dose this phone come with service are without service.?
No service .. you go to the website net10.com and purchase the plans monthly
Does this manual contain load data for the new Nosler Long Range Bullets?
No it does not have the new accubond longe range bullets listed in this manual.Hope this helps
Does this manual contain load data for the new Nosler Long Range Bullets?
Yes. I an firing a 6.8x284 @ 1,000 yds and this manual helped me dial it in.
Does this manual contain load data for the new Nosler Long Range Bullets?
I bought this for another person but I believe it does have long range info in it .
Recording to computer using the USB connection: do the computer's speakers emit the music, or must it also be connected to a stereo system?
You can have the music output through your computer speakers while recording. The instructions that come with the turntable explain what you need to do as far as computer and program settings to do that.
Recording to computer using the USB connection: do the computer's speakers emit the music, or must it also be connected to a stereo system?
You can emit music through your computer speakers while recording. The instructions that come with the turntable explain what computer and program settings need to be changed in order to do so.
Recording to computer using the USB connection: do the computer's speakers emit the music, or must it also be connected to a stereo system?
I haven't tried it with the computer, but other answers seem to say that you can hear it through your computer speakers. If your stereo speakers are better then the ones with your computer you can probably also connect to your stereo and turn off the computer's speakers.
are they made in the usa?
no they are not but this is the best neck pillow I ever bought. I now have two of them......
Why are these batteries "not for use with flashlights"?
A lot of compact flashlight use this size. Based on warnings I've seen on similar batteries, the recommendation is for flashlights using incandescent bulbs. The lithium-ion batteries have a slightly higher output voltage which can damage incandescent bulbs.
What size are these bullbs? Are those just colored globes over the bulbs ?
These are about 2/12 long each. Yes they are globes over minature string lights. They are very pretty.
Will the footplate damage the vinyl flooring in our rented apartment?
I have tile flooring and there was no damage to it. Because of the footplate is made a of a heavy plastic material, I think you will be fine. Also, the footplate can be raised and placed out of the way if necessary. I purchased this product for my visiting mother-in-law. She was with us for three months and this product made all the difference in the world for her.
Will the footplate damage the vinyl flooring in our rented apartment?
I do not think so, it hasnt damaged my moms vinyl flooring in the year plus she has had it.
Will the footplate damage the vinyl flooring in our rented apartment?
I don't see how it could possibly do any damage. I see no damage on my vinyl flooring at all.
What type of USB is used (3.0 or 2.0)? The product description above states different things
To be honest, i don't know how to figure that out exactly. but i think it's 3.0 since it's colored blue as described here http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110606234231AAf9p5B
What kind of metal is it made out of?
I don't know what guage it is but it is considerably thicker than the steel on a "tin" can for food, etc. It's quite sturdy.
What kind of metal is it made out of?
Is some sort of sheet steel and it seems to be durable although I agree with some of the YouTube videos that I've seen you will need to purchase and apply high heat paint to it like in refitting a grill but it will and can serve for number of years. I have used one on several occasions now I would not apply the high heat paint until after the initial paint from the factory wears or burns off. Then clean and sand it then apply paint. Upkeep on this is a part of outdoor kit is necessary to prolong use in life of the stove. I have enjoyed this very much since my purchase.
how much does the razor weigh
I do not know the weight but it is well balanced not cheap or light weight.
how much does the razor weigh
I used my digital baking scale and it weighed 3 and 1/8 ounces. with the blade.
how much does the razor weigh
I don't know an actual weight, but I can tell you it's fairly hefty for a double-edge razor handle. It's designed to be one of Parker's heavier razors.
Does this device have a front-facing camera?
This device does have a front facing camera, however its quality is not the greatest.
Is the heating element exposed?
The pot sits on a base that has an element that fits into the bottom of the pot. I wouldnt say it is exposed because there is no way to turn on the element without the pot on the base.
Is the heating element exposed?
After 6 month the switch stop to working and it was inposable to hit the water. So I was very upset and bought another brand
Is the heating element exposed?
I did not use this kettle. At the same time that I ordered this kettle, I saw another one that I liked better and ordered that one. I returned this one without using it.
