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I. INTRODUCTION The joint ESA-NASA future mission to launch a spaceborne gravitat ional wave antenna, known as LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna), is expec ted to offer us invaluable in- formation for the Universe. The detector will be able to monitor low f requency the source of which could be either supermassive black hole b inaries at [1, 2], white dwarf and/or neutron star binaries [3], or pr imordial waves of cosmo- logical origin [4, 5]. Detection of such gravitational waves could be ac hieved by placing into three distinct Earth-like orbits, so that they fo rm an equilateral triangle of almost constant size [6], and monitoring the tiny v ariations of any pair of such spacecrafts that are induced by gravita tional waves passing by LISA [7]. Since the frequency band that this detector is sensitive at is in the region 10-4to 10-1Hz, any possible relative motions of spacecrafts that occur at muc h lower frequencies of order~10-7Hz (due to orbital periodicities) could be filtered out from the signal [8, 9]. However, despite the fact that the large beat modes due to Dopple r shifts caused by arm- length variations could be effectively eliminated, the same arm-length variations could cause unpleasant complications while attempting to reduce internal noise b y various schemes of time delay interferometry (known as TDI's) [10, 11]. This happens be cause, while the laser beams travel back and forth across the arms, they pass throug h each spacecraft at different times due to arm-length changes; thus any reference frequency variations of local lasers do not exactly cancel out in the corresponding combination of signals, as it would happen if there was no flexing of the arms. Consequently, if the variability of t he size of the could be minimized by suitable adjustment of their orbital c haracteristics, this would lead to a suppression of the internal noise of LISA, which, in its turn, would be for its performance as a gravitational wave detector. We start by writing down the position of each spacecraft, accurat e up to second order with respect to its eccentricity. Each spacecraft moves on a slight ly elliptical orbit with semi-major axis equal to 1 AU, the plane of which is slightly inclined with r espect to the plane of the ecliptic. Finally the orbit of each spacecraft is rotated b y an angle of +-2p/3, with respect to the other two orbits, on the ecliptic plane. The initial position of the three spacecrafts on their corresponding orbits is such that the y form an equilateral triangle that remains equilateral to first order with respect to the eccent ricityeof the orbits. The 2proposed configuration of LISA, that is widely used in correspondin g analyses [6], assumes that the plane of the triangular configuration forms an exact 60*angle with respect to the ecliptic plane, with the triangle being exactly equilateral initially. Indee d this stable distances between spacecrafts to first order wit h respect to the eccentricity of the orbits e. However, this configuration leads to a breathing mode of the arms with amplitude of order e2[12]. This arm flexing end up generating noise, by one way or another, in detector's output [6, 11, 13]. It is to verify that each spacecraft has 3 extra degrees of freed om that could be used to minimize whichever arm-length variation might one choose. Of cour se this fine tuning of the orbital characteristics should be one order of ehigher than the initially proposed value of the characteristics themselves, so that the invariance of the arm-lengths to order eis not destroyed. These nine, altogether, degrees of freedoms c ould be chosen to be of the orbits, their inclinations, and the initial angle po sition of each spacecraft along its own slightly eccentric and inclined orbit. The choice could be su ch that the deviates frombeing equilateral to order e, and/or its plane inclination deviates from the 60*to order e, as well. On the other hand such an adjustment could reduce of any arm-length, or the relative variation of any pa ir of arm-lengths, at its minimum value. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we repeat t he basic calculations, in a form that could be later extended to higher order with respect t oe, that show why the initially designed configuration leads to a time-independent equilatera l triangular configu- ration to order e. By expanding the spacecraft distances to order e2, we compute the time variation of the arm-lengths at this order. In Sec. III we introduc e nine extra parameters of order e2that modify the initial positions of the three spacecrafts. Then we calculate once again the distances between each pair of spacecrafts as a fu nction of time, which are now parametrized by the six (out of nine) essential parameters th at determine the initial location of the spacecrafts. Finally, in Sec. IV we show how we could o ptimally choose the fine tuning parameters so as to get the minimum contribution to noise from the variations of the arm-lengths, depending on the TDI scheme that one might ch oose to use in THE INITIALLY DESIGNED ORBITS The orbit of each spacecraft is a Keplerian ellipse, if one ignores the g ravitational at- traction due to planets (mainly Earth, and Jupiter) and relativistic e ffects. Assuming that all spacecrafts are moving on orbits that have semi-major axis of 1 AU, so that all return at their initial positions after one year, and are not drifting away se cularly with respect to Earth, their distance from the Sun could be written as r=a(1+ecosx) (1) wherea, the semi-major axis, is common for all spacecrafts and is equal to 1 AU. e, is common for all spacecrafts, as well, for the proposed configur ation and is the only parameter that uniquely characterizes all three orbits (s ee below). Finally, xis the so called eccentric anomaly, which is an angle parameter that determ ines the position of the spacecraft along its elliptical orbit. Now the orbital plane of each sp acecraft is inclined with respect to the ecliptic plane by an angle le, wherelis a number that will be determined by demanding the configuration of the three spacecrafts to be an equilateral triangle with invariant size to first order with respect to e. The three inclined orbital planes are rotated by an angle of +-2p/3, with respect to each other, on the ecliptic plane (see Fig. 1). By u sing the eccentric anomaly to describe the position of each spacecraft along its orbit, instead of the polar angle th, the calculations that lead to the distance between two spacecraf ts as a function of time are made easier since by conservation of angular mo mentum the a keplerian orbit as a function of time is given (2) while by using the eccentric anomaly parameter xwhich is related to (3) the cartesian coordinates of the orbital position the integral of Eq. (2) is easily computed to =L ma2 1-e2t=ot, (5) 4(c.f. [14]). The last expression is easier to use, than Eq. (2), to com putet(x), in contrast to t(th). The above transcendental equation could not be exactly invert ed in a closed analytical form. However, this could be achieved in the form of a power expans ion with respect to (6) The cartesian coordinates of each spacecraft on the heliocentric system, with the to the ecliptic plane, are thus given the position of the i-th spacecraft on its orbital plane, that the expressions in the last array come from Eqs. (4). The ma an inclination of the orbital plane by an angle lewith respect to ecliptic plane around 0 sin( le) 0 1 0 -sin(le) 0 cos(le) . the matrix that rotates the orbit of the i-th spacecraft by Ph 1= 0,Ph2= 2p/3, and Ph 3= 4p/3, respectively, on the ecliptic plane, that 0 1 . and x(i) 0(the to the i-th spacecraft) to = (11) 5along with the common inclination parameter l=
3, we obtain the following time de- pending distance of each pair of spacecrafts to second order with respect to e: r12(t) = = ot))ae2+O(e3), (13) r31(t) = choice of initial parameters for the three spacecrafts, ment ioned above, is the one that leads to the essential advantage of the configuration; that is to k eep the distances equal, and time-invariant to lowest order (first order) with respect to pa rametere. However, the arm-lengths vary with time to order e2. The magnitude of the arm-length oscillation is thus of order 104km as shown in Figure 2. III. LOWERING THE AMPLITUDE OF ARM FLEXING In this section we will use our freedom of choosing the initial positionin g of the , in order to minimize whichever distance variation we mig ht like. Of course by placing two spacecrafts on a circular orbit around the Sun the dista nce between them will remain fixed, but in order to sense the quadrupole nature of a grav itational wave we need al least one more spacecraft that is not along the same line of the fo rmer two ones. Thus, by placing a third spacecraft in an orbit that is inclined with respect to the orbit the other pair, we will have a time varying arm-length between the third and eac h one of the other two spacecrafts, the overall variation of which will be of the order of t he initial arm-length. The clever symmetric configuration of the three slightly inclined and slight ly non-circular orbits that was discussed in the previous section manages to keep all the a rm-lengths constant, at least at the order of magnitude of the arm-lengths themselves. On the other hand by trying to achieve a very symmetric configuration we have ignored an y possible freedom we still have to shift our orbits so as to reduce the variation of distanc es to even higher order. Speaking of freedom of initial positioning, the three elliptical orbits c ould be a with respect to eccentricity and with respect to inclinatio n, with each other. Of course the fine tuning of the corresponding six parameters will be o f ordere2, so as to 2d/3e#=01 FIG. 1: The figure depicts the orbits of the three spacecrafts labeled 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The triangular configuration is shown at an instance when spacec raft 1 is at its aphelion ( th1= 0) while the other spacecrafts are located at angles th2= 2p/3+O(e), andth3= 4p/3+O(e), three elliptical orbits are inclined with respect to the ecliptic plane (shown in the figure); thus the part of the ellipses that lie above the ecliptic plane are drawn thicker than the parts that lie below. Also the three orbits are rotated with respect to each other by exactly +-2p/3, as shown in the figure. The inclinations and the eccentricities present ed in this figure are highly exaggerated to clearly illustrate the geometry of the orbits. the main characteristic of the configuration; namely the constant value of the arm-lengths at order e. Furthermore one could also loosen the exact symmetric placement of the orbits by a rotating angle of +-2p/3 with respect to each other. However these angles could be kept invariant, and we could alternatively adjust the initial angular p ositionsx(i) 0to we will assume that the three orbits are characterize d by the following e 2=e+a2e2, l2=
3+b2e, 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 106 t [yrs]Lk [km] 2: This diagram shows the variation of the three arm-len gths for the configuration of LISA that was initially designed. Therangeof arm-lengths' vari ation is 6 .6x104km, forr13, andr12, and 2.1x104km, forr23, respectively. The first two pairs have similar time evoluti on due to of the corresponding sides of the equilateral triangle. Actually r12(t) =r13(-t), if t= 0 corresponds to configuration shown in Figure 2. We have actually chosen the eccentricity of the first spacecraft's orbit as a reference for the other two. This eccentricity will play the role of the small expans ion parameter in all positional expressions. Next we define the initial positions of the sp acecrafts along these slightly deformed, and differently inclined orbits by the initial angles x(1) 0= once again by setting x(1) 0equal to zero, we have just adjusted the initial time of to coincide with the aphelion of spacecraft 1. As we se e now there are only 7 parameters that we could tune to make the configuration comply wit h our demands. The assumed shifts of the orbital parameters of the three spacecra fts are independent to each other, and thus they exhaust the whole freedom we have to shift t he initial positions of the proposed configuration that forms initially an exact equ ilateral triangle in- 8clined by 60*with respect to the equatorial orbit corresponds to some specific these 7 new parameters since, as is shown in Figure 2, omiss ion of all these param- eters does not lead to three equal arm-lengths at t= 0. Repeating once again the computations of the previous section with all seven new param- eters introduced in the formulae for andx(i) 0, we obtain the following expressions for the three distances as functions of (17) with A(t) 3x1 column matrices Ck's andSk's, through which we have decomposed the time- depending second-order column matrix A(t), correspond to the following expressions that depend only on the seven fine-tuning parameters introduced abov e: C0= 6 1 1 1 , S1= obvious optimization choice of parameters is b1=b2=b3= 0, since then the com- ponent of the variation of arms that oscillates at frequency 2 ovanishes ( C2=S2=0) without affecting the rest time-depending components C1,C3,S1. On the other hand the only component of arm-length oscillation with frequency 3 ocannot be adjusted through suitable choice of the parameters. Finally the magnitude of the comp onents corresponding to frequency ocould be adjusted by varying the value of specific combinations of a2,g2, and 9a3,g3. More specifically by using the following 57+8(3 a2+2 3g2), kh3= 57+8(3 the two new parameters kh2,kh3could be adjusted independently to each other, the lowest-order arm-length variations oscillating at frequency oturn out to (22) Therefore, all possible optimizations could be done by suitable adjus tments of is, by simultaneous adjustments of ai's andgi's. For example, by choosing kh2=kh3= 0, two out of three arms are oscillating with the lowest possible amplitude , which is a mere 5%
of the amplitude of the initially designed configuration. The price thou gh is that then the third arm is oscillating with an amplitude that is ~3.4 times higher than the of the initial configuration. On the other hand if we need to use all arms in our signal analysis, we could make a compromise by a suitable choice of khi's and manage to decrease the oscillation amplitude of all arms at an optimized ratio. In Figure 3, we have plotted the time-varying arm-lengths in a period of one year, for tw o choices of khi's. IV. REDUCING THE NOISE IN VARIOUS TDI SCHEMES The optimal geometric configuration, that we could achieve by suita ble initial TDI(timedelay interferometry) scheme that we decide to use in order to extract the signal from the internal no ise of local lasers in each spacecraft. Forexample, ifwehadchosen tosynthesize thephas e-differences Michelson scheme interferometry (see [10, 11]) the noise in duced by the breathing mode of the arms would 106 t [yrs]Lk [km] 106 3: This diagram shows the time varying length of the thre e arms when the orbital of the three spacecrafts are a little bit different t han the ones of the initial design. The left diagram shows the extreme case kh2=kh3= 0, where two of the arms are oscillating at a small fraction of the oscillation amplitude of the initial configu ration (only by 0 .2x104km in the third arm is oscillating with an amplitude which is more than 3 times larger than the amplitude in the initial configuration. The right diagram sh ows a more balanced fine tuning of the parameters ( kh2=kh3= 39) where all arms are oscillating with an amplitude ~60% lower than the maximum amplitudes of initial that the spacecraft 1 is the corner station of the corre sponding Michelson Li(t) is the time depending length of the i-th arm, while Ci(t) describes fluctuations of the i-th laser frequency (assuming there is only one reference laser in each spacecraft). The lasers of LISA mission are designed t o have single-sided spec- tral density of order 30 Hz /
Hz. The initial configuration has a time varying which has an amplitude of 3 .3x104km (c.f. Figure 2). On the other hand in the optimized configuration with kh2=kh3= 0 although these two arms actually breathe, they have continuously exactly the same length (at least to order e2which corresponds to The same holds good also for an unequal-arm eight -link Michelson com- bination, denoted X by Armstrong, Estabrook, and Tinto [15], whic h is a scheme [11], since the antisymmetric combination .L2L3-.L3L2is again (to the same order of approximation), and thus the internal laser noises cancel out (c.f. Eq. (12) of [11]). Let us examine one more TDIscheme that is, no w, not symmetric with respect to a specific pair of arms. For example, the eight-link Relay s cheme, denoted U in [15], leads to the following TDI noise due to laser internal (24) By expressing the three arm-lengths as Li=Li'=L0+li(t) whereL0is of order aewhile li(t) is of order ae2and the numbering is such that it corresponds to the i-th component of the column matrix of Eq. (22) the above expression for the noise yie compute the above expression, only the Fourier components co rresponding to frequency ohas been written down, since the Fourier component of arm breath ing with frequency 3 o is the same for all arms (c.f. C3of Eq. (19)), and the corresponding terms cancel out. From expression (25) it is easy to verify that by choosing kh2=-156/5 andkh3= 312/5 we could nullify the noise of this TDI scheme to this order; namely a2e3. It should be noted that the specific choice of numbering of the arms with respect to the assume d distance rijthat we have used in our analysis leads to the specific optimizing parameter va lueskh2,3that we all second generation eight-link TDI schemes lead to similar e xpressions for the noise, which could be written as antisymmetric products of arm- length variations and arm-lengths [11]. These products could be expressed as a combinat ion of sin otand cosot terms with corresponding factors that depend on the two parame terskh2,3. Therefore there is always a suitable combination of the kh2,3parameters that eliminates the noise to that order, which means that by suitable fine initial positioning of the thre e spacecrafts we could depress the laser noise at the level of .Ca2e4o. This is the best optimization we could achieve for a specific second generation eight-link TDI scheme based on the kinematics of LISA. As an order of magnitude, this means a reduction in the noise of LISA bye1/100 with respect to a non-optimizing positioning of the CONCLUSIONS In this short paper we have shown that we could adjust the orbital characteristics of the three spacecrafts which consist LISA detector at one order, wit h respect to e, higher than what is initially designed, in order to achieve specific kinematical prope rties. Namely, we could make the breathing mode of detector arms be optimized with re spect to noise induced inthe signal throughany TDIscheme used to reduce thenoise implica tions. Wehave shown, by presenting a few examples, that suitable initial positioning of the t hree spacecrafts could reduce the noise, due to lasers, by two orders of magnitude with re spect to initial design. lifetime, only a specific TDI could be highly optimized. If anothe r TDI scheme is used simultaneously to analyze some signal the benefits of the fine- tuned kinematics will not be equally highlighted. Hence the choice of kinematics should be based on the TDI scheme that will be most often used in signal research was supported by Grant No 70/4/7672 of the Specia l Account for Research Grants of the University of Athens. [1] B. F. Schutz, Nature323(1986) 310. [2] C. Cutler, M. Vallisneri Phys. Rev. D 76(2007) 104018. [3] R. Schneider, V. Ferrari, S. Matarrese, S. F. Portegies Z wartMon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 324(2001) 797. [4] P. Bender,P. Danzmann, and the LISA Study Team (1998) La ser Interferometer Space An- tenna for the Detection of Gravitational Waves, Pre-Phase A Report MPQ 233 (Garching: Max- Planck-Institut fur S. Chongchitnan, G. Efstathiou Phys. Rev. D 73(2006) 083511. [6] S. V. Dhurandhar, K. R. Nayak, S. Koshti, and J. Y. Vinet, Class. Quantum Grav. LISA: A Cornerstone Mission for the Observation of Grav itational Waves, System and Technology Study Report (2000). [8] M. Tinto, F. B. Estabrook, and J. W. Armstrong Phys. Rev. D. 65(2002) 082003. [9] N. J. Cornish, L. J. Rubbo Phys. Rev. D 67(2003) 022001; Erratum-ibid. D 67(2003) 029905. [10] J. W. Armstrong, F. B. Estabrook, and M. Tinto Ap. J.527(1999) 814. [11] M. Vallisneri Phys.Rev. D ,72(2005) 042003. [12] K. R. Nayak, S. Koshti, S. V. Dhurandhar, and J. Y. Vinet preprint N. J. Cornish, R. W. Hellings Class. Quant. Grav. 20(2003) 4851-4860. [14] L. D. Landau, and E. M. Lifshitz, Mechanics, Addison-We sley, Reading, MA 1960. [15] J. W. Armstrong, F B. Estabrook, and M. Tinto, Astrophys. J. 527(1999) 814. 14 | 0804.2103 | Theocharis Apostolatos | Ioannis Deligiannis, Theocharis A. Apostolatos | Minimizing the kinematical effects on LISA's performance | 14 pages, 3 figures | null | null | null | gr-qc | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Proper tuning of the orbital characteristics of the three spacecrafts that
constitute the usual triangular configuration of the space-borne
gravitational-wave detector LISA, could minimize the breathing mode of its
arm-lengths. Since the three spacecrafts form three pairs of interferometric
arms, we have the freedom to minimize whichever combination of arm-length
variations that might be useful in signal analysis. Thus for any kind of time
delay interferometry (TDI), that is chosen to be used in analysing the data,
the optimal orbital characteristics could be chosen accordingly, so as to
enhance the performance of the gravitational wave detector.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 14 Apr 2008 15:02:58 GMT"
] | 2008-04-15T00:00:00 | [
"Theocharis A.",
] |
algorithm of adding to some set Sof Lie polynomials all non-trivial compositions until one will get a set S*that is closed under compositions, i.e., any non-trivial composition of two polynomials from S*belongs to S*(and leading associative words - sof not contain each others as subwords). In addition, SandS*generated the same ideal, i.e., Id(S) =Id(S*).S*is now called a Gr obner-Shirshov basis of Id(S). Then he proved the following a free Lie algebra over a field kviewed as the algebra of Lie polynomials in the free algebra andSa subset in Lie(X). IffId(S), then -f=u-sv, wheresS*, u,vX*,-f,-sare leading associative words of Lie and X*the free monoid generated by X. He used the following easy corollary of his lemma. Irr(S) sS, a,bX*}is a linear basis of the algebra Lie(X|S) =
Lie(X)/Id(S), whereuis an associative Lyndon-Shirshov word in X*and[u]the corre- sponding non-associative Lyndon-Shirshov word under Lie b rackets[xy] =xy-yx. To define the Lie composition ( f,g)wof two, say, monic Lie polynomials, where -f=
ac,-g=cb, c/e}atioslash= 1, a,b,care associative words, and w=acb, A. I. Shirshov defines first the associative composition fb-ag. Then he puts on fbandagspecial brackets [ fb],[ag] in according with his paper [27]. The result is ( f,g)w= [fc]-[cg]. Following [29], one can easily get the same lemma for a free associative algebra: Let as before. If fId(S), then-f=a-sbfor some sS*, a,bX*. It was formulated lately by L. A. Bokut [3] as an analogy of Shirshov's Lie composition lemma, and b y G. Bergman [1] under the name Diamond lemma after celebrated Newman's Diamo nd Lemma for graphs Its nowadays formulation see, for example, in the next s ection in this this kind of ideas were discovered by H. Hironaka [14] for the power series algebras and by B. Buchberger [8], [9] for the polynomial alge bras. B. the name Gr obner bases. It is well known and well re cognized that appli- cations of Gr obner bases in mathematics (particulary, in algebraic geometry), computer science and informatics are innumerable large. At present, there are quite a few lemmas (CD -lemma for short) for different classes of non-commutative and non-associative alge bras. Let us mention some. A. I. Shirshov [28] proved himself CD-lemma for commutative (anti-c ommutative) non- associative algebras, and mentioned that this lemma is also valid for no n-associative al- gebras. It gives solution of the word problems for these classes of algebras. For non- associative algebras, this (but not CD-lemma) was known, see A. I. Zhukov [31]. A. A. Mikhalev [23] proved a CD-lemma for Lie Stokes [30] proved a CD-lemma for left ideals of an algebra k[X]Ek(Y), the tensor product of Exterier (Grassman) algebra and a polynomial algebra. A. A. Mikhalev and E. A. Vasilieva [24] proved a CD-lemma for the free polynomial algebras. A. A. Mikhalev and A. A. Zolotykh [25] proved a CD-lemma for the tensor product of a polynomial algebra and a free algebra. L. A. Bokut, Y. Fong and W. F. Ke [6] proved a CD-lemma for associat ive Hellstr om [15] proved a CD-lemma for a non-commutative power s eries algebra. S.-J. Kang and K.-H. and Lee [16], [17] and E. S. Chibrikov [11] proved a CD-lemma for a module over an algebra. D. R. Farkas, C. D. Feustel and E. L. Green [13] proved a CD-lemm a for path algebras. L. A. Bokut and K. P. Shum [7] proved a CD-lemma for G-algebras. Y. Kobayashi [18] proved a CD-lemma for algebras based on well-ord ered semigroups, and L. A. Bokut, Yuqun Chen and Cihua Liu [5] proved a CD-lemma for d ialgebras (see also [4]). LetXandYbe sets and tensor product algebra. In this paper, we give the lemma for the algebra Also we will prove a theorem on the pair of algebras ( in spirit of Eisenbud, Peeva and Sturmfels theorem [12] on ( Preliminaries We cite some concepts and results from the literature ([29], [2], [3]) co ncerning with the Gr obner-Shirshov bases theory of associative algebras. Letkbe a field, free associative algebra over kgenerated by XandX*the free monoid generated by X, where the empty word is the identity which is denoted by 1. For a word wX*, we denote the length of wby|w|. A well order >onX*is monomial if it is compatible with the multiplication of words, that is, for u,vX*, we have u > v=w1uw2> w1vw2, for all w 1, w2X*. A standard example of monomial order on X*is the deg-lex order to compare two words first by degree and then where Xis a linearly ordered the leading word -f. We say that fis monic if -fhas coefficient 1. Letfandgbe two monic polynomials in k well order on X*. Then, there are two kinds of Ifwis a word such that w=-fb=a-gfor some then the polynomial ( f,g)w=fb-agis called the intersection composition of to w. (2) Ifw=-f=a-gbfor some a,bX*, then the polynomial ( f,g)w=f-agbis called the inclusion composition of fandgwith respect to each sSmonic. Then the composition ( f,g)wis called trivial modulo ( S,w) if where each aik, ai,biX*, siSand aisibi< w. If this is the case, then we general, for p,q we write pq mod(S,w) which means that call the set Swith respect to the monomial order <a Gr obner-Shirshov basis any composition of polynomials in Sis trivial modulo S. 3Lemma 2.1 ( lemma for associative algebras) Let a set of monic polynomials and <a monomial order on X*. Then the following statements are a Gr obner-Shirshov basis in some sSanda,bX*, whereId(S)is the ideal by S. (3)Irr(S) a basis of the algebra Lemma for Tensor linearly ordered sets, T={yx=xy|xX, yY}. With the deg-lex order (y > xfor anyxX, yY) on (XY)*,Tis a Gr obner-Shirshov basis Then, by Lemma 2.1, the ={u=uXuY|uXX*and uYY*}
is the normal words of the tensor ak-space spanned by N. For any u=uXuY,v=vXvYN, we define of the normal words as exactly tensor product algebra that is, kN=k/a}bracketle{tXY|T/a}bracketri}ht=
Let >X and >Y be any monomial orders on Now, we order the set N. For any > uY>YvY). It is obvious that >is a monomial order on N. Such an order is also called the deg-lex order on N=X*Y*. We will use this order in the sequel unless others stated. For any polynomial ffhas a unique presentation of the > ui,a-f,aik. The proof of the following lemma are 3.1 a monic polynomial. Then ufv=u-fvfor any u,vN. 4Now, we give the definition of compositions. Let fandgbe monic polynomials Then we have the following only Suppose that wX=-fX=a-gXbfor some a,bX*, and-fY,-gYare disjoint. Then there are two compositions according to wY=-fYc-gYandwY= -gYc-fYforcY*, w -gYcf-agbc-fY, only Suppose that and-fX,-gXare disjoint. Then there are two compositions according to wX=-fXa-gXandwX= -gXa-fXforaX*, w -gXaf-cgda-fXw2= that wX=-fX=a-gXbfor some some c,dY*. transformation called the elimination of the of that wX=-fX=a-gXbfor some a,bX*andwY= -gY=c-fYdfor some c,dY*. only Suppose that wX=-fXa=b-gXfor some and-fY,-gY are disjoint. Then there are two compositions according to wY=-fYc-gYandwY= -gYc-fY forcY*, w -gYcfa-bgc-fY, only Suppose that wY=-fYc=d-gXfor some and -fX,-gXare disjoint. Then there are two compositions according to -gXa-fXforaX*, w -gXafc-dga-fX, w2= some some c,dY*
together with some a,bX*andwY=c-fY= -gYdfor some c,dY*
together with inclusion and and are two cases to some some some a,bX*andwY=c-fY= -gYdfor some and are two cases to some some c,dY*, some -gY for some c,dY*, Lemma 3.1, it follows that for any case of w. IfY=, then the compositions of f,gare the same in a monic subset of A composition ( f,g)wis said to betrivial modulo (S,w), denoted siS, aikandai-sibi< wfor anyi. Generally, for any pq mod(S,w) if and only if called a Gr obner-Shirshov basis all compositions of elements in Sare trivial modulo Sand corresponding to w. 6Lemma 3.2 LetSbe a Gr obner-Shirshov basis in some ai,biN, i= 1,2, are four cases to consider. Case only Suppose that wX 1= -s1X=a-s2Xb, a,bX*and -s1Y,-s2Yare disjoint. Then There are two cases to consider: wY 1= -s2Yc-s1Y, -s1Yc-s2Y, we have -s2Yc-s1Y, we have only This case is similar to may assume that - s2is a subword of - s1, i.e.,w1= Thus,a2=a1ac, b2=bdb1, that wX 1= -s1X=a-s2Xb, a,bX*andwY 1= -s2Y=c-s1Yd, c,dY*. only We may assume that - s1Xis at the left of - s2X, i.e.,wX 1= There are two cases to be consider: wY 1= -s2Yc-s1Y, cY*. ForwY 1= -s1Yc-s2Y, i.e.,w1= -s1bc-s2Y, we have -s2Yc-s1Y, i.e.,w1= -s2Yc-s1b, we have only This case is similar to that wX 1= that wX 1= c-s1Y= c,dY*. 3Both inclusion and and may assume that wX 1= two cases to consider: wY 1= -s2Yd, -s1Yd=c-s2Y, we have -s2Yd, we have and that wX 1= There are two cases to consider: wY 1= -s1Y=c-s2Ydand -s2Y=c-s1Yd, -s1Y=c-s2Yd, we have -s2Y=c-s1Yd, we have 4. -s1and by symmetry, there are two cases to consider: aX*, aX 2=aX 1-s1Xa, we have a2=a1-s1ac, we have aY 1=aY 2-s2Yc, wherea1=b1= -s2Yc-s1a-s2X= -s1Xa-s2c-s1Y. we completes the proof. /square Lemma 3.3 each sSmonic and Irr(S) a,bN, sS}. Then for any f f=/summationdisplay ai-sibi<=-faiaisibi+/summationdisplay uj<=-fbjuj, whereai, bjk, ai,biN, where 0 u2>***. If u1Irr(S), then let f1=f-a1u1. then there exist some sSand a1,b1N, such that -f=a1-s1b1. In both cases, we have -f1<-f. Then the result follows from the induction on -f./square From the above lemmas, we reach the following theorem: Theorem 3.4 ( lemma for tensor product each sSmonic and <the order on N=X*Y*as before. Then the following statements are a Gr obner-Shirshov basis in some a,bN, sS. (3)Irr(S) a,bN, sS}is ak-linear basis for the (1)=(2). Suppose that 0 Then some aik, ai,biN, siS. wl+1>= ***. We will prove that f=asbfor some a,bN, sS, by using induction on landw1. Ifl= 1, then the result is clear. If l >1, Now, by (1) and Lemma induction on landw1, we have the result. (2)=(3). For any 0 by Lemma 3.3, we can express bjk, ai,biN, siSandujIrr(S). ThenIrr(S) generates the factor algebra. Moreover, if 0 u2>***and b 1/e}atioslash= some a,bN, sSby (2), a contradiction. This shows that Irr(S) is a linear basis of the factor For any f, gS, we have h= (f,g)wId(S). The result is trivial if (f,g)w= 0. Assume that ( 0. Then, by Lemma 3.3 and (3), we by noting that -h=(f,g)w< w, we know that (1) holds. /square Remark : Theorem 3.4 is valid for any monomial order on X*Y*. Remark : Theorem 3.4 is exact the lemma for associative algebras (Lemma 2.1) when Y=. 4 we give some applications of Theorem 3.4. Example 4.1 Suppose that for the deg-lex order, S1andS2are Gr obner-Shirshov bases Then for the deg-lex order on X*Y*,S1S2is a Gr obner- Shirshov basis in It follows that The possible compositions in only, X-intersection onlyand Suppose Then in (f,g)w= (f,g)w1c, wherew=w1cfor anycY*. From this it follows that each composition in S1S2is trivial modulo S1S2./square A special case of Example 4.1 is the 4.2 LetX,Ybe linearly ordered sets, k[X]the free commutative generated by X. xj,xi,xjX}is a Gr obner- Shirshov basis in respect to the deg-lex order. Therefore, [12], a Gr obner-Shirshov basis in constructed by lifting a commutative Gr obner basis and adding commutators. Let Xbe a well-ordered set, [ X] the free commutative monoid generated by Xandk[X] the polynomial ring. Let > j} Consider the natural map -k[X] takingxitoxi and thelexicographic splitting ofg, which is defined as the k-linear map d:k[X]- i1<=i2*** <=ir. For any u[X], we present whereli>=0. We use any monomial order on [ X]. For any fk[X],-fmeans the leading monomial of f. Following [12], we define an order on X*using the order x1< x2<***< xnas follows: for anyu,vX*, u > v=g(u)> g(v) in [X] or (g(u) =g(v)and u > lexv). It is easy to check that this order is monomial on X*andd(s) =d(-s) for any i1<=i2*** <=ir, denote the set of all the byU(m). The proofs of the following lemmas are 4.3 Leta,bX*, a=d(g(a)), then, in ad(s)bd(g(ab)s)mod(S1,w). Proof:Suppose that s= and-h < w. By noting that g(d(g(ab)s') 4.4 *** <=ir)and w=d(-f-g).Then, in d((f--f)g)/summationdisplay aiaid(uig)bimod(S1,w) whereaik, ai[xX|x<=xi1], bi[xX|x>=xir], 4.5 ([12]) Let the orders on [X]andX*be defined as above. If Sis a minimal Gr obner basis in k[X], S1is a Gr in Proof:We will show that all the possible compositions of elements in S'are g=d(vs2) 1.fandghave a composition of including, i.e., w=d(u-s1) =ad(v-s2)bfor nocompositionin k[X], i.e.,lcm(-s1-s2) = -s1-s2, thenu=u'-s2, g(ab)v=
u'-s1for some u'[X]. By Lemma 4.3 and Lemma 4.4, we in k[X],Sis a minimal Gr obner basis, the possible compositions are only inter- section. If s1ands2have composition of intersection in k[X], i.e., thenw'is a subword of g(w). Therefore, we have w=d(tw') =d(ta'-s1) =d(tb'-s2) some t[X]. tw'=g(w). Case 2. If fandghave a composition of intersection, we may assume that -fis on the left of - g, for some to Case 1, we have to consider whether s1ands2have compositions in k[X] or not. One can check that both cases are trivial mod( S',w) by Lemma 4.3 and Lemma 4.4. (2)fhij By noting that hij=xixjcan not be a subword of -f=d(u-s1) sincei > j, only are intersection. Suppose that - *** <= =xi1vxifor some v v=dg(v) > i1, thenuxjU(-s1) we complete the proof. /square Now we extend ganddas - - polynomial uY iY*. Let the orders on [ X] andY*be any monomial oeders respectively. We order the uYY*}as follows. For any u,v[X]Y*, u > v=uY> vYor(uY=vYanduX> vX). Now, we order X*Y*: for any u,vX*Y*, u > v=g(uX)uY> g(vX)vYor order is clearly a monomial order on X*Y*. The following definitions of compositions and Gr obner-Shirshov bas es are essentially from [25]. Letf,gbe monic polynomials of Lthe least common multiple of -gYbe a subword of -fY, say,-fY=c-gYdfor some c,dY*. If-fY= if -gY= 1 then we set c= 1. Let w=L-fY=Lc-gYd. We define a non-empty beginning of - gYbe a non-empty ending of -fY, some 1. Let w=L-fYd=Lc-gY. We define any associative word (possibly empty). In the case that the gre atest common divisor of -fXand -gXis non-empty and -fY,-gYare non-empty, we define a monic subset of k[X] ThenSis called a Gr obner-Shirshov basis (standard basis) if for any element - sas its subword for some sS. It is defined as usual that a composition is trivial modulo Sand corresponding w. We also have that Sis a Gr obner-Shirshov basis in and only if all the of its elements are trivial. A Gr obner-Shirshov basis in called minimal if for any sSand allsiS{s}, -siis not a subword of - s. Similar to the proof of Theorem 4.5, we have the following theorem. Theorem 4.6 Let the orders on [X]Y*andX*Y*be defined as before. If Sis a minimal Gr obner-Shirshov basis in S1is a Gr obner-Shirshov basis in > j}. Proof:We will show that all the possible compositions of elements in S'are g=d(vs2), fg In this case, all the possible compositions of fgare related the ambiguities w's (in the following, a,bX*, only wX=d(u-s1X) =ad(v-s2X)b,wY= -s1Yc-s2YorwY= -s1Yc-s2YorwY= and and -s1Y=c-s2YdorwY= -s2Y=c-s1Yd. We only check the cases of (1.1), (1.2) and (1.3). Other cases are s imilarly only Suppose that wX=d(u-s1X) =ad(v-s2X)b, a,bX*and -s1Y,-s2Yare disjoint. There are two cases to consider: wY= -s1Yc-s2YandwY= -s2Yc-s1Y, wherecY*. We will only prove the first case and the second is no composition in = -s1-s2, thenu=
u'-sX 2, some u'[X]. By the proof of Theorem 4.5, we composition of external (the elements of Shave no composition of inclusion because Sis minimal and s1ands2have no composition of overlap because sY 1 andsY 2are disjoint ) in thenw'is a subword of g(w). Therefore, we have = 1. only Suppose that wY= -s1Y=c-s2Yd, d(v-s2X) are disjoint. We only prove the -s1X-s2X-s1Y= may assume that - gis a subword of -f, i.e.,w=d(u-s1) some to the proof of Theorem 4.5, they only have compositions of that - *** <=ir<=i). Then -f=d(u-s1) =xi1vxi-s1Y for some v and v=dg(v) > i1, thenuxjU(-s1) completes the proof. Adv. in Math. L. A. Bokut, Unsolvability of the word problem, and subalgebras o f finitely presented Lie algebras, Izv. Akad. Nauk. SSSR Ser. Mat. , 36, L. A. Bokut, Imbeddings into simple associative algebras, Algebra i Logika , 15, L. A. Bokut, Yuqun Chen, Gr obner-Shirshov bases: some new results, Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress of Algebras and Combinations, Sc ientific World, 2008, 35-56. [5] L. A. Bokut, Yuqun Chen and Cihua Liu, Gr obner-Shirshov base s for L. A. Bokut, Y. Fong and W. F. Ke, Composition Diamond Lemma for algebras. J. Algebra , 272, Relative Gr and Analisis , 19(6), 1-12(2007). (in Russian) [8] B. Buchberger, An algorithm for finding a basis for the residue cla ss ring of a polynomial ideal , Ph.D. thesis, University of Innsbruck , Austria, (1965). (in German) [9] B. Buchberger, An algorithmical criteria for the solvability of alge braic systems of equations, Aequationes Math. , 4, 374-383(1970). (in German) [10] Chen, K. T. Fox and R. C. Lyndon, Free differential calculus, IV .Ann. of Math ., E. S. Chibrikov, On free Lie conformal algebras, Vestnik Novosibirsk State University , 4(1), D. Eisenbud, I. Peeva and B. Sturmfels, Non-commutative Gr obner bases for com- mutative algebras, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. , 126(3), D. R. Farkas, C. D. Feustel and E. L. Green, Synergy in the th eories of Gr obner bases and path algebras, Can. J. Math. , 45, H. Hironaka, Resolution of singulatities of an algebraic variety ov er a field if charac- teristic zero, I, II. Ann. Math. , 79, 109-203, L. Hellstr om, The Diamond Lemma for Power Series Algebras, (d octorate S.-J. Kang and K.-H. Lee, Gr obner-Shirshov bases for repre sentation theory, J. Ko- rean Math. Soc. , 37, S.-J. Kang and K.-H. Lee, Linear algebraic approach to Gr obne r-Shirshov basis the- ory,J. Algebra , 313, Y. Kobayashi, Gr obner bases on algebras based on well-order ed semigroups, Math. Appl. Sci. Tech. , to appear. [19] R.C. LyndonandP.E. Schupp, S pringer-Verlag, 1977. [20] W. Magnus, Uber Gruppen mit einer definierenden Relation J. Reine Angew. Math. , 163, W. Magnus, Das Identit ats problem f ur Gruppen mit einer defi nierenden Relation, Math. Ann. , 106, W. Magnus, A. Karrass and D. Solitar, Combinatorial group the ory, Dover Publica- tions, Inc. New Youk, 1976. [23] A. A. Mikhalev, Shirshov's composition techniques in Lie superalge bras Gr obner bases), Trudy Sem. Petrovsk . 18, 277-289(1995). English trans- lation:J. Math. Sci. , 80, algebra ( e-Grobner bases), Proc. Second International Workshop, Springer-Verlag, 2003. [25] A. A. Mikhalev and A. A. Zolotykh, Standard Gr obner-Shirsho v bases of free al- gebras over rings, I. Free associative algebras, International Journal of Algebra and Computation , 8(6), M. H. A. Newman, On theories with a combinatorial definition of e of Math. , 43, A. I. Shirshov, On free Lie rings, Mat. Sb., 45(87), 113-122(1958). (in Russian) [28] A. I. Shirshov, Some algorithmic problem for e-algebras, Sibirsk. Mat. Z. , 3, 132- 137(1962). (in Russian) [29] A. I. Shirshov, Some algorithmic problem for Lie algebras, Sibirsk. Mat. Z. , 3, 292- 296(1962) (in Russian); English translation in SIGSAM Bull., 33(2), 3- 6(1999). [30] T. Stokes, Gr obner-Shirshov bases in exterior algebras, J. Automated Reasoing , A. I. Zhukov, Complete systems of defining relations in noassoc iative algebras, Mat. Sbornik, 69(27), | 0804.2115 | Yuqun Chen | L. A. Bokut, Yuqun Chen and Yongshan Chen | Composition-Diamond Lemma for Tensor Product of Free Algebras | 19 pages | Journal of Algebra, 323(2010), 2520-2537. | 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2010.02.021 | null | math.RA | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In this paper, we establish Composition-Diamond lemma for tensor product $k<
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"created": "Tue, 15 Apr 2008 19:02:52 GMT"
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2 Will be inserted by the editor In this paper we present a solution of the eigenproblem of nanosphe res formed of the sim- plest free-electron metals. The analysis is concentrated on the infl uence of size and of upon the multipolar plasmon features. Optical proper ties of the studied metals are described within the Drude-Sommerfeld model of the dielectric f unction with effective pa- rameters accounting for the contribution of interband transition to the dielectric properties of metal. No approximation is made in respect of the size of a particle; pla smon size are described rigorously. We discuss the role of the material pa rameters characterizing properties of nanospheres in controlling of plasmo n features. We compare the expected size dependence of plasmon oscillation frequency of dipole and quadrupole plasmon with the results of our experiment on sodium nanodroplets [1]. 2 Eigenvalue problem for a metal sphere The eigenvalue problem is formulated in absence of external fields. T he eigenvalues result from the condition that the harmonic solutions of Maxwell equations exist in both; the metal sphere and its dielectric surroundings.The discrete complex frequencies o f electromagnetic fields result from the continuity relations (in at the sph ere boundary of the solutions of Maxwell equations (TM polarization). These fie lds are coupled to the collective surface electron density oscillations at the sphere surfa ce, that are called The eigenfrequencies problem was presented in more det ail e.g. in [10] for the interface and e.g. in [10,11] for the spherical interf ace. At the flat boundary, the surface plasmon dispersion relation can be obtained in a simple ana lytical form. The wave vector of a surface plasmon wave anded(o) are the dielectric function of the metal and of the dielectric sur- roundings respectively. For free-electron metal described by th e relaxation-free Drude = 1-o2 p/o2, anded(o) = 1, the dispersion relation 1 leads to the well frequency at o=op/
2 [10]. However, in the case of a spherical boundary, the plasmon dispers ion relation results from solution of the dispersion equation in complex = 0, (2) withl= 1,2,3...where the wave numbers kin, andkoutare equal dielectric functions of the investigated metal sphere and of th e respectively, and define the corresponding refract ion coefficients: andxl(z) are Riccati-Bessel spherical functions which can be expressed by the Bessel Jl+1 2(z), and Neuman Nl+1 2(z) cylindrical functions of the half order, defined (e.g. in [12]) as: psl(z) =z*jl(z) (5) xl(z) =psl(z)-i*khl(z) =z*h(1) l(z) (6) khl(z) (7)Will be inserted by the editor 3 Solutionsofthe 2 foreach lmode exist only for the complex frequencies of the TM (transverse magnetic) polarized electromagnetic field at the sphere boundary, (8) and can be found numerically for known dielectric functions of the me tal sphereein(o) and its dielectric surroundings eout(o).o' l(R) are the oscillation frequencies of TM at the surface in mode l= arethe damping frequenciesof these are the convolution of the radiative damping and of electron rela xation processes. 3 Drude-Sommerfeld model of the dielectric function Some of the metal properties, including the optical properties, ca n be described within the simple free-electron gas Drude-Sommerfeld model of the dielectric function. In the framework of this model, with an external field applied, the conduction electron s move freely collisions occurring at the average rate of g. The frequency dependent predicted by Drude-Sommerfeld model: e(o) =e-o2 p o2+igo, (9) includes the contribution of the bound electrons to the polarizability by introducing parameter e. This parameter equals 1 only if the conduction band to the dielectric properties. The plasma frequency opis given the density of conduction electrons and the electron effective respecttothe freq best free-electron metal: ein(o) =e(o) (eq. 9) with the following parameters: eNa
= 1.06 [13],oNa p= 5.6eV[8] andgNa= 0.03eVfor sodium, eLi
= 5.843,oLi p= 8eV[8] and gLi= 0.05eVfor lithium, and eCs
= 1.8,oCs p= 3.4eV[8] andgCs= 0.03eVfor cesium. The dielectric function 9 for sodium (solid line in Fig. 1 a) and b)) reproduce s the optical for liquid and solid sodium[14,15] (open and closed circles on F ig. 1) quite well. However, the dielectric properties for lithium [15] (squares in Fig. 1 a ) and b)) and cesium [16] (triangles in Fig. 1 a) and b)) are more complex, and are less satisfac tory reproduced by dielectric function in the studied frequency ran ge, as illustrated in Fig. 1 (dotted line for Liand dashed line for Cs). The proper choice of the parameters entering the dielectric funct ion is crucial to resonance characteristics in experimental realizations. L et's notice, that the of metals [14,15,16] were measured in high vacuum conditio ns and for metals of extremely clean surfaces. However, optical experiments with met al nanoparticles are be caused by the presence of the atmosphere [1,17] and as a r esult of storing the particles [18] or the bulk metal [17] in some liquids before the experiments. The refore, the concerning the plasmon resonance position can be shifted in re spect of the ideal dielectric properties of a metal. Below we discuss the trends of to the plasmon resonance frequencies due to the mod ifications in parameters the metal dielectric function 9. We also demonstrate the im portance of the optical properties of environment in determining the position of plas mon resonance of Will be inserted by the 2 3 4 1 2 3 b)8 8 Fig. 1. The real and imaginary part of the dielectric function with t he effective parameters e,g andopfor cesium, sodium and lithium (dashed, solid and dotted lin e). Triangles, circles and squares mark Re( n2) and Im( n2) values, resulting from measuring the optical constants nof the [13-15]. 4 Results and 2 a)-f) illustrate the multipolar ( l= 1,2...6) plasmon resonance frequencies o' l(R) and the corresponding damping rates o'' l(R), resulting from solving the dispersion equation 2 with respect to the frequency allowed being complex. We have used the M uller method of secants for finding the numerical solutions of f(v) = 0 assuming the starting approximated values of the function parameter vin the vicinity of the exact value which may be complex (the root function of the Mathcad program). For given l, the successive values of Rwere treated as external parameters and where changed with step R2nmup to the final value of R= 200nm. The starting, approximated values for o' l(R) entering the root procedure were found from the range between and the negative values of o'' l were assumed. Plasmon oscillations are always damped (Fig. 2 b), d) and e)) due to ra diation and the relaxation processes included in the relaxation rate g. The initial increase of the damping rate for given oscillation mode l, is followed by a decrease of |o'' l(R)|for sufficiently large particles, as demonstrated for the dipole plasmon damping rate ( l= 1). The plasmon damping rate dependence on particle size o'' l(R) is dominated by the radiative damping o ofthe the frequency ofa plas monmode For all studied simple-metal spheres (Figures 2 a)-f)), plasmon oscillations can be excited at optical frequencies. For the source of light of broad spectrum (as in dark-field microscopic techniques reported e.g in [18] or [19]), n ot only dipole, but also higher multipolar plasmon resonances can be excited. As we have dem onstrated for sodium spheres in [11], the highest possible plasmon multipolar resonance fre quencyo' 0,land damping rate o'' 0,lcan be attributed to a sphere of a minimum radius Rmin,l: that the fast increasing function of the plasmon multipolarity l. For a given particle size, the frequency of plasmon oscillation increas es with frequency op(free-electron concentration N). For example, the dipole plasmon reso- nance frequency of a particle of 50 nmradius is smaller for cesium than for sodium, both metals with parameter eonly slightly differing from 1. With decreasing size the dipole plasmon os- cillation frequencies are slightly modified with respect to the frequen cyo' 0,l=1=op/
3 of soWill be inserted by the editor 5 0 50 100 150 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 50 100 150 /c101 /c615.84; [eV]
/c119p/ /c101 /c611.06; 2.Multipolar plasmon resonance frequencies o' l(R) and plasmon oscillation damping rates o'' l(R) as a function of the radius R(rigorous modelling) for lithium, sodium and cesium nanosp heres in vacuum ( nout= 1,solid lines), and embedded in glass ( nout= 1.5, short-dashed lines). The first six (l= 1,2...6) multipolar plasmon characteristics are Mie resonance [9]. However for lithium, with large value of e, the dipole strongly red shifted with respect to the op/
3, as for all the higher order plasmon frequency dependence upon size. As demonstrated in Fig. 2 a)-f) (short-dashed lines), the dielectr ic properties of the can introduce drastic changes to the multipolar plasmo n resonance o' l(R) as well as to the corresponding plasmon damping rates o'' l(R); the proper choice of the refractive index of the environment is the most effect ive tool (and the easiest in practical application) for controlling plasmon resonance futures.6 Will be inserted by the editor 0 50 100 150 50 100 150 200
/c119p/ /c119p=#5.6#eV ,#n [eV] a) Fig. 3.Multipolar plasmon resonance frequencies o' l(R) and plasmon oscillation damping rates o'' l(R) as a function of radius Rfor very clean ( g= 0.03eV, solid lines) and contaminated ( g= 1eV, short- dashed lines) sodium nanosphere, calculated for ( l= 1,2...6). Circles and squares correspond to the sphere radii allowing to excite the dipole and the quadrupol e plasmon resonance with laser light of different wavelength, according to [1]. As we mentioned above, the experimental results concerning the m ultipolar plasmon reso- nance frequencies for a particle of a given size can differ from solutio ns of the eigenproblem with ideal dielectric properties assumed. Our experiment on sodium dro plets which after the sodium vapour supersaturation by laser light [1,17] c an serve as an example. Due to the presence of the atmosphere and sodium reactivity, rela xation rate is increased to the value of g= 1eV[1,17]. It red shifts the plasmon resonance frequencies o' l(R) and intro- duces important modification to the plasmon damping rates o'' l(R), as illustrated in Fig. 3 a) and b). However, if go, electron relaxation causes negligible shift of plasmon resonance fr e- quency, while plasmon damping rates remain dominated by the size dep endence of the as demonstrated in [11] for sodium spheres after assum ingg= 0 in the analysis. The utility value of the elaborated numerical tool for predicting the multipolar characteristics depends on the quality of reproducing the actual optical properties of a metal by the dielectric function with the effective parameters. It is worth noting however that such fitting can be reduced to the frequency range of intere st in a particular which corresponds to 1 eV/4eV, as illustrated in Fig.2 a), c) and e) for elaborated numerical algorithm allows predicting the dependenc e of plasmon upon size of any metal spherical particle of known form of the dielectric function e(o). Such tool can help in tailoring multipolar plasmon resonance propertie s according to the re- quirements of particular application by choosing the proper size and the material properties of a nanosphere, as well as the appropriate particle A. Derkachova and K. Kolwas, Proceedings of the SPIE, 5849,(2005) 150-153. 2. K. Kneipp, H. Kneipp, I. Itzkan, R.R. Dasari, and M.S. Feld , J. Phys. C, 14,(2002) R597.Will be inserted by the editor 7 3. M. Moskovits, Rev. Mod. Phys., 57,(1985) 783. 4. K. Kneipp et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 78,(1997) 1667. 5. S.M. Nie and S.R. Emory, Science, 275,(1997) 1102. 6. S. Schultz, D.R. Smith, J.J. Mock, and D.A. Schultz, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.U.S.A., 97,(2000) 996. 7. S. Schultz, J. Mock, D.R. Smith, and D.A. Schultz, J. of Cli nical Ligand Assay, 22,(1999) 214. 8. Ch. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics. (7th Ed., Wiley, 1996). 9. U. Kreibig and M. Vollmer, Optical Properties of Metal Clasters. (Springer, 1995). 10. R. Fuchs and P. Halevi, Basic Concepts and Formalism of Spatial Dispertion in Spati al Dispertion in Solids and Plasmas (North-Holland, 1992). 11. K. Kolwas, A. Derkachova, and S. Demianiuk, Comp. Mat. Sc .,35,(2006) 337. 12. M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of optics. (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1975). 13. A.J. Sievers, Phys. Rev. B, 22,(1980) 1600. 14. T. Inagaki, E.T. Arakawa, R.D. Birkhoff, and M.W. William s, Phys. Rev. B, 13,(1976) 5610. 15. T. Inagaki, L.C. Emerson, E.T. Arakawa, and M.W. William s, Phys. Rev. B, 13,(1976) 2305. 16. N. V. Smith, Phys. Rev. B, 2,(1970) 2840. 17. S. Demianiuk and K. Kolwas, J. Phys. B, 34,(2001) 1651. 18. C. S onnichsen and T. Franzl and T. Wilk and G. von Plessen and J. Feldmann, New J. Phys. 4, (2002) 93.1. 19. J. Mock, M. Barbic, D. Smith, D. Schultz, S. Schultz, J. Ch em. Phys., 116, (2002) 6755. | 0804.2156 | Anastasiya Derkachova | A. Derkachova and K. Kolwas | Size dependence of multipolar plasmon resonance frequencies and damping
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possibility of controlling plasmon features by choosing the size and dielectric
properties of the sphere surroundings is discussed. Optical properties of the
studied metals are described within the Drude-Sommerfeld model of the
dielectric function with effective parameters acounting for the contribution of
conduction electrons and of interband transitions. No approximation is made in
respect of the size of a particle; plasmon size characteristics are described
rigorously. The results of our experiment on sodium nanodroplets [1] are
compared with the oscillation frequency size dependence of dipole and
quadrupole plasmon.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 14 Apr 2008 12:09:18 GMT"
] | 2008-04-15T00:00:00 | [
] |
most digital libraries must exist within the capabilities and constraints of that Web Architecture. Because of the virtual hegemony of Web browsers as an information access tool and Google as a discovery tool, failure to heed to Web Architecture principles, and therefore requiring somewhat special treatment by these monopoly applications (which is rarely if ever granted), effectively means falling into an information black hole. Full details on the Web Architecture are described in [19]. Stated briefly, it provides the following notions: * Resource - an item of interest. * URI - a uniform global identifier for a Resource. URIs comply to URI schemes (e.g., http, ftp, gopher) and each scheme defines the mechanism for assigning URIs within that scheme. Within the common http scheme, the URI is an identifier key in an HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) request message, which may result in the return of information about the respective Resource. However, the ability to automatically de-reference an http URI is not true for all URIs (nor even for all http URIs). * Representation - a data stream corresponding to the state of a Resource at the time its URI is dereferenced. The Web Architecture allows for multiple Representations of a Resource with access mediated by Content Negotiation. * Link - a directed connection between two Resources. In most common usage, a link is expressed via link or anchor tags (a hyperlink) in an HTML Representation of the originating Resource to the URI of another Resource. An extension of this, where links are typed relationships, is one of the goals of the Semantic Web. The notion of a web server, which is somewhat analogous to the digital library notion of a repository, is not included in the Web Architecture. This does not mean that the digital library notion of a repository is irrelevant, and in fact we argue that issues essential to digital libraries such as preservation, authority, and integrity largely rely on the repository as a management entity. However, a approach to interoperability may produce results that do not coordinate well with the resource-centric architecture of the Web, leading to the black hole scenario mentioned above. The digital library notion of a digital object, in particular one that is a compound aggregation, is another concept without strict equivalence in the Web Architecture. The repository technologies that originally motivated the ORE work, such as DSpace, Fedora, aDORe, ePrints and arXiv, all store content that is more than a simple file, albeit, they differ in how they implement this and in the richness of their functionality. A look at the arXiv for example shows that most content is available in multiple formats (e.g., PDF, LaTeX), is versioned, is represented by some metadata format, and has citations to other papers. Collectively this aggregation of elements is the document in arXiv. While the notion of an aggregation is not explicit in the Web Architecture, it is prevalent across general Web space. For example, a photo in Flickr is an aggregation of multiple renditions in different sizes, and that photo is aggregated along with other photos into a collection. Similarly, the blog entry that we think of as a singleton is in fact an aggregation composed of the original entry combined with multiple comments (and comments on comments). That blog entry is itself aggregated in a subject partition of a blog. Turning to the context, which is increasingly the focus of digital library activities, we see more examples of aggregations, with components that are distributed across multiple services and databases. For example the multi-part virtual data objects envisioned by the National Virtual Observatory Project [43], the datuments described in the chemistry community [30] and the learning objects implemented by NSDL [24] all share the property that their components are distributed over multiple databases, web servers, databases, and the like. In this context, the notion of a repository as a container is not especially relevant. Rather content is distributed and made available via distributed service points. While aggregations are prevalent in the Web, their absence from the architecture strips them of two properties fundamental to digital objects in digital libraries: * Identity: Digital objects have identifiers such as handles or DOIs that identify the whole object. This identity is important as the means of expressing citation, lineage, and rights. We argue that it is also relevant in the Web context, especially in the Semantic Web where identities are the subjects and objects of RDF assertion, and an assertion about a splash page needs to be distinct from an assertion about an aggregation as a unit. * Boundary: A fundamental aspect of a digital object is that it is possible to enumerate its constituents. This is vital for services such as preservation (what to preserve) and rights management (who is responsible for what). While not defined in the Web Architecture, the importance of boundary has also been acknowledged in Web applications. It is therefore part of the requirement set of the Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER) [4] work, which aims to provide mechanisms to publish properties shared by a set of Web resources. The ORE work is motivated by this generality of aggregations, with identity and boundary, across all web-based information systems, including digital libraries and applications. At the time of writing this paper, the ORE specifications are still in alpha status and, while they have been the subject of a number of experiments (described later in this paper), real applications that exploit them have yet to be built. However, we propose the following applications for the machine-readable descriptions of aggregations defined by OAI-ORE: * Crawler-based search engines could use such descriptions to index information and provide search results sets at the granularity of the aggregations rather or in addition to their individual parts. * Browsers could leverage them to provide users with navigation aids for the aggregated resources, in the same manner that machine-readable site maps provide navigation clues for crawlers. * Other automated agents such as preservation systems could use these descriptions as guides to understand a whole document and determine the best preservation strategy. * Systems that mine and analyze networked information for citation analysis and bibliometrics could achieve better accuracy with the knowledge of aggregation structure contained in these descriptions. * These machine-readable descriptions could provide the foundation for advanced scholarly communication systems that allow the flexible reuse and refactoring of rich scholarly artifacts and their components [40]. The next section describes related interoperability work on compound digital objects, object description formats, repository architecture, interoperability protocols, and identification. A section that describes the ORE specifications follows. Next, we describe ongoing experiments with the specifications. Finally, we address some conclusions and challenges for the future of our work. 2. RELATED INTEROPERABILITY WORK OAI-ORE is best understood within the context of prior and continuing web-based DL interoperability efforts. This section will give a brief overview of the projects, formats and protocols that have shaped the design of ORE. Any discussion of DL interoperability is likely to begin with what is informally known as the Kahn-Wilensky Framework (KWF) [20]. Originally published as a web page in 1995, the KWF was the architecture for the Computer Science Technical Report (CS-TR) project [5]. The CS-TR project later merged with the WATERS project [28] to form the basis for the Dienst protocol [22] and the NCSTRL project [16]. Lessons learned with Dienst and NCSTRL later significantly influenced the design of OAI-PMH. The KWF influenced some of the thinking in the Dublin Core (DC) community, resulting in the Warwick Framework [21], which was later extended with distributed active relationships [15], which later evolved into Fedora [25]. The KWF also formed the basis for a prototype implementation for the Library of Congress National Digital Library Program [6]. The representation of metadata in digital objects in the NDLP influenced the Making of America II project [17], which gave rise to the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) [29]. The KWF also popularized an identifier scheme known as handles [37]. The handle system is widely used and is the key technology in the implementation of digital object identifiers (DOIs) [32]. As the above history indicates the influence of the KWF has been extensive and its contributions can be grouped into the areas of 1) repository protocols, 2) digital objects and 3) identifiers. In the subsections below we explore each of these topics further, starting with their origins and continuing to their present status and influence on ORE. 2.1 Repository Protocols Perhaps owing to the influence of pre-Web Z39.50, early DL protocols approached interoperability via support of distributed (or federated) searching. The aforementioned Dienst protocol provided many things, including: mediated access to holdings in a repository conformant to a structured data model, bibliographic metadata exchange and support for distributed searching. While Dienst provided interoperability with other Dienst implementations, other projects such as the Stanford Simple Digital Library Interoperability Protocol [18], attempted to provide interoperability between heterogeneous systems (e.g. Dienst, Z39.50, etc.) by providing a generic, wrapper protocol that abstracted the shared semantics between various systems. A similar project, Stanford Protocol Proposal for Internet Retrieval and Search (STARTS) [18], defined a method for repositories to expose just enough information about their holdings and capabilities to facilitate distributed searching. After several years it became apparent that for both theoretical and engineering reasons, achieving repository interoperability through large-scale distributed searching was difficult (e.g., [34]). The OAI-PMH was informed by these experiences and its approach to interoperability was intentionally limited to bibliographic metadata exchange, effectively based on a small subset of the larger Dienst protocol [22]. Although (as mentioned above) the OAI-PMH data model contains constructs that do not directly map to the Web Architecture, the OAI-PMH approach to interoperability has more in common with current Web approaches such as syndication formats (e.g., RSS and Atom) and SiteMaps than it does with previous efforts at repository It reflects a simple approach to repository interoperability dependent on enumerating and describing holdings (it is up to the consuming applications to build services on the exposed resources). 2.2 Digital Objects In response to this simplicity, complexity and expressiveness has moved from the protocols to the formats of the digital objects. The concept of digital objects, including typed, recursive and composite digital objects, is fundamental to the KWF. Drawing from Arm's observation that users want intellectual works, not digital objects [5], repositories have co-developed with object description formats to describe and manage these intellectual works (or works and expressions in FRBR terminology [1]). As mentioned above, METS has a lineage back to the KWF, and is (or was) the default object description format for many repository projects, such as DSpace [36] and Fedora. Other communities have created or adopted their own object formats: IMS-LOM [33], from the Learning Objects community, and MPEG-21 DIDL, originally from the consumer electronics community and adapted to the DL environment by Los Alamos National Laboratory [7]. Although the syntax and application domain for these formats differ, they all have goal of combining descriptive, structural and administrative metadata to conjure digital manifestations of intellectual works. Although OAI-PMH has its origins in the harvesting of descriptive metadata, OAI-PMH has been combined with object formats such as METS and DIDL to create resource harvesting [42]. This has been studied in the context of transferring digital objects between repositories in the APS-LANL project, effectively combining OAI-PMH and Open Archival Information System (OAIS) reference model [9]. Despite their utility, the current widespread use of these object description formats presents at least two problems. First, as the expressiveness and complexity of a format increases, interoperability becomes more difficult. For example, in the Archive Ingest and Handling Test [35] the four participants ingested the same resources in their respective, differing repositories. When they encoded their contents for export (3 in METS, 1 in MPEG-21 DIDL), none of the parties could ingest the export of the others without significant pre-processing; format expressiveness had come at the cost of at least initial Secondly, there is no clear mapping of these compound objects into the Web Architecture. To borrow from FRBR terminology again, object description formats, and the identifiers they use, are primarily about works or expressions and the Web Architecture is primarily about manifestations (resources) and items 2.3 Identifiers While names and identifiers are the basic building block for the digital library [5], there are a number of fundamental tensions present in the use of identifiers. DOIs have been a significant catalyst for interoperability in the scholarly publishing community. But their ubiquity underlies their ambiguity: in the context of the Web, what do they actually identify? This is really the larger question of resolvable and non-resolvable identifiers. From the DL perspective, there is significant value in the ability of a non-resolvable identifier such as to identify an intellectual work, but from a Web perspective this identifier is of limited use without employing gateways such as or OpenURL resolvers for service. It is common to use URIs such as /10.1007/s00799-007-0016-7 to identify both the intellectual work and the HTML splash page returned when the URI is resolved (a FRBR item). Although this ambiguity is not a problem in conventional browsing (humans can often distinguish when the URI is identifying the intellectual work and when it is identifying an HTML page), it does hinder the development of automated services that do not always understand the subtle convention that is in fact just one of many members of the intellectual work properly identified by and not the intellectual work itself. The present ambiguity of allowing, depending on context, the former URI to represent both a set and a member of a set is one of the remaining fundamental problems of 3. ORE SPECIFICATIONS The ORE specifications aim to address the interoperability issues raised in the related work described in the previous section. The ORE alpha specifications were made public on 10 December 2007 [26] for a period of review and consultation. Discussion groups, meetings and experimentation will guide evolution through beta to final specifications, the release of which are expected in 3rd quarter 2008. The suite of documents contains both specifications and user guide documents. We focus here on three key aspects: the data model, serialization, and discovery. The object of the ORE specifications is to add machine-readable information to the Web that augments the human-readable Web. Various discovery mechanisms provide hooks whereby browsers and agents surfing the human-readable Web can find out about ORE information which may then be used to direct or augment the functions available (e.g. print whole chapter from a web page displaying a page image). The central notion of an aggregation adds boundary information to a set of web resources that may be arbitrarily distributed over many servers (e.g. a large dataset, model code, an article, and open-review commentaries). 3.1 ORE DATA MODEL The ORE Data Model makes it possible to associate an identity with aggregations of Web resources and to describe their structure and semantics. It does this by introducing the Resource Map (ReM), which is a resource identified by a URI (say ReM-1) that encapsulates a set of RDF statements1. The notion of associating a URI with a set of RDF statements is based on the concept of a named graph developed in the Semantic Web community [12]. The creation of a Resource Map instantiates an aggregation as a resource with a URI distinct from the Resource Map, enumerates the constituents of the aggregation, and defines the relationships among those constituents. It is important to note that an Aggregation described by a Resource Map is independent of other notions of aggregations or compound digital objects in repositories or other servers. An ORE Aggregation exists only in tandem with, and in fact, due to the existence of a single Resource Map. As described below, this binding is enforced by the URI syntax of Resource Maps and Aggregations. Also, the sections below describe the means of establishing linkages between an Aggregation and digital objects in other architectural contexts. RDF triples in the ORE Model use predicates from a number of vocabularies and a few additions from the ORE namespace. Table 2 shows the namespace prefixes used in the ORE specifications and in this paper. Table 2 - ORE namespace prefixes Prefix Namespace URI Description dc Dublin Core elements dcterms Dublin Core terms ore org /ore/terms/ ORE vocabulary terms owl owl# OWL vocabulary terms rdf RDF vocabulary terms 3.1.1 Aggregation A Resource Map describes an Aggregation which is a set of resources; the Resource Map may provide information about the types of the resources and relationships among them. Resources in the Aggregation are called Aggregated Resources. In order to be able to reference the Aggregation on the Web, it must have a URI (say A-1). This URI is constructed by appending #aggregation to the Resource Map URI, i.e. This syntactic device ensures that there is a unique Aggregation resource for every Resource Map. Moreover, it makes it possible to always find the Resource Map given the URI of the Aggregation. The #aggregation naming convention is also consistent with how the Semantic Web community assign URIs for resources (i.e., resources that exist outside of the Web: people, places, concepts - including such abstract things as FRBR works) [11]. The relationship between URIs of common splash pages and URIs for digital objects or aggregations to which these splash pages are entry points is often ambiguously defined in the repository community. The ORE specifications emphasize that 1 RDF statements are triples that relate a subject resource to an object resource or literal via a predicate (relationship). In this section we illustrate ORE data model concepts using the simple N3 format [10] Berners-Lee, T. Notation 3, World Wide Web Consortium, 1998. of subject object predicate. for each triple. these concepts should not be conflated and that they should have separate URIs. This separation is the only manner in which assertions about them can remain distinct. However, it is likely and appropriate that many repository systems will include splash pages as an Aggregated Resource in an Aggregation, but they should not consider a splash page as one representation of the Aggregation. 3.1.2 Resource Map Figure 1 shows a simple Resource Map for a version of a paper on arXiv. In the figure, individual RDF statements consisting of a subject resource and object resource or literal connected via an arrow that is the predicate are joined in a single graph. The remainder of this section builds and explains the components of this graph step-by-step. The key components - Resource Map, Aggregation and Aggregated Resources - are shown in black and we use the shorthand labels in place of the full URIs. The Resource Map is identified by ReM-1 and an HTTP GET on ReM-1 must yield a serialization of the Resource Map. Note also that ReM-1 appears as a node in the graph and is the subject of several triples. First, there must be triples stating that resource ReM-1 is a Resource Map, that resource A-1 is an Aggregation, and linking the Resource Map to the Aggregation that it describes: <ReM-1> rdf:type ore:ResourceMap. <A-1> rdf:type ore:Aggregation. <ReM-1> ore:describes <A-1>. There are two mandatory metadata elements about the Resource Map (not the Aggregation), the authority or person that created the Resource Map and the last modified date: <ReM-1> dc:creator <ReM-1> dcterms:modified Two additional metadata elements about the Resource Map may optionally be included: <ReM-1> dc:rights <ReM-1> dcterms:created The two Aggregated Resources are linked to the Aggregation with the ore:aggregates predicate and may optionally be typed as <A-1> ore:aggregates <AR-1>. <AR-1> rdf:type <A-1> ore:aggregates <AR-2>. <AR-2> rdf:type Thus far, the Aggregation is just a bag of resources, AR-1, and AR-2, unrelated and not described except for their status as constituents of the Aggregation, A-1. There are significant applications where this is already useful: for example the notion of grouping in intellectual objects used by Google Scholar -- links to the splash page, PDF and HTML version of an article should be considered links to the same intellectual object. However, in many cases additional description will be useful. If the Aggregation denotes or is similar to a resource that has other identifiers, then these are expressed using either the owl:sameAs or ore:analogousTo predicate. It is important to understand that owl:sameAs makes a strong statement of equivalence between two URIs: they identify the same resource and thus one URI may be substituted for the other. We introduce the weaker relation, ore:analogousTo, which implies equivalence of two resources without In the example, Aggregation A-1 represents the same intellectual object as a version published in a journal with a DOI. This and the semantic type are indicated with: <A-1> ore:analogousTo <A-1> rdf:type A Resource Map may also describe the structure of the Aggregation by expressing relationships between the Figure 1 - An Example OAI-ORE Resource Map Aggregation, the Aggregated Resources and other resources. For brevity, the example includes just type information of the two Aggregated Resources: <AR-1> rdf:type <AR-2> rdf:type Additional statements might relate components to each other (e.g. dcterms:isPartOf to indicate part-whole) and to other resources (e.g. to indicate citation). A number of recommended vocabulary terms are included in the ORE specification to promote but the use of terms from any vocabulary is permitted. 3.1.3 Relationships to other Aggregations When reusing Resource Maps and the Aggregations that they describe, it is important to remember the distinction between the two concepts. Statements about ReM-1 are statements about the Resource Map and not the Aggregation; statements about A-1 (= are statements about the intellectual object that is the Aggregation. One common relationship between aggregations is nesting. In the arXiv example, the Resource Map describes a particular version of an article and the graph shows that this aggregation is nested within another aggregation representing all versions of the article using: <A-1> <A-1> In the more general case, any resource may be aggregated in more than one Aggregation, each described by a Resource Map (say ReM-1 and ReM-2). To support discovery, the predicate allows specifying that an Aggregated Resource from one Resource Map is also an Aggregated Resource in another Resource Map. For example, ReM-1 might contain the following triple expressing that AR-1 is known to also be aggregated in ReM-2 (not shown in figure): <AR-1> <ReM-2>. At the time of writing, a second relationship to other Resource Maps is still the subject of discussion. It is the lineage relationship to indicate that an Aggregated Resource originates in another aggregation. In this case the predicate is for example (not shown in figure): <AR-1> <ReM-3>. A problem with the proposed predicate is that it should only be interpreted in the context of the asserting Resource Map. Standard RDF models (triples) don't support this notion but systems that retain context information (quad stores etc.) can. Systems than cannot understand context should interpret in the same way as which is less expressive but correct. 3.2 Serialization In order to bootstrap the deployment of ORE Resource Maps, a serialization based on the Atom Syndication Format [31] is explicitly specified. The choice to promote a single format was motivated by the desire to promote interoperability without the need for format conversions. Atom was chosen because it matches well the concepts of the ORE model and is a widely used-format that is gaining adoption in a number of areas beyond the typical blog applications (e.g. Google Data2). 3.2.1 Atom serialization An Atom feed aggregates a number of entries. When using Atom for ORE, a Resource Map is mapped to an Atom feed, and each Aggregated Resource to an Atom entry. The four metadata elements about the Resource Map are provided using feed-level Atom metadata elements. The rules for mapping all entities of the ORE Model to and from Atom are described in detail in the specification. Here we illustrate the key points with the example shown in Figure 2 which is a Resource Map for an arXiv e-print with just two components shown: a PDF version and a HTML splash page. At the feed level, the Resource Map and Aggregation URIs are indicated with and elements, respectively. The relation self follows standard Atom semantics but describes is an ORE addition3 to indicate the Aggregation described by the feed. The mandatory modification time and creator metadata elements map to the Atom /feed/updated and /feed/author elements, respectively. The /feed/author element admits name, uri and email sub-elements. Only the name or uri sub-elements have meaning in the ORE model and are mapped to the dc:creator triple with either a literal (name) or a resource (uri) as the object of the triple. The URI of the Aggregated Resource is indicated with Additional triples associated with an Aggregated Resource are included as child elements of this /feed/entry using elements from non-Atom namespaces. The example shows rdf:type elements for AR-1 and AR-2. Atom mandates that feeds and entries have globally unique URIs (/feed/id and /feed/entry/id) and some additional metadata (e.g. /feed/title and these have no correspondence in the ORE Model. Feed creating applications must mint these URIs to produce valid Atom feeds and should be careful that they are globally unique and persistent, but must not reuse the Aggregation and Aggregated Resource URIs. For the feed and entry titles it is recommended to use the Resource Map and Aggregated Resource URIs, prefixed with Resource Map and Aggregated Resource to provide a human readable description of the content. The Atom format is extensible and we make use of this feature in serializing core elements of the ORE Data model as described above. Arbitrary elements from other namespaces, including RDF, are permitted within Atom feed documents so it is possible to create an Atom serialization that expresses relationships among aggregated resources. However, because these are extensions without standard ATOM semantics, conventional Atom applications will effectively ignore them. 2 3 An ATOM feed with ORE additions is still valid ATOM according to 3.2.2 Other serializations and round trip behavior The choice of Atom as the primary serialization format is not intended to preclude the use of other serializations. However, different serializations may be able to represent aggregations conforming to the ORE data model with differing degrees of fidelity. Clearly, any format capable of serializing an arbitrary RDF graph can be used to serialize a Resource Map with complete fidelity, and examples include N3, RDF/XML, Trix, and Trig. As mentioned above, Atom serialization for Resource Maps is less expressive, and can, for example, not express a relationship where an Aggregated Resource is the object (instead of subject) of a relationship triple. For any serialization to be useful there must be a well-defined bi-directional mapping to the ORE Model. A test of this mapping is that one must be able to make the round trip between the model and representation without data loss or corruption. However, because of the possibility of both limited expressiveness and/or of additional features in a particular serialization we must be careful to define the round trip. The mapping must preserve intact all information on the second and subsequent round trips. For example, to check the mapping to format X one must find the common expressiveness by doing the first round trip model-X-model (or X-model-X), and then verify that an additional round trip model-X-model (or X-model-X) preserves all information. 3.3 Discovery Discovery is a precondition for the use of Resource Maps. There is no single, best method for discovering Resource Maps, and we expect best practices for discovery to evolve over time. The Resource Map Discovery Document [27] covers a variety of suggested Resource Map discovery mechanisms, grouped into the categories of Batch Discovery, Resource Embedding and Response Embedding. 3.3.1 Batch Discovery Batch discovery exists so agents can discover Resource Maps en masse. Note that Resource Maps are not limited to describing Aggregations on the server where the Resource Maps reside. This means that a machine in domain A can make Resource Maps available that describe aggregations of resources from domains B, C and D. Assuming the Aggregated Resources are not remotely editable, batch discovery techniques are the most direct method of publishing third party aggregations. It is possible to discover Resource Maps from an OAI-PMH repository. We anticipate this will allow rapid ORE adoption in the repository community. The most likely method would be to define a new metadataPrefix (oai_rem) that could be used to harvest Resource Maps associated with corresponding OAI items. Similarly, Resource Maps could be made available in SiteMaps, either in a separate SiteMap exclusively listing Resource Maps or a SiteMap with regular resources and Resource Maps interspersed. Even though the preliminary serialization of Resource Maps is the Atom Syndication Format, there is no reason preventing the use of syndication formats such as Atom or RSS for Resource Map discovery. However, care must be taken to separate conceptually the Resource Map from the syndication file listing the Resource Maps. For example, the id of an Atom entry listing the URI of a Resource Map must be neither the URI of that Resource Map nor the Atom feed id of the Resource Map. Furthermore, an explicit difference must be made between the Atom feed used for discovery and the Atom feed that is the Resource Map. Further guidance for syndicating Resource Maps is provided in the Discovery Document [27]. 3.3.2 Resource and Response Embedding Individual resources can inform ORE-aware applications about (at least some of) their corresponding Resource Maps. HTML resources can use the <link> element to point to Resource Maps that describe Aggregations of which they are an Aggregated Resource. Non-HTML resources can use the proposed HTTP <link> response header, which is functionally equivalent to the <link> element. These techniques are referred to as resource and response embedding of Resource Maps, respectively. The Resource Map link (via either the HTML element or HTTP response header) can be used to direct agents from the Aggregated Resource to a corresponding Resource Map that describes the Aggregation of which the resource is part. While this is a common case, there are actually four different scenarios regarding members of an Aggregation and knowledge about their corresponding Resource Maps: * Full knowledge: all resources in the Aggregation link to the Resource Map. <?xml version=1.0 <feed <link rel=self <category scheme=org/ore/terms/ term=org/ore/terms/ResourceMap label=Resource Map/> <link rel=describes <title>Resource Map <author> <name>arXiv.org e-Print </author> <entry> <link rel=alternate Resource </entry> <entry> <link rel=alternate Resource </entry> ... </feed> Figure 2 - Resource Map in Atom * Indirect knowledge: all but one of the resources in the Aggregation link to a single, unique resource in the Aggregation, which in turn links to the Resource Map. * Limited knowledge: only a subset of the resources in the Aggregation (typically just a single resource) link to the Resource Map, and the remainder of the resources have no links at all. * Zero knowledge: none of the resources in the Aggregation link to a Resource Map. Note that the above scenarios are relative to a particular Resource Map. It is possible for Aggregated Resources to simultaneously have full knowledge about one Resource Map (typically authored by the same creators of the resources) and have zero knowledge about third party Resource Maps that describe aggregations of the same resources. Full, indirect or limited knowledge can be interpreted as the Resource Map being endorsed by the resource creator. However, there is no concept of a negative endorsement -- zero knowledge could mean the creators either do not endorse the Resource Map or are simply unaware of the Resource Map. 4. EXPERIMENTATION AND IMPLEMENTATION Early experimentation is an essential tool to assess the real-world feasibility of evolving specifications and of the architectural paradigms on which they are based. Therefore, several members of the ORE Technical Committee have engaged in small-scale explorative projects. In January 2007, three months into the ORE effort, the Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) conducted an experiment in which the Zotero citation manager browser plug-in [13] was modified to detect the existence of a compound information object from the HTML splash page for a scholarly article. When detected, the enhanced Zotero offered the user the ability to download any number of constituent resources of the compound object, including, obviously, its bibliographic description. In this experiment, compound information objects were represented as special-purpose ATOM feeds. Leveraging ATOM as a strategy to integrate compound scholarly objects into the mainstream Web has remained a theme throughout the ORE effort. In May 2007, before the outlines of the ORE data model to handle aggregations of Web resources were stabilized, the LANL Team conducted the Compound Information Object Archive Prototype experiment. A movie describing this experiment is available at [39]. The experiment demonstrates archiving compound information objects as they evolve over time. Each object is published at a stable http URI from which an ATOM-based Resource Map is available. A Resource Map lists the http URIs of the constituents of the compound object at the time of retrieving its ATOM representation. A local implementation of the Internet Archive recurrently collects both the Resource Maps and their listed constituents. In essence, the experiment shows that, without any modification, an existing web application -- the Internet Archive -- can take advantage of published Resource Maps to effectively create a self-contained archive of evolving compound objects. The core enabler is the publication of Resource Maps that describe compound objects in a machine-readable way at stable http URIs. This has become a central concept in the ORE data model. In the Australia-based SCOPE project, Jane Hunter and colleagues started leveraging ideas that had crystallized during the May 2007 meeting of the ORE Technical Committee. SCOPE aims at providing researchers with a simple desktop tool to construct scholarly compound objects consisting of any number of Web resources (e.g. objects from repositories). But, to meet eScience requirements, SCOPE also focuses on recording provenance information for those resources, as well as on maintaining details regarding the workflow that was used to generate one constituent resource on the basis of another. In an experiment reported in [14], SCOPE uses the Named Graph concept that has become central to ORE to model these compound objects, and serializes these Named Graphs, among others, in RDF/XML and ATOM. These serializations can then be submitted to a repository, where the compound object represented by the serialization can be maintained. In November 2007, the LANL Team conducted another experiment, this time to illustrate the enabling power of the ORE specifications in the realm of scholarly citation. In the experiment, illustrated in the movie at [38], the traditional citation process is transformed to become a matter of hyperlinking a section of a digital manuscript with the URL of the to-be-cited scholarly artifact. This is similar to the manner in which non-scholarly document is hyperlinked. However, in the experiment, the authoring tool is made ORE-aware: for each URL that the author inserts into the manuscript, the tool tries to find an associated Resource Map using the Discovery techniques described in Section 3.3.2. If such a Resource Map describing an Aggregation associated with the to-be-cited artifact is found, it is scanned in search of an Aggregated Resource that provides a bibliographic description of the artifact as a representation. This is achieved by introspecting on the semantic properties of the Aggregated Resources in search of a resource with an rdf:type of If such an Aggregated Resource is found, the tool de-references its URI to obtain the bibliographic description (MARC/XML in case of the experiment), parses it, and automatically inserts the citation in the References section at the end of the manuscript. In essence, the experiment demonstrates the feasibility of a new paradigm for the citation process in which no reference manager tools are used, and in which the Web itself is the reference manager database. This is an appealing illustration of one fulfillment of the object re-use goal of the ORE effort. Once the December 2007 milestone for the release of alpha version of the ORE specifications was set, the coordinators of the ORE effort engaged with the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in the U.S.A. and with the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the U.K. to secure funding for a limited number of small-scale experiments that have the implementation of the ORE specifications at their core, and that should result in demonstrable showcases that illustrate the enabling nature of the specifications in the realm of scholarly communication, research, and education. The Mellon Foundation funded two such projects. * The first one, led by Michael Nelson at Old Dominion University, explores how the ORE framework can be leveraged to provide new digital preservation functionality outside of the typical repository environment. More particularly, it investigates how Resource Maps for arbitrary Aggregations can be combined with JavaScript, Wikis and email to provide a preservation function that puts client applications, such as browsers, instead of servers in the driver seat. * The second Mellon-funded project is led by Tim Cole at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. It addresses the challenge of text-on-text annotation of digitized books. Current schemes for identifying and describing annotation targets tend to be and are expressed in idiosyncratic ways. The project investigates whether Resource Maps can be used to reveal richer targets for annotation in an interoperable and transparent way. At the time of writing, the JISC call for proposals for ORE experiments is still open, but the outlines of one proposed project are known. The project led by Robert Sanderson and Richard Jones at the University of Liverpool and the Bristol HP Labs, respectively, will work with JSTOR to automatically produce Resource Maps for all of JSTOR's holdings. Resource Maps will go down to the page level of articles, and will express detailed resource properties wherever possible. In a next project phase, HP Labs will explore the synergy between the ORE and SWORD [3] specifications and leverage both to ingest the JSTOR Resource Maps into a DSpace repository, taking into account the rights statements for the articles expressed in those Resource Maps. Meanwhile, other projects are starting to look into the applicability of the ORE specifications to address some of the challenges they face. * The JournalFire project4 that involves faculty and graduate students from several departments at the California Institute of Technology is developing an application that will allow researchers to discuss Web-based publications in online journal clubs, and to attach additional resources to those publications such as comments, keyword tags, figures, video, etc. The project is investigating the use of Resource Maps to aggregate these resources and the publication to which they pertain into a logical whole. * The European TELplus project5 is examining the use of Resource Maps to transfer, in a by-reference manner, OCR-ed versions of digitized books from distributed contributing sites to a centrally operated search engine. * The DASe project6 at the University of Texas Austin is engaging in a collaboration with the Texas Advanced Computing Center that is working on the EnVision data visualization project7. Envision allows authorized users to initiate simulations and/or upload large data sets resulting from simulations and to specify criteria for the visualizations. EnVision currently lacks a solution to record and maintain a consistent trail of the variety of information entities involved in creating a specific visualization, including the source data set, the parameters used for the visualization, the resulting images, and further metadata and annotations for the images. Resource Maps are being explored as a possible solution to record this aggregation of information entities, and to make it available for ingestion into the DASe system, where it would be maintained. * Johns Hopkins University is working on a project funded by Microsoft and the Institute of Museum and Library Services to capture and associate data with publications. The project investigates the use of ORE to provide linkages between the 4 5 6 7 publication, data, and other resources used to produce or process the data. Moreover, the use of ORE Resource Maps to enable content preservation and mirroring will be explored. * The OREChem Project funded by Microsoft and involving Cambridge, Cornell, Indiana, Penn State, and Southampton is planning to use ORE as the basis of interoperability among variety of chemistry molecule repositories, and will build innovative applications on that infrastructure. 5. CONCLUSION AND CHALLENGES The OAI-ORE specifications represent the evolution of DL and repository interoperability efforts so that they are more closely integrated with the Web Architecture and best practices of the Web community at large. Although the specifications have just been released, they are informed by the technologies from and experiences with both digital libraries and Semantic Web. In the same way that SiteMaps assist services by clearly enumerating the resources available at a web site, Resource Maps unambiguously enumerate distributed Aggregated Resources, and can express their types and relationships. A number of projects are underway that are exploring different ways that OAI-ORE can be used, with a heavy emphasis on scholarly communication. Although this represents our initial target community, we hope that OAI-ORE will prove useful outside of scholarly communication and digital library environments. By embracing popular technologies such as the Atom Syndication Format, we hope to both leverage existing tools and procedures as well as provide a general solution to the problem of describing Aggregations on the Web. 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS OAI-ORE is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Coalition for Networked Information, Microsoft, and the National Science Foundation (IIS-0430906). The authors acknowledge the contributions to the OAI-ORE effort from the ORE Technical Committee, Liaison Group and Advisory Committee. Many thanks to Lyudmila Balakireva, Ryan Chute, Stephan Dresher, and Zhiwu Xie of the Digital Library Research & Prototyping Team of the Los Alamos Laboratory for their experimental work. 7. REFERENCES [1] Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, 1998. [2] Open Archives Initiative Release Version 2.0 of the Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. (2002) Retrieved from org/news/oaiv2press020614.html. [3] Allinson, J., SWORD: SImple Web-Service Offering Repository Deposit. in JISC CETIS EC and MDR SIG meeting, (Strathclyde University, Glasgow, 2007). [4] Archer, P. POWDER: Use Cases and Requirements, World Wide Web Consortium, 2007. [5] Arms, W.Y. Key Concepts in the Architecture of the Digital Library D-Lib, 1995. [6] Arms, W.Y., Blanchi, C. and Overly, E.A. An Architecture for Information in Digital Libraries. D-Lib Magazine (February), 1997. [7] Bekaert, J., De Kooning, E. and Van de Sompel, H. Representing digital objects using MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration. International Journal of Digital Libraries, 6 (2). 159-173, 2006. [8] Bekaert, J. and Van de Sompel, H. Augmenting Interoperability Across Scholarly Repositories, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, New York, 2006. [9] Bekaert, J. and Van de Sompel, H. A Standards-based Solution for the Accurate Transfer of Digital Assets. D-Lib Magazine, 11 (6), 2005. [10] Berners-Lee, T. Notation 3, World Wide Web Consortium, 1998. [11] Bizer, C., Cyganiak, R. and Heath, T. How to Publish Linked Data on the Web, Free University of Berlin, 2007. [12] Carroll, J.J., Bizer, C., Hayes, P. and Stickler, P. Named Graphs, Provenance and Trust WWW 2005, ACM, Chiba, Japan, 2005. [13] Center for History and New Media: George Mason University. Zotero: The Next-Generation Research Tool. (2007) Retrieved from [14] Cheung, K., Hunter, J., Lashtabeg, A. and Drennan, J. SCOPE - A Scientific Compound Object Publishing and Editing System 3rd International Digital Curation Conference, Washington, D.C., 2007. [15] Daniel Jr., R. and Lagoze, C., Distributed Active Relationships in the Warwick Framework. in IEEE Metadata Conference, (Bethesda, 1997). [16] Davis, J.R. and Lagoze, C. NCSTRL: Design and Deployment of a Globally Distributed Digital Library. to appear in Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS), 2000. [17] Digital Library Federation (DLF). The Making of America II Testbed Project White Paper, Digital Library Federation, 1998. [18] Gravano, L., Chang, C.-C., Garcia-Molina, H. and Paepcke, A., STARTS: Stanford Proposal for Internet Meta-Searching. in ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, (1997). [19] Jacobs, I. and Walsh, N. Architecture of the World Wide Web, W3C, 2004. [20] Kahn, R. and Wilensky, R. A Framework for Distributed Digital Object Services, Corporation for National Research Initiatives, Reston, 1995. [21] Lagoze, C. The Warwick Framework: A Container Architecture for Diverse Sets of Metadata. D-Lib Magazine, 2 (7/8), 1996. [22] Lagoze, C. and Davis, J.R. Dienst - An Architecture for Distributed Document Libraries. Communications of the ACM, 38 (4). 47, 1995. [23] Lagoze, C., Krafft, D., Cornwell, T., Dushay, N., Eckstrom, D. and Saylor, J., Metadata aggregation and automated digital libraries: A retrospective on the NSDL experience. in Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, (Chapel Hill, NC, 2006), ACM. [24] Lagoze, C., Krafft, D., Cornwell, T., Eckstrom, D., Jesuroga, S. and Wilper, C., Representing Contextualized Information in the NSDL. in ECDL2006, (Alicante, Spain, 2006), Springer. [25] Lagoze, C., Payette, S., Shin, E. and Wilper, C. Fedora: An Architecture for Complex Objects and their Relationships. International Journal of Digital Libraries, 6 (2). 124-138, 2005. [26] Lagoze, C., Van de Sompel, H., Johnston, P., Nelson, M., Sanderson, R. and Warner, S. ORE Specification and User Guide - Table of Contents, Open Archives Initiative, 2007. [27] Lagoze, C., Van de Sompel, H., Johnston, P., Nelson, M., Sanderson, R. and Warner, S. ORE User Guide - Resource Map Discovery, Open Archives Initiative, 2007. [28] Maly, K., French, J., Selman, A. and Fox, E. Wide Area Technical Report Service, Old Dominion University, 1994. [29] McDonough, J.P. METS: Standardized encoding for digital library objects. International Journal of Digital Libraries, 6 (2). 148-158, 2006. [30] Murray-Rust, P. and Rzepa, H.S. The Next Big Thing: From Hypermedia to Datuments. Journal of Digital Information, 5 (1), 2004. [31] Nottingham, M. and Sayre, R. The Atom Syndication Format, Network Working Group, Internet Engineering Task Force, 2005. [32] Paskin, N. Digital Object Identifiers. Information Services and Use, 22 (2-3). 97-112, 2002. [33] Phelps, T.A. and Wilensky, R., Robust Intra-document Locations. in 9th World Wide Web Conference, (Amsterdam, 1999). [34] Powell, A. and French, J., Growth and server availability of the NCSTRL digital library. in Fifth ACM Conference on Digital Libraries, (2000), 264-265. [35] Shirky, C. AIHT: Conceptual issues from practical tests. D-Lib Magazine, 11 (12), 2005. [36] Smith, M., DSpace: An institutional repository from the MIT libraries and Hewlett Packard Laboratories. in 6th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, (2002), 542-549. [37] Sun, S.X., Lannom, L. and Boesch, B. Handle System Overview, IETF, 2003. [38] Van de Sompel, H. Citation Without Citation Manager demonstration. (2007) Retrieved from [39] Van de Sompel, H. Compound Information Object Archive Prototype. (2007) Retrieved from [40] Van de Sompel, H. and Lagoze, C. Interoperability for the Discovery, Use, and Re-Use of Units of Scholarly Communication. CTWatch Quarterly, 3 (3), 2007. [41] Van de Sompel, H. and Lagoze, C. The Santa Fe Convention of the Open Archives Initiative. D-Lib Magazine, 6 (2), 2000. [42] Van de Sompel, H., Nelson, M., Lagoze, C. and Warner, S. Resource Harvesting within the OAI-PMH Framework. D-Lib Magazine, 10 (12), 2004. [43] Williams, R., Moore, R. and Hanisch, R. A Virtual Observatory Vision based on Publishing and Virtual Data, US National Virtual Observatory, 2003. | 0804.2273 | Carl Lagoze | Carl Lagoze, Herbert Van de Sompel, Michael L. Nelson, Simeon Warner,
Robert Sanderson, Pete Johnston | Object Re-Use & Exchange: A Resource-Centric Approach | null | null | null | null | cs.DL cs.NI | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The OAI Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE) framework recasts the
repository-centric notion of digital object to a bounded aggregation of Web
resources. In this manner, digital library content is more integrated with the
Web architecture, and thereby more accessible to Web applications and clients.
This generalized notion of an aggregation that is independent of repository
containment conforms more closely with notions in eScience and eScholarship,
where content is distributed across multiple services and databases. We provide
a motivation for the OAI-ORE project, review previous interoperability efforts,
describe draft ORE specifications and report on promising results from early
experimentation that illustrate improved interoperability and reuse of digital
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 14 Apr 2008 21:02:00 GMT"
] | 2008-04-16T00:00:00 | [
"Van de Sompel",
"Michael L.",
] |
I. I. progress in the experimental realization of both monolayer and bilayer graphene has led to extensive exploration of the electronic properties in thes e systems[1, 2]. Ex- perimental and theoretical studies have shown that the nature o f quasiparticles in systems is very different from those of the conve ntional gas (2DEG) systems realized in semiconductor heterostr uctures. Graphene has a honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms. The quasiparticles in monolayer graphene have a band structure in which electron and hole bands touch at two points in the Brillouin zone. At these Dirac points the quasiparticles obey the massless Dirac equat ion leading to a relation ok=vFk(with the Fermi speed vF= 106m/s). This difference in the nature of the quasiparticles in monolayer graphene from conventio nal 2DEG has given rise to a host of new and unusual phenomena such as the anamolous qua ntum Hall effects and a pBerry phase[1, 2]. These transport experiments have shown resu lts in agreement with the presence of Dirac fermions. The 2D Dirac-like spectrum was confirm ed recently by measurements and also by angle resolved photoelectro n spectroscopy in monolayer graphene[3]. Recent theoretical work on graphene multilayers has also shown the existence of Dirac electrons with a linear energy s pectrum in mono- layer graphene[4]. On the other hand, experimental and theoretic al results have shown in bilayer graphene exhibit a parabolic dispersion relatio n and they can not be treated as massless but have a finite mass. In addition, The quas iparticles in both the graphene systems are chiral[2, 4, 5, 6, 7]. Plasmons are a very general phenomena and have been studied ext ensively in a wide variety of systems including ionized gases, simple metals and semicond uctor 2DEG systems. In a 2DEG, these collective excitations are induced by the electron- electron excitations (plasmons) are among the most important elec tronic properties of a system. In the presence of an external magnetic field, these colle ctive excitations are known as magnetoplasmons. Magnetic oscillations of the plasmon frequenc y occur in a magnetic field. Single particle phenomena such as the Shu bnikov-de Haas and de Haas-van Alphen effects have provided very important probes o f the electronic structure of solids. Their collective analog yields important insights into collective phenomena [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Collective excitations of Dirac electrons in mo nolayer and in the absence of a magnetic field have been investigated [ 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] . Magnetic field effects on the plasmon spectrum have not been studie d so far. In theparticles willacqu in the magnetic field leading to observable effects on the plasmon spectrum. To this end, in the present work, we study the magnetoplasmon spectrum within the approach for both the monolayer and bilayer graphene system s. Magnetoplasmons can be observed by in-elastic light scattering experiments as revealed in studies carried out on 2DEG systems [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Similarly, in-elastic light scatter ing experiments are expected to yield information about the magnetplasmons in grap hene. Furthermore, the results presented here can also be experimentally observed by Electron Energy (EELS) on graphene [21]. II. ELECTRON ENERGY SPECTRUM IN MONOLAYER GRAPHENE We consider Dirac electrons in graphene moving in the x-y-plane. The magnetic field (B) is applied along the z-direction perpendicular to the graphene plane . We employ the Landau gauge and write the vector potential as A= (0,Bx,0). The two-dimensional Dirac like Hamiltonian for single electron in the Landau gauge is ( 1 here) [1, the Pauli matrices and vFcharacterizes the electron Fermi velocity. The energy eigenfunctions are given by Psn,ky(r) (2) where Phn(x) the magnetic length, x0=l2ky, Lyis they-dimension of the graphene layer andHn(x) are the Hermite polynomials. The energy eigenvalues are e(n) =ogn the cyclotron frequency of the monolayer graphene and nis aninteger . Note that the Landau level spectrum for Dirac electrons is significa ntly different from the 3spectrum for electrons in conventional 2DEG which is given as e(n) 1/2). The Landau level spectrum in graphene hasndependence on the Landau level index as against linear dependence in 2DEG. The monolayer graphene has four fold de generate (spin and valley) states with the n= 0 level having energy e(n= 0) = 0 .The quasiparticles in this system are chiral exhibiting pBerry's phase. III. ELECTRON ENERGY SPECTRUM FOR BILAYER GRAPHENE The Landau level energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are given b y[5] e(n) to electron and hole states, ob=eB m*is the cyclotron frequency of electrons in bilayer graphene and m*is the effective mass given as 0 the bare electron mass. The Landau level spectrum of electrons given by Eq .(4) is distinctly different from that of monolayer graphene and conventional 2DEG system. The electrons in bilayer are quasiparticles that exhibit parabolic dispersion with a smaller effec tive mass than the standard electrons. Bilayer graphene has four fold degenerate ( spin and valley) states other than the n= 0 level with energy e(n= 0) = 0 which is eight-fold degenerate. are chiral exhibiting 2 pBerry's phase. A. PLASMON SPECTRUM OF MONOLAYER AND BILAYER GRAPHENE IN A MAGNETIC FIELD The dynamic and static response properties of an electron system are all embodied in the structure of the density-density correlation function. We employ the Ehrenreich-Cohen (SCF) approach [22] to calculate the density-den sity correlation function. The SCF treatment presented here is by its nature a high density ap proximation which has been successfully employed in the study of collective excitations in low -dimensional systems both with and without an applied magnetic field. It has been found tha t SCF predictions of plasmon spectra are in excellent agreement with experimental re sults. Following the SCF approach, one can express the dielectric function as o(-q,o) = 1-vc(-q)P(-q,o). (7) where the two-dimensional Fourier transform of the Coulomb pote ntialvc(-q) correlation function P(-q,o) (8) whereCnn'(x) = max(n,n'),n2= an associated Laguerre polynomial with x=-q2 2eBhere. This is a convenient form of P(-q,o) that facilitates writing of the real and imaginary parts of the corr elation function. The plasmon modes are determined from the roots of the longitudina l dispersion = 0 (9) along with the condition ImP(- q,o) = 0 to ensure long-lived excitations. Employing Eq.(8), Eq.(9) can be expressed as 1 (10) I1(o) (11) and factor of 2 due to valley degeneracy. The plasmon modes origina te from two kinds of electronic transitions: those involving different Landau bands (in ter-Landau band plas- mons) and those within a single Landau-band (intra-Landau band pla smons). plasmons involve the local 2D magnetoplasma mode and the Bern stein-like all of which involve excitation frequencies greater th an the Landau-band sepa- ration. Since, in this work, we are not considering Landau level broa dening therefore only the inter-Landau band plasmons will be examine transitions. In thiscase yields I1(o) =f(e(n)) (o-), (12) where = ( e(n)-e(n')) which permits us to write the following term in Eq (10) = (13) Next, we consider the coefficient Cnn'(x) in Eq.(10) and expand it to lowest order in its argument (low wave-number expansion). In this case, we are only c onsidering the n'=n+-1 terms. The inter-Landau band plasmon modes under consideration arise from bands. Hence for n'=n+ 1 and x1, using the following associated expansion Ll n(x) >0 [23] and retaining the first term in the expansion for x1,Cnn'(x) reduces (14) and forn'=n-1 andx1,it reduces to Cn,n-1(x)-nx. of equations (13) and (14, 15) into equation (10) and replacing (16) In obtaining the above result we note that Therefore, =og 2nfor n'=n+ 1,and = -og 2nforn'=n-1. We are considering the weak magnetic field case where many Landau levels are filled. In that case, we may subst (16). the Landau level index corresponding to the Fermi (16) can be expressed (17) 6In terms of the 2D electron density the relation for monolayer graphene can be expressed calculation for bilayer graphene can be carried out. The equation that replaces Eq.(16), given above for monolayer graphene, is 1 (19) For bilayer graphene Eq.(19) can be expressed as 1 we define and the plasma frequency (21) then the plasmon dispersion relation for bilayer graphene is o2= (ob)2+o2 p,2D. (22) B. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Eqs.(18) and (22) are the central results of this work. Eq.(18) is t he inter-Landau graphene. Theinter-Lan a function of the inverse magnetic field for the monolayer and bilay er graphene system with the plasmon energy for 2DEG at zero temperature is presente d in Figs.(1,2). The following parameters were employed for doped graphene (Si O2substrate): k= 106m/s. For the conventional 2DEG (a 2DEG at the we use the following parameters: m=.07me(meis the electron mass), k= 12 and n2D= 3x1015m-2.For electron density and magnetic field considered, electrons fill approximately 30 Landau levels, the upper limit in the summation for n2Dis taken to be n= 30 while the lower limit is n= 0.In Fig.(1) we have plotted the plasmon energy as a 7function of the inverse magnetic field for both monolayer graphene and conventional 2DEG. The SdH-type oscillations are clearly visible that are a result of empty ing out of electrons from successive Landau levels when they pass through the Fermi le vel as the magnetic field is increased. The amplitude of these oscillations is a monotonic functio n of the magnetic field. These oscillations have a pBerry's phase due to the chiral nature of the this system, the phase acquired by Dirac electrons in the presenc e of a magnetic field[1]. We also observe that the plasmon energy is ~4.2 times greater than in the 2DEG for the parameters considered. This is essentially due to the higher Fermi e nergy of the electrons in graphene and the smaller background dielectric constant. For bilayer graphene, we consider Eq.(22). There are two main differ ences between the plasmon dispersion relation for bilayer graphene given in Eq.(22) and t he standard 2DEG result. Firstly, the cyclotron frequency obin bilayer is ~2 greater than the ocat the same magnetic field in 2DEG due to the difference in the effective masses of the electrons in the two systems. Secondly, the 2D plasm a frequency op,2Dis also larger than in 2DEG for the same wave number - qdue to the smaller effective mass of electrons in bilayer compared to 2DEG and the smaller background die lectric constant k= 3 in bilayer. The inter-Landau band plasmon energy as a function of th e inverse magnetic field for doped bilayer and the 2DEG is shown in Fig.(2). The following par ameters were used (SiO2substrate): k= 3,n2D= 3x1015m-2andm*= 0 the usual electron mass. We again observe the SdH-type oscillation s whose amplitude is of themagnetic field. Weobserve that the plasm on energy is than in the 2DEG due to the smaller effective mass, valley deg eneracy and dielectric constant. Due to the chiral nature of the q uasiparticles in 2 pBerry's phase is evident in the SdH type oscillations displayed in Fig.(2). In conclusion, we have determined the inter-Landau band plasmon f requency for both monolayer and bilayer graphene employing the SCF approach. The int er-Landau band plasmon energy is presented as a function of the inverse magnetic fi eld. The SdH-type oscil- lations are clearly visible in both the systems and their amplitude is a mon otonic function of the magnetic field. Due to the chiral nature of the quasiparticles in the mono and bilayer graphene system, pand 2pBerry's phases are observed in the SdH- type oscillations in the plasmon spectrum. One of us (K.S.) would like to acknowledge the support of the Pakistan Science Foun- 8dation (PSF) through project No. C-QU/Phys (129). M. T. would lik e to acknowledge the support of the Pakistan Higher Education Commission (HEC).
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graphene in the presence of a uniform magnetic field is investigated.
Analytical results for inter-Landau band plasmon spectrum within the
self-consistent-field approach are obtained. SdH type oscillations that are a
monotonic function of the magnetic field are observed in the plasmon spectrum
of both mono- and bi-layer graphene systems. The results presented are also
compared with those obtained in conventional 2DEG. The chiral nature of the
quasiparticles in mono and bilayer graphene system results in the observation
of $\pi$ and $2\pi$ Berry's phase in the SdH- type oscillations in the plasmon
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:58:09 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 5 May 2008 12:10:20 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 17 Sep 2008 11:24:35 GMT"
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We call a difference derivative monotonous if the degree of F(x,y) in (x,y) is<=deg(F)-1. We call a mapping that linear over Rand assign, to a polynomial F(x)R[x], a covector of a difference derivative F(x,y), an operator of difference derivative and denote it by x(x,y); then, we have x(x,y).F(x) =F(x,y). =1x(x)-1x(y). We call an operator of difference derivative monotonous if, for any polynomial F(x)R[x], the degree of x(x,y).F(x) 1. Letx= (x1,...,x n)andy= (y1,...,y n)be variables. A difference derivative of a polynomial F(x)exists, for example, k= 1,n: kF(x,y) =F(y1,...,y n)-F(y1,...,y n) xk-yk, its degree is <=deg(F)-1. A mapping that assigns, to any polynomial F(x), a covector F(x,y)is linear over R. Thus, there exists a monotonous difference derivative and a monotonous operator of difference 2. Letx= (x1,...,x n),y= (y1,...,y n), and^u= (^u1,...,^un)be variables. 1. For any polynomial F(x), a covector ^u'F(x,y) = ^uF(y,x)is a difference derivative of the polynomial F(x), and^u' x(x,y) = ^ux(y,x)is an operator of difference derivative. 2. LetV(x) =F(x)*G(x), a difference derivation of the polynomial V(x). 3. LetF(x)R[x<=d], and let two difference derivatives of the polynomial F(x)of degrees <=d-1; then
^u'F(x,y) = < 1. (x-y)*'F(x,y) = (x-y)*F(y,x) =
=-(y-x)*F(y,x) =-(F(y)-F(x)) =F(x)-F(y) It follows from the first part of Statement 1 that ^ u' x(x,y) = ^ux(y,x) assigns, to any polynomial F(x)R[x], its a difference derivative. The linearity of the map ^ ux(x,y) overR implies the linearity of the map ^ u' x(x,y) = ^ux(y,x) overR. We finally obtain that ^ u' x(x,y) is an operator of difference =
= 3. SetWk(x,y) and set Tkl(x,y) ISSN 1025-6415 Reports of the National Akademy of Sciences o f Ukraine, 2002, no. 7It is directly verified that the equality in the statement is true. Furt her, since the degrees of difference derivatives 'F(x,y) and''F(x,y) are<=d-1, then we have deg( Wl)<=d-1, hence, deg( 1. In the sequel, unless otherwise stated, we will consider only monoto nous difference derivatives of polynomials and only monotonous operator s of difference derivative. Ifx= (x1,...,x n) are variables, then by yxwe mean y= (y1,...,y n). Theorem 1. Letx= (x1,...,x n)andyxbe variables, let f(x) = (f1(x),...,f let and let F(x)R[x<=d]; then we this polynomial by R(x,y); then we have the a degree <=df+d, R(x,y)is uniquely determined up to an addend of the of the choice of F(x,y), wherei < uniquely determined up to an addend of the of the choice of f(x,y), wherei < first summand, and the second =fi(y) =F(y), by adding, to the last row, the of the rest rows of the first determinant matrix, we ob tain the second It implies the equality of determinants. It follows from the monotony of a difference derivative that the deg ree ofF(x,y) is<=d-1; and the degree of fi(x,y) is<=deg(fi)-1 for any i, then the degree of the polynomial the degree of F(x,y) is<=d-1, by Statement 3 of Lemma 2, variation of F(x,y) is of the form
^u*'F(x,y) = < l, and deg( Tkl)<=d-2. Then R(x,y) is uniquely determined up to the (xk-yk) f(x) =
ISSN 1025-6415 Dopovidi Natsionalno i Akademi i Nauk Ukra ini, 2002, no. 7 < j. The second equality is true since i= 1,n: -fi(y) = e., the last but one row of the third determinant matrix is the sum of the last but one row and the lineare combination of the rest row of the second determina nt matrix. The last equality is obtained by decomposition of the determinant into minors of the tw o last rows. Moreover, we have deg( ft(x) andF(x) in the statement proved above, we obtain that R(x,y) is up to an lack of uniqueness of ft(x,y), where i < jand deg( first summand, and deg( hence, deg( the second summand. Summing the additional addends appearin g on changing ft(x,y) for allt= 1,n, we obtain that R(x,y) is uniquely determined up to an addend of the lack of uniqueness of f(x,y), where i < jand deg( first summand, and deg( the second summand. Theorem 2. Letx= (x1,...,x n)andyxbe variables, f(x) = (f1(x),...,f let let a functional whered>=0, and letF(x)R[x<=d]. We set H(x) we have the uniquely determined up to an addend in , indepedently of the choice of f(x,y), and uniquely determined up to an addend in (f(x))<=d-d-1 x, indepedently of the choice of F(x,y). 38 ISSN 1025-6415 Reports of the National Akademy of Sciences o f Ukraine, 2002, no. 73. uniquely determined up to an addend in (f(x))<=d-d-1 x, indepedently of the deter- mination of 1. We have H(x) first summand R[x<=df], and the second summand where a+b<=df+d. SinceL(y*) annuls ( f(y))<=df+d y, without changing of the sum we can retain only these terms for which a>=df+d+1, this means that -a<= -(df+d+1), and, hence, for the remaining terms, we have b= =d-d-1. Hence, the second summand whereb<=d-d-1. Then the sum of the both Hence, we have 2. Under lack of uniqueness of F(x,y), by Theorem 1, H(x) is uniquely determined up to an The last inclusion is true since i: annuls ( f(y))<=df+d y, without changing the sum we can retain only these terms 1; this means that -a<= -(df+d+ 1), and, hence, for the remaining terms, we have b= 1) =d-d-1. Hence, this where b<=d-d-1. We finally obtain that, under lack of uniqueness of F(x,y),H(x) is uniquely determined up to an addend in ( lack of uniqueness of f(x,y), by Theorem 1, H(x) is uniquely determined up to an addend of the As shown above, the first summand (f(x))<=d-d-1 x. it is annuled by L(y*). The Acting by L(y*) on this polynomial, we obtain a polynomial (f(x))<=dfx. We finally obtain that this sum (f(x))<=d-d-1 x+(f(x))<=dfx . Hence, under lack of uniqueness of f(x,y),H(x) is uniquely determined up to an addend in . ISSN 1025-6415 Dopovidi Natsionalno i Akademi i Nauk Ukra ini, 2002, no. 7 39Proof 3. In the proofs of Theorems 1 and 2, we use a weaker condition than t he condition under which a difference derivative of the polynomial F(x) is monotonous, namely, the condition under which its degree is <=d-1. Hence, these theorems are true if the last condition is the first By Statement 2 of Lemma 2, F(x) have two F(x,y) andf(x,y)g(y) +f(x)g(x,y), and their degrees are <=d-1, although the second difference derivative may be not monotonous when deg( F)< d. We have H(x) Statement 2 on the uniqueness of H(x) under lack of uniqueness of F(x,y) Since the functional L(y*) annuls ( f(y))<=df+d y, without changing the sum, we can retain only these terms for which a>=df+d+1, this means that -a<= -(df+d+1), and, hence, for the remaining terms, we have b= =d-d-1. Hence, the obtained polynomial whereb<=d-d-1. Since difference of H(x) and the obtained polynomial (f(x))<=d-d-1 x, we have 4. LetL'(x*) =L(x*) inR[x<=df+d], then it, as well as the functional L(x*), andl(x*) =L'(x*)-L(x*) annuls R[x<=df+d]. We annuls and det R[y<=df]*R[x], the first summand is equal to 0. The second summand wherea+b<=df+d. Since l(y*) annuls R[y<=df+d], without changing the sum we can retain only these terms for which a>=df+d+ 1, this means that -a<= -(df+d+ 1), and, hence, for the remaining terms b= 1) = d-d-1. Hence, the obtained polynomial whereb<=d-d-1. We finally obtain that H(x) is up to an addend in ( f(x))<=d-d-1 x, indepedently of the determination of L(x*) ISSN 1025-6415 Reports of the National Akademy of Sciences o f Ukraine, 2002, no. 7Theorem 3. Letx= (x1,...,x n)andyxbe variables, let f(x) = (f1(x),...,f and let Leti= 1,2 where di>=0. We set L(x*) we have the uniquely determined in indepedently of the choice of f(x,y) and the choice of . 3.L(x*)is uniquely determined in indepedently of the determination and the determination of is an operator linear over R,L(x*) is a map that linear over R, i. e., it is a linear functional. Let a polynomial Setd=df+d1+d2+ 1 andd=d2. ThenL2(x*) annuls ( Also, we have d-d-1 =df+d1, max(df,d-d-1) = max( df,df+d1) Statement 1 of Theorem 2, 1. By Statement 2 of Theorem 2, the polynomial H(x) is uniquely determined up to an addend in ( f(x))<=d-d-1 x= (f(x))<=df+d1 x, indepedently of the choice of F(x,y), and is uniquely determined up to an addend in ( = (f(x))<=df+d1 x, indepedently of the choice of f(x,y). SinceL1(x*) annuls ( =L1(x*).H(x) is , indepedently of the choice of x(x,y).F(x) =F(x,y), and the choice of f(x,y). From the arbitrariness of F(x) we obtain that L(x*) is uniquely determined in indepedently of the choice of f(x,y) and the choice of x(x,y). Proof 2. = (f(x))<=d x; then, by Statement 3 of Theorem 2, the polynomial (f(x))<=df+d1 x, and since L1(x*) annuls ( f(x))<=df+d1 x, =L1(x*).H(x) = 0. From the arbitrariness of , we obtain that L(x*) annuls ( . Proof 3. By Statement 4 of Theorem 2, H(x) is uniquely determined up to an addend (f(x))<=df+d1 x, indepedently of the determination of L2(x*) outside R[x<=df+d] =
R[x<=df+d2]. Since L1(x*) annuls ( =L1(x*).H(x) is uniquely deter- mined indepedently of the determination of L2(x*) outside 1025-6415 Dopovidi Natsionalno i Akademi i Nauk Ukra ini, 2002, no. 7 41Since the polynomial =L1(x*).H(x) is uniquely of the determination of L1(x*) outside it follows from the arbitrariness of that the functional L(x*) is uniquely determined in indepedently of the determination of L1(x*) and the determination of L2(x*) outside 4. Letx= (x1,...,x n)andyxbe variables, let f(x) = (f1(x1,...,f and let Leti= 1,2 where di>=0; then we L1(x*) andL2(y*) and substituting Statement 1 of Lemma 2, ' x(x,y) =x(y,x) is operator of a difference derivative, i= 1,n: 'fi(x,y) =fi(y,x) is a difference derivative of the polynomial fi(x). The last equality is by Statement 1 of Theorem 3, since this functional is uniquely dete rmined in indepedently of the choice of x(x,y) and the choice of f(x,y). Hence, the both functionals is coincide in T. R. Root functionals and root polynomials of a system of polynom ials. (Russian) Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukra ini - 1995, - no. 5, T. R. Root functionals and root relations of a system of polynomia ls. (Russian) Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukra ini - 1995, - no. 6, T. R. Homology of the Koszul complex of a system of polynomial equa tions. (Russian) Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr. Mat. Prirodozn. Tekh. Nauki 1997, no. 9 , T. R. Koszul complexes of embedded systems of polynomials and dua lity. (Russian) Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr. Mat. Prirodozn. Tekh. Nauki 2000, no. 6 , T. R. Koszul complexes of systems of polynomials connected by lin ear dependence. (Russian) Some problems in contemporary mathematics (Russian), 326- 349, Pr. Inst. Mat. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr. Mat. Zastos., 25, Natsional. Akad. Nauk Ukra ini, Inst. Mat ., Kiev, 1998. V. M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine , Kiev Received 06.07.2001 42 ISSN 1025-6415 Reports of the National Akademy of Sciences o f Ukraine, 2002, no. 7 | 0804.2420 | Timur R. Seifullin | Timur R. Seifullin | Extension of bounded root functionals of a system of polynomial
equations | Published at Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr. Mat. Prirodozn. Tekh. Nauki
2002, no. 7, 35--42 in English. Summary translated from Ukraine | Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr. Mat. Prirodozn. Tekh. Nauki 2002, no.
7, 35--42. MR2010106 (2004m:13028) | null | null | math.AC math.AG | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The notion of a root functional of a system of polynomials or ideal of
polynomials is a generalization of the notion of a root, in particular, for a
multiple root. A root functional is a linear functional that is defined on a
polynomial ring and annuls the ideal of polynomials. A bounded root functional
is a functional that annuls d-th component of the ideal in some filtration in
this ideal. The paper consider bounded root functionals and their extension
operation for a system of polynomial equation at which the number of equations
is equal to the number of unknows. The extension operation has connection with
the multivariate Bezoutian construction.
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"Timur R.",
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Theoretically, Z boson decays to lepton pairs exist in the tree level, in the standard model (SM) if the lepton flavor is conserved. The improved experimental m easurements stimulate project, increase Z bosons at resonance [1]. The experimental prediction s for the branching ratios (BRs) of these decays are [2] BR(Z-e+e-) = = = 3.370+-0.0023%, (1) and the tree level SM predictions, including QED corrections read BR(Z-e+e-) = = = 3.3338%. (2) It is seen that the main contribution to BRs of Z boson lepton pair dec ays is coming from the tree level SM contribution and the discrepancy between the exper imental and the SM results is of the order of 1 .0%. In the literature, there are various experimental and theore tical The vector and axial coupling constants in Z-decays have be en measured at LEP [8] and various additional types of interactions have been performed . A way to measure in the process Z-t+t-was described in [11]. In [17] and [18] the possible new physics effects to the process Z-l+l-, in the two Higgs doublet model and in the SM with the non-commutative effects have been studied, present work is devoted to analysis whether the inclusion of the scalar unparticle the discrepancy of the BRs between the experimental and the QED corrected SM result (see [19] and references therein) for the lepton flavor con serving (LFC) Z decays. Fur- thermore, we study the new parameters arising with the unparticle effects and the dependencies of the BRs to these new parameters. The unparticle idea is introduced by Georgi [20, 21] and its effect in th e processes, which are induced at least in one loop level, is studied in various works [22]-[32]. This idea is based on the interaction of the SM and the ultraviolet sector with non-triv ial infrared fixed point, at high energy level. The unparticles, being massless and having non inte gral scaling dimension du, are new degrees of freedom arising from the ultraviolet sector ar ound L U~1TeV. The effective lagrangian which is responsible for the interactions of unpa rticles with the SM fields 1in the low energy level (3) whereOUis the unparticle operator, the parameter eis related to the energy scale of the low energy one and the matching coefficient [20, 21, 33] andnis the we present the effective lagrangian which drives the Z-l+l-decays with internal scalar unparticle mediation. Here, we consider the operatorswith t he lowest possible dimension since they have themost powerful effect inthe lowenergy effective theory(see for example [34]). The low energy effective interaction lagrangian which induces U-l-lvertex (4) wherelis the lepton field and lS ij(lP ij) is the scalar (pseudoscalar) coupling. In addition to this lagrangian, the one which causes the tree level U-Z-Zinteraction (see Fig 1 (b) and (c)), appearing in the scalar unparticle mediating loop, can exist and it read (5) whereFunis the field tensor for the Zufield and l0andlZare effective coupling the scalar unparticle contribution Z-l+l-decay enters into calculations at least in the one loop level (see Fig.1), one needs the scalar unparticle prop agator and it is obtained by using the scale invariance [21, the (7) forp2>0 and a non-trivial phase appears as a result of non-integral scalin g dimension. Here where the factor (8) 1The vertex where k1(2)is the four momentum of Z boson with polarization vector o1u(2n). 2At this stage, we are ready to consider the general effective vert ex for the interaction of on-shell Z-boson with a fermionic (9) whereqis the momentum transfer, q2= (p-p')2,fV(fA) is vector (axial-vector) coupling, fM(fE) is proportional to the weak magnetic (electric dipole) moments of t he fermion. Here p(-p') is the four momentum vector of lepton (anti-lepton). The form fa eq. (9) are obtained (10) where the QED corrected2SM form factors fSM VandfSM Aare (12) Here the parameters (13) On the other hand the explicit expressions of the form factors fU V vertandfU Evert, carrying scalar unparticle effects, are fU V corrections are taken to the lowest approximation in (17) In eq. (15), the flavor diagonal and flavor changing scalar and pse udoscalar couplings the effective interaction between the internal lepton i, (i=e,u,t) and the outgoing 6l-(l+) lepton (anti lepton). Finally, using the form factors fV,fA,fMandfE, the BR for Z-l-l+decay is obtained as BR(Z-l+l-) (18) where G Zis the total decay width of Z section is devoted to the scalar unparticle effect on the BRs of L FC Z boson decays. LFC Z boson decays exist in the tree level in the framework of the SM and there are discrep- ancies between the SM BRs and the experimental ones. Here, we inc lude the possible contribution, which appears at least in the one loop, and s earch whether these con- tributions could explain the discrepancies in the BRs. We also study th e new free parameters which appear with the inclusion of scalar unparticle contribution: the scaling dimension du, the new couplings, the energy scale. These parameters should be r estricted by respecting the current experimental measurements and some theoretical cons iderations. First, we choose the scaling dimension duin the range31< du<2. The scalar unparticles appear in the loops with the following new couplings in the framework of the effective theory: l0,lZ(see eqs. (4, 5) and Fig. 1). For the consider that the diagonal ones liiare aware of flavor, ltt> luu> leeand the off lijare flavor blind, lij=kleewithk <1. In our numerical calculations, we choose k= 0.5. On the other hand, the possible tree level U-Z-Zinteraction (see eqs. (5)) is induced by new couplings l0andlZ(see eq. (5)) and, for these couplings, we choose the range 0.1-1.0. Finally, we take the energy scale of the order of TeV. Notice that throughout our calculations we use the input values given in Table (1). Fig. 2 represents the BR ( Z-e+e-) with respect to the scale parameter du, for the couplings luu= 0.1,ltt= 1,lij= 0.1. Here the solid line represents the QED corrected SM (the experimental4) BR. On the other hand the left-right solid5(dashed, short dashed) curves represent the BR including the sc alar is due to the non-integrable singularities in the decay rate [21] and du<2 is due to the convergence of the integrals [24]. 4For the experimental values of the BRs we use the numerical values which are obtained by adding the experimental uncertainties to the mean values. 5The solid lines almost Value me 0.0005 (GeV) mu 0.106 (GeV) mt 1.780 (GeV) GTot Z 2.49 (GeV) s2 W 0.23 aEM 1: The values of the input parameters used in the numerical ca for the energy scale L u= 10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV,lee= 0.01(0.05,0.1). The BR is sensitive to the scale dufor its values near to one and the experimental result is obtained in t he case that the parameter duhas the values du<=1.02, for the numerical values of the The scalar unparticle contribution to the BR is negligible for larger duvalues. Fig. 3 shows the BR ( Z-u+u-) with respect to the scale parameter du, for the couplings lee= 0.01,ltt= 1,lij= 0.1. Here the solid (dashed) straight line represents the QEDcorrected SM(the experimental) BR andthele ft-right solid6(dashed, short dashed) curves represent the BR including the scalar unparticle co ntribution, for the energy scale L u= 10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV l uu= 0.1(0.5,1.0). Similar to the Z-e+e-decay the BR is sensitive to the scale dufor its values near to one and the experimental result is obtained fo r the range of the parameter du,du<=1.15, for the numerical values of the coupling luu~1.0. The BR is not sensitive the scalar unparticle contribution for larger v alues ofdu. In Fig. 4, we present the BR ( Z-t+t-) with respect to the scale parameter du, for the couplings lee= 0.01,luu= 0.1,lij= 0.1. Here the solid line represents the QED corrected SM (the experimental) BR and the left-right solid (dashed, short dashed) curves represent the BR including the sc alar unparticle the energy scale L u= 10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV l tt= 1.0(5.0,10). The addition of the effect causes that the BR reaches to the experimental result for du<=1.25. It is observed that the scalar unparticle effect results in that the BR be comes smaller than the SM result for the range 1 .25<=du<=1.70. This is due to the mixing terms of the SM and the unparticle Figs. 5 (6, 7) we present the BR ( Z-e+e-) (BR (Z-u+u-), BR (Z-t+t-)) with 6The solid lines almost to thecouplings l, fordifferent values of thescale parameter du. Here thesolid line represents the QED corrected SM (the experimental) BR. In Fig.5 the (dashed) curves represent the BR with respect to l=leewhereluu= 10l,ltt= 100l, lij= 0.5l,l0=lZ= 10l, for L u= 10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV,du= 1.01 (du= 1.1). It is observed that the experimental result is reached for the numeric al values of the scale parameter dunot greater than ~1.01 for thecoupling l >0.065. InFig.6 the lower-upper solid (the lower- upper dashed, the lower-upper short dashed) curves represen ts the BR with respect to l=luu wherelee= 0.1l,ltt= 10l,lij= 0.05l,l0=lZ=l, for L u= 10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV du= 1.1 (Lu= 10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV d u= 1.2, Lu= 1.0TeV-Lu= 10TeV d u= 1.3). The experimental result is obtained for du~1.1 and for the coupling l >0.5 in the case that the energy scale is of the order of L u= 1.0TeV. In Fig.7 the lower-upper solid (the the lower-upper short dashed) curves represent the B R with respect to l=lttwhere lee= 0.01l,luu= 0.1l,lij= 0.005l,l0=lZ= 0.1l, for L u= 10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV du= 1.1 (Lu= 10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV d u= 1.2, Lu= 1.0TeV-Lu= 10TeV d u= 1.3). In this decay the experimental result is obtained for du~1.2 and for the coupling l >2.5 in the case that the energy scale is of the order of L u= 1.0TeV. Fordu~1.1 the experimental result is reached even for small couplings, l <1.0. Now, for completeness, we would like to discuss the possibility of mixing between unparticle and Higgs boson. The possible interaction lagrangian which can induce such mixing [36, (19) whereHis the Higgs field and kUis the coupling with mass dimension 2 -dU. In the case that the Higgs field acquires a non zero vacuum expectation value, t he conformal symmetry of unparticle sector is broken andthe Higgs field mixes with the unpartic le operator OU. Recently, the effect of the considered mixing has been analyzed in detail [38, 3 9], based on the idea of deconstructed version of the unparticle sector [40]. The non zero vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field drives the vacuum expectation value for the infinite tower of scalars which construct the unparticle operator and, therefore, the unpart icle operator OUdevelops non zero vacuum expectation value which results in the conformal symmetry breaking. In these works, it has been emphasized that, besides the conformal symmetry bre aking in the unparticle sector, the unparticle-Higgs mixing drives the possible influence on the Higgs b oson properties, like its mass and decay width. With the assumption that the conformal symmetry is broken at a ce rtain scale u, at least, 9the spectral density becomes
|<0|OU|P >|2r(P2) (20) and this corresponds to remove modes with energy less than u. We expect that the new form of the spectral density affects the BRs of the Z boson decays und er consideration since the unparticle mediator which exists in the loops would be modified7. As a summary, the LFC Z boson decays are sensitive to the unpartic le scaling dimension du for its small values. The experimental result of the BR is obtained fo r the parameter du<1.2 for heavy lepton flavor output and the discrepancy between QED c orrected SM result and the experimental one can be explained by the scalar unparicle effect. Th is may be a clue for the existence of unparticles and informative in the determination of the scaling parameter du. For light flavor output one needs to choose the parameter dunear to one and, for the values of duwhich are slightly far from one, the discrepancy between QED corre cted SM result and the experimental can not be explained by the unparticle contributio n. Therefore, with the forthcoming more accurate measurements of the decays under c onsideration, especially the one with heavy lepton flavor output, it would be possible to test the poss ible signals coming from the unparticle physics 7This modification needs more detailed calculation which we left for futu re R. Hawkings and K. M onig, Eur. Phys. J. direct C8(1999) 1. [2] W. M. Yao, et.al, J. Phys. G33(2006) 1. [3] CDF Collaboration, (T. Kamon for the collaboration). FERMILAB- CONF-89/246-E, Dec 1989. 25pp. To be publ. in Proc. of 8th Topical Workshop on p anti-p Collider d. Pescaia, Italy, Sep 1-5, 1989. Published in Pisa Collider W orkshop 1989:0281- 305 ALEPH Collaboration, D. Decamp et al.,Phys.Lett. B263112 (1991). [5] ALEPH Collaboration, D. Decamp et al.,Phys.Lett. B265430 (1991). [6] W. Bernreuther, G.W. Botz, O. Nachtmann, P. Overmann, Z.Phys.C52567 (1991). [7] DELPHI Collaboration, P. Abreu et al.,Z. Phys. C55555 (1992). [8] LEP Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B276247 (1992). [9] OPAL Collaboration, P. D. Acton et al.,Phys. Lett. B281405 (1992). [10] ALEPH Collaboration, D. Buskulic et al.,Phys.Lett. B297459 (1992). [11] U. Stiegler, Z. Phys. C58601 (1993). [12] ALEPH Collaboration, D. Buskulic et al.,Z. Phys. C59369 (1993). [13] U. Stiegler, Z. Phys. C57511 (1993). [14] J. Bernabeu, G.A. J. Vidal Phys. Lett. B326168 (1994). [15] F. Sanchez, Phys. Lett. B384277 (1996). [16] A. Posthaus, P. Overmann, JHEP9802:001 (1998). [17] E. Iltan, Phys. Rev. D65036003 (2002). [18] E. Iltan, Phys. Rev. D66034011 (2002). [19] M. I. Vysotsky, V. A. Novikov, L. B. Okun, A. N. Rozanov, Phys. Usp. 39503 (1996). [20] H. Georgi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 221601 (2007). 11[21] H. Georgi, Phys. Lett. B650, 275 (2007). [22] C. D. Lu, W. Wang and Y. M. Wang, Phys.Rev. D76, 077701 (2007). [23] A. Lenz, Phys. Rev. D76, 065006 (2007). [24] Y. Liao, Phys. Rev. D76, 056006 (2007). [25] K. Cheung, W. Y. Keung and T. C. Yuan, Phys. Rev. D76, 055003 (2007). [26] D. Choudhury and D. K. Ghosh, hep-ph/0707.2074 (2007). [27] G. J. Ding and M. L. Yan, Phys. Rev. D77, 014005 (2008). [28] Y. Liao, hep-ph/0708.3327 (2007). [29] K. Cheung, T. W. Kephart, W. Y. Keung and T. C. Yuan, hep-ph /0801.1762 (2008). [30] E. O. Iltan, hep-ph/0710.2677 (2007). [31] E. O. Iltan, hep-ph/0711.2744 (2007). [32] E. O. Iltan, hep-ph/0802.1277 (2008). [33] R. Zwicky, hep-ph/0707.0677 (2007). [34] S. L. Chen and X. G. He, Phys. Rev. D76, 091702 (2007). [35] K. Cheung, W. Y. Keung and T. C. Yuan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 051803 (2007). [36] P. J. Fox, A. Rajaraman, Y. Shirman, Phys. Rev. D76, 075004 (2007). [37] M. Bander, J. L. Feng, A. Rajaraman, Y. Shirman, Phys. Rev. D76, 115002 (2007). [38] A. Delgado, J. R. Espinosa, M. Quiros, JHEP0710, 094 (2007). [39] A. Delgado, J. R. Espinosa, J. M. No, M. Quiros, JHEP0804, 028 (2008). [40] M. A. Stephanov, Phys. Rev. D76, 035008 (2007). 12Figure 1: One loop diagrams contribute to Z-l+l-decay with scalar unparticle mediator. Solid line represents the lepton field: irepresents the internal lepton, l-(l+) outgoing lepton (anti lepton), wavy line the Z boson field, double dashed line the unpa rticle 2: The scale parameter dudependence of the BR ( Z-e+e-) for L u= 10TeV, lee= 0.01,luu= 0.1,ltt= 1,lij= 0.1. The solid linerepresentstheSM(experimental) tsolid(dashed, represent the BR including the scalar unparticle contributio n, for the energy scale L u=
10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV l e= 1.451.4 1.351.3 1.251.2 1.151.1 3: The scale parameter dudependence of the BR ( Z-u+u-) forlee= 0.01,ltt= 1, lij= 0.1. The solid (dashed) straight line represents the BR and the left-right solid (dashed, short dashed) curves represent the BR including the scalar unparticle contribution, for the energy scale L u= 10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV luu= 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 The scale parameter dudependence of the BR ( Z-t+t-) forlee= 0.01,luu= 0.1, lij= 0.1. The solid (dashed) straight line represents the BR and the left-right solid (dashed, short dashed) curves represent the BR including the scalar unparticle contribution, for the energy scale L u= 10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV ltt= 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 5: The coupling ldependence of the BR ( Z-e+e-). The solid (dashed) straight line represents the SM (experimental) BR and the lower-upper solid (da shed) curve represents the BR with respect to l=leewhereluu= 10l,ltt= 100l,lij= 0.5l,l0=lZ= 10l, for Lu= 10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV d u= 1.01 (du= 1.1) . 17lBR 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 6: The coupling ldependence of the BR ( Z-u+u-). The solid (dashed) straight line represents the SM (experimental) BR and the lower-upper solid (th e lower-upper dashed, the lower-upper short dashed) curve represents the BR with respec t tol=luuwherelee= 0.1l, ltt= 10l,lij= 0.05l,l0=lZ=l, for L u= 10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV d u= 1.1 (Lu= 10TeV- Lu= 1.0TeV d u= 1.2, Lu= 1.0TeV-Lu= 10TeV d u= 1.3) . 18lBR 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 7: The coupling ldependence of the BR ( Z-t+t-). The solid (dashed) straight line represents the SM (experimental) BR and the lower-upper solid (th e lower-upper dashed, the lower-upper short dashed) curve represents the BR with respec t tol=lttwherelee= 0.01l, luu= 0.1l,lij= 0.005l,l0= 0.1l, for L u= 10TeV-Lu= 1.0TeV d u= 1.1 (Lu= 10TeV- Lu= 1.0TeV d u= 1.2, Lu= 1.0TeV-Lu= 10TeV d u= 1.3) . 19 | 0804.2456 | Erhan Iltan | E. Iltan | Lepton flavor conserving Z boson decays and scalar unparticle | 18 pages, 1 table, 7 figures | Mod.Phys.Lett.A24:377-392,2009 | 10.1142/S0217732309027455 | null | hep-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We predict the contribution of scalar unparticle to the branching ratios of
the lepton flavor conserving Z -> l^+ l^- decays and we study the discrepancy
between the experimental and the QED corrected standard model branching ratios.
We observe that these decays are sensitive to the unparticle scaling dimension
d_u for its small values, especially for heavy lepton flavor output.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 15 Apr 2008 18:47:47 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 16 Jun 2008 10:28:18 GMT"
] | 2009-03-12T00:00:00 | [
] |
The existence of cosmological dark matter (DM) has been firmly est ablished by a mul- titude of astronomical observations. However, the nature of th e non-baryonic dark matter is still unknown and remains one of the most outstanding puzzles in pa rticle physics and cosmology. Among a large amount of theoretical candidates, the m ost attractive the weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). An appea ling idea is that the WIMPs freeze out at the very early time and form the thermal relics , which naturally ac- count for the relic abundance observed today [1]. The WIMPs are we ll motived theoretically in particle physics beyond the standard model to solve the hierarch ical problem. In par- ticular, the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard mod el (MSSM) provides an excellent WIMP candidate as the lightest supersymmetric particle , usually the which are stable due to R-parity conservation onthepresent riments, either directly by measuring the recoil energy when WIMP scatters off the detect or nuclei [3] or indirectly by observing the annihilation products of the WIMPs, such as the an tiprotons, or neutrinos [2, 4]. After decades of efforts, the sensitivity of these experiments have been improved by many orders of magnitude. However, no positive s ignals have been found up to now. Conversely, the null results put constraints on the parameter sp ace of the dark matter model, such as the MSSM. However, all the WIMP detection experime nts depend on the distribution profile of dark matter. Especially for the indirect detec tion the predicted anni- hilation products from the Galactic Center (GC) [5] can vary for sev eral orders of magnitude by assuming different dark matter profiles. In theoretical studies , in order to give a cuspy dark matter profile is usually adopted, such as t he NFW [6] or Moore [7] profile which is favored by N-body simulation. However, observat ions of rotation curve strongly disfavor cuspy profiles. Instead, they generally favor a cored profile [8]. The dis- crepancy between simulation and observation has been thought a s evere challenge to the cold dark matter scenario for cosmological structure formation. If a cored profile is adopted the theoretical prediction of dark matter annihilation (DMA) produ cts from the GC may be below the sensitivities of all present or near future experiments . Therefore, no firm con- straints can be set on the MSSM parameter space from the presen t dark matter firm constraints on the dark matter model may come from the early universe pro- 2cesses when the density fluctuation is very small. Indeed, the most stringent constraint on the MSSM parameter space today actually comes from the process of the lightest super- symmetric particle (LSP) decoupling at the early universe, by requir ing the relic density of the LSP being consistent with the measurement of WMAP [9]. Besides t hat there are also model independent constraints on the dark matter annihilation cro ss section from unitarity bound [10, 11] or from measurement of the cosmological neutrino fl ux [12], which, however, set much loser constraints than that given by the decoupling proce ss. In the present work we will set a new constraint on the MSSM parame ter space from another process at the early universe, i.e. the big-bang nucleosyn thesis (BBN). Knowing the nuclear reaction processes and the evolution history of the un iverse in the we can precisely calculate the abundances of the light elem ents, mainly on The standard BBN scenario gives consistent predictions of light e compared with observations. The agreement betwee n the BBN predictions and observations can be used to constrain various processes beyond the standard cosmology or standard particle physics. For example, the BBN has been exten sively studied in the literature to constrain the long-lived heavy particles, such as grav itino [13], which may decay after BBN. We will investigate how the standard BBN constrains the neutralino s neutralino freeze-out there continues to be some residual annihilation of expansion timescale the residual self-annihilat ion continues to particles well after BBNends, changes theabundance s of light elements, thereby ruin the agreement between BBN theory and observations. There fore observational data of light element abundances constrains the rate of neutralino self-an nihilation. It should be noted that since the rate of the WIMP annihilation is proportional to the number density square of the dark matter particles, at the early universe the ann ihilation rate of neutralino is much higher than the average rate today. The abundances of light elements are especially sensitive to the injec ting of particles during nucleosynthesis. The main effect of the hadronic cascades is that the ambient4He is destroyed and D, T,3He and6Li,7Li are created. BBN processes induced by hadronic decays of lon g lived X-particles (any theoretical assumed long lifetime particles) was studied in [13]. In this work we study the effect of injecting hadronic particles from neutralino annihilation on B BN. 3To derive the constraint we will follow the calculation given by M. Kawas aki et al. [13] closely. In [13] the authors adopted the most recent data of nucle ar reaction cross sec- tions and observational light element abundances, new Monte Carlo event generator for quark/gluon hadronization. The evolution of the hadronic shower in the thermal bath is also carefully treated. Taking the uncertainties of the measureme nts into account constraints on the abundances of X-particles as a f unction of its life time are derived. The X-particle is assumed to have a two-body decay into monoenerg etic quarks which evolve into two jets. The injection rate of the jets is deter mined as nX/tX, withnXandtXthe number density and life time of X-particle respectively. Finally the constraint on the relative number density of entropy of the Universe, as function of its lifetime tXis given. Considering that neutralino produces monoenergetic quarks we can roughly relate the con straints on the [13] into the neutralino annihilation rate, which is determined by R=< sv >
2n2 kh, (1) with< sv >the thermal averaged annihilation cross section and nkhthe number density of neutralino. The factor 2 is due to identical particles of initial state. The density of dark matter is given as dark matter density today and athe cosmological scale factor. The entropy sof the Universe is given in the same way. The time is related with the scale factor (2) where the Hubble constant is related with that today byH2 H2 0=r r0. The energy density is given by radiation, neutrino, matter and dark energy density today. Taking the initial conditions of r0 iand integrating Eq. (2) we get the number density and therefore the annihilation rate Rof neutralino at any time t. From the constraints on the hadronic jets injection rate derived in [13] and Eq. (1) we get const raints on the section < sv > att. An accurate result should be given by solving the numerically. Here we give constraint by a simply correspond ance betwen X-particle 4 1e-24 1e-23 1e-22 1e-21 1e-20 1e-19 1e-18 1e-17 1e-16 0.01 1 100 10000 1e+06 1e+08 1e+10 1e+12<sv>(cm3 s-1) time (sec)Br(khkh- (qq)WW/ZZ ) = 1 2mkh = 100 GeV 2mkh = 1 TeV 2mkh = 10 TeV FIG. 1: Constraints on < sv > as function of time tfor 2mkh= 100GeV,1TeV,and 10TeV. we have assumed that the neutralino annihilates totally into g auge bosons W+W-/ZZformkh> mW or quarks for mkh< mW. decay and neutralino annihilation. This may lead to a conservative con straint on the anni- hilation cross section. In Fig. 1 we show the constraints on < sv >as function of time tfor 2mkh= 100GeV,1TeV,and The constraints are corresponding to for Xdecay with mX= 100GeV,1TeV,and [13]. In deriving the constraints, we have assumed that the neutralino annihilates t otally into gauge mW, where the gaugebosons decay toquarks with thebranching ratio 70%. We have checked that this assumption is quite reasonable. For neutralinos above the threshold mkh> MWthey annihilate dominantly into gauge bosons in most MSSM models. Formkh< mWwe assume neutralino annihilates totally into quarks. (In the following Fig. 2 we will give constraints on the MSSM parameters by directly calculat ing the without any Fig. 1 the strongest constraints on < sv > is att2000 sec, which come from the6Li/H data. The abundance of6Li is very sensitive to the nonthermal hadronic jet injection. However, the6Li abundance is difficult to determine. The standard BBN prediction of6Li abundance is (6Li/H)SBBN= 1.30x10-14. Taking the large uncertainties in determining6Li abundance the constraints on hadronic jet injection is given by a which is several orders of magnitude higher than the Therefore the constraints on the nonstandard proc ess from BBN can be much 5 1e-30 1e-29 1e-28 1e-27 1e-26 1e-25 1e-24 1e-23 1e-22 1e-21 1e-20 100 1000<sv>(cm3 s-1) mkh (GeV)Upper bound on < sv> by BBN and GLAST BBN bound GLAST bound for NFW profile GLAST bound for isothermal profile FIG. 2: The constraints on < sv >in the MSSM parameter space set from BBN and GLAST by observation of DM annihilation at the GC. For the constraint s by GLAST two DM profiles, NFW and isothermal, are if6Li can be determined with higher the constraints on < sv >att2000 sec we show how the MSSM parameter space is constrained by BBN in Fig. 2. The dots in the figure are produ ced randomly in the MSSM parameter space and the corresponding < sv >is calculated using the package DarkSUSY [14]. The constraints on < sv > for different neutralino mass is given by in- terpolation of the constraints for 2 mkh= The 'BBN bound' in the figure shows the constraints on < sv >by BBN. The scatter of the bound comes from the different branching ratiosof neutralino annihilationto quarks. Near thethreshold neutralino may annihilate into leptons dominantly. In such cases we take the con straints from3He/D which is sensitive to the process. The most string ent constraint from the process is given at t8.5x107sec. In Fig 2 we also show the parameters that can be detected by GLAST [15]. In of dark matter annihilation we usually adopt the dark matt er profile from N- body simulation, which generally predicts cuspy profiles such as NFW [6 ] or Moore [7] profiles. The NFW or Moore profiles have singularities at the halo cent er The singularity leads to large (or divergent) annihilatio n flux and can be detected by the satellite detectors, such as GLAST . However, observation of rotation curves usually strongly favor a cored dark matter profile , instead of cuspy ones [8]. 6FIG. 3: The parameter space that satisfies ohm ch2<0.125 and these excluded by BBN and 'BBN*100' means how the parameter space is cons trained if the precision of6Li data is improved by one and two orders of magnitude. If adopting a cored dark matter profile the present detectors will have much weaker potential to detect the signals from dark matter annihilation. In Fig. 2 we show the constraints on
< sv >from observation of DM annihilation at the GC by GLAST, assuming bot h NFW and cored profiles. In deriving the constraints by GLAST we take th e gamma ray source detected by HESS at the GC [16] as background and extend it to low er energy. The present bound by BBN has been stronger than that set by GLAST taking a co red profile, while weaker if taking a NFW we set the exclusion region by BBN in the parameter space of the mediated SUSY breaking model (mSUGRA). In calcula ting the relic density of mSUGRA models, the package MicrOMEGAs 2.0.7 is adopted [17], wher e the package ISAJET [18] is incorporated to run the renormalization group equat ions from the GUT scale to the low energy scale. The BBN bounds are especially importan t when taking large 7values of tan b. In Fig. 3 we show the exclusion region on the m0-m1/2plane set by BBN taking tan b= 50,55,and 60 respectively. We have taken A0= 0, and upositive. In the m0-m1/2plane the whole shaded region represents the models which satisfy t he WMAP [1] constraints on the relic density. The WMAP 5-year data gives ohm ch2= The shaded region in Fig. 3 is given by requiring the CDM relic density b e smaller than the 3 supper bound, i.e., ohm ch2<0.125. The excluded region marked as 'BBN*10' and 'BBN*100' represent that the precision of6Li data is improved by 10 and 100 times in the future respectively. For tan b= 60 the present BBN bound has excluded a large part of the allowed models. For tan b= 50,55 only these models with small values of m0andm1/2 are excluded by BBN. If the6Li data is improved by 2 orders of magnitude we can see that most of the parameters allowed by WMAP will be excluded. It should be noted that we only take the upper bound of the relic den sity from WMAP into account. That means the neutralino may only account for a par t of dark matter density, or there are nonthermal contribution to the relic density [19]. Ther efore the present BBN bound set constraints only for the large annihilation cross section. However, as have seen, it is even more severe than that set by GLAST for a cored profile. Alt hough the constraintnow, itcan bechangedinnon as shown by Gelmini and Gondolo [20] since the process tak es place at very early time when we know very little. However, the bound from BBN is much so lid and hard to invalidate it. BBN and cosmic microwave background have long been ta ken as two classic proof of the success of the standard cosmology. Compared with o ther model 11, 12] the present boundis mu ch more severe. With the improvement of the precision of light element abundances the ex clusion bound can also be greatly improved. Anyway, we present a new constraint on the M SSM parameter of the N-body simulation result, besides that from the decoupling can affect the abundance of light elements predicted in the stan dard scenario. According to the study we try to set constraints on the SUSY parameter spa ce. The constraints are different from these set by direct or indirect detection of dark mat ter which heavily depends on the dark matter profile. The dark matter profiles are usually pre dicted by which, however, seem to show discrepancy with the obs ervation of rotation curves. This has been taken as a serious problem in structure form ation in the cold dark 8matter scenario. Our result shows that BBN can give quite strong c onstraints on the SUSY parameter space. Especially, the most stringent constraint come s from the6Li data which, however, has very large uncertainties. The present constraint is given by requiring that the 6Li abundance is lower than 103~104times the prediction of the standard scenario. If the bound can be improved by 2 orders of magnitude we find a large pa rt of the important SUSY parameter space will be excluded by work is supported by the NSF of China under the grant Nos. 105 75111, 10773011 and supported in part by the Chinese Academy of Sciences under th e grant No. D. N. Spergel et. al., Astrophys. J. Suppl. 148, 175 (2003); D. N. Spergel et. al., Astrophys. J. Suppl. 170, 377 (2007); E. Komatsu et al., arXiv:0803.0547 [astro-ph]. [2] G. Jungman, M. Kamionkowski, K. Griest, Phys. Rept. 267, 195 (1996). [3] C. Munoz, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A. 19, 3093 (2004). [4] J. L. Feng, K. T. Matchev, F. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. D 63, 045024 (2001); G. Bertone, D. Hooper, J. Silk, Phys. Rept. 405, 279 (2005). [5] L. Bergstrom, P. Ullio, J. Buckley, Astropart. Phys. 9, 137 (1998); Y. Mambrini, C. Munoz, E. Nezri, F. Prada, JCAP 0601, 010 (2006); D. Horns, Phys. Let t.B 607, 225 (2005). [6] J. F. Navarro, C. S. Frenk, and S. D. M. White, Mon. Not. R. A stron. Soc. 275, 56 (1995); J. 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of neutralino dark matter | 10 pages, 3 figures; discussions added | null | null | null | hep-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Assuming the lightest neutralino forms dark matter, we study its residual
annihilation after freeze-out at the early universe. If taking place after the
big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) the annihilation products, especially at the
hadronic modes, may cause nonthermal nuclear reaction and change the prediction
of the primordial abundance of light elements in the standard BBN scenario. We
therefore put constraints on the neutralino annihilation cross section. These
constraints are free of the uncertainties of the dark matter profile today
suffered by direct or indirect detection of dark matter. We find the
constraints by BBN is important, especially when taking large $\tan\beta$. If
the light element abundances can be determined with higher precision in the
future the constraint will become very strong, so that a majority of the
parameter space allowed by the relic density requirement may be excluded.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 16 Apr 2008 07:43:45 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 17 Apr 2008 14:02:11 GMT"
] | 2008-04-17T00:00:00 | [
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1 Introduction -Problems of General Relativity The motion of the earth is governed by the gravitational force bet ween the earth and the sun, and the Newton equation is written the gravitational constant, the mass of the earth and th e mass of the sun, respectively. This is the classical mechanics which works quite well. generalizes the Newton equation to the relativistic equation of motion which can be valid even for the curved space [1, 2]. However, this was achieved before the discovery of quantum mechanics, and therefore it is natural that the gener al relativity cannot be quantized properly. Indeed, the quantization of the general rela tivity has intrinsic prob- lems which are related to the invariance of the general coordinate t ransformation. On the other hand, the first quantization is only possible for the Carte sian coordinates [3]. This indicates that any attempt to quantize the general relativity is not a proper starting point, but rather one should try to make a field theory simply to includ e the gravity. This is closely connected to the understanding of the first quantization ([xi,pj] and since this quantization procedure is not a fundamental principle, we should try to make a field theory which includes the gravitational interaction [3, 4]. Before constructing a theory that can describe the field equation under the gravity, we discuss the fundamental problems in the theory of general relativ ity. Basically, there are two serious problems in the general relativity, the lack of field equat ion under the gravity and the assumption of the principle of equivalence. 1.1 Field Equation of Gravity When one wishes to write the Dirac equation for a particle under the g ravitational inter- action, then one faces to the difficulty. Since the Dirac equation for a hydrogen-like atom can be written as =EPs (1 .2a) one may write the Dirac equation for the gravitational potential V(r) =EPs. (1.2b) But there is no foundation for this equation. At least, one cannot w rite the which can describe the Dirac equation for the gravitational interaction. This is clear since one does not know whether the interaction can be put in to the of a vector type or a simple scalar type in the Dirac equat ion. That is, it may be of the following =EPs. (1.2c) 2This is a well known problem, but it is rarely discussed, and people seem to be reluctant to treating this problem up on the table. 1.2 Principle of Equivalence The theory of general relativity is entirely based on the principle of e quivalence. Namely, Einstein started from the assumption that physics of the two syst ems (a system under the uniform external gravity and a system that moves with a const ant acceleration) must be the same. This looks plausible from the experience on the earth. H owever, one can easily convince oneself that the system that moves with a constant acceleration cannot be defined properly since there is no such an isolated system in a phys ical world. The basic problem is that the assumption of the principle of equivalence is c oncerned with the two systems which specify space and time, not just the numbers in c onnection with the acceleration of a particle. Note that the acceleration of a particle is indeed connected to the gravitational acceleration, z=-g, but this is, of course, just the Newton the principle of equivalence inevitably leads Einstein to th e space deformation. It is clear that physics must bethe same between two inertia system s, andany assumption which contradicts this basic principle cannot be justified at all. Besides, this problem can be viewed differently in terms of Lagrangian . For the system under the uniform external gravity, one can write the correspon ding Lagrangian. On the other hand, there is no way to construct any Lagrangian for the s ystem that moves with a constant acceleration. One can define a Lagrangian for a particle that moves with a constant acceleration, but one cannot write the system (or spac e and time) that moves with a constant acceleration. Therefore, it is very hard to accept the assumption of the principle of equivalence even with the most modest physical intuition. 1.3 General generalized the classical mechanics to the relativistic equat ion of motion where he started from the principle of equivalence. Therefore, he had to introduce the new concept that space may not be uniform, and the general relativity is the equation for the metric tensor gun. However, this picture is still based on the particle mechanics which is governed by the equations for coordinates of a point particle. This is, of course, natural for Einstein since quantum mechanics was not discovered at that tim e. Since is a field theory, though with the non-relativistic kinematic s, it is fromNewton's classical mechanics butisrather similar to th eMaxwell equation can certainly describe the dynamics of particles fo r the certain region of kinematics such as the motion of the earth around the sun. Howeve r, it is a useless theory for the description of electron motion in atoms. One should give up th e idea of particle picture and should accept the concept of field theory. At the time o f invention of the general relativity, Einstein knew quite well the Maxwell equations wh ich are indeed field theory equations. However, the Maxwell equations are not realize d as the basis equations for quantum mechanics [3]. 32 Lagrangian Density for Gravity It is by now clear that one should start from constructing the quan tum mechanics of the gravitation. In other words, one should find the Dirac equation for electron when it moves in the gravitational potential. In this paper, we present a m odel which can describe electrons interacting with the electroma gnetic field Auas well as the gravitational field G. 2.1 Lagrangian Density for QED We first write the well established Lagrangian density for electrons interacting with field Lagrangian density of QED is best studied and is most reliable in man y respects. In particular, the renormalization scheme of QED is theoretically well understood and well examined, QED. All the physical observables can be described in terms of th e free Fock after the renormalization, and therefore one can com pare any prediction of thephysical However, itshouldbenote theory model in four dimensions which works perfectly well witho ut any Lagrangian Density for QED plus Gravity Now, we propose to write the Lagrangian density for electrons inte racting with the field as well as the gravitational field the gravitational field Gis assumed to be a massless scalar field. It is easy to prove that the new Lagrangian density is invariant under the local gauge t ps-e-iekhps. (2.3) This is, of course, quite important since the introduction of the gra vitational field does not change the most important local symmetry. 42.3 Dirac Equation with Gravitational one can easily obtain the Dirac equation for electrons from the new iguups-eguAups-m(1+gG)ps= 0. (2.4) Also, one can write the equation of motion of gravitational (2.5) The symmetry property of the new Lagrangian density can be easily examined, and one can confirm that it has a right symmetry property under the time re versal transformation and the charge conjugation [3]. 2.4 Total Hamiltonian for QED plus Gravity The Hamiltonian can be constructed from the Lagrangian density in e (2.6) wherejuis defined as ju=-psgups. In this expression of the Hamiltonian, the is still written without making use of the equation of motion. I n the next ion which shouldenable us to easily understood the structure of gravitational force bet ween fermions. 3 Static-dominance Ansatz for Gravity In eq.(2.2), the gravitational field Gis introduced as a real scalar field, and therefore it cannot be a physical observable as a classical field [5]. In this case, s ince the real part of the right hand side in eq.(2.5) should be mostly time independent, it may be reasonable to assume that the gravitational field Gcan be written as the sum of the static and time- dependent terms and that the static part should carry the inform ation of diagonal term in the external source term. Thus, the gravitational field Gis assumed to be written as G=G0(r)+-G(x) (3 .1) whereG0(r) does not depend on time. This ansatz is only a sufficient condition, an d its validity cannot be verified mathematically, but it can be examined expe rimentally. The equations of motion for G0(r) and-G(x) become 2G0=mgrg (3.2) 5uu-G(x) rest] } (3.3) wherergis defined (3.4) where the diagonal part of the -psps, that is, the terms proportional to of the fermion operators which will be defined in eq.(4.2). Fur- ther, is a non-diagonal part which is connected to the creation and annihilation of fermion pairs, that is, [ of the fermion operators. In addition, the term ( -psps)[diagonal rest] denotes time dependent parts of the diagonal term in the fermion density, and this may also have some effects when the gr avity is quantized. In this case, we can solve eq.(3.2) exactly and find a solution G0(r) is a special solution that satisfies eq.(2.5), but not the genera l solution. Clearly itis physically sufficient. The solution of eq.(3.5) is quite important for the gravitational inter action since this is practically a dominant gravitational force in nature. Here, we assume that the diagonal term of ( mostly time independent, and in this case, the static gravitational energy which we call HS Gcan be written the gravitational constant G0is related to the coupling constant gas G0=g2 4p. (3.7) This static gravitational energy can be written in the momentum rep resentation (3.6b) Eq.(3.6) is just the gravitational interaction energy for the matte r fields, and one sees that the gravitational interaction between electrons is always attract ive. This is clear since field is assumed to be a massless scalar. It may also be im portant to note that theHS Gof eq.(3.6) is obtained without making use of the perturbation theor y, and it is indeed exact, apart from the static ansatz of the field G0(r). 64 Quantization of Gravitational Field In quantum field theory, we should quantize fields. For fermion fields , we should quantize the Dirac field by the anti-commutation relations of fermion operato rs. This is required from the experiment in terms of the Pauli principle, that is, a fermion can occupy only one quantum state. In order to accommodate this experimental f act, we should always quantize the fermion fields with the anti-commutation relations. On t he other hand, for gauge fields, we must quantize the vector field in terms of the co mmutation 2 Thatis, the vacuum of the electromagnetic field, and therefore the fi eld quantization is an absolutely necessary procedure. However, it is not very clear whe ther the be quantized according to the bosonic commutation relation o r not. In fact, there must be two choices concerning the quantization of th e gravitational field G. 4.1 No Quantization of Gravitational Field -G As the first choice, we may take a standpoint that the gravitationa l fieldGshould not be quantized since there is no requirement from experiments. In th is sense, there is no definite reason that we have to quantize the scalar field and theref ore the remaintobeaclassical field. Inthiscase, wedonothave towo of the graviton propagator, and we obtain the gra vitational fermions as we saw it in eq.(3.6) which is always attractive, an d this is consistent with the experimental requirement. 4.2 Quantization Procedure Now, we take the second choice and should quantize the gravitation al field-G. This can be done just in the same way as usual scalar fields -G(x) The annihilation and creation operators dkandd+
kare assumed to satisfy the following commutation =dk,k' (4.2) and all other commutation relations should vanish. Since the gravito n can couple to the time dependent external field which is connected to the creation or annihilation of the fermion pairs, the graviton propagator should be affected from th e vacuum polarization of fermions. Therefore, we should carry out the renormalization p rocedure of the such that it can stay massless. We will discuss the reno rmalization procedure in the later chapter. 74.3 Graviton Once the gravitational field Gis quantized, then the graviton should appear. From eq.(4.1), one can see that the graviton can indeed propagate as a f ree massless parti- cle after it is quantized, and this situation is just the same as the gau ge field case in QED, namely, photon after the quantization becomes a physical observ able. However, it should be noted that the gauge field has a special feature in the sense tha t the classical gauge field (A) is gauge dependent and therefore it is not a physical observable. After the gauge fixing, the gauge field can be quantized since one can uniquely determ ine the gauge field from the equation of motion, and therefore its quantization is poss ible. On the other hand, the gravitational field is assumed to be a real sc alar field, and therefore it cannot be a physical observable as a classical field [5]. Only after the quanti- zation, it becomes a physical observable as a graviton, and this can be seen from eq.(4.1) since the creation of the graviton should be made through the seco nd term of eq.(4.1). In this case, the graviton field is a complex field which is an eigenstate of t he momentum and thus it is a free graviton state, which can propagate as a free p article. 5 Interaction of Photon with Gravity From the Lagrangian density of eq.(2.2), one sees that photon sho uld interact with the gravity in the fourth order Feynman diagrams as shown in Fig. 1. The HIcan be written (5.1) where the fermion field psis quantized in the normal way ps(r,t) the spinor part of the plane wave solutions of the free annihilation operators for particle and anti-particle states, an d they should satisfy the following anti-commutation (5.3) and all other anticommutation relations should vanish. The gauge fie ldAcan be quan- tized in the same way A(x) kk' p' Fig. 1: The fourth order Feynman The polarization vector ol(k) should satisfy the following 0,ol(k)*ol'(k) =dl,l'. (5.5) The annihilation and creation operators satisfy the following commuta- tion relations [ck,l, c+
k',l'] =dk,k'dl,l' (5.6) and all other commutation relations should vanish. The calculation of the S-matrix can be carried out in a straightforwa rd way [6, 7, 8], and we can write S= the four momenta of the initial and final photons while pandp' denote the four momenta of the initial and final fermions, respect mass of the fermion for the vacuum polarization and the mass of the external be written in terms of kandpas q=p'-p, k=a-b, k'=a-c, the S-matrix can be written (5.8) 9Since the term proportional to qdoes not contribute to the interaction, we can in the evaluation of the trace and the aintegration as k'k. Now, we define the trace part as Nun= can be evaluated as Nun= (5.10) Defining the integral can rewrite it using Feynman integral Iun= introducing the variable w=a-kzwe obtain the S-matrix as S= first part of the integration can be carried out in a straightfor ward way using the dimensional regularization, and we = 0. Thus, the two divergent parts just cancel with each other, and t he cancellation here is not due to the regularization as employed in the vacuum polarization in QED, but it is a kinematical and thus rigorous result. The finite part can be easily e valuated [8], and therefore we obtain the S-matrix (5 .14) where we made use of the relation k2= 0 for free photon at the end of the calculation. 106 Renormalization Scheme for Gravity At the present stage, it is difficult to judge whether we should quant ize the not. At least, thereis noexperiment which shows any necess ity the gravity. Nevertheless, it should be worth checking whether the gravitational inter- action with fermions can be renormalizable or not. We know that the in teraction of the gravity with fermions is extremely small, but we need to examine wheth er the graviton can stay massless or not within the perturbation scheme. Here, we present a renormalization scheme for the scalar field theo ry which couples to fermion fields. The renormalization scheme for scalar fields is formula ted just in the same way as the QED scheme since QED is most successful. 6.1 Vacuum Polarization of Gravity First, we write the vacuum polarization for QED with the dimensional r egularization, and the divergent contributions to the self-energy of photon can be d escribed in terms of the vacuum polarization Pun QED(k) as Pun QED(k) terms (6 .1) whereDis taken to be D= 4-o. It is interesting to note that the apparent disappears due to the gauge invariant dimensional regu larization when evalu- ating the momentum integrations. This is important since, if there we re any terms present, then it would have caused serious trou bles for the mass terms which cannot keep the gauge invariance in QED. The fact that the qu adratic divergence terms can be erased by the proper dimensional regularization in QED is indeed related to the success of QED renormalization scheme. On the other hand, the vacuum polarization for the gravity become s P(k) can be rewritten as P(k) (6.4b) As can be seen, the second term in eq.(6.3) should correspond to th e quadratic divergence term, and this time it cannot be erased by the dimensional regulariza tion. However, this term can be safely eliminated by the counter term. Therefore, we add the density as the mass counter-terms to the original Lag rangian the constant dMis defined as dMC2m2. (6.6) Therefore, the total Lagrangian density of the gravity (6.7) whereGris the renormalized gravity field. This shows that the mass counter t erm cannot be renormalized into the wave function G. However, the mass counter term in eq.(6.7) has a proper symmetry property of the gravity Lagrangian densit y, in contrast to the QED case where the mass term violates the gauge invariance. There fore, the introduction of the mass counter term in the scalar field theory does not break t he of the present formulation. 6.2 Fermion Self Energy from Gravity The fermion self energy term in QED is calculated to be SQED(p) terms .(6.8) In the same way, we can calculate the fermion self-energy due to th e gravity SG(p) terms (6 .9) which is just the same as the QED case, apart from the factor in fro nt. Therefore, procedure can be carried out just in the same way a s the QED case since the total fermion self energy term within the present model becom es S(p) terms . (6.10) 126.3 Vertex Correction from the vertex corrections which arise from the gravitatio nal interaction and interaction with fermions, it may well be that the verte x corrections do not become physically very important. It is obviously too small to measur e any effects of the higher order terms from the gravity and electromagnetic inter actions. However, we should examine the of the vertex corrections and c an show that they are indeed well renormalized into the coupling constant. The vertex corrections from interaction and the gravity can be evaluated as LQED(k,q) can easily calculate the integrations and obtain the total vertex corrections for the zero momentum case of q= 0 as L(k,0) = L QED(k,0)+L G(k,0) terms (6 .12 which is logarithmic divergence and is indeed renormalizable just in the s ame way as the QED case. 6.4 Renormalization Procedure Since the infinite contributions to the fermion self-energy and to th e vertex corrections in the second order diagrams arejust the same asthe QED case, one can carryout the procedure just in the same way as the QED case. There is o nly one QED and the gravity cases, that is, the treatment of the quadratic divergence in the vacuum polarization. In the QED case, the quadratic divergen ce terms should be eliminated by the dimensional regularization since the mass term vio lates the gauge invariance and thus one cannot consider the mass counter term in t he QED . On the other hand, in the gravity case, the quadratic dive rgence terms in the vacuum polarization can be canceled out by a mass counter term sinc e the gravity is not the gauge field theory, and thus, there is no problem to introduce t he mass counter term in the Lagrangian density. Further, the graviton is never bound an d always in the free state, andtherefore, the mass counter termin thegravity canc els thequadratic in a rigorous wayDIn this way, we can achieve a success ful for the gravity, even though we do not know any occasions in which the higher order contributions may become physically important. 137 Gravitational Interaction of Photon with Matter From eq.(5.14), one finds that the gravitational potential V(r) for photon with matter field can be written as V(r) the sum of all the fermion masses and the mass of matter fie adenotes the fine structure constant a=1 137. In this case, the equation of motion for photon Alunder the gravitational field 0. (7.2) Assuming the time dependence of the photon field (7 .3) we obtain =o2A0(r). (7.4) This equation shows that there is no bound state for photon even f or the strong coupling limit ofG0- . 8 terms of the Lagrangian density. The gravitational interaction a ppears always as the mass term and induces always the attractive force between fermio ns. In addition, there is an interaction between photon and the gravity as the fourth ord er Feynman diagrams. The behavior of photon under the gravitational field may have some similarity with the result of the general relativity, but the solution of eq.(7.4) is still to be studied in detail. Also, we have presented a renormalization procedure which is essen tially the same as the QED renormalization scheme. There is one important differenc e between the QED and the gravity cases, that is, the treatment of the quadrat ic divergence in the vacuum polarization. In QED, one has to eliminate the quadratic diver gence terms by the regularization so as to keep the gauge invariance of the Lagran gian density. On the other hand, in the gravity case, the quadratic divergence terms c an be canceled out by the mass counter term since it does not contradict with any importa nt symmetry of the Lagrangian density. Therefore, the renormalization scheme of th e gravity interaction is well justified, and thus the propagator of the gravity stays mass less. Clearly, this is the most important point in the whole renormalization procedure. In this paper, we have not decided whether the gravitational field s hould be quantized or not since there is no definite requirement from experiment for th e quantization. At the 14present stage, bothofthe evaluationofthe gravitational intera ctions with equally reasonable. However, for the quantized theory of grav itational field, one may ask as to whether there is any method to observe a graviton or not . The graviton should be created through the fermion pair annihilation. Since this graviton can propagate as a free graviton like a photon, one may certainly have some chance to observe it through the creation of the fermion pair. But this probability must be extrem ely small since the coupling constant is very small, and there is no enhancement in this pr ocess unless a strong gravitational field like a neutron star may rapidly change as a function of thank Prof. K. Nishijima for encouragements and helpful comme nts. In particular, the photon-gravity vertex part and the renormalization procedu re for the scalar field are clarified a great deal through A. Einstein, The foundation of the general theory of relativity , Annalen Phys. 49 (1916), 769 [2] S. Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology, (Wiley & Sons, New Yor k, 1972) [3] T. Fujita, Symmetry and Its Breaking in Quantum Field Theory, (Nova Science Publishers, 2007) [4] T. Fujita, S. Kanemaki and S. Oshima, New Concept of First Qua S. Kanemaki, A. Kusaka, S. Oshima and T. Fujita, Problems of sc alar bosons, in New Fundamentals in Fields and Particles, (Research Signpost, 2008 ) [6] J.D. Bjorken and S.D. Drell, Relativistic Quantum Book Company, 1964) [7] F. Mandl and G. Shaw, Quantum field theory, (John Wiley & Sons , 1993) [8] K. Nishijima, Fields and Particles, (W.A. Benjamin, INC, 1969) 15 | 0804.2518 | Takehisa Fujita | Takehisa Fujita | Quantum Gravity without General Relativity | 15 pages, 1figure | null | null | null | physics.gen-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The quantum field theory of gravitation is constructed in terms of Lagrangian
density of Dirac fields which couple to the electromagnetic field $A_\mu$ as
well as the gravitational field $\cal G$. The gravity appears in the mass term
as $ m(1+g {\cal G}) \bar{\psi}\psi $ with the coupling constant of $g$. In
addition to the gravitational force between fermions, the electromagnetic field
$A_\mu$ interacts with the gravity as the fourth order effects and its strength
amounts to $\alpha$ times the gravitational force. Therefore, the interaction
of photon with gravity is not originated from Einstein's general relativity
which is entirely dependent on the unphysical assumption of the principle of
equivalence. Further, we present a renormalization scheme for the gravity and
show that the graviton stays massless.
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"created": "Wed, 16 Apr 2008 03:50:29 GMT"
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In [10], [11] we have reconsidered the eigen- value problem of a free-electron metal sphere as a function of sphere radius without any assump- tion concerning the particle size and including higher eigenmodes than the dipole ones. We have studied the dipole ( l= 1) and the higher polar- ity plasmon eigenfrequencies ol(R) as well as the plasmon radiative decay rates o'' l(R) as a func- tion of the particle radius Rwith no the lower limit of the particle size in numerical modelling included) forl= 1,2,...6. In [11] we have also studied the plasmon manifestation in scattering and absorb- ing properties of the sphere of arbitrarily large size (retardation included) within full scattering Mie theory. In the present paper, we use the same l= 1,2,...6 and 7,8...10 in addition, and re-examine the for multipolar plasmon frequencies in the so called low radius limit. If the particle is formed from ideal metal (free electrons do not suf- fer from collisions g= 0) and is embedded in vac- uum (eout= 1) the multipolar plasmon frequen- cies according to the low radius limit approxi- mation are expected to be is obtained for l= 1, while eigenmode frequencies approach the frequency of plane surface plasmon at op/
2, in spite of the fact they result from the low ra- dius from the limit of R-0, while plane surface limit is R- ). In this paper we study the reasons of underlying causes for this paradox. 2. Formulation of the eigenvalue problem for a sphere of arbitrary size The starting point is provided by the self- consistent Maxwell 0(1)with no external sources: rext= 0,jext= 0 so jandrare induced current and charge frequency dependent dielectric function e(o) =ein(o) and conductivity s(o) =sin(o) of the sphere is assumed to have the constant bulk value up to the sphere border. The dynamic, lin- ear response of the sphere material is described within standard optics, so the local between the electric displacement Dand electric field intensity Eat the same point in space are valid: D(r,o) =E(r,o) +i oj(r,o) =
e0(1 The sphere is embedded in nonconducting and 0 ande(o) =eoutwill be as- sumed to be eout= 1 in all numerical illustra- tions. The dielectric function of the sphere will be assumed to be the Drude dielectric function ein(o) = 1-o2 p o2-igo. We look for solutions fulfill- ing Maxwell's equations in the form of ( *E= 0) in two homogeneous regions inside and outside the sphere so the wave equa- tion:2E(r) +( 0 for harmonic fields E(r,o) to the Helmholtz = 0 the sphere, q=qoutin the sphere surroundings, The well known scalar solu- tion of the corresponding scalar equation (e.g.[4], [8]) in spherical coordinates ( r,th,ph) (3) wherel= 1,2,..., m= spherical harmonics, and Zl(qr) are spherical Bessel functions jl(qinr) inside the sphere and the spherical Hankel functions hl(qoutr) outside various notations have been have general acceptance, let's recall that the spherical Bessel functions: jl(z) =jl(z)-i*nl(z) The functions andNl+1 2(z) are Bessel, Hankel and 2Neuman cylindrical functions of half order of the standard type according to the convention used e.g. in [7]. From scalar solution pslmone can construct two independent solutions of the vectorial wave equa- tion (2), one with vanishing radial component of the magnetic (rpslm), (5) and the other with vanishing radial component of the electric (rpslm), (7) AlmandBlmare constants that take the sphere. The explicit expressions for the solution with the nonzero radial component of the electric field 0 (and the magnetic field Hr= magnetic (TM) mode in analogy to the flat surface interface case( ppolarization, orelec- tric wave in terminology of [7]) expression for the orthogonal solution with Er= 0 results from eqs.(6,7) (and is named interface case ( spolarization)). The prime in- dicates differentiation in respect to the argument, which We focus our attention on TM mode only. The continuity relationsat the the tangential components of the electric field (the continuity of EthandEph) lead to the (the continuity of HthandHph) lead to (11) is the argument of the Bessel function jl, the argument of the Hankel function for r=
R. The continuity relations for TM mode lead and outside the sphere) only areinterested in the propertiesofthe sphere in the frequency regime of anomalous has no solution for ein(o)<0 ([5] or [14]). Zl(qr) =jl(qinr) is then a function of a complex argument and the solutions given by eqs. (8) are called surface modes. The fields are maximal at the sphere surface, with exception of the l= 1 mode which is uniform throughout the sphere ([4] or [14]). On writing down the dispersion relation for the TM mode (13) in terms of the more com- pact Riccati-Bessel function psl(z) =z*jl(z) and xl(z) =z*h(1) l(z), the dispersion relation for the TM mode = 0(14) The boundary conditions are then satisfied only by a discrete set of characteristic are the roots of the of complex Discretization of complex roots zlmeans the discretization of corresponding val- ueso= ohml,l= 1,2,3...which are allowed to be 30 50 100 l=2 l=1 [eV] R [nm] Fig. 1. Plasmon oscillation frequencies ol(R) as a function of sodium sphere radius Rforl= 1,2,...10 (rigorous solu- tion). The picture illustrates the coincidence of the plas- mon frequencies ol(Rmin,l) with the corresponding within vanishing size approximation (open circles). g= 0. complex:ohm frequencies oland damping rates o'' lfor the TM mode being the sum of corresponding compo- nents of (8) multiplied by The analytic form of zl=zl(ohml(R),R) is not known, nor the analytic form of the relation ohm l(R). Let's notice, that neither zH(o) norzB(o) separately are appropriate to define the set of discrete char- acteristic values, contrary to what is suggested in [8]. We solved the dispersion relation (14) with re- spect to ohm lnumerically by treating the radius R as an external parameter. Riccati-Bessel their derivatives with respect have used the Mueller method of secants of finding numerical solutions of the function f(v) =
0 when one knows the starting approximated val- ues lying in the vicinity of the exact function can be complex (the root func- tion of the Mathcad program). For given land givenR, the complex eigenvalue ohm lwas treated as the parameter to find, successive values of R were external parametersand where changed with the step R2nm up to the final radius value R= 300nm. The values for ol(R) ando'' l(R) l=1R [nm] ol''(R) [eV] Fig.2. Rate of plasmon radiative damping o'' l(R) as a func- tion of sodium sphere radius Rforl= 1,2,...10 resulting from non-approximated radius dependence for g= 0. searched for by starting from approximate values of the root procedure chosen from the range from op 3 up toop 2 correspondingly and for nega- tive values of o'' l. The numerical illustrations have been made for a sodium sphere described by the Drude dielectric function with op= 5.6 eV. 3. Results Very careful study of roots of the of parameter ohm l(R) for given lfor the de- creasing limit of radii Rleads to the conclusion, that if the sphere is of the radius smaller than radius Rmin,l, there exist no ohm l(R) real nor complex. So the complex ohml(R) =ol(R)+io'' l(R) can be attributed to the sphere starting from the characteristic 0 in given l. There exist no purely real solution for ohm l: surface plasmons are always damped, even if the dielectric function e(o) is real (g= 0). Figure 1 and 2 (solid lines with closed the obtained ol(R) ando'' l(R) 0 andl= ando'' l(Rmin,l) values. These figures complete the picture for the R-Rmin,llimit of the corresponding dependence presented in [10], [11]forl= 40 60 = 8l = 9l = 10 l = 2 l = 1 Rmin,l [nm]ol(Rmin,l) [eV] g = 0 /G48/G39 g = 1 /G48/G39 Fig. 3. The relation of the plasmon frequency olandRmin,l for successive values of l= 1,2,...10 for electron 0 and g= 1 50 100 150 R [nm]ol [eV] l=1 Fig. 4. The dependence of damping rates: o'' l(R) for the electron relaxation rate g= 1 eV for successive values of l= 1,2,...10. did not study the limiting case of in detail. More careful search forthese frequenciesin the limit characterized by the eigenvalues ol(Rmin,l) have shown, that they tend to the values which can be approximated by (15) as illustrated by the hollow circles in figure 1. Our numerical experiment shows that on lcan be described as the proportionality on density of free electrons. Rmin,l can be e.g.: Rmin,l=4= 6nm, but it can be as large asRmin,l=10= 87.2nm (the size parameter 2pR/l1 for optical wavelength l). The frequencies o0,lresult from the in the limit of smallsize parameterof the power series expansion of the spherical Bessel and Hankel If one employs the widely used rough [5], (19) the dispersion relation (14) is fulfilled for any radiusRof the sphere, and leads to the 1 (20) giving discrete plasmon in figures 1 and 2 which are dependence resulting from the exact so- lution do not smoothly tend to the value ol(R- 0) with decreasing R, as usually expected (e.g.[3], [5], [10]), but it grows up to ol(Rmin,l) value, as illustrated in figures 1. For R < R min,lthere are no eigenvalues ohm l(R). This behavior of the ohm l(R) dependence is mainly due to fast divergence for the arguments smaller than the range of variability of zH=zH(ohml(R),R) parameters one includes the relaxation rate of the electron gas into the Drude model of the the sphere is relatively slightly red strong modification as illus- trated in figure 3 and 4 respectively for g= 1 eV ([15]). 4. Conclusions By carefully studying the radius dependence of eigenmode problem of a sphere one can of surface plasmon features. In this paper we concentrate on studying the differences of surface plasmon features in the classical picture resulting from treating the radius dependence exactly, and the expectations from the widely applied approxi- mation of the so called low radius limit. We use the example of sodium sphere of plasma frequency op= 5.6 eV , however the conclusions are the surface plasmons are always radiatively damped, even in the absence of collisional process: must be complex. The low radius independent. From the exact calculations plasmon frequencies is more subtle, than theol(R) dependence does not smoothly tend to the value ofthe there is no ohm l(R) =ol(R) +io'' l(R) can be attributed to the sphere starting from the 0. The radii Rmin,lfor higher polari- tieslare not much smaller then the wavelength of the optical range (the anomalous dispersion range of alkalies) so the low limit approximation loses its validity. Our numerical experiment an eigenfrequency in given polarity l, by the corresponding value resulting Even though the problem of the optical properties of metal sphere is at least as old as Mie theory [6], it seems, that the limitation for the smallest cluster still enabling the plasmon os- cillations has not been discussed previously. This by the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN), grant No. 2 P03B 102 Ch. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics , 7th Ed., Wiley, (1996). [2] H. Raether, Excitation of Plasmons and by Electrons , inSpringer Tracts in Modern Physics, vol.88 (1980) [3] F. Forstmann, R..R. Gerhardts, Metal Optics Near the Plasma Frequency, inFestk orperprobleme (Advances in Solid State Physics) , vol.XXII, (1982) p.291 [4] C. F. Bohren, D. R. 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Demianiuk | The smallest free-electron sphere sustaining multipolar surface plasmon
oscillation | null | Computational Material Sciences 35 (2006) 337-341 | null | null | physics.optics | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We study the oscillation frequencies and radiative decay rates of surface
plasmon modes of a simple-metal sphere as a function of sphere radius without
any assumptions concerning the sphere size. We re-examine within the framework
of classical electrodynamics the usual expectations for multipolar plasmon
frequency in the so called "low radius limit" of the classical picture.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 16 Apr 2008 13:41:15 GMT"
] | 2008-04-17T00:00:00 | [
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Lie algebras and algebraic groups. We first give the relation between the bi-one introduced in [Gr00, AZ07, AHS08, AFZ] and the arrow Nichols alge bra introduced in [CR97, CR02, ZZC, ZCZ]. [ZWCYa, ZWCYb] applied the sof tware GAP to compute the representatives of conjugacy classes, centraliz ers of these character tables of these centralizers in Weyl groups of exce ptional type. Using the results in [ZWCYa, ZWCYb] and the classification theorem of quiver Ho pf algebras and Nichols algebras in [ZCZ, Theorem 1] we find all -1-type pointed Hopf algebras and quantum linear spaces with Weyl groups of exceptional type. We pr ove that Nichols algebras of reducible Yetter-Drinfeld modules over Weyl groups of exceptional type are infinite dimensional except a few cases by applying [HS, Theorem 8.2, 8 .6]. This paper is organized as follows. In section 1 it is shown that bi-one a rrow Nichols algebras and B(Os,r) introduced in [DPR, Gr00, AZ07, AHS08, AFZ] are the same up to isomorphisms. In section 2 it is proved that every non -1-type pointed Hopf algebra with realG(H) is infinite dimensional. In section 3 it is shown that every central qua ntum linear space is finite dimensional with an arrow PBW basis. In section 4 t he programs to compute the representatives of conjugacy classes, centraliz ers of these character tables of these centralizers in Weyl groups of exce ptional type are given. In section 5 all -1- type bi-one Nichols algebras over Weyl groups of exceptional ty pe up to graded pull-push YD Hopf algebra isomorphisms are listed in table s. In section 6 all-1- type bi-one Nichols algebras over Weyl groups of exceptional ty pe up to graded pull-push YD Hopf algebra isomorphisms are listed in tables. In section 7 all central quantum linear spaces over Weyl groups of exceptional type are f ound. In section 8 it is proved that except a few cases Nichols algebras of reducible Yette r-Drinfeld modules over Weyl groups of exceptional type are infinite And this paper let kbe the complex field; Gbe a finite group; ^Gdenote the set of all isomorphic classes of irreducible representations of group G;Gsdenote the denote the center of G. ForhGand an isomorphism phfromGtoG', define a sending xtoph(h-1xh) for anyxG. LetsGorOsdenote the conjugacy class containing sinG. The Weyl groups of E6, E7,E8,F4andG2are called Weyl groups of exceptional type . Let degrdenote the dimension of the a representation ( the sets of all positive integers and all integers, respectiv ely. For a setX, we denote by |X|the number of elements in X. IfX=iIX(i)as vector spaces, then we denote by iithe natural injection from X(i)toXand bypithe from XtoX(i). We will use uto denote the multiplication of an algebra and 2use to denote the comultiplication of a coalgebra. For a (left or righ t) module and a (left or right) comodule, denote by a-,a+,d-andd+the left module, right module, left comodule and right comodule structure maps, respectively. Th e Sweedler's sigma notations for coalgebras and comodules are ( x) quiverQ= (Q0,Q1,s,t) is an oriented graph, where Q0andQ1are the sets of vertices and arrows, respectively; sandtare two maps from Q1toQ0. For any arrow aQ1,s(a) andt(a) are called its start vertex and end vertex , respectively, and ais called an arrowfroms(a) tot(a). For anyn>=0, ann-path or a path of length nin the quiverQis an ordered sequence of arrows =s(ai+1) for all 1<=i<=n-1. Note that a 0-path is exactly a vertex and a 1-path is exactly an a rrow. In this case, we define s(p) =s(a1), the start vertex of p, andt(p) =t(an), the end vertex of p. For a 0-path x, we haves(x) =t(x) =x. LetQnbe the set of n-paths. set of all n-paths from xtoy,x,yQ0. That =x,t(p) =y}. A finite sets. A quiver Qislocally finite ifyQx 1is a finite set for any x,yQ0. LetK(G) denote the set of conjugate classes in G. A formal sum conjugate classes of Gwith cardinal number coefficients is called a ramification (or ramification data ) ofG, i.e. for any C K(G),rCis a cardinal number. In particular, a formal sum conjugate classes of Gwith non-negative is a ramification of G. For any ramification randC K(G), sincerCis a cardinal number, we can choose a setIC(r) such that its cardinal number is rCwithout loss of generality. Let Kr(G) :=
{C 0}={C If there exists a ramification rofGsuch that the cardinal number ofyQx 1is equal to rCfor anyx,yGwithx-1yC K(G), thenQis called a Hopf quiver with respect to the ramification data r. In this case, there is a bijection from IC(r) toyQx 1, and hence we K(G). (G,r,- -r,u) is called a ramification system with irreducible representations (or RSR in short ), if ris a ramification of G;uis a map from K(G) K(G);IC(r,u) andJC(i) are sets with |JC(i)|= deg(r(i) C) andIC(r) anyC Kr(G),iIC(r,u);- anyiIC(r,u),C Kr(G). In this paper we always assume that IC(r,u) is a finite set for any C if r(i) Cis a one dimensional representation for any C Kr(G), then (G,r,- -r,u) is called a with characters (or RSC ( G,r,- -r,u) in short ) (see [ZZC, Definition 1.8]). In this written as a(i) y,xin short since JC(i) has only one element. For RSR(G,r,- -r,u), letkh(i) Cdenote the character of r(i) Cfor If ramification r=rCCandIC(r,u) ={i}then we say that RSR( G,r,- -r,u) is bi-one, written as RSR( G,Os,r) withs=u(C) andr=r(i) Cin short, since ronly has one conjugacy class Cand|IC(r,u)|= 1. Quiver Hopf algebras, Nichols algebras and Yetter-Drinfeld modules, corresponding to a bi-one RSR( G,r,- -r,u), are said to be bi-one. If (G,r,- -r,u) is an RSR, then it is clear that RSR( G,Ou(C),r(i) C) is bi-one for any C KandiIC(r,u), which is called a bi-onesub-RSR of RSR( G,r,- an algebra homomorphism and ( M,a-) is a leftA'-module, then Mbecomes a left A-module with the A-action given by a*x=ph(a)*xfor anyaA, xM, called a pullbackA-module through ph, written as phM. Dually, if ph:C-C'is a coalgebra homomorphism and ( M,d-) is a leftC-comodule, then Mis a theC'-comodule structure given by d'-:= (phid)d-, called a written asphM. IfBis a Hopf algebra and Mis aB-Hopf bimodule, then we say that ( B,M) is a Hopf bimodule. For any two Hopf bimodules ( B,M) and (B',M'), ifphis a Hopf from BtoB'andpsis simultaneously a B-bimodule aB'-bicomodule homomorphism fromphMphtoM', then (ph,ps) is called a pull-push Hopf bimodule homomorphism. Similarly, we say that ( B,M) and (B,X) are a Yetter-Drinfeld (YD) module and YD Hopf algebra, respectiv ely, ifMis a YDB-module and Xis a braided Hopf algebra in YD categoryB BYD. For any two YD modules ( B,M) and (B',M'), ifphis a Hopf algebra homomorphism from BtoB', andpsis simultaneously a left B-module homomorphism from MtophM'and a leftB'- comodule homomorphism fromphMtoM', then (ph,ps) is called a pull-push YD For any two YD Hopf algebras ( B,X) and(B',X'), ifphis a Hopf from BtoB',psis simultaneously a left B-module homomorphism from XtophX'and a leftB'-comodule homomorphism fromphXtoX', meantime, psalso is algebra and coalgebra homomorphism from XtoX', then (ph,ps) is called a pull-push YD Hopf algebra homomorphism (see [ZZC, the remark after Th.4]). ForsGand here is a precise description of the YD module in [Gr00, AZ07]. Let t1=s, ...,tmbe a numeration of Os, which is a conjugacy class containing s, and letgiGsuch all 1<=i<=m. ThenM(Os,r) =1<=i<=mgiV. 1<=i<=m, vV. IfvVand 1<=i<=m, then the action of hGand the coaction are given by d(giv) =tigiv, h*(giv) =gj(g*v), for some 1 <=j<=mandgGs. The explicit formula for the braiding is then given by c(givgjw) (0.2) 4for any 1 <=i,j<=m,v,wV, uniquej', denote is a simple YD module (see [AZ07, Section 1.2 ]). Furthermore, if khis the character of r, then we also denote B(Os,r) byB(Os,kh). 1 this section it is shown that bi-one arrow Nichols algebras and B(Os,r) introduced in [Gr00, AZ07, AHS08, AFZ] are the same up to G,r,- B(kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- -r, u)) ( see [ZCZ, Pro. 2.4]), written as B(G,r,- -r, u) in short. Let us recall the pre- cise description of arrow YD module. For an RSR( G,r,- -r,u) and akG-Hopf -r,u) with the module operations a-anda+, define a new left kG-action Withthisleft kG- action and the original left (arrow) a Yetter-Drinfeld = 1}, the set of all arrows with starting vertex 1. It is clear that kQ1 1is a Yetter-Drinfeld kG-submodule of kQ1, denoted by ( kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- -r,u)), called the arrow YD module. Lemma 1.1. For there exists a bi-one arrow Nichols algebra B(G,r,- -r,u)such -r,u) as graded braided Hopf algebras that Vis the representation space of rwithr(g)(v) =g*vfor any gG,vV. degr,u(C) =s,IC(r,u) =r(h-1)(v) for anyhG,vV. We get a bi-one arrow Nichols algebra B(G,r,- -r,u). We now only need to show that -r,u)) inkG kGYD. We recall the notation in [ZCZ, Proposition 1.2]. Assume JC(1) basis {x(1,j) C|j= loss of generality. Let In fact, the left and right coset decompositions of a map from M(Os,r) to (kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- -r,u)) by sending 1<=i<=m,1<=j<=n. Since the dimension is mn,psis a bijective. See d-(ps(givj)) akG-comodule homomorphism. For any hG, i.e.zi(h-1) =g-1, whereziwas defined in [ZZC, (0.3)]. Since g*x(1,j)V, there exist k(1,j,p) C,h-1k, 1<=p<=n, such that =g*x(1,j)(by definition of [ZCZ, Pro.1.2] and (1.2)) . Thereforepsis akG-module homomorphism. Therefore we also say that B(Os,r) is a bi-one Nichols Hopf algebra. Remark 1.2. The representation in [Gr00, AZ07] and r(i) C inRSRare different. r(g)acts on its representation space from the left and r(i) C(g)acts on its representation space from the in the same conjugacy class. If every element in Gis real, thenGis real. Obviously, Weyl groups are real. Lemma 1.3. Assume that sGis real and khis the character of r/hatwiderGs. the order of sis odd, then dimB(Os,r) =. 6Proof. If the order of sis odd, it follows from [AZ07, Lemma 2.2] and [AF07, Lemma 1.3]. Now assume that Sincer(s) =qssid,kh(s) =qss(deg(r)). and dim B(Os,r) =by [AZ07, Lemma 2.2] and [AF07, Lemma 1.3]. . Lemma 1.4. graded pull-push YDHopf algebras if and only if there exist hGand a group isomorphism phfromGtoG'such that ph(h-1sh) =s'andr'phh~=r, wherephh(g) =ph(h-1gh)for conjugacy classes of GandG', respectively; ramifications of GandG', respectively. Applying Lemma 1.1, we only need show that ( kG,B(G,r,- -r',u')) as graded pull-push YD Hopf algebras if and only if there exist hGand a group automorphism group isomorphism Applying[ZCZ, Theorem 4], we only need show that RSR( G,r,- -r',u') if and only if there exist hGand a group isomorphism phfromGtoG'such thatph(h-1u(C)h) =u'(C') This is clear. If we define a relation on group Gas follows: x~yif and only if there exists a phofGsuch thatph(x) andyare contained in the same conjugacy class, then this is an equivalent relation. Let set {si|iohm}denote all representatives of the equivalent classes, which is called the representative system of conjugacy classes ofG under isomorphism relations, or the representative system of iso- conjugacy classes of G in 1.5. Let{si|iohm} Gbe the representative system of ofG. all representatives of the bi-one Nichols algebra over G, up to graded pull-push YDHopf algebra is a bi-one Nichols Hopf algebra over G, then there exist iohm, phAut(G) andhGsuch thatphh(s) =si. Letr'=r(phh)-1. By Lemma as graded pull-push YD Hopf algebras. It follows from Lemma 1.4 that ( kG,B(Osi,r)) and (kG,B(Osj,r')) are not graded pull-push YD Hopf algebra isomorphisms when Diagram In this section it is proved that every non -1-type pointed Hopf algebra with real G(H) is infinite a graded Hopf algebra, then there exists the diagram of H, written diag( H), (see [ZZC, Section 3.1] and [Ra]). If His a pointed Hopf algebra, then the Hopf algebra gr( H) is a graded Hopf algebra. So gr( H) has the diagram, called the filter diagram ofH. diagfilt(H) is written as diag( H) in short when it does not cause confusion (see [AS98, Introduction] ). A graded coalgebra C=
n=0C(n)is strictly graded if (see [Sw, 2.1. IfH=
n=0H(n)is a graded Hopf algebra and R:= graded as coalgebras, then H~=grHas graded Hopf algebras. Proof. By [AS98, Lemma 2.5], His coradically graded, i.e. ***is the coradical filtration of H. Define a mappsfromHto grHby sending atoa+Hm-1for anyaH(m)andm= 0.Obviously, psis bijective. If aH(m), then there exist a(j) s, 1<=s<=nj, such that ( a) See (psps)(a) = (a+Hm-1) (by the definition of comultiplication of gr Hin [Sw, P229] )
= ps(a). Thuspsis a coalgebra homomorphism. Similarly, psis a algebra homomorphism. Consequently, every pointed Hopf algebra of type one ( since its dia gram is Nichols algebra, see [ZCZ, Section 2]) is isomorphic to its filtration Hopf algebr a as graded 2.2. IfRis a graded braided Hopf algebra inkG kGYDand is strictly graded as coalgebra gradations, then the subalgebra -Rgenerated by R(1)as algebras is a Nichols algebra. Furthermore, -Rgenerated by R(1)as algebras in Ris a Nichols algebra when R is the filter diagram of a pointed Hopf algebra H. Proof.We show the first claim by the following steps. of R. In of R. We use induction on nto showd-(x)kG-R. When n= 1, it is clear. Assume n>1. d-(x) =d-(yz) a subcoalgebra of R. We use induction on nto show ( x)-R-R.When n= 1 it is clear. Assume n>1. R(x) = implies R(x)-R-R. For the second claim, since Ris strictly graded as coalgebra gradations (see [AS98, Lemma 2.3 and Lemma 2.4]), -Ris a Nichols algebra by the first claim. Remark 2.3. By [AS02, Cor.2.3 ] graded braided Hopf where-Ris the same as in Lemma 2.2. There exists an RSR(G,r,- graded braided Hopf algebra inkG kGYD, by [ZCZ, Pro. 2.4]. We call -r,u)the Nichols algebra and RSRof H, 2.4. (i) RSR(G,r,- -r,u)is of-1-type, ifu(C)is real and the order of u(C) is even with kh(i) C(u(C)) =-degr(i) C)for anyC Rover groupGis of-1-type if there exists -1-typeRSR(G,r,- -r,u) such thatR~=B(G,r,- -r,u)as graded pull-push YDHopf Hopf algebra Hwith groupG=G(H)is of-1-type if the Nichols algebra ofHis 2.5. (i)IfRSR(G,r,- then so is RSR(G',r',- graded pull-push YDHopf algebras and Ris of-1-type, then so is R', whereRandR'are Nichols algebras over group algebras pointed Hopf algebras HandH'are isomorphic as Hopf algebras and His of -1-type, then so is H'. Proof.(i) There exist a group isomorphism ph:G-G', an element =u'(ph(C)) for anyC K(G) and a bijective map such that anyiIC(r,u). (by the isomorphism )
=-kh(i) C(1) (by the definition of proves the claim. (ii) By [ZCZ, Pro.2.4], there exist two RSR( G,r,- -r,u) and RSR( G',r',- -r',u') -r,u) andR'~=B(G',r',- -r',u') as graded YD Hopf algebras. Thus RSR(G,r,- -r',u') by [ZCZ, Theorem 4]. It follows from Definition 2.4 and Part (i) that RSR( G',r',- -r',u') is of-1-type. (iii) It is clear that gr H~=grH'as graded Hopf algebras. Thus ( graded pull-push YD Hopf algebras by [ZCZ, Lemma 3.1], where kGandkG'are the coradicals of HandH', respectively; R= diagHandR'= diagH'. subalgebras generated by R(1)andR' (1)as algebras in RandR', respectively. It is clear that ( as graded pull-push YD Hopf algebras. It follows from Part (ii) that H'is of-1-type. In fact, the proof of Part (iii) above shows that if two pointed Hopf algebras are isomorphic, then their Nichols algebras are graded pull-push isomorp hic. Similarly, we can prove that their RSR'sare 2.6. IfHis a pointed Hopf algebra with real G=G(H)and is not of -1-type, then His infinite the (filter) diagram of H. By Lemma 2.2, -Rgenerated by R(1)as algebras in Ris a Nichols algebra. By [ZCZ, Pro.2.4 (ii)], there exists an RSR( G,r,- -r,u) such that -R~=B(G,r,- -r,u) is graded pull-push YD Hopf algebra isomorphism. By assumption, there exist C Kr(G) andiIC(r,u) such that the order of u(C) is odd. It follows from Lemma 1.3 that the bi-one Nichols -r',u') is infinite dimensional, where ramification with|IC(r',u')|= 1. LetQ'be a sub-quiver of -r',u')) is a braided subspace of ( kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- -r,u)), we have dim B(G,r,- -r,u) =andHis infinite dimensional. RSR(G,r,- -r,u) is said to be of infinite type ifB(G,r,- -r,u) is infinite it is said to be of finite type . For any RSR( G,r,- -r,u), according to the proof above, if there exist C Kr(G) andiIC(r,u) such that dim B(Ou(C),r(i) C) =, then dimB(G,r,- -r,u) =. In this case RSR( G,r,- -r,u) is said to be of essentially infinite type. Otherwise, it is said to be of non-essentially infinite type . For example, non -1-type RSR over real group is of essentially infinite type. However, it is anop en problem -r,u) is of finite type when it is of non-essentially infinite type, although pa per [AHS08] gave a partial solution to this problem. 103 Generalized quantum linear spaces In this section it is shown that every central quantum linear space is finite dimensional with an arrow PBW the braiding of the braided tensor category ( C,s). IfAandBare two objects of CandsA,BsB,A= idBAandsB,AsA,B= idABthensis said to be symmetric on pair (A,B). Furthermore, if A=B, thensis said to be symmetric on object A, in short, orAis said to be quantum symmetric. Every arrow YD module ( kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- -r,u)) has a decomposition of simple YD -r,u)) :=k{a(i,j) x,1|x YD module over kGhas a decomposition (3.1) since every YD module is iso- morphic to an arrow YD module by [ZCZ, Pro. 2.4], which shows every Y D module over kGis completely reducible (see [AZ07, Section 3.1. AnRSR(G,r,- -r,u)is said to be quantum symmetric if i.e.sis symmetric on pair for any C,D -r,u)is said to be quantum weakly symmetric if sC(i),D(j)= anyC,D (D,j)(i.e. either 3.2. If a non-essentially infinite RSR(G,r,- -r,u)is quantum weakly sym- metric, then RSR(G,r,- -r,u)is a finite type. Proof.It follows from [Gr00, Theorem 2.2]. Lemma 3.3. (i)Assume that His a Hopf algebra with an invertible antipode and M is aYDH-module, Then the braiding sofH HYDis symmetric on Mif and only if sis symmetric on B(M). (ii)The following conditions are equivalent. (1) RSR(G,r,- -r,u)is quantum braiding sofkG kGYDon the arrow -r,u))is braiding sis symmetric on B(G,r,- anyC:=xG,D:=yG anyC:=xG,D:=yG following conditions are equivalent. (1) RSR(G,r,- -r,u)is quantum weakly anyC:=xG,D:=yG anyC:=xG,D:=yG It is clear since Mgenerates B(M) as algebras. (ii) It follows from Definition 3.1 that (1) and (2) are equivalent. Part (i) im- plies that (2) and (3) are equivalent. Obviously, (4) and (2) are equ ivalent. -r,u)) is a YD module, we = (3.2) Therefore, (4) and (5) are It follows from (3.2) that (2) and (3) are equivalent. Obviously (1 ) and (2) according to the definition. Lemma 3.4. ForC:=xG,D:=yG assume that one dimensional representations; The of (3.3) if and only = 1 (3.4) Proof. By [ZCZ, Pro. 1.2] or [ZZC, Pro. 1.9], ( whereak. Thus (3.3) holds if and only if xy=yxanda= 1. By [ZCZ, Pro. 1.2], a= 1 if and only if (3.4) holds. 12Proposition 3.5. IfRSC(G,r,- -kh,u)is non-essentially infinite and (3.4) holds (D,i'), then RSR(G,r,- -r,u)is quantum weakly symmetric. Therefore RSR(G,r,- -r,u)is a finite type. Proof.It follows from Lemma 3.4, Lemma 3.3 and Proposition 3.2. If 0<=i<=n<ord(q) (the order of q), we set (0) q! = (n)q! particular, ( n)q=nwhenq= 1. Lemma 3.6. InkQc(G,r,- -r,u), we have the following K then there exists that r(i) C(g) It follows from [ZCZ, Pro. 1.2]. (ii) LetX(i) Cbe a representation space of k-basis of Pro. 1.2], 3.7. In co-path Hopf algebra kQc(G,r,- -r,u), assumeC:=gG non-negative prove the equality by induction on m. Form= 1, it is easy to see that the equality holds. Now suppose m>1. We (by inductive assumption [CR02, Theorem 3.8] ( by lemma 3.6 that a braided algebra Ain braided tensor category ( C,s) with braiding sis said to be braided commutative or quantum commutative, if ab=us(ab) for any a,bA, whereuis the multiplication of A. By [CR02, Example 3.11], the multiplication of any two arrows Hopf algebra kQc(G,r,- -r,u) (3.5) Lemma 3.8. LetC:=xG,D:=yG co-path Hopf -r,u). Ifxy=yxthenab= 1if and only (3.6) Proof.By (3.5) and [ZCZ, Pro. 1.2], we (3.7) Applying this we can complete the proof. Lemma 3.9. Assume that RSR(G,r,- Z(G)for anyC Kr(G). Letr(i) C(gD) =q(i) C,Didfor anyC,D following conditions are equivalent: (1) RSR(G,r,- -r,u)is quantum 1for anyC,D anyC,D -r,u)is quantum commutative -r,u)is quatntum symmetric. (6) (kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- -r,u))is quantum following conditions are equivalent: (1) RSR(G,r,- -r,u)is quantum weakly 1for anyC,D anyC,D B(G,r,- -r,u) inkG kGYD. By [ZCZ, Pro. = (3.8) (i) By Lemma 3.3 (ii), (1), (5) and (6) are equivalent. It follows from ( 3.8) that (6) and (2) are equivalent. By Lemma 3.8, (3) and (2) are equivalent. Ob viously (3) and (6) are equivalent. (3) and (4) are equivalent since B(G,r,- -r,u) is generated by kQ1 1. (ii) It follows from (3.8) that (1) and (2) are equivalent. (2) and (3) are to (3.6). Lemma 3.10. (See [AS98, Lemma 3.3]) Let Bbe a Hopf algebra and Ra braided Hopf algebra inB BYDwith a linearly independent set {x1...,xt} P(R), the set of all primitive elements in R. Assume that there exist gjG(B)(the set of all in B) that d(xi) =gixi, gi*xj=kijxj,for alli,j= linearly independent, where Niis the order of not a root of unit, orqi= 1) the quantum binomial formula, if 1 <=nj<Nj, then (xnj j) use the following notation: n= N= (N1,***,Nt),1= (1,***,1). Also, we j= 1,***,t. Then, for n<N, we deduce from the quantum binomial formula that (xn) 0 for all i. We shall prove by induction on rthat the set
{xn| |n| <=r,n<N}
is linearly 1 and let 0, withajk, 0<=j<=t. Applying o, we see that a0= 0; by hypothesis we conclude that the other aj's are also 0. Now letr >1 and suppose that 0. Applying o, we see that a0= 0. Then 0 = (z) if|n| <=r, 0<=i<=n, and then|i|< rand|n-i|< r. By the elements xixn-iare linearly independent. Hence ancn,i= 0 andan= 0 for alln,|n| >=1. Thusan= 0 for all n. The quantum linear space was defined in [AS98, Lemma 3.4] and now is ge neralized as 3.11. Ni:= ord(kki,i)<for a finite set. If Ris the algebra generated by set {xj|johm}with relations xNl l= 0, xixj=ki,jxjxifor (3.10) thenRis called the generalized quatum linear space generated by 3.12. (i) RSR(G,r,- -r,u)is said to be a generalized quantum linear type if the following conditions are anyC:=xG,D:=yG Kr(G). (GQL2) there exists k(i,j) x,yksuch anyC:=xG,D:=
yG 1for anyC:=xG,D:=yG 1 < N(i,j) x:= anyC:=xG RSR(G,r,- -r,u)is said to be a central quantum linear type if it is quantum sym - metric and of the non-essentially infinite type with CZ(G)for anyC Kr(G). In -r,u)is called a central quantum linear space over G. Assume that Ais an algebra with {bn|nohm} Aandis a total order of ohm, NnNorfor anynohm. a basis of A, then the basis ( 3.11) is called a PBW basis generated by Q1, then it is called an arrow PBW basis. It is well-known that every quantum linear space is a braided Hopf alge bra and has a BPW basis (see [AS98, Lemma 3.4]). Of course, every generalized qua ntum linear space is finite dimensional. However, it is not known whether every generaliz ed quantum linear space has an PBW 3.13. IfRSR(G,r,- -r,u)is of the generalized quantum linear type, then B(G, r,- -r,u)is a generalized quantum linear space with the arraw -r,u)) total order any two different arrows in B(G,r,- -r,u) are quantum commutative (see Lemma 3.8) and ( bns)Nns= 0 (see Lemma 3.7 ), we have B(G,r,- -r,u) is generated by (3.12). For letgn=xandkn,n'= By [ZCZ, Pro. 1.2] we have d-(bn) =d-(a(i,j) x,1) (GQL1)) . 17Therefore, by Lemma 3.10, (3.12) is linearly independent. Thus (3.12 ) is a basis of B(G,r,- -r,u). LetRis the generalized quantum linear space generated by It is clear that there exists an algebra map psfromRtoB(G,r,- -r,u) by sending Since B(G,r,- -r,u) has an arrow PBW basis (3.14), psis isomorphic. Proposition 3.14. Assume that C={gC} =q(i) C,Didfor any C,D Kr(G),iIC(r,u). Then (i) RSC(G,r,- -kh,u)is of the central quantum linear type if and only if anyC,D RSC(G,r,- -kh,u)is quantum weakly symmetric with non-essetially infinite ty pe if and only if anyC,D (D,j). Proof. (i) If RSC( G,r,- -kh,u) is of the central quantum linear type, then dim B (G,Ou(C), r(i) C)<for anyC Kr(G),iIC(r,u). LetN(i) C:= ord(q(i) C,C) not a root of unit or q(i) C,C= 1 ). By Lemma 3.10, linearly independent. Thus 1 <ord(q(i) C,C)<. Since RSR( G,r,- -r,u) is 1 by Lemma 3.9. Conversely, by Lemma 3.9, RSR( G,r,- -r,u) is quantum symmetric. It is clear that RSR(G,r,- quantum linear type. Thus itis ofthenon-esse ntially infinite type by Proposition 3.13. (ii) It is similar to (i). The following is the consequence of Proposition 3.13 and Proposition 3 .15. Proposition 3.15. IfRSR(G,r,- -r,u)is of the central quantum linear type, then B(G,r,- -r,u)is a generalized quantum linear space with the arrow -r,u)) total order andNns= particular, if RSR(G,r,- -r,u)is quantum weakly commutative and of -1-type with CZ(G)for anyC Kr(G), then it is of the central quantum linear type with N(i) C= -r,u)) = (3.16) 18Remark 3.16. RSR(G,r,- -r,u)is called a central ramification system with (or CRSRin short ) if CZ(G)for anyC Kr(G). IfGis a real group andr=rCC, thenCRSR(G,r,- -r,u)is of finite type if and only only if CRSR(G,r,- -r,u) is-1-type. Indeed, The necessity follows from Proposition 2.6. the sufficiency follows from Proposition 3.14 anyiIC(u,r). 4 Program In this section the programs to compute the representatives of c onjugacy classes, central- izers of these representatives and character tables of these ce ntralizers in Weyl groups of exceptional type are given. By using the programs in GAP, papers [ZWCYa, ZWCYb] obtained the of conjugacy classes of Weyl groups of exceptional type an d all character tables of centralizers of these representatives. We use the results in [ZWCY a, ZWCYb] and the following program in GAP for Weyl group Display (q); gap>for i in [1..q] i in [1..q] gap>for i in [1..q] j in [1..t] do
>if >fi;od;
>od; The programs for Weyl groups of E7,E8,F4andG2are similar. It is possible that the order of representatives of conjugacy classes of Gchanges when one uses the program. 5 Tables about -1- type In this section all -1- type bi-one Nichols algebras over Weyl groups of exceptional ty pe up to graded pull-push YD Hopf algebra isomorphisms, are listed in tab le 1-12. Table 1 is about Weyl group W(E6); Tables 2-4 are about Weyl group W(E7); Tables 5-10 are about Weyl group W(E8); Table 11 is about Weyl group W(F4); Table 12 is about Weyl group that B(Osi,kh(j) i) is 2525 s2cl2[3]4 4,5,6,7,17 2015 s3cl3[24]2 13,14,23,24,25 2520 s4cl4[17]4 2,4,10,15,16 2015 s5cl5[7]4 3,4,7,8 1612 s6cl6[2]2 2516 s7cl7[19]2 2010 s8cl8[26]3 2727 s9cl9[2]6 2,4,13 1815 s10cl10[2]2 3,4,13 2 109 s14cl14[9]5 3,4,6,13,14 1611 s16cl16[3]8 2 87 s17cl17[3]6 13 2 3,4 1210 s20cl20[2]9 99 s21cl21[2]3 2,4,13 2 10,11,12 2118 s25cl25[4]6 3,4,13 1815 Table that B(Osi,kh(j) i) is of-1-type 6060 s2cl2[16]18 2 1817 s3cl3[15]9 1818 s4cl4[2]3 4848 s5cl5[4]6 4838 s6cl6[2]2 2,3,6,7,25,26 3630 s8cl8[23]3 5454 s9cl9[2]2 2,3,4,5,26,28 3630 s11cl11[2]2 3,4,7,8,26,28 3630 s13cl13[4]2 6050 s15cl15[3]3 2,4,6,8 3228 s21cl21[3]4 2,5,7,8 49,50,51,52 6056 Table that B(Osi,kh(j) i) is 3,4,7,8 3228 s26cl26[2]2 3,4,7,8,26,28 2,4,6,8 5445 s39cl39[7]6 2,3,6,7 2,3 3,4,7,8 4236 s44cl44[5]4 6448 s45cl45[6]6 6655 s46cl46[6]6 2,3,6,7 2,4 2,4,21 3027 Table that B(Osi,kh(j) i) is 2 3030 s51cl51[8]7 2 6050 s54cl54[5]8 3,5,6,8 3,4 3,5,6,8 3228 s57cl57[3]4 2,4 3,5,6,8 4844 s60cl60[9]4 6448 Table that B(Osi,kh(j) i) is of-1-type 2 3029 s3cl3[23]15 3030 s4cl4[2]5 4545 s5cl5[3]3 6,7,27,41 4541 s7cl7[2]2 10288 s9cl9[4]30 2,4 6060 s11cl11[5]5 7070 s12cl12[2]3 2,4,6,8,41,44 6054 s14cl14[3]2 2,3 7063 s18cl18[4]6 3,4 41,42 5048 s21cl21[8]2 3,4,7,8,42,44 6054 Table that B(Osi,kh(j) i) is of-1-type 3,5,6,8,41 5045 s26cl26[2]2 2,3 4038 s28cl28[4]4 7263 s32cl32[2]3 8070 s34cl34[3]4 4430 Table that B(Osi,kh(j) i) is of-1-type 2,3 9686 s42cl42[4]6 2,4,6,8,9, 10,12,14,16 6456 s47cl47[3]4 8070 s50cl50[3]4 7260 Table that B(Osi,kh(j) i) is of-1-type 2,4,6,8 4844 s55cl55[4]6 7260 s62cl62[2]2 2,4,37 3,4 3634 s68cl68[4]6 2,4 3634 s70cl70[4]6 that B(Osi,kh(j) i) is 2,5,6 4,5,6,7 4844 s74cl74[3]4 2,3,6,7,49,52 8477 s78cl78[4]6 7,8,14,37,38 4843 s80cl80[4]4 2 2,3 3,4 2,4 8470 Table that B(Osi,kh(j) i) is 2,3,10,23,24 2 2,4,6,8,50,52 7266 s94cl94[4]6 2,4,17,18,29,30 2,4 2,4 3,4 3,4 2,4,26 that B(Osi,kh(j) i) is 2525 s2cl2[2]2 2516 s3cl3[25]2 17,18,19,20,25 2520 s4cl4[16]4 3,4,6,13,14 1611 s5cl5[5]3 1818 s6cl6[15]6 3,4,13 1815 s7cl7[10]2 2010 s8cl8[19]2 2010 s9cl9[16]4 3,5,6,8 3,4,13 1815 s12cl12[9]3 10,11,12 2 2,3 2,4 2010 s19cl19[6]4 2,4,6,8 2,3 2,4 1210 s22cl22[2]2 168 s23cl23[4]8 2 87 s24cl24[17]4 2,4,6,8,18 2015 s25cl25[9]4 2,4,6,8,17 2015 Table that B(Osi,kh(j) i) is 66 s2cl2[3]2 2,4 42 s3cl3[3]2 2,4 42 s4cl4[4]2 3,4,5 63 s5cl5[3]6 2 65 s6cl6[5]3 66 Table 12 6 Bi-one Nichols algebras over Weyl groups of ex- ceptional type In this section all -1-type bi-one Nichols algebra over Weyl groups Gof exceptional type up to graded pull-push YD Hopf algebra isomorphisms are given. In Table 1-12, we use the following notations. sidenotes the representative of i-th conjugacy class of G(Gis the Weyl group of exceptional type); kh(j) idenotes the j-th character of Gsifor the number of conjugacy classes of the the number of character kh(j) iofGsiwith non cli[j] denote that siis inj-th conjugacy class of Gsi. We give one of the main results. Theorem 1. LetGbe a Weyl group of exceptional type. Then (i)For any bi-one Nichols algebra B(Os,kh)over Weyl group G, there exist siin the first column of the table of that graded pull-push YDHopf of-1-type if and only if jappears in the fourth column of the table ofG; (iii) dim( B(Osi,kh(j) i)) =ifjdoes not appears in the fourth column of the table of G. Proof. (i) We assume that Gis the Weyl group of E6without loss of exists sisuch thatsiandsare in the same conjugacy class since the representatives of all conjugacy classes of G. Lemma 1.1 and [ZCZ, The remark of Pro. 1.5] or Proposition 1.5 yield that there exists jsuch that ( as graded pull-push YD Hopf algebras, since all characters of all irreducible representations of Gsi. (ii) It follows from the program. 33(iii) It follows from Lemma 1.3. By [Ca72], W(G2) is isomorphic to dihedral group D6. Sety=s5andx=s3. It is clear thatxyx=y-1with ord(y) = 6 and ord( x) = 2. Thus it follows from [AF07, Table 2] that dim( B(Os5,kh(2) 5)) = 4<. It is clear that if there exists phAut(G) such that ph(si) =sjthen ord(si) Weyl group Gof exceptional type. representative system of iso-conjugacy classes of W(E6) representative system of iso-conjugacy classes of W(F4) The representative system of iso-conjugacy classes of W(G2) Pointed Hopf algebras over Weyl groups of excep- tional type In this section all central quantum linear spaces over Weyl groups of exceptional type are found. Lemma 7.1. Z(W(E6)) ={1};Z(W(E7)) ={1,s6};Z(W(E8)) ={1,s7};Z(W(F4)) thenGsi=G. (i) LetG=W(W6). The number of conjugacy classes of Gis 25 by table 1. The numbers of conjugacy classes of both Gs3andGs6also are 25. G,Gs3andGs6have 16, 8 and 4 one dimensional representations, respectively, according t o the character tables in [ZWCYa]. Thus s3ands6do not belong to the center of G. (ii) LetG=W(W7). The number of conjugacy classes of 60 by table 1 -4. They have 2, 2, 24, 8, 3, 24, 48, 24, 24 and 8 one dimensional representations, respectively, according t o the character tables in [ZWCYa]. Thus they do not belong to the center of Gbuts6. Obviously s6Z(G). (iii) LetG=W(W8). The number of conjugacy classes of G,Gs7, andGs39is 112 by table 5-10. They have 2, 2 and 64 one dimensional representatio ns, to the character tables in [ZWCYb]. Thus s39does not belong to the center of G. Obviously Thenumber of G,Gs2, andGs3is25by table 11. They have 4, 4 and 16 one dimensional representations, respe ctively, according to the character tables in [ZWCYa]. Thus s3does not belong to the center of G. Obviously s2 Z(G). (v) LetG=W(G2). The number of conjugacy classes of G,Gs4,Gs5, andGs6is 6 by table 12. They have 4, 4, 6 and 6 one dimensional representations, respectively, according 34to the character tables in [ZWCYa]. Thus s5ands6do not belong to the center of give the other main result. Theorem 2. Every central quantum linear space B(G,r,- -r,u)over Weyl Groups of exceptional type is one case in the {kh(j) 6|j= 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 {kh(j) 7|j= 3, 4, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19,29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 45, 46, 51, 52, 56, 57, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 71, 79, 80, 82, 83, 89, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 99, 100, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 112 }for {kh(j) 2|j= 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25 }for G,r,- -r.u) is of-1-type. Applying Lemma 7.1 we have that B(G,r,- -r.u) is a central quantum linear space. Similarly, B(G,r,- -r.u) is a central quantum linear space under the other if B(G,r,- -r.u) is a central quantum linear space over Weyl Group Gof exceptional type, then for any C Kr(G),Chas to be {s6}withG=W(E7) by Lemma 7.1. This implies r=rCCandCis one case in this theorem. Furthermore, every bi-one type for anyiIC(r,u) is of-1-type by Proposition 2.6. Applying Theorem 1 and Table 2, Table 5, Table 11 and Table 12, we have that kh(i) Chas to be one case in this theorem for any iIC(r,u). In other words we have Remark 7.2. LetGbe a Weyl Group of exceptional type and aYDmodule over kG. ThenB(M)is finite dimensional in the following the characters of r(1),r(2),***, r(m)are in{kh(j) 6|j= 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60 the characters of r(1),r(2),***, r(m)are in{kh(j) 7|j= 3, 4, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19,29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 45, 46, 51, 5 2, 56, 57, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 71, 79, 80, 82, 83, 89, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 99, 100, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 112 the characters of r(1),r(2),***, r(m)are in{kh(j) 2|j= 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25 the characters of r(1),r(2),***, r(m)are Nichols algebras of reducible YDmodules In this section it is proved that except a few cases Nichols algebras o f reducible Yetter- Drinfeld modules over Weyl groups of exceptional type are infinite d said to be if stst=tstsfor anys Osi,t Osj. aandbare said to be if abab=baba. Lemma 8.1. LetGbe a Weyl group of Exceptional not commutative for any not when not when not when not when = (9,11),(9,13), (11,19), (13,19), ori,j= = (5,14),(5,24), (8,14), (8,24), (14,35), (14,80), (24,35), (24,80), or i,j= = (3,3),(3,4), (3,7), (3,8), (3,17), (3,18), (3,24), (3,25), (4,4), (4,7), (4,8), (4,17), (4,18), (4,24), (4,25), (7,12), (7,13), (7,17), (7,18), (8,12), (8,13), (8,17), (8,18), (12,17), (12,18), (13,17), (13,18), ori,j= 1,2}. (i) It follows from Table in W(E7) for not if ( there does not exist tsuch table in W(E8) for are not if ( there does not exist tsuch in table in W(F4) for in W(F4) if there does not exist tsuch in table in W(G2) for any (i,j) but (i,j) = not , respectively. 36Note that we have proved that OsiandOsjare in G= (W(E7)), G= (W(E8))andG= i,j)A,B,C, respectively. Theprograms to prove that OsiandOsjinW(E7) are are the k in [1..m] l in [1..n] (s*t)^2 = (t*s)^2 then
>Print( k=,k, AND l=,l, any reducible YD module MoverkG, there are at least two irreducible YD sub- modules of M. Therefore we only consider the direct sum of two irreducible YD mod ules. We give the final main result. Theorem 3. LetGbe a Weyl group of Exceptional Type. Then =in the following cases: (i)G=W(E6). (ii) 6. (iii) 7. (iv) 2. (v) 4. Proof.It follows from [HS, Theorem 8.2, Theorem 8.6] and Lemma 8.1. Note th at the orders of s12inW(F4) ,s5inW(E8) ands6inW(G2) are odd. not s7s3s-1 7, s7s4s-1 7, s7s4s-1 7, s7s5s-1 7, s8s6s-1 8, s7s5s-1 7, s8s6s-1 8, s16,s17,s18, s2s8s-1 2, s2s9s-1 2, s3s10s-1 3, s2s11s-1 2, s2s12s-1 2, s2s10s-1 2, s2s11s-1 2, s2s12s-1 2, s2s11s-1 2, s2s12s-1 2, s2s13s-1 2, s2s12s-1 2, s2s14s-1 2, s5s16s-1 5, s2s18s-1 2, s2s21s-1 2, s2s24s-1 2, s2s24s-1 2, not s2s60s2s-1 60, s60s3s-1 60, s60s4s-1 60, s3s26s-1 3, s3s26s-1 3, s2s30s-1 2, s3s26s-1 3, s2s30s-1 2, s2s32s-1 2,s2s40s-1 2,s2s44s-1 2, s2s55s-1 2,s2s57s-1 2,s2s58s-1 2 s22s2s22s-1 2,s2s23s-1 2,s2s24s-1 2,s2s45s-1 2 s23s2s23s-1 2,s2s24s-1 2,s2s45s-1 2 s24s2s24s-1 2,s2s45s-1 2 s25s2s25s-1 2,s2s49s-1 2,s2s56s-1 2,s2s57s-1 2 s26s3s26s-1 3,s2s27s-1 2,s2s30s-1 2,s2s31s-1 2,s2s44s-1 2, s2s54s-1 2,s2s57s-1 2,s2s59s-1 2,s2s60s-1 2 s27s2s27s-1 2,s2s29s-1 2,s2s38s-1 2,s2s39s-1 2,s2s45s-1 2, s2s59s-1 2 s28s2s30s-1 2,s2s57s-1 2 s29s2s29s-1 2,s2s30s-1 2,s2s31s-1 2,s2s32s-1 2,s2s33s-1 2,s2s34s-1 2,s2s36s-1 2,s2s45s-1 2,s2s59s-1 2 s30s2s30s-1 2,s2s31s-1 2,s2s34s-1 2 s31s2s31s-1 2 s32s2s32s-1 2,s2s33s-1 2,s2s46s-1 2,s2s55s-1 2,s2s58s-1 2 s33s2s33s-1 2,s2s46s-1 2 s34s2s34s-1 2,s2s35s-1 2,s2s53s-1 2,s2s59s-1 2 s35s2s35s-1 2,s2s53s-1 2 s36s2s36s-1 2,s2s37s-1 2,s2s43s-1 2 s37s2s37s-1 2,s3s43s-1 3 s38s2s38s-1 2,s2s39s-1 2 s39s2s39s-1 2 s40s2s40s-1 2,s2s41s-1 2 s41s2s41s-1 2,s2s59s-1 2 s42s2s42s-1 2 s43s2s43s-1 2 s44s2s44s-1 2 s45s2s45s-1 2 s46s2s46s-1 2 s47s2s47s-1 2,s2s48s-1 2,s2s49s-1 2,s2s50s-1 2 s48s2s48s-1 2,s2s49s-1 2,s2s50s-1 2 s49s2s49s-1 2,s2s50s-1 2 s50s2s50s-1 2 s51s2s51s-1 2,s2s52s-1 2 s52s2s52s-1 2 Table not s5s41s5s-1 41,s54s15s-1 54,s112s18s-1 112,s9s26s-1 9,s2s38s-1 2,s2s106s-1 2, s6s2s12s-1 2,s2s44s-1 2 s8s41s8s-1 41,s112s12s-1 112,s2s22s-1 2, s9s26s-1 9, s2s39s-1 2, not s3s23s9s-1 23,s23s19s-1 23,s5s23s-1 5, s4s14s22s-1 14,s20s23s-1 20 s5s23s12s-1 23,s23s13s-1 23 s6s23s12s-1 23,s23s13s-1 23 s7s14s7s-1 14,s14s8s-1 14,s14s9s-1 14,s14s22s-1 14,s14s24s-1 14,s14s25s-1 14 s8s14s8s-1 14,s14s9s-1 14,s14s22s-1 14,s14s24s-1 14,s14s25s-1 14 s9s14s9s-1 14,s14s19s-1 14,s23s23s-1 23 s10s23s12s-1 23,s23s13s-1 23 s11s23s12s-1 23,s23s13s-1 23 s12s23s24s-1 23,s23s25s-1 23 s13s23s24s-1 23,s23s25s-1 23 s14s14s22s-1 14,s23s23s-1 23 s15s23s20s-1 23,s23s21s-1 23 s16s23s20s-1 23,s23s21s-1 23 s17s14s17s-1 14,s14s18s-1 14,s14s19s-1 14,s14s22s-1 14,s14s24s-1 14,s14s25s-1 14 s18s14s18s-1 14,s14s19s-1 14,s14s22s-1 14,s14s24s-1 14,s14s25s-1 14 s19s14s19s-1 14,s14s23s-1 14 s22s14s22s-1 14,s14s23s-1 14,s14s24s-1 14,s14s25s-1 14 s23s14s23s-1 14,s14s24s-1 14,s14s25s-1 14 s24s14s24s-1 14,s14s25s-1 14 s25s14s25s-1 14 Table : We would like to thank Prof. N. Andruskiewitsch and Dr. F. Fantino for suggestions and help. The first author and the second author were finan- cially supported by the Australian Research Council. S.C.Zhang thank s the School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland for hospita N. Andruskiewitsch and F. Fantino, On pointed Hopf algebras associated to un- mixed conjugacy classes in Sn, J. Math. Phys. 48(2007), 033502-1- 033502-26. N. Andruskiewitsch, F. Fantino, On pointed Hopf algebras as sociated with alter- nating and dihedral groups, preprint, N. Andruskiewitsch, F. Fantino, Shouchuan Zhang, On pointe d Hopf with symmetric groups, Manuscripta Mathematica, acc epted. N. Andruskiewitsch and M. Gra~ na, From racks to pointed Ho pf algebras, 177-243. [AHS08] N. Andruskiewitsch, I. Heckenberger, H.-J. Schneider, T he Nichols algebra of a semisimple Yetter-Drinfeld module, preprint, N. Andruskiewitsch and H. J. Schneider, Lifting of quantum lin ear spaces and pointed Hopf algebras of order p3, J. Alg. 209(1998), 645-691. [AS02] N. Andruskiewitsch and H. J. Schneider, Pointed Hopf algebr as, new directions in Hopf algebras, edited by S. Montgomery and H.J. Schneider, Cambr adge 2002. [AS00] N. Andruskiewitsch and H. J. Schneider, Finite quantum grou ps and Cartan ma- trices, Adv. Math. 154(2000), 1-45. [AS05] N. Andruskiewitsch Hopf algebras, Ann. Math., accepted. Also math.QA/05021 57. [AZ07] N. Andruskiewitsch and Shouchuan Zhang, On pointed Hopf a lgebras associated to some conjugacy classes in Sn, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135(2007), R. W. Carter, Conjugacy classes in the Weyl group, Compos itio 1-59. [CR02] C. Cibils and M. Rosso, Hopf quivers, J. Alg. 254(2002), 241-251. [CR97] C. CibilsandM. Rosso, quantiques, Adv. R. Dijkgraaf, V. Pasquier and P. Roche, Quasi Hopf algebras , group cohomology and orbifold models, Nuclear Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 18B(1991), pp. 60-72. [Fa07] F. Fantino , On pointed Hopf algebras associated with the Mat hieu simple M. Gra~ na, On Nichols algebras of low dimension, Contemp. Mat I. Heckenberger, Classification of arithmetic root systems , I. Heckenberger and H.-J. Schneider, Root systems and Weyl groupoids for preprint D. E. Radford, The structure of Hopf algebras with a project ion, J. Alg. M. E. Sweedler, Hopf algebras, Benjamin, New York, 1969. [ZCZ] Shouchuan Zhang, H. X. Chen and Y.-Z. Zhang, Classification o f quiver Hopf algebras and pointed Hopf algebras of type one, preprint arXiv:080 2.3488. [ZWCYa] Shouchuan Zhang, Peng Wang, Jing Cheng, Hui Yang, The c haracter tables of centralizers in Weyl Groups of E6,E7,F4,G2, Preprint Shouchuan Zhang, Peng Wang, Jing Cheng, Hui Yang, The c haracter tables of centralizers in Weyl Groupof E8: I- V, Preprint. arXiv:0804.1995, arXiv:0804.2004, Shouchuan Zhang, Y.-Z. Zhang and H. X. Chen, Classification o f PM quiver Hopf algebras, J. Alg. Appl. 6(2007)(6), 919-950. Also | 0804.2602 | Shouchuan Zhang | Shouchuan Zhang, Yao-Zhong Zhang, Peng Wang, Jing Cheng, Hui Yang | On Pointed Hopf Algebras with Weyl Groups of exceptional type | 44pages | null | null | null | math.QA | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | All -1-type pointed Hopf algebras and central quantum linear spaces with Weyl
groups of exceptional type are found. It is proved that every non -1-type
pointed Hopf algebra with real $G(H)$ is infinite dimensional and every central
quantum linear space over finite group is finite dimensional. It is proved that
except a few cases Nichols algebras of reducible Yetter-Drinfeld modules over
Weyl groups of exceptional type are infinite dimensional.
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As an aside, observe that while a Dirac delta function satisfies the se cond requirement, it fails to satisfy the first one so it is not a reproducing kernel. The actual form and e xistence of a closed form is closely tied to the shape of the region of interest. Reprod ucing kernels and their associated spaces (RKHSs) were first studied by Bergman and others and then broug ht to a mature state of development over fifty years ago (for a summary of this work and historical comment s see Aronszajn [1], or [7] {which consider the following four important properties of a reprodu cing (1) i.e., all real reproducing kernels are (2) is (3) Two different reproducing kernels over ohm cannot exis t for the same norm.
*Property (4) For norms that can be expressed as integrals over ohm , two different norms cannot share the same reproducing the dummy integration or inner-product variables. Proper ty (1) follows immediately from the fact that ( = and that ( f, g) = (g, f). Since this property means that every reproducing kernel is symme tric, the adjective symmetric will normally be used. Next consider Property (2). Let Hbe a space of square integrable functions so that bounded for allfH, (K(/vectorP,*), K(/vectorP,*)) is bounded. Because bounded, it follows that is bounded since = (K(/vectorP,*), K(/vectorQ,*) some with = consequently, Property (3) must hold. To prove Property (4) some additional notation is required. First c onsider only inner-products defined without embedded operators that can be described in terms of weig hted integrals: (f, the weight. Let two such different norms or inner products exist a nd label them The statement that these yield different norms then means that fandgalways exist such that (f, g)B, which, in turn, means that since the regions are the same they hav e different Ordinarily a vector dummy argument is tied to the implementation of t he norm and the choice of symbol for it does not matter, but here the choice of dummy arguments must be tracked, that vector field variable /vectorQfills this role. Then, contrary to our assumption, observe that (f, g)A(f, f)B(/vectorP), g)A(/vectorX), f)B(/vectorP)(f, g)B (where the step in the middle corresponds to rearranging the integ rals of the associated inner which proves the desired result for weighted norms . This line of argument can be the (weighted) Dirichlet (4) is usually proved in terms of Hilbert space inner produc ts that have a quadratic form [1, 2], but the derivation just given in terms of inner products with an integral form is more natural in the present context since it clearly generalizes all the inner products e ncountered in [5] and it does not the assumption of a countable basis. (Other standard fea tures of RKHS theory were also derived in [6] without resorting to the usual technical functional analysis a ssumptions.) Property (4) means that there are usually infinitely many possible symmetric reproducing kern els for a given region since there a like 2number of possible norms. Finally, routinely some norm and associate d symmetric reproducing kernel can be transformed by using the action of a positive definite linear differe ntial operator (or linear representer) to yield a new norm and associated symmetric reproducing kernel (s ee, for example, Moritz N. Aronszajn, Theory of Reproducing Kernels , Am. Math. Soc. Trns. 68(1950), 337-404. [2] Haakan Hedenmalm, Boris Korenblum and Kehe Zhu, Theory of Bergman Spaces , Springer-Verlag, New York, N.Y., 2000. [3] L' aszl' oM' at' e, Hilbert Space Methods in Science and Engineering , Bristol, England, 1989. [4] Helmut Moritz, Advanced Physical Geodesy , Abacus Press, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, 1980. [5] Alan Rufty, A Based Dual-Access Collocation-Kern el Approach to Modeling , SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 68, No. 1, 199-221. [6] Alan Rufty, point-source harmonic interpolation overR3spherical II , Howard L. Weinert (editor), Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces Applications in Statist ical Signal Pro- cessing, Benchmark Papers in Electrical Engineering and computer Science / 25, Hutchinson Ross Publishing Company, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 1982. 3 | 0804.2700 | Alan Rufty | Alan Rufty | Four Properties of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces | 3 pages | null | null | null | math.FA math.GM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | A reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) has four well-known easily derived
properties. Since these properties are usually not emphasized as a simple means
of gaining insight into RKHS structure, they are singled out and proved in this
brief article.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 16 Apr 2008 23:01:34 GMT"
] | 2008-04-18T00:00:00 | [
] |
2 Y. T. Cui et al: Electronic Structures of Fe 3-xVxSi Probed by PES that the substitution of Fe for V in Fe 3Si causes not only the development of the pseudo gap but also a chemical potential shift to higher en ergy, which are also supported by the theoretical calculations [4, 5]. All of above mentioned physical behaviours could be mainly controlled by the electronic states close to Fermi level ( EF). So, in order to clarify those physical properties of Fe 3-xVxSi, it is important to study their electronic structures directly by a photoemission spectroscopy (PES). In this paper, the electronic structure in the valence band region will be investigated with synchrotron radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet and soft x-ray regions and a core level photoemission spectroscopy is also used to illustrate the chemical potential shift against the V concentration. 2 Experimental Fe3-xVxSi polycrystalline samples were prepared by repeated arc-melting of mixtures of Fe, V and Si under purified argon atmosphere. The subsequent post-annealing was performed at 1123 K for 5 days to improve the homogeneity of the alloys. Specimens were cut from the ingots by spark cutting with Cu wire to a size of 1.2 x1.2x5 mm3. The experiment was carried out with synchrotron radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and soft X-ray regions. The VUV photoemission spectroscopy (VUV-PES) was measured with a hemispherical analyzer at BL-7 of Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center (HSRC). The soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (SX-PES) was also m easured at the undulator beamline BL-23SU of SPring-8. The angle between the incident photon beam and th e lens axis of the analyzer was 45 @. The acceptance angle of the analyzer was set to +-8 @. The Fermi energy and the total energy resolution were checked with the evapo- rated Au film. The evaluated total energy resolutions for the VUV photoemission at 50 K were 54 meV and 190 meV for the photon energies ( hv) of 38 eV and 146 eV, respectively. For the soft X-ray photo- emission at room temperature the total energy resolution was 300 meV for hv = 1030 eV. Clean surfaces of the specimens were obtained by in situ fracturing with a knife edge, and they were confirmed by the O 1 s core level for the SX-PES as well as the O 2 p signal in the valence band for VUV-PES. 3 Result and discussion The Si 2 p core level spectra have been measured at hv = 146 eV (see Fig.2). We plot the binding ener- gies of 2 p3/2 and 2 p1/2 main peaks as a function of x in Fig.3. It is clearly found that the Si 2 p main peaks shift to higher binding energy with increasing x. The observed core-level shift is possibly due to a chemical potential shift to higher energy. There would also be another possibility of a chemical shift due to a different environment of Si atom with different vanadium concentration. However, since the V atom prefers to occupy the Fe I site, the Si atom is still surrounded by 8 Fe II atoms while keeping the environ- ment of Si, then the ch emical shift should be excluded. Besides the Si 2 p main peaks, there is a some- what broad structure at lower binding ener gy, it is also recognized that the Si 2 p main peaks are broader for the larger x, which might come from an atomic disorder at the surface or inside the crystal. In order Crystal structure of ordered Fe 3Si Y. T. Cui et al: Electronic Structures of Fe 3-xVxSi Probed by PES 3 Si 2p3/2 EB (eV) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 V concentration Si 2p1/2 EB (eV) Si 2p1/2 Si 2p3/2Fe3-xVxSi find the origin of these additional structures, the Si 2p core-level spectra have been measured again using soft x-ray ( hv = 1030 eV) at room temperature (for x = 0 and 0.8) and are plotted in the inset of Fig.2. Note that the additional structures at low binding energy are markedly reduced in the SX-PES spectra. This result indicates that they are mainly due to the surface effect if we take into account the shorter electron mean-free path for the electro ns with smaller kinetic energy. The valence band spectra measured at hv = 38 eV and T = 50 K with different x are shown in Fig.4. We find two sharp peaks denoted as A (just below EF) and C (at 1.5 eV below EF) for x = 0. It is noticed that the structure C shifts to higher binding energy ( EB) and is less weighted with increasing x. Besides, the intensity of peak A is also gradually reduced and the peak position does not change toward larger x. For x > 0.4, the peak B develops around 1 eV and it becomes sharper and shifts to larger EB with increas- ing x. In order to assign these main structures, the valence band spectra taken at the different photon energies for x = 0 and 0.8 are compared in Fig.5. It implies that the intensities at EF are enhanced in the VUV-PES spectra for both x = 0 and 0.8 compared to those in the SX-PES spectra, which are more bulk sensitive. In Fig.5, the photoemission intensities for the structures E and F are enhanced at the higher photon energy. By taking into account the photoioni zation cross section, some structures can be separated into dif- ferent component contributions, because the cross section of V 3 d state decreases faster than that of Fe 3d state, while that of Si 3 p state decreases more moderately than that of Fe 3 d state with increasing photon energy. It is considered that the structures E and F should be Si 3 p and Si 3 s derived states, re- spectively. The spectral intensity at EF for x = 0.8 is much reduced with increasing photon energy com- pared to that for x = 0, which means the density of states at EF should be mainly owing to the contribu- tion of V 3 d state for large x. The structure B emerges and enhanced with adding V atoms at hv = 38 eV, which should be related to the V 3 d states. While for x = 0.8, with increasing hv, the spectral intensity of the structure B does not change so much as that at EF, which means it is mainly due to the contribution of Fe 3d states. Although it seems difficult for the structure D to be assigned only from the cross section, Fig.3 Binding energies of Si 2 p3/2 and 2 p1/2 main peaks vs. x. Fig.2 Si 2 p core-level of Fe 3-xVxSi with x = 0~1 meas - ured at hv = 146 eV . Intensity 99.0 98.0 Binding Energy (eV)Fe3-xVxSi hv = 146 eV 2p3/2 2p1/2 x = 0.0 x = 0.2 x = 0.4 x = 0.6 x = 0.7 x = 0.8 x = 1.0100.0 99.0 98.0 Binding Energy (eV) x = 0.0 x = 0.82p1/22p3/2hv = 1030 eV4 Y. T. Cui et al: Electronic Structures of Fe 3-xVxSi Probed by PES Intensity (arb.units) -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 Energy relative to EF (eV)Fe3-xVxSi x = 0.0 x = 0.2 x = 0.4 x = 0.6 x = 0.7 x = 0.8 x = 1.0C BA Intensity (arb.units) -12 -8 -4 0 Energy relative to EF (eV)Fe3-xVxSi A BC ED Fx = 0.0 x = 0.838 eV 1030 eV 38 eV 1030 eV this may be due to a bonding state of Si 3 p orbital with Fe 3 d or V 3 d orbitals. The observed shift of the structures B and C to higher binding energy is another evidence for the chemical potential shift. In Fig.6, it can also be seen that the intensity of the spectra below EF is reduced with increasing V concentration especially for x > 0.6. That might be related to the formation of the pseudo gap at large x as pointed out by the theoretical calculation [4 , 5] and the experiment [3]. 4 Conclusion In conclusion, the valence band and Si 2 p core-level photoemission spectra of Fe 3-xVxSi (0 <= x <= 1) have been measured with synchrotron radiation in the vacuum ultraviolet and soft X-ray regions. The observed energy shift of Si 2 p core-level and the main valence band structures to higher binding energy with increasing x is due to the chemical potential shift to hi gher energy with increasing V concentration. The features observed at 1 eV and 1.5~1.8 eV for several x have been assigned to the Fe 3 d derived state by taking into account the photoioni zation cross section. It has also be en clarified that the spectral inten- sity at the Fermi level consists of both V 3 d and Fe 3 d derived states. The decrease of the spectral inten- sity near EF with increasing x suggests the formation of pseudo gap at large x. This work was done under the approval of the Spring-8 Proposal Assessing Committee (Proposal No. 2005B3811). The work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sciences and Technology. The authors also would like to thank Professor Soda for the helpful discussion. References [1] V. A. Niculescu, T. J. Burch, J. I. Budnick, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 39, 223 (1983), and references therein. [2] Y. Nishino, S. Inoue, S. Asa no, N. Kawamiya, Phys. Rev. B, 48, 13607 (1993). [3] O. Nashima, et al, J. Alloys Compd., 383, 298 (2004). [4] J. Kudrnovsky, N. E. Christensen, O. K. Andersen, Phys. Rev. B, 43, 5924 (1991). [5] A. Bansil, S. Kaprzyk, P. E. M ijnarends, J. Tobola, Phys. Rev. B, 60, 13396 (1999). Fig.5 Valence band photoemission spectr a of Fe 3-xVxSi with x = 0.0 and 0.8 measured at hv= 38 eV and 1030 eV .Fig.4 Valence band photoemission spectr a of Fe 3-xVxSi with photon energy ( hv) of 38 e V at 50 K. The black dotte d lines are just for the guide to the eye. | 0804.2712 | Yitao Cui Dr. | Y. T. Cui, A. Kimura, K. Miyamoto, K. Sakamoto, T. Xie, S. Qiao, M.
Nakatake, K. Shimada, M. Taniguchi, S. -i. Fujimori, Y. Saitoh, K. Kobayashi,
T. Kanomata, O. Nashima | Electronic Structures of Fe$_{3-x}V$_x$Si Probed by Photoemission
Spectroscopy | 4 pages, 5 figures, 5 references | phys. stat. sol. (a) 203, No. 11, 2765 (2006) | 10.1002/pssa.200669648 | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.other | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The electronic structures of the Heusler type compounds Fe$_{3-x}V$_x$Si in
the concentration range between x = 0 and x = 1 have been probed by
photoemission spectroscopy (PES). The observed shift of Si 2p core- level and
the main valence band structres indicate a chemical potential shift to higher
energy with increasing x. It is also clarified that the density of state at
Fermi edge is owing to the collaboration of V 3d and Fe 3d derived states.
Besides the decrease of the spectral intensity near Fermi edge with increasing
x suggests the formation of pseudo gap at large x.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 17 Apr 2008 02:43:01 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"Y. T.",
"S. -i.",
] |
2 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS any Riemannian manifold ( M,h) of even dimension n, there is a finite sequence P2N(h) (1<=N<=n 2) of natural differential operators on functions on Mwith leading part N hwhich transform conformal changes ^h=e2phhof the metric. These operators were derived in [22] from the powers of the Laplacian of the Fefferman-Graham am bient met- ric (see [14] and [13]). For 2 N > n, the construction in [22] is obstructed by the Fefferman-Graham tensor. More sharply, in that range it is impo ssible to construct a conformally covariant operator (for all metrics) by a dding lower or- der terms to N([19], [16]). On the other hand, if such operators exist, they are not uniquely determined by conformal covariance. In the follow the operators constructed in [22], and they will be referre d to as the well-known Yamabe and Paneitz operator which are given by P2= the Schouten tensor of h,tdenotes the scalar curvature, and J=t 2(n-1) is the trace of P. # denotes the natural action of symmetric bilinear forms on 1-forms. Explicit expressions for the higher order operators P2NforN>=3 are considerably more complicated. The GJMS-operators P2Ngive rise to a finite sequence Q2N(1<=N<=n 2) of Riemannian curvature invariants according to (1.1) P2N(h)(1) = [5]). Q2Nis a curvature invariant of order 2 N, i.e., it involves 2 Nderivatives of the metric. In the following, the quantities Q2N(h) will be called the Q- curvatures ofh. In particular, we find (1.2) formulae for Q2NforN>=3 are considerably more complicated. The critical GJMS-operator Pnand the critical Q-curvature Qnplay a special role. In that case, (1.1) does not define Qn, however. Instead, Qnarises byUNIVERSAL RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 3 continuation in dimension from the subcritical Q-curvatures Q2N(2N < n). The pair (Pn,Qn) satisfies the fundamental identity (1.3) enphQn(^h) shows that the transformation of Qnunder conformal changes of his governed by operator Pn. This is one of the remarkable properties of Branson's Q-curvature Qn. forclosed M, thetotal aglobalconformal the simple formulae (1.2), it remains notoriously difficult to find good expressions for Q-curvatures of higher order. Explicit formulae for dimension were given in [17]. For conformally flat metrics and Q6already appeared in [5]. It is natural to expect that the complexity of the quantities with the order. This is one of the aspects in which its beh aviour resembles that of the heat coefficients of self-adjoint elliptic differe ntial operators. The relations between both quantities are much more substantial, t hough. The problem to understand the structure of heat coefficients of conf ormally actually one ofthe originsof the notionof Q-curvature[4]. for heat coefficients are known only for sufficiently small or ders. There is an extensive literature devoted to such formulae (see [30] for a recent review). The lack of information concerning the structure of high order seems to obstruct the understanding of its nature and its proper role in geometric analysis (see [28] for a review in dimension 4). In the present work we propose a uniform description of all Q-curvatures with the following main features. 1. AnyQ-curvature is the sum of two parts of different nature. 2. The main part is a linear combination of respective lower order GJMS - operators acting on lower order Q-curvatures with coefficients which do not depend on the dimension of the underlying space. 3. The second part is defined in terms of the constant term of a pow er of of an associated Poincar' e-Einstein metric. These properties motivate to refer to the proposed formulae as universal and recursive . In more detail, Conjecture 3.1 asserts that on manifolds of even dim ensionn, (1.5) all non-negative integers Nso that 2N<=n. The rational coefficients by an algorithm which will be defined in Section 3. The sum in ( 1.5) runs over all compositions Iof integers in [1 ,N-1] as sums of natural we use the following notation. For a composition I= (I1,...,I m) of4 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS we (1.5) for the metric h, the operator -P2denotes the Yamabe operator of the conformal compactification dr2+hrof the Poincar' e-Einstein metric of h(the relevant constructions are reviewed in Section 2). Similarly, -Q2isQ2for andi*restricts functions to r= the quantity i*-PN-1 2(-Q2) can be written in the we prefer to use the form (1.5) which hides the dimension nof the underlying space. The existence of recursive formulae for general Q2Nhas been an open problem since the invention of Q-curvature. (1.5) proposes some answer. One might also ask for recursive formulae for Q2Nwhich rest only on lower order GJMS-operators and lower order Q-curvatures of the given metric. In view of the contribution i*-PN-1 2(-Q2), the formula (1.5) is notof this form. However, already for N= 2 such formulae are unlikely to exist since Q4depends on the full Ricci tensor whereas P2andQ2only depend on scalar curvature. The presentations (1.5) imply that the structure of the constant term of is influenced by alllower order GJMS-operators. This illustrates the enormous complexity of the GJMS operators. The recursive st ructure for Q-curvature seems to be a phenomenon which is not known to have an alogs for related quantities as, for instance, the heat coefficients (see (1.1 7)). Next, we make explicit (1.5) for Q4,Q6andQ8. In these cases, the are theorems and we briefly indicate their proofs. We star t with a version for Q2. It just says that (1.6) Q2=i*-Q2 in all dimensions (see (3.3)). Next, the universal recursive formula formula is valid in all dimensions n>=4, i.e., (1.7) is universal. In fact, Section 2 for the notation). Using i*-Q2=Q2=J(see (1.6)) and i*(/r)2(-Q2) =|P|2, the sum simplifies shows the equivalence of (1.7) and the traditional formula (1.2) forQ4. The presentation (1.7) is distinguished by the fact that it is uniform in all d imensions. A disadvantage of (1.7) is that the fundamental transformation la w (1.3) in theUNIVERSAL RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 5 critical dimension n= 4 is less obvious from this formula. In this aspects, (1.7) resembles the holographic formula (1.20). Next, we have the recursive formula (1.8) all dimensions n>=6. A detailed proof of (1.8) can be found in [27]. It is a special case of the algorithm of Section 3. Forn= 6, the holographic formula (1.19) of [23] presents Q6in the form (1.9) Q6= terms , whereBdenotes a version of the Bach tensor. The recursive formula (1.8) covers the contribution ( B,P) in (1.9) by the illustrates the role of the term which involves -P2and-Q2. An extension of this observation to the general case will be discussed in Section 3. We also note that (1.8) is equivalent to a formula of Gover and Peters on [17]. For a proof of this fact we refer to [27]. We continue with the description of the recursive formula for Q8. In the critical dimension n= 8, the algorithm of Section 3 locally conformally flat metrics (Proposition 3.1). Using a second a lgorithm, we prove that (1.10) holds true in all dimensions n>=8 (Proposition 3.2). It remains open, whether (1.10) extends to general metrics. The re lation between (1.10) and the Gover-Peterson formula [17] for Q8is not yet Conjecture 3.1 enters largely unexplored territory. We outline the algorithm which generates the presentations (1.5). First, we g enerate such a presentation for the critical Q-curvature Qn. For this, we apply an algorithm which rests on the relation of the critical Q-curvature Qnto the the recursive structure of all residue families Dres 2N(l) for 2N<=n. We refer to Section 2 for the definition of the relevant concepts. The details of the algo- rithm are explained in Section 3. An important argument which enters into the algorithm is the principle of universality . It plays the following role. The algo- rithm for Qnuses the assumption that the analogously generated presentatio ns ofalllower order Q-curvatures Q2N,N= 1,...,n 2-1 hold true on manifolds of dimension n. In particular, the derivation of (1.8) in dimension n= 6, uses the facts that (1.6) and (1.7) hold true in dimension n= 6. Similarly, the derivation of (1.10) in dimension n= 8 applies the facts that the formulae (1.6), (1.7) and6 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL (1.8) hold true in n= 8. Under the assumption of universality, the a formula for Qn. Since universality is open, the identification of the resulting formula with Qnis only conjectural. Conjecture 3.1 asserts that the resulting formula for Qnagain is universal, i.e., holds true in all dimensions > n. In order to apply the factorization identities of residue families we re strict to conformally flat metrics. In low order cases, this restriction can be removed. It hopefully is superfluous in general. With these motivations, it becomes important to describe the struc ture of the right-hand sides of (1.5) generated by the above algorithm. Alt hough the algorithm only involves linear algebra, the complexity of calculations qu ickly increases with N. In particular, we were unable to find closed formulae for the coefficients a(N) I. Instead, we describe an attempt to resolve the algorithm by relatin g it to another much simpler algorithm which deals with polynomials instead of o pera- tors. More precisely, we introduce an algorithm for the generation of a system of polynomials. It associates a canonical polynomial rIto any composition I. The degree of the polynomial rIis 2|I| -1. Conjecture 4.1 relates, for any I, the restriction of rItoNto the function N/mapsto-a(N) I. The formulation of this conjec- ture results from an analysis of computer assisted calculations of t he In particular, such calculations indicate that the functions N-a(N) Ican be described by interpolation polynomials. A deeper analysis of the nu merical data leads to a description of these polynomials in terms of other inte describe the content of Conjecture 4.1 for the coefficients of P2k(Q2N-2k), letr(k)be the unique polynomial of degree 2 k-1 which is charac- terized by its 2 kvalues r(k)(-i) = 0, i= i= 0,1,...,k. The second set of conditions can be replaced by the simpler requirem ent thatr(k) is constant on the set S(k) with the condition that r(k)(0) = RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 7 Now Conjecture 4.1 says that (1.11) N>=k+1. For a composition I= (j,k) with two entries, we define a unique degree 2 j+2k-1 by the j+k-1 r(j,k)(-i) = 0, i= 1,...,j+k, the set S(j+k) the relation (1.14) r(j,k)(0) can be replaced by the simpler condition that the left hand side is constant on the set S(j+k). The value of that constant is determined by the (1.14) for the constant term of r(j,k). Now Conjecture 4.1 says that (1.15) N>=j+k+1. For general compositions I, there are analogous interpolation polynomials rI. However, the interpolation data are more complicated. Indeed, th ose determined by those of polynomials rJwhich are associated to JofI. The corresponding recursive relations are non-linear (see (4.8), (4.7)). By iteration, they can be used to generate rIfrom the wherekruns through the entries of I. For the details we refer to Section section withanumber ofcomments. Bransonin troduced the quantity Qnin order to systematize the study of extremal properties of func - tional determinants of the Yamabe operator P2(and other conformally operators). The central idea is to decompose the con formal anomalies of the determinants as sums of a universal part (given by Q-curvature), invariant parts (which vanish in the conformally flat case ) and diver- gence parts with localconformal primitives ([4], [5], [6], [7],[8]). The concept rests on the observation that the heat coefficients of conformally covar iant display similar conformal variational formulae as the Q-curvatures Q2j. We briefly describe that analogy in the case of the Yamabe operator D=-P2. Assume that Dis positive. The coefficients ajin the t-08 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL of the trace of its heat kernel are Riemannian curvature invariant s which satisfy the conformal variational = phC(M). Here the notation*is used to indicate the infinitesimal conformal = the functional F. In particular, the a global conformal invariant. The conformal variational = the significance of anas a conformal anomaly of the determinant. For the details we refer to [9], Infact , whencom- bined with classification of conformal anomalie s (proved by Alexakis in the fundamental work [1]), it implies that anis a linear combination of the Pfaffian, a local conformal invariant and a divergence. The e xistence of such a decomposition also follows for the global conformal invariant (1.4). The conformal invariance of (1.4) is a consequence = problem to find explicit versions of these decompositions is more d ifficult. A third series of related scalar curvature quantities, which in recen t years nat- urally appeared in connection with ideas around the AdS/CFT-corre spondence, are the holographic coefficients v2j. These quantities describe the asymptotics of the volume form of Poincar' e-Einstein metrics (Section 2). Here [11 = the a global conformal invariant [20]. vnis the conformal anomaly of the renor- malized volume of conformally compact Einstein metrics ([20]). The pro blem to understand the parallel between renormalized volumes and functio nal determi- nants is at the center of the AdS/CFT-duality ([12], [25]).UNIVERSAL RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 9 Graham and Zworski [24] discovered that the global conformal in variants (1.18) and (1.4) are proportional. Moreover, the formula ([23], [27]) (1.19) 2 for the critical Q-curvature completely ex- pressesQnin terms of holographic data, v2jandT2j(0), of the given metric. For the definition of the differential operators T2j(0) we refer to Section 2. In dimension n= 4, (1.19) states that (1.20) Q4= andv2=-1 2J, this is equivalent to (1.2). (1.19) implies that in the conformally flat case the Pfaffian appears na turally inQn(as predicted by the Deser-Schwimmer classification). Although in t hat case all holographic coefficients v2jare known, Qnis still very complex. The com- plexity is hidden in the differential operators T2j(0) which define the (1.5) would shed new light on these divergence terms by repla cing the coefficients v2jbyQ2j, andT*
2j(0) by sums of compositions of we note that the coefficients v2jfor rise to problems [11]. In the conformally flat case, v2jis proportional to tr(jP), and the first studied by Viaclovski in [31]. The variational nature of the has been clarified by Branson and Gover in [3]. For a deeper study of the quantities v2jsee [21]. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe the theo from [27]. In Section 3, we formulate the universal rec ursive formula in full generality. We combine the detailed description of the algorithm with a clear accentuation of the conjectural input. For locally conforma lly flat metrics, we prove the universality of (1.10) and the recursive formula for th e critical Q10. We describe a part of the structure of the recursive formulae in te rms of a gen- erating function G. Finally, we discuss a piece of evidence which comes from the theory of extended obstruction tensors [21]. In Section 4, we for mulate a conjec- tural description of the functions terms of interpolation are generated by recursive relations (Conjecture 4.1). All f properties are obtained by extrapolation from numer ical data (Section 6). The general picture is described in Section 4.1. Section 4.2 serve s as an illustration. In particular, we reproduce all coefficients in the univer sal recur- sive formulae for Q2N(N<=5) in terms of the values of the polynomials rI. In Section 5, we emphasize some of the open problems raised by the app roach. In the Appendix, we display explicit versions of the universal recursive formulae test the universality of these expressions by evaluation on round spheres of any even dimension, and list a part of the numerica l data from which the conjectures have been distilled. The present paper combines theoretical results of [27] with compu ter experi- ments using Mathematica with the NCAlgebra package. The compute r allowed10 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL to enter the almost unexplored world of Q-curvatures of order exceeding 8. of a large number of algorithms into effective prog rams is the work of the first named author. 2.The recursive structure of residue families The algorithm which generates the proposed recursive formulae fo r allQ- curvatures rests on two central facts. One of these is the ident ity (2.1) Qn(h) [27]) which detects the critical Q-curvature Qn(h) in the linear part of the critical residue family Dres n(h;l). The second fact is the recursive structure of residue families. We start by recalling the construction of residue and reviewing their basic properties [27]. The algorithm will be de- scribed in Section 3. For 2N<=n, the families natural one-parameter family of local are completely determined by the metric h. Their construction rests on the Poincar' e-Einstein metrics with conformal infinity [ h] ([14], [13]). A Poincar' e-Einstein metric gassociated to ( M,h) is a metric on (0 ,e)xM (for sufficiently small e) of the a one-parameter family of metrics on Mso Taylor series of hris even in rup to order n. More precisely, (2.3) (2.3), the coefficients tr(h(n)) are determined by h(0)=h0=
h. These data are given by polynomial formulae in terms of h, its inverse, and covariant derivatives of the curvature tensor. In particular, h(2)=-P. Let v(r,*) v0= 1. Herevolrefers to the volume forms of the respective metrics on M. The co- efficients v2jC(M) (j= 0,...,n 2) are given by local formulae in terms of h, its inverse, and the covariant derivatives of the curvature tens or.vnis the holographic anomaly of the asymptotic volume of the Poincar' e-Eins tein metric 2.1 (Residue families). For2N<=n, let Dres 2N(h;l) defined by Dres 2N(h;l) = RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 11 with d2N(h;l) functions to r= 0, and the holographic coefficients v2jact operators. The rational families T2j(h;l) of differential operators on Marise by solving the asymptotic eigenfunction problem for the Poincar' e-Einstein m etric. In is given r-0 describes the asymptotics of an eigenfunction uso In particular, the operators T2j(h;0) describe the asymptotics of solutions of the Dirichlet problem at infinity. Note that the asymptot ics of an eigenfunction uforR(l) =n 2contains a second sum with leading exponent n-l. This sum is suppressed in (2.4). The renormalized = polynomial in l. They satisfy P2j(l) = j+LOT for all adjoints of T2j(h;l) are taken with respect to the scalar product defined byh. The family Dres 2N(h;l) is conformally covariant in the following sense. The Poincar' e-Einstein metrics of hand^h=e2phhare related a diffeomorphism which fixes the boundary r= 0. Then we have (2.5) Dres 2N(^h;l) the proof of (2.5) one interprets the family as a residue of a cer tain mero- morphic family of distributions [27]. Now assume that his conformally flat. Then CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL the family Dres 2N(h;l) factorizes into the product of a lower order residue family and a 1,...,Nand (2.7) [27]) will not be important in the present paper. The factoriza- tion identities should be regarded as curved versions of multiplicity on e theorems in representation theory. Forj=N, (2.6) states particular, the critical residue family Dres n(h;l) specializes to the at l= 0: Dres n(h;0) =Pn(h)i*. The factorization identities in (2.6) and the identity (2.7) are of differ ent na- ture. The identities in (2.6) actually hold true without additional assu mptions onh. In [27] it is shown that this can be derived as a consequence of the id entifi- cation of P2Nas the residue of the scattering operator [24]. (2.7) is more difficult and presently only known for general order under the assumption thathis con- formally flat. In that case, the identity follows from the conformal covariance (2.5) of the family, together with a corresponding factorization in t he flat case. 3.The universal recursive formulae In the present section, we formulate conjectural recursive pre sentations of all Q-curvatures and describe their 3.1 (Universal recursive formulae). Letnbe even and Then the Q-curvature Q2Non Riemannian manifolds of dimension ncan be written in the form (3.1) certain rational coefficients a(N) Iwhich do not depend on n. The sum in (3.1)runs over all compositions I= (I1,...,I m)of integers in [1,N-1]as sums of natural numbers. For I= (I1,...,I m)of length mand operator P2Iis defined as the composition P2I1***P2Imof coefficients a(N) Ihave the sign RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 13 We emphasize that the sum in (3.1) runs over compositions Iinstead of par- titions. This reflects the fact that the GJMS-operators do not co mmute. Since there are 2N-1compositions of size N, the sum in (3.1) 2N-1-1 terms. The operator -P2(h) denotes the Yamabe operator of the conformal dr2+hrof the Poincar' e-Einstein metric of h(Section 2). -Q2isQ2 for the metric dr2+hr. In more explicit terms, (3.2) -Q2(h) =J(dr2+hr) = that i*-Q2=Q2. We continue with the description of the algorithm which generates th e pre- sentations (3.1). First of all, all formulae arise from the corresponding formulae for c by applying the principle of universality . The conjectural status of the formulae (3.1) is partly due to the unproven applicability of this pr inciple. As a preparation for the definition of the algorithm, we observe som e conse- quences of the factorization identities for residue families. The fam polynomial of degree N. TheN+ 1 identities (2.6) and (2.7) imply can be written as a linear combination of the right-hand sides of the se identities. The lower order residue families which appear in this presen tation, in turn, satisfy corresponding systems of factorization identities . These allow to write any of these families as a linear combination of the correspondin g right- hand sides of the factorization relations they satisfy. The continu ation of that process leads to a formula for Dres 2N(h;l) as a linear combination of compositions of the 2(h) and the Yamabe operator -P2(h) =P2(dr2+hr). The second reason for the conjectural status of (3.1) is that the full system of factorizat ion identities is not yet available for general metrics (see the comments at the end of Section 2). We apply the above method to the critical residue family Dres n(h;l) and com- bine the resulting formula with (2.1). This yields a formula for Qn(h) as a of compositions of the 2(h) and the Yamabe operator -P2(h) =P2(dr2+hr) (acting on u= 1). That formula contains compositions of GJMS-operators with powers of -P2(h) up ton 2. In the next step, we replace all for k= 1,...,n/2-114 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL by subcritical GJMS-operators and subcritical Q-curvatures Q2k. For that pur- pose, we apply similar formulae for the subcritical Q-curvatures. Here the prin- ciple of universality becomes crucial. In fact, by assuming the universality of the respective formulae for Q2,...,Q n-2, we regard these as formulae for and plug them into the formula for Qn. This finishes theconj ecturalstatus of the presentations is onlydue to the principle of the convenience of the reader, we illustrate the algorithm in two start with a proof of (1.7) in dimension n= 4. We consider the We write this family in the determine the operator coefficients by using the factorization first identity implies C=P4(h)i*. The remaining two relations 6 -4 by the factorization identities for we find (3.4)A= the formula for Bin (3.4), together with (2.1), implies Q4=-B(1) last equality is a consequence of P2(1) =-Q2and-P2(1) =-3 2-Q2 (see (1.1)). But using i*-Q2=Q2(see (3.3)), we RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 15 This is (1.7). Although, the above derivation is only valid in dimension n= 4, the final formula for Q4is valid in all dimensions (see the discussion on page 4). We also note that we simplified the using i*-Q2=Q2in dimension n= 4 (see (3.3)). Since the latter identity can be regarded as a version of the universal formula for Q2, that argument is the simplest special case of the application of universality of subcritical Q-curvatures in the the algorithm yields the recursive formula (1.8) for the critic alQ- curvature Q6for conformally flat metrics h. The derivation makes use of the relations i*-Q2=Q2and (1.7) in dimension n= 6. Again, (1.8) holds true for all metrics and in all dimensions n>=6. For detailed proofs of these results we refer to [27]. A calculation using (1.8) shows that J3contributes to Q6with the coefficient with Q8, the theory is less complete. The following detailed descrip- tion of this case will also point to the open problems. In this case, we u se the universality of i*-Q2=Q2, (1.7) and (1.8) to deduce the formula (1.10) for Q8in dimension n= 8 for conformally flat h. The starting point is the identity (3.5) -.Dres 8(h,0)(1) =Q8(h). The critical family Dres 8(h;l) satisfies the factorization view of P8(h)(1) = 0, it follows that Q8(h) can be written as a linear combi- nation of the four The families Dres 2j(h;l) (j= 1,2,3), in turn, can be written as linear combinations of compositions of respective lower or der GJMS- operators and residue families. In order to obtain these presenta tions, we use the corresponding systems of factorization identities which are sa tisfied by these families. The continuation of the process leads to a presentation of Q8(h) as a linear combination of compositions of GJMS-operators with powers of-P2(h) (acting on 1). More precisely, the contributions which involve a non- trivial power of-P2are of the for k= 1,...,4.16 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL Now we apply the universality of i*-Q2=Q2, (1.7) and (1.8). In particular, in dimension n= 8 we regard these formulae as expressions for i*-P2(h)(1), i*-P2 2(h)(1) and i*-P3 2(h)(1) by using -P2(h)(1) =-7 2-Q2(h). These calculations 3.1. On locally conformally flat Riemannian manifolds of given by (1.10). It remains open whether, in dimension n= 8, the same formula yields In the above proof, the restriction to conformally flat me trics is only due to the unproven validity of the factorization identity (3.6) f or general metrics. We expect that the restriction can be more can be said in the locally conformally flat case. In this c ase, Proposition 3.2 yields the universality of (1.10). Before we prove this result, we describe a n= the only new ingredient which is required for a proof that (for such a metric) Q10in dimension n= 10 coincides with the formula generated by the algorithm. In fact, in that proof, (1.10) is used as a formula for i*-P4 2(1). The universality of (1.7) and (1.8) has been used already in the above constructions . In the present argument, these formulae are used in dimension n= 10 as formulae for the respective quantities i*-P2 2(1) andi*-P3 2(1). The resulting formula for Q10is displayed in Section 6.1. The argument assumes conformal flatness since some ofthe fact for Dres 8(l) andDres 10(l) which enter into the algorithm are only known for such metrics. The problematic identities are those which contain the factor-P2 (see (2.7) and the comments at the end of Section 2). Proving universality of (1.10) through comparison with the formula f orQ8 displayed in [17] seems to be a challenging task even for conformally fla t a comparison of both formula for Q8we only note that a (1.10) shows that J4contributes to Q8with the coefficient observation fits with [17]. Next, we describe a more conceptual approach towards universa lity. It rests on the systematic elaboration of the relations between the quantit first describe the method by proving the universality of the recu general metrics). For even n>=8, the RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 17 can be characterized in twodifferent ways. On the one hand, for all even n>=4, this quadratic polynomial satisfies the the relation (3.9) the other hand, for even n>=8, the polynomial Qres 4(l) is characterized by (3.8) and (3.10) Qres 4(0) = 0. Forn= 4 andn= 6, the condition (3.10) is contained in the conditions of (3.8). In particular, in the critical case, these conditions do notsuffice to determine even n>=4, (3.8) and (3.9) imply that (3.11) 4, this relation yields .Q4(0) leads to (3.7), when combined with .Qres 4(0) =Q4. This method has been used above. On the other hand, for even n>=8, (3.8) and (3.10) imply (3.12) (3.11) and (3.12) gives 0 proves the universality of (3.7). The cases n= 4,6 are covered by in n. The argument reverses an argument in [27], where (3.12) was derived from (3.7). A similar argument can be applied for Q6. One formula for the =Dres 6(l)(1) of degree 3 follows from the four factorization identities (2.6) and (2.7) (for N= 3). The calculation extends the algorithm described above. It uses the universality of (3.7). On the other hand, for ev interpolation formula yields a second formula for Qres 6(l) by using (2.6) (for N= 3) and Qres 6(0) = 0. Forn= 6,8,10, the latter condition is contained in the system (2.6) (for N= 3). The comparison of both resulting formulae for .Qres 6(-n 2+3) yields 0 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL This proves the universality of (1.8). The cases n= 6,8,10 are covered by analytic continuation in n. For the details (of the reversed argument) see [27], Theorems 6.11.7 - we compare two formulae =-Dres 8(l)(1). Under the assumption Qres 8(0) = 0, we find 0 suppress the details of the calculations. The vanishing of the qua ntity in brackets is equivalent to (1.10). The quantity Qres 8(h;0)C(M) is a scalar conformal invariant. In fact, the conformal transformation law (2.5) = In e8phQres 8(^h;0) =Qres 8(h;0). By [13], Section 9 there are no such non-trivial invariants on locally co nformally flat manifolds of dimension >8. In other words, for locally conformally flat metricsh, the condition Qres 8(h;0) = 0 is satisfied in dimension >8. Thus, we have 3.2. On locally conformally flat manifolds (M,h)of dimension n >8, the recursive formula true. An alternative method is the following. We recursively determine Qres 8(h;l) by factorization identities described by the algorithm) and evaluate the result at l= 0. For even n>=16, the condition Qres 8(h;0) = 0 is equivalent to the universal Again, the cases of even nsuch that 8 <=n<=14 are covered described above, Proposition 3.2 has the following 3.1. On locally conformally flat Riemannian manifolds of dimensi on 10, the critical Q-curvature Q10is given by the formula displayed in Section 6.1.UNIVERSAL RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 19 We continue with a number of supplementary comments on Conjectu re (3.1) can be viewed as a formula for the function (3.15) is associated to a Poincar' e-Einstein metric on the space (0 ,e)xM. From that point of view, (3.1) states that the restriction of the functio toMcan be expressed in terms of boundary data: (3.16) ( we use the convention that P(N) 0=-1. The identity i*-Q2=Q2should be regarded as the special case N= 1 of these relations. The differential of the form (3.18) the flat metric, the lower order terms in (3.18) vanish. In Table 3 .1, we display the coefficients a(N) jforN<=10. An inspection suggests that (3.20) b(N) jdef= relations (3.20) would imply the symmetry relations (3.22) a(N) j= are clearly visible in Table 3.1. The numbers b(N) jhave a simple Let (3.23) G(z,w) = G(z,w) fact, (3.21) is equivalent to b(N) j= CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL where But find that the coefficient of zjwN-1-jinG(z,w) proves (3.24). It follows that the conjectural relations (3.20 ) can be sum- marized in form of the identity (3.25) G(z,w) generating functions. We do not attempt to prove this identity, but note only that it is compatible with (3.16) and the well-known fact that Q2N= to terms with fewer derivatives (see [5]). Indeed, the assertion that on both sides of (3.16) with the same weight is equivalent to this identity follows from the restriction of (3.25) to z=wby comparing the coefficients of zN-1. In the conformally flat case, the Taylor series of hrterminates at the third term. More [27], [29]). Now (3.2) it is not hard, although it becomes tedious for large N, to determine the contribution i*-PN-1 2(-Q2) toQ2N. We shall apply this observation in Section 6.1. We finish the present section with a brief discussion of a test of Conj ecture It deals with the contributions of the powers of the Yamab e operator -P2and extends the observation concerning the contribution of ( B,P) to Q6in Section 1. Here we compare the contributions of (3.28) ( ( RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 21 The tensor ohm(N-2)is one of Graham's extended obstruction tensors [21]. the right-hand side of (3.1), the contribution (3.28) only comes f rom the On the other hand, its contribution to Q2Ncan be captured by its relation to v2N: (3.30) 2N=n, the holographic formula (1.19) is such a relation. The suppressed lower order terms in (3.30) are not influenced by ohm(N-2). In [27], such extensions of (1.19) were proposed and discussed in detail for subcritical dimension n>=8 we expect combine (3.30) with the fact that (3.28) enters into v2Nwith the follows [21]. Hence (3.28) contributes to in order to determine its contribution to (3.29), it suffices to tra ce its given by (3.2). Graham [21] proved that the the it suffices to consider the contributions and 2 Ntr(h(2N)) to the of r2N-1in tr(h-1 r.hr). Using (3.33) we find the follows = (3.29) yields the coincides with (3.32).22 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL 4.The structure of the coefficients a(N) I The right-hand sides of (3.1) are generated by the algorithm descr ibed in Section 3. In the present section, we formulate a conjectural de scription of the coefficients a(N) Iin terms of polynomials rIwhich are canonically associated to compositions I. These polynomials are generated by a much simpler polynomials rIand their role. The polynomials rIare defined re- cursively as interpolation polynomials on the sets (4.1) S(k) kN0 of half-integers, and on certain sets of negative integers. First of all, we define the polynomials r(k),kN. These play the role of building blocks of the general case. Let r(k)be defined as the unique polynomial of degree 2 k-1 with (simple) zeros in the integers in the interval [ -(k-1),-1] so thatr(k)is constant on S(k), and has constant term (4.2) r(k)(0) = r(k)can be defined as the interpolation polynomial which is char- acterized by its 2 kvalues r(k)(-i) = 0 for all i= alli= equivalence of both follows from Lagrange's formula. In order to define rIfor a general composition I, we introduce some more notation. For any I, we define the rational number (4.4) the sum runs over all compositions J1,...,J Mwhich form a subdivision of I, i.e., the sequence of natural numbers which is obtained by writing th e by the entries of J2etc., coincides with the sequence which defines I. In particular, given by the values of the Next, using the polynomials rI, we from rIby a lower degree polynomial. Now letrIbe a polynomial of degree 2 |I|-1 so that (4.6) rI(-i) = 0 for all i= RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 23 and (4.7) CI(x) is constant on the last entry in the composition I= (Ifirst,...,I last). The condition (4.7) constitutes the firstsystem of multiplicative recursive formulae for the values of the polynomials rI. Now (4.6) and (4.7) determine ( |I|-1)+(|I|+1) = 2|I|values of rI. Since the value of CIonS(|I|) was not chosen, one additional condition is required to characterize rI. For that purpose, we use the secondsystem of formulae (4.8) = 0 for the constant terms. The relations (4.8) are required to hold tr ue for all k>=1 and all compositions J. They describe how allvalues of the polynomials rIon the natural numbers finally influence the constant terms of polyno mials which are associated to compositions of larger sizes. The values r(k)(0) are given by the explicit formula (4.2). It follows from the above definition that rIis determined by the (values of the) polynomials rJfor all sub-compositions JofI. By iteration, it follows that rIis determined by the polynomials r(k)for allkwhich appear as entries of the values of 4.1. For all compositions Iand all integers N>= |I|+1, (4.9) 4.1 is supported by the observation that all coefficient s in Q-curvatures (4.9). We recall that for Q28the sum in (3.1) already contains 213-1 terms. In particular, we obtainuniform descriptions of allcoefficients in the formulae for Q6,Q8andQ10in terms of the polynomials rIfor all compositions Iwith|I| <=4. In Section 4.2, we shall discuss these examples in more detail. Note that (4.9) under Conjecture 4.1 the identity a(N) j= CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL (see (3.20)) is equivalent = 4.1. The polynomial r(j,k)is characterized by its zeros constancy of C(j,k)(x) and the that C(j,k)is constant on S(j+k)iff (4.11) s(j,k)(x) where (4.12) sI(x) particular, s(k,1)= 0onS(k+1). In terms of sI, the condition (4.7) is equivalent to the condition that on S(|I|). For instance, for compositions with three entries, (4.13) state s that (4.14) s(i,j,k)(x) This generalizes (4.11). (4.11) implies that s(j,k)vanishes on S(k) latter relation is a special case of (4.15) holds true for all compositions Jand allk>=2. (4.15) is a formula for the value of r(J,k)at in the set1 2-N0for which this value differs from r(J,k)(1 2). It is a consequence of (4.13). Finally, we note that the values of the thirdsystem of multiplicative recursive relations (4.16) r(J,k,j)(-j) RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 25 for allj,k>=1 and all compositions J. We summarize both relations (4.8) and (4.16) in (4.17) r(J,k,j)(-j) allj>=0,k>=1 and all J. Here we use the convention r(I,0)=rI. With the additional convention r(0)=-1, (4.17) makes sense also for J= In the present section, we explicate and confirm Conjecture 4.1 in a number of important special cases. 4.2.1.The polynomials rIfor|I| <=4.We determine the polynomials rIwhich are responsible for the coefficients in the universal recursive form ulae forQ2N, N<=5. These are the polynomials rIfor all compositions Iof size|I| <=4. Example 4.2. We consider the polynomials rIfor compositions Iof size|I| <=
2. First of all, r(1)= 1. The polynomials r(1,1)andr(2)for compositions Iof size|I|= 2are listed in Table 6.1. They are characterized as follows by Both polynomials are of degree 2|I|-1 = 3and satisfy the = = 0 (see Table 6.5). The values -5 4and-1 4are given by -5 4= (see (6.10)). Alternatively, the value of r(1,1)on the set S(2)is de- termined by the recursive =-1 (see(4.8)) for its constant term. Similarly, the value of r(2)on the set S(2)can be determined by the relation r(2)(0) 4.3. The r(1,2), r(2,1), r(3) for compositions Iof size|I|= 3are listed in Table 6.2. These four polynomials of degree 5are determined as follows by their properties. First of all, characterized by their respective zeros in their respective values 3 32= CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL on the set Table 6.6). Alternatively, r(3)is constant on S(3), and the value of the constant is determined by its constant te rmr(3)(0) =1 2(see (4.2)). The values of r(2,1)onS(3)are determined by the constancy this set, and the =-1 (see(4.8)). Similarly, r(1,2)is characterized by its zeros in x=-1,-3, the constancy the set S(3), and the These are special cases of Example 4.1. Finally, r(1,1,1)has zeros constant on S(3), constant on 4.4. The polynomials rIfor compositions Iof size|I|= 4are listed in Table 6.3. We characterize these eight degree 7polynomials in terms of Their values on S(4)are displayed in Table 6.7. First of all, polynomial r(4)is defined as in (4.3). A special case of Example 4.1 yields a characterization of r(3,1). In particular, s(3,1)= 0onS(4). Note with the averages can be characterized as in Section 6.3 by their z eros and their values on the set S(4). The polynomials also covered by Example 4.1. The central facts are that constant on S(4). We recall that this is equivalent Next, the polynomials have zeros in the constant on the set S(4)(see(4.5)), and we have the recursive the constant terms (see (4.8)). Note that constant RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 27 onS(4), respectively (see (4.13)). Similar arguments apply to polynomials vanish on the respective constant on S(4), Note that constant on (see (4.13)). The listed properties of sIandrIcan be easily verified using Tables 6.5 - 6.7 and Tables 6.9 - 6.11. Here we use results can be used to confirm Conjecture 4.1 for the coeffic ients in the universal formulae for Q2NforN<=5. For the calculations of the values of the polynomials rIwe apply the formulae in Table 6.1 - Table 6.3. Example 4.5. By(4.9), the three coefficients in the formula =2 3. Example 4.6. By(4.9), the seven coefficients in the formula by the following formulae. First of =2 5*14 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS =8 5. Example 4.7. The fifteen coefficients in the universal recursive formula fo rQ10 (see Section 6.1) are determined by the values of the polynom ialsrIwith|I| <=4 at certain integers. In =312 35. Similar straightforward calculations reproduce the remai ning twelve closed formulae. For some compositions, Conjecture 4.1 allows to derive closed formulae for the coefficients in the universal recursiv e formulae. Here we discuss such formulae for the coefficients of the extreme c 4.1. Under Conjecture first formula follows from r(1)= 1. The second claim is a consequence of the Lagrange representation of r(N-1). By (4.9), (4.18) the polynomial r(N-1)is characterized by (4.3). Now by Lagrange's = = calculation shows that the latter formula is equivalent to r(k)(1) = RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 29 It follows that r(N-1)(1) = by the assertion is equivalent (2N-5)22N-3. The latter identity follows by 22N-1 from half of the difference 0. The proof is complete. /square 4.2.3.On the multiplicative relations for the constant terms. The first system recursive relations concerns the values of the polynom ialsrIon the setS(|I|) of half-integers. Their role was already exemplified in Examples 4.2 - 4.4. The second and the third system of multiplicative recursive r elations concern the values of the polynomials rIatx= 0 and x=-Ilast. The constant terms satisfy the relations (4.19) r(J,k)(0) 4.8. We use(4.19)to determine the constant values rI(0)of the all compositions Iwith|I|= 5. These values are listed in Table 6.12. From this table it is evident that the values 4coincide with the values which are listed in Table 6.11 for x= 1. Similarly, the 3easily follow from the values in Table 6.10 for x= 2using r(2)(0) =-1 2and(4.19). Finally, the values 2follow from the values in Table 6.9 for x= 3usingr(3)(0) comments The treatment of Q-curvatures in the present paper suggests a number of further studies. Some of these are summarized in the following. Of course, the main open problems are Conjecture 3.1 and Conject ure 4.1. The proposed universal recursive formulae for Q-curvatures involve respective lower order Q-curvatures and lower order GJMS-operators. These formulae c an30 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL be made more explicit by combining them with formulae for GJMS-opera tors. For the discussion of recursive formulae for these operators (as well as formulae for Q-curvatures) we refer to power of the Yamabe operator -P2. Its structure remains to be studied. In Section 3, the universality of the recursive formulae for (for locally conformally flat metrics) by comparing twoformulae for the respective quantities 2,3,4. This method deserves a In fact, it should yield a full proof of the universality. Along this way, computer assisted calculations confirm the universality (in the flat category) for not too large N. Through Conjecture 4.1, the coefficients in the recursive formulae forQ- curvatures are linked to interpolation polynomials rIwhich are characterized by their values on integers and half-integers in [ -|I|,1]. Aconceptual explanation of that description is missing. The polynomials rIshould be explored systematically. In particular, the iden- tity (4.10) and the properties of the averages s(k,j)formulated in Section 6.3 remain to be proved. The coefficients a(N) jare expected to have a nice generating function G(see (3.25)). Canonephrase thestructure ofthepolynomials rIintermsof too? In particular, it seems to be natural to study the function refines G. In fact, for x= diag(x) = (x,x,...), (3.19) and =-G(-x,y). Under Conjecture 4.1, Q(*;*) can be expressed in terms of the polynomials rI. A calculation shows that Q(x;y) the present section, we describe part of the numerical data wh ich led to the formulation of Conjecture 3.1 and Conjecture 4.1. We start with ex plicit versions of the universal recursive formulae for Q2NwithN= 5,...,8. Then we describe a test of the universality of the recursive formulae for round sphe res. We display the polynomials rIand their values on integers and half-integers for <=5. Finally, we formulate some remarkable properties of the average s of the polynomials rIover certain sets of RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 31 6.1.Explicit formulae for versions of the formulae for Q2NforN= 2,3,4 were given in Section 1. Here we add the corresponding universal recursive formulae for These formulae are generated by the algorithm of Section 3, i.e., the display ed Q-curvatures ofConjecture 3.1 stating that the generated expressions coincide with Q-curvature. In dimension n= 10, the algorithm yields the following formula for Q10with 16 derivation of this formula assumes, in particular, that (1.10) fo rQ8holds true in dimension n= 10. By Proposition 3.2, this assumption is satisfied for conformally flat metrics. Hence the above formula is proved for suc h 3.1). Conjecture 3.1 states that the formula is universa lly true for n>=10. Next, the algorithm yields the following conjectural formula for Q12in dimen- sionn= 12 with 32 +152 63P2P8(Q2) formula for Q12was derived under the assumptions that the above for- mulae for Q8andQ10hold true in dimension n= 12. Computer this assumption for locally conformally flat metrics (see the c omment in Section 5). Conjecture 3.1 states that the above formula is univer sally true generation assumes that the above formulae for Q8,...,Q 12hold true in the respective dimensions 14 and 16. Conjecture 3.1 asserts that these formulae are universal. Q14is given +54 11P12(Q2) CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS given RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES on round spheres. Here we describe some details of a test which confirms the universality of the displayed formulae for Q6,Q8on the spheres Sn of arbitrary even dimension nwith the round metric h0. Similar tests yield the correct values for Q2Nfor allN<=10. Basically the same calculations cover the case of Einstein metrics. This test also illustrates the role of the ter (Sn,h0), the GJMS-operators are given by the product formulae (6.1) [2], [18]). (6.1) implies (6.2) P2N(1) = (1.1), i.e., P2N(1) = (-1)N(m-N)Q2N, m=n 2, we find (6.3) formulae suffice to determine the first 2N-1-1 terms in (3.1). In order to determine the note that P=1 2h0, (3.26)). functions which are constant on M. Moreover, we (3.27). Now straightforward calculations yield the = CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL On the other hand, a calculation using (6.2) and (6.3) the sum of the first three terms in the universal formula (1.8) f orQ6. Together with the contribution of i*-P2 2(-Q2), we coincides with Q6by (6.3). Another calculation using (6.2) and (6.3) the first seven terms in the universal formula for Q8. Together with coincides with Q8by (6.3). By [15], the product formula (6.1) generalizes in the form P2N(h) Einstein metrics. In c=1 4. Hence (on functions which are constant on M), -P2(h) for Einstein hwitht=n(n-1), the same calculations as on round spheres, prove (3.1). For general scalar curvature, the result follows by rescaling. The assertion is trivial for t= 0.UNIVERSAL RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 35 6.3.The averages s(k,j).We consider averages of the polynomials rIover cer- tain sets of compositions Iof the same size |I|. We speculate that these averages can be described in terms of standard interpolation 6.1 (Standard interpolation polynomials). For given integers M,Nsuch that N-1>=M>=0, letI(M,N)(x)be the interpolation polynomial 1, i= = 0, i= 1,...,N-1. We use the polynomials rIfor compositions Iof size|I|=jto define the j averages s(k,j), 6.2 (Averages). let s(k,j)(x) we expect that the averages s(k,j)are related to the interpolation the formula (6.5) s(k,j)(x) = other words, (6.5) states the equalities (6.6) that this value coincides with (6.7) ( asserts that (6.8) s(k,j)(-(j-k)-i) = 0 for i= zeros in (6.8) are quite remarkable. In fact, (6.8) states that s(k,k)=
r(k)has zeros in x=-1,...,-(k-1). These are obvious by the definition of36 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS JUHL r(k). But for k < j, the zeros of s(k,j)in (6.8) are notobvious from the zeros of the individual terms rIdefining the sum. Note that the obvious the conjectural relation (4.10). On the other hand, (6.9) wo uld be conse- quence of the explicit formula (6.10) fact, comparing the coefficients of xj-1on both sides of the (1-x)-(1+j), we yields the assertion (6.9). 6.4.The polynomials rIfor compositions of small size. In Table 6.1 - Table 6.4, we list the polynomials rIfor all compositions Iwith 2<= |I| <=5. In each case, we factorize off the zeros in the negative integers. W e recall that r(1)= 1. 6.5.Some values of rI.In Table 6.5 - Table 6.8, we list the values of rIfor 2<= |I| <=5 on the respective sets S(|I|) of half-integers. We write all values as perturbations by sIof the respective values at x=1 2. From that presentation it is immediate that the averages s(k,j)are constant on the respective sets of half- integers, and one can easily read off the values of sI. In Table 6.5 - Table 6.7, we also display some values of rIon half-integers /e}atioslash S(|I|). These influence the values of corresponding polynomials for compositions of larger size t hrough recursive relations. In 0 and s(3)+s(1,3)= 0 atx=-7 2, 0 and s(4)+s(1,4)= 0 atx=-9 2. These are special cases of s(1,k,1)+s(k,1)= 0 (see (4.14)) and s(1,k)+
s(k)= 0 (see RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 37 Table 6.9 - Table 6.12 display the values of rIfor 2<= |I| <=5 onthe respective sets of integers in [ -|I|,2]. One can easily confirm that the values rI(0) in Table 6.11 are determined by the values of rI(1) in Table 6.10 and rI(2) in Table 6.9 according to the relation r(J,k)(0) +rJ(k)r(k)(0) = 0 (see (4.8)). Similarly, the valuesrI(0) in Table 6.12 are determined by the values of rI(1) in Table 6.11, rI(2) in Table 6.10 and rI(3) in Table 6.9 (see Section 4.2.3).38 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS S. Alexakis. The decomposition of global conformal invariants: O n a conjecture of Deser and Schwimmer. . [2] W. Beckner. Sharp Sobolev inequalities on the sphere and the Mos of Math. (2) , 138(1):213-242, 1993. [3] T. Branson and R. Gover. Variational status of a class of fully no nlinear problems. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations , 32(2):253-262, . [4] T. P. Branson. The functional determinant , volume 4 of Lecture Notes Series . 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Values of rI(|I|= 5) 6.9. The values of rI(|I|= 2) on{-2,...,3}44 CARSTEN FALK AND ANDREAS 6.10. The values of rI(|I|= 3) 6.11. The values of rI(|I|= 4) RECURSIVE FORMULAE FOR Q-CURVATURES 6.12. The values of rI(|I|= 5) on{-5,...,0} | 0804.2745 | Andreas Juhl | Carsten Falk and Andreas Juhl | Universal recursive formulae for Q-curvatures | typo fixed on page 2 | null | null | null | math.DG math.SP | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We formulate and discuss two conjectures concerning recursive formulae for
Branson's $Q$-curvatures. The proposed formulae describe all $Q$-curvatures on
manifolds of all even dimensions in terms of respective lower order
$Q$-curvatures and lower order GJMS-operators. They are universal in the
dimension of the underlying space. The recursive formulae are generated by an
algorithm which rests on the theory of residue families. We attempt to resolve
the algorithm by formulating a conjectural description of the coefficients in
the recursive formulae in terms of interpolation polynomials associated to
compositions of natural numbers. We prove that the conjectures cover $Q_4$ and
$Q_6$ for general metrics, and $Q_8$ for conformally flat metrics. The result
for $Q_8$ is proved here for the first time. Moreover, we display explicit
(conjectural) formulae for $Q$-curvatures of order up to 16, and test high
order cases for round spheres and Einstein metrics.
