1 value
70 values
1 value
How is "How many men upstairs?" said in Czech? Kolik jich je nahoře? How is "Fine. Two of the SEALs in his unit," said in Czech? Takže potřebuju dobrého potápěče. How is "She didn't tell me anything." said in Czech? Mě nic neříkala. How is "Quick, make a space." said in Czech?
Rychle, udělejte místo.
Q: En 2004-2005, l’AAP, avec les descriptions de programmes et les énoncés de résultats, a été approuvée. Could you please translate this to English? A: It also comprises the Government of Canada’s documentary heritage, some of which pre-date Confederation, and documents from individuals, organizations and associations in every imaginable format, including diaries, letters, photographs, documentary art, portraiture, music, film and video, sound recordings, philately, maps, plans, and geomatic data. Q: š Les substances toxiques dans l’environnement, dans la nourriture et dans l’eau potable présentent des Comprendre et prévenir ou risques graves pour la santé des réduire les menaces à la Canadiens. Could you please translate this to English? A: š Long-Term Result The environmental and human health threats posed by toxic substances and other substances of concern are understood, and prevented or reduced. Q: À nouveau, on relève que la plus grande différence démographique concerne la langue. Could you please translate this to English? A: Once again, the largest demographic difference worthy of mention was for language. Q: Les cas de maladie ayant percé se produisent à raison de 0,7 % à 3 % par année. Could you please translate this to English? A:
Breakthrough disease occurs at a rate of 0.7% to 3.0% per year.
Q: Translate "We also think it important for train drivers to be able to have access to data on themselves." to Finnish? Yes: Meistä on myös tärkeää, että veturinkuljettajilla itsellään on mahdollisuus tutustua tietoihin. Q: Translate "We have seen how, as a result of electronic manipulation, the emission performance of some models of lorries in the United States was quite different under actual operating conditions to what it had been in the test cycle for type-approval." to Finnish? Yes: Olemme havainneet, kuinka joidenkin kuorma-autojen moottoreita on Yhdysvalloissa säädetty elektronisesti yksinomaan testitilannetta varten, jolloin tyyppihyväksyntää varten suoritetuissa testeissä mitatut pakokaasupäästöt ovat poikenneet merkittävästi siitä mitä ne ovat todellisessa käyttötilanteessa. Q: Translate "That is one aspect of the proposal I am not enthusiastic about." to Finnish? Yes:
Tämä on esityksen se puoli, josta en ole innostunut.
Question: Obrazně, strávil´s někdy 30 let v chatrči? Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Metaphorically, have you ever spent Ye... Question: Nezatahuj mě mezi Vás dvě. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Not getting in the middle of it. (sighs) Question: Je pěkné mít rodinu. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: A family's a fine thing though. Question: Atomy a kvarky a tak. Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
The atoms and quarks and things.
Here is an email: In order to improve communication between the Legal Department and our Online team, Mark Haedicke has asked us to prepare a list of legal contacts which we will be providing to the Online team. Before we send this out, I have been asked to send the list to each of you for your input. Please let me or Leslie Hansen know of any additional contacts or changes that you feel we need to make to the list. What is a potential subject line for this email? A: Online Legal Contacts Here is an email: Everyone, As we stated earlier, this particular virus that is on the internet is causing a lot of issues for Corporations. As a result, the companies who write anti-virus software are continuously updating their software. As of this morning, another update has been made available to us. This update does a better job of protecting your PC than the update we received last night. At this time, it is extremely important that you again go through one of the procedures listed below to get the latest update. 1. Logout of the network and log back in or 2. Click on START>PROGRAMS>ACCESSORIES>Norton AntiVirus Corporate Edition and then click the Live Update button. This will pop up a screen where you will have to click the "Next" button and then a "Finish" button. - If you are an EES user, this option is not available to you. Please use option 1. The proper version of the update pattern you need is: (9/18/2001, version 30918BL) - You may need to restart the Norton Anti-Virus client if you want to visually insure that you have the latest update. If you have questions or concerns, please direct them to your Resolution Center. Enron Global Technology What is a potential subject line for this email? A: Update to Virus Protection Software #2 Here is an email: Here is PGET risk reducing deal that Mark talked to you about. Please coordinate with Lisa when you get a chance on Tues. I ill help on the power master w Cinergy to make sure it is suitable for the underlying trades. Thanks so much for your help. What is a potential subject line for this email? A:
Cinergy and Enron Transaction
Problem: ◦ Divulgation proactive BEP00 - Diffusion de renseignements sur le rôle du Comité et sur ses conclusions et recommendations, ainsi que sur les principes juridiques pertinents Numéro: Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Certains documents de référence offrent des exemples, en mettant l’accent sur les dirigeants du secteur de la santé et d’autres milieux. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Transports Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: La définition actuelle de la contribution technique telle qu’elle est mentionnée dans la directive est issue de la jurisprudence. Ainsi, il nous est probablement loisible de la formuler plus élégamment, mais nous ne pouvons pas la modifier complètement. Which language is this? +++++ Language:
Question: Vedlo to k mnoha, uh ... trapným situacím. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: It's led to a number of awkward moments. Question: A teď navíc I mé manželství. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: And now, even my marriage. Question: Paní Brooksová, odložte tu zbraň, zamiřte jí, prosím vás, k zemi. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Mrs Brooks, just put the gun down, point it towards the floor, please. Question: Chci se vás na něco zeptat." Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
I want to ask something to you."
Question: Was den Änderungsantrag 7 anbelangt, so bin ich etwas erstaunt darüber, daß Sie Ihre Tätigkeit selbst bewerten möchten. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: With regard to Amendment No 7, I am somewhat surprised that you should want to evaluate your work yourselves. Question: Haus zum verkauf in Lorca (Murcia) Reihen 2 Stockwerke - Ref. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: House for sale in Lorca (Murcia) Terraced 2 Floors - Ref. Question: Immobilien Aulnay sous Bois (93600) vente 3 pieces Appartement - nach BILBERRY IMMOBILIER, in der Umgebung von : Gare, bus commerces, ecoles Commission 3% inclus dans le prix: Appartement dans immeuble annees 30 avec parquets & moulures d'origine vous offrant entree, sejour, cuisine, salle d'eau avec WC, 2 chambres. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Real estate Aulnay sous Bois (93600) vente 3 pieces Appartement - by BILBERRY IMMOBILIER, close to : Gare, bus commerces, ecoles Commission 3% inclus dans le prix: Appartement dans immeuble annees 30 avec parquets & moulures d'origine vous offrant entree, sejour, cuisine, salle d'eau avec WC, 2 chambres. Question: Wir werden Ihre persönliche Informationen nur dann an Dritte verkaufen oder vermieten, wenn sie Teil eines Verkaufs des Vermögens einer Flyby-Gesellschaft sind oder sichergestellt wurde, dass Ihre Datenschutzrechte geschützt werden. Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
We will only sell or rent your personal information to a third party either as part of a sale of the assets of a Flyby company or having ensured that steps have been taken to ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected.
question: The reconstructed Proto-Indo-European form * ǵhu-tó-m was likely based on the root * ǵhau(ə)-, which meant either "to call" or "to invoke". What did the gaelic root of the word for God mean? answer: yes question: But soon after the election, President Juárez had another crisis on his hands; the Juárez administration was suspected to be involved in the assassination of the military chief José María Patoni executed by General Canto in August 1868. Which year's election was perceived to be fraudulent? answer: no question: The first ejaculation of seminal fluid generally occurs about one year after the beginning of accelerated penis growth, although this is often determined culturally rather than biologically, since for many boys first ejaculation occurs as a result of masturbation. What does the first stage of puberty involve for males? answer: no question: Israel has one of the lowest external debts in the developed world, and is a net lender in terms of net external debt (the total value of assets vs. liabilities in debt instruments owed abroad), which in December 2015[update] stood at a surplus of US$118 billion. When did United States begin to provide foreign aid to Israel? answer:
Question: Tatsächlich sind die Themen Versorgungssicherheit, Funktionieren der Energiemärkte und nachhaltiges Umweltmanagement für die Europäische Union und ihre Bürger von strategischer Bedeutung. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Reliability of supply, the functioning of energy markets and sustainable management of the environment are indeed issues that are of strategic importance for the European Union and its citizens. Question: In ihrem exzellenten Essay zur "Artikulation des Protestes” [2] hat Hito Steyerl ebendiese Artikulation auf zwei Ebenen thematisiert: einerseits auf der Ebene der Symbole, also als Verbalisierung und Verbildli­chung des politischen Protests, andererseits aber auch als innere Organisation und Gliederung der Bewe­gung. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: In her excellent essay on the "Articulation of Protest" [2] , Hito Steyerl discussed specifically this articulation at two levels: on the one hand at the level of symbols, in other words as the verbalization and depiction of political protest, but on the other hand also as the internal organization and structuring of the movement. Question: Doch es ist tragisch, wenn kleine Unternehmen infolge verspäteter Zahlungen Konkurs anmelden müssen. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: It is a crime if, as a result of late payments, small firms go to the wall. Question: Schulter ­ ist der Tote wieder erwacht? Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
It is autumn. There are not many of the old hands left.
How is "7.3 In case of minor negligence the contractor shall only be liable when personal injury or injuries to health have occurred due to a behaviour for which the contractor is responsible for as well as for claims according to the Product Liability Act." said in German? 7.3 Für leichte Fahrlässigkeit haftet der Auftragsnehmer nur in Fällen der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers oder der Gesundheit durch von ihm zu verantwortendes Verhalten, sowie bei Ansprüchen nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz. How is "There also exists a necessity for the promotion of professional equality between men and women along with a well and calmly thought-out immigration policy that incorporates the goal of successful integration." said in German? Darüber hinaus ist die Förderung der Gleichbehandlung von Männern und Frauen im Beruf erforderlich, ebenso wie eine gut und nüchtern durchdachte Einwanderungspolitik mit dem Ziel einer erfolgreichen Integration. How is "Hotel Alexander Beach on the edge of Kalamaki in central southern Crete offers 25 comfortably furnished rooms with shower, toilet and own balcony each..." said in German? Im Herzen des alten Städtchens Rethymnon, das einst von den Venezianern beherrscht wurde, liegt das La Strada Traditional Hotel. In der nähe... How is "If we do not seize this opportunity, Europe will become an ever-expanding giant, but one enfeebled and dried out." said in German?
Wenn wir diese Chance nicht nutzen, wird Europa ein immer größerer, gleichzeitig aber kraft- und saftloser Gigant werden.
[Q]: Meine Frage lautet: Kann im Fall einer Beschwerde das Vorhaben beginnen, und können Auszahlungen erfolgen, oder müssen wir erst die Entscheidung der Kommission abwarten, bis das Projekt starten kann? Translate this to English? [A]: I would therefore like to ask you: if an approach is made, can the work begin and can payments be made, or do we first have to wait for the Commission's decision and only then begin the work? [Q]: BESCHREIBUNG Sehr schöner eingeschossiger Altbau bestehend aus 11 Zimmern, mit 1 400 m² Wohnfläche, auf einem 4 000 m² großen angelegten Grundstück mit Baumbestand, in einem Wohnviertel. Translate this to English? [A]: DESCRIPTION Very nice old house with 11 rooms, with a living area of 1,400 sqm on one level, on a large landscaped 4,000 m² lot, planted with trees, in a residential area. [Q]: Seit Wochen habe ich danach, was ich wünsche, gesucht. Glücklicherweise bin ich an Ihrer Webseite angestoßen. Translate this to English? [A]:
I was searching for weeks and finally i found what i was looking for.
