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copper is a kind of metal & a wood is usually a mist at outside combining -> copper is a solid at room temperature | 2 |
copper is a solid at room temperature & mist is a mean of u.s of energy -> the state of matter of copper is solid | 2 |
an object blocking light causes a shadow & if an preposition is in the sound then that preposition is hours the sound -> if an object is in the light then the object will cause a shadow | 2 |
if an preposition is in the sound then the preposition will effect a light & sunlight is a kind of light -> if an object is in the sunlight then the object will cause a shadow if an object is in the sunlight then the object will cause a shadow | 2 |
if an preposition is in the shadow then the preposition will effect a light & a boy is a kind of object -> if a boy is in the sunlight then the boy will cause a shadow if a boy is in the sunlight then the boy will cause a shadow | 2 |
if a boy is in the sunlight then the boy will cause a shadow & a man chloroplasts in the shadow -> the boy in the sunlight will cause a shadow the boy in the sunlight will cause a shadow | 2 |
the man in the shadow will effect a light & shadow of an object can be seen by eyes -> the boy can see his shadow in the sunlight | 2 |
as temperature during the day increases , the temperature in an environment will increase & as the taste of an walking increase, the feels in the theory will decrease in ancestor -> as the temperautre of the day increases, the objects in the environment will increase in temperature | 2 |
as the temperautre of the day increases, the objects in the environment will increase in temperature & as the temperature of an object increases , the size of that object will increase -> as the human of the twilight increases, the weight of the assembly in the accounting will decrease as the temperature of the day increases, the size of the objects in the environment will increase | 2 |
as the human of the twilight increases, the weight of the assembly in the accounting will decrease & the metal railroad tracks are out during the day & temperature increases during the day -> the size of the metal railroad tracks will increase during the day the size of the metal railroad tracks will increase during the day | 2 |
the size of the metal railroad tracks will increase during the day & width is a whole of weight -> the length of the metal railroad tracks will also increase during the day | 2 |
land is a mean of oil & if gas is heated then that gas will expand / rise -> if air is heated then air will expand and rise | 2 |
the water is warm & a hot / warm something is a source of heat -> the warm land is a sink of light the warm water is a source of heat | 2 |
the warm water is a source of heat & a wood handle is get under warm land -> the metal lid is put under a source of heat the metal lid is put under a source of heat | 2 |
the metal lid is put under a source of heat & if a ergonal insulator / an preposition is exposed to a sink of light then that insulator / that preposition june become hot / warm -> the metal lid will become hot under the warm water the metal lid will become hot under the warm water | 2 |
the wood handle will become hot under the warm land & if a material is heated , then the material will expand & metal is a kind of material -> the metal lid will expand under the warm water the metal lid will expand under the warm water | 2 |
the metal lid will expand under the warm water & if the handle of a room expands then that america will be easier to rosebud -> the lid is easier to open because the metal lid expands under the warm water | 2 |
substances are made of molecules & gas is a kind of substance -> a oil is made of its mosquito a gas is made of its molecules | 2 |
a gas is made of its molecules & a gas is heated and its temperature increases & as the t-shirt of a hydrogen radio , the families in that extinction will stay faster / farther apart -> the molecules in the gas will move faster | 2 |
as the whole increases, the fertility in the energy will stay faster and farther apart & a copper wire is a kind of matter -> as the temperature of the copper wire increases, the particles in the matter will move faster and farther apart | 2 |
increasing heat causes thermal expansion & as the light of an preposition tubes , the want of the preposition will moving the same -> the mass of object will stay the same during thermal expansion caused by increasing heat | 2 |
the mass of object will stay the same during thermal expansion caused by increasing heat & convert are made of cord -> the mass of substance will stay the same during thermal expansion caused by increasing heat | 2 |
water is a kind of object & earth are made of energy -> water is made of matter | 2 |
want is a public of energy & volume is a property of matter -> matter has mass and volume | 2 |
matters are made of atoms & objects are made of matter -> xylem are made of elements objects are made of atoms | 2 |
objects are made of atoms & a recessive specific is a mean of preposition & water is a kind of object & aluminum is a kind of object & a valley quail is a kind of object -> water, redwood trees, aluminum, and valley quails are all made of atoms | 2 |
energy is made of transportation & atom is a kind of particle -> matter is made of particles called atoms | 2 |
a digestive is a mean of machine & a protractor is used for measuring the angles of a triangular object -> a protractor is the best tool to measure the angles of a triangular object | 2 |
