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Since 1977, most financial services, including insurance and investment fund management, have been exempt from VAT. | Seit 1977 wurden die meisten Finanzdienstleistungen, einschließlich Versicherungen und Verwaltung von Investmentfunds, von der Mehrwertsteuer ausgenommen. | 0de
Since 1977, most financial services, including insurance and investment fund management, have been exempt from VAT. | La mayoría de los servicios financieros, incluidos los seguros y la gestión de fondos de inversión, están exentos de IVA desde 1977. | 2es
Since 1977, most financial services, including insurance and investment fund management, have been exempt from VAT. | Depuis 1977, la plupart des services financiers, dont les assurances et la gestion des fonds de placement, ne sont pas tenus d ’ appliquer une TVA. | 3fr
Since 1977, most financial services, including insurance and investment fund management, have been exempt from VAT. | Dal 1997 la maggior parte dei servizi finanziari, compresi i servizi assicurativi e la gestione di fondi di investimento, sono esenti da IVA. | 4it
Since 1977, most financial services, including insurance and investment fund management, have been exempt from VAT. | Sinds 1977 zijn de meeste financiële diensten, met inbegrip van verzekeringen en het beheer van beleggingsfondsen, vrijgesteld van btw. | 5nl
Since 1977, most financial services, including insurance and investment fund management, have been exempt from VAT. | większość usług finansowych, w tym usług w zakresie ubezpieczeń i zarządzania funduszami inwestycyjnymi, była zwolniona z opodatkowania podatkiem VAT. | 6pl
Since 1977, most financial services, including insurance and investment fund management, have been exempt from VAT. | Desde 1977 que a maioria dos serviços financeiros, incluindo os seguros e a gestão de fundos de investimento, estão isentos de IVA. | 7pt
During this period, two problems have essentially arisen: the definition of the scope of the exemption and the impossibility of recovering VAT incurred in order to provide exempt services, giving rise to the phenomenon of hidden VAT. | Im Laufe dieser Zeit haben sich grundsätzlich zwei Probleme herausgebildet: die Definition des Anwendungsbereichs dieser Befreiung und die Unmöglichkeit, die Vorsteuer zurückzufordern, um steuerbefreite Dienstleistungen bereitzustellen, was zum Phänomen der versteckten Mehrwertsteuer führt. | 0de
During this period, two problems have essentially arisen: the definition of the scope of the exemption and the impossibility of recovering VAT incurred in order to provide exempt services, giving rise to the phenomenon of hidden VAT. | Durante este período han surgido fundamentalmente dos dificultades: la definición del ámbito de la exención y la imposibilidad de recuperar el IVA soportado para prestar servicios exentos, que da lugar al fenómeno del IVA oculto. | 2es
During this period, two problems have essentially arisen: the definition of the scope of the exemption and the impossibility of recovering VAT incurred in order to provide exempt services, giving rise to the phenomenon of hidden VAT. | Depuis, deux problèmes majeurs ont émergé : la définition de la portée de l ’ exonération et l ’ impossibilité de récupérer la TVA supportée pour offrir des services exonérés, donnant naissance au phénomène de TVA cachée. | 3fr
During this period, two problems have essentially arisen: the definition of the scope of the exemption and the impossibility of recovering VAT incurred in order to provide exempt services, giving rise to the phenomenon of hidden VAT. | Nel corso di questo periodo, sono emersi soprattutto due problemi: la definizione dell ’ ambito di applicazione dell ’ esenzione e l ’ impossibilità di portare in detrazione l ’ IVA versata per fornire servizi esenti, che si è tradotta nell ’ insorgenza del fenomeno dell ’ IVA nascosta. | 4it
During this period, two problems have essentially arisen: the definition of the scope of the exemption and the impossibility of recovering VAT incurred in order to provide exempt services, giving rise to the phenomenon of hidden VAT. | In deze periode zijn er in hoofdzaak twee problemen naar voren gekomen: de bepaling van het toepassingsgebied van de vrijstelling en de onmogelijkheid om btw terug te vorderen die is betaald om de vrijgestelde diensten te kunnen leveren, een onmogelijkheid die tot het verschijnsel van de “verborgen btw ” heeft geleid. | 5nl
During this period, two problems have essentially arisen: the definition of the scope of the exemption and the impossibility of recovering VAT incurred in order to provide exempt services, giving rise to the phenomenon of hidden VAT. | W tym okresie pojawiły się zasadniczo dwa problemy: problem określenia zakresu zwolnienia oraz niemożności odzyskania podatku VAT poniesionego w celu świadczenia usług zwolnionych z opodatkowania, co doprowadziło do powstania zjawiska ukrytego VAT. | 6pl
During this period, two problems have essentially arisen: the definition of the scope of the exemption and the impossibility of recovering VAT incurred in order to provide exempt services, giving rise to the phenomenon of hidden VAT. | Durante este período, surgiram essencialmente dois problemas: a definição do âmbito da isenção e a impossibilidade de recuperar o IVA suportado para prestar serviços isentos, dando origem ao fenómeno do IVA oculto. | 7pt