Q: Power-sharing talks between Iraqi politicians are called off The Sunni-and-secular-backed Iraqiya coalition of former Iraqi premier Iyad Allawi called off talks with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's Shiite-backed State of Law alliance after the Shiite incumbent called them a "Sunni" group in an interview. The move by Allawi's group further isolates Maliki, who is intent on staying in power. This month a coalition of Shiite groups also halted talks with Maliki's group. The decision to stop negotiations comes just two weeks before U.S. forces will shrink to 50,000 troops. As the U.S. military discusses the "end" of the Iraq war, the nation's future is unclear. There is still no government, government office functions are lagging and hundreds are dying in attacks each month. "We think they are not serious in their negotiations with us or with other groups to form a national unity government," said Falah al Naqib, an Iraqiya legislator. "While it's true we represent many Sunnis, it doesn't mean we're not a national group. They want to bring Iraq back to a sectarian problem." The U.S. presence here is also in transition. Chris Hill, who had been U.S. ambassador, left his position this month, and the top U.S. military commander in Iraq, Gen. Ray Odierno, will give up command Sept. 1. In Washington, U.S. officials are scrambling to prepare for the transition. Officials acknowledged Monday that they had reduced the number of diplomatic facilities they will maintain in Iraq because of budget pressures. In addition to the embassy in Baghdad, the State Department will operate consulates in Basra and Irbil and temporary offices in Kirkuk and Mosul, officials said. "We have had to scale back, to a certain degree, what we want to do," Michael Corbin, the deputy assistant secretary of state for Iraq, told reporters. "But we believe this presence will meet the needs and will be able to show our . . . diplomatic outreach." The State Department is struggling with high security costs. Departing military forces will probably hand over several dozen armored vehicles for the diplomats' use but will not leave as many helicopters as the State Department had requested, a Pentagon official said at the briefing, because they are needed in Afghanistan. U.S. officials had supported a power-sharing agreement between the top two elected blocs in hopes that it would break the political impasse, including the creation of another federal position for Allawi. But negotiations are slowly breaking down. Allawi and Maliki both claim the right to form Iraq's next government, based on varying interpretations of the constitution. Secular Shiite Allawi's coalition won the most seats in the March 7 national election by a slim margin over Maliki's bloc. Neither has the alliances needed for the simple majority vote in parliament to form the government. The U.S. mission in Iraq played down the latest move as political posturing. "Our goal is to see an outcome which is a reflection of the March elections, and a power-sharing agreement between the two of them would reflect the vote," a U.S. official said. "But ultimately this is up to the parties, not to us." The Iraqiya bloc said it would not resume talks without an apology from Maliki. But the disagreement runs deeper than semantics. On Monday, Maliki's State of Law group also rejected a request by Iraqiya to consider a power-sharing agreement. "Maliki wants to stay as a prime minister," Naqib said. "We need him to be more serious. We froze talks for the time being." Maliki said in an interview this month with state-owned television: "They want a weak prime minister, not a strong one. But if you don't have a strong prime minister, the country will start to disintegrate and the warlords will reappear." Sheridan reported from Washington. Special correspondent Aziz Alwan contributed to this report. A: BAGHDAD -- Negotiations between Iraq's two most powerful political blocs broke down Monday, dashing hopes that a solution to a more than five-month impasse after national elections was on the horizon. Q: Set Your Alarm to GO to Bed Dr. Samantha Boardman (@sambmd) is a clinical instructor in psychiatry and assistant attending psychiatrist at Weill-Cornell Medical College in New York City. She blogs at When I was training to become a psychiatrist, I rarely paid attention to my patient’s sleep habits. Unless there was a specific problem with sleep—either sleeping too much (which can indicate depression) or not requiring any sleep at all (a red flag for a manic phase of bipolar illness), how much they slept did not get much airtime. I thought of sleep problems as a symptom of a mental illness, not a contributor to mental illness. Since then I have had a wake-up call. Study after study highlights the critical role of sleep in mental health. Lack of sleep can increase the risk of developing depression and has been shown to exacerbate anxiety and ADHD. It also negatively impacts memory, productivity and decision making. Relationships, a cornerstone of well-being, suffer too. After a sleepless night, people are more irritable and more likely to lash out at their partner. Today, “how many hours do you sleep?” is one of the very first questions I ask during an initial consultation. While there are many reasons people are chronically exhausted, smartphone use deserves a special mention. When I ask new patients if they sleep with their phone on or in their bed, they usually nod. When I ask if they have ever been awakened in the middle of the night by a phone call, text or email, they nod again. Few say they turn it off or put in silent mode when they finally turn off the light. They tell me it is the last thing they touch before they go to bed and the very first thing they touch in the morning. Getting patients to make sleep a priority is challenging because unlike the many other scheduled parts of their day, bedtime happens when it happens. To combat this nonchalant approach to hitting the sack, I ask them to put sleep on the schedule. More precisely, I suggest setting a notification one hour before bedtime to remind them to start powering down—their devices and themselves. It means no more email, no video games, no work, no bills and nothing stimulating or anxiety-provoking from then on. Having a designated adjustment period allows their brain to transition from work mode into relaxation mode and prepares the body for sleep. My son likes the expresion “chillaxing time” (translation: chill out and relax). Of course, removing the smartphone from the bedroom is essential. I suggest charging it in another room, but not the bathroom. I don’t want anyone checking their device if nature calls in the middle of the night. You schedule workouts, doctors’ appointments, and important meetings because they are priorities in your day. Why not schedule sleep? Setting an alarm to go to bed reinforces how important it is. Best of all, you will have more energy, be more productive at work and kinder and more patient with others Hopefully you will sleep so long and so well, it will eliminate the need to set an alarm to wake you up in the morning. Read the latest Health Report. A:
I suggest to patients setting a notification one hour before bedtime to remind them to start powering down—their devices and themselves.
question: In the circumstances of the present case, such conduct must be regarded as a sufficiently serious breach of a rule of Community law satisfying one of the conditions for the incurring of non-contractual liability by the Community. --> French. answer: Dans les circonstances de l'espèce, un tel comportement doit être considéré comme une violation suffisamment caractérisée d'une règle de droit communautaire, remplissant l'une des conditions de l'engagement de la responsabilité non contractuelle de la Communauté. question: I do not believe that there is any question about the determination to hold this dialogue. --> French. answer: Je crois que la détermination de voir ce dialogue se tenir n'est pas mise en cause. question: Determinants of the size and location of Great Blue Heron colonies. --> French. answer: Determinants of the size and location of Great Blue Heron colonies, Colonial Waterbirds 20:1-7. question: PDAs can can be used as a clock, calendar, address book, or spreadsheet, or for calculating, playing computer games, accessing the Internet, sending and receiving E-mails, taking pictures or videos, or recording notes. --> French. answer:
Les PDA peuvent servir de réveil, de calendrier, de carnet d'adresses et de tableur, ils servent aussi à faire des calculs, jouer des jeux électroniques, connecter à l'Internet, envoyer et recevoir des courriels, prendre des photos ou vidéos, ou enregistrer des notes.
Tweet: @kriciamorris We have two cats! I love cats! Sentiment: positive Tweet: chilling in class!! Sentiment: positive Tweet: @hehthurr @angiewavesgbye can you guys just come and take care of me? I need cuddles. Sentiment: negative Tweet: @ suede and all our fellas are missin Sentiment:
Problem: Do not go to this restaurant if you have more than four people in your party! We arrived shortly after 11:00am on a Monday. It was our last meal on our way out of town. My husband and I valeted the car at Caesar's Palace and walked to Serendipity 3 with our four children. I stood in a short line to put our name on a waiting list. The lady told me it would be about 30 minutes. It didn't seem like a long time to wait at first. Then we noticed that everyone in front of us had been seated immediately. Then everyone behind us started to be seated. I asked the hostess if maybe they overlooked us. She said that there was another large party of five ahead of us then we were next. Large party of five? Since when is that large? I looked in the restaurant to see mostly four tops. I noticed about 5 more four tops were seated before us. That's when I asked to speak with a manager. I asked him why all these four tops were seated ahead of us. He said there were only a few tables that accommodated more than four. It was against company policy to move tables around due to fire hazards. What??? I've never heard something so ridiculous before. They then told us our table was almost ready. I wanted to leave, but I knew I would have to wait everywhere so we waited ten more minutes then we were seated. Btw...the day before 17 of us were seated together at The Sugar Factory in less time! The food: way over priced, like most things on the strip. My macaroni was ok but $15 for a 8 oz bowl! My daughter loved the sliders. The meatball pizza was interestingly good. Another daughter had the kids macaroni which wasn't the best but was bigger than mine. My third daughter had cheesy eggs which were full of cheese and pretty yummy. My baby boy shared with all of us. Dessert: the Frozen Mint Hot Chocolate was pretty extraordinary however! It was $14 since I got the drink for two. We also ordered a chocolate milkshake and a strawberry milkshake. They were good, but I've had the same milkshake for less than half the $10 we paid. The redeeming qualities: our server was good, they offered a kids menu to sort of soften the blow of the bill, and the valet was free! How would this review be described? ++++++++++ A: negative Problem: 1pm & the service is not very good today...been here for a good 5 minutes, the waiter came to take our drink order, 10 minutes & he has not come back, REALLY??? 2 waters, 3 ice teas??? At the 15 mark drinks finally came, orders taken. Now sitting, drinks empty??? Food finally came and order is wrong??? The manager came over apologized, offered to get the sandwich made over but we said no as we waited almost 45 minutes just to get food. Also ha to ask the manage for drink refills which were brought by another person. Now 2pm, the place is almost empty, drink is empty, waiter came by but no acknowledgement. Our waiter, has a great personality but as for attention to detail, not very good. Had to ask for another ice tea. Not sure why it is so bad today??? How would this review be described? ++++++++++ A: negative Problem: Nice, quite, clean, near to main st. Sant Cathryn. Hotel upgraded my checked in room due to AC breakdown. Good experience. Loved it, How would this review be described? ++++++++++ A: positive Problem: I was very impressed. The outside didn't suggested very much but the service and food was very good. My whole family enjoyed it. I will definitely be going back and telling my friends about it. The price was very reasonable, and the food sizes were decent. How would this review be described? ++++++++++ A:
Text: a book on the former argentinian soccer star , diego maradona , came up for sale in argentina , prior to his testimonial match set up for next saturday in this city . Summary: on sale in argentina book about maradona Text: russia 's oao gazprom sought to assure jittery europeans on friday that new deals for the sale of natural gas to belarus and ukraine would prevent any more disruptions to western europe . Summary: gazprom says deals with belarus ukraine will halt disruptions to europe ; eu regulator advises caution Text: the days of wine and roses -- and company-paid country club memberships -- are fading fast for international bankers . Summary: bankers under fire in countries besides us Text: taiwan 's new president sets off tuesday on his first foreign trip , amid indications that one of his hosts could be ready to switch diplomatic ties from taipei to beijing . Summary:
taiwan president taking high-risk foreign trip
Some text: Le Premier ministre et l'environnement Le Premier ministre sait combien il est important que l'environnement soit intégré dans notre bien-être économique et social. Translate to English. Translation: The Prime Minister and the Environment Prime Minister Martin knows how important it is to see the environment in a way that is integrated with our economic and social wellbeing. Some text: On s'est dit préoccupé des conséquences du libellé de certains des facteurs externes; on a estimé que les réalisations escomptées seraient exclusivement fonction des interventions des États Membres de la région. Translate to English. Translation: Concern was expressed about the implications in the wording of some of the external factors; it was felt that the expected accomplishments would be solely dependent on the actions of Member States of the region. Some text: Copenhague (Danemark) : Translate to English. Translation:
Denmark, Copenhagen:
input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: @grant78uk thanks but no luck input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: @rossm Ugh, seriously input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet:
@elpie Somewhere in the world, the sun is ALWAYS over the yardarm...
