stringlengths 68
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input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Zmizel v postranní uličce.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Mluvíš nezodpovědně...
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Jen se snažím si představit toho mladého důstojníka, jak se urputně pouští do dvakrát tak velkého Nausicaana.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | Často, když se rozvášnil, odtáhla jeho tvář, držela ji mezi dlaněmi a hleděla mu do očí. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: What is the solution?
Solve 5401 = 8*a + 5449 for a.
A: -6
Q: What is the solution?
Solve -53*f = 7*f - 40*f for f.
A: 0
Q: What is the solution?
Solve -26*d = -34*d - 16 for d.
A: | -2 | 8 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Gib einfach Deine Email/Benutzernamen, Dein altes Passwort und (zweimal) Dein gewünschtes neues Passwort ein und drücke auf "Abschicken".
In English?
Enter your username/email-address, your old password and (twice) the desired new password in the form below.
Es ist eine Vision von sogenanntem "freien" Handel als Waffe einer Klasse im Dienste großer Finanzinstitution und Unternehmen, die verstärkte Ausbeutung von Arbeitnehmern und Völkern fördert.
In English?
It is a vision of so-called 'free' trade as a class weapon in the service of big financial institutions and companies, promoting increased exploitation of workers and peoples.
Die Kommission hat alle 27 Mitgliedstaaten bestärkt, diese Idee aufzugreifen.
In English?
| The Commission encouraged all 27 Member States to take up the idea. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Question: Write a text based on "british court convicts man of hoarding computer bomb files"
Text: a man was convicted at a british court wednesday of keeping files about making explosives and bomb detonators on his home computer .
Question: Write a text based on "california farming gets china boost"
Text: leaders of farm commodity groups with valley connections are hitching their wagons along with their grapes , tree fruit and other produce to gov. schwarzenegger 's star as he rolls through china .
Question: Write a text based on "thousands of kosovo albanians protest the arrest of a former rebel leader"
Text: | thousands of ethnic albanians took to the streets of a town in northern kosovo on tuesday to protest the weekend arrest of a former rebel leader . | 8 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: "Depending on where you live, you can observe at least one of these species." --> French?
[A]: Selon l’endroit où tu habites, tu pourras au moins observer une de ces espèces.
[Q]: "It saw reverse speed (fle) had in the mirror its air blasé." --> French?
[A]: Il voyait poupe (fle) eue dans le miroir son air blasé.
[Q]: "The Chairmanship supported the OSCE Mission streamlining process in line with the establishment of the Provisional Institutions of Self Government and with the benchmark strategy, as defined by the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General. Displaying page 72 of 102 Previous | Next" --> French?
[A]: | Le Président en exercice a également soutenu le principe selon lequel les relations au sein de la Fédération pouvaient être redéfinies grâce à un dialogue soutenu et constructif et il s’est ensuite félicité de l’Accord sur la redéfinition des relations entre la Displaying page 72 of 105 Previous | Next | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Для них, как и для иоанна Павла II, свободный рынок и прибыли представляли собой способы улучшения человечества.
Could you please translate this to English?
For them, as for John Paul II, the free market and profits were ways to improve humanity.
Взяв за основу методологию CCHIP, USDA и Бюро переписи включили вопрос пищевой безопасности в Обзор современного населения (CPS).
Could you please translate this to English?
Using CCHIP's methodology as a foundation, the USDA and the Census Bureau developed a food security module to be included in the Current Population Survey (CPS).
Министерство образования Ирана
Could you please translate this to English?
Ministry of Education
Большие мечты и разбитые сердца: История Дотти Уэст
Could you please translate this to English?
| Big Dreams and Broken Hearts: The Dottie West Story | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
test: Döner und Cola für umgerechnet 13 € verschlug uns die Sprache. Einzige Alternative: Im Supermarkt einkaufen - auf Sonderangebote achten - und selber kochen!
translation: Travel Tip Robert, Scotland (Traveller): «Where available hostel meals are good value and save you looking around.» | more...
test: G, Tap: Bringe eine Kreaturenkarte aus deiner Hand ins Spiel.
translation: {G}, {T}: Put a creature card from your hand into play.
test: Allgemeiner betrachtet befürwortet der Text keinerlei präzise Punkte für die EU, während hingegen die G7 betont haben, wie wichtig Maßnahmen zur Wiederbelebung und Stützung des Wachstums sein können.
translation: More generally speaking, it recommends nothing in particular for the European Union even though the G7 itself has stressed the need for measures to promote recovery and growth.
test: Ein Fitnesszentrum beherbergt kardiovaskuläre und Muskeltrainingsmaschinen.
translation: | A fitness center houses cardiovascular and strength- training machines. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
¥ 800 auf 3.780 ¥ in den Vorjahren von OFF!
Which language is this?
Language: German
Â-dā̤ 19 hiĕk sṳ̆k diŏh ciā lôi-biék, gê̤ṳng-cūng ô 19 hiĕk.
Which language is this?
Language: German
Unser Vorschlag besteht darin, die wirtschaftliche Säule unserer Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion weiterzuentwickeln.
Which language is this?
Language: German
Die Herberge neben dem Reina Mercedes Universitätscampus ist etwa 1,5km vom Stadtzentrum entfernt und bietet schnellen Zugang zu einer großen Anzahl an Sehenswürdigkeiten dieser pulsierenden Stadt - vom Alcazar Palast mit seinen beeindruckenden Gärten bis zu den engen Gassen des Santa Cruz Viertels.
Which language is this?
Language: | German | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Write a sentence not in English.
Poursuivre d'autres moyens de consultation Cette option se traduirait par la dissolution du Conseil et par la reconnaissance du fait que la ministre et le Ministère seraient servis de façon plus rentable par l'entremise de formes de communication et de dialogue moins officielles avec l'industrie.
Write a sentence not in English.
Les deux groupes suivent les règles et les règlements dans la même mesure pour prendre des décisions éthiques.
Write a sentence not in English.
Classification antérieure du poste :
Write a sentence not in English.
| Le Traité, qui a été conclu en 1994 et regroupe aujourd'hui 33 États membres, vise à simplifier et à harmoniser les procédures liées à l'enregistrement et au maintien des droits relatifs aux marques de commerce, tant sur le plan national qu'au niveau régional.
-+-+-+- | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Translate to French:
B.1.4 Unlocatable copyright owners Issue:
Answer: B.1.4 Titulaires de droit d'auteur introuvables Enjeu :
Translate to French:
I agree with you, but then we would need the financing to be able to do it.
Answer: Je suis d'accord avec vous, mais il nous faudrait alors disposer de crédits pour y parvenir.
Translate to French:
When interviewed by the media about your research, always acknowledge your sources of funding support.
Answer: | Lorsque vous accordez des entrevues aux médias sur vos recherches, veuillez toujours indiquer vos sources de financement. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Some text: Dès son entrée au Canada, la promise détient le statut de résidente permanente.
Translate to English.
Translation: Upon her arrival in Canada, the bride has permanent residence status.
Some text: Le Code de conduite canadien sur les pratiques de pêche responsable a été élaboré à titre d'initiative d'inspiration communautaire par des pêcheurs et pour les pêcheurs, et représente un changement fondamental dans la démarche adoptée par le Canada pour réaliser son objectif de pêche commerciale durable et axée sur la conservation dans l'ensemble du pays.
Translate to English.
Translation: The Canadian Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing Operations was developed as a grassroots initiative by fishermen for fishermen and represents a fundamental change in Canada’s approach to achieving sustainable, conservation-based commercial fisheries across the country.
Some text: Version imprimable Enjeux mondiaux - Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes - Aperçu Aperçu
Translate to English.
Translation: | Print Version Global Issues - Equality Between Women and Men - Overview Overview | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Translate to French:
Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee of 28 May 2003:
La présente communication fait le point sur ce qui a été accompli au niveau de l'UE en matière de lutte contre la corruption, et indique les améliorations nécessaires à une meilleure efficacité de celle-ci.
Translate to French:
At the same time, however, the types and numbers of client cohorts have been expanding, as described earlier.
Answer: Simultanément, comme nous l’avons indiqué, les groupes de clients se sont diversifiés et ont augmenté en nombre.
Translate to French:
Latin American Federation of Association of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees
Answer: | Ligue internationale des femmes pour la paix et la liberté | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Solve -12*u + 109 = -107 - 72 for u.
A: 24
Q: Solve 1764*z - 238*z + 48260 = -887*z for z.
A: -20
Q: Solve -1554 - 995 - 1631 = -288*m + 212*m for m.
A: 55
Q: Solve 0 = -42*f + 2274 + 1042 - 754 for f.
A: | 61 | 0 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Was ist Heart of Argentina Travel?
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Dies war nicht der Fall. Ich kann Ihnen mitteilen, daß diese Urnenwahl, wie mir gerade gesagt wird, exakt 20 Minuten gedauert hat.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Wie Sie wissen, befinden wir uns jetzt in der Anfangsphase des Nachdenkens über die Zukunft der Kohäsionspolitik.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | Warum kennen wir keine Erklärung für den Umstand, dass, selbst wenn alle Industrienationen den Ausstoß von Treibstoffgasen um 30 % reduzieren würden, wir bis 2100 lediglich eine Verzögerung der Erwärmung um sechs Jahre erreichen würden. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Write a sentence not in English.
Les femmes qui ont une fonction de directrice et de décideuse dans un système d'enseignement bien équilibré du point du vue de la représentation des sexes peuvent aussi être considérées comme des modèles valorisants.
Write a sentence not in English.
service de placement, d'aide à l'emploi (13 %); installations et équipements de meilleure qualité (11 %); conseils en matière de médecine sportive (8 %); ateliers de développement personnel (6 %); orientation personnelle (4 %); orientation pédagogique (2 %); ne sait pas/aucune réponse (56 %).
Write a sentence not in English.
L’industrie cinématographique européenne ne possède manifestement pas d’avantage concurrentiel dans ce cas.
Write a sentence not in English.
| D'ici là, grâce à son catalogue, le Centre bibliographique organisera comme une sorte de mise en commun des ressources des bibliothèques canadiennes, permettant ainsi au public de tirer le meilleur parti possible de nos collections de volumes et révélant peut-être bon nombre de trésors insoupçonnés même des personnes le plus en mesure de les utiliser.
-+-+-+- | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
test: Nemůže to napodobit anorganickou hmotu.
translation: It can't imitate inorganic material.
test: Rychle, tudy.
translation: Hurry up. That way.
test: Náš President sezval nejvyšší poradce... ... ve snaze objasnita dešifrovat vzkaz z vesmíru.
translation: The President met with top advisors... ...regarding the latest effortsto decode the message.
test: To je nemoudré."
translation: | Very unwise to stay.” | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "Many U.S. senators and congressmen have a military background, he added, and they are never described as siloviki." said in Russian?
Многие американские сенаторы - в прошлом военные, добавляет он, но их никто никогда не называет "силовиками".
How is "Learn how the Forex market offers more opportunity for fast financial gains than almost any other market." said in Russian?
Вы узнаете, что рынок торговли иностранной валютой предлагает больше возможностей быстрого получения дохода, чем любой другой рынок.
How is "I love the scriptures because they show examples of great and noble men and women such as Abraham, Sarah, Enoch, Moses, Joseph, Emma, and Brigham." said in Russian?
Я люблю Священные Писания за то, что там есть примеры великих и благородных людей, таких, как Авраам, Сарра, Енох, Моисей, Джозеф, Эмма и Бригам.
How is "Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon" said in Russian?
| Грей, Эдуард | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "The guy paused a second." to Czech?
A: Chlápek se na okamžik zarazil.
Q: Translate "Conalin appeared alongside him." to Czech?
A: Vedle něj se objevil Conalin.
Q: Translate "What plan?" to Czech?
A: | Jaké plány? | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a random tweet?
A random tweet: @richdevans 'fraid so. 'Hard drive fail. Press F1 to continue', and nothing hppens.
input question: Write a random tweet?
A random tweet: @haymister us pleb free to air dont get will n grace
input question: Write a random tweet?
A random tweet: | @emilmor mmm, wanna go see Little Big Town next Sunday @ 4 @ Chesapeake Jubilee? | 6 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
IN: French:
His wilfulness and vagrancy, and years as a waif and stray, contributed to the rebelliousness of his adult years—and to his genius.
OUT: Il connaît son premier succès dans Le Marchand de Venise de Shakespeare en remplaçant de pied levé un collègue qui jouait Shylock.
IN: French:
She claims that during the trial which resulted in the judgement of 26 June 2000, the court did not call the main witnesses nor acknowledge the numerous contradictions in the witnesses' statements.
OUT: Elle fait valoir que pendant le procès qui a abouti au jugement du 26 juin 2000, le tribunal n'a pas appelé à la barre les principaux témoins et n'a pas non plus relevé les nombreuses contradictions que présentaient les déclarations des témoins.
IN: French:
Bulgaria welcomes the beginning of the review mechanism for Kosovo within the framework of the Stabilization and Association Process of the European Union.
OUT: La Bulgarie se félicite de la mise en place du Mécanisme de suivi du processus de stabilisation et d'association de l'Union européenne.
