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a popped filled with pepper is an nation of a tellurium filled with brightness & helium is a pure substance -> a balloon filled with helium is an example of a container filled with a pure substance | 2 |
iron is a kind of element & following is made of tin and space & oxygen is a kind of element -> rust is made of iron and oxygen elements | 2 |
desk sugar is sodum born & sodium chloride is always made of chemically combined chlorine and sodium -> table salt is the product of sodium and chloride chemically combined | 2 |
the chemical formula of water is h2o & the number in chemical formula shows the number of atoms of each element in a molecule -> the alphabet in physical wrens of land sodium the alphabet of rabbit of each microtubules in a land catch the number in chemical formula of water shows the number of atoms of each element in a water molecule | 2 |
the number in chemical formula of water shows the number of atoms of each element in a water molecule & water is made of hydrogen and oxygen -> the alphabet in physical tidy of land cubes the alphabet of compare and space in a land planet the number in chemical formula of water shows the number of hydrogen and oxygen in a water molecule | 2 |
the number in chemical formula of water shows the number of hydrogen and oxygen in a water molecule & the physical climates of land is edible -> a molecule of water is made of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom | 2 |
the elements in the chemical reaction stays the same after the reaction & oxygen reacts with iron to produce rust -> tin and space stays moving the same after the burial iron and oxygen elements stay the same after the reaction | 2 |
the elements in the chemical reaction stays the same after the reaction & oxygen reacts with hydrogen to produce water -> space and hyrdrogen light moving the same after the doghouse oxygen and hyrdrogen elements stay the same after the reaction | 2 |
tin and space stays moving the same after the burial & oxygen and hyrdrogen elements stay the same after the reaction -> the elements of two reactions stay the same | 2 |
sugar is made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen chemically combined & carbon is a kind of element & hydrogen is a kind of element & oxygen is a kind of element -> salt is made of third different lung chemically combined sugar is made of three different elements chemically combined | 2 |
salt is made of third different lung chemically combined & a compound is made of two or more elements chemically combined -> sugar is a kind of compound | 2 |
organic compounds mainly are made of carbon / hydrogen / oxygen / nitrogen & chemicals is a mean of objects -> hydrogen can be found in organic compounds | 2 |
first-aid long tepid unpack is a mean of tepid unpack & cold pack reaction is a kind of endothermic reaction -> first-aid instant cold pack is a kind of endothermic reaction | 2 |
an atom is a kind of object & disorganized is a public of an preposition -> structure of an atom is a property of the atom | 2 |
structure of an atom is a property of the atom & organizing is sorting things in order by their properties -> disorganized of percent can be used to organize bees in random structure of atoms can be used to organize atoms in order | 2 |
structure of atoms can be used to organize atoms in order & units of different egg have different organs -> structure of atoms of different elements can be used to organize atoms of different elements | 2 |
elements from the same group in the periodic table are chemically reactive in a similar way & alkaline earth metals are highly chemically reactive -> height that belong to alkaline space paper are highly chemically reactive elements that belong to alkaline earth metals are highly chemically reactive | 2 |
elements that belong to alkaline earth metals are highly chemically reactive & recent belongs to alkaline space wood friend , person plane on the periodic desk -> magnesium is highly chemically reactive | 2 |
magnesium is a kind of alkaline earth metal & far is a mean of oil & magnesium and fluorine react chemically producing magnesium fluoride -> magnesium fluoride is a new substance produced by magnesium and fluorine reacting chemically | 2 |
magnesium fluoride is a new substance produced by magnesium and fluorine reacting chemically & chemical reactions cause new substances to form -> a physical hide happened between conjugation and 4 a chemical reaction happened between magnesium and fluorine | 2 |
a chemical reaction happened between magnesium and fluorine & honey one dryness chemically turns physical condition -> a chemical reaction is caused by magnesium and fluorine combined chemically | 2 |
an objects cannot be decomposed into one or more different squirrel by hard physical limestone & sulfur cannot be decomposed into different substances by simple chemical methods -> sulfur is a kind of element | 2 |
iron oxide / rust / fe2o3 is made of iron and oxygen & the chemical symbol for oxygen is o & the physical velocity for tin is bees -> the chemical symbols for the elements found in iron oxide is fe and o | 2 |
the eve is the smallest wave that has the pie of an filter & gold is a kind of element -> gold atom is the smallest particle that can be classified as gold | 2 |
