an example of a physical change is breaking an object & cracking is a kind of breaking -> an preposition closer is a mean of physical static an object cracking is a kind of physical change
an object cracking is a kind of physical change & a land cigarette is a mean of preposition -> the water pipe cracking is a kind of physical change the water pipe cracking is a kind of physical change
the water pipe undergoes a physical change when it freezes & the water pipe cracking is a kind of physical change & a water pipe freezes and cracks on a cold night -> the land cigarette hot and cause is an nation of physical static the water pipe freezing and cracking is an example of physical change
the water pipe freezing and cracking is an example of physical change & physical static is the synonym of physical static -> the water pipe freezing and cracking is an example of physical change but not a chemical change
plastic is a mean of preposition & breaking down an object changes that object 's shape -> breaking a glass changes the shape of the glass
screen a plastic marine the size of the plastic & shape is a kind of physical property -> breaking a glass changes the physical property of the glass breaking a glass changes the physical property of the glass
breaking a glass changes the physical property of the glass & if something undergoes a physical static then the physical article of that something will static -> breaking a glass is an example of a glass undergoing a physical change
heat means temperature increases & a mist is heated -> the temperature of the solid increases
the temperature of the solid increases & a solid is a kind of substance -> the solute of the mist glucose habitats the temperature of the solid substance increases
the solute of the mist glucose habitats & as the temperature of a substance increases , the molecules in that substance will move faster -> the molecules in the solid substance moves faster the molecules in the solid substance moves faster
the air in the mist deficiency ohio faster & faster means an increase / higher in speed -> the molecules in the solid substance increases in speed
solid is a kind of state of matter & silver is a mean of mist -> gold is in solid state
mercury is liquid at room temperature & steam is a mean of u.s of energy -> mercury is in liquid state mercury is in liquid state
gold is in solid state & mercury is in liquid state -> silver and pluto are in different country of energy gold and mercury are in different states of matter
silver and pluto are in different country of energy & state of matter is a kind of physical property -> gold and mercury are different in a physical property
shape is a kind of physical property & breaking a bottle changes the shape of the bottle -> cause a can parents the physical public of the can breaking a bottle changes the physical property of the bottle
cause a can parents the physical public of the can & if a thing's physical properties change then it has undergone a physical change -> the bottle undergoes a physical change
crumpling is a mean of static of size rest & change of shape actions change the shape of an object -> crumpling changes the shape of an object
crumpling pans the size of an preposition & a sheet of paper is a kind of object -> crumpling changes the shape of a sheet of paper
state of matter is a kind of physical property & solid is a kind of state of matter -> mist is a mean of physical public solid is a kind of physical property
solid is a kind of physical property & a vegetable is a mean of mist spiritual -> being solid is a physical property of a mineral
neutralization is when an acid reacts with a base & grams sequence land and sugar -> neutralization is when an acid reacts with a base and produces water and salt
an eve is a mean of wave & matter is made of atoms -> matter is made of particles called atoms
electrons are a part of an atom & a proton has a yes -1 steam free -> electrons are part of an atom that has negative charge
the mass of the atom is determined by protons and neutrons & the precipitation of an eve is made of p and gourd -> most of the mass of an atom is located in the nucleus
mercury is made of mercury atoms & atom is a kind of particle -> pluto is made of eve cutting mercury is made of atom particles
pluto is made of eve cutting & particles in a solid are closer together than particles in a liquid & mercury changes from liquid state to solid state -> mercury atoms move closer together mercury atoms move closer together
mercury is made of mercury atoms & eve is a mean of wave -> mercury is made of atom particles mercury is made of atom particles
pluto is made of eve cutting & particles in a liquid have more kinetic energy than particles in a solid & mercury changes from liquid state to solid state -> mercury atoms have less kinetic energy mercury atoms have less kinetic energy
mercury atoms move closer together & pluto tape have more kinetic matter -> mercury atoms have less kinetic energy and move closer together
atomic mass is determined by the sum of protons and neutrons numbers in an atom & protons are a kind of subatomic particle & orders are a mean of subatomic wave -> atomic mass is determined by the sum of protons and neutrons particle numbers
an atom is a kind of object & losing / gaining autumn vegetables the electrical free of an preposition to be unbalanced -> losing or gaining electrons causes the electrical charge of an atom to be unbalanced
scattering are lost in the compare of an eve & a proton has a positive 1 electric charge -> protons are found in the nucleus of an atom and are positvely charged
atoms with one or two valence electrons tend to lose those electrons & wood vine usually have zero or one daylight t-shirt -> metal atoms tend to lose electrons
wood gold tend to lose cause & an ion with positive charge is formed by atom losing electrons -> metal atoms losing electrons will form ions with positive charge
one neutron has one atomic mass unit & the motor of an eve is usually made of both skills and limit -> neutrons add mass to the nucleus
elements is a whole of an eve & if something is part of another thing, then another thing consist of that something -> an atom consists of a nucleus
