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In this respect, we believe that we must be extremely strict. | We denken dat we in dat opzicht buitengewoon strikt moeten zijn. | 5nl
In this respect, we believe that we must be extremely strict. | W tym względzie musimy być niezwykle rygorystyczni. | 6pl
In this respect, we believe that we must be extremely strict. | Neste aspecto, consideramos que devemos ser extremamente estritos. | 7pt
We must ensure that the necessary resources are fully available. | Wir müssen sicherstellen, dass die notwendigen Ressourcen voll zur Verfügung stehen. | 0de
We must ensure that the necessary resources are fully available. | En este aspecto, creemos que vamos a ser extraordinariamente estrictos. | 2es
We must ensure that the necessary resources are fully available. | Nous devons assurer la parfaite disponibilité des ressources disponibles. | 3fr
We must ensure that the necessary resources are fully available. | Dobbiamo garantire che la piena disponibilità delle risorse necessarie. | 4it
We must ensure that the necessary resources are fully available. | We moeten ervoor zorgen dat de benodigde middelen volledig beschikbaar zijn. | 5nl
We must ensure that the necessary resources are fully available. | Musimy zapewnić pełną dostępność niezbędnych środków. | 6pl
We must ensure that the necessary resources are fully available. | Temos de assegurar que os recursos necessários estão plenamente disponíveis. | 7pt
We must use all aspects of the Interinstitutional Agreement, during its remaining years, to ensure adequate financing of our priorities and we must use something that we have rather forgotten about, | Wir müssen alle Aspekte der interinstitutionellen Vereinbarung in ihren noch verbleibenden Jahren nutzen, um eine angemessene Finanzierung unserer Prioritäten zu gewährleisten, und wir müssen etwas nutzen, das schon fast in Vergessenheit geraten ist, nämlich | 0de
We must use all aspects of the Interinstitutional Agreement, during its remaining years, to ensure adequate financing of our priorities and we must use something that we have rather forgotten about, | Utilicemos en estos años que quedan el Acuerdo Interinstitucional en todas sus vertientes para conseguir una financiación adecuada a nuestras prioridades y utilicemos algo que tenemos un poco olvidado, que | 2es
We must use all aspects of the Interinstitutional Agreement, during its remaining years, to ensure adequate financing of our priorities and we must use something that we have rather forgotten about, | cours de sa dernière année de validité, nous devons tirer profit de tous les aspects de l ’ accord interinstitutionnel pour garantir un financement adéquat de nos priorités. Nous devons également tirer profit d ’ une opportunité un peu oubliée, | 3fr
We must use all aspects of the Interinstitutional Agreement, during its remaining years, to ensure adequate financing of our priorities and we must use something that we have rather forgotten about, | Negli anni che rimangono, è nostro dovere cogliere tutti gli aspetti dell ’ accordo interistituzionale per assicurare un finanziamento adeguato alle priorità. Sarà necessario | 4it
We must use all aspects of the Interinstitutional Agreement, during its remaining years, to ensure adequate financing of our priorities and we must use something that we have rather forgotten about, | In de resterende jaren moeten we alle aspecten van het Interinstitutioneel Akkoord aangrijpen om adequate financiering van onze prioriteiten te verzekeren en we moeten gebruik maken van de huidige begrotingsherziening - die een beetje | 5nl
We must use all aspects of the Interinstitutional Agreement, during its remaining years, to ensure adequate financing of our priorities and we must use something that we have rather forgotten about, | W pozostających latach musimy wykorzystać wszystkie aspekty porozumienia międzyinstytucjonalnego, aby zapewnić odpowiednie finansowanie naszych priorytetów. Musimy też wykorzystać to, o czym zapomnieliśmy – mam | 6pl
We must use all aspects of the Interinstitutional Agreement, during its remaining years, to ensure adequate financing of our priorities and we must use something that we have rather forgotten about, | utilizar todas as vertentes do Acordo Interinstitucional, nos anos que restam, de maneira a assegurar um financiamento adequado das nossas prioridades, e devemos utilizar uma coisa que temos esquecido, | 7pt
