stringlengths 68
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stringlengths 0
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int64 0
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value | _task_name
stringclasses 70
values | _template_type
stringclasses 1
value |
Q: Translate "It has failed to actively engage and connect with the citizens." to German?
A: Ihr ist es nicht gelungen, sich aktiv zu engagieren und mit den Bürgern in Kontakt zu treten.
Q: Translate "We need a European energy community." to German?
A: Wir brauchen eine europäische Energiegemeinschaft.
Q: Translate "The hotel is very clean, breakfast is not so rich but is fresh. The location is very good, you are near to Blue mosque and Aia sofia but still hidden from the big mess of tourists." to German?
A: | The hotel well kept and in good location - near to restaurants, shops and for excursions. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
test: Стандартный скин phpXCore нормально отображается в следующих браузерах: Internet Explorer (version 5.5+), Netscape, Opera, Mozilla/Firefox и Safari.
translation: Additionally, phpXCore displays properly in most major browsers: Internet Explorer (version 5.5+), Netscape, Opera, Mozilla/Firefox and Safari.
test: Au menu : cafй, thй ou chocolat, jus d'orange, pain, viennoiseries et confitures.
translation: In the menu : coffee, tea or chocolate, orange juice, bread, viennoiseries and jams.
test: Ломбард кредиты могут быть выданы в лыбой основной валюте.
translation: Lombard Loans can be issued in any major currency.
test: Авторы этой статьи пользовались изданием в мягком переплете издательства Corgi Books, Transworld Publishers, London, 2004.
translation: | The edition used here is the Corgi Books paperback, Transworld Publishers, London, 2004; page numbers quoted are therefore different from those in the hardback. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
test: "Mně se velmi líbí, prosím."
translation: “I find it highly enjoyable, sir.”
test: Žalobkyně tvrdí, že napadené rozhodnutí se nezabývá existencí již dříve nabytých práv společnosti MSS System k frekvenčnímu pásmu 2 GHz vyplývajících z režimu Mezinárodní telekomunikační unie (dále jen „ITU“) nebo Evropské konference poštovních a telekomunikačních správ (dále jen „CEP“), a ani tato práva nezohledňuje.
translation: The applicant claims that the contested decision does not address the existence of, nor gives consideration to, any MSS System's pre-existing rights to band-width on the 2 GHz spectrum, whether derived from the International Telecommunications Union (‘ITU’) or the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administration regimes.
test: Moc pěkné, Luciousi, hlavně ten příběh tvé bývalé.
translation: Very impressive, Lucious. Especially that story that your ex-wife told.
test: "Podívejte, tady je Ježíš Césarský,"
translation: | "Oh, look, there's the Jesus of Caesarea, | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Do pozoru, pánové!
In English?
Stand at attention, mates!
Oznámená opatření podpory činí 83 milionů USD (66 milionů EUR) a 62 milionů PLN (16 milionů EUR).
In English?
The notified aid measures amount to USD 83 million (EUR 66 million) and PLN 62 million (EUR 16 million).
Třeba budeme dělat zátah nebo tak.
In English?
| I mean, say we do a raid or something. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Question: What is the solution?
Solve 0 = -314*t + 595 + 80 + 267 for t.
Answer: 3
Question: What is the solution?
Solve 24*j + 45*j + 805 = -92*j for j.
Answer: -5
Question: What is the solution?
Solve 0 = 212*x + 12595 - 10687 for x.
Answer: -9
Question: What is the solution?
Solve -95699*u + 18458 = -94021*u for u.
Answer: | 11 | 2 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Budapest consists of two parts, Buda and Pest, which are situated on opposite sides of the river and connected by a series of bridges.
Hypothesis: It is cool that Budapest consists of two parts
It's impossible to say
How to find immunization records<br>Call your healthcare provider. If you still have the name and contact information for the doctor or clinic that gave you immunizations, they typically have those records on file. In most cases, this is the fastest way to get your immunization record.
Hypothesis: It is possible to contact a healthcare provider.
The ball took one last turn and dropped into the cup for birdie, making Retief Goosen more than just the sole survivor of par at Pinehurst No. 2.
Hypothesis: The ball did not not take a turn and not not drop into the cup.
| No | 6 | Flan2021 | anli/r3:0.1.0 | fs_noopt |
prostitute stella marie thompson said she did n't know hugh grant was a movie star until after they were arrested together in los angeles , a british newspaper said sunday .
Short summary: tabloid says divine brown did n't recognize hugh grant
president laurent kabila is dead , congolese authorities confirmed thursday , ending two days of uncertainly after the leader of this deeply troubled central african nation was gunned down at his palace .
Short summary: congo president laurent kabila dead
beijing-based internet search engine inc. on tuesday posted a jump in fourth-quarter profit , topping wall street expectations and sending shares up sharply in after-hours electronic trading .
Short summary: baidu posts jump in fourth-quarter profit on higher sales
the north atlantic treaty organization -lrb- nato -rrb- has decided to provide airspace surveillance support during u.s. president george w. bush 's upcoming visit to europe , a nato press release said wednesday .
Short summary: | nato to provide airspace surveillance support during bush 's europe tour | 4 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "Please be assured that we really appreciate your praise and critique in the guestbook!" to German?
A: Lasst Euch bitte gesagt sein, dass wir sehr dankbar für Euer Lob und Eure Kritik im Gästebuch sind!
Q: Translate "Therefore the question is: what does the Commission intend to do about it?" to German?
A: Daher lautet die Frage: Was beabsichtigt die Kommission dagegen zu unternehmen?
Q: Translate "We are offering a new and very special tour to our clients." to German?
A: | Wir können ab sofort unseren Kunden eine neue und sehr interessante Tour anbieten. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: He heard the tractors and bulldozers moving along the narrow cliff above him, but he was used to the sound. If this premise is true, does that tell us:"He would never get used to the sound of the tractors and bulldozers above him."?
output answer: no
input question: One security manager thought that requiring such signed statements served as a useful technique for impressing on the users the importance of understanding organizational policies. If this premise is true, does that tell us:"Signed statements for users have to be signed in order for them to continue."?
output answer: it is not possible to tell
input question: oh that's very interesting If this premise is true, does that tell us:"That's really interesting to me! "?
output answer: yes
input question: Legal aid lawyers and paralegals increasingly are partnering with social workers, medical people, job counselors and other specialists to provide the right mix of legal and non-legal services people need to get back on their feet. If this premise is true, does that tell us:"Legal aid lawyers partner with social workers to give more services to their clients."?
output answer: | yes | 7 | Flan2021 | glue/mnli:2.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: forest fires in brazilian amazonian region have increased in an alarming way this month , the national space research institute reported today .
Write a brief summary in a sentence or so.
summary: forest fires increase in amazons region
question: romania has decided to set up a diplomatic representative office in sarajevo to provide help for the nation 's construction companies participating in rebuilding the war-ravaged bosnia .
Write a brief summary in a sentence or so.
summary: romania to set up representative office in sarajevo
question: christians in indonesia , the world 's largest muslim-populated country , flocked to churches saturday to celebrate christmas under tight security following warnings of possible terrorist attacks .
Write a brief summary in a sentence or so.
summary: indonesia celebrates christmas under tight security after terror warnings
question: us treasury secretary paul o'neill is to meet french finance minister laurent fabius here wednesday before addressing the oecd on the campaign to stamp out terrorism , french officials said monday .
Write a brief summary in a sentence or so.
summary: | o'neill fabius to meet in paris wednesday | 7 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: "As regards improved access to resources, microfinance strategies were adopted and micro- and small-scale enterprises were promoted, regulatory changes were made, and innovative approaches such as labour-intensive poverty alleviation programmes were introduced to encourage the use of local resources and generate employment." --> French?
[A]: Les principaux résultats obtenus sont les suivants : i) le processus électoral par la gestion d'un panier rassemblant les financements des donateurs pour un total de 11 millions de dollars.
[Q]: "Quality content production is promoted utilizing both traditional and new media and through these means international public access to local content and endogenous programmes is increased enhancing the flow of intercultural information from South to South and from South to North." --> French?
[A]: La promotion des contenus de qualité se fait à la fois dans les médias traditionnels et modernes. L'accès libre aux contenus locaux et aux programmes endogènes est ainsi amélioré à l'échelle internationale, ce qui renforce le dialogue interculturel entre pays du Sud et le flot d'informations des pays du Sud vers les pays du Nord.
[Q]: "The representative of UN-HABITAT also made a statement." --> French?