Is the heating element exposed?
The element us not exposed. It is good kettle. We have had it over a year with no problems. Good luck.
Is the heating element exposed?
No the heating element is not exposed. Read the reviews about the kettle and investigate well before you buy it. Mine broke during the warranty period and was leaking water. I sent it back.
How hot is it suppose to get because it gets pretty hot and the battery thing doesn't work with the camera
The battery only works from close range, I am not sure how hot it is suppose to get but over time that will stop doing that. But over all the cameras a hunk of junk.
How hot is it suppose to get because it gets pretty hot and the battery thing doesn't work with the camera
They run hot around 110 degrees and the battery has to new if the voltage of the battery cant go below 8volts
How hot is it suppose to get because it gets pretty hot and the battery thing doesn't work with the camera
Umm it can get pretty hot! if you leave it plugged up and tell the person it dosent work you could prb get a new one? did that help?
How wide is the swingset/slide exactly? (Without the trampoline ?)we are tight on the width space. Does it "lift" when being used?
Don't know the exact width but it does lift off the ground. Had to buy extra long swirly stakes from home depot. The ones it comes with are not secure. We live in Seattle where the ground is always wet. The canopy also broke in the firsthand storm. I would spend an extra $100 on something more durable. We also spent money to change out the seats. The ones it comes with are plastic and not flexible. When she swung high she slipped off the swing and fell hard on her bottom. Between the extra swings and stakes we spent an extra $75 anyway. Hope this helps!
is this pan made in France?
Can't say for sure if its made in France but it's called a "French Crepe" Pan.Makes wonderful crepes - evenly cooked & hardly any clean-up. You won't be disappointed.
what kind of wood are these?
I'm sorry I really don't know what type of wood it is. I can tell you I ordered 2 boxes and absolutely love how they transformed my closet. Out of the box I had 1-2 hangers that weren't as smooth but I just made sure not to use them for my silk items. I have had them for about 3 months now and not a single problem. Overall they really are a great price and product.
How many oz of Prodiamine needed for one gallon of water, as 25 gal/acre is not helpful.
I had the same question. The 5 pound container is supposed to cover 3 acres. I took a wild guess and mixed one third of my 5 pound container into my 4 gallon sprayer. This should be enough to cover one acre but I sprayed roughly one half acre with the four gallons which means I was spraying double concentration. I don't mind the overkill but I'm sure that 1/6 of the 5 pound container mixed into my 4 gallon sprayer would have been sufficient. Nothing has sprouted since I sprayed a couple months ago so it seems to be working.
How many oz of Prodiamine needed for one gallon of water, as 25 gal/acre is not helpful.
I never used this specific brand but as a rule of thumb I use 2 oz per gallon.
How many oz of Prodiamine needed for one gallon of water, as 25 gal/acre is not helpful.
seriously 1/3rd...even 1/6th of the container into 4gals!! that's is way too much. i use 3 cap fulls into my 4 gal spreader
How many oz of Prodiamine needed for one gallon of water, as 25 gal/acre is not helpful.
You have to know how much water your sprayer uses per 1000 sq ft. Then you need to know what type of turf/ornamental it is being used for to know your yearly max. If you know these answers you can figure your mix rate by reading the label.
Will the Seagull work with a Canon 60D?
it can, but you will need to buy a bracket that will fit the swivel lcd. it will need to attach to the bottom of the camera, and not the LCD screen (as this one does). Its virtually identical to the Zacuto viewfinder so it will probably fit theirs. and it might even fit this one:http://www.amazon.com/CARRY-SPEED-LCD-VIEW-FINDER/dp/B004RDEIAO/ref=pd_sim_p_28worth a try! I love this seagull, cause its the same as the zacuto viewfinder and saved me $$$$!
Will the Seagull work with a Canon 60D?
Yes. I use it along with the Zacuto Gorilla Plate along with the 3" mounting frame. Perfect combo. - http://store.zacuto.com/Gorilla-Plate.html
Will the Seagull work with a Canon 60D?
Yes, I own a 60D and it fits perfectly fine.. Just know that there is a bracket that you'll have to attach to the lcd screen.
