instead , he stripped off his suit and tie .
although he probably should have thrown on more clothes , he left his boxers on and grabbed a white shirt off the hamper .
after pulling it over his head , he went back out into the bedroom .
megan lay on her side in the bed , her face turned toward the bathroom .
her eyes were closed , but they popped open the moment he entered the bedroom .
without a word to her , he walked around the other side of the bed and climbed inside .
lying on his back , he propped one arm over his head .
his other hand rested on his chest .
he twisted his fingers into the fabric of his shirt over his heart .
somehow he wanted to still the erratic beating .
just when he thought he might be comfortable , megan turned over to face him .
`` you 're so far away , '' she whispered .
`` i thought it was for the best . ''
the corners of her mouth momentarily turned down in a pout .
then she inched closer to him .
he sucked in a breath and tried not to hiss when he felt her head nuzzle against his chest .
before he could stop her , she had thrown an arm around him .
thankfully , she did n't try anything else .
and within a few minutes , her labored breathing signaled she had fallen asleep .
pesh stared up at the ceiling and willed himself to be able to go to sleep as easily .
surprisingly , as megan 's soft snores echoed against his side , his eyes grew heavy .
for the first time in two years , he fell asleep with someone in his arms .
chapter six sunlight streamed across megan 's face , causing her to squint her eyes tighter closed against the bright invasion .
she was warm and comfortable , and she did n't want to wake up .
but the tranquility of her morning was shattered when a soft snore came from behind her .
it was far too deep to be one of mason 's .
panic prickled its way up her skin .
where am i ?
her eyes frantically scanned the room .
overcome by both masculine decor and smells , she realized she was in a man 's bedroom , or more importantly a man 's bed .
she had n't woken up this dazed and confused since she got hammered for the first time .
she could n't even remember what day it was .
this was bad .
very , very bad .
she had to get out of there and get home to mason .
what kind of mother was she to wake up in a strange man 's bed ?
as she tried to roll over , she found herself entrapped by a strong arm wrapped around her waist .
her gaze flicked down to the tan , muscled arm .
who the hell did that belong to ?
a whimper escaped her lips .
oh god , had she actually slept with a man she had no memory of ?
never in her life had she made such a mistake as that .
nausea overcame her , and she knew she needed to get out of bed and into the bathroom .
she shoved herself so hard away from the person that she ended up elbowing him in the ribs .
he groaned .
`` oh , i 'm sorry .
i did n't mean to hurt you , '' she quickly apologized .
`` it 's okay , megan , '' he murmured drowsily .
that voice .
it took only a second for her to register who she was in bed with .
and with that realization , everything from the night before came crashing down on her .
she had accidentally gotten drunk off her ass , pesh had taken her to his house to sober up , and then ... oh god , she had come on to him like a brazen floozy .
she buried her head in her hands and moaned .
`` hey , how do you feel this morning ? ''
he asked .
`` like i 've been run over by a truck . ''
`` want me to fix you a good hangover cure ? ''
she peeked at him through her fingers .
`` you actually know a hangover cure ? ''
he smiled .
`` you think someone like me has never been drunk ? ''
when she bobbed her head , he laughed .
`` i 'm sorry to disappoint you , but there have been many , many times i 've woken up just as you are now . ''
`` that 's hard to imagine . ''
she gazed down at the scrubs and t-shirt she was in .
although she doubted it , she could n't help but ask .
`` did we ... '' `` no , we did n't . ''
she arched her brows in surprise .
`` if we did n't sleep together , then why did you ... i mean , why are you in bed with me ? ''
`` because you begged me to stay . ''
she gasped in horror .
was n't it enough that she had thrown herself so wantonly at him , but now she 'd begged him to stay with her ?
`` i did ? ''
he nodded .
`` you said you did n't want to be alone . ''
vaguely she remembered pleading with him to lie close to her .
what a nightmare .
`` i 'm so sorry . ''
`` do n't apologize . ''
when she started to protest , he held up a hand .
`` i have to admit it was nice being in bed with someone again-feeling their warmth , the softness of their body as they lay beside you . ''
he swallowed hard .
`` i 've missed that more than i knew . ''
overcome with the emotions threatening to overtake her , megan did n't know what to say .
all she knew is she needed to get out of there .
`` i need to get home ... or to emma 's .
i ca n't let my parents think i stayed out all night with a man i just met . ''
`` i understand .
i would n't dream of compromising your reputation . ''
she stared at him for a moment .
sometimes the way he spoke made it seem like he was from a different world or time period .
`` i , uh , i need to use the bathroom . ''
`` go ahead . ''
tumbling out of the covers , she then streaked across the room .
once she closed the door behind her , she exhaled the breath she 'd been holding .
she made it to the toilet just in time to throw up again .
she wondered after doing the same thing the night before how there was anything left in her stomach to empty .
once she finished , she leaned over the sink , pooling water in her hand before bringing it to her mouth .
after gargling to rid herself of the nasty taste , she eventually dug under the counter for some mouthwash , and then brushed her teeth .
without a hairbrush or comb , she did her best to tame her out-of-control hair .