2 values
Micheal Bateman
Where do I send the bastard ?
Micheal Bateman
Dallas ?
Micheal Bateman
Paris ? Singapore ?
Micheal Bateman
London ? I'll send the asshole to London.
Micheal Bateman
Hi. This is Paul.
Micheal Bateman
I've been called away to London for a few days.
Micheal Bateman
Meredith, I'll call you when I get back. Hasta la vista, baby.
Micheal Bateman
What is it ?
Micheal Bateman
Patrick. Yes, Jean ?
Micheal Bateman
There's a Mr. Donald Kimball here to see you. Who ?
Micheal Bateman
Detective Donald Kimball.
Micheal Bateman
Tell him I'm at lunch.
Micheal Bateman
Patrick, it's only 10:30. I think he knows you're here.
Micheal Bateman
Send him in, I guess.
Micheal Bateman
Now, John, you've gotta wear clothes in proportion to your physique.
Micheal Bateman
There are definite do's and don'ts, good buddy, of wearing a bold-striped shirt.
Micheal Bateman
A bold-striped shirt calls for solid-colored...
Micheal Bateman
or discreetly patterned suits and ties.
Micheal Bateman
Yes, always tip the stylist 15 percent.
Micheal Bateman
Listen,John, I've gotta go. T. Boone Pickens just walked in.
Micheal Bateman
Just joking. No, don't tip the owner of the salon.
Micheal Bateman
Okay, John ? Right.
Micheal Bateman
Got it. Sorry about that.
Micheal Bateman
No, I'm sorry. I should've made an appointment.
Micheal Bateman
Was that anything important ?
Micheal Bateman
Oh, that ? Just mulling over business problems,
Micheal Bateman
examining opportunities, exchanging rumors, spreading gossip.
Micheal Bateman
Micheal Bateman
I'm Donald Kimball. Hi. Pat Bateman.
Micheal Bateman
Nice to meet you. Sorry to barge in on you like this.
Micheal Bateman
I know how busy you guys can get.
Micheal Bateman
So, what's the, uh, topic of discussion ?
Micheal Bateman
I've been hired by Meredith Powell...
Micheal Bateman
to investigate the disappearance of Paul Allen.
Micheal Bateman
I see, yeah. Paul's disappearance, yeah.
Micheal Bateman
So it's nothing that official.
Micheal Bateman
- I just have some questions about Paul Allen and yourself. - Coffee ?
Micheal Bateman
- No, I'm okay. - Apollinaris ?
Micheal Bateman
No, I'm okay.
Micheal Bateman
Can you bring Mr.--
Micheal Bateman
Kimball. No, I'm okay. Mr. Kimball a bottle of Apollinaris.
Micheal Bateman
It's no problem.
Micheal Bateman
So, what's the topic of discussion ?
Micheal Bateman
The disappearance of Paul Allen.
Micheal Bateman
Uh-huh, right. Well, I, um, haven't--
Micheal Bateman
I haven't heard anything about the disappearance or anything.
Micheal Bateman
Not on page six, at least.
Micheal Bateman
- I think his family wants this kept quiet. - Understandable. Lime ?
Micheal Bateman
- No, really, I'm okay. - You sure ? I can always get you a lime.
Micheal Bateman
Just some preliminary questions that I need for my own files, okay ?
Micheal Bateman
Micheal Bateman
Hold old are you ? Twenty-seven.
Micheal Bateman
Where did you go to school ? Harvard.
Micheal Bateman
Then Harvard Business School. Your address ?
Micheal Bateman
The American Gardens Building, West 81st Street.
Micheal Bateman
- Nice. Very nice. - Thanks.
Micheal Bateman
What can you tell me about Paul Allen ? I'm at a loss.
Micheal Bateman
He was part of that whole Yale thing. "Yale thing" ?
Micheal Bateman
- Yeah, Yale thing. - What do you mean, "Yale thing" ?
Micheal Bateman
Well, I think for one that he was probably a closet homosexual...
Micheal Bateman
who did a lot of cocaine.
Micheal Bateman
That "Yale thing."
Micheal Bateman
What kind of man was he, besides the information you've just given ?
Micheal Bateman
- I hope I'm not being cross-examined here. - You feel like that ?
Micheal Bateman
No, not really.
Micheal Bateman
Where did Paul hang out ?
Micheal Bateman
Hang out ? Yeah, you know, hang out.
Micheal Bateman
Let me think. Um, the Newport, Harry's,
Micheal Bateman
Fluties, Indochine,
Micheal Bateman
Nell's, the Cornell Club,
Micheal Bateman
the New York Yacht Club. He had a yacht ?
Micheal Bateman
- No, he just hung out there. - And where did he go to school ?
Micheal Bateman
Don't you know this ?
Micheal Bateman
I just wanted to know if you know.
Micheal Bateman
Before Yale, if I remember correctly, St. Paul's.
Micheal Bateman
Listen, I just-- I just wanna help.
Micheal Bateman
I understand.
Micheal Bateman
Do you have any witnesses or fingerprints ?
Micheal Bateman
Well, there's a message on his answering machine that says he went to London.
Micheal Bateman
- Well, maybe he did, huh ? - His girlfriend doesn't think so.
Micheal Bateman
- But has anyone seen him in London ? - Actually, yes.
Micheal Bateman
Hmm. But I've had a hardtime getting actual verification.
Micheal Bateman
A Stephen Hughes said he saw him at a restaurant there.
Micheal Bateman
But I checked it out, and what happened is...
Micheal Bateman
he mistook a Herbert Ainsworth for Paul, so--
Micheal Bateman
- Had his apartment been burglarized ? - No, actually, it hadn't.
Micheal Bateman
Toiletries were missing, a suit was gone, so was some luggage. That's it.
Micheal Bateman
I mean, no one's dealing with the homicide squad yet or anything, right ?
Micheal Bateman
No, not yet. As I said, we're not sure.
Micheal Bateman
Basically, no one's seen or heard anything.
Micheal Bateman
So typical, isn't it ? It's just strange.
Micheal Bateman
One day, someone's walking around,
Micheal Bateman
going to work, alive, and then--
Micheal Bateman
Micheal Bateman
People just disappear.
Micheal Bateman
The earth just... opens up and swallows them.
Micheal Bateman
Eerie. Really eerie.
Micheal Bateman
Listen, you'll have to excuse me.
Micheal Bateman
I have a lunch meeting with Cliff Huxtable at Four Seasons in 20 minutes.
Micheal Bateman
The Four Seasons ? Isn't that a little far uptown ?