Translate to French: In this connection, Australia has raised the question whether the liability of the three States would be `joint and several' (solidaire), so that any one of the three would be liable to make full reparation for damage flowing from any breach of the obligations of the Administering Authority, and not merely a one-third or some other proportionate share. Answer: A ce propos, l'Australie a soulevé la question de savoir si la responsabilité des trois États serait « solidaire » (« joint and several »), en ce sens que l'un quelconque des trois serait tenu de réparer en totalité le préjudice résultant de toute méconnaissance des obligations de l'autorité administrante et non pas seulement d'assurer cette réparation pour un tiers ou dans toute autre proportion. Translate to French: 3- The sensitivity readability of the instrument shall be better than 1/9 of the tolerance applicable to the standard being monitored. Answer: 3 - La sensibilité lisibilité de l'instrument doit être en-deçà de 1/9 de la tolérance applicable à l'étalon étant surveillé. Translate to French: “Bearing in mind that the State party and the Committee are obliged to assess whether there are substantial grounds for believing that the petitioner would be in danger of being subjected to torture were he/she to be expelled, returned or extradited, the risk of torture must be assessed on grounds that go beyond mere theory or suspicion. Answer:
«Étant donné que l'État partie et le Comité sont tenus de déterminer s'il y a des motifs sérieux de croire que le requérant risque d'être soumis à la torture s'il est expulsé, refoulé ou extradé, l'existence d'un tel risque doit être appréciée selon des éléments qui ne se limitent pas à de simples supputations ou soupçons.
Мы консервативно относимся к привлечению кредитного капитала. In English? xxxxx We have been conservative in involving the loan capital. Раутледж, Уэйн In English? xxxxx Wayne Routledge В некоторых случаях эти расходы можно вообще свести к нулю! In English? xxxxx
In some cases, these costs can generally be reduced to zero!
Translate to French: In order to determine whether a party is domiciled in the Member State whose courts are seised of a matter, the court shall apply its internal law. Answer: Pour déterminer si une partie a un domicile sur le territoire de l'État membre dont les tribunaux sont saisis, le juge applique sa loi interne. Translate to French: We need to reflect. Answer: Nous devons nous interroger. Translate to French: The Canadian Tomato Trade Alliance is an ad hoc alliance formed by greenhouse producers of fresh tomatoes in Canada, representing approximately 82 per cent of the fresh tomato producers in Canada. Answer:
La Canadian Tomato Trade Alliance est une coalition regroupant les serriculteurs de tomates fraîches au Canada, et qui représente environ 82 % des producteurs de tomates fraîches au Canada.
Q: What is the solution? Solve 806 = 9*i + 11*i + 846 for i. A: -2 Q: What is the solution? Solve 12*x - 30 - 6 = 0 for x. A: 3 Q: What is the solution? Solve 30 = -340*s + 325*s for s. A:
input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: 23 – Článek L.622-6 odst. 1 code du travail, který se uplatní na všechny osoby s bydlištěm v Lucembursku, stanoví povinnost, aby nezaměstnaná osoba, která hledá práci, požádala o zařazení do evidence úřadu ADEM (viz bod 11 výše). input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Vás neohromil? input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Takže posloucháte?“ input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer:
Asi jsem právě zabil jednoho hajzla.
Q: negative A: @BrookeJasmyn awww steam when I get's sooooo beautiful out here...miss the fam trips Q: negative A: this day is boring, it's raining outside and i hate rains!! Q: negative A:
@ AcidRainDropz I'm soooooop bored I wish my girlfriend were here
Q: Translate "CBS and TOYOTA." to Czech? Yes: Myslím, že bysme měli respektovat její právo na soukromí. Díky, Tede. Takže, co máš proti obchoďákům? Q: Translate "They think she could have..." to Czech? Yes: Prý by u nich mohla udělat... Q: Translate "I wish I never took this film, Mr. Stolley." to Czech? Yes:
Přeji si, abych tenhle film nikdy nenatočil, pane Stolley.
Question: Write a text based on "sweden provisionally bans british beef imports" Text: sweden is provisionally banning all british beef imports , swedish agriculture minister margareta winberg said here on thursday . Question: Write a text based on "prosecutors demand jail term for south korean president 's son" Text: south korean prosecutors on tuesday demanded a four-year jail sentence for the youngest son of president kim dae-jung , who has been indicted on corruption charges . Question: Write a text based on "aides fear bradley has let iowa momentum slip away" Text:
after pouring vast resources into this state , some of bill bradley 's top aides question whether their campaign passed up an important opportunity by not responding more rapidly , or aggressively , to vice president al gore 's attacks .
[Q]: "As such, we were only able to assess the Bilateral and Canadian Partnership channels." --> French? [A]: Donc, nous n’avons été en mesure d’évaluer que les mécanismes bilatéraux et les partenariats canadiens. [Q]: "Moreover, Mrs. Lalonde is responsible for insurance and quality control of Bio-K+ CL1285® products and is in charge of obtaining Health Canada's regulatory approval." --> French? [A]: De plus, Mme Lalonde est responsable de l'assurance et du contrôle de qualité des produits Bio-K+ CL1285MD ainsi que de l'approbation réglementaire de Santé Canada. [Q]: "Racial violence in Portugal seems to consistently embody the defamation and discrediting of others." --> French? [A]:
La violence raciale au Portugal semble obéir à un type de fait consistant essentiellement en la diffamation et le discrédit d'autrui.
[Q]: Nepatřím vám. Translate this to English? [A]: I don't belong to you. [Q]: Nechcete někdo svědčit v její prospěch? Translate this to English? [A]: Anyone interested in testifying on her behalf? [Q]: Proč si rodiny obětí ty věci nevyžádají zpátky? Translate this to English? [A]:
He had skulls tattooed on his arm... (voice breaking) eyeliner on his eyes, fangs.
How is "You hit another players when the Raf isn't looking!" said in Czech? In Czech: Sundáš protihráče, když se rozhodčí nedívá. Ne, ne, ne. How is "We can put in any sort of humor or parody that we want." said in Czech? In Czech: Můžeme tam vložit jakýkoli druh humoru či parodie, jakou chceme. How is "I tried to preview or print a page containing Flash or QuickTime." said in Czech? In Czech: Byl proveden pokus o zobrazení náhledu nebo o tisk stránky obsahující objekty Flash nebo QuickTime. How is "I need you to remember." said in Czech?
In Czech: Potřebuji abysis vzpomněla.
Q: "The candlelit restaurant has gained AA Rosette Awards and The Good Food and Michelin guide recommendations." to French **** A: Le restaurant éclairé à la lumière des bougies a remporté une Rosette décernée par l'AA. Il figure également dans les guides "The Good Food" et Michelin. Q: "Counsel also referred the Registrar to two cases that supported his argument:" to French **** A: L'avocat a également cité deux décisions jurisprudentielles au soutien de son argument : Q: "Official meetings" to French **** A: Séances officielles Q: "In Kosovo, there are 113 sites containing highly toxic and/or radioactive materials; of these, 10 require particular attention and constant monitoring." to French **** A:
La présence de telles substances a été décelée sur 113 sites; 10 d'entre eux nécessitent une attention particulière et une surveillance constante.
Premise & hypothesis: Is the premise "A man with a dark green apron standing with his hands on his waist with a grill in the background." true if "A man is cooking with a grill."? A: yes Premise & hypothesis: Is the premise "On mass transit a woman with a black purse has fallen asleep in a shared seat." true if "The lady is sleeping on a stranger."? A: it is not possible to tell Premise & hypothesis: Is the premise "A boy in a black shirt and red wristbands hanging upside down while other people look on." true if "A boy does some acrobatics for some onlookers"? A: yes Premise & hypothesis: Is the premise "A snowboarder slides across an icy table." true if "A snowboarder tries to slide down a staircase railing."? A:
france is to cancel or reschedule nearly half the billion dollars in debt owed by vietnam and will almost double aid to its former colony this year , economics minister edmond alphandery said thursday . Short summary: france cancels half vietnamese debt boosts aid cypriot president glafcos clerides said on friday night the cypriot government will continue the policy to strengthen the defense until a solution to the cyprus issue is found . Short summary: cyprus to strengthen defense until parties find solution roman catholics and protestants were set to resume talks here wednesday on a compromise to avert sectarian violence when a protestant fraternal order parades through londonderry at the weekend . Short summary: talks continue to avert violence in protestant march russia expects the country 's largest oil company , yukos , to pay its crushing back taxes bill within a month , a justice ministry official said friday in an apparent indication that yukos ' feared collapse is n't imminent . Short summary:
russia says yukos has another month to pay tax bill easing fears that company 's demise imminent
Q: Translate "The timing of the new law is odd." to Russian? A: Выбор времени рассмотрения нового закона является сложным. Q: Translate "Ratibora 66, Jurata (Apartment)" to Russian? A: Ratibora 66, Юрата (Апартаменты) Q: Translate "Péreille" to Russian? A:
IN: French: See paragraph 13 below. OUT: Voir ci-dessous, par. IN: French: These supports will be identified through interaction and consultation with the child and family members. OUT: Afin de déterminer les services de soutien, il faudra interagir et mener des consultations avec l'enfant et sa famille. IN: French: An example would be the contacts the current Commissioner of Official Languages maintains with the network of official languages champions (designated by the departments at the Assistant Deputy Minister or Director General level) created by the Treasury Board Secretariat. OUT: On peut donner comme exemple les contacts que l’actuelle Commissaire aux langues officielles entretient avec le réseau des champions des langues officielles (désignés par les ministères au niveau de sous-ministre adjoint ou de directeur général) mis sur pied par le Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor. IN: French: In favour: OUT:
Votent pour :
How is "Why? Well, he started drawing our attention back when he was in Narcotics." said in Czech? In Czech: No, začal nás zajímat, když byl ještě v protidrogovém. How is "For the purposes of this Directive, amendments to the regulations governing use shall take effect only from the date of entry of the mention of the amendment in the register." said in Czech? In Czech: Pro účely této směrnice nabývá změna pravidel pro užívání účinnosti až dnem zápisu změny do rejstříku. How is "Kid knows nothing." said in Czech? In Czech: Nic neví. How is "I know you are all the finest in your fields and have come a long way to be here." said in Czech?
In Czech: Vím, že jste nejlepší v oboru a že jste přijeli z daleka.