IN: French:
Following the European Council in Brussels held on 21 and 22 June, the institutions were required to express an opinion on the convening of this conference.
OUT: | À la suite du Conseil européen de Bruxelles des 21 et 22 juin, l’avis des institutions sur la convocation de cette Conférence était requis. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: Generate a tweet. positive
answer: Out at Mexican yuummmm!! Should I have a Texas margarita or a frozen margarita twitters!!?
question: Generate a tweet. negative
answer: We won't forget , and we won't forgive . Holocaust Memorial Day .
question: Generate a tweet. positive
answer: | @ashleytisdale you're so lucky! i love italy, especially the shopping are you in rome? | 3 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "Paleogene" to Finnish?
Yes: Paleogeenikausi
Q: Translate "We support the increase in appropriations designed to support integration efforts for immigrants who have settled legally in Europe and we also support the increase in resources set aside for the European Refugee Fund, although we regret that, in the draft budget and preliminary draft budget, these resources have been reduced in comparison to last year." to Finnish?
Yes: Kannatamme määrärahojen lisäämistä Euroopassa laillisesti asuvia maahanmuuttajia koskevien integroitumistoimien tukemiseksi. Kannatamme myös Euroopan pakolaisrahastolle varattujen määrärahojen lisäämistä ja pahoittelemme, että talousarvioesityksessä ja alustavassa talousarvioesityksessä näitä määrärahoja on vähennetty viime vuodesta.
Q: Translate "They must be given timely information about legislation and they should be able to rely on the fact that the process will take place in a transparent manner." to Finnish?
Yes: | Heidän on saatava oikea-aikaisesti selkeää tietoa, ja heidän on myös voitava luottaa siihen, että menettely toimii avoimesti. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Translate to French:
Invites Governments and non-governmental organizations to collect and collate appropriate information and data on persons with disabilities to assist in the formulation of effective policies to address issues of equality;
Answer: Invite les gouvernements et les organisations non gouvernementales à recueillir et à regrouper les informations et les données voulues sur les handicapés, afin de contribuer à la formulation de politiques efficaces visant à traiter les questions d'égalité;
Translate to French:
The same thing applies to the Internet.
Answer: La même chose vaut pour l'internet.
Translate to French:
I think, over the last several years when we have been downsizing, we have been given less money and we've had to make some pretty tough decisions.
Answer: | Je pense que ces dernières années, nous nous sommes retrouvés avec moins d'argent à cause de la restructuration des Forces canadiennes et nous avons dû prendre des décisions très difficiles. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
a) höchste Anstrengungen zu unternehmen, um Gelder von privaten oder öffentlichen Einrichtungen für die Entwicklung von Projekten der internationalen Zusammenarbeit mit LSBT Bevölkerung zu erlangen.
In English?
a) Put maximum effort into achieving funding, from private entities or public administrations, in order to develop projects of international cooperation with LGBT populations.
Die Jugendherberge liegt direkt am Fährterminal Taoyuan. Alternativ kann man auch mit dem Fahrrad fahren (24 km).
In English?
The Hostel is very close to the Taoyuan ferry port, Or if you want to ride a bicycle it is about 24kms to Taoyuan ferry port and you will see some beautiful scenery.
Für jegliche Art von Feedback (egal ob negativ oder positiv) würde ich mich freuen!
In English?
| I am interessted in every feadback! | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Where to begin. I've gone to the Arizona Mills theatres a few times now. The prior times have always been a good experience. That changed last night. Last night I went out on a date night with my wife. The theatre itself is fine. The screen is big, there is stadium seating and is reasonably clean for as many people seeing a show. The place was busy when we saw the show at 7:15 and was packed when we exited the movies 2 hours later. As I left the movie, the concession stand was about 10 deep in about 6-8 lines. This is what I had to deal with last night: -A crying baby at a rated R movie. The crying was throughout the movie and the parent was alone. I think the baby must have been upset with the violence and nudity on screen. WHY do this to a baby and the other patrons? -people consistently checking their phone to check a text/voice mail -People talking to the screen or chatting with their neighbor -A mother allowing her young child to treat the stairs like a personal jungle gym during the movie. The child was up towards the top and would run up and down. Again, why bring a baby or young children to a rated R movie? Hire a babysitter and have a few hours alone! I think the next time I check a movie out here, I'll stick to mid afternoon or stick to Tempe Marketplace..
A: negative
Q: Micki Bina is a stellar practitioner--I have never had a better facial experience in my life. I have extremely sensitive, acne prone skin, and she perfectly tailored treatment. I'm happy to say that my skin is healing, and my breakouts have cleared up. I try to go once a month for upkeep. Micki does expert extractions; I never have any damage to my skin / scarring from the process--which has, unfortunately, happened elsewhere. Micki is wonderfully conscientious too, and goes out of her way to be available to clients! She has a lovely space in a brand-new building. The room has a wonderful, calming ambience. Treat yourself!
A: positive
Q: Met up a friend for lunch at rachel's kitchen because they have an outside patio and i had my little puppy with me. It looked promising when we first walked in and i initially had trouble choosing what i wanted. My group ended up ordering the 440 sandwich, mac and cheese, and 2 different types of burgers. The sandwiches and burgers come with a choice of side between fries, sweet potato fries, and onion rings. For the sides we added onion rings and french fries. The first disappointing thing was that we had to wait forever for just a couple of sandwiches, but that's understandable cause places get busy and it takes time to get your food.. Once we got our food I was expecting a lot more than what we actually got.. Each dish was about $10 or more and the food looked like something I could make at home in 5 minutes.. the 440 sandwich was suppose to have grilled chicken, goat cheese, avocado, peppers, and lettuce... I probably got one little slice of pepper and even less goat cheese.. the chicken was dry.. the onion rings.. they gave me like 4 little rings.. the other burgers and fries were also lacking in flavor and quantity.. the mac and cheese was the best thing we ordered but even that was lacking in flavor and was also dry.. all in all the food is dry and you don't get what you pay for.. .. save your money and time and go elsewhere.. it'll probably taste better too.
A: negative
Q: OMG this place is sooo gross. After discovering that there are no longer any appealing restaurants in the Forum Shops, my friends and I ended up here for our final dinner of our Vegas trip. I'm really wishing we had just decided to pay more money and go to a decent buffet or something though, because the food here was disgusting. After circling around the "food court" (and I put those in quotation marks because 4 tiny stands that are all connected does not a food court make) 3-4 times, I finally decided to try to get a lobster roll and a cup of lobster chowder. First of all, a lobster roll should be served in a roll. NOT between two pieces of texas toast. AND there should be lobster in it (not shredded imitation crab or whatever the hell that meat was supposed to be). The chowder was disgusting and looked like tomato soup with tiny pieces of potato (and I think my hubby said he found a few tiny pieces of lobster-like meat). I didn't even eat half of my food and I spent $20 (again, I should've just gone to the buffet). Hubby got the burger and fries which was probably the safest bet from all of our food. It wasn't great, but really--how do you mess up a burger and fries? Only downside--it cost almost $15 with a drink. My friend went to the barbeque place and got a platter with turkey, mashed potatoes, and mac & cheese. The turkey was dry, the mashed potatoes were alright, and the mac & cheese tasted straight out of the blue box. The only reason I'm giving 2 stars is because of the super sweet buslady who kept getting us refills of our soda. She was very nice!
A: | negative | 0 | Flan2021 | yelp_polarity_reviews:0.2.0 | fs_noopt |
A nejde jen o to, že nefungují.
In English?
And it's not just that they're not working.
Tohle je páreček.
In English?
I think you were talkin' about the broad.
Podívej, musím ti něco říct.
In English?
| Look, I gotta tell you something. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: Noting that environmental degradation, desertification and global climate change are exacerbating destitution and desperation causing a negative impact on the realization of the right to food, in particular in developing countries, --> French.
answer: Constatant que la dégradation de l'environnement, la désertification et le changement climatique aggravent la misère et le désespoir, avec toutes les conséquences négatives qui s'ensuivent pour la réalisation du droit à l'alimentation, en particulier dans les pays en développement,
question: Key Activities --> French.
answer: Principales activités
question: And finally, for the Iraqi people to be left free to take its fate in its own hands without conquerors. --> French.
answer: Et enfin, le peuple irakien doit être libre de prendre son sort en main sans l'intervention des conquérants.
question: A three-tier risk assessment strategy is in place to manage these and other risks effectively as part of CIDA's business and to ensure program integrity. --> French.
answer: | Une stratégie d’évaluation des risques, en trois volets, a été mise sur pied pour gérer ces risques et d’autres risques, de façon efficace, comme élément à part entière des activités de l’ACDI et pour assurer l’intégrité des programmes. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Tweet: drying my hairrrrr
Sentiment: positive
Tweet: Came down stairs and my wife says she thinks we broke the stereo. no sound .video games sound unlikely at this point
Sentiment: negative
Tweet: Sprinkles may not make everything better but they do make me smile
Sentiment: positive
Tweet: Put one foot in front of the other, an soon yu'll be walkin out the door.
Sentiment: | positive | 9 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Solve -25 = -7*w + 2*w for w.
A: 5
Q: Solve -2*g - 33*g = g for g.
A: 0
Q: Solve 11*j + 65 = 10 for j.
A: -5
Q: Solve 10*i = 16*i for i.
A: | 0 | 0 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Care este aplicată.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Interdependenţa protecţiei şi securităţii datelor a fost dezbătută în Parlament, mai ales în timpul dezbaterii privind Programul de urmărire a finanţărilor în scopuri teroriste (TFTP), iar dezbaterea a evidenţiat necesitatea ca Europa să-şi asume propriul angajament faţă de un echilibru corespunzător între securitate şi confidenţialitate.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Pentru a intra în 2007, alături de ţările vecine Bulgaria, România şi Croaţia, federaţia trebuie să încheie cu succes studiul de fezabilitate până la sfârşitul anului.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | Prin urmare, aş ruga Parlamentul să fie de acord ca raportul acestuia privind modificările la Regulamentul de procedură, care este foarte important pentru noi, să fie tratat ca ultimul punct din această seară. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ro-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Осознание и осуществление стандартов в области прав человека являет собой основную ценность предложений Генерального секретаря о реформе, сформулированных им в июле прошлого года.
Which language is this?
Language: Russian
very nice modern hotel, close to the city centre and near to sight seeing . very friendly and helpful staff.
Which language is this?
Language: Russian
Через первого человека - Адама - все человечество унаследовало грех и смерть.
Which language is this?
Language: Russian
Увеличивается также объем экспортного торгового оборота, мы получаем первые заказы на X-TREM 520.
Which language is this?
Language: | Russian | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
In der nähe des 900 Jahren alten Fischer-Städtchen befindet sich eine berümte Kulturele-Historische Stadt Nin.
In English?
Near this 900 years old fisherman's city, there is well known cultural and historical city Nin..
Gericht erster Instanz
In English?
Court of First Instance
Die Arbeit in den vergangenen zweieinhalb Jahren als Präsident des Europäischen Parlaments war eine große Herausforderung, die ich mit sehr großer Freude und auch mit viel Hingabe erfüllt habe und bis zum 14. Juli weiterhin erfüllen werde.
In English?
| My work over the last two and a half years as President of the European Parliament has been a tremendous challenge, and I have carried it out gladly and with dedication and will continue to carry it out until 14 July. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve -443*v = -9782 + 16870 for v.
answer: -16
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve -2434*g - 1186*g + 137560 = 0 for g.
answer: 38
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve -157*l + 863 - 78 = 0 for l.
answer: 5
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve 321 = 142*h - 35*h for h.
answer: | 3 | 5 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "It takes more than just a good piece of tuna to create the sensation of umami." to Czech?
A: Chce to více než jen dobrý kus tuňáka na vytvoření senzace umami.
Q: Translate "Let me grab my earrings, and we're good to go." to Czech?
A: Vezmu si náušnice a můžeme jít.
Q: Translate "* Yes, words can't bring me down * - * Whoa-oh-no - Hi." to Czech?
A: | Zdravím. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
IN: French:
You can get there on the Autovia A-92. It is located in the municipal area of Chauchina, and offers important socioeconomic service to Granada and its area of influence such as Jaen and Cordoba.
OUT: L'aéroport Nationnal de Granada , à 15km de la ville par l'autoroute A-92, dans la municipalité de Chauchina, offre un service important pour le déroulement socio économique de Granada.
IN: French:
We should not deceive ourselves, however, into thinking that the progress is too slight when measured against the demands that this House makes.
OUT: Nous ne devons toutefois pas nous leurrer, car le progrès représente bien peu en regard des exigences posées par le Parlement.
IN: French:
HAAC is competent for “granting installation and broadcast licences to private television channels and radio stations” (art.
OUT: Elle est compétente pour «donner l'autorisation d'installation et d'exploitation des chaînes de télévision et de radiodiffusion privées» (art.
IN: French:
Are you aware of the regulatory requirements for Servicing Yes No Don't Know N/A Repairing leaks Yes No Don't Know N/A Leak testing Yes No Don't Know N/A Disposal/Decommissioning Yes No Don't Know N/A Recording and Reporting Releases Yes No Don't Know N/A 5.