Can it be used to keep bats away from my porch?
Its better used like moth balls, in enclosed areas. You might try fly paper, reflector tape, flashing led nite guard. Many on ---do it yourself pest control, very reasonable. Good luck.
I'd like to ask the seller or manufacturer to provide an accurate answer, is this product Teflon free or not? Thanks.
I looked through the owner's manual and the wording is; "non stick coating". It does not define the non stick coating as Teflon or not. Probably will have to call the manufacturer (1-800-526-5377) to get the actual type of coating. We have had ours for a year and have no complaints, wonderful small appliance. Just follow the cleaning instructions, no abrasives. We spray with Pam and have no sticking or cleanup issues. Use just a moist paper towel and dry with a terry cloth towel to clean following use.
Once these are attached to a magnetic surface, how hard are they to remove? I want to use them for a temporary application, not a permanent one.
Not terribly difficult. The key is not to pull them straight off, but to tip them on an angle and pull, or slide 1/2 off the surface and pull. Also depends on the magnet strength - obviously the 80lb's are tougher than the 40lbs! I weigh only 155lbs and I have no trouble.
How well does it cover up acne or scars?
This is the best for covering acne and scars . I will never use anything else it has all the colors I need for my clients as well as myself. Its creamy and blends in seemless
How well does it cover up acne or scars?
I used it for the first time on my mom, she doesn't have a lot of scars but she does have some age spots and this pallet had the perfect colors to blend and cover them up; I used a setting spray and she looked flawless all day long
Hi. How many cards came in this set?
It came with 4 booster packs, and 10 promo cards (Eevee + 8 evolutions + 1 fairy energy) Also the toy.
Comparing this to the Laundry POD, this seems to not dry clothes as well? Can you not spin dry the clothes after a rinse?
No. I just let it drain until it stops dripping. Last rinse I usually let it drain for 10-15 min. You still have to wring out clothes. Different clothes, of course, hold more or less water....but the ones on the bottom definitely have more water in them!
I have lenova laptop ideapad the touch pad is horrible, i want to replace with keyboard with laptop, will it fit on top of the laptop keyboard
Yeah it may fit, is small and looks good, but it is too thick almost like 0.70". I bought it because my desk is very small. I don't use it with portable devices.When typing I have to be very careful because the keys are too sensitive so it may type characters that you didn't choose.
I have lenova laptop ideapad the touch pad is horrible, i want to replace with keyboard with laptop, will it fit on top of the laptop keyboard
Yeah it may fit, is small and looks good, but it is too thick almost like 0.70". I bought it because my desk is very small. I don't use it with portable devices. When typing I have to be very careful because the keys are too sensitive so it may type characters that you didn't choose.
How do I choose a specific reticle amongst the 3 available?
I believe the only way you can do it is to educate yourself via the Internet. First define the type of shooting you will do. Are you just shooting paper targets or will you be hunting etc? Then do your research. I prefer the mil dot reticle. The mil dot allows you to judge range, bullet drop, lead etc. Whatever you choose the scope will come with instructions as to how to use the scope and the reticle specifically.
How do I choose a specific reticle amongst the 3 available?
the mil dot is your best choice....you have cross hairs for basic set it at 100yds and shoot all day at the range if later you decide to to be more advanced you have the mil dot sysrtem which has many/all the benefits of professional hunter sniper could want.
How do I choose a specific reticle amongst the 3 available?
It depends on your personal preference. A mildot reticle can be used to accurately estimate range, to calculate the size of objects at known ranges, and to give you precise aiming points at different ranges with different ammunition types. There is a steeper learning curve with the mildot reticle than with the BDC reticle. The BDC reticle allows you to quickly select a point of aim at various ranges, but isn't as versatile as the mildot reticle. The Nikoplex reticle is a cleaner duplex crosshair reticle for folks who don't need or want the above features.
How do I choose a specific reticle amongst the 3 available?
In the listing I believe you have an option to choose which "size" you want. But really the different "sizes" are the different reticles. When you select a size option you should see the choice show up with the type reticle described next to it. It threw me off when I was purchasing also. I think this is what you are asking?
