stringlengths 68
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V tabulce %s budou provedeny následující změny:
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Mám ti zavolat, nebomi zavoláš?
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Profil představující Daniela čtenářům Voulez?
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Which language is this?
Language: | Czech | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Some text: Mme Otunga espère que le Groupe de travail sera en mesure de finaliser son travail d'ici à la fin de l'année.
Translate to English.
Translation: She expressed the hope that the Working Group would be able to complete its work on the draft revised Model Law by the end of the year.
Some text: (Table des matières) Date de modification : 2004-01-20 Avis importants
Translate to English.
Translation: Date modified: 2004-01-20 Important Notices
Some text: Commission des questions politiques spéciales et de la décolonisation (Quatrième Commission)
Translate to English.
Translation: | Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Růst reálného HDP (%) (= 1 v tabulce 1.a)
Translate this to English?
[A]: Real GDP growth (%) (=1 in Table 1.a)
[Q]: Máš sice právo na advokáta.
Translate this to English?
[A]: You got the right to an attorney.
[Q]: Měl jste vidět, kolik mě stála vaše kauce.
Translate this to English?
[A]: | You should see what I paid for your bail. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "In a residential building with 2 entrances from two streets, parking on street possible." to Russian?
Yes: В жилом здании с 2 входами от двух улиц, парковка на улице.
Q: Translate "Told my girl I was fucking around and she�s still down." to Russian?
Yes: Told my girl I was fucking around and she’s still down.
Q: Translate "Click thumbnail to see a larger photo of Millennium Hotel Paris Charles De Gaulle." to Russian?
Yes: | Нажмите на миниатюру для получения увеличенного изображения отеля Millennium Hotel Paris Charles De Gaulle. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "We should call SWAT in." to Czech?
Yes: Neměli by sme zavolat SWAT.
Q: Translate ""Not actual rape, but the effect is surprisingly similar." to Czech?
Yes: "Ne opravdové znásilnění, ale efekt může být překvapivě podobný.
Q: Translate "Copy:" to Czech?
Yes: | Kopírovat: | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "If he wants a war, why not give it to him?" to Czech?
A: Chce válku, proč ji nevyhlásit?
Q: Translate "But I find it satisfying to write about." to Czech?
A: Ale teď je pro mě příjemné o tom psát.
Q: Translate "So who's first?" to Czech?
A: | Sonnyho první. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Yritämme olla mahdollisimman käyttäjäystävällisiä ja kansalaisaloiteystävällisiä.
Translate this to English?
[A]: We will try to be as user-friendly and as citizens' initiative-friendly as possible.
[Q]: Vain siten voimme sanoa muille maille, että niiden kaikkien on ratifioitava ja pantava nämä yleissopimukset täytäntöön.
Translate this to English?
[A]: Only then can we tell other countries that they must all ratify and implement these conventions.
[Q]: Se myös lisää heidän oikeusvarmuuttaan alusta alkaen.
Translate this to English?
[A]: | It also significantly increases their legal certainty right from the outset. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Этот протокол позволяет приложениям клиента (например Microsoft Messenger) обнаружить брандмауэр и сделать запрос для установления связи с соответсвующими портами конкретного удаленного компьютера.
Could you please translate this to English?
This protocol enables client applications (i.e. Microsoft Messenger) to detect the firewall and make a request for mapping of appropriate ports for the particular host.
При использовании одного или более из пяти способов вы и ваш клиент сможете найти идеальный подход, который изящно, с достоинством и с взаимной выгодой удовлетворит оба набора потребностей.
Could you please translate this to English?
Using one or more of the five reframing techniques, you and your client can find an ideal approach that serves both sets of needs with grace, dignity, and mutual gain.
Если относительно светское турецкое общество могло быть охвачено волной антиамериканских настроений, то же самое могло случиться и с обществом Индонезии.
Could you please translate this to English?
Many senior Americans were puzzled that Turkey, a long-standing NATO ally and a secular state, refused to allow American forces to use Turkey as a base to invade Iraq. If relatively secular Turkish society could be swept by a surge of anti-American sentiment, so, too, can Indonesia society.
Could you please translate this to English?
| Messiah | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Santé et bien-être... English?
A: [Basic health and welfare]
Q: Des normes solides qui règlent les relations entre ces organisations ont été fixées par des résolutions de l'Assemblée générale et des accords de coopération, ainsi que par des mécanismes périodiques qui constituent une matrice des relations de coopération, de partenariat et de complémentarité.... English?
A: | [Solid norms have been established for those relations by General Assembly resolutions and agreements for cooperation, as well as periodic mechanisms that make up a matrix of relations of cooperation, partnership and complementarity.] | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Nemáte trochu Grey Pouponu (hořčice)?
Could you please translate this to English?
Do you have any Grey Poupon?
"Přijdu za tebou."
Could you please translate this to English?
"I'll be there in a while."
Myslí to vážně, Borisi!
Could you please translate this to English?
He's serious.
Je to pro tebe.
Could you please translate this to English?
| Yes, right away. It's for you. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: 1: The reaction mixture was incubated for 60 minutes at 42°C in a thermocycler (Thermocycler Gradient, Eppendorf, Germany) and applied a final cycle of 90°C for 5 minutes.; 2: Spanish.
A: La mezcla de reacción se incubó durante 60 minutos a 42°C en un termociclador (Gradient Thermocycler; Eppendorf, Germany) y se aplicó un ciclo final de 90°C por cinco minutos.
Q: 1: As you are about to review each device, write down everything about it including the brand, model, and part number on a Post-It Note. Stick the Post-It where it can be seen alongside the device and then take a good photograph of the display of each email.; 2: Spanish.
A: A medida que se acerca a revisar cada dispositivo, anote todo lo relacionado con ella, incluyendo la marca, modelo y número de la parte en una nota de papel. Pegue la nota, donde se puede ver al lado del dispositivo y luego tome una buena fotografía de la pantalla de cada correo electrónico.
Q: 1: Washing machines: repair in Barcelona; 2: Spanish.
A: Lavadoras: reparación en Madrid
Q: 1: We can make a warm sweater for a little one or sew an outfit piece for those who are being born again. We can smile and sing.; 2: Spanish.
A: | Podemos confeccionar un abrigo para calentar un pequeñito. Coser una pieza del ajuar para quien va a renacer. Sonreír, cantar. | 2 | Flan2021 | para_crawl_enes | fs_noopt |
How is "A credit card is required to secure your reservation at Royal Hotel in Aberdeen." said in German?
Zur Sicherung Ihrer Buchung des Royal Hotel in Aberdeen benötigen Sie eine Kreditkarte.
How is "In addition to the Seventh Framework Programme, a solution might be sought, primarily for smaller research and innovation projects, in venture capital, where the potential for more efficient institutionalisation by means of public-private partnerships is often underestimated." said in German?
Neben dem Siebten Rahmenprogramm könnte vor allem für kleinere Forschungs- und Innovationsprojekte das Risikokapital, dessen Potenzial für eine effizientere Institutionalisierung mittels öffentlich-privater Partnerschaften häufig unterschätzt wird, eine Lösung darstellen.
How is "It is often considered part of the extreme sport s family or, because of its creative aspects, an art form. Skateboarding has been shaped and influenced by hundreds of skateboarders throughout the years." said in German?
Neben der oben beschriebenen, verbreiteten Form des Skateboards existieren Varianten.
How is "Paul Rübig, a Member of this House, recently proposed in a budgetary amendment a new EU programme called Erasmus for Journalists." said in German?
| Herr Paul Rübig, ein Abgeordneter in diesem Parlament, hat vor Kurzem in einem Haushaltsänderungsantrag eine neue EU-Initiative namens "Erasmus for Journalists" vorgeschlagen. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: 77 Z judikatury lze mimoto rovněž vyvodit, že procesní lhůty, jako jsou lhůty k podání procesních prostředků a pětiletá promlčecí lhůta k podání žaloby na určení mimosmluvní odpovědnosti Společenství, jsou lhůtami, které se povahově liší.
Translate this to English?
[A]: 77 Furthermore, the fact that procedural time-limits, such as those prescribed for bringing proceedings, and the five-year limitation period in respect of actions to establish non-contractual liability against the Community are time-limits which are, by nature, different may also be inferred from the case-law.
[Q]: Vydrž, jen se tu uvelebím.
Translate this to English?
[A]: Stand by. Let me get comfy.
[Q]: Cítil, jak mu útroby hoří, a zdálo se mu, že jeho mozek se škvaří v plamenech!
Translate this to English?
[A]: | It felt as though his internal organs were bursting, as though his brain were on fire! | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: "This is further to the Meeting of Ministers responsible for children’s issues of the CBSS in Oslo in May 2005, which specifically encouraged and mandated the cooperation to collaborate on the implementation of the Recommendation." --> French?
[A]: Cette décision découlait de la réunion des ministres chargés de l’enfance de la CEMB (Oslo, mai 2005) qui exhortait la Coopération à collaborer à la mise en œuvre de cette recommandation.
[Q]: "In 2001, only two of the 12 Ministers in Kyrgyzstan were women; there were no women in regional governor posts and only one district administration was headed by a woman; of the 455 heads of aiyl okmotu, only 21 were women." --> French?
[A]: | • En 2001, on comptait seulement deux femmes parmi les 12 ministres et aucun gouverneur de région. Il y a une seule femme chef de l'administration régionale, et seulement 21 femmes parmi les 455 chefs d'Aïyl Okmotou. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Byl jsem zapleten do té střelby. - Jak?
Translate this to English?
[A]: How?
[Q]: Chceš sehnat pokoj?
Translate this to English?
[A]: Wanna get a room?
[Q]: Možná se já a Metallica složíme na taxála...
Translate this to English?
[A]: | Hello! Are you seein' what I'm seein' here? Ooh! | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Cette règle est applicable aux opérations effectuées postérieurement à l'acquisition d'un bien et ayant donné lieu à déduction de la TVA en amont qui sont exclues de la notion d'«éléments composant le bien» visée par l'article 5, paragraphe 6, de la sixième directive.... English?
A: [That rule apples to post-acquisition transactions on which input VAT was deducted which are excluded from the concept of 'component parts‘ referred to in Article 5(6) of the Sixth Directive.]
Q: A-t-il été tenu compte du bilan du Plan d'égalisation des chances pour 1998-2001 pour établir le plan actuel?... English?
A: [In your reply, indicate whether the design of the current Plan took into account the evaluation of the Equal Opportunity Plan 1998-2001.]
Q: Décision sur le projet de résolution A/C.3/58/L.13... English?
A: | [Action on draft resolution A/C.3/58/L.13] | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Nemůžu bez ní Mirzu najít.
Could you please translate this to English?
I can't find Mirza without her.
Držíme palce Conorovi, jako obvykle sklízí na startu obrovské ovace. pokud to tam u tebe slyšíš.
Could you please translate this to English?
Got me fingers crossed for Conor today. He'll be out there giving it the berries, as usual. I'm right behind you, Conan if you're listening.
Juchelka (27.5.2008)
Could you please translate this to English?
V. Juchelka (27.5.2008)
Tys to přece neudělal!
Could you please translate this to English?
| You didn't do this. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "Can't handle version %d of GEmblemedIcon encoding" said in Czech?
𐑒𐑨𐑯𐑑 𐑣𐑨𐑯𐑛𐑩𐑤 𐑝𐑻𐑠𐑩𐑯 %d 𐑝 GEmblemedIcon 𐑧𐑯𐑒𐑴𐑛𐑦𐑙
How is "No. N- no." said in Czech?
Je mou partnerkou už léta.
How is ""I hear them."" said in Czech?
„Slyším je."
How is "I willreread what they have, and I will advise them that it is sufficient." said in Czech?
| A sdělím jim, že je to dostačující. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "Lisa asked me to be in The Big Book of Cocks. The sequel." said in Czech?
Lisa mě chtěla dát do Velké knihy ptáků 2.