Q: If you’re playing this Jeopardy game as a way to study for your classes, use your school texts and notes to decide what the categories should be. Choose the major themes from the chapters that your upcoming exam will cover, for example. If this is a recreational game, you can either decide on the categories as a group, or the host alone can choose them. Whoever is playing the host of this round will be completing the rest of these steps. Write one category on each index card and pin those 6 index cards at the top of a sturdy piece of poster board. Line them up in a single row. Make sure to write legibly (or type and print out the text, if you prefer). You can also use a marker board if you don’t have poster board on hand. Write the 6 categories at the top of the marker board and draw lines between them to separate the columns. The point values range from $100 to $500 in each category, so you will have one card for each of these values – $100, $200, $300, $400 and $500. Be sure to write legibly, or you could type and print it out if you want it to look extra nice. The $100 question should be the easiest one. For instance, if your first category is “Code Names” you could write something like, “James Bonds’ Agent number.” As the host, you’ll need to create a list with all of the answers on a separate sheet of paper. In this case the answer would be, “What is 007?” Remember, in Jeopardy contestants are given the answer (the clue) and their response should be in question form. Only the host should work on the answer key. Make sure to pin the card so that the $100 side is facing out. Before you pin the card up, you may want to write $100 on the board first, then pin the card over that. When the host pulls the card from the board to read the clue, the spot will be empty but the point value will stay on the board. Once you get pretty far along in the game, this will help to give the board a little structure. You will follow the same process as before. Remember, the higher the point value, the harder the question should be, so increase the difficulty for this next clue/answer. Pin the $200 card directly beneath the $100 card in Category 1. The cards will go in ascending order, starting with $100 at the top of the column, and ending with $500 at the bottom. Make sure to pin the card so that the $200 side is facing out. This will be the practice for all of the clue/answer cards. Then follow the same procedure for the rest of the game board until all of the categories have completed index cards pinned up. At this point, the game is ready to play. A: Choose the 6 game categories and decide who will play the host. Get 6 index cards for the game categories. Take 5 more index cards and label them with point values. Turn over the $100 index card and write your first clue for Category 1 on the back. Pin the $100 card directly beneath the category it goes with. Turn over the $200 index card and write down the next clue. Continue the process for the remaining point values in Category 1. Q: Make sure that you put the gloves on before you begin mixing any bleach. Bleach can be very damaging to skin and fabrics, so the towel will protect you and your clothes from any bleach that drips from your hair Many bleach kits will come with the gloves for you to use, but your own plastic or latex gloves are also fine. A hairdressing cape will also work well instead of an old towel if you have access to one. The ratio of the bleach powder to the developer will be specified on the bleach kit box. Make sure that you use a non-metallic bowl. Place an old towel beneath the bowl to avoid the bleach damaging the surface. Remove this section from the plastic clip, and keep the rest of your hair clipped back. This section should be about 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick if you have thin hair, or thinner if you have thick hair. Bleaching your hair in small sections will make sure that the bleach is applied thoroughly and evenly throughout. Make sure that the bleach covers the full length of your hair, but leave the roots uncovered since the bleach may irritate your scalp. Brush the bleach through in the same direction that your hair grows, starting at the top and ending at the tip. Work as quickly and carefully as possible, so that the first section doesn’t lighten too much before you have put the bleach into the last section. Apply bleach to this side too, brushing it through in exactly the same way. This will ensure that you don’t accidentally miss a spot. You can group this section together, and clip it back with a plastic clip again to keep it out of the way while you bleach the rest of your hair. Repeat the bleaching process through the rest of the first quarter, the other back quarter, and the two front quarters. Remember to leave the roots unbleached for now. By the time you have finished the final front quarter, the first back quarter will be starting to lighten. After you have bleached all of the sections of your hair, you can also do the same to the 1 cm (0.4 in) of root hair. Bleach can make your scalp feel itchy or slightly irritated, so start out with a small, unnoticeable part of your roots first to see how it feels. You can leave your roots unbleached if the feeling is too unpleasant. A: Put on disposable gloves and drape an old towel over your shoulders. Mix together the bleach powder and the developer with the tint brush. Take a thin section of hair from one of the back quarters. Apply the bleach to this section using the tint brush. Flip the first section over to show the side that hasn’t been bleached. Continue applying bleach to thin sections until each quarter is complete. Apply bleach to your roots if you want them bleached too. Q: All math builds on other skills, so to make it easier on yourself, you need to figure out where you are now. You can find tests online that will help you establish what level you're at, so you know what you need to work on. For instance, you can try the UK's National Numeracy exam. Once you know what you need to work on, take advantage of online resources to work on your skills. In fact, many placement tests also have simple courses you can take (for free) to work on your skills and improve over time. Part of doing well at math is believing you can get better. Try to approach math with a positive attitude. You can try the UK's National Numeracy courses, the BBC's Skill Wise, or a website like Khan Academy. Many adults were taught math by memorization as kids. For instance, maybe you just sat down and memorized the multiplication table for school. However, that doesn't help you understand how math works. When you understand how it works, it makes it easier to apply it to problems that you don't already have a formula for. For example, you likely know that 3 times 5 equals 15. However, if you've just memorized that fact, you may not have sat down to think about the why of it. Multiplication, though, is just a more advanced form of adding. This equation just means you have 3 groups of 5 (5 plus 5 plus 5 equals 15) or 5 groups of 3 (3 plus 3 plus 3 plus 3 plus 3 equals 15). Just like games are a good way for kids to learn math, they can also make it easier for you to learn. You can search for math apps or try something like King of Math to work on your math skills. You can also try video or online games that require puzzle-solving skills. A: Establish your level. Level up. Work on understanding math. Try math apps. Q: The dish should be large enough to accommodate the swordfish cubes. Turn each cube over several times to be sure each one is thoroughly coated with the marinade. Once your fish kebabs have marinated for 2 hours, it will take you only a few minutes to put them on the skewers; your grill should be hot enough at that point to start grilling the kebobs. Place the kebobs in a colander and drain the marinade into a bowl. Keep a close watch on your skewers so that the kebobs don’t burn. A:
Cut the swordfish steaks into 1” (2.54 cm) cubes. Whisk together the mustard, garlic, olive oil, lime juice, soy sauce, pepper, dill and rosemary in a medium bowl. Transfer the marinade to a shallow dish. Put the cubed swordfish in the marinade. Cover and refrigerate the marinated cubes for 2 hours, turning once after 1 hour. Start your grill. Remove the marinated swordfish from the refrigerator. Thread the swordfish cubes, tomatoes and pineapple chunks alternately onto each of 4 metal skewers. Spray the grill rack with vegetable oil. Place the skewers on the grill. Grill for 5 to 8 minutes. Brush the leftover marinade onto the kebobs while they cook. Put the kebobs on serving plates and serve them immediately.
IN: charles schwab and eric kobren are about to focus their formidable marketing muscle on an overlooked corner of the vast mutual-fund industry -- mutual funds that invest in shares of other mutual funds . summary: big players shift focus to funds of funds IN: the largest bedouin tribe in the jerusalem area is facing expulsion from its camps and has been told to live beside the city 's main garbage dump . summary: israel evicts bedouin tribe to trash dump site IN: minister of justice shih mao-lin expressed hope thursday the legislative yuan would soon pass a revised draft statute so that drug rehabilitation centers will no longer reject drug addicts who are hiv positive . summary: justice head hopes centers will soon admit hiv-positive patients IN: egypt refuted on thursday recent accusations of neglecting jewish temples , saying in a statement that much restoration work is being carried out to these temples . summary:
egypt refutes accusations of neglecting jewish temples
How is "These are serious health threats for the many pregnant women and children." said in Russian? In Russian: Многие беременные женщины и дети также подвергают свое здоровье серьезному риску. How is "Edmund Neupert" said in Russian? In Russian: Нойперт, Эдмунд How is "While 5,000 out of 85,000 employees retire each year, only 2,500 inhabitants finish school, and this number keeps shrinking, forcing Nornikel to introduce labor-effective technologies and elaborate material and non-material motivation tools." said in Russian? In Russian: Это вынуждает компанию переходить на менее трудоемкие технологии и с пристальным вниманием относиться к управлению персоналом, к материальным и нематериальным инструментам его мотивации. How is "The Set Bluetooth Device screen is displayed." said in Russian?
In Russian: Отобразится экран настроек устройства Bluetooth.
How is "Most likely, they detach from their material bodies and stay somewhere near the body or in the places of accumulation of such souls." said in Russian? In Russian: Скорее всего, они отделяются от материальных тел и обитают то ли каждая невдалеке от своего тела, то ли в каких-то определённых местах скопления таких душ. How is "As usual, JSC "Cauchuk", COJSC "Sterlitamack Petrochemical Plant", OJSC "Tuymazytehuglerod", OJSC "UZEMIK" had worked hard." said in Russian? In Russian: Как всегда, здесь продуктивно поработали АО "Каучук", ЗАО "Стерлитамакский нефтехимический завод", ОАО "Туймазытехуглерод", ОАО "УЗЭМИК". How is "The key driver, and a major determinant of growth, in developing regions is intra-industry trade, mostly of parts and components." said in Russian? In Russian: Важнейшим фактором и основным детерминантом роста в развивающихся регионах является внутриотраслевая торговля, в основном частями и компонентами. How is "David Mirkin" said in Russian?
In Russian: Миркин, Дэвид
sirens sounded across israel on monday morning , bringing life to a standstill as millions of israelis observed a moment of silence to honor the memory of the victims of the holocaust . A summary about the text above: as siren sounds in israel millions pause to pay respect to holocaust victims `` louise bourgeois : femme '' is a show about long-buried feelings that keep getting dug up . A summary about the text above: louise bourgeois femme mystique ailing russian president boris yeltsin should hand over power now rather than cling onto office while the country drifts into chaos , former soviet president mikhail gorbachev said sunday . A summary about the text above: ailing yeltsin should relinquish power now says gorbachev reaching a final global warming treaty will be impossible this year , but the principles of a deal must be settled at a conference in december , the u.n. 's top climate official said wednesday . A summary about the text above:
un climate chief doubts full treaty this year
Some text: Il faut également noter la pression à laquelle la déformation n'est plus totalement réversible.
 4. Translate to English. Translation: The pressure at which deformation is no longer completely reversible should be recorded.
 4. Some text: C’est pourquoi la Commission a proposé, dans le cadre du règlement financier révisé, d’étendre la base de données des entreprises exclues de manière à ce qu’elle puisse également être utilisée par les États membres, parallèlement aux autres partenaires impliqués dans l’administration des fonds communautaires. Translate to English. Translation: For this reason, the Commission has proposed within the framework of the revised Financial Regulation to extend the database of excluded firms so that Member States can use it too, along with the other partners involved in administering Community funds. Some text: Néanmoins, il ressort des conclusions de la présidence du Conseil européen du 18 juin dernier que celui-ci considère désormais le combat contre le terrorisme comme ressortissant exclusivement à l’espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice, ce qui limite considérablement la portée d’une application anticipée de la clause de solidarité. Translate to English. Translation:
This issue lies at the heart of collective defence and is therefore part of WEU’s "residual" responsibilities.
How is "The Ekazent Schönbrunn is only a few metres away from Schönbrunn Palace. It offers excellent transport connections to the inner city and very spacious rooms (approx." said in Russian? Отель Ekazent Schönbrunn расположен буквально в нескольких метрах от дворца Шёнбрунн. How is "Trachtenberg system" said in Russian? Метод Трахтенберга How is "June 1, 2007, the Volunteer Club organized a chalk-drawing contest in the Central Park, Shymkent." said in Russian? 1 июня 2007 г. волонтерами был проведен конкурс рисунков на асфальте в "Центральном" парке г. Шымкент. How is "They have been accelerated by detonation products of explosive till kilometers speeds." said in Russian?
Давление слоевые создавалось ударом металлических из ударников, разогнанных и до километровых скоростей продуктами детонации взрывчатого вещества.
Pane Gellere, prosím. In English? xxxxx Mr. Galler, please! Možná si to nemyslíš, ale zrovna to děláš. In English? xxxxx Oh, come on! Řekni Mikeovi, ať si nedělá starosti s tou schůzkou. In English? xxxxx
Well, of course he's going.
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Dans la catégorie Langues et acquisition / apprentissage, que nous considérons comme une catégorie transversale, nous n’avons pas ressenti la nécessité de distinguer entre acquisition / apprentissage d’éléments phonologiques, de fonctions pragmatiques, de régularités de registre en fonction du milieu social… Nous référons par les descripteurs évoqués sous ce point à l’aspect déclaratif d’une compétence majeure, celle de savoir apprendre. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Tableau de bord de la visite et de la durée de la visite (WebTrends) Afficher l'image pleine dimension -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: • Selon nous, Parcs Canada doit agir comme chef de file et améliorer les communications à une échelle régionale plus vaste. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
Il devrait être exclu de pouvoir redéployer des armes nucléaires dont le statut est actuellement non opérationnel, car il serait alors impossible de se fier aux chiffres et aux statistiques sur les réductions des armements nucléaires. -+-+-+-
Tweet: I miss Supernatural Sentiment: negative Tweet: @trampled Hope you feel better soon. Sentiment: negative Tweet: If you get a hot bit on your keyboard,it's only me,ironing and tweeting at the same time.Who said men can't multi-task Sentiment: positive Tweet: @nolis isn't it sad I hate it every time Sentiment:
Question: În schimb, le-aş cere statelor membre să ia în calcul posibilitatea de a lua alte măsuri, care să le permită femeilor să alăpteze în continuare, chiar şi după cele 18 săptămâni de concediu de maternitate. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Instead I would rather call on the Member States to consider the possibility of taking other measures enabling women to keep on breast-feeding even after their 18 weeks of maternity leave. Question: Oficialii din Serbia şi Kosovo spun că ţările lor sunt pregătite să înceapă discuţiile. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Officials in both Serbia and Kosovo say their countries are prepared to begin talks. Question: Pe scurt, Comisia speră că planul de gestionare a deşeurilor pentru regiunea Campania este unul convingător. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: In brief, the Commission is hoping that the waste management plan for Campania is convincing. Question: Lipsa curentului electric nu este o noutate în Tirana. Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
Lack of electric power is not new in Tirana.
input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: У Вакарчука конкурентов нет, всю пятерку он обыгрывает на раз. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Здесь мы хотели бы обратиться к малым и средним предприятиям, которые больше не могут обойтись без использования ИТ-приборов. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Его дочь Джейн, обеспокоенная исчезновением отца, обнаружила в его вещах странные древние свитки. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer:
Возможно изменение увеличения прицела D941 поворотом кольца от 3,85 до 7,7 крат.