[A]: | Le représentant de l'ONU-Habitat prend également la parole. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "The Europeans, Americans and Russians are in no hurry to go to Libya without a good reason." to Russian?
A: Без лишней надобности в Ливийскую Джамахирию не рвутся ни европейцы, ни американцы, ни русские.
Q: Translate "Related Roadmap Best Practice and Metrics: BP9b-1 2. -19- (GSI-10) ALIGNMENT OF INDUSTRY SAFETY STRATEGIES Scope: The efforts of all industry stakeholders to improve aviation safety at the local, State, and regional levels are more effective at a global level if they are well aligned and based on shared goals and methods." to Russian?
A: Связанные с этой работой передовая практика и системы показателей по "дорожной карте": ВР9b-1. 2. -20- (ГИБП-10) СОГЛАСОВАНИЕ ОТРАСЛЕВЫХ СТРАТЕГИЙ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ ПОЛЕТОВ Рамки: усилия всех заинтересованных сторон в отрасли по повышению уровня безопасности полетов на местном, национальном и региональном уровнях будут более эффективными на глобальном уровне, если они тщательно согласованы и основаны на общих целях и методике.
Q: Translate "75. Any unauthorized downloading or copying of any material contained in ELG as well as the design of the Website itself may be considered as a violation of applicable intellectual property rights within the European Union." to Russian?
A: | 61. Любую несанкционированную загрузку или копирование любого материала, содержащегося в FlamingoBet, так же, как и дизайн самого сайта, будет рассмотрено как нарушение действующих прав на интеллектуальную собственность в пределах Европейского союза. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Is a public private partnership (ppp) good?
How does PPP (public private partnership) works?
Answer: no
What song is the theme for Night Ranger in Scooby Doo?
Who sings the original Scooby Doo theme song?
Answer: no
What is the maximum number of tabs open in Google or Computer?
How many tabs can be opened in one Chrome window?
Answer: no
How do you solve an intellectual puzzle or problem when you have one?
How do I solve the three brothers puzzle problem?
Answer: | no | 2 | Flan2021 | glue/qqp:2.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Solve 1819*m = -79136 - 900 for m..
Solve 45224*a + 11836 = 44955*a for a..
Solve 1226*l + 434*l = 258*l + 42157 + 18129 for l..
Solve -12*y = 131*y + 1033*y - 37725 - 12843 for y..
| 43 | 4 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Write something based on this summary: dodgers shop find nothing to buy
A: general manager paul depodesta insisted for weeks the dodgers would be buyers at the trading deadline .
Write something based on this summary: pfizer ends drug discount cards for the elderly
A: pfizer , the nation 's largest drug maker , ended its widely used discount card for the elderly on tuesday , leaving several hundred thousand low-income medicare beneficiaries at least temporarily without access to reduced prices for popular medicines like the cholesterol treatment lipitor .
Write something based on this summary: germany hungary win team competition at european table tennis championship
A: germany won the men 's final at the european table tennis championship on tuesday , and hungary took the women 's title .
Write something based on this summary: two italian cyclists banned for doping
A: | italy 's professional cycling league said on tuesday in milan it had banned two of the country 's top riders fabiano fontanelli and franco ballerini for doping offences . | 9 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | fs_noopt |
Question: Write a text based on "palestinian radical groups rejoin meeting aimed at a cease fire after egypt expands talks"
Text: two militant islamic groups said wednesday they were ready to participate in talks on ending attacks on israeli civilians now that the egyptian hosts have agreed to invite more palestinian factions .
Question: Write a text based on "a rousing comeback for home of the beatles"
Text: two decades ago , when this seaport city was mired in a deep and seemingly endless recession , mike byrne , a local musician and businessman , sought public funds to help build an exhibition dedicated to liverpool 's most famous native sons , the beatles .
Question: Write a text based on "quality of cell-phone batteries to be checked"
Text: | the china association for quality inspection will launch a nationwide program to check the quality of mobile phone batteries to curb the sale of poor-quality batteries . | 8 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | fs_noopt |
Ich denke, die Kennzeichnung ist eine Frage, die das Vertrauen der Verbraucher stärkt.
Could you please translate this to English?
I believe the issue relating to labelling is an issue that builds consumer confidence.
Kriege bedingen drastische Verschiebungen in den Präferenzen der Wähler, und radikale Führer und Parteien erhalten nach gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen oft deutlich mehr Stimmen als normalerweise.
Could you please translate this to English?
Wars account for dramatic shifts in voter preferences, and radical leaders and parties often poll much higher after a round of sharp violence than in normal times.
Dies sind die Grundwerte des Sports.
Could you please translate this to English?
These are the core values found in sport.
Eine demokratische Türkei würde einen wichtigen Beitrag leisten und wäre ein Bindeglied zwischen Europa und der islamischen Welt.
Could you please translate this to English?
| A democratic Turkey would make an important contribution and be a link between Europe and the Muslim world. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "Get it right-- Get it right up here." said in Czech?
Tady to zapal.
How is "Our transporter signal disintegrated after we began the beam-out sequence." said in Czech?
Podle senzorů se jejich transportní signál ztratil hned při zahájení transportní sekvence.
How is "Well, maybe you underestimate him." said in Czech?
No, asi ho podceňuješ.
How is "I suggest your people patrol the beach and keep a wide perimeter with some frozen surveillance for us." said in Czech?
| Nabízím aby vaši muži pokryli pláž na širokem perimetru a našli místo, kde se mužou schovat mí muži. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is ""We managed," Sirix said." said in Czech?
"Dokázali jsme to," řekl Sirix.
How is "We could use a little more eastern philosophy around here." said in Czech?
Trochu víc východní filozofie by nám neuškodilo.
How is "Based on the testimonies heard in this room, it seems clear to us that Detective Inspector Harris and Detective Sergeant Taylor's investigation into this case was conducted with such fervour, with such unwavering conviction of the plaintiff's guilt, that their conduct did indeed amount to harassment." said in Czech?
Na základě vyslechnutých svědectví se nám zdá zjevné, že detektiv inspektor Harris a detektiv seržantka Taylová tento případ vyšetřovali s takovým zápalem a s natolik neoblomným přesvědčením o vině navrhovatelů, že jejich jednání s sebou skutečně neslo značné obtěžování.
How is "The Chinese had the wisdom to find a solution in the case of Hong Kong and Macao based on the principle of 'one country, two systems'." said in Czech?
| Číňané našli moudré řešení v případě Hongkongu a Macaa, vycházející ze zásady "jedna země, dva systémy". | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Le Conseil national de la lutte contre la discrimination avait compétence pour examiner et sanctionner les cas de discrimination à partir de plaintes ou d'informations émanant de particuliers ou de personnes morales, ou encore ex officio.
Could you please translate this to English?
A: The National Council for Combating Discrimination has the authority to examine and punish discrimination cases, based on complaints and or information provided by individuals or legal persons or ex officio.
Q: A/59/665-S/2005/8 Lettre datée du 10 janvier 2005, adressée au Secrétaire général par le Représentant permanent de la Turquie auprès de l'Organisation des Nations Unies [A A C E F R]
Could you please translate this to English?
A: A/59/665-S/2005/8 Letter dated 10 January 2005 from the Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General [A C E F R S]
Q: LES AUTEURS Robert S. Pomeroy est professeur agrégé au Département d’économie agricole et des ressources naturelles et spécialiste en vulgarisation au Connecticut Sea Grant College Program, University of Connecticut – Avery Point, Groton (CT), États-Unis.
Could you please translate this to English?
A: THE AUTHORS Robert S. Pomeroy is Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Extension Specialist with the Connecticut Sea Grant College Program, University of Connecticut – Avery Point, Groton, CT, USA.
Q: Enfants privés de milieu familial (article 20) 144 - 151 30
Could you please translate this to English?
A: | Children deprived of a family environment (art. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "I was, um, at my father's with my brother." said in Czech?
Byl jsem u otce s bratrem.
How is "Just save me a burnt burrer." said in Czech?
Tak mi schovej nějaký připálený karboš.
How is "I need a drink." said in Czech?
Potřebuji pít.
How is "Go look out at the ocean." said in Czech?
| Běž pozorovat na oceán. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "What about Thomas Ripley?" said in Czech?
In Czech: Co Thomas Ripley?
How is "You know it." said in Czech?
In Czech: Znals ho.
How is "I'm saying That I haven't had another woman in 40 years. If that woman waters her lawn tomorrow" said in Czech?