Globalisation, European financial integration and market consolidation, which have affected the organisation and outsourcing of operations to provide these services, have further added to the complexities. | Die Globalisierung, die finanzielle Integration Europas und die Marktkonsolidierung, durch welche die Organisation und Auslagerung von Maßnahmen zur Bereitstellung dieser Dienstleistungen beeinträchtigt wurden, haben dazu geführt, dass das Problem immer komplexer geworden ist. | 0de
Globalisation, European financial integration and market consolidation, which have affected the organisation and outsourcing of operations to provide these services, have further added to the complexities. | La globalización, la integración financiera europea y la consolidación del mercado, al influir en la organización y externalización de las operaciones para la prestación de estos servicios, han aumentado la complejidad de los problemas. | 2es
Globalisation, European financial integration and market consolidation, which have affected the organisation and outsourcing of operations to provide these services, have further added to the complexities. | La mondialisation, l ’ intégration financière européenne et la consolidation du marché, autant d ’ éléments qui ont affecté l ’ organisation et l ’ externalisation des opérations nécessaires pour fournir ces services, se greffent sur une équation déjà complexe. | 3fr
Globalisation, European financial integration and market consolidation, which have affected the organisation and outsourcing of operations to provide these services, have further added to the complexities. | La globalizzazione, l ’ integrazione europea sul piano finanziario e il consolidamento del mercato, fenomeni che hanno interessato l ’ organizzazione e l ’ esternalizzazione della fornitura di tali servizi, hanno ulteriormente complicato la situazione. | 4it
Globalisation, European financial integration and market consolidation, which have affected the organisation and outsourcing of operations to provide these services, have further added to the complexities. | De globalisering, de financiële integratie binnen Europa en de consolidatie van de markt hebben de complexiteit van de problemen vergroot, omdat ze gevolgen hebben gehad voor de organisatie en de externalisering van de levering van deze diensten. | 5nl
Globalisation, European financial integration and market consolidation, which have affected the organisation and outsourcing of operations to provide these services, have further added to the complexities. | Globalizacja, integracja finansowa na szczeblu europejskim, a także konsolidacja rynku, które wpłynęły na sposób organizacji i outsourcingu działań w celu świadczenia tychże usług, dodatkowo skomplikowały sytuację. | 6pl
Globalisation, European financial integration and market consolidation, which have affected the organisation and outsourcing of operations to provide these services, have further added to the complexities. | A globalização, a integração financeira europeia e a consolidação do mercado, que afectaram a organização e a externalização de operações para fornecer estes serviços, aumentaram ainda mais estas complexidades. | 7pt
This report is the first attempt to update a directive which, in addition to being confusing – leading to the intervention of the European Court of Justice – is obsolete. | Dieser Bericht ist der erste Versuch, eine Richtlinie zu aktualisieren, die nicht nur verwirrend – sie führte immerhin zum Eingreifen des Europäischen Gerichtshofs –, sondern auch veraltet ist. | 0de
This report is the first attempt to update a directive which, in addition to being confusing – leading to the intervention of the European Court of Justice – is obsolete. | Este informe es el primer intento de actualizar una normativa que, además de confusa — lo que ha motivado la intervención del Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas —, es obsoleta. | 2es
This report is the first attempt to update a directive which, in addition to being confusing – leading to the intervention of the European Court of Justice – is obsolete. | Ce rapport constitue la première tentative de modernisation d ’ une directive qui, outre qu ’ elle sème la confusion - avec à la clé de nombreuses saisies de la Cour de justice européenne - est totalement obsolète. | 3fr
This report is the first attempt to update a directive which, in addition to being confusing – leading to the intervention of the European Court of Justice – is obsolete. | Questa relazione rappresenta il primo tentativo di aggiornare una direttiva che, oltre a generare confusione, tanto da richiedere l ’ intervento della Corte di giustizia delle Comunità europee, risulta essere obsoleta. | 4it
This report is the first attempt to update a directive which, in addition to being confusing – leading to the intervention of the European Court of Justice – is obsolete. | Dit verslag is de eerste poging om regelgeving te actualiseren die niet alleen verwarrend is – wat tot de interventie door het Europees Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen heeft geleid – maar ook verouderd. | 5nl
This report is the first attempt to update a directive which, in addition to being confusing – leading to the intervention of the European Court of Justice – is obsolete. | Przedmiotowe sprawozdanie stanowi pierwszą próbę aktualizacji dyrektywy, która poza tym, iż jest myląca – prowadząc do interwencji ze strony Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości – jest również przestarzała. | 6pl