How is "The ancient phrase used by generals testifying before appropriation committees, "all things considered," was given some validity by the ruminations of EPICAC I, more validity by EPICAC II, and so on, through the lengthening series." said in Czech?
Klasická fráze, užívaná generály vypovídajícími před kárnými výbory, „po zvážení všech okolností“, nabyla jakoustakous platnost mudrováním EPICAC I, větší díky EPICAC II, a tak dále, jak se řada typů prodlužovala.
How is "Spanx." said in Czech?
Fakt díky.
How is "Who uses morse code anymore?" said in Czech?
| Kdo morseovku ještě používá? | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Generate a short summary: france on monday congratulated leftist luiz inacio lula da silva for his victory in brazil 's presidential election and invited him to visit paris in the near future for bilateral talks .
Answer: france hails lula 's victory in brazil invites him to paris
Generate a short summary: the populist brushfire that has burned through democratic fortunes this week threatened friday to claim federal reserve chairman ben bernanke , imperiling his nomination for a second term and sending an unsettled stock market tumbling for the third straight day .
Answer: populist backlash puts bernanke under siege
Generate a short summary: child labor and harsh limits on political dissent in developing nations may be necessary evils which their more advanced trading partners should n't be so quick to condemn , malaysian prime minister mahathir bin mohamad said today .
Answer: | malaysia 's mahathir says west 's view of human rights too narrow | 3 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | fs_noopt |
Solve 0 = 62*d - 6 + 68 for d..
Solve 1 = -6*t - 17 for t..
Solve -4897 - 8063 - 3622 = 7234*f - 2114 for f..
Solve -11711444*l + 11711876*l = 13392 for l..
| 31 | 4 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Solve:
Solve 20*w + 116 + 4 = 19*w + 61*w for w.
A: 2
Q: Solve:
Solve 23*b + 0*b + 1344 = -19*b for b.
A: -32
Q: Solve:
Solve -4*b = 16*b - 80 for b.
A: | 4 | 1 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Tweet: @jasoncastro Cool! It would be lovely see some pics of you surfing Hope you get a lovely surf board.
Sentiment: positive
Tweet: @Enamoredsoul Well, I am keeping you around girlie.
Sentiment: positive
Tweet: Just woke up, not feeling so well just want to go back to sleep
Sentiment: negative
Tweet: and I'm off!! yay for margaritas tonight!
Sentiment: | positive | 9 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a random tweet?
A random tweet: If Simpsons were anime... (Over cool!)
input question: Write a random tweet?
A random tweet: still in bedd having a lazy day
input question: Write a random tweet?
A random tweet: | Laying in bed, contemplating if I should play ffxi to keep myself from missing a certain someone | 6 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Začni něco nového.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Bylo to mlhavé a dramatické.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Podepište tu smlouvu!
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | Ale proč by chtěl Tai? | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Question: What is the solution?
Solve 870*z - 296*z = 155*z + 27235 for z.
Answer: 65
Question: What is the solution?
Solve 30*d - 28*d + 106*d + 2045 = -115 for d.
Answer: -20
Question: What is the solution?
Solve 3360*j + 5443 + 5826 = 258*j - 1139 for j.
Answer: -4
Question: What is the solution?
Solve 86*a - 236 = 27*a for a.
Answer: | 4 | 2 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: J’en fais depuis que je suis petit et je me suis déjà produit 600 fois à Broadway.... English?
A: [I’ve been doing that since I was a kid and I actually did 600 performances on Broadway.]
Q: En cas de difficultés, téléphoner au secrétariat de la CEE (poste 73242 ou 72401).... English?
A: [In case of difficulties, please telephone the ECE secretariat (extension 73242 or 72401).]
Q: Ce problème est difficile à contrôler, car des bactéries peuvent survivre à la transformation des aliments ou les aliments peuvent être contaminés pendant la préparation, la cuisson et l'entreposage.... English?
A: | [Controlling this problem is difficult because bacteria may survive food processing, or foods may become contaminated during preparation, cooking and storage.] | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Колонна Победы
In English?
Victory column
За прошедшие несколько лет, количество участников выставки не из США увеличивалось.
In English?
Over the past several years, the number of exhibitors headquartered outside of the United States has been on the increase.
Благодаря отсутствию закрытых для использования бонусов дат, участники программы Hilton HHonors могут использовать свои баллы до тех, пока в отеле есть хотя бы один свободный стандартный номер.
In English?
| With No Blackout Dates, members can redeem their Hilton HHonors points, as long as a standard room is available*. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Question: What is the solution?
Solve 583*u - 591*u = -56 for u.
Answer: 7
Question: What is the solution?
Solve -1554*l + 2601 = -1843*l for l.
Answer: -9
Question: What is the solution?
Solve -939100*v + 939309*v - 4180 = 0 for v.
Answer: 20
Question: What is the solution?
Solve -5*d - 124*d = 60*d + 3024 for d.
Answer: | -16 | 2 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "11 When an appeal against the judgment of the Tribunal Central Administrativo was brought by the Fazenda Pública, the Supremo Tribunal Administrativo (Supreme Administrative Court) decided to stay the proceedings and to refer the following questions to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling:" to Czech?
A: 11 Supremo Tribunal Administrativo (Nejvyšší správní soud), projednávající žalobu podanou Fazenda Pública proti rozsudku Tribunal Central Administrativo, se rozhodl přerušit řízení a položit Soudnímu dvoru následující předběžné otázky:
Q: Translate "Let me go! - What's wrong?" to Czech?
A: Nech mě odejít!
Q: Translate "Come on, you're forgetting." to Czech?
A: | No tak. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Dosavadní jednání Rady ministrů o tomto sdělení ukazují, že politika v oblasti biologické rozmanitosti ještě zdaleka nebyla začleněna do ostatních odvětvových politik.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Dávej za vinu mě, Rachel.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Skutkový stav, jak vyplývá z napadeného rozsudku, lze shrnout následovně.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | To je skvělý." | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
"It joined the European Community in 1972."
Hypothesis: It declined to join the European Community in 1972.
"okay well they just they'll do everything with pizzas as a matter of fact last night we just went there and they have a great pizza called Spinoccoli and what it is is um normal pizza but then with spinach and broccoli"
Hypothesis: Over there they have a pretty nice pizza called Spinoccoli, it's normal pizza with spinach and broccoli.
"Newsweek says Nagano wants to stage a humble Zen Olympics, avoiding the glitz of Atlanta's 1996 games."
Hypothesis: It was reported Japan wanted a more low key games.
| yes | 6 | Flan2021 | glue/mnli:2.0.0 | fs_noopt |
test: Nechápu, jak bys mi někdy mohla vědomě lhát.
translation: I could never understand why you would deliberately lie to me.
test: Kdo má víc tréninku stání, než já?
translation: I mean, who has more practice standing than me?
test: b) maximální částky uvedené dále pro každý departement:
translation: (b) the maximum amounts below for each department:
test: Musel jsi sem přijít, a strkat nos do cizích věcí.
translation: | You had to come here, and stick your nose in other people's business. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Tak to je tedy dáma. 220000 liber.
In English?
Now there is a lady. £220,000.
Rozsudek Tribunálu ze dne 4. února 2014 — Free v.
In English?
No 207/2009)
Proč jste sem vlastně přišla, slečno?
In English?
| I want to see his death! | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Input: She’s a Frequent Flier, He Checks Bags
One spouse rushes through PreCheck security screening, leaving the other seething with the baby and diaper bag in the slow screening lane. Or maybe one heads off to the bathroom shortly before boarding, spoiling the other’s carefully planned early-boarding rush.
Travel is full of stresses. But for couples with different flying predilections, the knives can really come out, especially when only one is an experienced traveler with...
What was this article about?
It's about: How couples cope with the drama of air travel when only one is a seasoned traveler.
Input: UFC's Tyron Woodley Says The Rock Would Beat Vin Diesel's Ass
It's probably in Vin Diesel's best interest to squash the beef with The Rock asap -- 'cause Dwayne Johnson would whoop that ass if things came to blows ... so says UFC champ Tyron Woodley.
Woodley (who's also an actor) says he recently went to the "Fast 8" set -- and says he thought things seemed peaceful ... though Rock wasn't there at the time.
But that was then ... before Rock called out Diesel as an unprofessional "candy ass" on social media.
There's more ... Woodley also talks about his rumored cameo in the 'Spider-Man' movie -- and also picks a winner in the Diaz vs. McGregor rematch. Check out the clip.
What was this article about?
It's about: It's probably in Vin Diesel's best interest to squash the beef with The Rock cause Dwayne Johnson would whoop that ass if things came to blows, so says…
Input: Google has developed a technology to tell whether ‘facts’ on the Internet are true
The Internet, we know all too well, is a cesspool of rumor and chicanery.
But in a research paper published by Google in February — and reported over the weekend by New Scientist — that could, at least hypothetically, change. A team of computer scientists at Google has proposed a way to rank search results not by how popular Web pages are, but by their factual accuracy.
To be really clear, this is 100 percent theoretical: It’s a research paper, not a product announcement or anything equally exciting. (Google publishes hundreds of research papers a year.) Still, the fact that a search engine could effectively evaluate truth, and that Google is actively contemplating that technology, should boggle the brain. After all, truth is a slippery, malleable thing — and grappling with it has traditionally been an exclusively human domain.
Per this recent paper, however, it’s not too difficult for computers to determine whether a given statement is true or false. Basically, to evaluate a stated fact, you only need two things: the fact and a reference work to compare it to. Google already has the beginnings of that reference work, in the form of its Knowledge Graph — the thing that displays “August 15, 1990” when you search “Jennifer Lawrence birthday,” or “American” when you search “Obama nationality.”
Google culls those details largely from services like Freebase, Wikipedia and the CIA World Factbook; a separate, internal research database, called Knowledge Vault, can also automatically extract facts from the text on Web pages. Whichever database we’re talking about, Google structures these ‘lil factoids as things called “knowledge triples”: subject, relationship, attribute. Like so:
(Jennifer Lawrence, birthday, August 15 1990) (Barack Obama, nationality, American) (Somalia, capital, Mogadishu)
… so to check if a fact found in the wild is accurate, all Google has to do is reference it against the knowledge triples in its giant internal database. And to check whether a Web page or a Web site is accurate, Google would just look at all the site’s knowledge triples and see how many don’t agree with its established body of facts.
The distant suggestion, these researchers write, is that Google’s version of the truth would iterate over time. At some point, perhaps even Google’s hotly debated and much-studied ranking algorithm — the creator and destroyer of a million Web sites! — could begin including accuracy among the factors it uses to choose the search results you see.
That could be huge, frankly: In one trial with a random sampling of pages, researchers found that only 20 of 85 factually correct sites were ranked highly under Google’s current scheme. A switch could, theoretically, put better and more reliable information in the path of the millions of people who use Google every day. And in that regard, it could have implications not only for SEO — but for civil society and media literacy.
It’s worth noting, in fact, that the Barack-Obama-nationality example comes straight from the Google report, which would seem to imply that the technology’s creators envision it as a tool against stubborn misconceptions and conspiracy theories.
“How do you correct people’s misconceptions?” Matt Stempeck, the guy behind LazyTruth, asked New Scientist recently. “People get very defensive. [But] if they’re searching for the answer on Google they might be in a much more receptive state.”
Increasingly, information intermediates like Google have begun to take that suggestion seriously. Just three weeks ago, Google began displaying physician-vetted health information directly in search results, even commissioning diagrams from medical illustrators and consulting with the Mayo Clinic “for accuracy.” Meanwhile, Facebook recently launched a new initiative to append a warning to hoaxes and scams in News Feed, the better to keep them from spreading.
It’s unclear exactly what Google plans to do with this new technology, if anything at all. Still, even the possibility of a search engine that evaluates truth is a pretty incredible breakthrough. And it definitely gives new meaning to the phrase “let me Google that for you.”