How do I choose a specific reticle amongst the 3 available?
I prefer a clean view and a lighted reticle(for low light shooting). Preference is highly subjective. However, I believe the most important things to know are: ballistics of your ammo and, range to your target.
How do I choose a specific reticle amongst the 3 available?
It depends on your personal preference. A mildot reticle can be used to accurately estimate range, to calculate the size of objects at known ranges, and to give you precise aiming points at different ranges with different ammunition types. There is a steeper learning curve with the mildot reticle than with the BDC reticle.The BDC reticle allows you to quickly select a point of aim at various ranges, but isn't as versatile as the mildot reticle.The Nikoplex reticle is a cleaner duplex crosshair reticle for folks who don't need or want the above features.
One hdmi input on TV with multiple hdmi sources: Does anyone know how I could connect a dvd player with an hdmi output and a cable box with an hdmi output into one hdmi input on a television?
This is a common situation and by now you've solved it but seeing that your post is dated 9/15/08, I'll give you the solution for the benefit of others who may need it. HDMI switchers (commonly 4 input, 1 out) are available for less than $50 and some of them are auto-sensing/manual units and others even have remote controls. it's a matter of preference. They all do the same job which is to allow more than one device to be connected to a display with only one HDMI input. Don't get suckered into paying too much for one because, just like cables (especially 'printer' cables), it's not necessary to spend a small fortune for them. There are poor quality as well as great quality ones out there and if you buy from a reputable dealer you'll be able to return it if doesn't work properly.
Does this work for waterproofing as well? I want UV and water protection for outdoor pillows & cushions.
I am not sure. It didn't even work to keep the color in my wreath. I tried it three different times.
Is this gonna fit BDG1200 ?
Yes. I have the same drill. You can also try to look up, "HKSD-023364" to see if it matches.
Will this bag fit the manfrotto mk055xpro3-bh 055 with 498rc2 ball head attatched?
The camera bas on the ball head would need to be placed off to side in order to fit/close the bag. The bag is pretty roomy also. but the tripod w/the head attached does have a minor "fit" problem easily remedied. You will see.
Will this bag fit the manfrotto mk055xpro3-bh 055 with 498rc2 ball head attatched?
Fold your Tpod up and measure from feet to top of head. Must be less than 780mm to fit.
How big is each cooking rack in inches x inches
the opening close to the fire box is an area to keep your meats away from, if your rack is on that same level, you might burn the meat. trial and error will help you decide your technique of smoking. have fun.
How big is each cooking rack in inches x inches
about 13" x 14" you can place a whole rack of ribs on it if you cut it in half or a 10 lb picnic shoulder on the rack. I do like mine, take your time when you put it together, tighten the screws, find a hard ware store for your c clamps and get your self a wheel barrel or metal tray to start your next load of coals once you have started cooking so that you don't lose a lot of heat during your cooking, a large pair of tongs can help with the removal of burnt coals and ashes.
How big is each cooking rack in inches x inches
Cooking area for each grill is about 13x14. If I had it to do over I wouldn't have bought this one. smoke comes out around the doors. Had to modify it which cost me about 50.00. Is very hard to maintain heat. thermometer didn't work very well.
Would this fit Toyota Corolla seats?
Hi, yes it will. I have a 2009 Toyota Corolla and I purchased these seat covers for it. They fit mine great.
Would this fit Toyota Corolla seats?
I'm not sure. I bought these for my husbands 2013 Chevy silverado and they fit it just fine.
Will this case be a good fit for a Gibson 339? Does anyone know or have one they have put in this case?
I cannot answer that for sure; however, this case works great for Strat and Tele style guitars. If I had to guess, I would say no to the Gibson 339 even though it is smaller than a 335 which would definately NOT fit.
Will this case be a good fit for a Gibson 339? Does anyone know or have one they have put in this case?