namely the current review of the budget, to adequately solve those problems that are going to arise as the developing situation imposes new political emergencies. | ist, nämlich die gegenwärtige Überprüfung des Haushalts, um auf angemessene Weise die Probleme zu lösen, die auftreten werden, wenn sich im Zuge der Entwicklung neue politische Notsituationen aufdrängen. | 0de
namely the current review of the budget, to adequately solve those problems that are going to arise as the developing situation imposes new political emergencies. | es la actual revisión del presupuesto, para solucionar adecuadamente aquellos déficits que se van a ir produciendo conforme la realidad nos vaya dictando nuevas urgencias políticas. | 2es
namely the current review of the budget, to adequately solve those problems that are going to arise as the developing situation imposes new political emergencies. | opportunité un peu oubliée, à savoir le réexamen actuel du budget, pour apporter une solution adéquate aux problèmes qui vont se poser à mesure que le développement de la situation impose de nouvelles urgences politiques. | 3fr
namely the current review of the budget, to adequately solve those problems that are going to arise as the developing situation imposes new political emergencies. | adeguato alle priorità. Sarà necessario ricorrere all ’ attuale revisione del bilancio, ormai quasi dimenticata, se vogliamo risolvere puntualmente i problemi che emergeranno, visto che la situazione attuale impone nuove emergenze politiche. | 4it
namely the current review of the budget, to adequately solve those problems that are going to arise as the developing situation imposes new political emergencies. | van de huidige begrotingsherziening - die een beetje in vergetelheid is geraakt - om een adequate oplossing te vinden voor de tekorten die zullen ontstaan als de realiteit ons nieuwe politieke noodmaatregelen voorschrijft. | 5nl
namely the current review of the budget, to adequately solve those problems that are going to arise as the developing situation imposes new political emergencies. | przegląd budżetu – aby odpowiednio rozwiązać te problemy, które się pojawią, mając na uwadze, że rozwój sytuacji wymaga nowych nadzwyczajnych środków politycznych. | 6pl
namely the current review of the budget, to adequately solve those problems that are going to arise as the developing situation imposes new political emergencies. | coisa que temos esquecido, a actual revisão do orçamento, para resolver adequadamente os problemas que irão surgir à medida que o desenvolvimento da situação nos for impondo novas urgências políticas. | 7pt
We therefore ask the Commission to make an additional effort to move forward, as quickly as possible, with its proposed review of the budget. | Daher fordern wir die Kommission auf, zusätzliche Anstrengungen zu unternehmen, um so schnell wie möglich Fortschritte bei ihrer vorgeschlagenen Überprüfung des Haushalts zu machen. | 0de
We therefore ask the Commission to make an additional effort to move forward, as quickly as possible, with its proposed review of the budget. | Por tanto, le pedimos a la Comisión un esfuerzo suplementario por sacar adelante lo antes posible su propuesta de revisión del presupuesto. | 2es
We therefore ask the Commission to make an additional effort to move forward, as quickly as possible, with its proposed review of the budget. | Nous demandons donc à la Commission de redoubler ses efforts pour faire avancer aussi rapidement que possible le réexamen proposé du budget. | 3fr
We therefore ask the Commission to make an additional effort to move forward, as quickly as possible, with its proposed review of the budget. | Chiediamo quindi alla Commissione di compiere un ulteriore sforzo per procedere prima possibile con la sua proposta di revisione del bilancio. | 4it
We therefore ask the Commission to make an additional effort to move forward, as quickly as possible, with its proposed review of the budget. | Daarom vragen wij de Commissie zich extra in te spannen en zo spoedig mogelijk met haar voorstel tot herziening van de begroting over de brug te komen. | 5nl
We therefore ask the Commission to make an additional effort to move forward, as quickly as possible, with its proposed review of the budget. | Dlatego też zwracamy się do Komisji, aby podjęła dodatkowe starania i jak najszybciej przedstawiła proponowany przez siebie przegląd budżetu. | 6pl