Caitlin Dewey runs The Intersect blog, writing about digital and Internet culture. Before joining the Post, she was an associate online editor at Kiplinger’s Personal Finance.
What was this article about?
It's about: | It gives new meaning to the phrase "let me Google that for you." | 8 | Flan2021 | newsroom:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "A vast living room with a fully equipped kitchen, a large table and four chairs, a sofa bed, a television set with satellite channels and even a safe for your valuables." said in German?
Un séjour spacieux avec sa cuisine équipée meublé d’une grande table et quatre chaises, un canapé convertible, une télévision avec chaînes satellites et même un coffre fort.
How is "The mere fact that the European Parliament sent the Election Observation Mission under the leadership of Mr Lambsdorff, and its own delegation led by Mr Mulder, gave a very important sign that the European Parliament is interested in the situation in Kenya." said in German?
Die bloße Tatsache, dass das Europäische Parlament die Wahlbeobachtungsmission unter der Leitung von Herrn Lambsdorff sowie seine eigene Delegation unter Leitung von Herrn Mulder entsandte, hat ein sehr wichtiges Signal gegeben, dass sich das Europäische Parlament für die Lage in Kenia interessiert.
How is "Mrs Diamantopoulou has already pointed this out." said in German?
Frau Diamantopoulou hat schon darauf hingewiesen.
How is "We must also stress the European Parliament delegation' s initiative to create a parliamentary body within the WTO." said in German?
| Wir müssen auch die Initiative der Delegation des Europäischen Parlaments zur Schaffung eines parlamentarischen Organs innerhalb der WTO hervorheben. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Nejím a sem pořád tlustá
Could you please translate this to English?
I eat nothing and I'm still fat.
Francine mi ukázala zprávu od Claire, která tak nějak potvrzuje, že o nás říkala sračky.
Could you please translate this to English?
Francine shows me the text from Claire, kind of confirming she was talking shit.
Byla to krásná slečna.
Could you please translate this to English?
She was a lovely lady.
Diuretická terapie thiazidy je spojena s nárůstem hladiny cholesterolu a triglyceridů; při dávce 12,5 mg obsažené v přípravku Kinzalkomb byly ale hlášeny minimální nebo žádné účinky.
Could you please translate this to English?
| An increase in cholesterol and triglyceride levels has been associated with thiazide diuretic therapy; however, at the 12.5 mg dose contained in Kinzalkomb, minimal or no effects were reported. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "Our advice is to follow the instructions for use, which are shown clearly in the leaflet enclosed in every package." said in German?
In German: Bei hoher Sauerstoff- ausgabe ist die Verwendung auf ein paar Minuten beschränkt. Es wird empfohlen, die Gebrauchsanweisungen, die jeder Packung beiliegen, genau zu beachten.
How is "That company has shown that it is possible to develop alternatives that work." said in German?
In German: Dieses Unternehmen hat gezeigt, dass es möglich ist, funktionierende Alternativen zu entwickeln.
How is "the addition: colour does not correspond to the standard!" said in German?
In German: einen Stammbaum mit dem Vermerk Farbe entspricht nicht dem Standard!
How is "What this means in practical terms is that from now on during each redundancy or period of inactivity, a compulsory period of paid training should automatically begin, one that more than just fills a gap." said in German?
| In German: Das ist nicht nur so eine Redensart. Ich meine damit ganz konkret, daß jede Entlassung, jeder Zeitraum der Nichtberufstätigkeit automatisch eine bezahlte, obligatorische Weiterbildung nach sich zieht, die kein bloßes Abstellgleis darstellt. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "Going through the coast we will visit the ancient lovely sea village of Camogli and after will aim to the most enchanted and famous creek in the world: Portofino." to German?
Yes: Nach einer Fahrt an der Küste entlang besucht man den alten Fischerort Camogli mit einem Aufenthalt von ca. 1 Stunde.
Q: Translate "The tasks of the grant commission as well as details on evaluations, department and committee conferences and voting procedures are set forth in the rules of procedure (Geschäftsordnung)." to German?
Yes: Die Arbeit des Stipendienausschusses sowie Einzelheiten zu Evaluierungen, Abteilungs- bzw. Kommissionskonferenzen und Abstimmungen sind durch die Geschäftsordnung definiert.
Q: Translate "In this respect, I think that two proposals would give very positive political signals to these countries." to German?
Yes: | In diesem Zusammenhang bin ich der Meinung, dass mit zwei Vorschlägen recht positive Signale gegenüber diesen Ländern ausgesandt werden könnten. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input hypothesis: Clinton tried to pressure both sides.
Context: Clinton informed the two parties that in the absence of an agreement, a public announcement would be made, with the apparent objective of applying pressure to both sides, particularly the Israelis.
true or false: Yes
input hypothesis: Kayla had gotten a poster from her mom's bedroom.
Context: Holes in the Wall<br>Kayla had gotten a poster from the store. She wanted to hang it in her room. Kayla used tacks to hang the poster on her wall. The tacks left holes in the wall. Kayla's parents were upset at the holes left by the tacks.
true or false: No
input hypothesis: The explosives detonated near the valet
Context: The Marriott is a popular place for foreigners to stay and a prominent enterprise in the city, despite a wave of violence the country suffers. The hotel had been victim of another attack in January 2007 where a security guard was killed and several people injured after the guard blocked a bomber from getting at the hotel, forcing him to detonate his explosives where he was.
true or false: It's impossible to say
input hypothesis: There are at least less than ten people killed.
Context: A gunman has killed at least nine people in a series of shootings across two towns in the southern US state of Alabama before killing himself. Officials say there were at least four separate shooting incidents. The gunman fired on homes, a petrol station, shops and vehicles in Samson and Geneva near the Florida border. Five people - including a child - were killed in one home. Several of the victims are believed to have been members of the gunman's family. The gunman has not been formally identified, but was named in the local press as Michael McLendon.
true or false: | Yes | 5 | Flan2021 | anli/r3:0.1.0 | fs_noopt |
В своих поездках с семинарами я обычно встречаю трейдеров и инвесторов из двух групп: "фундаменталисты" и "техники".
Could you please translate this to English?
In my travels, I usually find traders and investors of two camps: Fundamentalists and technicians.
Напряжение медленно нарастало.
Could you please translate this to English?
Tension slowly rose.
Жерар II
Could you please translate this to English?
Girart de Roussillon
Песни автора и исполнителя Мервина Муларди больше современны, однако он использует в своем творчестве традиционный инструмент - бумеранг - и поет как на английском, так и на своем родном языке карраджарри.
Could you please translate this to English?
| Though his songs are more contemporary, singer and songwriter Mervyn Mulardy uses a traditional instrument, the boomerang, and sings in both English and his native language, Karrajarri. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Žádnej jsme mu ještě nedali, idiote!
Translate this to English?
[A]: What?
[Q]: Charley, nebuď nezdvořilý.
Translate this to English?
[A]: Charley, don't be rude.
[Q]: Článek 34 bod 1 nařízení č. 44/2001, na který odkazuje čl. 45 odst. 1 tohoto nařízení, musí být vykládán v tom smyslu, že soud dožádaného členského státu nemůže na základě ustanovení o veřejném pořádku odmítnout výkon rozsudku pro zmeškání, jímž byl spor rozhodnut po meritorní stránce, který neobsahuje posouzení předmětu ani základu žaloby a který neuvádí žádné argumenty k opodstatněnosti této žaloby, ledaže se mu na základě posouzení řízení v jeho celistvosti a s přihlédnutím ke všem relevantním okolnostem jeví, že tento rozsudek představuje zjevný a nepřiměřený zásah do práva žalovaného na spravedlivý proces zakotveného v čl. 47 druhém pododstavci Listiny základních práv Evropské unie z důvodu nemožnosti podat proti němu užitečně a účinně opravný prostředek.
Translate this to English?
[A]: | Article 34(1) of Regulation No 44/2001, to which Article 45(1) thereof refers, must be interpreted as meaning that the courts of the Member State in which enforcement is sought may refuse to enforce a judgment given in default of appearance which disposes of the substance of the dispute but which does not contain an assessment of the subject-matter or the basis of the action and which lacks any argument of its merits, only if it appears to the court, after an overall assessment of the proceedings and in the light of all the relevant circumstances, that that judgment is a manifest and disproportionate breach of the defendant’s right to a fair trial referred to in the second paragraph of Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, on account of the impossibility of bringing an appropriate and effective appeal against it. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Taro, zmlkni.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Tohle jsme nechtěli.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Fajn. Jak nám to pomůže?
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | Co nacvičujete? | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Pohleď, knězi.
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Jestliže se na základě vnitrostátního práva nebo odpovědí na výše uvedené otázky prokáže jako prakticky nemožné nebo nadměrně obtížné prosadit ručení, co v takovém případě musí učinit vnitrostátní soud?
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Dostávám o tobě samé dobré zprávy.
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Článek 4 Zákaz manipulace s trhem Zakazuje se účast nebo snaha o účast v manipulaci s trhem na velkoobchodních trzích s energií.
Which language is this?
Language: | Czech | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Zapomněla jsem vyprat tu blůzku!
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Číslo 13.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Dneska mám důkaz, který tu stojí přede mnou.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | Chcete jí držet pod ochrannými křídly po celý život? | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Das Programm soll auch eine Antwort auf die Vorwürfe sein, Brüssel greife zu oft auf Gesetzgebungsmechanismen zurück und verabschiede letztendlich zu viele Gesetze.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Gut geeignet für Familien, Küche war o.k, schöne Terrasse, ebenerdig, gut für Babies.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: -Optimierte Gesichtserkennung mit High-Speed-Tracking der Personen im Bild für klarere Aufnahmen.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | Die USA unterstützen deshalb nun aktiv die Ausweitung der Demokratie innerhalb der gesamten arabischen und muslimischen Welt, nicht nur aus humanitären oder ideologischen Gründen, sondern aus eigenem Interesse. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: Generate a tweet. positive
answer: Going to clean my room and do a small workout!
question: Generate a tweet. positive
answer: @blackandhip Congrats on that SWEET overtime. I hope the weekend includes some playin' about time
question: Generate a tweet. positive
answer: | ::does epic dance of happy:: My time for the 10K last night was 00:56:03 beating my previous personal best by 3 minutes and 15 seconds | 3 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "His shrill cry was cut off by the rumbling crack of the East Door beginning to close." said in Czech?
Jeho pronikavý výkřik uťalo zarachocení Východní brány, která se začala uzavírat.
How is "Yeah." said in Czech?
Tati? - jo.
How is "between the experiencing self and the remembering self." said in Czech?
mezi prožívajícím já a pamatujícím já.
How is "Because I really rather enjoyed thy little skirmishes." said in Czech?
| Protože ty tvé rošťárny mě docela bavily. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Write a tweet that is positive.
OUT: Hahaaa,the rain fall so hard like i said,and i often hear sound of thunder!It's quietly spooky,but still love the rain!Cold!
Write a tweet that is negative.
OUT: @MelFresh27 how old the kids? maybe they'll want to learn? x
Write a tweet that is negative.
OUT: very bored.. i hate slow days like this one,,,,
Write a tweet that is negative.
OUT: | oh my no! ahmazing won | 7 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: In the city, the population was spread out with 28.1% under the age of 18, 9.2% from 18 to 24, 26.2% from 25 to 44, 21.4% from 45 to 64, and 15.1% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 36 years. For every 100 females, there were 83.5 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 77.7 males.