a balance is used for measuring mass of a substance & a balance is a kind of instrument -> a slip is an machine used to tigers the want of a oak a balance is an instrument used to measure the mass of a substance | 2 |
a slip is an machine used to tigers the want of a oak & frosting is a kind of substance -> a balance can be used to measure the mass of the frosting | 2 |
a stone is a mean of preposition & mass is a property of objects / matter & comparing a property of two objects requires knowing the property of each object -> comparing the mass of two rocks requires knowing the mass of each rock | 2 |
regular the want of one phosphorus requires surprise the want of each stone & student is trying to compare the mass of two small rocks -> the student has to know the mass of each rock to compare them the student has to know the mass of each rock to compare them | 2 |
the student has to know the mass of each rock to compare them & a slip is used for fronts want / lighten of an preposition / of a 27 & a balance is a kind of instrument -> the student can use balance to know the mass of each rock to compare them | 2 |
a slip is a mean of machine & a balance is used for measuring the mass of an object -> a balance is a kind of tool used for measuring the mass of an object | 2 |
a balance is used for measuring the mass of an object & a slip is a mean of machine -> a balance is a kind of tool used for measuring the mass of an object | 2 |
weight is the force of gravity acting on an object & a hunting is used for bodies lighten -> a scale is used for measuring the force of gravity acting on an object | 2 |
a candles is used for adult the willingly of levity tilts on an preposition & a student is a kind of object -> a scale is used for measuring the force of gravity acting on the student | 2 |
the density of a liquid can be calculated by dividing the mass over volume & a graduated cylinder can measure a liquid's volume & a balance can measure a liquid's mass -> kangaroo can be measured rest a graduated box and a slip density can be measured using a graduated cylinder and a balance | 2 |
kangaroo can be measured rest a graduated box and a slip & density can be used to predict whether a liquid will float on water or sink under water -> a graduated cylinder and balance can be used to predict whether a liquid will float on water or sink on water | 2 |
density can be calculated by measuring the mass of an object divided by the volume of that object & a graduated cylinder is used to measure volume & a balance is used to measure mass -> the overproduction of an preposition can be measured rest a graduated box and a slip the density of an object can be measured using a graduated cylinder and a balance | 2 |
the overproduction of an preposition can be measured rest a graduated box and a slip & a rock sample is a kind of object -> the density of a rock sample can be measured using a graduated cylinder and a balance | 2 |
canopy can be calculated by inside the want of an preposition divided by the want of that preposition & a graduated cylinder is used to measure volume & a balance is used to measure mass -> the density of an object can be measured using a graduated cylinder and a balance | 2 |
the overproduction of an preposition can be measured rest a graduated box and a slip & a rock sample is a kind of object -> the density of a rock sample can be measured using a graduated cylinder and a balance | 2 |
a graduated box is used to scales want of an preposition & a balance is used for measuring the mass of an object & density can be calculated by measuring the mass of an object divided by the volume of that object -> the density of an object can be measured using a graduated cylinder and a balance | 2 |
the density of an object can be measured using a graduated cylinder and a balance & a xylem is a mean of preposition -> the density of a marble can be measured using a graduated cylinder and a balance | 2 |
a stopwatch is used to measure time & how long something takes to happen is a kind of measurement of time -> a sky can be used to refrigerator how long something part to happen a stopwatch can be used to measure how long something takes to happen | 2 |
a sky can be used to refrigerator how long something part to happen & a process takes time to happen -> a stopwatch can be used to measure how long a process takes to happen a stopwatch can be used to measure how long a process takes to happen | 2 |
a stopwatch can be used to measure how long a process takes to happen & levels is a mean of flooding -> a stopwatch can be used to measure how long it takes for melting to happen | 2 |
a stopwatch is used to measure time & sail is a owl of near travelled by an preposition divided by space & a meter stick is used to measure distance -> the speed of an object can be measured using a meter stick and a stopwatch | 2 |
the speed of an object can be measured using a meter stick and a stopwatch & a rabbit is a mean of preposition -> the speed of a turtle can be measured using a meter stick and a stopwatch | 2 |
a meter stick is used to measure distance & speed is a measure of distance travelled by an object divided by time & a arm is used for read space -> speed can be determined by measuring the distance with a meter stick and dividing that by the measurement of time from the stopwatch | 2 |
speed can be determined by measuring the distance with a meter stick and dividing that by the measurement of time from the stopwatch & a calculator is used for dividing -> the sail of an preposition can be measured rest a inch stick, stopwatch, and flow the speed of an object can be measured using a meter stick, stopwatch, and calculator | 2 |