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"version": "v1",
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2 Hilbert space is N+1 dimensional and the projective Hilbert space has dimenssions N. If the metric of quantum states is defined with the complex coordina tes in the quantum state space, it is known as Fubini- Study metric which lies on the K ahler manifold or CP(N) and is identified with the quotient the (5) is also found to be the most appropriate representation of this sym metry preserving the required almost 8]. Bythe the generalized theory encapsulated in PNand also allows for mutually compatible metric and symplectic structur e, supplies the framework for the dynamical extension of the canonical quan tum theory. The Grassmannian is gauged version of complex projective space, which is the geometric realization of qu antum mechanics. The utility of this formalism is that gravity embeds into quantum mechanics with the requirement that the kinematical structure must with the generalized dynamical structure under deform ation [10]. The quantum symplectic and and therefore the almost complex structure, are th emselves fully dynamical. Time the evolution parameter in the generalized Schr odinger equation, is yet not global and is given in terms of the invariant distance. The basic point as threshold of the BIQM is to notice that the evolution equatio n (the generalized Schr odinger equation) as a geodesic equation can be derived from an Einstein-like equation with t he energy-momentum tensor determined by the holonomic non-abelian field strength Fabof type and the interpretation of the Hamiltonian as a charge. Such an extrapolation is logical, since CP(N) is an Einstein space, and its metric obeys Einstein's equation with a positive cosmological constant given 0. (6) The diffeomorphism invariance of the new phase space suggests the following dynamical scheme for the BIQM (7) Moreover, the requirement of diffeomorphism invariance places str ingent constraints on the quantum geometry such as the condition of an almost complex structure (nonintegrable) on the generalized space of quantum events. This extended framework readily implies that the wave-functions labeling the relevant space are themselves irrelevant. They are as meaningless as coordinates in General Relativity. It is fundamental issue of Physics, as the value of the cosmological constant is tied to vacuum energy density. On the other hand, the cosmological tells us something about the large scale behaviour of the universe, since a constant implies the observable increase is big and (nea rly) flat. Thus, the cosmological constant relates the properties of the microscopic Physics of the vacuum to the long distance Physics on the cosmic scale (for reviews, see ref: [11-14]). We know that cosmological constant is the variance in the vacuum en ergy about zero mean. The variance Eas it appeared in one of the original propositions [8] of the metric of qua ntum (8) leads to a natural question: What this uncertainty of energy stan ds for? It could be the variance in the vacuum energy too. If the quantum state under consideration is the stat e of vacuum (9) It is interesting to note that there is something physical in the right hand side of equation (8) which appears as a geometrical form in the left hand side of the equation. The invariant dsin the metric structure of quantum states is not a distance in the dimensional sense, it is neighborhood in the topo logical sense. In fact, the expression of metric in equation (8) has also been derived [8] by taking Taylor's expansion o f the quantum state time evolution and thus exploring all possible neighborhood. We know that the Taylor's expansion is a powerful tool to examine the neighborhood of any mathematical function. It is the in finitesimally small neighborhood implied by this expression which fills the space. This expression of metric of quantu m states as it appeared in one of its [8] was later generalized in the quantum state space. A s suggested by T. W. Kibble [7] in the context3 of proposed generalization of quantum mechanics that the states that are in a sense defined near vacuum can be represented by vectors in the tangent space Tn, and that on Tnone has all the usual structure of linear expressed in the local coordinates. However, we need t o specify what is meant by nearness to the vacuum. A state uis near the vacuum if the expectation value everywhere small [7]. Here we find a clue. The compton's wavelength in equation (2) is not constant, while the Planc k's length or ( lC)PlanckScale (say for the state of vacuum) is certainly unique and the least [1]. At each point on the sp ace-time manifold, the space is locally flat. Also, the vacuum (in the form of voids in the space) today is not the s ame as it was in the early Universe. Locally, the vacuum energy is fixed by the quantum theory in the tangent sp ace, which is also the case in the Matrix theory [3]. Gauging QM generically breaks Super-Symmetry. We do not have g lobally defined super-charges in space-time in the corespondance limit. This also explains- why there is cosmologica l constant [10]. One important element of this approach to quantum gravity is the ex istence of correspondence limit between the dynamical quantum theory and the Einstein's classical theory of gr avity coupled to matter. At long we map the configuration space to space-time, we have Gener al Relativity. Turning off dynamics in the space recovers the canonical quantum mechanics [1 , 3-5]. Space-time is locally from flat space (zero cosmologic al constant). Thus, instead of working with the space-time manifold, we ought to employ a larger geometric stru cture whose tangent spaces are the spaces of consistent quantum mechanics of gravitons [2]. Th e equivalence principle we employ, relies on the universality and consistency of quantum mechanics at each point. I n every small local neighbourhood at this the notion of quantum mechanical measurement is iden tical. The observed value of the cosmological constant has a natural int erpretation as fluctuations about the zero mean. The observable smallness of the cosmological constant should tell u s something fundamental about the nature. To explore the reasons, we analyze the followin g [2, 9, 10] quantized (10) Here, the space-time volume and the cosmological constant should be regarded as conjugate quantities and they fluctuate accordingly in the quantum theory. The canonical quant um expectation value of the cosmological What is meant (and observed) by vacuum energy is the flu ctuation in L. Consequently, one can relate the smallness of the observed cosmological constant to the largeness of space-time. A manifold is constructed out of an atlas of coordinate charts. An in finitesimally small neighbourhood about any point is flat. The small cosmological constant could be regarded as t he consequence of patching together the Physics of locally flat spaces consistent with the existence of canonical gra vitational quanta. In string theory, the space-time is M4xK6, where M4is observed macrospace-time, and K6is the compact space, such as Calabi-Yau manifold. And the smallness of th e observed cosmological constant is a statement about the largeness of the manifold M4. As it is the product that appears, and should be regarded as cano quantities. In a quantum theory, we expect that the fl uctuation in one obvservable related to fluctuations in its conjugate, such as: (L)( V)~h. In fact it is energy-time uncertainty relation in the space-time (th e string theory target space). The preferred value of the cosmological c onstant is certainly zero [2, 9, 10]. The existence of a measured vacuum energy is the consequence of quantum fluctuat ions about the zero value. The fluctuations in L are inversely related to the fluctuations in the volume V. In a of gravity, the cosmological constant aris es in the Einstien-Hilbert action as a prefactor for the volume of the four-dimensional [2] space-time (11) It is not surprising that the metric of quantum state space has its d efinition in statistical mechanics also [2, 14, 15], and is alternatively expressed as statistical distance on the space of quantum events uniquely determined by the size of statistical fluctuations occurring in measurements performed to tell one event from another. This distance between two statistical events is given in terms of number of distinguishable e vents, thus forming the space with the metric individual probabilities. The distance in the probability space is nothing but the celebrated Fisher distance of th e information theory and can be written as (12) Within a quantum theory, events cannot be localized to arbitrary pr ecision. Only for high-energies does it even make sense to speak of a local region in the space-time where an interact ion takes place. This is simple consequence of the4 energy-time uncertainty relation. Fluctuations in the volume of spa ce-time are fixed by statistical fluctuations in the number of degrees of freedom of the gauged quantum mechanics. To enumerate the degrees of freedom, we employ the statistics of distinguishable particles. The fluctuation is given by a Poisson's distribution, which is typical for coherent states. Thus, the studies of cosmological constatnt, or to say studies of space-time by means of statistical mechanics have come a long way. And, we see further possibilities of break-through in the understanding of cosmological constant by means of statistical mechanics in the following discussion. The fluctuations of relevance for us lie in the number of Planck sized c ells that fill up the configuration space (the space in which quantum events transpire). The uncertainty princip le prevents us from representing a moving physical object by a single vector. This is because such a representation wo uld amount to specifying both the position and the momentum exactly. Thus, phase space is divided into cells with volu one can say that the state of a system cannot be spe cified more closely than by saying that the tip of the vector representing it lies in one of these cells. The volume of the phase space by equation (13) is with the considera tion that the energy Eof each phase space cell is fixed. Now, we propose to expand the volume of the phase spa ce in eight dimensions, ensuring the to be manifestly covariant. This is with the consideration th at phase space cells also observe fluctuations in the energy as E+EorE-E. Also, we emphasize the need to widen the covariant formalism in ther modynamics and statistical mechanics for the sake of generalizations. The ext ended phase space in eight dimensions is thus natuarally associated with the constraint of uncertainty (15) Thus, using the relation (L)( V)~hwe again reduce the phase space to the following (16) From this, we can also (17) Now we argue that the phase space volume in the eight dimensions is an appropriate representation that it should be, and the relation (L)( V)~hagain brings it down to the reduced phase space given by equation (1 3). The expansion of the universe is observed to be the driving factor t hat affects the value of cosmological the rate of expansion of the universe certainly plays a r ole in affecting the cosmological constant. Conse- quently, it it just not possible that the rate of expansion of the univ erse in different directions has no effect on the cosmological constant! It is quite apparent that the cosmological constant arises not because of the variance in the vacuum energy alone. The variance in all the components of four mo menta of vacuum phase cells gives rise to it. But, as the ensemble (universe) on the whole is isotropic, its rate of expansion in different directions is uniform, and effectively the cosmological constant at large turns out to be equiv alent to the variance in the vacuum energy only. One may call it a or a reverse approach to the rea lization of this truth. And this gives rise to of further author wishes to thank Prof.A. Ashtekar for explaining the nee d and importance of background mechanics. [1] Aalok, [gr-qc].5 [2] Aalok, Int. J. Th. Phys. 46, No.12, 3216 (2007); Vishnu Jejjala and D. Minic (2006) hep-th/0605105 v2; Vi shnu Jejjala, D. Minic and C. H. Tze (2004) D. Minic and C. H. Tze, Phys. Rev. D68, 061501 (2003); D. Minic and C. H. Tze, Phys. Lett. B536, 305 (2002); hep-th/0401028; hep-th/0202173 v2. [6] D. Minic and C. H. Tze, Phys. Lett. B581, 111 (2004); T. W. B. Kibble, Comm. Math. Phys. 65, 189 (1979). [8] J. Anandan and Y. Aharonov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 1697 (1990); J. Anandan, Phys. Lett. A147, 3 (1990); Foundations of Physics21, 1265 (1991). [9] Maqbool Ahmed, Scott Dodelson, Patric B. Greene, and Raf ael Sorkin, Phys. Rev. D69, 103523 (2004). [10] Andrew G. Cohen, David B. Kaplan, and Ann. E. Nelson, Phy s. Rev. Lett. 82, No. 25, 4971-4974 (1999). [11] T. Padmanabhan, Class. and Quant. Grav. 22, L107-L112 (2005); For Reviews, see S. Weinberg, Rev. Mod. Phys. 71, 1 (1989); P. J. E. Peebles and B. Ratra, Rev. Mod. Phys. 75, 559 (2003); T. Padmanabhan, Phys. Rep. 380, 235 (2003). [13] Y. B. Zeldovich, JETP Lett. 6, 316 (1967); Sov. Phys. Usp. 11, 381 (1968). [14] Unruh W. G. C., Phys. Rev. D14, 870, (1976). [15] Samuel L. Braunstein and Carlton M. Caves, Phys. Rev. Le tt.72, 3439-3443 (1994); Phys. Lett. A219, 169-174 (1996); W. K. Wooters, Phys. Rev. D23, No. 3, 357-362 (1981). | 0804.2849 | Aalok Pandya | Aalok Pandya | Dark Energy, Background Independent Quantum Mechanics and the Origin of
Cosmological Constant | 5 Pages | null | null | UOR/THEP/texfile/0802 | physics.gen-ph gr-qc | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We explore the extended framework of the generalized quantum mechanics and
discuss various aspects of neighborhood in the construction of space in search
of origin of cosmological constant. We propose to expand definition of the
volume of the phase space in eight dimensions with an overall constraint in the
form of uncertainty relation as: $(\Delta p_{x}\Delta p_{y}\Delta p_{z}\Delta
E)(\Delta x\Delta y\Delta z\Delta t)\sim h^{4}$. We argue that the phase space
volume in the eight dimensions is an appropriate representation that it should
be, and the relation $(\Delta \Lambda)(\Delta V)\sim h$ again brings it down to
the reduced phase space.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 17 Apr 2008 16:25:22 GMT"
] | 2009-01-09T00:00:00 | [
] |
2 defined the positions of the two bins in phase space and nmis the measured content in the mth bin. We divide the 2 pazimuthal angle equally into Mbins andspecify we reduced angular-bin multiplicity correlation (2) It is clear that the correlation pattern measures how the nearby particles correlate with each other in differ- ent directions of azimuthal space. If the particles are produced independently in the whole phase space, order to apply this correlation pattern to heavy ion collision, we choose the RQMD and AMPT models as examples. The RQMD (relativis- tic quantum molecular dynamics) with re-scattering is a hadron-based transport model [15]. The final are implemented in the model by hadron re- scattering. The anisotropic collective flow produced by the model is much smaller than the observed data at RHIC. In contrary to the RQMD model, the AMPT is a multi-phase transport model, where both hadron In the AMPT with string melting, the parton level transport is fully taken into account, and the observed anisotropic collec- tive flow at RHIC is well reproduced [16]. For Au + Au collisions atsNN= 200 GeV, we and AMPT with string melting, respec- tively. Their neighboring angular-bin multiplicity cor- relation patterns are shown in Fig. 1(a) by open and solid circles, respectively. Here we partition the whole azimuthal range 2 puniformly into 50 equal size angu- lar bins.ph= 0 refers to the direction of the reaction plane in nuclear collision. The errors are statistical only and most of them are smaller than the symbol size in this and following figures. It is clearly shown in Fig. 1(a) that correlation patterns from these two models are like, opposite to the well-knowncos2 ph(in- plane) liked azimuthal distribution. This is in contrary to the expectation that the formed matter expands col- lectively toward in-plane direction. Some unexpected in- teractions should be responsible for such a result. In order to see how the results come, the of neighboring angular-bin multiplicity cor- relation patterns from these two models are presented in Fig. 1(b) and (c), respectively, where three typical two models give qualitatively the same centrality de-10 20 30 40 50Cm, 10 20 30 40 m+1 (b) 10 20 30 40 1: (a)The neighboring angular-bin correlation patter ns for Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV from the RQMD and AMPT with string melting. The of the correlation patterns from (b)the RQMD with re-scattering , and (c) AMPT with string of azimuthal correlation pattern. The correla- tion patterns are cos2 phlike in peripheral collisions, then turntoflat become -cos2ph likein Here, we ranges to show their typical behavior. In fact, the correlation pattern changes gradually from cos2 phto -cos2phwith centrality. It is clear that two opposite trends dominate in peripheraland In the mid-central collisions, the two trends turn to balance and the correlations become equal in all directions. Moreover, these characteristics are indepen- dent of the specific assumptions implemented in the two models, in particular independent of the assumed in the models. The characteristics of correlation pattern reveal the formed matter in these two transport models. One has the direction as the anisotropic expansion. The other one is opposite to it. This also shows that the anisotropic azimuthal distribution is not only driven by anisotropic expansion. It is resulted from the combina- tion of these two opposite anisotropic expansion and the late impossible to produce strong correlations in out-of- plane direction. Only the initial source eccentricity in non-central collisions is preferential in the direction. It results in a larger initial number of participant nucleons in the out-of-plane direction, which in turn could gener- ate stronger interaction in the direction. As long as the system is not fully thermalized, this initial interaction will compete with the subsequent anisotropic expansion. In peripheral collisions, the overlap zone is small and so is the number of participant nucleons, but the differ- ence between the minor and major axes of overlap ellipse is large, and so is the difference of pressure gradients. In this case the anisotropic expansion dominates the and the effects of initial interaction in corre- lation patterns are hidden. In near-central collisions, the overlap zone becomes large and the difference between minor and major axes of ellipse is small, so that the ini- tial interactionsare strongenoughto showthemselves up in final observable. This is why the out-of-plane correla-3 tp0 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5 (a) y-4 -2 0 2 -2 0 2 2: (a) and (b) rapidity depen- dence of u2at three centralities for Au + Au collision at 200GeV from RQMD with patterns appear at near-central collisions. So the behavior of the formed matter in these two transport models are far from the flow in relativistic the formed matter at RHIC. Measuring the RHIC and LHC is therefore looking forward. As long as the observed preferential direction of correlation pat- tern are different from that of its azimuthal as what we show by transport models, then there should be no hydrodynamic flow at RHIC. On the other hand, if the experimentally measured correlation pattern has the same anisotropy as its azimuthal distribution, it will be a strong support to the current expectation at in- trinsic interaction level that the formed matter at RHIC indeed behaves like hydrodynamic flow. The correlation patterns are typical periodic functions of azimuthal angle in peripheral and central collisions, as shown in Fig. 1. So they can be well expanded by thepsris the direction of reaction plane, and is zero in the model analysis. But in real analysis, it has to be determined thereby refers to event-plane. It has been in the measurement of anisotropic elliptic flow v2in current relativistic heavy experiments [18, 19]. The main contribution in the expansion series comes Its coefficient u2provides the preferen- tial direction and strength of anisotropic correlation pat- tern. We specify it as anisotropic correlation It will make the systematic study of the correla- tion pattern easy. It is interesting to see how ACC, u2, depends on ptof final state particles, in com- parison to the corresponding ptdependence of v2. It is known that the evolution schemes of RQMD with re- scattering and AMPT with string are different. In the former,the thermal source. High ptparticles are emitted early at high temperature and low ptones are emitted later on at low temperature. The range of ptof final state particles is related to its emitting proper-time [15]. So the ptde- pendence of u2in RQMD with re-scattering will present how the correlation pattern changes with evolution. The results are presented in Fig. 2(a). We can see that in positive in peripheral col- lisions, becomes negative for mid-central collisions, and becomes even more negative for central collisions. They are similar to that for all ptparticles shown in Fig. 1(b). It should also be noticed in Fig. 2(a) that u2is of the choice of ptranges of final state parti- cles in peripheral and mid-central collisions, but decrease rapidly with the increase of ptin central collision. This earlier, and less influenced by the later anisotropic expansion in central collisions. On the contrary, each parton in the AMPT with string melting has its own freeze-out time, which span a long period after the initial interaction of the two nuclei, and are unrelated to each parton's [16, 17]. So similar ptdependence of u2can be observed in this model only when the chosen interval of ptis very large. The rapidity dependence of ACC, u2, is further stud- ied bythese They same dependency. The results from RQMD are pre- sented in Fig. 2(b), where three typical rapidity ranges, i.e., forward, backward and central rapidity ranges, are chosen. It shows that the correlation pattern is indepen- dent of the choice of rapidity range, and similar to that in the whole rapidity space. So in finite rapidity ranges of current relativistic heavy ion experiments [19], study- ing the correlation pattern and anisotropic is expectable, and will provide more on whether or not the formed matter behaves like hydrodynamic flow. To the summary, it is argued that the observation of anisotropic azimuthal distribution of final state particles alone is insufficient to assure whether the formed matter atRHIC interaction (or correlation) of the formed mat- ter should provide more definite judgement. To the end, a azimuthal is suggested. It shows clearly that there are two kinds of interactions at early stage of Au + Au 200 GeV, generated by RQMD with and AMPT with string melting. One is in- plane preferential as expected from anisotropic expan- sion due to initial eccentricity in non-central new one is out-of-plane preferential, which may be resulted from the larger initial number of in these direction. These characters of correla- tion pattern show at least in two transport models that the formed matter does not behave like in contrary to current expectation. Finally, how to experimentally measure the correlation pattern and4 anisotropic correlation coefficient is discussed. The authers would thank Dr. Nu Xu, Aihong Tang and Huangzhong Huan for their stimulating comments.We are grateful for the financial supports from the NSFC of China under projects: No. 90503001, K. Adcox et al.(PHENIX Collaboration), Nucl. Phys. A757, 184-283(2005), nucl-ex/0410003; John Adams et al.(STAR Collaboration), Nucl.Phys.A 757, 102- 183(2005), nucl-ex/0501009; B. B. Back et Nucl. Phys. A 757, I. Arsene et al.(BRAHMS Nucl. Phys. A 757, 1-27(2005), Miklos Gyulassy, Larry McLerran, Nucl. Phys. A 75030- 63(2005). B. M uller, Annu. Rev. Nucl. and Part. H. Sorge, Phys. Lett. B 402; ibid., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 2048(1999); D. Moln' ar and M Gyulassy, Nucl. Phys. A697, 495(2002). [4] U. Heinz, J. Phys. G 31, s717-s724(2005); B. Alver et al. (PHOBOS), Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, A. Adare et al. (PHENIX), Phys. Rev. Lett. T. Hirano, M. Isse, Y. Nara, A. Ohnishi, and K. Yoshino, Phys. Rev. C72, Thomas A. Trainor, P.Kovtun, D.T.Son, A.O.Starinets Journal-ref: Phys. Rev. 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Lett.93, 252301(2004), nucl-ex/0407007; John Adams et al.(STAR Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. B. Alver, et al., arXiv:0711.3724. | 0804.2932 | Yuanfang Wu | Wang Meijuan, Liu Lianshou, and Wu Yuanfang | Is there hydrodynamic flow at RHIC ? | 4 pages, 2figures | null | null | null | nucl-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | It is argued that the observation of anisotropic azimuthal distribution of
final state particles alone is insufficient to show whether the formed matter
at RHIC behaves like hydrodynamic flow. Examining the intrinsic interaction (or
correlation) of the formed matter should provide more definite judgement. To
the end, a spatial-dependent azimuthal multiplicity-correlation pattern is
suggested. It shows clearly in the pattern that there are two kinds of
interactions at the early stage of Au + Au collisions at $\sqnn=200$ GeV
generated by RQMD with hadron re-scattering and AMPT with string melting. This
is out of the expectation from the elliptic flow driven by anisotropic
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"created": "Fri, 18 Apr 2008 03:18:12 GMT"
] | 2008-04-21T00:00:00 | [
] |
2 the namely, Since information might not always be easy to be measured or quantified in experiments, we endevour to clarify the relation between information and a phenomenom which is often not only possible to observe but also relatively easy to characterize. We initially proceed along the same line as in Refs. [9, 10], andstudy However, instead of treating the informa- tion transferbetween dynamicalsystems components, we treat the transfer of information per unit time two elements in an autonomous chaotic active network. Thus, we neglect the complex relation between external stimulus and the network and show how to cal- culate an upper bound value for the mutual information rate (MIR) exchanged between two elements (a Ultimately, we discusshow to extend this formulato suffering the influence of a time-dependent stimu- lus. Most of this work is directed to ensure the plausibil- ity and validity of the proposed formula for the upper bound of MIR (Sec. V) and also to study its applications in order to clarify the relation among network and synchronization. We do not rely only on results provided by this formula, but we also calcu- late the MIR by the methods in Refs. [11, 12] and by symbolic encoding the trajectory of the elements forming the network and then measuring the mutual by this discrete sequence of symbols in Sec. XIII). To illustrate the powerof the proposed formula, we ap- plied it to study the exchange of information in networks of coupled chaotic maps (Sec. XVI) and in Hindmarsh- Rose neural networks bidirectionally electrically The analyses are carried out using quantities that we believe to be relevant to the treatment of in- formation transmission in active networks: a communi- cation channel , thechannel capacity , and the network capacity (see definitions in Sec. XV). A communication channel represents a pathway through which information is exchanged. In this work, a communication channel is considered to be formed by a pair of elements. One element represents a transmiter and the other a receiver, where the information about the transmiter can be measured. The channel capacity is defined in terms of the pro- posed upper bound for the MIR. It measures the local maximal rate of information that two elements in a given network are able to exchange, a point-to-point measure of information exchange. As we shall see, there are two network configurations for which the value of the upper bound can be considered to be maximal with respect to the coupling strength. The network capacity is the maximum of the KS- entropy, for many possible network configurations with a given number of elements. It gives the amount of in-dependent information that can be simultaneously trans- mitted within the whole network, and naturally inthechannels, transmission of information between two elements. While the channel capacity is bounded and does not depend on the number of elements forming the network, the network capacity depends on the number of elements forming the network. As a direct application of the formula for the upper bound value of the MIR, we show that an active network can operate with a large amount of MIR and sametime it alterations in the coupling strengths, if the eigenvalues of the Lapla- cian matrix satisfy some specified conditions (Sec. VII). The Laplacian matrix describes the connections among the elements of the network. The conditions on the eigenvalues depend on whether the network is constructed in order to possess communi- cation channels that are either self-excitable or (see definition in Sec. XIV). Active networks that possess channels (formed by oscil- latorsas the R ossler, orthe Chua's circuit) synchrony. Therefore, if a large amount of in- formation is desired to be transmitted point-to-point in a network, easily synchronizable net- works are required. On the other hand, networks that possess self-excitable channels (as the ones formed by neurons), when there is at least one unstable mode of oscillation (time-scale) that is out of synchrony (see channels permit the exchang- ing of a moderate amount of information in a due to the low level of in the channel, self-excitable channels permit the exchange of surprisingly large amounts of information, not due to the higher level of in the channel. In aiming at finding optimal network topologies, net- works that can not only transmit large amounts of in- formation but are also robust under alterations in the coupling strengths, we arrive at two relevant which provide networks that satisfy all the optimal requirements. Either the network has elements that remain completely desynchronous for large varia- tions of the coupling strength, forming the or the network has elements almost forming the channels. In fact, the studied network, a network formed by electri- cally connected Hindmarsh-Rose neurons, can have si- multaneously self-excitable and networks, namely those that have a ma- jority number of self-excitable channels, have the topol- ogy of a perturbed star, i.e., they are composed of a to mostofthe other some outer neurons sparsely connected among them-3 selves. The networks that have chan- nels have the topology of a perturbed fully i.e., a network whose elements are almost all- to-all connected. The self-excitable network has thus a topology which can be considered to be a model for mini- columnar structure of the mammalian neocortex [13]. In order to construct optimal networks, we have used two approaches. Firstly, (Sec. VIIIA), we use a Monte Carlo evolution technique [14] to find the topol- ogyofthe rewiring of a neuron network that maximizes or minimizes some cost function, in this case a cost function which produces optimal networks to transmit information. In the sec- ond approach (Sec. VIIIB), we allow the elements to be connected with different coupling strengths. We then use the Spectral Theorem to calculate the coupling strengths of an all-to-all topology we discuss how to extend these results to elementsthat IX), and to non-autonomous networks, that are being per- turbed by some time-dependent stimuli (Secs. IX and X). IV. RESULTS V. UPPER BOUND FOR THE RATE (MIR) IN AN a recent publication [11], we have argued that the mutual information rate (MIR) between two elements in an active chaotic network, namely, the amount of infor- mation per unit time that can be realized in one element, k, by measuring another element, l, regarded as IC, is given by the sum of the conditional Lyapunov with the synchronization manifold minus the positive conditional Lyapunov expo- nents associated with the transversal manifold (regarded asl). shown in [12], if one has N=2 coupled chaotic sys- tems, which produce at most two positive Lyapunov l2, the trajectory of the element kin the network by xk. For larger number of elements, N, the in [11] remain valid whenever the defines the manifold) and Xkl=xk-xl(which de- fines the transversal manifold) successfully separates the two systems kandlfrom the whole network. Such a situation arises in networks of chaotic maps of the inter- val connected by a diffusively (also known as electrically or linear) all-to-all topology, where every element is con- nected to all the other elements. These approaches oscillators connected by a diffusively all-to-all topol- ogy. The purpose of the present work is to extend theseapproaches and ideas to active networks with an active network formed by Nequal ele- ments,xi(i= 1,...,N), where every has a different set of initial conditions, The network is described by . (1) whereGijis theijelement of the coupling matrix. to exist by the subspace we can call this matrix the Laplacian matrix. The synchronous solution, e, is described by .e=F(e) (2) The way small perturbations propagate in the network [17] is described by the i(i= 1,...,N) variational equa- tions of Eqs. (1), namely writing xi=e+dxiand ex- panding Eq. (1) in dxi, d.xi= by linearly expanding Eq. (1). The spectra of Lyapunov exponent is obtained from Eq. (3). Makingxi=x, which can be easily numerically done by setting the elements with equal initial conditions and takingH(xi) =xi, Eq. (3) can be made block in .xi= [F(xi)-sgi]xi. (4) wheregiare the eigenvalues (positive defined) of the Laplacian matrix ordered such that gi+1>=gi. Note that g1= 0. Notice that the network dynamics is described by Eq. (1), which assumes that every element has different the elements are completely synchronized). On the other hand, Eq. (4) that provides the conditional expo- nents considers that all the initial conditions are equal. The equations for x1describe the propagation of pertur- bations on the synchronization manifold x, and the other equations describe propagation of perturbations on the manifolds transversal to the synchronization manifold. While Eq. (3) provides the set of Lyapunov exponents of an attractor, Eq. (4) provides the Lyapunov expo- nents of the synchronization manifold and its also that when dealing with linear dynamics, the Lyapunov exponents [obtained from Eq. (3)] are equal to the conditional exponents [obtained from Eq. (4)] independently on the initial the upper bound of the MIR that can be mea- sured from an element xkby observing another element4 xl, i.e. the upper bound of the MIR in the communica- tion channel ci-1is Ii-1 P<= |l1-li| the sum of all thepositive Lyapunov exponents of the equation for the modexi, in Eq. (4). So, l1is the sum of the exponents obtained from the equations, using the smallest eigenvalue associated with the exponential divergence between nearby trajec- tories around x, the synchronous state, and li(i >1) are the sum of the positive conditional exponents of one of the possible desynchronous oscillation modes. Each eigenvalue giproduces a set of conditional exponents li m, withm= 1,...,D. Each oscillatory mode xirepresents a the whole network which possesses some oscilla- tory pattern. This oscillatory subnetwork can be used for communications purposes. Each mode represents network. The oscillation mode associated with manifold ( x1) propagates some informa- tion signal everywhere within the network. The desyn- chronous modes limits the amount of information that one can measure from the signal propagated by the syn- chronous mode. Although Eq. (5) gives the upper bound for the amount of information between modes of oscil- lation, for some simple network geometries, as the ones studied here, we can relatethe amount ofinformation ex- changed between two vibrational modes to the amount of information between two elements of the network, and therefore, Eq. (5) can be used to calculate an upper bound for the MIR exchanged between pairs of elements in the network. For larger and complex networks, this association is non-trivial, and we rely on the that a pair of elements in an active network cannot transmit more information than some of the i-1 values of Ii-1 P. The inequality in Eq. (5) can be interpreted in the fol- lowing way. The right hand side of Eq. (5) calculates the amount of information that one could transmit if the whole networkwere completely synchronouswith the statex, which is only true when complete takes place. Typically, we expect that the elements of the network will not be completely synchronous to x. While the positive conditional exponents associated with the providean upper bound for the rate of information to be transmitted, the exponents provide a lower bound for the rate of erroneously information exchanged between nodes of the network. Thus, the amount of information provided by the right part of Eq. (5) overestimates the exact MIR which, due to in the network, should be smaller than the calculated one. For more details on the derivations of Eq. (5), see Sec. XVI. Equation (6) allows one to calculate the MIR elements. Denoting s*(N= 2) as the strength value for which the curve for l2reaches a relevant value, say, its maximum value, then the coupling strength for which this same maximum is reached for liin a network composed by Nelements is given by si*(N) =2s*(N= represents the ith largest eigenvalue of the N-elements network. If the network has an thus, s*(N= 2) represents the strength value for which the curve of I1 Preaches a relevant value, and s*(N) the strength value that this same value for that symmetries in the connecting network topology leads to the presence of degenerate eigenval- ues (=equal eigenvalues) in the Laplacian matrix, which means that there are less independent channels of com- munication along which information flows. Calling Qthe number of degenerate eigenvalues of the Laplacian ma- trix, Eq. (5) will provide N-Qdifferent values. As the coupling strength sis varied, the quantities that measure information change correspondingly. For practical reasons, it is important that we can link the way these quantities (see Sec. XV) change with the way the different types of synchronization show up in the network (see Sec. XVII). In short, there are three main types of synchronization observed in our examples: burst phase synchronization (BPS), when at least one pair of neurons are synchronous in the slow time-scale but desynchronous in the fast time-scale, phase (PS), when all pairs of neurons are phase syn- chronous, and complete synchronization (CS), when all pairs of neurons are completely synchronous. The cou- pling strength for which these synchronous phenomena appear are denoted by sBPS,sPS, andsCS(with no superscript index). Finally, there are a few more relevant which characterize each communication chan- nel. First, si min, for which the sum of the ith liequals the value of l1. Fors < si min, channel i(whose upper rate of x1 andxi) behaves in a self-excitable way, i.e., l1< li. Secondly, si*indicates the at which Ii-1 Pis maximal. Thirdly, si CSindi- cates the coupling strength for which the stable, i.e., li<0. Ats=si*
the self-excitable channel capacity of the channel ci-1is reached and at s=si CS, the channel capacity is reached. Finally, sCis the coupling for which the network capacity is reached, and then, when the KS- entropy of the network is maximal. For other quantities, see Sec. XV.5 VI. THE MIR IN NETWORKS OF NEURONS We investigate how information is transmitted in self- excitable networks composed of Nbidirectionally cou- pled Hindmarsh-Rose neurons 1-5x2 i-yi parameter rmodulates the slow dynamics and is set equal to 0.005, such that each neuron is chaotic. values within the set [1 the subsystem formed by the andSlrepresents the subsystem formed by the variables ( xl,yl,zl), where k=[1,...,N-1] and l=[k+ 1,...,N]. The Laplacian matrix is andsGjiis the strength of the between the neurons, and we take for Iithe valueIi= 3.25. In order to simulate the neuron network and to cal- culate the Lyapunov exponents through Eq. (3), we use the initial conditions x=-1.3078+ e,y=-7.3218+ e, andz=3.3530+ e, whereeis an uniform random number within [0,0.02]. To calculate the conditional and coupling: Here, we analyze the case The Laplacian matrix has Neigenvalues, g1=0, andN-1 de- generate ones gi=N,i= 2,...,N. Every pair of neurons exchange an equal amount of MIR. Although, there are Nx(N-1)/2 pairs of neurons, there is actually only one independent channel of communication, i.e., a per- turbation applied at some point of the network should be equally propagated to all other points in the network. In Fig. 1(A), we show the MIR, IC, calculated using the ap- proaches in Refs. [11, 12], IP, calculated using the right hand-side of Eq. (5), and IS, calculated encoding the trajectory between pair of neurons (Sec. XIII), and HKS, neurons. In (B), we show these same quantities for a network formed by N=4 neurons. While for s~=0 ands>=sCS, we have that IC~=IP~=
IS, fors~=s2*(when the self-excitable channel capacity is reached) it is clear that IPshould be an upper bound for the MIR, since not only IP> ICbut also IP> IS. Notice the good agreement between ICandIS, whenIS> HKS, which violates Eq. (13). The star symbol indicates the value of the XVII), the quantifiers for the MIR are large, and close to a coupling strength, sC, for which the network capacity is reached (when HKSis maximal).At this point, the networkis generate a large amount of entropy, which implies a largeli, fori>=2. This is an optimal configuration for the maximization of the MIR. There exists phase syn- chrony in the subspace of the slow time-scale is responsible for the bursting-spiking behavior), but there is no synchrony in the ( x,y) subspace. This supports the binding hypothesis, a fundamental con- cept of neurobiology [13] which sustains that neural net- works coding the same feature or object are It also simultaneously supports the works of [15], which show that seems to play an important role in the perception of objects as well. Whenever l2approaches zero, at s=sCS, there is a drastic reduction in the value of HKSas well as IP, since the network is in complete synchronization (CS), when all the variables of one neuron equals the variables of the other for coupling strengths larger than the one indicated by the star symbol, and smaller than the one where CS takes place, there is still one time-scale, the fast time-scale, which is out of synchrony. Fors > s2 min, the only independent is of the type. That and as the coupling strength and that the curve for IPshown in Fig. 1(B) can be obtained by rescaling the curve shown in Fig. 1(A), applying Eq. coupling: Here, every neuron is connected to its nearest neighbors, with periodic bound- ary conditions, forming a closed ring. The eigenval- ues of the Laplacian matrix can be calculated Notice that in this example, gk+1might be smaller than gkdue to the de- generacies. We organize the eigenvalues in a crescent or- der. For our further examples, we consider N=4 [in Fig. 2(A)] and N=6 [in Fig. 2(B)]. For and for with a nearest-neighbor coupling eigenvalues. There areonly N-N/2 different minimal path lengths connecting the elements of the network. The minimal path length quantifies the minimal distance between an element and another in the network by following a path formed by connected ele- ments. Note that IPassumes only N-N/2 It is reasonable to state that each different to the exchange of information between ele- ments that have the same minimal path N=4[Fig. minimal path lengths, 1 and 2. Either the elements are 1 connection apart, or 2 connections apart. For such a network, it is reasonable to associate MIR between two elements, SkandSk+2, that are 2 connections apart, and I3 P=|l1-l4|to the MIR be- tween two elements, SkandSk+1, that are 1 connection6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 IC IP IS HKS 0 0.1 1: The quantities IC(black circles), IP(red diamonds), and HKS(blue diamonds), for two (A) and four (B) coupled neurons, inan all-to-all topology. Not ice that since there are only two different eigenvalues, there is only one channel of communication whose upper bound for the MIR is given by IP=|l1-l2|. mutual information exchanged between any two pairs of elements in the system. In (A), s2*=0.092, 0.47, and sCS=0.5. In (B), 0.24, and sCS=0.25. CS indicates the coupling interval s>=sCSfor which there exists complete The more distant (closer) an element is from any other, the larger (smaller) the coupling strength for them to synchronize. In addition, s2*> s4*ands2 min> s4 min. That meansthat the moredistant the larger the coupling strength is, in order for these two elements to exchange a large rate of informa- tion, since s2*> s4*. In addition, since s2 min> s4 min, the communication channel responsible for the exchange of information between closer elements (the channel c3) becomes for a smaller value of the cou- pling strength than the strength necessary to turn channel responsible for the exchange of information between distant elements (the channel c1) intoachannel. Sincethelevelofde in a channel is low, then, closer elements can exchange reliable information for smaller coupling strengths than the strength necessary for distant elements to exchange reliable that due to the 1 degenerated eigenvalue, A similar analysis can be done for the network N=6, whose results are shown in Fig. 2(B). The KS entropy of the network, HKS, is also shown in this figure. In (A), s2 min=0.42 and s4 min=0.21, and0 0.2 0.400.050.1 IP1 IP3 HKS 0 0.5 1 2: The quantities IPandHKSfor with N=4 (A) and N=6 (B). In (A), and sCS=0.5. In (B), The stars point to where BPS first appears. CS indicates the coupling interval s>=sCSfor which there exists complete (B),s2 min=0.84 and s6 min=0.275, values that can be easily derived from Eq. (6). Note that the values of s=s4 minin (A) [and s=s6 min, in (B)] are close to the parameter for which BPS in the slow time-scale is first observed in these networks (indicated by the star symbol in Fig. 2), sBPS~=0.18 [in (A)] and sBPS~=0.23 [in (B)]. At s~=s4 min[in (A)] and s~=s6 min[in (B)], also the quantities I1 PandHKSare large. Another important point to be emphasized in these networks is that regarded as the robustness parameter for the commu- nication channels ci, withi=3 for the network with N=4 [in (A)] and i= 5 for the network with N=6 [in (B)] is large. This is a consequence of the fact that the 4 [in (A)] or i= 6 [in (B)]. Havinga largeNED between the ith largest and the first largest in a channel, ci-1, robust under large alterations of the coupling strength. On the other hand, si SE=si min, regarded as the self-excitable ro- bustness parameter for the communication channel i= 2,3. normalized spectral distance (NED), ( Having a large NED between the largest and the ith largest eigenvalues results in a self-excitable chan- nel,ci-1, robust under large alterations of the . Noticealsothatthe maximalvaluesof and nearest-neighbor networks topologies is the same (see Figs. 1 and 2). This shows that the maximum of IPdoes not depend on the number, N, of elements in the network. Not so in the case of the network capac- ityCC, which increases with N. Thus, pairs of elements can transmit information in a ratherlimited rate, but de- pending on the number of elements forming the network, a large number of channels can simultaneously coupling: We consider N=4. There is a cen- tral neuron, denoted by S1, bidirectionally connected to the other three ( Sk,k= 2,3,4), but none of the others are connected among themselves. The eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix are So, not only the NED between gNandgN-1is large but also and therefore, sN-1 SEand This provides a network whose channels c1andc2 have a largeMIR for a largecoupling strength alteration. Note that if gN-1is far away from gNthat implies that gN-2is also far away from gN. Thus, a reasonable spec- tral distance between gN-1andgNis a biological re- quirement for the proper function of the network, since even for larger coupling strengths there will be at be propagated within the network [16]. 0 0.5 1 3: MIR between the central neuron and an outer one (black circles), I1 P, (resp.IS(1,k), in green line), and between two outer ones (red squares), I3 P, (resp.IS(k,l), in blue line). Blue diamonds represents the KS-entropy. Other 0.181,s2*= 0.044,s4 min= 0.84,s2 min= sPS=0.92, and sCS=1.0. The star indicates the parameter for which BPS first appears. The largest eigenvalue is related to an oscillation mode where all the outer neurons are in synchrony with each other but desynchronous with the central neuron. So,here it is clear the association between |l1-l4|and the MIR between the central neuron with an outer the amount of information of the syn- chronous trajectories among all the neurons, while l4is the amount of information of the desynchronous trajec- tories between the central neuron and any outer neuron. The other eigenvalues ( g2,g3) represent directions trans- verse to the synchronization manifold in which the outer neurons become desynchronous with the central neuron in waves wrapping commensurately around the central neuron [17]. Thus, l2andl3are related to the error in the transmission between two outer neurons, 1. Note that the MIR between S1and an outer neuron (upper bound represented by by IS(1,k), in Fig. 3) is larger (smaller) than the MIR between two outer neurons (upper bound rep- resented by represented by IS(k,l), in Fig. 3), for small coupling (for when the channelc3is self-excitable, and s>=s4 min). Similar to the nearest-neighbor networks, the self-excitable and the channel capacities of the channel as- sociated with the transmission of information c3) of the coupling strength than the one necessary to make the channels associated with the transmission of information between more distant elements (the channel c1) to achieve its two channel capacities. That property permits this network, for s~=s4 min, to transmits simul- taneously reliable information using the channel c3and with a higher rate using the channel c1. Notice, in Fig. 3, that So, when the channel capacity of the channel c1is the network is maximal, and the network operates with its point that we want to emphasize in this net- work is that while a large NED between a network whose channel c1is self-excitable and can transmit information at a large rate for a large cou- pling strength interval, a large NED between g3andg2 leadsto a channel c3even forsmall val- ues of the coupling amplitudes, and it remains for a large variation of the coupling strength. Thus, while secondand thefirst largest eigenvalues leads to a network whose channels of the self-excitable types, a large NED between the second largest and the third largest eigen- values provide a network whose communication channels are predominantly of the types. VII. EIGENVALUES CONDITIONS FOR OPTIMAL NETWORK network topologies and coupling strengths in orderto havea networkthat operatesin adesired fashion is not a trivial task (see Sec. XVIII and XIX). An ideal way to proceed would be to evolve the network topology8 in order to achieve some desired behavior. In this paper, we are interested in maximizing simultaneously IP, the KS-entropy, and the average for a large range of the coupling strength, characteristics of an optimal net- work. However, evolving a network in order to find an optimal one would require the calculation of the MIR in every communication channel and HKSfor every evo- lution step. For a typical evolution, which requires 106 evolution steps, such an approach is topology can be realized by only selecting an appropriate set of eigenvalues which have some specific NED. Evolving a network by the methods of Secs. XVIII and XIX using a cost function which is a function of only the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix is a practical and physible task. The present section is dedicated to describe the deriva- tion of this cost function. We can think of two most relevant sets of create optimal networks, and they are represented in Fig. 4. Either it is desired eigenvalues that produce a network predominantly self-excitable [SE, in Fig. 4] or predominantly [NSE, in Fig. 4]. In a network whose communication channels are pre- dominantly self-excitable, it is required that the maximal and ( we want a network for which the cost maximal. A network whose eigenvalues maximize B1has self- excitable channels for a large variation of the . As a consequence, well as HKSis a network whose communication channels are pre- dominantly , it is required that the NED (g3-g2)/Nis maximal and ( we want a network for which the cost maximal. A network whose eigenvalues maximize the condition in Eq. (9) have channels for a large variation of the coupling strength. As a large for which is a small cou- pling range, but since there is still one oscillation mode that is unstable (the mode x2),HKSis still large for a large range of the coupling strength ( s < s2 min). Most of the channels will transmit information in a reliable way, since the error in the transmission, provided by li (i>=2), of most of the channels will be zero, once li<0. Since degenerate eigenvalues produce networks with less vibrational modes, we assume in the following the absence of such degenerate eigenvalues. In addition, weg g g gg g g1 12N-1 N N 3SE NSE FIG. 4: Representation of the eigenvalues sets that produce optimal self-excitable (SE) and activ e net- works (NSE). assume that there is a finite distance between eigenvalues so that the network becomes robust under rewiring, and therefore, perturbing Gijwill not network that is completely synchronous and has no unstable modes does not provide an appropriate envi- ronment for the transmission of information about an external stimulus, because they prevent the propagation of perturbations. Networks that can be easily (for small coupling strengths) requires the minimization of gN-g2, orin termsofthe eigenratio, the minimization of gN/g2. We are not interested in such a case. To construct network topologies that are good for complete synchronization, see Refs. [17, 18, 19]. VIII. OPTIMAL TOPOLOGIES FOR INFORMATION explaining how we obtain optimal for information transmission, it is important to discuss the type of topology expected to be found by maximizing either B1, in Eq. (8) or B2, in Eq. (9). No- tice that Laplacians whose eigenvalues maximize B1are a perturbed version of the star topology, and the ones that maximize B2are a perturbed version of the all-to- all topology. In addition, in order to have a network that presents many independent modes of oscillations it is re- quired that the Laplacian matrix presents as much as possible, a large number of non-degenerate can be arranged by rewiring (perturbing) either the star or the nearest-neighbor topol- ogy, breaking the symmetry.9 In order to calculate an optimal Laplacian, we propose two approaches. One approach, described in Sec. XVIII, is based on the reconstructionof the networkby evolving the process responsible for the growing or rewiring of real biological networks, a process which tries to maximize or minimize some cost function. The results are discussed in Sec. VIIIA. A second approach, described in Sec. XIX, is based on the Spectral Theorem, and produces a network in or- der for its Laplacian to have a previously chosen set of eigenvalues. These eigenvalues can be chosen in order to maximize the cost function. The results are discussed in Sec. VIIIB. A. Evolving networks In order to better understand how a network evolves (grows) in accordance with the maximization of the cost functions in Eqs. (8) and (9), we first find the with a small number of elements. To be specific, we choose N=8 elements. To show that in- deed the calculated network topologies produce active networks that operate as desired, we calculate the aver- age upper bound value of the MIR [Eq. (12)] for neu- ral networks described by Eqs. (7) with the by the evolution technique, and compare with other network topologies. Figure 5 shows the aver- age channel capacity, calculated for networks composed of 8 elements, using one of the many topologies obtained by evolving the network maximizing B1(circles, denoted in Fig. by evolving 1), all-to-all topology (squares), star trian- gle), and maximizing B2(down triangle, denoted in Fig. by evolving 2). The star points to the value of s2 min, whenc1, the most unstable communication channel channel), becomes . As desired the evolving network 1 has a large upper bound for the MIR (as measured by for a large range of the coupling strength, since the network self-excitable channels. The channel c1 has a large robustness parameter s2 SE, i.e., it is a self- excitable channel for s < s2 min, where s2 min=2.0. In contrast to the other topologies, in the star, and all-to-all topologies, s2 SEis smaller and s2 NSEis larger. Even though most of the channels in the evolving2 topologyareofthe type, an}backetle{tIPan}backeti}htremains large even for higher values of the . That is due to the channel c1which turns into a self-excitable channel only for s >2. The KS-entropies of the 5 active networks whose shown in Fig. 5 are shown in Fig. 6. Typically, the network capacities are reached for roughly the same isreached. In between the coupling strength for which the and the maximal of reached, l3be- comes negative. At this point, also BPS appears in the0 0.5 1 1.5 2
FIG. 5: The average value of the upper bound MIR, defined in Eq. (12)] for active networks composed of 8 elements using one of the many topologies obtained by evolv- ing the network maximizing B1(circles), all-to-all star topology (diamonds), nearest-neighbor (u p- per triangle), and maximizing B2(down triangle). The val- ues by the starts are s2 min=0.169 (evolv- ing 1),s2 min=0.05 (all-to-all), s2 min=0.037 (star), and s2 min=0.6 (evolving 2). The evolv- ing 1 network has a Laplacian with relevant g8=6.1004, which produces a cost function withrel- evant eigenvalues g2=0.2243 and g3=1.4107, which produces a cost function equal to B2=5.2893. slow time-scale, suggesting that this phenomena is the behavioral signature of a network that is able to trans- mit not only large amounts of information between pairs of elements (high MIR) but also overall within the net- work (high HKS). Note however, that since the evolving networks have a small number of elements, the cost function cannot reach higher values and therefore, the networks are not as optimal as they can be. For that reason, we proceed now to evolve larger networks, with of the cost function B1leads to the net- work connectivity shown in Fig. 7(A) and maximization of the cost function B2leads to the network in Fig. 7(B). In (A), the network has the topol- ogy of a perturbed star, a neuron connected to all the other outer neurons, thus a hub, and each outer neuron is sparsely connected to other outer neurons. The arrow points to the hub. In (B),the networkhas the where elements connected. Note that there is one element, the neuronS32, which is only connected to one neuron, the S1. This isolated neuron is responsible to produce the large spectral gap between the eigenvalues g3andg2.10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 FIG. 6: KS-entropy for the same active networks of Fig. 5 composed of 8 the network topology represented in Fig. 7(A) is shown in Fig. 8 as circles, and the net- work topology represented in Fig. 7(B) is shown in Fig. 8 as squares. We see that the star topology, whose connectivity is represented in 7(A), has larger a larger coupling strength than the topol- ogy whose connectivity is represented in 7(B). Other relevant parameters of the network whose topology is represented in 7(A) are s2 min=0.8468, sCS=0.9762 and for the in 7(B) are s2 min=0.8512, and sCS=0.9761. It is worth to comment that the neocortex is being simulated in the Blue Brain project, by roughly creat- ing a large network composed of many small the star topology. By doing that, one tries to recreate the way minicolumnar structures [13] are con- nected to minicolumnar structures of the neocortex [20]. Each minicolumn can be idealized as formed by a pyra- midal neuron (the hub) connected to its outer neurons in the star topology, which are respon- sible for the connections among this minicolumn (small network) to others minicolumn. So, the used topology to simulate minicolumns is an optimal topology in what concerns the transmission of information. B. Constructing a network by a given set is of general interest to assess if the from the method in Sec. XVIII (in order to have a network Laplacian whose eigenvalues maximize the cost function B) can be used to construct other net-0 10 20 300102030l 0 10 20 7: A point in this figure in the coordinate kxlmeans that the elements SkandSlare connected with equal couplings in a bidirectional fashion. In (A), a 32 elements network, const ructed by maximizing the cost function B1in Eq. (8) and in (B), 32 el- ements network, constructed by maximizing the cost functio nB2 in Eq. (9). In (A), the network has the topology of a perturbed star, a hub of neurons connected to all the other neurons, whe re each outer neuron is sparsely connected to other neurons. Th e ar- row points to the hub. In (B),the network has the topology of a perturbed all-to-all network, where elements are almost al Note that there is one element, the neuron S32, which is only connected to one neuron, the S1. This isolated neuron is responsible to produce the large spectral gap between the ei In (A), the relevant eigenvalues are which produce a cost function equal to B=5.43478. In (B), the relevant eigenvalues are g2=0.99761, g3=27.09788, which produce a cost function equal to (whose Laplacian preserve the eigenvalues) main- taining still the properties here considered to be vital for information transmission. By a given set of eigenvalues, one can create a Lapla- cian matrix, G', with non-zero real entries, using the method described in Sec. XIX. The resulting network will preserve the eigenvalues and the synchronous solu- tion in Eq. (2), which means that the values of Ii Pof the topology created by the method in Sec. XIX are equal to the values of the network topologies that provide the set of eigenvalues, in the following example, the represented in Fig. 7(A-B). In Fig. 9(A-B), circles represent the values of HKSfor the network whose connectivities are represented in Figs. 7(A-B), and the squares represent this same quantity for a network whose Laplacian is calculated by the method in Sec. XIX, in order to preserve the same eigenvalues of the network topologies represented in Fig. oneconstructed by the method in Sec. XIX, when11 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 the networks shown in Fig. 7(A-B) by circles and squares, respectively. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 9: HKSfor a network evolved by the method in Sec. XVIII, in circles, and in squares, for a network whose Lapla- cian is calculated by the method in Sec. XIX in order for the Laplacian to generate the same eigenvalues as the ones gen- erated by the network Laplacian calculated by the In (A), we consider the same network topology whose connectivity is represented in Fig. 7(A), and in (B), we consider the same network topology whose connectivity is represented in Fig. 7(B). Note that in general, a Laplacian o f anactive networkwhose elements are connectedwith differen t coupling strengths, possess a smaller value of HKS. l2becomes zero, simultaneously l1becomes also zero, aconsequence of the fact that all the neurons enter in a non-trivial but periodic oscillation. In general, however, both networks preserve the characteristics needed for op- timal information transmission: large amounts of MIR andHKS, however,the have larger HKS, and possess a larger MIR for larger ranges of the coupling strength. The network consequence of the fact that the coupling strengths are non-equal [18, 19]. IX. ACTIVE NETWORKS FORMED BY NON-CHAOTIC ELEMENTS The purpose of the present work is to describe how in- formation is transmitted via an active media, a network formed by dynamical systems. There are three possi- ble asymptotic stable behaviors for an autonomous dy- namical system: chaotic, periodic, or quasi-periodic. A quasi-periodic behavior can be usually replaced by either a chaotic or a periodic one, by an arbitrary perturba- tion. For that reason, we neglect such a state and focus the attention on active channels that are either chaotic or periodic. The purpose of the present section is dedicated to an- alyze how a source of information can be active channels that are non-chaotic, that is pe- riodic, and that possess negative Lyapunov (5) is defined for positive exponents. How- ever, such an equation can also be used to calculate an upper bound for the rate of mutual information in systems that also possess negative Lyapunov first a one-dimensional contracting system be- ing perturbed by a random stimulus. Further consider that the stimulus changes the intrinsic dynamics of this system. This mimics the process under which an active element adapts to the presence of a the stimulus, thn, can be described by a dis- crete binary random source with equal probabilities of generating '0' or '1'. Whenever thn= 0, the system presents the dynamics xn+1=xn/2, otherwise xn+1=
(1 +xn)/2. It is easy to see that the only of this mapping, l1, which is equal to the l1, isnegative. contribute to the production of information. From Eq. (5) one would arrive at IP=0. However, all the information about the stimulus is contained in the tra- jectory. If one measures the trajectory xn, one knows exactly what the stimulus was, either a '0' or a '1'. iteration which equals the absolute value of the Lya- punov exponent, |l1|. In fact, it is easy to show log(2), or if we use the inter- pretation of [21], IC=IP=l, wherel=|l1|is the positive Lyapunov exponent of the time-inverse 0, which equals the rate of information production of the random source. So, in12 this type of active communication channel, one would consider in Eq. (5) the positive Lyapunov exponents of the time-inverse trajectory, or the absolute value for the negative Lyapunov example was given in [12]. In this reference we have shown that a chaotic stimulus perturbing an ac- tive system with a space contracting dynamics (a neg- ative Lyapunov exponent) might produce a fractal set. We assume that one wants to obtain information about the stimulus by observing the fractal set. The rate of information retrieved about the stimulus on this fractal set equals the rate ofinformation produced by the fractal set. This amountis givenby D1|l|, whereD1isthe infor- mation dimension of the fractal set and |l|the absolute value of the negative Lyapunov exponent. In fact, D1|l|
is also the rate of information produced by the stimulus. So, if an active system has a space contracting dynam- ics, the channel capacity equals the rate of by the stimulus. In other words, the amount of information that the system allows to be transmit- ted equals the amount of information produced by the chaotic stimulus. X. THE ROLE OF A IN AN ACTIVE NETWORK The most general way of modeling the action of an ar- bitrary stimulus perturbing an active network is by stim- ulating it using uncorrelated white noise. Let us assume that we have a large network with all the channels oper- ating in fashion. We also assume that all the transversal eigenmodes of oscillations except one are stable, and therefore do not suffer the influence of the noise. Let us also assume that the noise is acting only on one structurally stable (= far from element, Sk. To calculate the upper bound of the MIR between the element Skand another element Slin the network, we assume that the action of the noise does not alter the value of l1. Then, the noise on the element Skis propagated along the vibrational mode associated with the one unstable transversal direction, whose con- ditional exponent is l2. As a consequence, the action of the noise might only increase l2, while not affecting the negativeness of all the other exponents ( lm,m >2), associated with stable transversal modes of means that the channels responsible for transmit- ing large amounts of information (associated with lm, withmlarge) will not be affected. So, for such types of noises, Eq. (5) of the autonomous network is an upper bound for the non-autonomous now a situation where the noise acts equally on all the elements of an active network. The mapping of Eq. (14) was proposed as a way to understand such a case. Consider the map for s=-1. Note that the term r(x2 n+y2 n) that enters equally in all the maps has statistical properties of an uniformly dis- tributed random noise. Calculating IPforr= 0 (thenoise-free map) we arrive at IP~=2s, for small s, while the true MIR IC~=2(s-r). These results are con- firmed by exact numerical calculation of the s of Eq. (14) as well as the calculation of the conditional exponents of the variational equations. So, this example suggests that Eq. (5) calculated for an au- tonomous non-perturbed network gives the upper DISCUSSIONS We have shown how to relate in an active network the rate of information that can be transmitted from one point to another, regarded as mutual information rate (MIR), the synchronization level among elements, and the connecting topology of the network. By active net- work, we mean a network formed by elements that andcan be describedby systems, such as chaotic oscillators, neurons, phase oscillators, and so suggesthowto network. A network that simultaneously at a large rate, is robust under and further, it possesses a large number of independent channels of communication, pathways along which information of the Laplacian matrix have to satisfy in order for one to have an optimal network. The Laplacian matrix describes the coupling strengths among each element in the active network. The two eigenvalues conditions are designed in order to produce networks that are either self-excitable [max- imizing Eq. (8)] or [maximizing Eq. (9)] (see definition of in Sec. XIV). Self- excitable networks have communication channels that transmit information in a higher rate for a large range of the coupling strength. Most of the oscillation modes in these networks are unstable, and therefore, informa- tion is mainly propagated in a desynchronous environ- ment. networks have s that transmit information in a higher rate for a small range of the coupling strength, however, they have channels that transmit reliable information in a strengths. modes in these networks are stable, and there- fore, information is mainly propagated in a a highly reliable environment for informa- tion to determine the topology of an dynamics of the elements forming the network. Once the network topology is obtained such that the eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix maximizes either the cost function in Eq. (8) or the one in Eq. (9), the actual amount of information that can be transmitted using the13 obtained topology will depend on the intrinsic dynamics of the elements forming the network [ Fin Eq. (1)] and also on the type of coupling [ Hin Eq. (1)], of only two coupled elements [see Eq. (6)]. In the examples studied here, phase in the subspace ( x,y) results in a great decrease of the KS-entropy (See Figs. 1 and 2) as well as of the MIR and IP. However, a special type of partial the BPS, appears simultaneously when some communication channel achieves its capacity. So, BPS [12] can provide an ideal environment for informa- tion transmission, probably a necessary requirement in the brain [22, 23]. Similarly, in networks of R ossler os- cillators, a type of network, PS is the phenomenom responsible to identify when the network is operating in a regime of high MIR[11, 24]. In approaches. One based on a Monte Carlo which randomly mutates the network topolo- gies in order to maximize the cost functions in Eqs. (8) and (9) (see Sec. XVIII). We do not permit the existence of degenerate eigenvalues. As a consequence gN-gN-1 aswellas order to maximize the cost function, but we only con- sider network topologies for which the value of the cost functions B1andB2remain constant for about of the evolving technique, within 1,000,000 it- erations. Even though more mutations could lead to networks that have larger values of the cost function, we consider that a reasonably low number of mutations would recreate what usually happens in real networks. The other approachcreates an a desired set of both topologies provide larger amounts of MIR and HKS, meaning large network and channel ca- pacities, the topology provided by the evolution tech- nique, which consider coupling strengths with equal strengths, That agrees with the results of Ref. [12] which say that networks composed by elements with parameters can transmit less information strengths are non-equal can be considered to be a model for networks with non-equal control parameters. So, if brain-networks somehow grow in order to maxi- mize the amount of information transmission, simultane- ously remaining very robust under coupling alterations, the minimal topology that small neural networks must have should be similar to the one in Fig. 7(A), i.e., a net- workwith astartopology, presentinga centralelement, a hub, very well connected to other outer elements, which are sparsely connected. Even though most of the examples worked out here concern simulations performed in a neural network of electrically coupled Hindmarsh-Rose neurons, our theo- retical approaches to find optimal topologies can be used to a large class of dynamical systems, in particular also to networks of synaptically (chemically) connected neu-rons. A neural network with neurons connected chem- ically would also be optimal if one connect neurons by maximizing either Eq. (8) or Eq. (9). The by the chemical synapses is that it can en- hance (as compared with the electrical synapses) both the self-excitable (using excitable synapses) or the (using inibitory synapses) characteristic of the communication channels as well as it can From the biological point-of-view, of course, the chemical synapses provide the long-range coupling between the neurons. So, the simulations performed here for the larger HR networks should be interpreted as to simulations of a general active network, since electrically can only make METHODS XIII. CALCULATING THE MIR BY THE TRAJECTORY The MIR between two neurons can be roughly esti- mated by symbolizing the neurons trajectory and then measuring the mutual information from the Shannon en- tropy [27] of the symbolic sequences. From [27], the mu- tual information between two signals SkandSlis (10) H(Sk) is the uncertainty about what Skhas sent (en- tropy of the message), and H(Sl|Sk) is the uncertainty of what was sent, after observing Sl. In order to esti- mate the mutual information between two chaotic neu- rons by the symbolic ways, we have to proceed with a disadvantage of such technique to chaotic sys- tems. We represent the time at which the n-th spike happens in SkbyTn k, and the time interval between the n-th and the (n+1)-th spikes, by dTn k. A spike positive and we consider about 20000 spikes. We encode the spiking events using the follow- ing rule. The i-th symbol of the encoding is a 1 if a spike is found in the time interval [ i,(i+ 1)[, and 0 otherwise. We choose order to maximize I' S. Each neuron produces a sym- bolic sequence that is split into small of length L=12. The Shannon entropy of the encoding symbolic sequence (in units of bits), is esti- mated by max H|= the probability of finding one of the 2Lpossible symbolic se- quences of length L. The term H(Sl|Sk) is calculated the Joint Entropy between both symbolic the MIR (in units of bits/unit time), IS, is14 calculated calculation of the ISby means of Eq. (11) should be expected to underestimate the real value for the MIR. Since the HR neurons have two time-scales, a large se- quence of sequential zeros in the encoding symbolic se- quence should be expected to be found between two bursts ofspikes(large dTn kvalues), which leadto a reduc- tion in the value of H(Sk) followed by an increase in the value ofH(Sl|Sk), since there will be a large sequence simultaneously in the encoding sequence for the interspike times of SkandSl. XIV. Ref. [12] was defined in the follow- ing way. An active network formed by Nelements, is said to be self-excitable if HKS(N,s)> HKS(N,s= 0), which means that the KS-entropy of the network in- creases as the coupling strength is increased. Thus, for non self-excitable systems, an increase in the among the elements forming the network leads to a decrease in the KS-entropy of the network. Here, we adopt also a more flexible definition, in terms of the properties of each communication channel. We define that a communication channel cibehaves in a self- excitable fashion if li> l1. It behaves in a fashion if li<=l1. XV. MUTUAL INFORMATION RATE (MIR), CHANNEL CAPACITY, AND this work, the rate with which information is ex- changed between two elements of the network is calcu- lated by different ways. Using the approaches of Refs. [11, 12], we can have an estimate of the real value of the MIR, and we refer to this estimate as IC. Whenever we use Eq. (5) to calculate the upper bound for the MIR, we will refer to it as IP. Finally, whenever we calculate the MIR through the symbolic encoding of the trajectory as described in Sec. XIII, we refer to it as IS. We define the channel capacity of a formed by two oscillation modes depending on whether the channel behaves in a self-excitable fashion or not. So, for the studied network, every possess two channel capacities, the and the one. A channel ci operates with its self-excitable capacity when Ii Pis max- imal, what happens at the parameter s(i+1)*. It operates with its capacity when li+1= that case, the averaged channel capacity is given bythe maximal value of the average (12) Thenetwork capacity of a network composed of is defined to be the maximum value of the Kolmogorov-Sinai (KS) entropy, HKS, of the net- work. For chaotic networks, the KS-entropy, as shown by Pesin [28], is the sum of all the positive s. Notice that if Idenotes the MIR then I<=HKS (13) As shown in Ref. [12] and from the many examples treated here, CN(N)N, and so, the network capacity grows linearly with the number of elements in an UNDERSTANDING EQ. (5) Let us study Eq. (5) using an analytical example. XV. Consider the following two coupled maps: xn+1= andxn,yn[0,1], which can be accomplished by applying the mod(1) operation. A. Positiveness of the MIR in Eq. (14) Here, we assume that r=0. This map produces two Lyapunov exponents l1=log(2) and this map is linear, the conditional exponents are equal to the Lyapunov exponents. Using the same ideas of Ref. [12], actually an interpre- tation of the way Shannon [27] defines mutual variables xandyis given by the rate of in the one-dimensional space of the variable x, denoted as Hx, plus the rate of information produced in the one-dimensional space of the variable y, denoted as Hy, x,y) space, denoted as Hxy. But,Hx=Hy= if andHxy=HKS=l2, otherwise. So, either IP=l1-l2, case that happens for when s= +1, or IP=l2-l1, case that happens for when s=-1. Ifs= +1, the larger the coupling strength, the smaller the KS-entropy, HKS. Ifs=-1, the larger the coupling strength, the larger HKS. In fact, as we discuss further, Eq. (14) for s=-1 is a model for a self-excitable channel, and for s= +1 is a model for a channel. In either case, the MIR can15 be calculated by using the modulus operation as in IP=
|l1-l2|. For larger networks, one can generalize such an equation using the conditional exponents arriving to an equation of the form as presented in Eq. (5). This equation points out to a surprising fact. Even when the level of in Eq. (14) is larger (l2> l1), which happens when s=-1, there is a posi- tive the two variables. In Figure 10, we show the phase space of Eq. (14) for a coupling strength equal to s=0.237. In (A), we illustrate a typical situation that happens in channels ( s= +1). The elements presenting a trajectory that most of the time lies on the synchronization manifold defined by xn-yn=0. In (B), we show a typical situation that hap- pens in self-excitable channels ( s=-1). The elements become a constant within the interval c[0,1]. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10: Trajectory of Eq. (14) for s=0.237 with s=-1 in (A) and s= 1 in (B). In (A), by observing the variable xnone can correctly guess the value of ynsincexn~=yn. Apparently, that is not the case in (B): by observing the variable xn, one might have difficulty in guessing the value of the variable yn, sincec[0,1]. Notice that the larger the amount of information being exchanged between xnandyn, the larger the chance that we guess correctly. In order to estimate the amount of information being exchanged we proceed in the following way. For the channel ( s=+1), we coarse- grain the phase space in L2small squares. Each square has one side that represents an interval of the domain of the variable xnand another side which is an in- terval of the domain of the variable yn. Calling p(i) x,the probability that a trajectory point visits the inter- valxn= [(i-1)/L,i/L], withi= 1,...,L, andp(i) y, the probability that a trajectory point visits the inter- valyn= [(i-1)/L,i/L], and finally, p(i,j) x;y, the prob- ability that a trajectory point visits a square defined byxn= [(j-1)/L,j/L], with j= 1,...,L, then, the MIR between xnandyn, denoted byI, is provided that the evaluation ofthe MIR by Eq. (15) under- estimates the real value for the MIR, since Eq. (14) is a dynamical system and the information produced by examplethe term measures the information produced by the variable xn) should be provided by conditional probabilities, i.e., the probability that a trajectory point has of visiting a given interval followed by another interval, and so on, in fact the assumption used to derive Eq. (5). In Fig. 11(A), we show the phase space of Eq. (14) withs=+1 and for s= 0.237. In Fig. 11(B), we show by the plus symbol, IP, as calculated by Eq. (5) and by circles,I, as estimated by Eq. (15). 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 (B) (C) (D) FIG. 11: Results for Eq. (14) with s0.237 and s=-1 [shown in (A) and (B)] and for s=-1 [shown in (C) and (D)]. Phase space of Eq. (14) and in (B), the MIR as calculated by Eq. (5) and as estimated by Eq. (15). (C) Phase space of Eq. (14) in the new coordinate frame Xnvs.Xn+1and in (C), the MIR as calculated by Eq. (5) and as estimated by Eq. (16). For the self-excitable channel ( s=-1) Eq. (15) sup- plies a null MIR, and therefore, it can no longer be used. But, as discussed in [12], the MIR can be and one desires to have the coordinate that maximizes the MIR. Aiming at maximizing the MIR,16 when the channel is of the self-excitable type, we trans- form Eq. (14) into an appropriate coordinate system, along the transversal manifold, where most of the in- formation about the trajectory position is located. We define the new coordinate as Xn= 1/2(xn-yn+1) and Xn+1= Thetrajectory( Xn,Xn+1) in this new coordinate system [for the same parameters as in Fig. 10(B)] is depicted in Fig. 11(C). The MIR being transferred between to the knowledge we acquire about Xn+1by ob- servingXn, or vice-versa. In Fig. 11(C), we can only be certain about the value of Xn+1, whenXnis close to either 0 or channel of communication. Xnis regarded as the transmiter and Xn+1is regarded as the receiver. When- ever the map in the transformed coordinates Xnvs.Xn+1 is non-invertible, we consider that by making measuresof the trajectory point Xn+1one cannot guarantee the ex- act position of the trajectory of Xn, which constitutes an error in the transmission of information. Whenever the map is invertible, by measuring the trajectory of Xn+1 one can surely know the exact position of the trajectory Xn, which corresponds to a correct transmission of infor- mation. Calling, pthe probability at which the map is invertible, then, the MIR between XnandXn+1is given by Ie= 1+(1 value of 10 Iefor Eq. (14) with s=-1 are shown in Fig. 11(D) by circles. The theoretical value, IP, pro- vided by Eq. (5) is shown by the plus symbol. A final comment on the characteristics of a self- excitable channel and of a channel is that while in a self-excitable channel the larger the level, the larger the MIR but the smaller the KS-entropy, in a channel the larger the level, the larger the MIR and the larger the KS-entropy. Note that HKS=2log(2) +
log(1-2ss), fors <0.25. B. Positiveness of the MIR for in the (non-linear) HR network To show that indeed Ii Pshould be positive in case of in Eq. (1) the coupling strength is arbitrarily small and that N=2. At this situation, the obtained from Eq. (3) are a first-order perturba- tive version of the conditional exponents, and they theirstrengths. Onearrivesat which means that the largest Lyapunov ex- ponent equals the transversal conditional exponent and the second largest Lyapunov exponent equals the condi- tional exponent associated with the synchronous mani- fold, i.e., the Lyapunov exponent of Eq. (2). Using sim-ilar arguments to the ones in Refs. [11, 12, 29], we have that the MIR is given by the largest Lyapunov exponent minus the second largest, and therefore, IC=l1-l2, which can be put in terms of conditional exponents as IP<=l2-l1. C. The inequality in Eq. (5) To explain the reason of the inequality in Eq. (5), consider the nonlinear term in Eq. (14) is non null and s=1, and proceeds as further. For two coupled systems, the MIR can be writen in terms of Lyapunov Exponents [12, 30]. For two coupled systems, the MIR can be exactly calculated by IC=
l1-l2, assuming positive. Calculating the numerically, we can show that IP>=IC, and thusIPis an upper bound for the MIR. For more details on this inequality, see [31] XVII. BUST PHASE is a phenomenon defined <=r, the phases of two elements a real number [33], where okandolare the average frequencies of oscillation of the elements Sk andSl, andris a finite, real number [34]. In this work, we have used in Eq. (17) m= 1, which means that we search for ok:ol=1:1 (rational) phase Ifanothertypeof the methods in Refs. [34, 35, 36] can detect it. The phase phis a function constructed on a 2D sub- space, whose trajectory projection has proper rotation, i.e, it defined center ofrotation. So, the phase is a function of a subspace. Usually, a good 2D subspace of the HR neurons is formed by the variables xandy, and whenever there is proper rotation in this subspace a phase can be calculated as shown in Ref. [37] by phs(t) (18) If there is no proper rotation in the subspace ( x,y) one can still find proper rotation in the velocity subspace (.x,.y) and a corresponding phase that measures the dis- placement of the tangent vector [35] can be calculated as shown in Ref. [37] by phv(t) .y2)dt. (19) If a good 2D subspace can be found, one can also define a phase by means of Hilbert transform, which an oscillatory scalar signal into a two compo- nent signal [38]. In the active network of Eqs. (7) with an and N=4, for the coupling the subspace ( x,y) has proper ro- tation, and therefore, phs(t) is well defined and can be calculated by Eq. (18). However, for this coupling inter- val, Eq. (17) is not satisfied, and therefore, there is no PS between any pair of neurons in the subspace ( x,y). For the coupling strength interval s~=[0.05,0.24], the neurons trajectories lose proper rotation both in the sub- spaces (x,y) and (.x,.y). In such a case, neither phs(t) nor phv(t) can be calculated. This is due to the fact that the chaotic trajectory gets arbitrarily close to the neighbor- hood of the equilibrium point ( x,y)=(0,0), a manifesta- tion that a homoclinic orbit to this point exists. In fact, the Hilbert transformfails to providethe phase from either scalar signals xory, since these signals do not present any longer an oscillatory behavior close to the equilibrium point. In such cases, even the to detect PS by defining the phase as a func- tion that grows by 2 p, whenever a trajectory a threshold cannot be used. Since the trajec- tory comes arbitrarily close to the equilibrium point, no threshold can be defined such that the phase pairs of neurons is bounded. Notice that by this definition the phase difference equals 2 pN, where Nis the difference between the number of times the trajectory of SkandSlcross the threshold. For the neu- ral networks, Ncould represent the difference between the number of spikes between two neurons. A spike is assumed to happen in Skifxkbecomes positive. In order to check if indeed PS exists in at least one subspace, alternative methods of detection must be em- ployed as proposed in Refs. [35, 36]. In short, if PS exists in a subspace then by observing one neuron tra- jectory at the time the other bursts or spikes (or any typical event), there exists at least one special curve, G, inthis subspace, forwhichthe observationsdo not visit its neighborhood. A curve G is defined in the following way. Given a point x0 in the attractor projected onto the subspace of one neu- ronwherethe phase isdefined, G isthe union ofallpoints for which the phase, calculated from this initial point withn= 2 p. Clearly an infinite number of curves G can be defined. For coupled systems with sufficiently close pa- rameters that present in some subspace proper rotation, if the points obtained from the conditional observations do not visit the whole attractor projection on this sub- space, one canalwaysfind a curveG that is far awayfrom the conditional observations. Therefore, for such cases, to state the existence of PS one just has to check if the conditional observations are localized with respect to the attractor projection on the subspace where the phase Skin the subspace ( x,y), whenever another neuron Slspikes, in the system modeled by Eqs. (7) with a star coupling-2 -1 0 1 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 12: The network of Eqs. (7) with a star configuration with N=4, and s=0.265. The curve G, a continuous curve transversal to the trajectory, is pictorially represented by the straight line G. (A) the green line represents the attractor projection on the su bspace (x,y)of the neuron S2, and points obtained from the conditional observations of the neuron S2whenever The point ( x,y) = (0.0) does not belong to G. (B) Green dots represent the reconstructed attractor z2(t)xz2(t- t), fort=30, and red circles represent the points obtained from the conditional observation of neuron S2, whenever the of the neuron S4crosses the threshold line z4(t-t) =
3.25 and N=4, are not localized with respect to a curve G, for the coupling strength s < s PS. An exam- ple can be seen in Fig. 12(A), for s= 0.265. The set of points produced by the conditional observations are represented by red circles, and the attractor by the green points. Therefore, there is no PS in the subspace ( x,y). In order to know on which subspace PS occurs, we proceed in the following way. We reconstruct the by means of the time-delay technique, using the variable z. This variable describes the slow time- scale, responsible for the occurrence of bursts. The re- constructed attractor z(t)xz(t-t) has proper rotation [see Fig. 12(B)] and the points obtained from the con- ditional observations do not visit the neighborhood of a curve G, then, there is PS in this subspace. Indeed, we find localized sets with respect to a curve G in the recon- structed subspace ( z(t)xz(t-t)), fors>=0.265. for the coupling s= [sBPS,sPS[, there is no PS in the subspace ( x,y) but there is PS in the subspace of the variable z. In this type of synchronous behavior, the bursts are phase synchronized while the spikes are not. This behavior is regarded as bursting phase (BPS). For simplicity in the analyses, we say that18 BPS happens when for at least one pair of neurons there is phase synchronization in the bursts. Phase (PS) happens in the network when the average absolute phase 1,N-1 andl=k+1,Namong all the pairs of elements, is smaller than 2 p, with the phases defined by either Eq. (18) or Eq. (19), where the index the index sorv. Further, we say complete (CS) takes place [17], when the variables of one neuron equal the variables of all the other neurons. Forthe analysesin this work, cou- pling parameter for which BPS first appears, i.e., BPS exists the coupling parame- ter for which PS first appears, i.e., PS exists if the coupling parameter for which CS first appears, i.e., CS exists if s>=sCS. There might exist particular parameters for which PS (or BPS) is lost even But these parameters are not typical and we will ignore them. For example, in the network composed by 6 elements with the topology [Fig. 2(B)], for s~=0.825 PS is lost. Note that these phenomena happen in a The presence of a stronger type of synchronization implies in the presence of other softer types of synchronization in the following order: CS -PS-BPS. XVIII. EVOLUTIONARY CONSTRUCTION OF A NETWORK In our simulations, we have evolved networks of couplings [39]. That means that the Lapla- cian in Eq. (1) is a symmetric matrix of dimension N with integer entries {0,1}for the off diagonal elements, and the diagonal elements equal to the network topologies which maximize Bin Eq. (8) is impractical even for moderately large N. Fig- uring out by brute force which Laplacian produces inspectionof a number To overcome this difficulty, Ref. [14] proposed an evolutionary procedure in order to reconstruct the network in order to maximize some cost function. Their procedure has two main steps regarded as mutation andselection. The mutation steps correspond to a random modification of the pattern of connections. The selection steps consist in accepting or rejecting the mutated network, in accordance with the criterion of maximization of the cost function B, in Eq. (8). We consider a random initial network which produce an initial Laplacian G0, whose eigenvalues produce a value B0for the cost func- tion. We take at random one element of this networkand delete all links connected to it. In the following, we choose randomly a new degree kto this element and con- nect this element (in a bidirectional way) to kother ele- ments randomly chosen. This procedure generates a new network that possesses the Laplacian G', whose eigenval- ues produce a value B'. To decide if this mutation is accepted or not, we calculate o=B'-B0. If o >0, the new network whose Laplacian is G'is accepted. If, on the other hand, o <0, we still accept the new mu- tation, but with a probability p(o) = exp(-/oT). If a mutation is accepted then the network whose Laplacian isG0is replaced by the network whose Laplacian is G'. Theparameter the level of noise responsible for the mutations. It controls whether the evolution process converges or not. Usually, for high temperatures one expects the evolution never to converge, since new mutations that maximizes Bare often not accepted. In our simulations, we steps are applied iteratively up to the point when|o|= 0 for about 10,000 steps, being that we con- sider an evolution time of the order of 1,000,000 steps. That means that the evolution process has converged af- ter the elapse of some time to an equilibrium state. If for more than one network topology |o|= 0 for about 10,000 steps, we choose the network that has the constraint avoids the task of finding the most op- timal network topology. However, we consider that a reasonablylow number ofmutations happens in real networks. XIX. CONSTRUCTING A NETWORK FROM A SET OF aNxNLaplacian matrix G, we can diagonalize it by an orthogonal transformation, viz OT.G.O=g1, the Unity matrix, grepresents the vector that contains the set of eigenvalues andOis an orthogonal matrix, O.OT=
OT.O=1, whose columns are constructed with the or- thogonal eigenvectors of G, namely O= [/vector v1,/vector v2,...,/vector v (21) which means that Gcan be decomposed into a Byusingthe spectralform of Eq. (21), the Laplacian Gcan be calculated vi.gi./vector vT i. (22) Any other Laplacian, G', can be constructed by using19 the set of eigenvalues g, v' i.gi./vector v'T i. (23) Of course, in order for the active network that is con- structed using G'to present the synchronization the vector /vector v' 1, with Nelements, is given by /vector and the other vectors are found by choosing arbitrary vectors
/vector v' iwhich are made orthogonal using the We thank C. Trallero who has promptly somanytimes discussed with MSB related top- ics to this work. MSB thanks a stay at the Interna- tional Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), where he had the great opportunity to meet and discuss some ofthe ideas presented in this work with H. Cerdeira and R. Ramaswamy. MSB also thanks K. Josi' c for having asked what would happen if the transversal were larger than the one associated with manifold and T. Nishikawa for having asked what would happen if sin Eq. (14) is positive, two questions whose answer can be seen in Appendix XVI. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to L. Pecora, for clarifying the use of the Spectal Theorem in the construction of a Laplacian matrix with a given set of eigenvalues and for insisting in presenting a more rigorous argument concerning the calculation of the con- ditional exponents. This work is supported in part by the CNPq and FAPESP. 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[39] Systems of bidirectional equal couplings can be consid - ered as models of electrical gap junctions, a coupling that allows bidirectional flowing of information in neural net- works. | 0804.2983 | Murilo Baptista S. | M. S. Baptista, J. X. de Carvalho, and M. S. Hussein | Optimal network topologies for information transmission in active
networks | 20 pages, 12 figures | null | 10.1371/journal.pone.0003479 | null | nlin.CD nlin.PS | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | This work clarifies the relation between network circuit (topology) and
behavior (information transmission and synchronization) in active networks,
e.g. neural networks. As an application, we show how to determine a network
topology that is optimal for information transmission. By optimal, we mean that
the network is able to transmit a large amount of information, it possesses a
large number of communication channels, and it is robust under large variations
of the network coupling configuration. This theoretical approach is general and
does not depend on the particular dynamic of the elements forming the network,
since the network topology can be determined by finding a Laplacian matrix (the
matrix that describes the connections and the coupling strengths among the
elements) whose eigenvalues satisfy some special conditions. To illustrate our
ideas and theoretical approaches, we use neural networks of electrically
connected chaotic Hindmarsh-Rose neurons.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:45:50 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 18 Jun 2008 15:39:44 GMT"
] | 2015-05-13T00:00:00 | [
"M. S.",
"de Carvalho",
"J. X.",
"M. S.",
] |
2. Methods Dynamic models of biological systems can be conveniently represented by a general nonlinear system Snin the state space form depending on a generally unknown parameter vector p: x t =f x t ,p + gi x t ,p ui(t)m i=1 y=(u t ,x t ,p) Where we have defined x as an n-dimensional state variable in which we store variables that generally represent some form of energy in our system; u is a m-dimensional vector that collects smooth input functions the system is supplied with; y is the r-dimensional observed output and p is a v-dimensional vector of unknown parameters. This notation also assumes that f ,g and are polynomial or rational functions of their parameters. A priori global identifiability of the system -experiment model, is a condition guaranteeing theoretical un iqueness of solution to the problem of recovering the model parameters from input -output data. Experimental identifiability , on the other hand, is strictly tied to the feasibility of a general identification process that starts from a pre - assigned set of i nput-output data. This last criterion can be seen as a primary key to develop guidelines for optimal experimental design since obtaining informative data . Given a quasi - stationary data set Z we say that Z is informative enough with respect to the model M* (the model to be identified) if, for any two models W1(q) and W2(q) in the set E [W1 q - W2 q z t ]2=0 which implies that W1(ej)W12(ej) for almost all . On the other hand a quasi -stationary data set Z is informative if it is informati ve enough with respect to the model set L*consisting of all linear, time invariant (LTI) models. The concept of informative dataset is tightly related to concepts of persistently exciting inputs. This can be seen easily by observing that a quasi -stationary dataset Z is informative if the spectrum matrix for z t =[u t y t ]Tis strictly positive definite for almost all . In fact, if we denote W1 q -W2 q =W q applying a well known theorem on signal filtration we can write: W ej Phz(o)+
-WT e-j do=0, with Phx o spectrum of the signal x(t) and where Phz o = Phu o Phuy o Phyu o Phyy o . Since Phz o is positive definite, this implies that W ej 0 almost everywhere that proves the previous statement. Moreover we can observe that, given the Phz o , for the Shur's Lemma we can assure algorithm convergence only if Phu o >0 and Phu o -Phuy o Phyy o Phyu o >0. Evidently the only block of this array we have control on is the one representing the spectrum of input signal which directly depends on dynamical properties o f the driving input signal we design. It is therefore convenient to introduce the concept of persistently exciting signal of order n for a quasi -stationary stimulus {u t }: we say that a similar signal, with spectrum Phu o is persistently exciting of order n is, for all filters of the form Mn q =m1q-1++mnq-n the relation |Mn(ej)|2Phu o 0 implies that Mn ej 0. Evidently the function Mn(z) Mn(z-1) can have n-1 different zeros on the unit circle (since one zero is always at the origin) ta king symmetry into account. Hence u(t) is persistently exciting of order n if Phu(o) is different from zero on at least n points in the interval -<=<=. This is a direct consequence of the definition. Signals that show such properties have been invest igated and include Pseudo Random Binary Signal, Generalized Binary Noise (or Random Binary Signal), Sum of Sines and Filtered Noise. Implementing such signals is quite simple from a computational point of view; however obtaining realizations of signals with such properties is an active area of research in current microfluidics. Developing geometries that satisfy physical conditions for the generation of signals compliant with the specifications imposed by the theoretical results we have shown is not a trivi al task. Several alternative solutions have been proposed for signal modulation in microfluidic channels [1][2] [3]; they are based on diverse physical principles like boundary diffusion controlled by relative velocity (like in H filters), by exciting cell s with diverse laminar flows that affect different parts of the cell etc. Here we propose a method based on the theory of Kelvin -Helmholtz discontinuities (the idea is presented in Fig. 1) . The effect results from velocity shears between two fluid . Any ti me there is a non -zero curvature, the flow of one fluid around another will lead to a slight centrifugal force which in turn leads to a change in pressure thereby amplifying the ripple. The most familiar example of this is wind blowing over calm water. Tin y dimples in the smooth surface will quickly be amplified to small waves and finally to frothing white -caps. Any sort of surface tension will hinder KH instabilities. If there is some restoring force T g, the instability will arise if Dv2>=
2(1+1) 12 Tg 1-1 . On the other hand the stability requirement is met if Dv2<=2vA=
2B o. Moreover we can control the frequency and wave number of the instabilities by analyzing the dispersion equation that states that k=U-'U'
+'+- with and ' densities of the first and second fluid and U and U' velocities of the first and second fluid respectively. 3. Results and Discussion According to all these specification we designed a microfluidic chip to be implemented using the (PDMS) technology. The mixing section of this chip is presented in Fig 2 . Fig. 1. Fluid behavior in the channel. Cells are stimulated by a modulated signal Fig. 2 Mixing section of the developed ch ip. As it can be seen in the final part of this design it thought to let fluid converge in the common channel in which cells are anchored. Over this channel a here a fiber -coupled laser -diode module together with a photodetector allow to trace the presence and position of the cells; this ensures the . Computational fluid dynamics studies on this geometry carried out using ANSYS CFD showed acceptable behaviors even at low Reynold regimes. Tests carried out using Potterswheel [4] MATLAB package to test theoretical results for the EGFR pathway (reference model by Kitano et al [6]) confirmed the expectations about information richness of the obtained I/O dataset and pushed the interest for further research in this field. 4. References [1] Takayama S, Ostuni E, LeDuc P, Naruse K, Ingber DE, GW. Whitesides. Selective Chemical Treatment of Cellular Microdomains Using Multiple Laminar Streams. Chem. Biol. 10(2): 123 -130 (2003). [2] Takayama S, Ostuni E, LeDuc P, Naruse K, Ingber DE, Whiteside s GM. Subcellular positioning of small molecules. Nature 411:1016 (2001). [3] Squires TM, Quake SR. Microfluidics: Fluid physics at the nanoliter scale Rev. Mod. Phys. July 2005, 7:3 pp. 977 -1026. [4] T. Maiwald, Potterswheel. [5] J.J. Hornberg et al, Cancer: A Systems Biology disease , BioSystems 83 (2006) 81 -90 [6] K Oda, Y Matsuoka, A Funahashi, H Kitano. A comprehensive pathway map of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling . - Mol Syst Biol, 25 May 2005 | 0804.3128 | Filippo Menolascina | Filippo Menolascina, Vitoantonio Bevilacqua, Caterina Ciminelli,
Stefania Tommasi and Angelo Paradiso | Developing a Theoretical Framework for Optofluidic Device Designing for
System Identification in Systems Biology: the EGFR Study Case | null | null | null | null | q-bio.OT q-bio.MN | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Identification of dynamics underlying biochemical pathways of interest in
oncology is a primary goal in current systems biology. Understanding structures
and interactions that govern the evolution of such systems is believed to be a
cornerstone in this research. Systems theory and systems identification theory
are primary resources for this task since they both provide a self consistent
framework for modelling and manipulating models of dynamical systems that are
best suited for the problem under investigation. We address herein the issue of
obtaining an informative dataset ZN to be used as starting point for
identification of EGFR pathway dynamics. In order to match experimental
identifiability criteria we propose a theoretical framework for input stimulus
design based on dynamical properties of the system under investigation. A
feasible optofluidic design has been designed on the basis of the spectral
properties of the driving inputs that maximize information content after the
theoretical studies.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 19 Apr 2008 07:21:07 GMT"
] | 2009-09-29T00:00:00 | [
] |
2 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, AND GUOSONG of deep discovery in Gromov-Witten theory is its intimat e relation with the birational geometry. A famous conjecture of Ruan as serts that any twoK-equivalent manifolds have isomorphic rings ([R1]) (see also [Wang]). Ruan's conjecture was proved by Li -Ruan for smooth algebraic 3-folds ([LR]) almost ten years ago. Only r ecently, it was generalized to simple flops and Mukai flops in arbitrary dimen sions by Lee- Lin-Wang ([LLW]). In a slightly different context, there has b een a lot of activities regarding Ruan's conjecture in the case of McKay the other hand, it is well known that the appropriate categ ory to study the birational geometry is not smooth manifolds. Inst ead, one should consider the singular manifolds with terminal singulariti es. In the three, the terminal singularities are the finite q uotients of hyper- surface singularities and hence the deformation of them are orbifolds. It therefore raises the important questions if Ruan's conject ure still holds for the orbifolds where there are several very interesting clas ses of flops. This is the main topic of the current proof of the case of smooth 3-folds consists of two steps. The first step is to interpret flops in the symplectic category, th en, they use almost complex deformation to reduce the problem to the simp le flop; the second step is to calculate the change of quantum cohomology under the simple flop. The description of a smooth simple flop is closely related to the conifold 0}. In [CLZZ], we initiate a program to understand the flop associ ated with the in the list of terminal singularities in [K]. The sin quotient are also studied in [La] and [BKL]. The program is along the same framework of that in [LR]. The fir st step is to describe the flops with respect to This is done in the previous paper([CLZZ]). Our main theorem in this paper i s Theorem 1.1. Suppose that Ysis a symplectic 3-fold with orbifold singu- larities of type Wr1,...,W rnandYsfis its singular flop, then QHCR(Ys) 1.1 verifies Ruan's conjecture in this particular ca se. We Ruanalso oftheab ove conjecture in terms of Ruan cohomology RHCRwhich has been established in [CLZZ] as well. Furthermore, our previous results enters the proof of this in a crucial way.RUAN'S CONJECTURE ON SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS 3 Thetechnique of ofthedegenerati on Gromov-Witten invariants, the localization tech niques and dimen- sion counting arguments. The theory of relative orbifold Gr omov-Witten formulainvolves heavydutya and will appear elsewhere ([CLS]). The paper is organized as following. We first describe the rel ative orb- ifold GW-invariants andstate thedegeneration formula(wi thout proof)( SS2). Then, we summary the result of [CLZZ] on the singular symplec tic flops and Ruan cohomology ( SS3). The heart of the proof is a detail analysis of rela- tive orbifold GW-theory on local models ( SS4 andSS5). The main theorem is proved in We would like to thank Yongbin Ruan for suggesting the problem and for many valuable discussions. We also wish to th ank Qi Zhang for many orbifold Gromov-Witten theory and the degeneration formula 2.1.The Chen-Ruan Orbifold Cohomologies. LetXbe an orbifold. ForxX, if its small neighborhood Uxis given by a uniformization system (~U,G,p), we sayGis the isotropy group of xand denoted by Gx. certain equivalence relation. For each ( g) T, it defines a At the mean while, the twisted sector is associated with number i(g). The Chen-Ruan orbifold cohomology is defined to be H*
CR(X) details, readers are referred to Gromov-Witten invariants. LetMg,n,A(X) be the mod- uli spaceof representable orbifold morphismof genus g,n-marked points and AH2(X,Z) (cf. [CR2],[CR3]). By specifying the monodromy h= each marked points, we can BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, AND GUOSONG ZHAO be the evaluation maps. The primary orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants are defined particular, structures on H*
CR(X).LetVbe a vector space over R. Let h:VV-R be a non-degenerate pairing and A:VVV-R be a triple form. Then it is well known that one can define a prod give different products. Remark 2.1. Suppose we have A an isomorphism (with respect to the product) if phis a letV=H*
CR(X) andhbe the Poincare pairing on V. If A(a1,a2,a3) defines the Chen-Ruan product. If A(a1,a2,a3) defines the Chen-Ruan quantum product. We denote the ring t o spaces of relative stable maps for orbifold pairs. For the relative stable maps for the smooth case , there are two eq One is on the symplectic manifolds with respect to cylinder ends, each of which admits a Hamiltonian S1action ([LR]), the other is on the closed symplectic manifolds with respect to divisors([LR] ,[Li]). This is also true for orbifolds. We adapt the second version here. LetXbe a symplectic orbifold with disjoint k}. For simplicity, we assume k= 1 andZ=Z1.RUAN'S CONJECTURE ON SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS 5 By a relative stable map in ( X,Z), we mean a stable map f Mg,n,A(X) with additional data that record how it intersects with Z. Be (Sg,z)-X. The additional data are collected in ={x1,...,x k}. We marked points . The rest of marked points are denoted the monodromy of f(with respect to Z) at each point in x. The rest are denoted by h= are the monodromy of f(with respect to X) at each point in p.
*the multiplicity of the tangency is defined by the following: Locally, the neighborhood of zjis given Suppose the lift of = the multiplicity of uisaandgjGzjacts on the fiber over zjwith multiplicity c. Then the multiplicity is set to Set l= (l1,...,lk). We may write f-1(Z) a relative object, we say fis in the moduli space of relative denote the map by f: BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, AND GUOSONG ZHAO We now describethe compactification of this moduli space. Th econstruc- tion is similar to the smooth case([LR]). The target space of a stable relative map is no longer X. Instead, it is extended in the following sense: let L-Zbe the normal bundle of its then given an integer b>=0, we have an extended target the a-th copy of PZ. LetZa 0be the 0-section and ofPZa.Xis called the root component of X#
b.Zb 0is called the divisor of X#
band is (again) denoted by Z. Definition 2.1. A relative map in X#
bconsists of following data: on each component, there is a relative map: on the root component, th e map is denoted by f0: on each component PZa, the map is denoted by fa: we require (see Remark 2.2.) We denote such a map by f= say that fmapsxjto the divisor Similarly, h records the twisted sector homology class AinXrepresented by fcan be defined properly. Collect the data G = (g,A,h,g,l),T= (g,l). We say that fis a relative orbifold map in X#
bof type(G,T). Denote the moduli space by 2.2. Letfaandfa+1be as in the definition. Suppose CONJECTURE ON SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS 7 then by saying that mean za i= -za+1 i,andga i= -ga+1 i. Note that there is a C*action onPZa. LetTbe the product of these b copies of C*. ThenTacts on ~MG,T(X#
b,Z). is standard to show that Proposition 2.3. There exists a large integer Bwhich depends on topolog- ical data (G,T)such that MG,T(X#
b,Z)is empty when 2.2. The compactified moduli space is MG,T(X,Z) following technique theorem is proved in [CLS] Theorem 2.4. MG,T(X,Z)is a smooth compact virtual orbifold without boundary with virtual the largest integer that is less or equal to lj. 2.5.Relative orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants. LetMG,T(X,Z) be the moduli space given above. There are evaluation evX i(f) evZ j(f) relative invariant is defined m|b1,...,b k,T this paper, we usually set a= (a1,...,a m),b= (b1,...,b k), then the invariant is denoted by BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, AND GUOSONG ZHAO Moreover, ifG therelative is defined to be the product of each connected compone nt /a}bracketri}ht*(X,Z) G=/productdisplay g degeneration formula. The symplectic cutting also holds for orbifolds. Let Xbe a symplectic orbifold. Suppose that there is a local S1 Hamiltonian action on UX. We assume the projection onto the second the Hamiltonian function. Yx {0}splitsXinto two orbifolds with boundaryY, denoted by X+-. Then the routine symplectic cutting gives -X+-is obtained by collapsing the S1-orbits of the are we set [A]H2(X) to bep-1
*(p*(A)) and denote p*(A) by (A+,A-). On the other hand, for a+-H*(X+-) defines a class on H*(X+ZX-) which is denoted by ( a+,a-). 2.5. the degeneration. Then (2.1) in the formula are explained in order. G is a data fo r Gromov- Witten invariants, it includes ( g,[A]); (G+,G-,Ir) is an admissible triple which consists of topological typ es G+-with the same relative data Tunder the identification Irand they glue back to G. (For instance, one may refer to [HLR] who interpret G's as graphs a nd then the gluing has an obvious geometric meaning); the relative clas sesbibIruns over a basis of Z(gi)and at the mean while birunsover the dual basis; (g,l).RUAN'S CONJECTURE ON SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS 9 3.Singular symplectic flops 3.1.Local models and local flops. Locally, we are concern those resolu- tions 0}
and their quotients. ~Wr-{0}inherits a symplectic form ~ o*
rfromC4. By blow-ups, we have two small resolutions of the projections. The exceptional curves (~ ps r)-1(0) and (~psf r)-1(0) are denoted by Both of them are isomorphic to the cyclic group of r-th roots of 1. We denote its action on C4by ur(a,b,c,d) if the action is given by x*(x,y,z,t) = acts on ~Wr, and naturally extending to its small reso- lutions. Set Wr=~Wr/ur, Ws r=~Ws r/ur, call that WsandWsfare thesmall resolutions ofWr. We say that Wsf istheflopof Wsandvice versa. Gsand Gsf. Note that the symplectic form ~ o*
rreduces to a is known that Proposition 3.1. Forr>=2, the normal bundle of We take ~Ws ras an example. For the 0}, setu=p/q. Then (u,z,y) gives a coordinate chart for L p. Similarly, for the 0},10 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, AND GUOSONG ZHAO setv=q/p. Then (v,z,x) gives a coordinate chart for L q. The transition map is given linearize this equation, it is easy to get the conclusion. q.e.d. Corollary 3.2. Forr>=2, the normal bundle of there are two special points. In term of [ p,q] are 0 = [0,1];= [1,0]. We denote them by respectively. After taking quo- tients, they become singular points. By the proof of Proposi tion 3.1, system of psis
{(p,x,y,z,t )|x=t= 0}
withuraction given by x(p,y,z) = for each given xk= there is a sector([CR1]). As a set, it is same as ps. We denote this twisted sector by [ ps]k. For each twisted sector, a degree shiftingnumberis assign ed. We conclude that Lemma 3.3. Forxk= the degree = follows directly from the definition of degree shifting . q.e.d. Similar results hold for the singular point qs. Hence we also have twisted sector = on Wsf, there are twisted sectors [ =i([qsf]k) = 1+k r. 3.2.Torus action. We introduce a T2-action on = an action ta 1tb 2*, we write the weight of action by al+bu. This action naturally extends to the actions on all models generated fro m~Wr, such CONJECTURE ON SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS 11 It then induces an action on = [t1p,q]. Recall that the normal bundle of 3.4. The action weights at OpandOqareu. The action follows directly from the model given by SS3.1. q.e.d. it is easy to verify that ps,qs(psf,qsf) are fixed points of the action. On the other hand, there are four special lines connecting to these points that are invariant with respect to the action. Let us look at ~Ws r. For the pointps, two lines are in L pand are given 0,u= 0,zr+t= 0,u= 0}. To the point qs, two lines are in L qand are given 0,v= 0,zr-t= 0,v= 0}. Similarly, for ~Wsf rwe 0,u= 0,zr-t= 0,u= 0,v= 0,zr+t= 0,v= these lines in Ws randWsf rare denoted by the same nota- tions without tildes. Remark 3.5. Note that the defining equations for the pairs orbi-conifolds and singular symplectic flops. An orbi-conifold ([CLZZ]) is atopological space Zwith a set of is isomorphic to Wrifor some integer ri>=1. By a on Zwe mean a symplectic form oonZ -Pand it iso*
riinUi. We callZa symplectic orbi-conifold. There exists 2kresolutions of Z. Let Ysbe such a resolution, its flop is defined to be the one that is obt ained by flops each local model of Ys. We denote it by Ysf. In [CLZZ] we prove that Theorem 3.6. Ysis a symplectic orbifold if and only if Ysfis.12 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, AND GUOSONG ZHAO SoYsfis called the (singular) symplectic flop of Ysand vice versa. Now for simplicity, we assume that Zcontains only one singular point p and is smooth away from p. two resolutions that are flops of each other and, locally, 3.7. There are natural know also have the exact sequence
*** eitherYsorYsfand G is the exceptional curve in Y. Suppose we have osHk(Ys). Suppose Xs osis its Poincare dual. If k>2, we may require that Xs osGs=. HenceXs osis this, we get a class osfHk(Ysf). Setpsk(os) =osf. Ifk<=2, = 0,m<=3, we isomorphism gives psk. q.e.d. On the other hand, we set pso([ps]k) = [psf]k, pso([qs]k) = [qsf]k, Totally, we combine pskandpsoto get a map (3.2) can be shown that Proposition 3.8. Ps*preserves the Poincare pairing.RUAN'S CONJECTURE ON SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS 13 Without considering the extra classes from twisted sectors , the proof is standard. When the cohomology classes from twisted sectors are involved, it is proved in [CLZZ]. On the other hand, there is a natural Ps *([Gs r]) =-[Gsf r]. Now suppose that we do the symplectic cutting on ------ ------ -Y-ZMsf r. It is clear that Ms randMsf rare flops of each other. Then similarly, we have a is easy to see that the --- --- - cohomology rings. As explained in SS2.3, the cohomology ring structure is defined via a triple form A. In the current situation, we can define a ring structure on Ys(andYsf) that plays a role between ringstructureand structure. The triple forms on YsandYsfare given by (3.4) Here qsandqsfare formal variables that represent classes [Gs r] and [Gsf r]. They define Ruan rings RH(Ys) andRH(Ysf). In [CLZZ], we already proved that Theorem 3.9. Ps*gives the isomorphism BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, AND GUOSONG ZHAO 4.Relative Gromov-Witten theory on models obtained from Ws rand Wsf rby cutting at infinity. We explain this precisely. We introduce an S1action on C4 g(x,y,z,t) = this action, we collapse ~Wrat. The infinity divisor is identified this way, we get an orbifold with singularity at 0, denoted by~Mr. By blowing-up ~Mrat 0, we have can then naturally extend to By taking quotients, we have the collapsing of Ws randWsf rat infinity. Note given in SS3.2 also acts on these be the weighted projective space. Then ~Mrcan be embedded in ~Pand is given by the 0. The original ~Wris embedded in 0}and~Zis in{w= to ~Pby x(x,y,z,t,w ) = (xax,x-ay,xz,t,w ). ThenMris embeddedin P:=~P/ur. SetZ=~Z/ur. To understandthe local behavior of Ms randMsf ratZ, it is sufficient to use this model at {w= 0}. We now study the singular points at Z. Combining the ) = 4.1. There are four singular points x= [1,0,0,0,0]; y= [0,1,0,0,0]; z+= [0,0,1,1,0]; z-= [0,0,1,-1,0] and a singular set S={xy+t2= 0,z= 0}
onZ. Their stabilizers are a point ( x,y,z,t,w ). We find those points with 1, assume that z/e}atioslash= 0. Then gx= 1. ) = = CONJECTURE ON SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS 15 In order to have nontrivial stabilizers, we must have x=y= 0. Their stabilizer are both Zr. Case 2, assume that z= 0. 0,gshould be a r-root. ) = (xax,x-ay,0,t,0) = when xyare not 0, the set {xy+t2= 0}has the stabilizer Zr. Case 3, assume that z=t= 0. Thenxy= 0 by the equation. Hence we can only have xandy. Clearly, their stabilizers are both Zr2. q.e.d. We now look at the local models at z+andz-. The coordinate chart at z+
is given by ( x,y,w) and the action is (4.1) x(x,y,w) = model at z-is same. Now look at the local models at xandy. Atx, the local coordinate chart is given by ( z,t,w). The action is given by (4.2) x(z,t,w) = e= at y, the local coordinate chart is given by ( z,t,w). The action is given by (4.4)x(z,t,w) = 1,xZr2. For points on S, the action on the normal direction is given by (4.5) x(z,w) = that we have four lines described in SS3.2. They are now being four lines inMs r(Msf r). TakeMs ras an example. We the table, for each line we give the name of the curve and the ends we the T2-action, we have following two lemmas. The proof we leave it to readers. Lemma 4.2. The fixed points on Ms r(Msf r) BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, AND GUOSONG ZHAO Lemma 4.3. InMs r, the invariant curves with respect to the torus Moduli spaces for the pair (Ms r,Z).We explain the rela- tive moduli spaces for the pair ( Ms r,Z). Similar explanations can be applied to (Msf r,Z). Let G = (g,A,h,g,l),T= (g,l) be as before. Let MG,T(Ms r,Z) be the moduli space. Recall that the of the moduli space is dim we use the complex we note = (r+2)[c1(LZ)*Z] have following facts: (1) ifxjis mapped to xwithgj= exp(2pia r2). Then lj= Note that this can defined in (4.3). The degree shifting numbers are given by (4.2). (2) Ifxjis mapped to ywithgj= exp(2pia r2), it is same as the CONJECTURE ON SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS 17 (3) Ifxjis mapped to Swithgj= exp(2pia r), then vj= degree shifting numbers are given by (4.5). (4) Ifxjis mapped to z+withgj= exp(2pia r). Then lj= [lj]+a r. So vj= the degree shifting numbers are given by (4.1). (5) Ifxjis mapped to z-withgj= exp(2pia r), then it is same as the previous case. (6) whenever gj= 1 vj= (r+1)lj+1. (7) whenhi= whenhi= 1,ui= data (G,T,a).Suppose we are computing the invariant (4.6) the degree of a form a. Set N= the other hand, 4.1. The data (G,T,a)is called admissible if N<=N'. By the definition, we have Lemma 4.4. If(G,T,a)is not admissible, the invariant (4.6)is 0. In this paper, we may assume that: Assumption 4.5. (i)|ai|= 0for allpi, (ii)|a| make the following 4.2. we say that uiis the contribution of marked point that ofxj.18 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, AND GUOSONG ZHAO Proposition 4.6. Suppose that Assumption 4.5 holds. If (G,T,a)is ad- missible, then one of the following cases of only one smooth point, then pconsists of three = 5. For this case, a point xmaps to z-orz+, then one of the following should hold:
|a|= 2,i(h1)+i(h2) = 3+1 r;
|a|= = of only singular points, the multiplicities at xxare all less than 1. Furthermore, xcan not be mapped to either First, we suppose that xis smooth point. It contributes ( r+
1)lx+1 toNand contributes 2 to N'. Hence its contribution to singular point, its contribution to N-N'is given by the not inS, the contribution is ( the contribution is ( the contribution is ( that they are all positive. Hence we conclude that, if xcontains a smooth point x, then only the following situation survives: |x|= 1,r=
2,|a|= 3, = 5. Furthermore, N=N'. Now suppose that xcontains a point xmapping to z-(orz+), only the following situation survives: a= 1 and one of the following holds:
|a|= 2,i(h1)+i(h2) = 3+1 r;
|a|= = 4+1 r. The rest admissible data belong to the third case. results on relative via the torus action. The torus action on themodulispace. We now studythefixloci of themoduli space with respect to the action. We use the notations in SS2.4 forX=Ms r.RUAN'S CONJECTURE ON SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS 19 A relative stable map f= invariant if and only if each fis invariant. Since we only consider the invariants for admissable data, the invariant maps in such m oduli spaces only havef0. In fact, the fact lx<=1 in Proposition 4.6, implies this. f0is a stable map in Xwhose components are invariant maps (maybe constant map) and nodal points are mapped to fix points, which The constant map should also map to these points, while the nontrivial invariant curves should cover one of those fo ur lines or Gs r. Set FT in the Gromov-Witten theory, we introduce graphs to descr ibe the components of fix loci. We now describe the graph Tforf0. LetVTand ETbe the set of vertices and edges of T.
*each vertex is assigned to a connected component of the pre-i mage of FT; on each vertex, the image point is recorded;
*each edge is assigned to the component that is non-constant m ap; the image with multiplicity is recorded;
*on each flag, a twisted sector (or the group element of the sect or) fixloci that correspondto thegraph T. SinceTonly contain several components. Let Tbe the collection of graphs andFbe the collection of FT. We recall the virtual localization formula. Suppose that ohm i s a form on M(X,Z) and ohm T2is its equivariant extension if exists. Then I(ohm) the virtual normal bundle of FTin the virtual moduli space, eT2is Euler class of the bundle. The right hand side i s a function in ( l,u), which is rational in land polynomial in u. We denote each term in the summation as Iohm FT(l,u) and the sum by Iohm(l,u). Lemma 5.1. Let(G,T,a)be an admissible data in Proposition 4.6. Then the nontrivial relative be computed via is sufficient to show that the forms in aandbhave By our assumption, we always take aato be 1. It is suppose that bjis assigned to xj. IfZ(gj)is a single point, bjare taken to be 1, which is equivariant. If Zgj=S,bjis either a 0 or 2-form,20 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, AND GUOSONG ZHAO both have equivariant representatives. The last case is tha txis smooth. For this case, since N=N'(cf. case (1) in Proposition 4.6), we must have deg(b) = 4 to get nontrivial invariants. Since bis of top degree, it has an equivariant representative as well. results on Iohm FT(l,u), (I).By localization, we have I(ohm) =Iohm(l,u) the left hand side is independent of u, we have I(ohm) = lim u-0Iohm(l,u) 5.2. Suppose that |x|>0. IfTcontains an edge e0that records a map cover Gs r, = 0. Edgee0records a beeither a smooth or an orbifold map. Hence, we restate th e 5.3. If the map f0fore0is smooth, = 5.4. If the map f0fore0is singular, = 0. Clearly, Proposition 5.3 and 5.4 imply Theorem 5.2. Suppose that Tis a graph. Let Cbe a curve in FT. First assume that all components in Care smooth. Then copied from [GP], we have 0- (write CONJECTURE ON SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS Here, by p(F) the flag. Hence the contribution of translate each term to the equivariant Euler class, i.e, a polynomial in landu. IfCis not smooth, each space in the long complex should be replac ed by the invariant subspace with respect to the proper finite gr oup actions. Hence, each term in the right hand side of (5.1) should be repl aced that (5.2) Iohm FT(l,u) is known that the equivariant form of is easy to show that for each e, whose map fedoes not no either uoru-1. We now focus other terms in H1/H0. Claim 1: if f0is smooth, the equivariant Euler form of the above a positive power of u. We count the possible contributions for u. Case 1, there is we then have uval(v)-1; Case 2, there is a component Ce that is a multiple of Gs r, we then actually have uin the denorminator for H0(Ce,f*
0O) andruin the numerator for So they cancel out. Hence we have the claim. Claim 2: if f0is an orbifold map, the equivariant Euler of H1/H0contains a factor of positive power of u. Supposef0is given by f0: a map can be realized by a a quotient by Zr. Here [S2] =S2/Zr. Unlike the smooth case, H0([S2],f*
0E) contains no u. By the computa- tions given below, in Corollary 5.7 we conclude that H1([S2],f*
0E) contains a factoru.22 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, AND GUOSONG ZHAO We compute H1([S2],f*
0E) and its weight. Suppose that ~f0is ad-cover. Then on the sphere ~S2, the torus action weight at 0 is l/dand atis-l/d, and suppose that Zraction isuat 0 andu-1at; for the pull-back bundle O(-2d) the torus action weight at fiber over 0 is -l+ruand at fiber over isl+ru, theZraction are u-dandudfor the fibers over at 0 and . These data are ready for us to compute the action on Serre-duality, we = induced torus action weights on O(2d-2) at the fibers over 0 and The induced Zraction fibers on O(2d- 2) over 0 and . Lemma 5.5. The sections of given by
{xayb|a+b= torus action weight for section The action of 5.6. The section xaybthat isZr-invariant if and only if r|d-1-a, and the torus action weight 5.7. a factor ru. Proof. By the above lemma, we know that it is action weight is -ru. By taking the dual, the corresponding factor isru. q.e.d. Proof of Proposition 5.3 : Claim 1 implies the of Proposition 5.4 : Claim 2 implies the results on Iohm FT(l,u), (II).Now suppose that (G ,T,a) is an admissible data given in Proposition 4.6. Theorem 5.8. If(G,T,a)is of case (1) and (2) in Proposition 0. Proof.Suppose some ohm which has equivariant extension ohm T2. (cf. Lemma 5.1).RUAN'S CONJECTURE ON SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS 23 LetFTbe a fix component of the torus action. It contributes 0 to the invariant unless the fixed curves CFTcontains no component covering Gs (cf. Theorem 5.2). It is easy to conclude that Cmustcontains a ghost map f: that the image of fis either psorqsand sum of the degree shifting numbers for all twisted sectors defined by qiis 2+l. Suppose ps=f(S2). Again, we claim that Iohm FT(l,u) contains factor u. In =u. This is proved in [CH]. Hence, it is easy to see the claim follo ws. 5.1. = 0, we say the component FTcontributes trivial to the invariant 5.9. Let(G,T,a)be admissible, and I(ohm) nontrivial to the invariant, then for any curve CFT, all its connected components in the root component Msmust cover By the previous theorem, the admissible data must be of the 3rd case in Proposition 4.6. Hence, points in CZmust be either xory. Therefore, the invariant curves that Clives on must be Ls p,yandLs q,x. q.e.d. 6.Proof of the Main SS2.3 and Theorem 3.9, we reduce Theorem 1.1 to Theorem rest of the section is devoted to the proof of this theorem . Remark 6.2. We should point out that = is rather strong from the point of view of Ruan's conjecture. Usually, it is conjectured tha ~=, we mean that both sides equal up to analytic continuations . This is necessary when classes For example, in [CLZZ] we Theorem 3.9. But for the invariants that correspond to it turns out that we do not need the analytic continuation argument, the reaso n is because of Theorem 5.2: as long as [Gs](so is[Gsf]) appears, the invariant vanishes.24 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, AND GUOSONG the comparison to local models. We now apply the degeneration formula to reduce the comparing three point fu nctions only on local models. We explain this: consider a three point functi we observe that [ As] =Assincep*has no kernel (cf [LR]). Denote the topology data by Gs= (0,As) and forms by as= Correspondingly, on Ysfwe introduce asf= (Ps*)-1as, Asf= Ps*As, Gsf= (0,Asf). We write Gsf= Ps(Gs). Consider the ------ ------ (G+,s,G-,Ir) be a possible splitting of Gs. := (Ps a splitting of Ps(Gs). On the other hand, suppose by the diagram (3.3), asf:= Ps*(as) 6.3. Suppose that asandbare given on Ms r, then (6.1) sums over all admissible 6.4. Proposition 6.3 =Theorem the degeneration formula to we always the correspondence of *svia Ps or Ps r.RUAN'S CONJECTURE ON SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS 25 Since only admissible data contributes on the right hand sid es of two equations, (6.1) is exactly what Theorem 6.1 of Proposition 6.3. We now proceed to proof Proposition 6.3. Since the moduli spaces in local models admit torus actions. By localiza- tions, we know the contributions only come from those fix loci . So it is sufficient to compare fix loci and the invariants they contribu te. For (Ms,Z), letTbe a graph, and Fs Tbe the component of fix loci. Then by Corollary 5.9, Fs Tmakes a nontrivial contribution only when each of only components on for ( a nontrivial contribution only when each curves in Fsf Tconsists of only components on the flop their normal bundles, therefore the flop identifies Fs TandFsf Tand their virtual normal bundles in their moduli spaces. 6.3 then J. Bryant, S. Katz, N. Leung, Multiple covers and the in tegrality conjecture for rational curves in CY threefolds , J. ALgebraic Geometry 10( B. Chen, S. Hu, A de Rham model of Chen-Ruan cohomology ri ng of abelian orb- ifolds, Math. Ann. 2006 (336) 1, 51-71. [CL] B. Chen, A-M. Li, Symplectic Virtual Localization of Gr omov-Witten B. Chen, A-M. Li, S. Sun, Relative Gromov-Witten invar iants and glue formula, B. Chen, A-M. Li, Q. Zhang, G. Zhao, Singular symplect ic flops and Ruan coho- mology, accepted by Topology. [CT] B. Chen, G. Tian, Virtual orbifolds and Localization, a . [CR1] W. Chen, Y. Ruan, A new cohomology theory for orbifold, AG/0004129, Commun. 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symplectic flops. Hence we verify Ruan's conjecture for this case.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 19 Apr 2008 13:03:25 GMT"
] | 2008-04-22T00:00:00 | [
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2 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO paper (cf.SS4). In the second part of the paper, we compute the 3-point function of (partial) orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants. This enable s us to verify a conjecture by Ruan in the current set-up: for any t wo symplectic orbifolds XandYconnected via orbifold symplectic flops, their Ruan cohomology rings are symplectic flops. The singularity given by W1has been studied intensively. Let oobe the symplectic form on W1{0}
induced from that of C4. It has two small resolutions, denoted by Ws 1 andWsf 1, and a smoothing via deformation which is denoted by Q1. The Wsf 1-Q1 are called conifold transitions . And the called a flop. A symplectic conifold([STY]) ( Z,o) is a space with conifold that ( ZP,o) is a symplectic manifold and ocoincides with oo locally at piP. Now suppose that Zis compact and|P|=k <. SuchZadmits a smoothing, denoted by X, and 2k}. InXeachpiis replaced by an exceptional sphere Li~=S3, while for eachYj,piis replaced by an extremal ray P1. In [STY], they studied a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a symplectic structure on one of the YinYin terms of certain topological condition on X. They showed that one of the 2k small resolutions admits a symplectic stucture if and only i f onXwe have the following homology relation (1.1) = 0H3(X,Z)with l i/e}atioslash= 0for all i. Here the Liare exceptional spheres on The n, equation (1.1) reads as (1.2) = 0H3(X,Z)with l i/e}atioslash= 0for all i. Here Th iis the Thom form of the normal bundle of Li.SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 3 The cohomological version will be generalized to the general model with finite group quotient. Our model [K] and [Reid] for references). Such a local model is called r- conifold or an orbi-conifold in our paper. Such (terminal) naturally in the Minimal Model Program. They are the sim- plest examples in the list of singularities in [K]. Wrwithout the finite quotient has been considered in [La]. It also has two resolutions ~Ws r and~Wsf r. We can take of them are orbifolds. In this paper, we propose a smoothing Qr as well. The Wsf r-Q1 are called (orbi)-conifold transitions . And the called a (orbi)-flop Z,oZ). It has a smoothing Xand 2ksmall theorem generalizing that of Smith-Thomas-Yau is Theorem 1.1. One of the 2ksmall resolutions admits a if and only if on Xwe have the following cohomology relation (1.4) = 0H3(X,R)with l i/e}atioslash= 0for all i. As a corollary of this theorem, we show that if one of YiYis symplectic then so is its flop Yf iY(refer toSS4.1 for the ring structures and Ruan's conjecture. LetXbe an orbifold. It is well known that H*(X) does not suffice for One should consider the so-called twisted sectors X(g)on Xand study a bigger the orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants [CR2], one can define the orbifold quantum ring QH*
CR(X). The analogue of classical cohomol- ogy is known as the Chen-Ruan orbifold cohomology ring.4 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO Motivated by the work of Li-Ruan ([LR]) on the transformation of the quantum cohomology rings with respect to a smooth flop, we may ask how the orbifold quantum cohomology ring transforms (or even how the orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants change) via or orbifold flops. It can be formulated as the 1.2. LetYbe the orbifold symplectic flop of X, completely answer the question, one needs a full package of tec h- nique, such as relative orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants and degen - eration formulae. These techniques are out of reach at this momen t and will be studied in future the other hand, it is easy to show In general, they will have different ring structures. In t his paper, we study a new ring structure that it is in a sense between H*
CR andQH*
CR. It was first introduced by Ruan [ ?] in the smooth case and can be naturally extended to orbifolds. Let's review the construct ion. Let extremal rays in On X, (and on Y), we use only moduli spaces of J-curves of G i's and define 3-point functions on H*
CR(X) by (1.5) PsX qc(b1,b2,b3) = functions also yield a product on H*
CR(X). This ring is called the Ruan cohomology ring [HZ] and denoted by RH*
CR(X). Ruan conjectures that ifX,Yare K-equivalent, RH*
CR(X)is second theorem is Theorem 1.3. Suppose that XandYare connected by a sequence of symplectic flops constructed out of r-conifolds. Then to RH*
CR(Y). Hence, Ruan's conjecture holds in this We would like to thank Yongbin Ruan for telling us about the program and for many valuable discussions. We also wish to thank Qi Zhang, Shengda Hu and Quan Zheng for many discussions. The second and third authors also would like to thank University of Wisconsin- Madison and MSRI for their SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 5 2.Local the cyclic group of r-th roots of 1. We denote its action on C4by ur(a,b,c,d) if the action is given by x*(x,y,z,t) = the complex hypersurface given 0},r>=1. It has an isolated singularity at the origin. We call is clear that, for any integer athat is prime to r, the preserves ~Wr. Set Wr=~Wr/ur, Let ~o*
r,wbe the symplectic struc- ture on ~W*
rinduced from C4. It yields a symplectic structure small resolutions of Wrand flops. By blow-ups, we have two small resolutions of ~Wr. They the projections. The extremal rays (~ ps r)-1(0) and (~ psf r)-1(0) are denoted by Both of them are isomorphic to P1. The action of urextends naturally to both resolutions by setting x*[p,q] = [xap,q] for the first model and x*[p,q] = [x-ap,q] for the second one.6 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG resolutions ofWr. We say that Wsfis the flop ofWsand vice versa. They are both orbifolds with singular points on Gsand Gsf. Another important fact we use in this paper is Proposition 2.1. Forr>=2, the normal bundle of proof is given in structures on WsandWsf.Let us take Ws. The singular points are points 0 and on Gs. In term of [ p,q] are 0 = [0,1];= [1,0]. We denote them by Since ~WsC5nearps, the (tangent) of a uniformizing system of psis given by
{(p,x,y,z,t )|x=t= 0}. uracts on this space by x(p,y,z) = for each given xk= there is a corre- sponding twisted sector([CR1]). As a set, it is same as ps. We denote this twisted sector by [ ps]k. For each twisted sector, a degree shifting number is assigned. We conclude that Lemma 2.2. Forxk= the degree = 1+k r. Proof. This follows directly from the definition of degree results hold for the singular point qs. Hence we also have twisted sector [ qs]kand i([qs]k) = 1+k r. A similar structure applies to Wsf. There are two singular points, denoted by psf,qsf. The corresponding twisted sectors are[ =i([qsf]k) = 1+k r.SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 7 2.4.The deformation of Wr.For convenience, we change y=z1- -1z2, z=2r -1z3, t=z4. Thus in terms of the new coordinates ~Wris given by a new equation (2.1) 0. It is also convenient to use real = terms of real coordinates, ur(a,-a,1,0) action is given cos2pa r0 0 sin2pa r0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 equation for 0. Herefandgare defined = (x+
-1y)r. We 2.1. Thedeformation of~Wris the set ~Qrdefined 0. The action ~Qr. Hence we called it the deformation of Wr. Lemma 2.3. ~Qris a 6-dimensional symplectic submanifold of R4xR4.8 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG the by F1(x,y) =~Qr.The Jacobian of 0 2 claim that this is a rank 2 matrix: if one of x1,x2,x4, sayxi, is nonzero, the above matrix has a rank 2 say ( x1,x2,x4) = (0,0,0); then by the definition of 0,andg(x3,y3) = 0.Then since f+-1gis a holo- morphic function of x3+-1y3, we 0. HenceFhas rank 2 everywhere on ~Qrand 0 is its regular value. This implies that ~Qris a smooth 6-dimensional submanifold of R4xR4. Next we prove that ~Qrhas a canonical symplectic structure o~Qr induced is sufficient to prove 0. By direct SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 0. Hence~Qris a symplectic submanifold with a canonical induced from R4xR4.q.e.d. We denote the symplectic structure by ~ =y4= 0}. and preserves ~Lr; we set Lr=~Lr/ur, the exceptional set in Qrwith respect to the deformation in the following sense: Lemma 2.4. There is a natural diffeomorphism between We denote by [ x,y]W*
rthe equivalence class of ( x,y)
~Wrwith respect to the quotient by ur. For anyl >0 we let ~Wr,l~Wrbe the set of ( x,y) 0. It is not hard to see that
*~Wr,lis preserved by the uraction; foliated by for l the set of ( x,y) 0. Then10 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO
*~Qr,lis preserved by the uraction; foliated by Wr,landQr,l. be functions that a pair u+ivexists up to a factor xk. an identification between Wr,landQr,l, and therefore q.e.d. We denote the identification map constructed in the proof particular, we note that the restriction of Ph rtoWr,1is the comparison between local r-orbi-conifolds and local conifolds. Whenr= 1, the local model is the well-known trivial, there is no orbifold structure. It is well known Gsand Gsfare the zero section P1; They are flops of diffeomorphic to the cotangent bundle of S3. The structure from R4xR4coincides with the structure on T*S3.
*the map Ph1: a are natural (projection) by xi-xi, SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 11 Similarly, there are r-coverings. except on x3=y3= 0, where the maps are only Note is the union of rcopies of S3intersecting Let (ohm*(~W*
r),d) be the de Rham complex of ~W*
r.ur has a natural representation on this complex. the subcomplex of ur-invariant forms. We have H*(W*
r) definitions apply to 3.1. H*(W*
r) We note that there is a fact, it is induced by a natural equivalent to ~Wr,1. Hence the claim result also follows Similarly, we =H*(Qr,1).12 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO Note that Qr,1=Wr,1. We have H*(W*
r) =H*(Wr,1) =H*(Qr,1) of cohomologies. We first study H*(Wr,1). Recall that we have a by pr,w(x,y) = now introduce a uraction on W1,1. For convenience, we use coor- dinates ( u,v) for the R4xR4in which W1,1is embedded. cos2pa r0 0 sin2pa r0 acts trivially on u3,v3,u4andv4. Then it is clear that It induces a morphism between complexes (3.1) p*
r,w: ohm Galways represents the subspace that is G-invariant if ohm is 3.2. p*
r,win(3.1)is an isomorphism between the coho- mologies of the two idea of the proof is to consider a larger connected Lie group action on spaces: Let S1={e2pith}. Suppose its action on ( x,y) is given cos th0 0 sinth0 cos the trivial action on x3,y3,x4andy4. The same action is defined on (u,v). Again, a connected Lie group and its actions commutes with ur-actions on both spaces, the forms yields same cohomology as the original one, SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY is then sufficient to show that (3.2) an isomorphism. By the definition of the actions, we note that (3.3) now show (3.2). Recall that pr,wis anr-branched covering ram- ified 1-1 and pr,w:~Ur-U1is anS1-invariant tubular neighborhood of R1inW1,1. By the implicit function theorem, we know the unit disk in the complex plane C={u3+-1v3}. the unit disk in the complex plane C={x3+iy3}. In terms of these identifications, pr,wcan be rewritten = the short exact a morphism between two complexes. We assert (3.6)14 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO Once these are proved, by the five-lemma, we know is (3.2). We now explain (3.4), (3.5) and (3.6). The proof of (3.4).We observe that p*
r,w: it induces an isomorphism on cohomology level. The proof of equivalent to ~Rr, have (3.5). The proof of (3.6).The proof is the same as that of (3.4). This completes the proof of the theorem. q.e.d. So far, we have shown that H*(Wr,1) by (3.3) we have Corollary 3.3. a generator of H2(S3xS2) such 1. HereS2is any formon Wr,1. This isa generator of loss of generality, we also assume that it is a generator SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY symplectic forms on that [or,w|Wr,1] = [o] denotes the cohomology class of o. Then there exists a fact, by the assumption, we have [or,w] = by the standard Moser argument, there exists a diffeomorp f*or,w= Ph*
ror,q. Nowwecanset Ph' r= Phr*f-1. Inparticular, by applying it to have Corollary 3.4. There exists a We observe that both symplectic forms are exact. Hence they represent the same cohomology class, namely 0. q.e.d. Next we consider H*(Ws r). The argument is same as above: we also have a map will induce an 3.5. H*(Ws r) the proof is parallel to that of proposition 3.2, we only sketch the [m,n]) forWs 1. Thenpr,wis induced by the map u=x, v=y, w=zr, s=t,m n=p q. We can introduce a ur-action on [m,n]) = = [m,n]) = BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO pr,wis anr-branched covering ramified over Ws 1{w= 0}. Then the rest of the proof is simply a copy of the argument in Propo- sition 3.2. =H2(P1) is 1-dimensional. So is H2(Ws r). LetHs rbe the generator of H2(Ws r) such 1. Since the normal bundle of ~Gs risOO(-2), it admits a We normalize it 1. It induces a symplectic structure, denoted by os ron the neighborhood Uof Gs r. It is easy to see that this symplectic structure is tamed by the complex structure on U. Hence we conclude that Corollary 3.6. There is a symplectic form on Ws rthat represents the classHs rand is tamed by its complex structure. This form is symplectic flops 4.1.The global orbi-conifolds. Following [STY] we give the defini- tion of 4.1. Areal 6-dimensional orbi-conifold is a by an atlas of charts {(Ui,phi)}of the following two types: either (Ui,phi)is an orbifold chart or phj:Uj-Wrj is a homeomorphism onto Wrjdefined inSS2.1. In the latter case, we call the point ph-1 j(0)a singularity of Z. Moreover, the transition maps be smooth in the orbifold sense away from singularities and if pUiUjis a singularity then we have ri=rj(denote it by r), and there must be an open 0 such that the lifting of SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 17 in the uniformizing system is the restriction of an analytic is smooth away from the origin, C1at the and set-wise fixes ~Wr. We call such charts smooth admissible coordinates. Note that in the caser= 1 the singularity is the ordinary double point discussed in [STY]. ?From now on, we label the set of for each point piits local model is given by a standard model Wri. Definition 4.2. Asymplectic structure on an orbi-conifold Zis a smooth orbifold symplectic form oZon the orbifold ZPwhich, around each singularity pi, coincides with o*
w,ri.(Z,oZ)is called a . ?From now on, we assume that Zis compact and|P|=k. One can perform a smoothing for each singularity of Zas inSS2.4 - replace a neighborhood of each singularity piby a neighborhood of LriinQri- to get an orbifold. We denote this orbifold by X. For each singularity piofZwe can perform two small we replace the neighborhood of the singularity by There are 2kchoices of small resolutions, and so we get 2k orbifolds 4.3. Two small resolutions YandY'are said to be flops of each other if at each pi, one is obtained by replacing Ws riand the other by Wsf ri. We write Y'=Yfand vice structures on Yi's and flops. Not every small a symplectic structure. Our first main theorem of the paper gives a necessary and sufficient condition for Y to have a symplectic structure in terms of the topology of X. LetLriX. For simplicity, we assume its neighborhood to be Qri. Recall that there is a projection Th 1be the Thom form of the normal bundle of L1=S3inQ1. We assume it is supported in a small neighborhood of L1. can choose Th 1properly such that Hence it induces a local form Th rionQriand hence on X.18 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO Then we restate Theorem 1.1: One of the 2ksmall resolutions ad- mits a symplectic stucture if and only if on Xwe have the relation (4.1) = 0H3(X,R)with l i/e}atioslash= 0for all i. As a 4.1. Suppose we have a pair of resolution YandYfthat are flops of each other. Then Yadmits a symplectic structure if and only ifYfdoes. Yfis then called the symplectic flop ofY. 5.Proof of theorem We first prove that (4.1) is that we have a Ythat admits a symplectic structure o. For simplicity, we assume that at each singular point piZ, it is getY. The extremal ray is Gs i. thepairofspaces ( X,XLri). Theexact sequence of the (orbifold) de Rham complex of the pair -ohm*(X,XLri)d- by g(f) = (0,f), d(a,f) =a. It induces a long exact sequence on (orbifold) applying this to says that [d*g(o)] = 0. We compute the left hand side of the equation. First, by applying the excision principle we reduces the computation to the local case.SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 19 Letori,wbe the restriction of oin the neighborhood, simply denoted byWs ri, of Gs ri. It induces a form ori,qonQ*
ri. Suppose the generator on Qri,1, hence on Q*
ri. Letbbe a cut-off function such that b(t) if t > 0.5; 0, if t < 0.25. By direct computation, we have d*g(Hri) =d(b(l)Hri) = Thri. Therefore, we conclude 0 In order to show (4.1), it remains to prove that Proposition 5.1. computation is done on ~Ws ri. Take It 1,f(x3,y3) = 0}
Then we explain the claim follows from these two of (5.1):We treat B1and~Brias subsets of Proposition 3.2, we assume ori,wis homologous to p*
ri,wofor some oH2(Ws 1). BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO On the other hand, B1is homotopic to-Gs 1: via complex coordinates W1is given by uv-(w-s)(w+s) = 0. The equation of the small resolution Ws 1in the 0}is zv-(w-s) = the coordinate of the exceptional curve Gs 1. Recall that on B1the complex coordinates are x= 1+y2, y= 1-y2, z=
-1y3, t=y4. We have a projection we take y3, y4as coordinates on B1.It is easy to see that this is a one to one map and the point with-1y3+y4= 0 corresponds to the point of-Gs 1.The sign is due to the = any point in B1; then (z0,0,0,0) = in Gs 1.We construct a subset L 0<=s<=1 andy3, y4are the coordinates of N1.This is a submanifold with =B1}. It gives us a homotopy between -Gs 1andB1. shows (5.1). We have completed the proof of the proposition. q.e.d. This completes the proof of SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 21 Remark 5.2. If the local resolution is Suppose that (4.1) holds for X: i.e, there exists li such 0. For the moment we assume that all li<0. LetYbe a small by replacing the neighborhood of pibyWs ri. We a symplectic structure. ?From the exact sequence of the pair of spaces ( conclude that there exists a 2-form s*H2(XiLri) such that g(s*) the other hand, we consider the exact sequence of the pair of spaces ( is known that locally ~Ws riis diffeomorphic to its normal = 0. It follows that there exist a 2-form sH2(Y) which extends s*. LetUibe a small neighborhood of its pre-image in the uniformizing system. Set si=s|Ui. By the proof of necessity, we know that [si] = [-lios ri]. Then we can deform siin its cohomology class near ~Gs risuch we get a new form sonYthat gives symplectic forms near Gs i. On the other hand, we have a form oZonZthat is symplectic away22 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO fromP. This form extends to Y, still denoted by oZ, but is degenerate at the Gs ri. For sufficiently large Nwe have ohm =s+NoZ. This is a symplectic structure on Y: ohm is non-degenerate away from a small neighborhood of the Gs rifor large N; bothsandoZare tamed by the complex structure in the Ui, i.e, s(*,J*)>0, says that ohm is also a symplectic structure near the Gs ri. Hence (Y,ohm) is symplectic. We now remark that the assumption on the sign of liis that l1>0; then we alter Yby replacing the neighborhood of p1byWsf r1. Then the construction of the symplectic structure on this Yis the same. 5.3.Proof of corollary 4.1. This follows from remark 5.2. If Yand Yfare a pair of flops, then one of them satisfies some 0 and the other one 0. Therefore, the symplectic structures exist on them simultaneous ly. 6.Orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants of y sense. Then we compute the orbifold Gromov-Witten now on, r>=2 is fixed. So we drop of cohomology of Wsis H*
CR(Ws) the sector [ ps]k. On the other hand, the grading should be the degree of an element in H*(Ws) remains the same, how- ever the degree of [ ps]kis 0+i([ps]k) and the same treatment applies to [qs]k. We call these new classes twisted classes .SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 23 A similar definition applies to Wsf. H*
CR(Wsf) (T1,...,T k) consists of ktwisted sectors in Ws. By the definition in [CR2], the moduli space of orbifold stable holomorphic maps from genus 0 curves, o n whichthereare korbifoldpoints y1,...,y k, toWssuch that
*yiare sent to Yi;
*the isotropy group at yiisZ|xa|ifyi= [p]a(or [q]a), where|xa|
is the order of xa;
*the image of the map represents the homology class d[Gs]. By a genus 0 curve we mean S2, or a bubble tree consisting of several S2's. The stability is the same as in the smooth case. Remark 6.1. There is an extra feature for orbifold stable That is, the nodal points on a bubble tree may also be orb ifold singular points on its component: for example, say yis a nodal point that is the intersection of two spheres S2
+andS2 -; thenycan be a singular points, denoted by on both if y+is mapped to [p]a,y-has to be mapped to [p]r-a. When we we mean themap whose domain isS2. Usually, we call Mthe compactified space of MandMthe top stratum ofM. Lemma 6.2. Fork>=1, the virtual recall that the virtual dimension is given k-k= 0. Here we use Lemma 2.2. q.e.d. Lemma =. Proof. This also follows from the dimension formula: the of this moduli space is a rationalnumber. q.e.d.24 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO 6.3.Moduli spaces of notations: If k= 0, then the moduli space is denoted by M0(Ws,d[Gs]). We have shown that fork>=1 has some nice properties, following from the dimension formula. Now we focus on k= 0. Although its top stratum M0(Ws,d[Gs]) consists of only smooth maps, there may be orbifold maps in lower strata. Here, by the smoothness of a map we mean that the domain of the map is without orbifold singularities. The next lemma rules out this consists of smooth maps. Proof. If not, suppose we have a map fM0(Ws,d[Gs]) that consists of orbifold type nodal points in the domain. By looking at the bubble tree, we start searching from the leaves to look for the first component, say S2 i, that containing a singular nodal point. This component mustcontain only onesingular point. So f|S2 iis an element in some moduli space But it is claimed in Lemma 6.3 that such an element does not exist. This proves the lemma. q.e.d. Notice that Ws=~Ws/urand Gs=~Gs/ur. We may like to compare the moduli space M0(Ws,d[Gs]) Note that ur acts naturally on the latter space. We claim that Proposition 6.5. M0(Ws,d[Gs]) =ifrd. Otherwise, there is a natural is sufficient to show that M0(Ws,d[Gs]) need the following lemma. Let p:~Gs-Gsbe the projection given by the quotient of ur. We claim that Lemma 6.6. for any smooth is a lifting ~f:S2-~Gssuch that ~P(~f) =f.SINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 25 Now suppose the lemma is proved. Then we have =
forrd. To prove the second statement, we define a map:
~P by ~P(~f) =p*~f. It is clear that this induces an injective map P other hand, since a stable smoothmap on a bubble tree consis ts of smooth maps on each component of the tree that match at noda l points, therefore, ed. This shows that P is surjective. 6.6: S2andGsareP1. Weidentifythemas C{}
as usual. On Gs, we assume psandqsare 0 that L0=f-1(ps) ={x1,...,x m}, ,L=f-1(qs) ={y1,...,y n}. Letzbe the coordinate of the first sphere; we write f(z) = [p(z),q(z)]. Now since fis assumed to be smooth at the xi, the map can be lifted with respect to the uniformizing system of ps: namely, suppose =wr gives the uniformizing system of the neighborhood of psfor some o;f, restricted to a small neighborhood Uxi, can be lifted that f=ps p*~f. Without loss of generality, we assume that f(Uxi) =Do(0). Therefore we have a Now we look at the rest of the ask if this map can be lifted to the covering BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO The answer is affirmative by the elementary lifting theory for the cov - ering space. Therefore, the whole map fhas a lifting ~f. The ambiguity of the lifting is up to the uraction. Gromov-Witten invariants on Ws.We study invariants that are needed in this invariants via evaluation Gromov-Witten invariants are given l,g1,...,g andbjH*(Yj). Note that l,kandxare specified by theaiandbj. For the sake of simplicity and consistency, we also re-denote the invariants l,g1,...,g k), when the aiandbjare given. Lemma 6.7. 0. Proof. As explained in Lemma 6.2, this moduli space has nega- tive dimension. Therefore the Gromov-Witten invariants have to be 6.8. Ford>=1, Otherwise, have shown would suggest that (6.1) SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 27 This has to be shown by virtual techniques. Following the of virtual neighborhoods of moduli spaces, we have a smooth virtual moduli an obstruction bundle ~O. The Gromov-Witten invariant is then given Th( ~O) is the Thom form of the bundle. See the construction of virtual neighborhood in [CL] (and orginally in [R2]). The construction of virtual neighborhoods for M0(Ws,mr[Gs]) is parallel. We also obstruction bundle O. The model can be suggestively = we conclude the other is computed in [BKL]. Therefore the proposition is proved. functions on one defines the 3-point function = the first = the 3-point function defining the Chen-Ruan product. In the smo oth case, this is BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO A similar expression for the orbifold case still holds. This is proved in [CH]: by introducing twisting factors, one can turn a twisted form b on twisted sector into a formal form ~bon the global orbifold. Then we still 6.9. Unfortunately, for the local model, make sense if and only if all biare smooth classes, for the moduli space of the latter case is non-compact. Hence only a notation at the moment. But we will need it when we move on to study compact symplectic conifolds. By the computation in SS6.4, we have Proposition 6.10. If at least one of the biis a twisted = 1, if all biare twisted = 0 ifd>=1. Now suppose b3is not twisted and the other two are. Case 2: Suppose b3= 1; then it is well known = 0 ifd>=1. Case 3: suppose that b3=nHs; = 0. Similar arguments can be applied to the case in which only one of thebiis twisted. Hence the claim follows. q.e.d. Now suppose deg( bi) = 2, i.e. bi=niHs. last statement follows from Proposition 6.8. we write [ ~Gs] = [rGs]. To SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 29 Proposition 6.11. The three-point function at least one of the biis twisted or of degree 0, = 2,1<=i<=3. This proposition says that the quantum product b1b2is the usual product( in the sense of the Chen-Ruan ring structure) except f or the case in which deg( b1) = deg(b2) = 2. Next, we write down the Chen- Ruan ring structure for twisted 6.12. The Chen-Ruan products for twisted classes are given by [ps]i[qs]j= Thom forms of the normal bundles of pandqin Ws. Also b Hs= 0 ifbis a twisted follows from the theorem in [CH]. As an example, 0. For other cases, the proof is similar. The normal bundle of pis a rank 3 orbi-bundle which splits as three lines Cp,CyandCz(cf. S2.3). Let Thp,Thyand Th zbe the corresponding Thom forms. Then the [CH]) of [ ps]iis t([ps]i) = modr) is an integer between 0 and r-1. Similarly, = modr) is an integer between 0 and r-1. Then we have a formal this can be restated in terms of PsWs cras30 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO Proposition 6.13. Suppose at least one of the biis twisted in the three-point function Then only the following functions are of three-point functions the argument in [LR]. Define a twisted classes, we = [ps]k, ph([qsf]k) = [qs]k. And defined as in the smooth case in [LR]. Since at the moment we are working in the local model, we should avoid using Poincare duality. We give a direct geometric construction of the map . On the other hand, a technical issue mentioned in Remark 6.9 is dealt with: let bsf i,1<=i<=3,be 2-forms on Wsfrepresenting the classes [bsf i]; by the identification of we then also have 2-forms in Ws-Gswhich as cohomology classes can be over Ws. The cohomology classes are denoted by [ai] we can require that the representing forms, denoted b yai, coincide with biaway from the G's. Then we can well-definedness can be easily seen due to the coincidence of a compact set. Moreover, Lemma 6.14. Suppose that degbi= 2; lift the problem to ~Wsand~Wsf. Then we can simultaneously to ~Vsand~Vsfas[F]. Each of of the standard model flop of ~Vs. Therefore, the computations are essentially rcopies ofSINGULAR SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 31 the computation on the standard model. By the argument in [LR], we conclude that Theorem 6.15. = the identification of only nontrivial verification is for all deg bi= 2. Suppose this is the case. Then the two parts. Part(I) part(II) we use [Gs]--[Gsf]. Part(I) cancels part (II), = conjecture on orbifold symplectic flops 7.1.Ruan cohomology. LetXandYbe compact symplectic orb- ifolds related by symplectic flops. Correspondingly, Gs iand Gsf i, 1<=32 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO i<=k, are extremal rays on We define three- point functions on X(similarly on = induces a ring structure on 7.1. Define the product on call this the Ruan product on X. This cohomology ring is we can define RH*
CR(Y) by using the three-point functions given by Gsf i. Ruan conjectures that Conjecture 7.1 isomorphic to of Ruan's conjecture. Set Ph([Gs u]) =-[Gsf u]. This induces an obvious :H2(X)-H2(Y). As explained in the local model, there is a natural explain ph. For twisted classes [ psf s]iand [qsf t]jwe = [ps u]i, ,ph([qsf v]j) = [qs v]j. For degree 0 or 6-forms, phis defined in an obvious way. For is defined to be the unique extension ForbH4(Y), define ph(b)H4(X) to be the extension as above such that anyaH2(Y). Then Theorem 7.2. For any classes = SYMPLECTIC FLOPS AND RUAN COHOMOLOGY 33 Proof.If one of bi, sayb1, has degree>=4, the quantum correction term vanishes. Therefore, we need only = choose b1to be supported away from the Gsf. Then we have fol- lowing b2orb3is a twisted class, both sides are equal to 0;
*ifb2andb3are inH*(Y), we assume that biare either twisted classes or degree 2 classes. Then the verification is exactly same as that in Theorem 6.15. q.e.d. As an corollary, we have proved Theorem 7.3. SupposeXandYare related via an orbifold Via the map phand coordinate change explicitly realizes the claim of Theorem J. Bryant, S. Katz, N. Leung, Multiple covers and the integra lity con- jecture for rational curves in CY threefolds , J. ALgebraic Geome B. Chen, S. Hu, A de Rham model of Chen-Ruan cohomology ring o f To appear in Math. Ann. [CL] B. Chen, A-M. Li, Symplectic Virtual Localization of Gromov-Witt en invari- ants, in B. Chen, A-M. Li, Q. Zhang, G. Zhao, Relative Gromov-Witten invariants and glue formula, in preparation. [1] CT B. Chen, G. Tian, Virtual orbifolds and Localization, preprint. [CR1] W. Chen, Y. Ruan, A new cohomology theory for orbifold, AG/0 004129, Commun. Math. Phys., 248(2004), 1-31. [CR2] W. Chen, Y. Ruan, orbifold Gromov-Witten theory, AG/00111 49. Cont. Math., 310, 25-86. [CR3] W. Chen, Y. Ruan, orbifold quantum cohomology, Preprint AG/ 0005198. [F] R. Friedman, Simultaneous resolutions of threefold double points , Math. Ann. 274(1986) 671-689. [Gr] M. Gromov, Pseudo holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds, I nvent. math., 82 (1985), 307-347. [HZ] J. Hu, W. Zhang, Mukai flop and Ruan cohomology, Math. Ann. 3 30, No.3, 577-599 (2004).34 BOHUI CHEN, AN-MIN LI, QI ZHANG, AND GUOSONG ZHAO [K] J. Koll' ar, Flips, Flops, Minimal Models, Etc., Surveys in Differential Geome- try, Henry B. Laufer, On CP1as an xceptional set, In recent developments in several complex variables ,261-275, Ann. of Math. Studies 100, Pr E. Lerman, Symplectic cuts, Math Research Let 2(1985) 247-2 58 [LR] A-M. Li, Y. Ruan, Symplectic surgery and Gromov-Witten invaria nts of Calabi-Yau 3-folds, Invent. Math. 145, A-M. Li, G. Zhao, Q. Zheng, The number of ramified covering of a Riemann surface by Riemann surface, Commu. Math. Phys, 213(2000), 3, 685-696. [Reid] M. Reid, Young Person's Guide to Canonical Singularities, Proce edings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, V.46 (1987). [R] Y. Ruan, Surgery, quantum cohomology and birational geometr Y. Ruan, Virtual neighborhoods and curv , [S] I. Satake, The Gauss-Bonnet theorem for V-manifolds, J. Mat h. Soc. Japan 9(1957), 464-492. [STY] I. Smith, R.P. Thomas, S.-T. Yau, Symplectic conifold transition s. SG/0209319. J. Diff. Geom., 62(2002), of Mathematics, Sichuan University, Chengdu,6 address of Mathematics, Sichuan University, Chengdu,6 address of Mathematics, University of Missouri-Columb ia E-mail address of Mathematics, Sichuan University, Chengdu,6 address | 0804.3144 | Bohui Chen | Bohui Chen, An-Min Li, Qi Zhang, Guosong Zhao | Singular symplectic flops and Ruan cohomology | 34pages | null | null | null | math.SG math.AG | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In this paper, we study the symplectic geometry of singular conifolds of the
finite group quotient $$ W_r=\{(x,y,z,t)|xy-z^{2r}+t^2=0 \}/\mu_r(a,-a,1,0),
r\geq 1, $$ which we call orbi-conifolds. The related orbifold symplectic
conifold transition and orbifold symplectic flops are constructed. Let $X$ and
$Y$ be two symplectic orbifolds connected by such a flop. We study orbifold
Gromov-Witten invariants of exceptional classes on $X$ and $Y$ and show that
they have isomorphic Ruan cohomologies. Hence, we verify a conjecture of Ruan.
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"created": "Sat, 19 Apr 2008 13:10:11 GMT"
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I. BRIEF INTRODUCTION The top quark plays a special role in the Standard Model (SM) and ho lds great promise in revealing the secret of new physics beyond the SM. The theoretic al considerations include the following:
*With the largest Yukawa coupling yt~1 among the SM fermions, and a mass at the electroweak scale mt~v/
2 (the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field), the top quark is naturally related to electroweak symmetry breaking (E WSB), and may reveal new strong dynamics [1].
*The largest contribution to the quadratic divergence of the SM Higg s mass comes from the top-quark loop, which implies the immediate need for new physics a t the Terascale for a natural EW theory [2], with SUSY and Little Higgs as prominent ex amples.
*Its heavy mass opens up a larger phase space for its decay to heav y states Wb, Zq, H0,+-q,etc.
*Its prompt decay much shorter than the QCD scale offers the oppo rtunity to explore the properties of a bare quark, such as its spin, mass, and coup lings. Top quarks will be copiously produced at the LHC. The production an d decay are well understood in the SM. Therefore, detailed studies of the top-qua rk physics can be rewarding for both testing the SM and searching for new physics [3]. II. TOP QUARK IN THE STANDARD MODEL In the SM, the top quark and its interactions can be described the well-determined gauge couplings at the electroweak sca le, the other of the top quark are listed in Table I. 2TABLE I: Experimental values for the top quark parameters [4 ]. mt(pole) |Vtb| | Vts| | GeV >0.78 (40 largetop-quark mass isimportant since it contributes significan tly tothe corrections. For instance, the one-loop corrections to the electroweak gauge boson mass can be cast in the (2) With themtvalue in Table I, the best global fit in the SM yields a Higgs mass mH= 89+38 -28 GeV [4]. The recent combined result from CDF and D0 at the Tevatron Run II gave the new value [5] mt= 171.4+-2.1 GeV. (3) The expected accuracy of mtmeasurement at the LHC is better than 1 GeV [6], with errors dominated by the systematics. To directly determine the left-handed V-Agauge coupling of the top quark in the weak charged current, leptonic angular distributions and Wpolarization information would be needed [7]. No direct measurements are available yet for the electro weak neutral gt A=-T3/2andQt= +2/3, study them via the associated production processes t-tg, t-tZ[8]. The indirect global fits however indicate the consistency with these SM predictions [4]. A. Top-Quark Decay in the SM Due to the absence of the flavor-changing neutral currents at t ree level in the SM mechanism), the dominant decay channe ls for a top quark will be through the weak with the partial width giv en by [9] G(t-W+q) The subsequent decay of Wto the final state leptons and light quarks is well understood. Two important features are |Vtd|,|Vts|, a top quark will predominantly decay into a bquark. While Vts, Vtdmay not be practically measured via the top-decay processes, effe ctiveb- tagging at the Tevatron experiments has served to put a bound on the (5) that leads to the lower bound for |Vtb|in Table I.
*Perhaps the most significant aspect of Eq. (4) is the MeV. (6) This implies that a top quark will promptly decay via weak interaction be fore QCD sets in for hadronization [10]. So no hadronic bound states (such as -tt,-tq,etc.) would be observed. The properties of a bare quark may be accessible f or scrutiny. It is interesting to note that in the top-quark rest frame, the long itudinal polarization of theWis the dominant mode. The ratio between the two available modes (7) B. Top-Quark Production in the via quarks were discovered via their hadronic bound state s, most notably for the charm quark via J/ps(-cc) and bottom quark via U( -bb). Due to the prompt decay of the top quark, its production mechanisms and search strategy ar e quite different from the traditional one. The leading processes are the open flavor pair production from the QCD strong interac- tion, as depicted in Fig. 1. The contributing subprocesses are from q-q, gg-t-t. (8) The cross sections have been calculated rather reliably to the next -to-leading order [12] and including the threshold resummations [13, 14], as given in Table 1: Top-quark pair production in hadronic collisions vi a QCD interaction. This figure is taken from Ref. [11]. TABLE II: Cross sections, at in QCD, for top-quark production via the strong interaction at the Tevatron and the LHC [14]. Also sho wn is the percentage of the total cross section from the and g luon-fusion (s= 1.8 (s= 2.0 (s= 14 TeV due to the substantial gluon luminosity at higher energies, t het-tproduction rate is increased by more than a factor of 100 from the Tevatron to the L HC. Assuming an at the LHC of 1034cm-2s-1=100 fb-1/year, one expects to have 80 million top pairs produced. It is truly a top factory. In Fig. 2(a), we plo t the invariant which is important to understand when searching for n ew physics in the t-t channel. Although the majority of the events are produced near t he threshold is still a substantial cross section even above m(t-t)~1 TeV, about 5 pb. This is illustrated in Fig. 2(b), where the integrated cross section is given v ersus a minimal cutoff onm(t-t) and decay branching fractions of one top decaying hadronically an d the have been included. It should be noted that the forward-backward charge asymmetr y of thet-tevents can be generated by higher order corrections, reaching 10 -15% at the partonic level from QCD [15] and 1% from the electroweak [16]. 5, FIG. 2: (a) Invariant mass distribution of t-tat the LHC and (b) integrated cross section versus a minimal cutoff on m(t-t). Decay branching fractions of one top decaying hadronical ly and the other leptonically ( e,u) have been included. 2. Single top production via weak interaction As discussed in the last section, the charged-current weak intera ction is responsible for the rapid decay of the top quark. In fact, it also participates signifi cantly in the production of the top quark as well [17]. The three classes of production proce sses,s-channel and associated Wtdiagrams, are plotted in Fig. 3. Two remarks are in order:
*The single top production is proportional to the quark mixing element |Vtb|2and thus provides the direct measurement for it, currently [18] 0 .68<|Vtb| <=1 at the 95% and t-channel can be complementary in the search for new physics such as aW'exchange [19]. For the production rates [20, 21, 22, 23, 24], the largest of all is th is nearly one third of the QCD production of the t-tpair. Once again, it is mainly from the enhancement of the longitudinally polarized W. The total cross sections for these processes at Tevatron [23] and LHC energies [24] are listed in Table III [20, 21, 2 2]. We see the t b W FIG. 3: weak figure is taken from Ref. [11]. type) is increased by about an order of magnitude; while the gluon- o rb-induced processes are enhanced by about a factor of 100. TABLE III: Cross sections, at in QCD , for top-quark production via the charged current weak interaction at the Tevatron and the LHC . s(pb) s-channel t-channel Wt Tevatron (s= 2.0 (s= 14 TeV Top quark and Higgs associated production Of fundamental importance is the measurement of the top-quark Yukawa coupling. The direct probe to it at the LHC is via the processes [25] q-q, gg-t-tH. (9) The cross section has been calculated to the er (NLO) in QCD [26, 27] and the numerics are given in Table IV. The cross section ranges are estimated from the uncertainty of the QCD scale. The production rate at the LHC seems quite feasible for the signal o bservation. It was claimed [28] that a 15% accuracy for the Yukawa coupling measureme nt may be achievable with a luminosity of 300 fb-1. Indeed, the decay channel H-ggshould be useful for the search and study in the mass range of 100 < mH<150 GeV [29, 30]. However, the potentially large backgounds and the complex event topology, in par ticular the demand on 7TABLE IV: Total cross section at the NLO in QCD for top-quark a nd Higgs associated production at the LHC [27]. mH(GeV) 120 150 detector performance, make the study of the leading decay H-b-bvery NEW PHYSICS IN TOP-QUARK DECAY The high production rate for the top quarks at the LHC provides a g reat opportunity to seek out top-quark rare decays and search for new physics Be yond the Standard Model (BSM). Given the annual yield of 80 million t-tevents plus 34 million single-top events, one may hope to search for rare decays with a branching fraction as sm all as 10-6. A. Charged Current Decay: BSM The most prominent examples for top-quark decay beyond the SM v ia a p+
Tb. searches have been conducted at the Tevatron [3 2], and some simulations are performed for the LHC as well [3, 33]. It is obvious that as long as th ose channels accessible and have a sizable branching fraction, the ob servation should In fact, the top decay to a charged Higgs may w ell be the leading subtle new physics scenarios may not show up with the above ea sy signals. It may bedesirable to takea phenomenological approachto parameterize the SM [7, 34], and experimentally search for the deviations f rom the SM. Those anomalous couplings can be determined in a given theoretical fram ework, either processes or from a new flavor structure. One can w rite the interaction (11) The expected accuracy of the measurements on dL,Ris about 1% [3, 34], thus testing the top-quark chiral coupling. B. Neutral Current Decay: BSM Although there are no Flavor-Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC) at tree level in the SM, theories beyond the SM quite often have new flavor structure , most notably for SUSY and technicolor models. New symmetries or some alignment mechanism s will have to be utilized in order to avoid excessive FCNC. It is nevertheless prudent to keep in mind the possible new decay modes of the top quark such as the SUSY decay c hannel t-~t~kh0. FCNCs can always be generated at loop level. It has been shown that the interesting decay modes t-Zc, Hc, gc, gc (13) arehighly suppressed [35, 36] with branching 10-13-10-10inthe SM, and 10-7-10-5in the MSSM. It has been shown that the branching fractions can be in theories beyond the SM and MSSM, reaching above 10-5and even as high as 1% [37]. One may again take the effective operator approach to parameter ize the the electroweak symmetry breaking, one can write them as [ 38, 39, [41], as listed in Table V 9TABLE V: 95% C.L. sensitivity of the branching fractions for the top-quark decays via FCNC couplings at the LHC [41]. Channel 10 fb-1100 TOP QUARKS IN RESONANT PRODUCTION The most striking signal of new physics in the top-quark sector is th e resonant production via a heavy intermediate state X. With some proper treatment to identify the top decay products, it is possible to reconstruct the resonant kinematics. O ne may thus envision fully exploring its properties in the c.m. frame. A.X-t-t, t-b Immediate examples of the resonant states include Higgs bosons [4 2], new gauge bosons [43], Kaluza-Klein excitations of gluons [44] and gravitons [45], Techn icolor-like dynamical states [1, 3, 46] etc. The signal can be generically written as s(pp-X-t-t) (16) Thus the observation of this class of signals depends on the branch ing fraction of X-t-tas well as its coupling to the initial state partons. Figure 4 quantifies th e observability for a bosonic resonance (spin 0,1,2) for a mass up to 2 TeV at the LHC [47] v vertical axis gives the normalization factors ( o) for the cross section rates needed to reach a 5ssignal with a luminosity of 10 fb-1. The normalization o= 1 defines the benchmark for the spin 0, 1 and 2 resonances. They correspond t o the SM-like Higgs boson, aZ'with electroweak coupling strength and left (L) or right (R) chiral c ouplings to SM fermions, and the Randall-Sundrum graviton ~hwith the couplings scaled with a cutoff scale 10FIG. 4: Normalization factor versus the resonance mass for t he scalar (dashed) with a width- mass ratio of 20%, vector (dot-dashed) with 5%, and graviton (solid) 2%, respectively. The region above each curve represents values of othat give 5 sor greater statistical significance with 10 fb-1 integrated luminosity. as L-1for~hq-q, and (Lln( respectively. We see that a Z'or a graviton should be easy to observe, but a Higgs-like broad scalar will be difficult to identify in the t-t channel. It is of critical importance to reconstruct the c.m. frame of the re sonant particle, where the fundamental properties of the particle can be best studied. I t was demonstrated [47] that with the semi-leptonic decays of the two top quarks, one can e ffectively reconstruct the events in the c.m. frame. This relies on using the MWconstraint to determine the missing neutrino momentum, while it is necessary to also make use of mtto break the for two possible pz(n) solutions. Parity and CP asymmetries [48] can be pair events at the high invariant mass are obviously impor tant to search for and study new physics. In this new territory there comes a new com plication: When the top quark is very energetic, g=E/mt~10, its decay products may be too collimated to be individually resolved by the detector -recall that the granularity of the at the LHC is roughly exph~0.1x0.1. This is a generic problem relevant to any fast-moving top quarks from heavy particle decays [44, 47 , 49] (see the next sections). 11The interesting questions to be addressed may include:
*To what extent can we tell a fat top-jet from a massive QCD jet d ue to showering?
*To what extent can we tell a fat W-jet from a massive QCD jet?
*Can we make use of a non-isolated lepton inside the top-jet ( bln) for the and we do b-tagging for the highly boosted top events? These practical issues would become critical to understand the ev ents and thus for new physics searches. Detailed studies including the detector effects w ill be needed to tH, bW In many theories beyond the SM, there is a top-quark partner. Th ese are by the naturalness argument, the need to cancel th e quadratic divergence in the Higgs mass radiative correction, most severely from the top-q uark loop. Besides the scalar top quark in SUSY, the most notable example is the Little Higgs t heory [50]. If there is no discrete symmetry, the top partner Twill decay to SM particles in the final state, leading to fully a reconstructable fermionic resonance. It was pointed out [51] that the single Tproduction via the weak charged-current may surpass the pair production via the QCD interaction due to the longit udinal gauge for the former and the phase space suppression fo r the latter. This is shown in Fig. 5. Subsequent simulations [52] performed by the ATLAS collabor ation demonstrated the clear observability for the signals above the backgrounds at th e LHC forT-tZ, bW with a mass MT= 1 TeV, as seen in Fig. 6. V. TOP-RICH EVENTS FOR NEW PHYSICS Although the top-quark partner is strongly motivated for a natur al electroweak theory, it often results in excessively large corrections to the low energy ele ctroweak observables. In order to better fit the low energy measurements, a discrete symm etry is often 5: Production of the top-quark partner Tin pair and singly at the LHC versus its mass. The Yukawa coupling ratio l1/l2has been taken to be 2 (upper dotted curve) 1 (solid) and 1/2 (l ower dotted), respectively. The T-Tpair production via QCD includes an NLO K-factor (dashed curve). such as the R-parity in SUSY, KK-parity in UED, and T-parity in LH [53]. The imme- diate consequence for collider phenomenology is the appearance of a new stable particle that may provide the cold dark matter candidate, and results in miss ing energy in production The top partner has similar quantum numbers to the top quark, and thus is as a color triplet. This leads to their production in QCD q-q, gg-T-T. (17) The production cross section is shown in Fig. 7 for both spin-0 and sp in-1/2 top there is a difference of a factor of 8 or so (4 from spin stat e counting and the breaking of the R-parity [54] or the T-parity [55] would lead to different collider phe- nomenology Mass (GeV)0 500 1000 1500 2000-1Events/40 GeV/300 Mass (GeV)0 500 1000 1500 2000-1Events/40 6: Observability for the decays (a) T-tZand (b)T-bWat the ATLAS [52]. rest from threshold effects) in the cross sections, it is still challeng ing to tell a scalar and a fermionic partner apart [57, 58, 59] due to the lack of definitive fea tures. Due to the additional discrete symmetry, the top partner cannot decay to a SM particle alone. Consequently, T-tA0, leading to t-tpair production plus large mixing energy. The crucial parameter to characterize the kinematical features is th e mass difference MTA=
mT-mA. For MTAmt, the top quark as a decay product will be energetic different from the SM background. But if MTAmt, then the two will have very little difference, making the signal difficult to separate out . Depending on the top-quark decay, we present two classes of hadronic decay For botht-tto decay hadronically [58, 60], the signal will be 6 jets plus missing ener gy. While it has the largest decay rate, the backgrounds would be subst antial as well. With judicious acceptance cuts, the signal observability for MTA>200 GeV was established, as seen in Fig. 8. Possible measurements of the absolute mass scale a nd its spin of the top partner were considered [57, 58], but the determination remains diffi cult. 14600 800 1000 1200 1400 mT cross-section (pb)QCD top T T 7: Leading order total cross section for the top partner T-Tproduction at the LHC versus its mass [57]. Both spin-0 and spin-1/2 top partners are incl uded. The QCD t-tand the SM t-tZ backgrounds are indicated by the horizontal decay If one of the t-tdecays hadronically and the other decays leptonically, the signal ma y be cleaner. It turnsout that if themass difference MTAissizable, thenrequiring energy may be sufficient to suppress the background . However, if MTA~
mt, then the E /Tfor the signal is not much different from the background. On the ot her hand, the fact that the t-tkinematics can be fully reconstructed in the SM implies that the reconstruction for the signal events would be distinctive due t o the large missing mass. Indeed, the reconstructed mr tbased on the E /Twill be far away from the true mt, and mostly result in an unphysical value. If we GeV, (18) we can reach optimal signal identification. The summary plot for the statistical number of s) is given in Fig. 9 at the LHC with an integrated luminosity of 100 fb-1, where the left panel is for a fermionic T, and the right is a scalar ~t, both decaying to t+ a missing particle. 15300 400 500 600 700 800 900 8: Contour in the statistical significance of a scalar ~tat the LHC with an integrated luminosity of 100 fb-1. Purely hadronic decays are considered. B. Exotic top for exotic events related to the top quark can be rewar ding. First, there exists a variety of natural electroweak models with distinctive top partne rs that should not be overlooked for collider phenomenology. Second, potentially large co uplings of the top quark to new physics may result in multiple top quarks from new particle deca ys. Finally, the exotic events have less SM background contamination, and thus ma y stand out for discovery even at the early phase of the LHC. We briefly list a few recent examp les.
*Multiple top quarks and b-quarks in the final state may help to search for new heavy particles in the electroweak sector and can be distinctive from the S M top partners and other KK fermions in the RS model may lead t o unique top-quark and W-boson signatures [62].
*New exotic colored states may predominantly couple to heavy quark s and thus TOP PARTNER 400 600 800 1000 1200 400 600 800 1000 TOP PARTNER FIG. 9: Contour in mT-mAforT-tAfor the statistical significance at the LHC with an integrated luminosity of 100 fb-1. Left panel is for a fermionic T, and the right is a scalar ~t, both decaying to a top plus a missing particle. to multiple top quarks in the final state [63].
*Composite models for the right-handed top-quark may lead to t-tt-tsignals at the top quark pairs may indicate new dynamics [65]. VI. SUMMARY AND irsplus 34million single tops produced annually at the designed high luminosity, the pro perties of this particle will be studied to a great accuracy and the deep questions related t o the top quark at the Terascale will be explored to an unprecedented level. Theoretical a rguments indicate that it is highly likely that new physics associated with the top quark beyond t he SM will show up at the LHC. This article only touches upon the surface of the rich to p quark physics, and is focused on possible new physics beyond the SM in the top-quark se ctor. The layout of this article has been largely motivated by experimental signatures f or the LHC. covered here include
*Rare decays of the top quark to new light states, or to SM particles via the charged and neutral currents through virtual effects of new physics.
*Top quark pair production via the decay of a new heavy resonance, resulting in kinematics for detailed studies.
*Top quark pair production via the decay of pairly produced top part ners, with two other missing particles, making the signal identifi cation and the property studies top quarks, bquarks, and W+-'s coming from theories of electroweak symme- try breaking or an extended top-quark sector. The physics associated with top quarks is rich, far-reaching, and e xciting. It opens up golden opportunities for new physics searches, while brings in new ch allenges as well. It should be of high priority in the LHC program for both theorists and e thank Gordy Kane and Aaron Pierce for inviting me to write on this su bject, which I consider a very important and exciting part of the LHC physics pro gram. I would also like to thank Vernon Barger, Tim Tait and Lian-Tao Wang for reading a nd commenting on the draft. This work was supported in part by the US DOE under con tract No. and in part by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation . 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D 73, 075002 (2006) | 0804.3178 | Tao Han | Tao Han | The "Top Priority" at the LHC | 25 pages. 9 figures, 5 tables. Contributed chapter to the book of
"Perspectives on the LHC", edited by G. Kane and A. Pierce | Int.J.Mod.Phys.A23:4107-4124,2008 | 10.1142/S0217751X08042705 | MADPH-08-1509, NSF-KITP-08-55 | hep-ph hep-ex | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The LHC will be a top-quark factory. With 80 million pairs of top quarks and
an additional 34 million single tops produced annually at the designed high
luminosity, the properties of this particle will be studied to a great
accuracy. The fact that the top quark is the heaviest elementary particle in
the Standard Model with a mass right at the electroweak scale makes it tempting
to contemplate its role in electroweak symmetry breaking, as well as its
potential as a window to unknown new physics at the TeV scale. We summarize the
expectations for top-quark physics at the LHC, and outline new physics
scenarios in which the top quark is crucially involved.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 20 Apr 2008 07:32:22 GMT"
] | 2009-01-06T00:00:00 | [
] |
2 J. Piper65, M.-A. Pleier22, P.L.M. V.M. Podstavkov50, Y. Pogorelov55, M.-E. Pol2, P. Polozov37, B.G. Pope65, A.V. Popov39, C. Potter6, W.L. Prado da Silva3, H.B. Prosper49, S. Protopopescu73, J. Qian64, A. Quadt22,d, B. Quinn66, A. Rakitine42, M.S. Rangel2, K. Ranjan28, P.N. Ratoff42, P. Renkel79, S. Reucroft63, P. Rich44, J. Rieger54, M. Rijssenbeek72, I. Ripp-Baudot19, F. Rizatdinova76, S. Robinson43, R.F. Rodrigues3, M. Rominsky75, C. Royon18, P. Rubinov50, R. Ruchti55, G. Safronov37, G. Sajot14, A. S' anchez-Hern' andez33, M.P. Sanders17, B. Sanghi50, A. Santoro3, G. Savage50, L. Sawyer60, T. Scanlon43, D. Schaile25, R.D. Schamberger72, Y. Scheglov40, H. Schellman53, T. Schliephake26, C. A. Schwienhorst65, J. Sekaric49, H. Severini75, E. Shabalina51, M. Shamim59, V. Shary18, A.A. Shchukin39, R.K. Shivpuri28, V. Siccardi19, V. Simak10, V. Sirotenko50, P. Skubic75, P. Slattery71, D. Smirnov55, G.R. Snow67, J. Snow74, S. Snyder73, S. S L. Sonnenschein17, A. Sopczak42, M. Sosebee78, K. Soustruznik9, B. Spurlock78, J. Stark14, J. Steele60, V. Stolin37, D.A. Stoyanova39, J. Strandberg64, S. Strang69, E. Strauss72, M. Strauss75, R. Str ohmer25, D. Strom53, L. Stutte50, S. Sumowidagdo49, P. Svoisky55, A. Sznajder3, P. Tamburello45, A. Tanasijczuk1, W. Taylor6, J. Temple45, B. Tiller25, F. Tissandier13, M. Titov18, V.V. Tokmenin36, T. Toole61, I. Torchiani23, T. Trefzger24, D. Tsybychev72, B. Tuchming18, C. Tully68, P.M. Tuts70, R. Unalan65, L. Uvarov40, S. Uvarov40, S. Uzunyan52, B. Vachon6, P.J. van den Berg34, R. Van Kooten54, W.M. van Leeuwen34, N. Varelas51, E.W. Varnes45, I.A. Vasilyev39, M. Vaupel26, P. Verdier20, L.S. Verzocchi50, F. P. Vint43, P. Vokac10, E. Von Toerne59, M. Voutilainen68,e, R. Wagner68, H.D. Wahl49, L. Wang61, M.H.L.S. Wang50, J. Warchol55, G. Watts82, M. Wayne55, G. Weber24, M. Weber50, L. Welty-Rieger54, A. Wenger23,f, N. Wermes22, M. Wetstein61, A. White78, D. Wicke26, G.W. Wilson58, S.J. Wimpenny48, M. Wobisch60, D.R. Wood63, T.R. Wyatt44, Y. Xie77, S. Yacoob53, R. Yamada50, M. Yan61, T. Yasuda50, Y.A. Yatsunenko36, H. Yin7, K. Yip73, H.D. Yoo77, S.W. Youn53, J. Yu78, C. Zeitnitz26, T. Zhao82, B. Zhou64, J. Zhu72, M. Zielinski71, D. Zieminska54, A. Zieminski54,++, L. Zivkovic70, V. Zutshi52, and E.G. Zverev38 (The DO de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas F' isicas, Rio de Jane iro, do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Bra Federal do ABC, Santo Andr' e, de F' isica Te' orica, Universidade Estadual Paul ista, S~ ao Paulo, of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Peopl e's Republic of de los Andes, Bogot' a, Colombia 9Center for Particle Physics, Charles University, Prague, C zech Republic 10Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech for Particle Physics, Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Rep San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador 13LPC, Univ Blaise Pascal, CNRS/IN2P3, Clermont, France 14LPSC, Universit' e Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1, National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France 15CPPM, Aix-Marseille Universit' e, CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France 16LAL, Univ Paris-Sud, IN2P3/CNRS, Orsay, France 17LPNHE, IN2P3/CNRS, Universit' es Paris VI and VII, Paris, Fr de Physique des Particules, CEA, Saclay, Fr ance 19IPHC, Universit' e Louis Pasteur et Universit' e de Haute Als ace, CNRS/IN2P3, Strasbourg, France 20IPNL, Universit' e Lyon 1, CNRS/IN2P3, Villeurbanne, Franc e and Universit' e de Lyon, Lyon, France 21III. Physikalisches Institut A, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germa Institut, Universit at Bonn, Bonn, German Institut, Universit at Freiburg, Freibur g, f ur Physik, Universit at Mainz, Mainz, at M unchen, M unchen, Ge Physik, University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, G ermany 27Panjab University, Chandigarh, India 28Delhi University, Delhi, India 29Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland 31Korea Detector Laboratory, Korea University, Seoul, University, Suwon, Mexico City, NIKHEF and University of Amsterdam, The University Nijmegen/NIKHEF, Nijmegen, The Nether lands 36Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Mosco w, Russia 38Moscow State University, Moscow, for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Nuclear Physics Institute, St. Petersburg, Rus sia 41Lund University, Lund, Sweden, Royal Institute of Technolo gy and Stockholm Sweden, and Uppsala University, Uppsala, Swede n 42Lancaster University, Lancaster, United College, London, United of Manchester, Manchester, United of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA 46Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of Ca lifornia, Berkeley, California 94720, USA 47California State University, Fresno, California 93740, US A 48University of California, Riverside, California 92521, US A 49Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306, USA 50Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois 60510, USA 51University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60607 , USA 52Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois 60115, University, Evanston, Illinois 60208, USA 54Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405, USA 55University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556, USA 56Purdue University Calumet, Hammond, Indiana 46323, USA 57Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA 58University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045, USA 59Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506, USA 60Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, Louisiana 71272, USA 61University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA 62Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts 02215, University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, US A 64University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA 65Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, U SA 66University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi 38677 , USA 67University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, USA 68Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA 69State University of New York, Buffalo, New York 14260, USA 70Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, USA 71University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627, USA 72State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794, US A 73Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, USA 74Langston University, Langston, Oklahoma 73050, USA 75University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019, USA 76Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078, US A 77Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912, USA 78University of Texas, Arlington, Texas 76019, USA 79Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75275, USA 80Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, USA 81University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901, USA and 82University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (Dated: April 20, 2008) We present a measurement of the forward-backward charge asy mmetry ( AFB) at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV using 1.1 fb-1of data collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. AFBis measured as a function of the invariant mass of the pair, and found to b e consistent with the standard We use the AFBmeasurement to extract the effective weak mixing angle (stat.) +-0.0006 (syst.). PACS numbers: 13.85.-t, 13.38.Dg, 12.15.Mm, 12.38.Qk4 In the standard model (SM), the neutral-current cou- plings of the Zbosons to fermions ( f) at tree level are defined (1) wherethWis the weak mixing angle, and gf Vandgf A are the vector and axial-vector couplings with HereIf 3is the weak isospin component of the fermion and Qfits charge. The presence of both vector and axial-vector rise to an asymmetry in the polar angle ( th) of the negatively charged lepton momen- tum relative to the incoming quark momentum in the rest frame of the lepton pair. The angular section can be written functions dependent on If 3,Qf, and sin2thW. Events with cos th >0 are called forward events, and those with cos th <0 are called backward events. The forward-backward charge asymmetry, AFB, is de- fined (3) wheresF/Bis the integral cross section in the configuration. We measure AFBas a function of the invariant mass of the lepton pair. To minimize the effect of the unknown transverse momenta of the incoming quarks in the measurement of the for- ward and backward cross sections, we use thcalculated in the Collins-Soper reference frame [1]. In this frame, the polar axis is defined as the bisector of the proton when they are boosted into the rest frame of the lepton pair. The forward-backward asymmetry is sensitive to sin2theff W, which is an effective parameter that sin2theff Wat theZ-pole is 0 .23149+-0.00013 [2]. are more than two standard de- viations from the world average value: that from the charge asymmetry for bquark production ( A0,b FB) from the LEP and SLD collaborations [3] and that from neu- trino and antineutrino cross sections from the [4]. The is sensitive to the couplings of bquarks to the Zboson, and the is sensitive to the couplings of uandd quarks to the Zboson, as is the measurement presented here. Previous direct measurements of to the Zare of limited precision [5, 6]. to the SM that would affect only uandd couplings are poorly constrained. In addition, at the Tevatron can be performed up to valuesof the dilepton mass exceeding those achieved at LEP and SLC, therefore becoming sensitive to possible new physics effects [7, 8]. Although direct searches for these new phenomena in the Z/g*-l+l-final state have been recently performed by the CDF and D0 collabora- tions [9], charge asymmetry measurements are sensitive to different combination of couplings, and can information [10]. The CDF collaboration measured AFBusing 108 pb-1 of data in Run I [11] and 72 pb-1of data in Run II [5]. This analysis uses 1066 +-65 pb-1of data [12] collected with the D0 detector [13] at the Fermilab Tevatron col- lider at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV to and extract sin2theff W. To select Z/g*events, we require two isolated (EM) clusters that have shower shapes con- sistent with that of an electron. EM candidates are required to have transverse momentum pT>25 GeV. The dielectron pair must have a reconstructed invariant mass 50 < Mee<500 GeV. If an event has both its EM candidates in the central calorimeter (CC events), each must be spatially matched to a reconstructed track in the tracking system. Because the tracking with magnitude of the rapidity in the end calorimeter, events with one candidate in the central and one candidate in the end calorimeter (CE events) are re- quired to have a matching track only for that in the cen- tral calorimeter. For CC events, the two candidates charges. ForCEevents, the determination of forward or backward is made ac- cording to the charge of the EM candidate in the A total of 35,626 events remain after appli- cation of all selection criteria, with 16,736CC events and 18,890CE events. The selection efficiencies with the tag-probe method [14], and no differences between forward and backward events are observed. The asymmetry is measured in 14 Meebins within the 50< Mee<500 GeV range. The bin widths are de- termined by the mass resolution, of order (3 -4)%, and event Carlo (MC) samples for the are generated using the pythia event [16], followed by a detailed geant-based simula- tion of the D0 detector [17]. To improve the data and simulation, selection efficiencies deter- mined by the MC are corrected to corresponding values measured in the data. Furthermore, the simulation is tuned to reproduce the calorimeter energy scale and res- olution, as well as the distributions of the and zposition of the event primary vertex observed in data. Next-to-leading order (NLO) (QCD) corrections for Z/g*boson pro- duction [18, 19] are applied by reweighting the Z/g*bo- son transverse momentum, rapidity, and invariant from pythia. The largest background arises from photon+jets and multijet final states in which photons or jets are arise from electroweak processes that produce two real electrons in the final state. The multijet background is estimated using collider data by fitting the distribution in data to the sum of the from a pure electron sampleand an EM-like jet sample. The pure electron sample is obtained by en- forcing tighter track matching requirements on the two electrons with 80 < Mee<100 GeV. The EM-like jets sample is obtained from a sample where only one good EM cluster and one jet are back-to-back in The contamination in the EM-like jets is removed by requiring energy / ET<10 GeV. The average fraction over the entire mass region is found to be approximately 0 .9%. Other SM backgrounds estimated sep- arately for forward and backward events using pythia events passed through the geantsimulation. Higher or- der corrections to the pythialeading order (LO) cross sections have been applied [19, 20, 21]. These SM back- grounds are found to be negligible for almost all mass bins. The is similarly negli- gible. In the SM, the AFBdistribution is fully determined by the value of sin2theff Win a LO prediction for the The value of sin2theff Wis ex- tracted from the data by comparing the raw AFBdistribution with templates corre- sponding to different input values of andgeant-based MC simulation. Al- though over the full mass range 50 <
Mee<500 GeV, it is nearly constant over the range 70< Mee<130 GeV. Over this region, we 0.2321+-0.0018 (stat.) +-0.0006 (syst.). The primary systematic uncertainties are due to the include higher order QCD and electroweak correc- tions using the zgrad2 [22] program with the tuned to match 0.2326[24]. Due to the detector resolution, events may be recon- structed in a different mass bin than the one in which they were generated. The CC and CE raw are unfolded separately and then combined. The unfolding procedure is based on an iterative application of the method of matrix inversion [25]. A response ma- trix is computed as RFF ijfor an event that is measured as forward in Meebinito be found as forward and in binjat the generator level. Likewise, we also calculate the response matrices for backward events being found as backward ( RBB ij), forward as backward ( RFB ij), andbackward as forward ( RBF ij). Four matrices are calcu- lated from the geantMC simulation and used to unfold the The method was verified by comparing the true and unfolded spectrum generated us- ing data are further corrected for acceptance and selection efficiency using the geantsimulation. The overall acceptance times efficiency rises from 3 .5% for 50< Mee<60 GeV to 21% for 250 < Mee<500 GeV. The electron charge measurement in the determines whether an event is forward or backward. results in a dilution of AFB. The charge rate, fQ, is measured using tuned to the average rate measured in data. The rate rises from 0.21% at 50< Mee<60 GeV to 0.92% at 250 < Mee<500 GeV. The charge rateis included asa withD= for CC events and D= (1-2fQ) for CE events. The final unfolded AFBdistribution using both CC and CE events is shown in Fig. 1, compared to using the CTEQ6L1 PDFs [16] and thezgrad2 prediction using the CTEQ5L PDFs with respect to the pythiaprediction is 16.1/14 for CC, 8 .5/14 for CE, and 10 .6/14 for CC and CE combined. The systematic uncertainties for the unfolded AFBdistribution arise from the electron en- ergy scale and resolution, backgrounds, limited MC sam- ples used to calculate the response matrices, acceptance and efficiency corrections, charge and PDFs. The unfolded AFBtogether with the pythiaand zgrad2 predictions for each mass bin can be found in Table I. The correlations between invariant mass bins are shown in Table asymmetry for the in the dielectron invariant mass range 50 - 500 GeV using 1.1 fb-1of data collected by the D0 exper- iment. The measured AFBvalues are in good agree- ment with the SM predictions. We use the in the range 70 < Mee<130 GeV to deter- mine sin2theff W= 0.2326+-0.0018 (stat.) +-0.0006 (syst.). The precision of this measurement is comparable to that obtained from LEP measurements of the charge asymmetry [3] and that of NuTeV mea- surement [4]. Our measurements of sin2theff Win a to the vector coupling of the Zto the to the couplings of the Zto light quarks, agrees well with predictions. With about 8 fb-1of data ex- pected by the end of Run II, a combined measurement of AFBby the CDF and D0 collaborations using electron and muon final states could lead to a measurement orderQCDand would enable the use of such measurement in a global electroweak fit. 70 100 300 = 10.6/142khDe 1.1 fb-1 FIG. 1: Comparison between the unfolded AFB(points) curve) and zgrad2 (dashed line) predic- tions. The inner (outer) vertical lines show the statistica l (total) AFBUnfolded AFB(GeV) (GeV) pythia zgrad2 50-60 54.5 64.9 72.6 78.3 84.4 88.4 90.9 0 .051 0.052 0 93.4 0 .127 0.129 0 99.9 0 .289 0.296 0 109.1 0 .427 0.429 0 121.3 0 .526 0.530 0 147.9 0 .593 0.603 0 206.4 0 .613 0.600 0 310.5 0 .616 0.615 0 I: The first column shows the mass ranges used. The second column shows the cross section weighted average of the invariant mass in each mass bin derived from pythia. The third and fourth columns show the AFBpredictions The last column is the unfolded AFB; the first uncertainty is statistical, and the second is syste m- atic. We thank the staffs at Fermilab and and acknowledge support from the DOE and NSF (USA); CEA and CNRS/IN2P3 (France); FASI, Rosatom and RFBR (Russia); CNPq, FAPERJ,FAPESP and FUNDUNESP (Brazil); DAE and DST (India); Colciencias (Colombia); CONACyT (Mexico); KRF and KOSEF (Korea); CONICET and FOM (The Netherlands); STFC MSMT and GACR (Czech Republic); CRC Program, CFI, NSERC and WestGrid Project (Canada); BMBF and DFG (Germany); SFI (Ireland); The Swedish Research Council (Sweden); CAS and CNSF (China); and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. [a] Visitor from Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD, USA. [b] Visitor from The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK . [c] Visitor from ICN-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico. [d] Visitor from II. Physikalisches Institut, Georg-Augus t- University, G ottingen, Germany. [e] Visitor from Helsinki Institute of Physics, Helsinki, F in- land. [f] Visitor from Universit at Z urich, Z urich, Switzerla nd. [++] Deceased. [1] J.C. Collins and D.E. Soper, Phys. 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sin^2Theta^{eff}_W in ppbar -> Z/\gamma^{*}+X -> e+e+X events produced at
\sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV | 7 Pages, 1 Figure, 3 Tables, Accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett | Phys.Rev.Lett.101:191801,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.191801 | Fermilab-Pub-08/090-E | hep-ex | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We present a measurement of the forward-backward charge asymmetry ($A_{FB}$)
in $p\bar{p} \to Z/\gamma^{*}+X \to e^+e^-+X$ events at a center-of-mass energy
of 1.96 TeV using 1.1 fb$^{-1}$ of data collected with the D0 detector at the
Fermilab Tevatron collider. $A_{FB}$ is measured as a function of the invariant
mass of the electron-positron pair, and found to be consistent with the
standard model prediction. We use the $A_{FB}$ measurement to extract the
effective weak mixing angle $sin^2Theta^{eff}_W = 0.2327 \pm 0.0018 (stat.) \pm
0.0006 (syst.)$.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 20 Apr 2008 22:48:41 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 14 Oct 2008 16:04:49 GMT"
] | 2008-12-18T00:00:00 | [
"D0 Collaboration",
"V. M.",
] |
1 string instanton effects have been intensively explored in moduli stabilization of fluxinduced [1, 2, 3] (andreferences therein) a ndstring for non-perturbative generation of right-handed neut rino masses and uterm in intersecting brane models [4, 5, 6, 7]. These non-perturbative effe cts come from nonzero global charges carried by the instanons, which lead to matter couplings [8] (for recent reviews, see for example , [9, 10]). Setting the string scale at the order of 1018GeV, one finds mnanduin acceptable ranges without any fine-tuning. In addition to the uterm, there is another important coupling in Higgs physics, the quartic coupling, which controls Higgs boson masses. In the minimal s model (MSSM), the tree-level mass of the lighest Higgs p articlehis well below the LEPII bound. To make ends meet, one needs substantial radia tive contribution to mhwhich is dominated by the stop quark [15, 19]. In order to obtain the desired up- lifting, both the stop mass and the mixing have to be large. And this gr eatly constrains the parameter space in the MSSM and aggraviates fine tuning proble ms associated with soft mass terms. This provides motivations to make extensions bey ond the MSSM, such as the next leading-order minimal supersymmetric standard model (NMSSM) [14] and beyond minimal supersymmetric standard model (BMSSM)[12, 13]. I n certain examples, extra quaritc Higgs couplings are present which modify tree-level H iggs masses. is controlled by the mechanism of supersymmetry break ing in hidden sector and the value of the associated mass scale. Motivated by the rich phenomenologies generated by stringy instan tons, in this paper we will discuss their effects on two important mass scales in Higgs phys ics, i.e, the uterm and the mass scale Massociated with the quartic couplings, in T6/(Z2xZ'2) of type IIA theories [20]. They are induced non-p erturbatively via E2 instantons. Setting the string GUT scale at 1018GeV, one gets interesting TeV Higgs physics. In particlular, the tree-level Higgs mass can be uplifted su bstantially. In section 2, a N= 1 supersymmetric model is constructed that exhibits an MSSM- like spectrum (including the right-handed neutrino) with suitable wra pping numbers of D6 andE2 branes. In section 3, we discuss the generations of E2-branes induced uterm and quartic couplings. The structure of these quartic terms are e xplicitly calculated. They obviously modify the Higgs masses, which are expressed as exp ansions of a as shown in section 4. We conclude in section 5. 2 The setup We discuss an intersecting D6-branes model in T6/(Z2xZ'2) orentifold of type IIA theories. All the moduli are stabilized if non-perturbative E2-brane instanton effects are taken into account [1, 2, 3], and standard model spectrum can be obtained by the intersecting branes. Shown in table 1 are the wrappin g numbers of four- stack branes a,b,c,d. The model carries gauge groups of which all the U(1)ibecome massive by the Green-Schwarz mechanism except (2.1) The gauge groups then conforms to that of MSSM-like theories. Th e intersecting number Icd=-3 implies neutrinos nRare also encoded. Shown in table 2 are the chiral spectra of theories corresponding to wraping numbers in table 1. For the model to be supersymmetric, each stack of branes has to satisfy two 0 the complex structure modulus of Ith torus with radii NhD6-branesand =NOPO6 (2.4) Also, stacks aanddare parallel in the transverse directions. The open string modes stretching between them are massive, of the order L/(2pas) (Lis the transverse dis- tance). So matter contents in table 2 are exact in the effective the ory below the string scale. In addition, two E2-branesM,Nare embedded. We will see in the next section that they induce interesting small uterm and quartic terms in Higgs physics, 6 (1,0) (3,1) (3,-1/2) Nb= 4 (1,1) (1,0) (1,-1/2) Nc= 2 (0,1)(0,-1) (2,0) Nd= 2 (1,0) (3,1) (3,-1/2) Nh= 4(-2,1)(-3,1) (-3,1/2) NO= 6(1,0) (1,0) 1: Wrapping numbers of D6-branes and E2-instantons which wrap on a on Z2xZ'2toroidal orentifold. n1 N,n2 Nare real numbers ( s= model is supersymmetric if U3= 2U1=-2U2= 1. intersection numbers matter Rep Iab=Iab*= 3 QL3(3,2) Iac=-3 UR3(-3,1) Iac*= 3 3 L3(1,2) Icd=-3 nR3(1,1) Icd= 3 ER3(1,1) Ibc=-1 2: Chiral matters spectrum for the wraping numbers in table 1 . 33 Non-perturbative Higgs physics from E2instanton To yield a non-perturbative uterm, one assigns the following intersection numbers and IMb*= 0, IMc=IMc*= 1 (Ibc<0) (3.1) The intersection number IMaalso has to 0,(a=a,d) (3.2) in order to exclude the extra charged zero modes. The wrapping nu mbers which are determined by the constraints Eq. (3.1) and Eq. (3.2) , as shown in table 1. The number of triangles on each torus is 1, contribu ting respectively for intersecting ( b,c) and (b,c*) branes. This gen- erates auHuHdterm in four-dimensional effective theory, as desired [4, 6, 7]. We now discuss the quartic its implication for Higgs physics. These operators were constructed in certain BMSSM examples. Th ey can greatly uplift Higgs masses when Mis in the range of 1 ~10 TeV. Similar to the stringy as shown above, it is possible to construct these quartic term s That is, the roles played by hidden sectors to gene rate these operators in other models can be totally replaced by stringy instanton effect in ou r model. In order to exclude extra zero modes on D6a,d-branes, one has the constraints on the intersection number INb*= 0, INc=INc*= 2 (Ibc<0) (3.4) which can be obtained by counting the numbers of charged zero mod es that arise from strings strechting bewteen the shown in table 2, the wrapping numbers of E2N-brane are reprensented by two integer preserve the same supersymmetry as D6-branes, i.e, the wrapping numbers of E2Nsatisfy the constraints Eq. (2.2) and Eq. 1: The left and right diagrams correspond to triangles on the fir st and second In the first torus, E2 andcintersect twice, A1,A2represent their areas. On the second and third tori, they intersect only once, whose areas are represented by been outlined in [8]. In our can be computed via conformal field theory techniques (see a lso [17, 18]). To appreciate the structure of Eq. (3.5), we take for example1n1 N= 2, n2 N= 1. They are shown by three simple triangles in figure 1. Non-perturbative terms in each torus are proportional Note that A2= 4A1. The mixing terms between HuHds are highly suppressed due to choices of n1 Nandn2 Nwill yield more complex expressions, but similar physics. 5of triangle structure on the second and third tori. This leads to the following term in effective 1,2) The rescaling for charged zero modes thegsfactor independence for each disc imply that each disc diagram carries an overall normalization factor 2 p/gs[5, 17]. Thus, one (3.9) and (3.10) determine the significance of non-perturbat ive stringy effects on Higgs physics. With Ms~1018GeV and VE2M~ VE2N~10-30, one hasu~100 GeV andM~1 TeV. The VE2M,Nvalues will increase as (the ratio the range desired by phenomenlogy. We will see in the next section, in par ticular, tree-level Higgs masses can be greatly uplifed. There are other possible E2Ninstanton induced charged matter couplings. Note 0 andIhc=Ihc*= 6, which would generate terms hidden matters with correct charged zero modes and other mea sure assignments. The nonzero intersecting number IMNimplies the possible existence of 1PI diagrams of These effects are of higher order and will not be include d in the The Higgs tree-level spectrum In MSSM-like models, Higgs physics provides a good window to test new physics. In general, Higgs masses are sensitive to supersymmetric breaking hid den sectors. This yformalism[12]. on this topic were present in [13]. It is shown that Higgs ma sses, especially the mass of hcan be substantially uplifted by one type of quartic couplings that we re inherited from hidden sectors or extra dimensions2. In models with two Higgs doublets Hu= (H+
u,H0 u) andHd= (H0 d,H- d), there are 8 real Higgs scalars, three are eaten by the massive Wbosons, leaving two CP even h andH, a CP odd A0and two charged H+-particles. The most general form of that contains operators of effective dimension les s than 5 is [21, 23] V= ~m2 HuH+
uHu+ theuterm and quartic terms come from hidden sectors that break supe non-perturbative origin. Instead of writing the masses as func tions of soft terms ~ m, it is more convenient to express them as three new parameters. Two of them are the the third is mA0. The dimensionless parameters are in our l l 5= 0, l 6=l7= 2o (4.2) The extra new due to non-perturbative effects, which is in the range of 0 .01~0.1 for typical values of Mandu. The modifications on Higgs masses can be expressed as the the fun ctions ofv and expansion of o. dm2 H+-= 0 (4.4) dm2 h= (4.5) dm2 H= (4.6) 2These operators can be constructed in five-dimensional N= 1 supersymmetric theory, in which the fifth dimension is compactified on the orbifold S1/Z2. The MSSM is founded to be the field theory GeV,tanb= 5, the LEPII Higgs mass bound mh>=114 GeV can be accommodated with the dmhat tree level when Mis below 20 TeV. If has to decrease Malso to uplift the hmass substantially. However, for moderate value of tan b, there will be a lower bound on Mfrom precision experiments3. On the other hand, the following constraint relation between Higgs masses is (4.7) In addition to uplifting mh, these operators introduce new Higgs-Higgsino provide new channels in neutralino and chargino decays. Ponte ntially, these implications provides interesting tests of string theo ry. 5 conclusions In this paper, we have discussed the E2 superpotentials associated with Higgs physics in toroidal orentifolds of type IIA theories. All th e moduli in flux are stabilized, which is very important to start wit h. Explicitly, we present a N= 1 supersymmetric model including two E2-branes. They induce and extra quartic couplings. The later can be used to uplift the mass of the lightest Higgs boson, as expected from general analysis of fou r-dimensional effective field theory. In our case, they are generated by non-perturbat ive stringy instanton effects, instead of other mechanisms in the hidden the same supersymmetry as those of D6-branes. The structure of the induced quartic couplings can be calculated explicitly. For illustration, we have calculated a very simple example, in which the numbers of triangles are less than two on e ach torus. In this simple setting, we had the extra benefit that the mixing terms ar e highly suppressed. With moderate and large tanb, the mass of the lightest Higgs boson can be to meet the LEPII bound. 3Mis bounded below by electro-weak precise observables (EWPO). For example, one can obtain a constraint on Mfrom the Fermi constant GF, the masses of 80.39+-0.06 GeV. For tanb= 5, one needs M>=2.17 TeV. 8Note that in all known intersecting brane models, to generate non- perturbative neu- trino masses seem to forbid a non-perturbative uterm at the same time, and vice versa. Because the requirement of absence of zero modes in E2-E2'makes it very hard to satisfy all tadpole constraints and supersymmetric conditions, as point out in [5]. In our case, we havs succeed to generated the uterm and extra quartic couplings, but not the desired neutrino masses. Hopefully, this can be remedied in future, without sacrificing too much other attractive features in this class of work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China R. Blumenhagen, B. Kors, D. Lust and S. Stieberger Four-dime nsional String with D-Branes, Orientifolds and Fluxes, Phys. Rept 4451, (2007), arXiv: R.Blumenhagen, M.Cvetic, Towardr models, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci 5571, (2005), arXiv: M. Grana, Flux in string theory: A Comprehen sive review, Phys. Rept 42391, (2006), arXiv: M. Buican, D. Malyshev, D. R. Morrison, Herman Verlinde and M. Wij nholt, andHypercharge, JHEP M. Cvetic, R. Richter and T. 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D 60096005 (1999), | 0804.3265 | Sibo Zheng | Mingxing Luo, Sibo Zheng | E2 Instanton Effects and Higgs Physics In Intersecting Brane Models | 11 pages, 1 figure | null | null | null | hep-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | String instanton effects in Higgs physics are discussed through a type IIA
model based on T^{6}/(Z^{2}\times Z^{'2}) orentifold compactifaction. By
inclusion of rigid E2-branes, the model exhibits a MSSM-like spectrum, as well
as extra mu and quartic Higgs couplings. These extra couplings are induced via
E2 instantons non-perturbatively. Setting the string scale at 10^{18} GeV, one
gets interesting TeV Higgs physics. In particlular, the tree-level Higgs mass
can be uplifted substantially.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:48:10 GMT"
] | 2008-04-22T00:00:00 | [
] |
droplet charge nor ambient gas pressure within experimenta l param- eters range. The average value of thermal accommodation coe fficient over the same temperature range was found to be 1 Mie scattering, evaporation model, Arrhenius formula. 1 problems of science and technology are related to the evapor ation from droplets and condensation on them. Cloud and aerosol microphysic s together with construction of climate (compare7) and spray painting (compare8) are just some areas of relevance. Though they concern large sets of coexisting droplets , the under- standing of transport processes at the surface of a single drople t is vital for solving them properly. Mass and heat transport processes at (ne arly) flat interface can be efficiently modeled as a diffusion phenomenon. Howev er, the evolution of small droplets is significantly influenced by effusion, w hich takes place in effectively collision-free region in the very vicinity of the in- terface (up to the mean free path of surrounding gas molecules). In order to account for this phenomenon, a so called evaporation (condensat ion) or coefficient ais introduced besides the diffusion the thermal conductivity coefficient should be accompanied by a thermal accommodation coefficient aT. These coefficients describe of the liquid-gas interface. The mass accommodation co efficient can be perceived as the probability that a molecule (e.g. water) imping ing on the interface from the gaseous phase side enters into the liquid p hase and does not rebound. Analogically, the thermal accommodation coeffic ient de- termines the probability that a molecule impinging on the interface att ains thermal equilibrium with the medium on the opposite side. The consider a- tions of evaporation and condensation coefficients are considered equivalent and the values of these coefficients - and should describe only the properties of the ve ry inter- face. All other processes influencing mass and heat transport, s uch as chem- istry of the interface or the electrostatic interactions should be a ccounted for separately.10It is agreed, however, that amight possibly exhibit some temperature attempts have been made over nearly a century, to determin e ex- perimentally the values of aandaTfor water, but the results obtained by 2different authors spanned from ~0.001 to 1 for aand from ~0.5 to 1 for aT (see revues). A variety of was used. Both condensation on and evaporation from th e surface of bulk liquid, liquid films, jets, and droplets were investigated in variou s environments (vacuum, standard air, passive or reactive atmosp heres) under various pressures and for various water vapor saturations. Sma ll droplets, such as encountered in clouds, have been favored, since kinetic eff ects man- ifest strongly for them. Suspended droplets, trains of droplets, clouds of droplets and single trapped droplets were studied. We must admit that in our studies we have also experienced the flow of kinetic coefficients values in time. We have tried to overcome it. We will discuss the possible sources of the divergence of results in section 5.1. The measurement of temperature dependence of awas rarely attempted, since the large divergence of obtained avalues obscures the effect. Two recent studies by Li et al.1and by Winkler et al.12can serve as an ex- ample. The authors of the first study (Boston College/Aerodyne R esearch Inc. group) found that adecreases with temperature within the between 257 and 280 K. The authors of the second study (U niversity of Helsinki group) claim that aandaTexhibit no temper- ature dependence between 250 and 290 K. The comparison of thes e results can be found in.20 In this paper we present our new experimental results of evapora tion coefficient of water in air, as well as our reprocessed results for wa ter in ni- trogen (compare21), versus temperature; both under atmospheric pressure. The results for air and for nitrogen are consistent, which also indica tes that the presence of small amounts of such soluble and/or reactant ga ses as CO 2 in the ambient air, does not influence the value of kinetic coefficients. In comparison to our previous works we refined our data processing w hich en- abled us to determine the droplet radius with higher accuracy and tr ace its evolution with higher confidence. Smoother radius derivatives enab led us, in turn, to employ direct fitting of the model in finding the kinetic coeffic ients and avoid most approximations. We also operated on a larger set of e xper- imental runs. This yielded correction of the values of kinetic coefficie nts we obtained previously, and revealed different temperature depende nce. These results turned out to be in excellent agreement with the results of B C/ARI group: the values of acoincide within the temperature range from ~273 to~281 K and our results extending towards higher temperature follow the temperature dependence found by BC/ARI group. Since BC/A RI group 3and our results together span over larger temperature range, t he accuracy of finding temperature dependence of acould be improved. 2 Experiment video power supplysine-wave generator and HV amplifier 532 nm laser beam Peltier and humidity sensorspiezo injector driver droplet injector Peltier with multi-channel A/D &
D/A card, IEEE-488 card and control 632 nm laser beam gas inlet from below gas outlet from top shutter Figure 1: Experimental setup - top view. The experimental setup is presented in figure 1. It consisted of a h yper- boloidal electrodynamic quadrupole trap (see e.g.22), kept in a small The high resistivity electric circuit of the trap drive enable d us to operate in a humid atmosphere. A detailed description of this appara tus can be found in21,23and of further modifications in.24,25 The droplets were introduced into the trap with a piezo injector, sim ilar to constructed e.g. by Lee et al.26or Zoltan.27The injection timing was 4controlled relative to the trap driving AC signal. By choosing the prop er injection phase, the sign and, to a certain extent, also the value of the charge of the injected droplet could be controlled. The initial temperature of the droplet was that of the chamber. In each experiment, the chamber was first flushed with clean, dry n itro- gen, and then filled with a mixture of nitrogen/air and water vapor. T he temperature in the chamber was monitored and stabilized. A zone ty pe temperature control enabled us to eliminate vertical temperatur e gradients were found negligible. The humidity in the chamber, but outside of the trap was monitored c on- tinuously with semiconductor sensors. Due to poor vapor exchang e through trap openings accompanied by injecting liquid water into the trap, th e humid- ity inside the trap could not be inferred directly from those measure ments. The value of humidity in the trap found as fitting parameter (see sec tion 4) turned out to be higher by several percent than sensors reading s. Resorting to fitting method was inevitable, since the humidity accuracy require d for the correct assessment of kinetic coefficients was inaccessible via a ny on-line sensor measurement. On the contrary, analyzing droplet radius e volution seems a highly accurate method of measuring relative humidity, surp assing any on-line methods. In our experiments we used ultra-pure water. The details about its and sample preparation can be found in,21where we discussed also the absorption of impurities by ultra-pure water, and their influ ence upon the experimental results there. Droplet evolutions were studied with time resolved static light scatte ring, with green or red laser light. We found no inconsistency between the results obtained for both and we infer that the light wavelength had no influe nce upon the results. 3 Evaporation model In order to interpret the experimental results, a model of evapo ration was necessary. The model of evaporation we used was based on a gene rally ac- cepted model which can be found in such textbooks as.9,28,29It was a and numerically reexamined version of what we had used p we discuss the details of the model equations we used, since the results may depend significantly on the apparently minute appro xima- 5tions made. We also point to a certain approximation typically made tha t we found weighing heavily upon the results. The quasi-stationary evaporation of a free, motionless droplet lar ger than the mean free path of vapor molecules, can be easily described with t he diffusion equations with boundary conditions defined by the thermod in the reservoir (far from the droplet). This part of the model does not rise much difficulties as long as the characteristic times of the pro cess justify the quasi-stationary small droplets, of the size comparable with the mean free path o f vapor molecules, the language of diffusion is not appropriate. The tr ansport of mass and heat below the mean free path distance from the surfa ce must be perceived as effusion or evaporation into vacuum. The net effusiv e flow of vapor can be expressed as difference between outgoing and incomin g )v(Ta+)] , (1) wherev(T) is the mean absolute thermal velocity of vapor molecules for the temperature T;Tais the temperature of the droplet the temperature of vapor at the distance (comparable with the mean free path of the vapor molecule) from the surface. r(r) is the vapor density at the distance rfrom the droplet center while re(r=a) is the vapor density at the droplet surface for the equilibrium conditions (stead y state, no net flow). The usual approximation made is Ta=Ta+(see e.g.9). It implies ne- glecting the slowing down of the mass transport by thermal effusion (a short range analogue of thermal diffusion). It should also be noted, that lifting the temperature dependence of vintroduces some additional into a. Unfortunately, discarding this usual approximation ex- cludes using standard solutions and substantially complicates calcula tions. To overcome such difficulties, we decided to introduce a simple correc tion ofaat the end. We shall address this issue in detail later. Following the standard route, we compare effusive and diffusive flows at r=a+ . Since these flows are equal and both are proportional to the vapor den sity gradient it is possible to write a compact the Kelvin equation, accounting for the modification of equilibrium va por density near the droplet surface due to the surface curvature a nd the equation. The effective diffusion coefficient Dk accounts for the effect of C) (RTa)/(aa). (6) Dis the diffusion constant for water vapor in nitrogen/air, TRis the temper- ature of the reservoir, Qis the droplet charge, pandpaare the vapor pressure above the flat interface and above the interface of the curvature radius aat a given temperature. Sis relative humidity. g, rL,Mandqare the surface tension, density, molecular mass and the latent heat of evaporation of liquid water, e0is the permittivity of vacuum, Ris the universal gas constant. Cdefines the effective range of the gas kinetic effects. It is comparable with the mean free path of particles of sur rounding gaseous medium la. We assumed C= 4la/3.9 The change of droplet mass by evaporation (condensation) is asso ciated with heat absorption (release), which manifests as temperature d rop (rise) toward the droplet. The equation for the transport of heat can b e presented in a convenient , T) (8) 7is the effective thermal conductivity of moist nitrogen (air) and l,rN,MN andcPare thermal conductivity, density, molecular mass and specific hea t capacity under constant pressure of moist air/nitrogen respect ively. Tplays role analogous to Cand was assumed as T= C+ 4l/(~vcPrN). Since in the vicinity of standard temperature and pressure, the partial pressure of water vapor can be neglected in comparison to that of air/nitrog en, it can be assumed that the heat is conducted to the droplet mostly by the molecules of air/nitrogen. In consequence, the flux of mass can be of the flux of heat and Cassociated with the transport of mass should be distinguished from Tassociated with the transport of heat. The direct influence of the droplet charge, through charge-dipole inter- action, upon the mass (or heat) transport was estimated to be ne gligible for droplet charge ensuring Coulomb stability (compare34). Similarly, field emission did not take place for surface charge densities encounter ed in our experiments (see e.g.35). The Coulomb explosion of the droplet is a and does not need accounting in the transport equations . 4 Experimental data processing The procedure of the numerical processing of experimental data , which we found the most stable and yielding the most consistent results, relie s on the direct fit of the model equations to the experimentally obtained droplet radius change rate . ada/dt as a function of droplet radius a. The data preparation procedure is presented below. The running radius of the droplet ai(ti) was obtained (off line) from the angularly resolved Mie scattering pattern for the time tiwith the help of a gradientless fitting procedure (library method). Each droplet a sequence of a few hundreds data points indexed with i(see figure 2). We had found that in order to obtain reliable results, significant care must be taken to ensure a high signal to noise ratio of the measurement. There happen data points misplaced to incorrect evolution branch, ass ociated with the Mie resonances that could not be handled with the method us ed (see description of the method21). The accuracy of a single value of for misplaced points) was estimated as +-15 nm. The ai(ti) sequence was stripped to main evolution branch (indicated with ar row in figure 2)and interpolated in order to obtain regularly spaced data p oints. The time derivative . ai(ti) was calculated (figure 2). The ai(ti) evolution was 80 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 -4-3-2da/dt [ um/s] t [s]6789 a [um] a [um]6789 Figure 2: An example of temporal droplet radius evolution, before a nd after processing - top and bottom curve respectively. Derivative calcula ted from processed data - middle curve. N= 395,TR= 283 K, patm= 1006 hPa, Ssens= 0.9. smoothed with low pass FFT filter and combined with the derivative in or der to obtain . ai(ai). Finally . ai(ai) was smoothed (figure 3). On the other hand, subtracting equation 2 from equation 7 leads to an equation binding Taanda. For every experimental aithis equation can be unambiguously numerically solved for Ta, yielding Ta(ai). This, on insertion into equation 2 yields at every experimental data point a numerically s olv- able equation binding . aandai. Thus, a model prediction of . a(ai) could be obtained. In order to find a,aT,SandQ, we minimized the )]2(9) using a gradient method. Nwas the total number of experimental data points 96 7 8 9 10 [ Pm/s] a [Pm] Figure 3: Droplet radius temporal derivative versus droplet radius , corre- sponding to figure 2, before and after filtering (points). The resu lt of model fitting - solid line. Fitting parameters: Sfit= 0.9762,Q= charge units, a= 0.155,aT= 1. of the evolution, and kh0was an arbitrarily chosen normalizing factor. aand Swere found to be the essential parameters and could be unambiguo usly determined, while aTandQcould be determined only with limited confi- dence. Since aandShad seemed partially interconnected, the minimization was performed very carefully, starting from various combinations versus asmallerSlarger) and accepted only if leading to the same results. The less relevant parameters were initialized as follows: aT= 1, (values above 1 were allowed; compare12), andQ= to the smallest droplet radius observed in the evolut ion (no Coulomb instabilities during evolution). The resulting Qwas much approx- imate, and we couldn't detect the eventual droplet charge loss (se e eg.36) by analyzing the evolution of the droplet radius. The minimization was a lso 10hardly sensitive to aT, however a value close to unity could be inferred. Since for larger droplets ( a >6um) the kinetic effects as well as the effect of the droplet charge were negligible, only Swas fitted in this range, as a first step, and then the minimization was extended towards smaller radii with aadded as a parameter. Finally aTandQparameters were added. The whole proce- dure exhibited best stability for S > 95%, since the evaporation was slower then (compare equation 2) and thus: (i) the evolution of the drople t radius could be determined with high precision and (ii) the temperature jump at the interface Twas so small (compare equation 7) that the model equations used were exact enough. It would be valuable to validate the proced ure of finding kinetic coefficients using other liquids (such as ethylene glycol) . Un- fortunately, the parameters such as diffusion constant are usua lly not known with adequate precision. On the other hand, after slight modificatio n of the procedure, it should be possible to look just for diffusion constant, which we intend to do soon. 4.1 Correction of a In order to estimate the influence of Tupon the obtained value of a, we apply an approximation Ta+=TRto formula 1, which is opposite to usu- ally applied T= 0, and we compare the results of both approximation that we introduce means that we account only fo r ther- mal effusion while neglecting thermal diffusion. Since for our experime ntal conditions the temperature gradient was highest in the very vicinity of the interface (see37), our approximation was legitimate. For simplicity we also assumed that the shape of distribution of vapor density was spatia lly con- stant and temperature independent. It implied r(r=a+ ) represented relative humidity at r=a+. If we require that the effusive flows calculated with each of the approximations ar e equal, we have: a a(T= (10) Introducing Ta(ai) (see section 4) into equation 10, we can find a correction ofa, whereSa+is a (scaling) parameter. It is initiated as so that a/a(T= 0)-1 for T-0 (larger Tain case of our experiment; see the inset in figure 4). The results presented in figu re 5 are 11already corrected. In our case a significant (by a factor of nearly 2) correction was near the freezing point and by several percent at 276.5 K. The equation 10 is essentially approximate and leads to underestimation of a. It can be seen in figure 5 - our data points seem to lie slightly below the trend line. It turns out that for many reasonable experimental conditions th e can be higher than 2. We shall discuss a few examples in sectio n 5.1. Considering the approximations made, we estimate that for thermo d encountered in atmosphere the accuracy of the corre ction factor should not be worse than several percent. 5 Results and Discussion The raw results are presented in figure 4 as a function of the drople t The kinetic coefficients should be presented as a fun ction of the droplet (surface) temperature, since in general, due to evapora tive cooling, it may differ significantly from the temperature of the reservoir. In case of BC/ARI group experiments, TR-Ta<=2 K.31Though, in our case TR-Ta<=
0.7 K only, it is sufficient that some of our results correspond to super cooled water as well. The kinetic coefficients found for water droplets in nitrogen and in air were mutually compatible (see figure 4). It implies, that the gases ab sorbed by water from the air had negligible impact upon our measurements an d generally there is no strong dependence upon the composition of th e final results are shown in figure 5. There are values of evapora - tion coefficient we obtained (solid circles) and values obtained by BC/A RI group, taken from1(hollow circles). The values of thermal we obtained are also presented (solid squares). Data po ints corre- sponding to our results were obtained by averaging the raw results (compare figure 4). We also followed BC/ARI group and used the formula they d e- rived basing on Transition State Theory (TST) (e.g. equation 7 in38). Such formulation enables expressing the results in the language of therm , (11) where Gobsis the Gibbs free energy and its temperature dependence can be expressed as Gobs= Hobs-TSobs. HobsandTSobsare treated just as 12272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 290 water freezing point270 275 280 285 290 factor Ta [K] 273.15Ta [K]D Figure 4: Non-averaged experimentally obtained values of aas a function of droplet surface temperature. Solid and open circles represent re sults obtained for nitrogen and air respectively. The corresponding calculated ev correction factors, due to the thermal effusion, are p resented in the their physical meaning is not clear (see discussion belo w). This formula is derived on an assumption, well justified with elegant exper iments by Nathanson et al. described in,38that the particles from the gaseous phase enter liquid via an intermediate surface state. Dashed line in fig ure 5 represents the fit we made to the results of BC/ARI group and ou r data points together. It yielded Hobs= 4830+-150 cal/mol and Sobs= 20.3+- 0.5 cal/mol, which is within the limits of error equal to the values given in,1 i.e. Hobs= 4.8+-0.5 kcal/mol and Sobs= 20.3+-1.8 cal/mol. The accuracy of our fit (and so of the values obtained) is higher due to the larger n umber of data points. The comparison of our results with those of BC/ARI group indicates 13260 265 270 275 280 285 290 5: Collected aandaTvalues as a function of droplet surface tem- perature. Solid circles and triangles: corrected evaporation coeffi cient and thermal accommodation coefficient respectively, obtained from ou r measure- ments; hollow circles: condensation coefficient measured by BC/ARI group.1 Dashed line represents the fit of the equation 11 to the results of B C/ARI group and our data together. also that there was no perceivable influence of droplet charge upon Vibrating orifice injector generates, at least in avera ge, neu- tral droplets, while in our experiments with evaporating charged dr oplets it could be assumed that the charge was approaching its maximum valu e - the Rayleigh limit. Similarly, the comparison of aforementioned experim ents reveals no measurable influence of ambient atmosphere pressure u pon the value of kinetic temperature dependence of a, though obtained with essentially dif- ferent method, coincides with the results of BC/ARI group (see eg .20). Our result extends into higher temperature range. Furthermore, we coefficient while BC/ARI group measured condensation coeffi- cient. It supports the notion of equivalence of these thermal accommodation coefficient we obtained aT= 1+-0.05 (figure 5) agrees with both BC/ARI and UV/UH groups' results. However it is hard to asses the real uncertainty of aT; the statistical error we found may be too small (see section 4). Thus it is not possible to derive information on it s temperature dependence. Recently, there seems to arise a gene ral close to 1, which means, that all the particles striking the interfac An attempt of results it is quite improbable that all the kinetic coefficients measuremen ts performed over the years were loaded with random errors, it must be assumed that the experiments, though accurate by themselves, measure d Many authors have tried to coordinate the results by p ointing out what was really measured (see e.g.:9,11). However there is no consensus. We shall also try to address this issue. The divergence of results obtained by different authors has been u to: (i) difficulties in accounting for various physical and c processes; (ii) effects of impurities, and especially surf ace structure of the interface (dynamic surface tension, reachin g the balance by the interface) and (iv) dependence of the coefficien t value upon the model used (indirectness of measurement). It has been two classes of experiments could be distinguished: (i) with a quasi-static interface, yielding a <0.1 and (ii) with a continuously yielding a>=0.1. However, such categorization requires defining the time scale. Such scale has not been agreed yet, neither the leading m echa- nism responsible for interface aging. For example, the characteris tic times used in Molecular Dynamics (MD) studies are only hundreds of ps. This falls into a non-stationary interval, when the transients in the temp erature and vapor density fields are starting to form. The Transition State Theory (TST) considerations of Nagayama et al.,40seem to be in agreement with MD calculations and predict a1 around room temperature. However, it is worth noting, that, for example, stationary values of the surfac e tension are reached within all these time scales are far below the char- acteristic timescale of cloud droplet growth process, which lie in the r ange of seconds (or even Fukuta and Myers17have noticed, that accounting for the ef- fect of moving gas-liquid interface (moving boundary effect) can change the resulting value of kinetic coefficients by several percent. In th eir work they managed to account for this effect in an elegant way. Though t he conditions and the velocity of the interface in our expe riment were similar to theirs, in present work, we have decided to neglect th e moving boundary effect, since the correction of mass accommodation coe fficient we propose is much larger. In this paper we would like to point to a mechanism which falls within the 4th category - model dependent, however it is related to the is sue of timescale of the process and its distance from the t hermody- namic equilibrium. Usually, authors are careful to estimate the char acteristic times of mass and heat transport processes involved, in order to a ssure the proper description. It seems, that in some cases this alone can be s because of the thermal effusion which we already mention ed. We shall consider four examples. In case of BC/ARI group experiments, the vapor-liquid contact las ts sev- eral milliseconds but the droplet is essentially in equilibrium with the rese r- voir. In order to achieve temperatures below 273 K the evaporativ e cooling was used which inevitably caused temperature jump near the surfa ce (up to 2 K) and thermal effusion as a consequence. However, since the va lue ofa was not obtained from the evolution of droplet radius, its value shou ld be safe and no correction is needed. In our case, we selected for the analysis the droplet evolutions whic h lasted a few seconds which guaranteed that the process had been in the diffusion time scale. For faster evolutions the temp erature jump approached 1 K, and since awas obtained from the evolution, it had to be corrected by means presented above. In case of the experiment of UV/UH group,12the evolution lasted ~50 ms, which is shorter than in our case, but for the thermodynamic co nditions they had, the process still could be regarded as quasi-stationary . However, the temperature jump of ~3 K could be expected for such evolution. This alone would require a correction of aby a factor of 2. Further be caused by uncertainty of water vapor saturation. There are also rather few data points lying on a relatively flat curve, which as we kno w from our experience, causes the increase of measurement uncertaint y. Lastly, in case of very interesting Fukuta and Myers (condensation) lasted ~3 s (similarly as in our experiment). Since 16the final droplet radius was ~2um, it can be inferred that . a1um/s, which in turn yields temperature jump of only ~0.2 K. However, since the mass transport was relatively slow (supersaturation used was ver y small), the effect of even small temperature jump at the interface could b e According to our estimation (see expression 10) the correc tion of coefficient should be as high as 5! This would bring Fuku ta and Myers result for NaCl and (NH 4)2SO4at 277 K to a0.2, which agrees within the limits of error with ours and BC/ARI group results, even allo wing for moving boundary effect which we neglected. 6 Conclusions We conclude that it is feasible to obtain reliable values of evaporation c oef- ficient by analyzing the evaporation of a small droplet. It requires h owever several tens of data points per evolution and droplet radius measu rement ac- curacy of several nanometers. Generally accepted model of qua seems sufficient for experimental data analysis in most cases. We found however that when evaporative cooling of the droplet becom es of the order of 1 K, it is necessary to consider the effect of thermal effus ion, which is a short distance analogue of thermal diffusion. The kinetic coefficien ts found for water droplets in nitrogen and in air were mutually compatible. The evap- oration coefficient for the temperature range from 293.1 K down to 273.1 K was found to increase from ~0.13 to~0.18 and follow the trend given by Arrhenius formula (see 11) with the parameters Hobs= 4830+-150 cal/mol and Sobs= 20.3+-0.5 cal/mol. This temperature dependence is in excel- lent agreement with the results of BC/ARI group, which concern co ndensa- tion coefficient, were obtained with essentially different technique fo r much lower ambient gas pressure and extend toward lower temperature s. The com- parison with BC/ARI group experiments enables to draw a few additio nal conclusions: (i) the evaporation and condensation coefficients are (ii) there was no measurable influence of ambient atmosp here pressure upon the value of kinetic coefficients in the range from ~kPa to
~100 kPa; (iii) there was no measurable influence of droplet charge up on the value of kinetic coefficients up to the Rayleigh stability limit. The valu e of thermal accommodation coefficient we obtained aT= 1+-0.05 agrees well with recent results of many This work was supported by Polish Ministry of Sci- ence and Higher Education grant No. 1 P03B 117 Li, Y.; Davidovits, P.; Shi, Q.; Jayne, J.; Kolb, C.; Worsnop, D. J. Phys. Chem. A 2001 ,105, 10627. (2) McFiggans, G.; Artaxo, P.; Baltensperger, U.; Coe, H.; Facchini, M.; Feingold, G.; Fuzzi, S.; Gysel, M.; Laaksonen, A.; Lohmann, U.; Mentel, T.; Murphy, D.; O'Dowd, C.; Snider, J.; Weingartner, E. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 2005 ,5, 8507. (3) Laaksonen, A.; Vesala, T.; Kulmala, M.; Winkler, P.; Wagner, P. At- mos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 2004 ,4, 7281. (4) Ackerman, A.; Toon, O.; Hobbs, P. J. Atmos. Sci. 1995 ,52, 1204. (5) Grimm, R.; Beauchamp, J. Anal. Chem. 2002 ,74, 6291. (6) Sazhin, S. J. Phys.: Conf. Series. 2005 ,22, 174. (7) Per, cin, G.; Khuri-Yakub, B. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2002 ,74, 1120. (8) Sommerfeld, M.; Qui, H.-H. Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 1998 ,19, 10. (9) Pruppacher, H.; Klett, J. Microphysics of Clouds and Dordrecht, 1997. (10) Shi, Q.; Davidovits, P.; Jayne, J.; Worsnop, D.; Kolb, C. J. Phys. Chem. A1999 ,103, 8812. (11) Marek, R.; Straub, J. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 2001 ,44, 39. (12) Winkler, P.; Vrtala, A.; Wagner, P.; Kulmala, M.; Lehtinen, K.; Vesa la, T.Phys. Rev. Lett. 2004 ,93, 75701-1. (13) Hagen, D.; Schmitt, J.; Trublood, M.; Carstens, J.; White, D.; Alo fs, D.J. Atmos. Sci. 1989 ,46, 803. (14) Zagaynow, V.; Nuzhny, V.; Cheeusova, T.; Lushnikov, A. J. Aerosol Sci.2000 ,31, Suppl. 1 , S795. 18(15) Sageev, G.; Flagan, R.; Seinfeld, J.; Arnold, S. Colloid Interface Sci. 1986 ,113, 421. (16) Gollub, J.; Chabay, I.; Flygare, W. J. Chem. Phys. 1974 ,61, 2139. (17) Fukuta, N.; Myers, N.M. J. Atmos. Sci. 2007 ,64, 955. (18) Shaw, R.; Lamb, D. J. Chem. Phys. 1999 ,111, 10659. (19) Xue, H.; Moyle, A.; Magee, N.; Harrington, J.; Lamb, D. J. Atmos. Sci. 2005 ,62, 4310. (20) Davidovits, P.; Worsnop, D.; Jayne, J.; Kolb, C.; Winkler, P.; Vrta la, A.; Wagner, P.; Kulmala, M.; Lehtinen, K.; Vesala, T.; Res. Lett. 2004 ,31, L22111-1. (21) Jakubczyk, D.; Zientara, M.; Kolwas, K.; Kolwas, M. J. Atmos. Sci. 2007 ,64, 996. (22) Major, F.G. and Gheorghe, V.N. and Werth, G. Charged Particle Traps; Springer: Berlin, 2005. (23) Jakubczyk, D.; Zientara, M.; Bazhan, W.; Kolwas, M.; Kolwas, Rev. 2001 ,9, 423. (24) Jakubczyk, D.; Derkachov, G.; Bazhan, W.; /suppress Lusakowska, E.; Kolwas, K.; Kolwas, M. J. Phys. D 2004 ,37, 2918. (25) Jakubczyk, D.; Derkachov, G.; Zientara, M.; Kolwas, M.; Kolwas , K. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2004 ,21, 2320. (26) Universal fluid droplet ejector. Lee, E.; Perl, M. 1999 . (27) Pulsed droplet ejecting system. Zoltan, S. 1972 . (28) Fuchs, N. Evaporation and Droplet Growth in Gaseous Media; Perga- mon: London, 1959. (29) Friedlander, S. Smoke, Dust and Haze Fundamentals of Aerosol Dy- namics; Oxford University Press: New York, Oxford, 2000. (30) Zientara, M.; Jakubczyk, D.; Derkachov, G.; Kolwas, K.; Kolwas , M. J. Phys. D 2005 ,38, 1978. 19(31) Worsnop, D.; Zahniser, M.; Kolb, C.; Gardner, J.; Watson, L.; Va n Doren, J.; Jayne, J.; Davidovits, P. J. Phys. Chem. 1989 ,93, 1159. (32) Schwartz, S.; Freiberg, J. Atmos. Envir. 1981 ,15, 1129. (33) Present, R. Kinetic Theory of Gases; McGraw-Hill: New York, 1958. (34) Nadykto, A.B.; Yu, F. J. Phys. Chem. 2003 ,3, 4927. (35) Gamero-Casta~ no, M. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2002 ,89, 147602-1. (36) Duft, D.; Lebius, H.; Huber, B.; Guet, C.; Leisner, T. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2002 ,89, 84503-1. (37) Fang, G.; Ward, C. Phys. Rev. E 1999 ,59, 417. (38) Nathanson, G.; Davidovits, P.; Worsnop, D.; Kolb, C. J. Phys. Chem. 1996 ,100, 13007. (39) Feingold, G.; Chuang, P. J. Atmos. Sci. 2002 ,59, 2006. (40) Nagayama, G.; Tsuruta, T. J. Chem. Phys. 2003 ,118, 1392. (41) Chuang, P.; Charlson, R.; Seinfeld, J. Nature1997 ,390, 594. 20 | 0804.3281 | Anastasiya Derkachova | M. Zientara, D. Jakubczyk, K. Kolwas and M. Kolwas | Temperature dependence of evaporation coeffcient of water in air and
nitrogen under atmospheric pressure; study in water droplets | Accepted The Journal of Phys. Chem. A | null | 10.1021/jp7114324 | null | physics.chem-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The evaporation coefficients of water in air and nitrogen were found as a
function of temperature, by studying the evaporation of pure water droplet. The
droplet was levitated in an electrodynamic trap placed in a climatic chamber
maintaining atmospheric pressure. Droplet radius evolution and evaporation
dynamics were studied with high precision by analyzing the angle-resolved light
scattering Mie interference patterns. A model of quasi-stationary droplet
evolution, accounting for the kinetic effects near the droplet surface was
applied. In particular, the effect of thermal effusion (a short range analogue
of thermal diffusion) was discussed and accounted for. The evaporation
coefficient \alpha in air and in nitrogen were found equal. \alpha was found to
decrease from ~ 0.18 to ~ 0.13 for the temperature range from 273.1 K to 293.1
K and follow the trend given by Arrhenius formula. The agreement with
condensation coefficient values obtained with essentially different method by
Li et al.[1] was found excellent. The comparison of experimental conditions
used in both methods revealed no dependence of evaporation/condensation
coefficient upon droplet charge nor ambient gas pressure within experimental
parameters range. The average value of thermal accommodation coefficient over
the same temperature range was found to be 1 \pm 0.05.
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"created": "Mon, 21 Apr 2008 12:13:53 GMT"
] | 2016-09-28T00:00:00 | [
] |
/BD/BA /FR/GM/GP/GQ /G8/GL/GM/GA/GI /G8 /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GG/FE /GK/GD/GT /G8/GL/GG/GI /GD /B4/FM/FO/B5 /G8 /B4/FE/FW/B5 /GG /GP/GQ /G8/H3 /GP/GA/H3/GF/H0 /GP /G8/H3 /GG /GP/GQ /G8/H3 /GV/G8/GP/GQ/GG /FM /FT/BA /GU/GD/GJ/GG/GI /GM/GK /GP /GE /GD /GM/G9/GR /FR/GR /GP/GQ/H0x /AM /GI /GM/GM/GO /GC/GG/GL/G8/GQ /G8/H2/GX/GG/GH /BNPs = Ps(x) /AM /GD/GD /FE/FW /B4/GI Ps(x) = 0 /GL/G8 ohm /BN /H3 /GI /G8/GI /GI /GP/GL/GM/GB/GM H/GP /GG /B4/BD/B5/GB /GC/GD*/AM /GF/GL/G8 /GV/GM/GI /GI /GP/GL/GM/GB/GM /GP/GM/GN/GO /H3/GE /GD/GL/GG/H3/B8 dohm /AM /G8/GO/GL/GZ/GH /GM/G9/GY/GD/GK /GI /GM/B9/GM/GO /BA /GM/GB/GM /GP/GM/GP/GQ/GM /H3/GL/GG/H3/FM /FT /GP/GM /GC/GD/GO /GE/GG/GQ/GP /H3 /GA /FE/FWPs(x) /B8 /GL/GM /GF/GC/GD/GP/H0 /GA /H1/GQ/GM/GK /GI /G8 /GR /B8Ps*(x) /BA /G8 /FM /FT /H3 /GC/GDt[0,T] /AM /AM /GN/GM/GP/GQ/GM /H3/GL/GL/G8/H3 /FR/GJ/G8/GL/GI /G8/BN x(x) /AM /AM /GM/GD /GN/GM/GJ/GD/B8 /GF/G8/GA/GG/GP /H3/GX/GD/GD /GQ/GM/GJ/H0/GI /GM /GM/GQ /GP/GA/GM/G9/GM /GA a<=u(t)<=b /BNH(u) =H0+H1u /AM /GB /GC/GJ/H3 /GK/G8/GP/GP/GZm /B8 /GK/GM/GL/GM /GM/GH /GP /GC/GM/GH/BM H(u) =
=K+V-Mu /B8K= (-h/2m)^ /AM /GM/GH V=V(x) /AM M/AM /G8/BA /FE/GP/GD /GZ /GA /FM/FO /AM /G8 /AM /GM/GO/GK/GZ /B4/FM /FW/B5/BA /FR/GO/GG /GJ/H2/G9/GM/GK /B4/BE/B5 /GG/GK/GD/GD/GQ /GG/GH (Ps(t),Ps(t)) = const = 1 . /GC/GG/GI/GQ/GR /GD/GQ/GP /H3 /GP/GQ /GG/GK /FE/FW/BA /FU /BA /GD/BA /FM /FT /GD/GP/GQ/H0 /GP/GD/GO/G8 /GAH /BA/FP/GD/GM/G9 /GT /GM /GC/GG/GK/GM u(t) /GQ /G8/GI/B8 /GV/GQ/GM/G9/GZ /GM/GL/G8 /GU/GD/GJ/H3/GK /FJ/GC/GD/GP/H0L /AM /BN/GF/GL/G8/GI /GK/GG/GL/GR /GP /GM/G9/GR /GQ/GD/GK/B8 /GV/GQ/GM /GA/GM /GK/G8/GI /GD/GQ/GP /H3 /GN/GM/B9/GJ/GM /GM/GO/GK/G8/BA /G5/GQ/GM /AM /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/G8 /GC/GJ/H3 /GA /GP/GM/GP/GQ/GM /H3/GL/GG/GH H /BA /FK/GL/GM/GB /GC/G8 /H3 /GG /G9/GM/GJ/GD/GD /B4/BH/B5/GB /GC/GDN /AM /B8 /GF/G8/GA/GG/GP /H3/GX/GG/GH /GM/GQu /B8f[u] /AM I /B4/BG/B5/BA b > 0 /GM/G9 /H1/GQ/GM/GK /GL/GG/GE /GD/B5/BA/BE/BA /GP/GQ/GG /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GG /GM/GO /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GR =x;xEn;uU, /B4/BK/B5/GB /GC/GDEn/AM n /GP x /B8 /B9 f(t,x,u) /B8 F(x) /B8f0(t,x,u)/GG /GI /GK/GL/GM /GE /GD/GP/GQ/GA/GM U D /AM /GK/GL/GM /GE /GD/GP/GQ/GA/GM /GC/GM/GN/GR (x(t),u(t)) /B8 /GR /H3/H2/GX/GG/GT /B4/BK/B5/BA /FE /GP/GM /GP/GI /GN/BA /BD /H3 u /AM /GP/GI /G8/GJ/H3/GO/B8 u[a,b] /B8f0(t,x,u) =bu2/B8 b>=0 /BA 0 /GGb >0 /B8 /GI /G8/GI /GK/GZ Ps /H3 /GM/GK Ps'En/B8 /GG /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/G8 /B4/BE/B5/B8 /B4/BG /B5 /AM /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GD/GH /B4/BJ/B5/B8 /B4/BK/B5/BA /G8 /GA/GD/GJ/GG/GI /GJ/GZ /GP /BI /AL/BJ /GP/GA/GM/G9/GM /GC/GZ/BA /G5/GQ/GM /AM /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GG/B8 /GG/GJ/H0 /AM /GI /FE/FW/B8 /AM /GL/GD /GP/GQ/GM/GJ/H0 /GC/GJ/H3 /AM /GL/G8 /GP/GM/GP/GQ/GM /G8/H3/BM /B4/BE/B5 /GP/GR/GQ/H0 /GM /GC/GL/GZ/GD /GP /GI /G8/GK/GG /B4/BL/B5/GB /GC/GDA /B8B /AM /GZ/B8 En-En/B8 /GF/G8/GA/GG/GP /H3/GX/GG/GD /GM/GQt /BA/FG/GJ/H3 /GK/GM /GC/GG/GG/GI /G8/GU/GG/GH /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GG /B4/BE/B5/B8 /B4/BG/B5/B8 /B4/BI/B5 /GL/GD/GM/G9 /GT /GM /GR /GQ/GG/GN/G8 /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV /GC/GJ/H3 /GK/G8/GI /FR/GM/GL/GQ/GO /H3/GB/GG/GL/G8 /CJ/BD /B4/GQ/GD/GI /GP/GQ /GG /FP/GM /GG/GT /GC/GJ/H3 /GA/GM/GF/GK/GM /GE/GL/GM /GQ/GM/GJ/H0/GI /GM /GI /GK/GM /GC/GD/GJ/H3/GK /GK/G8/GJ/GM/GH /BA /GC/GJ/H3 /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV /B4/BJ/B5/B8 /B4/BK/B5 /GP n /B8 /GG /B4/BE /B5/B8 /B4/BG /B5/BM /GK/GD/GQ/GM /GC/GZ /GR /H3/GX/GD/GD /GA/GO/GD/GK/H3 /GI /FM /FT /H3 /GC/GA/G8 /GQ /G8/GI/GG/GT /B4/GO/FO/B5 /GG /GB /B4 /GJ/FO/B5/BA /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GG /GR /GC/GJ/H3 /GG/GT /FO/GD/GQ/GM /GC/GZ /GR /FE/GZ/GC/GD/GJ/GG/GK /GG/GF /B4/BJ /B5 /AG/GN/GM /GC/GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GR /GR /AH/BA /H3 /GC/GM/GN/GR /GL/GM /GL/GD v0= (x0(t),u0(t))D /BA /FU/GO/GD/G9/GR /GD/GQ/GP /H3 /GR /G8/GA v= (x(t),u(t))D /B8 /GQ /G8/GI /GM/GH/B8 /GV/GQ/GMI(v)< I(v0) /H3/H3 /H1/GQ/GR /GR D /B8I(vs+1)< I(vs) /BA lims-I(vs) = inf vDI(v) /GK/GZ /GF/GC/GD/GP/H0 /GL/GD /GD/GK/B8 /GL/G8 /GR /GG /GL/GD/GI /GM/GU/GD/GL/GI /GL/G8/GP /GK/GD/GQ/GM /GC/GM/GA /GC/G8/B9/GD/GQ /G8 /GC/GM/GP/GQ /GR /CJ/BE/BA /GP/GD/GK/GD/GH/GP/GQ/GA/GM I(v) /GP /GD/GK/GM/GH /GN/GMx ph(t,x) /GA /GI /G8 /GG /GC/G8/GJ/GD/GD /GF/GL/G8 /GV/GM/GI /GM/GF/GL/G8 /GV/G8/GD/GQ /GN/GM /BA/FT/GR/GX/GD/GP/GQ/GA/GD/GL/GL/GR/H2 /GO/GM/GJ/H0 /GA /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GG /GR /GP/GM/GN/GO /H3/GE Rx[t,x0(t),u0(t)] = 0; Gx(x0(T)) =y(T)+Fx(x0(T)) = 0, /B4/BD/BF/B5/GI /B9 y(t) =phx(t,x0(t)) /BA/BF/BA/BD/BA /GK/GD/GQ/GM /GC /BA /FR/GR /GP/GQ/H0ph(t,x) =y(t)x /B8y(t) /GR /H3/B9/GD/GQ /B4/BD/BF/B5/BA /FD/GR /GC/GD/GK /GG/GP/GI /G8/GQ/H0 v /B8 /GC/GM/GP/GQ /GIv0
/B8 /GV/GQ/GM/G9/GZ ^I=I(v)-I(v0) /G9/GZ/GJ /GQ/GM/GQ /GE /GD/B8 /GV/GQ/GM /GG /GR /GD/GD /GB /B4/BD/BG/B5/GB /B8du0(t) /AM du0(t) /GQ /G8/GI/B8 /GV/GQ/GM /GV/G8/GP/GQ/H0 /B4/BD/BG/B5 /GN/GM/GJ/GM /FR/GR /GP/GQ/H0 /GN/GO/GG /GC/GM/GP/GQ /GK/G8/GJ/GZ/GTe >0 /BMu(t,e) =u0+edu0U /B8 t /B8 /GG x(t,e) /G8 u(t,e) /GA /GP/GG/GJ/GR /B4/BK/B5/BA /FU /GM/GB /GD/GQ e >0 /B8 /GQ /G8/GI /GM/GD /GV/GQ/GMI(v)< I(v0) /B8v=v(e) /BA/FU /G8/GI/GG/GK /GR u0(t) /H3 /GI /GW/G8/GB /G8/GK/BM /BC/BA /B8 /GL/G8/GT /GM /GC/GG/GK x0(t) /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GR /FM/GM/GW/GG /B4/BK /B5 /GPu=u0(t) /BN /BD/BA /GL/G8/GT /GM /GC/GG/GK y(t) /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GR /FM/GM/GW/GG /B4/BD/BF /B5/B8 /GJ/GG/G9/GM/B8 /GL/GD x0(t) /B8t < T /B8 /AM /GF/G8/B9/GC/G8 /GV/GR /FM/GM/GW/GG /GC/GJ/H3 /B4/BK/B5/B8 /B4/BD/BF /B5 /GN/GO/GGx(t) =x0(t) /GP /GL/G8 /GR =x0(T) /GG /B4/BD/BF/B5/BN /BE/BA /GR /GP/GQ du0(t) /GQ /G8/GI/B8 /GV/GQ/GM/G9/GZ /GV/G8/GP/GQ/H0 /B4/BD/BG /B5 /G9/GZ/GJ/G8 /GN/GM/GJ/GM /BF/BA /FG/GJ/H3 >0 /B8 x(t,e) /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GG /FM/GM/GW/GG /B4/BK/B5 /GP/GJ/GD/GC/GR /GD/GQ /GQ /G8/GI/B8 /GV/GQ/GM/G9/GZ I(v)< I(v0) /B8v=v(e) /GD/GL/GG/GD /B4/BD/BF/B5 /GC/G8/GD/GQ I(u) /GA /GR/GN/B9/GO u(t) /BA /G5/GQ/GG /GK/GD/GQ/GM /GC/GZ /GA /GO/G8/G9/GM/GQ /G8/GT /FM/GD/GJ/GJ/GG /GG /GC/GO/BA /CJ/BF/B8 /CJ/BH/B8 /GG /GK/GD/GQ/GM /GC /GR /BA = = /GR /BA /GN/GM /GC/GM/G9/GL/G8 /GN/BA /BC/BA /GG/GF /GD/GK ph(t,x) /B8 /GQ /G8/GI/GR/H2 = = maxxG(x). /FK/GF /B4/BD/BH /B5 /GL/G8/GT /GM /GC/GG/GK /tildewideu(t,x) /GG v= (x(t),u(t)) /GP/GM/GB /GJ/G8/GP/GL/GM /GG /GL/G8 /GR /GK /B4/BK/B5/BA/FU /B8 /CJ/BI/BA /FK/GK/GD/GD /GK /BMI(v)<=I(v0) /BA /FH/GP /GJ/GG /GR/GP =
= maxxR(t,x0(t)< u) /B8 /GL/GD /GA/GZ/GN/GM /B8 /GQ/GMI(v)< I(v0) /GC/H3 /H1/GQ/GR /GR D /BA /GF/GA/GD/GL/GM /H1/GQ/GM/GB/GM /GK/GD/GQ/GM /GC/G8/B8 /AM /GI ph(t,x) /GL/G8 /GI /G8/GE/GC/GM/GH /FK/GT /GP /GN/GM /GK /GP/GK/BA /GA /CJ/BJ /B8 /CJ/BK/B8 /GP /GI /G8/GK/GG /BA/FR/GR /GP/GQ/H0 /B4/BL/B5 /CP/B5/BA /BM ph(t,x) =y(t)x /BA = /GF/GL/G8 /GV/GM/GI R(t,x,u) /GN/GM x /BA/FU /G8/GI/GG/GK /GR /B4/BD/BL /B5 /GL/GD/GM/G9 /GT /GM /GC/GG/GK/GM /GG /GC/GM/GP/GQ /GC/GJ/H3 F(x) /G8/B8 /GQ/GM /GR /B4/BD/BL /B5 /GL/GD/GM/G9 /GT /GM /GC/GG/GK/GM /GG /GC/GM/GP/GQ /GC/GJ/H3 /B4/BD/BJ /B5/BA /FU /BA /GD/BA ph(t,x) =y(t)x /GR /H3/GD/GQ /B4/BD/BI /B5/B8 /B4/BD/BJ/B5/GG /GB /GR /GC/GG/GQ /GK/GD/GQ/GM /GC/G8 /GP u=u0+edu0
= /GN/GO/GG /H1/GQ/GM/GK /GM/GJ/H0/GI/GR /H3 e /B8 /GG /G9/GD/GP/GI /GW/G8/GB/GG /H3 /GI /BA /FR/GR /GP/GQ/H0 /B4/BL /B5 /CQ/B5 /GGb= 0 /BA =a, K < =b, K > = var, K(t,x) = /GP/GQ/H0 /GN/GO/GG /GN/BA /BF /GR = 0 /BA/FJ/GL/G8 /GV/GD/GL/GG/GD u(t1) /GM/GI /H3 /GL/GD /GG/GI /GD/GB/GM /GF/GL/G8 =using(t) /B8 K(t,x(t)) = 0 /B8t>=t1
/BA /H3 /GP /B4/BE/BC/B5/B8 /GG/GJ/GG /GP/GG/GL/GB/GR /GR /FQ/GL/GM /GN/GM /H3 /GA /GR /GA /GI /G8/B9 /G8/GQ /G8 /B8 /GP/GM /GC/GD/GO /GE/GG/GQ/GP /H3 /GA /GD/B8 /GG /GR /GK using[a,b] /BA /G5/GQ/GM/GQ /GO/GD/GE/GG/GK /GA /GO/G8/GK/GI /G8/GT /GB /GK/GD/GQ/GM /GC/G8/BA /GK/GD/GQ/GM /GC /GF/GC/GD/GP/H0 =K(t,x0(t)) = 0 /B8 /GR /GP /GC/GA/GG/GB du /GL/GD /B8 /G8 /GL/GD /GP/GJ/GD/GC/GR /GD/GQ /GG/GF /GK/GD/GQ/GM /GC/G8 /GG/B8 /GD/GB/GM/GR /GK/GG du /GA/GM/GF/GK/GM /GE/GL/G8/H3 /GR /G8 v=
/GG Psi
/BA /BA /G5/GQ/GM /AM /GN/GM/GJ/GM /FM /FW/BA /FJ/G8/GC/G8 /GV/G8I[u(t)] /B8 /H2/GX/G8/H3 /GK/G8/GI P /B8 /GM/GP/GQ/GG /GK/GD/GQ/GM /GC/G8/BA /FJ/G8/GC/G8 /GL/GD /GG/GK/B8 /GL/GM /GD/GH /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/G8I[u(t)] /B8 /GB Q /GC/GM /GM/GP/GG/BA /GL/GD/GM/G9 /GT /GM /GC/GG/GK/GM/GH /GC/GD/GJ/GM/B8 /GD/GP/GJ/GG /GL/G8/G9/GJ/H2 /AM /GI /GM/GM/GO /GG P[Ps(T),Q] /BA/FU /G8/GI/GG/GK /GG /GG P[Ps(T),Q] /GD/GK/G8 /H1/GQ/GG/GK /GK/GD/GQ/GM /GC/GM/GK /GJ/GG/G9/GM /G8/GJ/H0 /GR /BA /GI /GC/GM/GA/B8 /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GG/BA /FV /AM ph= (kh(t),Ps) +
+(kh*(t),Ps*) = Re(kh(t),Ps) /B8 /GB /GC/GDkh(t) /AM /B9/B8 [0,T]-/BK-H /B8 /GI /G8/GI /GG /H2/GX/GG/GD /GD/GH /GA /GP/GG/GJ/GR j= = 0; b) .Ps(t) /B4/BE/BI/B5 b= 0 =
a, K1<0 b, K1>0 using, K1= 0; b >0 =
a, u'< a u', a < u'< b a, u'> /GP /GN/BA/GN/BA /BE/BA/BF/B8 /BE/BA/BG/B8 /GB /GR /G9/GR /BC/BA /B8 /GN/GO /H3/GK/G8/H3 /G8/BA /H3 u=u(0)(t) /GG /GD/GQ/GP /H3 /B4/BE /B5 /GC/GJ/H3Ps
/GL/G8 /GF/GL/G8 x(x) /B8 /H3 Ps0(t) /GG /H2/GX/GD/GD/GF/GL/G8 /GV/GD/GL/GG/GD I(0)/BA/BD/BA /G8/BA /H3 /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/G8 /FM/GM/GW/GG /B4/BE/BI/B5 /B8/GG /GL/G8/GT /GM /GC/GG/GQ/GP /H3 kh0(t) /BA/BE/BA /FR/GO /H3/GK/G8/H3 /G8/BA /GD/GW/G8/GD/GK /GF/G8/GC/G8 /GV/GR /FM/GM/GW/GG /B4/BE/BI /B5/B8Ps(0,x) =x(x) /B8kh(0) =
/CW /BD/BL/BL/BK/B8 /DA/BA/BD/B8 /D4/BA /BH/BJ/BF /AL /C3/D6/D3/D8/D3 /DA /CE/BA/BY/BA /C5/CT/D8/CW/D3 /CS/D7 /CX/D2 /BV/D3/D2 /D8/D6/D3/D0 /B8 /C5/CP/D6
/D7/B8 /BA/CJ/BD/BD /C3/CP/DE/CP/CZ /D3 /DA /CE/BA /BT/BA/B8 /C2/BA /CP/D2/CS /CC /CP/D2/D2/D3/D6 /BW/BA /C2/BA /C8/CW /DD/D7/CX
/CP/D0 /BT/B8 /BI/BC/B8 /BV/BA /CP/D2/CS /BU/D9
/C8 /BA/C0/BA /C8/CW /DD/D7/CX
/CP/D0 /BT/B8 /BI/BG/B8 /CB/BA/BX/BA /CP/D2/CS /CC /CP/D2/D2/D3/D6 /BW/BA/C2/BA /C8/CW /DD/D7/CX
/CP/D0 /BT /BI/BI/B8 /CC/BA/B8 /CD/BA/B8 /C8 /BA/CB/BA/B8 /BV/BA/C2/BA /CP/D2/CS /C8 /BA/C8/CW /DD/D7/CX
/CP/D0 /BT /BJ/BC/B8 /D3 /DA /BT/BA/CE/BA/B8 /CC/BA/B8 /C4/D9/CZ/CX/D2 /C5/BA/BW/BA/B8 /CP/D2/CS /BT/BA/CB/BA /C8/CW /DD/D7/CX
/CP/D0 /BT /BJ/BJ/B8 | 0804.3306 | Vadim Krotov | V. F. Krotov | The quantum systems control and the optimal control theory | 12 pages, in Russian, reference No.15 was corrected | null | null | null | quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Mathematical theory of the quantum systems control is based on some ideas of
the optimal control theory. These ideas are developed here as applied to these
systems. The results obtained meet the deficiencies in the basis and algorithms
of the control synthesis and expand the application of these methods.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 21 Apr 2008 13:35:21 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 22 May 2008 12:53:55 GMT"
] | 2008-05-22T00:00:00 | [
"V. F.",
] |
A:2 Cinzia Di Giusto et al. into simpler ones until a solved form is reached. The language is param etric with respect to an underlying constraint theory CT which defines the meaning of bas ic built-in constraints. The presence of multiple heads is a crucial feature which differentiat es CHR from other existing committed choice (logic) languages. Many examples in the vas t literature on CHR provide empirical evidence for the claim that such a feature is neede d in order to expressive constraint solvers in a reasonably simple way (see the discussion in [Fr uhwirth 1998]). However this claim was not supported by any for mal result, so far. In this paper we prove that multiple heads do indeed augment the exp ressive power of CHR. Since we know that CHR is Turing powerful [Sneyers et al. 2005 ], we first show that CHR with single heads, called CHR 1in what follows, is also Turing powerful, provided that the underlying constraint theory allows the equality predicate (interpreted as and that the signature contains at least one function sy mbol (of arity greater than zero). This result is certainly not surprising; however it is wort h noting that, as we prove later, when considering an underlying (constraint theory de fined over a) finitely many constant symbols and no function symbol CH R (with multiple heads) is still Turing complete, while this is not the case for CHR 1. This provides a first separation result which is however rather weak , since usual cons- traint theories used in CHR do allow function symbols. Moreover, in ge neral is not always the right framework for comparing the expres sive power of and several alternative formal tools have been propos ed for this purpose. In fact, most concurrent languages are Turing powerful and nevertheles s, because of distributed and concurrent actions, they can exhibit a quite different observa tional behaviour and ex- pressive power. For example, a language with synchronous commun ication allows to solve a distributed problem which is unsolvable by using the asynchronous ve rsion of that 2003]. Hence, in the second part of the paper, we compare the expressiv e power of CHR and CHR 1by using the notion of language encoding, first formalized in [de Boer and Palamidessi 1994; Shapiro 1989; Vaandrager 1993]. In tuitively, a language L is more expressive than a language L'or, equivalently, L'can be encoded in L, if each pro- gram written in L'can be translated into an Lprogram in such a way that: 1) the behaviour of the original program is preserved (under some suitable decoding); 2) the translation process satisfies some additional restrictions w hich indicate how easy this process is and how reasonable the decoding of the observables is. F or example, typically one requires that the translation is compositional with respect to ( some of) the of the language [de Boer and Palamidessi 1994]. We provethat CHR cannotbe encoded into CHR 1under the followingthree weassume that the be preserveda rethe a program for a goal, more precisely we consider data sufficient an swers and arethe twotypicalCHR tCHR preservationis that boththe is also a natural assumption, as CHR programs are usually writte n to define a predicate in terms of the existing built-in constrain ts. Finally we assume that the respectto conjunct ion assume that any conjunctive goal A,B, where /llbracket the translation of a goal. We believe this notion of compositionality to be re asonable as well, since essentially it means that one can translate parts of the goal s eparately. It is worth noticing that we do not impose any restriction on the translation of t he program rules. Finally, our third contribution shows that also the number of atoms ( greater than one) affects the expressive power of the language. In fact we prove th at, under some assumptions on the translation of goals, there exists no encoding of CHR n(CHR with at most natoms in the head of the rules) into CHR m, form < n. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.On the expressive power of multiple heads in CHR A:3 The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introdu ces the languages under consideration. We then provide the encoding of two counter s machines [Minsky 1967] in CHR 1and discuss the Turing completeness of this language in Section 3. Se ction 4 con- tains the separation results for CHR and CHR 1by considering first data sufficient answers and then qualified answers. In Section 5 we compare CHR nand CHR m, while Section 6 concludesby worksand indicating somefurther d evelopment ofthis work. A shorter version of this paper, containing part of the results pre sented here, appeared in [Di Giusto et al. 2009]. 2. PRELIMINARIES In this section we give an overview of CHR syntax and operational se mantics following [Fr uhwirth 1998]. 2.1. CHR constraints and notation We first need to distinguish the constraints handled by an existing so lver, called built-in (or predefined) constraints, from those defined by the CHR prog ram, called user-defined (or CHR) constraints. Therefore we assume that the signature S on which programs are defined contains two disjoint sets of predicate symbols P bfor built-in and P ufor user- defined constraints. In the following, as usual, an atomic constrain t is a first-order 2.1 (Built-in constraint ). Abuilt-in constraint cis defined by: c::=a|cc| xc whereais an atomic constraint which uses a predicate symbol from P b. For built-in constraints we assume given a (first order) theory CT w hich describes 2.2 (User-defined constraint ). Auser-defined (or CHR) constraint is an ato- mic constraint which uses a predicate symbols from P u. We usec,dto denote built-in constraints, h,kto denote CHR constraints and a,b,f,gto denote both built-in and user-defined constraints (we will call thes e generally capital versions of these notations will be used to denote multis ets of constraints. We also denote by falseany inconsistent conjunction of constraints and with truethe empty multiset of built-in constraints. We will use , rather than to denote conjunction and we will often consider a conjunc- tion of atomic constraints as a multiset of atomic constraints: We pr efer to use multisets rather than sequences (as in the original CHR papers) because ou r results do not depend on the order of atoms in the rules. In particular, we will use this notatio n based on multisets in the syntax of CHR. Thenotation respect to the variablesin V, while the notation -Vphdenotes the existential closure of a formula phwith the exception of the variables in Vwhich remain unquantified. Fv(ph) denotes the free variables appearing in ph. Moreover, if sequences of terms then the notation p(-t) This notation is extended in the expected way to multiset of Syntax A CHR program is defined as a set of two kinds of rules: simplification an d papers consider also simpagation rules, since these are abbr eviations for propaga- tion and simplification rules we do not need to introduce them). Intuit ively, Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.A:4 Cinzia Di Giusto et al. Table I. The standard transition system for c is a built-in -- is a user-defined -- x=Fv(H)CT|=d- -- x=Fv(H)CT|=d- -- constraints into simpler ones, while propagation adds new c onstraints which are logically redundant but may trigger further 2.3.A rule has the a CHR propagation rule has the a unique identifier of a rule, H(the head) is a (non-empty) multiset of user- defined constraints, C(the guard) is a possibly empty multiset of built-in constraints and B(the body) is a possibly empty multiset of (built-in and user-defined) constraints. A CHRprogram is a finite set of CHR simplification and propagation rules. A CHRgoalis a multiset of (both user-defined and built-in) constraints. In the following, when the guard is truewe omit true|. Also the identifiers of rules are omitted when not needed. An example of a CHR program is shown in next Section: Example 2.6. 2.3. Operational semantics We describe now the operational semantics of CHR by slightly modifyin g the defined in [Fr uhwirth 1998]. We use a transition system T= (Conf,--) where configurations in Confare triples of the form whereGare the constraints that remain to be solved, Kare the user- defined constraints that have been accumulated and dare the built-in constraints that have been simplified. An initial configuration has the form afinal configuration has either the form it is failed, or the form wheredis consistent, when it is successfully terminated because there are no applicable ru les. Given a program P, the transition relation --ConfxConfis the least the rules in Table I (for the sake of simplicity, we omit indexin g the relation with the name of the program). The Solvetransition allows to update the constraint store by taking into account a built-in constraint contained in the goal. The Introduce transition is used to move a user-defined constraint from the goal to the CHR constraint store, where it can be handled by applying CHR Simplify andPropagate in the CHR constraint store) by using rules from the program. A s usual, in order to avoid variable name clashes, both these transitions assume that all variables appearing in Simplify andPropagate the current store ( d) is strong enough to entail the guard of the rule ( C), once the ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.On the expressive power of multiple heads in CHR A:5 parameter passing has been performed (this is expressed by the e quationH=H'). Note that, due to the existential quantification over the variables xappearing in H, in such a parameter passing the information flow is from the actual paramet ers (inH') to the (in H), that is, it is required that the constraints H'which have to be rewritten are an instance of the head H. This means that the equations H=H'express pattern matching rather than unification. The difference between Simplify andPropagate lies in the fact that while the former transition removes the constraint sH'which have been rewritten from the CHR constraint store, this is not the case for t he latter. Given a goal G, the operational semantics that we consider observes the final s tore of computations terminating with an empty goal and an empty user-de fined constraint. We call these observables data sufficient answers slightly deviating from the terminology of [Fr uhwirth 1998] (a goal which has a data sufficient answer is called a data-sufficient goal in [Fr uhwirth 2.4.[Data sufficient answers] Let Pbe a program and let Gbe a goal. The setSAP(G) of data sufficient answers for the query Gin the program Pis defined as: SAP(G) ={-Fv(G)d| /ne}ationslash --}. We also consider the following different notion of answer, obtained by computations ter- minating with a user-defined constraint which does not need to be em pty. Definition 2.5.[Qualified answers [Fr uhwirth 1998]] Let Pbe a program and let Gbe a goal. The set QAP(G) of qualified answers for the query Gin the program Pis defined as: QAP(G) ={-Fv(G)(Kd)| /ne}ationslash --}. Both previous notions of observables characterize an input/outp ut behaviour, since the input constraint is implicitly considered in the goal. Clearly in general SAP(G) QAP(G) holds, since data sufficient answers can be obtained by setting K=in Definition 2.5. Note that in the presence of propagation rules, the naive operatio nal semantics that we consider here introduces redundant infinite computations (becau se propagationrules do not remove user defined constraints). It is possible to define a differen t operational semantics (see [Abdennadher 1997]) which avoids these infinite computations b y allowing to apply at most once a propagation rule to the same constraints. The resu lts presented here hold also in case this semantics is considered, essentially because the num ber of applications of propagations rules does not matter. We refer here to the naive operational it is simpler than that one in [Abdennadher 1997]. An example can be useful to see what kind of programs we are consid ering here. The following program implements the sieve of Eratosthenes to compute primes. Example 2.6.The following CHR program which consists of three simplifications rules , given a goal upto(N) withNnatural number, computes all prime numbers up to N: the first two rules generate all the possible candidates as prime number s, while the third one removes all the incorrect 0|prime(Y). For example suppose that the goal is upto(4) then the following is one of the of the program where, by using the first two rules, f rom the goal upto(4) we can generate all possible Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.A:6 Cinzia Di Giusto et al. Then the third rule can be used to check, for every couple of const ifXis divisible by Yand in this case restores in the pool of constraints only the constraint prime(Y) (in other words, we remove the constraint prime(X)). Thus there are no applicable rules a final configuration. Note that this is a qualified answer and the program with this goal has no da ta sufficient answers. In the following, we study several CHR dialects defined by setting a lim it in the number of the atoms present in the head of rules and by considering the pos sibility of non trivial data sufficient answers, as described by the following two definitions . Definition 2.7.A data sufficient answer for the goal Gin the program Pis called trivial if it is equal to G(is called non trivial 2.8 (CHR dialects ). With CHR nwe denote a CHR language where the num- ber of atoms in the head of the rules is at most n. Moreover, CHR n,ddenotes the of CHR nprogramswhich have (for some goal) non trivial data sufficient answ ers, while CHR n,tdenotes the language consisting of CHR nprograms which, for any goal, have only trivial data sufficient answers and qualified answers. 3. ON THE TURING COMPLETENESS OF CHR 1 In this section we discuss the Turing completeness of CHR 1by taking into account also the underlying constraint theory CT and signature S (defined in the pre vious section). In order to show the Turing completeness of a language we encode two count er machines, also called Minsky machines, into it. We recall here some basic notions on this Turing equivalent formalism. A two counter machine (2CM) [Minsky 1967] M(v0,v1) consists of two registers R1andR2holding arbi- trary large natural numbers and initialized with the values v0andv1, and a program, i.e. a finite sequence of numbered instructions which modify the two reg isters. There are three types of instructions j:Inst() where jis the number of the adds 1 to the content of register Riand goes to instruction j+1; --j:DecJump (Ri,l): if the content of the register Riis not zero, then decreases it by 1 and goes to instruction j+1, otherwise jumps to instruction l; --j:Halt: stops computation and returns the value in register R1, where 1<=i<=2; 1<=j,l<=nandnis the number of instructions of the program. An internal state of the machine is given by a tuple ( pi,r1,r2) where the the next instruction and r1,r2are the current contents of the two registers. Given a program, its computation proceeds by executing the instru ctions as indicated by the program counter. The execution stops when the program cou nter reaches the a first result, we show that CHR 1is Turing powerful, provided that the signature S contains at least a function symbol (of arity o ne) and a constant symbol. This result is obtained by providing an encoding /llbracket - P1of a two counter machine M(v0,v1) in a CHR program ( P1denotes the set of CHR 1programs) as shown in Figure 1: Every rule takes as input the program counter an d the two registers and updates the state according to the instruction in the obvious way. Note that, due to the pattern matching mechanism, a generic goal i(pi,s,t) can fire at most one of the two rules encoding the DecJump instruction (in fact, if sis a free variable no rule in the encoding of pi:DecJump (r1,pl) is fired). ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.On the expressive power of multiple heads in CHR 1. 2CM encoding in CHR 1 Without loss of generality we can assume that the counters are initia lized with 0, hence the encoding of a machine has the will be used in the initial goal, as shown below). The following theor em, whose proof is immediate, states the correctness of the encoding (we use the no tationsucck(0) to of the functor succto 0). Theorem 3.1.A 2CMM(0,0)halts with output k >0(ork= 0) on register R1if and only if the goal i(1,0,0)in the program a qualified answer 0). Note that the encoding provided in Figure 1 does not use any built-in, hence we can consider an empty theory CT here1. If the = built-in is allowed in the body of rules then one could provide an encoding which gives the results of computation in terms of data sufficient answer, rather than qualified answer. To obtain this it is su fficient to add a fourth argument X(for the result) to the predicate iand to add the following translation for a translation in the previous encoding was not needed, since wh en one find the Halt instruction the CHR program simply stops and produces a qualified an swer. Itis the symbol( succ() in order to encode natural numbers and therefore to obtain the a bove result. Indeed, when considering a signature containing only a finite number of constant s ymbols the language CHR1, differently from the case of CHR, is not Turing powerful. To be more precise, assume that CT defines only the = symbol, interpreted as pattern matching , which cannot be used in the body of rules (it can be used in the guards only). Assume also th at the CHR language is now defined overa signatureS many constant sy mbols and no function symbol (of arity >0). Let us call CHRthe resulting language. As observed in [Sneyers 2008], CHR(called in that paper single-headed CHR without host language) is computationally equivalent to propositional CHR (i.e . CHR with only zero-arity constraints), which can easily encoded into Petri nets . Since it is well known that in this formalism termination is decidable, we have the following result. Theorem 3.2.[Sneyers 2008] CHR is not Turing complete. On the other hand, CHR (with multiple heads) is still Turing powerful a lso when consid- ering a signature containing finitely many constant symbols and no fu nction symbol, and 1We used the = built-in the the operational semantics in order to perform parameter passing, however this is only a meta-notation which does not mean that the built-in = has to be used in the language. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.A:8 Cinzia Di Giusto et 1),i(pi+1,SuccR 2. 2CM encoding in CHR assuming that CT defines only the = symbol which is interpreted as be fore and which, as before, cannot be used in the body of rules. Indeed, as we show in F igure 2, under these hypothesis we can encode 2CMs into CHR. The basic idea of this encod ing is that to repre- sent the values of the registers we use chains (conjunctions) of a tomic formulas of the form s(R1,SuccR 1),s(SuccR that R1,SuccR 1,SuccR' 1are variables and we have countably many variables; moreover recall that the CHR co mputation mechanism avoids variables capture by using fresh names for variables each tim e a rule is used). As we discuss in the conclusions this encoding, suggested by Jon Sne yers in a review of a previous version of this paper, is similar to those existing in the fie ld of Nevertheless, there are important technical difference s. In particular, it is worth noting that for the correctness of the encoding it is essential tha t pattern matching rather than unification is used when applying rules: In fact this ensures tha t in the case of the decrement only one of the two instructions can match the goal and therefore can be 3.3.A 2CMM(0,0)halts with output k >0(ork= 0) if and only if the the program a qualified Theorems state a separation result between CHR and CHR 1, however this is rather weak since the real implementations of CHR usually consider a non-trivial which includes function symbols. Therefore we are interest ed in proving finer sepa- ration results which hold for Turing powerful languages. This is the c ontent of the SEPARATING CHR AND CHR whichallow sthe and we assume that the signature contains at least a constant an d a function (of arity >
0) symbol. We have seen that in this case both CHR and CHR 1are Turing powerful, which meansthat how acceptable such an encoding is and this question can have imp ortant for example, a distributed algorithm can be implemen ted in one languagein a reasonably simple way and cannot be implemented in another (Turing p owerful) language, unless one introduces rather complicated data structures or lose s some (see [Vigliotti et al. 2007]). ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.On the expressive power of multiple heads in CHR A:9 We prove now that, when considering acceptable encodings and generic goals can share variables) CHR cannot be embedded into CHR 1while preserving data sufficient answers. As a corollary we obtain that also qualified an swers cannot be preserved. This general result is obtained by proving two more spe cific results. First we have to formally define what an acceptable encoding is. We do this by giving a generic definition, which will be used also in the next section, which co nsiders sepa- rately program and goal encodings. Hence in the following we denote by CHR xsome and assume that Pxis the set of all the CHR xprogramswhile Gxis the set of possible CHR xgoals. Usually the sub-language is defined by suitable syntactic rest rictions, as in the case of CHR 1, however in some cases we will use also a semantic is, by a slight abuse of notation, we will identify a sub-language w ith a set of programs having some specific semantic property. A program encoding of CHR xinto CHR yis then defined as any function /llbracket /rrbracket:Px- Py. To simplify the treatment we assume that both the source and the target language of the program encoding use the s ame built-in described by a theory CT. Note that we do not impose an y other restriction on the program translation (which, in particular, could also be non co wehaveto define howthe initial goalofthe sourcelanguageha sto be target language. Analogously to the case of programs, the go al encoding is a /rrbracketg:Gx- Gy, however here we require that such a function is compositional (ac tually, respect to the conjunction ofatoms, asment ioned in the since both the source and the target language share t he same constraint theory, we assume that the built-ins present in the goal are left unchanged . These mean that our encoding respects the structure of the original goal and does not introduce new relations among the variables which appear in the g oal. Note that we differentiate the goals Gxof the source language from those Gyof the target one because, in principle, a CHR yprogram could use some user defined predicates which are not allowe d in the goals of the original program - this means that the signatures of (language of) the original and the translated program could be different. Note als o that the are parametric with respect to a class Gof goals: clearly considering of goals could affect our encodability results. Such a parame ter will be the notion of acceptable encoding will be used. Finally, as mentioned before, we are interested in preserving data s ufficient or Hence we have the following 4.1 (Acceptable encoding ). LetGbe a class of CHR goals and let CHR xand CHRybe two CHR (sub)languages. An acceptable encoding of CHR xinto CHR y, for the class of goals G, is a pair of mappings /llbracket /rrbracket:Px- Pyand/llbracket /rrbracketg:Gx- Gywhich satisfy the following the same CT; (2) for any goal ( A,B) We also assume that the in the goal are left unchanged; (3) Data sufficient answers are preserved for the set of program sPxand the class of goals G, that is, for all P PxandG G,SAP(G) we define an acceptable encoding for qualified answers of CHR xinto CHR y, for the class of goals G, exactly as an acceptable encoding, with the exception that the th ird condition above is replaced by the answers are preserved for the set of programs Pxand the class of goals G, that is, for all P PxandG G,QAP(G) the notion of acceptable encoding for qualified answers is s tronger than that one of acceptable encoding, since SAP(G) QAP(G) holds. Note also that, since we ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.A:10 Cinzia Di Giusto et al. consider goals as multisets, with the second condition in the above de finition we are not requiring that the order of atoms in the goals is preserved by the tr anslation: We are only requiring that the translation of A,Bis the conjunction of the translation of Aand ofB, i.e. the encoding is homomorphic. Weakening this condition by requirin g that the translation of A,Bis some form of composition of the translation of Aand ofBdoes not seem reasonable, as conjunction is the only form for goal composit ion available in these languages. Moreover, homomorphic encoding are a quite common as sumption in the papers studying expressiveness of concurrent languages, see for exam ple [Palamidessi 2003]. We are now ready to prove our separation results. Next section co nsiders only data sufficient answers. 4.1. Separating CHR and CHR 1by considering data sufficient answers In order to prove our first separation result we need the following le mma which states two key properties of CHR 1computations. The first one says that if the conjunctive G,H with input constraint cproduces a data sufficient answer d, then when considering one component, say G, with the input constraint dwe obtain the same data sufficient answer. The second one states that when considering the subgoals GandHthere exists at least one of them which allows to obtain the same data sufficient answer dalso starting with an input constraint c'weaker than d. Lemma 4.2.LetPbe a CHR 1program and let (c,G,H)be a goal, where cis a GandHare multisets of CHR constraints. Let V=Fv(c,G,H)and the data sufficient answer d. Then the following holds: --Both the goals the same data sufficient answer there exists a built-in constraint c'such that at least one of the two goals the data sufficient answer d. Proof. The proof of the first statement is straightforward (since we con sider single headed programs). In fact, since the goal ( c,G,H) has the data sufficient answer dinP, the goal ( d,G) can either answer dor can produce a configuration where the user are waiting for some guards to be satisfied in order to a pply a rule r, but since the goal contains all the built-in constraints in the answer all the gu ards are satisfied letting the program to answer d. We prove the second statement. /ne}ationslash -- be the derivation producing the data sufficient answer d=-Vd'for the goal ( c,G,H). By definition of derivation and since by hypothesis be of the -- /ne}ationslash --, where for built-in constraints such that We choose c'=-V(c1d1). By definition of derivation and since Pis a CHR 1program, the -- must be a rule application of a single headed rule r, which must match with a constraint kthat was derived (in the obvious sense) by GorH. Without loss of generality, we can assume that kwas derived from G. By construction c'suffices to satisfy the guards needed to reproduce k, which can then fire the rule r, after which all the rules needed to let the constraints of Gdisappear can fire. Therefore we have /ne}ationslash -- ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.On the expressive power of multiple heads in CHR -Vd'(-d) and then the thesis if we consider the program Pconsisting of the single the goal ( H,H) has the data sufficient answer cinP, but for each constraint c'the goal (H,c') has no data sufficient answer in P. With the help of the previous lemma we can now prove our main separation result. The idea of the proof is that a ny possible encoding of the CHR 1would either produce more answers for the goal H(orG), or would not be able to provide the answer cfor the goal H,G. Using the notation introduced in Definition 2.8 and considering as multiset inclusion, we have then the 4.3.LetGbe a class of goals such that if His a head of a rule then K G for anyKH. Then, for n >=2, there exists no acceptable encoding of CHR n,din CHR 1 for the class G. Proof. The proof is by contradiction. Assume that there exists an accept able /rrbracket:Pn,d- P1and/llbracket G1of CHR n,dinto CHR 1for the class of goals Gand let Pbe the program consisting of the single also, that c(restricted to the variables in H,G) is not the weakest constraint, i.e. assume that there exists dsuch that Note that this assumption does not imply any loss of generality, since, as mentioned at the beginning of this section, we assume that the constraint theory allows the built- in predicate = and the signature contains at least a constant and a function (of arity >0) symbol. Since the goal ( H,G) has the data sufficient answer -Vcin the program Pand since the encoding preserves data sufficient answers, the goal the data sufficient answer -Vcalso in the program From the compositionality of the translation of goals and the previous Lemma 4.2 it follows that there exists a constraint c'such that -Vcand at least one of the two goals the data sufficient answer cin the encoded program However neither ( c',H) nor (c',G) has any data sufficient answer in the original program P. This contradicts the fact that there exists an acceptable encod ing of CHR n,dinto CHR 1 for the class of goals G, thus concluding the previous theorem implies that (under the same hypothes is) no for qualified answers of CHR n,dinto CHR 1exists, since SAP(G) QAP(G). The hypothesis we made on the class of goals Gis rather weak, as typically heads of rules have to be used as goals. From Theorem 4.3 we have immediately the following . Corollary 4.4.LetGbe a class of goals such that if His a head of a rule then K G for anyKH. Then, for n >=2, there exists no acceptable encoding (for qualified answers ) of CHR nin CHR 1for the class G. As an example of the application of the previous theorem consider th e program (from [Fr uhwirth 1998]) contained in Figure 3 which allows one to defin e the user- defined constraint Lessequal (to be interpreted as <=) in terms of the only = (to be interpreted as syntactic equality). For instan ce, given the goal
{Lessequal (A,B),Lessequal (B,C), Lessequal (C,A)}after a few computational steps the programwill answer A=B,B=C,C=A. Now, for obtaining this behaviour, it is essential ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.A:12 Cinzia Di Giusto et al. reflexivity @Lessequal @Lessequal (X,Y),Lessequal @Lessequal (X,Y),Lessequal (Y,Z)=Lessequal (X,Z) Fig. 3. A program for defining <=in CHR to use multiple heads, as already claimed in [Fr uhwirth 1998] and for mally proved by the previous theorem. In fact, following the lines of the proof of Theor em 4.3, one can show that if a single headed program P'is any translation of the program in Figure 3 which produces the correct answer for the goal above, then there exists a subg oal which has an answer in P'but not in the original program. 4.2. Separating CHR and CHR 1by considering qualified answers Theorem 4.3 assumes that programs have non trivial data sufficient answers. qualified answers are the most interesting ones for CHR progr ams, one could wonder what happens when considering the CHR n,tlanguage (see Definition 2.8). Here we prove that also CHR n,tcannot be encoded into CHR 1. The proof of this result obtainsince themultiplicity isimportant. Infact, ifu(x,y) is a user-defined constraint, the meaning of u(x,y),u(x,y) does not with that one of u(x,y). This is well known also in the case of logic programs (see any article on the S-semantics of logic programs): consider, for ex ample, the u (x,y)=y=b which is essentially a pure logic program written with the CHR syntax. N otice that w commit-choice does not affect the possible results. For example, in the previous program when reducing the goal u(x,y) one can alwayschoose (non either the first or the second rule. Now the goal u(x,y),u(x,y) in such a program has the (data sufficient) answer x=
a,y=bwhile this is not the case for the goal u(x,y) which has the answer x=aand the answer y=b(of course, using guards one can make more significant examples). Thus, when considering user-defined predicates, it is acceptable to distin from u(x,y), i.e. to take into account the multiplicity. This is not the case for pu re s, since the meaning of a (pure) built-in is defined by a firs t order theory CT in terms of logical consequences, and from this point of view bbis equivalent to b. In order to prove our result we need first the following result which s tates that, when con- sidering single headed rules, if the goal is replicated then there exist s a computation where at every step a rule is applied twice. Hence it is easy to observe that if the computation will terminate producing a qualified answer which contains an atomic user -defined constraint, then such a constraint is replicated. More precisely we have the follo wing Lemma whose proof is immediate. Lemma 4.5.LetPbe a CHR 1program. If (G,G)is a goal whose evaluation in P produces a qualified answer (c,H)containing the atomic user-defined constraint k, then a qualified answer containing (k,k). Hence we can prove the following separation result. Theorem 4.6.LetGbe a class of goals such that if His a head of a rule then K G for anyKH. Then, for n >=2, there exists no acceptable encoding for qualified answers of CHR n,tinto CHR 1for the class G. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.On the expressive power of multiple heads in CHR A:13 Proof. The proof will proceed by contradiction. Assume that there exists an for qualified answers /llbracket /rrbracket:Pn,t- P1and/llbracket G1of CHR n,tinto CHR 1 for the class of goals Gand letPbe the program consisting of the single an atomic user-defined constraint. The goal ( H,H) inPhas a qualified answer k(note that for each goal G,Phas no trivial data sufficient answers different from rs,the goal a qualified answer k(with the built-in constraint true). Since the implies that from Lemma 4.5 it follows that program also a qualified answer ( k,k), but this answer cannot be obtained in the program with multiple heads thus contradicting one of the hypot hesis on the for qualified answers. Therefore such an encoding canno t exist. From previous theorem and Theorem 4.3 follows that, in general, no a cceptable encoding for qualified answers of CHR in CHR 4.7.LetGbe a class of goals such that if His a head of a rule then K G for anyKH. Then there exists no acceptable encoding (for qualified ans wers) of CHR in CHR 1for the class G. 5. A HIERARCHY OF LANGUAGES After having shown that multiple heads increase the expressive pow er with respect to the case of single heads, it is natural to ask whether considering a differ ent number of atoms in the heads makes any difference. In this section we show that this is in deed the case, since we prove that, for any n >1, there exists no acceptable encoding (for qualified answers) of CHRn+1into CHR n. Thus, depending on the number of atoms in the heads, we obtain a chain of languages with increasing expressive equirementons -- only for data sufficient answers -- given in Definition 4.1. Mo re precisely, we now require that goals are unchanged in the translation process . This accounts for a black box use of the program: we do not impose any restriction on the program that the interface remains unchanged. Hence, in the follo wing theorem we encoding an acceptable encoding (a ccording to Definition 4.1) where the function translates goals is the identity. We have, then, the following result where we use the notation of Defi nition 2.8. Theorem 5.1.LetGbe the class of all possible goals. There exists no goal-pres encoding of CHR n+1,din CHR nfor the class G. Proof. The proof will proceed by contradiction. Assume that there exists a goal- preserving acceptable encoding of CHR n+1,din CHR nfor the class Gand letPbe the following CHR a built-in constraint different from false(i.e. falseholds) such that Fv(d)V. Hence given the goal G=h1...hn+1the program P has the data sufficient answer d. Observe that every goal with at most nuser defined constraints has no data in P. Now consider a run of the encoding of the program P) with final configuration whereCT|=-V(d')-d: d= - /ne}ationslash --, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.A:14 Cinzia Di Giusto et al. where, without loss of generality, we can assume that in the derivat iond, for any can use either a Simplify or a Propagate transition only if H'does not contain built-ins and Giis the last goal to be reduced in the run by using either a Simplify or a Propagate transition. Therefore Gihas at most nuser-defined constraints, the last rule used in d(to reduce Gi). Sincedis a built-in constraint, rcan be only of the following form H=C|C', whereHhas at most nuser defined constraints. In this case only built-in predicates. Then CT|=di- Fv(H)((Gi=H)C) and CT|= construction the goal ( Gi,di) has the data sufficient -Fv(Gi,di)(d') in But the goal (Gi,di) has no data sufficient answer in Pthus contradicting one of the hypothesis on the goal-preserving acceptable encoding. Therefore such an enc oding cannot exist. Similarly to the development in the previous section, we now consider t he case where the program has only qualified answers and no trivial data sufficient answ ers. Notice that in this case we do not require anymore that the translation of goals is t he identity (we only require that it is compositional, as usual). Theorem 5.2.LetGbe a class of goals such that if His a head of a rule then K G for anyKH. There exists no acceptable encoding for qualified answers o f CHR n+1,tin CHRnfor the class G. Proof. The proof is by contradiction. Assume that there exists an accept able encoding for qualified answers /llbracket Pnand/llbracket Gnof CHR n+1,tin CHR nfor the class of goals Gand letPbe the following CHR andkis an atomic user defined constraint such that Fv(k)V. Hence given the goal G=h1...hn+1the program Phas only the qualified answer kand sincekis an atomic user defined constraint, we have that k/ne}ationslash= every goal with at most nuser defined constraintshas only itself as qualified answer in P. Then since the encoded program has to preserve all the qualified a nswers in the original P, every goal whereGnhas at most nuser defined constraints, has a qualified answer Gnin Therefore, if we denote by Gn=h1...hn, by previous observation and by definition of qualified answers, we have that there exist two derivations
/an}bracketle{t,/an}bracketri}ht /ne}ationslash /ne}ationslash --, such that CT|=Gn- andCT|=hn+1- loss of generality, we can assume consider the goal G, from what previously said we have we also know that /ne}ationslash --and this cannot be prevented by any step in the previous run, thus we Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.On the expressive power of multiple heads in CHR A:15 whereCT|=G- SinceGis not a qualified answer for the goalGinPand since an acceptable encoding of Pin CHR n, we havethat there {G' n,h' n+1}, withs<=n, such that - /an}bracketle{tG',H',d''/an}bracketri}ht in Then, since CT|=G- we have that there Gsuch therefore hj1,...hjsis not a qualified answer for it is always possible to make another derivation step from by previous observations, the same goal has itself as answer inPthus fact that there exists an acceptable encoding for qualified ans wers of CHR that an immediate generalization of previous Theorem 5.2 implies that also under the weaker assumption of compositionality (rather than identity) f or the translation with data sufficient answers) into CHRnexists. Therefore, from Theorem 5.2 we have immediately the 5.3.LetGbe a class of goals such that if His a head of a rule then K G for anyKH. There exists no acceptable encoding for qualified answers o f CHR n+1in CHRnfor the class G. It is also worth noticing that the previous results depend on the clas s of considered goals. In fact, if we limit the class ofintended goalsfor aprogramand assum ethat some predicates in the translated program cannot be used in the goals, then one can easily encode a CHRn program into a CHR2one. Consider for example the program consisting of the single assume that the only valid goal for such a program is h0...hn, user-defined constraints that cannot be used in the goals. Then the following CHR2 program is equivalent to the original restriction on fresh user-defined constraints to be used only in the encoding is rather strong, since all logic programming languages (including CHR) allow to u se in the goals all the predicate names used in the program. In fact, essentially all th e existing semantics for logic languages define the semantics of a program in a goal independe nt way, referring to all the possible predicates used in a program (or in the given signature) . Nevertheless, from a pragmatic point of view it is meaningful to define a class of acceptable goals for a program and then to consider encoding, semantics etc, only w.r.t. that class of goals. In this respect it would be interesting to identify weaker conditions on goals and pred icate names which allow to encode also Section 6). 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RELATED WORKS In this paper we have shown that multiple heads augment the expres sive power of CHR. Indeed we have seen that the single head CHR language, denoted by CHR1, is not Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.A:16 Cinzia Di Giusto et al. symbols, while this is not the case for CHR. Moreover, by using a tech nique based on lan- guage encoding, we have shown that CHR is strictly more expressive than CHR 1also when considering a generic constraint theory, under some reasonable a ssumptions (mainly, of the translation of goals). Finally we have shown that, under some assumptions, in general the number of atoms in the head of rules affects the ex- pressive power of the language. In fact we have proved that CHR n(the language containing at mostnatoms in the heads of rules) cannot be encoded into CHR m, withn > m. There exists a very large literature on the expressiveness of conc urrent languages, how- ever there are only few papers which consider the expressive powe r of CHR. A recent one is [Sneyers 2008], where Sneyers shows that several subclasses o f CHR are still while single-headed CHR without host language and propos itional abstract CHR are not Turing-complete. Moreover [Sneyers 2008] proves essen tially the same result given in Theorem 3.3 by using Turing machines rather than Minsky machines. Both Theorems 3.2 and 3.3 were contained in the short version of this paper [Di Giusto et al. 2009], sub- mitted before [Sneyers 2008] was published and both these result s, including the encoding of the Minsky machine, were suggested by Jon Sneyers in the review of an older version ([Di Giusto et al. 2008]) of [Di Giusto et al. 2009]. It is worth noting tha t very similar en- coding exists in the field of process algebras. For example, in [Busi et al. 2004] an machines in a dialect ofCCS is providedwhich representsthe valuenof a register by using a corresponding number of parallel processes connected in a suitable way. This is similar to the idea exploited in Section 3, where we encoded the value nof a registers by using a conjunction (the CHR analogous of CCS parallel operator) o fnatomic related study is [Sneyers et al. 2005], where the authors s how that it is possible to implement any algorithm in CHR in an efficient way, i.e. with the best kno wn time and space complexity. This result is obtained by introducing a new mod el of the CHR machine, and comparing it with the well-known Turing mac hine and RAM machine models. Earlier works by Fr uhwirth [Fr uhwirth 2001; Fr u hwirth 2002] studied the time complexity of simplification rules for naive implementations of CHR. In this approach an upper bound on the derivation length, combined with a worst-cas e estimate of (the number and cost of) rule application attempts, allows to obtain an up per bound of the time complexity. The aim of all these works is clearly completely differen t from ours, even though it would be interesting to compare CHR and CHR 1in terms of complexity. When moving to other languages, somehow related to our paper is th e work by 1998] where the coordination languages Gamma [Ban^ a tre and M' etayer 1993] and Linda [Gelernter and Carriero 1992] are compared in terms of ex pressive power. rewritingit headrules,howev erthe 1998] is considered where the actions of processes are atomic and d o not contain variables. On the other hand, our results depend directly on the presence of logic variables in the CHR model of computation. Relevant for our approach is also [de Boer an d Palamidessi 1994] which introduces the original approach to language comparison bas ed on encoding, even though in this paper rather different languages with different prope rties are considered. In [Laneve and Vitale 2008] Laneve and Vitale show that a language fo r modeling molec- ular biology, called k-calculus, is more expressive than a restricted version of the calcu lus, called nano- k, which is obtained by restricting to binary reactants only (that is , by al- lowing at most two process terms in the left hand side of rules, while nterms are allowed in k). This result is obtained by showing that, under some specific assum ptions, a protocol cannot be expressed in nano- k, thus following a general technique which allows to obtain separation results by showing that (under som e specific hypothesis) a problem can be solved in a language and not in another one (see also [P alamidessi 2003] and [Vigliotti et al. 2007]). This technique is rather different from the one we used, more- over also the assumptions on the translation used in [Laneve and Vita le 2008] are different ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.On the expressive power of multiple heads in CHR A:17 from ours. Nevertheless, since k(and nano- k) can be easily translated in CHR, it would be interesting to see whether some results can be exported from a lan guage to another. We left this as future work. We also plan to investigate what happens when considering the trans lation of CHR since many CHR implementations are built on top of a Prolog system, by using a compiler which translates CHR programsto Prolog. Our technical lemmata about C HR1can be adapted to what is called [Apt 1996] pure Prolog, that is, a logic programming lan guage which uses the leftmost selection rule and the depth-first search. Hence it is e asy to show that, under our assumptions, CHR cannot be encoded in pure Prolog. However, implemented real Prolog systems are extensions of pure Prolog obtained by consider ing specific built-ins for arithmetic and control, and when considering these built-ins some of the properties we have used do not hold anymore (for example, this is the case of Lemma 4.2) . Hence it would be interesting to see under which conditions CHR can be encoded in re al Prolog systems, that is, which features of real Prolog (which are not present in pur e Prolog) are needed to obtain an acceptable encoding of CHR. Finally we plan to extend our re sults to constraint theories (e.g. with only monadic predicates) and also taking into account the refined semantics defined in [Duck et al. 2004]. This latter seman tics requires further work, because it allows an improved control on computations and so me properties that we used do not hold anymore in this thank the reviewers for their precise and helpful comment S. 1997. Operational semantics and confluence of constraint pr opagation rules. In Proceed- ings of the Third International Conference on Principles an d Practice of Constraint . 252-266. Apt, K. R. 1996.From logic programming to Prolog . Prentice-Hall, Inc. Ban^atre, J.-P. andM 'etayer, D. L. Commun. ACM 36, 1, 98-111. Busi, N. ,Gabbrielli, M. ,and Zavattaro, G. 2004. Comparing recursion, replication, and iteration in process calculi. In Thirtyfirst International Colloquium on Automata, Languag es and . Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, vol. 3142. Sprin ger-Verlag, 307-319. de Boer, F. S. and Palamidessi, C. 1994. Embedding as a tool for language comparison. Information and Computation 108, 1, 128-157. Di Giusto, C. ,Gabbrielli, M. ,and Meo, M. C. 2009. Expressiveness of multiple heads in CHR. In SOFSEM 2009 . Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, vol. 5404. Sprin ger, 205-216. Di Giusto, C. ,Gabbrielli, M. ,and Meo, M. C. April 2008. Expressiveness of multiple heads in CHR. CoRR abs/0804.3351 . Duck, G. J. ,Stuckey, P. J. ,de la Banda, M. J. G. ,and Holzbaur, C. 2004. The refined of constraint handling rules. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on (ICLP 2004) . Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, vol. 3132. Sprin ger, T. 1991. Introducing simplification rules. Tech. rep. Fruhwirth, T. 2002. As time goes by: Automatic complexity analysis of simp lification rules. In 8th Inter- national Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representa tion and Reasoning, Toulouse, France . Fruhwirth, T. W. 1998. Theory and practice of constraint handling rules. J. Log. Program. 37, 1-3, T. W. 2001. As time goes by II: More automatic complexity analysis of concurrent rule Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 59, 3. Gelernter, D. and Carriero, N. 1992. Coordination languages and their significance. Commun. ACM 35, 2, 96. Laneve, C. and Vitale, A. 2008. Expressivity in the kappa family. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 218 M. finite and infinite machines . Prentice Hall. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY.A:18 Cinzia Di Giusto et al. Palamidessi, C. 2003. Comparing the expressive power of the synchronous and asynchronous Structures in Comp. Sci. 13, 5, E. Y. 1989. The family of concurrent logic programming languages .ACM Comput. Surv. 21, J. 2008. Turing-complete subclasses of chr. In ICLP, M. G. de la Banda and E. Pontelli, Eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, vol. 5366. Spring er, J. ,Schrijvers, T. ,and Demoen, B. 2005. The computational power and complexity of Cons- traint Handling Rules. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Constraint Handling Rule s (CHR'05) , T. Schrijvers and T. Fr uhwirth, Eds. Number CW 421 in Dept. C omputer Science, Technical report. Sitges, Spain, F. W. 1993. Expressive results for process algebras. In Proceedings of the REX Workshop on Sematics: Foundations and Applications . Springer-Verlag, London, UK, M. G. ,Phillips, I. ,and Palamidessi, C. 2007. Tutorial on separation results in process calculi via leader election problems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 388, 1-3, G. 1998. On the incomparability of gamma and linda. Tech. rep., Amsterdam, The April 2009; revised November 2010; accepted Decem ber 2010 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. V, No. N, Arti cle A, Publication date: January YYYY. | 0804.3351 | Cinzia Di Giusto | Cinzia Di Giusto, Maurizio Gabbrielli, Maria Chiara Meo | On the Expressive Power of Multiple Heads in CHR | v.6 Minor changes, new formulation of definitions, changed some
details in the proofs | null | null | null | cs.LO cs.DC | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) is a committed-choice declarative language
which has been originally designed for writing constraint solvers and which is
nowadays a general purpose language. CHR programs consist of multi-headed
guarded rules which allow to rewrite constraints into simpler ones until a
solved form is reached. Many empirical evidences suggest that multiple heads
augment the expressive power of the language, however no formal result in this
direction has been proved, so far.
In the first part of this paper we analyze the Turing completeness of CHR
with respect to the underneath constraint theory. We prove that if the
constraint theory is powerful enough then restricting to single head rules does
not affect the Turing completeness of the language. On the other hand,
differently from the case of the multi-headed language, the single head CHR
language is not Turing powerful when the underlying signature (for the
constraint theory) does not contain function symbols.
In the second part we prove that, no matter which constraint theory is
considered, under some reasonable assumptions it is not possible to encode the
CHR language (with multi-headed rules) into a single headed language while
preserving the semantics of the programs. We also show that, under some
stronger assumptions, considering an increasing number of atoms in the head of
a rule augments the expressive power of the language.
These results provide a formal proof for the claim that multiple heads
augment the expressive power of the CHR language.
