12 values
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Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Q: The new math... 24 is equal to 12......again an embarrassment! A: Yes **** Q: For others wondering here, NO!!! this is NOTHING CLOSE TO NEWS! This is a talentless person who has done nothing to admire or make news. Yet this is a person chosen, along with the Kardashians or Jenners (who also have no skills, talent, or anything to look up to as a role model), to have endless articles about nothing published about them. This is the bread and butter of People and E! and others I don't want to remember. If anything, if you are going to drag this into something to call a news story, you need to add an accurate piece about history: 'Bristol, daughter of Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska for almost a year and half who was very surprisingly chosen as a vice presidential candidate by McCain, though had virtually no political experience. Sarah Palin went on to be widely mocked in the media for her lack of knowledge on any relevant political issues and Obama defeated the McCain-Palin ticket.' or take it to more recent context and describe how involved/knowledgeable sheis A: Yes **** Q: Matt lands the knockout punch. Please Donk, don't get up you are entirely in the wrong ring and look a fool. A:
Yes ****
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Ex Input: I would agree that calling the police first might be the best idea. However, it would probably be a low priority response. At that point I would go out with my Glock 20 with a round already racked. I would then take the pictures and would get my point across. I would never give that punk the chance to pull his gun on me. I have no desire to kill someone but I would not hesitate to use deadly force if necessary. Ex Output: Yes Ex Input: Watch for the pathetic Obama bow to foreign leaders and the ceremonial throwing America under the bus. Ex Output: Yes Ex Input: Once a caldera of foul wind, always a caldera of foul wind. Ex Output:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example is below. Q: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' A: Yes Rationale: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Q: What's the matter Kylie? Are women's opinion's a threat to your ilk? Bet you're a supporter of the Un-Americans for Disparity and the Alaska Policy Forum who's trying to gut Alaska's public school system. I'll be women have bigger jewels than you. Right? A:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution is here: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this: Ya gotta love government! Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Q: Your charges are ridiculously absurd stupidity. The casino has boosted Florence economy bringing more tourists to that town, and the meth heads were there long before the casino showed up. A: Yes **** Q: They normally don't contain a plastic non-biodegradable filter like commercial cigs A: No **** Q: Yet more proof that if you throw three rats in a box, in no time at all they will eat each other. A:
No ****
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Let me give you an example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' The answer to this example can be: Yes Here is why: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example OK. solve this: The hot dog and beer sound good but I don't watch adult films. I sure wish there were another in the Predator series. Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Let me give you an example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' The answer to this example can be: Yes Here is why: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example OK. solve this: Mr Minshall, what exactly do you propose today's society can do to "correct" all of those terrible inequities committed by those evil and racist, rich white people? Especially the ones who have been dead for over 100 years? Eliminate the liquor industry? That was tried once. Eliminate porn? What do you suggest, killing all of those who buy Playboy? Collect all of the prostitutes on the street and give them taxpayer money for life? Then catch all of the Johns and kill them? How about the former POTUS and his association with a convicted pedophile, vacationing on a private sex island? How about the drug trade? White owners there too? Just shoot them all? Social engineering by a government does not work. You cannot force anyone to be free. Sex trade has been around over 2000 years. Alcohol has been around as well. Mankind has an ugly history and the continual rubbing of societies nose in the filth has not been successful so perhaps if you were God, you could ...... Answer:
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Output: Yes The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example New input case for you: Clinton is a creature of the system, and so is singularly unappealing to those who think the system is broken. I honestly can't see that there's any way to change that reality between now and the election. Her best bet is the same thing she's always counted on: to be the lesser evil. I, however, am no longer willing to hold my nose and vote for the least objectionable candidate between the two offered by the major parties. I've done that to varying degrees for my whole voting life, and I'm tired of it. I suspect that I'm not alone. Output:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. -------- Question: The republican party now realizes their party is a joke and Trump has become the punch line. Answer: Yes Question: I bet I could save a whole bunch of money if I privatized the management of the Marine Highways System. I might even hire some managers who gave a damn what it cost to run the Blue Canoes. Answer: No Question: Clinton is a creature of the system, and so is singularly unappealing to those who think the system is broken. I honestly can't see that there's any way to change that reality between now and the election. Her best bet is the same thing she's always counted on: to be the lesser evil. I, however, am no longer willing to hold my nose and vote for the least objectionable candidate between the two offered by the major parties. I've done that to varying degrees for my whole voting life, and I'm tired of it. I suspect that I'm not alone. Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example Input: I think this article chooses to ignore the more common sense complaints made by those of us who don't like the way this city is currently being developed. We can accept that some houses will be torn down and replaced with apartments in the name of density, but too often these numbers are used to justify wasteful and short-sighted building practices. For instance, in the case of the Eastmoreland sequoia lots (a story I imagine developers and sympathizers of this article scoffed at), the neighborhood offered a very viable plan to build two smaller houses on the property without clearcutting the land, along with compensation for preserving the trees. Such houses would have been more affordable, and saved a valuable public resource: big trees. This option was rejected because the developer didn't have kit houses of the right size and shape available. A little creativity, common sense, and smarts could solve both the issue of density and destruction of the things we like about PDX. Example Output: No Example Input: Once again, the Mayor misses the boat. The now-doomed SW-SAZ plan was cooked up by outsiders (“anybody” was indeed leading the pack) and the residents of the zone were only informed later about what was going to be good for them. Any plan to upzone (upscale) or change an established neighborhood requires a lot more than a meeting for all and then facilitation by Oregon Consensus. Mediation or facilitation implies that the slate already exists and we’re now going to tweak it. Residents of south Eugene have said no to that process repeatedly (see What they have agreed on is plain and simple: a R - E - F - I - N - E - M - E - N - T plan as the platform upon which any future changes can be made. And this plan must be community driven; no more top-down directives. Example Output: No Example Input: Those on Oregon's sex offenders list should start a class action suit against the State of Oregon so they can each get their $2k. Example Output:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution: Yes Why? The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example New input: Maybe Penair could use the older planes to send more flights to the Pribilofs (St. George and St. Paul) where currently the 3 times per week flights are sold out all the way through July. Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution is here: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this: Watching this photo of the Alaskan volcano, and that of hundreds of other worldwide volcanoes, I try to imagine how many vehicle tail pipes it would take to create that much pollution, even after throwing in all the smokestacks in America. Nature's smokers put all of the man made pollutants to complete shame...year after year. Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Good shooting? 5 shots? Sounds like spraying lead and hoping it hits something to me -- far from what I'd call good shooting. And as I've said before, if everybody shot every dog who came running at them barking the bodies would be piled high and friendly neighbors few and far between. Yes It would seem the Mr. Tullos has been reared the Texan way just like Ted Cruz. This lock 'em up and throw away the key mentality has destroyed so many families as well as individuals. Some definitely need to be put away for a very long time but not most defendants. When you prosecute a drug user with the same zeal that you would a rapist or murderer your priorities are all screwed up. Yes Hillarious ItsMe. I lived in Chicago for 8 years and never heard one gun shot and that was back in the mid to late 70s when the murder rate was double what it is now. I've lived in Anchorage for 11 years and have heard more gunshots within the city limits (excluding the gun range) than I can count on my fingers and toes.