Answer this question: How many in percent weren't 45 to 64?
answer: 78.6
question: Pittsburgh entered week eleven with starters having missed 31 games due to injuries. The San Diego Chargers scored first, and led 7-0 after the first quarter of play. On the second play of the second quarter, the Steelers' James Harrison forced a fumble in the endzone, then forced a safety by tackling Marcus McNeill after he had recovered the fumble. Jeff Reed converted on a field goal as time expired on the first half, pulling the Steelers within two points. Reed kicked his second field goal of the game from 41-yards to give the Steelers the lead going into the final quarter. The Chargers drove 74 yards on 17 plays, converting on a field goal to give them the lead again, with 6:45 remaining. On the Steelers' ensuing drive, the offense drove 73 yards and Reed converted on his third field goal of the day, giving the Steelers an 11-10 lead with 15 seconds remaining in regulation. The Chargers attempted to score on their final play, but Troy Polamalu forced and recovered a fumble, returning it for a touchdown. The call was reversed when the officials ruled that San Diego had made an illegal forward pass. After the game, head referee Scott Green admitted that the touchdown should have been counted. With the touchdown not counted the final score kept Pittsburgh under the 5 point spread by which they were favored, and resulted in over $32 million being lost in bets. The game was the first regular season game in NFL history to end with a final score of 11-10.
Answer this question: How many field goals did Jeff Reed have?
answer: 3
question: The Mughal power in northern India had been declining since the reign of Aurangzeb, who died in 1707. In 1751-52, the Ahamdiya treaty was signed between the Marathas and Mughals, when Balaji Bajirao was the Peshwa of the Maratha Empire. Through this treaty, the Marathas controlled large parts of India from their capital at Pune and Mughal rule was restricted only to Delhi . Marathas were now straining to expand their area of control towards the Northwest of India. Durrani sacked the Mughal capital and withdrew with the booty he coveted. To counter the Afghans, Peshwa Balaji Bajirao sent Raghunathrao. He succeeded in ousting Timur Shah and his court from India and brought northwest of India up to Peshawar under Maratha rule. Thus, upon his return to Kandahar in 1757, Durrani chose to return to India and confront the Maratha forces to regain northwestern part of the subcontinent. In 1761, Durrani set out on his campaign to win back lost territories. The early skirmishes ended in victory for the Afghans against the Maratha garrisons in northwest India. By 1759, Durrani and his army had reached Lahore and were poised to confront the Marathas. By 1760, the Maratha groups had coalesced into a big enough army under the command of Sadashivrao Bhau. Once again, Panipat was the scene of a battle for control of northern India. The Third battle of Panipat was fought between Durrani's Afghan forces and the Maratha forces in January 1761, and resulted in a decisive Durrani victory. This brought Punjab till north of Sutlej river under Afghan control. Ahmad Shah Durrani vacated Delhi soon after the battle. But the victory did not last, 10 years later the Maratha Empire recaptured lost lands.
Answer this question: How many years after the death of Aurangzeb was the Ahamdiya treaty signed between the Marathas and Mughals?
answer: | 44 | 3 | Flan2021 | drop:2.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "are me and Mark. - Well, I just know you." to Czech?
Yes: No, já znám jen tebe.
Q: Translate "Since the European Parliament has applied for costs to be awarded against the appellant and the latter has been unsuccessful, the appellant must be ordered to pay the costs." to Czech?
Yes: Vzhledem k tomu, že Evropský parlament náhradu nákladů řízení od navrhovatele požadoval a navrhovatel neměl ve věci úspěch, je důvodné posledně uvedenému uložit náhradu nákladů řízení.
Q: Translate "Jake the Muss." to Czech?
Yes: | Svalouš Jake. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "Goodbye, Seymour." to Czech?
A: Sbohem, Tomíku!
Q: Translate "Well,no matter." to Czech?
A: No, na tom nezáleží.
Q: Translate "Applications Calendar With Calendar you can manage calendar entries, such as meetings, to-do notes, and anniversaries." to Czech?
A: | Aplikace Kalendář Aplikace Kalendář slouží ke správě záznamů kalendáře jako jsou schůzky, úkoly a výročí. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
@RUTIBETTE I shall write is more often in English
Heading home - church starts in 8 hours
@tommcfly yeah if you try you will win a present of all brazilians girls jones has to try too
| positive | 8 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Problem: What would be an example of an negative review?
Answer: Space Age Lodge is a comical and obscure spot to stop in during a road trip. However, if you are vegetarian, skip it. The only thing on the menu I could order was a very greasy quesadilla.
Problem: What would be an example of an positive review?
Answer: AMAZING.. if you are looking for a LARGE room for a bunch of girlfriends. This is your ticket. With suites including complete kitchens. Including dish washers, full fridge, pull out couch beds, and multiple FULL BATHROOMS. a non smoking, non gaming hotel located just behind Mgm Grand. We will absolutely be staying here instead of Venetian from now on.
Problem: What would be an example of an positive review?
Answer: | GREAT FOOD! FINALLY!! I don't know what happened since our last visit but we were there Tuesday and sat inside because it seemed crazy outside. This time I brought a friend from out of town...we ordered table side guacamole...yummy! We also ordered a few different tacos and a burrito and all was delicious and came out to us promptly! My last visit wasn't as great but I'm glad I gave this place a second chance! We had our favorite server so far too...which was the icing on the cake! Thank you Elizabeth and Salty for making me look good to my out of town guest lol! | 3 | Flan2021 | yelp_polarity_reviews:0.2.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Kdyby nebyl, měl bych ho už dávno ve vězení, ne?
Translate this to English?
[A]: If he wasn't, I would have put him in jail a long time ago, no?
[Q]: "O tom není sporu," souhlasil kontradmirál.
Translate this to English?
[A]: "No question about either," the general agreed.
[Q]: Vyberu si ji při příští návštěvě.“
Translate this to English?
[A]: | I will claim the kiss on my next visit.’ | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Žádný čas ani prostor.
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Teď sjednotím mou rodinu.
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Nesahej na mě.
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
A ještě víc mě překvapuje, že jste se zeptal.
Which language is this?
Language: | Czech | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Some text: La commissaire à l'équité participera à un séminaire Web intitulé « Ensuring Fair Registration Practices » (assurer des pratiques d'inscription équitables), le 21 octobre 2009, de 13 h à 14 h, heure normale de l'Est.
Translate to English.
Translation: The Fairness Commissioner will take part in a web-based seminar entitled "Ensuring Fair Registration Practices" on October 21, 2009 at 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Eastern.
Some text: 1.0 Ouverture 1.01 Présentations et questions administratives Le président souhaite à tous la bienvenue à Saint John et ouvre la 38e réunion du Comité fédéral-provincial-territorial sur l’eau potable (CEP).
Translate to English.
Translation: 1.0 Opening 1.01 Introduction and Administration The Chair welcomed everyone to Saint John and opened the 38th meeting of the FederalProvincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water (CDW).
Some text: Le nombre de copies de cet élément au sein du génome du haricot a été estimé à une centaine et une analyse phylogénétique place Tpv3g au sein de la classe A de rétrotransposons d'origine végétale.
Translate to English.
Translation: | It is estimated that about 100 copies of the element are present in the common bean genome. Phylogenetic analysis placed Tpv3g in the class A group of plant retrotransposons. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "Well, that's great." to Czech?
A: Mohlo by mít nějaký léčebný potenciál pro Christophera a ostatní oběti.
Q: Translate "I will shoot you." to Czech?
A: Střelím!
Q: Translate "It's a decommissioned arms depot in the southeast corner." to Czech?
A: | Je to depo vyřazených zbraní v jihovýchodním rohu. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Problem: La réponse au choc causé par le froid est induite par une réduction de température aussi petite que 3 °C, elle montre plusieurs protéines transitoires, elle est distincte de la réponse à l'acclimatation et il faut jusqu'à 18 h (après le retour des plants à 28 °C) avant que le profil de la synthèse protéique normale se rétablisse.
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: La composante MDN (employés civils) nous rappelle que les fonctionnaires du MDN sont des employés du Conseil du Trésor.
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: Toronto ON Services de production cinématographique.
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: En matière judiciaire, un mineur ne peut engager une action que par l'intermédiaire de ses représentants légaux, mais il peut témoigner s'il a été victime de violences ou d'un délit sexuel.
Which language is this?
Language: | French | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "This information must be clear, precise, legible and printed both beside the list of ingredients and on the display side of the product beside the brand name." to German?
Yes: Zu diesem Zweck ist neben der Liste der Zutaten und auf der Vorderseite neben der Markenbezeichnung des Erzeugnisses ein klarer, gut leserlicher und ins Auge fallender Hinweis anzubringen.
Q: Translate "The conditions of eligibility are outlined below." to German?
Yes: Weiterhin sind offene Stipendien f�r B�rger anderer EU-L�nder inklusive Deutschland ausgeschrieben.
Q: Translate "They should not be allowed to succeed." to German?
Yes: | Die dürfen damit nicht durchkommen. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "Congazcicul de Sus" to Russian?
A: Верхний Конгазчик
Q: Translate "Brazil managed to reserve a place in 2010 World Cup by winning their qualifier 3-1 with Argentina on Saturday. The victory in the World Cup qualifier guarantees Brazil a place in next year's 32-team tournament." to Russian?
A: Председатель антидопинговой комиссии Союза биатлонистов России (СБР), исполнительный директор СБР Елена Аникина заявила, что планируем...
Q: Translate "Not many of the Gentoo developers are also forum regulars, since most of them prefer the mailing lists or the IRC channels." to Russian?
A: | Не многие разработчики Gentoo являются завсегдатаями форумов, поскольку в большинстве своём они предпочитают списки рассылки или IRC. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: As we have seen, 54% of locations supported training for their employees. --> French.
answer: Tableau 4 Statistiques descriptives, Enquête sur le milieu de travail et les employés, 1999
question: A noble, unmannered dancer, he was able to bring conviction to a broad range of roles, ranging from the classics (Romeo in Romeo and Juliet, the Prince in Swan Lake, Albrecht in Giselle) to modern ballets by choreographers such as Maurice Béjart, Rudi van Danzig and Hans van Manen. --> French.
answer: Danseur élégant et sans artifices, Peregrine interprète de façon convaincante un large éventail de rôles, allant des classiques (Roméo dans Roméo et Juliette, le prince dans Le Lac des cygnes, Albrecht dans Giselle) aux ballets modernes de chorégraphes tels que Maurice Béjart, Rudi van Danzig et Hans van Manen.
question: The Committee recommends that the State party take effective measures to penalize organizations, press and media outlets and political parties that are guilty of such acts. --> French.
answer: Le Comité recommande à l'État partie de prendre des mesures effectives afin de sanctionner les organisations, les organes de presse, les médias et les partis politiques qui se rendent coupables de tels agissements.
question: Israel fully supported the United Nations drug-control agencies. --> French.
answer: | Il appuie pleinement les organes des Nations Unies pour le contrôle des drogues. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Nouvelles concernant la recherche L'Atlas cardiovasculaire canadien (anglais seulement) est écrit par des membres de l'Équipe canadienne d'analyse de résultats en matière de maladies cardiovasculaires (CCORT), qui est dirigée par le Dr Jack Tu, et il a été publié le 4 juillet 2006.... English?
A: [Research Related News The Canadian Cardiovascular Atlas written by members of the Canadian Cardiovascular Outcomes Research Team (CCORT) lead by Dr. Jack Tu, was issued on July 4th, 2006.]
Q: Droits et responsabilités pendant le mariage... English?
A: [Rights and Responsibilities During Marriage]
Q: Matériel de télécommunications de pointe.... English?
A: | [Specific advanced telecommunications equipment.] | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Input: The Leaving Certificate, which is taken after two years of study, is the final examination in the secondary school system. Those intending to pursue higher education normally take this examination, with access to third-level courses generally depending on results obtained from the best six subjects taken, on a competitive basis. Third-level education awards are conferred by at least 38 Higher Education Institutions - this includes the constituent or linked colleges of seven universities, plus other designated institutions of the Higher Education and Training Awards Council. The Programme for International Student Assessment, coordinated by the OECD, currently ranks Ireland as having the fourth highest reading score, ninth highest science score and thirteenth highest mathematics score, among OECD countries, in its 2012 assessment. In 2012, Irish students aged 15 years had the second highest levels of reading literacy in the EU. Ireland also has 0.747 of the World's top 500 Universities per capita, which ranks the country in 8th place in the world. Primary, secondary and higher level education are all free in Ireland for all EU citizens. There are charges to cover student services and examinations. In addition, 37 percent of Ireland's population has a university or college degree, which is among the highest percentages in the world.