OUT: | Savez-vous si les personnes qui achètent, entretiennent ou réparent les systèmes de votre organisme qui contiennent des SACO et d’autres halocarbures connaissent les exigences élémentaires relatives à ce qui suit : | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "2010/C 104/01 Date of adoption of the decision Reference number of State Aid N 323/09 Member State Spain Region Asturias Title (and/or name of the beneficiary)" said in Czech?
In Czech: JINÉ AKTY Evropská komise 2010/C 104/10 Oznámení o žádosti podle článku 30 směrnice 2004/17/ES – prodloužení lhůty – Požadavek zadavatele ( 1 )
How is "(e) How should the situation be resolved where the issuing and the executing authorities have different views on whether a person who is in breach of an obligation should be remanded in custody or whether the danger can be eliminated by imposing a new obligation?" said in Czech?
In Czech: Jak by měla být řesena situace, kdyz vydávající orgán a vykonávající orgán mají různé názory na to, jestli osoba, která porusila povinnost, by měla být zadrzena ve vazbě nebo jestli můze být nebezpečí odstraněno ulozením nové povinnosti?
How is "No, no, no!" said in Czech?
In Czech: To je velmi zajímavé, že, děti?
How is "Untying the two braids he shook his hair loose and ducked under the surface." said in Czech?
| In Czech: Rozvázal si copy, roztřásl vlasy a ponořil se pod hladinu. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "For Francis Ford Coppola's Godfather trilogy, Schapiro immortalized actors such as Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, James Caan, Robert Duvall, and Diane Keaton." to German?
Yes: Der Fotograf Steve Schapiro hatte das Privileg, bei allen drei Teilen des Paten die Dreharbeiten hautnah verfolgen zu dürfen.
Q: Translate "Relevant time to be considered is when the service provider (property owner, tour operator) has received the notification of cancellation." to German?
Yes: Maßgeblicher Zeitpunkt ist der Zugang der Rücktrittserklärung beim jeweiligen Leistungsträger (Vermieter, Veranstalter). Dem Kunden wird empfohlen, den Rücktritt schriftlich / per E-Mail zu erklären.
Q: Translate "Mr President, we entirely agree with Ms Tongue's report on the fact that public television must exist and must be properly financed." to German?
Yes: | Herr Präsident, wir sind mit dem Bericht von Frau Tongue sowie damit, daß das öffentlichrechtliche Fernsehen notwendig ist und daß es entsprechend finanziert werden muß, völlig einverstanden. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Suurin syy siihen on talouskriisi, joka on iskenyt mantereeseemme.
Which language is this?
Language: Finnish
Komission tiedonantoa vammaisten yhtäläisistä mahdollisuuksista käsittelevä Schmidbauerin mietintö tuo esille tiettyjä puutteita todellisen eurooppalaisen vammaisten oikeuksia ajavan politiikan luomisessa.
Which language is this?
Language: Finnish
Olen esimerkiksi useiden kuukausien ajan saanut raportteja, jotka koskevat Kiinan sopimuksia Kongon demokraattisessa tasavallassa.
Which language is this?
Language: Finnish
Euroopan rahoituspalvelujen sisämarkkinat ovat vielä kaukana toteutumisestaan, kaukana tavaroiden sisämarkkinoiden tilanteesta.
Which language is this?
Language: | Finnish | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
IN: French:
Results also showed that after heat aging, the adhesion strength of the nonmodified bitumen was always higher than that of the unheated bitumen modified with 9%–12% of SBS.
OUT: Les résultats ont également montré qu’après le vieillissement dû à la chaleur, l’adhérence du bitume non modifié était toujours plus élevé que celui du bitume modifié avec 9 %–12 % de SBS non chauffé.
IN: French:
We need to remember what is wrong with them, to sustain the stigma and taboo against them.
OUT: Il faut n'en jamais oublier le vice intrinsèque, continuer à les stigmatiser et en maintenir le tabou.
IN: French:
It is important to encourage support for the European network of mobility centres, to help with the integration of researchers and their families in the host countries; as also to draw the public’s attention, through publicity campaigns and workshops, to the job of a researcher and the Marie Curie actions.
OUT: Justification Il est important de favoriser le soutien au réseau européen des centres de mobilité afin de faciliter l’insertion du chercheur et de sa famille dans les pays d’accueil, mais aussi de faire connaître au public, par le biais de campagnes publicitaires et de séminaires, la fonction de chercheur et les actions Marie Curie.
IN: French:
For further information, please contact Mr. Grigory Lukiyantsev or Mr. Vladimir Zheglov, Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation (tel. 1 (212) 517-7834 or 861-4900).
OUT: | Pour de plus amples renseignements, prière de prendre contact avec M. Grigory Lukiyantsev ou M. Vladimir Zheglov, Mission permanente de la Fédération de Russie (tél. 1 (212) 517-7834 ou 861-4900). | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Write a sentence not in English.
- Le coût du transport en fonction du prix du produit tгanspoгté,
Write a sentence not in English.
6 et 7.
Write a sentence not in English.
5.4 L'auteur affirme en outre que la seule accusation pénale qu'il ait portée contre les grands-parents de son fils est celle par laquelle il a reproché à la mère de Mme R. P. d'avoir porté atteinte à ses droits parentaux et de l'avoir agressé verbalement et physiquement.
Write a sentence not in English.
| Les prochaines élections locales auront lieu en novembre 2009 et les résultats de ces mesures seront pour lors devenus apparents.
-+-+-+- | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: "The SSB was estimated to be about 38,000 t in 2008, slightly above its lowest level (32,000 t in 2001) (Figure 13)." to French
A: Selon nos estimations, la biomasse du stock (âges 4+) a atteint 61 800 t en 2008, près du niveau le plus bas pour ce stock (61 600 t en 2002).
Q: "This gives individuals greater assurance that they will be able to receive unemployment insurance if they are forced to leave their job due to sexual or other harassment." to French
A: La politique accorde à ces personnes de meilleures chances de percevoir des prestations d'assurance-chômage si elles sont forcées de quitter leur emploi à cause de harcèlement sexuel ou autre.
Q: "Oral request (3) A party who requests a warrant orally at the proceeding, may be allowed by the Immigration Appeal Division to give the supporting evidence orally." to French
A: Demande écrite (3) Toutefois, si la partie demande un mandat d'arrestation de vive voix au cours d'une procédure, la Section d'appel de l'immigration peut lui permettre de donner les renseignements de vive voix.
Q: "After the performance expectations have been agreed to, the format of the quarterly activity and other reports needs to be formalized and implemented." to French
A: | Une fois que toutes les parties se seront entendues sur les attentes en matière de rendement, le format du rapport trimestriel sur les activités et celui des autres rapports devront être définis de façon officielle et mis en pratique. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: 2002 CHICKEN Quota Holders List PROCESSOR Pool Allocation General Trading Meat Limited 1123 Westport Crescent Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1E8 Golden Valley Farms Incorporated P, O. Box 670 50 Wells Street Arthur, Ontario N0G 1A0 --> French.
answer: Liste des Détenteurs de Contingent de POULET 2002 Réserve des TRANSFORMATEURS General Trading Meat Limited 1123 Westport Crescent Mississauga, Ontario L5T 1E8 Golden Valley Farms Incorporated P, O. Box 670 50 Wells Street Arthur, Ontario N0G 1A0
question: The provisions of articles 27-31cover discipline-related matters. --> French.
answer: Les articles 27 à 31 portent sur les mesures disciplinaires.
question: Unidentified falls in Canada, [ca. --> French.
answer: Unidentified falls in Canada, [vers 1870]
answer: | COOL....... I LIKED IT....... I AM DONE WITH IT I'LL BE POSTING IT TOMMROW AS I AM GOING OUT AND WILL COME LATE... | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "I really like eating hair, any kind of hair... Forgiven." said in Czech?
Já jím vlasy, nejradši mám-- - Odpouštím ti.
How is "Don't argue with me, just go." said in Czech?
Nehádej se se mnou. Běž. Utíkej!
How is "Well, it's probably as good a time as any to talk about how political correctness works in stand-up comedy." said in Czech?
Teď je dobrá příležitost probrat fungování politické korektnosti.
How is "You suddenly caught me when I was just going to have lunch with Light" said in Czech?
| Zničeho nic jste mě chytly, když jsem šla na natáčení. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "Gary, get my bags." said in Czech?
Gary, moje kufry.
How is "Yeah.I got it.Thanks." said in Czech?
Jo. Chápu. Díky.
How is "Check De la Paz' apartment." said in Czech?
Prohledejtee de la Pazův byt.
How is "His body, his breathing rhythm, his actual talk." said in Czech?
| Nakonec mě přepadl pocit, že se musím vyzpovídat. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Translate to French:
The lex specialis maxim sought to harmonize conflicting standards through interpretation or establishment of definite relationships of priority between them.
Answer: Le principe de la lex specialis visait à harmoniser des normes antagoniques par l'interprétation ou l'établissement de relations prioritaires déterminées entre elles.
Translate to French:
• Counterfeiting poses various problems to right holders, consumers, administrations and the society at large
Answer: • La contrefaçon pose divers problèmes aux titulaires de droits, aux consommateurs, aux administrations et à l’ensemble de la société 2
Translate to French:
Recycling history to create a future, each in their own unique way. This tree hugger-chic philosophy is also an antidote to the rabid consumer culture that trickles up from our big sister south of the border (let’s just say she has an, ahem, strong personality).
Answer: | Recycler l’histoire pour façonner un futur nouveau, chacun à sa façon, unique et originale.
Cette philosophie écologiste est également un antidote à la culture de consommation effrénée qui a cours au sud de notre frontière et qui a tendance à déborder de notre côté (car, disons-le franchement : la grande sœur a… euh… une forte personnalité). | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: "As such, the Delegation noted the PLT would be instrumental in the further harmonization of national and regional patent laws." to French
A: La délégation a fait observer que le PLT sera, à ce titre, utile à la poursuite de l’harmonisation des législations nationales et régionales en matière de brevets.
Q: "Three additional political parties, namely RESPONSE, the Mouvement national et patriotique du 28 novembre (MNP) and the Alliance pour l'avancement d'Haïti (ALAH), have signed the pact." to French
A: Trois partis politiques supplémentaires, RESPONSE, le Mouvement national et patriotique du 28 novembre (MNP) et l'Alliance pour l'avancement d'Haïti (ALAH), ont signé le pacte.
Q: "C. Programme interventions, partnerships and resource mobilization" to French
A: Domaines d'intervention, partenariats et mobilisation des ressources
Q: "The nonproliferation component of the NPT regime has several elements, of which the IAEA, as an international monitoring mechanism and institution for detecting safeguards noncompliance, is a key part." to French
A: | Le principe de non-prolifération énoncé dans le TNP comprend plusieurs volets, dont l'AIEA, en tant qu'institution et mécanisme international de surveillance chargé de repérer les manquements aux accords de garanties, est un composant essentiel. | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Question: Sentence A: Have you the key of the door?
Sentence B: Do you have keys to any one of these doors?
If sentence A is true, how about sentence B?
Answer: it is not possible to tell
Question: Sentence A: In 622 Islam was born, according to the teachings of the prophet Mohammed.
Sentence B: Mohammed focused solely on Islam in his teachings.
If sentence A is true, how about sentence B?
Answer: it is not possible to tell
Question: Sentence A: Though many of the organizations did not consider these agreements to be essential, representatives of one organization considered them important because they clarified and helped to institutionalize agreements, ensured senior management understanding and support, and fostered acceptance of new members.
Sentence B: There was disagreement as to whether these agreements were essential.
If sentence A is true, how about sentence B?
Answer: yes
Question: Sentence A: That pointed to her having been overcome and carried away in a car.
Sentence B: It was thought that the kidnappers were after her money.
If sentence A is true, how about sentence B?
Answer: | it is not possible to tell | 9 | Flan2021 | glue/mnli:2.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Problem: Marvin the Royal Hamster Twitter Account Interview :
The Royal Hamster; Mark Cuthbert/UK Press/Getty
05/23/2016 AT 03:50 PM EDT
It hasn't even been a full month since
revealed the royal family has a new member:
And though we haven't yet gotten a real-life glimpse of
's new furry friend, Twitter user Christine Frazier, a 33-year-old blogger and writer from Washington, D.C. has given us the next best thing – adorable drawings of Marvin the Hamster (
), who is proving to be the perfect pint-sized model for Kate's ensembles.
"This hamster is a totally normal hamster living in a ridiculous world," Frazier, who is American, tells PEOPLE. "I was thinking, 'If it's a normal hamster, maybe he's normal like me, and he's obsessed with the royals like I am.'"
So Frazier created a whole persona for Marvin – who, just like Princess Kate fans everywhere, runs out to grab replicas of her outfits for himself.