instruction: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. question: If memory serves, the last college basketball national champion lacking a preseason top 25 ranking was 2003 Syracuse (a very young team returning very few minutes). It's always good to be ranked high in the preseason poll. Hopefully the consensus view on Oregon basketball sticks until the polls are released in early November. answer: No question: It would seem the Mr. Tullos has been reared the Texan way just like Ted Cruz. This lock 'em up and throw away the key mentality has destroyed so many families as well as individuals. Some definitely need to be put away for a very long time but not most defendants. When you prosecute a drug user with the same zeal that you would a rapist or murderer your priorities are all screwed up. answer: Yes question: The fact that some children get a poor education is indisputable -- that goes for homeschooled and public schooled kids. What checks and balances could actually prevent this? Public schools have gone to more and more and more standardized tests (most AK homeschoolers aren't independent and also take these) and attempts to legislate that everyone score well. How well does that work? As for homeschoolers, you could add more paperwork. Some states do. Someone willing to hide their kids in the basement is probably cool with fudging or skipping the paperwork. Internet forums abound with instructions on how to get through paperwork hoops. Do we send inspectors to every home? Whose standards do they use? "Checks and Balances" is a good idea, truly, but only if we think through what checks are effective, practical, and don't cause more harm than they prevent. Ideas? answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Q: Not really late. I am talking across the board reduction in the operating budget. Based on allocation, some agencies will take more, some less. Some departments will be eliminated. It is going to happen, might as well get out in front of it and get it done. I am sure some, although very limited, agencies have taken substantial cuts, but more have to be made. I lived in the mid-80's crash and know what it was like. I can tell you history is about to repeat itself. Brings to mind the old bumper sticker... Lord gives us another Prudhoe Bay and I promise not to pass it away. Not gonna happen this time around. A: No **** Q: So in other words, the claim that "Fully a quarter–25%–of our population is incarcerated" is not only false, but obviously false. A: Yes **** Q: Credits should defray, but never eliminate the tax liability to the State. They should reduce by a maximum of 50% any tax liability. That's a fair compromise which preserves the benefit to the oil companies but still protects the State from the very situation we have now. Oil production projects are long-term ventures which provide a suitably long period for the credits to be used during the production phase. A:
No ****
Teacher: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution: Yes Reason: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this instance: MC, My guess is that sometime in the not so distant future some comedic genius is going to turn these presidential primaries and the eventual election into THE great all time comedic farce. In the distant future (if humanity is still around), that comedy will be considered a masterpiece that should be read and/or seen by all. University courses will be taught; books, papers, critiques, and graduate thesis's will be written over and over about it in all disciplines. This is an amazing time if one has the ability to disengage enough to observe the hypocrisy and stupidity. It seems to have reached hysteria already. Can it get any worse or for that comedic genius any better? My guess is yes. Every day I wake-up to listen to this future comedy play-out on NPR, read about it on-line, and sit stunned staring at what I read in the RG. I wonder if the word progress and any of its forms should be omitted from every human language? It may be that "human progress" will be the joke. Student:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example input: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Example output: Yes Example explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Q: AP reported they have contacted all of the Democratic Superdelegates last week and all but 45 will vote for Clinton. "She has 520 currently right now. Almost 70% of her current Super delegate count came before the Primary even began. She has gained 161 super delegates since voting began. Bernie has 39. He has gained 31." I was very concerned with the report Bernie supporters are harrassing these delegates. They aren't changing and Sander's campaign guy Jeff Weaver just said--"none contacted will vote differently." A:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. [EX Q]: Arrogance run amok. And we, the sheeple, are so disallusioned that we continuously tolerate it without even batting an eye. Hey, George, we're not constituants, we're subjects...make sure that new office has a pillory. [EX A]: Yes [EX Q]: This would be a great addition to downtown and allow for housing that isn't targeted towards students, but instead towards townies. Although the rent seems high, anywhere in the urban core is pretty high nowadays. [EX A]: No [EX Q]: thanks!? the RG is so poor in writing clear , solid stories. I still don't understand what a "tenure track facility" what is the difference between them and other facility? dumb questions all ...I know the answer....just want to see if you do... (buying that? looking for a lovely old bridge?) [EX A]:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Q: Exactly, Koncerned. Those 50 percenter moochers are killin' us! We need to get those lazy, retired seniors (who paid their taxes for decades but WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY??), disabled folks, active-duty military and children to start pulling their weight, get some skin in the game, start paying some taxes, and stop putting the burden on the rest of us. Get some jobs, moochers! A: Yes **** Q: Major colleges do because they draw over 50,ooo people per game for many football games and they get huge amounts of TV money. UAA hockey used to bring in enough to cover their costs and supply some money for other sports as well. They no longer bring in big money. On top of that , even with UAA students given free tickets and transportation to many events , around 90 percent don't even attend to support their own school. The UAA sports budget is around 10. 5 million a year , and they are trying to cut around 1.7 million. The ski team , track team , and gymnastic's teams should be cut without delay---for starters . The Shootout should be canceled after this year . My guess , and it's only a guess---is that all of UAA's sports teams draw around 500 grand total from all ticket sales from all the sports. Put another way---concerts held at the new sports arena do ten times better than all of UAA's sports teams put together . A: No **** Q: My Uncle Henry got a 2013 Mercedes SLS AMG Convertible from only workin part-time on a home computer.......... w­w­w.w­o­r­k­n­o­w­8­8­.­c­o­m A:
No ****
Part 1. Definition Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Part 2. Example This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Answer: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Part 3. Exercise The credits helped Armstrong oil and gas and many others have found billions and billions of barrels of new oil. Oil prices will come back so why is the Governor and others taking away Permanent funds from all Alaskans every year? Why are they making all Alaskans pay income taxes every year? Why tax so many things Alaskans enjoy when the state has been given so much free oil money that is now flowing over in excess at $ 8,200,000,000,000.00 Alaska petrodollars! Answer:
TASK DEFINITION: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. PROBLEM: Finally. Equitable moderation via artificial intelligence. No more bullying by the Eugene Progressive majority. I like it already and look forward to friendly discussions. SOLUTION: No PROBLEM: Sounds like they may have known each other. Doubt police are releasing all the details. Would also be interesting to know if he's a recent lower 48 transplant. SOLUTION: No PROBLEM: The credits helped Armstrong oil and gas and many others have found billions and billions of barrels of new oil. Oil prices will come back so why is the Governor and others taking away Permanent funds from all Alaskans every year? Why are they making all Alaskans pay income taxes every year? Why tax so many things Alaskans enjoy when the state has been given so much free oil money that is now flowing over in excess at $ 8,200,000,000,000.00 Alaska petrodollars! SOLUTION:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. -------- Question: One comment below you, "The primary system should replace the antiquated caucuses." Answer: No Question: I find the fireplace in a mobile home difficult to fathom. This is unfortunate - Mr Shewell has no savings, but he does have a spare 5th wheel to live in. Answer: Yes Question: Eh. All your stories are bogus. Why would you want more? Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example input: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Example output: Yes Example explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Q: Warren, the " Cherokee Princess" lies about her heritage in order to game the system. Typical of the liberty Loathing Left ! A:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. -------- Question: Yes, and then cut oil subsidies - all of them. Answer: No Question: A root problem of how we deal with addiction is that we treat it as fundamentally criminal instead of medical. Sadly, maybe having a young, photogenic, non-minority woman as yet another victim of the 45 years-long War on Drugs™ mentality will further bring attention to how backwards and counterproductive we are as a society and polity in dealing with addiction and treatment. This politically-motivated and special-interest perpetuated “effort” needs to end and the massive resources spent on this miserable boondoggle need to be invested in intelligent and enlightened preventive and medical solutions from the 21st Century. Of course, in addition to the private prison corporations, prison guard unions, governmental recipients of asset forfeiture, etc., the Mexican cartels and everyone else profiting on the black market side will be quite displeased with decriminalization. Take a look at how Portugal has been handling this since 2000. My condolences to the Green family. Answer: Yes Question: Some good could come out of this if the abandoned property is funneled to those in need. Answer:
Teacher: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution: Yes Reason: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this instance: Not much risk in filling your income statement and providing dividends to your corporate shareholders with welfare from the pockets of Alaska citizens Student:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Ex Input: Trump is going to change all that and give vets and their families everything they deserve . These hero's have been short changed far too long . Ex Output: No Ex Input: Alaska Citizens to Senate: Why did you waste all your time on stuff like guns on campus instead of THE ISSUE, the Budget!!!!! Ex Output: No Ex Input: The part of Trump's interview that got so many folks' dander up was when he said women getting abortions should be incarcerated, IF ABORTION WERE ILLEGAL. The only logical way abortion will become illegal in the USA if it is deemed murder. And murder is already a punishable offense so no more new law would be required. In fact, both the mother and the doctor should face jail time under this fictional framework, with conspiracy thrown in for good measure. HOWEVER, since abortion is not illegal, neither the mother nor the doctor face jail time in our country. Both sides should just get over their overly dramatic tirades and simply get on with life. Ex Output:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution is here: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this: I don't think there are many people that pay more than they have to..whether your rich or not why pay more than you legally have to pay? Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Input: Consider Input: This isn't Nashville hot chicken . It's actually a disgrace to Nashville to call this Nashville hot chicken . All it is is regular crappy kfc chicken with nasty oil lathered on top . It comes nowhere close to the spicy , soulfood flavor of actual Nashville hot chicken . It should be a law for a hole reviewing this crap to actually have to eat Nashville hot chicken before their review . Output: Yes Input: Consider Input: I guess I'm still missing the part about he Republicans being exposed after the Garland nomination. Output: No Input: Consider Input: I don't care how many warrants you have out for you, or what you are under the influence of. You don't hit someone, then leave. The really wrong thing to do. When they get you, and they will get you, you will find out just how badly you have messed up. Good luck sleeping with those thoughts.