This report is the first attempt to update a directive which, in addition to being confusing – leading to the intervention of the European Court of Justice – is obsolete. | Este relatório constitui a primeira tentativa de actualizar uma directiva, que, além de ser confusa – levando à intervenção do Tribunal de Justiça Europeu – é obsoleta. | 7pt
I want to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Muscat, on his excellent work in producing this report on an issue which is so economically sensitive and technically complex. | Ich gratuliere dem Berichterstatter, Herrn Muscat, für seine ausgezeichnete Arbeit beim Verfassen dieses Berichts über ein Thema, das wirtschaftlich gesehen so sensibel und technisch äußerst komplex ist. | 0de
I want to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Muscat, on his excellent work in producing this report on an issue which is so economically sensitive and technically complex. | Quiero felicitar al ponente, señor Muscat, por el excelente trabajo que ha venido desarrollando en este dossier tan sensible económicamente y tan complejo técnicamente. | 2es
I want to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Muscat, on his excellent work in producing this report on an issue which is so economically sensitive and technically complex. | Je tiens à féliciter le rapporteur, M. Muscat, pour la qualité du travail qu ’ il a fourni en s ’ attelant à une question aussi sensible sur le plan économique et aussi complexe d ’ un point de vue technique. | 3fr
I want to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Muscat, on his excellent work in producing this report on an issue which is so economically sensitive and technically complex. | Vorrei congratularmi con il relatore, l ’ onorevole Muscat, per l ’ ottimo lavoro svolto nella redazione di questa relazione, dedicata a un tema economicamente delicato e tecnicamente complesso. | 4it
I want to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Muscat, on his excellent work in producing this report on an issue which is so economically sensitive and technically complex. | Ik wil de rapporteur, de heer Muscat, feliciteren met het voortreffelijke werk dat hij heeft verricht in dit economisch zo gevoelige en technisch zo moeilijke dossier. | 5nl
I want to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Muscat, on his excellent work in producing this report on an issue which is so economically sensitive and technically complex. | Pragnę pogratulować sprawozdawcy, panu posłowi Josephowi Muscatowi, jego znakomitej pracy, która zaowocowała przygotowaniem tego sprawozdania dotyczącego tak niezwykle wrażliwego ekonomicznie i technicznie złożonego zagadnienia. | 6pl
I want to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Muscat, on his excellent work in producing this report on an issue which is so economically sensitive and technically complex. | Quero felicitar o relator, o senhor deputado Muscat, pelo seu excelente trabalho na produção do presente relatório sobre uma questão economicamente tão sensível e tecnicamente tão complexa. | 7pt
His proposals to modernise the definition of insurance and financial services, which are consistent with the Financial Services Action Plan and strict in dealing with exemptions, have merited general acceptance. | Seine Modernisierungsvorschläge für die Definition von Versicherungen und Finanzdienstleistungen, die sich mit dem Aktionsplan für Finanzdienstleistungen decken und Ausnahmen streng regeln, wurden allgemein begrüßt. | 0de
His proposals to modernise the definition of insurance and financial services, which are consistent with the Financial Services Action Plan and strict in dealing with exemptions, have merited general acceptance. | Sus propuestas para una modernización de la definición de los servicios financieros y de seguros, coherentes con el plan de acción para los servicios financieros y estrictas por tratarse de exenciones, han merecido general aceptación. | 2es
His proposals to modernise the definition of insurance and financial services, which are consistent with the Financial Services Action Plan and strict in dealing with exemptions, have merited general acceptance. | Les propositions qu ’ il a avancées afin de moderniser la définition des services financiers et d ’ assurance qui sont en phase avec le plan d ’ action pour les services financiers et qui suivent une ligne de conduite stricte concernant les exonérations, ont gagné l ’ approbation de la grande majorité. | 3fr
His proposals to modernise the definition of insurance and financial services, which are consistent with the Financial Services Action Plan and strict in dealing with exemptions, have merited general acceptance. | Le sue proposte di aggiornamento della definizione di servizi assicurativi e finanziari, che risultano coerenti con il Piano d'azione per i servizi finanziari e rigorose nella gestione delle esenzioni, hanno incontrato un generale apprezzamento. | 4it
His proposals to modernise the definition of insurance and financial services, which are consistent with the Financial Services Action Plan and strict in dealing with exemptions, have merited general acceptance. | Zijn voorstellen voor een modernisering van de definitie van financiële diensten en verzekeringsdiensten, die samenhangen met het Actieplan Financiële Diensten en streng zijn als het gaat om het verlenen van vrijstellingen, worden terecht algemeen aanvaard. | 5nl