In Czech: Jen řikám, že jsem jinou ženu neměl 40 let, pokud ta žena bude dělat to samé zítra s tím svým županem a vše odhalí...
How is "A whole force of them, so that you're a team and when you walk anywhere... people always have to pay attention to you." said in Czech?
| In Czech: Celou armádu, tak jste tým a když jdete kamkoliv, lidé si vás vždycky všímají. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "Well, what's your guess?" said in Czech?
Kolik myslíte?
How is "I'd say maybe you should think again." said in Czech?
Říkám, že by sis to měl znovu rozmyslet.
How is "The exporting Members shall together hold 1 000 votes and the importing Members shall together hold 1 000 votes, distributed within each category of Member — that is, exporting and importing Members, respectively — as provided for in the following paragraphs of this Article." said in Czech?
Vyvážející členové mají dohromady 1 000 hlasů a dovážející členové mají dohromady 1 000 hlasů, které jsou v rámci každé kategorie členů, tzn. vyvážejících a dovážejících členů, rozděleny tak, jak je stanoveno v následujících odstavcích tohoto článku.
How is "Then I have less to do next week, so--" said in Czech?
| A příští týden toho budu mít méně, takže - | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Write a sentence not in English.
Quelque 50 participants y ont assisté.
Write a sentence not in English.
Dans son programme de travail pour cette année, la Commission avait, à la suite des récentes décisions en matière de concurrence dans le secteur des services postaux, prévu de réfléchir à l'introduction d'une plus grande transparence dans la relation entre les activités des opérateurs à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du service universel dans le cadre de ce secteur.
Write a sentence not in English.
) Aucun rapport sur l'audition tenue au Congrès n'a jamais été publié et aucun débat sur ce projet de loi n'a eu lieu depuis lors.
Write a sentence not in English.
| Aux États-Unis, 90 % des adultes qui bénéficient d'une assistance temporaire pour les familles nécessiteuses (allocations sociales) sont des femmes.
-+-+-+- | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
test: Co je s tím morfiem?
translation: Sandra, we're running out of morphine, so you gotta-- you gotta mark 'em, you gotta find some way to mark 'em... so we can keep track of who's got-- got the morphine already.
test: Ahoj, všem.
translation: The piano awaits.
test: Úžasné.
translation: They were perigord.
test: Článek 6 Návod, pomoc a pokus 1.
translation: | Article 6 Inciting, aiding and abetting, and attempt 1. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Pyrkimys luoda sellainen liittovaltio, jolla on yhä enemmän lainsäädäntöä, voitaisiin korvata hajautetulla valtioliitolla, mikä sallisi jäsenvaltioille paljon enemmän liikkumavaraa.
Which language is this?
Language: Finnish
Näin ollen unionin olisi kiinnitettävä erityistä huomiota Mustanmeren alueeseen, sillä se voisi kehittyä kasvun ja kehityksen alueeksi Euroopassa, mikä edistäisi eroavaisuuksien vähenemistä syrjäisimpien ja keskeisten alueiden välillä.
Which language is this?
Language: Finnish
Kaikki me olemme sitoutuneet perusoikeuksien noudattamiseen ja oikeusvaltion periaatteeseen, meistä tässä talossa olevista alkaen.
Which language is this?
Language: Finnish
Terrorismin uhka lisää kansallisten rajojen ja kansallisten etujen merkitystä entisestään eikä suinkaan vähennä sitä.
Which language is this?
Language: | Finnish | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Popelko, počkej!
Translate this to English?
[A]: Cinderelly! Yoo-hoo. - Cinderelly.
[Q]: Svolávám všechny bojovníky proti Sauronovi.
Translate this to English?
[A]: I'm not going to any fucking camp.
[Q]: Myslíš si že jsem hloupá?
Translate this to English?
[A]: | You think I'm stupid?. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Nemůžu to zaklínit.
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Řekni, že mě nemiluješ
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Stručný popis udávající technické specifikace materiálů, z nichž je zhotovena fluorescenční plocha.
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Začneme znovu.
Which language is this?
Language: | Czech | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Question: What is the solution?
Solve -60 = -6*q + 16*q for q.
Answer: -6
Question: What is the solution?
Solve 38 = -4*p + 23*p for p.
Answer: 2
Question: What is the solution?
Solve -32 = 4*y - 16 for y.
Answer: -4
Question: What is the solution?
Solve -36*r = -8*r + 252 for r.
Answer: | -9 | 2 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. - (IT) Madam President, the text before this House is the result of collective work by the Climate Committee." to Finnish?
Yes: GUE/NGL-ryhmän puolesta.-(IT) Arvoisa puhemies, parlamentin käsiteltävänä nyt oleva teksti on ilmastonmuutosta käsittelevän valiokunnan yhteisen työn tulos.
Q: Translate "At a time when the citizens' and the media's attention is focused on climate change, we need to highlight the importance of biodiversity, because there is no better strategy for combating climate change than to promote the dynamic development of ecosystems: Commissioner Borg made this point very effectively a few moments ago." to Finnish?
Yes: Nyt kun kansalaisten ja tiedotusvälineiden huomio kiinnittyy ilmastonmuutokseen, on korostettava biologisen monimuotoisuuden merkitystä, sillä ilmastonmuutoksen torjumiseksi ei ole parempaa strategiaa kuin ekosysteemien dynaamisen kehityksen tukeminen: komission jäsen Borg korosti tätä erittäin vaikuttavasti hetki sitten.
Q: Translate "We should remain vigilant on this point, as the Member States are always inclined to reduce the portion of their GDP allocated to official development assistance." to Finnish?
Yes: | Meidän on pysyttävä tämän osalta valppaina, sillä jäsenvaltiot ovat aina taipuvaisia pienentämään BKT:sta viralliseen kehitysapuun osoitettua osuutta. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
test: Albatrosovití
translation: Albatross
test: Ty sis dal dohromady čísla?
translation: Oh, you've been crunching numbers?
test: Jenny!
translation: Hey, jenny. Jenny!
test: Stále nemáme nic oficiálního, ... ale máme 10 očitých svědků z města.
translation: | I've got ten eye witnesses in town. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Problem: • Loi sur les prestations de retraite supplémentaires (LPRS) Des renseignements complémentaires sur les paiements de transfert énumérés ci-dessus peuvent être obtenus à l’adresse :
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: Mais elle a ressurgi de plus belle pour entraîner les gouvernements et les économies dans le gouffre de l’austérité.
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: La publicité de DEO a été réduite en raison de la nouvelle politique de publicité du gouvernement du Canada, mais la publicité est toujours réalisée dans les deux langues. Une réunion par année entre les coordonnateurs de l'article 41 de la Loi et CMC.
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: La chambre de recours a indiqué ensuite, de manière détaillée, les raisons pour lesquelles la couleur orange n’est pas inhabituelle au regard des produits visés par la demande d’enregistrement.
Which language is this?
Language: | French | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Rozumíš? Taková věc přijde jednou za pět, šest let.
Translate this to English?
[A]: You know? A gig like that comes along once every five, six years.
[Q]: 52 Vzhledem ke všemu výše uvedenému je třeba na první otázku odpovědět tak, že článek 3 směrnice 98/5 musí být vykládán v tom smyslu, že zneužívající jednání nemůže představovat to, že se státní příslušník členského státu odebere do jiného členského státu za účelem získat zde po úspěšném absolvování vysokoškolského studia odbornou kvalifikaci advokáta a vrátí se do členského státu, jehož je státním příslušníkem, aby tam vykonával povolání advokáta pod profesním označením udělovaným v členském státě, ve kterém byla tato odborná kvalifikace získána.
Translate this to English?
[A]: 52 In the light of all the foregoing, the answer to the question referred is that Article 3 of Directive 98/5 must be interpreted as meaning that no abuse can be identified in the fact that a national of a Member State who has successfully obtained a university degree in that State travels to another Member State in order to acquire there the professional qualification of lawyer and subsequently returns to the Member State of which he is a national in order to practise there the profession of lawyer under the professional title obtained in the Member State where that professional qualification was acquired.
[Q]: Vyloučeni!
Translate this to English?
[A]: | Finished at Faber! | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "All are playing a game that some must lose." said in German?
In German: Sie alle spielen ein Spiel, bei dem es zwangsläufig auch Verlierer geben wird.
How is "However, all ZigBee stacks currently available are commercial software, i.e. bound to certain license fees." said in German?
