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as soon as the words left her lips , she fought the urge to slap her hand over her mouth . |
alcohol always had this effect on her-it left her completely without a sensor . |
pesh 's jaw clenched , and he did n't reply . |
pitching her upper body over the armrest , she got as close to him as she could . |
`` you did n't answer my question . '' |
taking his eyes momentarily off the road , he pinned her with an intense gaze . |
`` i 'd be anything and everything you wanted me to be , if you would give me the chance . '' |
momentarily dumbfounded , she could only stare at him . |
`` oh wow , '' she replied , as she collapsed back onto the seat . |
the motion caused her to feel dizzy . |
mumbling almost incoherently , she said , `` mmm , hot as f**k and anything i want . |
lucky me . '' |
`` i have a feeling you would n't have asked the original question if you were n't intoxicated . '' |
with a snort , she replied , `` drunk or sober that woulda been a helluva line to hear from a man . '' |
`` i 'm glad you think so . '' |
after spending a few moments in tense silence , megan leaned forward to flick on the radio . |
`` do you mind ? '' |
`` go ahead . '' |
humming along with one of the songs , she laid her head back on the seat . |
`` i wo n't hurt your ears by singing . '' |
`` do you not sing ? '' |
`` oh , i sing , but i do n't do it well . |
emma 's the one with the voice . '' |
`` so i 've heard . '' |
turning to look at him , megan asked , `` did she ever sing for you ? '' |
`` sadly , no . '' |
megan harrumphed as she crossed her arms over her chest . |
`` she made out with you , but she would n't sing for you ? |
that 's just rude . '' |
pesh made a strangled noise . |
`` emma told you ... about us ? '' |
`` mmm , hmm . '' |
she grinned at him . |
`` i hear you 're a great kisser . '' |
cutting his eyes over to her , he gave her a pained look . |
`` it really was n't like that for us . |
i mean , we were n't in love with each other . '' |
`` yeah , that 's what she said . |
course , she did admit that you got her all hot and bothered . '' |
`` s-she did ? '' |
he stammered , embarrassment coloring his cheeks . |
`` hey , the ability to get a woman hot is nothing to be ashamed of . |
hell , i got turned on when i first saw you today . |
like my panties got wet . '' |
`` megan , do n't , '' pesh warned , gripping the steering wheel to where his knuckles turned white . |
turning in her seat , she eyed him before licking her lips . |
`` you do n't want me to say how you got me hot in a church ? |
how you still get me hot acting all bashful about the sex talk ? '' |
`` please . |
just do n't . '' |
`` fine , '' she muttered , before flouncing back in her seat . |
she did n't speak to him for a long time . |
instead , she closed her eyes and laid back with her head cushioned on the head rest . |
when the car started to slow , she snapped her eyes open . |
she did n't know if she fell asleep or passed out . |
sitting up , she peered out the window at the posh houses of the subdivision they were in . |
as they pulled into the driveway , megan could n't help staring up at the house . |
`` holy shit , this place is beautiful . '' |
pesh chuckled . |
`` thank you . '' |
`` i know you think it 's just the alcohol talking , but i 'm serious . |
you have great taste . '' |
`` i hope you 'll like the inside just as much . '' |
`` i 'm sure i will . '' |
after he came around to open the door , she hopped out of the car a little too fast . |
her wobbly legs wavered , and she ended up crashing into pesh 's chest . |
staring up at him , she gave an apologetic smile . |
`` sorry about that . '' |
`` it 's fine . |
need some help ? '' |
with the alcohol fueling her libido , she replied , `` if it means having your hands on me , then sure . '' |
pesh grimaced , but his arm still came around her waist to steady her . |
she loped along beside him . |
after he unlocked the door and punched in the alarm code , she followed him inside . |
her blurry vision took in the expansive kitchen with his gleaming stainless steel appliances . |
she followed him as he made his way into the living room . |
motioning toward the couch , he said , `` why do n't you have a seat while i fix you some coffee ? '' |
while it was a nice idea to sober herself up , she did n't want any coffee . |
she just wanted pesh . |
grabbing the lapels of his suit coat , she pulled herself flush against him . |
`` when did you put this back on ? '' |
she wondered aloud . |
she felt so tiny against his massive chest . |
it was a good feeling though-one of safety and protection . |
it also lit her even more on fire with lust . |
cocking her head , she glanced up at him to survey his expression . |
even in the semi-darkness , she could see his dark eyes burning with desire . |
she ran her hands up his chest to his neck . |
she tugged him down to where his face was inches from hers . |
fortified with liquid courage , she brought her lips to his . |
she could n't help the little moan that came from deep in her throat . |
pesh 's mouth was warm , soft , and inviting . |
the brief connection made her want him all the more-for him to devour her . |
tentatively , she slid her tongue across his bottom lip , beckoning him to open for her . |
almost instantaneously , the warmth of his tongue met hers . |
they slid against each other , tasting , searching , and seeking . |
he gripped her face in his hands , holding her captive as his tongue plunged in and out of her mouth . |
emma had been right-the man could kiss like there was no tomorrow . |
he knew when to be gentle with his mouth and then when to switch to more demanding , almost conquering kisses . |
if he could practically make her soak her panties with just a kiss , what the hell could he do with his dick ? |
Subsets and Splits