Some of the outfits go
And Frazier creates new illustrations nearly every time Princess Kate steps out for an engagement – including the perfect response to Kate's
*wants to yell "I'm King of the World"**decides it's too tacky* #TheRoyalHamster #1851Trust #LandRoverBAR
Marvin #TheRoyalHamster doesn't care if you don't like this outfit. *rides off on toy unicorn* #HMQ90
*Looking forward to next week's #KensingtonRoyal #HeadsTogether event* #TheRoyalHamster #tinyheadband
But Marvin is not only Kate-obsessed. Frazier also had him show his support for
Good luck to all the #invictusgames2016 competitors from Marvin #TheRoyalHamster!
She's even drawn Marvin-as-Charlotte, complete with a
*patiently waits for flower named after Marvin #TheRoyalHamster* #princesscharlotte #chrysanthemum
And of course, Marvin had to have
*immediately sells out of hamster-sized bathrobes* #marvin #theroyalhamster
Her inspiration for the hamster drawings on @theroyalhamster came from her other Twitter account, and website,
, where she analyzes bestselling novels with doodles. Her past work with drawing inspired her to capture Marvin in cartoon form.
"It's nice to have something a bit outside of the typical royal news," Frazier said.
The feedback on Twitter has been swift and positive – Frazier has even heard from some of her favorite royal bloggers, like
– but she's still waiting for comment from Marvin's family.
"I'd hope that they would be flattered and happy to see Marvin living out his daydream," she said with a laugh.
"We commoners might have gone for something like Whiskers, but they chose
," she said. "It's so lovely. I definitely think Prince George had a hand in that name."
Write a one or two sentence summary.
Summary: He's a royal hamster with a big personality
Problem: Microsoft Outlook Has 30 Million Users, New Sunrise Features
Microsoft’s acquisitions in the email and calendar space appear to be paying off. The company announced Wednesday that its Outlook app, built on technology from recently acquired email startup Acompli, has reached 30 million users since launching in January on Android and iOS.
Starting Wednesday, iOS users can download a new Outlook update that features a cleaner look and packs more information into the main listing of messages. Users will now be able to quickly pick out events thanks to a new icon, as well as gain the ability to quickly RSVP directly from the inbox. Other icons, like ‘Flag’ and ‘Attachment,’ have also been made more prominent.
On Android, Outlook is adding images for contacts within the inbox, more prominent icons to denote read vs. unread emails and a revamped Calendar. The entire interface has been redesigned to adhere more closely to Google’s Material design standards. That update will be available to users in early November.
“The overall experience feels a lot more alive,” says Javier Soltero, Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President for Outlook. “A lot of the aesthetic qualities that consumers have grown to expect on their mobile applications, they’re brought to Outlook now.”
Soltero was the CEO and co-founder of Acompli, a powerful email app that Microsoft acquired for a reported $200 million late last year and rebranded as Outlook for mobile devices. With just 200,000 users before being acquired, virtually all of Soltero’s app’s growth has come in the last nine months.
In addition to improving email functionality, Outlook is set to boost its calendar features thanks to its incorporation of technology from Sunrise, another startup that Microsoft bought in February. Outlook will soon boast Interesting Calendars, a Sunrise feature that lets people automatically incorporate things like sports team schedules and concert listings onto their personal calendars. The standalone Sunrise app will be shut down once all its features have been rolled into Outlook.
The success of the new Outlook is a big win for Microsoft, which has spent the last year offering its Office products for free on iOS and Android. The desktop version of Microsoft’s email client is widely used by office workers, but moreso out of necessity than brand devotion. Convincing these people that they should also use Outlook on their personal devices is a challenge, Soltero admits.
However, the rise of mobile actually pushes more people into giving Outlook a try, he says, because most people don’t want to carry around two phones or even use two different email apps. Today, about 1 in 5 users of the Outlook app have more than one email account connected to the service.
Write a one or two sentence summary.
Summary: | They're paying off big time | 9 | Flan2021 | newsroom:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Er war rücksichtsvoll, höflich und gründlich.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Auch wenn nicht die Rede davon sein kann, die Bedeutung der Petitionen in Frage zu stellen, konnte ich mich dennoch nicht den durch die Mitglieder des Petitionsausschusses eingereichten Änderungsanträgen, und vor allem nicht dem Antrag auf Schaffung eines "europäischen Verwaltungsrechts " anschließen.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Hierzu gehören Online-Trading-Plattformen, die für andere Finanzinstitutionen und Broker personalisiert und gebrandet werden, während die Saxo Bank auch eine Reihe von Diensten für professionelles Trading und Abrechnung durch ihre hochflexible Online-Trading-Technologie anbietet.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | Auch aus diesem Grund hat Professor Sanders vor dreißig Jahren in seiner Antrittsrede an der Erasmus-Universität Rotterdam bereits den Begriff Societas Europea eingeführt. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve 1568 + 2057 = 106*x + 18 - 2329 for x.
answer: 56
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve 0 = 618*z - 1566 - 1787 - 973 for z.
answer: 7
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve -31*m - 86 = 7 for m.
answer: -3
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve -6*y + y = 0 for y.
answer: | 0 | 5 | Flan2021 | math_dataset/algebra__linear_1d:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Um uns etwas zu entlasten, hier die am häufigsten gestellen Fragen und Antworten dazu - die FAQ.
Translate this to English?
[A]: To give us some release - here are the frequently asked questions and their answers.
[Q]: Leider ist eben derselbe Rat, der diese gefordert hatte, jetzt nicht bereit, diesen Vorschlag anzunehmen, da das Strafrecht im Rahmen des Dritten Pfeilers zu behandeln sei.
Translate this to English?
[A]: Unfortunately, the self-same Council that requested them, is now not prepared to accept this proposal, because it is believed that criminal law falls within the remit of the third pillar.
[Q]: Das Angebot der LifeClass Hotels in Portorož beinhaltet das Grand Hotel Portorož , ein exzellentes Hotel der Fünf-Sterne-Kategorie und fünf ausgezeichnete Hotels der Vier-Sterne-Kategorie: Slovenija , Riviera , Apollo , Mirna und Neptun .
Translate this to English?
[A]: | Set in an exclusive ambience, hotel and thermal complex boasts excellent accommodation and superb wellness facilities, delicious and diverse cuisine, unique thermal and wellness services, topmost congress activity, memorable wedding experience together with the rest of its rich and varied offer that meets the needs and fulfils the expectations of the most demanding among the guests. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Tämä huomio ei saisi johtaa vain sosiaaliseen tunnustukseen vaan sen täytyisi näkyä myös rahallisena korvauksena.
Could you please translate this to English?
This visibility should lead not only to social recognition but also to provision.
Mielestäni juuri ehdotettu yhteisrahoituksen 75 prosentin taso on liian korkea.
Could you please translate this to English?
In my opinion, the newly proposed 75% cofinancing level is too high.
Pitäkäämme myös mielessä, että meillä on myös Mercosurissa merkittävät maatalouteen liittyvät edut, joita on puolustettava, kuten viini, juusto, hedelmät ja vihannekset sekä maantieteellisesti merkityt tuotteet.
Could you please translate this to English?
Let us also keep in mind that we have substantial offensive agriculture interests in Mercosur as well, such as wine, cheese, fruit and vegetables and geographical indications.
Takuita tarvitaan, jotta pankin potentiaali voidaan hyödyntää täysin.
Could you please translate this to English?
| The guarantees are necessary if the Bank' s potential is to be used fully. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Totuşi, experienţa trecutului este mai puţin încurajatoare decât a fost indicat ieri, în timpul dezbaterii, de către mai mulţi deputaţi.
Could you please translate this to English?
However, past experience is less encouraging than was indicated yesterday by several Members during the debate.
Vă mulţumesc, dle Van Rompuy.
Could you please translate this to English?
Thank you, Mr Van Rompuy.
Deşi avem cu toţii opinii politice diferite, domnia sa a făcut tot posibilul pentru a se ajunge la un compromis.
Could you please translate this to English?
Although we all have different political opinions, he did his best in order to achieve a compromise.
Opoziţia a catalogat convenţia HDZ ca fiind un show politic.
Could you please translate this to English?
| The opposition has dismissed the HDZ convention as a political show. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ro-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Based on the premise "Do you remember what Ca'daan told us about the salt mines in the west? said San'doro.", can we conclude that "Ca'daan never said anything about the mines."?
Based on the premise "The nearby Omura-san Park has 3,000 cherry trees, with different varieties blooming at different times of year.", can we conclude that "There are approximately 3,000 cherry trees planted in Omura-san Park. "?
Based on the premise "I suppose you're right, she said.", can we conclude that "She admitted that they were right."?
| yes | 8 | Flan2021 | glue/mnli:2.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Text: chinese cheerleaders and tibetan protesters greeted the olympic flame thursday amid massive security for the latest leg of the international torch relay in india , the heart of the world 's tibetan exile community .
Summary: india braces as olympic torch arrives at heart of tibetan exile community
Text: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu wants to meet with palestinian president mahmoud abbas every two weeks once direct peace talks resume next week , israeli officials said saturday .
Summary: israel pm wants regular meetings with palestinians
Text: charred buses , mangled bodies of victims covered with sheets , sirens screaming , ambulances racing .
Summary: charred buses bodies of victims return israelis to harsh reality of suicide bombings
Text: u.n. officials say a congolese journalist working for a u.n. radio station has been shot and killed outside his home in unstable eastern congo .
Summary: | journalist shot and killed in eastern congo | 2 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | fs_noopt |
Some text: Cela fait un certain temps que nos éleveurs traversent une situation de crise grave.
Translate to English.
Translation: European farmers have been living in a state of serious crisis for some time now.
Some text: Faire chauffer le beurre dans une poêle antiadhésif, y faire revenir les rondelles de poireaux, sans prendre couleur pendant 10 mn, poivrer .
Translate to English.
Translation: Make heat the butter in a frying pan antiadhesive, make go back there the washers of leeks, without taking colour during 10 mn, adding pepper.
Some text: administration administrative... (p. ex. administrative office) advisory...(p. ex. advisory group) agency board bureau commission committee consultative...(p. ex. consultative panel) directorate office officer panel secretariat service steering...(p. ex. steering group) task...(p. ex. task force) working...(p. ex. working group) N.B. Les listes qui précèdent ne sont pas exhaustives et d'autres termes pourront y être ajoutés de temps à autre lorsque le justifiera leur usage répété dans la dénomination d'organismes gouvernementaux.
Translate to English.
Translation: | administration administrative... (e.g. administrative office) advisory...(e.g. advisory group) agency board bureau commission committee consultative...(e.g. consultative panel) directorate office officer panel secretariat service steering...(e.g. steering group) task...(e.g. task force) working...(e.g. working group) N.B. The above lists are not exhaustive, and may be added to from time to time as warranted by the recurrent use of certain words in the naming of government agencies. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "All of the countries that have recently become EU members know that final negotiations are the toughest, because they include many provisions that apply to large social groups." said in Finnish?
Kaikki Euroopan unionin jäseniksi hiljattain tulleet maat tietävät, että lopulliset neuvottelut ovat tiukimmat, koska niissä käsitellään monia määräyksiä, jotka koskevat suuria yhteiskuntaryhmiä.
How is "Let me just remind you that although 50% of the dangerous toys in Europe come from China, I am surprised that we have not discussed at all where the other 50% comes from." said in Finnish?
Sallikaa minun muistuttaa, että vaikka 50 prosenttia vaarallisista leluista tulee Eurooppaan Kiinasta, olen yllättynyt siitä, että emme ole lainkaan keskustelleet siitä, mistä loput 50 prosenttia tulee.
How is "In my opinion this does not afford even basic safeguards with regard to health and safety for the people most at risk." said in Finnish?
Mielestäni näin ei saavuteta edes perusluonteista suojaa aineille eniten altistuvien ihmisten terveydelle ja turvallisuudelle.
How is "As regards the Treaty itself, in my opinion we have succeeded in establishing an acceptable platform for bringing together countries that are not yet EU Member States in a given region, on the grounds of solving energy issues, with a view to their achieving EU compatibility." said in Finnish?
| Itse perustamissopimuksen pohjana olemme käyttäneet energiakysymysten ratkaisemista ja onnistuneet mielestäni laatimaan hyväksyttävät periaatteet niiden tietyllä alueella sijaitsevien valtioiden, jotka eivät vielä ole EU:n jäsenvaltioita, yhteensaattamiseksi ja niiden valmistelemiseksi EU:n jäsenyyttä varten. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/fi-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Translate to French:
Every effort was made to understand and to meet its client and stakeholder needs.
Answer: Tout a été mis en oeuvre pour comprendre et satisfaire les besoins des clients et des intervenants.
Translate to French:
In the European Union rules are put in place on the labelling of foodstuffs to enable European consumers to get comprehensive information on the contents and the composition of food products. Labelling helps consumers to make an informed choice while purchasing their foodstuffs.
Answer: The information on this site is subject to a legal notice ( Étiquetage et alimentation - Introduction Dans l'Union européenne, l'étiquetage des denrées alimentaires est soumis à des règles permettant aux consommateurs européens de disposer d'informations complètes sur le contenu et la composition des produits alimentaires.