Problem: L'objectif principal de ces réunions était de promouvoir la Déclaration de Genève auprès des États de ces régions et de les sensibiliser aux corrélations entre violence armée et problèmes de développement durable. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Ajoutons également que, dans le cas des parcs territoriaux, les informations de base n’ pas été ont clairement communiquées (par ex: nombre de parcs?). Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Choquante aussi est l’industrie des fleurs à destination des occidentaux (qui d’autre a envie de recevoir des fleurs mortes pour fêter une occasion?). Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: El actor Juan Margallo se ha convertido en nuevo embajador de la candidatura de Cáceres a Capital Europea de la Cultura 2016. Which language is this? +++++ Language:
Je to tady jako někde v Playboyi. Which language is this? Language: Czech A očividně Tony se jedním stává. Which language is this? Language: Czech Protože je to taková situace jako "potřebuju ho dneska". Which language is this? Language: Czech Velice zajímavé. Which language is this? Language:
Q: Translate "And there's only one book-- that's the Bible." to Czech? A: A je tu pouze jedna kniha a to je Bible. Q: Translate "(b) Comparison (17)" to Czech? A: b) Srovnání (17) Q: Translate "Guess they didn't like the mummy." to Czech? A:
Takže Frank musel být v Ashleyině kanceláři... ... někdy před tím,než byl zavražděn.
Problem: Le WP.29 a noté qu'aucune nouvelle proposition n'avait été transmise. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Grâce à l'étroite relation que le Centre de guerre navale des Forces canadiennes (CGNFC) entretient avec la Marine américaine en matière d'instruction, l'échange de renseignements avec la Marine américaine a été facilité. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: • Prenez rendez-vous chez le professionnel médical ou dentaire approprié le plus proche Si une prestation vous est refusée, vous pouvez porter la décision en appel. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Parallèlement à l'augmentation de la participation des pays, la coopération entre partenaires s'est également développée. Which language is this? +++++ Language:
Q: What is the solution? Solve 6 = -3*t + 6 for t. A: 0 Q: What is the solution? Solve 715*y = 356*y + 358*y + 32 for y. A: 32 Q: What is the solution? Solve 40*h + 7982 - 22745 - 32937 = 490*h for h. A:
Q: Write a positive tweet. A: @mileycyrus - you´re so beautiful! congratulations miley Q: Write a positive tweet. A: @SilentHitoshura I agree Quite looking forward to it, been a while since I wanted to play a wii game! Q: Write a positive tweet. A: @nik_j08 I Entertain others with My Facebook Status Updates and my Drunk Tweets I also entertain the ladies with my Charming Personality Q: Write a negative tweet. A:
@Alexyz_Danine awww booboo I kno the feeling. just remember everything happens for a reason!!
How is "Mr President, Commissioner, I am taking the floor once again on behalf of my fellow Member, Mr Dominique Souchet, who was the other draftsman in the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development and who worked on the fiscal aspects." said in German? Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin, diesmal ergreife ich das Wort im Namen meines Kollegen Dominique Souchet, der der andere Verfasser der Stellungnahme des mitberatenden Ausschusses für Landwirtschaft zu den steuerlichen Aspekten war. How is "Nor was this peculiar to Egypt." said in German? Für die Mönche der Wüste haben die Worte der Schrift – ebenso wie übrigens auch die die Worte der Altväter – stets die begrenzte Dimension der jeweiligen Begebenheit, in der diesem einzelnen Wort zuerst begegnete und erkannte, was es bedeutete, überschritten. Ein solches „Wort“ ließ ein Universum von Bedeutung aufstrahlen, in das sie dann einzutreten versuchten. How is "Mr President, I briefly want to congratulate the rapporteurs, Mr Rocard and Mr Vecchi." said in German? Herr Präsident, ich werde nur wenige Minuten in Anspruch nehmen, um die Berichterstatter, Herrn Rocard und Herrn Vecchi, zu beglückwünschen. How is "Of course, if anything goes wrong, everyone who is TBTF – and who has lent to TBTF firms – expects to receive government protection." said in German?
Wenn etwas schiefläuft, erwarten selbstverständlich alle, die Too Big to Fail sind oder Kredite an TBTF-Firmen vergeben haben, von der Regierung geschützt zu werden.
[Q]: Můžeš ji, prosím, z toho vynechat? Translate this to English? [A]: You think you could leave her out of this ? [Q]: Dále zraněn v slabinách, a v abdominální oblasti, nenastalo ale vnitřní krvácení. Translate this to English? [A]: He was wounded in the groin - - and in the abdomen, but there was no internal bleeding. [Q]: Jsou na ní rybičky. Translate this to English? [A]:
Little fishies on it.
Question: Summarize this: the oscar organization has announced the first academy awards of the year , honoring scientific and technical advancements in filmmaking . Answer: technical oscars for animation software camera innovations Question: Summarize this: there is a message for john silber in the us supreme court decision this week rejecting a challenge to the distribution of condoms in the falmouth , mass. public schools : in a democracy , you do n't always get your own way . Answer: spoiled silber faces new rules Question: Summarize this: when it comes to recruiting , east carolina baseball coach keith leclair has n't had to go far from home to get some of his best talent . Answer:
north carolina high school a pipeline for ecu
What are the keywords in the following sentence? tree growing on top of a temple grow, top, tree What are the keywords in the following sentence? A plate of hotdogs, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob cob, corn, hotdog, plate What are the keywords in the following sentence? love how this band fits with the engagement ring band, love, ring What are the keywords in the following sentence? the image of an owl with hat and glasses .
glass, hat, image
Q: negative A: Despite appearing like some sort of American style diner (and it does look quite cool), City Restaurant is very British. Whilst small, seemingly nothing-special joints like this in the States might actually serve fantastic bagels or waffles or whatever, in Britain they tend to serve standard greasy chips. I think there is maybe some problem involving lack of pride or something. City Restaurant really isn't that bad a place. It's clean enough, friendly enough, it's not exactly expensive. But I'm put off by the quality of the food. Maybe it's because I'm too concerned about what goes into my body that I can't appreciate a place like this. I also find it hard to find great options as a vegetarian although their baked potatoes aren't half bad. There is still some charm to be had here, but some added homely family style cooking, or some quirky speciality wouldn't go amiss. Q: positive A: From time to time I find myself wandering into Headquarters after placing an order at El Pollo Supremo. They've got a great selection of smoking accoutrement, hookah stuff (their shisha's supposedly really good), and lots of fun merch. Since I'm no longer pursuing an undergraduate degree in anthropology, I really don't have any reason to frequent a headshop. (Minds out of the gutter, it was ethnographic research...honest.) But it's a fun way to pass the time if you find yourself in this plaza with an extra couple of minutes. There's always some kind of deal going on with the non-smoke merchandise. Buy one get one posters/sunglasses/shirts/etc. The same thing can be said for the pipes and such but I've failed to take notice of what exactly they were. If nothing else, you should stop by just to see some of the showpieces they have on display. Some of them are so intricate that I have a really hard time believing they're blown glass! Most of their merchandise is a bit classier than the Rastachouli garbage you'll pay out the nose for at the smokeshops on Mill. No fantasy land dragon-shaped ashtrays and forty dollar tie dyed tees. (Although there will always be the requisite Marley merchandise!) I've bought a pair of nice sunglasses here for dirt cheap in the past and some of their apparel is pretty reasonably priced. Compared to the competition up Mill, this place has a really good vibe going. Trails and Hippie Gypsy often reek so hard of nag champa and corporate shame that it's hard to stomach them, even at passing whiff. This place is really bright and colorful, managing to steer clear of the burnout/aging hippie vibe. Way classier than the liquor-porn-a-crack-pipe palooza that is DJ's and other smaller dingy shops. The staff is really helpful as well, managing to be present and ready without being overly intrusive and dead set on the sell. So if you're checking out Eastside Records or waiting for your chicken order next door, swing by Headquarters. You might be presently surprised. Q: positive A: Seriously I had the best time at the lazy river. Probably the best out of my whole Vegas trip. All my friends were here, we grabbed some drinks from the bar. Also note: you can sneak in drinks in your bag. Towels are located in the front, as soon as you walk in. Tons of lounge chairs all over the place. You can hear the music blasting from Wet Republic, located over the wall. Restrooms were overall clean. It was like walking around in a continuous party. I was making friends left and right. We happened to be there the weekend of 4th of July, also a UFC fight weekend. It was super busy, but not in a bad way. I wish that I had more time to go back to the pool, it was a magical moment. Q: negative A:
Not a 5 star experience for me - the greek salad and meatloaf sandwich i ordered were average (zero culinary expertise with either of these) and it was pricey!! The bread that came with the salad was good, as was the cookie , but I can not see myself coming back here. Not a neighborhood 'gem' for me.
Question: Как передавал Телеграф, основатель финансовой пирамиды "МММ" Сергей Мавроди 16 апреля заявил, что среди белорусских вкладчиков началась настоящая паника, что вынуждает его вводить "режим спокойствия" и ограничить выплаты. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: As Telegraf previously reported, founder of the financial pyramid "MMM" Sergei Mavrodi said on April 16 that Belarusian investors started panicking, forcing him to enter the "mode of tranquility" and to limit the payments. Question: Тегеранская фондовая биржа Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Tehran Stock Exchange Question: В июле 1937 года началась вторая японо-китайская война. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: In July 1937, the second Sino-Japanese War broke out. Question: В таких странах, как Бахрейн, Иордания, Марокко и Катар, осуществляются реформы, соответствующие местным условиям. Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
In countries such as Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, and Qatar, reform is under way, taking shape according to different local circumstances.
Q: negative A: @jeremylenzo if we're super duper friends, why are you not coming to MA on the new tour? Q: negative A: @tommygirl78 I'm hoping Jimmy isn't involved! That would suck. So sad about the Sheriff. Q: positive A:
@ninasplayground thanks.
Q: "Sources 2002 North American Indigenous Games Host Society, (Winnipeg) Inc., "North American Indigenous Games Presentation Video"

2002 North American Indigenous Games Host Society, (Winnipeg) Inc., Web site 
" to French **** A: (Ancien Cecil Desjarlais, Co-président, Manitoba Aboriginal Sport and Recreation Council) Sources Société hôte des Jeux autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord 2002, (Winnipeg) Inc., « North American Indigenous Games Presentation Video » Société hôte des Jeux autochtones de l’Amérique du Nord 2002, (Winnipeg) Inc., site Web Q: "It is essential that the common agricultural policy take appropriate action in response to climate change, promoting better resource management." to French **** A: Il est crucial que la politique agricole commune prenne des mesures appropriées face au changement climatique, en promouvant une meilleure gestion des ressources. Q: "The prevailing and strongly held view, however, was that over the years of extensive negotiations the Working Group had eventually achieved a workable balance between the interests of shippers and carriers and that the draft article represented the best compromise that could be arrived at." to French **** A: L'avis dominant et fermement défendu a toutefois été que le Groupe de travail, après des années de longues négociations, avait fini par trouver un équilibre viable entre les intérêts des chargeurs et ceux des transporteurs et que le projet d'article représentait le meilleur compromis auquel il était possible de parvenir. Q: "Thus, before trying to build incentives to work, the project had to remove disincentives to taking training." to French **** A:
Ainsi, avant de commencer à inspirer une motivation à travailler, le programme devait éliminer la démotivation relative à la formation.