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2 Mario Rabinowitz Armor Research; 715 Lakemead Way; Redwood City, CA 94062 -3922 USA e-mail However, other quantum and classical discrepancies pe rsist even at large quantum number s. This is a violation of the Correspondence Principle , and indicates that QM may not be a theory that applies in all cases of the realm of observation. These and other disparities are analyzed here, and appear to be bot h prevalent for all potentials, and possibly testable experimentally. A free particle in a box manifests similarities with the Aharonov -Bohm [1] and Aharonov -Casher [2] effects in that there is a quantum action in the absence of a force. Therefore these established effects will be discussed quantum mechanically and classically to facilitate comparison with the variances found in this paper. 2 Partial Well Width Expectation Values for an Infinite Square Well 2.1 General Quantum Considerations Rather than calculate expectation values over the full range in which a particle can be found, in this Section it will be informative to calculate partial well width expectation values (sub -ensembles) to give insight to measurements that are confined to sub -regions of a larger domain. We can find these partial width expectation values, starting with the definition of the expectation value of a variable a in a region e.g. a potential well of width -a to a. y*aydx+-a-a/2 y*aydx+-a/20 (2.1) where for clarity and convenience the range -a to a has been broken up into 4 smaller equal regions, defining each partial expectation value. Similarly for normalization of the wave function y we have (2.2a) 3 The r ange could have been broken up into any number of different sized regions. The treatment here is one -dimensional for simplicity, but can easily be generalized to any number of dimensions. The established convention to normalize over the entire range wi ll be followed here. Anomalies can be circumvented for a parameter that is constant in a given state such as energy E in an infinite square well. The partial range normalization from a1 to a2 yields ydx y*ydxa1a2
=E (2.2b) The normalization in e q. (2.2a) for partial energy expectation values is the sum over partial intervals. The normalization in eq. (2.2b) is for the total energy expectation value over a single partial interval. Sec. 2 will illustrate that not only can normalization affect the outcome, but also the partitioning of the expectation value intervals. Furthermore in Sec. 2 one may consider that the energy is constant in each interval, but the population density varies. However, Secs. 3 and 4 do not have this option. 2.2 Quantum Ca se for Particle in an Infinite Square Well of Width -a to a For an Infinite Square Well of Width -a to a, the full range normalized wave function that satisfies the time -independent part of the Schrodinger non -relativistic wave equation (4.1) is ( ) (2.3) The energy expectation value is equal to the Hamiltonian expectation value. For the full well width: yndx=h2n2 32ma2. (2.4) Now for four equal partial well widths, the partial energy expectation values are: ( ) [ ] 128ma2p. (2.5) 4 ( ) [ ] 128ma2p. (2.6) ( ) [ ] 128ma2p. (2.7) ( ) [ ] 128ma2p. (2.8) From eqs. (2.5) through (2.8) we see explicitly: (2.9) By inspection of eqs. (2.5) throu gh (2.8) and (2.10) (2.11) Interestingly, ( ) 128ma2pforn=1, and (2.12) ) 128ma2pforn=1. (2.13) Therefore in a force -free region, without the action of a force, alth ough the particle's energy averages out to Etotal and is conserved for the region as a whole, the particle's local partial energy appears to increase and decrease a s the particle goes from sub-region to sub -region, for full range normaliza tion. This is as if there is a non -local quantum mechanical action (as previously discussed by Rabinowitz [17] for x2 -a,a, and will be further analyzed in this paper). This is the case for all odd n states. But equally interesting this does not occur in these particular regions for even n states (odd y). nstates . (2.14) In particular: (2.15) 5 The variations for odd n, and constancy for even n, follow from the prope rties of y2since 2.3 Classical Case for Particle in an Infinite Square Well of Width -a to a We can find classical partial width expectation values similarly to the quantum case, starting with the standard expectation value of a variable a for a particle that is confined to a region e.g. a potential well of width -a = x = a. aCM -a,a=abPdx =-aa abPdx +-a-a/2 abPdx +-a/20 abPdx (2.16) where P is the classical probability, which is inversely proportional to the pa rticle's velocity, and b is the normalization coefficient. For a classical free particle in a box, P is uniform because the particle's speed is constant in the infinite well of width -a = x = a. Normalizing the classical probability, 1=bPdx (2.17) The free particle's energy expectation value for the full well width is ECM -a,a=EbPdx (2.18) The partial energy expectation values for partial well widths are ECM -a,a/2=EbPdx (2.19) ECM (2.20) ECM (2.21) ECM (2.22) From eqs. (2.18) through (2.22) we have explicitly: ECM -a,a=ECM -a,-a/2+ECM -a/2,0+ECM 0,a/2+ECM a/2/a=E. (2.23) 6 Classically the particle has a partial well width energy that is constant across the entire well width. Here the partial energy in each sub -region is E/4 because there were 4 sub -regions. 3 Simple Harmonic Oscillator (SHO) It is important to establish that the classical and quantum disparities found in this paper are not an artifact of an infinite gradient such as in the infinite square well for a free particle in a box ; and that non -locality is also part of the QM SHO. 3.1 Classical Harmonic Oscillator We begin with the classical harmonic oscillator so that we may compar e with the corresponding expectation values for a quantum harmonic oscillator. Let us normalize the classical probability density P which in classical mechanics (CM) is inversely proportional to the oscillating particle's velocity dx=b=+-w p, (3.1) where b is the normalization constant, A is the classical amplitude, and the angular frequency w=2pf. Therefore the normalized classical probability density is (3.2) The classical particl e position expectation values are dx -AA =0, (3.3) and all xk CM= 0 for odd values of k = 1, 3, 5, ... because P is even and x k is odd for all odd k. For even values of k: x2 CM=x2 1 pA2-x2 ()1/2 dx -AA =A2 2. (3.4) x4 CM=x4 1 pA2-x2 ()1/2 dx -AA =3A4 8. (3.5) 7 x6 CM=x6 1 pA2-x2 ()1/2 dx -AA =5A6 16. (3.6) 3.2 Quantum Harmonic Oscillator The time independent Schrodinger equation for the SHO for a particle of mass m, oscillating with frequency f, and angular frequen cy w=2pf, is: (3.7) The eigenfunction solution to Eq. (3.7) for the one -dimensional SHO is , (3.8) where n = 0, 1, 2, 3,..., xax,a2pMf/h []1/2
=2pMw/h [ ]1/2 , and Hn(x) is the Hermite polynomial of the nth degree in x: (3.9) In general, the normalization constant bn=a p1/22nn! 1/2 . (3.10) We equate the quantum energy level solution to the classical energy En=n+12 ( )hf=n+12 ( )hw/2p ( )=12()mw2A2 (3.11) to help in the comparison of the classical and quantum position expectation values. 3.2.1 Ground State n = 0 for Harmonic Oscillator Let us first examine the ground state expect ation values <x k>QM since the variance with classical mechanics (CM) is expected to be the greatest here. The normalized eigenfunction for the ground state ( n = 0) is (3.12) In general, the expectation value of <x k>QM0 is 8 2 dx - . (3.13) The expectation value of xk QM=0 for odd values of the index k = 1, 3, 5, .... because y0(x) is an even function and x k is odd. In general xk QM=xk CM=0, and in particular xk QM=xk CM=0 by symmetry in QM and CM. 2 dx - =0=xCM. (3.14) So let us focus on some even values of k. 2 dx - =1 2a2 =A2 2=x2 CM. (Accord with CM ) (3.15) 2 dx - (3.16) 2 dx - (3.17) 3.2.2 First Excited State n = 1 for Harmonic Oscillator 2 dx - =0=xCM. (3.18) 2 dx - =3 2a2=x2 CM. (Accord with CM ) (3.19) 2 dx - (3.20) 2 dx - (3.21) 3.2.3 Second Ex cited State n = 2 for Harmonic Oscillator 9 ()e-a2x2 2 2 dx - =0=xCM. (3.22) ()e-a2x2 2 2 dx - =5 2a2=x2 CM. (Accord with CM) (3.23) ()e-a2x2 2 2 dx - (3.24) ()e-a2x2 2 2 dx - (3.25) It is noteworthy that the quantum and classical second mom ents are equal, for all n, (although all the other even QM moments are greater due to barrier penetration). The Virial Theorem accounts for this unique SHO result because in both CM and QM =x2 QM=x2 CM , and as proven in detail next. As shown earlier in Eq. (3.8) , where xax, and a2pMf/h []1/2
=2pMw/h [ ]1/2 . ()+1 2x-d dx () [ ()2
+1 4x-d dx ()2
+1 4x+d dx ()x-d dx ()+1 4x-d dx ()x+d dx () [ ()2
+1 4x-d dx [ ]yndx (3.26) x+d dx ( (3.27) x-d dx ( [ ]12 yn+2, and (3.28) ynyj- dx=0 for nj (3.29) because the Hermite polynomials are orthogonal, leaving only the 3 rd term of the integrand in Eq. (3.26). Substituting, xax: 10 x2 QM=1 a2 2 d2 dx2+x2 yndx. (3.30) FortheSHO :Potential () d2 dx2+1 2Mw2x2 ()h 2pw (3.31) Since PEQM+KEQM=En, Eq. (3.31) Classically: (3.32) Therefore x2 QM=x2 CMfor all states of the SHO. 3.3 Comparison of Quantum and Classical Harmonic Os cillator We now compare the quantum and classical harmonic oscillator position expectation values based upon Eqs. (3.4) to (3.6), and (3.14) to (3.32). It is noteworthy that x2 CM=x2 QM, although all higher order position even moments are not equal; and of course xk QM=xk CM=0 for all odd k = 1, 3, 5, .... The accord of for all quantum numbers. The higher order CM position even moments are significantly smaller than the higher order QM position even m oments, and the disparity increases as the moments get larger. This can be attributed to penetration of the quantum wave function into the classically forbidden region for both even and odd yn(x) as y*y=y2 is even and en ters into the integration. This effect will diminish as one goes to higher quantum states, and should disappear as n- for pure states. It is not clear that this will happen for wave packets [17]. The significance of the difference in the classical and quantum higher order position moments is that Newton's Second Law of Motion is violated because the wave function penetrates the classically forbidden regions so that the particle spends less time in the central region and more time in the region of the classical turning points than 11 allowed by Newton's Second Law. Next let us look at the opposite case where a particle spends more time in the central region because the wave function terminates at the boundary rather than penetrating it. 4 Free Particle In A Box The square well is an archetype problem of QM. It is used as a model for a number of significant physical systems such as free electrons in a metal, long molecule, the Wigner box, etc. 4.1 Quantum Case for Particle in a Box The Schrodinger non -relativistic wave equation is: (4.1) where y is the wave function of a particle of mass m, with potential energy V. In the case of constant V, we can set V = 0 as only difference s in V are physically significant. A solution of Eq. (4.1) for the one -dimensional motion of a free particle of nth state kinetic energy E n is: , (4.2) where the wave function y travels along the posit ive x axis with wavelength l, angular frequency w, and phase velocity v=lw/2p. We shall be interested in the time independent solutions. The following forms are equivalent: n = 1, 2, 3, .... (4.3) for a particle in an infinite square well potential with perfectly reflecting walls at x = -a, and x = +a, so that n 2l=2a. The wall length 2 a can be arbitrarily large, but needs to be finite so that the nor malization coefficient is non -zero. We normalize the wave functions to yield a total probability of 1 for finding the particle in the region -a to +a, and find 1=y*ydx=
-aa (4.4) 12 where the normalization is independent of n. In general xk y2 dx -aa , for k = 1, 2, 3, .... (4.5) Since y2 is symmetric here for both yns and ynas, xky2 is antisymmetric in the interval -a to +a, because x k is antisy mmetric. Thus without having to do the integration we know that <x k> = 0 for all odd k, and in particular <x> = 0 for the nth state. Let us find the expectation values <x k> where for k = 1, 2, 4, and 6 for the free particle in the nth state. xQM=y*xydx=
-aa xy2 dx -aa
=0. (4.6) =a2 31-6 p2n2 . (4.7) . (4.8) . (4.9) We will compare these values with the corresponding classical values in Sec. 4.2. 4.2 Classical Case for Particle in a Box The classical probability P is inversely proportional to the velocity whose magnitude is constant throughout the box (except at the walls). Therefore P is uniform for finding a classical free particle in the region -a to +a. Normalizing the classical probability, 1=bPdx (4.10) As for the quantum case, classically <x k> = 0 for all odd k because P is an even function. The classical expectation values of <x> and <x 2> are (4.11) 13 x2 CM=x2bPdx (4.12) x4 CM=x4bPdx (4.13) x6 CM=x6bPdx (4.14) 4.3 Comparing QM and CM Cases for Complete Interval Expectation Values xQM=0=xCM. (4.15) x2 QM=1-6 p2n2 x2 CM. (4.16) x4 CM. (4.17) x6 CM. (4.18) It is clear from the analysis that the expectation values of all the odd moments xk (k = 1, 3, 5, ...) are exactly equal to 0 for both QM and CM. As one might exp ect, for even moments the variance between QM and CM is largest for small n, and furthermore is larger the higher the moment. It is also clear from Eqs. (4.16) to (4.18) that the QM even position moments approach the CM values as n gets large. The result xQM=0=xCM means that in moving between the walls of a box, a particle spends an equal amount of time on either side of the box and hence the expectation value for finding it, is at the center of the box. However, the results disagree for hi gher order moments such as x2 QM=1-6 p2n2 x2 CM for a particle in a perfectly reflecting box of length 2a between walls. At low quantum number n, this is smaller than the classical value x2 CM=a2 3 of Eq. (4.12). So, for the full well -width expectation value, this implies that not only does the particle spend an equal time on either side of the origin, but that the particle spends more time near the center of the box independent of the length a. This is inconsistent with the results for e ither full or 14 partial range normalization. Since we can make the length a arbitrarily large, this effect is due to quantum mechanical non -locality of the presence of the walls making itself felt near the center of the box because it does not go away with large a. It is noteworthy that non -locality appears in such a fundamental case , as well as for the SHO. This is a violation of Newton's First Law of Motion (NFLM) because the particle must slow down in the region of the origin even though there is a for ce on it only at the walls. The particle cannot both be going at a constant velocity between the walls, slow down near the center, and speed up again as it goes toward the opposite wall even if the walls are arbitrarily long. Therefore in this example, w e have a quantum action on a particle even where there is no force. This is a simpler case than the Aharonov -Bohm [1], Aharonov -Casher [2], and similar effects, has many of the same elements, and may be even more intrinsic to QM. It is noteworthy that un like such effects, it is independent of Planck's constant h; and there are no fields. 5 Quantum And Classical Periods The object of this section is to relate QM phase and beat periods to CM periods. 5.1 Simple Harmonic Oscillator (QM Phase Period) In g eneral a wave packet representing a particle is given by a linear sum of the eigenfunctions for a given Hamiltonian (5.1) because of the linearity of the Schrodinger equation. In particular for the simple harmonic oscilla tor, the energy eigenfunctions yn are given by Eq. (3.8) in terms of the Hermite polynomials. As we shall make a general argument here, it is not necessary to specify the particular eigenfunctions. We can see from Eq. (5.1) that the wave packet will complete N full quantum mechanical phase periods, NtQM, when all the phase factors e-i2pEnt/hare equal. Since [ ]-isin2pEnt/h [ ], this occurs when (5.2) 15 where q is the phase, and N is an integer that may vary as a function of n. To satisfy Eq. (5.2), q is either a constant, or only exceptional values of n may be used for the eigenfunctions that make up the wave packet. In t he more general case q = constant, so we may set q = 0 for convenience. Then, Eq. (5.2) implies (5.3) where we are effectively considering one period with N = 1. Thus from Eq . (5.3), quantum mechanically the phase period for the one - dimensional SHO wave packet is tQM=h En=h n+12 ()w. (5.4) Classically the period is tCM=1 f=2p w. (5.5) Taking the ratio of Eqs. (5.4) and (5.5): tQM tCM=2p n+1 2 ()ww 2p =1 n+1 2 ()n- - 0. (5.6) For n = 1, tQM tCM=2 3, and since the ratio decreases monotonically as n increases, the two phase periods are never equal, and tQM<tCM. 5.2 Free Particle in a Box (QM Phase Period) The QM energy levels peculi arly get further from the CM energy levels, for a free particle in a box. The QM energy dependence is 2
=1 2mh 4a/n 2
=h2 2mn2 16a2 =E1n2. (5.7) Because these energy levels go as n2 they get further apart n+1()2 -n2=2n+1 [ ] as n increases unlike the classi cal continuum, and also unlike position expectation levels. This is also unlike the QM harmonic oscillator and most other potentials. However, it is not clear that this violates the Correspondence Principle if h-0 as n-, since the 16 energy levels are proportional to h2n2. Otherwise energy states get further apart, while the position variance gets closer. This peculiarity warrants a comparison of the classical and quantum periods. Classically th e period for the one -dimensional motion of a particle of velocity v in a box of wall separation 2a is tCM=4a v=4a 2E m 1/2=4am 2E 1/2 . (5.8) Now let us examine the quantum mechanical phase period. From the general argument by which Eq.(5.3) was derived fo r a wave packet: (5.9) Thus from Eqs. (5.2) and (5.3) 1/2
=h E1 4a2E m - 0. (5.10) Note that tQM>tCM for n = 1; tQM=tCMfor n = 2, and thereafter tQM<tCM. Except for the first 2 energy states, this trend is the same as the SHO for the phase tQM. 5.3 Quantum Beat Periods [Beat Period = (Beat Frequency) -1] It is possible that the observable periods and hence the only periods relevant for the Corresponde nce Principle are associated with beats between the phases for adjoining energy states, i.e. tQMb=h/En+1-En( ) in general, rather than the phase period tQM=h/En [cf. eqs. (5.4) and (5.9)] which may or may not be measurable. [This is analogous to the classical difference between phase velocity (which can be superluminal) and subluminal group velocity, where vpvg=c2. The quantum beat frequency wQMb2p=En+1-En( is traditionally observed, e.g. atomic spectra. ] For th e Simple Harmonic Oscillator: tQMb tCM for all n. ( Accord with CM) (5.11) In this case for the Infinite Square Well: 17 tQMb tCM ISW=2n 2n+1n- - 1. (5.12) For n = 1, tCM=1.5tQMb, and yet for the SHO tCM=tQMb [ ]SHO exactly for all n. 6 Findings In This Paper Are Similar to Established Effects Although the Aharonov -Bohm [1] and Aharonov -Casher [2] effects are commonly thought to be explainable only by quantum mechanics (QM). there is also a classical interpretation . Even Berry's geometric phase [4] seems amenable to classical interpretation. It is not the purpose of this section to side with either the quintessential quantum, or classical explanations, but this will be by way of contrast, as the quantum - classical exp ectation value differences presented in this paper are not the result of electric or magnetic fields, or due to phase differences; and appear not to have classical explanations. 6.1 Aharonov -Bohm Effect The question of which is more fundamental, force o r energy is central to the foundations of physics, though it is somewhat rendered void in the Lagrangian or Hamiltonian formulations. In Newtonian classical mechanics (CM), force ( vis motrix in Newton's Principia[14]), and kinetic energy ( vis viva in L eibnitz' Acta erud.[12] ) are two of the foremost concepts. In QM, potential and kinetic energies are the primary concepts, with force hardly playing a role at all. It was not until 1959, some thirty -three years after the advent of QM that Aharonov and B ohm described gedanken electrostatic and magnetostatic cases in which physically measurable effects occur where presumably no forces act [1]. These are now known as the Aharonov -Bohm (A -B) effect. In the magnetic case, an electron beam is sent around b oth sides of a long shielded solenoid or toroid so that the electron paths encounter no magnetic field and hence no magnetic force. Electrons do encounter a magnetic vector potential, which enters into the electron canonical momentum producing a phase shi ft of the electron wave function, and hence QM interference. If the electrons go through a double slit and screen apparatus the shielded magnetic field shifts the interference pattern periodically 18 as a function of h/e in the shielded region, where h is Pl anck's constant and e is the electronic charge (in superconductors because of electron pairing, the magnetic flux quantum is h/2e). This was confirmed experimentally and considered a triumph for QM. The A -B effect appears not to have been seriously ch allenged for forty -one years until 2000 when Boyer [5, 6] argued that the A -B effect can be understood completely classically. First he points out that there has been no real experimental confirmation of the A -B effect. The periodic phase shift of a two -slit interference pattern due to a shielded magnetic field has indeed been confirmed. However, no experiment has shown that there are no forces on the electrons, that the electrons do not accelerate, and that the electrons on the two sides of a solenoid (or toroid) are not relatively displaced. Boyer [8, 9] then goes on to propose a classical mechanism. The electron induces a field in the conductor (shield or electromagnet) and this field acts back on the charged particle producing a force which speed s up the particle as it approaches and then slows the particle as it recedes, so that it time averages to 0. This sequence is reversed on the other side of the magnetic source producing interference. The displaced charge in the shield (or solenoid windin gs) affects the current in the solenoid, and hence the center - of-energy of the solenoid field. 6.2 Aharonov -Casher effect In 1984 Aharonov -Casher [2] (A -C) proposed an analog of the A -B effect in which the elect rons are replaced by neutral magnetic dipol es such as neutrons, and the shielded magnetic flux is replaced by a line charge. They claimed that the neutral magnetic dipole particles undergo a quantum phase shift and show an effect despite experiencing no classical force. The A -C effect has been co nfirmed experimentally, and although it is considered to be solely in the domain of QM, Boyer also proposed a classical interpretation of this effect. In 1987 Boyer [10] argued that neutrons passing a line charge experience a classical electromagnetic f orce in the usual electric -current model for a magnetic dipole. This force will produce a relative lag between dipoles passing on opposite sides of the 19 line charge, with the classical lag leading to a quantum phase shift as calculated by A -C. Boyer went o n to predict that a consequence of his analysis is the breakdown of the interference pattern when the lag becomes comparable to the wave -packet coherence length. In 1991, Mignani [13] showed that the A -C effect is a special case of geometrical phases, i.e . the standard Berry phase and the gauge -invariant Yang phase. 6.3 Berry's Geometric Phase In 1984, the same year as the A -C effect, Berry [4] theoretically discovered that when an evolving quantum system returns to its original state, it has a memory o f its motion in the geometric phase of its wavefunction. There are both quantum and classical examples of Berry's geometric phase (BGP), but as far as I know no one has yet challenged the QM case with a CM explanation. It is noteworthy that in 1992 Aharo nov and Stern [3] did the QM analog of Boyer's [10] CM analysis, in examining BGP in terms of Lorentz -type and electric -type forces to show that BGP is analogous to the A -B effect. 7 Discussion Although Quantum Mechanics (QM) is considered to be a theor y that applies throughout the micro - and macro -cosmos, it has fared badly in the quantum gravity realm as discussed by Rabinowitz [15,16 ], and there is no extant theory after almost a century of effort . In the case of the macroscopic classical realm, it is generally believed that quantum expectation values should correspond to classical results in the limit of large quantum number n, or equivalently in the limit of Planck's constant h-0. Some processes thought to be purely and uniquely in the quantum realm like tunneling, can with proper modeling also exist in the classical realm as shown by Cohn and Rabinowitz [11]. Bohm has long contended that classical mechanics is not a special case of quantum mechanics [5, 6 ]. As shown by the anal ysis of the free particle in a box, and of the harmonic oscillator, the present paper makes an even stronger statement that the predictions of both Newton's First and Second Laws are violated in the quantum realm. So quantum mechanics is incompatible with them in that domain despite the fact that 20 Newton's Second Law can be derived by QM [18]. Bohr's Correspondence Principle [7] formulated in 1928 argues that QM yields CM as the quantum number n-, though the energy levels for a particl e in a box do not do so as shown in Sec. 5.2. We can gain a new insight as to why no radiation is emitted in the ground state. From the perspective of beat frequencies, no radiation is emitted in the ground state because the wave function cannot represen t observable oscillatory motion as there can be no difference in phase frequencies i.e. no beat frequency. This may be less tautological than saying no radiation is emitted in the ground state because there is no lower state to go to. 8 Conclusion The harmonic oscillator potential is archetypal in QM for blackbody radiation, specific heat of solids, etc.; and as an approximation to more difficult potentials, as a second order approximation to a Taylor series expansion near a stable equilibrium point. It is remarkable that the SHO is exactly solvable in all realms from CM to QM to quantum field theory. Thus it is a noteworthy accord in finding that x2 CM=x2 QMand tQMb=tCM (beat periods) exactly for the harmonic oscillator for all quantum numbers[17]; and probably for no other well. This occurs despite the fact that there is significant penetration of the wave function into the classically forbidden region. Despite these accords, the QM SHO exhibits non -locality, as does the F PB and all other potential wells. Because of non -locality, the QM results contradict the very Hamiltonian from which they come, and a particle's velocity in an infinite square well varies, no matter how wide the box, nor how far the particle is from the w alls (for negligible wall effects). If a particle's velocity, v, is constant, then its position probability distribution is obliged to be constant by isotropy and symmetry. If a particle's probability distribution is not constant, then its velocity is no t constant since if A=B, then notB=notA. For a constant v, the Uncertainty Principle implies an indefinite position, but not a non - uniform position probability inside the well as this would violate isotropy and 21 symmetry. It is not like a sound wave that must have nodes at a wall because the medium is clamped there. It is not like an electromagnetic field that is clamped at a conductor. The lack of uniformity implies that what we call the vacuum is a non -empty medium. For well -width expectation values , the free particle in a box and the simple harmonic oscillator (SHO) are examined in detail to uncover classical and quantum disparities. Except for these simple cases, quantum mechanical solutions are exceedingly difficul t and turbid. The results indicate that such discrepancies may be expected to be found commonly for a wide range of quantum phenomena. Quantum mechanics gives the illusion of obeying Newton's laws in the quantum realm because it starts with a Hamiltonia n that incorporates Newton's law, and because QM can derive Newton's law (since it was formulated to do so). As shown in this paper, QM is incompatible with Newton's 1 st and 2 nd laws in the quantum domain, and this incompatibility appears to extend into t he classical limit. Significant differences were found in this analysis for QM and CM expectation values. Since expectation values are supposed to correspond to possible classical measurements, one may be optimistic that these findings are amenable to ex perimental test. We should never underestimate the ingenuity of and the use of femtosecond lasers. There is the dilemma that the infinite well successive quantum energy levels get significantly further apart since - , in contrast to the classical continuum; as well as a significant difference in periods. For n = 1, tCM=1.5tQMb, and yet for the SHO tCM=tQMb [ ]SHO exactly for all n. This paper raises a question regarding the universality of QM, an d whether apparent quantum self -inconsistency may be examined internally, or must be empirically ascertained. If there is an inherent lack of internal verifiability, this may either point to inconsistencies in quantum mechanics that should be fixed, or th at nature is manifestly more non -classical than one would judge from the Hamiltonian used to obtain quantum solutions. The answer is not obvious. 22 Acknowledgment I wish to thank David Finkelstein, Art Cohn and Frank Rahn for helpful discussions; Bri an Woodahl for checking some of the equations, and Michael Ibison for his interest. References 1. Aharonov, Y. and Bohm D., Phys. Rev 115, 485 (1959). 2. Aharonov, Y., A. Casher, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53, 319 (1984). 3. Aharonov, Y. and Stern A., Physical R eview Lett . 69, 3593 (1992). 4. Berry, M.V., Proc. Royal Soc. London A 392 , 45 (1984). 5. Bohm, D., Physical Review 85, 166 (1952) . 6. Bohm, D. Physical Review 85, 180 (1952) . 7. Bohr, N., Nature 121, 580 (1928). 8. Boyer, T. H., Foundations of Physics , 30, 893 (2000). 9. Boyer, T. H., Foundations of Physics 30, 907 (2000). 10. Boyer, T. H., Phys. Rev. A 36 , 5083 (1987). 11. Cohn, A., Rabinowitz, M., Intl. J. Theo. Phys . 29, 215 (1990). 12. Leibnitz, G. W., Bestimmung derjenigen physikalischen Grosse (d. i. Vis Viva) Akademie -Ausgabe, Bd. III, 5 Apr. (1691) 13. Mignani, R., J. Phys. A: Math. Gen . 24, L421 (1991). 14. Newton, I., Principia : Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (and His System of the World) , (1686) . Reprinted by Univ. of CA Press (1962). 15. Rabinowitz, M., Concepts of Physics III, 323.(2006) 16. Rabinowitz,M. Int'l. Jour. of Theo. Phys .(2007) 46,1403. /physics/0608193 17. Rabinowitz,M., Int'l. Jour. of Theo. Phys .(2008) 47,936 /0705.4455 , and /0707.1152 18. Schiff, L. I., Quantum Mechanics McGraw -Hill Book Company, New York (1949). | 0804.3373 | Dr. Mario Rabinowitz | Mario Rabinowitz | Quantum and Classical Disparity and Accord | To be Published in International Journal of Theoretical Physics.
Published on line by IJTP 23 Sept.2008: Original at
http://www.springerlink.com | International Journal of Theoretical Physics 48 #3 pp 706 to 722
(2009) | 10.1007/s10773-008-9847-2 | null | physics.gen-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Discrepancies and accords between quantum (QM) and classical mechanics (CM)
related to expectation values and periods are found for both the simple
harmonic oscillator (SHO) and a free particle in a box (FPB), which may apply
generally. These indicate non-locality is expected throughout QM. The FPB
energy states violate the Correspondence Principle. Previously unexpected
accords are found and proven that the classical and quantum expectation values
are the same for the expectation value of the second moment and the beat period
(i.e. beats between the phases for adjoining energy states) for the SHO for all
quantum numbers, n. However, for the FPB the beat periods differ significantly
at small n. It is shown that a particle's velocity in an infinite square well
varies, no matter how wide the box, nor how far the particle is from the walls.
The quantum free particle variances share an indirect commonality with the
Aharonov-Bohm and Aharonov-Casher effects in that there is a quantum action in
the absence of a force. The concept of an "Expectation Value over a Partial
Well Width" is introduced. This paper raises the question as to whether these
inconsistencies are undetectable, or can be empirically ascertained. These
inherent variances may need to be fixed, or nature is manifestly more
non-classical than expected.
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1.2 Random graphs and invariant measures on the set of the uni- versal graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 How uncountable universal graphs can help toward countable ones: double randomization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.4 About this paper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 Theme and variation on universal graphs 7 2.1 Countable graphs: the criterion of universality . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2 Universal measurable graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.3 Topologically universal graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3 Construction of continuous homogeneous graphs 13 4 Classification and the complete list of invariant measures on the set of universal graphs 18 4.1 Classification of invariant measures obtained by randomiza- tion in vertices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.2 anddescription ofthelist ofallinvari- ant measures on the universal homogeneous ( Ks-free graphs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.2.1 The list of all invariant measures for the case of uni- versal homogeneous graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.2.2 The list of measures for Ks-freeuniversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5 Some problems and comments 23 1 Introduction: problem and results 1.1 Universal graphs Fix a countable set Vand consider the set GVof all graphs loops and multiple edges) with Vas the set of vertices. Equip GV with the weak topology (the base of the weak topology is formed by t he collections of sets of graphs that have a given induced graph struc ture on a given finite set of vertices). The weak topology allows us to define th e notion of Borel sets and Borel s-field on GV, and to consider Borel on GV. It is convenient to take the set of positive integers NasV. 2We can identify a graph G with its adjacency matrix AG: an entry ei,j, i,jN, ofAGis equal to1 or 0 if ( i,j)is anedge ornot anedge, the space GNof graphs can be identified with the space MSym N(0;1) of all infinite symmetric zero-one matrices with zeros on the principal d with the usual weak topology on the space of matrices. The infinite symmetric group SNof all permutations of the set Nacts naturally on the space of graphs GN. Each orbit of SNis a class of and the stabilizer of a given graph, as a subgroup of SN, is the group of all automorphisms of this graph. The action of SNis continuous with respect to the weak topology on GN, and to the weak topology on the group SNitself. In terms of the space of matrices MSym N(0;1), this action obviously means a simultaneous permutation of the rows and columns of the ad The action naturally extends to an action on Borel measu res on the spaces of graphs and matrices. We will consider subsets of GNthat are invariant under the action of SN, andinvariant Borel probability measures on such sets. Of most interest are subsets of GNon which the group SNacts transitively; namely, an for our purposes is the family of universal graphs in a cat egory a small category Cwhose objects are finite or countable graphs (thesets ofvertices ofthese graphsaresubsets of N) thatcontains a This means that there is an object of C, a countable graph G, that satisfies the following properties: 1) G contains any finite graph of the category Cas a subobject (up the group of all isomorphisms of G acts transitively on the set of is o- morphic finite subgraphs of G. Such graphs are called homogeneous universal graphs of the cate gory C. Hereafter we just call them universal, without explicit mentionin g ho- mogeneity. Fra iss' e's theory (see, e.g., [9]) gives transparent ne cessary and sufficient conditions for the description of categories that have a u niversal graph. We may assume that the sets of vertices of all universal gr aphs in all these categories coincide with the whole set N, so we can identify graphs with their adjacency matrices from MSym N(0,1), and the set of universal graphs is an orbit of the action of the group SN.By a random graph in a given cat- egory we mean a SN-invariant Borel probability measure on the set of graphs that is concentrated on the set of universal graphs of this ca tegory. 3Here we restrict ourselves to the following category: Cs,s >2, is the category of all finite or countable graphs that contain no is a complete graph with svertices, s >2). Also denote by Cthe category of all finite or countable graphs. It is well known that Fra iss' e's axioms are valid in these cases, and there are universal graphs in all A corollary of the existence of universal graphs asse rts that all universal graphs are mutually isomorphic, so a universal graph is un ique up to isomorphism; consequently, the set of all universal graphs is an orbit of the group SN. We describe the set of invariant measures on these orbits. 1.2 Random graphs and invariant measures on the set of the universal graphs We consider a random Ks-free graph, which is the same as a on the set of universal Ks-free graphs. The existence of a SN- invariant measure on the set of ordinary universal graphs (the ca tegoryC) is well known: this is the Erd os-R' enyi [7] random graph. In our te rms, the examples of Erd os and R' enyi are the Bernoulli measures on t he of adjacency matrices with the distribution ( p,1-p), 0< p <1, for each entry. Note that for p= 1/2 this Bernoulli measure is the weak limit of the uniform measures onthe sets of finite graphs with nvertices as ntends to infinity. We will see that there are many other SN-invariant measures on the set of universal graphs. As to the categories Cs,s >2, no invariant measures (or no random graphs) were known at all. For the case s= 3, it was known that the weak limit of the uniform measures on the set of finite triangle-free g as ntends to infinity is not a measure on the set of rsal This follows from the results of [6, 11] on asymptotic estima tions of the number of odd cycles in typical triangle-free graphs1. This means that the uniform measure, as an approximation tool, is too rough for obt aining the desired measure. Nevertheless we proved that there exist uncountably many invariant ergodic measures on the set of Ks-free graphs for s >2. Note the paradoxical fact that, in spite of the transitivity of the a ction of the group SVon the set of universal graphs, there exist uncountably many different (pairwise singular) SN-invariant ergodic measures; this is a new 1We are grateful to Professor G. Cherlin for the references to th ese of Kolmogorov's effect, see details in [18]. Remark that our construction of the universal continuous graph for the cases= 2,3 isshift invariant which means that there is a transitive action of a group Ron the set of vertices (which is R) of the continuous graph. For the countable universal graph the existence of the transitive act ion of the groupZon the set of vertices is trivial; for the case of triangle free univers al graph it was proved by C. Henson [8]; who also had proved nonexisten ce of such action for s >3.2We also mentioned that fact for continuous case. 1.3 How uncountable universal graphs can help toward countable ones: double constructing SV-invariant measures on the space of universal graphs, we will use a very natural general method of constructing invariant m easures on the set of infinite matrices. It looks like the Monte-Carlo or rando miza- tion method. Specifically, we take a continuous graph , that is, a standard measure space ( X,m), regarded as the set of vertices, and a subset EX2, regarded as the set of edges, and then choose vertices (points o fX) at ran- dom, independently, with distribution m; the induced countable subgraph is our random graph. If we want to obtain an invariant measure on th e set of universal ( Ks-free universal, etc.) graphs, we must use (and first de- fine!) a universal (respectively, Ks-free universal, etc.) continuous graph. Thus our examples of invariant measures on the space of unive rsal graphs come from randomization in vertices of universal continu ous that the notion of a universal continuous graph is perhaps of interest in itself in the theory of models and continuous combinat orics. It looks similar to the universal Urysohn space if we compare it with th e countable universal metric space. We will consider this analogy in a se method of the randomization of the vertices does not give all inv ari- ant measures on the set of universal graphs (or on the set of all c Even Erdos-Renji example of random graph is not of tha t type. In order to describe all invariant measures on the set of universal graphs 2We are grateful to the reviewer who pointed out to this paper. 3Note that our notion of universality of continuous graphs is not a ca tegorical univer- sality and generalmustbe veryuseful in v optimal control, etc. 5as well as invariant measures on the other sets of the countable gr aphs, we must generalize this method and use another kind of randomization, in edges . In this paper we shortly describe this on the notion of generalized graph and on the important theorem due to D. Aldous [1], which describes in some sense all SN-invariant measures on the space of the infinite matrices. In particulary we apply this const ruction for the universal graphs. It gives the list of all SN-invariant ergodic measures on the set of universal or Ks-universal graphs. Remark that in order to prove that our constructions exhaust th e list of all invariant measures on the set of universal ( Ks-free universal) graphs we use the important theorem due to D. Aldous [1] about invariant meas ures on the space of matrices. We formulate that theorem in a suitable ve rsion, which will be considered with a new proof of it by the second author in t See also [16]), where these problems arelinked to th eproblem of classification of measurable functions of the several variables. Thus our scheme looks like the following transitions: universal Borel graphwith measures -topologically universal graph( -homogeneous the set of countable universal graphs -randomization in edges -the list of all invariant measures on the set of countable universal ( Ks-free In brief, our description of invariant measures reduces t o the choice of a deterministic continuous graph, then to randomization of its ve rtices (randomly choosing some vertices), and then to randomization of e dges. The method of this paper does not help to solve the problem due to Prof. G. Cherlin about existence of the finite triangle free almost universal graph. The reason is that it is difficult to extract from our construc tions the implicit type of finite dimensional approximations of the construc structions of random countable objects can be applied in many situations. 1.4 About this paper. Let usgive a short description of thecontents ofthepaper. Inth e second sec- tion we consider the notions of continuous graphs and universal co ntinuous graphs of various types using a generalization of the criterion of un iversality. We give two kinds of definitions: for measurable (Borel) graphs and t opolog- 5The homogeneity is used for the ordinary and triangle-free cases o nly. 6ical graphs; the latter ones are more convenient for our goals. Se ction 3 is devoted to a particular construction of topologically universal ( Ks-free uni- versal) graphs. We define even a shift-invariant graph structure withRas the set of vertices for the ordinary and triangle-free cases. This gives the existence of nontrivial SN-invariant measures on the set of universal graphs. The main part of the Section 4 has deal with the general construct ions of the invariant measures not only for universal graphs. We give the class ification of measures obtained in terms of the randomization in edges in the sp irit of paper[16]. s cheme of the double randomization of the universal continuous graphs (in ve rtices and edges). This istightly connected with thementioned aboveAldous's t heorem about the list of all SN-invariant measures on the 0 -1 matrices. This gives a list of all such invariant measures for universal and Ks-free (s >2) univer- sal graphs. Some problems and comments are collected in the last se ction. One of the main practical problems is to find directly the finite-dimens of our measures on the set of universal graphs, or, more specifi- cally, to describe the approximation of random universal graphs in o ur sense in terms of random finite T. Tao informed the second author that the idea of usin g con- tinuous graphs has already appeared in the recent papers by L. Lo vasz and his coauthors [12, 13], where an analog of a continuous weighted gra ph was defined. In [5], this notion was also associated with Aldous' theorem. Our goals and constructions are different from those constructions: we continuous graphs . The authors are grateful to Professors N. Alon, G. Cherlin and T. Tao for important references, the reviewer of the paper for very us eful comments and to Prof. N. Tsilevich for her help with preparing the final version of the paper and useful criticism. 2 Theme and variation on universal graphs 2.1 Countable graphs: the criterion of that the universality of a countable graph G uis equivalent to the following two conditions: (i) any finite graph gcan be isomorphically embedded into G u; (ii) for any two isomorphic finite induced subgraphs g1,g2of Gu, any 7isomorphism between them can be extended to an isomorphism of the whole graph G u. It is easy to prove that the following well-known criterion is equivalent to (i)&(ii) (see, e.g., [3]): (iii) for any two disjoint finite subgraphs g1Gu(call it black) and g2Gu(call it white) there exists a vertex vGuthat is joined with the white vertices and is not joined with the black ones. Now we will give an analog of this condition for the case of graphs. Theorem 1. 1.A countable triangle-free graph Gis a universal if and only if the following condition is any two disjoint finite subgraphs g1Gu(call it black) and g2Gu(call it white), where the white subgraph has no edges, the re exists a vertex vGuthat is joined with all white vertices and is not joined with the black vertices. 2.Fors >2, a countable Ks-free graph Gis a universal Ks-free graph if and only if the following condition is any two disjoint finite subgraphs g1Gu(call it black) and g2Gu(call it white), where the white subgraph is Ks-1-free, there exists a vertex vGuthat is joined with all white vertices and is not joined with the black vertices. Of course, the first part of the theorem is a special case of the se cond one, and in what follows we will consider the triangle-free case as a special case of Ks-free graphs with s= 3. The proof of the theorem is a simple modification of the proof of the previous theorem. 2.2 Universal measurable graphs Now we give the definition of Borel (measurable), topologically univer sal, and topologically universal Ks-free graphs for s >2. But first of all we will give the definition of continuous graphs themselves. Our definitions of these notions are not of the greatest possible generality, but they are a ppropriate for our goals. Recall that a standard (uncountable) Borel space Xis a space with a fixeds-field of subsets that is Borel isomorphic to the interval [0 ,1] equipped with the s-field of Borel 1. A Borel (undirected) graph is a pair (X,E)whereXis a standard Borel space and EXxXis a symmetric Borel subset in XxX that is disjoint from the diagonal {(x,x),xX}. We will denote Ex={yX: Note a finite or countable sequence in X, then it can be regarded as an ordinary finite or countable subgraph of ( X,B) with the induced graph structure. We say that a Borel graph is Note that universal countable graphs are pure. The following definition is more useful for us. Definition 2. A measurable (Borel) graph is a triple a standard Lebesgue space with a continuous probability m pair(X,m)is isomorphic in the sense to the interva l [0,1]equipped with the Lebesgue measure) and EXxXis a set of positive measurable graph is called pureif the measurable map sigma algebra of mod0-classes of measurable sets is injective 3. A universal (respectively, Ks-free universal) measurable graph is a pure measurable graph (X,m,E)that satisfies the following property: for almost all sequences {xk}
k=1Xwith respect to the Bernoulli measure m in the space X, the induced countable graph on the set of vertices {xk}is a universal countable graph (respectively, a Ks-free universal countable graph).7 The definition above is indirect, but it is not difficult to formulate which is equivalent to the 2. 1.The pure measurable graph (X,m,E)is universal in the above sense iff for almost any two disjoint finite sets {x1,...,x n} Xand
{y1,...,y m} Xthem-measures of the following speaking, we must consider the class of sets that are equa l toEup to a set of zero measure; consequently, we define a class of (mod0)-coincidin g graphs. 7It is more correct to call such graphs countably universal, becaus e the condition deals only with countable subsets of X. 9are positive; 2.The pure measurable graph (X,m,E)isKs-free universal iff there are almost no s-tuples in Xfor which the induced (by the set E) graph is aKs-graph; and for any positive integers k,tand for almost any two k},{y1,...,y t} Xsuch that the induced graph the m-measure of the following intersection is 3this gives the definition of a triangle-free topologically u proof of the equivalence consists in direct application of the erg odic theorem (or even individual law of large numbers) to the indicators o f inter- sections defined above. A direct corollary of our definition is the following theorem which will be used in what follows. Theorem 3 (Construction of invariant measures) .Let(X,m,E)be a uni- versal (respectively, Ks-free universal) measurable graph. Consider the the ={ei,j}, e i,j=khE(xi,xj), i,jN, wherekhEis the characteristic function of the set EXxX. Denote by F*the map defined on the space of Borel measures on Xby the if ais a Borel measure on X, then[F*(a)](C) Then the measure F*(m)u{X,m,E}is an on the set of universal (respectively, Ks-free universal) from the fact that the Bernoulli measure following formula gives the implicit expression of the measure of cylindric sets (it does not use the condition of universality). Suppos 1...nis (0-1)-matrix of order n, andCAis a cylindric set of all infinite (0 -1)-matrices, which has the matrix Aas submatrix on the NW-corner. Then the value of the measure u{X,m,E}uon the cylinder CA is u(CA) =mn{(x1,x2...xn) : (xi,xj)E; ifai,j= 1; (xk,xr)/Eifak,r= the given criterion of the universality is difficult to check for measurable graphs, we will use topological version of universality wh ich is much more convenient. 2.3 Topologically universal graphs As we have mentioned, it is not easy to check that a given measurable graph (X,m,E) is a universal measurable graph. For this reason, we will give a more restrictive definition of topological universality , whose conditions are easier to check. Let us define a topologically universal graph. For simplicity, we assum e thatXis a Polish (= metric separable complete) space, but this is a set YX, denote its complement by Y'=XYand its closure by-Y. Atopological graph (undirected, without loops) is a pair (X,E)where Xis a Polish space and EXxXis a closed subset that has a and an empty intersection with the We say that a topological graph is pure if 4. 1.A pure topological graph (X,E)is called topologically uni- versal if the set Esatisfies the following property: (U)For any two disjoint finite sets {x1,...,x n} Xand{y1,...,y m} X, the a nonempty interior. 8Our definition allows vertices to have uncountably many neighbors. T here are many other definitions of topological graphs and topological graphs with weights; one of them uses the notion of a polymorphism or Markov topological graph (X,E)is called topologically Ks-free universal if (Um)there are no m-tuples in Xfor which the induced (by the set E) graph is a Ks-graph (a complete m-graph); and for any positive integers k,t and any two finite subsets x={x1,...,x k},{y1,...,y t} Xsuch that the induced graph on xhas the a nonempty interior in X. Fors= 3this gives the definition of a triangle-free topologically u is worth mentioning that a topologically universal graph is not a un i- versal topological graph in the sense of the category of topolog ical graphs; our definition is more flexible. As in the case of measurable graphs, it is more correct to call it a countably universal topological graph. Recall that a Borel measure on a Polish space is called nondegenerat e if it is positive on all nonempty open sets. Theorem 4. Let(X,E)be a topologically universal graph (respectively, a topologically universal Ks-free graph, s >2); then for every probability measure mon the space X, the triple (X,E,m)is a univer- sal measurable (respectively, universal measurable Ks-free) graph in the sense of the definition of Section a nondegenerate measure on X. We must check that the property ( iii) (respectively, ( iiiM)) from Section 2.1 is valid for almost all (with respect to the Bernoulli measure m) sequences {xk}. First of all, almost all sequences {xk}are everywhere dense in the separable metric space X. Consequently, every such sequence {xk}contains points from any open set inX. Since all the sets i,jE...E' ..., described in Definition 4, have a nonempty interior, the proof is done. The measurable graph is pure since the topologically universal graph is pure. Using this theorem, we immediately obtain the following corollary, which shows how to produce required measures on the set of universal g raphs. Corollary 1. For every nondegenerate measure mon a topologically univer- sal (respectively, triangle free, Ks-free) graph (X,E), the measure u{X,m,E}
is aSN-invariant measure on the set of universal (respectively, u universal Ks-free) countable ersal Ks-free graphs is proved in the next section. The reason why we introduce, in addition to the notion of a measurab le universal graph, the notion of a topologically universal graph is tha t it is difficult to formulate a analog of the property t hat the interiors of the sets E(x,y) are nonempty, or equivalent properties, which are important for extending a countable graph structure to a con tinuous one. But there are no doubts that this notion is useful in itself. Remark 1. All previous definitions can be written in a more rigid form if we use the invariance with respect to an action of a group on the set of vertices of the graph. Let Gbe a group, and let the set of vertices Xbe aG-space; we can repeat our definitions of continuous and universal graphs f or aG- invariant graph structure. For example, let X=G, and let the set of edges EGxGbe leftG-invariant: E={(g,h) :g-1hZ}, graph structures (Cayley objects in the termino logy of [3]) were considered in [3, 4, 19]. 3 Construction of continuous Ks-free graphs. According to the previous results, our construct ion gives examples of invariant measures on the space of universal gra phs. As we will see, there are many such constructions which produce uncoun tably invariant measures. We choose the simplest example, namely, consider the additive group X=Ras the set of vertices of a and define an appropriate set of edges (a subset of R2). Moreover, for the case of ordinary universal graphs and triangle-free graphs, we suggest a graph structure that is shift-invariant : E={(x,y) :|x-y| Z} R2, where the set Z(0,+) will be constructed by induction. This means that the additive group Racts by the automorphisms transitively on the set of vertices. We will prove the following main 5. 1.There is a topologically universal graph (respectively, to po- logically universal triangle-free graph) with the additiv e groupRas the set of vertices and a shift-invariant graph is a topologically universal Ks-free graph (for s >3) with the additive group Ras the set of vertices. There is no universal Ks-free graph fors >3with a shift-invariant graph We will begin with the construction of a countable universal) graph with the additive group of rational numbers Qas the set of vertices and a shift-invariant graph structure. Aft er that we extend the construction onto R. We choose X=Qas the set of vertices and construct a set ZQthat will be the subset of vertices joined by edges with zero 0Q. Thus (x,y) is an edge of our graph if and only if |x-y| We construct Z as the union of disjoint nondegenerate intervals of Qwith rational endpoints such that any bounded set MRcontains only finitely many such intervals. The required shift-invariant structure of a continuous universal graph on Rwill appear if -Z, the closure of Z, is the set of vertices xRthat are joined by edges with 0Q. In a sense, it is a completion of that universal (triangle-free universal) rational graph. It is easy to reformulate the conditions of universality in terms of th e set ZR+using the a universal graph, we obtain the following condition. (U) For every pair of disjoint finite sets of rational numbers {x1,...,x k},
{y1,...,y t}there exists a rational number csuch that |c-xi| 1,2,...,t. For a universal triangle-free graph, the condition on the set Zis (a) The sum-free condition : The equation x+y=zhas no solutions with x,y,z-Z(this is a corollary of the triangle-free condition for graphs). (b) for every pair of disjoint finite sets of rational numbers {x1,...,x k},
{y1,...,y t}such that |xi-xj|/-Z, 1<=i < j<=k, there exists a that |c-xi| Z,i= 1,2,...,t. In both cases, our construction will satisfy a stronger condition, which is necessary for our purposes: there exists an interval ( c1,c2) of points c satisfying the above property. 14The construction of the set Zis inductive and based on the enumeration of arrays of points from Q. We will use the simplest method of both for ordinary and triangle-free graphs. Chooseg, a pair of finite sets of disjoint intervals; the first the pair will be called white, and the second be called black; all the closures of these k+lintervals are We will call such a pair ga pattern. In the triangle free case require that the closure of white part of the pattern is sum-free ( i.e. consider only such patterns). There are countably many patterns, so we c an label all patterns with positive integers g1,g2,.... Note that for every pair - x=
(x1,...,x p), -y= (y1,...,y q) of disjoint finite subsets of Q, there exists a pattern whose white part contains the set - xand black part contains the set -y. For each pattern gnwe will define by induction a set Zn, the union of finitely many intervals with rational endpoints, such that for all zZn, uZn+1we have z < u(the monotonicity condition). Then Zwill be the union of these Zn:Z=nZn. As the induction base we can take an arbitrary pattern, or even em pty set. Now we will consider two cases. 1) Construction of a universal continuous graph. Assume thatwe have already constructed sets Z1,...,Z n-1, each ofwhich is the union of closed disjoint intervals and satisfies the monotonicity condi- tion above. Assume also that the condition ( U) is satisfied for all patterns with numbers less than n-1. More exactly, if a set - x= (x1,...,x k) be- longs to the white part of a pattern with number less than n-1 and a set -y= (y1,...,y t) belongs to the black part of this pattern, then there exists an open interval CQsuch that |c-xi| n-1 1Zifor ev- erycC. Consider the next pattern define a set Znas follows. Find such a large cthat c It is clear that for small enough e all points that belong to a sufficiently small neighborhood of care joined by edges with the white part of gnand are not joined with the black part of gn, because the shifted segments [ c-a' i,c-ai] and [c-b' j,c-bj]i= 1,...,k, j= 1,...,s, are disjoint, and so their small neighborhoods are disjoint as well. This completes the construction of the set Z=nZn. Now let us check that the graph with the set of vertices Qand the edges {(x,y) :|x-y| Z}
is a universal countable graph. It suffices to mention that for ever y pair -x= (x1,...,x l), -y= (y1,...,y p) of finite sets from Qthere exists a pattern whose white part contains - xand black part contains - y. Finally, consider the closure-Zof the set ZinR. We must prove that the graph with Ras the set of vertices and {(x,y) :x,yR,|x-y| -Z}as the set of edges is a universal graph. Choose a pair - x= (x1,...,x l), -y= (y1,...,y p) of finite sets from R and find a pattern gwhose white part contains - xand black part contains - y. The shift-invariance of the graph structure follows from the cons truction. 2) In the case of a triangle-free graph we have only one additional r e- mark to our construction. As we have mentioned, the graph define d in the induction base contains no triangles; and, by the induction hypothe sis, no triangles appear when we define the sets Zi,i < n. Let us check that no triangles appear when we define the set Zn. Recall that we must consider only the white part of the pattern, because the point cis not joined by edges with the black part. But the slightly enlarged white part has no edges by hypothesis, so the new edges do not produce triangles. As before , the exten- sion of the graph structure onto Ris defined by the closure -Zof the set Z; since we have chosen a sufficiently small open neighborhood of the po intc, the continuous graph inherits the absence of triangles. 2. Now consider the case of a Ks-free universal countable graph for s >
3. The existence of a universal countable graph is a corollary of Fra iss' e's axioms (one needs to check only the amalgamation axiom, see [9]). But even in the countable case for s >3 there is no universal structure. More exactly, for a Ks-free universal graph there is no transitive action preserving graph-structure of the group Zon its the case s= 4. Assume that a shift-invariant universal K4-free graph on the group Zdoes exist. Let (0 ,a) be an edge. Choose bsuch that (b,0) is an edge, but ( b,a) and (b,-a) are not (this is possible by Then (0 ,a+b) is not an edge (as well as ( b,-a)), and hence the quadruple (0 ,a,b,a+b) does not contain triangles (it is a diagonals). Hence, again by the universality, there exists xjoined 16with all points 0 ,a,b,a+b. Then it is easy to check that the set (0 ,a,x,x-b) is a 4-clique. We obtain a contradiction. In the case s >4 a be obtained in a similar way, just start not from the edge (0 ,a), but from some ( s-2)-clique. The same claim is still true if we replace the group Zwith an group. But the problem of constructing a universal continuous Ks-free graph for s >3 without the requirement of shift-invariance is very easy. Let the set of vertices be R. Again we define a pattern as a set of with rational endpoints colored black and white. Let us enu merate all patterns as above. We will construct by induction a symmetric clo sed setZRxRwith a nonempty interior, which will be the set of edges of our graph. As the induction base, we can choose Z1to be some 0< a. At the nth step we consider the nth pattern gand fix the restriction of the set n-1 i=1Zito the subgraph induced by the large segment [ -Mk,Mk], whereMn= we check whether there are cliques of size n-1 with white vertices of gn. If there are such cliques, we replace nbyn+ 1. If there are no such cliques, we add to the set n-1 i=1Zithe set [Mn+ for the white part of gn) and then symmetrize it in RxR. It is easy to check that after considering all patterns we get a topologically u niversal Ks-free graph. We have proved that required topological and measurable universa l graphs do exist, and this gives us examples of s on the space of adjacency matrices. The question which was posed in the first version of this paper wheth er for the compact group instead or Rhas an easy negative answer as the reviewer of the paper had mentioned. Note that the concrete examples of SN-invariant measures on the set of universal countable graphs that we have obtained here are new an d different from the Erd os-R' enyi examples. For the construction we use T heorems 3 and 4: Let dm(t) the standard Gaussian measure on Randx1,...,x n,...be a sequence of 17independent random variables each of which is distributed according to this Gaussian measure. Let E {(t,s) :|t-s| Z} R2where the set Zwas defined in the proof of Theorem 4. Then the random graphs. In other words, the distribution of these random m atrices is aSN-invariant measure concentrated on the universal (triangle-fre e) graphs. Of course, for the case of Ks-free graphs we also can choose the Instead of a Gaussian measure we can take any non-deg enerate measure. The choice of the set Z(E) is not unique, as follows from Classification and the complete list of in- variant measures on the set of we have seen (Corollary 1), each measurable universal graph ( X,m,E) produces an invariant measure on the set of universal countable g raphs. Two questions arise: 1)When dotwo triples( X,m,E) produce the same SN-invariant measures set of universal graphs? Remark, that the list of invariant measures on the set of universal count- able graphs that are of type u{X,m,E}for some measurable universal isnotcomplete. Forexample, itdoes not contain the Erd' os-R' enyi measure. The second question is t he following: 2)How to describe the complete list of SN-invariant measures on the set of universal graphs? We will give the answers to both questions. 4.1 Classification of invariant measures obtained by randomization in vertices The answer to the first question follows from a classification theore m of [16], which claims that two puremeasurable symmetric functions of two andf'(x',y') are isomorphic ( =there exists a such that f'(Tx,Ty) =f(x,y)) if and only if their matrix distributions coincide. Recall that a pure symmetric fun ction f(*,*) of two variables is a function for which the partition defined by the formula ( x~x1=f(x,y) =f(x1,y) for almost all y) is the partition into separate points. This property is true for a universal measurable graph. In our cas e, the matrix distribution in the sense of [16] is just the measure 6. Two measurable universal graphs the same measure if and only if they are isomorphic in the following sense: there exists a map T: the set the measure u{X,m,E}is a complete isomorphism invariant of mea- surable universal graphs. From this fact we immediately obtain that our construction gives uncountably many different invariant measures on the set of universal countable graphs, because even for a given topologic ally uni- versal graph ( X,E) we can vary the measure min such a way that the measurable universal graphs ( X,m,E) are mutually non-isomorphic for un- countably many measures m. It suffices to consider X= [0,1] with the Lebesgue measure m; then we can take uncountably many symmetric sets EX2so that the measurable functions x/masto-m(Ex) for different choices of Ehave nonequal distributions as measures on [0 ,1]; these distributions are isomorphism invariants of the set E. 4.2 Randomization in edges and description of the list of all invariant measures on the universal homoge- neous (Ks-free universal homogeneous) graphs. In order to obtain a description of the random countable universal or in other words invariant ergodic measure on t he set of all countable universal ( graphs), we had considered the continuous universal graph and then chose by random the vertice s of the countable graph. As we already have mentioned it is impossible to obta in the list of all possible invariant measures on the set of universal gra phs with 19this procedure --this only, but another source of the randomness is randomness in the edges, which allow to obtain w hole list of invariant measures on the set of universal countable graphs . Below we explain what does this mean. But for Ks-free universal graphs we do not need the randomization in edges. We see below that it is enough to in vertices only. Instead of the measurable graph ( X,m,E) we consider more general isthe triple the standard measure space with continuous normalized me a- sure (Lebesgue space) and ois any symmetric measurable function on values 2. In the case the function otakes value {0;1}- (we will call this case -deterministic in edges) the subset E={(x,y) :o(x,y) = 1}gives the definition of the measurable graph (X,m,E)in the sense of paragraph 2 The interpretation of the value of the function oat the point ( x,y) is a probability that ( x,y) is the edge of the continuous generalized The list of all invariant measures for the case of unive rsal homogeneous .This is two-step randomization. Suppose we have contin- uous generalized graph (X,m,o); it produces a measure on the space of all countable graphs (or produces a random graph) as follows: 1.we choose the set of vertices {xk}
k=1as a sequence of independent ran- dom points from Xwith respect to measure m(randomization in each chosen pairs of the vertices (xi,xj)we define whether this pair is edge or not in our random graph independently (over al l i,j) any generalized graph ( X,m,o) this construction gives the measure, on the space of countable graphs which we denote as M(X,m,o); will say that this measure is generated by generalized continuous graph ( X,m,o). So, we have the map from the set of the generalized graphs to the s et of measures on the space of countable graphs (or its adjacent matr ices). This double randomization can be considered as randomization of -- first step, and consequent realization of those prob abilities 20-- the second step. Such tool is typical for the theory of the rand om walk in random environment. Let us give the precise formula for the measure M(X,m,o) of the cylin- dric sets. Suppose A={ai,j},i,j= 1...nis (0-1)-matrix of order n, andCAis a cylindric set of all infinite (0 -1)-matrices, which has the ma- trixAas submatrix on the NW-corner. Then the value of the the cylinder CAis M(CA) is a generalization of the formula given after theorem 3 in determ inistic in edges case. The following fact is evident from the 7. The measure and ergodic. Now we formulate intheconvenient for thecase of graphs formof t he the- orem by D. Aldous ([1]) which gives the description of SN-invariant measures on the space infinite 8. Each ergodic SN-invariant measures of the set of symmetric with zero diagonal infinite {0;1}-matrices is generated by generalized graph in the framework of the construction each ergodic SN-invariant measures on the set of all count- able graphs can be obtained by or construction above. We will not dis cuss here the proof of Aldous theorem but remark that the second aut hor will present elsewhere an alternative approach (ergodic method) t o this theo- rem and will give a new proof of it (see also discussion in [16]). Remark also, that randomization inedges (when exist) cannot bere moreexactly, M(X,m,o) can not be obtained as a measure corresponding to the measurable we must formulate the special condition on the generalized grap h when the construction above gives the measure on the universal ( homogeneous graph . The condition is similar to the condition of the theorem 2. We will formulate it only for universal graphs: for graphs s >2 we do not need such notion (see below). 9It corresponds in a sense to the generalized function o(see 6. The generalized measurable graph (X,m,o)is called universal if for all natural n,mand almost all pairs of the sets (x1,...,x n),(y1,...,y m) fromXthe following is were restrict ourselves with the following important remark. T he first step of the construction gives us a family Bernoulli measures o n the 0-1-matrices (all entries are independent but have in general diffe rent dis- tributions) and the resulting measure on the space of 0 -1-matrices is the average (more exactly barycenter) of the those Bernoulli measu res. The explicit construction of the universal ( Ks-free universal) can be done (even simpler) as for universal topological grap h in bu tempha- size that the constructions of the section 3 have more instructive character than construction of generalized universal ofall onthespaceof all universal countable graphs (or on the set of corresponding 0; 1 matrices), which is the mail goal of this section. This is the corollary of the previo 9. Each ergodic SN-invariant measures on the set of all homogeneous graphs is generated by the construct ion above with generalized measurable universal graph. 4.2.2 The listof measures for Ks-free universal homogeneous graphs. Theorem 10. The list of all invariant ergodic measures on the Ks-free (for s >2) countable homogeneous graphs is given by randomization in vertices only, e.f. by the construction of theorem 3 of the subsection 2.2. In other words, in order to obtain whole list it is enough to use only th e randomization in vertices of measurable graph and no randomization in edge s. We outline the simple proof of this fact. Let for simplicity consider the cases= 3; the general case is analogous. Assume the contrary, and sup pose that there exist a set of positive measure FX2such that for ( a,b) F,0< o1< o(a,b)< o2<1. Then on the one hand, aandbhave almost no common neighbor for almost all ( a,b)B(since the graph must be triangle- free), onthe other hand aandbforalmost all( a,b)Bmust have a with positive probability (since the graph must be universal, and if we do not take the edge a-b, then these vertices should have some Some problems and comments 1.The distribution of the entries of random adjacency . A very important question is to characterize, for an arbitrary invariant m easure M(X,m,o) (see the previous section), the distribution of the entries with respect to this measure. Because of the SN-invariance of the measure, the distributions are Sn-invariant; are concentrated on bunches of orbits of these groups and decompose into positive combinations of orbits of the group Snin the space of Perhaps, because of the ergodicity of the measure M(X,m,o), the distributions must concentrate near one or sev eral typical orbits at short distances from one another. This is an analog of the Law of Large Numbers. How to characterize these orbits? The answer could be useful for the solution of the problem by Cherlin (see introduction) . The structure and the asymptotic size of these orbits is an interesting character- istic of universal graphs and the of measurable universal graphs. When discussing the definitions of universality above, the following question naturally aris es: un- der what conditions is the set Ewhich defines the graph structure on the standard Borel (or standard measure) space of universal Bore l or measur- able graphs unique up to isomorphism? In the case of countable unive rsal graphs, the back and forth method allows one to prove the uniqu eness of the universal graph. Equivalently, the question above is as follows: when does the Borel or measurable version of the back and forth met hod work? The same question can be solved positively for metric spaces: as pro ved by Urysohn, there exists a unique (up to isomorphism) universal Polish space. It is interesting to have link with model theory in which one consider fin ite or countable situation. When uniqueness takes place in the continuo us In our construction we obtained a continuous graph withRas the set of vertices as the completion of a graph with the set of vertices Q. Of course, in that case we could define the graph approximation. But it isinteresting whether inthegeneral s ituation of model theory it is possible to consider a completion of countable models. 23More exactly, how to formulate Fra iss' e's axioms for the Borel or measurable case (with separability conditions) in order to obtain it as the projec tive or another limit of the finite theory? A very good example of a positive so lution of such a problem is, of course, the theory of universal metric spa ces. 4.Link to the Urysohn space. In this sense, the Urysohn space is of spe- cial interest. We will consider it from this point of view elsewhere. Her e we mention only that the Urysohn space Uplays the role of a Borel (or topologically universal object) for the rational or int eger univer- sal metric space. Any Borel probability measure mon this space defines a SN-invariant measure uon the space Rofdistance real matrices which probability one. The similarity between the theory of the Urysohn space and the example of Section 3 above can be illustrated by the result of [4] where the Urysohn space was realized as the completion of the real line with respect to a universal shift-invariant D. Aldous. Representations for partially exchangeable arrays o f J. Multiv. Anal. 11, 581-598 (1981). [2] P. Cameron. The random graph. In: The Mathematics of Paul Erdos (R. L. Graham and J. Nesetril, eds.), Springer, Berlin, 1997, pp. 33 1- 351. [3] P. Cameron. Homogeneous Cayley objects. Europ. J. Combin. 21, No. 6, 745-760 (2000). [4] P. Cameron and A. Vershik. Some isometry groups of Urysohn sp aces. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 143, No. 1-3, 70-78 (2006). [5] P. Diaconis and S. Janson. Graph limits and exchangeable (2007). [6] P. Erd os, D. J. Kleitman, and R. Rothschild. Asymptotic enumer ation ofKn-free graphs. Colloquio Internazionale sulle Teorie 1973) , Tomo II, pp. 19-27. Atti dei Convegni Lincei , No. 17, Accad. Naz. Lincei, Rome, 1976. 10The universality of a distance matrix means that the completion of Nwith respect to the corresponding metric is isometric to the Urysohn space, see [18 ] 24[7] P. Erd os and A. R' enyi. Asymmetric graph. Acta Math Acad. Sci. Hun- gar.14, 295-315 (1963). [8] C. W. Henson. A Family of Countable Homogeneous Graphs. 38, No.1, 69-83 (1971). [9] W. Hodges. A Shorter Model Theory . Cambridge Univ. Press, Cam- bridge, 1997. [10] O. Kallenberg. Probabilistic Symmetries and Invariance New York, 2005. [11] Ph. Kolaitis, H. Pr omel, and B. Rothschild. Kl+1-free graphs: asymp- totic structure and a 0-1 law. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 303, No. 2, 637-671 (1987). [12] L. Lovasz. The rank connection matrices and the dimension of g raph algebras. Europ. J. Combin. 27, 962-970 (2006). [13] L. Lovasz and B. Szegedy. Limits of dense graph sequences. J. Combin. Theory B 96, No. 6, 933-957 (2006). [14] R. Rado. Universal graph and universal functions. Acta Arithm. 9, 331- 340 (1964). [15] P. Urysohn. Sur un espace metrique universel. Bull. Soc. Math. 51, A. Vershik. Classification of measurable functions of several a rguments, and invariantly distributed random matrices. Funct. Anal. Appl. 36, No. 2, 93-105 (2002). [17] A. Vershik. Random metric spaces and universality. Russian Math. Sur- veys59, No. 2, 259-295 (2004). [18] A. Vershik. Kolmogorov's example (a survey of actions of infinite - dimensional groups with invariant measure). Theory Probab. Appl. 48, No. 2, 373-378 (2004). [19] A. Vershik. Globalization of partial isometries of metric spaces a nd of the group of isometries of the Urysohn space. Topology and its Appl. 155, No. 14, 1618-1626, (2008). 25 | 0804.3386 | Anatoly Vershik M | F.V.Petrov, A.M.Vershik | Uncountable Graphs and Invariant Measures on the Set of Universal
Countable Graphs | 25 pp.Ref 19 | null | null | null | math.CO math.LO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We give new examples and describe the complete lists of all measures on the
set of countable homogeneous universal graphs and $K_s$-free homogeneous
universal graphs (for $s\geq 3$) that are invariant with respect to the group
of all permutations of the vertices. Such measures can be regarded as random
graphs (respectively, random $K_s$-free graphs). The well-known example of
Erd\"os--R\'enyi (ER) of the random graph corresponds to the Bernoulli measure
on the set of adjacency matrices. For the case of the universal $K_s$-free
graphs there were no previously known examples of the invariant measures on the
space of such graphs.
The main idea of our construction is based on the new notions of {\it
measurable universal}, and {\it topologically universal} graphs, which are
interesting themselves. The realization of the construction can be regarded as
two-step randomization for universal measurable graph : {\it "randomization in
vertices"} and {\it "randomization in edges"}. For $K_s$-free, $s\geq 3$ there
is only randomization in vertices of the measurable graphs. The completeness of
our lists is proved using the important theorem by D. Aldous about
$S_{\infty}$-invariant matrices, which we reformulate in appropriate way.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 21 Apr 2008 19:52:40 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 2 Sep 2008 17:34:55 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 30 Jun 2009 13:19:13 GMT"
] | 2009-06-30T00:00:00 | [
"F. V.",
"A. M.",
] |
Abstract We study the counting statistics of charge transport in the A nderson impurity model (AIM) employing both Keldysh perturbation theory in a Fermi liqui d picture and the Bethe ansatz. In the Fermi liquid approach, the object of our principal inter est is the generating function for the cumulants of the charge current distribution. We derive an exact analytic formula relating the full counting statistic (FCS) generating function to the se lf-energy of the system in the presence of a measuring field. We first check that our approach reproduc es correctly known results in simple limits, like the FCS of the resonant level system (AIM without Coulomb interaction). We then proceed to study the FCS for the AIM perturbatively in the Coulomb interaction. By comparing this perturbative analysis with a strong couplin g expansion, we arrive at a conjecture for an expression for the FCS generating function at O(V3) (V is the voltage across the impurity) valid at all orders in the interaction. In the second part of the article, we examine a Bethe ansatz an alysis of the current noise for the AIM. Unlike the Fermi liquid approach, here the goal is to obt ain qualitative, not for a wider range of voltages both in and out of a magne tic field. Particularly notable are finite field results showing a double peaked structure in the c urrent noise for voltages This double peaked structure is the smoking gun of Kondo p hysics in the conductance of the AIM. PACS numbers: 2I. INTRODUCTION The subject of counting statistics is rooted in the historical paper by Schottky [1] where the measurements of charge noise have been carried out and inter preted as the basis for determining the elementary charge eof the current carriers: electrons. Contemporary trans- port experiments are being performed on nano-structures, usu ally involving two (left and right) and a central constriction [2]. The mean electric current, or is well understood in terms of scattering theory [3] and, for a single is given by the Landauer (1) whereT0is the transmission coefficient and factor 2 stems from the electron spin. However, due to the quantum nature of the problem, the current is bound to fluctuate. In particular, this gives rise to interesting noise (the second moment of the curre nt distribution) discussed in the literature [4]. With the third moment of the current distribution now available exper imentally [5], it is natural to widen the question to the full current distribution func tion or the full (FCS). One way to formulate this question is to ask what is the probability P(Q) that charge Qwill be transmitted through the system during the waiting time Tand for a given bias voltage V. As electrons are discrete particles, a naive guess at P(Q) would be the Poisson's For simplicity, we set 1 in what follows. The are not only discrete particles but also quantum particles obeying Due to the Pauli principle the electrons will tunnel 'one by one'. So, given the 'number of attempts', N=VT/p, one would expect the total probability be proportional to the probability of successes TQ 0as well as the probability of failures (1 -T0)N-Q. The resulting probability distribution is binomial: P(Q) (3) where the binomial coefficient infront simply follows fromthenormaliza = 1. Note that the binomial distribution is a clear signature of Fermi stat istics; indeed, the re- 3spective probability distribution for bosons is the inverse binomial [6]. In practice, it is more convenient to work with the generating function kh(l) where the variable lis called the 'counting field' (see below). The irreducible moments of the charge distribution immediately follow [7]: lnkh(l) (4) The generating function for the binomial distribution is [1+T0(eil-1)]N. (5) From this equation one easily recovers the Landauer formula, the well known expression for the shot noise and obtains the following expression for the third moment: Note that for low transmission ( T0-0), the statistics reverts to Poissonian, while for perfect transmissio n (T0-1), there are no current fluctuations and kh(l) =ilN. The physics described so far has been understood in the seminal paper by Levitov and Lesovik [8] (see also [9]), where th ey derive a more general formula for the generating = is valid for finite voltage, temperatures, and allows for the ene rgy dependent trans- mission coefficient. Here nL/R(o) =nF(oV/2) are the thermal electron distributions in the left and right leads and nF(o) is the Fermi function. Clearly T0isT(o) at the Fermi energy, set at o= 0. Sch onhammer has recently re-examined this formula, Eq.(6), by an alternative method, and found that it is correct [10]. The discussion so far has focused upon non-interacting electrons. But while for non-interacting electrons is by now comprehensively understood, the same cannot be said when the electrons interact with each other and with the substrate. Conse- quently the understanding of the interaction effects on the FCS ha s become an important issue. There has been many papers on the subject in recent years with many interesting yet miscellaneous results. Certainly no general paradigm as to how in teractions should af- fect the statistics has as yet emerged. domina ting the subject only a 4short time ago are well illustrated by the following example. The gener ating function kh(l) for Matveev's Coulomb blockade setup [11] (equivalent to the g= 1/2 Kane and Fisher problem [12], which is in turn equivalent to the a= 1/2 dissipation problem first solved by Guinea [13]) has been calculated independently by three different m ethods in [14], [15], and [16] with seemingly very different results. It was only understoo d later that all three results are indeed correct and represent one and the same funct ion (see Appendix C to Ref. [17]). Moreover the distribution in question turned out both to be sim ple and to represent a particular case of Eqn. (6) with a specific choice of the transmissio n coefficient, T(o). This lack of a coherent picture of the FCS in strongly correlated sys tems is, we believe, simply explained. As is illustrated by the prominence of the Fermi and L uttinger it is accepted that in the condensed matter it is the low-energy physics which is universal. The FCS is no exception. On an energy scale set by the bar e parameters, it is therefore the low-temperature, low-voltage expansions of kh(l) where universal results are to be found. The high-voltage (temperature) distributions may be en ormously fascinating but are destined to remain model s, the first part, Sections II and III, we study the generating fu nction,kh, using theory in a Fermi liquid approach. In Section II, we int roduce the Keldysh method for calculating the statistics. In the process we establish a n exact the generating function and the self energy. In Section I II, we study the FCS for the AIM both in perturbation theory and in the strong coupling limit. B y comparing the two we propose a conjecture for khat low voltages, i.e. O(V3), but valid at all orders of the second part of the paper, Sections IV through VI, we switc h tacts and instead employ a Bethe ansatz analysis of the current moments for the AIM . We however limit ourselves to exploring the behavior of the current and the curren t noise in the AIM's Kondo regime. Our results for these quantities differ from those of the fir st section of this paper. Here the focus is on their qualitative not quantitative features but over a larger range of voltages (though still much smaller than any bare energy scale) and for finite magnetic fields. In Section IV we review the Bethe Ansatz method for calculat ing the current and noise. We then present results for zero magnetic field in Section V wh ere, in addition, a comparison is made to Fermi liquid calculations. In the final section, S ection VI, we consider 5the properties of the noise in finite magnetic fields. Here is found the most significant result of the second part of the paper. We are argue that in the vicinity of voltages the magnetic field, the current noise should see a double humped enhancement. This enhancement is the analog of that seen in the current when eV~uBHand so represents a 'smoking gun' [46] of Kondo physics. II. KELDYSH METHOD FOR THE CALCULATION OF CURRENT STATIS- TICS: GENERAL RESULTS The calculation of the charge statistics is usually accomplished by cou pling the system to a 'measuring device'. In the original gedanken experiment by Levit ov and Lesovik it is a fictitious spin-1 /2 galvanometer coupled to the current [9]. The transmitted charg e is then proportional to the change of the spin phase. As has been sh own by Nazarov [18], the counting of charge can in general be done by coupling the syste m to a fictitious field and calculating the non-linear response, so leading to the same resu lts. In fact the standard quantum mechanical formula, P(Q) can also beused provided that is initially decoupled from the leads. According to [19] the generating function is given by the following ave rage, kh(l) (7) where Cis the Keldysh contour [20], l(t) is themeasuring field which is non-zero only during the measuring time T:l(t) =lth(t)th(T -t) on the forward path and l(t) =-lth(t)th(T -t) on the backward path. Introducing the operator TRtransferring electrons through the system in the direction of the current, as well as its counterpart TL, we can (8) Note thatT+
R=TLin any system. Consequently, writing out (7) explicitly in terms of the time-ordered and products, one arrives at th e conjugation property, kh*(l) =kh(-l). (9) We now allow l(t) to be an arbitrary function on the Keldysh contour, l+-(t) on the path. Then a generalised expression for the gene rating function (10) 6Assume that the measuring field changes only very slowly in time. Then one can = is theadiabatic potential . Note that Eq.(11) captures the leading, linear inT, contribution to the phase. For a truly slow-varying measuring field (analytic in t), the corrections are exponentially small in T. Even if the function l(t) has isolated jumps, Eq.(11) still holds at large T, but the corrections are then of the order of ln T. This is in full analogy to the non-equilibrium version [21] of the old X-ray problem. O nce the is known, the statistics is given by lnkh(l) =-iT U(l,-l). one can level off the l+-functions in Eq.(10) to different constants (13) thenkh(l) =kh(l,-l) . Note that the conjugation property (9) now generalises to kh*(l-,l+) =kh(l+,l-), =-U(l+,l-). (15) To compute the adiabatic potential we observe that according to t he of the the Feynman-Hellmann theorem (16) where the averages are defined similarly for multi-point functions) where l's are understood to be different on the two time branches. Note that the above one-point averages depe nd on the branch the time tis on (though not on the value of ton that (18) 7Therefore the average in Eq. (16) mustbe taken on the forward branch of the Keldysh contour. An advantage of this Hamiltonian approach is that the calc ulation of the Uis reduced to a calculation of Green's functions (GF), albeit non-equ ilibrium ones. So we can use the well developed diagram technique (and relat e to many known results within this method) without being restricted to the scatter ing problem. The conventional test model to consider is the Anderson impurity m odel (see [22] for a review). The Hamiltonian of the model consists of three contributio ns, H=H0+HT+HC. (19) The kinetic (20) describes a single fermionic level (which we shall also call the 'dot') with electron the spin index), energy, 0, and subject to a local magnetic field, h. The electrons in the two non-interacting metallic leads, i=R,L, are represented by psR/L,s. The leads and the dot are coupled via the tunnelling (21) with, in general, different amplitudes, gR,L. We have included the counting field into the Hamiltonian (left junction). One can as well incorporate it into the rig ht junction (or both), the results are the same due to the gauge symmetry of the Hamilton ian. Finally, we include the Coulomb repulsion on the dot, HC=Un|n|, The bias voltage Vis incorporated into the full Hamiltonian by chemical potentials in the leads: uL-uR=V>=0. It is useful to define two auxiliary GFs, Fl(t,t') (23) Hence the derivative of the adiabatic potential is given by
l-U(l-,l+) (24) 8As is standard, the mixed GF's can be written as combinations of bare lead GF's and an exact impurity GF, (25) Plugging this back into Eq.(24) one Thus the problem is now reduced to calculation of the impurity GF. To illustrate how the method works we start with the trivial case of t he resonant level model:U= 0. Using the GFs of the lead electrons (see, for example, Ref. [16 ]), g-- i(o) =g++
i(o) =-i2pr0[1-ni], (27) wherer0is the density of states in the electrodes in the vicinity of Fermi level, one easily obtains the bare impurity GF (we use the original notation of Keldysh for the GFs because the standard identity spoiled by the measuring field and the Keldysh rotation is 2 G R,L= (pr0gR,L)2. Inverting this matrix results in
^D0(o) 2 G = G R+GLand we call the object D0(o) = 'Keldysh denominator'. On the technical side, while this object is a smooth function of energy in the standard technique (expressible via the advanced and retarded GF's), here it has discontinuities at the Fermi levels. Inserting this result into Eq .(26) and can be done in a closed form) leads to the formula (6) with the B (29) as expected for the resonant level problem. Turning to the interacting case, we define the impurity self-energy in the standard this into (26) one obtains a general formula for the statistics in expresses the generating function in terms of the ( l-dependent) impurity is the determinant of the (inverse) interacting impurity GF. For -l= 0 this equation yields the electric current and can be shown to reproduce the result by Meir one-channel systems (for example, one can add on the elect ron-phonon interaction or consider a double dot). The general formula (31) allows us to investigate the important limit: linear at zero temperature. Indeed let us take a closer look at the general formula. An important technical observation is that the limits V-0 ando-0 do not commute in the presence of the counting field. Indeed, calculating the Keldysh det erminant in both limits we see that even for the non-interacting = 2 0+G2, = (33) 10The latter scheme needs to be implemented when analyzing the first t erm in Eq.(31) in the linear response limit, as the energy integration here is restricted to [0,V]. This leads to a transmission coefficient type contribution to the generating func tion (see below). In the second term in Eq.(31), however, the integration over ois not restricted to [0 ,V]. But due to Auger type effects [24] one expects that there are contributio ns to the current (and FCS) at all energies. This effect is itself proportional to the applied voltag e and only leads to non-linear corrections to the FCS. Hence the energy integration c an in fact be regarded as restricted to [0 ,V] even in the second term in Eq.(31). Since the self-energy does not have external lines and all the internal frequencies have to be integrat ed over, the limits V-0 ando-0 in this case commute. That means that for the evaluation of the se lf-energy to the lowest order in Vone is allowed to use the equilibrium GFs, calculated in presence of the counting field l, i. e. (28) with nR=nL=nFand with the corresponding Therefore all diagonal Keldysh GFs are equal to tho se in the equilibrium and all off-diagonal ones are simply proportional to the same diagrams a s in equilibrium. Since any given off-diagonal self-energy diagram describes an inelastic pr ocess, it should vanish foro-0 and we arrive at a conclusion = ReSR(0) 1 0 0-1 (34) even at finite l. Eq.(31) thus leads to the important result lnkh(l) (35) or to lnkh(l) =ilNfor the symmetric Anderson impurity model. In the case of an asym- metrically coupled impurity, G Rne}ationslash= GL, the numerator of (35) changes to G RGLwhile the denominator contains (G R+GL)/2 instead of G. The result (35) allows simple generalisations to asymmetric systems in a magnetic field h. According to [25] the real part of the self-energy is given by ReS(R) s(0) exact charge/spin susceptibilities and k~0+U/2 is a particle-hole sym- metry breaking field. (36) 11An advantage of this formula is that the susceptibilities are known exactlyfrom the Bethe- Ansatz results [26, 27]. We stress that the result (35) is not limited t o the Anderson model but will hold for any similar model, hence the binomial theorem . It is clear in hindsight that all fall outinthe T= 0linear response limit. Still it isa that allthe moments have a simple expression in terms a single number: the eff coefficient. The binomial distribution is universal as long as systems with a single conducting channel are concerned. III. FCS FOR THE ANDERSON MODEL A. Perturbative expansion in the Coulomb interaction We now proceed with the perturbative expansion in the Coulomb inter actionU. The self-energy, up to U2-order, is given, in the time domain, by
^S(t) restrict the calculation to the case of the particle-hole symmetr ic Anderson model 0=
-U/2,. It can be shown that the contribution to the statistics linear in Uvanishes in the symmetric case. We therefore concentrate now on the second-o rder correction. The equilibrium self-energy is, in fact, known to all orders in U[25]:
^Seq(o) = (1-khe)o 1 2th(-o) -2th(o) sign(o) , theexacteven-odd susceptibilities (i.e. correlations of which in weak coupling expand as: khe= kh o=-U pG. (39) For finiteVandlin the region -V/2<o<V/ 2 we find:
^S(o) = (1-khe)o 1 0 0-1 for o>V/2 one obtains S-+(o) (41) (42) while foro<V/2 the following holds: S+-(o) these self-energies into (31), expanding around the perfect transmission (hence the sign change of l), and formally expressing the result in terms of the one finds the following formula: lnkh(l) formula is only valid at the order U2. There are, however, reasons to think that it might be exact (see below). It is tempting to interpret the appearance o f the double tion: appear for the non-interacting resonant-level model due to the energy dependence of the transmission coefficient). B. Strong coupling expansion In the opposite limit of large U, the Schrieffer-Wolf type transformation [28], tailored to the lead geometry [29], can be applied and results in a Kondo type mode l. For the latter model in the strong-coupling limit, when the spin on the dot is absorbe d into the Fermi sea forming a singlet, Nozi` eres [30] devised a d escription based on a 'molecular field' expansion of the phase shift of the s-wave electron s: ds(e) andphaare phenomenological parameters corresponding to the respectively . polarizing the Kondo singlet and so are of the order ~1/TK, whereTKis the The specific heat coefficient is proportional to a/(pn) while the is proportional to the sum a/(pn)+2pha/p. Simple arguments were advanced 13in Ref. [30] to the effect that, because the Kondo singularity is tied u p to the Fermi level, there exists a relation a= 2nphabetween the two processes in Eq. (45). In particular, this explains why the Wilson ratio is equal to 2. The strong-coupling Ha miltonian that describes the scattering and interaction processes encoded in No zi` eres Eq. (45) is of The free Hamiltonian here (46) wherec+is the creation operator for the s-wave electrons, a+is the creation operator of the p-wave electrons, included in order to account for the transport [31], and the for the (minus) charge transferred across the junction . The scattering term (47) while the interaction term we have changed to the dimensionless amplitudes aandph, so that in the actual Kondo model a=ph= 1 (in the intermediate calculations it is convenient to treataandphas free parameters though). By the nature of the strong-coup ling fixed point, the operators aandphare irrelevant in the renormalization group sense and therefore th e perturbative expansion in aandphis expected to converge. The shot noise in this model was recently discussed in Refs. [32, 33]. W e now turn to the FCS. To this end we introduce the the measuring field, which couples, in the to the current via a term in the that can be gauged away by the canonical therefore reach the conclusion that the charge measuring field enters this problem as a rotation of the strong-coupling basis of the s- and the p-states . WhileH0is this substitution, it should be performed in both the scatter ing and the when calculating the statistics. It is easily checked that at the first order in where ^Ibs is the backscattering current available from the commutator the standard linked cluster expansion (still valid on the Keldy sh contour, of course) [34], we see that the leading correction to the distribution f unction is given by a connected average lnkh(l) (51) The neglected terms a4,a2ph2,ph4, etc., are of the higher order in voltage (temperature) than the main correction because of the irrelevant nature of the pertu rbation. In order to make progress with Eq. (51), one only needs the Green's function of the is easily seen to be the following matrix in Keldysh space:
^gl(p,o) (52) where ^tiis the standard choice of Pauli matrices and f(o) is the Fermi distribution function. The correction to the distribution function due to the scattering t erm (47) is: dalnkh(l) at zero temperature, contributes to Eq. (51) a term, dalnkh(l) (54) 15Regarding the correction to the charge distribution coming from th e interaction term (48), any diagrams with a single insertion of the Green's function van ish (therefore there is also noaphcross term) and the only remaining connected graph the results we find that the zero-temperature charge d istribution function is of the form: lnkh(l) (56) Let us now try to connect these results to the previous weak coup ling calculation. The weak coupling expansion of the susceptibilities is given in Section IIIA. In the strong coupling limit we have: khe= (Ga)/(pTK)kho= (Gph)/(pTK), (57) where in fact a=ph= 1 andTKis the Kondo temperature up to a pre-factor [22, 26, 27]. The programme of extending a Fermi liquid approach to non-equilibriu m properties of the Anderson model has not been comprehensively carried out yet. Th ere is a duetoOguri[35], correction is of the (58) which is valid for all Uand interpolates between the weak-coupling and the strong-coup ling regimes of the Anderson model. We see that the above result for Ibsis simply the strong- coupling limit of Oguri's formula. As to the noise and higher moments no a nalogous Fermi- liquid results exist, to the best of our knowledge. However, we would like put forward a hypothesis Indeed, wese correct up to the U2order in weak coupling, it holds in the strong coupling limit, and it reproduces correctly the mean current at all orders in U. 16lead LRL L Ru u > uu lead Re)T( FIG. 1: A sketch of the distribution of particles in the leads whenuL> uR, chemical potentials in the two leads. IV. USING THE BETHE ANSATZ TO COMPUTE CURRENT non-trivial correction (i.e. O(V3)) of the generating functional, kh(l), for bothstrong and weak coupling. We have posited that this computation is exact an d have performed a number of checks indicating that this is so. In the second part of t he paper we adopt a different tact, instead focusing upon general features of the m oments of the current (in particular the noise) in the strong coupling regime over a range of vo ltages (as measured in terms ofTK, the Kondo temperature). The tool we use to compute the noise is the the Landauer-B uttiker formalism [38], the DC noise, S, reduces to an expression given solely in terms of the transmission amplitude, Ts, of electronic excitations across (59) Here we imagine the chemical potential of the left lead is greater tha n that of the right lead and so the transmission amplitude, Ts, governs the flow of electronic scattering states from the left to the right lead. The Bethe ansatz gives us the ability to compute Ts(o)in equilibrium up to We intend to use these equilibrium amplitudes to characterize behaviour of the noise as a function of uL-uR. Using equilibrium scattering ampli- tudes necessarily involves missing some of the physics present in a no n-equilibrium we believe that this approach yields important insights. In particular, the gen- eral behaviour of the noise in a magnetic field that arises from this ap proach, should be robust enough to survive this particular approximation. This is alrea dy true of the current through the dot in a magnetic field where this approach [39, 43] yields results consistent with the observed enhancement [36, 47] in the conductance when uL-uR~H. A. Computation of the Equilibrium Ts(o)Using the Bethe Ansatz We now turn to a brief description of how to compute Ts(o) using the Bethe ansatz solution of the Anderson model. For additional details see [39]. The d escription comes in three parts. We first describe how to map the equilibrium (zero voltage) problem onto an one-channel Anderson model, a model directly solvable by Bethe an satz. Although we work directly in a one lead formulation of the problem, we are still able to mak e contact with scattering in the original two lead picture. We so identify the relevan t elements of the solution for computing scattering amplitudes. To reformulate the problem in a way amenable to the Bethe ansatz, w e (60) With this, the odd electron decouples from the dot leaving us with an in teracting theory of even electrons (61) We point out that the Bethe ansatz could be directly applied to the tw o channel problem. However under the diagonalization of Hcarried out by the Bethe ansatz, the map (60) is implemented implicitly. As such we prefer to make the change of basis d irectly. Under this one-lead reformulation, we are still able to make contact with the of electronic excitations off the quantum dot. Let T(o)/R(o) be the amplitudes of electronic excitations of energy, o, between leads in the original 18two lead picture. On the other hand, the even/odd excitations will s catter off the dot with some pure phase, de(o)/do(o). As the scattering in the odd channel is trivial, do(o) = 0. The two sets of amplitudes are related according to 1 =R(o)-T(o). (62) Our focus will henceforth be on computing de. Todetermine de(o), weemploy anenergetics argument ofthesort usedbyN.Andrei of the of impurities in a bulk metal [4 0]. Imagine adding an electron to the system. Through periodic boundary conditions, its momentum is quantized, p= 2pn/L. If the dot was absent, the quantization condition would be determ ined solely by the conditions in the bulk of the system and we would write, pbulk= 2pn/L. Upon including the dot, this bulk momentum is shifted by a termscaling as 1 /L. The quantization condition is then rewritten as p= (63) whereLis the system's length. The coefficient of the 1 /Lterm is identified with the scattering phase of the electron off the dot. We thus must comput e the impurity momenta of excitations in the problem. The Bethe ansatz solution of the one channel Anderson model was first described in [41] and [42]. As with any problem with an SU(2) symmetry, the Bethe ansatz yields a set of quantization conditions describing two types of excitations, one parameterized by k and associated roughly with charge excitations, and one paramete rized byland with spin (64) where d(k) = = (V2 1+V2 2). (65) HereNis the total number of particles in the system and Mmarks out the spin projection of the system, 2 Sz=N-2M(in zero magnetic field M=N/2). The possible solutions to the above quantization conditions are manif old. However most are only significant at finite temperature. At zero temperature, t he ground state of the system is formed solely from real k's (and then only if the magnetic field is non-zero) and from bound states of real l's together with complex k's. Specifically, the ground N-2M real k' js; ii) M reall' as; iii) and associated with each of the M l' as are two complex by g(ka
+-) =g(x(la)iy(la)) =la+-i/2; x(l) (66) These elementary excitations implement a spin-charge separation in the model with the k's representing the charge sector while the l's represent the spin sector. In the continuum limit, these excitations are described by smooth de nsities,r(k) for the realk's ands(l) for thel's. Equations valid at the symmetric point of the Anderson model describing these densities can be derived in the standard fashion [41 , 42]: r(k) (67) whereLis the system size and (k) =kd(k)/2p, s(x) =1 2cosh(px). (68) Bmarks out the 'Fermi-surface' of the kdistribution. Between -D(the bottom of the band) and Bthere is a sea of kexcitations. The Fermi surface of the lparticles on the other hand is set at -: at the symmetric point, the sea of lexcitations in the ground state extends from l=-tol=~Q, where~Qis the bandwidth of the lexcitations. This is a crucial simplification which makes possible many of our closed-form results. For most purposes both bandwidths, Dand~Q, can be taken to be . The density equations neatly divide into bulk and impurity pieces (69) The impurity densities of states contain all the information needed a bout degrees of freedom living on the quantum dot. The equations governing these densities a re rimp(k) = (70) 21For example, the total numbers of spin |and|electrons living on the dot (71) The latter equations for each of nd|andnd|are a result of simplifications at the energies and momenta of these excitations can be derived thro ugh well known tech- niques [39]. The energies are given by o(k) = (72) The momenta are akin to the densities in that they divide into bulk and im purity pieces [39]. The bulk momenta are related directly to the energies via o(k) =p(k)-H 2; o(l) =p(l). (73) The impurity momenta can be expressed in terms of the impurity dens ity of states kpimp(k) = = 2psimp(l). (74) 22As already discussed, the impurity momenta are the quantities cruc ial to computing scat- tering phases. These relations will thus allow us to express the scat tering phases in terms of integrals over the impurity density of states. In order to determine the scattering phase of an electron (as opp osed to a spin or we must specify how to glue together a spin and a charg e excitation to form the electron. The situation is analogous to adding a single particle excitat ion in the model. Adding a single spin |electron to the system demands that we add a realk(charge) excitation. But at the same time we create a hole at some lin the The number of the available slots in the spin distribution is determined by the total number of electrons in the system. Adding an electron to the system thus opens up an additional slot in the l-distribution. The electron scattering phase off the impurity is then the difference of the right-moving k-impurity momentum, pimp(k), and the impurity momentum (75) We must now consider how to choose kandl. As we are interested in the DC noise, we must compute scattering aw ay from the Fermi surface. Thus if we are to compute the scattering of an excitation of energy,oel, we must choose the kandlsuch eof(k,l). We, lift this degeneracy. However at the symmetric point of the Anderson model, we can make an ansatz which has already proven to be successful in the co mputation of the linear response conductance [39]. The behaviour of t he electron scattering phase is determined by the impurity densities, rimpandsimp. At the symmetric point of the Anderson model, the scattering phase is expected to vary as ~Tk, the Kondo temperature. Of the two impurity densities, only rimpvaries asTkwhilesimpis controlled by the much larger scale, UG. Thus in computing electronic scattering phases away from the Fe rmi surface atT= 0, it is natural to choose lat its Fermi surface value, i.e. l=-and vary kaccording to the energy in which we are interested. Specifically, we c hooseksuch that o(k) =oel. (77) 23We thus have removed the ambiguity in the choice of ( k,l). In making this ansatz we are effectively doing the following. Imagine an electron in the leads with some energy oel. We can imagine expanding this state in terms of the basis of Bethe ansatz (78) where the states of the Hamiltonian. Although we only knowledge of this expansion, it would be a reasonable gues s that it terms. However our ansatz supposes only a single state con tributes. But because of the hierarchy of scales, Tk UG, in the problem, we expect additional terms in the expansion of Eqn. (78) to have coefficients of O(Tk/
UG). Under this ansatz, the scattering phase of the spin |electron at some energy, oel, above the Fermi surface is then d|
e(oel) =oel. (79) When the magnetic field, H, is 0,o(k)>0 and we can only directly compute the scattering of spin|electrons. However with H >0,o(k) takes on negative values and so we can also compute spin |hole scattering. To add a spin |hole with energy, ohole>0, we remove a k and al-hole in the spirit of our previous ansatz: o(k) =-ohole; l=-. (80) The scattering phase is =-ohole. (81) So far we have computed the scattering of spin |objects. To compute spin |quantities, we employ the particle-hole transformation relating spin |to (82) where the last line only follows at the symmetric point. With this transf ormation, we =d|
el(oel=oho). (83) Our inability to directly compute spin |scattering is a technical peculiarity of the Bethe ansatz [39]. B. Nature of the Approximation We have now described how to compute the scattering amplitudes as a function of energy in equilibrium. The error in using these amplitudes in describing out-of- equilibrium quanti- ties such as the current or the noise has two possible sources. The first source can be seen from the way the differing chemical potentials of the right and left re servoirs appear in ps+
R(x)psR(x). (84) Under the map to the even and oddbasis (60), this term becomes no n-diagonal, coupling the even and odd sectors. This coupling between sectors, in turn, lifts the model's basis on which we compute Ts(o). One might have hoped [39] that the state of the system in non-equilibrium could still be characterized by using in-equilib rium data in a fashion analogous to the manner in which quantum Hall edges can be characterized exactly [44]. While in analyzing the Hall edges, an even- odd transformation of bosonic degrees of freedom is employed, the Hall case is much simpler as the current as well as the coupling to the voltage bias, can be expressed directly in term s of the odd degree of freedom. But in the case of the Anderson model, the current and v oltage involve both even and odd degrees of freedom. In mapping back to the left-right bas is, some sort of breaking of integrability then occurs. We will see this explicitly when we compute the noise at zero magnetic field and compare it to the exact Fermi liquid results. A second source of error in using the equilibrium scattering amplitude s concerns the manner in which we construct the electronic scattering states. As we have already indicated, there is a multiplicity of choices in how we construct the scattering st ates. The we employed was the simplest that met the requirement that t he energy dependence of the scattering varies on the Kondo scale. However this choice is n ot unique and while it produced excellent results for the behaviour of the finite temper ature linear it may not be optimal for the description of out-of- equilibrium scattering. V. COMPUTATION OF NOISE IN ZERO FIELD: COMPARISON BETWEEN FERMI LIQUID THEORY AND BETHE ANSATZ In this section we compute the noise in zero magnetic field and compar e it at small voltages to the Fermi liquid results from the first part of this article . To compute the noise, we imagine biasing the leads as in Figure 1 with uR< uL. For convenience we set uLto zero anduRu. Then as discussed in the previous section, the noise is given (85) AtH= 0 spin |and spin |scattering are the same, i.e. T|=T|. As we are from lead Rwith energy o <0 into lead L, we are equivalently interested in computing the scattering phase of a hole. In Section IV we demonst rated that at H= 0 we are able to compute the scattering amplitude of a spin |hole. Specifically we have T|(o) =T|(o) = = =o. (86) In [39] we were able to evaluate these expressions in closed form: d|
ho(o) (87) The last equation gives the crossover scale, Tk, the Kondo temperature, in terms of the bare parameters of the model [45]. With this, (88) For typical realization of Kondo physics in quantum dots, i.e. [36, 37], the error term And so we compute the noise to be S(u) (89) The quantity S/Vis solely a function of the ratio V/Tkand is plotted against I/|V|in Fig. 2. (Note that u=eV.) We see that as V/Tkis varied, the noise rapidly rises at first, peaks ateV -1.15Tk, and then begins to gradually decline. This behaviour is closely related to the Kondo resonance in the spect ral impurity density of states. As we express the scattering phases in terms of the imp urity density of states, we probe the resonance. The width, w, of this resonance, w~Tk, corresponds to the energy scale at which we expect maximal noise. The noise in this case can be reexpressed in terms of the current, I, and the G, I(u) = (90) with the result S(u) (91) At smallu, S(u<0) can compare this result with the Fermi liquid result SFL(u) making this comparison, there is a certain arbitrariness in how one definesTK. This can be overcome by appealing to the finite temperature linear response conductance, G(T) to fix the manner in which TKis to be defined. In our conventions then, G(T) = see then that the Fermi liquid result differs from the result based upon the ansatz scattering states by a factor of 5/8. Asimilar difference can befound between the Fermi liquid and Bethe an satz computation for the current. At small u, the leading order correction to the current (of O(u3)) is given by dI(u) = (92) This compares to the Fermi liquid result dIFL(u) = (93) We see that the Fermi liquid result is considerably smaller than that of the Bethe ansatz. This might well reflect the role of incoherent scattering processes that would be unaccounted for properly by using equilibrium scattering we consider the value of the effective charge, e*, in the problem. This charge is given as a ratio of the noise to the backscattering (94) In the case of the Bethe ansatz, we find e*=e, that is, we find the Johnson-Nyquist result for shot noise in the weak scattering limit. However in Fermi liquid theo ry, the effective 28-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0 e3/h FIG. 2: Plot describing the evolution of both the noise, S/V, and the current, I/V, as a function of the applied voltage. The scale on the l.h.s. governs the nois e while the scale on the r.h.s. governs the current. charge is found to be e*FL= 5/3e[32]. That the effective charge goes unchanged from value is again presumably a consequence of the use of equilibrium the use of the equilibrium Bethe ansatz scattering states gets quantitative details of the noise (and the current) incorrect, it gets qualitative featu res correct. In particular the conductance as a function of voltage is Lorenztian-like with a width o f orderTK. Similarly the zero field noise as a function of voltage increases rapidly (on a sc ale of order TK) and thereafter decreases slowly. Both of these features would be ex pected to be present based solely upon the presence of the resonanc e whose width is governed by the scale TK. VI. COMPUTATION OF NOISE IN FINITE FIELD In this section we compute the noise in a finite magnetic (Zeeman) field . We will here argue that the finite field noise possesses features that can be co nsidered a smoking gun [46] of Kondo physics. We believe that these features are robust a nd so should be captured by our approach. To compute the (95) 29in a finite field, we must consider the contributions of the spin |and spin |currents indi- vidually. From Section III, T|andT|are given by T|= = =-o; T|= = =o. (96) In [39] we evaluated these expressions in two cases, HTkandH >T k: case i:HTk We found for spin |hole (97) while for spin |hole scattering we arrived at dho(oho>0) the transmission amplitudes in this case (99) case ii:H >T k Using a Weiner-Hopf analysis, determined in Ref. [39] to the Kondo scale, Tk~e-pI-1, andI-1-bis given in terms of the ratio (101) kis parameterized in terms of the energy, o, by the expression o(k) Euler's constant and bis given (103) With -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 (e3/h) H = 10TK H = 100TK-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 = 0.1TK H = 1TK FIG. 3: Plots describing the behaviour of the noise, S/V, as a function of the applied voltage, V, for a variety of magnetic field (104) In writing (104) we have omitted writing terms arising from the full ex pression for o(k) in (102). But because of the logarithmic dependence upon H/Tk, such terms are needed if we are to compute the noise with reasonable accuracy for fields, H, not far in excess of Tk. Notice that the spin |scattering does not vary as a function of energy, an approximatio n valid forHTk. We plot the noise, S/|V|, in Figure 3 for a variety of values of H/Tk. For small H/Tk the noise is smooth and without structure. However as we vary HfromH <T ktoH >T k, a marked variation occurs as seen in top panel of Figure 3. The noise rapidly its maximal value of roughly H~Tk, the crossover scale, before again decreasing. This behaviour is repeated in the differential noise -VS, plotted in Figure 4. The noise's maximal value at H=Tkis a reflection of the maximum in T|(1-T|). Such a maximum occurs for T|~1/2. Thus at H=Tk, the average transmission amplitude for spin |
excitations has been reduced roughly by 1 thenoisedevelops e|V| ~H. Thisfeature is more apparent when we examine the differential noise in the lower pa nel of Figure 4. In varyingVnear the peak, the differential conductance GT|(V), passes through the value Gmax/2 =e2/(2h) twice. As such the quantity, VS~T|(1-T|), possesses two peaks. Given the bias at which it occurs, the doubled peak is intimately related to the peak in the differential conductance seen near eV~H. The peak in the differential conductance owes its origin to a field induced bifurcation in the Kondo resonance [46 ]: as the Kondo resonance shifts so does the peak in the conductance. In Refs. [3 9, 43] this bifurcation was studied where it was found that the peak occurs at a value of eVdistinctly smaller than Hand noteV=H. In the case of the noise, we again find that the peaked structure in it occurs at values of eVsmaller than H. We believe this double peaked structure in the noise, inasmuch as it de pends on the gross dependency of the scattering amplitudes upon H, to be a robust fe ature. Less certain are the quantitative predictions that arise Nonetheless we will proceed toanalyze the structure of the differential noise peaks. We do point out that we have some confidence that this analysis has merit as a subset of its corresponding predict ions for the behavior of thecurrentin a magnetic field have been shown to be at least qualitatively correct [47]. In particular, the prediction that the peak in the differential conduct ance occurs for values of eVsmaller than Hhas been observed in experiments on carbon nanotubes [47]. The differential noise, -VS, is given the locations of the peaks again occur when T|= 1/2. AsT|= sin2(d|
ho/2), the scattering phases that correspond to this amplitude are, From (100), this in turn implies g(k) =I-1+-1/2. Using 102, the biases, V+-, at which the two peaks occur (106) The height of the peaks can also be determined. The maxima of the pe aks occur when T|= 1/2. Consequently, the height of the peaks in -VSare given by adding e3/(4h), the 33-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 = 0.1TK H = 1TK -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 (e3/h) H = 100TK H = 10TK FIG. 4: Plots describing the behaviour of the differential noi se, -VS, as a function of the for a variety of magnetic field due to the spin |current, to the contribution from spin |scattering with (107) This result holds for either peak, a consequence of the lack of varia are also able to compute the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of th e peaks. As the peak maxima occur for T|(1-T|) = 1/4, or phases, the FWHM = 1/8. For the peak, dpeak|
ho=p/2, the phases of the FWHM then two phases occur at energies parameterized by values of k g iven by g(k) (108) Hence the width of this peak (109) 341 10 of peaks (e3/h)1 10 of peaks (eV/H)1 10 of peaks (e V/H) FIG. 5: Plots describing the evolution of the differential noi se peaks with increasing magnetic field. In the top panel are plots of the widths of the two peaks, in the middle panel plots of the two peaks' locations, and in the bottom panel, a single plot of bo th peaks' (identical) for the peak corresponding to dpeak|
ho=3p 2, the phases of the half-maxima are dFWHM consequently, the FWHM of this peak (110) 35The width of the two peaks is thus notably different, with the peak oc curring nearer to e|V|=Hthe narrower. The various peak parameters are plotted in Figure 5. We see in the bo ttom panel that the height of the peaks approaches an asymptotic value of in H/Tk. This limit corresponds to a situation where only spin |electrons contribute to the current. In the middle panel of Figure 5 are plotted the biases, V+-, at which the two peaks occur. In the H. However even at large H/Tkthere is a from H, a consequence of the logarithmic dependence upon H/Tk. This behaviour mimics that of the peak in the differential conductance: for large H/Tk, this peak occurs at a value ofeVdistinctly smaller than H[39]. Finally in the top panel of Figure 5 is plotted the width of the two peaks. Again the peak that occurs at a bias clos er to -His the more narrow of the two. VII. CONCLUSIONS To summarize, we have presented analyzes of the moments of the c urrent using both Fermi liquid perturbation theory and the Bethe ansatz. Both appr oaches however In the Fermi liquid approach, while we have derived result s for the higher moments of the current valid, we believe, at all orders of the intera ction strength, we have done so only at the lowest non-trivial order in the voltage. To expan d these computations to higher orders in the voltage remains a challenging problem for futu re research. In terms of the Bethe ansatz treatment, we have managed to identify vario us robust features of the current noise that should be experimentally identifiable in current re alizations of quantum dots. In particular, we have identified a double peaked structure in the noise that appears at finite magnetic fields. But because of our use of equilibrium scattering amplitudes, we have been able to focus only upon qualitative aspects of the physics . 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Fermi liquid study | 39 pages, 5 figures | Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 16, 678 (2007) | 10.1002/andp.200710262 | null | cond-mat.mes-hall | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We study the counting statistics of charge transport in the Anderson impurity
model (AIM) employing both Keldysh perturbation theory in a Fermi liquid
picture and the Bethe ansatz. In the Fermi liquid approach, the object of our
principal interest is the generating function for the cumulants of the charge
current distribution. We derive an exact analytic formula relating the full
counting statistic (FCS) generating function to the self-energy of the system
in the presence of a measuring field. We first check that our approach
reproduces correctly known results in simple limits, like the FCS of the
resonant level system (AIM without Coulomb interaction). We then proceed to
study the FCS for the AIM perturbatively in the Coulomb interaction. By
comparing this perturbative analysis with a strong coupling expansion, we
arrive at a conjecture for an expression for the FCS generating function at
O(V^3) (V is the voltage across the impurity) valid at all orders in the
In the second part of the article, we examine a Bethe ansatz analysis of the
current noise for the AIM. Unlike the Fermi liquid approach, here the goal is
to obtain qualitative, not quantitative, results for a wider range of voltages
both in and out of a magnetic field. Particularly notable are finite field
results showing a double peaked structure in the current noise for voltages
satisfying eV ~ mu H$. This double peaked structure is the ``smoking gun'' of
Kondo physics in the current noise and is directly analogous to the single peak
structure predicted for the differential conductance of the AIM.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 21 Apr 2008 21:08:19 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"A. O.",
"R. M.",
"A. W. W.",
] |
1 Wheeler-DeWitt us consider the Einstein-Hilbert field equations [1, 3Tun, (1) wheregunis a non-degenerate and field. Recall that the Riemann curvature tensor Run, the Einstein cosmolog- ical constant L, and the Ricci scalar curvature R[g] =gklRkldescribe the differential geometry of a (Lorentzian) space-time 4], whereas a stress-energy tensor Tundescribes the Matter fields. The field equations of General Relativity (1) can be fo rmulated as the result of the the least action 0, (2) which in this context known as the Palatini principle [5], ap plied to action supplemented by the boundary term S[g] one allows variations for which the normal derivative s onMare non- zero, in order to cancel surface terms. Here K[h]is the extrinsic curvature of an induced spacelike boundary (M,h)described by a metrichij, andLis the Lagrangian of Matter fields provoking the stress- energy tensor (4) Stationarity of the Matter fields results in a global timelik e Killing vector field for a metric field gun. A coordinate system can be chosen such that the Killing vector field equals tand the foliation t=constant is spacelike. Then, a metric field depends at most on a spatial coordinates xi, thetbecomes a global time coordinate [6], and the 3+1decomposition of a space-time Ni=hijNj, g=N2h, (6) 1Here the system of units 8pG/3 = 1 is applied. 2has also a global sense. In this case, the action (3) (11) where the second formula follows from the Gauss-Codazzi equ ations [7]. Here Kijis the tensor ( K=Ki i), andpijis the momentum field to the field requirement [8] of the primary constrai nts [9] for (7) p=dL d.N0, pi=dL d.Ni0, (13) leads to the secondary constraints H0, Hi0, (14) called the Hamiltonian constraint and the diffeomorphism co nstraint, respec- tively. The diffeomorphism constraint merely reflects spati al the Hamiltonian constraint gives the dynamics. By (12) t he Hamilto- nian constraint becomes the equ ation (For more detailed derivations and discussions Cf. the Refs. [10]-[4 = 0, called the Wheeler superspace (16) 3The primary quantization [45] of the constraints (15) can be done of the canonical commutation relations =d(3)(x,y), (19) and leads to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation [47, = 0, (20) while the other first class constraints are merely auxiliarl y conditions on the wave function Ps[hij] pPs[hij] = 0, piPs[hij] = 0, HiPs[hij] = 0. the following canonical commutation relatio ns 0,(22) and, in consequence, Hiare generators of diffeomorphisms in more conventional =Hd(3) ,i(x,y), (28) are structure constants of diffeomorphism group. Commutato rs (25-27) show the first-class constrained system property. 4Since the late 1960s, that is more than thirty years, quantum based on the Wheeler-DeWitt equation (20) has been st udied with a quite well intensity, Cf. the Refs. [48]-[77], but the gener al way to its solution is still unknown, and the only simplest situations merely re lated to cosmol- ogy are well described. This equation is an evolutionary equ ation on S(M), well known as the Wheeler superspace [78], which is defined as a space of all equivalence class of metrics related by the action of the of a compact, connected, orientable, Hausdorff, manifold without a boundary M. Defining Riem(M)as con- sisting of all CRiemannian metrics on M, andDiff(M)as a group of Mthat preserve orientation, the Wheeler the space of all orbits of Diff(M), that is formally S(M) a connected, space. All geometries with the same kind of symm etry are man- ifold inS(M), that is they have homeomorphic neighbouhoods. geometries' neighbourhoods are not homeomorphi c to nonsym- metric geometries' ones, and, for this reason, S(M)is not a manifold. Super- space can be decomposed by its subspaces on a countable, part echet manifold partition, that is an inverted stratification indexed by the symmetry type, or, in other words, geometries with a give n symmetry are completely contained within the boundary of less symmetric geometries. The mostly studied situations are the so-called minisuperspac e models which de- fine purely quantum cosmological part of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation, Cf. the Refs. [79]-[85], which formally study a certain specific strata of the super- space. Fischer [78] proved that through both a suitable choi ce of a action of this subgroup on Riem(M), Mthe superspace S(M)can be extended to a manifold Se(M) such that dimSe(M)/S(M) =n(n+1). 2 Global Bosonization The formulation of quantum gravity throughout the concept o f the has no known physical consequences [86], but is t he crucial struc- tural problem of quantum In this section we will present the construction of an appropriate linearization of Wheele r-Dewitt which we call here the bosonization in the global o Reduction Problem Let us consider the standard relation of General Relativity [87] between the variations of a metric field and its (29) The3+1 parametrization (5) allows determine the partial variatio (30) dgij=dhij, (33) as well as the total (34) Taking a contravariant metric field components of (5), and ma king use of (29), one (35) and, therefore, one can easily establish the global relatio n between the first functional (36) which, in fact, is the global reduction (36) having a deep geo metrical sense. Namely, from this point of view, the first functional derivat ive object from a vector space spanned by the contravariant th in consequence of the formula (36), one can determine th e Wheeler-DeWitt second derivative functional operator (20 ) as (37) where we have used the (38) For full consistency, one should also consider Ps[h]rather than Ps[hij]as the appropriate wave function, what we call the global conjecture. Hence the Wheeler-DeWitt equa tion (20) trans- forms into the one-dimensional Klein-Gordon = 0, (40) is the square of mass of the bosonic field Ps[h]. Making use of the notation Ph (41) the second order scalar equation (39) becomes the first order vector = 0, obey the relations G= 2eab1, 0 0 unit and null two-dimensional matrices. We have seen that application of the global reduction (36) to the Wheeler- DeWitt equation (20), that throughout a global character of the decomposi- tion (5) has also a global nature, results in the quantum theo ry of the scalar boson (39). This scalar-type second order functional evolu tion was reduced directly to the vector-type first order functional equation (42) with a cer- tain two-component field Ph[h]as the solution. In the evolutionary equation (39), as well as in its reduced form (42), the superspace metr ic is what means that the reduced geometrodynamics avoid s the concept of the Wheeler superspace, whereas all other properties of q uantum gravity remain unchanged. For this reason, the most mysterious elem ent of the log- ical way presented in the Wheeler-DeWitt quantum geometrod ynamics has been formally excluded from considerations as at least unne cessary. the notion of the Wheeler superspace as well as its are not need for the further analysis of the quant um gravity. In a certain language, one can say that we have transformed a who le theory into its subtheory, what in the language of superspace can be called a strata. However, the reduction process also showed that the strata i s equivalent to all theory, what makes this derivation a new finding. In further d evelopments of this paper, we will concentrate on the canonical quantizati on in the bosonic Fock space of the reduced quantum geometrodynamics (42). 2.2 Initial Data Operator Basis Next step of the procedure is the field quantization of the equ ation = 0, (44) 7which, by the openly bosonic character of the theory, should be done ac- cording to canonical commutation relations proper for the B Cf. the Refs. [88, 89, 90], that =-id(h'-h), = 0, = 0. (47) Making use of the method of second quantization, Cf. the Refs . [91, 92, 93], from the equation (39) spring that the field operator Ph[h]can be represented in the Fock space of annihilation and creation functional op erators Ph[h] =Q[h]B[h], (48) whereB[h]is a dynamical basis in the Fock space B[h] = the second quantization matrix Q[h] (50) In this way, the operator equation (44) becomes the equation for the (51) Actually, there is a nonlinearity given by coupling between annihilation and creation operators present as nondiagonal terms in (51) and , equation (51) can not be solved standardly. In order to fin d the solutions, let us suppose that in the Fock space exists a new basis B'[h] B'[h] = both the Bogoliubov 1, (53) 8as well as the Heisenberg canonical equations of (54) hold together. The diagonalization procedure (52)-(54) co nverts a whole evolution (51) from the operator basis onto the Bogoliubov c a static operator basis associated with the initial 1,[GI,GI] = (56) and the vacuum state is also 0,0 (57) In the other words, now the whole integrability problem of th e theory is contained in the evolutionary equations (55). Nevertheles s, the are additionally constrained by the hyperbolic rotation condi- tion (52) and, for this reason, this is useful to apply the so- called for which the solutions are given ad hoc as follows u[h] (58) v[h] (59) whereu[h]is a mass scale u[h] =mI m[h]. (60) This establishes the relation between a dynamical basis B[h]and the initial data basis BI B[h] =G[h]BI, (61) where the transformation matrix G[h]is G[h] given by a phase of (58). By this reason, the solution of the equation (44) can be expressed in the initial data basis as Ph[h] =Q[h]G[h]BI. (63) 2.3 One-point correlations The second quantized equation (39) can be rewritten in the fo llowing = 0, (64) and its solution can be easily derived as a direct conclusion of (63) Ps[h] field acts on the initial data vacuum state as = (67) and, for this reason, one can consider the following many-fie ld quantum (69) and determine the two-point quantum correlator of two many- field (71) Application of the 8mI, (72) 10allows to define the following (76) The last formula (76) together with the definition (60) leads to the relation between the mass of the bosonic field Ps[h]and the initial data mass mI m[h] =l[h]mI, l[h] (77) that means the arbitrary mass m[h]is only the the initial data mass mIscaled by a coefficient l[h], wherel2is a reciprocate of the one-point correlations of the quantum bosonic field Ps[h]. Therefore, actually for an arbitrary point hthe mass m[h]is given through the correlations of two bosonic fields Ps in this point, what establishes the crucial physical role of the superspace for quantum gravity. 3 Summary Although making use of the Hamiltonian primary quantizatio n of the procedure of global bosonization of the Whe eler-DeWitt quan- tum geometrodynamics and its second quantization essentia lly differs from the previous authors' results. The new aspect is quantum fiel d theory formu- lation which leads to the initial data basis and considers qu antum gravity as the theory of a scalar boson. The proposed approach is far fro m still implau- sible approach offered by high energy physics [94] which make s gravitons the only spin 2 particles living in nature, the so-called third q uantization, Cf. the Refs. [95]-[101], where operator bases are not applied at al l, and other phys- ically unverifiable mathematical theories. 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Conjecture | 17 pages | in L.A. Glinka (Ed.) "Towards New Cosmology From Quantum Gravity &
Particle Physics", Applied Mathematics and Physics, vol. 2, no. 3 (2014):
59-65 | 10.12691/amp-2-3-1 | null | gr-qc hep-th math-ph math.MP quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In this paper, making use of the global one-dimensionality conjecture, we
discuss the reduction of the Wheeler-DeWitt quantum geometrodynamics to the
Klein-Gordon equation describing the scalar bosonic particle. The method of
second quantization in the appropriate Fock space is applied, and, employing
both the Bogoliubov transformation as well as Heisenberg equations of motion,
the quantum gravity is expressed as evolution of the creators and annihilators
related to the initial data. It is shown that this procedure leads to the
understanding of the boson mass, through the one-point two-boson quantum
correlations, as a scaled initial data mass.
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"created": "Tue, 22 Apr 2008 13:04:44 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:46:57 GMT"
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"Lukasz Andrzej",
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Standard Model (SM) allow th~1; this is the strong CPproblem. An elegant solution to this puzzle was proposed by Peccei and Quinn (PQ) [1, 2], where a new U(1) under strong interactions, was proposed. This U(1) symmetry is assumed to be spontaneously broken at a scale fa, resulting in a pseudo-scalar Goldstone boson a[3, 4], the axion. Non-perturbative QCD interactions at the scale L QCD~100MeV generate a potential and hence a mass the axion. Experimental and have pushed fato scales of order 107GeV or more. As fasets the inverse coupling of the axion to the SM fields, the current data suggests that axions a re basically 'invisible' and very light. Here we note that some cosmological considerations rela ted to the overclosure of the universe suggest anupper bound fa<~1012GeVfor the PQ axion [5, 6, 7, 8]. Apart from the considerations related to the strong CPproblem, axion-like particles are ubiquitous in string theory. In addition, axion-like particles have been used in var ious astrophysical and cosmological models1. In the following, the term axion is generically used to refer to any of the above, or other, possible instances of such weakly interacting light coupling of the axion to photons is given by the fine structure constant. Funis the strength tensor, ~Funis its dual, gagM-1is the axion-photon coupling; the electric and magnetic fields, respectively, corresponding t oFun. The interaction in (1) makes it possible for hot plasmas, like the Sun, to emit a flux of axio ns through the Primakoff process [11]. This same interaction has also led to experimen tal proposals [12] for detecting the axion through its conversion to photons in external magnetic fields. bounds, most recent of which is set by the CAST expe riment [13], suggest For a review of different bounds on axion couplings, see Ref. [14]. In what follows, we study the feasibility of a recently proposed appr oach for detecting solar axions with an x-ray telescope in orbit [15], based on geomagnet ic conversion of inRef.[15] was based on a number of simplifying for example, Ref. [9]. 2The possibility of using planetary magnetic fields as a conversion regio n for high energy cosmic axions was discussed in Ref. [16]. 21. The satellite orbit was a circle. 2. The orbit was aligned to lie in the equatorial plane of the Earth. 3. The Earth axis was perpendicular to the Ecliptic. 4. The available conversion length was taken to be the altitude of the satellite. 5. The magnetic field was assumed uniform and perpendicular to the d irection of The effect of the Earth atmosphere was neglected. Consequen tly, the effective mass of the photon in medium was ignored; mg-0. These assumptions allowed a treatment of GECOSAX within the same f ormalism relevant for helioscopes [12, 17], i.e.axion-photon conversion in vacuo in a constant magnetic field which is perpendicular to the direction of the axion momentum. The co nversion rate , in the limit of vanishing axion mass ma-0, is then simply given by Ps ag= (2) Takinggag= 10-10GeV-1and using CAST parameters B= 9T and L= 10m, we Replacing the CAST magnet with the geomagnetic field and taking Lto characterize a low-Earth-orbit, we have B= 3x10-5T andL= 6x105m and thus which is only a factor of about 25 smaller than the CAST However, in Ref. [15], it was noted that this can typically b e the larger detection area of an orbiting x-ray telescope. In [15] it was shown that the resulting x-ray signal on the dark side of the Earth would have a num ber of unique features which would make it very hard to be mistaken for anything else: upwar d going x-rays, T= 4keV black body spectrum, direction from within 3'from the center of the Sun modulation with B2L2. In the following, we would like to address the simplifying assumptions on e by one and illustrate their effect on the actual axion-photon conversion rate . In section II, we will discuss how to account for the proper geome try. We will also discuss how to compute the actual position of any given satellite. This will add ress assumptions 1-4. Next we will address assumption 5 in section III with a proper ma gnetic model. In 3section IV, we will present a full treatment of axion-photon conve rsion in a dispersive and absorptive medium, using a model of the Earth's atmosphere, which addresses assumption 6. In section V, we will present the resulting x-ray fluxes for various s atellites, followed by gag, our results and the future outlook, in section VII. II. GEOMETRY AND SATELLITE ORBITS The basis for any detailed calculation of the axion-photon conversio n rate is a of the geometry. We introduce the following notation: p lain capital Latin or Greek letters denote a point, where Odenotes the origin of our coordinate system. If Pis a point, then its position vector OPis denoted by /vector p. For any vector /vector vits length is denoted byv. The unit vector along the direction of /vector vis denoted by /vector ev=/vector v/v. The Sun is at S, the center of the Earth is at Eand the x-ray satellite is at X. For any point P, we define its height vector /vectorhPas the vector which goes from the surface of the Earth to Pand is perpendicular to the tangent plane of the Earth surface at its sta rting point. The starting point is called the footprint of Pand denoted by PF. This definition may seem it also holds for the actual geoid and not only for a spheric al Earth. The abstract definition of the problem can be easily done without spe cifying a The actual numerical calculation, of course, has to spec ify a definite which is relegated to appendix A. In Fig. 1 a two dimensional schematic view of the problem is shown at on e instant in time t0. Since axions/photons travel oflight c, theyexperience environment. The geometry only changes notably on timesca les large compared to tp~106m/c~10-3s. Therefore, given time t0. The first task is to determine the path traveled by the axions. The straight linefromtheSun Stothesatellite X. SXwhich isonthedarkside Thus, theintersec tions ofSXwith the surface of the Earth have to be found. We account for th e ellipsoidal shape of the Earth and use the so called WGS72 parameters3. In general there can be none, one or 3For polarorbits the difference in radiusof aspherical and ellipsoidalE arth can causeup to a 10sdifference in the duration of the dark toSun FIG. 1: Geometry of the GECOSAX configuration drawn in the pla ne spanned by the center of the Earth, the center of the Sun and the satellite's position att0. two such intersections. The solution on the dark side will be denoted byL. This allows us to define the line of sight (LOS) /vector a=LX. Note, that this definition of being on the dark side is purely geometrical and neglects the angular diameter of the Sun, atmospheric refraction and absorption. The angular diameter of the Sun reduces the usef ul part of the orbit by about 4s. This follows from the fact that the Sun subtends 0 .5*and the satellite travels a full circle in about 90 minutes. The effect of the Earth atmosphere is quite a bit larger since it becomes non-transparent for x-rays below an altitude of a bout 50-100km, thus increasing the effective radius by that amount, which by explicit calcu lation would increase the dark orbit duration by a few times 10s. This overcompensates f or our neglect of the solar diameter and makes our overall treatment conservative. Us ing the position of Las defined above, one can parametrize the position of any point along t he line of sight
/vector p(l)l/vector ea+/vectorl. (3) Inthe course of the actual calculation the height hPofPis needed, since theair density ofthesatellit ehXisalways smaller than the length of the LOS, i.e.hX<=a. This implies that assumption 4 is in fact we will find that the relative increase of awith respect to hXwill compensate largely for 5the losses in x-ray flux due to the other effects considered in the fo llowing. The algorithm for the solar position is taken from [18] and it's accuracy is better th an 1'. The idealized orbit of any satellite is a solution to the Kepler problem. Th us, knowing the satellite's position and velocity at time t0, it is possible to predict its future position at t1. In reality, there are, however, various factors which lead to dev iations from the simple Kepler orbit, among which are: non-vanishing higher multipoles of the mass distribution of the Earth, atmospheric drag, gravitational influence from the Moon (and to a lesser degree from the Sun), etc.. The prediction of satellite orbits is, of course, a matter of great importance for operators of satellites and is also needed for military applications. effects disturbing the simple Kepler orbit can be acc ounted for in a theory. Many of the perturbations are well know an d can be quite From the observation of the actual position and velocit y of a satellite at time t0 it is possible to extract the unperturbed Kepler orbit, which would fo llow in the absence of any perturbing factors. In order to obtain anaccurate predictio n for the future, a specific set of perturbations is taken into account. In doing this, it is crucial th at the initial orbit data is extracted using a model which is compatible with the algorithm used for future positions. One standard format is the so called 'NORAD5element sets', and a description of the perturbation model called SGP46can be found in [19]. Since satellite propagation is done in perturbation theory, errors inevitably will accumulate and rende r the predictions unre- liable. Therefore, element sets for basically all active satellites are is sued periodically by NORAD and made accessible at [20] in the so called 'two line element' (TLE ) format. of the NORAD orbit prediction algorithm we use is taken from the predict program, which is an open-source C language satellite tracking soft ware [21]7. It in the sense, that the resulting theory is applicable to a wide , general class of orbits and not restricted to particular orbits like e.g.ones with a low is the North American Aerospace Defense Command. 6SGP4 stands for 'simplified general perturbation version 4'. Historic ally, one distinguished SGP4 and SDP4, where the latter one is used for 'deep-space' orbits with per iods longer than 225 minutes. For most parts of this work, we use only SGP4, i.e.orbits with periods smaller than 225 minutes. 7In reality, it seems that all implementations found in open accessible s ources go back to various, implementations by T.S Kelso [20] in a number of programming lan guages. The one we are using is no the TLE of a satellite, a time t0and returns its position in the ECI8att0. All satellites are indexed by NORAD using so called US SPACECOM identification numbe rs, these are 5 digit numbers starting with 00001 for the SPUTNIK satellite. We will u se these 5 digit numbers to refer to all satellites in this paper, any satellite names ar e written in capitals. A list if all US SPACECOM IDs and the corresponding names is given in table III. Some remarks about our use of TLEs and SGP4 are in order. We use S GP4 since it is the simplest general purpose algorithm and the necessary input d ata, the TLEs, are easily available. SGP4 is by no means state of the art, it was developed to allow of thousands of objects with the limited computing power a vailable in the 60s and 70s. Clearly, in an actual experiment one would use telemetry data a nd direct accuracy of predictions made with SGP4 relative to GPS position d etermination was studied in detail in [22]. The typical errors for SGP4 are about +-5km cross-track, to the satellite momentum, within +-15 days from the epoch of the used TLE, whereas the in-track error, i.e.along the orbit, is about +-20km. For a satellite moving at about 10km /s this gives rise to a timing error of about 2s. We checked that these errors have, in fact, a very small impact on the average axion signa l, since the satellite still reaches every point under more or less the same circumstance with respect to magnetic and direction to the Sun. For this test, we used historic TLEs of satellite 27370 (RHESSI), obtained from [20], issued about 8 months apart. We fou nd that there was a time difference of several minutes in when the satellite entered the d ark orbit, but once we corrected for this time shift, the GECOSAX fluxes where identical t o within ~10%. In [22] it is shown that the inter-TLE variation is a good indicator for the act ual accuracy. This is clearly an extreme example since TLEs are re-issued about every o ther week. Thus, we conclude that SGP4 with current TLEs is accurate enough by a large margin. To summarize, we foundthat the corrections due to the proper tr eatment of the geometry are quite large and lead to a pronounced variation of the expected fl ux along each orbit because of changes in the length aof the LOS. Geometry related effects are accounted within about +-25km or +-5s in our calculation, which introduces less than 10% error in the GECOSAX signal prediction. The errors introduced by our simplifi ed treatment of 8This is an Earth Centered Inertial set of coordinates, discussed in appendix 2: Map of the total magnetic field strength at sea level fo r 2008.5 [23]. Red, thick contours are in steps of 10000nT, thin red ones are in steps of 2500nT. T he number on top of the red, thick contours are the magnetic field strength in nT. The blac k dots denote the positions of the magnetic dip pole for each year from 2005 till 2010. The coord inates give the position of the dip pole in 2008.5. The map is a Winkel tripel transformation in appendix A are negligible in comparison t o the intrinsic errors of the satellite orbit prediction. III. MAGNETIC FIELD OF THE EARTH To a first approximation, the magnetic field of the Earth is a dipole who se axis intersects the surface at the magnetic poles, which do not coincide with the geo graphic ones. of rotation and magnetic axes alone would induce a typic al periodic variation of the x-ray flux produced by GECOSAX. However, the geomagnet ic field has various and deviations from a simple dipole form. We use a realistic 3-d model of the magnetic field of the earth, the so called World Magnetic Model 2005 [24], which is available in machine readable form at [2 3]. The World 8Magnetic Model is the standard model of the US Department of Def ense, the UK Ministry of Defense, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and t he World (WHO) for navigation and attitude/heading referencing syst ems. It is intended to meet its stringent error specifications (better than 1%) from sea level up to an altitude of 600km. Since it is given as a series expansion in spherical harmonics , stays well-defined out to larger radii. If there were no electrical c urrents in the upper atmosphere and no solar wind, i.e.additional sources of magnetic fields outside the Earth, the model would be accurate up to many Earth radii. In practice, int eractions with the solar wind and atmospheric electrical currents produce magnetic fields o f around 100 -500nT, at an altitude of ~1000km, during magnetically quiet times and perturbations can reac h up 2000nT during strong magnetic storms. Magnetic perturbation s are indexed by the Apindex, which is the daily average of the apindex. It denotes the deviation from the most disturbed component of the local magnetic field vector from it s mean, in units of 2nT. The Apindex is derived from the observations of 11 and has been regularly collected since 1932. Apvalues larger than 100 are classified as indicating a severe magnetic storm. Only 1% of the days f rom 1932 till 1992 have reported a value of Ap>100 [25]. Hence, for almost all observation conditions the errors introduced by the day to day variability of the geomagnetic fi eld will be small. Thus, the errors introduced by using the magnetic model up to an altitude of 1000km are certainly less than 10%, most likely much less than 5% [26, 27, 28]. Therefore, in principle, it seems feasible to extend the permissible range of altitudes maybe up to 1-2 Earth radii, however, this would require a more careful analysis of the external magnetic fields, which is beyond the scope of this work. We, therefore, will restrict all analysis to a ltitudes below 1000km, unless otherwise mentioned. The magnetic model also includes a prediction of the annual variation of from 2005 to 2010. From these variations we expect a less than 1% annual change in the relevant parameters. Given this 3-d vectorial map, w e compute the along the axion path. The total field strength is shown in Fig. 2. 9IV. AXION PROPAGATION The axions and x-rays will have to traverse the upper Earth atmos phere, which and refraction of x-rays and hence will also influence th e axion-photon To a rough approximation the interaction of x-rays with an energy of few keV with air can be described by Thomson scattering from free elect rons [29]. Air mostly consists of nitrogen and oxygen having atomic numbers Zof 7 and 8, respectively. The binding energies of the innermost electrons thus are about and thus small compared to the photon energy for most of the range o f interest. On the other hand, the photon energies are very small compared to the rest ma ss of the electron and hence the scattering is highly non-relativistic and pair creation cann ot take place. Thus, all effects on x-ray propagation should be a function of the electron d ensity, which itself closely traces the mass density of air. At standard temperature and pre ssure (STP) of 273 .15K and 101325Pa, we use as volume (molar) fractions 78 .1% N2, 21.0% O2, and 0.93% Ar9. The absorption length l= G-1for x-rays of energy 1 -10keV, in air at STP, has been obtained from [29, 30]. We have assumed that x-ray absorption sca les with the electron density along the axion path. Assuming a constant composition of th e atmosphere with altitude, the electron density10is directly proportional to the mass density. To include refraction, we use the effective photon mass mggiven by [17] m2 g= 4pr0[rf1/(Amu)], is the classical electron radius, Ais the atomic mass number of the gas (atmosphere), muis the atomic mass unit, ris the gas density, f1Z, andZis atomic number of the gas. This formula can be generalized for a comp ound gas, like the air, by noting that the quantity rZ/(Amu) is the electron number density nefor the medium, which in the above equation is assumed to be made up of only one elemen t. For a simplified derivation we assume that air is composed of 78% N 2and 22% O 2, by volume. In the ideal gas limit, the volume and molar fractions are th e same. Given that for dry air the molar density is rair44.48 mol m-3(STP), we find that ne 9WithZ= 18, Ar has binding energies in the keV range. However, due to its sm all molar fraction we may ignore it for the exposition, here. In the numerical analysis it is acco unted for. 10We will comment on this in more detail, later in this whereNAis Avogadro's number. Then, Eq. (4) yields mg= (5) We checked that using the full energy dependence of f1given in [29, 30] and a more detailed air composition does not change mgby more than 2%. As the following general argument will show, the axion conversion pa th length is sensitive to density variations. In all density models, t he density profile can be locally described by an exponential with an altitude dependent sca le height (6) where both r0andH(h) can be time dependent. In order to estimate the impact on we need to understand up to what altitude absorptio n plays a role and what impact a finite photon mass has. In order to asses the sensitivity to changes in absorption we can compute the escape probability pescof a x-ray photon from a given altitude (7) where G( x) is the inverse absorption length and cpthe so called absorption coefficient. G( x) itself is a function of the density and is given by G(x)ur(x), (8) whereuis the mass attenuation coefficient. We now can define the escape alt pesc= 1/e. This then translates to the following (9) Assuming that H(x) =H=const.we can easily solve for xand (10) The effect of a non-vanishing mgis the same as the one of a non-vanishing axion mass: they both affect the oscillation or coherence length for photon-ax ion conversion. The con- version probability will be suppressed whenever the oscillation length is short compared to 11the available path length. For the following discussion we define the os cillation length lgto be due to the finite photon the photon energy. In order for mgto be negligible, we require lg< L 1000km. Since mgr, it follows that lgr-1. The altitude eat which lgreaches a certain value can be computed, using Eqs. 5 and (12) Letegdenote the value of eatlg= 1000km. Again we find that the dependence of egon r0is only logarithmic. Therefore, all atmospheric effects will depend on ly weakly on the precise value of density. The Earth atmosphere is roughly compromised of three layers: the homosphere from 0-90km, the thermosphere starting at 90km and ranging up to 250 -400km depending on solar and geomagnetic activity, as well as the exosphere which be gins at the top of thermosphere and extends into space. In the homosphere, winds and turbulence mix all species very well and thus the composition is independent of altitude . In the mixing ceases to be effective and the different species sta rt to diffuse separately. This diffusion is driven by gravitation and thermal gradients. In the e xosphere, finally, the mean free path of the lighter atoms like hydrogen becomes large enough such that they can escape to space. In the thermosphere solar energy is ab sorbed by the of molecular oxygen. Thus, a sizable amount of free, at omic oxygen appears and our assumption of constant composition fails. However, in term s of electron density, 2 oxygen atoms have the same number of electrons as 1 oxygen molec ule, therefore the total mass density is still a very precise indicator of the electron density11. There are no weather phenomena, in the ordinary sense, in the the rmosphere, nonetheless its density does depend on various variable factors. This density dis tribution depends on the energy input from the Sun via extreme ultraviolet light (EUV) and due to direct heating by charged particles from cosmic radiation and solar wind. As a result, t he density depends on the amount of solar EUV radiation, which itself depends on geograph ic latitude, the time of the year and the apparent local solar time. Also the solar activity an d geomagnetic activity 11We verified that this holds to better than 1% in the relevant altitude r ange. 120 200 400 600 800 3: Total mass density ras function of altitude. The black line shows the default den sity profileused throughout this paper and correspondsto the med ium solar activity case recommended in [28]. The green/gray band denotes the maximal excursions from this default density by the NRLMSISE-00 atmospheric model [31]. The in set shows the photon mass induced minimal oscillation length lg(blue/dark band) and the absorption coefficient cp(green/light band) as functions of the altitude in the relevant range. The bands are due to full variation of density profiles shown in the main plot. The arrows at the bottom denot e the main cause for the in that altitude range. as well as the location within the geomagnetic field do have a non-neglig ible influence. For a general overview see [28, 32]. Direct measurements of the total m ass density in the altitude range from 150 -200km can be performed by the observation of the decay rate of v ery low altitude satellite orbits. These measurements indicate densities of a few times 10-9kgm-3 at 150km. The observed diurnal variations are25%, whereas the o bserved seasonal variation is somewhat larger with 40% [33, 34]. 13In [28], the MSISE-90 [35] model12is recommended for use in space missions, with three average density profiles from 0 -900km corresponding to three different levels of solar and geomagnetic activity. We use the one called medium activity, corresp onding to 140 and Ap= 15. Where, F10.7denotes the l= 10.7cm flux density from the Sun in units of the 81 day average of F10.7. TheF10.7index closely traces the solar UV emissions and the sun spot number. Apis the daily average of the apindex, which measures the perturbation of the geomagnetic field in units of 2nT, see section III. The corresponding density profile is shown as black line in figure 3. In order to study the impact of variations of the density profile we u se an updated version of MSISE-90, the so called NRLMSISE-00 [31] model. The diffe rences between the two models for the same set of input parameters, are however sma ll. NRLMSISE-00 takes as input thedayofyear, thelocalapparent solartime, thegeodeticla a series of average values of Ap). In order to to estimate the maximal possible density excursions, we varied: from 40 to 38013,Apfrom 0 to 10014, longitude from 0*to 90*15, the day of the year from 1 to 365, the local apparent solar time from 0h -24h. For each altitude we determined the minimal and maximal value of density due to all these different input parameters, the result is shown as the green/gray band in figure 3. In the altitude range from 50 -135km seasonal changes and the have the greatest effect, wheres for higher altitude the m ain effects are due solar and geomagnetic activity. These regions are indicated by black arrows in figure 3. The obtained values for density variation agree well with the ones found in [33, 34]. The inset in figure 3 shows how eescandegchange due to those density variations. The values and ranges are : eesc= 78+4 -3km and eg= 118+-3km. (13) We see that the limiting factor is indeed refraction and not absorptio n and both factors need to be included for an accurate calculation. Assuming an axion conver sion path of around 1000km, this is less than a 1% change. We actually verified that the GE COSAX flux does 12MSISE stands for 'mass spectrometer and incoherent scatter, e xtended'. 13This covers the extremes during one full 11-year solar cycle, acco rding to [28]. 14In principle, Apcan reach values of up to 300 during the strongest geomagnetic st orms. These times, would however have to be discarded anyway since the fidelity of geom agnetic model can not be ensured at these times. Note, that the density variations caused by Ap>100 especially affect the vicinity of the regions where egwill be 0*range just swaps result between summer and winter. 14not change by more than 5% due atmospheric density variations, th erefore the inclusion of atmospheric effects via an average density profile is fully warranted . A. Axion conversion probability The probability for axion-photon conversion including the full path a nd medium depen- dence is given by [17] Pag(ma,o,t) pt(l')]x/vector (16) Here,ois the axion energy. The time dependence of Pagis entirely due to change of the geometry with time as explained in section II. For each time twe solve for the position of the satellite /vectorXtand for the position of the Sun /vectorSt. This information is used to derive /vector pt(l), the parametric form of the axion path or the line of sight as defined in Eq. 3. The quantity l parametrizes the position along the line of sight and atdenotes the length of the line of sight for the time t; we have l[0,at]. G and mgonly depend on the density of the atmosphere which itself is a functions of the height above mean sea level hPt(l). Only/vectorBhas a on the position vector /vector p. For the various necessary coordinate refer the reader to appendix A. The integral in Eq. (14) has no closed form solution and therefore h as to be For the numerical integration a problem arises at very lo w altitudes, where the air density is high and hence mgis large. This gives rise to extremely fast oscillation of the integrand of the innermost integral, i.e.the integration with respect to impossible for sufficiently small heights. On the other hand , G also becomes very large and thus those parts of the path where mgis very large do not contribute to the transition amplitude. The solution is to reverse the direction of integ ration by at the same time all integrals now run from atto 0. Next, the integral is partitioned using a simple bisection: First the integral from attoat/2 and then from 15at/2 toat/4 ..., until the contribution of the last part evaluated is smaller tha n a preset precision goal, in our case this is P/P= 10-5. B. Solar axion flux The Sun produces axions throughout its whole interior, although th e hottest regions with the highest photon density contribute the bulk of the axion produc tion. Since the angular size of the Sun and the axion producing region are non-negligible comp ared to the typical angular resolution of x-ray telescopes, we cannot treat the Sun a s point source of axions. A detailed study of solar surface axion luminosity has been presente d in [13]. Its results have been made accessible to us in machine readable format by one of the authors [36]. We will denote the solar surface axion luminosity by pha(r,E), following the notation in [13], whereris the dimensionless fraction of the solar radius. Thus, the solar axio n flux by the Sun up to a certain radius rsis obtained (17) The usually quoted solar axion flux assumes rs= 1 and can be written as this work, unless otherwise stated, we use gag= 10-10GeV-1. Note that the vast majority of this flux originates within the inner 20% of the solar r adius,i.e.rs= 0.2. Since the background will be proportional to r2 s, the signal significance will not be optimal forrs= 1, but for some smaller value. This issue is studied in detail in appendix B and we adoptrs= 0.13. The flux we are using is then given resulting axion fluence in the energy range from 1 -10keV is 3 1 and it is 2 0.13. Also, the mean axion energy changes from 4 .2keV for rs= 1 to 4.8keV for rs= 0.13. In appendix B, it is the loss of about 40% in signal is compensated by a large decrea se in background. From a comparison of the results obtained in [10] and in [13], it is estimat ed that this flux calculation is accurate to about 5%, due to changes in the underlying solar model. In our 16analysis, we will also neglect the annual variation of the Sun-Earth d istance which causes a 5% modulation of the signal. V. RESULTING X-RAY FLUXES A. General orbits We now have all the tools at hand to study the GECOSAX effect in deta il for any given satellite. Before we delve into finding the optimal orbits in the following section, we briefly describe the GECOSAX flux along a typical orbit. This will help to clarify some notation and to give a basic overview of the issues involved. Figure 4 shows one dark orbit, i.e.that part of the orbit which is in the Earth shadow, of satellite 25399 begin ning at UTC and lasting 1524s. We will call the beginning of a dark orbit ti dand the end tf d. The duration of the dark orbit is then given by tf d-ti d. Since the satellite may not be able to start observation immediately at ti d, we may have to cut away some time at the beginning and end of the dark orbit, called tcut; thus the useful duration of the orbit Generally, the duration of dark orbits will vary throughout the ye ar and is different from orbit to orbit. For some parts of the year, there m ay even be no dark orbits at all, quite analogous to the fact that during summer the Sun does n ot set north of the polar circle. The integrated useful GECOSAX flux for each dark orb ito, which corresponds to the blue shaded area in panel (a) of Fig. 4, is given are different from orbit to orbit and have to be computed (b) of Fig. 4 shows that the axion conversion path is always co nsiderably longer than the altitude of the satellite, its length ranges from about 1.6 tim es up to 4 times the altitude of the satellite. This fact is responsible for most of the signa l increase with respect to our previous estimate in [15]. Also, within the first and last few 10s o f the dark orbit there is large variation in this length: nearly one half of the total pat h length within the first and last 60s of the dark orbit. Therefore, in order to be not overly sensitive to errors in timing and positioning we exclude those first and last 60s from tu 400. 600. 800. 1000. 1200. 4: A typical orbit for satellite 25399. ti dis 2007-12-31, 23:48:33 UTC and the duration of the dark orbit is 1524s. Panel (a) shows the resulting x-ray fl ux from GECOSAX integrated over the energy range from 1 -10keV. The blue shaded area gives the useful integrated GECO SAX flux after accounting for tcut. Panel (b) shows the length of the axion conversion path in un its of the actual altitude of the satellite (line labeled LOS) and t he total magnetic field strength at the location of the satellite B in units of 10 uT (line labeled B). The gray shaded areas are the first and last 60s of the dark orbit. analysis. This is indicated by the gray shaded areas in Fig. 4. We also se e that the variation of the magnetic field is non-negligible. This will depend strongly on the p ath of the satellite with respect to the geomagnetic field. The orbit of satellite 25399 ha s an inclination of 98*
and thus the satellite does traverse the region of the geomagnetic poles; in this case it is the south geomagnetic pole. Also, Fig. 4 shows that the orientation of the magnetic field is nearly parallel to the axion path at the beginning of the dark orbit s ince the very large path length right at beginning does not cause a corresponding incre ase in GECOSAX flux. At the end of the dark orbit the magnetic field has a larger componen t perpendicular to the 18axion path and hence the increase in path length is well reflected in a c orresponding increase in the GECOSAX flux. B. Optimal intheprevioussec constitutes an optimal orbit for observing GECOSAX. In some approximation, the sig- nal is proportional to B2L2, therefore we would like to have orbits which have the maximum possible path length in the highest possible magnetic field. This points t o high traversing the region of geomagnetic poles. This requires inclinations greater than about 70*. Instead of designing an optimal orbit, which given the many free pa rameters is a daunting task, we took a sample of existing orbits, i.e.orbits which actually are used or have been used for real scientific satellite missions. We took the TLE s of 50 satellites with apogees below 1000km from [20]. Nearly, all of these orbits have low e ccentricity <0.1. The apogees of these satellites have an approximately Gaussian distr ibution with a mean of 650km and a standard deviation of about 120km. The inclinations are strongly clustered around 80*; 28 satellites have inclinations in the range 70*-90*. Thus, this sample seems to be well suited for our study. The US SPACECOM identification numb er and the number of the TLE set used are given in Table III. Our goal here is solely to de termine the most suitable orbit and not the most suitable mission, which is the combinatio n of satellite and orbit. Thus, in the following if we speak, say, of satellite 2554416we actually just refer to its orbit and not the instruments or the satellite theoptimal orbit we need to distinguish two different o bservational strate- gies, called 'turning mode' and 'fixed mode'. A turning mode satellite nee ds to avoid direct exposure of its x-ray detection system to the sunlight (visible and x -ray) in order to prevent any permanent damage. Typically, this Sun avoidance angle is about 3 0*and maximum sus- tained slew rates of 6*min-1have been demonstrated. Thus such a satellite enters the Earth shadow pointing 30*away from the Sun, then it needs 30 /6 = 5min to turn into pointing to the Sun. Since these numbers may vary from miss ion to mission and some safety margin will be necessary, we will discard the first 10 minu tes at entry into the 16This is the International Space Station (ISS). 19Earth shadow as well as the last 10 minutes prior to exit of the Earth shadow, thus giving up 20 minutes of each orbit. Fixed mode satellites have instrumentation which can withstand direct irradiation by the Sun, or protective shields that can be deplo yed quickly (compared to slew time), and thus can do their maneuvering to point to the Sun in the bright parts of their orbit. Therefore, in principle, fixed mode satellites can use t he entire part of their orbit in the Earth shadow. We have noted previously that the precis e time of entry or exit of the Earth shadow are somewhat uncertain due to geometrical a nd refractive effects. Also the axion conversion rate has its peak values at the entry and exit p oints where its time derivative is largest. Combining these factors, the GECOSAX rate w ithin first and last few 10s of each dark orbit have fairly high uncertainties. Therefore, w e will exclude the first and last 60 seconds of each dark orbit from the analysis even for fix ed mode satellites. This is by no means a technical necessity but is a conservative choice to e nsure reliability of our results. For each of the satellites in Table III we computed the integrated, e nergy averaged GECOSAX flux each orbit (about 5500 per satellite) from January 1st 2008 till December 31st 2008 with time steps of computed in the limit of for the time cut away at both ends of the dark orbit; as a for turning and fixed observation modes. The signal per u nit area for a given orbit ois then given by In reality there will be some background bas well to the measurement and thus the pertinent quantity to optimize is not the total signal sbut signal divided by the square root of the background s/
b. We call this quantity significance. The signal is given by so=soxA, whereAis the area of the detector. The background is given by bo=FxAxto u, whereFis the background rate per unit area. Fhere is to be understood as the background rate fintegrated over x-ray energies from Emin= 1keV to Emax= 10keV and over the solid angle covered by the axion producing regio n in the Sun. Assuming a uniform distribution of the background in energy and solid angle, we obtain the following relation F= As mentioned in section IVB and explained in detail in appendix B, we take the signal producing region to be 0 .13R. The Sun's an- gular diameter is 32', thus the solid angle ohm ssubtended by the signal producing region determined to within 1s; '60s' refers to the integration time st ep for computing the 13.6arcmin2. Thus we obtain F= (21) Next, we define the unit significance for a single orbit olike (22) Qis called quality factor and does not depend on a particular orbit but o nly on the in- strument used for x-ray observation18, whereas S ois determined by the orbit itself and the observation mode. Using Eq. (21), we can express Qin terms of f, which yields Q= (23) We now sort all orbits of a particular satellite in decreasing order of S oand add the first Iorbits from the top of the list to the analysis. Thus we can compute t he total with maximal possible value for Iis given by the number of orbits in the covered time period, which in our case is one year. The definition of Sis inspired by the form of a Gaussian kh2- function and the fact that for 1 degree of freedom, a kh2difference of xcorresponds In this way, the contribution from a particular instrum ent, encoded in the quality factor Q, and of a particular orbit, encoded in S, can be cleanly separated. T he only remaining effect of the particular satellite on S is the necessary tcut, where fixed and turning mode should bracket most realistic setups. For each value of Iwe obtain a value for S and tuand we can plot S as a function of tu. This is shown in Fig. 5 for those 3 satellites which have the largest maxim al obtainable S in turning (red lines) or fixed mode (blue lines). In case all orbits have a very similar value ofSo, S is approximately proportional totu. The fixed mode satellite 25399 exhibits this type of behavior for all times shown in Fig. 5. However, for some sat ellites (like 13777) all 18The background rate Factually has some dependence on the position relative to the Earth a nd is not constant in time. We will comment on this point later in more detail. 210 0.5 1 1.5 2 5: Shown is the significance S as defined in Eq. 24 as a funct ion of the observation time tu. In blue those three satellites are shown for which S reaches the largest possible value in fixed mode. Whereas, in red the three satellites are shown for whic h S reaches the largest possible value in turning mode. The big dots denote the times at which each sa tellite has reached 80% of its maximal S in the corresponding mode. The gray shaded area sho ws S for the case where the average flux per orbit is constantly 4*10-7cm-2s-1, which corresponds to the result obtained in [15]. available orbitsareused up atrelatively small values of tu. Obviously, satellites which do not have to turn, i.e.the fixed mode ones, have a clear advantage. They can accumulate more useful time since they do not lose time by turning once they enter th e dark orbit. Moreover, as indicated in Fig. 4, the GECOSAX fluxes are highest either at the ve ry end or beginning of each dark orbit. Thus, they can reach values of S = 0 .0035cm-2s-1/2, about 3 times larger than turning mode satellites. This factor of 3 is very relevant asSonly increases as the square root of time, area or the inverse background rates, t herefore a 3 times larger S allows a 9 times smaller area or 9 times larger background while having th e same turning mode satellites (red lines), there are a few long duration , high flux orbits which contribute the bulk to S and afterward the curve increases m uch more slowly than tu. Thus for anoptimal use of resources, it is advisable to avoid those orbits and to restrict the axion search to only the best available we introduce the quantity S 800.8Smax, which is just 80% of the S. The reduction in significance is small compared to the sa vings in observation time when the experiment is restricted to those orbits which allow to r each S 80. S80is marked by a dot on each curve in Fig. 5. The corresponding times t80are much shorter than the maximal available tu; in case of satellite 29052 the reduction is nearly a factor 10 with a minimal sacrifice in S. We see that t80can be significantly below 106s for the best For example satellite 13777 in fixed mode would reach a S 80= about 1 week19. The values of S 80, the total time needed and the number of necessary orbits in both fixed and turning mode are listed for all considered sat ellites in Table III. All optimal orbits we identified fulfill the naive expectation stated at the beginning of this section: they maximize B2L2by having their dark orbits in the regions of the field and they all have orbits close to the maximum altitud e of 1000km con- sidered here. For the sake of completeness, we have added the pe rformance of the current ISS orbit in Table III. Due to the very low altitude of the ISS of aroun d 380km, this orbit does not perform very well. On the other hand, if the restriction on the maximal altitude is relaxed, completely new types of orbits become available. One interesting such class are the so called Molniya orbits, which are h ighly eccentric with perigees ~1000km and apogees ~40000km. These orbits have a period of 12h and have a repeat ground track, i.e.they reach the same point above the Earth every 12h and can thus cross the geomagnetic pole every second orbit. Due t o their primary design goal of allowing communication with high latitudes in Russia, they have t heir perigee on the Southern hemisphere, some of them very close to geomagnetic South pole. This implies that during antarctic night, which corresponds to the summer mon ths on the a satellite on such an orbit would be in darkness in a very h ighB-field region at an altitude of ~1000km every 24h for a duration of about 1h. Therefore, a few of the best available such orbits out of 24 tested ones are listed as well in Ta ble III. Note that these orbits could reach comparable sensitivities to the best availab le ones discussed so far. Especially, in turning mode they could yield a significance 20% better th an any other orbit. The total observation time needed would be very short, on the ord er of few 105s. However, the variability of the Earth magnetic field so far out is greater and wo uld require a more 19Including the 2 times 60s per orbit. 23careful consideration than the present note allows for. Also, the obtained bound due to the much longer average length of the axion path, would deteriorate at a smaller value of ma compared to the calculation presented in figure 6. VI. SENSITIVITY TO g ag In order to compute the sensitivity to gagwe have to specify a value or range of values for the quality factor Q. Clearly, Qis a very quantity and each existing x-ray detector in space will have its unique value of Q. However, as shown in Eq. a combination of two factors: the effective x-ray collecting area a nd the background rate F. In principle, these two factors can be scaled independently. Ther efore, we will consider the range of effective areas and range of backgrou nd ratesffound in real or planned x-ray satellite missions separately. We list the effective area , the background rates (f,F) and the resulting quality factor Qin Table I. Mission ID Instrument effective area background rate fbackground rate F Q EPIC MOS 900 29 36 5000 [37, 38] XTE 23757 PCA 700021- 3600 226022[38, 39] SUZAKU 28773 XIS FI 250 6.3 7.6 5735 [40]23 XEUS20- 50000 120 147 18443 [41] TABLE I: Values for effective area A, the background rate fand the rate Ffor various existing and planned x-ray observatories. For those missions already in space we list the US SPACECOM ID num over the energy range 1 -10keV and the source size of 13 .6arcmin2. Given are also the resulting quality factor Qand the reference for the tobeanexhaustive survey, but toindicate th epossibilities ofa few contemporary missions. The effective areas range over (250 -50000)cm2, the and the resulting Qvalues are in the range (2200 - 20Not in low Earth orbit. 21This number corresponds to the value at the beginning of the mission . 22The PCA is a non-imaging detector and hence there is no background ratefgiven. Since it covers the whole Sun, the axion flux for rs= 1 has be to taken, which is 1.6 times larger than the one for rs= 0.13. This correction factor has been applied to the Qvalue quoted here. 23The background cited is the measured value, while observing the dar k side of the Taking the extreme combinations of the effective areas and backg round rates from this table, the corresponding range of Qis For the sensitivity estimate presented in Fig. 6, an effective area of 1000cm2and a background yielding Q= 11471cm2s1/2. The value7 to the background rate measured by SUZAKU while ob serving the dark side of the Earth [40], in the energy range 0 .5-10keV. Therefore, this constitutes a guaranteed upper bound on any interfering x-ray luminosity from the dark side o f the Earth, i.edown to this level the dark side of the Earth is certainly dark in x-rays. No te that the instruments on board SUZAKU are among the most sensitive ones for extended s ources sensitivity to gagwe will replace thesignificance defined in Eq. (24) by the correct form of kh2-function. Since the count rates are very low it is necessary to use the Poissonian form of the kh2-function, see e.g.[42]. There is Fig.4. Therefore, the signal to noise ratio will also vary greatly and hence this time depe ndence can be exploited. Thus, the data to be fitted consist of the time series of a ll time bins of 60s which are in a dark orbit and are not within tcutof either td iortd fand belong to one of the those orbits which comprise S 80. bo,i(Ej) =F =bo,i(Ej), units of the average over the energy interval Eand the time interval t. Here, E= 1keV and t= 60s. Next, we define the kh2-function as = bound gbong10orgagis found by requiring that kh2(gb,ma) = 4, thus the bound is at 2 s or 95% confidence level. This is repeated for many values of ma. The resulting the top performing satellites for both the fixed and the turning mode are shown in Fig. 6 as a function of ma. It turns out that accidentally, the same satellite performs best in both modes. The asymptotic sensitivities for ma-0 are fixed 6: Sensitivity to gagas a function of the axion mass maat 2s(95%) confidence level. The blue shaded region is excluded by the CAST experiment [13]. and turning mode. For comparison the CAST asymptotic bound Thus a fixed mode observation would improve the CAST limit by about a factor of 2, which is considerable given that the signal scale s asg4 ag,i.e.the in terms of flux sensitivity is more than 12 times better than CAST. Given the fact that the flux sensitivity scales only as square root of time, area and the rate, the actual increase in time or area would have to be 150-fold to reach important issue for the validity of the result is how it would change if we allow the background to have systematic errors and a time variation. From a purely statistical point of view, we observe that the number of background events per tim e and energy bin typically is very small with a mean value of O(1) for the FandAchosen here. Thus the variation of the background in each single bin is around 10 0%,i.e.any fully, between all time bins, uncorrelated systematic variation of the bac kground would have to be of that order of magnitude to produce a visible effect. This seems to be very unrealistic. On the other hand, a common mode change of the background, i.e.an effective of Fwould be very difficult to accommodate since the data contains bins wit h nearly no signal. Those bins severely constrain F. Therefore, one would have to introduce 26a systematic error which closely mimics the time dependence of the ax ion signal. Note, however, that almost all time dependence of the backgroun d is due to either varia- tions in the geomagnetic field, either by position or due e.g.solar wind or due to changes of position with respect to the Sun. Thus, typically, backgrounds will b e high if the magnetic field is low. The signal, however, will be large when the magnetic field is hig h. This is a very strong Also, the background mostly depends on the total field strength and not on the component perpendicular to the axion path. The position of the satellite with re- spect to the Sun is not very different for consecutive orbits and he nce background events do not mimic the predicted time dependence of the signal. The stronges t background is due to the known direction of the signal. Therefore, th e same strategy as used by CAST can be applied here as well. The image of the axion-producing c ore of the Sun in the focal plane of the x-ray telescope will cover only a few pixels out of the whole sensor. All the other pixels can be used to measure the background in situ. The main systematics in that case would be due to pointing errors and the width and shape o f the point spread function of x-ray optics. In CAST these errors are estimated to b e negligible [13]. In comparing the result from a full time and energy binned kh2analysis as defined in Eq. 26 and the one of the simplified treatment using the significance S as defined in Eq. 24, we find that using Sunderestimates theflux sensitivity by about 50% . The resulting error in gagis about 5%. Thus using S Qto estimate the obtainable sensitivity for ma-0 seems to be a conservative approximation with very reasonable accuracy. T herefore the value of S 80 in Table III can be used for a prediction of the potential of a given sa tellite or this procedure the sensitivity at N scan be obtained (27) Taking the largest Q= in the discussion of Table I and the largest value of S = 3 from Fig. 5 we get a hypothetical of gb= 2.9x10-11GeV-1. (28) 27VII. DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK The overall accuracy of our GECOSAX flux prediction depends on th e accuracy of the geometric description, the magnetic field model, the air density profi les and their effects on x-ray propagation, as well as the numerical implementation of Eq. ( 14). In section II, we concluded that areaccounted forwithin about+-25kmor +-5s. less than10%error intheGECOSAX signal predict ion. The mainsources for these errors are, our purely geometric definition of the Earth shadow and our treatment of TLEs and SGP4. The latter source would be absent in an actual me asurement. Also, the time of entry into the Earth shadow is actually easily accessible via the telemetry data of the satellite, e.g.electricity production in the solar panels should be a precise indicator . Concerning the magnetic field modeling, we found in section III that B -field errors should be less than 5% resulting in at most a 10% error on the signal. This comp onent may be difficult to improve even in a real experiment. In section IV, we fou nd that a static average atmospheric model can be safely used without introducing more than 5% error on the GECOSAX flux. Numerical integrations and the coordinate tran sformation should not contribute to the total error budget. We verified our code agains t available analytical results [17]. We also note that there is an approximately 5% annual modulation of the solar axion flux due to the variation in the Sun-Earth distance. This effect was n ot accounted for in our computations and modulates our computed signal at the same level. However, this is not a source of uncertainty and is in fact a predicted feature of the sig nal. Thus, we find that the results for the GECOSAX flux presented here should have an er ror not exceeding about 15%, which in a real experiment may be reduced down to about 10%. G iven the low Earth orbit measurements of GECOSAX provide a novel for going beyond the current laboratory bounds on the ax ion-photon coupling, for axion masses below 10-4eV. We hope that the analysis presented here will help motivate future experimental efforts in this would like to thank M. Kuster for collaboration during the early sta ges of this work as well as comments on a draft version, and D. McCammon for variou s useful the access he provided to the preliminary SUZAKU results. We wo uld also like to thank G. Raffelt for sharing numerical results on solar axion surface lumino sity, and S. Maus from NOAA for his clarifications on the WMM 2005. 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Observers typically do not float in space but are attached to the su rface of the Earth and thus observations will be relative to this surface, which can be used to define the so reference system (TRS), which due to the rotation of the Earth is clearly not an inertial system. The task is to find the coordinate transformation from CRS to TRS a nd its inverse, this process is also referred to as coordinate reduction. This prob lem is, however, very much complicated by obsolete notations stemming from times when th e distinction and astronomy was not always clear. Moreover, many lay ers of varying accuracy are present, owing to the difficulty of implement ing a full without powerful enough computers. Since both the CRS and TRS have the same origin in the barycenter of the Earth24, the full transformation can be described by three time-dependent ro tations. In reality, these three rotations are often split into four parts, since this makes it e asier to derive xTRS, (A1) whereP(t) accounts for the precession and N(t) for the nutation of the Earth spin axis. 24Note, that the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) has its origin at the barycenter of the solar system. All coordinates we use have their origin at the baryce nter of the Earth. The our Earth-centered CRF and the ICRF is a simple translatio n. 31R(t) describes the rotation of the Earth and W(t) the motion or wobble of the spin axis with respect to the surface of the Earth. The precession is cause d mainly by the Sun and the Moon pulling at the equatorial bulge of the Earth, this is called the luni-solar there is some precession of the ecliptic due to the influence of t he other planets on the Earth orbit around the Sun, called planetary precession. The c ombined effects move the Earth axis by about 50''per year. This effect was already known to the ancient Greeks and was supposedly discovered by Hipparchos. Nutation is mainly cau sed by the fact that the Moon's orbit is inclined with respect to the Earth's equator and he nce the Moon's pull on the equatorial bulges changes throughout each month. The fu ll theory of nutation is quite complicated since it receives contributions from many sources . The result is as a main period of 18.6 years and an amplitude varying from 9''to 17''. The Earth rotation is not uniform either and changes e.g.due to the friction caused by the tidal bulges. In the simplest case the required rotation angle wo uld be proportional to ot. (A2) Instead of defining a time dependent angular velocity, all violations o f this simple relation are absorbed into the definition of time. The relevant time system is U T1 (Universal Time 1) which is based on observed transit times of distant astronomical objects and the validity of Eq. A2. UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) is t he one on which our daily life is based on. It is adjusted to keep track of UT1 by insert ion of leap seconds whenever required and never differs by more than +-0.9s from UT1. The wobble of the spin axis exists since the Earth is not a rigid body, bu t has a liquid interior. It is a very difficult effect to predict; fortunately it is a very small effect of we willneglect effectscaused by nutation, the difference between UT1 and UTC as well as any polar wobble, therefore our basic transformation reduces to25/vector xTRS. This choice of mainly guided by the obtainable accuracy of the satellite orbit predic tion system used. The errors induced are about +-1s in timing and less than 30''in angle. 25This choice, in particular, implies that we do not convert TEME as used by SGP4 into a Mean of we need to define the Terrestrial Reference System (TRS) o r geodetic Positions on the Earth are commonly measured by latitude, lon gitude and height above mean sea level. The Earth is not spherically symmetric, but to a very good oblate ellipsoid, with a flattening of about 1 /300. This is caused by the centrifugal force due to the Earth rotation and the fact the Ear th is not a rigid but elastic body. There aretwo consequences fromthis definition of GC: the v ector normal tothe Earth surface nolonger points back tothecenter titude isnow defined asthe angle between the normal to the surface and the equator. The sa tellite propagation routines use the so called World Geodetic System 72 (WGS72), whereas the ge omagnetic model is based on WGS84. The difference between these two system is less th an 6''in latitude, less than 1''in longitude and less than 6m in height [44]. Therefore we use them inter changeably in coordinate transformations, whereas the satellite propagation routines use WGS72. With the exception of GC, all other coordinates system are just sim ple Cartesian or polar coordinate systems which are related by standard transformatio ns. All numerical the description in chapter 3 of [43]. We will therefore give the co rrespondence of our notation with the one of [43] in Table II. Fundamental Principal Symbol Origin Plane direction Use Notation in [43] ECI Earth Earth equator Vernal equinox Main system for numer ical calculations IJK TRS Earth Earth equator Greenwich meridian Intermediate st ep in coordinate conversion (IJK) ITRF GC Earth Earth equator Greenwich meridian Input to geomagne tic model LatLon TCM Site Local horizon North Output of geomagnetic model - TC Site Local horizon South Intermediate step in coordinate conversion SEZ TABLE II: Coordinate systems used and their corresponding n ames used in [43]. Note that some coordinate systems used are Cartesia n whereas others are polar. We will use Cartesian Earth centered inertial coordinates (ECI) fo r all numerical calcula- tions and thus convert all coordinates into ECI first. The motion of the satellite is directly 26In reality, the shape of the Earth, the geoid, is defined as being an e quipotential surface of its There is no simple closed analytic form for the geoid. The de viations from the ellipsoid are called undulation of the geoid and are indeed very small <200m. Note, that mountains which can be up to~10000m do not play a role in this paper since x-ray propagation cease s at altitudes well above that, thus only the shape of the geopotential iso-surfaces, which dete rmine air density, at heights above about 50km are in ECI. Also the position of the Sun is directly given in ECI. Th e Earth magnetic field is specified by its location in geodetic coordinates (GC) and the re sult is a vector in topocentric coordinates (TCM). The density of the Earth atmosp here is a function of the altitude which is defined in GC. Together with Table II we obtain the follo wing chain of coordinate transformations for the magnetic field xECI--/vector (A3) where only the non-standard transformations are given on top of each arrow, which is a rotation around the 3 or z-axis to get from TCM to TC. APPENDIX B: SIGNAL EXTRACTION REGION AND Sun has an average angular diameter of about 32'and the axion producing region is mostly confined to the inner 20-30% of the solar radius. The typical angular resolution of x- ray telescopes ranges from arc seconds to a few arc minutes, the refore the Sun is not a point source of axions. As a result, the night-side image of the Sun in x- rays from GECOSAX will cover a finite area in the focal plane of the telescope and it is poss ible to select a optimizes the significance s/
b. Both the signal and the background will be a function of r, which we take be a dimensionless fraction of the solar radius. Since a xion production is very much concentrated towards the center of the Sun,ssteeply rises for small values of rand then saturates at r0.3, whereas the background, assuming it is will rise as r2. Thus there should be a maximum in the significance and the radius for which this happens is called rs. Assuming perfect spatial resolution of the telescope and no pointing errors, we find rs= 0.13. In the following we will rescale all values of s/
bby the value obtained at rsin this case. The rescaled s/
bas a function of ris shown as the black line in Fig. 7. So far we have assumed that the telescope has perfect resolution and that there are no pointing errors. Both errors have the effect that they will blur the image of the Sun and thus the signal density per unit area will decrease, whereas the backgr ound density is the significance will decrease relative to the ideal case a nd at the same time rs, the optimal signal extraction radius will increase. We assume the po int spread function, 340 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 7: Relative significance s/
bas a function of the solar radius. The different curves are for different values of the width of the point spread function as la beled in the plot. which contains both the effects from pointing errors and the finite o ptical resolution of the telescope to be a Gaussian with a width or standard deviation of sp. The result of finite values for spare shown as blue and red lines in Fig. 7. The values of spnext to each line are in arc minutes. The resulting value at maximum is the correction fa ctor which needs to be applied to the product S Qin Eq. (27) in order to estimate the limiting sensitivity to gag. The SUZAKU telescope has a resolution of better than 2 .5'and pointing accuracy of better than 0 .25'[38], thus the resulting correction factor is 0 .96, which was neglected in computing figure 6. 35APPENDIX C: SATELLITE TLE sAND ORBIT PARAMETERS TABLE III: This table lists all satellites used throughout t his study. Given are the US SPACECOM identification numbers, the name of the sa tellite and its general orbit parameters. The fixed and turning mode colu mns show 80%
significance S 80as defined in Eq. 24, the required quality factor to achieve a sensitivity as good as the CAST experiment using S 80, the number of to reach S 80, and the total time needed to achieve S 80(this includes the contribution of tcutfor each orbit). The last column for each mode is the corresponding rank within the satellites in this table. '-' indicates that there is no useful dark orbit left after cutting away 600 s. TLE set is the number of the TLE set used for the calculations in this paper. All satellite data and TLEs are from [20]. ID Name Perigee Apogee Inclination fixed mode turning mode TLE km IRAS 888 924 80.9 2.8 1.2 588 0.5 2 - - - - - 404 20322 COBE 874 909 81.1 2.5 1.3 445 0.4 4 - - - - - 548 20580 HST 561 574 28.6 0.7 5.0 2301 4.6 45 0.3 13.2 1931 3.9 35 70 20638 ROSAT 398 419 53.1 0.6 5.9 1754 3.1 48 0.2 17.1 1170 2.2 38 293 21578 SARA 725 754 81.9 2.5 1.3 2061 2.9 5 0.7 4.8 748 1.2 3 148 21701 UARS 368 475 57.1 0.7 4.8 1441 2.4 44 0.2 14.4 1067 2.0 37 290 22012 SAMPEX 427 493 81.6 0.9 3.6 1472 2.2 40 0.3 11.9 820 1.4 33 525 23547 ORBVIEW 1 (MICROLAB) 705 728 70.1 1.7 1.9 1463 2.5 20 0.6 5.3 783 1.4 8 347 23757 XTE 479 492 23.1 0.4 7.5 2420 5.0 50 0.2 20.2 2090 4.3 40 549 25280 TRACE 567 600 82.2 1.9 1.8 1418 1.5 17 0.5 7.2 807 1.2 17 753 25399 SAFIR 2 814 839 81.6 2.8 1.2 1950 2.7 1 0.8 4.2 717 1.2 1 963 25560 SWAS 605 628 70.0 1.7 1.9 1008 1.3 21 0.5 7.0 785 1.3 14 577 25635 ORSTED 652 869 83.5 1.7 2.0 2248 4.6 24 0.5 6.3 1709 3.5 10 287 25636 SUNSAT 653 879 83.4 1.7 1.9 2205 4.4 19 0.5 6.1 1762 3.5 9 934 25646 WIRE 412 434 82.7 0.6 5.8 2459 5.2 47 0.2 21.4 2083 4.4 41 414 25721 ABRIXAS 504 526 48.6 0.9 3.9 1828 3.2 41 0.3 11.1 1261 2.4 30 221 25735 TERRIERS 493 526 82.7 1.0 3.5 2448 4.9 39 0.3 11.5 2070 4.1 31 354 25791 FUSE 743 765 25.1 1.0 3.2 2254 4.5 37 0.4 8.2 1952 3.9 24 116 25978 CLEMENTINE 610 647 81.8 1.4 2.4 2201 4.2 32 0.4 7.8 1714 3.3 23 271 25994 TERRA 704 730 81.8 1.5 2.2 2307 4.7 29 0.4 7.5 1854 3.8 20 308 26033 ACRIMSAT 680 739 81.9 1.5 2.2 2360 4.8 28 0.5 7.1 2003 4.1 16 309 26546 MEGSAT-1 607 639 64.7 1.5 2.3 1384 2.3 30 0.5 6.9 884 1.6 13 316 26561 HETE-2 560 594 2.0 0.5 6.6 2504 5.3 49 0.2 17.2 2219 4.7 39 231 26702 ODIN 582 611 82.1 1.7 2.0 614 0.7 23 0.3 10.1 285 0.4 28 310 continued on next page 36TABLE III: continued ID Name Perigee Apogee Inclination fixed mode turning mode TLE km TIMED 619 643 74.1 1.3 2.5 1552 2.6 33 0.5 7.1 764 1.4 15 943 27370 RHESSI 551 583 38.2 0.8 4.0 2049 3.8 42 0.3 11.0 1638 3.2 29 723 27598 FEDSAT 795 827 81.6 2.1 1.6 2179 4.1 12 0.7 4.9 1687 3.2 4 418 27599 WEOS 792 827 81.5 2.0 1.7 2204 4.3 16 0.6 5.3 1731 3.4 7 436 27600 MICRO LABSAT 791 827 81.5 2.0 1.7 2206 4.3 15 0.6 5.3 1730 3.4 6 411 27640 CORIOLIS 823 866 81.2 2.3 1.4 507 0.4 6 - - - - - 313 27643 CHIPSAT 573 598 86.0 1.2 2.7 1359 2.2 34 0.4 9.2 903 1.7 27 685 27651 SORCE 612 642 40.1 1.1 3.1 1942 3.5 35 0.4 8.6 1546 2.9 25 531 27783 GALEX 692 698 29.1 1.0 3.4 2217 4.3 38 0.4 8.8 1879 3.7 26 331 27843 MOST 825 847 81.2 2.3 1.4 521 0.4 7 - - - - - 235 27845 QUAKESAT 826 847 81.2 2.3 1.4 522 0.4 9 - - - - - 215 27846 AAU CUBESAT 820 846 81.3 2.3 1.4 525 0.4 8 - - - - - 163 27858 SCISAT 1 643 670 73.9 2.2 1.5 961 1.1 10 0.5 6.7 913 1.5 12 379 27945 KAISTSAT 677 715 81.9 1.6 2.1 2364 4.6 25 0.5 6.5 1993 3.9 11 347 28230 GP-B 644 669 87.8 1.8 1.8 1266 1.6 18 0.4 7.8 973 1.6 22 147 28368 DEMETER 664 690 81.9 1.4 2.3 2301 4.6 31 0.4 7.7 1822 3.7 21 185 28485 SWIFT 583 598 20.7 0.6 5.3 2390 4.9 46 0.2 14.0 2092 4.3 36 935 28773 SUZAKU 559 576 31.5 0.7 4.7 2269 4.5 43 0.3 12.3 1893 3.8 34 675 28939 ASTRO-F (AKARI) 699 733 81.7 2.0 1.6 571 0.5 13 - - - - - 628 29052 FORMOSAT 3 777 838 72.1 2.1 1.6 1322 2.1 11 0.7 4.5 757 1.3 2 651 29107 CLOUDSAT 704 730 81.8 1.5 2.2 2417 4.9 27 0.5 7.2 1885 3.8 19 602 29108 CALIPSO 704 730 81.8 1.5 2.2 2417 4.9 26 0.5 7.2 1885 3.8 18 587 29479 HINODE (SOLAR-B) 687 709 81.9 2.0 1.7 635 0.6 14 - - - - - 462 29506 SJ-6D 600 628 82.3 1.7 2.0 685 0.7 22 0.1 26.9 127 0.2 42 495 29678 COROT 901 930 89.2 2.6 1.3 1287 1.8 3 0.6 5.2 1032 1.8 5 376 31304 AIM 586 620 81.8 1.0 3.2 2403 5.1 36 0.3 11.5 2005 4.3 32 275 25544 ISS (ZARYA)27347 365 51.8 0.4 8.9 1741 3.1 - 0.1 26.4 1158 2.2 - 125 21118 MOLNIYA 1-8028792 39608 63.5 1.9 1.8 79 0.2 - 0.9 3.6 73 0.2 - 434 21196 MOLNIYA 3-4028721 39664 63.2 1.9 1.8 87 0.2 - 1.0 3.5 84 0.2 - 733 22729 MOLNIYA 3-4528683 39725 63.8 2.0 1.7 42 0.1 - 0.9 3.8 49 0.1 - 589 23211 MOLNIYA 3-4628517 39776 62.2 2.0 1.7 31 0.1 - 0.8 4.3 27 0.1 - 347 27The ISS orbit is subject to frequent changes due to maneuvering, therefore this result can only serve as a rough indicator of the ISS' orbit quality. 28These orbits exceed the validity range of the geomagnetic model an d maybe subject to increased uncer- tainties. To minimize this effect, only those parts of the orbit with altit ude below 1 Rare considered. 37 | 0804.3543 | Patrick Huber | Hooman Davoudiasl and Patrick Huber | Feasibility Study for Measuring Geomagnetic Conversion of Solar Axions
to X-rays in Low Earth Orbits | 37 pages, 7 figures and 3 tables. Grant contract information added;
no other changes | null | 10.1088/1475-7516/2008/08/026 | BNL-HET-08/9, CERN-PH-TH-2008-081, VPI-IPNAS-08-09 | astro-ph hep-ex hep-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We present a detailed computation of the expected rate for Geomagnetic
Conversion of Solar Axions to X-rays (GECOSAX) along the orbit of an x-ray
satellite. We use realistic satellite orbits and propagation in time. A
realistic model for the Earth's magnetic field, which properly accounts for its
spatial non-uniformity, is used. We also account for the effect of the Earth's
atmosphere on the propagation of x-rays in our calculation of axion-photon
conversion probability. To estimate possible sensitivities to the axion-photon
coupling g_{a\gamma}, we use an actual measurement of the expected backgrounds
by the SUZAKU satellite. Assuming a detector area of 10^3 cm^2 and about 10^6 s
of data, we show that a 2 \sigma limit of g_{a\gamma} < (4.7-6.6) times
10^{-11} GeV^{-1} from GECOSAX is achievable, for axion masses m_a<10^{-4} eV.
This significantly exceeds current laboratory sensitivities to g_{a\gamma}.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 22 Apr 2008 14:45:49 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 20 Mar 2009 18:52:30 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
] |
1 Introduction On the average, introductory texts in trigonometry may contain five to ten printed pages of material on trigonometric equations. Only in passing one may come across an equation such as sin cosx x+= 1; or, listed as an exercise in the exercise set. To study trigonometric equations and trigonometry in gene ral, in more depth, one must resort to math books on advanced trigonometry. There are only a few of those around but they tent to be very good and thor ough sources of information on the subject. Such are the two books listed in the references [1] and [2]. In [3] and [4], among other material, trigonometric equations (and systems of equa tions) are studied in some depth, and a variety of families of equations are analyzed. In [3], many types of problems of varying difficulty (both solved and uns olved) are presented. Let abg,, be fixed real numbers and consider the equation abg sin cosxx+ = (1) In Section 3, our analysis leads to the determination of the solution set S of Equation (1). In Section 3, via a simple construction process, we exhibit the angle th that generates the solution set S of (1) in the case (see Figure 1) and the angle th is part of an interesting quadrilateral GGGB21. In Section 2 of this paper, we generate a family of quadrilaterals GG which have three integer side lengths, the fourth si de length being rational, one integral diagonal length, on rational diagonal lengt h, and with the four angles have rational tangent values and the four vertices lying on a circle; hence the term 'cyclic' in this paper's title. In Section 8, we will see that a cer tain subfamily of the above family; consists solely of GB21 1Heron Quadrilaterals; quadrilaterals with inte ger side lengths and diagonals, as well as integral area. 2 The Solution Set of the Equation sin cos ;xxabg+= ,, Rabg To find the solution set S (a subset of R), we use the well known half-angle formulas, which are valid for any angle or x (typically measured in radians or degrees) not of the form 2; 2,kx kk Z ppp p++ . Note that as a simple calculation sh ows, if the real numbers of form 2kpp+ are members of the solution set to (1), then it is necessary that 0bg+=. So, under the restriction 2xkpp+ , by using the above formulas a nd after a few algebra steps we obtain the equivalent equation 2( ) tan 2 tan ( ) 022xxbg a gb +-+ - =. (2) If 0bg+= , then straight from (1) one sees that the reals of the form 2,kk Z pp+ are solutions to (1). The other solutions are those reals which are solutions to (2). We have, + =0; that is , . Then the solution set of (1) is given by: (i) = R, if = = =0. (ii) = S , if =0 and 0. (iii) = S , if 0, where
| R, 2 , and
|R ,2 2 ,S S S SS Sx x x k k Z Sx x x k k Zbgg =+
= =+U ; where is the unique angle with - and tan .22pp bphph pha<< = - 2 Now, assume 0bg+ . Then, equation (2) is a quadratic equation in tan2x ; and the trinomial 2() ( ) 2 ( )ft t tbga g=+ - +- b ) is a quadratic polynomial function with discriminant D given by ()222 224 ( ) ( ) 4 ( Dagb gb a b g =- - + - = + -. Clearly, when 220, i.e. , D2abg <+ < the trinomial ()ft has two conjugate complex roots. When U0D=22a2bg+=, the trinomial has the double-real root,12rr ra bg===+; and for2220 (i.e. , ) D abg >+ > , the trinomial ()ft has two distinct real roots, name ly We have (the reader is urged to verify), + 0; then the solution set of (1) is given by: (i) = , (empty set), if . (ii) | , 2 2 , , if ; where is a unique angle such that - and tan . 22 (iii)S S Sx x R xk k Zbg abg pth abg pp athth thbg
+ <
= =+ + =
<< =+
{}222 12 12 22 = , if ; where | , 2 2 ; j=1,2, and where is the unique angle such that - 22 (1 ) .and tan ; with r . jj jj j jj jSTT Tx x R x b gthbg++>
= =+
+- + -==+U When ,,abg are all positive there is an obvious geometric interpretation; ,,abg can be the side lengths of a triangle, so the case 22 2abg+< corresponds to a triangle 3with the angle being obtuse. The case G2 2abg+= is the one of a right triangle with . In the case of90G=o 2 2abg+> , all three angles are acute. 3 The Case 22 2 abg+= and a Geometric Construction Let ,,abg be positive real numbers such that22 2abg+=. Let us look at Figure 1. We start with the right triangle BAG
with ,,, 2 , 9 0 2 , B A AB BA BA B Aabg o oG= G= = G = G = - G=o9 0o. The line segment BA lies on a straight line with divides the plane into two half-planes. In the half-plane opposite the point , we draw at B the ray perpendicular to G BA and we choose the point such that2G2BB a G= G= . We also extend the segment BA in the direction opposite from the point B and we pick the point 1G such that11 ; thus, AA B b bg G=G = G =+ . From the isosceles triangle
22 we have =BB B2ph GG G G G G =
. In the isosceles triangle,
21 2 it is clear = . Furthermore, 90 90 2 90 180 2 . AA B B A o oo GG G G G G= G + = - + = -
oo o o Let
12BthGG = . From the right triangle12BGG
, it is clear that tanathbg=+ . (1), when 22 2abg+= (the condition 0bg+ is obviously satisfied since ,, 0abg>). Now, in the isosceles triangle,
2BGG, the sum of its three angles must equal180 : 2 (180 2 ) 180pho+- =oo oUpho=, with proves that the four points lie on a circle with 1, 2 ,, BGG G 12 GG being a diameter, by virtue of . Therefore, since
21 90 BGG =o 4these four points lie on a circle, we mush also have
21 = BB2 GGG G ; that is, phth=. Altogether, photh== Note that angle
12 =2otho GGG + = And
2 =90 2 90 180 2B o o GG - + = -oo o And so, ,
12 2 + =180BGGG G Go confirming that is a cyclic quadrilateral. 12BGGG At this point, we make an observation, namely one that can also independently (from angleph) show that oth=. Indeed, from the right triangle BAG
, we have 0 2 90 ;0 45 and so 0<tan <1. Also, tan2 =aoo o ob<< < <oo o o. Applying the double- angle identity 22t a ntan2 =1t a nooo- leads to the equation2tan 2 tan 0ao b o a+ -= . Using the quadratic formula combined with22 2abg+=, leads to the two possible solutions ()tan , ;but only gbb g gob aaa--+ -= is an actual solution since 0ta n 1o<<. Hence, tan ,but gbg b aoa ag--=+b=
2 because 22abg+= .Therefore, tan tanao thbg==+U(under 0< , < )2pthoo th=. Next, observe that since 21 GG is a diameter, we must have
21 1 2 90 and 2 oth GG G= G GG = + =oo. If we set 512 2 1 21 , , we have .cos 2 ,and y= .sin 2 and (from the triangle ) cos 2 ,sin 2x yx oo baoogg=G G =G G =GG GG G
BA We have, B 2G 1G O(cente r) a a G x FIGURE 1 6 (3) 21 2 22 22 21 1 1 22 2In the quadrilateral in Figure 1, (i) The four sidelengths are given by , .( )() , . (ii) The two diagonal lengths are given by , .( ). (iii) bgab gg bg aa = + + G G = =
++GG = tangents of the four angles are given by, tan( ) tan(180 2 ) tan 2 , tan( ) tan(90 ) cot ( ) ,tan( ) tan( ) tan 2 ,tan( ) tan(90 ) cot g aoth ob bgththaGG = - = - = - GG = + =- =- =-- GGG = + = =
+GG = - = =o o o 4 A numerical example Let us take the perennial triple (, ,) ( 3 , 4 , 5 ) .abg= From (3) we obtain
() () ()
()21 1 2 1 22 1 1249 0 1 21 090 3 10, , 3, 9,55 39 0 91 0 3 3,t a n ,t a n 3 ,t a n ,55 4 tan 3.xB B B yB B BGG = = GG = = = G = G = G =
GG = = = G G =- GG =- GGG =
GG =124 From 1tan3athbg==+, with the aid of a scientific calculator we obtain and by rounding up, . 18.43494882 photh==o18.435 photh==o 72225 The case ,, Z, a+a+bg bg = and a family of cyclic quadrilaterals with rational side lengths, rational diagonal lengths, and rational angle tangents. When ,,abg are positive integers such that 22 2abg+=, then the triangle BAG
of Figure 1 is a Pytha gorean triangle and (, ,)abg is a Pythagorean triple . Note that in this case the real number 2(2) abg++ will either be an irrational number or it will be a positive integer. It is an exercise in elementary theory to show if , then nnc Z c+ will be a rational number if and only if, , for some k Z , so that ;n nck ck+= = we offer an explanation in Section 7 (see F act 2), thus; the above square r oot will be rational, if and only if, it is a positive integer; 22() k ab g++ = U22 2( ) , for some k Z . k ab g+++ = ( 4 ) On the other hand, since (, ,)abg is a Pythagorean triple (with g the hypotenuse length), we must have th e following possibilities: 22 221. 2 , ( ), ( ); or alternatively mn m n m nadb d g d== - = + ( 5 a ) 22 222. ( ), 2 , ( ) mn m n mnad b d gd=-= =+ ( 5 b ) for positive integers ,, ,mnd such that (i.e., m and n are relatively prime) and (i.e., one of is odd, the other even). The above parametric formulas describe the entire family of Pytha gorean triples. Derivation of these formulas can be found in most introductory number theo ry books (or texts); for example in [6]. m>n,(m,n)=1 m+n 1(mod 2) ,mn 8We will only assume Possibility 1, i.e., (5a) ; and combine it with (3) to obtain a certain family of quadrilaterals ; see note about Possibility 2 (i .e., (5b)) at the end of this section. 21BGGG Combining (5a) and (4) yields, (6) 22 2 2 24( )mn m kd+=
It is also an exercise in elementary number theory to prove that if , then must be a divisor of b. Again, refer to Section 7 of this paper, for an explanation (F act 1). Thus, since by (6), the integer follows that and by (6), ( 7 ) , , and is a divisor n nabn Z a b+ a k . It some Z km Ld+=
222 2 24( 2 ) i s a d i v i s o r o f mmdd= 2 , for L 22 2mn L km Ld+=
We can now use (3), (5a), (6) and (7) to obtain expressions in terms of , , and ;mn Ld of the four side lengths, the two diagonal lengths and the four tangent values of a special family of quadrilaterals: 9 1 2 2 12 2 22 2 2 1 2Quadrilaterals Family : (i) Sidelengths: 2 , 2( )2, 4(ii) Diagonal lengths: 2 , 22(iii) tan tan 2 2tan cotB F BB m n mm nmL xL mnBm yL mn mnBmn = =G G =
G= G G= =
G G =- =- = -- GG =- =-
()12 22 12 22 22 2tan tan( ) tan 2 2tan tan(90 ) cot , where , , , are positive integers such that , ( , ) 1, 1(mod 2) and m n mn m n m n Loth o thth d=- GGG = + = = - GG = - = =
=+ + =o (8) Finally, in view of and the first equation in (7), we see that is itself a primitive Pythagorean triple which means, (9a,9b) (,) = 1mn (,,)mnL 22 22 12 1 2 12 22 22 12 1 2 1 2m= , 2 , or , ,tt nt t L tt tt n t t L t t-= = +
=- =+
where are positive integers such that ; and always under the earlier assumption . 12,tt12 1 2 1 2 ,( , ) 1 , 1 (m od2) tt t t tt>= + mn>
Note: If one pursues Equation (5b) (Possibility 2) in combination with (6), one is led to the equation From there, using a little bit of elementary number theory on arrives at 22 2 2.( ) .2.( )mn m n kd++ 2=
10 22 22 2( )mn L km nd+=
=+ L This leads to a second family of quadrilaterals 21BGGG , which we will not consider here. We only point out that in this case, the triple will be a positive integer solution to the three variable Diophantine equation (,,)mnL 2222X YZ+= , whose general solution has been well known in the literature. The interested reader should refer to [5]. 6 Another numerical example If in (9b) we put t , then we obtain 122, 1t== 5 and m=4 > n=3L= as required. Since the condition in (6) is satisfied if we take 5,d= then we have, by (5a), 120, 35, 125abg== = ; and from (8) we obtain the quadrilateral with the following specifications: 21BGGG () ()
() ()122 1 1 2 21 12 12(i) Sidelengths: 120, 200, 56. (ii) Diagonal lengths: 160, 92. 24 8(iii) tan , tan ,73 24 8tan , tan .73BB x By BB BG=G= G G = = G G =
G= = G G =
G G =- GG =- GGG = GG = Also, from 24 3tan32 4athbg== =+, and with the aid of a scientific calculator, we find that 36.86989765 ; 36.87 photh photh === ===oo Remark: Of the six lengths in (8), namely 122 1 , , , , ,and yBB x BGG G G G , four are always integers as (8) clearly shows. These are the lengths 122 1 , , , and .BB B GGG G G 11 On the other hand, the lengths x and are rational but not integral unless y d is a multiple of L. This follows from the conditions 1(mod 2)and (m,n)=1 mn+ . These two conditions and (see (7) or (8)), imply that the integer 22mn L+=2L must be relatively prime or coprime to the product as well as to the product ; the proof of this is a standard exercise in an elementary number theory course. Therefore, according to (8), the rational number 222( )mm n-24nm x will be an integer precisely with L is a divisor of d. 7 Two results from number theory Let be positive integers. ,,abn Fact 1: If is a divisor of , then a is a divisor of b. nanb Fact 2: The integer is the power of a rational number if and only if it is the power of an integer. athnthn These two results can be typically f ound in number theory books. We cite two sources. First, W. Sierpinski's voluminous book Elementary Theory of Numbers (see reference [7] for details); and Kenne th H. Rosen's number theory text Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications , (see [6] for details). 8 A family of Heron Cyclic Quadrilaterals If we compute the areas of the triangles 12 1 , and B BA AGGG G G
by using formulas (8) we find, 1222 22 2 22 2 2 2 1 22 22 122( )Area of (right) triangle = . ( )22 .sin(180 2 ) sin 2 ( )Area of (isosceles) triangle 22 2 2() ( ()Area of (right) triangle 2mn m nBA m n mn mnm nAmn mn m n Bab d dd bo b o b dag dd d ab g-G= = - --GG = = = =+
++ +GG= =
22 22 23) 2. .2mn nmd -= (10) The sum of the three areas in (10) is equal to the area A of the quadrilateral 12BGGG 22 2 22 2 22().. 2mn2A mn m n mmnd -=- +++ (11) In the winter 2005 issue of Mathematics and Computer Education (see [8]), K.R.S. Sastry presented a family of Heron qua drilaterals. These are quadrilaterals with integer sides, integer diagonals, and integer area. Intere stingly, a subfamily of the family of quadrilaterals described in (8); consists ex clusively of heron quadr ilaterals. First note that, for any choice of the positive integer d, the lengths 122 1 ,, ,BBBGGG G G are always integral, while 1GG and 2GG, just rational. Clearly, if we take d such that 2 1 0 (mod ),then , L dG GGG will be integers as well; and as (11) easily shows, the area A will also be an integer, since by (7) 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 and so 0 (mod ) 0 (mod ) 0 (mod( )). Lmn L L mn dd d =+ = > = > +
Conclusion : When dis a positive integer multiple of L in (8); the quadrilaterals obtained in (8) are Heron ones. The smallest such choice for is =Ldd . From (8) we then obtain 22 2211 22 122, 2 . , 2 ( 2, 42) , B BL m n m L x m m n BL m y n mG= G = G G = = G G = - G= G G= = (12) 13()22 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 22 22 22 22 2 2 22 44 4 2 24 4 2 2 5()And area =L . 2 ; and since we arive at, () . () 2 . () 22 2 4mnAm n m n m L m nmn Am nm n m n m n mm n A m n m n m mn n m mn n m --+ + = + +
=+- + - ++
=- + - + + += (13) Using (12),(13), and (9a,9b) we arrive at the following table(with being the 12tt smallest possible; one choice with even odd; the other with odd, even). 1t2t1t2t 1t 2t m n d=L BG 1GG 12GG 2BG 1BG 2GG Area A 2 1 4 3 5 120 56 200 120 160 192 12888 3 2 12 5 13 1560 2856 4056 1560 3744 2880 4.125.5 Also note that from22 222tan ;() ()mn n mn mn ma dthbg d d== =+- + + 3we obtain (when =3, =4) tan = ; 36.86989765 ;4nm thth o ph==o 5and (when =5, =12) tan = ; 22.61986495 .12nm thth o ph==o 9 References [1] C.V. Durell and A. Robson, Advanced Trigonometry , 352 pp., Dover Publications, (2003), ISBN: 0486432297. [2] Kenneth S. Miller, Advanced Trigonometry , Krieger Publishing Co., (1977), ISBN: 0882753916. [3] Konstantine D. Zelator, A Trigonometric Primer: From Elementary to Advanced Trigonometry , published by Brainstorm Fa ntasian Inc., January 2005, ISBN: 0-9761810-1-0. P.O. Box 4280, Pittsburg, PA 15203, U.S.A. [4] Marinos Zevas, Trigonometry (transliterated from Greek) Gutenberg Press, Athens, Greece, (1973), no ISBN. 14[5] L.E. Dickson, History of the Theory of Numbers, Vol. II , pages 435-437 (Also pages 426 and 427 for the more general equation ***), AMS Chelsea Publishing, ISBN: 0- 8218-1935-6; 1992. [6] Kenneth H. Rosen, Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications , third edition, 1993, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., ISBN: 0-201-57889-1; (there is now a fourth edition, as well). [7] W. Sierpinski, Elementary Theory of Numbers , Warsaw, 1964. Fact 1 can be found on page 15, listed as Corollary 1 to Theo rem 6a; Fact 2 can be found on page 16, listed as Theorem 7. For a better understan ding the reader may also want to study the preceding material, Theorem 1 to Theorem 6 (pages 10-15). Also, there is a newer edition (1988), by Elsevier Publishing, a nd distributed by North-Holland, North- Holland Mathematical Library, 32, Amst erdam (1988). This book is now only printed upon demand, but it is av ailable in various libraries. [8] K.R.S. Sastry, A description of a family of Heron Quadrilaterals , Mathematics and Computer Education, Winter, 2005, pp. 72-77. 15 | 0804.3600 | Konstantine Zelator | Konstantine Zelator | The equation asinx+bcosx=c and a family of cyclic Heron quadrilaterals | 16 pages | null | null | null | math.GM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In the beginning of this paper, we present the general solution to the
trigonometric equation asinx+bcosx=c. After that, we focus on the case when
a^2+b^2=c^2. In this case, the general solution is expressed in terms of the
acute angle theta which satisfies tan(theta)=a/b+c .From the right trianle with
leglengths a and b, and hypotenuse length c, we construct a cyclic
quadrilateral within which the angle theta is illustrated.Then we examine the
case when a,b,and c are integers;and we derive or construct a family of cyclic
Heron quadrilaterals. These are quadrilaterals with integer sidelengths or
edges, integer diagonal lengths, and integer area.Also these quadrilaterals
have their four vertices lying on a circle. The said family of quadrilaterals,
is a three parameter infinite family.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 22 Apr 2008 20:03:46 GMT"
] | 2008-04-24T00:00:00 | [
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I Introduction In networks of dynamics agents, consensus means that all agents need to agree A making. Consensus problems (see [1]-[4]) havea long hi storyin thefield of particularly in automata theory and distributed c omputation. Recently, of networks of dynamic agents has attracted se veral researchers from and sciencedueto thebroad appl icationsof many areas, such as collective behavior of flocks and swarm s [5, 6], synchronization and protocols, with the connection topologies time-varyin g, state-dependent ( see [1]-[4]). Even in those papers investigating nonlinear protocols, li ke [2, 3, 9], a strong Also,sensedinfor l. So, inthispaper, This notecan beregarded toextend consensusresu agraph,then oryand that if the directed graph is strongly conn ected and the nonlinear bereali graph theory and matrix theory, we obtain the main theoretical result. In V. II 1. (Weighted Directed Graph) Let G= (V,E,A)be a weighted digraph (or directed graph) with the set of nodes V={v1,***,vn}, set of edges E V x V , and a weighted adjacency matrix A= (aij)with elements aij. An eij= (vi,vj) and we assume that alleij, so the graph has no self-loops. The associated with the edges of the graph are positive , i.e.,eij E == aij>0. Moreover, we assume aii= 0for alli1,***,n. The set of neighbors of node viis denoted by Ni={vj V: (vi,vj E)}. The corresponding graph Laplacian L= (lij) can i=j -aij, G= (V,E,A)oflength (vij-1,vij) E, for allj= 1,***,n. A graph in which a path exists from every vertex to every vert implyits vi,i= 1,***,n. Werefer toGx= (G,x)withx= (x1,***,xn)Tas a network (or algebraic graph) with value xand topology (or information flow) G. The value of a node might represent physical voltage,ands o on. 2Definition 3. (Consensus) Consider a network of dynamic agents with reaching a consensus via local communication with their n eighbors on a graph Gx. By reaching a consensus, we mean converging to a one-dimension al agreement space x=b1where1= agents. Lemma1. (See[1])Suppose L= G= x= this paper, we propose the following nonlinear consensus protocolh(*) :R-R to solve consensus problems in a network of continuous-time integrator agents with Gx: .xi(t) i= 1,***,n (4) IfL= (lij)is the corresponding graph Laplacian of Gxdefined in Definition 1, then i= 1,***,n (5) Throughout this paper, we assume that h(*)is a strictly increasing function. h(0) = 0. 3B. matrixtheory per. Lemma 2. (Spectral localization. See [3]) Let Gbe a strongly connected digraph of n nodes. Then rank(L) =n-1, 1. Lemma 2 holds under a weaker condition of existence of a direc ted spanning tree forG.Ghas a directed spanning tree if there exists a node r(root) such that all Infact,ind igraphs with spanning tree (leader-follower model), the root node i s commonly known as a notreceive 3. AssumeGisa L, then([10]) 1.1= (1,1,***,1)Tis the right eigenvector of Lcorresponding to eigenvalue 1; 2. Letx= Then,xi>0,i= 1,2,***,n; and its multiplicity is 1. In the following, we 1. C. Mainresults In this part, we will give a theorem, which shows that if the di rected graph is and is g, then the consensusproblem 1. Gxisa. in Definition 1. Then consensus can be realized glo bally for all initial states by the nonlinear protocol (5) and the group decision is definedin Lemma orvirtueleader) xx(t) It is clearly .xx(t) 0 (6) Therefore, 1. xx(t)is time-invariant for the network (5), i.e., of Theorem 1 Denotex(t) = and H(x(t)) = Then equations (5) can be rewritten in the compact form as .x(t) =-LH(x(t)) (7) Define (8) Obviously, V(x(t))>=0is V(x(t)) = 0ifand onlyif x(t) = 0. DenoteB= (bij) = (KsL+LTKs)/2, whereKs = diag( x). It is easy to check that Bis a symmetric matrix with zero row-sum, i.e., Bcan be regarded as a graph Laplacian of a bi-graph. Differentiating wehave .V(x(t)) which implies x(t)is bounded for any t>=0. And the largest invariantsubset( ={x:xi(t) =xj(t);i,j= 1,***,n} forall i= =xx. In fact, if tm- and forall i,j= (11) which means that xxis the group decision of the consensus problem. Theorem 1 is p 2. Leth(xi(t)) =axi(t)witha >0, The nonlinear function h(*)becomes a linear function. therefore, Theorem 1 can be regarded as a ge neralizationof the thiscase, wehave .V(x(t)) the consensus problem will be realized exponentially. M oreover, it seems that the non- linear protocol can be realized faster than that under the li near protocol h(w) =aw. Therefore, beapplied tocalculate ofa digraph i= theLaplacian of Gxis L=
2-1-1 0 1 -1 -1 0 1 (13) Its 0isx= h(xi(t)) i= 1,2,3. takenas: = (1 ,2,3). Case 1.a= 2. In this case, then h'(*)>=1. By Theorem 1, consensus of (13) can = 1/4+2/4+3/2 = 2.a= 0.5. In this case, h(*)is not an increasing function, and consensus of (13) maynot berealized, Oneisthenonli =
x2 i; ifxi>1 xi; if 0< xi<=1 --xi; if-1< xi<=0 -x2 i; ifxi<= theli =xi/2i= 1,2,3 h(*)isno less than 1/2. under the nonlinear protocol (14) can be realized fa ster than that under the 1 2 3 4 5123 (a) Time t 0 5 10 15123 (b) Time underdifferent nonline arfunctions 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 undernonlinearand line arprotocols In Figure 2, the dynamical behavior of the network (13) under the nonlinear in (14) is displayed by line with star. Instead, for th e linear in (15), it is displayed by line without star. The init ial value is chosen as: = (-0.4,4,0.8). Simulations do show that consensus under the otocol(15). V Conclusions In this paper, underno We gen- eralize the results for undirected graphs to directed graph s. Moreover, our model can also be regarded as the generalization of consensus problem unde r linear protocols to All the existing results with respect to consens us under linear protocols graph and consensus under nonlinear p rotocols with undirected graph can be easily obtained by our approach. The convergence anal ysis is presented on tools from algebraic graph theory, matrix theory, a nd control theory. Two R. Olfati-Saber, J. A. Fax, and R. M. Murray, Consensus a nd cooperation in Proc.IEEE , vol.95,no. 1, R. Olfati-Saber, and R. M. Murray, Consensus protocols for networks of Proc.2003Am. ControlConf. ,2003,pp. 951-956. [3] R. Olfati-Saber, and R. M. Murray, Consensus problems i n networks of agents with switching topology and time-delays, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control , vol. 49, no. 9, 2004. [4] W. Ren, and R. W. Beard, Consensus seeking in multi-agen t systems under V. Gazi, and K. M. Passino, Stability analysis ofswarms ,IEEE Trans.Autom. no.4, R. Olfati-Saber, Flocking for multi-agent dynamicsys tems: Algorithmsand theory, ,vol.51, no.3, A. Pikovsky, M. Rosenblum, and J. Kurths, Synchronization: A Universal Concept . 2001. [8] C. W. Wu, Synchronization in networks of nonlineardyna mical systemscoupled via adirected graph, Nonlinearity ,vol.18, 2005. [9] networks, Int.J. Bifur.Chaos , vol.17,no. 3, R. A. Horn, and C. R. Johnson, MatrixAnalysis .Cambridge, U. K.: 1987. [11] R. K. Miller, and A. N. Michel, Ordinary Differential Equations . Academic Press, 1982. 11 | 0804.3628 | Tianping Chen | Xiwei Liu and Tianping Chen | Consensus Problems in Networks of Agents under Nonlinear Protocols with
Directed Interaction Topology | null | null | null | null | math.DS math.OC | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The purpose of this short paper is to provide a theoretical analysis for the
consensus problem under nonlinear protocols. A main contribution of this work
is to generalize the previous consensus problems under nonlinear protocols for
networks with undirected graphs to directed graphs (information flow). Our
theoretical result is that if the directed graph is strongly connected and the
nonlinear protocol is strictly increasing, then consensus can be realized. Some
simple examples are also provided to demonstrate the validity of our
theoretical result.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 23 Apr 2008 02:03:37 GMT"
] | 2008-04-24T00:00:00 | [
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LetG= (V,E) be a graph with pvertices and qedges. A vertex labeling of a graph Gis a function from V(G) intoN. A. Rosa [7] introduced the graceful graph labeling. A graph Gisgraceful if there exists an injection from the vertices of Gto the set {0,...,q}such that, when each edge xyis assigned the label |f(x)-f(y)|, the resulting edge labels are distinct. The edge-graceful labeling was introduced by S.P. Lo [6]. A graph if the edges can be labeled by 1 ,2,...,qsuch that the vertex sums are distinct (mod p). A necessary condition for a graph with to be edge-graceful is that Mitchem and A. Simoson [2] defined super edge-graceful labeling which is a stronger concept than edge-graceful for some classes of gr aphs. Define an edge labeling as a vertex xV(G), define the induced vertex labeling of xasf*(x) Iff*is a the labeling fissuper edge-graceful . S.-M. Lee and Y.-S. Ho showed that all trees of odd order with three even vertices are super edge-graceful [4]. In [3] P.-T. Chung, S.- M. Lee, W.- Y. Gao, and K. Schaffer asked which paths are super edge-gracef ul. In this paper we show that all paths super edge-graceful. 2 Super of mbe a path with an edge labeling a path with anedge labeling f'. If for every i, havef(xixi+1) =-f'(xixi+1) then the labeling fis called 1 The path Pnis super edge-graceful unless n= 2,4. Proof.It is obvious that P2is not super edge-graceful. P4is not since the edge label set is {0,-1,1}and the vertex set is
{-2,-1,1,2}, but no two edge labels will sum up to 2 or -2. A label- ing ofP3is trivial. We label the edges along P6by (1,2,0,-2,-1), (see Figure 1). Assume from now on that 6,10. The basic idea of our proof is to consider a path Pnas a union of paths Q1andQ2joined by an edge with label 0. We consider the following cases (for the sake of co mplete- ness we will include cases for odd paths Pnfor, which were proved in [4]): Figure 1: A super edge-graceful labeling P6andP10. Case 1.n1(mod4). It follows that n= 4k+1 where kis a positive integer. Then we can find a super edge-graceful labeling as follows: Figure 2: A super edge-graceful labeling that P4k+1consists of two paths edge respectively, such that fis inverse of f'. Case 2.n3(mod4). It follows that n= 4k+ 3 where kis a positive integer. Similarly as in the previous case we find a super edge-graceful labeling. Notice t of two paths edge labelings such that fis inverse of f'. Figure 3: A super edge-graceful labeling 3.n0(mod8). It follows that n= 8kfor some positive integer k. We will consider Pnas a union of P4kandP' 4kwith edge labelings fandf', respectively, such that fis inverse of f'. We join the paths P4kandP' 4kby an edge with label 0. We label the edges along P4kby (see Figure 4). Figure 4: A labeling of P4k. Case 8k+6 for some positive integer k. As in Case 3 we will consider Pn as a union of inverse labelings fandf', by an edge with label 0. We label the edges along P4k+3by (see Figure 5). Figure 5: A labeling of P4k+3. Case 8k+4 for some positive integer k. We will consider Pnas a union 4of paths Q1andQ2of lengths 4 k+3 and 4 k+1, respectively, joined by an edge with label 0. We label the edges along Q1by Figure 6). Figure 6: A labeling of Q1. Further, we label edges along Q2by (see Figure 7). Figure 7: A labeling of Q2. Case 16k+ 2 for some positive integer k. As in Case 5 we consider Pn as a union of paths Q3andQ4of lengths 8 k+2 and 8 k, respectively, joined by an edge with label 0. We label the edges along Q3by 1,-4k) (see Figure 8). Then we label edges of Q4by 8: A labeling of 2,-2k,6k+ Figure 9). Figure 9: A labeling of Q4. Case 16k+ 10 for some positive integer k. As in previous cases we consider Pnas a union of paths Q5andQ6of lengths 8 k+ 6 and 8 k+ 4, respectively, joined by an edge with label 0. We label the edges along (see Figure 10). Figure 10: A labeling of Q5. Thenwelabel (see Figure 11). The corollary follows immediately from the proof of Theorem 1. Corollary 2 Ifnis odd then the cycle Cnis super 11: A labeling of odd then we can use the labeling for a path Pn, and after that, by joining together the end vertices of the path by the edge with label 0, we obtain a cycle Cnwhich is super J.A. Gallian, A Dynamic Survey of Graph Labeling , The Electronic Jour- nal of Combinatorics (2005) 20 Dec. 2006. [2] J. Mitchem and A. Simoson, On edge-graceful and super of graphs , Ars Comb. 37(1994) 97-111. [3] P.-T. Chung, S.-M. Lee, W.-Y. Gao, K. Schaffer, On the super edge- graceful trees of even orders , Congressus Numerantium 181(2006) 5-17. [4] S.-M. Lee and Y.-S. Ho, All trees of odd order with three even vertices are super edge-graceful , J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput. 62(2007) 53-64. [5] S.-M. Lee, L. Wang and K. Nowak, On the edge-graceful trees conjecture , J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput. 54(2005) 83-98. [6] S.P. Lo, On edge-graceful labelings of graphs , Congressus 231-241. [7] A. Rosa, On certain valuations of the vertices of a graph , Theory of Graphs (Internat. Symposium, Rome, July 1966), Gordon and Bre ach, N. Y. and Dunod Paris. (1967) 349-355. 7 | 0804.3640 | Sylwia Cichacz | Sylwia Cichacz, Dalibor Froncek, Wenjie Xu | Super edge-graceful paths | 7 pages, 11 figures | null | null | Bulletin of ICA 57 (2009) 79-90 | math.CO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | A graph $G(V,E)$ of order $|V|=p$ and size $|E|=q$ is called super
edge-graceful if there is a bijection $f$ from $E$ to $\{0,\pm 1,\pm 2,...,\pm
\frac{q-1}{2}\}$ when $q$ is odd and from $E$ to $\{\pm 1,\pm 2,...,\pm
\frac{q}{2}\}$ when $q$ is even such that the induced vertex labeling $f^*$
defined by $f^*(x) = \sum_{xy\in E(G)}f(xy)$ over all edges $xy$ is a bijection
from $V$ to $\{0,\pm 1,\pm 2...,\pm \frac{p-1}{2}\}$ when $p$ is odd and from
$V$ to $\{\pm 1,\pm 2,...,\pm \frac{p}{2}\}$ when $p$ is even. \indent We prove
that all paths $P_n$ except $P_2$ and $P_4$ are super edge-graceful.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 23 Apr 2008 05:02:06 GMT"
] | 2012-04-05T00:00:00 | [
] |
- 2 - fields form torus-shape multi-layers in which the azimuthal compone nt The formation of magnetic multi-layers is due to the initia l condi- tion in which the magnetic fields are inclined with respect to the rotatio n axis. The energy of the jet depends only weakly on the initial magnetic field assumed. When the initial magnetic fields are weaker, the time lag is longer betwe en the PNS formation and jet ejection. It is also shown that the time lag is re lated to the Alfv' en transit time. Although the nearly spherical prompt sho ck in our simulations, it is an artifact due to our simplified equatio n of state and neglect of neutrino loss. The morphology of twisted magn etic field and associate jet ejection are, however, not affected by the simplifica tion. Subject headings: accretion, accretion disks -- methods: numerical -- MHD -- supernovae: general 1. decades. Numerical simulations have not succeeded in const ructing a convincing model of core collapse supernova, although they have been updated and improved steadily. The problem is likely to be neither a simple numerical error nor inaccuracy o f neutrino transfer. It has been thought that effects play essential r oles in the explosion (see, e.g., Burrows et al. 2007, and the references therein). This is base d on the fact that the spherical symmetric model cannot reproduce explosion while it has b een sophisticated to an extreme. At thesame time, observational evidences have been ac cumulated for inherent non- spherical natures of core collapse supernova (see, e.g, Wang et a l. 2002, 2003; Hwang et al. 2004; Leonard et al. 2006). Magnetic fields and rotation have been thought to be an agent to pr omote although it can be produced without magnetic fields through some other mechanisms proposed by Burrows et al. (2006), Blondin & Mezzacap pa (2007), and oth- ers. As shown by earlier numerical simulations, magnetic fields twiste d by rotation pro- duces high velocity bipolar jets, if the initial magnetic field is relatively s trong and ini- tial rotation is fast. Since LeBlanc & Wilson (1970), many magnetohy drodynamical sim- ulations of core collapse supernovae have been published (see, e.g, Yamada & Sawai 2004; Ardeljan et al. 2004; Takiwaki et al. 2004; Sawai 2005; Moiseenko e t al. 2006; Shibata et Aloy & M et al.2006 b;Burrows et all of them are two-dimensional and have assumed symmet ry around the axis. The symmetry excludes the possibility that magnetic fields are inclined to t he rotation axis,- 3 - although pulsars are believed to have such magnetic fields. In this paper we show three dimensional numerical simulations of cor e collapse super- nova. The initial magnetic field is assumed to be inclined with respect to the rotation axis. It is assumed to be stronger than expected from a standard evolu tionary model in part because a weak magnetic field can have dynamical effects only long af terward and in part because it can be strong enough in some circumstances. Such a str ong magnetic field may be realized in progenitors of magnetars. In a typical model of our simu lations, a magnetic torus is formed around the PNS and jets are lau nched along the initial rotation axis. It is also shown that the toroidal component of the m agnetic field changes its sign alternately in the magnetic torus. We also discuss the depend ence on the initial magnetic field strength, the initial angular velocity, and initial inclinat ion angle. When the initial magnetic fields are weaker, the jets are launched at a later ep och. The total energy of the jets depends only weakly on the initial magnetic fields. InSS2 we summarize our basic model and numerical methods. The results of are shown in SS3. Discussions are given in SS4. Appendix is devoted to the numerical schemes that we have developed for the numerical simula tions. 2. MODEL AND METHODS OF COMPUTATION 2.1. Basic Equations As a model of core collapse supernova, we consider gravitational c ollapse of a massive star with taking account of magnetic field. The dynamics is described by the Newtonian ideal (MHD) = 0, 0, (2) B t=x(vxB), (3) and g=-Ph, and Ph denote the density, pressure, velocity, magnetic field, gra vity, potential, respectively. The gravitational potentia l, Ph, is given by the = 4pGr. (5)- 4 - We used the equation of state of Takahara & Sato (1982) in which th e pressure is ex- pressed as P=Pc+Pt, (6) Pt=ret gt-1, (8) The index, gt, is taken to be 1.3. The coefficients, Kiandgi, are piecewise constant in the interval of ri-1< r<=ri. The values are given in Table 1. The internal energy per unit mass is expressed (9) Accordingly we have the equation of energy =rv*g, (10) where the specific energy ( E) and specific enthalpy ( H) are expressed Numerical x= 52.9km. The central eighth volume is covered hierarchically with a finer grid of which cell width is the half of the coarse grid. We overlapped rectangular grids of 8 d ifferent resolutions and achieved very high resolution of x= 0.413km for the central cube of (26 .0km)3. The finest grid fully covers the PNS. Since the nested grid has 643cells at each level, the resolution is roughly proportional to the radius from the center an d approximately 4 %
of the radius. This angular resolution is comparable to that of recen t two-dimensional- 5 - simulations, since the angular resolution is th= (p/2)/30 = 5.24x10-2in most of them and th= (p/2)/71 = 2.21x10-2in Burrows et al. (2007). We call this grids the nested grid. All the physical quantities are eva luated at the cell center except for the magnetic field. The divergence-free staggered me sh of Balsara (2001) and Balsara & Spicer (1999) is employed for the magnetic field in order to k eep*B= 0 within a round-off error. This method is a variant of the constrained transport approach of Evans & Hawley (1998), and is optimized for the Godunov-type Rie mann solver and hierarchical grids. The same type of nested grid has been used for formation of protostars from a cloud core (Matsumoto & Tomisaka 2004). The outer boundary condition is set at the sphere of which radius is r= 1.66x103km. The density, pressure, velocity, and magnetic fields are fixed at th e initial values outside Numerical Scheme A Roe (1981)-type approximate Riemann solution is employed to solve the MHD equa- tions. It takes account of the cold pressure, Pc. Thus it is slightly different from that of Cargo & Gallice (1997) which is designed to satisfy the property U of R oe (1981) for an ideal gas. The details are given in Appendix. We adopted supplementary numerical viscosity to care the carbun cle instability since the Roe-type scheme is vulnerable. The supplementary viscosity ha s a large value only near shocks. The detailed form of the viscosity is given in Hanawa et al. (20 rv*g, of the gravity andthe average numerical mass flux. In ot her words, we evaluated the mass flux, rv, not at the cell center but on the cell surface. By the virtue of th is evaluation, the source term vanishes when the mass flux vanishes. Note that t he mass flux evaluated at the cell center may not vanish in a Roe type scheme even when tha t evaluated on the cell surface vanishes. We have found that PNS suffers from seriou s spurious heating when the source term is evaluated from the cell center density and veloc ity. The spurious heating expands PNS to blow off eventually. The Poisson equation was solved by the nested grid iteration (Matsu moto & Hanawa 2003) as in the simulations of protostar formation.- 6 - 2.4. Initial Model Our initial model was constructed from the 15 M model of Woosley et al. (2002). The initial density is increased 10 % artificially to initiate the dynamical collap se. Thus it is r0= 6.8x109g cm-3at the center. Their model assumes the spherical symmetry and t akes account of neither rotation nor magnetic field. We have construct ed our initial model by adding a dipole magnetic field and nearly solid rotation. The initial magnetic field is assumed to (13) in the central core of (14) in the middle region of ra<=r<=2ra, (15) in the outer region of 2 ra<=r, in the spherical coordinates, where ra= 846 km. Thus the initial magnetic field is uniform inside r<=ra, while it is dipolar outside r>=ra. The uniform and dipole fields are connected without kink so that the magn etic tension force is finite. The electric current density is uniform in the transition region ofra<=r <2rain this magnetic initial rotation velocity is expressed to be v0= ohm(r)(eohmxr), =ohm0a2 r2+a2, (18)- 7 - and r=
x y z , (19) in the Cartesian coordinates. The rotation axis is inclined by thohmfrom the z-axis, i.e., from the magnetic axis. The initial central magnetic field is set in the range of 1 in model R0B0. The initial angular velocity is set in the range of 0.31 s-1<=ohm0<=
1.21 s-1except in model R0B0. The models computed are summarized in Table A yHeger, Woosley, & Spruit (2005). Our choice is based on the constraint that our three-dime nsional numerical simula- tions can follow only several tens milliseconds after the bounce. Whe n the initial magnetic field is weak, it cannot have any dynamical effects on a relatively shor t timescale even if it is amplified through collapse and rotation. Thus we have assumed ra ther strong initial magnetic field, which can be realized in some progenitors. 3. RESULTS 3.1. Non-rotating Non-magnetized Model First we show model R0B0 having no magnetic field and no rotation as a test of our numerical code. In this model the central density increases to re ach the maximum value, rmax= 5.71x1014g cm-3, att= 187.11 ms. It settles down to the equilibrium value, req= 4.66x1014g cm-3, after several times of radial oscillation. The oscillation period is 1.25 ms. Radial shock waves are initiated by this core bounce. The fir st one, the prompt shock wave, reaches r= 595 km at t= 222.71 ms, where rdenotes the radial distance from the center. It reaches the boundary of computation ( r= 1700 km) at t= 303 ms, while the expansion velocity decreases. The fast propagation of promp t shock is an artifact due to our simplified EOS. If we had taken neutrino transfer into accoun t, the prompt shock should have stalled around r100 km roughly within 100 ms after the bounce (see, e.g. Sumiyoshi et al. 2005; Buras et al. 2007; Burrows et al. 2006). Figure 1 shows the radial density profiles at t= 189.3, 210.9, and 232.2 ms in model R0B0. Thedensity decreases intheradiu s. steep around r20 km. In the outer region of km, the density decreases gently and roughly proportional to r-2. Thus we regard the layer of r= 1012g cm-3as the surface of PNS for simplicity. The mass and radius of PNS are 1.10 M and 26.6 km, respectively,- 8 - att= 210.9 ms. The mass increases by 4.1 x10-2Mbetween t= 189.3 and 232.2 ms. Non-radial oscillation has not been excited, although our numerical code does not as- sume any symmetry. This is most likely to be due to short computation time, i.e., only 40 ms after the bounce. Note that the l= 1 mode becomes appreciable around 200 ms after the bounce in Burrows et al. (2006). 3.2. Typical Model with Inclined Magnetic Field In this subsection we show model R12B12X60 as a typical example. T he initial rotation period is small compared to the free-fall timescale, ohm 0/4pGr0= 1.59x10-2, and initial rotation energy is much smaller than the gravitational energy ( |Ekin/Egrav|= 5.0x10-4). The magnetic energy is also much smaller than the gravitational ener gy 2 shows the evolution of central density ( rc) for the period of 180 ms <=t<=
230 ms. The central density reaches its maximum, 5 .49x1014g cm-3, att= 189.05 ms as well as in model R0B0. The period of dynamical collapse is a little longer a nd the maximum density is a little lower. The rotation and magnetic field delays the collap se a little as has been shown in earlier simulations. The PNS is only slightly flattened by ro tation. Att= 190.04 ms (slightly after the bounce), the PNS has angular velocity of ohm magnetic field of Bc= 7.56x1015G at the center. The angular velocity and magnetic field increase by a factor of 5 .0x103and 3.8x103, respectively, from the initial values, while the density increases by a factor of 6 .1x104. These enhancements are consistent with the conservation of the specific angular momen tum and magnetic flux, since the collapse is almost spherical. The angular velocity and magnet ic field increase in proportion to r2/3when the collapse is spherical. The rotation axis changes little. At this stage the centrifugal force is only 3 % of the gravity at the center of the PNS. The magnetic force is much weaker than the gravity and than the centrifugal fo rce. The change in the magnetic field is illustrated in Figure 3. The magnetic fi eld is almost radial near the end of dynamical collapse as shown in the top panels, in which the purple lines denote the magnetic field lines at t= 188.28 ms by bird's eye view. This is because the magnetic field is stretched in the radial direction by the dynamica l collapse. The radial component of the magnetic field, Br, is positive in the upper half of z >0, while it is negative in the lower half. Thus the split monopole is a good approximat ion to the magnetic field at this stage.- 9 - The magnetic field is twisted by the spin of PNS as shown in the middle and bottom panels of Figure 3. The azimuthal component of the magnetic field is a mplified to have a large amplitude in the upper atmosphere of the PNS (9 km km). The increase in the azimuthal component decreases the plasma beta down to bPgas/Pmag0.03. The azimuthal component of the magnetic field is small inside the PNS, sinc e the angular velocity is nearly constant. It is also small in the region very far from the cen ter (r >60 km) since the angular velocity is very small. It is also small near the rotation axis . Thus the region of strong twisted magnetic field has a torus-shape. The structure of twisted magnetic field is different from that in an alig ned rotator. When the initial magnetic field is aligned to initial rotation axis, the twist ed magnetic field has opposite directions in the upper and lower halves. The azimuthal component vanishes on the equator of rotation and has a large amplitude in the upper and low er tori. The magnetic field is uni-directional in each torus. In case of oblique rotator, how ever, these tori are mixed into a torus, in which the azimuthal component of magnetic field is bi-d irectional as a result. Figure 4 shows the distribution of toroidal component of magnetic fi eld,Bph= (eph*B), at t= 197.92 ms, where the unit vector along the initial rotation axis and heads upper left in Figure 4). The toroidal compon ent changes its sign alternately with an average interval of ~5 km. Figure 5 is the same Figure 4 but for the 4.89 ms later stage. The magn etic field is wound more tightly inside the PNS and the toroidal component has ex tended agnetosphere by Bogovalov (1999). He approximated the initial magnetic field by sp lit-monopole one and considered oblique rotation. As shown in his Figure 4, the toroidal co mponent changes its sign with a regular interval in his pulsar wind solution. His idealized magne tic configuration is realized in our simulation. The magnetic multi-layers is inevitably forme d when the initial magnetic field is and inclined with respect to the rot ation axis. Figure 6 shows later evolution of the magnetic field. The torus of twis ted magnetic field expands slowly and bipolar jets are launched along the rotation axis. The jet reaches r=
400km atthelast stageof computation( t= 228.99ms). The jet velocity exceeds 3 x104km s-1. The jetsaredriven ofBlandford & Payne (1982). Figure7shows theevolution aroundth einitial rotationaxis. The rotation is nearly rigid in the sphere of km just before the bounce ( t= 188.52 ms). The rotation velocity increases up to ~5x109km s-1by the magnetic torque near the rotation axis. The force is strong enough t o drive jets. Although the centrifugal force is perpendicular to the rotation axis, the compo nent perpendicular to the magnetic field is cancelled by the strong magnetic force. Thus the ga s is accelerated along- 10 - the poloidal magnetic field, i.e., along the rotation axis by the Blandfor d-Payne mechanism. The increase in the radial velocity follows that in the rotation velocity . The acceleration of jets are shown in Figure 8. The radial velocity is still low at the stag e shown in the upper left panel ( t= 207.56 ms). The high velocity jets emerge not from the PNS surfac e but from the upper layer of r60 km. The mass flux through the sphere of r= 300 km is .M= 0.0, 7.64, 5.43, 5.58, 3.75, 2.07 M s-1att= 190.75, 207.56, 212.96, 222.80, and 228.99 Figure 9 shows the jets by bird's eye view at the stage oft= 222.80 ms. The jets are bipolar and well collimated. The magnetic force is comparable to the gas pressure in the jets. F igure 10 denotes the magnetic pressure distribution at t= 208.42 ms. The thick solid curve denotes the |B|2/8p, along the initial rotation axis, while thin solid curve does that on the equator. The magnetic pressure is enhanced by winding in the range 50 km/lessorsimilar0 km on the axis. Also the dynamical pressure (rotation energy) is enha nced in the same region. Since these energies are large enough, the jets will extend outwar ds even if the prompt shock has stalled around r100 km. We computed the energy of magnetic field, rotation and jets to eva luate the efficiency of energy conversion. The magnetic energy distribution is evaluate d by emag(r, th, ph, t (20) i.e., the energy stored in a unit logarithmic radial distance. The total magnetic energy is expressed as Emag(t) t)dlnr. (21) Figure 11 shows that the magnetic energy has a sharp peak of emag= 1.88x1049erg in the layer ofr18 km at t196 ms. The peak of the magnetic energy shifts outward at the apparent radial velocity of 3 x103km s-1, which coincides with the Alfv' en velocity. The peak declines beyond km. Figure 12 is the same as Figure 11 but for the radial kinetic energy st ored in a unit logarithmic radial th, ph)|n*v(r, th, ph, t the unit radial vector. In the region far from the center , the dy- namical collapse dominates in the radial kinetic energy. After the bo unce (t >189.72 ms), the prompt shock propagates and the region of the dynamical colla pse retreats. (The prop- agation of prompt shock is mainly due to neglect of neutrino loss. If w e had incorporated- 11 - the neutrino cooling, the prompt shock should have stalled around 1 00-200 km.) The radial kinetic energy is small in the region of km after the bounce. The bipolar jets increase the radial kinetic energy in the region of km. The rise in with the decline in emag. This is an evidence that the jets are accelerated by magnetic forc e. Figure 13 shows the distribution of the kinetic energy stored in a unit logarithmic th, ph)|nxv(r, th, ph, t (23) A large amount of rotation energy is stored in the region of 10 km km. Only a small fraction of it is converted into the energy of twisted magnetic field and eventually into the energy of jets. Figure 14 shows the evolution of energy stored in the volume of r<=63 km for each component. The gravitational energy, which is evaluated to km 0|g|2 8pGdV , (24) is the most dominant and the internal energy is comparable. The thic k solid curve the difference from the minimum value, i.e., the at the stage of the maximum central density (bounce). Th e rotation energy is order of magnitude smaller than them and the magnetic energy is further s maller. Only a small fraction of the rotation energy is converted into magnetic energy , which is mostly due to toroidal magnetic field. The energy available for jet ejection is limited by the from rotation energy to magnetic energy. The radial kinet ic energy is only of the order of ~1049erg in the period t>=195 ms since the prompt shock and jets are outside the region. For comparison we show the evolution of the energy sto red in model R0B0 by thin inObergaulinger et al. (2006a). Since the initial rotation energy was much larger in their sim ulation, the PNS shrunk appreciably after liberating the angular momentum through magnetic braking. Even if the rotation energy were released completely in our model, the PNS would not the fast jets are ejected along the initial rotation axis, two o ther radial flows are observed. Figure 15 shows the velocity distribution on the plane of x= 0 att= 229.77 ms. One is slow outflow extending near the equator of initial rotation. Th e outflow velocity is approximately 2 .5x104km s-1. The other is fast radial inflow located between the jets and- 12 - equatorial outflow. The inflow is less dense and its dynamical pressu re is much smaller than the magnetic pressure. As shown earlier, the bipolar jets emanate from r60 km. In the outer region km, the density is lower than 10gm cm-3(see Figure 1 for the average density distribution in model R0B0) and hence the Alfv' en velocity is h igh. In other words, the magnetic force dominates over the pressure force. The cent rifugal force is also important in the outer region. If the magnetic field corotates with the PNS, th e rotation velocity is evaluated to be vph= s-1, the distance from the rotation axis. The rotation velocity is close to the Keplerian the PNS mass and the distance from the center, respectiv ely. In other words, the centrifugal force is comparable with the gravity. Thus the foot point of MHD jets coincides with the inner edge of the region in which the magnetic and ce ntrifugal forces are dominant over the gravity. As shown in Figure 4 the twisted magnetic field are ordered and has no structures sug- gesting development of instability (MRI; see e .g., Akiyama et al. 2003). However, this is likely due to limited spatial resolution and will not exclud e the possibility of MRI. Etienne, Liu, & Shapiro (2006) demonstrated that MRI can no t grow unless the cell width is shorter than a tenth wavelength of the fastest growing mo de. Since the wavelength is evaluated to need the spatial resolution of ~120 m to observe MRI.- 13 - 3.3. Dependence on B0 To examine the effect of initial magnetic field we made 6 models by chang ing only B0 from model R12B12X60. Figure 16 shows the maximum radial velocity (vr,max) as a function of time. It declines sharply in the period of t<=195 ms, since the prompt shock wave slows down. The early decline is delayed when B0is larger. The delay is, however, smaller than 1 ms since the magnetic energy is much smaller than the gravitational energy at the PNS formation. See Table A for comparison of models at the bounce. The late rise in vr,max, i.e., the launch of MHD jets depends strongly on B0. WhenB0 is larger, the radial velocity rises earlier and stays at a high level. Whe nB0is smaller than 1.0x1012G, the radial velocity increases late but decreases soon before re aching a high level. WhenB0is large, the magnetic field is less tightly twisted since the twisted comp onent drifts upward faster. Figure 17 is the same as Figure 4 but for mode l R12B16X60, in which B0is 4/3 times larger than in the standard model R12B12X60. The toroidal component, Bph, changes its sign with a longer average interval of 5-6 km on the ave rage, while it does with an interval of 5 km in the standard model. At t206 ms, the twisted magnetic field reachesr= 60 km as shown in Figure 18 and the MHD jets initiate. On the other hand, the magnetic field is more tightly twisted when B0is smaller. Figure 19 is the same as Figure 4 but for model R12B8X60. The toroid al component, Bph, changes its sign with a shorter interval of 3-4 km on the average. T he twisted magnetic field rises up slowly and dwindles as shown in Figure 20. Accordingly the jets are launched but late and weak as shown in Figure 19, where the evolution of the maximu m radial is shown for various models having different B0. The weakness of the jet is at least partly due to numerical diffusion. Remember that the spatial resolu tion is 0.826 km in the central cube of (53.0 km)3. Thus the numerical diffusion is appreciably large for the magnetic multi-layers since the typical interval is less than 10 km. Th e MHD jets would be more powerful if the numerical diffusion were suppressed. See Table A to compare models at the final stages. 3.4. Dependence on ohm0 To examine the effect of initial rotation, we made 5 models by changing only ohm 0from model R12B12X60. All the models show qualitatively similar results. Th e differences are mainly initial rotation is twice slower in model R6B12X60 than in model R12 B12X60.- 14 - Accordingly the PNS has twice lower angular velocity in model R6B12X6 0. The magnetic field is twisted by rotation also in model R6B12X60 but the toroidal co mponent is weaker since the rotation is slower. The MHD jets are launched but at a little la ter epoch. Figure 21 shows the evolution of the maximum radial velocity, vr,max, as a function of time for various models having different ohm 0. The early decline in vr,maxis due to the deceleration of the prompt shock. The late rise in vr,maxis due to the launch of jets. When ohm0is larger, the PNS is formed a little later and the jets are ejected a litt le earlier. The maximum radial velocity is slower when ohm 0is small. The rotation energy of PNS is proportional to ohm2 0. It isErot= 3.8x1052erg in model R18B12X60 while it is Erot= 4.5x1051erg in model R6B12X60. The energy of the jets, which is evaluated to be radial kinetic energy of outflowing gas, is also large in a model having a large ohm 0. 3.5. Dependence on thohm To examine the effect of the initial inclination angle, we made 5 models by model R12B12X60. Also in these models, the MHD jets are launc hed along the initial rotation axis (see Fig. 22). Figure 23 denotes the magnetic multi layer formed in model R12B12X 30. The structure of magnetic multi layer depends on the inclination angle. When the inclin ation angle is smaller, it is confined in a narrower region around the equator. The r adial interval of changing Bphdepends little on the inclination angle. Figure 24 shows the evolution of the maximum radial velocity in these m odels. When thohmis larger, the maximum radial velocity rises earlier. In other words, t he MHD jets are launched earlier when the rotation axis is the rise is different, the maximum radial velocity reaches a c ertain of the inclination angle. In other words, the terminal velocity is independent of the inclination angle, thohm. 4. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSIONS In this paper we have shown three dimensional MHD simulations of cor e collapse super- nova for the first time. The numerical simulations explore the effect s of inclined magnetic field and dependence on the initial magnetic field and rotation. We sum marize the results- 15 - and discuss the we have confirmed that the MHD jets are ejected along the init ial rotation axis. This is because the energy of rotation dominates over the magnetic energy at the moment of PNS formation. The magnetic force is too weak to change the rot ation axis the force accelerates gas along the in itial rotation axis through the Blandford-Payne mechanism (see SS3.2). If the initial magnetic field were relatively strong, the rotation axis c ould change appre- ciably and also the jet direction could be different. A similar problem has been studied by Machida et al. (2006) for formation of a protostar. They consider ed collapse of a cloud core having anoblique magnetic field. They have found that the evolution of magnetic field and rotation axis depends on their relative strength. When the magnetic field is relatively strong, the magnetic braking acts to align the rotation a xis with the magnetic field. Then the jets are ejected in the direction parallel to the initial magnetic field as shown first by Matsumoto & Tomisaka (2004). The relative strength between rotation and magnetic field can be ev aluated from the ratio of the angular velocity to the magnetic field, ohm /B. The ratio remains nearly constant during the dynamical collapse since the free-fall timescale is very sh ort. Both the angular velocity and magnetic field increase in proportion to the inverse squa re of core radius, angularmomentum ring theshort dynam- ical collapse phase. Machida et al. (2006) proposed ohm as a criterion for the jets parallel to the initial rotation axis, where csdenotes the isothermal sound speed of the molecular cloud. Since the dynamics of collapse is similar, we can e xpect that the criterion holds also for core collapse supernova if we replace cswith an appropriate one. The criterion is rewritten (30) The left hand side is evaluated to (31) The criterion is consistent with our numerical simulations since the so und speed 104km s-1to 105km s-1during the dynamical collapse. Although the assumed initial magnetic field isstrong, it isstill too weak to change the rotatio naxis unless the initial rotation is slow. Thus it is reasonable that the rotation is unchanged during the since young pulsars are spinning fast. Next we discuss the fate of magnetic multi-layers in which the toroida l magnetic 16 - of oblique rotation as shown in the previous section. These layers ar e potentially unstable against reconnection, although no features are seen for reconn ection. It is also interesting to study the magnetic multi-layers with a higher spatial resolution. If t he magnetic fields are reconnected, a large amount of the magnetic energy is released to lead an explosive process. Next we discuss the lag between the bounce and jet ejection. When the initial magnetic field is weaker, the lag is longer as already shown in Ardeljan et al. (200 4), Moiseenko et al. (2006), and Burrows et al. (2007). Our numerical simulations have suggested that the lag is related to the Alfv' en transit time; the MHD jets are ejected whe n the twisted magnetic field reaches a certain radius, i.e., 60 km in our simulations. When the init ial magnetic field is weak, the Alfv' en transit time is longer and the magnetic field is amplifi ed for a longer duration before the jet ejection. Since the larger amplification com pensates for a weak seed field, almost the same amount of toroidal magnetic field is generated irrespectively of the initial magnetic field strength. This implies that strong MHD jets can b e ejected even if the initial magnetic field is weak. If we could suppress numerical diffus ion by strong MHD jets should be ejected also in model R12B5X 60 and others having a weaker initial magnetic field as discussed in the previous section. The Alfv' en transit time is evaluated to (33) whererj(60 km) denotes the radius at the foot point of the jets. The radial magnetic field decreases in proportion to the inverse square of the radius ( r-2) since the split monopole is a good approximation for the magnetic field at the epoch o f PNS decreases also theinverse sq uare oftheradius( r-2) in the upper atmosphere of the PNS (see Figure 1). Accordingly the A lfv' en velocity is to the radius, vArand the Alfv' en transit time depends only weakly on rj. The above argument suggests a factor controlling the jet energy . The rotation energy of the PNS is much larger than the energy of jets. If the magnetic field is twisted for a longer period, i.e., if the Alfv' en transit time is longer, a larger fraction of th e rotation energy is converted into the jet energy. The Alfv' en transit time can be ext ended if the magnetic field is twisted in a deep interior of the PNS. We would like to thank M. Shibata and S. Yamada for their valuable comm ents on our numerical works. We also thank R. Matsumoto, S. Miyaji, and membe rs of the of Chiba University for stimulating discussion and encour agement. This work is- 17 - supported financially in part by the Grant-in-Aid for the priority are a from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (17 030002). HM University for the financial support for his attendance to th e Meeting on Astrophysics of Compact Objects at Huangshan in July 2007, in which the main resu lt of this paper was presented orally. A. An Approximate Riemann Solution of the MHD Equations for N of State For the approximate EOS of Takahara & Sato (1982), we have foun d a numerical flux which satisfies the property U of Roe (1981). The numerical flux is t he same as that of Cargo & Gallice (1997) except for the correction (A2) Here the bared symbols denote the Roe average while the symbols wit h the capital delta de- note the differences between the two adjacent cells. The average specific enthalpy, -H, should be replaced with -H-Gin the computation of aanda*. Accordingly, the propagating in the x-direction are evaluated to be a2= -v2+ -v2+ B2 z 4p(rL+rR)2. (A5) Here, (u, v, w) and (Bx, By, Bz) denote the velocity and magnetic field, respectively. 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Fig. 2.-- The central density is shown as a function of time for model R 12B12X60.- 21 - Fig. 3.-- The evolution of magnetic field in model R12B12X60. Each pane l denotes the magnetic field lines (purple lines) and the isovelocity surface of radial velocity, vr, at a given stage. The panels are arranged in the time sequence from top to bo ttom. The top panels denote the stage of t= 188.28 ms, while the bottom ones do that of t= 191.10 ms. The left panels denote the central cube of (1691 km)3, while the central and right ones do the zoom-up views of of (423 km)3and (26 km)3, respectively. The left color bars denote the radial velocity on the surface of the cubes in the unit of 103km s-1.- 22 - Fig. 4.-- Structure of magnetic torus is shown by three cross sectio ns and a bird's eye view. The color denotes the azimuthal component of magnetic field, Bph=eph*Bon the planes ofx= 0 (upper left), y= 0 (upper right), and z= 0 (lower right) at t= 197.92 ms. The contours denote Bphin unit of 1015G. The lower right panels magnetic field lines (purple) and isosurface of Bphby the bird's eye view.- 23 - Fig. 5.-- The same as Fig. 4 but for the stage at t=202.81 ms.- 24 - Fig. 6.-- The same as Fig. 3 but for later stages of t= 192.90 ms, 193.97 ms, 208.70 ms, and 228.99 ms.- 25 - Fig. 7.-- The evolution of rotation velocity. Each panel denotes the d istribution of logvph(km s-1) around the initial rotation axis in the cross section x= 0 in model R12B12X60 by color and contours. The arrows denote the velocity within the plane. They denote the stages at t= 188.52, 190.75, 207.56, and 212.96 ms.- 26 - Fig. 8.-- The radial velocity ( vr) distribution is denoted by color and contours for the stages att= 207.56, 212.57, 222.80, and 228.99 ms in model R12B12X60. The num bers attached to the contours denote vrin unit of 104km s-1. The arrows denote the velocity within the cross section.- 27 - Fig. 9.-- Jets and fast radial inflows in model R12B12X60. The panel d enotes the central cube of (423 km)3att= 222.80 ms by bird's eye view. The magnetic field lines are denoted by the purple lines, while the radial velocity is denoted by the isosurfa ces. The blue denotes the fast radial inflow ( vr<= -1.0x104km s-1), while the others do jets ( The color bar is for the radial velocity distribution on the cube sur faces. Fig. 10.-- Pressure distribution is shown for the stage at t= 208.42 ms. The solid curves denote the magnetic pressure, |B|2/8p, while the dashed curves denote the gas pressure. The dash-dotted curves denote the dynamical pressure, r|v|2. The thick curves are for the values on the initial rotation axis while the thin curves for those on eq uator.- 28 - Fig. 11.-- The magnetic energy stored in a unit logarithmic radial distan ce,emag(r, t), is shown by darkness. The contour levels are set to be emag= 1048erg. The abscissa is the time (t) while the ordinate is radial distance ( r).- 29 - Fig. 12.-- The same as Fig. 11 but for the radial kinetic energy, ekin,rad.- 30 - Fig. 13.-- The same as Fig. 11 but for the rotational energy, ekin,rot. Fig. 14.-- The evolution of energy in model R12B12X60. Each thick cur ve denotes a component of the energy stored in the sphere of r<=63 km. The thin curves denote those in model R0B0.- 31 - Fig. 15.-- The velocity distribution are denoted by the arrows on the p lane ofx= 0 at t= 229.77 ms. The scale is shown on the upper left corner. The darkness de notes the region of positive vrwhile the contours denote isodensity curves and labeled by log r. Fig. 16.-- The maximum radial velocity is shown as a function of time for v arious models having different initial magnetic field.- 32 - Fig. 17.-- The same as Fig. 4 but for model R12B16X60.- 33 - Fig. 18.-- The same as Fig. 11 but for model R12B16X60.- 34 - Fig. 19.-- The same as Fig. 4 but for model R12B8X60.- 35 - Fig. 20.-- The same as Fig. 11 but for model R12B8X60.- 36 - Fig. 21.-- The same as Fig. 16 but various models having different initial a ngular velocity.- 37 - Fig. 22.-- Comparison of radial velocity distribution between the mode ls having axis ( thohm). The inclination angle is thohm= 15*(top), 30*(middle), and The arrows denote the velocity within the plane and th e scale is shown on the top left of each panel. The radial velocity exceeds vr>5x103km s-1in the gray area. The contours denote the isodensity in the logarithmic scale and labele d by log r.- 38 - Fig. 23.-- The same as Fig. 4 but for model R12B12X30 at t=202.79 ms.- 39 - Fig. 24.-- The same as Fig. 21 for various models having different initial in clination angle.- 40 - Table 1: Model parameters for Pc. See Eq. 8. i r i Ki gi 1 41 - Table 2. Summary of the models. The initial gravitational energy in all the models. The models underlined are shown in detail in the main text. model ohm 0Ekin |Ekin/Egrav|B0 Emag (erg) (%) (G) (erg) (%) R0B0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ***
R12B12X60 1.2 2.2 1.8 4.9 1.8 3.4 0.81 9.6 0.61 5.4 0.31 1.4 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.2 42 - Table 3. Comparison of models at the bounce. model t T/ |W| M/|W|T M omaxBmax (ms) (%) (%) (1050erg) (1050erg) (kHz) (1015G) R0B0 191 .9 0.5854 0.000 8 .359 0.000 0 .1421 0.000 R12B12X60 192 .2 2.137 0.1002 30 .46 1 .428 29 .97 17.96 R18B12X60 192 .2 4.315 0.07094 57 .21 0 .9405 38 .21 13.48 R15B12X60 194 .1 2.703 0.1679 37 .72 2 .344 38 .44 21.25 R8B12X60 191 .9 1.309 0.07185 18 .61 1 .021 26 .50 16.08 R6B12X60 193 .1 0.9306 0.07122 13 .24 1 .013 16 .72 18.46 R3B12X60 193 .2 0.6340 0.04088 9 .019 0 .5815 6 .329 18 .04 R12B16X60 192 .7 2.033 0.1721 28 .91 2 .447 28 .20 23.09 R12B8X60 192 .3 2.150 0.05520 30 .53 0 .7840 28 .39 13.41 R12B6X60 192 .6 2.022 0.1000 28 .17 1 .394 7 .656 16 .68 R12B5X60 192 .3 2.180 0.02334 30 .96 0 .3314 27 .82 9.320 R12B4X60 220 .7 2.887 0.01407 41 .06 0 .2001 31 .03 9.416 R12B1X60 192 .5 2.127 0.08790 30 .23 1 .249 35 .31 16.50 R12B12X30 194 .9 1.986 0.1384 27 .98 1 .950 42 .41 16.26 R12B12X15 194 .9 1.981 0.1423 27 .91 2 .005 41 .17 16.83 R12B12X7 192 .7 2.036 0.03528 28 .22 0 .4889 43 .35 6.467- 43 - Table 4. Comparison of models at the final stage. model t T/ |W| M/|W|T M (%) (%) (1050erg) (1050erg) (1050erg) (kHz) (1015G) R0B0 232 .2 0.1552 0.000 2 .312 0.000 61 .53 5 .123 0.000 R12B12X60 229 .0 2.277 0.1835 32 .44 2 .615 1 .002 27 .80 12.80 R18B12X60 215 .8 3.497 0.1955 48 .38 2 .705 57 .54 32 .85 15.89 R15B12X60 224 .4 2.988 0.2084 42 .11 2 .937 13 .59 32 .59 14.21 R8B12X60 228 .7 1.200 0.1547 17 .33 2 .235 23 .50 19 .85 13.99 R6B12X60 231 .9 0.7440 0.1066 10 .94 1 .568 47 .14 12 .32 14.89 R3B12X60 233 .2 0.2592 0.06470 3 .853 0 .9616 63 .81 5 .220 11.56 R12B16X60 230 .5 2.010 0.2382 28 .77 3 .409 8 .921 24 .99 12.74 R12B8X60 227 .7 2.514 0.1548 35 .67 2 .197 1 .261 38 .35 13.37 R12B6X60 224 .9 1.773 0.1817 23 .26 2 .383 81 .68 12 .02 12.99 R12B5X60 220 .5 2.550 0.1770 35 .96 2 .495 9 .983 29 .23 17.35 R12B4X60 223 .7 3.011 0.01702 43 .08 0 .2435 7 .955 31 .27 11.05 R12B1X60 217 .6 1.933 0.2232 27 .24 3 .145 12 .26 38 .46 15.85 R12B12X30 230 .6 2.208 0.3719 30 .72 5 .174 17 .36 43 .41 14.15 R12B12X15 209 .0 1.712 0.3392 23 .83 4 .722 16 .61 34 .29 28.97 R12B12X7 231 .8 1.864 0.2876 23 .79 3 .669 110 .0 37 .51 34.89 | 0804.3700 | Hayato Mikami | Hayato Mikami, Yuji Sato, Tomoaki Matsumoto, and Tomoyuki Hanawa | Three Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamical Simulations of Core Collapse
Supernova | 41 pages, 24 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ. The
high resolution version is available at
http://www.astro.phys.s.chiba-u.ac.jp/~mikami/research/ | null | 10.1086/589759 | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We show three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical simulations of core collapse
supernova in which the progenitor has magnetic fields inclined to the rotation
axis. The simulations employed a simple empirical equation of state in which
the pressure of degenerate gas is approximated by piecewise polytropes for
simplicity. Neither energy loss due to neutrino is taken into account for
simplicity. The simulations start from the stage of dynamical collapse of an
iron core. The dynamical collapse halts at $ t $ = 189 ms by the pressure of
high density gas and a proto-neutron star (PNS) forms. The evolution of PNS was
followed about 40 milli-seconds in typical models. When the initial rotation is
mildly fast and the initial magnetic fields are mildly strong, bipolar jets are
launched from an upper atmosphere ($ r \sim 60 {\rm km} $) of the PNS. The jets
are accelerated to $ \sim 3 \times 10 ^4 $ km s$^{-1}$, which is comparable to
the escape velocity at the foot point. The jets are parallel to the initial
rotation axis. Before the launch of the jets, magnetic fields are twisted by
rotation of the PNS. The twisted magnetic fields form torus-shape multi-layers
in which the azimuthal component changes alternately. The formation of magnetic
multi-layers is due to the initial condition in which the magnetic fields are
inclined with respect to the rotation axis. The energy of the jet depends only
weakly on the initial magnetic field assumed. When the initial magnetic fields
are weaker, the time lag is longer between the PNS formation and jet ejection.
It is also shown that the time lag is related to the Alfv\'en transit time.
Although the nearly spherical prompt shock propagates outward in our
simulations, it is ...
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I. INTRODUCTION One of the most puzzling issues in the Standard Model is the large hier archy observed in the masses of fermions. For example, in the quark sector alone, th e masses of the heaviest (top) and lightest (up) quarks are separated by nearly five order s of magnitude. Conversely, if one assumes that all fermions receive their mass via interactions w ith (as in the Standard Model (SM)), the large hierarchy of ma sses observed in the fermion sector translates into a large hierarchy in the Yukawa coup lings of the it has been proposed that the hierarchy of fermion mass es can be made natural by extending the scalar sector of the SM to include one Higgs doublet (orPrivate Higgs (PH)) per fermion [1]. In this scenario, all of the Yukawa couplings ca n be made of O(1) by tuning parameters of the model. In other words, the vacuum ex pectation values (vev's) of each respective PH field can be made to satisfy vf~mfsuch that the hierarchy in the fermion mass spectrum becomes natural. The approach toelectroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) inthe PH m odel is quite differ- ent than those of other multi-Higgs models. First, one introduces o ne gauge singlet scalar Sq per quark flavor qand uses the vev's of these fields along with certain interactions bet ween these fields and the various PH fields to induce ared instabilities. By using different terms in the Lagrangian for the top PH and non-top P H fields, one can easily explain the hierarchy in vev's by tuning certain parameters of the mo del. As a consequence of this approach, the lighter the fermion is, the heavier its associat ed PH particle must be in order to explain the smallness of the respective vev. In particular , the mass of the PH particle associated with the up quark can be shown to lie in the 102-103TeV range which is definitely beyond the reach of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). How ever, there is interest- ing phenomenology originating from the sector of the top and botto m PH fields along with the singlet scalars. In this work, we study a scenario where the phy sical spectrum of this sector contains a light SM-like Higgs boson, a heavy scalar Higgs boso n, a pair of charged Higgs bosons and a pseudoscalar Higgs boson. The last three of the se arise mainly from the bottom PH field and all have masses in the ~TeV range. In addition to these, there are also two light scalars which are admixtures of the singlet states a ssociated with the top and bottom quarks ( StandSb). By construction, StandSbaredarkto interactions with SM gauge fields and fermions. While we will focus mainly on the light scalar s in this work, 2the heavier Higgs bosons could be probed at the LHC via production w ith bottom quarks (since the Yukawa coupling between the bottom quarks and the bot tom PH field is of order to avoid cross-talk between different quarks, the PH mod el contains a set of six discrete symmetries (one for each quark flavor). Under these symmetries, the right- handed quarks, their respective PH fields and the gauge singlet sca larsSqare all odd, while all other SM fields are even. The existence of these discrete symme tries provides one of the most interesting features of the PH scenario which is the possib ility of a dark matter (DM) candidate. Scalar DM was originally proposed over twenty year s ago in Ref. [2] and has been studied more recently in several different scenarios includ ing singlet scalar DM [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] and in the so-called Inert Doublet Model [9, 10, 11, 1 2, 13, 14, 15]. However, as we will demonstrate, the features of PHDM can be quite different from previously remainder of the paper is structured as follows. First, in Sectio n II, we review the structure of the PH model and demonstrate how EWSB is realized in t his model. In section Section III, utilizing the observations from WMAP [16], we show that t he PH model is able to account for all of the observed dark matter in the Universe for relatively natural values of the model's parameters. In addition, in Section IV, we cons ider the possibility of detecting PHDM via its annihilation into anomalous gamma rays in the g alactic halo. We show that, with a favorable distribution of DM in the halo, PHDM cou ld be detected by ground-based telescopes, but is probably beyond the reach of the space-based GLAST telescope [17]. Finally, in Section V, we conclude. II. THE MODEL The main goal of the Private Higgs model is to account for the extre mely large in the fermion mass spectrum [1]. For purposes of this pap er, we will focus on the quark sector. In contrast to the SM, where one introduces a single scalar doublet which couples to all quarks, the PH scenario democratically introduc es one Higgs doublet )per quark. All of the PH fields are assumed to have identical the PH partner of the tcould also provide interesting phenomenology; however, we will focu s on the quark sector here. 3quantum numbers as the SM Higgs. In addition to the PH fields, the sc alar sector of the PH model also contains a set of gauge singlet scalars Sq. In order to avoid cross talk between quarks of different flavors, a set of six discrete symmetries Kqis imposed on the model. Under the Kqsymmetries, the right-handed quarks ( Uq,Dq) along with the PH fields and Sqare all odd, i.e.: Uq- -Uq(Dq- -Dq), phq- -phq, Sq- -Sq, (1) while all other fields are considered even. The Lagrangian which is sym metric under the Kq symmetries is then given the SM Lagrangian without the Higgs terms and YPH D,YPH U are Yukawa matrices. The scalar potential V(Sq,phq) takes the form: V(Sq,phq) for stability of the potential, In our analysis, we will assume these terms are small and neglect them in the following. In the PH model, instead of inducing EWSB through the usual negat where M2 phq<0, one utilizes the vev's of the singlet fields Sqand the the Sq's and the PH fields. In particular, for the top PH one assumes M2 pht>0 and induces EWSB through the as well as the vev's of the Sqfields. Thus, taking gst,khqt>0 the top PH is forced to develop a instability which, in tur n, spontaneously symmetry. Therefore, in a sense, the top PH plays the role o f the SM Higgs. 4In general, the PH scenario can contain many new free parameters in addition to those of the SM. In order to simplify our analysis in the following sections, we will make a succession of approximations. Thus, our results will not probe the full parame ter space of the PH scenario, but should be viewed as a first step in this direction. To beg in, we follow Ref. [1] and assume that is in accordance with the symmetry breaking above. We also consider the case where To give the Sq fields a vev, one introduces an instability M2 Sq<0 such that, under our assumptions, the potential in the Sq-phtsector reduces to: V(Sq,pht) (3) where summation over quark flavor qis implicit and, in principle, the quantity vq sis a bare parameter. Minimizing this potential, we find the 0, 0. (5) Solving these equations for the individual vev's we (6) for the vev of Sqand for the top PH (7) Note that, for simplicity, we have identified the individual vev's vq swith one common pa- rametervs. Finally, we also note the relationship between (8) Next, we consider the non-top PH fields which acquire their vev's in a s lightly First, as in the case of the top PH, the mass parameter M2 phqis assumed to be positive. However, for the phqfields (where one imposes the condition M2 phq> gsqv2 s in contrast to the case of the top PH. Then, vev's for the non-top PH fields are induced 5through the cubic term gqq'and the vev's vsandvh. Again, to simplify our analysis, we will make some assumptions. Specifically, we will assume lq (9) which is consistent with the symmetry breaking pattern discussed a bove. Then, after Sq andphtpick up vev's, the relevant part of the phqpotential (10) Minimizing this potential, the vev's for the non-top Higgs fields are fou nd to (11) Eq. (11) summarizes the main result of the PH scenario. By having th e parameter gqtto be small while keeping M2 phqlarge, one is able to make allYukawa couplings (which are given by mq/vq) ofO(1) without fine-tuning. As a consequence of this relation, one can show from Eq. (11) that the lighter quarks have associated PH particles in the 102-103TeV range which are definitely beyond the reach of current or future experim ents [1]. However, the masses from the pht-Sqsector can be naturally light (100's GeV), while the bottom PH particle can have masses in the TeV range. Finally, inserting Eqs. (7) and (11) into the Lagrangian of Eq. (2), it is easy to show that theW+-mass is given in the PH model (12) Obviously, the leading term in the sum comes from the bottom PH; how ever, even in this case, the contribution is of order m2 b/m2 t~0.001. Thus, the contributions to EWSB from quarks lighter than the top are negligible and our statement above t hat the role of the SM Higgs boson is being played by the top PH is verified. A. Mass Eigenstates and Their Interactions In this section, we study the top-bottom sector of the PH model in some detail. In particular, we will consider the case where Thus, the gauge singlet scalars associated with the lighter quarks become heavy and from our analysis. Then, under our assumptions, the sca lar potential in the top- bottom sector reduces begin, we expand the PH Higgs fields in the usual (15) while the singlet fields are expanded (16) In the above expansions, o+-andkh0are assumed to play the roles of the usual Goldstone bosons which are eaten by the W+-andZ, whileH+-andAbare charged and bosons, respectively. Both the H+-andAbwill have masses on the order of Mphb~
TeV and could provide interesting phenomenology at the LHC. Note t hat we are between the pure Goldstones ( o+-,kh0) and the physical Higgs bosons ( H+-,Ab). These mixings are typically of thus, are extremely small. Inserting the expansions of the Higgs fields fromEqs. (14) - (16) in to (13), we first extract the mass terms of the Goldstone bosons which we require to 0. (17) Note that this equation is in agreement with Eq. (8). Next, we could attempt to diagonalize the full 4 x4 mass matrix in the ( However, as shown in Ref. [1], for values of the model parame ters that we consider in our analysis most of the mixings between the various scalars are ne gligible. In particular, the mixing between htandsqis negligible (19) Similarly, the mixing between sqandHbcan be neglected (20) Allofthese fortheparameter choices inou ranalysis, hencewechoose to neglect the above mixings. However, it should be noted that the m ixing between htand Hbserves to reproduce the small SM coupling between bottom quarks and the SM-like Higgs boson. In the following, we identify htandHbwith approximate mass eigenstates and assume the coupling between h0and a pair of bottom quarks takes its SM value. Finally, there can be substantial mixing between the two singlet scala Diagonalizing the 2 x2 mass matrix in this sector, we find two mass eigenstates (S 1and S 2) with mass (22) Note that for as tb,gtb>0 and 0 < a < p/ 2, S1plays the role of the lightest PH parti- cle (LPHP) which is stable against decay and, thus, provides a candid ate for DM. Using Eqs. (21) and (22), we can exchange two of the free parameters for the masses of the two singlet scalars. This is the approach we will take. T herefore, in the analysis to follow, we will take as our free parameters the masses mS1,mS2as well as the couplings gstandgtband the mixing angle a. Note that the conditions for small mixings between the sq's and the PH fields forces gstto take small values. III. PRIVATE HIGGS DARK a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) with masses in the ex pected natural range for DM. In this context, the PH model is similar to other scalar DM mod els such as the gauge singlet models of Refs. [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] and the Inert Doub let Model (IDM) [9, 10, 8FIG. 1: Leading s-channel processes which maintain the singlet scalar S 1in equilibrium with the rest of the cosmic fluid. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. In this section, we calculate the annihilation cros s sections of PHDM into SM particles and show that, for relatively natural values of the model parameters, one can account for all of the observed dark matter in the Universe. I n the next section, we investigate the possibility of indirectly detecting PHDM via its annihilatio n rays in the galactic halo. First, let us consider the present relic abundance of PHDM in the Univ erse. In the fol- lowing, we will assume that the mass splitting mS2-mS1is large enough that between S 1and S 2do not significantly affect the relic abundance. These effects will be considered in future work. In the early Universe, the singlet s calar S 1would have been in equilibrium with the rest of the cosmic fluid. This equilibrium is maint ained via S and pair-creation reactions which proceed throug h thes-channel exchange of the SM-like Higgs h0. The leading 2 -2s-channel reactions which contribute to these processes are shown in Fig. 1. The present relic abundance of PHDM is determined by the pair-annih ilation rates in limit. The rates for each allowed channel are given in t he (23) whereuis the relative velocity of the annihilating particles. The total annihilat ion cross section is then given by summing over each of the allowed channels. Co mputing the cross 9sections for the diagrams in Fig. 1, we find: a(W+W-) (24) a(ZZ) (25) a(f-f) the coupling gS1S1h0is given (27) The WMAP collaboration [16] provides a very precise determination of the present DM abundance which, at the two-sigma level, is given by: ohmDMh2= 0.111+-0.018. (28) As shown in Ref. [18], for a generic model of DM, the present abunda nce of DM is by J0(the angular momentum of the dominant partial wave contributing t o DM annihilation) and the annihilation cross section. In contrast, the re lic abundance depends only weakly on the mass or spin of the DM particle. Thus, the very pre cise constraints from WMAP on ohm DMh2translate into very precise constraints on the quantity on the value of J0. In particular, for an s-wave annihilator ( J0= 0) such as the case considered here, the WMAP measurement translates into the bounds: a= 0.8+-0.1 pb, (29) nearly independent of the mass or spin of the DM particle (see Fig. 1 o f Ref. [18]). In Fig. 2, we plot the values of a(X) for two different values of the coupling gstand several different values of the mixing angle a. In these plots, we have set the bottom PH vev equal to the bottom quark mass and gtb= 1. The horizontal dashed lines indicate the limits on a(X) from Eq. (29). Clearly, from Eqs. (24)- (27), we see that the an nihilation cross sections depend quadratically on gst. This is evident in the plot of Fig. 2 where we see a small shift in gstresults in a large shift in the ranges of mS1allowed by the WMAP data. 10Finally, we note that these plots are only meant to show that for rela tively natural values of the model parameters it is indeed possible to account for the obs erved density of DM in the Universe. A full scan of the PH parameter space would probably find other choices of parameters which could fulfill the constraints from Eq. (29). IV. INDIRECT DETECTION OF PHDM Next, we would like to investigate the possibility of detecting PHDM. We will focus here on indirect detection and save an analysis of direct detection for fu ture the non-relativistic regime. In general, this implies that DM collected in galactic halos has a substantial probability to pair-annihilate resulting in anomalous high-energy cosmic rays which can be distinguished from astrophysical backgrounds. In particular, gamma rays from these annihilations provide a chance to extract information ab out DM, since they can travel over galactic scales without (including hadronization, factorization and radiation fr om final-state for simplicity, we will assume the dominate source is from dir ect a two-body final state as shown in Fig. 32. Note that, under our assumptions, only SM particles circulate the loop. In the full parameter space of the P H model, it would be possible to have charged Higgs circulating the loop. However, the ir couplings to h0are alwaysof order vb/vhorvb/vsand, thus, can be safely ignored in comparison to the SM loops. The cross section for photon pair-production in the PH scen ario can be written (30) where the expression for gS1S1h0is given above and, in the non-relativistic regime, s4m2 S1. The hat on ^G indicates that one should replace mh0-sin the standard expressions for on-shell Higgs decays. The expressions needed to construct ^G(h0-gg) can be found in several reviews (e.g., see Ref. [19]) and, hence, we will not repeat t hem here. 2Here, we concentrate on the dominant ggsignal and save a discussion of the for future work. 11100 120 140 160 180 200 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 11.2 1.4 a = 0 a = p / 8 a = p / 4 mS1 [GeV] gst = 0.04 a(X) [pb] 100 120 140 160 180 200 0.5 11.5 2a = 0 a = p / 8 a = p / 4 mS1 [GeV] a(X) [pb] gst = 0.06 FIG. 2: The annihilation cross section as a function of the S 1mass and the mixing parameter a. The dashed horizontal lines indicate the WMAP constraints on the annihilation cross sections given by Eq. 29. 12FIG. 3: Diagrams which dominate photon pair-production in t he S1annihilation in the we would like to compute the flux of photons observed on Eart h from S 1annihi- lation in the galactic halo. The monochromatic flux due to the ggfinal state, observed by a telescope with a line of sight parameterized by Ps = ( th,ph) and a field of view ohm can be written as [20]: Ph = (31) where thedependence of the flux on thehalo darkmatter density d istribution is contained in -J. Many models predict a large spike in the DM density in the neighborhoo d of the galactic center, making the line of sight towards the center of the galaxy th e preferred one. However, the features of the peak are highly model-dependent resulting in va lues of-Jranging from 103to 107for ohm = 10-3sr (typical for ground-based atmospheric Cerenkov telescopes ) [21, 22, 23, 24]. The monochromatic photon flux predicted from PHDM annihilation for the two previously are shown in Fig. 4. For these plots, we have assu med there is no substantial spiking in the galactic center (i.e., -Johm = 1). In the energy range considered in these plots, ground-based atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (such as VERITAS [25] and HESS [26]) typically have a flux sensitivity down to the On the other hand, the upcoming space-based telescope GLAST [17] is limited by st atistics to the over the energy range considered. From these plots, it is clea r that without a substantial spike in the galactic center, PHDM will be difficult to obser ve in either ground- or space-based observatories. However, if the halo does exhibit a substantial spike or strong clumping (e.g., if -J>=105at ohm10-3), PHDM could be observed at assuming small values of gstand relatively light masses ( mS1100-120 GeV). 13100 120 140 160 180 200 -18 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 a = 0 a = p / 8 a = p / 4 gst = 0.04 mS1 [GeV] Log 10 Ph [s -1 cm -2 ] 100 120 140 160 180 200 -17 -16 -15 -14 -13 a = 0 a = p / 8 a = p / 4 gst = 0.06 Log 10 Ph [s -1 cm -2 ] mS1 [GeV] FIG. 4: The flux of monochromatic photons from the reaction S 1S1-ggfor-Johm = 1 for two different values of the coupling gst. 14V. CONCLUSIONS The Private Higgs model attempts to address the large hierarchy o bserved in the fermion mass spectrum by introducing one Higgs doublet for each fermion. E WSB is achieved not by the usual ared approach, but by introd ucing a set of gauge singlet scalars and using the vev's of these fields and their interactions with the PH fields to In order to avoid cross-talk between quarks of differe nt flavors, one also intro- duces a set of discrete symmetries. This provides one of the most in teresting features of the Private Higgs model: a possible dark matter sector. Wefoundthat for relatively natural values of the model's parameters the PH mode l provides a candidate which can account for the relic density of dark matter observed in t he present Universe. To show this, we calculated the annihilation cross section for PHDM int o SM particles we investigated the possibility of detecting PHDM via anomalous gamma rays originating from the annihilation of PHDM in the galactic halo. While the ob servation of these gamma rays may be difficult for the space-based GLAST obser vatory, we showed that evidence Cerenkov telescopes such as VERITAS and HESS if there is substantial clustering of dark matt er in the galactic author is very grateful to Sally Dawson for a careful reading o f this manuscript and Rafael Porto for extremely useful discussions on the Private Higg s model. This manuscript has been authored by employees of Brookhaven Science Associate s, LLC under Contract No. with the U.S. Department of Energy. The publisher by accepting the manuscript for publication acknowledges that the United State s Government retains a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, world-wide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. [1] R. A. Porto and A. Zee (2007), 0712.0448. 15[2] V. Silveira and A. Zee, Phys. Lett. B161, 136 (1985). [3] D. E. Holz and A. Zee, Phys. Lett. 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Rept. 457, 1 (2008), L. Bergstrom, P. Ullio, and J. H. Buckley, Astropart. Ph ys.9, 137 (1998), J. F. Navarro, C. S. Frenk, and S. D. M. White, Astrophys. J.490, 493 (1997), B. Moore, F. Governato, T. Quinn, J. Stadel, and G. Lake, Astrophys. J. 499, L5 B. Moore, T. Quinn, F. Governato, J. Stadel, and G. Lake, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 310, 1147 (1999), O. Y. Gnedin, A. V. Kravtsov, A. A. Klypin, and D. Nagai, A strophys. J. 616, 16 T. C. Weekes et al., Astropart. Phys. 17, 221 (2002), J. A. Hinton (The HESS), New Astron. Rev. 48, 331 (2004), | 0804.3792 | C.B. Jackson | C.B. Jackson | Dark Matter in the Private Higgs Model | 16 pages, 4 figures. Revised model section. Removed Unitarity
analysis. Major conclusions on Dark Matter analysis relatively unchanged | null | null | BNL-HET-08/10 | hep-ph astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | The extremely large hierarchy observed in the fermion mass spectrum remains
as one of the most puzzling and unresolved issues in particle physics. In a
recent proposal, however, it was demonstrated that by introducing one Higgs
doublet (or Private Higgs) per fermion this hierarchy could be made natural by
making the Yukawa couplings between each fermion and its respective Higgs boson
of order unity. Among the interesting predictions of the Private Higgs scenario
is a variety of scalars which could be probed at future collider experiments
and a possible dark matter candidate. In this paper, we study in some detail
the dark matter sector of the Private Higgs model. We first calculate the
annihilation cross sections of dark matter in this model and find that one can
easily account for the observed density of dark matter in the Universe with
relatively natural values of the model's parameters. Finally, we investigate
the possibility of detecting Private Higgs dark matter indirectly via the
observation of anomalous gamma rays originating from the galactic halo. We show
that a substantial flux of photons can be produced from the annihilation of
Private Higgs dark matter such that, if there is considerable clumping of dark
matter in the galactic halo, the flux of these gamma rays could be observed by
ground-based telescope arrays such as VERITAS and HESS.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 23 Apr 2008 19:30:37 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 27 May 2008 15:15:39 GMT"
] | 2008-05-27T00:00:00 | [
"C. B.",
] |
In a few cases it has been possible to measure the widths of UV lines of other elements, and therefore the kinetic temperatures, Ti, of other ions (Raymond et al. 1995; Laming et al. 1996; Raymond et al. 2003; Korreck et al. 2007). The overall result is that the plasma behind rela- tively slow shocks ( ~300 km s-1) is close to thermal equilibrium, while shocks faster than about 1000 km s-1are far from equilibrium, with Te/Tp<0.1 2005; Ghavamian et al. 2007). Other important appli- cations of Balmer line diagnostics for are estimates of shock speed, which can be combined with proper motions to find SNR dis- tances (Winkler, Gupta & Long 2003), and infer- ences of cosmic ray diffusion coefficients from the properties of shock precursors (Smith et al. 1994; Hester et al. 1994; Lee et al. 2007). All of the current models used to interpret the Balmer line profiles assume that the et al. 1980; Lim & Raga 1996; Laming et Coulomb collisions are not able to bring the protons to a Maxwellian rapidly enough, and it is not clear what sort of distribution would be produced by plasma turbulence. Heng & Mc- Cray (2007) have recently drawn attention to the importance of sequential charge transfer events in determining the profile of the broad component at shock speeds above about 2000 km s-1, where the charge transfer cross section changes rapidly with energy, and this affects some of the et al. (2007) have extended the model effort to a fuller treatment of the hydrodynamics than is usually employed, but they keep the assumption that the proton distribution is Maxwellian. Ion velocity distributions directly measured in the solar wind are essentially never Maxwellian in the vicinity of shocks. Ion distributions typically have power-law tails or strong anisotropies, with beamed components upstream and highly perpen- dicular enhancements downstream (Schopke et al. 1983; 1990; Gosling and Robson 1985; Thomsen 1985; Kucharek et al. 2004). The Balmer line profiles of non-radiative shocks provide a to search for non-Maxwellian in astrophysical plasmas. In this paper we will keep the assumption that protons that pass through the shock have aMaxwellian distribution at the temperature given bythe McKee 1993), but we will add the distribution of protons that pass through the shock as neutrals and become ion- ized. We will consider the potentially on the Balmer line profiles including line widths and centroid shifts and how they might affect shock parameters derived from H aprofiles. We will also discuss the implications of magnetic field strength and direction and of plasma tur- bulence on the profiles and the possibility that observed profiles could constrain the field param- eters. We will briefly consider the implications of non-Maxwellian distributions for the heating of electrons and minor ions. 2. Pickup Ions Neutral particles that are ionized in the post- shock flow are very much like the pickup ions (PUI) measured by spacecraft in the solar wind (Moebius et al. 1985; Gloeckler et al. 1993; Isenberg 1995). When neutral atoms slowly flow into the inter- planetary medium, they can be ionized by pho- tons from the Sun, by charge transfer with solar wind ions, or by collisions with electrons. At that point, the new ions are streaming with re- spect to the solar wind plasma at the solar wind speed,VSW, which is much larger than the local Alfv' en speed, VA. These ions are up by the magnetic field in the solar wind. Their velocity component perpendicular to the lo- cal magnetic field becomes a gyrovelocity around the field, which, in combination with the instan- taneous parallel component, initially forms a mo- noenergetic ring-beam in velocity space. This ring-beam is unstable, and the particles rapidly scatter toward isotropy by interacting with ambi- ent or resulting in a velocity- space shell (Sagdeev et al. 1986; Lee & Ip 1987; Isenberg 2005; Bogdan et al. 1991). In the solar wind, pickup protons are distin- guished by their unusual velocity heavier pickup ions can also be recognized by their single ionization states, such as He+or O+, which stand out among solar wind ions that are much more highly ionized. The pickup ions add significant mass and momentum to the so- lar wind in the outer heliosphere, and the waves 2they generate play an important role in heating the solar wind beyond 5 AU (Smith et al. 2001; Isenberg et al. 2003; Isenberg 2005). The com- position and charge state of these pickup ions indicate that they form the source particles for the observed of cosmic et al. 1973, 1975; Fisk et al. 1974; Cummings & Stone, 2007). These particles must therefore be preferentially accelerated to or in the heliosheath beyond. However, re- cent in situ observations during and after the the al. 2005; Stone 2007) have shown that the en- ergization process is still not well understood. 3. Consequences for SNR shocks Consider a planar shock in which the down- stream magnetic field makes an angle thwith the shock normal. Since the field component perpen- dicular to the flow is compressed by the shock, this typically 60*to 85*, though of course pure parallel and pure perpendicular shocks maintain their field directions. For a strong shock with a compression ratio of 4, a neutral passing through the shock moves at3 4VSrelative to the Thus when it becomes a pickup ion it acquires a gyro (1) and a velocity along the field direction (2) relative to the post-shock plasma. These anunstable velocity space. They can emit plasma waves and interact with these waves to scatter into a more isotropic distribution. Generally, the dom- inant isotropization process is pitch-angle scat- tering through the cyclotron resonant interaction with ion-cyclotron and fast- mode waves (Wu & Davidson 1972; Winske et al. 1985; Lee & Ip 1987; see also Zank 1999; Szeg o et al. 2000). The mayalsobe subject to otherplasma instabilities, depending onthe rel- ative density and downstream conditions. In prin-ciple, a downstream magnetic field nearly paral- lel to the flow can result in bump-on-tail (Gary 1978) or firehose-like instabilities (Winske et al. 1985; Sagdeev et al. 1986). The saturation of the Landau bump-on-tail instability leaves a whichstill scattersin pitch angle through the cyclotron resonance. The firehose high density of pickup ions relative to the back- ground plasma and an ionization time-scale much shorter than the time-scale for cyclotron scattering. If the downstream mag- netic field is nearly perpendicular to the flow, a mirror-mode instability can be excited (Winske &
Quest 1988; McKean et al. 1995), but this ion-cyclotron instability (Yoon 1992), and so may be neglected. In this paper, we will take the ring-beam of newly-ionized protons to quickly sta- bilize through In particular, we will assume the rapid formation of a bispherical Bispherical most conditions, a given energetic proton is with two electromagnetic modes. If the pro- ton parallel speed is much faster than the Alfv' en speed,VA, both of these waves will be Alfv' en waves - one propagating along the field in the same direction as the proton and the other in the opposite direction. Resonant scattering away from the ring-beam will result in the amplifica- tion of one of these modes and the damping of the other. Which mode is unstable depends on the position of the ring-beam in velocity space, as determined by the angle ofthe local magnetic field to the plasma flow direction. The resonant inter- action with either wave yields a diffusion which conserves the proton energy in the frame of the wave phase speed, scattering the particles along a sphere in velocity space centered on one of as shown in Figure 1. A result is obtained in the case where the damped mode can be neglected and the scattering at each point in velocity space is only due to in- teractions with the unstable mode. In this case, a steady ring-beam will be scattered to a a uniformly populated shell formed by the two spherical caps which meet at the posi- 3tion of the original ring-beam (Galeev & Sagdeev 1988; Williams & Zank 1994). Manyofthe distribution may be obtained geometrically. If the ring-beam of the newly ionized protons is located at ( V/bardbl, V) as given by equations (1) - (2), the radii of the two spherical caps are The area of each cap in velocity space is a+-= Since the particles are distributed uni- formly over these areas, the net streaming speed of the bispherical shell (3) where the total shell area aT=a++a-. Clearly, the case of flow perpendicular to the 0, gives v+=v-andvbulk= 0. Simi- larly, theAlfv' enspeed, the distribution reduces to a single sphere of and the bulk speed is slowed to vbulk=VA. In general, the streaming speed of the bispherical distribution is bounded by +-VA. Figure 2 shows this streaming speed as a function of magnetic field angle thfor several values of the downstream field strength, taking a shock speed of 2000 km s-1and an upstream proton density of 1 cm-3. These simple properties may be modified for realistic conditions. For instance, dispersion of the resonant waves will systematically shift their phase speed, and so distort the shape of the shell away from a sphere (Isenberg & Lee 1996). This distortion can be significant if the speed differ- ence between the neutrals and the is comparable to VA. In addition, an effi- cient turbulent cascade could maintain the stable wave mode intensity despite the damping by the pickup protons. In this case, the multiple wave- particle interactions with both stable and unsta- ble waves can yield a much different even result in particle acceleration through the mechanism (Isenberget al. 2003; Isenberg2005). However,the bispherical ex- pressions provide a reasonable first approximation to the pickup proton distribution expected down- stream of a strong supernova shock. In this initial study, we will retain the bispherical assumptions, and address these simplifications in the Total Proton Distribution At any point in the downstream plasma the ve- locity distribution is the sum of the distributions of the shocked protons and the protons formed by ionization or charge transfer in the downstream gas. If the preshock neutral fraction is small, the distribution is dominated by the shocked pro- tons, and it will be difficult to detect the ef- fects of the pickup protons. These effects will be much easier to see in the shocks of Tycho's SNR, where the neutral fraction is around 0.85 (Ghavamian et al. 2000) than in SN1006, where it is around 0.1 (Ghavamian et al. 2002). Figure 3 shows a simple model of a shock propagating at 2000 km s-1into a medium with nH=np=
0.5cm-3, roughly similar to the values expected for Tycho's SNR. The proton density just behind the shock is the density of thermal protons, protons. The neutrals immediately behind the shock make up the slow or narrow component. Their density drops as charge transfer converts them to pickup protons and relaces them with fast or broad component neutrals. Eventually, colli- sional ionization removes all neutrals, leaving a fully ionized plasma far downstream. The for charge transfer and ionization by electrons and protons were adopted from Lam- ing et al. (1996). Note that this plot assumes that the pickup protons move with the same bulk speed as the background plasma. This will be strictly true only for a perpendicular shock, since the scattered shell of pickup ions will generally re- tain some streaming motion with respect to the thermal plasma if the field has a component along the flow. Figure 4 shows the thermal proton and pickup ion distributions for one choice of the parame- ters. For the modest Alfv' en speeds expected be- hind SNR shocks, the PUI distribution is not far from spherical. Thus the total velocity distribu- tion shows a peak with a sharp cutoff plus high velocity wings from the thermal broad components of the Balmer line pro- files will reflect the proton distributions, though they are weighted by the charge transfer cross sec- tion. Figure 5 shows the proton velocity distribu- tion profiles in the direction parallel to the shock front obtained by adding the background to the PUI distribution. We havecho- sen this direction because strong limb brightening is required to make the H aemission from a canbe obtained. The projectionis the velocity along the magnetic th. the pre-shock and post-shock magnetic field, the centroid shift will be reduced. In this pa- per we do not compute Balmer line profiles, since they depend on specific shock parameters. will be needed for the observations, but for shocks below roughly 2000 km s-1the variation of charge transfer cross sec- tion with velocity is weak enough that the H a profile should closely resemble the proton veloc- ity distribution (see Heng and McCray 2006). It should be kept in mind, however, that the broad component of H ais emitted from a region of vary- ing pickup ion fraction, with values near zero near the shock and approaching the pre-shock neutral fraction far downstream. Roughly speaking, the Haprofile will correspond to a pickup ion fraction of about half the pre-shock neutral fraction. It is apparent from Figure 5 that the departure from a Maxwellian ought to be detectable high S/N data. The difficulty is that the narrow component, whose intensity is gener- ally dominant, obscures the center of the broad component profile. The usual procedure of fitting the sum of two Gaussians to the total profile pro- vides enough degrees of freedom to absorb the far wings of the profile and the background level are poorly defined. For very fast shocks, the dropoff in charge transfer cross section with ve- locity may suppress the high velocity tail in any case. As an estimate of the error that could be made by and using the resulting broad line width to derive a shock speed, we fit the profiles in Figure 5 with single Gaussians and compared those widths to the widths of a pure Gaussian at the tempera- ture expected from shock speed. We find that the Gaussian widths estimated from the Figure 5 distributions are as much as 14% narrower than those predicted for a pure thermal distribution of protons, so the shock speed could be underesti- mated by 14%. This is the extreme case, however,and underestimates about half that large would be typical. These underestimates would be to the plasma. 3.3. Plasma Heating Another possible consequence of the pickup process is plasma heating by the waves generated in the isotropization of the initial ring-beam of newly ionized protons. The energy lost by the protons in scattering from the ring-beam to the fi- nal nearly isotropic shell is transferred to the res- onant waves. These waves in turn may heat the plasma, either directly or through a turbulent cas- cade to dissipative modes. In the simple bispher- ical picture of section 3.1, the energy available to the waves is given is the energy in the initial ring-beam and the energy in the 6 shows the ratio of the total various combinations of the Alfv' en speed and the downstream magnetic field angle. The wave energy in (4) is essentially a maximum estimate, since the bispherical distribution has a lower en- ergy than the distributions obtained by effects or the replenishment of the sta- ble wave modes (Isenberg & Lee 1996; form of the plasma heating which results from the pickup proton generated waves is an ac- tive area of research in the solar wind. A model which assumes that these waves feed a turbulent cascade which dissipates by heating the thermal ions has been shown to reproduce the observed proton temperatures in the outer heliosphere reasonably well (Smith et al.2001,2006; Isenbergetal. 2003; heating can be important when the estimatesofthe shockspeed fromthe observed Balmer line width. 3.4. Electron Heating Electron heating is observed to be very ineffi- cient in fast shocks, so the observed electron tem- peratures could provide a strong constraint on the wave energy even if only a modest fraction of the wave energy is transferred to the electrons. Ob- servations of young SNRs show that Te/Tiis less than 0.1 in shocks faster than about 1500 km/s (Rakowski 2005). Ghavamian et al. (2006) pro- pose that cosmic rays diffusing ahead of a lowerhybrid waveswhich then heat the electrons to a temperature of about 0.3 keV, and this can reproduce the observed variation of Te/Tiwith shock if the pickup proton ring distri- bution generates lower hybrid waves, they could heat electrons. The lower hybrid heating is ineffi- cient unless the Alfv' en speed is al. 1989; Cairns & Zank 2002), but the Alfv' en speed downstream of SNR shocks is very poorly known. In the absence of information about VA, one cannot make quantitative predictions. In Ty- cho's SNR, which has a large neutral fraction in the pre-shock gas, the observed low electron tem- perature precludes efficient transfer of energy to the electrons if VA>0.1VS. 3.5. Downstream Heating of Heavy Ions Other elements with ionization potentials at least as large as that of hydrogen will be Theywillalsobe ion- ized and picked up except that they will be more likely to undergoelectron orproton rather than charge transfer, so the process will occur over a thicker region behind the shock. Thus O, N and especially Ne and He should ini- tially form ring distributions and be picked up by the plasma. As with the protons, the initial field as cos th. Heavy ions present in the upstream plasma can also have peculiar downstream distributions due to their passage through the shock. They are de- celerated by the electric potential jump associated with the shock, and because of their large mass to charge ratios they are decelerated less than theprotons. Fuselier & Schmidt (1997) find that the initial ring velocity in this case a strong perpendicular shock. Thus we expect that heavy ions passing through the shock will have values of Vbetween VSand 3VS/4. A few observations exist to test this expectation. The line widths of C IV and He II lines in the Telescope spectrum of SN1006 (Ray- mond et al. 1995) are the same as the width of Hawithin substantial uncertainties, and the O VI line observed with FUSE is consistent with the same width (Korreck et al. 2004). Ghavamian et al. (2002) find that the pre-shock neutral fraction of H is about 0.1, while that of He is at least 0.7. Since C has a lower ionization potential than H, and O has the same ionization potential has H, these elements also have small pre-shock Thus C and O should have larger val- ues ofVthan H, while He should be primarily a pickup ion distribution. Unfortunately, the 10%
to 30% uncertainties in the line widths preclude a definitive comparison, but with somewhat higher quality profiles for the UV lines one could begin to constrain the magnetic field direction. 3.6. Cosmic Ray Modified Shocks Except for some consideration of magnetic the discussion above assumes a sim- ple shock. However, and theory (e.g., Drury & V olk 1981; Malkov et al. 2000; Warren et al. 2005) indi- cate that a substantial fraction of the energy dis- sipated in the shock, as much as 80%, can be con- verted to cosmic rays. This results in a modi- fied shock structure with several interesting fea- tures; 1) a particle velocity distribution such as a Maxwellian with a power law tail, 2) a rather than a sharp shock jump, 3) a compression ratio higher than the of 4, and, 4) a lower proton temperature for a given shock speed, since less energy is available to heat the gas. The Balmer line profiles are not expected to re- veal the non-thermal tails predicted for strong dif- fusive shock accelerationof cosmic rays, since only a very small fraction of the particles ( ~10-3) Also, the charge transfer cross sec- tion declines rapidly at speeds above about 2000 km s-1(e.g., Schultz et al. 2008), so the faster protons are less likely to produce broad compo- nent neutrals. Therefore, direct detection of the power law tail will be very difficult. The smooth transition could change the profile in a manner incompatible with observations, in that the gradually increasing temperature would give a composite H aprofile which is the sum It would probably not resemble observed. This difficulty would be avoided if the smooth transition occurs on a length scale smaller than the length scale for charge trans- fer, since few broad component neutrals would form in the intermediate temperature region. The length scale for a modified shock is k/Vs, where kis the cosmic ray diffusion coefficient. The charge transfer length scale is Vs/(npqCT), where qCTis the charge transfer rate coefficient. be smaller than about 1023cm2s-1. Val- ues ofkof this order are required to rays to high energies within an SNR life- time, but they are comparable to the Bohm limit, and therefore at the low end of the range of plau- sible values. A high compression ratio, say 7 rather than the usual 4, would mean that the narrow move at 6 VS/7 relative to the postshock gas, rather than 3 VS/4, so the PUI component will have larger initial parallel and by 14%. On the other hand, if a large fraction of the shock energy goes into the thermal speed of the protons will be reduced by a factor (1 + PC/PG)-1/2, wherePC andPGare the cosmic ray and gas pressures. If PCis comparable to PG, the thermal part of the line width will be seriously affected and the shock speed will be underestimated if PCis assumed to be small. Most of the Balmer line filaments stud- ied to date show very weak radio emission (e.g., the NW filament in SN1006 and the northern fila- ment in the Cygnus Loop; Ghavamian et al. 2001, 2002), so PC/PGis probably small.4. Application to Tycho's SNR Tycho's supernova remnant presents a good opportunity to search for the effects described above because of its relatively high pre-shock neu- tral fraction (Ghavamian et al. 2000), the excel- lent high and low resolution spectra of knot g (Smith et al. 1991; Ghavamian et al. 2001; Lee et al. 2007), and the extensive X-ray and radio studies of & Jones 1985; Dickel et al. 1991; Hwang et al. 2002; Warren et al. 2005; Bamba et al. 2005). The preshock density is ap- proximately 1 cm-3, the pre-shock neutral frac- tion is approximately 0.85 and the shock speed et al. 2000; Ghavamian et al. 2001). The magnetic field is likely to be amplified in strong SNR shocks (e.g., Lucek & Bell 2000; Vink & Laming 2003), but its strength is not accurately known. emission from nearby parts of the blast wave of Tycho's SNR, implies that the mag- netic field is on the order of 100 uG1B100 (Warren et al. 2005), yielding an Alfv' en speed of approximately 100 km s-1. The field direction is not known with certainty, though Dickel et al. (1991) show that the polarization indicates a predominantly radial field on scales of a few arc- seconds behind the shock. The thermal pressure implied by the Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions with the shock speed and the pre-shock density above yields a plasma bof 12/B2 100. There is a significant shift between the cen- troids of the broad and narrow components of the Haprofiles in Tycho. Smith et al. (1991) and Ghavamian et al. (2001) found shifts between the broad and narrow components of H aof 240+-60 and 132+-35 km s-1, respectively, for two slit po- sitions in knot g. Smith et al. interpreted the shift as an indication that the shock normal does not lie in the plane of the sky, so that the shift repre- sents a small component of the post-shock plasma speed. This interpretation is consistent with the observation of Lee et al. (2004), who showed that the centroid of the narrow component is shifted with respect to the centroid of the ambient gas in that region (though there is some the size of this shift; Lee et al. 2007). How- ever, the veryfarfrom required to account for the observed brightness 7of knot it is possible that the shift be- tween broad and narrow component centroids is related to the projection of vbulkonto the line of sight. The shift is limited to approximately VA, so a shift of the magnitude measured would re- quire that the projection of the magnetic field di- rection onto the direction parallel the line of sight be fairly large, and therefore thmust be near 90*. Within the limits of the data now available, we cannot tell whether the shift between broad proposed by Smith et al. (1991) or a result of the pickup ion bulk speed discussed above. A second puzzle relates to the nature of turbu- lence downstream from the shock. If the 100 uG field is generated by turbulent amplification in the shock front, it will be fairly disordered. The non- resonant mechanism proposed by Bell (2004) pre- dicts that the scale of the turbulence is smaller than the gyroradius of cosmic ray protons (Zi- rakashvili et al. 2008), and generally yields a perpendicular shock. Compression by the shock would also make the mean field direction to the shock normal. Giacalone &
Jokipii (2007) and Zirakashvili & Ptuskin (2008) study the effects of density inhomogeneities on magnetic field shock. Both works find significant magnetic amplifica- tion, and Zirakashvili & Ptuskin (2008) remark that the magnetic field component parallel to the shock normal is more enhanced. The the the pickup ions and the field also tends to bend the field toward the shock normal, and the observed field in Tycho's SNR is nearly radial at the edge of the SNR (Dickel et al. 1991). A turbulent field would suggest that the pickup process occurs over a large range of th, smearing out the profile as in Figure 5d. Detection of a non-Gaussian profile in H awould provide some idea of the nature of the turbulence. This will require very good data and careful assessment of the instrument profile and the background level, however, and existing data do not provide Discussion 5.1. Caveats There are several qualifications to the here. One is the use of PUI analysis based on Alfv' en waves, which is appropriate for a cold plasma. As mentioned above, bis around 12 for Tycho's SNR, and that will be typical for the strong shocks seen as Balmer line filaments. Thus, other wave modes may be important. It is unknown whether they will tend to change the di- rections, rather than the energies, of the protons in the way that Alfv' en waves do. It is also pos- sible that they will provide better coupling to question is whether the amplified B field behind the shock is strongly turbulent on small scales. If so, PUI would be gener- ated over a broad range of angles (Isenberg 1998; N' emeth et al. 2000), signature in the H aprofile. The of Dickel et al (1991) indicate that the field is reasonably well ordered on the scale of their resolution, but it could be highly random on the 0.1''scale over which the H ais thereis con- servation when a significant fraction of the down- stream plasma has been picked up and streams along an oblique magnetic field. In this case, the thermal plasma would presumably act to cancel the transverse momentum, resulting in a rotation of the field toward the shock normal. We plan investigate this interaction in the near future. The resolution may lie in the density gradient of the pickup ions, but further calcula- tions are needed. 5.2. Implications for Balmer line the pickup ions provide a significant contri- bution to the H aprofile, values of Vsderived from Gaussian fits are somewhat in error. This error would propagate into distances derived by com- bining shock speeds derived from the Balmer propermotions (e.g., Winkler, neutral fraction is only 10% and the contri- bution of pickup ions to the Balmer line profiles 8is only 5%, they would be completely negligible. In cases where the pre-shock neutral fraction is of order 50%, as much as 25% of the broad compo- nent emission could arise from atoms produced by charge transfer from pickup ions. In such cases Vs would probably be underestimated. On the other hand, waves emitted by the pickup ions as they isotropize could heat the protons and lead to a compensating effect. If non-Maxwellian distributions can be ob- served by way of distortions of the H aprofiles of non-radiative shocks, they could contain about the strength and direction of the magnetic field and the level of turbulence aemissionarises. SNR where non-Maxwellian distribu- tions might be found is probably Tycho, thanks to its large neutral fraction and relatively authors thank Marty Lee for We would also like to From Massive Stars to Supernova Rem- nants and HST Guest Observer Grant GO-10577 and FUSE Guest Observer grant NNG05GD94G to the Smithsonian Astrophysical work was supported in part by NSF Grant ATM0635863 and NASA Grant A., Yamazaki, R., Yoshida, T., Terasawa, T. & Koyama, K. 2005, ApJ, 621, 793 Bell, A.R. 2004, MNRAS, 353, 550 Bogdan, T.J., Lee, M.A & Schneider, P.1991, JGR, 96, 161 Cairns, I.H., & Zank, G.P. 2002, GRL, 29, R. A., Raymond, J. C., 1978, ApJ, R. A., Kirshner, R. P., Raymond, J. C. 1980, ApJ, 235, 186 Cummings, A.C., & Stone, E.C. 2007, Space Sci. Rev., 130, 389 Dickel, J.M., & Jones, E.M. 1985, ApJ, 288, 707Dickel, J.R., van Bruegel, W.J.M., & Strom, R.G. 1991, AJ, 101, 2151 Draine, B.D., & McKee, C.F. 1993, ARA&A, 31, 373 Drury, L.O'C. & V olk,H.J. 1981, ApJ, 248, 344 Fisk, L.A., Kozlovsky, B. & Ramaty, R. 1974, ApJL, 190, L35 Fuselier & Schmidt 1997, JGR, 102, M., Mason, G.M. & Simpson, J.A. 1973, ApJL, 182, M., Mason, G.M. & Simpson, J.A. 1975, ApJ, 202, 265 Gary, S.P. 1978, JGR, 83, 2504 Ghavamian, P., Raymond, J. Hartigan, P. Blair, W.P. 2000, ApJ, 535, 266 Ghavamian, P., Raymond, J., Smith, R.C., &Har- tigan, P. 2001, ApJ, 547, 995 Ghavamian, P., Winkler, P.F., Raymond, J.C. &
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and 5*from top to bottom. 1213 | 0804.3808 | John C. Raymond | J.C. Raymond, Philip A. Isenberg, J.M. Laming | Non-Maxwellian Proton Velocity Distributions in Nonradiative Shocks | 13 pages, 6 figures | null | 10.1086/589645 | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | The Balmer line profiles of nonradiative supernova remnant shocks provide the
means to measure the post-shock proton velocity distribution. While most
analyses assume a Maxwellian velocity distribution, this is unlikely to be
correct. In particular, neutral atoms that pass through the shock and become
ionized downstream form a nonthermal distribution similar to that of pickup
ions in the solar wind. We predict the H alpha line profiles from the
combination of pickup protons and the ordinary shocked protons, and we consider
the extent to which this distribution could affect the shock parameters derived
from H alpha profiles. The Maxwellian assumption could lead to an underestimate
of shock speed by up to about 15%. The isotropization of the pickup ion
population generates wave energy, and we find that for the most favorable
parameters this energy could significantly heat the thermal particles.