Question: Is Ireland ranked lower in science or mathematics?
Input: (2012 New York Jets season)Many expected the Texans to roll through the seemingly dismal Jets team in their first primetime appearance of the season. Even though the Texans never trailed in the game, the Jets kept pace throughout, thanks in large part to a 100-yard kickoff return touchdown by the Jets' Joe McKnight. The Texans were able to keep the Jets at bay just enough to earn a hard fought win on the road, and improve to 5-0, remaining one of only two teams undefeated in the NFL to this point along with the Atlanta Falcons. This was also the first time the Texans have ever defeated the New York Jets in their 11-year history, making them 1-5 against the Jets overall and improving their regular season record to 5-0. On the opening drive Houston scored to take a 7-0 lead. Houston got the ball but was intercepted at their own 35. Mark Sanchez threw a touchdown to Josh Cumberland to make it 7-7. In the second, Arian Foster scored to make it 14-7. A Shayne Graham field goal made it 17-7 at the half. Houston would kick another field goal to make it 20-7. The ensuing kickoff was returned by Joe McKnight 100 yards to make it 20-14. Another Houston field goal made it 23-14. The Jets would get a field goal before the game ended to end it 23-17 Houston. The Texans improved to 5-0.
Question: How many points were the Texans leading by at halftime?
Input: Coming off a defensively-strong performance against the Cardinals, the Panthers flew to the Louisiana Superdome for a Week 9 NFC South duel with the undefeated New Orleans Saints. Carolina got off to a fast start in the first quarter as running back DeAngelo Williams got a 66-yard and a 7-yard touchdown run. The Saints would get on the board in the second quarter as kicker John Carney made a 23-yard field goal. The Panthers came right back as kicker John Kasay nailed a 32-yard field goal, but New Orleans would close out the half as Carney booted a 25-yard field goal. In the third quarter, the Saints continued to hack away as running back Pierre Thomas got a 10-yard touchdown run. Carolina answered with Kasay's 25-yard field goal, but New Orleans would tie the game to end the period as quarterback Drew Brees completed a 54-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Robert Meachem. Afterwards, the Saints would pull away in the fourth quarter with Carney's 40-yard field goal, followed by defensive tackle Anthony Hargrove forcing a fumble from Williams and returning it 1 yard for a touchdown.
Question: How many yards was the second longest field goal?
Input: In week 5 the Lions hosted the St. Louis Rams. The Lions started the scoring early with a 30-yard Jason Hanson field goal. The Rams tied it up at the end of the first quarter with a 28-yard field goal by Josh Brown. To start the second quarter, the Lions took the lead with a 105-yard kickoff return by Stefan Logan, the longest touchdown run in the NFL this season. The Lions added to their lead a few minutes later with a 1-yard TD catch by Calvin Johnson. The Rams kicked another 28-yard field goal a few minutes later. The Lions made it 24-6 just before halftime with a 3-yard TD catch by Brandon Pettigrew. The Lions' defense shut out the Rams in the second half. The only score of the third quarter was a 26-yard TD catch by Nate Burleson. In the fourth quarter the Lions kicked 2 field goals: from 48 then from 47. The Lions capped off their victory with a 42-yard interception return TD by Alphonso Smith. With the win, not only did the Lions improve to 1-4, but it was their largest margin of victory since 1995 and their first win since November 22, 2009.
Question: | How many points did The Lions lead by at halftime? | 4 | Flan2021 | drop:2.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Problem: Protection des enfants touchés par les conflits armés
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: Dans le cadre de l'entente avec le FMI, le gouvernement sud-coréen a convenu d'adopter une série de mesures, notamment le renforcement de ses politiques budgétaire et monétaire, des réformes de son secteur financier, une plus grande libéralisation des flux du commerce et des échanges, et des améliorations au niveau de la structure et de la régie interne des entreprises coréennes.
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: Tous les jours de séance, 45 minutes sont réservées pour les questions orales, ou la Période des questions comme on l’appelle communément.
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: Les conventions internationales relatives à la prévention et à la répression du terrorisme
Which language is this?
Language: | French | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Prep football scores from Saturday, Aug. 30
Terra Linda 29, Lowell 21
Novato 31, Dougherty Valley 8
St. Bernard’s 13, St. Vincent 6
San Marin 40, St. Patrick-St. Vincent 7
Berean Christian 47, Emery 8
#19 St. Mary’s 39, Moreau Catholic 6
Mt. Eden 55, Mt. Diablo 36
Sutter 49, El Cerrito 14
CSD 63, Upper Lake 0
#17 Cardinal Newman 56, Churchill County (Nevada) 32
Del Norte-Crescent City 33, Piner 18
#4 Clayton Valley 55, Carson (Nevada) 7
Please write a summary below.
SATURDAY San Francisco Terra Linda 29, Lowell 21 Tamalpais 57, Galileo 0 North Bay Novato 31, Dougherty Valley 8 St. Bernard’s 13, St. Vincent 6 San Marin 40, St. Patrick-St. Vincent 7 East Bay Ame...
What Exactly Is ‘Locker-Room Talk’? Let an Expert Explain
My father was a coach and the manager of a sporting goods store that installed and maintained equipment at athletic facilities. By the time I was in third grade, I had already spent countless days and nights in locker rooms — at colleges, high schools, prep schools, private adult clubs, you name it.
Then I became a football player and track athlete, something that continued into my college years. Until I was 20 years old, it felt as if half my life took place inside a locker room.
Not long after I stopped competing seriously, I became a sportswriter. What was my job day after day?
Hanging out in a locker room.
I’ve been paid to be there — and listen to what is said there — for the better part of 30 years.
Thanks to Donald Trump, the term “locker-room talk” suddenly is widely discussed. It is a pretty broad term; I’ve heard athletes in locker rooms deeply engrossed in conversations on their municipal bond portfolios and what to feed their cats and, of course, traffic.
Trump was recorded talking about forcibly kissing and groping women, and after an uproar, he chalked it up to “locker-room talk.”
The episode raised the question of how common such extreme talk is in locker rooms.
Yet I would say that while I have heard distasteful boasting and crude talk about the attributes of a recent date or a new girlfriend — wives never seem to come up — I’ve never heard anything that could be described as an assault, or any crime. Not even close.
This is not the same as saying those acts do not happen. I’m just saying it is not any kind of locker-room talk I have heard in my decades working and functioning in that space. Granted, the professional athletes have hours to themselves when the news media is not present. But reporters’ access to teams throughout a long season is considerable, especially in a sport like baseball where you’re part of the traveling circus crisscrossing North America for as long as nine months. You are together with the players far more than any other group of people in your life.
(To be clear, I am speaking only about covering male teams. Female athletes almost always speak outside their locker rooms, especially to male reporters.)
In general, it has been my experience that the talk about women in a men’s locker room is much rarer than most people want to believe, and much rarer than it was many years ago.
That does not mean the locker room is the most enlightened, progressive environment on the planet.
There have been many, repeated episodes in which players accosted, harassed and berated women reporters in men’s locker rooms because of their gender. Some have exposed themselves to female reporters in a way that appeared to go beyond undressing for the shower, though this kind of behavior was far more common when female reporters first began working in male locker rooms.
But if it is the talk in locker rooms that America is focusing on these days, it tends to be more generic and routine than frequently depicted. There is much more talk of aches and pains, and, as always, a lot of talk about cultural interests: music, concerts, films, video games and TV shows.
One of the funniest if most unlikely conversations I heard was about traffic. In the late 1990s, I remember listening to Giants cornerback Jason Sehorn and his friend Danny Kanell, a quarterback, in a conversation that bordered on something from Abbott and Costello.
“Why can’t you make a left turn on these New Jersey roads?” Sehorn asked.
“That’s only true on a divided highway,” Kanell answered.
“You mean on a freeway?” the California-raised Sehorn said.
“Well, it is free unless it’s the turnpike,” Kanell said.
“There’s a turnpike, a highway and a freeway?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Kanell said. “And instead of taking a left turn, you use the jughandle.”
There is, especially these days, a certain amount of political chatter. It is usually playful, with a few jabs yelled across the room about a candidate.
But after Trump uttered his “locker-room talk” line over and over in the debate with Hillary Clinton on Sunday night, athletes everywhere — and anyone who frequents gyms — might have taken offense. Several professional athletes lashed out on Twitter.
“Have I been in every locker room?” Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Chris Conley wrote on his Twitter account. “No. But the guys I know and respect don’t talk like that. They talk about girls but not like that. Period.”
Oakland A’s pitcher Sean Doolittle said on Twitter, “As an athlete, I’ve been in locker rooms my entire adult life and uh, that’s not locker-room talk.”
But Atlanta Falcons tight end Jacob Tamme may have had the last word, and spoke for many.
Having just left the locker room after his team’s victory over the Broncos in Denver on Sunday night, Tamme wrote: “I showered after our game but I feel like I need another one after watching the debate.”
He added: “The attempt to normalize it as any type of ‘talk’ is wrong. I refuse to let my son think that this is ‘just how men speak.’”
A version of this article appears in print on October 11, 2016, on page B7 of the New York edition with the headline: Talk in a Locker Room Is Not What One Thinks. Order Reprints| Today's Paper|Subscribe
Please write a summary below.
| A lifetime spent in locker rooms has meant overhearing good, bad and amusing conversations. But nothing close to descriptions of sexual assault. | 2 | Flan2021 | newsroom:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "Insurance event is a fact of Insured’s third party liability occurrence on reimbursement of damage to life, health and/or property of persons, acknowledged Injureds, as a result of Assured’s service of motor vehicle." said in Russian?
Страховым случаем является факт наступления гражданско-правовой ответственности Застрахованного по возмещению вреда, причиненного жизни, здоровью и/или имуществу лиц, признанных потерпевшими, в результате эксплуатации Застрахованным транспортного средства.
How is "The outcome of the emulation in labor will be tallied in the end of the current year December, so we were told at the press service of the plant." said in Russian?
Итоги трудового соревнования будут подведены в конце декабря текущего года, сообщили в пресс-службе предприятия.
How is "... 820. Respect for the principles of freedom of association clearly requires that workers who consider that they have been prejudiced because of their trade union activities should have access to means of redress which are expeditious, inexpensive and fully impartial." said in Russian?
820. Уважение принципов свободы ассоциации четко требует, чтобы работники, которые считают, что к ним предвзято относятся в связи с их профсоюзной деятельностью, имели доступ к средствам возмещения вреда, которые являются срочными, недорогими и объективными. ...
How is "As regards the latter, it is generally agreed that a strategy has to change the culture of an organization to be effective." said in Russian?
| В отношении последней устоялось мнение, что стратегия, для того чтобы быть эффективной, должна изменить культуру организации. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "And when you have to eat all by yourself do you get bored?" said in Czech?
A když musíš jíst docela sama, není ti to líto?
How is "Do you ever make remarks... which you later regret?" said in Czech?
Vymyslel ji Charles Darwin a funguje nějak takhle.
How is "'Oh, well, in that case I'll stick with the boots, if it's all the same to you,’ said Nobby." said in Czech?
"Jo, tak v takovým případě se budu držet těch bot, estli vám to neva," odpověděl Noby.
How is "Why don't you just fuckin' come down here and talk to me, huh?" said in Czech?
| Co tak si jít se mnou promluvit? | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Text: soldiers will help airlift rice to three parched southern provinces suffering from one of the worst food shortages to hit the philippines in years , an official said sunday .
Summary: soldiers to airlift rice to drought-stricken philippine provinces
Text: chinese prime minister wen jiabao pledged thursday to extend aid and economic support for afghanistan 's reconstruction , while calling for both nations to jointly fight terrorism and drug trafficking .