In German: Allerdings sind die erhältlichen ZigBee-Stacks mit entsprechenden Lizenzgebühren verbunden.
How is "If you lost your password but know your username, please enter your Username and your E-mail Address, press the Send Password button, and you will receive a new password shortly." said in German?
In German: Wenn Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen haben aber Ihren Benutzernamen wissen, geben Sie bitte Ihren Benutzernamen und Ihre E-Mail Adresse ein, klicken Sie auf Passwort senden, und in Kürze wird Ihnen ein neues Passwort gesendet.
How is "In 2005, after Carlos Santana wore a Che shirt to the Academy Awards Ceremony, Cuban -born musician Paquito D'Rivera wrote an open letter castigating Santana for supporting "The Butcher of the Cabaña ." said in German?
| In German: Diese Ressource musste nur durch ihn, bzw. die politische Führung, genutzt werden. Es stellt nach Guevaras Ansicht die Masse dar, während die politische Führung die Rolle der Vorhut übernimmt. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "The evidence which he has set out vindicates the view that Turkey is not ready to be given a date for opening accession negotiations." to Finnish?
A: Hänen esittämänsä todisteet vahvistavat, ettei Turkki ole niin pitkällä, että sille voitaisiin sanoa liittymisneuvottelujen aloittamispäivämäärä.
Q: Translate "It is, of course, a process which began on the EU side last year when the foreign ministers discussed transatlantic relations at the two informal meetings in Avignon and Marseille." to Finnish?
A: Prosessi alkoi EU:n puolelta viime vuonna, kun ulkoministerit keskustelivat transatlanttisista suhteista kahdessa epävirallisessa kokouksessa Avignonissa ja Marseillessa.
Q: Translate "The compromise text finally adopted invites Member States to make proposals to the Union so as to ensure that their territorial authorities are more involved in the activities of the Union." to Finnish?
A: | Kompromissitekstissä, joka lopulta hyväksyttiin, kehotetaan jäsenvaltioita tekemään ehdotuksia unionille, jotta niiden alueelliset yhteisöt saadaan paremmin liitettyä unionin toimintaan. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "How fast is that plane going to be moving to the rightwards direction, or I guess to the eastward direction?" to Czech?
A: Jak rychle poletí letadlo do prava , nebo východním směrem?
Q: Translate "Look, you're talking about the guy in the windbreaker, it wasn't me. I didn't have an angle on him." to Czech?
A: Podívej, jestli mluvíš o tom chlapovi, tak to jsem nebyl já, stál jsem mimo.
Q: Translate "I said, "The real favor-- follow my advice and fire your fucking ass, because a loser is a loser."" to Czech?
A: | Řekl jsem, "Opravdová laskavost-- dejte na mou radu a vyhoďte ty sráče, protože troska je troska." | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
IN: French:
Data shall be collected in accordance with a study protocol that shall involve specialised centres and shall be agreed by the Commission. deleted Amendment
OUT: Les données seront collectées conformément à un protocole d'étude impliquant la participation de centres spécialisés et ayant reçu l'accord de la Commission. supprimé Amendement
IN: French:
Multiannual programming documents and some specific implementation measures should be adopted by the management committee procedure.
OUT: Il y a lieu d'adopter les documents de programmation pluriannuels ainsi que certaines mesures de mise en œuvre spécifiques selon la procédure du comité de gestion.
IN: French:
It is important to increase the pace of reform in order to improve the balance of labour supply and demand.
OUT: Il est important d'accélérer la cadence des réformes afin d'améliorer l'équilibre entre l'offre et la demande de main-d'œuvre.
IN: French:
We have minorities and immigrants from all around the world whose energy and knowledge must also be made full use of.
OUT: | Des minorités et des immigrants venus du monde entier sont venus s’installer chez nous, et nous devons également faire pleinement usage de leur énergie et de leurs connaissances. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Problem: I went to this store to return some scrapbooking supplies. I wasn't sure if only one cashier accepted returns, so I had to interrupt the cashier at customer service. I felt terrible for doing it, as I know it is terribly rude, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't falling into a line I didn't need to. After saying excuse me, the cashier did not answer nor acknowledge my presence, so I said, "excuse me" a little louder and I get a cold "hold on Ma'am." I'm terribly sorry you are busy and I interrupted you, but a simple acknowledgement in your facial expression would have sufficed. The part that really irked me was while she was scanning my many items, she made a comment, "you did KEEP some things, right?!" Excuse me? I just went to Michael's and returned $40 worth of scrapbooking supplies in which I had originally spent $50 and I did not hear a single peep from their cashier. I still ended up spending $70 at Jo Ann's with my return. I completely understand and I absolutely hate to do it, but you have a return policy that could easily state that scrapbook supplies are excluded. They are tiny items and I'm sure are a pain to re-stock, but your corporation does not say that I cannot return my unused scrapbooking supplies. On top of that, you are located within a 1 mile radius of TWO other art supply stores, I'm sure it happens. I have dealt with difficult customers all of my life and never once let my emotions or aggravation show, especially a sassy remark like that. So, to my cashier, Barbara Ann, your attitude just cost you a customer. I will not be giving Jo Ann Fabrics any of my business.
How would this review be described?
A: negative
Problem: Talk about a DE-LIC-IOUS French bakery with friendly staff and a huge variety of deserts to choose from. I noticed there was a lot of hype coming from friends saying it's the best French bakery and on 7/26/14, I finally got to see what the hype was all about. Needless to say, they lived up to my expectations for THE best French bakery ... ever? Maybe!? I went to the bakery with my sister, her boyfriend and my girlfriend. There was so much to choose from we all decided to get a few items and share them. My girlfriend and I got a chocolate eclair - 9/10 My sister got flan - 9.5/10 My sisters boyfriend got macaroons (too many to remember) - 10/10 If you're coming here expecting to be frugal, this bakery is probably not the best choice. Quality comes at at a price but trust me, the price is well worth it. I'll be coming back again soon!
How would this review be described?
A: positive
Problem: Visited India Masala last weekend after looking for good India food on Yelp. The food "hit the spot", was very authentic and I guess the best Indian food I ever had in Vegas. It is located in Riviera's food court (not the best place in vegas) but the good food compensates for the ambience. 5 stars for food (-1 ambience). I would definitely go again.
How would this review be described?
A: positive
Problem: I don't go here, but if you plan on it read this first; Today I received a voicemail from one of their office staff... "This message is for (first and last name) this is Olivia from EVFM I am calling in regards to your insurance plan you are due for your routine PAP screen . Blah blah blah...... First, I've had this phone number for 3 years, so this office dialed the wrong number. 2nd, sounds like an ambulance chaser to me. Why are they eager beaver (pun intended) for their customer's insurance company?
How would this review be described?
A: | negative | 9 | Flan2021 | yelp_polarity_reviews:0.2.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "By levying a tax on consumption at each stage of the production chain, America could reduce the overconsumption that helped feed the recent credit bubble, encouraging savings and investment instead." to German?
A: Durch Erhebung einer Verbrauchssteuer auf jeder Stufe der Produktionskette könnte Amerika seinen übertriebenen Konsum, der die jüngste Kreditblase mitbefeuert hat, verringern und stattdessen zum Sparen und Investieren ermutigen.
Q: Translate "This is a hasenkamp success story with many witnesses: major museums, galleries and collectors all over the world as well as well-known and emerging artists." to German?
A: Eine Erfolgsstory, die viele Zeugen hat: Alle wichtigen Museen, Galerien und Sammler der Welt; und die Arbeiten aller namhaften alten und jungen Künstler.
Q: Translate "I have a final remark on the economy. Some people fear this work is about dismantling the welfare states and social protection." to German?
A: | Ich möchte eine letzte Bemerkung zur Wirtschaft machen: Einige fürchten, dass diese Aufgabe darin besteht, die Wohlfahrtsstaaten und den sozialen Schutz abzubauen. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Předností výboru není jen to, že občanům dává možnost vyjádřit se; zajišťuje současně, aby byli tito občané vyslyšeni -, a to je možná ještě důležitější.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Brandone, utíkej!
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Specifikace položky
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | Proč se mnou mluvíš takovým tónem? | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
We have paid particular attention to the conventional wisdom that case studies are always subjective and nongeneralizable.
Does it follow that "We are a very conventional organization and always pay more attention to the standard wisdom."?
it is not possible to tell
that one right well he got killed awhile awhile awhile back yeah and his uh an image of him was at the wedding
Does it follow that "He got killed by a dog."?
it is not possible to tell
Chances are that if you know she's running around, it's likely your brother does, too.