Sufficiently accurate profiles could constrain the strength and direction of
the magnetic field in the shocked plasma, and we discuss the distortions from a
Gaussian profile to be expected in Tycho's supernova remnant.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 23 Apr 2008 20:52:09 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"J. C.",
"Philip A.",
"J. M.",
] |
Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. A review of the model 3 2.1 Particle content 3 2.2R-parity 4 3. The neutralinos sector 5 4. The charginos sector 8 5. Neutralino dark matter 9 6. Conclusions 12 1. Introduction The Standard Model (SM) of high energy physics provides a rem arkable successful descrip- tion of presently known phenomena. In spite of these success es, it fails to explain issues like generation number puzzle, neutrin o masses and oscillations, the origin of charge quantization, CP violation, etc. One of the simplest solutions to these problems is to enhance the SM SU(3) 3-3-1 for short) [1, 2, 3] gauge group. One of the main motivations to study this kind of models is an explanation in part of the generation number puzzle. In the 3-3-1 models, ea ch generation is not anomaly free; and the model becomes anomaly free if one of quark famil ies behaves differently from other two. Consequently, the number of generations is multi ple of the color number. Com- bining with the QCD asymptotic freedom, the generation numb er has to be three. For the neutrino masses and oscillations, the electric charge quan tization and CP violation issues in the 3-3-1 models, the interested readers can find in Refs. [ 4], [5] and [6], respectively. In one of the 3-3-1 models, the right-handed neutrinos are in bottom of the lepton triplets [3] and three Higgs triplets are required. It is wor th noting that, there are two Higgs triplets with neutral components in the top and bottom . In the earlier version, these triplets can have vacuum expectation value (VEV) either on t he top or in the bottom, but not in both. Assuming that all neutral components in the trip let can have VEVs, we are able to reduce number of triplets in the model to be two [7, 8] ( for a review, see [9]). Such a scalar sector is minimal, therefore it has been called the e conomical 3-3-1 model [10]. In a series of papers, we have developed and proved that this non -supersymmetric version is consistent, realistic and very rich in physics [8, 10, 11, 12 ]. - 1 -In the other hands, due to the no-go theorem of Coleman-Man dula [13], the internal Gand external Pspacetime symmetries can only be trivially unified. In addition, the mere fact that the ratio MP/MWis so huge is already a powerful clue to the character of physics beyond the SM, because of the infamous hierarchy p roblem. In the framework of new symmetry called a supersymmetry [14, 15], the above me ntioned problems can be solved. eories the only part of the SM is still not discover ed) is quite constrained. It is known that the economical 3-3-1 model does not furnish any candidate for self-interaction dark matter [16] with th e condition given by Spergel and Steinhardt [17]. With a larger content of the scalar sector, the supersymmetric version is expected to have a candidate for the self-interaction dar k matter. An of the minimal version (without extra lepton) has be en constructed in Ref. [18] and its scalar sector was studied in Ref. [19]. Lepton masses in framework of the above mentioned model was presented in Ref. [20], while potential discovery of was studied in [21]. In Ref. [22], the R- parity violating interaction was applied for instability of the proton. The supersymmetric version of the 3-3-1 model with right-ha nded neutrinos [3] has already been constructed in Ref. [23]. The scalar sector was considered in Ref. [24] and neutrino mass was studied in Ref. [25]. Note that there is thr ee-family versions in which lepton families are treated differently [26] and their supers ymmetric versions are presented in Ref. [27]. It is worth mentioning that in the previous pape rs on supersymmetric themainattention wasgiven tothegauge boson, An supersymmetric version of the economical 3-3-1 model has been constructed in Ref. [28]. Some interesting features such as Higgs bosons with masses equal to that of the gauge bosons - the Wand the bileptons XandY, have been pointed out in Ref. [29]. Sfermions have been considered in Ref. [30]. In a supersymmetric extension of the (beyond) SM, each of the known must be in either a chiral or gauge supermultiplet and have a superpartner with spin differing by 1/2 unit. Both gauge and scalar bosons have sp with the electric charges equal to that of their originals: calle d neutralinos without electric charge and charginos if carrying the latter one. In the Minim al Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), in some scenario, the neutralino can be the lig htest and plays a role of dark matter. In this paper, we will focus an attention to neut ralinos and charginos in economical 3-3-1 model. This article is organized as follows. In Sec. 2 we present fer mion and scalar content in the supersymmetric economical 3-3-1 model. The necessar y parts of Lagrangian is also given. In Section 3, we deal with neutralinos sector. To find e igenstates and their masses, we have to adopt some assumptions. Section 4 is devoted for ch arginos. In Section 5 we present analysis of relic neutralino dark matter mass densi ty and the limit on its mass. Finally, we summarize our results and make conclusions in th e last section - Sec. 6. - 2 -2. A review of the model In this section we first recapitulate the basic elements of th e supersymmetric economical 3-3-1 model [28]. R-parityand some constraints on the couplings are also presented. 2.1 Particle content The superfield content in this paper is defined in a standard wa y as (l,V), (2.1) where the components F,SandVstand for the fermion, scalar and vector fields while their superpartners are denoted as respectively [14, under the 3-3-1 gauge group a= the values in the parentheses denote quantum numbers b ased on (SU(3) C, SU(3)L, U(1)X) 1,2,3 is ageneration index. Theprimes superscript on usual quark types ( u'with the electric charge qu'= 2/3 indicate that those quarks are exotic ones. The two superfields at least introduced to span the scalar sector of the economical 3-3-1 model cancel the chiral anomalies of higgsino sector, the two ex tra superfields added as this model, the SU(3) LU(1)Xgauge group is broken via two (2.2) - 3 -where the VEVs are defined VEVs wandw'are responsible for the first step of the symmetry breaking wh ileu, u' andv, v'are for the second one. Therefore, they have to satisfy the co nstraints: u, u', v, v'w, w'. (2.4) It is emphasized that the VEV structure in (2.3) is not only th e key to reduce Higgs sector but also the reason for complicated mixing among gaug e, Higgs bosons, etc. As it will be shown in the following, the mentioned VEV structure c auses flavour violation in theD-term superfields C, SU(3)LandU(1) Xgroupfactors. have expansions in the Gell-Mann matrix bases Ta=la/2 (a= 1,2,...,8) an complex conjugation. For the vector superfield as sociated with U(1) X, we normalize as follows X^V'= (XT9)^B, gluons are denoted by gaand their respective gluino partners by la c, witha= 1,...,8. In the electroweak sector, VaandBstand for the SU(3) Land U(1) Xgauge bosons with their gaugino partners la VandlB, the superfields as given, the full Lagrangian is defined b yLsusy+Lsoft, where the first term is supersymmetric part, whereas the last term b reaks explicitly the super- symmetry [28]. The interested reader can find more details on this Lagrangian in the above mentioned article. In the following, only terms relevant to our calculations are the further analysis, it is convenience to introduce R-parity in the model. Following Ref. [25],R-parity can be expressed as invariant charges LandB(for details, see Ref. [31]) are given by 4 The neutralinos andelectroweak gauginos mixeach withotherdu etoeffects breaking. The neutral higginos and gauginos combi ne to make the mass eigen- vectors called neutralinos. In this section, the mass spect rum and mixing of the neutralinos is considered. The gauginos mass terms come directly from the soft term give n (3.1) Because of the R-parity conservation, the higginos mixing t erms come from the (3.2) Finally, the mixing terms between higginos and gauginos are a result of (3.3) Expanding Eqs (3.1), (3.2) and (3.3), we obtain the neutrali no mass matrix in the basis which is given in the Lagrangian (3.4) with the following 5 -and MeN=
0-ukh0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -ukh0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 gu 2gu' 20 0 -gv 2-gv' 20M30 0 0 M80 0 gw 2gw' 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 M450 0 0gu 2gu' 20 0 0 0 0 0 M45. The mass matrix MeNcan be diagonalized by an unitary matrix Uto get the mass eigenstates. It means that we can find matrix Diag(meN1,m eN2,m eN3meN4,m eN5,m eN6,m eN7, meN8,m eN9,m eN10,m eN11) (3.7) with real positive entries on the theparameters we can choose a convention to make MB,M3,M8,M45to be all real and posi- tive. If we choose the parameter ukh,urto be real and positive then we must pick up be real and positive too. If ukhandurare not real, then we obtain the CP violating effects in the potential. Therefore, as the sa me as in the MSSM [15], it is convinience to choose the ukh,urto be real but without fixing the sign of ukh,ur. Getting exact eigenvalues and eigenstates of the mixing mas s matrix (3.6) is Hence, comments; and their correctness could be tested by the future experime nts. In this paper, we assume the above limit, using a small perturbation on the neutral inos mass matrix (3.6), we can obtain the neutralino mass eigenstates, which are nearly a higginos-like, a Bino-like, a zino-like, an extrazino-like , a xino-like, and the conjugated of the 6 -with the mass 7 (3.12) We emphasize that MB,M3,M8,M45were taken real and positive and ukh,urare real with arbitrary sign. The mass values depend on the numerical values of the parameters. In particular case, we assume In this case, we obtain the neutralino lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), wh ich is a Bino-like /tildewideN1. In the following, we will focus our attention to the neutralino LSP . 4. The charginos sector The charged winos ( mix with the charged higginos ( to form the eigenstates with the electric charges +-1. They are called charginos. As the same as in the MSSM, we will denote the charginos eigens tates byC+- i. The entries of the elements inthecharginos mass matrix come from(3 .1),(3.2) and(3.3). In basis ps+-= the chargino mass terms in the Lagrangian form are given by Lcharginomass (4.1) with theMepshaving the 2 x2 block (4.2) whereMis 5x5 matrix given 0ukh . (4.3) - 8 -In principle, the mixing matrix for positive charged left-h anded fermions and negative charged Therefore, weca nfindtwounitary5 x5matrices U and V to relate the gauge eigenstates with the mass eigensta (4.4) This means that the charginos mass matrix can be diagonalize d by two unitary matrices U and V to obtain mass 0 0 0 0meC20 0 0 0 0meC30 0 0 0 0 meC40 0 0 0 0 meC5 . they are subject of the future studies. 5. Neutralino dark matter In the model under consideration, there are eleven neutrali 1,...,11), each of them is a linear combination of eleven R=-1 Majorana fermions, ix(3.6). Thequestion to be addressed is that our consideration below comes with th e conditions ( 3.8), (3.9) and Assuming that the neutralino LSP is a we should show its predicted relic density is consistent wi th the observational data. To answer the question, we must calculate cross section for n eutralino annihilation and compare it with the observational data on dark matter by the W MAP experiment [32] ohmDMh2= (5.2) In (5.3), the normalized Hubble expansion rate h= 0.73+0.04 -0.03. We adopt the allowed (5.3) Before calculating, we should note that a precise determina tions of the relic density requires the solution of the Boltzmann equation governing t he evolution of the 9 -withsis the cross section of the /tildewideNi's annihilation and vis the relative velocity. The thermal average defined in the usual manner as any other thermodynamic quan tity. In the early Universe, the species /tildewideNiwere initially in thermal equilibrium, neN=neNeq. When their typical interaction rate G eNbecame less than Hubble parameter, G eN<H, the annihilation process froze out. Sine then their number in co moving volume has constant For the present purpose, we will use approximate solution fo rxfTf meN x-1 f= for the effective energy degrees of freedom at the freez e-out the Newton constant. Typically one finds that the freeze-o ut point xfis basically very small ( 1 20). The relic mass density rkhat the present is given in [33] rkh= the suppression from the entropy conservation in a comoving volume. The coefficients aandbare determined be defined below. The sum is taken over the different types of pairs into whic h order to calculate the LSP mass density, to determine the we need to write down the low-energy effective Lagrangian from in teractions. The calculation of the annihilation cross section in our model is straightfo rward in principle but quite complicate in practice. To ease our work, we consider only th e most important order(tree-leve l) which the LSP is a nearly pure Bino /tildewideN1. The most important channels are a pair of (5.8) and into a pair of charged Higgs (5.9) Because the Bino does not couple to W+-,ZandZ', there is no annihilation of pure Bino toZ'Z'. - 10 -Now we list the couplings needed in computation of the annihi lation cross sections. The couplings of Bino /tildewideBto quarks and leptons and their two scalar partners are given by the following piece of couplings of neutral Higgs and charged Higgs are determi ned in the (5.10) With thehelp of the mentioned couplings, the Feynman diagra ms for Bino are depicted in Fig. 1 L ~Bc Lc ~B~L (a)q ~Bc qc~B~q (b)H ~Bc H ~B~H (c) Figure 1: Feynman diagrams contributing to annihilation of Bino dark matter We note that the LSP can annihilate to the particles only if th eirs mass is lighter than the LSP mass. In the [29], by studying the Higgs sector, we hav e obtained one charged Higgs with mass equal to the W-gauge bosons mass ( mW) and the other ones have mass equal to the bilepton mass MY>440 GeV. Therefore, in the region meN<mW, the LSP cannot annihilate to charged Higgs and the top-quark as well as the exotic quarks and only the annihilation channels into ordinary fermion pairs such except for the top-quark, are available. From the Feynman diagram for Bino annihilation processes, t he effective Lagrangian for a Majorana fermion with an ordinary quark or lepton fcan be written - 11 hypercharge of left- and right-handed ordinary quark an d lepton. In dealing with Eq.(5.6), we have taken into account g'= 0.6 in the model under con- sideration and suggested that all squarks mass are heavier t han all sleptons and especially, meq= 5mel. In Fig. 2, the LSP mass density dependence on its mass has bee n plotted From Eqs. (5.6), (5.7) and (5.12), it follows that the densit y increases for increasing of sfermion mass ( m2
~f) and decreasing of the LSP mass ( 1 m~N). Fig. 2 shows also that the LSP mass is in the range of 100 GeV. In Fig. 3, the LSP mass density dependence on two dimensional space of and sparticle mass has been plotted. The LSP density is d rawn as plane. We have divided the space of parameters into allowed and disall owed regions, acceptable region according to (5.3) are drawn as grid gre en plane and grid blue plane. From the Fig. 3, we obtain the lighter sfermion mass is heavie r than Bino mass. We also obtain the bounds for mass of the sfermions: 60 GeV <m ef<130 GeV, while the masses of the LSP is in the range of: 20 GeV < m eN<100 GeV. It should be noted that this result coincides with estimation given in [34] (see Fig 1 in p age 1114). Let us consider the case meB=mef. The LSP mass density has been plotted in Fig. (4). The figure shows that the LSP mass density is very small; i t is even smaller than the lower bound given by the [32]. This means that this case is exc luded by the WMAP data. 6. Conclusions In this paper we have investigated the neutralinos and charg inos sector in the supersym- metric economical 3-3-1 model. Accepting conversational a ssumptionsuchas and eigenstates in the neutralinos sector were derived. By some LSP is Bino-like state. In the charginos sector, the mass matrix can be diagonalized by two 5 x5 that Bino-like is dark matter, its mass density is c alculated. The cosmological dark matter density gives a bound on mass of LSP neutralino is in the range of 20 /100 GeV. In addition we have also got a bound on sfermion masse s to be: 60/130 GeV. We have also shown that the case meB=mefis excluded by the WMAP data. Our result is favored the present bo und and it should be more - 12 -20 40 60 80 100LSP mass density 2: LSP's mass density as a function of its mass. The blue, red, ye llow, green, violet curves are allowed by mef= 50,60,100,160 GeV, respectively . 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economical 3-3-1 model are studied. By imposition R parity, their masses and
eigenstates are derived.
Assuming that Bino-like is dark matter, its mass density is calculated. The
cosmological dark matter density gives a bound on mass of LSP neutralino in the
range of 20 - 100 GeV, while the bound on mass of the lightest slepton is in
the range of 60 - 130 GeV
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 24 Apr 2008 09:40:58 GMT"
] | 2009-01-06T00:00:00 | [
"D. T.",
"H. N.",
] |
Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 2 detection probability of the Bayesian method is less than expected a ccording to the nominal frequentist coverage. PACS numbers: astroparticle and particle physics, background contamination, data and error analysis, isotopic ratios, low level radiation detection, metrology and the theory of measurement, Poisson processes, signal detection, uncert ainty intervals. Contributions by staff of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, an agency of the US government, are not subject to Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 3 1. Introduction We consider experiments where instruments yield count data that c an be modeled as realizations of a Poisson process with expected value uS+uBwhereuSis the due to a signal of interest, and uBis the expected contribution of a background process. That (1) Given the measured value nobsand an estimate of uBfrom an independent background- only experiment, we construct uncertainty intervals (confidence intervals and intervals) for uS. The statistical problem we study occurs in a variety of application areas including: particle and astroparticle physics [1-9 ], isotopic ratio analysis (when the major isotope is large enough so that most of the variability in the ratio is due to the minor isotope) [10,11], detection of low-level radiat ion [12-15], and aerosol science and technology [16]. Here, we focus on the case where the signal is weak and consider th e case where the ratio of the data acquisition time for the background-only meas urement Tbgand the data acquisition time for the primary experiment Tvaries from 1 to 25. This upper value ofTbg T= 25 was motivated by an experimental study at the National Instit ute of Standards and Technology (NIST), as were the values of uSanduBthat we consider. For such cases, we demonstrate that the standard propagation -of-errors (POE) method yields confidence intervals with poor coverage properties. Sometim es the POE method produces intervals where the upper and/or lower endpoints are ne gative. As an aside, for the special case whereTbg T= 1, one can construct a confidence interval for uSbased on a Bessel function approach that has better coverage proper ties than does the POE method [16]. However, for the general case 1, this method is not we do not include the method described in [16] in our study. In addition to the POE method, we study the relative performance o f three other methods for constructing uncertainty intervals. The first method [17] is of a frequentist Neyman procedure [18] developed b y Feldman and Cousins. In this method, which we refer to as the FC method, uBis assumed to be known. Foreach of many discrete values of uS, acceptance regions areconstructed based on a likelihood-ratio criterion. Given the intersection of the actual m easured value with these regions, one constructs a confidence interval for uS. In our studies, we estimate uBfrom background-only experiments. In [19], the FC method was ext ended to account for systematic uncertainties in uB. We denote this method as the randomized Feldman Cousins (RFC) method because uBis treated as a random nuisance parameter. In this work, we implement a version of the RFC method where uncertain ty inuBis due to Poisson counting statistics variation in a background-only exper iment that gives a direct measurement of uB. In the RFC method, we simulate realizations of the uBwith a parametric bootstrap method [20]. In both the FC and the RFC methods, the upper and lower endpoints are determined automatic ally.Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 4 We also determine the posterior probability density function (poste rior pdf) for uS with a Bayesian method [21,22] following Loredo's treatment of the sa me problem in [23]. Loredo did not discuss how to select the endpoints of the credib ility interval. Here, given that the integrated posterior pdf has a particular value (equ al to the coverage probability), we determine the endpoints by minimizing the length of the credibility interval. As an aside for the special case where uBis known, Roe and Woodroofe [24] determined minimum length Bayesian credibility interva ls assuming a uniform prior for uSand studied the frequentist coverage properties of their interva ls. Bayesian credibility intervals and frequentist confidence intervals a re To illustrate, consider a one-dimensional parameter est imation confidence intervals are constructed so that, ideally , the true value of the parameter falls within the confidence interval determined from any of data with some desired coverage probability. In contr ast, intervals are constructed by modeling the parameter of in terest as a random variable. Given a prior probability model for the parameter of intere st and a function of the parameter given the observed data. Base d on this conditional pdf (called the posterior pdf), one constructs credibility intervals . By design, intervals arenot constructed with frequentist coverag e inmind. Although the conceptual foundations of frequentist and Bayesian inference a re different, is widely accepted as an empirical measure of the perform ance of not only frequentist confidence intervals but Bayesian credibility intervals a s well [22,25,26]. In a highly regarded textbook on Bayesian data analysis, Gelman, Carlin, Stern and Rubin remark (page 111 of [22]) Just as the Bayesian paradigm can be seen to justify simple the methods of frequentist statistics provide a usef ul approach for evaluating the properties of Bayesian inferences- their opera nce this frequentist coverage study, we simulate realizations of dat a quantify the probability that uSfalls in the interval determined from the simulated data. In frequentist statistics, the relationship between a confid ence interval and a hypothesis test is well known. We exploit this relationship and test th e null 0 against the alternative hypothesis uS>0, based on the value of the lower endpoint of the uncertainty interval. We reject the null hypothes is if the lower endpoint is greater than 0. Thus, the probability that the lower endpoint of a n interval is greater than 0 is a signal detection probability. As a caveat, we do not claim th at this procedure is the most powerful test of our hypothesis. In Section 2, we define our measurement model and describe how we intervals using each of the four methods. In this stud y, the uBranges from 0.2 to 2 and the signal parameter uSranges from 0 toUncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 5 20. In Section 3, we study the coverage properties of uncertaint y intervals for a variety of cases. We also determine detection probabilities for a sign al of interest. In general, the method performs the wors t compared to the other methods according to frequentist coverage and detection proba bility criteria. Further, the method sometimes produces nonsen sical intervals where both endpoints are negative. The Neyman procedures generally yield inte rvals with coverage properties compared to the Bayesian meth od except for the case whereTbg T= 1 and there are 1 or more expected background counts in the prim ary experiment. In general, the Bayesian method yields intervals with low er compared to Neyman procedures. WhenTbg Tis 5 or more, the FC method yields intervals with the highest detection probabilities and best cove rage properties in general. However, forTbg T= 1,2 both the Neyman procedure methods yield false detection probabilities for the case of no signal that are higher tha n expected given the nominal frequentist coverage of the interval. In contrast, f orTbg T= 1,2, the false detection probability of the Bayesian method is less than expected a ccording to the nominal frequentist coverage. 2. Measurement Model and Uncertainty Intervals In our simulation study, we consider an experiment where a realizatio n of the signal of interest plus background, nobsis observed during a time interval T. In a of duration Tbg, whereTbg Tvaries from 1 to 25, we measure a realization of background nbg. We denote the data as d= (nobs,nbg). The expected values of respectively, where uSis the expected contribution from the signal of interest, and uBis the expected contribution from the background. We model measurements of nobsandnbgas independent Poisson random variables. Hence, the likelihood function of the data is P(d|uS,uB), where P(d|uS,uB) = Feldman Cousins Method In the FC method, one determines confidence intervals with a Neyma n exact knowledge of uB. In our study, we set uBto an empirical estimate
^uB, (3) Hence, the variance of ^ uBis VAR(^uB) = (T Tbg)uB, (4)Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 6 and the standard deviation of ^ uBis s(^uB) (5) Thus, the fractional uncertainty of the estimate of (6) In Figure 1, we plot probability density functions for the estimated b 25 for uB= 0.2, 1, and 2. The FC method [17] produces a confidence interval for uSunder the assumption that the assumed background (^ uBin our case) equals the true background uB. For various values of uS, we construct an acceptance region in nspace. For each and P(n|uS,^uB) = (uS+ ^uB)nexp[-(uS+ ^uB)] n!. (7) From these, we form the ratio R, (8) We include values of nin the acceptance region with the largest values of R. For construction of a 100 xp% confidence interval, we add values until the sum of the P(n|uS,^uB) terms is por greater. The lower and upper endpoints of the for uSare the minimum and maximum values of uSthat yield that include the observed value nobs. For fixed nobs, due to the discreteness of n, the upper endpoint of the interval is not always a decreasing func tion ofuB. In [17], Feldman and Cousins lengthened their intervals so that the uppe r interval was a non-decreasing function of uB. In this work, we do not adjust our intervals. 2.2. Extension of Feldman Cousins: Uncertain thevalueof uBisa randomnuisance parameter. Inouranalysis, we assume that uncertainty in uBis due to random variation alone, i.e., counting statistics. If there were systematic error, it could be incorporated into the a nalysis. However, we do not do this. The procedure to construct a confidence interval is very similar to the FC method. For each value of uS, we compute an acceptance region like before, but we with an estimate of their expected values when one accounts for uncertainty in ^ uB. One way to do this would be to simulate realizations of ^ uBwith a [20] method and determine the mean value of P(n|uS,^uB) from all the realizations. In this approach, the kth bootstrap replication of Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 7 is simulated by sampling from a Poisson distribution with expected value equal to nbg. That thekth bootstrap replication of ^ uB, ^u*
B(k), is
B(k) =T Tbgn*
bg(k), (10) and thekth bootstrap replication of ^ ubestis ^u*
best(k) Thus, the kth bootstrap replication of P(n|uS,^u) = (uS+ ^u*
B(k))] n!, (11) and thekth bootstrap replication of P(n|uS,^ubest) = (uS+ (12) From all Kbootstrap replications, we determine the following mean (14) In this Monte Carlo implementation of the RFC method, one replaces P(n|uS,^uB) with the right-hand sides of Eqns. 13 and 14. To reduce computer run time, we do not implement a Monte Carlo vers ion of the RFC. Instead, we determine the left-hand sides of Eqns. 13 an d 14 by For instance, we evaluate the left-hand side of Eq. 13 as -P(n|uS,^uB) (15) wherew(k) is w(k) (16) To speed up the algorithm, we select klowandkhiso that the sum of the w(k) terms agrees with 1 to within approximately 10-8. We use a similar method to determine the left-hand side of Eq. 14. 2.3. Bayesian Method Following [23], we determine a Bayesian credibility interval for uSgiven In this approach, the priors p(uB) andp(uS|uB) are both uniform from 0 to a large positive constant. Results are presented for the limiting case where thisUncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 8 positive constant approaches infinity. Based on a Bayes Theorem a rgument, one can show (17) where the posterior pdf for is the Poisson likelihood = (19) See Figure 2 for examples of Eq. 18. Further, marginalizing with respect to uB, we (21) See [23] for more details of this derivation. In this study, we determine the endpoints of 90 % and 95 % credibility in tervals as follows. For both the 90 % and 95 % cases, we determine the maximum lo wer endpoint of the one-sided interval lmax. In an optimization code, for each trial value of the lower endpoint l(where 0 <=l<=lmax) we determine the upper endpoint usuch that the integral of the posterior pdf from ltouequals the nominal frequentist coverage. We determine the lower endpoint lthat minimizes u-l. If the optimal value of lis less than the specified numerical tolerance (10-6) of the optimization algorithm, we set it to 0. 2.4. that has a continuity correction. The 1 -alevel POE confidence interval for uSis (23) For levels of 0.90 and 0.95, za/2= 1.64 and 1.96, respectively. We expect that this method will yield confidence intervals with coverage close to the desir ed nominal values for the asymptotic case where the signal-to-noise ratio of the dat a is high. As a Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 9 the case where there is no background [27] rather than the more g eneral case our simulation experiment, the POE method can yield nonsensical r esults where one or both endpoints are negative (Table 1). In our coverage stu dies, we treat as 0. Hence, if both endpoints are negative, the resulta nt interval is treated as (0,0). In physics and astroparticle physics experiments where one ho pes to discover a new particle, null resuls are common and experimenters provide up per limits. If He clearly unacceptable for low count data sets. 3. Simulation Experiments In Table 1, we list some realizations of data and associated intervals c onstructed to have nominal coverage of 90 % for the four methods. Based on 2000 rea lizations of data for each of various choices we determine the frequentist coverage as the fraction of the intervals that cover the true value of uSfor each method (Tables 2-7). We also estimate detection probabilities for the different meth ods for levels 0.90 and 0.95 (Tables 8-13). To start, we consider 90 percent intervals for the case where uB= 1. In Figures 3 and 4, we show coverage and detection probabilities as a function o fuSandTbg T for this case. In general, whenTbg T= 1, the coverage properties of the FC and RFC methods are poor at low value of uS. In Figures 5 and 6, we show the false for all cases for uS= 0. ForTbg T= 1,2, both the RFC and FC methods have false detection probabilities that are higher than predicted accord ing to the coverage of the intervals. Hence, reporting a discov ery based on an analysis with the FC or RFC method should be treated with great caution for c ases where Tbg T= 1,2. ForTbg T>=5, the false detection probabilities of the FC and RFC methods are generally slightly less than their associated nominal target value s. In contrast, for all values ofTbg T, the false detection probabilities of the Bayesian method are less th an the values predicted by the nominal frequentist coverage. In Figu res 7-10, we display coverage and detection probabilities for all cases considered in our simulation study. In Tables 14 and 15, we list the root-mean-square (RMS) deviation b etween the observed and nominal frequentist coverage probabilities as a func tion ofuB. We include results for uS<=10. According to our coverage and detection probability criteria, t he POE method performed the least well of all methods. This is not a sur prise since of the POE method for low-count situations is we ll known. In general, the Bayesian method yielded intervals with the lowest detection prob abilities compared to the FC and RFC methods. According to the RMS coverage criterio n, the of the Bayesian intervals are inferior to the intervals pr oduces by the FC and RFC methods for most cases. The exception to this pattern was fo r the case where Tbg T= 1 and uB= 1,2. The FC and RFC method had better coverage compared to Bayesian method for uB= 0.2 for all values Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 10 ForTbg T= 1,2 the coverage properties of the RFC method where slightly better than those of the FC method for uB= 1,2. However, forTbg Tgreater than or equal to 5, the FC method yields intervals with superior coverage and dete ction to the RFC and Bayesian methods. 3.1. Comments For fixed uB, asuSincreases, we sometimes observe nonmonotic trends in coverage. In other studies such as [24], nonmonotic trends were also observed. We expect the FC method to yield poor results when the 1-sigma unce rtainty in the estimated background (Eq. 5) is large. ForTbg T= 1 and uB= 0.2, 1, 2, Eq. 5 of0.45, 1and1.41, andEq. 6yields fractiona luncertainties of224
%, 100 % and 71 % respectively. ForTbg T= 5, the absolute and fractional 0.2, 0.45 and 0.63, and 100 %, 45 % and 31 % respectively. ForTbg T= 25, the absolute and fractional uncertainties are 0.09, 0.20 and 0.28, and 4 5 %, 20 % and 14 is plausible that the performance of the FC method depends solely on the Eq. 5 uncertainty However, comparisono the FC intervals for the case whereTbg T= 1,uB= 0.2 and for the case whereTbg T= 5, uB= 1, suggest a more complicated picture. For the first case, the FC intervals have poor coverage at low values of uS(Tables 2,5). For the second case, the intervals have good coverage at all uS(Tables 3,6). However, the standard deviation of the is the same for both cases. Perhaps this result is due t o differences in the shapes of the background estimate pdfs forTbg T= 1 andTbg T= 5. In the POE method, we approximate the distribution of the backgro of uS,nobs-^uB, as a normal (Gaussian) random variable. For the special case whereuB= 0, a common rule of thumb is that the normal approximation is reaso nable when the expected value of nobsis greater than about 10 [27]. From this, we conclude that if the expected values of of nobsandnbgboth exceed 10, the Gaussian assumption seems reasonable. As a caveat, the adequacy of the normal appr oximation depends on the goal of the analysis. For instance, constructing a confidence interval with nominal coverage of 0.99 is a more demanding task than constructing an inte rval with nominal coverage of 0.90. For the cases studied here where the nominal co verage is 0.90 or 0.95, the POE intervals had coverage close to the desired nominal values w henuSwas greater than about 5. In our implementation of the Bayesian method, we specify uniform pr iors foruS anduBand construct a minimum length credibility interval. Roe and Woodroof e [24] determined a minimum interval based on a uniform prio r foruSfor the simpler problem where uBwas assumed to be known. Hence, our study can be regarded a generalization of [24] to the case where uBis not known exactly. As a caveat, in a Bayesian approach, one could consider other priors. For a given e xperiment, it is possible that other priors might be more appropriate than the unifo rm prior Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 11 here. How well such alternative Bayesian schemes would perform re lative to the one studied here is beyond the scope of this study. As remarked earlier, we did not adjust our intervals to ensure that the upper endpoint of the FC and RFC intervals are nondecreasing functions o fuB. It is possible that such an adjustment might improve the performance of the FC and RFC methods. Also, the FC method of computing the likelihood-ratio term Rmay not be the best procedure [28-31]. 4. Summary In this work, we studied four methods to construct uncertainty in tervals for very weak Poisson signals in the presence of background. We considered the case where a primary experiment yielded a realization of the signal plus backgrou nd, and a yielded a realization of the background. The duration of the background- only experiment Tbgand and the duration of the primary experiment Twere selected so thatTbg Tvaried from 1 to 25. This choice ofTbg T=25 was motivated by at NIST. The values of the expected background uBvaried from 0.2 to 2. The choice of the range was also motivated by NIST experiments. We constructed confidence intervals based on the standard prop as well as two implementations of a Neyman procedure due to Feldman and Cousins (FC) and Conrad (RFC). In the FC method, uncertainty in t he background was neglected. In our implementation of the RFC method, uncertainty in the was accounted for. In both of these methods, accep tance regions were determined for each value of the expected signal rate based on a lik principle. Hence, the upper and lower endpoints of the con fidence intervals were automatically selected. We also constructed minimum length Bay esian to our coverage and detection probability criteria, the P OE method performed the least well of all methods. In general, the Bayesian m ethod with the lowest detection probabilities compared to the FC a nd RFC methods (Tables 8-13, Figures 4,5,6,8 and 10). According to an RMS criterion, the of the Bayesian intervals were inferior to the intervals p roduces by the FC and RFC methods (Tables 14 and 15) for most cases. The exception to this pattern was for the case whereTbg T= 1 and uB= 1,2. The FC and RFC methods had better coverage compared to the Bay esian method foruB= 0.2 for all values We expect similar results for uB<0.2. We interpret this result as evidence that when expected number of background counts is 0.2 or less, the FC method (which neglects uncertainty in the backg round) works well because uncertainty in the observed background is not significant compared to other sources of uncertainty that affect the 1,2 the coverage properties of the RFC method where slightly better than those of the FC method for uB= 1,2. However, forTbg Tgreater than or equal toUncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 12 5, the FC method yielded intervals with superior coverage and detec tion to the RFC and Bayesian methods. We attribute the good performance of the FC method to the fact that uncertainty in the estimated backgrou nd is not to other sources of uncertainty that affect the interv al when uB<=2 and Tbg T>=5. The relative performance of the three methods for uB>2 is an open question. We speculate that for the FC method to yield a result superior to the Bayesian or RFC method for uBmuch larger than 2,Tbg Tmay have to be larger than 5 in order to reduce the uncertainty of estimated background to a sufficiently low level. As a caveat, forTbg T= 1,2, both the RFC and FC methods had false that were higher than predicted according to the nomin al of the intervals forTbg T= 1,2 (Figures 5,6). Hence, reporting a discovery based on an analysis with the FC or RFC method should be treated with great caution for cases whereTbg T= 1,2. ForTbg T>=5, the false detection probabilities of the FC and RFC methods were generally slightly less than their associated nomina l target values. In contrast, for all values ofTbg T, the false detection probabilities of the Bayesian method were less than the value predicted by the nominal frequentist cove thank H.K. Liu, L.A. Currie and the anonymous reviewers of this wo rk for Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 13 Table 1. Upper and lower endpoints of uncertainty intervals with nom inal of 0.90. The intervals are determined from simulated value s informational purposes, we list Bayesian FC FC RFC RFC POE Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper 1 1.0 2.0 2 1 0.00 4.32 0.00 4.91 0.00 5.27 -2.35 4.35 1 10.0 0.2 6 0 1.58 10.42 2.21 11.46 2.21 11.46 1.47 10.53 5 2.0 0.2 1 0 0.00 3.74 0.11 4.35 0.11 4.35 -1.14 3.14 5 1.0 1.0 1 4 0.00 3.34 0.00 3.55 0.00 3.56 -2.07 2.47 5 5.0 2.0 5 7 0.49 8.11 1.04 8.58 0.95 8.58 -0.68 7.88 25 0.1 2.0 0 46 0.00 2.30 0.00 1.15 0.00 1.15 -2.79 -0.89 25 5.0 1.0 2 16 0.00 4.70 0.00 5.27 0.00 5.27 -1.48 4.20 25 10.0 0.2 9 7 4.57 14.62 4.08 15.01 4.08 15.04 3.28 14.16Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 14 Table 2. Estimated coverage probabilities of uncertainty intervals w ith coverage of 0.90. Approximate 68 percent uncertain ty due to given for cases where estimated coverage probability is gr eater than 0 or less than 1.Tbg T= 1. uSuBBayesian FC RFC POE 0.0 0.2 1 0.857 +-0.008 0.857 +-0.008 1 0.1 0.2 1 0.797 +-0.009 0.798 +-0.009 1 0.2 0.2 1 0.948 +-0.005 0.948 +-0.005 1 1.0 0.2 0.998 +-0.001 0.908 +-0.006 0.908 +-0.006 0.751 +-0.010 2.0 0.2 0.995 +-0.002 0.960 +-0.004 0.961 +-0.004 0.887 +-0.007 5.0 0.2 0.867 +-0.008 0.923 +-0.006 0.933 +-0.006 0.869 +-0.008 10.0 0.2 0.906 +-0.007 0.904 +-0.007 0.906 +-0.007 0.907 +-0.007 20.0 0.2 0.911 +-0.006 0.904 +-0.007 0.908 +-0.006 0.911 +-0.006 0.0 1.0 0.990 +-0.002 0.728 +-0.010 0.748 +-0.010 0.991 +-0.002 0.1 1.0 0.992 +-0.002 0.708 +-0.010 0.733 +-0.010 0.985 +-0.003 0.2 1.0 0.986 +-0.003 0.861 +-0.008 0.862 +-0.008 0.982 +-0.003 1.0 1.0 0.994 +-0.002 0.841 +-0.008 0.856 +-0.008 0.906 +-0.007 2.0 1.0 0.981 +-0.003 0.909 +-0.006 0.927 +-0.006 0.924 +-0.006 5.0 1.0 0.900 +-0.007 0.901 +-0.007 0.922 +-0.006 0.916 +-0.006 10.0 1.0 0.896 +-0.007 0.906 +-0.007 0.921 +-0.006 0.917 +-0.006 20.0 1.0 0.903 +-0.007 0.886 +-0.007 0.901 +-0.007 0.903 +-0.007 0.0 2.0 0.964 +-0.004 0.786 +-0.009 0.835 +-0.008 0.974 +-0.004 0.1 2.0 0.972 +-0.004 0.763 +-0.010 0.828 +-0.008 0.949 +-0.005 0.2 2.0 0.968 +-0.004 0.843 +-0.008 0.857 +-0.008 0.951 +-0.005 1.0 2.0 0.980 +-0.003 0.838 +-0.008 0.867 +-0.008 0.939 +-0.005 2.0 2.0 0.978 +-0.003 0.866 +-0.008 0.930 +-0.006 0.926 +-0.006 5.0 2.0 0.910 +-0.006 0.886 +-0.007 0.927 +-0.006 0.924 +-0.006 10.0 2.0 0.872 +-0.007 0.872 +-0.007 0.912 +-0.006 0.913 +-0.006 20.0 2.0 0.907 +-0.007 0.886 +-0.007 0.908 +-0.006 0.910 Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 15 Table 3. Estimated coverage probabilities of uncertainty intervals w ith coverage of 0.90. Approximate 68 percent uncertain ty due to given for cases where estimated coverage probability is gr eater than 0 or less than 1.Tbg T= 5. uSuBBayesian FC RFC POE 0.0 0.2 0.993 +-0.002 0.928 +-0.006 0.928 +-0.006 1 0.1 0.2 0.981 +-0.003 0.882 +-0.007 0.888 +-0.007 1 0.2 0.2 0.974 +-0.004 0.955 +-0.005 0.955 +-0.005 0.999 +-0.001 1.0 0.2 0.971 +-0.004 0.934 +-0.006 0.934 +-0.006 0.682 +-0.010 2.0 0.2 0.973 +-0.004 0.967 +-0.004 0.967 +-0.004 0.866 +-0.008 5.0 0.2 0.909 +-0.006 0.930 +-0.006 0.930 +-0.006 0.868 +-0.008 10.0 0.2 0.892 +-0.007 0.901 +-0.007 0.901 +-0.007 0.912 +-0.006 20.0 0.2 0.892 +-0.007 0.894 +-0.007 0.894 +-0.007 0.907 +-0.006 0.0 1.0 0.964 +-0.004 0.924 +-0.006 0.924 +-0.006 0.997 +-0.001 0.1 1.0 0.956 +-0.005 0.911 +-0.006 0.939 +-0.005 0.916 +-0.006 0.2 1.0 0.969 +-0.004 0.929 +-0.006 0.929 +-0.006 0.872 +-0.007 1.0 1.0 0.967 +-0.004 0.936 +-0.005 0.937 +-0.005 0.850 +-0.008 2.0 1.0 0.968 +-0.004 0.912 +-0.006 0.915 +-0.006 0.902 +-0.007 5.0 1.0 0.912 +-0.006 0.929 +-0.006 0.929 +-0.006 0.922 +-0.006 10.0 1.0 0.893 +-0.007 0.909 +-0.006 0.909 +-0.006 0.909 +-0.006 20.0 1.0 0.891 +-0.007 0.897 +-0.007 0.902 +-0.007 0.901 +-0.007 0.0 2.0 0.944 +-0.005 0.906 +-0.007 0.908 +-0.006 0.996 +-0.001 0.1 2.0 0.954 +-0.005 0.912 +-0.006 0.938 +-0.005 0.877 +-0.007 0.2 2.0 0.944 +-0.005 0.902 +-0.007 0.907 +-0.006 0.884 +-0.007 1.0 2.0 0.963 +-0.004 0.910 +-0.006 0.922 +-0.006 0.920 +-0.006 2.0 2.0 0.966 +-0.004 0.921 +-0.006 0.926 +-0.006 0.902 +-0.007 5.0 2.0 0.901 +-0.007 0.919 +-0.006 0.920 +-0.006 0.910 +-0.006 10.0 2.0 0.902 +-0.007 0.909 +-0.006 0.913 +-0.006 0.914 +-0.006 20.0 2.0 0.897 +-0.007 0.902 +-0.007 0.905 +-0.007 0.908 Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 16 Table 4. Estimated coverage probabilities of uncertainty intervals w ith coverage of 0.90. Approximate 68 percent uncertain ty due to given for cases where estimated coverage probability is gr eater than 0 or less than 1.Tbg T= 25. uSuBBayesian FC RFC POE 0.0 0.2 0.982 +-0.003 0.973 +-0.004 0.973 +-0.004 1 0.1 0.2 0.974 +-0.004 0.967 +-0.004 0.967 +-0.004 1 0.2 0.2 0.953 +-0.005 0.937 +-0.005 0.937 +-0.005 1 1.0 0.2 0.969 +-0.004 0.954 +-0.005 0.954 +-0.005 0.698 +-0.010 2.0 0.2 0.974 +-0.004 0.979 +-0.003 0.979 +-0.003 0.884 +-0.007 5.0 0.2 0.925 +-0.006 0.928 +-0.006 0.928 +-0.006 0.891 +-0.007 10.0 0.2 0.890 +-0.007 0.906 +-0.007 0.906 +-0.007 0.920 +-0.006 20.0 0.2 0.906 +-0.007 0.909 +-0.006 0.909 +-0.006 0.920 +-0.006 0.0 1.0 0.957 +-0.005 0.940 +-0.005 0.940 +-0.005 0.999 +-0.001 0.1 1.0 0.958 +-0.005 0.931 +-0.006 0.939 +-0.005 0.665 +-0.011 0.2 1.0 0.960 +-0.004 0.931 +-0.006 0.931 +-0.006 0.709 +-0.010 1.0 1.0 0.961 +-0.004 0.946 +-0.005 0.946 +-0.005 0.875 +-0.007 2.0 1.0 0.961 +-0.004 0.917 +-0.006 0.917 +-0.006 0.916 +-0.006 5.0 1.0 0.900 +-0.007 0.927 +-0.006 0.927 +-0.006 0.927 +-0.006 10.0 1.0 0.910 +-0.006 0.930 +-0.006 0.930 +-0.006 0.914 +-0.006 20.0 1.0 0.907 +-0.006 0.914 +-0.006 0.914 +-0.006 0.918 +-0.006 0.0 2.0 0.948 +-0.005 0.929 +-0.006 0.934 +-0.006 0.998 +-0.001 0.1 2.0 0.946 +-0.005 0.930 +-0.006 0.933 +-0.006 0.873 +-0.007 0.2 2.0 0.949 +-0.005 0.928 +-0.006 0.928 +-0.006 0.889 +-0.007 1.0 2.0 0.957 +-0.005 0.919 +-0.006 0.924 +-0.006 0.909 +-0.006 2.0 2.0 0.957 +-0.005 0.930 +-0.006 0.931 +-0.006 0.902 +-0.007 5.0 2.0 0.881 +-0.007 0.913 +-0.006 0.913 +-0.006 0.896 +-0.007 10.0 2.0 0.892 +-0.007 0.908 +-0.006 0.909 +-0.006 0.897 +-0.007 20.0 2.0 0.900 +-0.007 0.909 +-0.006 0.909 +-0.006 0.912 Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 17 Table 5. Estimated coverage probabilities of uncertainty intervals w ith coverage of 0.95. Approximate 68 percent uncertain ty due to given for cases where estimated coverage probability is gr eater than 0 or less than 1.Tbg T= 1. uSuBBayesian FC RFC POE 0.0 0.2 1 0.857 +-0.008 0.857 +-0.008 1 0.1 0.2 1 0.976 +-0.003 0.976 +-0.003 1 0.2 0.2 1 0.948 +-0.005 0.948 +-0.005 1 1.0 0.2 1 0.974 +-0.004 0.974 +-0.004 0.755 +-0.010 2.0 0.2 0.998 +-0.001 0.976 +-0.003 0.977 +-0.003 0.892 +-0.007 5.0 0.2 0.962 +-0.004 0.972 +-0.004 0.974 +-0.004 0.953 +-0.005 10.0 0.2 0.951 +-0.005 0.949 +-0.005 0.949 +-0.005 0.935 +-0.006 20.0 0.2 0.949 +-0.005 0.953 +-0.005 0.955 +-0.005 0.950 +-0.005 0.0 1.0 0.999 +-0.001 0.748 +-0.010 0.755 +-0.010 0.999 +-0.001 0.1 1.0 0.998 +-0.001 0.878 +-0.007 0.886 +-0.007 0.995 +-0.002 0.2 1.0 0.997 +-0.001 0.862 +-0.008 0.870 +-0.008 0.998 +-0.001 1.0 1.0 0.998 +-0.001 0.945 +-0.005 0.945 +-0.005 0.940 +-0.005 2.0 1.0 0.993 +-0.002 0.949 +-0.005 0.956 +-0.005 0.946 +-0.005 5.0 1.0 0.967 +-0.004 0.951 +-0.005 0.969 +-0.004 0.958 +-0.004 10.0 1.0 0.958 +-0.004 0.959 +-0.004 0.962 +-0.004 0.960 +-0.004 20.0 1.0 0.954 +-0.005 0.944 +-0.005 0.955 +-0.005 0.950 +-0.005 0.0 2.0 0.993 +-0.002 0.835 +-0.008 0.864 +-0.008 0.994 +-0.002 0.1 2.0 0.988 +-0.002 0.869 +-0.008 0.900 +-0.007 0.981 +-0.003 0.2 2.0 0.990 +-0.002 0.856 +-0.008 0.887 +-0.007 0.989 +-0.002 1.0 2.0 0.993 +-0.002 0.921 +-0.006 0.928 +-0.006 0.965 +-0.004 2.0 2.0 0.991 +-0.002 0.935 +-0.006 0.948 +-0.005 0.966 +-0.004 5.0 2.0 0.967 +-0.004 0.937 +-0.005 0.957 +-0.005 0.962 +-0.004 10.0 2.0 0.944 +-0.005 0.943 +-0.005 0.958 +-0.004 0.958 +-0.004 20.0 2.0 0.952 +-0.005 0.945 +-0.005 0.957 +-0.005 0.958 Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 18 Table 6. Estimated coverage probabilities of uncertainty intervals w ith coverage of 0.95. Approximate 68 percent uncertain ty due to given for cases where estimated coverage probability is gr eater than 0 or less than 1.Tbg T= 5. uSuBBayesian FC RFC POE 0.0 0.2 0.997 +-0.001 0.932 +-0.006 0.932 +-0.006 1 0.1 0.2 0.997 +-0.001 0.972 +-0.004 0.972 +-0.004 1 0.2 0.2 0.993 +-0.002 0.974 +-0.004 0.974 +-0.004 1 1.0 0.2 0.990 +-0.002 0.971 +-0.004 0.971 +-0.004 0.684 +-0.010 2.0 0.2 0.983 +-0.003 0.976 +-0.003 0.976 +-0.003 0.871 +-0.007 5.0 0.2 0.950 +-0.005 0.962 +-0.004 0.962 +-0.004 0.936 +-0.005 10.0 0.2 0.949 +-0.005 0.950 +-0.005 0.950 +-0.005 0.933 +-0.006 20.0 0.2 0.945 +-0.005 0.951 +-0.005 0.955 +-0.005 0.950 +-0.005 0.0 1.0 0.983 +-0.003 0.952 +-0.005 0.962 +-0.004 1 0.1 1.0 0.983 +-0.003 0.953 +-0.005 0.955 +-0.005 0.955 +-0.005 0.2 1.0 0.986 +-0.003 0.953 +-0.005 0.969 +-0.004 0.921 +-0.006 1.0 1.0 0.984 +-0.003 0.967 +-0.004 0.967 +-0.004 0.855 +-0.008 2.0 1.0 0.982 +-0.003 0.968 +-0.004 0.969 +-0.004 0.930 +-0.006 5.0 1.0 0.961 +-0.004 0.966 +-0.004 0.966 +-0.004 0.945 +-0.005 10.0 1.0 0.950 +-0.005 0.959 +-0.004 0.959 +-0.004 0.955 +-0.005 20.0 1.0 0.946 +-0.005 0.946 +-0.005 0.950 +-0.005 0.941 +-0.005 0.0 2.0 0.980 +-0.003 0.939 +-0.005 0.957 +-0.005 0.999 +-0.001 0.1 2.0 0.980 +-0.003 0.954 +-0.005 0.969 +-0.004 0.895 +-0.007 0.2 2.0 0.978 +-0.003 0.943 +-0.005 0.948 +-0.005 0.902 +-0.007 1.0 2.0 0.977 +-0.003 0.951 +-0.005 0.963 +-0.004 0.945 +-0.005 2.0 2.0 0.985 +-0.003 0.959 +-0.004 0.965 +-0.004 0.927 +-0.006 5.0 2.0 0.960 +-0.004 0.957 +-0.005 0.958 +-0.005 0.943 +-0.005 10.0 2.0 0.945 +-0.005 0.959 +-0.004 0.959 +-0.004 0.954 +-0.005 20.0 2.0 0.944 +-0.005 0.947 +-0.005 0.949 +-0.005 0.947 Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 19 Table 7. Estimated coverage probabilities of uncertainty intervals w ith coverage of 0.95. Approximate 68 percent uncertain ty due to given for cases where estimated coverage probability is gr eater than 0 or less than 1.Tbg T= 25. uSuBBayesian FC RFC POE 0.0 0.2 0.990 +-0.002 0.983 +-0.003 0.983 +-0.003 1 0.1 0.2 0.987 +-0.003 0.978 +-0.003 0.978 +-0.003 1 0.2 0.2 0.990 +-0.002 0.979 +-0.003 0.979 +-0.003 1 1.0 0.2 0.984 +-0.003 0.970 +-0.004 0.970 +-0.004 0.700 +-0.010 2.0 0.2 0.982 +-0.003 0.981 +-0.003 0.981 +-0.003 0.886 +-0.007 5.0 0.2 0.949 +-0.005 0.964 +-0.004 0.964 +-0.004 0.948 +-0.005 10.0 0.2 0.956 +-0.005 0.956 +-0.005 0.956 +-0.005 0.934 +-0.006 20.0 0.2 0.948 +-0.005 0.956 +-0.005 0.956 +-0.005 0.958 +-0.005 0.0 1.0 0.981 +-0.003 0.971 +-0.004 0.972 +-0.004 1 0.1 1.0 0.978 +-0.003 0.970 +-0.004 0.970 +-0.004 0.687 +-0.010 0.2 1.0 0.983 +-0.003 0.969 +-0.004 0.973 +-0.004 0.715 +-0.010 1.0 1.0 0.984 +-0.003 0.967 +-0.004 0.970 +-0.004 0.876 +-0.007 2.0 1.0 0.981 +-0.003 0.980 +-0.003 0.980 +-0.003 0.949 +-0.005 5.0 1.0 0.966 +-0.004 0.966 +-0.004 0.966 +-0.004 0.937 +-0.005 10.0 1.0 0.955 +-0.005 0.972 +-0.004 0.972 +-0.004 0.965 +-0.004 20.0 1.0 0.956 +-0.005 0.956 +-0.005 0.956 +-0.005 0.954 +-0.005 0.0 2.0 0.978 +-0.003 0.964 +-0.004 0.969 +-0.004 1 0.1 2.0 0.973 +-0.004 0.964 +-0.004 0.967 +-0.004 0.877 +-0.007 0.2 2.0 0.979 +-0.003 0.964 +-0.004 0.966 +-0.004 0.894 +-0.007 1.0 2.0 0.981 +-0.003 0.964 +-0.004 0.967 +-0.004 0.946 +-0.005 2.0 2.0 0.981 +-0.003 0.960 +-0.004 0.961 +-0.004 0.911 +-0.006 5.0 2.0 0.940 +-0.005 0.950 +-0.005 0.949 +-0.005 0.929 +-0.006 10.0 2.0 0.942 +-0.005 0.957 +-0.005 0.957 +-0.005 0.941 +-0.005 20.0 2.0 0.946 +-0.005 0.952 +-0.005 0.952 +-0.005 0.948 Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 20 Table 8. Estimated detection probabilities corresponding to uncert ainty intervals with nominal frequentist coverage of 0.90. Approximate 68 percent un certainty due to sampling variability given for cases where estimated coverage proba bility is greater than 0 or less than 1.Tbg T= 1. uSuBBayesian FC RFC POE 0.0 0.2 0 0.143 +-0.008 0.143 +-0.008 0 0.1 0.2 0 0.203 +-0.009 0.202 +-0.009 0 0.2 0.2 0.001 +-0.001 0.269 +-0.010 0.268 +-0.010 0.001 +-0.001 1.0 0.2 0.028 +-0.004 0.591 +-0.011 0.580 +-0.011 0.027 +-0.004 2.0 0.2 0.152 +-0.008 0.795 +-0.009 0.759 +-0.010 0.144 +-0.008 5.0 0.2 0.725 +-0.010 0.975 +-0.004 0.951 +-0.005 0.695 +-0.010 10.0 0.2 0.979 +-0.003 1 0.998 +-0.001 0.971 +-0.004 20.0 0.2 1 1 1 1 0.0 1.0 0.010 +-0.002 0.272 +-0.010 0.252 +-0.010 0.009 +-0.002 0.1 1.0 0.010 +-0.002 0.293 +-0.010 0.268 +-0.010 0.009 +-0.002 0.2 1.0 0.016 +-0.003 0.310 +-0.010 0.280 +-0.010 0.015 +-0.003 1.0 1.0 0.070 +-0.006 0.461 +-0.011 0.381 +-0.011 0.055 +-0.005 2.0 1.0 0.193 +-0.009 0.602 +-0.011 0.495 +-0.011 0.157 +-0.008 5.0 1.0 0.673 +-0.010 0.887 +-0.007 0.819 +-0.009 0.571 +-0.011 10.0 1.0 0.967 +-0.004 0.994 +-0.002 0.985 +-0.003 0.936 +-0.005 20.0 1.0 1 1 1 1 0.0 2.0 0.036 +-0.004 0.214 +-0.009 0.165 +-0.008 0.026 +-0.004 0.1 2.0 0.039 +-0.004 0.238 +-0.010 0.172 +-0.008 0.028 +-0.004 0.2 2.0 0.043 +-0.005 0.253 +-0.010 0.183 +-0.009 0.031 +-0.004 1.0 2.0 0.106 +-0.007 0.343 +-0.011 0.249 +-0.010 0.073 +-0.006 2.0 2.0 0.228 +-0.009 0.493 +-0.011 0.374 +-0.011 0.162 +-0.008 5.0 2.0 0.586 +-0.011 0.805 +-0.009 0.702 +-0.010 0.461 +-0.011 10.0 2.0 0.918 +-0.006 0.977 +-0.003 0.949 +-0.005 0.850 +-0.008 20.0 2.0 0.999 +-0.001 1 0.999 +-0.001 0.997 Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 21 Table 9. Estimated detection probabilities corresponding to uncert ainty intervals with nominal frequentist coverage of 0.90. Approximate 68 percent un certainty due to sampling variability given for cases where estimated coverage proba bility is greater than 0 or less than 1.Tbg T= 5. uSuBBayesian FC RFC POE 0.0 0.2 0.007 +-0.002 0.072 +-0.006 0.072 +-0.006 0 0.1 0.2 0.029 +-0.004 0.118 +-0.007 0.118 +-0.007 0 0.2 0.2 0.045 +-0.005 0.148 +-0.008 0.148 +-0.008 0.001 +-0.001 1.0 0.2 0.281 +-0.010 0.453 +-0.011 0.453 +-0.011 0.022 +-0.003 2.0 0.2 0.549 +-0.011 0.694 +-0.010 0.694 +-0.010 0.119 +-0.007 5.0 0.2 0.935 +-0.006 0.962 +-0.004 0.962 +-0.004 0.654 +-0.011 10.0 0.2 0.998 +-0.001 0.999 +-0.001 0.999 +-0.001 0.977 +-0.003 20.0 0.2 1 1 1 1 0.0 1.0 0.036 +-0.004 0.076 +-0.006 0.076 +-0.006 0.003 +-0.001 0.1 1.0 0.048 +-0.005 0.089 +-0.006 0.089 +-0.006 0.005 +-0.001 0.2 1.0 0.055 +-0.005 0.103 +-0.007 0.103 +-0.007 0.003 +-0.001 1.0 1.0 0.176 +-0.009 0.284 +-0.010 0.283 +-0.010 0.023 +-0.003 2.0 1.0 0.381 +-0.011 0.509 +-0.011 0.509 +-0.011 0.114 +-0.007 5.0 1.0 0.852 +-0.008 0.906 +-0.007 0.906 +-0.007 0.569 +-0.011 10.0 1.0 0.994 +-0.002 0.996 +-0.001 0.995 +-0.002 0.960 +-0.004 20.0 1.0 1 1 1 1 0.0 2.0 0.056 +-0.005 0.094 +-0.007 0.092 +-0.006 0.004 +-0.001 0.1 2.0 0.049 +-0.005 0.091 +-0.006 0.088 +-0.006 0.003 +-0.001 0.2 2.0 0.076 +-0.006 0.126 +-0.007 0.120 +-0.007 0.007 +-0.002 1.0 2.0 0.153 +-0.008 0.226 +-0.009 0.214 +-0.009 0.031 +-0.004 2.0 2.0 0.318 +-0.010 0.412 +-0.011 0.394 +-0.011 0.094 +-0.007 5.0 2.0 0.753 +-0.010 0.820 +-0.009 0.803 +-0.009 0.481 +-0.011 10.0 2.0 0.984 +-0.003 0.988 +-0.002 0.987 +-0.003 0.935 +-0.006 20.0 2.0 1 1 1 1Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 22 Table 10. Estimated detection probabilities corresponding to uncer tainty intervals with nominal frequentist coverage of 0.90. Approximate 68 percen t uncertainty due to sampling variability given for cases where estimated coverage proba bility is greater than 0 or less than 1.Tbg T= 25. uSuBBayesian FC RFC POE 0.0 0.2 0.018 +-0.003 0.027 +-0.004 0.027 +-0.004 0 0.1 0.2 0.043 +-0.005 0.067 +-0.006 0.067 +-0.006 0 0.2 0.2 0.079 +-0.006 0.099 +-0.007 0.099 +-0.007 0.001 +-0.001 1.0 0.2 0.364 +-0.011 0.397 +-0.011 0.397 +-0.011 0.022 +-0.003 2.0 0.2 0.638 +-0.011 0.666 +-0.011 0.666 +-0.011 0.136 +-0.008 5.0 0.2 0.968 +-0.004 0.970 +-0.004 0.970 +-0.004 0.689 +-0.010 10.0 0.2 1 1 1 0.983 +-0.003 20.0 0.2 1 1 1 1 0.0 1.0 0.043 +-0.005 0.060 +-0.005 0.060 +-0.005 0.001 +-0.001 0.1 1.0 0.055 +-0.005 0.081 +-0.006 0.081 +-0.006 0.002 +-0.001 0.2 1.0 0.076 +-0.006 0.098 +-0.007 0.098 +-0.007 0.004 +-0.001 1.0 1.0 0.209 +-0.009 0.261 +-0.010 0.261 +-0.010 0.022 +-0.003 2.0 1.0 0.417 +-0.011 0.493 +-0.011 0.493 +-0.011 0.097 +-0.007 5.0 1.0 0.887 +-0.007 0.915 +-0.006 0.915 +-0.006 0.582 +-0.011 10.0 1.0 0.997 +-0.001 0.997 +-0.001 0.997 +-0.001 0.972 +-0.004 20.0 1.0 1 1 1 1 0.0 2.0 0.052 +-0.005 0.071 +-0.006 0.066 +-0.006 0.002 +-0.001 0.1 2.0 0.059 +-0.005 0.079 +-0.006 0.075 +-0.006 0.006 +-0.002 0.2 2.0 0.073 +-0.006 0.092 +-0.006 0.089 +-0.006 0.008 +-0.002 1.0 2.0 0.162 +-0.008 0.203 +-0.009 0.197 +-0.009 0.029 +-0.004 2.0 2.0 0.347 +-0.011 0.404 +-0.011 0.395 +-0.011 0.098 +-0.007 5.0 2.0 0.788 +-0.009 0.823 +-0.009 0.822 +-0.009 0.509 +-0.011 10.0 2.0 0.989 +-0.002 0.991 +-0.002 0.991 +-0.002 0.933 +-0.006 20.0 2.0 1 1 1 1Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 23 Table 11. Estimated detection probabilities corresponding to uncer tainty intervals with nominal frequentist coverage of 0.95. Approximate 68 percen t uncertainty due to sampling variability given for cases where estimated coverage proba bility is greater than 0 or less than 1.Tbg T= 1. uSuBBayesian FC RFC POE 0.0 0.2 0 0.143 +-0.008 0.143 +-0.008 0 0.1 0.2 0 0.202 +-0.009 0.202 +-0.009 0 0.2 0.2 0 0.268 +-0.010 0.268 +-0.010 0 1.0 0.2 0.008 +-0.002 0.580 +-0.011 0.575 +-0.011 0.008 +-0.002 2.0 0.2 0.060 +-0.005 0.759 +-0.010 0.740 +-0.010 0.059 +-0.005 5.0 0.2 0.534 +-0.011 0.951 +-0.005 0.920 +-0.006 0.515 +-0.011 10.0 0.2 0.949 +-0.005 0.998 +-0.001 0.994 +-0.002 0.929 +-0.006 20.0 0.2 1 1 1 1 0.0 1.0 0.001 +-0.001 0.252 +-0.010 0.245 +-0.010 0.002 +-0.001 0.1 1.0 0.003 +-0.001 0.268 +-0.010 0.260 +-0.010 0.003 +-0.001 0.2 1.0 0.004 +-0.001 0.280 +-0.010 0.272 +-0.010 0.004 +-0.001 1.0 1.0 0.017 +-0.003 0.381 +-0.011 0.343 +-0.011 0.015 +-0.003 2.0 1.0 0.082 +-0.006 0.495 +-0.011 0.424 +-0.011 0.072 +-0.006 5.0 1.0 0.468 +-0.011 0.820 +-0.009 0.723 +-0.010 0.379 +-0.011 10.0 1.0 0.917 +-0.006 0.985 +-0.003 0.963 +-0.004 0.844 +-0.008 20.0 1.0 1 1 1 0.999 +-0.001 0.0 2.0 0.007 +-0.002 0.165 +-0.008 0.136 +-0.008 0.006 +-0.002 0.1 2.0 0.013 +-0.003 0.172 +-0.008 0.142 +-0.008 0.012 +-0.002 0.2 2.0 0.011 +-0.002 0.183 +-0.009 0.152 +-0.008 0.009 +-0.002 1.0 2.0 0.033 +-0.004 0.249 +-0.010 0.188 +-0.009 0.025 +-0.003 2.0 2.0 0.100 +-0.007 0.374 +-0.011 0.279 +-0.010 0.066 +-0.006 5.0 2.0 0.405 +-0.011 0.702 +-0.010 0.580 +-0.011 0.285 +-0.010 10.0 2.0 0.837 +-0.008 0.951 +-0.005 0.903 +-0.007 0.742 +-0.010 20.0 2.0 0.997 +-0.001 0.999 +-0.001 0.998 +-0.001 0.993 Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 24 Table 12. Estimated detection probabilities corresponding to uncer tainty intervals with nominal frequentist coverage of 0.95. Approximate 68 percen t uncertainty due to sampling variability given for cases where estimated coverage proba bility is greater than 0 or less than 1.Tbg T= 5. uSuBBayesian FC RFC POE 0.0 0.2 0.003 +-0.001 0.068 +-0.006 0.068 +-0.006 0 0.1 0.2 0.020 +-0.003 0.112 +-0.007 0.112 +-0.007 0 0.2 0.2 0.026 +-0.004 0.140 +-0.008 0.139 +-0.008 0 1.0 0.2 0.196 +-0.009 0.412 +-0.011 0.410 +-0.011 0.005 +-0.002 2.0 0.2 0.441 +-0.011 0.639 +-0.011 0.635 +-0.011 0.048 +-0.005 5.0 0.2 0.896 +-0.007 0.945 +-0.005 0.943 +-0.005 0.480 +-0.011 10.0 0.2 0.997 +-0.001 0.999 +-0.001 0.998 +-0.001 0.947 +-0.005 20.0 0.2 1 1 1 1 0.0 1.0 0.017 +-0.003 0.048 +-0.005 0.038 +-0.004 0.001 +-0.001 0.1 1.0 0.024 +-0.003 0.059 +-0.005 0.049 +-0.005 0.001 +-0.001 0.2 1.0 0.029 +-0.004 0.070 +-0.006 0.057 +-0.005 0.001 +-0.001 1.0 1.0 0.104 +-0.007 0.208 +-0.009 0.174 +-0.008 0.008 +-0.002 2.0 1.0 0.283 +-0.010 0.422 +-0.011 0.378 +-0.011 0.047 +-0.005 5.0 1.0 0.782 +-0.009 0.865 +-0.008 0.846 +-0.008 0.398 +-0.011 10.0 1.0 0.985 +-0.003 0.994 +-0.002 0.991 +-0.002 0.916 +-0.006 20.0 1.0 1 1 1 1 0.0 2.0 0.020 +-0.003 0.061 +-0.005 0.043 +-0.005 0.001 +-0.001 0.1 2.0 0.026 +-0.004 0.051 +-0.005 0.039 +-0.004 0.001 +-0.001 0.2 2.0 0.034 +-0.004 0.075 +-0.006 0.061 +-0.005 0.001 +-0.001 1.0 2.0 0.084 +-0.006 0.145 +-0.008 0.125 +-0.007 0.010 +-0.002 2.0 2.0 0.208 +-0.009 0.305 +-0.010 0.264 +-0.010 0.039 +-0.004 5.0 2.0 0.635 +-0.011 0.743 +-0.010 0.698 +-0.010 0.324 +-0.010 10.0 2.0 0.970 +-0.004 0.982 +-0.003 0.979 +-0.003 0.871 +-0.008 20.0 2.0 1 1 1 0.999 Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 25 Table 13. Estimated detection probabilities corresponding to uncer tainty intervals with nominal frequentist coverage of 0.95. Approximate 68 percen t uncertainty due to sampling variability given for cases where estimated coverage proba bility is greater than 0 or less than 1.Tbg T= 25. uSuBBayesian FC RFC POE 0.0 0.2 0.010 +-0.002 0.017 +-0.003 0.017 +-0.003 0 0.1 0.2 0.024 +-0.003 0.042 +-0.004 0.042 +-0.004 0 0.2 0.2 0.058 +-0.005 0.074 +-0.006 0.074 +-0.006 0 1.0 0.2 0.304 +-0.010 0.352 +-0.011 0.352 +-0.011 0.002 +-0.001 2.0 0.2 0.573 +-0.011 0.626 +-0.011 0.626 +-0.011 0.027 +-0.004 5.0 0.2 0.952 +-0.005 0.966 +-0.004 0.966 +-0.004 0.429 +-0.011 10.0 0.2 1 1 1 0.946 +-0.005 20.0 0.2 1 1 1 1 0.0 1.0 0.019 +-0.003 0.029 +-0.004 0.028 +-0.004 0 0.1 1.0 0.030 +-0.004 0.042 +-0.004 0.038 +-0.004 0 0.2 1.0 0.037 +-0.004 0.059 +-0.005 0.052 +-0.005 0.001 +-0.001 1.0 1.0 0.131 +-0.008 0.160 +-0.008 0.152 +-0.008 0.003 +-0.001 2.0 1.0 0.333 +-0.011 0.372 +-0.011 0.363 +-0.011 0.037 +-0.004 5.0 1.0 0.838 +-0.008 0.863 +-0.008 0.855 +-0.008 0.393 +-0.011 10.0 1.0 0.996 +-0.001 0.996 +-0.001 0.996 +-0.001 0.928 +-0.006 20.0 1.0 1 1 1 1 0.0 2.0 0.022 +-0.003 0.036 +-0.004 0.031 +-0.004 0.001 +-0.001 0.1 2.0 0.033 +-0.004 0.045 +-0.005 0.042 +-0.004 0.001 +-0.001 0.2 2.0 0.036 +-0.004 0.053 +-0.005 0.051 +-0.005 0.001 +-0.001 1.0 2.0 0.105 +-0.007 0.132 +-0.008 0.126 +-0.007 0.010 +-0.002 2.0 2.0 0.243 +-0.010 0.295 +-0.010 0.286 +-0.010 0.035 +-0.004 5.0 2.0 0.703 +-0.010 0.738 +-0.010 0.731 +-0.010 0.340 +-0.011 10.0 2.0 0.976 +-0.003 0.984 +-0.003 0.983 +-0.003 0.855 +-0.008 20.0 2.0 1 1 1 1Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 26 Table 14. Root-mean-square deviation between observed and nom inal averaged over all values of uS<=10. Nominal frequentist coverage is FC RFC POE 1 0.2 0.084 0.052 0.053 0.087 1 1.0 0.075 0.101 0.090 0.058 1 2.0 0.062 0.077 0.045 0.044 2 0.2 0.080 0.044 0.049 0.101 2 1.0 0.064 0.030 0.018 0.054 2 2.0 0.055 0.031 0.017 0.040 5 0.2 0.067 0.039 0.039 0.107 5 1.0 0.055 0.023 0.028 0.044 5 2.0 0.046 0.013 0.021 0.039 10 0.2 0.065 0.038 0.042 0.105 10 1.0 0.054 0.026 0.031 0.077 10 2.0 0.049 0.022 0.031 0.038 25 0.2 0.061 0.055 0.055 0.101 25 1.0 0.050 0.033 0.034 0.122 25 2.0 0.044 0.024 0.026 0.039Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 27 Table 15. Root-mean-square deviation between observed and nom inal averaged over all values of uS<=10. Nominal frequentist coverage is FC RFC POE 1 0.2 0.042 0.040 0.040 0.084 1 1.0 0.040 0.088 0.084 0.031 1 2.0 0.035 0.066 0.046 0.027 2 0.2 0.040 0.031 0.031 0.105 2 1.0 0.032 0.030 0.025 0.047 2 2.0 0.028 0.024 0.014 0.020 5 0.2 0.035 0.019 0.019 0.110 5 1.0 0.029 0.011 0.014 0.043 5 2.0 0.026 0.007 0.011 0.035 10 0.2 0.035 0.020 0.020 0.107 10 1.0 0.027 0.016 0.019 0.071 10 2.0 0.026 0.014 0.017 0.040 25 0.2 0.031 0.024 0.024 0.103 25 1.0 0.027 0.021 0.022 0.138 25 2.0 0.024 0.011 0.014 0.043 5. M. 2002 Setting confidence intervals for bounded pa rameters Stat. Sci. Vol. 17 No. 2 p. J.N. et al. Measurement of the solar neutrino capt ure rate by SAGE and implications for neutrino oscillations in vacuum 1999 Phys. Rev. L ett. 83 p. 4686 [3] Ahmad Q.R., et al. Direct Evidence for Neutrino Flavor Transform ation interactions in the Sudbury Neutrino Observato ry 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 011301 [4] Altman M and et al. GNO Solar neutrino observations: results for GNO I 2000 Phys. Lett. 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Probability density functions for estimated background for case w here Tbg/T= 25. For uB= 0.2, 1, and 2, the standard deviations of the are0.09, 0.20and The correspondin of the estimated background are 45 %, 20 %, and 14 % res Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 31 0 1 2 3 4 5 probabilty density for uB uB Tbg/T = 1 nbg = 1 Tbg/T = 5 nbg = 5 Tbg/T = 25 nbg = 25 Figure 2. Posterior probability density functions for the background param eteruB given the observed value nbg.Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 32 0 2 4 6 8 coverage prob. Tbg/T = 1 0 2 4 6 8 coverage prob. Tbg/T = 5 0 2 4 6 8 coverage prob. Tbg/T = 25 3. Estimated coverage probabilities for case where uB= 1 for intervals with nominal frequentist coverage probability of 0.90.Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 33 0 2 4 6 8 1000.51est. detection prob.Tbg/T = 1 0 2 4 6 8 1000.51est. detection prob.Tbg/T = 5 0 2 4 6 8 1000.51 uSest. detection prob.Tbg/T = 25 4. Estimated detection probabilities for case where uB= 1 for intervals with nominal frequentist coverage probability of 0.90.Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 34 0 5 10 15 20 2500.10.20.3est. detection prob.uB = 0.2 5 10 15 20 2500.10.20.3est. detection prob.uB = 1 0 5 10 15 20 2500.10.20.3 Tbg / Test. detection prob.uB = 2 Figure 5. Estimated detection probabilities for case where there is no signal ( uS= 0) associated with intervals with nominal frequentist coverage proba bility of 0.90.Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 35 0 5 10 15 20 2500.10.20.3est. detection prob.uB = 0.2 0 5 10 15 20 2500.10.20.3est. detection prob.uB = 1 0 5 10 15 20 2500.10.20.3 Tbg / Test. detection prob.uB = 2 6. Estimated detection probabilities for case where there is no signal ( uS= 0) associated with intervals with nominal frequentist coverage proba bility of 0.95.Uncertainty Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 36 Figure 7. Estimated coverage probabilities corresponding to intervals with ta rget coverage of 0.90. In the plots, we show results for uB= 0.2,1,2 Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 37 Figure 8. Estimated coverage probabilities corresponding to intervals with ta rget coverage of 0.95. In the plots, we show results for uB= 0.2,1,2 Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 38 Figure 9. Estimated detection probabilities corresponding to intervals with ta rget coverage of 0.90. In the plots, we show results for uB= 0.2,1,2 Intervals for Weak Poisson Signals 39 Figure 10. Estimated detection probabilities corresponding to intervals with ta rget coverage of 0.95. In the plots, we show results for uB= 0.2,1,2 | 0804.4032 | Kevin Coakley | K. J. Coakley, J. D. Splett, D. S. Simons | Frequentist Coverage Properties of Uncertainty Intervals for Weak
Poisson Signals in the Presence of Background | 12 pages,12 tables, 10 figures. This is the final version of a
manuscript that has been accepted for publication by Measurement Science and
Technology | Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 21, pp. 1-16 (2010) | 10.1088/0957-0233/21/3/035102 | null | physics.data-an | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We construct uncertainty intervals for weak Poisson signals in the presence
of background. We consider the case where a primary experiment yields a
realization of the signal plus background, and a second experiment yields a
realization of the background. The data acquisitions times for the
background-only experiment,T_bg, and the primary experiment,T, are selected so
that their ratio varies from 1 to 25. The expected number of background counts
in the primary experiment varies from 0.2 to 2. We construct 90 and 95 percent
confidence intervals based on a propagation-of-errors method as well as two
implementations of a Neyman procedure where acceptance regions are constructed
based on a likelihood-ratio criterion that automatically determines whether the
resulting confidence interval is one-sided or two-sided. The first Neyman
procedure (due to Feldman and Cousins) neglects uncertainty in the background.
In the other Neyman procedure, we account for uncertainty in the background
with a parametric bootstrap method. We also construct minimum length Bayesian
credibility intervals. For each method, we test for the presence of a signal
based on the value of the lower endpoint of the uncertainty interval. When
T_bg/T is 5 or more and the expected background is 2 or less, the Feldman
Cousins method outperforms the other methods considered.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 25 Apr 2008 01:29:27 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 28 Dec 2009 01:49:29 GMT"
] | 2016-10-19T00:00:00 | [
"K. J.",
"J. D.",
"D. S.",
] |
I. INTRODUCTION The successful preparation of monolayer graphene has allowed th e possibility of study- ing the properties of electrons in graphene [1]. The nature of quasip articles called Dirac electrons in these two-dimensional systems is very different from t hose of the electron gas (2DEG) realized in semiconductor het erostructures. Graphene has a honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms. The quasiparticles in grap hene have a band structure in which electron and hole bands touch at two points in the Brillouin zone. At these Dirac points the quasiparticles obey the massless Dirac equat ion. In other words, they behave as massless Dirac particles leading to a linear dispersion r the characteristic velocity v106m/s). This difference in the nature of the quasi- particles in graphene from conventional 2DEG has given rise to a hos t of new and such as anamolous quantum Hall effects and a pBerry phase[1][2]. Besides the fundamental interest in understanding the electronic properties of graphene there is also serious suggestions that it can serve as the building block for nanoe lectronic devices the graphene monolayer, there has been a lotof inter est ininvestigating the properties of bilayer graphene. The quasiparticles in bilayer graphe ne exhibit a relation which implies that they are massive particles. Thes e quasiparticles are also chiral and are described by spinor wavefunctions[2, 4, 5, 6, 7]. Recent theoretical work on graphene multilayers has also shown the existance of Dirac electr ons with a linear energy spectrum in monolayer graphene and a parabolic spectrum for Dirac electrons in graphene consists of two monolayers stacked as in natural graphite. This, Bernal stacking, yields a unit cell of four atoms with the result that there a re four electronic bands. Inkspace, the bilayer has a hexagonal Brillouin zone. Its physical prop erties are by theeigenvalues attwo inequivalen t corners the p*conduction and pvalence bands meet at the Fermi surface. Due to the strong interlayer coupling both the conduction and valen ce bands are split by an energy~0.4eVnear the KandK'valleys. Only two of these bands, upper valence and lower conduction band, are relevant at low energy and they can be d escribed by the given below[2, 5, 6] It was found years ago that if conventional 2DEG is subjected to a rtificially created periodic potentials it leads to the appearence of Weiss oscillations in th e typeofelectrical canbecarried ou tbydepositing anarray of parallel metallic strips on the surface or through two interfering laser beams [8, 9, 10]. Weiss oscillations were found to be the result of commensurability of t he electron at the Fermi energy and the period of the electric modulat ion. These foundto magneticfield[8, 9, 10]. Recen tly, aninvestigation of electric field modulation effects on transport properties in monolaye r graphene has led to the prediction of enhanced Weiss oscillations in the [11]. In addition, spectrum, density of states, bandwidth and th ermodynamics properties of monolayer graphene in the presence of electrical modulation hav e been investigated so far[13]. In this work we are interested in studying the effects of elec tric modulation on in bilayer graphene and we compare the result s obtained with those of monolayer graphene and the conventional 2DEG. II. FORMULATION We consider symmetric bilayer graphene within the single electron app roximation de- scribed by the following effective Hamiltonian ( 1 here)[2, 5] H0=-1 2m 0 (1) where- -p=-i- - -e- -A, with the vector potential expressed in the Landau gauge as - -A= (0,Bx,0) and the magnetic field is B= (0,0,BVz),which is perpendicular to the bilayer graphene, mis the effective mass of the electrons in bilayer: m= usual electron mass. The energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctio n in the presence of the magnetic field are e(n) thiswork, the Hamiltonian of Eq.(1) and the Landau level spectrum in Eq.(2) ade quately captures the low energy electronic properties in bilayer in the presence of a ma gnetic field[5]. can be written as Psk n,Ky(r) (3) 3whereLyis they-dimension of the bilayer and the normalized harmonic oscillator eigen- function are Phn(x) center of the cyclotron orbit x0=l2ky.We now consider a weak electric modulation in the x-direction given by the following (4) whereK= 2p/a,ais the period of modulation and V0is the amplitude of modulation. We apply standard perturbation theory to determine the first order correction to the unmodu- lated energy eigenvalues in the presence of modulation with the resu lt e'(n,x0) =Vncos(Kx0), (5) where Vn(u) are Laguerre equations (2) and (5), the energy eigenvalues for the syste m in the presence of modulation are e(n,x0) (6) From equation (6) we observe that the formerly sharp Landau leve ls are now broadened into minibands by the modulation potential. Furthermore, the Landa u bandwidth as a function of n, sinceLn(u) is an oscillatory function of its index. The bandwidth contains an average of Laguerre polynomials with indic esnandn-2. To compare, in the electrically modulated monolayer graphene the ba ndwidth depends on a linear combination of Laguerre polynomials with indices nandn-1 whereas for in 2DEG there is only a single term that contains Laguerre p olynomial with index n. We expect that this modulation induced change in the electronic den sity of states to influence the of bilayer graphene and this is ca lculated in the WITH PERIODIC ELECTRIC MODULA- TION To determine the in the presence of weak elec tric modulation we apply the Kubo formula in the linear response regime. In the presenc e of the magnetic field, the main contribution to the Weiss oscillations in magnetoconduc tivity arises from scattering induced migration of the Larmor circle center. This is the diffusive conductivity and we shall determine it following the approach in[10, 11, 12]. In the c ase of of the electrons, the diagonal component syyof the conductivity can be calculated by the following are the dimensions of the layer, b=1 kBTis the inverse temperature with kBthe Boltzmann constant, f(e) is the Fermi Dirac distribution function and t(e) is the time and zdenotes the quantum numbers of the electron eigenstate.The diag onal component of the conductivity syyis due to modulation induced broadening of Landau bands and hence it carries the effects of modulation in which we are pr imarily interested in this work. sxxdoes not contribute as the component of velocity in the x-direction is zero here. The collisional contribution due to impurities is not taken into ac count in this work. The summation in Eq.(7) over the quantum numbers zcan be written area of the system. The component of velocity required in Eq.(7) c an be calculated from the following (9) Substituting the expression for e(n,x0) obtained in Eq.(6) into Eq.(9) (10) With the results obtained in Eqs.(8), (9) and (10) we can express th e diffusive contribution to the conductivity given by Eq.(7) as syy=A0ph (12) and the dimensionless conductivity of bilayer graphene phis given (13) whereg(e) = exp[b(e-eF] andeFis the Fermi energy. IV. ASYMPTOTIC EXPRESSIONS To get a better understanding of the results of the previous sect ion we will consider the asymptotic expression of conductivity where analytic results in terms of obtained in this section with the results obtained for th e electrically 2DEG system. We shall also compare these results wit h recently obtained results for the monolayer graphene that is subjected to only the e lectric modulation. The asymptotic expression of dimensionless conductivity can be obt ained by using the following asymptotic expression for the Laguerre (14) Note that the asymptotic results are valid when many Landau Levels are filled. We now take the continuum express the dimensionless conductivity in Eq.(13) as the following in (16) whereu= 2p2/band the dimensionless magnetic field bis introduced as assuming that the temperature is low such that b-1eFand replacing e=
eF+sb-1, we rewrite the above integral the dimensionless Fermi momentum of the electron. To obtain an analytic solution we have also replaced ebyeFin the above integral except in the sine term in the integrand. The above expression can be expressed (18) The above integration can be performed by using the following identit the damping er 2xe-x. V. COMPARISON WITH ELECTRICALLY MODULATED will now compare the results obtained in this work with results obta ined in [11] for the case of electrically modulated monolayer graphene system. We w ill first compare the energy spectrum in the two cases. The difference in the energy spe ctrum due to was obtained in Eq.(6). If we compare this result with the cor responding expression for the electrically modulated monolayer graphene case, we find the following in the monolayer we have an average of two successive Lagu erre polynomials whereas here we also have the average of two Laguerre polynomia ls but not successive ones but rather with indices nandn-2. Secondly, in the monolayer the energy eigenvalues are multiplied by the square root of the Landau b and bilayer we Thirdly, thecyclotron frequency in thetwo systems is different since the quasiparticles in monolayer are massless Dirac pa rticles whereas they have a finite mass in the bilayer. These differences cause the velocity expression for the electrons given by Eq.(10) to be different in the two systems. 7We now compare the expressions for dimensionless conductivity phgiven by Eq. (20) with the electrically modulated case (Eq.(22) in [11]). The argument of the cosine terms in the expression for bilayer are 2 p/pwhereas in monolayer it is p/pwhich results in the phase difference of pin the the dimensionless conductivity in the two systems. This we expe ct as the quasiparticles in graphene (both monolayer and bilayer) are chir al and acquire a Berry's phase inthepresence ofa The Berry's phase acquir ed byDiracelectrons in monolayer graphene is pwhereas it is 2 pfor particles in bilayer graphene[2, 5]. Therefore we observe a difference in phase of pinthe oscillations in the two systems. The dimensionless for both electrically modulat ed mono- and as a function of inverse magnetic field is shown in Fig.(1)at t emperature T= 6K, electron density ne= 2.3x1011cm-2and period of modulation a= 350nm.We also observe that in the region of high magnetic field SdH oscillations are superimpos ed on the The oscillations are periodic in 1 /Band the period depends on electron COMPARISON WITH STANDARD ELECTRON SYSTEM IN 2DEG We start by comparing the energy spectrum and velocity expressio n obtained in Eq.(6) and Eq.(10) with similar expressions for the conventional 2DEG wher e the the standard electrons [9]. For the energy spectrum, we find that the Landau level spectrum is significantly different from that of standard electrons in convent ional 2DEG. The in Eq.(6) has to be compared with oc(n+ 1/2) withoc=eB/m efor standard electrons. Not only the dependence on the Landau level indexnis different in the two systems but the cyclotron frequency is also not the same due t o the difference in mass of the quasiparticles. The arecarried by the secon d term where is in the structure of the function Vn(u) that there is a basic difference: In bilayer we have a sum of two La guerre polynomials with indices nandn-2 whereas only a single Laguerre polynomial appears in the corre- sponding term for standard electrons in 2DEG. This difference in the Vn(u) function causes the velocity expression for the electrons in bilayer given by Eq.(10) t o be different from that of the standard electrons. To highlight the difference in the dimensio nless conductivity in the two systems, we compare the asymptotic expression in bilayer E q.(20) with the corre- 8sponding expression for 2DEG (Eq. (25) in [11]). We find that dimens ionless conductivity in bilayer has an additional prefactor is not present in the for 2DEG. In addition, conductivity in bilayer contains th e characteristic damp- ing temperature TBwhich is higher than the corresponding damping temperature in 2DEG Tpdue to the smaller effective mass of the quasiparticles in bilayer. This r esults in the oscillations to be more robust with temperatu re than in 2DEG. To see the effects of this difference on the we pr esent the dimensionless for both electrically modulated bilayer graphe ne and the standard 2DEG in Fig.(2),as a function of inverse magnetic field at temperature T= 6K, electron density ne= 2.3x1011cm-2and period of modulation a= 350nm. We find that the there is a difference in phase of 2 pbetween the oscillations in in the two systems since the quasiparticles in bilayer graphene a re chiral. A Berry's phase of 2 pis acquired by the quasiparticles in bilayer relative to the standard ele ctrons resulting in the appearence of 2 pphase difference in the oscillations. We also find a peak in in 2DEG that is absent in bilay er which is due to the absence of contribution from the n= 0 and n= 1 Landau levels as they lie at zero energy. We also find that the oscillations in bilayer graph ene are less damped by temperature and are more prounced as compared to th ose in conventional 2DEG system whereas they are less pronounced and are more damped wit h temperature compared to those in monolayer graphene. This can be seen in Fig.(3) where dime nsionless con- ductivity as a function of inverse magnetic field is presented for the three systems. The parameters used are: T= 6K, electron density ne= 2.3x1011cm-2and period of modula- tiona= 350nm. This can be understood by considering the temperature scale for damping of Weiss oscillations in bilayer graphene obtained from Eq.(20) which is c haracterized by TBgiven as the characteristic tempererature for 2DEG is given in [10, 11] as TBandTpthe essential difference is the difference in the effective masses of the quasiparticles in the two systems. Sinc e the bilayer have a smaller effective mass m= 0.043me,the characteristic damping higher in bilayer than in conventional 2DEG characterized by Tp. Hence in in bilayer graphene are less dampe d with to 2DEG system. 9VII. CONCLUSIONS We have investigated the diffusive component syyin bilayer graphene in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field and a one -dimensional weak electric modulation. In this work, we focus on the Weiss oscillations in m We have compared the results obtained with those of electrically modulated as well as electrically modulated conventional 2DEG syste m. We find phase differ- ences ofpand 2pin the oscillations compared to monolayer grap hene and conventional 2DEG system which arises due to the chiral natur e of quasiparticles in graphene.We also find that the oscillations due to modulation in the mag enhanced and less damped with temperature compared to conv entional 2DEG system whereas they are less robust with temperature compared to mono layer graphene. VIII. authors gratefully acknowledge helpful discussions with F. M. P eeters during the preparation of this manuscript. One of us (K.S.) would also like to ackn owledge the support of the Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) through project No. C- QU/Phys (129). M. T. would like to acknowledge the support of the Pakistan Higher Educ ation address: The Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College Lon don, SW7 2AZ London, United Kingdom. [1] K. S. Novoselov ,A. K. Geim, S. V. Morozov, D. Jiang, M. I. Katsnelson, I. V. Gri gorieva, S. V. Dubonos, and A. A. Firsov, Nature 438,197 (2005); Y. 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bilayer | Submitted: 11 pages, 3 figures | null | null | null | cond-mat.mes-hall | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We present a theoretical study of Weiss oscillations in magnetoconductivity
of bilayer graphene. Bilayer graphene in the presence of a perpendicular
magnetic field and a unidirectional weak electric modulation is considered.We
determine the $\sigma_{yy}$ component of the magnetoconductivity tensor for
this system which is shown to exhibit Weiss oscillations. We show that Weiss
oscillations in the magnetoconductivity of bilayer graphene are enhanced and
more robust with temperature compared to those in conventional two-dimensional
electron gas systems whereas they are less robust with temperature compared to
monolayer graphene. In addition, we also find phase differences of $\pi$ and
$2\pi$ in the magnetoconductivity oscillations compared to monolayer graphene
and conventional 2DEG system which arises due to the chiral nature of
quasiparticles in graphene.
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2 Dalia Chakrabarty andIoannis V. Cha os inModels of the section for the bar-only model, at the energy of -0.75. The white inner regions mark the part of x-vxspace that is not populated by The blue lines are invariant curves, (i.e curves representing the 4-d regular orbits in the phasespace structure. This paper is organised as follows. The follow- ing section deals with the models, while in SS3 results are presented herein. SS5 is dedicated to a discussion ofsome aspects of the work.The SS6. 2. Modelsof theLocalDisk As said before, here we endeavour to infer the de- gree of chaos present in the vicinity of the Sun by gauging chaoticity of solar neighbourhood the choice of the relevant parameters will not Paper I, an annulus in the outer part of the Galactic disk was modelled by test particle simula- tions, in which a warm exponential disk was stirred by the bar or a spiral pattern alone, or by both these perturbations jointly. In these simulations, the Galactic disk is assumed to be ideal with the disk stars assumed to be drawn from a 4-D phase space. A sample of phase space coordinates were to ensure an exponential surface mass den- sity profile and enough warmth to attain the veloc- ity dispersions and vertex deviation observed in of sections of orbits integrated in the model with spiral to bar pattern speed ratio of 21/55. Red signifies strong chaos, green signifies weak chaos and blue signifies regularity.Each panel represents a surface of section plot for a to -0.5,middleleft to energyof -1.5. It is evident that quadrupole (see Equation 1 in Paper I) with a perturbation strength that is half the strength of the bar used in Fux, 2001. The spiral pattern is mod- elled as a logarithmic spiral that is 4-armed (Vall' ee 2002) and tightly wound (pitch angle of 15*), as the model spiral pattern used by Johnstonet.al (2001); this choice of number of arms and a low pitch et. al (2003); (1999); Vall' ee (2002). The initial disk configurationis char- acterised bya ensure flat ro- tation curve and a doubly-cut out distribution func- tion (Evans&Read 1998) that ensures an functionis parametrisedby a is maintained su fficiently high to ensure the re-Dalia Chakrabarty andIoannis V. Chao s inModels of the 3 covery of velocity dispersions and vertex deviation that match with the observed values of these orbitswere recordedin the whereRCRis the bar; OLRboccursat 1.7 ofthe disk all lengths are expressed in units of RCRand giventhe scale free nature of our disk physical value of RCRis not relevant. An the ratio betweenthe pattern speedsof the bar (ohmb) and the 4-armed spiral ( ohms). In every other respect, the bar+spiral models are similar to and spiral acting in concert and spiral acting in concert and spiral acting in concert Paper I we learn that out of these 5 models, the first four were found to give rise to phase a bar-only model was rejected on further dynami- cal grounds. In particular, the bar +spiral model that is characterised by ohmb/ohms=55/21 is the one that en- sures that the ILR of the spiral ( ILRs) occurs at correspondsto overlapofthe of the two perturbations therefore augers Equationsof Motion In this section, the stellar equations of motion are discussed. Below is presented the Hamiltonian in an inertial frame, in galactocentric coordinates xi, vi), given the logarithmic potential of the background disk (~ln(R), where and the per- turbations due to the quadrupolar bar ( Phbar) and the logarithmic (1) where the potential of the bar and the spiral in the bar in the inertial frame, where iis the pitch angle of the spiral and mis the number of arms in the pat- tern (i=15*andm=4 for our models). K(a,m) is (2004). Also, the to the background disk ( 3.6% for the bar See Section 2.2 of for a detailed discussion of the equations of motion. Thus, in the inertial frame, the equations of (3) When the only imposed perturbation is the bar, recording the orbits in the frame of the bar (4) Thus, in this case, HJis an integral of motion vy=0,istwo in the multiple pattern speed scenario, the Hamiltonian is no longer the Jacobi Integral; thus, when the spiral pattern is included as the is obvious that the quantity HJin Equation 5 re- turns to the same value periodically for period so if data are every such period, HJis equivalent to an (which are recorded only when t=T) one our case by choosing to plot only the points which have vy=0. Any orbits or strengths of chaos, since we quan- tify the same set of orbits but at a di fferent Dalia Chakrabarty andIoannis V. Cha os inModels of the 4. Quantificationof quantification of chaos for the orbits of this Sideris (2006). This technique is based on the recognition of smooth patterns in the with an orbit. It was shown in the orig- inal paper that the extrema of regular orbits corre- late in such ways so to build smooth curves. can then be implementedto define a measure chaotic orbit usually evolves in a divided phase space (a phase space which is characterised by both regular and chaotic regions (provided it is integrated for long will experience two kinds of dynam- ical epochs: strong or wild chaos and weak far away fromthe regularislands. Such to cover broad parts of the chaotic sea ener- getically available to it. When the orbit moves close to the regular islands it becomes trapped for a patterns method can identify when an or- bit gets into weakly chaotic regimes. correlating extrema of the signal of the or- bit appear in that epoch of its evolution. The big advantage of the pattern method is that it treats or- bits as sets of segments, piece by piece, and not how it achievesto the applied this method to the orbits associated with the numberof a given value of energy, were randomly extracted in energy bands and the chaos the bar only model for the six energies evolved (from -0.3 to -1.5) no chaos was found. In Figure 1, we show a surface of section that is con- structed for orbits characterised by an energy of vy=0. The results for six di the ratio 21/55 can be seen in Figure 2. Similar pictures hold true for models18/55 and 25/55.In all three models it is obviousthat chaos is very strong for large ener- giesbut compare the chaos inducing ability of the different models, the fraction of the regular and(strongly and weakly) chaotic orbits is shown Figure 4 the chaos strength is plotted with respect to the energy for the four Discussions Our chaos quantification technique helps shed the model that manifests the highest chaos is the model that ensures resonance overlap (the 21/55 model). This is in line with our expectations of course, but it is also interesting to note that the chaos induced by the other bar+spiral models is not much less ei- ther. At the same time, from Paper I, we know that all three of the bar+spiral modelswere successful in explaining the observed structure of the local phase space. This addsweight to the suggestionthat chaos is responsible for the clumps of the local offthe Outer Lindblad Resonance of understand the trends in our results, we need to invoke the following: the ILR of the spiral pattern is an angular momentum emit- ter 1972), the basic effect of which is to stir without Binney 2002). This idea that the Inner Lindblad Resonance of the spiral ( ILRs) is the location from which stars are driven outwards, is corroborated by the experiments of . Now in our modelling, we choose to R=1.7RCR to 2.3RCR, whereRCRis the corotation radius of the bar. So the occurrence of model) implies that stars will be pushed into the relevant annulus from lower radii than the physical location of OLRb. In the caseILRsoccurs at 1.7RCR<R<2.3RCR, (the 18/55 model), a part of the annulus will be depleted at the cost of the parts at radii around 2.3 RCR. Thus, for the 25/55 model, more stars will be entering our annulus from lower energies than in the other two models. Now, in a smooth unperturbed at lower radii are also more energetic than those at higher radii. This implies that in would have been more high energy stars recorded for the 25 /55 case than in the 18 /55 situation is of course challenged once Chakrabarty andIoannis V. Chao s inModels of the of chaotic orbits (in red), weakly chaotic orbits (in green) and regular orbits (in /55model is surpassed, more at higher energies than lower, by the strength of chaos that is a signature of the reso- nance overlap case. This explains the relative in the Solar neighbourhood (particularly the splitting of the Hyades-Pleiades mode) is to a large extent, chaos induced. But this chaos does not nec- essarily have to be triggered by resonance overlap (in contradiction to what Quillen, 2003 the spiral potential . We say this since our results indicate that the bar potential alone is insu fficient . This is in contradictionto the sug- gestion by Fux (2001). The bar that was used in the modellingin Paper I (ourmodels) imposesa field of 3.6% of that of the background disk, nearly half of what was used by Fux (2001). Thus, it may be ar- gued that it is this low a bar strength that was inca- pable of heating the disk enough;after all, as barstrength. 6. Conclusions In this work, we have presented a neat way of quan- tifying chaos that shows up in models of the local phase space. This work needs to be buttressed in the future with more sophisticated models that span all six phase space dimensions and account for the Galactic halo as well. This objective estimation of orbits into strongly chaotic, weakly chaotic and regular, allows us to understand the lo- cal phase space in greater details than has been pos- sible before. We implement this technique on mod- els of the Solar neighbourhood to conclude that four models 18 /55, 21/55, 25/55 and bar and this nature of the local phase space is ad- vanced as an important contributor to the formation of the observed phase space structure. We chaos present in kinematicsamples that would DCissupported byaRoyal Society N. and Englmaier, P. and Gerhard, O., 2003, MNRAS, 340, D.,2007, A&A,467, 145. Chakrabarty D.,2004, MNRAS,352, 427.6 Dalia Chakrabarty andIoannis V. Cha os inModels of the Contopoulos G., Order and Chaos in Dynamical Berlin (2002). Dehnen, W.,2000, AJ,119, 800. Dehnen, W.,1998, AJ,115, 2384. De Simone, R., Wu, X. and Tremaine, S., 2004, MNRAS, P.,& Gerhard, O.1999, MNRAS,304, 512 Evans, N.W.and Read, J.C.A.,1998, MNRAS, nghe, H.and Turon, C.,2005, a, 430,165. Fux,R., 2001, D.and Kalnajs, A.,1972, 157, 1. Melnik, A.,2006, Astron.Lett. , 32, 7. Quillen, A.C., 2003, J.A.,& Binney, J.J.,2002, MNRAS, 336,785 Shirts, R. B.&Reinhardt, W.P.,1982, J.Chem. Phys.77,5204 . Sideris, I.V.,2006, Phys.Rev. E,73, 066217. Sideris, I.V.,Phys.Rev. J., Hearnshaw, J. B. and Cottrell, P. L., 1999, MNRA S, 308, 731. Vall' ee, J.P.,2002, ApJ, 566, 261. | 0804.4183 | Dalia Chakrabarty Dr. | Dalia Chakrabarty (Nottingham), Ioannis V. Sideris (Zurich) | Quantifying Chaos in Models of the Solar Neighbourhood | 6 pages; 4 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy &
Astrophysics | null | 10.1051/0004-6361:20079316 | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | {} {To quantify the amount of chaos that exists in the local phase space.} {A
sample of orbits from four different models of the Solar neighbourhood phase
space are analysed by a new chaos identification (and quantification)
technique. While three of the used models bear the signature of the
perturbation due to both the Galactic bar and the spiral pattern, the last of
the models is a bar only one. We explore the models by inter-comparing the
corresponding values of chaos strength that is induced at the various energy
levels .}{(1) We find that of all the viable models that have been demonstrated
to successfully reproduce the local phase space structure, i.e. those that
include the bar as well as the spiral, bear strong chaoticity, though the model
that implies the highest degree of chaos is the one in which overlap of the
major resonances of the bar and the spiral occurs. The bar only model is found
to display regularity. (2) We advance chaos to be primarily responsible for the
splitting of the Hyades-Pleiades mode (the larger mode) of the local velocity
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 25 Apr 2008 22:09:49 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"Ioannis V.",
] |
with sufficiently separated multiple antennas. We here have two goals motivated directly by in practice. The first is to determine conditions und er which both users can obtain their own confidential messages in a reliable and safe manner. This is equivalent to evaluati ng the secrecy capacity region for the MGBC-CM. The second is to showhowthe transmitter should broadcast is equivalent to designing an achievable secret codin g scheme. To this end, we first describe a secret scheme andderivethe region based on Gaussian codebooks. The secret DPC is basedon double-binning preserving confidentiality. Next, a computable Sato-ty he MGBC-CM. Furthermore, the Sato-type outer bound proves to be consistent with the boundary of the secret achievable rate region, and hence, the secrecy capac ity region of the MGBC-CM is established. Finally, a demonstrates that both users can achieve positive rates simultaneously under the sec SYSTEMMODEL AND DEFINITIONS A. Channel Model We consider the communicationof confidential messages to two users over a Gaussian BC via user is equipped with a single receive-antenna. As shown in Fig. 1, the transmitter uses with nR1andnR2 bits, respectively. The message W1is destined for user 1 and eavesdropped upon by user 2, whereas the message W2is destined for user 2 and eavesdropped upon by user 1. scenario is referred to as the BC with confidential messages . The Gaussian BC is an additive noise channel and the received symbols at user 1 and user 2 can be represented as i= 1,...,n (1) wherexiCtis a complex input vector at time to two independent, zero-mean, unit- variance, complex Gaussian noise sequences, and h,gCt are fixed, complex channel attenuation vectors imposed on user 1 and user 2, respectively. The channel input is con- strained by tr(KX)<=P, whereKXis the channel input covariance matrix and Pis the average total power limitation at the transmitter. We also assume that both the transmitter and users are aware of the attenuation vectors. B. Important Channel Parameters for the MGBC-CM For the MGBC-CM, we are interested in the parameters, which are related to the problem. Let l1ande1denote the largest general- ized eigenvalue and the eigenvec torof the pencil thateH 1e1= (2) Similarly, we define l2ande2as the largest and the corresponding normalized eigenvector o f the pencil thateH 2e2= (3) A useful property of l1andl2is described as follows. Lemma 1: For any channel attenuation vector pair hand g, the largest generalized eigenvalues of the pencil the pencil if handgare then both l1andl2are strictly greater than 1. C. Definitions We now define the secret codebook,the probabilityof error, the secrecy level, and the secrecy capacity region for the MGBC-CM as codebook for the MGBC-CM consists of the following: 1) Two message sets: Wk={1,...,2nRk}, fork= 1,2. 2) A stochastic encoding function specified by a condi- tional probability density p(xn|w1,w2), Wkfork= 1,2, = 1. 3) Decoding functions ph1andph2. The decoding function at userkis a deterministic mapping phk:Yn k- Wk. At the receiver ends, the error performance and the secrecy level are evaluated by the following performance measures. 1) The reliability is measured by the maximum error the error probability for user k. 2) The secrecy levels with respect to confidential measured, respectively, at user 2 and user 1 with respect to the equivocation rate pair (R1,R2)is said to be achievableforthe MGBC- CM if, for any o >0, there exists an satisfies P(n) e<=o, and the capacity region CMG sof the MGBC-CM is the closure of the set of all achievable rate pairs (R1,R2). III. MAINRESULT The two-user Gaussian BC with multiple non-degraded. For this channel, we have the result on the secrecy capacity region under the secrecy 1: Consideran MGBC-CM modeledasin (1).Let g1(a) the largest generalized eigenvalue of the the union of all the secrecy capacity region of the MGBC-CM is CMG s= the convex hull of the set S. Proof:The achievability part of Theorem 1 is based on secret Sec. IV. The conver se part is based on Sato-type outer bound in Sec. V. We provide the complete proof in [14]. Corollary 1: For the MGBC-CM, the maximum secrecy rate of user 1 is given by R1,max= = log2l1 wherel1is defined in (2). Example: (MISO wiretap channels) A special case of the MGBC-CM model is the Gaussian MISO wiretap channel studied in [12], [19], [20], where the transmitter sends con - fidential information to only one user and treats another use r as an eavesdropper. Let us consider a Gaussian MISO wiretap channel modeled in (1), where user 1 is the legitimate receiv er and user 2 is the eavesdropper. Corollary 1 implies that the secrecy capacity of the Gaussian MISO wiretap to the corner point of CMG s. Hence, the secrecy capacity of the Gaussian MISO wiretap channel is given by CMISO s= log2l1, which coincides with the result of [19]. For the MGBC-CM, the actions of user 1 and user 2 are symmetric to each other, i.e., each user decodes its own message and eavesdrops upon the confidential to the other user. Based on symmetry of this two- user BC model, we can express the secrecy capacity region CMG sin an alternative way. Corollary 2: For an MGBC-CM modeled in as (1), the secrecy capacity region can be written as CMG s= the union of all the largest generalized eigenvalue of the 1: Theorem 1 and Corollary 2 imply that if aand bsatisfy the implicit function g1(a) =x1(b), then RMG(a) =RMG-2(b). For example, it is easy to check RMG(1) =RMG-2(0). Now, by applying Corollary 2 and setting b= 1, we can show that the rate pair (0,log2l2)is the corner to the maximum achievable rate of user 2 in the capacity region CMG s. Corollary 3: For the MGBC-CM, the maximum secrecy rate of user 2 is given by R2,max= log2l2 wherel2is defined in (3). Corollaries 1 and 3 imply that for the MGBC-CM, both users can achieve positive rates with ic secrecy if and only if l1>1andl2>1. 1 illustrates that this condition can be ensured when the attenuation vectors handgare linearly independent. IV. ACHIEVABILITY : SECRETDPC SCHEME A. Double-Binning Inner bound for the BC-CM An achievable rate region for the broadcast channel messages (BC-CM) has been established in [6] based on a double-binning scheme that enables both joint encoding at the transmitter by using Gel'fand-Pinsker binn ing and preserving confidentiality by using random binning. Lemma 2: ( [6, Theorem 3]) Let V1andV2be auxiliary random variables, ohmdenote the class of joint factor the union of all a given joint probability density pohm. For the BC-CM, any rate achievable.B. Secret DPC Scheme for the MGBC-CM The achievable strategy in Lemma 2 introduces a double- binning coding scheme. However, when the rate region (6) is used as a constructive technique, it not clear how to choose the auxiliary random variables V1andV2to implement codebook, and hence, one has to guess the density ofp(v1,v2,x). Here, we employ the DPC technique with the double-binning code structure to develop the achievable rate region. For the MGBC-CM, we consider a secret dirty-paper S-DPC rate region for the MGBC-CM as follows. Lemma 3: [S-DPC region] Let the union of all (8) Then, any rate achievable for the MGBC-CM. Proof:A detail proof can be found in [14]. The S-DPC achievable rate region requires optimization of the covariance matrices KU1andKU2. In order to achieve the boundary of CMG s, we choose KU1andKU2as defined in (2) and c2(a)is a of the pencil (5) corresponding to g2(a). Next, inserting (9) into (7) and (8), we substituting (10) into Lemma3, we obtainthe result. V. CONVERSE : Sato-Type Outer Bound We consider an important property for the BC-CM in the following lemma. Lemma 4: LetPdenote the set of channels distributions =pY1|X(y2|x)for ally1,y2andx. The secrecy capacity region CMG sis the same for the channels p~Y1,~Y2|X P. We note that Pis the set of channels p~Y1,~Y2|Xthat have the same marginal distributions as the original channel transi Lemma 4 implies that the secrecy only on marginal 2: the union of all rate pairs given distributions PXandP~Y1,~Y2|X. The secrecy the BC-CM detail proof can be found in [14]. Remark 2: The outer bound (11) follows by evaluating the secrecy level at each receiver end in an individual manner, while letting the users decode their messages in a In this sense, we refer to this bound as bound. For example, we consider the confidential message W1that is destined for user 1 (corresponding to ~Y1) and by user 2 (correspondingto ~Y2). We assume that a W1. Note that the eavesdropped upon signal ~Y2at user 2 is always a degraded version of the entire received signal (~Y1,~Y2). This permits the use of the wiretap channel result of [1]. Remark 3: Although Theorem 2 is based on a the outer bound (11) can be applied to the channel with confidential messages. B. Sato-Type Outer Bound for the MGBC-CM For the Gaussian BC, the family Pis the set of ~z1
~y2=gHx+ to arbitrarily correlated, zero- mean, unit-variance, complex Gaussian random variables. L et rdenote the covariance between ~Z1and~Z2, the rate region a function of the noise covariance rand the input covariance matrix KX. We consider a computable Sato-type outer bound for the MGBC- CM in the following lemma. Lemma 5: the union of all = = = = the MGBC-CM, the secrecy capacity region any0<= |r| <=1. Remark 4: Lemma 5 is based on the fact that Gaussian input distributions maximize channel. To illustrate this point, we the maximum-entropy theorem [17] implies maximized by Gaussian input we prove that the Sato-type outer bound of Lemma 5 coincides with the secrecy capacity region CMG sby choosing the parameter r= (gHe1)/(hHe1).A detail proof can be found in [14]. VI. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES In this section, we study a numerical example to illustrate the secrecy capacity region of the MGBC-CM. For simplicity, we assume that the Gaussian BC has real input and output alphabets and the channel attenuation vectors handgare also real. Under these conditions, all calculated rate valu es are divided by 2. 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 (bits)R2 region Fig. 2. Secrecy capacity region vs. time-sharing secrecy ra te region for the example MGBC-CM in (12) In particular, we consider the following 0 1.801 [1.5,0]T,g= [1.801,0.872]T, and the total power constraint is set to P= 10. Fig. 2 illustrates the secrecy capacity region for the channel (12). We observe that even though each component of the attenuation vector h(imposed on user 1) is strictly less than the of g(imposed on user 2), both users can achieve positive rates simultaneously under the information-theo retic secrecy requirement. Moreover, we compare the secrecy ca- pacity region with the secrecy rate region achieved by the time-sharing scheme (indicated by the dash-dot line). Fig. timal for providing the secrecy capacity A. D. Wyner, The wire-tap channel, Bell Syst. Tech. J. , vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 1355-138, Oct. 1975. [2] I. Csisz' ar and J. K orner, Broadcast channels with con fidential mes- sages,IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory , vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 339-348, May 1978. [3] I. Csisz' ar and P. Narayan, Secrecy capacities for mult iple terminal, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory , vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 3047-3061, Dec 2004. [4] E. Tekin and A. Yener, The multiple access wire-tap chan nel: Wireless secrecy and cooperative jamming, in Proc. Workshop on and Applications , San Diego, CA, Jan. 2007. [5] Y. Liang and H. V. Poor, Multiple access channels with co IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory , vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 976-1002, Mar. 2008. [6] R. Liu, I. Maric, P. Spasojevic, and R. Yates, Discrete m and broadcast channels with confidential mess ages: Secrecy rate regions, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory , vol. 54, no. 6, Jun. 2008, to appear. [7] L. Lai and H. El Gamal, The channel: Cooperation for secrecy, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory , submitted, Dec. 2006. [8] M. Yuksel and E. Erkip, The relay channel with a wiretapp er, Annual Conference on Information Sciences and MD, USA, Mar. 2007. [9] J. Barros and M. R. D. Rodrigues, Secrecy capacity of wir eless channels, in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Information Theory , Seattle, WA, Jul. 2006, pp. 356-360. [10] Y. Liang, H. V. Poor, and S. Shamai (Shitz), Secure comm unication over fading channels, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory , vol. 54, no. 6, Jun. 2008, to appear. [11] P. Gopala, L. Lai, and H. El Gamal, On the secrecy capaci ty of in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Information Theory , Nice, France, June 24-29, 2007. [12] R.Yates, Secret communication vi in Proc. Forty-First Annual Conference on and Systems , Baltimore, MD, USA, Mar. 2007. [13] R. Liu and H. V. Poor, Multiple antenna secure broadcas t over in Proc. First International Workshop on Information Theory for Sensor Networks , Santa Fe, NM, June 18-20, 2007, pp. 125-139. [14] ----, Secrecy capacity region of a multi-antenna Gaussi an with confidential messages, 2007. [15] A. Khisti and G. Wornell, Secure transmission with mul tiple antennas: The MISOME wiretap channel, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory , 2007. [16] S. Shafiee, N. Liu, and S. Ulukus, Towards the secrecy ca pacity of the Gaussian MIMO wire-tap channel: The 2-2-1 channel, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, submitted, September 2007. [17] T. Cover and J. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory . New York: John Wiley Sons, Inc., 1991. [18] S. K. Leung-Yan-Cheong and M. E. Hellman, The Gaussian IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory , vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 51-456, Jul. 1978. [19] A. Khisti, G. Wornell, A. Wiesel, and Y. Eldar, On the Ga ussian MIMO wiretap channel, in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Information Theory , Nice, France, June 24-29, 2007. [20] S. Shafiee and S. Ulukus, Achievable rates in Gaussian M ISO channels with secrecy constraints, in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Information Theory , Nice, France, June 24-29, 2007. | 0804.4195 | Ruoheng Liu | Ruoheng Liu and H. Vincent Poor | Multi-Antenna Gaussian Broadcast Channels with Confidential Messages | Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information
Theory, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 6-11, 2008 | null | null | null | cs.IT cs.CR math.IT | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In wireless data networks, communication is particularly susceptible to
eavesdropping due to its broadcast nature. Security and privacy systems have
become critical for wireless providers and enterprise networks. This paper
considers the problem of secret communication over a Gaussian broadcast
channel, where a multi-antenna transmitter sends independent confidential
messages to two users with \emph{information-theoretic secrecy}. That is, each
user would like to obtain its own confidential message in a reliable and safe
manner. This communication model is referred to as the multi-antenna Gaussian
broadcast channel with confidential messages (MGBC-CM). Under this
communication scenario, a secret dirty-paper coding scheme and the
corresponding achievable secrecy rate region are first developed based on
Gaussian codebooks. Next, a computable Sato-type outer bound on the secrecy
capacity region is provided for the MGBC-CM. Furthermore, the Sato-type outer
bound proves to be consistent with the boundary of the secret dirty-paper
coding achievable rate region, and hence, the secrecy capacity region of the
MGBC-CM is established. Finally, a numerical example demonstrates that both
users can achieve positive rates simultaneously under the information-theoretic
secrecy requirement.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 26 Apr 2008 01:52:09 GMT"
] | 2008-04-29T00:00:00 | [
"H. Vincent",
] |
2.1 Householder transformations and bidiagonal matrices The first step is carried by means as a certain class of symmetrical orthogonal (or uni- tary) matrices called Householder transformations [3]. A Householder defined by a unitary vector this way: HR= 1nn 2(^R)t^R (1) where ^Ris an unitary vector of dimension (number of components) n, and 1nnis the identity with n rows and columns. It is easy to see that the matrix that corresponds to this transformation is symmetric, which means that it is not changed by rows by columns, and vice versa). That impplies that it is its own inverse, e.i., that its square is the identity matrix. A householder operation can be found that, when multiplied by the left, turns the all but one of the entries of the first column of a matrix into zero, but preserving the sum of the squares of the entries of that unitary vector that defines the Householder transformation can be computed as having one part proportional to the part that is to turn into zero. Being an unitary vector, the proportionality factor can be best represented by some unknown factor X divided by the norm of that part of the vector, the square root of the sum of the squares. In our example:
^R= the condition that it makes the required entries of the vector 0, the un- known factor turns out to can express any matrix in block form, separating the first row and column, in the same way as the Householder matrix. This latter has a very simple the first diagonal entry of the matrix, and the remaining of the first row and first column are expressed by a norm and an unit vector, N would be the norm of the first column, that is the matrix Mby the Householder matrix by left, we get the block+ Householder transformation applied on the right, can have the same effect of annihilating all but one of the entries of the first row. But, if we try to get a diagonal block matrix using two consecutive Householder transformation, one on the left and one on the right, the second is going to turn the zero entries produced by the first into other number, thus failing to produce a block diagonal can, however, leave one nonzero element in the first column, and two nonzero elements in the first row, using on the left a Householder transformation that mixes the contents of the rows only from the second element on:
Next we can focus on the right-bottom block of the matrix where the zero elements have not yet been produced. The right and left Householder transformation for that block can be computed, so it will be left with only two nonzero elements in the first row and column. Then, the same is done for the remaining block, and so on. 3=The number of steps necessary to bring the matrix to a bidiagonal form has been 2n 1, wherenis the lower dimension of the matrix. It is a very fast step. 2.2 Iterative take the bidiagonal matrix to a diagonal form is not so easy, and cannot be done in a fixed number of steps, but has to be an iterative process. The most efficient method for this is the QR factorisation [4]. Starting from our upper bidiagonal matrix, the steps to be performed are: 1. Construct the orthogonal transformation to bring the matrix to lower triangular form, with Householder transformations like the ones we used in the last part, but only applied by right. 2. Apply the transformation by left as well. The result will be a matrix that is not either upper or lower triangular, but has the values more concentrated on the diagonal. 3. Repeat the procedure. 4All the steps are done with orthogonal transformation, and that ensures that the singular values are preserved. In each step, besides, the square of every diagonal element are increased with the squares of the other elements in the row. That, together with the preservation of singular values, ensures convergence. 2.3 getting the economy last procedure yields the two square unitary matrices, and the singular values diagonal must be nonsquare. That means that a lot of memory is needed for the uni- taries, wich are huge matrices with double precision. A lighter alternative is to decomposition [1], wich give us just slices of unitary matrices. The left one has as much rows as our matrix, but only as much columns as the rank (number of nonzero singular values) of the matrix. And the right one has as much columns as our matrix, but only as much rows as the rank of the 1rank VtV= 1rank UUt6= 1rowsVVt6= 1columns (7)
To compute the economy decomposition, a lesser computational effort is needed. Suppose that we have in our matrix more rows than columns, or that we took it to that form by transposing it. Then, the symmetric matrix AtAwill be smaller in dimensions than A. We can use one of the usual algorithms to diagonalise it, and is very easy to compute the inverse of square root of this matrix, all that is necessary is to take inverses of square roots of the diagonal elements of D. Then, we can express our matrix like can be easily shown that U=AVD 1=2is a slice of a unitary 1 (10) If the square matrix AtAhapens to be singular, then Vis also a slice of a square unitary, and Dis smaller, but allways invertible. 3 Frobenius norm and a better starting point Latent Semantic Analysis, and other techniques, are based on the fact that some big matrices can be accurately represented only by the bigger terms of their spectral de- composition, that is, only the bigger singular values. The usual convention to represent the diagonal matrix of singular values is in an ordered form, from the biggest, in the first element, to the smallest. The matrices are usually rather sparse, and with only some column and row swaps, we can take the bigger elements up and to the left, so the matrix is going to be closer to the desired form. The singular value problem, as the eigenvalue problem, can be seen as a maximi- sation of a certain value. The solution of the following problem gives the left and corresponding to the highest singular 1 1 (12) All along this work, the maximisation of the values in the upper left corner of the matrix is going to be used to arrive near to the diagonal form. The first thing that can be done, is just arranging the rows and columns to take the higher values to the upper left corner of the matrix. There is a well known result, that tells us that the Frobenius norm of a matrix [5], that is, the trace of its square kAk=p Trace (AtA), is the sum of the squares of the singular values, and is as well the sum of the squares of all the elements of the matrix. Trace (AtA) =X i we consider the other square matrix AAtthe result is the same, because in that case we just swap indexes iandj. With the SVD decomposition of the matrix, we only need to remember that a unitary matrix does not affect the trace: Trace (AtA) =Trace (AAt) =Trace a square mndiagonal matrix with the singular values. A vector can be computed with the norms of each row, and the Cartesian norm of this vector will be the frobenius norm of the matrix. The same can be done with the columns. This two vectors can be used to sort the rows and columns of the matrix to get the higher values in the upper left corner. Afther that sorting, a definition of the blocks can be done, with some criterion based on those row and column norms. The blocks can be defined, for example, as to put a certain percentage of the whole frobenius norm in the first column-block, and a on the first row-block. If only the higher singular values are needed, it is not necessary to decompose the whole matrix, but instead two steps can be taken: 1. Separate the subspace of the highest singular values from that of the lower sin- gular values 2. Decompose only the block corresponding to the highest singular values 4 Partial SVD In the proposed algorithm, the matrix is prepared so as to have more rows than if necessary) and the columns are cut in such a way that a fraction of the total square Frobenius norm is enclosed in the first column block. The rows are sepa- rated in such a way to have square upper left block. Then, each block can be considered separately, and that can require computer resources. 5 A generalisation of Householder matrices for blocks The first thing that can be done, is to generalise the concept of a Householder to any partition of the rows and columns of the matrix in four blocks. The 7general form of such a transformation is the a slice of a unitary matrix with nrows andmcolumns, and Vis a slice of unitary matrix with N nrows andmcolumns. This transformation would be a NN unitary matrix, to be multiplied by left to a matrix with Nrows divided in two blocks or by right to a matrix with Ncolumns split in blocks with diagonal matrices of rank mwith the property 2+2= 1mm This matrix y symmetric and it is its own inverse, two of the properties of a House- holder transformation. A householder transformation shifts the sign of only one vector, but this transformation can be shown to change the sign of any vector that lies within a subspace. This subspace is defined by a set of mutually orthogonal vectors, which can be arranged in a column or row block. The matrix can be written also like this: H= +)Vt1 A (17) A transformation like this can be used, for example, to annihilate a block of a matrix, just as in the usual SVD method. Here are the steps to annihilate a nondiagonal block by multiplication by left: 1. The two relevant blocks, the ones that are going to be transformed to annihilate one of them, are decomposed. Full SVD is not necessary, a simple decomposi- tion will do. Aij=UijSij (18) 2. The unitary factors of the two blocks are taken as the UandVmatrices of the Householder matrix 3. If we take the first column of a 2x2 blocks matrix as the relevant blocks, the action of the Householder matrix will give in the nondiagonal +)VtUS 11A12 VS 21A22
=### ###
V(S 11 S 21) ###
(19) For this block to be zero, the parameters of the matrix must be:
= (1 (1 is another way of doing it as well, wich will probably take more time, but is based on a well known technique: the GSVD: Generalised Single Value Decomposition . This is the simultaneous decomposition of two in the economy representation, UandVare slices of unitary matrices with the same dimensions than those of the other method. X is a square matrix. The square and diagonal, and fulfil C2+S2= 1. They can be used indeed ( C=;S=) in the Householder matrix. With this kind of Householder transformations, we can perform a complete (not economy) blockwise decomposition of a matrix, iterating the annihilation of the two nondiagonal blocks as shown in the figure: 6 Blocks and the trace trick To be able to perform the decomposition directly in the economy representation, a version of the eigenvalue (spectral) decomposition is needed. The formula shown for annihilating blocks only works multiplied by one side, but it does not work to blocks acting on both sides, as an equivalence a 2x2 number symmetric matrix, the problem of diagonalising it amounts to finding a certain number xthat B B +q 1 2(A B)2+C2 condition is better derived from the null elements of the matrix, and (23) Defining= (1 2x2)the condition becomes very simple, becausep 1 2= (24) The solution is easily found to be: x=sp (A C)2+ 4B2(25) On the other hand, if the entries of the matrix are suitably sized blocks, the condition is a lot more complicated. We can represent the unitary matrix as being constructed the form shown above for Householder y ytzA B B Cx y ytz
=xAx (26) 9The noncommutativity of the matrices does not allow for an easy solution as that with numbers. Furthermore, to solve the condition for the nondiagonal elements should not be possible, except in the 2x2 or 2x3 blocks case, because that could be translated to solve analytically a general equation of order higher than five. That, according to Abel's theorem, is not possible. But there is something we can do, and it is working with traces. We can either maximise the trace of the first diagonal block, or minimise the trace of the square of the nondiagonal block. On the other hand, using slices of the unitary matrices, and their complement (the slice that is lacking for the total unitary) we can build an unitary matrix Sthat allow us to isolate just a subspace to work on it, thus reducing substantially the the 0 0 that if block (AtA)12is full rank, then U1would be square and there would not this unitary transformation to the matrix we trace of the first diagonal block can be recovered from this matrix as the sum of the first and third diagonal chosen as the unitaries that take the nondiagonal block form DN, things are very simplified in the above 0 0 DN 0 0 ( a transformation should be chosen that maximises the trace of the two first blocks. This is accomplished by a transformation that diagonalises the reduced matrix ~M. The computation of such transformation does not represent a big computational cost, be- cause of the relatively small size of this ~M11= (U1)tM11U1and ~M22= final form of the matrix will 0X Wt~M11Y X= Z= 1 0 0 1020 0 0 0 11 CCA(34) The trace of the two first blocks will now be bigger, because the highest eigenvalues of the reduced matrix are concentrated in D1. This procedure can be iterated, and each time the trace of the first blocks will An algorithm for block-SVD Then, an algorithm can is proposed for block-SVD of a big matrix: 1. Make sure that there are more (or the same) rows as columns, or transpose oth- erwise. This first steps are performed with the sparse csv triplet Compute the rows and columns euclidean norm 3. Order rows and columns in descending norm order 4. Choose a cutting point for the rows and columns. This can be made in several ways. The one tried here is taking the point where at least 2/3 of the frobenius norm is in the first column block, and cut the row blocks as to yield a square first diagonal block. 5. Create the blocks the appropriate size 6. Create the Householder unitary matrix that annihilates block 12 117. From that starting point, iterate the maximisation of the trace of block 11 of the square matrix AtAuntil a certain tolerance 8. Perform SVD of the first block 9. This gives an approximation of the eigenvalue decomposition of AtA. Multiplying the initial matrix (by blocks) times the inverse of the square root (also by blocks) the two-block relevant vertical slice of the economy unitary left ( obtained. The relevant slice of the other unitary is the first vertical 2-block slice of the unitary obtained by iteration ( V) 8 Some results A matrix of the occurrences of 3204 words in 17780 documents was used. The proce- dure of cutting the blocks gave blocks with the following ROWS COLUMNS DENSITY SQUARE NORM NORM PERCENTAGE whole 17780 3204 0.35% 5125858 100%
11 215 215 21.14% 3323694 64.84%
12 215 2989 3.73% 444596 8.67%
21 17565 215 0.51% 96345 1.88%
22 17565 2989 0.28% 1261223 24.60%
It must be noted that the matrix was cut as to leave blocks 11 and 21 with a little more than 2/3 of the square frobenius norm. The blocks of the matrix AtAhad the following ROWS COLUMNS DENSITY TRACE* PERCENTAGE whole 3204 3204 0.35% 5125858 100%
11 215 215 100% 3420039 66.72%
12 215 2989 3.73% 543980 10.61%
22 2989 2989 0.28% 1705819 33.28%
(*)The trace of the nondiagonal block is not actually a trace, but the sum of its singular values. The traces of the diagonal blocks must of course sum up to the total trace, so their percentages sum up to 100%. The percentage for the nondiagonal block is only computed to measure how the matrix is. The sum of the singular values of the nondiagonal block is going to be called non- diagonality from now on. To enhance convergence, in every iteration whose number is the square of an in- teger, a transformation is included that tries to annihilate the block 12, but is damped by1 n, beingnthe number of the iteration. This is accomplished by computing matrix
andas if the whole nondiagonal block was divided by n. 12The values of the traces for the first five iterations are shown in the following table: BLOCK 11 BLOCK 22 BLOCK 12 TIME (s) 0 3420039 1705819 543980 - 1 3864177 1261681 144997 4.54 2 3886512 1239346 24666 105.68 3 3888110 1237748 6828 96.09 4 3888370 1237488 3838 105.11 5 3888479 1237378 2183 107.09 6 3888541 1237317 1781 103.88 7 3888584 1237274 1187 104.18 8 3888617 1237241 1143 105.69 9 3888644 1237214 822 103.51 10 3888666 1237192 831 103.91 .. ....... ....... ........ ..... 21 3888828 1237030 295 103.47 22 3888836 1237021 269 102.47 23 3888844 1237014 240 102.94 24 3888850 1237008 211 102.77 25 3888855 1237003 175 102.58 26 3888859 1236999 158 101.95 27 3888863 1236995 143 101.70 28 3888866 1236992 122 101.78 29 3888869 1236989 103 101.61 30 3888871 1236987 91 101.87 31 3888872 1236986 75 101.56 The criterion used for convergence was that the ratioNorm 12 Norm 11became 1/10000 of its initial value (about 1.16). It can be seen that the trace of the first block is as expected, but the sum of eigenvalues of the nondiagonal block oscillates after some iterations. The availability of memory for MATLAB 6.5 does not allow to perform the complete SVD decomposition of the matrix, but it is possible to compute the singular values. The singular values contained in the first 215215block then account for 75% of the square block of the matrix. The first 215 obtained singular values had differences under 1e-10 with those cal- culated by the usual algorithm, except for the lowest four. 9 work was sponsored by the European Comission under the contract and Foundation for the Future of Colombia COLFUTURO. I would also like to 13aknowledge the valuable guidance of professor C. J. van Rijsbergen and useful advise from Mark Girolami in the developement of this E. Anderson, Bai, C. Bischof, J. Demmel, J. Dongarra, J. Du Croz, A. Greenbaum, S. ammarling, A. McKenney, and D. Sorensen. LAPACK Users' Guide , chapter Singular Value Decomposition, pages 19-23. Society for Industrial David Gleich and Leonid Zhukov. Svd based term suggestion and ranking system. InICDM '04: Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'04) , pages 391-394, Washington, DC, USA, 2004. IEEE Gene H. Golub and Charles H. van Loan. Matrix Computations , chapter 5, pages 209-226. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. [4] Roger A. Horn and Charles R. Johnston. Matrix Analysis , chapter 2, pages 112- 117. Cambridge University Press, 1999. [5] Roger A. Horn and Charles R. Johnston. Matrix Analysis , chapter 5, pages 112- 117. Cambridge University Press, 1999. [6] Thomas K. Landauer, Peter W. Foltz, and Darrell Laham. An introduc- tion to latent semantic analysis. Discourse Processes , 25:259-284, Juan C. Valle-Lisboa and Eduardo Mizraji. The uncovering of hidden structures by latent semantic analysis. Inf. Sci. , 2007. [8] P . Wiemer-Hastings, K. Wiemer-Hastings, and A. Graesser. How latent is latent semantic analysis? In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Congress on Artificial Intelligence , pages 932-937, San Francisco, 1999. Morgan Kaufmann. 14 | 0804.4305 | \'Alvaro Francisco Huertas-Rosero | Alvaro Francisco Huertas-Rosero | An Algorigtm for Singular Value Decomposition of Matrices in Blocks | 14 pages, 8 figures. Technical Report Replacement with updated
reference of publication | DCS Technical Report Series, TR-2008-269 | null | TR-2008-269 | math.NA cs.IR math.AC | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Two methods to decompose block matrices analogous to Singular Matrix
Decomposition are proposed, one yielding the so called economy decomposition,
and other yielding the full decomposition. This method is devised to avoid
handling matrices bigger than the biggest blocks, so it is particularly
appropriate when a limitation on the size of matrices exists. The method is
tested on a document-term matrix (17780x3204) divided in 4 blocks, the
upper-left corner being 215x215.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 27 Apr 2008 23:29:07 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sat, 7 Jun 2008 18:00:47 GMT"
] | 2008-06-07T00:00:00 | [
"Alvaro Francisco",
] |
wave-function of the nband withn=+-1, andgns,k the annihilation operator of an electron with spin sand wave-vector kin thenband. With the inclusion of a chemical potential u, the band part of the The tight binding parameters tican be adjusted to fit the Fermi surface obtained from LDA band structure 22, 24]. In this work, we will take the 1.3,t3=t4=-0.85 and measure energy in units of|t1|. With a chemical potential u= 1.45, one has a filling of 2 electrons per site, a Fermi surface similar to bandstructure calculation of lightly doped LaOFeAs and a peak in the bare spin susceptibility for q= (p,0) and (0,p). Here we will take u= 2.0 which corresponds to having 2.32 electron persite and gives the Fermi surface shown in Fig. 1 (a). There are four Fermi pockets in the Brillouin zone: a1around (0,0) anda2around (p,p) are hole pockets associated with E-(kf) = 0, while b1 around (p,0) andb2around (0,p) are electron pockets given byE+(kf) = 0. For this minimal model, we will include only onsite intra and inter orbital Coulomb in- teractions, which will both be set equal to U and we the chemical potential, the interaction can be important feature of this two band model is symmetry of the two orbitals. Un- der a 90*degree rotation, the two orbitals transform - - Correspondingly, in the Hamiltonian, o+(k) hass-wave symmetry and o-(k) and oxy(k) haved-wave symmetry, which together perserve the point group symmetry of the Hamiltonian. Con- sequently, the wave functions as n,kof the energy the can be determined by the direction of the vector n(k) = (o-(k),oxy(k)). If we consider the orbital degree of freedom as a pseudo-spin, the electrons in the lower band always have a pseudo-spin anti-parallel to n(k). For the parameters we are using, the distribution of the unit vector ^ n(k) =n(k)/|n(k)|is shown in Fig. 1 (b). For example, at the wavevector k= (p/2,0) we have o-(k)<0 andoxy(k) = 0, which means the upper band is formed from xzorbitals and the lower band from yz orbitals. From Fig. 1 (b) we can see that the is formed mainly from xz(yz) orbitals, while the hole pockets are formed from d-wave super- position of the two orbitals. This point will be important for understanding the pairing symmetry. Since this non- trivial structure of the wave function originates from the symmetry of the two orbitals dxzanddyz, we expect it to be qualitatively correct even beyond the present two orbital 0 1: (a) The Fermi surface of the 2-orbital model on the large 1Fe/cell BZ. Here, the a1,2surfaces are hole Fermi pock- ets given by E-(kf) = 0 and the b1,2surfaces are electron Fermi pockets given by E+(kf) = 0. In this paper we 1.3,t3=t4=-0.85 andu= 2. (b) Wave function distribution in the Brillouin zone. The arrows sho w the direction of the vector ( o-(k),oxy(k)). When an arrow is pointing up (down) at some kpoint, the eigenstate of upper bandE+(k) consists of pure xz(yz) orbitals. The Brillouin zone is shifted by ( p/2,p/2) for convenience. In the following we first discuss the particle-hole sus- ceptibility and calculate it using an RPA of these particle-hole excitations, we examine the strength of the pairingin the singlet and triplet channels. One loop and RPA susceptibilities - Because of the generic form of the susceptibility de- pends on four orbital indices p,q,s,tequal to 1 or 2 for dxzanddyz, as well as spin to the SU(2) spin rotation symmetry, the function has the following sba*/vector to the correlation func- tions of the triplet fields (such as spin) and the sin- glet fields (such as charge density), respectively. All the physical susceptibilities are determined by some compo- nents ofkh0,1pq st. For example, the total spin susceptibil- ity is given by At the one-loop level, we which we denote For a given ( 4x4 matrices, the basis ( st) = (11,21,12,22). The one-loop is given by Eq. (3). InFig. 2(a), khS(q,o=
0) versus momentum qforu= 2.0 is shown as the solid curve. The dashed curve shows the maximal eigenvalue of the one-loop susceptibility matrix khpq stalong the same contour. From this, we see that there is a critical value Uc3, at which the S= 1 generalized RPA suscepti- bility diverges at an incommensurate wave vector near q(p/2,p/2). This divergence occurs in the spin-one part of the particle-hole channel and reflects a superposi- tion of particle-hole spin-one fluctuations involving both orbitals. The RPA spin susceptibility for U= 2.8 is also shown in Fig. 2 (b), which, as expected, shows the strongest enhancement near q= - Within an RPA singlet and triplet pairing vertices are given the effective by orbital and spin fluctuation respectively. (b) FIG. 2: (a) The static one loop spin susceptibility (solid li ne) and the largest eigenvalue of one loop susceptibility matri x khpq stalong the (0 contour in the Brillouin zone. The horizontal dashed line shows the value o f 1/Uc= 1/3 which indicates the critical Uc= 3. (b) The RPA spin susceptibility for U= 2.8. should be noticed that the order of orbital indices is dif- ferent forU0,1and G0,1. Just as for the traditional phonon case, retardation is important and what enters in strength of the pairing interaction which a Wick rotation iohm-o+idhasbeen performed on G0,1(k,k',iohm). The interaction induces scattering of two Cooper pairs around the Fermi surfaces. For we define Ci,i= 1,...,4 as the four pieces of Fermi pockets a1,a2,b1,b2, andgiskthe of the electron around the ithFermi surface pocket with wavevector kCi. Thusgiskis equal to gni,skdefined in Eq. (2) with ni= +1(-1) whenCiis an electron (hole) pocket. The Cooper pair defined here can be either a singlet or a triplet. Here and below we omitthe spinindices sincethespin parity of the gap when kgoes to-k. The scattering of a Cooper pair from ( k,-k) on the ith Fermi surface to (k',-k') on the jth Fermi surface is determined by the projection of the interaction vertex G 0,1pq st(k,k') to the energy a pairing configuration mediated by ( k) a dimensionless coupling is defined as[26] l[g(k)] whichv(k) the fermi velocity, a loop integral around the Ci fermi surfaces. G[g] ij(k,k') = G0(1)ij(k,k') wheng(k) has4 even (odd) parity, respectively. For a given G 0,1ij(k,k'), the optimum pairing configuration and corresponding l can be determined by solving an eigenvalue is obtained from the stationary = 0. FIG. 3: (a) The effective interaction G 0++(k,k') describing the scattering of singlet Cooper pairs on and between electr on pockets. One wavevector kis fixed and the color shows the value of G 0++(k,k') as a function of k'. (b) The same plot as (a) for the triplet channel G 1(k,k'). (c) and (d) shows the optimum singlet and triplet pairing configurations. The arrow in each figure indicates a typical inter Fermi process. The interaction G 0,1ij(k,k') contains various intra Fermi surface and inter Fermi surface scattering pro- cesses. However, for u= 2.0 we find that scattering on and between the b1andb2electron pockets is dom- inant. From the definition (13) we see that G on the band label ni,nj. Thus the scattering on and between the two electron pockets are determined by G0,1++(k,k') Eq. (13), since ni=nj= +1 (which we have shortened to +). The distribution of the G 0++(k,k') and triplet G 1,++(k,k') 2.8 are shown in Fig. 3 (a) and (b) respectively for a fixed kb2. From the figure it can be seen that the interaction for singlet pairing is repulsive, which favors a pairing configuration with a node. The interaction in the triplet channel has a smaller magnitude than the singlet, but is still sizable and can support a p-wave triplet state. The relative sign of the order parameter on the two fermi pockets is determined by the inter Fermi surface scatter- ing. For example, G 0++(k,k') is repulsive for the by the arrow in Fig. 3 (a) and (c), so that the pairing amplitude has opposite signs at kand k'. For a similar reason the pairing amplitude in Fig. 3 (b) and (d) has the same sign at kandk''.By solving Eq. (15), we obtain the optimum singlet and triplet pairing configurations shown in Fig. 3 (c) and (d) respectively. We find that l0= 0.46 for singlet pairing and l1= 0.20 for triplet pairing. To see of intra Fermi surface and inter Fermi sur- face scattering processes, we calculate these two terms separately by defining lijas the term in Eq. (14) that involves the scattering from the ito thejFermi surface. The totallis given by 2x2 matrices, which for U=V= 2.8 0.083 0.083 0.10 0.10 important contribution to the pairing strength l. It should be noticed that the singlet pairing the same diagonal term p-wave diagonal terms liican have different values. 0 1 2 l0 l1 FIG. 4: The singlet l0and triplet l1pairing strength as a function of U. We have also studied the dependence of the pairing strength upon the interaction U. As shown in Fig. channels is increased as U increases. Within the RPA approximation, the coupling strength formally di- verge as U approaches the critical point Uc3.0 associ- ated with the onset of order in the spin one This is similar to the behavior found for in the two-dimensional Hubbard model when an RPA approximation is used to treat the pair- ing due to the exchange coupling of as for that case, one needs to go beyond the RPA to determine the actual behavior of the model. In order to gain further insight into the nature of the pairing, it is useful to determine the real space pairing structure which corresopnds to ( k) shown in Fig. 3 (c) and (d). This can be obtained from by transforming the band oper- torto Eq(3), and the lattice coordinates. As discussed earlier, the with the two electron pockets primarily from xzandyzorbitals, respectively, as shown in Fig. 1 (b). With this in mind, we find that the singlet pairing in Fig 5(c) corresponds to a superpo- sition of singlets formed from electrons in mimus a similar super position involving (17) Under a 90 degreerotation -ps+
xs, so that +
dchanges sign, corresponding to a d-wave gap. For the p-wave triplet shown in Fig 5(d), we find (18) Note that this triplet gap is associated with a near neigh- bor intra-orbital pairing rather than the onsite inter- orbital triplet pairing proposed in Ref. 21. Conclusion - We have studied the pairing with the exchange of particle-hole fluctuation for a two-orbital dxz-dyzHubbard model. By adjusting the tight binding parameters, one can obtain Fermi sur- face with hole and electron pockets which are similar to those found in bandstructure calculations for LaOFeAs. For a filling of two electrons per site, the signs of the hole and electron pockets are similar and the RPA spin sus- ceptibility becomes singular as the on site intra and inter Coulomb interaction U increase. This SDW at a wave vector q= (p,0) and (0,p) associated with the nesting of the hole and electron pockets. When this model is doped, the hole pockets shrink and the elec- tron pockets become dominant. In this case, the SDW q= (p,0) singularity in the spin susceptibility is sup- pressed and there is a strong response in the spin channel near q(p/2,p/2). The associated with the exchange of these fluctu- ation leads to an attractive interaction for both singlet d- wave and triplet p-wave pairing, which compete closely. The singlet d-wave pairing strength grows faster than the triplet p-wave pairing strength as the interactions are increased and a magnetic instability is more refined numerical calculations beyond the RPA approximation are needed to uniquely select among the two competing pairing - We acknowledge helpful discus- sions with X. Dai, Z. Fang, S. Kivelson, T. Maier, R. Martin, I. Mazin, T. Schulthess, D. Singh and H. Yao. This work is supported by the NSF under grant num- bers DMR-0342832, the US Department of Energy, Of- fice of Basic Energy Sciences under contract the center for nanophase material science, ORNL (DJS) and the Stanford Institute for (SR, DJS). Note added - After completing this work, we learned that a similar work has been done by Z.-J. Yao, J.-X. Li and Z. D. Wang, which is posted in Y. Kamihara, T. Watanabe, M. Hirano, and H. Hosono, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 3296 (2008). [2] Z.-A. Ren, J. Yang, W. Lu, G.-C. Che, X.-L. Dong, L.-L. Sun, and Z.-X. Zhao, e-print arxiv: 0803.4283 (2008). [3] G. Chen, Z. Li, G. Li, J. Zhou, D. Wu, W. Hu, P. Zheng, Z. Chen, J. Luo, and N. Wang, e-print arxiv: X. Chen, T. Wu, G. Wu, R. Liu, H. Chen, and D. Fang, e-print arxiv: 0803.3603 (2008). [5] G. Chen, Z. Li, D. Wu, G. Li, W. Z. Hu, J. Dong, P. Zheng, J. Luo, and N. Wang, e-print arxiv: H.-H. Wen, G. Mu, L. Fang, H. Yang, and X. Zhu, Eu- rophys. Lett. 82, 17009 (2008). [7] Z.-A. Ren, W. Lu, J. Yang, W. Yi, X.-L. Shen, Z.-C. Li, G.-C. Che, X.-L. Dong, L.-L. Sun, F. Zhou, et al., e-print arxiv: 0804.2053 (2008). [8] Z.-A. Ren, G.-C. Che, X.-L. Dong, J. Yang, W. Lu, W. Yi, X.-L. Shen, Z.-C. Li, L.-L. Sun, F. Zhou, et al., e-print arxiv: 0804.2582 (2008). [9] B. Lorenz, K. Sasmal, R. P. Chaudhury, X. H. Chen, R. H. Liu, T. Wu, and C. W. Chu, e-print arxiv: 0804.1582 (2008). [10] G. Mu, X. Zhu, L. Fang, L. Shan, C. Ren, and H.-H. Wen, e-print arxiv: 0803.0928 (2008). [11] L. Ding, C. He, J. Dong, T. Wu, R. Liu, X. Chen, and S. Li, e-print arxiv: 0804.3642 (2008). [12] L. Shan, Y. Wang, X. Zhu, G. Mu, L. Fang, and H.-H. Wen, e-print arxiv: 0803.2405 (2008). [13] F. Hunte, J. Jaroszynski, A. Gurevich, D. Larbalestier , R. Jin, A. Sefat, M. McGuire, B. Sales, D. Christen, and D. Mandrus, e-print arxiv: 0804.0485 (2008). [14] X. Zhu, H. Yang, L. Fang, G. Mu, andH.-H. Wen, e-print arxiv: 0803.1288 (2008). [15] K.Ahilan, F. Ning, T.Imai, A.Sefat, R.Jin, M. Mcguire, B. Sales, and D. Mandrus, e-print arxiv: J. Dong, H. J. Zhang, G. Xu, Z. Li, G. Li, W. Z. Hu, D. Wu, G. F. Chen, X. Dai, J. L. Luo, et al., (2008). [17] C. de la Cruz, Q. Huang, J. W. Lynn, J. Li, W. R. II, J. L. Zarestky, H. A. Mook, G. F. Chen, J. L. Luo, N. L. Wang, et al., e-print arxiv: 0804.0795 (2008). [18] H.-J. Zhang, G. Xu, X. Dai, and Z. Fang, e-print arxiv: 0803.4487 (2008). [19] G. Xu, W. Ming, Y. Yao, X. Dai, S.-C. Zhang, and Z. Fang, e-print arxiv: 0803.1282 (2008). [20] X. Dai, Z. Fang, Y. Zhou, and F.-C. Zhang, e-print arxiv: 0803.3982 (2008). [21] P. A. Lee and X.-G. Wen, e-print arxiv: I. Mazin, D. Singh, M. Johannes, and M.-H. Dou, e-print arxiv: 0803.2740 (2008). [23] S. Raghu, X.-L. Qi, C.-X. Liu, D. Scalapino, and S.-C. Zhang, e-print arxiv:0804.1113 (2008). [24] D. Singh and M.-H. Du, e-print arxiv: 0803.0429 (2008). [25] T. Takimoto, T. Hotta, and K. Ueda, Phys. Rev. B 69, 104504 (2004). [26] D. Scalapino, E. Loh, and J. Hirsch, Phys. Rev. B 34, 8190 (1986). [27] Z.-J. Yao, J.-X. Li, and Z. D. Wang, e-print (2008). | 0804.4332 | Xiao-Liang Qi | Xiao-Liang Qi, S. Raghu, Chao-Xing Liu, D. J. Scalapino and Shou-Cheng
Zhang | Pairing strengths for a two orbital model of the Fe-pnictides | 5 pages, 4 figures | null | null | null | cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.str-el | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Using an RPA approximation, we have calculated the strengths of the singlet
and triplet pairing interactions which arise from the exchange of spin and
orbital fluctuations for a 2-orbital model of the Fe-pnictide superconductors.
When the system is doped with F, the electron pockets become dominant and we
find that the strongest pairing occurs in the singlet d-wave pairing and the
triplet p-wave pairing channels, which compete closely. The pairing structure
in the singlet d-wave channel corresponds to a superposition of near neighbor
intra-orbital singlets with a minus sign phase difference between the $d_{xz}$
and $d_{yz}$ pairs. The leading pairing configuration in the triplet channel
also involves a nearest neighbor intra-orbital pairing. We find that the
strengths of both the singlet and triplet pairing grow, with the singlet
pairing growing faster, as the onsite Coulomb interaction approaches the value
where the S=1 particle-hole susceptibility diverges.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 28 Apr 2008 07:04:18 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 28 Apr 2008 21:42:49 GMT"
] | 2008-04-29T00:00:00 | [
"D. J.",
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/D8/D3 /D5/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D9/D1 /D1/CT
/D7 /B4/C9/C5/B5/B8 /CP/D2/CS /D8/CW/CT/D6/CT /CP/D6/CT /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D4/D6/D3 /CT/AR/CT
/D8/D7 /D3/CU /C9/BY/BA /CC/CW/CX/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CU/D9/D0/D0 /D7/CT/D8 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CP/CQ/D0/CT/D7 /CP/D2/CS /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D4/D6/D3 /BT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D1/CT/D2 /D8/D7/D3/CU
/D3 /DA /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB /CU/D6/D3/D1 /D8/CW/CX/D7/BA /BY /D3/D6/D1/CP/D0 /DA/CX/CP /CF/BY /D8/CW/CP/D8 /D4 /CP/D0/D0 /D4/D6/D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CT/CS /DA
/D3 /C1/D2
/CP/D7/CT/D7 /CX/D7 /D8/D3 /DD /DD /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT
/D3 /D3/CU /B8 /CQ/D9/D8 /CW/CP/D7 /D8
/D3/D2 /D8/CT/D2 /D8/BA /C7/D8/CW/CT/D6 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D4/D6/D3/D4 /B8 /D3/D8/CW/CT/D6 /DD /DD /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT/CT/DA /CT/D2 /D8/D7 /CX/D2 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DD /DD /D3/CU /D4 /CX/D2 /D3/CU /D7/D8/D3
/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /B8 /CT/CS /CQ /DD /D8/CW/CT /AT/D3 /DB /D3/CU /DD /B8/DB /CT /CW/CP /DA /CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CP/D4/D4 /CX/D2 /DB/CW/CX
/CP/D2 /D2/D3/D8 /CQ /CT/B8 /B8 /D8/CT/CS /CQ /DD /D8/CW/CT /CX/D2 /D7/D4/CP
/CT/BA /C7/D2 /D3/CU /D8 /DD /D8/CW/CT /CP/D7 /D8/D3 /CA /C9/C8 /BA/BT/D7 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /D5/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D9/D1 /AS/CT/D0/CS/B8 /D8/CW/CX/D7 /D2/CT/DB /CX/D7 /D8/D3 /D2/CT/DB
/D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D7 /CX/D2 /DB/CW/CX
/CW /CC/CW/CT /D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT/D7/CT /D7 /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8 /CU/D3/D6 /CU/D6/CT/CT /D5/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D9/D1 /AS/CT/D0/CS/D7 /CW/CP /DA /CT /CQ /CT/CT/D2 /CT/CS/BA/BE/BA /G8/H3 /D8/CW/CT /D4/CP/D6/D8 /CX/D7 /D7/D9
/CX/CT/D2 /D8/D0/DD /D3/D2/D0/DD /CU/D3/D6 /D8/CW/CT /C9/C5/B8 /D0/CT/D8 /D9/D7 /D7/D8/CP/D6/D8 /CW/CT/D6/CT /DB/CX/D8/CW /CX/D8/D7 /C9/C8 /BA /C4/CT/D8x={xi}= (x1,x2,x3) /CQ /CT /D8/CW/CT /DA /CT
/D8/D3/D6 /D3/CU /B3/D7 /B8 /D8/CW/CT /D8 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D7/D4/CP
/CTE /BA /D3/D2 /D8/CW/CTE /B8 /CP/D2/CS /CX/D7 /CP/D7 /D8/CW/CT /D8 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /C0/CX/D0/CQ /CT/D6/D8 /D7/D4/CP
/CT H /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /CP/D2/CS /D6/CT/D7/D4 /CT
/D8/CX/DA /CT /D4/D6/D3 /CX/D7 /D8/CP/D6/DD /DA /D3/D0/D9/D1/CT /D3/CUE /BA /BT/D7 /CP /D6/D9/D0/CT/B8 /D8/CW/CT /CF/BY /CX/D7 /AS/D2/CX/D8/CT /CX/D2 /CP
/D9/CQ /CT VE /BMps(x) = 0 /B8x/V /B8 /CP/D2/CS /D8/CW/CX/D7 /CX/D2 /CX/D7 /BA/CC/CW/CT /CT/DA /D3/CU /D3/D2 /D8/CW/CT /CX/D2 /D8/CT/D6/DA /CP/D0(0,T) /CT/D7 /D8/CW/CT /C9/C8 /D1/D3 /DA /CT/D1/CT/D2 /D8/BA /C1/D8 /CW/D6/D3 /CX/D7 /CX/D8/D7 /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8/B8 /DD /D8/CW/CT 1 /BA/C7/D2 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D4/D6 /D3
/CT /CS/D9/D6 /CT /BA /BY /D9/D0/D0 /D7/CT/D8 /D3/CU
/D3/D1/D4 /D3/D2/CT/D2 /D8/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DA /CT
/D8/D3/D6x /B8 /D3/D6/D8/CW/CT /B8 /CP/D2/CS /D1/D3/D1/CT/D2 /D8/D9/D1/BA /C4/CT/D8 /D8/CW/CT /D3/D4 /D3/CU /D3/CU/C9/C8 /D1/D3 /DA /CT/D1/CT/D2 /D8 /D8/CW/CT /D8/CX/D1/CTT /CQ /CT /CX/D2 /CX/CS/CT/D2 /D8/CX
/CP/D0 /D4/CW /DD/D7/CX
/CP/D0 /D7/B8 /D8/D3 /CV/CX/DA /CT/D2 /CF/BY /CT/DA ps(t,x) /BA /BT /D8 /CP /CV/CX/DA /CT/D2 /D1/D3/D1/CT/D2 /D8 /D3/CU /D8/CX/D1/CTt /D3/CU /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /B4/B5 /CX/D7 /CQ /CT/CX/D2/CV /D4 /D3 /DA /CT/D6 /CT/CP
/CW /BA/BE/CE /CP/D0/D9/CT/D7y /CX/D2 /CT/CP
/CW /CP/D6/CT /B8 /CP/D2/CS /CP/D6/CT /DB /D3/D9/D0/CS /D8/CW/CT/DD /D6/CT/D4 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D3/CU /D8/D6/CP y(t) /CX/D7 /CP/D0/D7/D3 /CX/D2
/CP/D0 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /D8/CX/D1/CT /D3/CU /D3/CU /D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CX/D2/CS/CT/D4 /CT/D2/CS/CT/D2 /D8 /D7/BA/BY /D3/D6 /CT/CP
/CWt /D8/CW/CT /CP /DA /B8 /D8/D3 /D7/CT/D8 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D7/BA/C7/D2 /BA /BZ/CX/DA /CT/D2 /AS/DC/CT/CSt /D8/CW/CT /CP /DA /BY /D3/D6/D1/D7 /B4/C0/C9/BY/B5 /CX/D2H /BA /C1/CUy=x /B8 /D8/CW/CT/D2 /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU/D8/CW/CT /DD /DDf(t,x) /CP/D2/CS /CX/D8/D7 /D8/D3 /CF/BYf(t,x) /D0/DD /B8 /D8/CW/CT /DD =P[Q,ps(t,x)] /CX/D7 /BA /C1/CUy={yi} /CX/D7 /CP/D2 /D3/CU /B8 /D8/D9/D1/B8 /D8/CW/CP/D2 /D8/CW/CT /DD /CX/D7 /D4 /DB/CW/CT/D6/CT /D8/CW/CT /D6/CX/CV/CW /D8 /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CF /CP /DA /CT = (ps,Lips) /B8 /CP /D6/CT/D7/D4 /CT
/D8/CX/DA /CT /D3/D4 /B4/D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT i /B9/D8/CW /C1/D2 /D8/CW/CX/D7
/CP/D7/CT /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU /D7 P(Q,ps) /CX/D7
/D3/D1/D4 /D3/D2/CT/D2 /D8/D7 /D3/CU /D7/D4 /CT
/D8/D6/CP/D0 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D3/D4 Li
/CX/D2 /CP /CZ/D2/D3 /CT/DC/CX/D7/D8 /CU/D6/D3/D1 /D8/CW/CT /B8 /DB/CW/CT/D2 /D8/CW/CT /D2/D3/D6/D1 /CX/D7 /D2/D3/D8/BA /C1/D2 /D8/CW/CX/D7
/CP/D7/CT /D8/CW/CT P(E,ps) = 1 /CS/D3 /CT/D7 /D2/D3/D8 /CW/D3/D0/CS/BA /BU/D9/D8 /CT/CX/CT/D7 /CP/D6/CT /BA /C4/CT/D8 /D9/D7 /D2/D3/D8/CT /CP/D2 /DD /AS/DC/CT/CS
/D9/CQ /CTVE /B8 /CP/D2/CS /CF/BY /CX/D7 /D8/CW/CT /D8 /D3/CU /C0/CX/D0/CQ /CT/D6/D8 /D8/CW/CX/D7 /D2/D3/D6/D1/BA /BU/DD /AS/DC/CX/D2/CV 1 /B8 /D3/D2/CT
/CP/D2 /CV/CX/DA /CTP(Q,ps) /B8QV /B8 /DD /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D4 x /B8 /CP/D2/CSf(t,x) /AM /CX/D8/D7 /DD /B8/DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB/CX/D2/CV /D8 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D4/D6/D3 /D3/D2/D0/DD /D8/CW/CT /D7/D6/CT/CV/CX/D7/D8/CT/D6/CX/D2/CV xV /CP/D6/CT /BA/BF/BA /C8 /C5/D3 /CS/CT/D0 /CQ /CT /D6/CT/CP/D0 /D4/D7/CT/D9/CS/D3/B9 /D7/D4/CP
/D3 /DA (x0,x) /B8xE /BNx0=ct /B8t /CX/D7 /D8/CX/D1/CT/B8c /CX/D7 /D7/D4 /CT/CT/CS /D3/CU /D0/CX/CV/CW /D8/BN /CX/D7 /B8eii= 1 /B8i >0 /BA /C7/D2 /CP /AS/D2/CX/D8/CT /CQ/CP/D6 V= (0,cT)xVE /D8/CW/CT /CF/BYps(x) /CX/D7 /B8 /D8/CW/CP/D8 /D1/CP/D4/D7V /D8/D3 /CP/D2 /D7/D4/CP
/CTU /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/D7u /CP/D2/CS /D4/D6/D3 /C1/D8 /D8/CW/CT /D6/CT/D7/D4 /CT
/D8/CX/DA /CT /DB /CP /DA /B4/CF/BX/B5/BA /CC/CW/CT /CF/BY /CX/D7 /CP/D7 /CP/D2 /D8 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /C0/CX/D0/B9/CQ /CT/D6/D8 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /B8u=ps(x) /B8dE=dx0dE /B4/D0/CT/D8 /D2/D3/D6/D1 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D7/D4/CP
/CTH /B5/B8 /CP/D2/CS /D6/CT/D7/D4 /CT
/D8/CX/DA /CT /D4/D6/D3 /CS/D9
/D8 (ps1,ps2) /BA/BY /D3/D6 /CT/CP
/CP/D0 /D4/CW /DD/D7/CX
/CP/D0 /D7 /CP/D6/CT /B8 /CX/D2 /DB/CW/CX
/CW /D8/CW/CT /CA /C9/C8/CX/D7 /D4/D6 /D3
/CT /CS/D9/D6 /CT /D6/CT/D4/D6/D3 /CS/D9
/CT/D7 /CX/D8 /CU/D3/D6 /C9/C8 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB/CX/D2/CV
/CT/D7/BA /CX/D7 /D2/D3/D8
/CP/D9/D7/CT/CS /CQ /DD /D1/D3/D1/CT/D2 /D8 /D3/CU /D8/CX/D1/CTt /BA /CC/CW /D9/D7/B8 /D8/CX/D1/CT /CX/D7 /D8/CW/CT /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D4/D6/D3
/CT/D7/D7 /CP/D7 /CP /CQ/D9/D8 /CX/D7 /D8 /CP/D7 /CP /D4/CP/D6/D8 /D8x /B8 /CP/D2/CS/B8 /D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CT/CS /DA /CP/D0/D9/CTy /BA /D0/CP/D7/D8/D7 /D8/CW/CT /D8/CX/D1/CTT /BA /C7/D8/CW/CT/D6 /D7 /DB/CX/D0/D0 /CW/D3/D0/CS /CV/D3 /D3 /CS/BA /CC/CW/CT /D1/CP/CX/D2 /CX/D7 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D3/CU /D3/CUy /DA /CP/D0/D9/CT /CP/D8 /D3/CU /D1/CT/D2 /D8 /CX/D2/D2/CT/DB /D7/BA /CF /CT /DB/CX/D0/D0 /D8/CW/CX/D7 /CQ /CT/D0/D3 /DB /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /CP/CQ/D0/CT /DA /BT P(Q,ps) /CX/D7 /CU/D3/D6 /CT/CP
/D8/CX/DA /CT/D0/DD /B8 /D8/CW/CT /CP /DA /CT/D6/CP/CV/CT /DA /BA/BY /D3/D6/D1/CP/D0 /D6/CT/D4/D6/D3 /CS/D9
/CT/D7 /D8/CW/CT /D7/CP/D1/CT /CU/D3/D6 /C9/C8 /DB/CX/D8/CW /DB/CX/D2/CV
/CT/D7/BA /B8Ji(ps) = (ps,Lips) /B8 /CP/D2/CS /D6/CT/D7/D4 /CT
/D8/CX/DA /CT/D0/DD /B8 /D8/CW/CT/D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CP/CQ/D0/CT/D7 /CP/D6/CT /CX/D2H /B8 /CQ/D9/D8 /D2/D3/D8 /CX/D2H /BA /BV/D7 Y /B8 /CP/D2/CS /D8/CW /D9/D7/B8 /D8/CW/CT/CX/D6 /CP /DA /B8 /D4 /D4/D6/D3/D4 /BAP(Q,ps) /CX/D7 /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8/BA /CC/CW/CT /D8 /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB/D7 /CU/D6/D3/D1 /DDJ(ps) /B8 /CP/D2/CSy /CW/CP /DA /CT /D8/CW/CT /D7/CP/D1/CT /CC/CW/CT /D3/CU /DD /DDg(y,ps) /CX/D7 /CQ /DD /D8/CW/CT /DDdP=gdY=inv /B8 /CX/D7 /D8/CP/D6/DD /DA /D3/D0/D9/D1/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D7/D4/CP
/CT /D3/CU /CP/CQ/D0/CT /DA /CT/D0/CP/CQ /D3/CU /D1/D3 /CS/CT/D0 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/D3 /CP/CQ/D0/CT /DA /CP/D0/D9/CT/D7 /CP/D2/CS /D8 /DD/D4 /CT/D7 /D3/CU /D7 /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB/D7 /CQ /CT/D0/D3 /DB/BA/BG/BA /BV/D3 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D4/D6 /D3
/CT /CS/D9/D6 /CT /BA /CC/CW/CT /CU/D9/D0/D0 /D7/CT/D8 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CT/CS /CX/D7 /DA
/D3 /D3/CU /CP /BN /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU /CT/CP
/CW /CX/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CT/DA /CT/D2 /D8 /D8/CW/CP/D8 /CP /CW/CP/D7 /CP/D4/D4 /CT/CP/D6/CT/CS /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /D4 /D3/CX/D2 /D8x /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /BA /BT
/D3/D2 /D8/CT/D2 /D8 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /BM /D0/CT/D8 /D8/CW/CT /CS/CT/DA/CX
/CT /CQ /CT /CP/D2 /CT/BN /CP /CQ/D9/D2
/CW /D3/CU /D4/D6/D3/CQ /CT/D7 /D8/CW/CT /D7/D4/CP
/CT/B8 /CP/D2/CS /CP/D8 /D7/D3/D1/CT /D4 /D3/CX/D2 /D8 /CX/D2 /CW/CP/D4/D4 /CT/D2/D7 /CP /DB/CX/D8/CW /CP /B9/D3/CQ /CY/CT
/D8/BN /D7/D9
/CW /B8 /D8/CW/CT /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D7/B8 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /CV/CX/DA /CT/D2 /CF/BY
/CP/D7/CT /CX/D7 /D8/CW/CT /D3/CQ /D8/CW/CP/D8 /CT/CP/D6/D7 /CP/D7 /CP /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /B5/BN/CQ /CT
/CP/D9/D7/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CX/D7/B8 /D3/D2/D0/DD /D8/CW/CX/D7 /AS/D6/D7/D8 /CW/CP/D7 /D8/D3 /CQ /CT /D8/CP/CZ /CT/D2 /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CX/D7 /CX/CS/CT/D2 /D8/CX/AS/CT/CS /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /D4 /D3/CX/D2 /D8 /D3/D2 /D8/CW/CT /AM /CP/D8/D6/CP
/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CC/CW/CT /D1/CT/D2 /D8 /CP/D0/D7/D3 /D1/D3/D1/CT/D2 /D8 /D3/CU /CU/D3/D6 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CT/DA /CT/D2 /D8/BA /C7/D2/D0/DD /D8/CW/CT /D7/B8/D8/CW/CP/D8 /CT/DA /CT/D2 /D8/D7xV /CW/CP/D7 /D8/D3 /CQ /CT /D8/CP/CZ /CT/D2 /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CX/D7
/CP/D2 /CQ /CT /D8/CW/CT /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB/CX/D2/CV/BM /D8/CW/CT /CP/D2 /CT/DA /CT/D2 /D8x /V /B8 /D8/CW/CT /CX/D7 /D2/D3/D8 /D8/CW/CT /D3/D2/D0/DD /B8 /CT/AR/CT
/D8/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CP/D6/CT/BA /BT /DD /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CX/D7 /D2/D3/D8 /D8/B8 /CQ /CT
/CP/D9/D7/CT /C9/C8 /CP/D2/CS /C9/BY /CP/D6/CT /D8 /BU/D9/D8 /CX/D8 /CX/D7 /DA /CP/D0/CX/CS /B4/D7/CT/CT /CQ /CT/D0/D3 /DB/B8 /CX/D8/CT/D1 /D8/CW/CT /BA /CC/CW/CT 1 /B4/BD/B5/D4 /D3/D7/D7/CT/D7 /CP/D0/D0 /D4/D6/D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DD /DD /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CT/DA /CT/D2 /D8/D7xV /BA/CC/CW/CX/D7 /DD /CX/D7 /CP /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8 /B4 /D8/CP/D6/DD /DA /CX/D7 /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8/B5/BA /C1/D2
/CP/D7/CT/D7 /D8/CW/CX/D7 /CX/D7 /D8/D3 /DD /DD /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT
/D3 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /B8 /CQ/D9/D8 /CW/CP/D7 /D8
/D3/D2 /D8/CT/D2 /D8/BA /C7/D8/CW/CT/D6 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D7/B8 /D3/D8/CW/CT/D6 /D4/D6/D3/D4 /B8 /D3/D8/CW/CT/D6 /D3/CU/D8/CW/CT /BM /DD /DD /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CT/DA /CT/D2 /D8/D7 /CX/D2 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DD /DD /D3/CU /D4 /CX/D2 /D7/D4/CP
/CW/CP/D2/CV/CT /D3/CU /D3/D2/CS/D7 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /D0/D3/CV/CX
/D3/CU /CB/CA /CP/D2/CS /CP /D2/CT/DB /D4/D6/D3/D4 /CT/D6/D8 /DD /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CA /C9/C8 /D3/CU /D7/D8/D3
/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /B8 /CT/CS /CQ /DD /D8/CW/CT /AT/D3 /DB /D3/CU /DD /B8/DB /CT /CW/CP /DA /CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CP/D4/D4 /CX/D2 /B8/DB/CW/CX
/CP/D2 /D2/D3/D8 /CQ /CT/B8 /B8 /D8/CT/CS /CQ /DD /D8/CW/CT /CX/D2 /DB/CX/D2/CVg(x) /B8 /D3/D2/CT
/CP/D2 /DDg1(x) /D3/CU /DD /D3/CU /D4 x /B8g0(x0) /D3/CU /DD /D3/CU
/D3 /CP/D8 /CP /AS/DC/CT/CS /D1/D3/D1/CT/D2 /D8g1(x/x0) /BM g1(x) g0(x0) g1(x/x0) =g(x)/g0(x0)./BT /D8/D3 /CX/D8/B8 /DB /CT
/CP/D2 /D4/D6/D3 /D3/CU /B4/BD/B5 /CX/D2/CV /CX/D2/CVg1(x) /BA/BG/BA/BD/BA /CB
/CP/D0/CP/D6 /BU/D3/D7/D3/D2 /BA /CB/D4/CP
/CTU /CX/D7 /D3/D2/CT/B9/CP/D0/B8 /D6/CT/CP/D0 /D3/D6 /DD/BM g(x,ps) 1 /B8 /CX/D2 /CP /CQ /CT/CP/D1V /BA/BG/BA/BE/BA /CE /CT
/D8/D3/D6 /BU/D3/D7/D3/D2 /BA /CF/BY /D3/CU /D7/D9
/CW /D7 /CX/D7 /D8/CW/CT /DA /B8 /D8/D3E /B8 /D3/D6 /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /CX/D8/D7 /CF /CT /CW/CP /DA /CX/D7 /CU/D6/D3/D1E /CQ /DD /BMu2>=0 /BA /BY /D3/D6 /D8/CW/CT /B8 /CX/D8 /CX/D7 /CP/D2/CS /D7/D9
/CX/CT/D2 /D8/D0/DD /D8/CW/CP/D8u'0= 0 /CX/D2 /CP /AS/DC/CT/CS /CU/D6/CP/D1/CT /D3/CU x'/BA /CC/CW /CX/D7 /D8/D3 u'-u /B8 /CX/BA/CT/BA /D8/D3 /DA /CT
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/D3 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /BA /DA /CT
/D8/D3/D6v /CX/D7 /AS/DC/CT/CS/B8 /CP/D2/CS /D7/D4/CP
/CTU /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D7/D4/CP
/CTE /BA /DD/BMg(x,ps) =u2(x) /DA/CT
/D8/D3/D6 /CQ /D3/D7/D3/D2 /B8 /B8 /CW/CP/D7 /D2/D3/D8 /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU
/D3 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /B8 /CQ/D9/D8 /D8/CW/CT /D0/CP
/CZ /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT '/B8u'0= 0 /CX/D7 /D2/D3/D8 /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB /C5/D3/D6/CT/D3 /DA /CT/D6/B8 /CX/CU /D8/CW/CX/D7 /CX/D7 /CP /DA /D8/CW/CT/D2 /CX/D8 /CX/D7 /D2/D3/D8 /D8/CW/CT /D3/D2/D0/DD /B8
/D3/D2 /D8/D6/CP/D6/DD /D8/D3 /CT /BA /B8 /D0/CT/D8/B3/D7 /CP /AT/CP/D8 /DB /CP /DA /CT /D4/CP
/CZ /CP/CV/CT /D7/D9
/CW /D8/CW/CP/D8 /CX/D8/D7 /DB /CP /DA /CT/DA /CT
/D8/D3/D6/D7 /CP/D6/CT /D8/D3 /CP /DA /CT
/D8/D3/D6k /BA /C4/D3/D6/CT/D2 /D8/DE /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /D7/CT/D8 /D4/D6/D3 0 /BA v||k /B8 /D8/D3 /CT/CQ /D3/D7/D3/D2/B8 /CX/D8 /CX/D7 /CT/CP/D7/DD /D8/D3 /D1/CP/CZ /CT /D7/D9/D6/CT /D8/CW/CP/D8 /DD /CX/D7 /BMu0=u1=u'1=u'0=/BH0 /B8 /CP/D2/CS /D7/D4/CP
/CTU /CX/D7 /CP /D4/D0/CP/D2/CT /DB/CX/D8/CW /CX/D2/CS/CT/D4 /CT/D2/CS/CT/D2 /D8/D0/DD /CU/D6/D3/D1|v| /BA /C1/BA u0=u1= 0 /CX/D7 /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8 /CX/D2 v||k /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /C4/D3/D6/CT/D2 /D8/DE /D7/CT/CT/D1/D7 /D8/CW/CT /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB/CX/D2/CV /C8 /D3/CU /BM /D8/CW/CT '/B8u'0= 0 /CX/D7/CP /DA /C1/D8 /D7 /D8/CW/CT /DDg(x) =u2(x) /CP/D2/CS /D8/D0/DD /D3/CU /CQ /D3/D7/D3/D2/D7 /D4/D6/D3/D4 /BM /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU
/D3 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CX/D7
/CP/D7/CT /CX/D7 /CP/CQ/D7/CT/D2 /D8/B8 /CQ/D9/D8 /CX/D8/D7 /D4/D6/D3/D4 /CT/D6/D8 /DDu'0= 0 /CX/D7 /CZ /CT/D4/D8 /CX/D2 /CP/D2 /DD /B8/D1/D3 /DA/CX/D2/CV /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /DB /CP /DA /CT /DA /BU/D9/D8 /CX/D8 /CX/D7 /CT/CS /DB/CX/D8/CW /D3/CU /D3/CU /D8 /CX/D2 /DA /D3/CU /D7/BA /CC/CW/CT /CX/D7 /CQ /DD/CX/D8/D7 /CT/DC/D4 /BU/D9/D8 /CP/D0/D0 /D3/CU /CX/D8 /CS/CT/CP/D0/D7 /DB/CX/D8/CW /DA /CP/D0/D9/CT/D7 /CP/D2/CS /D7 /D3/CU /D8/CT/D2/D7/CX/D3/D2/D7/B8 /B8 /D8/CW/CT /D1/D3/D1/CT/D2 /D8/D7 /CP/D2/CS /CS/D3 /CT/D7 /D2/D3/D8 /D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT/D7
/D3 /C7/D2/D0/DD /CP/D2 /CT/DC/D4 /D8
/CP/D2 /CT
/CT/BM /D8/CW/CX/D7 /CX/D7 /CW/CT/D6/CT /CP/D2/CS /B4/BD/B5 /CX/D7 /DA /CP/D0/CX/CS/B8 /D3/D6 /B4/BD /B5 /CX/D7 /D2/D3/D8 /DA /BAU /CX/D7 /D7/D4/CP
/CT /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/D7/B8u={ua} /B8a=
= 1,2,3,4 /B8 /CW/CP /DA /CT /D4/D6/D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D3/D2/CT/D2 /D8 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DA /CT
/D8/D3/D6/BA /CF/BYu(x) /CX/D7 /CP/D7 /CP /D8/D6/CP /CT/D6/D8 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /CF/BX/B8 /CX/D7 /CX/D8/D7 /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8/BA /CV/CX/DA /CT /D8/CW/CT /CQ/CP/D7/CT/D7 /CU/D3/D6 =g(x/x0) 1 /B8 /D9/D7 /CX/D2 /D8/D6/D3 /CS/D9
/CT /CP /D2/CT/DB /CF/BYps(x) /B8 /D7/D9
/CW /D8/CW/CP/D8g(x) =g0(x0)u2(x) =ps2(x) 1 /BA /C1/D2 /D3/CU /CF/BX /CP/D2/CS /D8 /DD/D4/CX
/CP/D0 /CQ /D7 /CX/D8 /D8/D3 /CF /CT /CW/CP /DA /CT/BMg0(x0) = const = 1 /cT /B8ps=
= (cT)-1/2u 1 /BA /B8V-E /D8/CW/CT /D0/CX/D1/CX/D8/bardblps(x)/bardbl2/CX/D7 /CW/CT/D6/CT/B8 /CX/CU /CX/D2 /D3 /DA /CT/D6E /CX/D7 /BA /CX/CT/D7g(x) /D8/D3 /CC/CW/CT/DD
/CP/D2 /CQ /CT /CT/CS /CQ /D3/D8/CW /CX/D2/CV x /B8 /DB/CX/D8/CW /CP/D2/CS /CX/D2/CV /BA/BH/BA /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D3/CU /B9/C4/CT/D8 /D9/D7 /CQ /CT/CV/CX/D2 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D6/CT/CP/D0 /D7
/CP/D0/CP/D6 /CQ /D3/D7/D3/D2/B8 /CF/BY /D3/CU /DB/CW/CX
/CW /CX/D7 /CX/D2 /CP /AS/D2/CX/D8/CT /CQ /CT/CP/D1VE /BA /CP/CQ/D0/CT /DA /CP/D0/D9/CTy /CX/D7 /CP /DA /CT
/D8/D3/D6 /D3/CU (p0,p)E /BA /C1/D8/D7 /CP /DA /CT/D6/CP/CV/CT /CX/D7 /CP /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8/B8 /CU/D3/D6/D1 /CX/D2H /CT/CX/CV/CT/D2 /CF/BY /CU/D3/D6/D1 /CP /BMpsk=akexp(ipkx/-h) /DB/CX/D8/CW ak>0 /B8 pkE /B8 /CX/D7 /CZ/D2/D3 /DB/D2 /D6/D3 /DA /CQ /AG /CX/D2 /D9/D2/CX/D8 /DA /CP/D2/CS /CX/D7 /CT/CS /D3/CU /CP /DA /CT/D6/CP/CV/CT /D5/D9/CP/D2 /D3/CU /D7nk
/DB/CX/D8/CW /CV/CX/DA /CT/D2 /DD/D4 /CT /D3/CU /C9/BY/BA /C5/D3/D6/CT /B8nk
/CX/D7 /CP/D2 /CP /DA /CT/D6/CP/CV/CT /D2 /D9/D1 /CQ /CT/D6 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D1/CT/D2 /D8/BI/D7 /DB/CX/D8/CW pk
/BA /C1/D2 /D6/CT/D7/D4 /CT
/D3 /CT
/CX/CT/D2 /D8/D7 C={Ck} /BT/D2/CS /D9/D2/CS/CT/D6 /CP/D2
/bardblC/bardbl= 1 /CX/D8 /CX/D7 /D8/CW/CT /D9/D2/CP/D0 /D3/CU /DD /D3/CU /CP /D3 /CX/D2 /D7/D4/CP
/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D8/CW/CT /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8/BA /D7 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT/DD /CP/D6/CT /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /D7/CT/D2/D7/CT /D3/CU /CP/D0 /CP/D8 /D8 /D3/CU /D8/CX/D1/CTt /BA /CC/CW/CX/D7 /D7/CT/D2/D7/CT
/D3/D2 /D8/CW/CT/CX/D6 /CX/D2 /DA /B8 /DA /CT/D6/B8 /D8/CW/CT /CZ/D2/D3 /DB/D2
/D3/D2 /CJ/BD /BM /CX/D8 /D7 /D8 /CP/D2 /CP/D8 /D1/CT/D2 /D8/D7/B8 /D3/CU /D3/CU /CA /C9/C8 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /CP /D0/D3/D2/CV /C1/D2
/CW/CP/D6/CV/CT /CX/D7 /CP/D2/CS /CP/D2/CS /CX/D2 /D1 /D3/D2/CT/D2 /D8
/CP/D7/CT /D7/D4/CX/D2 /CX/D7 /C4/CT/D8 /D8/CW/CP/D8
/CT /D3/CU /CT /CX/D2 /CS/CT
/D3/D1/D4 /D3/CU /CP /B8 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D3/CU /CP /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8 /DA
/CW/CP/D6/CV/CT /CX/D2 /AS/DC/CT/CS /D4/CP/CX/D6 /D3/CU /D7/B8 /CX/D7 /B8 /CQ/D9/D8 /D2/D3/D8 /D4/CP/CX/D6 /D3 /CW /CP/D6/CT /D2/D3/D8 /D8/CP/CZ /CT/D2 /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /CP
/D3/D9/D2 /D8/B5/BA /C1/D8 /CS/D3 /CT/D7 /D2/D3/D8
/D3/D2 /D8/CW/CT /D0/CP /DB/D7 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /DB/CW/CX
/CW /CQ /CT /D3/D9/D8 /D3/D2/D0/DD /D3/D2 /D8/CW/CT /CP /DA /BU/D9/D8 /CX/D8
/CP/D2 /CQ /CT /CQ /DD /CU/D3/D6 /C9/C5 /D0/CP /DB/D7/B8 /D9/D7 /D0/CP /DB /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT
/CW/CP/D6/CV/CT /C9/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D9/D1 /BY/CX/CT/D0/CS /BA /CC/CW/CT /D3 /D3/CU /C6/CT/DB /D4/D6/D3/D4 /D3/CU /CA /C9/C8 /CP/D6/CT /CP/D7 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /C9/BY /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT
/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D7 /D7 /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /BA /BT /CU/D3/D6 /D8/CW/CX/D7/BM /D8/CW/CT /CP/D2/CS /D3/CU /C9/BY /CP/D7 /CP /D3/CU /CX/CS/CT/D2 /D8/CX
/CP/D0 /D7/B8 /CJ/BE/BA /C4/CT/D8/B3/D7 /CP /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /C6 /CX/CS/CT/D2 /D8/CX
/CP/D0 /D7/DB/CX/D8/CW
/D3/D1/D1/D3/D2 /DB /CP /DA /CT ps(x)H(V) /BA /C4/CT/D8y={yk} /CQ /CT /D7/CT/D8 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /C9/C8 /CP/CQ/D0/CT/D7 /CX/D7 /D8/CW/CX/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /BA /C4/CT/D8{psi} /CQ /CT /D8/CW/CT /CT/CX/CV/CT/D2 /D7/D3/D1/CT /D4/CW /DD/D7/CX
/CP/D0 /D5/D9/CP/D2 /D8/CX/D8 /DD/BNn={ni} /CQ /CT /D8/CW/CT /D7/CT/D8 /D3/CU /CX/D8/D7 /D3 /D2 /D9/D1 /CQ /CT/D6/D7/B8 ni= 0,1,2,...,N /BNPh(n) /CQ /CT /D8/CW/CT /B4/D6/CT/D7/D4 /CT
/D8/CX/DA /CT/D0/DD /B8 /CP/D2 /D8/CX/B5/CF/BY /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CX/D2 /D8/CT/D6/D1/D7 /D3/CUn /BA/C7/D2 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D4/D6 /D3
/CT /CS/D9/D6 /CT /BA /CC/CW/CT /D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D8/CX
/CP/D0 /D4/CW /DD/D7/CX
/CP/D0 /D7 /D8/D3 /CV/CX/DA /CT/D2 /CF/BY /CW/CP /DA /CT /CQ /CT/CT/D2 /BA/BT /D3/CU /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /CX/D7 /CQ /CT/CX/D2/CV /D4 /D3 /DA /CT/D6 /CT/CP
/CW /D8/CW/CT /D8/CX/D1/CTT /BA /C1/D2 /CT/CP
/CW /CP/D4/D4 /CT/CP/D6/D7/B8 /CX/D2 /D2/D3/D8 /D7/CX/D1 /B8 N/D7/BA /C1/D2 /CS/D3/CX/D2/CV /D7/D3/B8 /CU/D3/D6 /CT/DA /CT/D6/DD /CX/D7 /AS/DC/CT/CS /DA /CP/D0/D9/CT /DD /BA
/D7/D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CP/D6/CT /D8/CW/CT/D7/CT /DA /BY /D3/D6 /CT/CP
/CW /CF/BY /DA /D8/D3 /D7/CT/D8 /D3/CU /D7 /CP/D6/CT /BA /CX/D7 /CU/D6/D3/D1 /D8/CW/CT /D4/D6/D3
/CT/D7/D7 /D3/CU /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /CP/D7 /CP /D3/D6/D1/CP/D0 /BA /CF/BYPh(n) /D1/CP/D4/D7 /CP /D7/CT/D8 /D3/CU /DA /CP/D0/D9/CT/D7n /D3/D2 /D8/D3 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /D8/D7g /CP/D2/CS /D4/D6/D3 /CX/D7 /CP/D7 /CP/D2 /D8/BJ/D3/CU /CP /C0/CX/D0/CQ /CT/D6/D8 /D7/D4/CP
/CT /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /D4/D6/D3 /CS/D9
/D8 (Ph1,Ph2) /B8 1 /BA/CC/CW/CT /CP /DA /CP/D6/CT /D8/CW/CT /C0/C9/BY/BM = (Ph,LPh) /B8L /AM /D3/D4 /BA /C1/D2 P(Q,Ph) = /B8 = 1 /B8n Q /B8f(n) = 0 /B8n /Q /B8 /CX/D7 /DD /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CT/DA /CT/D2 /D8nQ /BA /CB/CT
/D3/D2/CS /D5/D9/CP/D2 /CS/D9
/CT/D7 /D2/D3/D2 /B8 /CX/D2 /D8/D3Ph(n) /B8 /D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CP/D2/CS /D8/CW/CT /CQ/CX/D6/D8/CW /D3/CU ai
/CP/D2/CS /D8/CW/CT/DD /D8/D3/CP /D4 /D3/CX/D2 /D8x /B8 /AM /DB /CP /DA /CT /D3/D4 /B4/CF /C7/B5/BM Ps(x) /D8/CW/CT /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB
/CT/D7/BM /CF /C7 /CP/D7 /D3/CUx /CP/D6/CT /CX/D2H /B8 /CQ/D9/D8 /D2/D3/D8/CX/D2H /B8 /CP/D2/CS /D8/CX/D1/CT /CX/D7 /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT/D1 /DB/CX/D8/CW
/D3 /BN/CX/D7/D1 /D1 /D9/D7/D8 /CQ /CT /CP/D0/D0/DD /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8/BN /CX/CU{psi} /CX/D7 /CP /D3/CU /DB /CP /DA /CT/D7/B8 /D8/CW/CT/D2 /D8/CW/CX/D7 /CQ/CP/D7/CX/D7 /CX/D7 /CX/D2 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CP/D4/D4 /CT /CP/D2/CS/B8 /CP /B8 /AM /D3/CU /C9/C8 /B8 /D8/CW/CT
/D3/D1/D4 /D3/D2/CT/D2 /D8/D7 /CX/D2 /B4/BE/B5 /CV/CP/CX/D2 /CP/D2 /CP/D6/CT /D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CP/D4/D4 /CP/D2/CS /D8/CW/CT /CQ/CX/D6/D8/CW /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT/D7/CT /D7/BA /BT/D0/D7/D3 /D8/CW/CT /D7/DD/D2 /D8/CT
/D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D3/D4 L ={Lk} /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT
/D7 Y={Yk} /CX/D7 /D6/CT/D4/D6/D3 /CS/D9
/CT/CS/B8 /CP /D6/D9/D0/CT/BM /DB /CT /D6/CT
/D3/D6/CS /D8/CW/CT /CP /DA /CT/D6/CP/CV/CT /CU/D3/D6 /CP/D2 /B8 /CP/D2/CS /D4/D6/D3 /CS/D9
/CT = (ps,Lps) /D8/CW/CX/D7 /D4/D6/D3 /CS/D9
/D8 /CF /C7 /CP/D6/CT /CP/D7 /D8/CW/CT /D8/D7 /D3/CUH /BA /CA/CT/D7/D4 /CT
/D8/CX/DA /CT/D0/DD/BM = (Ph,LPh) /BA /C4/CT/D8{psi} /B8 /CQ /CT /D8/CW/CT /CT/CX/CV/CT/D2 /CQ/CP/D7/CX/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CT/CS/B8 /CP/D2/CSPi/CQ /CT /CX/CT/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DA /CP/D2 /CA /C9/C8 /CX/D7 /CT/CS /B4/D3/D6 /CP /DA /CT/D6/CP/CV/CT /D2 /D9/D1 /CQ /CT/D6/D7 /D3/CU /D1/CT/D2 /D8/D7/B5/BA /CC/CW/CT/D2 /D9/D7/CX/D2/CV /CF /C7 /CP/D2/CS /B4/BF /B5 /CP/D2/CS /D8 Pi-ni
/B8 /DB /CT /D1/CP /DD /DB/D6/CX/D8/CT /CS/D3 /DB/D2 L =/summationdisplay iniyi; /AM /D8/CW/CT /CP /DA /CT/D6/CP/CV/CT /D3 /D2 /D9/D1 /CQ
/D3 /D3/CU /D7 /CP/D6/CT/D0/CP
/CZ/CX/D2/CV /CX/D2 /CA /C9/C5/B8 /CP/D7 /CU/D3/D6 /D8/CW/CT /CA /C9/C8 /B8 /CP/D2/CS /B4/BD/B5/B8 /B4/BF/B5 /AS/D0/D0 /D8/CW/CX/D7 L(Q) /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D7 /CP/D1/D3/D9/D2 /D8 /CX/D2 /CP /CX/D7 /D8/CW/CT /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB/BM L(Q) = 1 /B8xQ /B8f(x) = 0 /B8x /Q /BA /C7/D4 L(Q) /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D7/CP/D1/D3/D9/D2 /D8 /CX/D2 /CP /D7 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D3/D4 L(Q) /B8Q=Qx (0,T)E /BA /CC/CW/CT /CP /DA /CT/D6/CP/CV/CT /D3 /D2 /D9/D1 /CQ /CT/D6 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT =
(Ph,L(Q)Ph) = (ps,LSps) /CQ /CT /CP
/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D3/CU /C9/C8 /B8 =
= (Ph,LsPh) /AM /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /BA /CE /D8/CW/CT /DB/CX/D8/CW /D6/CT/D7/D4 /CT
/D8 /D8/D3Ph*(n) /B8 /DB /CT/CV/CT/D8 /D8/CW/CT /CU/D3/D0/D0/D3 /DB/CX/D2/CV = /D2/D3 /DB /D8/CW/CT /D2 /D9/D1 /CQ /CT/D6N /CQ /CT /D2/D3/D8 /AS/DC/CT/CS /CQ/D9/D8 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CT/D7 /CU/D6/D3/D1 /D8/D3 /BA/CC/CW/CX/D7 /CX/D7 /D8 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /D1/D3 /CS/CT/D0 /D3/CU /C9/BY /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /DB/CX/D8/CW /CP/D2 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D2/D3/D2/B9 /CT/CS
/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DA /CP
/D9/D9/D1 /CF/BY /D2/D3 /DB /CQ /CT /CP/D0/D7/D3 /CX/D2N /B8 /CJ/BE/BA /BT/D2/CS /D8/CW/CT /D6/D9/D0/CT /B4/BE/B5/B8 /CP/D2/CS /D6/CT/D7/D4 /CT
/D8/CX/DA /CT/D0/DD /D3/CU /D3/D4 L /B8 L(Q) /B8 /DA /CP/D0/CX/CS /CP/D7 /DB /CT/D0/D0/CP/D7 /CX/D2 /DA /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /AS/CT/D0/CS /BA /CC/CW/CT /D2 /D9/D1 /CQ /CT/D6/D3/CU /D7 /CX/D2 /CP /CV/CX/DA /CT/D2 /D7/D8/CP/D8/CT /CX/D7 /CP /D3/CU /DB/CW/CX
/CW /CS/D3 /CT/D7 /D2/D3/D8 /CS/CT/D4 /CT/D2/CS/D3/D2 /D8/CW/CT
/CT /D3/CU
/D3 /BT /B8 /CP /D7/CT/D8 /D3/CU /D3 /D2 /D9/D1 /CQ /CT/D6/D7 /CX/D7 /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8/B8 /CP/D7 /DB /CT/D0/D0 /CP/D7 /D3/D4 /D3/D2 /CF /C7/CW/CP /DA /CT /D4/D6/D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CF/BYps /B8 /CP/D2/CS /D3/D4 L /CW/CP /DA /CT /D4/D6/D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT/CX/D6 /BA /BY = (Ps+(x),LPs(x)) = (Ph,LPh) /CX/D7 /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8/B8 /CP/D7 /CP /DA /CP/D0/D9/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DD /B8/CP/D7 /DB /CT/D0/D0 /CP/D7 /D3/D4 a+
/BA /CC/CW /CP/D6/CT /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8/D7 /D8/D3 /D3/B8 /CP/D2/CS /D4 /CT/D7 /D8/CW/CT /D4/D6/D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /BA /CC/CW/CX/D7 /CX/D7 /CU/D9/D0/D0/DD /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8/B8 /D9/D2/D0/CX/CZ /CT /CS/CT
/D3/D1/D4 /D3/CU /D8/D3 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DB/CW/CX
/CW /CX/D7 /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8 /CX/D2 /CQ/D9/D8
/D3/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8 /D8/D7/BA /BT/D0/D7/D3 /D8/CW/CX/D7 /CS/CT
/D3/D1/D4 /CX/D7 /D2/D3/D8 /D8/D3 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT
/D3 /D7/BA/BI/BA/BE/BA /CA/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /C9/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D9/D1 /BY/CX/CT/D0/CS /BV/D7 /CX/D2/CC /CT/D6/D1/D7 /D3/CU /C7 /C6/D9/D1 /CQ /CT/D6/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /BA /CT /D8/CW/CT /CT/CX/CV/CT/D2 /CQ/CP/D7/CX/D7 /D3/CU /D3/CU /D7/D4/CX/D2 /CP/D2/CS /D3/CU
/CF/CX/D8/CW /D8/D3 /B8 /D7/D4/CX/D2/B8
/CW/CP/D6/CV/CT /B4/BF /B5 /D4/D6/D3 /DA/CX/CS/CT/D7 /D8/CW/CT /D8/CT/DC/D8/CQ /D3 /D3/CZ /D3/D4 /BA /C7/D4 L(Q) /D3/CU/D8/CW/CT /CP/D1/D3/D9/D2 /D8 /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /DB /CP/D7 /CV/CX/DA /CT/D2 /DB/CX/D8/CW /B4/BG/B5/B8 /DB/CW/CT/D6/CT /CX/D2 /CF /C7 /CQ /CT /D6/CT 1 /D3/CU /AG /CX/D2/D8/CW/CT /D9/D2/CX/D8 /DA /C4/CT/D8 /DB/D6/CX/D8/CT /B4/BG /B5 /CU/D3/D6 /D8/CW/CT /D7/BA/CB
/CP/D0/CP/D6 /D2/CT/D9/D8/D6 /CP/D0 /CQ /D3/D7/D3/D2 = Ps(x) /BNL(Q) = /BA /C1/D2 /D3/D6/CZ /D3/CU /D1/D3 /CS/CT/D0 /D3/CU /CX/D8/CT/D1 = Ps(x) =
= (Ps2(x),Ps3(x)) /BNL(Q) = /BA /C0/CT/D6/CT /D8/CW/CT /CF /C7Ps2(x) /B8Ps3(x) /D3/D2/CS /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT
/D3/D1/D4 /D3/D2/CT/D2 /D8/D7 /D3/CU /D7
/CW/CP/D6 /CV/CT /CS /CQ /D3/D7/D3/D2 /BAPs(x) +b+
i(x) /B8Ps+(x) /BNL(Q) /BA/BI/BA/BF/BA /CA/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /C9/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D9/D1 /BY/CX/CT/D0/CS /BV/D7 /CX/D2/CC /CT/D6/D1/D7 /D3/CU /C7 /C6/D9/D1 /CQ /CT/D6/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CB/D4/CP
/CT /AM /D8/CX/D1/CT /BV/CT/D0/D0/D7 /BA /C4/CT/D8/CX/D2 /D8/D6/D3 /CS/D9
/CT /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /CT/CX/CV/CT/D2 /CQ/CP/D7/CX/D7 /D3/CU
/D3 /BY /D3/D6 /DB/CX/D8/CW /CQ/CP/D7/CX/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DB /CT /D1/CP/CZ /CT /CX/D8 /CP/D8 /CP /D0/CT/DA /CT/D0 /D3/CU /CX/D2 /D7/D9/D1/D7/BA /CF /CT /D7/D4/D0/CX/D8 /D8/CW/CT /CQ /CT/CP/D1V /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /D3/CU /CQ /CT/CP/D1/D7v(x) /CW/CP /DA/CX/D2/CV /DA /B8 /CT/DA /CT/D6/DD /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT/D1 /D1/CP/D6/CZ /CT/CS /DB/CX/D8/CW /CQ /D8/D3 /D3/D2/CT /DA /CP/D0/D9/CTx=x /BA /BW/CT/AS/D2/CT /CP /D7/CT/D8 /D3/CUps(x,x) /DB/CX/D8/CWx ps2(x,x) =w-2(x) /B8xv(x) /BNps(x,x) = 0 /B8 x /v(x) /BA /BT/D4/D4/D6/D3 ps(x) /DB/CX/D8/CW ps'(x) =ps(x) /B8xv(x) /BA/BY /B8ps'(x) /CP/D6/CT /D8/CW/CT /D8/D7 /D3/CU /AS/D2/CX/D8/CT/B9/CP/D0 /DB/CX/D8/CW /DB/CX/D8/CW /D3/CU /CP/D4/D4/D6/D3 P(x) /D8/CW/CT /D7/CT/D8 /D3/CU /CQ /CT/CP/D1/D7v(x)
/D3 /DA /CT/D6/CX/D2/CVQ /BA /BT /B8 /D8/CW/CT /D7/CT
/D3/D2/CS /D5/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /CT/CX/CV/CT/D2 /CQ/CP/D7/CX/D7 /D3/CU
/D3 ps(x,x) /BM n={n(x)} /AM /D8/CW/CT /D7/CT/D8 /D3/CU /D3 /D2 /D9/D1 /CQ /CT/D6/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CQ /CT/CP/D1/D7v(x) /B8n(x) =
= 0,1,2,...,N /BA /D8/CW/CT /D8 P(x)-n(x) /B8 /DB /CT /D8/CW/CT /D3/D4 /BD/BCL'(Q) /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D7 /CP/D1/D3/D9/D2 /D8 /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /BM L(Q') x:v(x)Q'; n(x) /CP/D6/CT /CP
/D8/CX/D2/CV /CP/D7 /CT/CX/CV/CT/D2 /DA /CP/D0/D9/CT/D7 /D3/CU /D3/D4 L'(Q) /BA /CC/CW/CT /CP /DA /CT/D6/CP/CV/CT /CP/D1/D3/D9/D2 /D8 /D3/CU/D7 /CX/D7 /CP /DA /CT/D6/CP/CV/CT /D7 /CP/D1/D3/D9/D2 /D8 /CX/D2v(x) /BA/BI/BA/BG/BA /BT/D2 /C8 /CP/D7 /CP /C9/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D9/D1 /BY/CX/CT/D0/CS /D7/D9/CQ /BA/C4/CT/D8 /CP/D2 /DB/CX/D8/CW /CF/BYps(x) /CX/D2 /D8/CT/D6/D1/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CP/D7 /D7/D9/CQN= 1 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /AG/C9/BY/AH/BA /CF /CT /CS/CT/AS/D2/CT /CX/D8 /CX/D2 /DB/CX/D2/CV /DB /CP /DD/BM /DB /CT /CT /CP /C9/BY/B8 /CP/D2/CS /D3/D2/D0/DD /D8/CW/CT /D7 /D3/CU /C9/BY/B8 /D8/CW/CP/D8 1 /BA /CF /CT /CW/CP /DA /CT/BMn= /B8ni= 0,1 /BA /CC/CW/CT /D8/CT/D6/D1 /AG/CX/CS/CT/D2 /D8/CX
/CP/D0/D7/AH /D0/D3/D7/CT/D7 /CX/D8/D7 /B8 /CP/D2/CS /CF/BYPh(n) /CS/D3 /CT/D7 /D2/D3/D8
/D3/D2 /D8/CP/CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /D4 /CT/D6/D1 /D9/D3/D4 /BA /CF /CT /AS/D2/CS /CP/D2 /CP /DA /CT/D6/CP/CV/CT /CP/D1/D3/D9/D2 /D8 /D3/CU /D7 /CX/D2 : = (Ph,L'(Q)Ph) /B8 /D9/D7/CX/D2/CV /D8/CW/CT /AS/D2/CX/D8/CT /CP/D0 /CP/D4/D4/D6/D3 /CV/CX/DA /CT/D2/CP/CQ /D3 /DA /CT/BA{ps(x,x)} /AM /CX/D7 /D8/CW/CT /CT/CX/CV/CT/D2 /CQ/CP/D7/CX/D7 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CT/CS/BA /CC /D3 /CT/DA /CT/D6/DDn /CT/DA /CT/D2 /D8x(n)E /BA /C1/CS/CT/D2 /D8/CX/CU/DD /D8/CW/CT /D4 /D3/CX/D2 /D8x(n) /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /D1/CP/D6/CZx /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CQ /CT/CP/D1 v(x) /BA /CF /CT /CW/CP /DA /CT/BM /CF/BYPh(n) =ps(x(n)) /D1/CP/D4 /D8/CW/CT /D7/CT/D8 /D3/CU /CP/D0/D0n /CX/D2 /D8/D3U /BA /C1/D2 /D8/DB/CX/D8/CW /B4/BI /B5 /CQ /CT /BA /CF /CT /CW/CP /DA /CT/BM = (Ph,L'(Q)Ph) /D9/D7/B8 /D8/CW/CX/D7 Ph(n) /D1/CT/CT/D8/D7 /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU /CF/BY/B8 /CP/D2/CS /CX/D2/CV /D7/D9
/CW/D7/D9/CQ /D3/CU /C9/BY /CV/CX/DA /CT/D7 /D8/CW/CT /DD /DD /B4/BD/B5 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /BA/BJ/BA /BT/CQ /D3/D9/D8 /D3/CU /D8/CX/CT/D7 /CP/D2/CS
/DD /C9/C5 /D8/CW/CT /CQ /CT/D6/CV /D3/CU /D8/CX/CT/D7 /CP/D6/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D4 /D7 /CT/CS /CP/CQ /D3 /DA /CT/BA /D8/CW/CT /D1/D3 /CS/CT/D0 /D3/CU /C9/C8 /D8/CW/CT/DD /D2/D3 /CW/CP /DA /CT /D8/CW/CX/D7 /CS/D9/CT /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CS /D0/CP /DB /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT
/D3 /BA/C6/CT/DA /D8/CW/CT/DD /CP/D6/CT /D9/D7/CT/CS /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /D7/CP/D1/CT /DB /CP /DD /B8 /D7/D4 /D2/D3 /DB /CP/D7 /CT/D2/CS/CT/D2 /D8 /D4 /BA /C1/D2 /D8/CW/CT /D1/D3 /CS/CT/D0 /D8/CW/CT/D7/CT /DB/CW/CX/D0/CT /CX/D2 /C9/C5 /D8/CW/CT
/D3 /B9 /CP/D2/CS/D8/CX/D1/CT/B9 /CP/D6/CT /CX/D2 /D8 /DB /CP /DD/D7 /CP/D2/CS /CW/CP /DA /CT /D8 /CJ/BF /GP/GQ/GO/BA /BD/BK/BH /AL/BD/BK/BK/B8 /CQ/D9/D8 /D8/CW/CT/DD /D4 /CU/D9/D0/D0 /CP/D2/CS /D7/CT/D1/CP/D2 /D8/CX
/BA /D3/D8/D8/D3/D1 /D3/CU /D8 /DD /D3/CU
/D3 /BM ^x >^xmin= -hc/e /B4e /AM/B5/B8
/D8/D7 /B4/CU/D3/D6 /D8/CW/CX/D7 /CX/D7 /CP/D2 /D3/D6/CS/CT/D6 /D3/CU /CX/D8/D7 /DB /CP /DA /CT /D0/D3/D7/CT/D7 /DA /DD /B8 /CQ /CT
/CP/D9/D7/CT /D9/D2/CS/CT/D6 /D8/CW/CT /D3/D6/CZ /D3/CU /D3/D9/D6 /D4/D6/D3
/D8/D7 /CP/D6/CT /BA /CC/CW/CX/D7 /D3/D8/D8/D3/D1 /CX/D7 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /DA /DD /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /AS/DC/CX/D2/CV /D9/D2/CS/CT/D6 /D8/CW/CT /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D3/CU /C9/BY/BA/C1/D8 /CX/D7 /CS /D8/D3 /CV/CX/DA /CT /CP /D7/D4 /CT
/CX/CP/D0 /CX/D2 /D8/CT/D6/D4/D6/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D8/CX/CT/D7 /D8/CX/D1/CT/B9/D7/D4 /CT/CT/CS/B9 v^t^p >-h /B8 /CP/D2/CS /CP /CS/CT/D6/CX/DA /CT/CS /CU/D6/D3/D1 /CX/D8 /D3/CU /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D3/CU /CP/D2 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 ^t^p>-h/c^t /D3/CU /CP/D0/D0/B8 /CS/D3 /CT/D7 /D8/CW/CT /AG/C9/C8 /D7/D4 /CT/CT/CS/AH /D1/CP/CZ /CT /D7/CT/D2/D7/CT /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /CV/CX/DA /CT/D2 /D1/D3 /CS/CT/D0/B8 /CP/D2/CS/CX/CU /DD /CT/D7/B8 /DB/CW/CX
/CW /CU/D3/D6 /D8/CW/CT /CT/DC/D4 /D8/C1/D8 /D4/D6/D3 /DA/CX/CS/CT/CS /CQ /DD /D8/CW/CT /D2/CT/DB /D4/D6/D3/D4 /D3/CU /CA /C9/C8 /CP/D2/CS /C9/BY /CQ /CT/CX/D2/CV /DD /DD /CU/D3/D6/D1 /D9/D0/CP/D7 /CU/D3/D6 /DA /D8 /DD/D4 /CT/D7 /D3/CU /CA /C9/C8
/D3 /D9/D0/CP/D7 /CU/D3/D6 /D7 /D3/CU /CP/D1/D3/D9/D2 /D8/D7 /D3/CU /D7 /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /CU/D3/D6 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8 /D8/D3
/CZ /D8/CW/CT /BM /D8/D3 /D0/D3
/CP/D8/CT /CF/BYPh /CP/D8 /CT/CX/CV/CT/D2 /CQ/CP/D7/CX/D7 /D3/CU /BG/B9 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /CP/D2/CS /DB/CX/D8/CW /CS /BA /BT /D8 /D2/CT/DB /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D1/D3 /CS/CT/D0 /D2/D3/D2/CP/D0/CX/D8 /DD /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CU/D6/D3/D1 /D8/CW/CT /D1/D3/D1/CT/D2 /D8 /D3/CU /D8/CX/D1/CTt /BA /BY /D3/D6/CP /D8/CX/D1/CTT /D8/CW/CT /D6/CT/D4 /CT/CP/D8/CT/CS /D3/CU /D7 /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8 /D3/CU /D4 /CP/D2/CS /D6/CT/D7/D4 /CT
/D8/CX/DA /CT/D0/DD /AM /D2/D3/D2 /DA /CP/D0/D9/CTy /DB/CW/CT/D2 /D1/CT/D2 /D8/BA/CC/CW/CT /CQ /CT /CX/D2 /CP/D2 /DD /DB /CP /DD /BA /CD/D2/D0/CX/CZ /CT /D8/CT/DC/D8/CQ /D3 /D3/CZ /CP/D2 /CA /C9/C8 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D9/D2/CS/CT/D6 /D4/D6/D3 /CT/CS /CP/D6/CT /D2/D3/D8 /D3/CU /D4/D6/CT/DA /CT/D2 /D8/CX/D2/CV /CT/AR/CT
/D8/D7 /D3/CU /C9/BY/BA /CC/CW/CT /CX/D2 /D8/D8/CW/CT
/D3 /BY /D6/D3/D1 /D3/D2/CT /D7/CX/CS/CT/B8 /CX/D8 /CX/D7 /D4/D6/D3 /DA/CX/CS/CT/CS /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DB/CX/D8/CW /D8/CW/CT /B9/CS/CT/DA/CX
/CT /CP/D7 /CU/CP/D6 /CP/D7 /CX/D8 /D8/CW/CT /BY /D6/D3/D1 /D8/CW/CT /D3/D8/CW/CT/D6 /D7/CX/CS/CT /D8/CW/CT /DA /DD /D3/CU /B4/BD/B5 /CU/D3/D6 /CX/D8 /CX/D7 /D8/CW/CT /D4 /B8 /DB/CW/CX
/CW /CX/D7 /D8/D3 /D3/CU /D8 /CX/D2 /DA /BA /BT/D2/CS /CP/D2 /CT/DC/D4 /D8 /DB/CX/D0/D0 /D8/CW/CT /CT/BM /D8/CW/CT /CV/CX/DA /CT/D2 /CX/D7 /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D0/CX/CS /CW/CT/D6/CT/B8 /CP/D2/CS /D8/CW/CT /B4/BD /B5 /CX/D7 /DA /CP/D0/CX/CS/B8 /D3/D6 /D3/D9/D6 /D4 /BD/BE/D3/CU /CX/D7 /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D0/CX/CS/B8 /CP/D2/CS /CX/D8/B3/D7
/D3 /CX/D7 /D2/D3/D8 /CS/BA/BL/BA /D8/CW/CT /D4/CP/D6/D8 /D3/CU /CA /C9/C8 /CW/CP/D7 /CQ /CT/CT/D2 /CX/D2 /D0/D3/CV/CX
/D3/CU /D8/CW/CT/CB/CA /D7/D9
/CX/CT/D2 /D8/D0/DD /CU/D9/D0/D0/DD /B8 /D8/CW/CT/D6/CT /CP/D4/D4 /CT/CP/D6/D7/B8
/D3/D1/D1/D3/D2 /CP /D4 /DD /D8/D3 /CT /CT /D4/D6/D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CF/BY /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /CT/DC/D8/CT/D2 /D8 /C9/C5/BA /CC/CW/CT/D6/CT /CP/D4/D4 /CT/CP/D6/D7 /CP /D3/D4/B9/D4 /DD /D8/D3 /CT
/D3 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /CA /C9/C8 /B8 /CP/D2/CS /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DD /DDg(x) /CP/D0/D0 /D1/CT/D2 /D8/D7 /CV/CT/D8/D7 /BA/C0/CT/D6/CT /CF/BYps(x) /D1/CP/D4/D7 E /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /D7/D4/CP
/CTU /B8
/CW /D8 /DD/D4 /CT /D3/CU /D7/BM /CQ /D3/D7/D3/D2/B8 /D6/CT/CP/D0 /CP/D2/CS /D7
/CP/D0/CP/D6 /CP/D2/CS /DA /CT
/D8/D3/D6/B8 /B8 /CP/D2/CS /C1/D2 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CX/D7 /CU/D3/D6/D1 /D9/D0/CP /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DD /CX/D7/CT/CS /CQ /DD /CP/D2 /D8/CW/CP/D8 /CX/D7 /CT /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /B9 /D3/CU /D8 /CX/D2 /DA /BA /DDg(x) /CX/D2 /CP
/CP/D7/CT/CX/D7 /CP/D0/CX/CZ /CT /D8/CW/CT /DD /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /DD /D3/CU /B3/D7
/D3 /B8 /CQ/D9/D8 /CW/CP/D7 /D3/D8/CW/CT/D6
/D3/D2 /D8/CT/D2 /D8/BM /D3/D8/CW/CT/D6 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D7/B8 /D3/D8/CW/CT/D6 /D4/D6/D3/D4 /B8/D3/D8/CW/CT/D6 /CX/D2 /D8/CT/D6/D4/D6/CT /D3/CU /DD /BA /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D7 /CP/D6/CT /D2/D3/D8
/CP/D9/D7/CT/CS /CQ /DD /D1/D3/D1/CT/D2 /D8 t /B8 /CX/BA/CT/BA /D8/CX/D1/CT /CX/D7 /CU/D6/D3/D1 /D8/CW/CT /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D4/D6/D3
/CT/D7/D7 /CP/D7 /CP /CQ/D9/D8 /CX/D7 /D8 /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /D8x /CP/D2/CS /D8/CW/CT /CP/CQ/D0/CT /DA /CP/D0/D9/CTy=x /BA /DD /D2/D3 /DB /CX/D7 /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8/BA /D3/CU /D7/D8/D3
/CT /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /B8 /CT/CS/CQ /DD /D8/CW/CT /DD /AT/D3 /DB /DB/CX/D8/CW /DDf(t,x) =|ps(t,x)|2/B8 /DB /CT /CW/CP /DA /CT /D3/CU /B3/D7 /CP/D4/D4 /CX/D2 /DB/CX/D8/CW /DD g(x) /B8 /D2/D3/D8 /CT/CS/B8 /CX/D2 /D8/D3 /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /D7/D4/CP
/CT/BA /C1/D2 /CP
/CP/D7/CT /D3/CU /D7/D9
/CW /D3/CU
/D3 /DB /CP/D7 /CX/D2 /CJ/BG /B8 /CP/D2/CS /CJ/BH /CX/D7 /CP /D3/CU /D8/CW/CX/D7 /D4/CP/D4 /CT/D6/BA /CC/CW/CT /CX/D2 /D8/CT/D6/D4/D6/CT /D3/CU /D7 /D3/CU /B9 /D3/CU/CA /C9/C8 /CX/D7 /CP/D0/D7/D3 /CW/CT/D6/CT/BA /D3/CU /D8 /DD /D3/CU /CQ /CT/D6/CV /CP/D6/CT /D8/CW/CT /D8/CW/CT /D4 /D7 /D3/CU /C9/C5/BA /C1/D2 /D8/CW/CT /D3/D6/CZ /D3/CU /D1/D3 /CS/CT/D0 /D3/CU /CA /C9/C8 /D8/CW/CT/DD /D2/D3 /CW/CP /DA /CT /D8/CW/CX/D7 /CP/D7 /D8/CW/CT/D6/CT /CX/D7 /D2/D3/D0/CP /DB /D3/CU
/D3 /B3 /B8 /CU/D3/D6 /D8/CW/CP/D8/BA /CC/CW/CT/D7/CT /D8/CW/CT /CX/D2 /D8/CW/CT /D1/D3 /CS/CT/D0 /BA /BT/D2 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2 /D4/D6/D3 /D3/CU /C9/BY/B8 /CW/CP /DA /CT /CQ /CT/CT/D2 /D4/D6/D3/D4 /D3/D7/CT/CS /CP/D2/CS /CA/CT/D7/D4 /CT
/D8/CX/DA /CT /D3/CU/D8/CW/CT /CA /C9/C8 /CP/D8/CX/D3/D2
/CP/D9/D7/CT/CS /CQ /DD /D8/CW/CT/D7/CT /CP/D6/CT /BT/D7 /D8/D3 /D8/CW/CT /C9/BY/B8 /D8/CW/CX/D7 /D2/CT/DB /CP/D6/CT /D8/D3 /D2/CT/DB
/D7/D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D7 /CX/D2 /DB/CW/CX
/CW /CC/CW/CT /D3/D4 /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT/D7/CT /D7 /CP/D2/CS /D8/CW/CT /CX/D2 /DA /CP/D6/CX/CP/D2 /D8 /CU/D3/D6 /CU/D6/CT/CT /C9/BY /CW/CP /DA /CT /CQ /CT/CT/D2 /CT/CS/BA/BT/CQ/CQ/D6/CT/DA/CX/CP/D8/CX/D3/D2/D7/BM /C9/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D9/D1 /C8 /AM /C9/C8/BN /CF /CP /DA /CT /BY /AM /CF/BY/BN /D5/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D9/D1/D1/CT
/D7 /AM /C9/C5/BN /C9/C8 /AM /CA /C9/C8/BN /CB/D4 /CT
/CX/CP/D0 /DD /AM /CB/CA/BN /C0/CT/D6/D1/CX/D8/CX/CP/D2/BD/BF /BY /D3/D6/D1 /AM /C0/C9/BY/BN /CF /CP /DA /CT /AM /CF/BX/BN /C9/C5 /AM /CA /CE/BA/BU/BA /B8 /BX/BA/C5/BA /C4/BA/C8 /BA /BA /CP/B3/CP/C3 /DA /CP/D2 /D8/D3 /DA /CP/B3/CP /CC /B4/C4/BA/BW/BA /BX/BA/C5/BA /CW/CT/D7/CZ /CP/B3/CP/C8/CW /DD/D7/CX
/CP/B8 /CC/BA/C1/CE /B5/B8 /BD/B8 /C5/D3/D7/CZ/DA /CP/B8 /C6/CP/D9/CZ /CP/B8 /BD/BL/BI/BK/B8 /D4/D4/BA /BD/BF /AL /BD/BJ /B4/CX/D2 /C8 /BA/BT/BA/C5/BA /D3/CU /C9/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D9/D1 /C5/CT
/CP/B8 /CC/BA /C1 /C1 /C1/B8 /C3 /DA /CP/D2 /D8/D3 /DA /CP/B3/CP/C5/CT
/CW/CP/D2/CX/CZ /CP/BA /C8/CW /C5/D3/D7
/D3 /DB/B8 /BD/BL/BI/BF/B8 /BJ/BC/BE /D4/BA /B4/CX/D2 /CE/BA/BY/BA /C3/D6/D3/D8/D3 /DA/BA /BB/BB /C8 /BY /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D3/CU /C9/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D9/D1 /C5/CT/B9
/C1/D2 /D3/CU /BE/BC/BC/BI/B8 /DA/BA /BD/BJ/B8 /D4/BA /BJ/BJ /AL /BL/BE/BA/CJ/BH /CE/BA/BY/BA /C3/D6/D3/D8/D3 /DA/BA /C7 /D7/DA /D3/CX/D7/D8/DA /CP/CW /DA /D3/D0/D2/D3 /DA /D3 /CY /D7/DA /D3/CQ /D3 /CS/D2/D3 /CY/CX/D7/D8/D7
/D3 /CY
/AM /B9/GH /GL/G8/G9/GJ/H2 /FH/GP/GJ/GGy=x /B8 /GQ/GM /GN/GM/GP/GQ/GR /GJ/GG/GO/GR /GD/GQ/GP /H3 /GA/GD/GO/GM f(t,x) /GG /GD/GD /GP/GA/H3/GF/H0 /GP /FE/FW/BMf(t,x) /AM /GK/GD/GO/G8 /GA/GD/GO/GM /BM P(Q/t) =P[Q,ps(t,x)] /B8QE /BA /FH/GP/GJ/GGy /AM /GG/GK/GN/GR /GJ/H0/GP/B8 /GQ/GM /GN/GM/GP/GQ/GR /GJ/GG/GO/GR /GD/GQ/GP /H3 =J(ps) /B8 /GB /GC/GD /GV/G8/GP/GQ/H0 /AM /B4/FE/FV/B5/B8 /G5/FM /FW/BA /FE /H1/GQ/GM/GK /GK/GD/GO/G8 /GA/GD/GO/GM/B9P(Q,ps) /GL/G8 /GN/GM /GC/GK/GL/GM /GE Q /GL/G8/G9/GJ/H2 /G8/GD/GQ/GP /H3 /GV/GD/GO/GD/GF /GI /H3 /GG/GF /B8 /GI /GM/GB /GC/G8 /GL/GM/GO/GK/G8 /GL/GD /GG /GL/GD /GR /H3/GD/GQ/GP /H3 /GR = 1 /BA /FP/GM /GZ /GA/GD/GO/GM /BA /GQ /G8/GI/GE /GD/B8 /GV/GQ/GM /GA /GI/GR/G9/GDVE /FE/FW /GD/GP/GQ/H0 H(V) /GP /BA /FW/GG/GI /GP/GG/GO/GR /H3 1 /B8 /GK/GM /GE/GL/GM /GP/GM /GF/G8 P(Q,ps) /B8QV /B8 /GP/GK/GZ/GP/GJ /GK/GD/GO/GZ /GA/GD/GO/GM /GL/G8/G9/GJ/H2 /GC/GD/GL/GG/H3 x /B8 /G8 /GF/G8 f(t,x) /AM /GD/GD /B8 /GN/GO/GG /GD /GI /GL/G8/G9/GJ/H2 /H3 /GQ/GM/GJ/H0/GI /GM /GN/GM/GI xV /BA/BF/BA /G8/H3 /G8/BA /FQ/G9/GX/GD/GD /GK/GM /GP/GQ/H0E /AM /GP /GI (x0,x) /B8xE /BNx0=ct /B8t /AM /AM /GP/GI /GP/GA/GD/GQ /G8/BN /AM /B8eii= 1 /B8i >0 /BA /FP/G8 /GI /G9/GO/GR /GP/GDV= (0,cT)xVE/BF /FE/FWps(x) /B8 /G8/H2/GX/G8/H3 V /GA U /B8 m /GJ/GG/G9/GM /GI /GP/GL/GM/GD/B8
=g(x/x0) 1 /B8 /CJ/BE/BA /GL/GM/GA/GR/H2 /FE/FWps(x) /B8 /GQ /G8/GI/GR/H2 /GV/GQ/GMg(x) =
=g0(x0)u2(x) =ps2(x) 1 /BA /FE /GP/GG/GJ/GR /FE/FV /GM/GL/G8 /GPu(x)
/GC/GM = const = 1 /cT /B8ps= (cT)-1/2u 1 /BA /FR/GO/GGT- /B8V-E /B8 /GD/GP/GJ/GG /GN/GME /BA g(x) /B8 g(x/x0) /GP /GC/GM /GG /GK/GM/GB/GR/GQ /H3/GI /G8/GI /GN/GR/GQ/GD/GK /GL/G8/G9/GJ/H2 /GC/GD/GL/GG/H3 x /GPx0/GA /GI /G8 /GQ /G8/GI /GG /BA/BH/BA /FP/G8/G9/GJ/H2 /GC/GD/GL/GG/GD /GP/GQ/H0 /FM/FZ /AM /GP/GI /FP/G8/G9/GJ/H2 /AM /GJ/H0/GP/G8 p= (p0,p)E /BA /FH/GB/GM /GD/GP/GQ/H0 /B8 /G5/FM /FW /GAH /BA /FE/FW /GP ak>0 /B8pkE /AM /GO /GF/GL/G8 /H3 /GM/GH /GA /GG /GP /H3 /GA /GI nk
/GP /GJ/H0/GP/GM/GK pk
/GA /GI /G8 /GL/G8/B9/GB /G8/GQ /G8 /GN/GM/GJ/H3/BA /FC /GI /GP /GO/GD/GF/GR /GJ/H0 /GQ /G8/GQ/GM/GK pk
/B8 /GG /GQ /G8/GI /GM/GA/GZ/GD/B8 /GI /GQ/GM/GV/GI /GDx /B8 /GJ/GG/GV/GG/H3 /FE/FQ /GI /G8/GI x /GZ /GAH /B8 /G8 /GL/GD /GAH /B8 /GA/GT /GM /GC/GG/GQ /GA /GL/GG/GT /GP /GL/GL/GZ/GK/GG /GI /GM/GM/GO /GC/GG/GL/G8/GQ /GC/GM/GJ/GE /GD/GL /G9/GZ/GQ/H0 /GG /GD/GL/BN /GQ/GM /H1/GQ/GM/GQ /G9/G8/GF/GG/GP /GD/GL/B8 /H3 /GT /G8 /FM/FZ/B8/EC/AM /GF/G8/GO /H3/GC/B8 /G8 /B9/H2/GX/GG/GD /GL/GM/GA/GZ/GK /GP/GM/GP/GQ/GM /H3/GL/GG/H3/GK /GP/GJ/G8/GB /G8/GD/GK/GZ/GD /GA /B4/BE/B5 /GM/G9/GO/GD/GQ /G8/H2/GQ /GB /GE /GD/GL/GG/H3 /GG /GO/GM /GA /H1/GQ/GG/GT /GP/GM/GP/GQ/GM /GC/GG/GQ/GP /H3 /GQ /G8/GI/GE /GD /G8 L ={Lk} /GT Y={Yk} /B8 /GC/GJ/H3 /B8 /GG /GC/GG/GK = (ps,Lps) /GA /FE/FQ /H3 /GI /G8/GI /GZH /BA = (Ph,LPh) /BA /AM /G9/G8/GF/GG/GP /GL/G8/G9/GJ/H2 =/summationdisplay iniyi
/BN /BNyi
/AM L /B8 /G8niyi
/AM L /AM /GV/GG/GP/GJ/G8 /GT /GI /GM/GM/GO /GC/GG/GL/G8/GQ /B8 /GA /FM/FO/B8 /GI /G8/GI /GG /GC/GJ/H3 /FM/FZ/B8 /GG /B4/BD/B5/B8 /B4/BF/B5 L(Q) /GI /G8 /GA /BM L(Q) /B4/BG/B5/GB /GC/GDf(x) = 1 /B8xQ /B8f(x) = 0 /B8x /Q /BA L(Q) /GI /G8 /GA QE /GP L(Q) /B8Q=Qx(0,T)E /GV/GG/GP/GJ/GM Q: = (Ph,L(Q)Ph) /BA/FR/GR = (ps,LSps) /AM /FM/FZ/B8 /G8S(Ph*,Ph) =
= (Ph,LsPh) /AM /H3 /GN/GMPh*(n) /B8 /FE/FV /BM LsPh(n) = /B4/BH/B5/FR/GR /GP/GQ/H0 /GV/GG/GP/GJ/GMN /GL/GD /GG/GI /GM/B8 /G8 /H3 /GM/GQ /GI /BA /G5/GQ/GM /GD/GQ /GK/GM /GC/GD/GJ/GG /FM/FR /GA /GO/G8/GK/GI /G8/GT /GI /GM/GO/GN/GR /GP/GI/GR /GI /GP /GC/GM /GT /GP/GM/GP/GQ/GM /H3/GL/GG/H3/BA /FE/FW /G9/GZ/GQ/H0 /GD/GX/GD /GG /GN/GMN /B8 /CJ/BE/BA /GE /GD /B4/BE /B5/B8/GG /AM /GI L /B8 L(Q) /B8 /GM/GP/GQ /G8/H2/GQ/GP /H3 /GQ /G8/GI/GE /GD /GI /G8/GI /GG /FE/FV /G8/H3 /GL/GM/GP/GQ/H0 /GN/GM/GJ/H3 /BA /GA /GP/GM/GP/GQ/GM /H3/GL/GG/GG /GD/GP/GQ/H0 /GO/GD/GF/GR /GJ/H0 /GQ /G8/GQ /GL/G8/G9/GJ/H2 /GL/GD /H3/GX/GG/GH /GM/GQ /GI /GM/GM/GO /GC/GG/GL/G8/GQ /BA /GL/G8/G9/GM/GO /GV/GG/GP/GD/GJ /GG /GD/GL/B8 /GQ /G8/GI /GE /GD /GI /G8/GI /GG /GL/G8/GC /FE/FQ /GG/GK/GG /GK/GG /FE/FW ps /B8 /G8 L /AM /GK/GG /GG/GT /GM/GAL = (Ps+(x),LPs(x)) (psi,Lpsj) /BN/an}bracketle{ty/an}bracketri}ht =
= (Ph,LPh) /BA /FP/GM(Ph,Ph) /GD/GP/GQ/H0 /GI /G8/GI /GF/GL/G8 /GV/GD/GL/GG/GD /GK/GD/GO/GZ /GA/GD/GO/GM /B8 /GQ /G8/GI/GE /GD /GI /G8/GI /GG a+
= /BA /FE /GO/G8/GK/GI /G8/GT /GK/GM /GC/GD/GJ/GG /GN/BA = Ps(x) = (Ps 2(x),Ps3(x)) /BN L(Q) = /BA /FJ/GC/GD/GP/H0 /FE/FQPs2(x) /B8Ps3(x) /H2/GQ /GI /G8/GK /G9/G8/GF/GG/GP/G8u2/B8u3/BA/FT/GI /G9/GM/GF/GM/GL /BAPs(x) +b+
/C8 /BA/BT/BA/C5/BA /D3/CU /C9/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D9/D1 /C5/CT
/BY /D3/D9/D6/D8/CW /BV/D0/CP/D6/CT/D2/CS/D3/D2 /FN/G8/GL/GC/G8 /GR /FN/BA/FG/BA/B8 /FN/GG/GW/GG/GU /FH/BA/FO/BA /FU /G8/H3 /GG/GF/GG/GI /G8/BA /FU /BA /C1 /C1 /C1/B8 /FO/BA/BM /BD/BL/BI/BF/B8 /BJ/BC/BE /GP/BA/CJ/BG /C3/D6/D3/D8/D3 /DA /CE/BA/BY/BA /BB/BB /D4 /CU /D3/CU /D8/CW/CT /D7 /D3/CU /D5/D9/CP/D2 /D8/D9/D1 /D1/CT
/C1/D2 /D3/CU /BE/BC/BC/BI/BA /CE/BA /BD/BJ/B8 /D4/BA /BJ/BJ /AL /BL/BE/BA/CJ/BH /C3/D6/D3/D8/D3 /DA /GP/GQ /GG/GT /GT /GP/GA/GM/G9/GM /GC/B9/GL/GM/GH /GM/GH /BA /FU/GO/GR /GC/GZ /G8 /GR/GN/GO /FC/FP/B8 /GQ /BA /CG/CG/CE/C1 /C1 /C1/B8 /BE/BC/BC/BK/B8 /GP/BA /BH /B9/AL /BD/BF/BA/BD/BG | 0804.4374 | Vadim Krotov | V. F. Krotov | Wave function of particle and the coordinates distribution in
relativistic quantum theory | 14 pages, in Russian; English translation (14 pages) have been added | null | null | null | quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The conditions for observation of the particle coordinates, required by logic
of the Special Relativity and filtering the quantum field effects, are
described. A general relation between the corresponding density of probability
and the wave function is found. It is a relativistic invariant describing
probability of the particle emergences in space -time. This density is
concretized for bosons, both scalar and vector (including photon), charged and
neutral, also electron. The Heisenberg's uncertainty relations have been
approved in regards to relativistic particle. As applied to the quantum field,
this new construction is transformed to new characteristic of the particles
distribution in space-time, which complete distribution throughout impulses.