Output: Yes
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example input: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Example output: Yes Example explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Q: Since they reflexively vote republican no matter the names of the candidates, the majority of Alaskans have the government they deserve; the rest of us...not so much. Too many Alaska republicans think there's absolutely nothing wrong with oil industry employees in the legislature making decisions on oil taxes and credits. Too many Alaska republicans think its just fine for conservative legislators to use the power of government to force their religious beliefs on the rest of us. And too many Alaska republicans who are now complaining about state government have been voting for the same people over and over again for many years. According to these republicans, its never the people they voted for that are the problem, its all the people that everyone else voted for. (BTW, for as long as I can remember, no legislator I've voted for has won...which is why I can write that last line without being labelled a hypocrite) A:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example Input: I agree that Trooper should have been fired. I suspect Monegan did to. However, the union would have filed a wrongful termination suit against the state, and that Trooper would have made a ton of money off being fired. Is that what you want? The union has rules on how and when Troopers can be fired. If that state doesn't follow those rules, the employee ends up winning, even if they suck. Example Output: Yes Example Input: You've tried to run a campaign several times, Fluetsch. Why don't you organize a write-in campaign and unseat your district's incumbent? Put up or shut up. Example Output: Yes Example Input: I don't think there are many people that pay more than they have to..whether your rich or not why pay more than you legally have to pay? Example Output:
instruction: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. question: My Uncle Henry got a 2013 Mercedes SLS AMG Convertible from only workin part-time on a home computer.......... w­w­w.w­o­r­k­n­o­w­8­8­.­c­o­m answer: No question: The real question is about he new station UO is quietly building at 720 E13th answer: No question: Since they reflexively vote republican no matter the names of the candidates, the majority of Alaskans have the government they deserve; the rest of us...not so much. Too many Alaska republicans think there's absolutely nothing wrong with oil industry employees in the legislature making decisions on oil taxes and credits. Too many Alaska republicans think its just fine for conservative legislators to use the power of government to force their religious beliefs on the rest of us. And too many Alaska republicans who are now complaining about state government have been voting for the same people over and over again for many years. According to these republicans, its never the people they voted for that are the problem, its all the people that everyone else voted for. (BTW, for as long as I can remember, no legislator I've voted for has won...which is why I can write that last line without being labelled a hypocrite) answer:
Detailed Instructions: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. See one example below: Problem: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Problem: Gary lives in a City which sacrifices neighborhoods to fit the City's agenda. Gary tries to drive to other parts of the city, but he's always stuck in traffic because the City put roads on diets, and sacrificed lanes for phantom bicycle riders. Gary lives in a city where people get roads mixed up with building codes and zoning. They don't think very well, and so decided to let people working in bureaus do the thinking for them, and trust that they know what's best for them. Solution:
Teacher: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution: Yes Reason: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this instance: Must be a city thing. We don't get many moose stomping people out here. I hope the ladies get better and the dog comes home. Student:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example is below. Q: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' A: Yes Rationale: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Q: A:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution is here: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this: I'd like to see a "loophole" to fire the occupants of the clown bus..... Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution is here: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this: Troll trolly troll. What now? Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Input: Consider Input: Sorry, Dingman, as much sense as you make, I'm keeping my head firmly in the sand, where it's been for the last 35 years. As an insider in a capacity professional ethics keeps me from revealing, I learned very quickly how corrupt Alaska politics was, and remains. I forgot about the politicians, saved my money, and kept my sanity. Now I'm moving out of state. Alaska isn't worth the effort. I realize I'm part of the problem but, in conventional terms, there isn't any solution. Things are far too degenerated for that. As St. Ronnie once said, "If it's going to take a bloodbath, let's get it over with." He was speaking about young protestors, of whom I was one. How deliciously ironic I can quote him approvingly now. Output: Yes Input: Consider Input: "Bird watching can bring in big bucks." Yup, I know a couple who fly all over the world to do the Birdie thing. I think it becomes an obsession with some folks. Output: No Input: Consider Input: How is it impractical (aka unfair) to expect communities to take responsibility for themselves? It sounds like some of these communities in question are, in and of themselves, impractical if they can't survive without handouts from the government. The obligation is theirs. It sounds pretty ridiculous to claim that "forcing the obligations" of their own existence upon them is somehow wrong.