Does it follow that "If you don't know that she's running around, then your brother certainly doesn't."?
They had the advantage.
Does it follow that "They advantage was with them."?
| yes | 4 | Flan2021 | glue/mnli:2.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: hundreds of armed riot police were deployed thursday in lagos as a general strike called to press for the release of opposition leader moshood abiola crippled nigeria 's commercial capital for a second day .
Write a brief summary in a sentence or so.
summary: riot police out lagos airport shut as strike takes hold
question: following are the main points of the conclusions of the two-day eu summit which ended on friday .
Write a brief summary in a sentence or so.
summary: main points of eu summit statement
question: former democratic vice presidential nominee john edwards is running for u.s. president for a second time , his campaign said wednesday .
Write a brief summary in a sentence or so.
summary: edwards joins democratic race for u.s. presidential nomination
question: president bush 's top health-care official on monday proposed a strategy for covering the uninsured that would offer incentives to each state to develop its own plan for expanding access , but stopped short of guaranteeing universal protection .
Write a brief summary in a sentence or so.
summary: | bush health-care plan prompts tepid response | 7 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | fs_noopt |
test: Wir haben zum Glück nicht so viele Probleme.
translation: Fortunately, we do not have as many problems.
test: Das Herzstück aller Unicrex Granulatoren bildet die einzigartige Rotorwelle, auf der einzelne, aus gehärtetem Spezial-Stahl hergestellte Rotorträger montiert sind.
translation: The heart of all Unicrex granulators is the unique rotor shaft on which the individual rotor arms made of hardened special steel are mounted.
test: Herr Präsident, vor ein paar Jahren hat dieses Parlament den ersten von der Kommission unterbreiteten Vorschlag zur Patentierung gentechnischer Erfindungen abgelehnt, und das meines Erachtens zu Recht, denn der Vorschlag beinhaltete keinerlei ethische Dimension.
translation: Mr President, a couple of years ago we as a Parliament rejected the first proposal put forward by the Commission on genetic patenting, and rightly so in my view, because that proposal did not contain an ethical dimension.
test: Ein Beschluß, alle Kernwaffen aus der sofortigen Gefechtsbereitschaft zu nehmen und die Sprengköpfe abzubauen, die Kernwaffen also von den Waffenträgern zu trennen, kann gleichzeitig der Anfang einer ernsthaften atomaren Abrüstung sein.
translation: | A decision no longer to have any nuclear weapons primed for firing and to remove their warheads (that is to say, to separate the nuclear weapons from the weapon carriers) may at the same time be the beginning of serious nuclear disarmament. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Solve 20*q + 42 = -3*q + 30*q for q.
Solve this plz.
A: 6
Solve -181 = 111*n + 74 + 300 for n.
Solve this plz.
A: -5
Solve -4*j = -4 - 24 for j.
Solve this plz.
A: | 7 | 6 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "It also helps, in many instances, to facilitate dialogue between corporate and facility management, particularly by avoiding indiscriminate use of terms and acronyms specific to regulatory programmes in the home country but wholly unfamiliar to host country managers." to German?
A: In vielen Fällen hilft es auch, den Dialog zwischen Konzern- und Betriebsleitung zu erleichtern, insbesondere durch Vermeidung einer kritiklosen Verwendung von Begriffen und Abkürzungen, die sich speziell auf die Rechtsvorschriften im Heimatland beziehen, jedoch den Managern im Gastland völlig unbekannt sind.
Q: Translate "Yes, jihadism is the fascism of our day, infected with plans, ideas, and a will to purity comparable to those of the Nazis." to German?
A: Ja, der Dschihadismus ist der Faschismus unserer Tage, infiziert mit Plänen, Ideen und einem Streben nach Reinheit, das mit jenem der Nazis vergleichbar ist.
Q: Translate "That is why we are asking the European Commission for a framework directive which aims to set an adequate minimum income." to German?
A: | Darum fordern wir von der Europäischen Kommission eine Rahmenrichtlinie, die das Ziel verfolgt, ein angemessenes Mindesteinkommen festzulegen. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: positive
A: LOL @Favorstwins whatever! I just took some ibuprofen
Q: negative
A: @mitchelmusso ugh i wish i was there. but no one can take me
Q: negative
A: | @mommysnacks missing you & the other #magicalmoms already thank God for skype! hehe | 1 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Jako by byli na drogách.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Chuť obvinit někoho za Projekt Scoop slábne, tak to bývá.. v obavě před ostudou u největších vládních kruzích.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Carlos Manuel Rodrigues Pinto de Sá (Associação municipios para o ambiente) (č. 473/2007);
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | Možné barvy jsou modrá – podtrhnu to odpovídajícími barvami - modrá, žlutá, bílá, červená, oranžová a zelená. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: "Subregional growth performance 2005-2007 (%) Source: UN-DESA, October 2007a." to French
A: Source: Département des affaires économiques et sociales de l'ONU, octobre 2007a.
Q: "European Day of languages 26 September 2008 Examples of practice 2007 European Day of Languages We are a primary school in Liverpool, UK." to French
A: Journée européenne des langues vendredi 26 septembre 2008 Exemples de la pratique 2007 European Day of Languages We are a primary school in Liverpool, UK.
Q: "Between 1999 and 2004, the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission received 1034 complaints, 243 were settled through negotiation and mediation, 276 were dismissed, 93 were either abandoned, withdrawn or non-jurisdictional and 24 were referred to a board of inquiry." to French
A: Entre 1999 et 2004, la Commission des droits de la personne du Nouveau-Brunswick a reçu 1 034 plaintes, 243 ont été réglées par la négociation et la médiation, 276 ont été rejetées, 93 ont été soit abandonnées, retirées ou hors de la compétence de la Commission, et 24 ont été référées à une commission d’enquête.
Q: "Director and General manager" to French
A: | Administrateur, Directeur general | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
test: Jedná se o to místo... Budou nás sledovat
translation: The moment you enter the casino, they'll be watching.
test: Článek 2 Ve třetí části (Celní kvóty WTO, jež mají být používány příslušnými orgány Společenství), v oddílu III se příloha 7 mění takto:
translation: Article 2 Annex 7 of Section III of Part Three (WTO quotas to be opened by the Competent Community authorities) shall be amended as follows:
test: On nás honí!
translation: He's chasing us!
test: Říkal jsem ti to minulý týden.
translation: | I tell you last week. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: negative
A: bed time work tomorrow!!!
Q: negative
A: @thisjustin_ not in the slightest. depressing.
Q: positive
A: | @KirstenJ77 we didn't have drama classes - we had the equivalent of the drama club. | 1 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "It was some scratching or something." said in Czech?
Byl to nějaký poškrábání nebo tak něco.
How is "How many cigarettes do you have?." said in Czech?
Kolik cigaret máte?
How is "[¶¶¶] Amen, amen, amen, amen Amen, amen [¶¶¶]" said in Czech?
"Amen, amen, amen, amen Amen, amen"
How is "Yeah." said in Czech?
| A není to fér. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Dobře, dej mi ruku.
Could you please translate this to English?
Right, give me your hand.
To tělo dokazuje...
Could you please translate this to English?
The body proves...
Samoni a Z. Chatzipavlou, jakož i M. Apessosem, K. Boskovitsem a K. Georgiadisem, jako zmocněnci, – za Irsko D. O’Haganem, jako zmocněncem, ve spolupráci s P. Sreenanem, SC, a P.
Could you please translate this to English?
Sreenan SC and P.
12 Samostatným podáním žalobkyně podala podle článku 76a jednacího řádu Soudu návrh na projednání její žaloby na neplatnost ve zrychleném řízení.
Could you please translate this to English?
| 12 By a separate document the applicant applied for its action for annulment to be decided under an expedited procedure pursuant to Article 76a of the Rules of Procedure. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Write a sentence not in English.
Une telle mesure assure que les renseignements soumis concernent le mandant et non le mandataire.
Write a sentence not in English.
• L'École nationale d'administration publique
Write a sentence not in English.
Disposer de systèmes et de capacités militaires crédibles et fiables est une condition essentielle pour développer une politique de sécurité et de défense indépendante.
Write a sentence not in English.
| PORTUGAL», les points suivants sont PE400.316v01-00 18/78 PR\702068FR.doc
-+-+-+- | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "The rumble again." said in Czech?
Nové zadunění.
How is "Then she sat down on a tree stump and watched it carefully." said in Czech?