The operators of these distributions and the invariant relativistic description
for free quantum fields have been obtained. These new properties of the
particles and fields are proposed for experimental investigations.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:40:57 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 22 May 2008 12:45:36 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 3 Jul 2008 10:32:16 GMT"
] | 2008-07-03T00:00:00 | [
"V. F.",
] |
(i) Preamble This article discusses Dual-Access Colloca based techniques for geoexploration or Laplacian inverse source theory. Most of th e same techniques can (and have) been used for gravity modeling. From a first-cut intuitive perspective, given that physical system s in static equilibrium (or even ones in quasi-static equilibrium like the Earth, which, for simplicity of expositio n, is treated here as a static case) tend to be in minimum energy configurations, and given that DIDACKS fits minimize the (weighted) energy of the entire external field exactly (as well as that of the exterior energy of the error field) and, moreover, that DIDACKS theory was first explicit ly developed and tested for the two standard geometries that are the most commonly used ones in geoe xploration and physical exterior of an R3sphere and might tentatively conclude that in order to solve a geophysical inverse density estimation problem all that is necessar y to do is to simply perform a DIDACKS point mass fit and then reinterpret the results. Here, of course, some sort of natural accommodations to the innate ill-conditioning of the problem must be made by, say, caref ully choosing the source spacing and depths. On second glance, it might appear that this first take is ent irely too nieve because the of the gravitational field energy itself is negative (that is to sa y, it is proportional to the negative of the Dirichlet integral of the underlying potential) and thus for grav itational source estimation problems a negative energy solution would require minimizing the negative of the D IDACKS cost function, which would lead to negative run-away solutions that correspond to a worst fit rather than a best fit. It would thus seem that while DIDACKS theory may be directly applied as it stands to elect rostatics or other problems where the energy density is positive and it may be applied to gravitational mo deling problems (as discussed at length in [10]), it should not be applied to gravitational source problem s without some sort of On further examination, one might be inclined to think t hat a direct energy to gravity source estimation is more or less hopeless since mass density estimation problems tend to be, by their very nature, ill-conditioned, and any nostrum that p atches the theory must surely be as likely to hurt as it is to improve the condition number; conversely, due to n atural trade-offs that one might expect to have to make between theory and practice, anything done to imp rove the condition number must, it might seem, surely blemish the theory, in some sense or upon considering several simple ideas and their implicatio ns, it turns out that the first more optimistic take on things is much closer to the final truth of the matt er. One central point is that it is necessary, at least implicitly, to consider conceptual issues involvin g the linkage of the internal energy of the source density and the energy content of the exterior field. When this is done, it turns out that even the first-cut perspective mentioned above is, if anything, actually too pessimistic. For example, it turns out, upon closer examination, that all of the various relevant standard regularization techniques have a justification and, conversely, all of the considered t heoretical nostrums lead to solutions which improve the condition number. When one steps back to consider wha t the implications of all of this might be for the application of the DIDACKS approach to other arenas, t here is even more good news, in that the overall analysis leads to relevant strategies for handling variou s ill-conditioning issues that can arise in conjunction with Laplacian inverse source problems in these other a reas. Conceptual Preview For any true measure of success over a broad range of relevant p roblem ares, a surprisingly large body of diverse ideas and corresponding techniques will have to be consider ed here. This led to inevitable difficulties in attempting to organize the underlying material. In particular, sinc e there are various issues that are hard to discuss in a straightforward way using a completely linear sequent ial exposition, it seemed appropriate to set the stage in several different ways. Thus, many of the deep er issues subsequently encountered are 2raised in the remaining part of this Preamble Section and in the next Overview Section, prior to the more standard Introduction Section. Also difficult choices had to b e made about what to leave out. In particular, since physical geodesy are the prim ary focus here and the material was chosen with an eye towards generality, some significant special topic issues are not addressed at all--for example, that of handling conductors in the field region for electrostatic inve rse source problems or that of adapting the formalism to accommodate the magnetic dipole form (versus the electrostatic or gravitational form that is more easily dealt with in DIDACKS theory). In the end, the material that is contained in this article should be accessible to most of the readers from various other disc iplines who might wish to try adapting it. It goes without saying that, in the end, the reader will have to de termine what concepts are relevant and appropriate for his or her problem area of interest. In order to he lp orient general readers a brief survey of some of some of the main points made in the sequel will be given next. ( The order followed here does not necessarily follow that of the discussion in the main body of the paper .) First, due to the fact that under the influence of gravity matter a lways attracts matter, the energy is negative instead of positive. This is obvious since energ y is released when separated bits of matter come together to form, say, some planetary or stellar bod y. (Conversely, the electrostatic energy density is positive and energy is required to assemble a charged body , since like charges repeal.) For that it does not implode entirely in upon itself, but the final configu ration may well be a where energy transferof some sortor other mus t be considered. (Obviously, tides, earthquakes and related terrestrial phenomena are manifestation of such ene rgy transfer processes.) Next consider a concrete example of this gravitational body forma tion process. If a massive (but not too massive, so that black hole formation is avoided) isotropic isolate d non-rotating cloud of gas coalesces into a spherical ball under the action of mutual attraction of its pa rts, then, at some point in time, will restrain the configuration from further collapse. Ev en this simple example turns out to be fairly complicated, because time dependent thermal gradients and their effects on pressure must be taken into account. Thus the core of this configuration becomes heated as it initially compresses and this, in turn, influences the pressure of the core itself; moreover, subsequen t radiative cooling will have a strong influence on the final density profile and on how soon a stable (or nearly stable ) configuration is obtained. efforts to model planetary density configurations in ter ms of rotating gasses and (as well as other forms of matter) have a long history and fra me a pertinent part of astrophysics and geophysics [16, 3]. For standard planetary bodies, these resu lting axially symmetric to an ambient density profile that is homogenous at eac h depth (i.e., tangentially isotropic) and these resulting nominal configurations can be taken as defining a min imum energy or ground state It is thus natural to remove this nominal referenc e field (which is labeled normal gravity by geophysicists [2]) along with the included rotational effects and thus consider only density and deviations from this equilibrium ground state. Clearly these den sity differences from a nominal (or normal) configuration result are as likely to be negative as positive. T he point being that these indicate some sort of dislocation of matter that is assoc iated with internal stresses and strains, so that they correspond to states of higher energy, which, in tur n, means that the resulting external also correspond to states of higher energy. It is thus clear, then, that when a suitable reference field is subtracted, and one is willing to expressdensity estimates as e xcursionsfrom nominal conditions, that the proper strategy corresponds to minimizing the external field e nergy, subject, of course, to matching the available data (in, say, a point-wise sense). As noted in [12] this is pre cisely what DIDACKS point mass fits do: They are the collocation fits that minimize the overall (weighted) field energy subject to the constraint that the potential be matched at specified data points. [The DIDAC KS approach also the (weighted) field energy of the difference between some specified truth field and the field to be estimated, which, in itself gives a strong added motivation for subtr acting off a nominal reference field.] As discussed in [12], it is worth noting that this method of residual fitt ing, as it is referred to in [12], is 3very useful within a general geophysical context. In particular, as pointed out at the end of the main body of that article ([12]), geophysical techniques generally always includ e subtracting off a standard model from the total field and dealing with a quantity tha t is called gravity anomaly (or a related quantity called gravity disturbance) [2]. Often a further subtract ion, which is called goes back to Fosberg, circa 1984), is carried out, which resu lts in a localized field. At several other places in [12] the advantages of residual fitting techniques in DIDAC KS based applications were also orhigher is subtracted off, then the spherical DIDACKS weight ed energynorm relationshipsfor the part of the field that is left give almost identical results (i.e., norms) to unw eighted energy norm expressions for spherical exteriors; consequently, when a suitable reference fie ld is subtracted off, the interpretational issues that arise for spherical exteriors associated with the difference b etween weighted energy expressions and direct energy expressions can be ignored. It is also worth noting th at this removal of a reference field has the effect density estimation probleminto roughlytwo parts aswell: (1) Coreand deep mantle density estimation that is primarily tied to the chosen reference mod el chosen. (2) Geoexploration and The concepts and techniques presented here are probably of most direct interest in other near surface related problem areas, but they clearly ca n also be adapted to the core and deep mantle regimes as well. Third, while there is clearly much more analysis that can, and should, b e done along similar with regardsto the connections of coreand mantle densit y distributions, along with all of the Section 5 certain commo nly used are shown to correspondto assuming a direct gravit ationalfield energyand matter dislocations and an analysis is presented which shows that this connection has a r easonable physical interpretation. Most of the other procedures that improve condition number correspo nd to assuming smoother density variations at the expense of choppy ones, which is one of the major overall th emes of this paper. Finally, asanaside, point dipoles and point quadrupoles), attention here is foc used on theoretical and practical with mass density estimation from gravitational potent ial field information. Researchers in that deal with inverse solutions to Laplace's (or Poison's) e quation requiring dipole or as solutions can easily adapt the techniques presente d here to their venue, so this is not nearly as restrictive as it may at first Notes While, for most readers, it may be tempting to only ponder the variou s issues raised by this article, in order to have some true understanding of the issues raised, it is pr obably necessary to perform at least some numerical trial implementations. A basic DIDACKS point mass fit is ver y easy to perform. For example, in the half-space setting all that is necessary to do is to set up and s olve (7) using, say, the routine in Lawson and Hanson [5]. Since this article discu sses and tries to justify points primarily from a conceptual point of view, it may not be clear how simple and easy to implement many of the suggestion are. The goal of the remaining p art of this section is thus to point out, by means of a few simple suggestions, how someone who is approachin g these issues for the first time can gain some hands-on implementation experience in a relatively painless w ay. First, observe that since a DIDACKS point mass fit [i.e., VNpspecified by (3)] satisfies the norm property, it is the potential with the smallest norm t hat matches the given data values of the specified potential W. This means, for example, that if VNpconsists ofa few shallow point masses only, then VNp-0 away from the specified collocation points, while if one adds more poin t 4masses and places them deeper the condition number will rapidly incre ase. A standard way of improving the condition number is to add a regularization factor that is a quadr atic function of the parameter set to the cost function. For example, here the chosen modified cost fun ction form might be Ph (1) wheretis a small adjustable constant. Observe that this modified cost fun ction only tends to exacerbate the tendency of VNpto regress to the mean since, for sizeable values of tit rapidly drives the values of mk to zero. Notice, however, if prior to performing the fit some given r eference model has been subtracted off fromW, then the tendency of VNpto regress to the mean implies that VNpwill regress to values that are relative to some preselected reference model, which is generally a de sirable property. Moreover, in the sequel it will be argued that under these circumstances one can conclude t hat this quadratic form is an for the potential energy that is associated with intern al material dislocation. This subtraction of a reference model is called residual fitting in the sequel, just as it wa s in [10]. It should be a simple matter for the reader to test all of this out for him or herself. Suppose that no reference model is available for use in residual fitt ing: What then? Along simular lines that lead one to conclude that quadratic expressions like the one on the right hand side (RHS) of (1) are associated with minimum energy states, on can argue that, in gener al, the smoother the density profile, the lower the energy state. All of these considerations lead to a regula rization factor of that is proportional where the oi,jare positive constants that are nonzero only for source points th at are not separated too much. (Which clearly makes the overall dens ity profile more or less smooth.) Again the interested reader can test this out directly using simple example s. Finally, it haveabuilt in measurements, like geophysical collocation does [6], so some s ort of preprocessing is necessary when measurement errors are present. As indicted in [11], a certain amou nt of caution is generally when using raw data. To evaluate a candidate implementatio n, it is generally necessary to use some sort ofrealistic synthetic data and perform a Monte Carloana lysisto get a handle on the errorbehavior of the chosen implementation. (Even though standard covariance -based data preprocessing algorithms may give internal estimates of data statistics, they may not be complet ely reliable when, for example, is present.) (ii) Overview Given the general historical and physical import of Laplace's and Po isson's equation, methods of solution for either one in some particular realm are of general interest since the methods employed may touch on solution techniques in many other problem areas. Thus while this artic le focuses on interior mass from given exterior gravity field information, many of the physical and mathematical strate- gies introduced here are quite general and can be either used direc tly (such as for gravity field or extended for use in other areas of applicability. The ba sic philosophy used here in approach- ing density estimation problems is energy minimization because physica l systems in stable equilibrium are clearly minimum energy states, which means that an energy minimizatio n based approach can be used to by-pass well-known theoretical issues of ill-posedness that are ge nerally linked to Laplacian (or Poisson Ian) equation density estimation problems. This work builds directly on a mathematical framework presented in a previous article by the author that allows for the approximation of R3harmonic fields in unbounded domains by (point) sources the (bounded) complimentary interior region [10]. At the hear t of this approach is the idea of dual-access (DIDACK) that has the ubiquitous form of the inverse dis- tance between some field variable point and a fixed source point. Bec ause the field point and source point are assumed to be in disjoint regions this kernel form is bounded; fu rthermore, this restriction to disjoint domains disallowing that have this general form and, in fact, these kernels can be employed to obtain closed form expressions for ener gy norm inner products. resulting structure cannot be considered a reproducing kern el nor is it even a symmetric kernel since its two arguments do not share common domains. There are, however , natural connections of the associated space (DIDACKS) techniques, reproducing kernel Hilbert space ( RKHS) techniques and especially geophys- ical collocation, which is a specialized R3reproducing kernel technique [6]. The RKHS and GC connections to DIDACKS theory, as well as the general mathematical backdro p and various precedents were addressed in this previous article that also dealt with the R3half-space, in addition to the spherical exterior setting [10]. It also included an overview of relevant aspects of physical geo desy and a brief outline of the author's, as well as others, experience with point mass fitting. For the reade r's convenience, the basic DIDACKS approach is reviewed in Section 2, but since no attempt is made in Sect ion 2 to motivate or re-derive the basic DIDACKS mathematical relationships, in what follows it is assume d that the reader is familiar with the overall plan of approach. Connections of DIDACKS theory to v arious other mathematical approaches, such as the method of fundamental solutions, also exist and were a ddressed in a separate article in this series dealing with DIDACKS R2andCtheory [11] and it is worth noting explicitly that many of the ideas developed here can be applied (or adapted) for use in these other m athematical the mathematical and physical basis of the approach to Laplacian inverse source theory presented here are the DIDACKS closed form expressions for gra vitational field energy, which yield a con- sistent source estimation procedure and interpretation when sup plemented with four realizations that are central to this presentation: 1. The method of residual fits
*subtracts off a nominal density profile so the results are as likely to p ositive as that any deviation from this nominal density profile are associa ted with an increase in field localizes the source estimation problem so that the pr ocedure can be readily adapted to the geometry and data at hand. 2. When deviations from nominal conditions are under consideration , one can show that commonly procedures lead to a self-consistent physical inter pretation and approach. 3. Also conferring various implementation advantages, including gre atly improved system condition num- bers, is the structured point source technique (SPST), where gr oupings of point masses are used (with each grouping often being some selection of nearby point masses, g enerally taken to lie on a regular grid) and all of the masses in each of the groupings have predeterm ined relative mass values so that only an overall mass scale factor for each of the groupings is deter mined. (Each of these groupings can also be regarded as defining a basis function.) This has the effect of r eplacing a given point source basis function with a distribution that is more uniform and spread out , not only in terms of its but also in terms of the effective potential and fo rces produced. As discussed below, one significant advantage of utilizing SPST basis functions is that a (f amily of) SPST basis function can be engineered to have characteristics that meet preselected requirements, in say the frequency or spatial domain. 4. Finally, since the DIDACKS energy minimization approach is based on a cost function, it can based approaches. Moreover, alternative physical des criptions may easily be used to wasmissing in the de scription: Ph Tot= point is that if the process described by Ph A(/vector a) is physically consistent with that described by Ph B(/vector a), for some (global) parameter set /vector a, then the minimum of Ph Tot(/vector a) = minimum of PhA(/vector a) = minimum of Ph B(/vector a), while if the physical descriptions AandBare not consistent then t >0 should be chosen in such a way as to reflect the relative reliability of Ph A(/vector a) and Ph B(/vector a) [in some instances the ratio of Ph A(/vector a) and Ph B(/vector a) (or its inverse) may be a direct expression of this and suffices, as a general practical guide, for implementat ions]. The goal of this article is to articulate, clarify and amplify on these fo ur points, while putting them within the overall context of a field energy minimization approach. Given th at the exact nature of these various points, how they relate to each other and how they relate to field en ergy minimization may be unclear at this stage (especially with regards to items 2, 3 and 4), a few addition al side comments are in order here. It has already been noted that items 1 and 2 are connected. Next, observe that items 2 and 4 are related since the general way regularization is added is by minimizing Ph( /vector a) +t-ohm instead of Ph( /vector a). Heretis an adjustable constant and -ohm is the so called regularization function. (Usually an over bar is not u sed -ohm, resent the field region of interest). Generally a (su ch as in Tikhinov chosen solely for its condition number improving properties so tis chosen to be as small as possible, consistent with this overall goal. Here, however, the perspective is that ill-posedn ess is most likely a direct result of c onsequently, tion). thatfor some years alternative information based approaches to inverse s ource theory have been suggested [14, 15]). That is, as subsequently argued, the point is that energy is genera lly associated directly with internal and that, from a general constitutive perspective, t here is a direct correspondence between often used regularization forms and reasonable expressions for t his constitutive energy; conversely, and a straightforward analysis of the nature of this c onstitutive energy leads to natural forms of regularization functions. It is also worth perhaps noting that a c ost function based approach a easy means of collaboration. In particular, with regardst o item 4, although experts from A and B may have knowledge of their own specialty only, they may be able to form a whereeachsubmits his orherown separatecost function fo r use in the final total costfunction, yielding a unique composite optimal solution as a result. This point is germane s ince the formalism presented in Section 5, when implemented along the lines of the last example given in t his section, should allow for the tight integration of seismology data and gravitational data. Finally, what is partitioned via 1 can also be added back by 4, so that there can be a subtle process of refineme nt of the total solution for certain of a few explicit examples may perhaps be necessary in order to clarify the main ideas behind item 3. Thus, first consider a source density region partition ed into a set of non-overlapping cubes. Although, in geoexploration, a collection of cubes (or parallelepipeds ) such as this proves to be a very useful ansatz for gravity source estimation, there is an overall added lev el of implementation complexity due to the fact that the closed form potential (and gravity) expression s that result for each of the cubes (2) below] are quite messy and this, in turn, clearly comp licates any DIDACKS such types of applications are not entirely unreasonable to consider--see the last part of Section 5, for example). When the RHS of (2) is taken over a cube (say) the re sulting potential function on the left-hand side (LHS) can be regarded as simply defining a cube basis function. On the other hand, one might consider a numerical approximation to this integral where the continuous distribution is replaced by a uniform grid of point masses, each of equal (but unknown) mass. A better way to think of this is simply to regard this grid of uniform masses, not as a numerical approxima tion to a continuous distribution, but as a distinct type of distribution, which is to say a structured point sou rce (SPST) basis function (as indicated 7above in item 3). In this case, a SPST basis function can be regarded as an approximation to a cube basis function and it can be translated from place to place, just like a cube can; although, obviously in this case, each SPST basis function must be indexed by a separate label indicat ing its location. Notice that this SPST basis function has only one undetermined parameter scale fac tor and that the total mass of the cube it approximates fixes this scale factor (or this overall scale factor can obviously be fixed by performing a DIDACKS fit--as discussed next). There are several additional points to be made here. First, DIDAC KS linear equation sets for the that result from using SPST basis functions are exact , easy to implement and easy to solve. For example, when compared to a simple point mass fit, only the appropria te sums over the cubes have to be added to obtain the governing exact linear equations set. Second, the matrix size of the linear system to be solved is determined by the number of regions of the system to be mo deled (i.e., number of cubes) and not the size of the basis function internal grid, because there is only on e unknown source parameter per source region, or SPST basis function. Consequently, a very fine (interna l) grid can be taken, if desired, the size of the linear system to be solved. Third, it is the dim ensions of the cubes themselves (i.e., how close the source regions, or SPST basis functions, are togeth er) and not the spacing of the internal grid that determines the condition number of the source parameter sy stem. Thus the use of SPST basis to using a sort of internal or structural regular ization and, as such, the SPST approach is directly related to other energy based regularization techniques ( c.f., item 2). (The point here is that stable forms of solid or liquid matter have a certain inherent energy of con stitution associated with either their molecular or crystal lattice structures and so long as this basic con stitutive nature of matter is taken into account the actual amount of energy involved here does not matt er since, aside from variations due to energy of deformation, the internal energies of material constitution ar e constant and hence ignorable so that only energy scales directly associated with deformations or dislocations need to be considered.) For example, instead of the collapsing cloud of gas or dust considered above, one might consider (a more of an assemblage of preassembled uniform density rocks or o ther objects, each of which, since it is a preassembled uniform clump of a given type of matter, has an innate internal energy of constitution. collapse, it is clear that, generally, the final state of su ch an assembly of matter will be in a minimum energy state, provided that there are insufficient pressur es to cause excessive elastic that under these circumstances the end configuration can ge nerally be expected to be unique. Fourth, as hinted at already by this type of gravitation collapse example, the resulting software implementation of a SPST approach can be made very flexible so that it can be adapted t o various shapes, sizes and types of objects (and corresponding source regions). This brings up the second type of SPST basis function implementation example, which shows that there is generally a connection between items 3 and 4. For the sake of conc reteness, consider a case where there are three layers of unknown, but uniform density, and that each o f these layers can be approximated by a single SPST basis function (each of which has an irregular boundary, in general). Further, assume that each of these slabs has an underlying common uniform point source grid, s o that in matching the point sources to their corresponding basis functions it is only a matter of saying wh at grid point falls into what slab. It is then only a matter of deterring the overall (scaling) densities for each of the three slabs. Suppose that
/vector u= (u1, u2, u3) represents the three source parameters (i.e., SPST basis scaling factors) of interest and that
/vector eare a finite set of parameters that determine the location of the bo undary surface between the first slab and the second slab and that all of the other surfaces are known (and thus fixed) by some other means. [The /vector e might be, for example, points that deter mine a Junkins interpolation, or they might be surface spline points, or they might be, say, a set GC surface dete rmination parameters (with the idea being that if the statistics of the surface height are known then these s urface parameters can be used in (more or less) the same way that GC is used in performing geoid height estimatio n).] Then there are two sub points: first, one can simply perform a DIDACKS procedure to determine th e total parameter set ( /vector a) = (/vector u|/vector e)T by minimizing Ph( /vector a) via standard nonlinear least-squares (NLLSQ) optimization means . Here, for example 8if variations in the surface are due to mechanical stresses in the sla b (associated, for example, with flexure of the slab itself) then a direct energy cost function can be associa ted with these surface parameters and, in accord with item 4 (as well as item 2), an energy regularization cost f unction can be added to Ph( /vector a), thereby both improving the estimate and its numerical tractability. Second, in accord with item 4, additional data source types for determination of ( /vector a) can be entertained besides gravity data, provided they can be wr itten directly as a cost form process (here one obvious example for geoe xploration problems might be to data). 1 the overall mathematical setting can be described in terms o f the Earth's gravitational field the unbounded exterior domain, ohm R3, where the mass of the Earth is assumed to be contained inside the compliment of ohm, denoted ohm'. This vector field is derivable from a scalar field or potential =/vectorWE, wherea positive sign on the RHS, ratherthan a negativeone, is use d to conform to the usual convention adopted in physical geodesy [2] (other conventions we re noted in [10], but are of no here). Given this assumed default linkage of vector field an d scalar field, only scalar potentials and their sources need be considered in the sequel. The Earth's gravity field arises from some source that is contained inside a bounded source region, ohm' Sohm'R3. (Primed variables will generally be contained in the source region and unprimed ones in the exterior reg ion, so a prime has been affixed to the source region symbol.) Thus Poisson's equation, 2WE=-4prE, holds for the whole of R3and holds for ohm since rE:= 0 there: 2WE(/vectorX) = 0 The potential field in ohm and its density in ohm' Sare then linked by: WE(/vectorX) (2) which is the integral form of Poisson's equation. [The question of par ticular units to be chosen is by-passed here, so a constant factor may need to be inserted on the RHS of ( 2).] Within this overall mathematical context there are two significant b road historical areas of research to contendwith: density determination for more localized regions arising form pet roleum and mineral Here (A) addresses either deep mass distributions or sha llower densities that do not vary abruptly, while (B) deals with near surface densities, and regions of abrupt ch ange are often of special interest. In some sense, geodynamics [17, 7] addresses issues that span both of these scales since it deals with phenomena such as plate tectonics and earthquakes, but since only configura tions in static equilibrium (i.e., ones) will be explicitly considered, these problem arenas are not be addressed here in any detail. Note thatrEandWEcan be conveniently partitioned into two parts corresponding to (A ) and (B): that this partition simplifies a host of related interpretational is sues. Here (A) goes back to the origins of potential theory itself and alre ady had a long associated history by 1900 [16]. The realization that the problem of attempting to estimate interior mass density profiles from exterior gravitational fields is ill-posed goes back to Newton himself w ho showed that a uniform spherical mass shell and a point mass at the center of this shell produce the s ame exterior field provided they both have the same total mass. Here it is assumed that the relevant asp ects of this part (A) global field can be captured in terms of spherical harmonic expansions. Recent pr ogress in this area has been spurred by deployment of advanced satellite systems, such as the ongoing dua l satellite Gravity Recovery and (GRACE) (as well as the GROCE mission) [2]. As previously noted, when spherical of degree and order 9 (or higher) are subtracted off, then the fitting results obtained from the spherical weighted energy norm (i.e., the integral norm) match tho se of the spherical energy norm very closely. Furthermore, if some care is exercised, then when a spher ical harmonic field of degree and order 120 (or higher) is used as a reference and removed then the half-spac e energy norm can be used. 2 Synopsis of DIDACKS Approach This section briefly outlines the basic mathematical formalism develop ed in [10], where the main focus was point source Laplacian field reconstruction problems (i.e., gravity fie ld modeling and estimation consider the general DIDACKS plan of approach. This appro ach is based on minimizing energy based norms of the difference between some point mass (or more ge neral point source) model potential v(/vectorX) and some given canonical reference (or truth) potential w(/vectorX). This can be restated directly in terms of minimizing some cost function wherebadbl * badblis the (possibly weighted) energy norm of interest. For point mass basis functions the potential model (3) In (3)Gis the Newtonian gravitational constant Here it useful to introduce scaled versions of the potential functions and to denote them by c apitol letters so that V=v/Gand W=w/Gso that the factor of Gneed not be considered in the sequel. The relevant cost function th us becomes (where Ph := Ph'/G): Ph W)+badblWbadbl2. (4) In the DIDACKS approach, since (weighted) energy norms for field energy expressions are used, the problem becomes to minimize Ph = is the weight function (which may be set to one). Besides this norm, (weighted) energy inn er products will also be needed in the sequel: (V, Mathematical notation conventions of [10] are followed here. Cartesian coor dinates are used in the sequel: arrowsare used to denote R3vectors, while ndimensional vectors (for n>3) are denoted by lower case bold letters and their associated multidimensional matr ices are denoted by upper case bold letters. Further, R 0will denote the radius of the sphere associated with ohm 0and the coordinate origin will be chosen to coincide with the center of this sphere so that ohm 0={/vectorXR3| |/vectorX|>R0}. Likewise for the half-space case, the origin will be chosen to be in the plane ohm1and the positive z-axis will be taken normal to the plane so that ohm 1={/vectorXR3|z >0}. These two geometries will be denoted ohm j, wherej= 0 or 1. (Observe here that the general visual shape of the subscript ma tches the shape of ohmjitself.) One other aspect of DIDACKS theory is worth noting, before addressing mat hematical general relationships that hold for both geometries of intere st (ohm0and ohm 1) will be considered. For
/vector xohmj(j= 0 or 1) consider a vector field, derivable from a scalar field =/vectorW, all the sources are assumed to lie in some bounded source reg ion, ohm' Sjohm' j. We from now on to potential functions that fall off at least a s fast as 1/rasr- in (ohm 1) For concreteness, first consider the minimization process in R3half-space, ohm 1. Herez >0 region of interest (ohm 1). It is clear that we wish to minimize a quantity with the following energy -like form (where the factor of 8 phas been inserted since it occurs in the electrostatic field energy ex (5) Here in general W)E1, where, of course, the energy introduced after (4) is to be used for ( V, W)E1. In particular if V=VNkis a point mass model of interest (with Nkmasses) and Wis an field, then Further if (6) Observe that the first term on the RHS of (6) is a constant term. T aking the partial of Equation (6) with respect tomk''fork''= 1,2,3, ..., N kand dividing by two yields a linear equation set that can be easily inverted for the mkvalues, provided the required inner products can be easily compute (7) whereTk,k'= (W,l-1 k)E1. The DIDACKS the explicit ofallthe innerproducts occuring in (7). In particular, the energy inner product in this case is (l-1 k, d3/vectorX . (8) and, as shown in y' k,-z' k)/4, (9) which can be used to evaluate the inner product terms Tk,k'andAkin Ak=W(x' k, y' k,|z' k|) 4. (10) R3Spherical Exterior (ohm 0) Here ohm 0={/vectorXR3| the region of interest; however, matters are more com plicated than they were for the half-space case. First consider two gener al admissible functions fandg(that is functions that are harmonic in ohm 0and which tail off to infinity at least as fast as 1 /r). The energy inner product in this case is (f, d3/vectorX . (11) 11The inner product for the integral norm [10] is also very useful h ere: (f, the RHS of (12) follows from the evaluation convention given th, (13) for standard polar coordinates r,th,ph. Here, as in [2], sanddshave the standard meaning when associated with the integrand f(/vectorX). Likewise, let the surface inner product be defined as (v, w)s:= ph)w(r,th, ph)ds. With these definitions it is fairly easy to show [10] that (f, g)I= 4R0(f, g)E0-R2 0(f, g)s. (14) For DIDACKS applications over R3spherical exteriors the integral norm is more important than the energy norm since closed form inner products can easily be compute d from the following expression (f, /vectorX' k. Here, d3/vectorX (17) so is the associated weighting factor. 3 Inverse Source Theory and mineral and geoexploration are ongoing and historica lly significant research areas, where a considerable amount of time and effort has gone into exploring variou s alternative approaches and there is an extensive associated literature. When a source distribution of interest produces a well that can easily be separated from the background distribut ion, it is possible to simply compare the resulting potential pattern with some precomputed one. Historica lly, this forward solution technique has been (and is) popular and it was probably the one first used [1]. Howe ver, in the literature, when approaches are called for, the issue of the proper g ravitational source estimation algorithm to use immediately becomes less clear. While most of the approaches s eem to work, all the currently approaches in this area entail a certain amount of ar bitrariness or lack of physical seems to be inherent in the foundations of all the approaches . Conceptually, intermsofthe VandWabove, onemightframethe whererVandrWare the modeled and reference source terms. However, when onlyWand its derivatives are known in ohm j, there is no apparent way to effectively frame this Thisshouldbe obviousfromthe fact that rWis which, in turn, is clear from the fact that all spheres in a given region that have the same total mass and that share the same center produce the same external of their radius. As noted above, what is generally overlooked, however, is the fact if one tak es into account the internal energy of the medium that is associated with stresses and other physical proces ses a local minimization of total energy will (generally) result in a physically unique situation (i.e., density estimate ), because all physical problems in a static-stable equilibrium have a energy minimum underpinning. Those s ituations that do not have a unique energy minimum are of special geophysical interest since they gene rally represent earthquakes, tides, core rotation or other geophysical situations, where dynamics (and th e energy forms associated with it) must be considered. All of this was discussed at some length in the first two s ections of this article [Section (i) and Section (ii)]. The solution to the foundations of inverse source prob lems proposed there involves utilizing the DIDACKS approach (to account for external field energy diffe rences) in conjunction with added as a Residual fit ting also paysa central role in the Energy as a basis for studying earthquakes has b een proposed by others. The material stress energy models in these studies is often very detailed and goes far be yond the scope of what can be included here, but integrating the DIDACKS approach with these considera tions is clearly an avenue that warrants future effort since the contribution of external gravity field ener gy has been generally ignored in this arena. In the current paper a constitutive regularization approach is tak en and the goals are much more The goalis simply to inter nal flexibility and ease of implementation are maintained as a primary goals. It is worthexplicitly noting that the generalrole n obviouslyhas not gone In particular, Kellogg [4] explicitly points out the role or fie ld energy minimization in electro- statics via Dirichlet's integral [4, p. 279], but there are clearly many o ther historical connections that can be pointed out in this context. It is also worth noting that when the f oundations of geophysical collocation were debated by Krarup and Moritz, Moritz put forth a statistical interpretation (which is commonly called least squares collocation) that eventually won out, but that Kraru p put fort the idea of a weighted approach based, effectively, on the RHS of (17). As disc ussed in the last section of [10], since the goal was to give an interpretation to GC his idea was to use the Kr arup kernel (rather than 1 /lkused by DIDACKS theory) and to argue for the physical importance of ene rgy minimization. Part of this debate can be glimpsed from some side comments in early geophysical colloquium pr oceedings. As pointed out in [10], DIDACKS theory turns things around conceptually and abandons t he pretext of a symmetric (SRK), which largely severs the direct connections to geop hysical collocation, while it keeps and the fundamental of the form tact. In the end, as argued in this paper, this also has the effect of keeping connections open between density es timation and energy minimization. 4 DIDACKS Implementation Discussion As pointed out in Section 2, there are two field regions of interest, t he exterior of a sphere and denoted by ohm j(forj= 0 and 1), respectively. The corresponding energy norm for thes e two regions can then be simultaneously referred to as badbl*badblEj. The corresponding DIDACKS norms for these two 13regions can likewise be referred to as * badblE1andbadbl * badblD0:=kbadbl * badblI. Herekis a constant which can be chosen to preserve connections to units of energy [i.e., k= since the resulting values of source parameters for a DI DACKS fit do not depend on the specific value of this constant, it is generally more convenient to simply set k= 1. For ohm the same so the question of which to use does not arise; however, for ohm 0it would appear that for inverse source problems there is some question as to whether badbl * badblE0orbadbl * badblD0should be employed as the major tool of analysis; where, of course, badbl*badblE0has a direct bearing on assorted energy based arguments, but badbl*badblD0is amenable. Nevertheless, as previously pointed out, this dichotomy goes away for if a suitable low degree and order spherical harmonic refer ence is subtracted off (and then restored at the appropriate time), because the resulting residual field has n o low degree and order content and the two norms, in this case, are nearly proportional. That this is so can b e seen from a full spectral analysis. That this is so can also be seen by taking stock of (17), where it was a lready observed that u0=R0/ris the effective weighting factor for the weighted energy norm in this c ase. The point here being that after a reference field is subtracted off, the remaining residual field atten uates very rapidly as rincreases so that only values of the field close to R0make significant contributions to the norm and in this near field reg ion u0is approximately constant. There are two direct consequences of the DIDACKS (weighted) en ergy minimization approach: (A) Since minimized, the resulting fit will be the one which minimizes the (weighted ) of the error field [which by definition has the potential for m (V-W)]. (B) Since the GC propertyis satisfied the resultingfield will be the one which alsominimizes the constraint that the sample field data points be matched (whic h is the replication property, so that, for example, for point mass fits V(/vectorPk) =W(/vectorPk) at all the specified data points the interpretation of all this is all relatively straightforward, t here are various issues that and further clarification. The first issue to be recon sidered is the sign of the itself. Negative Gravitational Field Energy and Residual slightly on the discussions in previous sections, the electro static case will be compared with the gravitation case. Both electrostatics and gravitation are inve rse square law forces and in both cases, for source free regions, the associated scalar potentials obey Laplac e's equation. In the electrostatic case, the forces between two charged bodies are proportional to the prod uct of their charges, while in the the forces are proportional to the product of their two mas ses. Aside from the fact that masses are always positive and charges are not, which causes some minor interp retational issues here, there is one fact that cannot be ignored: like charges respell and like masses at tract, so gravitational forces are potential energy, bu t this is not aissue that needsto be addressed here.) The fact that gravity is always attractive means that the gr avitational field energy is unlike the electrostatic case. To see this consider what h appens when a set of gravitational or electrostatic sources are assembled from an initial configuration t hat is well separated (i.e., out at infinity), which is, in general, how one computes the field energy. In the electr ostatic case, when a collection of like sources are assembled it is clear that positive work must be done to o vercome the mutual repulsion of the charges. From well-known arguments found in standard physics te xts the resulting electrostatic field energy 14has the form = constant >0. However in the gravitational case work is released during the assembly process (which, as noted in Section (i), is invariably gra vitational collapse process) so that the work of assembly is thus <0. Clearly the fact that the gravitational field energy is negative and t hus related to the negative of of prime interest here, since this difference in sign, at a minimum, is so mewhat unsettling from the require- ments of a consistent physical interpretation. First, however, n otice that, as discussed in [10], conditions (A) and (B) above, by themselves, provide sufficient direct motivat ion for handling modeling and since these conditions imply that the gravity error field is a minimum [by condition (A)] and that the fit is the most conservativeone consistent with the given (point ) data set [by condition (B)]. With regards to both conditions (A) and (B), notice that since the absolute value of the field energy is minimized, smaller (and therefore more conservative) overall excursions are emph asized over larger excursions. Also observe that (A) implies that it is not the absolute value of the field energy itse lf that is minimized, but the value of the energy of the error field itself and this is clearly desirable. In general, as residual fitting is a part of the DIDACKS approach, which me ans thatWusually represents not the raw gravity field itself, but a residual field where some suitable well de fined base reference function has been subtracted off. The resulting residual field can then be assumed to be zero-mean in the sense that when a point mass fit is performed on it the resulting point mass values occur in roughly equal positive and which is to say As pointed out in Sections (i) and (ii), and backed up by analysis in Section 5, this means that positive field energy is associate d with (nonzero) source provides a direct explanation of the negative gravitational fie ld energy mystery noted above. This also clearly provides a direct explanation for the possibility of negative ma ss values arising in conjunction with point mass fits. Condition (B) thus must really be considered as holdin g for a residual field, where all the field excursions are to be considered as excursions from zero, so t hat the energy of the difference fields can always be considered positive. This means that the absolute value of the residual field energy is replication constraints, which is clearly desirable. The Point Source Support Problem (PSSP) Clearly for standard point mass fits used in gravity modeling or estima tion the DIDACKS approach does not generally require numerical discretization or numerical integra tion since the underlying linear equations are in a closed form; however, in this case ease of software implemen tation does not necessarily translate into uniformly care-free applicability. For a straightforward point m ass fit, depth and spacing issues must be handled more-or-less correctly in order to obtain acceptable resu lts. One common mistake made in utilizing point masses for modeling purposes is to not place them deep enough . Consider a point mass model based on linear equation (7). From the form of by (10) [where the overset tilde indicates the use of normalized basis functions] it is clear that as point masses are mov ed closer to the surface or further apart horizontally they clearly become less correlated (that is, smaller). In the limit that the point masses are all near the surface they match the prescribed p otential values at the specified locations, but the given potential model itself falls off to zero very quickly at loc ations away from those specified data points. In fact, under these near-surface circumstances a single point mass fit to a single data point behaves very much like a Dirac delta function. This is clearly an undesir able situation and to overcome it one must place the point masses at a fairly sizeable depth. Alternativ ely, as the point masses are moved closer together or placed deeper they quickly become overly corre lated which, in itself, can lead to wild and unexpected variations in the resulting field model at points away from the prescribed reference field data points. These results clearly hold for the region ohm 0as well and they hold for other point source types, such as dipoles and quadrupoles, as well. Often a fairly fine line between these two just and unwanted behaviors must be negotiated. A good balan ce of spacing and depth must be struck and when potential data locations of various heights and spacing is in volved, it can become a very difficult 15(or even nearly impossible) problem to overcome. This problem is thus labeled the Point Source Support Problem (PSSP), because it has to do with support issues associate d with the underlying point source basis functions themselves. Clearly these problems are dependent on th e choice of basis function, which is one reason that SPST basis functions were introduced in Section (ii). As previously discussed, various other techniques can also be utilized to overcome these issues and much of the rest of this article will explain relevant aspects of them within one context or another. The main m eans for overcoming the PSSP discussed in this section are residual fitting and spectral bandwidth decompo sition. Various types of various distributed types of sources will be considered in the co ntext of inverse source Condition number considerations are closely tied to the PSS P and are also discussed below. Residual Fitting and Spectral bandwidth Techniques Next consider residual fitting as applied to gravity estimation, grav ity modeling or source it should be normally considered as an integral part of the DID ACKS approach in these areas. There are three primary reasons that the residual fitting technique is so effective for point source problems. First a certain number of degrees of freedom are always tied up in reprodu cing the general trends of the and when these reference trends areno longer presentthese additional degreesoffreedom are freed up and can be used for modeling finer detail. Since simultaneous ly fitting a rapidly changing gravity field (which tends to require shallow point sources) and a field with long term trend properties (which tends to require deep source placement) is often difficult at best, residua l fitting can be used to eliminate much (or most) of the long term attributes to be fit so that the regional par t of the fit becomes, not only much more accurate, but easier to effectively implement. (Thus helping to over come PSSP issues.) The second reason residual fitting is effective is associated with the collocation replicatio n property, which DIDACKS fits obey. As previously noted, for techniques satisfying the collocation prop erty, the fit usually digresses to zero away from the specified (field) data points; however, when a reference is subtracted off, this natural digression will be to the underlying reference model itself so that there is a nat ural attenuation built in. (This, in itself, clearly also helps alleviate point source support problems.) The third reason will be addressed next by itself and has to do with consistency of physical interpretation a nd is tied to more general field as previously discussed. After a residual fit has been performed to model the field to a cert ain physical scale, the entire process can be repeated and when such a series of residual fits is performe d there is a synergistic effect. First since the (weighted) energy norms tend to fit the longest wave lengths fi rst, the first fits performed (naturally, with sources chosen to be at a greater depth) will account for tha t part of the field that tails off more slowly with altitude. In turn, when this part of the field is treated as a refe rence and removed only the shorter wave length and more regionalized part of the field remains to be fit. The wh ole process can then be repeated as needed. In conjunction which this repeated residual fitting pro cess note that it is important to remove the longer wave lengths present at each of the successive stages , or much of the error at each stage will be folded into the parts of the field that are be to fit subsequently. In this connection, it is worth that for the integral norm a degree variance analysis (or ha rmonic Fourier series analysis for the half-space energy norm) shows explicitly that a strong premium is pla ced on correctly matching any that happen to be present. There is one negative asp ect of residual fitting techniques. Since residual fitting techniques work primarily due to preconditioning of t he 'signal' (so that it can accurately be fit by point sources), in general a good resulting point source fit will entail sources that are deeper than one might normally expect. This, in turn, leads to associated conditio n numbers that are large. If signal errors are present or if source estimation is the main goal, rather t han modeling, clearly there may reason for concern. In many cases a spectral bandwidth approach can be used in place o f residual fitting. With regards to the global part of the field a spectral bandwidth approach simply en tails dividing up a spherical of Winto various degree ranges so that each resulting spectral band h as well defined Since such spherical harmonic reference fields are bo th accurate and readily available, it is assumed, that at the very minimum, that some low degree and order reference field will be subtracted off and used as a base reference for either a residual fit or spectral band approach. For local or regional fits where data is specified at some survey altitude, one might use digital filtering techniques or a fast orderto obtain variousspectral orfrequency band s. With sufficient ingenuity, interested readers should be able to figure out any required further details for such imp lementations so they are not discussed here. There are, however, two further points that are worth co mmenting on in this the spherical case, it is natural to assume that the su rface of the earth is to be taken as coincident with ohm j; however, when the data is specified at a fixed altitude (16) fixes th e point source depth at corresponding depths that may be totally inappropriate for the associated frequency content. Clearly one solution is to simply upward (or downward) continue the original data by using GC to an altitude that will produce an acceptable point source depth for the required spacin g. In practice an alternative technique that generally works quit well is more appropriate. For concreteness, c onsider a DIDACKS point source fitting problem based on the spherical exterior geometry using the spect ral-bandwidth approach. Further, suppose that data is givenon the surfaceofthe Earth, which is specified by |/vectorX|=RE. (In practice, fora regionalfit it is natural to takethe origin to be directly under the center of the r egionalongthe ellipsoidal normal direction and at a distance that best captures the ellipsoidal curvature effe cts over the total region of interest.) Next determine what the appropriate spacing and depth should be for an ideal fit. The approach is then simply to consider R0to be a variable ( <RE) that is to be set to a value that will insure that (16) produces this desired depth--for data sampled at the correct spacing. This tech nique entails no loss of consistency since these deeper point sources are associated with a field region that m ay, in fact, be naturally taken to have a much smaller R0. In particular, there is no reason to ignore the (weighted) field ene rgy between R0andRE produced by these deeper sources by arbitrarily taking R0=RE. (In any case, for deep sources the source exterior region clearly has a boundary that is somewhat below REand there is no real reason for the correct boundary for weighted exterior field energy minimizat ion over this part of the field.) This same technique can also easily adapted to the geometry sp ecified by ohm 1. Here it is a simple matter to move the plane ohm1deeper, which forces the associated point sources themselves de eper. Finally, in the present context, it is interesting to note that a simular boundary adjustment technique to that just described can be used to produce a norm that minimizes energy over a region bounded by two planes (or weighted energy over a region between two concent ric spheres). Although the technique is general it is easiest to describe it in terms of a single point source for the geometry ohm 0. Thus, suppose two spherical DIDACKS regions with the same origin and R0>R 0. Let ohm := ohm0-ohm 0be the region of interest, then from (15) there results: D[w, l-1 k, u0,ohm] (16) (19) Clearly a like expression follows for the region bounded by two parallel Number available singular value decomposition (SVD) or Householder triangulation routines are ap- propriate for solving the DIDACKS point source determination linear equation sets. (Generally, the amount of processor execution time is so minimal that it is not a real consider ation and, thus, except for rare cir- cumstances, the universal reliability of the solution from a SVD or Ho useholder triangulation algorithm is of 17much greater importance than execution time.) The data replication property allows one to verify that has been performed correctly. The eigenvalues, wh ich should be all positive, can be readily obtained from SVD routines. (Here it is worth noting that for those few cases where one might require mk>0 linear inequality constraint software can be employed, but note th at one should generally validate the output of this software [9].) The condition number ( C#) is taken here to be the ratio of the largest to the smallest eigenvalue of the Tmatrix in this linear equation set. As discussed above, for modeling problems, when the masses are to o shallow the C#will be too small. When the masses are too deep the C#will be too large. For source determination problems matters are somewhat different and the C#should be somewhat smaller. The point is that a large condition number is generally associated with large variations (and thus uncertainty) in the estimated masses and this is obviously associated with uncertainty in the prediction of the mass d ensity itself; moreover, a large C#
indicates that any measurement errors will tend to be magnified by a like amount. Special techniques that lower the condition number, while simultaneously overcoming the point mass support problem, have been emphasized elsewhere in this article (obviously, many of these techn iques are also appropriate for use in gravity estimation and gravity modeling problems as well). A guiding prin ciple is that the less certain one is about the fitting results the lower the C#should be; moreover, for modeling problems in general one does not care about the mass values themselves--only the results. This m eans that unphysical mass values are perfectly acceptable if they produce a good fit. In this context, it is perhaps worth noting that for low degree and order global point mass NLLSQ fits good results are associated but for point mass modeling with various fixed locations, one would generally expect some what smaller condition numbers than this threshold (results for grids over interior regions were noted in [12], but the same gridding techniques can obviously be profitably used for exterior regions as well). Before proceeding with the discussion of other fitting techniques in this next section, a word of caution is in order. Some sort of experience with point mass fitting is probably required before attacking real world estimation or inverse source determination problems. Thus, it is sug gested that the reader interested in these areas gain as much experience through synthetic modeling as possible by working with various field modelsW, which are chosen to have properties that are as realistic as possib le. For estimation problems, such modeling allows one to check the produced field values by the inte nded spacing of the point set at various locations away from the field sampling points. Likewise, for so urce estimation problems one can test the predicted source values against the ones used to produce W. Finally, it is also worth noting that the PSSP can be overcome generally by inputting a tolerance to the linear inversion software so that unwanted small eigenvalues ar e ignored (this is generally a very strong form of regularization), thus allowing a very tight point source grid s pacing while preventing large source values. Here is also worth noting that when normalized basis function s are used, the largest eigenvalue for the system (7), or its spherical analog, is obviously bounded from a bove byNk. 5 Inverse Source Determination C#concernsmust be oing this: regularization techniques and basis function modification tech niques. As just discussed in Section 4, for optimal fits, residual fitting techniques generally overcome th e PSSP, but generally at the expense of largeC#'s; however, residual fitting is still an important source determinat ion technique, since it works with basis function modification techniques and regulariza tion. The primary types of functions to point sources that will be considered are struct ured point sources (which consist of an aggregate of point sources). Basis functions that yield continuou s source estimates are also considered. In particular, since continuous sources are inherently nonunique, th e primary tool considered in this regard is parameterized continuous source estimation. Other parameteriz ed continuous source techniques have long 18been used in geophysical inverse source theory proceeding to the analysis of the physical basis of specific r egularization approaches, it is useful to recap part of the analysis given in previous sections from a slightly different perspective. As noted in Section 3, for density estimation problems one would ideally like to minimize an expression like Ph the modeled and reference source terms and ohm' Sjis the source region associated with the two field regions of interest ( ohmj); however, there appears to be no way to mathematically frame this minimization goal when only Wand its derivatives are known in ohm j. It is easy enough to see that this must be the case from purely informat ion content alone since Wis harmonic in ohmjand thus is specified by its values on ohmj, whereasrWhas many more degrees of freedom and is not determined by its values on a surface. As noted in [10], for a chos en closed surface in ohm j, DIDACKS theory links specification of potential values to source values spec ified on a corresponding closed surface in the source region. From this observation and the fact that equal mass concentric shells produce the same external field, one can conclude that much of the ill-posedness of t he density problem are associated with source depth issues. Two aspects, however, are clear: (1) Regu larization, in any reasonable form, should help to stabilize the source estimates and thus generally provide mor e reliable estimates. (2) source problems minimize energy in some sense or another sin ce all physical systems in have energy minimum underpinnings. The general thrust h ere is thus to try to link these two aspects in the DIDACKS approach to source determination. As pre viously noted, residual fitting is linked to the interplay of these two aspects. In order to ascertain some of the underlying issues involved, consid er a straightforward application of the point mass fitting theory presented in previous sections (without r egularization). In this case the approach is based on the minimization of field information specified in the region ohm j(for j= 0 and 1). (In what follows the norm expressions will be written in ter ms of energy norms.) As before it is assumed that an appropriate reference function has been rem oved from the specified function Wprior to fitting, which entails the removal of a reference density from rWas well (but this removal may only be implicit). Residual fitting helps here since residual fields have reduce d low frequency content, which allows for shallower point masses placements of the remaining sources. Th e point being that the the source depth ill-posedness mentioned abovecan be overcomeby introducing a natural source depth stratification. This helps to control one cause ofinnate ill-co nditioning, but there is anotherone that is associated with how close the sources are together. Thus, in gene ral, the condition number will still be much too high as the grid spacing becomes small. As previously noted, a larg e condition number is unacceptable in this case for three reasons: (1) The mass values will tend to vary wildly from one point mass location to another, so a satisfactory limit is hard to obtain. (2) A large conditio n number indicates a lack of knowledge in the inverse source determination process itself, so the predicte d results will be questionable. (3) Any data errors or extraneous high frequency content present will b e greatly exaggerated in the source estimates. These issues are clearly related to the associated Point Source Sup port Problem (PSSP). Regularization can be used to largely solve these conditioning problems in a natural way. To motivate what follows, consider a preliminary argument indicating a connection of mass dislocation and energy. Toward that end, consider the rather specialized situ ation where a very detailed reference model exists that fully represents the part of the mass density that is loc ally homogenous so that all that is left to predict are local density irregularities. Suppose, further, tha t this reference model has been that a small enough uniform grid spacing is used so that one can d irectly associate a given point mass value with local density irregularities, which can be reinter preted as a small block of matter. Two different physical scales will be considered, where the finer one is associated with this uniform grid of 19point mass locations. (The point here is that generally one should dist inguish between the fixed framework of point masses that are used for estimation purposes, which are g enerally assumed to be at fixed locations and the mass distributions that they are assumed to model, which ma y well shift.) For location k, letmk be the point mass value in question and let Mkbe the total mass of this block associated with the If there are no local stresses in the medium, then the larger phys ical block of matter that Mkis part of is in its normal configuration and the subtracted referen ce field accounts for all of the thatmk= 0. Alternatively, consider what happens when the larger block of m atter thatmk is part of is subjected to compression along one direction, say the v ertical direction. Let a capitol letter K be associated with this larger physical block of matter that Mkis part of so that its mass is represented by MK. Then, let LK,WKandDKdenote the length, width and depth of this larger block. Further as sume that the distortion of this larger block ( dDK) is small and that the block responds in an elastic (i.e., linear) manner to this force by a change in DKonly. Since the block mass is conserved, MKis constant and so thatmkdrKdDK. Finally since the potential energy associated with elastic forces is proportiona l to (dDk)2it is clear that the energy of this internal dislocation is proportional to m2 kand thus the total energy for all the dislocations caused by all the various stresses can be written where the ak's are constants of proportionality. If all of the blocks can be treated consistently, then this energy can be wr itten Adding this energy to the external field energy form yields Ph =+a-ohm as a more accurate replacement for Ph = , where -ohm is a standard quadratic regularization form that is invariably intr oduced solely on the grounds that it reduces the condition number. In particular, notice that using -ohm1effectively adds a diagonal term to Tk,k' and this clearly reduces the condition number of the linear equation s et (which is especially obvious when normalized basis functions are used). The general the use of -ohm here is easily stated. When minimization of fails to specify a unique density estimate, the addition of -ohm will select those densities that have the lowest internal energy configuration, all other things being equal. (It is g enerally accepted that the action of a regularization form like -ohm1produces a unique fit.) Finally before heading on it is worth discussing t of normalized basis functions here. The action of a re gularizing function is generally ignored when the normalization conditions are implemented so that it is fixed re gardless of regularization. functions involving mass (like -ohm1), however, should be defined in terms of ~ mkrather than mk, but this complication is not considered in the text. (Further it wort h noting that it will be assumed in the sequel that normalized basis functions are used; however, f or convenience this normalization process is generally carried out without considering -ohm, and then the effects of this term are added in just prior to computation of the linear equation set solution.) While the reduction of condition number associated with the use of -ohm1is desirable, there are First, intheaboveanelas a like medium on all sides was considered--does a similar argument hold when these conditions do not hold? As an alternative example consider surface volume elements ma de up of a noncompressible fluid. As a realistic concrete example consider the ocean surface where a st andard normal reference ellipsoid model has been subtracted off. Consider the following three well known fa cts [2]: (1) The sea surface is a surface of 20constant potential. (2) The difference in altitude between this surf ace displacement and the normal ellipsoid is called geoid height (usually denoted H). (3) The geoid height is propo rtional to the difference between the potential at the point in question on the surface and on the normal ellipsoid itself. Notice that while the density and sides of a surface volume element are fixed, the height v aries and this change in height (the geoid height) leads directly to a change in mass that is proportional to the change in geoid height. the point mass fitting algorithm the point mass values tend to be p roportional to the potential difference that is fit, which is proportional in turn to the geoid height [in perform ing a point mass surface fit here for the region ohm 0, one generally chooses an appropriate R0< REso that the point masses do not tail-off away from too fast or to slow].) Thus here the energy is proportional to |mk|rather than m2 k, so perhaps a better form of regularization would be to take a Perhaps even a factor proportional where 1<u<2, should be considered. Here the inclusion of a regularization term with 1 <=u <2 leads to a nonlinear equation set for the mk's, which is clearly inconvenient. Furthermore, since minimization of the form -ohm1tends to well, only the form -ohm1will be considered in the sequel (but this is clearly one of many numero us open issues). To summarize, when a linear restorative force is present (as one might expect for material stresses and strains) there is a well known quadratic dependence of (potential) energy, but when the displacement mechanism is directly related to the action of gravity on fluid surfaces, the pote ntial energy tends to go like the well known mgHfactor encountered in elementary physics books. The final two of the three objections to -ohm1can be stated briefly. The second one is that -ohm1tends to minimize the overallpoint massvaluesandif thesubtracted referen cemodel isnot lead directly to systematic errors in the estimates. Thirdly and pe rhaps more importantly: Does even a first order approximation to the required reference model exist for cases of interest? These last two issues lead to a consideration of other regularization forms. There is a clea r hint in the analysis performed above that leads to an improvement. In particular, since the stress arisin g on block kprobably originated from a neighboring block in contact with it, a better model to consider is per haps a regular grid of coupled blocks that can be viewed as a three dimensional assembly of masses that a re coupled by springs in the vertical When such asystem is in homogenousstatic eq uilibrium, the zero, but when each block is either compressed orstretched the resultin g total energy will increase. Thus when one mass is displaced due to pressure from an adjacent mass, not only w ill the density of that particular block be increased, but also the energy of the block that is directly couple d to it. The configuration energy of such a coupled pair (just as for a coupled string configuration) can thus be represented by ok,k'(mk-mk')2. By minimizing this coupling energy, a smooth density profile results and th e effect of the mass reduction effect is not as pronounced as it is with the straightforward regularization term-ohm1. For ease of a quadratic form is desirable and it is also necessary to try to en force (or at least strongly 0. A regularization form that fulfills these requirements is -ohm mass correlation effects. Thus, in general Here, in particular, one suitable choice might be o(d) = 1 ifdis less than 3 times grid spacing and o(d) = 0 otherwise so that only the closest neighbors are correlated. This choice of regularization function reduces the condition number and introduces a uniformity into the mk values without reducing the overall mass values. This general form of regularization is desirable for many unrelated applications as well. With the right choice of oanda, one can clearly negotiate very small considering several generally desirable refinements to this regularization process, notice that if one assumes that the variations in point mass values is proportional to the underlying local mass deficits 21or excesses, and that these excesses and deficits are, in turn, p roportional to an energy shift due to a in the underlying material medium (which, by a standard Ta ylor's series argument, represents the displacement from what would otherwise have been a local energ y minimum), then -ohm2is proportional to energy dislocation of the underlying material medium. This point will be elaborated on below. Mathe- matically so-ohm2contains quadratic terms that effectively add to the diagonal of Tk,k'as well a bilinear terms, which effectively subtract from the larger off -diagonal 0Tk,k'1). Thus -ohm2actually has a stronger regularizing effect than -ohm1(all other things being equal). The foregoing regularization description might best be alternatively encapsulated in terms of a series argument. Since Ph = Ph( m) (where mis the vector of mass values), and in particular -ohm =-ohm(m), it is natural to consider the energy variation in terms of m: -ohm(m0+dm) =edm*m-ohm components given by mk. In the simplest standard context that this Taylor series argumen t is used by physicists, an energy minimum, E, is sought and the displacement, x, is the variable of interest. Since it is argued that a physical minimum is present, linear terms cann ot be present so the form E(x) (which ignores the possibility of physical terms of the form |x|). Since a minimum of Ph is sought, the constant term for -ohm(m) can be ignored, and if it is assumed that a suitable reference has be en be identified with dm; nevertheless, the linear terms obviously can not be ignored here. There are three reasons for this. First, -ohm is part of Ph and linear terms definitely cannot be ignored in the rest o f Ph [see (6), for example] since the linear terms might cancel out in som e fashion. Second, the discussed below have linear factors as well as bi-linear terms these regularization forms have been shown to posses physical relevance. Third, as noted factors proportional a reasonable physical basis. At any rate, the of the first few Taylor series terms should be apparent . Finally note that, with respect fluids and/or stratified media, the above regularizat ion analysis is incomplete at best. Here the most relevant factor is the shape of the media boundary surfa ce separating one density layer type forexample, theoceanfloor). (Hopefully som demonstrate a more refined understanding of the higher order aspects and of appropriate in general.) A means of meshing regularization and surfac e boundary information will thus be considered next. Suppose there are various regions, or density layers, which are dis tinct, but that each such region, or layer, tends to be homogenous. This situation can easily be modeled b y using a proper choice of ok,k'in -ohm2. Thus let {RJ}NJ J=1forJ= 1,2,3,..., N Jbe a suitable partition of ohm' sinto 1,2,3,...,N J. Then RJ,and otherwise let ok,k'= 0. (21) The resulting regularization approach characterized by (21) tend s to produce independent homogenous den- sities for each of the separate suppose that rough density profile information is ava ilable from seismology (or some other means) and this profile is specified by ^ r(/vectorX'), then this profile can be discretized: ^ r(/vectorX') ==^mk. Then a regularization term of the form -ohm be appropriate. One special case is ^ RJ, where ^MJis a constant. This general type of regularization is clearly appropriate when density variations are highly depth dependent and overall density averages are known for certain depths, such as the core or deep Point Source Technique (SPST) Basis Functions This subsection first briefly recaps some of the points made in Sectio n (ii), where the general ideal of a SPST basis function was introduced, and then gives a mathematical as previously noted, a common gravitational source density prediction strategy is to divide up the source region into a collection of regular homogenous bodies--wit h the most common example being to divide up ohm' sinto arrangement of regular parallelepipeds tha t come close to covering the entire region of interest. This has an intrinsic regularizing effect. A v ery flexible way to implement such a scheme in the present formalism involves approximating the field of ea ch such subregion by a regular grid of closely spaced point masses. When a collection of point masses sha re a single common constant mass value (or have fixed relative mass values) and thus have only one und etermined source term, the will be labeled a structured point source. In order to be tter understand this from a it is useful to compare this to some of the regularizat ion schemes just considered. Clearly the effect offorcing mkmk'for nearbymasses mkandmk'; moreover,when it to the partitioned region regularization scheme, as char acterized by using (21), similar end results to a SPST basis function fit might well be expected (although one migh t reasonably argue that SPST basis functions have a stronger regularization effect). Next consider t he regularization effects of -ohm3versus SPST basis functions. Again one might expect similar end results for most im plementations, but clearly, when all else is equal, the automatic constraint implicit in the structured point source technique will have a effect. As above, let {RJ}NJ J=1be a partition of ohm' sinto 1,2,3,..., N JandJ'= 1,2,3,...,N J. Then the basic SPST idea is to hold the mass fixed over each subregion: mk:=MJfor allksuch that/vectorX' k RJ. One advantage of this approach over approach described by (20) and (21) is that the res ulting linear equation set has than NkxNk. In detail, let jbe a local index for each of the RJand letn(J) be the number of (uniform) point sources in RJ, =Nkand 1<=j<=n(J). Further let K(J,j) denote a reordering of the index ksuch that for all 1 <=j<=n(J) and j) RJ. Then the resulting point mass potential field can be the resulting DIDACKS SPST linear equation set for the MJ's required expressions for the half-space energy norm that the above description of SPST basis functions can be easily generalized along the lines discussed in Section (ii) by introducing fixed relative scaling factors. The idea, of course, is to fix the relative ratios of the various component point masses and then determine t he overall scale of the configuration by the fitting process. Hence, for a set of point masses mk, using the given rations ck, setmk=ckMJ, for
/vectorX' k RJ, where only the MJneed to be determined and these values can be determined much the same as before. This idea hasa number ofpotentially useful applicationsalon gthe lines ofthe examples mentioned at the end of Section (ii). Some implementation points, however, may no t be completely transparent. Suppose, for example, that the boundary of the regions RJ's are not known and that one wants to estimate these boundaries by a means of DIDACKS NLLSQ scheme. It is easy enough to set up the problem and get an appropriate cost function to use, but there is an underlying fixed g rid for the point sources locations, so that when the surface moves a source point will abruptly switch from one region to another. A NLLSQ requires good partial derivative information to work well ( although there are specialized approaches) so there is a problem. Thus the problem is t hat the point mass grid spacing will generally be such that a perturbation of the boundary may not cha nge the cost function, or it may change abruptly all at once, so that the resulting partial derivative inform ation will not be acceptable for NLLSQ purposes. The easiest solution to this problem is to use the above ide a involving point mass ratios in order to implement soft boundaries. This is easily accomplished as follows. A lthough the details may not be of interest to many readers, they are included here since they sho w some of the power and flexibility of the SPST basis function concept. For concreteness suppose that the half-plane region ohm 1is of interest and that the boundaries of RJare generally parallel to the x',y'andz'axes. In this case it is especially easy to parameterize the of RJ. Observe that, because of shared boundaries, when RJis surrounded on all sides one can, for accounting purposes, assume that three of the six sides are asso ciated with RJ, so that there are nominally six values of {ei}associated with each RJ. The overall point is to keep the idea of a well delineated boundary and to keep a fixed SPST basis function for each RJ, but to define the basis functions in such a way as to make a smooth t ransition in mass profile across the boundary, without leaving gaps--that is, if t he given potential field is constant and uniform over a prediction region, then the resulting mass estimates should be too for this case. For purposes of this definition, let each region RJand its adjacent neighbor RJ'overlap by a certain distance D. The idea is that over this distance a gradual transition is made from the u niform mass of RJto the uniform mass ofRJ'. For example, if RJand its adjacent neighbor RJ'share a common face along the x-axis then the xcoordinates for the transition might be labeled constant+ eifor some i(and the constant here is taken so that the midpoint of this interva l corresponds to the boundary of RJ 24and its adjacent neighbor RJ'). Then if/vectorXkis a point in this transition zone, when /vectorX' kis treated as a point inRJone should set the corresponding value of the mass for this region t is a fifty percent cosine taper or h(x) =x/D. [A fifty percent cosine taper for the interval [ o,2p] is When the same point is considered as a point in RJ'then the corresponding mass value is set to [1 that there is a gradual transition from RJtoR' J. When the DIDACKS cost function with these SPST basis functions is set up, it will have the for m Ph(MJe), whereeis the vector of the entire set of surface parameters. Minimizing this cost function for both MJand the components of e requires a NLLSQ algorithm for its solution. Next consider the second application of the above mass ratio conce pt. Although the following idea is general, for the sake of simplicity consider the case where there is o nly one regionof interest so that R1:= central idea here is that instead of using mkdirectly as a fitting parameter, new set of mass is the Ps i's are a set of NCsuitable basis functions. The minimization of the resulting cost funct ion Ph yields a linear set of NCequations for the Ci's. Generally here one might place the /vectorX' kon a (tight) three dimensional uniform grid; however, it is also possible to arrang e the/vectorX' k's on a surface grid or along a line array. When the /vectorXk's are arranged on a line a good choice for the Ps i's might be a set of Fourier series basis functions expressed as functions of path length along the line. In these sort of should still be applied as needed. Also observe that on e can easily extend this idea to separate basis expansions over each of the subregions RJ, so no real loss of generality resulted from considering the special case R1:= ohm' s. Finally, the actual form of the linear equation sets that result for these fits are easily written down and the implementation de tails are straightforward. Moreover, the resulting equations are quite similar to those that result from pa rameterized continuous we now turn to (where integrals just basically replace Source conside streamline the presentation only the ohm 1case will be considered here (the ohm 0case follows in a like a parameterized continuous distribution, which can be taken to ha ve the following again, the Ps n's are a set of suitable basis functions. The resulting linear equation s et for theCn's y',-z')Ps(x'', y',-z')Ps(x', C. A. Heiland, Geophysical Exploration , Hafner Publishing Co., New York and London, 1968; reprint of 1940 Prentice-Hall edition. [2] Bernhard and Helmut Moritz, Physical Geodesy , Springer-Verlag New York, New York, 2005. [3] Wenceslas S. Jardetzky, Theories of figures of Celestial Bodies , Dover Publications, New York, 1995
{Reprint of 1958 edition }. [4] Oliver Dimon Kellogg, Foundations of Potential Theory , Dover Publications, New York, 1953; reprint of 1929 edition. [5] C. Lawson and R. Hanson, Solving Least Squares Problems , First Edition, Prentice-Hall, N. J., 1974. [6] Helmut Moritz, Advanced Physical Geodesy , Abacus Press, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, 1980. [7] Jiri Nedoma, Numerical Modeling in Applied Geodynamics , John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1998. [8] Robert L. Parker, Geophysical Inverse Theory , Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1994. [9] Alan Rufty, Comments on the Reliability of Lawson and Hanson's Linear Di stance Programming Algo- rithm: Subroutine LDP , Alan Rufty, A Based Dual-Access Collocation-Kern el Approach to Modeling , SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 68, No. 1, 199-221. [11] Alan Rufty, Dirichlet integral dual-access space analytic interpolation for unit disks: DIDACKS I , Alan Rufty, point-source harmonic interpolation overR3spherical interiors: DI- DACKS II , Alan Rufty, Closed-form Dirichlet integral harmonic interpolation-fi ts for real n-dimensional and com- plex half-space: DIDACKS III , A. Tarantola, Inverse Problems = Quest for Information , Journal of Geophysics, 50, 159-170. [15] Albert Tarantola, Inverse Problem Theory, Methods for Data Fitting and Model P arameter Estimation , Elsevier Science Publishers, 1987. [16] I. Todhunter, A History of the Mathematical Theories of Attraction and the Figure of the Earth, from the Time of Newton to that of Laplace , In Two Volumes, MacMillan and Co., London, 1873. [17] Donald L. Turcotte and Gerald Scubert, Geodynamics , Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, New York, N.Y., 2001. 27 | 0804.4423 | Alan Rufty | Alan Rufty | A closed-form energy-minimization basis for gravity field source
estimation: DIDACKS IV | 27 pages | null | null | null | physics.geo-ph physics.comp-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | By building on the field energy minimization underpinnings of DIDACKS theory
and by making certain natural assumptions about the general nature of the
energy/density configuration of the Earth's interior it is shown that the
problem of estimating the Earth's interior density, either globally or locally,
can be naturally reframed as a energy minimization one. The basic idea is that
a static stable density configuration is a minimum energy configuration, which
tends to be unique (when all other things are equal); hence, a field energy
minimization approach can be counted on to generally lead to a physically
motivated unique solution. Techniques touched on should provide practical
implementation tools, or at least some helpful hints, for handling many of the
well-known ill-posedness issues associated with mass density estimation and
other related inverse-source Laplacian problems.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 28 Apr 2008 15:08:30 GMT"
] | 2008-04-29T00:00:00 | [
] |
provided that the total masses of both are the same. From this re sult, it follows immediately that the problem of determining continuous mass distributions inside some inte rior region from external gravity alone is an ill-posed problem, because many solutions are p ossible. What is generally less well known is a proof exists for Rn(n>=2) that shows that a finite set of point masses located inside some bounded region produces a unique field in the exterior region [12]. Th is paper presents an alternative proof of thisRnresult, as well as various generalizations of it. One of these genera lizations is that a finite set of point dipoles is shown to be independent in R3. Other generalizations of this result are shown in the complex plane,C, and the real plane, R2. Finally, one open question is analyzed extensively here; namely, are of R3combined point mass/point dipole basis functions linearly independent ? In the end, the independence of these basis functions is shown to hinge on the inver tibility of a matrix with complex entries that is related to the Vandermode matrix [and which is specified by (59 )]. Clearly, in general, this matrix is invertible, however, currently no proof of th is invertibility for all nis known. In what follows, the term point source will be used to denote a gener al source term [i.e., a point mass or (point charge), a point mass dipole (or an electrostatic dipole), a point quadrapole or a higher multipole in Rn(n>=2)--or a logarithmic pole (with a specific form), a simple pole or a higher order pole in C]. Because uniqueness results may seem to be somewhat removed fro m the applications arena, before con- sidering the paper's basic approach and content in more detail, it is ap propriate to briefly consider the motivations for studying point source uniqueness results. The prim ary motivations can be framed as follows: 1. By better understanding and quantifying various point source u niqueness results, the hope is that geophysical inverse source theory can be better understood an d placed on a firmer physical and math- ematical foundation. (Point source uniqueness results should be v iewed as merely a first tentative step in this goal.) 2. Point source uniqueness results show that, in theory, when well formulated algorithms are point source determination software always produce s reliable results. In particular, by showing that combinations of point sources and point dipoles are lin early independent, one the vector components of gravity are mathematically well fram ed, as discussed in [6, 7, 8] and [9]. 3. As discussed in Appendix A of [8], this uniqueness result for point so urces and point dipoles also shows that geophysical collocation procedures for similar data set s (such as geoid height and the vector components of gravity disturbance) are mathematically co nsistent since the associated error- free covariance matrix can always be inverted. 4. Finally, as always, when a different topic is addressed, different ma thematical techniques may be called for, and thus there is the possibility of uncovering new mathematica l theorems, results and techniques that may be ofinterest in other domains. Here, not only are the res ults dealing with logs and poles in C suggestive, but so are several of the (geometric) theorems tha t allow for results to be carried over from R2toRn. Also, since Vandermode's matrix in an extended form is used here, it is not unreasonable to think that there are mathematical links to general interpolation th eory, where the Vandermode matrix is often employed, and that this is a two-way street (which means th at there may be general theorems in interpolation theory that allow for more general point source uniq ueness theorems than those source theory) on a firmer mathematical and physical fou ndation is one goal of the DIDACKS sequence of papers initiated by [7]. In this regard, there are a numb er of interconnected points that are relevant, and it is appropriate to point one of them out here. First, consider the point made in [4] that since 2each point source can be replaced by an equivalent sphere of unifor m density, one can replace a distribution of point sources with an equivalent set of spheres that produces a more uniform distribution of mass. Thus, consider a collection of point masses that have different strengths from point to point and are located on a regular cubic grid. Since the grid spacing is uniform each point mass ca n be replaced by a sphere of like size that has a corresponding density. From the uniqueness theorems given here one can infer that the for the associated densities of this spherical arrangemen t is well posed. Moreover, since it is well known that as the grid spacing for a set of point massesincreases t he underlying estimation problem becomes better conditioned, one can immediately infer that the same holds fo r this spherical approximation. This result has other generalizations and interpretations as well. For ex ample, in geoexploration it is common to use a set of right parallelepipeds of uniform density to approximat e continuous mass densities since they produce potentials that can be calculated in closed form [5, p. 398] a nd they yield inverse source Asa nextstep, o nemight here to uniform cubic latices (or one might consider applying D IDACKS theory to the estimation of such cubic distributions). This and other points raised above clearly dovetail with similar discussion in [10]. 2 Mathematical general method of proof employed is to start with the easiest t o handle uniqueness case--which turns out to be a distribution of simple poles of the form 1 /(z-zk) in the complex plane-and then generalize this result in various ways: First to uniqueness of logarithmic basis funct ions inC, then to higher order poles of the form 1/(z-zk)n. Next a (well-known) one-to-one correspondence between vario us types of noted: logarithmic potentials ==point masses; simple poles ==dipoles; poles of of higher order for n= 1,2,3. It is then shown that uniqueness of an expansion in C implies uniqueness of a like expansion in R2--thus proving the R2cases. Finally it is shown explicitly that point mass uniqueness results in R2imply point mass uniqueness results in R3. These correspondences and the symbols used to represent the associated expansions in the se quel are shown in Table 1. The can clearly be generalized in two ways: (1) To show that simila r results hold for multipoles of order three or less in R3. (2) To show that results obtained in R3imply similar results in RNforN>=2. For concreteness and for ease of exposition these two generaliza tions will not be explicitly dealt with here since they do not correspond to commonly occuring physically releva nt cases and, when handled some technical conservative vector fields of interest can be obtained by takin g the gradient of a =-U(/vectorX), (1) where, of course, is theN-dimensional gradient and where /vectorXRN. Potentials specified by (1) equation in N-dimensions: 2U= 0. Arguably the most significant cases, and the ones that will be focused on here, are the electrostatic and gravitational fields inR2andR3. Because of the issue of the sign associated with the mutual attraction of point sources and th e issue of the sign of the energy density play no role in what follows, the only relevant difference between the g ravitational and electrostatic cases is that point mass strengths ( mk) are generally assumed to be non-negative, but electric change st rengths (qk) can have either sign. Since point source uniqueness results that h old for sources of either sign also clearly hold when the sources are all assumed to be positive and since a historical precedent exists for results in terms of point masses, in the sequel it will alway s be assumed that while the scalar point source parameters are called a point masses and denoted mk, their assigned values can take on either sign. Likewise the vector point source distribution that correspon ds to a electrostatic dipole or point mass dipole will be denoted /vectorDkand it will be called a point dipole. Higher order point multipoles will also RNSymbol CAnalog CSymbol Harmonic Functions U Analytic Functions f Point Masses V Logarithm Terms g Point Dipoles W Simple Poles h Multipoles H(n)Higher Order Poles h(n) Table 1: Corresponding Types of Potential and Analytic in what follows and point masses, point dipoles and point mu ltipoles will be collectively referred to as point sources. In all cases, since either sign is allowed for thes e point sources and since pertain to whether the source terms form a linearly depend ent set of basis functions in the exterior region of interest, the overall choice of sign convention for these basis functions and associated point source strengths does not matter here and the basis sign conventions ar e chosen for convenience. As while point source distributions for RNforN >3 exist and the results here can be naturally extended to handle them they will not be explicitly considered here. Finally, obse rve that magnetic dipoles have a different form from the gravitational or electrostatic (and magne tostatic) potential forms assumed here and the question of adapting the results here to their study will also not be as a general convention, let Nkdenote a finite integer greater than zero and let the subscript k(or k') be used to index the Nkpoint sources under consideration so that kandk'= 1,2,3,..., N kis To further fix notation in RNforN>=2, let theNkfixed distinct point-source locations be specified by /vectorXkso It will also be assumed that all of the sources are located in some bounded a specific symbol for point mass potentials, V, instead of the general symbol Uused in (1) results in the following the point dipole potential form (4) inR2and W(/vectorX)Nk/summationdisplay k=1/vectorDk* (5) inR3. The relationships of these potentials and their corresponding com plex analytic counter parts are shown in Table 1. These correspondences will be addressed below. 4Next consider uniqueness results stated in terms of scalar potent ials. So long as Laplace's equation is satisfied in the region of interest the exact shape of the exterior r egion is immaterial due to the uniqueness of Dirichlet boundary value problems so, without loss of generality, a ssume that the mass distributions are located in some bounding sphere. Further, since the origin of coord inates and the length scale also does not change, for the desired final uniqueness results it can be assu med that the harmonic region of >=1 and that the sources are in the compliment of this region: 0 <|/vectorXk|<1 (where, for it is assumed that the origin is not situated directly ove r any particular source). Point mass uniqueness requirements can then be stated as the condition that ifV(/vectorX) = 0, for all /vectorX>=1, thenmk= 0 for allkand that the converse also holds. Which is to say that for any finite Nk>0, 0, for all 0 for some values of /vectorX>=1. Dipole uniqueness can be stated similarly: If V(/vectorX) = 0, for all
|/vectorX| >=1, then/vectorDk= 0 for all k, or conversely as the condition that for any finite Nk>0 0, for all k, 0. It is assumed throughout that any nonzero values of bounded (while the fixed nature of /vectorXkrules out the formation of dipoles in the limit mk- andmk'- some pair of points indexed by kandk', the unbounded mass case is still best observations are relevant. By introducing the R2basis = (6) Equation (2) can be reexpressed as V(/vectorX) The case 0 can be easily disposed of since Ps k-0 as|/vectorX| - and it is clear that|V| - as|/vectorX| - unlessm0= 0. Consequently, without loss of generality take m0= 0, so that (7) is always assumed for R2in what follows. Likewise all of the harmonic functions considered her e will be assumed to vanish at infinity by uniqueness results for a scalar potential imply uniqueness results for the vector field itself as can be seen from the following argument. Consider the line denotes a parameterized path (with arclength s). The contention is that since arbritrary points in the exterior region and /vectorl(s) is also assumed to lie wholly in this exterior 0 and conversely /vectorF= 0==U= 0, where /vectorFandUare related by (1). For at some point /vectorX'>1, then due to the mean value theorem for harmonic functions U >0 holds in some finite neighborhood of /vectorX'so that both along with the path connecting them in (8), can be taken to be inside this same neighborhood. This, in turn, mean s that at least one of the two orU(/vectorXo) must be nonzero. Alternatively, if U(/vectorX)>0, then/vectorXocan be set to a point at infinity and from (8) it is clear that 0 must occur at someplace along the line integral. Without loss of gen results will thus be stated in terms of scalar potentials f or in the complex setting is addressedfirst since this is the e asiest route to the desired R2results, which can be readily generalized to R3. It is useful to have a common (and commonly used) symbolism for addressing uniqueness issues in R2andC. Letxandydenote standard Cartesian coordinates in either setting: In R2,/vectorX(x, the transpose); while in In both Recall from elementary treatments of analytic functions that there is a general mapping between harmon ic functions defined over some analytic functions defined over the corresponding subregion o f the complex plane as indicated by Table 1. This mapping can be done uniquely when certain reasonable co nditions are met with regards to branch-cuts and the nature of the region under consideration an d it is assumed that the reader is familiar with them. Specifically, if Uis harmonic in R2letf(z) denote the unique analytic function in Cwhose real component corresponds to U(x, y), in which case f(z) will be called the standard completion of U(x, y). The standard completion of the sum of real functions obeys the pr inciple of linear superposition, so that, for example, the standard completion of Vis a linear superposition of terms that are the standard completions of the Ps k(/vectorX). Specifically, let standard completions of Ps k(/vectorX) be denoted psk(z). Since the real part of ln z is ln|z|, it is obvious from (6) that the standard completion of Ps kis given by psk(z) = lnz (z-zk):= thus (using the notation indicated in Table 1 for the correspond ing complex logarithmic case) g(z) can be written before, a general series based on ln[1 /z-zk] can be contemplated here since it corresponds to adding a term involving 1 /zto (10); however, it is readily proved that when this term is present it always 0 for large zand so its presence need not be considered further. This might all s eem even here some care is called for. Moreover, since the basic str ategy used in the sequel will be to prove uniqueness (i.e., in one setting and then to obta inuniqueness resultsin all othersettings by applying a linear uniqueness preserving mapping, the general the orems that are required are best stated explicity (for clarity and uniformity of exposition). Even though the underlying concepts are well known, these linear independence preserving theorems do not necessarily take conventional forms. 3 Uniqueness Preserving Mappings This section discusses uniqueness preserving mappings that are us ed in the sequel. As noted at the end of the last section, the first of these mappings is associated with the a ct of standard analytic completion and entails a unique correspondence between analytic functions in the c omplex pane and harmonic functions in R2. Since uniqueness results will first be shown in the complex setting an d then mapped into the R2setting, first consider what uniqueness means in the complex 3.1 A set of basis functions {fk}Nk k=1is said to produce a uniqueexpansion in the complex setting when they meet the following criteria. First each basis funct ion must be a bounded analytic function for|z| >=1. Second each basis function must vanish at infinity. Third, a sum of the form f(z) withukC (11) 6must be linearly independent for |z| >=1, where linear independence means that f(z) = 0 holds if and only ifuk= 0 for allk. Let Re{f}denote the real part of fand Im{f}the imaginary part, then if uk(x, fromfk(z) =uk(x, y)+ivk(x, y) anduk=ak+ibk it follows y)-bkvk(x, y)]. (12) Sinceuk= 0 for all kimplies that both ak= 0 andbk= 0 hold for all k, uniqueness of the analytic set of basis functions {fk}Nk 1, implies simultaneous uniqueness of the pair of conjugate harmonic b asis y)}Nk k=1. Uniqueness in the R2setting is defined analogously to Definition 3.1. This result can be summarized as a theorem: Theorem 1. If the set of basis functions {fk}Nk k=1are unique in the complex setting and if uk(x, y)Im{fk(z)}, then the combined set of basis functions {uk(x, y)}Nk k=1{vk(x, y)}Nk k=1 are linearly independent or unique in the that since the act of standard harmonic completion is unique, if uniqueness can be shown in R2for a sequence of harmonic conjugate pairs then uniqueness for basis functions of the form (11) follows. For the complex setting, in what follows only two general types of ba sis functions will need to be consid- ered: (1) Logarithmic potentials discussed above of the form psk(z) (which, as discussed latter, are analytic from the branch-cut considerations in the first part of Appendix A ). (2) Poles of the form uk/(z-zk)n, for finiten >0. Forf(z) the restriction bk= 0 can be made since the argument dependent parts of the logarithmic term occuring in (9) [i.e., Im {psk(z)}] are not of general interest in the Uniqueness results in the complex plane for a series of logar ithmic basis functions can thus be used to show point mass uniqueness in R2. Next consider a series of poles of fixed order n: h(n)(z) . (13) The casen= 1,h(z)h(1)(z), is of special interest and results in the well-known linear combinatio n of simple poles: h(z) (14) Uniqueness results will first be shown for an expansion of this form. real part of h(z) corresponds to an R2dipole expansion W(/vectorX) given by (4), as will now be various point dipole terms contained in (4) are also known as first order multipoles. For future reference it is useful to have a consistent notation for delineating multipole basis functions of various orders. The order of a multipole corresponds to the number of subscripts it has, so a first order multipole has a single subscript that can take on the values 1 ,2,3,...,N inRN. Thus the subscripts of a dipole (or first 7order multipole) basis function are associated with the various direc tions inRN. InR2this subscript takes on two values so that the two first order R2multipole basis functions associated with the source be written as forj= 1,2. TheR2dipole or first order multipole basis along the x-axis in is given (16) Likewise a unit dipole or multiple aligned along the y-axis inR2is given theR2setting. Theorem 1 (and its reverse) clearly involves a change of se tting form CtoR2(orR2toC) 4 Uniqueness of Complex Poles of The Same Order This section considers relatively straightforward results about un iqueness of expansions of poles and unique- ness of expansions of logarithmic basis functions. In particular, th e theorem that shows that an expansion in terms of simple poles, h(z) as given by (14), is unique is readily stated and proved. The analogo us result is also easy to prove for expansions of higher-order poles of a given type (i.e., where all the poles are of some specified order), as well logarithmic basis functions. A consideratio n of the more difficult uniqueness results for mixed types of expansions are postponed until Section 7 and, in the end, concrete proofs of these mixed uniqueness results prove to be elusive. Before proceeding to a statement of the desired theorem, sever al observations are in order. First, if zk= 0 for any k, then it is simply necessary to translate and rescale, when required , so 0 can be assumed. Second, as in R3for concentric spheres, for uniform circular distributions of cont inuous simple poles in CandR2immediate counter examples can be constructed. Third, in an attem pt to derive the wanted uniqueness results, it is tempting to try to directly apply the standard theory of poles and with analytic function theory. For example, applying the residue theorem by taking a closed line integral around the unit disk immediately shows 0; however, additional progress quickly becomes difficult since, in order to make further progress, it is nece ssary to consider paths that extend into the interior region, where some form of analytic continuation inside t he unit disk must be used, but this is, at best, questionable. These issues are addressed further in App endix A. For simple poles the desired uniqueness theorem is: Theorem 2. Ifh(z)has the form specified by (14) where Nkis finite, = 0for all|z| >=1if and only if uk= 0for 0 for allktrivially implies h(z) = 0 for all z, so only the converse needs to be the proof assume that 0 that |z| >=1. The proof will be so assume to the contrary that a non-unique expa nsion exists where 0, buth(z) = 0 for all|z| >=1. Ifuk= 0 occurs for any kin this expansion, then drop out these terms, reindex the uk's and reduce the value of Nk, so that 0 can be assumed to hold for all kwithout loss of generality. Using the 8geometric series, each of the pole terms appearing in (14) can be re expressed (18) which has the same overall form as the power series f(z) (19) As pointed out in many elementary treatments of complex variables, f(z) = 0 for all zif and only if an= 0 for alln>=1, which is a useful condition here. Substituting (18) into (14) allows hto be rewritten in the form: h(z) (20) By assumption h(z)0 holds for some given zk's anduk's withzk/ne}ationslash=zk'and 0 fork= Also as noted above, the factors bjoccuring here are unique so bj0 forj= (20) this condition on the bj's can be rewritten in matrix form as
/tildewideGu= 0 1 1 where u= (u1, u2, u3,***, uNk)T. Consider the square matrix formed by the first Nkrows andNk columns of/tildewideG. This square matrix is the Vandermode matrix, which has a determina nt that is well known to be nonzero when the zkare distinct [3]. Thus the only solution to (21) is u= 0, contrary to our proving the uniqueness of the form given by (14). An analogous result can easily be shown for the logarithmic form given by (10) g(z) (22) whererCis the source parameter and, as before, psk(z) = lnz (z-zk). (23) Here, since zk= 0 implies psk(z) = 0, 0 and|z| >=1>|zk|>0 is assumed (as usual). Notice that from the discussion given in Appendix A, psk(z) has no branch cuts for |z| >=1, which means that it is analytic for|z| >=1 and thus that it has a proper power series (24) 9Although (24) can be obtained in various ways, it is easy to see that it is the correct series by simply comparing the derivative of the RHS of (24) with the series expansio n of the derivative of the RHS of the series expansion (24) into (22) gives g(z) (25) and setting the various powers of znto zero yields an equation set similar to (21) that must hold if g(z) = 0 is to 0 where r= (r1, r2,r3,***, rNk)T. As before, it is necessary to consider only the first Nkrows can be reexpressed as a simple matrix product of the Vanderm ode matrix Gand two other NkxNk matrices. If particular, if G'denotes this NkxNkmatrix, 0 0 ***0 0 2 0 ***0 0 0 3 0 0 ***Nk andX:=
zk0 0***0 0z20***0 0 0z3 0 0 /tildewideG'r= 0thusbecomes N-1GXr= r= are invertible. This result can be restated as the desired un iqueness of logarithmic expansions given by the form (10): Theorem 3. Ifg(z)has the form specified by (10), where Nkis finite, = 0for all|z| >=1if and only if uk= 0for allk. Next consider the issue of the uniqueness of higher-order pole exp ansions of the form h(m)(z) a positive integer, nkCand the usual restrictions apply to zandzk. A series expansion be found directly from the binomial series 1 (1-x)m= general coefficients here are related to the usual binomial coe fficients. Introducing the special symbol Sm,nfor these signed coefficients and replacing xwithzk/zthus 1 expression of interest is thus h(m)(z) 0, (31) which leads to the following matrix condition for the 0 (32) withn:= (n1, n2, n3,***, nNk)T. The matrixequation directlyyields a theorem expre ssing the uniqueness of higher-order pole 4. For finitem >0, ifh(m)(z)has the form specified by (28), where Nkis finite, thenh(m)(z) = 0for all|z| >=1if and only if nk= 0for allk. Here asm-- the theorem no longer holds since ( z-zk)-m--0 for all |z| >=1. Also Theorem 4 pertains only to poles of the same order. For very small Nkit is easy to show that expansions of mixed orders of poles are linearly independent by direct algebraic means. 5 Uniqueness Results for R2 Comparing (15), (16) and (17) with (14) shows where/vectorDk= (-ak,-bk)T, which immediately shows that dipole expansions in R2are unique by Theorems 1 and 2. In a like fashion, it is clear that Theorem 4 in conjunction with Th eorem 1 (with a coefficient used as needed) also implies that higher order R2multipole expansions of order nare unique if they can be fully represented by two basis functions at each locat ion. As noted in Section 2, in addition to then= 1 case, this program can be carried out for n= 2 and 3, but for n>3 there are more than two independent multipole basis functions for each /vectorXkand so this correspondence cannot be it is useful to build on the multipole notation introduced in conju nction with (16) and (17) by letting preceeded by a comma denote /xwhen the subscript in question takes on the value 1 and to denote /ywhen it takes on the value 2 (in what follows it will be assumed that take on the values 1 to NinRNand that similar partials are implied for RN, but only theR2case will be considered in this section). Multipole basis functions of an y order can then be defined by expressions of the form M[k] ii'j ...j'M[k] i,i',j ,...,j' where (as noted before) the number of subscripts corresponds to the order of the multipole. For n= 2 there are only two independent basis functions, say obviously from Likewise for n= 3, selected as the two independent basis functions, then analogous relationships hold for permuted indices. Forn= 4 it is easy to check that all of the other basis functions can be obt ained from This shows the set of quadrupole basis functions for some given so urce point cannot be larger than the indicated set, but it does not show that the indicated sets are indeed independent. Showing the 11actual independence of the indicated basis functions at a common s ource point follows from direct and involves first calculating them explicitly and then multip lying through by the but this straightforward algebraic manipulation will no t be done here. Forn<4, since there are only two independent basis multipole basis function s of ordernat each source location, it is useful to introduce a more compact notation for thes e cases so that the resulting potential can be written more efficiently in terms of the above independent basis mu ltipole forn= (34) forn= (35) and forn= (36) Also in (33) the coefficients Subsequently the superscript indicating the order is often omitted from expressions for be easily B(2) k= and higher order complex poles corresponding to the expressions in (37) forn= 2 andn= 3 can easily be found, as in (15), by multiplying the numerator and denominator of uk/(z-zk)nby from (37) it thus follows that (38) can be immediately be rewritten a equations (39) imply an invertible passive coefficient mapping, s o that Re {hn)(z)} Thus Theorem 4 implies that multipole expansions of order thre e or less in R2are unique and these results can be summarized in the following formally as: 12Theorem 5. InR2, for finite 0< n <4, the form specified by (33) where Nkis = 0for all|/vectorX| >=1if and only if ak= 0andbk= 0 for allk. or less formally as Theorem 6. A finite expansion of R2points masses, point dipoles or point quadrupoles is unique . Since there are more than two multipole basis functions for each sou rce location of an R2multipole of order four or higher, no simple correspondence exists between a g iven single higher order complex pole and the corresponding multipoles at the same location. Given that all of t he uniqueness results considered so far rest on such a correspondence, it is clear that most of the readily o btainable results in R2have been found and multipoles of order n>3 will thus not be considered. The next issue to be addressed is exte nding these R2results to R3or evenRN, forN >3. 6 Uniqueness Results for R3 This section addresses the question of point mass uniqueness by sh owing that uniqueness of point in R2has direct consequences in R3. Towards that end the following simple lemma will prove to be useful: Lemma 1. InRN, forN >1, an array of Nkdistinct points forms at most 2Nkx(Nk-1)unique directions when all possible lines containing two or more array points a re considered; moreover, it is possible to so that all of the points are distinct when proje cted into the N-1dimensional to some preferred coordinate two points determine a straight line, the maximin number of indep endent lines occurs when no three or more points are collinear; i.e., chose any of the Nkpoints and a second distinct point. Factoring in the fact that any line determines two possible directions yields 2 Nkx(Nk-1) for a maximum number of possible directions. (Besides the fact that many points may be colline ar, many of the lines formed may be parallel, so the actual number might be much smaller than 2 Nkx(Nk-1).) This shows the first part of the lemma. Next consider the second part of the lemma. Given a choice of coord inate origin, there is a of preferred axis directions. Specifically, for a preferred c oordinate axis ( N'th axis) choose a direction that does not coincide with any of the finite possible directions along w hich two or more points line up. Since no two points line up, their projection into the orthogonal hyperpla ne of the preferred direction is distinct and the lemma follows. This lemma leads to the following lemma: Lemma 2. If a point mass uniqueness counter-example exists in R3, then one exists in R2. 13Proof.If a counter example exists in R3then from (3) it can be assumed, without loss of generality, that an Nkexists with 0 for allNk>=k>=1 such that V(/vectorX) 0 (40) for all|/vectorX| >=1 As before, without loss of generality, it is assumed 0 0 for all k. Thus, for later convenience a set of point 0 at the origin can be explicitly added to yk, zk)Twhere there is no danger here of confusing zandzkwith the complex variables introduced earlier. Assume that the coordina tes have been chosen in accord with Lemma 1 where the preferred direction has been taken to be along t hez-axis so that in the x-yplane the Nkpoints are all distinct, so that ( xk, (xk', yk',0)Tfor Clearly a linear potentials along the z-axis also obey the criteria of (40) so 0 (41) Observe that follows 2 It thus follows 2Psk(/vectorX) (42) and thus = 0 with 0 for allk. (43) 14A comparison of (43) and (7) allows one to one to conclude from Lemm a 2 and Theorem 6 that Theorem 7. A finite expansion of R3points masses is unique, where the usual conditions are assu med to apply. Next consider the question of uniqueness for the R3dipole expansion given by (5): W(/vectorX)Nk/summationdisplay k=1/vectorDk*. (44) It is possible to state and prove a dipole analog of Lemma 2: Lemma 3. If a point dipole uniqueness counter-example exists in R3then one exists in as in Lemma 2, to the contrary that an R3counterexample exists and thus that for some that for some Wgiven by the right hand side of (44) W0 for some |/vectorDk| /ne}ationslash= 0, for all k. From Lemma 1 there are only a finite number of directions parallel to the line s determined by two or more of the
/vectorXk's. To this finite collection of directions add the vectors then select a preferred that is different from all of these directions and denote th is direction by ^k. by construction, not only does ( xk, (xk',yk',0)Tfor as in the proof of Lemma 2, but the projection of /vectorDkon thex-yplane is nonzero. Let this projection. Further, as before, the 0 presents no real difficulties and ( xk, 0 can also be assumed. Then taking the integral along the z-axis as in (42) gives [after adding an analogous term at the origin to th e one added to 2 xPsk(/vectorX) 2 yPsk(/vectorX) 0 (45c) Using (45) in (44) allows the R3counterexample to be restated y) = 0 /ne}ationslash= 0 for allk. Since Theorem 6 shows that a counterexample of the form specified by (46) cannot exist, the is an immediate consequence of Lemma 3: 15Theorem 8. A finite expansion of R3point dipoles is unique. Clearly, one would expect the results of Lemma 2 and thus Theorems 7 and 8 to generalize to RNfor N >3, with only the technical difficulty of explicitly obtaining the Ndimensional integral analogs of (42) and (45) to stand in the way; however, two other remaining issues o f far greater practical importance are less clear: (1) Proving quadrupole and other multipole uniqueness re sults inR3. (2) Proving expansions of mixed types of point sources are unique. It is unclear how the firs t issue should be approached, but an approach to the second issue can be based on the theorems of Sec tion 3. As before, results in the complex plane will be the starting point. 7 Uniqueness for Point Sources of Mixed Type This section deals with uniqueness results for expansions of mixed ty pe. Only the complex setting will be considered here even though results for mixed types in Ccan be directly extended to R2andR3mixed type results. There is a pragmatic reason for considering only the comple x setting: Uniqueness results for mixed types of expansions are very difficult to prove and, in the end, given that there is only a limited amount of success here in studying the complex case, consideration of the re al case is irrelevant. Thus two particular kinds of mixed type analytic expansions will be of p rimary interest here: (1) Expan- sions consisting of both simple pole terms and second order pole term s. (2) Expansions consisting of simple poles and logarithmic basis observe that as far as uniqueness results for expansions o f mixed type are concerned, it only necessary to consider the general case where there are (possib ly) a like number of either simple poles and logarithmic basis functions that are located at the same point or, in a like manner, to consider only the case consisting of simple poles and second order poles that are located at the same point. Thus, without loss of generality, for the simple pole and second order pole case conside r the following expression for poles of mixed 2, (30) (48) which can be combined with (18) to yield h(1,2)(z) (49) The RHS of (49) can be rewritten as z*h(1,2)(z) (50) Setting the successive powers of z-nindividually to zero on the RHS of (50) (and simply ignoring 0) gives the following set of equations that must hold when z*h(1,2)(z) = 1 1 *** 2z2 3z2 2 0.(51) The first 2Nkrows of this matrix equation set can immediately be rewritten in the fo llowing block matrix form: /parenleftiggGX 0. (52) HereIis theNkxNkidentity matrix and the other matrices in (52) have been previously d efined. (52) is equivalent to the two coupled equations sets GXu+NGn= 0 0 (54) Here the first of these equations uniquely determines uin terms of n: u=-X-1G-1NGn . (55) When this is substituted into the second matrix equation and the res ult is rearranged slightly the following matrix equation for +NGXNk]n= 0, (56) which can be multiplied from the left by X-NkG-1to 0. (57) Here (56) immediately implies that if the matrix [( is invertible then n= 0 must hold. In turn, this matrix is invertible if the following matrix is inv ertible: C:= (58) which can be rewritten (59) Showing that Cis invertible is not as easy at it might first appear. Thus, for example, first observe that C can be rewritten as C=A+B, Obviously Ais positive it is clear that the sum of two positive definite matrice s is positive definite, so if it can be shown 17thatBis positive definite, then Cwill be positive definite and thus invertible. Next observe that it is triv ial to find the eigenvectors of Band that the corresponding eigenvalues are given by the diagonal e lements of N. As one can quickly convince him or herself, this, however, does not imply that Bis positive definite, since, among other things, the eigenvectors are not orthogonal to each other (clearly Bis not normal normality is assumed in relevant theorems of interest). Given th at the author's attempts at proving that Cis invertible have not met with success, the issue is open. Here the question naturally arises as to what the analog of the Cmatrix would have been if the set of n rows starting at row mn+1 had been taken instead of at row n+1. In this case the system of equations that result are Cmn= 0, (61) Here it is also natural to also raise the question about what the analo g of theCis when logarithmic basis functions are included. Thus consider the conditions that must hold ifph(z) =h(1,2,3)(z) = 0, is obvious that the correct power series expansion for psk(z) is psk(z) this expansion along out the n= 1 terms separately and reindexing (68) Ignoring the first term on the RHS of (68) and setting the other po wers of 1/zto zero yields an equation set whose first 3 nrows can be written in block matrix form as:
(N+I)-1G GX 0. (69) When there are no second order pole terms, (69) can be rewritten 0, (70) which, by following analogous steps used to obtain (57), can be rewr itten as [(u= 0. (71) Hence combined logarithmic and simple pole basis functions are indepen dent if the Cmatrix is A Branch Cut and Analytic Continuation Side Issues in C This appendix addresses two distinct questions (or misperceptions ) that some readers may have: (1) Since the logarithmic point source basis functions psk[as given by (9)] are used, and logarithmic functions in C, branch-cutsand, if not, why not? (2) When only s imple poles may be present in the interiorregion, since it seems naturalto assu me that the analytic continuationofa zero function is canoneextend analyticcontinua tioninto the interiorofthe unit paths while assuming that f(z) = 0 still holds until there are areas of overlap, so that one can simp ly integrate around each pole separately and then directly prove the desired complex plane uniqueness results for simple poles from a direct application of the residue theorem? This analytic continuation procedure may be tempting, because for a finite collection of potential simple poles in the interior, Theorem 2 guarantees that iff(z) = 0 holds in the exterior region, then uk= 0, so this analytic continuation procedure seems to work for this case. As far as counter examples go, one need only co nsider a simple circle with a uniform density constant simple pole strength and a compensating interior p ole, but what about a denumerable set of separated simple poles, which is the case of prime interest here? T he reader who is not bothered by this last sort of question may simply skip the second part of this appendix that deals with this Issues First consider branch-cut related issues in the exterior of a unit dis k, when all the source points reside inside the unit disk. Although simple and higher order poles obviously do not have such branch cuts, at first glance it might appear that psk(z) given by (9) does have branch cuts: psk(z) := for example, lnz= lnr+ith . (A-2) The truth of the matter, however, is not so straightforward and it turns out that there are no branch cuts in the exterior of the unit complex disk for psk(z). To see this geometrically, first let to the angle between the positive x-axis direction and the vector parallel to the line zktoz[which is to say, the angle between the R2line segment connecting the points ( xk, yk)T and (x, yk)Tand the line segment connecting ( xk,yk)Tand (x, y)T]. Then psk(z) := lnr lk+i(th-phk) (A-3) and when one draws a plane figure displaying the various relevant lines and angles, it is perfectly obvious that, for any choice of zk,thandphkare equal in value at two places as ztraces out a closed loop around the unit disk (keeping in mind that |z| >=1). In fact, from the geometry of this figure it is clean that p/2>= |th-phk|must always hold and, hence psk(z), for eachk. is uniquely defined for z| >=1. This branch-cut issue can also be settled using analysis by considerin g the form psk(z) = lnz (z-zk):= noting that since Re {1-zk/z}>0 (which follows immediately from 1 >|zk/z| >= |Re{zk/z}|), the absolute value of the argument of 1 /(1-zk/z) is less than p/2 from elementary properties of the that while there are no branch-cuts for pskfor|z| >=1, for|z|<1 it is clear that there is a branch cut connecting zkand the origin. An expansion of the form (10) thus has a collection of branch cuts that form a star-like pattern in the interior of the unit disk. Finally, since a linear superposition of analytic function is analytic the u se of{psk}Nk k=1as a set of basis functions, as in (10) entails no branch-cut interpretational issue s at all. It is clear, however, that one cannot decide to treat the RHS of a pskfit, or expansion such as (10), as a single logarithmic function using t he standard properties for combining logarithms-when a linear combina tion ofpsk's are combined into a single composite logarithmic function brach-cut issues are arbitrarily intr oduced. (Since the argument of the log of some term is assumed to be between 0 and 2 p, even absorbing the constant ukintopskby itself causes problems and introduces unwanted restrictions, because the com plex part of ukpskis not Continuation Issues Next, consider the analytic continuation issues, which are perhaps best addressed by consideration It may seem reasonable to argue that continu ation of the zero function is a special case, especially when it done on either side of a neighborhood where it is know n that, at most, one simple pole resides and it would seem that what happens outside the greater re gion under consideration does not matter. Thus, suppose that an expansion of the form (14) is being consider ed, and that the poles are ordered such thatz1is the location of the simple pole that is closest to the analytic region ( |z|>1). Consider a fit to the function f(z) = 0. Then, if one analytically continues the zero function into the un it disk close to z1 along a path to one side of this pole, it would seem obvious that f(z) = 0 over this entire region. On the other hand, if one starts from the same region and does the same t hing on the other side of the pole then in the region of overlap between these two analytic continuations, it is obvious that f(z) = 0. From this, one can conclude that the simple pole necessarily has a weight of zero :uk= 0. Proceeding in a like fashion to each succeeding pole, one could thus argue that f(z) = 0 for |z|>1 implies that uk= 0 for allk, which is the desired result. Although, at each step, since there are two a nalytic regions of continuation that are not simply connected, and it is known that analytic continuation into r egions that are not simply connected are problematic; the simple pole in question produces no branch cuts in either of these two regions the f(z) always agrees in the region of overlap. No function is simpler than th e zero function and one might argue that in this special case of analytic continuation there is no problem, at least in this particular instance, and, when used in this way, it leads to the right r esult. To see what is wrong with this argument, consider the following. It will only be necessary to show that one counter example exists (here some liberty will be taken and it will merely be shown that is very likely to exist, without explicitly constructin g the explicit counter-example a sequence of points in the interior of the unit circle (excluding the origin). Consider the set of corresponding points in the exterior of the unit circle given by tk= 1/s*
j. Then it is well known that the sequence of values characterizes the analytic function f(z). Consider a DIDACKS fit of the form ph(z) (A-5) which always exist for N <since the associated linear system was always shown to be solvable in [ 7]. It does not seem unreasonable to assume that for some sequence of points{tk}and some choice of that this system remains solvable as N- . [For example, it is clearly perfectly acceptable to choose an f(z) that has the form (A-5) itself, with some appropriate choice of so 21long as|aj| /ne}ationslash= 0 (in the argument that follows, it is important that the sum in (A-5) contains an infinite number of simple for|z|>1 could have been represented by its values at some other infinite se quence of alljandk. Here letzk= 1/p*
kand assume that a fit of the form (14) withn=also exists. Then, for |z| >=1: f(z) = 0 (A-6) Since by construction, 0 for all jand 0 for all k, it is clear that the strategy of the zero function so as to encompass an isolated simple po le must fail if any representation of f(z) = 0 exists that has the form (A-6); moreover, for this to occur it is only necessary that for some 0 for alljand some 0 for allk, thatsjandpkexist such (A-7) where (for all jandk) 0<|sk|<1, 0<|pk|<1 It seems most probable that two such bounded sequences of simple poles Dennis S. Bernstein, Matrix Mathematics: Theory, Facts, and Formulas With Appli cation to Linear Systems Theory , Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 2005. [2] Martin D. Buhmann, Radial Basis Functions: Theory and Implementations , Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics, Cambridge University Pres s, New York, N.Y., 2003. [3] Philip J. Davis, Introduction to Interpolation and Approximation , Dover Publications, New York, N.Y., 1963. [4] S. J. Claessens, W. E. Featherstone and F. Barthelmes, Experiences with Point-mass Gravity Field Modeling in the Perth Region, Western Australia , Geomatics Research Australasia, No. 75, 53-86. [5] Milos Pick, Jan Picha and Vincenc Vyskocil, Theory of the Earth's Gravity Field , Elsevier Company, York, 1973. [6] AlanRufty, A Dirichlet Integral Based l Approach toPoint-Source Gravity- Field Modeling , SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 68, No. 1, 199-221. [7] Alan Rufty, Dirichlet integral dual-access space analytic interpolation for unit disks: DIDACKS I , Alan Rufty, point-source harmonic interpolation overR3spherical interiors: DIDACKS II, Alan Rufty, Closed-form Dirichlet integral harmonic interpolation-fi ts for real n-dimensional and DIDACKS III , Alan Rufty, A closed-form basis for gravity field s ource estimation: DIDACKS IV Georgi E. Shilov, Elementary and Complex Analysis , Dover Publications, New York, N.Y., 1973 edition. [12] D. Stromeyer and L. Ballani, Uniqueness of the Inverse Gravimetric Problem for Point Mas s Models , Manuscripta Geodaetica, 9(1984), 125-136. 23 | 0804.4436 | Alan Rufty | Alan Rufty | Uniqueness Theorems for Point Source Expansions: DIDACKS V | 23 pages. Last article of this series | null | null | null | math-ph math.MP | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Finite collections of point masses contained in some bounded domain produce a
unique field in the exterior domain, which means that the associated basis
functions (often called ``fundamental solutions'') are independent. A new proof
of this result is given in this paper that can be generalized to other finite
combinations of point source distributions. For example, this paper shows in
$\mathbb{R}^3$ that a finite combination of point dipoles produces a unique
field. The strategy employed in the paper is to develop results for analytic
functions in the complex plane and then carry them over to harmonic functions
in the real plane, and from there to harmonic functions in $\mathbb{R}^3$. More
results are shown for $\mathbb{R}^2$ and for $\mathbb{C}$ than are shown for
more general settings. For example, in the complex plane, the paper shows that
a finite combination of higher order poles of any order in the interior of a
unit disk always corresponds to a unique analytic function in the exterior of a
unit disk.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 28 Apr 2008 15:56:12 GMT"
] | 2008-04-29T00:00:00 | [
] |
Important Note Regarding Angle Notation In the interest of clarity and avoi dance of confusion on the part of the reader, please note: 1) By refering to the angles A,B, G, we always be refering to the internal triangles A,B, G, in the context of a clearly defined triangle G BAD . In that context, angle A = < BA G = < GAB; or by using the alternative notation ^, the alternative notation ^, angle A = BA G = GAB. ^ ^ Similarly, angle B = < AB G = < GBA and ^ ^ angle G = AGB = BGA. Consequently, all six angles A,B,G ,A',B',G', referred to in Figures 1 through 4, are the internal angles of the triangles ABG and A'B' G'. 2) In any other context, we would use any of the tw o standard three- letter angle notations (mentioned above), with the vertex letter situated in the middle. Howeve r, in this paper, such other context, does not truly arise. 3) In a paper like this, where the internal angles A,B, G are repeated very frequently throughout, using a three-letter notation (instead of a single letter one), would concei vably result in a significant increase in the length of the paper. 2A first observation reveals that the sum cot A + cotB + cotG can be arbitrarily large. Indeed, if we restri ct our attention only to those triangles in which none of t he angles A, B, G is obtuse; then each of the trigonometric numbers cot A, cotB , cotG is bounded below by zero, i.e. cotA, cotB, cot G >= 0. But say, angle G can become arbitrarily small; in the language of calculus, G - 0+; so that cot G - + . A second observation shows that the triangles G BAD and G BAD are always similar (see Figures 2, 3, 4). Furthermore note that if we were to effect a similar construction of triangle G BAD from a given triangle G BAD but using an angle ph, 0deg < ph <= 90deg (instead of just ph = 90deg), the same fact would emerge; that is, the two triangles are similar (see Figure 1 ). This paper has a two-fold aim: first establish that EE = (cotA + cotB + cotG)2; and secondly that the minimum va lue of this area ratio is 3, attained precisely when the triangle G BAD is equilateral (and thus, by similarity, triangle G BAD as well). Even though, as we shall see, among all triangle pairs ( G BAD , G BAD ), the ones with the smallest ratio (= 3) are those pairs in which both triangles are equilateral; if we re strict our search only to those pairs in which both G BAD and G BAD are right triangles, then, as we will show, the minimum value of the above area ratio is equal to 4; obtained precisely when both right triangles are isosceles. 2. Illustrations 3 43. A few preliminaries The nine formulas listed below pertain to a triangle with sidelengths a = BG, b = GA, g = AB, angles A, B, G, semi- perimeter r (i.e. 2r = a + b + g) and area E. Of these nine formulas, the first five are well known to a wide mathematical audience, while the last four (Formulas 6, 7, 8, 9) are less so; for each of those formulas, Formulas 6, 7, 8, and 9 we offer a short proof in the next section. Formula 1 (Heron's Formula): E = g) - (r b) - (r a) - (r r Formula 2: cos2th = 2cos2th - 1 = 1 - 2sin2th for any angle th, typically measured in degrees or radians Formula 3 (Law of Cosines): a2 = b2 + g2 - 2bgcosA, b2 = a2 + g2 - 2agcosB, g2 = a2 + b2 - 2abcosG Formula 4 (summation formulas): For any angles th and o , cos (th + o) = costhcoso - sinthsino, sin (th + o) = sinthcoso + costhsino Formula 5: E = 21 bgsinA = 21 absinG = 21 gasinB Formula 6: 16E2 = 2 (a2b2 + b2g2 + g2a2) - (a4 + b4 + g4) Formula 7: For any angle th which is not the form kp or kp + 2p, where k is an integer, cot2 th = 2cotth1 - th cot2 5Formula 8: cot 2A=
g) - (r b) - (ra) - (r r, cot 2B=
g) - (r a) - (rb) - (r r, cot 2G=
a) - (r b) - (rg) - (r r Formula 9: E = 22 2a b g 4 (cotA cotB cot G)++
++ 4. Proofs of Formulas 6, 7, 8, and 9 a) Proof of Formula 6: From Formula 1 we have, E = g) - (r b) - (r a) - (r r = 16E2 = 16r ; g) - (r b) - (r a) - (r 16E2 =
+ +
2g b a
2a - g b
2b - g a
2g - b a16 = ( a + b + g ) (b + g - a) [a - (b - g)] (a + b - g ) = [( b + g )2 - a2)] [a2 - (b - g)2] = a2 (b + g )2 - a4 - [(b + g) (b - g )]2 + a2 (b - g )2 = a2 [(b + g )2 + (b - g)2] - a4 - [(b2 - g2)]2 = a2 [2 (b2 + g2)] - a4 - b4 - g4 + 2b2g2 = 2 ( a2b2 + b2g2 + g2a2) - (a4 + b4 + g4) b) Proof of Formula 7: For any two angles th and o such that th + o kp, k any integer (so that sin ( o + th) 0) we have, in accordance with Formula 4 , cot (th + o ) = o) (th sino) (th cos
++ = costhcoso - + sinocosth 6If, in addition to the above condition, we also have th mp and o np (where m, n are an y integers), then sin thsino 0; and so, cos (th + o) = costh coso sinthsino - sinthsino sinocosth - sinthsino sinosinth = cotthcoto - 1 coto + cotth Thus, by setting th = o we obtain cot2 th = 2cotth1 - th cot2 , under the conditions th p and 2th p; any integer. Considering the cases even and odd, the condition can be simplified into th kp and th kp + l ll l l 2p, k any integer. c) Proof of Formula 8: We need only establish the first of the three (sub)formulas, the other two are es tablished similarly. Indeed, if we apply the first of the two (sub)formulas in Formula 2 with th = 2A; in combination with the first (sub)formula in Formula 3 we obtain, cos2
2A = 2bg 2a - g b 12 2 2++
= cos2
2A = bg 4a - g) (b2 2+
= cos2
2A = bg 4a) g (b a) - g (b ++ + = bg 4(2r) a) - (r 2 = bgr a) - (r (1) Likewise, we apply cos2 th = 1 - 2 sin2th with th = 2A in conjunction with the first (sub)formula in Formula 3 to obtain, sin2
2A = 2bg 2a - g b - 12 2 2
= bg 4g) - (b -a2 2 7= sin2
2A = bg 4g) - b (a b) - g (a + + = bg 4g) - (r 2 b) - (r 2
= bgg) - (r b) - (r (2) Equations (1) and (2) imply cot2
2A = () ()2Asin2A cos 22 = g) - (r b) - (ra) - (r r (3) Since A is a triangle angle, 0 deg < 2A < 90deg; which means, that in particular cot
2A > 0; thus, by virtue of (3) we conclude that cot
2A = g) - (r b) - (ra) - (r r. d) Proof of Formula 9: We apply the first (sub)formula of Formula 5 : bg = sinA2E; we then substitute for bg in the first (sub)formula of Formula 3 to obtain, a2 = b2 + g2 -
sinA4EcosA = a2 = b2 + g2 - 4E cotA (4) Similarly, we also have, b2 = a2 + g2 - 4E cotB (5) and, g2 = a2 + b2 - 4E cotG (6) Adding equations (4), (5), and (6) memberwise and solving for the area E produces the desired result: E = ) cotG cotB (cotA 4g b a2 2 2
+ ++ +. 85. Postulate 1 and its proof Postulate 1 Let G BAD be a triangle and G BAD be the triangle constructed from GBAD by drawing the following three straight lines: The perpendicular to AB at the point B, the perpendicular to B G at G, and the perpendicular to GA at A . If E and E are the areas of G BAD and G EE = (cotA + cotB + cotG)2. Proof: Without loss of generality, we may assume that B, G are acute angles; 0 deg < B, G < 90deg; while A maybe an acute, right, or obtuse angle. The key point in this proof is the observation or realization that, E = E + 2cotBa cotG b cotA g2 2 2+ + (7) To see why this is so let us first take a look at Figure 2 . In that picture we see that G BAD lies in the interior of G BAD and that, E = E + (area G BAD ) + (area A G BD ) + (area BAGD ), from which (7) easily follows (look at the formulas listed in the space adjacent the illustration in Figure 2 ; and just apply the area formula for a right triangle). Now, in the case of A = 90 deg (Figure 3 ), (area BGAD ) = 0 (since cotA = cot90deg = 0); equation (7) still ho lds true with the term g2cotA being zero. 9Next, let us look at Figure 4 . Here, triangle G BAD does not lie in the interior of G BAD ; however, as we show below, equation (7) still holds true; the piece of G BAD that lies outside the interior of triangle G BAD (that is, triangle BAD M), is compensated by the fact that cotA < 0, on account of 90 deg < A < 180 deg. Indeed, E = (area GABD ) + (area G MAD ) + (area of the quadrilateral M GAG ); E = (area GABD ) + E - (area B MAD ) + (area A G BD ) - (area ); G M BD and by virtue of (area G BAD ) = (area B MAD ) + (area ), G M BD we obtain E = E + (area GABD ) + (area A G BD ) - (area G BAD ) (8) We have, (area GABD ) = 2cotG b2 , (area A G BD ) = 2cotBa2 , and (area G BAD ) = gB G 2 ; and since (from triangle G BAD in Figure 4 ) we have BG = gcot (180deg - A) = - gcotA, we conclude that (area G BAD )
= - 2cotAg2 ; and by (8) we arrive at equati on (7); thus (7) holds true in all cases. Next note that, EE = (cotA + cotB + cot G)2 = (by Formula 9 )
= EE = 2
+ +
4Eg b a2 2 2 = 16EE = (a2 + b2 + g2)2 = (by (7) ) = 16E
+ ++2cotBa cotG b cotA g E2 2 2 = (a2 + b2 + g2)2 = 10= 16E2 + 8 E - (a2 + b2 + g2)2 = 0 (9) cotB)a cotG b cotA (g2 2 2+ +
Clearly, if we prove (9), the proof of Postulate 1 will be complete. First note that according to Formula 6 we have, 16E2 = 2 (a2b2 + b2g2 + g2a2) - (a4 + b4 + g4) ( 1 0 ) Secondly, we compute the term 8E g2cotA in (9), in terms of a, b, g; and by cyclicity of the letters a, b, g, we correspondingly find similar formulas for the terms 8E b2cotG and 8Ea2cotB. We start by applying the first (sub)formula of Formula 8 together with Formulas 7 and 1 to obtain, 8Eg2cotA = 8 g) - (r b) - (r a) - (r r 21 1 - g) - (r b) - (ra) - (r ra) - (r rg) - (r b) - (r
= 8Eg2cotA = 4g2 [] = g) - (r b) - (r - a) - (r r
= 8Eg2cotA = 4g2
+ +
2g) - b a 2b - g a - 2a- g b 2g b a =
= 8Eg2cotA = g2 [(b + g)2 - a2 - {a2 - (b - g)2}] =
= 8Eg2cotA = 2g2 (b2 + g2 - a2) ( 1 1 ) 11Similarly, by cyclicity, 8E b2cotG = 2b2 (a2 + b2 - g2) and (12) 8Ea2cotB = 2a2 (g2 + a2 - b2) ( 1 3 ) Also, by expansion we have, - (a2 + b2 + g2)2 = -2 (a2b2 + b2g2 + g2a2) - (a4 + b4 + g4) (14) If we add (10), (11), (12), (13), and (14) memberwise, the resulting equation is (9). 6. Two Lemmas from calculus and their conclusion Lemma 1: Over the open interval (0, + ), the function f (x) = 1 x2 1 x x - 2x 22 2
++ + has an absolute minimum at x = 31; the absolute minimum value being f
31 = 3. Lemma 2: Let k be a positive constan t. Over the open interval (0, 2p), the function g k (x) = k cotx 1 k kcotx x cot2 2
++ + + has an absolute minimum at x = th k; where thk is the unique real number in (0, 2p) such that cot thk = - k + 1 k2+; the absolute minimum value being gk (thk) = 1 k2 1 k k - 2k 22 2
++ + (it can be easily verified that g k (thk) > 0.) 12The proof to the first Lemma utilizes the standard calculus techniques and is left to the reader. The proof of the second Lemma can also be done by the use of the standard techniques. To the interested reader we point out that the derivative of the function gk is given by gk (x) = 22 2 k) (cotx 1] - 2kcotx x [cot x csc -
++ = 22 2 k) (cotx ] 1 k - k [cotx x ccs -
++ + 2[cotx k + k 1]++ Note that in the last fracti on, only the factor cotx + k - 1 k2+ changes sign over the interval (0, 2p); that happens at the only critical number thk this function has: the unique number thk such that cot thk = - k + 1 k2+ (recall that cotx is a decreasing function on (0, 2p) and whose range is (0, + )). Combining the two Lemmas we arrive at, The conclusion from the two Lemmas Among all functions g k in Lemma 2, the one with the smallest absolute minimum is the function g k with k = 31. The smallest absolute minimum occurs at x = thk = 3p(from cot th 31 = - 31 + 1 312
= 31). The smallest minimum is given by g 31
31 = 3. 137. Postulates 2 and 3 Now let us look at the sum cotA + cotB + cot G with 0deg < B, G < 90deg and 0deg < A < 180deg . Since A = 180 deg - (B + G) we have, cotA + cotB + cot G = cot [180 deg - (B + G )] + cotB + cot G =
= - cot (B + G) + cotB + cot G. Recall from the proof of Formula 7 that cot ( B + G) = cotG cotB1 - cotBcotG
+. Therefore cotA + cotB + cot G = -
+cotG cotB1 - cotBcotG + cotB + cot G; cotA + cotB + cot G = Gcot cotB1 G cot GcotB cot B cot2 2
++ + + . If we hold the angle G fixed, cotG becomes a positive constant; cotG = k. And if we set B = x, and le t x vary in the open interval (0, 2p), the above cotangent sum becomes simply one of the functions g k of Lemma 2 ! Hence, according to the Conclusion of the two Lemmas , the smallest value of the above sum is equal to 3 attained when k = cot G = 31 and B = x = 3p; in degrees, B = G = 60deg; A = 60deg as well. Combining this with Postulate 1 leads to 14Postulate 2 The ratio EE has the minimum value 3. The minimum value is attained precisely among the triangle pairs ( G BAD ,G BAD ), with both triangles being equilateral. We finish by taking a lo ok at the cases in which G BAD (and thus G BAD as well) is a right triangle: A = 90 deg; G = 90deg - B; so that cotA + cotB + cot G = 0 + cotB + cot (90 deg - B) = cotB + tanB = sinBcosB + cosBsinB = sinBcosBB sin B cos2 2+ = sinBcosB1 = 2sinBcosB2 = sin2B2 >= 2, since 0 < sin2B <= 1, in view of 0 deg < 2B < 180 deg. Thus the smallest value of (cotA + cotB + cot G)2 is 4; this happens when sin2B = 1; B = G = 45deg. Postulate 3 Among all pairs ( GBAD ,G BAD ) in which both triangles are right ones the minimum value of EE is 4 attained when both triangles are isosceles. REFERENCES 15 [1] (transliterated from the Gr eek) Marinos Zevas, Trigonometry , (in Greek), Gutenberg Press, Athens , Greece, July 1973, no ISBN number. 16 | 0804.4480 | Konstantine Zelator | Konstantine Zelator | On an area property of the sum cotA+cotB+cotC in a triangle | 16 pages | null | null | null | math.GM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Given a triangle ABC, a new triangle A'B'C' can be formed as follows: Draw
the perpendicular to the line AB at the pointA; then the perpendicular to the
line BC at B, and lastly the perpendicular to the line CA at C.the two
triangles ABC and A'B'C' are always similar. In Postulate1 we prove that the
ratio E'/E is equal to (cotA+cotB+cotC)^2, which is the main result in this
work.Here E' and E stand for the areas of the triangles A'B'C' and ABC
respectively. In Postulate 2, we show that the above ratio has minimum value 3,
which is attained when ABC and A'B'C' are equilateral triangles.In Postulate 3,
we show that if we consider only those pairs of triangles (ABC,A'B'C'), with
both ABC and A'B'C' being right triangles, then the minimum value of the above
ratio of areas, is 4.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 28 Apr 2008 20:12:51 GMT"
] | 2008-04-30T00:00:00 | [
] |
1 Introduction Now it is widely believed that inflation [1, 2] takes place at the earliest mo ments in the history of the universe and that after inflation the initial conditions are all s atisfied necessary for the successful hot big bang universe. One of the greatest triumphs o f inflation is that we can natu- rally derive a nearly scale invariant spectrum PRof the comoving curvature perturbation Rc[3] which is required by the recent observations, including the Wilkinson M icrowave Anisotropy Probe 5-year data [4] where nR0.96. This nearly scale invariant spectrum is generated under the slow-roll approximation where the inflaton field phis very slowly evolving towards the global minimum of its effective potential. The calculation of PRis now a well established subject [5, 6] and has become refined with high accuracy [7]. However, the slow-roll phase is not a necessary condition for inflat ion and thus the infla- tionary prediction of a nearly scale invariant PRis not necessarily true. A typical not slowly rolling off the potential is when it is trapped in a local minimum, i.e. false vacuum: for example in the original scenario of inflation [1] it is assume d thatphis confined in a local minimum and the inflationary epoch ends by quantum tunneling. Moreover, although this original scenario is observationally not viable, such a phase need s not be ruled out a priori. It may lie far outside the observable regime of the last 60 e-folds of expansion out of the whole period of inflation++. Also, in the case of thermal inflation [9] a short period of inflation is provided by a constant vacuum energy due to a temperature effec t at the end of problematic fact is that, for such a period the standard calculatio n ofRcdoes not work. The reason is that when phis trapped in a false vacuum, classically .ph= 0SS, so that the perturbation, which is given by Rc~H .phdph, (1) whereH= .a/ais the Hubble parameter, is not defined. The form of PRhas been roughly guessed [10] but its exact functional form has not yet been knownP. But this never means that the situation itself is singular, but that we need to adopt a different w ay of calculation to obtain PR: we should derive the final result without resorting to the classical homogeneous scalar field background [12]. In this paper, for the first time we explicitly calculate PRand the corresponding from a stage of false vacuum inflation. What is important is that the perfect de Sitter phase does not last forever. It should eventually end. Ther e are a number of ways to terminate this pure de Sitter expansion. Here we adopt a mechanism like thermal inflation. To be specific, we consider an effective mass-squared which consists o f a negative constant to a bare mass-squared term and a positive term pr oportional to a-2. The latter
++Note that in the so-called locked inflation [8], most of the observation ally relevant part of the universe exits the horizon when phis effectively trapped in a transient local minimum. However, the stab le false vacuum is supported by the rapid oscillation of another scalar field coupled to ph. This is different from what we are going to discuss. SSAs there is nobackground evolution of ph, it may not be quite proper to call it 'inflaton'. Nevertheless, we call it the inflaton field simply because its potential energy at the fals e vacuum is the cause of the inflationary de Sitter expansion. PNote that in Ref. [11] the spectrum of the field fluctuations, Pdph, is is equivalent to a temperature effect g2T2a-2[13], i.e. such a term can arise due to possible couplings to thermal bath. This paper is outlined as follows. In Section 2, we write the two-point c orrelation functions of the inflaton and the energy density. In Section 3 we first calculat e the power spectrum of the gauge invariant intrinsic spatial curvature perturbation Ph usin g the two-point calculated in the previous section. Then we extract the fin al form of PR. Finally, we conclude in Section 4. 2 Two-point correlation functions 2.1 Inflaton field two-point correlation function We consider a theory with the Einstein-scalar the potential is assumed to have the andu2>0. We consider the stage when the effective mass-squared is positive, m2 eff>0, so that the inflaton is classically trapped at ph= 0. The background Hubble parameter is given by 3H2=V0 m2 Pl, (5) and the cosmic scale factor during this stage can be well approximat ed by the pure de =1 -He, (6) wheret*is an arbitrary fiducial time and eis the conformal time. Note that a condition for ph= 0 to be sufficiently stable is m2 eff/H21, hence we must assumedthat |m2 ph|> H2 in the case of thermal trapped in a false vacuum so that 0 during this stage of pure de the scalar field perturbation is in fact equal to the scala r field itself, i.e. dph=ph-ph. (8) Now we begin with considering the two-point function G(x,x') Wehavean G(1)(x,x') as [14] G(1)(x,x') (12) r2=|x-x'|2, (14) Note that the form of G(1)(x,x') of our interest is the one in the limit p1, or equivalently in the early stage of inflation e- -/bardbl, whenphis trapped in a transient local minimum. A technically important point is the existence of the term (10). Since cosh xis exponentially increasing as xincreases and we are interested in the limitp1, this term is highly suppressed for large s, making contribution to the integral from this region negligible. Thus, the dominant contribution of the integra l comes from the region nears0, and hence we can expand the hyperbolic cosine function around t his region and take only the leading term. Using cosh x= 1+x2/2+***, we (15)
/bardblNote that the opposite limit e-0 is discussed in Ref. [12] and the spectrum is consistent with the sta ndard resultPR= point to be kept in mind is that we are ultimately interested on ly in just as in the case of standard slow-roll inflation. That is, t he two points separated with their distance being much larger than H-1. Thus introducing a (16) we find for (17) where we have used an identity of the modified Bessel function of th e second kind (18) Now, using the asymptotic (19) we (20) Therefore, the two-point function in the regime of our interest is g iven by G(x,x') Energy density two-point correlation there is no classically evolving background scalar field at the stage of our interest, this does not mean that there is no energy density fluctuations. In fact, because of the evaluate the curvature perturbation from this stage, calculat ing the in the pure de Sitter background is not sufficient. We have to take into account the metric perturbation. But under the situation of our interest wher e there is no of ph, it is exactly the same as the standard quantum field theory in curve d space- time. Thus there is no metric perturbation at linear order in the field fl uctuations dph, or the scalar field itself ph: see Eq. (8). So in the previous section it is perfectly legitimate to co nsider phin the given homogeneous and isotropic background. The metric per turbation dgunappears at second order in ph, i.e. it is linear in the perturbation of the energy-momentum tensor. Then we can apply the standard linear perturbation theory. This is what w e are going to do in energy-momentum tensor is given (22) and we (23) It is important to note that, as can be read from Eqs. (22) and (23 ), the linearly tensor dTunis quadratic in ph, at which order the metric perturbation comes into play and we can follow the standard cosmological perturbation t heory: the perturbation , which is the density perturbation on the co moving hypersurface on whichT0i= 0, is expressed as [5, 12] 2(r) we have chosen the time coordinate to be the cosmic proper time ; x0=t. Now we introduce the two-point correlation function of the expression for the energy-momentum tensor, Eq. (22) , the coefficients frun iare found to be (28) and zero otherwise, where the potential dependence is eliminated in favor of the using the field equation for the scalar field. Then substit uting the coefficients into Eq. (25), collecting non-zero components, expanding the Kronec ker delta terms and the indices, we obtain a rather lengthy expression give n in Appendix B, Eq. (84). There the time derivatives are those with respect to t. For later purpose, it is convenient to express the time dependence in terms of the conformal time edefined by de=dt/a. Since the two-point function depends only on the comoving distance between the two points r=|x-x'|, we may then express the coordinate dependence of Das D=D(r;e,e') =D(r;e',e), (29) where the second equality comes from the fact that Dis symmetric under the exchange of e ande'. 5Now, inserting Eq. (21) into Eq. (84), we find after some amount of calculations that, inter- estingly, the most significant contribution comes from the terms wit hout any time theterms multiplied by a-4inEq. (84). To leading order, thetwo-point evaluated at an equal time e=e'is given (30) We note that we can obtain the same result by substituting the exac t expression Eq. (10) into Eq. (84) first and then making use of Eqs. (87) and (88), and finally collecting the leading terms. 3 Power spectra 3.1 Power spectrum of Phk With the two-point correlation function given as Eq. (30), we next t urn to its Fourier Denoting the Fourier transformation of a function f(r) to (32) where the spherical Bessel function j0is given by j0(x) =sinx x. (33) Notice that the function exp( up to infinity at r= 0 so the integral does not converge. An important point to remember at this stage is that, we are interes ted in the correlations of two points which are separated by super-horizon scales, r |e|. Thus, the singularity at r= 0 should not matter and we may introduce a cutoff at a small rfor the range of by assumption, This implies that the region of our interest satisfies ur1. Hence, a natural choice of this cutoff scale would be 1 /u. Also, since we are interested in very large scales, i.e. very small kregions, we can expand sin( kr) Then, with 6the modified integration range, we (34) where we have used the definition of the exponential integral func being the Euler-Mascheroni constant, so -Ei(-2)0.0489005 >0. It should be noted that the argument -2 here is due to our choice of the lower cutoff of the integration, r= 1/u. In general one may choose any value for the lower cutoff of ras long asr=O(1/u). Hence we should not regard the actual value of -Ei(-2) to be Instead we should regard it as giving a factor of order u nity. In any case, as clear from the above, if we are interested in the range of ksuch that ku, that is, the modes which leave the horizon before the time -e= 1/u, the second term proportional to ( we can explicitly write the power spectrum of Ph, the gauge invaria nt intrinsic perturbation in the Newtonian (or longitudinal) gauge. F rom the perturbed we have the well known relation [5] 2 a2Ph =-4pGr, (36) where the factor r shows up which appears in the definition of D(x,x'), Eq. (25). Hence r =-1 4pG2 a2Ph (37) Since we are interested in the correlation function of two points whic h are apart on super- horizon scales, the leading contribution of the spatial gradient on t he function of the (38) Thus, substituting Eq. (37) into Eq. (25), D(x,x') = (39) 7Therefore, equating Eq. (30) with Eq. (39), the two-point corre lation function in given (40) where we can see that it is exponentially suppressed. Now taking the inverse Fourier we can relate (41) which includes the we have already calculated and is given by Eq. (34). We have u|e| (4), dom mass-squared, andhence Ph e2. Thisimplies time, hence it may seem that it does not contribute to the final pow er spectrum at all. However, it turns out that this behavior of Ph correctly correspon ds to the growing adiabatic mode as we shall see later. To summarize, we have the power spectr um of Ph to leading (43) To translate this into the power spectrum of the comoving curvatu re perturbation PR, we need to know is classically 0. 3.2 Power spectrum of the comoving curvature it is well known, the adiabatic density perturbations responsible f or the large scale structure of the universe today is represented by the curvature perturba tion on comoving super-horizon scales. However, the definition of the comoving h ypersurface, T0i= 0, becomes meaningless in the pure de Sitter space. This is simply becaus eTungunin pure de Sitter space, hence T0iis identically zero. In other words, there exists no preferred rest frame in pure de Sitter space. Nevertheless, in the present case, we do have a preferred frame because of the time dependence of m2 eff. Therefore, the vacuum expectation value of Tunwill no longer be de Sitter invariant. In particular, we expect r+pto have a small but non- vanishing vacuum expectation value. This fact enables us define the comoving hypersurface and hence the spectrum of the comoving curvature perturbation ,PR. Here we assume that the 8thermal contribution to which is proportional to T4, is small compared to the from ph. We will come back to this point at the end of this subsection. From the energy-momentum tensor for a scalar field, we (45) Thus we (46) Using the standard Fourier mode expansion of the scalar field, ph(x) (47) we then (48) The explicit form of the mode function phkand the calculation of given in Appendix A. We are left the same way, we (50) Now we have all the ingredients to calculate clear from the above expressions, the momentum integrals diver ge at large k. This is the standard ultraviolet divergence that should be regularized or reno rmalized. To regularze the divergence, we introduce a simple cutoff at a large physical momentu L is a large number. Now let us evaluate the integrals in the limit e- -, i.e. during the early stage of inflation. This is the region of our interest. In this case, we u(-e)1, (51) so the Hankel functions are approximated (53) which is independent of the parameter n. Then after some calculations, we renormalize the above expression, we assume that the de Sitter invariance will be if u= 0, that is, if there is no preferred frame. Then the renormalized e xpectation value is given is the vacuum expectation value given by Eq. (54). This leads (56) This should be valid for 1 u|e| L. Now, let us check if the above result is indeed greater than the ther mal contribution. As- suming there are Neffective massless degrees of freedom that are thermal and that couple to thephfield, we have an (57) where the suffix Tstands for thermal, and we have assumed the same coupling consta ntg2 for all the thermal fields for simplicity. On the other hand, the cont ribution from the of ph, Eq. (56), may be approximately expressed (58) Hence in order for the phcontribution to dominate, we must have Since the stage of our interest u2/a2=g2NT2, this leads to the g4NT2. (59) This can be satisfied only if we have g4N1. Namely, the dominance of the lar gemassless are in thermal equilibrium at an early stage of the false vacuum in flation. However, we should mention that the condition g4N1 implies that the theory is in a regime of strong coupling. Thus the thermal contribution can dominate in general, su ggesting that may be worth investigating in more detail, although it is ou tside of the scope of the present paper. In the following subsection we assume that therma l corrections are Extraction of growing solution Using the results obtained until now, we can compute the comoving c urvature perturbation Rc. First let us recapitulate the standard result. On super-horizon scales, for a completely general equation of sta te, we have the general solution for Ph, Ph mode , (60) whereH a'/a,w=p/rand the decaying mode is proportional to H/a2. The initial time ei can be chosen arbitrarily since its change only affects the contribut ion of the decaying mode. Given the Newtonian curvature perturbation Ph, Rcis expressed in terms of Ph (61) Plugging the general solution given by Eq. (60) into the above, we fin d, neglecting the decaying mode part, Rc=C1. (62) Thus the coefficient C1indeed corresponds to the amplitude of the growing adiabatic mode. In order to extract out the final curvature perturbation amplitu deC1from our calculation, we need to perform the integral in Eq. (60) explicitly. To do so, we ne ed the information of a and 1 +w. At leading order approximation, we may assume the universe is de Sit ter. Hence we may approximate the scale factor and the Hubble parameter (63) As for 1 + w, however, we must take into account the small deviations from de S itter. From Eq. (56), we note that the logarithm log[( ue/2L)2] is negative for u|e| L. So, neglecting the slow logarithmic behavior and take into account the fact m2 ph<0, we effectively and positive. This (65) This should be valid for u2e21 as long as 1+ that (66) Keeping in mind this range, the integral on the right-hand side of Eq. (60) can be easily evaluated to give Ph mode; (67) 11Now it is easy to obtain the final amplitude of Rc. We just have to divide the early time solution for Ph by k(ue)2. Then the spectrum of the conserved comoving curvature pertu rbation is PR(k) (68) Inserting Eq. (43) into the above, we thus finally find the spectrum of the comoving at Thus, with PR(k)knR-1, wherenRis the spectral index, we have nR= 4, (70) i.e. a very blue spectrum. This result is in accordance with a naive expe ctation. That is, for a very small kwhich leaves the horizon when ph= 0 is strongly stable, the generation of the curvature perturbation must be severely suppressed. On th e other hand, as kapproaches u, the amplitude of the curvature perturbation should increase. Th is is because the effect of the negative m2 phgradually becomes more and more important as the universe expand s and the instability sets in (71) It is then expected that the fluctuations would become very large a te=ec. 4 Conclusions In this paper, we have calculated the power spectrum PRand the corresponding spectral index nRof the comoving curvature perturbation Rcproduced when the inflaton field is trapped in a local minimum of the effective potential with non-zero vacuum ene rgy. The difficulty |meff| 3H/2sothat .ph= which Rcis given become singular: this is because we cannot define comoving hy 0. To evade this difficulty, we have used a pure quantum field theory app roach to calculate the two-point correlation function of the inflaton field and the perturb ation of the energy density in the exact de Sitter background. This de Sitter phase, due to a no n-vanishing false vacuum energy, shoud not last forever but should eventually be terminate d so that the standard hot big bang evolution of the universe can commence. We achieve this by a dding a comoving mass term, or equivalently a thermal correction, u2/a2, to the potential as shown in Eq. (4). This breaks the perfect de Sitter invariance, and allows the vacuum exp ectation value of r+pto be non-vanishing. Then given the fact that ne}ationslash= 0, we have explicitly calculated the final comoving curvature power spectrum PR, given by Eq. (69). The spectral index is found to be very blue, nR= 4. 12We believe our results are widely applicable: for example, we can direct ly constrain the production of the primordial black holes after thermal inflation [15], which has not yet been studied anywhere including the original references [9]. Also since the curvature perturbation is quadratic in the scalar field it is highly non-Gaussian. This issue will also be thank Daniel Chung, Dmitry Gal'tsov, Jai-chan Hwang, Nemanja K aloper, Andrei Linde, Thanu Padmanabhan, Ewan Stewart and Takahiro Tanaka for helpf ul discussions. JG is also grateful to the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics at Kyo to University where some part of this work was carried out during Scientific Program on Gravity an d Cosmology (YITP- T-07-01) and KIAS-YITP Joint Workshop: String Phenomenology and Cosmology (YITP- T-07-10). JG is partly supported by the Korea Research Foundat ion Grant funded by the Korean Government. MS is supported in part by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) No. 17340075 and (A) No. 18204024, a nd by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research No. 19GS0219. A Inflaton field mode functions Since there is no classically evolving background, the quantization of the inflaton can be done without worrying about the metric perturbation, that is, as in the s tandard quantization of a scalar field in curved spacetime. We start with the Fourier expansion of the inflaton field, ph(x) (72) where the annihilation and creation operators akanda+
ksatisfy the standard (73) The mode function phkis called the positive frequency function. It determines the by ak. The mode equation 0, (74) with the (75) where a prime denotes a derivative with respect to e. The positive frequency function phkappropriate for the inflationary universe is given by phk(e) (76) 13wherenis given by Eq. is the Hankel function of the first kind. This mode function satisfie s the condition that it reduces to the one for Minkowski vacuu m in the limit e- -, corresponding to the high frequency limit where the cosmic expansio n can be totally we list a few formulas for phkand its derivatives which are used for the computation of the components of the energy-momentum tensor. Taking a time derivative of Eq. (76), we find ph' k(e) the prime of the Hankel function means the derivative with re spect to the whole argu- ment, i.e. H(1) n'(z) =H(2) n(z) for real nandz, we Eliminating H' n(z) by using the Hankel function (80) H' n(z) (81) Hn(z) (82) which hold for both H(1) n(z) andH(2) n(z), we Formulas for energy density two-point function Here we give an explicit expression for the two-point function D(x,x') introduced in Eq. (25) in terms of the scalar field two-point function G(x,x'). We also give useful formulas for the spatial and time derivatives when they act on the expressions for the coefficients frun jgiven by Eqs. (26), (27) and (28) into Eq. (25), we find D(x,x') that we have not used any special properties of G(x,x') in the above. To proceed, we first make use of the properties of G(x,x'). As far as the spatial dependence is concerned, it depends only on the distance between two points r=|x-x'|. Hence we have x'=-x. (85) As for the time dependence, G(x,x') is symmetric in the interchange of tandt'. Thus we have G=G(r;t,t') =G(r;t',t). (86) Now, for the two-point function G(x,x') with the above properties, the spatial on G(x,x') may be expressed (87) Similarly, for the time derivatives acting on G(x,x'), usingde=dt/a, we (88) These formulas are used in the explicit evaluation of A. H. Guth, Phys. Rev. D 23, 347 (1981). [2] A. D. Linde, Phys. Lett. B 108, 389 (1982) ; A. Albrecht and P. J. Steinhardt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 1220 (1982). [3] A. R. Liddle and D. H. Lyth, Cosmological inflation and large-scale structure, Cam- bridge, UK: Univ. Pr. (2000) 400 p [4] E. Komatsu et al.[WMAP Collaboration], arXiv:0803.0547 [astro-ph]. [5] H. Kodama and M. Sasaki, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 78, 1 (1984). [6] V. F. Mukhanov, H. A. Feldman and R. H. Brandenberger, Phys. Rept.215, 203 (1992). [7] J. O. Gong and E. D. Stewart, Phys. Lett. B 510, 1 (2001) ; J. Choe, J. O. Gong and E. D. Stewart, JCAP 0407, 012 (2004) G. Dvali and S. Kachru, D. H. Lyth and E. D. Stewart, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 201 (1995) ; D. H. Lyth and E. D. Stewart, Phys. Rev. D 53, 1784 (1996) See, e.g. J. O. Gong, Phys. Lett. B 637, 149 (2006) L. Pilo, A. Riotto and A. Zaffaroni, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 201303 (2004) Y. Nambu and M. Sasaki, Prog. Theor. Phys. 83, 37 (1990). [13] A. D. Linde, Phys. Lett. B 116, 335 (1982). [14] T. S. Bunch and P. C. W. Davies, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 360, 117 (1978). [15] D. J. H. Chung, J. O. Gong and M. Sasaki, in preparation 17 | 0804.4488 | Jinn-Ouk Gong | Jinn-Ouk Gong, Misao Sasaki | Curvature perturbation spectrum from false vacuum inflation | (v1) 17 pages, no figure; (v2) 18 pages, more clarifications and
discussions added, to appear in JCAP | JCAP 0901:001,2009 | 10.1088/1475-7516/2009/01/001 | YITP-08-30 | astro-ph gr-qc hep-ph hep-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | In the inflationary cosmology it occurs frequently that the inflaton field is
trapped in a local, transient minimum with non-zero vacuum energy. The
difficulty regarding the curvature perturbation produced during such a stage is
that classically the inflaton does not move so that the comoving hypersurfaces
are not well defined at linear order in the scalar field perturbation. In this
paper, assuming a mechanism of trapping which resembles a high temperature
correction to the potential, we explicitly calculate for the first time the
resulting power spectrum of the curvature perturbation by evaluating the
quantum two-point correlation function directly. The spectrum is steeply blue
with the spectral index n_R = 4.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 28 Apr 2008 21:01:59 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 17 Nov 2008 11:28:36 GMT"
] | 2009-06-23T00:00:00 | [
] |
Uproduction in p+p and Au+Au collisions in STAR 2 results from Au+Au collisions (in Run 7) at mid-rapidity obtained with th e Experimental Setup The goldenquarkonium decay modefor STAR isU -e+e-. The maindetectors forthis analysis are the TPC (Time Projection Chamber) [8] and the BEMC (B arrel Calorimeter) [9]. The advantages of STAR are its large acce ptance along with the trigger capabilities of the BEMC and combined electron identificat ion using the TPC+BEMC. The suitable triggers using the BEMC allows us to suppres s the a higher signal to background ratio. Thus we can trigger o n with a given invariant mass at sufficiently high rates. 3. The STAR Quarkonia Trigger Setup The STAR U trigger is a two-stage setup which comprises of a fast lev el-0 (L0) ( ~1us) and a level-2 (L2) software component ( ~100us). The L0 trigger is a fast hardware trigger taking a decision for each RHIC bunch cro ssing and consisting of a four layer tree structure of data storage and manipulation bo ards (DSM). Such a trigger is issued if at least one BEMC tower is above the adjusted qua rkonium GeV and the associated trigger patch having a total energy abo ve 4.3 GeV, along with a minimum bias condition. The L2 trigger is a software tr igger which analyses events at the rate of about 1 kHz. In the initial step L2 st arts finding towers with similar L0 threshold. It performs clustering to account for ene rgy leaking into the adjacent towers, and to improve the position resolution by calc ulating the mean cluster position, weighted by the energy seen in each tower. Cuts a re applied on the invariant mass and the opening angle th12between clusters. Thus it aborts the read-out of all detectors if the algorithm does n ot detect at least one pair with the invariant mass within a given mass window. The trigger tho ugh limited by dead-time of the data acquisition system (DAQ) was utilized efficien tly for p+p (in 2006) and Au+Au collisions (in 2007). Thus enabling to process the co mplete the totalluminosity provided byRHIC, injust a few weeks a fter thecompletion of physics Run. 4.UAnalysis and Results for p+p and Au+Au collisions For p+p collisions ats= 200 GeV in 2006, with the full BEMC acceptance, STAR sampled ~9 pb-1of integrated luminosity. Two different trigger setups were deploye d. The preliminary analysis focused on one trigger setup with the integr ated pb-1was reported in Ref [10]. Electrons were identified by selecting charg ed particle tracks where number of fitted points are greater than 20 out of 45, along with the specific dE/dxionization energy loss in the TPC that deposited more than 3 GeVUproduction in p+p and Au+Au collisions in STAR 3 ]2 [GeV/ceem5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Counts/500 preliminary 2006 p+p
=200 GeVs ]2 [GeV/ceem5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Counts/500 preliminary 2006 p+p
=200 GeVs Figure 1. Left panel: STAR 2006 p+p collisions U -e+e-ats= 200 GeV signal and background with statistical error bars from combining unlike-s ign pairs (electrons and positrons). The red background results from combining like-sig n pairs. Right panel: U signal with statistical error ba rs. The green vertical bars mark the boundaries of integration for the yield. ]2 [GeV/ceem5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Counts/1000 Au+Au = 200 GeVNNsSTAR PRELIMINARY ]2 [GeV/ceem5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Counts/1000 Au+Au = 200 GeVNNsSTAR 2. Left panel: STAR 2007 Au+Au for 0-60% central collisions U -e+e-atsNN= 200 GeV signal and background with statistical error bars from c The redbackgroundr Rightpanel: Usignalwiths energy in a BEMC tower. pairs were then comb ined to produce the invariant mass spectrum. Finally the like-sign electron pairs were com bined to form the invariant mass spectrum of the background which was subtracted from the as shown in Fig. 1 [10]. Since its not possible to resolve the individual states of the U family wit h the available statistics, the yield reported here is for the combined U + U'+ U''states. The total yield was extracted by integrating the invariant mass spe ctrum from 7 to 11 GeV/c2as shown by the vertical boundaries in the right panel of Fig. 1. The width of the peak ~1 GeV/c2was found to be consistent with simulation. The significance ofUproduction in p+p and Au+Au collisions in STAR 4 the signal was estimated at 3 s. The estimated contribution from Drell-Yan was ~9%
based on PYTHIA. We find for the cross section at mid-rapidity ins= 200 GeV p+p collisions 91+-28 (stat.)+-22 (syst.) pb [10]. The systematic error is dominated by the uncertainty in the integrated luminosity. In 2007, Au+Au collisions atsNN= 200 GeV, with the total BEMC Twodifferent the preliminary analysis in Au+Au collisions was centered on one trig ger setup with larger integrated luminosity The electron identification conditions were kept close to what we had used for p+p 2006 analysis. The like-s ign electron pairs were combined to form the invariant mass spectrum of the bac kground which was subtracted from the unlike-sign spectrum presented in Fig. 2. The significance of 200GeV. The upsilon line shape in Au+Au could be wider than in p+p and this is under study. The trigger efficiency and systematic checks are in progress towar ds the estimation of thenuclear RAA, integratedover thetransverse momenta Conclusions The STAR experiment made the first RHIC measurement of the U section at mid-rapidity in p+p collisions ats= 200 GeV; (stat.)+-22 (syst.). The STAR U measurement is consistent with the world data and NLO in the CEM (Color Evaporation Model) pQCD calculations [1 0, 11]. The full BEMC acceptance and suitable trigger setups are essentia l for a program at STAR. The first ever preliminary measuremen ts for U invariant mass in Au+Au collisions atsNN= 200 GeV are discussed and presented. The comparative study thenucle ar in progress. To get a further understanding of the cold nuclear m atter effects, the d+Au collisions atsNN= 200 GeV was taken in Run 8 and will be analysed H. Satz, Nucl. Phys. A 590, 63C (1995). [2] S. S. Adler et al.[PHENIX Collaboration], Phys. Rev. C 69, 014901 (2004). [3] T. Matsui and H. Satz, Phys. Lett. B 178, 416 (1986). [4] R. Arnaldi et al.[NA60 Collaboration R Arnaldi], Nucl. Phys. A 783, 261 (2007). [5] S. Digal, P. Petreczky and H. Satz, Phys. Rev. D 64, 094015 (2001). [6] C. Y. Wong, Phys. Rev. C 72, 034906 (2005). [7] L. Grandchamp, S. Lumpkins, D. Sun, H. van Hees and R. Rapp, P hys. Rev. C 73, M. Anderson et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 499, 659 (2003). [9] M. Beddo et al.[STAR Collaboration], Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 499, 725 (2003). [10] P. Djawotho, J. Phys. G 34, S947 (2007). [11] A.D. Frawley, F. Karsch, T. Ullrich and R. Vogt, RHIC-II Heavy F lavor White Paper | 0804.4504 | Debasish Das | Debasish Das (for the STAR Collaboration) | $\Upsilon$ production in p+p and Au+Au collisions in STAR | 4 pages and 2 figures, Oral Presentation at QM2008 February 4-10,
2008: Jaipur India. submitted to Journal Of Physics-G:Nuclear and Particle
Physics | J.Phys.G35:104153,2008 | 10.1088/0954-3899/35/10/104153 | null | nucl-ex | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | The study of quarkonium production in relativistic heavy ion collisions
provides insight into the properties of the produced medium. The lattice
studies show a sequential suppression of quarkonia states when compared to
normal nuclear matter; which further affirms that a full spectroscopy including
bottomonium can provide us a better thermometer for the matter produced under
extreme conditions in relativistic heavy ion collisions. With the completion of
the STAR Electromagnetic Calorimeter and with the increased luminosity provided
by RHIC in Run 6 and 7, the study of $\Upsilon$ production via the di-electron
channel becomes possible. We present the results on $\Upsilon$ measurements in
p+p collisions (from Run 6) along with the first results from Au+Au collisions
(in Run 7) at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}} = 200$ GeV from the STAR experiment.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 28 Apr 2008 23:14:00 GMT"
] | 2019-08-13T00:00:00 | [
"for the STAR Collaboration"
] |
2 that these optical standards are evaluated by the mature primary Cs standards for multiple reasons. First, the accuracy of frequency standards is ultimately defined by the Cs clock under the cur- rent realization of the SI-second. Additionally, over the years a remarkable infrastructure has been developed to support the transfer of Cs standards for international and the pri- mary frequency standards at multiple national labs all agree within their stated uncertainties [17]. While fiber networks [18, 19, 20, 21] now provide the most precise frequency distribution links between optical clocks located near each other (for example within 100 km), for optical clocks need to be measured relative to Cs standards. In fact, recent of Sr clocks among three laboratories at JILA, SYRTE, and University of Tokyo [22] have reached an agreement at 1 10 15, approaching the Cs limit. This has firmly established the Sr lattice clock standard as the best agreed-upon optical clock frequency to date, and second only to the Cs standard itself among all atomic clocks. Second, an important application of highly accurate atomic clocks is the test of fundamen- tal laws of nature with high precision. For example, atomic clocks are placing constraints on possible time-dependent variations of fundamental constants such as constant ( ) and the electron-proton mass ratio ( ) [2, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]. These measurements are made by comparing atomic transition frequencies among a diverse set of atomic species, helping reduce systematic effects. For example, an optical clock transition fre- quency is generally sensitive to variations of , with different atoms having different Sr in fact has a rather low sensitivity. The Cs standard on the other hand is based on a hyper- fine transition and is sensitive to variations in both and. Thus measurement of the frequency ratio of Sr and Cs over the course of a year limits not only the possible linear drift of these con- stants but also constrains possible coupling between fundamental constants and the which would signal a violation of local position invariance [22, 29, 31, 32]. In recent years, the most accurate absolute frequency measurements were performed using single trapped ions. These systems benefit from the insensitivity of the ions to external pertur- bations, and using Hg+ions a frequency uncertainty of 9.1 10 16[3] has been achieved. Large ensembles of neutral atoms offer high measurement signal to noise ratios, however, neutral atom systems have typically been limited by motional effects. By confining the atoms in an optical lattice [7, 8, 9] these effects are greatly reduced, as the atoms can be trapped in the where both Doppler and photon-recoil related effects are suppressed. One such system which is currently being pursued by a number of [1, 33, 34, 35]. In this paper we report on the absolute frequency measurement of The absolute frequency is measured using a femtosecond laser based frequency comb to compare the87Sr optical transition frequency to a hydrogen maser, which is simultaneously calibrated to the NIST fountain primary frequency standard, NIST-F1. To remotely link the Sr standard, which is located at JILA on the University of Colorado campus, to the NIST-F1 Cs clock, located at the NIST Boulder laboratories, a 3.5 km optical fiber link is used to transfer the H-maser reference signal [36, 37]. In addition to demonstrating one of the most accurate measurements of an optical transition frequency to date, the agreement of this result with previous measurements both at JILA and around the world demonstrates the robustness of strontium as a frequency standard, and as a future candidate for the of the SI second. II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The frequency standard uses atoms with nuclear spin I= 9/2. Although the87Sr apparatus has been previously described elsewhere [8, 33], here we summarize the ex- perimental details most relevant to this work. To measure the frequency of the clock transition, 87Sr atoms are first trapped and cooled to mK temperatures in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) op- erated on the1S0 1P1strong 461 nm cycling transition (see Fig. 1a for a diagram of relevant energy levels). The atoms are then transferred to a second stage 689 nm MOT for further cooling. This dual-frequency MOT uses narrow line cooling [38, 39], resulting in final temperatures of 1
K. During the cooling process, a one-dimensional optical lattice is superimposed in the nearly vertical direction. After the second MOT stage, the MOT optical beams and the field are turned off, leaving 104atoms at 2.5 K trapped in the optical lattice. The optical lattice is created using a retro-reflected laser beam and is operated near a laser frequency where the polarizability of are identical for the lattice field [40, 41]. For this work, the lattice is operated at a trap depth of UT=35Erec, whereErec= h2k2=2mis the lattice photon recoil energy and k= 2= is the wavevector of the lattice light. At this lattice depth the atoms are longitudinally confined in the Lamb-Dicke regime and in the resolved sideband limit [42]. Spectroscopy is performed by aligning the probe laser precisely along the axis of the lattice standing wave, and the atoms are probed free of recoil or motional effects. The vertical orienta-4 tion of the lattice breaks the energy degeneracy between lattice sites, strongly prohibiting atomic tunneling [43]. Before performing spectroscopy, the atoms are first optically pumped to the stretched with the use of a weak optical beam resonant with transition. Here ~F=~I+~Jis the total angular momentum, with ~Ithe nuclear spin and
~Jthe total electron angular momentum. The beam used for optical pumping is aligned collinear with the lattice, and is linearly polarized along the lattice polarization axis. The optical pumping is performed with a small magnetic bias field ( 3T), which is also oriented along the After optical pumping, spectroscopy is performed on the1S0-3P0clock transition from the two spin sublevels. The clock transition, which has a theoretical natural linewidth of
1 mHz [40, 44, 45, 46], is interrogated using a diode laser at 698 nm, which is prestabilized by locking it to a high-finesse ultrastable cavity, resulting in a laser optical linewidth below 1 Hz [47]. The probe beam is coaligned and copolarized with the optical lattice. To ensure that the stretched states are well resolved, the spectroscopy is performed under a magnetic bias field of 25 T, which results in a250 Hz separation between the two -transitions excited during the is performed using an 80-ms Rabi pulse, which when on resonance transfers a fraction of the atoms into the3P0state. After applying the clock pulse, atoms remaining in the1S0 ground state are detected by measuring fluorescence on the The length of the pulse is long enough to measure both the population in the1S0state as well as to heat these atoms out of the trap. The population in the3P0state is then measured by first pumping the atoms back to the1S0state through the intermediate and then by again measuring the fluorescence on Combining these two measurements gives a normalized excitation fraction insensitive to atomic number shot to shot. A typical spectrum is shown in Fig. 1b. The Fourier-limited linewidth of the transition is 10 Hz, much less than the 250 Hz separation between the peaks, which makes the lines well resolved and also reduces potential line pulling effects due to any residual population left in other spin states by imperfect optical pumping. We note that while our optical local recovery of <2 Hz spectroscopic linewidths [48], we find it more robust to run the clock transition with a 10 Hz Fourier-limited spectral linewidth. To stabilize the optical local oscillator used for spectroscopy to the atomic transition, we use both stretched states. Using two time-multiplexed independent servos, we lock the laser frequency to the center of each transition. This is done by sampling the full width half maximum (FWHM)5 of each transition (labeled f1st lock in Fig. 1b). The average of the two line centers gives the center frequency of the clock transition. The local oscillator, in combination with this frequency fcenter , is in turn used to phase-lock a self-referenced octave-spanning comb. The Sr-referenced repetition frequency of the comb is then counted with a H- maser located at NIST. A schematic of this locking setup is shown in Fig. 1c. Determination of the center frequency requires four experimental cycles, two for each of the mF=9/2 a new atomic sample is reloaded for each lock point. The length of each experimental cycle is1.1s. After first probing the transition for the mF= 9/2 transition, we then probe the transition for the mF= +9/2 state. The digital servo operates via standard modulation techniques. A linear feedback is also implemented to compensate for the drift of the high-finesse cavity used to prestabilize the clock laser. A second integration stage in the laser-atom feedback loop is used to calculate this feedback value (labeled f2nd lock ) in Fig. 1c. As shown in Fig. 1d, using this approach limits the residual drifts compensated for by the first servo integrator to typically <1 mHz/s. III. SYSTEMATIC SHIFTS OF THE STRONTIUM CLOCK We have recently evaluated the systematic shifts of the strontium clock at the and in Table I the important systematic shifts to the absolute frequency are shown. Although a detailed description can be found in [1], here we summarize these shifts. The evaluation of the systematic uncertainty is performed using the remotely located calcium optical standard at NIST [49], which is linked to JILA via a phase coherent optical fiber link [18]. The Sr-Ca comparison has a 1 s stability of 2 10 15which averages down to below 3 10 16after 200 s. To measure the Sr systematics an interleaved scheme is used where the Sr parameter of interest is varied between two different settings every 100 s, while the Ca standard remains locked. Pairs of such data are then used to determine the frequency shift, and many pairs are averaged in order to reach shown in Table I, besides the correction that arises from the maser calibration, the dominant shift for the Sr clock is the black-body radiation (BBR)-induced shift. To determine this shift, the temperature of the Sr vacuum chamber is continuously monitored during the course of the absolute frequency measurement at four separate locations. During the measurement the Correction (10 16) Uncertainty (10 16) Lattice Stark (scalar/tensor) -6.5 (lattice) 0.1 0.1 BBR Stark 54.0 1.0 AC Stark (probe beam) 0.15 0.1 1storder Zeeman 0.2 0.2 2ndorder Zeeman 0.36 0.04 Density 3.8 0.5 Line pulling 0 0.2 Servo error 0 0.5 2ndorder Doppler 0 0.01 Sr Systematics Total 52.11 1.36 Maser calibration -4393.7 shift 12.5 1.0 Total -4329.1 8.66
Sr 0 73.65 Hz .37 Hz TABLE I: Frequency corrections and their associated uncertainties for the clock transition in units of 10 16 fractional frequency, and with 0=429 228 004 229 800 Hz. The maser correction uncertainty includes both Sr/H-Maser comparison, as well as the Cs clock of the chamber is 295(1) K, and the corresponding BBR K4 Hz (1) gives a frequency shift of 54(1) 10 16. Higher-order multipoles are suppressed by 2and are negligible at this level. The given uncertainty in the BBR shift includes the error due to the chamber temperature, as well as the theoretical uncertainty in the polarizability [50]. For the duration of the experiment, the lattice laser is phase locked to the same optical frequency comb used to count the Sr beat, and the wavelength is simultaneously monitored on a wavemeter to ensure it does not mode-hop. The lattice is operated at a frequency of 368554.36(3) GHz [1, 8], slightly away from the lattice frequency. Including nuclear spin effects, the light shift due to the linearly polarized lattice can be expressed as + S;T;Vis the frequency shift coefficient due to the differential polarizability (scalar, tensor, and vector) between the ground and excited clock states, is the degree of ellipticity of the beam (with= 0 for-polarized light), and 'is the angle between the lattice propagation direction7 and the bias magnetic field ( '=2for our setup). For the linearly polarized lattice configura- tion in our setup, the vector light shift is minimized; furthermore since the Sr clock is operated using both the mF=9/2 states, the antisymmetric mFdependence averages away this vector shift. The effect of the tensor light shift for a given jmFjstate introduces a polarization dependent offset to the lattice frequency. Experimentally, this Stark cancelation frequency for themF=9=2state has been determined to be 368554.68(17) GHz [1] leading to a shift the absolute clock frequency for the lattice depth and frequency used during For our operating conditions, effects are more than an order of magnitude smaller [9, 41]. The ground and excited clock states have different polarizabilities at the clock transition frequency, and imperfect alignment between the clock laser and the lattice beam can lead to inhomogeneous Rabi frequencies in the transverse direction requiring an increase in the clock transition probe power. However, given the small saturation intensity of the clock probe beam, the ac Stark shift introduced by the clock laser during spectroscopy is small, and has measured to be 0.15(10) 10 16. Stark shifts from laser beams not used for example those used for cooling and trapping during the MOT phase and for fluo- rescence detection after spectroscopy, are eliminated through the use of acousto-optic modulators (AOM) in series with mechanical shutters which block these beams during spectroscopy. In addi- tion, the vacuum chamber is covered with an opaque cloth to prevent any stray light from entering the chamber. For each experimental cycle sequence, the total atom number is recorded, allowing a point-for- point correction of the density shift. The value given in Table I is the average density correction. At the FWHM of the spectroscopic signal where the probe laser is locked, the excitation frac- tion in each stretched state is 15(2)%. This excitation fraction and our operating density of a frequency correction of 3.8(5) 10 16[1, 51]. The Zeeman shift of the transition frequency is given in Hz by [44]
B gm withBthe Bohr magneton, and gthe differential Land 'e g-factor between the ground and excited clock states. The 1st-order Zeeman shift is experimentally measured in [44], and the 2nd-order Zeeman shift is experimentally measured in [1], consistent with [52]. By measuring the average frequency of the stretched states at a small bias field, the 1storder Zeeman effect is averaged away due to the opposite linear dependence of the8 shift on the mF=9=2states, and the experimentally measured value for the shift is consistent with zero. The bias field of 25 T used during spectroscopy is large enough such that the spin states are well resolved, reducing line pulling effects due to residual populations in other states, yet small enough such that the 2ndorder Zeeman shift is negligible, with a value of 0.36(4) 10 17 for our bias field. By operating in the Lamb-Dicke regime, 1storder Doppler shifts are minimized. However, driven motion can also cause frequency shifts due to shaking of the lattice beams, or due to relative motion between the lattice and the probe beam. To minimize vibrations, the optics table is floated using standard pneumatic compressed air legs, and we estimate the effect of 1storder Doppler shifts to be below 10 18. Switching magnetic fields can also induce vibrations, however, our quadrupole trap is switched off more than 100 ms before spectroscopy. Furthermore, effects from residual thermal motion are negligible ( <10 18), given the T = 2.5 K temperature of the trapped Sr atoms. The digital servos used to steer the spectroscopy laser to the atomic transition are source of frequency offsets. The dominant cause of servo error is insufficient feedback gain to compensate for the linear drift of the high-finesse reference cavity. The second integration step as described in the experimental setup section reduces this effect. By analyzing our servo record we conservatively estimate this effect to be <510 17. In conclusion, with the exception of the BBR-induced shift, all of the systematics discussed above are limited only by . FIBER TRANSFER BETWEEN JILA AND NIST The strontium experiment is located at JILA, on the University of Colorado, Boulder campus and is linked to NIST Boulder Laboratories by a 3.5 km optical fiber network. To measure the absolute frequency of the transition, the tenth harmonic of the repetition rate of the frequency comb (which is phase-locked to the Sr clock laser and located at JILA), is beat against a 950 MHz signal originating from NIST. A schematic of the transfer scheme from NIST is shown in Fig. 2. A 5 MHz signal from a hydrogen maser is distributed along a 300 m cable to a distribution room where it is first frequency doubled and then used as a reference to stabilize an RF synthesizer operating near 950 MHz. In Fig. 2b, the stability of the H-maser as measured by Cs is shown, where the total length of the Sr absolute frequency measurement is indicated with a9 dotted line. The RF signal generated by the synthesizer is then used to modulate the amplitude of a 1320 nm diode laser which is then transferred to JILA via the 3.5 km optical fiber link between the two labs [36, 37]. The microwave phase of the fiber link is actively stabilized using a fiber stretcher to control the group delay between NIST and JILA [37]. The limited dynamic range of the fiber stretcher necessitates a periodic change of the transfer frequency to relock the fiber transfer system for our 3.5 km link. Typically the dynamic range is sufficient to stabilize drifts for roughly 30-60 minute intervals, after which it must be unlocked and reset, leading to a dead time in the measurement of 1 minute. The transfer of the microwave signal between the NIST H-maser and JILA can potentially in- troduce a number of systematic frequency shifts and uncertainties. The majority of these arise from fluctuations during the course of the measurement. The microwave sig- nal is transferred between the maser and the RF synthesizer using 300 m of cable after which it goes through a series of distribution amplifiers and a frequency doubler. All of the as well as the cable used to transfer the signal, are sensitive to phase excursions. In order to correct for these effects, the temperature in the room is during the course of the experiment. In addition, the RF synthesizer is placed in a thermally insulated box, and the temperature in the box is also contin- uously monitored. The temperature coefficient of the synthesizer is independently measured by applying a temperature ramp to the box while counting the frequency of the synthesizer relative to a second frequency stable synthesizer. The synthesizer is found to have a temperature coefficient of -3.6 ps/K, corresponding to a fractional frequency change of -1 10 15for a temperature ramp of 1 K/h. This temperature coefficient is used to make rolling frequency corrections during the absolute frequency measurement. To test the performance of the microwave electronics used for the modulation of the transfer laser as well as the fiber noise cancelation, an out-of-loop measurement is performed by detecting the heterodyne beat between the resulting transfer signal and the RF synthesizer. In Fig. 2c the Allan deviation is shown for this measurement, demonstrating that the fractional frequency insta- bility due to these transfer components is 1 10 14from 1-10 s, and averages down to <10 17at 105s. By correlating the out-of-loop measurement with temperature fluctuations in the distribu- tion room during the course of the measurement, a temperature coefficient of 4.4 10 16/(K/h) is found for the microwave electronics. The distribution amplifiers, frequency doubler, and cable used to transfer the signal within room are also tested by comparing the 10 MHz signal used to stabilize the synthesizer with a signal split off before the distribution amplifiers. This measurement determined a absolute frequency measurement, as discussed below in Section V , is recorded over 50 continuous hours. During the course of the absolute frequency measurement the insulated box used to house the RF synthesizer maintained an average temperature of 292.2(2) K, with a maximum slope of<0:1K/h. In Fig. 2d the black trace shows the resulting fractional frequency correction to the Sr frequency due to frequency fluctuations of the RF synthesizer. The total fractional correction to the Sr frequency due to the microwave electronics during the measurement, as well as the distribution amplifiers and cables, is shown by the grey trace in Fig. 2d. During hour 37 (133103s) of the measurement, a temperature ramp began in the distribution room, leading to a large slope in the temperature during hour 37 and during hour 50 (180 103s) as the temperature restabilized. However, this transient affected only a small fraction of the data. Using the measured temperature coefficients, a rolling correction is made to all of the The average frequency correction during the course of the measurement is 910 17, with an uncertainty of 110 17. These corrections do not influence the statistics of the final absolute frequency measurement. In other words, the final mean frequency and standard error are the same with and without these corrections. V . FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT RESULTS As shown in Fig. 2b, the Allan deviation of the H-maser averages down as 310 13=p. To measure the Sr absolute frequency to below 10 15, the measurement is performed for 50 continu- ous hours. The largest frequency correction to the measured87Sr frequency is the calibration offset of the H-maser frequency. The H-maser is simultaneously counted against the Cs standard during the duration of the measurement and the resulting frequency correction to the87Sr/H-maser com- parison is -439.37(85) 10 15, where the uncertainty includes both an uncertainty of 0.6 10 15 due to the Cs standard, as well as an uncertainty of 0.6 10 15from dead time in the An additional frequency correction is the gravitational shift due to the difference in elevation between the Cs laboratory at NIST and the Sr laboratory at JILA. The difference in elevation between the two labs, which has been determined using GPS receivers located in each building to be 11.3(2) m, gives a frequency shift of 12.5(1.0) 10 16, where the given the uncertainty in the elevation as well as the uncertainty due to the geoid correction [53]. In Fig. 3, the 50 hour counting record is shown for the Sr frequency, with a 30 s gate time. The frequency shown includes only the correction due to the maser, and is plotted with an offset fre- quency of0= 429 228 004 229 800 Hz. The frequency excursions and gaps seen in Fig. 3a occur when the Sr system is unlocked, which happens when either the frequency comb comes unlocked, or when the probe laser is not locked to the atomic signal. During the course of the measurement the lattice intensity and frequency, all laser locks, and the temperature at both JILA and in the dis- tribution room in NIST are continuously monitored and recorded. In Fig. 3b, data corresponding to times when any lasers are unlocked, including times when the spectroscopy laser is not locked to the atoms, and times when the lattice laser intensity or frequency is incorrect, have been removed. In Fig. 4a, a histogram of this final counting record is shown, demonstrating the gaussian statistics of the measurement. The mean value (relative to 0) of the measured frequency is 70.88(35) Hz. In Fig. 4b the Total deviation of the frequency measurement is shown. The Total deviation [54] is similar to the Allan deviation, however it is better at predicting the long-term fractional The 1-s stability of the H-maser used for the measurement is 1.5 10 13. However, from a fit to the Total deviation, we find a 1-s stability of 1s= 2.64(8)10 13for the counting record, which is limited by counter noise, and averages down as 1s/0:48(1). Extrapolating to the full length of the data set (excluding dead time in the measurement) gives a statistical uncertainty of 810 16. The frequency uncertainty of Sr is low enough such that this uncertainty is domi- nated by the performance of the maser (see Fig. 4b), which is included in the maser given in Table I. Including the uncertainty of the H-maser as well as the strontium systematics described in Sec- tion III gives a final frequency of 429 228 004 229 873.65 (37) Hz, where the dominant uncertainty is due to the H-maser calibration. In Fig. 5, this measurement is compared with previous Sr fre- quency measurements by this group [8, 33, 55, 56], as well as by the Paris [9, 35] and Tokyo [34] groups. As shown in the figure, the agreement between international measurements of the Sr frequency is excellent, with the most recent measurements in agreement below the the Sr clock transition the best agreed upon optical frequency standard to date. The high level of agreement enabled a recent analysis of this combined data set that constrains the coupling of fundamental constants to the gravitational potential as well as their drifts [22].12 VI. CONCLUSION In conclusion, we have made an accurate measurement of the1S0 3P0clock transition in fermionic strontium, where the final fractional uncertainty of 8.6 10 16is limited primarily by the performance of the intermediate hydrogen maser used to compare the Sr standard to the NIST-F1 Cs fountain clock. This experiment represents one of the most accurate measurements of an to date, and the excellent agreement with previous measurements makes strontium an excellent candidate for a possible redefinition of the SI second in the future. In addition, the combined frequency measurements of87Sr performed worldwide, as well as future measurements of frequency ratios with other optical standards can be used to search for time-dependent which constrain variations of fundamental constants [22]. VII. gratefully thank S. Foreman and D. Hudson for their contribution to the network, T. Fortier, J. Stalnaker, Z. W. Barber, and C. W. Oates for the Sr - Ca and J. Levine for help with the Cs-Sr elevation difference. We acknowledge funding support from NIST, NSF, ONR, and DARPA. G. Campbell is supported by a National Research Council postdoctoral fellowship, M. Miranda is supported by a CAPES/Fullbright scholarship, and J. W. Thomsen is a JILA visiting fellow, his permanent address is The Niels Bohr 5, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. [1] A. D. Ludlow, T. Zelevinsky, G. K. Campbell, S. Blatt, M. M. Boyd, M. H. G. de Miranda, M. J. Martin, J. W. Thomsen, S. M. Foreman, J. Ye, et al., Science 319, 1805 (2008). [2] T. Rosenband, D. B. Hume, P. O. Schmidt, C. W. Chou, A. Brusch, L. Lorini, W. H. Oskay, R. E. Drullinger, T. M. Fortier, J. E. Stalnaker, et al., Science 319, 1808 (2008). [3] W. H. Oskay, S. A. Diddams, E. A. Donley, T. M. Fortier, T. P. Heavner, L. Hollberg, W. M. Itano, S. R. Jefferts, M. J. Delaney, K. Kim, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 020801 (2006). [4] H. S. Margolis, G. P. Barwood, G. Huang, H. A. Klein, S. N. Lea, K. Szymaniec, and P. 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[53] The geoid correction was determined using National Geodetic Survey benchmarks located on both the University of Colorado campus and the NIST campus, which have all been corrected using the GEOID03 model. Using these benchmarks, the geoid height between NIST and JILA varies by less than 0.10 m. [54] C. Greenhall, D. Howe, and D. Percival, IEEE Trans.Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control 46, M. M. Boyd, A. D. Ludlow, T. Zelevinsky, S. M. Foreman, S. Blatt, T. Ido, and J. Ye, in Proceedings of the 20th European Frequency and Time Forum (2006), p. 314. [56] J. Ye, S. Blatt, M. M. Boyd, S. M. Foreman, E. R. Hudson, T. Ido, B. Lev, A. D. Ludlow, B. C. Sawyer, B. Stuhl, et al., in Atomic Physics 20 , edited by C. Roos, H. H affner, and R. Blatt (2006).16 FIG. 1: Experimental Setup. (a) Relevant energy levels for87Sr used for the optical lattice clock. Transi- tions at 461 nm and 689 nm are used in two-stage cooling and trapping of the Sr atoms. The clock transition is at 698 nm. Lasers at 679 and 707 nm provide necessary repumping from metastable states. (b) To operate the clock, ultracold87Sr atoms are first optically pumped to the jF= The clock center frequency ( fcenter ) is found by locking the probe laser frequency to both peaks successively and tak- ing their average. The laser is locked to the center of each transition by sampling their FWHM as illustrated in the figure by dots ( f1stlock). (c) Schematic of the setup used for locking the optical local oscillator to the 87Sr transition. The clock transition is probed using a diode laser (DL) at = 698 nm which is locked to an ultrastable, high finesse optical cavity. The laser beam is used to interrogate the Sr atoms and is transferred to the atoms using an optical fiber with active fiber noise cancelation. To steer the frequency of the laser for the lock to the Sr resonance, an acousto-optic modulator (AOM) is used to introduce a frequency offset be- tween the cavity and the atoms. The frequency offset is steered to the lock points ( f1stlock). The frequency offset also includes a linear feedback value ( f2nd lock ) to compensate for the linear drift of the high finesse cavity. The clock laser is also used to phase-lock a self-referenced octave-spanning comb, in combination with atomic resonance information contained in fcenter andf2nd lock . repetition frequency of the comb ( frep) is then counted relative to a H-maser located at NIST (fmaser ). (d) Sample data showing the in-loop atom lock for 5000 s of data taken during the measurement of the absolute frequency. The fit gives a residual linear fractional frequency drift of 2: Clock signal transfer between NIST and JILA. (a) Schematic of the setup used to transfer the hydrogen maser signal from NIST to JILA. A 5 MHz signal from the H-maser, which is against the NIST-F1 Cs standard, is distributed through a 300 m cable to a distribution amplifier (DA). After the distribution amplifier it is actively frequency doubled (2f) and sent through a second dis- tribution amplifier. The resulting 10 MHz signal is used to reference an RF Synthesizer operating at 950 MHz. The synthesizer in turn modulates the amplitude (AM) of a 1320 nm laser (DL) which is transferred to JILA through a 3.5 km fiber link. Noise from the fiber link is canceled with a fiber stretcher to the microwave phase using a retroreflection of the beam sent back from JILA [37]. (b) Typical Allan deviation of the H-maser used for the Sr absolute frequency measurement, with the total duration of the measurement represented by a dotted line. (c) Out of loop measurement of the stability of the used for transfer and fiber noise cancelation. The fit to the line gives a 1-s Allan deviation a slope of -0.889(4). The bump at 10000 s is indicative of temperature fluctuations in the distribution room during the out of loop measurement. The bump at 10 s is due to low pass filtering of the phase measurement. (d) Frequency correction due to temperature fluctuations in the distribution room (grey curve) and fluctuations in the box used to house the RF synthesizer (black curve) during the course of the 3: Absolute frequency measurements of the1S0 3P0clock transition. (a) Counting record showing all of the data taken over a 50 hour period. Each point corresponds to a 30 s average, and the overall offset is0= 429 228 004 229 800 Hz. (b) The counting record after removing points where the system is not locked. The mean value is 70.88(35) Hz.19 FIG. 4: (a) Histogram of the frequency measurements shown in Fig. 3, including the maser correction. The dashed line is a gaussian fit to the data, the mean frequency is 70.88 Hz and is indicated by the black line. (b) Total Deviation of the frequency measurement for the Sr/H-maser comparison (circles), and the H-maser/Cs comparison (squares). The dotted line shows a fit of the Sr deviation to a b, b = 0.48(1), and the dotted line extends out to the full measurement time. For averaging times > 104s, the maser noise dominates both the Cs/H-maser and the Sr/H-maser measurement, and hence the maser uncertainty (6 10 16, as described in the text) needs to be counted only once in the final Sr/Cs measurement uncertainty budget.20 FIG. 5: Record of Sr absolute frequency measurements. Previous measurements by this group (circles) [8, 33, 55, 56], as well as the Paris (triangle) [9, 35] and Tokyo (square) [34] groups are shown. The inset shows the high agreement of the most recent measurements which agree below the 10 15level. The dashed line shows the weighted mean, = 429 228 004 229 873.73 Hz of the combined data set. | 0804.4509 | Gretchen Campbell | Gretchen K. Campbell, Andrew D. Ludlow, Sebastian Blatt, Jan W.
Thomsen, Michael J. Martin, Marcio H. G. de Miranda, Tanya Zelevinsky, Martin
M. Boyd, Jun Ye, Scott A. Diddams, Thomas P. Heavner, Thomas E. Parker,
Steven R. Jefferts | The absolute frequency of the 87Sr optical clock transition | null | Metrologia 45, 539-548 (2008). | 10.1088/0026-1394/45/5/008 | null | physics.atom-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | The absolute frequency of the 1S0-3P0 clock transition of 87Sr has been
measured to be 429 228 004 229 873.65 (37) Hz using lattice-confined atoms,
where the fractional uncertainty of 8.6x10-16 represents one of the most
accurate measurements of an atomic transition frequency to date. After a
detailed study of systematic effects, which reduced the total systematic
uncertainty of the Sr lattice clock to 1.5x10-16, the clock frequency is
measured against a hydrogen maser which is simultaneously calibrated to the US
primary frequency standard, the NIST Cs fountain clock, NIST-F1. The comparison
is made possible using a femtosecond laser based optical frequency comb to
phase coherently connect the optical and microwave spectral regions and by a
3.5 km fiber transfer scheme to compare the remotely located clock signals.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 29 Apr 2008 00:24:20 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"Gretchen K.",
"Andrew D.",
"Jan W.",
"Michael J.",
"de Miranda",
"Marcio H. G.",
"Martin M.",
"Scott A.",
"Thomas P.",
"Thomas E.",
"Steven R.",
] |
use the notation [ x]q=1-qx 1-q,and The normalized valuation in Cpis denoted by say that fis a uniformly differentiable function at a point aZpand denote this property by fUD(Zp), if the difference quotients Ff(x,y) a limit l=f'(a) as (x,y)-(a,a). ForfUD(Zp), let us start with the a q-analogue of Riemann sums for f, see [5, 6]. The integral of fon Zpwill be defined as limit ( n- ) of those sums, when it exists. The integral of the function fUD(Zp) is defined by Iq(f) = [5]. Thus, we note that qIq(f1) =f(x+1), f'(0) =df(0) dx. The fermionic p-adic invariant q-integral on Zpis defined as (2) I-q(f) = [5]. In [8], H.J.H. Tuenter provided a generalization of the Bern oulli number [2, 3, 4] , wherea,mZwitha >1m>=1, attributed to E.Y. Deeba and D.M. Rodriguez[2] and to I. Gessel[3]. Define Sm(k) = Tuenter proved that the [8], is symmetric in aandb, provided a,b,mZ,witha >0,b >0 andm>=0. In this paper we prove an identity of symmetry for the Frobenius -Euler polynomials. It 2turns out that the recurrence relation and multiplication t heorem for the Frobenius- Euler polynomials which discussed in [7]. Finally we invest igate the several properties of the symmetry for the fermionic p-adic invariant q-integral on Zpassociated with the Frobenius-Euler polynomials and numbe rs. SS2. An identity of symmetry for the Frobenius-Euler polynomi als From (2) we can derive (3) qI-q(f1)+I-q(f) = [2] qf(0),wheref1(x) =f(x+1). By continuing this process, we see = [2] =f(x+n). Whennis an odd positive integer, we obtain (4) qnI-q(fn)+I-q(f) = [2] ( mod 2), then we have (5) qnI-q(fn)-I-q(f) = [2] (1) and (3) we we note ( mod 2). Then we ( mod 2), we = [2] substituting f(x) =extinto (4), we can easily see = [2] qqnent+1 qet+1= Then Sk,q(n) is called by the alternating sums of powers of consecutive q-integers. From the definition of the fermionic p-adic on Zp, we can (8), we easily see be odd. By using double fermionic p-adic invariant q-integral on Zp, we we also consider the following fermionic p-adic invariant q-integral on Zp associated with Frobenius-Euler (9) and (8), we can (9) and (10), we easily see are the n-th Frobenius-Euler polynomials. On the other comparing the coefficients on the both sides of (11) and (12) , we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 1. Letw1,w2(N)be odd and let n(>=0)withn1( mod 2) . Then then-th Frobenius-Euler 0 in (13), we obtain the following 2. Letw1,w2(N)be odd and let nZ+be an odd. Then we then-th Frobenius-Euler numbers. If we take w2= 1 in (13), then we have (14) Hn(-q-1,w1x) 0 in (14), we obtain the following 3. Letw1(>1)be an odd integer and let nZ+withn1( mod 2) . Then we have Hn(-q-1) (7) and (8), we the other comparing the coefficients on the both sides of 915) and (160 , we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 4. Letw1,w2(N)be odd and let nZ+withn1( mod 2) . Then 1 in Theorem 4, we get the multiplication theorem for the Fro benius- Euler polynomials as L. Comtet, Advanced combinatories, Reidel , Dordrecht, 1974. [2] E.Deeba, D.Rodriguez, Stirling's series and Bernoulli numbers , Amer. Math. Monthly 98 (1991), 423-426. [3] M. Cenkci, M. Can and V. Kurt, p-adic interpolation functions and Kummer-type congru- ences for q-twisted Euler numbers , Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. 9(2004), 203-216. [4] F. T. Howard, Application of a recurrence for the Bernoulli numbers , J. Number Theory 52(1995), 157-172. [5] T. Kim, The modified q-Euler numbers and polynomials , Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. 16 (2008), 161-170. [6] T. Kim, Euler numbers and polynomials associated with zeta functio ns, Abstract and Ap- plied Analysis 2008(2008), 13 pages(Articles in Press ). [7] K. Shiratani, S. Yamamoto, On ap-adic interpolation function for the Euler numbers and its derivatives , Mem. Fac. Sci., Kyushu University Ser. A 39(1985), 113-125. [8] H.J.H. Tuenter, A Symmetry of power sum polynomials and Bernoulli numbers , Amer. Math. Monthly 108(2001), 258-261. 7[9] T. Kim, q-Volkenborn integration , Russ. J. Math. Phys. 9(2002), 288-299. [10] T. Kim, A Note on p-Adicq-integral on ZpAssociated with q-Euler Numbers , Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. 15(2007), 133-138. [11] T. Kim, Onp-adic interpolating function for q-Euler numbers and its derivatives , J. Math. Anal. Appl. 339(2008), 598-608. [12] T. Kim, q-Extension of the Euler formula and trigonometric function s, Russ. J. 275-278. [13] T. Kim, Power series and asymptotic series associated with the q-analog of the , Russ. J. Math. Phys. 12(2005), 186-196. [14] T. Kim, Non-Archimedean q-integrals associated with multiple Changhee q-Bernoulli poly- nomials, Russ. J. Math. Phys. 10(2003), 91-98. [15] T. Kim, q-Euler numbers and polynomials associated with , J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 14(2007), 15-27. [16] B. A. Kupershmidt, Reflection symmetries of q-Bernoulli polynomials , J. Nonlinear 412-422. [17] H. Ozden, Y. Simsek, S.-H. Rim, I.N. Cangul, A note on p-adicq-Euler measure , Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. 14(2007), 233-239. [18] M. Schork,, Ward's calculus of sequences, q-calculus and the limit q- -1, Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. 13(2006), 131-141. [19] M. Schork, Combinatorial aspects of normal ordering and its connectio n toq-calculus , Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math. 15(2007), 49-57. [20] Y. Simsek, Onp-adic twisted q-L-functions related to generalized twisted Bernoulli num- bers, Russ. J. Math. Phys. 13(2006), 340-348. [21] Y. Simsek, Theorems on twisted L-function and twisted Bernoulli numbers , Advan. Stud. Contemp. Math. 11(2005), 205-218. [22] Y. Simsek, q-Dedekind type sums related to q-zeta function and basic L-series, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 318(2006), 333-351. Taekyun Kim Division of Kwangwoon University, Seo ul 139-701, S. Korea e-mail: [email protected]; | 0804.4605 | Taekyun Kim | Taekyun Kim | An Identity of the Symmetry for the Frobenius-Euler polynomials
associated with the fermionic p-adic invariant q-integrals on Z_p | 8 pages | null | null | null | math.NT | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The main purpose of this paper is to prove an identity of symmetry for the
Frobenius-Euler polynomials.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 29 Apr 2008 13:27:10 GMT"
] | 2008-04-30T00:00:00 | [
] |
1 Introduction For each triangle on a Euclidean plan e, there exist three characteristic exterior circles. Each of these circle s is tangent to one of the triangle's sides; and also tangential to the two straight lines containing the other two sides, but not the sides themselves. Each of the three circle centers is the point of intersection between two of the triangles' external angle bisectors as well as one internal angl e bisector (figure 1). In a recently published paper by Amy Bell ([1]), a number of properties of the radii, g b arrr , , respectively say, for such circle s, are explored. There is also the work of Hansen ([2]) in which resu lts pertaining to these radii in the case of right angled triangles are obtained. Throughout this paper we will denote by ,,abg the three side lengths of a triangle . ABC The purpose of this work is two-fold . The first objective is to present an alternative simple derivation of the formulas for the radii g b arrr , ,; in terms of triangle 's side lengths ABC ,,abg. We achieve this in Section 3. To do so, we employ the Law of Co sines and two simple trigonometric identities. For a geometric proof (rather than one which involves trigonometric functions), the reader ma y refer to [6]. Fo r related material see [7], [8], [9]. In Section 4, we state the well known parametric formulas which describe the entire fa mily of Pythagorean triangles or triples. In Section 5, we combine the formulas from Sections 3 and 4. This we do, in order to give formulas for the radii ,,abgrrr , for triangles which are Pythagorean. In Section 6, we examine the family of all isosceles triangles with integer side le ngths and integral area. This is the main or primary goal of this work; to parametrically desc ribe (in terms of three integer-valued parameters) th e set of all Heron (see below) isosceles triangles which have integral radii g b arrr , ,. We interject here a note on terminology. Note that, typically, a triangle whose side lengths and area are integers is referred to as a Heron triangle . At times we will be using this terminology. Also note that an isosceles Heron triangle must obviously 2be non equilateral; if abg== is the integer side le ngth of an equilateral triangle its area E is given by ,432=aE an irrational number. References for Heron triangles can be found in [10] and [11]. In the section 6, we us e an auxiliary proposition, Proposition 1, in order to establish Proposition 2, which provides us with a parametric description of all Heron isosceles tr iangles. Furthermore, in Theorem 1, we parametrically describe a subset of all Heron isosceles triangles, namely, those Heron isosceles triangles for which S g b arrr , , are also integers. In the last section, Section 7, we present numer ical examples of such triangles by means of two tables. 2 The Law of Cosines and two trigonometric identities With reference to Figure 1, th denotes the interior angle A of triangle and according to the Law of Cosines, . Thus, ABC th bg g b acos 22 2 2- + =
bga g bth2cos2 2 2- += (1) Moreover, );2( sin 2 1 1 )2( cos 2 cos2 2 th thth - = - = which gives 1c o stan21 c o sth th th-=+ (2) 3 Oa Figure-1 Throughout this paper, will stand for the triangle 's half or semi perimeter: s ABC 22gbag b a++= = + + =s s . If we combine (1) with (2) and use 2gba++=s we find that ) () )( ( 2tanag b th -- -=
s ss s (3) 3 Formulas for the external radii g b arrr , , In the picture (Figure 1) we have the following: 413 ,,, AB BC AC O T O Taa a gab r=== = = ; are the points of tangency. We put 3 2 1, ,T T T 2 1BT BT x= = and 23 . yTC C T== Since3 1AT AT= , it follows that y x+=+bg ; or equivalently gb-=-y x ( 4 ) But also 22BTT CB C+= ; a=+yx (5) From (4) and (5) it follows that, 2agb+-=x ,2bga-+=y (6) and from the right angle we have A T O1a
=2tan .1thra AT (7) But 1 ;2ATx sgbag++=+= = and also (7) gives tan2sathr= (8) Combining (8) with (3) leads to the formula ) () )( ( ag bra-- -=ss s s (9) If E is the area of a triangle , the ABC () () ( Es s s s ) abg =--- . This formula for the area E in terms of the side lengths gba, , is known in the literature as Heron's formula. If we use Heron's Formula a nd (9), we easily obtain the formula ara-=sE, and by cyclic intercha nge we also have and EE ssaarrb g==- - Note that when the triangle ABGis a right-angled one with th=90; then (8) easily implies ==sar semi perimeter. 5We also have and area 2 2 2a g b= +2bg=E . We invite the reader to do the necessary algebra in order to show that, and 22bgbga agbrr-++==-. (10) The converse is also true: if sar=, then th=90. For a proof of the fact that sar= if, and only if, th=90. The reader may refer to Amy Bell's paper (see [1]). 4 When ABC is a Pythagorean triangle A Pythagorean triangle is a right-ang led Heron triangle. Basic material on Pythagorean triangles can be found in [5] and [12]. When is Pythagorean, then a, b, g are positive integers such that .This in turn implies that ABC 2 2 2g b a+ =
th=90 and also, (2 )mnbd= , , (11) ) Or alternatively , ) (2 2n m- =d b ) 2 (mndg= ; for some positive integers d, ,n m such that (i.e., and n are relatively prime) and (One of , is odd; the other even). ,( , ) 1 mn m n> = m 1(mod 2) mn+ mn That the above parametric formulas describe the entire family of Pythagorean triples is well known. Fo r historical information regarding Pythagorean triangles the reader may refer to [3]. Another classic book on the subject is [4] and for information on the subject from an elementary number theory view point see [5]. 5 The External radii g b arrr , , of a Pythagorean triangle When is a Pythagorean triangle it may be shown from (10) and (11) that ABC () , () , (mn m nm n mm nab g ) rdr dr d=+ =+=- (12) 66 The case of Heron isosceles triangles In this section, we examine Heron's isosceles triangles. These are triangles with agb = being integers and the area E also being an integer. To be able to describe all such triangles, we make use of Proposition 1, proved below. To es tablish Proposition 1, we need the following result from number theory Result 1 : A positive integer i is the (l a positive integer) power of a positive rational number thl r if and only if, r is an integer. Equivalently, the root of a positive integer i is either an integer or an irrational number. In particular, the square root thl i is either an integer or otherwise irrational. Figure-2 For more information and a proof of result 1, refer to [4] or [5]. Proposition 1 : Let be an isosceles triangle with side lengths ABC 7AB AC BCgba== = = . Suppose that a and ()bg= are both (positive) integers and the area E is also an integer. Also, let be the height from the vertex h A to the side BC. Then a must be an even integer and an integer. h Proof: From areaaa EhhE2 2.= = = , it follows that is a rational number since both h E and a are integers. We put NMh= , where M and are relatively prime positive integers. From either of the two congruent right triangles N ABM and AMCG (Figure 2) it also follows that 22 2 22 2 2 2baba=
= =
+NMh ; or equivalently, 2 2 2 2 24 4 b a N N M= + (13) Obviously, (13) shows that 4 must divide , hence 2 must divide 2 2 2) (N N = a a Na. In other words, Na must be an integer, which means that at least one of a and must be even. If is even, , for some positive integer . Then by (13) N N12N N=
1N (14) 2 2 12 12 24b a N N M= +
Since M and are relatively prime and is even, it follows that N N M must be odd. But then, (14) easily implies that the integer must also be odd, which in turn implies that must be odd as well. Now, the square of any odd integer is congruent to 1 modulo 4 (in fact, 1 modulo 8, but we do not need that). Thus, 2 12 12) (N N = a a1Na , () ) 4 (mod 2 ) 4 (mod 12 12 2 2 12 + = N M N M a a and thus not a multiple of 4, th erefore contradicting (14). Thus, cannot be even, and since N Na is even, it follows that a is even. Since a is even 12aa= , for some positive integer1a. From 22 2 2ba=
+h we obtain , a positive integer. Since is rational, it follows by Result 1, that in fact must be an integer. 2 12 2a b- = h h h T h e p r o o f i s c o m p l e t e . The following proposition essentially describes the family of all heron isosceles triangles. In effect, proposition 2 shows that each Heron 8isosceles triangle can be obtained by glueing together two congruent Pythagorean triangles (so that they share a common leg). Proposition 2: Let be an isosceles triangle with ABC AB AC BCgba== = = , the side lengths ,,abg being integers and with the area E also an integer. Also, let be the height from the vertex h A to the side BC. Then, ; Or alternatively , for some positive integers ) ( ), 2 ( ), ( 22 2 2 2n m mn h n m + = = = - = d b g d d a ) ( ), ( , 42 2 2 2n m n m h mn + = = - = =d b g d d a ,,mnd such that ( i.e., and are relatively prime) and (i.e., one of is odd; the other even). Conversely, if the side lengths ,( , ) 1 mn m n> = m n 1(mod 2) mn+ ,mn ,,abg of a triangle ABG satisfy either set of formulas above for some positive integers ,,mnd , such that ; then mn> ) 2 (mn hd= or respectively, and ) (2 2n m h- =d E is an integer. Note: The conditions (,) 1mn= and 1(mod 2) mn+ are not really necessary for the converse statement. Proof: The converse part is straight fo rward computation and is left to the reader. Since is a Heron isosceles triangle with ABC bga= . It follows from Proposition 1 that a is even and is an integer. Thus since h 2a is an integer, both congrue nt right angled triangles ABM and in Figure 2 are Pythagorean with hypotenuse length AMC bg=. Therefore, according to (11) we must have ) ( ), 2 ( ), ( 22 2 2 2n m mn h n m + = = = - = d b g d d a ; or alternatively ) ( ), ( , 42 2 2 2n m n m h mn + = = - = =d b g d d a , T h e p r o o f i s c o m p l e t e . Now that we have a complete para metric description of the set of all Heron isosceles triangles, let us identify among such triangles, those for which the external radii g b arrr , , are also integers. This is done in Theorem 1 below. To do so, however , we need another result from number theory as follows: Result 2 : let be integers. If c is a divisor of the product and is relatively prime to , then c must be a divisor of . ,,abc .ab c a b Result 2 and a proof of it can be f ound, for example, in [4] or [5]. 9 Theorem 1: Let be the set of all Heron isosceles triangles; namely, the set of al triangles such thatS ABC AB AC BCgba== = = , with the side lengths ,,abg being integers and with the area E also an integer; and with the added property that the three external radii g b arrr , , are also integers. Then is the union of the following two families: S 1F: ; in this family the radii are given by ) ( 2 ), (2 2 2 2n m Kn n m Kn - = + = = a g b 2 2 22 ), ( Kmn n m Km = = - =g b a r r r 2F: ; and with mn n m L n m n m L) ( 4 ), )( (2 2- = + - = = a g b 2) )( ( ), ( 2 n m n m L n m Lmn - + = = + =g b a r r r Where K and L are arbitrary positive integers; and can be any two relatively prime integers of different parities ( one even, the other odd), and with . ,mn mn>
Proof: From the definition of the set and the parametric formulas that define the family and , it is apparent that if a Heron triangle belongs in or , it must belong in . Below we prove the converse. That is, if a triangle is a member of , it must be in or . By Proposition 2, we know that if is a Heron isosceles triangle with S 1F2F 1F2F S S1F2F ABC bga=; we must have (15a) ) ( ), 2 ( ), ( 22 2 2 2n m mn h n m + = = = - = d g b d d a Or alternatively , (15b) 22 224. , ( ) , (mn h m n m n ad d b g d== - = = + ) where are positive integers such that (, ,mn ) 1mn= , 1(mod 2) mn+ , and . mn>
Also by (10) we know that ara-=sE and br rg b-= =sE since (b= g) Since 2E ha= and2 22 abab+ =+=s , it follows that 10 and 2hhab garrbar = ==- (16) If (15a) holds, (16) and a straight forward calculation yield 22() and (2 )mn mhmnab gdrr r-== = nd= (17) Since and are relatively prime, it follows that n must be relatively prime to the product m n
{}m n m) (2 2- ; this is left to the reader to verify. (Note that alone implies (,) 1mn=22(, ( ) ) 1nm nm-=; the condition is not needed for this). On the other hand, as (16) clearly shows, 1(mod 2) mn+
ar will be an integer if, and only if, n is a divisor of the product . Therefore since n is relatively prime to , then by result 2, must be a divisor of m n m) (2 2-d m n m) (2 2- n d; Knd=, for some positive integer K. Substituting for Knd= in (15a) and (17) produces ) ( ), ( 22 2 2 2n m kn n m Kn + = = - = g b a , ,and ) (2n m Km- =ar 22Kmn h= = =g br r If on the other hand, possibility (15b) holds, then again combining (15b) with (16) gives, 22 (2 )( ) and ( )mn m nhm nmnab gdrr r+== ==-d- (18) Applying the same reasoning as before, we see that in order for ar to be an integer, it is necessa ry and sufficient that ) (n m-be a divisor of d. This follows from Result 2 and th e fact that the positive integer is relatively prime to the product) (n m- ) ( 2n m mn+. This last inference, in turn, follows from the conditions (,) 1mn= and 1(mod 2) mn+ . We see that in this case, it is not enough that and are relatively prime; the fact that one of is even, while the other is odd, is also needed . We set m n n m, ( ) Lmnd=- , where L is a positive integer. Combining (15b) with (18) yields 11mn n m L n m n m L) ( 4 ), )( (2 2- = + - = = a g b ,and h n m n m L n m Lmn = - + = = + =2) )( ( ), ( 2g b a r r r The proof is complete. 7 Numerical examples We present those Heron isosceles triangles with integral g b arrr , , , under the parameter constraints 1 6, 1nm LK<=<<= == , =1, and , ) , (n m 1(mod 2) mn+
Family 1F a b= g g brr=
ar K=1, n=1, m=2 6 5 4 6 K=1, n=1, m=4 30 17 8 60 K=1, n=1, m=6 70 37 12 210 K=1, n=2, m=3 20 26 24 15 K=1, n=2, m=5 84 58 40 105 K=1, n=3, m=4 42 75 72 28 K=1, n=4, m=5 72 164 160 45 K=1, n=5, m=6 110 305 300 66 Family 2F a b= g g brr=
ar K=1, n=1, m=2 8 5 3 12 K=1, n=1, m=4 48 51 45 40 K=1, n=1, m=6 120 185 175 84 K=1, n=2, m=3 24 13 5 60 K=1, n=2, m=5 120 87 63 140 12K=1, n=3, m=4 48 25 7 168 K=1, n=4, m=5 80 41 9 360 K=1, n=5, m=6 120 61 11 660 References [1] Bell, Amy, Hansen's right Triangle Theorem, Its co nverse and a generalization, forum Geometricorum, 6 (2006), 335-342 ( an electronic journal). [2] Hansen, D. W., On inscribed and escribed circles of right triangles, circumscribed triangles, and the f our-square, three-square problem, Mathematics teacher, 96 (2003), 358-364. [3] Dickson, L. E. History of th e Theory of Numbers, AMS Chelsea Publishing, Providence, R hode Island, 1992, 803 pp. [4] Sierpinski, W., Elem entary Theory of Numb ers, Warsaw, Poland, 1964. [5] Rose, Kenneth H., Elementa ry Number Theory and its Applications, Third Edition, 1993, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. [6] P.Yiu, Introduction to th e Geometry of the triangle, Florida Atlantic University Lecture Notes, 2001. [8] R.A.Johnson, Advanced Euclidean Geomet ry, Dover reprint, 1960. [9] J.Casey, A Sequel to the First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid, 6th edition,1888. [10] K.R.S.Sastry, Heron Triangl es: A Perspective, Forum Geometrico rum, Volume 1(2001), 17-24. [11] Al Cuoco, Beiler, A.H., Recreations in the Theory of Numbers, Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1966. 13 | 0804.4640 | Konstantine Zelator | Konstantine Zelator | Heron isosceles with integral external radii | 13 pages, two figures, and two tables | null | null | null | math.GM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Each triangle has three exterior or external circles tangential to the three
straight lines containing the three sides of the triangle.Among the
preliminaries in this paper, is deriving formulas for the radii of the three
exterior circles in terms of the triangle's sidelengths. After that we focus on
Heron triangles. Heron triangles are known in the literature as triangles with
integer sidelengths and integral area.Pythagorean triangles are examples of
Heron triangles. In the first part of the paper, we parametrically describe all
Heron isosceles triangles. In the second part, we parametrically(in terms of
three independent parameters) describe the subfamily which consists of all
Heron isosceles triangles which also have integral external radii. We provide
numerical examples and tables.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 29 Apr 2008 15:56:16 GMT"
] | 2008-04-30T00:00:00 | [
] |
Rateless coding may be considered as a type of Hybrid- ARQ scheme [2]. The DMT for ARQ has been revealed in [2]. However, it will be shown in the paper that this DMT curve was incomplete and represents the performance which MandNare the number of transmit and receive antennas. The complete DMT curve for rateless coding including those parts for higher rn has never been revealed before, and will be shown in this paper. In addition to this, the results in this paper also off er a relationship between the design parameter (i.e., rnandL) and the effective multiplexing gain rof the system, thus offer further insights into system design and operational meanin g compared to conventional coding schemes. Furthermore, we suggest new design solutionsfor rateless codes. Previousw ork on finite-rate feedback MIMO channels relies on either power control or adaptive modulation and coding (e.g., [5]), whic h are not necessary for our scheme. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The system model is proposed in Section II. In Section III, the DMT performance of rateless codes is studied. In Section IV, des ign of specific rateless codes over fading channels is discussed . Finally, concluding remarks are made in Section V. II. SYSTEMMODEL We consider a frequency-flat fading channel with Mtrans- mit antennas and Nreceive antennas. We assume that the transmitter does not know the instantaneous CSI on its cor- responding forward channels, while CSI is available at the receiver. Each message is encoded into a codeword of L blocks. Each block takes Tchannel uses. We assume that the channel remains static for the entire codeword The system input-output relationship can be expressed the input signal matrix; HCNxMis the channel transfer matrix whose elements are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) complex Gaussian ran dom variables with zero means and unit variances; NCNxTLis the AWGN matrix with zero mean and covariance matrix I; andYCNxTLis the output signal matrix. Pis the total transmit power, which also corresponds to the average SNR e (per receive antenna) at the receiver. The input signal matrix Xcan be written the codeword matrix being sent during thelth block, and its corresponding receiver noise matrix is denoted by NlCNxT. We impose a power constraint on 1Note, however, that the analysis in the paper can be extended to a faster fading scenario in which the channel varie s from block to block during each codeword (4) forl= 1,...,L. A. Conventional Schemes Assume that the transmitter sends the codeword at a rate R bits per channel use. A message of size RTis encoded into a codeword Xl(l= RLTinto X. Both encoding methods will offer the same that Tis sufficiently large. B. Rateless Coding When rateless coding is applied, we wish to decode a message of size RLTwith the codeword structure as shown in (3). During the transmission, the receiver measures the t otal mutual information Ibetween the transmitter and the receiver and compares it with RLTafter it receives each IfI < RLT after thelth block,the and waits for the next block. If I>=RLTafter the lth block, it decodes the received sends one bit of positive feedbackto the transmitter. Up on receiving the feedback, the transmitter stops transmittin g the remaining part of the current codeword and starts transmitt ing the next message conventional schemes, this process will bring mul- tiple rate levels (R,2R,...,LR ). For example, if I>=RLT after the first block is received (i.e., l= 1) , the receiver will be able to decode the entire message and the rate becomes LR. Similar observations can be made for l= 2...L. There- fore, compared with conventional schemes, the correspondi ng transmission rate achieved by using rateless codes is alway s equal or higher . Specifically, we define the multiplexing gain for each rate level as (rn,2rn,...,Lr n)where rn= we will show through the DMT analysis that rateless coding can retain the same diversity gain as but with a much higher multiplexing gain especiall y when the corresponding rnis low. III. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Denote by elthe decoding error when decoding is per- formed after the lth block ( 0<=l<=L) and by probability that a decoding error occurs and decoding is achieved after lth block. The system overall error probability can be expressed thatthis isamorestrict constraint than letting offers at least the same to be the probability with whichI < RLT after the lth block, and note that p(0) =
1. Following the steps in Section II.B in [2], the rate for each message in bits per channel use is given (5) Note that this -Rdescribes the average rate with which the message is removed from the transmitter ; i.e., it quantifies how quickly the message is decoded at the receiver. We define the effective multiplexing gain of the system as r= be the piecewise linear function connect- ing the points integral Recall thata multiplexing gain would have the diversity gain f(rn). The following theorem shows the performance of rateless coding for 0<=rn<+. Theorem 1: Assume a sufficiently large T. For rateless codes having multiple multiplexing gain n), the corresponding DMT can be 1,2,...L. Finally, d= Appendix A. Note that for rateless coding to achieve the 1 , we do not necessarily require T-+. As long asTis large enough such that the error each l, the DMT in Theorem 1 can be achieved. While the minimal Tfor a general MIMO channel when applying rateless coding is unknown to the authors, it will be shown later that for SISO channels, T= 1is sufficient to achieve the optimal DMT in Theorem 1 . Comparing rateless coding with conventional schemes, it can be shown that for In this scenario rateless coding can improve the multiplexing gain up to Ltimes that of conventional schemes, given the same diversity gain. Fig. 1 gives an example when M=N= 2andL= 2, and0<=rn<=1. The operating point A in the curve for a conventional scheme for to point B in the curve for rateless coding. An Theorem1 is that the will not be improved after rn(almost) as the optimal DMT is already achieved by using rateless coding. This is mainly due to the fact that the first block can no longer support the message size when the message rate reaches min(M,N)/L. Thus the system0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Conv. scheme Rateless coding A B Fig. 1. The DMTs for conventional schemes and rateless codin g 2,L= 2. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 30123456789 rd Conv. scheme 0 <= rn <0.75 0.75 <= rn <1.5 1.5 <= rn <2.25 2.25 <= rn <= 3 Fig. 2. The DMTs for different schemes for 0<=rn<=3.M=N= 3, L= 4. multiplexing gain decreases for the same diversity gain, and finally offers the same DMT as conventional schemes when the firstL-1blocks all fail to decode the message. Fig. 2 shows an example when M=N= 3,L= 4. This observation also implies that for any fixed value of rn, the value of Ldoesnot necessarily improve the system DMT performance. Although the overall system DMT will increase when Lis larger, the multiplexing gain might decrease for certain fixed values of rn. A convenient L that the maximal multiplexing gain min(M,N)can be achieved only with zero diversity gain, and this happens whe n rn= of the value of L. IV. DESIGN OF RATELESS CODES Note that codewords Xi(1<=i<=L) in (3) are different channels that are orthogonal in time. This is analogous to transmitting Xithrough different channels that are parallel in space. In the (space) parallel channel model, elements in {Xi}can be jointly (simultaneously) for the channel model considered in this paper, which we now call the rateless channel , the decoding dec oding fromX1, then[X1X2]ifX1is not decoded, etc. This comparison implies that while good parallel channel codescan be used as the basis for rateless coding, they might in order to offer good performance over the rateless for the rateless channel expressed in the form of (2), we consider the MIMO channel , in which each sub-channel is a MIMO channel, having the following input-output the same as those in (2). It is easy to see that the DMT for this system is implement its the rateless channel having multiple rates (rn,2rn,...,Lr n), it is not difficult to show (7) In order to make the overall we need to However, those conditions are not essential in order to achieve the optimal DMT for the parallel channel shown in (6), which only requires the condition (7). Thus stricter code design crite ria are required for the rateless channel. One example of such a criterion is the approximately universal criterion [3]. Codes being approximately universal for parallel channels ensure that the highest error probability when decoding any subset of {Xi}in the set of all non-outage events in SNR (i.e., in the form of e-edfor some d >0) underanyfading distribution, and thus can be ignored compared with the outage probability under the same when the SNR goes to infinity. Specifically, we consider the following parallel MIMO channel which is more general than the one in each channel matrix in {Hi}(1<=i<=L) distribution. In particular, when the matrices in
{Hi}are i.i.d. and of the same distributions as the Hin (2), following the same steps as those in [1], it is not difficult to show that the optimal DMT for this system is Now, we are ready to state the following theorem considering the performance of ratel ess codes that are transformed from the approximately universa l codes for the parallel channel in (8). Theorem 2: Suppose a universal for the parallel channel shown in (8) and can achieve the DMT points the channel matrices have i.i.d. Rayleigh fading. Then, its when applied to the rateless channel shown in (2) aiming at multip lemultiplexing gains (rn,2rn,...,Lr n), can achieve the DMT shown in Theorem 1 . Proof:See Appendix B. While approximately universal codes for the general parall el MIMO channel is unknown to the authors, codes for parallel SISO channels do exist, and can be transformed directly into good rateless codes for SISO channels. In the following, we apply permutation codes for parallel channels [3] to the rateless In the encoding process, a message is mappe nels. The constellation over one subchannel is a permutation of the points in the constellation over any other subchannel. The permutation is optimized such that the minimal is large enough to satisfy the approximate unive r- sality criterion. Explicit permutation codes can be constr decodable matrices . We refer the readers to [3] and the references therein for details. It has been shown that permutation codes achieve the optimal DMT for ple, the codewords are of the transmission rates over rateless channel are (R,2R,...,LR )bits per channel use. To implement permu- tation codes, we choose a codebook of size the parallel channel in (8). Each message is mapped into in which each Xlis an2LR-point QAM constellation. The message can be fully recovered as long as any subset of {Xl}can be correctly decoded. Now, we transform this code into the rateless channel. Since Pr(el,l)decays exponentially in SNR due to the approximate universality of such codes, the overall error probability is always dominated by that upon receiving all Xlforinfinitely high SNR. More precisely, we summarize the above observations as the following corollar y. Corollary 1: Rateless codes that are transformed from ame performance as shown in Theorem 1 over the SISO proof is a direct extension of the proof of Theorem 2 and is omitted. V. CONCLUSIONS The performance of rateless codes has been studied for MIMO fading channels in terms of the DMT. The analysis shows that design principles for rateless codes can follow these of the approximately universal codes for parallel MIM O channels. Specifically, it has been shown that for a SISO channel, the formerly developed permutation codes of rateless codes of length Lhaving multiple ), to achieve the desired optimal Proof of Theorem 1 DefinerL=Lrn. Following the steps in [1], it is easy to show that 0. We write the (9),Pr(el)is error probability when lIb>=LTR, whereIb is the mutual information of the channel in each block. Using Fano's inequality we can obtain the error probability lower bound we have and thus the desired performance upper bound is obtained. Now we prove the achievability part. Consider the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 10.1.1 in [8], we (10) for sufficiently large T. Note that a very similar argument has been made in Lemma 1 in [7], although it is claimed there required to be sufficiently large in order to satisfy (10). Now (9)can be further rewritten (11) Note Thusr=rLand diversity achievable in the range 0<=r <min(M,N). Note thatrL=Lrn, and thus we have far we have only considered the scenario in Now the question to ask is what happens if we increase the value of beyond. In this scenario, 0, and thus -R.=LR 2.The message rate r is decreased to rL/2due to the fact that after the first block the receiver has no chance of decoding the message correctly and it always needs the second block. However, the system error probability Peis not changed. Therefore the message rate the system DMT when i.e., system DMT following the above until -R.=R, we obtain the desired result and the proof is completed. B. Proof of Theorem 2 Assume that the system in (6) transmits at a rate LR=
rLlog2e. The probability of any decoding error can be upper bounded by the outage probability and Pe|Ocis the average error probability given that the channel is not in the fading distributions in which H1=***=Hl follow the same distribution as the Hin (2) and Hl+1=
***=HL0for all1<=l<=L-1. When such codes are transformed into the rateless channels shown in (2), it i s a simple matter to show that Pr(el) =Pe|Oc=e-ed for any1<=l<=L, wherePr(el)is given in (9). Thus the system error probability for the rateless channel in (2) is always upper bounded rest of the prooffollows that of Theorem 1 and is research was supported by the U.S. National under Grants ANI-03-38807 and L.Zhengand D.Tse,Diversity and multiplexing: Afunda mental tradeoff in multiple antenna channels, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory , vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1073-1096, May 2003. [2] H. El Gamal, G. Caire, M. O. Damen, The MIMO ARQ tradeoff, IEEE. Trans. Inf. Theory. , vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 3601-3619, Aug. 2006. [3] S. Tavildar and P. Viswanath, Approximately universal codes over slow fading channels, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory , vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 3233-3258, Jul. 2006. [4] J. Castura, Y. Mao and S. Draper, On rateless coding over fading channels with delay constraints, 2006 Int'l Sym.Inf.Theo ry USA, Jul., 2006. [5] T. T. Kim and M. Skoglund, trad eoff in MIMO channels with partial CSIT, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory , vol. 53, no.8, pp. 2743-2759, Aug. 2007. [6] U. Erez, M. Trott and G. Wornell, Rateless Coding for Gau s- sian Channels, submitted to IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory , available K. Azarian, H. El Gamal, and P. Schniter, On the achievab le tradeoff in half-duplex cooperative channel s,IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory , vol 51, no. 12 pp. 4152-4172, Dec. 2005. [8] T. Cover and J. A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory , Wiley: New York, 1991. | 0804.4662 | Yijia Fan | Yijia Fan, Lifeng Lai, Elza Erkip, H. Vincent Poor | Rateless Coding for MIMO Block Fading Channels | Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information
Theory, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 6 - 11, 2008 | null | null | null | cs.IT math.IT | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In this paper the performance limits and design principles of rateless codes
over fading channels are studied. The diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) is
used to analyze the system performance for all possible transmission rates. It
is revealed from the analysis that the design of such rateless codes follows
the design principle of approximately universal codes for parallel
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels, in which each sub-channel is a
MIMO channel. More specifically, it is shown that for a single-input
single-output (SISO) channel, the previously developed permutation codes of
unit length for parallel channels having rate LR can be transformed directly
into rateless codes of length L having multiple rate levels (R, 2R, . . ., LR),
to achieve the DMT performance limit.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 29 Apr 2008 17:45:53 GMT"
] | 2008-04-30T00:00:00 | [
"H. Vincent",
] |
Fig. 1. Time-division channel allocations for (a) TDMA dire ct space-time-coded standard DF relaying, (c) repetition -coded concurrent DF relaying, (d) concurrent DF relayi ng for the two- source network, and (e) concurrent DF relaying for the M-source network ( Mis even). The terminals displayed in each time slot denote the transmitters in that time slot. over TDMA direct transmission. Howeve r, to finish the transmission of the 2Lcodewords from the two sources to the destination, 4Ltime slots must be used. Compared with TDMA direct transmission displayed in Fig. 1 (a), which needs only 2Ltime slots, the standard protocol loses spectral efficiency, especially for the high SNR regio n. In order to compensate for the multiplexing gain by the standard protocol, for concurrent DF relayin g [6] it is assumed that each source is individually assisted by one relay (i.e. S1andS2are supported by and one source's broadcasting step is combin ed with the other source's relaying step. As displayed in Fig. 1 (c), except in the first and the last time slots, one relay and one source always communicate with the so that only (2L+ 1)time slots are needed to finish the transmission of the 2Lcodewords. It is clear that the interference generated among relays can significantly degrade the system capacity and However, the two relays may be means the quality of the inter-relay link is much worse than those of the source-relay links. In this case, the inter - relay interference is trivial compared with source-relay t d to simply repeat their source codewords after decoding them , we refer to this transmission scheme as the DF relaying throughout the paper. Define the diversity gain dand multiplexing gain ras those in [9] and assume the system is symmetric [10], where the two sourceshave identical r. Assuming the source-relay links are sufficiently strong such that the rel ays can always perfectly decode their source messages, the DMT achieved by each source for the repetition-coded concurren t DF relaying protocol can be expressed by [7] d(r) = (1) The repetition-coded concurrent DF relaying the diversity performance over TDMA direct trans-mission (with DMT d(r) =N(1-2r)) exceptfor a multiplex- ing Such multiplexing loss and can be neglected for large frame length L. However, compared with the space-time-coded standard DF relaying (with DMT d(r) = 3N(1-4r)), the DF relaying obtains smaller diversity gain each codeword is only forwarded by one relay. B. Concurrent DF scenario [11], where the channel between the two relays is sufficiently stronger than the sour ce- relay links, is also studied in [7]. In this case, each relay i s required to decode the interference signal first and subtrac t it from the received signal before decoding the desired signal . The good quality of the inter-relay channel guarantees that each relay can correctly decode the interference before dec od- ing its desired source codeword with very high the interference between relays does not limit the system DMT performance. However, for such a scenario, reference [7] still assumes that ea ch relay only forwards its own source message (the desired signal). In fact, since the interference signal is the trans mitted codeword from the other source, in this paper, we argue that we can make use of the interference signal to further improve the system diversity gain. Specifically, we permit t he relays to use superposition coding [11] to retransmit both sources' messages, i.e. instead of retransmitting its desi red source codeword, each relay transmits the sum of the inter- ference codeword and the desired codeword. To guarantee every codeword to be transmitted via three independent path s, (2L+2)time slots are used to finish the transmission of the 2Lcodewords from the two sources. The transmission of the two frames can be described as follows: Time slot 1 :S1broadcasts x1 1to silent. Time slot 2 :R1forwards x1 2.R2 listens to S2while slot 3 :R2forwards x2 1. R1listens to S1while being interfered by slot 4 :R1forwards x2 2. R2listens to S2while being interfered by process repeats until the (2L)th time slot. Time slot slot 2L+2:R1decodes, re-encodes and the repetition-coded case, from the 3rd to the(2L+
1)th time slot, the interference signal received by each relay the codeword transmitted by the relay itself during the previou s time slot. Because each relay has full knowledge of its can subtractits previouslytrans mitted codeword from the received signal before decoding withoutFig. 2. Transmission schedule for the concurrent DF relaying protocol (from time slot 3to time slot 2L) in (a) time slot 2i-1, and (b) time slot 2i,i= 2,...,L. Solid lines and dashed lines denote the broadcasting step (time slot 1) and relaying step (time slot 2) of each DF relaying process difficulty. After all the 2Lcodewords are received, D performsjoint decoding to recoverthe source information. We refer to this protocol as the concurrent DF relaying and its time-division channel allocation and the transmission schedule (from the 3rd time slot to the 2Lth time slot) are illustrated in Fig. 1 (d) and Fig. 2 perfect source-relay transmissions, the propose d protocol mimics a 2L-user multiple access (SIMO) channel (except that the dimension s of the signals are expanded in the time (2) in which the equivalent channel matrix is H=
hS10 0 ***0 0 0 ***hR1 4hS2 2 0 0 0 ***hR2 2hR2 2 0 0 0 ***0 h theNx1channel fading vector between node aand the destination, 0denotes an Nx1all zero vector, y= theNx1receive signal vector at the ith time slot, x= [x1 1x1 2x2 1... signal vector, nis a(2L+ 2)Nx1 unit power complex circular additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) vector at the destination, and rmeans the average received SNR. It is worth noting that the scaling from the uniform power allocation assumption and have no consequence for the system infinite-SNR DMT performance. In terms of the achievable DMT, we have the following theorem. Theorem 1: In a symmetric scenario, on assuming that the source codewords are correctly decoded by the relays, the achievable DMT for each source of the concurrent DF relaying protocol (i.e. the system model in (2 )) is given by d(r) = (4)Proof:For a symmetric 2L-user multiple-access SIMO system described in (2), following the capacity calculatio n in [12], there are (22L-1)source transmission rate constraints for a given realization of the the kth column of H. The system diversity gain is thus the smallest diversity gain calculated by all th e constraints from (5) to (7). Consider an channel (each codeword sihas multiplexing that the average transmission rate 0 0 ***gk1 0 0 0 ***gk2 0 0 0 1,k2= 2, andk3= 4whenmis odd and k1= 3,k2= 4, andk3= 2whenmis even. For infinite SNR, the task of finding the smallest diversity gain obtained by each constraint from (5) to (7) is the same as finding the smallest diversity gain achieved by the system (8) for 1, the system model in (8) is a 1x3NSIMO system. The achievable DMT is clearly d(r) = 3N(1-r') =
Whenm >1, applying a method similar to that used for the DMT calculation for the ISI channels in [13] , it is not difficult to show that d(r) = 4N(1-r'). Because the overall system diversity gain is dominated by the smalle st one for all m, it thus is (i.e. the case where m= 1) the same as the right hand side of (4). Due to limited space, here we omit the detailed proof, which can be found in [14]. Theorem 1 indicates that concurrent DF relaying obtains the maximal diversity gain the repetition-coded concurrent DF relayin g makinguse of the nce. Therefore, unlike the repetition-coded case, where the ach iev- able diversity gain is larger than that of the space-time-co ded standard protocol only in the high rregion, concurrent DF relaying strictly outperforms the stan - dard protocol within the range of all possible (except for the worst case L= 1, where the two protocols have identical there exi sts Gain rDiversity Gain d(r) TDMA Direct Standard Concurrent DF, L=15 Concurrent DF, L=15 . Fig. 3. DMT performance for different protocols with N= 2. slight difference for the maximal achievable multiplexing the concurrent DF relaying protocols (due to the extra transmission time slot), when Lis large sfor both protocols approach1 2. The multiplexing loss induced by the standard protocol is fully compensated in both protocol s. Fig. 3 displays an example ( N= 2,L= 15) of the this paper, we assume that the are perfect so that the system diversity gain is not limited by the quality of source-relay links. Making use of the inter-relay interference can thus further improv e the diversity performance over the simple repetition-code d protocol. One may argue that, in practical systems, such good source-relay links may not be able to be guaranteed and the system DMT performance may be affected by any weak source-relay link. In fact, in a general there usually exist multiple terminals which can a ct as potential relays. If the number of potential relays is ver y large, the probability of selecting at least one relay pair s uch that one relay can correctly decode one source and the other relay can other sourceis sufficiently h igh. In this case, the system DMT performance behaves the same asthe case inwhichthe ionis actually not uncommon in reality. The impact of using relay selection schemes in multiple-relay scenarios on the syste m DMT performance is currently under DF RELAYING The two-source system model can also be extended to a large network with Msingle-antenna sources, two single- antenna relays and one N-antenna destination, as has been done for the repetition-coded case in [7]. The basic idea is that the the transmission of the Lcodewords from each source is finished. Therefore, ML+2time slots are used to complete the transmission of the MLcodewords from the perfect decoding at the relays, the inFig. 1 (e)(where Miseven)and in terms of the achievable DMT, we have the to Theorem 1 . Corollary 1: In a symmetric scenario, on assuming per- fect source-relay transmissions, the achievable DMT for ea ch source of the M-source concurrent DF relaying protocol is given by d(r) = (9) Corollary 1 implies that, compared with DF relaying for the M-source network, which needs(ML+ 1)time slots and obtains DMT d(r) the protocol improves the maximal achievable diversity gain from 2Nto3N, but reducesthe However, if MLis large, the maximal difference is negligible and both gains multiplexing gain for TDMA direct transmission) so that the multiplexing loss is fully recovered and the re- quirement of Lbeing large is relaxed. Clearly, when M= 1, the system model is the single-source scenario studied in th e content of the successive relaying protocol proposed in [5] . This means that superposition coding can also be used in successive relaying to further increase diversity perform ance and thus (9) offers a generalized result. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS In this section, we compare our two-source concurrent DF relaying scheme with other in Section II in terms of error probability throug o be always correctly decoded by the relays. In our simulation s, we consider the signal frame lengths L= 1andL= 2for the repetition-coded and concurrent DF relaying protocols, respectively. For this choice, both sc hemes obtain the maximal multiplexing gain1 3. These two cases are actually the worst cases for both schemes. (Recall that when L= 1, the concurrent DF relaying has the same DMT performance as the space-time-coded and we therefore do not consider this case.) And following the analysis in Section II, when L >1(L >2), the performance of the repetition-coded (superposition-c relayingwould be even better than those shown in the following 4 displays the outage probabilities comparison rates are not fixed and scale with SNR). Following the analysis in Section II, it can be seen that the DMT curves for the standard protocol and the repetition-coded concurr ent DF relaying intersect, which means the two protocols have the same diversity gains. Clearly, this diversity gain is fu rther improved by the use of the superposition coding in the relays . Such a diversity performance can be seen by comparing the slopes of the high-SNR outage probability curves for differ ent schemes. We also study the error performance for uncoded symbols for different schemes. For a fair comparison, we consider 4-0 5 10 15 20 25 Ratio (dB)Outage Probability TDMA Direct Standard Concurrent DF Concurrent DF Fig. 4. Outage probabilities comparison for different prot ocols with N= 2 and multiplexing gain r=1 6. QAM,8-QAM and 16-QAM modulation for TDMA concurrent DF relaying and the standard pro- tocol respectively so that all schemes have identical avera ge transmission rates at two bits per channel use (BPCU). For decodingat thedestination,a ) receiver is used for TDMA direct transmission and the stan- dard protocol, and a maximum likelihood sequence detector (MLSD) receiver is used for the concurrent DF Moreover, we consider two different ways to coding in the relays. The first one (denoted as mode 1 in Fig. 5) is similar to superposition modulation [15] and we require each relay to retransmit the direct sum of its desired signal and the interference. The second one is simil ar to code superposition [16] (denoted as mode 2). In this XORe d version of the two signals. From Fig. 5, it can be seen TDMA direct transmission has the worst high-SNR performance. Although repetition-code d concurrent DF relaying improves the error performance due to the signal protection by the relays, it performs worse tha standard DF relaying since each codeword is only forwarded by one relay. Clearly, ed concurrent DF relaying has the same diversity order as the standard protocol. Furthermore, mode 2 superposition codi ng outperforms mode 1 by nearly 1.7dB, which confirms the advantage of code superposition analyzed in [16]. This obse r- vation suggests interesting future work in applying networ k coding techniques in our Wang's, I. Krikidis' and J. S. Thompson's work re- ported in this paper has formed part of the Delivery Effi- ciency Core Research Programme of the Virtual Centre of Excellence in Mobile & Personal Communications, Mobile VCE, This research has been funded by EPSRC and by the Industrial Companies who are Members of Mobile VCE. Fully detailed technical reports on this resear ch are available to Industrial Members of Mobile VCE. Y. Fan's and H. V. Poor's work was supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grants The authors acknowledge the support of the Scottish Funding Council for the Joint Research Institute w Ratio (dB)Bit Error Rate TDMA Direct Standard Concurrent DF Concurrent DF mode 1 Concurrent DF mode 2 . Fig. 5. Bit error rate comparison for different protocols wi thN= 2. the Heriot-Watt University which is a part of the J. N. Laneman, D. N. C. Tse, and G. W. Wornell, Cooperativ e diversity in wireless networks: Efficient protocols and outage behavi or,IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory , vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 3062-3080, Dec. 2004. [2] J. N. Laneman and G. W. Wornell, Distributed space-time -coded protocols for exploiting cooperative diversity in wireles s networks, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory , vol. 49, no. 10, pp. 2415-2425, Oct. 2003. [3] B. Rankov and A. Wittneben, Spectral efficient protocol s for half- duplex fading relay channels, IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. , vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 379-389, Feb. 2007. [4] S. Yang and J.-C. Belfiore, Towards the optimal amplify- diversity scheme, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory , vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 3114-3126, Sept. 2007. [5] Y. Fan, C. Wang, J. S. Thompson, and H. V. Poor, Recoverin g multiplexing loss through successive relaying using simpl e Trans. Wireless Commun. , vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 4484-4493, Dec. 2007. [6] C. Wang, Y. Fan, and J. S. Thompson, Recovering multiple xing loss through concurrent (DF) relaying, Wireless Per. Commun. , to appear. [7] C. Wang, Y. Fan, J. S. Thompson, and H. V. Poor, On tradeoff of concurrent decode-an d-forward relay- ing, inProc. IEEEWireless Communications & Networking Conferenc e (WCNC) 2008 , Las Vegas, NV, 31 Mar. - 3 Apr. 2008. [8] P. A. Anghel, G. Leus, and M. Kaveh, Distributed space-t ime coopera- tive systems with regenerative relays, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. , vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 3130-3141, Nov. 2006. [9] L. Zheng and D. N. C. Tse, Diversity and multiplexing: A f in multiple-antenna channels, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory , vol. 49, no. 5, pp. 1073-1096, May 2003. [10] D. N. C. Tse, P. Viswanath, and L. Zheng, Diversity-mul in multiple access channels, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory , vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 1859-1874, Sept. 2004. [11] T. M. Cover and J. A. 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Vincent Poor | Superposition-Coded Concurrent Decode-and-Forward Relaying | Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information
Theory, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 6 - 11, 2008 | null | null | null | cs.IT math.IT | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In this paper, a superposition-coded concurrent decode-and-forward (DF)
relaying protocol is presented. A specific scenario, where the inter-relay
channel is sufficiently strong, is considered. Assuming perfect source-relay
transmissions, the proposed scheme further improves the diversity performance
of previously proposed repetition-coded concurrent DF relaying, in which the
advantage of the inter-relay interference is not fully extracted.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 29 Apr 2008 22:15:43 GMT"
] | 2009-09-29T00:00:00 | [
"John S.",
"H. Vincent",
] |
approximation of an infinite plane is used in calcula ting electronic structures of graphene ribbons, besides the interaction between carbon atoms satisfies the Huke'law. Then we investigate the relations between the p-electron bands of the graphene ribbons with zigzag shaped edges (ZGR), armchair shaped edges (AGR) and the tensile force based on the tight-binding approximation. We first investigate the ZGR drawn by the tensile force. Similar to the method of Ref.13 using the tight-binding approximation and only considering the nearest-neighbor interaction, we obtain the matrix Hamiltonian as AAH () ()() 1()ik R R AA A A RHr e r R H r RNphph-=- -GGG GG G GG G 221,p RNpee ==G (1) where is the unit cell number of ZGR, N RG is the site vector of carbon atom A, is the wave vector,kG His a one-electron Hamiltonian, ph can be considered as 2zp-orbital wave function of carbon atoms. Here ()() 2pA A rR H rR eph ph=- -G G GG is different from the atomic energy value for the free carbon atom because the Hamiltonian Hcontains all ZGR potential and changes as the tensile force changes, so2peis a variable as the tensile force. Similarly, 2 BB pHe= for the same order of approximation. FIG. 1. (a).The graph of graphene ribbon with zigzag shap ed edges (ZGR) drawn by the tensile force. (b).The graph of graphene ribbon with armchair shaped edges (AGR) drawn by the tensile force. (c).The graph of showing site vectors , , and half-bond We also obtain the matrix Hamiltonian for only considering the nearest-neighbor interaction as ABH () () {1 1 11ik R AB A B RHe r R H r RNphph=- - R-GG GG GG G G ()()2 2 2ik R AB er R H r R Rphph+- - -GG G GG G G ()()}3 3 3ik R AB er R H r R Rphph+- - -GG G GG G G 3 12 12 3 ,ik R ik R ik Reeeggg =++G GG G GG ( 2 ) where , and 1RG 2RG 3RG are the positions of the nearest-neighbor atom Brelative to atom A(see Fig.1(c)), the transfer are denoted by ()()1 11 ,ABrR H rRRgph ph=- - -G GG G G ()()2 22 ,ABrR H rRRgph ph=- - -G GG G G ()()3 33 ,ABrR H rRRgph ph=- - -G GG G G ( 3 ) where 1g=2gdue to 1 2 R R= according to the symmetry of ZGR. The matrix element can be obtained by the Hermitian conjugation relationBAH BA ABHH*= . Using the similar method used for or , we obtain the overlap matrix = =1 as assuming that the atomic wave function is normalized and also 12 12 3ik R ik R ik R ABSs e s e s e =++G G G G G G , where the overlap integrals: ,and between the nearest 1s2s3s AandBatoms are denoted by ()()1 11 ,AB sr R r R Rphph=- - -G GG G G ()()2 22 ,AB sr R r R Rphph=- - -G GG G G ()()3 3 ,AB sr R r R Rphph=- - -3G GG G G ( 4 ) we can get = because of the symmetry and obtain the Hermitian conjugation relation. We solve the secular equation [] det 0HE S-=and obtain the energy dispersion relations of the p-electrons of ZGR as ()()() () ()2 23 3 3 2 3 2 3, 1pp sO k s P k Ek sQ keg g e
+--- +- - +
--G G G G ( 5 ) where the ,()OkG()PkG and are denoted by ()QkG () ( ) 11 1 2 21 c o s Ok s k R k Rg=+ - GG GGG () () ( ) 13 31 1 3 2 3 cos cos , s s kR kR kR kRgg ++ - + - GG GGGGG G ( 6 ) ()() () ()( ) 12 132 3 1 3 2 3 2c os c ospp P k s s kR kR kR kRge ge = - - - + - GG G GG GGG G R () ()2 12 1 1 2 21 c ospsk R kge +- + - GGGG () () ( )22 13 31 1 3 2 3 sin sin , s s kR kR kR kRgg -- - + - GG GGGG GG ( 7 ) () ( )2 1121 c o s Qk s k R k R =+ - GG 2GGG () ( ) 13 1 3 2 3 2c o s c o ss s kR kR kR kR- - + -,GGG GGGG G ( 8 ) ()Ek+G and are called antibonding p*energy bands. Now we explore the relations between the parameters of Eq. (5) and the tensile force in order to obtain the analytic expressions of p-electron energy band with the tensile force. According to the geometric knowledge, we can easy to obtain the lattice the reciprocal lattice vectors ,of ZGR as 1bG 2bG ()11 3 1 cos , sin , aR R R a a =+G (21 3 1 cos , sin , aR R R ) a a =+ -G ( 9 ) 1 13 1,,cos sinbRR Rpp a a = + G 2 13 1,cos sinbRR Rpp,a a =- + G ( 1 0 ) where the relative and the half-bond angle a(shown in Fig.1(c)) are given due to the mechanical and geometric knowledge by 11 23, 32sin ( 1 ) 1 1436cc cc NNaRa R ff fp- -=+ D =
N ++ - + + 21 , R R= 33 (1 ),cc cc N R aR a f--=+ D = + 2 3(1 ) 1 14 ,36NN N f ffpa =+ + -+ +
( 1 1 ) where =0.142 is the nearest-neighbor distance between two carbon atoms without the tensile force, cca- nm Nfis a dimensionless value of fthat the tensile force shares to a little component force of each carbon atom and 0( )cc Nff k a-=0k,is the elastic constant between two carbon atoms. According to Eq. (10), we can also obtain the positions of the Dirac points Kand K'in momentum space as 1 2 13 1 13sin,,cos 2 sin 2( cos )RKRR R RRpa pp aa a=-++G 1 2 13 13 1sin,.cos 2( cos ) 2 sinRKRR RR Rpa pp a aa'=-++G ( 1 2 ) Based on Eqs. (5), (6), (7), (8), (10) and (11), if we can also obtain the relations between the transfer integrals, the overlap integrals and the te nsile force, we will obtain the analytic relations between the energy band of the p-electrons of ZGR and the tensile force Nfin all Brillouin zone. For one-electron Hamiltonian H, if we only consider the nearest-neighbor interaction, we can write Happroximately as ()( )( )(12 32 121.2AB B B H VrR V rRR V rRR V rRR= - + - + -- + -- + --GG G G G GGG G G)3G ( 1 3 ) Substituting Eq.(13) into Eq.(3), considering wave function 5() / c o srrr elphl p th-=G as p-electron wave function and using the conclusions of Refs.22 and 23,22-23 we can obtain the analytic expressions of transfer integrals as () ( )3 11 1 2/2 ,n nsZ Z J Jgl l
==-+ -+ 21 ,gg= ( ) () ()33 1 3 /2 2 , sZ Z J Zgl l J' ' =- + - + - ( 1 4 a ) 1 2 1111,26Jeele- =+ ()2 22 1 23 2 4 4 1112,3 ...,21n nn n n nn n ne eeJn S K T Ue eele lell l ee e e e e e- --==+ + - + +
6 (14b) 1 23 11 1211,51 5Seeee e- =++ + () ()32 22 11 1 1 22 2 2 111 1639 2 42 sinh cosh2 2 9 13 sinh ,nn n n nnK1 eee e e e e e ee ee e e=++ +++ -
++ +e 15 24 33 42 51 , TA FA FA FA FA F=++++ ()2 12 21 3 422n n neUA FA F A A Ee ee-=++ + - , ( 1 4 c ) () ( )11 22 11 1 1 126 6 26 6 , A eee eee ee-=- +-+ + () ( )11 32 32 21 1 1 1 1 1 4 24 60 60 4 24 60 60 , A eee eeee eee-=- + - + - + + + () ()1 143 2 31 1 1 1 43 2 11 1 12 24 114 270 270 2 24 114 270 270 ,Ae ee eee e e ee e e-=-+ -+
-++ + + () ()1 143 2 41 1 1 1 43 2 11 1 16 60 270 630 630 6 60 270 630 630 ,Ae ee eee e e ee e e-=-+ -+
-++ + + 5 , AA=4 ( 1 4 d ) 111,24n Fe=+ 2 211,22nn Fee=+ +1 4 32 3133,244nnn Feee=++ +3 8 43 2 413 3,22 2nn n n Fee e e=+ ++ +3 4 543 2 51551 51 5 1,242 4 48nnn n n Feee e e=+++ ++5 () 21, nt nE ed ttee-= ( 1 4 e ) ()11 , , 2 ,3 ,nn RR nel el=== ( 1 4 f ) where 1J'is equal to that the 1J1eis displaced by 3Rl,3J'is equal to that the 3J1eis also displaced by 3Rland 3eis displaced by 1Rl. According to the conclusions of Refs.22 and 23, we can also derive the overlap integrals and 2peas ()3 2 1/2 ,pi iZ ZI el l
==- - 2 23 2 2313 2 3 3,22 2iR i ii i i iIeRR R R Rl l ll l- =- +++ + 22 332151 5iR ii iiRRsR el lll- =+ + + () 1, 2, 3 ,i= ( 1 5 ) where 1R,2R,3Rare given by Eq. (11), but the 1R,2R,3Rof Eqs. (14) and (15) are all dimensionless that have been divided by the Bohr radius , 0alandZare the Slater orbital parameter and the effective nuclear charge number of carbon atoms. Based on above equations, we have established the analytic relations between the energy band of p-electrons in ZGR and the tensile force. In fact, above equations also give the analytic relations between the energy band of p-electrons in AGR and the tensile force if the Eq. (11) is modified by 1 2,12 c o s ( 3 2) ( 3 2) 8 332cc NN NaR ff fp-=-+ - + + 21 , R R= 3 ,cc R a-= 2 11(3 2 ) (3 2 ) 8 3 .32 2NNffNfpa=- + + + + ( 1 6 ) For showing clearly the changeable relations of ZGR and AGR as the tensile force, Figure.2 is given to show the numerical relations of half-bond angle and transfer with the tensile force which acts on the zigzag edges of graphene ribbon and the armchair edges of graphene ribbon. Here the dimensionless value 0(Nff k a-= )ccis taken as 0~0.1. 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 edges 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 edges 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 integral(eV) 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 FIG. 2. (Color online) The relation graphs of half-bond angle and transfer with the tensile force which acts on the zigzag edges of graphene ribbon (three graphs in left) and the armchair edges of graphene ribbon (three graphs in right). The data values of Figs. (a1), (a2), (b1) and (b2) are obtained by Eqs. (11) and (16), the data values of Figs.(a3) and (b3) are derived by Eqs. (11), (14), (15) and (16) based on effective nuclear charge number Z=2.26, Slater orbital parameter l=2.18. In Figs.2 (a1) and 2(b1), the increasing or decreasing of half-bond angle a is obvious according to Eqs.(11) and (16) because of the tensile force. In Fig.2 (a2), the increasing of also obvious due to the force, and the values of 1R and 3Rare closed because Nf is very small and the edge effect of graphene ribbon is neglected, which are also the reason of the bond-length 3Rfor AGR is not changeable in Fig.2(b2), these phenomena are reasonable accord ing to the mechanical knowledge. In Figs.2(a3) and 2(b3), the data relations of transfer integrals1g( =2g),3gfor ZGR and AGR with the tensile force are obtained by Eqs. (11), (14), (15) and (16) based on effective nuclear charge number Z=2.26, Slater orbital These values of Zand lare taken for getting the transfer integral without tensile force 0g=-2.734eV and the overlap integral without tensile force =0.098, because 0s0g is between -2.5 and -3eV and is below 0.1for fitting the experimental or first-principles data.0s14 In Fig. 2(a3), the changing of 1gis closed to 3g came from the changing values of 1R and3Rare closed because the tr ansfer integral is related to the bond-length. In Fig. 2(b3), the decreasing of 3g is small, which can be explained that the Hamiltonian His changeable (because the Hamiltonian Hchanges as the tensile force changes) although 3Ris a constant. 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 value(eV)Zigzag edges 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 edges (a) (b) FIG. 3. (Color online) The relation graphs between th e energy gap values and the tensile force at Kpoint. The left graph shows the gap values of the graphene ribbon with zigzag edges drawn by the tensile force, the right graph shows the gap values of the graphene ribbon with armchair edges drawn by the tensile force. These data values are derived by the Eq. (12), and above analytic relations between th e energy bands of p-electrons in ZGR, AGR and the tensile force. In many literatures, 2peis considered as a parameter which is often taken as zero or closed to zero,13,14 in fact, the ()() 2pA A rR H rR eph ph=- -G G GG is much larger than zero whether the ZGR and AGR are drawn by the force or not though the calculation of above formulas based on p-electron wave function 5() / c o srrr elphl p th-=G and Z=2.26,l=2.18, so the energy values of graphene ribbons are dependent mainly other parameters are related in Eq. (5), which produces that the E+- of graphene ribbons without tensile force are not closed to zero at Kpoint due to 2peis not closed to zero, but this defect can be neglected in calculating energy difference EDbetween two energy bands in all Brillouin zone because ED is independent approximately from 2peaccording to Eq. (5) . So we can obtain the accurate data values of ED(including the gap values at Kor 'Kpoint) based on Eq. (5) because 2pecan be neglected and 0g,are taken for fitting the experimental or first-principles data though In Fig. 3, we show the data relations between the gap values of ZGR (shown in Fig. 3(a)), AGR (shown in Fig. 3(b)) and the tensile force at the Kpoint according to the Eq. (12), and above analytic relations between the energy bands of p-electrons in ZGR, AGR and the tensile force based on Z=2.26,l=2.18. In this figure, we find that the tensile force can open an energy gap of ZGR or AGR at the Kpoint and the gap values of ZGR and AGR both increase as the force increases, moreover the gap values of ZGR increase more far than the AGR at the Kpoint as the tensile force increases. For these important phenomenon, we can explain that the opening of energy gap for graphene ribbons is due to the deformation of graphene ribbons produced from the force, and the deformation that zigzag edges are drawn by the fore gives an energy gap more easily. In conclusion, we have investigated the electr onic structures of ZGR and AGR drawn by the tensile force according to the tight-binding appr oximation, and obtained the analytic relations between the energy bands of p-electrons in ZGR, AGR and the tensile force based on only considering the nearest-neighbor interaction and wave function 5() / c o srrr elphl p th-=G is regarded as p-electron wave function. 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structures of graphene ribbons with zigzag shaped edges (ZGRs) and armchair
shaped edges (AGRs) drawn by the tensile force, and obtain the analytic
relations between the energy bands of pi-electrons in ZGR, AGR and the tensile
force based on only considering the nearest-neighbor interaction and the
hydrogen-like atomic wave function is considered as pi-electron wave function.
Importantly, we find the tensile force can open an energy gap at the K point
for ZGR and AGR, and the force perpendicular to the zigzag edges can open
energy gap more easily besides the gap values of ZGR and AGR at the K point
both increase as the tensile force increases.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 30 Apr 2008 02:12:20 GMT"
] | 2008-05-01T00:00:00 | [
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2 using a quantum Langevin description (without betweentheMR and the TLR). One of the main results of our work is to show that the MR can be cooled close to its ground state using realistic parameters: final effective mean phonon numbers below 1 can be reached assuming an initial tem- perature of 10 mK which can be achieved using a dilu- tion refrigerator. We discuss in detail how such a ground state cooling of the MR can be obtained for all kind of parameter choices in practice. II. MODEL AND HAMILTONIAN The system that we consider is shown schematically in Fig.1: end) located at the center of the TLR and is TLR[49]. We restrict the description to the fundamental flexural mode of oscillation of the MR which is modeled as a obandeffective mass m. TheTLR is driven by an external microwave at a frequency od and can be modeled as a single mode LC resonator with frequency o' a= 1/LaCa(the second mode of the TLR [50]), where Lais the inductance and Cathe capacitance of the 10 ~/c45 l FIG. 1: (Color online)Schematic diagram of a (MR) located at the center of a resonator (TLR). The external microwav e drive field enters from the left and drives the TLR. The sig- nal at the output on the right end can be used to measure the motion of the MR via homodyne detection [32, 44, 47, 61]. The Hamiltonian of the system first line describes the free Hamiltonian of the TLR and the MR, respectively, with lowering (rising) opera- tor of the TLR mode a(a+), and the position (momen- tum) operator of the MR x(p) which satisfy [ a,a+] = 1 and [x,p] The first term in the second line is the capacitive coupling between the TLR and the MR. Ac- tually, it describes the capacitive energy between them. The MR and the TLR are assumed to form a capacitor with the capacitance Cg(x)C0 g(1-x/d) (for small dis- placement) depending on the position of the MR ( dis the initial equilibrium distance with- out the coupling and C0 gthe corresponding initial capaci- tance; typically d~1um[47]). be placed in the center of the structure, i.e., its volt- age is given by the antinode voltage of the second (where the rms voltage [49]), since the length of the MR is usually much shorter than that of the TLR: L~cml~10-100 um. The last term in Eq. (1) describes the input driving of the TLR by an external microwave field with the cou- pling strength [22, 36, 49] wherekis the decay rate of the TLR, Pis the input external mi- crowave drive power. Here, the non-rotating wave been ignored since we keep
|e| the fundamental is of the order of 2 px(103- 106) Hz for micromechanical res- onators and 2 px(107- 109) Hz for nanomechanical res- onators; the TLR frequency can be made to be of the order of 2 px10 GHz. Here we will focus on the case of a micro-MR for which the condition obo' ais satisfied. In the interaction picture with respect to the terms, the is a real coupling the detuning, and the modified frequency of the TLR shifted by the cou- pling between TLR and MR. This Hamiltonian resembles that used in cavity- assisted cooling schemes [32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37]. This suggests that the scheme in a mi- crowave TLR can be used to cool the MR like in the case of cooling in an optical cavity. III. QUANTUM LANGEVIN EQUATIONS AND FINAL MEAN PHONON NUMBER The dynamics is also determined by processes that affect both the TLR and the mechanical mode. They are taken into account in a fully consistent way by the quantum Langevin equations [51]: .x=p/m, is the noise operator due to the that the resonator is subject to. They satisfy (N+1)d(t-t'), is the mean number of thermal microwave photons of the TLR, kBis the Boltz- mann constant, Tthe temperature of the damping rate of the MR. For simplicity, we have assumed that both the bath correlated to the exter- nal microwave drive field and the one connected to the MR have the same temperature [43]. We now perform a similar calculation as that given in Refs. [32, 36, 37, 52]. The quantum (3) can be obtained by first replacing the operators by their average and then setting d 0. Hence we can get the steady-state values = the effective detuning. In Eq. (6), we can also take since we will focus on the case 1 which can be achieved by controlling the input power of the external each operator as a c-number plus an additional fluctuation operator, and ne- glecting the nonlinear terms (since we have chosen 1), we obtain a set of linear quantum (see Eq. (A1)) and then solve for the spec- trum of the position and momentum of the MR as in Refs. [32, 36, 37, 52], see Appendix A. Using the fluctuation spectra of the MR as given in Eqs. (A10,A11), we can define the final mean phonon number in the steady state [36] (7) where the variances of position and momentum allows us to define the effective temperature (9) In the next section, we will consider the cooling of the MR by discussing its final effective mean phonon number (or equivalently, its effective temperature) in detail.IV. COOLING OF THE MR The finaleffective meanphonon numberofthe MR and using Eq. (7). Alternatively, instead of being evaluated directly, Eq. (8) can also be using the approximation scheme described in the following. The effective mechanical damping rate geff b(o) =gb+
gca(o) can be significantly very large, see Eq. (A16). Let us con- sider the most interesting regime when the effective mechanical damping rate is less than the mechanical frequency: |geff b(o)|< ob, (that is, the effective quality factor and also less than the decay rate of TLR: |geff b(o)|< k [33, 34, 37, 53]. In this regime, the effective frequency is unchanged oeff b(o)ob[36, 54] according to Eq. (A15), and the effective susceptibility is peaked around +-ob. Then one can get an ap- proximate expression for the (10) where the effective thermal noise spectrum S' th(o) and the induced noise spectrum S' ca(o) are the ofSth(o) andSca(o), (11) S' ca(o) = one can (13) Figure 2 showsthe variance ofposition a func- tion of the effective detuning . The dashed lines corre- spond toa integralin Eq.(8). The solid lines describe the approximate results obtained through Eq. (10) which can be seen to agree perfectly with the exact numerical evaluation. We checked that this is also the case for the variance of the Eq. (10), the induced noise spectrum S' ca(ob) the motionofthe MR. On the otherhand, when the effective damping rate is enhanced: the mechanical motion will reduce, that means cool- ing. Mathematically, the cooling effect would whenthe increased. Actually, this is right when the detuning. However, it is not the case when geff b(ob) is negative negative detuning
<0). That is because the stability conditions, derived using Ref. [55], are satisfied only for positive detuning4 0.5 1.0 /c61 b/c119 /c107 2 . 0/c61 FIG. 2: (Color online) Variance of units a function of effective detuning . The dashed lines are obtained by numerically evaluating the integral in Eq. (8), the solid lines by using the approximate ex- pressions Eqs. (10,13). Here, T= 2x104ob,e= 2.5x103ob, gb= 0.25x10-4ob, andk=ob(upper lines) or k= 0.2ob (lower lines). [32, 52, 60]. In fact, a negative effective damping means the amplitude motion of the MR will be amplified which will lead to an instability [56, 57, 58]. In what follows, we will focus on the case of >0. According to Eqs. (7,10,13), one the initial mean thermal excitation phonon number of the between the MR and the TLR. As discussed above, the significant reduced value of nf b in Eq. (14) can only be obtained when the rate gca(ob) (or effective damping rate geff b(ob)) is positive and much larger than the original one (but still less than the decay rate of TLR and less than the frequency of the MR as discussed (17) This can be satisfied by enhancing the value of is, by controlling the capacitive coupling strength g0 and increasing the external microwave drive power Pto make|e|large (equivalently, will be large). In prac- tice, the capacitive coupling strength g0would be limited by the realistic system, and the external ewould also be limited according to the validity of the rotating wave approach as we mentioned bnn/f FIG. 3: (Color online) Final mean phonon number in the steady state nf bvs. effective detuning and decay rate kof the TLR ( T= for the other parameters see Fig. 2). Here we put the length of the MR las large as 10 andTLR dassmall as 1um (see Fig. 1) in order to get a large will lead to large g0, and fix |e|=oa/8 for all the numerical calculations. Then for a effective damping rate, the final mean phonon number reduces (18) In order to get the ground state cooling, that is, should be much less than 1. Especially, if the gca(ob) is enough to the limit nca: nf b-nca. (20) Now we discuss the possible minimal value of ncaby discussing all kinds of parameters, e.g., k, , and N. From Eq. (16), it is obvious that the optimal value of k satisfies the high-quality cavity limit k2o2 b, (21) and the optimal detuning satisfies the corresponding induced mean phonon (22) The optimal Nneeds a sufficiently low initial temper- ature of the bath which is limited in practice to the ex- perimental dilute refrigerator temperatures. For the TLR scheme, its microwave frequency is of the order of 2 px1010Hz. For the initial the ground- state cooling of the MR is not possible. Therefore, less than 100 mK are required to that in other optical schemes except the limit of initial temperatures. In the optical cavity case at room temperature) and therefore N0, the optimal value of (23) which is just the case of resolved sideband cooling as dis- cussed in the optomechanical cooling schemes [22, 23, 25, 26, 28]. We would like to point out that these references also mention another cooling limit: the Doppler cool- ing limit, which is realized in our system when N0, andk2o2 bin Eq. (24) On the other hand, if Nk2/4o2 b, the induced mean phonon number ncain Eq. (22) becomes nca-N. In the classical limit when the initial temperature is so one (25) which isalsogivenin Ref. [31]. TheDoppler coolinglimit in Eq. (24) and the classical cooling limit in Eq. (25) pre- clude ground state cooling. We will focus on the cooling in this paper. The final mean phonon number nf bis plotted as a func- tion of the effective detuning and the decay rate kof the TLR in Fig. 3. It is clear that one can obtain a significant suppression of the mechanical motion of the MR in the positive detuning range ob. The opti- mal cooling is obtained for k2o2 b, which agrees with both the above analysis and that in other treatments of cooling [22, 23, 25, 26, 42]. Physically, as discussed in the back-action optome- chanical cooling schemes in optical cavities (Refs. [33, 34, 36, 37, 60]), the external driving microwave is scat- tered by the TLR + MR system mostly to the first Stokes sideband ( od-ob) and the first anti-Stokes side- band (od+ob). The generation of an anti-Stokes photon will coolthe MR by taking awaya phonon ofthe MR. On the contrary, the generation of a Stokes photon will heat the MR by creating a phonon. When the effective de- tuning >0, the microwave field of the TLR (with the frequency oaod+0od+) interacts with the od-ob), is the physical reason why the positive effective de- tuning ( >0) will lead to cooling. In the limit k < o b, the anti-Stokes (Stokes) sideband is resolved, and the corresponding cooling (heating) pro- cess is prominent. Especially, for the optimal ob, the frequency of the TLR is resonant with that of the anti-Stokes sideband, which will appar- ently lead to optimal cooling. This physical discussion is consistent with the calculation presented above. Figure 3 suggests there is a finite optimal value of kfor a fixed effective detuning. That is because one should have both a small value of ncaand a large effec- tive damping rate gca(ob) in order to get strong cooling: kshould not be too large, since ncadepends somewhat on the value of k2/o2 b;kshould not be too small, since gca(ob)-0 whenk-0 [59]. In the cooling process, the thermal energy of the MR is mainly first transferred to the TLR. When the decay rate of the TLR is too small: k-0, the energy leakage out of the TLR is too weak, and one could not obtain a strong 0.1 0.2 0.3 4: (Color online) (a) Optimal final mean phonon number obtained by numerically evaluating the integral in Eq. (8) (dashed line) or using the approximate expression in Eqs. (10,13) (solid line) as a function of kat the optimal ef- fective detuning = ob. (b) Logarithm of the ratio of effective damping rate geff b(ob) tokas a func- tion ofk. Here,T= For the other parameters see Fig. 2. We would like to emphasize that the results shown in Fig. 3 are based on the approximate expressions Eqs. (10,13), where the condition of the so-called weak- coupling limit [34, 44] has been assumed, that is, the effective damping rate of the MR should be always less than the decay rate of the cavity and less than the fre- quency of the MR |geff b(ob)|< k,o b. Normally the weak- coupling is satisfied but not in some special cases. In Fig. 4(b), the weak-coupling condition is violated when k/ob<0.1 at the optimal effective detuning = ob. Beyond the weak coupling limit, Fig. 4(a) shows that the approximate treatment through Eqs. (10,13) ceases to be valid. Then one should discuss the cooling, e.g., effective mean phonon number in Eq. (7), by using the of the integral in Eq. (8). But going beyond the weak-coupling limit, the contribution from the posi-6 tion variance is not equivalent to that from the momen- tum variance any more [36]. In other words, the is not satisfied. That means it is hard to define an effective temperature since it is not in a strict thermal state. According to the above analysis, both the and weak-coupling limit should be satisfied, so the optimal decay rate of the TLR is better taken to bek0.1obfor the typical parameters in Fig. 4. condition depends only weakly on the ini- tial temperature Tand the original damping rate of the MRgbin the cooling process. In what follows, we will consider the optimal decay rate at k0.1obfor Tandgb, for which the weak coupling limit is always satisfied. In Fig. 5, the ratio of final effective temperature Teff to bath temperature Tis plotted as a function of the effective detuning for the optimal k0.1ob. Appar- ently, here the weak coupling limit is satisfied (according to the above analysis in Fig. 4). For initial tempera- turesT= 100, 30, and 10 mK, the corresponding initial mean phonon numbers are nb= 980, and 330, with the final mean phonon number nf b1.6, 0.5, and 0.16, respectively. It is obvious that a significant cooling of the MR is ob- tained and lower initial temperatures will generally lead to better cooling. For an initial temperature T= 10 mK, which can be realized experimentally by using a the MR (with the frequency ob~4 MHz) can be cooled close to the ground state since the final mean phonon number mKT=30 mKT=100 mK 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.41234 FIG. 5: (Color online) The final mean phonon number vs. effective detuning for three initial temperatures: T= T= 30mK(solid lines), T= lines). Here, k= 0.1ob,m= 1.5x10-13kg,ob= 4 MHz,gb= Qbob/gb= 4x104). For the other parameters see Fig. 2 . For an initial temperature of T= 10 mK as in Fig. 5, the final mean phonon number would in principle be nca (in Eq. (16)), which is much less than that obtained in Fig. This when the condition in Eq. (19) is satisfied. Unfortunately, itisnotthe caseforthe parame- ters in Fig. 5. A possible way to approach this conditionis to increase the quality factor of the MR. In Fig. 6, the final effective mean phonon number is plotted as a function of the effective detuning for different quality factors of MR Qb(ob/nb):Qb= Ref. [44]); Qb= 105, 4x105, 106(expected in the nearfuture). 0.01. One can find the cooling is better for a higher quality factor of the MR. 0.9 1 /c61bQ4104/c180 6: (Color online) The final effective mean phonon num- bernf bis plotted as afunction of for different quality factors of the MR: Qb= 4x104, 105, 4x105, 106(from up to down), the corresponding damping rate gb= 100, 40, 10, 4 Hz. Here, T= 10 mK. For the other parameters see Fig. 5. The cooling discussed above can be measured by a ho- modyne detection method like that given in the scheme of cavity-assisted cooling of a MR [32, 44, 47, 61]. The motion of the MR can be output the field phase quadrature) of the TLR (as seen in Fig. 1) since the measurement of the output spectrum corresponds to a faithful measurement of the MR motion [47]. V. ob~2px106 Hz can be cooled close to its ground state when it is cou- pled to a typical TLR ( oa~2px1010Hz). Actually, by considering the optimal parameters in this scheme, that is, assuming the high-quality cavity limit ( k2o2 b), a positive optimal effective detuning ( ob), a low initial temperature (e.g., T= 10 mK in order that N10-270), a high quality factor of the and both strong external input microwave drive power Pand strong capacitive g0to get the significantly increased positive ef- fective damping rate ( we find that resolved sideband cooling of the MR occurs. The possible minimal value of the final effective phonon num- ber could approach the induced mean phonon Moreover, one should also consider the condition of weak-coupling limit, that is, the significantly increased effective damping rate be less than both obandk(in the limit, one only needs geff b(ob)< k). This condi- tion requiresthat kmust not be too small though lower k will lead to lower nca. As shown in Fig. 2 and its discus- sion, there will be an optimal range of k. For the in this cooling scheme, we take k~0.1ob (though this is not the optimal result in general). We find that a MR with ob= 4 MHz can be cooled close to its ground state with the final effective mean phonon number in the steady state: nf b0.16 (for a typical qual- ity factor Qb= 4x104) ornf b0.01 (for a high 106) by using the resolved sideband cooling scheme when it is coupled to a driven TLR (with the frequency oa= 8x1010Hz). We conditionin Eq.(19), which can lead to nf b-nca. As pointed out in the discussion of Figs. (5, 6), this is not always satisfied. A possible way to approach this condition is to increase the quality factor of the MR. For example, if the quality factor of the MR is high enough (e.g., Qb>107), one would have the optimal 0.0025, for which the MR is cooled much closer to the ground state. The back-action self-cooling scheme presented here is similar to the cooling scheme [33, 34]. In both cases, the MR can be cooled close to its ground state using resolved sideband cooling which is possible in the limit ofa But it seems that this limit (e.g., k= 0.1ob, forob= 4x106Hz) theop- tical cavity. In the case of a TLR (typically oa= 8x1010 Hz), quality factors of Qa=oa/k= 2x105have been seen in experiments [47, 62]. However, in the case of an optical cavity ( oa~1015Hz), the corresponding qual- ity factor should be Qa=oa/k~2.5x109, which is hard to achieve since the typical cavity quality factor conclude, we have studied the self-cooling of a mechanical resonator that is capacitively coupled to resonator. The discussion was based on a linearized quantum Langevin equation. The cool- ing method presented here is similar to the self-cooling of a MR coupled to an optical cavity by radiation pres- sure. By using the optimal parameters discussed above, the MR can be cooled close to its ground state in the high-quality cavity and weak-coupling would like thank C.B. Doiron and I. Wilson- Rae for helpful discussions. This work was supported by the Swiss NSF, the NCCR Nanoscience, the EC IST-FET project EuroSQUIP, and partially supported by the NSFC through Grant No. 10574133. Y.D.W. also acknowledges support by the JSPS KAKENHI No. 18201018 and MEXT-KAKENHI No. 18001002. F.X. was supported in part at the Technion by an Aly Kaufman A: EQUIVALENCE THEORY The linearized quantum Langevin equations read d.x=dp/m, solve these equations, we define the Fourier trans- form for an operator (A2) and for its Hermitian conjugate u+(if any) u+(t) (A3) which lead (N+1)d(ohm-o), solving the linear quantum Langevin equations in the frequency domain, we obtain d~x(o) =iomd~x(o), (A6b) whereB(o) andC(o) calculate the effective temperature of the MR, we define the fluctuation spectra of position and momentum [32, 36, 51] of the MR, which are given by the function: Sx(o) the steady-state average. can also be defined to Eqs. (A6), the spectra of the MR can be written as Sx(o) = (om)2Sx(o), (A12) is the thermal noise spectrum due to the Brownian mo- tion of the MR; and Sca(o) the induced noise spectrum due to the capacitive cou- pling to the driven TLR The effective susceptibility is defined as kheff(o) and can be simplified the effective frequency of the MR isoeff b(o) the effective damping rate geff b(o) =gb+gca(o) with the additional term gca(o) from the capacitive to the definition of the additional damping rate in Eq. (A16), the induced noise spectrum Sca(o) in Eq. (A13) can also expressed as Sca(o) V. B. Braginsky and A. B. Manukin, Measurement of Weak Forces in Physics Experiments (The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1977). [2] C. M. Caves, K. S. Thorne, R. W. P. Drever, V. D. Sand- berg, and M. Zimmermann, Rev. Mod. Phys. 52, 341 (1980); M. F. Bocko and R. Onofrio, Rev. Mod. Phys. 68, 755 (1996); M. D. LaHaye, O. Buu, B. Camarota, and K. C. Schwab, Science 304, 74 (2004). [3] K. L. Ekinci, Y. 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Micromechanical Resonator | 8 pages, 6 figures | Phys. Rev. B 78, 134301 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.134301 | null | quant-ph cond-mat.other | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We propose a quantum description of the cooling of a micromechanical flexural
oscillator by a one-dimensional transmission line resonator via a force that
resembles cavity radiation pressure. The mechanical oscillator is capacitively
coupled to the central conductor of the transmission line resonator. At the
optimal point, the micromechanical oscillator can be cooled close to the ground
state, and the cooling can be measured by homodyne detection of the output
microwave signal.
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Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Modified Sakai-Sugimoto model with tachyon 4 2.1 Brane-antibrane pair with tachyon 5 2.2 Classical equations for brane profile and tachyon 7 2.3 Solution for large u 9 2.4 Quark mass and the ultraviolet cut-off 10 2.5 Solution for u~u0 11 3. Numerical solutions 12 3.1 Verification of the UV and IR analytic solutions 13 3.2 Behaviour of the non-normalizable part 14 3.3 Behaviour of the asymptotic brane-antibrane separation 17 3.4 Comparison with the Sakai-Sugimoto solution 17 4. The chiral condensate 20 4.1 Action for ( u,x)-dependent Tandh 21 4.2 Condensate in terms of the tachyon solution 24 5. The meson spectra 26 5.1 Vector mesons 27 5.2 Axial vector and pseudoscalar mesons 28 5.3 Relation between pion mass and non-normalizable part of tachyon 32 6. Summary and Discussion 35 A. Overlapping D8-D8-brane system 37 B. Scalar fluctuations 38 C. Calculation of the exact (u,x)-dependent action 43 - 1 -1. Introduction The model of Sakai and Sugimoto (SS) [1] has been very successfu l in model, the 'colour' Yang-Mills fields are provided by the massless o pen of a stack of a large number NcofD4-branes, which are extended along the four space-time directions and in addition wrap a circle [2]. In the strong coupling limit, this stack of D4-branes has a dual description in terms of a classical gravity theory. Flavour degrees of freedom are introd uced in the as fermionic open string fluctuations between the co lour branes and an additional set of 'flavour' branes [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], which are prov ided by pairs of D8 andD8-branes. In this setting, chiral symmetry breaking has a nice geo In the ultraviolet, chiral symmetry arises on flavour D8-branes and D8- branes, which are located at well-separated points on the circle, wh ile they are extended along the remaining eight spatial directions, including the h direction. Chiral symmetry breaking in the infrared is signaled by a smooth joining of the flavour branes and antibranes at some point in the bulk [1,9,1 0,11,12,13, 14, 15, 16, 17], the SS model has some deficiencies: (i) It does not h ave with quark mass and the chiral condensate. On the oth er hand, there is a parameter, the asymptotic separation between the flavour bra nes and within the SS scenario, finds no counterpart in QCD; (ii) The SS model between flavour D8-braneand D8-brane, whichmay be reasonable in the ultraviolet where the branes and antibranes ar e well separated, but is not so at the place in the bulk where the branes join. It is often argued that in the curved background of the wrapped D4-branes, the geometry forces flavour branes to join in the interior. While this is true of flavour branes and a ntibranes that are well-separated asymptotically (separation of the order o f the it cannot be the reason when the separation is small and the branes and antibranes meet far away from the central region. For small sepa ration, the effective radius of the direction on which the D4-branes are wrapped is very large and so one would expect tachyon condensation to be the primary reason f or branes and antibranes meeting, as in the extremal D4-brane metric. Since the tachyon field takes an infinitely large value in the true ground state1, the perturbative given in [1], valid for small fluctuations of the tachyon field n ear the local minimum at the origin, does not apply. It has recently been suggested in [19, 20, 21] that tachyon conde nsation on a brane-antibrane system describes the physics of chiral symmet ry breaking in a better and more complete way. If the brane and antibrane are we 21] then one also retains the nice geometric picture of the SS mo del for non- 1For a recent review of this subject, see [18]. - 2 -abelian chiral symmetry breaking. The purpose of the present wor k is to complete the investigations started in [21]. Here we give detailed numerical solu tions to the classical equations for the brane profile and the tachyon. We s how that the solution in which the tachyon diverges at the point in the bulk where th e brane and antibrane meet has only one free parameter, which may be take n to be the asymptotic separation between the flavour brane and the antibra ne. We evidence that the non-normalizable part of the asympto tic Thus, 23, 24, 25], this parameter determines quark mass in the bound ary theory [26, 16]. The parameter for the asymptotic brane-antibrane sepa ration is present in the SS model also, but in that setting it cannot be explained as a par ameter , in our model. The presence of a non-normalizable part in t he tachyon solution necessitates introduction of an ultraviolet cut-off. This is b ecause in this case the numerical solutions tend to rapidly diverge from the desire d beyond a sufficiently large value of the radial coordinate, determined by the magnitude of the non-normalizable part. This cut-off is param etrically far smaller than the cut-off of order N4/3expected because of the breakdown of description in terms of a 10-dimensional gravity theory. Removing t he necessarily involves tuning the non-normalizable part t o zero. We discuss how this should be done appropriately. We also discuss the chiral con densate and its determination by the normalizable part of the asymptotic tachyo n solution. This determination is subtle for two reasons. One is the fact that th e classical solutions are described by a single parameter and hence part of the tachyon cannot be varied independen t of the The resolution of this issue requires us to consider mo re by incorporating space-time dependence. But for this on e has to go beyond theexpansion insmall space-time dependent fluctuations a round solutions, basically because this expansion is singular fo r the tachyon solution in the infrared. An exact space-time dependent action is ne eded, which we derive. The other subtlety has to do with the necessity of an ultrav iolet cut-off. To extract physics, we addcounter-terms tot terms in the boundary action which are divergent as the cut -off is formally allowed to go to infinity. With an appropriate choice of the counter-t erms we get a finite value for the chiral condensate. Finally, we discuss meson sp ectra in detail and show that the pion mass is nonzero in the presence of a non-nor malizable part of the tachyon and that it satisfies the Gell-Mann -Oakes-Renner (GOR) relation when quark mass is small. The organization of this paper is as follows. In the next section we will hyonpresent. This section also includes a more detailed discussion of the cut-off and its im plications - 3 -than given in [21]. In section 3 we describe in detail the numerical solut ions for the brane profile and the tachyon. This section also contains a discu ssion of the parameters of the solutions and their determination in terms of a sin gle the asymptotic brane-antibrane separation. In section 4 we discuss the subtleties involved in deriving an expression for the chiral condensa te in terms of the parameters of the solutions. We derive the exact 5-dimensiona l action in which the tachyon and brane-antibrane separation fields have depende nce on space-time as well as the holographic coordinate and discuss solutions to the eq uations derived from this action. We also discuss the counter-terms required to ma ke the finite as the cut-off is formally removed to infinity. In se ction 5 we analyse small fluctuations around the classical solution for the mes on spectra. We show that the existence of a massless pion is guaranteed if the non- of the tachyon solution vanishes. For a non vanishing non-nor malizable part of the tachyon solution, we obtain an expression for the pion mass a nd derive the GOR relation for it. We end with a summary and discussion in section 6. T he Appendices contain details of some calculations. As this work was nearing completion, the works [28] and [29] appeare d which have discussed the problem of quark mass in SS model using different methods. 2. Modified Sakai-Sugimoto model with tachyon The Yang-Mills part of the SS model is provided by the near horizon limit of a D4-branes, filling the (3 + 1)-dimensional space-time directions xu(u= 1,2,3 and 0) and wrapping a circle in the x4direction of radius Rk. Anti periodic boundary condition for fermions on this circle gives masses t o all fermions at the tree level (and scalars at one-loop level) and breaks all supe rsymmetries. At low energies compared to l-1 s, the theory on the D4-branes is (4 + Yang-Mills with 't Hooft coupling l5= (2p)2gslsNc, of length dimension. At energies lower than the Kaluza-Klein mass scale, R-1 k, this reduces to pure Yang- Mills in (3 + 1) dimensions. This is true in the weak coupling regime, l5<< R k, in which the dimensionally transmuted scale developed in the effective Y ang-Mills theory in (3 + 1) dimensions is much smaller than the Kaluza-Klein mass s cale, which is the high energy cut-off for the effective theory. In the str ong k, in which the dual gravity description is reliable, these two scales are similar. Therefore in this regime there is no separation between t he masses of glueballs and Kaluza-Klein states. This is one of the reasons why the g ravity regime does not describe real QCD, but the belief is that qualitative featur es of QCD like confinement and chiral symmetry breaking, which are easy to stud y in the strong coupling regime using dual geometry, survive tuning of the dimension less low values. - 4 -Flavours are introduced in this setting by placing a stack of at the point at the point x4 Ron the thermal circle. Massless open strings between D4-branes and D8-branes, which are confined to the (3 + 1)-dimensional space-time intersection of the branes, provid Similarly, massless D4-branesand number of leading to alocal symmetry on the flavour D8 andD8-branes. This chiral gauge symmetry is seen in the boundary theory as a global chiral symmetry. In the large Ncand strong coupling limit, the appropriate description of is given by the dual background geometry. This backgro und solution can be obtained from the Euclidean type IIA sugra solution f or by a wick rotation of one of the four noncompact directio ns which the D4-branes fill, in addition to wrapping the compact In the near horizon limit, it is given by [2, F 4=2pNc V4o4, f (U) = andUkis a constant parameter of the solution2. Ris related to the 5-d Yang-Mills coupling, l5, which is kept fixed in the byR3=l5a' 4p. Also,dohm4, o4andV4= 8p2/3 are respectively the line element, the volume form and the volume of a unit S4. The above metric has a conical singularity at U=Ukin can be avoided only if x4has a specific periodicity. This condition relates the radius of the circle in the x4direction to the parameters of the background R kthe curvature is small everywhere and so the approximation to a classical gravity background is reliable. As discussed in [27], at very la rge values of U, the string coupling becomes large and one has to lift the backgroun d over to M-theory description. 2.1 Brane-antibrane pair with tachyon The effective field theory describing the dynamics of a brane-antibr ane pair in a background geometry3with the tachyon included has been discussed in [31, 32]. 2Note that Uhas dimension of length and is related to the energy scale ~U, which is kept fixed in the decoupling limit, by U=~Ua'. 3For simplicity, we will discuss the case of a single flavour, namely one br ane-antibrane to the multi-flavour case can be done using the symmm etrized trace prescription of [30]. - 5 -Thesimplest this case all the transverse scalars are set to zero. This is the sit uation However, inthis thenice geometrical p icture breaking of the SS model. The geometrical picture is reta ined in the case considered in [20, 21] where the brane and antibrane are separate d in the This requires construction of an effective tachyon actio n on a brane- antibrane pair, taking into account the transverse scalars. Such an effective action with the brane and antibrane separated along a noncompact direct ion has been proposed in [31, 32]4. A generalization of this action to the case when the brane and antibrane are separated along a periodic direction is not known. However, for small separation l(U) compared to the radius Rkof the circle, the action in [32] should provide a reasonable approximation to the compact case. In the following we will assume this to be so. Then, the effective low-energy tachyon action for a D8 andD8-brane pair for l(U)<<R kis given, in the above background, 1+T2l2 2pa'g44, V(T,l) have used thefact thatthe background doesnot depend o n x4. The complete action also includes terms involving Chern-Simons (CS) couplings of thegaugefields andthetachyon sourced by will not be needed in the following analysis and hence have not be en potential V(t) depends only on the modulus Tof the complex tachyon t. It is believed that V(t) satisfies the following general properties [18]:
*V(T) has a maximum at T= 0 and a minimum at T=where it vanishes. 4Also see [33]. 5Strictly speaking, this action is valid only when the brane and antibran e are separated along a noncompact direction. However, as we shall see later, a posterior i justification for using this action is provided by the classical solutions for the brane-antibrane profi le. In these solutions, for small asymptotic separation, the brane and antibrane meet far away fr om the central region. In this case, to a good approximation, the factor f(U) in the background metric can be set to identity, which is equivalent to setting the radius Rkto infinity. - 6 -*The normalization of V(T) is fixed by the requirement that the vortex solution on the brane-antibrane system should produce the corre ct tensions. In the present case this means V(0) =T8= 1/(2p)8l9 sgs, theD8-brane tension.
*In flat space, the expansion of V(T) aroundT= 0 up to terms quadratic in Tgives rise to a tachyon with mass-squared equal to -1/2a'. There are several proposals for V(T) which satisfy these requirements [18], although no rigorous derivation exists. Examples are (i) the potent ial used in [34, 35, 36] for calculation of decay of unstable D-branes in two-dim ensional =T8sechpT; (2.5) and (ii) the potential obtained using boundary string field theory co mputation [37, 38, 39, 40] V(T) =T8e-p 2T2. (2.6) Both these potentials satisfy the properties listed above. Note th at the asymptotic form of the potential in (2.5) for large Tis~e-pT. The linear growth of the exponent with Tshould be contrasted with the quadratic growth for the potential in (2.6). This difference will turn out to be important for the backgro und which are discussed next. We end this subsection with the following observation. It can be easily seen that in the decoupling limit all factors of a'scale out of the entire action, any scaling of the transverse scalar lor the tachyon t. In fact, the entire action can be rewritten in terms of l5and~U, quantities that are kept fixed in the scaling limit. Henceforth, we will use the convention 2 pa'= 1. 2.2 Classical equations for brane profile and Let us set the gauge fields and all but the derivatives with r espect toU ofTandx4 ito zero. Moreover, we choose x4 L=l/2 andx4 R=-l/2 so that the separation between the brane and antibrane is l. In this case, in the static gauge the action (2.3) simplifies CS term in the action does not contribute for such configuratio ns. - 7 -It is convenient to remove the dependence on R(except for an overall factor in the action) through a redefinition of l(U) =R3h(u), Uk=uk/R3. (2.9) In terms of the new variables, we = (1-u3 k/u3). The effective potential for the tachyon can be obtained from this a ction by settingT'=h'= 0. It (2.12) In Figure 1 we have plotted Veffas a function of Tfor various values of u. We see that a perurbatively stable minimum at T= 0 for large values of uturns into an unstable maximum at a sufficiently small value of u. This is true for any fixed, non- zero value of h. Moreover, the value of uat which there is an unstable maximum atT= 0 increases as 2 3 1: The effective potential Veffas a function of Tfor different values of ufor a fixed non-zero value of h. The equations of motion obtained from the action (2.10) 8 -Note that the 'prime' on V(T) denotes a derivative w.r.t. its argument Tand not a derivative w.r.t. u. This is a complicated set of coupled nonlinear differential equations wh ich can besolved completely onlynumerically. To get someinsight into thekind o fsolutions that are possible, however, we had analysed these equations in [21] for the brane-antibrane joining point in the bulk. For these values ofuthe equations simplify and can be treated analytically. For the sake of co mpleteness, we will summarize the results of this analysis here before proceeding to solutions to these equations. As in the case without the t achyon, we are looking for solutions in which the brane and antibrane have a given i.e.h(u)-h0asu- , and they join at some interior point in the bulk, i.e.h(u)-0 atu=u0>=uk7. Moreover, we want the tachyon (i) to vanish asu- so that the chiral symmetry is intact in the ultraviolet region and (ii) t o go to infinity as uapproaches u0so that the QCD chiral anomalies are [19]. 2.3 Solution for large u Here we seek a solution in which h(u) approaches a constant asu- . For small Tone can approximate V'/V~ -pT8. IfTand h'go to zero sufficiently fast as u- such that to the leading order one dT~u-3/2, then (2.13) can be approximated (2.15) The general solution of this equation is T(u) (2.16) In writing this solution we have ignored a higher order term in 1 /ufor consistency with other terms in equation (2.13) that we have neglected at large u. We will discuss consistency of this solution below. Let us first discuss the s olution for h(u). The fact that the tachyon takes small values for large umakes it irrelevant for the leading asymptotic behaviour of h, which can be extracted from (2.14) by setting the r.h.s. to zero. The resulting equation 0, (2.17) which has the solution h(u) =h0-h1u-9/2. (2.18) 7The inequality results from the lower bound on u. 8This follows from the general properties of the potential discusse d in section 2.1. - 9 -Hereh1is restricted to positive values so that the branes come together in the bulk. For SS model without the tachyon, the value ofuwhere the branes meet in the bulk. It is easy to convince oneself that the only solution to equations (2.1 3) and (2.14) in which Tvanishes asymptotically and hgoes to a constant is (2.16) with T-= 0. In particular, for example, these equations have no solutions in whichT vanishes asymptotically as a power law. 2.4 Quark mass and the ultraviolet cut-off In the tachyon solution (2.16), the exponentially falling part satisfie s under which (2.15) was derived for any large value of u. rising part will, however, eventually become large and ca nnot be used. This is because for sufficiently large u, there is no for Twhich grows exponentially or even as a power-law to the (2.13) and (2.14), if we impose the restriction that h(u) should go to a constant asymptotically. This puts a restriction on the value of ubeyond which the generic solution (2.16) cannot be used. The most restrictive condit ion comes from the approximation dT~u-3/2. This requires the maximum value, umax, to satisfy the generic values of |T+-|andh0, this inequality determines a range of values of umaxfor which the solution (2.16) can be trusted. The value T-= 0 is special since in this case there is no upper limit on umax, except the cut-off that comes from the fact that the 10-dimensional description of the background geom etry breaks down beyond some very large value ( ~N4/3 c) ofu. However, as is clear from (2.19), for nonzero |T-|one needs to choose a much smaller value of umax. reported in the next section bear out this expectation . It is important to emphasize that the ultraviolet cut-off we are talkin g about here does not merely play the usual role of a cut-off needed in any ex ample of AdS/CFT with a non-normalizable part present in a solution to the bulk equations. The point is that there is no growing solution to the tachyon equation in the ultraviolet which is consistent with a brane profile that goes to a finite separation. This constraint limits the value of uup to which the asymptotic solutions, (2.16) and (2.18), can be trusted. One way to think about the inequality (2.19) is the following. Suppose f or given values of |T+-|we have chosen the largest value of umaxconsistent with be kept fixed, as umaxis increased. To be concrete, let us keep asumaxis increased. The process of removing the cut-off can then be understood as increasing umaxand simultaneous decreasing |T-|while - 10 -keeping|T+|and the combination In this process, at some become much smaller than |T-|eh0umax. As we shall see in the next section, however, limitations due to numerical accuracy prev ent us from tuning
|T-|to very small values, or equivalently tuning umaxto be very large. Thus we are numerically restricted to rather small values of umax. For values of ularger than umax, the inequality (2.19) breaks down and consequently the asymptot ic solution (2.16) is not applicable. Clear evidence for this breakdown is seen in th e reported in the next section. It is natural to associate T-with the quark mass since this parameter comes with the growing solution. Evidence for this will be given in section 5 whe re we will show that for a small nonzero value of this parameter, the pion m ass is nonzero and proportional to it. It is also natural to associate T+with the chiral it comes with the normalizable solution. It turns out that th is association too is consistent, though this part of the story is somewhat more c omplicated, as we shall see in section 4. It is interesting to mention here that keeping the combination as the cut-off becomes large implies an exponential dependenc e A similar dependence of the quark mass on the cut-off has been observed in [28, 29], though the methods used for computing quark mass in these works are quite different from ours. In [29] the cut-o ff arises from the location of a D6-brane, which is additionally present in that model, thereby giving a physical meaning to the cut-off. 2.5 Solution for u~u0 Here we are looking for a solution in which h-0 andT- asu-u0. Let us assume a power law ansatz, T(u)~(u-u0)-b. (2.20) For a smooth joining of the brane and antibrane at u0, the derivative of hmust diverge at this point, which is ensured if a <1. Since for this ansatz T'2is the largest quantity for u-u0, we can approximate dT~T'(u)2. We will also need the asymptotic formofthe potential V(T)for largeT, which depends being used. From the asymptotic form of the potential in (2.5), we get V'(T)/V(T)~ -p, while for the potential in (2.6), we get V'(T)/V(T)~ -pT. Putting all this in (2.13) and (2.14), it is easy to verify that these equ ations cannot be satisfied by the ansatz (4.9) for the potential (2.6). They are, however, satisfied for the potential in (2.5). In fact, in this case the powers as well as the coefficients all get fixed9: h(u) (2.21) 9In [20] the power of ( u-u0) with which the brane-anibrane separation falls-off in the bulk has been left undetermined. This power is actually determined by (2.13) a nd (2.14), as can be easily - 11 -T(u) (2.22) An important feature of the above solution is that it depends only on a namely the value of u0. We have checked that this feature persists in the next few higher orders in a power series expansion in ( u-u0). This is in sharp contrast to the asymptotic solution (2.16), (2.18) which de pends on all the four expected parameters, T+, T-, h0, h1. This reduction in the number of parameters issimilar to what happens intheSS model where thesolut ion foru~u0 depends only on one parameter, although the asymptotic solution d epends on two parameters. In the present case the reduction in the number of p arameters is even more severe; the solution for u~u0matches with only a one-parameter subspace of the four-parameter space of asymptotic solutions. As we will dis cuss later, freedom of the classical solution turns out to be a nalogous to the freedom to add a bare quark mass in solutioninwh but goes to a nonzero constant as u-u0. In this case we can Substituting in (2.13) we see that the l.h.s. diverges as (u-u0)-a. The first term on the r.h.s. vanishes as a positive power, but the se cond term diverges as ( u-u0)a-1, sincea <1. For consistency we must have a= 1/2. The resulting solution h(u) (2.23) T(u) (2.24) also satisfies (2.14). Note that no special condition was required fo r the to get this solution; this solution exists for any potential. 3. Numerical solutions The equations (2.13), (2.14) cannot be solved analytically. One need s to use numerical tools to get a solution. We have made use of mathematica f or this. Also, for numerical calculations we have chosen the potential (2.5) , since there is no diverging solution for T(u) foru~u0for the potential (2.6), as discussed above. The numerical calculations are easier to do if we start from the u=u0end and evolve towards the large uend. This avoids the fine-tuning one would have to do if one were to start from large values of u, where the general solution has four parameters, and end on a one-parameter subspace for u~u0. We must checked by consistently expanding these equations on both sides a nd going beyond the leading order in powers of ( u-u0). We have also verified this power by numerical calculations reporte d in the next section. - 12 -also satisfy the requirement of working in the parameter region of t he corresponding to the strong coupling. In addition, we ne ed to ensure that the asymptotic separation between flavour branes and antib ranes is small compared to the radius of the x4circle. Mathematically, these requirements are l5= Using (2.2) and (2.9), one gets these requirements Throughout our we will work with uk= 1, which satisfies the first condition easily, while it requires from the second that h02p 3. This condition is also easily satisfied by choosingu0uk= 110. For such values of u0,f(u)~1 for allu>=u0. The boundary conditions are imposed using (2.21), (2.22) at a point u=u1 which we choose as close to u0as allowed by numerics. Generally we were able to reduce (u1-u0) down to about 0 .1 percent of the value of u0. Starting from the values ofT(u1), T'(u1), h(u1) andh'(u1) obtained from (2.21), (2.22) at u=u1, the system was allowed to evolve to larger values of u. Figure 2 shows an example foru0= 12.7. Solutions for both h(u) andT(u) are shown. 15 20 25 30 35u 20 25 30 35u 2: The brane profile and the tachyon solution for u0= 12.7. 3.1 Verification of the UV and IR analytic solutions From the numerical solutions one can verify that h(u) andT(u) are given by the forms (2.21), (2.22), for u~u0. Figure 3 shows the impressive fits between the numerical data and the analytical expectations for the power s of (u-u0) forh(u) andT(u). We have plotted h(u)/h'(u) andT(u)/T'(u), calculated from the numerical solutions, as functions of u. The numerical data are plotted in dashed lines while the theoretical solutions are plotted in solid lines. As one can see, these graphs are linear at the IR end and their slopes turn out to be close to the expected values 0 .5 and-2 respectively. In fact, the numerical and the theoretical curves entirely overlap in the IR region of u, as shown in Figure 3. At the other end also, namely for large u, one can verify that the numerical 10As we shall see below, the asymptotic separation decreases with inc reasing value of u0, as is the case for the SS model. - 13 -13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0u 16 18 20 22u 3: Numerical verification of exponents in the IR behaviour of br ane profile and tachyon. The fits give the two exponents respectively to be 0 .50 and-2.07 foru= 13.1. solutions have the analytic forms (2.18), (2.16). The goodness of t he fits of these analytic forms to numerical data is shown in Figure 4 where again the t wo curves overlap in the asymptotic region of u. The fits yield values of the four parameters: h0= 0.224, h1=-16068, T+= 29194.5, 35 40 45 50u 4: Numerical verification of the asymptotic form of the brane pr ofile and the tachyon. 3.2 Behaviour of the non-normalizable 0, extending numerical calculations much beyond the values of ushown in Figure 2 meets with a difficulty. It turns out that for small u0,T-is the coefficient of the rising exponential in T(u), for a sufficiently large value ofuthis term dominates and so T(u) begins to rise11. Eventually, Tbecomes so large that the conditions under which the asymptotic solutions (2 .18), (2.16) were obtained no longer apply. Figure 5 illustrates this; it shows the s olutions for u0= 12.7 for two different large values of u. In Figure 5(a), after falling very fast, 11We would like to thank Matt Headrick for a discussion on this point and s ome other aspects of our numerical calculations. - 14 -20 30 40 50 60 100 150 200u 5: Solutions for two different large values of u. Trises and then falls again. Almost simultaneous with this is a rapid rise of hfrom one nearly constant value to a higher constant value. Evidently, th is indefinitely with u, as can be seen in Figure 5(b)12. The value of T-decreases with increasing u0. This can be easily deduced from the fact that the maximum value of uup to which the asymptotic solutions (2.16), (2.18) apply, namely before the oscillations begin, increases with incr easingu0. Figure 6 illustrates this by showing the solutions for increasing values ofu0, close As onecansee, increasing thevalueof u0by avery small amount, fromu0= 13 tou0= 13.0878, dramatically increases the threshold for of Tfromu~50 tou~120! Asu0increases further, T-decreases, 20 40 60 80100 120 40 60 80100 120 140u T/LParen1u/RParen1u0/LongEqual13.0878 Figure 6: Numerical solutions for increasing values of u0for positive T-. becomes zero13and eventually negative. Since we want to interpret T-as the bare 12In [20], the authors claim that this effect is due to sensitivity of the so lutions to the at the infrared end at u=u1, which must necessarily be chosen slightly away from the actual value u0. We have not found any evidence for this sensitivity. On the other h and, it is clear that the approximation made in deriving the asymptotic solution , (2.16), (2.18), must break down for sufficiently large u, for any non-zero value of T-. We see convincing numerical evidence for this. Further evidence of this follows. 13We have found that T-= Fine-tuning u0such that T-is precisely zero is hard. This requires numerical methods which are be yond the scope of those used here. However, the trend is clear from Figure 6 and Figure 7. - 15 -quark mass parameter, negative values for it are allowed. However , a large eventually again make Tlarge in magnitude for large enough u. So once again we expect that at some sufficiently large u,Twill become so large that the conditions under which the asymptotic solutions (2.16), (2.18) w ere obtained no longer apply. So, as before, one should find oscillations in T(u), which now start at smaller and smaller uasu0grows. This is indeed seen to be the case, as is evident in Figure 7. This happens because |T-|grows with u0, beyond the 7: Numerical solutions for increasing values of u0for negative T-. at which it becomes zero. Figure 8 shows the change of T-withu0. We see 14 16 18 8: T-as a function of u0. T-vanishes at u0~13.0878 and |T-|grows on both sides away from this value. It is hard to understand what is special about this value of u0. One might have thought that the role of zero mass would be played by the antipodal hasu0=uk, and is beyond our approximation. It is possible that this is (2.3), validforanoncomp the value u0~13.0878 is fairly large and seems to be within the validity of our approximation. We also notethat for negative T-, negativeT(u)can beavoided by imposing a suitable cut-off on u. As we have already discussed, the cut-off is - 16 -in any case required to fulfil the condition (2.19) so that the asympt otic (2.18) may apply. 3.3 Behaviour of the asymptotic brane-antibrane separatio n Another interesting quantity is the asymptotic brane-antibrane s eparation,h0, as a function of u0. This quantity has been plotted in Figure 9. We see that 14 16 18 20 22u0 9: h0as a function of u0. decreases through the special value u0~13.0878. Although we do not have an analytical formula for the dependence of h0onu0for large values of the latter, the trend in Figure 9 seems to indicate that it decreases to zero as u0becomes the brane-antibrane pair overlap and disappear as u0goes to infinity. This is consistent with the trend of increasing bare quark mass for in creasing values ofu0(far beyond u0~13.0878) which we have seen in Figure 8. Therefore, unlike in the Sakai-Sugimoto model, the disappearance of the brane-antib rane pair for u0=can be understood in the present setup as the infinite bare quark m ass limit. It should be clear from the above discussion that the limit h0-0 does not reduce to the case of overlapping D8-branes and D8-branes considered in [19]. For this case, one must begin afresh with x4 i= 0, l= 0 in the action (2.3). However, the classical equation for Tcan be obtained from the equation (2.13) by setting h= 0 in it. As above, we find that solutions which are divergent in the IR d epend on only one free parameter. For further details about the tachyo n solutions in this case, we refer the interested reader to the Appendix A. 3.4 Comparison with the Sakai-Sugimoto we must ensure that the solution with the tachyon has lower e nergy compared to the SS model. The energy density in the modified model is given by ET= 17 -ET(u) for the SS model it is given by ESS= ESS(u), ESS(u) (3.2) To get these expressions for energy density, we have set f(u) to unity, which is a good approximation for large u0. Also, in the SS model one must use the solution of the tachyon free equation, h' SS(u) = tou0, in the IR, the exponentially vanishing tachyon potential suppress es contribution to ETcompared to ESS. Since the UV solutions for the two models are almost identical14, one might argue that the energy for the modified model must be lower than that for the SS model. However, for is a theexponentially vanishing tachyon potential andthepow er lawincrease of the square-root factor coming from |T'|in the integrand ET(u) in (3.1). This results in a local maximum in ET(u) at some value of u, which can be easily The relevant a maximum at For small u0, the position of the maximum is close tou0, so in this case the argument about the IR behaviour of the integra nd in (3.1) is not very clean, except in the very deep IR. But since the po sition of u0asu3/4 0, which is precisely where the action for the modified model can be tru sted. However, the expression used for estimating the position of the loc al maximum breaks down if it is too far away from u0. So, in practice we need to do a to see what the real story is. As we will see in the numerica l plots given below, what really happens is that for relatively large values of u0the integrand ET(u) increases rapidly at first, then slows down almost to a constant an d finally settles into an asymptotic power law increase similar to that of the int Moreover, in accordance with the above expectation. We have numerically evaluated the integrals in (3.1) and (3.2). Becaus e the relation between u0and the asymptotic brane-antibrane separation is different in 14There is a caveat here. Strictly speaking this is true only when the co efficient of the term, T-, in the asymptotic tachyon solution (2.16) vanishes. As we have disc ussed, whenT-is nonzero, one must introduce a cut-off, umax, chosen carefully such that the is satisfied. In particular, one must ensure Tis positive in the region below umax. In the calculations reported here and earlier in this section, this is what we h ave done. - 18 -the two models, a given value of u0corresponds to two different values of the latter and vice versa. We have chosen to do the comparison for the same v alue of the asymptotic brane-antibrane separation in the two models, but the conclusions are similar with the other choice as well. In Figure 10 we have plotted numer 25 30 35 40 25 30 35 40 10: h(u) andT(u) profiles for u0= 17. For comparison, hSSprofile has also been plotted after adjusting the value of u0to 16.4 for it since this value of u0produces the same asymptotic brane-antibrane 25 30 35 40 11: The energy density integrands ESS(u) andET(u). The rapid rise of the latter in the IR is clearly seen. The divergence between the two curv es in the asymptotic is due to a nonzero T-. solutions for h(u) andT(u) foru0= 1715. For comparison with the SS model, we have also plotted hSSafter adjusting the value of u0for it to produce the same value of the asymptotic brane-antibrane separation. The re quired value turns out to beu0= 16.4. The corresponding energy density integrands, ET(u) and ESS(u), have been plotted in Figure 11. We can clearly see the rapid rise of E(u) in the IR, the subsequent flattening out and finally the power-law r ise in 15Similar behaviour is seen for values of Below u0~14, however, the energy very small and even reverses sign. This may be connected with the breakdown of the approximate action in this region, similar to the observation of a zero quark mass at u0~13.01. - 19 -the asymptotic region. Using umax= 35.3216, numerical evaluation of the integrals gives (ET-ESS) =-300.3. Therefore, the solution with the tachyon taken into account corresponds to a lower energy state. 4. The chiral condensate By the standard dictionary of AdS/CFT [25, 22, 23, 24], once we hav e identified T- with the quark mass parameter, we should identify T+with the chiral it is not clear that the standard rules apply to the presen t case of a boundary theory which is not a CFT and has a scale. Moreover, the f act that there is no known lift of D8-brane to 11-dimensions forces an essential cut-off in the theory with flavours. In fact, for a non-zero value of T-, the real cut-off is much lower, as we have seen from numerical computations in the last sect ion. Despite these difficulties, we will assume that the identification of sources in t he boundary theory with boundary values of bulk fields holds in the theory with cut -off. There is an additional difficulty in the present case. As we have seen a bove, parameter, whichweta ketobeT-. The other three parameters, T+, h0andh1should then be considered to be functions of T-. Thus, the chiral condensate cannot becomputed naively by vary ing the on-shell flavour brane action w.r.t. T-, since this would also include contributions from the variation of the other three parameters with T-. The one-parameter solutions that we have found constitute the most general class of space-time ind ependent solutions with the specified boundary conditions17. Therefore, if we only want to make a variation of T-only, we must go out of the present one-parameter class of solutio ns to more general solutions, which are space-time dependent, in add ition to being dependent on u, and have enough parameters. These solutions to ( should have the same singularities at u=u0as the solutions in (2.21) and (2.22). Moreover, the asymptotic solutions should have the fo rm of (2.16) and (2.18) with x-dependent coefficients. If solutions satisfying these conditions e xist and have enough parameters, then we can make the required varia tion ofT-only and identify T+as the condensate in a coherent state formed from fluctuations o f Tandh(scalar mesons) around the ground state with broken chiral symm to the x-independent case, after varying the on-shell action, then, give s us the condensate in the vacuum state. What we, therefore, nee d to do is to case to see if the required solutions exist. This is what w e will do next. 16This is the value at which T(u) vanishes. The asymptotic form, (2.16), fits the T(u) in the range 33 <=u<=umaxto better than a percent with the parameter values h0= 0.179, T+= 28904, boundary conditions are (i) vanishing tachyon and fixed bran e-antibrane and (ii) divergent tachyon and vanishing brane-antib rane separation at some point in the bulk. - 20 -4.1 Action for (u,x)-dependent Tandh The full (u,x)-dependent actionfor tachyon and brane-antibrane separatio n is (4.1) whereKis the matrix with the 0. (4.2) To look for a generalization of the x-independent solutions for equations of motion derived from this action, the most obvious thing to do is to generalize the by making all parameters functions of x. In particular, this means making u0, the place where the flavour brane and antibrane meet, a function ofx. For u~u0, expansion of this solution around a constant u0is singular, since it higher powers of 1 /(u-u0). Therefore, we do not expect analysis of (4.1) by expanding in small fluctuations around the x-independent solution to work for uclose tou0. This is confirmed by explicit fluctuation calculations in Appendix B. We need to go beyond small fluctuations analysis of (4.1) and this req uires us to get an exact expression for the determinant in terms of space-tim e derivatives of K)istedious, a trick which has been described in Appendix C, where a rather s imple expression for the determinant has been obtained. The complete 5 then (4.3) where T=dT and we have are given b3=-fh'T' 4QdT, a check onthe action(4.3), we note that it reduces to the action (2.10) Also, it correctly reproduces the action (B.1) which only retains - 21 -terms that are quadratic in space-time derivatives of Tandh. This latter action was derived independently by expanding det(1+ K) in powers of Kand retaining only the first nontrivial complicated and have been derived in Appendix C, (C.13) and (C.14). As we did in the x- independent case, we will solve these equations in the two limiting case s of this limit, h(u,x) goes to a fixed value h0(x), which is assumed to be a slowly varying function of x. We will also assume that Tand all its derivatives are small in this limit. Then the equations (C.13) and (C.14) can be appr = 0, 0. been ignored. These equations are identical to (2.15) and (2.1 7) and so have solutions similar to (2.16) and (2.18), but now with parameters that a re (4.8) u-u0:The analysis in this limit is somewhat more involved. We assume an ansatz similar to the solutions (2.21) and (2.22), but now with x-dependent (4.9) As consequence of this ansatz, one can show (4.11) These relations are correct to the order shown. Putting all this in t he equation of motion for T, (C.13), we see that this equation is satisfied to the leading order provided the following condition 22 -In obtaining this we have set f0= 1. Similarly, from (C.14) one gets the (4.13) Ifu0is a constant independent of x, then from equations (4.12) and (4.13) (4.14) These reproducethe x-independent remembering that we have set f0= 1. Let us now consider a small fluctuation around this Linearizing the equations (4.12) and (4.13) in fluctuations, we get ds0(x) dr0(x) clearly we could choose the fluctuation du0(x) to be such that dr0(x) vanishes. Under such aninfinitesimal changeof u0,s0would change, but not r0. It isthiskind of greater freedom in independently varying the parameters of th e solution that we have wanted. Presumably in higher orders the situation gets bette r because there are more terms in the ansatz (4.9) and for each coefficient there is s ome freedom because of the space-time dependence. It would be nice to analyse the higher order terms, but that is beyond the scope of this work. Here we will assum e that the introduction of space-time dependence as above can give us the re quired freedom to do the calculation of the condensate as let us compare the solution (4.14), (4.15) with the solution obt ained by the singular perturbation expansion in Appendix B, (B.31). Expan ding (4.9) around constant u0solution to the lowest nontrivial order in o(u-u0) and comparing with (B.28), we get the relations ph0(x) = 2du0(x), ph 1(x) =-1 2du0(x), th 1(x) relations involve not only the leading order parameters (4.14) of the but also the nonleading parameters s1, r1, which are given by s1=s0 6u0, r 1=-5r0 8u0. (4.17) Using (4.14)-(4.17), one can show that the equations in (B.31) are s atisfied. This equivalence is, however, only formal. As we have argued above, the method given in this section is the correct one to use since it does not involve a singu lar expansion in arbitrarily high powers of 1 /(u-u0). - 23 -4.2 Condensate in terms of the tachyon solution To derive an expression for the condensate, we calculate the varia tion of the action in (4.3) under a general variation of Tand use the equation of motion (C.13) to reduce it to a boundary (4.18) We have ignored terms with space-time derivatives because from no w on we will be specializing tothe x-independent case, except inthevariation out. Only the UV boundary contributes to the on-shell action ; there is no IR contribution because the tachyon potential vanishes exponentia lly for the intheIR. inretaining thevariation dT-(x), so we set dT+(x) to zero. Doing this and using (4.8) in (4.18), we get the leading contr ibution for dT-(x). (4.19) On-shell brane actions have UV divergences which need to be remov ed by the holographic renormalization procedure18to get finite answers for One adds boundary counter terms to the brane action to remove the divergences, following a procedure described in [43]. Our on-shell ac tion (4.19) diverges as the cut-off is removed. This is because, as discussed in s ection 2.4, we are keeping as the cut-off is removed and the last term in (4.19) diverges as eh0umaxin this limit. The holographic renormalization procedure has been developed for examples with CFT boundary theories. Since , with the D8-branes present, there is no 11-dimensional description available to us, it is not clear that the procedure described in [43] is applicable to the presen t case. We will proceed on the assumption that this is the case. Therefore, to su btract the UV divergent term in (4.19), we will add the following counter term to the the determinant of the metric on the 8-dimensional to the slice at u=umax. Note that the counter terms must be even in powers of the tachyon because of gauge symmetry. Using the solu tion (4.8) and retaining only the parameter T-(x), we find that the variation of the counter term action dT-(x). (4.21) 18For reviews, see [41, 42]. - 24 -Adding to (4.19), the divergent term drops out and we get the varia tion of the renormalized dT-(x). (4.22) Note that the variation of the renormalized action is twice as large as it would have been if we had simply dropped the divergent term19in (4.19). We are now ready to calculate an expression for the chiral condens ate in terms of the parameters of the tachyon solution. The parameters T+-are construct a parameter of dimension mass from T-, we introduce a scale Then, identifying the chiral condensate kh<-qLqR>, we (4.23) We see that the parameter T+determines the condensate. Figure 12 shows a plot of T+as a function of to attain a maximum value at T-= /SolidSquare /SolidSquare /SolidSquare /SolidSquare /Minus0.20 /Minus0.15 /Minus0.10 /Minus0.05 19.1 17.5934 15.771 13.0878 Figure 12: T+as a function of T-. and drops off rapidly, at least for small values of |T-|. 19In (4.19), it is inconsistent to drop the term proportional to T-in the limit of large cut-off, holding. In fact, it is the T-term that dominates in the action (4.19) in this limit. Taking a different limit that allows one to simply drop this term cr eates difficulties in the calculationofthe pionmass, seesection5.3. Consistencywith th demands that the term proportional to T+T-be dropped in the pion mass calculation since it is smaller than the T2
+term. - 25 -5. The meson spectra In this section we will discuss the spectra for various low spin mesons which are described by the fluctuations of the flavour branes around the cla ssical solution 20. The action for the fluctuations of the gauge fields can be compute d from thecomplex tachyon t=Teith, we get the following action, correct to second order in the fluctuat (5.1) a(u) (5.2) b(u) (5.3) c(u) (5.4) d(u) (5.5) e(u) the usual field strength for the vector gauge field V= (A1+A2) and FA unis the field strength for the gauge-invariant combination of the axia l vector field and the phase of the tachyon, A= (A1-A2-th). relative factor of R3simply reflects the change of variables (2.9). The gauge field Vu(x,u) gives rise to a tower of vector mesons while the fields Au(x,u) andAu(x,u), which are gauge invariant, give rise to towers of axial and pseudoscalar mesons. Notice that the coefficients a(u),b(u) ande(u) vanish if the tachyon is set to zero. In the absence of the tachyon, the vecto r and axial vector mesons acquire masses because of a nonzero d(u), but there is always a The presence of the tachyon is thus essential to give a mass to th e pion. Also note that with the tachyon present, the masses of the vecto r and axial vector mesons are in principle different. 20For a general review of mesons in gauge/gravity duals, see [44]. 21Strictly speaking, for the U(1) case under discussion, this pseudoscalar is the e'. It is massless here because of the Nc- limit in which we are working. - 26 -5.1 Vector mesons We will be using the gauge Vu= 0. Expanding in modes, we have Vu(x,u) a complete sets of basis functions. These conditions which will be determined presently. The fie a tower of vector mesons in the physical (3 + 1)-dimensional s pace-time. In terms of these fields, the vector part of the action (5.1) takes th e the usual U(1)-invariant field strengths for the vector potentials {V(m) u}. Also, we have c(u)Wm(u)Wn(u), addition, we choose the basis functions {Wm(u)}to satisfy the 2lV mc(u)Wm, (5.11) Using these we see (5.12) where, as in the previous section, urefers to boundaries in the after fixing the gauge Vu= 0. This is because a zero mode in this sector can only have a single scalar degree of freedom. This follows from the requirement of finiteness of the the action, (5.9), which cannot be satisfied sinc e the coefficient of the field strength term blows up for a zero mode. Hence its field st rength must vanish, leaving behind only a longitudinal degree of freedom. For the nonzero modes we may, without loss of generality, (5.13) which, on using (5.12), (5.14) Using (5.13) and (5.14) in (5.9), we (5.15) 22A zero mode is defined as a mode which has zero eigenvalue and goes to a constant at infinity. - 27 -5.2 Axial vector and pseudoscalar mesons As we have already noted, AuandAuare gauge invariant. Expanding in modes, we have Au(x,u) Au(x,u) complete sets of basis functions. These conditions which will be determined presently. The fie towers of axial vector and pseudoscalar mesons in the physic al (3 + 1)-dimensional space-time. In terms of these fields, the axial- vector and pseudoscalar part of the action (5.1) takes the the usual U(1)-invariant field strengths for the axial vector potentials {A(m) u}. Also, we have d(u)Sm(u)Sn(u), (5.18) and used the orthonormality condition in the pseudoscalar a(u)Sm(u)Sn(u) =1 2lph mdmn. (5.19) In addition, we choose the basis functions {Pm(u)}to satisfy the = these we see (5.21) where, as before, urefers to boundaries in the u-direction. - 28 -We note that because of the last term in (5.17), the longitudinal com ponent So we need to define new field variables in terms of which the action (5.17) is diagonal. Before we do that, let us first note that th e axial has a possible zero mode provided the corresponding (3 + 1)- dimensional field inthepr evious the zero mode, which we shall denote by A(0) u, can only have a The zero mode is gauge-invariant and, because of its m ixing with plays a special role. Let us see this in some detail. The zero mode A(0) uis conjugate to the eigenfunction P0(u) which satisfies = 0. (5.22) If there is no solution to this equation, then the zero mode does not exist and we should proceed directly to diagonalize the action (5.17). If, howeve r, a solution P0(u) to this equation exists and is such that it goes to a constant at infin ity, then the zero mode A(0) uexists. Since it is purely longitudinal, for a reason identical to that discussed in the vector case, we make this explicit by writing it in t erms of a pseudoscalar field, The terms in the action (5.17) which contain ph(0)(x) can be separated out. These terms sums over the indices m,nno longer include the zero mode. Also, we have 0 0, which follows from (5.21) using the fact that lA 0= 0 and the boundary terms vanish because Pm(u) vanishes sufficiently fast at loss of generality, we may choose LA 00= 1/2 (to get the normalization of the kinetic term of ph(0)right). Then, we can rewrite the above the zero modes explicitly separated out in this way, for the nonz ero modes we may, without loss of generality, (5.24) which, on using (5.21), (5.25) Putting (5.23), (5.24) and (5.25) in the action (5.17), we 29 -where~Kmn= (Kmn-1 2J0mJ0n). The above action describes a massless particle, p, besides other massive particles. The existence of this massless pa rticle depends on the existence of a solution to the equation (5.22), satisfying the (5.27) Later we will see that the existence of the desired solution P0(u) depends on the absence of a non-normalizable part in T(u). To diagonalize the action (5.26) for the massive modes, we define the (5.28) Putting in (5.26), we To get thestandard actionformassive pseudoscalars we may, withou t loss of (5.30) This condition can be rewritten in a more conventional form as follows . We (5.31) and using (5.20) note that it satisfies the (5.31) in (5.30), we terms of new variables defined th (5.34) (5.33) can be written 30 -Moreover, in terms of these variables the differential equation (5.3 2) = 0, (5.36) From these two equations one can obtain the orthonormality condit rewriting (5.19) in terms of the new variables, we =1 2lph mdmn. (5.38) Finally, (5.35) and (5.38) (5.39) Equations (5.36) and (5.39) are the final form of the eigenvalue equ ations and (5.37) and (5.38) are the orthonormality conditions in the pseudoscalar se ctor. It is interesting to note from(5.36) that if eis constant, then thevariable ( th-e) satisfies a differential equation that is identical to the equation (5.2 2) satisfied by the zero mode P0. Also, using (5.36) and (5.37) one can show that for constant e, (th-e) satisfies the normalization condition (5.27). From (5.39) it follows th at ifeis constant, the eigenvalue lphvanishes. Thus, the presence of a massless pseudoscalar can be naturally considered to be identical to the question of the ex istence of a solution to the equations (5.36)-(5.39) with zero eigenvalue, and so it becomes a part of the spectrum in the pseudoscalar tower of states. Hence , the action in this sector can be written in the that we have dropped the field p(x), but extended the sum over mto cover a possible zero mode as well. If there is a solution to the equations (5.36 )-(5.39) 0, then a massless pion field will reappear as the zero mode ph(0)in the pseudoscalar tower. Otherwise, the lowest mode in this secto r will be massive, whose mass can be computed as in the following subsection. - 31 -5.3 Relation between pion mass and non-normalizable part of tachyon In this subsection we will derive a relation between the pion mass and t he part of tachyon parametrized by T-. This will give us further evidence for identifying the parameters T+andT-with the chiral condensate and quark mass respectively. We first note that for T(u) = 0,a(u) vanishes and hence lph m also vanishes by (5.39). However, as we will see from the following calc ulations, T(u) = 0 is a sufficient condition, but not necessary to guarantee the pr esence of a massless pion. The necessary condition is that the non-normalizable piece inT(u) should be absent, i.e. T-= 0. Let us assume that 0 so that 0. Then, (5.39) can be used to solve forem(u) in terms of psm(u), which is related to thm(u) andem(u) by (5.34). We get, e' m(u) us now denote by lph 0the lowest mass eigenvalue. The are ps0(u) ande0(u). Assuming we can approximate the above equation for we know ps0(u), then using the above in (5.38) we can compute the mass. Now, ps0(u) satisfies the following differential equation, which can be obtained f rom (5.36) using (5.42) and the approximation (5.43) Also, using (5.43) and the approximation under which it was obtained, condition on ps0(u) given by (5.37) can be approximated (5.44) These equations cannot be solved analytically in general. However, a IntheUVregime, f use (2.16) and (2.18) to approximate the coefficients in (5.43); we approximation can be justified a posteriori by the solution beca use the eigenvalue lph 0 turns out to be parametrically much smaller by a factor of 1 /R3, see (5.56), compared to the 32 -In writing these, we have used f(u)1, which is a good approximation for large u. We see that we can clearly neglect e(u) compared to b(u) in (5.43), while b(u) is itself negligible compared to d(u). Using these approximations in (5.43) and (5.44) then (5.46) which are solved (5.47) Herec0is a parameter which is related to the pion decay constant. This can b e argued by analysing the 4-d axial current correlator and using AdS /CFT along the lines of [45, 46]. Using the AdS/CFT dictionary, one can compute the a xial from the action (5.17), evaluated on-shell, by different iating twice with respect to the transverse part of the axial vector field on the UV boundary. This is the source which couples to the axial current on the boundary. T he source arises from the same zero mode solution, P0(u), which we discussed in connection with a possible zero mode (the pion) in the longitudinal component of the a xial satisfies the equation (5.22), which is identical to that satisfied by ps0(u), (5.43). However, the boundary condition now is different; it is the for a source, P0(umax) = 1. In addition, one imposes the (5.48) which is required to reproduce the correct zero momentum axial cu rrent correlator [45, 46]. This follows from the action (5.17). Now, P0(u) satisfies (5.22) and the condition (5.48) if we set P0(u) =fpps0(u). Then, requiring P0(umax) = 1 gives c0= 1/fp. In the IR regime, we use (2.21) and (2.22) to approximate the coefficients in (5.43); we wehaveused f(u0)1, we see that b(u) andR3e'(u) both go as ( u-u0)-4 in this regime. However, the coefficient of the latter is suppressed b y a relative factor ofu-1/2 0, so for large u0we may neglect it compared to b(u). But, unlike in the UV regime, b(u) cannot be neglected compared to d(u). In fact, this term is crucial for getting a nontrivial solution. In this regime, then, the le ading terms in equation (5.43) (5.50) - 33 -which has the (5.51) where ~c0is an integration constant. Note that the normalization condition re mains unchanged and cannot be used here because it receives contribut ion only from the UV end due to the exponentially vanishing tachyon potential for larg eT(u) at the IR end. Let us now consider the formula, (5.38), for the lowest mode, using which one can compute the eigenvalue very rapidly as u-u0, with a power which grows as u1/2 0for since V(T) vanishes exponentially for large T, the IR region makes a negligible contribution to the integral. Therefore, it is reasonable to calculate the integral by substituting the UV estimate of the integrand in it. In th e UV Moreover, in this region the second term on the right hand side of (5.42) can be neglected. So, we ~u0>u0avoids the IR region in the integral and we have (5.53) The integral is easily done, (5.54) From our numerical solutions we see that it is possible to choose ~ u0to be relatively large and also satisfy the conditions |T+|e-h0~u0 For such values of the parameters, then, to a good approximatio n (5.54) (5.55) Now, let us tune umaxto large values. We will do this in a manner consistent with the inequality (2.19). As explained in section 2.4, one way of mainta ining this inequality is to keep asumaxbecomes large. In that case, - 34 -the second term on the right hand side of (5.55) becomes exponent ially smaller than the first term as the cut-off is increased beyond some value. We may then neglect this term compared with the first term. This (5.56) Finally, using lph 0=m2 pand (4.23) in this relation, we (5.57) This is the well-known Gell-Mann -Oakes-Renner formula, up to a factor of 2. 6. Summary and Discussion This paper further explores our proposal [21] of amodified SS mode l, which includes the degree of freedom associated with the open string tachyon be tween the flavour branes and antibranes. Here we have extended the analytic treat ment of various aspects of the problem and supplemented it with extensive numerica l calculations. We have argued that taking the tachyon into account is essential f or the consistency of the setup and shown numerically that the solution which includes th e tachyon is energetically favoured. Our modification preserves the nice geom etric picture of chiral symmetry breaking of the SS model and at the same time re lates chiral symmetry breaking to tachyon condensation; thetachyon becom es infinitely large in the infrared region where the joining of the flavour branes signals c hiral have identified a parameter in the non-normalizable part of the ta chyon field profile with the quark mass. It is important to stress that this is the only tunable parameter in the modified SS model. It can be traded for the separation or the location of the point in the bulk w here the brane and antibrane join. This provides a natural explanation for the latt er parameter, which is also present in the SS model, but in that model it doesn't find an y counterpart in the QCD-like theory at the boundary. In this paper we have presented numerical evidence to show that the point where the br ane and antibrane meet is monotonically shifted towards ultraviolet as we tune the mass parameter to larger values. It would seem, therefore, that in our model a bra disappears from the bulk consistently with a quark flavour beco ming presence of a non-normalizable part in the tachyon solution req uires us to introduce an ultraviolet cut-off. The cut-off is needed not only beca use this part grows as one moves towards the ultraviolet region, as in any standa rd AdS/CFT example that includes a non-normalizable solution, but also because t he asymptotic form of the solution is derived from an approximate equation which is v alid only for - 35 -small values of the tachyon. Therefore, the asymptotic solution it self is not valid beyond a certain maximum value of the holographic coordinate. We ha ve numerical evidence of this phenomenon. Removing the ultr aviolet cut-off, then, requires tuning the mass parameter to zero. We have explain ed one scheme by which this can be done. This scheme gives an exponential dependenc e on the cut-off to the mass parameter, similar to that discussed recently in [29]. The quark mass arises from an apparently very different mechanism in this work and t he cut-off is related to the location of a D6-brane that is present in this model. It would be interesting to see if there is any connection between this model and our model. Once we have identified the quark mass as a parameter in the non-no rmalizable part of the tachyon, it is natural to expect, by the usual AdS/CF T rules, the normalizable part of the tachyon solution to give rise to the chiral co ndensate. To derive an expression for it, however, we need to go beyond the s Aswehaveseen, thisrequiresa the5-dimensional actionfortachyon se parationfields which are now taken to depend on space-time as well as the holographic co ordinate. We have derived this action in this paper. Using the generalized solutio ns to the equations for this action, then, one can compute the chiral conde nsate. However, one also needs to add counter terms to the boundary brane action to remove from it contributions that diverge when the cut-off is removed. We have studied in detail the fluctuations of flavour gauge fields on t he brane- antibrane system. These give rise to vector, axial vector and pse udoscalar towers of mesons, which become massive through a kind of higgs mechanism, except for the pions. These arise from a gauge-invariant combination of the ta chyon phase and the longitudinal zero mode of the axial vector field. We have sho wn that the pions remain massless, unless a quark mass part o f the is switched on. For small quark mass, we have derived an ex pression for the mass of the lowest pseudoscalar meson in terms of the chira l condensate and shown that it satisfies the Gell-Mann -Oakes-Renner relation. The vector and axial vector spectra are expected to be non-degenerate be cause they arise from eigenvalue equations with different tachyon contributions. We have not computed these spectra, but it would be interesting to see whether they hav e the Regge behaviour for large masses. A non-zero quark mass is essential to correctly reproduce pheno menology in the low-energy sector of QCD. Therefore, our modified SS model can b e the starting point of a more quantitative version of the phenomenology initiated in [1]. For this purpose, our treatment needs to be extended to the non-ab elian case, which should be a straightforward exercise. The correct tachyon bran e-antibrane action for curved directions transverse to the branes is not known. It is important to have such an action since this would extend the applicability of the present treatment to such interesting cases as e.g. theantipodal configurationof thefl avour brane system - 36 -and its connection with massless quarks. Another direction in which t he present ideas can be extended is to discuss this model at finite temperature and describe the chiral symmetry restoration transition and study the phase d iagram in some detail. The connection of chiral symmetry breaking with tachyon co ndensation seems fascinating and a deeper understanding would be useful. Fina lly, baryons have been discussed in the SS model. It turns out that they have a v ery small size. This may change in the presence of the tachyon. This is because in th e presence of the tachyon, the flavour energy momentum tensor is concentr ated away from the infrared region where the branes meet. In other words, there is a new scale provided by the quark mass. It would be very interesting to investigate whet her this effect makes any difference to the baryon is a pleasure to thank Gautam Mandal and Spenta Wadia for discus sions. A. Overlapping D8-D8-brane system In this case the appropriate DBI action The classical equation for the profile of the magnitude Tof the tachyon tcan be obtained from (2.13) by substituting h= 0 in it everywhere. We (A.2) where now In the UV region, assuming Tis small for largeu, we can approximate this equation (A.3) where we have used the universal small Texpansion, V(T) general solution24to this equation is T(u) (A.4) 24Equation (A.3) can be solved exactly in terms of the Bessel function sH(1)andH(2). Here we give only the leading term. - 37 -wherec1andc2are arbitrary constants. Both the independent solutions in this ca se are normalizable, so the interpretation of one of the parameters c orresponding to a source for the quark mass term is not clear. In view of this, it is not c lear how to apply the general treatment of [19] to this case. In the IR region, a singular tachyon solution is obtained only for u~uk. In this region f(u)-1blows up as ( u-uk)-1and this drives a singularity in the tachyon. Both the potentials in (2.5) and (2.6) exhibit singular solutio ns, although the solutions and the nature of singularity are different. For the po tential (2.5) we find the solution T(u) (A.5) while for (2.6) we get T(u) =b2(u-uk)-a+***, arbitrary constants and a=4puk 39. As in the case with separation, the IR solution for which the tachyo n blows up exhibits a smaller number of independent parameters than the UV solution, o ne in the IR as opposed to two in the UV in the present case. A solution with two ind in the IR exists (for any potential), but this solution is fi nite: T(u) the two arbitrary parameters. B. Scalar we will assume that T(u,x) andh(u,x) are weakly dependent on xuand expand det(1+ K) in (4.1) in powers of space-time derivatives. The action correct to quadratic terms in the derivatives (B.1) wheredTis given by (2.11), with T(u) replaced by T(u,x) andh(u) byh(u,x). Also, the notation ( T)2stands similar expressions hold for (h)2and (h).(T). For the expansion in derivatives to be valid, we must require the following conditions to be satisfied: (i) For large values of u, near the cut-offumax, we must have (ii) Foru~u0, we ~(u-u0)-3/2. - 38 -Let us now consider small fluctuations around the x-independent solutions. We writeT(u,x) =hc(u)+hq(u,x), thex-independent solutions of the classical equations (2.13), (2.14). W e now expand uptosecond orderin andhq(u,x). We we have used the notation Vc=V(Tc),dc=dTc, andA=u13/4Vc. As before, a prime denotes derivative w.r.t. u, except on Vc, for which it denotes a its argument. The part of this action linear in fluctuations, S1, which arises from the term in the first curly brackets above, is given is easy to verify that S1leads to the background equations (2.13) and (2.14). This part of the action, therefore, vanishes, except for a bound ary term. It is this boundary term that gives rise to the chiral condensate. The term in the second curly brackets becomes S2, the action quadratic in fluctuations, after some manipulations. First, we open the square in the coefficient of 1/2d2 cterm and combine it with the term just before it. That is, we we can 39 -- inthelast step we have partsover u, used theequation of motion(2.13)for Tc,hcandignoreda possible boundaryterm since it isquadratic in fluctuations and so will not contribute to the calculation of the con densate. A similar manipulation the above with the other three T2 q/2 terms, we find its net coefficient a partial integration using the equation of motion (2.14) allow s us to combine the two h2 q/2 terms, giving its net coefficient to all this together, we get the action quadratic in fluctuatio the coefficients {ci}are given (B.15) - 40 (B.17) c9= (B.20) withQc= For later convenience, we have explicitly written out a factor of 1/4u3Qcin the coefficients in the last three terms in (B.9). This action mixes Tqandhqand the equations of motion derived from it reflect this mixing. After some manipulations, the equations can be cast in th e (B.22) where the coefficients {ai}and{bi}are given a b - ci= (Aci)'/A. Asusual, respect to u. Moreover, 2= (-2 t+2
/vector x) is the flat space-time laplacian. A possible term proportional to h'' qis not present in (B.21) because its vanishes. Similarly, in (B.22) the term proportional to T'' qis absent because its coefficient, ( c10c4-c9c6), vanishes. The equations of motion derived from (B.9) are quite complicated in ge neral, but they simplify in the two asymptotic regimes of u. u-umax:In this limit, many of the ciare small because they have at least one factor ofTcor its derivatives in them. The exceptions are c1~h2 0u3/4, c3~
u9/4/4, c4~u3/4, Retaining only the dominant terms in the equations, we = 0, 0. (B.26) - 41 -The term involving space-time laplacian on the fluctuations can be con at the leading order since it is non-leading in powers of u, as can be verified a posteriori. These equations are identical to (2.15) and (2 .17) and so have solutions similar to (2.16) and (2.18), but now with parameters that a re (B.27) u-u0:This limit is more involved, requiring a more detailed analysis. powers of o(u-u0) with arbitrary x-dependent (B.28) Here, and in the following, we have set f0= 1. One also needs to expand the ai's andbi's in powers of o. Retaining up to the first nonleading power in o, we get a1= a2= 2x(1+2o u0), b2= 2x(1+2o u0), Substituting these expansions in the equations (B.21), (B.22) and comparing different orders of o, we see that a consistent solution exists only for o=-3 andt=-1/2, and then we get th0(x) =-1 4ph0(x), ph1(x) =5 6u0ph0(x), th1(x) first of these relations is precisely what is needed to think of the leading terms in (B.28) as coming from expanding ( u-u0(x))-1around a constant u0. The last relation shows that when x-dependence is allowed, not all coefficients get In fact, the part of ph0(x) annihilated by the operator on the right hand side does not show up in th1(x). The above analysis shows that perturbation expansion in small fluc tuations around a constant u0is singular, although we have obtained a solution by a 42 -C. Calculation of the exact (u,x)-dependent action This involves calculating the determinant of the matrix (1 + K), whose elements are given in (4.2). We will simplify this calculation by making use of the follo wing trick. Consider the family of determinants, D(l)det(1 +lK), wherelis an arbitrary parameter. We actually only need to calculate D(1), but this calculation can be reduced essentially to the calculation of the inverse of the ma trix (1+lK), which turns out to be much easier than a direct computation of the d the (C.1) We can obtain by integrating this equation, using the boundary con dition D(0) = 1: lnD(1) D(l)-1d dlD(l) tr[(1+lK)-1K] (C.2) This reduces the required calculation to finding the inverse matrix M(l) = (1 +
lK)-1, which Using thedefining equation, (1+ lK)M(l) =
1, one can express all components of Min terms of Mu u= one can show that (C.4) Thus, to find M(l) we need to find the inverse of the Pus(l) matrix. First note that using (4.2) we can write Pu s(l) b 2(l) =-l2fh'T' 4QdT, b 4(l) 1 these reduce to the b's in (4.5). Now, from the general structure of the Punmatrix, we can parametrize the Munmatrix as Mu n(l) 43 -We have calculated the a's. They work out to be a1(l) (C.8) Here (l) is a generalization of defined in (4.4). It has the same form but with the abovel-dependent b's replacing those in (4.4). By definition, (1) = . Armed with the inverse matrix M(l), we can now compute the trace on the right hand side of (C.2). Using (C.3) and (4.2), we first note (C.9) Given the equations (C.5)-(C.8), it is straightforward, though ted ious, to compute the right hand side of the above equation. One gets the simple = (l)-1d dl(l). (C.10) It follows from this and (C.2) that D(1) = (1) = . 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B721(2005) 79, 48 - | 0804.4807 | Avinash Dhar | Avinash Dhar and Partha Nag | Tachyon condensation and quark mass in modified Sakai-Sugimoto model | 37 pages + appendices, 12 figures, v2; a clarifying paragraph added
at the end of Section 4.1, typos corrected | Phys.Rev.D78:066021,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevD.78.066021 | null | hep-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | This paper continues the investigation of the modified Sakai-Sugimoto model
proposed in arXiv:0708.3233. Here we discuss in detail numerical solutions to
the classical equations for the brane profile and the tachyon condensate. An
ultraviolet cut-off turns out to be essential because the numerical solutions
tend to rapidly diverge from the desired asymptotic solutions, beyond a
sufficiently large value of the holographic coordinate. The required cut-off is
determined by the non-normalizable part of the tachyon and is parametrically
far smaller than that dictated by consistency of a description in terms of
10-dimensional bulk gravity. In arXiv:0708.3233 we had argued that the solution
in which the tachyon field goes to infinity at the point where the brane and
antibrane meet has only one free parameter, which may be taken to be the
asymptotic brane-antibrane separation. Here we present numerical evidence in
favour of this observation. We also present evidence that the non-normalizable
part of the asymptotic tachyon solution, which is identified with quark mass in
the QCD-like boundary theory, is determined by this parameter. We show that the
normalizable part of the asymptotic tachyon solution determines the quark
condensate, but this requires holographic renormalization of the on-shell
boundary brane action because of the presence of infinite cut-off dependent
terms. Our renormalization scheme gives an exponential dependence on the
cut-off to the quark mass. We also discuss meson spectra in detail and show
that the pion mass is nonzero and satisfies the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation
when a small quark mass is switched on.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:18:45 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 16 Jun 2008 12:37:55 GMT"
] | 2008-11-26T00:00:00 | [
] |
J/psproduction at high at STAR 2 2. Data analysis and Results At STAR, both the TPC and BEMC can provide electron identification [ 4]. At high pT, the BEMC is very powerful for electron identification and can also b e used to set up a fast trigger to enrich the electron sample. At moderate pT, the TPC can efficiently. In this analysis, the high pTJ/pswas reconstructed through the dielectron channel, one electron at high pTidentified by combing the BEMC and TPC and the other electron at lower pTidentified by the TPC only. We used the BEMC triggered data in p+pand Cu+Cu collisions atsNN= 200 GeV. The is ~2.8 collected in year 2005 ( 2006) with transverse energy threshold ET>3.5 (5.4) GeV, and ~860ub-1for Cu+Cu in year 2005 with ET>3.75 GeV. ]2(ee) [GeV/cInvM2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 like-sign-e+e- psJ/
p+p 2005 STAR [GeV/cInvM2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 like-sign-e+e- psJ/
Cu+Cu 2005 STAR 1. The dielectron invariant mass distributions in p+p(left) and Cu+Cu (right) collisions atsNN= 200 GeV. Figure 1 shows the high pTJ/pssignal inp+p(left) and Cu+Cu ( right) 200 GeV. The background is represented by the dashed lines from We applied a cut of pT>2.5-4 GeV/c to the EMC triggered electrons and the cut of pT>1.2-1.5 GeV/c for lower pTelectrons. This ensured clean is22 using year 2005 ( 2006) data and 17/23 in Cu+Cu collisions. The Cu+Cu collisions taken in year 2005 is 5 <pT<8 GeV/c, while in p+p collisions taken in year 2006, the J/ps p Tcan reach 14 GeV/c due to higher and full BEMC coverage. The J/psinvariant cross section efficiency correction, are shown as symbols in Figure 2 ( left). The invariant cross section of inclusive pion and proton production in high have been found to follow the xTscaling law: where xT= 2pT/s. The value of the power ndepends on the quantum exchanged in the hard scattering and is related to the number of point-like constitue nts taking an active role in parton model. It reaches 8 in the case of a diquark scattering and reaches 4 in more basic scattering processes (as in QED). Figure 2 ( middle) shows the xTscaling of J/ps, pion and proton. The power nwas found to be 6 .5+-0.8 for pion and proton [5] and 5.6+-0.2 forJ/ps, which indicates that the high pTJ/psproduction mechanism is closer to parton-parton at high at STAR 3 momentum p5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14)]2 p+p 2005 STAR p+p 2006 0.01]x STAR Cu+Cu 540 STAR 200 ISR 63 (n=6.5)410x p proton (n=6.5) STAR 200 ISR 53 FNAL 27.4 (n=5.6)psJ/
CDF 1960 CDF 1800 UA1 630 PHENIX 200 STAR 200 2005 STAR 200 2006 ISR 63 ISR 53 ISR 30STAR momentum p0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10AAR 110 Cu+Cu 0-60%/ p+p PHENIX Cu+Cu 0-60%/ PHENIX p+p PHENIX Cu+Cu 0-60%/ p+p PHENIX Cu+Cu 0-20%/PHENIX p+p PHENIX Cu+Cu 0-20%/ p+p Two Component Approach, Cu+Cu 0-60%
Two Component Approach, Cu+Cu 0-20%STAR 2. cross section as a function of pTinp+pand Cu+Cu collisions atsNN= 200 GeV. Errors shown are statistical only. Middle: xTscaling of pions, protons and J/pss. The data from other measurements can be found in references [8, 9, 10, 12, 5, 2, 11]. Right: J/ps R AAas a function of pT. The dot-dashed line represents the fit by constant to all the data points at 5 <pT<10 GeV/c. The boxes on the right show the normalization 2 ( right) shows the J/psnuclear modification factor RAAas a function of pTin 0-20% and 0-60% Cu+Cu from PHENIX [6] and STAR measurements. RAA tends to increase from low to high pT, although the error bars currently do not allow to draw strong conclusions. One can nevertheless do a combined fit to all the high-pt data and find that RAA= 0.9+-0.2. This result is in contrast to the expectation models [1] and from the Two-Component model [7] w hich predict pT. This result such as virtual photons or formation time [13] play a role at highpT. With large S/B ratios, the J/ps-hadron correlations were also measured in p+p collisions. Figure 3 ( left) shows the azimuthal angle correlations between high pTJ/ps (pT>5 GeV/c) and charged hadrons. No significant near side correlation s were observed, which is in contrast to the dihadron correlation measure ments [3]. Since the Monte Carlo simulation results show a strong near side correlatio n if from B-meson decay, these results can be used to constrain the to J/psproduction. Figure 3 ( right) shows the associated charged on the near side and away side with respect to J/pstriggers and charged hadron triggers. On the away side, the yields of the associated cha rged hadrons with respect to both kinds of triggers are consistent with each other, which indicates that the hadrons on the away side of J/pstriggers are from light quark or gluon the near side, the associated charged hadron yields with respec t toJ/pstriggers lower than those with respect to charged hadron trigg ers. This indicates that theB-meson is not a dominant contributor to the inclusive high at high at STAR 4 ph D-1 0 1 2 3 p+p RunVI p+pSTAR Preliminary > 5 GeV/cPsJ/
T p > 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3-3-2-1110210a) Away trigger, ppsJ/
<6 trigger, 4<p 95% C.L. Limits STAR Preliminary 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3-3-2-1110210 0 0.5 11.5 2 2.5 3-1-0.500.5b) Near Side Figure 3. Left:J/ps-hadron correlations after background subtraction in p+p collisions atsNN= 200 GeV. Right: Associated charged hadron the near and away side with respect to J/pstriggers and charged hadron triggers. 3. Summary We reported the STAR preliminary results of J/psspectra from 200 GeV The high pTJ/psproduction was found to follow the xTscaling with a beam energy dependent factor ~sNN5.6+-0.2. TheJ/psnuclear modification factor Theaverageof RAA atpT>5 GeV/c is 0 .9+-0.2, consistent with no J/pssuppression. It implies that high pTJ/psmay be produced from virtual photon or formed outside of the hot [13]. The J/ps-hadron correlations were also discussed. We observed an absenc e of charged hadrons accompanying high pTJ/pson the near side which indicates that theB-meson is not a dominant contributor to the inclusive high H. Liu, K. Rajagopal and U.A.Wiedemann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98(2007) 182301. [2] UA1 Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B 256(1991) 112. [3] J. Adams, et al., (STAR Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 95(2005) 152301. [4] M. Anderson, et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 499(2003) 659; M. Beddo, et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 499(2003) 725; B.I. Abelev, et al., (STAR Collaboration) Phys. Rev. Lett. J. Adams, et al.(STAR Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 616, (2005) 8; J. Adams, et al., Phys. Lett. B 637(2006) 161. [6] A.Adare, et al., (PHENIX Collaboration), X. Zhao and R. Rapp, arXiv:0712.2407, private communication for Cu+Cu. [8] F. Abe, et al., (CDF Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 69(1992) 3704; D. Acosta et al., Phys. Rev. D 71(2005) 032001. [9] D. Abtreasyan, et al., Phys. Rev. D 19(1979) 764. [10] B.Alper, et al., Collaboration) Nucl. Phys. B 100(1975) 237; C. Kourkoumelis, et al., Phys. Lett. 91B(1980) 481. [11] M. Banner, et al., (UA2 Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 115(1982) 59. [12] A.Adare, et al., (PHENIX Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett. 98(2007), 232002. [13] F. Karsch and R. Petronzio, Phys. Lett. B 193(1987), 105; J.P. Blaizot and J.Y. Ollitrault, Phys. Lett. B199(1987), 499 | 0804.4846 | Zebo Tang | Zebo Tang (for the STAR Collaboration) | J/psi production at high pT in p+p and A+A collisions at STAR | 4 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the Quark Matter 2008 conference,
Jaipur, India, February 4-10, 2008. Submitted to J. Phys. G: Nucl. and Part.
Phys | J.Phys.G35:104135,2008 | 10.1088/0954-3899/35/10/104135 | null | nucl-ex | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The preliminary results of J/psi spectra at high transverse momentum
(5<p_T<14 GeV/c) in p+p and Cu+Cu collisions at s_NN = 200 GeV are reported.