We therefore ask the Commission to make an additional effort to move forward, as quickly as possible, with its proposed review of the budget. | Pedimos, pois, à Comissão que faça um esforço adicional para avançar, tão rapidamente quanto possível, com a sua proposta de revisão do orçamento. | 7pt
To do this, we will have to adjust our relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through | Im Jahr 2009 muss die Europäische Union nicht nur die interne Dimension des europäischen Projekts, sondern auch deren externen Einfluss über eine Außenpolitik verstärken, die kohärent sein und wirksame Antworten auf die Herausforderungen geben muss, mit denen wir derzeit weltweit konfrontiert sind. Zu diesem Zweck müssen wir unsere Beziehungen | 0de
To do this, we will have to adjust our relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through | En el año 2009 la Unión Europea tendrá que fortalecer no sólo la dimensión interna del proyecto, sino también su proyección externa, a través de una política exterior que pueda ser coherente y que sea eficaz en responder a los retos que nos plantea en estos momentos la agenda global.. Para eso habrá que ajustar las | 2es
To do this, we will have to adjust our relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through | Pour y parvenir, nous devrons réajuster nos relations avec la Russie suite à la crise du Caucase. Nous devrons en quelque sorte adapter la politique de voisinage, tout d ’ abord sur notre propre continent, via des | 3fr
To do this, we will have to adjust our relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through | Nel 2009 l ’ Unione europea dovrà rafforzare non solo la dimensione interna del progetto europeo, ma anche la sua influenza esterna attraverso una politica estera necessariamente coerente ed efficace nel rispondere alle sfide che vengono oggi poste dall ’ agenda globale. A tal fine sarà necessario rivedere le | 4it
To do this, we will have to adjust our relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through | Daarvoor is een buitenlands beleid nodig dat consequent en doeltreffend reageert op de uitdagingen waar de mondiale agenda ons momenteel voor plaatst. Daarom moeten na de crisis in de Kaukasus de betrekkingen met Rusland worden bijgesteld en moet het nabuurschapsbeleid op | 5nl
To do this, we will have to adjust our relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through | W tym celu musimy poprawić nasze stosunki z Rosją po kryzysie na Kaukazie. Musimy też w pewien sposób dostosować politykę sąsiedztwa, po pierwsze na | 6pl
To do this, we will have to adjust our relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through | Para isso, teremos de regularizar as relações com a Rússia após a crise no Cáucaso. Teremos, de algum modo, de adaptar a política de vizinhança, em primeiro lugar dentro do nosso continente, através | 7pt
relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through association and stabilisation agreements and then through the enlargement policy, and also outside our continent, through the Union for the Mediterranean. | mit denen wir derzeit weltweit konfrontiert sind. Zu diesem Zweck müssen wir unsere Beziehungen zu Russland nach der Krise im Kaukasus anpassen. In mancher Hinsicht werden wir die Nachbarschaftspolitik anpassen müssen – zuerst auf unserem eigenen Kontinent, über Assoziierungs- und Stabilisierungsabkommen und danach über die Erweiterungspolitik, und auch außerhalb unseres Kontinents über die Union für den Mittelmeerraum. | 0de
relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through association and stabilisation agreements and then through the enlargement policy, and also outside our continent, through the Union for the Mediterranean. | relaciones con Rusia después de la crisis del Cáucaso, habrá que adaptar de alguna manera la política de vecindad, primero en nuestro continente, a través de los acuerdos de asociación y de estabilización, y después la política de ampliación, y también, fuera de nuestro continente, el tema de la Unión por el Mediterráneo. | 2es
relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through association and stabilisation agreements and then through the enlargement policy, and also outside our continent, through the Union for the Mediterranean. | relations avec la Russie suite à la crise du Caucase. Nous devrons en quelque sorte adapter la politique de voisinage, tout d ’ abord sur notre propre continent, via des accords d ’ association et de stabilisation puis par la politique d ’ élargissement, mais aussi au-delà du continent européen par le biais de l ’ Union des pays méditerranéens. | 3fr
relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through association and stabilisation agreements and then through the enlargement policy, and also outside our continent, through the Union for the Mediterranean. | relazioni con la Russia a seguito della crisi nel Caucaso. In qualche modo la politica di vicinato andrà riadattata non solo nel nostro continente, attraverso accordi di associazione e stabilizzazione e mediante la politica di allargamento, ma anche al di fuori tramite l ’ unione mediterranea. | 4it
relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through association and stabilisation agreements and then through the enlargement policy, and also outside our continent, through the Union for the Mediterranean. | na de crisis in de Kaukasus de betrekkingen met Rusland worden bijgesteld en moet het nabuurschapsbeleid op de een of andere manier worden aangepast, eerst op ons eigen continent door middel van associatie- en stabilisatieovereenkomsten en vervolgens door middel van het uitbreidingsbeleid, maar ook buiten ons continent door middel van de Unie voor het Middellandse Zeegebied. | 5nl
relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through association and stabilisation agreements and then through the enlargement policy, and also outside our continent, through the Union for the Mediterranean. | stosunki z Rosją po kryzysie na Kaukazie. Musimy też w pewien sposób dostosować politykę sąsiedztwa, po pierwsze na naszym kontynencie – poprzez układy o stabilizacji i stowarzyszeniu, a także poza nim – w ramach Unii dla Morza Śródziemnego. | 6pl
relations with Russia following the crisis in the Caucasus. We will have to, in some way, adapt the neighbourhood policy, firstly within our own continent, through association and stabilisation agreements and then through the enlargement policy, and also outside our continent, through the Union for the Mediterranean. | relações com a Rússia após a crise no Cáucaso. Teremos, de algum modo, de adaptar a política de vizinhança, em primeiro lugar dentro do nosso continente, através de acordos de associação e estabilização, e depois através da política de alargamento, e também fora do nosso continente, através da União para o Mediterrâneo. | 7pt
I believe it is also important to maintain our presence in the conflicts of Central Asia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and now also Pakistan, to reinforce our presence in the Middle East conflict and to maintain our relations with the emerging powers of China and India. | Meiner Meinung nach ist es auch wichtig, unsere Präsenz in den Konfliktregionen Zentralasien, Irak, Iran, Afghanistan und jetzt auch Pakistan beizubehalten, unsere Präsenz im Nahostkonflikt zu verstärken und unsere Beziehungen zu den Schwellenländern China und Indien zu pflegen. | 0de
I believe it is also important to maintain our presence in the conflicts of Central Asia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and now also Pakistan, to reinforce our presence in the Middle East conflict and to maintain our relations with the emerging powers of China and India. | Creo que también es importante mantener nuestra presencia en los conflictos de Asia Central, en Irak, en Irán, en Afganistán y ahora también en Pakistán, reforzar nuestra presencia en el conflicto de Oriente Medio, y mantener nuestras relaciones con las potencias emergentes de China e India. | 2es
I believe it is also important to maintain our presence in the conflicts of Central Asia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and now also Pakistan, to reinforce our presence in the Middle East conflict and to maintain our relations with the emerging powers of China and India. | Je pense qu ’ il est important de maintenir une présence dans les conflits en Asie centrale, en Irak, en Iran, en Afghanistan et maintenant aussi au Pakistan, de renforcer notre présence dans le conflit du Moyen-Orient et de maintenir nos relations avec les puissances émergentes que sont la Chine et l ’ Inde. | 3fr
I believe it is also important to maintain our presence in the conflicts of Central Asia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and now also Pakistan, to reinforce our presence in the Middle East conflict and to maintain our relations with the emerging powers of China and India. | Credo sia importante mantenere la nostra presenza nelle aree di conflitto in Asia centrale, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan e ora anche Pakistan, rafforzare la presenza europea in Medio Oriente e mantenere le relazioni con le potenze emergenti di Cina e India. | 4it