Pak si sedla na pařez a opatrně ho pozorovala.
How is "Well, not at first glance, but Oliver and Wallace aren't exactly who they seemed." said in Czech?
Na první pohled ne, ale Oliver a Wallace nebyli těmi, za které se vydávali.
How is "Mate, I'm sorry." said in Czech?
| 2 minuty. Kámo, promiň. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "I don't know anythin' about raisin' horses, either." to Czech?
Yes: Ale já o nich přece nic nevím.
Q: Translate "But I have something I need to do which goes against all orders." to Czech?
Yes: Ja ale musim udelat neco, co je v rozporu se vsemi rozkazy.
Q: Translate "Okay, come on." to Czech?
Yes: | Tak jo, to stačí. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "I got you." said in Czech?
In Czech: V pořádku, mám tě.
How is "Firstly, this cell that's dividing really rapidly, this leukemia cell, doesn't serve any function like a normal blood cell does." said in Czech?
In Czech: Za prvé, tato opravdu překotně se dělící buňka, tato leukemická buňka, neplní žádnou z funkcí normální krevní buňky.
How is "Therefore, the accounts of homogeneous branches cannot be compiled on the basis of groups of UHPs." said in Czech?
In Czech: | X
How is "Gorim abode, the creatures sustained him, and UL was troubled." said in Czech?
| In Czech: Gorim setrvával na vysoké hoře, tvorové mu dávali jíst a pít a UL se trápil. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Choose your answer: Is "According to FAO, Iran has been a top five producer of the following agricultural products in the world in 2012: apricots, cherries, sour cherries, cucumbers and gherkins, dates, eggplants, figs, pistachios, quinces, walnuts, and watermelons." a good answer to the question "What type of materials is Iran a leading manufacturer of in the Middle East?"
Choose your answer: Is "Han Chinese Banners were made up of Han Chinese who defected to the Qing up to 1644 and joined the Eight Banners, giving them social and legal privileges in addition to being acculturated to Manchu culture." a good answer to the question "What percent of bannermen did the Han represent?"
Choose your answer: Is "Alverca, Covilhã, Évora, and Ponte de Sor are the main centres of the Portuguese aerospace industry, which is led by Brazil-based company Embraer and the Portuguese company OGMA." a good answer to the question "Where is Volkswagen Group's AutoEuropa assembly plant located?"
| no | 3 | Flan2021 | glue/qnli:2.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Could you please translate this to English?
Безработица выросла с 2,1% до 4,7% на конец 2000 года.
Could you please translate this to English?
The unemployment rate rose from 2.1 percent in 1991 to 4.7 percent at the end of 2000.
Деятельность по набору, подготовке и удержанию квалифицированных национальных специалистов гражданской авиации и инспекторов по безопасности полетов в рамках проектов технического сотрудничества по- ПРОГРАММА ТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВА прежнему была направлена на расширение возможностей авиационных полномочных органов осуществлять контроль и проводить инспекции.
Could you please translate this to English?
The recruitment, training and retention of qualified national civil aviation professionals and safety inspectors through technical cooperation projects continued to improve aeronautical authorities’ control and inspection capabilities.
Пламенеющая готика
Could you please translate this to English?
| Flamboyant | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: "In the past they have talked about renegotiating or renovating the treaty." to French
A: [TRADUCTION] Par le passé, ils ont parlé de la possibilité de renégocier ou de renouveler notre traité.
Q: "That being the situation, our effort to have a deterrent to that United States attempt deserves to be called the exercise of the right to self-defence, which is not against international law on the sovereignty of a sovereign country." to French
A: Compte tenu de cette situation, nos efforts pour disposer de moyens de dissuasion face à cette tentative des États-Unis méritent d'être qualifiés d'exercice de défense légitime, ce qui n'est pas contraire au droit international sur la souveraineté d'un pays souverain.
Q: "Dubinsky, J. in CUB 10880 wrote about another piece of legislation and these comments are equally applicable here:" to French
A: Dans la décision CUB 10880, le juge Dubinsky s'est penché sur une autre disposition de la Loi et ses observations s'appliquent aussi à l'espèce :
Q: "Food allergy and loss of control of bowels." to French
A: | Allergie alimentaire et incontinence fécale. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: In 2004–2005, distribution of NFB products generated total sales of $6.945 million. --> French.
answer: Accroître les revenus tirés de la collection de l’ONF et optimiser les ventes et les préventes.
question: Shaw, M. J. Cremers and G. Palmiers, Enabling Offshore Wind Developments (Brussels: European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), 2002), p. 19. --> French.
answer: Voir S. Shaw, M. J. Cremers et G. Palmiers, Enabling Offshore Wind Developments, Bruxelles, European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), 2002, p. 19.
question: These awards are supported by donations from Janssen-Ortho Inc, Scotiabank, and the CFPC. --> French.
answer: Ces prix sont financés par des dons versés par Janssen-Ortho Inc, la Banque Scotia, et le CMFC.
question: We believe that by doing so we will have the maximum impact. --> French.
answer: | De cette manière, nous pensons pouvoir assurer un impact maximal. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Chorgan wurde von Stephen Lee gespielt und von Jürgen Kluckert synchronisiert .
Translate this to English?
[A]: With Brull as interlocutor, Chorgan and Marouk successfully negotiated an accord, but not before Marouk's assistant, Yuta , attempted to kill Chorgan because of ancient clan rivalries. After being saved by William Riker , he stated that he was in Riker's debt.
[Q]: Folgen Sie GUBE auf »facebook« und erleben Sie Neues, rund um den Würfel.
Translate this to English?
[A]: You never been done so fast!
[Q]: Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Rauchen in den Apartments nicht gestattet ist.
Translate this to English?
[A]: | Please note that smoking is not allowed in the apartments. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
„Pan Andžin.
Could you please translate this to English?
Dneska stěhujou Kamilu do hospicu.
Could you please translate this to English?
They're moving camilla To hospice care today.
Aniž bych byla těhotná?
Could you please translate this to English?
Without ever being pregnant?
Já... jsem odpadl?
Could you please translate this to English?
| Did- Did I nod off? | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "There are tens of thousands of embryos in Italy and, I imagine, hundreds of thousands in Europe, which have been frozen and for which there is only one alternative to scientific research: the dustbin." said in Finnish?
In Finnish: Italiassa on kymmeniä tuhansia ja Euroopassa uskoakseni satoja tuhansia alkioita, jotka on jäädytetty ja joilla on ainoastaan yksi vaihtoehto tieteellisen tutkimuksen ohella: jäteastia.
How is "We stress the importance of the role of women in decision-making positions, which are traditionally the preserve of men." said in Finnish?
In Finnish: Me pidämme tärkeänä, että naiset ovat mukana päättävissä elimissä, jotka ovat perinteisesti olleet miesten käsissä.
How is "Kapyl" said in Finnish?
In Finnish: Kapyl
How is "I appeal therefore to the rapporteur and to the other political groups to accept certain basic amendments proposed by Mr Gawronski, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, so that this House votes unanimously on two main points: firstly on the condemnation of terrorists and secondly on the protection of human rights." said in Finnish?
| In Finnish: Tämän vuoksi vetoan esittelijään ja muihin poliittisiin ryhmiin, jotta he hyväksyisivät tietyt Jas Gawronskin PPE-DE-ryhmän puolesta esittämät perustavat tarkistukset. Näin parlamentti voisi äänestää yksimielisesti kahden tärkeimmän asian puolesta: ne ovat ensinnäkin terroristien tuomitseminen ja toiseksi ihmisoikeuksien suojelu. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Write a tweet that is negative.
--- @Ingvild1211 if coffee is more important, i understand... jk
Write a tweet that is negative.
--- @thekelliejane Oh damnit, I was hoping to delude myself a little longer. Looks like I'll have to use kitten pictures to get through work.
Write a tweet that is positive.
--- Oooh, it's raining again I love you, GOD!
Write a tweet that is negative.
| --- What little news I've rec'd from new insurance does not sound good for SLP. | 0 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Именно поэтому мы предлагаем Вам не отставать от реальности и создать свой сайт в Интернете, где Вас смогут найти из любого уголка земного шара.
Could you please translate this to English?
That’s why we offer you to be up to date and create your own site that may be found from any nook of the world.
Народный депутат Украины (Партия Регионов), глава подкомитета по вопросам телевидения и радиовещания Комитета Верховной Рады Украины по вопросам свободы слова и информации.
Could you please translate this to English?
Member of Ukraine’s Parliament (Party of Regions), Head of a Sub-Committee on Broadcasting of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Freedom of Word and Information.
That Free Thing - это система, открывающая Вам доступ к таким бесплатным предложениям.
Could you please translate this to English?
That Free Thing is a delivery system that puts you directly in front of these offers.
Бишара призывает Израиль стать государством всех его граждан.
Could you please translate this to English?
| Bishara calls for an Israel that would be a State of all its citizens. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Problem: Chacun doit toujours accomplir son devoir et s’en tenir à cela dans toutes les circonstances sans exception.
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: Le monde appartient aux curieux, les plus aventureux, le gras, si nous avons un sentiment différent ...
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: See the press release of the Constitutional Court of 3 October 2005.
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: Les détenus dans les prisons israéliennes n'ont pas la possibilité de voir leurs parents; ils sont maintenus dans des conditions atroces et traités cruellement.
Which language is this?
Language: | French | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "Support for the until now favored MFC-library for Visual C++ was abandoned with the introduction of .NET." said in Russian?
Поддержка компилирования приложений, основанных на библиотеке MFC для Visual C++ была исключена с самого начала.
How is "We would like to inform everybody that this time we have been hugely updated our collection as much as the last time." said in Russian?
Мы рады сообщить вам уважаемые коллекционеры что как и в предыдущии обновления наша коллекция значительно пополнилась не только в колличестве но и всё таки так же и поднялась в цене.
How is "Ballstad" said in Russian?
How is "Thus anytime a computer connects to your SMTP server and states, "MAIL FROM ", the SMTP session will continue only if the connecting computer has an IP address within the required range from to" said in Russian?
| Таким образом, когда компьютер соединится с вашим SMTP сервером и пошлёт команду «MAIL FROM », SMTP сеанс продолжится, только если IP адрес компьютера входит в диапазон с до | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is ""Excellent," the Magician said." said in Czech?
"Výborně," prohlásil čaroděj.
How is "Accepting the Commission’s argument would amount to veiled harmonisation of national criminal law, circumventing the provisions of the CISA." said in Czech?
Přijetí tvrzení Komise by znamenalo skrytou harmonizaci vnitrostátního trestního práva a obcházení ustanovení ÚPSD.
How is "Greetings." said in Czech?
Zdravím Vás.
How is "In Vietnam, we had heat-sensing instruments so sensitive that could actually detect the presence of people, or at least big mammals of some kind, in the night -- because their bodies were just a little bit warmer than their surroundings." said in Czech?
| Ve Vietnamu jsme měli přístroje tak citlivé na teplo, že opravdu dokázaly v noci rozeznat přítomnost lidí, nebo prostě jakýchkoliv velkých savců - protože jejich těla byla nepatrně teplejší než okolí. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Dies würde ein jährliches Wachstums des Pro-Kopf-Einkommens von ungefähr 7 Prozent voraussetzen, was angesichts der wirtschaftlichen Ausgangsbedingungen Indiens durchaus realisierbar ist.
Could you please translate this to English?
This would require an annual growth of per capita income of around 7%, something that is achievable given India's economic conditions.
Crimpvollautomat mit 2 Verarbeitungs-stationen zum Crimpen & Sealbestücken oder Verdrillen und Verzinnen.
Could you please translate this to English?
Fully automatic swivel arm machine with up to 2 processing stations to crimp & seal or twist & tin wires and cables.
Unser Parlamentspräsident leistet seinen Beitrag, indem er dafür sorgt, dass wir politische Vorschläge einreichen. Mit dem Bericht Corbett gehen wir weitere wichtige Schritte nach vorn.
Could you please translate this to English?
Our president is helping with this by ensuring that we table political proposals and, with Mr Corbett's report, we are taking quite a few very significant steps forward.
Die Zimmer im Club Bamboo sind mit Holzmobiliar eingerichtet und bieten einen Ausblick auf die Bucht Patong Bay.
Could you please translate this to English?
| Rooms at Club Bamboo offer views of Patong Bay and decorated with wooden furnishings. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Write a sentence not in English.
Ainsi, un nouveau PDD EQUAL appelé REQUEST a été sélectionné
Write a sentence not in English.
• Recherche et développement pour la Défense Canada Suffield (Suffield, en Alberta);
Write a sentence not in English.
A New Form of Cooperation in a High Technology Industry », chapitre 7 dans The Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, sous la direction de R. Loveridge et M. Pitt, Chichester (Angleterre), John Wiley & Sons, 1990.
Write a sentence not in English.
| Comité sur les Méthodes d'Analyse et d'Échantillonnage Distribution du rapport de la 28ième session du Comité sur le Méthodes d'analyse et d'échantillonnage. (CCMAS) - le 16 avril 2007
-+-+-+- | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "When Amy and I went to our first modeling gig, the nurse took our blood." said in Czech?
In Czech: Když jsme já a Amy šli na náš první modelingový casting, sestřička nám vzala krev.
How is "Or had some of you forgotten?"" said in Czech?
In Czech: Nebo na to snad někteří z vás zapomněli?"
How is "I'm a magician." said in Czech?
In Czech: Jsem kouzelník.
How is "Pikamäe, advokaat, – Statoil Fuel & Retail Eesti AS, by C. Ginter and V." said in Czech?
| In Czech: Ginterem a V. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Они должны были лучше изучить ситуацию и понимать, кому они дают деньги", - говорит Илзе Латышонека.
Translate this to English?
[A]: They should more carefully analyse the situation and the people to whom they are giving the loans."
[Q]: В Латинской Америке мировая техническая революция обсуждается гораздо меньше, а государстве��ной политике, направленной на развитие науки и техники, редко уделяется должное внимание.
Translate this to English?
[A]: Asian governments relentlessly act to raise the scientific and technological capacities of their economies. In Latin America, the global technological revolution is much less discussed, and national policies to promote science and technology are rarely given prominence.
[Q]: На деле, технологии отработки отказа для виртуальных систем во многом настолько же эффективны и гибки, как и отработка отказа для физических систем, возможно даже в большей мере.
Translate this to English?
[A]: | The reality is that failover technologies for virtual systems are in many ways just as powerful and flexible as failover for physical systems, perhaps even more. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Nach dem Aufenthalt sendeten uns die Gäste folgende Bewertungen für Saint-James & Albany Hotel-Spa .
Could you please translate this to English?
The guest reviews are submitted by our customers after their stay at Saint-James & Albany Hotel-Spa .
Wenn du keine Seiten mit Schlusselwortern oder Unterkategorien entdeckst, die sich auf die Texte in deiner Homepage beziehen, kannst du deine eigenen Seiten mit Schlusselwortern oder Unterkategorien vorschlagen und schaffen,/i> verbunden mit…"...companies registry..." und du kannst deine kontextuellen Listings dort unentgeltlich und in realer Zeit hinzufugen.
Could you please translate this to English?
If you find no keyword pages or sub-categories that relate to your content, you can suggest and create your own keyword pages or sub-categories that relate to "...companies registry..." and then you can add your contextual listings there, free and in real time.
Die Sommer sind kühl (Juli-Durchschnitt 6,1 °C) und die Winter kalt (Januar-Durchschnitt -15,8 °C), zusätzlich sorgt ein eisiger Wind dafür, dass die gefühlte Temperatur weiter sinkt.
Could you please translate this to English?
Five people have been killed by polar bears since 1973, and if travelling outside settlements you are required to carry a rifle at all times to protect yourself.
...Das Projekt umfasst die "textkritische Edition und Übersetzung aller griechischen und lateinischen medizinischen Autoren vom 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. bis zum Ausgang der Antike als wissenschafts- und kulturgeschichtliche Quellen sowie als Zeugnisse der griechischen und römischen Literatur".
Could you please translate this to English?
| ...Das Projekt umfasst die "textkritische Edition und Übersetzung aller griechischen und lateinischen medizinischen Autoren vom 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "The alternative measures to the effective EEVC tests (which have proven to be effective for more than 20 years) should not therefore differ from the latter by more than 25%." to German?
Yes: So würden alternative Maßnahmen zu den bestehenden EEVC-Tests (die sich über mehr als 20 Jahre bewährt haben) um nicht mehr als 25 % von diesen abweichen.
Q: Translate "Liability of the publisher for damages arising from the absence of assured qualities and properties shall remain unaffected." to German?
Yes: Eine Haftung des Verlags für Schäden wegen des Fehlens zugesicherter Eigenschaften bleibt unberührt.
Q: Translate "The wheels of Philippine justice need retooling, so much so that the country’s Chief Justice himself recently called for an emergency summit to discuss a rash of extra-judicial killings that have the claimed the lives of leftists, human rights workers, and journalists under President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo." to German?
Yes: | Die Mechanismen des philippinischen Rechtswesens bedürfen einer Reparatur und zwar so dringend, dass sogar der Oberste Richter des Landes kürzlich zu einem Krisengipfel aufrief, um eine Reihe von Tötungsdelikten an Linken, Menschenrechtsaktivisten und Journalisten während der Amtszeit von Präsidentin Gloria Macapagal Arroyo zu diskutieren. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Question 1: What could you say was a defining moment for you?
Question 2: If you had a speech bubble next to your face, and whatever was said inside defined you to a room of strangers, what would it say?
Would the answer to these two questions be the same?
Question 1: Where do I get all episodes of dragon ball Kai in English?
Question 2: Where can I watch Dragon Ball Z Kai?
Would the answer to these two questions be the same?
Question 1: What's something that is common knowledge at Facebook that will be mind blowing to the rest of us?
Question 2: What is something that is common knowledge at Google that will be mind blowing to the rest of us?
Would the answer to these two questions be the same?
Question 1: What is sociological?
Question 2: What can I do with a sociology degree?
Would the answer to these two questions be the same?
| no | 5 | Flan2021 | glue/qqp:2.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: What is the solution?
Solve 0 = -642*v - 817*v - 7148 - 109239 + 15716 for v.
A: -69
Q: What is the solution?
Solve -685*b + 12186 = 3281 for b.
A: 13
Q: What is the solution?
Solve 21 = 74*y + 21 for y.
A: | 0 | 8 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
german police said thursday they had blocked a suspected assassination attempt on a prominent conservative political leader just one month before the national election .
Short summary: german police foil attack on conservative leader
kuwait has no plans to alter the official exchange rate of its currency , the dinar , despite the continuous fluctuations in major currencies to which it is linked , the central bank governor said saturday .
Short summary: kuwait says no plans to change dinar rate
police released the founder of an iraqi islamic group allegedly linked to al-qaida late tuesday as norwegian media reported that rival kurds had tortured some of the witnesses who gave testimony against him .
Short summary: norwegian police release ansar al islam founder from jail
a prominent iranian conservative leader called tuesday for his reformist rivals to root out `` secular elements '' , just days after he was asked to cooperate on political reforms .
Short summary: | iranian conservative demands reformists root out secularists | 4 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | fs_noopt |
Question: Also in the New Republic , Robert Boyers offers some unwonted negative words for Philip Roth's American Pastoral, saying the book caricatures 1960s radicalism.
Robert Boyers praised Philip Roth's book and gave it critical acclaim.
Answer: no
Question: yeah that's right yeah here in Dallas i'll tell you what the the Mavericks are having just all kinds of problems
The Mavericks are in need of a blockbuster trade.
Answer: it is not possible to tell
Question: The Commission can and should do more in this area.
This is an area where the Commission is able to do more, and it should.
Answer: | yes | 1 | Flan2021 | glue/mnli:2.0.0 | fs_noopt |
test: Ty si myslíš, že je to v pohodě, co?
translation: You think it's okay, do you?
test: Nízká viditelnost, je mimo trasy pozemních I mořských hlídek.
translation: Low visibility, completely off both land and marine patrol routes.
test: Zařízeno, bude v pohodě, je to posera, toho můžeme klidně pustit z hlavy.
translation: He's sorted, he's fine, he's chicken shit, nobody needs to worry about him.
test: Ne, dokud nebudu mít okno, natrvalo. A neuvidím to všechno na podělaný smlouvě.
translation: | Not till I get a window permanently, and I see it on a legal fucking document. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Input: What would be an example of an negative review?
An example of an negative review: This place used to be good. Food tasted old, got sick. Don't be fooled by the 4 stars, this is not a good restaurant. Like I stated before used to come in all the time but my last experience for dinner made me ill. Zero stars
Input: What would be an example of an negative review?
An example of an negative review: This recently opened Indian restaurant was not very busy on the Monday evening of our visit. We recived complimentary papadum with a spicy mint sauce and the worst tamarind sauce I have ever encountered. Our entrees were boti kabob masala (lamb chunks in a rich yellow curry) and Murgh madras (boneless chicken in a tomato/cream curry). In addition, we ordered naan and zeera rice (lightly spiced basmati rice with cumin seeds). Neither entr\u00e9e scaled any culinary heights though the amount of animal protein in each would likely have caused Hannibal Lechter to rejoice. I felt menu prices, separate charge for plain rice, were on the high side.
Input: What would be an example of an negative review?
An example of an negative review: I JUST order take out f pod earlier. When I got to my job, realize that there's no silverware. I called back, and their response was " we give out silverware for dinner take out". Wow that was the first restaurant that I will never do business with again. Cheap ass business owner...
Input: What would be an example of an positive review?
| An example of an positive review: The service is always second to none. They don't over charge for this service like other places. You can find coupons for this smog place as well. The best thing is they actually answer their phone. | 4 | Flan2021 | yelp_polarity_reviews:0.2.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: "To invite Member States to remit their financial contributions to the Comoros support fund in implementation of resolution 14/230(c) adopted at the Beirut Summit in 2002, to enable the Secretariat to continue to implement economic development projects in the Comoros; and to thank Member States that have remitted their contributions to the fund;" --> French?
[A]: D'inviter les États membres à verser leur contribution financière au fonds de soutien aux Comores, en application de la résolution SO/14/230C adoptée lors du Sommet de Beyrouth en 2002, afin de permettre au Secrétariat de continuer de mettre en œuvre des projets de développement économique dans les Comores; et de remercier les États membres qui ont versé leurs contributions à ce fonds;
[A]: BENEL: : « BCC» Cette étude de cas illustre les problèmes rencontrés par une grande organisation du secteur public en Belgique quand elle a tenté d’introduire le travail d’équipe.
[Q]: "A study was made of the differential effects of specific chromosomal deficiencies on the development of the maize pollen grain." --> French?
[A]: | Les effets de déficiences chromosomiques sur la différenciation lors du développement des grains de pollen du maïs on été étudiés. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: "University of Strathclyde" to French
A: Université de Strathclyde
Q: "It simply encapsulates a lot of what Member States are already doing." to French
A: Il ne fait que rassembler bon nombre des mesures déjà prises par les États membres.
Q: "The evidence established that the work is indeed very similar to the PAB work, with some important differences." to French
A: La preuve a établi que ce travail est en effet très semblable à celui pour les audiences devant la CAP, mais il existe des différences importantes.
Q: "The Committee urges the State party to take sustained measures to accelerate women's full and equal participation in public life and decision-making, especially in high-ranking posts, at the provincial and municipal levels and in the private and business sectors." to French
A: | Le Comité engage instamment l'État partie à prendre des mesures soutenues pour accélérer la pleine participation des femmes, dans des conditions d'égalité, à la vie publique et à la prise des décisions, en particulier à des postes de direction, aux niveaux provincial et municipal et dans les secteurs public et privé. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
test: A když jsem se rozhodl udělat z tebe výkonného praporčíka, věřil jsem, že z tebe bude skvělý důstojník.
translation: And then later, when I decided to make you an acting ensign, I was convinced you could be an outstanding officer.
test: Restaurace, Bar, 24-hodinová služba v recepci, Denní tisk, Zahrada, Terasa, Nekuřácké pokoje, Pokoje/Zařízení pro tělesně postižené, Výtah, Expresní přihlášení/odhlášení, Trezor, Kaple/Oltář, Úschovna zavazadel, Obchody v hotelu, Gay Friendly, Pokoj pro alergiky k dispozici, Všechny veřejné a soukromé prostory nekuřácké, Klimatizace.
translation: Restaurant, Bar, 24-Hour Front Desk, Newspapers, Garden, Terrace, Non-Smoking Rooms, Rooms/Facilities for Disabled Guests, Elevator, Express Check-In/Check-Out, Safety Deposit Box, Chapel/Shrine, Luggage Storage, Shops in Hotel, Gay Friendly, Allergy-Free Room Available, All Public and Private spaces non-smoking, Airconditioning.
test: Zvedl pušku.
translation: Raised the rifle.
test: A přiznejme si, kdo si koupí knihu s názvem:
translation: | And honestly, who'll buy a book called: | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Subsets and Splits