Translate to French:
The Court observed that that is not the case with regard to measures which are designed to limit anti-competitive practices engaged in by just one agricultural cooperative and apply indistinctly to processing contracts entered into with undertakings established in one Member State and those entered into with undertakings established in other Member States.
Answer: | La Cour observe que tel n’est pas le cas de mesures qui visent à limiter les pratiques anticoncurrentielles d’une seule coopérative agricole et qui s’appliquent indistinctement aux contrats de transformation conclus avec des entreprises établies sur le sol national et à ceux conclus avec des entreprises établies dans d’autres États membres. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Zákaz diskriminace je základním principem Evropské unie.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Tati.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Já ne! - Já ne!
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | Jsme tu. | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Write a sentence not in English.
Parmi les mesures immédiates à prendre pour instaurer la confiance entre les parties figurent, selon nous, la libération immédiate des soldats et des prisonniers ainsi que la restitution des recettes fiscales palestiniennes retenues par Israël.
Write a sentence not in English.
Il faut donner aux commandements des ressources suffisantes pour accomplir le travail.
Write a sentence not in English.
Il a été avancé que l’application de ce cadre aux régimes de retraite interentreprises ne tient pas dûment compte de la situation particulière de ces régimes.
Write a sentence not in English.
| Air Labrador ajoute que l'aéroport le plus près est à 48 kilomètres à Port Hope Simpson et qu'on peut y accéder par l'autoroute.
-+-+-+- | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: "Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (Framework Convention)" --> French?
[A]: Convention-cadre pour la protection des minorités nationales (Convention-cadre)
[Q]: "One claimant, based in Spain, seeks compensation in connection with several contracts for textiles placed by a number of buyers, including some from Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates." --> French?
[A]: Un requérant, établi en Espagne, demande à être indemnisé de pertes liées à plusieurs contrats de vente de textiles conclus avec différents acheteurs, notamment à Bahreïn et aux Émirats arabes unis.
[Q]: ") OR for a minimum exclusive stay of 7 nights, the 8th and 9th night are free (value: 104,550 USD !!" --> French?
[A]: | ) ou pour un séjour minimum de 7 nuits en location exclusive, la 8ème et 9ème nuits sont offertes (valeur : 104,550 USD !! | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
IN: French:
It also expressed its satisfaction that radiative forcing could be calculated with GAINS, in particular with respect to demonstrating the effect of some factors such as diesel cars and biofuels.
OUT: Elle s'est en outre félicitée de savoir que le forçage radiatif pouvait être calculé par ce même modèle, notamment s'agissant de démontrer l'effet de certains facteurs tels que les véhicules diesel et les biocarburants.
IN: French:
Counsel for the respondent argued that, in the present case, none of the definitions adduced by the appellant referred to menstruation as a form of incontinence.
OUT: L'avocate de l'intimé a soutenu qu'en l'espèce, aucune des définitions produites par l'appelant n'indique que les menstruations sont une forme d'incontinence.
IN: French:
• (b.1) makes a disbursement by way of a gift, other than a gift made
OUT: • b.1) fait un versement sous forme de don, sauf s’il s’agit d’un don fait, selon le cas:
IN: French:
When battery runs out something else butterfly.
OUT: | Lorsque la batterie s'épuise quelque chose d'autre papillon. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Die Venus besteht aus 2 Blöcken, in denen die geräumigen Zimmer, mit Balkon und eigenem Bad, untergebracht sind.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Die Website Annunci immobiliari gratuiti ist Teil des Netzes Der Cube Immo und hier können Sie Ihre Immobilienanzeige kostenlos schalten.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: Nur so kann Energie auch dort effizient eingesetzt werden, wo sie tatsächlich gebraucht wird.
input question: Write a sentence not in English.
output answer: | Beschreibung: La Casona de Calderon - Landhotel Rural Hotel in Andalusien, den ersten Preis für Innovation Tourist Business - Level Andaluz, zweiten ... | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Translate to French:
I thank you for your remarks about the declaration in Berlin.
Answer: Je vous remercie de vos remarques relatives à la déclaration de Berlin.
Translate to French:
A/C.6/64/L.9 Item 82 -- Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization -- Draft resolution [A C E F R S]
Answer: A/C.6/64/L.9 Point 82 -- Rapport du Comité spécial de la Charte des Nations Unies et du raffermissement du rôle de l'Organisation -- Projet de résolution [A A C E F R]
Translate to French:
Application rejected 09 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(2) Verbal mark 04332301 20/03/2006 BUYERS ADVANTAGE Application rejected 35,36,38,45 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04445061 20/03/2006 FIT WAY Application rejected 29,30,31 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c R0640/2006-4 Verbal mark 04575908 20/03/2006 EnergiaVital Application partly rejected 03,05 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Verbal mark 04683173 20/03/2006 Application partly rejected 25,38,41 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04732426 20/03/2006 LITEARCH Application rejected 19 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c R0675/2006-1 Verbal mark 02739787 17/03/2006 Application partly rejected 09,28,42 CTMR.007(1)b 3-D 03917333 17/03/2006 MONDAYTOFRIDAY Application rejected 35,36,43 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Verbal mark 03995561 17/03/2006 Zwei-Phasen-Technologie Application rejected 10 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(2) Verbal mark 04076857 17/03/2006 Hausbau-Schutzbrief Application partly rejected 16,36,37,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c R0659/2006-1 Verbal mark 04103503 17/03/2006 Perfect Foto Application rejected 01,16,41,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Verbal mark 04179909 17/03/2006 MULTICOLOURS Application partly rejected 16 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c R0656/2006-4 Verbal mark 04368528 17/03/2006 M Application rejected 07,09,11,20,37 CTMR.007(1)b Figurative 04401311 17/03/2006 PERFECT SPLINT Application rejected 10 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04565198 17/03/2006 numeracy Application partly rejected 09,28,41 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04132718 16/03/2006 NOISE TRACER Application partly rejected 09 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) R0646/2006-4 Verbal mark 04143855 16/03/2006 PhoneEasy Application rejected 09 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c R0606/2006-2 Verbal mark 04282406 16/03/2006 bermuda Application rejected 36,39,43 CTMR.007(1)b Verbal mark 04476545 16/03/2006 TRUSTME Application partly rejected 45 CTMR.007(1)b R0652/2006-2 Verbal mark 04645453 16/03/2006 CHANGING THE WAY YOU AGE Application rejected 03,05,44 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04327912 15/03/2006 CARDETECT Application rejected 12 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Verbal mark 04523999 15/03/2006 Microsys Application rejected 35,41 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04745394 15/03/2006 science for health Application rejected 05,29,30 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) R0648/2006-2 Figurative 03000700 14/03/2006 Application rejected 09,10 CTMR.007(1)b Colour per se 03545704 14/03/2006 ALLE WERDEN GLÜCKLICH Application rejected 18,24,25 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(2) R0623/2006-1 Figurative 03965647 14/03/2006 Application rejected 20,29,30 CTMR.007(1)b 3-D 03977097 14/03/2006 Application partly rejected 29,30 CTMR.007(1)b Figurative 04051901 14/03/2006 CHOOSE-YOUR-GIFT Application rejected 14,25,35 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04209276 14/03/2006 Application rejected 35,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c R0631/2006-4 Verbal mark 04212049 14/03/2006 Application rejected 35,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04212064 14/03/2006 Application rejected 35,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04212114 14/03/2006 Application rejected 35,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04354049 14/03/2006 SMARTBALL Application rejected 09 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04500641 14/03/2006 PANETTI Application rejected 29,30,31 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04520227 14/03/2006 BAMBOO Application rejected 22,23,24,25 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04528964 14/03/2006 Sweet Berries Application partly rejected 29,31,32 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Verbal mark 04544318 14/03/2006 HOOF PREP Application rejected 05 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Verbal mark 04571337 14/03/2006 CACHELOGIC ADVANCED SOLUTIONS FOR PEER TO PEER NETWORKS Application rejected 09,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 04629424 14/03/2006 MAXI RECARGA Application partly rejected 09,38 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Verbal mark 04646501 14/03/2006 COLORGUARD Application rejected 03 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 03292513 13/03/2006 cableDSL Application rejected 09,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b Verbal mark 03537792 13/03/2006 Membrane Care Application partly rejected 01,03,35 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Verbal mark 03726551 13/03/2006 True4G Application rejected 09,37,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 03726585 13/03/2006 True3G Application rejected 09,37,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Verbal mark 03844792 13/03/2006 DREAM IT, DO IT!
Answer: | Application rejected - FR 09 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(2) Marque Verbale 04332301 20/03/2006 BUYERS ADVANTAGE Application rejected - FR 35,36,38,45 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04445061 20/03/2006 FIT WAY Application rejected - FR 29,30,31 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c R0640/2006-4 Marque Verbale 04575908 20/03/2006 EnergiaVital Application partly rejected - FR 03,05 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Marque Verbale 04683173 20/03/2006 Application partly rejected - FR 25,38,41 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04732426 20/03/2006 LITEARCH Application rejected - FR 19 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c R0675/2006-1 Marque Verbale 02739787 17/03/2006 Application partly rejected - FR 09,28,42 CTMR.007(1)b 3-D 03917333 17/03/2006 MONDAYTOFRIDAY Application rejected - FR 35,36,43 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Marque Verbale 03995561 17/03/2006 Zwei-Phasen-Technologie Application rejected - FR 10 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(2) Marque Verbale 04076857 17/03/2006 Hausbau-Schutzbrief Application partly rejected - FR 16,36,37,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c R0659/2006-1 Marque Verbale 04103503 17/03/2006 Perfect Foto Application rejected - FR 01,16,41,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Marque Verbale 04179909 17/03/2006 MULTICOLOURS Application partly rejected - FR 16 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c R0656/2006-4 Marque Verbale 04368528 17/03/2006 M Application rejected - FR 07,09,11,20,37 CTMR.007(1)b Figurative 04401311 17/03/2006 PERFECT SPLINT Application rejected - FR 10 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04565198 17/03/2006 numeracy Application partly rejected - FR 09,28,41 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04132718 16/03/2006 NOISE TRACER Application partly rejected - FR 09 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) R0646/2006-4 Marque Verbale 04143855 16/03/2006 PhoneEasy Application rejected - FR 09 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c R0606/2006-2 Marque Verbale 04282406 16/03/2006 bermuda Application rejected - FR 36,39,43 CTMR.007(1)b Marque Verbale 04476545 16/03/2006 TRUSTME Application partly rejected - FR 45 CTMR.007(1)b R0652/2006-2 Marque Verbale 04645453 16/03/2006 CHANGING THE WAY YOU AGE Application rejected - FR 03,05,44 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04327912 15/03/2006 CARDETECT Application rejected - FR 12 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Marque Verbale 04523999 15/03/2006 Microsys Application rejected - FR 35,41 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04745394 15/03/2006 science for health Application rejected - FR 05,29,30 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) R0648/2006-2 Figurative 03000700 14/03/2006 Application rejected - FR 09,10 CTMR.007(1)b Couleur 03545704 14/03/2006 ALLE WERDEN GLÜCKLICH Application rejected - FR 18,24,25 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(2) R0623/2006-1 Figurative 03965647 14/03/2006 Application rejected - FR 20,29,30 CTMR.007(1)b 3-D 03977097 14/03/2006 Application partly rejected - FR 29,30 CTMR.007(1)b Figurative 04051901 14/03/2006 CHOOSE-YOUR-GIFT Application rejected - FR 14,25,35 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04209276 14/03/2006 Application rejected - FR 35,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c R0631/2006-4 Marque Verbale 04212049 14/03/2006 Application rejected - FR 35,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04212064 14/03/2006 Application rejected - FR 35,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04212114 14/03/2006 Application rejected - FR 35,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04354049 14/03/2006 SMARTBALL Application rejected - FR 09 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04500641 14/03/2006 PANETTI Application rejected - FR 29,30,31 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04520227 14/03/2006 BAMBOO Application rejected - FR 22,23,24,25 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04528964 14/03/2006 Sweet Berries Application partly rejected - FR 29,31,32 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Marque Verbale 04544318 14/03/2006 HOOF PREP Application rejected - FR 05 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Marque Verbale 04571337 14/03/2006 CACHELOGIC ADVANCED SOLUTIONS FOR PEER TO PEER NETWORKS Application rejected - FR 09,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 04629424 14/03/2006 MAXI RECARGA Application partly rejected - FR 09,38 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Marque Verbale 04646501 14/03/2006 COLORGUARD Application rejected - FR 03 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 03292513 13/03/2006 cableDSL Application rejected - FR 09,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b Marque Verbale 03537792 13/03/2006 Membrane Care Application partly rejected - FR 01,03,35 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c,CTMR.007(2) Marque Verbale 03726551 13/03/2006 True4G Application rejected - FR 09,37,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 03726585 13/03/2006 True3G Application rejected - FR 09,37,38,42 CTMR.007(1)b,CTMR.007(1)c Marque Verbale 03844792 13/03/2006 DREAM IT, DO IT! | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
IN: French:
Today in this debate I am replacing my colleague Louis Michel, who unfortunately cannot be here; I take this matter on with great interest, both in its own right and also because it affects Europe directly - the need, for instance, to mobilise our navies to combat piracy, and this is only one recent example.
