`` no , if you 're a fool , then so am i .
we both wanted each other . ''
`` but i got drunk ... i never get drunk anymore . ''
`` it was an accident .
things like that happen . ''
he cupped her chin and forced her to look at him .
`` you are none of the negative things your mind is calling you right now . ''
`` really ? ''
her broken expression , coupled with her need for his reassurance , nearly crushed him .
he had to fight from taking her in his arms .
he knew if he did that , he would end up doing something he should n't with her .
finally , he nodded .
`` but you do smell , so go on and get in the shower . ''
the corners of her lips curved up in a half smile .
`` do you have something i can change into ?
and maybe a toothbrush ? ''
he nodded .
`` one second . ''
leaving her in the bathroom , he went back into the bedroom to his closet .
he took out a pair of scrubs he knew would be too big and too long for her and then coupled it with an emory university t-shirt .
when he got back to the bathroom , megan was struggling with the zipper at the back of her dress .
with a defeated expression , she dropped her hands .
`` could you please help me ? ''
`` of course . ''
he sat the clothes down on the counter .
he then reached up to tug down the zipper .
the back of the dress gaped open , exposing her cream colored skin and navy blue lace bra and panties .
he closed his eyes to try and block out the glaring images rocketing through his mind .
his lips on her skin , his tongue licking up her spine , his hands curving around her ribcage to cup her br**sts .
he forced himself to step back .
clearing his throat , he replied , `` done . ''
glancing at him over her shoulder , megan gave him a weak smile .
`` thank you . ''
he took out a spare toothbrush from underneath the counter and placed it next to the clothes he 'd brought her .
`` let me know if you need anything else . ''
`` okay . ''
whirling around , he strode out of the bathroom .
not wanting to go too far in case megan needed him , he began pacing around the bedroom .
he momentarily faltered when he heard the shower turn off .
he waited for her to appear , but she did n't .
just as he was about to knock on the door , the whirring hum of the hairdryer started .
he continued his pacing as she dried her hair .
next , he heard the sink water turn on as she brushed her teeth .
when it was quiet once again in the bathroom , his feet froze as he stared anxiously at the bathroom door .
when it opened , pesh 's breath caught .
appearing fresh-faced and clean , megan looked so beautiful as she tentatively stepped into the bedroom .
`` everything okay ? ''
he asked .
she jumped at his voice .
`` um , it 's fine .
thank you again for the clothes and for letting me shower . ''
`` you 're more than welcome .
and there 's no need to thank me . ''
chewing on her lip , she glanced from the bed to him .
`` i texted my mother to tell her i was staying the night at emma 's . ''
before he could say anything , she quickly added , `` thank you for putting my purse in the bathroom .
that was very thoughtful of you . ''
`` you 're welcome , '' he replied .
then he thought of her text .
`` so you 're staying at aidan and emma 's ? ''
after all , the last thing he needed was to have her here-a reminder of what he could n't have .
it would be enough to drive any man crazy .
megan shook her head .
`` do you mind if i stayed here instead ? ''
when he started to open his mouth , she shook her head .
`` i promise no funny business .
i just do n't want to go home yet .
if you do n't want to me to stay , you can take me to emma 's . ''
`` of course you can stay . ''
`` i can sleep on the couch or in the guest room . ''
he shook his head .
`` you 'll sleep right here . ''
he walked over to his massive king-sized bed .
he turned down the covers before glancing back at her .
`` come on .
getting some rest will make you feel better . ''
she eyed him hesitantly .
`` i really ca n't take your bed .
that would be imposing . ''
`` i do n't mind .
i promise . ''
`` only if you 're sure ? ''
`` i 'm sure . ''
tentatively , she started walking over to him , her eyes never leaving his .
she eased down onto the mattress before sliding beneath the sheets .
when she appeared comfortable , he covered her up .
as he started to go , she reached out to grab his arm .
`` no , please do n't go .
do n't leave me alone . ''
his brows shot up in surprise .
`` you want me to stay with you ? ''
`` yes , please . ''
`` in this bed ... with you ? ''
when she nodded , he exhaled a ragged breath .
`` megan , i do n't think that 's a good idea . ''
`` do n't overthink it ; just stay with me . ''
although his brain was raging war at him to make the sane and responsible decision , he replied , `` give me a few minutes . ''
`` okay , '' she replied softly .
turning , he strode into the bathroom .
he did n't bother glancing in the mirror because he was pretty sure he would n't like what he saw .