Summary: china afghanistan vow to fight terrorism drugs
Text: malaysian prime minister mahathir mohamad said monday that the bali bomb blast in neighbouring indonesia was `` very unfortunate '' and warned that growing muslim anger worldwide was fanning terrorism .
Summary: malaysia warns growing anger fanning terrorism
Text: allianz group and american express , two strategic investors in industrial and commercial bank of china -lrb- icbc -rrb- , have sold part of their stakes through private sales , icbc said tuesday .
Summary: | allianz american express cut stakes in china 's icbc through private sales | 2 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | fs_noopt |
Problem: M. DOEK se félicite que le Comité dispose désormais d'un tableau fiable et aussi complet que possible de la situation au Pérou, grâce aux informations fournies dans le deuxième rapport, dans les réponses écrites et, oralement, par la délégation.
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: Les gouvernements devraient s’attaquer de toute urgence aux problèmes constatés à ces postes frontaliers.
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: • Information générale sur les études au Canada
Which language is this?
Language: French
Problem: par écrit. - Je me réjouis des éléments positifs du budget 2011, qui incluent le financement du développement économique au Pays de Galles, le soutien à la recherche et au développement et l'aide pour les régions d'outre-mer.
Which language is this?
Language: | French | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Input: Continue writing.
Sally knew not to ask the doctor for antibiotics when her illness was caused by a virus rather than bacteria. Only the
Continued: bacteria would respond to antibiotics.
Input: Continue writing.
He chose brown stone instead of red brick because the magazine said the
Continued: brick was dated.
Input: Continue writing.
The glow of the lamp lit up the room but left the closet dark, as the
Continued: closet was blocked from its light.
Input: Continue writing.
The barber tried to use the comb to brush the hair but the
Continued: | comb was too weak. | 4 | Flan2021 | winogrande:1.1.0 | fs_noopt |
IN: French:
In spite of this, we have observed insufficient instruments for registering youth unemployment and for measuring its financial and social costs to society.
OUT: Cependant, nous avons constaté qu'on manquait d'outils idoines pour suivre le phénomène et en mesurer les coûts financiers et sociaux pour la société.
IN: French:
Client, business and consumer views, opinions and perspectives will be used to determine the level of intervention in any particular trade sector.
OUT: Les idées, les opinions et les perspectives des clients, des entreprises et des consommateurs serviront à déterminer le degré d'intervention nécessaire dans tout secteur commercial particulier.
IN: French:
The provisional annotated agenda and the organization of work are contained in documents E/CN.5/2004/1 and E/CN.5/2004/L.1, respectively.
OUT: L'ordre du jour provisoire annoté et l'organisation des travaux figurent dans les documents E/CN.5/2004/1 et E/CN.5/2004/L.1, respectivement.
IN: French:
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, first of all I would like to congratulate Mrs Lucas on the report that is the basis for our debate today.
OUT: | Monsieur le Président, Mesdames et Messieurs, je voudrais tout d' abord féliciter Mme Lucas pour le rapport qu' elle a élaboré et qui constitue la base de notre débat d' aujourd' hui. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Отель Arma Resort, расположенный на территории художественного музея Агунг Рай, находится в 5 минутах езды от леса Ubud Monkey.
Could you please translate this to English?
We loved it- a great ending to our stay on Bali..
Программа AKVIS Sketch может работать как отдельная программа или как плагин к графическому редактору.
Could you please translate this to English?
AKVIS Sketch can work independently as a standalone program as well as a plug-in to a photo editor.
Could you please translate this to English?
Чем больше вы практикуете жизнь в состоянии Само-достаточной Личности, тем более Само-достаточными вы становитесь.
Could you please translate this to English?
| The more you practice living in the posture of a Self-enabled Human, the more Self-enabled you become. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Um Daten mit einem umfassenden Dynamikbereich (HDR - High Dynamic Range) zu speichern, wurde das 48Bit TIFF Format definiert.
Could you please translate this to English?
In order to save RAW data with extended dynamic range (HDR - High Dynamic Range), the 48bit TIFF format and the CAMERA RAW format was developed.
Flughafenhotel Spanien Mallorca Melia Cala D'or Bh Das Hotel Hesperia Ciutat de Mallorca befindet sich in der besten Wohngegend von Palma, bietet Ihnen herrliche Einrichtungen (Schwimmbad mit großen Garten, Sauna, Fitness-Center, Bar, Restaurant, Konferenzräume, Parkplätze, etc.), macht es zum idealen Platz für Ihre Verschiebungen nach Mallorca entweder zur Arbeit oder zum Genießen Sie Ihren verdienten Urlaub.
Could you please translate this to English?
airport hotels Spain Mallorca Melia Cala D'or Bh The Hotel has an excellent location in a very central yet peaceful area in Palma near one of the most popular commercial avenues, Jaime III, close to the Paseo Maritimo, the Cathedral and the Port. On the seventh floor there is a BLUE JAZZ CLUB with live Jazz Music every Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and panoramic views over the Palma Bay, the Cathedral and the City.
Question: Hotels in der Nähe von Coit Tower, Vereinigte Staaten .
Could you please translate this to English?
Answer: Hotels near Coit Tower, United States of America.
Diese Distribution benutzen Entwickler, welche absolut brandneue Software untersuchen möchten.
Could you please translate this to English?
| It's used by developers who'd like to study and test bleeding edge software. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "Note that it's LDADD for programs and LIBADD for libs, since it's not exactly the same thing (a lib only remembers which libs it depends upon, it doesn't "link them in")." to German?
A: Beachte, dass es für Bibliotheken *_LIBADD heißt, anders als bei Programmen, die *_LDADD verwenden. Das ist nicht das selbe (eine Bibliothek erinnert sich nur daran, von welchen Bibliotheken sie abhängt, sie wird nicht verlinkt wie ein ausführbares Programm).
Q: Translate "Indeed, the rebels are able to use the same two-way radios in their internal communications as those used by missionaries for they have plundered numerous Catholic parish churches in recent months." to German?
A: Die Rebellen, die in den letzten Monaten zahlreiche katholische Pfarreien geplündert haben, verfügen nämlich für ihre interne Kommunikation über die von den Missionaren benutzen Sendeempfänger.
Q: Translate "In de kamer was heel veel stuk." to German?
A: | 1. Die Sauberkeit im Bad und auch in den öffentl. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Input: What would be an example of an negative review?
An example of an negative review: Both times I have been there the food is average at best, definitely not great. Basically overpriced bar food. Waitress screwed up our orders this last time. Won't be going back, there are much better places.
Input: What would be an example of an positive review?
An example of an positive review: Had the Turkey sandwich with green chile. Really friendly family and the sandwich was excellent! Great family place to stop!!
Input: What would be an example of an positive review?
An example of an positive review: Finally found the nail salon I've been looking for, for so many years. Jackie is awesome and extremely meticulous. I've never had such a thorough gel mani and relaxing pedi. Girls this is the place to go!!
Input: What would be an example of an negative review?
| An example of an negative review: This 1 star rating is only for the MAC part of this Macy's. MAC @ Macy's: If you have somewhere special to go to and you want your make-up done. Please please DO NOT get your make-up done here....!! at least not with the kind of big make-up artist who's kind of bubbly that works here. I had a really bad experience here when i got my make-up done for high-school prom..whiiile backk. but she did my make-up and told me it was a "surprise" until the end, i chose my eyeshadow but when i saw my face it was filled with foundation that was wayy darker than my skin tone and my eyeshadow was kind of a mess!! this put me to tears considering that i was going to take pics 2 hours from that time.. I completely took it off when i got home and re-did my make up=(. so PLEASEEEE if you want to experience having your make up done by MAC makeup artists PLEASE do me a favor and go to Nordstroms or Neiman Marcus. going to MAcys for MAC was a nightmare! | 4 | Flan2021 | yelp_polarity_reviews:0.2.0 | fs_noopt |
Je to jejich vyšetřování.
In English?
Why?–It's their investigation.
Ale zdá se, že jako obvykle, že jeho loutkář bude muset stačit.
In English?
But it seems, as usual, his ventriloquist will have to do.
Španělsko (C‑560/08, EU:C:2011:835, bod 103) a Iberdrola Distribución Eléctrica (C‑300/13, EU:C:2014:188, bod 22), jakož i usnesení Aiello a další (C‑156/07, EU:C:2008:398, bod 33).
In English?
| Iberdrola DistribuciónEléctrica, C‑300/13, EU:C:2014:188, paragraph 22; and order in Aiello and Others, C‑156/07, EU:C:2008:398, paragraph 33. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Problem: Minnie Driver Joins Cast of Peter Pan Live!
11/05/2014 AT 06:40 PM EST
Look who's all grown up!
NBC has announced that Oscar-nominated actress
will play the part of Adult Wendy in its upcoming TV musical
"We're thrilled to have Minnie as part of this
adventure," NBC Entertainment Chairman Robert Greenblatt said in a statement. "She appears in the final emotional scene when Peter returns to the Darling home years later only to realize Wendy is now grown up and has a daughter of her own."
, who sports green tights and a pixie cut,
As for Driver's role, she'll be more heard than seen. "You'll also hear her voice throughout the movie since Adult Wendy is also our narrator," Greenblatt said. "She's a classy addition to our wonderful cast."
And she's on a roll. Since her Oscar-nominated turn on
, Driver's received multiple Emmy nominations for her TV work and now costars on NBC's
. As for the big screen, she plays an overbearing stage mom in the upcoming drama
airs Thursday, Dec. 4 at 8 p.m. ET on NBC.
Write a one or two sentence summary.
Summary: The About a Boy actress will play adult Wendy in the upcoming TV musical
Problem: "Gossip Girl" Star -- My Show or My Kid
'Gossip Girl' Star My Show or My Kid
A main character in "Gossip Girl" may be killed off, depending on what a judge rules tomorrow.
Kelly Rutherford, who plays Lily van der Woodsen, was in court this morning, asking an L.A. County Superior Court judge to green light her request to bring her two-year-old son Hermes to NYC to begin filming this coming Sunday.
Standing in her way -- estranged hubby Daniel Giersch -- who claims the kid is a basket case when he goes back to New York because Kelly gets crazy with her work schedule. Kelly says she's been taking the kid back and forth for a long time and it's no problemo.
The judge says he'll decide tomorrow if Kelly can take Hermes back this weekend. If the answer is no, Kelly has to decide whether to go back alone or even quit the show.
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Write a one or two sentence summary.
Summary: A main character in "Gossip Girl" may be killed off, depending on what a judge rules tomorrow.Kelly Rutherford, who plays Lily van der Woodsen, was in…
Problem: Will NFL say Aloha to the Pro Bowl?
Beginning this season, the NFL's Pro Bowlers may hold the title in name only as Commissioner Roger Goodell is in favor of suspending the Pro Bowl game, per an ESPN report, with one league source saying the all-star event is "DOA (dead on arrival)."
This season's Pro Bowl is presently scheduled to be played in New Orleans on Jan. 27 (the Sunday prior to Super Bowl XLVII), however it may not be staged.
Goodell and many fans have expressed consternation over the quality of the postseason all-star event -- even though it tends to pull decent ratings -- which inhibits defensive strategy and often devolves into a streetball contest where the primary objective of the players is to avoid injury. The AFC beat the NFC 59-41 following last season.
If the game is scrapped, the NFL would still hold Pro Bowl voting to honor its best players annually and would encourage teams to continue incorporating Pro Bowl incentive clauses into player contracts.
Write a one or two sentence summary.
Summary: NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is in favor of suspending the Pro Bowl, per an ESPN report, effective this season.
Problem: Man returns from work to find bear stalking his home
A California man returned home from work to find a brown bear stalking his home before it ran upstairs and chased him into a bedroom.
Rodney Ginn heard noises in the kitchen of his Mammoth Lakes home but thought it was merely his roommate cooking, he wrote on Facebook.