Looking at the 339, compared to Les Paul in both length and width, as well as the Fernandes Monterey and the ESP EC-1000 Eclipse, I would say, no. The 339 is both longer and wider than all 3 of these. I bought one of these cases to fit my Fernandes Monterey Deluxe. The case was roughly an inch too short and, about an inch and a half, or so, too narrow. I ended up ordering Gator's Les Paul case, which is a great case but, still a tight fit that I may have to have modified a bit for a perfect fit. I will say that the Gator Les Paul case fits my Fernandes better that the comparable SKB model and, in my opinion, looks way better and feel sturdier, and more secure. Looking at the 339, compared to Les Paul in both length and width, as well as the Fernandes Monterey and the ESP EC-1000 Eclipse, I would say, no. The 339 is both longer and wider than all 3 of these. I bought one of these cases to fit my Fernandes Monterey Deluxe. The case was roughly an inch too short and, about an inch and a half, or so, too narrow. I ended up ordering Gator's Les Paul case, which is a great case but, still a tight fit that I may have to have modified a bit for a perfect fit. I will say that the Gator Les Paul case fits my Fernandes better that the comparable SKB model... » Read More Looking at the 339, compared to Les Paul in both length and width, as well as the Fernandes Monterey and the ESP EC-1000 Eclipse, I would say, no. The 339 is both longer and wider than all 3 of these. I bought one of these cases to fit my Fernandes Monterey Deluxe. The case was roughly an inch too short and, about an inch and a half, or so, too narrow. I ended up ordering Gator's Les Paul case, which is a great case but, still a tight fit that I may have to have modified a bit for a perfect fit. I will say that the Gator Les Paul case fits my Fernandes better that the comparable SKB model and, in my opinion, looks way better and feel sturdier, and more secure. « Show Less
Can it be used with a pull-up on? Once my daughter starts urinating - she can't stop - so thinking about ways to avoid the mess.
Yes, sure, it can be, so may be can be somehow unconfortable for her. Also you can try an absorbent blanket. Very good product.
Can it be used with a pull-up on? Once my daughter starts urinating - she can't stop - so thinking about ways to avoid the mess.
It worked great taped to the outside of regular underwear with a pull up on overtop of that. Also found that cloth medical tape was more comfortable than the harsh edge of the metallic tape that comes with the product. Good Luck! It worked for us.
Will this fit the 48oz Nalgene bottle?
I honestly don't know, I am sorry! I didn't even realize that there was a 48oz size bottle until your question. I did look up the bottle, and it looks like it has the same size mouth/lid as the 32oz. I would be willing to bet it would fit!
Will this fit the 48oz Nalgene bottle?
As long as it is the wide mouth one, yes. I'm using it on mine right now, perfect fit.
Does this swivel stress the mag tube? Does it slide around? Would a front mount that goes completely around the mag tube be preferable?
Hi ... I don't think it stresses what I have it on . If I were using on say a lever I'd try to go around the tube .. I'm using the 2 I bought on model 24 Savage .... 222/20ga. & 22RF/410 they work ok but you've got to adjust them "just right" to keep them from moving around ...hope this gives ya some help ? ..... Ron
Does this swivel stress the mag tube? Does it slide around? Would a front mount that goes completely around the mag tube be preferable?
A properly sized swivel (the model that is specific to the rifle's model and caliber) will not stress it, especially if you mount it closer to a supported end of the tube (the forend or the barrel end); I've never felt that the swivel mount would crush or pinch the tube while tightening it. It isn't supposed to slide around, and in fact when I mount, I apply a small amount of super glue (thick) after carefully degreasing the mount and tube, so that it stays put. Let it cure for a day or so. Use acetone to remove any leftover glue that may seep out from behind. The design of these particular swivels has worked very, very well for me, but I do admit that I am rather "easy" on mine when shouldered. I don't do African safaris or the like, and under those conditions, I have no idea. In my opinion, properly fitted and mounted, these are very rugged and would NOT damage the tube or easily come loose. My particular application has been with the Rossi 92, 357 and 44. These swivels coupled with the "Claw" sling are close to perfect.
Which biscuits will the 4" blade cut mortises for? All but the ft?