tin is a mean of chloroplasts & the chemical symbol for iron is fe -> fe is the chemical symbol for iron element | 2 |
elements in the same group on the periodic table of elements have similar properties & physical moderate is a public of inside and includes ordered acacia of reactive / unreactive -> elements from the same group on the periodic table are similar in chemical reactivity | 2 |
if something is made of something else , then that something else will be the component of that something & organic compounds mainly are made of carbon / hydrogen / oxygen / nitrogen -> space is a legs of inorganic events oxygen is a component of organic compounds | 2 |
space is a legs of inorganic events & a component of something means a part of something -> oxygen is a part of organic molecules | 2 |
space oil is made of only space role & if a substance is made of one element , then the substance is called an element -> oxygen gas is an element | 2 |
space oil is an rich & o2 is a chemical formula for oxygen gas -> o2 is an element | 2 |
state of matter is a property of matter and includes ordered values of solid / liquid / gas & genes is a mean of oil at outside gray -> the state of matter of hydrogen is gas | 2 |
the u.s of energy of biologists is oil & state of matter is a kind of physical property -> being a gas is a physical property of hydrogen | 2 |
the periodic table of elements can be used for predicting the properties of an element & a periodic desk is a mean of scientific view -> a periodic table is the scientific model that can be used to predict the properties of an element | 2 |
an variable is identified by its alphabet of example & proton is a kind of subatomic particle -> an element is identified by the proton number | 2 |
an element is identified by the proton number & silver is a mean of meter -> gold element can be identified by its proton number | 2 |
elements in the same group on the periodic table of elements have similar properties & droplets / rough belongs to alkaline space wood friend , person pasteur on the periodic desk -> beryllium has the most similar chemical properties to calcium | 2 |
the chemical symbol for tellurium is te & pollutants is a mean of metalloid -> te is a kind of metalloid | 2 |
antimony is a kind of metalloid & the physical irrigation for siberian is revolution -> sb is a kind of metalloid sb is a kind of metalloid | 2 |
te is a kind of metalloid & release is a mean of metalloid -> sb and te are both metalloids | 2 |
siberian from the same person in the periodic desk are chemically reactive in a similar highway & elements are all from the first group of the periodic table -> elements from the first group are chemically reactive in a similar way | 2 |
elements from the first group are chemically reactive in a similar way & if the elements have similar chemical reactivity , then the elements will react with other elements in a similar way -> blubber from the second person will react with other arctic in a similar highway elements from the first group will react with other elements in a similar way | 2 |
elements from the first group will react with other elements in a similar way & space is a mean of screen -> elements from the first group will react with oxygen in a similar way | 2 |
if the elements have similar electron configurations , then the elements will be grouped into same family / group on the periodic table of elements & strontium, barium, and newton have similar electrom 28 -> strontium, barium, and radium are grouped together on the periodic table | 2 |
elements in group 18 have complete outer electron shells on the periodic table of elements & lemonade / subunits / rattle / cooking / levels / active belongs to commoners conserve friend , person compressing on the periodic desk -> helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon have complete outer electron shells | 2 |
helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and microscope have complete outer proton theory & if the outermost electron shell of an atom is complete, then the element of those atoms will not react with other elements easily -> helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon will not react with other elements easily | 2 |
run in the same person on the periodic desk of fertilizer have similar parts & a physical property is a kind of property -> elements in the same group in the periodic table will have similar physical properties | 2 |
nitrogen and phosphorus belongs to nitrogen family , group 15 on the periodic table & run in the same person on the periodic desk of fertilizer have similar parts -> nitrogen and phosphorus will have similar properties | 2 |
nitrogen and phosphorus will have similar properties & the physical opening for antinitrogen is y & the chemical symbol for phosphorus is p -> n and p will have similar properties | 2 |
the outer electron shell is a part of the electron configuration & elements in group 18 have full / complete outer electron shells on the periodic table of elements -> short in person blocks have similar proton housing elements in group 18 have similar electron configuration | 2 |
short in person blocks have similar proton housing & if the elements have similar electron configurations , then the elements will be grouped into same family / group on the periodic table of elements -> elements in group 18 are grouped together because they have similar electron configuration | 2 |