His proposals to modernise the definition of insurance and financial services, which are consistent with the Financial Services Action Plan and strict in dealing with exemptions, have merited general acceptance. | Jego propozycje uwspółcześnienia definicji usług ubezpieczeniowych i finansowych, spójne z planem działań w zakresie usług finansowych i restrykcyjne w zakresie zwolnień, zasługują na ogólne uznanie. | 6pl
His proposals to modernise the definition of insurance and financial services, which are consistent with the Financial Services Action Plan and strict in dealing with exemptions, have merited general acceptance. | As suas propostas no sentido de modernizar a definição de serviços financeiros e de seguros, consistentes com o Plano de Acção para os Serviços Financeiros e rigorosas no que toca às isenções, mereceram a aceitação geral. | 7pt
His commitment to preventing price rises for consumers as a result of taxable persons opting for taxation has also merited general approval. | Sein Engagement dafür, dass die Verbraucher nicht mit Preissteigerungen belastet werden, weil steuerpflichtige Personen sich für Besteuerung entscheiden, traf ebenfalls generell auf Zustimmung. | 0de
His commitment to preventing price rises for consumers as a result of taxable persons opting for taxation has also merited general approval. | También la ha merecido su celo en evitar que la posibilidad de que los sujetos pasivos se acojan a la opción de tributación produzca aumentos de precios para los consumidores. | 2es
His commitment to preventing price rises for consumers as a result of taxable persons opting for taxation has also merited general approval. | Et nous pouvons en dire de même de sa volonté d ’ empêcher toute hausse de prix pour les consommateurs qui résulterait du choix de contribuables d ’ opter pour l ’ imposition. | 3fr
His commitment to preventing price rises for consumers as a result of taxable persons opting for taxation has also merited general approval. | Anche il suo impegno teso a prevenire aumenti di prezzi a carico dei consumatori nel caso in cui i soggetti passivi di imposta optino per la tassazione, è stato ben accolto. | 4it
His commitment to preventing price rises for consumers as a result of taxable persons opting for taxation has also merited general approval. | Ook zijn inspanningen om te voorkomen dat de consumenten te maken krijgen met prijsstijgingen, als gevolg van de keuze van belastingplichtigen voor belasting van hun diensten, verdienen algemene instemming. | 5nl
His commitment to preventing price rises for consumers as a result of taxable persons opting for taxation has also merited general approval. | Jego zaangażowanie w sprawę zapobieżenia podwyżkom cen dla konsumentów, jakie mogłyby wyniknąć z faktu wyboru opodatkowania tym podatkiem przez podatników, również zyskało ogólne uznanie. | 6pl
His commitment to preventing price rises for consumers as a result of taxable persons opting for taxation has also merited general approval. | O seu empenhamento com vista a impedir os aumentos de preços para os consumidores em consequência de sujeitos passivos optarem pela tributação também mereceu aprovação geral. | 7pt
The final result, encompassing a specific exemption from VAT for businesses involved in cost-sharing arrangements, will increase certainty for the industry and budgetary security for the Member States, prevent competition distortions and improve competitiveness for the banks and insurers without increasing the costs to consumers. | Das Endresultat umfasst eine spezifische Befreiung von der Mehrwertsteuer für Unternehmen mit Kostenbeteiligungsvereinbarungen, steigert die Sicherheit für die Industrie und die Budgetsicherheit für die Mitgliedstaaten, vermeidet Wettbewerbsverzerrungen und verbessert die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Banken und Versicherer ohne zusätzliche Kosten für die Verbraucher. | 0de
The final result, encompassing a specific exemption from VAT for businesses involved in cost-sharing arrangements, will increase certainty for the industry and budgetary security for the Member States, prevent competition distortions and improve competitiveness for the banks and insurers without increasing the costs to consumers. | El resultado final, acogiendo la exención específica del IVA para las empresas que inciden en los mecanismos de reparto de costes, aumentará la certidumbre para las industrias y la seguridad presupuestaria para los Estados miembros, impedirá distorsiones de la competencia y mejorará la competitividad para los bancos y aseguradoras sin incrementar los costes para los consumidores. | 2es
The final result, encompassing a specific exemption from VAT for businesses involved in cost-sharing arrangements, will increase certainty for the industry and budgetary security for the Member States, prevent competition distortions and improve competitiveness for the banks and insurers without increasing the costs to consumers. | Au final, ce texte, incluant une exonération spécifique de la TVA pour les entreprises engagées dans des mécanismes de partage des coûts, renforcera la sécurité des entreprises et la sécurité budgétaire des États membres, empêchera les distorsions de concurrence et consolidera la compétitivité des banques et des compagnies d ’ assurances, sans hausse de coûts pour les consommateurs. | 3fr