Output: Yes
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. -------- Question: The Pope should concern himself with issues surrounding his faith, and keep his nose out of OUR problem of illegal immigration. Answer: Yes Question: Well, to begin with this is an inspiring and very human story about the triumph of family, friendship and love. So the next time you use the word 'Billary' in your comments you might just want to think about that...... Answer: No Question: Troll trolly troll. What now? Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example Input: This is an unfortunate situation but I don't see the State being responsible for the expenses of this troopers family. Better financial planning within the troopers organization as a whole might be a better avenue to address this situation because all of our slain veterans would be entitled to the same consideration. Example Output: Yes Example Input: Obo, you are always good for a laugh! It is you that are uninformed. Rural preference subsistence, in areas, is the law. You have no excuse, except, perhaps for low-watt intelligence, to distribute your personal yo-yo myth. Example Output: Yes Example Input: Wow, you actually believe that? How about making it a lot less expensive and restrictive for business to operate in this country? Don't you think that might help economic growth? It has in the past, every time it has been tried. Example Output:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example input: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Example output: Yes Example explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Q: Disgusting...... A:
instruction: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. question: That's what makes Wasilla so special. answer: No question: Then they are are... wait for it... not a Catholic. On one hand, I fully understand. Humans have some innate draw towards a vague spirituality. The church's job, however, is to use that vague notion to control and profit from them. You seem to want a pat on the head for attending a church that you disagree with. Instead, I would label you as the worst kind of hypocrite. You can satisfy you spirituality at home. The church is typically left for social networking, political correctness and self promotion. answer: Yes question: Olrun....Feel better now? Unbelievable. answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Let me give you an example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' The answer to this example can be: Yes Here is why: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example OK. solve this: Why was my comment to guestsquared removed? Because I called them a garbage person? They WERE being garbage people! Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Q: Native: It's affirming to read such a positive post. My background is 28 years of teaching/counseling dysfunctional adolescents. So I've been called most everything you can imagine and many things you can't. Each of those exchanges was a opportunty to discuss both the source of the anger and, at the same time, consider other ways of dealing with issues. While it's probably presumptuous of me, I'd like to be able to help Boozer deal with his anger involving the Markets. It "eats you away", both figuratively and literally, to spend your days with intense unresolved anger. Thank you for your supportive words....regards, Gary A: No **** Q: Start holding Legislators responsible for their behavior. Go to twitter and follow @jmlhsieh, retweet everytime a rule is broken and make sure to include @aklegislature A: No **** Q: Actually I don't think we're very apart. My (simplistic) take on the political spectrum is this; about 25% of the voters are far right - the tea party lot, about 25% are far right - the progressive bunch, and the rest of us are somewhere in the middle 50%. I'm a registered democrat but on occasion I've voted republican. Spent 40 years in construction, union carpenter-foreman-superintendent. Missed Vietnam because of childhood asthma. Anyway, the sun's popped out, I better go do something. A:
No ****
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. [Q]: I knew Gabe Rich when he played youth hockey and know his parents. They're all extremely respectable human beings. My heartfelt sorrow to all the victims families. I graduated from uaa and one of my minors was Alaska Native Studies. In my Yupik language class the first Yupik word we learned was "Kassak" (white man). In every native study class, at some level, was disdain for white people. This includes Willie Hensley who stated as a guest speaker that "the white people have been stealing our land for 200 years". With that mindset, it would make sense to me, if I was a trooper making an arrest in a remote village, I certainly would not be dressed in a bright blue uniform with a brighter stripe down my pants that screams paramilitary authority to the native community. I'm just saying, maybe when in Rome... Again my heartfelt sorrow to all the victims of this tragic incident. [A]: Yes [Q]: Pffft, I've no desire to share any space with people like that. They need to get run out of town along with the rest of the bullying gun nuts. Two years ago I had a guy follow me to my house all road rage-y over something or other. He had gun stickers all over his car. If we lived in the world he wants, I could have just shot him because I did indeed feel threatened. And that's the world people like that, and this dog killer, really want. Running them out of town with a heavy dose of shunning is the very least they deserve. You really want trigger happy crazies living next to you? Your family could be next, after all. [A]: Yes [Q]: My big interest here is - at best, thriving - and at worst, sustainable, regional game populations. Since pre-oil, Alaska guides have - rightfully - had a strong voice on the BOG - and they only were able to become guides through expensive and time-consuming "internship" hours. They occupied a near-insignificant niche in total wildlife-taking. But then the State had only about 200-250,000 people, & there wasn't as nearly as much time & money for locals to be away from tasks of building and providing, to "play" at non-meat big game hunting. Game was primarily for food. Now we have less game & thanks to our bountiful State & oil economy, more wealthy Alaskan sport hunters. Frankly, guided hunting economics & interests have served pretty well as a check against over-hunting. I disagree with MANY BOG decisions- most clearly regarding wolf-culling and I'd like a far stronger non-hunter BOG presence. But guides have been a boon to conservation, to F&G managers and to BOG data. [A]:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Q: With friends like you, who needs enemies? A: Yes **** Q: Well, to begin with this is an inspiring and very human story about the triumph of family, friendship and love. So the next time you use the word 'Billary' in your comments you might just want to think about that...... A: No **** Q: So it was the Fairbanks Denny's eh. Never imagined the x factor coming from there. Seriously though, been about 10 years since I had breakfast there. Have they finally remodeled it, or is it still a 60's original? A:
No ****
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Example solution: Yes Example explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Problem: I have been to Florida many times but since I was a kid the increase in alligators is beyond belief. As a kid we hoped to perhaps see a gator. Going to Florida in 2008 we tried to avoid seeing gators since they were every body of water from a toy swimming pool to the lakes and rivers. While we were there at the hotel at night on the tv news almost daily a person walking a small dog had to fend off a gator attack where the gators got on shore and chased them, some gators got a meal that way. I saw a recent video of a big gator going through a yard that was fenced and on the other side was a canal. The gator stopped, looked over the situation and climbed the 6 ft fence straight up to get to the canal. So the boy had his feet in a foot of water, that is not swimming. Obviously the signs at the lake need more clear directions. I live in Hawaii in the winter, the tourism industry there also downplays the hazards that one can face on the islands. I found the same in to be true in Florida.
Solution: No
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. -------- Question: Bill Boyd says that people are confused about rail. He also says that population along the route is already "above $600,000." Who's confused? Rail assumes that 15,000 people will walk to it. That's a joke because there is very little housing along the rail line. Mufi said that rail will be impossible to stop once it gets far enough along. In my opinion, the Final Environmental Impact Statement, which included the 15,000 projection, was the first step. Too much of it was fabricated. It was designed just to get the project started. Answer: No Question: Let's make Alaska as dumb as the south Answer: Yes Question: It would seem the Mr. Tullos has been reared the Texan way just like Ted Cruz. This lock 'em up and throw away the key mentality has destroyed so many families as well as individuals. Some definitely need to be put away for a very long time but not most defendants. When you prosecute a drug user with the same zeal that you would a rapist or murderer your priorities are all screwed up. Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Q: Unless your one of those with a straw at the public trough, you are certainly no better off today than you were 8-9 years ago. Obama was less qualified to answer the call than any of the crop offered up this season. Hillary offers up what ever is appropriate for the audience she is addressing, often in conflict with the next stop, i.e. She is an issue whore. Bernie is in only as a planted transition player for the ultimate socialism play by the party. Trump would be at least entertaining and maybe, just maybe a dagger in both establishment parties that have been playing the people for years. Quit being a sucker people, $9 billion for an election? That's why the establishment is freaking out, they are losing control of and the $$$$$'s. It's a rip and it's time time say enough. A: Yes **** Q: Hugh: Ali would have looked down on you, and not respected you, unless you yourself are black, heterosexual, married to a black woman, and a Muslim. If you don't fall into that category, then you would have been a devil in his eyes. When asked by a BBC reporter about his beliefs that black people should not associate with whites, he said this: "There are white people who mean right and in their hearts wanna do right. But if 10,000 rattlesnakes were coming down that aisle now, and I had a door that I could shut, and in that 10,000, 1,000 meant right, 1,000 rattlesnakes didn't want to bite me, I knew they were good... Should I let all these rattlesnakes come down, hoping that the thousand get together and form a shield for me? Or should I just close the door and stay safe?" That is certainly not a man to be admired. Not in my book. The fact that his analogy for white people was that they are rattlesnakes says a lot. What if a white person said that of blacks?? A: Yes **** Q: I have a lot of British friends who are more involved in American politics than most Americans. So in exchange I confront them about the real heir to the British throne, the Australian man claiming to be Charles' and Camilla's love child from the '60s. He lives in Australia and has 9 kids. So all nine of his kids would also be in the succession for the throne! I think America should be ready to go to war on behalf of the rightful king of England! A:
No ****
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example is below. Q: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' A: Yes Rationale: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Q: The new math... 24 is equal to 12......again an embarrassment! A:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example Input: Except this trash was left all around/in a natural environment. Homeless camps and the homeless population in Portland are not comparable at all to this situation. And there was obviously a lot more left behind than "some guy leaving a cooler"...wouldn't you say? In which case....are homeless camps just "some guy leaving his sleeping bag under the bridge"? What's the big deal either way, huh? Example Output: Yes Example Input: Dang, the Obooba is back. Example Output: No Example Input: Bob Weinstein. You should have paid attention to the Commissioner of Dept of Ed & Early Devlpt presentation early in the session. At the current rate of spending for K12, every Alaskan would have to pay $4,048 and K12 spending has increased 28% since 2007 while inflation was only 25%. Actually, total State spending for K12 is about $2.1 Billion when one includes capital spending and federal spending. Include all costs. And you must include the local contribution. The ASD cost is more than $18,000 per student. Example Output:
Part 1. Definition Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Part 2. Example This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Answer: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Part 3. Exercise So you are saying that the more money spent on education, the better the education? Show the evidence please. Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example is below. Q: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' A: Yes Rationale: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Q: I'm glad to see that Jenkins now professes to have a PHD in psychiatry. If tRump gets elected, he's gonna need to make use of his tRump "University" degree for self therapy every day. Like tRump, Jenkins and his kind are TOTAL FRAUDS. If he had any backbone or any inkling of what party, projects the core principles that he tries to espouse every week, he would be voting Libertarian. A:
Detailed Instructions: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. See one example below: Problem: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Problem: Good job. But both parties need to put the brakes on the PFD raid whether or not it is used to cover corporate tax credits, high income tax havens, state personnel or anything else. The kids and their parents need it today and will need it tomorrow to avoid growing income inequality and voter defeat.No excuse. No deal on the Permanent Fund. Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. So taxpayers how much is this going to cost. Her lawyer will probably hide his share in a Panama shell company Yes No Good job. But both parties need to put the brakes on the PFD raid whether or not it is used to cover corporate tax credits, high income tax havens, state personnel or anything else. The kids and their parents need it today and will need it tomorrow to avoid growing income inequality and voter defeat.No excuse. No deal on the Permanent Fund.