The nuclear modification factor is measured to be 0.9+/-0.2 at p_T>5 GeV/c. The
correlations between J/psi and charged hadrons are also studied in p+p
collisions to understand the J/psi production mechanism at high p_T.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 30 Apr 2008 15:50:02 GMT"
] | 2019-08-13T00:00:00 | [
"for the STAR Collaboration"
] |
2For this proof to apply, it is not necessary for Q to be invariant under alltranslations. It is enough that, as in the GSI experiment, the detector senses all decaysanywhere within a spatial region that includes all places that are accessible to the parentions.This absence of interference effects between different p is independent of whetherthe parent ions are confined to a circular beam as in the GSI experiment, to a linearbeam, or to a box. It is also independent of any external fields, stationary or timedependent, that may be present, and of coupling to other dynamical systems as in beamcooling. The decay rate in Eq.(2) depends upon r at the time of the measurement only,not upon how it evolved. Eq.(2) implies only that the rate of decay at time t is not affected by anyinterference between different momenta. Interference between components of the wavefunction having the same momentum but different energies is always present in aradioactive parent because an unstable state is a coherent mixture of a range of masses m.In the usual case of exponential decay the density matrix elements EUR p,mr(t)p,m' areproportional to two Breit-Wigner amplitudes times exp{i(E-E')t}, where EUR E=m2+p2and EUR E'=m'2+p2. It is the interference between different E for the same p that givesthe exponential decay. To modulate that exponential decay with an oscillation requires amodel in which the product HintQHint connects states of the same momentum but with theenergy difference E-E' equal to h times the oscillation frequency.2. work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of NuclearPhysics, under Contract No. I thank John P. Schiffer forvaluable H.J. Lipkin, arXiv:hep-ph 0801.1465v2.[2] Litvinov et al, arXiv:nucl-ex 0801.2079*email: [email protected] | 0804.4891 | Murray Peshkin | Murray Peshkin | Comment on "New method for studying neutrino mixing and mass
differences" | 2 pages, 0 figures | null | null | null | hep-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | It has been suggested that the temporal oscillations in the rate of decay of
Pr ions reported in the GSI K-capture experiment arise from interference
between different values of the momentum of the Pr ions. It is shown here that
any such interference cannot contribute to the decay rate of those ions.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 30 Apr 2008 19:26:27 GMT"
] | 2008-05-01T00:00:00 | [
] |
2 DAVID COVERT, DERRICK HART, ALEX IOSEVICH AND IGNACIO URIA RTE-TUERO The purpose of this paper is to address the case of triangles in two- dimensional vector spaces over finite fields. Given EF2 q, define T3(E) the equivalence relation ~such that ( if there exists the set of two-by-two orthogonal matrices over Fqwith determinant 1, such that (x',y',z') = (O(x) main result is the 1.1. LetEF2 q, and suppose that
|E| >=rq2 for someCq<=r<=1with a sufficiently large constant C >0. Then there exists c>0such that
|T3(E)| >=crq3. In other words, we show that if Ehas density >=r, then the set of triangles determined by E, up to congruence, has density >=cr, whereris allowed to depend on qwithin the parameters 1.2. Note that in contrast to the res ult ([4]) we do not use dilations. This is natural because there is no order in Fq, so a reasonable analog of proving a result for sufficiently large dilates of a three-point configuration in E uclidean space is proving it for all dilates in finite field 1.3. Observe that the density condition |E| >=rq2immediately tells us that the numbers of three-tuples determined by E, up to congruence, the size of the translation group is q2and the size of the rotation group is q. Thus our result can be viewed as shaving off two powers of rfrom this (trivial) estimate. It is conceivable that rq3 may be replaced by cq3, for some 0 <c<1, or even (1 -o(1))q3. 1.1. Finite field analog of Bourgain's example. The following variant of Bourgain's Eu- clidean construction (see [ 4]) shows that for general subsets of F2 qsatisfying the density assumption
|E| >=rq2for somer>0 it is not possible to recover isometric copies of all three point config the multiplicative group of Fq, such that |A| >=rqfor somer>0 shall give an (easy) construction of such a set at the end of the argument. ANALOG OF THE THEOREM ON T RIANGLES IN SETS OF POSITIVE DENSITY IN FINITE FIELD GEOMETRIES3 It is not difficult to check that |E| >=rq2using the classical fact that a circle in See Lemma 3.2below. Now consider a claim that such a three-tuple cannot be contained in E. We shall argue by the parallelogram law says is an element of 2 A+2A-4A. By construction, so we are done. It remains to show that the set Awith the desired properties exists. Let qbe a large prime number and denote the elements of the corresponding field of multiples of 8 that are less than or equal to q/32. This set is clearly of positive density and 2 all of its elements are even as wrap-around is precluded from taking place by the condition that the largest element of 1.4. It is important to note that we do not knowa single example of this type involving a non-degenerate triangle, one whose vertices do not lie on a line. 2. Proof of the main result (Theorem 1.1) We prove Theorem 1.1by reducing it to a statistically more precise statement about hinges . More precisely, we observe that it suffices to show that if |E| >=rq2, then (2.1) follows from the following simple lemma from [ 5], which we prove at the end of the paper for the sake of completeness.4 DAVID COVERT, DERRICK HART, ALEX IOSEVICH AND IGNACIO URIA RTE-TUERO Lemma 2.1. LetPbe a (non-degenerate) simplex with vertices V0,V1,...,V k, withVjFd q. Let P'be another (non-degenerate) simplex with vertices Suppose that (2.2) alli,j. Then there exists thatt+O(P) =P'. The key estimate is the following result about hinges, which is interest ing in its own right. Theorem 2.2. Suppose that EF2 qand 0. can use this result as follows. If |E|>>q3 2, the pigeon-hole principle, there exists xEsuch >= |E|2q-2. Suppose that the number of elements of SO2(Fq) that leave xfixed and keep ( y,z) inside the pinned hinge is <=rq. Then recalling our assumption that
|E| >=rq2, we get that the number of distinct distances at hence, since there are ( q-1) possible choices for aandb, (2.1) follows. If the number of elements of SO2(Fq) that leave xfixed and keep ( y,z) inside the pinned hinge is> rq, then both the circle of radius a, centered at x, and the circle of radius b, centered at x, contain more than rqelements of E. The following simple lemma, whose proof is given at the end of this paper, shows that this implies that the number of distinct dist and thus ( 2.1) follows. Lemma 2.3. Suppose that 0. Letw= (w1,w2) Consider at values of c, we have that the proof of Theorem 1.1has been reduced to Theorem 2.2. 2.1. Fourier analysis used in this paper. LetFd qbe thed-dimensional vector space over the finite field Fq. The Fourier transform of a given by
/hatwidef(m) an additive character on Fq.AN ANALOG OF THE THEOREM ON T RIANGLES IN SETS OF POSITIVE DENSITY IN FINITE FIELD GEOMETRIES5 The orthogonality property of the Fourier Transform says = 1 form= (0,...,0) and 0 otherwise. This property yields many of the standard prop erties of the Fourier Transform. We summarize the basic properties of the Four ier Transform used in this paper as follows. Lemma 2.4. Proof of Theorem identify Dawith its indicator function. We need the following result from [ 6], proved at the end of this paper for the sake of 3.1. LetEFd qand suppose that t/ne}ationslash= 0. identify Sawith its indicator function. Now setting d= 2 and using Lemma 2.4we see = need the following results about the Fourier transform of the sp here which we state in context.6 DAVID COVERT, DERRICK HART, ALEX IOSEVICH AND IGNACIO URIA RTE-TUERO Lemma 3.2. Letd>=2and define that b/ne}ationslash= (0,...,0). (3.2) |/hatwideSb(m)| <=2q-d+1 2. For anyaF*
q, (3.3) postpone the proof of the lemma until the end of the paper. In t he meantime, we see that the expression in ( 3.1) =I+R(a,b). In view of Lemma 3.2and Theorem have R(a,b) Lemma 3.2once again and applying Cauchy-Schwartz followed by Lemma 2.4, we = 4 thus the matter is reduced to bounds =
It follows from above and Lemma = =E(x)|ESa(x)|,AN ANALOG OF THE THEOREM ON T RIANGLES IN SETS OF POSITIVE DENSITY IN FINITE FIELD GEOMETRIES7 and matters are reduced to the estimation 3.3. With the notation above, if qis sufficiently large, prove the result, we is easy to see that plugging in Aleads to a better estimate than claimed. by Lemma 3.2this quantity by Lemma everything back into ( 3.5) and then ( 3.4), we see that (3.6) 32q2|E|2. Recall large by ( 3.6) above. It follows DAVID COVERT, DERRICK HART, ALEX IOSEVICH AND IGNACIO URIA a sufficiently large constant C >0, as claimed. 4. Proof of Theorem 3.1 We Fourier inversion to the Lemma using Lemma 3.2once again, along with Lemma 2.4, we have
|R| completes the proof. 5. Proof of Lemma 3.2 For anylFd q, we the notation d(l) = 1 ifl= (0...,0) andd(l) = 0 the last line we have completed the square, changed jto-j, and used dtimes the Gauss sum equality (see e.g. [ =Qqe(j), where the constant Qequals+-1 or+-i, depending on q, andeis the quadratic (or the Legendre symbol) of F*
q.AN ANALOG OF THE THEOREM ON T RIANGLES IN SETS OF POSITIVE DENSITY IN FINITE FIELD GEOMETRIES9 The conclusion to the first and second parts of Lemma 3.2now follows from standard Gauss sum estimates (see e.g. [ 8]) and the following classical estimate due to A. Weil ([ 12]). Theorem 5.1. Let K(a) a multiplicative character on F*
q. Then, 0,
|K(a)| <=2q. 6. Proof of Lemma 2.1 Letpr(x) denote the rth coordinate of x. Taking translations into account, we may assume thatV0= (0,...,0). We may also assume that V1,...,V kare contained in Fk q. The condition ( 2.2) implies the linear transformation uniquely determined by the condition T(Vi) =V' i. In order to prove that Tis orthogonal, it suffices to show (0,...,0). We give this (standard) reduction below for the sake of reader 's form a basis, by assumption, we it suffices to show =||Tx||, which follows immediately from ( we used the fact that orthogonalityof T, the condition that Tt*T=Iis equivalent to the condition that ||Tx||=||x||. To see this observe that to show that Tt*T=Iit suffices to show thatTtTx=xfor all non-zero x. This, in turn, is equivalent to the statement definition of the transpose, so the stated equivalence is establis hed. This completes the proof of Lemma2.1.10 DAVID COVERT, DERRICK HART, ALEX IOSEVICH AND IGNACIO URI ARTE-TUERO 7. Proof of Lemma 2.3 After a translation, we may assume without loss of generality that x= (0,0). We are looking for solutions ( s,t) to the system of the assumption that w2 1+w2 2=a. Then (7.1) is equivalent be simultaneously zero since a/ne}ationslash= 0. 0, from the first equation in (7.2) we get that (7.3) substituted into the second equation in ( 7.2) 0. (Ifw1= 0 so that 0, the resulting equation is the same as ( 7.4) but interchanging the roles ofw1andw2among themselves and the roles of sandtamong notice now that the condition w2=+-iw1is incompatible with the hypothesis 0. and hence the equation ( 7.4) has at most 2 solutions. We still have to prove that the equation ( 7.4) has indeed a solution under our hypotheses. The discriminant of equation ( 7.4) is (7.5) Hence equation ( 7.4) has a solution precisely when there exists a kFqsuch that (7.6) 4 happens precisely when cis of the form (7.7) whenever there exists a tFqsuch that (7.8) k2+t2= 4ab. We now repeat, for the convenience of the reader, the well-known known argument that every element of Fqis a sum of 2 squares. Namely, by ( 5.2), and recalling that e2(t) = 1 and = 0 0, and that Q=+-1 or+-idepending on q,AN ANALOG OF THE THEOREM ON T RIANGLES IN SETS OF POSITIVE DENSITY IN FINITE FIELD :k2+t2= =q-Q2. (7.9) Hence equation ( 7.4) has a solution for at values of c, since by ( 7.7) and (7.8) each value of cfor which equation ( 7.4) has a solution corresponds precisely to one value of t, and each value of tis accounted for at most twice in ( 7.9) since for each such value of t, there are at most 2 values of ksatisfying ( 7.8). Since it is conceivable (depending on the value of q) thatc= 0 yields a solution to ( 7.1), accounting for that possibility, we can assert that ( 7.1) has a solution for at values 0.12 DAVID COVERT, DERRICK HART, ALEX IOSEVICH AND IGNACIO URI J. Bourgain, A Szemerdi type theorem for sets of positive density , Israel J. Math. 54(1986), no. 3, 307-331. 1 [2] V. Bergelson, Ergodic Ramsey theory an update , Ergodic Theory of Zd -Actions (Warwick, 1993 1994) (M. Pollicott and K. Schmidt, eds.), London Math. Soc. Lecture N ote Ser., 228, Cambridge Univ. Press, H. Furstenberg, Recurrence in ergodic theory and combinatorial number theo ry, M. B. Porter Lectures, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ, (1981). 1 [4] H. Furstenberg, Y. Katznelson, and B. Weiss, Ergodic theory and configurations in sets of positive densit y Mathematics of Ramsey theory, 184-198, Algorithms Combin. , 5, Springer, Berlin, (1990). 1,2 [5] D. Hart and A. Iosevich, Ubiquity of simplices in subsets of vector spaces over finite fields, Analysis Mathematika, 34, (2007). 1,3 [6] A. Iosevich and M. Rudnev, Erd os distance problem in vector spaces over finite fields . Trans. Amer. Math. B. Kra, Ergodic methods in additive combinatorics , Centre de Recherches Mathematiques Proceedings and Lec- ture Notes (2007). 1 [8] R. Lidl and H. Niederreiter, Finite fields , Cambridge University Press, (1997). 8,9 [9] A. Magyar, On distance sets of large sets of integers points , Israel Math J. (to appear) (2006). 1 [10] A. Magyar, k-point configurations in sets of positive density of Zn, Duke Math J. (to appear), (2007). 1 [11] T. Tao and V. Vu. Additive Combinatorics . Cambridge University Press, 2006. 1 [12] A. Weil, On some exponential sums , Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 34(1948) 204-207. 9 [13] T. Ziegler, An application of ergodic theory to a problem in geometric Ra msey theory , Israel Journal of Math. 114(1999) 271-288. 1 Department of Mathematics, University of Missouri, Columbi a, MO address address address address | 0804.4894 | Derrick Hart | David Covert, Derrick Hart, Alex Iosevich and Ignacio Uriarte-Tuero | An analog of the Furstenberg-Katznelson-Weiss theorem on triangles in
sets of positive density in finite field geometries | null | null | null | null | math.CO math.CA | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We prove that if the cardinality of a subset of the 2-dimensional vector
space over a finite field with $q$ elements is $\ge \rho q^2$, with
$\frac{1}{\sqrt{q}}<<\rho \leq 1$, then it contains an isometric copy of $\ge
c\rho q^3$ triangles.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 30 Apr 2008 19:48:29 GMT"
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] |
5 1 Introduction 9 1.1 Introduction to the gauge/gravity correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.2 SUSY solutions of type IIB supergravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.2.1 D3-branes on the Conifold: the Klebanov-Witten (KW) model . . . . 16 1.2.2 Adding fractional D3-branes to the Klebanov-Witten model . . . . . 19 1.2.3 Deformation of the conifold: the (KS) mod el . . . 25 1.2.4 D3-branes on the cone over Yp,qmanifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 1.2.5 D3-branes on the cone over La,b,cmanifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 1.2.6 The Maldacena-N' u~ nez background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 1.3 D-branes in supergravity backgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 1.3.1 Effective Dp-brane action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 1.3.2 The probe approximation and the kappa symmetry analysis . . . . . 50 1.3.3 Introducing backreacting D-branes: the smearing procedur e . . . . . 52 2 Supersymmetric Branes on AdS 5xYp,q59 2.1 Supersymmetric probes on AdS5xYp,q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 2.2 Supersymmetric D3-branes on AdS5xYp,q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 2.2.1 Singlet supersymmetric three-cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 2.2.2 Doublet supersymmetric three-cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 2.2.3 The calibrating condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 2.2.4 Energy bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 2.2.5 BPS fluctuations of dibaryons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 2.3 Supersymmetric D5-branes in AdS5xYp,q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 2.3.1 Wall defect solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 2.3.2 The calibrating condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 2.3.3 Energy bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 2.4 Supersymmetric D7-branes in AdS5xYp,q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 2.4.1 Spacetime filling D7-brane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 2.4.2 Energy bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 2.5 Other interesting possibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6 2.5.1 D3-branes on a two-submanifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 2.5.2 More D5-branes wrapped on a two-cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7 12 CONTENTS 2.5.3 D5-branes on a two-submanifold with flux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 2.5.4 D5-branes wrapped on a three-cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 2.5.5 The baryon vertex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 2.5.6 More spacetime filling D7-branes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 2.5.7 D7-branes wrapped on Yp,q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 2.6 Summary and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 3 Supersymmetric Branes on AdS 5xLa,b,c97 3.1 D3-branes on three-cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 3.1.4 Generalised embeddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 3.2 D5-branes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 3.3 Spacetime filling D7-branes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4 3.4 Final Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 4 Unquenched Flavours in the KW Model 109 4.1 Adding Flavors to the Klebanov-Witten Field Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 4.1.1 What to Expect from Field Theory Considerations . . . . . . . . . . 1 09 4.1.2 The Setup and the BPS Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 4.1.3 The Solution in Type IIB Supergravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 4.1.4 Analysis of the Solution: Asymptotics and Singularities . . . . . . . . 117 4.1.5 Detailed Study of the Dual Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 4.2 Generalisations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 4.2.1 The BPS Equations for Any Sasaki-Einstein Space . . . . . . . . . . 1 26 4.2.2 The BPS and Einstein Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 4.2.3 A Superpotential and the BPS Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4 4.2.4 General Deformation of the Klebanov-Witten Background . . . . . . 136 4.2.5 Massive Flavors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 4.3 Summary and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 0 5 Unquenched Flavours in the KS Model 143 5.1 The setup and the ansatz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 5.1.1 Maxwell and Page charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 5.2 Flavored warped deformed conifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 5.3 Fractional branes in the singular conifold with flavour . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 5.4 The field theory dual: a cascade of Seiberg dualities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 5.4.1 The cascade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 5.5 The cascade: supergravity side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 5.5.1 Effective brane charges and ranks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 56 5.5.2 Seiberg duality as a large gauge transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 5.5.3 R-symmetry anomalies and b-functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 5.6 Summary and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 8CONTENTS 3 6 SUSY defects in the Maldacena-N' u~ nez background 169 6.1 Supersymmetric Probes in the Maldacena-N' u~ nez background . . . . . . . . . 169 6.2 Wall defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 6.2.1 Abelian worldvolume solitons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 6.2.2 Non-Abelian worldvolume solitons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 6.2.3 Energy bound for the wall solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 0 6.3 Two-dimensional defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 6.3.1 Abelian worldvolume solitons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 6.3.2 Non-Abelian worldvolume solitons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 6.3.3 Energy bound for the effective string solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 6.4 More defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 8 6.4.1 Wall defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 6.4.2 Two-dimensional defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 6.5 Summary and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 5 7 Final Conclusions 1974 Theory was born during the 1960's in the framework of the ha dronic physic, as an attempt to explain strong interactions. The idea was to consider th e strings as tubes of flux which mediated the hadronic interaction. Very soon that pheno menological idea was obscured by the formulation of the Quantum Chromodynamics or QCD and subsequently by the formulation of the Standard Model. This model describes v ery successfully three interactions, namely weak the consistency of the standard model is based on the ex istence of a particle (the Higgsboson) which has notbeen foundyet, it seems to beinvery goo the standard model, the fourth interaction (gravity) has se rious theory is not renormalisable and (the loop corrections of) any p hysical quantity that we compute in quantum gravity depends on an infinite number of parame ters. However this is a theoretical problem since for any value of the unknown paramete rs, their effect at observable energies. For this reason the classical limit of the quantum gravity (General Relativity) impressively agrees with experiments. The real interest in string theory began in the 1980's. By thinking th e as vibrations of a one-dimensional object (string), the g raviton (a massless particle with spin two which mediates the gravity interaction) comes up natur ally in the spectrum of the theory. Moreover the theory is consistent once we consider it s supersymmetric extension. This is a good point in favour of string theory since it seems to be the m ost serious candidate for a consistent theory of the quantum gravity. But there is more . String theory does not just contain gravity but it comes inevitably with a large number of par ticles and have the same features of the standard model. Standard te xts on string theory the particles and interactions that string theory predicts are far from unique. There are many possibilities and it is still not clear whether the standard model is among them. At phenomenological level, it is still a challenge the atte mpt of selecting a vacuum among all the possibilities when one reduces the dimensionalit y of the spacetime from the critical dimension of the superstrings to four dimensions. Moreover, there are five consistent string theories and they can be thought of as being diffe rent perturbative regimes of an still not completely uncovered (beyond the low energy limit) the ory, called M-theory, where the fundamental objects turn out to be two-dimensional m embranes. These five string theories are related by a chain of dualities which connect in a non-per turbative way of M-theory. The low energy effective action of both M-the ory and all the theories is given by the corresponding supergravity. Such s upergravities are non- 56 but they are relevant for the study of their classica l solutions which turn out to be the solitons of the full string theory. Some of these non-perturbative solitons, usually called D-branes, are extended hyper- planes where the strings can end with Dirichlet boundary conditions ( see [2] for an intro- duction on branes). There are two dual descriptions of these obj ects: they are sources of the closed sector of string theory but their dynamics can be descr ibed by the open strings (open string sector of string theory) attached to them. At low en ergies the dynamics of a D-brane gives rise to a gauge theory living on its worldvolume [3]. These dual description of the branes is a consequence of the open/closed duality present at string level. Maldacena conjectured in 1997 a specific duality of the kind explained above. The state- ment [4] is that type IIB string theory on AdS5xS5is dual to four-dimensional N= 4 superconformal Yang-Mills theory with SU(Nc) gauge group. In other words, the closed string sector of string theory quantised on an AdS5xS5target space is conjectured to be dual to the field theory living on a stack of NcD3-branes. For a review, see [5]. This is a holographic duality in the sense that the boundary of the AdS5space where the encodes all the bulk information [6]. This duality is supposed to hold for generic values of the parameters defining the regime of the two theories. For tec hnical reasons this duality has been more accurately tested so far in the low energy limit. In this limit we can about the strong coupling regime of the field theory by m erely performing classi- cal computations in a supergravity background. This is the power o f the duality conjectured by Maldacena and that it is known as the AdS/CFT correspondence. An older idea which already signaled the existence of the afterwards conjectured co rrespondence between a string theory and a gauge theory was suggested by G. 't Hooft [7]. He realis ed that, by expanding aU(Nc) gauge theory on the dimensionless parameter 1 /Ncand taking the limit of large Nc, we can rearrange the Feynman diagrams as a sum over the genus of the surfaces in which the diagrams can be drawn. This is similar to the computation of string amplitudes where the sum is now over the genus of the possible worldsheets of the str ing. By taking the low energy limit in the AdS/CFT correspondence, we are restricting the duality to a subsector of the parameter space of the theories, both in the string theory and in the field theory side, where the result pointed out by 't Hooft can be applied. In this limit the AdS/CFT conjec- ture states that a solution of supergravity should be dual to a cer tain supersymmetric gauge theory at strong 't Hooft coupling1. However not all the stringy information of the dual gauge theory is captured by the supergravity solution. One needs to include extra D-branes on the supergravity side in order to extract nontrivial information which does not survive to the low energy limit [8]. Extensions of the above ideas to more realistic theories (from a phe nomenological point of view) have been studied in the last years (see [9, 10] for a review) . The reduction of the amount ofsupersymmetry andthebreaking of the conformal inva riance would lead to a interesting statement of the duality. The fina l goal would be to find the stringy dual of QCD, a and non-conform al theory. A great effort in searching for ways of breaking softly supersymmetry at a suitable energy scale is being made nowadays. Meanwhile theories with less amount of supersymmetry a nd without present some features analogous to QCD, for instance confinement, and the ideas 1The 't Hooft coupling is the product of the squared gauge coupling by the rank of the gauge group.CONTENTS 7 of the duality can be extended here in a proper way. In this work we will concentrate basically on the amazing study of the extensions of the AdS/CFT correspondence to more realistic theories. We will foc us on of type IIB supergravity which are dual to N= 1 supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions. We will search for the possibility of adding supersy mmetric D-branes in those backgrounds and we will analyse which nontrivial information o f the dual gauge theory we are capturing with these additional degrees of freedom. About this thesis This Ph.D. thesis is mainly based on papers [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. Some of the technical points presented in those papers, which are not relevant for the compre hension of this thesis, have not been included. However we will refer the interested reader to t he corresponding paper whenever a technical point is mentioned. The plan for the rest of th e thesis is the following: In chapter 1 we will sketch the bases of the AdS/CFT corresponde nce. Then we will show with some detail some supersymmetric solutions of type IIB su pergravity and their field theory duals, theories with N= 1 supersymmetry in four dimensions. Finally we will explain why we do need to add extra D-branes to the supergravity b ackground and how we can do that preserving (at least) part of the supersymmetry o f the background. The main tool will turn out to be a local fermionic symmetry of the worldvo lume theory on the branes called kappa symmetry. We will continue with the study of the (probe) limit where the backreaction of the extra D-branes are not taken into account and we will finish by considering the (unquenched) supergravity solutions where th e extra D-branes and the supergravity background interact with each other. This chapter provides the basic tools and settles on the notation that we will use in the following. In chapters 2 and 3 we will systematically study supersymmetric emb eddings of theory respectively. The main technique employed will be again the kappa symmetry of the probe's worldvolume theory. We will also give insights on the dua l interpretation of these extra D-brane probes. In chapter 4 we will study the addition of an arbitrary number of bac kreacting flavour branes to the Klebanov-Witten theory, making many checks of con sistency between our new type IIB plus branes solution and expectations from field theor y. We will also of our method for adding flavours to all N= 1 superconformal field theories that can be realised on D3-branes at the tip of a Calabi-Yau cone. In chapter 5 we will extend the previous study of adding unquenched flavour branes t o the backgrounds. We will provide a precise field theory dual and a detailed analysis of the duality cascade which describes its renormalis ation group flow. The matching of b-functions and anomalies between the field theory and the string se tup will be presented as well. In chapter 6 we will find supersymmetric configurations of a D5-bra ne probe in the Maldacena-N' u~ gauge theory. These embeddings are worldvolume solitons which behave as codimension two or one defects in the gauge theory dual.8 CONTENTS In chapter 7 we will finish with some Introduction to the gauge/gravity goal of this initial section is to review briefly the AdS/CFT corres pondence [4, 5, 16, 17] proposed by Maldacena and its extension to non-conformal and les s supersymmetric settings [18, 19]. Considered thehuge literature onthe subject, we will only f ocusonthe duals of four dimensional supersymmetric (SUSY) gauge t heories. Nice reviews on these topics can be found in [9, 10]. In this chapter we will review th e foundations of correspondence that we will need to understand t he work of this ah two apparently different theories: type IIB string theor y onAdS5xS5on one side andN= 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) in four dimensions (in the bounda ry ofAdS5) with gauge group SU(Nc) on the other side. This nice correspondence is based on the old open/closed string duality and it can be formulated with the aid of D-b ranes. D-branes are hypersurfaces where open strings can end. Their dynamics, a nd hence the dynamics of the corresponding open strings, is described by a (supersymme tric) gauge theory at low energies. However, D-branes are also nonperturbative states o f the closed string spectrum (their tensions behave as 1 /gs, wheregsis the string coupling) and at low energy they are described by solutions of the corresponding supergravity theory . The strongest version of the correspondence is supposed to hold for generic values of the parameters defining the regime of the two theories. This is the c The parameterswhich define theregime oftype IIBstring theory on AdS5x S5are the string coupling gsand the (dimensionless) string tension T=L2/(2pa') where Lis the common radius of the AdS space and of the S5. Those of the N= 4 SYM in four dimensions with gauge group SU(Nc) are its gauge coupling gYMand the number of colours Nc. The dictionary is established in terms of two T =1 2p l , (1.1.1) where we have defined the 't Hooft coupling l=g2 YMNc. 910 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION It is very difficult to test the conjecture at this level since we do not know how to treat string theory forgeneric values ofthestring coupling. Bysetting gs-0 (weak coupling limit in string theory) with T-fixed and large Nc(planar diagrams limit in the gauge theory) with gYM-0 (l=g2 YMNcfixed) [7], we get the classical AdS/CFT correspondence. It states that classical (non-interacting strings) type IIB string theory o nAdS5xS5is equivalent to the largeNclimit with fixed 't Hooft coupling of the field theory. This is not still enough since we do not even know how to deal with class ical string theory in curved backgrounds with RR fluxes. Taking the low energy limit a'-0 we are going to the weakest version of the correspondence, the low energy AdS/CFT correspondence. This is the regime where the correspondence has been more accurately tested so far. It states that the dynamics of an N= 4 SYM in four dimensions at strong 't Hooft coupling is captured by the supergravity modes of type IIB supergravity in AdS5xS5, without addition of the gravity dual of N= 4 SYM in four dimensions considered by Maldacena is generated by a stack of NcD3-branes in flat ten-dimensional space. This sixteen supercharges1. The type IIB supergravity solution of this system reads, in string const. , F5= (1 the round metric on S5,stands for the Hodge dual in ten dimensions and h3 is an harmonic function of the transverse = 1 + 4pgsNc(a')2 r4. (1.1.3) The previous normalization comes from Dirac quantization of the D3- brane charge. The general quantization condition for a Dp-brane (1.1.4) where the tension of a Dp-brane is given 8p7/2gs(a')2is the ten-dimensional gravitational constant. Taking the limit a'-0 (low energies) we decouple the open and closed string massive modes. Since the Planck length is given by constant (although in the end we will set gs-0,Nc- and large enough ), we see that 1We will comment below on the conformal invariance of this theory. Th is gives rise to another INTRODUCTION TO THE GAUGE/GRAVITY CORRESPONDENCE 11 this limitlP-0 also decouples the open/closed interactions. The right limiting proc edure also involves a near-horizon limit,r-0, such that Ur a'= fixed, r,a'-0. this limit in the supergravity solution (1.1.2), it can be writt en (1.1.7) where the scale parameter Lintroduced before is L4= 4pgsNc(a')2. (1.1.8) The above metric (1.1.7) has constant curvature, R ~L-2, in the low energy limit discussed above ( gs-0,Nc- and large enough), in string units. Thus, the supergravity description is valid for any value of U. Notice that the curvature and the 't Hooft coupling are inversely proportional, a'R ~l-1/2. This means that thegaugetheory description and thegravity onearecomplem entary anddo not overlap. The AdS/CFT correspondence is an example of a strong/weak coup ling duality, namely the system is well described by N= 4SU(Nc) SYM in four dimensions for small values of the 't Hooft coupling while is better described by type IIB string/gravity t heory whenever interesting point of the correspondence in its weakest ve rsion is the perfect matching between the isometries of the supergravity solution and t he global symmetries of the field theory. In the case discussed above one can see a particu lar example. The AdS5 space possesses an SO(2,4) isometry group. The remaining S5factor of the an extra SO(6) isometry. It is remarkable in the field theory side that SO(2,4) is theconformal groupinfour dimensions (scale invariance ofthe the ory) exactly the R-symmetry group of N= 4 SYM theory. This shows up a perfect matching of the bosonic symmetries. There are also fermionic symmetries whic h, together with the bosonic ones, form the supergroup SU(2,2|4). Massless fields in string theory and BPS operators of SYM theory are classified in multiplets of this supergro up [17]. It iswell-know thattypeIIB [20] arising from the compactification of M-theory on a t wo-torus with RR-scalar and phthe dilaton of type IIB. In N= 4 SYM there is a invariance with modular (1.1.10) where Th YMis a parameter (which corresponds to the Chern-Simons angle) tha t one can turn on in the lagrangian of the theory. The SL(2,Z) invariance is realised as a with shifts in Th YM. As we saw in (1.1.2), there is a relation12 CHAPTER 1. the Yang-Mills coupling, on the gauge theory side, and the s tring coupling. This relation has to be supplemented by another one that links the Th-ang le with the value of the RR scalar kh, ThYM= 2pkh , (1.1.11) such that the SL(2,Z) symmetry is clearly connected with the usual S-duality in type IIB string theory. The AdS/CFT correspondence also states that an operator Oiin the gauge theory living at the boundary of AdS5space is associated in a nontrivial way with fluctuations of its dual supergravity field Ph ipropagating in the bulk of AdS5. The generating functional for correlators in the field theory is related to the type IIB string theo ry partition function by [16, 17] Zstring[Phi] (1.1.12) where the boundary conditions of the supergravity field are given b (1.1.13) xuare gauge theory coordinates living at the boundary and iis the conformal dimension of the operator Oi. This scaling dimension is related to the mass of the corresponding clo sed string field on AdS5xS5. For a free massive scalar field propagating in AdS5, this relation is = 2 +
4 +m2L2. (1.1.14) In the beginning we stressed that we would pay attention to the sup ergravity duals of four dimensional field theories. For completeness, let us comment s ome words on the case of considering a stack of NcDp-branes (with p/ne}ationslash= 3) in flat space. This configuration preserves again sixteen supercharges. Following the previous lines about AdS/ CFT would expect that maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in p+ 1 gauge group be dual to type IIA/IIB string theory in the near ho rizon limit of the Dp-brane supergravity solution. However, there are some problems to generalise the Maldacena conjecture for p/ne}ationslash= 3. First of all, for p>=7 it is not possible to decouple the open/closed interactions. Moreover, the theory is not scale invar iant and the isometry group of the resulting metric has not AdSfactor. The near horizon limit of Dp-brane solutions has non-constant curvature for p/ne}ationslash= 3 and the dilaton is not constant either. Thus the ranges of validity of the gauge and gravity descriptions become more complic ated here and the decoupling limit does not work so cleanly. One can try to apply an approach similar to AdS/CFT to study non-co nformal and less supersymmetric theories, such as for instance N= 1 supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions, starting from D-branes in less supersymmetric ba ckgrounds and conformal invariance. The first thing that one can do is to try to reduce the amount of sup ersymmetry. Given a Sasaki-Einstein five-dimensional manifold X5one can consider placing a stack of NcD3- branes at the tip of the (Calabi-Yau) cone over X5. Taking then the Maldacena limit leads to a duality between string theory on AdS5xX5and a superconformal field theory (SCFT)1.1. INTRODUCTION TO THE GAUGE/GRAVITY CORRESPONDENCE 13 living in the worldvolume of the D3-branes [21]. In subsection 1.2.1 we will review the case in which the Sasaki-Einstein manifold is X5=T1,1and we will see that it is dual to N= 1 SCFT coupled to four chiral superfields in the bifundamental rep - resentation [22]. In subsection 1.2.4 we will review a new class of Sasak i-Einstein found. They are labeled by two positive integers X5=Yp,q[23, 24] and they case. We will also give somenotionsof itsdual N= gauge theories [25, 26]. In subsection 1.2.5 we will explore the m ost recent family of Sasaki-Einstein manifolds built, X5=La,b,cwhich contain all the others as a subfamily [27, 28]. They are also dual to N= 1 superconformal quiver gauge theories [29, 30, 31]. These families exhaust all possible toric Calabi-Yau cones on a base wit h topology S2xS3. Research on AdS/CFT in these SCFT's has led to a better understan ding of several impor- tant issues such as the appearance of duality cascades, a-maximiz ation, Seiberg duality, etc. In chapters 2, 3 and 4 we will concentrate on the addition of new deg rees of freedom to backgrounds and its interpretation in the dual field t heory. The next step is to break conformal invariance. In trying to do this , one finds some problems. The first one is that the dual supergravity solution of a n on-conformal gauge the- ory does not display an AdS-like geometry and, in general, it means th at (strictly does not work in these cases. Furthermore, a basic as pect of the AdS/CFT cor- respondence is the decoupling between open and closed degrees of freedom. In the weakest version of the AdS/CFT correspondence, the gauge theory is sup posed to be dual to super- gravity, without any addition of string states. In non-conformal theories, the dual gauge theory cannot be decoupled from the bulk if one only deals with super gravity modes. It is believed that a proper duality holds if one lets string states enter in to the game but, as it is the case for the original AdS/CFT correspondence, it is much ha rder to go beyond the supergravity regime and check the duality at string level. This is a crucial point to keep in mind when one studies the gauge/gravity duality in non-confo rmal theories. How- ever, we do not discuss this further here, and in subsections 1.2.2, 1.2.3 and 1.2.6 of chapter, as well as in chapters 4, 5 and 6, we will try t o exploit the power of open/closed string duality and see what we can learn about the dyna mics of gauge theories from supergravity and vice-vers a. There are several ways to obtain supergravity backgrounds dua l to non-conformal N= 1 gauge theories. One way is by introducing fractional D-branes o n toric Calabi-Yau three-fold cones. In subsection 1.2.2 we will study in deta il the case of D3-branes to the conifold [32] and we will see how the con formal invariance is broken. The same could be done for the Another way of breaking conformal invariance is by starting with D-branes wrapped on nontrivial supersymmetric cycles of non-co mpact Calabi-Yau three- fold spaces. This procedure was firstly used by Maldacena and N' u~ nez to study pure N= 1 SYM in four dimensions [34] and we will review their solution in subsection 1.2.6. It is worth pointing out here that not all the submanifolds admit wrapped D-branes preserving some amount of supersymmetry. Submanifolds that do preserve it are called calibrated cycles and are defined by the condition that the worldv olume theory on the D-brane is supersymmetric. These cycles are classified in manifolds w ith special holonomy. The breaking of the conformal invariance in a gauge theory leads to a running of the14 CHAPTER 1. coupling with the energy scale. In gauge/gravity duality the r adial coordinate defines the Renormalization Group (RG) scale of the dual gauge theory [4, 5 , 16, 17]. In general, for non-conformal theories, the radius-energy relation depend s on the phenomenon that one is interested in and accounts for the in the fie ld are also of great interest in the gauge/gravity duality sinc e the [35] guarantees that anomaly coefficients computed at on e loop are exact, with no radiative corrections. This means that we can compute anomaly c oefficients in the field theory at weak coupling and then extrapolate them to strong coup ling where we can use dual gravity methods to check the calculation. This allows a nontrivial che ck of the SUSY solutions of type IIB supergravity The aimof this section is to describe some supersymmetric solutions o f type IIB the geometry is a warped product of the four-dimensional M inkowski space and a M1,3xN6. the fermionic fields vanish, and thus the problem of finding supe rsymmetric to solve the vanishing of the supersymmetric variations of the fermionic fields of type IIB supergravity. We will write down below these transformat ions and the bosonic action of type IIB supergravity. The fact that a configuration is s upersymmetric does not necessarily imply that it is a solution of the supergravity equations of motion. We must checka posteriori that the equations of motion are solved by the configurations which fulfil the vanishing of the aforementioned supersymmetry transforma tions of the fermionic fields. Type IIB supergravity is a maximal supergravity ( i.e.with 32 supercharges) that can be constructed in ten dimensions [36, 37, 38]. This type IIB theory is chiral and cannot be obtained bydimensional reduction fromeleven dimensions. Neverth eless, it is relatedto type IIA sugra by T-duality. The bosonic degrees of freedom are the me tricGMN, the dilaton ph, a NSNS two-form B2whose field strength is H3(H3=dB2) and the RR field strengths F1, F3andF5. The action for these fields reads (in Einstein (1.2.1) where 2k2 10= 16pGN= (2p)7g2 s(a')4is related to the ten-dimensional gravitational constant and we have chosen the normalization anyp-formAp. Notice that the last term in SIIBis a Chern-Simons term that involves C4, the RR potential of F5. Apart from the equations of motion that arise from this action, on e has additionally to impose the self-duality condition F5=F5. For completeness, we write down the equations1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY 15 of motion satisfied by the dilaton and the metric set of Bianchi identities satisfied by the NSNS and RR field streng th fluxes of the above supergravity action are the following: dH3= 0, dF1= the equations of motion for the NSNS and RR forms deriv ed from the action (1.2.1) (1.2.4) Let us now consider the supersymmetric variations of the fermionic fields, a dilatino l and a gravitino psu. In type IIB string theory, the Killing spinor o(which supersymmetric transformations) is actually composed by two Majorana-Weyl spinors o1 ando2of well defined ten-dimensional chirality, which can be arranged as a in the form the supersymmetry transformations of the dilatino land gravitino psuin type IIB supergravity are (in Einstein , (1.2.5)16 CHAPTER 1. GMare ten-dimensional Dirac matrices, GM...Nstands for their antisymmetric product andsii= 1,2,3 are Pauli matrices which act on the two-dimensional vector const supersymmetric solutions that we will consider are solutions of t he vanishing of the above supersymmetry transformations (and of the supergravit y equations of motion as well) which can be interpreted as being dual to a four-dimensional N= 1 gauge theory. As discussed in the previous section, the kind of supergravity solution s dual to conformal field theories can be generated by putting D3-branes at the apex of a C alabi-Yau three-fold and then considering the geometric transition as in [39, 40]. The D3-bran es deform the geometry and source a RR five-form field strength. In order to break confo rmal invariance, branes enter into the game or we have to start from a c onfiguration with branes wrapping a supersymmetric cycle of the geometry. Usually, to solve the vanishing of eqs. (1.2.5), one must impose some projections on the Killing spinor. When t his happens, not all the supercharges present in the supergravity theory are pre served by the solution. are of the type Po=o. In the cases that we will study they should commute among themselves and each of them halves the number of preserve d supercharges. It is known that the number of supersymmetries preserved by a Calabi- Yau three-fold is 1 /4 of the maximally supersymmetric configurations2. It leads to 8 supercharges, hence being dual to a four-dimensional N= 1 SCFT. By breaking conformal invariance we are left with just 4 supercharges. In the next subsections we will give some examples of supersymmetr ic solutions dual N= 1 gauge theories and in some cases we will also display the Killing spinor which solves eqs. (1.2.5) and the projections that it satisfies . We will start from the dual to a SCFT and then we will move on to more realistic solutions, bre aking . We have just summarised very briefly type IIB supergravity. Atho roughreview oneleven and ten-dimensional supergravities, the relations among them (Ka luza-Klein reduction, T- duality), anes gravity and its relation with strings can be found in [41]. 1.2.1 D3-branes on the Conifold: the Klebanov-Witten (KW) model In the same spirit as AdS/CFT [4, 5, 16, 17], Klebanov and Witten [22] s uggested that Nc D3-branes at the singularity of the conifold will result in certain N= 1 superconformal field theory dual to the string theory on AdS5xX5, whereX5is the base of the cone and it was identified as the Sasaki-Einstein manifold T1,1[22, 42]. The conifold (or the cone over T1,1) is a non-compact Calabi-Yau three-fold defined by the following equa tion inC4(see [43] for a review of the 0. (1.2.6) Since this equation is invariant under a real rescaling of the variables , the conifold is a real cone whose base is the space T1,1, anspace with topology S2xS3. The metric onthe conifold 2In other words, only 1 /4 of the components of the Killing spinor oare different from zero.1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY 17 can be written in the sin2thidph2 i) (1.2.8) is the metric on T1,1. Herepsis an angular coordinate which ranges from 0 to 4 p, while (th1,ph1) and (th2,ph2) parameterise two S2spheres in a standard way. Therefore, this form of the metric shows that T1,1is aU(1) bundle over the K ahler-Einstein space S2xS2and that its isometry group is Moreover, the coordinates zi(1.2.6) can be expressed through the angular variables ps,thi,phiandras at the apex of the conical singularity (1.2.6), they sour ce the RR 5-form flux and warp the geometry. In the near-horizon limit, they give rise to the type IIB supergravity =L4 r4, L4= constant dilaton and all the other fields of type IIB supergrav ity vanishing. The nor- malization of the scale factor Lis dictated by the quantization of the D3-brane (1.2.11) By introducing eq. (1.2.10) into the supersymmetry transformatio ns (1.2.5) one can determine the Killing spinor which lives in this background. A detailed ana lysis was carried out in [44]. It is necessary to impose two projections on the Killing spino r and hence this background is 1 /4 supersymmetric, as expected for a Calabi-Yau three-fold. It pr eserves so the comparison of the number of preserved s upersymmetries allows to conjecture that it is the supergravity dual of an N= 1 SCFT in four dimensions. However there are more evidences of this duality. The field theory was const ructed in [22]. It is 3For a thorough study of the complex formulation of the conifold, se e [42].18 CHAPTER 1. gauge theory coupled to two chiral superfields, Ai, in the representation and two chiral superfields, Bi, in the ( -Nc,Nc) of the gauge group. The A's transform as a doublet under one of the global SU(2)s while the B's transform as a doublet under the other SU(2). We can motivate the field content of this theory rewriting the complex variables which par ameterise the equation of the conifold (1.2.6) as z1=A1B1, z 2=A2B2, z3=A1B2, z 4=A2B1. (1.2.12) The defining equation of the manifold is related to the moduli space of the gaugetheory. The anomaly-free U(1) R-symmetry ( U(1)R) of theN= 1 superconformal algebra is realised as a common phase rotation of Ai,Bj(or of the four coordinates zi-e-iazi). BothAiandBj have 1/2 charge under U(1)Rin order to cancel the anomaly. For consistency of the duality it is necessary to add a marginal superpotential (and so with R-cha rge 2). The most general marginal superpotential respecting the global symmetries (1.2.13) There is another anomaly-free abelian shifts B j-e-iphBj. it was proposed in [22] that the SU(Nc)xSU(Nc) SCFT with is dual to type IIB string theory on AdS5xT1,1. Although we will not go into details, beyondthesimple symmet ry analysis which supports the duality. On the gravity side, the geometry of T1,1emerges from S5/Z2via blowing-up of the orbifold singularity of S5/Z2. It can be shown [22] that this mechanism is dual to the RG flow of the gauge theory, which was identified in [45]. Perturbin g the this orbifold configuration in such a way that it breaks conformal symmetry and half of the supersymmetry, the field theory will flow to an infrared (IR) fixed point where is exactly (1.2.13). As a final argument in favour of the duality one could discuss the chir al operators of the field theory, namely the gauge invariant operators which have the lo west possible for a given R-charge. In [22] it was argued that the chiral operators of dimension 3 n/2 are of the completely symmetric tensors. These operators are in the ( n+1,n+
1) representation of SU(2)xSU(2). In [46] the supergravity modes dual to those chiral operators were studied, showing that they are a mixture of the co nformal factors of AdS5 and factors of the T1,1and the RR potential. 4In what follows we will denote it by U(1)B.1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY 19 1.2.2 Adding fractional D3-branes to the Klebanov-Witten m odel In this subsection we study the effect of adding Mfractional colour D3-branes in model. These fractional branes are D5-branes lo cated at the tip of the conifold and wrapping the vanishing nontrivial S2of theT1,1. They change the gauge group of the field theory dual to of all we analyse the dual supergravity background. The D5- branes act as sources of the magnetic RR three-form flux through the S3of theT1,1. Therefore, besides the Nc units of RR five-form flux (1.2.11), the supergravity dual involves Munits of three-form . (1.2.16) This supergravity solution was constructed in [32] and it is known as t he model. In order to display the supergravity background it is useful to emp loy the following basis of one-forms on the compact s 2= sinth1dph1, s 3= costh1dph1, o1= sinpssinth2dph2+ cospsdth2, o costh2dph2, In this basis the metric on T1,1(1.2.8) takes the (1.2.19) This basis is also useful to write the NSNS two-form flux B2and the RR by the fractional branes. They are magnetic fluxes which must satisfy the Bianchi identities (1.2.3). Therefore we need to construct a closed two- and three-form and one may realise that a possibility (1.2.20) They are closed by construction and 4p 8p2, (1.2.21)20 CHAPTER 1. the two-cycle S2is parameterise by th1=th2th,ph1= 2p-ph2ph,ps= const. and the three-cycle S3byth2,ph2= constant. Consistency with the Bianchi identities (1.2.3) and the quantization condition (1.2.16) allows to write the NSNS two-f ormB2and the RR three-form H a radial scale (integration constant) introduced in the theory by the Note that gs6F3=H3, g sF3=-6H3, the Hodge dual with respect to the metric ds2 6(1.2.7). Thus, the the imaginary self-duality condition 6G3=iG3. It follows zero the dilaton phand the RR scalar kh(F1=dkh). The ten-dimensional metric hasthestructure ofawarped produc (1.2.26) where the warp factor is obtained by solving the Einstein equations o f motion (1.2.2) h(r) model is a solution of the type IIB equations o f motion and of the Bianchi identities. It preserves 1 /8 of the supersymmetry (see for example [44]). Again this fact allows us to postulate that the four-dimensional gauge th eory dual preserves N= 1 supersymmetry without conformal invariance. We will study below t he implications of important feature of this model is that the RR five-form flux, wh ich can be parame- terised (consistently with the quantization condition (1.2.11)) as fo (1.2.28) takes a radial (1.2.29)1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY 21 This dependence comes from the fact that the right-hand side of t he Bianchi identity non zero in this case. Notice that the five-form flux present at th e ultraviolet (UV) may completely disappear by the time we reach a scale where Neff= 0. A related fact is that the (1.2.30) which is invariant in string theory as it undergoes a shift of 1 (due to t he of H3), is no longer a periodic variable. If we shift b0by one unit, we see that the shift in the radial variable that realises the same effect is a decre asing of the radius by a factor exp( -2p/3gsM). This implies a decreasing in the five-form flux in Therefore the not quantised. On the field theory side this effect is understood as a Seiberg duality [47]. We star t from a theory with gauge groups SU(r1)xSU(r2) at some energy scale, with r1> r2. The gauge couplings of both gauge groups flow in opposite directions since each gauge gr oup views the in the other gauge group as flavour degrees of free dom. The coupling of the gauge group SU(r1) flows towards strong coupling and before reaching an infinite value , the theory is better described in terms of its Seiberg dual description, which is weakly 2 r2flavours inthefundamental representation. Under aSeiberg duality this becomes an SU(2r2-r1) and the other gauge group remains untouched. Thus, after the Seiberg duality we get which resembles closely the theory we start with. On the field theory side we can read NeffandMfrom the effective D3-brane and D5-brane charge respectively of the system of fractional D-bra nes that engineers the D3-branes of one kind (D5-branes wrapping the S2) of the other kind (D5-branes wrapping the S2with-1 quanta of gauge field flux on the two-cycle). Although we will leave the details of the analysis of the effective charge to chapter 5, we advance here that Neff=b0r1+ (1.2.31) Under the Seiberg duality described above they (1-b0)(2r2-r1) =Neff-M , M'=M , the SUGRA behaviour. Starting from the UV ( r=r0) of the gravity solu- tion and moving to the IR, it is worth pointing out that, after ksteps of the logarith- mic running (duality cascade) that we have just explained, the radiu s decreases as and the effective number of colours turns out to be the rank of the dual gauge groups remains fixed at each s tep and only changes at the point where we perform the Seiberg duality. In other words, at each step the gauge group can be written as only when b0= 0. The metric (1.2.26) has a naked singularity at the value of the radial v the warp factor becomes zero, h(rs) = 0. Then, setting h(r) =L4 r4ln(r/rs), L2=9gsMa' 2 2, (1.2.33)22 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION we can write the metric as a purely logarithmic RG nature of this singularity has its origin in the charge quantisation (1.2.16). For small values of the radial coordinate rtheS3shrinks to zero. This leads to a divergence of F3in order to fulfil the quantization condition (1.2.16). The curvature of the metric (1.2.34) decreases for large r, so the string corrections to the SUGRA solution become negligible. Even if gsMis very small, the solution is reliable for sufficiently large radii where gsNeff1. In this regime the separation between the cascade steps is large and we can compare the b-functions computed from SUGRA with those of gauge theory in the UV limit. The integrals over the S2of theT1,1 of the NSNS and RR two-form potentials B2andC2, the dilaton phand the RR scalar khare moduli of the type IIB theory on AdS5xT1,1. The two gaugecouplings and the two Th-angles of thefield theory arerelatedwith them ina way which depends onthe quantization of string theory in that background. Given the lack of knowledge about the s tring quantization with the fact that the KW model can be obtained as an IR fi xed point of the RG flow of the orbifold AdS5xS5/Z2, we borrow the holographic relations from those computed in the orbifold theory [45, 48, 49]. For the two gauge coup lings they be defined in the range [0 ,1] in order to give positive squared couplings. The ambiguity in the last equation is the 2 pperiodicity comes from the quantization condition on H3. A shift of 2 pamounts to move to a dual description of the gauge theory.5 In gauge/gravity duality the radial coordinate defines the RG scale of the dual gauge theory [4, 5, 16, 17]. There are several ways of establishing the pr ecise relation. In what follows we adopt the one that typically corresponds to the Wilsonian r enormalization group: L~r . (1.2.36) Now we are ready to compute the b-functions of the field theory from the fields (1.2.35). The constancy of the dilaton translates into t he vanishing of the b-function The second holographic relation in (1.2.35) gives rise to a logarithmic running gauge 6Mln(r/rs) + const. , (1.2.37) 5In the Klebanov-Witten theory, this is the Seiberg duality.1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY 23 since ln(r/rs) = ln(L/u). If we compare with the b-function [50] we find + 2(1 -g)), the anomalous dimension of operators Tr AiBj. The conformal invariance of M= 0andthesymmetry under M- -Mrequirethat positive integer [51]. Then, 8p2 g2 -= 6Mln(L/u)(1 +O(M/Nc)2n). the coefficient 6 Mis in exact agreement with (1.2.37). It is worth pointing out again that as the theory flows to the IR, we m ust perform a Seiberg dualities each time that one of gauge coupling diverges. As we have explained, this duality decreases the rank of the gauge group on which it acts. On t he gravity side this effect translates into a decrease of Neffin units of M(1.2.32). However this cascade must stop before reaching a region where Neffis negative. The fact that the solution described above is singular in the IR tells us that it has to be modified there. The p roper via the deformation of the conifold as we will explain in the next su we want to discuss the chiral anomaly of the model. We show now how the chiral anomaly of an N= 1 cascading gauge theory can be read from the supergravity solution of [32]. In the quantum field theory there are chiral fermions charged under the U(1)Rsymmetry and we can understand the R-symmetry breaking as an effect of the chiral anomaly. An standard result of quantum field theory is that in aglobal U(1) symmetry oftheclassical lagrangian, the Noether current Ju Rassociated with an infinitesimal R-symmetry transformation is not generally conserved but instead obeys the (1.2.40) where the sum runs over the fermions fcirculating in the loop of the relevant the R-charge of the fermion and T[R(f)] is the Dynkin index of the gauge group representation R(f)that the fermion belongs to, normalised as T[R(fund.)] = 1 and T[R(adj.)] = 2Nc. We follow the convention that fixes the R-charge of the gauginos a s R[l] = 1. In (1.2.40) Fa unis the field strength associated to the gauge group, athe gauge index andu,nare spacetime indices. In the case of interest we take an SU(Nc+M)xSU(Nc) gauge theory in the UV. There are two gauge groups, so let us define Fa unandGa unto be the field strengths of respectively. In computing the triangle anomalies we (1.2.41)24 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION or in other words, under an of parameter o, the Th-angles6for each gauge group transforms as doTh1= 2Mo , doTh2=-2Mo , (1.2.42) or = 0, do(Th1-Th2) = 4Mo . (1.2.43) In order to compare the above analysis with that of the Klebanov-T seytlin model we will borrow again the holographic relations computed in the orbifold theo ry [45, 48, 49]7: Th1+ Th2=-2pkh 4p). (1.2.44) The ambiguity of the second equation is subtle: it corresponds to th e two kinds of appearing in the theory. The angles Th 1and Th 2come from the imaginary parts of the action of two kinds of fractional Euclidean D(-1) branes. Bo th of them are the quantum field theory. On the string theory side the periodicitie s exactly match: an Euclidean fractional D(-1)-brane enters the f unctional integral with a term the imaginary part in the exponent is defined modulo2p in the quantum string theory. Although the asymptotic UV metric has a U(1)Rsymmetry (dual to the R-symmetry of the gauge theory) associated with rotations of the angular coord inateps/2 (1.2.8, 1.2.26), the RR two-form C2does not have this continuous symmetry. Actually, the RR field stre ngth F3=dC2does have this symmetry but there is no smooth global expression f orC2. Locally we can (1.2.45) which is not single-valued as a function of the angular variable psand it is not invariant under theU(1)R. Under the transformation ps-ps+ 2o, the RR potential C2changes p2a'(1.2.44). ps-ps+2o is a symmetry only when ois an integer multiple of p/M. Sinceois defined modulo 2 p, we conclude that only a Z2Msubgroup of the U(1)Ris an actual symmetry of the system. 6With a conventional normalization, the Th-angle terms appear in the g auge theory action we are not sure about that sign in the first equation below. At any rate, with this minus sign the R-anomaly computation of the supergravity backgrounds in ch apters 4 and 5 match exactly the field theory havewritten the complexified gaugecoupling instead ofthe super gravityfields for the use of the dictionary given in eqs. (1.1.1) and (1.1.11) is understo od.1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY 25 Let us now compare the anomaly coefficients obtained from field theo ry with those given by the holographic relations (1.2.44). The fa ct that there is no RR scalar field khin the model translates into the simple relation of t he Th-angles Th 1=-Th2Th. Thus, under the 2othe yield do(Th1+ Th2) = 0, do(Th1-Th2) 4Mo , (1.2.47) in perfect agreement with (1.2.43). In summary, the chiral anomaly of the SU(Nc+M)xSU(Nc) gauge theory is encoded in the UV behaviour (large r) of the dual classical supergravity Deformation of the conifold: the (KS) model It was shown in [51] that the resolution of the naked singularity of th e model [32] occurs though the replacement of the conifold (1.2.6) by the deformed conifold, whose complex structure is described by the following equation in (1.2.48) The manifold defined by (1.2.48) has isometry group SU(2)xSU(2), where the are understood as left and right multiplication on the There is also a U(1)Raction given a common phase rotation to all the complex coordinates . However this symmetry is broken to Z2by the deformation parameter. The singularity of the conifold is removed through the blowing-up of the S3of theT1,1at the tip. The equation (1.2.48) was studied in detail in [42]. Following closely the technique employed the re to solve the equation, one can find a parameterisation of the complex variables in terms of the introduced in (1.2.8) and a dimensionless radial coordinate ten-dimensional metric of [51] takes the standard (1.2.50)26 CHAPTER 1. ds2 6is now the metric of the deformed conifold. Using the angular variable s of (1.2.8) and the basis (1.2.17), the metric of the deformed conifold is diagona (1.2.52) In the UV limit (large t) it is convenient to introduce another radial variable (1.2.53) in terms of which the deformed conifold metric for large values of the new radial variable turns into that of the singular conifold (1.2.7), 0 the angular metric degenerates (g3)2+ (g4)2], (1.2.54) which is the metric of a round S3[42]. The additional two directions corresponding to the S2fibered over the S3shrink as (g2)2]. (1.2.55) Apart from the metric of the warpeddeformed conifold, the model proposed by Klebanov and Strassler in [51] also includes RR field strengths F3,F5and a Kalb-Ramond potential B2. Let us write them +g5g1g2F(t) (1 +kF . (1.2.57) The form of the functions entering into the flux forms was also given in [51]. They were found solving a first-order system of equations derived from a sup erpotential for the effective radial problem [52]: f'= (1-F) (1.2.58)1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY (1.2.59) The model preserves some amount of supers ymmetry and it was shown in [53] that it is 1 /8 supersymmetric (see [44] for a explicit calculation). One can also check that the above system of first-order equations is a solu tion of the of motion of type IIB supergravity (1.2.2 - 1.2.4). It is also interesting to point out that (1.2.58) implies the imaginary self-duality condition of the thr ee-form (1.2.24) with respect to the metric of the deformed conifold. For completeness we give the solution of the system (1.2.58): F(t) =sinht-t 2sinht, f (t) l(t) we have tuned the integration constants to avoid singularitie s in the fluxes. Once we have solved the system of equations for the three-forms , we can Asusual, larget. Thus the result is [51]: h(t) = is non-singular at the tip of the deformed conifold and matches (1.2 .33) at large t. Actually this model [51] turns into the one [32] at larget, once we perform the radial change of variable (1.2.53). The curvature of the metric (1.2.50) is small everywhere for large v alues ofgsM. As we will see below this is the t' Hooft coupling of the gauge theory far in th e IR. As long as this is large, the curvature is small and the supergravity approximation is reliable. The theorythat we have just described is confining. This means tha them. Onthegravitysid e, string that comes in from infinity and ends on one of th e branes which generate the background. When we have a quark-antiquark pair and we sepa rate them by a large distance, we can think about the quark-antiquark potential as th e energy of a extended on one of the spatial directions where the theory lives. If the tension of that fundamental string is constant, this is a sign of confinement of the dual gauge theory. This is what happens in the metric (1.2.50), where for small values of tthe function approaches a constant (1.2.61, 1.2.62). In order to explain more in detail this argument, let us recall that the fundamental string corresp onds to the Wilson loop in the fundamental representation of the gauge group. The classic criterion for confinement is that this Wilson loop W1(C) obeys the area law (in the limit of large area) [54] -ln<W1(C)>A , (1.2.63)28 CHAPTER 1. Ais the area enclosed by the loop Cin the gauge theory directions. Considering a Wilson contour at fixed tin the warped deformed conifold, the minimal surface bounded by the contour bends towards small t. If the contour has a very large area, then most of the minimal surface will drift down into theregion near t= 0. Being thecoefficient of 0 means that the tension of the fundamental string is also finite an d so the resulting Wilson loop satisfies the area law (1.2.63). The tension of the confining string scales as 0)0.71805 (see eq. (1.2.62)). A generalisation of the confining string is to consider Wilson loops in ant representations of the gauge group SU(M) withqindices where qranges from 1 to M-1. These Wilson loops can be thought of as confining strings which con nectqquarks on one end to qantiquarks on the other end. These are the so-called q-strings. The case q= 1 reduces to the fundamental representation and there is a sym metry under q-M-q which corresponds to replacing quarks by antiquarks. For q=Mthe quarks combine into a colourless state (a baryon) and the Wilson loop does not satisfy the law area (1.2.63). The tension of a confining q- string in the deformed conifold was computed in [55]. There they found that, approximately, this tension goes a constant related to an IR scale of the gauge theory. This is in agr eement with what is expected for a confining N= 1 supersymmetric SU(M) gauge theory in four dimensions. Notice that as Tq+q'< Tq+Tq', will not decay into strings with smaller q. Let us finally discuss briefly the relation between the deformation of the conifold and the pattern of chiral symmetry breaking of the dual field theory. We h ave already argued that the singularity in the solution of [32] is removed through the blowing-u p of theS3of the T1,1at the tip of the conifold. This blowing-up avoids the divergence of th e field strength F3att= 0. However, the most powerful argument to see that the conifo ld is deformed comes from the field theory analysis. The dual field theory in the UV h as gauge We have seen that when the energy scale flows to the IR, it is necessary to perform a Seiberg duality each time that the gauge co upling of one of the gauge groups diverges. We have also seen that in this cascading of Seiberg dualities, the rank of the gauge groups decreases alternatively in Munits. This process must stop since negative values of the rank of a gauge group does not make sense. Here we o nly pay attention to the case in which Ncis multiple of M, namelyNc=pM. In this particular case the bottom of the cascade is a supersymmetric SU(2M)xSU(M) gauge theory. The classical moduli space of this theory is modified at the quantum level by nonperturb ative effects [56, 57]. The theory acquires a deformed moduli space with Mindependent branches, each of which has the shape of a deformed conifold (1.2.48). The branches are pe rmuted by the Z2MR- symmetry (chiral symmetry), which is spontaneously broken down toZ2. This breaking of1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY inapure SU(M)N= four dimensions. In supersymmetric gluodynamics the breaking of the chiral symmetry is associated with the gluino condensation <l2>[58, 59, 60]. A holographic calculation of the gluino condensate was carried out in [61] and the result (1.2.67) which depends on the parameter o2of the equation of the deformed conifold (1.2.48). The chiral symmetry breaking can also be realised in the supergravit y solution. Recall that in the UV, only a Z2Msubgroup of the by ps/2 survives due to the explicit dependence on psof the RR two-form C2(1.2.45). Recalling also that psranges from 0 to 4 pwe see that in the model, which depends on sinps, theZ2Msymmetry is further broken to Z2, generated by ps-ps+ vacua come up due to the breaking of the symmetry by IR e ffects. As a consequence, domain walls appear interpolating among them. Th ey are at t= 0 (domain walls are IR effects) the finite-sized S3and with the along R1,3. We will study them more in detail in section 1.3. We have seen that the model describes some f eatures of an SU(M) N= 1 supersymmetric gauge theory as confinement or the pattern o f chiral However, it is not its gravitational dual because SU(M)N= 1 theory can be achieved by taking gsM-0 and sending the scale of the last step of the cascade SU(2M)xSU(M) to infinity. Unfortunately, this is the opposite limit of that where the supergravity approximation is reliable ( gsM- ), as we discussed D3-branes on the cone over a new class of Sasaki-Einstein five-dimensional manifolds Yp,q,pandqbeing two coprime positive integers, has been constructed [23, 24]. They cor respond to a new family of solutions of the equations of motion of type IIB supergravity dual to four-dimensional N= 1 SCFT's. They are basically the same as that of the Klebanov-Witten m odel (1.2.7, 1.2.10) but replacing the Sasaki-Einstein manifolds T1,1byYp,q. From a physical point of view, these solutions are generated by a stack of NcD3-branes at the apex of the cone over the Yp,qmanifold that we will denote as CYp,q. Recall that the normalization of the scale factor Lis dictated by the quantization of the D3-brane tension (1.2.11). Th is scale is associated to the radius of the AdS space and changes accordingly to the volume o f the internal (1.2.68) First of all, we shall briefly review basic features of the Yp,qmanifolds. The metric of this Sasaki-Einstein space can be written as [23, sin2thdph2) (1.2.69)30 CHAPTER 1. being given by: H(y) (1.2.70) A natural frame for this space (1.2.71) The metrics ds2 Yp,qare Sasaki-Einstein, which means that the cones CYp,qwith Calabi-Yau manifolds. The metrics in these coordinates neatly dis play some nice local features of these spaces. Namely, by writing it (1.2.72) it turns out that ds2 4is a K ahler-Einstein metric with K ahler form J4=1 2ds. Notice that this is a local splitting that carries no global information. Indeed, th e pair (ds2 4,J4) is not in general globally defined. The Killing vector pshas constant norm but its orbits do not close (except for certain values of pandq, see below). It defines a foliation of leaves, as we see, locally have a K ahler-Einstein struc ture. This aspect will be important in chapter are topologically S2xS3and can be regarded as over manifolds of topology S2xS2. Their isometry group is SU(2)xU(1)2. Notice that the metric (1.2.69) depends on two constants aandc. The latter, if different from zero, can be set to one by a suitable rescaling of the coordinate y, although it is to keep the value of carbitrary in order to be able to recover the corresponds to c= 09. 0, instead, as we have just said we can set c= 1 and the parameter acan be written in terms of two coprime integers pandq(we takep>q) the coordinate yranges between the two smaller roots of the cubic (1.2.74) 9Ifc= 0, we can set a= 3 by rescaling y-xy,b-x-1b, anda-x2a. If we further write y= costh2 andb=ph2, identifying thth1andphph1, and choose the period of psto be 4p, the metric goes to that SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY (forc= (1.2.75) In order to specify the range of the other variables appearing in th e metric, let us introduce the coordinate aby means of the (1.2.76) Then, the coordinates th,ph,psandaspan the range: 0<=th<=p ,0<ph<=2p ,0<ps<=2p ,0<a<=2pl , (generically an irrational number) given (1.2.78) the metric (1.2.69) being periodic in these variables. Notice that, whe 0, the coordinate bis non-periodic: the periodicities of psandaare not congruent, unless the manifold is quasi-regular, i.e., there exists a positive integer ksuch that k2= 4p2-3q2. (1.2.79) For quasi-regular manifolds, ds2 4in (1.2.72) corresponds to a K ahler-Einstein orbifold. Notice that lbecomes rational and it is now possible to assign a periodicity to pssuch that bends up being periodic. If we perform the change of variables (1.2.76 ) in (1.2.69), we sin2thdph2) andf(y) given by v(y) w(y) =2(a-y2) 1-cy, f(y) volume of this manifold can be computed from the metric (1.2.69), with the result (for c= 1): Vol(Yp,q) (1.2.82)32 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION It will be useful to give a set of complex coordinates describing CYp,q. The starting point in identifying a good set of them is the following set of closed one-form s [25] (here we follow the notation of (1.2.83) in terms of which, the metric of CYp,qcan be rewritten ~ e2and ~e3are not integrable. It is however easy to see that integrable one- forms can be obtained by taking linear combinations of them: e2= ~e2+ccosth e1, e3= ~e3+costh e1+y~e2. (1.2.85) We can now define ei=dzi/zifori= 1,2,3, where z1= tanth 2e-iph, z z andf2(y) being given by: f1(y) = f 2(y) = (1.2.87) By using the form of H(y) written in eq.(1.2.70) it is possible to provide a simpler expression for the functions fi(y), has been defined in (1.2.74), y1andy2are given in eq.(1.2.75) and y3is the third root of the polynomial Q(y) which, for c= 1, is related to The holomorphic three-form of CYp,qsimply reads ohm (1.2.89) Notice that coordinates z1andz2are local complex coordinates on the transverse leaves of Yp,q(1.2.72) with K ahler-Einstein metric ds2 4. They are not globally well defined as soon1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY 33 asz2is periodic in b-which is not a periodic coordinate. Besides, they are on CYp,q(the function z1is singular at th=pwhilez2has a singularity at y=y1). A set of holomorphic coordinates on Yp,qwas constructed in [63]. Recall that the metric of the Yp,qmanifold can be written as (1.2.72) with sbeing the one-form given (1.2.90) The K ahler form J4of the four-dimensional K ahler-Einstein space is just J4=1 2ds. In the frame (1.2.71) it can be written (1.2.91) From the Sasaki-Einstein space Yp,qwe can construct the Calabi-Yau cone CYp,q, whose metric is just given by: The K ahler form JofCYp,qis (1.2.92) whose explicit expression in terms of the coordinates can compute now the Killing spinors for the by imposing the vanishing of the type IIB supersymmetry transformations (1 .2.5). We will see that the preserves eight supersymmetries, in agreement with theN= 1 superconformal character of the corresponding dual field theo ry, which has four and four superconformal ones. The result of t his calculation is in some particular basis of frame one-forms, which we will now specify. In the AdS5part of the will choose the natural basis of vielbein one-forms, 0,1,2,3), er=L r. we will use theframegiven in(1.2.71). Inorder towritethe expressions of the Killing spinors in a compact form, let us define the matrix G (1.2.96) Then, the Killing spinors oof the can be written in terms of a constant spinor +Gr 2L2xaGxa(1 + G . (1.2.97)34 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION The spinor esatisfies the projections : G12e=-ie , G34e=ie , (1.2.98) which show that this background preserves eight supersymmetrie s. Notice that, since the matrix multiplying ein eq.(1.2.97) commutes with G 12and G 34, the spinor oalso satisfies the conditions (1.2.98), i.e.: G12o=-io , G34o=io . (1.2.99) In eq. (1.2.97) we are parameterising the dependence of oon the coordinates of AdS5as in ref. [64]. In order to explore this dependence in detail, it is interestin g to decompose the constant spinor eaccording to the different eigenvalues of the matrix G *: G*e+-=+-e+-. (1.2.100) Using this decomposition we obtain two types of Killing (1.2.101) The four spinors o-are independent of the coordinates xaand G *o-=-o-, whereas the o+'s do depend on the xa's and are not eigenvectors of G *. The latter correspond to the supersymmetries, while the o-'scorrespond to the ordinaryones. Notice also that the only dependence of these spinors on the coordinates of t heYp,qspace is through the exponential of the angle psin eq. (1.2.101). In addition to the Poincar' e coordinates ( xa,r) used above to represent the AdS5metric, it is also convenient to write it in the so-called global coordinates, in wh ichds2 AdS5takes dT2+d2+ sinh2 the metric of a unit three-sphere parameterised by three angles (da1)2+ (1.2.103) with 0<=a1,a2<=pand 0<=a3<=2p. In order to write down the Killing spinors in we will choose the same frame as in eq. (1.2.71) for the Yp,qpart of the metric, while for the AdS5directions we will use: eT=LcoshdT , e=Ld (1.2.104) If we now define the (1.2.105)1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY 35 then, the Killing spinors in these coordinates can be written as , a constant spinor that satisfies the same conditions as in eq. (1.2.9 8). The gauge theory dual to IIB on AdS5xYp,qis by now well understood. The infinite family of spaces Yp,qwas shown to be dual to superconformal quiver gauge theories [25 , 26]. The study of AdS/CFT in these geometries has shed light in many subt le aspects of SCFT's in four dimensions. Furthermore, the correspondence successf ully passed new tests such as those related to the fact that the central charge of these theo ries, as well as the R-charges of the fundamental fields, are irrational numbers [66]. Here we quote some of the features that are directly relevant for the results of chapter 2. We follow the pre sentation of ref. [26]. U U U U U VY YY Y YY 1.1: The basic cells s(upper left) and t(upper right). Yp,qquivers are built with q sandp-q tunit cells. The cubic terms in the superpotential (1.2.107) come from closed loops of the former and the quartic term arises from the latter. Th e quiver for Y4,2is quivers for Yp,qcan be constructed starting with the quiver of Yp,pwhich is to the quiver theory obtained from C3/Z2p. The gauge group is SU(Nc)2pand is constructed out of cubic and quartic terms in th e four types of bifunda- mental chiral fields present: two doublets UaandVband two singlets YandZof a global SU(2). (1.2.107) Greek indices a,b= 1,2 are inSU(2), and Latin subindices i,jrefer to the gauge group where the corresponding arrow originates. Equivalently, as explain ed in [33], the quiver theory forYp,qcan be constructed from two basic cells denoted by sandt, and their mirror images with respect to a horizontal axis, ~ sand ~t(see Fig. 1.1). Gluing of cells has to36 CHAPTER 1. R-charge 1.1: Charges for bifundamental chiral fields in the quiver dual the orientation of double arrow lines corresponding to the Ufields. For example, the quiverY4,2is given by s~st~t. More concrete examples and further discussion can be found in [26, 33]. Here we quote a result of [26] which we will largely reproduce using a st udy of wrapped branes in chapter 2. The global U(1) symmetries corresponding to the factors appearing in the isometry group of the Yp,qmanifold are identified as the R-charge symmetry U(1)Rand a flavour symmetry U(1)F. There is also a baryonic U(1)Bthat becomes a gauge symmetry in the gravity dual. The charges of all fields in the quiver with respect to these are summarised in Table 1.1. It is worth noting that the above assignment of charges satisfies a number of conditions. For example, the linear anomalies vanish Tr U(1)B= TrU(1)F= 0, as well as the cubic 't Hooft anomaly Tr U(1)3 B. 1.2.5 D3-branes on the cone over further generalisation of the five-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein ma nifold led to the construc- tion of the La,b,cmanifolds [27, 28], where a,bandcare integers. This family of the Yp,q's as particular cases and exhausts all possible Calabi-Yau cones on a base with topology S2xS3. Considering again a stack of NcD3-branes at the apex of the cone over (we will denote it as CLa,b,c) and taking the geometric transition, we get a new family of solutions of the equations of motion of type IIB supergravity dual N= 1 SCFT's. These backgrounds are againof the form RR field strength F5. Recall that the normalization of the scale factor L, dictated by the quantization of the D3-brane tension (1.2.11), changes acc ordingly to the volume of the internal (1.2.108)1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY 37 The metric of the Sasaki-Einstein manifold La,b,ccan be written as [27, (d~t+ ~s)2, a local K ahler-Einstein metric, with K ahler form J4=1 2d~s, given the quantities x, th,r2and , r2= th-x . (1.2.111) The ranges of the different coordinates are 0 0<=ph,ps<2p, where x1andx2are the smallest roots of the cubic equation x= 0. A natural tetrad frame for this space reads e1=rthdth , , ~s). (1.2.112) Notice that, in this frame, J4=e1e2+e3e4. Let us now define ai,biandci(i= 1,2) bi=bci xi-b, coordinate ~ thappens to be compact and varies between 0 and ~ t,
b, k= gcd(a,b). are related to the integers a,b,cofLa,b,cby means of the 0, ab 1+bb2+d= 0, ac 1+bc2= The constants a,banduappearing in the metric are related to xas u=x1x2x3, a+b=x1+x2+x3, ab CHAPTER 1. it follows from (1.2.115) that all ratios between the four andc2must be rational. Actually, one can prove (1.2.117) Any other ratio between ( a,b,c,d) can be obtained by combining these equations. In par- ticular, from (1.2.113), (1.2.116) and (1.2.117), one can rewrite som e of these relations (1.2.118) The manifoldhas U(1)xU(1)xU(1) isometry. It is, thus, toric. Its volume can be computed from the metric with the (1.2.119) Other geometrical aspects of these spaces can be found in [25, 27 ]. In order to construct a set of local complex coordinates on the Ca labi-Yau cone on La,b,c, CLa,b,c, let us introduce the following basis of closed .(1.2.120) From these quantities, it is possible to define a set of (1 ,0)-formseias the following ^e1-^e2, e 2= ^e1+ ^e2, e 3= 3^e3+ ^e1+ ^e2. (1.2.121) One can immediately check that they are integrable, ei=dzi zi. The explicit form of the complex coordinates ziis: z1= z =P1(x)a-b, f 2(x) that there are a few sign differences in our conventions as co mpared to those in [67].1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY 39 and the functions Pq(x) are defined as Pq(x) = (1.2.124) In terms of these (1 ,0)-forms, it is now fairly simple to work out the two-form ohm 4, ohm4= 3i~sohm4. By using these properties one can verify that the three-form: ohm (1.2.126) is closed. Moreover, the explicit expression for ohm in terms of the abo ve defined closed and integrable (1 ,0)-forms reads ohm (1.2.127) which shows that ohm ei= 0. In terms of the complex coordinates zi, the form ohm adopts a simple expression from which it is clear that it is the holomorphic (3,0) fo rm of the Calabi- Yau coneCLa,b,c, ohm =dz1dz2dz3 z1z2. (1.2.128) The expression (1.2.127) allows for the right identification of the ang le conjugated to the R-symmetry [29], ps'= 3~t+ph+ps . starting from J4, we can write the K ahler form dJ = 0. (1.2.130) Notice that all the expressions written in this subsection reduce to those , b =p+q , c =p , 3x-a= 2ay , u =4 27(1-a)a3, (1.2.131)
~th= 2th , while (1.2.129) provides the right identification with the U(1)Rangle inYp,q. We shall use this limiting case several times along chapter 3 to make contact11with the results found in chapter 2. We can perform now an analysis of the Killing spinors of the as we did in the previous subsection (1.2.97). They can be written again in terms of a +Gr 2L2xaGxa(1 + G . (1.2.132) 11It is worth pointing out that one should be careful since we are using the same notation for the and for the forms which characterize the complex str ucture of both manifolds.40 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION The spinor esatisfies the projections [67]: G12e=ie , G34e=ie , (1.2.133) this implying that oalso satisfies the same projections. Using the decomposition of the constant spinor eaccording to its G *-parity, G *e+-=+-e+-, we obtain again two types of Killing (1.2.134) The spinors o-satisfy G *o-=-o-, whereas the o+'s are not eigenvectors of G *. The to ordinary supercharges while the latter, which depe nd on related to the superconformal supersymmetries. The only de pendence on the through the exponential of ps'= 3~t+ph+ps. This angle, as explained above, is identified with the U(1)Rof the superconformal quiver theory. It is finally convenient to present the explicit expression for the Killing spinors when AdS5is described by its global coordinates . given in (1.2.105) and eis a constant spinor that satisfies the same conditions as in we quote some of the results of the gauge theory dual to IIB are directly relevant to the understanding of chapter 3. The La,b,cSCFT's were in [29, 30, 31]. They are four-dimensional quiver theo ries whose main features we would like to briefly remind. The gauge theory for fields. The latter are summarised in Table 1.2. There is a U(1)2 Fflavour symmetry that corresponds, in the gravity side, to the su bgroup of isometries that leave invariant the Killing spinors. There is a certain ambiguity in th e choice of in the gauge theory side, as long as they can mix with the group. This fact is reflected in the appearance of two int egerskandlin assignments, whose only restriction is given by the identity ck+bl= 1 (here, it is assumed that bandcare coprime) [30]. The charge assignments in Table 1.2 fulfil a number of nontrivial cons traints. For exam- ple, all linear anomalies vanish, Tr U(1)B= TrU(1)F1= TrU(1)F2= 0. The cubic t' Hooft anomaly, Tr U(1)3 B, vanishes as well. The superpotential of the theory has three kind of terms; a quartic one, TrY U 1ZU2, (1.2.136) and two cubic terms, TrY U 1V2, TrY U 2V1. (1.2.137) Their R-charge equals two and they are neutral with respect to th e baryonic and . The number of terms of each sort is uniquely fixed by th e multiplicities of1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY 1.2: Charges for bifundamental chiral fields in the quiver dual fields to be, respectively, 2 a, 2(b-c) and 2(c-a) [30]. The total number of terms, then, equals Nf-Ng. In theYp,qlimit, the isometry of the space -thus the global enhances, becoming a doublet under the enhanced SU(2) group. The superpotential reduces in this limit to the Yp,qexpression [26]. More details about the gauge theories can be found in [29, 30, 31]. 1.2.6 The Maldacena-N' u~ nez background The model proposed by Maldacena and N' u~ nez [34] realises a duality between a of type IIB and a four-dimensional N= 1 super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory with SU(Nc) gauge group. This supergravity solution was found previously by C hamseddine and Volkov [68] by studying monopole solutions of the N= 4 gauged supergravity in four dimensions with non-Abelian gauge fields. The setup consists of a stack of NcD5-branes wrapping a finite, topologically nontrivial and supersymmetric two-cycle of a resolved conifold [42]. The Calabi- Yau is 1/4 supersym- metric and the presence of D5-branes further halves the number of supersymmetries (and also spoils conformal symmetry) leaving a total of 4 supercharges . On one hand, the backreaction of the branes deforms the geomet ry and one has a ge- ometric transition as those studied in [39, 40]. The final geometry is t opologically like a deformed conifold [42], namely RxS2xS3. Branes also disappear and are replaced by the fluxes to which the initial branes couple. This generated supergrav ity background encodes the low energy dynamics of the closed string sector of the theory. On the other hand, if one looks at the low energy dynamics of open st rings on the D5- branes, discarding Kaluza-Klein modes, one finds a Yang-Mills theory living in the 1 + 342 CHAPTER 1. dimensions. The degrees of freedom of D= 4,N= 1 SYM can be arranged into a vector multiplet composed by a gauge vector field Au(two on-shell bosonic degrees of freedom) and a Majorana spinor l(two on-shell fermionic degrees of freedom), both of in the adjoint representation of the gauge group. T here are no scalar fields, which means that there is no moduli in the same spirit as AdS/CFT, this was the gauge/grav ity duality proposed in [34]. The relation is holographic and the non-compact direction of th e Calabi-Yau plays the role of the energy scale of the gauge theory. Moreover, it is wo rth pointing out here that the Maldacena-Nu~ nez (MN) model only describes the IR of N= 1 SYM theory. Its UV completion is instead related to little string theory and the two reg imes of the theory are not smoothly connected in terms of a unique solution (they are S -dual to each other). The source of this problem is the bad behaviour (divergence) of the dilaton in the UV, as we will see explicitly below. On the gauge theory side this reflects the d ifficulties of joining the weak coupling with the strong coupling regime of confining SYM the ory in a Such an interpolating picture exists if we compactify one sp atial dimension and consider SYM on the cylinder topology R1,2xS1[69]. The supergravity solution dual to this field theory was constructed in [70] in terms of NcM5-branes that wrap a three-cycle That solution is valid both to describe the IR of N= 1 SYM and its UV description (related to NS5-branes in type IIB). Therefore a uniq ue picture connecting the UV and the IR of the gauge theory exists in M-theory. Let us summarise now the MN background. The ten-dimensional met ric in string frame (and setting gs=a'=Nc= 1) r, 1,2,3) A3=-costh1dph1, (1.2.139) and the ~wi's aresu(2) left-invariant one-forms, satisfying TheAi's are the components of the non-abelian gauge vector field of the se ven-dimensional Moreover, the ~ wi's parameterise the compactification three-sphere and can be represented in terms of three angles cospsdth2+ costh2dph2. (1.2.140) The angles thi,phiandpstake values in the intervals andps[0,4p). The functions a(r),h(r) and the dilaton phare: a(r) (1.2.141)1.2. SUSY SOLUTIONS OF TYPE IIB SUPERGRAVITY 43 The solution of the type IIB supergravity also includes a Ramond-Ra mond Aa, definedas order to write the Killing spinors of the background in a simple form, let us consider the , e^i=eph 2 2( ~wi-Ai),(i= 1,2,3). (1.2.143) Let Gxi(i= 0,1,2,3), Gj(j= 1,2), Grand^Gk(k= 1,2,3) be constant Dirac to the frame (1.2.143). Then, the Killing spinors of the MN solution satisfy , G12o=^G12o , o=io*, (1.2.144) where the angle ais given (1.2.145) A simple expression for cos aas a function of rcan be written, namely cosa= (1.2.146) In the first equation in (1.2.144) we have used the fact that ois a spinor of definite from the above equations we can obtain the explicit form of the Killing spinor o. It can be written , is a commuting function of the radial coordinate, whose explicit exp ression is irrelevant in the study that we will perform in chapter 6, and eis a constant spinor ,G12e=^G12e , e =ie*. consider in which the function a(r) vanishes and, thus, the one-form Ahas only one non- vanishing component, namely A3. This solution is singular in the IR and coincides with the regular MN background in the UV region r- . Indeed, by taking r- in the44 CHAPTER 1. of a(r) in eq. (1.2.141) one gets a(r)-0. Moreover, by neglecting terms one 0), can be obtained by using the expression of hgiven in eq. (1.2.149) on the last equation in (1.2.141). The RR three-form F(3)is still given by eq. (1.2.142), but now A1=A2= 0 andA3is the same as in eq. (1.2.139). We will refer to this solution as the abelian MN background. The metric of this abelian MN background is sin gular the radial coordinate this singularity could be moved to r= 0). Moreover, the Killing spinors in this abelian case can be obtained from those of the reg ular background by simply putting a= 0, which is indeed the value obtained by taking the r- limit on the right-hand side of eq. 0, one can find a two-form potential C(2)such thatF(3)=dC(2). The expression of C(2), which will not be needed in chapter 6, can be found in ref. [71]. Moreo ver, the equation of motion satisfied by F(3)isdF(3)= 0. Therefore one can write, at withC(6)being a six-form potential. The expression of C(6)can be taken from the results of ref. [71], the following (1.2.151) It is also interesting to recall the isometries of the abelian andnon-a belianmetrics. In the abelian solution a= 0 the angle psdoes not appear in the expression of the metric Therefore, pscan be shifted by an arbitrary constant this U(1) isometry of the abelian metric is broken to aZ2Nc subgroup as a consequence of the flux quantization condition of th e RR two-form potential [34, 58, 59, 60, 72]. In the gauge theory side this isometry can be ide ntified with the U(1) R- symmetry, which is broken in the UV to the same Z2Ncsubgroup by a field theory anomaly. On the contrary, the non-abelian metric does depend on psthrough sin psand only the discrete Z2isometryps-ps+ 2premains when a/ne}ationslash= 0. This fact has been interpreted [34, 73, 74] as the string theory dual of the spo ntaneous breaking of the R-symmetry induced by the formation of a gluino condensate < l2>in the IR. In [73] it was explained that this condensation of gluinos is related to a(r) (1.2.141). Taking also into account its relation to the dynamical scale via <Trl2>L3 QCDand introducing the subtraction scale uof the gauge theory, it seems natural to identify [74] u3a(r) = L3 QCD (1.2.152) giving (implicitly) the energy/radius relation between supergravity c oordinates and gauge theory scales.1.3. D-BRANES IN SUPERGRAVITY BACKGROUNDS 45 As a consequence of the gluino condensate, the gauge theory has Ncinequivalent vacua. The fact that an SU(Nc)N= 1 SYM theory is characterised by a set of Ncdifferent vacua implies thatthere exist domainwall mongst them. Although we will study them more in detail in section 1.3, let us advance that the y are BPS states and preserve half of the supersymmetries of the theory where th ey live. Their tension is related to the different vacuum expectation values (VEV's) for the gluino condensate at both sides of the domain wall. In subsection 6.4 we will study a candidat e to be domain wall in the MN background. It is a D5-brane wrapping in the far IR the non trivial three-cycle S3. There exist more checks which show up that some of the properties of anN= 1 u~ nezbackground. Rev iews [10, 75, 76, 77, 78]. Recall that an N= 1 SYM theory is confining. The computation of the tension of a fundamental string in the MN background was do ne in [34] finding a finite value, what confirms that the dual gauge theory confines. T he tension of a q-string in backgrounds dual to four-dimensional SU(Nc)N= 1 gauge theories was computed in [55], with the result displayed in (1.2.65). The computation of the b-function on the gravity side of the duality was performed in [74]. They found, neglecting suble ading the exact perturbative NSVZ b-function in the Paulli-Villars for N= 1 SYM theory. The glueball spectrum of the theory was analysed in [79] and a formula for the mass spectrum of the mesons in the quenched approximation (the limit of the gauge theory with NfNc) was given in [71]. In [80] a supergravity background dual to a four-dimensional N= 1 SQCD with quartic superpotential was proposed and some consistency checks which support the field theory interpretation were studied. 1.3 D-branes in supergravity to the gauge/gravity extensions of the AdS/CFT corre spondence, the chiral op- erators (the gauge invariant operators which have the lowest pos sible conformal dimension for a given R-charge) of an N= 1 SCFT are in one-to-one correspondence with the modes of type IIB supergravity on AdS5xX5, whereX5is a five-dimensional However, the massive string modes correspond to (non- chiral) operators in long multiplets whose dimensions diverge for the large 't Hooft coupling limit t hat is taken in the low energy version of the AdS/CFT conjecture. Thus, in the limit g2 YMNc- the stringy nature of the dual theory is obscured by the decoupling of the non -chiral operators, constitute the majority of possible gauge invariant oper ators. If we depart from the limit of infinite 't Hooft coupling, then all non-chiral operators do not decouple at all and the spectrum of the gauge theory is presumably related to typ e IIB string theory on AdS5xX5. Even in the very large 't Hooft coupling limit, it is possible to demonstra te the stringy nature of the dual theory by including extra D-branes wra pped on nontrivial cycles in theX5manifold. Although in a different context, Witten showed in [8] that an N= 4 supersymmetric SO(2Nc) gauge theory (which is dual to type IIB strings on chiral operators of dimension Nc, the Pfaffians, whose dual interpretation is pro- vided by a D3-brane wrapping a three cycle of the manifold RP5. This shows that the dual46 CHAPTER 1. cannot be simple supergravity but it must contain D-branes . In principle, one would expect that branes wrapped on nontrivial cycles correspond to s tates in the conformal field theory that are nonperturbative from the point of view of the 1 /Ncexpansion. In [81, 82] it was shown that wrapped branes could be interpreted indeed as so liton-like states in the largeNcgauge theory for certain N= 1 theories. The kind of solitonic-like state in the field theory strongly depends on the dimension of the D-branes as an object in the AdS5space. Consider then a Dp-brane in an of type IIB supergravity. The first thing that one ha s to do is to study the homology groups of the internal manifold X5. This will give us the different ways in which a Dp-brane can wrap a nontrivial q-cycle ( q<=p). When the cycle is calibrated, the dual state will not spoil supersymmetry while it will do in the opposite case. Let us consider first the case in which the Dp-brane is not extended along the hologr aphic (radial) direction and does not fill either the gauge theory directions completely. Fro m the field theory point of view, the solitonic-like state dual to this brane is a extended ( p-q)-dimensional object. For instance, baryonic operators are particles, strings are one- dimensional objects whereas domain walls are two-dimensional defects in the gauge theory dual. L et us analyse more in detail each of the three cases and give some evidences of the stat ement:
*A vertex connecting Ncfundamental strings -known as the baryon vertex- can be identified with a baryon built out of external quarks, since each str ing ends on a charge in the fundamental representation of SU(Nc). Such an object can be constructed by wrapping a D5-brane over the whole five-dimensional compact manif oldX5[8]. The argument is that a D5-brane wrapping of the RR five-form flux F5of the background. There is a U(1) gauge field on the D5-brane worldvolume (see eq. (1.3.1)) which couples to F5and takesNcunits of charge. Since the total charge of aU(1) gauge field must cancel in a closed universe, there must be -Ncunit of charges coming from another source. Such source are Ncelementary strings that end on the D5-brane since each end point is electrically charged with respect to theU(1) field, with charge +1 or -1 depending on the orientation of each fundamental string. In order to cancel the charge, all must have the same object of particular interest in quantum field theories tha t arises when D3- branes are placed at conical singularities ( N= 1 SCFT's) is given by on supersymmetric three-cycles; these states are dua l to dibaryons built from chiral fields charged under two different gauge groups of the resu lting quiver theory [8, 81, 82, 83]. The argument given in this identification is the matching of the of the dibaryon operators with the mass of wrapped D3-b ranesusing general rules of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We will see explicit examples o f this matching as well as of the baryon vertex configuration in chapters 2 and 3.
*Domain walls and strings (flux tubes) in the field theory side can be intr oduced as Dp-branes wrapping q-cycles of the internal geomet ry [8, 81, 82] with p-q= 2 orp-q= 1 respectively. Actually, the superalgebras of N= 1 super- symmetric theories admit central charges associated with object s extended in two or one space directions (codimension one and two, respectively). For instance, in SU(Nc)1.3. D-BRANES IN SUPERGRAVITY BACKGROUNDS 47 N= 1 SYM there are 1/2-BPS domain walls which interpolate between the which come from the spontaneous breaking of the Z2Ncsymmetry subgroup of the U(1)R) toZ2by the gaugino condensate. There can be also BPS codimension two objects, namely strings which have been studied in the context of different N= 1 theories, see [84] and references therein. The physics of such objects turns out to be quite rich, including for instance the pheno menon of supersymmetry, also present for domain walls [85]. We will find potential dual objects to domain-walls and flux-strings mainly in chapters 2, 3 and 6. In [81] it was also argued that a D3-brane wrapping a nontrivial two- cycle inX5gives rise to a non BPS object called fat string. We will also find examples o f the of that object in chapters 2 and 3. Moreover, one can think of modifying the theory by introducing sup ersymmetric relocalised), Lorentz invariance. In particular, on the field theory side one ca n add spatial defects which reduce the amount of supersymmetry but neverth eless preserve [86], giving rise to the so-called defect conformal field th eories (dCFT). Since this modifies the lagrangian of the field theory, we expect, on gener al grounds, that the string theory setup should be modified at infinity. Therefore, the d efects should be dual to D-branes extending infinitely in the holographic direction but witho ut filling completely the gauge theory directions. It is important to point out that the e ffective gauge coupling (in the Minkowski directions that they fill) of these branes is zero sin ce they are extended along a non-compact direction. Therefore, from the point of view o f the dual gauge theory, these objects give rise to the addition of fundamental multiplets to a region (defect) of the spacetime. A holographic dual of four-dimensional N= 4 super Yang-Mills theory with a defect was proposed in ref. [87] by Karch and Randall, w ho conjectured that such a dCFT can be realised in string theory by means of a D3-D5 inter section. In the near-horizon limit the D3-branes give rise to an in which the D5- branes wrap an It was argued in ref. [87] that the acts twice in this system and, apart from the holo graphic description of the four dimensional field theory on the boundary of AdS5, the fluctuations of the D5-brane should be dual to the physics confined to the boundary of AdS4. The defect conformal field theory associated with the corresponds to N= 4,d= 4 super coupled to N= 4,d= 3 fundamental hypermultiplets localised at the defect [88]. These hypermultiplets arise as a consequence of the strings stret ched between the D3- ha Forexample, fromthe one getsa fo ur-dimensional CFT localised on a one-dimensional defect [89]. Moreover, the D3-D3 rise to a two-dimensional defect in a four-dimensional CFT [90, 91]. In chapters 2 and 3 we will study embeddings of D-branes which are s uitable to of codimension one and two in N= 1 SCFT's. Extensions of this analysis to more realistic theories where the conformal symmetry is broken (for ins tanceN= 1 SYM) will be performed in chapter 6.48 CHAPTER 1. it deserves special attention the D-branes which fill complet ely the gauge and wrap a cycle of the internal manifold. According to th e original proposal of ref.[92], these spacetime filling configurations can be used as flavour branes,i.e.as branes whose fluctuations can be identified with the dynamical mesons of th e gauge theory (see refs.[71, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96] for the analysis of the meson spectru m in different theories). These flavour branes must extend along the radial direction from a n infinity value since the addition of flavour may modify the lagrangian of the dual field theory . It could be that they reach a minimum r0. It was argued in [92] that the dual interpretation of this mass sca le is given introduced It maybepossible toset that mass scale to zero and to deal with massless quarks by just taking r0-0, namely extending the flavour brane completely along the radial direction. Since they a re extended along a non- compact direction, the gauge theory which support has vanishing f our-dimensional on the Minkowski directions. Thus, the gauge symmetry on the flavour branes is seen as a flavour symmetry by the four-dimensional gauge theory of interest. In chapters 2 and 3 we will also look for embeddings of flavour branes which are suita ble to quarks in the field theory dual. The construction of supe rgravity backgrounds dual toN= 1 field theories which include flavour branes will be carry out in chapt ers 4 and 5. In the absence of a string theory formulation on backgrounds with the final goal in order to extract valuable information abou t the stringy spectrum would be to introduce extra D-branesin a supergravity backgroun d and to take into account, not only the effects that the D-branes feel coming from the backg round fields, but also the backreaction undergone by the supergravity background due to the presence of these extra D-branes. The techniques developed so far have only been applied t o study branes, as we will explain in subsection 1.3.3. A generalisation t o other kind of D-branes may be possible. However, as a first approach we can neg lect the by the supergravity background. This can be achieved by considering D-brane probes of various dimensions as we will explain in subsection 1.3.2. 1.3.1 Effective Dp-brane action In this subsection we want to introduce one of the main tools that we will use along this thesis. It is the effective action that describes the low energy dyna mics of small around a classical supergravity Dp-brane solution. T his action can be obtained if one requires that the non-linear sigma model describing the propa gation of an open string with Dirichlet boundary conditions (and therefore fixed to a Dp-bra ne) in a general super- gravity background is conformally invariant. The constraints in the fields coming from this invariance are the same as the equation of motion derived from the f ollowing effective action (in string (1.3.1) This is the (DBI) action for a Dp-brane. Here gun=uXMnXNGMN is the pullback of the spacetime metric GMNon the worldvolume S p+1, where greek worldvolume indices and M,N... are target spacetime indices. In addition,1.3. D-BRANES IN SUPERGRAVITY BACKGROUNDS 49 F=B+2pa'dA, a worldvolume U(1) gauge field with field strength F=dA.Tpis the tension of a Dp-brane (1.1.5) and phis the dilaton field. The DBI action is an abelian U(1) gauge theory which reduces, to leading order in a', to Yang-Mills (YM) in p+1 dimensions with 9 -pscalar fields when the target space is flat. Let us set to zero the NSNS two-form Band perform the expansion: SDp the index istands for spacetime indices perpendicular to the Dp-brane. The Y M coupling constant gYMis related to the string parameters by g2 YM= the relation written in (1.1.1) in the particular case of D3 -branes. By superpartners, the low energy action for the D-branes becomes that of SYM theory inp+1 Dp-branes are objects charged under RR potentials a nd their action should contain a term of coupling to these fields. This term must fulfil certa in requirements. It must be invariant under worldvolume diffeomorphisms and it should be c lassically equivalent when the brane propagates in two target space configurations re lated by a target space gauge symmetry. We will not go into details but one can show that the the pullback of the sum of the RR ar-form, fulfils the demanded requirements. This topological term is c alled the Wess-Zumino (WZ) action. If the Dp-brane has RR charge qDp, the total action will be the sum of the DBI and WZ part in the branes satisfy the BPS bound Tp=|qDp|and their action will be given (1.3.6) where the sign + stands for branes and the sign -for antibranes. It will also be useful to write down the action in Einstein this thesis the RR scalar khwill also be denoted by C0.50 CHAPTER 1. g(E) un=e-ph/2gundenotes the metric in Einstein frame. It is possible to generalise the above action and consider a stack of N Dp-branes since they are BPS objects and they can remain statically at any distance of each other. However, this is beyond the scope of the work we want to present in the forth coming sections. In short, with the action (1.3.6) we can describe, in the low energy limit , the dynam- ics of the extra D-branes that we are going to place in some supersy mmetric dual to four-dimensional N= 1 gauge theories. We will be interested in not to break completely supersymmetry since ultimately we will be concer ned about the study of some features of a four-dimensional N= 1 supersymmetric field theory on the super- gravity side. Therefore an additional constraint is imposed on the w ay of placing D-branes in a supergravity background. They must satisfy a local fermionic s ymmetry called which we explain in the next The probe approximation and the kappa symmetry analys is As a first approach to understand on the gravity side some featur es of the field theory which need the introduction of additional D-branes, we can neglect the b ackreaction undergone by the supergravity background. This can be achieved by considering a number of D-branes much smaller than the number of branes which generate the backgr ound. This whose dual counterpart is known as the quenched approxima tion, is called the on the gravity side. Let us explain a bit more in detail th e physical meaning of this limit. Let us call NDpto the number of extra Dpbranes we are introducing on the gravity side in order to study some feature of the field theory. We w ill useNcto denote the number of branes that engineer the supergravity backgroun d. The quenched/probe ap- proximation ( NDpNc) consists of neglecting all the effects of order NDp/Ncon both sides of the duality. On the gravity side this can be done by considering the NDpextra branes as brane probes. The meaning of a brane probe is that it does not mo dify the but it does couple to the background fields. In conse quence we can study its dynamics by means of the effective action displayed in eq. (1.3.6). A pa rticular case where the probe limit has a well-known dual interpretation is when we deal wit h a number Nf of flavour branes. When the ratio Nf/Ncis very small, we are neglecting the effects that include the running of fundamentals in internal loops. Even when the se fundamentals are massless, their effects while running in loops are suppressed by a fac tor ofO(Nf/Nc). In the strict 't Hooft limit [7], if the number of flavours is kept fixed, the c orrections due to the quantum dynamics of quarks exactly vanish [92]. We are interested in bosonic configurations of the brane probe sinc e we want to keep the classical limit. Hence we set to zero the fermionic fields of the backgr ound. However, if we wish that the brane probe does not break supersymmetry complet ely, we should look at the coupling of the fermionic degrees of freedom of the Dp-branes to t he bosonic A crucial ingredient (in the Green-Schwarz formulation) is th en a local of the worldvolume theory called kappa symmetry [97, 98]. The role played by this symmetry is to eliminate the extra fermionic degrees of freedom which appear when the target space supersymmetry becomes manifest. A nice review of t his topic can be found in [99]. The idea is to obtain kappa symmetric actions for Dp-branes em bedded in a given1.3. D-BRANES IN SUPERGRAVITY BACKGROUNDS 51 background. This determines the form of the kappa symmetry mat rix (1.3.8) wheregis the induced metric, gu1u2...is the antisymmetric product of induced matrices and F=B+ 2pa'Fas in eq. (1.3.1). In eq. (1.3.8), J(n) (p)is the IIA and IIB stand for type IIA and type IIB string theory r espectively, G 11is the chiral matrix in ten dimensions and G (0)is defined (1.3.9) Recall that in the type IIB string theory the spinor ois composed by two which can be arranged as a two-component vector. In ord er to write the expression of Gk, it is convenient sometimes to decompose the complex spinor oin its real and imaginary parts aso=o1+io2. It is straightforward to find the following rules to pass from comple x to real spinors: o*-s3o , io*-s1o , io - -is2o . (1.3.10) We can write an induced worldvolume Dirac matrix in terms of the ten-d gamma matrices G M. We need to choose a frame basis eMin the where GMN=eMNeMeN. TheeMone-forms are related to the coordinates chosen in the geometry by means of the vielbein coefficients EM N, (1.3.11) Then, the induced Dirac matrices on the worldvolume are defined as gu=uXMEN MGN. (1.3.12) We mentioned that we must fix the local kappa symmetry in order to r emove the extra fermionic degrees of freedom of the worldvolume theory of the Dp- brane. The extra bosonic degrees of freedom are removed by choosing the static gauge. In this gauge the worldvol- ume general coordinate invariance is used to equate p+ 1 of the target space coordinates with the worldvolume coordinates, Xu=xu(u= 0,***,p). The fact that we are interested in bosonic configurations of D-bra nes that preserve a fraction of the spacetime supersymmetry imposes projections on the Killing spinor of the background of the kind: Gko=+-o, (1.3.13) where + stands for branes and -for anti-branes. In what follows, we will concentrate on the kappa symmetry condition applied to D-branes. The equation (1.3.13) can be used52 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION to determine the supersymmetric configuration of a brane probe. Gkis a matrix which depends on the embedding of the probe and the condition (1.3.13) giv es rise to a set of first-order BPS equations which fix, up to integration constants, the embedding of the brane probe. In addition, one has to check that these first-order equa tions fulfil the of motion for the worldvolume bosonic fields and, actually, we will see that they saturate a bound for the energy, as it usually happens in the case o f worldvolume solitons [100]. Moreover, eq. (1.3.13) can also be applied to determine the fra ction of preserved by a bosonic D-brane. For brane prob es, eq. (1.3.13) is the condition that arises. However, for supergravit y configurations with branes as sources, we have the D-brane action coupled to supergravity. Thus, the (1.3.13) must be complemented with the supersymmetric tr ansformations of the supergravity theory. Therefore, the fraction of supersymmet ry preserved by a D-brane is determined by the number of solutions of (1.3.13), where ois the Killing spinor of the background. Obviously, to apply the technique sketched above on e has to know first the Killing spinor (see the first part of section 1.2). In chapters 2, 3 and 6 we will apply the kappa symmetry technique in o rder to find, in a systematic way, supersymmetric configurations of brane prob es which preserve some amount of supersymmetry in different supersymmetric backgroun ds. Moreover, in those chapters, we will give a field theory interpretation of these configu rations supported with some gauge/gravity checks. 1.3.3 Introducing backreacting D-branes: the smearing pro cedure It is interesting to go beyond this 'quenched' or ' probe approximation and see what happens when one addsa largenumber of D-branes, of th e same order of magnitude as the number of colour branes which generate the geometry, and the backreaction effects of the D-branes are considered. Indeed, many phenomena that c annot be captured by the quenched approximation might be apparent when a string backreac ted background is found. For instance, if we consider a number of flavour branes in a given bac kground of the order of the colour branes, we are working on the so called Veneziano's topolo gical expansion [101]. New physics (beyond the 't Hooft limit [7] where the number of flavour s is kept fixed and much smaller than the number of colours) is captured by Veneziano's proposal: we will be able to see this in chapters 4 and 5 that consider the backreaction o f the flavour branes in the Klebanov-Witten and models all the procedure we are going to carry out below may be ge neralised for the case of dealing with any kind of D-brane introduced in a given backgro und, we will just pay attention in this introductory chapter to the particular case o f flavour D7-branes in the Klebanov-Witten background and its extensions to the explanation of what we will call smearing procedure is particula rly simple and well motivated from a geometrical point of view in those cases. Extensio ns of the to all kind of D-branes, besides the flavour branes, ma y be a simple the ideas that we will discuss in this subsection. The procedure that we will follow is inspired mostly by the papers [80, 1 02] and more recently [103, 104]. In those papers flavours are added into the dy namics of the dual back-1.3. D-BRANES IN SUPERGRAVITY BACKGROUNDS 53 ground via the introduction of Nfspacetime filling flavour branes, whose dynamics is given by a action (1.3.6). This dynamics is intertwined wit h the usual Einstein action of type IIB supergravity. To illustrate the way in which flavour branes will be added, let us start by considering the background of type IIB supergravity studied in subsection 1.2 .1. For the sake of brevity, in the following we will take units is which gs= 1,a'= 1. We will add Nfspacetime filling D7-branes to this geometry, in a way that preserve s some amount of supersymmetry. This problem was studied in [105, 10 6] for the conformal case and in [94, 107] for the cascading theory. These authors fou nd calibrated embeddings of D7-branes which preserve (at least some fraction of) the supers ymmetry of the background. We will choose to put two sets of D7-branes on the surfaces param eterised const. ph1= const. ph2= const.. w More- over, since the two embeddings are non-compact, the gauge theo ry supported on the D7- branes has vanishing four-dimensional effective coupling on the Mink owski directions; there- fore the gauge symmetry on them is seen as a flavour symmetry by t he theory of interest. The two sets of flavour branes introdu ce aU(Nf)xU(Nf) sym- metry, the expected flavour symmetry with massless flavours. Th e configuration with two sets (two branches) can be deformed to a single set, shifted from the origin, that flavours, and realises the explicit breaking of the flavour sy mmetry to the Our configuration (eq. (1.3.14)) for probes is nothing else than t hez1= 0 holomorphic embedding of [106]. We will then write an action for a system consisting of type IIB super gravity (1.2.1) plus D7-branes described by their action (in Einstein frame, see eq, that we did not excite the worldvolume gauge fields, but this is a freedom of the approach that we adopted. Otherwise one may need to find new suit able kappa two sets of D7-branes are localised in their two transverse d irections, hence the equations of motion derived from (1.3.15) will be quite complicated to s olve, due to the presence of source terms (Dirac delta functions). But we can take some advantage of the fact that we are adding lots of flavours. Indeed, since we will have many ( Nf~Nc) flavour branes, we might think about distributing them in a homogeneous way on their respective transverse directions. T his 'smearing procedure'54 CHAPTER 1. down to = volume form of the S2's. This effectively generates a ten-dimensional can derive in the smeared case the following equations of motion, c oming from the action 0. (1.3.18) The modified Bianchi identity comes from the WZ part of the action (1 .3.17). The contri- bution to the stress-energy tensor coming from the two sets of NfD7 flavour branes is coordinate indices on the D7-brane. In chapter 4 we will solve th e equations of motion and we will propose that this type IIB bac kground is dual to field theory when two sets of Nfflavours are added for each gauge group. We will actually find BPS equations for the purely bosonic background , by imposing that the variations of the dilatino and gravitino (1.2.5) vanish. We will verify that these BPS first-order equations solve all the equations of motion (1.3.18). After explaining the strategy that we will adopt to add flavours, let us discuss the sig- nificance and effect on the dual gauge theory of the 'smearing proc edure' introduced above.1.3. D-BRANES IN SUPERGRAVITY BACKGROUNDS 55 It is clear that we smear the flavour branes just to be able to write a ten-dimensional action that will produce ordinary differential equations without Dirac delta functions source terms. The results that we will show in chapters 4 and 5 state that many pro perties of the flavoured field theory are still well captured by the solutions obtain ed following this pro- cedure. It is not clear what important phenomena on the gauge the ory we are losing in smearing, but see below for an important subtlety. One relevant point to discuss is related to global symmetries. Let us go back to the weak coupling ( gsNc-0) limit, in which we have branes living on a spacetime that is the product of four Minkowski directions and the conifold. When all the flavour branes of the two separate stacks (1.3.14) are on top of each other, the ga uge symmetry on the D7's worldvolume is given by the product U(Nf)xU(Nf). When we take the decoupling limit for the D3-branes a'-0, with fixed gsNcand keeping constant the energies of the excitations on the branes, we are left with a solution of type IIB supergravity t hat we propose is dual to the Klebanov-Witten field theory with Nfflavours for both gauge groups [106]. In this case the flavour symmetry is U(Nf)xU(Nf), where the axial U(1) is anomalous. When we smear theNfD7-branes, we are breaking U(Nf)-U(1)Nf(see Fig. 1.2). fND7ps S2( , ) th1 ph1 2phS2( , )th2 U( )fNfN D7 U( )fNU(1 )fNfNU(1 ) Figure 1.2: We see on the left side the two stacks of Nfflavour-branes localised on each of their respective S2's (they wrap the other S2). The flavour group is clearly U(Nf)x U(Nf). After the smearing on the right side of the figure, this global sym metry is broken can also think about the smearing procedure in the following way: usually (unless they are D9 branes) the localised flavour branes break part of t he isometries of the dual to the unflavoured field theory. On the other ha nd, the smeared flavour branes reinstate these isometries, which are global symmetries of the field theory dual. In some sense the flavour branes are 'deconstructing' these dimens ions (or these global groups) for the field theory of interest. In the case in which we have a finite n umber of flavours, these manifolds become fuzzy, while for Nf- , we recover the full point that is worth elaborating on is whether there is a limit on the number of D7-branes that can be added. Indeed, since a D7-brane is a cod imension-two object,56 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION its gravity solution will generate a deficit angle; having many seven br anes, will the transverse space. This led to the conclusion that so lutions that can be cannot have more than a maximum number of twelve D7-br anes [108] (and in compact spaces). We are adding a number Nf- of D7-branes, certainly larger that the bound mentioned above. However, the smearing pr ocedure distributes the D7-branes all over a two-dimensional compact space, in such a way that the equation for is not the one in the vacuum at any point. This avoids the constraint on the number of D7-branes, which came from solving the equation of motio n for the sources. It is possible to extend the smearing procedure of the D7-brane, w hich was formulated above for the particular case of the AdS5xT1,1space, to the more general case of a geometry of the type AdS5xM5, whereM5is a five-dimensional compact manifold. Of course, the requirement of supersymmetry restricts greatly the form of M5. Actually, we will verify that, whenM5is Sasaki-Einstein, the formalism can be easily generalised. The five-d described in subsections 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 are particular cases of where the generalisation could be applied, as we will see in chapt er 4. As a result of this generalisation we will get a more intrinsic formulation of the smear ing, which eventually could be further generalised to other types of D-branes in differen t the line of thought that led to the action (1.3.17), let us assu me that, for a general geometry, the effect of the smearing on the WZ term of th e D7-brane action can be modelled by means of the (1.3.20) where ohm is a two-form which determines the distribution of the RR cha rge of the D7-brane in the smearing and M10is the full ten-dimensional manifold. Notice that a well defined ohm not only must be closed (which is charge conservation) but also exa ct. Moreover of this class of solutions forces ohm to be a real (1,1) -form with respect to the complex structure (as we will see below). For a supersymmetric brane one expects the charge density to be equal to the mass density and, thus, the sme aring of the DBI part of the D7-brane action should be also determined by the form ohm. Let us explain in detail how this can be done. First of all, let us suppose that ohm is decomposable ,i.e.that it can be written as the wedge product of two one-forms. In that case, at an arbitrary point, ohm would determine an orthogonal hyperplane, whic h we are going to identify with the tangent space of the D7-brane worldvolume. A general tw o-form ohm will not be decomposable. However, it can be written as a finite sum of the type : ohm (1.3.21) where each ohm(i)is decomposable. At an arbitrary point, each of the ohm(i)'s is dual to an hyperplane. Thus, ohm will determine locally a collection of eig In the smearing procedure, to each decomposable c omponent of ohm we associate the volume form of its orthogonal complement in M10. Thus, the contribution of every ohm(i) to the DBI action will be proportional to the ten-dimensional volume element. Since energy1.3. D-BRANES IN SUPERGRAVITY BACKGROUNDS 57 is additive, the DBI action is obtained by summing the moduli of each de composable piece (and not just taking the modulus of ohm). We simply sum the separate c ontributions because of supersymmetry: the D7-branes do not interact among themse lves due to the cancellation of forces. Accordingly, let us perform the f ollowing the modulus of ohm(i)and represents the mass density of the ithpiece of ohm in the smearing. There is a natural definition is invariant under Indeed, let us suppose that ohm(i)is given defined as (1.3.24) Notice that ohm acts as a magnetic source for the field strength F1. Actually, from the equation of motion of C8one gets that ohm is just the violation of the Bianchi identity for (1.3.25) For a supersymmetric configuration the form ohm is not arbitrary. In deed, eq. (1.3.25) in turn, enters the equation that determines the Killing spinor s of the background. On the other hand, ohm must come from the superposit ion (smearing) of kappa symmetric branes. When the manifold M5is Sasaki-Einstein, we will show in subsection 4.2.1 of chapter 4 that ohm can be determined in terms of the K ahler fo rm of the K ahler- Einstein base of M5and that the resulting DBI+WZ action is a direct generalisation of the result written in (1.3.17). The last step is to provide a well defined and coordinate invariant way of splitting the charge distribution ohm in decomposable pieces. It turns out that the splitting in the minimal number of with supersymmetry is almost unique . In our setup, ohm lives on the internal six-dimensional manifold, which is complex This means that the internal geometry has an int egrable complex structure Iand a non-closed K ahler form Jcompatible with the metric: Jab=gacIc b. We can always find a vielbein basis that diagonalizes the metric and the K ahler minimal number of decomposable pieces needed to write a genera l two-form is half of its rank as a matrix.58 CHAPTER 1. pattern is invariant under the structure group SU(3), as it is also clear by expressing them in local holomorphic basis: ezie2i-1+ie2i, -e-zie2i-1-ie2i, withi= 1,2,3. One gets the canonical expressions: our class of solutions, the supersymmetry equations force the charge distribution to be a real (1 ,1)-form with respect to the complex structure (see [109]). Notice that such a property is shared with J. The dilatino equation is without sources amounts to the holomorphicity of the axion-dilation t=C0+ie-ph). From this one gets ohm =-dF1= (1.3.27) It is manifest that ohm is (1 ,1) and ohm*= ohm. Going to complex components ohm = reality condition translates to the matrix ohml-kbeing anti-hermitian. Thus it can be diagonalized with an SU(3) rotation of vielbein that leaves (1.3.26) untouched, and the eigenvalues are imaginary. Going back to real vielbein and summarizing, there is always a choice of basis which satisfies the diagonalizing condition (1.3.26) and in which the charge dis tribution can be written as the sum of three real (1,1) decomposable pieces: ohm forces the eigenvalues lato be real and, as we will see in chapters 4 and 5, positive. Moreover, as inferred by the previous construction, th e splitting is unique as long as the three eigenvalues laare different, while there are ambiguities for degenerate values, but different choices give the same DBI action. We conclude noticing that, in order to extract the eigenvalues |lk|=|ohm(k)|it is not necessary to construct the complex basis: one can simply compute the eigenvalues of the matrix (ohm) MPgPNin any coordinate basis. But in order to compute the stress-energ y tensor, the explicit splitting into real (1,1) decomposable pieces is in general r equired.Chapter 2 Supersymmetric Branes metric branesinthe and we study their field theoretical interpretation. Geo metrical aspects of were reviewed in subsection 1.2.4. It is worth mentioning that th e spectrum of type IIB supergravity compactified on Yp,qis not known due to various technical difficulties including the general form of Heun's equation [110]. Therefore, leaving aside the chiral primaries, very little is known about the gravity modes dual to protected operator s in the field theory. As we explained in section 1.3, our study of supersymmetric objects in t he gravity side is a way to obtain information about properties of these operators in the g auge theory. of this duality, relevant in the context of this chapter, ha ve been further developed in [81, 83, 111]. They comprise interesting physical objects of these theories such as the baryon vertex, wall defects, the introduction of flavour, fat strings , etc. It is very remarkable that we are able to provide precise information about operators with larg e conformal dimension that grows like Nc. Moreover, we can also extract information about excitations of t main technique that we employ to determine the supersymmetric embeddings of isthekappasymmetryofthebraneprobestudied in subsection 1.3.2. The configurations found by solving the kappa sy mmetry condition also solve the equations of motion derived from the a ction of the probe and, actually, we will verify that they saturate a bound for the energy, as it usually happens in the case of worldvolume solitons [100]. 2.1 Supersymmetric probes on AdS5xYp,q In the remainder of this chapter we will consider D-brane probes mo ving in the To write the kappa symmetry matrix (see eq.(1.3.8))1we will assume that the 1We will use a simpler notation for the determinant of the induced metr ic, namely det gg. 5960 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON gauge field Ais (2.1.1) This assumption is consistent with the equations of motion of the pro be as far as there are no source terms in the action (1.3.6) which could induce a non-vanishin g value ofA. These source terms must be linear in Aand can only appear in the Wess-Zumino term of the probe action, which is responsible for the coupling of the probe to the Ramo nd-Ramond fields of the background. In the case under study only F(5)is non-zero and the only linear term in Ais of the which is different from zero only for a D5-brane which captures the flux ofF(5). This only happens for the baryon vertex configuration studied in s ubsection 2.5.5. In all other cases studied in this chapter one can consistently put the field to zero. Nevertheless, even if one is not forced to do it, in some cases we can switch on the field Ato study how this affects the supersymmetric embeddings. As we discuss in subsection 1.3.2, the kappa symmetry condition G ko=oimposes a new projection to the Killing spinor o. In general, it will not be compatible with those by o(see eq.(1.2.99)). This is so because the new projections involve mat rices which do not commute with those appearing in (1.2.99). The only way of making these two conditions consistent with each other is by requiring the vanishing of the coefficients of PSdifferential equations. By solving these BPS equations we will determine the supersymmetric embeddings of the brane probes that we are looking for. Notice also that the kappa sy mmetry condition must be satisfied at any point of the probe worldvolume . It is a local condition whose global meaning, as we will see in a moment, has to be addressed a posteriori. This requirement is not obvious at all since the spinor odepends on the coordinates (see eqs. (1.2.97) and (1.2.106)). However this would be guaranteed if we could reduce the some algebraic conditions on the constant spinor eof eqs.(1.2.97) and (1.2.106). The counting of solutions of the algebraic equations satisfied by ewill give us the fraction of supersymmetry preserved by our brane probe. 2.2 Supersymmetric D3-branes on AdS5xYp,q Let us now apply the methodology just described to find the supers ymmetric a D3-brane in the . The kappa symmetry matrix in this case can be obtained by putting p= 3 in the general expression (2.2.1) where we have used the rule (1.3.10) to write the expression of G kacting on complex and three-cycles in the Sasaki-Einstein space. A D3-brane wr apping a two-cycle in Yp,q and extended along one of the spatial directions of AdS5represents a fat string. We2.2. SUPERSYMMETRIC D3-BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q61 will study such type of configurations in section 2.5 where we conclud e that they are although we will find stable e mbeddings of this type. In this section we will concentrate on the study of supersymmetric configurations of D3- branes wrapping a three-cycle of Yp,q. These objects are pointlike from the gauge yons constructed bifundamental fields. In what follows we will study the kapp a symmetry condition for two different sets of worldvolume coordinates, which will corres pond to two classes of cycles and dibaryons. 2.2.1 Singlet supersymmetric three-cycles Let us use the global coordinates of eq. (1.2.102) to parameterise theAdS5part of the metric and let us consider the following set of worldvolume coordinates: xu= (T,th,ph,b), (2.2.2) and the following generic ansatz for the ps(th,ph,b). (2.2.3) The kappa symmetry matrix in this case (2.2.4) The induced gamma matrices along the can be obtained from (1.3.12), G5-1 6HybG1, (2.2.5) where the subscripts in yandpsdenote partial differentiation. By using this result and the projections (1.2.99) the action of the antisymmetrised product gthphbon the Killing spinor , (2.2.6)62 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q where the coefficients on the right-hand side are given sinth+cythcosth] +
+[psph+ (1-cy) (1-cy) discussed at the end of section 2.1, in order to implement the kapp a symmetry projection we must require the vanishing of the terms in (2.2.6) which are not com patible with the projection (1.2.99). Since the matrices G 1, G3and G135do not commute with those appearing in the projection (1.2.99), it follows that we must impose that the cor responding 0. (2.2.8) Let us concentrate first on the condition a1= 0. By looking at its imaginary part: H(y) = 0, (2.2.9) which, in the range of allowed values of y, (2.2.10) IfH(y) = 0, it follows by inspection that a1=a3=a135= 0. Notice that pscan be an arbitrary function. Moreover, one can check a5|BPS. (2.2.11) Thus, one has the following GTG5o , (2.2.12) and, therefore, the condition G ko=obecomes equivalent to GTG5o=o . (2.2.13) As it happens in the T1,1case [105], the compatibility of (2.2.13) with the AdS5structure of the spinor implies that the D3-brane must be placed at = 0,i.e.at the center of AdS5.2.2. SUPERSYMMETRIC D3-BRANES ON as discussed at the end of section 2.1, we must translate t he condition (2.2.13) into a condition for the constant spinor eof eq. (1.2.106). Notice that G TG5commutes with all the matrices appearing on the right-hand side of eq. (1.2.106) exce pt for G g*. Since the coefficient of G g*in (1.2.106) only vanishes for = 0, it follows that only at this point the equation G ko=ocan be satisfied for every point in the worldvolume and reduces to: GTG5e=e . if we place the D3-brane at the center of the AdS5space and wrap it on the three- cycles aty=y1ory=y2, we obtain configuration which preserves the Killing spinors of the type (1.2.106) with esatisfying (1.2.98) and the additional cycles that we have just found have been identified by Martelli a nd Sparks as those dual to the dibaryonic operators det( Y) and det(Z), made out of the bifundamental fields that, as the D3-brane wraps the two-sphere whose isometries ar e responsible for the global SU(2) group, are singlets under this symmetry [25]. For this reason we will refer to these cycles as singlet (S) cycles. Let us recall how this identification is car ried out. First of all, we lookat the conformal dimension of the corresponding dual opera tor. Following the general rule of the AdS/CFT correspondence (and the zero-mode correc tions of ref. [83]), = LM, whereLis given by (1.2.68) and Mis the mass of the wrapped three-brane. The latter can be computed as M=T3V3, withT3being the tension of the D3-brane (1 /T3= volume of the three-cycle. If gCis the determinant of the spatial part of the induced metric on the three-cycle C, one . (2.2.15) For the singlet cycles S iaty=yi(i= 1,2) andps=constant, the volume V3is . (2.2.16) Let us define l1= +1,l2=-1. Then, if S iSi, one (2.2.17) Asit object, theR-charges RioftheSicycles By comparing the values of Riwith those determined in [26] from the gauge theory dual (see Table 1.1 in chapter 1) one concludes that, indeed , a D3-brane wrapped at y=y1(y=y2) can be identified with the operator det( Y) (det(Z)) as claimed. Another piece of evidence which supports this claim is the calculation of the bar yon number, that can be identified with the third homology class of the three-cycle Cover which the D3-brane is wrapped. This number (in units of Nc) can be obtained by computing the integral over C of the pullback of a (2 ,1) three-form ohm 2,1onCYp,q: B(C) (2.2.18)64 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON the pullback to the cycle Cof the form that is inside the brackets. The sign of the right-hand side of (2.2.18) depends on the orientation of the cycle. The of ohm 2,1has been determined in ref. , the one-form of our vielbein (1.2.71) for the Yp,qspace,Kis the (2.2.20) andois the (2.2.21) Using (th,ph,b) as worldvolume coordinates of the singlet cycles S . (2.2.22) Then, changing variables from btoaby means of (1.2.76), and taking into account that a[0,2pl], one (2.2.23) After using the values of y1andy2displayed in (1.2.75), we arrive at: B(S1) , B(S2) . (2.2.24) Notice the perfect agreement of B(S1) andB(S2) with the baryon numbers of YandZ displayed in Table 1.1. 2.2.2 Doublet supersymmetric three-cycles Let us now try to find supersymmetric embeddings of D3-branes on three-cycles by using a different set of worldvolume coordinates. As in the previous subsec tion it is convenient to use the global coordinates (1.2.102) for the AdS5part of the metric and the following set of worldvolume coordinates: xu= (T,y,b,ps ). we will adopt the ph(y,b,ps). (2.2.26)2.2. SUPERSYMMETRIC D3-BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q65 The kappa symmetry matrix G kin this case takes the (2.2.27) and the induced gamma matrices costhphps) G5. By using again the projections (1.2.99) one easily gets the action of gybpson the , (2.2.29) where the different coefficients appearing on the right-hand side of (2.2.29) are given we notice that the matrices G 1, G3and G 135do not commute with the We must 0. (2.2.31) From the vanishing of the imaginary part of c3we obtain the 0. (2.2.32) One can solve the condition (2.2.32) by taking sin th= 0,i.e.forth= 0,p. By inspection one easily realises that c1,c3andc135also vanish for these values of thand for an Therefore, we have the solution th= 0,p , ph =ph(y,b,ps). (2.2.33)66 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON possibility is to take phps= 0. In this case one readily verifies that 0. Thus, let us assume that both phandthare independent of the angle ps. From the vanishing of the real and imaginary parts of c135we get two equations for the andph=ph(y,b), = 0. (2.2.34) If the BPS equations (2.2.34) hold, one can verify that the kappa sy mmetry condition G ko=
oreduces, up to a sign, to the projection (2.2.13) for the Killing spinor . As in the case of the S three-cycles studied in subsection 2.2.1, by using the explicit ex pression (1.2.106) of o in terms of the global coordinates of AdS5, one concludes that the D3-brane must be placed at= 0. The corresponding configuration preserves four supersymm etries. In the next subsection we will tackle the problem of finding the gener al solution of the system (2.2.34). Here we will analyze the trivial solution of this syste m, namely: th= constant , ph = constant . (2.2.35) This kind of three-cycle was studied in ref. [33] by Herzog, Ejaz and Klebanov (see also [26]), who showed that it corresponds to dibaryons made out of the SU(2) doublet fields Ua. In what follows we will refer to it as doublet (D) cycle. Let us review th e arguments leading to this identification. First of all, the volume of the D cycle (2.2.35) can be computed with the . (2.2.36) By using the values of L(eq.(1.2.68)) and l(eq.(1.2.78)) we find the following value of the conformal (2.2.37) By comparison with Table 1.1 in chapter 1, one can verify that the cor responding R-charge, namely 2/3D, is equal to the R-charge of the field Uamultiplied by Nc. We can check by computing the baryon number. Since, in this case, t he pullback of ohm , (2.2.38) we get: B(D) , (2.2.39) which, indeed, coincides with the baryon number of Uawritten in Table SUPERSYMMETRIC D3-BRANES ON integration Let us now try to integrate in general the first-order differential system (2.2.34). With this purpose it ismoreconvenient todescribe thelocus oftheD3-brane by means oftwo Notice that this is equivalent to the description used so far (in which the independent variables were ( y,b)), except for the cases in which ( th,ph) or (y,b) are constant. The derivatives in these two descriptions are relate d by simply inverting the Jacobian matrix, (2.2.40) By using these equations the first-order system (2.2.34) is equivale nt b (2.2.41) These equations can be obtained directly by using thandphas worldvolume in this form the BPS equations can be written as Cauc hy-Riemann equations and, thus, they can be integrated in general. This is in agreement wit h the naive order to verify this fact, let us introduce new variables u1andu2, related to u 2= (2.2.42) By comparing the above expressions with the definitions of z1andz2in eq. (1.2.86), logz1, u 2-ib= logz2. (2.2.43) The relation between u1andthleads todu1=dth/sinth, from which it follows sinthbth, (2.2.44) and it is easy to demonstrate that the BPS equations (2.2.41) can be written (2.2.45) these being the Cauchy-Riemann equations for the variables u2-ib= Then, the general integral of the BPS equations an arbitrary (holomorphic) function of log z1. By exponentiating eq. (2.2.46) one gets that the general solution of the BPS equations is a function z2=g(z1), in which z2is an arbitrary holomorphic function of z1. This result is analogous to what happened for T1,1 [105]. The appearance of a holomorphic function in the local complex c a consequence of kappa symmetry or, in other words, supersym metry. But one still has68 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q to check that this equation makes sense globally. We will come to this p oint shortly. The simplest case is that in which log z2depends linearly on log z1, + const. , a constant. By exponentiating this equation we get a relation betw eenz2andz1 of the type: z2=Czn 1, a complex constant. If we represent this constant as C=Ce-ib0, the reduces to the following real functions b=b(ph) (2.2.49) This is a nontrivial embedding of a D3-brane probe on AdS5xYp,q. Notice that in the limitc-0 one recovers the results of [105]. For c/ne}ationslash= 0, a key difference arises. As we discussed earlier, z2is not globally well defined in CYp,qdue to its dependence on b. As a consequence, describe a kappa-symmetric e mbedding for the it does not correspond to a wrapped brane. The D3-brane spa ns a submanifold with boundaries.2The only solution corresponding to a probe D3-brane wrapping a thr ee- cycle isz1= const.which is the one obtained in the preceding subsection. In order to remove bwhile respecting holomorphicity, we seem to be forced to let z3enter into the game. The reason is simple, any dependence in bdisappears if z2enters through the productz2z3. This would demand embeddings involving the radius that we did not con sider. In this respect, it is interesting to point out that this is also the conc lusion reached in [63] from a different perspective: there, the complex coordinates cor responding to the generators of the chiral ring are deduced and it turns out that all of them depe nd onz1,z2z3andz3. It would be clearly desirable to understand these generalised wrapped D3-branes in terms of algebraic geometry, following the framework of ref. [111] which, in t he case of the the use of global homogeneous coordinates. Unfortu nately, the relation between such homogeneous coordinates and the chiral fields of the quiver t heory is more complicated in the case of CYp,q. 2.2.3 The calibrating obtainedensure t we have found are calibrated. Given a three-submanif old inYp,qone can construct its cone D, which is a four-dimensional submanifold of CYp,q. The for a supersymmetric four-submanifold DofCYp,qis Vol(D), (2.2.50) 2In this respect, notice that it might happen that global consistenc y forces, through boundary conditions, the D3-brane probes to end on other branes.2.2. SUPERSYMMETRIC D3-BRANES ON Vol( D) is the volume form of the divisor DandJis the K ahler form of us check that the condition (2.2.50) is indeed satisfied by the con es constructed from our In order to verify this fact it is more conv enient to describe the embedding by means of functions y=y(th,ph) andb=b(th,ph). The corresponding BPS equations are the ones written in (2.2.41). By using them one can ver ify that the induced volume form for the submanifold . (2.2.51) By computing the pullback of JJone can verify that the calibrating condition (2.2.50) is indeed satisfied for: Vol(D) =-r3drvol , (2.2.52) which is just the volume form of Dwith the metric ds2 CYp,qhaving a particular orientation. Eq. (2.2.50) is also satisfied for the cones constructed from the sin glet and doublet three- cycles of subsections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2. This fact is nothing but the expr ession of the local nature of Energy bound The dynamics of the D3-brane probe is governed by the Dirac-Born -Infeld lagrangian that, for the case in which there are not worldvolume gauge fields, reduce s in Einstein frame (see eq. (1.3.7)) to: L=--g , (2.2.53) where we have taken the D3-brane tension equal to one. We have c hecked that any solution of the first-order equations (2.2.34) or (2.2.41) also satisfies the E uler-Lagrange from the lagrangian density (2.2.53). Moreover, for the st atic configurations we are considering here the hamiltonian density His, as expected, just H=-L. We are now going to verify that this energy density satisfies a bound, which is just sa turated when the BPS equations (2.2.34) or (2.2.41) hold. In what follows we will take thandphas For an arbitrary embedding of a D3-brane described by t wo functions one can show that Hcan be written given (2.2.55)70 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON one has: H 0, (2.2.57) the bound saturates when the BPS equations (2.2.41) are satisfied . Thus, the system of differential equations (2.2.41) is equivalent to the condition Z >=0 if the BPS equations (2.2.41) are satisfied). Moreover, for an arbitr ary embedding Zcan be written as a total derivative, (2.2.58) This result implies that His bounded by the integrand of a topological charge. The explicit form fromthepointof viewof theD3-branes, theconfigura tions satisfying eq. (2.2.41) can be regarded as BPS worldvolume solitons. 2.2.5 BPS fluctuations of dibaryons In this subsection we study BPS fluctuations of dibaryon operator s in theYp,qquiver theory. We start with the simplest dibaryon which is singlet under SU(2), let us say det Y. To construct excited dibaryons we should replace one of the Yfactors by any other chiral in the same representation of the gauge groups. Fo r example, replacing Yby YUaVbY, we get a new operator of the , anti-symmetric tensorsfort factors of the gauge group. Using the (2.2.61) the new operator we get can factorise into the original dibaryon an d a single-trace detY . (2.2.62) Indeed for singlet dibaryons, a factorisation of this sort always wo rks. This fact seems to imply, at least at weak coupling, that excitation of a singlet dibaryon c an be represented as graviton fluctuations in the presence of the original dibaryon.2.2. SUPERSYMMETRIC D3-BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q71 For the case of a dibaryon with SU(2) quantum number the situation is different. Con- sider, for simplicity, the state with maximum J3of = detU1, (2.2.63) we can replace one of the U1factors byU1O, whereOis some operator given by a closed loop in the quiver diagram. As in the case of a singlet dibaryon, this kind of excitation is fac- torisable since all SU(2) indices are symmetric. So this kind of operator should be identifie d with a graviton excitation with wrapped D3-brane in the dual string t heory. However, if the SU(2) index of the Ufield is changed in the excitation, i.e. U1-U2O, then the cannot be written as a product of the original dibaryon a nd a meson-like it has to be interpreted as a single particle state in AdS. Since the operator also carries the same baryon number, the natural conclusion is that th e one-particle state is a BPS excitation of the wrapped D3-brane corresponding to the diba ryon [83]. U U U U U VY YY Y YY Z ZVU U U U U VY YY Y YY Z ZVU U U U U VY YY Y YY Z ZV Figure 2.1: Loops in the Y4,2quiver representing mesonic operators in the chiral ring. There are short loops such as longest loops as and long loops like YUYYYU (bottom). The representative of each class in the chiral ring is, respectively, O1,O2andO3. In order to classify all these BPS excitations of thedibaryon, we ha ve to count all chiral operators Othat transform in the bifundamental representation of one In Yp,qquiver gaugetheory, loops in the quiver diagram just like the mesonic chiral operators d iscussed in [112]. The simplest ones are operators with R-charge 2. They have been thor oughly discussed in [113].72 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON QRQFSpin O1 2.1: Charges assignments for the mesonic operators Oithat generate the chiral ring. They are given by short loops of length 3 or 4 in the quiver, precisely a s those in the superpotential (1.2.107). They are single trace ope rators of the form (in what follows we omit the trace and the SU(2) indices) the upper quiver in Fig. 2.1). Since they are equivalent in the chiral ring, w e can identify them as a single operator O1. It transforms in the spin1 21 2= 01 representation of the global SU(2). The scalar component vanishes in the chiral ring. Thus, we end up with a spin 1 chiral operator with scaling dimension = 3. Its U(1)Fcharge vanishes. There arealso two classes oflong Thefirst class, whose named O2, has length 2 p, winds the quiver from the left to the right and is made of p Utype operators, q Vtype operators and p-q Ztype operators. For example, in Y4,2, a long loop of this class is VUVUZUZU (middle quiver in Fig. 2.1). It transforms in of SU(2). The dots amount to lower that vanish in the chiral ring. The resulting opera tor,O2, has spinp+q 2. There is another class of long loops which has length 2 p-q, running along the quiver in the opposite direction, build with p Ytype operators and p-q Utype operators. We name its representative as O3. In the case of Y4,2, it is an operator like YUYYYU (bottom quiver in Fig. 2.1). SU(2) indices, again, have to be completely symmetrised, the spin being p-q 2. Long loops wind around the quiver and this leads to a nonvanishing va lue ofQF[112]. The baryonic charge vanishes for any of these loops. We summarise in Table 2.1 the for the three kinds of operators Oi[112]. We can see that these operators satisfy the BPS condition =3 2QR. In fact, they are the building blocks of all other scalar BPS operators. The general BPS excitation corresponds to operato rs of the (2.2.64) It is interesting to notice that the spectrum of fluctuations of a dib aryon must coincide with the mesonic chiral operatorsin the Yp,qquiver theory. This would provide a nontrivial test of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We show this result explicitly via an an alysis of open on wrapped D3-branes. Now we are interested in describing the excitations of dibaryon oper ators from the dual string theory. For those excitations that are factorisable, the d ual configurations are just2.2. SUPERSYMMETRIC D3-BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q73 the multi-particle states of graviton excitations in the presence of a dibaryon. The corre- spondence of graviton excitation and mesonic operator were stud ied in [112, 114]. What we are really interested in are those non-factorisable operators tha t can be interpreted as open string excitations on the D-brane. This can be analyzed by using the ac- tion of the D3-brane. In what follows we will focus on the dibaryon ma de ofUfields, to the three-cycle D studied in subsection 2.2.2 which, for convenience, we with the coordinates ( y,ps,a). The analysis of the dibaryon made of Vfield is similar. For our purpose we will use, as in eq. (1.2.102), the global coo rdinate system for theAdS5part of the metric and we will take the Yp,qpart as written in eq. (1.2.80). We are interested in the normal modes of oscillation of the wrapped D3-bra ne around the to some fixed worldline in AdS5and some fixed thandphon the transverse S2. For such a configuration, the induced metric on the dibaryon (2.2.65) where the functions v(y),w(y) andf(y) have been defined in eq. (1.2.81) (in what follows of this subsection we will take c= 1). The fluctuations along the transverse S2are the most interesting, since they change the SU(2) quantum numbers and are most readily compared with the chiral primary states in the field theory. Without lost of generality, we consider fluctuation s around the north pole of theS2, i.e.th0= 0. Instead of using coordinates thandph, it is convenient to go from polar to Cartesian coordinates: As a further simplification we perform a shift in the coordinate ps. The action for the D3-brane (2.2.66) Let us expand the induced metric garound the static configuration as g=g(0)+dg, where g(0)is the zeroth order contribution. The corresponding expansion fo r the action takes Note that the determinant of the induced metric at zeroth order is a =1 3L4. The five-form field strength is F5= . using that det( GYp,q) is the determinant of the metric of the Yp,qmanifold =1-y 18sinth, we can choose the four-form Ramond-Ramond field to (2.2.69) which is well defined around the north pole of S2. At quadratic order, the four form . (2.2.70)74 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q The contribution from the Born-Infeld part of the effective action the metric of the background, i,jdenote the components of Galong and the indices u,nrefer to the directions of the worldvolume of the cycle. components of these results one can verify that the effective Lagrangian is p roportional (2.2.73) The equations of motion for the fluctuation are finally given z+-=z1+-iz2, the equations of motion reduce 0, the laplacian along the spatial directions of the cycle for the induce d metricg(0). The standard strategy to solve this equation is to use separation o f variables as z+-= this ansatz into the equation of motion, we resulting equation has four regular singularities at y=y1,y2,y3andand is known as Heun's equation (for clarity, in what follows we omit the indices in Y) 0, (2.2.78) where, in our case q(y) (2.2.79)2.2. SUPERSYMMETRIC D3-BRANES ON being the function defined in eq. (1.2.74). Now, given that the R-sy mmetry is dual to the Reeb Killing vector of Yp,q, namely 2/ps-1 3/a, we can use the R-charge QR= 2n-m/3linstead ofnas quantum number. The exponents at the regular then given (2.2.80) The exponents at y=are-o 2ando 2+ 2 forY+, while-o 2+ 2 ando 2forY-. We can transform the singularity from introducing a new variablex, defined (2.2.81) It is also convenient to (2.2.82) which transforms equation (2.2.78) into the standard form of the H eun's = 0.(2.2.83) Here the Heun's parameters are given 1+2 |a1|, D= 1+2|a2|, E= 1+2|a3|, (2.2.84) and k= (2.2.85) We only presented the equation for Y+; the corresponding equation for Y-can be obtained by replacing owitho-4 and changing the sign of the last term in (2.2.85). Now let us discuss the solutions to this differential equation. For qua ntum number QR= 2Nc(which implies m= 0), we find all aiequal toNc/2. If we set o= 3Nc, the76 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q Heun's parameters Aandkboth vanish. The corresponding solution h(x) is a Similarly if o=-3Nc-4, thenBandkvanish which also implies a constant h(x). The complete solution of z+-in these two cases is given (2.2.86) These constant solutions represent ground states with fixed qua ntum numbers and, since they have the lowest possible dimension for a given R-charge, they s hould be identified with the BPS operators. Indeed, in the solutions (2.2.86) the energy is q uantised in units of 3L-1, and 3 is precisely the conformal dimension of O1. This provides a perfect matching of AdS/CFT in this setting. The situation for quantum numbers QR=Nc(p+-q1/3l) andm=+-Ncis similar to the case we have just discussed. The solutions for h(x) are constant (2.2.88) We can see that the conformal dimension satisfies =3 2QR. So all these solutions are BPS fluctuations which should correspond to the operators O2andO3. An interesting comment is in order at this point. Notice that the dibar yon come out with the multiplicities associated to the SU(2) spin (se e Table 2.1) of the Oi operators. However, in order to tackle this problem, we would need to consider at the same time the fluctuation of the D3-brane probes and the zero-mode dy namics corresponding to their collective motion along the sphere with coordinate thandph(see ref. [83] for a in the conifold case). This is an interesting problem that we leave open. 2.3 Supersymmetric D5-branes in AdS5xYp,q In this section we will study the supersymmetric configurations of D 5-branes in the First of all, notice that in this case G kacts on the Killing spinors (2.3.1) where we have used the relation (1.3.10) to translate eq. (2.1.1). Th e appearance of the complex conjugation on the right-hand side of eq. (2.3.1) is crucial in what follows. commute with theprojections (1 .2.99). Therefore, inorder2.3. SUPERSYMMETRIC D5-BRANES IN ADS5xYP,Q77 to construct an additional compatible projection involving the o-o*operation we need to include a product of gamma matrices which anticommutes with both G 12and G34. As in the D3-brane case just analyzed, this compatibility requirement betwe en the G (1.2.99) implies a set of differential equations whose solutions, if a ny, determine embeddings we are looking for. We will carry out successfully this program only in the case of a D5-br ane extended along a two-dimensional submanifold of Yp,q. One expects that these kinds of wall defects in the field theory. When we allow the D5-bra ne to extend infinitely in the holographic direction, we get a configuration dual to a defect conformal field theory. In the remainder of this section we will find the corresponding config urations of the D5- brane probe. Moreover, in section 2.5 we will find, based on a differen t set of another embedding of this type preserving the same supersymmetry as the one found in the present section and we will analyze the effect of adding fl ux of the fields. In section 2.5 we will also look at the possibility of having D5 -branes wrapped on a submanifold of Yp,q. This configuration looks like a domain wall in the field theory dual and although these configurations are not s upersymmetric, we have been able to find stable solutions of the equations of motion. The cas e in which the D5-brane wraps the entire Yp,qcorresponds to the baryon vertex. In this configuration, studie d also in section 2.5, the D5-brane captures the flux of the RR five-form, which acts as a source for the electric worldvolume gauge field. We will conclude in section 2.5 that this be supersymmetric, in analogy with what happens in the conif old case [105]. 2.3.1 Wall defect solutions We want to find a configuration in which the D5-brane probe wraps a t of Yp,qand is a codimension one object in AdS5. Accordingly, let us place the probe at some constant value of one of the Minkowski coordinates (sayx3) and let us extend it along the radial direction. To describe such an embedding we choos e the following set of worldvolume coordinates for a D5-brane probe xu= (2.3.2) and we adopt the following b=b(th,ph), rwardlyfrom eq. (1.3.12). From the general expression (2.3.1) one readily gets t hat the kappa symmetry matrix acts on the spinor (2.3.4) By using the complex conjugate of the projections (1.2.99) one get (2.3.5)78 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q where the different coefficients discussed above, in this case the action of G kinvolves the complex conjugation, which does not commute with the projections (1.2.99). Actually, the only t erm on the right-hand side of (2.3.5) which is consistent with (1.2.99) is the one containing G 13. Accordingly, we must 0. (2.3.7) From the vanishing of the imaginary part of b15we get: bth= 0, (2.3.8) while the vanishing of the real part of b15leads . (2.3.9) Notice that b35is zero as a consequence of equations (2.3.8) and (2.3.9) which, in par ticular imply that: b=b(ph). by using eq. (2.3.8), the condition bI= 0 is equivalent to (1-cy)sinth+ (ccosth-bph)yth= 0, (2.3.11) and plugging the value of bphfrom (2.3.9), one arrives . (2.3.12) In order to implement the kappa symmetry condition at all points of t he worldvolume the phase ofb13must be constant. This can be achieved by requiring that the real p art ofb13 vanishes, which for bth= 0 is equivalent to the condition yph= 0,i.e.: y=y(th). (2.3.13) The equation (2.3.12) for y(th) is easily integrated, , (2.3.14)2.3. SUPERSYMMETRIC D5-BRANES IN a constant. Moreover, by separating variables in eq. (2.3.9), one concludes that: bph=m , a new constant. Plugging (2.3.14) into eq. (2.3.9) and using the resu lt (2.3.15) one concludes that the two constants mandkmust be related as: km=-1, (2.3.16) which, in particular implies that kandmcannot vanish. Thus, the embedding of the D5- brane (2.3.17) Notice that the solution (2.3.17) is symmetric under the change m- Thus, from now on we can assume that m>=0. It is now straightforward to verify that the BPS equations are equ ivalent to impose the following condition on the spinor , the only valid solutions are those which correspond to hav ing a constant sign salong the worldvolume. This always happens for m/c>=1. In this case the value of thisth= 0 (th=p) if|m-c||y1|>1 (|m-c||y2|>1). Otherwise the anglethmust be restricted to lie in the interval th[th1,th2], given by: thi= (i= 1,2). (2.3.20) Notice that, similarly to what we obtained in the previous section, eq.( 2.3.17) implies that the configuration we arrived at does not, in general, correspond t o a wrapped brane but to a D5-brane that spans a two-dimensional submanifold with boundar ies. Let us now count the number of supersymmetries preserved by ou r configuration. In order to do so we must convert eq. (2.3.18) into an algebraic conditio n on a constant spinor. With this purpose in mind let us write the general form of oas the sum of the two types of spinors written in eq. (1.2.101), (2.3.21) where -x3is the constant value of the coordinate x3in the embedding and the index pruns over the set {0,1,2}. By substituting eq. (2.3.21) on both sides of eq. (2.3.18), one can g et the conditions that e+ande-must satisfy. Indeed, let us define the operator Pas (2.3.22)80 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q Then, one can check that eq. (2.3.18) is equivalent to: Pe+=e+, (1 (2.3.23) AsP2= 1, we can classify the four spinors e-according to their P-eigenvalue as: We can now solve the system (2.3.23) by taking e+= 0 ande-equal to one of the two spinors e(-) -of negative P-eigenvalue. Moreover, there are other two solutions which correspond to taking a spinor e(+) -of positive P-eigenvalue and a spinor e+related to the former (2.3.24) Notice that, according to the first equation in (2.3.23), the spinor e+must have in agreement with eq. (2.3.24). All together this config uration preserves i.e.one half of the supersymmetries of the background, as expected for a wall defect. 2.3.2 The calibrating condition For any two-dimensional submanifold ~LofYp,qone can construct its cone L CYp,q. The holomorphic (3 ,0) form ohm of CYp,qcan be naturally used to calibrate Indeed, Lis called a special Lagrangian submanifold of CYp,qif the pullback of ohm toLis, up to a constant phase, equal to the volume form of L, constant on L. If the cone Lis special Lagrangian, its base ~Lis said to be It has been argued in ref. [115] that the supersymme tric configurations of a D5-brane extended along a two-dimensional submanifold ~Lof a Sasaki-Einstein space are those for which Lis special Lagrangian. Let us check that this is indeed the case for t he embeddings (2.3.17). First of all, we notice that the expression of ohm w ritten in (1.2.89) can be recast as: ohm (2.3.26) where ohm 4is the (2.3.27) In eqs. (2.3.26) and (2.3.27) e1,***,e5are the vielbein one-forms of (1.2.71). Moreover, the volume form of Lcan be written as: Vol(L) =r2drVol(~L). (2.3.28)2.3. SUPERSYMMETRIC D5-BRANES IN ADS5xYP,Q81 For our embeddings (2.3.17) one can check that: Vol(~L) + . (2.3.29) It is now straightforward to verify that our embeddings (2.3.17) sa tisfy (2.3.25) with eil=
-iseips, wheresis the constant sign defined in (2.3.19) (recall that in our ansatz (2.3 .3) the anglepsis constant). Thus, we conclude that ~Lis special Legendrian, as claimed. Moreover, one can check 0. (2.3.30) 2.3.3 Energy bound Let us consider a generic embedding y=y(th),b=b(ph) and let us define the of thandy th -y(1-cy)tanth ,ph -1-cy ycosth . (2.3.31) In terms of these functions the BPS equations (2.3.9) and (2.3.12) a re simplyyth= th andbph= ph. We have checked that any solution of this first-order equations a lso solves equations derived from the lag rangian (2.2.53). Moreover, the hamiltonian density H=-gsatisfies a BPS bound as in (2.2.56), where Zis a To prove this statement, let us notice that Hcan be written us now rewrite HasH=|Z|+S, (2.3.33) One can check that |Z||BPS=-g|BPS. Moreover, for arbitrary functions y=y(th) and b=b(ph), one can verify that Zis a total derivative, (2.3.34) In order to write the explicit expressions of ZthandZph, let us define the function g(y) as follows: g(y) . (2.3.35)82 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q Then one can verify that eq. (2.3.34) is satisfied for ZthandZphgiven can prove that H equivalent is always satisfied. Moreover, by using that ( ccosth-bph)|BPS= costh/y, one can prove that this inequality is saturated precisely when the BPS differe ntial equations Supersymmetric D7-branes in AdS5xYp,q For a D7-brane the kappa symmetry matrix (2.1.1) takes the (2.4.1) where, again, we have used the rules of eq. (1.3.10) to write the exp ression of G kacting on complex spinors. The D7-branes which fill the four Minkowski space time directions and branes whose fluctuations can be identified with the dynamical me sons of the gauge theory. In this section we will find a family of these configurations wh ich preserve four In section 2.5 we will determine another family of supers ymmetric configurations of D7-branes and we will also demonstrate that there are embeddings in which the D7-brane wraps the entire Yp,qspace and preserve two Spacetime filling D7-brane Let us choose a system of worldvolume coordinates motivated by th e spacetime filling char- acter of the configuration that we are trying to find, namely: x= ). (2.4.2) The ansatz we will adopt for the embedding is: ps=ps(b,ph), r=r(y,th). (2.4.3)2.4. SUPERSYMMETRIC D7-BRANES IN ADS5xYP,Q83 In this case the general expression of G k(eq. (2.4.1)) reduces (2.4.4) In order to implement the G ko=ocondition we require that the spinor ois an eigenvector of the matrix G *defined in eq. (1.2.96). Then, according to eq. (1.2.101), G *o=-o,i.e.o is of the form o-and, therefore, it as o-has fixed ten-dimensional chirality, the condition (2.4.5) (2.4.6) By using the projection (2.4.5), one immediately arrives (2.4.7) After using eqs. (1.2.99) and (2.4.6), the action of gybthphonocan be written (2.4.8) where the different coefficients are given (2.4.9) As the terms containing the matrices G 15, G35and G 13give rise to projections which are not compatible with those in eq. (1.2.99), we have to impose 0. (2.4.10) From the vanishing of d15andd35we obtain the following first-order differential equations ry= Ly, r th= Lth, (2.4.11) where we have defined L yand (2.4.12)84 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q Notice that the equations (2.4.11) imply that d13= 0. One can also check that r4dI=-g if the first-order equations (2.4.11) hold and, therefore, one has indeed that G ko-=o-. Thus, any Killing spinor of the type o=o-, witho-as in eq. (1.2.101), satisfies the kappa symmetry condition if the BPS equations (2.4.11) hold. Therefore, t hese the four ordinary supersymmetries of the background and, as a consequence, they are 1/8 of the first-order equations Let us now obtain the general solution of the system (2.4.11). Our fi rst observation is that, according to (2.4.3), the only dependence on the coordinates bandphappearing in eqs. (2.4.11) and (2.4.12) comes from the derivatives of ps. Therefore, for consistency with the assumed dependence of the functions of the ansatz (2.4.3), psphandpsbmust be constants. Thus, let us write: psph=n1, ps b=n2, (2.4.13) which can be trivially integrated, constant . (2.4.14) It is now easy to obtain the function r(th,y). The equations to integrate (2.4.15) Let us first integrate the equation for rthin (2.4.15). We get: r(y,th) a function of yto be determined. Plugging this result in the equation for ryin (2.4.15), we get the following equation for (2.4.17) which can be integrated immediately, namely: A3(y) (2.4.18) withCa constant and f1(y) andf2(y) being the functions defined in (1.2.87). Then, we can writer(y,th) as: r3(y,th) (2.4.19) Several comments concerning the ineqs. (2.4.14) and(2.4.19)arein order. First of all, after a suitable change of variables it is easy to verify tha t forc= 0 one recovers2.4. SUPERSYMMETRIC D7-BRANES IN ADS5xYP,Q85 from (2.4.14) and (2.4.19) the family of D7-brane embeddings in AdS5xT1,1found in ref. [105]. Secondly, the function r(y,th) in (2.4.19) always diverges for some particular values of thandy, which means that the probe always extends infinitely in the holograp hic for some particular values of n1andn2there is a minimal value of the coordinate r, which depends on the integration constant C. This fact is important when one tries to use these D7-brane configurations as flavour branes, since this m inimal value of rprovides us with an energy scale, which is naturally identified with the mass of th e dynamical quarks added to the gauge theory. It is also interesting to obtain the form of the solution written in eqs. (2.4.14) and (2.4.19) in terms of the complex variables zidefined in (1.2.86). After a simple calculation one can verify that this solution can be written as a p olynomial equation of the constant , (2.4.20) where themi's are constants and 0.3The relation between the mi's of (2.4.20) and theni's of eqs. (2.4.14) and (2.4.19) is: n1=m1 m3, n 2=m2 m3. (2.4.21) Notice that when n2=m2= 0 the dependence on bdisappears and the configuration is reminiscent of its analog in the conifold case [105]. When 0 the D7-brane winds infinitely the ps-circle. 2.4.2 Energy bound As it happened in the case of D3- and D5-branes, one can verify tha t any solution of the first-order equations (2.4.11) also solves the equations of motion. We are now going to check that there exists a bound for the energy which is saturated by the solutions of the (2.4.11). Indeed, let r(y,th) andps(b,ph) be arbitrary functions. The this case can be written L yand Lthare the functions displayed in eq. (2.4.12). Let us rewrite this funct ionH asZ+S, whereZis given (2.4.23) One can prove that Zis a total (2.4.24) 3It is natural to expect a condition of the form f(z1,z2,z3) = 0, where fis a general holomorphic function of its arguments. However, in order to be able to solve the problem a nalytically we started from a (2.4.3) that, not surprisingly, leads to a particular case of t he expected answer.86 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON (1+cpsb) . when Zis given by (2.4.23), one can demonstrate the bound (2.2.56). Actua lly, one can show that the condition H >= |Z| is equivalent to the (2.4.26) which is always satisfied and is saturated precisely when the BPS equa tions (2.4.11) are satisfied. Notice also that Z|BPSis positive. 2.5 Other interesting us now look at some other configurations of different branes an d cycles not considered so far. We first consider D3-branes extended along one of the Minkow ski coordinates and along a two-dimensional submanifold of Yp,q. These configurations represent fat strings from the point of view of the gauge theory. We verify in subsection 2.5.1 that a n embedding of this type breaks completely the supersymmetry, although there exist stable fat strings. In subsection 2.5.2 we find a new configuration of a D5 -brane wrapping a two- dimensional submanifold, whereas in subsection 2.5.3 we add worldvolu me flux to the wall defect solutions of section 2.3. In subsection 2.5.4 we consider the p ossibility of having D5- branes wrapping a three-cycle. We show that such embeddings can not be though stable solutions of the equations of motion with these c haracteristics do exist. In subsection 2.5.5 we analyze the baryon vertex configuration and we verify that such embedding breaks supersymmetry completely. In subsection 2.5.6 w e explore the different from those used in section 2.4. Finally, in subse ction 2.5.7 we show that a D7-brane can wrap the whole Yp,qspace and preserve some fraction of supersymmetry. It can be thought of as a codimension two defect in the gauge theory d ual. 2.5.1 D3-branes on a us take a D3-brane which is extended along one of the spatial dir ections of the worldvol- ume of the D3-branes of the background (say x1) and wraps a two-dimensional cycle. The worldvolume coordinates we will take are xu= (x0,x1,th,ph), (2.5.1) and we will look for embeddings with and with y=y(th,ph), b =b(th,ph). (2.5.2)2.5. OTHER INTERESTING POSSIBILITIES 87 In this case the kappa symmetry matrix acts on . (2.5.3) The expressions of gthandgphare just those calculated in section 2.3 and gthphocan beobtained by taking the complex conjugate of eq. , (2.5.4) where theb's are given in eq. (2.3.6). Since now the complex conjugation does not act on the spinoro, the only possible projection compatible with those of the backgrou nd is the one originated from the term with the unit matrix in the previous express ion. Then, we 0. (2.5.5) The conditions b15= 0 andb35= 0 are equivalent and give rise to eqs. (2.3.8) and (2.3.9), which can be integrated as in eq. (2.3.17). Moreover, the condition b13= 0 leads to cotth . (2.5.6) The integration of this equation can be perform ed in terms of the function f2(y) defined in eq. (1.2.87) and can be written , a constant of integration, which should be related to the cons tantmin eq. (2.3.17). However, the dependence of yonthwritten in the last equation does not seem to be compatible with the one of eq. (2.3.17) (even for c= 0). Thus, we conclude that there is no solution for the kappa symmetry condition in this case. If we forget about the requirement of supersymmetry it is not diffic ult to find solutions of the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion of the D3-brane probe . Indeed, up to factors, the lagrangian for the D3-brane considered here is the same as the one cor- responding to a D5-brane extended along a two-dimensional subma nifold ofYp,q. Thus, the embeddings written in eq. (2.3.17) are stable solutions of the equatio ns of motion of the D3-brane which represent a fat string from the gauge theory p oint of view. 2.5.2 More D5-branes wrapped on a two-cycle Let us consider a D5-brane wrapped on a two-cycle and let us choos e the following set of worldvolume coordinates: xu= The embeddings we shall consider and For this case, one (2.5.8)88 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON (2.5.9) and the different coefficients are given BPS conditions in this case are the 0. (2.5.11) From the vanishing of fIwe get the equation: bth+ 0. the vanishing of f15andf35is equivalent to the equations: ybth+ (1-cy) costhphth= 0, yby+ (1-cy)costhphy= 0. (2.5.13) Notice that this system of equations is redundant, i.e.the first two equations are equivalent if one uses the last one. Substituting the value of bthas given by the first equation in (2.5.13) into (2.5.12), one can get a partial differential equation which only inv olves derivatives of 0. (2.5.14) By using in (2.5.14) the last equation in (2.5.13), one 0. (2.5.15) Eqs. (2.5.14) and (2.5.15) can be easily integrated by the method of s eparation of variables. One constants of integration and we have used eq. (2.5.13) to relat e the integration constants of phandb. However, in order to implement the condition G ko=o, one must require the vanishing of the imaginary part of f13. This only happens if phandb are constant, i.e.whenA= 0 in the above solution. One can check that this the equations of motion.2.5. OTHER INTERESTING POSSIBILITIES 89 2.5.3 D5-branes on a two-submanifold with flux We now analyze the effect of adding flux of the worldvolume gauge field Fto the umino term of the action, which is of the . (2.5.17) Let us suppose that we switch on a worldvolume gauge field along the a ngular We will adopt the a constant and K(th,ph) a function to be determined. The relevant components of P[C(4)] It is clear from the above expression of LWZthat a nonvanishing value ofqinduces a dependence of x3onr. In what follows we will assume that depends on r. Let us assume that the angular embedding satisfies the same equations as in the case of zero flux. The Lagrangian density in this c ase is given , elements of the induced metric, we have denoted x3simply byxand the prime denotes derivative with respect to r. The equation of motion of constant . (2.5.21) Taking the constant on the right-hand side of the above equation e qual to zero, we get the following solution for x': x'(r) (2.5.22) Notice that the left-hand side of the above equation depends only o nr, whereas the right- hand side can depend on the angles ( th,ph). For consistency the dependence of K(th,ph) andgththgphphon (th,ph) must be the same. Without lost of generality let us take K(th,ph) to be: L2K(th,ph) =gththgphph, (2.5.23) where the factor L2has been introduced for convenience. Using this form of K, the differ- ential equation which determines the dependence of =q r2, (2.5.24) 4A nice discussion of supersymmetric nonzeroga ugefield strengths by means of kappa symmetry can be found in ref. [116]. 5In this subsection we will rescale the gauge field Fgiven in eqs. (1.3.6) and (1.3.8) by a factor of 2 pa'.90 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q which can be immediately integrated, namely: x(r) = -x3-q r. the expression of Kcan be obtained by computing the induced metric along the angular directions. It takes the form: K(th) + is the function obtained in section 2.3 and s= Actually, notice that Konly depends on the angle thand it is independent of ph. We are now going to verify that the configuration just found is supe rsymmetric. The expression of G kin this case has an additional term due to the worldvolume gauge field ( see eq. (1.3.8)). Actually, it is straightforward to check that in the pre sent (2.5.27) Notice that gris given (2.5.28) For the angular embeddings we are considering it is easy to prove fro m the results of section 2.3 (2.5.29) By using this result and the value of Fthph(eq. (2.5.18)), one easily verifies using the explicit dependence of xonr(eq. (2.5.25)), one can write the Killing spinor o evaluated on the worldvolume the constant spinors e+-are the ones defined in eq. (1.2.100). Remarkably, one finds that the condition G ko=ois verified if e+ande-satisfy the same system (2.3.23) as is the case of zero flux. 2.5.4 D5-branes wrapped on a three-cycle We will now try to find supersymmetric configurations of D5-branes wrapping a three cy- cle of theYp,qspace. Let us choose the following set of worldvolume coordinates xu=2.5. OTHER INTERESTING POSSIBILITIES and consider an embedding with and ph=ph(y,b). In this (2.5.32) The value of gybpso*can be obtained by taking the complex conjugate of eq. (2.2.29). As c1=c3= 0 whenthps=phps= 0, we can (2.5.33) The only possible BPS condition compatible with the projections satisfi ed byoisc5= 0, which leads to a projection of the , a phase. Notice that, however, as the spinor ocontains a factor e-i 2ps, the two sides of the above equation depend differently on psdue to the complex on the left-hand side ( ldoes not depend on ps). Thus, these be supersymmetric. We could try to use another set of wor ldvolume coordinates, in particular one which does not include ps. After some calculation one can check that there is no consistent braneis, the same as the one obtained in subsection 2.2.2 for a D3-b rane wrapping a submanifold of Yp,q. Therefore any solution of the first-order equations (2.2.34) gives rise to an embedding of a D5-brane which solves the equations o f motion and saturates an energy bound. This last fact implies that the D5-brane configura tion is stable, in spite of the fact that it is not The baryon vertex If a D5-brane wraps the whole Yp,qspace, the flux of the Ramond-Ramond five form F(5) that it captures acts as a source for the electric worldvolume gaug e field which, in turn, gives rise to a bundle of fundamental strings emanating from the D5 -brane. This is the basic argument of Witten's construction of the baryon vertex [8], which w e will explore in detail now. In this case the probe action must include the worldvolume gaug e fieldFin both the Born-Infeld and Wess-Zumino terms. It takes the AF(5), the tension of the D5-brane and Ais the one-form potential for F(F=dA). In order to analyze the contribution of the Wess-Zumino term in (2.5 .35) let us rewrite the standard expression of Hodge dual , (2.5.36) 6In this subsection we will rescale again the gauge field Fgiven in eqs. (1.3.6) and (1.3.8) by a factor of 2pa'.92 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q where, for simplicity we are taking the string coupling constant gsequal to one. Let us also choose the following set of worldvolume coordinates: xu= (x0,y,b,th,ph,ps ). (2.5.37) It is clear from the expressions of F(5)in (2.5.36) and of the Wess-Zumino term in (2.5.35) that, for consistency, we must turn on the time component of the fieldA. Actually, we will adopt the following ansatz: r=r(y), A 0=A0(y). (2.5.38) The action (2.5.35) for such a configuration can be written (2.5.39) where the volume V4is : V4= sinth= 96p3l, (2.5.40) and the effective lagrangian density Leffis given by: Leff= 6(r')2-6(Fx0y)2+ (2.5.41) Notice that, for our ansatz (2.5.38), the electric field is Fx0y=-yA0. Let us now introduce the displacement field, defined 6(r')2-6(Fx0y)2. (2.5.42) From the equations of motion of the system it is straightforward to determineD(y). Indeed, the variation of Swith respect to A0gives rise to the Gauss' (2.5.43) which can be immediately integrated, namely: D(y) constant . (2.5.45)2.5. OTHER INTERESTING POSSIBILITIES 93 whereHis given by: H= the relation (2.5.42) between D(y) andFx0ycan be inverted, with the (1-cy)2H2D . (2.5.47) Using the relation (2.5.47) we can rewrite 6(r')2, is the function of the ycoordinate displayed in (2.5.44). The derived from His a second-order differential equation for the function r(y). This equation is rather involved and we will not attempt to solve it here. In a one expects that there exists a first-order differe ntial equation for r(y) whose solution also solves the equations of motion. This first-order equat ion has been found in ref. [117] for the We have not been able to find such in this AdS5xYp,qcase. A similar negative result was obtained in [105] for This result is an indication that this baryon vertex con figuration is not supersymmetric. Let us check explicitly this fact by analyzing t he kappa In our case G koreduces (2.5.49) The two terms on the right-hand side of (2.5.49) containing the antis ymmetrised products of gamma matrices can be written . (2.5.50) By using this result, we can write G order to solve the G ko=oequation we shall impose, as in ref. [118], an extra projection such that the contributions of the worldvolume gauge field Fx0yand ofr'in (2.5.51) cancel each other. This can be achieved by imposing that G x0ro*=oand thatFx0y=r'. Notice94 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q that the condition G to having fundamental strings in the as expected for a baryon vertex configuration. Moreo ver, as the spinor ohas chirality, this extra projection implies that in turn, is needed to satisfy the G ko=oequation. However, the condition G x0ro*=ois the conditions (1.2.99) and, then, it cannot be imposed on the Killin g spinors. Thus, as in the analysis of [105], we conclude from this incompatibility argumen t (which is more general that th ebaryonvertex completely the supersymmetry of the . 2.5.6 More spacetime filling D7-branes Let us adopt xu= ) as our set of worldvolume coordinates for a D7- brane probe and let us consider a configuration with th=th(y,b) andph=ph(y,b). In (2.5.52) Let us take o=o-, where G *o-=-o-(see eq. (1.2.101)). As gr=L rGr, we can (2.5.53) where the coefficients c5andc135are exactly those written in eq. (2.2.30) for the D The BPS condition is just c135= 0, which leads to the system of (2.2.34). Thus, in this case the D7-brane extends infinite ly in the radial direction andwrapsa submanifoldofthe These embeddings preserve four D7-branes wrapped on Yp,q Let us take a D7-brane which wraps the entire Yp,qspace and is extended along two spa- tial directions. The set of worldvolume coordinates we will use in this c ase ) and we will assume that x2andx3are constant. The matrix G kin this case (2.5.54) Acting on a spinor oof the background one can prove , (2.5.55) which canbesolved bya spinor withe-satisfying theadditional Thus this configuration preserves two SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION 95 2.6 Summary and Discussion Let us briefly summarise the results of this chapter. Using kappa sy mmetry as the central tool, wehave systematically studied supersymmetric embeddings of branesinthe Our study focused on three kinds of branes D3, D5 and D7. D3-branes: This is the case that we studied most exhaustively. For D3-branes w in Yp,qwe first reproduced all the results present in the literature. In pa rticular, using kappa symmetry, we obtained two kinds of supersymmetric cy cles: localised at y1and y2[25] and localised in the round S2[26, 33]. For these branes we found perfect agreement with the field theory results. Moreover, we also found a new class of supersymmetric em- beddings of D3-branes in this background. They do not correspon d to dibaryonic operators since the D3-brane does not wrap a three-cycle. The field theory in terpretation of these new embeddings is not completely clear to us due to various issues with glob al properties. We believe that they might be a good starting point to find candidates fo r representatives of the integer part of the third homology group of Yp,q, just like the analogous family of cycles found in [83, 105] were representative of the integer part H3(T1,1,Z). It would be important to understand these wrapped D3-branes in terms of algebraic geo metry as well as in terms of operators in the field theory dual, following the framework of ref . [111] which, in the case of the conifold, emphasizes the use of global homogeneous coordin ates. It is worth stressing that such global homogeneous coordinates exist in any toric variet y [119] but the relation to the field theory operators is less clear in CYp,q. We analyzed the spectrum of excitations of a wrapped D3-brane describing an SU(2)-charged dibaryon and found perfect agreement with the field theory expectations. We considered other embeddings an d found that a a two-cycle in Yp,qis not a supersymmetric state but, nevertheless, it is stable. In the field theory this configuration describes a fat The embedding that we paid the most attention to is a D5-brane exte nded along a two-dimensional submanifold in Yp,qand having codimension one in AdS5. In the field theory this is the kind of brane that represents a wall defect. When we allow the D5-brane to extend infinitely in the holographic direction, we get a co nfiguration dual to a defect conformal field theory. We showed explicitly that such confi guration preserves and saturates the expected energy bound. Fo r this configuration we also considered turning on a worldvolume flux and found that it can be don e in a The flux in the worldvolume of the brane provides a bending of th e profile of the to what happens in AdS5xT1,1[105]. We showed the consistency of in which the D5-brane wraps a different two-dimensional submanifold in Yp,q. We also considered D5-branes wrapping three-cycles. This configu ration looks like a domain wall in the field theory dual and, although it cannot be supersymmet ric, it is stable. Finally, we considered a D5-brane wrapping the whole Yp,q, which corresponds to the baryon vertex. We verified that, as in the case of T1,1, it is not a supersymmetric With theaimof introducing mesons field theory, we con- sidered spacetime filling D7-branes. We explicitly showed that such co nfigurations preserve four supersymmetries and found the precise embedding in terms of the radial coordinate. We found an interpretation of the embedding equation in terms of comp lex coordinates. We also analyzed other spacetime filling D7-brane embeddings. Finally, we con sidered a D7-brane96 CHAPTER 2. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ADS5xYP,Q that wraps Yp,qand is codimension two in AdS5. This configuration looks, from the defect)andpre serves of our analysis of some branes could be made more precise. In p articular, it would be interesting to understand the new family of supersymmetric emb eddings of D3-branes in terms of algebraic geometry as well as in terms of operators in the fi eld theory. We did not present an analysis of the spectrum of excitations for all of the br anes. In particular, we would like to understand the excitations of the spacetime filling D7-br anes and the baryon vertex better. However, the study of the excitations of the flav our branes will turn out to be more relevant in the background that we will display in chapter 4, whe re their backreaction is taken into account. In the next chapter we will present a similar systematic study of sup ersymmetric embed- dings of branes in the using again kappa symmetry as the 3 Supersymmetric Branes this chapter, we aim at exhausting the study of D-brane probes at the tip of toric Calabi- Yau cones on a base with topology S2xS3initiated in [105]. Thus, we perform the same analysis as in the previous chapter but now in La,b,ctheories. We will skip over many details1 since the analysis is pretty closed to the one in chapter 2. Furtherm ore, geometrical aspects of as well as the type IIB supergravity background AdS5xLa,b,cand its field theory interpretation were reviewed in subsection embeddings ofD-brane symmetry, as explained in subsection 1.3.2. This condition gives rise to a set of first- order BPS differential equations whose solutions determine the det ails of the embedding. As well, they solve the equations of motion derived from the DBI actio n of the probe while saturating a bound for the energy [100]. 3.1 D3-branes on three-cycles In this section we consider D3-brane probes wrapping three-cycle s ofLa,b,c. These are point- like objects from the gauge theory point of view, corresponding to dibaryons constructed from the different bifundamental fields of the quiver theory. Ther e are other physical interest that we will not discuss in this chapter. Though , we will briefly discuss their most salient features in section 3.4. Given a D3-brane probe wrapping a supersymmetric three-cycle C, the conformal dimen- sion of the corresponding dual operator is proportional to the v olume of the as we already used in the previous chapter: (3.1.1) 1One should be careful with not getting confused with the notation, which is similar to that used in chapter 2. 9798 CHAPTER 3. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON theR-charge of a protected operator is related to its dimension by R=2 3, we apter that the baryon number associated to the D3-brane probe wrapp ingC(in units of Nc) can be obtained as the integral over the cycle of the pullback of a (2 ,1)-form ohm 2,1: B(C) (3.1.2) The explicit form of ohm (3.1.3) whereKis a constant that will be determine below and we are using the frame d isplayed in (1.2.112). Armed with these expressions, we can extract the relev ant gauge theory informa- tion of the configurations under us take the worldvolume coordinates (defined in subsection 1.2.5 ) for the D3-braneprobe to bexu= (T,x,ps,~t), and let us assume that the brane is located at a fixed point in AdS5(1.2.102). The action of the kappa symmetry matrix (2.2.1) on the Killing spinor , a of (3.1.4) with the projections (1.2.133) demands a135= 0. Since thcannot vanish for positive aandb, this condition implies sin(2 th) = 0,i.e.th= 0 orp/2. Due to the fact that, for these configurations, the determinant of the induced metric , (3.1.6) we must discard the th=p/2 solution since the volume of the cycle would vanish in that case. Thus, the D3-brane probe is placed at th= 0 and the kappa symmetry condition G ko=o reduces to the new , (3.1.7) which can only be imposed at the center of AdS5. The corresponding configuration preserves four D3-BRANES ON THREE-CYCLES 99 Given that the volume of U1can be easily computed with the result Vol(U1) (3.1.8) the corresponding value for the R-charge (3.1.9) where we have used the second relation in (1.2.116). This result agre es with the value expected for the operator det( U1) [30]. Let us now compute the baryon number associated to the D3-brane probe wrapping U1. For the U1cycle, we get B(U1) , (3.1.10) where we have used the second identity in (1.2.118). From the field th eory analysis [30] it is known that the baryon number of the U1field should be -c(see Table 1.2 in chapter 1). We can use this result to fix the constant Kto: K=-ab 2p2ab . (3.1.11) Once it is fixed, formulas (3.1.2) and (3.1.3) allow us to compute the bar yon number of any D3-brane probe wrapping a us again locate the D3-brane probe at a fixed point in AdS5and take the following set of worldvolume coordinates xu= (T,x,ph,~t), with constant th=th0andps=ps0. The kappa symmetry matrix now acts on the Killing spinor , , b (3.1.13) The BPS condition is b135= 0, which can only be satisfied if sin(2 th) = 0. We have to select now the solution th=p 2if we want to have a non-zero volume for the cycle. The above condition defines the U2cycle. The associated R-charge can be computed as above and (3.1.14) in precise agreement with the gauge theory result [30]. The baryon n umber reads B(U2) (3.1.15)100 CHAPTER 3. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON we have used (3.1.11) and, after using the third identity in (1.2 .118), we get: B(U2) =-d=-(a+b-c), (3.1.16) in agreement with the field theory result [28] (see Table1.2 in chapter 1). If we consider the which amounts to Yp,q, aU(1) factor of the isometry group enhances to SU(2) and these dibaryons are constructed out of a doublet of bifundamental now take the following set of worldvolume coordinates xu= (T,th,ps,~t) and the whereps' 0is a constant and ps'= 3~t+ph+psis the angle conjugated to theU(1)Rcharge (see eq. (1.2.129)). We implement this embedding in our coord inates by settingph(ps,~t) =ps' 0-3~t-ps. In this , BPS conditions are, as before, c3=c135= 0. Clearly these conditions are satisfied only if x= 0, or, in other words, when x=x1, x2. (3.1.19) Notice that the value of ps' 0is undetermined. The induced volume takes the cosh . (3.1.20) As before, the compatibility with the AdS5SUSY requires that = 0. Let us denote by Xi the cycle with x=xi. We get that the volumes are given (3.1.21) From this result we get the corresponding values of the R-charges, R Z=2Nc 3x3-x2 x3, (3.1.22)3.1. D3-BRANES ON THREE-CYCLES Let us now compute the baryon number of these cycles. The pullback of the three-form ohm 2,1to the cycles with , the constant written in (3.1.11). We obtain: B(Xi) . (3.1.24) Taking into account the third identity in (1.2.118), we get: B(Y) =a , B(Z) =b , (3.1.25) as it should [30] (see Table 1.2 in chapter 1). 3.1.4 Generalised written in terms of the local complex coordinates (1.2.122) as holo morphic embeddings or divisors of CLa,b,c. Let us consider, for example, ( T,x,ps,~t) as worldvolume coordinates and the ph =ph(x,ps). (3.1.26) This ansatz is a natural generalisation of the one used in subsection 3.1.1. The case where the worldvolume coordinate psis changed by ph, can be easily addressed by changing Putting the D3-brane at the center of AdS5, we get that the kappa symmetry condition is given by an expression as in , now given BPS condition a135= 0 reduces to the following pair of differential (3.1.29)102 CHAPTER 3. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ADS5xLA,B,C The integral of the above equations can be simply written as: z2=f(z1), (1.2.122)and f(z1) is an arbitrary holomorphic function. Actually, if xuis an arbitrary worldvolume coordinate, one (3.1.31) One can eliminate the function fin the above equation by considering the derivatives with respect to two worldvolume coordinates xuandxn. One on ( x,ps) (as in the ansatz (3.1.26)), one can prove that (3.1.32) is equivalent to the system of BPS equations (3.1.29). We have checked that the Hamiltonian density of a static D3-brane p robe of the kind discussed in this section satisfies a bound that is saturated when th e BPS equations (3.1.29) hold, as it happened in section 2.2. This comes from the fact that, fr om the point of view of the probes, these configurations can be regarded as BPS world volume solitons. We have also checked that these generalised embeddings are Vol(D), (3.1.33) where Vol( D) is the volume form of the divisor D, namely Vol( D) =r3drVol(C) and the K ahler form Jis displayed in (1.2.130) . It is important to remind at this point holds locally but it is not always true that a general e mbedding makes sense globally. We have seen examples of this feature in chapter 2. 3.2 D5-branes Let us consider a D5-brane probe that creates a codimension one d efect on the field theory. It represents a wall defect in the gauge theory side. We choose the following set of worldvolume coordinates: xu= and we will adopt the ansatz ~t= ~t(th,ph) withx3constant. The kappa symmetry matrix (2.3.1) acts on the spinor D5-BRANES bI=b15=b35= 0. b15iszeroifpsth= ~tth= ~t= ~t(ph). Let us assume that this is the case and define the quantities n andmas: psph=n , ~tph=m . independent of the angle th. Moreover, from the vanishing of the real part ofb15and of the imaginary part of b35we get an algebraic equation for x, which can be solved (3.2.4) On the other hand, when psth= 0 andpsph=nthe vanishing of bIis equivalent to (3.2.5) which is certainly satisfied by our function (3.2.4). For an embedding s atisfying (3.2.3) and (3.2.4) one can check Therefore, for these embeddings, G kacts on the Killing spinors the phase of b13. In order to implement correctly the kappa symmetry condition Gko=o, the phase d13must be constant along the worldvolume of the probe. By inspecting the form of the coefficient b13in (3.2.2), one readily concludes that b13must be real, which happens only when xph= 0. Moreover, it follows from (3.2.4) that xis independent of constant. Thus, psand ~tare linear functions of the angle ph, ~t=mph+ ~t0, (3.2.7)104 CHAPTER 3. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON ps0and ~t0are constant. Notice that in these conditions the equation G . (3.2.8) Due to the presence of the complex conjugation, (3.2.8) is only cons istent if the 3~t+ph+psis constant along the worldvolume (see the expression of oin the condition 3~ t+ph+ps=ps' 0= constant implies that the constants = 0. (3.2.9) Thus, the possible supersymmetric embeddings of the D5-brane ar e labeled by a constant n and are given by: ps=nph+ps0, ~t=-n+1 3ph+ cos2th b+ (na-b) cos2th. (3.2.10) It can be now checked as in section 2.3 that the projection (3.2.8) ca n be converted into a set of algebraic conditions on the constant spinors e+-of (1.2.134). These conditions involve a projector which depends on the constant R-charge angle ps' 0= 3~t0+ps0and has four Therefore these embeddings are 1/8 configuration obtained in this section can be also shown to satur ate a in the worldvolume theory of the D5-brane probes, as it happ ened in section 2.3. This amounts to a point of view in which the solution is seen as a worldvolume s ispoint. Mostnotably, we expect to find stable configurations of D5-b ranes wrapping three cycles ofLa,b,c. A similar solution where the D5-brane probe wraps the entire La,b,cmanifold, to the baryon vertex of the gauge theory, should also be found. We will not include here the detailed analysis of these aspects. 3.3 Spacetime filling D7-branes Let us consider a D7-brane probe that fills the four Minkowski gaug e theory directions while possibly extending along the holographic direction. These config urations are relevant to add flavour to the gauge theory. In particular, the study of flu ctuations around them provides the meson spectrum. We start from the following set of wo rldvolume coordinates xu= ) and the ansatz r=r(x,th), ~t= ~t(ps,ph). The kappa symmetry matrix (2.4.1) in this case reduces . (3.3.1) Let us assume that the Killing spinor osatisfies the condition G *o=-o,i.e.ois of the form o-(see eq. (1.2.134)) and, therefore, one (3.3.2)3.3. SPACETIME FILLING D7-BRANES 105 which implies G r5o-=io-. (3.3.3) In order to express these coefficients in a compact form, let us defi ne Lxand thLthrth r+ (3.3.5) The BPS conditions are clearly d15=d35=d13= 0. From the vanishing of d15andd35we get the following first-order Lth,rx r= Lx. (3.3.6) Notice that d13= 0 as a consequence of these equations. By looking at the explicit fo rm ofL the angles phandpsin the first-order equations (3.3.6) comes from the partial derivat ives of ~t(ps,ph). For consistency these derivatives must be constant, i.e.~tps=nps, ~tph=nph, constants. These equations can be trivially =npsps+nphph+ ~t0. (3.3.7) Notice that ~ t(ps,ph) relates angles whose periods are not congruent (see eq. (1.2.114 )). Thus, the D7-brane spans a submanifold that is not, in general, a cycle. It is worth reminding that this is not a problem for flavour branes. If the BPS conditions ( 3.3.6) hold one can check that r4dI=-detgand, therefore, one has indeed that G ko=ofor any witho-as in (1.2.134). Thus these configurations preserve the four ordin of the background. In order to get the dependence of ronthandxit is interesting to notice that, if ~ t(ps,ph) is given by (3.3.7), the integrals of L thand Lxturn out to (3.3.8)106 CHAPTER 3. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON f1(x) andf2(x) are the functions defined in (1.2.123). From this result it straightf or- ward to obtain the general solution of r(th,x): r(th,x) (3.3.9) whereCis a constant. Notice that the function r(x,th) diverges for some particular values of thandx. This means that the probe always extends infinitely in the holograph ic direction. For particular values of nphandnpsthere is a minimal value of the coordinate r,r, which depends on the integration constant C. If one uses this probe as a flavour brane, rprovides an energy scale that is naturally identified with the mass of the dynam ical quarks added to the gauge theory. It is finally interesting to write the embedding characterized by eqs. (3.3.7) and (3.3.9) in terms of the complex coordinates in eq. (1.2.122). Indeed, one can check that this embedding can be simply written constant , (3.3.10) where 0. The relation between the exponents miand the constants npsandnphis (3.3.11) By using the action of the D7-brane, it is againpo ssible to show that there exists a bound for the energy which is saturated for BPS configura tions. 3.4 Final Remarks In this chapter we have worked out supersymmetric configuration s involving D-brane Our study focused on three kinds of branes, namely D3, D5 and D7 . We have dealt with embeddings corresponding to dibaryons, defect s and flavour branes in the gauge theory. For D3-branes wrapping three-cycles in La,b,cwe first reproduced all quantum numbers of the bifundamental chiral fields in the dual quiv er theory. We also found a new class of supersymmetric embeddings of D3-branes in th is background that we identified with a generic holomorphic embedding. The three-cycles wr apped by these D3- branes are calibrated. In the case of D5-branes, we found an emb edding that corresponds to a codimension one defect in AdS5. From the point of view of the D5-branes, it can be seen as a BPS saturated worldvolume soliton. We finally found a space time filling D7-brane probe configuration that can be seen to be holomorphically embedde d in the Calabi-Yau, and is a suitable candidate to introduce flavour in the quiver theory. Other interesting configurations have been considered. We would o nly list their strings If we take a D3-brane with worldvolume coordinates ( x0,x1,th,ph) and con- sider an embedding of the form x=x(th,ph) andps=ps(th,ph), with the remaining scalars3.4. FINAL REMARKS 107 constant, we see that there is no solution preserving kappa symme try. However, we have -cycle, in section 3.2 for a D5-brane probe. This configuration is not it is stable. D5 on a three-cycle We have found an embedding corresponding to D5-branes that wra p a three-cycle in La,b,c. They are codimension one in the gauge theory coordinates. happen to be non supersymmetric yet stable. Thes e could be thought of as being a domain wall of the dual field theory. D5 on a two-cycle We studied another embedding where a D5-brane probe wraps a two-cycle in La,b,cwhile it extends along the radial coordinate. For this embedding, ph,ps, x3and ~tare held constant. This is a supersymmetric configuration. We also c on a worldvolume flux in the case studied in section 3.2, and fou nd that it can be done in a supersymmetric way. The flux in the worldvolume of the bran e provides a bending of the profile x3of the wall, analogously to what happened in subsection 2.5.3 for this k ind of spacetime filling D7 We considered a different spacetime filling D7-brane that extends infinitely in the radial direction and wraps a three-cycle holo morphically the type studied in subsection 3.1.4. It preserves four supersy mmetries. D7 onLa,b,cWe finally studied a D7-brane probe wrapping the entire La,b,cspace and extended along the radial coordinate. From the point of view of the gauge theory, this is a string-like configuration that preserves two would like to understand the excitations of the spacetime filling D7- branes and the baryon vertex better. However, the study of the excitations of the flavour branes will turn out to be more relevant in the background that we will display in chapt er 4, where is taken into account.108 CHAPTER 3. SUPERSYMMETRIC BRANES ON 4 Unquenched Flavours in the KW Model In this chapter we will propose a type IIB string dual to the field the ory of in subsection 1.2.1, in the case in which a large number of flav ours (comparable to the number of colours) is added to each gauge group. Therefor e, we are going beyond the probe approximation and we will be working on the so called Venezia no's [101] (see subsection 1.3.3), unlike in chapters 2 and 3. We will study in detail the dual field theory to the supergravity solut ions mentioned above, making a considerable number of matchings. The field theorie s turn out to have along the RG flow, exhibiting a Landau pole in the UV. In the I R we still have a strongly coupled field theory, which is almost conformal . We will also generalise all these results to the interesting case of a lar ge class of different N= 1 superconformal field theories, deformed by the addition of flav ours. In particular we will be able to add flavours to every gauge theory whose dual is AdS5xM5, whereM5is Sasaki-Einstein manifold. The backgrounds introd uced in subsections 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 are included in that family of dual a possible way of handling the massive flavour case is undertak en. 4.1 Model 4.1.1 What to Expect from Field Theory this first part we will address in detail the problem of adding a large number of back- reacting non-compact D7-branes to the Klebanov-Witten type II B supergravity in subsection 1.2.1. Before presenting the solution and d escribing how it is ob- tained, we would like to have a look at the dual field theory and sketch which are the features that we expect. The addition of flavours, transforming in the fundamental and ant ifundamental of the gauge groups, can be addressed by including D7- brane probes into the 109110 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL geometry, following the procedure proposed in [92]. This was done in [1 06], where the em- bedding of the flavour branes and the corresponding superpoten tial for the fundamental superfields were found. The D7-branes have fo ur Minkowski directions par- allel to the stack of D3-branes transverse to the conifold, where as the other four directions are embedded holomorphically in the conifold. In particular, D7-bran es describing can be introduced by considering the holomorphic non-com pact embedding z1= 0 (see eq. (1.2.9)). The flavours, which correspond to 3-7 and 7-3 s trings, are massless be- cause the D7-branes intersect the D3-branes. Note that the D7 -branes have two by z1=z3= 0 andz1=z4= 0, each one corresponding to a stack. The presence of two branches is required by RR tadpole cancellation: in the field the ory this amounts to adding flavours in vector-like representations to each gauge grou p, hence preventing gauge anomalies. The fundamental and antifundamental chiral superfie lds of the two gauge groups will be denoted as q, and the gauge invariant and flavour proposed in [106] is W=WKW+Wf, theSU(2)xSU(2) invariant Klebanov-Witten superpotential for the bifun- damental fields given in eq. (1.2.13). For a stack of flavour branes, it is conventional to take the coupling between bifundamentals and quarks at a given point of from the D7-brane embedding z1= 0. The explicit indices are flavour indices. This superpotential, as well as the holomorphic embedding z1= 0, explicitly breaks the SU(2)xSU(2) global symmetry (this global symmetry will be recovered after the smear- ing). The field content and the relevant gauge and flavour symmetries of the theory are sum- marised in Table 4.1 and depicted in the quiver diagram in Fig. 4.1: Field content and symmetries of the KW field theory with mas sless is preserved at the classical level by the inclusion of D7 -branes embedded in such a way to describe massless flavours, as it can be se en from the fact that the equation z1= 0 is invariant under the rotation zi-e-iaziand the D7-brane wrap the4.1. ADDING FLAVORS TO THE KLEBANOV-WITTEN FIELD MODEL 111 Nf NfNc 4.1: Quiver diagram of the Klebanov-Witten gauge theory with flavours. Circles are gauge groups while squares are non-dynamical flavour circle. Nevertheless the U(1)Rturns out to be anomalous after the addition of flavours, due to the nontrivial C0gauge potential sourced by the D7-brane. The the flavour group is anomaly free, being vector-like. As it was noted in [106], the theory including D7-brane probes is also inv ariant under therefore thefield theoryis scale invariant inthe probeapproxima tion. In this limit the scaling dimension of the bifundamental fields is 3 /4 and the one of the flavour fields is 9/8, as required by power counting in the superpotential. Then the b-function for the holomorphic gauge couplings in the Wilsonian scheme b 't Hooft couplings. In the strict planar 't Hooft limit (zero order in Nf/Nc), the field theory has a fixed point specified by the aforementioned choice of since the beta functions of the superpotential couplin gs and the 't Hooft cou- plings are zero. As soon as Nf/Nccorrections are taken into account, the field theory has Rather, itdisplays vanishing b-functions for the superpotential couplings, but non-vanishing b-functions for the 't Hooft couplings. In a Nf/Ncexpansion, formula (4.1.3) holds at order Nf/Ncif the anomalous dimensions of the bifundamental fields AjandBjdo not get corrections at this order. A priori it is difficult to expect such a behaviour from string theory, since tensor of the flavour branes will induce backreac tion effects on the geometry at linear order in Nf/Nc, differently from the fluxes, which will backreact at order ( since we are adding flavours to a conformal theory, we can naively expect a Landau pole to appear in the UV. Conversely, we expect the theory to be slightly away in the far IR.112 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL 4.1.2 The Setup and the BPS Equations The starting point for adding backreacting branes to a given backg round is the the supersymmetric embeddings in that background, that is the analysis of brane probes. In [105], by imposing kappa symmetry on the brane worldvolume, the s upersymmetric em- beddings displayed in eq. (1.3.14) for D7-branes on the Klebanov-Wit ten background const. ph1= const. ph2= are precisely the two branches of the supersymmetric embed dingz1= 0 first proposed in [106]. Each branch realises a U(Nf) symmetry group, giving the total flavour of massless flavours (a diagonal axial U(1)Ais anomalous in field theory). We choose these embeddings because of the following pro perties: they reach the tip of the cone and intersect the colour D3-branes; wrap the U(1)Rcircle corresponding to rotations ps-ps+a; are invariant under radial rescalings. So they realise in field theory massless flavours, without breaking explicitly the U(1)Rand theconformal they are both broken by quantum effects. Moreover the configuration does not break the Z2symmetry of the conifold solution which corresponds to exchanging the two gauge groups. The fact that we must include both branches is due to D7-charge ta dpole is dual to the absence of gauge anomalies in field theory. An exa mple of a (non- singular) two-submanifold in the conifold geometry is S2={th1=th2, ph1= 2p-ph2, ps=
const, r= const}. The charge distributions of the two branches the sum is over the various D7-branes, possibly localised at diff erent points, and a the two D7-charges on the two-submanifold we (4.1.6) Thus, whilst the two branches have separately non-vanishing tadp ole, putting an equal num- ber of them on the two sides, the total D7-charge cancels. This re mains valid for all (non- singular) embedding can be deformed into a single D7-brane that only reac hes a minimum ra- dius, and realises a merging of the two branches. This corresponds to giving mass to flavours and explicitly breaking the flavour symmetry to SU(Nf) and the R-symmetry embeddings were also found in [105]. Each embedding preserves the same four supercharges, irrespe ctively of where the branes are located on the two two-spheres parameterised by ( th1,ph1) and (th2,ph2). Thus we can smear the distribution and still preserve the same amount of super symmetry. The two-form4.1. ADDING FLAVORS TO THE KLEBANOV-WITTEN FIELD MODEL 113 charge distribution is readily obtained to be the same as the volume fo rms on the two two- spheres in the geometry, and through the modified Bianchi identity it sources the flux F1.1 We expect to obtain a solution where all the functions have only radia l dependence, thanks to the smearing procedure. Moreover we were careful in never br eaking the Z2symmetry that exchanges the two spheres. The natural ansatz (4.1.7) where the unknown functions are andK(r) and the vielbein that we have chosen this ansatz the field equation = 0 is automatically satisfied, as well as the self-duality condition F5=*F5. The Bianchi identity dF5= 0 together with the condition (1.2.11) and the fact that Vol(T1,1) 27pNc, (4.1.9) andK(r) can be solved. We impose that the ansatz preserves the same four supersymmet ries as the D7-brane probes on the Klebanov-Witten solution. In the next section we will p erform a careful analysis of the supersymmetry variations of the dilatino and gravitin o (1.2.5) for the ansatz sketched above. Actually, the first-order BPS differential equat ions which arise from the vanishing of the SUSY variations turn out to be the same for the intr oduction of branes in all manifolds of the sort AdS5xM5, withM5a Sasaki-Einstein space. Let 1The modified Bianchi identity of F1is obtained from the Wess-Zumino action term (1.3.20) with subsection 1.2.1 to get used to the notation.114 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL us just show here the solution and put the analysis off for the next s (4.1.10) Notice that taking Nf= 0 in the BPS system (4.1.10) we simply get equations for solutionwithout anyadditionof flavour branes. Solving the system we find both the original KW background and the solution for D3-branes at a conifold singularity, as well as other solutions which correspond on t he gauge theory side to giving VEV to dimension six operators. These solutions were consider ed in [120, 121] and were shown to follow from our system in [13]. Inorder tobesure thattheBPS co rrect dynamics, we have to check that the Einstein, Maxwell and dilaton equations are solved . This can be done even before finding actual solutions of the BPS system. We checked tha t the first-order system (4.1.10) (and the Bianchi identity) in fact impliesthe second-order Einstein, Maxwell and dilaton differential equations. An analytic general proof will be given in subsection 4.2.2. We did not explicitly check the equations for the D7- brane distribution. etry) with General Couplings We can generalise our set of solutions by switching on non-vanishing V EV's for the bulk gauge potentials C2andB2. We show that this can be done without modifying the previous set forevery s olutionofthem. Thecondition is that the gauge potentials are flat, that is with vanishing field stren gth. Let us switch on the following fields: C2=cW2, B 2=bW2, (4.1.11) where the two-form W2is Poincar' e dual3to the two-cycle S2. We see that F3= 0 and H3= 0. So the supersymmetry variations are not modified, neither are the gauge invariant field strength definitions. In particular the BPS system (4.1.10) doe s not change. Consider the effects on the action (the argument is valid both for loc alised and smeared branes). It can be written as a bulk term plus the D7-brane the D7 gauge invariant field strength and the hat means that the pullback is taken. To get solutions of the kappa symmetry conditions and of the equations of motion, we must take Fsuch 0. it is a rescaling of the two-form U 2introduced in eq. (1.2.20).4.1. ADDING FLAVORS TO THE KLEBANOV-WITTEN FIELD MODEL 115 Notice that there is a solution for FbecauseB2is 0. With this choice kappa symmetry is preserved as before, since it depends on the co mbination F. The TheBianchi identities modified, since the WZ term only sources C8. The stress-energy tensor is not modified, so the Einstein equations are fulfiled. The last steps are the equatio ns potential on the D7-brane). For this, notice that they can be written as: ddS dF= 2pa'ddSbrane dF= 0. (4.1.14) The first is solved by F= 0 since in the equation all the terms are linear or higher order inF. This is because the brane action does not contain terms linear in F, and this is true providedC6= 0 (which in turn is possible only if C2is flat). The second equation then reduces todSbulk dB2= 0, which amounts to d(e-ph*H3) = 0 and is solved. As we will see in subsection 4.1.5, being able to switch on arbitrary cons tant values c andbfor the (flat) gauge potentials, we can freely tune the two gauge c ouplings (actually the two renormalization invariant scales L's) and the two theta angle s [22, 122]. This turns out to break the Z2symmetry that exchanges the two gauge groups, even if the brea king is mild and only affects C2andB2, while the metric and all the field strengths continue to have that symmetry. However this does not modify the behaviour o f the gauge theory. 4.1.3 The Solution in Type IIB Supergravity The BPS system (4.1.10) can be solved through the change of the ra dial (4.1.15) We get the new (4.1.16) .f= (4.1.19) where derivatives are taken with respect to r. Equation (4.1.18) can be solved first. By absorbing an integration co nstant in a shift of the radial coordinate r, we r<0. (4.1.20) The solution is thus defined only up to a maximal radius rMAX= 0 where the As we will see, it corresponds to a Landau pole in the UV of t he gauge theory.116 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL On the contrary for r- -, which corresponds in the gauge theory to the IR, the string coupling goesto zero. Notehowever that thesolution could stopat a finite negative rMINdue to integration constants or, for example, more dynamically, due to the presence of Then define u= 2f-2g = .u= 6(1-eu)+1 r, (4.1.21) whose solution (4.1.22) The constant of integration c1cannot be reabsorbed, and according to its value the solution dramatically changes in the IR. A systematic analysis of the v arious behaviours was presented in [13]. The value of c1determines whether there is a (negative) minimum value for the radial coordinate r. The requirement that the function eube positive defines 0 - - <r<=0, c1>0- - <r<=0. In the case -1< c1<0, the minimum value rMINis given by an implicit equation. It can be useful to plot this value as a function of c1: -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 = it is clear from the graph, as c1- -1+the range of the solution in rbetween the IR and the UV Landau pole shrinks to zero size, while in the limit c1-0-we no longer have a minimum radius. The functions g(r) andf(r) can be analytically integrated, while the warp factor h(r) and the original radial coordinate r(r) cannot (in the particular case c1= 0 we found an explicit expression for the warp factor). By absorbing an irrelevan t integration constant into4.1. ADDING FLAVORS TO THE KLEBANOV-WITTEN FIELD MODEL 117 a rescaling of randx0,1,2,3, we (4.1.24) h(r) (4.1.25) r(r) (4.1.26) This solution is a very important result of this chapter. We accomplish ed in finding a supergravity solution describing a (large) Nfnumber of backreacting D7-branes, smeared on the background produced by D3-branes at the tip of a conifold geo metry. The constant in field theory to switching on VEV's for as we will see in subsection 4.1.5. Moreover, in the new ra dial coordinate r, the metric Analysis of the Solution: Asymptotics and Singularit ies We perform here an analysis of the solutions of the BPS system, foc using mainly on the case withc1= 0 and we study the asymptotics in the IR and in the UV. In this subse ction we will make use of the following formula for the Ricci scalar curvature ( in string frame), which can be obtained for solutions of the BPS the warp factor h(r) cannot be analytically integrated in general, it can be c1isequal to0. Indeed, introducing the incomplete gamma function , defined as --- (4.1.29) we can integrate h(r) -.(4.1.30)118 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL The warp factor diverges for r- -, and the integration constant c2disappears in the IR. Moreover, if we integrate the proper line element dsfrom a finite point to r=-, we see that the throat has an infinite invariant length . The function r(r) cannot be given as an analytic integral but, using the of efforr- -and setting c1= 0, we can approximately integrate (4.1.31) in the IR. Fixing r-0 whenr- -we setc3= 0. We approximate further rin the asymptotic behaviour of the functions appearing in the metric , we find that up to logarithmic corrections of relative order 1 c1= 0approaches the IR limit r- -. In the UV limit and coming back to the general case with 0, the solutions flavours have a Landau pole ( r-0-) since the dilaton diverges (see (4.1.20)). The asymptotic behaviours of the functions appearing in the metric (4.1.34) e2f Oneconclude with r; if it is positive at some radius, then it is positive down to the IR. If the integration constant c2is larger than zero, his always positive and approaches c2at the Landau pole (UV). If c2= 0, thenhgoes to zero at the pole. If c2is negative, then the warp factor vanishes at rMAX<0 before reaching the pole (and the curvature diverges there). The physically relevant solutions seem to have c2>0. The curvature invariants, evaluated in string frame, diverge when r-0-, indicating that the supergravity description cannot be trusted in the UV. Fo r instance the Ricci 0, whereas R~(-r)-3ifc2= 0. Ifc2<0, then the Ricci is worth mentioning that the IR ( r- -) limit of the geometry of the is independent of the number of flavours, if we neglect loga rithmic corrections to the leading term. Indeed, at the leading order, flavours decouple f rom the theory in the IR (see the discussion below eq. (4.1.3)). The counterpart in our su pergravity plus branes4.1. ADDING FLAVORS TO THE KLEBANOV-WITTEN FIELD MODEL 119 solution is evident when we look at the BPS system (4.1.10): when r- from the system together with all the backreaction eff ects of the the system reduces to the unflavoured one. The asym ptotics of the in the metric in the IR limit r- -imply that some of the curvature invariants that one can construct diverge, irrespective of the value of the in tegration constant c1. Thus, the supergravity description presents a singularity and some care is needed when from it. Using the criterion in [123], that proposes the IR singularity to be phy sically bounded near the IR problematic point, we observe that these sin gular geometries are all acceptable. Gauge theory physics can be read from these s upergravity backgrounds. We call them good Detailed Study of the Dual Field Theory In this subsection we are going to undertake a detailed analysis of th e dual gauge theory features reproduced by the supergravity solution. The first issu e we want to address is what is the effect of the smearing on the gauge theory dual. As we wrote above, the addition to the supergravity solution of one stack of D7-branes at z1= 0 introduces in the field theory flavours coupled through a superpotential (4.1.37) where we explicitly write the flavour indices a. For this particular embedding the two branches are localised, say, at th1= 0 andth2= 0 respectively on the two spheres. One can exhibit a lot of features in common with the supergravity plus D7-bra nes solution:
*the theory has U(Nf)xU(Nf) flavour symmetry (the diagonal axial U(1)Ais anoma- lous), each group corresponding to one branch of only one branch there are gauge anomalies in the quantum fie ld theory and a tadpole in supergravity, while for two branches they while in supergravity there are embeddings moved away from the o rigin for which the two branches part of the isometry group of the background without D7-bra nes is broken by the presence of localised branes. It amounts to separ ate rotations of the two S2in the geometry and shifts the location of the branches. Its action is realised through the superpotential, and exploiting its action we can obtain the super potential for in other places. The two bifundamental doublets AjandBjtransform as spinors of the respective SU(2). So the flavour superpotential term for a configuration in whic h the two branches are located at xandyon the two spheres can be obtained by identifying two rotations that bring the north pole to xandy. There is of course a U(1)xU(1) ambiguity in this. Then we have to act with the corresponding SU(2) matrices UxandUyon the vectors120 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL (A1,A2) and (B1,B2) (which transform in the ( 2,1) and (1,2) representations) select the first vector component. In summary we can (4.1.38) where the notation ~ qx,Qxstands for the flavours coming from a first D7 branch being at x, and the same for a second D7 branch at y. To understand thefateof thetwo phase ambiguities inthe couplings h1andh2, we appeal to symmetries. The U(1) action which gives ( q,~q,Q,~Q) charges (1 ,-1,-1,1) is a broken by the flavour superpotential. The freedom of red efining the flavour fields acting with this U(1) can be exploited to reduce to the case in which the phase of the t wo holomorphic couplings is the same. The U(1) action with charges (1 ,1,1,1) is anomalous with equal anomalies for both the gauge groups, and it can be used t o absorb the phase ambiguity into a shift of the sum of Yang-Mills theta angles Th 1+ Th2(while the difference holds steady). This is what happens for D7-branes on flat spacetim e. The ambiguity that we mentioned amounts to rotations of the transverse R2space, whose only effect is a shift ofC0. As we will show in the next subsection, the value of C0is our way of measuring the sum of theta angles through D(-1)-brane probes. Notice that if w e put in our setup many separate stacks of D7-branes, all their superpotential U(1) ambiguities can be reabsorbed in a single shift of C0. From a physical point of view, the smearing corresponds to put the D7-branesat different points on the two spheres, distributing each branch on one of the t wo-spheres. This is so that there is one D7-brane at every point of S2. The symmetry is broken from configuration) us introduce a pair of flavour indices ( x,y) that naturally live on S2xS2and specify the D7-brane. The superpotential for the whole system of smear ed D7-branes is just the sum (actually an integral) over the indices ( x,y) of the previous all the U(1) ambiguities have been reabsorbed in field redefinitions and a globa l shift of Th1+Th2. In this expression the is manifest: rotationsof the bulk the superpotential invariant because they can be reabsorb ed in rotations of the dummy indices ( x,y). In fact, the action of SU(2)AxSU(2)Bon the flavours is a subgroup of the broken U(Nf)xU(Nf) flavour symmetry. In the smeared configuration, there is a 4In the case in which the two gauge couplings and theta angles are equ al, we could appeal to the Z2 symmetry that exchanges them to argue |h1|=|h2|, but no more because of the axialU(1) which gives charges (1 ,1,-1,-1)to one set of fields ( qx,~qx,Qx,~Qx) coming from a single D7-brane, is an anomalous symmetry. For every D7-brane that we consider, the anomaly amounts to a shift of the same two theta angles of the gauge theory. So we can combin e thisU(1) with an axial rotation of all the flavour fields and get an anomaly free symmetry. In total, from NfD7-branes we can find Nf-1 such anomaly free axial U(1) symmetries.4.1. ADDING FLAVORS TO THE KLEBANOV-WITTEN FIELD MODEL 121 D7-brane at each point of the spheres and the group SU(2)2rotates all the D7-branes in a rigid way, moving each D7 where another was. So it is a flavour transf ormation contained in U(Nf)2. By combining this action with a rotation of AjandBj, we get precisely the if it is written in an involved fashion, the superpotential (4.1.39) does not spoil the features of the gauge theory. In particular, the addition of a flav our mass term still would give rise to the symmetry breaking Gauge Couplings and b-functions In order to extract information on the gauge theory from the sup ergravity solution, we need to know the holographic relations between the gauge couplings, the theta angles and the supergravity fields. These formulae can be properly derived only in t he orbifold R1,3x CxC2/Z2, where string theory can be quantised by considering fractional b ranes placed at the singularity. The near-horizon geometry describing the IR dy namics on a stack of Ncregular branes at the singularity is AdS5xS5/Z2. The dual gauge theory is an N= 2 SU(Nc)xSU(Nc) SCFT with bifundamental hypermultiplets. In this N= 2 holographic relations (1.2.35) and (1.2.44) can be derived exactly . Usually in the literature the aforementioned holographic relations we re assumed to hold also in the conifold case. Strassler remarked in [124] that for the co nifold theory the formulae for the sum of the gauge couplings and the sum of theta angles need to be corrected. We expect that the formula for the sum of theta angles is correct as f ar as anomalies are con- cerned, since anomalies do not change in RG flows. Instead the first formula in eq. (1.2.35) may need to be corrected in the KW theory: in general the dilaton co uld be identified with some combination of the gauge and superpotential couplings. Let us now make contact with our supergravity solution. In the sme ared solution, 0 at every point, it is not possible to define a scalar potential C0such thatF1=dC0. We bypass this problem by restricting our attention to the non-com pact four-cycle defined by (r,ps,th 1=th2,ph1= 2p-ph2) [125](note that it wraps the R-symmetry direction ps), so that we can take the pullback on it and , (4.1.40) and (4.1.41) By using eqs. (1.2.35) and (1.2.44) we can identify , (4.1.43)122 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL where we suppose for simplicity the two gauge couplings to be equal ( g1=g2g). gauge couplings does not run. Although, as discussed abo ve, one cannot be sure of the validity of (4.1.42), we can try to extract some information. Let us first compute the b-function of the gauge couplings. The identification (1.2.35) allows us to define a radial b-function that we can directly compute from this result with eq. (4.1.3)). The physical b-function defined in the field theory is of the subtraction scale and L is a renormalization group invariant sca le. In order to get the precise field theory b-function from the supergravity computation one needs from which b=b(r)r/logu L. In general, for non- conformal duals, the radius-energy relation depends on the phen omenon one is interested in and accounts for the in the field theory. Even without knowing the radius-energy relation, there is some phy sical information that we can extract from the radial b-function (4.1.44). In particular, being the increasing, the signs of the two b-functions coincide. In our case, using r=u Land eq. (4.1.32), one gets matching between (4.1.3) and Anomaly and Vacua Now we move to the computation of the U(1)Ranomaly. We can perform it in field theory by using the equation (1.2.40). Thus the anomaly relation in our field th eory is the (4.1.46) or in other words, under a of parameter e, for both gauge groups the theta angles transform (4.1.47) On the string/gravity side a of parameter eis realised (in our conventions) by the shift ps-ps+ 2e. This can be derived from the transformation of the complex variables (1.2.6), which under a U(1)Rrotation get zi-eiezi, or directly by the decomposition of the ten-dimensional spinor ointo four-dimensional and and the identification of the four-dimensional superchar ge with the By means of the dictionary (4.1.43) we (4.1.48)4.1. ADDING FLAVORS TO THE KLEBANOV-WITTEN FIELD MODEL 123 in perfect agreement with is responsible for the breaking of the symmetry group but u sually a discrete subgroup survives. Disjoint physically equivalent vacua, not connected by other continuous symmetries, can be distinguished thanks to the format ion of domain walls among them, whose tension could also be measured. We want to read the dis crete of U(1)Rand the number of vacua both from field theory and supergravity. In field theory the U(1)Raction has an extended periodicity (range of inequivalent paramete rs) e[0,8p) instead of the usual 2 pperiodicity, because the minimal charge is 1 /4. Let us remark however that when eis a multiple of 2 pthe transformation is not an it commutes with supersymmetry. The global symmetry group contains the well, whose parameter we call a[0,2p). The two actions the following relation: UR(4p) =UB(p). Therefore the group parameterised by e[0,4p),a[0,2p) (this parameterisation realises a nontrivial torus) and U(1)Bis a true symmetry of the theory. The theta angle shift (4.1.47) allows us to conclude that the U(1)Ranomaly breaks the symmetry according e= 4np/Nf(n= to the string side, the solution for the metric, the dilaton and the field strengths is invariant under arbitrary shifts of ps. But the nontrivial profile of C0breaks this symmetry. The presence of DBI actions in the functional integral tells us that the RR potentials are quantised, in particular C0is defined modulo integers. Taking the formula (4.1.41) and using the periodicity 4 pofps, we conclude that the true invariance of the solution is indeed ZNf. One can be interested in computing the domain wall tension in the field t heory by means of its dual description in terms of a D5-brane with 3 directions wrapp ed on a 3-sphere (see [43] for a review in the conifold geometry). It is easy to see that, as in this object is stable only at r= 0 (r- -), where the domain wall is tensionless. The UV and IR Behaviors The supergravity solution allows us to extract the IR dynamics of th e KW field theory with massless flavours. Really what we obtained is a class of solutions, par ameterised by two integration constants c1andc2. Momentarily we will say something about their meaning but some properties are independent of them. The fact that the b-function is always positive, with the only critical point at vanishing gauge coupling, tells that the theory is irreparably driven to that po int, unless the super- gravity approximation breaks down before ( c1<0), for instance because of the presence of curvature singularities. Using the rcoordinate this is clear-cut. In the cases where the string coupling falls to zero in the IR, the gravitational coupling of the D7-b ranes to the bulk fields also goes to zero and the branes tend to decouple. The signature o f this is in the of the BPS system: the quantity ephNfcan be thought of as the effective size of the flavour backreaction which indeed vanishes in the far IR. The upsho t is that flavours can be considered as an irrelevant deformation of the usual technique for studying deformations of an AdS5geometry was given in [16, 17].124 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL Looking at the asymptotic behaviour of fields in the AdS5effective theory (1.1.13):6 dPh =ar-4+cr-, (4.1.49) we read, on the CFT side, that the deformation is VEV of the operator corresponding to the field Ph and the quantum dime nsion of the operator O. Alternatively, one can compute the effective five-dimensional act ion and look for the masses of the fields, from which the dimension is extracted with the f ormula (1.1.14). We computed the five-dimensional effective action for the particular d eformations and we included the D7-brane action terms (the details are in subse ction 4.2.3). of the effective K ahler potential, we got a scalar pot a lot of information. First of all, minima of Vcorrespond to the AdS5geometries, that is conformal points in field theory. The only minimum is formally at eph= 0 and has Then, expanding the potential at quadratic order the masses of the fields can be read; from here we deduce that we have operators of dimension six and eight taking VEV and a marginally irrelevant operator inserted.7 The operators taking VEV where already identified in [32, 121]. The dim ension eight operatoris Tr F4andrepresents KWsolutiont o 3-brane solution. The dimension six operator is a combina tion of the represents a relative metric deformation between the S2xS2base and the U(1) fiber of T1,1. The marginally irrelevant insertion is the flavour superpotential, wh ich would be marginal at the hypothetic AdS5(conformal) point with eph= 0, but is in fact irrelevant driving the gauge coupling to zero in the IR and to very larg e values in the UV. Let us add that the scalar potential Vcan be derived from a superpotential W, from which in turn the BPS system (4.1.10) can be obtained. Since in the IR the flavour branes undergo a sort of decoupling, the relevant and their treatment is much the same as for the unflavour ed [32, 121, 124]. We are not going to repeat it and we will concen trate on the case c1=c2= 0. The supergravity solution flows in the IR to the of relative order 1 /|log(r)|). On one hand the R-charges and the tend to the almost conformal the formula for the b-function of a superpotential dimensionless (4.1.51) 6Notice that usually the prescription (1.1.13) or the holographic reno rmalization methods are used when we may have flows starting from a conformal point in the UV. In this c ase, our conformal point is in the IR and one may doubt about the validity in this unconventional case. Se e [127] for an indication that applying the prescription in an IR point makes sense, even when the UV geome try is very far away from AdS5xM5. 7To distinguish between a VEV and an insertion we have to appeal to th e first criterium described in eq. (4.1.49) and below.4.1. ADDING FLAVORS TO THE KLEBANOV-WITTEN FIELD MODEL 125 where Ph are the fields appearing in the superpotential term, we obt ain that the total su- perpotential (4.1.39) is indeed marginal. On the other hand the gaug e coupling flows to zero. Being at an almost conformal point, we can derive the radius- energy relation of the radial and Minkowski direction, getting r=u/L. Then, the coincides with the exact (perturbative) holomorphic b-function (in the (4.1.52) If we are allowed to trust the first orbifold relation in eq. (1.2.35) rela ting gauge and dilaton, we conclude that the gauge coupling flows to zero in the IR. This fact could perhaps explain the divergence of the curvature invaria nts in string frame [18], as revealed in subsection 4.1.4. The field theory would enter the pert urbative regime at this point. However, it is hard to understand why the anomalous dime nsions of the fields are large while the theory seems to become perturbative. For this r eason, we question the validity in the conifold case of the first holographic relation in eq. (1.2.3 5), which can be derived only for the orbifold. In [13] we proposed an alternative inte rpretation of the IR regime of our field theory, based on some nice observations made in [1 24] about the KW field theory. We argued that the theory may flow to a strongly coupled fi xed point, although the string frame curvature invariant is large, as in the Klebanov-Witten solution for small to the IR limit, the UV regime of the theory is dominated by fl avours and we find the same kind of behaviour for all values of the relevant deform ationsc1andc2. The gauge couplings increase with the energy, irrespective of the numb er of flavours. At a finite energy scale that we conventionally fixed to r= 0, the gauge theory develops a Landau pole since the string coupling diverges at that particular radius. This energy scale is finite becauser= 0 is at finite proper distance from the bulk points r<0. At the Landau pole radius the supergravity description breaks dow n for many reasons: the string coupling diverges as well as the curvature invariants and thepscircle shrinks. An UV completion must exist and finding it is an interesting problem. One co uld think about obtaining a new description in terms of supergravity plus branes thr ough various dualities. In particular T-duality will map our solution to a system of NS5, D4 and D6-branes, which could then be uplifted to M-theory. Anyway, T-duality has to be app lied with care because of the presence of D-branes on a nontrivial background and we ac tually do not know how to T-dualize the action. 8Here it is manifest why the SUGRA b-function computed in this context with brane probes matches the field theory one, even if this requires the absence of order Nf/Nccorrections to the anomalous dimensions gA,B, which one does not know how to derive (the stress-energy tenso r is linear in Nf/Nc). It is because those corrections are really of order ephNf/Ncand in the IR eph-0.126 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL 4.2 The BPS Equations for Any Sasaki-Einstein Space Let us now explain in detail the origin of the system of first-order diff erential As we already said in section 4.1, the system (4.1.10) is a cons equence of super- symmetry. Actually, it turns out that it can be derived in the more ge neral situation that corresponds to having smeared D7-branes in a space of the type AdS5xM5, whereM5is Sasaki-Einstein (SE) manifold. Notice that the T1,1space considered up to now is a SE manifold. In general, a SE manifold can be represented as a over a four-dimensional K ahler-Einstein (KE) space. Acco rdingly, we will write the M5metric as a Killing vector and ds2 KEstands for the metric of the KE space with K In the case of the T1,1manifold the KE base is just S2xS2, where the S2's are parameterised by the angles ( thi,phi) and the fiber tis parameterised by the angle ps. Our ansatz for ten-dimensional metric in Einstein frame will corresp ond to a deformation of the standard AdS5xM5. Apart from the ordinary warp factor h(r), we will introduce some squashing between the one form dual to the Killing vector and t he KE base, that, indeed, the ansatz (4.2.2) is of the same type as the on e considered in eq. (4.1.7) for the deformation of AdS5xT1,1. In addition our background must have a RR Hodge dual , (4.2.3) and a RR one-form F1which violates Bianchi identity. Recall that this violation, which we want to be compatible with supersymmetry, is a consequence of hav ing a smeared D7-brane source in our system. Our proposal for F1is the (4.2.4) whereCis a constant which should be related to the number of flavours. Mor eover, the violation of the Bianchi identity is the following9: dF1= 2C J. (4.2.5) Notice that eq. (4.2.5) corresponds to taking ohm = -2CJin our general expression (1.3.25). To proceedwith thisproposal we shouldtryto solve theKilling spinor e quations byimposing the appropriate projections. Notice that the ansatz is compatible with the K ahler structure of the KE base and this is usually related to Rab= 6gab.4.2. GENERALISATIONS 127 Before going ahead, it may be useful to make contact with the explic it case studied in the previous section, namely the Klebanov-Witten model. In that ca se the KE base sin2thidph2 i), (4.2.6) whereas the one form dual to the Killing vector /tisdt=dps/3 and the form the constant Cwas set to3Nf 4pin that case. Let us choose the following frame for the ten-dimensional 1,...,4 is the one-form basis for the KE space such that ds2 KE=eaea. In the Klebanov-Witten model the basis taken in (4.1.8) corresponds t o: e1= sinth1dph1, e2=dth1, e3= sinth2dph2, us write the five-form F5=F5+*F5of eq. (4.2.3) in frame equation dF5= 0 immediately constant (4.2.11) where the constant has been obtained by imposing the quantisation condition (1.2.11) for a genericM5. It will also be useful in what follows to write the one-form F1in (4.2.12) Let us list the non-zero components of the spin (u= (a= CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW components of the spin connection of the KE base. Let us now study under which conditions our ansatz preserves som e amount of supersym- metry. To address this point we must look at the supersymmetric va riations of the dilatino and gravitino (1.2.5). We will take them but using the following complex s pinor , -io*-s1o , io -is2o . (4.2.14) It is quite obvious from the form of our ansatz for F1in (4.2.12) that the from the dilatino variation 0. (4.2.15) In eq. (4.2.15), and in what follows, the indices of the G-matrices ref er to the (4.2.8). Let us move on to the more interesting case of the gravitino transf ormation. The and always yield the following two 0, ro-1 8Kho= 0. (4.2.16) To get eq. (4.2.16) we have imposed the D3-brane (4.2.17) and we have used the fact that the ten-dimensional spinor is chiral with . (4.2.18) It is a simple task to integrate the second differential equation in (4.2 .16): o=h-1 8^o , (4.2.19) where ^ois a spinor which can only depend on the coordinates of the Sasaki-Ein stein space. In order to study the variation of the SE components of the gravit ino it is useful to write the covariant derivative along the SE directions in terms of the covariant derivative in the KE space. The covariant derivative, written as a one-form fo r those is given the covariant derivative in the internal KE space. 10Notice that it is different from that taken in eq. (1.3.10).4.2. GENERALISATIONS 129 The equation for the SE components of the gravitino transformat ion 0. (4.2.21) This equation can be split into a part coming from the coordinates in th e KE space and a part coming from the coordinate which parameterises the Killing vect or. For this purpose, it is convenient to represent the frame one-forms eaand the fiber one-form Ain a coordinate basis of the KE 1,...,4 a set of space coordinates in the KE space. After a bit of algebra one can see that the equation obtained for th e space coordinates ymis the equation obtained for the fiber coordinate tis given 0.(4.2.24) Let us now solve these equations for the spinor o. First of all, let us consider the (4.2.15). Clearly, this equation implies that the spinor must b e an eigenvector of the matrix G r0. Accordingly, let us require that . a glance at eqs. (4.2.23) and (4.2.24) reveals that omust also be an eigenvector of the matrix JabGab. Actually, by combining eqs. (4.2.17) , (4.2.18) and (4.2.25) one easily obtains that G12o= G34o . (4.2.26) To simplify matters, let us assume that we have chosen the one-for m basiseaof the KE in such a way that the K ahler two-form Jtakes the canonical (4.2.27) In this basis, after using the condition (4.2.26), one trivially gets: JabGabo= 4G12o . (4.2.28)130 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL Thus, in order to diagonalize JabGab, let us impose the , (4.2.29) which implies G34o=-io , J abGabo=-4io . (4.2.30) Let us now use the well-known fact that any KE space admits a covar iantly , (4.2.31) from which one can get a Killing spinor of the five-dimensional SE space as:
^o=e-i3 2te . in the KE frame basis we are using, eturns out to be a constant spinor which satisfies the conditions G 12e= G34e=-ie. Let us now insert the SE Killing spinor ^ oof eq. (4.2.32) in our ansatz (4.2.19), i.e.we take the solution of our SUSY equations to . (4.2.33) By plugging (4.2.33) into eqs. (4.2.23) and (4.2.24), and using the proj ections imposed to o and (4.2.31), one can easily see that eqs. (4.2.23) and (4.2.24) reduc e to the following two differential 0. (4.2.34) By combining all equations obtained so far in this subsection we arrive at a system of first- order BPS equations for the deformation of any space of the form 0, g'-ef-2g= 0. (4.2.35) Notice that, indeed, this system reduces to the one written in eq. ( 4.1.10) for the conifold, if we take into account that for this later case the constant C is 3 Nf/(4p) andVol(T1,1) =
16p3/27. It is now a simple task to count the supersymmetries of the type (4.2 .33) preserved by our background: it is just thirty-two divided by the number of independ ent algebraic to the constant spinor e. As a set of independent projections one can take the ones written in eqs. (4.2.17), (4.2.25) and (4.2.29). It follows that ou r deformed four supersymmetries generated by Killing spinors of th e type displayed in GENERALISATIONS 131 4.2.2 The BPS and Einstein Equations In this subsection we will prove that the BPS system implies the fulfilme nt of the second- order Euler-Lagrange equations of motion for the combined gravit y plus brane system (see eq. (1.3.18)). To begin with, let us consider the equation of motion of the dilaton, which can be written the ten-dimensional metric. Using the DBI action (1.3.22) for the s meared D7-branes configuration, we (4.2.37) The charge density distribution is ohm = -2CJ(see eq. (4.2.5)). Recall that the K ahler form Jof the KE base manifold has the canonical expression (4.2.27). It fo llows that ohm has two decomposable components given the ^eaone-forms have been defined in (4.2.8). Therefore, the moduli of t he ohm(i)'s can be 2|C|h-1 2e-2g. (4.2.39) By using the explicit form of the metric, our ansatz for F1and the previous formula (4.2.39) one can convert eq. (4.2.36) into the following: ph''+ 4|C|eph-2g. (4.2.40) It is now a simple exercise to verify that eq. (4.2.40) holds if the funct first-order BPS system (4.2.35) and the constant Cis non-negative. In what follows we shall assume that C>=0. To check the Einstein equations we need to calculate the Ricci tenso r. In flat coordinates the components of the Ricci tensor can be computed by using the s pin connection. The expression of the curvature two-form in terms of the spin connec tion ^o^M^P^o^P
^N, (4.2.41) with the curvature two-form defined as (4.2.42)132 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL By using the values of the different components of the ten-dimensio nal spin in (4.2.13) we can easily obtain the Riemann tensor and, by simp le contraction of indices, we arrive at the following flat components of the Ricci tenso 0, M /ne}ationslash=N . (4.2.43) From these values it is straightforward to find the expression of th e scalar curvature (in Einstein frame), which is us evaluate the different contributions to the right-hand side o f the Einstein equations (see eq. (1.3.18)). Thecontributions fromthefive- andone-form sisimmediately computable from our ansatz of eqs. (4.2.3) and (4.2.4). On the other hand, the contribution of the DBI part of the action is (4.2.45) By using our expression (1.3.22) of SDBI, with ohm = -dF1, together with the one easily arrives at the following expression of the stress -energy tensor of we have used that 2 k2 10T7= 1 and we have written the result in flat components. By using in (4.2.46) the values given in eqs. (4.2.38) and (4.2.39) of ohm(i)and its modulus, we4.2. GENERALISATIONS 133 arrive at the simple (a,b= 1,***,4), (4.2.47) where the indices refer to our vielbein basis (4.2.8). With all this information we can write, component by component, the set of second- order differential equations for h,g,fandphthat are equivalent to the Einstein equations. One can then verify, after some calculation, that these equations are satisfied if phand the functions of our ansatz solve the first-order system (4.2.35). Th erefore, we have succeeded in proving that the background obtained from the supersymmetry analysis is a solution of the equations of motion of the supergravity plus Born-Infeld syst em. Notice that the SUSY analysis determines F1,i.e.the RR charge distribution of the smeared D7-branes. What we have just proved is that eq. (4.2.46) gives the correct stress-en ergy distribution associated to the charge distribution ohm = -dF1of smeared flavour branes. To finish this subsection let us write the DBI action in a different, and v ery It turns out that, for our ansatz, the on-shell DBI act ion can be written as the integral of a ten-form and the corresponding expression is very s imilar to the one for the WZ term given in equation (1.3.20). Actually, we show below (4.2.48) where ohm 8is an eight-form which, after performing the wedge product with th e ohm, gives rise to a volume form of the ten-dimensional spac e. Let us factorise in ohm 8 the factors coming from the Minkowski (4.2.49) where ohm 4is a four-form in the internal space. Actually, one can check that ohm 4can be J, the following (4.2.51) To verify this fact, let us recall that ohm = -2CJand J. (4.2.52) Taking into account that1 2JJis the volume form of the KE base of M5, we readily get: d4xJJ J = 4e-2gh1 2 -G d10x , onecan easily prove that eq. (4.2.48)gives the same res ult asinequation (1.3.22) with ohm = -dF1.134 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL 4.2.3 A Superpotential and the BPS Equations It is interesting to obtain the system of first-order BPS equations (4.2.35) by using an alternative approach, namely by deriving them from a superpotent ial. Generically, let us consider a one-dimensional classical mechanics system in which eis the time Phm(e) (m= 1,2...) are the generalised coordinates. Let us assume that the Lagrangian of this system takes the a constant and V(Ph) is some potential, which we assume that is independent of the coordinate A. If one can find a superpotential Wsuch that: V(Ph) (4.2.55) then the equations of motion are automatically satisfied by the solut ions of the (4.2.56) Let us now show how we can recover our system (4.2.35) from this fo rmalism. The first step is to look for an effective Lagrangian for the dilaton and the function s of our ansatz whose equations of motion are the same as those obtained from the Einste in and dilaton equations of type IIB supergravity. One can see that this lagrangian the scalar curvature written in (4.2.44) and Qis the (4.2.58) The Ricci scalar (4.2.44) contains second derivatives. Up to total d 12(g')2+ 8g'f'-4e2f-4g+ (4.2.59) We want to pass from the lagrangian (4.2.59) to that in eq. (4.2.54). W ith that purpose in mind let us perform the following redefinition of e2~g=h1 2e2g, e2~f=h1 2e2f. (4.2.60)4.2. GENERALISATIONS 135 In addition, we need to do the following change of the radial (4.2.61) Once we have done the previous redefinitions, the Lagrangian we ob tain the dot means derivative with respect to eandV(~g,~f,ph) is the following above form(see eq. (4.2.54))andwe canidentify theconstant kand the elements of the kinetic matrix Gmnas: k=3 4, G~g~g=56 3, G~f~f=8 3, G~g~f=8 3, Gphph= 1. (4.2.64) One can now check that, given the above expression of the potent ial, the following eq. (4.2.55) for the values of kandGmnwritten in eq. (4.2.64). It is now immediate to write the first-order differential equations that stem from this superpotential. Explicitly we obtain: .A=-2 3W (4.2.66) In order to verify that this system is equivalent to the one obtained from supersymmetry, let us write down explicitly these equations in terms of the old radial varia ble (see eq. (4.2.61)) and fields (see eqs. (4.2.60)). One gets: h' h+ 8g'+ 2f'=-Qh-1e-4g-f+ 4ef-2g+ (4.2.67) 11The change of the Lagrangian under that change of the radial var iable CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL which ofBPSequat ions us now use the previous results to study the five-dimensional e ffective the compactification along M5of our solution. The fields in this effective action are the functions ~fand ~g, which parameterise the deformations along the fiber and the KE ba se and the dilaton. Actually, in terms of the new radial va (4.2.61), the ten-dimensional metric can be written corresponding analysis for the unflavoured theory was perfo rmed in [32, 121]. For simplicity, let us work in units in which the AdS5radiusLis one. Notice that the in (4.2.58) is just Q= 4L4. Thus, in these units Q= 4. To make contact with the analysis of refs. [32, 121], let us introduce new fields qandpwhich, in terms of ~fand ~g are defined as 4~g), p =-1 5(~f-~g). (4.2.69) In terms of these new fields, the potential (4.2.63) turns out to be V(p,q,ph) = 8e-20q+ the effective lagrangian (4.2.62) can be written .p2-30 the determinant of the five-dimensional metric its Ricci scalar. One can check that the minimum of the potential (4.2.70) occurs only at p=q=eph= 0, which corresponds to the Moreover, by expanding Varound this minimum at second order we find out that the fields pandqdefined in (4.2.69) diagonalize the quadratic potential. m2 p= 12andm2 q= 32. (1.1.14), we get: m2 p= 12 = =p= 6, m2 q= 32 = =q= 8.(4.2.72) These scalar modes pandqare dual to the dimension six and eight operators discussed in section 4.1. 4.2.4 General Deformation of the Klebanov-Witten Backgrou nd Inthis subsection we will explore the possibility ofhaving a moregener al flavour deformation of Notice that, as T1,1isaU(1) bundle over S2xS2, there exists 12The function pis calledfin refs. [32, 121].4.2. GENERALISATIONS 137 the possibility of squashing with different functions each of the two S2's of the KE base. In the unflavoured case this is precisely the type of deformation that occurs when the is substituted by its small resolution. For this reason, it is wo rth considering this type of metric also in our flavoured background. To be precise, let u s adopt the following ansatz for the metric, five-form and (1+*)d4xKdr 3Nf/4p, all functions depend on randg1(r) andg2(r) are, in general, recover our ansatz (4.1.7)). The equation dF5= 0 immediately 27pNcQ , (4.2.74) which allows to eliminate the function Kin favour of the other functions of the ansatz. By following the same steps as in the g1=g2case and requiring that the four supersymmetries, we get a system of first-order BPS equations for this kind of deformation, (i= 1,2), f'= that, as it should, the system (4.2.75) reduces to eq. (4.2.35 ) wheng1=g2. It is not difficult to integrate this system of differential equations by following the same method that was employed for the g1=g2case. First of all, we change the radial , (4.2.76) what allows us to get a new (i= 1,2), .f= now the derivatives are taken with respect to the new variab ler. The equation for the dilaton in (4.2.77) can be integrated immediately, with the (r<0), (4.2.78)138 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL where we have ina shift ofthera dial coordinate. Moreover, by combining the equations for g1andg2one easily realises that the combination e2g1-e2g2 is constant. Let us (4.2.79) On the other hand, by using the solution for ph(r) just found and the equations for the gi's in (4.2.77), the first-order equation for fcan be rewritten as: .f= 3-.g1-.g2+1 2r, (4.2.80) which can be integrated immediately, to Thisconstant canbeabsorbedbyp In order to make contact with the case in which g1=g2let us takec= 6. Then, by combining (4.2.81) with the equation of g2, we (4.2.82) which, after using the relation (4.2.79), can be integrated with the r (1-6r)e6r+c1. (4.2.83) Notice that, indeed, for a= 0 this equation reduces to the g1=g2solution (see eq. by combining eqs. (4.2.79) and (4.2.81) the expression of fcan be written in terms of g2, as (4.2.84) It is also easy to get the expression of the warp factor h: h(r) (4.2.85) Thus, the full solution is determined in terms of e2g2which, in turn, can be obtained from (4.2.83) by solving a cubic algebraic equation. In order to write the ex plicit value of e2g2, let us define the (4.2.86) Then, one (4.2.87) where the function z(r) is defined in terms of x(r) (4.2.88)4.2. GENERALISATIONS 139 In expanding these functions in series near the UV ( r-0) one gets a similar behaviour to the one discussed in subsection 4.1.3. Very interestingly, in the IR of the field theory, that is when r- -, we get a behaviour that is softened respect to what we found in subsection 4.1.3. This is not unexpected, given the deformation par ametera. solutions are still singular. Indeed, the dilaton was not affected by the deformation a. 4.2.5 Massive Flavors In the ansatz we have been using up to now, we have assumed that t he density of RR charge of the D7-branes is independent of the holographic coordinate. Th is is, of course, what is expected for a flavour brane configuration which corresponds to massless quarks. On the contrary, in the massive quark case, a supersymmetric D7-brane has a nontrivial profile in the radial direction [105] and, in particular ends at some non-zero value of the These massive embeddings have free parameters whic h could be used to smear the D7-branes. It is natural to think that the corresponding cha rge and mass distribution of the smeared flavour branes will depend on the radial coordinate in a nontrivial way. It turns out that there is a simple modification of our ansatz for F1which gives rise to a charge and mass distribution with the characteristics required to r epresent smeared flavour branes with massive quarks. Indeed, let us simply substitute in (4.2.3 5) the constant Cby a functionC(r). In this that the SUSY analysis of subsection 4.2.1 remains unchanged since onlyF1, and not its derivative, appears in the supersymmetric variations of the dilat ino and gravitino. The final result is just the same system (4.2.35) of first-order BPS equ ations, where now one has to understand that Cis a prescribed function of r, which encodes the nontrivial profile of the D7-brane. Notice that C(r) determines the running of the dilaton which, in turn, affects the other functions of the ansatz. A natural question to address here is whether or not the solutions of the modified BPS system solve the equations of motion of the supergravity plus bran es system. In order to check this fact, let us write the DBI term of the action, following our prescription (1.3.22). Notice that, in the present case, ohm = -dF1is the sum of three decomposable pieces: ohm = ohm(1)+ ohm(2)+ ohm(3), (4.2.90) where ohm(1)and ohm(2)are just the same as in eq. (4.2.38), while ohm(3)is given =-h-1 2e-fC'(r) ^er^e0. (4.2.91) The modulus of this new piece of ohm can be compute d, (4.2.92)140 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODEL By using this result, together with the one in (4.2.39), one readily get s the expression of the DBI terms of the action of the smeared d10x. (4.2.93) From this action it is immediate to find the equation of motion of the dilat on,i.e.: ph''+ (4.2.94) It can be verified that the first-oder BPS equations (4.2.35) imply th e fulfilment of eq. (4.2.94), provided the functions C(r) andC'(r) are non-negative. Notice that now, when computing the second derivative of phfrom the BPS system (4.2.35) with C=C(r), a new term containing C'(r) is generated. It is easy to verify that this new term matches prec isely the last term on the right-hand side of (4.2.94). It remains to verify the fulfilment of the Einstein equations. The str ess-energy tensor of the brane can be computed from eq. (4.2.46), where now the extra decomposable piece of dF1must be taken into account. The result that one arrives at, in the v ielbein basis (4.2.8), is a direct generalisation of (a,b= (4.2.95) As it happened for the equation of motion of the dilaton, one can ver ify that the extra pieces on the right-hand side of (4.2.95) match precisely those generated by the second in the expression (4.2.43) of the Ricci tensor if C(r) andC'(r) are non-negative. As a consequence, the first-order equations (4.2.35) with a funct ionC(r) also imply the equations of motion for the ten-dimensional metric gMN. It is also interesting to point out that, ifC(r) andC'(r) are non-negative, SDBIcan also be written in the form (4.2.48), where ohm 8is exactly the same eight-form as in eqs. (4.2.49) and (4.2.50). Notice that, if the function C(r) = 3Nf(r)/4phas a Heaviside-like shape starting at some finite value of the radial coordinate, then our BPS equations a nd solutions will be the ones given in subsection 4.1.3 for values of the radial coordinate bigg er than the mass of the flavour. However, below that radial value the solution will be the on e of deformations of it studied in [13]), with a non-running dilaton. Asid e from decoupling in the field theory, this is clearly indicating that the addition of massive flavours resolves the singularity. Physically this behaviour is expected and makes thes e massive flavour Summary and Discussion In this chapter we followed the method of [80] to construct a dual t o the field theory defined by Klebanov and Witten after Nfflavours of quarks and antiquarks have been added to4.3. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION 141 both gauge groups. In section 4.1 of this chapter, we wrote the BP S equations describing the dynamics of this system and found solutions to this first-order system that also solve all the second-order equations of motion. We analyzed the solutions t o the BPS system and learnt that, even when singular, the character of the singularity p ermits to get field from the supergravity perspective. We proposed a formulation for the dual field theory to these solutio ns, constructing a precise four-dimensional superpotential. We studied these solutio ns making many match- ings with field theory expectations that included the R-symmetry br eaking and Also, using the well-known (supergravity) superpoten tial approach, we learnt that our field theory, aside from being deformed by a marginal (the n turned irrelevant) op- erator, modifies its dynamics by giving VEV to operators of dimension six and eight. We explained how to change relations between couplings and Th-angles in t he theory, from the perspective of our solutions. In section 4.2 of this chapter, we presented a careful account of the many technical the derivationof theresults insection 4.1. Using thelogica nd intuitions developed there, we generalised the approach described for manifold that can fibrationove r aK is surprising that the same structure of BPS equations and ten- dimensional for all the manifolds described above. This clearly points to some universality of the behaviour of four-dimensional N= 1 SCFT's with theory fundamentals with mass, presenting a general contex t to do this. It seems inter- esting to exploit this procedure to get a better understanding of o ur singular contact with field theory results and study many other intere sting problems. It would be of great interest to study the dynamics of moving string s in this flavoursymmetry breaking, etc. Eve should be nice to understand the backreaction of probes where t he worldvolume fields have been turned on, since some interesting problems may be addressed . Finding black hole solutions in our geometries is another topic that des erves to be pur- sued. The interest of this problem resides in the fact that this would produce a black hole background where to study, among other things, plasmas that inc lude the dynamics of colour and flavour at strong coupling. This is a very well defined problem tha t we believe of the next chapter we are going to extend the study of backreac ted flavour branes to the and solutions. The result is m ore interesting, since the fundamentals and the cascade push in differ ent directions in the RG flow. We will find fine-tuned situations in which the IR dynamics is eith er that of the model with fundamentals or the dynamics of th e case studied in this chapter.142 CHAPTER 4. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KW MODELChapter 5 Unquenched Flavours in the KS Model In this chapter, we will consider the addition of flavour degrees of f reedom to the (KT) and (KS) solutions introduced in s ubsections 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 respectively. These new degrees of freedom will be incorporat ed again in the form of flavour D7-branes, corresponding to fundamental matter in the dual field theory. As in the previous chapter, we will follow ideas introduced in [92] but we will cons ider the case in which the number of fundamental fields is of the same order as the n umber of adjoint or bifundamental fields, that is Nf~Nc. This means that the new (strongly coupled) dynamics of the field theory is captured by a background that includes the ba ckreaction of the flavour branes. In order to find the new solutions, we follow the ideas and te chniques outlined in subsection 1.3.3. Let us describe the main achievements of this chapter. We will prese the equations of motion of type IIB supergravity coupled to th e DBI+WZ action of the flavour D7-branes that preserve four SUSY's in four dimensions; w e show how to reduce these solutions to those found by /Strassler wh en the number of flavours is taken to zero. Using them, we make a precise matching between th e field theory cascade (which, enriched by the presence of the fundamentals, is still self- similar) and the We will also match anomalies and b-functions by using our new The behaviour of the background in the UV of the gau ge theory suggests that the field theory generates a 'duality wall'. We also give a nice picture of S eiberg duality as a large gauge transformation in The setup and the ansatz We are interested in adding to the KT/KS cascading gauge theory a n umber of fields) comparable with the number of colours (adjo int and Those supergravity backgrounds were obtained by consid ering a stack of regular and fractional D3-branes at the tip of the conifold. After the geomet ric transition, the colour branes disappear from the geometry, but the closed string fluxes that they sourced remain 143144 CHAPTER 5. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KS MODEL nontrivial (see subsections 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 for a thorough explanatio n). The addition of flavours in the field theory, in the large Nclimit considered by Veneziano [101], amounts to introduce mesonic currents and internal quark loops in the planar d iagrams that survive 't Hooft's double scaling limit [7]. Let us then consider a system of type IIB supergravity plus NfD7-branes. The dynamics of the latter will be governed by the corresponding Dirac-Born-In feld and (1.3.7). Our solution will have a nontrivial metric and dilaton phand, as in any cascading background, non-vanishing RR three- and five-forms F3andF5, as well as a nontrivial NSNS three-form H3. In addition, the D7-branes act as a source for (the Hodge dual of) the RR one-form F1through the WZ (5.1.1) which induces a violation of the Bianchi identity dF1= 0, as we showed in subsection haveanon-vanish ing valueof F1. Theansatz that we shall adopt for the Einstein frame metric is the the four-dimensional Minkowski metric and siandoi(i= 1,2,3) are the one-forms displayed in equation (1.2.18). Notice that our metric ansatz (5.1.2) depends on five unknown radia l functions Gi(r) (i= 1,2,3),g(r) andh(r). The ansatz for F5has the standard form, Hodge dual . (5.1.3) As expected for flavour branes, we will take D7-branes extended along the four as well as other four internal coordinates. The kapp a symmetric embedding of the D7-branes that we start from will be discussed in section 5.4. In order to simplify the computations, following the approach of subsection 1.3.3, we will smear the D7-branes in their two transverse directions in such a way that the symmetries of the are recovered. As we explained in subsection 1.3.3, this smearing amounts to the following generalisation of the WZ term of the D7-brane - (5.1.4) where ohm is a two-form which determines the distribution of the RR cha rge of the ten-dimensional manifold. Notice thatohmacts asamagnetic generates the violation of its Bianchi identity (see eq. (1.3.25) ). In what follows5.1. THE SETUP AND THE ANSATZ 145 we will assume thattheflavours introduced by theD7-branearema ssless, which isequivalent to require that the flavour brane worldvolume reaches the origin in t he holographic direction. Under this condition one expects a radial coordinate independent D 7-brane charge the D7-brane embeddings that we will smear imply that ohm is symmetric under the exchange of the two S2's parameterised by ( th1,ph1) and (th2,ph2), and independent of ps(see section 5.4). The smeared charge density distribution is the one alre ady adopted in chapter 4, sinth2dth2dph2) the coefficient Nf/4pis determined by normalization. With this ansatz for ohm, the modified Bianchi identity (1.3.25) determines the value of F1, (5.1.6) The ansatz for the RR and NSNS three-forms that we propose is an extension of the one given by Klebanov and Strassler (see eq. (1.2.56)) and it is simply (in th is chapter we set for convenience a'= a constant, f(r),k(r) andF(r) are functions of the radial coordinate, and the gi's are the set of one-forms given in (1.2.17). The forms F3,H3andF5must satisfy the set of Bianchi written in equation (1.2.3). Notice that the equations satisfied by our ansatz (5.1.7). However, the Bianchi identity for F5gives rise to the following differential can be integrated, with the constant .(5.1.9) Let us now parameterise F5(see eq. (1.2.28)) Hodge dual , (5.1.10) and let us define the five-manifold M5as the one that is obtained by taking the and rfixed to a constant value. (4p2)2Neff(r), it follows that146 CHAPTER 5. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KS MODEL Neff(r) can be interpreted as the effective D3-brane charge at the value rof the From our ansatz (5.1.3), it follows that: Neff(r) (5.1.11) and taking into account (5.1.9), we can a constant. It follows from (5.1.12) that the RR five-form F5is determined once the functions F,fandkthat parameterise the three-forms are known. Moreover, eq. ( 5.1.9) allows to compute the warp factor once the functions Giand the three-forms are also that the effective D5-brane charge is obtained by integr ating the strength F3over the 3-cycle S3(see eq. (1.2.16)): th2= const.,ph2= const.. The (5.1.13) The strategy to proceed further is to look at the conditions impose d by will smear, as in chapter 4, D7-brane embeddings that are kappa symmetric and, there- fore, the supersymmetry requirement (1.2.5) gives rise to a large n umber of BPS differential equations for the dilaton and the different fun ctions that parameterise the metric and the forms. In the end, one can check that the first -order differential equa- tions imposed by supersymmetry imply the second-order differentia l equations of motion. In particular, from the variation of the dilatino we get the following differ ential equation for the (5.1.14) A detailed analysis of the conditions imposed by supersymmetry show s that the eq. (5.1.2) is subjected to the following algebraic 0, (5.1.15) which has obviously two solutions. The first of these solutions is g= 0 and, as it is clear from our metric ansatz (5.1.2), it corresponds to the cases of the flavo ured singular and In the second solution gis such that the term in brackets on the right-hand side of (5.1.15) vanishes. This solution gives rise to the flavoured version of the warped The flavoured KT solution will be presented in section 5.3, wh ereas the flavoured KS solution will be analyzed in section 5.2. 5.1.1 Maxwell and Page charges Before presenting the explicit solutions for the metric and the form s of the let us discuss the different charges carried out by our s olutions. In theories, like type IIB supergravity, that have Chern-Simons terms in the ac tion (which give rise to5.1. THE SETUP AND THE ANSATZ 147 modified Bianchi identities), it is possible to define more thanonenotio nofcharge associated with a given gauge field. Let us discuss here, following the presentat ion of ref. [128], two particular definitions of this quantity, namely the so-called Maxwell a nd Page charges [129]. Given a gauge invariant field strength F8-p, the (magnetic) Maxwell current associated to it is defined through the following (5.1.16) or equivalently, the Maxwell charge in a volume V9-pis given (5.1.17) with a suitable normalization. Taking V9-p=M8-pand using (5.1.16) and Stokes theorem, we can rewrite the previous expression (5.1.18) This notion of current is gauge invariant and conserved and it has ot her properties that are discussed in [128]. In particular, it is not localised in the sense th at for a solution of pure supergravity (for which dF8-p=H3F6-p) this current does not vanish. These are the kind of charges that we have calculated so far , (5.1.19) An important issue regarding these charges is that, in general, the y are not we have checked explicitly that contin- uously with the holographic variable r(see eqs. (5.1.13) and (5.1.12)). Let us move on to the notion of Page charge. The idea is first to write the for F3andF5as the exterior derivatives of some differential form, which in gener al will not be gauge invariant. Page currents can then be introduced a s magnetic sources on the right-hand side, thus violating the Bianchi identities. In our cas e, we can define the following (magnetic) Page that the currents defined by the previous expression are localised as a consequence of the Bianchi identities satisfied by F3andF5, Page charges just defined as the integrals of appropriate normalization, CHAPTER 5. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KS submanifolds in the transverse space to the D5- and D3-brane s respec- tively, which enclose the branes. By using the expressions of the cu in (5.1.20), and by applying Stokes theorem, we the same manifolds used to compute the Maxwell charges in eqs. (5.1.13) and (5.1.12). It is not difficult to establish the topological nat ure of these Page charges. Indeed, let us consider, for concreteness, the expre ssion ofQPage D5in (5.1.22). Notice that the three-form under the integral can be as the exterior derivative of a two-form, since F3-B2F1=dC2, withC2being the RR two-form potential. If C2 were well defined globally on the S3, the Page charge QPage D5would vanish identically as a consequence of Stokes theorem. Thus, QPage D5can be naturally interpreted as a monopole number and it can be non-vanishing only in the case in which the gauge fi eld is For the D3-brane Page charge QPage D3a similar conclusion can be reached. Due to the topological nature of the Page charges defined above, one naturally expects that they are quantised and, as we shall shortly verify, they are in dependent of the holo- graphic coordinate. This shows that they are the natural object s to compare with the numbers of branes that create the geometry in these backgroun ds with varying flux. How- ever, as it is manifest from the fact that given in (5.1.22) in terms of the B2field and not in terms of its field strength H3, the Page charges are not gauge invariant. In subsection 5.5.2 we will relate this non-invariance to the Seiberg du ality of the field theory dual. Let us now calculate the associated Page charges for our ansatz ( 5.1.7) . Weshall start by computing the D5-brane Page charge for the three-sphere S3defined by th2,ph2= constant. We already know the value of the integral of F3, which gives precisely Meff(see eq. into account 8p2, (5.1.23) we readily (5.1.24) and (5.1.25) Using the expression of Meffgiven in (5.1.13), we , (5.1.26) which is certainly quantised and independent of the radial coordinat e.5.2. FLAVORED WARPED DEFORMED CONIFOLD 149 Let us now look at the D3-brane Page charge, which can be compute d as an integral over the angular manifold M5. Taking into account (4p)3, (5.1.27) we get that, for our ansatz ,(5.1.28) and, (5.1.29) Using the expression of Neff, we (5.1.30) which is again independent of the holographic coordinate. Recall tha t these Page charges are not gauge invariant and we will study in subsection 5.5.2 how they c hange under a large gauge now proceed to present the solutions to the BPS equations of mo tion. 5.2 Flavored warped deformed conifold Let us now consider the following solution of the algebraic constraint (5.1.15): g2= 1-e2(G1-G2). (5.2.1) In order to write the equations for the metric and dilaton in this case , let us perform the following change of . (5.2.2) In terms of this new variable, the differential equation for the dilato n is (5.2.3) where the dot means derivative with respect to t. This equation can be integrated, 0<=t<=t0, (5.2.4)150 CHAPTER 5. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KS MODEL wheret0is an integration constant. Let us now write the equations imposed b y supersym- metry to the metric functions G1,G2andG3, which 0. (5.2.5) In order to write the solution of this system of equations, let us defi ne the following + (5.2.6) Then, the metric functions Giare given (5.2.7) whereuis an integration constant. Notice that the range of tvariable chosen in (5.2.4) is the one that makes the dilaton and the metric functions real. Moreo ver, for the solution we have found, the fibering function gis given by: g=1 cosht. (5.2.8) By using this result, we can write the metric the metric of the 'flavoured' deformed conifold, (5.2.10) Notice the similarity between the metric (5.2.10) and the one corresp onding to the 'un- flavoured' deformed conifold (1.2.51). To further analyze this simila rity, let us study the Nf-0 limit of our solution. By looking at the expression of the dilaton in (5.2.4 ), one realises that this limit is only sensible if one also sends Indeed, by performing this scaling and neglecting tversust0, one gets a constant value for the dilaton.5.2. FLAVORED WARPED DEFORMED CONIFOLD 151 Moreover, the function L( t) reduces in this limit to L( t)(4t0)1 3K(t), whereK(t) is the function (1.2.52) which appears in the metric of the deformed conifo ld. By using this result one easily verifies that, after redefining u-u/(4t0)1 4, the metric (5.2.10) reduces to the one in equation (1.2.51) for the unflavoured system. The requirement of supersymmetry imposes the following differentia l equations for in the fluxes of our (5.2.11) Notice, again, that for Nf= 0 the system (5.2.11) reduces to (1.2.58). Moreover, for 0 this system can be solved sinht(cosht-1), e-phk=tcotht-1 2 sinht, given in eq. (5.2.4). By using the solution displayed in (5.2.7) and (5.2.12 ) in the general eq. (5.1.9) we can immediately obtain the expression of t he warp factor h(t). Actually, if we require that his regular at t= 0, the integration constant N0in (5.1.12) must be chosen to be zero. In this case, we get: h(t) 4x2-4xt0+ integration constant can be fixed by requiring that the analytic continuation of h(t) goes to zero as t-+, to connect with the solution in the unflavoure d (scaling) limit. Then, close to the tip of the geometry, should emphasize now an important point: even though at first sig ht this solution may look smooth in the IR ( t~0), where all the components of our metric approach the same limit as those of the KS solution (up to a suitable redefinition of pa rameters, see eqs. (1.2.54) and (1.2.55)), there is actually a curvature singularity. Ind eed, in Einstein frame the curvature scalar behaves as RE~1/t.1This singularity of course disappears when taking the unflavoured limit, using the scaling described above. A more deta iled analysis of the singularity was done in [14]. The solution presented above is naturally interpreted as the additio n of fundamentals to the KS background. In the next section, we will present a solution t hat can be understood as the addition of flavours to the KT background. 1The simplest example of this kind of singularity appears at r= 0 in a 2-dimensional manifold whose metric CHAPTER 5. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KS MODEL 5.3 us now consider the solutions with g= 0. First of all, let us change the radial where the later is defined by the relation dr=eG3dr. The equation for the dilaton can be integrated r< 0. (5.3.1) The supersymmetry requirement imposes now that the metric func tionsGisatisfy in this case the following system of differential (i= 1,2), .G3= (5.3.2) where now the dot refers to the derivative with respect to r. This system is equivalent to the one analyzed in chapter 4 for the Klebanov-Witten model with fla vours, concretely in equations (4.1.16) and (4.1.17). In what follows we will restrict ourse lves to the with G1=G2given by (see eqs. (4.1.23) and that, as in chapter 4, the range of values of rfor which the metric is well defined is -<r<0. The equations for the flux functions f,kandFare now: .f-.k= 2eph.F , .f+.k= (5.3.4) We will focus on the particular solution of this system such that f=kandFis f (5.3.5) where G is an integration constant. By substituting these values of F,fandkin our ansatz (5.1.7) we obtain the form of F3andH3. Notice that the constants Mand G only appear in the combination MG. Accordingly, let us define MasM MG. We will write the result in terms of the (5.3.6) One THE FIELD THEORY DUAL: A CASCADE OF SEIBERG DUALITIES 153 Moreover, theRRfive-form F5canbewritten theeffective D3-brane charge defined in (5.1.12). For the solution (5.3.5) one gets: Neff(r) =Nc+M2 Nf1 r2, By using eq. (5.1.9), one can obtain the expression of the warp factor, namely: h(r) (5.3.9) To interpret the solution just presented, it is interesting to study it in the deep IR region r- -. Notice that in this limit the three-forms F3andH3vanish. Actually, it is easy to verify that for r- -the solution obtained here reduces to the one studied in chapter 4, corresponding to the Klebanov-Witten model with flavours. Ind eed, in this IR region it is convenient to go back to our original radial variable r. The relation between randrfor r- eq. (4.1.32)). Moreover, one can prove that for r- r-0), the warp factor hand the metric functions e2G1=e2G2r2 6, implies that the IR Einstein frame metric is AdS5xT1,1plus logarithmic as the solution that we found in equation (4.1.33). The interp retation of the RG flow of the field theory dual to this solution will be explained in sections 5.4 and 5.5. Finally, let us stress that the UV behaviour of this solution (coinciden t with that of the solution presented in section 5.2) presents a divergent dilaton at th e pointr= 0 (ort=t0 for the flavoured warped deformed conifold). Hence the supergr avity approximation fails at some value of the radial coordinate that we will associate in section 5 .5 with the presence of a duality wall [130] in the cascading field theory. 5.4 The field theory dual: a cascade of Seiberg ed byputtingstacks oftwo kinds of fractional D3-branes (colour branes) and two kinds of fr actional D7-branes (flavour branes) on the singular conifold. The smeared charge distribution in troduced in the can be realised by homogeneously distributing D7-branes a mong a class of localised kappa symmetric embeddings. The complex structure of the defor med conifold is described by the equation (1.2.48). Recall that the U(1)Raction is broken to Z2by the Consider the embedding [107]: z3+z4= 0. (5.4.1)154 CHAPTER 5. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KS MODEL This is invariant under U(1)Rand a diagonal SU(2)Dof the isometry group of the (and a Z2which exchanges z3-z4). Moreover it is free of C8tadpoles and it Itcouldbeuseful towriteitinth the previous section (see also eq. (1.2.49)): We can obtain other embeddings with the same properties by acting on it with the br oken generators. One can show that the charge distribution obtained by homogeneously s preading the D7-branes in this class is (5.1.5): ohm the total number of that one could have considered the more general embedding :z3+z4=m, in field theory to a mass term for quarks. However we will not consider these embeddings and their corresponding supergravity techniques have been developed to identify the field theor y dual to our type IIB plus D7-branes background, which can be engineered by puttin grlfractional D3-branes of the first kind, rsfractional D3-branes of the second kind, Nflfractional D7-branes of the first kind, and Nfsfractional D7-branes of the second kind ( l,s= 1,2) on the , before the deformation has dynamically taken place. The p roperties of the different kinds of fractional branes will be explained at the end of this section and in section 5.5; what matters for the time being is that this brane configuration will g ive rise to a field theory with gauge groups SU(rl)xSU(rs) and flavour groups SU(Nfl) andSU(Nfs) for the two gauge groups respectively, with the matter content displa yed in Fig. 5.1. The most convenient technique for our purpose has been that of performin g a T-duality along the isometry Once the system is mapped into type IIA, the spectrum is directly read off and the superpotential comes from the analysis o f its moduli space r2~q qNf1 Nf2 Figure 5.1: The quiver diagram of the gauge theory. Circles are gaug e groups, squares are flavour groups and arrows are bifundamental chiral superfields. Nf1andNf2sum up toNf. The field content of the gauge theory can be read from the quiver d iagram of Fig. 5.1. It is an extension of the field theory with nonchira l flavours for each gauge5.4. THE FIELD THEORY DUAL: A CASCADE OF SEIBERG DUALITIES 155 group. The superpotential factors descend from the embedding equation (5.4.1), while fieldsisderived fromtypeIIA. This superpotential the SU(2)xSU(2) global symmetry of the unflavoured theory to SU(2)D, but this global symmetry is recovered after the are split into NflandNfsgroups, according to which gauge group they are charged under. Both sets come from D7-branes along the emb edding (5.4.1).3The only feature that discriminates between these two kinds of (fractiona l) D7-branes is their coupling to the RR C2andC4gauge potentials. On the singular conifold, before the there is a vanishing two-cycle, living at the singularity, which the D7-branes are wrapping. According to the worldvolume flux on it, the D7-brane s couple either to one or the other gauge group. Since this flux is stuck at the origin, far f rom the branes we can only measure the D3, D5 and D7-charges produced. Unfortunate ly three charges are not enough to fix four ranks. This curious ambiguity will show up again in se ction 5.5. 5.4.1 The insubse ction 1.2.2, the b-functions of the two gauge couplings have opposite sign. When the gauge coup ling of the gauge group with larger rank is very large, one can go to a Seiberg-dual descript ion [47]: remarkably, it is straightforward to see that the quartic superpotential is suc h that the field theory is self-similar, namely the field theory in the dual description is a quiver g auge theory with the same field content and superpotential, except for changes in the r anks of the groups. Let us define the theory at some energy scale to be an SU(rl)xSU(rs) gauge for the larger gauge group and sfor the smaller: rl> rs), with (SU(Nfs)) forSU(rl) (SU(rs)). In the beginning we can set, after a Seiberg duality on the gauge group with the larger rank, the field theory is with again In identifying which gauge group is now the larger and w hich is the smaller, we have to exchange the labelling of the groups, so that we get r' l=r2,r' s= The assumption leads to an RG flow which is described by a cascade of Seiberg dualities, analogous to that described in subsec tion 1.2.2. In the UV the ranks of the gauge groups are much larger than their disbalance, w hich is much larger than the number of flavours. Hence the assumption of having b-functions with opposite sign is justified in the UV flow of the field theory. The supergravity background of section 5.2 is dual to a quiver gaug e theory where the cascade goes on until the IR, with nonperturbative dynamics at th e end, as in the solution discussed in subsection 1.2.3. 2Sums over gauge and flavour indices are understood. 3The embedding is in fact invariant under the Z2(z3-z4) that exchanges the two gauge groups.156 CHAPTER 5. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KS MODEL In the background of section 5.3, the cascade does not take place anymore below some value of the radial coordinate, and it asymptotes to the flavoured Klebanov-Witten solution studied in chapter 4. In the field theory, this reflects the fact tha t, because of a suitable choice of the ranks, the last step of the cascade leads to a theory where theb-functions of both gauge couplings are positive. The IR dynamics is the one discuss ed in chapter 4, but with a quartic superpotential for the flavours. The description of the duality cascade in our solutions and its interes ting UV behaviour will be the content of the next section. 5.5 The cascade: supergravity side We claim that our supergravity solutions are dual to the class of quiv er gauge theories fundamental flavours introduced in the previous se ction. Indeed we will show that the effective brane charges, the R-anomalies and the b-functions of the gauge couplings that we can read from the supergravity solutions precisely match t he picture of a cascade of Seiberg dualities that describes the RG flow of the field theories. Thu s we are generalising the results of [32, 51] to gauge theories which include dynamical flav ours. 5.5.1 Effective brane charges and ranks By integrating fluxes over suitable compact cycles, we can compute three effective whichareuseful topinpoint thechangesin the field theory undergoes a Seiberg duality: one of them (D7) is dual to a quantity which is constant along the RG flow, whereas two of them (D3, D5) ar e not independent of the holographic coordinate and are dual to the nontrivial part of t he RG flow. Recall that the (Maxwell) charges of D3- and D5-brane ( NeffandMeff) for our ansatz were in section 5.1 (see eqs. (5.1.12) and (5.1.13)). Let us now c ompute the D7-brane charge, integrating (5.1.5) on a two-manifold with boundary which is in tersected once by all the smeared D7-branes (e.g. D2:th2= const.,ph2= const.,ps= const.). This charge is conserved along the RG flow because no fluxes appear on the right h and side of (5.1.5). The D7-brane charge, which we interpret as the total number of flavo urs added to the gauge theory, is (5.5.1) Another important quantity was already introduced in (1.2.30) and it is the integral of B2over the nontrivial two-cycle 2p-ph2ph,ps= (5.5.2) This quantity is important because string theory is invariant as it und ergoes a shift of 1. Recall that in the KW background it amounts to a Seiberg duality, and the same happens here. So we will shift this last quantity by one unit, identify a shift in th e radial variable t5.5. THE CASCADE: SUPERGRAVITY SIDE 157 that realises the same effect and see what happens to MeffandNeff. This was the process that we already followed in subsection 1.2.2 when we studied the casca de of Seiberg dualities of the theory without flavours. Actually, the cascade will not work along the whole flow down to the IR but only in the UV asymptotic (below the UV cut-off t0obviously). Notice that the same happens for the unflavoured solutions (see subsec tion 1.2.3). This is expected since the last step of the cascade is not a Seiberg duality. Thus we will not be worried and compute the cascade only in the UV asymptotic for large twhich also requires t01 in that regime the functions fandkbecome equal and we will not compute the explicit shift in tbut rather the shift in the functions f andk. We after a Seiberg duality step from ttot'<t, that is going towards the IR, we have: Nf-Nf, =Meff(t)-Nf 2, (5.5.6) This result is valid for all of our solutions. We would like to compare this result with the action of Seiberg duality in fi eld theory, as computed in section 5.4. We need an identification between the bra ne charges computed in supergravity and the ranks of the gauge and flavour groups in th e field theory. The field theory of interest for us has gauge groups SU(rl)xSU(rs) (rl>rs) and andSU(Nfs) for the gauge groups SU(rl) andSU(rs) respectively. It is engineered, at least effectively at some radial distance, by the follo wing objects: of one kind (D5-branes wrapped on the shrinking two-c cycle, supplied with -1quanta of gauge field flux on the two-cycle), Nfsfractional D7-branes without gauge field strength on the two-cycle, and Nflfractional D7-branes with -1 units of gauge field flux on the shrinking two-cycle. This description is good for b0[0,1]. This construction can be checked explicitly in the case of the 132], where one is able to quantise the open and closed string system for t he is the N= 2 CFT, which flows to the field theory that we are considering when e qual and opposite masses are given to the adjoint chiral superfields (th e geometric description of this relevant deformation is a blowup of the orbifold singularity) [22, 1 22]. Fractional branes are those branes which couple to the twisted closed string sector.4 4Notice that one can build a regular D3-brane ( i.e.not coupled to the twisted sector) by means of a fractional D3-brane of one kind and a fractional D3-brane of the other kind. This regular brane can move outside the orbifold singularity. On the contrary, there is no regula r D7-brane: the two kinds of extending entirely along the orbifold, cannot bind into a regular D7-brane that does not touch the orbifold fixed locus and is not coupled to the twisted sector [72].158 CHAPTER 5. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KS MODEL Here we will consider a general background valuefor B2. Inorder to computethe charges, we will follow quite closely the computations in [134]. We will compute the charges of D7-branes and wrapped D5-branes on the singular coni- fold (1.2.6). The D5 Wess-Zumino action (see eq. (1.3.4)) the only two-cycle in the conifold, vanishing at the tip, that the D5- brane is wrapping. We write also a worldvolume gauge field F2onS2. Then we expand: B2= 2pthBW2, th B= 2pb0, F 2= PhW2, the two-form5on the two-cycle, which 1. In this period 1, and Ph is quantised in 2 pZ. We obtain (using Tp(4p2) =Tp-2, see (5.5.9) The first isobtainedwith Ph = 0 andhasD3-c The second fractional D3-brane is obtained either as the differe nce with a D3-brane or as an anti-D5-brane (global -sign in front) with Ph = -2p. It has D3-charge 1 -b0and D5-charge -1. These charges are summarised in Table 5.1. Now consider a D7-brane along the surface z3+z4= 0. It describes a z1z2+z2 3= 0 inside the conifold (1.2.6), which is a copy of C2/Z2. The D7 Wess-Zumino action (1.3.4) is (up to a curvature term considered surface S = C2/Z2has a vanishing two-cycle at the origin. Since the conifold has only one two-cycle, these two must be one and the same and we can expa nd on S using being 2 W2the Poincar' e dual to the two-cycle on (5.5.11) holds for any closed two-form a2. The fact that the Poincar' e dual to the two-cycle S2on S =C2/Z2is 2W2follows from our 1 and from the of the S2living at the singularity, namely:6 -2 = #(S2,S2) (5.5.12) 5This two-form is a rescaling of the two-form introduced in eq. (1.2.20 ). 6The minus sign on the right-hand side of (5.5.12) comes from the sign o f the pullback volume form on S2and S.5.5. THE CASCADE: SUPERGRAVITY SIDE 159 There is another contribution of induced D3-charge coming from th e curvature the curvature two-form and p1(R) = is the first Pontryagin class of the manifold M4xS. This way. OnK3, p1(R) = 48andtheinduced D3- chargeis -1. K3becomes T4/Z2which hassixteen on C2/Z2the induced D3-charge is -1/16. Putting all together we second fractional D7-brane (the one that couples to the sec ond gauge group) is obtained with Ph = 0 and has D7-charge 1, D5-chargeb0 2and D3-charge (4 b2 0-1)/16. With Ph = 2 p we get a non-SUSY or non-minimal object (see [49] for some discuss ion of this). The first fractional D7-brane (coupled to the first gauge group) has Ph = -2pand has D7-charge D3-charge (4( b0-1)2-1)/16. This is summarised in Table 5.1. Which fractional D7-brane provides flavours for the gauge group of wh ich fractional D3-brane can be determined from the orbifold case with b0=1 2(compare with [72]). Object frac D3 (1) frac D3 (2) frac D7 (1) frac D7 (2) D3-charge b0 1 0 0 1 1 Number of objects rl rs Nfl Nfs Table 5.1: Charges of fractional branes on the conifold. Given these charges, we can compare with the field theory cascade . First of all we construct the derive this, we have only used that the brane configuration that engineers the field theory that we consider consists of rlfractional D3 of the first kind, rsfractional D3 of the D7 of the first kind and Nfsfractional D7 of the second kind. Recall that, by convention, rl>rsandNfl(Nfs) are the flavours for SU(rl) (SU(rs)).160 CHAPTER 5. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KS MODEL It is important to remember that b0is defined modulo 1, and shifting b0by one unit amounts to go to a Seiberg dual description in the field theory. At an y given energy scale in the cascading gauge theory, there are infinitely many Seiberg dua l descriptions of the field theory because Seiberg duality is exact along the RG flow [124]. Am ong these there is one which gives the best effective description of t he field theory degrees of freedom around that energy scale (this is also the description with p ositive squared it is the one where b0has been redefined, by means of a large gauge so that b0[0,1] (see subsection 5.5.2). This is the description that we will use when we effectively engineer the field theory in terms of branes in some ran ge of the RG flow that lies between two adjacent Seiberg dualities. In field theory, as before, we start with gauge group SU(r1)xSU(r2) for SU(r2), withr1> r2. The gauge group SU(r1) flows towards strong coupling. When its gauge coupling diverges we turn to a Seiber g dual the Seiberg duality on the larger gauge group, we get the flavour groups are left untouched. The effective D5- and D3-brane charges of a brane configuration t hat engineers this duality duality they the SUGRA behaviour (5.5.4)-(5.5.6). Notice that the ma tching of the cascade between supergravity and field theory is there, irres pective of how we distribute the flavours between the two gauge groups. From the three char ges and the cascade, we are not able to determine how the flavours are distributed but only their total number. We conclude with some remarks. Even though the effective brane ch arges computed in supergravity are running and take integer values only at some value s of the holographic coor- dinate, the ranks of gauge and flavour groups computed from the m are constant and integer (for suitable choice of the integration constants) in the whole rang e of radial coordinate dual to the energy range where we use a specific field theory description . This range of scales is b0[0,1] mod 1. At the boundaries of this region, we perform a Seiberg dua lity and go into a new more effective description. In particular, if ranks are integer before the duality, they still are after it; meanwhile we shift b0by one unit. Hence the field theory description of the cascade is perfectly matched by the ranks that we can comput e from our .5.5. THE CASCADE: SUPERGRAVITY SIDE 161 Notice also that the fact that Meffshifts byNf/2 instead of Nfconfirms that the flavoured version of the theory that we are d escribing has (with a quartic superpotential) rather than chiral flavou rs (with a cubic like in [106, 136], where the shift goes with units of Nf. Finally, we want to stress again that we are engineering a field theory with four objects but we have only three charges to recognize them. The comparison of the cascade between SUGRA and field theory, surprisingly enough, does not help. 5.5.2 Seiberg duality as a large gauge have argued that a shift by a unit of the normalised flux b0as we move towards the IR along the holographic direction is equivalent to performing a Seiber g duality step on the field theory side (see equations Moreover, we hav e checked that, under this shift ofb0, the change of the effective (Maxwell) charges MeffandNeffof supergravity is exactly the same as the one computed in the field theory engineered with fractional branes on the singular conifold. In this subsection we will present an alternative way of understand ing, in duality at a fixedenergy scale. As we know, for a given value of the t, the value of b0lies generically outside the interval [0 ,1], where a good field theory description exists. However, the flux of the B2field is not a gauge invariant quantity in supergravity and can be changed under a large gauge transform ation. Indeed, let us take the two-form U 2defined in equation (1.2.20) and let us change B2as B2=-pnU2, n Z. (5.5.20) AsdU2= 0, the field strength H3does not change and our transformation is a of the NSNS field. However the flux of B2does change , (5.5.21) or, equivalently b0-b0-n. as B2=dL. Moreover, as always happens with large gauge transformations, it is quantised . If we want that (5.5.20) be a gauge transformation of supergrav ity, it should leave the RR field strength F3invariant. Defining the potential C2asdC2=F3-B2F1, we see that dC2must change (5.5.22) One can verify that this change of dC2can be obtained if the variation of C2is (see and a constant. In the study of the R-symmetry anomaly of the next subsection it will be convenient to know the change of C2on the submanifold CHAPTER 5. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KS MODEL ph1= 2p-ph2=ph. Denoting by Ceff 2the RR potential C2restricted to this cycle, we get from (5.5.23) sinthdthdph . (5.5.24) Let us now study how the Page charges change under these large g auge the expressions written in (5.1.22), we using in (5.5.25) our ansatz for F3andB2(5.1.7), together with the expression of B2 given in (5.5.20) as well as the relations (5.1.23) and (5.1.27), one read ily under a large gauge transformation (5.5.20) with n= 1, the Page charges that for our ansatz eqs. (5.1.26) and (5.1.30)). Thus, eq. (5.5.27) gives how these constants change under a large gauge a given holographic scale twe should perform as many large transformations as needed to haveb0[0,1]. Given that b0grows when the holographic coordinate increases, (5.5.27) should correspond to the change of rank s under a Seiberg duality when we flow towards the UV. By comparing (5.5.27) with our previous expressions one can show that this is the case. Actually, one can get an explicit expressio n terms of the ranks rlandrsand the number of flavours NflandNfs. In order to verify this fact, let us suppose that we are in a region of the holographic co ordinate such that the two functions fandkof our ansatz are equal. Notice that for the flavoured KS solution this happens in the UV, while for the flavoured KT this condition holds f or all values of the radial coordinate. If f=kthe normalised flux b0in (5.5.2) can be written as: b0(t) =M pf(t). (5.5.28) Using this expression we can write the D5-brane Page charge (5.1.25 ) (5.5.29)5.5. THE CASCADE: SUPERGRAVITY SIDE 163 Notice also that the supergravity expression (5.1.13) of Meffcan be written when (5.5.30) Let us next assume that we have chosen our gauge such that, at t he given holographic scale, b0[0,1]. In that case we can use the value of Meffobtained by the field theory calculation of subsection 5.5.1 to evaluate the Page charge QPage D5. Actually, by plugging the value of Meffgiven in (5.5.16) on the right-hand side of (5.5.29) we readily get the fo llowing the field theory for f=k, one can express the D3-brane Page charge (5.1.29) (5.5.32) which, after using the relation (5.5.30), can be written in terms of (5.5.33) Again, if we assume that b0[0,1] and use the field theory expressions (5.5.17) and we (5.5.34) Notice that, as it should, the expressions (5.5.31) and (5.5.34) of we have just found are independent of b0, as far asb0[0,1]. Moreover, one can verify that under a field theory Seiberg duality the right-hand sides of (5.5.31) a nd (5.5.34) transform as the left-hand sides do under a large gauge transformation of su let us point out that in this approach Seiberg duality is perform ed at a fixed energy scale and MeffandNeffare left invariant (recall that Maxwell charges are Indeed, by looking at our ansatz for B2one easily concludes that the change of B2written in (5.5.20) is equivalent to the following change in the functions fandk f-f-p Mn , k -k-p Mn , (5.5.35) and one can verify that the changes (5.5.26) and (5.5.35) leave the e xpressions of Meffand Neff, as written in eqs. (5.1.25) and (5.1.29), invariant. From eqs. (5.5.31 ) and (5.5.34) it is clear that the Page charges provide a clean way to extract the ran ks and number of flavours of the corresponding (good) field theory dual at a given energy sc ale. Actually, the ranks of this good field theory description change as step-like functions a long the RG flow, due to the fact that b0varies continuously and needs to suffer a large gauge transformat ion every time that, flowing towards the IR, it reaches the value b0= 0 in the good gauge. This large gauge transformation changes the way described above, which realises in supergravity the change of the ranks under a Seiberg duality in fie ld theory. Let us now focus on a different way of matching the behaviour of the field theory and our solutions.164 CHAPTER 5. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KS MODEL 5.5.3 R-symmetry anomalies and b-functions We can compute the b-functions (up to the energy-radius relation) and the R-symmetr y anomalies for the two gauge groups both in supergravity and in field t heory in the spirit of subsection 1.2.2. In the UV, where the cascade takes place, the y nicely match. For the comparison we make use again of the holographic formulae ((1.2.35) a nd (1.2.44)) derived in theN= 2 orbifold case. It will be useful to what follows to write them down a that strictly speaking, these formulae need to be correcte d for small values of the gauge couplings and are only valid in the large 't Hooft coupling regime (s ee [57, 113, 124]), which is the case under consideration. Moreover, they give positive squared couplings in the range [0 ,1]. This is the physical content of the cascade: at a given energy scale we must perform a large gauge transformation on B2in supergravity to a multiple of 4 p2to get a field theory description with positive squared couplings. We have adapted the indices in (5.5.36) to the previous convention fo r the gauge group with the larger (the smaller) rank. Let us restrict our attention to an energy range, between two subsequent Seiberg dualities, where a field theory description in terms of specific ranks holds. In this energy range the gauge coupling glof the gauge group with larger rank flows towards strong coupling, while the gauge coupling gsof the gauge group with smaller rank flows towards weak coupling. Indeed, as formulae (5.5.36) confirm, the coupling glwas not touched by the previous Seiberg duality and starts different from z ero. It flows to at the end of this range where a Seiberg duality on its gauge group is needed . The coupling gsof the gauge group with smaller rank is the one which starts very large ( actually divergent) after the previous Seiberg duality on its gauge group and then flows toward weak coupling. In supergravity, due to the presence of magnetic sources for F1, we cannot define a potentialC0. Therefore we project our fluxes on the submanifold integrating them. Recalling that F3=dC2+B2F1, what we get from (5.1.6)-(5.1.7) (in the UV limit) are the effective integer nin~Ceff 2comes from a large gauge transformation on B2(Seiberg duality in field theory, see eq. (5.5.24)) which shifts b0(t)[n,n+ 1] bynunits - so that the gauge transformed ~b0(t) =b0(t)-nis between 0 and 1 - and at the same time sinceF3is gauge-invariant, but field theory possesses an anomalous R-symmetry which assigns charge1 2to all The field theory R-anomalies are easily computed using e quation (1.2.40). Con- tinuing to use rl(rs) for the larger (smaller) group rank and Nfl(Nfs) for the THE CASCADE: SUPERGRAVITY SIDE 165 flavours (see Fig. 5.1), the anomalies under a U(1)Rrotation of parameter eare: Field theory:deThl= [2(rl-rs)-Nfl]e , deThs= the cascade of Seiberg dualities, the coefficients of the anoma lies for the two whatdoe of the R-symmetry group. Because we want to match th em with the it will be convenient to rewrite the field theory anoma lies in the =-Nfe , de(Thl-Ths) = infinitesimal U(1)Rrotation parameterised by ein field theory corresponds to a shift ps-ps+2ein the geometry. Therefore, making use of (5.5.37), we find on the s =-Nfe , de(Thl-Ths) = formulae agree with those computed in the field theory. For t he difference of the anomalies, what we can compute and compare is its change after a st ep in the duality cascade. Notice indeed that the difference of the anomalies, as com puted in (5.5.40), gives a step function: as we flow towards the IR, after some energy sca le (the scale of a Seiberg duality along the cascade) we need to perform a large gauge transf ormation in supergravity to turn to the correct Seiberg dual description of the field theory (the only one with positive squared gauge couplings). This corresponds to changing n-n-1 in (5.5.40), therefore the coefficient of the difference of the R-anomalies decreases by 2 Nfunits. This result is reproduced exactly by the field theory computation (5.5.39). In fie ld theory the difference of the anomalies depends on the quantity 4( rl-rs)+Nfs-Nfl. Keeping the same in subsection 5.4.1 and repeating the same reasoning, it is ea sy to see that after a step of the cascade towards the IR, this quantity decreases exa ctly by 2Nfunits. The dictionary (5.5.36) allows us also to compute the b-functions of the two gauge cou- plings and check further the picture of the duality cascade. Since we will be concerned in the cascade, we will make use of the flavo ured solution of section 5.3, to which the flavoured Klebanov-Str assler solution of section 5.2 reduces in the UV limit. We shall keep in mind that, at a fixed value of the radial coordinate, w e want to means of a large gauge transformation in supergravity in such a w ay that its gauge transformed to [0 ,1]: in doing so, we are guaranteed to be using the good description in terms of a field theor y with positive squared gauge couplings. 7nis a step-like function of the radial coordinate.166 CHAPTER 5. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KS MODEL Recall (5.5.42) and the dictionary (5.5.36), that we rewrite 2pe-ph, 2pe-ph(2~b0-1), comes from integrating on the two-cycle the suitably Kalb-Ramond potential. Then we can compute the following 'radial' b-functions from the gravity (5.5.46) and we would like to match these with the field theory the expressions we can conclude (5.5.47) b(r) -= + 2M=Nfn(r) + 2Mis a quantity which undergoes a change =b0(r)-1 (one Seiberg duality step along the cascade towards the IR), or equivalently n(r)-n(r') =n(r)-1. Up to an overall factor of 2, Qis the same quantity appearing in the difference of the R-anomalies in (5.5.40). The field theory computations of the b-functions (in the Wilsonian scheme) (5.5.50) with the usual conventions. Hence b+bl+bs= (5.5.52)5.5. THE CASCADE: SUPERGRAVITY SIDE 167 In order to match the above quantities with the gravity computatio ns an energy-radius relation is required. This is something we miss here. Alt hough it is not really needed to extract from our supergravity solutions the qualit ative information on the running of the gaugecouplings, we aregoing initially to make two assum ptions, which can be viewed as an instructive simplification. Let us then assume that the r adius-energy relation isr= lnu EUV, whereEUVis the scale of the UV cutoff dual to the maximal value of the radial coordinate r= 0, and that the anomalous dimensions do not acquire Matching Matching b-, once we insert these anomalous dimensions, implies that Q= 2(rl-rs)-Nfl. This quantity correctly shifts This last observation allows us to check the consistency of the cascade of Seiberg dualities also against the running of the gaug e the qualitative picture of the RG flow in the UV can be extrac ted from our supergravity solution even without knowing the precise radius-ene rgy relation, but simply recalling that the radius must be a monotonic function of the energy asweflowupinen alargenumber ofSeiberg b0varying in the interval [0 ,1]. The Seiberg dualities pile up the more we approach the UV cut-off EUV. Meanwhile, formula (5.5.48) reveals that, when going towards the UV cutoffEUV, the 'slope' in the plots of1 g2 iversus the energy scale becomes larger and larger, and (5.5.47) re veals that the sum of the inverse squared gauge coupling goes to zero at this U V cutoff. At the effective number of degrees of freedom needed for a weakly co upled description of the gauge theory becomes infinite. Since r= 0 is at finite proper radial distance from any point placed in the interior r<0,EUVis a finite energy 5.2: Qualitative plot of the running gauge couplings as function s of the logarithm of the energy scale in our cascading gauge theory. The blue lines are th e inverse squared gauge couplings, while the red line is their sum. The picture which stems from our flavoured /Str assler solution is that168 CHAPTER 5. UNQUENCHED FLAVOURS IN THE KS MODEL EUVis a so-called Duality Wall, namely an accumulation point of energy sca les at which a Seiberg duality is required in order to have a weakly coupled descriptio n of the gauge theory [130]. Above the duality wall, Seiberg duality does not proceed and a we akly coupled dual description of the field theory is not known. See Fig. 5.2. Duality walls were studied in [137] in the framework of quiver gauge the ories with chiral superfields and the study was restricted to the field theory. To our knowledge, our solutions are the first explicit realisations of t his exotic UV phe- nomenon on the supergravity side of the gauge/gravity correspo ndence. 5.6 Summary and Discussion In this chapter we have presented a very precise example of the du ality between field the- ories with flavours and string solutions that include the dynamics of ( flavour) branes. We focused on the /Strassler case, providing a well defined dual field theory, together with different matchings that include the cascade of Seibe rg dualities, b-functions and anomalies. Indeed, we have shown in detail how the ranks of the gauge groups change from a string theory viewpoint (in perfect agreement with the usua l field theory prescrip- tion), providing also a rigorous definition of the gauge groups ranks in terms of Page charges. We have also shown how the runnings of the gauge couplings are matc hed by the string back- ground and how global anomalies are also captured by our solution. It would be interesting to provide more general solutions to our sys tem of BPS equations and analyze the details of their dual dynamics, focusing mainly on the IR (the last steps of the cascade leading to a baryonic branch of the field theory, behav ior of the Wilson 6 SUSY defects in the Maldacena-N' u~ nez background In this chapter we will make a rather systematic search for possible supersymmetric em- beddings for D5-brane probes in a concrete model, the Maldacena- Nu~ nez background 1.2.6. Asshowninref. [71], theMNbackgrou submanifolds along which one can wrap a D5-brane probe without b reaking supersym- metry completely. Hence we continue the analysis of [71] by studying the configurations of D5-brane probes which are a codimension one or two defect in the ga uge theory directions. The main tool used will be again kappa symmetry (see subsection 1.3.2 ). By imposing the equation G ko=oone can systematically determine the supersymmetric embeddings o f the probe and it is possible to identify the fraction of supersymmetry pr eserved by the con- figuration. It will become clear that only the D5-brane probes can h ave of the type we are interested in and that they preserv e two of the four of the background. We will demonstrate that the solut ions found in sections 6.2 and 6.3 saturate certain energy bound [100]. 6.1 Supersymmetric Probes in the Maldacena-N' u~ idea, as we have already explained before in subsection 1.3.2, is to consider a D5-brane probe embedded in the MN background. We will use the notation given in subsection 1.2.6 where we set gs= 1,a'= 1 andNc= 1 for simplicity and irrelevance for the analysis of this chapter. We will assume that there are not worldvolume gauge fields on the D5- brane, which is consistent with the equations of motion of the probe if there are no t source terms which could induce them. These source terms must be linear in the gauge fie ld and can only be originated in the Wess-Zumino part of the probe action (1.3.6). For t he cases considered below we will verify that the RR potentials of the MN background do no t act as source of the worldvolume gauge fields and, therefore, the latter can be con sistently put to zero. If 169170CHAPTER 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ BACKGROUND this is the case, the kappa symmetry matrix of a Dp-brane in the typ e IIB theory is the one written in (2.1.1). The kappa symmetry equation G ko=oimposes a condition on the Killing spinors o fthebackground. These latter conditions are precisely the ones written in eq. (1.2.144). In p articular the spinor o must be such that o=io*, which in the real notation (1.3.10) is equivalent to s1o=o. Notice that the Pauli matrix appearing in the expression of G kin (2.1.1) is s1ors2, depending on the dimensionality of the probe. Clearly, the conditions G ko=oands1o=ocan only be compatible if G kcontains the Pauli matrix s1. By inspecting eq. (2.1.1) one readily realises that this happens for p= 1,5. Moreover, we want our probes to be extended both along the spatial Minkowski and internal directions, which is not possible for L orentzian D1-branes and leaves us with the D5-branes as the only case to be studied. Not ice that for the MN background the only couplings of the Wess-Zumino term of the actio n (1.3.4) linear in the worldvolume gauge field Fare of the form C(2)FandC(6)F, the RR potentials. By simple counting of the degree of these forms one im mediately concludes that these terms are not present in the action of a D5-brane and, thus, the gauge fields can be consistently taken to be zero, as claimed above. Coming back to the complex notation for the spinors, and taking into account the fact that the Killing spinors of the MN background satisfy the condition o=io*, one can write the matrix G kfor a D5-brane probe (6.1.1) As we explained in detail in section 2.1, for a general embedding, the k appa G ko=oimposes a new projection to the Killing spinor o. This new projection is not, in general, consistent with the conditions (1.2.144), since it invo lves matrices which do not commute with those appearing in (1.2.144). The only way of making the equation G ko=
oand (1.2.144) consistent with each other is by requiring the vanishing of the coefficients of those non-commuting matrices. On the contrary, the terms in G kwhich commute with the projections (1.2.144) should act on the Killing spinors as the unit matr ix. These equations. Byso will determine the embeddings of the D5-brane we are interested in, namely those which preserve some fraction of the background supersymmetry. The configurations found by solving these equations also solve the equations of motion derived fr om the action of the probe and, actually, we will verify that they sat urate a bound for the energy, as it usually happens in the case of worldvolume solitons. We h ave already seen this bound in the configurations studied in chapters 2 and 3 but it is wo rth recalling the procedure for the MN model. The lagrangian density for a D5-brane probe (see eq. (1.3.6)) in the MN background is given (6.1.2) where we have taken the string tension equal to one and P[C(6)] denotes the pullback of the RR potential written in eqs. (1.2.150) and (1.2.151). In eq. (6.1.2) we have already taken into account that we are considering configurations of the probe w ith vanishing worldvolume6.2. WALL DEFECTS 171 gauge field. For static embeddings, such as the ones we will consider in this chapter, HisjustH=-L. and 6.3, Hsatisfies a lower bound, which is saturated just when the correspo nding BPS equations are satisfied. Actually, we will show that, for a generic em bedding, Hcan be written as: H=Z+S, (6.1.3) whereZis a total derivative and Sis non-negative: S >=0. (6.1.4) From eqs. (6.1.3) and (6.1.4) it follows immediately that H >= Z, which is the energy bound that we have stated above. Moreover, we will check that S= 0 precisely when the BPS equations obtained from kappa symmetry are satisfied, which mean s that the energy bound is saturated for these Wall defects In this section we are going to find supersymmetric configurations o f a D5-brane probe which, from the point of view of the four-dimensional gauge theory , are codimension one objects. Accordingly, we extend the D5-brane along three of the Minkowski coordinates xu (sayx0,x1,x2) and along a three dimensional submanifold of the internal part of t he metric. To describe these configurations it is convenient to choose the follo wing set of we will adopt the following ansatz for the dependence of the remaining ten- dimensional coordinates on the ph constant . (6.2.2) In subsection 6.4.1 we will explore other possibilities and, in particular, we will study con- figurations for which psis not constant. For the set of worldvolume coordinates (6.2.1) the kappa symmetry matrix acts on the Killing spinors . (6.2.3) The induced gamma matrices appearing on the right-hand side of eq. (6.2.3) can be computed from the general expression (1.3.12). One ge ts: e-ph 2gxu= Gxu,(u= 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ BACKGROUND where theV's are the (6.2.5) Notice that the V's depend on the angular part of the embedding (6.2.2), i.e.on the func- tional dependence of th2,ph2on (th1,ph1). Using the expressions of the g's given in eq. (6.2.4), one can write the action of G . by using the projection G 12o=^G12o(see eq. (1.2.144)), gth1ph1ocan be written , (6.2.7) with thec's given compatible with the conditions (1.2.144). In particular, it should be c onsistent with the second projection written in (1.2.144), namely G 12o=^G12o. It is rather obvious6.2. WALL DEFECTS 173 that the terms in (6.2.7) containing the matrix ^G3do not fulfil this requirement. Therefore we must impose the vanishing of their coefficients, 0. (6.2.9) By inspecting the last four equations in (6.2.8) one readily realises tha t the conditions (6.2.9) are equivalent to: V3th=V3ph= 0. of thatthecondition V3th= (see eq. (6.2.5) ), V3ph= 0 is equivalent to the following differential (6.2.12) Let us now (6.2.13) where we have already taken into account the functional depende nce written in eq. (6.2.11). By combining the last two equations we arrive (6.2.14) By differentiating eq. (6.2.14) we (6.2.15) Then, if we can be written in terms of and ~, sinps0+~ (6.2.17) where we have used eqs. and the fact 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ by using the values of the derivatives in eqs. (6.2.13) and (6.2.15), together with eq. (6.2.14), it is easy to find ( th1,ph1) in terms of the expression which will be very useful in what follows. 6.2.1 Abelian worldvolume solitons The expression of G kothat we have found above is rather complicated. In order to tackle the general problem of finding the supersymmetric embeddings for the ansatz (6.2.2), let us consider the simpler problem of solving the condition G ko=ofor the abelian background1, for whicha=a= 0. First of all let us define the following (6.2.20) Using the fact that for the abelian background G eq. (1.2.144)), one can show .(6.2.21) The first three terms on the right-hand side commute with the proj ection G r^G123o=o. Let us write them in .(6.2.22) The matrix inside the brackets must act diagonally on o. In order to fulfil this requirement we have to impose an extra projection to the spinor o. Let us define the constants. We will require that osatisfies the , For consistency P2
*= 1, which, as the matrices that b2 1+b2 2= 1. Accordingly, let us parameterise b1andb2in terms of a cosbandb2= sinb. The extra projection (6.2.24) takes the . (6.2.25) 1See the discussion about the abelian limit of the MN background in subs ection WALL DEFECTS 175 Making use of the condition (6.2.25), we can write the right-hand side of eq. (6.2.22) . (6.2.26) Wewant . Accordingly, wemust require that the coefficient of ^G12in (6.2.26) vanishes which, in turn, leads to the =~
. (6.2.27) In particular eq. (6.2.27) implies that ~/ must be constant. Let us write:
=p= constant . (6.2.28) Let us now consider the last three terms in (6.2.21), which contain ma trices that do not commute with the projection G r^G123o=o. By using the projection (6.2.25) these terms can be written .(6.2.29) This contribution should vanish. By inspecting the right-hand side of eq. (6.2.29) one immediately concludes that this vanishing condition determines the va lue ofrx3, (6.2.30) The compatibility between the two expressions of rx3in eq. (6.2.30) requires that tan b=
c1^1/c1^2. By using the values of in eq. (6.2.17) it is easy to verify that condition is equivalent to (6.2.27). Moreover, one can wr ite eq. (6.2.30) (6.2.31) Notice that only depends on the angular variables ( th1,ph1). However, since in our ansatz x3=x3(r), eq. (6.2.31) is only consistent if is independent of ( is constant. By looking at eq. (6.2.19) one readily realises that this can only happen if m2= 1, i.e.: m=+-1. (6.2.32) In this case (see eq. (6.2.19)) is given by =m . as ~ =p (see eq. (6.2.28)), it follows that ~ must be constant. A glance at the definition of ~ in (6.2.16) reveals that ~ can only be constant if it vanishes. Thus, we must have:
~ = 0. 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ that this implies that th2is independent of ph1and, (6.2.35) When~ = 0, eq. (6.2.27) can be solved by putting b=ps0+npwithnZ. Without loss of generality we can take n= 0 or, equivalently, b=ps0. Then, it follows from (6.2.25) that we must require that obe an eigenvector of eps0^G12~G*, . by putting = m,b=ps0andp= 0, eq. (6.2.31) thatwe havefound(eqs. (6.2.13) and (6.2.14) with m=+-1 and eq. (6.2.37)), together with some election for the signs s andm, are enough to guarantee the fulfilment of the kappa symmetry co ndition G ko=o. First of all, for a general configuration with arbitrary functions and x3=x3(r), the determinant of the induced metric + when x3satisfies (6.2.37), it is straightforward to prove that: 1 + (6.2.39) If, in addition, the angular embedding is such that cos th2=-mcosth1, sinth2= (see eqs. (6.2.14) and (6.2.15)), one can demonstrate in this abelian background, one can verify . (6.2.41) By using these results, we see that G ko=oif the signsis such that s=m . (6.2.42) The corresponding configurations preserve two supersymmetrie s, characterized by the , is determined by the first-order BPS differential (6.2.44)6.2. WALL DEFECTS 177 Integration of the first-order the equations (6.2.13) and (6.2.14) that determine the angular pa rt of the embedding are trivial to solve. The result is: th2=p-th1, ph 2=ph1, (m= +1), th2=th1, ph 2= 2p-ph1, (m=-1). by using the value of e2hfor the abelian metric given in eq. (1.2.149), it is also immediate to get the form of x3(r) by direct integration of eq. (6.2.44): x3(r) constant . (6.2.46) 6.2.2 Non-Abelian worldvolume solitons Let us now deal with the full non-abelian background. We will require that the coincide with the abelian one in the asymptotic UV. As displaye d in eq. (1.2.147), the non-abelian Killing spinor ois related to the asymptotic one o0=f(r)eby means of the angle of (1.2.145) and o0satisfies the same projections as in the abelian (6.2.48) By using the relation between the spinors oando0, the kappa symmetry condition G ko=o can be recast as a condition on (6.2.49) where the left-hand side is given as in the abelian case, and using the projections (6.2.48) , one arrives order to verify eq. (6.2.49) we shall impose to o0the same projection as in the 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ by expanding the exponential e-aG1^G1on the right-hand side of eq. (6.2.51) as e-aG1^G1= cosa-sinaG1^G1we find two types of terms. The terms involving a matrix that commutes with the projections (6.2.48) are given + (6.2.53) while those with a matrix which does not commute with the projections (6.2.54) The coefficients AandBdefined in eqs. (6.2.53) and (6.2.54) can be read from the left-hand side of these equations after substituting the value of ~G*from eq. (6.2.52). They are (6.2.55) Since we are looking for solutions which must coincide with the abelian on es in the UV, we can restrict ourselves to the case in which = 0. It is easy to prove that in this case the combinations of above reduce (6.2.56) To derive this result we have used the following useful WALL DEFECTS 179 which can be easily demonstrated by using eqs. (1.2.141) and (1.2.145 ). Clearly, in order to satisfy (6.2.49) we must require 0. (6.2.58) Let us now consider the A^1^2= 0 equation first. It is easy to conclude that this equation reduces 0. (6.2.59) If 0 the above equation can be used to obtain an expression of with a on the radial variable r, which is in contradiction with eq. (6.2.19). Thus we conclude that sin ps0must vanish, i.e.only four values of ps0are possible, namely: ps0= 0,p,2p,3p . (6.2.60) Let us (6.2.61) Then, the condition B^1^2= 0 is automatically satisfied when sin ps0= 0, while BI= 0 leads to the following equation for rx3: rx3=ls (6.2.62) As in the abelian case, the consistency of the above equation with ou r ansatz for x3requires that be constant which, in turn, only can be achieved if m=+-1 and = m. Notice that this implies that the angular equations for the embedding are exactly those written in eq. (6.2.45) for the abelian case. Moreover, when th2=th2(th1) andph2=ph2(ph1) are given as in eq. (6.2.45), the determinant of the induced metric + (rx3)2. the differential equation (6.2.62), one can easily demonstr ate + (6.2.64) and, using this result to evaluate the right-hand side of (6.2.63), on e arrives one must take s=min order to satisfy eq. (6.2.49). When sin ps0= 0, the extra projection (6.2.52) on the asymptotic spinor o0is
~G*o0=lmo0, (6.2.66) which is equivalent to the following projection on the complete spinor . 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ BACKGROUND 2 6 r2610x3 Figure 6.1: In this figure we represent the function x3(r) for the wall defect in the non- abelian background (solid line). The dashed line represents x3(r) for the abelian background as given by eq. (6.2.46). In both cases the constant of integration has been fixed by requiring that the minimal value of x3is 0. Moreover, the differential equation which determines x3(r) (6.2.68) It is straightforward to demonstrate that this equation coincides with the abelian one in the UV. Actually, in Fig. 6.1 we represent the result of integrating eq. (6 .2.68) and we compare this result with that given by the function x3(r) for the abelian background (eq. if we fix the embedding andx3=x3(r) we have two possible projections, corresponding to the two possible values of l. Each of these values of lcorresponds to two values of the angle ps0, which again shows that the U(1) symmetry of the abelian theory is broken to Z2. One can check that the embeddings characterized by eqs. (6.2.45), (6.2.60) and (6.2.68) satisfy the equations of motio n derived from the action of the probe (1.3.6). 6.2.3 Energy bound for the wall solutions The embeddings that we have just found saturate an energy boun d, as expected for BPS worldvolume solitons. Let us consider a D5-brane probe in the non-a belian MN background and let us choose the same worldvolume coordinates as in eq. (6.2.1) a nd the ansatz (6.2.2) for the embedding. For simplicity we will consider the angular embeddin gsth2(th1,ph1) and ph2(th1,ph1) written in eq. (6.2.45) and we will consider a completely arbitrary fun the value of-ggiven in (6.2.63), one + WALL DEFECTS 181 wherem=+-1 is the same as in eq. (6.2.45) and l= cosps0=+-1 (see eq. (6.2.61)). In order to write Has in eq. (6.1.3) , let us define the (6.2.70) Notice that the BPS equation for x3(r) (eq. (6.2.68)) is just rx3= Lr. Furthermore, a'can be written in terms of L (6.2.71) Using this last result, we can write Has : H= + us now write Has in eq. (6.1.3), with: Z= (6.2.73) By using eq. (6.2.64), one can prove Zcan be written as a total derivative, with Zr= (6.2.75) To derive this result it is useful to remember that e2ph+h/sinh2ris constant and use Moreover, takingintoacc eq. (6.2.64)), one can write Sas: S= + (rx3)2-(1 + it is straightforward to verify that S >=0 is equivalent to (rx3-Lr)2>=0, (6.2.78) which is obviously always satisfied for any function x3(r) and reduces to an equality when the BPS equation (6.2.68) holds.182CHAPTER 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ BACKGROUND 6.3 Two-dimensional defects In this section we will determine BPS configurations of a D5-brane wh ich extends along two Minkowski coordinates (say x0andx1) and along a four-dimensional submanifold embedded in the internal part of the metric (1.2.138). Such branes would be a t wo-dimensional object from the gauge theory perspective and, actually, we will find that t hey preserve the as a D1-string stretched along x1. In order to find these the kappa symmetry condition G ko=olet us choose the following set of for the D5-brane: xu= (6.3.1) and let us consider an embedding of the ps =ps(ph1,ph2), constant2. From our general expression (6.1.1) it is straightforward to prove that in this case G kois given . (1.3.12). With the purpose of writing these matrices in a convenient form, let u s define the (6.3.4) in terms of which the g-matrices 2^G3. (6.3.5) By using eqs. (6.3.5) and (1.2.144) the action of the antisymmetrised product of the g's on the Killing spinors ocan be readily obtained. It is of the , (6.3.6) 2For two-dimensional defects obtained with a different election of wo rldvolume coordinates and ansatz, see subsection TWO-DIMENSIONAL DEFECTS 183 where theb's are functions whose expression depends on the embedding of the probe. In order to write them more compactly let us define L 1and L 2as (6.3.7) where 1and 2have been defined in eq. (6.3.4). Then, the coefficients of the differe nt matrix structures appearing on the right-hand side of eq. (6.3.6) a re: bI= L1sina+ L2cosa inspecting the right-hand side of eq. (6.3.6) one immediately realise s that the terms containing the matrix ^G3give rise to contributions to G kwhich do not commute with the projection G by the Killing spinors (see eq. (1.2.144)). Then, if we want that the supersymmetry preserved by the probe be compatible wit h that of the background, the coefficients of these terms must vanish. Moreover, we would like to obtain embeddings of the D5-brane probe which preserve the same supersymmetry as a D1-string extended Accordingly3, we shall require the vanishing of all terms on the right-hand side of eq. (6.3.6) except for the one proportional to the unit matr 0. (6.3.9) By plugging the explicit form of the b's in (6.3.9), one gets a system of differential equations for the embedding which will be analyzed in the rest of this section. 3From a detailed analysis of the form of the b's one can show that the requirement of the vanishing of the coefficients of the terms containing the matrix ^G3implies the vanishing of b2^2,b12andb1^2. Therefore, we are not loosing generality by imposing 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ BACKGROUND 6.3.1 Abelian worldvolume solitons The above equations (6.3.9) are quite complicated. In order to simplif y the problem, let us consider first the equations for the embedding in the abelian back ground, which can be obtained from the general ones by putting a=a= 0. In this case from b^2^3=b2^3= 0 we get thir=-i, where the i's have been defined in eq. (6.3.4). More (6.3.10) One can verify that the other b'sin (6.3.9) vanish if these differential equations are satisfied. Let us see the form of the kappa symmetry condition when the BPS e quations (6.3.10) are satisfied. For the abelian background, the determinant of the indu ced metric is given the coefficient (6.3.12) If the BPS equations thir=-ihold, one can verify by inspection (6.3.13) and, thus, the kappa symmetry condition G , (6.3.14) which indeed corresponds to a D1 string extended along x1. In this abelian case the spinors oandein eq. (1.2.147) differ in a function which commutes with everything. Th erefore, the condition (6.3.14) translates into the same condition for the consta nt spinore, . (6.3.15) It follows that this configuration is 1/16 supersymmetric: it preser ves the two determined by eqs. (1.2.148) and of the first-order equations The BPS equations (6.3.10) relate the partial derivatives of rwith those of ps. According to our ansatz (6.3.2) the only dependence on ph1andph2in (6.3.10) comes from the Therefore, for consistency of eq. (6.3.10) with our ansatz we mu st have: ph1ps=n1, ph2ps=n2, two constant numbers. Thus, psmust be given constant . (6.3.17)6.3. TWO-DIMENSIONAL DEFECTS 185 Using this form of ps(ph1,ph2) in eq. (6.3.10), one can easily integrate r(th1,th2), a constant. From the analysis of eq. (6.3.18) one easily concludes t hat not all the values of the constants n1andn2are possible. Indeed, the left-hand side of eq. (6.3.18) is always greater than one, whereas the right-hand side always van ishes for some value of thiif|ni|>1. Actually, we will verify in the next subsection that only when n1=n2= 0 (i.e.whenps= constant) we will be able to generalise the embedding to the non-ab elian geometry. Therefore, from now on we will concentrate only in this c ase, which we (n1=n2= 0), is the minimal value of r. It is clear from (6.3.19) that rdiverges at thi= 0,p. Therefore our effective strings extend infinitely in the r. 6.3.2 Non-Abelian worldvolume solitons Let us consider now the more complicated case of the non-abelian ba ckground. We are going to argue that the kappa symmetry condition can only be solved ifpsis constant and sinps= 0. Indeed, let us assume that sin psdoes not vanish. If this is the case, by b^1^3= 0andb^2^3= 0onegets th1r= 0. Usingthisresult intheequation b12= 0, one concludes that th2r= 0 (notice that the functions ican never vanish). However, if r is independent of the thi's the equation b1^3= 0 can never be fulfiled. Thus, we arrive at a contradiction that can only be resolved if sin ps= 0. Then, one must have: ps= 0,p,2p,3p= 0 (modp). (6.3.20) Let us now (6.3.21) Thus, in this non-abelian case we are only going to have zero-winding e mbeddings, i.e., as anticipated above, only the solutions with n1=n2= 0 in eq. (6.3.18) generalise to the non-abelian case. Since psis constant, we now (6.3.22) When sinps= 0 the equations 0 are automatically the conditions b^2^3=b2^3= 0 reduce to: sinath1r+ 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ BACKGROUND From eq. (6.3.23) one can obtain the values of the partial derivative s ofr. Indeed, let (6.3.24) Then, one has thir=-thi. (6.3.25) To derive this result we have used some of the identities written in eq. (6.2.57). Notice that thi-iwhenr- and the non-abelian BPS equations (6.3.25) coincide with the abelian ones in eq. (6.3.10) for n1=n2= 0 in this limit. After some calculation one can check thatb2^2also vanishes as a consequence of (6.3.25). Indeed, one can prove thatb2^2can be (6.3.26) which clearly vanishes if eq. (6.3.25) is satisfied. For a general function r(th1,th2), when the angle pstakes the values written in eq. (6.3.20), the determinant of the induced metric takes the (6.3.27) If the BPS equations (6.3.25) are satisfied, the two factors under the square root on the right-hand side of eq. (6.3.27) become equal. Moreover, one can pr ove this result one can demonstrate, after some calculation, tha t eq. (6.3.13) is also satisfied in this non-abelian case. As a consequence, the kappa sym metry projection reduces to the one written in eq. (6.3.14), i.e.to that corresponding to a of the first-order equations In order to integrate the first-order equations (6.3.25) for r(th1,th2), let us define the new variabley(r) (6.3.29) In terms of y, the BPS system (6.3.25) can be greatly simplified, namely: th1y+ (6.3.30)6.3. TWO-DIMENSIONAL DEFECTS 187 which can be easily integrated by the method of variation of constan ts. In terms of the original variable rone has: cosh(2r) =cosh(2r*) is the minimal value of r. This is a remarkably simple solution for the very complicated system ofkappa symmetry equat ions. Notice that there are two solutions for r(th1,th2), which correspond to the two possible values of lon the right-hand side of (6.3.31). If l= +1 (l=-1) the angle psis fixed tops= 0,2p(ps=p,3p). Thus, the U(1) symmetry ps-ps+oof the abelian case is broken to Z2, reflecting the same breaking that occurs in the geometry. Moreover, it follows from (6.3.31) tha trdiverges at th1,2= 0,p. It is easily proved that the embedding written in eqs. (6.3.20) and (6.3 .31) satisfies the equations of motion of the probe. 6.3.3 Energy bound for the effective string solutions We will now consider the configurations that we have just studied an d we will show that they saturate an energy bound, as expected for BPS worldvolume solitons. Accordingly, let us choose worldvolume coordinates as in (6.3.1) and an embedding of t he type displayed in eq. (6.3.2) in the non-abelian MN background, where, for simplicity, w e will take the angle psto be a constant such that sin ps= 0 (see eq. (6.3.20)). In this case it is easy to prove that the hamiltonian density can be written as in eq. (6.1.3), where for an a rbitrary a total derivative and S >=0. In order to verify these facts, let us take can prove that Zis a total derivative. Indeed, let us introduce the functions z1(r) andz2(r) as the solutions of the are the functions of the radial coordinate displayed in eqs. (1.2.14 1) and (1.2.146). Then, one can verify that (6.3.34) In order to prove this result the following 2re2ph, 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ BACKGROUND is quite useful. It is straightforward to prove that for these configurations the pullback of (see eq. (6.1.2)), the hamiltonian density in this case is ju stH=e-ph-g, with-ggiven in eq. (6.3.27). Once Zis known and given by the expression written in eq. (6.3.32), Sis defined as H-Z. One can verify that S >=0 is equivalent to the is obviously satisfied and reduces to an identity when the BPS eq uations (6.3.25) hold. It is easy to compute the central charge Zfor the BPS configurations. The result (6.3.37) It follows from the above expression that Z|BPSis always More defects 6.4.1 Wall defects Let us find more supersymmetric configurations of the D5-brane p robe which behave as a codimension one defect from the gauge theory point of view. In par ticular, we are interested in trying to obtain embeddings for which the angle psis not constant. To insure this fact we will include psin our set of worldvolume coordinates. Actually, we will choose the x's as: xu= (6.4.1) and we will adopt the following ansatz for the ph r=r(ps). (6.4.2) For these configurations the kappa symmetry matrix (6.1.1) acts o n the Killing spinors . (6.4.3) Now the induced gamma matrices are: e-ph 2gxu= Gxu,(u= (6.4.4)6.4. MORE DEFECTS 189 where theW's are the following at r= 0 Let us analyze first the possibility of taking in our previous equations r= 0 and an value of x3. Sinceeh-0,a-1 one has in this and one immediately . (6.4.6) On the other hand, it is easy to compute the value of the determinan t of the induced metric for an embedding of the type (6.4.2) at r= 0 and constant x3. By using this result one readily gets the action of G kono. Indeed, let us define s(th2,ph2,ps) to be the following one (6.4.8) It follows that the condition G ko=ois equivalent to the (6.4.9) Notice that the right-hand side of (6.4.9) only depends on the angula r part of the the sign s. Let us rewrite eq. (6.4.9) in terms of the spinor o0defined in eq. (6.2.47). First of all, let us introduce the matrix ^G*as:
^G*= Gx0x1x2G1^G23. (6.4.10) Recall from (6.2.47) that o=ea 2G1^G1o0. Asa(r= 0) = -p/2, see eqs. (1.2.145) and (1.2.146), the above condition reduces to:
^G*o0=so0. (6.4.11) It is easy to verify that this condition commutes with the projection s satisfied by o0, which are the same as those satisfied by the constant spinor e(see eq. (1.2.148)). Moreover, it190CHAPTER 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ BACKGROUND is readily checked that these configurations satisfy the equations of motion of the probe. Notice that the angular embedding is undetermined. However, the a bove projection only makes sense if s(th2,ph2,ps) does not depend on the angles. Although the angular embedding is not uniquely determined, there are some embeddings that can be d iscarded. For example if we corresponding three-cycle has vanishing volume and sis not well defined. For th1= constant, ph1= constant one has s= 1. The same value of sis obtained if whenth1=th2,ph1= 2p-ph2. Notice that this of a D5-brane, which is finite in the internal directions, wra pping the finite S3inside the geometry, which has minimal volume at r= 0. This object is thought to correspond to a domain wall of the field theory [34, 61]. However, the physics of dom ain walls is yet not fully understood in this model. General case Let us now come back to the general case. By using the relation bet ween the spinors oand o0, the kappa symmetry equation G ko=ocan be rephrased as the following condition on the (6.4.12) Let us evaluate the left-hand side of this equation by imposing the pr ojection (6.4.11), i.e. the same projection as the one satisfied by the supersymmetric co nfigurations at r= 0. After some calculation one gets an expression of the thed's depend on the embedding (see below). Clearly, in order to satisfy e q. (6.4.12) we must require the 0. (6.4.14) The expressions of the d's are quite involved. In order to write them in a compact form let us define the quantities (6.4.15) Then the coefficients of the terms that do not contain the matrix P3psx3. (6.4.16)6.4. MORE DEFECTS 191 From the conditions d1^1=d^1^2= 0 we get the BPS equations that determine P1sina, the equation d1^2= 0 is satisfied if the differential equations (6.4.17) hold. The expressions of the coefficients of the terms with the matrix . (6.4.18) Let us impose now the vanishing of the coefficients (6.4.18). Clearly, t his condition can be achieved by requiring that randx3be constant. It is easy to see from the vanishing of the right-hand side of eq. (6.4.17) that this only happens at r= 0 and, therefore, reduces to the one studied above. Another possibilit y is to impose W3ph= 0, which is equivalent to the following differential (6.4.19) For consistency, both sides of the equation must be equal to a con stant which we will , by differentiating the above relation between th1andth2, we immediately by using eqs. (6.4.20) and (6.4.21) one can easily find the f ollowing expression . (6.4.22) For consistency with our ansatz, the right-hand side of the equat ion forpsrin (6.4.17) must necessarily be independent of th2. By inspecting the right-hand side of (6.4.22) it is192CHAPTER 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ that this only happens if th2th1is constant which, in view of eq. (6.4.21) can only occur ifm2= 1,i.e.whenm=+-1. In this case th2th1=-mand the angular embedding is: th1=p-th2, ph 1=ph2, (m= +1), th1=th2, ph 1= 2p-ph2, (m=-1). (6.4.23) Notice that the functions in (6.4.23) are just the same as those cor responding to the embed- dings with constant ps(eq. (6.2.45)). Moreover, taking th2th1=-min the expression of the Pi's in eq. (6.4.22), and substituting this result on the right-hand side o f eq. (6.4.17), one finds the following BPS differential equations for r(ps) us now verify that the BPS equations written above are enoug h to guarantee that (6.4.12) holds. With this purpose in mind, let us compute the only non-v anishing term of the right-hand side of eq. (6.4.13), namely dI. By plugging the BPS equations (6.4.17) into the expression of dIin eq. (6.4.16), one P1sina. (6.4.25) From eq. (6.4.25) one can check (6.4.26) In order to verify that the kappa symmetry condition (6.4.12) is sat isfied we must check that the sign of dI|BPSis positive. It can be verified (6.4.27) and therefore (see eq. (6.4.25)), the condition sign( dI|BPS) = +1 holds if the sign sof the projection (6.4.11) is such (6.4.28) Then, given an angular embedding ( i.e.for a fixed value of m), we must restrict psto a range in which the sign of cos psdoes not change and the sign sof the projection must be chosen according to (6.4.28). Moreover, one can show that the equations of motion are satisfied if the first-order equations (6.4.24) hold.6.4. MORE DEFECTS -p/2 pspsr Figure 6.2: The functions r(ps) andx3(ps) for the solutions (6.4.31) in the interval ps [-p/2,p/2] mod 2p. The continuous line represents the embedding with m= +1, while the dashed line corresponds to m=-1. In this latter case r(ps) andx3(ps) remain finite, while form= +1 they diverge at of the BPS equations After a short calculation one can demonstrate that the equation f orr(ps) in (6.4.24) can be rewritten 0. (6.4.29) In this form the BPS equation for r(ps) can be immediately integrated, a constant. Moreover, once the function r(ps) is known, one can get x3(ps) by direct integration of the right-hand side of the second equation in ( 6.4.24). Let us study the above solution for different signs of cos ps. Consider first the region in which cosps>=0, which corresponds to ps[-p/2,p/2] mod 2p. If the constant C >0, let us represent it in terms of a new constant r*asC= sinh(2r*)-2mr*. Then, the above solution can be written + (6.4.31) from which it is clear that r*is the value of rsuch that cos ps= 1. The functions r(ps) for m=+-1 written in eq. (6.4.31), and the corresponding x3(ps), have been plotted in Fig. 6.2. Ifm= +1, the solution (6.4.31) is such that r- and|x3| - whenps- +-p/2 mod 2p. However, if m=-1 theradial coordinate rgrows fromitsminimal value r*atps= 0 mod 2p to a maximal value ^ mod 2p, whilex3(ps) remains finite mod 2p. IfC <0, it is clear from (6.4.30) that, as we are considering the region cos ps>=0, only the solution with m= +1 is possible. Defining 2~ r=-C, the solution in this case can be written (m= +1). 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ BACKGROUND This solution has two branches such that r-~r,whenps- +-p/2. Finally, if C= 0 only them= +1 solution makes sense. In this case the solution grows from r= 0 atps= 0 the region cos mod 2p, the solutions can be found from those for cos ps>=0 by means of the following symmetry of the solution , C - -C , m - -m . (6.4.33) Then, one can get solutions in the range ps[0,2p] by joining one solution in the region cosps>=0 to the one obtained by means of the transformation (6.4.33). Not ice that the resulting solutions preserve supersymmetry at the cost of changing the i.e.by making m- -m, when the sign of cos pschanges. In particular, in the solution obtained from the one in (6.4.31) when m=-1 the coordinate rdoes not diverge. One can apply this construction to a single brane probe with a singular embedding different angular embeddings and lying on disjoint regions of ps. 6.4.2 Two-dimensional defects In analogy with what we have just done with the wall defect solitons, let us find some codimension two embeddings of the D5-brane probe in which the angle psis not constant. We shall take the following set of worldvolume coordinates: xu= (6.4.34) and we will adopt an ansatz in which x2andx3are constant ph 1=ph1(ph2). The induced gamma matrices gxu(u= exactly those written in eq. (6.4.4), while grandgpsare given by: e-ph 2gr= Gr, (6.4.35) Let us try to implement the kappa symmetry condition in the form disp layed in eq. (6.4.12). For this case, the left-hand side of (6.4.12) can be written thef's are expressed in terms of the Pifunctions of (6.4.15) as: fI= cosaP1+ (6.4.37)6.5. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION 195 Since the matrices G 1^G1and G 1^G2do not commute with the projection (6.2.48), it is clear that we must 0. (6.4.38) From the condition f1^1= 0, we get: P2 P1= tana , 0 is equivalent to the vanishing of P3, which sinth1ph2ph1. (6.4.40) Byusing thisconditionfor theangularpart oftheembedding, we can writethe ratiobetween the functions (6.4.41) The consistency between the expressions (6.4.39) and (6.4.41) req uires by separating variables in the angular embedding equatio n (6.4.40) one withmconstant. Proceeding as in the previous subsection, one easily verifies that the only consistent solutions of (6.4.40) with th2th1constant are: th1=th2, ph 1=ph2, (m= +1), th1=p-th2, ph 2= 2p-ph1, (m=-1). (6.4.42) Notice the difference between (6.4.42) and (6.4.23). One can verify t hat this embedding is a solution of the equations of motion of the probe. Moreover, by com embeddings (6.4.42), one readily proves that the kappa symmet ry condition is equivalent to the following projection on o0: Gx0x1o0=o0. (6.4.43) 6.5 Summary and Discussion In this chapter we have systematically studied the possibility of addin g s of D5-brane probes in the MN background in such a w ay that they create a codimension one or two defect in the gauge theory directions. The technique consists of using kappa symmetry to look for a system of first-order equation s which guarantee that the supersymmetry preserved by the worldvolume of the probe is c onsistent with that of the background. Although the general system of equations obtained from kappa symmetry is very involved, the solutions we have found are remarkably simple. Fo r a given election of worldvolume coordinates and a given ansatz for the embedding, cho sen for their simplicity and physical significance, the result is unique. In order to extract consequences of our results in the gauge the ory dual, some additional work must be done. First of all, one can study the fluctuations of th e probes around the196CHAPTER 6. SUSY DEFECTS IN THE MALDACENA-N 'U~NEZ between these fluctuations and the corresponding operators in the field theory side, along the lines of refs. [88, 90]. In the analysis of these fluctuations we will presumably find the difficultie s associated with the UV blowup of the dilaton, which could be overcome by using the method s employed in ref. [71] in the case of flavour branes. Once this dictionary is obtained we could try to give some meaning to the functions x3(r) andr(th1,th2) of eqs. (6.2.68) and (6.3.31) respectively, which should encode some renormalization gro up flow of the defect theory. This analysis could shed light on the exact nature of the def ormation introduced by the defect. Another possible way of getting information of this s ubject could be trying to go beyond the probe approximation and to study how the defect modifies the geometry. From the behaviour of this backreacted geometry one could possib ly learn about the type of deformation that we have on the field theory our non-abelian solitons of sections 6.2 and 6.3 select certain values of the R-symmetry coordinate ps(see eqs. (6.2.60) and (6.3.20)). This seems to suggest that the mechanism of spontaneous breaking of R-symmetry (explaining in subsection 1.2.6) is also acting on our defects, perhaps by forming a condensate of th e fields living on the defect. Notice that we have also found in section 6.4 other defect s olitons in which psis not constant. Although the interpretation is less clear, the defects o f subsection 6.4.1 at r= 0 might correspond to domain walls which interpolate between different vacua of the field theory dual. Notice that the tension of these domain walls remains fin ite for some of the embedding (see eq. (6.4.31) with m=-1 andC >0), as it should be for an object of that nature in field theory. Let employed heresome other supergravity backgrounds (such as the one obtained in [138 ], which are dual to N= 1, d= 3 super Yang-Mills theory) and try to find the configurations of pr obes which defects in the field theory. It is also worth mention ing that, although we have focussed here on the analysis of the supersymmetric object s in the MN background, we could have stable configurations, such as the confining strings of ref. [55], which are constructed from D3-branes wrapping a two-s phere. Another example of an interesting configuration is the baryon vertex, which consists of a D3-brane wrapped on a three-cycle which captures the RR flux [139 ].Chapter 7 Final Conclusions In this last chapter we will briefly summarise the main achievements of this Ph.D. thesis. At the end of each chapter we have already discussed the partial r esults obtained and some possible extensions to the research performed in that chapter. H owever we would like to finish with an overview of the work presented in this thesis. We have concentrated on the study of some aspects of the (exte nsions of the) to more realistic theories [9, 10]. Let us recall tha t the AdS/CFT correspon- dence states that type IIB string theory on AdS5xS5is dual to four-dimensional N= 4 superconformal Yang-Mills theory with SU(Nc) gauge group living at the boundary of AdS5 [4]. This is a holographic duality in the sense that the boundary of the AdS5space where the gauge theory lives encodes all the bulk information [6]. By extens ions of the above conjecture to more realistic theories we mean extensions to less supersymmetric theories. In particular we have payed attention to supersymmetric solutions of type IIB are dual to N= 1 supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions. These theor ies are more interesting from a phenomenological point of view when the conformal invariance is broken. They present some features analogous to QCD, such as for instance confinement. We have searched for the possibility of adding supersymmetric D-br anes in those super- gravity backgrounds and we have analysed which nontrivial informa tion of the gauge theory dual we are capturing with these additional degrees of freedom. I t is worth pointing out that the addition of extra D-branes to a supergravity background can have two different goals. On one side, as it was firstly proposed by Witten [8], the dual of a field t heory cannot be simple supergravity but it must contain extra D-branes. These D-b ranes (wrapped on non- trivial cycles) correspond to solitonic-like states in the large Ncgauge theory dual. On the other side, the addition of D-branes extended infinitely in the hologr aphic direction modifies the lagrangian of the field theory since we are adding degrees of fre edom to the boundary of theAdSspace [5]. This modification could be due to the addition of a new operat or to the lagrangian or could be interpreted as though this new operator tak es a VEV. The nature of the new operator which enters into the game depends on the kind of D-brane that we are adding and on the way that we add it. In this Ph.D. thesis we have explored the two goals of the addition of D -branes to super- gravity backgrounds dual to N= 1 supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions. The main tool that we have used to introduce the extra D-branes is a loc al fermionic symmetry of 197198 CHAPTER 7. FINAL CONCLUSIONS the worldvolume theory on the branes called kappa symmetry. By loo king for D-branes which preserve this local symmetry, we have explicitly d etermined their embed- ding in the supergravity background and we have read the fraction of supersymmetry that they preserve. The system of first-order BPS equations that th e kappa symmetry condition gives rise fulfils the second-order equations of motion for the world volume bosonic this system saturates a bound for the energy, as it usua lly happens in the case of worldvolume solitons. Once we know how to include in a supersymmetric way the D-branes in a given su- pergravity background, we should extract the information about the stringy spectrum that these additional degrees of freedom source. The final goal would be to introduce extra D- branes in a supergravity background and to take into account, no t only the effects that the D-branes feel coming from the background fields, but also the bac kreaction undergone by the supergravity background due to the presence of these extr a D-branes. However this is a very involved problem from a technical point of view and it is still not clear how to solve it for a D-brane of arbitrary dimension. Thus, the first thing t hat one may do is to tackle this problem in the probe approximation and to discard the bac kreaction undergone by the supergravity background. We have seen in chapters 2, 3 an d 6 that, even in the , we can still capture nontrivial information of the ga uge theory dual. In chapters 2 and 3 we have performed a systematic analysis of the possible supersym- metric D-brane configurations in backgrounds dual to N= 1 four-dimensional supercon- formal field theories. We have focused our attention on the recen tly found extensions to the Klebanov-Witten model, firstly on the of type IIB supergravity in chapter 2 and then on a further generalisation of it, namely AdS5xLa,b,cin chapter 3. In both cases we have also been able to identify the configurations of D 3-branes wrapping a three-cycle dual to the dibaryonic operators of the gauge theor y dual. The study of the BPS fluctuations of these D3-brane configurations (dibaryons) was p erformed in the AdS5xYp,q case and it was shown to match the gauge theory results. In both c hapters we have of D3-branes wrapping a two-cycle which could desc ribe a fat string in the gauge theory dual, configurations of D5-branes wrapping a two-c ycle which could be suitable to couple a defect conformal field theory and (non-supersymmet ric) D5-branes which look like domain walls (if they wrap a three-cycle) or a baryon vertex (if th ey wrap a five-cycle) in the field theory dual. We have also studied in both chapters configu rations of D7-branes, which could be used to add flavour to the gauge the ory, as well as configu- rations of D7-branes wrapping a five-cycle which are dual to one-d imensional defects in field theory. A systematic analysis of the possible supersymmetric D5-brane con figurations dual to defects (of codimension one and two) in four-dimensional N= 1 Super Yang-Mills theory was also carried out in the framework of the Maldacena-N' u~ nez so lution in chapter 6. We also found the configuration of a D5-brane wrapping a three-cycle , which should be dual to a domain wall. In order to extract more consequences of our results of chapte rs 2, 3 and 6 in the gauge theory dual, some additional work must be done. First of all, one cou ld study the fluctuation of the brane probes around the configurations found there and o ne could try to obtain the dictionary between these fluctuations and the corresponding ope rators in the field theory199 side, as we did in subsection 2.2.5. Another way of getting information would be to go beyond the probe approximation This 4and5, degrees of freedom. Recall thatthefinal goalinthestud y ofrealistic extensions of the AdS/CFT correspondence would be to attain the best possible dual description of theories similar to QCD, like its supersymmetric extension. Understanding field s on the is essential for this purpose. The construction a nd analysis of duals to gauge theories with flavours in the so-called Veneziano limit [101], i.e.Nc- the number of flavours and Ncis the number of colours, hence becomes of The interesting fact about this limit (unlike the 't Hooft lim it [7] where Nfis kept fixed) is that the quantum effects associated to the existenc e of fundamental quarks are notquenched, i.e. they are not suppressed by the large Nclimit. In chapters 4 and 5, which addressed respectively N= 1 superconformal field theories and their extension to cascading theories in four dimensions (in particular, to the Kleban ov-Strassler were developed in order to take into account the backr eaction in the geometry of In both cases, several gauge theory features w ere matched, like b-functions and anomalies. Moreover, in chapter 5 we managed to pr ovide an analysis of the duality cascade which describes the RG flow of the field theory. T he approach that we considered consists of finding solutions of supergravity coupled to D-brane sources. In the framework of chapters 4 and 5, it would be interesting to stu dy the fluctuations of the flavour branes since they can be identified with the dynamical mesons of the gauge theory dual. Another stimulating problem in the same context would b e to find a black hole in the backreacted geometry of chapters 4 and 5 where to study p lasmas which include the dynamics of colour and flavour at strong coupling. Finally, it would be o f great interest to study the possibility of softly breaking SUSY in these backgrounds w ith flavour degrees of freedom. As a final conclusion, it seems that in the absence of a string theory formulation on backgrounds dual to N= 1 field theories in four dimensions, the addition of extra D-branes to a supergravity background (in the probe approximation or more interestingly, taking into account their backreacted effects) captures nontrivial stringy informationofthe This is an important theme in the context of the gauge/gravity correspondence which deserves further of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Alfonso V' azquez Rama llo for giving me the opportunity to carry out this Ph. D. thesis work at the Unive rsity of Santiago de Compostela. 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LaTex | null | null | null | hep-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In this Ph. D. Thesis we concentrate on the study of the extension of the
AdS/CFT correspondence to theories with less supersymmetry. In particular, we
search for the possibility of adding supersymmetric D-branes in type IIB
supergravity solutions which are dual to N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories in
four dimensions. In the probe approximation we perform a systematic analysis of
the possible supersymmetric D-brane configurations in backgrounds dual to N=1
superconformal field theories, firstly in the AdS_5xY^{p,q} solutions and then
in their generalisation to the AdS_5xL^{a,b,c} backgrounds. Some checks of the
correspondence between D-brane configurations and chiral operators of the dual
gauge theory are performed. We also analyse the possible supersymmetric
D5-brane configurations dual to defects (of codimension one and two) in N=1 SYM
theory in the framework of the Maldacena-Nunez solution. Beyond the probe
approximation, we develop techniques in order to take into account the
backreaction undergone by the type IIB supergravity solutions (dual to N=1
superconformal field theories and their extensions to cascading theories) due
to the addition of a number of flavour branes of the same order as the number
of colour branes which generate the unflavour background. The dual
interpretation of those flavour branes is given in terms of dynamical fields
transforming in the fundamental representation of the gauge group. Several
gauge theories features are matched, like beta functions, anomalies and the
duality cascade which describes the RG flow of the cascading field theories.