I believe it is also important to maintain our presence in the conflicts of Central Asia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and now also Pakistan, to reinforce our presence in the Middle East conflict and to maintain our relations with the emerging powers of China and India. | Ik denk ook dat het van belang is onze aanwezigheid bij de conflicten in Centraal-Azië, Irak, Iran, Afghanistan, en nu ook in Pakistan te handhaven, onze aanwezigheid bij het conflict in het Midden-Oosten te versterken en onze betrekkingen met de opkomende machten China en India te handhaven. | 5nl
I believe it is also important to maintain our presence in the conflicts of Central Asia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and now also Pakistan, to reinforce our presence in the Middle East conflict and to maintain our relations with the emerging powers of China and India. | Równie ważne, w moim mniemaniu, jest utrzymanie naszej obecności na obszarach objętych kryzysami w Azji środkowej, w Iraku, w Iranie, w Afganistanie, a także w Pakistanie, wzmocnienie naszej obecności na dotkniętym konfliktami Bliskim Wschodzie i utrzymanie stosunków ze wschodzącymi mocarstwami – Chinami i Indiami. | 6pl
I believe it is also important to maintain our presence in the conflicts of Central Asia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and now also Pakistan, to reinforce our presence in the Middle East conflict and to maintain our relations with the emerging powers of China and India. | Penso que é igualmente importante manter a nossa presença nos conflitos da Ásia Central, Iraque, Irão, Afeganistão e, agora, também do Paquistão, para reforçar a nossa presença no conflito do Médio Oriente e para manter as nossas relações com as potências emergentes da China e Índia. | 7pt
We must, in particular, develop the Association Agreement with the African, Caribbean and Pacific States. | Vor allem müssen wir das Assoziierungsabkommen mit den AKP-Staaten entwickeln. Meiner Meinung nach müssen wir sehr genau auf das Ergebnis der Wahlen in den USA achten, und schließlich müssen wir auch dem Abschluss der Assoziierungsabkommen mit Mercosur, der Andengemeinschaft und Mittelamerika Priorität verleihen. | 0de
We must, in particular, develop the Association Agreement with the African, Caribbean and Pacific States. | Y, sobre todo, debemos desarrollar el Acuerdo de Asociación con los países de África, Caribe y Pacífico. | 2es
We must, in particular, develop the Association Agreement with the African, Caribbean and Pacific States. | Nous devons en particulier développer l ’ accord d ’ association avec les pays d ’ Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique. | 3fr
We must, in particular, develop the Association Agreement with the African, Caribbean and Pacific States. | In particolare, dobbiamo sviluppare un accordo di associazione con gli Stati dell ’ Africa, dei Carabi e del Pacifico. | 4it
We must, in particular, develop the Association Agreement with the African, Caribbean and Pacific States. | Vooral echter moeten wij de Associatieovereenkomst met de staten in Afrika, het Caribische gebied en de Stille Oceaan verder ontwikkelen. | 5nl
We must, in particular, develop the Association Agreement with the African, Caribbean and Pacific States. | Musimy w szczególności umacniać układy o stowarzyszeniu z państwami Afryki, Karaibów i Pacyfiku. | 6pl
We must, in particular, develop the Association Agreement with the African, Caribbean and Pacific States. | Devemos, em particular, desenvolver o Acordo de Associação com os Países da África, Caraíbas e Pacífico. | 7pt
I believe we must pay very close attention to the result of the US elections and, last but not least, we must also give priority to the conclusion of the association agreements with Mercosur, the Andean Community and Central America. Finally, | Dies ist, Herr Präsident, Frau Vizepräsidentin, eine sehr große Aufgabe, die wir meines Erachtens leichter lösen können, wenn wir die | 0de
I believe we must pay very close attention to the result of the US elections and, last but not least, we must also give priority to the conclusion of the association agreements with Mercosur, the Andean Community and Central America. Finally, | Creo que debemos estar muy atentos al resultado de las elecciones en los Estados Unidos y, por último, y no por ello menos importante, también poner el acento en la conclusión de los acuerdos de asociación con Mercosur, con la Comunidad Andina y con la Centroamericana.. En | 2es