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example input: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Example output: Yes Example explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Q: A barista chatting up the guy ahead of you seems like a nicer person, not meaner. Sounds like the OP just needs to learn a little patience. The pace in the NW is definitely slower than NYC and the rest of the east coast. Slow down and enjoy life! A:
Detailed Instructions: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. See one example below: Problem: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Problem: It starts with licking but always ends with the bat. Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. [Q]: Ryan Kennedy - I agree with you that Ferguson was the natural consequences of a thug being stupid, but .... We must be careful to recognize that there have been other circumstances that appear to be racially motivated. When those occur, police departments need to re-evaluate their way of doing things. However, the biggest reform that should occur is the understanding that ALL LIVES MATTER. Cops should never treat the public as if we are all criminals in need of correction (or the Department of ), but as individuals who by and large aren't meaning to break the increasingly complex laws of this increasingly tyrannical government. If they approached all of their jobs in that way, there would be a whole lot fewer shootings, period! Any time a cop shoots a civilian, the facts should be screened by a citizen jury to assure there is no cover-up and if that jury decides there is cause, the cop should go to trial for Murder 1. Right there, shootings would drop dramatically. [A]: Yes [Q]: I'm reading lots of complaints about these development proposals. What would the complainers do instead? Support the high-growth timber economy? Spend money to try to attract some more call centers or big box retail? Do nothing? What's so bad about building infrastructure to attract and support what could be high-growth businesses? The Farmer's Market, even as it is, is a major draw for the area: something residents are proud of. Why not expand and support local small business? What are your alternatives? [A]: No [Q]: I've visited several dispensaries recently and I agree, they're long on schwag and short on knowledge. One answer is to secure a good grower. They're out there. Oddly, many folks think growers are dripping with money. Perhaps some are but most growers are barely making it pay. I grow medical grade, sun grown cannabis for my own use and for two others who are quite ill and physically unable to participate. We produce one crop annually that fills the jars for the coming year. My patients contribute financially to offset the fixed costs of stock acquisition, soil, amendments, propagation, water, labor, drying, curing, weighing, etc. It's production farming so I recommend getting as close to the source as possible and avoid the dispensary blues. [A]:
Detailed Instructions: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. See one example below: Problem: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Problem: Leo---they just move on to underserved areas. Pulling his license only protects Alaska. Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Input: Consider Input: For others wondering here, NO!!! this is NOTHING CLOSE TO NEWS! This is a talentless person who has done nothing to admire or make news. Yet this is a person chosen, along with the Kardashians or Jenners (who also have no skills, talent, or anything to look up to as a role model), to have endless articles about nothing published about them. This is the bread and butter of People and E! and others I don't want to remember. If anything, if you are going to drag this into something to call a news story, you need to add an accurate piece about history: 'Bristol, daughter of Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska for almost a year and half who was very surprisingly chosen as a vice presidential candidate by McCain, though had virtually no political experience. Sarah Palin went on to be widely mocked in the media for her lack of knowledge on any relevant political issues and Obama defeated the McCain-Palin ticket.' or take it to more recent context and describe how involved/knowledgeable sheis Output: Yes Input: Consider Input: Heeere's Ernie! Geez man, this is the second place I've heard you complain that your racist posts were canned. Here's an idea for a graduate of the 'Harvard of high schools', start your own blog where you can jerk-off all day to an admiring bog - all one of them. Output: Yes Input: Consider Input: Not surprising that Kahle didn't write a column _before_ the election pointing out that Vinis has no relevant experience, no relevant participation in City governance and is completely unprepared at this point to serve as an effective Mayor. -- Paul
Output: No
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution is here: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this: Except this trash was left all around/in a natural environment. Homeless camps and the homeless population in Portland are not comparable at all to this situation. And there was obviously a lot more left behind than "some guy leaving a cooler"...wouldn't you say? In which case....are homeless camps just "some guy leaving his sleeping bag under the bridge"? What's the big deal either way, huh? Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Q: Finally i made $117/hr....It's time to take some action and you can join it too.It is simple,dedicated and easy way to get rich.Three weeks from now you will wish you have started today.... Visit This site ••••••➤➤➤➤➤­­w­­w­­w­­.­­f­­o­­x­­r­­e­­p­­o­­r­­t­­7­­7­­.­­c­­o­­mᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵ­ A: Yes **** Q: The military system, unlike the academic side of the U of O, more closely approaches a meritocracy. There are conditions, tasks and standards which must be met to succeed. The sports side also has that sort of system. One is required to meet or exceed standards or you lose your position, whether as a player or as a coach. The academic standards are subject to less rigor and certainty, based on my experience as a student. They more closely match with the rest of societies' concept of 'sucking up'. To get a good 'grade' one is required to parrot the information nearest and dearest to the heart of the instructors involved. I am given to understand that there is also a thing known as 'grade inflation' which is a corollary of the Lake Woebegone Principle that 'everyone is above average'. Those who successfully parrot the appropriate information are all then found to be in the highest percentile. These tendencies are most prevalent in the squishy 'sciences', of course. A: Yes **** Q: Except this trash was left all around/in a natural environment. Homeless camps and the homeless population in Portland are not comparable at all to this situation. And there was obviously a lot more left behind than "some guy leaving a cooler"...wouldn't you say? In which case....are homeless camps just "some guy leaving his sleeping bag under the bridge"? What's the big deal either way, huh? A:
Yes ****
Part 1. Definition Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Part 2. Example This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Answer: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Part 3. Exercise He shot five times to make sure it was dead. It is not like a movie, where someone shoots once, the shootee falls, and the screen darkens. If it ran at him, he may have had to shoot several times to make sure it stopped coming. Sometimes adrenaline can make an animal keep going after it has been shot. Better and more humane to make sure, even if it takes several shots. And in the article, it says he has never used it for self-defense in the 25 years he's been carrying a firearm. So this is not a crazy person shooting all and sundry. Context is important. This is Alaska, people. If there is a danger to a kid, there are enough homesteaders around to fix it if the responsible party won't. Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. -------- Question: 1 in 9 have not been the victim of an assault. According to the survey, 1 in 9 have been victims of sexual misconduct or sexual assault. About 1 in 20 has been the victim of sexual assault. Answer: Yes Question: How is it impractical (aka unfair) to expect communities to take responsibility for themselves? It sounds like some of these communities in question are, in and of themselves, impractical if they can't survive without handouts from the government. The obligation is theirs. It sounds pretty ridiculous to claim that "forcing the obligations" of their own existence upon them is somehow wrong. Answer: Yes Question: I strongly, strongly doubt dogs just come up to you "snarling and growling" all the time. Dogs just don't generally behave this way. Anyone who spends a significant amount of time out and about around here knows that. You might have dogs approach you when you'd prefer they not, or approach you in a manner that leaves you wondering if they are friendly, but the idea that you're constantly barraged by "snarling and growling" dogs is just an exaggerated fantasy and you know it. Answer:
instruction: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. question: I think Mr. Hassler expressed his opinion based on the information available regarding Mr. Trump's views, opinions and actions. "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck........." indeed, it's not uncivil to express the opinion that it's a duck. Mr. Trump has repeatedly "rung the bell", then done his best to "unring" it. That's very hard to do. BTW: You seem to equate throwing rocks at the police with actions such as suicide bombing: Really? "Terrorism is classified as fourth-generation warfare and as a violent crime. In its broadest sense, is defined as the use of violence, or threatened use of violence, in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim. In modern times, terrorism is considered a major threat to society and therefore illegal under anti-terrorism laws in most jurisdictions. It is also considered a war crime under the laws of war when used to target non-combatants, such as civilians, neutral military personnel, or enemy prisoners of war.[1]" answer: Yes question: You are off topic. The Super Delegates can vote however they choose to regardless of what the vote in the primaries is. I will say it again - the current corrupt two party system is destroying the USA. answer: Yes question: He shot five times to make sure it was dead. It is not like a movie, where someone shoots once, the shootee falls, and the screen darkens. If it ran at him, he may have had to shoot several times to make sure it stopped coming. Sometimes adrenaline can make an animal keep going after it has been shot. Better and more humane to make sure, even if it takes several shots. And in the article, it says he has never used it for self-defense in the 25 years he's been carrying a firearm. So this is not a crazy person shooting all and sundry. Context is important. This is Alaska, people. If there is a danger to a kid, there are enough homesteaders around to fix it if the responsible party won't. answer:
TASK DEFINITION: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. PROBLEM: But the thing is...she couldn't have said anything else. If you are a musher and you say anything bad about the Iditarod, they can ban you. It's the new gag order on mushers, which I think is incredibly newsworthy. She couldn't say that she wasn't "satisfied with how the ITC was handling it," in fact she was specifically obligated to say that she WAS satisfied, because she's not allowed to say anything bad. Medred decided that this wasn't OK and went ahead with the story, a decision I think was right. I guess he could have left her name out of it, but perhaps the info was already out there and telling the story with no name attached would have been weird. SOLUTION: No PROBLEM: Dang, the Obooba is back. SOLUTION: No PROBLEM: The oil corporations do not need the $630 million oil-tax credit program, because the Chief Executive Officer of Tesoro, Gregory Goff, received a salary of $23 million in 2015 and the Chief Executive Officer of BP, Bob Dudley, gave himself a pay package of $20 million. SOLUTION:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Sounds like he feels he can "help" himself to others property. Theft of firearms is a serious charge and a huge mistake. He should be held just as accountable as any other thief, no matter what the circumstances that motivated him. It'll be hard to enjoy his good fortune in life from a penitentiary cell. No Property management agreements are, indeed, handled via contracts. So are tenant rental contracts, including deposits. However, Mr. Shockley, for all the information I've read and heard, over a period of years, raided trust accounts for his own use. So long as those accounts were not regulated and audited, Mr. Shockley was able to "cover" ongoing cash flow needs with a Ponzi-like scheme. As things got worse and his "margin of safety" disappeared, he borrowed significant amounts of money from friends, including fellow church members, on unsecured "signature" loans. Responsible third-party auditing would have, likely, exposed his scheme several years ago and saved his victims millions of dollars. As President Reagan put it ...."trust and verify." No Because the people who drive cars more are the ones who cause more wear and tear on the roads? Pretty fair and straightforward.
instruction: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. question: If they were acquiring the A320s they could turn around and sell them, if they don't want to operate a mixed fleet. At least they'd get some of their $2.6 billion back. So it certainly makes sense to factor in the planes. If they go to an all Boeing fleet, all the Virgin employees are going to have to be trained on the 737, from pilot training to ground logistics. It's going to be expensive, no matter which way they go. answer: No question: Well said Paul, you made your point clear. With all the complaining about "government regulations" we forget that most rules are designed to protect property owners and users from unwanted intrusions. Just as theaters have every right to tell Mister Kahle to turn off his cell phone and stop chatting. answer: No question: Well I'm sure most of you on this site are happy about this. This is just the beginning of what's going to be a terrible year for everyone. The anti-oil folks should all pat themselves on the back, well done. answer:
TASK DEFINITION: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. PROBLEM: "City attorney Bill Falsey said Tuesday that Anchorage police are unable to provide services past McHugh Creek". My understanding is that DPS decided decades ago that all law enforcement officers are certified by the state, so therefore jurisdictions are irrelevant. Remember the (TS)AIA cop who chased the kid all the way from the airport to Indian and killed him? I'm sure that line at McHugh Creek really won't matter to APD if push comes to shove. SOLUTION: No PROBLEM: I must be losing it. I actually had to go online to discover the answer. I kept going for one of the dead critter jokes or the 4 elephants in a Fiat joke. SOLUTION: No PROBLEM: "It's actually pretty reasonable to think that as long as he is denied the White House – which still looks like the most likely outcome, though by no means inevitable – the storm will blow over with relatively little long-term change to the structure of the party." Wrong. The GOP and its media handmaidens recruited and developed their base. That base nominated Donald Trump. To think that they'll go back to supporting someone as bland as Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, or Marco Rubio is delusional. I'd say they've been hoisted on their own petards (if I knew what a 'petard' was). SOLUTION:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Let me give you an example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' The answer to this example can be: Yes Here is why: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example OK. solve this: With so many bad attitudes toward smaller oil companies regurgitating false talking points it is no wonder Alaska's oil production has dropped from over 2 million to 500,000 on the North Slope and oil also had a massive decline fron 270,000 barrels per day to 15,000 in the Cook Inlet. Keep up the insults and harsh attitudes and see what that gets! Soon no one will produce enough because of poor treatment like this attack on Hilcorp by the AOGCC and people like Estun! Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Input: Consider Input: I believe the progressive movement (like we have at the city and state levels) is what is making Trump so appealing. The Trump movement is the nation's response to the progressives and their PC nonsense that has gone too far, all across the nation. Output: No Input: Consider Input: I think Mr. Hassler expressed his opinion based on the information available regarding Mr. Trump's views, opinions and actions. "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck........." indeed, it's not uncivil to express the opinion that it's a duck. Mr. Trump has repeatedly "rung the bell", then done his best to "unring" it. That's very hard to do. BTW: You seem to equate throwing rocks at the police with actions such as suicide bombing: Really? "Terrorism is classified as fourth-generation warfare and as a violent crime. In its broadest sense, is defined as the use of violence, or threatened use of violence, in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim. In modern times, terrorism is considered a major threat to society and therefore illegal under anti-terrorism laws in most jurisdictions. It is also considered a war crime under the laws of war when used to target non-combatants, such as civilians, neutral military personnel, or enemy prisoners of war.[1]" Output: Yes Input: Consider Input: This isn't Nashville hot chicken . It's actually a disgrace to Nashville to call this Nashville hot chicken . All it is is regular crappy kfc chicken with nasty oil lathered on top . It comes nowhere close to the spicy , soulfood flavor of actual Nashville hot chicken . It should be a law for a hole reviewing this crap to actually have to eat Nashville hot chicken before their review .
Output: Yes
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Output: Yes The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example New input case for you: Sure, after all the PC nonsense, he's also someone's perpetrator, who he victimized! Output:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Input: Consider Input: Garland supported the D.C. gun ban in 2007, thereby showing he opposes self-defense and opposes the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. This exposed Garland as a left-wing loon activist unworthy of sitting in judgment on any court bench. I will support the GOP on saving tax payer funding on hearings blocking such left wing activist lunatics. No shame in this. Besides Harry Reid and the democrats Obstructionism set a model in place to follow. Output: Yes Input: Consider Input: When I read this article yesterday, it stated the dog was half in his yard and half out of it. It seems to me, the guy waited until he thought the dog was really going to attack him. It's a sad situation. Maybe the owners should have had the dog on some kind of lead while outside. Output: No Input: Consider Input: Sure, after all the PC nonsense, he's also someone's perpetrator, who he victimized!