The final result, encompassing a specific exemption from VAT for businesses involved in cost-sharing arrangements, will increase certainty for the industry and budgetary security for the Member States, prevent competition distortions and improve competitiveness for the banks and insurers without increasing the costs to consumers. | Il risultato finale, che prevede un ’ esenzione specifica dall ’ IVA per le società coinvolte in un incrementerà il grado di certezza per il settore e garantirà sicurezza agli Stati membri in relazione ai propri introiti fiscali, prevenendo il fenomeno della distorsione della concorrenza e potenziando la competitività delle banche e delle compagnie assicurative senza incrementi di costo a carico dei consumatori. | 4it
The final result, encompassing a specific exemption from VAT for businesses involved in cost-sharing arrangements, will increase certainty for the industry and budgetary security for the Member States, prevent competition distortions and improve competitiveness for the banks and insurers without increasing the costs to consumers. | Het eindresultaat, dat een specifieke btw-vrijstelling omvat voor bedrijven die afspraken maken over kostendeling, zal de rechtszekerheid vergroten voor de sector, de begrotingszekerheid vergroten voor de lidstaten, verstoringen van de concurrentie voorkomen en het concurrentievermogen van banken en verzekeraars versterken zonder dat dit tot een kostenstijging voor de consumenten leidt. | 5nl
The final result, encompassing a specific exemption from VAT for businesses involved in cost-sharing arrangements, will increase certainty for the industry and budgetary security for the Member States, prevent competition distortions and improve competitiveness for the banks and insurers without increasing the costs to consumers. | Ostateczny efekt prac, obejmujący szczególne zwolnienie z opodatkowania podatkiem VAT dla przedsiębiorstw będących stroną porozumień w sprawie podziału kosztów, zwiększy pewność z punktu widzenia branży i bezpieczeństwo budżetowe z punktu widzenia państw członkowskich, a także zapobiegnie zakłóceniom konkurencji i poprawi konkurencyjność banków i ubezpieczycieli bez jednoczesnego zwiększania kosztów ponoszonych przez konsumentów. | 6pl
The final result, encompassing a specific exemption from VAT for businesses involved in cost-sharing arrangements, will increase certainty for the industry and budgetary security for the Member States, prevent competition distortions and improve competitiveness for the banks and insurers without increasing the costs to consumers. | O resultado final, abrangendo uma isenção específica do IVA para as empresas que incidem nos mecanismos de repartição dos custos, aumentará a certeza para a indústria e a segurança orçamental para os Estados-Membros, impedirá as distorções da competição e melhorará a competitividade para os bancos e seguradoras sem aumentarem os custos para os consumidores. | 7pt
I want to express my satisfaction at the incorporation of two aspects contained in these amendments: the reference to co-insurance, and the improved definition of the concept of intermediation, which is restricted to professional activities rendered as a distinct, direct or indirect act of mediation and which specifies that intermediaries are not counterparties to the subsequent transactions. | Ich möchte meine Zufriedenheit über die Einbeziehung zweier Aspekte zum Ausdruck bringen, die in diesen Änderungen enthalten sind: die Bezugnahme auf Mitversicherungen und die verbesserte Definition des Konzepts der Vermittlung, welche sich auf professionelle Aktivitäten beschränkt, die als separater, direkter oder indirekter Akt der Vermittlung erfolgen, und festlegt, dass die Vermittler keine Geschäftspartner bei den nachfolgenden Transaktionen sein können. Ich möchte abschließend Herrn Muscat viel Erfolg wünschen. | 0de
I want to express my satisfaction at the incorporation of two aspects contained in these amendments: the reference to co-insurance, and the improved definition of the concept of intermediation, which is restricted to professional activities rendered as a distinct, direct or indirect act of mediation and which specifies that intermediaries are not counterparties to the subsequent transactions. | Quiero expresar mi satisfacción por la incorporación de dos aspectos contenidos en esas enmiendas: la referencia al coaseguro y una mejor delimitación del concepto de intermediación, ciñéndolo a actividades profesionales y diferenciadas de mediación, tanto directa como indirecta, y especificando que los intermediarios no sean contraparte en las próximas operaciones. | 2es
I want to express my satisfaction at the incorporation of two aspects contained in these amendments: the reference to co-insurance, and the improved definition of the concept of intermediation, which is restricted to professional activities rendered as a distinct, direct or indirect act of mediation and which specifies that intermediaries are not counterparties to the subsequent transactions. | Je tiens également à exprimer ma satisfaction concernant l ’ intégration de deux éléments dans ces amendements. Il s ’ agit de la référence à la coassurance et de l ’ amélioration de la définition du concept d ’ intermédiation, qui se limite aux activités professionnelles en tant qu ’ actes de médiation distincts, directs ou indirects, et qui stipule que les intermédiaires ne sont en aucun cas contrepartie dans les transactions concernées. | 3fr