But Mr Ginn received the fright of his life when a brown bear climbed the stairs and charged him down the hall.
"We have a bear inside our house right now," the man can be heard saying as he sweeps his mobile phone across the property’s upper staircase in search for the animal.
“We have a bear inside of our house… holy f---ing s---."
Mr Ginn hid safely in a bedroom and slammed the door behind him.
The video, which was posted online yesterday, has been viewed more than 180,000 times.
Write a one or two sentence summary.
Summary: | A California man returned home from work to find a brown bear stalking his home before it chased him up the stairs. | 9 | Flan2021 | newsroom:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Totuși, reducerea cheltuielilor publice îi afectează în primul rând pe lucrători, pe pensionari și pe cei săraci; cu alte cuvinte, pe cei care se bazează pe statul social.
Translate this to English?
[A]: However, cuts in public spending primarily impact workers, pensioners and the poor; in other words, those reliant on the welfare state.
[Q]: Vom lucra, de asemenea, la reducerea întârzierilor în acordarea subvenţiilor şi efectuarea plăţilor.
Translate this to English?
[A]: We will also work on further reducing delays in providing grants and payments.
[Q]: Renunțarea la energia nucleară trebuie să fie însoțită de majorarea investițiilor în cercetare și inovare, în scopul de a reduce dependența energetică și de a spori numărul de forme regenerabile de energie din ansamblul energetic al statelor membre ale UE.
Translate this to English?
[A]: | That phasing-out of nuclear power will have to go hand in hand with increased investment in research and innovation, in order to reduce our energy dependence and increase the number of renewable forms of energy in the energy mix of the EU Member States. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ro-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Proboha...
Translate this to English?
[A]: Oh Jesus!
[Q]: To bych si raději podřízla krk, nebo otevřela žíly.
Translate this to English?
[A]: I'd open my veins.
[Q]: Jenny vyzvedne děti ze školy, nemusíte se o to bát.
Translate this to English?
[A]: | Jenny will pick the little ones up from school, don't worry about that. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: À divers égards, le gouvernement structure de nombreux aspects de leur vie17. Annie Okalik et bien d'autres personnes voient un lien entre ces changements
Could you please translate this to English?
A: In various ways, government structures many aspects of their lives.17 Annie Okalik and many others trace the extensive abuse of alcohol and drugs to these changes.
Q: Common menu bar links English
Accueil Institutional links RECHERCHE
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Could you please translate this to English?
A: Common menu bar links Français
Contact Us
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Q: Vendredi 27 octobre 2006 de 13 h 15 à 14 h 30 dans la salle de conférence 9.
Could you please translate this to English?
A: Friday, 27 October 2006, from 1.15 to 2.30 p.m. in Conference Room 9.
Q: • Mot de la fin de la sous-ministre déléguée de la Santé Introduction Le troisième Forum scientifique de Santé Canada, autrefois appelé Forum de recherche de Santé Canada, s'est tenu les 18 et 19 octobre 2004 à l'hôtel Marriott, à Ottawa, sous l'égide du Bureau de l'expert scientifique en chef.
Could you please translate this to English?
A: | • Closing Remarks from the Associate Deputy Minister of Health Introduction Sponsored by the Office of the Chief Scientist, the 2004 Health Canada Science Forum, previously called the Health Canada Research Forum: | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: "Bayer MaterialScience, A Division of Bayor Inc.
77 Belfield Road
Toronto, Ontario
M9W 1G6 Telephone: 416-248-3017
Fax: 416-248-6985 ISO 9001:2000 94717-1 1996-03-08" --> French?
[A]: Bayer MaterialScience, A Division of Bayor Inc.
77 Belfield Road
Toronto (Ontario)
M9W 1G6 Téléphone : 416-248-3017
Télécopieur : 416-248-6985 ISO 9001:2000 94717-1 1996-03-08
[Q]: "Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, and Turkey." --> French?
[A]: Bulgarie, Chypre, République Tchèque, Estonie, Hongrie, Islande, Israël, Lettonie, Lichtenstein, Lituanie, Malte, Norvège, Pologne, Roumanie, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suisse et Turquie.
[Q]: "Violations linked to counter-terrorism measures" --> French?
[A]: | Violations dans le contexte des mesures antiterroristes | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Summarize this: norway lifted a freeze on development aid to pakistan on friday to help the nation deal with a flood of refugees from afghanistan .
norway lifts freeze on aid to pakistan due to afghan refugee
Summarize this: brazil 's instant coffee export increased in the first half of the year , but export earnings slipped , the brazilian instant coffee industry association -lrb- abcs -rrb- said today .
brazil 's instant coffee exports up but income down
Summarize this: taiwanese authorities on monday beefed up security for presidential candidates in the run up to march 's vote .
| taiwan tightens security for presidential candidates | 1 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Great spot for a date or girls' night out. The decor is amazing--a little industrial, a little romantic, and full of pieces by local artists--and the ambience can't be beat. The small plates are pretty good and the desserts are excellent (mmmm, cheesecake), but I was blown away by the cocktails on my last visit. Lots of creative, delicious drink options on the menu and they do the classics well, too. Crave can be a little on the pricey side but they do have specials throughout the week, e.g., half price martinis on Wednesdays and $20 bottomless wine on Thursdays.
A: positive
Q: I would never stay here again. We stayed here for our first time this weekend. Check in went smoothly enough. Our room was decent sized and the furniture seemed nice enough, but... There was no microwave. I've stayed at flee bag motel's that will have a microwave in every room. So now I have to eat out if I want hot food at all. Second of all there are no shelves or rails in the shower, which makes it awkward to get to your body wash or any other shower products without making the floor a mess. All of the things above I could deal with but the way we were treated by the bartender at the piazza lounge (the house bar), and the staff on the casino floor I couldn't take. They were rude not only to me but to my wife (about the biggest thing you could do to piss me off). Then in the morning I was still a little ticked, so I filled out the comment card and took it to check out with me. I asked for a manager to turn the card into to make sure it was actually read. I waited over 20 mins and no manager ever showed up, I was told the if I left the card with them at the front desk, with my info they would have the manager call me. Now it's been over 12 hours and still no call or e-mail. Yet again I will never stay here again.
A: negative
Q: Peggy gone country! Well, that's old news. For those who don't know me, I'm a country fried anything, smothered with gravy, country music listening kinda gal. Shamefully this self-proclaimed Southern Chinese didn't own a pair of cowboy boots! I asked Santa for a pair, guess I was a bad girl, so to take matters into my hands, I started my shopping like any 2013-ers would, online, at the beginning of the year. Turned out buying cowboy boots is almost as complicated as (fill in the blank). I found out that it should fit tight upfront, yet have enough heel space for the heel to move up when you walk. There are all kinds of leather, different toe shapes, different heel and shaft height. WHAT?! So I went back to Lebo's (and the other store up at Concord Mills) the other week. In comparison, Lebo's doesn't look like they have as much boots. They do have a lot more other stuffs (regular shoes, western clothings, dancewears etc). The store is quite sizable. But to be honest, less choices helped with the narrowing down my options. It's good to know your budget. I was on a low budget market. Low budget still means $100-150. There are lots of boots that are over $200-$300 and some are over $500. Crazy! Since I've been searching for boots for months, I kind of have an idea of what my boots should look like. First, not all makers are created equal. I find Durango and Laredo to be very comfortable and budget friendly without losing the style. I thought I am the plain brown type, but turned out I was a distressed leather, pointy square toe, with leopard accent type :) Britney who helped with my purchase was nice, didn't mind that I was being indecisive. I actually found the same boots online for less ($50 less), but Lebo's doesn't price match or anything (which I think in 2013, they should consider something). While I was debating whether to buy online, save myself a big chunk of cash or keep my business local, one final factor put Lebo's over the top: CHRIS, the boots expert! I went back a few days after my purchase because I just couldn't tell if the boots are fitting me correctly. With all due respect to my salesperson, I didn't feel like she was understanding my confusion and uncertainty about these boots. But Chris, he was on his knees, measuring, and when my boots seem to be fitting a little loose, he found some inserts. And when I mentioned something was poking me on the side, he went and did some magic. I felt like I got my money worth of service. He didn't even charge me for the inserts (which was only $5, but I appreciate the extra effort). That's when I felt certain I made the right decision with my first cowboy boots and didn't mind as much paying extra for them. So, if you are thinking about buying a pair of cowboy boots, give Lebo's a try, and don't be afraid to ask for help!
A: positive
Q: This was my first time visiting here- I try to go to the smaller mom/pop eateries to support the local economy, plus the food is much better than the chain locations. I ordered the beef burrito with green sauce. Its a good-sized portion, and the green sauce is pretty good. The burrito itself was like a flour bag of plain beef with jalapenos thrown in. Lots of heat, but no flavor at all or seasonings in the meat. So I wasn't impressed at all with this item. I will go back and try something else next, hopefully that may be a bit better!
A: | negative | 0 | Flan2021 | yelp_polarity_reviews:0.2.0 | fs_noopt |
Ale jestli chcete vyhrát, dejte ho do košíku.
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
A fašisti?
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Poslouchejte, myslím, že jste oba sexy, s oblečením, nebo bez.
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Zneužívám děti?
Which language is this?
Language: | Czech | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Jsou-li nádoby uvnitř odděleny dělicími stěnami, musí požadavky splňovat celá nádoba.
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
A plavat neumíš.
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Řekněme ještě 500.
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Máte svoji odpověď.
Which language is this?
Language: | Czech | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Write a movie review.
adams just copies
Write a movie review.
credited to director abdul malik abbott and ernest ` tron ' anderson
Write a movie review.
only the odd enjoyably chewy lump
Write a movie review.
| a talking head documentary , but a great one | 5 | Flan2021 | glue/sst2:2.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Problem: Write a brief sentence.
Answer: Girls wearing zombie makeup.
Problem: Write a brief sentence.
Answer: A man approaches a stranger metallic object.
Problem: Write a brief sentence.
Answer: | The boys are playing video games. | 1 | Flan2021 | snli:1.1.0 | fs_noopt |
Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve 0 = -v + 5*v + 12 for v.
answer: -3
Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve 0 = -247*m + 242*m + 20 for m.
answer: 4
Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve 340*g - 348*g + 80 = 0 for g.
answer: 10
Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve 41 - 107 = 6*d for d.
answer: | -11 | 9 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "They told me to do that. And now they want to talk to you." said in Czech?
In Czech: Plním jen přání šéfa, chce s vámi mluvit.
How is "Unfortunately, it falls back and off to the side." said in Czech?
In Czech: Ty bohužel zapadnou dozadu a sjedou do strany.
How is "Come to the toilet with me?" said in Czech?
In Czech: Jdeš se mnou na záchod?
How is "Done at Brussels, 18 December 2006." said in Czech?
| In Czech: V Bruselu dne 18. prosince 2006 Za Komisi Markos KYPRIANOU člen Komise ( 1 ) | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve -6 = -12*a - 18 for a.
answer: -1
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve -1 = -9*l + 17 for l.
answer: 2
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve 22*i + 13108 = -65*i + 203*i for i.
answer: 113
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve 21*r - 376 = -13*r - 13*r for r.
answer: | 8 | 5 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Až bude ten vousáč prdět do hlíny, vezmeme tenhle prokletý amulet, - ten hlavní důvod, proč jsme tady, - a vrátíme ho přímo tam, kam patří.
In English?
When hairy carry Larry takes a dirt nap, we take this sacred amulet - you know, the entire reason why we're here - we put it right back where it belongs.
Provádění rámcové dohody z Ochridu nadále přispívá k upevnění demokracie a právního státu .
In English?
The implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement continues to contribute to the consolidation of democracy and the rule of law .
Pokud zůstanete ve hře, tak to ukážou.
In English?
| If you stay in the game, they will. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Generate a short summary: share prices on the london stock exchange were higher at midday wednesday .