OUT: Aujourd'hui dans ce débat je remplace mon collègue, Monsieur Louis Michel, qui ne peut malheureusement pas être présent. J'accorde à cette affaire le plus vif intérêt, parce qu'elle a une importance à part entière et aussi parce qu'elle affecte directement l'Europe - la nécessité, par exemple, de mobiliser notre marine pour combattre la piraterie, et ce n'est qu'un exemple récent.
IN: French:
It includes provisions that allow the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board to set the maximum amounts
OUT: D’autres preoccupations ont egalement ete soulevees, notamment ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ une divulgation insuffisante des modalites contractuelles, des ´ ´ ` methodes de recouvrement inequitables, comme le harcelement
IN: French:
RailTex maintained that it would honour all of CN's agreements but will ask that all parties ensure that the current owners/users are actually the signatories to the private crossing agreements.
OUT: RailTex a déclaré qu'elle respecterait tous les accords du CN mais demanderait à ce que toutes les parties aux accords sur les passages à niveau privés soient actualisées afin d'assurer que les propriétaires usagers actuels soient effectivement les signataires des accords).
IN: French:
Also at the 2nd meeting, the Chief, Water, Natural Resources and Small Island Developing States Branch, responded to questions raised by the experts.
OUT: | Toujours lors de cette deuxième réunion, le Chef du Service de la gestion des ressources en eau et des petits États insulaires en développement a répondu aux questions posées par les experts. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Was den zweiten Teil der Frage betrifft, möchte ich den Abgeordneten auf das Dokument verweisen, das die Kommission in Zusammenhang mit der gemeinsamen Aktion zur vorübergehenden Aufnahme vorgelegt hat.
In English?
As far as the other part of the question is concerned, I would like to refer the honourable Member to the document which the Commission produced in connection with the joint action on temporary asylum.
Ich werde Ihnen die Geschichte erzählen. Eine Geschichte, die auch die Geschichte Ihres Landes ist, weil dieses Land sich über die Schultern und Rücken der Indigenas erhebt.
In English?
I'm going to tell you a story: a story about your country, because your country arose on the shoulders and on the backs of the Indians.
Andererseits ist es eine Schande, dass die Todesstrafe bis heute immer noch in den demokratischen Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika angewendet wird.
In English?
| On the other hand, it is shameful that the death penalty is still being used to this day in the democratic United States of America. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Jedno jestli to byl motor nebo obvodová deska.
In English?
Didn't matter whether it was a motor or a circuit board.
Nutí mě dělat neuvěřitelně věci.
In English?
He does the strangest things.
Do prdele, Stowe, posrals to.
In English?
| Shit, Stowe. You blew it. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: Professor at the Geneva School of Music. Winner (1st prize) of the International Cello Competition in Geneva. --> French.
answer: Professeur au Conservatoire Supérieur de Musique de Genève.
Professional Engineer [43-1-o] THE SCOTTISH DOMINION INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED RELEASE OF ASSETS Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with the provisions of the Insurance Companies Act, S.C., 1991, c. --> French.
B. J. THOMSON [43-1-o] THE SCOTTISH DOMINION INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED LIBÉRATION D'ACTIF Avis est par les présentes donné, conformément aux dispositions de la Loi sur les sociétés d'assurances, L.C. (1991), ch.
question: Some of the key components of the security sector reform programme included (a) providing infrastructure for the armed forces; (b) modernizing and restructuring the armed forces, in particular equipping them to patrol air space, secure maritime borders and defend the land mass of the country; (c) improving the living conditions in the barracks and police stations; (d) improving the level of training for military and security personnel; (e) building capacity and enhancing efficiency in the justice sector; and (f) preparing a programme for the demobilization of military personnel and adequately compensating demobilized personnel. --> French.
answer: Le Gouvernement a élaboré un document de stratégie pour la restructuration et la modernisation du secteur de la défense et de la sécurité, selon lequel il aurait besoin au total de 184,3 millions de dollars, afin notamment a) de mettre en place les infrastructures nécessaires pour les forces armées; b) de moderniser et de restructurer les forces armées, en particulier de les équiper pour surveiller l'espace aérien, sécuriser les frontières maritimes et défendre le pays; c) d'améliorer les conditions de vie dans les casernes et les commissariats de police; d) d'assurer le perfectionnement du personnel militaire et de sécurité; e) de renforcer les capacités et améliorer l'efficacité de la justice; et f) d'élaborer le programme de démobilisation du personnel militaire et d'indemniser comme il convient le personnel démobilisé.
question: These amendments concern, in particular, the extension of the Convention's geographical field of application to the coast, the application of the precautionary and "polluter pays" principles, the obligation on the Parties to carry out and promote impact assessments, protect and preserve biological diversity as well as combat pollution from cross-border movements of dangerous waste, and access to information and public participation. --> French.
answer: | Ces amendements portent, notamment, sur l'extension du champ d'application géographique de la convention au littoral, sur l'application des principes de précaution et du « pollueur-payeur », sur l'obligation faite aux parties de réaliser et de promouvoir des études d'impact, de protéger et préserver la diversité biologique, ainsi que de lutter contre la pollution résultant de mouvements transfrontières de déchets dangereux, sur l'accès à l'information et la participation du public. | 0 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Добавлена поддержка Nokia 6020, Nokia 6230i, Nokia 6255, Nokia 6822.
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If you are going to order Oxygen Express you will get 30% discount for simultaneous Oxygen Phone Manager II purchase.
Направленное множество
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Directed set
Информация о прохождении отопительного сезона в 2009-2010 годов в Донецкой области.
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Donechchyna is a region, well-known in the world as a large industrial centre. Owing to the significant rates of economic development, the Donetsk region cooperates with many countries of the world.
На тридцатилетнюю Маргариту из зеркала глядела от природы кудрявая черноволосая женщина лет двадцати, безудержно хохочущая, скалящая зубы.
Could you please translate this to English?
| From the mirror a naturally curly, black-haired woman of about twenty was looking at the thirty-year-old Margarita, baring her teeth and shaking with laughter. | 9 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: V roce 1938 číslo jedna v hitparádě byla písnička Koláčky.
Translate this to English?
[A]: In 1938, the number one song was Shortening' Bread.
[Q]: Ser Eldrick Sarsfield a lord Desmond Crakehall.
Translate this to English?
[A]: Ser Eldrick Sarsfield and Lord Desmond Crakehall.
[Q]: Jsem ta největší ubožačka.
Translate this to English?
[A]: | I'm just the most pathetic person. No, you're not. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
AP - Tampa Bay Buccaneers receiver Joey Galloway strained a groin muscle in the second quarter of Sunday's game against the Washington Redskins and the team said he would not return.
Correct title: Sports
AFP - Legendary manager Brian Clough, who led unfashionable Nottingham Forest to two European Cup titles, has died of stomach cancer aged 69.
Correct title: World
Microsoft Corp. Thursday said it is investigating claims that several new vulnerabilities have been found in Windows XP Service Pack 2 by security firm Finjan Software Inc. in San Jose, Calif. Finjan on Tuesday announced that it had found as many as 10 "serious" flaws in SP2.
Correct title: | Science/Tech | 6 | Flan2021 | ag_news_subset:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Musíš mi říct, odkud jsi přesně zabloudil.
Translate this to English?
[A]: You need to tell me where you got lost.
[Q]: Nasoukal se do potápějícího se auta.
Translate this to English?
[A]: He'd have to crawl inside the sinking Buick station wagon.
[Q]: To jsem já, ty vemeno. - Basile!
Translate this to English?
[A]: | It's me, you numpty. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Translate to French:
The Government of Canada Supports Tyrconnell Heritage Society
[ 2008-05-05 ] Canadian Heritage:
Answer: Le gouvernement du Canada appuie la « Tyrconnell Heritage Society »
[ 2008-05-05 ] Patrimoine canadien :
Translate to French:
• To ensure that all relevant data (including confidential data submitted under the Pest Control Products Act) are taken into consideration when deriving MACs and IMACs The World Health Organization (WHO), in conjunction with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), also conducts evaluations to derive ADIs or, where data are insufficient, provisional daily intakes, which incorporate a larger uncertainty factor, for pesticide residues in foods.
Answer: • Assurer la prise en considération de toutes les données pertinentes (y compris les données confidentielles reçues en vertu de la Loi sur les produits antiparasitaires) lors de l'établissement des CMA et des CMAP L'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), de concert avec l'Organisation pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture des Nations Unies (FAO), procède également à des évaluations en vue de calculer les AQA de pesticides dans les aliments ou, lorsque les données sont insuffisantes, des apports quotidiens provisoires, qui incorporent un facteur d'incertitude plus grand.
Translate to French:
The inspection team shall notify the escort team of its intended departure from the certification site and, if appropriate, of its intention to proceed to another certification site or to a reduction site at least 24 hours before the intended departure time.
Answer: | Chaque Etat Partie est tenu de justifier la quantité globale d'armements et équipements conventionnels limités par le Traité, dans toute catégorie notifiée en vertu de la Section III du Protocole sur l'échange d'informations, à l'échelon d'organisation supérieur à celui de la brigade / du régiment ou équivalent, si cette justification est demandée par un autre Etat Partie. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "I think that may be my favourite so far." said in Czech?
Tohle je zatím moje nejoblíbenější.
How is "You didn't think you were in the real observatory, did you?" said in Czech?
Nemyslela sis, že jsi ve skutečné observatoři, že ne?
How is "It doesn't look too bad, does it?" said in Czech?
Nevypadá to špatně, ne?
How is "Okay. Sorry about that. Boob graze." said in Czech?
| Promiň, přejel jsem ti přes prsa. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
In: who has won the most football world cups??
Out: Brazil
In: jewel of the nile where was it filmed??
Out: Villefranche-sur-Mer
In: how many costas are there in the uk??
Out: 2,121
In: how long does the ferry take from staten island to manhattan??
Out: | 25 | 7 | Flan2021 | natural_questions_open:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "They have to be updated. I have to say I was not happy with the first debate we had on the budget in the Committee on Budgets." said in German?
In German: Ich muß Ihnen sagen, daß ich über die erste Debatte, die wir darüber in unserem Haushaltsausschuß im Zusammenhang mit dem Haushalt geführt haben, nicht glücklich war.
How is "The elections are a key stage in reconciliation: a free vote is needed to bring into being a new leader class in a position to govern the country and manage the funding the international community is providing for the reconstruction of Bosnia." said in German?
In German: Die Wahlen sind der entscheidende Schritt zur Wiederversöhnung: Ohne eine freie Stimmabgabe kann keine neue Führungsschicht entstehen, die fähig wäre, das Land und die Finanzierung, die die internationale Gemeinschaft für den Wiederaufbau Bosniens zur Verfügung stellt, zu verwalten.
How is "Hosting possibilities in Tarifa: if you wish, we can organise your accommodation needs." said in German?
In German: Über nachtungsmöglichkeiten mit Unterbringung in Tarifa vorhanden.
How is "COMPLEXUL CAPRIOARA este localizat la o distanta de 10 km de orasul Baia Mare din judetul Maramures la poalele muntelui Ignis, pe malul..." said in German?
| In German: Situat in Maramuresul Istoric in orasul Viseu de Sus, pe DN 18, departe de vacarmul centrului urban aglomerat, avand confortul si dotarea unui... | 7 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
1. Drew Springer , Jr. , a businessman from Münster in Cooke County , has represented Young County in the Texas House of Representatives since January 2013 .
2. Republican Drew Springer , Jr. , a businessman from Muenster in Cooke County , has since January 2013 represented Young County in the Texas House of Representatives .
1. The son of James Jeffords , who served as Chief Justice of the Vermont Supreme Court , Olin M. Jeffords was born in Rutland , Vermont .
2. The son of Olin M. Jeffords , who served as the chief justice of the Supreme Court of Vermont , was born James Jeffords in Rutland , Vermont .
1. Teversall Manor is a former railway station in Teversal , Nottinghamshire on the Derbyshire border west of Mansfield .
2. Teversall Manor is a former station in Teversal , Nottinghamshire on the Derbyshire border west of Mansfield .
| yes | 3 | Flan2021 | paws_wiki:1.1.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "Would Sweden like to initiate this?" said in German?
Würde Schweden das in die Wege leiten wollen?
How is "It is not because this is the last form, but because it is something like a system inside the system." said in German?
Deswegen wird sie am Schluss unterrichtet, um die gelernten Techniken und Prinzipien nicht durcheinander zu bringen. Sie ist eher interessant als nutzvoll, doch gehört sie zum System und muss gelernt werden.
How is "The projectors with spot optics and lamps without reflectors have manual devices to focus the lamp. It is on the back of the optical assembly." said in German?
Die Strahler mit Spot-Optik und Lichtquellen ohne eingebauten Reflektor sind mit einer Fokussiervorrichtung für die Lampe ausgestattet; die zugehörige manuelle Verstelleinrichtung befindet sich auf der Rückseite des Leuchtengehäuses.