I want to express my satisfaction at the incorporation of two aspects contained in these amendments: the reference to co-insurance, and the improved definition of the concept of intermediation, which is restricted to professional activities rendered as a distinct, direct or indirect act of mediation and which specifies that intermediaries are not counterparties to the subsequent transactions. | Vorrei sottolineare il mio apprezzamento per l ’ inserimento di due aspetti indicati da questi emendamenti: il rimando alla co-assicurazione e una definizione più precisa del concetto di intermediazione, che viene limitato alle attività professionali in quanto atto di mediazione distinto, diretto o indiretto, specificando che gli intermediari non sono controparti nelle transazioni successive. Vorrei concludere rivolgendo all ’ onorevole Muscat i miei migliori auguri per il futuro. | 4it
I want to express my satisfaction at the incorporation of two aspects contained in these amendments: the reference to co-insurance, and the improved definition of the concept of intermediation, which is restricted to professional activities rendered as a distinct, direct or indirect act of mediation and which specifies that intermediaries are not counterparties to the subsequent transactions. | Ik wil mijn tevredenheid uiten over het opnemen van twee aspecten die in deze amendementen zijn vervat: het noemen van coverzekering en een betere afbakening van het begrip bemiddeling, dat wordt beperkt tot een beroepsactiviteit als een afzonderlijke, al dan niet rechtstreekse daad van bemiddeling, waarbij specifiek wordt bepaald dat geen van de bemiddelaars tegenpartij mag zijn bij de daaropvolgende verzekerings- en financiële handelingen. | 5nl
I want to express my satisfaction at the incorporation of two aspects contained in these amendments: the reference to co-insurance, and the improved definition of the concept of intermediation, which is restricted to professional activities rendered as a distinct, direct or indirect act of mediation and which specifies that intermediaries are not counterparties to the subsequent transactions. | Pragnę wyrazić zadowolenie z włączenia dwóch aspektów zawartych w przedmiotowych zmianach: odniesienia do koasekuracji oraz udoskonalonej definicji koncepcji pośrednictwa, którą ograniczono do profesjonalnej działalności prowadzonej w formie wyraźnej, bezpośredniej lub pośredniej czynności pośrednictwa, i która stanowi, że pośrednicy nie są stronami następujących później transakcji. | 6pl
I want to express my satisfaction at the incorporation of two aspects contained in these amendments: the reference to co-insurance, and the improved definition of the concept of intermediation, which is restricted to professional activities rendered as a distinct, direct or indirect act of mediation and which specifies that intermediaries are not counterparties to the subsequent transactions. | Quero expressar a minha satisfação com a incorporação de dois aspectos contidos nestas alterações: a referência ao co-seguro, e a melhor definição do conceito de intermediação, restringindo-o a actividades profissionais apresentadas como um acto de mediação distinto, directo ou indirecto, e especificando que os intermediários não são contrapartes das transacções subsequentes. | 7pt
I want to end by wishing Mr Muscat great success. I am confident that he will soon be enjoying this success through his participation in European integration from the Council. | Ich bin überzeugt, dass ihm dieser Erfolg durch seine Teilnahme an der europäischen Integration bald vom Rat zuteilwerden wird. | 0de
I want to end by wishing Mr Muscat great success. I am confident that he will soon be enjoying this success through his participation in European integration from the Council. | Y finalizo deseando al señor Muscat muchos éxitos y expresando la confianza de tenerlo pronto participando en la construcción europea desde el Consejo. | 2es
I want to end by wishing Mr Muscat great success. I am confident that he will soon be enjoying this success through his participation in European integration from the Council. | Pour terminer, je souhaite beaucoup de réussite à M. Muscat. Je suis certain que cette réussite devrait se matérialiser très bientôt dans le cadre de sa participation aux travaux sur l ’ intégration européenne au Conseil. | 3fr
I want to end by wishing Mr Muscat great success. I am confident that he will soon be enjoying this success through his participation in European integration from the Council. | Sono certo che avrà successo partecipando all ’ integrazione europea dal Consiglio. | 4it
I want to end by wishing Mr Muscat great success. I am confident that he will soon be enjoying this success through his participation in European integration from the Council. | En ik sluit af met de heer Muscat veel succes te wensen. Ik heb er alle vertrouwen in dat hij binnenkort aan de Europese integratie zal meewerken vanuit de Raad. | 5nl
I want to end by wishing Mr Muscat great success. I am confident that he will soon be enjoying this success through his participation in European integration from the Council. | Na zakończenie chciałbym życzyć panu posłowi Josephowi Muscatowi wielu sukcesów. Jestem pewien, że już wkrótce będzie cieszył się tym sukcesem dzięki udziałowi w procesie integracji europejskiej w ramach Rady. | 6pl