Choose your answer. Switching to Linux picks up steam Survey from The Yankee Group shows cautious corporate interest in moving desktop and server systems to Linux. Which topic is this article about? Science/Tech Choose your answer. Typhoon Forces Evacuation in Philippines (AP) AP - A powerful typhoon sliced through the Philippines Friday, forcing more than 160,000 people to flee their homes to higher ground even as rescuers struggled to find the missing from an earlier storm that killed more than 420 people. Which topic is this article about? World Choose your answer. Irish ready for fired-up Mich. State EAST LANSING, Mich. -- Notre Dame #39;s 28-20 victory over Michigan last Saturday set off a huge celebration as thousands of students joined the Irish players on field to form an impromptu mosh pit. Which topic is this article about? Sports Choose your answer. Science teacher receives award Linda Coyle, a science teacher at Mountain Trail Middle School in the Paradise Valley Unified School District, was recently named Arizona Middle School Science Teacher of the Year by the Arizona Science Teachers Association. Which topic is this article about?
Problem: the health authorities in zimbabwe have intercepted envelopes suspected of containing anthrax and closed down a city post office after two workers fell ill , the state-controlled herald newspaper reported on tuesday . What is a very short summary of the above text? ++++++++++ A: zimbabwe intercepts envelopes thought to contain anthrax Problem: canadian stocks tumbled for a third day as investors and analysts weighed the impact of slowing asian economies on corporate profit growth this year . What is a very short summary of the above text? ++++++++++ A: canada stocks extend losses ; asian turmoil damps profit outlook Problem: chinese president hu jintao left here for home on saturday after concluding his three-day state visit to kenya . What is a very short summary of the above text? ++++++++++ A:
chinese president concludes kenya visit
How is "I voted in favour of this proposal for a directive which requires manufacturers to reduce the CO2 emissions of vans and other commercial vehicles within the next decade." said in Czech? In Czech: Hlasovala jsem ve prospěch tohoto návrhu směrnice, která ukládá výrobcům povinnost snížit v průběhu příštího desetiletí emise CO2 u dodávek a dalších užitkových vozidel. How is "You're very intelligent." said in Czech? In Czech: Mám vaše latinium, jestli si jej chcete přepočítat. How is "You'il think about me once in a while?" said in Czech? In Czech: Budeš na mě čas od času vzpomínat? How is "I'll tell you what, you close your eyes and start counting and I'll be right back with your gift !" said in Czech?
In Czech: Já ti nevím. Vypadá jako hodnej kluk. Takže, ty a Casey, co?
hillary rodham clinton blasted violent movies and television shows wednesday -- comparing some less responsible tv programmers to tobacco company executives -- and vowed to use the white house `` as a bully pulpit '' in raising the visibility of america 's cultural riches . A summary about the text above: clinton unveils push for u.s. art culture thousands of bikers were sunday planning to roar across the un - patrolled buffer zone dividing the mediterranean island of cyprus , with greek-cypriot security forces on full alert amid fears of violent clashes . A summary about the text above: bikers plan to breach un buffer zone on cyprus the security council voted unanimously monday to keep its peacekeeping force in lebanon for another six months . A summary about the text above: u.n. extends lebanon mission iaaf president lamine diack said on friday that he extended special welcome to ethiopian athlete kenenisa bekele . A summary about the text above:
iaaf president extends special welcome to bekele
Ebenfalls anführen möchte ich, dass wir seit 2002 Versuchsmaßnahmen erarbeiten, mit denen die Musik- und Buchindustrie unterstützt werden soll. Which language is this? Language: German Das muss auch die UNO beachten: Letztes Jahr wurde in Mexikocity eine Kampagne auf U-Bahntickets (!) lanciert, die auf das Adoptionsrecht von homosexuellen Paaren abzielte. Which language is this? Language: German Nachfolgend sehen Sie die Gästebewertungen von Hotel Schloss Lebenberg . Which language is this? Language: German Es ist auch nicht so gut für die Artenvielfalt, wenn der Saal so unzureichend klimatisiert ist. Which language is this? Language:
Q: L'adoption de la proposition de M. Zahradil a rouvert le débat sur l'importance de l'indication de l'origine des produits originaires de pays tiers en tant que mesure visant à mettre en œuvre une politique commerciale qui puisse éviter que le marché ne soit perturbé par la poussée des importations étrangères, et visant à clarifier l'environnement législatif complexe qui ne facilite pas le développement des petites et moyennes entreprises. Could you please translate this to English? A: The adoption of Mr Zahradil's proposal has reopened the debate on the importance of origin marking for products from third countries, as a measure designed to implement a trade policy that can prevent market disturbances due to a rise in foreign imports, and to sort out the complicated legislative environment that today makes it difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises to develop. Q: g) Statistiques des prix Could you please translate this to English? A: (g) Price statistics Q: L’Institut national de recherche sur les eaux (Centre canadien des eaux intérieures [CCEI]) d’Environnement Canada a effectué une surveillance de la radioactivité des eaux de surface du Canada de 1973 jusqu’au milieu des années 1980. Could you please translate this to English? A: The National Water Research Institute (Canada Centre for Inland Waters [CCIW]) of Environment Canada monitored radioactivity in Canadian surface waters from 1973 to the mid1980s. Q: Le 26 mai, Jour de l’indépendance (1918) Géorgien, russe, arménien, azéri Could you please translate this to English? A:
May 26, Independence Day (1918) Georgian, Russian, Armenian, Azeri, other
[Q]: Ty už si poradíš. Translate this to English? [A]: Know what I'm sayin', babe? [Q]: Míň. Translate this to English? [A]: Less! [Q]: Radši už na to nemysli. Translate this to English? [A]:
You best forget about it, Luke.
[Q]: Brennanův nevlastní bratr… …a myslím, že bych mohl pomoci s tím „Pan-Pam“ dilema. Translate this to English? [A]: I'm Brennan's stepbrother... ...and I think I might be able to help with the Pan-Pam dilemma. [Q]: Benín Translate this to English? [A]: Benin [Q]: Článek 1 Pro 5. individuální veřejné nabídkové řízení v souladu s nařízením (ES) č. 214/2001, pro které vypršela časová lhůta na předložení nabídek dne 12. října 2004, se stanovuje minimální prodejní cena odstředěného mléka ve výši 192,10 EUR/100 kg. Translate this to English? [A]:
Article 1 For the 5th individual invitation to tender pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 214/2001, in respect of which the time limit for the submission of tenders expired on 12 October 2004, the minimum selling price for skimmed milk is fixed at 192,10 EUR/100 kg.
Input: Hoping to rebound from their loss to the Rams, the Broncos returned home for an AFC duel against the Miami Dolphins — the Broncos' first home game in exactly one month. The Dolphins grabbed the early lead, with running back Daniel Thomas rushing for a 3-yard touchdown. The Broncos subsequently got on the scoreboard, with a 38-yard field goal by placekicker Brandon McManus. The Dolphins added to their lead early in the second quarter, with quarterback Ryan Tannehill rushing for a 1-yard touchdown. The Broncos cut into the Dolphins' lead, with quarterback Peyton Manning connecting on a 5-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Demaryius Thomas, however, the Dolphins responded, with Tannehill throwing a 10-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Mike Wallace. Another touchdown pass from Manning to Demaryius Thomas — from 14 yards out — narrowed the Dolphins' lead to 21-17 just before halftime. The Broncos drove to as far as the Dolphins' 7-yard line on the initial possession of the second half, but after Manning was sacked by Dolphins' linebacker Jelani Jenkins for an 8-yard loss, McManus missed on a 33-yard field goal attempt. After the Broncos' defense forced a Dolphins' punt, return specialist Isaiah Burse fumbled deep in Broncos' territory, giving the football back to the Dolphins. Four plays later, Tannehill connected with wide receiver Jarvis Landry on a 5-yard touchdown pass to give the Dolphins a 28-17 lead at the 2:15 mark of the third quarter. The Broncos then reeled off 22 unanswered points. Early in the fourth quarter, Manning threw his third touchdown pass of the game to Demaryius Thomas — from 5 yards out — coupled with a two-point conversion pass to wide receiver Emmanuel Sanders. After forcing a Dolphins' punt, the Broncos grabbed their first lead of the game at the 5:05 mark of the fourth quarter, with running back C. J. Anderson rushing for a 10-yard touchdown. On the third play of the Dolphins' next possession, Tannehill was intercepted by Broncos' safety T. J. Ward, who advanced the football all the way to the Dolphins' 8-yard line. Two plays later, Manning threw a 2-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Wes Welker to increase the Broncos' lead to 39-28 with 3:17 remaining in the fourth quarter. The Dolphins attempted a rally, with Tannehill connecting on a 1-yard touchdown pass to Landry, coupled with running back Lamar Miller rushing for a two-point conversion, with 1:37 remaining in the game. However, the Dolphins' onside kick attempt was unsuccessful, and the Broncos subsequently ran out the clock. Demaryius Thomas' streak of 100-yard receiving games ended at seven games, one shy of the NFL record that was set by Detroit Lions' wide receiver Calvin Johnson in 2012. Question: How many of Manning's four touchdown passes were thrown to Demaryius Thomas? Input: Hungarian language is the official language and predominant spoken language in Hungary. Hungarian is the Languages of Europe with around 13 million native speakers and it is one of 24 official and working languages of the European Union. Outside Hungary it is also spoken by communities of Hungarian people in neighbouring countries and by Hungarian diaspora communities worldwide. According to the 2011 census, 9,896,333 people (99.6%) speak Hungarian in Hungary, of whom 9,827,875 people (99%) speak it as a first language, while 68,458 people (0.7%) speak it as a second language. English (1,589,180 speakers, 16.0%), and German (1,111,997 speakers, 11.2%) are the most widely spoken foreign languages, while there are several recognized minority languages in Hungary (Armenian language, Bulgarian language, Croatian language, German language, Greek language, Romanian language, Romani language, Rusyn language, Serbian language, Slovak language, Slovenian language, and Ukrainian language). Question: How many more people speak Hungarian as a first language that those that speak English? Input: The Seahawks' tenth game was an NFC duel with the Saints. In the first quarter the Seahawks took the lead as kicker Olindo Mare hit a 20-yard field goal; but the Saints pulled ahead after RB Chris Ivory got a 1-yard TD run. The lead narrowed in the 2nd quarter by Mare getting a 43-yard field goal, but the Seahawks fell further behind when QB Drew Brees made a 23 and a 3-yard TD pass to WR Marques Colston and WR Robert Meachem respectively. The Seahawks cut the lead again after QB Matt Hasselbeck got a 2-yard TD pass to WR Ben Obomanu; but the Saints replied with Brees throwing a 22-yard TD pass to Colston. The Seahawks tried to cut the lead with Mare hitting a 43-yard field goal. The lead extended in the third quarter with Brees finding Meachem again on a 32-yard TD pass. The Seahawks made the only score of the fourth quarter with Mare making a 20-yard field goal; however, the Saints' defense closed off any more chances. Question: How many touchdowns were scored longer than 20 yards, but shorter than 30 yards? Input: Hoping to rebound from their divisional road loss to the Chiefs, the Broncos went home for a Week 5 interconference duel with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. In the first quarter, Denver trailed early as Bucs kicker Matt Bryant got a 33-yard field goal. In the second quarter, the Broncos took the lead as kicker Matt Prater got a 55-yard and a 40-yard field goal. Tampa Bay would tie the game at halftime as Bryant kicked a 31-yard field goal. In the third quarter, Denver took a big lead as QB Jay Cutler completed a 10-yard TD pass to WR Brandon Stokley. In the fourth quarter, the Broncos increased its lead as Prater nailed a 27-yard field goal. The Buccaneers would try to rally as QB Jeff Garcia completed a 7-yard TD pass to WR Ike Hilliard. Fortunately, Denver recovered the onside kick and drained the clock. Question:
Which team scored more field goals in the second quarter?
Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve -92 = 27*h + 70 for h. answer: -6 Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve -84*y - 4*y - 724 - 1212 = 0 for y. answer: -22 Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve -52 = -24*j + 11*j for j. answer: 4 Write down the solution for this math problem: Solve 9*c - 86 + 59 = 0 for c. answer:
Write an article based on this summary: Drivers in the early stages of dementia could be posing a risk to the public, doctors are warning. +++++++ A: Derbyshire GP Dr Peter Holden will call for a review of the issue at the British Medical Association's annual conference on Tuesday. He says vehicles can be a "lethal weapon" in the hands of people who no longer have the ability to drive properly. He says the current rules and guidance to doctors are out of date. Everyone has to self-declare whether they are fit to drive at the age of 70 and every three years thereafter. Although if they have a medical condition, such as epilepsy, they are required to notify the DVLA. Doctors are asked to help regulate the system by asking patients about their driving abilities if they have concerns. But Dr Holden said the current system was too one-dimensional, relying on specific diagnoses or on impairment to the senses. He said there was a risk that people with the early stages of dementia "slip through the net". Dr Holden added that doctors are increasingly seeing older patients who are driving by rote. "They stop driving at night, then on motorways, then they go to great lengths not to do right turns," he said. "But we all know there are times when we need quick reflexes when driving. "It is a complex task that requires good psycho-motor skills," he added. However Andrew White, medical adviser to the Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), said it was important to strike "the right balance between safety and personal mobility". "All drivers must ensure that they are medically fit to drive and notify DVLA of the onset or worsening of a medical condition affecting this," he said. And George McNamara, of the Alzheimer's Society, said there was a danger of "scaremongering". "A dementia diagnosis is not in itself a reason to stop driving," he argued. "The critical issue, both legally and practically, is whether an individual is able to drive safely." However he conceded that more guidance on this issue was needed. Write an article based on this summary: Take a look at this newborn Humboldt Penguin. +++++++ A: 17 June 2015 Last updated at 14:31 BST It's the second chick from mum, Cora and dad, Bigglesworth who is now 23 and the oldest penguin at Chessington. He's been keeping a constant watch to try to protect the nest. The colony of penguins moved into a new enclosure in March. Keeper Nick Tulley said: ''The transition into the new enclosure was so smooth and the penguin couples all settled back into their original nests. It is rare to see a successful birth happen so quickly.'' Write an article based on this summary: An Indian state school says one of its teachers has been absent for 23 years of her 24-year career. +++++++ A:
Sangeeta Kashyap was recruited as a biology teacher in the central state of Madhya Pradesh in 1990. School authorities say they do not know when she was last paid a salary, but she is still listed as an employee. State education officials told the BBC the teacher would be removed from her post. She is thought to have set an Indian record for staff absenteeism. Ms Kashyap spent her first year teaching in a school in the town of Dewas, after which she took three years of leave. In 1994, she was transferred to a school in the city of Indore but then applied for maternity leave and has never turned up for work. Letters sent by the school to her address have remained unanswered, Sushma Vaishya, principal of the Government Ahilya Ashram School in Indore, said. An education department official said they had written to education authorities in the state capital, Bhopal, to have Ms Kashyap removed from her post. "I have no idea why nothing was done. We are writing to them again to remove her," Sanjay Goel told BBC Hindi's Shuraih Niyaazi. The school is allowed to have three biology teachers, but only two are filled - with the third held by the absentee teacher. Correspondents say absenteeism is a pervasive problem in government-run schools in India. A World Bank study in 2004 found that 25% of teachers were absent from school, and only about half were present during unannounced visits to government primary schools. Ms Kashyap's whereabouts remain unknown and she has not commented on the reports about her in the Indian press. It is also not clear why she did not return to work or if she has been working elsewhere - correspondents say the fact her post remained empty for so long says little for the competence of education officials.
How is "And that means he can't breathe, so isn't he going to die?" said in Czech? To znamená, že nemůže dýchat. Takže on umře? How is "Got to puke." said in Czech? Vyzvracet se. How is ""Raistlin," he said in a soft, whining whisper." said in Czech? „Raistline,” pravil tichým kňouravým hlasem. How is "No, watch it!" said in Czech?
Ne, kookaj na nás!
Q: Solve: Solve -5268 = -488*r - 3572 - 23569 - 23999 for r. A: -94 Q: Solve: Solve -553 + 31 = 87*r for r. A: -6 Q: Solve: Solve -18*c + 425 = -72*c + 37*c for c. A:
How is "Thus, we should bear all this in mind and it is therefore incumbent on us to support this directive." said in German? Folglich sollten wir all das im Hinterkopf behalten und diese Richtlinie dringend unterstützen. How is "Sydney club member Gerry Rihs says his club is pleased to support projects that help reduce poverty and promote universal primary education." said in German? Gerry Rihs vom Rotary Club Sydney sagt, sein Club sei sehr davon angetan, Projekte unterstützen zu können, die zur Minderung von Armut beitragen und eine universelle Grundschulausildung fördern. How is "   Mr President, this is wrong: you give the floor to someone who was supposed to speak in favour of the proposal, and here he is speaking against it." said in German?    Herr Präsident, das geht nicht: Sie erteilen jemandem das Wort, der zugunsten des Vorschlags sprechen wollte, und jetzt spricht sich er dagegen aus. How is "Description : A star brush which makes marvellous scintillating stars...." said in German?
Beschreibung : A star brush which makes marvellous scintillating stars....
[Q]: "See also, Assenov and Others v. Bulgaria, Judgment of 28 October 1998, para." --> French? [A]: Voir également Assenov et consorts c. Bulgarie, arrêt du 28 octobre 1998, par. 102. [Q]: "The following areas of international cooperation have been identified:" --> French? [A]: Les domaines de coopération internationale ci-après ont été identifiés : [Q]: "REASONS FOR JUDGMENT 
(Delivered from the Bench at Toronto, Ontario, 
on March 31, 2004) 
 EVANS J.A.: [1] This is an application for judicial review on behalf of the Minister of Human Resources Development Canada to set aside a decision of an Umpire, dated April 4, 2003, to allow Omar Valladolid's appeal from a Board of Referees." --> French? [A]:
(Prononcés à l'audience à Toronto (Ontario), 
le 31 mars 2004) 
 LE JUGE EVANS : [1] Il s'agit d'une demande de contrôle judiciaire déposée pour le compte du ministre de Développement des ressources humaines Canada en vue d'obtenir l'annulation de la décision datée du 4 avril 2003 dans laquelle un juge-arbitre a fait droit à l'appel interjeté par Omar Valladolid contre une décision d'un conseil arbitral.
Q: L'Annuaire des Nations Unies sera également commercialisé sous forme de CD-ROM. Could you please translate this to English? A: The Yearbook of the United Nations will also be made available for sale on CD-ROM. Q: Ce document oriente la formation de l’IIG et se base sur la reconnaissance de la nécessité d’une éducation postsecondaire appropriée pour répondre aux besoins des autochtones qui ne peuvent être satisfaits dans le seul cadre du « réseau régulier » de l’éducation postsecondaire. Could you please translate this to English? A: This document guides the development of the IIG and is based on the recognition of the need for culturally appropriate post-secondary education for Indigenous people, which cannot be solely met within the existing "mainstream" post-secondary infrastructure. Q: EileanHooper‐Greenhill 1994 Page | 35 Could you please translate this to English? A: Eilean Hooper-Greenhill 1994 Q: Current approaches to developing sediment quality criteria, Environ. Could you please translate this to English? A:
Current approaches to developing sediment quality criteria.
Jsem Kenneth Marshall. Má žena, Arlena. Which language is this? Language: Czech Konečně se domnívám, že tento případ skutečně ukazuje na naléhavou potřebu zabývat se fungováním WTO a proměnit ji v opravdu demokratickou instituci, jejíž postupy budou transparentní a jejíž členové budou zodpovědní. Which language is this? Language: Czech "Je příliš pozdě," odpověděla a její hlas zazněl pokojem tvrdě a oči se jí nepřirozeně zaleskly. Which language is this? Language: Czech Co jste to sakra chlapi provedli? Which language is this? Language:
Q: Translate "How do you know the Sheikh?" to Czech? Yes: Jak znáte šejka? Q: Translate "However, you must create an CrossRef account and add a new data source with your account information." to Czech? Yes: Musíte si však vytvořit účet u CrossRef a přidat nový datový zdroj s údaji o svém účtu. Q: Translate "Ralph sat on a fallen trunk, his left side to the sun." to Czech? Yes:
Ralph usedl na vyvrácený kmen, levou tváří k slunci.
Some text: Au plan intérieur, l'Italie a fait le maximum, en plaçant l'accent sur la formation du personnel, pour favoriser l'adoption d'instruments législatifs appropriés afin de remédier aux aspects illégaux de l'immigration et de la situation dans les prisons. Translate to English. Translation: Domestically, Italy has been extremely active in promoting the adoption of appropriate legislative instruments to regulate the illegal aspects of migration and the situation in prisons, with particular reference to staff training. Some text: k) La Convention sur l'élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l'égard des femmes (ratifiée en 1985); Translate to English. Translation: (k) Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (ratified in 1985); Some text: En d'autres termes, l'enjeu principal consiste à bâtir une appropriation conjointe (Ibid., p. 19). Translate to English. Translation:
Expressed another way, the issue is of establishing shared ownership (Ibid.: 7 or 15).
Q: "Since the condition of final payment for each contractor (author) is after peer review completion and the contractors' replies to the copy editors' queries, delayed submission by one author will affect the entire project." to French **** A: Comme les prestataires (auteurs) n'étaient payés en totalité que lorsque cet examen critique avait eu lieu et que, lorsqu'ils avaient répondu aux questions des préparateurs d'épreuves, un retard de la part d'un auteur avait des incidences sur toute la chaîne. Q: "In this case, argued Mr. Heidinger, the appellant could not, in June of 2003, have reasonably been expected to check the Publiservice website for notices of appointment when he had not been informed that he had been unsuccessful in the promotional process until September of 2003." to French **** A: En l'espèce, selon M. Heidinger, on ne pouvait raisonnablement s'attendre de la part de l'appelant qu'il aille, en juin 2003, vérifier les avis de nomination sur le site Web Publiservice puisqu'il n'a appris qu'en septembre 2003 que sa candidature avait été rejetée dans le cadre du processus de promotion. Q: "At the centre of the battle for its survival was a remarkably determined woman, Monique Bégin, then minister of national health and welfare." to French **** A: Au coeur de la bataille pour assurer sa survie, il y a eu une femme remarquablement déterminée, Monique Bégin, alors ministre de la Santé nationale et du Bien-être social. Q: "Accordingly, the Agency, pursuant to subsection 78(2) of the Canada Transportation Act (hereinafter the CTA), hereby varies Condition No. 2 of Air Canada's Licence No. 975033 to the extent necessary to allow Air Canada to provide services between Canada and Jamaica by selling transportation in its own name on flights operated by Air Jamaica between Toronto, Ontario, Canada and Kingston, Jamaica, from October 30, 2005 to April 1, 2006." to French **** A:
Par conséquent, l'Office, conformément au paragraphe 78(2) de la Loi sur les transports au Canada (ci-après la LTC), modifie par les présentes la condition no 2 de la licence no 975033 d'Air Canada de façon à lui permettre d'exploiter des services entre le Canada et la Jamaïque en vendant des services de transport en son nom sur les vols effectués par Air Jamaica entre Toronto (Ontario), Canada et Kingston, Jamaïque, du 30 octobre 2005 au 1er avril 2006.
test: Они лишь текущие страшилки. English? translation: They are just the current boogyman. test: Это будет достигнуто за счет повышения уровня обслуживания, минимизации издержек и улучшения инфраструктуры, управления и технологий экономически и экологически устойчивым образом. English? translation: This will be achieved by improving levels of service; minimizing costs; and improving infrastructure, management, and technology in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner. test: Krotkov/ОфСайд:Предрассудок English? translation: Prejudice test: Легли спать по местному времени поздно, но так как я привыкла к беларускому времени, это даже совсем не поздно. English? translation:
It was great! She said all her relatives died, she was alone but she loved the Lord so much that he gave her joy.
input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Pak jsem zavřel oči a vizualizoval jsem si, že mám 100 000$ v životním stylu s tím spojeným. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: A ani jednou jste jeho babičce nevyhrožoval? input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Ne dnes, pane, jen ne dnes! input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer:
Jehličí těchto stromů je prakticky nepoživatelné, takže les nepodporuje moc zvířecího života.