How is "Suomen Allaslaite Oy is one of the Finland's leading specialists in water treatment systems as well as a supplier of various ranges of pool and spa products. We deliver water treatment systems and additional products and equipment for public swimming halls, rehabilitation centres, spas, leisure centres and hotels." said in German?
| Seit 1983 hat Suomen Allaslaite Oy Wasseraufbereitungssysteme, Schwimmbad Ausrüstungen und Zubehör besorgt. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "Do you really want me to put it in Youtube?" said in Czech?
Vážně to chceš dát na Youtube?
How is "Forget this hand, okay?" said in Czech?
Chceš hrát rychleji?
How is "'It is you - is it not?'" said in Czech?
"Jsi to ty, ne?"
How is "EN 60118-13:1997 Note 2.1 Date expired Cenelec EN 60522:1999 Determination of the permanent filtration of X-ray tube assemblies IEC 60522:1999 ( 2 )" said in Czech?
| EN 60118-13:1997 Pozn. 2.1 Datum ukončení platnosti Cenelec EN 60522:1999 Stanovení vlastní filtrace rentgenového zářiče IEC 60522:1999 ( 2 ) | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Worum es eigentlich geht, ist, daß wir Initiativen ergreifen, um das, was wir beschlossen haben, auch umzusetzen.
Translate this to English?
[A]: What we need now are initiatives to implement our decisions.
[Q]: Für einen Angebot sollten Sie uns kontaktieren.
Translate this to English?
[A]: For current shipping rates, please call us.
[Q]: Mit Aimee Mann, Elliott Smith, José Gonzales, Kristofer Aström, Anna Ternheim & more.
Translate this to English?
[A]: | Blasse Haut und schwarzer Kajal sind (beim Zuschauen zumindest) kein Muss! | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
question: Generate a tweet. negative
answer: i'm scared my best friends life is hanging by a thread and ther isn't anything i can say or do about it. i'm MORE than worried...
question: Generate a tweet. positive
answer: @Rove1974 haha, your not that stupid rove
question: Generate a tweet. positive
answer: | New Gallows CD! | 3 | Flan2021 | sentiment140:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Premise & hypothesis: Is the premise "A man riding a bicycle along the waterfront." true if "A man is sitting on the sand."?
A: no
Premise & hypothesis: Is the premise "Red shirted worker climbs ladder to peer into a container perched on a forklift." true if "man is having lunch."?
A: no
Premise & hypothesis: Is the premise "Child in blue trunks splashing in blue kiddie pool" true if "man eats pringles"?
A: no
Premise & hypothesis: Is the premise "Two females are wearing bikini tops and very short shorts while walking down the street." true if "Nobody is walking"?
A: | no | 5 | Flan2021 | snli:1.1.0 | fs_noopt |
What does INRI stand for when used on Jesus ' cross ?
How do you match a name to a social security number ?
What university was Woodrow Wilson President of ?
| human | 8 | Flan2021 | trec:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: По окончании конкурса IFC Markets оставляет за собой право опубликовать историю торговых операций на счетах конкурсантов, занявших призовые места.
Translate this to English?
[A]: The company has a sole discretion to disqualify any contestant violating the rules of the Contest.
[Q]: Длинноусая дианема
Translate this to English?
[A]: Porthole catfish
[Q]: Шевиньская, Ирена
Translate this to English?
[A]: | Irena Szewińska | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/ru-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Ich hoffe, es wird ein echter Schwerpunkt für die kommenden Legislaturperioden.
Which language is this?
Language: German
Ich komme aus einem der nördlichen Anbaugebiete Europas, von der Mosel.
Which language is this?
Language: German
NEU: Festlegen Ihrer bevorzugten Schieberegler zur Gestaltung einer individuell optimierten Benutzeroberfläche.
Which language is this?
Language: German
На завершення – спільна молитва, яку провела спільнота «Ангелятко» з Івано-Франківська.
Which language is this?
Language: | German | 4 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Sixty-eight and counting. An outbreak of measles in Ohio has infected 68 people, adding to what is already an 18-year high of measles cases in the United States. That's disturbing news for health professionals, who considered the contagious infectious disease eliminated in the United States in 2000. The outbreak in Ohio began with a group from Christian Aid Ministries, who went on a mission trip to the Philippines earlier this year, health officials say. Philippines is experiencing a very large measles outbreak; at least 20,000 confirmed and suspected cases have been reported in the Asian nation. Four people who were on the mission trip became infected, according to Pam Palm, the public information officer for Knox County Health Department, and the disease has since spread to 62 others in the Amish community. Knox County has 40 cases.
Visitors may pick up the disease and bring it back to the
ANS: U.S., potentially infecting those who cannot be vaccinated against the measles because they are too young, for example, or who have intentionally remained unvaccinated.
He was on track for victory in the world’s most famous steeplechase. Across The Bay was leading the field in the 167th Grand National yesterday with two miles to go. But then calamity struck. Spectators gasped as the ten-year-old gelding was knocked off course by a stray runner. Leighton Aspell celebrates on Pineau De Re after winning the 2014 Grand National. Second was Balthazar King, followed by Double Seven - ridden by Tony McCoy Leighton Aspell leads Pineau De Re across the final fence and on towards victory in the 167th Grand National at Aintree The jockey celebrated with trainer and former GP Dr Richard Newland (right) - who only has 12 horses in his stable
ANS: Pineau De Re, in the white helmet, white shirt and green stripe, catches up with the leaders during a crucial point in the race
By Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor PUBLISHED: 03:36 EST, 1 June 2013 | UPDATED: 03:36 EST, 1 June 2013 Argentinian tourists have staged a British invasion, with record numbers flying in to the UK in the last year. The influx of more than 100,000 visitors – up more than a quarter year-on-year - comes despite renewed tensions between the two countries over the status of the Falkland Islands. Attempts by Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner to stoke anti-British feeling have failed to stop her compatriots from spending a record £104million during holidays and business trips in 2012. Record: More than 100,000 visitors from Argentina travelled to the UK last year, spending more than £100million and staying for a total of 1.07million nights
The visits included 22,000 more holidays in the
ANS: British, 2,000 extra business trips, 1,000 visiting students but the number of trips to visit friends and family fell by 2,000.
Lisbon, Portugal (CNN) -- Calling it a significant step forward for the alliance and European security, President Obama announced Friday that NATO will develop a missile defense system to safeguard most of Europe and the United States. The agreement, according to the president, followed a year of talks to determine the best ways to coordinate efforts to protect members of the 61-year-old alliance. The system would be "strong enough to cover all NATO European territory and populations, as well as the United States," Obama told reporters in Lisbon, Portugal. The missile defense plan "offers a role for all of our allies in response to the threats of our times," the president said. "It shows our determination to protect our citizens from the threat of ballistic missiles."
European leaders are looking for Obama to keep
ANS: | United States troops at their current levels, although the Obama administration has urged Europe to share more of the burden of its own defense. | 7 | Flan2021 | super_glue/record:1.0.2 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: "In this project, the LoI shifted from the mother tongue to English at the third grade." --> French?
[A]: Dans le cadre de ce projet, l'anglais remplace la langue maternelle comme LdI à partir de la troisième année du cycle primaire.
[Q]: "In the context of pending judicial proceedings, such verification may be requested by the parties involved, by the Procuratore del Fisco or ex-officio by the judge by means of a special order." --> French?
[A]: Dans le cadre de procédures judiciaires en cours, l'examen de constitutionnalité peut être demandé par les parties, par le Procuratore del Fisco ou d'office par le juge au moyen d'une ordonnance spéciale.
[Q]: "In particular, the Committee welcomes the way the State party has addressed the Committee's previous recommendations in a separate part of the report." --> French?
[A]: | Le Comité note en particulier avec satisfaction que l'État partie a consacré une partie distincte de son rapport aux recommandations qu'il lui avait adressées précédemment. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: The fund was a government project to develop Malaysia's economy, but the Department of Justice (DoJ) has alleged that vast amounts of the fund's money was actually spent by a few individuals on luxury assets around the world. Officials at 1MDB have denied any wrongdoing.
Here are some of the ways the US says the money was spent.
The DoJ alleged that $380m was spent on a stake in the Park Lane, a luxury hotel overlooking Central Park in New York.
Another property, Park Laurel Condo, also in New York, cost $33.5m at purchase, the US claims.
Walker Tower Penthouse and Time Warner Penthouse were purchased for $50.9m and $30.5m respectively.
The Viceroy L'Ermitage Hotel in Beverly Hills in Los Angeles was also on the list, purchased for $44.8m, the US alleges.
A mansion in Beverly Hills with a pool curved around and it and tiered gardens was valued at $31m at purchase.
And the DoJ says $41.8m was spent on a secluded townhouse in the London's upmarket Belgravia area.
The US says 1MDB spent $100m on Red Granite Pictures, the studio backing the The Wolf of Wall Street - a film about corruption and greed. The production company was co-founded by Riza Aziz, stepson of the Mr Najib.
A Bombardier Global 5000 private jet was purchased for a reported $35.4m.
Vincent Van Gogh's La Maison de Vincent à Arles, a pen and ink drawing by the Dutch post-impressionist, was picked up for $5.5m, the DoJ said.
Oscar-Claude Monet's Nymphéas Avec Reflets de Hautes Herbes, an oil painting was worth $57.5m at purchase.
Monet's Saint-Georges Majeur au Crépuscule was bought for $35m.
Source: US Department of Justice
A: US authorities have said they plan to seize more than $1bn (£761m) in assets allegedly bought with funds diverted from Malaysia's government investment fund, 1MDB.
Q: The venues on the Clyde have been lit up as part of a global campaign to celebrate Ireland's patron saint.
Other landmarks around the world turning a bit emerald include Nelson's Column in London, Christ the Redeemer in Rio and the Great Wall of China.
This is the seventh year of Tourism Ireland's Global Greening campaign.
Niall Gibbons, CEO of Tourism Ireland, said: "St Patrick's Day traditionally marks the real start of the tourism season for us; our aim is to bring a smile to the faces of people around the world and to convey the message that Ireland offers the warmest of welcomes and great fun, as well as wonderful scenery and heritage."
A: Glasgow's SSE Hydro and the Clyde Auditorium - known as the Armadillo - have turned green to mark St Patrick's Day.
Q: That was the question posed by a BBC reader, following a report on how children struggle to cope online.
There is plenty of information about how to deal with cyberbullies, but far less about what to do if you find out that your own child is the source.
The BBC took advice from experts and a mother who found out her daughter had been cyberbullying her school friends.
Few parents would want to admit that their child was a bully but Nicola Jenkins has gone on record with her story. You can watch her tell it here.
"Nobody thinks that their own child is saying unkind things to other children, do they? I let them go on all the social media sites and trusted the children to use it appropriately.
"Our form tutor phoned me up during school hours one day to tell me that there'd been some messages sent between my daughter and two other friends that weren't very nice. One of the children in particular was very upset about some of the things that had been said to her.
"Her friend's mum spoke to me about it and showed me the messages that had been sent. When I approached my daughter about it, she denied that there had been anything going on. It took a while to get it out of her, but I was angry with her once I actually found out that she had been sending these messages.
"I spoke to her teacher and to the other parents, and between us we spoke to the children to let them know that they can't be saying unkind things and to just make them aware that whatever they do is recorded and can be kept. And they all did learn a lesson from it.
"I removed all the social media websites from her so she wasn't able to access them for a while and then monitored her input and what she's been saying to people.
"But it did make me feel angry and quite ashamed that my daughter could be saying things like that to her friends, but she has grown up a bit since then and she's learnt her lesson.
"You want to trust your children, but they can get themselves into situations that they can't get out of.
"And as they get older, they look at different things. I know my son looks at totally different things to what my daughter does, so it's just being aware of what they are accessing and make sure that they are happy for you to look at what they are looking at as well."
According to not-for-profit organisation Internet Matters, one in five 13-18 year olds claim to have experienced cyberbullying but there are few statistics on how many children are bullying.
Carolyn Bunting, general manager of Internet Matters, offers the following advice:
"First, sit down with them and try to establish the facts around the incident with an open mind. As parents, we can sometimes have a blind spot when it comes to the behaviour of our own children - so try not to be on the defensive. Talk about areas that may be causing them distress or anger and leading them to express these feelings online.
"Make clear the distinction between uploading and sharing content because it's funny or might get lots of 'likes', versus the potential to cause offence or hurt. Tell them: this is serious. It's vital they understand that bullying others online is unacceptable behaviour. As well as potentially losing friends, it could get them into trouble with their school or the police.
"If your child was cyberbullying in retaliation, you should tell them that two wrongs cannot make a right and it will only encourage further bullying behaviour. Stay calm when discussing it with your child and try to talk with other adults to work through any emotions you have about the situation.
"Taking away devices can be counterproductive. It could make the situation worse and encourage them to find other ways to get online. Instead, think about restricting access and take away some privileges if they don't stop the behaviour.
"As a role model, show your child that taking responsibility for your own actions is the right thing to do. Above all, help your child learn from what has happened. Think about what you could do differently as a parent or as a family and share your learning with other parents and carers."