Output: No
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Q: Why kill those who are supporting the state's economy? Most all money comes from the oil and gas, why kick them when they are down with HB 247? The state AND the people have received decades of free income to pay for 90% of Government, plus a free fat bank account with almost $ 60 billion in it that also provides free money ( PFD check) to everyone each year!! All this with no income tax, thanks to those people that risk money to drill and pay massive amounts daily in Royalty for the state and PFD!! Sad that Rep GARA fails to write about it! All this oil and gas money comes from land given to the state in 1959 not allowing the people to own the land which has lead to harsh rules that keep Alaskans and smaller competitors out of the business so the majors can have a monopoly!! Now with oil prices having crashed and the oil industry is being killed off by Saudi's plan to stop US production we have this crazy HB 247 that is Hell Bent to run the oil companies out of business!! Why? A: Yes **** Q: WW deleted all the peoples comments defending Voodoo. This is a smear campaign. Working at Voodoo is awesome! A: No **** Q: Heard this one before, Alaskans? "After Wasserman Schultz spoke, Luis Miranda, DNC communications director, said she wasn’t doing interviews and had to hurry to catch a plane leaving Alaska". A:
No ****
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Example solution: Yes Example explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Problem: Charles, this is not a balanced column. Raiding the Permanent Fund is never going to be acceptable to Alaskans as long as we unconstitutionally give away billions of dollars worth of oil. Presently about $7 billion dollars worth of oil is taken tax free per year. If oil prices went up a ten to twenty dollars per barrel, then $11 billion dollars worth of our oil would be removed, tax free on a annual basis. Do you see the problem? Do you even care? ISER has no credibility in this discussion as they've ignored the theft of the oil and the impact this is going to have on our economy. We can agree that if we continue to give away our oil, and nearly one billion in free corporate welfare per year, Alaska will enter a recession. Rep. Kawasaki made a very good point about all this yesterday asking what Alaskans will think if the legislature imposes new taxes which would then be given away to Big Oil in the form of Corporate welfare.
Solution: No
Detailed Instructions: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. See one example below: Problem: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Problem: Speak for yourself, Hock. But then you'd probably need to sign your posts... Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Q: That's an interesting take. I don't know if I'd be for or against that but it's worth pondering. But it is worth remembering in the quest for statehood and crafting of the Constitution, the 101 million acres the state received and the sub surface mineral rights were negotiated and fought for. Hence, this owner state concept is what has given us the oil wealth. A: No **** Q: Of course birth control should be private, but your logic does not apply. You may notice the word 'teens' in my post. Teens are often uneducated in even how they can get pregnant (some parents are afraid of sex education), and few plan far enough ahead to prepare for sex. They share a lot of half-true gossip among their own society, very little is private, and superstition is common. I worked with teens for 20 years. The fact you question my education and intellectual ability only shows your ignorance or stubbornness. Yes, religious sentiment does still run deep, and that is part of the reason for lack of adequate sex education in school. A: Yes **** Q: Agreed, you left out the part about how we are entering a recession but our legislature continues to bury its collective head in the sand. They continue to believe oil prices will rebound and save the state, and why shouldn't they, I mean it's happened many times in the past right? Yes indeed it has, but that was when we were pumping millions of barrels of oil a day and only needed $50 or $60 a barrel to balance the budget, not the $100+ a barrel were hoping for now. They refuse to believe it because they know that implementing a more balanced state revenue stream would require some form of taxes. Taxes would likely spell the end of many political careers, so we are left with a bunch of ostriches in Juneau with their heads in the sand....... A:
Yes ****
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. -------- Question: Once again, the Mayor misses the boat. The now-doomed SW-SAZ plan was cooked up by outsiders (“anybody” was indeed leading the pack) and the residents of the zone were only informed later about what was going to be good for them. Any plan to upzone (upscale) or change an established neighborhood requires a lot more than a meeting for all and then facilitation by Oregon Consensus. Mediation or facilitation implies that the slate already exists and we’re now going to tweak it. Residents of south Eugene have said no to that process repeatedly (see What they have agreed on is plain and simple: a R - E - F - I - N - E - M - E - N - T plan as the platform upon which any future changes can be made. And this plan must be community driven; no more top-down directives. Answer: No Question: " Crooked as a dog's hind leg ". That pretty much sums it up, the gerrymandering, coupled with an all out assault on democratic principles perpetrated by the Parnell administration has left Alaska in this predicament. Our current conservative thugs have only their self interest at heart. That part of the republican philosophy remains constant. That the budget was ever allowed to grow to four billion is criminal in itself. The problem with restructuring the dividend is there are no checks and balances associated with government spending, we see what they've managed to accomplish thus far, give our children's future to the oil companies. Its time to take back our government and diversify our interest in economic development. Thanks for another fine commentary Shannyn. Answer: Yes Question: I know you are being sarcastic, but there are some who would, in fact, advocate your comment. That's why these leeches on society keep walking around among us and committing crimes. Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. All they are missing now is a steam calliope to play circus music as the clown cars crash into each other. So another one of their brilliant office space deals is forcing them to pack up and move like a bunch of displaced refugees. Now without a published reason for this special session they are preparing to move North a thousand miles into a building with an illegal lease that forced them to purchase it and to absorb all future operating costs. After two ninety day sessions over two years and with all that time in the interim to deal with legislation, over 500 bills remain unreported as resolved. Is this really the bunch I want guiding us into an equity partnership in a $65 billion dollar pipeline project? Yes Islam is synonymous with homophobia. They also treat their women like camel dung. Why are you coddling and protecting Islam? Yes Yes, and then cut oil subsidies - all of them.
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Output: Yes The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example New input case for you: The link to Alaska Statutes provided is out of date. Since the passage of the so-called "Stand Your Ground" law a couple years back there is no longer a duty to retreat assuming all the other criteria for a justified use of force have been met. It added a 5th exception: (5) in any other place where the person has a right to be. To look at current Alaska law it is best to go to the AK Legislature's BASIS page. Output:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. -------- Question: only have of the voting age population votes in any given election. That has been the case for decades. It hasn't affected anything. We still get crap. Blame the lame stream media. They give soft ball questions to the left giving us Hillary and attack the right until there is only a buffoon left. Answer: Yes Question: Investigation? There was a fire. A manager from the restaurant made a public statement about the restaurant. That's called reporting. Answer: No Question: Completely understandable. So sorry to hear about your loss. Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. [EX Q]: yeah we'll pay the price of not having as much of an Oxycodone addiction and problem and meth problem. Some horror. [EX A]: No [EX Q]: Except that it is government " demanding I give them my resources, time .....for free", not corporate America. [EX A]: No [EX Q]: Wow Artemis, it was just a pleasure to read your comment. It is great how you started by arguing for equality and inclusivity, and then finished with a gem of a crazy-person rant. While I agree that the term "racist" is sometimes misused, often times, it is quite appropriate. Thank God we don't live in YOUR America. [EX A]:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. A state GOP politician has been 'reprimanded' for attempting to 'seek bipartisanship?' Does anybody find that odd? No It's a common practice, particularly in the sports world. Those "Hole-in-One" golf awards are quite commonly funded by an insurance policy, for example. You need to expand your horizons somehow if this is news to you. No I should be able to attain a surface to air missile then right?