[Q]: Není vám nic chlapi? Translate this to English? [A]: You guys all right? [Q]: Warpovou rychlostza tři minuty, nebo jsme mrtví. Translate this to English? [A]: Scotty, I need warp speed in three minutes or we're all dead. [Q]: Vědí přesně, kde jsme. Translate this to English? [A]:
They know exactly where we are.
IN: French: In spite of this limitation, the survey constitutes one of the few rigorous sources of information on the tourist market for Canada’s festivals and cultural events. OUT: Malgré cette limitation, l’enquête constitue l’une des sources d’information les plus rigoureuses sur le marché touristique pour les festivals et les événements culturels au Canada. IN: French: The main reason why people are giving because someone asks. OUT: La raison principale pour laquelle les gens abandonnent parce que quelqu'un le demande. IN: French: These examples are not unique, and at the tactical level they result in a daily regimen of issues that lead on-scene commanders to question the doctrinal ranking of ‘mission – own troops – then self ’. OUT: Ces exemples ne sont pas uniques et suscitent au niveau tactique un ensemble quotidien de questions qui amène les commandants sur le terrain à remettre en question l’ordre des priorités qu’impose la doctrine : « d’abord votre mission, ensuite vos troupes et puis vous-même ». IN: French: (Loi) "corridor" means a path that is cut to accommodate a trail, water line, fuel line or power line. OUT:
(line) « corridor » Chemin déboisé aux fins de l'aménagement d'un sentier ou de l'installation d'une conduite d'eau, d'une conduite de carburant ou d'une ligne d'énergie électrique.
Q: Translate "Luke held his hands out, palms upward." to Czech? Yes: Luke pozvedl ruce s dlaněmi obrácenými vzhůru. Q: Translate "Get off her!" to Czech? Yes: Slezte z ní! Q: Translate "And you're not picking up your phone?" to Czech? Yes:
A nezvedal jsi telefon.
How is "Brussels, 16 October 2013." said in Czech? V Bruselu dne 16. října 2013 předseda Evropského hospodářského a sociálního výbor Henri MALOSSE ( 1 ) How is "It wasn't terrorists." said in Czech? Žádní teroristi. How is "I don't need that kind of help." said in Czech? Takovou pomoc od tebe nepotřebuji. How is "That's a long drive to see some nerds in a band," said in Czech?
Nemají rádi když lidé takhle o nich mluví.
Question: What is the solution? Solve 1692 = -68*d + 256*d for d. Answer: 9 Question: What is the solution? Solve -571*h - 3955 + 529 = 0 for h. Answer: -6 Question: What is the solution? Solve 778 = 71*r + 636 for r. Answer: 2 Question: What is the solution? Solve 40 = -22*t - 26 for t. Answer:
[Q]: Gul Hadar o tom pak neustále mluvil. Translate this to English? [A]: Gul Hadar couldn't stop talking about it. [Q]: Doktorka je na cestě. Translate this to English? [A]: Doctor's on the way [Q]: Hej, Alane? - Co? Translate this to English? [A]:
What could possibly distract you from driving out of the garage?
How is "Three slaps." said in Czech? In Czech: Tři facky. How is "This decision was appealed to the Supreme Court which referred the case back to the High Court for the purposes of making a preliminary reference." said in Czech? In Czech: Proti tomuto rozhodnutí byl podán opravný prostředek k Supreme Court, který věc vrátil High Court za účelem podání žádosti o rozhodnutí o předběžné otázce. How is "Kind of caught it yesterday at the career fair." said in Czech? In Czech: Včera jsem si toho trochu všimla. How is "So, I'm guessing you didn't join your dad's company then.." said in Czech?
In Czech: Takže jsi asi nenastoupila do firmy tvého otce..
How is "57 However, in so far as the contested decision seeks to replace the reference to Regulation No 1408/71 with a reference to Regulation No 883/2004, the latter having repealed the former, it should be noted that, from a substantive point of view, that decision makes it possible, in compliance with the commitments entered into by the parties to the EEA Agreement and with the level of integration already attained since its entry into force, to retain the extension of social rights to nationals of the States concerned as already intended and given effect to by the EEA Agreement since 1992." said in Czech? 57 Vzhledem k tomu, že cílem napadeného rozhodnutí je nahrazení odkazu na nařízení č. 1408/71 odkazem na nařízení č. 883/2004, protože posledně uvedeným nařízením bylo zrušeno nařízení č. 1408/71, je nutno zdůraznit, že toto rozhodnutí z věcného hlediska umožňuje v souladu se závazky přijatými smluvními stranami Dohody o EHP a s úrovní integrace dosaženou od vstupu této dohody v platnost nadále zachovat rozšíření sociálních práv ve prospěch občanů dotčených států tak, jak to Dohoda o EHP zamýšlela a prováděla již od roku 1992. How is "And you're going to undo this." said in Czech? Tak pryč s tou maškarádou. How is "The national plan shall apply to existing installations only (Article 6(1))." said in Czech? Národní plán se musí vztahovat pouze na stávajících zařízení (čl. 6 odst. 1). How is "Basically, so am I." said in Czech?
V podstatì... mì taky.
Problem: Vous pourrez gagner le cœur de Paris en 30 minutes grâce aux trains du RER B. La gare est située à proximité de l'hôtel. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Il est important que les principaux utilisateurs de nos rapports soient associés au processus de vérification, qu'ils comprennent la nature et les objectifs de notre travail, et qu'ils comprennent nos rapports et fassent un suivi des questions qui leur sont présentées. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: Au Canada, dans le cadre d'une révision en cours de la réglementation en matière de radiodiffusion, le CRTC a déclaré ce qui suitxvii : « Ces réflexions portent à conclure qu'il est temps de délaisser la réglementation détaillée actuelle et d'adopter une nouvelle approche dynamique à l'égard des entreprises de distribution et des services de programmation facultatifs. Cette approche, qui doit chercher à réduire la réglementation au strict minimum tout en assurant la poursuite des objectifs de la Loi, doit se fier le plus possible aux forces du marché. Which language is this? +++++ Language: French Problem: A. Courtois c. le Canada L’affaire Courtois c. le Canada(40) ait ressortir certains des problèmes relatifs aux inscrits en vertu du projet de loi C-31 et à leur accès aux services fournis par la bande. Which language is this? +++++ Language:
Question: Im Bereich Middleware besteht langjährige Erfahrung mit OSS-Produkten auf breiter Basis. Im end-to-end Umfeld konzentriert sich die DCCS auf OpenSource ECM-Systeme wie Alfresco und Nuxeo. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: DCCS is owned by Guras Beteiligungsverwaltungs GmbH, an investment firm with focus on technology and principal office in Vienna. Question: Flughafenhotel Italien Rom Die Ursprünge des Palastes, in dem der Hotel Scandinavia zurück tief in der Zeit. Das Gebäude stammt aus dem Jahr 1000 und es wird gesagt, dass dies der Ort, an dem sehr Othello Desdemona erfüllt, der Mohr von Venedig. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: airport hotels Italy Rome In the Hotel there are 28 Suites which are all connected to an elegant living-room, a complete equipped kitchen, a romantic bedroom and a luxury bathroom. Question: Reservieren Sie Ihr Hotel in Madrid unter einer einzigartigen Auswahl von 'Hotels de Charme' und profitieren Sie über zahlreichen Sonderangeboten. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Book your hotel in Madrid among a unique selection of charming hotels and benefit from our great deals. Question: 4.Wir sind zu Teillieferungen und Teilleistungen innerhalb der vereinbarten Liefer- und Leistungsfristen berechtigt, wenn dies für den Kunden zumutbar ist. Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
4.We shall be entitled to deliver part deliveries and to render part services within the agreed periods for delivery and performance, if this is reasonable for the customer.
Q: Si l'on parvenait au cours des deux prochaines décennies à empêcher l'émission de toutes les SAO contenues dans les réserves, l'on parviendrait à éviter un forçage radiatif positif direct équivalent à environ 3 à 4 % de la totalité du forçage radiatif résultant de toutes les émissions de GES anthropiques durant la même période.... English? A: [If over the next two decades the emission of all ODSs in banks were prevented, the direct positive radiative forcing avoided would be equal to approximately 3 - 4% of the total radiative forcing from all anthropogenic GHG emissions over the same period.] Q: Après avoir supprimé les variations spectrales non pertinentes par un prétraitement des spectres avec un signal orthogonal, le calibrage des modèles de chaque lot donne un taux de classification similaire pour les nouveaux échantillons, indifféremment de la provenance et de l'année de la récolte.... English? A: [Once irrelevant spectral variations were removed by using OSC pretreatment, single-lot calibration models resulted in similar classification rates for the new samples irrespective of origin and year of collection.] Q: Nations Unies, Recueil des Traités, vol. 1946.... English? A:
[See United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1946.]
Q: Solve 32*c + 49219 - 46899 = -8*c for c. A: -58 Q: Solve -44 = 6*a - 14 for a. A: -5 Q: Solve 2*p + 116 = 114 for p. A: -1 Q: Solve -10*x + 3 = -x - 6 for x. A:
Problem: Math Problem Solve -38*i - i = 8*i - 2068 for i. A: 44 Problem: Math Problem Solve 338*x - 686*x + 297*x - 2067*x - 93192 = 0 for x. A: -44 Problem: Math Problem Solve -5*k - 7 = 3 for k. A:
Q: Recommandation du Comité des commissaires aux comptes : le Bureau a souscrit à la recommandation tendant à ce qu'il : a) prenne immédiatement des mesures pour recenser toutes les dépenses excédentaires; b) demande aux clients d'approuver des rallonges budgétaires pour couvrir ces dépassements; c) signale au Comité de coordination de la gestion les déficits non financés et leur impact sur la situation financière du Bureau; d) évalue les contrôles concernant les budgets des projets dans le cadre de l'analyse fonctionnelle du système Atlas, pour faire en sorte que des examens mensuels appropriés des budgets et des dépenses des projets soient établis. Could you please translate this to English? A: Recommendation of the Board of Auditors: UNOPS agreed with the recommendation that it (a) take immediate steps to identify all excess expenditures; (b) solicit additional budget approvals from clients to cover excess expenditure; (c) report unfunded deficits, as well as the impact on the financial position of UNOPS, to the Management Coordination Committee; and (d) as part of the Atlas business process analysis, evaluate controls related to project budgets to ensure that proper monthly review of project budgets and expenditure is completed Q: Prend note avec satisfaction du rapport établi1 par le Rapporteur du Comité spécial conformément à sa résolution du 9 juin 2003; Could you please translate this to English? A: Notes with satisfaction the report prepared by the Rapporteur of the Special Committee,1 in compliance with its resolution of 9 June 2003; Q: Il ne délie d'aucune responsabilité personnelle spécifique. Could you please translate this to English? A: It does not relieve those in positions of responsibility from their specific obligations. Q: Cette base de données devenant toujours plus perfectionnée et complexe, il est essentiel qu'un informaticien P-3 veille à son entretien. Could you please translate this to English? A:
As the database has become much more sophisticated and complex, a P-3 Information Technology Officer is vital for the proper maintenance and support of the system.
Q: negative A: @ThinkTings you're right. Sounds much better that way! Was reply to a twit but 4got to press reply! Cocktail Tuesday! Its 130& I'm awake Q: positive A: @jfjvaneijk It was indeed a nice ride. A friend of me said he wanna join next time. So next time to Muiden for a terrace and back Q: negative A:
felt I hurt somebody again, I'm so sorry about him
Text: france levelled fresh criticism at iran on wednesday , with the foreign minister pointing to disarray in the iranian leadership and hailing domestic opposition to its government . Summary: france sees disarray in iran 's leaders Text: boston researchers have developed a test that can identify minute amounts of tumor cells floating in the blood of cancer patients , a discovery that could lead to better treatments with fewer side effects . Summary: test can find tiny cancer cells in blood Text: copper rose for a sixth session tuesday as a weakening dollar sent investors in search of other assets seen as stable stores of value . Summary: copper rises for sixth day as dollar weakens Text: six people were killed with one injured when two trucks collided in east china ' zhejiang province early wednesday . Summary:
car collision kills six in east china