Many critics blame social media for not doing enough to deal with cyberbullying. Abuse is prolific on Twitter and it has pledged to do more, including improving tools that allow users to mute, block and report so-called trolls.
Sinead McSweeney, vice-president of public policy at Twitter, explained why the issue is close to her heart:
"As a mother of a seven-year-old boy, I've always tried to strike the right balance between promoting internet safety and encouraging the type of exploration, learning and creativity that the internet can unlock."
She offered the following advice:
"If you find that your child is participating in this type of behaviour, a good first step is to understand the nature of the type of material they're creating, who is the target, and try to ascertain their motivations.
"If the bullying is taking place on a social media platform, make sure to explain to them why the behaviour is inappropriate and harmful, and to supervise the deletion of the bullying content they have created. If it continues, it may be worth seeking additional advice from a teacher or trusted confidant."
A: | Parents worry about their children being bullied online, but what if it is your child who is doing the bullying? | 0 | Flan2021 | huggingface:xsum | fs_noopt |
Write a sentence not in English.
Depuis que cette activité a cessée, les populations semblent s'en remettre, et à l'heure actuelle, la chasse à la baleine n'est pas un facteur limitant.
Write a sentence not in English.
La phase deux consistait à recueillir et à interpréter les informations clés définies à la phase un pour trois collectivités.
Write a sentence not in English.
Un secteur des services efficient est donc indispensable à l’ensemble de l’économie.
Write a sentence not in English.
| Les entreprises de recyclage de la ferraille font partie de ce secteur.
-+-+-+- | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Photos of the Week: Nov. 24-29
WORLD CUP PREPS: A crane installing a part of the roof of the Itaquerao Stadium, which will host the opening soccer match of World Cup 2014 in São Paulo, Brazil, collapsed Wednesday, killing two people and injuring a third, a spokesman for the São Paulo fire service said. Nelson Antoine/Associated Press
Summary: In this week's photos, a football player celebrates a Thanksgiving win in the U.S., a man and his camel beg for change in China, antinarcotics police stand guard in Peru and more.
The passinho dance craze that grew out of Rioâs favelas
The passinho is a new dance craze that is offering the hope of a better life to young people in Rioâs favelas. Júlia Dias Carneiro reports.
Twenty-year-old Pablo Henrique Goncalves, also known as Pablinho, grew up in Rio de Janeiro’s largest shanty town, Rocinha – a poor area sprawling over one of the city’s hilltops. Like many boys in Rio’s favelas, Pablinho once thought football, or drugs, could be his way out - that is, until a new dance phenomenon spreading across Rio’s poor communities gripped him – and he discovered that he had real talent. He now hopes to have found his ticket to a better life through the passinho.
The passinho, or ‘little step’, is a new dance craze that began in Rio’s poor neighbourhoods and is now moving into the mainstream. It mixes a variety of different styles from funk, breakdancing and Michael Jackson’s moonwalk, weaving in Brazilian rhythms like samba, frevo and forro. The result are the moves practised by Pablinho in the small bedroom shared with his parents and two little brothers.
He twists and twirls with his arms spread out, moving up and down as if his knees were made of springs, grimacing as he wiggles his upper body like a snake. His little brother dances too, trying to keep up.
Film-maker Emilio Domingos, who spent a year filming a documentary about the scene, Passinho Dance Off , says the craze has the key Brazilian characteristic of ‘cannibalising’ foreign culture and digesting it into something entirely new. “The dancers absorb everything they see and transform it”, he says.
As well as the film, a soon-to-be produced passinho musical and performances on TV indicate that the style is beginning to reach a wider public. A recent passinho championship attracted more than 200 dancers from all over Rio to the 16 favelas hosting the competition.
But where did the dance craze come from? The answer lies with technology and social media. Teenagers from poor communities – with growing access to the internet – started uploading YouTube videos of themselves dancing at home or at parties. The most famous clip from 2008 has over 4 million views.
“When I first saw that video on YouTube – wow! – I was seriously interested in the passinho and amazed at the guys’ talents and how many clicks they got,” says Pablinho. “I wanted to learn to do the same – or better.” This ‘wow’ factor led many others like Pablinho to copy the steps and share their own videos. The moves spread from one favela to another and are now reaching other Brazilian areas.
Despite a so-called ‘pacification’ policy that aims to expel drug lords, many of Rio’s favelas are still controlled by criminals. The prospect of money and power entices children and teenagers into drug trafficking. So it is especially meaningful to see new role models being created through the passinho – and young men earning respect without carrying a weapon.
Before it became a social media sensation, the passinho grew within Rio’s so-called “funk balls”, – parties in the city’s favelas where Brazilian funk music is played – and was often associated with violence due to the presence of drug dealers.
“The passinho is giving kids here an opportunity to quit drugs and to dance”, says Pablinho. “It’s not like before when kids would see criminals and think: ‘I want to be like him.’ No! Now they look up to us and say they want to become dancers.”
Pablinho has over 10,000 friends on Facebook and performs with a group of friends called ‘The Stars’. “They have amazing dance techniques and are getting recognition. Now the next step is for them to get financial recognition”, says Emilio Domingos. “The problem is, it’s not easy to make a living as an artist in Brazil.”
Informal competitions are held in these parties: a circle opens on the dance floor and boys take turns showing off their steps in the middle. In 2011 these clashes led to the creation of the ‘Passinho Battle’, where dancers have just 45 seconds to show off their best moves in a duel.
The dancers also cultivate different styles. At one of the battle nights, in the Vidigal favela, the 16 competitors wore tight trousers, colourful glasses or sparkling earrings. Each had a trademark which singled them out - in Pablinho’s case, it was a thin, fizzy wave shaved across his head.
Pablinho, competing against four other boys, fell to the ground when he was announced as the night’s champion. By winning the tournament, he had earned a role in the forthcoming passinho musical. “That’s everything I wanted; it’s my life” he says. “Now I’m sure I’ll be able to help my family at home a lot.” He now dreams of a better life abroad.
One of the events’ organisers, Julio Ludemir says the dancers are breaking the rules of organised crime. “Organised crime makes people feel like prisoners in the slum and not look beyond it. Now the favelas are getting globalised. These boys are looking at what’s happening in London, in Africa, in Paris. Through social media, they are taking their dance to the world and bringing the world to their dance.”
If you would like to comment on this story or anything else you have seen on BBC Culture, head over to our Facebook page or message us on Twitter.
Summary: A new dance craze is offering the hope of a better life to young people in Rioâs shanty towns. Júlia Dias Carneiro reports.
Yahoo now the 3rd-largest mobile ad company: Mayer
Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer told audiences at the Yahoo Mobile Developer Conference in San Francisco Thursday that her company hit $1.2 billion in mobile revenue last year. With about 575 million monthly mobile visitors, that makes Yahoo "the third-largest mobile ad company in the world."
"This reinvention of mobile is perhaps the thing I'm most proud of as CEO," Mayer said. "The investment has paid off in terms of users, revenue and time spent. It outpaces not just our historic rate—not hard—but even also outpaced the industry rate."
Summary: | With about 575 million monthly mobile visitors, Yahoo is "the third-largest mobile ad company in the world," Mayer said. | 5 | Flan2021 | newsroom:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "Adobe InDesign is the application designed by Adobe Systems for professional page layouts, geared towards graphic designers.Adobe InDesign has new tools that significantly facilitate the most common layout jobs and add practical functions never se..." to German?
Yes: ProShow Gold ist ein Programm, das aus Ihren Digitalbildern hochqualitative Diapositive und Bildschirmschoner macht, die Sie später auf Ihrem PC oder dem Fernseher anschauen können. ProShow Gold ist ein einfach zu bedienendes Programm un...
Q: Translate "A specific procedure allows the UHT (Ultra High Temperature) milk to keep its taste for 100 days without the use of preservatives." to German?
Yes: Dank eines speziellen Verfahrens erhält die H-Milch (Haltbare Milch, auch: UTH-Milch - Ultra High Temperature) seinen Geschmack für 100 Tage, ohne den Zusatz von Konservierungsstoffen.
Q: Translate "It is a wide boulevard ideal for shopping and strolling along." to German?
Yes: | Hier sind europäische und deutsche Malerei des 19. Jahrhunderts zu finden. Gemälde der französischen Impressionisten - Manet, Monet, Renoir - sind ebenso wie die der Romantik - Caspar David Friedrich und Karl Friedrich Schinkel - zu bestaunen. | 6 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
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Text: the founder of the van kampen mutual fund family , the owner one of the world 's largest private collections of biblical manuscripts , died friday while awaiting a heart transplant .
Summary: | robert d. van kampen dies | 2 | Flan2021 | gigaword:1.2.0 | fs_noopt |
Ale co se stane, když se rorzezní alarm a nemáte svoji helmu?
In English?
No! No,but what happens on an emergency call when you don't wear your helmet?
'Máte pět nových zpráv.'
In English?
'You have five new messages. '
Promiň, nemůžu si vzpomenout, jak se jmenuješ, zapomínám...
In English?
| Sorry, I can't remember your name. I don't remember where we... That's all right. | 1 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Q: Translate "But the stories of the War, of humankind's loss, had seemed so remote from everyday experience as to be meaningless." to Czech?
A: V porovnání s každodenrúm životem se však historky o válce, o porážce lidstva, zdály bezvýznamné.
Q: Translate "Really?That's your response?" to Czech?
A: Opravdu? To je tvoje odpověď?
Q: Translate "They've got bacteria that lives in special ducts under their tongues." to Czech?
A: | Ve speciálním kanálku pod jejich jazykem žijí bakterie. | 3 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Write a sentence not in English.
Tableau 4
Dépenses budgétaires nettes
Write a sentence not in English.
Conditions d'appui Les bénéficiaires doivent consacrer au moins 75 p. cent de leur temps à la recherche.
Write a sentence not in English.
• Une stratégie gouvernementale de promotion de la démocratie est déposée au Parlement dans le cadre de la réponse au rapport à venir du Comité parlementaire.
Write a sentence not in English.
| La seule exigence pour s’inscrire à un cours à distance, c’est le désir d’apprendre et l’accès à un ordinateur et à Internet, ou au réseau interne de notre division de la formation.
-+-+-+- | 5 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "You got a red light in that car?" said in Czech?
Nemáš v autě maják?
How is "My pa had me workin'." said in Czech?
Táta mě nepustil z práce.
How is "She won't have him!" said in Czech?
Ona si ho nevezme!
How is "You take care... - ...Sean." said in Czech?
| Dej na sebe pozor... - ...Seane. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Answer this question: where is the cosmopolitan located on the strip??
3708 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Answer this question: who is the winner of did season 3??
Rajasmita Kar
Answer this question: where was bon cop bad cop 2 filmed??
Montreal and its Eastern Townships
Answer this question: who sings in the middle of the road??
| Chrissie Hynde | 2 | Flan2021 | natural_questions_open:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
[Q]: Die ordnungsgemäße Abwicklung der Fragestunde basiert auf dem vollen Verständnis zwischen unseren jeweiligen Institutionen und der Einhaltung der entsprechenden Regelungen.
Translate this to English?
[A]: Full understanding between our respective institutions and compliance with existing agreements between us are a prerequisite for Question Time to the Council to be properly conducted.
[Q]: And the vocals just mixed it to perfection. Everything was lovely, made great enjoyment for me and others who check you out and become or are already to be fans of your exquisite music.
Translate this to English?
[A]: The album in general, was good, relaxing and very enjoyable to sit back and saviour..
[Q]: Es ist wichtig, dass Sie keine englischen Beschreibungen während der Übersetzung ändern.
Translate this to English?
[A]: | It's important that you do not change English descriptions during translation. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/de-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Translate to French:
• Reduction of the degree of peripherality and promotion of integration by the development of large infrastructures; Improvement of living conditions; Development and competitiveness of the economy; Development of human resources and promotion of employment; and Reduction of regional disparities and opening up of island areas.
Answer: • réduction du caractère « périphérique » du pays et promotion de l’intégration grâce au développement de grandes infrastructures ; amélioration des conditions de vie ; développement et accroissement de la compétitivité de l’économie ; mise en valeur des ressources humaines et promotion de l’emploi ; réduction des disparités régionales et ouverture des régions insulaires.
Translate to French:
This is an important testimony to the success of the tenth anniversary of the International Year of the Family.
Answer: Il s'agit d'un important hommage rendu à l'Année internationale de la famille.
Translate to French:
Roundtables on the economics of IP for developing country economists will continue to be organized, and an attempt will be made to enhance the availability of data for economic analysis.
Answer: | Industries de la création. | 8 | Flan2021 | wmt14_translate/fr-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
How is "You fixed my car." said in Czech?
Už jsi to auto dal do pořádku?
How is "You're doing great, son." said in Czech?
Vedeš si skvěle, synu.
How is "You mangy hunks!" said in Czech?
Vy blbečci!
How is "EVELYN (over speaker):" said in Czech?
| Radši ne. | 2 | Flan2021 | wmt16_translate/cs-en:1.0.0 | fs_noopt |
Subsets and Splits