I want to end by wishing Mr Muscat great success. I am confident that he will soon be enjoying this success through his participation in European integration from the Council. | Quero terminar, desejando ao senhor deputado Muscat o maior sucesso. Estou certo de que em breve ele estará a desfrutar deste mesmo sucesso através da sua participação na integração europeia a partir do Conselho. | 7pt
Mr President, my Group simply wants to highlight that the current budgetary and financial framework for 2007 to 2013 makes it very difficult to respond effectively to the new political priorities. | Herr Präsident! Meine Fraktion möchte nur deutlich machen, dass es aufgrund des derzeitigen Haushalts- und Finanzrahmens für 2007 bis 2013 sehr schwierig ist, wirksam auf die neuen politischen Prioritäten zu reagieren. | 0de
Mr President, my Group simply wants to highlight that the current budgetary and financial framework for 2007 to 2013 makes it very difficult to respond effectively to the new political priorities. | Señor Presidente, simplemente quisiéramos, desde mi Grupo, poner de manifiesto que el actual marco presupuestario y financiero de 2007 a 2013 dificulta mucho que se puedan dar respuestas eficaces a las nuevas prioridades políticas. | 2es
Mr President, my Group simply wants to highlight that the current budgetary and financial framework for 2007 to 2013 makes it very difficult to respond effectively to the new political priorities. | Monsieur le Président, mon groupe tient tout simplement à souligner le fait que le cadre budgétaire et financier actuel pour la période 2007-2013 permet très difficilement de réagir efficacement aux nouvelles priorités politiques. | 3fr
Mr President, my Group simply wants to highlight that the current budgetary and financial framework for 2007 to 2013 makes it very difficult to respond effectively to the new political priorities. | Mijnheer de Voorzitter, mijn fractie wil alleen maar benadrukken dat het met het huidige financieel begrotingskader 2007-2013 zeer moeilijk is om doeltreffend op de nieuwe politieke prioriteiten te reageren. | 5nl
Mr President, my Group simply wants to highlight that the current budgetary and financial framework for 2007 to 2013 makes it very difficult to respond effectively to the new political priorities. | Panie przewodniczący! Moja grupa pragnie jedynie podkreślić, że obecne ramy budżetowe i finansowe na lata 2007 – 2013 bardzo utrudniają skuteczne działanie w obliczu nowych priorytetów politycznych. | 6pl
Mr President, my Group simply wants to highlight that the current budgetary and financial framework for 2007 to 2013 makes it very difficult to respond effectively to the new political priorities. | Senhor Presidente, o meu grupo pretende simplesmente sublinhar que o actual quadro orçamental e financeiro para o período de 2007 a 2013 torna muito difícil responder eficazmente às novas prioridades políticas. | 7pt
Both this Parliament and my Group said that it was impossible to adopt new political priorities without ensuring sufficient funding. | Sowohl dieses Parlament als auch meine Fraktion haben gesagt, dass es unmöglich sei, neue politische Prioritäten anzunehmen, ohne ausreichende Finanzmittel sicherzustellen. | 0de
Both this Parliament and my Group said that it was impossible to adopt new political priorities without ensuring sufficient funding. | Desde este Parlamento y desde mi Grupo dijimos que era imposible adoptar nuevas prioridades políticas sin disponer de la financiación suficiente para ello. | 2es
Both this Parliament and my Group said that it was impossible to adopt new political priorities without ensuring sufficient funding. | Tant ce Parlement que mon propre groupe ont déclaré qu ’ il était impossible d ’ adopter de nouvelles priorités politiques sans assurer un financement suffisant. | 3fr
Both this Parliament and my Group said that it was impossible to adopt new political priorities without ensuring sufficient funding. | Zowel dit Parlement als mijn fractie heeft gezegd dat het onmogelijk is nieuwe politieke prioriteiten vast te stellen als er niet voldoende geld voor beschikbaar is. | 5nl
Both this Parliament and my Group said that it was impossible to adopt new political priorities without ensuring sufficient funding. | Obecny Parlament i moja grupa stoją na stanowisku, że nie można przyjmować nowych priorytetów politycznych bez zapewnienia dostatecznego finansowania. | 6pl
Both this Parliament and my Group said that it was impossible to adopt new political priorities without ensuring sufficient funding. | Tanto este Parlamento como o meu grupo disseram que era impossível adoptar novas prioridades políticas sem assegurar um financiamento suficiente. | 7pt
We are now seeing that there is no room for the new political initiatives taken by both the Council and the Commission, such as food aid or aid to Georgia, within the current financial framework and we therefore need to find solutions. | Jetzt erkennen wir, dass es innerhalb des jetzigen Finanzrahmens keinen Spielraum für die neuen von Rat und Kommission unternommenen Initiativen gibt – z. B. Nahrungsmittelhilfe oder Hilfe für Georgien –, und deshalb müssen wir Lösungen finden. | 0de
We are now seeing that there is no room for the new political initiatives taken by both the Council and the Commission, such as food aid or aid to Georgia, within the current financial framework and we therefore need to find solutions. | Ahora vemos que las nuevas iniciativas políticas adoptadas por el Consejo y por la Comisión, como la ayuda alimentaria o la ayuda a Georgia, no tienen cabida en el actual marco financiero, y por tanto es necesario encontrar soluciones. | 2es