I believe we must pay very close attention to the result of the US elections and, last but not least, we must also give priority to the conclusion of the association agreements with Mercosur, the Andean Community and Central America. Finally, | Je pense que nous devons suivre de très près le résultat des élections américaines et, dernier point mais non des moindres, nous devons également accorder la priorité à la conclusion des accords d ’ association avec Mercosur, la Communauté andine et l ’ Amérique centrale. Enfin | 3fr
I believe we must pay very close attention to the result of the US elections and, last but not least, we must also give priority to the conclusion of the association agreements with Mercosur, the Andean Community and Central America. Finally, | Penso si debba prestare maggiore attenzione ai risultati delle elezioni americane e, infine, dare priorità alla conclusione di accordi di associazione con Mercosur, Comunità andina e America centrale. Per concludere, signor Presidente, | 4it
I believe we must pay very close attention to the result of the US elections and, last but not least, we must also give priority to the conclusion of the association agreements with Mercosur, the Andean Community and Central America. Finally, | Ik denk dat we het resultaat van de verkiezingen in de Verenigde Staten goed in de gaten moeten houden, en tot slot, maar daarom niet minder belangrijk, moeten we ook prioriteit toekennen aan de sluiting van de associatieovereenkomsten met Mercosur, de Andesgemeenschap en de Centraal-Amerikaanse gemeenschap. Al met | 5nl
I believe we must pay very close attention to the result of the US elections and, last but not least, we must also give priority to the conclusion of the association agreements with Mercosur, the Andean Community and Central America. Finally, | Uważam, że musimy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na wyniki wyborów w Stanach Zjednoczonych, a także priorytetowo potraktować zawarcie umów o stowarzyszeniu z krajami Merscosur, Wspólnoty Andyjskiej i Ameryki środkowej. Panie przewodniczący, pani wiceprzewodnicząca! Na koniec | 6pl
I believe we must pay very close attention to the result of the US elections and, last but not least, we must also give priority to the conclusion of the association agreements with Mercosur, the Andean Community and Central America. Finally, | Penso que temos de estar muito atentos ao resultado das eleições nos EUA, e, por último, mas não menos importante, temos também de dar prioridade à conclusão dos acordos de associação com o Mercosul, a Comunidade Andina e a América Central. Finalmente, | 7pt
Finally, Mr President, Madam Vice-President, this is a huge task that I feel would be much easier to tackle if we could use the instruments provided to us, in the area of external policy, by the Lisbon Treaty. | Herr Präsident, Frau Vizepräsidentin, eine sehr große Aufgabe, die wir meines Erachtens leichter lösen können, wenn wir die Instrumente nutzen könnten, die uns im Bereich der Außenpolitik durch den Vertrag von Lissabon zur Verfügung stehen. | 0de
Finally, Mr President, Madam Vice-President, this is a huge task that I feel would be much easier to tackle if we could use the instruments provided to us, in the area of external policy, by the Lisbon Treaty. | definitiva, señor Presidente, señora Vicepresidenta de la Comisión, es una tarea ingente que creo sería mucho más fácil llevar a cabo si tuviésemos los instrumentos que, en el ámbito de la política exterior, nos asigna el Tratado de Lisboa. | 2es
Finally, Mr President, Madam Vice-President, this is a huge task that I feel would be much easier to tackle if we could use the instruments provided to us, in the area of external policy, by the Lisbon Treaty. | Enfin, Monsieur le Président, Madame la Vice-présidente, il s ’ agit d ’ une tâche énorme qui, je pense serait bien plus facile à accomplir si nous pouvions faire usage des instruments prévus par le traité de Lisbonne en matière de politique extérieure. | 3fr
Finally, Mr President, Madam Vice-President, this is a huge task that I feel would be much easier to tackle if we could use the instruments provided to us, in the area of external policy, by the Lisbon Treaty. | signor Presidente, signora Vicepresidente, si tratta di un compito impegnativo che, a mio parere, sarebbe più facile da gestire se potessimo usare gli strumenti previsti nel trattato di Lisbona per l ’ ambito della politica estera. | 4it
Finally, Mr President, Madam Vice-President, this is a huge task that I feel would be much easier to tackle if we could use the instruments provided to us, in the area of external policy, by the Lisbon Treaty. | , mijnheer de Voorzitter, mevrouw de vice-voorzitter, is het een immense taak, die naar mijn mening veel eenvoudiger te realiseren zou zijn als we de instrumenten hadden die het Verdrag van Lissabon ons op het gebied van het buitenlands beleid geeft. | 5nl
Finally, Mr President, Madam Vice-President, this is a huge task that I feel would be much easier to tackle if we could use the instruments provided to us, in the area of external policy, by the Lisbon Treaty. | Panie przewodniczący, pani wiceprzewodnicząca! Na koniec pragnę zaznaczyć, że w moim przekonaniu to ogromne zadanie będzie o wiele łatwiejsze, jeżeli będziemy mogli wykorzystać instrumenty, które w obszarze polityki zagranicznej daje nam traktat lizboński. | 6pl
Finally, Mr President, Madam Vice-President, this is a huge task that I feel would be much easier to tackle if we could use the instruments provided to us, in the area of external policy, by the Lisbon Treaty. | Finalmente, Senhor Presidente, Senhora Vice-Presidente, esta é uma tarefa gigantesca que, em minha opinião, seria muito mais fácil de levar a cabo se pudéssemos utilizar os instrumentos proporcionados pelo Tratado de Lisboa no domínio da política externa. | 7pt
To end, I must say to you, Madam Vice-President, that you already know that you can count on the support of this Parliament. | Abschließend möchte ich Ihnen sagen, Frau Vizepräsidentin, dass Sie, wie Sie bereits wissen, auf die Unterstützung dieses Parlaments zählen können. | 0de
To end, I must say to you, Madam Vice-President, that you already know that you can count on the support of this Parliament. | Para terminar, señora Vicepresidente, quiero decirle que sabe que cuentan con el apoyo de este Parlamento. | 2es
To end, I must say to you, Madam Vice-President, that you already know that you can count on the support of this Parliament. | Et pour conclure, je dois vous dire, Madame la Vice-présidente, que vous savez déjà que vous pouvez compter sur le soutien de ce Parlement. | 3fr
To end, I must say to you, Madam Vice-President, that you already know that you can count on the support of this Parliament. | Le ricordo infine, signora Vicepresidente, che lei sa bene di poter contare sul sostegno di questo Parlamento. | 4it
To end, I must say to you, Madam Vice-President, that you already know that you can count on the support of this Parliament. | Ter afsluiting moet ik u zeggen, mevrouw de vice-voorzitter, dat u - al weet u dat - op de steun van dit Parlement kunt rekenen. | 5nl
To end, I must say to you, Madam Vice-President, that you already know that you can count on the support of this Parliament. | Pani wiceprzewodnicząca! Na zakończenie muszę powiedzieć pani, to co pani już wie: może pani liczyć na poparcie tego Parlamentu. | 6pl
To end, I must say to you, Madam Vice-President, that you already know that you can count on the support of this Parliament. | Para terminar, devo dizer-lhe, Senhora Vice-Presidente, que já sabe que pode contar com o apoio deste Parlamento. | 7pt
Mr President, we cannot shut our eyes to this. | Herr Präsident! Wir können unsere Augen hiervor nicht verschließen. | 0de
Mr President, we cannot shut our eyes to this. | Señor Presidente, no podemos cerrar los ojos. | 2es
Mr President, we cannot shut our eyes to this. | Monsieur le Président, nous ne pouvons pas fermer les yeux sur cela. | 3fr
Mr President, we cannot shut our eyes to this. | Mijnheer de Voorzitter, we mogen onze ogen niet sluiten. | 5nl
Mr President, we cannot shut our eyes to this. | Panie przewodniczący! Nie możemy już dłużej udawać, że nie dostrzegamy problemu. | 6pl
Mr President, we cannot shut our eyes to this. | Senhor Presidente, não podemos fechar os olhos a isto. | 7pt
The current crisis has revealed a lack of supervision and economic governance in the financial markets. | Die derzeitige Krise hat gezeigt, dass auf den Finanzmärkten ein Mangel an Aufsicht und wirtschaftlicher Governance herrscht. | 0de