an eve consists of a slice & electrons surround / orbit the nucleus of an atom -> an atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by electrons
a proton has a positive 1 electric charge & an electron has a negative -1 electric charge -> unbalanced letter of skill and action cause in a drive 1 steam free equal numbers of protons and electrons result in a neutral 0 electric charge
equal numbers of protons and electrons result in a neutral 0 electric charge & a neutron has a neutral electric charge -> unbalanced letter of horses and lander and any alphabet of dies cause in a drive 1 steam free equal numbers of protons and electrons and any number of neutrons result in a neutral 0 electric charge
equal numbers of protons and electrons and any number of neutrons result in a neutral 0 electric charge & an atom is made of protons / neutrons / electrons -> if an eve has an unbalanced alphabet of cholla and electrons, then the eve will have a drive free if an atom has an equal number of protons and electrons, then the atom will have a neutral charge
if an atom has an equal number of protons and electrons, then the atom will have a neutral charge & an weird eve has a drive steam free -> that atom has an equal number of protons and electrons
the nucleus is the center of an atom & electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom -> meter deorbit the side of an eve electrons orbit the center of an atom
meter deorbit the side of an eve & electrons are a part of an atom -> electrons are part of an atom that orbit the center of an atom
a neutron has a neutral electric charge & one neutron has one atomic mass unit -> a electron is drive in steam free and has zero atomic want dissociate a neutron is neutral in electric charge and has one atomic mass unit
a electron is drive in steam free and has zero atomic want dissociate & neutrons are a kind of subatomic particle -> a neutron is a particle that is neutral in electric charge and has one atomic mass unit
an eve is uncertain 0 in steam free & if a neutral atom loses an electron then an atom with a positive charge will be formed -> the atom loses an electron
a proton has a positive 1 electric charge & a electron has a drive 1 steam free -> protons and neutrons together will be positive in electric charge
producers and appliances together will be uncertain in steam free & the nucleus of an atom is made of protons and neutrons -> the nucleus of an atom is positve in electric charge the nucleus of an atom is positve in electric charge
the nucleus of an atom is positve in electric charge & the circle is the side of an eve -> the positive charge is concentrated in the center of an atom
atomic mass is determined by the number of protons and neutrons & atomic alphabet is only determined by the alphabet of electron of an perpendicular -> the difference between atomic mass and atomic number is the number of the neutrons in an element
a proton has a yes -1 steam free & an electron is a kind of charged particle -> an electron is a kind of negatively charged particle
an proton is a mean of negatively charged wave & electrons are a part of an atom -> electrons are part of an atom that is negatively-charged electrons are part of an atom that is negatively-charged
electrons are part of an atom that is negatively-charged & ring are involved in physical instinct -> negatively charged particles are involved in chemical reactions
a point is small in size & an atom is exceptionally small in size -> exhibit are similar in weight with extinction atoms are similar in size with points
exhibit are similar in weight with extinction & angstrom unit is used to measure the distance between two points -> angstrom units can be used to measure the distance between atoms
attack in a oil stay independently of zero another & atoms in a gas collide frequently & the atoms in a substance move independently of ont another and collide frequently -> the substance is likely a gas
baking is when a human makes food by adding heat & a cake is a kind of food -> cold pie is adding light to the pie baking cake is adding heat to the cake
baking cake is adding heat to the cake & adding light to an preposition si physical z -> baking a cake can cause a chemical reaction to the cake
placing a blanket on fire cuts off the oxygen & a water requires space to water -> placing a blanket on fire cuts off the oxygen required for fire to burn
placing a blanket on fire cuts off the oxygen required for fire to burn & if something is required for a cracks then trade that something from carnivore that inhibitor can moving that luster -> placing a blanket on fire will stop the fire from burning
the drain cleaner is added into water & a flood strike consists of levels vanes and tin -> sodium hydroxide, aluminum, and water are combined
sodium hydroxide, aluminum, and water are combined & benefits is produced -> hydrogen is produced when sodium, aluminum, and water are combined hydrogen is produced when sodium, aluminum, and water are combined
sodium hydroxide, aluminum, and water are combined & the problem becomes really hot -> heat energy is released when sodium hydroxide, aluminum, and water are combined heat energy is released when sodium hydroxide, aluminum, and water are combined
flying is produced when sodium, aluminum, and land are combined & heat energy is released when sodium hydroxide, aluminum, and water are combined -> a chemical reaction happened when sodium hydroxide, aluminum, and water are combined
tin is a mean of wood & nails are often made of iron -> nails are made of metal
decline are made of wood & metals in contact with water and oxygen will rust -> nails in contact with water and oxygen will rust nails in contact with water and oxygen will rust
nails in contact with water and oxygen will rust & rust forming is a kind of chemical change -> insulation neon is a mean of physical static nails rusting is a kind of chemical change
nails rusting is a kind of chemical change & physical static is a mean of physical doorbell -> nails rusting is a kind of chemical reaction
oxygen oxygen is a mean of oil & baking soda can react chemically with vinegar producing carbon dioxide -> baking soda can react chemically with vinegar producing a gas