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"Felipe Canoura",
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2 Q.-A. NG ^O In this paper, we present new existence and localization results for C1-solutions to problem (1), under suitable conditions on the nonlinearity f. No growth condi- tions of subcritical exponent type are required. Our approachis b ased on for the solutions of linear Dirichlet problems and again on the n onlinear al- ternative of Leray-Schauder (see [DG, Z]). We also notice that our present paper is motivated by the paper [MP] where the same results are obtained for boundary value problems. Our approach is mainly based on the following well-known theorem. Theorem 1. LetB[0,r]denote the closed ball in a Banach space Ewith radius r, and letT:B[0,r]-Ebe a compact operator. Then either (i)the equation lTu=uhas a solution in B[0,r]forl= 1, or (ii)there exists an element some 0<l<1. It is worth noticing that contrary to most papers in the literature w here principle is used together with the a priori bounds technique, in the proof of our main result, Theorem 2, no a priori bounds of solut ions of (3) are established. In addition, Theorem 2 not only that guarantees t he existence of a solution, but also gives information about its localization. This is deriv ed from a very general growth condition, inequality (3), which in particular c ontains both sublinear and superlinear cases without any restriction of exponen t. 2.Main results Here and in the sequel Ewill denote the 0 with the byC1 0(ohm) we mean the space C1(ohm)C0(ohm). We start with an existence and localization principle for (1) Theorem 2. Assume that there is a constant r>0, independent of l>0, (2) for any solution 0,onohm,(3) and for each l(0,1). Then the boundary value problem (1)has at least order to prove Theorem 2, we firstly recall a well-known propert y of the operator -p. Lemma 1 (See [AC], Lemma 1.1) .LetohmRNbe a bounded domain of class C1,b for Then the for VALUE PROBLEMS VIA TOPOLOGICAL METHODS... 3 has a unique solution uC1 0(ohm). Moreover, if we define the operator the unique solution of (6), then Kis continuous, compact and OF THEOREM 2. According to Lemma 1, the operator ( -p)-1from L(ohm) toC1 0(ohm) is well-defined, continuous, compact and We shall apply Theorem 1 to E=C0(ohm) and to the operator (-p)-1Fu, is given by ( Fu)(x) Onthe otherhand, it problem (1). Now the conclusion follows from Theorem 1 since cond ition (ii) is excluded by hypothesis. /square Theorem 2.1 immediately yields the following existence and localization re sult. Theorem 3. Assume that there exist nonnegative continuous functions a,band a continuous nondecreasing function ps:R+-R+such (5) Suppose in addition that there exists a real number r>0such (6) Then the boundary value problem (1)has at least one solution in order to apply Theorem 2, we have to show that condition (2) hold s true for all solutions to (3). Assume uis any solution of (3) for some l(0,1) for all xohm, we the supermum in the above inequality, we This is a contradiction. manuscript has NOT been fo r publication before. This is the FIRST submission.4 Q.-A. NG G. Anello , Existence of solutions for a perturbed Dirichlet problem w ithout J. Math. Anal. Appl. 330(2), 1169-1178. [AC] C. Azizieh and Ph. Cl 'ement, A priori estimates and continuation methods for of p-Laplace equations, J. Diff Eqns ,179(2002), 213-245. [AR] G.A. Afrouzi and S.H. Rasouli , On positive solutions for some nonlinear boundary value problems Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control ,11(4), (2006), 323-329. [CCN] A. Castro, J. Cossio and J.M. Neuberger , A minmax principle, index of the criti- cal point, and existence of sign-changing solutions to elli ptic boundary value J. Diff Eqns , 1998, no. 2, 18 pp. [CTY] D.G. Costa, H. Tehrani and J.J. Yang , On a variational approach to existence and multiplicity results for semipositone problems , Electron. J. Diff Eqns , 2006, no. 11, 10 pp. [DG] J. Dugundji and A. Granas ,Fixed Point Theory, Monographie Math. , Warsaw, 1982. [GT] D. Gilbarg and N. Trudinger ,Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order , Springer, Berlin, 1983. [MP] T. Moussaoui and R. Precup , Existence results for semilinear elliptic bound- ary value problems via topological methods, Applied Mathematics Letters (2008) D. ORegan and R. Precup ,Theorems of Leray-Schauder Type and Applications , Gor- don and Breach, Amsterdam, 2001. [Z] E. Zeidler ,Nonlinear Functional Analysis : Part I , Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985. (Q.-A. Ng^ o) Department of Mathematics,, College of Science, Vi ^et Nam H `a N^oi, Vi^et Nam E-mail address :bookworm [email protected] | 0805.0075 | Quoc Anh Ngo | Quoc Anh Ngo | Existence results for quasilinear elliptic boundary value problems via
topological methods | 4 pages, 0 figure | null | null | null | math.AP | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In this paper, existence and localization results of $C^1$-solutions to
elliptic Dirichlet boundary value problems are established. The approach is
based on the nonlinear alternative of Leray-Schauder.
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dueto its high force sensitivity and excellent spatial resolution of magnetic properties. MRFM has been used in studies of electron and nuclear spin systems culminating in the detection of the force signal originating from a single electron spin [1]. Recent experim ents on nuclear ordersof magnitude better than conventional magnetic resonance imaging technique. In the long term, MRFM is envisioned as a possible route to achieve imaging of individual molecule s. Experiments on ferromagnetic systems showed the potential for spatially resolve d ferromagnetic resonance in continuous and microfabricated samples [3, 4]. In MRFM experiments , forceFexerted on a cantilever, is a convolution of the sample's magnetization and the gra dient of the magnetic field produced by the probe tip. To perform correct imaging, quant itative knowledge of the tip field is required. At present, the most common way to characterize magnetic tips is to use the cantilever magnetometr y [9, 10]. It about the magnetic moment of the tip m, however, it is also sensitive to the relative orientation of mwith respect to the external magnetic field and the direction of cantilever's oscillations. Moreover, the detailed spatial field profile o f the magnetic tip can not be inferred. Alternative approach utilizes the spectroscopic n ature of MRFM and has been demonstrated in previous studies [2, 5, 6, 7, 8]. In these exp eriments the strength of the probe field has been determined from the position of the onset in the MRFM spectra as a function of the probe-sample separation z. Based on this information, the point has been used to model the magnetic tip. The situatio n becomes more complicated if the shape of the tip is irregular or mis tilted with respect to the ^ these circumstances the one-dimensional approach is insuffi cient, and does not reveal the spatial field profile of the probe tip. In this letter we propose a m ethod for detailed mapping of the tip magnetic field, free of any assumptions about the tip shape, size, isusedtogener field causing localexcitation of the spin resonance in a small volume of the sample known as sensitive slice . The resonance condition is written as (1) 2wheregis the gyromagnetic ratio. The total field Htot(r) can be expressed as Htot(r) =Hext+Htip(r), (2) whereHextis the externally applied magnetic field and Htip(r) is the field of the probe tip. Width zof the sensitive slice is determined by the ratio of the resonance linew idth Hresand the strength of the gradient field Htipproduced by the probe tip, z=H
[18]. Three dimensional images of electron spin densities can berecon structed by and vertical scanning of the sensitive slice across the samp le[5, 6]. The concept behind our method for detailed characterization of th e tip field profile is illustrated in Fig. 1. It requires a thin-film sample with sharp edges. Wh en the sample edge, a leading edge signal is detected. At this location, the sample edge is a tangent line to the sensitive slice for a reasonable magnetic t ip. Thus, scanning in 3D and recording the locations corresponding to the leading edge en ables full the sensitive slice. If desired, it can be then parameterized using dipolar, quadrupolar, etc moments. To illustrate this procedure, we report on MRFM measurements on a well film, while laterally scanning the cantilever over its edge. We used a Veeco Si3N4cantilever with the resonance frequency of 8 kHz and the spring constant kof0.01 N/m [12]. The original tip was removed by focused ion milling and a small magnetic particle of from Magnequench Inc. [13] has been glued to the end of a cantilever with Stycast 1266 epoxy in the presence o f an aligning magnetic field. Consequently, the tip has been magnetized in the field of 80 kOe . The MRFM tip has a spherical shape with the diameter of 2.4um and its SEM images are shown in panels (1) and (2) in Fig. 2. The saturation magnetization of has been measured in a SQUID magnetometer, and is equal to 4 pMs= 13 kG [15]. Based on the SEM image we estimate the probe moment to be (7.5 +-0.4)x10-9emu, in agreement with the value measured by the cantilever magnetometry. The cantilever is mo unted on top of a double scanning stage of a low temperature MRFM system [14, 16] . For the temperature was stabilized at 10 K and the amplitude modulation scheme has been implemented to couple to the in-resonance spins. The DPPH powder [17] was dissolved in acetone and deposited on a 100 um thick silicon wafer in a spin-coater at 3000 rpm. To protect the film, 20 nm of Ti was deposited on top of DPPH. A pproximately 2 x1.6 3mm2piece was cleaved from a wafer and glued to the strip-line resonator of the microscope. The structure of the film and sharpness of edges were inspected in SEM and are shown in Fig. 2. The film was found to be continuous, and its thickness varied b etween 400 and 600 nm. Fig. 3 shows the typical MRFM spectrum recorded in a DPPH film. When the tip is located above the film, the strongest tip field experienced by the sa mple is situated directly under the probe magnet (assuming m/badblHext). The field value in the MRFM spectrum where the sensitive slice just touches the DPPH film is called the leading edge [18], and is indicated by arrows in Fig. the large region of the sample where the tip field is small, but due t o the large number of spins the MRFM signal is significant. The field difference between th e bulk-like resonance and the position of the leading edge provides the directmeasure of the probe field strength. Fig. 1 shows the schematic of the characterization experiment. We fixed the probe- sample separation z, and approached different edges of the DPPH film while tracking the leading edge. The left panel of Fig. 4 shows the field evolution of the le ading edge for two values of zand three different directions of lateral scanning over the film edge . The almost identical shape of the curves indicates that mis approximately parallel to the direction of Hext. In the first approximation, our tip can be modeled as a magnetic dipo le. The field profile produced on the surface of the sample can be written as follo ws [19]: H(R,th,ph) (3) where 4pMsis the saturation magnetization of Nd2Fe14B,r0is the radius of the tip, Ris the vector to the point where the field is determined, thandphare the angles which describe the spatial orientation of m(see Fig. 1). The right panel of Fig. 4 shows the z-component of the probe field o n the sample's surface as a function of z. Solid line is the fit using Eq. 3 and assuming parallel orientation of mandHext. Fig. 5(a) shows the comparison between the lateral field profile of the tip simulated according to Eq. 3, and the actual data points taken fro m the left panel of Fig. 4. Good agreement between the observed and expected behavior suggests that, indeed, 4our probe tip can be approximated as a dipole, and its magnetization is aligned along the direction of Hext. In case of any significant misalignment the tip field profile would chang e substantially, as shown in Fig. 5(a). For both simulations shown in Fig. 4 and 5, we had to offset the probe-sample separation by 1.42 +-0.03um (zis the only free parameter in the fit) which suggests that due to the short range probe-sample inte raction the cantilever snaps to the sample at distances smaller than 1.42 um [20, 21]. The presence of an offset may indicate the reduced magnetic moment of the tip. However, our can tilever of the tip moment agree well with the expected value , as mentioned earlier in the paper. Moreover, in Fig. 5(b) we show the calculated spatial fi eld profile of 2 um, 2.2um and 2.4 um diameter tips. The fit for the 2.4 um diameter tip provides the best agreement with the data points. Another argument in support of o ur tip model pertains to the magnitude of the MRFM force exerted on a cantilever in a part icular sensitive slice. In Fig. 3 we take the measured MRFM force at Hext= 3.038 kOe and compare it to our estimates. The calculations yield the force value of 6.9x10-13N in good agreement with the measured value of 5.7 x10-13N. Thus, dipolar approximation and our assumptions for the tip moment were adequate for the present experiment. Impor tantly, the same technique could be applied to map field profile from a more irregular tip. In summary, we have studied the evolution of locally excited electron -spin resonance in a DPPH film. By tracking the position of the leading edge in MRFM spectr a for different hight and direction of the approach to the sample, we have determin ed the spatial field profile of the cantilever tip. Measuring the MRFM signal onset over t he large range of positions with adequate sensitivity allows to deconvolve the spatial fi eld profile produced by arbitrarily shaped magnetic tips used in the magnetic resonance for ce microscopy. This work was supported by the USDepartment of Energy andwas p erformed, inpart, at Ohio State University was supported by the US Depar tment of Energy through grant D. Rugar, R. Budakian, H. J. Mamin, and W. Chui, Nature 430, 329 (2004) [2] H.J. Mamin, M. Poggio, C. L. Degen, D. Rugar, Nature Nanot ech.2, 301 (2007) [3] E. Nazaretski, D. V. Pelekhov, I. Martin, M. Zalalutdino v, J. W. Baldwin, T. Mewes, B. Houston, P. C. Hammel, and R. Movshovich, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90234105 (2007) [4] T. Mewes, J. Kim, D. V. Pelekhov, G. N. Kakazei, P. E. Wigen , S. Batra, and P. C. Hammel, Phys. Rev. B 74, 144424 (2006) [5] S. Chao, W. M. Dougherty, J. L. Garbini and J. A. Sidles, Re v. Sci. Inst. 75, 1175 (2004) [6] K. Wago, D. Botkin, C. S. Yannoni, and D. Rugar, Appl. Phys . Lett.72, 2757 (1998) [7] K. J. Bruland, W. M. Dougherty, J. L. Garbini, J. A. Sidles , and S. H. Chao, Appl. Phys. Lett.73, 3159 (1998) [8] P. C. Hammel, D. V. Pelekhov, P. E. Wigen, T. R. Gosnell, M. M. Mizdor, and M. 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The upper and lower set of curves correspond t oz= 2.35um andz
= 0.53um respectively. Circles represent the approach of the sample from side '1', squares from side '2' and triangles form side '3' of the sample as shown in Fig. 1. Right panel: the z-component of the tip field as a function of the probe-sample separ ation (left Y-axis) and the corresponding field gradient (right Y-axis). Solid curve is the fit to Eq. 3. FIG.5 (a) Lateral field profile of the tip for approaches of sides '1' a nd '3' of the sample, as shown in Fig. 1. Data points are taken from the left panel in Fig. 4. '0' on the to the edge of the film. Upper and lower data points co rrespond to z= 0.53 um andz= 2.35um respectively. Solid curve is fitted to the data using Eq. 3. Dotted a nd dashed lines show the expected field profile of the tip where th=ph= 20*andth= -20*,ph
= 20*respectively. (b) expected field profile for the tip with r0=1.2um, z-offset=1.4 um (solid line), r0=1.1um, z-offset=1.12 um (dotted line) and r0=1.0um, z-offset=0.85 um (dashed line). 8FIG. 1: 9FIG. 2: -2060 2.9 3.1 3.1 3: 0 1 2 m] 2 3 4 m] -2 -1 0 1 2 m] /c109-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3(a) (b) FIG. 5: 11 | 0805.0243 | Evgueni Nazaretski | E. Nazaretski, E. A. Akhadov, I. Martin, D. V. Pelekhov, P. C. Hammel,
and R. Movshovich | Spatial characterization of the magnetic field profile of a probe tip
used in magnetic resonance force microscopy | 10 pages, 5 figures | Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 214104 (2008) | 10.1063/1.2937401 | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.other | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We have developed the experimental approach to characterize spatial
distribution of the magnetic field produced by cantilever tips used in magnetic
resonance force microscopy (MRFM). We performed MRFM measurements on a well
characterized diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) film and mapped the 3D field
profile produced by a Nd2Fe14B probe tip. Using our technique field profiles of
arbitrarily shaped probe magnets can be imaged.
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2 ergodicity. Using the final value theorem and Eq. (7) = lim z-0z~R(z) = formost ofthe diffusive regimes, 0< a <2, the equilibrium condition, Eq. (11), holds. However, for ballistic diffusion, a= 2, it is not = 0. (13) This means that ballistic diffusion violates ergodicity and the fluctuation dissipation theorem [13]. In other words, if the ballistic system is not initially it will never reach equilibrium and the final re- sult of any measurement will depend on the initial con- ditions. In this situation the EH will not be valid. Fora >2, no memory of the initial condition is lost (R(t- ) = 1)and theprocessisnot diffusive, being an activated process for which the GLE does not work [13]. The results of this letter apply to all kinds of diffusion, 0< a <2, described by a GLE independent of the mem- ory range. This gives origin to new studies in [20, 23, 24]. For any initial distribution of values P(0), 0, it is possible to obtain the of the moments of (14) Again, after an infinite time, we expect that 0. However, for ballistic diffusion, this is not the case, as can be seen from Eq. (13). The here is the existence of a residual current such as in superfluids. 3. Nonexponential behavior. - From the above results, it is quite clear that the correlation for ballistic diffusion will not decay exponentially to equilibrium. Besides the ballistic case, any anomalous regime will present nonex- ponential decay. Even for normal diffusion, a large num- ber of relaxations may be nonexponential [18]. There are a large number of phenomena where the systems do not relax immediately to equilibrium. Those phe- nomena, usually associated with non-aging, have nonex- ponential relaxation and are most commonly described by power laws or stretched exponentials. The study of anomalous relaxation has produced quite interesting re- sults [27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34]. For a system described by a GLE of the form Eq. (1), the evolution relies on the noise that drives the particles. For a harmonic noise [18] F(t) the kBis the and phis a set of random phases in the range0<=ph<=2p. A systematic study carried on by Vainstein et al.[25] hasshownthat the spectraldensity role in the description of stochastic processes as we shall see. First, the memory function P( t) can be easily obtained by the use of the FDT, Eq. (2), as P(t) (16) in such a way that the average cancels the random terms and obviously the memory is a deterministic even func- tion. The Laplace transform of the memory ~P(z) is an odd function in z; therefore, ~R(z) given in Eq. (7) is also an odd function in z. This implies that by inverting the Laplace transform, R(t) is an even function of t R(-t) =R(t). (17) Second, the condition given by Eq. (8) to determine the exponent a, Eq (9), for a spectral density of the b < 1; 1, b>=1.(19) This shows that a noise spectral density in the form of a power law can produce only diffusive motion in the region 0 <=a<=2. Diffusive motion beyond ballistic is not allowed, what can be observed by using the study relaxation we need to know R(t), which can be calculated analytically in restricted cases, being ob- tained numerically most of the times. A recent functions are particular cases of a more general function [25] which approximatesthe decay. Indeed, con- sidering time reversal symmetry [16] and the discussion above (see Eq. (17)), the correlation function must be even and cannot be any of those forms. We shall expose here the conditions under which it is possible to obtain an approximately exponential decay, what happens in certain circumstances for normal diffusion. In this case, g= lim z-0~P(z) =p 2r(0). the friction in the nothing more than the noise spectral density for the lower modes. For an arbitrary memory, the system has a rich behavior; even for normal diffusion it is possible to show the existence of at least three time ranges [25]. A normal diffusion can be obtained using a spectral density of the form [18] r(o) =
2g p, o < o s; 0, o > o s.(21)3 For a broad band noise spectral density, g/os<1, and longtimes t > an exponential decay of the form R(t) = exp( -gt), which will bring the system to equilibrium, that is, R(t- )-0. Most of the experimental situations where is present arise in complex, nonlinear or far from equilibrium structures in which detailed balance does not hold. Good examples can be found in super- cooled liquids [27] and in glasses [28, 29]. Those apparently do not have any easy analytical so- lution. On the another hand, diffusion can present closed solution for the main expectation values, and arises as a simple laboratory for the discussion of those properties. 4. Nonlinear dynamics I: Chain Dynamics - As men- tioned before [26], chain dynamics is a quite where the application of those ideas may lead to important results. There is a particular problem that has attracted our attention: the breaking process of a chain of Nmonomers of mass Msubject to a strain S. The equation of motion for monomer j,j= 1,2,..N, is [35, the (23) are derived from the interparticle potential U. In this situation, it is simpler to treat the random force F(t) as delta correlated, i.e., P( t) = 2gd(t). We then define an effective potential and consider the system as a one body Kramers problem. However, simulations show that the breaking rate is around a hundred times smaller than the usual Kramers rate [5]. Several approaches were used in order to overcome the problem; one of them was to con- sider that the collective motion of the chain generates a harmonicnoise, which Those were to be added to Eq. (22) in order to consider a non-Markovian analysis [37]. This improves the results, but does not solve the problem. This is an important issue, because the simulation really describes a very important experiment. Polymers used as an ad- ditive in a turbulent flow have breaking rates which are up to 10-6smaller than those computed using the simple Kramers theory; the simulation [38], on the other hand, is in perfect agreement with the experiments. 5. Nonlinear dynamics II: Synchronization - plus noise is an explosive mixture with a large number of unexpected results. The study of the evolu- tion of maps subject to a common noise shows of synchronization [39, 40]. Besides that, the study of Langevin trajectories shows very nice patterns both for systems without memory [41] and with mem- ory [42]. Synchronization of many different phenomena arises continuously in the literature [43].6. Final remarks. - Diffusion, one of the simplest phe- nomena in physics, is a starting point for the study of simple and complex fluids. Many theorems in and even proper applications of its formalism, such as a simple linear response theory, rely on the ergodic hypothesis and its validation. Again, diffusion shows up as a simple way to address the problem. In this work we have discussed various regimes of anoma- lous diffusion, which are ergodic in the range of expo- nents 0< a <2, where adefines the asymptotic be- havior of the diffusion, Eq. (3). For a= 2, we have the special ballistic case, for which ergodicity is not valid, as we have seen. In recent years, molecular motors have been receiving a lot of attention [20, 23] because of their large potential for pure and applied science. In this sub- ject, a discussion such as the one presented in this paper may be very useful. Moreover, there are many situations that present violation of the EH, particularly in glassy systems [28, 29], and others were the EH holds. For example, dynamical simulations and equilibrium statisti- cal mechanics were recently used to treat glass [34]. The agreement found between the two approaches is a strong indication of the validity of the EH. 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Statistical Physics, Zakopane, Poland, September 22-27, 2007 | Acta Physica Polonica B 39 (5), 1001-1009 (2008) | null | null | cond-mat.stat-mech | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Recent investigations call attention to the dynamics of anomalous diffusion
and its connection with basic principles of statistical mechanics. We present
here a short review of those ideas and their implications.
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"Mendeli H.",
"Luciano C.",
"Fernando A.",
] |
2 0 2 4 6 8 x 1027-1-0.500.51x 10-7 R, cmAceleration, cm s-1 E = 0.8E =1E =1.2 FIG. 2: The acceleration of particles on the surface of an sphere of the radius Rfor three value of the parameter E. The matter density is equal to 10-29gcm-3. case of static matter). The reason of the fact is that at a sufficiently large distance Rfrom the observer radius of the matter inside of the sphere of the radius Rbecome of the same order as its at R~2rgthe gravitational force begin to decrease. The ratio R/rg- tends to zero when R tends to infinity, and under the circumstances the gravi- tational force in the theory under consideration tends to zero. The above ball can be consedered as a part of the Universe because like the case of a matter layer does not create inside itself [3]. Furthermore, to calculate the velocity of a particle at the distance Rfrom the observer there is no necessity to demand a global spherical symmetry of matter outside of the sphere due to the above second properties of the gravitational force, because the ofverydistant matter is neglected small. Therefore a relative velocity of par- ticles at the distance Rfrom the observer is determined by gravitational field of the matter inside of the sphere of the radius R. Proceeding from this equation we will find following mainly the method being used in [5]. Letn0. be a local frequency in the properreference frame of a moving light source at the distance Rfrom an ob- server,nlbe this frequency in a local inertial frame, and nbe the frequency as measured by the observer in the sphere centre. The redshift z= (n0-n)/nis caused by both Doppler effect and gravitational field. The Doppler effect is a consequence of a difference between the and it is given by (5) The gravitational redshift is caused by the matter in- side of the sphere of the radius R. It is a consequence of the energy conservation for photon. According to equa- tions of the motion of a test particle [3] the rest energy of a particle in gravitation field is given by E=mc2 C. (6)Therefore, the difference in two local level E1andE2of an atom energy in the field is E= (E2-E1) C, so that the local frequency n0at the distance Rfrom an observer are related with the observed frequency (7) where we take into account that for the observer location C= 1. It follows from (7) and (5) that the relation- ship between frequency nas measured by the observer and the proper frequency n0of the moving source in field takes the (8) yields the quantity zas a function of R. By solving this equation numerically we obtain the de- pendence R=R(z) of the measured distance Ras a function of the redshift. Therefore the distance modulus [7] to a star object is given by u= (9) whereR(1 +z) is a bolometric distance (in pc) to the object. If (4) is a correct equation for the radial of distant star objects in the expansive Uni- verse, it must to lead to the Hubble law at small dis- tances R. Under this condition the Schwarzschild radius rg= (8/3)pGrR3of the matter inside of the sphere is very small compared with R. For this reason fr, and C= 1-rg/r. Therefore, at E= 1, we obtain from (4) that v=HR, 1 equation (4) does not lead to the Hubble law, sincevdoes not tend to zero when R-0. For this reason we set E= 1 and look for the value of the density at which a good accordance with observation data can be obtained. The fig. (3) show the Hubble diagrambased on eq. (9) compared with observations data [1]. It follows from this figure that the model under consideration are in a good accordance with observation data. For the value of the density r= from (11) that H= 1.59*10-18c-1= 49kmc-1Mpc. (12) Fig. 4 shows the dependence of the radial velocity v on the redshift. It follows from this figure that at z >1 the Universe expands with an acceleration. At R- the velocity and acceleration tend to 3: The distance modulus uvs. the redshift zfor the densityr= 4.5*10-30gcm-3. Small squares denote the ob- servation data according to Riess et al. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2024681012x 109 ZV [cm s-1] FIG. 4: The radial velocity vs. redshift zfor the density r= A. Riess et al., ApJ 607, 665 (2004) [2] S. Weinberg, E-print astro-ph/0005265 (2000) [3] L..Verozub, Ann. Phys. (Berlin), 17, 28 (2008) [4] L. Verozub & A. Kochetov, Grav. and Cosm., 6, 246 (2000) [5] Ia. Zel'dovich, & I. Novikov, Relativistic Astrophysics, v. 2: The Structure and Evolution of the Universe (Univer-sity of Chicago Press, 1971) [6] L. Landau & E. Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Field (Addison - Wesley, Massachusetts, 1971) [7] S. Weinberg, S. 1972, Gravitation and Cosmology , (J. Wi- ley & Son Inc., 1972)) | 0805.0313 | Leonid Verozub V | Leonid V. Verozub | On accelerated Universe expansion | 3 pages, 4 figure | null | null | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | It is shown that observed peculiarities of the Universe expansion are an
inevitable consequence of the gravitational force properties following from
gauge-invariant gravitation equations considered in detail in an author's paper
in Annalen der Physik, v.17, 28 (2008).
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 2 May 2008 20:52:07 GMT"
] | 2008-05-06T00:00:00 | [
"Leonid V.",
] |
interaction. Recently Das et al.[11] have calculated the EOS of dense supernova matter within the finite temperature Brueckner Goldstone approach with effect ive two-body Sussex interaction. The present work is based on the previous work of Prakash et al.[2]. More specifically, matter, interaction model (MDIM), which is able to reproduce the r esults of more of dense matter at zero temperature and which can be extended to finite temperature [2, 39, 40]. The aim of this work is to apply a interaction mo del for the study of hot nuclear matter EOS under b-equilibrium. The present model has the additional to the previous ones, that the temperature affects no t only the kinetic part of the en- ergy density, but also influences the interaction part of the energ y density as well. In that way, we are able to study simultaneously thermal effects not only on the k inetic part of the symmetry energy and symmetry free energy, but also on the interaction par t of the above quantities. This is important in the sense that the density dependent behavior of th e symmetry energy and sym- metry free energy influence strongly the values of the proton fra ction and as a consequence the composition of hot b-stable nuclear matter, under energy(and sensitively on the momentum dependence of the nuclear inte raction. We concentrate our study on the properties of hot nuclear matter in the density range n0< n <6n0(wheren0= 0.16 fm-3is the saturation density) and temperature range 0 < T <30 MeV, taking into account from the conditions of charge neutrality and equilibrium u nderb-decay process in the absence of neutrino trapping. The article is organized as follows. In Sec. II the model and relative f ormulas are discussed and analyzed. Results are reported and discussed in Sec. III, whe reas the summary of the work is given in Sec. IV. 2 The model We start by outlining the momentum dependent interaction model, th en we define the thermo- dynamic quantities of nuclear matter and finally we analyze the b-equilibrium conditions, the contribution on pressure and energy of leptons and the total equ ation of state of nuclear matter. 2.1 Momentum dependent interaction model The schematic potential model, employed here, is designed to repro duce the results of the mi- croscopic calculations of both nuclear and neutron-rich matter at zero temperature and can be extended to finite temperature [2]. The energy density of the asym metric nuclear matter (ANM) is given by the (1) wherenn(np) is the neutron (proton) density and the total baryon density is n=nn+np. of the kinetic parts = (2) whereft, (fort=n,p) is the Fermi-Dirac distribution function with the form ft(nt,k,T) (3) 2The nucleon density ntis evaluated from the following integral nt= = Eq. (3), et(nt,k,T) is the single particle energy (SPE) and ut(nt,T) stands for the of each species. The SPE has the form et(nt,k,T) (5) where the single particle potential Ut(nt,k,T) is obtained by the functional derivative of the interaction part of the energy density with respect to the distribu tion function ft. Including the effect of finite-range forces between nucleons, to avoid acausal behavior at high densities, the potential contribution is parameterized as follows (6) where Jt= (7) In Eq. (6), Iis the asymmetry parameter ( I= (nn-np)/n) andu=n/n0, equilibrium symmetric nuclear matter density, n0= 0.16 fm-3. The asymmetry parameter I is related to the proton fraction Ypby the equation I= (1-2Yp). The parameters which appear in the description of symmetric nuclear matter, are d etermined in MeV, n0= 0.16 fm-3, and the to be K= 240 MeV. The additional parameters x0,x3,Z1, andZ2, which are used to determine the properties of asymmetric nuclear matter, are treated as parameters const rained by empirical knowledge [2]. The used in the present model have only a modes t microscopic they have the merit of being able to closely approximat e more physically as presented in Fig. 1. More precisely, in Fig. 1 we compar e the energy per baryon (for symmetric nuclear matter (Fig. 1a) and pure neutron matter (Fig. 1b)) calculated by the present schematic model (MDIM), with those of existent, state o f the art calculations by Wiringa et al. [41] and Pandharipande et al. [42]. The first two terms of the right-hand side of Eq. (6) arise from loca l contact nuclear lead to power density contributions as in the standard Skyrme equation of state. The first one concerns attractive interaction while the second one is re pulsive, and both are assumed to be temperature independent. The third term describes the effe cts of finite range g(k,Li), interaction is attractive and important at low momentum, but it w eakens and disappears at very high momentum. The function g(k,Li), suitably chosen to simulate finite range effects, has the following form [2] g(k,L) (8) where the finite range parameters are L 1= 1.5k0 Fand L 2= 3k0 Fandk0 Fis the Fermi momentum at the saturation point n0. 3The main origin of the momentum dependence in Brueckner theory is t he nonlocality of the exchange interaction. Following the discussion of Bertsch et al. [43] a single-particle potential U(n) which depends only on the baryon density is oversimplified. What is mo re, it is well known that nuclear interaction has strong exchange effects which give ris e to a momentum dependence in the single-particle potential and as a consequence has an effect o n the energy density func- tional. The question here is how best to parameterize the momentum dependence in modelling the potential U(n,k). A promising approach might be to adopt the relativistic mean field mo del, whereU(n,k) The above potential exhibits a strong momentum dependence for small kwhich diminishes to zero at high momentum. In order to perform exte nsive studies in heavy ion collision studies, Gale et al. [44] have proposed the following p arametrization for the momentum part of the has a proper fall-off at high kand Galilean invariance is assured by measuring kwith respect to the average of the particles in the neighborhood, For static nuclear matter we 0. The present model, which is a generalization of that proposed by Gale et al. [44], has applied in heavy ion collisions and astrophysical studies o ver the years [2, 3, 4, 27, 28, 33, 45, 46]. In order to clarify the relative contribution of the three terms of t he potential energy above, we plot them as a function of the baryon density in Fig. 2a. In this figure we have above, the first term VAcorresponds to anattractive interaction, whereas to repulsive interaction and dominates for high values ofn(n >0.6 fm-3). Both of these terms are temperature independent. The third ter mVC(is plotted for T= 0) contains the momentum dependent part of the interaction, corre sponds to attractive interaction, and its main contribution is to compete with the repulsive interaction o fVBfor high values of n and as a consequence avoid acausal behavior of the EOS at high den sities. The term VCconsists of two finite range terms, one corresponding to a long-rangeattrac tion and the other to a effects on the momentum dependent term VCare displayed in Fig. 2b. The contri- bution of VCis plotted for various values of T. It is therefore concluded that thermal effects are more pronounced for high values of T(T >10 MeV), leading to a less attractive precisely, we find that for small values of n(i.e.n= 0.15 fm-3)VCincreases (compared to the cold case T= 0) 3% -20% forT= 10-30. For higher values of nthe increase is even less. An additional test for the present model is to compare the single pa rticle potential t obtainedfrom the functional derivative of the interaction part of the energy de nsity (Eq. (6)) with respect to function ft, has the general form [40] Ut(n,I,k,T) (10) It is of interest to see that the single particle potentials are separa ted into two parts. The +UB t(n,I) is a function only of the baryon density nand the isospin I. The second one, dependence on Tandk. is mainly responsible for the trend of the effective mass and also the effective mass splitting. Additionally, it is connected with the effect of the temperat ure on the interacting part of the energy density [40]. The single-particle potential in symmetric nuclear matter has been c alculated several Hamiltonians by Wiringa [47]. These Hamiltonians include nuc leon-nucleon potentials fit to scattering data and three nucleon potentials fit to binding ene rgies of few-body nuclei and saturation properties of nuclear matter. The potential was para meterized using the ansatz U(n,k) (11) where the density dependent parameters a(n),b(n) and L(n), for three types Hamiltonians, are listed in Table I of Ref. the single-particle potential has been derived by Li et al. [48]. The derivation is based upon the Bonn meson-exchange model for the nucleon-nuc leon interaction and the Dirac- Brueckner approach for nuclear matter. The potential, named DB HF, has been parameterized (12) The parameters a,b,g,d,oandsare listed in Table I of Ref. [48]. A comparison with the results of UV14+TNI, UV14+UVII, AV14+UVI I and DBHF interac- tions show that (see Fig. 3) U(n,k) (forT= 0) obtained from the present model is very reasonable for at least up to the value k= 3 fm-1. The agreement is not so good for high values of k, es- pecially compared with the DBHF interaction, but as has been pointed out by Li et al. [48], in Eq. 12 is bad for large ksince it continues to grow with increasing k, while the exact potential becomes independent of kfor large momenta. In conclusion, the present results show that the momentum dependent interaction model, which has be en applied in the present work, provides a reliable representation of U(n,k) for a wide range of density and momentum. The energy density of asymmetric nuclear matter at density nand temperature T, in a is expressed as o(n,T,I) =o(n,T,I= 0)+osym(n,T,I), (14) In Eq. (14) the nuclear symmetry energy Etot sym(n,T) is separated in two parts corresponding to the kinetic contribution Ekin sym(n,T) and the interaction one Eqs. (13) and (14) and setting I= 1, we find that the nuclear symmetry is given by Etot sym(n,T) =1 n(o(n,T,I= 1)-o(n,T,I= 0)). (15) Thus, from Eq. (15) and by a suitable choice of the parameters x0,x3,Z1andZ2, we can obtain various forms for the density dependence of the symmetry energ is well known that the need to explore different forms for Etot sym(n,T) stems from the athighdensity [2]. The high-density behavior ofsymmet ry energyis theleast known property of dense matter [49, 50, 51], with different nuclear models giving contradictory predic- tions. Thus, in relativistic mean field (RMF) models, the symmetry ene rgy increases strongly with the density of nuclear matter [52], while in many realistic potential models of nuclear matter in the variational approach [7, 53], the symmetry energy saturate s and then bends over at the density dependence of the symmetry energy in the e quation of state of nuclear matter has been studied using isoscaling of the f ragment yields and the molecular dynamic calculation [54]. It was observed tha t the experimental data at low densities are consistent with the form of symmetry energy, in close agreement with those predicted by the results of variational many -body calculations. In Ref. [54] it was suggested also that the heavy ion studies favor a dependenc e of the form 0.6-1.05. This constrains the form of the density dependence of the sym metry energy at higher densities, ruling out an extremely stiff and soft depen dence Chen et al. [55] also showed, using the isospin dependent transport model calculations, that a stiff density depen dence of the symmetry as, well the isospin diffusion data [56] from NSCL- MSU (National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University). In this paper, since we are interested mainly in the study of thermal effects on the nuclear symmetry energy, we choose a specific form for it, enabling us to re produce accurately the results of many other theoretical studies [57, 58]. InRef. [57] theauthor s carried out a systematic analysis of the nuclear symmetry energy in the formalism of the relativistic Dir using the Bonn potential. In a ve ry recent work [58], the authors applied a similar method as in Ref. [57] for the microscopic predictions o f the equation of state Inthatcase =Cugwithg= 0.7-1.0 andC32 MeV. The authors conclude that a value of gclose to 0.8 gives a reasonable description of their predictions, although the u se of different functions in different density regions may be best for an optimal fit [58]. The res ults of Refs. [57, 58] are well reproduced by parameterizing the nuclear symmetry energy acco rding to the 0) = 13 (16) For the function F(u), which parametrizes the interaction part of the symmetry energ y, we apply the following form F(u) =u. (17) The parameters x0,x3,Z1andZ2are chosen so that Eq. (15), for T= 0, reproduces the results of Eq. (16) for the function F(u) =u. In one of our previous paper [59], the potential part of the symme try energy has been parame- terized in the generalized form, F(u) =uc, and the obtained nuclear equations of state are applied to the systematic study of the global properties of a neutron sta r (masses, radii and composition). We obtained a linear relation between the parameter cand the radius and the maximum mass of the neutron star [59]. Additionally, we found that a linear relation bet ween the radius and the derivative of the symmetry energy near the saturation density n0holds [59]. It is worthwhile to point out that the above parametrization of the in teracting part of the nuclear symmetry energy is used extensively for the study of neut ron star properties [2, 60], aswell as for the study of the collisions of neutron-rich heavy ions at inter mediate energies [61, 62]. For a very recent review of the applications of the proposed momentum d ependent effective and its specific , see Ref. [4] (and refere nces therein). 62.2 Thermodynamic description of hot nuclear matter In order to study the properties of nuclear matter at finite tempe rature, we need to introduce the Helmholtz free energy F. The differential of the total free energy Ftot(the total free energy of baryons contained in volume V) and total internal energy Etot(the total internal energy of baryons contained in volume V) are given by [63, (19) whereStotis the total entropy of the baryons, while uiandNiare the chemical potential and the number of particles of each species respectively. It is easy to prove that the free energy per particle Fis written as [63, 64] F(n,T,I) (20) In Eq. (20), Eis the internal energy per particle, E=o/n, andSis the entropy per particle, S=s/n. From Eq. (20) is also concluded that for T= 0, the free energy Fand the entropy density shas the same functional form as that of a non interacting gas syst em, given by the (21) The total internal energy Etotis useful for studying isentropic processes. In that description o f a thermodynamic system, the pressure and the chemical potential are defined as follows [63, u we are going to study the properties and the EOS of nuclear mat ter by considering an isothermal process. In that, the pressure and the chemical p otential are connected with the derivative of the total free energy Ftot. More specifically, they are defined as u the free energy density. The pressure Pcan be calculated also from equations [63, (24) It is also possible to calculate the entropy per particle S(n,T) by differentiating the free respect to the (25) The comparison of the two entropies, that is from Eqs. (21) and (2 5), provides a test of used in the present work. 7It is easy to show by applying Eq. (23) that (see for a proof [60] as w ell as (26) We can define the symmetry free energy per particle Fsym(n,T) by the following parabolic ap- proximation (see also [32, 33]) F(n,T,I) =F(n,T,I= 0)+I2Fsym(n,T) =F(n,T,I= 0)+(1 =F(n,T,I= 1)-F(n,T,I= 0). (28) It is worthwhile to notice that the above approximation is not valid fro m the beginning, but one needs to check the validity of the parabolic law in the present model b efore using it. As we see later, that law is well satisfied as well as the parabolic law holding for th e energy. Now, by applying Eq. (27) in Eq. (26), we obtain the key (29) The above equation is similar to that obtained for cold nuclear matter by replacing Esym(n) leptons contribution and equation of state Stable high density nuclear matter must be in chemical equilibrium for a ll types of the weak interactions, while bdecay and electron capture take place -ne, p +e---n+ne. state. Here, we assume that neutrinos generated in those rea ctions have left the system. The absence of has a dramatic effect on the equatio n of state and mainly induces a significant change on the values of the proton fraction Yp[9, 10]. The absence of neutrinos (31) When the energy of electrons is large enough (i.e. greater than the muon mass), it is energet- ically favorable for the electrons to convert to muons e---u-+ -nu+ne. (32) Denoting the muon chemical potential by uu, the chemical equilibrium established by the above process and its inverse is given by ue=uu. Taking into account that the threshold for muons occurs for uu=muc2105.7 MeV, one may expect muons to appear roughly at nuclear density n= 0.16 fm-3. 8Thus, in total, we consider that nuclear matter contains neutrons , protons, electrons, and muons. They are in a b-equilibrium, where the following relations hold un=up+ue, u e=uu. they obey the charge neutrality condition i.e. np=ne+nu. (34) The leptons (electrons and muons) density is given by the expressio (35) Onecansolve Eqs. the lepton fractions YeandYu, as well as the electron chemical potential ueas a function of the baryon density n, for various values of the temperature T. The next step is to calculate the energy and pressure of leptons giv en by the following (36) Pl(nl,T) (37) The chemical potentials of electrons and muons are equal and acco rding to Eqs. (29) and (33) are ue=uu=up-un= = (38) The equation of state of hot nuclear matter in b-equilibrium (considering that it consists of neutrons, protons, electrons and muons) can be obtained by calc ulating the total energy density ototas well as the total pressure Ptot. The total energy density is given by otot(n,T,I) andol(n,T,I) are the contributions of baryons and leptons respectively. The total pressure is Ptot(n,T,I) is the contribution of the baryons (see Eq. (24)) i.e. Pb(n,T,I) is the contribution of the leptons (see Eq. (37)). From Eqs. (39) and (40) we can construct the isothermal curves for energy and pressure and fi nally derive the isothermal behavior of the equation of state of hot nuclear matter under Results and Discussion The schematic potential model, which has been applied in the present work, has been designed to reproduce the results of the more microscopic calculations of bo th nuclear and up to high values of baryon density (see Fig. 1). The behavio r of the high density EOS is of great significance to the determination of hot protoneutron s tars and cold neutron stars structure. The model has the additional advantage that with the appropriate parametrization, is able to reproduce different forms of the density dependence of th e nuclear symmetry energy. In view of the above discussion we calculate the equation of state of hot asymmetric nuclear matter by applying a momentum dependent effective interaction mod el describing the We consider that nuclear matter contains neutrons, protons, electrons and and charge neutrality. The key quantities in our calculatio ns are the also the asymmetry free energy defined in Eq. (28). In order to check the validity of the parabolic approximation (27), w e plot in Fig. 4 the difference F(n,T,I= 1)-F(n,T,I= 0) as a function of (1 -2Yp)2at temperature T= 10 andT= 30 MeV for three baryon densities, i.e., n= 0.2 fm-3,n= 0.3 fm-3, andn= 0.4 fm-3. It is seen that in a good approximation an almost linear relation holds b 0) and (1 -2Yp)2. A similar behavior of Fsym(n,T) is found by Xu et an isospin and momentum dependent interaction model. It is worth to present the calculation recipe of our work. The outline of our approach is the following: For a fixed baryon density n, temperature T, and asymmetry parameter I, Eq. (4) may be solved iteratively in order to calculate the (43) Knowledge of et(n,T) allows the evaluation of ~Ut(nt,T), which then may be employed to infer the chemical potential from ut(nt,T) (44) required as an input for the calculation of the Fermi-Dirac distributio n function ft(nt,k,T). The knowledge of ft(nt,k,T) permits the calculation of the bulk quantities of asymmetric for various values of the temperature T, was derived with a least-squares fit to the numerical values according to Eq. (28) and has the form Fsym(u;T= 0) = 13 5) = 3 10) = 5 20) = 13 30) = 21 (45) where the case with T= 0, is included as well. In that case Fsymcoincides with Esym. In Fig. 5 we present the behavior of the free energy, correspond ing to hot b-stable nuclear matter, as a function of the baryon density n, for various values of the temperature T. It is obvious that the thermal effects are more pronounced for low valu es of the density n. 10In Fig. 6 we plot the calculated free energy for symmetric nuclear ma tter and pure neutron matter of the proposed momentum dependent interaction model in comparison with the values of the free energy calculated by Friedman and Pandharipande (FP m odel) [7]. In the FP model the equation of state of hot and cold nuclear and neutron matter h as been calculated in the framework of a variational calculation, where a realistic nuclear inte raction containing two- body nucleon-nucleon interaction has been used. I n the case of symmetric nuclear matter the results of the two models are very similar up to values n= 0.4-0.5 fm-3depending on the values of T. The above agreement is expected, in the sense that a part of the parameters of the model applied in the present work are determined from constra ints provided by the of symmetric nuclear matter at the equilibrium density n0= 0.16 fm-3. However, there is an obvious disagreement in the case of pure nucle ar matter, where in the two models the free energy exhibits a different trend, especially for higher values of n. The will be explained below. In Fig. 7 we display the internal energy per particle E(n,T) =o(n,T)/ngiven by Eq. (1) for various values of temperature. Thermal effects, as expected, a re more pronounced for low values of the baryon density nand less important for high values of n. In Fig. 8 we display the internal energy of symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter, forT= 0, calculated by the MDIM and FP models. In accordance with the ca se of the free energy, there is a very good agreement in symmetric nuclear matte r, but an obvious disagreement is exhibited in pure neutron matter. The explanation of the agreeme nt in the first case is the same as in the case of the free energy. The disagreement is due to the co mpletely different behavior of the two models of the nuclear symmetry energy, presented in Fig. 9 . In our model the so that Eq. (15), for T= 0, reproduce the results of Eq. (16) for the function F(u) =u. Consequently, Esym(n) shows an increasing trend shown in Fig. 9. In contrast, in the FP model, Esym(n) is a slightly increasing function of nfor lownand then a of nforn >0.5 fm-3. In addition, we plot the nuclear symmetry energy extracted from e xperimental results and pre- sented in Ref. [54], where Esym(u) is parameterized according to the relation well as experimental results extracted from Ref. [55], where Esym(u) is given by The important point to be noted is that both cases clearly favor a s tiff density de- pendence of the symmetry energy at higher densities, ruling out th e very stiff and very These results can thus be employed to constrain the f orm of the density dependence of the symmetry energy at supranormal densities relevant for ne utron star studies [54]. In the same figure the theoretical predictions of Ref. [58] are presente d, where Esym(u) is results of Ref. [54] are in a good agrement with the present mo del up to n= 0.3 fm-3 while the theoretical predictions of Ref. [58] are very close to the p resent model up to very high values of the baryon density n. However, our motivation, here, is not to perform a systematic com parison of various models, but we would like just to present the similarities and the deviations exis ting between the models. The deviations, concerning the symmetry energy behavior of the t wo models (MDIM and FP model) are well reflected on the behavior of the free energy and int ernal energy of pure neutron matter as shown in Figs. 6 and 8. In Fig. 10 we plot the thermal energy per =E(n,T)-E(n,T= 0), ofb-stable matter as a function of the baryon density nfor various values of temperature T. The most striking feature of Ethermal(n,T) is that for small values of T, the thermal contribution to 11the internal energy is almost independent of the density n. For high values of Tthe situation is different and Ethermal(n,T), for fixed values of T, is a decreasing function of the density find that for small values of the baryon density (i.e. n= 0.2 fm-3) the contribution, to Ethermal(n,T) of the potential energy is 20% -10% for T= 5-30 MeV. For medium values of n(i.e.n= 0.4 fm-3) is 43% -20% forT= 5-30 MeV and for higher values (i.e.n= 0.6 fm-3) is70%-30%forT= 5-30MeV. Hence, it is concluded that the potential part ofthe energy (asa result of themomentum dependence of theinte raction) contributes significantly to the thermal energy, mainly for small values of T(for fixed values of n) and for large values of n(for fixed values of T). At this point, it is worthwhile to compare the results for the pressur e obtained by applying Eqs. (24) and (23). Thus, in Fig. 11 we plot Pof asymmetric nuclear matter for Yp= 0.1 and 0.3 atT= 10 and 30 MeV. The full lines give the results calculated from Eq. (24 ), while the squares give results obtained by differentiating F(n,T) (Eq. (23)). The two calculations for the pressure are in excellent agreement. This agreement provides a test of the c alculations performed in the present model. It is of interest also to study the effect of the temperature on the baryon pressure defined by equation (24). A related quantity is the thermal pressure Pthermal(n,T) defined =P(n,T)-P(n,T= as a function of n, for various values of Tis seen in Fig. 12. Pthermal(n,T), in all of the cases, is an increasing function of the baryon density. The proton fraction affects the reaction rate of neutrino proces s inside that star. If a neutron star has a large proton fraction, the cooling rate may drastically ch ange through the high due to the direct Urca process. This process can occur if the proton fraction in the matter of a cold neutron star exceeds the critical value of 0 .11-0.15 and would lead to the rapid cooling of the neutron star. Thus, it is important to calculate the pr oton fraction as a function of the baryon density and investigate the temperature effects on th at. Fig. 13 displays the fractions of protons, electrons and muons as f unctions of the density, for various values of T. The proton fraction is an increasing function of Tand this effect is more pronounced for T >10MeV. The protonfraction Ypwas derived also witha least-squares fit tothe numerical results obtained from our calculations, leading to the follo wing relations (for n 0) = 5) = 10) = (46) Yp(n;T= 20) = 0 30) = 0 Fig. 14 we plot the Fermi distribution function fp,n(n,T) both for neutrons and protons for various values of T. We observe that the diffuseness of fp(n,T) is larger than that of fn(n,T). We give an explanation (see also [9]): the ratio of Tto the Fermi kinetic energy oFiis a measure of the thermal effect. Thus by comparing the two ratios we have (s ee also due to Yn> Yp, we conclude that we expect the diffuseness to be larger for the pr than for the neutron one, depending of course on the specific value of the ratio Yp/Yn. As we will see later, this fact influences the values of the contributio ns of protons and neutrons to the total entropy per particle. The entropy, according to relatio n (21), is an increasing function of the diffuseness. Thus, the contribution of each species on the tot al value of the entropy depends strongly on the diffuseness of the corresponding Fermi distributio n bycomparing the entropy per baryon calculated by applying Eqs. (21) and (25). Thus, in Fig. 15 we plot Sof asymmetric nuclear matter with Yp= 0.2 atT= 10,20,30 MeV. The full lines give the from Eq. (21), while the squares give results obtained by differentiating F(n,T) with respect to T(Eq. (25)). It is obvious that there is again a very good agreement of the for low values of Tand high values of n. In Fig. 16 we plot the contribution of the proton Sp, the neutron Snand the total entropy per baryon S. It is obvious that there is a strong effect of Ton the values of the entropies mainly for low values of the density. The main part of the contribution comes from the contribution of protons is three times less. It is worth while to notice that, in the approximate relation This feature is understood by the previous discussion that fp(n,T) is diffused more broadly than fn(n,T), so the larger the diffuseness, the larger is the entropy contribution (see also [9]). In Fig. 17 we plot the contribution of the electronic Se, the muonic Suand the total (leptonic) Slto the entropy per baryon. The contribution to the entropy, of Sedepends slightly on the density, for fixed values of T. Our present results are very close to those found by Onsi et al.[19], where they employed the analytical approximate formula for the ele ctron entropy density u e= -hc(3p2Yen)1/3. (47) According to the above formula, the contribution of electrons to t he entropy per baryon has (48) The a function slightly dependent on the density n, so that for a fixed value ofTthe contribution Seis almost constant. The muonic contribution to the entropy, for fix edT, increases slightly as a function of the density. In Fig. 18 we present the EOS of the b-stable hot nuclear matter by taking into account and analyzing the contribution to the total pressure of each compone nt. The main contribution to the total pressure originates from the baryons, while the contributio n of the leptons is about a few percent compared to Pb. It is worthwhile to notice that thermal effects are not important f or the calculation of Pe, but only for Pu, especially for small values of n(n <0.4 fm-3). We found that thermal effects produce a slightly stiffer equation of state with res pect to the case of cold nuclear matter. The above EOS can be applied to the evaluation of the bulk pr operties of hot neutron stars (mass and radius). The study of hot nuclear matter in the absence of neutrino trappin g is the first step to study the properties of hot neutron stars and supernova matter. Nex t, one can study the more realistic case of neutrino-trapped matter in b-equilibrium. In this case, the b-equilibrium conditions in matter are altered from the case in which neutrinos have left the sy stem and thus the composition of matter is affected. The proton fraction increases dramatically a nd influences significantly the properties of nuclear matter. Such a work is in progress. 134 Summary The evaluation of the equation of state of hot nuclear matter is an im portant problem in nuclear physics and astrophysics. EOS is the basis ingredient for the study of the supernova explosion as well as on determining the properties of hot neutron stars. The mo tivation of the present work is to apply a interaction model for the study o f the hot nuclear matter in order to be able to study simultaneously thermal effect s, not only on the kinetic part of the symmetry energy and symmetry free energy, b ut also on the interaction part of the above quantities as well. We calculate the proton fraction, as well as the lepton fractions, by applying the constraints for chemical equilibrium and charge neut rality. The free energy, the internal energy and also the pressure are calculated as functions of baryon density and for various values of temperature. We also concentrate on the evaluation of t hermal effects on the internal energy and baryon pressure. Special attention is dedicated to th e study of the contribution of the components of b-stable nuclear matter on the entropy per particle, a quantity of g reat interest in the study of structure and collapse of supernova. We present an d analyze the contribution of each component. Finally, we present the EOS of b-stable hot nuclear matter, by taking into account and analyzing the contributions to the total pressure of each com ponent. The above EOS can be applied to the evaluation of the gross properties of hot neutron st ars i.e. mass and radius, (work in of the authors (Ch.C.M) would like to thank Professor Tatsuyau ki Takatsuka for and energy density of baryons (Eq. (1)), at T= 0, is given by o(n,I,T= 0) pressure of the baryons, at T= 0, defined given by P(n,I,T= 0) Eq. (50) E0 Fis the Fermi energy of symmetric nuclear matter corresponding to is given (51) The Fermi momenta of protons and neutrons chemical potentials of protons and neutrons, at T= 0, are given H.A. Bethe, Rev. Mod. Phys. 62, 801 (1990); H.A. Bethe, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 38, 1 (1988). [2] Madappa Prakash, I. Bombaci, Manju Prakash, P.J. Ellis, J.M. Lat timer, R. Knorren, Phys. Rep.280, 1 (1997). [3] B.A. Li, and W. Udo Schr oder, Isospin Physics in Heavy-Ion Collisions at (New York: Nova Science) (2001). [4] B.A. Li, L.W. Chen, and C.M. Ko, Phys. Rep. 464, 113 (2008). [5] G. Baym, H.A. Bethe, and C.J. Pethick, Nucl. Phys. A 175, 225 (1971). 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(n) (MeV)
n (fm
(n) (MeV)
n (fm
1: Energy per baryon of symmetric (a) and pure neutron ma tter (b) of the present model (MDIM) in comparison with those originated from realistic calculations . More details for the models UV14+TNI, UV14+UVII and AV14+UVII in Ref. [41] and for th e models A18+UIX Ref. [42]. 0.2
n (fm
n (fm
Figure 2: a) The contribution of the various terms VA,VB,VCand the total potential a function of the baryon density b) The momentum dependent te rmVCas a function of the baryon density at temperature T= 0,T= 10 and T= 30 MeV. 200
U (MeV)
k fm
U (MeV)
k fm
U (MeV)
n fm
3: A comparison of the single-particle potential of symmetric nuclear matter from the present model (MDIM) with the microscopic calculations of Wirigna [4 7] and Li et al. [48], for densities n= 0.1 fm-3,n= 0.3 fm-3andn= 0.5 fm-3. 0.0
n=0.20 fm
n=0.30 fm
n=0.40 fm
n=0.2 fm
n=0.3 fm
n=0.4 fm
Figure 4: The difference F(n,T,Y p)-F(n,T,Y p= 1/2) as a function of (1 -2Yp)2at 10 and b) T= 30 MeV, for three baryon 0.3
F(n,T) (MeV)
n (fm
Figure 5: The Helmholtz free energy F(n,T,I) ofb-stable matter versus the baryon density n, for various values of T(in MeV). 0.2
F(n,T) MeV)
n (fm
MDIM (T=5)
MDIM (T=20)
FP (T=5)
FP (T=20)
F(n,T) (MeV)
n (fm
MDIM (T=3)
FP (T=3)
FP (T=20)
Figure 6: (a) The free energy of symmetric nuclear matter (for T= 5 MeV and T= 20 MeV) and (b) for pure neutron matter (for T= 3 MeV and T= 20 MeV) of the proposed model (MDIM) in comparison with the free energy calculated by Friedman and Pandh aripande model (FP) [7]. 220.2
E(n,T) (MeV)
n (fm
Figure 7: The internal energy E(n,T) ofb-stable matter as a function of the baryon density n for various values of T. 0.2
Figure 8: The internal energy (for T= 0 MeV) for symmetric nuclear matter (SNM) and pure neutron matter (PNM) calculated with the MDIM in comparison with th e FP model. 230.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 20 40 60 80 100 120 Esym (n) (MeV) n (fm -3 ) MDIM FP Ref. [54] Ref. [58] Ref. [55] Figure 9: The nuclear symmetry energy calculated with the MDIM in co mparison with the FP model as well as the results of Refs. [54], [58] and [55]. 0.2
(n,T) (MeV)
n (fm
10: The thermal energy Ethermal(n,T) =E(n,T)-E(n,T= 0) ofb-stable matter versus the baryon density n, for various values of T. 240.2
P (MeV fm
n Y
P (MeV fm
n Y
Figure 11: The pressure Pof asymmetric nuclear matter for Yp= 0.1 and 0.3 at a)T= 10 and b) 30 MeV. The full lines give the results calculated from Eq. (24), wh ile the squares obtained by differentiating F(n,T) (Eq. (23)). 0.2
(MeV fm
n (fm
12: The thermal pressure Pthermal(n,T) =P(n,T)-P(n,T= 0) ofb-stable matter versus the baryon density n, for various values of T. 250.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 Yp Ye Y u Y n (fm -3 ) T=0 T=10 T=20 T=30 Figure 13: The fractions of protons Ypelectrons Yeand muons Yuofb-stable matter as functions of the baryon density n, for various values of T. 0
k fm
k fm
k fm
k fm
Figure 14: The Fermi-Dirac distribution function ft(n,T) for protons and neutrons ( for n= 0.2 fm-3,n= 0.4 fm-3andn= 0.6 fm-3and various values of T. 260.2
n (fm
Figure15: matterwith Yp= 0.2atT= 10,20,30 MeV. The full lines give the entropy calculated from Eq. (21), while th e squares give results obtained by differentiating F(n,T) (Eq. (25)). 0.2
n (fm
Figure 16: Contributions to the total entropy per particle of prot ons (Sp) (up triangles) neutrons (Sn) (upside down triangles) and the total entropy ( Sb) 0.3
n (fm
Figure 17: Contributions to the total entropy per particle of elect rons (Se) (up triangles) muons (Su) (upside down triangles) and the total 0.3
P (MeV fm
n (fm
Figure 18: The pressures of baryons and the total pressure P versus the baryon density, nfor various values of T. 28 | 0805.0353 | Charalampos Moustakidis | Ch.C. Moustakidis and C.P. Panos | Equation of state for $\beta$-stable hot nuclear matter | 28 pages, 18 figures | Phys.Rev.C79:045806,2009 | 10.1103/PhysRevC.79.045806 | null | nucl-th astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We provide an equation of state for hot nuclear matter in $\beta$-equilibrium
by applying a momentum-dependent effective interaction. We focus on the study
of the equation of state of high-density and high-temperature nuclear matter,
containing leptons (electrons and muons) under the chemical equilibrium
condition in which neutrinos have left the system. The conditions of charge
neutrality and equilibrium under $\beta$-decay process lead first to the
evaluation of proton and lepton fractions and afterwards of internal energy,
free energy, pressure and in total to the equation of state of hot nuclear
matter. Thermal effects on the properties and equation of state of nuclear
matter are assesed and analyzed in the framework of the proposed effective
interaction model. Special attention is dedicated to the study of the
contribution of the components of $\beta$-stable nuclear matter to the entropy
per particle, a quantity of great interest for the study of structure and
collapse of supernova.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 3 May 2008 10:31:09 GMT"
"version": "v2",
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"C. P.",
] |
2 FIG. 1: (Color online) Electronic density distributions of the highest valence level (HVL) and lowest conduction level (LCL) in the absence of magnetic field. Panels (a) and the Nz= 2zigzag-edged (ZGQD). Panels (c) and (d) : the same with Nz= 12. Panels (e) and (f): the same with armchair-edged graphene quantum dot (AGQD). in an AGQD (see Figs. 1(e) and (f)) extend more com- pletely over the whole GQD region and are very different from that in a ZGQD. This difference is indeed caused by the different topological geometry of the boundary of the graphene 2(a) and (b) show the density of states (DOS) of ZGQDs and AGQDs, respectively, with different sizes in the absence of a magnetic field. The total number of the carbon atoms in ZGQD and AGQD are 6 respectively. From the figures, we find that thereis noedgestatein asmallZGQD, andthe edge state appears when the size of ZGQD the states at zero energy. Meanwhile, there is never an edge state for the AGQD. To demonstrate how the edge state appears, we plot the energygap, i.e., the between the lowest conduction band level (LCL) and the highest valence band level (HVL), as a function of the size ( N) of the GQD in Fig. 2(c). The energy gap decreases as the size of the GQD increases. energy gap of the zigzag (armchair) GQD decays to zero quickly(slowly) as the size of the GQD increases. FIG. 2: (Color online) Density of states of ZGQD (a) and AGQD(b). WeuseaGaussian function f(E) a broadening factor G = 0 .05 eV to smooth the discon- tinuous energy spectra. (c) The gap of ZGQD and AGQD as a function of the size, and the function of the fit line is a/N witha= 4.9 eV. When the size of the AGQD approaches infinity, the gap decreases to zero, i.e., we recover the case. The calculated energy gap for the AGQD falls off as 1 /N1/L(see the solid line in Fig. 2(c)), whereLis the length ofeachedgeofthe dependence of the band gap on the size of GQD is very different from that of a conventional which behaves as 1 /L2. Figs. 3(a) and 4(a) depict the magnetic field depen- dence of the energy spectrum of a ZGQD and AGQD ex- hibiting a clearHofstadter butterfly characteristic, which is fractal and exhibits As the magnetic flux increases, the magnetic levels in the GQD, i.e., the so-called Fock-Darwin levels, approach the Lan- dau levels (see the red lines in Figs. 3(b) and 4(b)) in graphene the cyclotron radius, nis an the sign function. Figs. 3(c) and 4(c) show in detail how the magnetic levels of ZGQD and AGQD approachthe zero-th Landau level at small magnetic flux. As magnetic flux increases, more energy levels approach the zero-th Landau level in pairs. The degeneracy of the energy level at zero en- ergy will reach its maximum value 2 Nfor Ph/Ph0= thedegeneracy of the energy level at zero energy is lifted fast. This 3(d), Dirac point. This figure indicates that the degener- acy, i.e., the number of energy levels at the zero decreases inverse linearly with the mag- netic flux Ph /Ph0. These figures clearly demonstrate that the energy spectrum of the GQD possesses when we neglect the The DOS and the magnetic level fan of the AGQD are similar to that of the ZGQD except at small magnetic flux. Comparing Fig. 3(c) to Fig. 4(c), the magnetic levels in the AGQD are distinct from those in the ZGQD at small magnetic flux, because the ZGQD3 FIG. 3: (Color online) (a) The spectrum of the Nz= 12 ZGQD in a magnetic field. We use a Gauss function with a broadening factor of 0.1 eV to smooth discontinuous energy spectra. (b) and (c) the magnetic energy level fan near the Dirac point, i.e., the zero energy point. The red lines in (b) correspond to the Landau level of two-dimensional graphene where we use aGauss function with a small of 0.01 meV. shows the edge state and AGQD does not for the levels near the Dirac point in absense of magnetic field. There- fore, the magnetic levels exhibit distinct behavior as the magnetic flux increases. The DOS ofthe AGQD (see Fig. 4(d)) also shows a step-like feature as the magnetic flux at the Dirac point increases. Fig. 5 describes the density distributions of the 0.01. Interestingly, the density distributions of the LCL and HVL penetrate into the center of the GQD for the ZGQDs, which is very different from the AGQD case where both the electron and hole are in the center of the GQD. The density distri- butions for the ZGQD and AGQD show the magnetic length lBbecomes comparable with the size of the GQD. In addition to those differences, the LCL and HVL of the zigzag GQD show opposite symme- try order with respect to that of the armchair GQD, i.e., the LCL (HVL) and HVL(LCL) of the ZGQD (AGQD) belong to the E1(E2) andE2(E1) representations at zero magnetic field (see Fig. 6). The optical properties of GQDs are promising for FIG. 4: (Color online) The same as Fig.3, but for the Na= 9 AGQD potential applications in optic-electronic devices based on graphene. Therefore, we calculate the absorp- tion spectra of GQD a(o) the refractive index, cthe speed of light in vacuum, e0the permittivity of vac- uum,m0the free-electron mass, and /vector eis the polariza- tion vector of the incident light along the xdirection. The coupling between the sp2states and the pzstate is neglected since we are only interested in the opti- cal properties of the GQD near the Dirac point, i.e., at the low energy regime. The momentum momentum operator px(py) hasE2symmetry and its direct product with all the irreducible of the C 6vgroup can be found in Table I. We divide the levels of the GQD into two different The that only transitions between the valence band levels and the conduction band levels belonging to the different families ohm 1and ohm 2are allowed. Notice that the initial or final states of the transition should belong In Fig. 6(a) and (d), we label the level structure of a Nz= 12 and Na= 9 GQD near the Dirac point as C1-Cnfor conduction bands with ascending order and V1-Vnfor valence bands with descending order, respectively. The conduction band lev- elsCiand valence band levels Vibelong to the ohm 1and ohm 2, respectively. For example, if Cibe-4 FIG. 5: (Color online) (a) and (b) show the density distri- butions of the HVL and LCL for the Nz= 12 ZGQD in the presence of the magnetic flex Ph /Ph0= 0.01, respectively. (c) and (d) the same as (a) and (b), but now for Na= 9 AGQD. TABLE I: Direct products of the E2representation for mo- mentum operator px(py) with all the irreducible of the C6vgroup. The results are presented as direct sums of all possible irreducible representations of the C6v group. The notations of symmetries are adopted from Ref. 23 Direct product Direct sum E2A1 E2 E2A2 E1 E2A3 E2 E2A4 E1 E2E1 A2A4E2 E2E2 A1A3E1 longs to the family ohm 1, belong to the family ohm 2, i.e.,A2, A4orE2,or vice versa . For zigzag GQDs with even Nz, the conduction band levels, from bottom to top, exhibit different symmetries, the corresponding valence band lev- els show E1,A4,E2,A1***. For zigzag GQDs with oddNz, the conduction band levels display the opposite (same) symmetries the band levels of zigzag GQDs with even Nz. For armchair GQDs, the lowest conduction band level always shows the symmetries bottom to top and this order is independent of the size ( Na) of the armchair GQD. ForNz= 12 ZGQD, the lowest (peak A) corresponds to the transition between the lowest conduction band level 6: (Color online) (a) and (d) are the level diagram for Nz= 12 ZGQD and Na= 9 AGQD without the magnetic field, where different symmetries are represented by differ- ent colors and lines: black solid, black dashed, red solid, r ed dashed, green solid, and green dashed lines for the E1,E2,A1, A2,A3, andA4irreducible representations of the C6vsym- metry, respectively. (b) and (c) the JDOS and the spectrum aforNz= 12 ZGQD. We used a Gauss function with different broadening factors: 0.02 and 0.005 e V for the black and red line. (e) and (f) are the same as (b) and (c), but for Na= 9 AGQD. FIG. 7: (Color online) The contour plot of the magneto- optical spectra of zigzag (a) and armchair (b) GQD, the highest valence band level The second and third lowest transitions correspond to the transition between the level C2(C3) and the level V3(V2) withE2(A4) symmetry and the level C1(C4) andV4(V1), respectively. But the strengths of these three transitions are very small, there- fore these transitions are not clearly seen in the contour spectrum in Fig. 7 at Ph /Ph0= 0. The strong absorption peak (peak D) appears at E= 0.26 eV, corresponding to the transition between the level the level This strong ab- sorption arises from the large moment matrix these states.5 ForNa= 9 AGQD, the lowest peak (peak A) is similar to that in the zigzag GQD, corresponding to the transi- tion between C1andV1. But the second peak (peak B) is different from those of the zigzag GQD. This peak cor- responds to the transition between the level C2(C4) with A4(E2) symmetry and the level V4(V2) The third strong peak (peak C) indicates the transition between the level C4withE2symmetry and the level Strong absorption takes place when the initial ( Vi) and final states ( Ci) have or E2symmetry. As the size of the GQD increases, the absorption peaks shift to long wave- length forboth ZGQDandAGQD. The the ZGQD shift to the long wavelength faster than those of the AGQD. The relative strength between the peak D and A increases as the size of the GQD increases for ZGQDs. But for AGQDs, the relative strength be- tween the peak C and A is almost independent of the size. Next, we discuss the effect of a magnetic field on the optical spectrum of a GQD. Here, we only focus on the small magnetic flux case (see Fig. 7). The spectra of two distinct GQDs, zigzag and armchair GQD, exhibit quite different behavior due to their different level structures and the oscillator strengths determined by the for the LCL and HVL which localize at the edge of ZGQD. The spectra of two distinct GQDs show that the strengths of the transitions vary as the mag- netic field increases. In particular, the strong absorptionlines behavior corresponding to the transitions between the conduction and valence band Landau levels at high magnetic field. We also find anti- crossings in the spectra, since the magnetic field induces the mixing of the levels belonging to the different and the optical spectrum in GQDs. In contrast to conventional semiconductor QDs, the LCL and HVL ex- hibit an edge-state feature, i.e., a non-zero probability of being at the edge of the sample, and the density distri- bution depends sensitively on the type of boundary of GQDs and the magnetic field strength. The magnetic levels of GQD display a Hoftstadter butterfly and approach the Landau levels of as the magnetic field increases. The magneto- optical spectrum of a graphene quantum dot in the in- teresting energy range (0-3 eV) is promising for Thepositionand strength of the absorption peaks can be tuned by the size of the GQD, the type of the edge of the GQD, and the workis supported bythe NSF ofChina and the Flander-China bilateral S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, S. V. Morozov, D. Jiang, Y. Zhang, S. V. Dubonos, I. V. Grigorieva and A. A. 666 (2004); H. Hiura, Appl. Surf. Sci. 222, 374 (2004); Y. Zhang, J. W. Tan, H. L. Stormer and P. Kim, Nature (London) 438, 201 (2005); A. K. Geim, and K. S. Novoselov, Nature Materials 6, 183 (2007). 2K. S. Novoselov, Nature (London) 438, 197 (2005). 3P. G. Silvestrov and K. B. Efetov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 016802 (2007). 4A. DeMartino, L. Dell'Anna, and R. Egger, Phys. Rev. Lett.98, 066802 (2007). 5H. Y. Chen, V. Apalkov, and T. Chakraborty, Phys. Rev. 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B | null | 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.235411 | null | cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We investigate theoretically the magnetic levels and optical properties of
zigzag- and armchair-edged hexagonal graphene quantum dots (GQDs) utilizing the
tight-binding method. A new bound edge state at zero energy appears for the
zigzag GQDs in the absence of a magnetic field. The magnetic levels of GQDs
exhibit a Hofstadter-butterfly spectrum and approach the Landau levels of
two-dimensional graphene as the magnetic field increases. The optical
properties are tuned by the size, the type of the edge, and the external
magnetic field.
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1 Introduction A high-energy electron passing through a medium produces the elec side by side with the radiation. The process p ossesses many important peculiarities which will be discussed below. Generally speaking one has to consider two mechanisms of the proce ss, The first one is the direct(one-step) of pair via the virtu al The second one is the process when the electron emits the real photon at collision with one nucleus which converts into the p air on another nucleus. The interrelation of two mechanisms depends on the targe t thickness l since the probability of the direct process is proportional to lwhile the probability of the cascade process is proportional to l2/2. These contributions have when the ratio l/Lrad(Lradis the radiation length) is of the order of a few percent. For the direct process the differential, over the energies of produ ced particles e+,e-, probability was found by Kelner [1] in the lowest over Za(Zis the charge of a nucleus, a=1/137) order of the perturbation theory (for the derivation se e also Sec.26 in [2]). For the direct process there are two types of diagram s: when the pair is created by one virtual photon emitted from the electron at collision with a nucleus, and two-photon diagrams when the pair is crea ted by two virtual photons connected with the initial electron and a nucleus. I n the present paper the Coulomb corrections are included in the probability contrib utions of both types of diagrams. In the soft part of created particles spectrum ( e-,e+e, e is the energy of the initial electron) one can neglect the one-photon contributio n and the two- photon contribution can be obtained using the equivalent photons m ethod within the logarithmic accuracy (see Appendix B in [3]). At low enough energ iese-,e+
the multiple scattering of the initial electron results in distortion of t he of the equivalent photons which can lead to a modification of the pro- cess probability. It is shown the effect of multiple scattering can be q uite in process. Just as in the radiation proc ess the effect can be observed in the soft part of spectrum. In Sec.2 the probabilities of the direct process are presented. The new formu- lation of the equivalent photons method is given which includes the influ ence of multiple scattering. This method permits to find the alteration in the s oft part of spectral distribution of created particles. In Sec.3 the probabilitie s of the cascade process taking into account the multiple scattering are considered . The probabili- ties, differential over one of created particle energy, are analyze d in Sec.4 22 DirectprobabilitywithC The Coulomb corrections to the direct probabilit y can be found using the method outlined in the review [4] (see also Appendix A in [5]). T he probability for the one-photon diagrams contribution with the Coulo mb into account in the case of complete screening has the form ( the system -h=c= 1 is +x) +B1+C1x 1 +ln(1 +x) x+C12 3x 1 +x) (1) wheremis the electron mass, Li 2(x) the Euler y=o e, L = /suppress f(x) b =z(y-z) y2, x =z(y-z) 1-y, (2) wherenais the number density of atoms in the medium, f(Za) is the It should be noted that in Eq.(1) at x1 a mutual in the braces and the expression in the braces becomes pro portional to x. The probability for the two-photon diagrams contribution with the C taken into account in the case of complete screening h as the +1 x) +B2+C21 1 +ln(1 +1 x) +2 3C2 1 +b)) (3) where A2= (4) The probabilities Eqs.(1), (3) are calculated within the power accura cy the soft part ( y~z1) of spectral distribution w2one can include the influence of multiple scattering on the initial electron, the result P(y,z) = (6) Here the function Ph 2describes the pair creation probability in the equivalent pho- tons method. Appearance of the term ln(1 + n1) in the function Ph 2is connected with expansion of the characteristic equivalent photon emission ang lesthcdue to the multiple scattering of the initial electron. Let us consider this ite m in detail. The density of equivalent photon can be presented as (see Eq.(B.7) in [3]) n(y,z) is the squared minimal momentum transfer which is necessary for the photon with the energy oto create the pair with the energies e+,e-. In absence of multiple scattering q2 cis defined by the kinematics of the virtual photon emission from the initial (8) Taking into account the multiple scattering one has e2th2 c/m2= 1 +n1(see e.g. Eqs.(2.10), (2.25), (2.26) in [4]). So the equivalent photon spectrum aty~z1 can be written (9) The differential probability of the pair creation by a photon in the cas e of has the (10) 4and we find that the term Ph2in Eq.(5) corresponds to the equivalent photon method. The contribution of the multiple scattering is included in Eq.(6 ) within the logarithmic accuracy. Let us note that for heavy elements the valueeeis of the order of a few TeV (e.g. ee=2.73 TeV for tungsten, ee=2.27 TeV for iridium), so for the electron energy of a few hundreds GeV, n1~1 aty~1/10. 3 Cascade probability It is known that the multiple scattering distorted the radiation spec trum when n1>=1 or the photon energy o<=oc=e2/(e+ee) (this is the effect), while for the pair creation process the LPM effe ct distorted the spectrum of created pair only when o>=oe= 4ee(see [4]). So for avail- able electron energies one have to take into account the multiple sca ttering in the cascade process for the radiation part only. T han the of cascade process taking into account the multiple sca ttering of the initial electron has the is the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function (see Eq.(2.17) in [4]), the value n1is defined in Eq.(6). In the term describing radiation (Im{}) the term 1/L0is neglected. The contribution of this term doesn't exceed a few per cent under considered conditions. This term is given by Eq.( 2.33) in [5]) and can be included in the relevant case. In the case when the multiple scattering of the initial electron may be neglected ( ooc, n11,|p| 1) the of cascade process (12) Here the terms 1/L0, neglected in Eq.(11), are taken into account. In the cascade process side by side with radiation inside of a target o ne has to take into account the boundary radiation. Using Eq.(3.12) in [4] (with regard for the factor 1/2 since photons emitted at fly out of a target can't cr eate the pair) and assuming that ( o0/(my))21 +n1, whereo0is the plasma frequency (in one ln(1 +n1) (13) Putting together this probability and the probability Eq.(5) we have t hat the terms with ln(1 + n1) are canceled. So the sum of contributions of the equivalent and boundary photons doesn't depend on multiple scattering. 5At photon energy odecreasing starting with o=oc(n1= 1) the influence of multiple scattering on the radiation process becomes significant. At this energy the estimation of the interrelation of the different contributions further decreasing of photon energy the relative contributio n of the cas- cade process is dropping both because of the logarithmic growth of the because of the suppression of the real photon emission proba bility due to the multiple scattering of projectile (the LPM effect). In this interv al of photon energies (but for om) in the case when the value lis low enough the thickness of the target can become less than the photon (virtual or real) fo rmation +n1) an2 1. (15) In this limiting case the contribution of real photons into the proces s and only the contribution of virtual photons remains. The se photons build up outside a target where there is no influence of the multiple scatte ring. It should be noted that with photon energy decreasing the format ion length of pair creation by a photon inside target is also decreasing ( lp= 2o/m2) and we can be out of the complete screening limit. However in this energy interva l (y<=10-3) the equivalent photons method is applicable within the quite satisfact ory accuracy and the cross section of the photo-process is known for arbitrar y screening (see [6, 2]). 4 Partially integrated probability of differential over one of creat ed particle energy only is of evident interest. It can be obtained by integration of the f ound probabili- ties overy(z<=y<=1). Forz1 the main contribution into the integral gives the regiony~z1 (with the exception of the contribution of one-photon diagrams which can be neglected in this energy region). For the ratio r=dw1/dw2one has r= 0.011 atz= 0.1,r= 0.042 atz= 0.2 andr= 0.24 atz= 0.5. Using Eq.(6) atn1= 0 and conserving the main term of decomposition over zone obtains for the summary contribution of the equivalent and boundary d the probability of pair creation by a photon in the target with thick- nesslin the case of complete screening presented within power (relativist ic) terms are ~m/e+. The quantity dis the correction to the equiva- lent photons method. This correction is small numerically: e.g. for he avy elements (L03.5, d1/25), for Ge L04, d1/40. For the cascade process contribution in the region z1, n1(z)1 one (17) The spectral distributions of created positrons reflect the spec tral distribution of photons (up to common factor wpin Eq.(16) and wp/2 in Eq.(17)). When the parameter n1is large the asymptotic regime for the radiation proba- bility (see of [4]) is realized at very high value of n1. Because of this one has to use Eq.(11) directly. Conserving the main terms over 1/ywe (18) wherex=x(y) the spectral distribution has the general factor 1 /zits characteristic prop- erties at variation of zover a few order of magnitude one can track analyzing . For the same reason in Figs 2 and 3 in the region under con- sideration ( z<=0.2) the dependence of this combination on the positron is shown. The probabilities Eqs.(3), (11) were used in calculation. In the Fig.1 the spectral density dw/dz for thin targets is shown. The curves 1 and 2 is due to the influence of multiple scattering. Since the targets are quite thin, the difference is still small especially for l= 170um. )dzgives the number of positron per one initial electron in the energy interval ez1-ez2. For thickness l= 400umone positron energies interval 0.5-5 GeV. The targets of mentione d thicknesses were used in the experiment NA63 carried out recently at SPS at CERN (fo r proposal see [7]). The Fig.2 is another look on the process which permits to trace details of the pair creation mechanism. The curves 2,5 in the right part increase fir st tending to the asymptotic Eq.(17) and than decrease because of transition t o the regime of Eq.(18) at the characteristic energy zc=yc=oc/e=e/ee= 0.01. The curves 1,4 are described nearly completely by Eq.(16). The increase of combina tionzdw/dz is due to ln 1 /z. This contribution dominates in the summary combination in the left part of the spectrum for l= 400umand in the whole spectrum for l= 170um (curves 3,6). Because of this the relative influence of multiple scatt ering on the process is falling. The Fig.3 shows a different situation when the target is relatively thick . Evi- dently here the influence of multiple scattering spreads to the more wide positron 7energy interval (the region where the curve 2 decreases). The c ascade for the positron energy higher than 10 GeV. In the Fig.4 the difference between the curves 1 and 2 shows the influ ence of multiple scattering. This difference can be characterized by ratio (s ee Eqs.(3), (11), (12)) (19) In tungsten for the thickness l= 0.03 cm one has at the initial electron energy e= 50 GeV for the created positron energy e+= 50MeV ( z= 0.001) the value 42%, and at the initial electron energy e= 300 GeV for the created 100 MeV the value 100%. 5 Conclusion The process of pair production by a high-energ y electron travers- ing amorphous medium is investigated. It is shown that the soft part of created particle spectrum may reduced due to the multiple scattering of the initial electron. In the direct process (via the virtual intermediate photon) the eq uivalent photon spectrum is changed under the influence of multiple scattering. In t he cascade process (via real intermediate photon) the multiple scattering dist orted the pho- ton spectrum inside a target. Besides, the contribution of the bou ndary photons appears. It is shown, within the logarithmic accuracy, that the cha nge of the equiv- alent photon spectrum is canceled by the contribution of the bound ary photons. As a result one has that the influence of multiple scattering may be ne glected in the very thin targets ( l<=1%Lrad), where the direct process dominates in the soft part of photon spectrum. The different situation arises in a more th ick target of heavy elements ( l~a few % ofLrad). For the initial electron energy in the range of hundreds GeV the multiple scattering substantially diminish the spect rum of cre- ated positrons in the range from hundreds MeV to a few GeV. This ph enomenon can be used for further study of the influence of multiple scatterin g on higher order QED authors are indebted to the Russian Foundation for Basic Rese arch sup- ported in part this research by Grant S. R. Kelner, Yadernaya Fizica, 5(1967) 1092. [2] V. N. Baier, V. M. Katkov, V. S. Fadin, Radiation from Relativistic Electrons (in Russian) Atomizdat, Moscow, 1973. [3] V. N. Baier, V. S. Fadin, V.A.Khoze, E.A.Kuraev, Phys. Rep. 78(1981) 293. [4] V. N. Baier, V. M. Katkov, Phys. Rep. 409(2005) 261. [5] V. N. Baier, V. M. Katkov, Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 3146. [6] H. Olsen, L. Maximon, Phys.Rev. 114(1959) 887. [7] J. U. Andersen, K.Kirsebom, S. P. Moller et Processes in Strong Cristalline Fields , summary spectral distribution dw/dz =dw2/dz+dwc/dzof pair in amorphous germanium at the initial electron energy e= 180 GeV. In the curves 1 and 3 (for two target thicknesses l= 400umandl= the multiple scattering is taken into account (Eq.(11) ), while in the curves 2 and 4 the multiple scattering is neglected combination zdw/dz for the pair probability in amor- phous Ge at the initial electron energy e= 180 GeV. The dotted curves 1 and 4 are the contributions of two-photon diagrams Eq.(3), the dashed curves 2 and 5 are the contributions of cascade process Eq.(11), the solid curve s 3 and 6 are the sum of two previous contributions for two thicknesses l= 400umandl= For convenience the ordinate is multiplied by 103. Fig.3 The combination zdw/dz for the pair probability in amor- phous tungsten at the initial electron energy e= 300 GeV. The dotted curve 1 is the contribution of two-photon diagrams Eq.(3), the dashed cur ve 2 is the con- tribution of cascade process Eq.(3), the solid curve 3 is the sum of t wo for the target thicknesses l= 300um(8.6%Lrad) For convenience the ordinate is multiplied by 103. Fig.4 The summary spectral distribution dw/dz =dw2/dz+dwc/dzof the pair in amorphous tungsten of the thickness l= 300um(8.6%Lrad) at the initial electron energy e= 50 GeV. In the curve 1 the multiple scattering is taken into account (Eq.(11)), while in curve 2 the multiple scattering is /s50 /s51 /s52 /s53 /s48 /s44 /s48 /s48 /s48 /s44 /s48 /s50 /s48 /s44 /s48 /s52 /s48 /s44 /s48 /s54 /s48 /s44 /s48 /s56 /s48 /s44 /s49 /s48 /s48 /s44 /s49 /s50 /s48 /s44 /s49 /s52 /s48 /s44 /s49 /s54 /s48 /s44 /s49 /s56 /s48 /s44 /s50 /s48 /s44 /s49 /s49 /s49 /s48 /s48 /s44 /s48 /s48 /s48 /s44 /s48 /s53 /s48 /s44 /s49 /s48 /s48 /s44 /s49 /s53 /s48 /s44 /s50 /s48 /s48 /s44 /s50 /s53 /s48 /s44 /s51 /s48 /s48 /s44 /s51 /s53 /s48 /s44 /s52 /s48 /s48 /s44 /s52 /s53 /s48 /s44 /s53 /s48 /s48 /s44 /s53 /s53 /s44 /s49 /s49 /s49 /s48 /s48 /s44 /s48 /s48 /s44 /s53 /s49 /s44 /s48 /s49 /s44 /s53 /s50 /s44 /s48 /s50 /s44 /s53 /s51 /s44 /s48 /s51 /s44 /s53 /s52 /s44 /s48 /s44/s32/s32 /s69 /s45 /s51 /s48 /s44 /s48 /s49 /s48 /s49 /s50 /s51 /s52 /s53 /s54 /s44/s32/s32 | 0805.0456 | Baier | V. N. Baier and V. M. Katkov | Electroproduction of electron-positron pair in a medium | 10 pages, 4 figures | JETP Lett.88:80-84,2008 | 10.1134/S0021364008140026 | null | hep-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The process of electron-positron pair creation by a high-energy electron in a
medium is analyzed. The spectral distribution over energies of created
particles is calculated for the direct and cascade mechanisms of the process.
The Coulomb corrections are included. The new formulation of the equivalent
photons method is developed which takes into account the influence of multiple
scattering. It is shown the effects of multiple scattering can be quite
effectively studied in the process under consideration.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 5 May 2008 03:23:21 GMT"
] | 2009-02-19T00:00:00 | [
"V. N.",
"V. M.",
] |
Table of contents 1. 3 2. How the contest will proceed 3 3. Do we really need anot her contest? 4 3.1. The platform decisi on situation ......4 3.2. What we need...................4 3.3. Why it is st ill missi ng .........4 3.4. What we've gotte n so far....5 4. How to apply......................... 5 5. Infrastructure ....................... 5 6. The task ... 6 7. Rules of behavior .................. 6 7.1. What is allowed.................6 7.2. What is not allowed ...........6 8. Semi-public review................ 6 9. Results hand-over ................. 7 10. Explaining what you did ........ 7 11. Evaluation and win ning...... 8 12. What's in for the teams and their home organizations? 8 13. Further information............... 8 References ....... 9 Changes: - Version 8, 2006-10-05: Initial public version - Version 9, 2006-10-12: Added Perl explicit ly to the list of platforms, corrected date mistake (2006 must be 2007) 2 - 1. Overview Software development platforms for web applic ations (such as Java EE, .NET, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails, etc. ) are among the most critical factors of development productivity today. The pros and cons of th e various platforms are by-and-large known in principle, but how the pros trade off agains t the cons in one pl atform and how that compares to another platform is the topic of quasi-religious wars only, not a subject of objective analysis, as almost no data is av ailable that allows such direct comparison. Plat_Forms is a contest that will change this. It will have top-class (and hence comparable) teams of 3 programmers implemen t the same specification of a web-based application under the same circumstances and thus generate a basis for objective comparison of the various characteri stics that the platforms generate. In just 30 hours, the teams will implement as much of the requested functionality as they can and at the same time optimize the useful ness of the resulting sy stem (functionality, usability, reliability, etc.), the of the code, the modifiability of the system design, the effi ciency and scalability. The contest will be conducted at the conference Open Source Meets Business in Nurnberg, Germany s-business.com) on January, 25-26, 2007. At the end of 30 hours, the teams hand over their source code and a DVD containing a turnkey-runnable VMware configuration of their system. These items will then be subject to a thorough evaluation according to scientific standards with respect to the criteria mentioned above. As most of the results cannot be quantified and many cannot even be ranked in a neutral fashion, there will be no one- dimensional result ranking of the systems. Rather, there will be an extensive report describing the findings. Depending on the resu lts, the organizers may or may not declare one or a few of the systems and teams winner s with respect to one particular criterion (and do so for some or all of the criteria). The contest is organized by Freie Universita t Berlin Linux Business Campus Nurnberg (www.lbcn.de), and 'iX magazine (www.ix.de). 2. How the contest will proceed
* before 2006-11-30: Teams apply for partic ipation in the contest as described under How to apply below
* 2006-12-14: Teams are notified whether they will be admitted to the contest. At most three teams per platform will be admitted, a total of 15 teams.
* 2007-01-24: Teams set up their developmen t environments at the contest site. For details, see Infrastructure below.
* 2007-01-25, 9:00: The contest starts. The organizers will explain (in a presentation format) the requirements of the system to be developed, will hand out a short document containing a few more details, and will answer any immediate questions that ma y arise. For details, see The task below.
* 2007-01-25, 10:00: The teams start developing the software using their favorite platform and tools. Reusing existing so ftware and reading the Web is allowed, getting external help is not. For details, see Rules of behavior below. The teams are asked to make intermediate versio ns accessible for user feedback, see Semi- public preview below
* 2007-01-26, 16:00: The teams stop developi ng software and hand over their result in the form of a VMware image of a server machine. For details, see Results hand-over below. Teams that believe they have reached the best cost- benefit ratio of their development before the allotted time is over are allowed to hand-over their results earlier and will have a shorter work time recorded.
* 2007-02-02, 16:00 (that is, 15:00 UTC): Th e teams submit post-hoc design documentation. For details, see Explaining what you did below. 3 * 2007-02-02: Evaluation of the systems starts. It will inve stigate all categories of quality criteria, both internal and external. For details, see Evaluation and winning
* 2007-05: Results of the contest will be pr esented. The details of when, where, and how are still to be determined. See What's in for the teams and their organizations? for what is known already. 3. Do we really need another contest? Absolutely. But it is not another, it is the first of its kind. 3.1. The platform decision situation Every year, several hundred million dollars are spent for building the type of application mentioned above, yet nobody can be quite sure in which cases which platform or technology is the best choice. Quasi-religious wars prevail. Some platforms are often clai med to yield better performance than others, but nobody can be quite sure how big the difference actually is. Some platforms are often claimed to yield higher productivity in initial development than others, but nobody can be quite sure how big the difference actually is. Some platforms are often clai med to yield better modifiability during maintenance than others, but nobody can be quite sure how big the difference actually is -- or if it really exists at all. So as a program manager one can almost cons ider oneself lucky if a company standard prescribes one platform (or if expertise is available only for one) so that the difficult choice needs not be made. However, that means that many (if not most ) projects may use a sub-optimal platform -- which sounds hardly acceptable for an indu stry that claims to be based on hard knowledge and provable facts. 3.2. What we need What we need is a direct comp arison of the platforms under realistic constraints: a task that is not trivial, constrained developmen t time, and the need to balance all of the various quality attributes in a sensible way. 3.3. Why it is still missing So if such a comparison is so important, why has nobody done it yet? Because it is difficult. To do it, you need:
* participant teams rather than individuals, or else the setting will not be realistic;
* top-class participants, or el se you will compare them rather than the platforms;
* a development task that is reasonably typical, or else the result may not generalize;
* a development task that is not too typical or else you will merely measure who of the participants happened to have a well-fi tting previous implementation at hand;
* participant teams that take the challenge of implementing something on the spot that they do not know in advance;
* the infrastructure and staff to accommodate and supervise a sign ificant number of such teams at once;
* an evaluation team that is capable of handling a heterogeneous set of technologies;
* an evaluation team that dares comparing these fairly different technologies (in some respects almost apples and oran ges) in a sensible yet neutral way; 4 3.4. What we've gotten so far For these reasons, all previous platform comparisons were ve ry restricted. Several, such as the c't Database Contest or the SPEC WE B2005, concentrate on one quality dimension only (typically performance) and also provide participants with unlimited time for preparing their submission. Othe rs, such as the language comparison study by Prechelt, are broader in what they look at and may ev en consider development time, but use tasks too small to be relevant. Plat_Forms will be a big st ep forward for everybody's future platform selection information base. 4. How to apply At most three teams per platform will be admitted to the contest. It is not the purpose of the contest to compare the competence of the teams; we will therefore strive to get the best possible teams for each pl atform to make it more likely that significant differences observed in the final systems can be attributed to the technology rather than the people. Teams interested in participating please apply by sending a Request for Admittance in the form of a 3-page document as described on . Only one application per platform is allowed for each home organization (company). Teams must agree that the result of their work (but no t frameworks etc. that they bring along) released under the GNU General Public Lice nce V.2 (GPL) or the modified BSD license. From among the applications, te ams will be selected so as to maximize their expected performance. The selection process is perfor med with the help of a contest committee for which we will invite representatives from an owner or protagonist organization of each platform (e.g. Sun, Microsoft, Zend, Zope). 5. Infrastructure The following information is preliminary. We will provide an update with possible modifications of some details two weeks before the contest. At the contest, you will be provided wi th roughly the following infrastructure:
* Electrical energy (235 V, 5 A max., separa tely fused, german-style Schuko socket, see )
* 2 tables 200x80 cm
* 3 chairs
* One flipchart stand with plenty of flipchart paper
* 4 meters length of wall
* 4 meters by 4 meters of floor space
* an internet connection, via an RJ45 co nnector serving 100 MBit Ethernet. The available bandwidth is not yet known, ba ndwidth management is probably on a best-effort basis.
* sufficient food and drink All teams will work in one single large room. Things you need to bring yourself:
* computers, monitors, keyboard s, mice for 3 developers,
* a server computer o must be operable in stand-alone mode, without network connection, o must host at least the turnkey configuration of your final system under VMware
* network cables, network hub,
* printer, printer paper,
* pens, markers, scissors , adhesive tape, 5 * perhaps desk lamp, pillow, inflatable armchair etc.
* coffee mug,
* backup coffee mug. 6. The task We will obviously not tell you right now wh at the development task will be. However, here are some considerations that guide our choice of task:
* It will be a web-based application with both a browser-based front end and a SOAP web service interface. The browser interface must be compatible with all major browsers (IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari).
* It will require persistent storage of data. It will not require integration with external systems or data sources.
* It will neither be a web shop (or other highly standard type of application, say, static-content management) nor somethin g entirely exotic and unprecedented. T h e t a s k w i l l b e c h o s e n s u c h a s t o m a k e r e u s e o f l a r g e p o r t i o n s o f e x i s t i n g systems unlikely, but reuse of smaller pieces possible.
* In order to allow for a broad assessment of a platform's characteristics, the task will not be a database application only, but will involve other aspects as well. Such things might be for example algo rithmic processing, data-driven graphics, audio handling, etc. The complexity of these requirements will be modest, so that they can be solved without specialist knowledge. In your solution you should strive for a good balance of all quality attributes. This includes usability and robustness. 7. Rules of behavior 7.1. What is allowed During the contest you may:
* Use any language, tool, middleware, libra ry, framework, and other software you find helpful (just please mention as many of these as you can foresee in your application).
* Reuse any piece of any pre-existing application or any other helpful information you have yourself or can find on the we b yourself. Anything that already existed the day before the contest started is acceptable.
* Use any development process you deem useful.
* Ask the organizer (who is acting like a customer) any question you like regarding the requirements and priorities. 7.2. What is not allowed During the contest you may not:
* Disturb other teams in their work.
* Send contest-related email to people not on your team or transfer the requirements description (or parts ther eof) to people not on your team.
* Have people from outside of your team help you or reuse work products from other teams. There are two exceptions to this rule: you may use answers of the customer and user-level preview feedback as described below. 8. Semi-public review During the contest, teams will be able to obtain feedback from the conference participants if they wish to do so. For this purpose, the team should open their test system on their VMware team server for public access. 6 The organizers will put up a Blog where the teams can announce th eir release plan (if any), releases, and access URLs, and where the conference participants can comment on the prototype systems regardin g functionality, defects, us ability etc. The teams are allowed to use this user-level feedback for improving their system. They are not allowed to take or use information from conference participants that is on the code level. Depending on whether we manage to provide suitable firewalling and bandwidth management, the public may either mean the local network at the conference site (open to the conference participants only) or the whole Internet. This is so far undetermined. 9. Results hand-over The technology used for buildin g the systems in the contest wi ll be very heterogeneous. It would therefore be impractical for the cont est organizers to try to execute them from source code alone, not to speak of obtain ing similar behavior in a performance test. We thus require each team to deploy their so lution on a virtual server that is running under VMware Server 1.0 (see www.vmware.com) . The image file of this virtual server will be handed over at the end of the contes t by means of a single DVD-R created by the respective team themselves. This means the image must be smaller than 4.7 GB, which should easily be possible, because the vi rtual server does not need to have any application software installed beyond your contest solution and the infrastructure software that it uses. Beyond the image file, the DVD needs to contain a second file that is an archive (zip or tar.gz) containing a snapshot of all source artifacts (source code, build files, database initialization scripts, configuration files, CSS files, etc.) that are part of the solution. The contents of this archive must be sufficient in principle to recreate your solution from scratch, given the infrastructure software (such as operating system, build tools, DBMS, application server etc.) Furthermore, a third file must contain your source code version archive so the organizers can analyze so me aspects of the development process. At the time of the DVD handover, the teams wi ll also send a crypto graphic fingerprint of the image file and of the archive files to the organizers by email, so that a replacement DVD can be accepted should the original DVD-R fail to be readable. The virtual server must be able to run in stand-alone mode, that is, in a network where no other servers and services (other than DHCP ) exist. We will ask you to provide us with necessary information about the virtual se rver, such as etc. During the evaluation, we will run each team's virtual server on a dual-CPU server with a two-disk SCSI RAID-0. The virtual server will be allotted 3 GB of RAM. 10. Explaining what you did Both source code and of your system are fixed at server hand-over time. However you will be able to prepare and submit a document afterwards that shortly explains the following points:
* the architecture of your system
* your approach to development (prior ities, implementation orders etc.)
* the rationale of each important desi gn decision you have identified
* etc. This document will be an im portant contribution towards a fair and thorough evaluation of your system, because without it the evalua tion team will have a hard time judging many of the things it will get to see. We will provide you with a template for this document. 7 11. Evaluation and winning We will attempt to evaluate all of the following aspects of the system and its development:
* External product characteristics: functi onality, ease-of-use, resource usage, scalability, reliability, availability, se curity, robustness/error checking, etc.
* Internal product characteristics: structure, modularity, , modifiability (against a number of fixe d, pre-determined scenarios), etc.
* Development process characte ristics: Progress over time, order and nature of priority decisions, te chniques used, etc. The details of this evaluation will be determined once we get to see the systems that you built. The evaluation will be performed by the research group of Professor Lutz Prechelt, Freie Universitat Berlin. We will not compare all system s in one single ranking by some silly universal grading scheme. Rather, we will describe and compare the systems according to each aspect individually and also anal yze how the aspects appear to influence each other. Therefore, there may be winners of the cont est with respect to individual aspects (or small groups of related aspects) where we fi nd salient differences between the platforms or the teams. However, there will not be a single overall winner of the contest. 12. What's in for the teams and their home organizations? So why should you participate in the contest if you cannot win it? Two reasons: 1. Category riches and beauty: We will award monetary prices, just not across platforms. However, we will nominate a best solution among the three solutions on each individual platform. 2. Category eternal fame: The detailed eval uation will provide the organizations of the well-performing teams and platforms with some of the most impressive marketing material one can think of: concrete, detailed, neutral, and believable. 13. Further information For details regarding
* the organizers of the contest,
* the sponsors,
* the Contest Committee roles and members,
* the Request for Admittanc e process and document,
* and other information please visit 8 References 1. c't Database Contest. (German call for participation), (English call for participation). Entscheidende Massnahme : c't 13/06, (German de scription of results). 2. SPEC WEB2005 benchmark. 3. Lutz Prechelt. An empirical comparison of C, C+ +, Java, Perl, Python, Rexx, and Tcl for a program. Technical Report 2000-5, 34 pages, Universitat Karlsruhe, Fakultat fur Informatik, Germany, March 2000, . (The detailed evaluation of the previous study mentioned above). 4. Lutz Prechelt. An empirical comparison of seven programming languages . IEEE Computer 33(10):23-29, October 2000, . (A short summary of [3]). 9 | 0805.0650 | Gesine Milde | Lutz Prechelt | Plat_Forms -- a contest: The web development platform comparison | 9 pages | null | null | Technical Report TR-B-06-11 | cs.SE | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | "Plat_Forms" is a competition in which top-class teams of three programmers
compete to implement the same requirements for a web-based system within 30
hours, each team using a different technology platform (Java EE, .NET, PHP,
Perl, Python, or Ruby on Rails). The results will provide new insights into the
real (rather than purported) pros, cons, and emergent properties of each
platform. The evaluation will analyze many aspects of each solution, both
external (usability, functionality, reliability, performance, etc.) and
internal (structure, understandability, flexibility, etc.).
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 6 May 2008 06:53:01 GMT"
] | 2008-05-07T00:00:00 | [
] |
PMC Physics B 2008, 1:3 2 of 10 (page number not for citation purposes)cross sections and atmospheric pa rameters, then use them to calc ulate electron cooling rates in the atmospheres of both planets. It is found that electron coolin g by CO is greater than by CO2 above altitudes of 300 km on Mars and above 168 km on Venus. The sensitivity of the results to different available cross sections is also investigated. At heights where cooling by CO is signif icant compared to that of CO2, differences of up to 35% arise from using different cross-section sets for CO. At lo wer altitudes, where the cooling by CO is much smaller than that of CO2, the differences due to different cros s-section sets are much larger. While this is not of any great consequence in the calculat ion of cooling rates, it is expected to be impor- tant in predictions of in frared emissions by CO. Results and impact vibrational excitation of CO Integral cross sections for electron im pact vibrational excitation of CO (0 - n') were measured by Schulz [3] for n' = 1 - 8 and by Ehrhardt et al. [4] for n = 1 - 7. Schulz did not give absolute values for individual vibrational levels, but it can be deduced by analysis of the presented graphs that Schulz measured a maximum cross section for 0 - 1 of 3.6 x 10-16 cm2 at 1.75 eV. Schulz suggested that this could be in er ror by a factor of 2. Ehrhardt et al. deduced a maximum cross section for 0 - 1 of 3.5 x 10-16 cm2 at ~1.83 eV. Subsequent measurements for 0 - 1 excitation were reviewed by Brunger and Buckman [5], including absolute measurements by Gibson et al. [6] which give a cross section of 4.874 x 10-16 cm2 at 1.91 eV. Recently Popari c et al. [7] for n' = 1 - 10, but normalised to the data of Gibson. et al. Hence there is only one recent measurement of the absolute integral cross section, which is ~35% higher than earlier measurements for n' = 1 - 15 were made by Allan [8 ]. These are shown in figure 1, scaled to the absolute 0 - 1 value determined by Gibson et al. at 1.91 eV. Results for some levels were omitted by Allan, presumably for clarity in the plot, so thes e have been interpolated here. The measurements of 0 - 1 excitation by Popari c et al. [7] are also plotted. The similarity in the absolute values is expected, given that both data se ts have been scaled (albeit in different ways) to the data of Gibson et al.. The main significant difference in shape is that Allan's cross sections are higher at low energies. Popari c et al. observe that their measurements for n' = 2 - 7 are higher (~40%) than those of Allan (t his being of course subject to the normalisation for n' = 1). Atmospheric parameters of Mars and Venus have been measured by various spacecraft since 1976. The measurements required to calculate elec tron cooling rates are the electron temperature and the densities of CO2, CO and for the free electrons.PMC Physics B 2008, 1:3 3 of 10 (page number not for citation purposes)In situ measurements of electron temperat ure and densities of electrons, CO2 and CO in the atmosphere of Mars were made by the Viking 1 lander during its desc ent in 1976 [9,10]. More recently remote measurements of electron densit y were made by the Mars Global Surveyor [11]. In Figure 2 the densities of CO2 and CO measured by Viking 1 are plotted, along with fitted func- tions specified by Nier et al. [9]. These fitted functions were used for the calculations described below. (The regular deviation of the CO measurem ents from the straight-line fit is not seen in similar measurements by Viking 2 and so may be due to local conditions or uncertainties in However, as the Viking 2 electron data cannot be used [10], only Viking 1 meas- urements of CO density are used here in order to have a consiste nt set of measurements.) Meas- urements of the electron density by Viking 1 [10] are shown in Figure 3, along with the maximum and minimum values measured remotely over a 17-day interval by the Mars Global Surveyor [11]. Our fit to these various measurements, labe lled Fit to measuremen ts, was used for the electron densities in the calculat ions. Measurements of the electr on temperature by Viking 1 [10] are shown in figure 4. (These are for thermal electrons only and not for the smaller populations of photoelectrons and high temperature electron s identified by Hanson and Mantas [10].) Due to the absence of data below 200 km, an electr on temperature profile from a model by Choi et al. [12], also shown in figure 4 and consistent wi th the Viking measuremen ts, is used in the cal- culations for all by the Pioneer Venus orbiter of the densities of CO2 and CO in the atmos- phere of Venus are shown in figure 5, along wi th densities from an empirical model designatedICS for vibrational excitation of CO Figure 1 ICS for vibrational excitation of CO . Integral cross sections for electron-i mpact vibrational excitation of CO for 0 - n', for n' = 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, de termined as relative values by Al lan [8] and scaled to the value of Gibson et al [6] for 0 - 1 at 1.91 eV ( ------). Interpolated cross sections for n' = 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 (- - - -). Measure- ments of Popari c et al. [7] (- - - - -). Integral cross section et 0*5 1 1*5 2 2*5 3 3*5 4 4*5 Electron energy (eV)PMC Physics B 2008, 1:3 4 of 10 (page number not for citation purposes)Martian atmospheric densitiesFigure 2 Martian atmospheric densities . Densities measured by Viking 1 of CO (x) and CO2 (/H17005), and the fits to these of Nier et al. [9]. Density is plotted on the hori zontal axis against height in the Martian atmosphere on the vertical CO 2 Nier COAltitude 100 1000 10000 100000 Number Density (106 molecules cm-3) Martian electron densitiesFigure 3 Martian electron densities . Electron densities measured by Viking 1 [10] ( ), the minimum (- - -) and maximum (- - -) values observed by Mars Global Surv eyor [11], and the fit to the measurements ( ------) used in this work.Viking (minimum) M.G.S. (maximum) Fit to 1000 10000 100000 Electron density (cm-3)PMC Physics B 2008, 1:3 5 of 10 (page number not for citation purposes)Martian electron 4 Martian electron temperatures . Electron temperatures measured by Viking 1 [10] ( ) and the modeled values of Choi et al. [12] (------).Viking 1 Choi calc.Altitude 1000 10000 Electron temperature (K) Venusian atmospheric densitiesFigure 5 Venusian atmospheric densities . Densities [13] measured by Pioneer Venus in '78-'80 of CO2 () and CO ( ) and in 1992 for CO2 (*) and CO ( /H17005), and an empirical model VTS3 for CO2 (------) and CO (- - -).degdegPioneer (1992) VTS3 model CO ('78-'80) CO (1992) CO VTS3Altitude 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 CO2 or CO density (106 molecules cm-3)PMC Physics B 2008, 1:3 6 of 10 (page number not for citation purposes)VTS3 [13]. The model densities were used in the calculations. Measurements of the and temperatures by Pioneer Venus [14] are shown in figures 6 and 7. As there are no measurements below 150 km, calc ulated values from a model by Strangeway [2] are used for the lower altitudes. Only measurements near local mi dnight are included, to be consistent with the conditions of Strangeway's model. Curves fitte d to the measurements and Strangeway's model are shown in figures 6 and 7 and were used in the energy transfer rates Electron energy transfer rates (these being the en ergy transferred in one second per unit electron and molecule density) for the vibrational excitations of CO(0 - n') for n' = 1 - 13 were calculated using the formulation of Pavlov [15] and are show n in figure 8. The electron impact cross sec- tions used were the relative values of Allan [8], scaled as shown in figure 1. Also shown are the rates for CO(0 - 1) calculated using the cross sections of Popari c et al. The latter give smaller energy transfer rates at electron temperatures below ~5000 K. The sum of the energy transfer rates using Allan's cross sections is shown in figure 8 along with the sum for vibrational modes of CO2 calculated by Morrison and Greene [1]. The sum for CO is very much less than for CO2 at lower electron temperatures, but higher above ~5000 K. Venusian electron densitiesFigure 6 Venusian electron densities . Electron densities measured by Pioneer Venus [14] ( *), calculated in the model of Strangeway [2] ( ------) and the fit (- - -) used in this workAltitude 10000 Electron density (cm-3)PMC Physics B 2008, 1:3 7 of 10 (page number not for citation electron 7 Venusian electron temperatures . Electron temperatures measured by Pioneer Venus [14] ( *), calculated in the model of Strangeway [2] ( ------) and the fit (- - -) used in this workAltitude 10000 Electron temperature (K) Electron energy transfer ratesFigure 8 Electron energy transfer rates . Log10 of electron energy transfer rates as a function of electron temperature for electron impact excitation of CO(0 - n') for n' = 1 - 13 (------ as labelled), for their sum (sum CO) and for CO2 (- - -) as given by Morrison an d Greene [1]. The rate for CO(0 - 1) calculated with the cross sections of Poparic et al. [7] is also shown (- - -), as is the rotational excitation ( J = 0 - 1) using the cross sections of Randell et al. [16] (* * COLog10[ Q0n (eV cm3 s-1) 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Electron temperature (K)PMC Physics B 2008, 1:3 8 of 10 (page number not for citation purposes)The transfer rates due to rotational excitation ( J = 0 - 1), calculated using the cross by Randell et al. [16], are also shown in figure 8. These rates are small compared to the 0 - 1 vibrational excitations, except at very low electron of cooling rates Electron cooling rates ( i.e. the electron energy transfer rates multiplied by the electron and gas densities) are plotted in figure 9 for the at mosphere of Mars. The rates are shown for CO2 (calcu- lated using the rates of Morrison and Greene [1]) and for CO using the cross sections of Allan [8] (scaled as described earlier) and those of Popari c et al. [7]. The rates for CO are shown separately for the 0 - 1 excitation and for the sum of rates for 0 - n', where n' = 2 - 10. The apparent oscil- latory structures for CO2 and CO are due to the interplay of the various changes in such as the rapid decrease in electr on temperature with heig ht at ~165 km and the peak in the electron density at ~135 km. The cooling rates due to the rotational excitation J = 0 - 1 in CO are also shown in figure 9. They are not significant relative to those of CO2 at any height and so are not considered further. The cooling rates due to CO(0 - 1) are substantially less than those for CO2 below ~280 km, but are greater above 300 km. The cooling rates due to CO(0 - n', n' = 2 - 10) are much smaller again at the lower altitude s but exceed those of CO2 at altitudes above ~310 km. At the heights Electron Cooling rates for CO2 and CO at Mars Figure 9 Electron Cooling rates for CO2 and CO at Mars . Log10 of electron cooling rates (h orizontal axis), as a func- tion of altitude in the atmosphere of Mars, for CO2 using the transfer rates of Morri son and Greene [1] (- - -), for rotational ( J = 0 - 1) excitation of CO (* * *), for CO(0 - 1) using the cross sections of Allan [8] ( ------) and Poparic et al. [7] (- - -), and for CO(0 - n', n' = 2 - 10) using the cross sections of Allan ( ------ - ) and Popari c et al. (- * - * - - PAltitude -6 -4 -2 0 Log10 [Electron cooling rate (keV s-1cm-3)]PMC Physics B 2008, 1:3 9 of 10 (page number not for citation purposes)where the CO cooling is significant, there is little difference between the rates for 0 - 1 excitation for the two different cross-section sets, as expected given their similarity at higher excitation to higher levels the cooling rate s are about 35% higher for the cross sections of Poparic et al., consistent with their higher values for the cross sections. As both of these compar- isons are dependent on the same norm alisation to the values of Gibson et al, it would be useful if another independent measurem ent of the absolute cross sections for CO could be made. The cross sections of Allan lead to higher c ooling rates in the altitude range 100-156 km for the 0 - 1 excitation and below ~168 km for the higher levels ( n' = 2 - 10). As at these heights the CO cooling rates are insignificant compared to those of CO2, these differences are as far as calculations of cooling rates ar e concerned. However, as the infrared emissions due to radiative decay following excitation are re lated to the excitation rate, the differences are worth noting in case the infrared emissions from CO can be measured with sufficient sensitivity. In this case it would be useful to resolve th e differences at low ener gy between the measurements of Allan and those of Popari c et al. The same set of results is shown for the atmosp here of Venus in figure 10. Again the CO con- tribution to the cooling rate is much smaller than for CO2 in the lower altitude range, but is greater at heights above ~168 km for 0 - 1 excitation and above ~184 km for 0 - n', n' = 2 - 10. There are differences of up to ~20% in us ing the cross sections of Allan or Popari c et al. at heights Electron Cooling rates for CO2 and CO at Venus Figure 10 Electron Cooling rates for CO2 and CO at Venus . Log10 of electron cooling rates (h orizontal axis), as a func- tion of altitude in the at mosphere of Venus, for CO2 using the transfer rates of Morri son and Greene [1] (- - -), for CO(0 - 1) using the cross se ctions of Allan [8] ( ------) and Popari c et al. [7] (- - -), and for CO(0 - n', n' = 2 - 10) using the cross sections of Allan ( ------ - ) and Popari c et al. (- * - * - - Pop.Altitude -6 -4 -2 0 Log 10[Cooling rate (keV s-1cm-3)]PMC Physics B 2008, 1:3 10 of 10 (page number not for citation purposes)where the cooling rate due to CO is significant. However, there is a much larger difference (up to a factor of more than 10) for the two sets of cr oss sections for the higher vibrational excitations (n' = 2 - 10) in the altitude range 138-158 km, corr esponding to electron temperatures of ~700- 1000 K. Thus, as for Mars, it woul d be useful to verify both the absolute value of the CO cross sections for calculations of electron cooling at higher altitudes and th e low-energy for modeling of CO emissions at lower cooling rates due to CO in the atmosp heres of Mars and Venus have been calculated using two sets of electron impact cross sections for vibrational excitation. It was found that above
~300 km in the atmosphere of Mars and above ~1 68 km in the atmosphere of Venus, the cooling rates due to CO(0 - 1) exceed the total rate for all excitations of CO2. In each case at a slightly greater height the cooling rate due to electron-i mpact excitation to the higher vibrational levels of CO is also greater th an for all levels of CO2. At the heights where the cooling rate due to CO is significant, there are differ ences of up to ~35% between the ra tes calculated with the two dif- ferent cross-section sets, so more definitive va lues of the absolute CO cross sections would be useful for accurate modeling of cooling rates. Th ere are much larger diff erences between the cool- ing rates calculated with the diffe rent cross section sets at altitudes with lower electron tempera- tures. While these differences ar e of no concern for the calculation of electron cooling rates, which are dominated by CO2 at these altitudes, they would ma ke a difference to the calculated CO infrared emissions. In this case it would be useful to reso lve the differences between experi- mental measurements of the CO cross sections at low work was supported by the Australian Research Morrison MA, Greene AE: J Geophys Res 1978, 83:1172-1174. 2. Strangeway RJ: J Geophys Res 1996, Schulz GJ: Phys Rev 1964, Ehrhardt H, Langhans L, Linder F, Taylor HS: Phys Rev 1968, 173:222-230. 5. Brunger MJ, Buckman SJ: Phys Rep 2002, 357:215-458. 6. Gibson JC, Morgan LA, Gulley RJ, Brunger MJ, Bundsc hu CT, Buckman SJ: J Phys B: At Mol Opt Phys 1996, 29:3197-3214. 7. Popari c GB, Belic DS, Vicic MD: Phys Rev A 2006, 73:062713. 8. Allan M: J Electron Spectrosc Relat Phenom 1989, 48:219-351. 9. Nier AO, McElroy MB: J Geophys Res 1977, Hanson WB, Mantas GP: J Geophys Res 1988, Martinis CR, Wilson JK, Mendillo MJ: J Geophys Res 2003, Choi YW, Kim J, Min KW, Nagy AF, Oyama KI: Geophys Res Lett 1998, Kasprzak WT, Niemann HB, Hedin AE, Bougher SW, Hunten DM: Geophys Res Lett 1993, Miller KL, Kundsen WC, Spenner K, Whitten RC, Novak V: J Geophys Res 1980, Pavlov AV: Ann Geophysicae 1998, 16:176-182. 16. Randell J, Gulley RJ, Lunt SL, Ziesel JP, Field D: J Phys B: At Mol Opt Phys 1996, 29:2049-2058. | 0805.0739 | Laurence Campbell | Laurence Campbell and Michael J Brunger | Electron cooling by carbon monoxide in the atmospheres of Mars and Venus | 10 pages, 10 figures | PMC Physics B (2008) 1:3 | 10.1186/1754-0429-1-3 | null | physics.ao-ph physics.geo-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Electron cooling, in which free electrons lose energy to vibrational
excitation of gases, has been identified as a significant process in the
atmospheres of Mars and Venus for electron impact on CO2. This process does not
appear to have been evaluated for CO, although the density of CO exceeds that
of CO2 in the upper atmospheres of these planets. In this paper electron
cooling rates for CO are calculated and compared with existing rates for CO2.
It is found that electron cooling by CO becomes more significant than by CO2
above altitudes of about 300 km on Mars and about 168 km on Venus. The
sensitivity of the calculated cooling rates to different measurements of the
integral cross sections for electron-impact vibrational excitation of CO is
also investigated.
PACS Codes: 34.80.Gs, 96.12.Jt
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 6 May 2008 14:47:24 GMT"
] | 2008-05-07T00:00:00 | [
"Michael J",
] |
A primary characteristic of the 4d-transition elements is that their 4d-orbitals are more extended than those of their 3d-elect ron counterparts. Stronger p-d hybridization and electron-lattice coupling, along with reduced intra-atomic Coulomb interaction U, are thus anticipated in these systems. Consequently, the 4d-transition metal oxides have comparable U and bandwidth W, and are pr ecariously balanced on the border between metallic and insulating behavior and/or on the verge of long-range magnetic order. Consequently, small perturbations such as slight changes in lattice parameters, application of magnetic field, etc., can readily tip the balance, inducing drastic changes in the ground state, such as the inducement of long-range magnetic order in CaRuO 3 by merely a few percent of impurity doping [1-5]. Isostructural and isoelectronic CaRuO 3 and SrRuO 3 are n = members (n = number of Ru-O layers/unit cell) of the (RP) series. Ca n+1RunO3n+1 and Sr n+1RunO3n+1, respectively, have been extensivel y studied [1-14], and their sharp differences in magnetic behavior are classi c examples of the sensitivity of 4d-electron band structure to structural distortions. Both compounds are orthorhombic, but SrRuO 3 has a more ideal and less distorted perovskite structure and is an itinerant ferromagnet with a Curie temperature T C = 165 K and a saturation moment M s of 1.10 mB/Ru with an easy axis in the basal plane [2]. The relativel y large extension of the 4d-orbitals leads to a CEF splitting of the (Ru4+) 4d4 configuration that is large enough for Hund's rules to partially break down, yielding a low-spin state with S = 1 (3T1g). On the other hand, the isostructural and isoelectronic CaRuO 3 forms in the same crystal structure as SrRuO 3, but with a rotation of RuO 6 octahedra which is approximately twice as large as that observed for SrRuO 3, due to ionic size mismatches betw een Ca and Ru ions (ionic radius r = 1.00 2A and 1.18 A for Ca2+ and Sr2+, respectively, vs. r = 0.620 A for Ru4+) . T h i s m a k e s CaRuO 3 less favorable for ferromagnetism due to a weaker exchange interaction U; thus, Ug(E F) < 1, where g(E F) is the density of states at the Fermi energy [7]. More generally, the physical properties of the entire RP series, Ca n+1RunO3n+1 and Srn+1RunO3n+1, critically depend on the deformations and relative orientations of the corner-shared RuO octahedra that, in turn, determine the crystalline field splitting and the band structure. Consequently, inter- and intra-layer magnetic couplings and the ground state are critically linked to n and to the cation (Ca or Sr): the Sr n+1RunO3n+1 compounds are metallic and tend to be ferromagnetic (with Sr 2RuO 4 [15] being an exception), whereas the Ca n+1RunO3n+1 compounds are all at the verge of a metal-nonmetal transition and prone to The trend for the magnetic ordering temp erature with the number of directly coupled Ru-O layers n is also surprisingly different for these two isostructural and isoelectronic systems. The Curie temperature T c increases with n for Sr n+1RunO3n+1; whereas, the Neel temperature, T N, decreases with n for Ca n+1RunO3n+1, as shown in Fig. 1. From the properties of the compounds we assigned a sequence of approximate W/U ratios, so that the two RP series can be pl aced into one phase diagram. Such a drastic dependence of the ground state on cation has not been observed in other transition metal RP systems, which implies the critical roles of the lattice and orbital degrees of freedom in the properties of these materials. We note that CaRuO 3 is located near a border that separates ferromagnetic and groundstates, which is a situation that almost always leads to extraordinary properties. 3Indeed, there are several other exam ples of intriguing quantum phenomena occurring in materials that are on the borderline; for example, p-wave in Sr 2RuO 4 [15], and ferromagnetism in ZrZn 2 [16, 17] and URhGe [18], a ferromagnetic quant um critical point (QCP) in MnSi under pressure [19], a metamagnetic transition with QCP end-point tuned by a magnetic field in Sr3Ru2O7 [20], a QCP with anom alous ferromagnetism in Sr 4Ru3O10 [21] and, most recently, a QCP with ferromagnetic fluctuations in SrIrO 3 [22]. In this paper, we report phenomena associated with a possible QCP and strong spin fluctuations leading to the brea kdown of Fermi-liquid behavior in CaRuO 3, including a divergent specific heat [ C/T ~ - log T] followed by a Schottky anomaly with decreasing T, and unusual power laws in resistivity r and magnetic susceptibility kh at low temperatures. Surprisingly, no Shubnikov-de Haas effect is discerned in high-quality single crystals of CaRuO 3 at temperatures as low as 0.65 K and in high applied magnetic fields up to 45 T. Stoichiometric CaRuO 3 can be readily tuned with very modest magnetic fields, and this makes it an interesting model system for experimental and theoretical studies. These underlying properties sh arply contrast those of the isostructural and isoelectronic SrRuO 3, underscoring the decisive influence of lattice degree of freedom on the ground state in the ruthenates. Single crystals of CaRuO 3 and SrRuO 3 were grown using flux techniques. All Single crystals were grown in Pt crucible s from quantities of RuO 2, CaCO 3 (SrCO 3) and CaCl 2 (SrCl 2) mixtures with CaCl 2 (SrCl 2) being a self flux. They were characterized by single crystal or powder x-ray diffraction, EDS and TEM. No impurities or intergrowths were found. Heat cap acity measurements were performed with 4a Quantum Design PPMS that utilizes a thermal -relaxation calorimeter operating in fields up to 9 T. Magnetic and transport properties below 7 T were measured using a Quantum Design MPMS 7T LX SQUID Magnetometer equipped with a Linear Research Model 700 AC bridge. The ultra-high magnetic field measurements were conducted at National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida. Fig. 2a shows the DC magnetic susceptibility kh as a function of T at B = 0.1 T for B || c-axis ( khc) and B c-axis ( khab). Both kh c and kh ab are strongly reaching 9 x 10-3 emu/mole at T = 1.7 K. For comparison, khab at B = 0.01 T for isoelectronic SrRuO 3 is also shown in Fig. 2a (right scale), showing a sharp transition at the Curie temperature Tc = 165 K. The reciprocal susceptibilities khc-1 and khab-1 for CaRuO 3 display linear T -dependences, consistent with a Curie-Weiss behavior for T > 100 K. A Curie-Weiss fit for 140 <T <320 K yields an effective moment of 2.2 m B/Ru and a Curie-Weiss temperature, thcw, of -218 K. This would normally suggest interactions among the Ru spin s, and is consistent with the reduction of the susceptibility in a magnetic field ( Fig. 2b ). However, the large value of thcw (compared to measurement temperature) makes this explanation dubious. For 1.7 < T < 25 K, kh ab-1 (and khc-1, not shown) follows non-standard power laws that range from T1/2 for B < 1.5 T to Ta with a > 1 for B > 1.5 T, as shown in Fig. 2b . Note the brief deviation from the linear dependence of khab-1 vs. T1/2 below 2.5 K (indicated by an arrow). Nevertheless, the high sensitivity of the te mperature exponent to low applied magnetic fields suggests a proximity to a magnetic instab ility. Similar behavior is also seen in the ferromagnetic QCP system SrIrO 3 [22]. 5The low temperature specific heat C(T, B) data acquired over 1.8 < T < 25 K and B < 9 T offer important insights into the low energy excitations of CaRuO 3. For T > 18 K, the specific heat is well described by C( T) = g T + bT3 with g = 38.5 mJ/mole K2 and b = 0.10 mJ/mole K4, yielding a Debye temperature of 455 K, and suggesting that only electronic and phonon contributions are significan t in this temperature range (data not shown). In this range, C is also seen to be insensitive to B, which is an indication that the thermal energy is much larger than the magnetic energy in this temperature interval. The sizable g-value implies that renormalizations of the effective mass are significant above 18 K. The distinct temperature dependence fo r the two isoelectronic compounds is clearly illustrated in Fig. 3a, which shows C/ T vs T for CaRuO 3 and SrRuO 3 for 1.8 < T < 30 K at B = 0. Extrapolation to T = 0 yields C /T (or g) to be 71 and 27 mJ/mole-K2 for CaRuO 3 and SrRuO 3, respectively, suggesting that the dens ity of states for the former is clearly larger than that of the latter. Furthermore, C(T) for SrRuO 3 is predominantly proportional to T3/2 throughout the entire range of 1.8 < T < 25 K (see right and upper axis as indicated by the arrows in Fig. 3a) as expected for magnon excitations out of a ordered state. In sharp contrast, C (T) for CaRuO 3 is proportional to -T log(T) below 13 K, which is a signature of the breakdown of Fermi-liquid behavior, such as could occur for a vanishing Fermi temperature ( TF - 0). Interestingly, this behavior is accompanied by a broad peak seen near 2.3 K at B = 0, which becomes more prominent with increasing B and shifts to 2.5 K at 9 T, as shown in Fig. 3b . Since kh(T) shows no corresponding transition, it is likely that th is peak represents a Schottky anomaly generated by the Zeeman splitting of the Ru spin degrees of freedom. With increasing B, 6as the peak shifts to higher temperat ures, the anomaly also broadens (see Fig. 3b ) transferring entropy from low temperatures to higher temperatures. The amplitude of the logarithmic term grows slightly with increasing field up to B
= 1.5 T, above which it weakens, but never co mpletely disappears. It is noted that C/T at 9 T still exhibits the logarithmic term for 6 < T < 13 K, which is bordered by a flat region for 2.5 < T < 6 K, signaling the recovery of the Fe rmi-liquid behavior in high fields and low temperatures. The detailed field dependence of C/ T reveals a peak at B = 1.5 T that separates a regime for B < 1.5 T where C/ T ~ -log (T) increases with B, from the complementary regime for B > 1.5 T where the log (T ) dependence weakens. The peak fades and C/ T becomes much less field dependent for T > 4 K. This behavior is also seen in SrIrO 3 where the proximity to a QCP has been establis hed [22]. It is also worth mentioning that the Wilson ratio, R W 3p2kB2kh/mB2g, is 7.8 at T = 1.8 K and shows field dependence, as shown in Fig. 3c . It is noticeably larger than the values (e.g., R W ~1-5) typical of heavy Fermi liquids and paramagnets such as Pd [23]. R W drops with increasing B, but remains substantial (7.2) at 5 T. The presence of the quantum critical fluctuations in CaRuO 3 is further corroborated by the temperature dependence of the a-axis resistivity, r a, as a function of T, shown in Fig. 4a. The residual resistivty ro is 0.013 m O cm and the residual resistance ratio RRR = 14. An interesting feature is that ra exhibits a T 3/2 law over a temperature range of 1.7 < T < 24 K, as shown in Fig. 4a, where r a vs T2 (upper scale) is also shown for comparison. Fig. 4b sharply contrasts Fig. 4a, which shows the temperature dependence in the same temperature range for SrRuO 3 (ro = 2 mO cm and RRR = 780); SrRuO 3 clearly exhibits the T2-dependence (upper scale), expected for the Fermi liquid; Fig. 4b also shows r a vs T3/2 for comparison. The T3/2 power-law is thought to be associated with effects of diffusive el ectron motion caused by strong interactions between itinerant electrons and critically damped, magnons [16] and is observed in QCP systems such as MnSi [19], Sr 3Ru2O7 [20], Sr 4Ru3O10 [21], and SrIrO 3 [22]. Fig. 4c displays r a as a function of magnetic field B up to 45 T at T=0.65 K for a few representative orientations. As seen, while r a rises by more than one order of magnitude from 11 T to 45 T, no anomaly is obs erved and our data analysis using a Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) reveals no oscillatory behavior. Such measurements were performed on several high-quality single crystals of CaRuO 3. Since the quasi-particles close to the Fermi surface are not well-define d near a QCP, it is not entirely surprising that the Shubnikov-de Haas effect, a manifest ation of the quantization of quasi-particle orbits in a magnetic field, is not detected in CaRuO 3 single crystals. Another possibility for the absence of oscillations is that there are no closed orbits in the band structure, but this contradicts the present experiment al and theoretical picture for SrRuO 3 [24, 25]. Nevertheless, the absence of the quantum oscillations in CaRuO 3 is particularly intriguing given the fact that the Shubnikov-de Haas effect is a fairly common occurrence in other layered ruthenates, including SrRuO 3 [24], Sr 4Ru3O10 [26], Ca 3Ru2O7 [27, 28], and BaRuO 3 [29]. Given the observed physical properties appear to be dominated by strong spin fluctuations, it is compelling to ascrib e the non-Fermi-liquid behavior in CaRuO 3 to a proximity to a QCP. The single-crystal CaRuO 3 sample is very likely to be a 8stoichiometric oxide ; and given its unusual sensitivity to low magnetic fields, it makes an outstanding model system for studies of quantum criticality in the ruthenates. Acknowledgement : This work was supported by NSF through grants DMR- 0240813 and 0552267. L.E.D. is supported by U.S. DoE Grant P.S. is supported by the DOE through grant 9References 1. G. Cao, S. McCall, J. Bolivar, M. Shepard, F. Freibert, P. Henning, J.E. Crow and T. Yuen, Phys. Rev. B 54, 15144 (1996) 2. G. Cao, S. McCall, M. Shepard, J.E. Crow and R.P. Guertin, Phys. Rev. B 56, 321 (1997) 3. G. Cao, F. Freibert, and J.E. Crow, J. Appl. Phys. 81, 3884 (1997) 4. T. He and R.J. Cava, J. Phys: Condens. Matter 13, 8347 (2001) 5. V. Durairaj, S. Chikara, X.N. Lin, A. Douglass, G. Cao, P. Schlottmann, E.S.Choi and R.P. Guertin, Phys. Rev B 73, 214414 (2006) 6. P.B. Allen, H. Berger, O. Chauvet, L. Forro, T. Jarlborg, A. Junod, B Revaz and G. Santi, Phys. Rev. B 53, 4393 (1996) 7. I.I. Mazin, and D.J. Singh, Phys. Rev. B 56 2556 (1997) 8. T.H. Geballe et al J. Phys. Condensed Matter 8, 10111 (1996) 9. L. Klein, J.S. Dodge, C.H. Ahn, G.J. Snyder, T.H. Geballe, M.R. Beasley and A. Kapitulnik, Phys. Rev Lett. 77, 2774 (1996) 10. D. Kim, B.L. Zink, F. Hellman, S. McCall, G. 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SC stands for superconductor, FM-M ferromagnetic metal, AFM-I insulator, PM-M paramagnetic metal, M-M magnetic metal. (Color online) Fig.2. (a) The magnetic susceptibility kh as a function of temperature at B= 0.1 T for B || c-axis ( khc) and B c-axis ( khab). kh for SrRuO 3 is also shown for comparison (right scale); (b) Reciprocal susceptibility khab-1 for CaRuO 3 as a function of T1/2 and T (right and upper scales, for B >= 1.5T marked by an arrow). The behavior of khc- 1 is similar and not shown. (Color online) Fig.3. (a) The specific heat C divided by temperature, C/T, vs. log T for CaRuO 3 and SrRuO 3; for the latter at B=0 and for 1.8<T<24 K; C vs. T3/2 (right and upper scales) is also shown; (b) C/T vs. log T for CaRuO 3 for B=0, 0.5, 1.2, 5 and 9T, and for 1.8<T<21 K. (c) C/T vs.B for some representative temperatures; the Wilson ratio Rw (right scale) at T=1.8 K is also shown. (Color online) Fig.4. The a-axis resistivity, r a as a function of T3/2 and T2 (right and upper scales) (a) for CaRuO 3 and (b) for SrRuO 3 for comparison; (c) ra CaRuO 3 for as a function of B up to 45 T at T=0.65 K for a few representative orientations. 13 T W/U TC FM-M TN TM(Mott nO3n+1 n+1Ru nO3n+1Ca2RuO 4 Ca3Ru2O7 CaRuO 3Sr2RuO 4 SrRuO 3 PM-M AFM-I PM-I SC Ca SrM-MM-MQuantum Critical Region PM-M Sr3Ru2O7 n n Sr4Ru3O10 Ca4Ru3O10 - Fig.1 50 100 150 200 250 300 350kh (emu/mole) T (K)khab(SrRuO3) B=0.01 Tkh B=0.1 Tkhc(CaRuO3) B=0.1 5 10 15 20 25kh-1 (mole/emu)kh-1 (mole/emu) T1/2 (K1/2)T (K) B=0.1 T0.5 T1 T1.5 T1.5 T4 T7 TCaRuO3 (b)Basal Plane Fig.2 00 5 10 15 20 25 30C/T (J/mole K2)C (J/mole K) T (K)T3/2 (K3/2) C ~ -log 0C/T (J/mole K2) T (K)9 T5 T0 T0.5 T1.2 1 0Wilson Ratio RW B (T)C/T (J/mole K2) (c)T=1.8 KT=4 KT=2.6 KT=2.2 K T=1.8 KCaRuO3 Fig. 3 2 04 06 08 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 00 100 200 300 400 500 600ra (mO cm) T3/2 (K3/2)T2 (K2)ra (mO cm) r ~ 20 40 60 80 100 120 1400 100 200 300 400 500 600T2 (K2) SrRuO3 r ~ T2 T3/2 (K3/2)ra (mO cm)ra (mO 15 20 25 30 35 40 45B (T)ra (mO K F i g . 4 17 | 0805.0741 | Gang Cao | G. Cao, O. Korneta, S. Chikara, L. E. DeLong and P. Schlottmann | Decisive Influence of Cation Size on the Magnetic Groundstate and
Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior of ARuO3 (A = Ca, Sr) | null | null | null | null | cond-mat.str-el | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We report calorimetric, magnetic and electric transport properties of
single-crystal CaRuO3 and SrRuO3 as a function of temperature T and applied
magnetic field B. We find that CaRuO3 is a non-Fermi-liquid metal near a
magnetic instability, as characterized by the following properties: (1) the
heat capacity C(T,B) ~ -T log T is readily enhanced in low applied fields, and
exhibits a Schottky peak at 2.3 K that exhibits field dependence when T is
reduced; (2) the magnetic susceptibility diverges as T^-x at low temperatures
with 1/2 < x < 1, depending on the applied field; and (3) the electrical
resistivity exhibits a T3/2 dependence over the range 1.7 < T < 24 K. No
Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations are discerned at T = 0.65 K for applied fields
up to 45 T. These properties, which sharply contrast those of the itinerant
ferromagnet SrRuO3, indicate CaRuO3 is a rare example of a stoichiometric oxide
compound that exhibits non-Fermi-liquid behavior near a quantum critical point.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 6 May 2008 14:51:58 GMT"
] | 2008-05-07T00:00:00 | [
"L. E.",
] |
The noncommutativity is treated now asa fundamental quantum pr operty of the Beside of the known scheme of introducing the noncomm utativity via the Moyal product [1], an alternative one was recently developed, that is, so- called noncommutative fields method, in which, instead of the spacetime coordinates, fields them selves are the canonical commutation relations turn out to be deforme d [2]. This method turned out to be a new method of generating the Lorentz-breaking corre ction after it was shown that the known Lorentz-breaking term initially introduced by Jackiw and K ostelecky [3] within this formalism [4]. Further, the non-Abelian analog of t his term was generated via the noncommutative fields method [5], and in our paper [6], this met hod was applied to generate the Lorentz symmetry breaking in the linearized gravity. At the same time, the situation in space-time is diff erent. Indeed, we have shown in [7] that application of the noncommutative field method to electrodynamics, instead of the Lorentz-breaking terms genera tes a gauge invariant mass term, that is, the Chern-Simons term, with the mass turns out to be prop ortional to the parameter [7]. We would like to notice that unlike of common per turbative approach (see f.e. [8]), the essence of the noncommutative fields method con sists in possibility to gener- ate new terms without coupling to extra matter fields. The very nat ural development of this study would consist in generalization of the noncommutative fields me thod for the where it is natural to expect that not only quadratic term bu t also the interaction term for the gauge field will arise. Different aspects of the Chern-Simons term, both in Abelian and non-Abelian cases, such as non-trivial topological nature of this t erm [9] and quantization of the Chern-Simons coefficient [10] were studied. In other worlds, it is natural to expect that in this case, the non-Abelian Chern-Simons (1) will be generated. From the other side, we are planning to generalize the method by introducing of a more general deformation of the ca nonical algebra which in principle could imply in arising of the Lorentz-breaking terms. These p roblems are considered in the paper. Let us start our study of the Yang-Mills theory , whose action (2) with the Fmn=Fa mnTais a stress tensor constructed on the base of the Lie-algebra valu ed gauge field Am(x) =Aa m(x)Ta(with tr( TaTb) =dab, and [Ta,Tb] (3) so, the Lagrangian, after splitting of the indices into time (zero) an d space ones (denoted by i,j,k) looks (4) 2Let the signature be diag(-++). First, we carry out the canonical quantization of the theory . The canonical momentum of the theory (5) It is clear that pa 0= 0, so, we find the primary constraint Ph(1)a=pa 0. The velocities can be expressed (6) Thus, the Hamiltonian (7) The secondary constraint looks -Dab ipb i. (8) This constraint evidently generates the gauge xxb(/vector x)b(/vector x)}=ixa(/vector x)xc(/vector x)( Dac ixc(/vector xxb(/vector x)b(/vector x)pc i(/vector x), (9) which evidently reproduces the known gauge transformation for t he connection and stress tensor. Here the Dacis a gauge covariant derivative. It is easy to check that the primary and secondary constraints mu tually 0. Further, one can find that {Ph(2)b,H}= 0, thus, no new constraints arise (see also [11, 12] for discussion of the canonical structure of the theories with the canonical quantization of the theory can be carried out in a sta ndard way, that is, we define the canonical variables Aa iandpa ito be operators with the commutation x),pb j(/vector y)] x-/vector y), with all other commutators of the canonical variables be zero. Now, letusimplement fieldsmethod. Todoit, wed relations to be [Aa i(/vector x),pb j(/vector y)] x-/vector x),pb j(/vector y)] x-/vector x),Ab j(/vector y)] = 0. (10) Our aim is to deform the secondary constraint bin a manner preserving the gauge (9). It is easy to see that this can be achieved if we modify th e secondary (11) 3This modification of the secondary constraint implies in the modificatio n of the acquires the (12) Then, we can introduce the canonical (13) and they satisfy the commutation relation [ pa i,pb j] = 0. The new Lagrangian find that the new Lagrangian can be written (15) As a result, we (16) After an appropriate symmetrization, introducing thij=o0ijth, we reproduces the structure of the well known non-Abelian Che rn-Simons term, with the mass is proportional to the noncommutativity parameter, just as in [7]. We can try to implement a more general deformation of the canonica l algebra, that x),pb j(/vector y)] x-/vector x),pb j(/vector y)] x-/vector x),Ab j(/vector y)] x-/vector y). (18) Let us impose again a requirement that the gauge transformations should have the form (9). First of all, since thijand~thijare constants, we suggest from the beginning that do it, let us suggest the following form of the modified secondary c onstraint which is the most general expression of no higher than second order in canonic al (19) Here the coefficients k1...k6depend on th,~th. 4The corresponding variations of the fields look (20) We want these transformations to reproduce (9). For the variat ion ofAa nthis 0,k4= 0, so, we will not consider these terms in the equation for dpa i. Also, we find k2~th= 0;k1+2k6~th=-1, k1~th+2k5= 0. (21) For the second equation, after substituting k3=k4= 0, we get k2=th, k 1+2k5th=-1, k1th-2k6= 0. (22) Comparing these equations, we find that the variations of the fields (20) reproduce the form of variations under the gauge transformations if and only if th~th= 0. Hence, we must have either
~th= 0, which is exactly the case studied above, or th= 0. Thus, we conclude that we cannot impose noncommutativity both in field and momentum sectors in a mann er compatible with the gauge symmetry. It remains only to finish the study in the case when th= 0. In this case, the (23) and the modified Hamiltonian (24) Since commutation relations between momenta are not modified in this case, the to be canonical ones, whereas the coordinates - do not m ore. The correct new canonical coordinates, whose commutators are equal to zero, a (25) with the old velocities are related with momenta (26) which for ~th= 0 evidently reduces to the common expression (6). Unfortunate ly, this equation, whose equivalent form (27) 5cannot be solved exactly, we can use only iterative approach (howe ver, we would like to point out that this problem does not arises in the Abelian case where one fin dspb i=Fb 0i). As a (which, however, is sufficient to find the corrections in the effective Lagrangian up to the first order in ~th), we can use the ~th= 0 expression for the canonical momentum pa i (5), thus, the Lagrangian a correction Lgenerated by of the Hamiltonian and .Aa i. This correction, being expressed in terms of the looks (28) This expresion is exact, without any approximations. After eliminatio n of momenta, where we must employ the approximate expressions for pa iin terms of velocities, we find (29) Thus, one can see that, as a result, the modified Lagrangian in the c ase of noncommuting field operators involves higher derivatives (since Fa 0icontain first temporal derivative). The that is, generation of higher derivatives in the case of n oncommuting fields (which can be treated as UV limit of the theory, see discussion of scales in th e noncommutative fields method in [2]), was obtained in [13]. Also, we note that, as this correc tion to the Lagrangian has quite ugly form, we can conclude that in this case, unlike of the ca se of we meet an explicit Lorentz symmetry breaking. Let us discuss the results. We studied the generalized version of th e noncommutative field method, in which, differently from the most popular version [4, 5, 6] not only the canonicalmomenta field coordinates. The most important conclusions are th e following ones. First, one cannot deform these two canonical commutation relations simu ltaneously in a with the gauge symmetry. This fact can be treated as a n eed to choose between study of the low-energy behaviour (which corresponds to deform ation of commutation relation between canonical momenta) and study of the high-energy behav iour (which corresponds to deformation of commutation relation between canonical fields) with no possibility to consider two limits at the same time. Second, in the low-energy limit the complete , term is generated, which is a natural non-Abelian gen eralization of the result obtained in [7] where the quadratic Chern-Simons term was generat ed for the Lorentzsymmetry breaking termsarises inthis case, andbo ththemass term with a correct coefficient are generated. Howeve r, the new term arisen in explicitly , and, moreover, derivatives as it was predicted in [13]. The natural treating of this result is that the breaking of the Lorentz symmetry at high energies can be related t o the GZK effect and many other studies predicting Lorentz symmetry breaking namely for hig h energy scales (see The work by A. Yu. P. has been supported by CNPq-FAPESQ DCR program, CNPq project No. N. Seiberg, E. Witten, JHEP 09, 032 (1999), J.Carmona, J.Cortes, J.GamboaandF. Mendez, Phys.Lett . B565, 222(2003), 058 (2003), R. Jackiw, V. A. Kostelecky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3572 (19 99), J. Gamboa, J. Lopez-Sarrion, Phys. Rev. D71, 067702 (200 5), H. Falomir, J. Gamboa, J. Lopez-Sarrion, F. Mendez, A. J. da Silva, Phys. Lett. B632, 740 (2005), A. F. Ferrari, M. Gomes, J. R. Nascimento, E. Passos, A. Yu . Petrov, A. J. da Silva, Phys. Lett. B652, 174 (2007), J. R. Nascimento, A. Yu. Petrov, R. F. Ribeiro, Europhys. Lett. 77, 51001 A. N. Redlich, Phys. Rev. D29, 2366 (1984). [9] S. Deser, R. Jackiw, S. Templeton, Ann. Phys. 140, 372 (19 82); Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 975 (1982). [10] A. P. Polychronakos, Phys. Lett. B241, 37 (1990); L.-S. Chen, G. Dunne, K. Haller, E. Lim- Lombridas, Phys. Lett. B348, 468 (1995). [11] M.-I. Park, Nucl. Phys. B544, 377 (1999), hep-th/98110 33. [12] L. S. Grigorio, M. S. Guimaraes, S. Wotzasek, Induced d eformation of the canonical structure and UV/IR duality in (1+1)D, arXiv: 0802.1193; J. Gamboa, L . S. Grigorio, M. S. Guimaraes, F. Mendes, S. Wotzasek, Radiative processes as a condensat ion phenomenon and the physical meaning of deformed canonical structures, arXiv: 0805.06 26. [13] J. Gamboa, J. Lopez-Sarrion, A. Polychronakos, Phys. L ett. B634, 471 (2006), J. Magueijo, L. Smolin, Class. Quant. Grav. 21, 1725 (20 03), gr-qc/0305055. 7 | 0805.0767 | A. Yu. Petrov | J. R. Nascimento, A. Yu. Petrov, E. O. Silva | On the noncommutative fields method in the three-dimensional Yang-Mills
theory | 7 pages, references added | null | null | null | hep-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We apply the noncommutative fields method to the three-dimensional
non-Abelian gauge theory. We find that, first, implementing the
noncommutativity between the canonical momenta implies in generation of the
non-Abelian Chern-Simons term, second, if one introduces the noncommutativity
between the field operators, the higher derivative terms would arise.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 6 May 2008 18:05:25 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 9 May 2008 14:47:11 GMT"
] | 2008-05-09T00:00:00 | [
"J. R.",
"A. Yu.",
"E. O.",
] |
- 2 - star ([Fe/H] = 0 .36; Sato et al. 2005) strongly suggests that core-accretion (e.g ., Pollack et al. 1996) plays a role in forming giant planets. If, however, most of t he heavy elements reside in the planet's core, then HD 149026b would possess a core ma ss much greater than the expected critical core mass of 10 -20M(Mizuno 1980; Pollack et al. 1996), and thus nonetheless present a challenge to standard core-accretion the ory. The planet is noteworthy in another respect. Observations by the Spitzer Space et al. 2007) have shown the planet to have a day-side 8 um well in excess of its predicted blackbody temperatur e, when it is assumed that all incident radiation is absorbed and subsequently re-emitted unifo rmly across the entire surface of the planet. Fortney et al. (2008) posit that highly irrad iated planets such as HD 149026b, which they term pM class planets, will generally show brig ht day-sides and large day/night temperature contrasts. They argue that the incident stellar flux is by gaseous TiO and VO high in the atmospheres of pM planet s where the radia- tive timescale is much shorter than the advective timescale (see also Hubeny et al. 2003; Burrows et al. 2008). This is in contrast to less irradiated pL plane ts where Ti and V are expected to largely condense out of the atmosphere, permitt ing the stellar flux to be absorbed deeper in the atmosphere where the two timescales are c omparable. Hence, it is only for the pL class that a heated parcel of gas is able to be advect ed to the night side prior to cooling, resulting in similar day/night temperatures. HD 149026b is thus a valuable case study for modelers of planetary a tmospheres, struc- ture, and formation. Unfortunately, the system is observationa lly challenging: the transit depth (3 mmag in V) is a factor of two shallower than any other presently known trans iting planet, and more importantly, there are few adequate comparison stars nearby on the sky. The result is that the present fractional uncertainty in the key ob servable parameter, the planetary radius Rp, is 7% (Winn et al. 2008). This uncertainty is one of the largest among the ensemble of transiting planets. The state of uncertainty is unf ortunate given that Rp is the essential constraint on models of the planet's interior struct ure. Fortunately there is further scope for improvement through high-precision photomet ry. This study is inspired by the potential of infrared photometry with t heSpitzer Space Telescope to reduce the uncertainty in Rp. While ground-based photometry suffers from significant levels of systematic noise when there are few good compa rison stars, 0.1 mmag photometry without any comparison stars (e.g. Knutson et al. 2007). Additionally, because of the near absence of stellar-limb dar kening in the lightcurve modeling issimplified andgives results largelyindepen dent limb-darkening coefficients. Previously, Sato et al. (2005), C harbonneau et al. (2006), and Winn et al. (2008) (hereafter W08) have presented ground-b ased photometry of HD- 3 - 149026. In this paper, we report Spitzer8um observations of the transit of HD 149026b, and combine this with the previously published data in order to derive p recise constraints on the properties of HD 149026b. In SS2 we describe the observations and data reduction and inSS3 we describe our analysis of the Spitzerlight curve. In SS4 we estimate the of the HD 149026 system. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our revised estimate of the planet radius for models of the interior s tructure of HD 149026b. 2. Observations and Reduction We observed the transit of HD 149026 on UT 2007 August 14, using t he 8 micron channel of the IRAC instrument (Fazio et al 2004) aboard the SpitzerSpace et al. 2004). The system was observed at a 0.4 s cadence u sing IRAC's 32 by 32 pixel sub-array mode, in which frames of 64 images are taken in rapid succession. Over the course of our observations, we obtained 1047 such frames, resu lting in 67,008 total images. Our observational strategy matches that of recent Spitzer obs ervations of HD 189733 and GJ 436 (e.g., Knutson et al. 2007, Deming et al. 2007, Gillon et al. 2007) ; the was held fixed to avoid time loss during telescope movement s and to minimize errors from an imperfect flat-field correction. In the IRAC 8 micro n channel, there is a well-known rise in detector sensitivity during observational sequen ces (see e.g., Harrington et al. 2007, Knutson et al. 2007), which is steepest at the beginning of observations and asymptotes within several hours for highly illuminated ( >250 MJy Sr-1) pixels. We padded the beginning of our observational window so that the transit would begin nearly 3 hours into observations, thus avoiding the steepest part of this ramp. In each image, we assessed the background flux by taking the media n pixel value from the corner regions of each 32 by 32 image. We performed aperture photometry, settling on a 3.5 pixel aperture radius, for which the rms of the time series is minim ized. From the time stamp reported for each frame of 64 0.4 s exposures, we calcu lated the JD of the center of integration for each image. We applied the heliocentric correction to the JD using the position of Spitzerobtained from the JPL Horizons Ephemeris System. In each series o f 64 images there is a well-known effect, with the first 5-10 and 58thimages showing anomalously low star fluxes and background levels (see e.g. Harrington 2007). B ackground corrects for this effect, but we elected to drop the 1stimage from each series of 64, because the background levels in these images exhibit more dispe rsion than in the other images. We trimmed the first 45 minutes of data, when the ramp is ste epest. We flagged images when the star centroid, calculated with a flux-weighted aver age, was 4 saway from the median centroid position. Such 4 scentroid deviants were generally caused by cosmic- 4 - rays or other contamination in the photometric aperture. We furt her flagged images when the flux measurement was 4 sfrom a smoothed (binned) light curve, or the background level was 4sfrom a binned time series of the background. We flagged 317 images ( 0.5 % of the total) according to the last three Light Curve Analysis One major benefit of observing transits at 8 um is that stellar limb-darkening has a small effect on the shape of the transit light curve. To determine its extent, we consulted a theoretical limb-darkening model (Kurucz 1979, 1994) for a Teff= 6250K, logg= 4.5, [Fe/H]
= 0.3 star at l= 8um. We fit this model1to the Claret (2000) four parameter law (see also Beaulieu et al. 2008 for a similar handling of lim the limb-darkening is indeed modest, we find that incorporat ing it in our light curve modeling (described below) leads to non-negligible changes in th e best-fit parameters and a reduction in the best-fit kh2by more than 1. We modeled the light curve using transit routine of Mandel & Agol (2002) . The small p lanet approximation is not usually suitable for analyzing high quality transit data, especially for systems with large planet-star radius ratios ( but here we find the approximation leads to insignificant changes in thebest-fit parameters (due to the very s mall planet-star radius ratio of HD 149026). We assumed a circular orbit, which is expected from t idal dissipation and supported by current radial velocity data (e.g., Sato et al. 2005). We parametrized the light curve with 4 geometric parameters that are independent of prior a ssumptions on the the planet-star radius ratio Rp/R, the stellar radius to orbital radius ratio R/a, the inclination i, and the time of mid-transit Tc. To correct for the ramp and other effects, we adopted a correction factor f= (c0+c1log(t-t0) fixed to a time a few minutes before the first observations. Not e that in all of our modeling below, we fit for the detector correction coefficients s imultaneously with parameters, allowing us to take into account how c hanges in the may impact the transit parameters. We performed a least-squares fit to our unbinned data over the 7 p arameter using an IDL implementation of the amoebaalgorithm (e.g. see Press et al. 1992). The data, corrected for the ramp and binn ed 100:1 are shown in Figure 1, together with this best-fitting solution. To understand t he level of and its properties, we examined the residuals from this best fit . We determined 5 - normalized rms residual of 8 .3x10-3, only 15% greater than the expected photon-noise. We found that the level of photometric noise was constant over the d uration of the furthermore that the noise was essentially white. In the left p anel of figure 2 we show that the scatter in binned residuals decreases with bin size as N-1/2for bins of up to 1000 images. In the right panel of Fig. 2, we display a power spectrum est imate for the time- series of residuals. To compute this, we first binned the residuals fo r each frame of 64 images. This step creates an evenly spaced time-series of 940 residuals bec ause IRAC, in sub-array mode, takes exposures in sets of 64 images (once every 25.6 secon ds). This binning also avoids having to interpolate over gaps caused by flagged images. Th ough binning removes the highest frequency information fromthe spectrum, we are less concerned with noise power on the affected time scales, which are shorter than the other times cales relevant in a transit light curve (e.g., the ingress/egress duration). We estimated the p ower spectrum via the (modulus squared) discrete Fourier transform. To reduce the va riance at each frequency, we smoothed with a 7 point Daniell, or moving average, filter. We com pared our power spectrum estimate with that expected of white noise by simulating 105time-series with identical, independent Gaussian deviates of the same time sampling an d standard deviation as We note that 5% of the simulated power spectra show pea k values as high as the peak value in Spitzerpower spectrum, while two peaks in the exceed the median peak value of the simulated spectra (t he dashed line in Fig. 2).- 6 - Fig. 1.-- Transit photometry for HD 149026, with 40 second resolutio n (bins of 100 images). The top panel displays the raw light curve and the middle displays the lig ht curve corrected for the detector ramp as described in section 3. At bottom are the residuals from the best fit light curve.- 7 - Fig. 2.-- Left: Root-mean-square of binned residuals vs. bin size. Th e solid line is pro- portional to N-1/2and is normalized to match the value for bin size N= 1. Right: Power spectrum estimate for the time-series residuals. The estimate has been divided by the power spectrum expected for randomly generated white noise of the sam e standard deviation and time sampling as the Spitzerdata. The dashed line represents the median peak value of the simulated power spectrum estimates.- 8 - Because of the light curve modeling degeneracy between the param photometry alone cannot determine the quantity of intere st,Rp. To break this degeneracy, one can either apply an external constraint on a(typically via Newton's version of Kepler's Third Law and a constraint on M), onR, or on some combination of both. Before applying any such constraints, we estimated the probability distributions for the 7 light curve parameters by using the widely employed Markov Chain Mon te Carlo (MCMC) technique (see e.g., Tegmark et al. 2004; Winn et al. 2007; Burke et a l. 2007). The benefit of performing this analysis without any a priori assumptions on stellar quantities is that we can compare, on equal footing, the light curve constraints der ived from our data Forthisanalys is, as our goodness-of-fit the calculated flux at the time of the ithdata point, fobs(i) is the and sis fixed to the value of the rms determined in the previous paragraph . We produced 10 chains of length 106, with each chain starting from independent parameter points randomly chosen from a broad region (spanning approximate ly 5s) in parameter space. The beginning 25% of each chain was trimmed and the 10 chains were concatenated. We found that the Gelman-Rubin R statistic was <1.01 for each parameter, which is an indication of convergence. Our MCMC analysis yields Rp/R= 0.05158+-0.00077 and impact parameter |b|
|acosi/R|= 0.62+0.08 -0.24. Our result for Rp/Ris larger than that of W08 ( though the difference is only modestly significant. Our result for |b|is higher than that of W08 ( |b|= 0.00 with 68% upper limit |b|= 0.36). We expect is more robust than the result from the optical data becaus e, for IR light curves, the radius ratio is measured almost dir ectly fromthe observed flux decrement. For optical light curves, however, the radius rat io is strongly covariant with the assumed limb-darkening coefficients. That is, an error in the ass umed translate into an error in the radius ratio. To investigate this po int, we conducted a comparison with previously published ( b+y)/2 HD 149026 light curves of Sato et al. (2005) and W08 (see SS4.2 for further discussion of these data). For this sub-study we m odeled the data ina manner similar tothe above, but assumed a linear limb-darken ing coefficient, which we allowed to vary freely. For the optical light curves, we determine d a correlation Rp/Rand the limb-darkening coefficient of r= 0.55, while for the same experi- ment with the Spitzerdata we found a much weaker correlation ( r=-0.20). Furthermore, in the presence of strong limb-darkening, the radius ratio and impac t parameter are also- 9 - correlated; the radius ratio can be traded off with the impact param eter to produce similar transit depths. We point this out because it suggests that the abo ve mentioned in fact correlated with each other. The results for these parameters and other important transit ob servables are reported in Table 1 (marked with a superscript 'a'). Noteworthy are the result s for the mean stel- lar density, r, and planet surface gravity, gp, which are determina- tions making use of information only from transit photometry and Do ppler & Mall' en-Ornelas 2003; Southworth et al. 2007; Sozzet ti et al. 2007). We also find a/R= 6.23+0.71 -0.63, which is consistent with the determination of W08 ( a/R= that the corresponding fractional uncertainty in our result forR/ais fairly large (10%). 4. Stellar and Planetary Properties In the transit modeling literature, the parameter of interest, Rp, is usually determined via oneof thefollowing two methods. Inthe first, one obtainsan ext ernally determined value ofR, and then multiplies by the light curve results for Rp/R. In the second, one assumes a value for M, utilizes Newton's version of Kepler's Third Law to derive the semi-maj or axis,a, and then applies the light curve results for the first method has the advantage that transit photometry determines Rp/Rmore precisely than Rp/a, the resulting Rpdepends strongly on the assumed R(RpR). This method also has the disadvantage of effectively disregarding any information gle aned from the light curve onR/a. In the second method, the result for Rpdepends only weakly on the assumed M (RpM1/3 ), but, in our case, Rp/ais not constrained well enough to lead to a determination of Rp. For these reasons, we adopt a hybrid approach, imposing a radius constraint and, to make use of the R/ainformation, a mass constraint. Though the addition of this mass constraint represents an increased depende nce on stellar models, we consider it a fairly benign dependency given how weakly the mass ente rs into the transit modeling ( weaugmentthe with independent constraints on the stellar properties d escribed below, we fit for theRpand other planet and stellar possible route is to assume a stellar mass-radius relation (C ody & Sasselov 2002). We have chosen not to make such an assumption because of the uncertaint y in the age and evolutionary state of HD 149026.- 10 - 4.1. Stellar Radius and Mass Using a collection of interferometric angular diameter measurement s, Kervella et al. (2004) derived empirical relations for the angular diameters of dwa rf stars as a function of Johnson magnitudes. We use their V,Krelation for the angular diameter, ph(mas), logph= (2) Kervella et al. (2004) find the root mean square residual from this b est fit relation to be less than 1% for 20 stars ranging from spectral type A0 to M2. We applie dV= 8.15, as found in theHipparcos Catalog, and K= 6.85, after transforming the 2MASS Ksmagnitude to Johnson K following Carpenter (2001). After propagating the unc ertainties in the photom- etry and the Kervella et al. (2004) best-fit parameters, we deter minedph= (see also Torres et al. 2008). The formal uncertainty in angula r diameter is thus 1%
and negligible compared to the uncertainty in parallax. After combinin g with the parallax and uncertainty ( p= 12.59+-0.70) of van Leeuwen (2007), we determine R= 1.50+-0.09 R. For the stellar mass, we adopt the value M= 1.30+-0.10 Mfrom Sato et Light Curve Analysis Revisited We simultaneously fitted our Spitzerdata together with 3 light curves published by Sato et al. (2005), 2 light curves by Charbonneau et al. (2006) and 5 light curves by W08. The 10 previous transit observations are discussed in detail in the r eferences above, but TheSatoetal. automated photometric telescopes at the Fairborn Observator y. Fluxes were through Str omgren bandyfilters and averaged to create ( b+y)/2 fluxes. The Charbonneau et al. (2006) observations were obtained with th e Fred Lawrence 1.2 m telescope through the Sloan gandrfilters. In analysis of the 10 light curves, W08 divided each raw light curve by a linear function of time th at was fitted to data. This step corrects for airmass effects and other systematic trends, but also has the effect of normalizing each light curve to have unit mean ou t-of-transit flux. We adopted these corrected data as well as their revised photometr ic errors, which were rescaled to account for the effects of noise correlation on ingress/egress timescales. Note that the composite of these 10 light curves, when binned to 30 second resolu tion, shows roughly the same scatter ( ~0.9 mmag) as the the Spitzerdata binned to the same we revisited the MCMC analysis of SS3. We modeled the light curves as before,- 11 - using the small-planet transit routine of Mandel & Agol (2002). For we assumed linear limb-darkening, with coefficients as tabulate d by Claret (2004) for a 6250 K, log g= 4.5, and [Fe /H]=0.3 star. For the ( b+y)/2 data, we assumed a coefficient of 0.712, the average of Claret (2000) following W08. We employed 9 free parameters: where the ramp correction coefficients, ci, apply only to the Spitzerdata. Note that we fit for only a single mid-transit time and required the transits to be spaced at of P. W08 found no significant deviations from predicted transit times, s o this is a reasonable assumption. We modified our goodness-of-fit statist ic as the second and third term reflecting the above determined ste llar radius and mass with errors assumed to follow normal distributions. Note that the mass and radius constraints have entered into the kh2in a simple additive form, which is strictly valid only if the con- straints were determined entirely independent of each other. In f act, the mass determination of Sato et al. (2005) makes use of the parallax, which implies that the mass and radius deter- minations have some level of intrinsic covariance. To examine the impa ct of this covariance, we repeated our analysis with the following trial goodness-of-fit st we experimented with values of the correlation coefficient, rMR, between -1 and 1. For -0.7< rMR<0.7, we found the best-fit parameters and error bars to be negligibly affected by the correlation, and we found the results were significantly impac ted only when |rMR|>
0.9. Since we expect the covariance between the stellar mass and rad ius determination to be more modest, we conclude that our results are not impacted by neg lecting the covariance. We conducted the analysis as before; we produced 10 Monte Carlo c hains of length 106, cut the first 25% of each chain, and then combined the chains. For e ach parameter the Gelman-Rubin R statistic was well within 1% of unity. In table 1, we repo rt best-fit values and uncertainties for various parameters. We take the best-fit v alue to be the median of the MCMC samples, and for the uncertainties, we report the interval t hat encloses the central 68.3% of the MCMC samples. We determine a stellar radius of 1 .497+-0.069R, which is moderately refined compared to its prior distribution (1 .50+-0.09 R). This refinement indicates that the combination of- 12 - Spitzerand ground-based data is able provide some statistical influence on the through the observational constraint on R/a. We note that the external stellar radius constraint reinforces the high impact parameter solutions f avored by the analysis of SS3 (Spitzerdata alone). This arises because the radius constraint favors rela tively large stellar radii, which, for the given observed transit duration, can on ly be accommodated impact parameters. The planet radius is determine d to be 0 anuncertainty that is reduced versus previously published det erminations byW08). The unc ertainty in the revised Hipparcos parallax (van Leeuwen 2007) that we have adopted, and partly due to the combination of the Spitzerand ground-based data.- 13 - Fig. 3.-- Joint posterior probability distributions for Rpand directly observable quantities, as estimated by the MCMC analysis described in SS4. The contours mark the 68% and 95%
confindence regions. Left: Joint distribution for Rpand the transit depth, ( Rp/R)2. Middle: Joint distribution for Rpand the transit duration, defined as the interval from 1st to 4thcontact. Right: Joint distribution for Rpand the ingress (egress) duration, defined as the interval from 1stto 2nd(3rdto 4th) contact. Note that the vertical axes in each panel are scaled so that they encompass roughly the same fractional va riation.- 14 - In Fig. 3, we look deeper into the observational constraints on the key parameter, Rp. The most directly observable quantities from a transit light curve ar e the transit depth, the total transit duration, and the ingress or egress duration; a measurement of these is sufficient (at least in the absence of limb-darkening) t o determine the more physical parameters Rp/R,R/a, and cos i. By examining the joint posterior the three observables with the parameter Rp, one can gain insight into the current obser- vational limitations on the precision of Rp. While each of the panels in Fig. 3 the third panel ( Rpand ingress duration) shows particularly strong the major limiting factor in reducing the uncertainty in planeta ry radius appears to be the ability to resolve the ingress duration. Unfortunately, cons training this quantity photometry is complicated by limb-darkening and the effects of systematics and correlated errors (e.g., Pont & Moutou 2007). 4.3. Influence of Star duet the depth and shape of the transit light curve. If the transit chord intersects a star spot, a positive bump will be introduced into the transit light curve , while if the transit chord is along an unspotted area of an otherwise spotted star, th e transit would appear deeper (see e.g. Knutson et al. 2008, Beaulieu et al. 2008). The exis tence of star spots can be investigated by long-term photometric observations of the sta r, monitoring for periodic flux published APT data has shown HD 149026 to be photometr ically stable to 0.0015 mag, the limit of precision of the APTs (Sato et al. 2005). Furt her (b+y)/2 out- of-transit observations have been obtained with the APTs, exten ding the dataset to over 3 years (Winn et al. 2008; G. Henry, private communication). With th is additional APT data, kindly shared with us by G. Henry, we have searched for evide nce of star We computed the periodogram for the time-series (550 t otal flux 0.5and100days. Exa in the periodogram reveals no evidence for any significant per iodicities, and allows us to place an upper limit on the peak-to-peak amplitude of any sinusoid ( in the period range 0.5-100 days) of less than 0.001 mag. Any spots at or below this level will have on the transit light curve, especially given that the 1 suncertainty in the transit depth for HD 149026b is 3%.- 15 - 4.4. Refined Ephemeris The precise transit timing from SS3, along with the fact that the Spitzerlight curve extends the time base-line of HD 149026b transit observations, en ables a significant refine- ment in the transit ephemeris. For the previously published transit o bservations, we adopt the transit times and uncertainties listed in Table 3 of W08. We fit the t iming data to =Tc(0)+ExP and Wedetermine P= and Tc(0) = 2454327 .37211+-0.00047, with kh2/Ndof= 0.564, withNdof= 10. In Fig. 4, we show the transit time residuals for all published tra nsits.- 16 - Fig. 4.-- Observed minus calculated mid-transit times for HD 149026b. The times are derived from the ephemeris in eq. (2). The estimat es for the first 11 transit times are drawn from Table 3 of W08.- 17 - 5. Discussion We have presented and analyzed Spitzer8um transit observations of the HD 149026 system. By incorporating previously published data, and adopting c onstraints on the stellar mass and radius, we improve the determination of the planetary rad ius toRp= 0.755+- 0.040RJ. Our measurement reinforces previous findings of the intriguingly s mall radius of HD 149026b. To place this result in context, models in which HD 149026 b (with a total mass of 114 +-2M) is composed purely of H/He require a radius greater than 1 et al. 2007). The implications of the small measured radius on the interior structu re of HD 149026b have been modeled by a number of authors. Most works (Sato et al. 2005; Fortney et al. 2006; Ikoma et al. 2006; Burrows et al. 2007) have assumed that a ll of the heavy elements reside althoughit wasoftenstressed that thismay notnecessarily be the case. For instance, recent models of Jupiter's structure indic ate that the majority of its heavy elements are mixed within the H/He envelope (Saumon & Guillot 20 04). Baraffe et al. (2008) recently computed evolution models of HD 149026b and othe r planets and showed that if these heavy elements are distributed within the envelope, ra ther than all in the core, less are needed to obtain the same model radius at a given age. Howe ver, Ikoma et al. (2006) also explored this effect, and noted that enhanced metallicity of the H/He envelope should also lead to higher atmospheric opacity, which will slow the contractio n, necessitating more heavy elements. The choices made by the modelers have been diverse, and many differ ent conditions, assumed heat capacities of the heavy elemen ts, and equations of state (EOSs) for the heavy elements have been explored. Interior heav y element mass estimates have generally ranged from 50-90 Mfor a planet radius of 0 .725+-0.05RJ. On the low end, Ikoma et al. (2006) find that a 35 Mcore would be necessary, if the planet cooled and contracted in isolation, then was brought to 0.042 AU at the presen t time. On the high end, Burrows et al. (2007) find 110 M, if the planet has an atmospheric opacity 10 times larger than solar composition atmosphere models. For all of these m odels, uncertainty in the measured radius is more significant than the uncertainty in the s ystem age. A full exploration of new evolution models, including the potential con tribution of TiO/VO opacity, which may be present in the planet's visible atmospher e (Fortney et al. 2006, Fortney et al. 2008, Burrows et al. 2008), is beyond the sco pe of this paper. Given the previous modeling efforts, together with uncertainties in atmos pheric metallicity and opacities and the distribution of heavy elements within the planet, th e 50-90Mheavy ele- ment mass range is still likely to be correct, even for our modestly lar ger measured radius. We note that current estimates of the heavy element abundance o f Saturn (which is simi-- 18 - lar in mass to HD 149026b) and Jupiter range from 13-28 Mand 8-39 M, & Guillot 2004). Uncertainty in the composition of giant plane ts is the rule, not the exception. As has been stressed recently by Burrows et al. (2007), and othe rs, constraints for any particular planet will remain uncertain, but with a large sample size of t ransiting planets at various masses, radii, orbital distances, and stellar metallicity, tre nds will emerge which will shed light on the formation and structure of these planets (Guillot e t al. 2006; Fortney et al. 2007; Burrows et al. 2007). We arethankful to F. vanLeeuwen for providing parallax data for H D 149026, andto G. Takeda for discussions regarding the spectroscopic determinatio n of stellar properties. We are especially grateful to G. Henry for sharing many seasons of ph otometric data. We would also like to thank an anonymous referee for specific and helpful rec ommendations. This work is based on observations made with the Spitzer Space Telescope, wh ich is operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology und er a contract with NASA. Support for this work was provided by NASA through an award issue d by I., Chabrier, G., & Barman, T. 2008, A&A, 482, 315 Beaulieu, J. P., Carey, S., Ribas, I., & Tinetti, G. 2008, ApJ, 677, 134 3 Burke, C. J., et al. 2007, ApJ, 671, 2115 Burrows, A., Hubeny, I., Budaj, J., & Hubbard, W. B. 2007, ApJ, 66 1, 502 Burrows, A., Budaj, J., & Hubeny, I. 2008, ApJ, 678, 1436 Carpenter, J. M. 2001, AJ, 121, D., et al. 2006, ApJ, 636, 445 Charbonneau, D., Brown, T. M., Burrows, A., & Laughlin, G. 2007, in P rotostars and Planets V, ed. B. Reipurth, D. Jewitt, & K. Keil, 701 Claret, A. 2000, A&A, 363, 1081 Claret, A. 2004, A&A, 428, 1001 Cody, A. M., & Sasselov, D. D. 2002, ApJ, 569, 451- 19 - Fazio, G. 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Estimates of the HD 149026 System Median 15.9thPercentile -0.00077 -0.00077 -1.*9 +2 .*5 i[deg] 85 .*3 -0.*8 +0 .*9 a/Ra6.23 -0.63 +0.71 a/R 6.20 -0.25 +0.28 r[g cm-3]a0.51 -0.13 +0.21 r[g cm-3] 0.547 -0.064 -0.09 -0.048 +0.049 P[days] 2.8758887 -0.0000035 -0.00050 +0.00050 Rp[RJ] 0.755 -0.040 +0.040 R[R] 1.497 -0.069 from analysis of Spitzerdata alone bUsingK= 43.3+-1.2 m s-1, from Sato et al. (2005) | 0805.0777 | Philip Nutzman | Philip Nutzman, David Charbonneau, Joshua N. Winn, Heather A. Knutson,
Jonathan J. Fortney, Matthew J. Holman, Eric Agol | A Precise Estimate of the Radius of the Exoplanet HD 149026b from
Spitzer Photometry | 18 pages, 4 figures, accepted to ApJ | Astrophys.J.692:229-235,2009 | 10.1088/0004-637X/692/1/229 | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We present Spitzer 8 micron transit observations of the extrasolar planet HD
149026b. At this wavelength, transit light curves are weakly affected by
stellar limb-darkening, allowing for a simpler and more accurate determination
of planetary parameters. We measure a planet-star radius ratio of Rp/Rs =
0.05158 +/- 0.00077, and in combination with ground-based data and independent
constraints on the stellar mass and radius, we derive an orbital inclination of
i = 85.4 +0.9/-0.8 degrees and a planet radius of Rp = 0.755 +/- 0.040 R_jup.
These measurements further support models in which the planet is greatly
enriched in heavy elements.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 6 May 2008 18:52:58 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 13 Nov 2008 20:34:03 GMT"
] | 2009-06-23T00:00:00 | [
"Joshua N.",
"Heather A.",
"Jonathan J.",
"Matthew J.",
] |
semi-classical expansion is an expansion in powers therefore we can set m=l= 1. Classical solutions phc(x) (3) Therefore for potentials in (2), the classical solutions we will see in the next section, to compute mass corrections we ne ed the fluctuation potential V''(phc(x)). For cases listed above, we have V''(phc) =
1-2 cosh2x;SG the next section we quote briefly the generalized zeta function m ethod. We then use shape of potentials (5) and the heat kernel method to obtain q uantum corrections to kink masses. 2 Semi-Classical Quantum Kink States Classical configuration space is found by static configuration Ph( x), so that the energy functional corresponding to classical action functional (1) E[Ph] (6) is finite. One can describe quantum evolution in Schrodinger picture b y the following functional =HPh[ph(x),t], (7) so that quantum Hamiltonian operator is given (8) In field representation matrix elements of evolution operator are g iven (9) where the initial conditions are those of static solutions kink of class ical equations where ph(i)(x,0) =phk(x). In semi-classical picture, we are interested in loop expansion for evolution operator up to the first quantum = exp( (10) where we use analytic continuation to Euclidean time, t=-it,T=-ib, and is the differential operator (11) P is the projector over the strictly positive part of spectrum of xn(x) =o2 nxn(x), o2 no Spec() =Spec(P)+{0}. (12) We write functional determinant in the (13) 2All determinants in infinite product correspond to harmonic oscillato rs of frequency on. On the other hand, it is well known that into a single constant. The second factor has the and thus, with an appropriate obtain for large eigenvalues in the kernel of have been excluded. Interest ing eigenenergy wave =ejPhj[phk(x)] (16) we have an alternative expression for GEforb- (17) and, therefore, from (14) and (16) we (19) as the Kink ground state energy and wave functional up to One-Lo op order. If we define the generalized zeta (20) associated to differential operator P^, (21) The eigenfunction of is a basis for quantum fluctuations around kin k background, therefore sum of the associated zero-point energies encoded in zP(-1 2) in (20) is infinite. According to zeta function energy and mass renormalization prescription, renor malized kink energy in semi-classical limit becomes [9] ek(s) =E[phk]+ = lim a constant minimum of potential V(ph),Eis corresponding classical energy where uhas the introduced to make the terms in (23) homogeneous from a dimensional point of view and 3zndenoted zeta function associated with vacuum phv. Now we explain very briefly how one can calculate zeta function of an o perator though heat kernel method. We introduce generalized Riemann zeta function of operator A by zA(s) (24) wherelnare eigenvalues of operator A. On the other hand, zA(s) is the Mellin transformation of heat kernel G(x,y,t) which satisfies the following heat diffusion =- tG(x,y,t), (25) with an initial condition G(x,y,0) =d(x-y). Note that G(x,y,t) can be written in terms of its (26) and as usual, if the spectrum is continues, one should integrate it. F rom relation (17), it is clear that zA(s) (27) Hence, if we know the associated Green function of an operator, w e can calculate generalized zeta to that operator. In the next sections we calculat e the Green function of ph4-model and SG via shape invariance property and there, by using equations (25), (2 6) and (27) we will obtain one-loop corrections to quantum kink masses. 3 Quantum Mass of SG and ph4-models In this section we calculate one-loop quantum mass of these two pot entials. According to the previous section the second derivative of these potentials at the Kink solution can be written as U(x) (28) so that for l= 1 andl= 2 we obtain SG and ph4-model second derivative potentials respectively. Therefor the operator (11) which acts on the eigenfunctions (29) Also the operator acting on the vacuum has the following form l(0) =-d2 dx2+l2. (30) In the reminding of this section, to obtaining the spectrum of (29) w e will use the shape invariance property. First we review briefly concepts that we will use. Consider the following one-dimensional bound-state x IR (31) whereIis the domain of xandU(x) is a real function of x, which can be singular only in the boundary points of the domain. Let us denote by Enandpsn(x) the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of Hrespectively. We method which consists of writing Hamiltonian as the pro duct of two first order mutually operators AandA+. If the ground state eigenvalue and eigenfunctions are known, th en one can factorize Hamiltonian (31) as H=A+A+E0, the ground-state =-d dxln(ps0). quantum mechanics (SUSY QM) begins with a set of t wo matrix operators, known as (35) This operators form the following superalgebra = (Q+-)2= 0, (36) where SUSY Hamiltonian HSSis defined (37) In terms of the Hamiltonian superalgebra takes the = 0, i,j= 1,2. (39) The operators called SUSY partner Hamiltonians and the function Wis called the superpotential. Now, let us denote eigenfunctions of H1andH2with eigenvalues E(1) landE(2) l, respectively. It is easy to see that the eigenvalues of the above Hamiltonians are positive and isosp ectral, i.e., they have almost the same energy eigenvalues, except for the ground state energy of H1. According to the [11], their energy spectra are related as El=E(1) l+E0, E(1) 0= 0, psl=ps(1) l, l= if the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of H1were known, one could immediately derive the spectrum ofH2. However the above relations only give the relationship between the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the two partner Hamiltonians. A condition of an exactly solvability is kn own as the shape invariance condition. This condition means the pair of SUSY partner potentials U1,2(x) are similar in shape and differ only in the parameters that appears in them [12], U2(x;a1) =U2(x;a2)+R(a1), (42) 5wherea1is a set of parameters and a2is a function of a1. Then the eigenvalues of H1are given (43) and the corresponding eigenfunctions (44) The shape invariance condition (42) can be rewritten in terms of the defined in we are ready to obtain spectra of loperator defined in (29). For a given eigenspectrum of El, we introduce the following factorization operator lcan be factorized for a given l, its first bounded excited state can be obtained from the ground s tate ofl-1 and consequently the excited state mof a givenl,psl,m(x), using (44) can be written as psl,m(x) (48) with eigenvalue El,m=m(2l-m). Obviously its ground state with El,0= 0 is given by psl,0cosh-l(x). Also its continuous spectrum consists of psl,k(x) (49) with eigenvalues El,k=l2+k2with following normalization (50) Therefor, using equations (25), (26), (48) and (49) we forl= 1 (SG), according to (27) it is easy to show according to the (23) the first correction term to t he kink quantum mass of SG becomes d1ek(s) (54) The second correction term is also given by d2ek(s) = lim the corrected mass for SG kink is derived from ek(s) =E[phk]+ (56) Using the variable a=s+1 2, functions d1ek(s) andd2ek(s) can be written in the following form
d1ek(a) by using the Gamma function properties, we have
d1ek(0) Ps(z) =G'(z) G(z)is digamma function and gis the Euler-Mascheroni constant . Sum of contributions of two poles leaves a finite remainder and we end with the finite (59) E[phk] (60) The one-loop correction to SG kink obtained by means of generalized zeta function procedure exactly agrees with accepted result, see [10], [11], [12], [13] and henceforth, with ou tcome of the mode number [14]. In the case of ph4-model we left with l= 2 and then using (27) we (61) and using (27) we = we have used the well-known Feynman we have d1ek(s) we obtain d2ek(s) = lim we using E[phk] = 4m3/3l, we (67) the same answer offered by mode-number regularization method in [ 15]. 4 Conclusion In this article we used the shape invariance property of fluctuation operator of SG and ph4-models to obtain one-loop quantum correction to the kink mass. This method can be e xtend to those quantum fields that operators have shape invariance property. An intere sting extension worth studying is to use this method for quantum fields in The authors would like to thank H. R. Sepangi for reading the manus R. Rajaraman, Kinks and Instantons (North Holland, Amesterdom, 1987), C. Rebbi and G. and Particles (World Scientific, Singapore, 1984). [2] H. Nastase, M. Stephanov, P. Van Nieuwenhuizen and A. Rebhan , Nucl. Phys. B 542, 471 (1999), N. Graham and R. L. Jaffe, Phys. Lett. B 435, 145 (1998), Nucl. Phys. B 544, 432 (1999), Nucl. Phys. B 549, 516 (1999). [3] G. Dunne and K. Rao, JHEP 0001019 (2000), I. J. R. Aitchison and C. M. Fraser, Phys. Rev. D 31, 2605 (1985), L-H. Chan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 1222 (1985), (erratum) 56, 404 (1986), Phys. Rev. D 55, 6223 (1997), G. V. Dunne, Phys. Lett. B 467, 238 (1999). [4] N. Graham and R. L. Jaffe, Phys. Lett. B 435, 145 (1998). [5] A. S. Goldhaber, A. Litvintsev, P. Van Nieuwenhuizen, Phys. Rev . D64, 045013 (2001). [6] M. Bordag, A. S. Goldhaber, P. Van Nieuwenhuizen and D. Vassilev ich, Phys. Rev. D 66125014 (2002). [7] A. Rebhan, P. Van Nieuwenhuizen and R. Wimmer, New J. Phys. 431 (2002). [8] M. A. Jafarizadeh and S. Jalalzadeh, J. Math. Phys. 41701 (2000). [9] A. A. Izquierdo, J. M. Guilarte, M. A. G. Leon and W. G. Fuertes, Nucl. Phys. B 635525 (2002). 8[10] R. P. Feynman and A. R. Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals , (McGraw Hill, New York, 1965). [11] F. Cooper, A. Khare and U. Sukhatme, Phys. Rep. 251267 (1995). [12] L. Gendenshtein, JETP Lett. 38356 (1983). [13] G. Dunne, Phys. Lett. B 467238 (1999). [14] G. Flores-Hidalgo, Phys. Lett. B 542282 (2002). [15] R. F. Dashen, B. Hasslacher and A. Neveu, Phys. Rev. D 104130 (1974) and Phys. Rev D 123424 (1975). 9 | 0805.0951 | Shahram Jalalzadeh | S. Rafiei, S. Jalalzadeh, K. Ghafoori Tabrizi | Generalized zeta functions, shape invariance and one-loop corrections to
quantum Kink masses | 9 pages, to appear in CJP | null | null | null | hep-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We present a method to calculate the One-loop mass correction to Kinks mass
in a (1+1)-dimensional field theoretical model in which the fluctuation
potential $V^{\prime\prime}(\phi_c)$ has shape invariance property. We use the
generalized zeta function regularization method to implement our setup for
describing quantum kink states.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 7 May 2008 10:44:13 GMT"
] | 2008-05-08T00:00:00 | [
"K. Ghafoori",
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1-D SCHR ODINGER OPERATORS WITH SINGULAR PERIODIC POTENTIALS 185 Theorem B. (Corollary15, Corollary16, Theorem 18) . The the Friedrichs extensions SF(q), the form-sum operators Sform(q), and the operators the paper [8, Theorem3.5]the authorstried to showthat the o perators Smax(q) and SF(q) coincide. But the proof of this assertion was erroneous. Our pro ofs of Theorem A and Theorem B are based on a different idea (see Lemma 5). The equality S(q) =Slim(q), together with the classical theorem, allow to prove the following C. (Theorem 19) . The Hill-Schr odinger operators S(q)with continuous spectra with the band and the gap struc- tures being such that the endpoints the spectrum gaps satisfy l0(q)< endpoints of the spectrum gaps for even (odd) numb erskZ+are eigenvalues of the following problem on the uDom(S+-(q)). It is interesting to remark that the last assertion is nontrivial, and f or more that is if q(x) b <0, it could still occur that endpoints of the spectrum gaps for even (o dd) numbers (periodic) eigenvalues of the problem on the interval [0 ,1], see [2, Theorem III.3.6]. In the closely related paper of Hryniv and Mykytyuk [8], the author s have established that spectra of the operators S(q) are absolutely spaces. Let us denote by D' 1(R) the Schwartz space of 1-periodic distri- butions defined on the whole real axis R(see [24]). To have a detailed 1-periodic distributions, we will use Sobolev spaces. Consider the Sobolev spaces Hs per(R),sR, of 1-periodic functions by means of their Fourier k2Z, 2Z:={kZ|k0 (mod2) }. The sesquilinear form the dual, respectively L2,per(R), spaces and is an extension by continuity of the L2,per(R)-inner product [3, should be noted that H0 per(R) =L2,per(R),186 VLADIMIR MIKHAILETS AND VOLODYMYR MOLYBOGA and we denote by D' 1(R,R) thereal-valued 1-periodic distribu- tions from the correspondent = 0}, Hs per(R,R) = that Im f(x) = 0 for a 1-periodic distribution f(x)D' 1(R) means equations. The differential expressions in the right-hand of (1), by introducing be re-written as expressions [22, 23], lQ[u] are well defined if 1. (Existence and Uniqueness Theorem) . for any complex numbers c0, c1Cand arbitrary x0R, the equation (3) lQ[u] =lu+f, lC, fL1,loc(R), has one and only one solution the initial the equation (3) there is a relating normal 2- dimensional system of the first order differential equations with locally integrable coeffic :=u(x),u2(x) :=u[1](x). Then Proposition 1 follows from [19, Theorem 1, SS16], also see [1]. Lemma 2. (Lagrange formula) . Letu(x)andv(x)be functions such that the expressions lQ[*]are well defined. Then the following Lagrange formula the sesquilinear forms [u,v]xare defined follows at once that u(x) andv(x) are such and we SCHR ODINGER OPERATORS WITH SINGULAR PERIODIC POTENTIALS 187 since it follows from the assumptions that u'v', Q2uv, Qu'v, proof is complete. both sides of the Lagrange formula over the compact interval [ a,b]R we obtain the Lagrange identity in an integral operators on a finite interval. Here, following Savchuk and Shkalikov [22], we give a brief review of results related to Sturm-Liouv ille operators potentials defined on a finite interval. On the Hilbert space L2(0,1), we consider the Sturm-Liouville uDom (L(q)), with real-valued distribution potentials i.e., Q(x) also consider the =u[j](1) = 0, j= 3. ([22]). Suppose that Then the following state- ments are true: (I)The operators Lmin(q)are densely defined on the Hilbert space L2(0,1). (II)The operators mutually =Lmax(q), L*
max(q) =Lmin(q). In particular, the operators closed. In Statement 4, which is proved in Appendix A.1, we establish relations hips between the operators .Lmin(q) 4. The operators Lmin(q)are closures of the operators = VLADIMIR MIKHAILETS AND VOLODYMYR MOLYBOGA 3.Main results 3.1.A principal lemma. The following operator-theory result is an essential part of our approach. In this section, we will give two important applications . Lemma 5. LetAbe a linear operator that is densely defined and closed on a com plex Banach space X, and let Bbe a linear operator bounded on Xsuch =(the point spectrum sp(B)of the operator Bis empty). Then the operator Ahas no eigenvalues of finite that the operator Ahas an eigenvalue lsp(A) of finite letGlbe the corresponding let fbe an eigenvector of the operator A, Af=lf, fGl. Then A(Bf) =B(Af) =l(Bf), fGl, whence we conclude that BGlGl. The assumption dim( Gl)Nimplies that the point spectrum sp(B) of the operator B is not empty. This contradicts condition (b). The proof is complete. /sqare Remark 6. The condition (b) is satisfied if X=Lp(R,C), 1<=p <, andBis a T >0. Indeed, the operator Bis unitary on the space X=Lp(R,C). ={lC| |l|= 1}, and the identity By(x) =ly(x) =y(x+T), 1, implies that the function Then and we =. Condition (a) means in this case that the operator AisT-periodic on the of the Hill-Schr odinger operators with distribution po- tentials. If assumption (2) is true, then the distribution potentials q(x) can be repre- sented as q(x) phC comp(R), see [5, Proposition 1], [24]. Here, by we denote sesquilinear functionals on the space 7. Without loss of generality, everywhere in the sequel we will assume t hat
/hatwideq(0) = 0.1-D SCHR ODINGER OPERATORS WITH SINGULAR PERIODIC POTENTIALS 189 Then, the Hill-Schr odinger operators can be well defined on the Hilb ert space L2(R) as operators [22, 23] by means of the quasi-exp ressions lQ[u] is obviousthat the operators Smax(q) aredefined on maximallinear manifolds where the lQ[*] are well 8. Then the following statements hold true. (I)The operators .Smin(q)are symmetric and lower semibounded on the Hilbert space L2(R). In particular, they are closures Smin(q)of the operators .Smin(q),Smin(q) := (.Smin(q))~, are sym- metric, lower semibounded operators on the Hilbert space L2(R)with of the form The operators Smax(q)are adjoint to the operators =Smax(q). In particular, Smax(q)are closed operators on the Hilbert space L2(R), and S*
max(q) Dom(Smin(q))of the operators Smin(q)consist of those and only those functions satisfy the the limits [u,v]+:= well defined and 8, which describes properties of the operators .Smin(q) andSmax(q), is proved in Appendix A.2 by using methods of the theory of linear quasi- differential oper- ators. In Proposition 10 we define Friedrichs extensions of the minimal oper for convenience we first recall some related facts and prove u seful Lemma 9. LetHbe a Hilbert space, and .Abe a densely defined, lower semibounded linear operator on H. Hence, .Ais a closable, symmetric operator. Define by Aits closure, A:= := (.Au,v),Dom(.t) := Dom( .A). As known [9], the sesquilinear form .t[u,v] is closable, lower semibounded and symmetric on the Hilbert space H. Lett[u,v] be its closure, t:= (.t)~. For the operator .Athere is a uniquely defined its Friedrichs extension AF[9], t[u,v] = (AFu,v), uDom(AF)Dom(t), vDom(t).190 VLADIMIR MIKHAILETS AND VOLODYMYR MOLYBOGA Due to the First Representation Theorem [9], the operator AFis lower semibounded In Lemma 9 we describe its domain, but at first note th at the take 9. LetAFbe a Friedrichs extension of a densely defined, lower semibou nded operator .Aon a Hilbert space H, and let t[u,v]be the densely defined, closed, symmetric, and bounded from below sesquilinear form on Hconstructed from the operator .A. Then Dom(AF) = Dom( is obvious us prove the inverse Remark that Dom(.A) is a core of the form t[u,v] and that Dom( t)Dom(A*) contains Dom( .A). Then we have (A*u,v) = (u,.Av) = (u,AFv) =(AFv,u) =t[v,u] = (A*u,v), uDom(t)Dom(A*), vDom(.A). Due to the First Representation Theorem [9] we get that uDom(AF), proof is complete. 10. Friedrichs extensions SF(q)of the operators Smin(q)are defined in the following us introduce the sesquilinear forms .t[u,v] := := Dom( .Smin(q)). As is well known [9], the sesquilinear forms .t[u,v] are densely defined, closable, sym- metric and bounded from below on the Hilbert space L2(R). Taking into account the forms .t[u,v] can be written as .t[u,v] = := (u',v')+(u,v), Dom(.t1) := Dom( := Dom( is well known that the form .t1[u,v] is closable, and its closure, t1[u,v],t1:= (.t1)~, has the = =H1(R). As was shown in [8], the forms .t2[u,v] aret1-bounded with relative boundary 0. So, we finally obtain that the forms .t[u,v], which are closures of t[u,v],t:= (.t)~, are defined = =H1(R).1-D SCHR ODINGER OPERATORS WITH SINGULAR PERIODIC POTENTIALS 191 And the sesquilinear forms t[u,v] are densely defined, closed, symmetric, and lower semi- bounded on the Hilbert space L2(R). Further, Lemma 9 we get the needed representations for Friedrichs extensions of the operators .Smin(q). The proof is complete. /sqare Statement 11. The following inclusions take 11 immediately follows from the corresponding definitions and not very complicated our aim is to prove that the maximal operato rsSmax(q) 12. The following statements are operators Smax(q)are Dom( LetSmax(q) be self-adjoint. Then it follows from Proposition 8.II and State- ment 11 that Smin(q) =SF(q) = Dom( SF(q)) = Dom( (b) is true. Further, under the assumptions QL2,per(R) anduH1(R) we get that QuL2(R) [8], which yields ( c). (b) Let us now assume that Dom( Smax(q))H1(R). As above, we get QuL2(R), and, asaconsequence, ( c) follows. Then statement ( a) followsfrom the taking into account that [u,v]+= 0 and [ u,v]-= 0 foru,vL2(R) Assume that Then applying the Lagrange identity (4) as above we get ( a) and, as a consequence, ( b). The proof is complete. /sqare Hryniv and Mykytyuk [8] studied operators associated via the First [9] to the sesquilinear forms t[u,v] = =H1(R), that is, they have actually studied the Friedrichs extensions SF(q).192 VLADIMIR MIKHAILETS AND VOLODYMYR MOLYBOGA Djakov and Mityagin [5] have also treated the Friedrichs extensions SF(q)a the operators on the Proposition 10 and Proposition 12. So, due to Proposition 8.II, we therefore, it remains to show that the operators symmetric. We do it by applying Lemma 5. Let us consider the following shift operator on the Hilbert space L2(R): (Uf)(x) :=f(x+1),Dom(U) =. Further, let fDom(Smax(q)). It is obvious that UfDom(Smax(q)) too, and it is also true that U(Smax(q)f) =UlQ[f(x)] =lQ[f(x+1)] =lQ[(Uf)(x)] the operators Smax(q) into account that Smax(q) are the second order operators, i.e., their possible eigenvalues cannot have multiplicities more than two, and applying Lemma 5 to the operators Smax(q) andUwe obtain the following The point spectra sp(Smax(q))of the operators Smax(q) are empty. Theorem 14. The operators Smax(q)are follows from Proposition 8.II and Proposition 13 that the minimal sy Smin(q) have deficiency indices of the form (0 ,0), i.e., they are to Proposition 8.II, this implies that the operators Smax(q) are also proof is complete. /sqare Corollary 15. The minimal operators Smin(q), the Friedrichs extensions SF(q), and the maximal operators Smax(q)coincide. In particular, they are self-adjoint and 16. be such . Then the Hill-Schr odinger operators S(qn),nN, converge to the operators S(q)in the norm resolvent , for anylbelonging to the resolvent sets of proof immediately follows from [8, Theorem 4.1] and Corollary 15. /sqare In particular, the Hill-Schr odinger operators S(q) with distribution potentials are the limits Slim(q) of a sequence of operators S(qn),nN, with For instance, taking q(x) SCHR ODINGER OPERATORS WITH SINGULAR PERIODIC POTENTIALS 193 one can choose qn(x) nN. Now, we are going to define the Hill-Schr odinger operators with dist ribution poten- tials as form-sum operators [10]. We will show that this definition coinc ides with the definitions given above. Let us consider the following sesquilinear forms on the Hilbert space L2(R): t[u,v] by the one-dimensional Schr odinger operators with the sesquilinear form on the space L2(R), the spaces Hs(R) andH-s(R) forsR, respectively, which is a (sesquilinear) continuous extension of the inner product in L2(R) [3, is known [10], the sesquilinear forms t[u,v] are densely defined, closed, bounded from below, and are defined on the Hilbert space L2(R). Due to the First [9], there are associated operators Sform(q) that are uniquely defined on the Hilbert space L2(R), self-adjoint, lower semibounded, and such that i) Dom( Sform(q))Dom(t) and t[u,v] = Dom( Sform(q)) are cores of the forms t[u,v]; iii) and t[u,v] = (w,v) holds for every vin cores of the forms t[u,v], operators Sform(q) are called form-sum operators associated with the forms t[u,v], and denoted by Sform(q) will also be convenient to use the ([10]). The Hill-Schr odinger operators with distribution poten tials from the negative Sobolev space H-1 per(R,R)are well defined on the Hilbert space L2(R)as self- adjoint, lower semibounded form-sum operators with the sesquilinear =H1(R), acting on the dense VLADIMIR MIKHAILETS AND VOLODYMYR 18. The operators S(q)and the form-sum operators Recall that Dom(S(q)) =H1(R). Then we = due to the First Representation Theorem [9], we conclude and into account that the operators S(q) andSform(q) are self-adjoint, the latter also gives the inverse proof is complete. of the Hill-Schr odinger operators with distribut ion potentials. In this section, we will establish characteristic properties of the stru cture of the spectrum of the Hill-Schr odinger operators S(q) with distribution potentials a limit process in the generalized sense applied to the Hill-Schr od inger with smooth potentials qn(x)L2,per(R,R) (see Corollary 16) we show that the Hill-Schr odinger operators S(q), with the distributions q(x)H-1 per(R,R) as potentials, have continuous spectra with a band and gap structur e. For different approaches, see [8, 10, 5]. At first, let us recall well known results related to the classical cas e q(x), (5) for an example, [6, 21]. Under assumption (5), the Hill-Schr od inger operators S(q) are lower semibounded and self-adjoint on the Hilbert space L2(R); they have spectra with a band and gap of the Hill-Schr odinger operators are well defined by loca ting the spectrum gap endpoints. It is known that for the endpoints the spectrum gaps, we have the following -< l0(q)< spectrum bands (or stability zones), B0(q) := := kN, are characterized as a set of real lRfor which all solutions of the equation (7) S(q)u=lu are bounded. On the other hand, spectrum gaps (or instability zon es), G0(q) := (-,l0(q)),Gk(q) := kN,1-D SCHR ODINGER OPERATORS WITH SINGULAR PERIODIC POTENTIALS 195 make a set of real lRfor which any nontrivial solution of the equation (7) is un- bounded. As follows from (6), it could happen that l- k(q) =l+
k(q) for some kN. In such a case, we say that the corresponding spectrum gap Gk(q) is collapsed orclosed. Note that this cannot happen for spectrum bands. Further, it could happenthat the endpoints ofspectrum gapsfor evennumbers kZ+
are periodic eigenvalues of the problem on the interval [0 uDom(S+(q)), and the endpoints of spectrum gaps for odd numbers kNare semiperiodic eigenvalues of the problem on the interval [0 the assumption (5), domains of the operators S+(q) andS-(q) have the form Dom(S+-(q)) =+-u(j)(1), j= applying the limit process in the generalized sense (see Corollary 16) to the Hill-Schr odinger operators S(qn),nN, qn(x) we establish the following 19. Suppose that Then the Hill-Schr odinger continuous spectra with a band and gap structure such th at the endpoints the spectrum gaps satisfy the inequalities -< l0(q)< the endpoints of the spectrum gaps for even (odd) n umberskZ+are eigenvalues of the problem on the interval 20. The operators S+(q) andS-(q) are well defined on the Hilbert space L2(0,1) as lower semi-bounded, self-adjoint form-sum also can be well defined in alternative equivalent ways, -- as quas or as limits, in the norm resolvent sense, of a sequence o f operators with smooth potentials. In the papers [13, 14, 15], the authors meticulously treated the fo rm-sum operators S+-(V) mN, defined on L2(0,1). In [18, 11, 12], the authors studied two terms differential operato rs of even order defined in the negative Sobolev a sequence of real-valued trigonometric polynomials, which converges to the singular potential q(x) in the norm of the space H-1 per(R). With this sequence one can associate a sequence of self-adjoint operator and a sequence of Hill operators {S(qn)}nNdefined on L2(R). As was proved by the authors in [13, 15], the sequences to the operators S+-(q) in the norm resolvent sense. Hence, eigenvalues of these operat to the corresponding eigenvalues of the limit operators S+-(q) [20, Theorem196 VLADIMIR MIKHAILETS AND VOLODYMYR MOLYBOGA VIII.23 and Theorem VIII.24] (also see [9]). Further, as is well know n [4, 6], for the operators {S+-(qn)}nN, the assertion of the theorem is true, i.e., (8) -< l0(qn)< as we have already proved (see Corollary 16), the sequ to the operator S(q) in the norm resolvent sense. Therefore, from (8) we get -< l0(q)<==l- 2(q)<=l+
2(q)<= ***, wherel0(q), it remains to show that the strict l- k+1(qn), kZ+, can not become equalities. Indeed, suppose the contrary. Then, one of the spectrum zones of the operator S(q) degenerates into a point, l+
k0(q) =l- k0+1(q), k0Z+. Since it is an isolated point of the spectrum of the operator S(q), it cannot belong to the continuous spectrum sc(S(q)). On the other hand, it cannot belong to the point spectrum of the operator S(q), sincesp(S(q)) =. The obtained contradiction proves the inequalities in theorem. The proof is complete. remarks It followsfromthe direct Hill-Schr od ingeroperators S(q) [8] and [21, Theorem XIII.86] that ssc(S(q)) =. Therefore, the continuity of spectra of the operators S(q), which was proved in this paper, shows that they are the resultsofthe authorsin [13], oneobtainsa s relationships between the lengths of the spectrum gap s and smoothness of the distribution potentials -1, of the Hill-Schr odinger operators S(q) The investigation of the first author was partially supported by the Ukrainian Foundation for Fundamental Research, Grant 14.1/ 003. Appendix: Some proofs A.1.Proof of Statement 4. At first note that the Proposition 3.III. Therefore, it suffices to show the inverse inc = [ a,b] denote a fixed, closed interval that completely lies in the interval [0 ,1], and the Hilbert space H, consider the operators Lmin,(q) andLmax,(q) generated by lQ[*] on the interval , which are are mutually adjoint due to Proposition =Lmax,(q), L*
max,(q) =Lmin,(q). On the other hand the Hilbert space Hcan be well embedded into the space H:=
L2(0,1) assuming that the function uHequals zero on the interval . Thus,1-D SCHR ODINGER OPERATORS WITH SINGULAR PERIODIC POTENTIALS 197 the domains Dom( Lmin,(q)) of the operators Lmin,(q) become a part of the of the operators Lmax(q), since continuity of the u[j](x), j= 0,1, of the function uDom(Lmin,(q)) is preserved when extending the function over the interval . Moreover, extended in such a way, the funct belongs to Dom( .Lmin(q)). Therefore, if then we = 0 on the interval , the scalar product in (9) is the H-inner these scalar products with the index we can rewrite (9) a s theinterval . So, from the latter we = Dom( (lQ[v]). Since these relations hold for any interval [0,1], we conclude and =Lmax(q)v. Thus, we have proved =Lmin(q), which implies the required proof is complete. /sqare A.2.Proof of Proposition 8. (I) At first note that (10) Dom( Then we = (lQ[u],u) = into account that, due to the (10),
|u'|2, we estimate ( Qu,u') and (Qu',u) as in [8],
|(Qu,u')| <= e(0,1], b>=0, which g>=0. We can conclude that .Smin(q) are Hermitian operators, lower semibounded on L2(R). Now, let us show that Dom( .Smin(q)) are dense in the Hilbert space it is sufficient to prove that any element hH,H:=L2(R), which is orthogonal to Dom( .Smin(q)) is equal to zero. Suppose that h(x) is such a let = [ a,b] be a fixed, closed interval compactly lying in the real axis R( R). Any element uDom(Smin,(q)) can be viewed as an element of Dom( .Smin(q))198 VLADIMIR MIKHAILETS AND VOLODYMYR MOLYBOGA (for the notations see the proof of Statement 4), consequently ,h(x) is orthogonal Due to Proposition 3.II, Dom( Smin,(q)) is dense in H=L2(a,b), hence the function h(x) considered in the interval has to be equal to zero in . Since the interval Rwas arbitrary, we conclude that h(x) = 0 almost statement ( I) of Proposition 8 has been proved completely. (II) It is obvious that the operators Smin(q) are symmetric, lower semibounded on the Hilbert space L2(R). Let us show that the operators Smin(q) andSmax(q) are adjoint to each other. we have .S*
min(q) =S*
min(q), and it suffices to show that .S*
min(q) the Lagrange identity (4), we = implies it remains to prove the inverse do it in a similar manner as in the proof of Statement 4. Letv(x) be an arbitrary element in the domains Dom( .S*
min(q)) of the and let = [ a,b] be a fixed, compact interval ( R). As in the proof of Statement 4, we one can conclude (lQ[v]). Taking into account that the interval Ris arbitrarily chosen, we finally get and =Smax(q)v, so that the required inclusions letusfindthe operators Smin(q). note that, since the operators Smin(q) are lower semibounded, their deficiency indices are equal. LetlC, 0. Then the deficiency indices of the operators Smin(q), which will be denoted by m, are equal to the number of linearly independent solutions of of the equation (Proposition other words the deficiency index is a maximal number of linear indep endent solutions of the equation lQ[u] =lu1-D SCHR ODINGER OPERATORS WITH SINGULAR PERIODIC POTENTIALS 199 in the Hilbert space L2(R). Since the total number of linearly independent solutions of this equation is 2, we conclude ( II) is proved. (III) Then applying the Lagrange identity (4) we conclude that the following limits exist: [u,v]+:= lim x-+[u,v]xand [u,v]-:= as a consequence, the Lagrange identity (4) becomes (11) ( = due to Proposition 8.II, we have Smin(q) the domains Dom( Smin(q)) consist of only the functions satisfy the = only of them. Together with the Lagrange identity (11), the lat ter implies the required assertion, 0, 8 is proved. N. I. Akhiezer, I. M. Glazman, Theory of Linear Operators in Hilbert Space , Dover York, 1993. (Russian edition: Nauka, Moscow, 1966) 2. S. Albeverio, F. Gesztesy, R. Hoegh Krohn, H. Holden, Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics New York, 1988. (Russian edition: Mir, Mo scow, 1991) 3. Yu. M. Berezanskii, Expansion in Eigenfunctions of Self-Adjoint Operators , Transl. vol. 17, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R. I., 19 68. (Russian edition: Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1965) 4. E. A. Coddington, N. 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Korotyaev, Characterization of the spectrum of Schr odinger operator s with periodic distri- butions, Int. Math. Res. Not. 37(2003), 2019-2031. 11. V. Mikhailets, V. Molyboga, Singular eigenvalue problems on the circle , Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 10(2004), no. 3, 44-53. 12. V.Mikhailets, V.Molyboga, Uniform estimates for the semi-periodic eigenvalues of the operators , Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 10(2004), no. 4, 30-57. 13. V. Mikhailets, V. Molyboga, The spectral problems over the periodic classes of distribu tions, Preprint, Institute of Mathematics of Nation. Acad. Sci. Uk raine, Kyiv, 2004, 46 p. (Ukrainian) 14. V. Mikhailets, V. Molyboga, The perturbation of periodic and semiperiodic operators by Schwartz distributions , Reports Nation. Acad. Sci. Ukraine 7(2006), 26-31. (Russian)200 VLADIMIR MIKHAILETS AND VOLODYMYR MOLYBOGA 15. V. Mikhailets, V. Molyboga, Singularly perturbed periodic and semiperiodic differenti al opera- tors, Ukrainian Math. J. 59(2007), no. 6, 785-797. 16. V. Mikhailets, V. Molyboga, Spectral gaps of one-dimensional Schr odinger operators w ith sin- gular periodic potentials (to appear). 17. V. Mikhailets, A. Sobolev, Common eigenvalue problem and periodic Schr odinger opera tors, J. Funct. Anal. 165(1999), 150-172. 18. V. Molyboga, Estimates for periodic eigenvalues of the differential oper V-distribution , Methods Funct. Anal. Topology 9(2003), no. 2, 163-178. 19. M. A. Naimark, Linear Differential Operators , Part I and II, Ungar, New York, 1968. Nauka, Moscow, 1969) 20. M. Reed, B. Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics , Vols. 1-4, Academic Press, New York, 1972-1978. Vol. 1: Functional Analysis , 1972. (Russian edition: Mir, Moscow, 1977) 21. M. Reed, B. Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics , Vols. 1-4, Academic Press, New York, 1972-1978. Vol. 4: Analysis of Operators , 1978. (Russian edition: Mir, Moscow, 1982) 22. A. Savchuk, A. Shkalikov, Sturm-Liouville operators with singular potentials , Matem. no. 6, 897-912. (Russian) 23. A.Savchuk, A.Shkalikov, Sturm-Liouville operators with distribution potentials , Trudy 64(2003), 159-212. (Russian); ow Math.Soc., V. S. Vladimirov, Generalized Functions in Mathematical Physics , Nauka, Moscow, 1976. of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukr aine, 3 01601, Ukraine E-mail address of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukr aine, 3 01601, Ukraine E-mail address 13/03/2008 | 0805.1000 | Volodymyr Tesko | V. Mikhailets, V. Molyboga | One-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators with singular periodic
potentials | Published in Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology (MFAT),
available at http://mfat.imath.kiev.ua/article/?id=465 | Methods Funct. Anal. Topology, Vol. 14 (2008), no. 2, 184-200 | null | null | math.SP math.FA | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ | We study the one-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators $$
S(q)u:=-u"+q(x)u,\quad u\in \mathrm{Dom}\left(S(q)\right), $$ with $1$-periodic
real-valued singular potentials $q(x)\in
H_{\operatorname{per}}^{-1}(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{R})$ on the Hilbert space
$L_{2}\left(\mathbb{R}\right)$. We show equivalence of five basic definitions
of the operators $S(q)$ and prove that they are self-adjoint. A new proof of
continuity of the spectrum of the operators $S(q)$ is found. Endpoints of
spectrum gaps are precisely described.
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1. INTRODUCTION The major theorem of this paper (Theorem 1) deals with the structure of primitive pythagorean triangles. In Theorem 1, it is proven that there are no primitive pythagorean triangles of the form ( ), i.e., triangles w ith one leg equal to times a perfect square and the other equal to times an integer square, if the integers and satisfy the following conditions: z y s x s, a) and are both positive odd squarefree integers. 1s2s b) , where are primes. 8 mod 1 ... , 5 , 2 , ...2 1 1 2 1 >= =n n p p p n p p s snp p,...,1 c) If (and then of course, 8 mod 11s ) 8 mod 52s , then is a quadratic nonresidue of every divisor d of , with > 1. 1s 2s d (If , then the same condition is assumed on with respect to the divisors d of 8 mod 12s2s .) 1 ,1>d s One can easily find many examples of integers , satisfying the above conditions. Below, we offer a few. 1s2s 1. , primes with 1s2s1 2 1 ; 8 mod 5 , 1s s s a quadratic nonresidue of . 2s 2. primes, also a prime, a quadratic nonresidue of , while a quadratic residue of . 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 , , 8 mod 1 , p p p p p p s =2s1p 2s1p2s 3. a prime, 1 1 , 8 mod 1s s2 1 2 1 2, ,p p p p s = prime with a quadratic nonresidue of both and . 1 2 1 ; 8 mod 5 , 1s p p 1p2p 4. n an odd integer, a prime, primes with , 3 ; ...1 1>= = n p p sn 2s ;8 mod 52snp p,...,1 ; 8 mod 1 ...1 np p an even number of integers among the primes being quadratic residues of , while the remaining primes (odd in number) being quadratic nonresudues of . np p,...,1 2s 2s Theorem 2 is somewhat more technical in nature. It is shown that if n is a positive odd squarefree integer such that whenever ,2 1n s s= then (or vice versa), the diophantine equation 8 mod 5 , 12 1 s s ()2 422z y nx= +, with ( is solvable in Z)1 ,=y nx+, if and only if the diophantine equation is solvable in Z4 2 34 2 22 1 y d x d z d+ =+, for some positive divisors of n with and 3 2 1, ,d d d n d n d d d< =2 3 2 1, .3n d< It is fairly easy to see that n, satisfying the hypothesis of Theorem 2, is either th e product of an odd number of primes or otherwise the product of an odd of primes, 8 mod 5p , 8 mod 5p and any number of primes . 8 mod 1q
~ 2 ~ Theorem 3 is simple in its statem ent and proof. It states that if and q primes, p a quadratic nonresidue of q, then the diophantine equation with 4 mod 1 q p () ()22222z qy px= +()1 ,=qy px , has no solution in Z+. By combining Theorems 2 and 3, Theorem 4 is established. It states that if a quadratic nonresidue of q, the diophantine equation with , 8 mod 5 , 1 q p p () ,2 422z y pqx= +() , 1 ,=y pqx has a solution in Z+, if and only if the equation , with has a solution in Z4 4 2y x pqz+ =() , 1 ,=y x+. 2. THEOREM 1 Let be two odd squarefree positive integers greater than 1, with ( and such that is the product of a prime congruent to 5 mod 8 and primes congruent to 1 mod 8,i.e., 2 1,s s )1 ,2 1=s s 2 1s s .8 mod 1 ... , 8 mod 5 , 2 , ...2 1 1 2 1 >= =n n p p p n p p s s In addition, assume that if 8 mod 11s (same condition on , if 2s 8 mod 12s ), then is a quadratic nonresidue of every divisor d of , including itself, with . 1s 2s2s 1>d Under the above assumptions , the diophantine equation has no solution in the set of positive integers Z2 4 2 24 2 1 z y s x s= +
+, with ()1 ,2 1=y s x s . Remark One can easily find examples of satisfying the hypothesis of the theorem. For instance, being primes with 2 1,s s 2 1,s s 8 mod 5 , 12 1s s and a quadratic nonresidue of . Also, , where are primes, also a prime, such that being a quadratic nonresidue of , while a quadratic residue of , a prime, while 1s 2s 8 mod 1 ,2 1 2 1 1 = p p p p s2 1,p p2s 8 mod 52s1p2s1p 8 mod 1 ;1 2s s1s2 1 2 1 2, ,p p p p s = primes, , and with a quadratic nonresidue of both and . 8 mod 5 , 12 1 p p1s1p2p Proof. Let us assume that is a solution with ( z y x, ,) ()1 ,2 1=y s x s in positive integers x , y, z to the equation. () ()222 222 1 z y s x s= + ( 1 ) In virtue of ( , we see that equation (1) describes a primitive Pythagorean triangle. )1 ,2 1=y s x s Assume first x to be odd any y even. From (1), it follows that 2 2 2 1 n m x s- =, , ( 2 ) mn y s22 2=2 2n m z+ =
For positive integers with () n m, 1 ,=n m and 2 mod 1+n m
~ 3 ~ The first equation in (2) implies, since 1 ) , (=n m , 1 1n km x= , 22 1 22 1 1 n d m d k n-
= , 22 1 22 1 1 n d m d k m+
= , (3) for positive integers with k d d n m, , , ,2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 , 1 ) , ( s d d n m== and or 2. (Refer to References [or [2].) Note that is squarefree, so must be and .Now, x is odd and so, from the first equation in (3), we see that 1=k ]11s1d2d 1=k and . 2 mod 11 1n m On the other hand, the second equation in (2) implies the followi ng two possibilities or sub cases: 2 22 1, 2 N n M md d= = ( 4 ) 2 22 1 2 ,N n M md d= = ( 5 ) Where 2 1,dd are positive integers with 2 2 1s=dd , (they are squarefree since is), and are positive integers with 2s N M, ()1 ,=N M , since . 1 ) , (=n m Also, since, as we have shown above, k=1, th e last two equations in (3) take the form 2 1 22 1 12 1 22 1 1 2 , 2 n d m d m n d m d n+ = - = ( 6 ) First assume (4) to be the case.Then of c ourse, since m and n have different parities, m must be even and n odd, and so N must also be odd. Combining equations (4) and (6), we obtain . 4 , 22 1 22 1 12 12 1 22 1 12 2 n d m d M m d m d N + = - = d d (7) By virtue of (7) yields 2 mod 11 1 n m N . 8 mod 4 , 8 mod 22 12 1 2 1 2 d d M d d + - d d (8) According to the hypothesis of Theorem 1, either is a prime congruent to or a product of a prime congruent to and primes congruent to and is a product of primes congruent to , or vice versa. Suppose, under the hypothesis of Theorem 1, that while1s 8 mod 5 8 mod 5 8 mod 12s 8 mod 1 , 8 mod 52s 8 mod 11s ; then from 1 2 1s d d=and 2 2 1s=dd , we conclude and 8 mod 12 1 d d 5 , 12 1dd or 8 mod 1 , 51 1dd . Then, however, the first congruence in (8) implies 8 mod 0 22d , a contradiction since 2dis odd.
~ 4 ~ Now, if and , we obtain, from 51s 8 mod 12s2 1 1d d s= and2 1 2dd=s , under the hypothesis of the theorem, 5 , 12 1 d d or and 1 , 52 1 d d 8 mod 12 1dd The first equation in (8) implies 8 mod 4 22d , a contradiction since 2dis odd. Next, assume equation (5) to be the case; then M is odd. By combining equations (5) and (6), we arrive at ( )2 1 22 1 12 12 1 22 1 12 2 2 , 4 n d m d M n d m d N+ = - +- = d d . (9) Repeating the reasoning we applied when we considered (8), we see that if and then or 51s , 8 mod 12s 5 , 12 1 d d 8 mod 1 , 52 1d d while . 8 mod 12 1dd The second of (9) yields but ;8 mod 2 22 1 12 1 d d M + d d , 2 21d while whence a contradicti on. Finally, assume , 8 mod 62 1 +d d 11s and . 8 mod 52s According to Legendre's theorem, since 01 1n Nm , the first equation in (9) implies that is a quadratic residue of 2 1d d ;2d but 8 mod 11 2 1=s d d and 2ddivides .Therefore, if 2s2dis a divisor of , with 2s 12>d , by the hypothesis of the theorem, it would follow that is a quadratic nonresidue of 1s2d, whence a contradiction. Now, if 12=d then 2 1 2 2 1s s== =d dd . Then, however, the second equation of (9) and Legendre's theorem imply that is a quadratic residue of 1 2 1s d d- = -2 1s=d ; but -1 is a quadratic residue of (since is a product of primes congruent to 1 mod 4). Hence is a quadratic residue of , contrary to the hypothesis of the theorem. 2s2s1s 2s To conclude the proof of Theorem 1, let us go back to (1) and consider the case where x is even and y odd. Unless we use the special assumption that if , then is a quadratic nonresidue of every divisor if (except 1), it is clear that the case x
= even and y = odd is identic al in treatment with the case x = odd and y =even which we have already treated. 8 mod 11s 1s2s Now, if then ; then the treatment of the case x = even, y = odd, and , 8 mod 11s 8 mod 52s 11s 8 mod 52s , is obviously identical with th e treatment of the case x = odd, y = even, 51s and which has already been done. , 8 mod 12s 3. THEOREM 2
~ 5 ~ Let n be a squarefree positive integer such that if ,are any divisors of n with , then or vice versa. Then the diophantine equation with( , has a solution in the set of positive integers Z1s2s n s s=2 1 8 mod 5 , 12 1 s s 2 4 4 2z y x n= + )1 ,=y nx+, if and only if, the diophantine equation has a solution, 4 2 34 2 22 1 y d x d z d+ =with( , in positive integers x, y, z, for some positive divisors of n , such that = n , with )1 ,3 2=y d x d3 2 1, ,d d d 3 2 1d d d n d<2 and n d<3 . Remark. It follows from the hypothes is of the theorem that 8 mod 5n (take and ; one easily finds examples of numb ers n that satisfy the hypothesis. n s=1 ) 12=s 1. n = prime, . 8 mod 5n 2. , , primes with 2 1p p n=1p2p 8 mod 1 , 51 1p p . 3. 8 mod 1 ... , 5 ; 3 ...3 2 1 3 2 1 >= =i i p p p p n p p p p n . 4. n is the product of an odd number of primes congruent to 5 mod 8 and any number of primes congruent to 1 mod 8. 5. In fact, n is either the product of an odd number of primes , or otherwise the product of an odd number of primes 8 mod 5p 8 mod 5p and any number of primes . 8 mod 1q Proof. Let x , y ,z be positive integers, with ()1 ,=y nx , satisfying the equation ()( )22222z y nx= + ( 1 0 ) We distinguish between the cases ( x = even, y = odd) and ( x = odd, y = even). Case 1; x = odd , y = even Equation (10), together with the condition ()1 ,=y nx , imply 2 2 2t r nx- = , , ( 1 1 ) rt y22=2 2t r x+ =
For positive integers r, t with ( r, t) = 1 and . 2 mod 1+t r The second equation (11) implies 2Rr= , 22T t=
or () 1 ,=T R 22R r= , 2T t=
The latter possibility is ruled out, for if it holds, the first eq uation in (11) gives 8 mod 44 4 2T R nx- ( 1 2 )
~ 6 ~ But T is odd (since and 2 mod 0 ,2 =r T t 2 mod 1+t r ) , hence (12) implies ; however, x is odd and so , contrary to the fact that (refer to the remark underneath Theorem 2). 8 mod 7 3 1 44 2or R nx - 8mod 7 32or n nx 8 mod 5nNow, suppose that . The first equation in (11) implies, from References [2] or [1], (and since2 22 ,T t R r= =
()1 ,=t r ), 1 1T R k x = , () 2,22 1 22 1 12 1 22 1 1 T s R s krT s R s k t+=-
= (13) for integers with and integers with 1 1,T R() 1 ,1 1=T R2 1,s s n s s=2 1 and also k = 1 or 2. Now, since x is odd it follows from th e first equation of (13), k=1 and . 2 mod 11 1 T R Since 2Rr= , the third equation in (13) implies , 22 1 22 1 12T s R s R+ = 8 mod 22 12 1 22 1 12s s T s R s R+ + . However, R is odd (recall we are in the subcase ), and so the last congruence gives ; however, we have 2 22 ,T t R r= =
8 mod 22 1 +s s n s s=2 1 and so, according to the hypothesis of the theorem, we must have 11s , 8 mod 52s or vice versa. At any rate, we obtain 8 mod 62 1+s s , contradicting the congruence obtained above. 8 mod 22 1 +s s Note that since 8 mod 42 1-s s and and therefore the second equation in (13) cannot be rendered impossibl e via a congruence modulo 8. 22T t=
Case 2: x = even , y = odd. Equation (1) gives 2 2 2 2 2 2, , 2 t r z t r y rt nx+ = - = = ( 1 4 ) for positive integers r, t with () 1 ,=t r and 2 mod 1=+t r The second equation of (14) show s, since y is odd, that r is odd and t even (consider it mod 4). Thus, the first equation in (14) implies (in virture of ()) 1 ,=t r 2 22 1 2 ,T d t R d r= = ( 1 5 ) with . ) 0 , (2 1 2 1 > =d d n d d On the other hand, from and 2 2 2t r y- =()1 ,=t r , we obtain in 2 12 1T R r+ , 1 12T R t= ( 1 6 )
~ 7 ~ for positive integers with 1 1,T R()1 ,1 1=T R and 2 mod 11 1+T R . The second equations of (16) and (15) give 1 12 2 2 2T R T d= , ()1 ,1 1=T R ( 1 7 ) Therefore 2 2 3 1R d R= , ( 1 8 ) 2 2 4 1T d T=
and with . () 0 , ,4 3 2 4 3> = d d d d d By using the first of (15), (16) and equations (18), we obtain 4 22 44 22 32 1 T d R d R d+ = ( 1 9 ) with ( 1 ,2 4 2 3)=T d R d (since ( ,) =1). Note that 1R1T n d d d=4 3 1 , since and . We claim that and n d d=2 1 2 4 3d d d= n d<3 n d<4 in (19). For if, say , then from , it follows that n d=3 n d d d=4 3 1 14 1==d d (remember ). Also, since , we must have . 0 , ,3 2 1>d d d 4 3 2d d d= n d=2 From 1 ,4 3== d n d and equation (18), we obtain 2 2 1T T= , ( 2 0 ) 2 2 1nR R=
From and equation (17), we obtain n d=2 2 22 22T R T= ( 2 1 ) From the second equation of (16), we arrive at 2 22 22 T nR t= ( 2 2 ) Combining (21) and (22), we obtain 22nT t= ( 2 3 ) On the other hand, (15) and (16) imply and so by (21) we obtain n d d= =2 1 , 12 2 2T R x=
2 22 22 2T R R x= ( 2 4 ) Equation (24) shows that . We claim that the equal sign cannot hold, for if , then (24) implies . However, (19) is th en rendered impossible for it gives, on account of 2 22T s>=
2 22T x= 12 22= =R R 1 , , 14 3 1 === d n d d , , which is of course impossible. 4 221 T n+ =
~ 8 ~ Hence (24) shows that it mush be , and so we are led to an indefinite descent with respect to the initial equati on (1). The same argument is made if we assume in (19). 2 2 2 0 x T< <
n d=4Finally, to construct a solution to (1), from a solution to (19) is an easy matter. Given a solution in Z ) , , (2 2T R R+ to (19), with n d d d=4 3 1 , n d<3 , , and , one can construct a solution n d<4 ( 1 ,2 4 2 3=T d R d) ()z y x, , in Z+ to (19), by simply tracing back through equations (19) to (14) 4. THEOREM 3 Let p , q be primes with . Assume that p is a quadratic nonresidue of (and thus q is a nonresidue of p, by th e reciprocity law). Then the diophantine equation 4 mod 1 q p q ()()22222z qy px= +, with()1 ,=qy px has no solution in the set of positive integers Z+. Proof. Assume z yx, , in Z+, to satisfy ()()22222z qy px= + ( 2 5 ) With Then equation (25) describes a primitive pythagorean triangle, and so by assuming x to be odd and y even (w ithout any loss of generality) , we obtain () 1 ,=qy px 2 2 2n m px- = , , ( 2 6 ) mn qy22=2 2n m z+ =
for positive integers m , n with ()1 ,=n m and 2 mod 1+n m . Since x is odd and , we have , and so a congruence modulo 4 in the first of (26) show that 4 mod 1p 4mod 12=px 2 mod 1m and 2 mod 0n . Then the second equation of (26) yields two possibilities, since ()1 ,=n m , either
~ 9 ~ , 2 1qm m=2 12n n=
o r ()1 ,=n m (27) , 2 1m m=2 12qn n=
If the first possibility of (27) holds, then the first equation in (26) implies q n px mod2 2- ( 2 8 ) But, -1 is a quadratic residue of q (since 4 mod 1q ), and so by virtue of (because and q n mod 0 q m mod 0 ()1 ,=n m , it follows from(27) that p is a quadratic residue of q, contradicting the hypothesis of the theorem. If the second possibility of (27) is the cas e, we then obtain from the first of (26), , and a similar contradicti on, as previously, is obtained. q m px mod2 2 5. THEOREM 4 Let p, q be primes with and 1p 8 mod 5q . Also, suppose that p is a quadratic nonresidue of q, (and so q is a quadratic nonresidue of p). Under the above assumption, the diophantine equation ()2 422z y pqx= +, with , has a solution in positive integers 1 ) , (=y pqx z y x, , if and only if the diophanitne equation has solution, with 4 4 2y x pqz+ = ()1 ,=y x , in positive integers z y x, ,. Proof. Clearly, the hupothesis of this theorem sa tisfies the hypothesis of Theorem 2, with . pq n=
Hence, according to Theorem 2, ()2 422z y pqx= +has a solution, with , in Z1 ) , (=y pqx
+, if and only if the equation 4 2 34 2 22 1 y d x d z d+ = ( 2 9 ) has a solution in Z+, for some with 3 2 1, ,d d d()1 ,3 2=y d x d , , and ,() . n d d d=3 2 1 n d<2 n d<3 0 , ,3 2 1>d d d But , , thus if pq n=3 2 1d d d pq= 11=d , then on account of , it must be , or vice versa of course. pq d d<3 2, p d=2 q d=3 However, this would imply, by equation (29), an equation 4 2 4 2 2y q x p z+ = with , Which is, by Theorem 3, impossible in Z () 1 ,=qy px+. Hence we see that we cannot have 11=d in (29). Now, if p d=1 , then and or and . So (29) would yield q d=2 13=d 12=d q d=3 4 4 2 2y x q pz+ = , ()1 ,=y qx o r ( 3 0 ) , 4 2 4 2y q x pz+ =()1 ,=qy x However, under the conditions () 1 ,=y qx ,()1 ,=qy x , the equations in (30) imply that p is a quadratic residue of q, contradi cting the hypothesis of the theorem.
~ 10 ~ A similar argument is left for the case of q d=1 . Consequently, we see that (29) may have a solution Z+, only for and pq d=1 13 2==d d . Thus, the equation () , with 2 422z y pqx= +()1 ,=y pqx , is equivalent in Z+ , with the equation , . 4 4 2y x pqz+ =() 1 ,=y x REFERENCES [1] L.E Dickson History of the Theory of Numbers, Vol. II, pages 421, 422 AMS Chelsea Publishing, ISBN 0-8218-1935-6; 1992 [2] Konstantine Zelator, The Diophantine equation and integral triangles with a cosine value of 2 2 2z ky x= +
21 , Mathematics and Computer Education, Volume 40, No. 3 (Fall 2006), pp 191-197
~ 11 ~ | 0805.1052 | Konstantine Zelator | Konstantine "Hermes" Zelator | Two Theorems on the structure of Pythagorean triples and some
diophantine consequences | 11 pages | null | null | null | math.GM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Even though four theorems are actually proved in this paper, two are the main
ones,Teorems 1 and 3. In Theorem 1 we show that if a and be are odd squarefree
positive integers satisfying certain quadratic residue conditions; then there
exists no primitive Pythagorean triangle one of whose leglengths is equal to a
times an integer square, while the other leglength is equal to b times a
perfect square. The family of all such pairs (a,b) is slightly complicated in
its description. A subfamily of the said family consists of pairs (a,b), with a
being congruent to 1, while b being congruent to 5 modulo8; and also with both
a and b being primes, and with a being a quadratic nonresidue ofb(and so by the
quadratic reciprocity law, b also being a nonresidue of a). Theorem 3 is
similar in nature, but less complicated in its hypothesis. It states that if p
and q are primes, both congruent to 1 modulo4, and one of them being a
quadratic nonresidue of the other.Then the diophantine equation, p^2x^4 +
q^2y^4 = z^2, Has no solutions in positive integers x, y, and z, satisfying
(px, qy)=1.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 7 May 2008 19:45:30 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 8 May 2008 16:03:02 GMT"
] | 2008-05-08T00:00:00 | [
"Konstantine \"Hermes\"",
] |
2 and only varies along the xaxis. A suitable magnetic field can change the relative orienta- tion of the two magnetizations which are antiparallel at zero field. At the limit of a small distance between the graphene plane and the ferromagnets, the magnetic bar- rier can be approximated by several delta functions, i.e., Bz(x) Here, Bgives the strength of the local magnetic field, the magnetic length for an estimated magnetic field B0,grepresents the mag- netization configuration [ +-1 or parallel distance between the twoFM stripes, and L= 2d+Dis the total length of the structure along the transport direction. The model magnetic field configu- rations for g=+-1 are depicted in Figs. 1(b) and Further, when a negative gate voltage is applied to both FM stripes, a tunable electrostatic dou- ble barrier potential U(x) arises in the graphene layer. A square shape with height U0can be taken for the electric potential created by either gate. Accordingly, the simplified electrostatic barrier has the form, U(x) Th( x) is the Heaviside step function. For such a system, the low-energy excitations in the vicinity of the Kpoint can be described by the following Dirac =EPs, is the Fermi velocity of andszare three isospin Pauli matrices, p= (px,py) is the electron momentum, Ais the vec- tor potential which in the Landau gauge has the ands0is the 2x2 unit matrix. Since the Dirac Hamiltonian of graphene is valley degenerate, it is enough to consider the Kpoint.10For convenience we express all quantities in dimensionless units by the energy For a realistic value B0= 0.1 T, we have lB0= 811@A andE0= 7.0 meV. Since the system is homogeneous along the ydirection, the transverse wave vector kyis conserved. At each re- gionwith U, the solution of Eq. (1) for a given be written as Ps andkxis the longitudinal wave (E-U)2. (3) The sign of kxis chosen in such a way that the Thecoefficients by the requirement of wave function continuity and the scattering boundary conditions. The scattering FIG. 2: (Color online) Transmission as a function of inciden t angle for electrons traversing the considered structure (d e- picted in Fig. 1) with (a)-(d) parallel or (e)-(f) antiparal configuration. Device parameters used in the calculations are d=D= 1 and B= 2. The incident energy is fixed at E= 5. Note that all curves in (f) are scaled by a factor 200. matrix method13is adopted to obtain these coefficients and the transmission probability T=TP/AP(E,ky) for the P/AP configuration. The latter depends on the in- cident energy Eand the transverse wave vector ky. The ballistic conductance at zero temperature is the sample size along the ydirection, this the incident angle relative to the xdirection, and G0= 2e2EFLy/(ph) is taken as the conductance unit. The proposed device relies on the interplay between the Klein tunneling and the wave vector filtering pro- vided by local magnetic fields. To obtain a ofthis interplay, Fig. 2 plots the transmis- sion probability calculated as a function of the both the P and AP magnetization In our calculations the structure parameters of the magnetic barrier are set at d=D= 1 and B= 2. The incident energy is fixed at E= 5 and the electric taken as 2 ,3,4,5,6,7,8 for different curves. For the magnetic barrier with P alignment, the transmission spectrum demonstrates obvious [see Figs. 2(a)-2(d)]. The reflection at nor-3 mal incidence is finite and is almost complete at barrier heights. Instead, perfect transmission ap- pears at some oblique incidences. For example, in the special case E=U0, the transmission peak with a fi- nite width locates at ky=-Ay[see Fig. 2(d)]. In com- parison with the case of pure electric barriers,9we can see that the magnetic barrier changes the incident direc- tion at which the Klein tunneling occurs. The transmis- sion is remarkable in a wide region of negative thand is blocked by the magnetic barrier when the incident an- gle exceeds a critical value th+(U0) or is below another critical value th-(U0). This can be understood as follows. From Eq. (3) we know that evanescent states appear in the magnetic barrier regions when the magnetic vector potential (here Ay=B) and electrostatic barrier The transmission is generally weak as the decaying length of the evanescent states is shorter than the barrier width. In the transmission for- bidden region, there may exist one or two with unity values, as a result of resonant tunnel- ing through the symmetric double barrier structure. The applied electric barrier significantly alters the positions of the transmission peaks. We can also observe a large difference between the transmission curves for the bar- rier height U0< EandU' 0= 2E-U0. Such a from the fact that the carrier states for the two cases are not completely next examine the transmission characteristics for the AP alignment, which is shown in Figs. 2(e) and 2(f). In this configuration the magnetic vector potential is an- tisymmetric about the central line x= 0 [see Fig. 1(c)]. The Dirac Hamiltonian possesses a symmetry associated with the operation ^T^Rx^sy, where ^Tis the time rever- sal operator and ^Rxis the reflection operator x- -x. This symmetry implies the invariance of the transmis- sion with respect to the replacement ky- -ky, as seen in Figs. 2(e) and 2(f). For large |E-U0|the transmis- sion decays monotonically as the incident angle increases from zero [see Fig. 2(e)]. Since the carrier states in the two magnetic barriers are not identical, perfect Note that for the AP configuration and a given wave vector the presence of evanescent states Bthis condition is met for all in- cident directions and the transmission can be as shown in Fig. 2(f). Within this the transmission exhibits a nonmonotonic varia- tion with the positive incident angle. Furthermore, the maximal transmission for the AP alignment can be 2 or- ders of magnitude lower than that for the P alignment [Figs. 2(c) and 2(d)]. As demonstrated above, the transmission features for the P and AP configurations are quite distinct. Such a difference is also exhibited in the measurable quan- tity, the conductance G. In Fig. 3 the conductance is plotted as a function of the Fermi energy for several heights of the electric barrier. Resonant peaks can be FIG. 3: (Color online) Conductance as a function of Fermi energy for electrons traversing the considered structure w ith a parallel (solid line) or antiparallel (dashedline) magnet Device parameters used in the calculations a re d=D= 1 and B= 2. FIG. 4: (Color online) MR ratio as a function of [(a) and (c)] Fermi energy or [(b) and (d)] electric barrier height fo r electrons traversing the considered ba rrier structure. In (a) and (b) simplified magnetic field profiles ar e utilized and thedevice parameters usedin the calculations are d=D= 1 and B= 2. In (c) and (d) realistic magnetic field profiles are taken. In the calculations we assume that stripes havearectangular cross section ofw idth d= 1 and height dz= 0.6 and magnetization u0Mx= 1.8 T (for cobalt material), placed at a distance of z0= 0.2 on top of the graphene plane. Their distance is D= 1. observed in the conductance spectrum for both P and AP alignments. For the P alignment, the conductance is finite (larger than 0.1 in most cases in Fig. 3). For the AP alignment, the conductance is almost zero within a broad energy interval [covering ( U0-B,U0+B)] except for several sharp conductance peaks. In this energy re- gionGAPis depleted by the magnetic barrier whereas GPis finite. Away from this increases with the Fermi energy4 and is primarily contributed by the propagating modes. The normalized difference between GPandGAP, i.e., the TMR ratio MR= (GP-GAP)/GAP, is presented in Fig. 4(a). In the absence of the electric barrier, high val- ues ofMRare located in the low Fermi energy region, as a result of the strong suppression of transmission in the AP alignment. The inclusion of an electric barrier shifts the region and, thus, can be used to adjust the MR ratio. The latter is obviously reflected in Fig. 4(b). In the above analysis, we take simplified magnetic field profiles to illustrate the operating principles of the pro- posed device. In realistic cases the modulated has the smoothing variations on the scale spacing( a= 0.246nm). When both FM stripes have the same rectangular cross section and mag- netization along the x-direction, the generated magnetic field profiles for the P and AP alignments can be ob- tained the parameters given in the 4(d). The calculation shows that the conductance of the device has a variation similar to that in Figs. 4(a) and 4(b). The TMR ratio remains large and exhibits rich variations as the electric barrier height successfully fabricated on top of a system15and dielectric layers on have been realized recently,4,5our is realizable with current technology.In summary, we have investigated the transport fea- tures of a graphene monolayer under the modulation of both a magnetic double barrier and an electric two parallel ferromagnetic stripes with magnetiza- tions along the current direction. The results indicate that for the AP magnetization configuration the trans- mission of electrons in graphene can be drastically sup- pressed for all incident angles. When in the P alignment the Klein tunneling can be generally observed at specific oblique incident directions rather than the normal inci- dence. The difference of trans- mission for two magnetization configurations the electric barrier. Note that different thin dielec- tric layersatop graphene sheets have been fabricated and then the top gates can be formed by means of standard e-beam deposition of insulating layershas been widely adopted to create local magnetic field modulations of the underlying 2D semiconducting our proposed de- viceis within the realizablescope Zhai was supported by the training fund of young teachers at Dalian University of Technology (Grant No. 893208)and the NSFC (Grant No. 10704013). K. Chang was supported by the NSFC (Grant No. 60525405)and the knowledge innovation project of CAS.
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on a dielectric layer. For the parallel magnetization configuration, Klein
tunneling can be observed in the transmission spectrum, but at specific oblique
incident angles. For the antiparallel magnetization configuration, the
transmission can be blocked by the magnetic-electric barrier provided by the
ferromagnets. Such a transmission discrepancy results in a tremendous
magnetoresistance ratio and can be tuned by the inclusion of an electric
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2 A yieldsa tight-bindi ng model, which can be solved numerically by means of the recursive Green's function method16to obtain the TheLandauer-B ed to determine the spin-resolved conductances transmitted spin current in the linear-response regime is characterized by the spin conductance the reflection y- -y, the spin conductance could (3) In the calculations we have chosen to fix the size = 100nm. The electron effective mass has been taken to be 0.041m0(m0 is the free-electron mass), which is appropriate to an InGaA s quantumwell system.17 InFig. 1we plot thetotal Gs;y [in unit of -e/(4p)] as functions of the Fermi wave vector kF= whereEFis the electron Fermi a. energy E1in the narrow lead. The charge Nc(EF). This indicates a negligible electrons ad tothe (4) Theleft-to-rightandright-to-lefts, GL-R andGR-L, are identical due to the time reversal symme- try. In contrast, the spin conductance changes remarkably once the transport direction is reversed. Under the forward bias, the spin conductance fluctuates around a single platea u in the whole considered energy region [see Fig. 1(b)]. The plateau moves up as the SOI strength increases. The deriva- tion ofGL-R s;yfrom the plateau value occurs in the energy regionE1< EF<4E1and near the onset of subbands in the narrow lead. The spin polarization of the current is the ratio between the normalized spin conductance and the nor- malized charge conductance.15As a result, the spin and thus the spin polarization is greatly suppress ed [see Fig. 1(c)]. A vanishing spin current is found in the en- ergyregionof in this case) can support the lowest orbital mode When the outgoing lead supports two or more propagating A narrowpeakis observednearthe on- set of a subband (with subband index >1) of the dueto contrast in the spin conductance between the forward and backward transport directions indicates a spin current diode even in the small bias condition (the Fortheoffsta te (the backward biased case), the spin current is weak when the charge conductance is on a quantized plateau or vanish- ing when the Fermi energyis in the region of [E1,4E1]. The results can be understood as follows. The spin Gs;y=Gs1+Gs2). between the two spin-conserved conductances ( Gs1 G|,|-G|,|) and the other one is the difference between Gs2G|,|-G|,|). We first consider the situation that electrons are incident from the From Eq. (4) we know that the two parts, Gs1 andGs2, are almost identical. Thus, the spin be expressed in terms of the difference ed transmissions TL-R q-s-psshown in Fig. 2. Here, -s=-s, while pandqare the indices of the incident and outgoing The ^Ry^sysymmetry of the considered 0, p-q0mod2. (6) It canbeseen that only a single orbital channel [Figs. 2(a) and 2(b)] , the spin-flipped transmission for the spin-down injection i s much larger than that for the spin-up injection. This can be explained by examining the SOI-induced mode mixing be- tween subbands of different spins in the central part of for conducting in the left lead ( p remarkable and even exceed the corresponding energy windows [see Figs. 2(c)-2(f)]. However, the spin-flipped transmissions TL-R q|-p|for spin-down to be in correspondingspi n- flipped transmissions TL-R q|-p|over large energyregions. Fur- thermore, there exists such an outgoing channel much smaller than TL-R p'|-p|. The combination . When the transport direction is reversed, the spin-resolve (7) This relation together with Eq. (4) indicates a cancellatio n of Gs1andGs2and thus results in GR-L s;y0, as observed in Fig. 1(c). From the above analysis one can see that twospin - flipped conductances. Equation (7) also indicates that for a spin-conserved system, such as the system studied in Ref. 3,3 the diode function of spin current can be performed only a waveguide connected to two leads with different nd a constant value in a wide range of incident energy when electrons are incident from the narrow lead. When the trans- port direction is reversed, the spin conductanceis suppres sed strongly. The rectification of spin current is achievable ev tion. F. Zhaiwas supportedby the NSFC (GrantNo. 10704013) and the training fund of young teachers at Dalian University of Technology. K. Chang was supportedby the NSFC (Grant No. 60525405) and the knowledge innovation project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. H. Q. Xu from the Swedish Research Council (VR) and from address: address: address: A. Wolf, D. D. Awschalom, R. 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Q.Xu, Phys.Rev. Lett. 94, 246601 (2005). 16D. K. Ferry and S. M. Goodnick, Transport in 1997). 17Y. Sato,T. Kita,S.Gozu, andS.Yamada, J. Appl.Phys. 89, Zhang, F. Zhai, and H. Q. Xu, Phys. Rev. B 74, Eto, T. Hayashi, and Y. Kurotani, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74, 1: (Color online) Conductance spectra of a two-termina l horn- like waveguide structure with the Rashba SOI plotted as func tions of the Fermi wave vector for spin-unpolarized electron inje ctions: (a) total conductance G(in unit of e2/h); (b) and (c) spin inunit of -e/(4p)]for the forward and backward transport directions, respectively. The inse t in st ructure. The structural parameters are given inthe text.4 FIG.2: electrons with spin sincident from the subband pin the narrow lead scattering into the subband qin the right lead with opposite spin. The structural parameters are the same as tho se in Fig. 1 and the Rashba SOI strength is set at a= 25meV nm. Note that for the considered structure depicted in the inset of Fi g. whenmodes pandqhave the same parity. | 0805.1106 | Kai Chang | F. Zhai, K. Chang and H. Q. Xu | Spin current diode based on an electron waveguide with spin-orbit
interaction | 3 pages, 2 figures | Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 102111 (2008) | 10.1063/1.2894582 | null | cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We propose a spin current diode which can work even in a small applied bias
condition (the linear-response regime). The prototypal device consists of a
hornlike electron waveguide with Rashba spin-orbit interaction, which is
connected to two leads with different widths. It is demonstrated that when
electrons are incident from the narrow lead, the generated spin conductance
fluctuates around a constant value in a wide range of incident energy. When the
transport direction is reversed, the spin conductance is suppressed strongly.
Such a remarkable difference arises from spin-flipped transitions caused by the
spin-orbit interaction.