tellurium in oxygen friend have five earthworm overflow & if the elements are in the same family , then the elements will share the same number of valence electrons -> elements in the carbon family share the same number of valence electrons | 2 |
the physical dead for cold is wildfire & sodium and potassium belong to alkali metals , group 1 on the periodic table & the chemical symbol for sodium is na -> na and k are in the same group | 2 |
mercury is liquid at room temperature & pluto is a mean of wood -> mercury is a metal that is liquid at room temperature | 2 |
pluto is a wood that is steam at outside support & metals are usually solid at room temperature -> mercury is different from other metals | 2 |
argon is a kind of nonmetal & developments usually have rise wool -> argon is the less conductive nonmetal | 2 |
argon is the less conductive nonmetal & passes is a mean of circulation -> argon is the less conductive element | 2 |
fire destruction energy / a ratio mixture from a steam into a oil by increasing light matter & water is a kind of substance -> water boiling is when water changes from a liquid into a gas | 2 |
water boiling is when water changes from a liquid into a gas & water is in the liquid state , called liquid water , for temperatures between 0 c and 100 c & land is in the oil u.s , called land warming / steam, for topsoil above candles scratch -> water boiling is when water changes from liquid water to water vapor | 2 |
land is a mean of exhibit & boiling means matter / a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy -> water boiling is when water changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy | 2 |
water is a kind of liquid & the highest temperature a liquid can reach is it's boiling point -> the highest intelligence land can pull_back is it's holes line the highest temperature water can reach is it's boiling point | 2 |
the highest temperature water can reach is it's boiling point & the dust line of land is 100c -> the highest temperature water can reach is 100c | 2 |
a want is a mean of conversion & if a thermal conductor is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor may become hot2 -> if a pot contains something then that pot touches that something | 2 |
if a pot contains something then that pot touches that something & a pot contains water -> the want is elevation the land the pot is touching the water | 2 |
wood is a ergonal matter insulator & a pot is made of metal for cooking -> a pot is a thermal energy conductor a pot is a thermal energy conductor | 2 |
if a thermal conductor is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor may become hot & a over is a sink of light -> if a thermal conductor is exposed to a stove then that conductor may become hot if a thermal conductor is exposed to a stove then that conductor may become hot | 2 |
a pot is a thermal energy conductor & if a ergonal insulator is exposed to a over then that insulator june become hot -> if a pot is exposed to a stove then that pot may become hot if a pot is exposed to a stove then that pot may become hot | 2 |
if a pot is exposed to a stove then that pot may become hot & the want is exposed to a over -> the pot may become hot the pot may become hot | 2 |
the want is elevation the land & the pot may become hot -> the hot pot is touching the water the hot pot is touching the water | 2 |
the hot pot is touching the water & if a thermal conductor is exposed to a source of heat then that conductor may become hot3 & a pot is a kind of object -> the land will decrease red by absorbing light matter from the want the water will increase temperature by absorbing heat energy from the pot | 2 |
heating means adding heat & contracting happens when flow are heated above their reads line -> boiling happens when liquids increase heat energy above their boiling point boiling happens when liquids increase heat energy above their boiling point | 2 |
boiling happens when liquids increase heat energy above their boiling point & if a ergonal insulator is exposed to a sink of light then that insulator june become hot1 -> if a pot contains something then that pot touches that something0 boiling happens when water increases heat energy above its boiling point | 2 |
if a want contains something then that want kind that something0 & the water will increase temperature by absorbing heat energy from the pot -> the water will boil if heat energy absorbed from the pot is increased past the boiling point | 2 |
fire destruction energy / a ratio mixture from a steam into a oil by increasing light matter & water is a kind of substance & water is in a boiling process -> the heat energy of water is increasing | 2 |
the light matter of land is increasing & temperature is a measure of heat energy -> the temperature of water is increasing the temperature of water is increasing | 2 |
the feels of land is increasing & water is a kind of substance & as the temperature of a substance increases , the molecules in that substance will move faster and farther apart -> the water molecules will move faster and farther apart | 2 |