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution is here: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this: And all the people living off the state and feds, they contribute nothing and just take. How is that fair to keep asking people who *do* work to pay more and more? A sales tax really is the fair way. Rural Alaskans need to quit whining too -- they don't contribute either but at the same time whine constantly about the cost to live in their villages when they are the ones that choose to live in a place where milk has to be flown in, and that's why it's $8 a gallon. Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. -------- Question: Very Good APD ~ ! Answer: Yes Question: Why are you so paranoid that you can't take personal responsibility for your own comments Voucher guy? Why do you so fear using your own name? Think maybe the tyrant dictator Obama might be sniffing around these parts? Answer: Yes Question: So you don't accept opposing views? Hmmm, go figure! Answer:
Teacher: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution: Yes Reason: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this instance: During the application process, one does have to verify annual income. That's proof enough isn't it, Davis. And besides, how do you know the low-income person isn't providing proof? Student:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution is here: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this: The only safeguard "regular" citizens have against the powerful is a more powerful governance. It is incredible that "conservatives" cannot seem to understand it. We are in a very strange and unique (among all other people upon this earth) position wherein close-to-a-majority of regular working-class Americans have so become worshipful of the rich and powerful that they somehow have become accustomed to identify with their "oppressors" goals. If denying people health care, good schools, and safe neighborhoods isn't oppression, what the heck is? Solution:
Teacher: Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution: Yes Reason: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this instance: A state GOP politician has been 'reprimanded' for attempting to 'seek bipartisanship?' Does anybody find that odd? Student:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution: Yes Why? The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example New input: Im glad that responsible students offered to help clean up as well. For every upsetting story on the news, there are helpers! Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Q: Sounds like EverBank is trying to bully the state with its threats. They have probably been in cahoots with Pfeffer all along and this is their last ditch scare tactic. A: No **** Q: And if they take action BEFORE a criminal conviction they set themselves up for a lawsuit brought on by those that they have taken adverse action against while lacking "the training the skill the resources to do it in-house" to do a proper investigation. Such an approach is and will be a disaster for universities and colleges. A: No **** Q: A state GOP politician has been 'reprimanded' for attempting to 'seek bipartisanship?' Does anybody find that odd? A:
No ****
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Exactly. We can't change the price of oil, but we can change our legislators. Perhaps some day we'll look back and realize that the oil crash was the best thing to happen to us, since it exposed the legislators for who they really are. Not having money is a bad thing. Not having ethical leaders is a terrible thing. No and the feverish hand-wringing continues. as if it's gonna change how peeople here have been growing, eating smoking, and transporting their pot for the flast 40 years WITHOUT ANY HELP from the state. In fact, in many case's the state's own stupidity has only aided the "criminals" we would have a tome filled with legends of yore, heralding our own successes against these bumbling sheriff of knottingham types. Yes Hey...AK folks, almost same move the US government made on our Social Security funds...It is your money they are taking...What don't you understand about they are (Taking) your $MONEY$....they are doing nothing to reduce the cost of Government...Read the (Purpose & Intent) of the Perm-Fund...Again it is (YOUR MONEY) IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE...YOU ARE BEING ''SCREWED'' FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Part 1. Definition Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Part 2. Example This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Answer: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Part 3. Exercise Amber, I agree with your enthusiasm about solar power, and think everything possible must be done to encourage it. However, attacking coal as a source of electricity generation won't be very useful locally for Lane Community College, since Eugene's power is mostly hydroelectric, and only a trace amount comes from coal (see ). I think your local OSPIRG chapter might be more effective with an "act locally" campaign. Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Q: The fact that some children get a poor education is indisputable -- that goes for homeschooled and public schooled kids. What checks and balances could actually prevent this? Public schools have gone to more and more and more standardized tests (most AK homeschoolers aren't independent and also take these) and attempts to legislate that everyone score well. How well does that work? As for homeschoolers, you could add more paperwork. Some states do. Someone willing to hide their kids in the basement is probably cool with fudging or skipping the paperwork. Internet forums abound with instructions on how to get through paperwork hoops. Do we send inspectors to every home? Whose standards do they use? "Checks and Balances" is a good idea, truly, but only if we think through what checks are effective, practical, and don't cause more harm than they prevent. Ideas? A: No **** Q: Your statement "As our already byzantine tax code has gotten more complicated thanks to Obamacare..." makes me chuckle how every woe we have is blamed on Obamacare. Please tell me when you did your taxes this year, just what part was more complicated because of the Affordable Care Act? A: No **** Q: The state finally did the right thing. Just think, they could have paid him off a long time ago, just admitted the cop screwed up (not looking down on the cop, gee, I too screw up) and get on with it. I have no idea what the state paid their legal defence but I will bet with all the work and time spent, it was close to 300,000. Waste of money and time. A:
Yes ****
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example is below. Q: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' A: Yes Rationale: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Q: You cherry pick the parts of the Bible you like, and judge gays for doing the same. I know many Christians who would call you a Jezebel for claiming to have authority over men. That is fine with me, but your hypocrisy isn't. And if you are going to flag people who state this simple fact we will flag you into oblivion as well... A:
Part 1. Definition Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Part 2. Example This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Answer: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Part 3. Exercise This sounds like the same garbage we heard from the pro-tobacco lobbyists in the 60's. Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. -------- Question: I'm not saying anything. I'm trying to understand your question. If you'd like to audition to be a regular contributor, that's great. Drop us a line at the above address so we can get in touch about it. But know that you don't have to be a regular to send us a submission. We often publish commentary from members of the public. Answer: No Question: Balanced approach, so where it matters the only representation is about continued theft of our resources leaving the state worse off... sounds balanced to me to, bet you watch that fair and balanced channel too if you believe what you just wrote.... how shameful that a little deceit calms some believers. We are fighting for our very lives, you seem to take it pretty lightly. Answer: Yes Question: I'm hope you're right, that the extreme exaggeration of one side of a multi-sided issue was just for effect. We don't have to choose sides on this issue. We can sympathize with the falsely accused and with the real victims of rape, both. This isn't an issue that benefits from heavy handedness. It's not either-or. Answer:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example input: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Example output: Yes Example explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Q: Did any of the refugees have to go through the US citizenship process the way naysayers expect the Mexicans to, or were they granted automatic citizenship without the required process? What's good for the goose must be good for the gander. A:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution is here: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this: Thanks Jim Gottstein; you are a true public servant speaking for many Alaskans, challenging “self servant” legislators. Next up— something that self-serving crowd does best— wasting Alaska’s treasury on useless court appeals. Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. One example: This is what I read when it comes from an EWEB commish, 'Shut up and take it!' Solution is here: Yes Explanation: The comment has term 'commish' which is an insult, also the phrase 'shut up and take it' is insulting as well. The comment is classified to be insulting. Hence, it is a positive example Now, solve this: and yet I would still rate car "salespersons" and used car "salespersons" higher than attorneys and computer sales people Solution:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. Example Input: Investigation? There was a fire. A manager from the restaurant made a public statement about the restaurant. That's called reporting. Example Output: No Example Input: Well, let us hope that the DA's office and the police are not as cold-hearted as you, and value her life more. Her killer or killers need to be brought to justice. It is not uncommon for drug dealers to kill addicts or low level dealers that the government has leverage with, in order to protect themselves from prosecution. That could easily be a potential motive for murder. Bringing justice for this young woman should be everyone's focus. Example Output: Yes Example Input: Did any of the refugees have to go through the US citizenship process the way naysayers expect the Mexicans to, or were they granted automatic citizenship without the required process? What's good for the goose must be good for the gander. Example Output:
Categorize the comment on the basis of insult. If the comment is insulting output Yes, otherwise output No. -------- Question: You are incorrect. Answer: No Question: Reviewing Alaskan reality shows is pretty much like reviewing dog poop...It's the same ol' ...... Answer: Yes Question: This vessel is designed to break thorough 1 meter of ice at a constant speed of 3 knots. That puts her ice-breaking capabilities at just under that of the USCG Healy. Answer: