a free ride home after a drunken night by breaking into a car. As long as nothing is damaged or stolen the police will have no grounds to arrest you and just bring you home. Works in Canada, and probably any other country with a bad justice system.
Cross post to r/probablymailfraud
If you have vague cardiologic symptoms like syncope (fainting), palpitations, shortness of breathe which is not diagnosed yet say your doctor that you are a pilot. In this way s/he will be extra caucious and run additional tests/procedures to rule out every possible disease that can effect your passengers. (Hope your insurance covers them or you are not in the US)
Just done this to a guy, he must be freaking out now lol
Learnt this from my own professors!! 🙃
You’ll have a better chance of not getting a ticket with the cops.
Why spend money on toilet paper? It's so expensive! That's practically like wiping your a** with dollar bills! Just swipe a roll from public restrooms every time you go somewhere. Many places use regular-sized rolls. Often they stock it in a cabinet or have extras so you can even get the freshies. This is easiest when carrying a large purse or backpack. Even if it's those huge industrial-size rolls, you can still roll it around your hand and get a good-sized wad to take back to your lair.
I picked up a pair of Beats (Beatz? IDK...) today at this discount. I didn't pull this, but instantly realized the potential. Enjoy!
In doing this, you must first find name brand items sold at Dollar Tree. Next, you'll need to go to Target and find the the same items (clearence items excluded). Head over to Customer Service and bada Bing badda boom: glorious Target monies. *Works best with multiples of items.
Per my other post (see post history if you wish) . My little brothers friend came into my room and broke some stuff and vandalized some shit. They’re high schoolers. How can I destroy this kids reputation. Please, be creative.
So this “multi level marketing” office has been putting up flyers at my college with their ad saying that students can earn up to 2k part time. I’m tired of these fucks because they only target minority communities and students who need money. How can get a massive group of people to prank call them? Something simple like “I’m calling to make a penis enlargement appointment” or “what are your glory hole locations” something stupid to annoy them.
Alright, I signed up for an extracurricular research/debate/writing competition with a few friends and we’re going next week. One member of my team hasn’t researched shit and we gave him the largest topic to research. I finished my TWO topics and did one of his and part of the thing he isn’t working on. How do I get this guy to work? It’s next week!
I did this recently and oh my God, has it helped me so much. I don't actually have ADHD, it's just that my program is tough, I have poor time management skills and friends from different programs that are mostly free anytime of the day. I got an ultimatum from the Ontario Student Assistance Program to put up 10k or else for not following their rules about passing courses. I did meet my University's gpa to stay in the program so they don't care. I did my research managed to book an appointment with a psychiatrists and psychiatrist don't do the intensive paperwork and assessments that psychologist do which is why I choice a psychiatrist. Also, they are covered by the Ontario health insurance plan and all private insurance also cover some cost of visiting a psychiatrist, so you American folks can use this trick. It's pretty easy to do the assessment, like legit it's do easy just do your research and know what to say. I got a prescription for Adderall on the second appointment and an official letter from the psychiatrist within a week. Gave it to OSAP and the ultimatum was removed. Also gave me alot of advantages like extra time on assignments being handed in, extra exam time, reduced passing course load requirement to get OSAP, Disability funding, and some other minor benefits. Plus you also get Adderall!!!! How are you gonna possibly get caught? Even if you tell someone and they snitch on you, you could act depressed and saying that you didn't want the other person to believe you have a mental health issue as it has stigma surrounding it. Even if you were a smart student during highschool, you will still be able to get a diagnosis if you do your research and plan on what to say. Visit r/ADHD and you will hear tons of stories of people being diagnosed when being doing their PHd, Masters, being 50+ and being generally very smart. If you are unfortunately and get into the hands of a psychologist, don't worry. Its the same process but they give you more paperwork to complete with your parents (which can also be you if you know what I m saying. That's what I did) and they ask for more detail encounters with your difficulties. They do this because it's more work for them and they get to charge you more for it even those it's all easy. Here in Ontario, the rate is 2000 dollars for an ADHD testing. Just get the paperwork, DONT GO THROUGH WITH THEIR TREATMENT PROGRAM AS IT IS ALSO EXPENSIVE. They are just there to make money off of you and they can't write you medications as they are psychiatrists. Just Google and bullshit, that's all.
Go to Alibaba, look for a supplier for something you want. Contact them and claim to be a company (just make up a name), it helps if you can send it from an email that looks like it belongs to the made up company. Say you want to buy the product in bulk, just make up a number, 50, 100 etc. Ask for a sample product, they will usually send it for a low price/free, in hopes of you ordering more in bulk if you are satisfied. Then cut all contact. Congratulations, you just got the product you wanted cheap.
Haven’t done that presentation at work or want an extra day for that assignment? 1. Create a word document and name the file relevant to your task. 2. Head over to this website https://corrupt-a-file.net. This corrupts your file purposely 3. Frantically try to open the document on the day in front of your boss or teacher to no success. 4. Most of the time from my experience they will give you an extra day or so
Seriously, no girl is gonna pull out a measuring stick and check. As long as you’re close, like 5’10 or taller, they’ll just take your word that you’re 6 feet tall. Then they’ll actually give you a chance and maybe it works out. If it eventually does come out that you’re shorter, you can easily just say you made a mistake, misremembered, or the way you were previously measured was different.
Chemical psychosis is rather easy to maintain and it's kind of fun. Just stay away from tweakers and the Y.
Some girl is making a painting for me, but I'm a prick so we'll see what happens.
Could I buy an amazon gift card with cash and have the item shipped to one of those amazon pickup locations?
People love the idea of converting somebody from not eating meat to eating meat, so you’re likely going to get people sharing their favorite expensive/rare meats with you. Works best with new coworkers/friends, and tell them you’ve been vegan/vegetarian for 3-5 years.
How to get legit certificate/proof that I have children? I will use it to get a raise.
AND you can always "change your mind" ;)
Order a Smores Frappucino (has caffeine). Feign ignorance of its caffeine content. Tell them you thought it didn't have caffeine. They will tell you that the Smore **Creme** Frappucino doesn't have caffeine. They will offer to remake the drink and since it's a waste to throw away most likely you will walk out with two drinks.
Hi, I´m looking for the file of the Dec. 2018 [bombuj.eu](https://bombuj.eu) databreach. I would love it if someone could send it to me. Thanks in advance
Like many of you, I'm a college student who pays an exorbitant amount of money to a university that charges me an extra 250$ for a parking pass, on top of tuition and books. Well, if you want to avoid the parking pass, take a picture of a cars parking pass who is of similar year / model, and Photoshop it to look like that with the same number / barcode. I did that this past year, and not once did any of the people who check your cars, find out. If you lack the plastic wrap as a replacememt, use clear duct tape! I can include images if you all would like!
You don't even have to use them for real.
the future is bueno if you work the creepy data harvesting to your advantage, and your phone is always listening
Found this out today after going through scrotal surgery and decided to binge watch Rick and Morty. Felt like I was discovering a new show for the first time!
I think I found a loophole in AMC's ticketing and refund system. ------- I bought 4 tickets for Endgame: * 2 tickets: 12:30am on a Friday - Dolby Cinema - Theater 9 * 2 tickets: 5pm for the following Monday - Dolby Cinema - Theater 9 I accidentally checked in at the theater using the barcode on my phone for the 5pm showtime which I was three days early for, but they waved me through and told me which theater to go to. I checked in at around 12:00am. When I realized my mistake, I went online and refunded the 12:30am showtime ticket that I hadn't used yet and I still had a few minutes before a refund was no longer possible. Out of curiosity, I tried refunding the Monday @ 5pm ticket that I just checked in with, and to my surprise I got my $44 refund a few days later as well as my $40 refund for the midnight showing that I actually went to. In the end, I paid just over $14.00 in online convenience fees for 2 tickets to Endgame at a Dolby Cinema, the highest quality theater in my area.
Typically in membership stores, you need to flash your membership card to get in. Well, if you're not a member, have a friend gift you a Costco Gift Card or find a discarded one. You can now waltz in and have lunch or dinner whenever you want off the sample booths. And you only need a Visa credit card or cash to buy food court items. Enjoy being ~cheap~ frugal!
Let's say Sally Six-Out-Of-Ten from Tinder hits you up for a date, and at the time you're down to chill, but then Nancy Nine-Out-Of-Ten also hits you up, so you ghost on Sally and chill with Nancy instead. Oh shit, it turns out Nancy is super boring and doesn't put out, but you know Sally is down to do butt stuff. You've grievously miscalculated your plans for the evening, and Sally knows you ghosted on her. What do you do? Like the title says, most text messaging apps have a "schedule a message" function, and you should use it. Schedule 3 messages to send to Sally to arrive at the same time. Make them long enough so it doesn't look like you could have typed them all at once. For example: *Haha yeah sounds good, can't wait to see you* *You there? Did something come up?* *Okay well lmk if you're still down to chill when you're free* When Sally gets the text dump, she'll assume you had problems with your phone as opposed to dumping her for someone else without even letting her off the hook, and she'll think you think that *she* ghosted on *you* and might even apologize. Done!
How would they prove you weren't pregnant? It's possible you miscarried by the time they audit you. https://www.ajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/anti-abortion-heartbeat-bill-would-also-have-tax-impact-for-georgians/zqFJ5osEEt3g3VlwRrLb9I/
Have a piece of paper with the answers or anything you want and put it in your bra or boxers. The teacher will not be allowed to check there even if he/she sees you cheating. Start cheating only after half of the time has passed because she/he would have already concentrated on the people she/he suspects are cheating, thus not paying you any attention.
At the end of a phone call say goodbye and pretend to hang up. Muffle the speaker a little and pretend to (or actually) talk to someone in the room about how nice, good and/or professional they are. It works best if you carry on talking very quickly after saying goodbye, to keep their attention before they hang up. Then just say something quick like "Hey Chris, I was just on to Mike over at ABC.corp. He's a really nice guy. Knows his stuff. I hope this deal goes through because its nice to work with someone that's a bit more professional." Then just hang up. They will assume it was an error, technical glitch or the phone handset wasn't seated properly.
If you ever want to rip off your local chicken or burger joint that sells sweet tea by the gallon, just order a gallon of sweet tea, pay for it, take it home, and unload it into another container. Then, fill it with unsweet tea and return it claiming you didn't get sweet tea. They'll give you another gallon of delicious sweet tea on the house.
Follow These Simple Steps and I Will Pay You $15 per Attempt (No CC/Payment Information Required) (You MUST be 18+) This literally takes less than 10 minutes at most. Usually around 5-6 minutes. 1. Download the app (Blockchain) 2. Create a new wallet 3. Go to the sidebar and open up the settings 4. Click swap limits and complete the verification process for gold status 5. Once gold status is reached, they give you $50 worth of a virtual currency called XLM (Stellar) 6. Send that XLM to my Wallet (DM Me For the Wallet Address and Memo ID) 7. I will sell that currency through another platform and send you payment through Cashapp/Venmo/Paypal/Zelle. If you have any questions, let me know! I'll answer them ASAP!
In most stores it's company policy that employees can't get angry at you or act like you're a disconvenience to them. Thus they most likely won't confront you about it, but they may put your prepurchased beverage away if they notice. The downside is that store staff will eventually hate you in secret. I know because I'm a cashier and learned this tip from several of my customers. Yes, I'm talking about you, impatient lunchbreak gambler, shady old coupon lady, and stereotypical Indiana meth mom, if you guys are reading this, stop it. We're now looking at getting a freezer replaced thanks to that sixpack of pepsi cans you may have stashed behind the frozen pizza. Not even our vendor knew it was there. Even if it wasn't you guys, you're the usual culprits.
I'm apartment hunting and right now most of the options in the area I'm looking at are either \~$600 rat infested dump heaps (according to reviews) or \~$1400 closets. ​ I found one in the \~$800 range that looks pretty good BUT they have a very narrow income range they're willing to except. Minimum income has to be 2.5x rent which is $2,093 but maximum gross income is at #34,440 or $2,870 monthly BEFORE taxes. ​ I make a wee bit more than the annual max but my take home is around $2200 monthly. Is there a way I can get around the the annual gross max?
Homeless, but have a job? Partner up with someone who looks like you and has a work shift that is opposite yours. You'd both have to initially sneak in. But once that is done one of you always stays locked into the storage unit. If you work nights, you lock your partner in as he sleeps so no one discovers him there (I hear some places have people who walk the units checking locks). When you get off work and come *home* (to your storage unit) you enter your unit and stay there until it is time for your partner to start work. Then he, dressed the same as you so it appears that you are leaving, then locks you in for the day while you sleep and quietly live there until he gets off work to replace you. That's how two people could secretly live in a storage unit and get away with it.
Or something equally horrible?
NOTE: I'm actually a highschool student but I know friends who aren't who've pulled this off Just started sending emails yesterday and out of the 30 so far 13 have responded with 3 of them sending me stuff
Remember how your dishes use to be clean after a heavy duty dishwasher cycle? Back in 2011 many states banned the usage of phosphate in dish detergent and laundry detergent, and the result is dishes coming out with a film on them ever since. The ban is because of the possibility of phosphates being potentiality responsible for algae blooms and other minor environmental concerns. Enter Cascade fryer boil out, or as it use to be called Cascade Profesional dishwasher detergent. This stuff is absolutely amazing, it works just like it should, and your dishes actually come out clean again. Only need a teaspoon to get the job done too!
Order your new lawn mower on Amazon, fill the mower with gas and use it once. Then tell Amazon you would like to return it for some reason, and due to regulations they cannot accept an item with gasoline in it. They will refund you the cost of the lawn mower and you keep it.
With the college year ending, many of you students may have extra print quota. Don't want it to go to waste? Want to get back $10 from the school your paying thousands of dollars to go to? Don't care about the environment? Get your money's worth in paper and ink * Get Minimalist Wall Art like [these](https://chicfetti.com/free-printables/) * Make a Life-Size Images with [Rasterbator](https://rasterbator.net/) * Print next semesters textbooks * Print out your the script from your [favorite movie](http://screenplaysandscripts.com/home.php) * Organize next year with a new [Calendar/Planner](https://www.papertraildesign.com/floral-monthly-planner-template-pages-free-printable/) * Learn how to draw [Isometrically](https://www.dadsworksheets.com/worksheets/graph-paper-isometric-dot-paper.html) * Play [DnD](http://www.reddit.com/r/dnd) * Get Really good at folding [paper airplanes](https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/airplane/programs/pa2top.JPG) * Relieve Stress with [adult coloring pages](https://www.justcolor.net/) * Make it rain at a party with [fake money](https://www.printableplaymoney.net/)
This may apply to other state lotteries as well.
Title speaks for itself Particularly persistent and annoying wiki vandalizer. Preferably without the Vandal being able to track me down.
With the college year ending, many of you students may have extra print quota. Don't want it to go to waste? Want to get back $10 from the school your paying thousands of dollars to go to? Don't care about the environment? Let's get our money's worth in paper and ink. Help me add more. * Get Minimalist Wall Art like [these](https://chicfetti.com/free-printables/) * Make a Life-Size Images with [Rasterbator](https://rasterbator.net/) * Print next semesters textbooks * Print out your the script from your [favorite movie](http://screenplaysandscripts.com/home.php) * Organize next year with a new [Calendar/Planner](https://www.papertraildesign.com/floral-monthly-planner-template-pages-free-printable/) * Learn how to draw [Isometrically](https://www.dadsworksheets.com/worksheets/graph-paper-isometric-dot-paper.html) * Play [DnD](http://www.reddit.com/r/dnd) * Get Really good at folding [paper airplanes](https://www.grc.nasa.gov/www/k-12/airplane/programs/pa2top.JPG) * Relieve Stress with [adult coloring pages](https://www.justcolor.net/) * Make it rain at a party with [fake money](https://www.printableplaymoney.net/)
Just kidnap a child, the amber alert will come through even if it's on silent.
I have two female neighbors below me. They’re insanely loud. Loud sex, loud tv, screams threats over the phone to people. They don’t give a fuck. I can hear it all. I am not allowed to do anything until 14:00. Why? Because the neighbors say they work nights. Which is bullshit. And I hear them up early during the day. I work nights myself and I don’t put that restriction on them. They’re super loud when I try to sleep and they don’t care at all but if my dog barks (which is very rare) or if I vacuum or drop something they will email the landlord or come stomping up the stairs to yell at me or they’ll slam things around. The landlord isn’t fond of me despite the fact I keep to myself and pay everything in full on time. I was given a lease violation for vacuuming at 11am. Completely in my legal right to do so. The lease says noise control is from 2300-0700. What can I do about this to get back at them? I’m absolutely sick of having to monitor everything I do and bend to their schedule when I’m given no respect or consideration in return. They know I work nights and they know when I sleep. Im so exhausted from not being able to sleep due to these people. I can hear them over my headphones I use to sleep. I’m sick of having to hear their loud nasty sex and the constant noise but I have to be dead silent for them.
Source? I’m Egyptian and I live in the US, I paid $25 for my Spotify’s annual subscription.
They're always stacked 4-10 deep for deliveries.
Ask a question (that you already know the answer to), inform them of something they may already know, or reply to a group email (cc your boss). Then, you can screw around from that moment until everyone gets in, but you look like a hard worker.
And if you get caught "I was teaching myself the art of entrepreneurship" :)