This is taken from the 557 description:Two Blade Sizes for Standard and Face-Frame BiscuitsThe 557 offers a technologically advanced system accepting two blades both standard and face frame biscuits. The 4-inch blade is for standard-size cuts, while the optional 2-inch blade (#5559, sold separately) easily handles cuts as small as 1-1/2 inches.Additionally, a seven-position rotating depth stop works for standard #0, #10, #20 as well as Simplex, Duplex, and Max (#6) joinery. The standard 4 inch blade is for the numbers 0, 10, and 20 biscuts.
Which biscuits will the 4" blade cut mortises for? All but the ft?
*Seven-position rotating depth stop for FF, #0, #10, #20, Simplex, Duplex, and Max (#6) biscuits
Hey what size backpack
It's pretty spacious. Hubby carries his full lunch with ice packs and various other items to work most days on his motorcycle.
Is the base/floor/bottom soft like the sides? I'm looking for a hard solid base. Thanks
It is soft like the sides with a removable sheepskin type pad, and also my dog figured out how to unzip herself rather quickly by just scratching where the zippers meet. I have never seen a soft sided one with a hard bottom but the metal one I have does fold down easily for travel and you just bring the plastic pan along as well. Good luck!
Is the base/floor/bottom soft like the sides? I'm looking for a hard solid base. Thanks
It isn't the same canvas as the sides, thicker canvas , but not a hard solid base.
Is the base/floor/bottom soft like the sides? I'm looking for a hard solid base. Thanks
Yes- soft on all sides and bottom with metal support rods to keep it in shape.
my camera is all of a sudden saying "card locked" what does that mean and how do i get rid of it??
If you take the card out and look to see a tiny slider, slide it the other way and put back in the camera. That should do it, or try a different card.
my camera is all of a sudden saying "card locked" what does that mean and how do i get rid of it??
If you take the card out and look to see a tiny slider, slide it the other way and put back in the camera.That should do it, or try a different card.
How hard will it be to replace my 2009 Camry onewith this one? My present one already has hand-free bluetooth and navigation - but no ipod control.
I took mine to a car audio specialist. They had to use an adapter and it took them about 4 hours.
How hard will it be to replace my 2009 Camry onewith this one? My present one already has hand-free bluetooth and navigation - but no ipod control.
It doesn't wirk with any newer generation iPhones or iPods. Given that you already have Bluetooth and navigation, I wouldnt suggest you but this.
How hard will it be to replace my 2009 Camry onewith this one? My present one already has hand-free bluetooth and navigation - but no ipod control.
It is really simple to install but I have had nothing but problems with mine and the manufacturer and Amazon have not helped by any stretch of the imagination. I would recommend one of better quality from a different manufacturer. This system is not worth the cardboard its shipped in.
What is the life of the internal Battery?
The battery life depends on how much you use it and how you treat it. I've had a similar one for 10 years and although I've only used it a couple times per year (more for camping power versus jumping cars), it still holds a charge and delivers well. I've followed the manuals recommendations of "recharge after each use and at least every other month" which I'm sure has helped with that. I saw a review of another unit where someone said "I charged it when I first got it, left it in the car for 10 months, then pulled it out to charge it and it wouldn't recharge". That's what you don't want to do, so always keep it charged if you expect it to deliver. The battery life depends on how much you use it and how you treat it. I've had a similar one for 10 years and although I've only used it a couple times per year (more for camping power versus jumping cars), it still holds a charge and delivers well. I've followed the manuals recommendations of "recharge after each use and at least every other month" which I'm sure has helped with that. I saw a review of another unit where someone said "I charged it when I first got it, left it in the car for 10 months, then pulled it out to charge it and it wouldn't recharge". That's... » Read More The battery life depends on how much you use it and how you treat it. I've had a similar one for 10 years and although I've only used it a couple times per year (more for camping power versus jumping cars), it still holds a charge and delivers well. I've followed the manuals recommendations of "recharge after each use and at least every other month" which I'm sure has helped with that. I saw a review of another unit where someone said "I charged it when I first got it, left it in the car for 10 months, then pulled it out to charge it and it wouldn't recharge". That's what you don't want to do, so always keep it charged if you expect it to deliver. « Show Less
What is the life of the internal Battery?