Answer: london share prices higher at midday
Generate a short summary: deputy commander-in-chief of myanmar defense services and commander-in-chief of the army gen. maung aye today met with visiting thai army commander-in chief gen. chetta thanajaro , the state-run radio myanmar reported tonight .
Answer: myanmar army chief meets thai counterpart
Generate a short summary: contentious plans to allow the use of mixed animal-human embryos for research , legitimize so-called `` savior siblings '' and offer easier access to fertility treatment to lesbians were being considered by british lawmakers on monday .
Answer: | lawmakers vote on new laws to govern hybrid embryo research abortion | 3 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | fs_noopt |
test: Unter Berücksichtigung dieses Artikels ist eine Zusammenarbeit bei der Auslieferung von Personen an die USA undenkbar, da dort die Todesstrafe angewendet wird und es in Anbetracht der Militärgerichte bzw. der Tatsache, dass Hunderte von Einwanderern zu Unrecht festgehalten werden, keine Garantien für einen gerechten Prozess gibt.
translation: This being so, it is unthinkable to cooperate on extradition to the USA, which has the death penalty and where the conditions for a fair trial do not apply following the courts martial or the detention of hundreds of immigrants with no judicial guarantees.
test: Wegbeschreibung mit dem Auto (von Frankreich kommend): Autobahn "AP7" -> Ringstrasse "Ronda del Litoral" und Ausfahrt 22 (Barceloneta) -> Plaça de Pau Vila -> Pla de Palau -> Passeig de Isabel II -> Via Laietana -> Princesa Strasse -> Montcada Strasse.
translation: Arriving at Sants station: the best option is to take the metro (L3) to Passeig de Gracia, change here to the L4 line to the Jaume I station and from here you can walk to the apartment: ->Via Layetana street -> Princesa street -> Montcada street.
test: Nach der Krise der Nachkriegszeit, aber es war notwendig, um neue Aktivitäten durch die Landwirte: Die Rezeption ist einer von ihnen.
translation: Following the crisis of the postwar period, however, it became necessary to seek new activities by farmers: the reception is one of them.
test: Aber es ist natürlich notwendig, darauf hinzuweisen, daß die Gleichstellung noch nicht verwirklicht ist.
translation: | Unfortunately, it is necessary to point out again that we do not have equality. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Input: Cannabis worth thousands left at Oxfam shop
The anonymous donation was forwarded on to the charity's depot and staff there alerted police.
Lorraine Needham-Brinley, production manager at the depot, said: “Staff were suspicious because of a very pungent smell and when they opened this bag they found a big stash of cannabis wrapped in a large bath sheet.
“What was surprising was that it was so fresh it must have been picked off the plant that morning.
“We have no idea where the cannabis has come from and the police said while it wasn’t the best quality it was still worth thousands.
“The volunteers at the shop who received it probably smelled it and just decided to send it straight on without opening it.”
Staff put the haul in Ms Needham-Brinley's office until police arrived but the smell left her reeling.
“It gave me such a bad headache I had to seal it up,” she added.
The Oxfam Wastesaver depot in Huddersfield, West Yorks, sorts clothing donated to all Oxfam shops across the country.
A police spokesman said the drugs had been seized and destroyed.
What was this article about?
It's about: SHOCK for Oxfam workers after a bag full of drugs is left anonymously
Input: U.N. abandons Eritrea-Ethiopia peace mission
UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The United Nations Security Council voted unanimously Wednesday to end its eight-year peacekeeping mission between Eritrea and Ethiopia.
The United Nations Security Council voted to abdandon its Eritrea-Ethiopia peacekeeping mission.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has warned that failure of the mission could lead to a new war between the Horn of Africa neighbors.
Council members and other diplomats said the U.N. had little choice but to withdraw its 1,700-strong force, which has been monitoring a 15-mile-wide, 620-mile-long buffer zone between the two nations.
The vote means the entire mission will be terminated Thursday, said Vietnam's U.N. ambassador, Le Luong Minh.
Belgian Ambassador Jan Grauls told the council that the mission, known as UNMEE, "had become impossible to implement" because Eritreans progressively limited peacekeepers' movements -- including restricting night patrols, supply routes and diesel fuel -- and Ethiopians refused to accept an independent boundary commission's 2002 decision to award the key town of Badme to Eritrea.
"The border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea remains total, and the United Nations is withdrawing without having been able to assist the two countries in finding a common ground, in spite of having tried all to achieve it," Grauls said.
Eritrea and Ethiopia have been feuding over their border since Eritrea gained independence in 1993 after a 30-year guerrilla war. The U.N. entered under a 2000 peace agreement that ended the 2½-year border war.
In a resolution drafted by Belgium, a former colonial power in Africa, the council said it regretted that Eritrea's "obstructions ... reached a level so as to undermine the basis of the mission's mandate" and forced peacekeepers to temporarily relocate, mainly on the Ethiopian side.
The resolution also called on Ethiopia to respect the boundary commission's decision and demanded that both nations comply with their agreement "to show maximum restraint and refrain from any threat or use of force against each other, and to avoid provocative military activities."
Ban warned in April that a war could break out if peacekeepers were to withdraw entirely from along the disputed border and urged Eritrea to restore the U.N.'s ability to patrol its side of the border.
Troops from both countries also exchanged gunfire several times in recent months, Ban said.
But the $113 million annual peacekeeping mission had pulled most of its personnel from the Eritrean side; fewer than 200 peacekeepers had remained there, mainly to guard U.N. equipment until it could be removed.
In 2005, Eritrea banned U.N. helicopter flights in its airspace.
Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
All About Ethiopia • Eritrea • United Nations Security Council
What was this article about?
It's about: The United Nations Security Council voted unanimously Wednesday to end its eight-year peacekeeping mission between Eritrea and Ethiopia.
ORANGE, Calif., Dec. 31— Clarence Harrison Hoiles, chairman of the board of Freedom Newspapers Inc., died today after a brief illness. He was 76 years old.
Mr. Hoiles, a past president of the California Newspaper Publishers Association, had been hospitalized since early December at St. Joseph Hospital with multiple health problems caused by age, a hospital spokesman said.
Mr. Hoiles began his 54-year newspaper career in 1927 when he was appointed publisher of The Bucyrus (Ohio) Telegraph-Forum, then one of three Ohio dailies owned by his father. R.C. Hoiles
He was instrumental in developing Freedom Newspapers into group of 31 daily newspapers in 12 states with a total circulation of more than 800,000. The chain's flagship is The Register in Santa Ana, which has a daily circulation of 245,000.
Mr. Hoiles's first wife, Marybelle, died in 1976. He is survived by his second wife, Augusta, three daughters by his first wife, a brother and a sister.
What was this article about?
It's about: | Clarence Harrison Hoiles, chairman of the board of Freedom Newspapers Inc., died today after a brief illness. He was 76 years old. | 8 | Flan2021 | newsroom:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Citons:
- le Répertoire de jurisprudence communautaire, qui reprend selon un plan systématique les sommaires des arrêts et des ordonnances,
- la Table alphabétique des matières, qui présente, selon un ordre alphabétique, les questions juridiques abordées dans les décisions de la Cour et du Tribunal, ainsi que dans les conclusions des avocats généraux,
- le relevé des Notes de doctrine aux arrêts, qui contient les références de publication des observations doctrinales relatives à la jurisprudence de la Cour et du Tribunal, et
- la page des Sites juridiques nationaux et internationaux, qui permet de consulter d'autres sites juridiques.
Could you please translate this to English?
A: They include:
- the Digest of Community law, which systematically sets out the summaries of judgments and orders,
- the Alphabetical index of subject-matter, which sets out in alphabetical order the legal issues addressed by the case-law of the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance and the Opinions of Advocates General,
- the Annotations of the judgments, which contains publication references to annotations by legal commentators of the judgments of the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance, and
- the National and international legal Internet sites page, giving access to other legal sites.
Q: la désignation de l’organisme qui atteste la conformité du système visé à l’article 70. la liste indicative des grands projets au sens de l’article 38 dont la soumission est prévue durant la période de programmation assortie d’un échéancier annuel initial.
Could you please translate this to English?
A: designation of the "compliance assessment body" referred to in Article 70. an indicative list of major projects within the meaning of Article 38 due to be submitted within the programming period, including an indicative annual schedule.
Q: PROJET DE RÉGLEMENTATION Avis est donné que la gouverneure en conseil, en vertu du paragraphe 30(1) (voir référence a) de la Loi sur les aliments et drogues, se propose de prendre le Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les aliments et drogues (1384 — chlorimuron-éthyl), ci-après Les intéressés peuvent présenter leurs observations au sujet du projet de règlement dans les soixante-quinze jours suivant la date de publication du présent avis.
Could you please translate this to English?
A: PROPOSED REGULATORY TEXT Notice is hereby given that the Governor in Council, pursuant to subsection 30(1) (see footnote a) of the Food and Drugs Act, proposes to make the annexed Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (1384 — Chlorimuron-ethyl). Interested persons may make representations with respect to the proposed Regulations within 75 days after the date of publication of this notice.
Q: • Améliorations apportées au Site du Canada et aux portails intégrés, dont un service d'avis électronique sur des sujets d'intérêt et de l'information provinciale plus étoffée à l'intention des entreprises
Could you please translate this to English?
A: | • Improvements to the Canada Site and integrated portals, including e-mail notification of topics of interest, and a deepening of provincial business information
| 2 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: "In this box are the names of the 12 other delegations that can serve as tellers." --> French?
[A]: Dans cette boîte se trouvent les noms des 12 délégations qui peuvent assumer la fonction de scrutateur.
[Q]: "The objectives of Canada’s participation in the 2005 Exposition were to:" --> French?
[A]: Les objectifs visés par la participation du Canada à l’Expo 2005 étaient les suivants :
[Q]: "LISTNUM Paragraph \l 1 So far as fees are concerned, one possibility might be to have the fees payable by applicants who are "small entities," subject to a substantial discount." --> French?
[A]: | En ce qui concerne les taxes, une des formules possibles consisterait à prévoir une réduction importante pour les déposants qui sont de "petites entités". | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Haben Sie, Herr Präsident, besondere Informationen über die Verwendung der hierfür bestimmten Mittel?
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Vier von 14 Kabinen haben Doppelbetten und befinden sich unter der Hauptplattform (unter Deck) die übrigen Kabinen haben Etagenbetten...
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Die Außenminister haben auf ihrer informellen Tagung in Salzburg ebenfalls einige Richtungen aufgezeigt, die auf der am 6. September von ihnen angenommenen Erklärung basieren.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | Mit der Buchung in einem Hotel akzeptieren Sie die Bestimmungen des Hotels in Bezug auf Stornierungen und Nichterscheinen sowie alle zusätzlichen (besonderen) Bestimmungen des Hotels, die in Bezug auf Ihre Buchung oder Ihren Aufenthalt in Kraft treten können, darunter Dienstleistungen und/oder Produkte, die vom Hotel angeboten werden (die besonderen Bestimmungen eines Hotels erhalten Sie über das betreffende Hotel). | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Par conséquent, les gestionnaires subissent des pressions accrues pour former et perfectionner les employés de premier échelon afin de leur permettre d'atteindre des niveaux de compétence satisfaisants et de les retenir, dans un contexte concurrentiel.... English?
A: [Consequently, there is added pressure on managers to develop and train entry level staff to reasonable levels of competence and to retain them in a competitive atmosphere.]
Q: 4 ci-dessus).... English?
A: [4 above).]
Q: Certains nouveaux membres se sentent parfois à l'écart d'un groupe très soudé.... English?
A: | [Sometimes newcomers feel like outsiders to an already close-knit group.] | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Co je s Kit?
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Language: Czech
Nechtěla jsem vás tím zatěžovat. O to nejde.
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
Filtrační systém (tkaninový filtr)
Which language is this?
Language: Czech
... AMY.
Which language is this?
Language: | Czech | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
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