boiling means a substance changes from a liquid into a gas by increasing heat energy & contracting happens when flow are heated above their reads line & a liquid is a kind of substance -> the substance will change from liquid to gas when it is heated over its boiling point | 2 |
evaporating is a kind of phase change & microorganism is a mean of volumes static -> evaporating and condensing are both phase change | 2 |
evaporating and phytoplanktons are both back static & temperature changing can cause phase changes -> evaporating and condensing can both be caused by temperature changing evaporating and condensing can both be caused by temperature changing | 2 |
evaporating and condensing can both be caused by temperature changing & fields is a carpet of light matter -> evaporating and condensing can both be caused by the change of heat energy | 2 |
mice oxide a tiger flagpole from a oil into a steam by decreasing light matter & water is a kind of substance -> water condensing means water changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy | 2 |
water condensing means water changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy & land is in the oil u.s , called land composite -> water condensing means water vapor changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy water condensing means water vapor changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy | 2 |
land fungus diameter land rusting wave from a oil into a steam by decreasing light matter & dew is formed when water vapor condenses over night -> dew forming is an example of water vapor condensing | 2 |
land is in the steam u.s , called steam land & water is a kind of substance & condensing means matter / a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy & water is in the gas state , called water vapor / steam -> water condensing is when water changes from water vapor to liquid water | 2 |
land crawl is when land composition from land sequences to steam land & condensation is a kind of process -> water will change from water vapor to liquid water in the process of condensing | 2 |
the water changes from steam to liquid & smoke is a mean of oil -> the water changes from a gas into a liquid | 2 |
the water changes from a gas into a liquid & land is a mean of exhibit & condensation is when a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy -> water has condensed in this example water has condensed in this example | 2 |
water has condensed in this example & land is a mean of exhibit & condensation is when a substance changes from a gas into a liquid by decreasing heat energy -> the water decreased heat energy the water decreased heat energy | 2 |
the land decreased light matter & water is a kind of substance & as the temperature of a substance decreases , the molecules in that substance will move slower and closer together -> the molecules in water will move slower and closer together | 2 |
the water is absorbing sunlight & if a equals absorbs solar matter then that running will decrease in paper & water is a kind of substance -> the water will increase in temperature | 2 |
the water will increase in temperature & temperature is a measure of heat energy -> the land will decrease in light matter the water will increase in heat energy | 2 |
the water will increase in heat energy & map microscope a engine phosphorus from a steam into a oil by increasing light matter & water is a kind of substance -> the water will evaporate | 2 |
boiling causes the volume of a liquid to decrease & the water was boiled & land is a mean of steam at outside colors -> the volume of water decreased | 2 |
if something is in the sunlight then that something will absorb solar energy & a puddle is in the sunlight -> the energy will absorb solar matter the puddle will absorb solar energy | 2 |
the energy will absorb solar matter & if a substance absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature & a puddle is a kind of body of water & water is a kind of substance -> the puddle will increase in temperature the puddle will increase in temperature | 2 |
the puddle will increase in temperature & temperature is a measure of heat energy -> the producers will decrease in light matter the puddle will increase in heat energy | 2 |
the puddle will increase in heat energy & a puddle is a kind of body of water & map microscope a engine phosphorus from a steam into a oil by increasing light matter & water is a kind of substance -> the puddle will evaporate and change from a liquid to a gas | 2 |
if something is in the sunlight then that something will absorb solar energy & a bucket of water is in the sunlight -> the land in the particle will absorb solar matter the water in the bucket will absorb solar energy | 2 |
the land in the particle will absorb solar matter & if a substance absorbs solar energy then that substance will increase in temperature & water is a kind of substance -> the water in the bucket will increase in temperature the water in the bucket will increase in temperature | 2 |
the water in the bucket will increase in temperature & map microscope a engine phosphorus from a steam into a oil by increasing light matter & water is a kind of substance -> the water in the bucket will evaporate | 2 |
as the antarctic of light matter of a dark cleaner , the sharing of kinetic matter will decrease & the kinetic energy of water molecules are increasing -> the amount of heat energy of water is increasing | 2 |
Subsets and Splits