The current crisis has revealed a lack of supervision and economic governance in the financial markets. | La actual crisis revela un déficit de supervisión y de gobernanza económica en los mercados financieros. | 2es
The current crisis has revealed a lack of supervision and economic governance in the financial markets. | La crise actuelle a révélé un manque de contrôle et de gouvernance économique sur les marchés financiers. | 3fr
The current crisis has revealed a lack of supervision and economic governance in the financial markets. | Deze crisis toont aan dat er te weinig toezicht en economische governance in de financiële markten is. | 5nl
The current crisis has revealed a lack of supervision and economic governance in the financial markets. | Obecny kryzys ujawnił brak nadzoru i zarządzania rynkami finansowymi. | 6pl
The current crisis has revealed a lack of supervision and economic governance in the financial markets. | A actual crise denuncia uma falta de supervisão e de governança económica nos mercados financeiros. | 7pt
Citizens are very clear that identifying risks and preventing them is much better than correcting them when they have resulted in imbalances and caused damage to the financial markets and to the real economy. | Die Bürger wissen ganz genau, dass es wesentlich besser ist, Risiken zu erkennen und zu vermeiden, als Abhilfe zu schaffen, wenn sie bereits Ungleichgewichte geschaffen und auf den Finanzmärkten und in der Realwirtschaft Schaden angerichtet haben. | 0de
Citizens are very clear that identifying risks and preventing them is much better than correcting them when they have resulted in imbalances and caused damage to the financial markets and to the real economy. | Los ciudadanos tienen claro que identificar riesgos y prevenirlos es mucho mejor que corregirlos cuando se han traducido en desequilibrios y han ocasionado daños en los mercados financieros y en la economía real. | 2es
Citizens are very clear that identifying risks and preventing them is much better than correcting them when they have resulted in imbalances and caused damage to the financial markets and to the real economy. | Les citoyens nous font clairement savoir qu ’ identifier les risques et les prévenir est beaucoup mieux qu ’ y remédier lorsqu ’ ils ont entraîné des déséquilibres et causé des dégâts sur les marchés financiers et dans l ’ économie réelle. | 3fr
Citizens are very clear that identifying risks and preventing them is much better than correcting them when they have resulted in imbalances and caused damage to the financial markets and to the real economy. | Voor de burgers is het heel duidelijk dat het veel beter is om risico ’ s te identificeren en te voorkomen dan om ze te corrigeren wanneer ze zich al hebben vertaald in onevenwichtigheden en al schade aan de financiële markten en de reële economie hebben veroorzaakt. | 5nl
Citizens are very clear that identifying risks and preventing them is much better than correcting them when they have resulted in imbalances and caused damage to the financial markets and to the real economy. | Obywatele wyraźnie zdają sobie sprawę z tego, że dużo lepiej jest identyfikować zagrożenia i zapobiegać im niż usuwać ich skutki, czyli zakłócenia i szkody na rynkach finansowych oraz w gospodarce realnej. | 6pl
Citizens are very clear that identifying risks and preventing them is much better than correcting them when they have resulted in imbalances and caused damage to the financial markets and to the real economy. | Os cidadãos sabem perfeitamente que identificar e prevenir os riscos é muito melhor do que corrigi-los depois de se terem traduzido em desequilíbrios e terem causado prejuízos nos mercados financeiros e na economia real. | 7pt
The times when a large proportion of these financial markets operated in an opaque, uncontrolled manner, abandoned to the irresponsible games of imprudent or unscrupulous operators need to come to an end. | Die Zeiten, in denen viele dieser Finanzmärkte undurchsichtig und unkontrolliert waren und leichtsinnige oder skrupellose Akteure ungehindert ihre verantwortungslosen Spiele treiben konnten, müssen ein Ende finden. | 0de
The times when a large proportion of these financial markets operated in an opaque, uncontrolled manner, abandoned to the irresponsible games of imprudent or unscrupulous operators need to come to an end. | Los tiempos en que una parte importante de estos mercados financieros funcionaba con opacidad y descontrol o abandonados al juego irresponsable de operadores imprudentes o sin escrúpulos deben terminar. | 2es