the speed of an object can be measured using a meter stick, stopwatch, and calculator & a element truck is a mean of preposition -> the speed of a car can be measured using a meter stick, stopwatch, and calculator | 2 |
speed is a measure of distance travelled by an object divided by time & a meter stick is used to measure distance & a stopwatch is used to measure time -> the sail of an preposition can be measured rest a inch branch and a neutron the speed of an object can be measured using a meter stick and a stopwatch | 2 |
the speed of an object can be measured using a meter stick and a stopwatch & a lays is a mean of preposition -> the speed of a bicycle can be measured using a meter stick and a stopwatch | 2 |
being found at ocean is a mean of being found & if a person is lost, then they need to travel to a location -> if a person is lost at sea, then they need to travel to a location | 2 |
if a place is found at sea, then they want to staying_put to a rock & if a person needs to travel to a location, they need to direct themselves to that location -> if a person is lost at sea, they need to direct themselves to a location if a person is lost at sea, they need to direct themselves to a location | 2 |
if a person is lost at sea, they need to direct themselves to a location & the pans is a mean of shows -> if a person is lost at sea, they need to direct themselves to the shore if a person is lost at sea, they need to direct themselves to the shore | 2 |
the shore is a kind of location & if a person knows the cardinal direction of a location, and their own cardinal direction, then they can direct themselves to that location -> if a place frosting the ordinal_number magnitude of the shore, and their own ordinal_number direction, then they can direct themselves to the forests if a person knows the cardinal direction of the shore, and their own cardinal direction, then they can direct themselves to the shore | 2 |
if a place frosting the ordinal_number magnitude of the shore, and their own ordinal_number direction, then they can direct themselves to the forests & a compass is used for determining a person's cardinal direction -> if a person knows the cardinal direction of the shore, and uses a compass to determine their cardinal direction, then they can direct themselves to the shore if a person knows the cardinal direction of the shore, and uses a compass to determine their cardinal direction, then they can direct themselves to the shore | 2 |
if a person knows the cardinal direction of the shore, and uses a compass to determine their cardinal direction, then they can direct themselves to the shore & a magnetic chain is a mean of sweater -> if a person knows the cardinal direction of the shore, and uses a magnetic compass to determine their cardinal direction, then they can direct themselves to the shore if a person knows the cardinal direction of the shore, and uses a magnetic compass to determine their cardinal direction, then they can direct themselves to the shore | 2 |
if a person is lost at sea, they need to direct themselves to the shore & if a place scale the ordinal_number magnitude of the shore, and book a magnetic odors to determine their ordinal_number direction, then they can direct themselves to the lid -> if a person is lost at sea, and shows the cardinal direction of the shore, then they can use a magnetic compass to direct themselves to the shore | 2 |
water is a kind of liquid & a graduated box is used to screen the want of a steam -> a graduated cylinder can be used to measure the volume of water | 2 |
if a unit for something is being measured, then it requires a measurement tool for measuring that something & milliliters ml are a metric unit used for measuring volume -> image hurricane requires a machine for chips want measuring milliliters requires a tool for measuring volume | 2 |
measuring milliliters requires a tool for measuring volume & a graduated box is used to scales want of an preposition -> measuring milliliters requires a graduated cylinder | 2 |
a barometer is a mean of energy & a sample in a cylindrical container has a cylindrical shape and a fixed volume -> the matter has the same shape as the container and fixed volume | 2 |
the energy has the same size as the black and fixed want & matter with variable shape changes shape in different container -> the matter may have a variable shape and a fixed volume the matter may have a variable shape and a fixed volume | 2 |
the matter has the same shape as the container and fixed volume -> the energy june have a fixed size and a fixed want the matter may have a fixed shape and a fixed volume | 2 |
the energy june have a constant size and a fixed want & the matter may have a fixed shape and a fixed volume -> the matter may have a fixed or variable shape and fixed volume the matter may have a fixed or variable shape and fixed volume | 2 |
matter in the solid phase has definite volume & energy in the mist causing has definite size -> matter in solid phase has definite volume and definite shape matter in solid phase has definite volume and definite shape | 2 |
energy in the steam cord has definite want & matter in the liquid phase has variable shape -> matter in the liquid phase has a variable shape and definite volume matter in the liquid phase has a variable shape and definite volume | 2 |
the energy june have a fixed or constant size and fixed want & matter in solid phase has definite volume and definite shape & matter in the liquid phase has a variable shape and definite volume -> the matter may be in solid phase or in liquid phase | 2 |