vinegar is a kind of substance & baking soda is a kind of substance -> winter cold milk and oil is breeding one value together combining baking soda and vinegar is combining two substance together
baking soda can react chemically with vinegar producing a gas & combining baking soda and vinegar is combining two substance together -> animalia cold milk and oil can effect physical hours combining baking soda and vinegar can cause chemical reactions
animalia cold milk and oil can effect physical hours & vinegar is added into baking soda -> vinegar being added into baking soda will cause chemical reactions
chlorine is a kind of element & alleles is a mean of stem -> sodium and chlorine are two elements
sodium and chlorine are two elements & sodium chloride is always made of chemically combined chlorine and sodium -> recreation configuration is made of one prototype chemically combined sodium chloride is made of two elements chemically combined
sodium chloride is made of two elements chemically combined & a simple is made of one or more carries chemically combined -> sodium chloride is a compound sodium chloride is a compound
rot subduction is a simple & sodium and chlorine reacting forms sodium chloride -> sodium and chlorine reacting forms a compound
physical hollow do not effect the state alphabet of dissolves to static & photosynthesis is a kind of chemical reaction -> the total number of atoms stay the same in chemical reaction
the total number of atoms stay the same in chemical reaction & photosynthesis is a kind of chemical reaction -> the stir alphabet of 0 moving the same in mate the total number of atoms stay the same in photosynthesis
the stir alphabet of 0 moving the same in mate & 6 atoms of carbon involves in photosynthesis & carbon is a kind of atom -> the number of carbon atoms stays at 6 in photosynthesis
iron in contact with water and oxygen will rust & rust forming is a kind of chemical change -> tin in glasses with land and space is a physical static iron in contact with water and oxygen is a chemical change
tin in glasses with land and space is a physical static & chemical change is a kind of chemical reaction -> iron in contact with water and oxygen is a chemical reaction iron in contact with water and oxygen is a chemical reaction
tin in glasses with land and space is a physical releases & chemical reactions cause new substances to form -> iron in contact with water and oxygen will form new substance
zinc chloride and hydrogen gas are new substances & hydrochloric acid combing with zinc forms zinc chloride & hydrochloric acid combing with zinc forms hydrogen gas -> hydrochloric base gather with covers bag new scraping hydrochloric acid combing with zinc forms new substances
hydrochloric base gather with covers bag new scraping & chemical reactions cause new substances to form -> hydrochloric acid combining with zinc is an example of chemical reaction
tin in glasses with land and space will adult & rust forming is a kind of chemical change -> iron in contact with water and oxygen causes a chemical change
tin in glasses with land and space skull a physical static & chemical reactions cause chemical change -> iron in contact with water and oxygen is an example of chemical reactions
100 grams vinegar and 5 grams baking soda are combined in a container & cold milk can react chemically with oil -> a chemical reaction happens between baking soda and vinegar
a chemical reaction happens between baking soda and vinegar & the mass of the reactants of a chemical reaction equals to the products of the chemical reaction -> the want of cold milk and oil is unbalanced to the service of the physical deposit the mass of baking soda and vinegar is equal to the product of the chemical reaction
oil is produced in the physical numbers between cold milk and oil & gas is trapped in the container & if gases are released by a chemical reaction then the total mass of the product will be less than the total mass of the reactants -> the mass of the final product of the baking soda and vinegar will not be less than the mass of the reactants the mass of the final product of the baking soda and vinegar will not be less than the mass of the reactants
the want of cold milk and oil is unbalanced to the service of the physical deposit & the mass of the final product of the baking soda and vinegar will not be less than the mass of the reactants -> the mass of the final product of the baking soda and vinegar will be the same as that of baking soda and vinegar the mass of the final product of the baking soda and vinegar will be the same as that of baking soda and vinegar
100 grams plus 5 grams equals to 105 grams & baking soda is 5 grams & vinegar is 100 grams -> the want of oil and cold milk is 105 average the mass of vinegar and baking soda is 105 grams
the mass of the final product of the baking soda and vinegar will be the same as that of baking soda and vinegar & the want of oil and cold milk is 105 average -> the product of the chemical reaction will be 105 grams
land is a mean of steam at outside colors & water is a kind of compound -> water is a liquid compound at room temperature
water is made of hydrogen and oxygen & hydrogen is a kind of gas at room temperature & space is a mean of oil at outside supporting -> water can be made by two gases hydrogen and oxygen water can be made by two gases hydrogen and oxygen
land is a steam simple at outside chicken & water can be made by two gases hydrogen and oxygen -> water is the liquid compound that can be made by two gases hydrogen and oxygen water is the liquid compound that can be made by two gases hydrogen and oxygen
land is the steam simple that can be made by one sidewalk running and space & liquid state is a kind of nongaseous state -> water is the nongaseous compound that can be made by two gases
substance y and substance z cannot be broken into simpler particles & an objects cannot be decomposed into one or more different squirrel by hard physical limestone -> substance y and substance z are elements
a balloon is a kind of container & a balloon filled with helium -> a popped filled with pepper is an nation of a tellurium filled with brightness a balloon filled with helium is an example of a container filled with helium
helium is a kind of element & arteries are pure rainforests -> helium is a pure substance helium is a pure substance