We are now seeing that there is no room for the new political initiatives taken by both the Council and the Commission, such as food aid or aid to Georgia, within the current financial framework and we therefore need to find solutions. | Nous constatons à présent que le cadre financier actuel ne laisse aucune marge de manœuvre pour les nouvelles initiatives politiques prises par le Conseil et par la Commission, comme l ’ aide alimentaire ou l ’ aide destinée à la Géorgie. Nous devons donc trouver des solutions. | 3fr
We are now seeing that there is no room for the new political initiatives taken by both the Council and the Commission, such as food aid or aid to Georgia, within the current financial framework and we therefore need to find solutions. | Vediamo ora che, nell ’ attuale quadro finanziario, non c ’ è spazio per le nuove iniziative politiche intraprese sia dal Consiglio che dalla Commissione – quali l ’ assistenza alimentare o gli aiuti alla Georgia – e dobbiamo quindi trovare una soluzione. | 4it
We are now seeing that there is no room for the new political initiatives taken by both the Council and the Commission, such as food aid or aid to Georgia, within the current financial framework and we therefore need to find solutions. | Nu zien we dat er binnen het financieel kader geen ruimte is voor de nieuwe politieke initiatieven die de Raad en de Commissie hebben genomen voor bijvoorbeeld de voedselhulp en de hulpverlening aan Georgië, en daarvoor moeten oplossingen worden gevonden. | 5nl
We are now seeing that there is no room for the new political initiatives taken by both the Council and the Commission, such as food aid or aid to Georgia, within the current financial framework and we therefore need to find solutions. | Widzimy teraz, że w obecnych ramach finansowych nie ma miejsca na nowe inicjatywy polityczne podjęte zarówno przez Radę, jak i Komisję, w tym pomoc żywnościową lub pomoc dla Gruzji. Musimy zatem znaleźć odpowiednie rozwiązania. | 6pl
We are now seeing that there is no room for the new political initiatives taken by both the Council and the Commission, such as food aid or aid to Georgia, within the current financial framework and we therefore need to find solutions. | Vemos agora que não há cabimento para as novas iniciativas políticas tomadas pelo Conselho e pela Comissão, nomeadamente a ajuda alimentar ou a ajuda à Geórgia, dentro do actual quadro financeiro, e que, por conseguinte, temos de encontrar soluções. | 7pt
However, we must not allow the solutions adopted to harm existing plans and available funds within the Interinstitutional Agreement. | Wir dürfen jedoch nicht zulassen, dass die angenommenen Lösungen die bestehenden Pläne und verfügbaren Finanzmittel im Rahmen der interinstitutionellen Vereinbarung beeinträchtigen. | 0de
However, we must not allow the solutions adopted to harm existing plans and available funds within the Interinstitutional Agreement. | Sin embargo, hay que evitar que esas soluciones violen las previsiones existentes y las disponibilidades contempladas en el Acuerdo interinstitucional. | 2es
However, we must not allow the solutions adopted to harm existing plans and available funds within the Interinstitutional Agreement. | Toutefois, nous ne devons pas permettre que les solutions adoptées portent préjudice aux plans existants ou entament les fonds disponibles dans le cadre de l ’ accord interinstitutionnel. | 3fr
However, we must not allow the solutions adopted to harm existing plans and available funds within the Interinstitutional Agreement. | Non dobbiamo però permettere che le soluzioni adottate danneggino gli attuali piani e i fondi disponibili nell ’ accordo interistituzionale. | 4it
However, we must not allow the solutions adopted to harm existing plans and available funds within the Interinstitutional Agreement. | We moeten er echter voor waken dat de aangedragen oplossingen de bestaande plannen en de beschikbare middelen binnen het Interinstitutioneel Akkoord schade berokkenen. | 5nl
However, we must not allow the solutions adopted to harm existing plans and available funds within the Interinstitutional Agreement. | Nie możemy jednak zaakceptować rozwiązań przyjętych po to, aby przynieść szkodę istniejącym planom i funduszom dostępnym w ramach porozumienia międzyinstytucjonalnego. | 6pl
However, we must not allow the solutions adopted to harm existing plans and available funds within the Interinstitutional Agreement. | No entanto, não devemos permitir que as soluções adoptadas afectem planos existentes e os fundos disponíveis contemplados no Acordo Interinstitucional. | 7pt
In this respect, we believe that we must be extremely strict. | Wir sind der Überzeugung, dass wir in dieser Hinsicht äußerst rigoros sein müssen. | 0de
In this respect, we believe that we must be extremely strict. | En este aspecto, creemos que vamos a ser extraordinariamente estrictos. | 2es
In this respect, we believe that we must be extremely strict. | Nous pensons devoir nous montrer extrêmement stricts à cet égard. | 3fr
In this respect, we believe that we must be extremely strict. | Crediamo si debba essere estremamente rigorosi in proposito. | 4it
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