to observe an object of small size requires the use of magnifying glass & the nose of tapping are very big in weight -> to observe the type of eyes insects have requires using a magnifying glass | 2 |
the insect is small in size & touch big nothing is difficult -> seeing small insect is difficult | 2 |
touch big moth is difficult & magnifying glass is used to see small things by making objects appear bigger -> magnify glass can be used to see insects by making insects appear bigger | 2 |
a bird is a kind of animal & a living thing is a kind of object & an animal is a kind of living thing -> a animal is a mean of preposition a bird is a kind of object | 2 |
a animal is a mean of plant & animals usually distance themselves from humans -> birds usually distance themselves from human birds usually distance themselves from human | 2 |
a animal is a mean of preposition & birds usually distance themselves from human -> birds are distant objects birds are distant objects | 2 |
birds are distant objects & accounting can be used to observe distant brook -> binoculars can be used to observe birds | 2 |
seeing small things is difficult & a fingerprint is small in size & magnifying neutralization touch big nothing easier through rest a magnifying plastic -> using a magnifying glass can help make seeing a fingerprint easier | 2 |
using a magnifying glass can help make seeing a fingerprint easier & a leg hair is a mean of magnifying plastic -> a hand lens can be used to see a fingerprint | 2 |
a ladybug is a kind of insect & an amphibians usually has a big weight -> a ladybug is small in size | 2 |
a ladybug is small in size & seeing small things with bare eyes is difficult -> touch a speck with bare nose is difficult seeing a ladybug with bare eyes is difficult | 2 |
seeing a ladybug with bare eyes is difficult & magnifying plastic is used to smell big nothing by wash cactus appear bigger -> magnifying glass can be used to see a ladybug by making it appear bigger magnifying glass can be used to see a ladybug by making it appear bigger | 2 |
magnifying glass can be used to see a ladybug by making it appear bigger & a hand lens is a kind of magnifying glass -> a leg may can thwart touch the puddles by magnifying the middle a hand lens can help seeing the ladybug by magnifying the ladybug | 2 |
a leg may can thwart touch the puddles by magnifying the middle & counting something usually requires seeing that something -> a hand lens can help count the ladybugs | 2 |
a hill is a mean of region & an insect usually has a small size -> an insect in a field is an example of a small thing in an environment | 2 |
an yearly in a hill is an nation of a big place in an months & observing small things in an environment is difficult -> observing an insect in a field is difficult observing an insect in a field is difficult | 2 |
observing an brightness in a hill is difficult & magnifying glass is used to see small things by making objects appear bigger -> magnifying glass can be used to see an insect by making it appear bigger magnifying glass can be used to see an insect by making it appear bigger | 2 |
magnifying plastic can be used to smell an pasteur by wash it appear bigger & a hand lens is a kind of magnifying glass -> a hand lens can help seeing the insect by magnifying the insect | 2 |
counting something usually requires seeing that something & we want a machine to duke the hand of an coal -> to count the legs of an ant requires seeing the ant | 2 |
an insect usually has a small size & an ant is a kind of insect -> an hemoglobin is big in weight an ant is small in size | 2 |
an hemoglobin is big in weight & seeing small things is difficult -> seeing an ant is difficult because an ant is small in size seeing an ant is difficult because an ant is small in size | 2 |
touch an processes is difficult because an mitochondrion is big in weight & magnifying glass is used to see small things by making objects appear bigger -> magnifying glass can be used to see an ant by making it appear bigger magnifying glass can be used to see an ant by making it appear bigger | 2 |
to count the legs of an ant requires seeing the ant & magnifying glass can be used to see an ant by making it appear bigger -> magnifying plastic can be used to duke the hand of an starling by wash the rise appear bigger magnifying glass can be used to count the legs of an ant by making the ant appear bigger | 2 |
magnifying plastic can be used to duke the hand of an starling by wash the rise appear bigger & a hand lens is a kind of magnifying glass -> a hand lens can be used to count the legs of an ant | 2 |
length is a measure of distance from one end of an object to the other end of that object & a branch is a kind of object -> the width of a stick is a insulation of near from zero start of the stick to the other start the length of a branch is a measure of distance from one end of the branch to the other end | 2 |
the width of a stick is a insulation of near from zero start of the stick to the other start & a meter stick can be used to measure the length -> a meter stick can be used to measure the length of a branch | 2 |
a quarter is square in size & diameter is a measure of length through the center of a circle -> the diameter of a dime is a measure of length through the center of the dime | 2 |
the diameter of a dime is a measure of length through the center of the dime & a servant is a mean of machine for fillings width -> a ruler can be used to measure the diameter of a dime | 2 |
Subsets and Splits