The battery life depends on how much you use it and how you treat it. I've had a similar one for 10 years and although I've only used it a couple times per year (more for camping power versus jumping cars), it still holds a charge and delivers well. I've followed the manuals recommendations of "recharge after each use and at least every other month" which I'm sure has helped with that. I saw a review of another unit where someone said "I charged it when I first got it, left it in the car for 10 months, then pulled it out to charge it and it wouldn't recharge". That's what you don't want to do, so always keep it charged if you expect it to deliver.
How is the FM reception on this unit? I will be listening to the radio a lot.
So far, my reception has been pretty good. There are times that it is a problem from more distant stations, but for the stations I listen to, the reception has been very good.
How is the FM reception on this unit? I will be listening to the radio a lot.
My FM reception is good even though my unit is in the basement. I've never had any trouble with reception.
which bluetooth adapter must be used with this old version of bose sound dock 10?
You have an option to get a bluetooth adapter for the front pin or you can get a aux in bluetooth adapter for the back.
which bluetooth adapter must be used with this old version of bose sound dock 10?
I got this one CoolStream Bluetooth Receiver for iPhone Dock and works perfectly.
which bluetooth adapter must be used with this old version of bose sound dock 10?
I believe Bose only has one kind. When I ordered mine they only had the one option available. Also, my 10 is years and years old and I ordered the Bluetooth last December.
Does it matter which way the two wire connector is plugged into the solenoid? The solenoid input does not seem to be slotted for polarity.
It will only allow you to connect it in one manner. Instructions were very clear with the package I received.
can this display volume
My son said "it can display chat volume but not game volume". I personally have absolutely no idea what those things mean or if he is even meaning the same thing you are.
Will they fit a 1995 jeep wrangler Sahara?
As long as your roll bars are round it should not be a problem. They are not a custom fit product
do these work on washing machines where the drainage hose releases into the pipe rather than laundry sink?
Technically they probably would, but it's a bad idea because they might slip off and fall down into the pipe. I've had them pop off when they got too full before. Personally if mine was down a pipe I'd completely forget to check it and it would fill up and pop off down into the pipe.
What type batteries does this use and can you use rechargeable batteries ?
I use AA Duracell Ultra. I have no idea if they will accept rechargeable. BTW, I will soon order another transmitter because they have worked so well
What type batteries does this use and can you use rechargeable batteries ?
It takes AA batteries and I don't think that you can use rechargeable but I'm not sure. Our batteries have lasted a long time so I don't think you will have a problem.
What type batteries does this use and can you use rechargeable batteries ?
The best batteries to be used are lithium ion as they can function in near sub zero temperatures. The problem with re-charables at present is most are 1.2, not 1.5Volts-the unit requires SIX, 1.5 Volt-total 9 volts. It is possible to jury rig-either a 9volt battery OR rechargeable system (e.g. solar) recharger next to the batteries, but Dakota Alert told me that is being though of, but no plans yet to market. Best suggestion- use lithium ion for long length of use and capacity ot handle temperature extremes. Plan out a replacement schedule once to twice a year. Of course, you could have a similar unit on the property and try out rechargables and compare them for length of time and temperature resilence-to determine whether rechargables meet your needs.
What type batteries does this use and can you use rechargeable batteries ?
From the manual: Six AA Batteries. Alkaline recommended. Average life 6 months. Nothing mentioned for rechargeable. We are very happy with the unit. Excellent response from seller when we had questions. Antique couple
What type batteries does this use and can you use rechargeable batteries ?
The receiver (Inside unit) runs only on house current. The transmitter (Outside unit) uses six AA batteries. I would not recommend rechargeables. The manual recommends high quality alkaline batteries. You don't want to be going out to change the batteries on this every few months. I use the high quality ones and they last more than six months.
Has anyone used this net as a garden trellis net and if so how does it work out.
I've had this netting for a few months now and I love it. I haven't lost any chickens to hawks or anything else. It's very sturdy and alot better than I thought it would be. It was worth what we paid for it. I would and will definitely buy another one.
Has anyone used this net as a garden trellis net and if so how does it work out.
I have not, but if you stretched it snugly enough & didn't have large fruits or vegetables growing on it, maybe a light ivy or the like, it might be fine. IT's lightweigth, but very sturdy.