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"created": "Thu, 8 May 2008 06:04:29 GMT"
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] |
2 II. SNYDER SPACE AND DEFORMED QUANTUM MECHANICS In this Section the modifications induced on the Heisenberg uncerta inty relations by a non-commutative Snyder geometry are described. The Hilbert space representation and th e deformed harmonic oscillator are also investigated. A relation with the k-deformed Poincar' e algebra is reviewed. A. Snyder-deformed Heisenberg algebras Let usstartby consideringa hat the the coordinates has the non-trivial structure ( {i,j,...} =aMij, (1) where with ~ qiwe refer to the non-commutative coordinates and aRis the deformation parameter with dimension of a squared length (for more details see [8]). We then demand that the rotation generators [ pi,pj] = 0. rotational symmetry is preserved (the non-commutative coo rdinates transform as vectors under SO(n) rotations), i.e. the = ~qidjk-~qjdik, (2) [Mij,pk] This way we deal with the (Euclidean) Snyder space [4]. The abov e relations however do not uniquely fix ~ qiandpj. the sense that the algebra closes in virtue of the Jacobi identitie s) with the above natural a feature can be understood consideringa rescalingof the no ~ qiin terms of ordinary phase space variables ( qi,pj) [14]. The most general SO(n) covariant realization for ~ qiis given (3) where the convention adopted and ph1andph2are two finite functions. The boundary condition we have to impose in order to recover the ordinary Heisenberg algeb ra asa= 0, reads ph1(0) = 1. The rescaling (3) depends on the adopted algebraic structure, but the two fun not uniquely fixed. Given any function ph1satisfying the boundary condition ph1(0) = 1, the function ph2is thus determined by the relation [8] ph2= (1+2 where The commutator between ~ qiandpjthen arises from the realization (3) and reads [~qi,pj] (4) From this relation we obtain the generalized uncertainty principle und erlying the Snyder non-commutative space (5) and the ordinary framework is recovered in the a-0 limit. Therefore, the deformation of the only the spatial coordinates as in (1) leads to infinitely many rea lizations of the algebra, and thus relations (5), all of them consistent with the assumpt ions underlying the model. We also note that, unless ph2= 0, compatible observables no longer exist. The most interesting feature to be stressed is that, for one-dime nsional systems, this picture is almost uniquely fixed. In this case the symmetry group is trivial ( SO(1) = Id) and the most general realization is given by ~ q=
qph(ap2) The commutation relation (4) reduces to [~q,p] (6) and the only freedom relies on the sign of the deformation paramete ra. It is worth noting that, when a>0 a natural cut-off on the momentum arises, i.e. while asa <0 the uncertainty relation (5) predicts a length ~ qmin=-a/2. In fact, equation (5) (7)3 from which the minimal uncertainty in ~ q, ifa <0, is obtained. Moreover, at the first order in a, the string theory result [11] q>~(1/p+l2 sp), in which the string length lscan be identified is recovered. On the other hand, if a >0 a vanishing uncertainty in the non-commutative coordinate is allowe d and appears as soon as preaches the critical value of ( We can then conclude that, a maximum momentum or a minimal length are predicted by the Snyder-deformed relation (6) if a>0 ora<0, respectively. B. Hilbert space Hilbert space representation of the deformed Heisenberg alge bra (6) is constructed. Such a relation can be represented in the momentum space, where the pand ~qoperators act on the wave function ps(p) =pps(p),~qps(p) pps(p), (8) on a dense domain Dof smooth functions. Further, the self-adjoint requirement of t he position and implies a modified measure in the Hilbert space. In fact, pand ~qare self-adjoint operators in the domain Dwith respect to the scalar (9) whereI= (-1/a,1/a) and+-indicates the cases a >0 anda <0 respectively. Here the factor (1 -ap2)-1/2 in the measure is necessary in order to cancel the corresponding t erm of the operator representation of ~ q. This way, the identity operators can be immediately obtained and the scalar pr oduct between momentum eigenstates appears modified as The deformed Hilbert spaces F+-, which are the Cauchy completions with respect to the inner product (9), can be written (10) We note that these Hilbert spaces are unitarily inequivalent to each o ther and also with respect to the ordinary one L2(R,dp) which appearsas a-0. This is not surprisingsince the deformation ofthe canonicalcomm be viewed, from the realization (3), as an algebra homomorphism which is a non-canonical transformation. In particular, it cannot be implemented at the quantum level as an unita ry transformation. New features are then introduced at both classical and quantum level. Let us the position eigenvectorsare modified in t his framework. They satisfy, in the momentum space, the differential equation =kpsk(p) and explicitly read ps(+) k(p) ps(-) k(p) the normalization constant. These states generalize the plan e waves and, as in the ordinary quantum mechan- ics, they are not normalizable. The (+) and ( -) eigenstates can be obtained each other simply sending a- -a, but an important difference between these states has to be stressed . As we have seen, if a<0 a finite minimal uncertainty in position ~ qmin>0 is predicted. This feature implies that there cannot be any physica l state which is a since an eigenstate of an observable necessarily has va nishing uncertainty on it [15]. To be more precise, in the ordinary quantum mechanics a sequence Dwith position uncertainties decreasing to zero, exists. On the other hand, in presence of a minimal uncertainty, it is not longer pos sible to find some Dsuch 0. (12) Thus, although it is possible to construct position eigenvectors, th ey are only formal eigenvectors and not physical states. In this case we have lost direct information on the position it self (it can be recovered by an analysis like the one in [15]). On the other hand, when a >0 the position eigenvectors ps(+) k(p) in (11) are proper physical states in the sense of the standard quantum theory (a zero uncertainty in position is allowed), but two remarks are in order. (i) They are generally no longer orthogonal1. In fact, the scalar product of these eigenvectors appear to be 1The position operator is no longer essentially self-adjoin t but has a one-parameter family of self-adjoint extensions . (nZ, l(-1,1)), a one-parameter family of eigenvectors ps(+) kwhich explicitly diagonalizes the position operator is constructed and a lattice spacing 2ais then instead of the Dirac d-distribution. (ii) They have a finite energy, namely the mean value of p2between such states is finite, i.e. Of course, when the limita-0 is taken into account, the usual results of Heisenberg quantum m echanics are recovered. C. The harmonic oscillator We now investigate a direct physical prediction of the framework dis cussed above. The harmonic oscillator is surely one of the most relevant mechanical systems for testing any quan tization scheme and therefore we apply such a formalism to this model, focusing on the modifications on the energy s pectrum induced by the deformation parameter a. Considering the classical Hamiltonian with a Snyder-deformed quad ratic pand ~qasreportedin (8), weimmediately r the = 0, (14) where the prime denotes differentiation with respect to pand we have defined o= 2E/mo2and the scale d= 1/mo. We note that if a >0, i.e.pI, no singularities appear in (14). This equation is well-known in mathematics as the so-called Mathieu equation in the alge braic form [16]. Its solution can be in terms of the Mathieu cosine Cand sine Sas ps(p) (15) whereA,Bare integration constants q=d4 4a2. on the ordinary energy eigenvalues E=En, induced by the deformed algebra, can be easily an asymptotic formula for the ncoefficients. In fact, we are interested only at first-order corre ctions to the spectrum and these appear for a-0, or more precisely when the scale d2of the harmonic oscillator is much bigger then the deformation scale a, i.e. when a/d21. In other words, we are interested when q1 and in this casencan be expanded as (17) This way, considering the definitions (16), the deformed energy sp ectrum as expected, for a/d2-0 the ordinary eigenvalues are recovered. Let us discuss such a re sult. The spectrum in thea>0 case is nothing but the one obtained in the polymer quantum mechan ics [17]. This framework relies on a non-standard representation of the canonical commutation re lations (inspired by loop quantum gravity [18]) which is (unitarily) inequivalent to the Heisenberg one. A notable fact is tha t such type of quantization when applied to the minisuperspace models, leads to LQC [19]. Differently, the spectr um (18) for a <0 appears to be the same as the one achieved in minimal length quantum mechanics [15], i.e. consid ering the fundamental commutator as [~q,p] =i(1+bp2), which can be considered as the first order approximation in a=-2bof (6). D. Relation with the k-Poincar' e algebra The non-commutative Snyder space has been analyzed in the literat ure from different points of view [5, 6, 7], but only two particular realizations of its algebra are known: the Snyder [4] and the Maggiore [20] ones. The of Snyder is recovered as a special case of (3) if ph1= 1. On the other hand, the Maggiore algebra [~qi,pj] can be regarded as the particular case of (3) when the condition ph2= 0 is taken into account. In this case the Snyder framework can be related to the k-Poincar' e scheme in the following sense e algebra (for reviews see [21]) provides an explicit realizat ion of the Snyder-deformed algebra, once some identifications are taken into account. If ~ qis identified with a suitably k-deformed Newton-Wigner and pandMijas the generators of spatial translations and rotations of the k-Poincar' e algebra modified Heisenberg relations are recovered. (For other comp arisons between deformed Heisenberg algebras and k-Poincar' e see [22].) Physical interest in the k-Poincar' e algebra arises since it is the mathematical structure of DSR. Moreover, this framework describes the symmetries of fields living o nk-Minkowski non-commutative space-times and is widely expected that the study of (quantum) fields, invariant und er such symmetries, may give physical insights on a flat space limit of quantum gravity [23]. III. DEFORMED DYNAMICS OF THE FRW MODELS We investigate the Snyder-deformed dynamics of the isotropic cos mological models. The system is studied at classical level searching for the modifications induced by the defor med Heisenberg algebra. We start reviewing the ordinary FRW dynamics and then turn to the deformed one. A. Ordinary canonical dynamics The FRW cosmological models are (spatially) isotropic models describe d by the line (19) whereN=N(t) is the lapse function and a=a(t) the scale factor. The lapse function does not play a dynamical role while the scale factor is the only degree of freedom of the syste m describing the expansion of the Universe. be zero or +-1 depending on the symmetry group. The dynamics of such models is s ummarized in the scalar 0, the gravitational constant and r=r(a) denotes a generic energy density we have introduced into the system. Therefore, isotropy reduces the phase space of ge neral relativity to be 2-dimensional in which the Poisson bracket is {a,pa}= 1. The Friedmann equation can be extracted by using the with respect to the extended (21) wherelis a Lagrange multiplier and the term lpis introduced since p, the momenta conjugate to N, vanishes. We note that .N={N,HE}=land that the scalar constraint (20) is obtained requiring the const raintp= 0 will be satisfied at all times, i.e. demanding that the secondary constraint .p={p,HE}=H= 0 holds. The of motion with respect to (22) Making use of the above equations and the scalar constraint (20), we immediately obtain the equation of motion for the Hubble rate (. a/a) (23)6 which is the desired Friedmann equation in a synchronous reference frame2. It is well-known that this equation leads to the big-bang singularity where the descrip tion of the Universe is no longer appropriate and quantum modifications are required. B. Deformed canonical dynamics We now perform the analysis of the deformed dynamics of the FRW mo dels and therefore we consider the one- dimensional case of the scheme analyzed above. More precisely, we check the modifications arising from the algebra (6) on the classical trajectory of the Universe described in the pr evious Section. A quantum cosmological is obtained and it resembles the one achieved in recent issues of LQC (if a >0). Asa <0 the Randall- Sundrum braneworld scenario is recovered. The Snyder-deformed classical dynamics is summarized in the modifie d symplectic geometry arising from the classical limit of (6), as soon as the parameter ais regarded as an independent constant with respect to /planckover2pi1. It is then possible to replace the commutator (6) via th e Poisson bracket -i[~q,p] == (24) We stress once again that this relation corresponds exactly to the unique (up to a sign) possible realization of the Snyder space. In order to obtain the deformed Poisson bracket, some natural requirements have to be considered. As a matter of fact, it must possess the same properties as the qu antum mechanical commutator, i.e. it has to bilinear and satisfy the Leibniz rules as well as the Ja cobi identity. This way, the Poisson bracket (for any two-dimensional phase space function) appears to (25) In particular, the time evolution of the coordinate and momentum wit h respect to a given deformed are now specified (26) Let us apply this framework to the FRW model in the presence of a ge neric matter energy density, namely to the Hamiltonian (21). Therefore we assume the minisuperspace as Snyd er-deformed and then the commutator between the isotropic scale factor aand its conjugate momentum pais uniquely fixed by the (27) while the equations of motion .N={N,HE}=land .p={p,HE}=H= 0 remain unchanged. In fact, the 1 is not affected by the deformations induced by the aparameter on the system. On the other hand, the equations of motion (22) become modified in such an appro ach via the relation (27) and in the canonical case, the equation of motion for the Hubble rate can be obtained solving the constraint (20) with respect topaand then considering the first equation of (28). Explicitly it becomes (takingN= (29) We refer to this equation as the deformed Friedmann equation as it entails the modification arising from the Snyder- deformed Heisenberg algebra (6). It is interesting to consider the flat FRW Universe, i.e. the k= 0 model. In this case the deformed equation (29) appears to (30) 2In the synchronous reference frame, defined in the 3+1 framew ork byN= 1 andNi= 0, the time coordinate identifies with the proper time at each point of space.7 whererc= (2pG/3|a|)rPis the critical energy density, rPbeing the Planck one. In the last step we have assumed the existence of a fundamental minimal length. In fact, as widely ac cepted, one of the most peculiar consequences of all promising quantum gravity theories is the existence of a fundame ntal cut-off length, which should be related to the Planck one (for a review see [24]). Therefore, although this minimal length appears differently in distinct contexts, it is reasonable that the scale factor (the energy density) has a minim um (maximum) at the Planck scale. The modifications arising from the deformed Heisenberg algebra on t he Friedmann equation (30) are manifested in the form of a r2-term. Such factor is relevant in high energy regime and, if a >0 andrreaches the critical value rc, the Hubble rate vanishes and the Universe experiences a bounce ( or more generally a turn-around) in the scale factor. For energy density much smaller then the critical one the s tandard Friedmann dynamics, equation (23) for k= 0, is recovered. In the same way, when the deformation paramet eravanishes, the correction term disappears and the ordinary behavior of the Hubble parameter is atphen (30) in the a >0 case and the one obtained considering the effective dynamics of LQ C [9]. On the other hand, the string inspired Randall-Sundrum braneworld scenario lead s to a modified Friedmann equation as in (30) witha<0 [10]. The opposite sign of the r2-term in such an equation, is the well-known key difference between t he loop cosmology and the Randall-Sundrum framework. In fact, the f ormer approach leads to a non-singular while in the latter, because of the positive sign, . acannot vanish and a cosmological bounce cannot take place. Of course, to obtain a bounce the correction should be nega tive, i.e. make a repulsive contribution. This can occur also in the Randall-Sundrum scheme as soon as the extra dimen sion of the bulk space-time is considered to be time-like [25]. However, the minus sign in this approach remains an open question and no definitive answers are given [26]. IV. PHYSICAL CONSIDERATIONS ON THE MODEL A peculiar model is investigated in the framework of the Snyder-def ormed minisuperspace with particular attention to the evolution of the relative fluctuations of the scale factor. Co mparison with other similar approaches is then showed. A. Flat isotropic model filled with a scalar field An isotropic flat Universe filled with a massless scalar field phis analyzed in the context of the previous discussion. Such a model deserves interest since it is the one most studied in the framework of LQC. The energy density of this scalar field takes the form r=p2 ph/2a6, wherepphdenotes the momentum canonically conjugate to ph, and then the scalar constrain (20) 0. (31) The phase space is 4-dimensional, with coordinates ( a,pa,ph,pph) and, since pphis a constant of motion, each is specified in the ( a,ph)-plane. The scalar field phcan be then regarded as an internal clock for the dynamics and this condition can be imposed requiring the time gauge .ph= 1, i.e.N=a3/pph. In this case the deformed Friedmann equation (29) rewrites (32) whose solution is given by where ~p2 ph= 9p2 ph/16p4G2. This equation clearly predicts a big-bounce if a>0 (from now on we consider only this case). The ordinary solutions recovered at late times, i.e. at |ph| - . Fixing the lapse function as before, the (effective) Hamiltonian in th e internal time phdescription is given by The time evolution of any observable Ocan then be realized with respect to such a Hamiltonian, i.e. the equation of motion for the expectation value equations of thus immediately obtained and these trajectories are in exact a greement with the classical ones. We are now interested to investigate the semi-classical proprieties of such a S nyder-deformed quantum Universe. To be precise, with semi-classical requirement for an observable Owe refer to the requirement that its expectation value be close to the classical one and that the relative fluctuations ( We now analyze the evolution of the scale factor relative fluctuations which are governed by the (34) As we can see, in the ordinary framework ( a= 0), such a quantity is conserved during the whole evolution (the on ly fluctuations ( a)2are not constants and neither bounded) and thus the semi-classic ity of an initial state is preserved. Such a propriety is also valid in the deformed scheme at late times |ph| - , i.e. for large scale factor aapph/lP. We note that at the bouncing time, i.e. when the scale factor reache s its minimum value the derivative of this uncertainty vanishes. Let us consider the deformed Wheeler-DeWitt (WDW) equation for t his model. Regarding the massless scalar field phas a relational time for the evolution and using the representation ( 8), the constraint (31) takes the =-ThPs(pa,ph),Th (35) As usual the WDW equation has the same form as the Klein-Gordon eq uation where Th plays the role of the In order to have an explicit Hilbert space, we perform the natural frequencies decomposition of the solution of (35) and focus on the positive frequency sector. The w ave function Ps o(pa,ph) =eiophpso(pa) is thus of positive frequency with respect to phand satisfies the positive frequency (square root) of the quantu m constraint (35), i.e. we deal with a Sch odinger-like equation -iphPs =
ThPs with a non-local Hamiltonian Th (hereo2denotes the spectrum of Th and covers the interval (0 ,pG/3)). The wave function psois explicitly expressed in terms of the functions Fand reads pso(pa) It is worth stressing that this function is well defined (is not diverg ent) since we remember the existence of a cut-off on the momentum, i.e. paI. This way, taking a weighting function A(o), we can construct a wave packet which has the general form Ps(pa,ph) (37) As last step of our analysis we note that, although the relative fluct uations in general not constant during the evolution (equation (34)), the difference in the asympto tic values D= This consideration can be realized since the fluctuations ( a)2(ph) and the mean value are symmetric in time. In fact, given any real A(o) (for example a Gaussian weighting function e-(o-o0)2/2s2), the mean value of any self-adjoint operator Owith respect to the states (37) is invariant under time inversion ph- -ph. with a Gaussian semi-classical state such that ( at late times, this propriety is satisfied on the other side of the bounce when the Universe approaches large scale (aapph/lP). B. Comparison with other approaches Our model can be regarded as an attempt to mimic the original LQC sy stem by a simpler one and in this respect it has to be compared with analogous existing approaches. There ar e essentially two (related) ways to capture the essential features of the original quantum system by an exac tly solvable one and both these frameworks regard the cosmological model described by (31). The first approach [27] is based on replacing the connection by its sine (the connection itself cannot be directly implemented as an operato r in the loop Hilbert space) and then rewriting9 the Hamiltonian in term of non-canonical variables. This model serve s as a perturbative basis for realistic bounce scenarios and allows a precise analysis of the evolution of dynamical c oherent states. The second approach [28] relies on a reduction of the so-called improved dynamics and allows to clearly define in which sense the WDW LQC. Both models agree, although this is matter of cu rrent debate [29], with the claim that is preserved across the bounce [3 0]. This feature is in agreement with our two remarks are in order. (i) The (simplified) LQC theory is b ased on a Weyl representation of the relations which turns out to be inequivalent to the Sch odinger representation. On the other hand, as explained before, the Snyder-deformed algebra cannot be obtain ed by a canonical transformation of the ordinary Poisson brackets of the system. (ii)3Ther2-term in the modified Friedmann equation (30) is not the only correct ion from LQC unless the only matter source is a massless scalar field. If it has mass or is there are infinitely many other correction terms which also involve pressure [31 ]. In our model the form of (30) is independent of the precise matter content. V. CONCLUDING REMARKS In this paper we have shown that a bouncing cosmologyis predicted b y a Snyder-deformed Friedmann dynamics. In particular, we have implemented a Snyder non-commutative geomet ry, which can be related to DSR as well as to the k-Poincar' ealgebra, in the FRW minisuperspace arena. Since we deal with a one-dimensional system, the deformation is almost uniquely fixed and a cosmological bounce is then obtained. Ou r deformed Friedmann equation has the same form of the LQC one. Notably, also the effective cosmological d ynamics of the Randall-Sundrum is allowed because of the freedom in the sign of the deforma tion term. Such a result is also corroborated by the analysis of the Snyder-deformed harmonic oscillator. The LQ C-like framework is the one in which a cut-off on the momentum is predicted. On the other hand, in the braneworld -like one, a minimal observable length arises and the string theory uncertainty relation is recovered. Summariz ing, a non-commutative (deformed) picture which leads, at phenomenological level, to the predictions of more genera l theories can be formulated. The validity of such an approach in more general, and physically interesting, framework s will be subject of future Franc Lecian are thanked for several discussions and for a critical reading of the manuscript. [1] S.W.Hawking and G.F.R.Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time (CUP, Cambridge, 1973). [2] C.Rovelli, arXiv:0808.3505; L.Smolin, arXiv:0808.37 65. 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[31] M.Bojowald, Phys.Rev.Lett. 100(2008) 221301; Gen.Rel.Grav. 40(2008) 2659. | 0805.1178 | Marco Valerio Battisti | Marco Valerio Battisti | Cosmological bounce from a deformed Heisenberg algebra | 10 pages; version improved, title changed, to appear in PRD | Phys. Rev. D 79 (2009) 083506 | null | null | gr-qc hep-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The implications of a deformed Heisenberg algebra on the
Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological models are investigated. We consider
the Snyder non-commutative space in which the translation group is undeformed
and the rotational invariance preserved. When this framework is implemented to
one-dimensional systems (which is this case) the modifications are uniquely
fixed up to a sign. A cosmological quantum bounce \`a la loop quantum cosmology
is then obtained. We also get the Randall-Sundrum braneworld scenario and this
way a Snyder-deformed quantum cosmology can be considered as a common
phenomenological description for both theories.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 8 May 2008 14:59:39 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 1 Apr 2009 09:15:39 GMT"
] | 2009-04-10T00:00:00 | [
"Marco Valerio",
] |
2Jun Zhang, Onsi Fakhouri, and Chung-Pei Ma tinuous accretion then the progenitor abundance at large look-back times is better reproduced. Cole et al. (2000), on the other hand, include diuse accretion but preserve the assumption of binary mergers. More recently, partially due to the rapid advances in N-body simulation, various other algorithms have been proposed that are either designed to t N-body results ( e.g., Parkinson, Cole & Helly 2008; Cole et al. 2008; Neistein & Dekel 2008a) or are based on the spherical (Neistein & Dekel 2008b) or ellipsoidal (Moreno
& Sheth 2007) excursion set model. The presence of these numerous Monte Carlo algorithms suggests that building a Monte Carlo algorithm that is fully consistent with the un- derlying EPS model is not unique and can be non-trivial. We were motivated to write this paper for a number of reasons. First, this is a sequel to our previous work (Zhang, Ma & Fakhouri 2008), which presented an accurate an- alytic formula for the conditional mass function for small time-steps in the ellipsoidal EPS model. This formula is par- ticularly useful as an input for high-resolution Monte of halo merger trees. Earlier formulae (e.g. Sheth
& Tormen 2002) were accurate only for larger look-back red- shifts (z1 z0&0:1). Taking such a large time-step would limit the dynamic range in both the progenitor mass and redshift that can be covered in a Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, until recently, all previous Monte Carlo algo- rithms were studied in the framework of the spherical EPS model, which is well known to produce inaccurate total halo mass function when compared with sim- ulations. This paper will investigate the algorithms in the el- lipsoidal model using the formula in Zhang, Ma & as we began to investigate the various Monte Carlo algorithms proposed in the literature, we were frus- trated by the lack of direct comparison among the each of which has its own range of validity and own set of assumptions about how to group progenitors into de- scendants (e.g. binary vs multiple progenitors; how the mass in progenitors below mass resolution is treated). Moreover, it was not always clear why a given algorithm succeeded or failed. In this paper, we examine closely the four most fre- quently used algorithms { Lacey & Cole 1993; Kaumann
& White 1993; Somerville & Kolatt 1999; Cole et al. 2000 {
and compare their predictions for the conditional mass func- tion over a wide range of progenitor masses and (e.g., down to 10 6of descendant mass and up to redshift 15, much larger than those studied previously). We nd that only Kaumann & White (1993) is fully consistent with the EPS model at all look-back time steps. The limita- tions and causes of discrepancies in the other three methods are in light of the discrepancies in earlier algorithms, we investigate three new Monte Carlo algorithms that are all constructed to reproduce accurately the EPS predicted con- ditional mass function at any look-back redshift. We present a consistency criterion that is useful as a general guide for building Monte Carlo algorithms: If an algorithm reproduces the EPS progenitor mass function for a sequence of sim- ulation time-steps between 0;N), then it is guaranteed to reproduce the EPS progenitor mass function at any zjfor descendants at any later zk(where j;k= 0;N). This is a necessary and sucient the EPS model is an incomplete theory thatpredicts only a subset of statistical properties of halo merg- ers. It therefore leaves one with much freedom in how to assign progenitors to descendants in a given Monte Carlo algorithm. For instance, it is possible to construct dier- ent consistent Monte Carlo algorithms that predict merger quantities beyond the conditional mass function. Our three new algorithms and KW93 are four ex- amples that are degenerate in the conditional mass function but are dierent in other progenitor statistics. In this pa- per we illustrate the dierences among the models with two such statistics: the mass function of the ithmost and the mass function of progenitors for descen- dant halos with Npprogenitors. Results from N-body sim- ulations will be needed to constrain these Since computing the statistics of progenitor dark matter halos in simulations is by itself a major we will focus on the EPS theory and Monte Carlo algorithms in this paper and leave the comparison with N- body results to a subsequent paper (Zhang, Fakhouri & Ma 2008, in prep). The paper is structured as follows. The EPS formal- ism based on both the spherical and ellipsoidal models is reviewed in x2. Inx3 we discuss three in- gredients for how to grow an accurate Monte Carlo merger tree: the consistency criterion for reproducing EPS ( x3.1), the asymmetry in the EPS progenitor mass function and the necessity of non-binary mergers in an algorithm ( x3.2), and the role of mass resolution and diuse accretion for pro- genitor mass assignment ( x3.3). Details of the four old and three new algorithms are discussed in x4 andx5, possible, the resulting progenitor mass functions from dierent algorithms are shown on the same plots for ease of comparison. x6 compares the two new that can be used to discriminate among the Monte Carlo algorithms that are consistent with EPS. We summa- rize our ndings in x7, with a discussion of some recent work in this eld. The calculations in this paper assume a CDM model with m= 0:25, b= 0:045,h= 0:73, = 0:75,n= 1,
8= 0:9. This is the same cosmology used in the (Springel et al. 2005). 2 AN OVERVIEW OF EPS In this section we present a brief overview of the EPS the- ory based on both the spherical and ellipsoidal models. We often refer to the two models in par- allel as the spherical and ellipsoidal EPS models, with that the ellipsoidal version is based on the excursion set formalism of Bond et al. (1991). The emphasis here is on the conditional mass function, which is the main statistical quantity used to generate progenitors in merger tree algorithms. For a more complete and pedagogical review of EPS, see Zentner (2007) and references therein. 2.1 EPS Based on the Spherical Collapse Model The Press-Schechter (PS) model provides a framework for identifying virialized dark matter halos. It is assumed that the seed density perturbations that grow to form these ha- los are characterized by an initially Gaussian random den- c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 20Growing Healthy Merger Trees 3 sity eld with larger
uctuations on smaller spatial scales. This latter assumption allows one to use S(R) =2(R), the variance of the linear density over spatial scale R, as a proxy for the spatial scale R. Moreover, since a given spatial scale is related to a unique mass scale M(R) via the mean density of the universe , one can use R,M, as measures of scale. The density eld smoothed over a given scale Mis given byM=M= 1 whereMis the average den- sity within the smoothing scale R. In the EPS model, the linear density eld centered at a given point in the space traces out a random walk (referring to a Markovian process)2as the smoothing scale is from a large smoothing scale, a virialized dark mat- ter halo is assumed to form at the given spatial coordinate when the linear Mcrosses a critical value for the rst time; the mass of the halo is determined by the smoothing scale at rst-crossing. In the spherical EPS model, the is given by the spherical collapse model and is a constantc= 1:69 independent of mass scale. In the above description, as a result of gravitational in- stability, the density eld grows with time as a linear func- tion of its initial value, i.e.,M(z) =M(0)D(z), where D(z) is the standard linear growth factor satisfying D(z= 0) = 1. In practice, one usually xes the value of Mat some reference time ( evolves the critical over-density to identify virialized halos at earlier redshifts. We denote this over-density by !(z) =c=D(z). Note that a lower redshift corresponds to a smaller !(z), implying that larger halos form at later times, in accordance with the formation scenario. Under the assumption of Gaussian statistics, the EPS framework allows one to compute the rst crossing Of the set of random walks that begin at M0=!(z0), the rst crossing distribution is the fraction of these random walks that rst cross the crit- ical over-density !(z1) at scaleS(M1), wherez1> (i.e.M1<M 0). It can be shown (Lacey &
Cole 1993) that the rst crossing distribution in the spheri- cal EPS model has the !=!(z1) !(z0) and rst crossing distribution can be reinterpreted as the conditional mass function P(M1;z1jM0;z0), which is de- ned to be the mass fraction of a descendant halo of mass M0at redshift z0that originates from a progenitor halo of massM1at in particular, that P(M1;z1jM0;z0) is the mass- weighted conditional mass function as it represents the merg- 1In this paper, the variance of the density
uctuation is calcu- lated using the tting formula of the linear mass power spectrum from Eisenstein & Hu 1998 2Strictly speaking, this is only true when the smoothing window function is a top-hat in Fourier space.ing history of a unit of mass. The average number of progen- itors of mass M1atz1associated with the formation of each descendant halo of mass M0atz0is given by the number- weighted conditional mass function (M1;z1jM0;z0), which is simply related to the mass-weighted conditional (3) For brevity, we often refer to the number-weighted condi- tional mass function (M1;z1jM0;z0) as the progenitor mass function, and denote it simply as (M1jM0) elsewhere in paper. This quantity is sometimes de- noted 1in the literature. 2.2 EPS Based on the Ellipsoidal Collapse Model The original Press-Schechter theory was based on the spher- ical collapse model. The unconditional mass function in this model is well known to have an excess of small halos and a decit of massive halos in comparison with simulation re- sults ( e.g., Lacey & Cole 1994; Gelb & Bertschinger 1994; Ma & Bertschinger 1994; Tormen 1998; Sheth & Tormen 1999). This discrepancy arises because halo collapses are generally triaxial rather than spherical (Doroshkevich 1970; Bardeen et al. 1986; Sheth, Mo & Tormen 2001; Sheth &
Tormen 2002). In the spherical collapse picture, the virial- ization of a dark matter halo is purely determined by on the scale of the halo mass. This assump- tion is too simplistic because dark matter halos generally have non-zero ellipticity and prolateness, and the condition for virialization should be determined by both the and the halo shape parameters. By assuming that a dark matter halo virializes when its third axis collapses, Sheth, Mo & Tormen (2001) nd a new criterion for virialization that depends on the ellipticity and prolateness of a dark matter halo in addition to its In practice, this condition can be simplied either by averaging over its dependence on the shape parameters, or by xing the shape parameters at their most likely values for a given over-density. By doing so, these authors obtain a tting formula for the scale- dependent critical over-density, or barrier, in contrast to the cof the spherical collapse model. It is parameterized as (Sheth &
Tormen =p
1 0:615,= 0:485,
= and Mis the halo mass. In this ellipsoidal collapse model, is such that the formation of small halos is delayed, thereby reducing their abundance and providing closer agreement with the unconditional mass function in simulations than the spherical model. To compute the conditional mass function in the ellip- soidal EPS model, one would need the equivalent of the rst- crossing distribution eq. (1). The exact analytical form of eq. (1), unfortunately, is valid only for the constant barrier cof the spherical EPS model. Sheth &
Tormen (2002) have presented a approxi- mation for the ellipsoidal model, but Zhang, Ma & Fakhouri (2008) show that this form works well for large z1 z0but is invalid for small z1 z0. As the construction of an accurate c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 204Jun Zhang, Onsi Fakhouri, and Chung-Pei Ma ellipsoidal Monte Carlo merger tree algorithm requires ac- curate knowledge of the ellipsoidal progenitor mass function at small time-steps, it is crucial that this matter be resolved. This was done in Zhang, Ma & Fakhouri (2008). Using the scale-dependent critical over-density of Sheth & Tormen (2002) and the technique of Zhang & Hui (2006), Zhang, Ma & Fakhouri (2008) derived an accurate form for the progenitor mass function of ellipsoidal EPS model for small time steps ( z<0:1), which can be written as:
(M1jM0) ),A1= 0:308 0:115 0 , A2= 0:0373 0:115 0 and ~S=
S=S(M0). Note that unlike eq. (15) of Zhang, Ma &
Fakhouri (2008), we have not neglected the small A0! term in the exponent because it is important for trac- ing the massive progenitors (small S). Two other fea- tures are worth noting. First, unlike in the spherical in eq. (5) depends weakly on the red- shiftz0. Second, due to the intersections of barriers at the low mass end3, eq. (5) turns unphysical ( when the descendant mass is much smaller than the typical halo mass at z0. In our Monte Carlo simulations discussed below, whenever the sec- ond feature becomes a problem (which occurs very rarely), we do not generate any progenitors for the halo in the next time step. As we will show in x5, this procedure only mildly aects the progenitor abundance at the very low mass end. Eq. (5) provides a closer match to the merger rates deter- mined from N-body simulations (Zhang, Ma & Fakhouri 2008), but the agreement was not perfect, perhaps due to the non-Markovian nature of numerical simulations. 3 INGREDIENTS FOR GROWING HEALTHY MONTE CARLO MERGER TREES As discussed in the introduction, the EPS model only pro- vides a subset of statistical information about dark matter halo merger histories. For example, the EPS progenitor (eq. 3 for spherical and eq. 5 for ellip- soidal) gives the average mass spectrum of the progenitors for the descendant halos. However, it is often useful, espe- cially in semi-analytical modeling, to have an actual Monte Carlo realization of the formation history for a large set of halos. Of particular interest is the merger tree of individ- ual halos, which provides the hierarchical links among the progenitors and their descendants. Since the EPS model it- self does not specify explicitly how to group progenitors in each time-step in a Monte Carlo must be made about the number of progeni- tors and their mass distributions to be assigned to a appendix A of Sheth & Tormen 2002 for more detailsThe earlier Monte Carlo algorithms (e.g., Lacey & Cole 1993; Kaumann & White 1993; Somerville & Kolatt 1999; Cole et al. 2000) for merger tree constructions share a simi- lar overall structure: A descendant halo of mass M0at 0) is chosen. The EPS progen- itor mass function, (MjM0), is then used to generate a set of progenitors at some earlier redshift, using the rules of the given algorithm. In the next time-step, these descendants, and each is assigned its own set of pro- genitors at an earlier redshift using (MjM0). This process is repeated out to some early redshift and for a number of halos of mass M0at the starting z0. The existence of a number of diverse Monte Carlo algo- rithms (see further discussion in x4) in the literature implies that the above process is, in fact, not unique and can be quite subtle. We now explore some of these subtleties and the key ingredients for constructing a healthy merger tree. 3.1 A Criterion for Consistently Reproducing the EPS Progenitor Mass Function We consider a Monte Carlo algorithm to be consistent with EPS if the merger trees it produces can reproduce the EPS progenitor mass function (M1;z1jM0;z0) exactly for any set of the number or size of the simulation time-steps between to be consistent with EPS, a Monte Carlo algorithm must necessarily reproduce the exactly at adjacent time steps. We now show that this is also a sucient condition for the Monte Carlo method to reproduce (MjM0) exactly at any look-back time re- gardless of the number, or width, of intervening time-steps. This condition is important because it simplies the analysis of Monte Carlo algorithms: the failure of a given algorithm to reproduce faithfully the EPS (MjM0) at a particular red- shift or mass range necessarily implies that the algorithm fails to reproduce the progenitor mass function (in either amplitude or shape or both) across a single time step. We start with the rst crossing distribution eq. (1) and note that due to the continuous nature of the random walk, it obeys the following identity at dierent look-back anyz0<z0<z. This relationship is true in both spher- ical and ellipsoidal EPS models because both variants are based on barrier crossings of random walks. Note that in the ellipsoidal model, eq. (6) is a property of only the exact rst- crossing distribution, which is well represented by eq. (5) for small look-back times but not the approx- imation of Sheth & Tormen (2002). Also note that eq. (6) may not be strictly satised at the very low mass end due to the intersections of barriers in the ellipsoidal model. As we will show inx5, this only causes a minor problem on very small mass scales. Using eqs. (2) and (3) to relate fto the progenitor mass function, we then (7) c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 20Growing Healthy Merger Trees zandz=z0+ 2z, we see that eq. (7) implies that if a Monte Carlo method generates progeni- tors exactly according to the progenitor mass function of EPS at each time step z, then the Monte Carlo progeni- tor mass function should agree with the EPS prediction at any look-back time z z0. We stress that (MjM0) must be reproduced exactly, that is, in both the overall shape and normalization of (MjM0). This consistency condition is both necessary and sucient. An additional feature to note is that consistency is pos- sible in the presence of a mass resolution limit Mres(dis- cussed further in x3.3). Eq. (7) shows that not depend on masses outside of the range [ M;M 0]. Thus if a Monte Carlo algorithm reproduces (MjM0) for allM >M resin single time-steps, it will consistently atM >M resfor anyz z0. 3.2 The Asymmetry of EPS and Binary Mergers The simplest way to group progenitors into descendants in a Monte Carlo algorithm is through binary mergers, i.e., each descendant halo of mass M0is composed of two pro- genitors of mass M1andM0 M1. This assumption is used in, e.g., Lacey & Cole (1993). This simple scenario, however, will necessarily fail to reproduce both the spherical and el- lipsoidal EPS progenitor mass functions. This is because if all descendants were the products of binary mergers, then
(MjM0) would be symmetric about M0=2 for innitesimal
z. This is simply not the case in EPS. We illustrate the asymmetry of the EPS (MjM0) in Fig. 1 for a descendant halo of mass 1013Matz0= 0 and a look-back time of z= 0:02 (which is the typical time-step used in our Monte Carlo simulations; see Sec. 4). The solid black curve shows the total (MjM0), while the red dashed curve shows the symmetric part sym(MjM0) dened by
(MjM0) =sym(MjM0) +asym(MjM0); (8) where the left side ( M6M0=2) ofsym(MjM0) is dened to be identical to (MjM0) and the right side is dened to be simply the re
ection of the left half about the mid point M0=2. The second term asym(MjM0) is then the subtracting out sym. The gure illustrates that it is not possible for all progenitors with M > M 0=2 to have binary-paired progenitors of mass M0 M <M 0=2. In particular, we nd that for suciently small look-back times (e.g.z= 0:02 used in Fig. 1), (MjM0)> the pop-up in Fig. 1). That is, there are slightly fewer progenitors with masses below M0=2 than above, except near the end points (below 0 :03M0and above 0:97M0) where the trend is
ipped. Even though the asymmetry is typically small ( toM0 Mres), an accurate algorithm must in- clude non-binary progenitor events. These can be descen- dants with either a single progenitor or multiple ( as will be seen in the new algorithms discussed inx5 below. This fact was emphasized by Neistein & Dekel (2008b). These authors construct a mass conserving consis- tent Monte Carlo algorithm that produces a large number Figure 1. An illustration of the asymmetry in conditional (or progenitor) mass of the spherical EPS model for a descendant halo of massM0= 1013Matz0= 0 and a look-back redshift of z z0= 0:02. The red dashed curve shows the symmetric part whose right side is simply the re
ection of the left side. The gure indicates that some progenitors of masses larger than M0=2 do not have companions in the simplest binary scheme. The pop-up is a zoom-in on the right-most part of the plot and illustrates that the red dashed curve exceeds the solid curve at M0:977M0. of non-binary descendants. However, one intuitively expects that more mergers will be binary as z1 z0!0. This in- tuition is supported by results from the Millennium simu- lation (Fakhouri & Ma 2008), which show that the becomes increasingly valid down to smaller Mres asz1 z0is made smaller. This result suggests that the Markovian nature of the standard EPS model with a top- hat smoothing window may need to be modied to account for the correlated sequences of mergers occurring in simula- tions (Neistein & Dekel 2008b; Zentner 2007). 3.3 Mass Resolution, Diuse Accretion, and in Monte Carlo Algorithms In the EPS model, all the mass in the universe is assumed to be in dark matter halos4. Although the mass-integral of the (unconditional) mass function in this model is nite, the number-integral is unbounded; that is, EPS predicts a preponderance of very low mass halos. Thus, any practi- cal Monte Carlo algorithm must necessarily assume a lower mass cuto, the mass resolution Mres. For a nonzero Mres, a halo's merger history at each time step can be thought of consisting of mass in the form of resolvable progenitor halos and a reservoir of mass due to diuse accretion that is the aggregate contribution from 4This is not exactly true in the ellipsoidal EPS model. See ap- pendix A of Sheth & Tormen 2002. c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 206Jun Zhang, Onsi Fakhouri, and Chung-Pei Ma all sub-resolution progenitors. This technical distinction is introduced for ease of implementing the Monte Carlo meth- ods. It will, however, play a more physical role when we compare the results with N-body simulations, which has its own mass resolution as well as a possibly physical diuse component consisting of tidally stripped dark matter parti- cles. In this paper we use Mto denote this diuse which we dene to be
M=M0 X iMi; (9) whereMiare the masses of the progenitors above Mresand M0is the mass of the descendant. We call a Monte Carlo algorithm mass conserving if each descendant and its progenitors produced by the algo- rithm Monte Carlo algorithms are generally expected to be mass conserving, but we note that this is not a necessary condition for reproducing the EPS progenitor mass function because the latter is a of merger properties. In two of our new algorithms below (methods A and B in x5), a small fraction of the de- scendants can haveP iMi>M 0. We allow this to simplify the description and implementation of our algorithms. We have experimented with redistributing these excess progen- itors among other descendant halos in a and found it not to modify signicantly the re- sulting merger statistics. In addition, it may appear thatP iMi> M 0is unphysical. We have found, however, that a non-negligible fraction of halos in N-body simulations in fact have M < 0, perhaps as a result of tidal stripping. This point will be discussed in greater detail in our next paper. We note that for a Monte Carlo algorithm that is consis- tent with EPS, the mean value of Mper descendant halo of massM0(i.e., averaged over all descendants in a given time-step) is, by construction, related to the mass (10) For a given (MjM0) andMres,hMiis therefore specied. The distribution of M, however, can dier greatly among dierent algorithms; that is, there is much freedom in how to assign the amount of diuse accretion to individual descen- dants in a given time-step. For instance, Cole et al. (2000) assumes a delta-function distribution for M(seex4.4 for details), while most of other methods, including our new methods discussed in x5, have broader distributions. 4 COMPARISON OF FOUR PREVIOUS MONTE CARLO ALGORITHMS In this section we examine four existing Monte Carlo al- gorithms for generating merger trees: Lacey & Cole (1993) [LC93], Kaumann & White (1993) [KW93], Somerville &
Kolatt (1999) [SK99], and Cole et al. (2000) [C00]. This set is by no means complete, but these are four of the most fre- quently used algorithms in the literature. The purpose here is to compare these well known algorithms side-by-side and to illustrate the mass and redshift ranges for which each method succeeds and fails in matching the spherical EPSmodel. This not only benets the current users of the meth- ods, but also prepares us for incorporating the ellipsoidal EPS model into the successful method (KW93), which will be compared with our new methods in Sec. 5. We review each algorithm in a subsection below and compare the resulting progenitor mass functions (MjM0) with the spherical EPS prediction for look-back from 0.24 to 15. In Figs. 2-4 we plot the progenitor mass functions produced by all four methods, along with the analytical EPS prediction, on log-log plots for three descen- dant masses and four look-back times (z1 z0= 0:24;2:07;7 and 15). To ease comparison, we also plot the ratio between each Monte Carlo result and the EPS prediction on a linear-log plot. As Figs. 2-4 clearly show, of the four algorithms, only KW93 is able to match the spherical EPS (MjM0) for allz z0. We will explore why each algorithm fails below and discuss the care that must be taken when implementing KW93. A summary of the four algorithms, their discrepancies, and the causes of the discrepancies is given in Table 1. In our Monte Carlo simulations, we generally keep track of all progenitors down to 0 :001M0at each time step for a descendant halo of mass M0. This large dynamic range allows us to predict reliably the progenitor abundance even for a very large look-back time ( z1 z015). To speed up the algorithm, we take each time step to be a in the barrier height !(z) =!(z+ z) !(z) (where !zat lowz), which is chosen to be about 0 :02 for LC93, KW93, SK99, and 0 :003 for C00 at z= 0. The progenitor mass function of a given descendant halo mass is then identical for each time step and does not have to be recomputed. Numerical convergence is tested by changing the time-steps used in the simulation: our results do not change. 4.1 Lacey & Cole (1993) The algorithm proposed by LC93 makes two important as- sumptions: all mergers are binary (before mass resolution is imposed), and the descendant mass M0is the sum of the two progenitor masses our convention). For each small look-back time step and for each descendant, a progenitor mass is randomly chosen according to the mass-weighted conditional mass function eq. (2), and the mass of the other progenitor (which can be larger or smaller) is simply set to be the dierence between M0and the rst chosen progenitor mass. If the less below a chosen mass resolution Mres, or equivalently, M1> M 0 Mres, thenM1is kept but M2, being a sub-resolution progenitor, is discarded. This results in halos which we label as !1 events. In this notation, binary mergers are !1 events. When a smaller time-step is used in LC93, the ratio of 2 !1 to 1!1 events decreases. We nd that random progenitor masses can be easily generated using the parameter (11) The parameter xhas a uniform probability distribution be- tween 0 and 1 and can be quickly generated using generator. A simple inversion then yields c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 20Growing Healthy Merger Trees 7 Algorithm Overview Discrepancy in progenitor mass function (MjM0) Reasons for and 1-to-1 Overestimates (MjM0) by large factors when the look-back time is large, assumption fails to reproduce EPS
(MjM0) asymmetry. mergersNoneM6= 0 SK99Multiple mergers Typically over-predicts the abundances of (<10% of the descendant halo mass) by a factor of2 forz1 z0<1. This to smaller mass scales for larger look-back times.Truncation of (MjM0) fails to reproduce its shape exactly.M6= 0 (can be bigger or and 1-to-1 Works reasonably well for a large range of the look-back time but signicantly at high mass ends, particularly when the look back time is large ( z1 z01).Binary assumption fails to of EPS (MjM0); xed M yields 1-to-1 events that do not the high mass end of (MjM0).Mis a constant given by 1. A scorecard for the four old Monte Carlo algorithms discussed in x4. We note that the 1-to-1 events in LC93 and C00 are actually binary mergers involving a secondary progenitor with mass below Mres. Since these progenitors are below the resolution limit they are not counted as progenitors but as diuse mass M. Figure 2. Comparison of the progenitor (or conditional) mass functions (M;zjM0;z0) that we generated using the four previous Monte Carlo algorithms by LC93 (red solid), KW93 (orange dot-dashed), SK99 (blue dashed), and C00 (green dotted), and the predictions of the analytic spherical EPS model (black solid). The four panels show four look-back redshifts ( z z0= 0:24;2:07;7 and 15) for a descendant halo of M0= 1012Matz0= 0. For clarity, we plot in the sub-panel below each panel the ratios of the Monte Carlo result and the EPS prediction. One can see that KW93 is the only accurate algorithm for all z. Note that dierent ranges of M=M 0are shown in each panel since the progenitors have progressively smaller masses at higher distributed according to the mass-weighted con- ditional mass function. The red solid histograms and curves in Fig. 2 { 4 com- pare the progenitor mass functions generated using the LC93 algorithm with the predictions of the spherical EPS model (solid black curves). For all three descendant halo masses shown (1012;1013and 1014M), we see close agreement for small look-back times such as z1 z0= 0:24, but LC93 pro- duces an excess of progenitors at larger look-back times, and the discrepancy worsens, reaching an order of magnitude by z1 z0= 15. We believe this discrepancy is due to the binary nature of LC93: the number of progenitors with mass Misequal to the number of binary companions of mass M0 M. Thus the LC93 Monte Carlo algorithm generates a progen- itor mass function after one time step that is symmetric in the left and right sides, which will not match the asymmet- ric nature of the EPS (MjM0) discussed in Sec. 3.2 and shown in Fig. 1. This discrepancy is amplied after many time-steps when the look-back time becomes large. Finally, we note that the authors of LC93 also consider another way of drawing the rst progenitor mass from conditional mass function, which is to draw it from the mass range of [ M0=2;M0] instead of [0 ;M0]. In practice, we nd that this slightly modied version of LC93 c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 208Jun Zhang, Onsi Fakhouri, and Chung-Pei Ma Figure 3. Same as Fig. 2, but for a descendant halo of 1013M. Figure 4. Same as Fig. 2, but for a descendant halo of very similar results, and our above discussion is valid. 4.2 Kaumann & White (1993) For each time-step in the KW93 algorithm, a large number of progenitors are generated across many progenitor mass bins for a xed number of descendant halos of the same mass. The number of progenitors in each mass bin is determined by the progenitor mass function of the descendant halo mass, and rounded to the nearest integer value. These progenitors are then assigned to the descendant halos in order of mass. The target descendant halo is chosen with aprobability proportional to its available mass (i.e. the mass not yet occupied by progenitors), and with the restriction that the total mass of the progenitors in a descendant halo cannot exceed the descendant mass. This procedure allows one to work out all the merger congurations and their fre- quencies for one time step and for dierent descendant halo masses. This information is then stored and used repeatedly for determining the progenitors of a halo at each time step. To speed up the implementation of KW93, we divide the look-back time into steps with equal spacing in the barrier height !as discussed earlier. The progenitor mass function for a xed descendant halo mass is then identical for every time step and only has to be calculated once. We store the c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 20Growing Healthy Merger Trees 9 ensemble of progenitors and their merger congurations for each descendant halo mass bin. In a Monte Carlo simulation, we randomly select one merger conguration from the many stored ones for a descendant halo at each time step. In practice, we nd that extreme care must be taken to avoid numerical problems in KW93. First of all, this al- gorithm requires a large number of progenitor mass bins in the neighborhood of M0because(MjM0) is sharply small time-steps. Interestingly, we nd that if the mass range of [ Mres;M0] is simply divided logarithmic bins, this method is not accurate even when the number of mass bins is as large as 2000, which already requires more than 50000 descendant halos to guarantee that the integer rounding does not introduce a signicant error to the progenitor number in each bin. As a result, a large amount of computer memory is necessary to repeat this procedure for descendant halos of dierent masses. The improved mass bin conguration that we end up using will be introduced in x5. Using that setup, we nd that only 200 bins are required to reproduce accurately the EPS progenitor mass function over large look-back times. The second problem is that KW93's scheme for assign- ing progenitors to descendant halos is somewhat ambiguous and does not guarantee that all the progenitors can be as- signed. Fortunately, we nd that this problem usually does not arise when the ensemble of progenitors is large. For each descendant halo mass, we use 8000 descendant halos to determine the merger congurations of the progenitors. The orange dash-dotted curves in Fig. 2 - 4 compare the progenitor mass functions generated using the KW93 algorithm with the predictions of the spherical EPS model (black). The results show very good agreement. Since KW93 reproduces the exact EPS progenitor mass function at every time-step, it is expected to be consistent with EPS at to the discussion in x3.1. 4.3 Somerville & Kolatt & Kolatt (1999) [SK99] point out that the as- sumptions of binary mergers and M0=M1+M2made in LC93 lead to an overestimate of the progenitor abundance at high redshift. They rst attempt to remedy this problem by preserving the binary assumption while allowing the mass below the resolution limit Mresto be counted as mass M(seex3.3). They show, however, that this inary tree with accretion method fails in the oppo- site direction, under-producing the progenitor mass to the spherical EPS prediction. This partly because whenever two progenitors are chosen in this method, the remaining mass is assigned to Mre- gardless of whether it is above or below Mres. Thus the EPS
(MjM0) is not faithfully reproduced: the binary tree with accretion method yields an excess of accreted mass and a corresponding shortage of low-mass halos. SK99 then consider a natural extension of this method, in which both assumptions made in LC93 are relaxed. In this -branch tree with accretion algorithm, each descen- dant halo is allowed to have more than two progenitors for every simulation time-step. To guarantee that the total mass of the progenitors does not exceed that of the descendant, each subsequent progenitor mass is randomly chosen from the mass-weighted conditional mass function truncated tothe maximally possible progenitor mass. This procedure is repeated until the descendant halo cannot contain any more progenitors with masses above Mres, and the remaining mass decit is assigned to diuse accretion M. The parameter transformation of eq. (11) is also ap- plicable for SK99. The probability distribution of xis still uniform, but the upper limit of xcan now take on any value between 0 and 1 depending on where the conditional mass function is truncated. The blue dashed curves in Fig. 2 - 4 compare the pro- genitor mass functions generated using the N-branch tree algorithm of SK99 with the predictions of the spherical EPS model (black). It is interesting to note that the sign of the discrepancy is now opposite to that of LC93: SK99 produces an excess of low-mass ( <0:1M0) progenitors by up to a fac- tor of2 for small look-back times, but it does a better job than LC93 at high redshifts. However, it is noteworthy that even at high redshifts, discrepancies of up to a factor of 2 are still present for small progenitor masses. We believe that the use of a truncated progenitor mass function in SK99 is at least a partial cause for the over- prediction of small progenitors. Since the distribution of progenitors (in particular, the upper limit for the progenitor mass) depends on the sum of the masses of the picked out for the current halo, the order in which progenitor halos are randomly pulled out matters in this method. Halos more massive than the truncation limit are eectively discarded instead of being randomly selected and placed in, for example, new descendant halos. This proce- dure tends to preferentially skew the progenitor mass func- tion at small time steps towards more low mass progenitors and fewer high mass progenitors. 4.4 Cole et al. (2000) Similar to SK99, Cole et al. (2000) [C00] treats the mass in progenitors smaller than the mass resolution Mresin the Monte Carlo simulation as accreted mass, but unlike the N-branch tree model in SK99, only a maximum of two pro- genitors are allowed per descendant. The amount of accreted mass gained in one time-step, M, is xed to a single value and is calculated by integrating the mass-weighted condi- tional mass function from 0 to (12) whereM0is the descendant mass. The progenitors are drawn from the lower half of the progenitor mass function according to the average number of progen- itors in that (13) The simulation time-step is chosen to be small enough so thatp1 (note that it is for this reason that we use z=
0:003 when implementing C00). The C00 merger tree is generated with the following steps: A random number xbetween 0 and 1 a descendant halo has one progenitor (if x>p ) or two progenitors (if x6p). In the case of a single progenitor, its mass isM1=M0 M. In the case of two RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 2010 Jun Zhang, Onsi Fakhouri, and Chung-Pei Ma the mass of the smaller progenitor, M2, is chosen according to the progenitor mass function. The larger progenitor is then assigned a mass of M1=M0 M2 M. Sincep1, most descendants form via 1!1 events rather than 2 !1 events. To improve the speed of this algorithm, we precompute and store the binary merger rates and diuse accretion mass fractions for a single time step for dierent descendant mass bins. The green dotted curves in Fig. 2 - 4 compare the pro- genitor mass functions generated using the C00 algorithm with the predictions of the spherical EPS model (black). The agreement is noticeably better than LC93 and SK99. The largest discrepancy occurs at the high mass end at large z1 z0, where C00 under-predicts the progenitor number at z1by more than a factor of two for group-to-cluster size descendants at least two problems contribute to this discrepancy: (i) Since Mis xed to one value (eq. 12), the mass of the progenitor for 1 !1 descendants is also a xed value: M1=M0 M. This is an that com- presses the high mass end of (MjM0) into a delta function. (ii) For descendants with binary progenitors, C00 uses the spherical EPS conditional mass function only in the lower mass range [0 ;M0=2] to generate the progenitor abundance. By construction, then, the shape of the progenitor mass function in the upper mass range, [ M0=2;M0], is symmetric with the lower half and fails to match accurately the asym- metric EPS (MjM0). 5 THREE CONSISTENT MONTE this section, we present three Monte Carlo algorithms that all satisfy the criterion for consistency discussed in x3.1 and will therefore accurately reproduce the EPS pro- genitor mass function (MjM0). We introduce the common setup for our methods in x5.1 and discuss in detail how each method assigns the ensemble of progenitors to { 5.4. To help the reader follow our discussions, we provide a summary of the breakdown of the merger congurations for the three new algorithms in Table 3 and the 6. Although the standard practice in the community has been to generate merger trees using the spherical EPS model, we emphasize that the Monte Carlo algorithms can be applied to the ellipsoidal EPS model as well. In fact, since the ellipsoidal model matches the unconditional mass function in simulations better than the spherical model, we would expect the ellipsoidal EPS to also match better the progenitor statistics in simulations. We will therefore present our results for both the spherical and ellipsoidal EPS models in parallel below. 5.1 The Common Setup 5.1.1 Basic Features Our Monte Carlo algorithms for growing consistent merger trees all share the following implementation framework. We begin at redshift 0 and build the merger tree backwards incosmic time. We typically choose a large descendant halo mass range ( M0= [106M;1015M]) and a small simula- tion time-step ( z0:02 at lowz; see discussion below) to achieve a high resolution tree and a large dynamic range in the progenitor mass. For a given descendant halo, we rst compute which mass bin it belongs to, and then obtain its progenitors across a single time-step using the distribution of merger congurations specic to each algorithm (described in the next three subsections). The progenitors then in the next time-step, and this process is re- peated to build up the higher tree branches. To be specic, a merger conguration here is dened as a set of progenitor masses that form a descendant halo of a given mass in one time-step. For example, for a descendant halo of mass M0, one merger congurations may include only two progenitors of mass 0 :6M0and 0:4M0, while an- other may contain three progenitors of mass 0 :4M0, 0:3M0, and 0:2M0. Note that the sum of the progenitor mass in need not equal the descendant mass, and the decit, M, is implicitly attributed to sub-resolution pro- genitors (seex3.3). Dierent Monte Carlo algorithms have dierent distributions of merger congurations and progen- itor multiplicities for each descendant bin. For convenience, we call the most massive progenitor in a merger congura- tion the primary progenitor, and the rest of the progenitors. Our basic implementation is applicable to both the spherical and ellipsoidal EPS models. We nd a particu- larly ecient choice of time-step to be the one correspond- ing to a constant dierence in the barrier height !(z) =
!(z+z) !(z), as is used inx4 for the four old algorithms. For the spherical case, the progenitor mass function eq. (3) depends on time only through !(z) and is therefore iden- tical for all redshifts when the same !(z) is used. Thus we only have to generate the merger congurations in the spherical case across a single time-step once. For the ellip- soidal case, however, the progenitor mass function eq. (5) not only is a function of !(z) but also depends explic- itly onz. For each Monte Carlo algorithm, it is to generate and store the merger their probabilities for both descendant halos of dier- ent masses and several redshift bins. In practice, since the redshift dependence of eq. (5) is weak, typically fewer than
20 redshift bins are required. 5.1.2 Important Progenitor Mass Scales A number of natural mass boundaries play critical roles in the construction of our algorithms. These mass scales de- marcate the regions with dierent progenitor illustrated in Fig. 6 and discussed in detail in the next three subsections. (i) The resolution scale Mresand its complement M0
Mresare two obvious boundaries, as is the half discussed in the context of binary mergers in Sec. 3.2. We generally choose a small for numerical precision and keep track of all the progenitors down to this limit at each time-step. (ii) The mass M0given 1 (14) c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 20Growing Healthy Merger Trees 11 Figure 5.andas functions of the look-back time zat red- shift zero. The red solid, blue dotted, and black dashed curves are for descendant halos of 1012M, 1013M, and The label in each plot indicates the quantity ( or) shown and the EPS model (spherical or ellipsoidal) used. denes the range of progenitor mass over which every de- scendant halo is guaranteed to have one progenitor with M2[M0;M0]. Table 2 lists the values of for both the spherical and ellipsoidal progenitor mass functions for three descendant masses; is seen to range from 0.361 to 0.448. (iii) The mass M0demarcates where the asymmet- ric progenitor mass function self-intersects: (M0jM0) =
(M0 M0jM0) with>0:5. For binary merger congu- rations of the form M 0and(M2jM0)> (M1jM0) whenM1>
M0. This mass scale is illustrated in the pop-up in Fig. 1. Table 2 shows that 0:956 to 0.977. Fig. 5 shows andas functions of the look-back time
zfor three descendant halo masses (1012M, 1013M, 1014M) at redshift zero. According to the gure, and
have well dened constant values when zis less than about 0:05, a natural upper limit of time step-size for a Monte Carlo simulation to achieve convergence in both the spherical and ellipsoidal EPS models. 5.1.3 Mass Bins To help the reader reproduce our Monte Carlo algorithms, we discuss our distribution of mass bins. We divide the descendant mass range logarithmic descendant bins. Halos that fall into the same descendant bin are assumed to have the same distribution of single-time-step merger are computed using the central (in logarithmic scale) value of the bin as the descendant mass. The in a merger conguration are recorded in the form of ratios to the descendant halo mass, instead of their absolute masses. This allows us to correct for the (small) 18% 12% 0.4% 69% 17% 14% 69% 29% 0.01% 0.3% 1.7% Figure 6. A schematic summary of how the three new in this paper assign progenitors to descendants in a sin- gle time-step (see x5). The regions are shaded according to the progenitor multiplicity (marked by Np!1) and the mass ranges. See Table 3 for a description of each shaded region and the frac- tion of descendants that belongs to each region. The numbers quoted in this plot are from the ellipsoidal EPS model. The axes are in arbitrary units, though the horizontal axis is drawn to be symmetric about M0=2 and the vertical axis is assumed to be log- arithmic. Important characteristic progenitor masses are labeled on the horizontal axis (see x5.1.2 for discussion). The dashed line in panel Aplotssym, the re
ection of the left side of (MjM0). between the descendant halo in question and the central mass of its bin. For a given descendant mass M0, its progenitor mass range [Mres;M0] is divided into a certain number of mass bins to facilitate the process of forming merger congura- tions. Interestingly, we note that simply dividing the whole progenitor mass range into evenly spaced logarithmic bins is not accurate, as discussed in x4.2. This is because the simplest logarithmic binning assigns very few bins to the c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 2012 Jun Zhang, Onsi Fakhouri, and Chung-Pei Ma Spherical EPS Ellipsoidal EPS (z=0) M0(M) 0.448 0.435 0.361 0.384 0.372
0.977 0.977 0.970 0.974 0.970 0.956 Table 2. Values of the progenitor mass scales for the spherical and ellipsoidal EPS models for three descendant masses (1012, 1013, and 1014M) and z= 0:02, whereM0is dened such 1 andM0 is dened such that (M0jM0) =(M0 M0jM0) with6= 0:5. mass range of [ M0=2;M0], which requires many mass bins to sample accurately the shape of the sharply peaked (at aroundM0) progenitor mass function for a small time-step. To give the peaked region more ne structures, we nd a simple way: the mass range of [ Mres;M0=2] is divided into evenly spaced logarithmic bins, and its re
ection about the mid pointM0=2 determines the binning on the right side of the mid point. Mathematically, it can be stated as follows: The progenitor mass range [ Mres;M0] is divided into 2 N+1 logarithmic mass bins. The ith(i= 0;1;2;:::;2N) bin spans [Mi+1;Mi], whereMiis dened as follows: Mi=(M0 ifi= 0; exp [lnMres+ (2N+ 1 i)] ifi>N+ 1; M0 M2N+2 iif 16i6N: and = (ln( average number of progenitors (per descendant halo) in the ithbin is called Ni, which is equal Note that Niis not an integer. For i>1, we choose the mean mass Miof theithbin to bep MiMi+1. The progenitor mass function often changes rapidly across the 0thbin so we do not assign it a mean mass. Instead, whenever a progenitor of the 0thbin is needed, we generate a probabilistic progenitor mass according to the progenitor mass function inside this bin. 5.2 Method A We rst attempt to resolve the asymmetry problem in the EPS progenitor mass function (MjM0) by assuming that the primary progenitors in the symmetric part symin eq. (8) are paired up with secondary progenitors to form binary mergers such that M0=M1+M2. This is done so long as the smaller progenitor is above the mass reso- lution of the Monte Carlo simulation, i.e. IfM2<M res, then the second progenitor is discarded and M1is assumed to be a single progenitor (the darkest grey region marked 1 !1 in Fig. 6 A). The re- maining primary progenitors in the asymmetric part asym are assumed not to pair up, i.e. each descendant halo has a single progenitor (the lightest grey region marked 1 !1 in Fig. 6 A). In practice, we generate the merger congurations of a descendant halo of mass M0at each time step by repeating these two simple steps: (i) Draw the primary progenitor mass M1from the mass range [M0=2;M0] of the progenitor mass function. (ii) IfM1>M 0 Mres, no more progenitors are gener-ated; ifM16M0 Mres, the probability of having a of mass M2=M0 M1is set (15) Then, drawing a random number xbetween 0 and 1 allows us to determine whether a secondary progenitor should be generated. If x<r ,M2is assigned as a secondary progeni- tor; otherwise M1is left as the sole progenitor. We point out two subtleties with this algorithm. First, ris not always 61. It is true that ris below 1 for most of the relevant mass range M12[M0=2;M 0] (see Fig. 6 A and Table 2) since the left side of (MjM0) is slightly lower than the right side. But when M1> M 0, we nd that r>1, implying that on average more than one should be generated to couple with the and we must generate merger multiple progenitors. To accommodate this feature, for eachM1that satises we int(r) or int(r)+1 secondary progenitors of to whether a random number between 0 and 1 is larger or smaller than r int(r). Note that the re- sulting merger congurations do not conserve mass exactly because the sum of the progenitor masses is slightly larger than the descendant mass. Typically most of these cong- urations only end up with 3 or 4 progenitors as r<2 z<0:02. The second subtlety with method A is that since the total number of progenitors in the mass range of [ M0=2;M0] (which is equal is always slightly smaller than one (typically by 0.2% to 0.4% for z= 0:02; recall from Table 2 that M0<M 0=2), it is possible that we sometimes cannot assign any progenitors to a given descen- dant halo. When this happens, the descendant halo does not have any progenitor halos and is a 0 !1 event. For a thorough description of our algorithm A, we list below all the possible merger congurations and their fre- quencies of occurrence for descendant halos at z= 0 over a single simulation time-step z= 0:02 and mass 0:001M0. This information is also summarized in Table 3 and Fig. 6. In general, the relative frequencies of dierent merger congurations are insensitive to the descen- dant massM0but do depend on the zandMresused in the Monte Carlo simulation. For example, the fraction of 1 !1 events increases as zdecreases; and if Mresis chosen to be larger than (1 )M00:03M0, then there are no 3 !1 or 4!1 mergers at each time-step and mass conservation is exactly respected. I. About 12% in the ellipsoidal model (21% for spher- ical) of descendant halos have two progenitors each. These are binary pairs drawn from the symmetric part of the pro- genitor mass function sym, whereM12[M0=2;M 0] 6 ). II. About 69% (60%) of descendant halos have only one progenitor each. The majority ( >99%) of these have binary progenitors but the smaller progen- itor is discarded since M2< M 6 ). The rest (<1%) of these descendant have 5Here int(r) is dened to be the largest integer nthat RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 20Growing Healthy Merger Trees 13 Figure 7. Comparison of the progenitor (or conditional) mass functions (M;zjM0;z0) generated using the three new Monte Carlo algorithms introduced in x5: A (red solid), B (green dashed), and C (blue dotted), and the predictions of the spherical EPS model (black solid). The four panels show four look-back redshifts ( z z0= 0:24;2:07;7;15) for a descendant halo of mass 1013Matz0= 0. For clarity, we plot in the sub-panel below each panel the ratios of the Monte Carlo result and the EPS prediction. All three algorithms are seen to match very closely the spherical EPS prediction at all redshifts. At z= 7 and 15, the slight underestimates of the at M=M 0.10 4are primarily due to the fact that we trace a halo's progenitors only down to 0.001 of the halo mass in each small time-step in our Monte Carlo 8. Same as Fig. 7 except both the Monte Carlo and analytic results are now generated from the ellipsoidal instead of the EPS model. The Monte Carlo methods use eq. (5) as the progenitor mass function for each time step. The analytic results are calculated using the integral equation proposed by Zhang & Hui (2006). The agreement is again excellent, indicating that our new Monte Carlo algorithms work well in reproducing the EPS progenitor mass function regardless if the EPS model is based on constant (i.e. spherical collapse) or moving barrier (ellipsoidal) random walks. For completeness, we include the results from the ellipsoidal version of the KW93 method (orange dash-dotted). At z=0.24, the slight progenitor overabundance at the low mass end is due to the of eq. 5. At z=7 and 15, the slight underestimates of the progenitor abundances are due to both the mass resolution issue as stated in the caption of Fig. 7 and the barrier intersection problem of the ellipsoidal EPS model, which prevents us from tracing progenitors that are much smaller than the typical halo mass of the same redshift. c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 2014 Jun Zhang, Onsi Fakhouri, and Chung-Pei Ma Method Np % Desc. % Desc. Description Key (spher.) (ellip.) A 0!1 0.3% 0.4% Descendants with no progenitors < 1 N/A 1!1 60% 69% M12[M0 Mres;M0]: due to M2<M res 1!1 0.8% 0.4% M12[M0=2;M 0]:sym< results in unpaired primary progenitors:
M >M res 2!1 21% 12% M12[M0=2;M 0] andM0=M1+M2: binary pairs generated from sym 3+!1 18% 18% in excess secondary 1+M2+M3+::: B 1!1 60% 69% M12[M0 Mres;M0]: due to M2<M res 2!1 20% 14% Binary paired progenitors generated by the iterative algorithm of 20% 17% identical to 3+ !1 conguration in method A C 1!1 60% 69% M12[M0 Mres;M0]: due to M2<M res 1!1 35% 29% All secondary progenitors have already been assigned to smaller these remaining primary progenitors have M >M res 3!1 0.1% 0.01% Merger congurations with 3 progenitors 4!1 2% 0.3% Merger congurations with 4 progenitors 5+!1 2.9% 1.7% Merger congurations with 5 or more progenitors KW93 1!1 60% 69% M12[M0 Mres;M0]: due to M2<M res N/A 1!1 15% 9% Merger congurations with a single progenitor with M1<M 0 Mres N/A 2!1 11% 9% Merger congurations with 2 progenitors N/A 3+!1 14% 13% Merger congurations with 3 or more progenitors N/A Table 3. A summary of our three new Monte Carlo methods discussed in x5 and the method of KW93. The percentages indicate the fractions of descendants with Npprogenitors in a given method, computed for M0= 1013MandMres= 0:001M0for a single time-step
z= 0:02 in both the spherical and ellipsoidal EPS models. They are representative of the merger conguration distributions for other descendant halo masses M0. progenitors with M12[M0=2;M 0] and originate from the small asymmetric part asymof the progenitor mass (Fig. 6 ). III. About 18% of descendant halos have three or four progenitors each, typically consisting of one massive pro- genitor and two or three very small secondary These have (Fig. 6 ). IV. About 0.4% (0.3%) of the descendants have no pro- genitors due to the sharp cuto of the primary progenitor mass atM0=2 discussed above. The red solid curves in Fig. 7 compare the progeni- tor mass functions from this Monte Carlo algorithm with the analytic eq. (3) of the spherical EPS model. Fig. 8 shows the same thing except everything is for the ellip- soidal EPS model, where we use eq. (5) to compute the pro- genitor mass function for each small simulation time-step. Both gures show excellent agreement ( <10% deviation) at z1 z0= 0:24, 2.07, 7, and 15 for a descendant halo of mass 1013Matz0= 0. We have tested other descendant and found equally good agree- ment. This agreement also provides numerical verication of the criterion introduced in x3.1.5.3 Method B Two features in method A may seem unnatural. First, as shown in Table 3 and discussed in the previous section, a small fraction (0:3% to 0.4%) of the descendant halos in method A are not assigned any progenitors in one time- step (for z= 0:02 and a large range of M0) and is not exactly unity. It is important to note that though these descendants are rare, one cannot remove them from method A by modifying of (MjM0) in the mass range of [ M0=2;M0], as such a modication is amplied with iterations and leads to a large error in (MjM0) after many due to the asymmetry in the EPS (MjM0), we have assigned a small fraction (0.4% to 0.8% for parameters used in Table 3) of the descendant halos to 1 !1 events. There is therefore a small chance that a progenitor of mass comparable to half of the descendant mass does not have any companions, corresponding to a large decit between the mass of the descendant halo and the total mass of rst feature can be avoided by decreasing the lower limit of the mass range from which the primary progenitor is c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 20Growing Healthy Merger Trees 15 drawn from M0=2 toM0, whereis dened in eq. (14) and ranges from 0:36 to 0:45 in Table 2. The second feature can be altered by distributing the secondary progenitors in a slightly dierent way. These options motivate us to invent Method B with the following set up: 1.We assume the primary progenitor mass lies in the mass range [ M0;M0]. This condition guarantees that every descendant halo has a primary progenitor of mass > M 0 due to the denition of . 2.We then assign secondary progenitors to from the left side of M0. For simplicity, when- ever possible, we make only binary congurations, each of which contains one primary and one secondary progenitor. We start with the primary and secondary progenitor bins that share the M0boundary (i.e. nearly equal-mass pairs) and work our way outwards to the M1M2pairs. This is a natural decision as this way of pairing the primary and secondary masses minimizes the dierence between M0and M1+M2. Specically, for a given M1bin, we determine its binary companion's mass (16) which guarantees that we always have an equal number of secondary progenitors to pair up with the primary halos. Note that since < 0:5 it is generally true that M0>
M1+M2. 3.One caveat with step 2 above is that this simple binary pairing scheme works for a large range of masses but needs to be modied near the end points when M1is This is because the scheme starts out with nearly equal-mass pairs at 0, and the asymmetric shape of the progenitor mass function is such that the method produces pairs we move outward from M0. reached when M1is slightly larger than M0(typically at 0 :99M0), beyond which there are more secondary progenitors left to be paired than the primary ones. We therefore stop the binary pairing when M1+M2=M0is reached. From this point on, we instead use the same multiple merger congurations as in method A. For simplicity in the following few paragraphs, we denote this transitional M1as0M0. In summary, methods A and B are closely related and are compared side-by-side in Table 3 and Fig. 6. They have identical merger congurations in the following regions: I. The high- where 60% to 70% of descendant halos belong. The secondary pro- genitor is below Mres, soM1is eectively the sole 1) for these descendants II. The region (0replaced by
in method A), where 17% to 20% of descendant halos belong. These descendants all each have 3 or more progenitors ( Np=
3+). Methods A and B dier in the following regions: III. The binary pairing algorithm used in method B removes the sliver of 1 !1 congurations in the M12 [M0=2;M 0] region in method A ( ) and redistributes the binary merger congurations in this region ( ) to yield a robust set of binary congurations between M06M16
0M0( ). This aects20% of the descendant halos. IV. Since the primary progenitor mass range extendsdown toM0instead ofM0=2, method B does not have any of the 0!1 congurations that are present in method A. The green dashed curves in Figs. 7 and 8 compare the progenitor mass functions from method B with the of the spherical and ellipsoidal EPS models, re- spectively. The agreement is again excellent ( <10% devia- tion) atz1 z0= 0:24, 2.07, 7, and 15 for a descendant halo of mass 1013Matz0= 0. Finally, we note that mass is not strictly conserved for the multiple merger congurations generated in region of method A and the region of method B (Fig. 6 , ). These congurations have more than one companion of mass M0 M1, making the total mass of the progenitors slightly above the descendant halo mass. This issue is due to the rapid rise of the progenitor number as the secondary progen- itor mass approaches zero. In principle, the small that are causing this problem can be re- distributed and combined, e.g., with progenitors in some of the 1!1 and 0!1 merger congurations in method A, or with some binary congurations of total masses smaller than the descendant mass in method B, to form multiple that obey mass conservation (this, in fact, is what happens in method C below, where mass conserva- tion is strictly respected). We have checked that this can be done successfully without violating mass conservation down to very small Mresand nd that in practice, these modica- tions do not introduce signicant changes to the of the halo merger histories. We have therefore chosen to present the simpler version of each model. It is also worth noting that in the EPS theory, mass conserva- tion only has to be obeyed statistically and is notrequired for individual merger Method C (Multiple Mergers) As shown in Table 3, methods A and B both produce com- parable number of descendants with binary ( Np= 2) and multiple (Np= 3+) progenitors in a single time-step. The importance of multiple merger congurations have been em- phasized by a number of authors (e.g., Kaumann & White 1993; Somerville & Kolatt 1999; Neistein & Dekel 2008b). It is therefore interesting to explore the relative importance of binary vs multiple mergers by relaxing the binary as- sumption. Our method C is designed for this purpose. this method does not have any restrictions on the number of progenitors in each merger conguration. We only require that the total progenitor mass of every be smaller than (or equal to) the descendant halo mass. We now describe method C: 1.To prevent the formation of 0 !1 merger congura- tions we mimic the setup of method B and choose to draw primary progenitors from the mass range methods B and C share the same distribution of pri- mary and secondary progenitor mass bins. 2.As with method B, we form merger congurations by assigning secondary progenitors to progenitors in primary bins. Every primary bin starts with one merger congura- tion: that which contains only the primary progenitor itself, and has a probability Nconfequal to the number of in the bin. The assignment of secondary progeni- c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 2016 Jun Zhang, Onsi Fakhouri, and Chung-Pei Ma tors to primary bins is done in order of decreasing mass. For each secondary bin, we scan the pri- mary bins in order of increasing primary progenitor mass to nd congurations with room to hold at least one from the bin in question (recall that we require the sum of progenitor masses to never exceed the a valid conguration is found, we always as- sign the maximal number of secondary progenitors to For example, suppose we start to assign sec- ondary progenitors from a bin with central mass M2(say there areN2such progenitors in this bin), and nd a of probability Nconfand total progenitor mass Mtot. The maximum number nmaxof secondary progenitors that can be added into each realization of this conguration is equal to int[( M0 Mtot)=M2]. Therefore, we can maxi- mally assign progenitors to this conguration. I. IfNmax> N 2, we break the conguration into two: one contains the original set of progenitors, with a probabil- ity equal to the other contains the original set of progenitors plus nmaxsecondary progenitors of massM2, with a probability equal to ( this case all the secondary progenitors of the current sec- ondary bin are assigned. II. IfNmax6N2we simply add the nmax of mass M2to the conguration, and update the list of progenitors in the conguration. Nconf, the congura- tion's probability does not change. The number of progenitors to be matched is now N2 Nmax, and we continue our search across merger congurations (in or- der of increasing primary progenitor mass) until all of them have been assigned. Once a secondary bin is fully assigned, we move on to the next secondary bin (of a slightly smaller mass) and re- peat the same assignment procedure. As this process goes on all congurations are gradually lled with secondary progen- itors of smaller and smaller mass. For technical convenience, the number of congurations in each primary bin and the number of unique progenitor masses in each conguration are both limited to be fewer than 6. In practice, we nd that this setup allows us to successfully assign all secondary pro- genitors in the mass range [ Mres;M 0], even when the mass resolution of each time step is as low as Mres= 0:001M0. In fact this dense packing of secondary progenitors into primary bin congurations manages to distribute progenitors in [ Mres;M 0] in only a fraction of the available primary progenitors. As seen in Fig. 6 C, only 2% (5% for spherical) of the primary progenitors (at the low mass end) are grouped with secondary progenitors and the remaining 98% (95%) are 1 !1 events. We note that even though there are far more secondary progenitors than pri- mary progenitors, this is possible because many have exceedingly small masses and can be e- ciently distributed into the mass reservoirs of relatively few primary progenitors. The execution of method C is as follows: (i) Generate a primary progenitor M1from the mass range [M0;M0] of the EPS progenitor mass function. De- termine which primary bin contains M1. (ii) IfM1> M 0 Mres, no more progenitors are gen- erated; ifM16M0 Mres, a random number determineswhich merger conguration to choose according to the prob- ability distribution of all possible congurations associated with the given primary bin. The progenitors of the are then generated. For a better understanding of method C, we show in Table 3 and discuss below all the possible merger congu- rations and their frequencies of occurrence for descendant halos (regardless of their masses) at z= 0, assuming time- step z= 0:02 and mass resolution Mres= 0:001M0: I. About 98% (95% for spherical) of the descendant ha- los have only one progenitor each. A) About 2 =3 of these descendants' progenitors are within the resolution limit of the descendant mass see gure 6 ). B) The remaining 1 =3 of these descendant halos' pro- genitors have masses below M0 Mres. As discussed above, these massive primary progenitors are not assigned any sec- ondary companions because all the available secondary pro- genitors are maximally assigned to the less massive primary bins. Note that this region extends to masses below M0( ). II. For the remaining primary progenitor bins, there are no congurations having only two progenitors. All in all, 0:01% (0:1% for spherical) of all descendants have three pro- genitors ( ); 0:3% (2%) have four progenitors ( ); 1:7%
(2:9%) have ve or more progenitors ( ). The progenitor count for a given conguration can be rather large reaching values of more than 100. As in methods A and B, the values quoted above de- pend on zandMres. They also depend on the maximal number of congurations allowed in each primary bin and the maximal number of unique progenitor masses allowed in each blue dotted curves in Figs. 7 and 8 compare the progenitor mass functions from this Monte Carlo algorithm with the analytic predictions of the spherical and ellipsoidal EPS models, respectively. They again show excellent agree- ment (<10% deviation) at z1 z0= 0:24, 2.07, 7, and 15 for a descendant halo of mass 1013Matz0= 0. 6 COMPARISON OF IN ALGORITHMS A, B, C, AND KW93 We have designed Monte Carlo algorithms A, B, and C for constructing merger trees that can accurately reproduce the EPS prediction for the progenitor mass function (MjM0) across each individual time-step. According to the discus- sion inx3.1, these methods should then accurately generate the progenitor mass function at anylook-back time in any number of time-steps. Figs. 7 and 8 show that this is indeed the case for both the spherical and ellipsoidal EPS KW93, there are now four methods that are com- pletely consistent with the EPS (MjM0). The results of the ellipsoidal version of KW93 have been shown in Fig. 8 as well. Despite this agreement, we recall that the progeni- tor mass function is only one of many statistical prop- erties of a halo merger tree. Even though all four algo- rithms are degenerate in (MjM0), they are likely to (and should) dier in their predictions for other statistical quan- c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 20Growing Healthy Merger Trees 17 tities. Here we investigate two such quantities as an illus- tration: (i) (Np)(MjM0), the progenitor mass function for the subset of descendant halos that have sum of (Np)(MjM0) over allNpis equal the distribution of the ithmost mas- sive progenitor of each descendant halo. Again, the sum of
(ith)(MjM0) over alliis equal to (MjM0). These two statistics are two obvious ways of decomposing the total
(MjM0) into individual moments: (Np)separates
our- ishing trees from quiescent trees, while (ith)compares the individual distributions of the primary, secondary and more minor progenitors, which are relevant for modeling galaxy formation through mergers (see also Parkinson, Cole & Helly 2008). Other statistics such as the distributions of halo for- mation time and last major merger time (e.g., Parkinson, Cole & Helly 2008; Cole et al. 2008; Moreno & Sheth 2007) and the factorial moments of the partition function (e.g., Sheth & Pitman 1997; Sheth & Lemson 1999) are also use- ful. Some of these will be examined in our next paper. To compute these moments, we set the descendant halo at redshift zero to be 1013M, and the mass resolution to be 41010M. The results are plotted at two look-back times (z1 z0= 0:51;2:07) in Figs. 9-12, where Figs. 9 and 10 show
(Np)(MjM0) for the spherical and ellipsoidal EPS while Figs. 11 and 12 show (ith)(MjM0). In each gure, results from our three methods (red solid for A, green dashed for B, blue dotted for C) and from of KW93 (orange dash-dotted) are shown for comparison. These gures clearly indicate that methods A, B, C, and KW93 generate distinct predictions for these specic moments of the progenitor mass distribution. Some of the notable dierences are: 1.Method C produces a much lower amplitude for the Np= 2 and 3 moments than methods A and B. This is because C is designed to be a multiple-merger algorithm that eectively does not generate anybinary conguration in one individual time-step (note the absence of the Np= 2 entry for method C in Table 3). This feature can been seen by the absence of blue short-dashed curves in the Np= 2 and 3 panels in Figs. 9 and 10, i.e., there are almost no descendant halos having only two or three progenitors in method C at z= 0:51. By contrast, methods A and B have a wealth of descendants with binary progenitors at these redshifts. 2.The removal of the binary assumption in method C leads to many features in the moments of the By contrast, the predictions from A and B are mostly power-laws, or at least smooth functions, in the progenitor mass. This dierence is due to the fact that the merger congurations in the binary methods are much more regulated than those in the non-binary method: a contains only two progenitors, the total mass of which is always quite close (if not equal) to the descen- dant mass, whereas the distribution of progenitor masses in a multiple conguration can have various forms, which can easily aect, e.g., the ranking of the progenitor masses and the number of progenitors. It is interesting to note that the predictions of KW93 are fairly smooth functions in spite of the fact that it does not assume binary. This is likely be- cause the way progenitors are assigned in KW93 the probability of mergers involving multiple dierences between method A and B are moresubtle because they are both mostly binary methods. The main feature that distinguishes A from B is in the distribu- tion of the most massive progenitor (i.e. ith= 1) shown in the rst columns of Figs. 11 and 12. At the high mass end, method B has a slightly broader shape for the primary pro- genitor mass than method A. This is expected, because it is the case across every time step by construction (the primary bins in method B extend down to M0as opposed to M0=2 for method A). At the low mass end, however, there is a long tail in the distribution of primary progenitor masses in method A, which is not present in other methods. This tail is caused by the fact that in method A, there is a small chance (0:3%) at every time-step that a primary progenitor com- pletely disappears, transferring the rank of primary to one of the much smaller secondary progenitors. Over sev- eral time-steps this rare occurrence aects more and more branches of the merger tree and can signicantly modify the primary progenitor statistics. In summary, we have constructed three Monte Carlo al- gorithms that can all reproduce closely the progenitor mass function of the EPS model (both spherical and methods, however, produce signicantly dierent higher moments of the progenitor distributions. They are also very dierent from KW93. Either a theoretical model more com- plete than the EPS or direct N-body results will be needed to determine which, if any, of the thus-far successful algo- rithms is the winner. We will turn to this subject in the next paper (Zhang, Fakhouri & Ma, in preparation). 7 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION Monte Carlo algorithms based on the spherical EPS model have been an essential tool for many studies of galaxy and structure formation. These algorithms allow one to of actual halo merger histories starting from a limited set of statistical information about dark matter halo properties provided by the EPS model. Since the EPS model does not uniquely determine many statistical quantities of halo mergers beyond the progenitor mass function, there is considerable freedom in how to combine progenitors to form descendant halos in each time step in a Monte emphasis of this paper is on elucidating and quan- tifying the ability of a Monte Carlo algorithm to construct merger trees that match the analytic progenitor mass func- tion of the EPS model (both the spherical and Four main conclusions can be drawn: 1.We have shown rigorously that to match the EPS progenitor mass function accurately at any look-back time, it is necessary and sucient for a Monte Carlo algorithm to reproduce the exact progenitor mass function at each time step. 2.We have reviewed and compared the four most fre- quently used Monte Carlo algorithms based on the spheri- cal EPS model in the literature: Lacey & Cole 1993, Kau- mann & White 1993, Somerville & Kolatt 1999, and Cole et al. 2000. As seen in Figs. 2-4, all but KW93 only approxi- mately reproduce the spherical EPS progenitor mass func- tion at each time step, resulting in large deviations from the spherical EPS predictions after the accumulation of small errors over many time steps. c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 2018 Jun Zhang, Onsi Fakhouri, and Chung-Pei Ma Figure 9. Predictions of algorithms A (red solid), B (green dashed), C (blue dotted), and KW93 (orange dash-dotted) the mass function of progenitors for descen- dant halos that have a total of Npprogenitors. Two s are shown: z z0= 0:51 (left) and 2.07 (right). For each redshift, four representative values of Npare shown (from top down). The simulations are for the spherical EPS model and assume a descendant halo mass of 1013Matz0= 0 and mass resolution of Mres= 41010M. Their problems (see Table 1 for details) can be summa- rized as: (i) SK99 generally over-estimates the abundances of small progenitors by about a factor of two; (ii) LC93 over- produces progenitors by a factor of a few when the look-back time is large ( z1); (iii) C00 under-predicts the progen- itor abundance at the high mass end when the look-back time is large. The origin of these discrepancies frequently comes from the incompatibility between the binary used in the Monte Carlo algorithm (e.g. LC93, C00) and the asymmetric progenitor mass function of the EPS model. 3.We have designed three new Monte Carlo algorithms that all reproduce closely the EPS progenitor mass function over a broad range of redshift ( z1 z0up to at least 15) and halo mass. Our methods A and B assign binary pairs to the symmetric part of (MjM0) and non-binaries to the asymmetric part; the two dier in the mass ranges for the most massive progenitors. Our method C, on the other hand, completely relaxes the binary merger assumption. The algo- rithms are tested for both the spherical and ellipsoidal EPS models and the results are shown in Figs.7 and 8. We see Figure 10. Same as Fig. 9 except the Monte Carlo results are generated from the ellipsoidal instead of the standard spherical EPS model. that all three methods perform equally well at reproducing the respective progenitor mass function at higher of whether the spherical progenitor mass function eq. (3) or ellipsoidal progenitor mass function eq. (5) is used as input. 4.As emphasized throughout the paper, the EPS model only provides a partial statistical description of dark matter halo properties; it does not tell us explicitly how to into descendants in a Monte Carlo there are dierent ways to combine progenitors into descendant halos in consistent Monte Carlo algorithms. We have used our three new algorithms to illustrate this exact point. Despite their success in generating merger trees that accurately reproduce the EPS progenitor mass function, Figs. 9-12 show that the three algorithms dierent predictions for quantities such as the distribution of the most (or the 2 ndor 3rdmost) masses, and the mass function of progenitors in descendant halos with Np(= 1;2;3:::) progenitors. A theory more complete than EPS would be needed to predict merger statistics and break the degeneracies in the progenitor mass function. Alternatively, simulations should determine which, if any, of the three new algorithms is viable. We view the EPS models (spherical or ellipsoidal), Monte Carlo simulations as three major components in the general study of the formation, growth, and clustering of c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 20Growing Healthy Merger Trees 19 Figure 11. Same as Fig. 9 except for a dierent progenitor the mass function of the ithmost . dark matter halos. In this paper we have focused on the rst two areas, comparing various Monte Carlo algorithms for generating halo merger trees and quantifying their abilities to consistently match the analytical EPS progenitor mass functions over a broad range of mass and redshift. In our next paper (Zhang, Fakhouri, Ma 2008b), we will turn to comparisons with the Millennium recent papers have investigated other Monte Carlo methods (see, e.g., Parkinson, Cole & Helly 2008; Neistein & Dekel 2008a; Moreno & Sheth 2007; Neistein &
Dekel 2008b. Although a complete review of these meth- ods is beyond the scope of this paper, it is worth pointing out some of their features. The method of Moreno & Sheth (2007) is essentially equivalent to LC93 but is based on the ellipsoidal collapse model6and is discretized in mass instead of redshift. The two progenitor masses for each time step are assigned using random walks and mov- ing barriers. Since the asymmetry problem of the progenitor mass function is also present in the ellipsoidal model, this method does not accurately reproduce the mass function at each time step. Such a dis- 6They use a square-root approximation for the moving barrier form, which avoids the barrier crossing problem at the low mass end. Figure 12. Same as Fig. 11 except the Monte Carlo results are generated from the ellipsoidal instead of the spherical EPS model. crepancy is amplied with increasing redshift and is indeed shown in Fig. 5, 6, and 7 of Moreno & Sheth (2007). Neistein & Dekel (2008b) have proposed a method that exactly reproduces the progenitor mass function of the spherical EPS model at each time step. This feature alone guarantees it to be consistent with EPS at any look-back time according to our discussion in x3.1. However, since the method requires solving several dierential equations with nontrivial boundary conditions for the progenitor masses, it is technically harder to implement it. Finally, the methods described in Parkinson, Cole &
Helly (2008) and Neistein & Dekel (2008a) are proposed to mimic N-body results. They are based on tting to N- body data rather than the EPS theory. It will be interesting to compare the predictions for the various merger in this paper from these methods with those from our ellipsoidal EPS-based methods and from N-body simu- lations. This will be done in the next thank Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Lam Hui, Ravi Sheth, and Simon White for discussions, and Eyal Neistein and Jorge Moreno for useful comments on an earlier version of this paper. JZ is supported by NASA and by the TAC Fel- lowship of UC Berkeley. OF and CPM are supported in part by NSF grant AST 0407351. c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 2020 Jun Zhang, Onsi Fakhouri, and Chung-Pei J., Bond J., Kaiser N., Szalay A., 1986, ApJ, 304, 15 Bond J., Cole S., Efstathiou G., Kaiser N., 1991, ApJ, 379, 440B Cole S., Lacey C., Baugh C., Frenk C., 2000, MNRAS, 319, 168 [C00] Cole S., Helly J., Frenk C., Parkinson H., 2008, MNRAS, 383, 546 Doroshkevich A., 1970, Astrozika, 3, 175 Eisenstein D. & Hu W., 1998, ApJ, 496, 605 Fakhouri O. & Ma C.-P., 2008, MNRAS, 386, 577 Gelb J. & Bertschinger, 1994, ApJ, 436, 467 Kaumann G. & White S., 1993, MNRAS, 261, 921 [KW93] Lacey C. & Cole S., 1993, MNRAS, 262, 627 [LC93] Lacey C. & Cole S., 1994, MNRAS, 271, 676 Ma C.-P. & Bertschinger E. 1994, ApJ, 434, L5 Mo H. & White S., 1996, MNRAS, 282, 347 Moreno J. & Sheth R., 2007, E. & Dekel A., 2008(a), MNRAS, 383, 615 Neistein E. & Dekel A., 2008(b), H., Cole S., Helly J., 2008, MNRAS, 383, 557 Press W. & Schechter P., 1974, ApJ, 187, 425 Sheth R., Mo H., Tormen G., 2001, MNRAS, 323, 1 Sheth R. & Pitman J., 1997, MNRAS, 289, 66 Sheth R. & Lemson G., 1999, MNRAS, 305, 946 Sheth R. & Tormen G., 1999, MNRAS, 308, 119 Sheth R. & Tormen G., 2002, MNRAS, 329, 61 Somerville R. & Kolatt T., 1999, MNRAS, 305, 1 [SK99] Springel V. et al., 2005, Nature, 435, 629 Tormen G., 1998, MNRAS, 297, 648 Zentner A., 2007, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 16, 763 Zhang J. & Hui L., 2006, ApJ, 641, 641 Zhang J., Ma C.-P., Fakhouri O., 2008, MNRAS, 387L, 13 c
2006 RAS, MNRAS 000, 1{ 20 | 0805.1230 | Jun Zhang | Jun Zhang, Onsi Fakhouri, Chung-Pei Ma (UC Berkeley) | How to Grow a Healthy Merger Tree | 20 pages, 12 figures, MNRAS in Press | Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc.389:1521-1538,2008 | 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.13671.x | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We investigate seven Monte Carlo algorithms -- four old and three new -- for
constructing merger histories of dark matter halos using the extended
Press-Schechter (EPS) formalism based on both the spherical and ellipsoidal
collapse models. We compare, side-by-side, the algorithms' abilities at
reproducing the analytic EPS conditional (or progenitor) mass function over a
broad range of mass and redshift (z=0 to 15). Among the four old algorithms
(Lacey & Cole 1993, Kauffmann & White 1993, Somerville & Kolatt 1999, Cole et
al 2000), we find that only KW93 produces a progenitor mass function that is
consistent with the EPS prediction for all look-back redshifts. The origins of
the discrepancies in the other three algorithms are discussed. Our three new
algorithms are designed to generate the correct progenitor mass function at
each timestep. We show that this is a necessary and sufficient condition for
consistency with EPS at any look-back time. We illustrate the differences among
the three new algorithms and KW93 by investigating two other conditional
statistics: the mass function of the i_{th} most massive progenitors and the
mass function for descendants with N_p progenitors.
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"created": "Fri, 9 May 2008 00:29:11 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 3 Jul 2008 20:49:29 GMT"
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"UC Berkeley"
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2 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO we assume that phH1(N;Z) isnon-trivial. Let a:p1(N)-Gbe a homomorphism to a finite group. We have the permutation represe given by left multiplication, which we also denote by a. We can the twisted Alexander polynomial a N,phZ[t+-1], whose definition is detailed in Section 2.3. We denote by phathe restriction of phH1(N;Z) = Hom(p1(N),Z) to Ker(a). Note that phais necessarily non-trivial. We denote by div of pha, i.e. divpha= someps: Ker(a)-Z}. We can now formulate the following theorem which appears as [FK06, Theorem 1.3 and Remark p. 938]. Theorem 1.1. a3-manifold with empty or Let phH1(N;Z)a nontrivial class. If (N,ph)fibers overS1, then for any homomorphism a:p1(N)-Gto a finite group the twisted Alexander monic and deg(a N,ph) is well known that in general the constraint of monicness and deg ree for the ordinary Alexander polynomial falls short from characterizing fiber ed 3-manifolds. The main result of this paper is to show that on the other hand the co llection of all twisted Alexander polynomials does detect fiberedness, i.e. the con verse of Theorem 1.1 holds true: Theorem 1.2. LetNbe a3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundary. Let ph H1(N;Z)a nontrivial class. If for any homomorphism a:p1(N)-Gto a finite group the twisted Alexander polynomial a N,phZ[t+-1]is monic and deg(a N,ph) then (N,ph)fibers overS1. Note that alternatively it is possible to rephrase this statement in te rms of Alexan- der polynomials of the finite regular covers of N, using the fact that a N,ph= ~N,p*(ph) (cf. [FV08a]), where p:~N-Nis the cover of Ndetermined by Ker( a). Note that this theorem asserts that twisted Alexander polynomials detect whether (N,ph) fibers under the assumption that ||ph||Tis known; while it is known that polynomials givelower bounds (cf. [FK06, Theorem 1.1]), it is still anopen question whether twisted Alexander polynomials determine the Thur ston norm. In the case where phhas trivial Thurston norm, this result is proven in [FV08b], using subgroup separability. Here, following a different route (see S ection 1.3 for a summary of the proof), we prove the general case.TWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 3 1.2.Symplectic 4-manifolds and twisted Alexander polynomials. In 1976 Thurston [Th76] showed that if a closed 3-manifold Nadmits a fibration over a symplectic structure, i.e. a closed, nondegenerate 2-for mo. It is natural to ask whether the converse to this statement holds tr ue. In its simplest form, we can state this problem in the following way: Conjecture 1.3. LetNbe a closed 3-manifold. If S1xNis symplectic, then there exists aphH1(N;Z)such that (N,ph)fibers overS1. Interest in this question was motivated by Taubes' results in the st udy of Seiberg- Witten invariants of symplectic 4-manifolds (see [Ta94, Ta95]), tha t gave initial ev- idence to an affirmative solution of this conjecture. In the special c ase via 0-surgery along a knot in S3, this question appears also in [Kr98, Ques- tion 7.11]. Over the last ten years evidence for this conjecture was given by various authors [Kr98, CM00, Et01, McC01, Vi03]. In [FV08a] the authors initiated a project relating Conjecture 1.3 t o the study of twisted Alexander polynomials. The outcome of that investigation is t hat ifS1x Nis symplectic, then the twisted Alexander polynomials of Nbehave like polynomials of a fibered 3-manifold. More precisely, the fo llowing holds (cf. [FV08a, Theorem 4.4]): Theorem 1.4. LetNbe an irreducible closed 3-manifoldand oa symplectic thatorepresents an integral cohomology class. Let phH1(N;Z) be the K unneth component of [o]H2(S1xN;Z). Then for any a finite group the twisted Alexander polynomial and deg(a N,ph) that it follows from McCarthy's work [McC01] (see also Lemma 7 .1) and Perelman's proof of the geometrization conjecture (cf. e.g. [MT0 7]) that then Nis prime, i.e. either irreducible or S1xS2. The proof of Theorem 1.4 relies heavily on the results of [Kr98] and [Vi03], which in turn build on results of Taubes [Ta94, Ta95] and Donaldson [Do96]. As the symplectic condition is open, the assumption that a symplectic manifold admits an integral symplectic form is not restrictive. Therefore, c ombining Theorem 1.2 with Theorem 1.4, we deduce that Conjecture 1.3 holds true. In f act, in light of [FV07, Theorems 7.1 and 7.2], we have the following more refined state ment: Theorem 1.5. LetNbe a closed oriented 3-manifold. Then given following are equivalent: (1) ohmcan be represented by a symplectic structure; (2) ohmcan be represented by a symplectic structure which is ohm2>0and the K unneth component in the open cone on a fibered face of the Thurston norm ball of N.4 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI Note that the theorem allows us in particular to completely determine the sym- plectic cone of a manifold of the form S1xNin terms of the fibered cones of N. Combined with the results of [FV07, FV08a], Theorem 1.2 shows in part icular that the collection of the Seiberg-Witten invariants of all finite covers of ornot. Inparticular, we have thefollowing to [Vi99, Vi03] for the notation and the formulation in the case thatb1(N) = 1). Corollary 1.6. LetNbe a closed 3-manifold with b1(N)>1. Then given a exists a symplectic structure representing a coho- mology class canonical class Kif and only if the wherephH1(N;R)is the K unneth component of ohm, and for any regular finite cover = 1, (3)for any Seiberg-Witten basic class kH2(S1x~N;Z)we the transfer map) and the latter equality holds if and only that, under the hypotheses of the Corollary, all basic class es ofS1x~Nare the pull-back of elements of A different approach to Conjecture 1.3 involves a deeper investigat ion of the consequence of the symplectic condition on S1xN, that goes beyond the information encoded in Theorem 1.4. A major breakthrough in this dir ection has recently been obtained by Kutluhan and Taubes ([KT09]). They show that ifNis a 3-manifold such that S1xNis symplectic, under some cohomological assumption on the symplectic form, then the Monopole Floer homology of Nbehaves like the Monopole Floer homology of a fibered 3-manifold. On the other hand it is known, due to the work of Ghiggini, Kronheimer and Mrowka, and Ni that Mon opole Floer homology detects fibered 3-manifolds ([Gh08, Ni09, KM08, Ni08]). Th e combination of the above results proves in particular Conjecture 1.3 in the case thatb1(N) = 1. 1.3.Fibered 3-manifolds and finite solvable groups: outline of t he proof. In this subsection we will outline the strategy of the proof of Theor em 1.2. It is useful to introduce the following LetNbe a 3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundary, and let ph H1(N;Z) be a nontrivial class. We say that ( N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *) if for any homomorphism a:p1(N)-Gto a finite group the twisted Alexander is monic and deg(a N,ph) ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 5 It is well-known (see [McC01] for the closed case, and 7.1 for the gen eral case) that Condition (*) implies, using geometrization, that Nis prime, so we can restrict ourself to the case where Nis that McMullen [McM02] showed that, when the class phis primitive, the condition 0 implies that there exists a connected Thurston norm S dual to ph. It is well-known that to prove Theorem 1.2 it is sufficient to consider a primitive ph, and we will assume that in the following. Denote M=N S; the boundary of Mcontains two copies S+-of S and throughout the paper we denote the inclusion induced maps S if (N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *), then the monomorphisms in fact isomorphisms. Using purely group theoretic arguments w e are not able to show directly that Condition ( *) implies the desired isomorphism; however, we have the following 1.7. Assume that (N,ph)satisfies Condition (*)and thatphis a connected Thurston norm minimizing surface dual to phand letibe either of the two inclusion maps of SintoM=N S. an isomorphism of the prosolvable completions. We refer to Section 2.4 for information regarding group completions . *)into From a purely group theoretic point of view it is a to decide whether a homomorphism which gives rise to an isomo rphism [Gr70],[BG 04],[AHKS07] and also Lemma 4.7). But in our 3-dimensional setting we can use a rec ent result of Agol [Ag08] to prove the following theorem. Theorem 1.8. LetNbe an irreducible 3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundar y. LetSNbe a connected Thurston norm minimizing surface. We write M=N S. Assume the following hold: (1)the inclusion induced maps rise to isomorphisms of the respective prosolvable completions, and (2)p1(M)is residually finite isomorphisms, hence M= SxI. In light of Proposition 1.7, the remaining obstacle for the proof of Th eorem 1.2 is the condition in Theorem 1.8 that p1(M) has to be residually finite solvable. It is well-known that linear groups (and hence in particular hyperbolic 3- are virtually residually pfor all but finitely many primes p(cf. e.g. [We73, Theorem 4.7] or [LS03, Window 7, Proposition 9]), in particular they ar e solvable. Thurston conjectured that 3-manifold groups in ge neral are linear (cf. [Ki, Problem 3.33]), but this is still an open problem. Using the recent pr oof of the6 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO conjecture (cf. e.g. [MT07]) we will prove the followin g result, which will be enough for our 1.9. LetNbe a closed prime 3-manifold. Then for all but finitely exists a finite cover N'ofNsuch that the fundamental group of any component of the JSJ decomposition of N'is residually a p-group. We can now deduce Theorem 1.2 as follows: We first show in Lemmas 7.1 a nd 7.2 that it suffices to show Theorem 1.2 for closed prime 3-manifolds. The orem 1.2 in that situation now follows from combining Theorems 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 with a more technical theorem which allows us to treat the various JSJ pieces se parately (cf. The- orem 6.4). Added in proof: In a very recent paper ([AF10]) Matthias Aschenbr enner and the first author showed that any 3-manifold group is virtually residually p. This simpli- fies the proof of Theorem 1.2 as outlined in [FV10]. This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we recall the definit ion of polynomials and some basics regarding completions of grou ps. In Section 3 we will prove Proposition 1.7 and in Section 4 we give the proof of Theo rem 1.8. In Section 5 we prove Theorem 1.9 and in Section 6 we provide the proof f or Theorem 6.4. Finally in Section 7 we complete the proof of Theorem 1.2. Conventions and notations. Throughout the paper, unless otherwise stated, we will assume that all manifolds are oriented and connected, and all ho mology and co- homology groups have integer coefficients. Furthermore all surfa ces are assumed to be properly embedded and all spaces are compact and connected, unless it says ex- plicitly otherwise. The derived series of a group Gis defined inductively by We would like to thank Ian Agol, Matthias Boyer, Paolo Ghiggini, Taehee Kim, Marc Lackenby, Alexander Lubotzky, Kent Orr, Saul Schleimer, Jeremy van Horn-Morris and Genevieve Walsh f or many helpful comments and conversations. We also would like to thank the refere e for improvements to the paper and pointing out various inaccu Twisted invariants and completions of grou ps 2.1.Twisted homology. LetXbe a CW-complex with base point x0. LetRbe a commutative ring, Va module over a the universal cover of X. Note that p1(X,x0) acts on the left on ~Xas group of deck transformations. The cellular chain groups C*(~X) are in a natural wayTWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS with the right action on C*(~X) defined via s*g:=g-1s, for sC*(~X). We can form by tensoring the chain complex which is a complex of R-modules. Now define Hi(X;V) The isomorphism type of the R-moduleHi(X;V) does not depend on the choice of the base point, in fact it only depends on the homotopy type of Xand the isomorphism type of the this paper we will also frequently consider twisted homology for a fi nitely gener- ated group G; its definition can be reduced to the one above by lookin g at the twisted homology of the space K(G,1). The most common type of presentation we consider in this paper is as follows: Let Xbe a topological space, a:p1(X)-Ga homomorphism to a group GandHG a subgroup of finite index. Then we get a natural action of p1(X) on Aut Z(Z[G/H]) by which gives rise to the homology groups Hi(X;Z[G/H]). We will now study the Z[p1(X)]-module Z[G/H] in more detail. We write C:=
a(p1(X)). Consider CG/H. Bydefinition same equivalence class if and only if there exist that cgh=c'g'h'. Notethat g1,...,gkGarea complete set of representatives of Cg1H,...,Cg kH. is an immediate consequence of [Br94, II.5.2.], the second part f ollows either from Shapiro's lemma or a straightforward 2.1. Letg1,...,gkGbe a set of representatives for the equivalence classes CG/H. Fori= We then have the of left particular H0(X;Z[G/H])is a free abelian group of rank maps on low dimensional homology groups. In this section we will give criteria when maps between groups give rise to isomorphisms b etween low dimensional twisted homology groups. We start out with a study of t he induced maps on 0-th twisted homology groups. Lemma 2.2. Letph:A-Bbe a monomorphism of finitely generated groups. Sup- pose thatBis a subgroup of a group pand let~ppbe a subgroup of finite a set of representatives for the equivalence classes Bp/~p. For i= 1,...,kwe write an epimorphism of free abelian groups and it is an isomorph ism if and only a bijection for any i.8 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI Proof.It is well-known that the induced map on 0-th twisted homology group s is always surjective (cf. e.g. [HS97, Section 6]) and by Lemma 2.1 both g roups are free abelian groups. Now note that without loss of generality we can assu me thatAB and thatphis the inclusion map. It follows from Lemma 2.1 that H0(B;Z[p/~p]) is a free abelian group of rank k=|Bp/~p|. By the same Lemma we also leftZ[B]-modules and hence also as left Z[A]-modules. By applying Lemma 2.1 to theZ[A]-modules Z[B/~Bi] we see that H0(A;Z[p/~p]) is a free abelian group of rankkif and only if|AB/~Bi|= 1 for any i. It is straightforward to see that this is equivalent to A/~Ai-B/~Bibeing a bijection for any i. /square We will several times make use of the following 2.3. Letph:A-Bbe a monomorphism of finitely generated groups. Let b:B-Gbe a homomorphism to a finite group. an epimorphism of free abelian groups and it is an isomorph ism if and only ~p'=B. We can then apply Lemma 2.2 to = It is straightforward to verify that the desired equivalence of statements follows. /square We now turn to the question when group homomorphisms induce isomo rphisms of the 0-th and the first twisted homology groups at the same time. Lemma 2.4. Letph:A-Bbe a monomorphism of finitely generated groups. Sup- pose thatBis a subgroup of a group pand let~ppbe a subgroup of finite a set of representatives for the equivalence classes Bp/~p. For i= 1,...,kwe write an isomorphism for i= 0andi= 1if and only if the following two conditions a bijection for any a bijection for any i. Proof.Without loss of generality we can assume that ABand thatphis the inclusion map. By Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2 it suffices to show for any ithe following: If A/~Ai-B/~Biis a bijection, then the map is an isomorphism if and only if is a ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 9 Using the above and using Shapiro's Lemma we can =H1(A;Z[A/~Ai]) =~Ai/[~Ai,~Ai] andB/[~Bi,~Bi] are in general not groups, but we can view them as pointed sets. We now consider the following commuta tive diagram of exact sequences of pointed that the map on the right is a bijection. It now follows from the 5-lemma for exact sequences of pointed sets that the middle map is a bijection if a nd only if the left hand map is a bijection. /square We will several times make use of the following corollary which can be de duced from Lemma 2.4 the same way as Corollary 2.3 is deduced from Lemma 2.2 . Corollary 2.5. Letph:A-Bbe a monomorphism of finitely generated groups, and assume we are given a homomorphism b:B-Gto a finite group G. i= 0,1 is an isomorphism if and only if the following two conditions an extra conditions we can also give a criterion for a map between groups to induce an isomorphism of second homology groups. Lemma 2.6. Letph:A-Bbe a homomorphism between two groups such that finite 2-complexes with vanishing Euler characteristic . Letb:B-Gbe a homomorphism to a finite group such i= 0,1 is an isomorphism, also an isomorphism.10 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI Proof.We can and will view Xas a subcomplex of Y. It suffices to show = 0. Note that our assumption implies that Hi(Y,X;Z[G]) = 0 fori= 0,1. Now note that H2(Y,X;Z[G]) is a submodule of C2(Y,X;Z[G]), is a free Z-module. We therefore only have to show = 0. Now note = rank 0.
/square We conclude this section with the following lemma. Lemma 2.7. Letph:A-Bbe a homomorphism. Let ^B~BBbe two that ^BBis normal. We write bijections, also the following let n= 0 orn= 1. Suppose that a bijection. Note that normal, in particular in fact an isomorphism. We have to show that mapphinduces a bijection we denote by ph:A-Bthe induced map which by assumption is an isomorphism. We denote by Hthe subgroup ~B/^B(n)B. Note thatphrestricts to isomorphisms Since ph-1is an isomorphism it follows Now recall that H=
~B/^B(n), We clearly have ph-1(H) =~A/^A(n)and This shows that the isomorphism the desired isomorphism This concludes the proof of the claim.TWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS /d47/d47B/^B(n) /d47/d47B/~B(n) /d47/d471. The middle vertical map is a bijection by assumption and we just verifie d that the vertical map on the left is a bijection. It now follows from the 5-Lemm a for exact sequences of pointed sets that the vertical map on the right is also a bijection. Alexander polynomials. In this section we are going to recall the definition of twisted Alexander polynomials. These were introduced, for the case of knots, by Xiao-Song Lin in 1990 (published in [Li01]), and his definition wa s to 3-manifolds by Wada [Wa94], Kirk-Livingston [KL99] an d Cha [Ch03]. LetNbe a compact manifold. Let Rbe a commutative, Noetherian unique factor- ization domain (in our applications R=ZorR=Fp, the finite field with pelements) andVa finite free R-module Let a:p1(N)-AutR(V) a representation and let phH1(N;Z) = Wewrite VRR[t+-1] rise to a representation as := = =V[t+-1]. Note thatNis homotopy equivalent to a finite CW-complex, which, by abuse of notation, we also denote by N. Then we consider which is a complex of finitely generated R[t+-1]-modules. Since R[t+-1] is Noetherian it follows that for any is a finitely presented means Hi(N;V[t+-1]) has a free loss of generality we can assume that Thei-th twisted Alexander polynomial of (N,a,ph) is defined to be the order of the i.e. the greatest common divisor (which exists since R[t+-1] is a UFD as well) of the sixsiminors of the sixri-matrixSi. It is denoted by that a N,ph,iR[t+-1] is well-defined up to a unit in R[t+-1], i.e. up to an element of the form rtiwhereris a unit in RandiZ. We say that its top coefficient is a unit in R. Given a nontrivial 0 we write deg f=s-r. Forf= 0 we write deg( f) =-. Note well-defined.12 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI We now write p=p1(N). If we are given a homomorphism a:p-Gto a finite group, then this gives rise to a finite dimensional representat ion ofp, that we will denote by a:p-AutR(R[G]) as well. In the case that we have a finite index subgroup ~ppwe get a finite dimensional representation p-AutR(R[p/~p]) given by When R=Z, the resulting twisted Alexander polynomials will be denoted by while for R=Fpwe will use the notation See [FV08a] for the relation between these in the case that a:p-GL(1,Z) is the trivial representation we drop the afrom the notation, and in the case that i= 1 we drop the subscript ,1 from the notation. We summarize some of the main properties of twisted Alexander polyn omials in the following lemma. It is a consequence of [FV08a, Lemma 3.3 and 3.4] a nd 2.5]. Lemma 2.8. LetNbe a 3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundary. Let and ~pp:=p1(N)a finite index subgroup. Denote by of phto~p, then the following hold: (1) p/~p N,ph,0= 0, thenp/~p N,ph,2= p/~p N,ph,i= 1for anyi>=3. Assume we also have a subgroup p'with~pp'p. Denote the covering of N corresponding to p'byN'and denote by ph'the restriction of phtop', anyi. Finally note that the statements of the lemma also hold for t he also recall the following well-known result (cf. e.g. [Tu01]). Lemma 2.9. LetNbe a 3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundary. Let and ~pp:=p1(N)a finite index subgroup. Then given ithe following are equivalent: (1) rank of the abelian group finite. In fact if any of the four conditions holds, ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS of groups. Throughout the paper it is convenient to use the language of completions of groups. Although the proof of Theorem 1.2 does not explicitly require this terminology, group completions are the natura l framework for these results. We recall here the definitions and some basic facts, we refer to [LS03, Window 4] and [Wi98, RZ00] for proofs and for more a variety of groups (cf. [RZ00, p. 20] for the definition). Examp les of varieties of pertinence to this paper are given by any one of the follo wing: (1) finite for a prime p; (3) the varietyFS(n) of finite solvable groups of derived length at most n; (4) the varietyFSof finite solvable groups. In the following we equip a finitely generated group Awith this topology is the translation invariant topology uniquely defined by tak ing as a funda- mental system of neighborhoods of the identity the collection of all normal that the quotient lies in C. Note that in particular all groups in Care endowed with the discrete topology. Given a group Adenote by ^ACits pro-Ccompletion, i.e. the inverse limit
^AC= through the inverse system determined by the collection of all normal subgroups of Asuch thatA/AiC. Then^AC, which we can view asa subgroup of topologies. Using the standard convention we refer to the p a group as the prosolvable by the assumption that Cis a variety, the pro- Ccompletion is a i.e. given ph:A-Bwe get an induced homomorphism ^ ph:^AC-^BC. A groupAis called residuallyCif for any nontrivial gAthere exists a It is easily seen that and only if the map A-^ACis injective. In particular, if we are given a homomorphism ph:A-Bbetween residually CgroupsA,Bsuch that ^ph:^AC-^BC is an injection, then it follows from the following commutative injective as well. The following well-known lemma gives sufficient and necessary condition s for a homomorphism ph:A-Bto induce an isomorphism of pro- Ccompletions.14 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI Lemma 2.10. LetCbe a variety of groups and assume that there is a Then the following are equivalent: (1) ^ph:^AC-^BCis an anyGCthe induced a bijection. We also note the following well-known lemma. Lemma 2.11. LetCbe an extension-closed variety and let ph:A-Ba homomor- phism of finitely generated groups which induces an isomorph ism of Then for any homomorphism b:B-Gto aC-group the restriction of an isomorphism of pro- a homomorphism ph:A-Bof finitely generated groups induces an isomor- phism of their pro- Ccompletions, then we have a relation of the twisted homology with coefficients determined by C-groups. More precisely, we have the following. Lemma 2.12. LetCbe a variety of groups and let ph:A-Bbe a homomorphism of finitely generated groups which induces an isomorphism of pr o-Ccompletions. Then for any homomorphism b:B-Gto aC-group the map an isomorphism. Furthermore, if Cis an extension-closed all finite abelian groups, the map that, by Corollary 2.3, the first part of the statement is e quivalent to the assertion that, for any element loss of generality, we can reduce the proof of this isomorph ism to the case wherebis surjective. Denote a=b*phHom(A,G). Assume to the and asa(A)Cthere exists by hypothesis a map such that a=b'*ph. Now the two maps b,b'Hom(B,G) (that must differ as they have different image) induce the same map aHom(A,G), contradicting the bijectivity of Hom( B,G) and Hom(A,G). We now turn to the proof of the second part of the statement. Le to a C-group. Again, without loss of generality, we can assume that b:B-Gis surjective. Note that by the above the homomorphism b*ph:A-G is surjective as well. We now write B'= Ker(b) andA'= Ker(b*ph). By Shapiro'sTWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 15 Lemma, we have the commutative claim amounts therefore to showing that the map is an isomorphism. As AandBare finitely generated, A'andB'are finitely generated as well. WhenCis extension closed, and contains all finite abelian groups, Lemma 2.11 asserts that the map phinduces a bijection between Hom( B',G) and Hom( A',G) for any finite abelian group G; the desired isomorphism easily follows. /square 3.Monic twisted Alexander polynomials and solvable groups The aim of this section is to prove Proposition results. We will often make use of the following proposition (cf. [McM02, Section 4 and Proposition 3.1. LetNbe a3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundary and let phH1(N;Z)a primitive class. If 0, then there exists a connected Thurston norm minimizing surface Sdual toph. Given a connected oriented surface S Nwe will adopt the following conventions for the rest of the paper. We choose a neighborhood S x[-1,1]Nand write nS = Sx(-1,1). LetM:=N S; we will write S+-= Sx{+-1}M, and we will denote the inclusion induced maps S -S+-Mbyi+-. We pick a base point in Mand endow Nwith the same base point. Also, we pick a base point for S and endow S+-with the corresponding base points. With these choices made, we will write A=p1(S) andB=p1(M). We also pick the base point of Mwith the base points of S-and S+. We now have inclusion induced maps i+-:A-Bfor either inclusion of S in Mand, using the constant path, a map p1(M)-p1(N). Under the assumption that S (in particular, whenever S is Thurston norm minimizing) these maps are injective. Since MandNhave the same base point we can view Bcanonically as a subgroup of p1(N). Before we state the first proposition we have to introduce a few mo re a 3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundary and let phH1(N;Z) Let ~ Wedenoteby = Hom(p,Z) to ~p. Note that ph~pis necessarily non-trivial. We say that ~pphas Property (M) if the twisted Alexander polynomial p/~p N,phZ[t+-1] is monic and = [p: STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI holds. Note that a pair ( N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *) if and only if Property (M) is satisfied by all normal subgroups of p1(N). The following proposition is the key tool for translating information o n polynomials into information on the maps i+-:A-B. The proposition is well known in the classical case. In the case of normal subgroups a proof for the 'only if' direction of the proposition is given by combining [FV08a, Sectio n 8] with [FV08b, Section 4]. Proposition 3.2. LetNbe a 3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundary with LetphH1(N;Z)a primitive class which is dual to a norm minimizing surface S. Let~ppbe a finite index subgroup. Then
~phas Property (M) if and only if the maps for i= prime. We have canonical fori= 0,1. It follows from [FK06, Proposition 3.2] that splitting Nalong S gives rise to the following Mayer-Vietoris type exact note that by Shapiro's lemma the groups Hi(A;R[p/~p]) are thei-th of a (possibly) disconnected surface. It follows that Hi(A;R[p/~p]) is a freeR-module, in particular the We will several times make use of the observation that is necessarily zero. We first assume that ~ phas Property (M). Since p/~p 0 we have that the is trivial. Note that by Lemma 2.9 we have is also Z[t+-1]-torsion. We now consider the Mayer-Vietoris se- quence of ( N,S) with Tensoring the exact sequence with Q(t) we see = rank rank = rank are epimorphism between free abelian groups of the same rank. He nce the maps are in fact isomorphisms. In order to prove that the maps are isomor- phisms we first consider the following claim.TWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS andH1(B;Z[p/~p]) are free abelian groups of the same Denote by the twisted Alexander polynomial with co- efficients in Fp. It follows from p/~p N,phmonic and from [FV08a, Proposition 6.1] that p/~p,p 0Fp[t+-1]. Furthermore by Lemma 2.8 we have that 0Fp[t+-1]. In particular for i= 1,2. It follows from the fact is a free Fp[t+-1]-module and the above observa- tion that for i= 1,2 that the gives rise to the following short exact spaces. The homology group H0(A;Z[p/~p]) isZ-torsion free. It follows from the universal coefficient theorem applied to the complex of every prime p. The same statement holds for B. Combining our results we isomorphic for any prime is free abelian it follows that completes the proof of the claim. In the following we equip the free a choice of basis. We now study the Mayer-Vietoris sequence fo r (N,S) with Using an argument similar to the above we see that it giv es rise to the following exact andH1(B;Z[p/~p]) are free abelian groups of the same rank it follows that the above exact sequence is a resolution of by and that p/~p N,ph= det(ti+-i-). Recall that Property (M) states in particular that (1) =||ph||T. Writingbi= rank Z(Hi(S;Z[p/~p])) = rank standard Euler characteristic argument now shows [FK06, Lemma 2.2] we have bi= 0 andi= 2. We also divphp/~pand Lemma 2.8. Combining ti+-i-)) =b1.18 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO over Zit now follows that det( i+) equals the top coefficient of p/~p N,ph, which by Property (M) equals +-1. By the symmetry of polynomials we have that ofp/~p N,phalso equals+-1, we deduce that det( i-) =+-1. This shows that isomorphisms. We thus showed that if ~ phas Property (M), then the maps are isomorphisms for i= 0,1. Now assume that we are given a finite index subgroup ~ ppsuch that the are isomorphisms for i= 0,1. It follows from the assumption that are isomorphisms that injective. In particular the Mayer-Vietoris sequence of ( N,S) with gives rise to the following exact sequence H1(A;Z[p/~p])Z[t+-1]ti+-i------H1(B;Z[p/~p])Z[t+-1]--0. AsaboveH1(A;Z[p/~p])isafreeabeliangroupandbyourassumption is also free abelian. In particular the above exact sequence define s a presentation for and we deduce that p/~p N,ph= isomorphisms it follows that p/~p N,phis monic of degree b1. An argument similar to the above now shows solvable quotients. Given a solvable group Swe denote by l(S) its derived length, i.e. the length of the shortest decomposition into ab elian groups. Put differently, l(S) is the minimal number such that S(l(S))={e}. Note that l(S) = 0 if and only if S={e}. For sake of comprehension, we briefly recall the notation. We are c onsidering a 3-manifold Nwith empty or toroidal boundary, and we fix a primitive class ph H1(N;Z). We denote by S a connected Thurston norm minimizing surface dua l to ph, and write A=p1(S) andB=p1(M) (withM=N S) and we denote the two inclusion induced maps A-Bwithi+-. We also write p=p1(N). Note denote byS(n) the statement that for any finite have that for i=i-,i+the map i*: a bijection. This is equivalent by Lemma 2.10 to assert that i:A-Binduces an isomorphism of pro- FS(n) completions. Recall that by Corollary 2.3 and LemmaTWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 19 2.12 statementS(n) implies then that for any homomorphism b:B-Sto a finite solvable group Swithl(S)<=nwe have Im{b*i:A-B-S}= Im{b:B-S}. Our goal is to show that S(n) holds for all n. We will show this by induction onn. For the induction argument we use the following auxiliary statement : Given nN{0}we denote byH(n) the statement that for any homomorphism with l(S)<=nwe havethat for an isomorphism. In the next two sections we will prove the following two 3.3. thenS(n+1)holds as 3.4. Assume that (N,ph)satisfies Condition (*). IfS(n)holds, then H(n)holds as well. We can now prove the following corollary, which amounts to Propositio n 1.7. Corollary 3.5. Assume that (N,ph)satisfies Condition (*)and thatphis a connected Thurston norm minimizing surface dual to phand let i:A-Bbe one of the two injections. Then for any finite solvable grou pGthe map Hom(B,G)i*
- -Hom(A,G) is a bijection, i.e. i:A-Binduces an isomorphism of prosolvable conditionS(0) holds by fiat. It follows from Proposition 3.2 applied to the trivial group that if ( N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *), isomorphisms, i.e. H(0) holds. The combination of Propositions 3.3 and 3.4 then shows thatH(n) andS(n) hold for all n. The corollary is now immediate. of Proposition 3.3. In this section we will prove Proposition 3.3. Let i=i-ori=i+. SinceS(n) holds we only have to consider the case of Ga finite solvable group with l(G) =n+1. By definition Gfits into a short exact finite abelian and S=G/G(n)finite solvable with l(S) =n. We will construct a map Ph : Hom( A,G)-Hom(B,G) which is an inverse to i*: Leta:A-Gbe a homomorphism. Without loss of generality we can assume that ais an epimorphism. Denote Aa- the map Note that asends Ker(a') to the abelian groupI, henceavanishes on Ker( a')(1). This shows that afactors through r, that l(S) =n, therefore byS(n) we have that someb':B-S. By Lemma 2.12, S(n) guarantees that ontheotherhand H(n)assertsthat i*:H1(A;Z[S])-20 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO is an isomorphism as well. By Corollary 2.5 this implies that iinduces an various homomorphisms can be summarized in the following commut ative we define Ph( a)Hom(B,G) to be the -G. It is now straightforward to check that Ph and i*are inverses to each other. 3.4.Proof of Proposition 3.4. In this section we will prove Proposition 3.4. So letb:B-Sbe a homomorphism to a finite solvable group Swithl(S)<=n. If bextends to p1(N),H(n) will follow immediately from Proposition 3.2. In general bthough will not extend; however using S(n) we will construct a a finite group G'which contains b:B-S' to get the required isomorphism. We first need some notation. Given groups CandHwe define C(H) summarize a few properties of C(H)Cin the following lemma. Lemma 3.6. LetCbe a finitely generated group. Then the subgroup C(H)Chas the following normal and finite andsolvable, then C/C(H)is finite andsolvablewith (1) is immediate. To prove the rest, consider the inject ion C/C(H) ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 21 IfHis finite, then Hom( C,H) is a finite set (since Cis finitely generated), hence C/C(H) is finite. If His furthermore solvable, then for any gHom(C,H) are solvable, hence C/C(H) is solvable as well. Moreover for any gHom(C,H) we We therefore will also need the following group homomorphism extension lemma. Lemma 3.7. Assume thatS(n)holds and that Sis a finite solvable group with l(S)<=n. Letb:B-Sbe a exists a kN, a Z/kB/B(S)anda extends B-B/B(S), i.e. we have the following commutative thatS(n) holds and that Sis a finite solvable group with a homomorphism. We denote the projection map exists an automorphism g:B/B(S)-B/B(S) such that r(i+(a)) =
g(r(i-(a))) for By Lemma 3.6 we know that B/B(S) is finite solvable It follows fromS(n) -Br- an isomorphism. On the other hand it is also a straightforward cons equence of S(n) that Ker{Ai- -Br- these two observations we see that igives rise to an isomorphism We now take g:=i+**(i-*)-1. This concludes the proof of the claim. We now write H=B/B(S). It is now straightforward to verify bB, t/mapsto-t22 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI defines a homomorphism. Since H=B/B(S) is a finite group it follows that the automorphism ghas finite order k, in particular the projection map is a homomorphism. Clearly the resulting homomorphism p-Z/k B/B(S) has all the required properties. /square We are in position now to prove Proposition 3.4. Proof of Proposition 3.4. Recall that we assume that ( N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *) and thatS(n) holds. We have to show that H(n) holds as well. So let b:B-Sbe a homomorphism to a finite solvable group Swithl(S)<=n. We have to show an isomorphism. Without loss of generality we can assume that bis thatS(n) implies that b*i:A-Sis surjective as well. We now apply Lemma 3.7 to find a extends B-B/B(S). Note let
^B= the definition of B/B(S). We also write ^A=i-1(^B) and~A=
i-1(~B). We now consider the epimorphism p1(N) =p-Z/kB/B(S). By Condition (*), Equation (2), Proposition 3.2 and Corollaries 2.5 and 2.5 it follows that the isomorphisms. It now follows from Lemma 2.7 and Corollary 2.5 that the also isomorphisms. /square 4.A product criterion In this section we will apply a theorem of Agol to prove a criterion for a manifold to be a product, which complements Proposition 1.7. In order to state our result, we first recall the definition of a sutu red manifold (cf. [Ga83, Definition 2.6] or [CC03, p. 364]). A sutured manifold (M,g) is a compact oriented 3-manifold Mtogether with a set gMof pairwise disjoint annuli A(g)TWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 23 and toriT(g). Furthermore, the structure of a sutured manifold consists of the following choices of For each AA(g) a choice of a simple closed, oriented curve in A(called suture) such that Ais the tubular neighborhood of the curve, and (2) the choice of an orientation for each component of MA(g). The orientations must be compatible, i.e. the orientation of the comp onents ofMA(g) must be coherent with the orientations of the sutures. Given a sutured manifold ( M,g) we define R+(g) as the components of Mg where the orientation agrees with the orientation induced by MonM, andR-(g) as the components of Mgwhere the two orientations disagree. We define also R(g) =R+(g)R-(g). A sutured manifold ( M,g) is called tautifMis irreducible and if each component ofR(g) is incompressible and Thurston norm-minimizing in H2(M,g;Z) (we refer to [Sc89] for information regarding the Thurston norm on sutured ma nifolds). An example of a taut sutured manifold is given by taking an oriented su rface S and considering SxIwith sutures given by the annuli SxI. The sutures are oriented by the orientation of S. We can pick orientations such that R-(g) = Sx0 and R+(g) = Sx1. If a sutured manifold ( M,g) is diffeomorphic (as a sutured manifold) to such a product then we say that ( M,g) is aproduct sutured manifold . Another example of a taut sutured manifold comes from considering an empty or toroidal boundary. We let ( M,g) = (N S,N(N S)). With appropriate orientations ( M,g) is a taut sutured manifold such that R-(g) = S-and R+(g) = S+. The following theorem immediately implies Theorem 1.8. Theorem 4.1. Assume we have a taut sutured manifold (M,g)which has the follow- ing of one component S+-each, and the inclusion induced rise to isomorphisms of the respective prosolvable com residually finite a product sutured manifold. The key ingredient to the proof of Theorem 4.1 is a result of Agol's [Ag 08] which we recall in Section 4.1. We will then provide the proof for Theorem 4.1 in Sections 4.2 and 4.3. Remark. (1) It is an immediate consequence of 'peripheral subgroup separa bility' [LN91] that the theorem holds under the assumption that the inclus ion induced give rise to isomorphisms of the respective profinite completions. It is not clear how the approach of [LN91] can be adapted to prove Theorem 4.1.24 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI (2) It is also interesting to compare Theorem 4.1 with a result of Grot hendieck. In [Gr70, Section 3.1] Grothendieck proves that if ph:A-Bis a finitely presented, residually finite groups which induces an isomorphism of the profinite completions, and if Ais arithmetic (e.g. a surface group), then phis an isomorphism. It is an interesting question whether Theorem 4.1 ca n be proved using purely group theoretic arguments. We refer to [AHKS07] for more this theorem. Before we can state Agol's result we have to introduce A group Gis called residually finite Q-solvable orRFRSif there exists a filtration of groups G=G0G1G2...such that the following a normal, finite index subgroup of Gfor anyi, (3) for any ithe through that RFRS groups are in particular residually finite solvable, but the RFRS condition is considerably stronger than being residually finite solvable . The notion of an RFRS group was introduced by Agol [Ag08], we refer to Agol's pa per for more information on RFRS groups. Given a sutured manifold ( M,g) the double DMgis defined to be the double of M alongR(g), i.e.DMg=MR(g)M. Note that the annuli A(g) give rise to components of DMg. We denote by r:DMg-Mthe retraction map given by 'folding' the two copies of MalongR(g). We are now in a position to state Agol's result. The theorem as stated here is clearly implicit in the proof of [Ag08, Theorem 6.1]. Theorem 4.2. Let(M,g)be a connected, taut sutured manifold such that p1(M) satisfies property RFRS. Write W=DMg. Then there exists an a finite solvable group, such that in the covering to a*r*:p1(W)-Sthe pull back of the class on the closure of the cone over a fibered face of that [ R+(g)] =+-[R-(g)] inH2(W,W;Z), i.e. [R-(g)] is a fibered class if and only if [ R+(g)] is a fibered class. In case that /tildewiderWhas vanishing Thurston norm, then we adopt the usual convention that by the fibered fac e we actually of Theorem 4.1. From now on assume we have a taut sutured manifold (M,g) with the following consist of one component S+-each and the inclusion induced give rise to isomorphisms of the respective prosolvable is residually finite solvable.TWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 25 Since Theorem 4.1 is obvious in the case M=S2x[0,1] we will henceforth main tool in proving Theorem 4.1 is Theorem 4.2. In order to apply it we need the following claim. Claim.The group p1(M) is RFRS. Proof.By assumption the group p1(M) is residually finite solvable. This means that we can find a sequence p1(M) =B0B1B2...with the following a normal, finite index subgroup of p1(M) for anyi, (3) for any ithe through Bi-H1(Bi;Z). It remains to show that through In fact we claim that H1(Bi;Z) is torsion-free. Indeed, first note that by Shapiro's Furthermore, by Lemma 2.12 the first group is clearly torsion-free as it is the homology of a fin ite cover of a surface. /square In the following we write W=DMg. By the above claim we can apply Theorem 4.2 which says that there exists an epimorphism a:p1(M)-Sto a finite solvable group, such that in the covering to a*r*:p1(W)-S the pull back of the class [ R-(g)] = [S-]H2(W,W;Z) lies on the closure of the cone over of a fibered face of that we can view /tildewiderWas the double of the cover ( /tildewiderM,~g) of (M,g) induced by a:p1(M)-S. We summarize the main properties of the 4.3. connected surfaces, (2)the inclusion induced maps rise to isomorphisms of prosolvable the fiber of a fibration a product over
~S-, (4)Mis a product over S-if and only if /tildewiderMis a product over ~S-. Proof.First note that it follows from Lemma 2.12 and Corollary 2.3 and the as- sumption that p1(S+-)-p1(M) give rise to isomorphisms of the respective pro- solvable completions that surjective, i.e. the are connected. The second claim follows from Lemma 2.11 since give rise to isomorphisms of their prosolvable completions.26 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI For the third claim consider the following commutative is an isomorphism. We can think of It is now clear that the lower two maps are injective. But then the lower left map als o has to be an isomorphism, i.e. /tildewiderMis a product over ~S-. The last claim is well-known, it is for example a consequence of [He76, Theorem 10.5]. /square Using the above lemma it is now clear that the following lemma implies Theor em 4.1. Lemma 4.4. Let(M,g)be a taut sutured manifold such that R+-(g)consist of one component S+-each. Assume the following hold: (A)The inclusion induced maps rise to isomorphisms of the respective prosolvable class in by the surface S-lies on the closure of the cone over a fibered face of DMg. ThenS-is the fiber of a fibration DMg-S1. In the following we write W=DMg. Note that we have a canonical involution t onWwith fix point set R(g). From now on we think of between th eThurston norm and McMullen's Alexander norm [McM02]. Recall that given a 3-ma the Alexander norm the The Alexander norm ball is dual to the Newton polyhedron define d by the symmetrized Alexander polynomial The Alexander norm ball is a (possibly noncompact) polyhedron w ith finitely many faces. (c) For any phH1(V;R) we and equality holds for LetCH1(V;R) be a fibered cone, i.e. the cone on a fibered face of the Thurston norm ball, then Cis contained in the cone on the interior of face of the Alexander norm ball. (e) LetC1,C2H1(V;R) be fibered cones which are contained in the same cone on the interior of a top-dimensional face of the Alexander norm ball, ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 27 Our assumption that the induced maps p1(S+-)-p1(M) give rise to isomorphisms of the respective prosolvable completions implies that W=DMg'looks same as S-xS1. More precisely, we have the following lemma which we will prove in Section 4.3. Lemma 4.5. Let(M,g)be a taut sutured manifold with the property that R+-(g) consist of one component S+-each. Assume that (A) holds. Then the following hold: (1)There exists an thatf(1,0) = [S-]and such that t(f(r,h)) =f(r,-h). (2)The in the cone Don the interior of face of the Alexander norm ball. Note that (1) implies in particular that b1(W)>=2. Assuming this lemma we are now in a position to prove Lemma 4.4. Proof of Lemma 4.4. Let (M,g) be a taut sutured manifold with the property that R+-(g) consist of one component S+-each. Assume that (A) and (B) hold. By Lemma 4.5 there exists a cone DH1(W;R) on the interior of a top- dimensional face of the Alexander norm ball which contains ph=PD([S-]). We denote the Ph. By (B) we can find hH1(S-,S-;R) such that Ph(1 ,h) and Ph(1,-h) lie inD and such that Ph(1 ,h) lies in the cone Con a fibered face Fof the Thurston norm ball. Note that the sends fibered classes to fibered classes and preserves the Thurston norm. In particular t(Ph(1,h)) = Ph(1,-h) is fibered as well and it lies in t(C) which is the cone on the fibered face t(F) of the Thurston norm ball. Recall that t(Ph(1,h)) = Ph(1,-h) lies inD, it follows from Property (d) of the Alexander norm that t(C)D. We then use (e) to In particular Ph(1 ,h) and Ph(1,-h) lie inC. SinceCis convex it follows that ph= Ph(1,0)Ci.e.phis a fiber class. of Lemma 4.5. By Lemma 2.12 the following lemma is just the first statement of Lemma 4.5. Lemma 4.6. Let(M,g)be a taut sutured manifold with the property that R+-(g) consist of one component S+-each. Assume that Then there exists an thatf(1,0) = [S-]and such that t(f(b,c)) =f(b,-c).28 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI Proof.We start out with the following two no toroidal the toroidal sutures by T1,...,Tn. Recall that for any compact 3- manifoldXwe In our case it is easy to see that we have b1(M) =b1(S-) +b1(S+) = 2b1(S) + 2n. On the other hand, are isomorphisms we have b1(M) =b1(S). It now thatn= 0. inclusion induced maps are consider the following commutative for each component AofA(g) the subset exactly one boundary component of A. This implies that the maps are isomorphisms. The claim now follows immediately from the above commutative diagram and from the assumption that isomorphisms. We now follows: given an element cH1(S-,S-;R) represent it by a chain c-, since the maps are isomorphisms we can find a chain c+in S+such that [ c-] = Now let dbe a 2-chain in M such thatd=c--c+. Then define g(c) to be the element in by the closed 2-chain d-t(d). It is easy to verify that gis a well- defined homomorphism. Note that W=A(g)t(A(g)) sinceWhas no It is now straightforward to check, using a Mayer-Vieto ris sequence, that the , an isomorphism. Clearly f(1,0) = [S-]. It is also easy to verify that t(f(b,c)) =
f(b,-c). This shows that fhas all the required properties. /square The second statement of Lemma 4.5 is more intricate. We start with t he following lemma which in light of [Gr70], [BG04] and [AHKS07] has perhaps some inde ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 29 Lemma 4.7. Letph:A-Bbe a homomorphism of finitely generated which induces an isomorphism of prosolvable complet ions. Then phis also first show that A-Bis an injection. We consider the following commu- tative vertical maps are injections since metabelian groups are residu ally finite (cf. [Ha59]). The bottom map is an isomorphism by assumption. It now follow s that the top map is an injection. Now suppose that the homomorphism A-Bis not surjective. We identify H1(A;Z) =H1(A;Z)~=- -H1(B;Z) =H1(B;Z) viaphand refer to the group as H. Letg'Bph(A). We can pick an aAsuch thatph(a) andg'represent the same element inH. Letg=ph(a)-1g'. Thengrepresents the trivial element in Hbutgis also an element in Bph(A). We will show that there exists a homomorphism a:B-Gto a finite metabelian group such that i.e. such that This then immediately contradicts, via Lemma 2.10, our assumption that ph:A-Binduces an isomorphism of prosolvable completions. Our construction of find ing suchabuilds on some ideas of the proof of [LN91, Theorem 1]. We writeB1=B2=B. We denote the inclusion maps A-Bi=Bbyphi. We let C=B1*AB2. It is straightforward to see that the homomorphisms Bi-Cgive rise to an isomorphism H1(Bi;Z) =H-H1(C;Z). Denote i.e. themapinducedby s(b) =bB1 forbB2. Note that sacts as the identity on AC. Also note that sdescends to a we also denote by s. We now view gas an element inB1and hence as an element in C. Note that the fact that grepresents the trivial element inHimplies that grepresents anelement in C(1)/C(2). Wewill Consider the following commutative diagram of exact |~= |~=|
A(1)- it follows that ( g,g-1) does not lie in the image of It therefore follows from the above diagram that STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI Note thatC/C(2)is metabelian, and hence by [Ha59] residually finite. We can therefore find an epimorphism a:C/C(2)-Gonto a finite group G(which is necessarily metabelian) such that Now consider byb(h) = (a(h),a(s(h))). Then clearly The restriction of btoB=B1now clearly separates gfromA. 4.8. Letph:A-Bbe a homomorphism of finitely generated groups which induces an isomorphism of prosolvable completions. T hen the induced an follows immediately from Lemma 2.10 that phinduces an isomorphism of the prosolvable completions of the metabelian groups A/A(2)andB/B(2). It now follows from Lemma 4.7 that the induced map A/A(2)-B/B(2)is an isomorphism. /square We now turn to the proof of the second claim of Lemma 4.5. For the re mainder i.e. theinclusioninduced give rise to isomorphisms of the respective prosolvable completions . We have to show that the class ph=PD(S-)H1(W;Z) lies in the cone on the interior of a top-dimensional face of the Alexander norm ball. For the remainder of the section we pick a base point x-S-and a base point x+S+. We endow W,Mandt(M) with the base point x-. Furthermore we pick a x-S-tox+S+. Our goal is to understand the Alexander norm ball of W. In order to do this we first have to study H=H1(W;Z). Lettdenote the element in Hrepresented by the closed path g-t(g). It follows from a straightforward Mayer-Vietoris that we have an -H1(W;Z) (b , particular His torsion-free. We write F=H1(S-;Z). We usefto identify H withFxand to identify Z[H] now consider the Alexander module H1(W;Z[H]). Recall that H1(W;Z[H]) is the homology of the covering of Wcorresponding to p1(W)-H1(W;Z) =H together with the Z[H]-module structure given by deck the following claim we compare Wwith SxS1. We also write F=H1(S;Z) H1(SxS1;Z)withH=Fx. With these identifications we can now state the following lemma. Lemma 4.9. isomorphicto the the following we identify S with S-W. We denote by Xthe result of gluingMandt(M) along S = S-. Note that we have two canonical maps r: S+-M-Xands: S+-t(M)-X. We furthermore denote the canonicalTWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 31 inclusion maps S -M,S-t(M) and S = S--Xbyi. Throughout this proof we denote by i,r,sthe induced maps on solvable quotients as well. Claim A. The mapi:p1(S)-p1(X) gives rise to an isomorphism the following let M'be eitherMort(M). Recall that we assume that p1(S)- p1(M') gives rise to isomorphisms of the prosolvable completions. It now fo llows from Corollary 4.8 that an isomorphism. Now letg:p1(X) be the 'folding map'. Note the identity map. In particular p1(S)/p1(S)(2)i- injective. On the other hand it follows from the van Kampen theorem that p1(X) particular p1(X)/p1(X)(2)is generated by the images of p1(M) andp1(t(M)) But it follows immediately from the following commutative image of generates the group. This con- cludes the proof of the claim A. Claim B. For we have r(g) by the map given by switching the two copies of M. Clearlyr(g) =t*(s(g)). Butt*acts trivially on image This concludes the proof of the claim. We now view Was the result of gluing the two copies of S+inXby the identity map. First note that by the van Kampen theorem we have p1(W) STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI Note that by Claim B the obvious assignments give rise to a well-defined map p1(W) =/a}bracketle{tt,p1(X)|ts(g)t-1=r(g),gp1(S+)/a}bracketri}ht-xp1(X)/p1(X)(2). Sincep1(X)/p1(X)(2)is metabelian this map descends to a map Ph :/a}bracketle{tt,p1(X)|ts(g)t-1=r(g),gp1(S+)/a}bracketri}ht/(...)(2)-xp1(X)/p1(X)(2). Claim C. The map Ph : p1(W)/p1(W)(2)-xp1(X)/p1(X)(2)is an isomorphism. We denote by Ps the following map: xp1(X)/p1(X)(2)- Ps is surjective and we have Ph *Ps = id. It follows that Ph is an concludes the proof of the claim. Finally note that we have a canonical isomorphism p1(SxS1)/p1(SxS1)(2)=xp1(S)/p1(S)(2). It now follows from the above discussion that we have an - xp1(X)/p1(X)(2)
=p1(SxS1)/p1(SxS1)(2) which we again denote by Ph. Note that under the abelianization the ma p Ph descends to the above identification H1(SxS1;Z) =H=H1(W;Z). We now get the diagram of exact lemma is now immediate. /square We are now ready to prove the second statement of Lemma 4.5. Not e that the isomorphism of Alexander modules implies that the Alexander polynomia ls Wand SxS1agree inZ[H]. It is well-known that SxS1= (t-1)||ph||TZ[H] H,Z) =
Hom(Fx),Z) isgiven by ph(t) = 1,ph|F= 0. It isnowobvious from W= in the interior of a top-dimensional face of the Alexander norm ball ofW. This concludes the proof of the second statement of Lemma 4.5 mo dulo the proof of the claim.TWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 33 5.Residual properties of 3-manifold 1.7 and Theorem 4.1 are almost enough to deduce Theore m 1.2, but we still have to deal with the assumption in Theorem 4.1 that p1(W) has to be solvable. Using well-known arguments (see Section 7 for details) one can easily see that Proposition 1.7 and Theorem 4.1 imply Theorem 1.2 for 3-manifolds Nwhich have virtually residually finite solvable fundamental groups. Here we say t hat a group p has virtually a property if a finite index subgroup of phas this property. It seems reasonable to conjecture that all 3-manifold groups are virtually r esidually finite solvable. For example linear groups (and hence fundamental group s of and Seifert fibered spaces) are virtually residually finite solvable and (virtually) fibered 3-manifold groups are easily seen to be (virtually) residually is not known though whether all 3-manifold groups are linear. In t he case of 3-manifolds with non-trivial JSJ decomposition we therefore use a s lightly different route to deduce Theorem 1.2 from Proposition 1.7 and Theorem 4.1. I n Lemmas 7.1 and 7.2 we first show that it suffices in the proof of Theorem 1.2 to con sider closed prime 3-manifolds. In this section we will show that given a closed prime 3-manifold N, there exists a finite cover N'ofNsuch that all pieces of the JSJ residually finite solvable fundamental groups (Theorem 5.1). F inally in Section 6 we will prove a result which allows us in the proof of Theorem 1 .2 to work with each JSJ piece separately (Theorem of the theorem. We first recall some definitions. Let pbe a prime. Ap-group is a group such that the order of the group is a power of p. Note that anyp-group is in particular finite solvable. A group pis for exists a homomorphism a:p-Pto ap-group such A residually pgroup is evidently also residually finite solvable. For the reader's convenience we recall the statement of Theorem 1.9 which we will prove in this section. Theorem 5.1. LetNbe a closed irreducible 3-manifold. Then for all but finitely many primes pthere exists a finite cover N'ofNsuch that the fundamental group of any JSJ component of N'is residually p. Remark. (1) hurston and Perelman. (2) A slight modification of our proof shows that the statement of t he theorem also holds for irreducible 3-manifolds with toroidal Theorem 5.1. ideas from the proof that finitely generated subgroups of GL( n,C) are all but finitely many primes p(cf. e.g. [We73, Theorem 4.7] or [LS03,34 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI Window 7, Proposition 9]) with ideas from the proof that 3-manifold gr oups are residually finite (cf. [He87]). Since all technical results can be found in either [We73] or [He87], and in order to save space, we only give an outline of the pro of by to [We73] and [He87]. In the following recall that given a positive integer nthere exists a unique charac- teristic subgroup of ZZ=p1(torus) of index n2, 5.2. LetNbe a 3-manifold which is either closed or has toroidal bound- ary. Given a prime pwe say that a subgroup G p1(N) has Property ( p) if it satisfies the following two conditions: (1) G is residually p, and (2) foranytorus of 5.3. LetNbe a compact orientable 3-manifold with empty or such that the interior has a complete hyperbolic st ructure of finite volume. Then for all but finitely many primes pthere exists a finite index subgroup of p1(N) which has Property emma4.1] with the proof that finitely generated linear groups are virtually res iduallyp. We Lemma 4.1]. Firs twe pick subring ACas in [He87, Proof of Lemma 4.1]. In particular we can assume that p1(N)SL(2,A) whereAC. We pick a prime pand a maximal ideal mAas in[He87, p. 391]. Wethen have in particular that char( A/m) =p. Fori>=1 we now let G i= claim that G 1p1(N) is a finite index subgroup which has Property ( p). Clearly G1is of finite index in p1(N) and by [He87, p. 391] the subgroup G 1also p (cf. [We73, all the groups G 1/Gi,i>=1 arep-groups and that i=1Gi={1}. In particular G 1 is residually p. 5.4. LetNbe a Seifert fibered space. Then for all but finitely many primesp, there exists a finite index subgroup of p1(N)which has Property (p). Proof.IfNis a closed Seifert fibered space, then it iswell-known that p1(N) islinear, and the proposition immediately follows from the fact that linear grou ps are almost all primes p. Now consider the case that Nhas boundary. It is well-known (cf. for example [Ha01, Lemma 6] and see also [He87, p. 391]) that there exists a finite coverq:N'- Nwith the following two some surface F, (2) for any torus TNthe groupp1(N')p1(T) is the unique of p1(T) of indexp2.TWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 35 We now write G := p1(N')p1(N). The group G is residually psince free groups are residually p. It now follows from (2) that G has the required properties. /square We are now in a position to prove Theorem 5.1. Proof of Theorem 5.1. LetNbe a closed irreducible 3-manifold. Let N1,...,Nrbe the JSJ components. For all but finitely many primes pwe can by Propositions 5.3 and 5.4 find finite index subgroups G ip1(Ni) fori= 1,...,rwhich have Property (p). We denote by N' ithe cover of Nicorresponding to G i. By the second condition of Property ( p) the intersections of the subgroups G i,i=
1,...,rwith the fundamental group of any torus of the JSJ decomposition coincide. We can therefore appeal to [He87, Theorem 2.2] to find a finite cove rN'ofNsuch that any component in the JSJ decomposition of N'is homeomorphic to some Recall that p1(N' i) = Giis residually pfor anyi, hence the cover N'ofN has the desired properties. /square 6.The JSJ decomposition and prosolvable a closed 3-manifold and let phH1(N;Z) primitive with||ph||T>0. If (N,ph) fibers, and if S Nis a surface dual to phwhich is the fiber of the fibration, then it is well-known (cf. e.g. [EN85]) that the JSJ tori of Ncut the into smaller products. If (N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *), and if SNis a connected Thurston norm minimizing surface dual to ph, then we will see in Lemma 6.3 and Theorem 6.4 that the JSJ tori of Ncut the manifold N S into smaller pieces which look like products 'on the level of prosolvable completions'. This result will play an importa nt role in the proof of Theorem 1.2 as it allows us to work with each JSJ piece sep arately. 6.1.The statement of the theorem. Throughout this section let Nbe a 3-manifold. Furthermore let phH1(N;Z) be a primitive class which is dual to a connected Thurston norm minimizing surface. (Recall that by Proposition 3.1 this is in particular the case if ( N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *).) Finally we now fix once and for all embedded tori T1,...,TrNwhich give the of N. (Recall that the T1,...,Trare unique up to reordering and isotopy.) We will make several times use of the following well-known observation s: Lemma 6.1. LetSNbe an incompressible surface in general position with the JS Letcbe a component of STi. Thencrepresents a in p1(Ti)if and only if crepresents a non-trivial element in p1(S). Lemma 6.2. There exists an embedded Thurston norm minimizing surface SN dual tophwith the following three properties: (1) Sis connected,36 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI (2)the toriTi,i= 1,...,rand the surface Sare in general position, (3)any component of STi,i= a nontrivial element in p1(Ti). Now, among all surfaces dual to phsatisfying the properties of the lemma we pick a surface S which minimizes the S we can and will fix a tubular neighborhood S x[-1,1]Nsuch that the toriTi,i= 1,...,rand the surface S xtare in general position for any t[-1,1]. We from now on write M=NSx(-1,1) and S+-= the set of components of the intersection of the tori T1***TrwithM. Note that the surfaces AiM,i= 1,...,mare properly embedded since we assumed that Sx+-1 Wealsolet {M1,...,Mn}
be the set of components of the intersection of NiwithMfori= 1,...,s. Put the components of Mcut alongA1,...,Am. Fori= 1,...,n we furthermore write If the surface Aiis an annulus, then we say that one boundary component of Ailies on S-and the other lies on S+. The following lemma will be proved in Section 6.2 Lemma 6.3. Assume that (N,ph)satisfies Condition (*), then fori= an annulus which connects S-andS+. We can now formulate the main theorem of this section. The proof will be given in Sections 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4. Theorem 6.4. Assume that for i= 1,...,mthe surface Aiis an annulus which connects S-andS+. Furthermore assume that the inclusion induced maps rise to an isomorphism of prosolvable completions. The n fori= 1,...,n the following hold: (1)The surfaces S+- iare inclusion induced map p1(Mi)- p1(Nj)is inclusion induced maps rise to isomorphisms of the respective prosolvable completions. We would like to remind the reader that at the beginning of the section we made the assumption that of Lemma 6.3. We first recall the following theorem from an earlier paper (cf. [FV08b, Theorem 5.2]). Theorem 6.5. LetYbe a closed irreducible 3-manifold. Let psH1(Y;Z)a prim- itive class. Assume that for any epimorphism a:p1(Y)-Gonto a finite group Gthe twisted Alexander polynomial a Y,psZ[t+-1]is nonzero. Let TYbe an in- compressible embedded torus. Then either ps|TH1(T;Z)is nonzero, or fiberT.TWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 37 With this theorem we are now able to prove Lemma 6.3. We use the nota tion from the previous section. So assume that ( N,ph) is a pair which satisfies Condition ( *). In particular we have that a 0 for any epimorphism a:p1(N)-Gonto a finite groupG. We can therefore apply Theorem 6.5 to the tori T1,...,TrNto conclude that either ( N,ph) fibers over S1with toroidal fiber, or ph|TiH1(Ti;Z) is nonzero for i= 1,...,r. Recall that we assumed that ||ph||T>0, we therefore only have to deal with the latter case. From ph|TiH1(Ti;Z) nonzero we obtain that S (which is dual toph) necessarily intersects Tiin at least one curve which is homologically essential on Ti. In fact by our assumption on S and T1,...,Trany intersection curve S TiTi is essential, in particular the components of Ticut along S are indeed annuli. In order to prove Lemma 6.3 it now remains to show that each of the a nnuliAi connects S-and S+. So assume there exists an i{1,...,m}such that the annulus Aidoes not connect S-and S+. Without loss of generality we can assume that S+Ai=. We equip Aiwith an orientation. Denote the two oriented By our assumption canddlie in S-, and they cobound recall that by Proposition 3.2 our assumption that ( N,ph) satisfies Condition (*) implies in particular that H1(S-;Z)-H1(M;Z) is an isomorphism. Note that c,dare homologous in Mvia the annulus A:=Ai, and since an isomorphism we deduce that canddare homologous in S-as well. Since S- is closed we can now find two subsurfaces S 1,S2S-such thatS1=-cd, and such that (with the orientations induced from S-) the following hold: S 1S2= S, S2=c-dand S 1S2=cd. Note that possibly one of S 1or S2is surfaces S1= S1AandS2= S2-Aare closed, orientable and connected. Furthermore, there exists a j{1,2}such that genus( Sj) = genus(S) and such that Sjis homologous to S in N. Proof.It is clear that S1andS2are closed, orientable and connected. We give Sk,k= 1,2 the orientation which restricts to the orientation of S k. We therefore only have to show the second claim. Recall that Condition ( *) implies that the inclusion induced maps 0,1 are isomorphisms. It follows from Lemma 2.6 that we also have an isomorphism in particular H2(M;Z) is generated by [S-]. Now note that S1andS2represent elements in H2(M;Z). We can write [Sk] =lk[S-],k= 1,2 for somelkZ. Note that [ S1]+[S2] = [S-], i.e.l1+l2= 1. Now thatAiTk. Recall that we assume that any in p1(Tk). STktherefore also represents a nontrivial element in p1(S). In particular cand ddo not bound disks on S, which in turn implies that kh(Sk)<=0,k= 1,2. It =-kh((S-S3-k)A) k= 1,2.38 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI On the other hand, by the linearity of the Thurston norm and the ge nus minimality of S we have (4) k= 1,2. Now recall our assumption that kh(S) =||ph||T>0. It follows that l1+l2= 1 and the inequalities (3) and (4) can only be satisfied if there exists a jwithlj= 1 and kh(Sj) =kh(S). (Note that necessarily l3-j= 0 and S3-jis a torus.) /square Note that there exists a proper isotopy of AMto an annulus A'Msuch that A'lies entirely in S jand such that A'is disjoint from all the other Aj,j= 1,...,r. We then let S' jSjbe the subsurface of S jsuch thatS' j=A'. Clearly S':= S' j -A'is isotopic to S j-A, in particular by the claim S'is a closed connected to S in Nwith genus(S') = genus(S) which satisfies all the in Lemma 6.2. On the other hand we evidently have we did not create any new intersections we in fact But this contradicts the minimality in our choice of the surface S. We therefore showed that the assumption that Aidoes not connect S-and S+leads to a contradiction. This concludes the proof of Lemma on the components M1,...,Mn.We continue with the nota- tion from the previous sections. Using Lemma 6.3 we can now prove th e following lemma, which in particular implies the first statement of Theorem 6.4. Lemma 6.6. Assume that the inclusion induced maps rise to isomorphisms of the prosolvable completions. Let i{1,...,n}. Then the surfaces S+- iare any homomorphism a:p1(M)-Sto a finite solvable group the inclusion maps induce 0,1. Proof.We first consider statement (1). Recall that M1,...,Mnare the alongA1,...,Am. We therefore get the following commutative diagram sequences ... /d47/d47Hj(M;Z) ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 39 Note that the vertical homomorphisms on the left are isomorphisms since by Lemma 6.3 for any i= 1,...,mtheAiis an annulus which connects S-and S+, i.e.Aiis a product on AiS+-. Also note that the vertical homomorphisms on the right are isomorphisms for j= j= 2byLemma2.6. Wecannow appeal to the 5-lemma to deduce that the middle homomorphisms are isomorphisms as well. But for any jthe middle homomorphism is a direct sum of therefore follows in particular that the maps 0,1 are isomorphisms for any i{1,...,n}. In particular b0(S+- i) =b0(Mi) = 1, i.e. the surfaces S+- iare connected. We now prove statement (2). Let a:p1(M)-Sbe a homomorphism to a finite solvable group. Recall that by Lemmas 2.12 and 2.6 we have that the in clusion induced maps are isomorphisms for j= 0,1,2. It now follows from the commutative diagram of Mayer-Vietoris sequences as above, (cf. [FK06] for details) an isomorphism for any i{1,...,n}andj= 0,1.
/square The following lemma in particular implies the second statement of Theor em 6.4. Lemma 6.7. For any pair (i,j)such thatMiNjwe have a commutative diagram of injective maps as note that since S is incompressible we know that the two bottom of N, i.e. acomponentof the result of cutting Nalong incompressible tori, hence p1(Nj)-p1(N) is anyk{1,...,n}the are a component of S Tlfor somel{1,...,r}. Recall that by our choice of toriT1,...,Trthe curvecrepresents a nontrivial element in p1(Tl). By Lemma 6.1 the curve calso represents a nontrivial element in p1(S). In particular none of the components of S+-S+- kare disks and therefore the maps are injective. This concludes the proof of the claim. Now It follows from the claim and the kKtheinclusion induced map p1(Sk)-p1(Nj) is injective, i.e. for any kKthe surface S kNjis incompressible. Since Miis a component of cutting Njalong the incompressible surfaces S- kNj,kKwe is injective.40 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI By commutativity of the above diagram we now obtain that all other m aps are injective as well. /square 6.4.The conclusion of the proof of Theorem 6.4. In this section we will finally prove the third statement of Theorem 6.4. The main ingredient in the proof is the following 6.8. LetSbe a closed surface and S'Sa connected subsurface injective. Let a:p1(S')-Sbe a homomorphism to a finite solvable group. Then there exists a homomorphism to a fi nite solvable a homomorphism that the following diagram /d47/d47T. Put differently, the prosolvable topology on p1(S') agrees with the topology on p1(S') induced from the prosolvable topology on p1(S). Remark. Note that in general H1(S';Z)-H1(S;Z) is not injective, even if p1(S')- p1(S) is an injection. In particular in general a homomorphism p1(S')-Sto an abelian group will not extend to a homomorphism from p1(S) to an abelian group. This shows that in general we can not take T=SorTof the same solvability length asSin the above statement of the proposition is trivial if S'= S, we will therefore hence- forth only consider the case that S. Leta:p1(S')-Sbe a homomorphism to a finite solvable group. It suffices to show that there exists a hom a finite solvable group such that Ker( by S 1,...,Slthe components of SS'. Note that the condition is injective is equivalent to saying that none of the a disk. It is straightforward to see that for each j= 1,...,lwe can find an such that (S'Sj)Ajis still connected. Now let S''=SjJAj. Clearly S''is a connected surface with boundary. By assumption p1(S')-p1(S) is injective. Since p1(S')-p1(S) factors through p1(S'') we see that S'is a subsurface of S''such is injective. Since S'' is a surface with boundary (contrary to S) this implies that p1(S') is in fact a free factor ofp1(S''), i.e. we have an isomorphism g:p1(S'')~=- free group such that the map p1(S'')g- -p1(S')*F-p1(S') splits the map now write p:=p1(S'') and we denote by a''the projection map p-p/p(S) (We refer to Section 3.4 for the definition and the properties of the ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 1. Surface S'S with annuli AiSi,i= ofp). We can extend -S. It follows immediately that Ker( will now extend to a homomorphism where 1Z/nacts in an appropriate way on p/p(S). In order to do this we will first study the relationship between p1(S'') S = S''k i=1Ai. We pick an orientation for S and give A1,...,Ak the induced orientations. We write Ai=-aibi,i= 1,...,k(see Figure 2). 2. Surface S''S with oriented boundary curves ai,bi. now pick a base point for S''. We can find based curves paths from the base point to the curves from now on we do not distinguish in the notation between curves and based curves) such Figure 3 for an illustration.) By the van Kampen theorem we then have p1(S) exists an automorphism ph:p-psuch thatph(ai) =biandph(bi) =ai for G be the free group generated by ai,bi,i= 1,...,l and consider the isomorphism ph: G-G defined by ph(ai) =bi,ph(bi) =ai,i=42 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI a a abbb2 2 1 33 1 . . . 3. Surface S''S with oriented based curves =dl+1-i,ph(di) =cl+1-i,i= 1,...,l. In the following we write w= and we write the relator. Note that we have a canonical isomorphism We calculate ph(r) =ph/parenleftbig a1...akb-1 k...b-1 1*[c1,d1]-1...[cl,dl]-1/parenrightbig
=b1...bka-1 k...a-1 1*[dl,cl]-1...[d1,c1]-1
=b1...bka-1 k...a-1 1*
=w-1b1...bka-1 k...a-1 1w
=w-1r-1w. This shows that phrestricts to an automorphism of the subgroup of G normally gen- erated by the relator r. In particular phdescends to an automorphism of p. This concludes the proof of the claim. Recall that p(S) is a characteristic subgroup of p, to an automorphism p/p(S)-p/p(S) which we again denote by ph. Furthermore is a finite solvable group. Since p/p(S) is finite there exists n>0 acts as the identity. We can therefore consider the semidirect product Z/np/p(S) where 1Z/nacts onp/p(S) viaph. It is now straightforward to check that the a we denote by b. restricts to p1(S'')- p/p(S) and hence has the required properties. /square We can now prove the third statement of Theorem 6.4.TWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 43 Proof of Theorem 6.4 (3). In light of Lemma 6.6 (together with Corollary 2.3) and Lemma 6.7 it suffices to show the following a 3-manifold and S Msuch thatp1(S)-p1(M) induces an isomorphism of prosolvable completions. Furthermore let M'Mbe a submanifold with the following properties: (A) S':= SM'is a connected subsurface of is injective, and (C) for any homomorphism a:p1(M)-Sto a finite solvable group the inclusion map induces 0,1 and we -S}= induces an isomorphism of prosolvable completions. By Lemma 2.10 we have to show that for any finite solvable group Sthe map i*: a bijection. So letSbe a finite solvable group. We first show that i*: is surjective. The various groups and maps in the proof are summa - rized in the diagram below. Assume we are given a homomorphism a':p1(S')-S. By (B) and Proposition 6.8 there exists a homomorphism b:p1(S)-Tto a fi- nite solvable group and a homomorphism p: Im{p1(S')-T} -Ssuch that p*(b*i) =a'. We write T'= our assumption that p1(S)-p1(M) induce isomorphisms of prosolvable com- pletions and by Lemma 2.10 there exists a homomorphism ph:p1(M)-Tsuch that b=ph*i. By (C) we -T}= Im{p1(S')i- -p1(M)ph- -T}= Im{p1(S')b- p1(M')-T'byph'. Clearlyph'*i=b'. Hence a'=p*b'= (p*ph')*i. This shows that i*: surjective. The following diagram summarizes the homomorphisms in the proof of the previous /d31/d127 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI We now show that i*: is injective. Let two different homomorphisms. Let nbe the maximal integer such that the homomorphisms by a1anda2agree. We will show that the restriction to p1(S') of the maps different. Without loss of generality we can therefore assume t denote by ps'the homomorphism induced by exists a homomorphism ph:p1(M)-Hto a finite solvable group and a homomorphism p: (B) and Proposition 6.8 there exists a homomorphism b:p1(S)-Hto a finite solvable group Hand a homomorphism p: =ps'*i. By our assumption and by Lemma 2.10 there exists a homomorphism ph:p1(M)-Hsuch thatb=ph*i. By (C) we have Im {p1(S')- H}= It is now clear that phandphave the This concludes the proof of the the homomorphisms inthe proofoft /d31/d127 now apply (C) and Corollary 2.5 to the case andph': B-H'to conclude that the inclusion map induces an now consider the homomorphisms First note that they factor through Now note that Ker( gives rise to a surjection p1(M')/[Ker(ph'),Ker(ph')]-TWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 45 In particular a1,a2factor through We therefore obtain the following commutative is now clear that a1*ianda2*iare different. This concludes the proof that i*: is injective. As we pointed out before, it now follows from Lemma 2.10 that i:p1(S')-p1(M') induces an isomorphism of prosolvable completions. /square 7.The proof of Theorem 1.2 We start out with the following two results which allow us to reduce the proof of Theorem 1.2 to the case of closed prime 7.1. LetNbe a 3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundary and let ph H1(N;Z)be nontrivial. If a N,phis nonzero for any homomorphism a:p1(N)-G to a finite group G, thenNis prime. Note that the main idea for the proof of this lemma can already be fou nd We have to show that there exists a a finite group such that a N,ph= 0. Recall that by Lemma 2.9 we have a N,ph= 0 if and only if H1(N;Q[G][t+-1]) is not Q[t+-1]-torsion. Note that we can write N= and that =
Hj(Ni;Q[t+-1]) forj= 0,1 andi= 1,2. The Mayer-Vietoris sequence now gives rise to the following long H0(S2;Q[t+-1]) =
0.46 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI First assume that b1(Ni)>0 fori= 1,2. Denote by phithe restriction of i= 1andi= 2.2 and Lemma 2.9 that H0(Ni;Q[t+-1]) for i= 1,2. On H0(S2;Q[t+-1]) =Q[t+-1]. Itfollowsfromtheabove that H1(N;Q[t+-1]) can not be Q[t+-1]-torsion. On the other hand, if phiis trivial for some i{1,2}, is isomorphic to particular H1(Ni;Q[t+-1]) is not Q[t+-1]-torsion, and using that H1(S2;Q[t+-1]) = 0 it follows again from the above Mayer-Vietoris sequence that H1(N;Q[t+-1]) is b1(N1) = 0orb1(N2) = 0. that b1(N2) = 0. Since b1(N) =b1(N1)+b1(N2) we haveb1(N1)>0. By Conjecture p1(N2) is nontrivial and residually finite (cf. [Th82] and [He87]), in particular there exists an epimorphism a:p1(N2)-Gonto a group G. Denote the homomorphism p1(N) well. Then by Lemma 2.8 we have a N,ph= the cover of Ncorresponding to aandphG=p*(ph). But the prime decomposition of NGhas|G|copies ofN1. By the argument above we now have that NG,phG= 0, which implies that a N,ph= NG,phG= 0. /square Lemma 7.2. LetNbe an irreducible 3-manifold with non-empty toroidal boundary and letphH1(N;Z)be nontrivial. Let W=NNNbe the double of Nalong the boundary of N. LetPh the folding map. Then the following hold: (1) (W,Ph)fibers overS1if and only if (N,ph)fibers Condition (*), Condition (*). In the proof of Lemma 7.2 we will make use of the following well-known lem ma. We refer to [EN85, Theorem 4.2] and [Ro74] for the first statement , and to [EN85, p. 33] for the second statement. Lemma 7.3. LetYbe a closed 3-manifold. Let TYbe a union of such that TseparatesYinto two connected components Y1andY2. Letps H1(Y;Z). Then the following then(Y,ps)fibers overS1if and only if of Lemma 7.2. tori has compressible boundary if and only if it is the solid torus. Sin ce the lemma holds trivially in the case that N=S1xD2we will from now on assume that N has incompressible boundary. This implies in particular that ||ph||T>0. The firstTWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 47 statement is now an immediate consequence of Lemma 7.3 and the obs ervation assume that ( N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *). In the following we write Ni=
N,i= 1,2 and we think of WasW=N1N1=N2N2. Leta:p1(N)-Gbe a homomorphism to a finite group G. We write n=|G|,V=Z[G] and we slightly abuse notation by denoting by athe representation p1(W)-Aut(V) given by We have to show that a W,PhZ[t+-1] is monic and Foranysu bmanifoldXW we denote the restriction of Ph and atop1(X) by Ph and aas well. Evidently the restriction of Ph to N=Ni,i= 1,2 just agrees with ph. In order to prove the claims on a W,Phwe will in the following express a W,Phin terms of a Ni,phi,i= 1,2. The following statement combines the assumption that ( N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *) with Lemmas 2.8 and 2.9. Fact 1.Fori= 1,2 we for all jwe have that a Ni,Ph,jis monic. We now turn to the twisted Alexander polynomials of the boundary to ri ofN. The following is an immediate consequence of Theorem 6.5. Fact 2.If 0 (in particular if ( N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *)), then for any boundary component TNthe restriction of ph(and hence of Ph) to p1(T) fact and a straightforward computation now gives us the follow ing fact (cf. e.g. [KL99]). Fact 3.LetTNbe any boundary component. Then (1) a T,Ph,iis monic for any = 0 fori>=2, in particular a T,Ph,i= 1 fori>=2, (3) a T,Ph,0= a T,Ph,1. We now consider the following Mayer-Vietoris that we assume that ( N,ph) (and hence ( Ni,ph),i= 1,2) satisfy Condition ( *). By Lemmas 2.8 and 2.9 and Facts 1 and 3 it follows that all homology modu les in the above long exact sequence but possibly H1(W;V[t+-1]) andH2(W;V[t+-1]) But then evidently H1(W;V[t+-1]) andH2(W;V[t+-1]) also have to be48 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO Furthermore it follows from Fact 3, [Tu01, Theorem 3.4] a nd [Tu01, Theorem 4.7] that a W,Ph,0and a W,Ph,2are monic by Lemma 2.8, it now follows from Fact 1 and Equality (5) that a W,Ph,1is monic as canappealto Lemma 7.3toconclude that therefore follows from Fact 1 and Equation (5) required. /square LetNbe a 3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundary. We write p=p1(N). Let ~ppbe a finite index subgroup and phH1(N;Z) nontrivial. We now say that the pair (~p,ph) has Property (M) if the twisted Alexander polynomial monic and = [p: first statement of the following lemma is well-known, the second o ne can be easily verified and the third is an immediate consequence of the secon d statement. Lemma 7.4. LetNbe a3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundary and let ph H1(N;Z)be nontrivial. Let k/e}atioslash= 0Z. Then the following hold: (1) (N,ph)fibers overS1if and only if (N,kph)fibers a finite index subgroup. Then (~p,ph)has Property (M) if and only if(~p,kph)has Property (M), (3) (N,ph)satisfies Condition (*)if and only if (N,kph)satisfies Condition (*). We will also need the following lemma. Lemma 7.5. LetNbe a3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundary and let ph H1(N;Z)be non-trivial. Suppose that all finite index normalsubgroups of p1(N) have Property (M), then in fact all finite index subgroups of p1(N)have writep:=p1(N). LetphH1(N;Z) be non-trivial. By Lemma 7.4 (2) we can without loss of generality assume that phis primitive. Let ~ ppbe a finite index subgroup. We denote by ^ ppthe core of ~ p, i.e. ^p=gpg~pg-1. Note that ^ p is normal in pand contained in ~ p. By Proposition 3.1 the class phis dual to a connected Thurston norm S. We write A=p1(S) andB=p1(N S) as before.TWISTED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS DETECT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS 49 We write ^B:=B^pand^A+-:= (i+-)-1(^B). We now pick representatives g1,...,gm for the equivalence classes of Bp/~p. Fori= 1,...,mwe write ^ppis normal and since we assume that normal finite index subgroups ha ve Property (M) we can now apply Proposition 3.2 and Lemma 2.1 to conclu de isomorphisms for j= 0,1. It now follows from Corollary 2.5 that the isomorphisms. Recall that ^ pis normal in p, it follows that ^BBis normal and for anyiwe have We now deduce from Lemma 2.7 bijections for i= 1,...,m. It now follows from Lemma 2.4 that the isomorphisms. It now follows from Proposition 3.2 that ~ palso has Property (M). /square We will now use the previous lemma to prove the following lemma. Lemma 7.6. LetNbe a3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundary and let ph H1(N;Z)be non-trivial. Let p:N'-Nbe a finite cover. We write Then the following hold: (1)ph'is nontrivial, (2) (N,ph)fibers overS1if and only if (N',ph')fibers Condition (*), Condition (*). Proof.The first statement is well-known. The second statement is a conse quence of [He76, Theorem 10.5]. We now turn to the third statement. Assum e that (N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *). Let p'=p1(N'). p,ph') has Property (M). Note that ~ pviewed as a subgroup of p=p1(N) is not It nonetheless follows from the assumption that ( N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *) and from Lemma 7.5 that the twisted Alexander polynomial p/~p N,phZ[t+-1] is monic and = [p: It now follows easily from Lemma 2.8, b3(N) =b3(N'), and the of the Thurston norm under finite covers (cf. [Ga83, C orollary 6.13]) that50 STEFAN FRIEDL AND STEFANO VIDUSSI the twisted Alexander polynomial is monic and that the = [p': particular (~ p,ph') has Property (M). /square We are now finally in a position to prove Theorem 1.2. Proof of Theorem 1.2. First note that the combination of Theorem 1.9 and Lemmas 7.1, 7.2, 7.6 and 7.4 shows that it suffices to show the following we are given a pair ( N,ph) where (1)Nis a closed irreducible 3-manifold such that the fundamental group o f each JSJ component is residually p, and (2)phis primitive. If (N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *), then (N,ph) fibers over S1. Let (N,ph) be a pair as in the claim which satisfies Condition ( *). If||ph||T= 0, then it follows from [FV08b, Proposition 4.6] that ( N,ph) fibers over S1. We can and will therefore henceforth assume that ||ph||T>0. We denote the tori of the JSJ decomposition of NbyT1,...,Tr. We pick a connected Thurston norm minimizing surface S dual to phand a tubular neighborhood nS = Inparticular wecanandwill throughoutassume that S in general position for any t[-1,1] and that for any i{1,...,r}
any component of S Tirepresents a nontrivial element in p1(Ti). Furthermore as in Section 6 we assume that our choice of S minimizes the the components of the intersection of the tori Furthermore let M1,...,Mnbe the components of Recall that any Miis a submanifold of a JSJ component of N. Fori= i= Ci, is an isomorphism. In order to show that Mis a product on S-it suffices to show that p1(S- i)- p1(Mi) is an isomorphism for any i{1,...,n}. So leti{1,...,n}. Since (N,ph) satisfies Condition ( *) it follows from Proposition 1.7 that the maps an isomorphism of prosolvable completions. By Theorem 6.4 (1) the connected, and by Theorem 6.4 (3) the inclusion induced maps 1,...,nalso induce isomorphisms of prosolvable completions. By Theo- rem 6.4 (2) we have that the group p1(Mi) is a subgroup of the fundamental group of a JSJ component of N. By our assumption this implies that p1(Mi) is residually p, in particular residually finite solvable. In the following we view Mias a sutured manifold with sutures given by gi=
NMi. We can pick orientations such that R-(gi) = S- iandR+(gi) = S+
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The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, New York, 1998 University of Warwick, Coventry, UK E-mail address of Mathematics, University of California, Rive rside, CA 92521, USA E-mail address | 0805.1234 | Stefan Friedl | Stefan Friedl and Stefano Vidussi | Twisted Alexander polynomials detect fibered 3-manifolds | This is the final version of the paper. 53 pages | Ann. of Math. (2) 173 (2011), no. 3, 1587-1643 | null | null | math.GT math.SG | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | A classical result in knot theory says that the Alexander polynomial of a
fibered knot is monic and that its degree equals twice the genus of the knot.
This result has been generalized by various authors to twisted Alexander
polynomials and fibered 3-manifolds. In this paper we show that the conditions
on twisted Alexander polynomials are not only necessary but also sufficient for
a 3-manifold to be fibered. By previous work of the authors this result implies
that if a manifold of the form S^1 x N^3 admits a symplectic structure, then N
fibers over S^1. In fact we will completely determine the symplectic cone of
S^1 x N in terms of the fibered faces of the Thurston norm ball of N.
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"created": "Fri, 21 May 2010 07:01:50 GMT"
] | 2018-12-24T00:00:00 | [
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2 YIN WEIPING IV. The centre of representative domain and applications; V. The solution of Dirichlet's problem of complex Monge-Amp` ere equa tion domain and Kaehler-Einstein metric with explicit for mula. I. The zeroes of Bergman kernel on Cartan-Hartogs domain The Cartan-Hartogs domain of the first type is defined by YI(N,m,n;K) ={WCN,ZRI(m,n) :|W|2K< det(I-ZZt),K the Bergman kernel of YI(1,1,n;K) 0, let P(x) = the others bi(i= 1,2,......,n +1) can be got by bi= Liyou Zhang prove that above formula can be rewritten a is well known that for the first type of Cartan-Hartogs domains there exists the W*,Z*) =F(W,Z) such that F(W,Z0) = (W*,0) if (W,Z0)YI. Due to the transformation rule of Bergman kernel, one = LetW*be theW, andz*be thez, then we (1-Wz)-1. (1.2) Where F(y) (1.3) If(W,0), (z,0), YI, thentheirnorms less than 1. 1.1. Let t=Wz, then|t|<1, andF(y) = (1-t)-(n+2)G(t), where G(t) to discuss the the presence or absence of zeroes of the Bergman kernel function of YI(1,1,n;K)can be reduced to discuss the zeroes of polynomial with real coeffici ents in the unit disk in C [3].SOME TOPICS RELATED TO BERGMAN KERNEL 3 Because y= (1-Wz)-1=1 1-t, which maps the unit disk in t-plane onto the half-plane in y-planeRey >1/2,therefore to discuss the the presence or absence of zeroes of the Bergman kernel function of YI(1,1,n;K)can be reduced to discuss the zeroes of polynomial with real coeffici ents in the right half-plane Rey >1/2. Above two statements are true not only for the YI(1,1,n;K) but also for all of the Cartan-Hartogs domains(and Hua domains). 1.2. In the low dimension case, it is very easy to answer the Lu Qikeng p roblem for the Cartan-Hartogs domain. For example, we can say that YI(1,1,1;K) is Lu Qi-Keng domain. At this time YI(1,1,1;K) and the zeroes of its Bergman kernel function KI[(W,Z),(z,x)] are same as the zeroes 1,b0= 0, therefore F(y) = the zeroes of F(y) are equal to t= (K+ 1)/(K-1), its norm |t|>1, it the Bergman kernel function of YI(1,1,1;K)is zero-free, that is theYI(1,1,1;K)is Lu Qi-Keng domain. Therefore we also prove that: IfDC2is a bounded pseudoconvex domain with real analytic bound- ary and its holomorphic automorphism group is noncompact, t henDis the Lu Qi-Keng domain due to the E.Bedford and S.I.Pinchuk's following 1.1: IfDis a bounded pseudoconvex domain with real and its holomorphic automorphism group is noncompact, t henDis equivalent to a domain of the some positive integer m. II. The classical (Cannonical) metrics on Cartan-Hartogs d omain LetDbe the bounded domain in the Bergman metric, Caratheodory metric, Kaehler-Einstein metric, Kobayash i metric respec- tively, then we have and if Dis also the convex On the other hand, there is no clear relationship between we have that BD<=cKDfor the Cartan-Hartogs domain where cis the constant [6-9]. 2.2.We proved the Bergman metric is equivalent to Kaehler-Einst ein metric[10], that is BD~KEDon Cartan-Hartogs domains . For example, we consider the Cartan-Hartogs of the first type YI=YI(N,m,n;K). Let Gl=Gl(Z,W) >0,4 YIN = (gij) a metric Y(Il) := by the direct computations one can prove that good properties: Its holomorphic sectional curvature a nd Ricci curvature are bounded from above and below by the Negat ive constants. Then based on above good properties and using the Yau's Schwarz lemma[11] one can prove KEYI~Y(Il). Therefore KEYI~BYI, and the metric Y(Il)may be useful for A complex manifold Mnis called holomorphic if there are positive constants r < Rsuch that for each point pM, there is a one to one holomorphic map f:M--Cnsuch that i)f(p) = 2.1(Liu-Sun-Yau) [11,12]: For holomorphic homogeneous the Bergman metric, the Kobayashimetric and the Cara if Cartan-Hartogs domains are the holomorphic ho moge- neous regular manifolds, then the Bergman metric, the Kobay ashi met- ric, the Caratheodory metric and a re equivalent. But whether the Cartan-Hartogs domains are the holomorphic homoge- neous regular manifolds? This problem remains open. 2.4. From an immediate consequence of an inequality due to Lu Qikeng's paper [13], we have the 2.2(Lu Qikeng): LetDbe a bounded domain in Cn. Then for Where BD(z,v) equals the length of vw.r.t. the Bergman metric BD, andCD(z,v) equals the length of v w.r.t. the differential Caratheodory metric CD. Therefore Cheung and Wong introduce the definition of Lu cons tant L(D)of a bounded domain Din Cnas theorem says that L(D)<=1.L(D) = (1/(n+ 1))1/2whenDis the unit ball inCn. One can try to determine the Lu's constants of all Cartan domains and all Cartan-Hartogs years ago S.T.Yau proposed an intricate problem to look for a characterization of the bounded pseudoconvex domains on which the Bergman metrics are complete Kaehler-Einstein metric[ roblemof which the Bergman metric is of constant negative holomorphic sectio nal 2.3(Lu Qikeng) [14]: Let Dbe a bounded domain in Cnwith a complete Bergman metric BD. If the holomorphic sectional curvature is equal toSOME TOPICS RELATED TO BERGMAN KERNEL 5 a negative constant -c2, thenDis biholomorphic to the Euclidean ball a strangle be biholomorphicto the Euc lidean ball [5]. We can also prove that if the Bergman metric of Cartan-Hartog s do- main is then this Cartan-Hartogs domain must be below). III. Generalized Cartan-Hartogs domain Some years ago we generate the Cartan-Hartogs domain to the Hu a domain now we will generate the Cartan-Hartogs domain from an a domain in Cn,ra positive continuous function on ohm, and let Dbe a (fixed) irreducible bounded symmetric domain in Cd. Then Roos, EngliV sand Zhang define a new domain in Cn+das (3.1) LetB(0,1) be the unit ball in Cd, and one can be denoted is
|w|2K< Nj(z,z)}. (3.3) Above (3.3) is the definition of Cartan-Hartogs =Ri, then we get the following new domain, which generalizes the Cartan-H artogs, and is called generalized Cartan-Hartogs . as follows: Y(I,I) YIN WEIPING Y(I,II) are the new research fields, one can seeks the Bergman ke rnel, Szegoand consider other topics. IV. The centre of representative domain and applications The Riemann mapping theorem characterizes the planar domains tha t are equivalent to the unit disk. In the higher dimensions, t here is no Riemann mapping theorem, and the following problem arise: Are there canonical representatives of biholomorphic equivalence classes of do- mains? In the dimension one, if K(z,w) is the Bergman kernel function of simply con- nected domain it is well known that the biholomorphic mapping F(z) the Donto unit disk. In the higher dimensions, Stefan Bergman introduced the notion of a domain to which a given domain may be mapped by represe If Dis a bounded domain in Cn,K(Z,W) is the Bergman kernel function of D, let T(Z,Z) = (gij) = TOPICS RELATED TO BERGMAN KERNEL 7 and its converse is T-1(Z,W) = (g-1 ji). Then the local representative at the point tis fi(Z) 1,...,n. Or F(Z) = (f1,...,f n) coordinates take tto 0 and have complex Jacobian matrix at tis equal to the identity. TheF(D)is called the representative domain of D. equivalent to D1, thenDandD1have same of the Bergman kernel function K(Z,W) evidently pose an obstruction to the global definition of Bergman representative coordinates. T his observation was Lu Qi-Keng's motivation for asking which domains have zero-free Bergman kernel functions. This problem is called Lu Qi-Keng conjecture by M.S kwarczynski in 1969 in his paper [17]. If the Bergman kernel function of Dis zero-free, that means the Lu Qi-Keng conjecture has a positive answer, t hen the domain Dis called the Lu Qi-Keng domain. 4.1. In 1981 Lu Qikeng introduces an another definition of represe ntative A bounded domain in Cnis called a representative domain, if there is a point tDsuch that the matrix of the Bergman independent of zD. The point tis called the centre of the representative domain. IfDis representative domain in the sense of Lu, and D1is the of Din the sense of Bergman, then Dis same as the D1under an In 1981, Lu Qikeng[18] proved the 4.1: LetDbe a bounded domain and D1be a representative domain of Lu in Cnwith centre s0. Iff:D--D1is a biholomorphic mapping, then fis of the form f(z) K(z,t0) is zero free when zD. Where s0=f(t0),A= (f z)z=t0, and
t= 1: LetDbe a bounded domain and D1be a of Lu inCnwith centre s0, ifDis biholomorphic equivalent D1, the Bergman thenK1(w,s0) is zero free when wD1. Corollary 2: Ifs0= 0,D=D1, thenA=I, and the holomorphic ofDhas the following form: f(z) = YIN WEIPING Where 0 = f(t0). 4.3. If the full group of holomorphic automorphism is denoted by Aut(D), and letS={z:f(z) = 0,fAut(D)}. Then the Aut(D) is constituted by f(z) = all over S. Therefore if 0is the centre of representative domain D, and the set S is got explicitly, then the Aut(D)can be got explicitly as above. From this, we can get the Aut(D)with explicit form if Dis the The solution of Dirichlet's problem of complex Monge-Amp `ere equation on Cartan-Hartogs domain and Kaehler-Einstein me tric with explicit formula Complex Monge-Amp` ere equation is the nonlinear equation with high d egree, therefore to get its solution is very N.M. Mok, S.T. Yau consider the following Dirichlet's problem o f the complex Monge-Amp` ere zD, And they proved that the above problem exists unique solution[19,20 ], where the g can induce the Kaehler-Einstein metric as consider the explicit solution of Dirichlet's problem of complex Monge - Amp` ere equation on the complex dimension of YI. Because YIis pseudoconvex domain. Therefore the solution of problem (5.1) is existent and unique. 5.1. We prove that the solution of problem (5.1) can be got in semi-exp licit formula, and the explicit solution is obtained in special case. That is th e is 5.1: IfG(X) is the solution of the following =K-mn;limX-1G(X) =, (5.2) then g= TOPICS RELATED TO BERGMAN KERNEL 9 is the solution of the problem (5.1); if K=mn+1 m+n, and G(X) = the following gis the special solution of the problem (5.1): g= 1: The complex Monge-Amp` ere equation is the nonlinear equation, hence to get its explicit solution is very difficult. Therefore mathemat icians hod. Due the numericalmethod ofthe problem (5.1)is reduced to the ericalmethod of problem (5.1) consumedly. Next, if the numerical method of prob lem (5.1) or the numerical method of problem (5.2) is appeared in the future, th en the special solution g(see (5.3)) can be used to check these numerical methods. And if o ne reduces the complex Monge-Amp` ere equation in (5.1) by the lineariz ation method, then the gof (5.3) can be also to check the precision and the rationality for method. Remark 2: Although the problem (5.1) have not been got the explicit solution in general case, but its semi-explicit solution has the form g= satisfies the (5.2). Remark 3: The Bergman kernel function of YI(N,m,n;K) is KI(W,Z;W,Z) homogeneous domain, then its Bergman metric is equal to it metric, that is G(X) satisfies the equation (5.2). If G(X)is not satisfies (5.2), then YIis not satisfies (5.2), then the Bergman metric of YIis equal to metric. By computations, we prove that the G(X)satisfies the equation (5.2) if and only if m= 1.That is the YIis the unit ball(homogeneous domain).10 YIN HUA L K. Harmonic Analysis of Functions of Several Comple x Variables in Classical Do- mains. Providence: Amer.Math.Soc., 1963. [2] YIN Weiping. The Bergman kernels on super-Cartan domain of the first type, Science in China(series A), 2000, 43(1): 13-21. [3] YIN Weiping. Lu Qikeng conjecture and Hua domain. Scienc e in China Series A: Mathe- matics, 2008, 51(4): 803-818 [4] BEDFORD E., PINCHUK S.I.. Domains in C2with noncompact group of Mat.Sb., 1988, 135: 147-157; (English) Math. USS R Sbornik, 1989, 63:141-151. [5] CHEUNG Wing-Sum, WONG Bun. Remarks on two theorems of LU Q ikeng. Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2008, YIN Weiping, WANG An, ZHAO Xiaoxia. The comparison theor em for the Bergman and Kobayashi metrics on Cartan-Hartogs domains of the first typ e. Science in China (Series A), 2001, 44(5): 587-598. [7] ZHAO Xiaoxia, DING Li, YIN Weiping. The comparison theor em on Cartan-Hartogs do- main of the second type. Progress in Natural Science, 2004, 1 4(2): 105-112. [8] YIN Weiping, ZHAO Xiaoxia. The comparison theorem on Car tan-Hartogs domain of the third type. Complex Variables, 2002, 47(3): 183-201. [9] LIN Ping, YIN Weiping. The comparison theorem on Cartan- Hartogs domain of the fourth type(In Chinese). Advanced in 2003,3 YIN Weiping, WANG An. The equivalence on classical metr ics, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2007, 50(2): 183-200. [11] LIU Kefeng, SUN Xiaofeng, YAU Shing-Tung. Geometric as pects of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces. Science in China Ser.A Mathematics, 2005 , 48(Supp): 97-122. [12] YAUShing-Tung. Canonical metrics on complex manifold s.Science in China Series A:Math- ematics, 2008, 51(4): 503-508. [13] LU Qikeng. Schwarz lemma and analytic invariants. Scie ntia Sinica, 1957,7: 453-504. [14] LU Qi-Keng. 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Hartogs domain.
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2Optical (MO) imaging was also performed to study the local magnetic structure of the bulk sample but there was almost no visible signal down to 8 K, indicating negligible whole-sample current flow, even in the most favorable case of field penetrating the whole sample and then removing the external field. Under the assumption that the small hysteresis is due to bulk currents that can be interpreted by the Bean model, we made a more explicit test for the scale over which currents flow by exposing the whole sample to many cycles of ever increasing magnetic field H a, followed by removal of the field and measurement of the remanent moment, mR16-17. Generally flux starts to penetrate into a sample when H a/(1-D) first exceeds the lower critical field Bc1, where D is the relevant demagnetizing factor. For polycrystalline samples with weak intergranular coupling, flux penetration into grain boundaries occurs at lower fields than into the grains. Therefore information about the size of current loops derived from m R (which is proportional to the product of Jc and current loop size) can be extracted from the dependence of mR on the applied field Ha. After measurement of the whole sample, we then crushed it into tens of pieces and remeasured mR , finally gently grinding the crushed pieces to powder in a mortar and remeasured m R. Tc did not change by crushing or powdering, nor was there any large change in the mass-normalized magnetization hysteresis Dm, as is shown in Figure 3. Fig. 4 Scanning electron microscope images for the LaO 0.89F0.11FeAs (a,b) bulk sample, (c) crushed pieces and (d) ground powder. -5 0 5-0.00500.005m (emu) m0H (T)20 K 0 10 20 30-1-0.50 kh T (K)FC ZFC5 K Fig. 2 (Color online) Magnetization hysteresis loops at 5 and 20 K for the bulk LaO 0.89F0.11FeAs. Inset shows the temperature dependence of magnetization under (ZFC) and field-cooling (FC) conditions in an external field of 1 mT. 0 1 2 3 4 (emu/g) m0H (T) bulk crushed pieces 5 K 10 K 15 K 20 K Fig. 3 (Color online) Field dependence of magnetization hysteresis loop width (Dm) at 5, 10, 15 and 20 K for the LaO 0.89F0.11FeAs bulk (solid line) and crushed pieces (dashed line). The data are normalized by sample mass. Figure 4 shows scanning electron microscopy images for (a,b) the bulk sample, (c) the crushed pieces (d) and the ground powder of Plate-like grains ~10 mm in size are visible in the whole sample image in Fig. 4 (b), while Figure 4(c) shows the crushed pieces in which particles of
~100 mm size and small numbers of large particles (~500 mm) were found. Figure 4(d) shows that grinding produced an average particle size of ~50 mm, which is still several times the average grain size of ~10 mm. The remanent magnetization as a function of increasing applied field for all three sample sets is shown in Fig. 5. For the bulk sample, remanent magnetization began to increase on increasing the applied field above ~5 mT, a value consistent with the reported B c1 of 5 mT19. The m R curve shows one major transition at ~20 mT and a second, minor transition at
~200 mT. This largely single-step transition implies one dominant scale of current loops, leading to the conclusion that either the sample is fully connected or that only locally circulating intra-grain supercurrents exist. For the crushed pieces, the remanent magnetization behavior was very similar to the bulk sample: the main transition peak also appeared at the same applied field of 20 mT, indicating absence of bulk-scale supercurrent in the intact bulk sample. It is even more striking that the first peak did not change after further refining the particle size to ~50 mm, indicating that currents are circulating on even smaller scales in this LaOFeAs sample. A minor second transition was observed for the bulk and crushed pieces, however, the second peak disappeared in the 3ground powder sample. Its weak temperature dependence is unexplained at this time. Figure 6 shows the temperature dependences of the upper critical field Bc211 and the irreversibility field B *, defined by Dm = 10-2 emu/g, for the bulk LaO 0.89F0.11FeAs sample. Surprisingly B* was rather small compared to the very high B c2,
~60 T at 5 K and ~20 T at 20 K. However the high Bc2 values are characteristic of the higher critical field which we presume occurs for grains with H parallel to the As-Fe planes, while B* is indeed comparable to the onset of first dissipation in resistive transition curves that we associate with grains of the lower B c2 when they are aligned perpendicular to the applied field. In summary, magnetization hysteresis loops, microstructure and the remanent magnetization were studied as a function of sample size to test the electromagnetic granularity of a polycrystalline sample. The bulk and powdered samples showed almost identical magnetization, indicating negligible bulk current in the whole sample. On the other hand, zero resistivity was observed, even in very high fields >30 T, suggesting that a true percolative supercurrent does exist across some intergranular paths. Our data are consistent with a conclusion that electromagnetic granularity occurs on a scale near that of the grain size, but that data cannot yet rule out very weak intragranular vortex pinning as the origin of the very narrow magnetization hysteresis loops. Further study is needed to decide conclusively between these alternatives and to decide whether the observed properties are intrinsic or extrinsic. We are very grateful to Alex Gurevich and Peter Lee for discussions. Work at the NHMFL was supported by IHRP under NSF Cooperative Agreement DMR-0084173, by the State of Florida, by the DOE, by the NSF Focused Research Group on Magnesium Diboride (FRG) DMR-0514592 and by AFOSR under grant Work at ORNL was supported by the Division of Materials Science and Engineering, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under contract AY is supported by a fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 0 5 10 15 20 25 B* (T) T (K) Bc2 para (90%) Bc2 perp (90%) Bc2 para (1%) Bc2 perp (1%) B*
Fig. 6 Temperature dependences of upper critical field Bc2 and irreversibility field B*. Filled (parallel to As-Fe plane) and open (perpendicular) squares are defined by 90% of resistive transition. Filled (parallel) and open (perpendicular) circles are defined by 1% transition. (emu) m0Ha (T)5 K8 References 1Y. Kamihara, T. Watanabe, M. Hirano, and H. Hosono, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 3296 (2008). 2H. Takahashi, K. Igawa, K. Arii, Y. Kamihara, M. Hirano, and H. Hosono, Nature 3A. S. Sefat, M. A. McGuire, B. C. Sales, R. Jin, J. Y. Howe, and D. Mandrus, Phys. Rev. B 77, 174503 (2008). 4D. J. Singh, and M. H. Du, Cond-mat, 5G. Xu, W. Ming, Y. Yao, X. Dai, S. Zhang, and Z. Fang, Cond-mat, 6C. Cao, P. J. Hirschfeld, and H. P. Cheng, Cond-mat, 7C. Cruz, Q. Huang, J. W. Lynn, J. Li , W. Ratcliff II, J. L. Zarestky, H. A. Mook, G. F. Chen, J. L. Luo, N. L. Wang, and P. Dai, Cond-mat, 8M. A. McGuire, A. D. Christianson, A. S. Sefat, R. Jin, E. A. Payzant, B. C. Sales, M. D. Lumsden, and D. Mandrus, Cond-mat, 9Z. A. Ren, J. Yang, W. Lu, W. Yi, X. L. Shen, Z. C. Li, G. C. Che, X. L. Dong, L. L. Sun, F. Zhou, and Z. X. Zhao, Cond-mat, 10Z. A. Ren, W. Lu, J. Yang, W. Yi, X. L. Shen, Z. C. Li, G. C. Che, X. L. Dong, L. L. Sun, F. Zhou, and Z. X. Zhao, Cond-mat, arXiv:0804.2053 v1. 11F. Hunte, J. Jaroszynski, A. Gurevich , D. C. Larbalestier, R. Jin, A. S. Sefat, M. A. McGuire, B. C. Sales, D. K. Christen, and D. Mandrus, Cond-mat, 12H. Luetkens, H.-H. Klauss, R. Khasa nov, A. Amato, R. Klingeler, I. Hellmann, N. Leps, A. Kondrat, C. Hess, A. Kohler, G. Behr, J. Werner, and B. Buchner, Cond-mat, 13K. Ahilan, F. L. Ning, T. Imai, A. S. Sefat, R. Jin, M.A. McGuire, B.C. Sales, and D. Mandrus, Cond-mat, 14D. Dimos, P. Chaudhari, J. Mannhart, and F. K. LeGoues, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 219 (1988). 15D. Larbalestier, A. Gurevich, D. M. Feldmann, A. Polyanskii, Nature 414, 368 (2001). 16K. H. Muller, C. Andrikidis, H. K. Liu, and S. X. Dou, Phys. Rev. B 50, 10218 (1994). 17A. Polyanskii, D. M. Feldmann, S. Patnaik, J. Jiang, X. Cai, D. Larbalestier, K. DeMoranville, D. Yu, and R. Parrella, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 11, 3269 (2001). 18A. Yamamoto, PhD thesis, University of Tokyo (2008). 19C. Ren, Z. S. Wang, H. Yang, X. Zhu, L. Fang, G. Mu, L. Shan, and H, H. Wen, Cond-mat, crushed R/d log Ha (10-3 emu) m0Ha (T) Fig. 5 (Color online) Remanent magnetization ( mR) as a function of applied field at 5 K for the bulk, crushed pieces and ground powder. Sample mass for the bulk, crushed pieces and ground powder are 12.0, 7.8 and 3.0 mg, respectively. Inset shows the derivatives of mR. | 0805.1282 | Akiyasu Yamamoto | A. Yamamoto, J. Jiang, C. Tarantini, N. Craig, A.A. Polyanskii, F.
Kametani, F. Hunte, J. Jaroszynski, E.E. Hellstrom, D.C. Larbalestier, R.
Jin, A.S. Sefat, M.A. McGuire, B.C. Sales, D.K. Christen, D. Mandrus | Evidence for electromagnetic granularity in the polycrystalline
iron-based superconductor LaO0.89F0.11FeAs | 3 pages, 6 figures | Appl. Phys. Lett. vol. 92, no. 252501 (2008) | 10.1063/1.2952195 | null | cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | The new rare-earth arsenate superconductors are layered, low carrier density
compounds with many similarities to the high-Tc cuprates. An important question
is whether they also exhibit weak-coupling across randomly oriented
grain-boundaries. In this work we show considerable evidence for such
weak-coupling by study of the dependence of magnetization in bulk and powdered
samples. Bulk sample magnetization curves show very little hysteresis while
remanent magnetization shows almost no sample size dependence, even after
powdering. We conclude that these samples exhibit substantial electromagnetic
granularity on a scale approximating the grain size, though we cannot yet
determine whether this is intrinsic or extrinsic.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 9 May 2008 05:56:40 GMT"
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"D. K.",
] |
2 Figure 1 : (a) NOT (b) CNOT and (c) general k-CNOT gate The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 the assumed Single Cell Fault (SCF) model has been discussed. In section 3, how 1-D array of identical cells can realize a reversible Ripple Carry Adder (RCA) has been discussed. In section 4 C-Testability of ILAs has been proven and it has been shown that number of tests required is equal to number of entries in the cell truth table. In section 5 we generate tests for 1D ILAs. I n section 6 we present test generation technique for 2D ILAs which can be actually extended for any n-dimensional ILAs. Then, i.e. U-Testability has been defined and heterogeneous reversible ILAs have been shown to be U-Testable. In Section 7, we then examine the testability of ILAs under other fault models esp. Multiple Cell Fault (MCF) model. Section 8 concludes the paper. II. THE FAULT MODEL We assume that the truth table o f a single ILA cell can be alte red i n a n y m a n n e r i n p r e s e n c e o f a fault as long as it remains combinational. In such a scenario all possible inputs must be applied to each of the ILA cells and we must ensure any such single cell fault (SCF) must propagate to the observable output s of the ILA (for ex. in case of 2D ILA, vertical outputs of the last row and horizontal outputs of the last column). y1 y2 y n Figure 2 : Implementation of k-CNOT gate A i B i 0 Ci C i+1 Si Figure 3 : A (1,3)-ILA cell with 1 h-wire and 3 v-wires A1B10 A 2B20 A iBi0 A nBn0 0 S n+1 S1 S 2 S i S n Figure 4 : 1-D Array of (1,3)- cells realizing n-bit RCA III. RIPPLE CARRY ADDER ILA consists of identical cells arranged in a geometrically regular interconnection pa ttern. A cell which receives h horizontal inputs hins, v vertical inputs vins and produces h horizontal outputs houts, v vertical outputs vouts is referred to as ( h, v)-cell. See Fi g 3. The kmax of the k-CNOT gates that implement the internal ci rcuitry of the ILA cell is bounded by: kmax <= (h + v - 1). Due to bijectivity it maps every distinct ( hin, vin) to ( hout, vout). We denote the cell function realized by ( h, v)-cell as f where: f : {0,1}h x {0,1}v {0,1}h x {0,1}v f is clearly bijective. In ILA of one dimension the cells connec ted in a line. In 2D ILA, cells are interconnected i n a rectangular structure. If n (1, 3)-cells as shown in F ig 3 are connected as an 1D array (as shown in Fig. 4), it realizes an n-bit Ripple Carry Adder as each S i and C i+1 realize sum and ca rry of 1-bit Full Adder respectively where: S i = A i B i C i C i+1 = A iBi B iCi C iAi IV. C-T ESTABILITY OF ILA S Theorem 1 : All SCFs in one dimensional Reversible ILA of p (h, v)-cells can be detected by 2(h+v) tests independent of p. Proof : As the cell function f realized by ( h, v)-cell is bijective (one to one a n d onto, i.e. both surjective a n d injective ), any single cell fault propagates to either hout o r v out of the cell in which the failure occurs. As all other cells are bijective and fault- free (SCF), this ensures that any SCF propagates to an observable output ( h outs of the rightmost cell or vouts of all p cells) for any vertical input vin to that faulty cell. This implies 2(h+v) tests suffice to detect all SCFs. .... x x y1y2..yn 3 Theorem 2: All SCFs in two dimensional Reversible ILA of p rows and q columns constructed from ( h, v) - c e l l s c a n b e detected by 2(h+v) tests independent of p and q. Proof: As the cell function f realized by ( h, v)-cell is bijective; the fault propagates to either houts or vouts of the faulty cell. If it propagates to houts, then the cell just at the right of the faulty one propagates the fault to its houts and vouts (as it is assumed to be fault-free; only one cell can b e faulty at a time); else the cell just beneath the faulty one propagates it to its houts or vouts. This implies 2(h + v) tests suffice to detect all SCFs in 2D ILAs. Consider 1D and 2D ILAs constructed from the cell shown in Fig. 3. Both the ILAs can be tested for SCFs using only 2 (1+3)
= 16 tests. Any ILA constructed from (1, 3)-cells can not be tested for SCFs by less than 16 tests. This testability is know n as (i.e., O-Testability), where number of tests is independent of size of the ILA and equal to number of entries in the cell truth table. It can be proven that 2 (h+v) - testability implies following properties: 1. The x-transition diagram (transitions on h wires) consists of edge disjoint Euler tours or Euler tours. See Fig. 5. 2. The y-transition diagram (transitions on v wires) consists of edge disjoint Euler tours. See Fig. 6. 3. The state transition diagram (transitions on h | v, where | is concatenation operator) comprises of vertex-disjoint Euler tours or Hamiltonian tours. See Fig. 7. The corresponding x a n d y transitions also form edge-disjoint Euler tours in x a n d y-transition diagram respectively. 4. The state transition (concatenation of transitions of all dimensions) of an n-dimensional ILA can be decomposed into vertex disjoint Euler tours or Hamiltonian tours and only one way such decomposition is possible. 5. The transition diagram for each dimension corresponding to decomposition of state table also consists of edge-disjoint Euler tours. 001,011,101,110 110,100,010,001 q0 q1 000, 010, 100, 111 000,011,101,111 Figure 5 : x-transition diagram for (1,3)-cell of Fig. 3 1 0 000 00 1 1 0 0 1 010 011 0 1 0 100 111 0 1 0 1 0 1 110 101 1 Figure 6 : y-transition diagram for (1, 3)-cell of Fig. 3 4 0000 0011 0101 0001 1000 1010 0010 1110 1111 0100 1001 0110 1100 1101 0111 1011 Figure 7: state transition diagram (v | h) for (1,3)-cell of Fig 3. V. ONE-DIMENSIONAL ILAS We use property 1 to generate tests for 1D ILAs. Given, cell truth table we construct x-transition diagram and decompose it into edge-disjoint Euler tours. Please note that x-transition diagram can be decomposed in more than one ways and each of them gives a solution. We illustrate the test generation of 1D ILA constructed from (1, 3)-cells shown in Fig. 3. If we decompose the x-transition diagram of F ig. 5 as follows: {(q0, 000), (q0, 010), (q0, 100), (q0 , 111), (q1, 110), (q1, 100), (q 1, 010), (q1, 001), (q0,001) (q1,000), (q0, 011) (q1,011), (q0, 101) (q1,101), (q0, 110) (q1,111)}, then we generate following 16 tests: TS 1D1 applies (q0, 000) in all the cells; similarly TS1D2, TS1D3 ,TS1D4 , TS1D5, TS1D6, TS1D7, TS1D8 apply (q0, 010), (q0, 100), (q0, 111) , (q1, 110), (q1, 100), (q1, 010 ), (q1, 001) respectively in all the cells. TS1D9 applies (q0, 001) in odd cells and (q1, 000) in even cells. TS1D10 applies (q0, 001) in even cells and (q1, 000) in odd cells. Similarly TS1D11, TS1D12, TS1D13, TS1D14 , TS1D15 , TS1D16 alternate (q0, 011) (q1,011), (q0, 101) (q1,101), (q0, 110) (q1,111) along the row. The complexity of the algorithm is O(E+V ) (E= no. of edges = 2(h+v) and V = no. of vertices = 2(h+v)) = O(1). VI. TWO-DIMENSIONAL ILA S 2D ILAs constructed from ( h, v) cells can be tested for SCFs by using 2(h + v) tests. For the ILA cell of Fig. 3, 2D ILA built from this cell can be tested by 16 tests only. We can use property 1 in conjunction with pro p. 2 to generate tests for 2D ILA. This implies that as the x-transition diagram can be decomposed into more than one ways, we need to find out one such decomposition for which the corresponding transitions also form closed walks in the y-transition diagram. Please note that for all possible decompositions of x-transition diagram, the corresponding trans itions don't necessarily form closed walks in the y-transition diagram. But the problem of finding all possible decompositions of x-transition diagram into edge-disjoint Euler tours is NP-hard . Actually this can be overcome if we use the prop. 3 of state transition diagram (i.e. transit ions on both h & v wires).This method of deriving tests for 2D ILA can be easily converted to an ATPG program which is based on the following corollary. Corollary 1: As the state transition diagram can be decomposed into vertex-disjoint Euler tours or Hamiltonian tours and only one such decomposition exists, the corresponding transitions in x and y transition diagrams also form closed walks. Consider the 8 cycles in the state transition diagram in Fig. 7 . These cycles correspond to the following transitions: 1. TS 2D1 applies (q0, 000) in all the cells of 2D ILAs 2. Similarly TS2D2 and TS2D3 apply (q1, 001) and (q1, 010) in all the cells. 3. TS2D4 and TS2D5 alternate (q1, 000) (q0, 001) along the rows and columns both vertically and horizontally (odd and even). 4. Similarly TS2D6 , TS2D7 , TS2D8 and TS2D9 alternate along the columns and (q0, 101)(q1,111) along the rows and columns. 5. TS2D10 , TS2D11 and TS2D12 alternate (q0, 010) (q1, 011) (q0, 011) every 3 rows and columns of the 2D ILA. 6. Similarly TS2D13 , TS2D14 , TS2D15 and TS2D16 alternate (q0, 110) (q1, 100) (q1,110) (q1,101) every 4 rows and columns of the 2D ILA. As cell truth table need not be analyzed for deriving test set for testing Reversible ILAs, it turns out that Reversible ILAs are more easily testable than what O-Testability characterizes. The test set generation algorithm has been outlined in Fig. 8. This kind of testability is being defined as or U- Testability . The test generation method need not consider the internal circuitry (state transition diagram) and any Reversibl e n- Dimensional ILA which can be tested with a Uniform Test Set. Interestingly, so far it has been discussed how Optimal-Test Se ts can be derived for Reversible ILAs but the arrays have been assumed to be homogeneous, i.e. all the cells are identical. It can be shown that n-Dimensional Reversible Heterogeneous ILAs comprising of non-identical cells are U-Testable (also O- Testable and C-Testable). Hence, the theorem follows: 5 Theorem 3: n-Dimensional Reversible Heterogeneous Iterative Logic Arrays are Uniform-Testa ble (U-Testable) under SCF. Figure 8: Test Generation Algorithm for U-Testable ILAs VII. OTHER FAULT MODELS As we are considerin g fault testing for ILAs, the more appropriate fault model would be the one where faults have been assumed to be manifested at the cell outputs. Though in recent past several fault models have been proposed and test generatio n under those fault models have been reported [10, 11, 12] but none of these takes into account the cellular structure of ILA like circuits while deriving the test set. If any other such fa ult occurs and the cell output is a ffected in some way, the SCF subsumes all such faults. The another fault model which considers testing for ILAs is Cell Delay Fault Model which addresses fault when the ILA imp lements sequential logic. It ha s been shown that 2D homogeneous array of bijective ( h, v)-cells can be tested using (h + v). 2(h+v ) tests for cell delay faults [13]. Huang etal has investigated testable implementations of Automata (QCA) based one-dimensional reversible arrays under Multiple C ell Fault (MCF) model [14]. It has been shown that fault masking is unavoidable in presence of Multiple Faults in 1D array. They have also reported a technique for achieving C-Testability of 1D array by adding lines for controllability and observability. Consider a 2D pxq array of ( h, v)-cells. Now let's assume that we can separately test each of the p rows as 1D array of q cells using R(q) tests according to techniques shown in [ 14] which is pr oportional to the number of cells in each row . Such characteristic can be achieved for a homogeneous 2D ILA of ( h, v)-cells if following conditions of are satisfied [15]: 1. h(a, y)=a for all y {0, 1}
v 2. v(a, b) =b for some b, where a and b are fixed sequence. This can be achieve d by modifying the ( h, v)-cell circuit by adding an extra wire as shown in Fig. 9, where a=00 and b=000 . The x-transition diagram of the modified ( h, v)-cell consists of strongly connected components. New wire Figure 9 : Column-separable D esign of RCA cell It has been shown that an entire pxq 2D array of (h, v)- cells can be tested for Multiple Cell Faults using q(2h -1) + p(2v - 1) + p(R(q)) tests. VIII. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have character ized the testability properties of nD Reversible homogeneous and heterogeneous ILAs. As each cell is bijective and operations are linear (in GF(2)) it makes the array of reversible cells easily testable. With the emergence o f 3D ICs, the idea of 3D ILA testability may be applied for testi ng 3D chips. REFERENCES [1] R. Landauer, Irreversibility and heat generation in the computi ng process, IBM Journal of Research and Development, vol. 5, pp. 183-191, 1 961. [2] C. H. Bennett, R. Landauer, The f undamental physical limits of computation, Scientific American, vol. 253, pp. 38-46, July 198 5. [3] M.A. Nielsen, I.L. Chuang, Quant um Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press, 2000. [4] S. M. Reddy, Easily Testable R ealizations for Logic Functions, IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 1183-1188, Nov. 1972. [5] A. D. Friedman, A functional Approach to Efficient Fault Detec tion in Iterative Logic Arrays, IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol. 43, no. 12, Dec 1994 [6] C. W. Wu, P. R. Cappello, Easily Testable Iterative Logic Arra ys, IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol. 39, no. 5, May 1990. [7] A. D. Friedman, Easily Testable Iterative Systems, IEEE Trans . on Computers, vol. C-22, no. 12, pp. 1061-1064, Dec 1973 [8] A. Chatterjee, J. A. Abraham, Test Generation for Iterative Lo gic Arrays based on an N-cube of ce ll state model, IEEE Trans. on Computers, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 1133-1148, Oct 1991. [9] C. Stroud, E. Lee, S. Konala, M. Abramovici, Using ILA Testing for BIST in FPGAs, Proc. International Test Conf., Oct. 1 996, pp. 68-75. [10] J.P. Hayes, I Polian, Bernd Becker, Testing for Missing-Gate F aults in Reversible Circuits, Proc. of 13th Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2004). [11] J Mondal, Debesh K. Das, Design for Testability Technique of R eversible Logic Circuits Based on Exclusive Testing, Proc. of 26th Asian Test Symposium, ATS 2017 [12] M A Nashiry, G G Bhaskar, J. E. Rice, Online Testing for Thre e Fault Models in Reversible Circuits, P roc. of International Symposiu m on Multiple Valued Logic, 2015 [13] S K Lu, M J Lu, Testing Iterative Logic Arrays for Delay Fault s with a constant Number of Patterns, Proc. Int'l Symposium on Electron ic Materials and Packaging, 2002 [14] J Huang, X Ma, C Metra, F Lombardi, Testing Reversible One-Dimensional QCA Arrays for Mu ltiple Faults, Proc. IEEE Int'l Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI Systems, 2007 [15] Martine Schlag and F. Joel Fe rguson. 1996. Detection of Multipl e Faults in Two-Dimensional ILAs. IEEE Trans. Comput. 45, 6 (June 1996), 74 1-746. Algorithm: Consider a Heterogeneous Reversible n-Dimensional ILA comprising of n dimensions with (d1, d2, d3,......,d n)-cells. For i 1=0; i 1 < 2d1; i1++)
{ Let r 1 be the binary representation of i 1 Apply r 1 along the dimension 1 at the boundary cells For (i 2=0; i 2 < 2d2; i2 ++){ Let r 2 be the binary representation of i 2 Apply r 2 along the dimension 2 at the boundary cells For(i n=0; i n < 2dn; in ++){ Let r n be the binary representation of i n. Apply r n along the dimension n at the boundary cells
} | 0805.1293 | Avik Chakraborty | Avik Chakraborty | Testability of Reversible Iterative Logic Arrays | null | null | null | null | cs.OH | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | Iterative Logic Arrays (ILAs) are ideal as VLSI sub-systems because of their
regular structure and its close resemblance with FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate
Arrays). Reversible circuits are of interest in the design of very low power
circuits where energy loss implied by high frequency switching is not of much
consideration. Reversibility is essential for Quantum Computing. This paper
examines the testability of Reversible Iterative Logic Arrays (ILAs) composed
of reversible k-CNOT gates. For certain ILAs it is possible to find a test set
whose size remains constant irrespective of the size of the ILA, while for
others it varies with array size. Former type of ILAs is known as
Constant-Testable, i.e. C-Testable. It has been shown that Reversible Logic
Arrays are C-Testable and size of test set is equal to number of entries in
cells truth table implying that the reversible ILAs are also Optimal-Testable,
i.e. O-Testable. Uniform-Testability, i.e. U-Testability has been defined and
Reversible Heterogeneous ILAs have been characterized as U-Testable. The test
generation problem has been shown to be related to certain properties of cycles
in a set of graphs derived from cell truth table. By careful analysis of these
cycles an efficient test generation technique that can be easily converted to
an ATPG program has been presented for both 1-D and 2D ILAs. The same
algorithms can be easily extended for n-Dimensional Reversible ILAs.
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"created": "Fri, 9 May 2008 07:30:21 GMT"
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] |
2 F. GU'ERITAUD, S. converges, in the sense of Gromov, to the metric of the unfilled manifold as the filling slope goes to infinity (choosing basepoints appropriately). Accordingly, our philosophy will be that as ckis filled, and thus replaced by a Margulis tube, only the combinatorics inside or near the Margulis tube change, and o nly in pre- dictable fashion. Cells awayfrom the Margulis tube undergo only a sma ll ensure this, we will have to make the following genericity assump tions: (I) The decomposition D(before filling) consists only of ideal tetrahedra ; (II) There exists a unique shortest path from course, the above notion of genericity is problematic, since ther e are sMtochoose from, and certainly, infinitely many of them will be non-generic. Still, w e have checkedthat 12 out of the 15 twice-cusped manifolds in the five-te SnapPea are generic. Theorem 1. Under the genericity assumptions (I-II)above, if the volume of the cusp neighborhood Hkis small enough, then the decomposition D(before exactly two ideal tetrahedra ,'that have a vertex in the cusp ck. More- over,,'are isometric, each of ,'has exactly one vertex in ck, and(') is a once-punctured torus. For any sufficiently large filling s lopesin the cusp ck, the canonical decomposition Dsof the manifold obtained by Dehn filling along of the form Ds= 1 *** Nis a solid torus minus one boundary point, and gluing of the iis dictated by the continued fraction expansion of the slopes, with respect to a certain basis of the first homology of the cu the tetrahedra of small deformations of the Section 2 will make explicit how the continued fraction a triangulation. To predict Dswhen genericity is not satisfied, or even to estimate the number of slopes swhich fail to be sufficiently large in the sense of Theorem 1 (their number may not be universally bounded), remains will prove Theorem 1 in Section 4. Moreover, an analogous statem ent (The- orem 26) will still hold when more than one cusp is filled. In Section 5, we will treat a real-life family of examples by showing Theorem 2. IfMis a hyperbolic Dehn filling of one cusp of the Whitehead link complement in S3, the canonical decomposition of Mis dictated by the expansion of the filling slope. The Whitehead link complement actually violates both conditions of the gener- icity assumption, but its symmetry compensates this inconvenience . In fact, we will construct a certain triangulated solid torus, also denoted T, that serves as a proxy for the Margulis (filling) tube itself: in the case of the Whitehea d link com- plement, it turns out that the filled manifold consists only of T(with some exterior faces pairwise identified), i.e. no combinatorics outside Tneed to be remembered from the unfilled manifold. However, Tcan be slightly more complicated than in Theorem 1 -- see Section 5 for TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 3 Historically, the firstavatarofthe triangulation goback to [J1] where Jorgensen briefly described the Ford-Voronoi doma in of the quotient ofH3by a loxodromy, with respect to an ideal point. Full proofs of his res ults were since given, and the case of non-ideal points included, by Drum m and Poritz in [DP]. Setting aside the case of non-ideal points, we use angle structures and ideal triangulations (combinatorially dual to the Ford-Voronoi dom ain) to obtain new and quite different proofs of their results. Additionally, our pap er provides the following improvements over the existing that G is a Kleinian group and ZG an infinite cyclic from a Dehn filling. Then the canonically triangulated solid tor H3/G. Under the genericity assumption this incorporation explains how, in t he program SnapPea, the picture of a triangulated cusp neighborhoo d changes under Dehn filling.
*In Section5.4, the to t he case by Akiyoshi and Sakuma [AS]). However, some of the o ut- ermost tetrahedra may be timelike orlightlike, notspacelike, in which case they do not correspond to vertices of the Ford-Voronoi domain ( which in- deed may have no vertices at all!). Although this case does not arise in the context of Dehn fillings because the covolume stays finite [EP], it is cov ered at no extra cost by our methods, and apparently eludes those of [D P]. The plan of the paper is as follows. In Section 1 we recall the definition of structures on a combinatorial ideal triangulation, and Rivin [R1]) how to find the hyperbolic structure by maximizing a vol- ume functional VonW; an application is given for solid tori. In Section 2 we recall the combinatorics of the Farey graph in H2and use it to describe an of a solid torus T. In Section 4, using results from [G2], we check that the decomposition of Tis geometrically canonical, and describe how to insert Tas a proxy Margulis tube of a filled manifold, under the genericity assu mptions. In Section 5, we adapt the method to treat all Dehn fillings on one compo nent of the Whitehead link We are very grateful to PCMI (Park City), where this work originated during the summer of 2006. This project would have been Jeff Weeks' program SnapPea [We]. This work is in the public domain. 1.Angle structures and volume maximization In Section 1.1 we give basic definitions and quote Theorem 5 (due to Riv in), the cornerstone of our method to find ideal triangulations. In Sec tion 1.2, we parametrize the deformation space of certain hyperbolic solid tori; the method, while not a direct application of Theorem 5, follows from the same ideas and from the concept of spun triangulations theorem.4 F. GU'ERITAUD, S. ideal tetrahedron is a space diffeomorphic to an ideal tetrahedron of hyperbolic space H3(i.e. with vertices at infinity); the faces of such an ideal tetrahedron are called ideal an oriented combinatorial ideal tetrahedron , and copie s 1,...,N of : theinaturally receive consistent orientations. A gluingof the iis an equivalence relation by pairs of faces the i, in such a way that
*For each face Fof each i, there is at most one face G(resp.G') of some jsuch is defined; moreover Gexists if and only if G'exists and one then has well-defined on an edgeoof i, thenphis the identity of o. The last condition is called the trivial holonomy a gluing: then a manifold (possibly with bound- ary). We say that the iendowMwith an ideal triangulation. The 6 Nedges of the idefine edges in M, which we call boundary edges if they belong to M, and interior edges otherwise. Let us denote by o1 i,...,o6 ithe six edges of i(before gluing), and by Ethe set of allok i(so|E|= 6N). We say that oEisincident to an edge eofMifo projects to eunder the gluing ~. Fix a map a:{boundary edges of M} 4.Anangle structure onMwith respect to ais a the edges o,o',o''of ishare a vertex, then =p;
*Ifo1,...,o nEis the full list of edges incident to an interior edge = 2p;
*Ifo1,...,o nEis the full list of edges incident to a boundary edge eof M, foroE, are called the dihedral angles of the i. Given an angle structure, we can realize each iby an ideal hyperbolic tetrahedron angles however, when the face identifications phFGare the corresponding hyperbolic isometries, the trivial holonomy cond ition may be violated. The following theorem tells us exactly for which angle struct ures this problem 5 (Rivin, [R1]) .Suppose the space Wof angle structures is non-empty. Then every critical point thWof the volume functional V(th) >0 defines a complete hyperbolic metric with polyhedral bounda ry onM, with each exterior edge e. Conversely, if Madmits such a complete hyper- bolic metric in which the iare realized by totally geodesic ideal tetrahedra diwith disjoint interiors, then the dihedral angles of the didefine a critical point of iareequal; if dihedralanglesat the edgescominginto one (and therefore any) vertex of i, TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 5 the volume of the ideal tetrahedron of H3with those dihedral angles. This tetra- hedron is unique up to isometry of H3. Fact6.The function V0is convex on Th := convex on the interior of Th, and vanishes on Th. For any x(0,p) and anyoRone , x-(1-o)t , t) = +. This expresses the fact that if exactly one angle of an ideal tetrah edron is 0, increasing that angle to e<<1 yields a volume increase much greater than e; note that the same statement is false when twoangles of are 0. Fact 6 implies that the volume functional V:W-Rof Theorem 5 is concave and positive, and extends continuously to a concave function on th e It moreover 7 (Rivin, [R1]) letth0Wbe a point where V reaches its maximum. toW, i.e.th0(E)R*
+, in which case th0is a (necessarily unique) critical point for VinW; or
*there exists a non-empty list of tetrahedra i1,...,isthat have an edge o such thatth0(o) = 0: then, each ikalso has an edge o'such thatth0(o') =p. 1.2.Rigidity of solid tori. Inthis sectionwe solid tori with given dihedral angles (and one ideal verte x). The method is a special case of a generalization of Theorem 5 to spun triangulatio ns. Consider a once-punctured torus twith three ideal edges e,e',e''running from the puncture to itself: these edges divide tinto two ideal triangles. Let gbe a non-oriented free homotopy class of simple closed curves in t, and letn,n',n''N be the minimal intersection numbers of It is well- known that the triple ( n,n',n'') determines the class g, and that the largest among n,n',n''is the sum of the other two be such that a+b+c=p. We aim to construct a punctured solid torus X(namely a solid torus minus one point of its boundary) with the following properties: the punctured torus Xhas three ideal edges with angles a,b,c, and there exist coprime positive integers na,ncsuch that the meridian of Xintersects these three edges minimally in na, na+nc, We write 8. A hyperbolic solid torus Xas above exists if and only if ana+
bnb+cnc>2p. This solid torus is then unique up to isometry. Remark 9.The left member of the inequality is the sum of exterior dihedral angle s met by a meridian in X: the inequality can thus be seen as a sort of for the compression disk of the solid torus X(see [FG] for a more In Section 2, we will check that the same condition is enough for a certain (non-spun) ideal triangulation of Xto have angle structures (with and indeed to be geometrically we can consider its universal cover Uwhich is a complete hyper- bolic manifold with locally convex boundary and is thus, by a standard a embedded in H3. This space Uis the convex hull of the orbit of an ideal6 F. GU'ERITAUD, S. SCHLEIMER point ofH3S2under a certain loxodromic ph(corresponding to the core curve ofX). We can stellate Uwith respect to the attractive fixed point of ph: this decomposition of U(minus the axis of ph) into tetrahedra, out by ph, a decomposition of the solid torus X(minus the core axis) into two ideal tetrahedra ,'. Note that this decomposition has only one interior edgeL, originating at the puncture of Xand spinning towards the core of X. Thus, constructing Xin general amounts to finding positive dihedral angles for ,'such that (i) the holonomy around Lis the identity of H3, i.e. the complex angles around Lsum to 2p; (ii) the boundary of 'has interior dihedral angles p-a, p-b,p-c; (iii) the holonomy around the core curve of Xis also the identity of H3. (One mayrefere.g. toDefinition 6.3of[GF]for ofh (i) above is automatically satisfied because each dihedral a ngle of and 'is incident to Lexactly once. To study Condition (ii), let us fix some CP1CH3; we identify with the tetrahedron ABCand 'withACD, gluing the ideal triangles together. The interior angles atA,B,Cof are noted The interior angles at A,C,Dof 'are (see Figure 1).PSfrag replacements A B CD da db dcd' ad' b d' c lalc Figure 1. The cusp shapes of and '. Condition (ii) can then be ,p-b 2+b ,p-b 2-b 0. The space of solutions ( a,b,g) to (2) is the interior of a centrally symmetric edges are given by (3)a=p-a 2, b=-p-b 2, g=p-c 2, a=-p-a 2, b=p-b 2, g=-p-c 2 in that order. (It is easy to check that these edges are all non-em pty segments if a,b,c>0, and that e.g. the first and fourth edges are reduced to points if and only ifa= 0.) See Figure 2.CANONICAL TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 7 PSfrag 2. The hexagon Pof solutions ( a,b,g) to (2), and the segmentSof spun angle structures. At most one pair of opposite sides ofPcan be reduced to points, because a,b,c<p . Condition (iii) has two components: first, an angular component (affi ne in terms of the dihedral angles of ,') which will narrow down the space of to the intersection of the interior of Pwith a certain line. This be non-empty (namely, an open segment S) exactly when the inequality of Proposition 8 is satisfied. Second, a scaling component which we will so lve by seeking a critical point of a volume functional on S. Angular component. Following the notation above (and Figure 1), we refer to the three exterior edges of XasAB,BC,CA : the corresponding exterior Let the oriented closed curve la(resp.lc) be a of a regular neighborhood of the oriented edge- - -BC(resp.- - -BA), as in Figure 1. By the conventions (2) above, h([la]) =da-d' a= 2aandh([lc]) =
-dc+d' c=-2g. The meridian uofXis homotopic to nc[la] +na[lc] (where na,nc>0), because this class intersects natimes the edge edgeAC, andnctimes the edge BA. Hence, h([u]) = space largest (resp. smallest) possible value of h([u]) on the closure of Pis the negative of that number), where we We conclude that h([u]) = 2pis satisfiable on the interior of Pif and only if ana+bnb+cnc>2p, as wished. Scaling component. The scaling holonomy map is a group The sine formula for triangles yields e([la]) hence e([u]) the other hand, let Sbe the open segment defined by the intersection of the interior ofPwith the condition h([u]) = 2p, i.e.nca-nag=p. The tangent space ofSis generated by the vector (. a,.b,.g) = (na,-na-nc,nc). Let L be the Lobachevski function defined by L( x) The volume functional8 F. GU'ERITAUD, S. SCHLEIMER is by (a,b,g)/masto-- V = L(x)+L(y)+L(z) is the volume of one ideal tetrahedron, given by (1). By Fact 6, Vis strictly concave on the segment Sand achieves its maximum in S(indeed, the endpoints of Sbelong to the perimeter of the hexagon P, but at any point of P, at least one of the tetrahedra ,'has exactly one angle whose value is 0: therefore, Vhas unbounded derivative near each endpoint of S). As a result, Vhas a unique (critical) maximum in the that critical point, since (. a,.b,.g) = (na,-na-nc, nc), we have 0 =dV(.a,.b,.g) = loge([u]). At the critical point of VinS, we therefore have the following values for the holonomy maps: h([u]) = 2p(rotational component) and e([u]) = 1 (scaling com- ponent). 'isthe with a spun triangulation of two tetrahedra whose tips spin around the core curve. Moreover, since the critical point of VinSis unique, we have in fact proved that Xis unique up to isometry. /square 2.Farey combinatorics in solid tori LetXbe a compact solid torus, minus one point of its boundary; call this removed point the puncture . In this section we will first describe a certain combinatorial decompo sitionD ofXinto ideal tetrahedra, relative to a given ideal triangulation of X(into two ideal triangles). This decomposition has previously been described, and studied in great detail, by Jaco and Rubinstein [JR]. We will then go on to find a geo of D, using the ideas of Section 1. 2.1.The Farey graph. Identify the boundary at infinity of the hyperbolic plane H2to the circle P1R, endowed with the action of PSL2(Z). We assume that 0 ,1, lie counterclockwise in that order on H2P1R. Consider the subset P1Qof P1R. We measure the proximity of two elements ratios of coprime integers) by computing their y' x value of the draw a straightline in 1, we obtain the ofH2. Alternatively, this triangulation can be defined by reflecting the ideal triangle 1 0 in its sides ad infinitum . Fix an identification (homeomorphism) between the punctured toru sXand T:= Z2)/Z2. We assume that the canonical orientation of T(induced by R2), followed by the outward-pointing normal of X, coincides with the TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 9 orientation on X. The segment from (0 ,0) to (x,y) inR2(wherex,yare projects to a properly embedded line ginX: we say thaty xP1Qis the slopeofg. An edge Eof the Farey triangulation (or: a Farey edge) corresponds to a pair of disjoint lines g,g'inX, whose slopes are the two ends of EinP1Q, and whose complement in Xis an ideal quadrilateral. Similarly, Farey triangles (such as 1 0), having three vertices in P1Q, correspond to triples of disjoint define a decomposition of Xinto twoideal triangles. Finally, note that we can also associate a slope in P1Qto the meridinal closed curve uof the solid torus X: namely, the slope of the unique properly embedded line after isotopy) does not intersect u. Letpqrbe a Farey triangle, and suppose the slope of the meridian of X. By convention, we will suppose that the Farey edge andthatpqmisnot mis farenoughfrom Endow the punctured torus Xwith the ideal triangulation associated to pqr(which we call the In Section 2.2, we will be preoccupied with decomposing Xinto ideal tetrahedra with faces (ideal triangles) glued in pairs, in such a way that exactly two ideal triangles remain free, and give of X. 2.2.An ideal triangulation of the solid torus. The idea is to follow a path l in the Farey triangulation, transverse to the Farey edges, from t he ideal vertex r to the ideal vertex m. We assume that the path lcrosses each Farey triangle at most once, i.e. never backtracks. The sequence of Farey triangle s then completely determined (so we can take lto be e.g. a geodesic ray): these triangles are (T0,T1,...,T N) = ) wheres,tbelong to P1Qand the symmetry of axis pqtakesrtor'. Note that by assumption, N>=2. For each 0<i<N, we can then consider a properly embedded punctured toX(properness here means that by intersectiong tiwith a basis of neighborhoods of the puncture of X, we get a basis of neighborhoods of the puncture of ti). We can assume that the tiare disjoint and that inXinward from ti). Endowtiwith the to the Farey triangle Ti-- for that purpose we also rechristen Xas t0. Note that two consecutive punctured tori ti-1,tialways have two edge slopes in common (these slopes are the ends of the Farey edge Ti-1Ti). Thus, we its edges of slopes p,qcoincide with those of t0=X; then isotope t2until two of its edges coincide with the edges of similar slopes in t1; then isotope t3until it intersects t2along two edges, etc. At the end of this process, the space comprised between ti-1andti, for each 0<i<N, is a tetrahedron iwith four ofits edges identified in opposite pairs. These tetrahedra i, with the combinatorial gluing that arises from the construction above, are those of our decomposition DofX. is at least one tetrahedron i. Our half-shift convention i=ti-1ti, or equivalently ti= ii+1, is arbitrary). In order to homotopically kill the meridian of the solid torus X, it only remains to describe the gluing of the the last Farey triangle, let TN-1=m'stbe the to the surface tN-1. We foldtN-1along its edge of slope m', gluing10 F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. SCHLEIMER the two adjacent faces (ideal triangles) F',F''to one another to obtain a single ideal triangle F. Intrinsically, Fis an ideal M obius band, i.e. a compact M obius band minus one point of its boundary. Indeed, from an (ideal) triang leABC, one can construct an (ideal) M obius band Fwith boundary AC, by gluing the the (punctured) torus tN-1=F'F''then just wraps around this (ideal) M obius band F, like the boundary of a regular neighborhood of an embedding of FinR3. See Figure 3. PSfrag 3. Left: a punctured torus (shown are 3 folded copies of a fundamental domain; arrows are identified) wraps around an ideal M obius band. The meridian line u, of slopem, becomes homotopi- cally trivial. The dotted folding line AChas slopem'. Right: part of the universal cover of the same M obius band (shaded) and the tetrahedron N-1glued to it. 2.3.Angle structures. We proceed to describe positive angle structures for the tetrahedra i, where 1 <=i<=N-1 (the argument is reminiscent of [GF] and [G2], although the solution space will look quite different). More precisely, consider reals (5) thp,thq,thrsuch thq>=0 ; p > th r>0. We will look for angle structures on the isuch that the interior dihedral angles ofXat the edges of slope Note that we do not allow thrto vanish: indeed, p-thrwill be a dihedral angle of the first tetrahedron 1. (If the solid torus Xadmits a geometric realization in which thr= 0, we flattetrahedron 1and seeXasbeing endowed with where r'P1Qis the symmetric of rwith respect to the Farey edge pq.) Proposition 10. An angle structure satisfying (5), also called a exists if and only if mr= (mp)+(mq) --e.g. (p,q) = (0,) and using the of the -notation. Thus, by (5), {mp,mq}=
1. For example, if ( mp,mq) = (1,1), the condition is always false (recall weCANONICAL TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 11 required that pqmnot be a Farey triangle); if ( mp,mq) = (2,1), it amounts to thr>thq. The equilateral triangle in Figure 4 shows the full parameter space for the triple (thp,thq,thr): shades indicate how many slopes mfail to satisfy the condition of Proposition 10, where we allow mto range over all of P1Qrather than just over the to one of the arcsqr,rp, we construct the same s, up to a permutation of p,q,r). PSfrag or more Figure 4. Parameterspace for the triple ( thp,thq,thr), and numbers of forbidden slopes m(the brighter, the 10). The tetrahedra iare naturally associated to the Farey the path lcrosses. Orient lfromT0toTN. their Right (resp. Left) end with respect to the orientation ofl, we say that lmakes a Right (resp.a Left) atTi). Thus,ldefines a word ohm =RLL...R of lengthN-1 in the letters R,L: for eachi is a tetrahedron iand a letter ohm i {R,L}. If (p,q,r) = (0,,-1), then the lengths of the syllables RnandLnof ohm are exactly the integers in the expansion of the rational m, as referred to in Theorem 1. Note that no letter RorLis associated to the very first Farey triangle T0=pqr, because the line ldoes not enter than through qr. We nevertheless decide to place an extra letter ohm 0 {R,L}in front of the word ohm, so that ohm becomes of length Nand starts with either RRorLL. This convention is totally artificial (the other choice would be equally good), but making a choice here will allow us to streamline the notation in our argument. Up to switching pandq, we can now assume that lenters the Farey triangle T0through the edge pr, and leaves through pq. See Figure 5 Definition 12.If ohmi, we say that iis Otherwise, we call inon-hinge . For example, following our convention, 1is non-hinge. To compute angle structures, it will be useful to describe the cusp to the ideal triangulation {i}1<=i<=N-1ofX. Since each pleated punc- tured torus tihas one ideal vertex and three edges, each with two ends, the link of the ideal vertex of tiis a hexagon Hi(the pleating angles of tiare the exterior angles ofHi). We are going to define the dihedral angles of the ideal tetrahedr a12 F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. SCHLEIMER PSfrag RRR L L l Figure 5. The Farey graph. The 5 thick lines correspond to the tetrahedra i. iin terms of the pleating angles of the ti. Note that the hexagon Hihas a cen- tral symmetry induced by the hyperelliptic involution of the punctur ed of 180*around the puncture, which exchanges the ends of each edge two consecutive Farey triangles, so that the Farey vertex x(resp.e) lies to the right (resp. left) of the oriented axis l. The tetrahedron ihas:
*two opposite edges carrying the same dihedral angle xiand identified to just one edge, of slope x, in the triangulation of the solid torus (for the time being,xiis just a formal variable);
*two opposite edges carrying the same dihedral angle yiand identified to just one edge, of slope e, in the triangulation (similarly, yiis formal);
*two opposite edges which carry the same (formal) dihedral angle zi, and which coincide with the edges of slope zandz'in the in any angle structure, the relationship xi+yi+zi=pmust hold between the formal variables. The vertices ofthe hexagon Hi-1(resp.Hi) arethe links of edges of slopes We can write these labels x,e,z,z'at the vertices of Hi-1andHi: see Figure 6 13.By construction, the vertex of the hexagon Hi-1labelledzhas an interior angle of zi, while the vertex of hexagon Hilabelledz'has an interior angle of 2p-zi. This comes from the fact that the boundary of the tetrahedron iis exactly the union of the two pleated punctured tori ti-1andti(with vertex a consequence, we can determine the three angles of the hexag onHi(each angle occurs, by central symmetry of Hi): (6) 2 TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 13 Indeed, the first two of these numbers are given by Observation 1 3 (shifting indices by one forzi+1); the third is given by the property that the six angles of Hishould add up to 4 p. See Figure 6, (right). PSfrag 6. Left: vertices labelled by elements of P1Q. The four (similar) grey triangles are the vertex links of the ideal tetrahedron 1. Right: the full sequence of hexagons H0,...,H 3, whereH3is collapsed to a broken line of 3 segments. The angles z1andz2of the tetrahedra 1and 2are marked; together they determine the interior angles (6) ofH1. We can in turn write the numbers (6) in the corners of the Farey tria ngleTi: namely, 2p-ziis in the corner opposite the Farey edge Ti-1Ti; the corner opposite the Farey edge TiTi+1; andzi-zi+1is in the third corner, at the Farey vertex Ti-1Ti+1. See Figure 7. The above operation can be performed for all indices i {1,...,N-2}. N; hence, zN. the vertex of the Farey triangle TN-1opposite the Farey then the interior angle of the (collapsed) hexagon HN-1at the vertex labelled m'is precisely 0, by definition of our folding of the pleated surface tN-1onto itself. This folding thus corresponds to asking that zN= 0. Under this convention, the other angles of the collapsed hexagon HN-1are then given by the same formulas (6), with i=N-1. Finally, we perform an analogous construction at i= 0 (it follows from our assumptions that H0is convex, with angles There is no tetrahedron 0; hence, a priori, no parameter z0. However, the interior angle of H0at the vertexlabelled risp-thr, which entails z1=p-thr. Similarly, the qisp-thq, whichentails z0= 2p-(p-thq) =p+thq. To 14. Under the full set of z 1, z2, ... , z N-1, zN)
= (p+thq, p-thr, z2, ... , z N-1,0 ) (where the values of (z2,...,z N-1)remain to be chosen), the angles of the by (6) define all the structures. /square14 F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. SCHLEIMER To get angle structures, we must only choose the z2,...,z N-1in the interval (0,p) so that all dihedral angles of iare positive for 1 <=i<=N-1, which we do now. Denote byx(resp.e) the right (resp. left) end of the Farey edge Ti-1Ti. By construction, xi(resp.yi) Hi-1 andHiat the vertex labelled x(resp.e) in the cusp link, i.e. half the the numbers written in the x-corner (resp. the e-corner) of the the Farey diagram. (The factor one-half comes from of pairs of opposite edges in the ideal tetrahedron i.) In Figure 7 we show what these numbers are, according to whether the line lmakes Rights or Lefts at the Farey triangles Ti-1andTi: we use only (6) and the shorthand (8) ( a,b,c) := (zi-1, zi, zi+1).PSfrag LL L L b b b b2p-b 2p-b 2p-b 2p-b 2p-a 2p-a2p-a 2p-acc c c a-b a-b a-b a-bb-c b-c b-c b-c Figure 7. The Farey triangles Ti-1(lower) and Ti(upper), with corner labels. It follows that the values of xiandyiin terms of the ziare given by Table (9) -- in the first line of the table, we recall the nature of the tetrahedr on (or cell) i, and the natural positions of a,b,c, interspersed with the letters of the word ohm. (9)zi- iis...a b c R, b c L, b c R, b c L, b b b bCANONICAL TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 15 From Table (9), we can read off the condition for all xiandyiandzito be positive. Still using the notation ( a,b,c) = (zi-1, zi, zi+1), these conditions iis a hinge cell ( hinge condition );
*a+c>2bif iis not a hinge ( convexity condition );
*0<zi<pfor all 2<=i<=N-1 (range condition from the case i= 1, a non-hinge index). The last condition is needed for to be positive, other zi) is larger than p. Note that by (7), the at i= 1 also implies z2>p-thq-2thr. This is compatible with the last condition of (10) since thr>0 by (5).
*Case 1: none of the iare hinge cells. In this case, we are reduced to finding a sequence of the form (7) that is convex, decreasing, and This is clearly possible if and only (N-1)thq+Nthr> p , where the last line follows from (5). It is easy to check that under th e nor- malization ( p,q) = (,0) andr {+1,-1}(one of which can be assumed up to applying an element of PSL2(Z)), the slope mP1Qis, up to sign, the integer N: indeed, all the letters of the word ohm are equal and the vertices ,i,i-1 ifr= 1 (and ,-i,-i+ 1 ifr=-1). The last line of the computation above thus , proving Proposition 10 in this case.
*Case 2: some iare hinge cells. By Remark 11, the inequality of Proposition 10 is vacuous in this case. Let us therefore just const ruct a sequence of the form (7) that satisfies (10). Let h smallest hinge index. We can easily choose a strictly convex, posit ive, decreasing sequence (z0, z 1, z2, ... , z h-1, zh)
= (p+thq, p-thr, z2, ... , z h-1, We constructthe restofthe sequence( zi) from the index i=Ndown toi=h. First set z' N= 0 and z' N-1= 1. For each isuch thatN-2>=i>=h+ 1, pick (inductively) a value ofz' isuch that ( a,b,c) := satisfies the concavity or hinge condition of (10), according to whether i+1is a hinge cell or not (for example, z' i= 3z' i+1will do). The sequence ( is clearly positive and decreasing. We then set zi:=ez' ifor allh+1<=i<=N: it is immediate to check that the hinge condition a > b+c of (10) is verified by the triple ( a,b,c) = (zh-1,zh,zh+1) as soon by choosing such an e, we have found a sequence ( zi) of the form (7).16 F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. 10 is proved. maximization. Denote by (10') the system (10) in which all have been replaced by weak ones, and let Wdenote the compact poly- hedron of solutions ( zi) of the form (7) to the system (10') -- so the interior of Wis thespace of angle structures . The volume functional every point zofWthe sum of the volumes of the ideal tetrahedra angles xi,yi,zigiven by Table 9. Suppose that (5) and the inequality of Proposition 10 We henceforth assume that the point z= (zi)Wrealizes the and we aim to 15. The pointzis a solution of (10), not just (10') -- i.e., all i have only positive that the sequence ( z0,...,z N) is non-negative and follows from (10') by an immediate downward induction (starting a tzN). By Proposition 7, we know that if iisflat, i.e. has a vanishing dihedral angle, then its triple of angles is of the form (0 ,0,p), up to permutation. Thus, by Table (9), iis flat exactly when zi {0,p}. By monotonicity, since z1=p-thr< p, the only flat tetrahedra iactually satisfy zi= 0. Still by monotonicity, it then follows that zi+1= 0 as well. Let ibe thesmallest index such that zi= 0. An easy discussion, using Table (9), shows that the only possible value of zi-1that 2p(recall here the a-b-c-notation 8). This is allowed to be larger than p, but we have thq<pby (5). 16. The pointzdefines a complete hyperbolic structure on the punctured solid torus X= 1***N-1, with exterior dihedral angles Theorem 5, this follows from the fact that zis critical for the V:W-R. this section, we discuss the handednesses of certain elements in the funda- mental group of the (complete, hyperbolic) punctured solid torus X. These results will be useful in establishing the inequalities leading to Theorem 1 (which is proved in the next 17.For anygGL2(C), define the handedness of gby hand(g) that hand(g) =hand(g-1) =hand(rg) for allrC*. Therefore, a map PSL2(C)-C, alsonoted hand. Call a loxodromyof ) when it is conjugate to and and Im(a)<0). Left-handed loxodromies are corkscrew motions, the motion of a dancer who jumps upwards while spinning to his left. It is easy to check that the M obius transformation associated to gis left- (resp. right-) handed if and only if Im( hand(g)) is positive (resp. manifold with locally convex boundary, the developing map U-H3isCANONICAL TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 17 an embedding. Thus UH3is the convex hull in H3of the orbit of an ideal point vunder a certain e solidtorus). Make the attractive (resp. repulsive) fixed point of phcoincide with the North pole P+
(resp. the South pole P-) ofS2H3; assume that vlies on the Equator at longitude 0, and orient the Equator along increasing longitudes. As a cover of the spaceXwhich is triangulated, Ucomes with a natural, ph-invariant ideal tetrahedra. The projection with respect to the center of Poincar' e's ball mode l to For each edge vv'ofU(be- tween ideal points v,v'S2), this projection sends vv'to the short great-circle arc
vv'inS2. Ifvv''is another edge of U, this allows us to speak about the betweenv'andv'', as seen from v(i.e. inTvS2). The punctured torus t0=U/phhas three ideal edges, each endowed with a positive dihedral angle. Therefore the ideal vertex vofUis connected to six other vertices of Uby edges of U, and there is a natural cyclic order on these six vertices. The equatorial plane intersects Ualong a broken line Jfromvtov which is properly embedded in U(with ideal endpoints). We can orient indices seen modulo 6) denote the six are met, in that order, when turning counterclockwise aroun dv, starting in the direction of the initial segment of J. For eachiinZ/6Z, there is an integer niZsuch thatphnisends the following points to one course,ni=-ni+3. See Figure 8. Claim 19. The longitudes both in (0,p). The latitude of v1 (resp.v6) is positive (resp. a half-turn around vsends each vitovi+3, no angle the tangent space to S2atvcan exceed (or even reach) the value p: takingi= 1, this proves the statement about latitudes. Therefore v1(resp.v6) lies above (resp. below) the equatorial plane, and it also follows that denote the longitude of vi: no edgeof Ucan cross the North-South axis. The longitudes l1andl6cannot be both Therefore, aim at a that on S2, for eachn >0, the transformation phnincreases latitudes, and adds a constant angle to all longitudes (modulo 2 p). Recall the andv2=phn1(v3) =ph-n6(v1): they imply that v2has three latitudes being positive). They also imply l2 l1-l6[mod 2p]: butl2cannot belong to ( p,l1+p)+2pZsince the ideal triangle18 F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. SCHLEIMER PSfrag 8. Left: one cannot have l6<=0< l1. Right: the actual situation (only some ideal vertices of Uare meet the North-South axis. Therefore, to ( l1,p), and the point v2also has the largest longitude tying with v1(and all three longitudes belong to [0 ,p)). It follows that the hyperbolic line vv2comes closer to the North-South axis than the hyperbolic line v1v3, which contradicts the convexity of Unear the edge vv2: absurd. See Figure 8. /square Remark 20.Claim 19 implies that respectively, left- and the sequence of Farey triangles pqr=T0,T1,...,T N=mst. AllTi fori>=1 have their vertices in the arcpqP1Qthat does not contain r(in particular, the meridinal slope mbelongs to that arc). For every i {1,2,...,N}
and every vertex xof the Farey triangle Ti, we can draw a properly geodesic gxof slopexin the punctured torus U/ph: thisgxhas a connects the ideal vertex vto someph-iterate ofv, and whose initial (ideal) segment is contained in the ideal triangle vv1v6ofU. We orient its other end. Definition 21.WhenxP1Qis a vertex of some Farey triangle Tias above, define nxZas the integer such that the oriented curve /hatwidegxruns from the ideal vertex v tophnx(v). We also define lxRas the integral of the longitude 1-form in the closure of p(/hatwidegx), wherep:U-S2is the central 22. Suppose 1<=i<=N-1so two consecutive Farey triangles. Then if xP1Qis a vertex of Tifor somei {1,...,N}, equality (for the upper bound) if and only if xis the meridinal slope the ideal quadrilateral Q:= The orientations on the four edges of (the metric completion of)CANONICAL TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 19 Q. Observe that gdruns diagonally across Q, from the vertex with two outgoing edges, to the vertex with two incoming edges: as a result, the closu re ofp(/hatwidegd) isotopic with endpoints fixed to the closure or, indifferently, of exponent identity nd=nb+ncfollows and, since phincreases longitudes by a constant, so does the longitude identity ld=lb+lc. By Claim 19, we have lp,lq(0,p), so an immediate upward induction on i now implies lx>0 for each vertex xofTi(with 1<=i<=N). the meridian curve /hatwidergmruns exactly once around the infinite polyhedron U: therefore,lm= 2p. Downward induction on ifinally yields 23. LetxP1Qbe the Farey vertex Then, (i) one has lx(0,p); (ii) if the Farey triangle Ticarries anL(resp. anR), ifTicarries anL(resp. anR), thenphnxis left-handed (resp. verticesofthe Proposition 22, one has lz=lx+lyand 2p>=lt=lx+lz= 2lx+ly. Since lx,ly>0, this yields (i). Assertion (ii) follows from the following claim: if li,riP1Qare the left and right endpoints of the Farey edge Ti-1Ti(for the transverse orientation towards m), thennri<0< nli. This is clearly true for i= 1 (in that case, in the notation of Definition 18). For i>1, observe that
*one hasnm= 0 because the curve /hatwidergmis a closed curve around the ideal polyhedron U;
*by Proposition 22, the number nmis always a linear combination of nliand nriwith positive integer 0 0 because the curves inU. These observations put together imply nri. The first is clearlythe case by induction on i, because one alwayshas the Farey triangle Ticarries anL(resp. anR). Assertion (iii) is an immediate consequence of (i)-(ii). decomposition of a generic Dehn filling In this section we prove Theorem 1: to show that a given triangulatio n is De- launay (or geometrically canonical), we essentially must prove a cert ain number of inequalities, which will boil down to statements of handedness as give n by Propo- sition 23. Consider a hyperbolic manifold Mwithk>=2 cusps, endowed with such that the genericity assumption of Theorem 1 is satisfied. Let Ddenote the canonical triangulation of M. We assume that Hk, the of the k-th cuspck, has much smaller volume than all other Hi. 4.1.A generic small cusp. First we prove that Dcontains exactly two ideal tetrahedra ,'that have a vertex in ck. Consider a universal covering p:H3-Msuch that (in the upper the point at infinity lies above the cusp ck. Let L be the rank-2 lattice20 F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. SCHLEIMER of deck transformations of the form z/masto-z+l. Let{ei}iIbe the collection of all horoballs of H3lying above some Hiwithi < k(theeiare Euclidean balls tangent to the boundary Cof the model half-space.) By the genericity assumption of Theorem 1, there is a unique shortest path in therefore the largest ei(for the Euclidean metric) is unique modulo L. We can assimilate L to a lattice of C, and assume that the largest ei's are centered exactly at the points of L. The Delaunay decomposition DLofCwith respect to the vertex set L consists either of isometric rectangles (all belonging to the same L-orbit), o r of (belonging to two L-orbits) with strictly acute angles. We c laim that the latter is the case: indeed, let PCbe a convex polygon of DL: the vertices of P, which are points of L, are on the boundary ofa disk that contains no other points of L. Using the fact that the horoball ecentered at infinity stays very high above C in the half-space model (because Hkhas very small volume), it is easy to construct a ball ofH3that is tangent to the horoballs eicentered at the vertices of P, disjoint from all other ei, and tangent to the horoball e. The center of this ball is a vertex of the Ford domain. Hence, there exists a cell of the Delaunay deco mposition Dof M(more precisely, a lift /hatwide of such a cell to H3) whose vertices are precisely and the vertices of P. By the genericity assumption, /hatwide must be an ideal a triangle, and has strictly acute angles. The two (isometric) L-or bits Note that 'is a neighborhood of the cusp ck. The spaceT=(')Mis the quotient by L of the union of all H3that project verticallyto trianglesof DL(contained in C): therefore, Tis a hyperbolic once-punctured torus bent along three lines, and its angles are twice those of (or of the Dehn filling. It is well-known that almost all (hyper- bolic) Dehn fillings MsofMat the cusp ckadmit tetrahedra: namely, Dspun sis obtained from Dby letting the tips of and '(formerly in ck) spin asymptotically along the geodesic core of the filling solid torus of Ms-- actually, there are two such spun in opposite directions (see e.g. [Th], Chap. V). Moreover, th e cross-ratios of the tetrahedra of Dspun sbecome (uniformly) close to those of Das the slope s goes to infinity, i.e. gets more and more complicated. In particular, t he equal to the union of the bases of and ', is still embedded in Ms, with bending angles close to those in M. Therefore, we can remove the solid torus 'from the spun triangulation of Ms, and replace it with the solid torus Xconstructed in Section 2 (with the same dihedral angles as T). By Proposition 8, Xis isometric to the closure of ', so after replacement we obtain a geometric ideal triangulation Dsof the filling Ms (as in Theorem 1). In the remainder of Section 4, we check that Dsis space. Our pictures (e.g. of the cusp link in Figure 6) are drawn in the upper half-spacemodel of H3, but we will computation in the Minkowski space model. This section is only a quick reminder of the formulas relating the two models, and of Epstein-Penner's co nvex hull TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS the Define X:={v= (x,y,z,t)R4|t>0 to a Riemannian metric on Xand there is an isometry X H3, with Isom+(X) a component of SO3,1(R). We will identify the point ( x,y,z,t) ofXwith the point at Euclidean height1 t+zabove the complex Poincar' e upper half-space model. Under this convention, the closed horoball Hd,zof Euclidean diameter dcentered at z=x+ieCin the half-space to {v X | >= -1}, where (11) therefore identify the horoball Hd,zwith the point vd,zof the isotropic 0). Similarly, the closed horoball Hh,of points at Euclidean height no less than hin the half-space model corresponds to {v X | >=
-1}wherevh,= (0,0,-h,h), so we identify the following objects: a complete, oriented, cusped, finit e-volume hy- perbolic 3-manifold M, a horoball neighborhood Hcof each cusp c, a and the group G of deck of p. TheHclift to an infinite family of horoballs ( to a family of isotropic vectors ( vi)iIin Minkowski space, by the above construction. The closed convex hull G-invariant, and its boundary Ccomes with a natural decomposition /tildewideDinto polyhedral cells. In [EP, A2], Epstein, Penner and Akiyoshi 24. The simplicial complex a decomposition DofMinto convex ideal hyperbolic polyhedra, by projection of each fa ce of/tildewideDtoX H3(with respect to 0R3+1), and thence to M. The decomposition DofMis dual to the Ford-Voronoi domain; Ddepends only on the mutual volume ratios of the Hc, but only a finite number of decompositions Darise as these volume ratios vary. given a decomposition Dof the manifold M(still endowed with the cusp neighborhoods Hc) into ideal polyhedra with vertices in the cusps, in order to prove that Dis the Epstein-Penner decomposition, we only need to consider the decomposition /hatwideD:=p*(D) ofH3with vertex set the centers of the lift/hatwideDto an infinite simplicial complex /tildewideDin Minkowski space over the Hiin the isotropic cone, and the faces of affine polyhedra), and show that /tildewideDis locally convex at each indeed, the projection with respect to the origin provides a h X the disjoint then automatically a convex body, and its faces are exactly the cells of /tildewideD. In that case, we call D geometrically canonical . Proposition 25. The codimension-one simplicial complex /tildewideD R3+1, defined by a decomposition of Minto polyhedra, is locally convex if and only if for every 2- dimensional facet planar polygon in R3+1), there exists a vertexP /Fof a3-dimensional face of F, and a vertex Q /Fof22 F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. SCHLEIMER the other 3-dimensional face of F, such that an identity of the (some ai's can be negative, more geometric way of stating the identity is as follows: if the hyper Ai's, origin from the intersection of P with the segment PQ. This clearly expresses local convexity at the facet A1...As, sincePandQare always on opposite sides of P (indeed their projections to H3S2are on opposite sides of the projection of P toH3which is a plane). We express (12) by saying that seen from the origin). convexity in R3+1.We now return to the ideal triangulation Ds of our Dehn filling, with the solid torus X= 1 *** N-1 Ds. For FofDswe must provethe ofProposition 25 (applied to adjacent tetrahedra only, hence s= 3). IfFdoes not belong to X, recall that cross-ratios of tetrahedra outside Xin the filling Dsare close to what they were before filling in D, while the volumes of the (remaining) cusp neighborhoods in the filled manifold Msare the same as in the unfilled manifold M: therefore, the convexity inequality (12) in Ds, for large enoughs, just follows from the analoguous inequality in D. IfFis one of the two faces of X, the inequality in Dsagain follows from the geometric canonicity of D. Indeed, check first that the two faces of Xare not glued to one another: if they were (by an isometr y), then the sum of angles around one of the three edges of Xwould be less than or equal to p. Therefore, the face Fseparates a tetrahedron of Xfrom a tetrahedron outside X. Next, consider a cover p:H3-Msending infinity to ck(in the upper , and the induced decomposition /hatwideD:=p*(D) ofH3into ideal a tetrahedron ABCof/hatwideD, and the neighboring tetrahedron CandABCis an acute triangle). Define A':=B+C-A, the symmetric of Awith respect to the midpoint of BandC. Recall the tetrahedra of the solid torus Xare obtained by successive diagonal exchanges, beginning at the ideal triangulation of X. Therefore, up to a permutation of A,B,C, the the tetrahedron corresponding to ABCDinDs, is the tetrahedron corresponding to ABCA'. Recall the complex /tildewideD R3+1. the isotropic vectors lying above the horoballs centered at then abcf andabcdare neighboring faces of /tildewideD(in particular, abcliesbelowthe segment fd as seen from the origin). But by convexity of /tildewideD, the lies below anysegment between vertices of /tildewideD, provided this segment intersects the linear span ofa,b,c. In particular, abclies on opposite sides of the hyperbolic plane through A,B,C). This is still true for the lift /tildewiderDsof the Dsif the filling slope sis large enough, because the cross-ratios in Dsare close to those in D. Local convexity at the face F=ABCofDsis proved.CANONICAL TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 23 The only cases remaining are those when Fis an interior face of the solid torus X. We postpone to the end of the section the (easier) case of the la st face, along which N-1is glued to itself, and focus on the other faces inside X. Consider adjacent ideal tetrahedra ,'inH3which are lifts from tetrahedra of the manifold Msthat are consecutive tetrahedra iand i+1of the filling solid torus. We must prove that the dihedron in R3+1between the lifts of using the criterion of Proposition 25. We will assume that the letter ohm ion the Farey triangle Tiis anLand proceed to a careful description of the cusp link, in Figure 9. Let us describe the figure. PSfrag replacements aaa dd eeee LFarey 9. A Left in the Farey graph corresponds to a left- handed power of ph.
*The top panel of Figure 9 shows a portion of the Farey graph; we na me the Farey vertices a,b,c,d,e so the vertices of each triangle F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. SCHLEIMER
*The left (resp. right) panelshowsfour adjacentlifts ofthe ideal i+1) inH3. The vertices are ideal. The direction of the equator ofS2H3is materialized by a grey line. The directions a,b,c,d,e of some of the ideal edges are shown. The tetrahedra in the right pan el lie glued behind the tetrahedra in the left panel; the triangulation in fro nt of the right panel thus agrees with the triangulation in the back of the left panel. In each panel, the central ideal vertex v, assumed to lie on the equator, has been blown up (or truncated) to depict its link, which c onsists of four similar Euclidean triangles drawn in grey.
*The bottom panel puts these two ideal links together in one diagram con- sisting of three nested hexagons (we artificially draw each hexagon a tiny bit apart from the next one, even though they share four vertice s). Each vertex of this figure corresponds to an ideal edge issued from v, and is marked with the slope ( a,b,c,dore) of that ideal edge. (Also compare these labels with the first panel of Figure 6 page 13.) The four triang les between two consecutive hexagons have the same triple of angles.
*The bottom panel also represents, up to a similarity, the endpoints inCof ideal edges whose other endpoint is in the upper half-space model of H3 (the point corresponds to the central, blown-up vertex vof the previous two panels). Each triangle of the bottom panel is the vertical proj ection to Cofan ideal triangleof H3which, once coned offto , yields a to i(outer triangles) or i+1(inner triangles).
*In theleft (resp. with arrows. In the notation of Proposition 23, the loxodromy (because ohm i=L). In these two panels, phnaacts by sending the central vertex v(tail of the edge marked a) to the head of the edge markeda, and by translating all other vertices along the same direction: for example, the head of the edge marked cgoes to the head of the last observation allows us to understand the action of phnaon the Riemann sphere C {}: in the bottom panel, where vhas been sent to, the arrows indicate how phnaacts on the vertices of the (and ). For example, goes to a vertex marked aand the bottom-most vertex marked cgoes to a vertex marked d. In the sequel, we must make sense of the left-handedness of this loxodromic action. In order to shift to the Minkowski space aspect, we must take y et a closer look at the geometry of the link of the cusp (the following argument is tak en from [G2]). In the link of the cusp, up to a complex similarity, the link of the pleated iand i+1is the hexagon ( as in Figure 10 (which reproduces the bottom panel of Figure 9): w e assume that the vertices -1,1 both belong to the base segments of the Euclidean triangles just inside and just outside the hexagon. Let us introduce the notation z+1 =- -a=aeiA z'-z=- -b=beiB 1-z'=- -c=ceiCCANONICAL TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 25 PSfrag -a - -b- -c - -a=aexp(A-1)- -b=bexp(B-1)- 10. Adjacent tetrahedra iand i+1(cusp farA,B,Care only defined modulo 2 p). The map f:=phna now satisfies f(-1) =;f() = 1 ;f(z) =z': 1+- -a- using the notation Hdiameter, center for the horoballs of the upper half- space model (as in Section 4.3), we have f(H1,) =H|- -a- -c|,f()=Hac,1. In other words, the Euclidean diameter of the horoball centered at t he vertex 1 of the hexagon isac, the product of the lengths of the adjacent edges of the hexago n. (By an easy argument, this relationship persists if the hexagon is scaled up or down, as long as the horoball centered at infinity is H1,.) For the same reason, the following horoballs are all sent to one another by deck transformat ions (in fact, by appropriate powers of ph): (13) andz'=x'+e'-1, the isotropic vectors in Minkowski to these horoballs are respectively, using (11): (14)v= ( 0 ,0,-1, 1 2 ) vz=1 ab( 2,0,0, 2 ). By Proposition 25, to prove that the dihedron at the codimension-t wo face zz') >1 (moreover, this will in fact take care of both faces along which itouches i+1in the filling solid torus X). One easily finds26 F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. SCHLEIMER the unique will not need the value of l), hence a+b+g= that e'> ebecause the triangles -1zz'and 1z'zare So it is enough to prove that Z >0. Endow CR2with the usual scalar product, denoted to avoid confusion with scalar multiplication, and observe that 1-|z|2=- -a(- -b+- -c) and 1-|z'|2= (- -a+- -b)- -c. Hence Z=e'(ab+- -a- -b)-e(bc+- -b- -c)-(e'-e)(ac-- -a- standard trigonometric formulae. Observe that the last expre ssion is a well- defined function of each factor is defined only up to sign). Next, however, we will be careful which representatives of A,B,CinRwe pick. First, we choose for Bthe smallest positive representative. Since the 1z'zare counterclockwise oriented, it follows that B(0,p) and we can pickA,Cin (B-p,B). Since- -a+- -b+- -c= 2 must also have an argument in (B-p,B), one necessarily has (15) -p<min{A,C}<0<B <p particular, to prove that Z >0, it only remains to show that (16) -p<A+C 2<0. For the deck transformation f:u/masto-1+- -a- -c u+1studied above, Definition 17 yields hand(f) =4- -a- -c. Butfis left-handed by Proposition 23, so Im(- -a- -c)<0 By (15), we have -2p<A+C <pa priori, hence in fact -p<A+C <0. Therefore (16) must hold. Geometric canonicity at the interfac e of tetrahedra iand i+1is proved (the argument is similar if the Farey anRinstead of an L). It remains to prove geometric canonicity at the core of the filling solid torus itself, where the last tetrahedron N-1is glued to itself along an ideal triangle. The hexagon HN-1ofChas two opposite interior angles equal to 0 and is there- fore collapsed to a broken line of three segments. In (14) (and Figu re 10), this simply translates as the identity z'=-1; the collapsed hexagon is the broken The radii of the horoballs centered at these vertices are compu ted exactly as in (13), under the extra assumption z'=-1. The tetrahedra with ideal vertices ( ,1,-1,z) and (,1,-1,-z) are glued along the face ( ,1,-1), and the isotropic vectors in Minkowski space correspond- ing to their vertices are, following (14):CANONICAL TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 27 (17)v= ( 0 ,0,-1, 1 ) v1=1 2|1+z|( 2,0, 0, 2 0, 2 ) vz=1
|z+1|2( equation a unique solution, namely l= 1/2 one will have a+b+g >1 if and only if or equivalently, |z|2>(|z+1|-1)2: but this relationship follows from the in the Euclidean triangle (0 ,-1,z). Therefore, by Proposition 25, the convexity inequality in Minkowski space is satisfied. Theorem 1 is prov ed. 4.5.Filling on several cusps. An analogue of Theorem 1 holds when several cusps undergo Dehn filling. The genericity assumptions (I-II), how ever, must be suitably extended. LetMbe a complete hyperbolic 3-manifold with cusps c1,...,c k, endowed with horoball neighborhoods H1,...,H k(wherek>=2). Letlbe an integer, 1 <l<=k. Make the following assumptions (I) The horoball neighborhoods Hl,...,H kare much smaller than H1,...,H l-1; (II) The decomposition D(before filling) consists only of ideal tetrahedra ; (III) For each integer jsuch thatl<=j<=k, there exists a unique shortest 26. Under the assumptions (I-III) above, for each integer jsuch that l<=j<=k, the canonical decomposition DofM(before filling) contains exactly two tetrahedra j,' jwith a vertex in the cusp cj; moreover, jand' jare isometric and have each exactly one vertex in cjand three vertices for each l<=j<=kthere exists a finite set of slopes Xjin the cusp cjsuch that for any choice of slopes sl,...,s kincl,...,c ksatisfyingcj/ Xjfor eachj, the canonical decomposition Dsobtained by Dehn filling along the slopes sl,...,s kis combinatorially of the a solid torus minus one boundary point, and gluing of the (j) i(forjfixed) is dictated by the continued of the slope sj, with respect to a basis of the first homology of the cusp cjdepending only on D. In other words, as long as the cusp neighborhoods Hl,...,H kare small enough and the slopes sl,...,s kare long enough, Theorem 1 applies simultaneously to all cuspscl,...,c k. The proof of Theorem 1 transposes without major changes to Theorem 26, using the multicusped version of Thurston's hyperbolic Dehn surgery28 F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. (see e.g. Theorem 5.8.2 and the discussion immediately followin g it of the Whitehead link complement In this section we describe the Delaunay decompositions of all hyper bolic Dehn fillings of one cusp of the Whitehead link decomposition before filling. The following facts are classical; we refer to [Th] or to Weeks' program SnapPea [We] for two adjacent unit squares of C(vertices and belonging to Z[i], as in Figure 11). Let Q,Q'be the convex hulls of ,A,B,C,D and Then QQ'is a of the hyperbolic Whitehead link complement M; the face - -AB=i,- - -AA'= 2, andthe Moreover, the decomposition QQ'=M is the Delaunay decomposition when the horoball neighborhood of th e cusp at is very small. Note thatMhas isometries that exchange the two cusps, but has no orientatio n- reversing isometries (so the Whitehead link is chiral). Note also that the decomposition QQ'ofMdoes not satisfy the first the cellsarenot te trahedra, and the horoballs centered at BandC, while belonging to different orbits of the the group of deck transformations, are at the same distance fr om the horoball at . Thus, Theorem 1 does not apply 27. Ifk,lare coprime integers, let sdenote the slope represented by the vectork- - -AA'+l- - -AB. The Dehn filling Msis hyperbolic if and only if
+-(k,l)/ the remainder of this section we assume ( k,l) satisfies the condition of Propo- sition 27 and adapt the argument of Sections 1-4 to describe the De launay decom- position of Ms. This decomposition will always consist in replacing a triangulated solid torus Ywhose exterior faces are ideal quadrilaterals, which we then case: lis odd. Iflis odd, then the vector k- - -AA'+l- - -AB= in the lattice Z[i]. For that reason, we can take for Ythe double cover of the solid torus Xconstructed in Section 2. More precisely, let mP1Qbe the Farey fraction). Then mdoes not belong to the first three are ruled out because m has even denominator; the last two because we assumed +-(k,l)/ to the value of m, choose (p,q,r) as =(,-1,0)(-1,,0) 2<m (p,q,r) =(0,1,)(1,0,) (1,,0) (,1,0) The relative positions of p,q,r,m are then exactly as in Section 2: namely, the point mis not the other common Farey neighbor r'ofpCANONICAL TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 29 PSfrag replacements AB C D A'B' Figure 11. Left: cusp view from the common tip of the square- based pyramids QandQ', i.e. from the cusp that will be symbol drawn on the bases of QandQ'shows Right: view of the canonical decomposition from the other cusp, before (top) and after (bottom) a Dehn filling with (k,l) = (11,8). In the top panel, the centers of the two squares project to the cusp that will be filled. In the bottom panel, we see that the tetrahedra in the decomposition of the filling become very close to flat, very quickly. andq; and the line In particular, using the wedge notation (4) one has be a parameter and define (18) ( thp,thq,thr) ifp=+-1 i.e.|m| ifq=+-1 choice will cause the diagonal edges of slope +-1 to be flat, while the edges of slope 0 and will be bent. Since mr>=3, it is straightforward to check that (thp,thq,thr) satisfies the hypothesis ( 10 if and only if thbelongs to some sub-interval Th = (0 now Proposition 10 and Corollary 16 with thTh. We obtain an ideal hyperbolic solid torus Xwith dihedral angles th,0,p-th. LetPbe the ofXdefined as the ideal quadrilateral cut out by the edges of slope 0 an d . LetYbe the double cover of X. Since the meridian slope is m=l 2kand even, the curve of slope1 0=inXis homotopic to an even power of the core, and therefore lifts to a closed curve in Y, while the curve of slope 0 1= 0 does not odd). Therefore, a fundamental domain of Yis obtained by gluing two copies P,P'of the ideal quadrilateral Pside by side along the edge of slope . We viewP,P'as immersed in the twice-punctured torus Y. We now glue PtoP'by an isometry, in the same way the square bases of the pyramids Q,Q'were glued together to yield the Whitehead link complement M(Figure 11, left). By construction, the quotient of Yunder is homeomorphic to the Dehn filling Ms. The angular part of the gluing equation is automatically satisfied, since the two flat edges of are identified, and all four non-flat edges of Yare identified to one edge at which the sum of dihedral angles is = 2p. Therefore, the space Wof angle structures associated to our triangulation of Ms(as in Theorem 5) is described by setting ( thp,thq,thr) as in (18) and finding30 F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. SCHLEIMER all structures in the sense of Proposition 10 as thvaries freely 28. The volume functional has a critical point, namely a maximum as in Proposition 15, the maximum of the (extended) volume f unc- tional is achieved at some point z= (zi)0<=i<=Nof the closure of W. Using (18), the system of constraints (7) satisfied by znow becomes (z0, z1, z2, ... , z N-1, zN)
= (p , th , z 2, ... , z N-1,0 ) or (p+th , th , z 2, ... , z N-1,0 ) according to whether |m| (1/2,2) or not. In the first case, suppose th=p. By the convexity condition of (10), one then (10) then implies zh-1>=zh+zh+1, hencezh+1= 0. That in turn implies zi= 0 for alli >h(we observed in the proof of Proposition 15 that the sequence ( zi) Therefore all tetrahedra iare flat, and the volume is certainly not maximal. In the second case, suppose th=p. Table (9) implies p-z0+z2 2>=0 hencez2= 0 andzi= 0 for all i >1: again, all iare flat, so the volume is certainly th < p. The argument of Proposition 15 now follows through un- changed to show that no parameter zifor 0< i < N belongs to {0,p}. By Proposition 7, all tetrahedra ihave only positive angles (i.e. zW). /square Theorem 5 applies: we have found a complete hyperbolic structure o n the tri- angulated space Ms. To check that the triangulation is canonical, we only need to checkthe Forinteriorface softhe solidtorus Y, this is already done (Section 4.4). For the boundary faces, we mus t describe more precisely the cusp triangulation of Ms. Each of the two ideal vertices of the solid torus Y(projecting to the single ideal vertexofX) has a cusp triangulation made of nested, centrally symmetric hexa gons (as in Figure 6, right). However, by (18), two opposite angles of th e equal to p, so the general cusp shape is a 4-sided the edges to a flat vertex vhave the same length: indeed, the ideal quadrilateral v'vv''must be a square (i.e. its diagonals cross at a right angle), because it is a face of Yand the gluing of the two isometric faces ofYthat yields the Dehn filling Mssends horizontal edges of one face to vertical edges of the other (e.g. as in Figure 11). The cusp triangulationof Msisaunion the cusp triangulation of Y. For example, up to a plane similarity, the in two adjacent translates can be taken to be (for some 2z-1, z-1,-1,1, z+1,2z+1 ) and ( ) so the cusp triangles ( -1,1,z+1) and ( -1,1,-z-1) share an edge ( -1,1). We apply Proposition 25 to the ideal triangle ( ,1,-1) -- by symmetry this will deal with all four triangular faces of the solid torus Y(note that for proving theCANONICAL TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 31 Minkowski convexity relationship (12), we do not care whether the two above are in the same orbit of the stabilizer of or not). Following the method of Section 4.4 (especially (13) and the discussion that precedes it), if z=x+ie, the isotropic vectors in to the horoballs centered at ,1,-1,z+1,-z-1 are respectively v= ( 0 ,0, -1, 1 ) v1=1 2|z|( 2,0, 0, 2 0, 2 ) vz+1=1
|z|2( solution to lvz+1+ (a,b,g) hencea+b+g= 1 according to the triangular inequality in the triangle (0 ,z,-1): by Proposition 25, the in Minkowski space is case: lis even. Ifliseven, then the vector k- - -AA'+l- - -AB= irreducible vector k+il 2in the lattice Z[i]. For that reason, the be takento be simply acoverof X. Instead, wemust introduce a variant of the construction of Section 2. To give a preview of the d ifference with Section 2, if UH3is a universal cover of the solid torus Ywe will construct below and Zis the group of deck transformations of U, then for each the symmetric point v'ofvwith respect to the axis of phis also a vertex ofU. Moreover, vv'will be an edge of the ph-invariant triangulation of will be one of its ideal the Farey fraction). We have m /
{,0,+-1}: indeed, k(coprimeto l); the other possibilities are ruled out because we assumed +-(k,l)/ to the value of m, choose (p,q,r) as in Section 5.2, with the four 1/2m= 2 (p,q,r) fact we may switch p,qin these four cases). One then has mr>=2. Note that, unlike in Section 2, mis now allowed to be the common Farey neighbor of we describe an ideal triangulation Dfor a solid torus Y(with two ideal points); Proposition 29 will then be the analogue for Dof Proposition 10. For convenience, we will first describe a family of tetrahedra of H3whose vertices are points of then only remember the combinatorics of the gluing of these tetrahedra. The sequence of Farey triangles crossed by the oriented line N=mst(for some Farey vertices s,t, and with N>=1 -- note that in Section 2 we had N>=2). For every index 0 <=i<=N, vertices of Ti. Consider the triangulation TiofCwith vertex set areprecisely all segmentsofslopes xi,yi,zibetween points of triangle of Tiis the vertical projection of an ideal triangle of H3with the same triple of vertices. The union of all these ideal triangles, modulo G:= 2Z-1Z,32 F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. SCHLEIMER is a twice-punctured torus tiinH3/G. If 0<i<=Nthen the space between ti-1 andtiis the union of two ideal tetrahedra .iandi(glued together along some of their edges). Note that the index i=Nis now allowed, unlike in Section 2, so that e.g. the tetrahedron .N(belonging to the last pair) has an edge of slope m, the meridian. Also note that since odd), this edge of slope mruns from one of the punctures of tN(ort0) to the other. Consider now the triangulation {.i,i}1<=i<=Nas a combinatorial object only. To kill the slope m, we identify the edges of slope min.NandN, and fill the remaining space with a single tetrahedron N+1all of whose four faces are glued to the inner faces of .NN. This N+1is the tetrahedron referred to at the beginning of Section 5.3. We denote by Dthe {N+1}and byYits underlying space, a twice-punctured solid torus. Note that Dadmits a combinatorial involution iexchanging .iwithifor all 1<=i<=N(and fixing N+1setwise): this iextends the translation of Ythat shifts one puncture to the other. The ideal link of each of the two ideal vertices of Y(which are exchanged by i) consists of nested hexagons as in Figure 6, but the innermost hex agon is now HN(notHN-1), and is not collapsed to a broken line of three segments. Instead, the effect of identifying the edges of slope mhas been to identify a pair of ofHN(namely the inward-pointing vertices); the inside of HNis the union of two triangles joined by a vertex. These two triangles are two ver tex links of the tetrahedron N+1(the other two are in the other ideal vertex of Y). See 12. The innermost hexagon the links (Euclidean triangles) of the tetrahedra N+1,.N,N. The angles around each interior vertex sum to 2 p. We will not consider the full space of angle structures for our trian gulation D ofMs: rather, we will restrict to i-invariant angle structures (i.e. angle TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 33 in which for each 1 <=i<=N, the tetrahedra .iandihave the same Note that if there is an angle structure, we can always ave rage it with its push-forward by ito get ai-invariant angle 29. Consider non-negative reals ing (5), namely The space of i-invariant angle structures on Dthat induce exterior dihedral angles thp,thq,thrat the edges of slope p,q,rofY(also called structures) is in Section 2.3, we introduce an angle parameter zi(0,p) for every pair of ideal tetrahedra .i,i(where 1 <=i<=N). In what follows, be assumed to have the same dihedral angles (they are exch anged by symmetry i). We also denote by zN+1the dihedral angle of N+1 at the edge whose slope is the only rational (Farey vertex) in these conventions and writing ( a,b,c) := (zN-1,zN,zN+1), it is easy to see that the triples of dihedral angles of the ideal tetrahedra are as f (b , (c , p -b , b-c) (see also Figure 12). For 1 <=i < N, the dihedral angles of .i,iare simply given by Table (9). In keeping with Table (9), we consider zNto be a that N>=1: analogously to (7) - (10), we are thus looking for sequences of the form (z0, z 1, z2, ... , z N, zN+1)
= (p+thq, p-thr, z2, ... , z N, zN+1) subject to the a hinge parameter ( hinge condition not (convexity condition ), e.g.i= 1 orN; 0<zi<p for all 2<=i<=N(range condition ); 0<z2<p-thqas in (10) follows from (19). To find such a sequence, the argument that finishes Section 2.3 follo ws the smallest hinge index (or h=N+1 if there are no hinges), then for all i>=hand a fixed small e>0. /square Finally, we must glue the faces of the solid torus Ytogether to form the Dehn fillingMsof the Whitehead link complement. This is performed exactly as in Section 5.2: we set ( thp,thq,thr) as in (18) for 0 < th < p , so that the faces of Y become two ideal quadrilaterals P,P'with edges of slopes 0 and ; then glue Pto P'by an homeomorphism sending the edges of s lope 0 ofP to the edges of slope ofP'(and conversely). The angular gluing equations the full space Wofi-invariant angle structures for Dis obtained over (0 ,p) and finding all ( structures in the sense of Proposition 29. Proposition 30. The volume functional has a critical point, namely a maximum , onW.34 F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. in Proposition 15, the maximum of the (extended) volume function al is achieved at some point zof the closure WofW. Using (18), the system of constraints (7) becomes (z0, z1, z2, ... , z N, zN+1)
= (p , th , z 2, ... , z N, zN+1) or (p+th , th , z 2, ... , z N, zN+1) according to the value of m. The assumption th=pleads to a contradiction exactly as in the proof of Propo- sition 28. Therefore th<p. By (19), .NandNhave a dihedral angle equal to b:=zN, while N+1has an anglep-b. On the other hand, a tetrahedron of Dis flat atzWif and only if one (and therefore all) of its angles belong to Thus, .N,N are flat if and only if N+1is flat (i.e.b {0,p}). The argument of Proposition 15 then follows through: at z, if some tetrahedra were flat, all would be flat and the volume would be 0; absurd. Thus zW. /square To apply Theorem 5, we only need to make sure that the critical point (maxi- mum) of Von the space Wofi-invariant angle structures is also critical (maximal) in the space of allangle structures: but that is clear since by concavity of the volume functional (Fact 6), the volume can only go up when we avera ge an angle structure with its push-forward by i. Theorem 5 does apply: we have found a complete hyperbolic structure on the triangulated space Ms. To check that the canonical, we only need to check the Minkowski convexit For boundary faces of Y, the situation is exactly the same as in Case 1 (odd l). For interior faces of Ynot bounding the extra tetrahedron N+1, we proceed as in Section 4.4: the only new argument needed is an analogue of Prop osition 23 (predicting the handednesses of powers of the core curve of Y), 31. LetTibe a Farey triangle such that 0<i<N and letxP1Q be the Farey vertex Ti-1TiTi+1. Consider a properly embedded line gxof between two cusps), and a lift a universal cover UH3 ofY(running between two ideal points). The deck transformatio n ofUthat sends the initial point of /hatwidergxto the final point is left-handed (resp. right-handed) if and only if the Farey triangle Ticarries a letter rallxof the longitude 1-form along /hatwidergxstays less than pis only easier, because the only around one half, not all, of the meridian of U(connecting some ideal vertex to its symmetric with respect to the axis of U); /square The only remaining case of the Minkowski convexity relationship (12) is at the faces of N+1. According to our picture of the cusp triangulation (Figure 12), we can assume that the innermost hexagon HNhas vertices at -1,0, z ,1,0,-z and look at the interface z0 between ideal tetrahedra 1 z0 TRIANGULATIONS OF DEHN FILLINGS 35 Following the method of Section 4.4, if z=x+ie, the isotropic vectors in to the horoballs centered at ,0,z,1,-1 are respectively v= ( 0 ,0,-1,1 ) v0=1
|z|( 0,0,1, 1 ) vz=1
|z||z-1|( 2,0,0, 2 2 ). Thesolutionto according to the triangular inequality in the by Proposition 25, the in Minkowski space is sa decompositions and elementary Kleinian groups. Remark 32.IfUH3is a (triangulated) universal cover of the solid torus Yand is the group of deck transformations of U, we mentioned at the beginning of Section 5.3 that for each ideal vertex vofU, the symmetric v'ofvwith respect to the axis of phis also a vertex of U, and := vv'ph(v)ph(v') is an ideal to N+1). By duality between the Ford-Voronoi domain and the canonical triangulation, the last computation of Section 5.3 amount s to checking the following (easy) fact: if all vertices of Uare endowed with horoballs of the same size, then the center of is nearer to the horoballs centered at th e vertices of than to any other horoballs. More generally, if n>=3, Isom+(H3) be an elementary group generated by a loxodromy phand an order- nrotationpswith the same axis d(note that Section 5.3 amounted to the case n= 2, and Section 2 to the case n= 1). Let O:=GpH3be a generic ideal orbit of G; ifhpis a horoball centered at p, all horoballs in the G-orbit ofhpcome equally close to the line d. The convex hull ofOprojects modulo phto ann-times punctured solid torus Xwhose boundary triangulationin which e same 6, exceptionally 4; for simplicity let us assume the generic situation). The convex hull construction in Minkowski space R3+1yields a decomposition of Xinto ideal polyhedra with respect to the horoballs Ghp. The central polyhedron is the convex hull namely an ideal hyperbolic antiprism bases (glued together viaph): indeed, it is easy to check that the center ofQis closer to the horoballs centered at the vertices of Qthan to any other horoballs of the G-orbit. It is possible that Qis the only cell of X. Otherwise, we claim that the remain- ing cells between QandXare tetrahedra glued together according to and Farey-type combinatorics: namely, X/psis a once-punctured torus with ideal edges of slope p,q,rP1Qfor some arbitrary marking (these slopes are mutual Farey neighbors). The meridian of X defines the n-th power of an ir- reducible element of H1(X/ps,Z), and therefore also a slope mP1Q. Sincem is the slope of the base edges of the antiprism Q, ifQis the only cell in Xthen m {p,q,r}. Otherwise, we may as in Section 2 assume that the Farey edge follow the line lfromrtomto construct a decomposition DofX.36 F. GU 'ERITAUD, S. SCHLEIMER In fact, the following Gauss-Bonnet type result (left as an exer cise) is a of the method worked out in this paper. It uses the f act that any convex ideal hyperbolic polyhedron, see [R2, G1]) is up to isometry by its dihedral angles. Theorem 33. 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solid tori: in a broad range of cases, generic in an appropriate sense, this
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"created": "Fri, 9 May 2008 14:11:14 GMT"
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2 ANDR'ES PEDROZA (M,o) based at the identity map, then psxidNis a loop of Hamiltonian of the symplectic manifold ( MxN,oe). Then both loops fibrations p:Pps- -S2with fibers the This article aims on relating Seidel's over p1(Ham(M,o)) We show that p1(Ham(MxN,oe)) restricted to elements of the form psxidN is essentially the same as Seidel's representation on p1(Ham(M,o)). We achievethis byrelatingthe M,o) andHam( Mx N,oe) and the quantum homology rings of MandMxN. For, the group homomorphism defined by t(ps) =psxidN, and k:QH*(M;L)- the map defined on homogeneous elements by k(aqstr) = anda[N]H*(MxN). Extend L-linearly the map kto all the quantum homology ring QH*(M;L). In Section 4 we show that kis in fact a ring homomorphism under the quantum product, if both manif olds (M,o) and (N,e) are monotone with the same constant. This statement, as other s in this article, is a direct consequence of the fact that the quantum h omology ring QH*(MxN;L) satisfies the K unneth formula. Theorem 1.1. closed symplectic manifolds. Assume that (M,o)has dimension 2nand is monotone, and that p2(N) = 0. ThenS *t(ps) =
k*S(ps)for That is the following diagram S St k It is important to relate Thm. 1.1 with a result of D. McDuff and S. Tolma n. In [6], McDuff and Tolman found a formula for S(ps) in the case when psis a Hamiltonian circle action on ( M,o). Thus ifpsis a Hamiltonian circle action on (M,o), denote by K:M- -Rthe normalized moment map of the circle action and byK0the maximum value of K. LetMmaxbe the symplectic submanifold on which the moment map Kachieves its maximun. Note that Mmaxis part of the fixed point set of the circle action. Finally assume that there is a neigh that the action of the circle is free on U-Mmax. Under the McDuff-Tolman formula for the circle action psreads S(ps) = order to make a clear statement of the goal of this article we pos tpone to Section 3, the definitions of the elements A,c(A) and ~o(A) that appear in Eq. (1). Also a word of warning about Eq. (1). We have used the notation of [5] in st ating McDuff- Tolman formula and not that of the original paper [6]. At then end of S ection 3, we clarify how they are related.SEIDEL'S REPRESENTATION ON THE HAMILTONIAN GROUP OF A CARTE SIAN PRODUCT 3 Now let (M,o) andpsbe as above and ( N,e) any closed symplectic also a Hamiltonian circle action on MxNwith moment map H:MxN- -Rgiven byH(p,q) =K(p). So defined, the moment map H is normalized. Also ( Observe = codim MxN(MmaxxN). Thus McDuff-Tolman formula for the circle action = this point is important to observe that the first term on the right hand side of Eqs. (1) and (2) only differ by the class [ N]. Well Thm. 1.1 guarantees that if p2(N) = 0 not only the first terms of S(ps) andS(psxidN) differ by [ N], but the equality S(ps)[N] =S(psxidN) holds inQH*(MxN;L) for any loop ps, not just a circle action. Notice that the map k:QH*(M;L)- so defined is injective. Therefore Thm. 1.1 tells us when a nontrivial a nontrivial element 1.2. as in Thm. 1.1. Then if such that 1 = [M], then the loop psxidNis also nontrivial in if the Seidel representation on p1(Ham(M,o)) is injective, we conclude that the group homomorphism t:p1(Ham(M,o))- -p1(Ham(MxN,oe)) is also injective. For instance, by the result of McDuff and Tolman we kn ow that the Seidel representation is injective in the case when M=S2orCP2. Therefore for any closed symplectic manifold ( N,e) such that p2(N) = 0, we have that the group homomorphism t:p1(Ham(M,o))- -p1(Ham(MxN,oe)) is Let (M,o) and (N,e) be symplectic manifolds as in Thm. 1.1. Moreover assume that there is a loop gin Ham(M,o) such that S(g) has infinite order in QH*(M;L) under quantum multiplication. Thus the loop galso has infinite order in the fundamental group of Ham( M,o). Hence we have that S(gm) is not equal to the identity 1 = [ M] inQH*(M;L) from zero. Then by Cor. 1.2, it follows that the loop gmxidN is not homologous to the constant loop in Ham( MxN,oe) for all nonzero m. That is,gmxidNis an element of infinite order in consider the case when M=N. Hence assume that ( M,o) is a manifold such that p2(M) is trivial. Thus ( M,o) is monotone. We are intrested in understanding when a nontrivial loop psin Ham(M,o) induces a nontrivial loop psxpsin Ham(MxM,oo). That is, we are intrested in the image of the group byt'(ps) =psxps. Consider the map k':QH*(M;L)- ANDR'ES PEDROZA defined on homogeneous elements by k'(aqstr) = In Section 4 we will review the fact that the K unneth formula hold s in quantum homology. Hence the map k'corresponds to the diagonal map :QH*(M;L)- by ( x) =xxfor allxQH*(M;L) via the quantum K unneth formula. Theorem 1.3. Let(M,o)be closed symplectic manifold of dimension 2nsuch that p2(M)is trivial. Then S *t'(ps) =k'*S(ps)for That is the following diagram QH4n(MxM;L) S St' k' As in the case of Thm. 1.1, one can use McDuff-Tolman formula to verif y that Thm. 1.3 works in the case when the Hamiltonian loop psis a action. In fact, if ( M,o),ps, andK:M- -Rare as above, that is ps is a Hamiltonian circle action with normalized moment map K, thenpsxpsis a Hamiltonian circle action on the product manifold ( MxM,oo) with map H:MxM- -Rgiven byH(p1,p2) =K(p1) +K(p2). Hence the maximun value H0of the moment map Hsatisfies the relation H0= 2K0and Then in this case McDuff-Tolman formula for the Hamiltonian circle action psxpsonMxMis given by S(psxps) = (3) Comparing the first term on the right hand side of Eqs. (1) and (3), one checks thatthey k'. Well accordingto Thm. 1.3, S(ps) andS(psxps) are related by the map k'for any loop psin Ham(M,o), not just a the loop psxpsis nontrivial in 1.4. Let(M,o)be a closed symplectic manifold such that p2(M) = such that 1 = [M], then the Hamiltonian loop psxpsis nontrivial in author would like to thank Prof. Dusa McDuff for her patience on read- ing the first draft of the manuscript and making valuable observatio ns to it; and the Referee for the useful comments and suggestions. The auth or was by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog' ia M' exico gra nt.SEIDEL'S REPRESENTATION ON THE HAMILTONIAN GROUP OF A CARTE SIAN PRODUCT 5 2.Hamiltonian (M,o) a closed symplectic manifold. Let a loop about the indentity map in the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms Ha to psthere is a smooth fibration p:Pps- -S2with fiberMdefined as follows. Let D+={zC| |z| <=1}be the closed unit disk with the Then the total space of the fibration Ppsis defined forD+with the opposite orienta- tion. This fibration has Ham( M,o) as structure group, and is called . See ([5], p. icloopsinHam( M,o) based at the identity map id Mand isomorphic fibrations over S2with group Ham( M,o). In order to avoidcumbersome notation we will use identityin Ham( M,o) andits homotopy class inp1(Ham(M,o)), a Hamiltonian fibration p:Pps- -S2with fiber the symplectic manifold (M,o), there exists a closed 2-form ~ oonPpssuch that it restricts to ozon every fiber (Pps)zforzS2, and such that p!(~on+1) = -H*-dim(M)(S2) stands for integration along the fiber M. A 2-form ~othat satisfies the above conditions is called a coupling form . See [2] for more details. The coupling form ~ odefines a connection on the fibration, where the horizontal distribution is defined as the ~ o-complement of the vertical subspace. That is, for pPps, hor(TpPps) ={vTpPps|~o(v,u) = 0 for all is another canonical class associated to the fibration p:Pps- -S2, apart from the cohomology class determined by coupling form. Recall that the vertical vector bundle of a fibration is the vector = 0}
over the total space Pps. The coupling form ~ orestricted to this subbundle is nonde- generate. Thus the first Chern class of TVPpsis well defined. This class is (M,o) and (N,e) be closed symplectic manifolds, then ( MxN,oe) is also a closed symplectic manifold. Note that the 2-form oeis a for the 2-form onMxN, where prMand prNare the projection maps from If psis a loop in the group Ham( M,o), thenpsxidNis also a loop of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of the symplectic manifold ( MxN,oe). Thus there is a Hamiltonian -S2with fiberMxN. As before we have the fiber bundle p:Pps - -S2with fiberM. Define the fibration p0:PpsxN- -S2where the projection map is defined as p0(x,q) =p(x). So defined p0is a fiber bundle with fiber MxN. Well both fiber bundles 2.5. The fiber bundles p0:PpsxN- isomorphic fibrations.6 ANDR'ES the map r: -PpsxidNdefined as r((u,p),q) = [u,p,q]. = [eit,p,q] = means that rinduces a map on the quotient PpsxN. We denote such map by the same letter r. So defined r:PpsxN- -PpsxidNis smooth and for any ([ u,p],q)PpsxNwe have that p0([u,p],q) =p([u,p]) =p1([u,p,q]) fiberwise preserving. That is the fiber bundles isomorphic fibrations. /square Thus there are two isomorphic fibrations over S2with Hence both vertical bundles are isomorphic vector bundles. In order to compare the first Chern classes of both the projections maps l1:PpsxN- -Pps,l2:PpsxN- -Nand l1 l2 where (l1)*(TVPps) and (l2)*(TN) stand for the pullback 2.6. The vector bundles isomorphic vector bundles over Thus the vectorubelongs toTV(PpsxN) if and only if ( p0)*(u) = 0. By the definition of the map p0, we have (p0)*,x(u1+u2) = (p)*,p(u1) = 0. Thus u=u1+u2is in TV(PpsxN) if and only if u1is inTVPpsandu2is inTN. vector bundles. be the first Chern class of the vector bundle TVPps- -Pps. And respectively 2.7. have the for the first Chern class of (N,e). Proof.By definition we have Then it follows by Prop. 2.6 REPRESENTATION ON THE HAMILTONIAN GROUP OF A CARTE SIAN PRODUCT 7
/square A similar result holds for the coupling forms of the fibrations 2.8. If~ois a coupling form of the Hamiltonian fibration p:Pps- a coupling form of the fibration p0:PpsxN- -S2. The proof follows from Lemma 2.5 and the definition of the coupling for m. We will write ~oefor the coupling form ( Inthe proofofthe maintheoremit willbe importanttonote thefollow be any class such that ( l2)*(A) = 0. Then it follows from Lemmas 2.7 and 2.8 that cpsxidN(A) =cps((l1)*(A)), (4) and
~oe(A) = ~o((l1)*(A)). (5) 3.Small quantum homology and Seidel's homomorphism In this section we will review the concepts needed to define Seidel's re presen- tation. We will follow closely the exposition and notations of D. McDuff a nd D. Salamon [5]. Letpsbe a loop in the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of ( M,o) and p:Pps- -S2the Hamiltonian fibration associated to the loop ps. Consider ~ o a coupling form on the fibration. Then for a large positive constant Kthe form ohm := ~o+Kp*(o0) onPpsis a where o0is an areaform on S2. Is important to note that ohm and ~ oinduced the same horizontal distribution on Pps. Denote by J(Pps,p,ohm) the set of almost complex structures JonPpsthat are such that the projectionmap p: (Pps,J)- -(S2,j0) is an arbitrary complex structure on S2. Recall that ohm-compatible means in particular that ohm( Ju,Jv) = ohm(u,v); andp: (Pps,J)- -(S2,j0) is = (dp)*J. Since for any J J(Pps,p,ohm) the projection map pis holomorphic, then Jpreserves the vertical tangent space of Pps. Also since Jis a ohm-compatible almost complex structure, Jpreserves the horizontal distribution of Pps. Consider a spherical class AH2(Pps;Z), that isAis in the image of p2(Pps)- -H2(Pps). ThenifJ J(Pps,p,ohm), letM(A;J) be the moduli space of J-holomorphic sections of Ppsthat represent the class A, M(A;J) ={u:S2- -Pps|-J(u) = 0,p*u= idS2,[u] for the Cauchy-Riemann equation -J(u) a fix complex structure on considers the linearized operator Du: ANDR'ES PEDROZA of-J. One finds that there is a subset Jreg(Pps,p,ohm) J(Pps,p,ohm) such that if J is then M(A;J) is a smooth manifold of dimension 2 n+2cps(A), where the symplectic manifold ( M,o) has dimension 2 n. Moreover M(A;J) carries a natural orientation. The set Jreg(Pps,p,ohm) is characterized by the fact that Jis regular if and only if for every holomorphic J-curveu M(A;J) the operator Du is surjective. For the details see ([5], Ch. 3). Denote by Mk(A;J) be the moduli space of J-holomorphic sections with k marked points. That is Mk(A;J) moduli space has dimension u:= 2n+2cps(A)+2k. Consider the -(Pps)kgiven = Now one would like the map evto represent a cycle in the homology of ( Pps)k. Actu- ally the map evis a pseudocycle if the manifold Ppsis monotone. In the case at hand, Hamiltonian fibrations, is enough to impose this condition on the fiberM rather than on the whole manifold Pps. A symplectic manifold ( M,o) is said to be monotone if there isl>0 such that o(A) =lc1(A) for allAp2(M). Then if ( M,o) is monotone, if follows that evis a uin (Pps)k. That is, it defines a homologyclass in H*((Pps)k) of degree u. With this at hand we can define the corresponding Gromov-Witten inv ariants of Pps. However in order to define Seidel's representation one studies the moduli space of sections with one fixedmarked point. Fix a point z0in the base S2and leti:M - -Ppsbe the inclusion of the fiber above the base point z0. Then the moduli space Mw 1(A;J) ={(u,z0)|u M(A;J)}. is a smooth oriented manifold of dimension 2 n+ 2cps(A), where w={z0}stands for the fixed marked point. Moreover the evaluation map evw:Mw 1(A;J)- -Ppsis a pseudocycle in Pps. If we consider the inclusion map i:M- -Pps, a pseudocycle in Mof degree be the torsion-free part of the group H*(M;Z). Then the Gromov- Witten invariant is defined as the homomorphism -Z given = the cycle intersection product in H*(M) andAH2(Pps;Z) a spherical class. Geometrically, GWPps,w A,1(a) is the number of holomorphic -S2such thatu(z0) lies in the cycle X, wherea= the universal Novikov ring Lunivdefined 0}<for the graded polynomial ring L := Luniv[q,q-1] whereqhas degree 2. Then the small quantum homology of ( M,o) with coefficients in L is defined as QH*(M;L) REPRESENTATION ON THE HAMILTONIAN GROUP OF A CARTE SIAN PRODUCT is a ring under quantum product. The ring structure of QH*(M;L) will be describe below. Then Seidel's homomorphism S:p1(Ham(M,o))- -QH*(M;L) is defined as S(ps) the sum runs over all spherical classes Athat can be realized by a section. That is, a section u:S2- -Ppssuch that [u] =A. AndSA(ps) is the homology class inH2n+2cps(A)(M) determined by the =SA(ps)*Ma for that S(ps) has degree 2 ninQH*(M;L). As pointed out in the introduction, at a first glimpse formula (6) of Se fromthat When (M,o)admits a Hamiltonian circle action ps, then the definition of S(ps) simplifies. For instance Ppsis isomorphic with the Borel quotient S3xS1M, to the total space of the Hopf fibration S3- -S2. Hence ifpM, is a fixed point then the inclusion of pintoM, induces a section smax:S2- -S3xS1MPps. Thus there is a preferred section smaxwhen (M,o) admits a Hamiltonian circle action. Further the index of the summation in Eq. (6), that is AHsec 2(Pps) can be is a spherical class. The rest of the details can be found in Prop. 3.3 of [6]. 4.Quantum product and the K unneth formula So far we have only described the additive structure of quantum ho mology QH*(M;L) =H*(M)ZL. However QH*(M;L) has the structure of a ring where the operation is called quantum s,whichare a slide different from the ones discussed in the previous section. Con sider (M,o) a closed monotone symplectic manifold, homogeneous elements a spherical class. Then we have the Gromov-Witten is the number of holomorphic curves that represent the a,bandc. classes must satisfy the equation deg( a)+deg(b)+deg(c) = the invariant is defined as zero. (See [5], Ch. 7.) Now let {en}nIbe a base ofthe free Z-moduleH*(M), and{e*
n}nIbe the dual basis with respect to the intersection product. That is ifa,bH*(M) are the quantum product a*bis defined M,o), andthe Observe that deg( a*b) = Finally the quantum product extends L-linearly to all QH*(M;L). Note that the identity element under quantum multiplication corresponds to the fundamental class 1 = [ M]H2n(M). An important fact about quantum homology is that the K unneth fo rmula holds under a mild constraint. Let ( M,o) and (N,e) be closed symplectic manifolds which are monotone with the same constant . Thus the Gromov-Witten well defined. Let a,b,cH*(MxN) be homogeneous classes10 ANDR'ES PEDROZA such that the projections to H*(M) are denoted by a1,b1andc1, and Then we have the following relation between the Gromov- Witten invariants of = is a spherical class and A1,A2correspond to the andH2(N) respectively. As a consequence we get the K unneth formula for quantum more details see [5]. With this at hand we conclude that the maps kand k'that appear in the main theorems are ring homomorphisms under qua 4.9. closed symplectic manifolds which are mono- tone with the same constant. Then the map of Thm. 1.1, k:QH*(M;L)- is a ring homomorphism under the quantum We must show = (a1*a2)[N]. This is a consequence of the K unneth formula for the quantum hom ology = (a1*a2)[N] since the fundamental class [ N] is the identity in QH*(N;L) under quantum Thus kis a ring homomorphism. /square A similar argument shows that the map k'is a ring 4.10. Let(M,o)be a closed symplectic manifold such that p2(M)is triv- ial. Then the map of Thm. -QH*+*(MxM;L) is a ring homomorphism under the quantum the K unneth formula, write the map =xx. If follows again from the K unneth formula that for = (x*y)(x*y)
= a ring homomorphism under quantum multiplication. /squareSEIDEL'S REPRESENTATION ON THE HAMILTONIAN GROUP OF A CARTE SIAN PRODUCT 11 5.Proof of the main result Let (M,o) and (N,e) be closed symplectic manifolds as in Thm. 1.1. That isMis monotone and p2(N) = 0. Then the product symplectic manifold ( Mx N,oe) is also monotone, and therefore Seidel's representation is well defi ned 5.11. LetJ a coupling form of p:Pps- -S2and ohm = ~o+Kp*(o0)as in Section 3. If J'is ae-compatible almost complex structure onTN, thenJJ' -Ppsbe the projection map. Then p*p=p0. OnPpsxN we have the symplectic form ohm'= ~oe+Kp*
0(o0). Thus ifJis an almost complex is ohm-compatible and J'ae-compatible almost complex structure on TN, we = ohme
= ohm'. HenceJJ'is an ohm'-compatible almost complex structure on T(PpsxN). Assume that Jis such that the projection p: (Pps,J)- -(S2,j0) is we have dp0*(JJ') =dp*dp*(JJ')
= (dp*J)0
= /square The next proposition, is basically a restatement of Eq. (7), but for the Gromov- Witten invariants that are involved in the definition of the Seidel repr 5.12. a spherical class. Denote by A1:=
(l1)*(A)the induced spherical class in H2(Pps;Z). = ~obe a coupling form of p:Pps- -S2andJ Jreg(Pps,p,ohm). Thus if J'is ae-compatible almost complex structure on TN, it follows from Lemma 5.11, thatJJ' We must show that JJ'is -PpsxNbe a section that represents Sincep2(N) = 0, we may assume that u= -Ppsis aJ-holomorphic section. Since Jis regular and we know that the linearized operator Du0: onto. For the curve u= (u0,q0), we have the linearized operator Du: ANDR'ES PEDROZA where dim( N) = 2m.In this situation the operator Dusplits as the sum of Du0 and-. See [5], Rmk. 6.7.5. But the Cauchy-Riemann operator -is also surjective, thus it follows that Duis also onto. Therefore JJ'is Mw 1(A;JJ') andMw 1(A1;J) are smooth oriented manifolds and can be use to compute the corresponding Gromov-Witten invariant . Leta H*(M), sincep2(N) = 0 we have the same intersection points for the -M witha; and the -MxN. witha[pt]. Hence = GWPps,w A1,1(a). /square Now by Prop. 5.12, there is a similar relation between the homology clas ses SA(ps) 5.13. in Prop. 5.12. Then the andbH*(N) such that the sum of the degrees of Then by the definition of the invariant = (8) The terms in this equation are all equal to zero unless ahas degree -2cps(A1) and bhas degree 0, that is b= [pt]. In this case, note that [ N]*N[pt] = 1. On the other hand by the definition of = (9) Since the class ais inH*(M), then by definition of the Gromov-Witten invariant, it follows that is zero unless b= [pt]. Hence from Prop. 5.12, Eqs. (8) and (9) are equal. That allaH*(M) andbH*(N). Therefore SA1(ps)[N] of Thm. 1.1. First of all, since p2(N) is trivial we have a one-to-one correspondence between the section class es ofPpsand the section classes of PpsxidN. That Hence the sum on the definition of the elements S(ps) andS(psxidN) is defined over the same wehavethat ( l2)*(A) = 0 sincep2(N) = 0. =cps(A1) and ~ opsxidN(A) = ~ops(A1) byEqs. (4) and (5). Finally fromLemma 5.13wehave SA(psxidN) S(psxidN) =S(ps)[N]. /squareSEIDEL'S REPRESENTATION ON THE HAMILTONIAN GROUP OF A CARTE SIAN PRODUCT 13 Consider the group homomorphism t0:p1(Ham(M,o))- defined as t0(ps) = idMxps.Define the map k0:QH*(M;L)- homogeneous elements by k0(aqrts) = (a[M])qrts, whereaH*(M), and extend it L-linearly to all QH*(M;L). Then as in Thm 1.1, we have that S *t0=k0*S. (10) Then Thm. 1.1 together with Eq. (10) provide a a proof of Thm. 1.3, Proof of Thm. 1.3. Observe that t'(ps) =t(ps)*t0(ps). Then applying we get from Thm. 1.1 and Eq. (10) that S *t'(ps) QH*(M;L) we get S *t'(ps) = M. Gromov, Pseudo holomorphic curves in symplectic mani folds.Invent. Math. V. Guillemin, E. Lerman and S. Sternberg, Symplectic fibrations and multiplicity University Press 1996. [3] D.McDuff, Quantum homology offibrations over S2.Inter. J. of Math. 11(2000), 665-721. [4] D. McDuff, D. A. Salamon, Introduction to Symplectic Topology. 2nd. Edition, Press 1998. [5] D. McDuff, D. A. Salamon, J-holomorphic Curves and Symplectic Topology . Amer. Math, Soc., Coll. Pub. 52, 2004. [6] D.McDuff and S.Tolman, Topological properties ofHamilt onian circleactions. Inter. Math. Research Papers (2006); article ID 72826, 77 pages, /72826 [7] L. Polterovich, The Geometry of the Group of Symplectic Diffeomorphism . Lectures in Math, ETH, Birkhauser, 2001. [8] P. Seidel, p1of symplectic automorphism groups and invertibles in quant um and Funct. Anals. 7(1997), 1046-1096. [9] A.Weinstein, Cohomology nd criticalvalues Z. ,210(1989), 75-82. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Colima, Bernal D 'iaz del Castillo No. 340, Colima, Col., Mexico 28045 E-mail address | 0805.1375 | Andres Pedroza | Andres Pedroza | Seidel's Representation on the Hamiltonian Group of a Cartesian Product | 13 pages | null | null | null | math.SG math.AT | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Let $(M,\omega)$ be a closed symplectic manifold and $\textup{Ham}(M,\omega)$
the group of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of $(M,\omega)$. Then the Seidel
homomorphism is a map from the fundamental group of $\textup{Ham}(M,\omega)$ to
the quantum homology ring $QH_*(M;\Lambda)$. Using this homomorphism we give a
sufficient condition for when a nontrivial loop $\psi$ in
$\textup{Ham}(M,\omega)$ determines a nontrivial loop $\psi\times\textup{id}_N$
in $\textup{Ham}(M\times N,\omega\oplus\eta)$, where $(N,\eta)$ is a closed
symplectic manifold such that $\pi_2(N)=0$.
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"created": "Fri, 9 May 2008 16:01:36 GMT"
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2 FIG. 1: (Color online) Schematic diagram of the nanoribbon structure. The left (right) inset de- scribes the energy band structure for the left and right lead (AGR). The blue frame denotes the region of middle conduc- tor, which consists of the AGNR with the length of the conductance as functions of the length of the middle AGNR ( NH) and the Fermi energy ( EF). Fig. 2 demonstrates that there are three regimes indicated by the red triangles. The three regimes correspond to the opening of the second and third transverse 20, the system will return to a per- fect ZGNR and the conductance exhibits a step-like fea- ture, i.e., 1 ,3,5***(e2/p). When NH> NL+NR, the resonant tunneling peaks appear regularly as the AGNR region NHincreases. This resonant arises from the constructive interference effect when the electron wave propagates back and forth in the AGNR region. The incident electron can be due to the destructive interference, especially when the energy of the incident electron is lower than the onset of the lowest mode of the left (right) lead, i.e., E <L1, though the middle AGNR is metallic with zero energy gap. For the fixed length, the resonance between the electron states in the AGNR and that in the ZGNR leads. When L1< E <L2,there are three propagating modes, two of which belong to the Kvalley and one mode belongs to the K'valley. The similar oscillation can also be see when the incident en- ergy is higher than the onset of the second modes in the left (right) lead. Next, we consider the middle AGNR ( NC= 9, S1=
FIG. 2: (Color online) The contour plot of the conductance as a function of the length of the AGR ( NH) and Fermi 20,NA= 8. The red triangles indicate the energies which corresponding the bottoms of the second and third transverse subbands in the left or right lead. FIG. 3: (Color online) The same as Fig. 2, but for NC=
9 AGR conduct. The green triangles indicate the to S1and S2 0.092,and S2= 0.176,see the right inset of Fig. 1) showing the feature. When NHap- proaches to NL, the situation is the same as for NC= 8 and show perfect transmission. But when NHincreases and is larger than NL+NR, electron tunneling can be fully blocked for 0 < E <S1. This phenomena reveals that semiconductor AGNR behaves like an opaque bar- rier and can confine the electron between two AGNRs. For S1< E <L1(see the left inset of Fig.1), sim- ilar resonance tunneling peaks appear, but are sharper than those through the metallic-like AGNR. When the incident energy increases further and is higher than S2, the resonant tunneling becomes more complicated, and3
/s52/s48 /s54/s48 /s56/s48 /s48/s46/s50/s48 4: (Color online) (a) Valley polarization (P) of the tun - neling current as a function of the length ( NH) of the middle conductor for the three different widths at the fixed EF= 0.15. (b), (c), and (d) Valley polarization as a function of the chemical potential ( E) at the fixed length (NH= 80) of middle AGNRs for NC= 8, 9, and 10, shows crossing and anti-crossing features that are not found for the metallic AGNRs (see Fig. 2). The crossing and anticrossing behaviors are caused by the ex- istence of the higher transverse modes of electron in the AGNR region when the Fermi energy EF>S2(see the right inset of Fig.1). The absence of the crossing and anticrossing behavior for the metallic AGNR (see Fig. 2) arises from that the metallic of Fig.1). Fig. 4(a) shows the valley polarization of the tunnel- ing current as a function of the length of AGNR for NC)oftheAGNRs, Pis defined as P= There are the three channels propagating modes (Nm= xaxisatEF= 0.15. Two channels belong to the Kvalley and the other belongs to theK'valley. When the length of the AGNR approaches to the lead width, i.e., NH=NL, the structures become a perfect ZGNR and the valley polarization is equal to 1/Nm(Nm= 3) since there is no coupling between When NH> NL(orNR), the trans- mitted electron no longer belongs to the Kvalley purely when the incident electron belonging to Kgoes through AGNR due to the coupling between KandK'valleys in the AGNR. As the length ofthe AGNR increases, the po-larization increases very fast and reaches the maximum atNH35. When the length increases further, the val- ley polarizations decrease and saturate at specific values. The AGNRs with different widths have different satu- rated values. The AGNR with Nc= 3n+1 (n= 3) show the highest saturated valley polarization, approaching to 0.9. For the AGNRs with Nc= 3n-1, the saturated value is the lower. The saturated polarization of the AGNR with Nc= 3nis the lowest and approachesto 0 .1. Figs. 4(b), (c), and (d) show the valley polarizations as a function of the Fermi energy for different widths of AG- NRs. AGNR region, i.e., EF<M1, for the metallic-like AGNR and EF<S2for the AGNR, the val- ley polarization varies smoothly. Once the Fermi energy exceeds the critical energies ( M1or S2), the oscillates heavily (see Figs. 4(c) and (d)) because of the interference between different channels in the AGNR region and ZGNR leads which are opened or- derly with increasing the Fermi energy. But the in Fig. 4(b) still changes smoothly as the Fermi energy increases. This is because the AGNR only supports a single channel when the energy of the second channel is higher than the Fermi energy, i.e., M1> EF (see the right inset of Fig. 1). For the single incident channel case, i.e., 0 < EF<L1, the valley polarization of tunneling current is always equal to 1 since there is a single channel belonging to the Kvalley. From Fig. 4, one can see that the valley polarization of the can be changed dramatically by tuning the Fermi energy and the length of the AGNR. In summary, we have investigated theoretically reso- nant tunneling through a double-bended GNR, i.e., an AGNR in between two ZGNR leads. Our numerical re- sults demonstrate that the resonant tunneling can be tuned dramatically by the Fermi energy and the length and/or widths of the AGNR for both the metallic and AGNRs. The valley polarization sat- urate as the length of the AGNRs increases, and the saturated valley polarizations depend sensitively on the widths of the AGNRs. The structure we proposed can be used to manipulate the valley polarization of the tunnel- ing current and should be useful for potential application in valleytronics workis supported bythe NSF ofChina K. S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, S. V. Morozov, D. Jiang, Y. Zhang, S. V. Dubonos, I. V. Grigorieva, and A. A. Firsov, Science 306, 666 (2004). [2] Z. H. Chen, Y. M. Lin, M. J. Rooks, and P. Avouris,Physica E 40, 228 (2007). [3] M. Y. Han, B. Ozyilmaz, Y. B. Zhang, and P. Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 206805 (2007). [4] K. Nakada, M. Fujita, G. Dresselhaus, and M. S. Dres-4 selhaus, Phys. Rev. B 54, 17954 (1996). [5] K. Wakabayashi, Phys. Rev. B 64, 125428 (2001). [6] A.Rycerz, J.Tworzydlo, Nature Physics3, 172 (2007). [7] Phys.Rev.B 73, 235411 (2006). [8] M. B uttiker, Y. Imry, R. Landauer, and S. Pinhas, Phys. Rev. B31, 6207 (1985).[9] T. Ando, Phys. Rev. B, 44, 8017 (1991) [10] B. Ozyilmaz, P. Jarillo-Herrero, D. Efetov, D. A. Abani n, L. S. Levitov, and P. Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99(2007). [11] R. Saito, G. Dresselhaus, and M. S. Dresselhaus, of Carbon Nanotubes (Imperial College Press, London, 1998). | 0805.1438 | Kai Chang | Z. Z. Zhang, Kai Chang, and K. S. Chan | Resonant Tunneling through double-bended Graphene Nanoribbons | 4 pages, 4 figures | null | 10.1063/1.2970957 | null | cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We investigate theoretically resonant tunneling through double-bended
graphene nanoribbon structures, i.e., armchair-edged graphene nanoribbons
(AGNRs) in between two semi-infinite zigzag graphene nanoribbon (ZGNR) leads.
Our numerical results demonstrate that the resonant tunneling can be tuned
dramatically by the Fermi energy and the length and/or widths of the AGNR for
both the metallic and semiconductor-like AGNRs. The structure can also be use
to control the valley polarization of the tunneling currents and could be
useful for potential application in valleytronics devices.
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"created": "Sat, 10 May 2008 03:02:45 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"Z. Z.",
"K. S.",
] |
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the seven hyperne line components of N 2H+, we derive the velocity elds and nd symmetric velocity gradients in both sources. Assuming that these gradients are due to core rotation, we estimate the specic angular momenta and ratios of rotational energy to gravitational energy for all cores. Estimated virial masses of the sub-cores range from 0.1 0.6M. We also nd that the N 2H+emission is strongly aected by the out
ows, both in terms of entrainment and molecule images show the mid-infrared emission from all four sub-cores, which is spatially associated with the 3 mm dust continuum emission. All four sources appear to drive their own out
ows, as seen in the shock-excited 4.5 m images. Based on the ATCA and Spitzer observations, we construct spectral en- ergy distributions (SEDs) and derive temperatures and luminosities for all cores. The analysis of the SEDs suggests an evolutionary discrepancy between the two sub-cores in both CG 30 and BHR 71, which could be due to eects of relative in- clinations. Based on the morphology and velocity structure, we suggest that the sub-cores in CG 30 were formed by initial fragmentation of a lamentary prestel- lar core, while those in BHR 71 could originate from rotational fragmentation of a single collapsing protostellar core. Subject headings: binaries: general | ISM: globules | ISM: individual (CG 30 and BHR 71) | ISM: kinematics and dynamics | stars: formation 1. statistical properties of binary stars have been determined over the past two decades (see e.g., Reipurth et al. 2007 for recent reviews), many key questions concerning their origin are still poorly understood. What is the formation mechanism of How are mass and angular momentum distributed during their formation? What is the dierence between cores forming binaries and those forming single stars? To answer these questions, direct observations of the earliest, deeply embedded phase of binary star formation are needed. This phase is unfortunately not accessible to optical and near-infrared due to the large amounts of circumstellar material present. Observations of the gas and optically thin dust emission at millimeter (mm) wavelengths are therefore needed, to probe the system kinematics and individual envelope masses. However, these long hampered by the low angular resolution of mm telescopes, and only recently have the earliest phases of binary star formation been observationally identied and studied in detail thanks to the availability of large (sub-) mm interferometers, although the number of known systems is still very small (Looney et al. 2000; Launhardt 2004).{ 3 {
To search for binary protostars and to derive their kinematic properties, we have started a systematic program to observe, at high angular resolution, a number of isolated and protostellar molecular cloud cores. The initial survey was conducted at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) mm array (Launhardt 2004; Chen, Launhardt, &
Henning 2007, hereafter Paper I; Launhardt et al., in prep.), and is now continued with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the IRAM Plateau de Bure array. In this paper we present ATCA observations of two southern protobinaries in the N 2H+(1 0) molecular line and at 3 mm dust continuum, together with (MIR) data from the Spitzer Space Telescope ). CG 30 (also known as BHR 12 or DC 253.3 1.6) is a bright-rimmed cometary globule located in the Gum Nebula region. The distance towards CG 30 is somewhat uncertain, with estimates ranging from 200 pc (Knude et al. 1999) to 400 pc (Brandt 1971; Reipurth 1983). For consistency with earlier papers (e.g., Henning & Launhardt 1998), we use here 400 pc. The globule harbors an elongated protostellar core as seen in the single-dish mm dust continuum image (Launhardt et al. in prep.). Higher resolution submm (SCUBA) resolve the source into two sub-cores with a projected separation of
2000(8000 AU) and masses of 0.17 0.05 and et al. 2001). The northern core is associated with a NIR source, which drives the Herbig-Haro
ow HH 120 (see Hodapp & Ladd 1995 and references therein). The newly discovered southern core is the origin of a protostellar jet with position angle (P.A.) 44(Hodapp & Ladd 1995), but no NIR source is seen at this position (see Launhardt et al. 2001). BHR 71 (also known as DC 297.7 2.8) is an isolated Bok globule located at a distance of200 pc (Bourke et al. 1997; hereafter B97). A bipolar out
ow, which is lying almost in the plane of the sky, was discovered by CO observations in this region. The driving source is associated with IRAS 11590 6452 and was classied as a Class 0 protostar with a total luminosity of 9L(B97). ISOCAM observations have revealed that the IRAS source is associated with two embedded protostars, IRS1 and IRS2, with a of1700(3400 AU; Bourke 2001; hereafter B01). IRS1 and IRS2 each drive a CO out
ow: the well-known large-scale collimated bipolar out
ow is driven by IRS1 and another fainter and smaller bipolar out
ow is driven by IRS2 (see B01 and Parise et al. 2006). Only IRS1 appears to be associated with a substantial amount of circumstellar material, but neither is directly detected at NIR wavelengths (B01).{ 4 {
2. OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION 2.1. ATCA interferometric observations at 95 GHz of CG 30 and BHR 71 were carried out using ATCA with ve 22 m telescopes in May and August 2005. Observations were obtained in two dierent array congurations (H168 and H75) with projected baselines ranging from 22 to 180 m. All antennas were equipped with cooled SIS receivers, which provided average system temperatures of 200 350 K at the observing frequency. A digital correlator was used with 2 independent spectral windows. The narrow window (bandwidth 8 MHz), with a channel width of 0.019 MHz, was centered on the N 2H+(1 0) line at 93.17 GHz1. The broad window (bandwidth 128 MHz) was centered at 95.0 GHz and was used to measure the 3.1 mm dust continuum emission simultaneously with N 2H+. The two sources were observed with 2-point mosaics each. The primary beam size at 93 GHz is 3800. Amplitude and phase were calibrated through frequent observations of quasars nearby to each source (0745 330 for CG 30 and 1057 797 for BHR 71), typically every 20 minutes, resulting in an absolute position uncertainty of 0:002. Flux densities were calibrated using the 1253 055, the
ux of which was regularly compared to Uranus and adopted as 19.0 Jy for May observations (H168 conguration) and 14.7 Jy for August observations Additional eort was made to improve the gain-elevation calibration of the antennas, which can signicantly aect the
ux density scale, especially when observing at high elevation. The estimated total
ux uncertainty is <20%. Observing parameters are summarized in Table 1. The data were calibrated and images produced using MIRIAD (Sault et al. 1995) and its CLEAN algorithm, with
obust uvweighting parameter +1 (Briggs et al. beam sizes are 300 400. Noise levels (1 rms) in the nal maps are 0.5 2 mJy/beam for the continuum and 20 65 mJy/beam for the N 2H+line (see Table 1). Further analysis and gures were done with the GILDAS2software package. 1During the observations the sky frequency changed by less than one channel due to the lack of doppler tracking at ATCA, and corrections were applied oine to obtain correct frequencies and LSR 5 {
2.2. Spitzer data of CG 30 and BHR 71 were obtained from the Spitzer Science Center3. CG 30 was observed on 2004 April 9 with the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS: AOR key 9426688) and May 26 with the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC; AOR key 5097216). BHR 71 was observed on 2004 June 10 with IRAC (AOR key 5107200) and 2005 March 7 with MIPS (AOR key 9434112). Both sources were observed as part of the c2d Legacy program (Evans et al. 2003). The data were processed by the Spitzer Science Center using their standard S14.0) to produce Post Basic Calibrated Data (P-BCD) images, which are
ux- calibrated into physical units (MJy sr 1). Flux densities in the IRAC bands were measured with aperture photometry in the IRAF APPHOT package, using the radii, annuli, and aperture corrections recommended by the Spitzer Science Center. The results were compared to c2d, which used PSF tting, and found to be within the uncertain- ties. Flux densities in the MIPS bands were measured with GILDAS because sources in the MIPS images are not fully resolved (see x3.3). Further analysis and gures were completed with GILDAS. 3. RESULTS 3.1. Dust Continuum The 3 mm dust continuum image of CG 30 (Fig. 1a) shows two compact sources with an angular separation of 21 :0070:006, corresponding to a projected linear separation of 8700 240 AU at a distance of 400 pc. Following Henning et al. (2001), we refer to the northern source as CG 30N and to the southern source as CG 30S. From Gaussian uvplane tting, we derive
ux densities of 15.8 3.2 mJy4for source N and 6.0 1.3 mJy for source S. The envelope, detected in the submm single-dish maps with a radius of 14000 AU and a
ux density of 7.4 Jy (Henning et al. 2001), is resolved out by the interferometer at 3 mm. Source positions and deconvolved FWHM sizes of the two embedded sources, derived from Gaussian uvplane tting, are listed in Table 2. In the 3 mm dust continuum image of BHR 71 (Fig. 1b), strong emission is detected error bar is derived wherecaliis the uncertainty from calibration ( 20% of
ux density) and tis the uncertainty from Gaussian tting.{ 6 {
the position of IRS1, and only weak emission ( 3level) is detected at the position of IRS2. The
ux densities of IRS1 and IRS2 are derived to be 140 28 mJy and 2.82.1 The large-scale envelope detected in the 1.3 mm single-dish map, with a radius of9000 AU and a
ux density of 3.7 Jy (B97), is also resolved out here. Positions and FHWM sizes of the sources are listed in Table 2. The angular separation of 1700100 between IRS1 and IRS2 corresponds to a projected linear separation of 3400 200 AU at a distance of 200 pc. We also note that IRS1 is elongated and consists of two separate peaks in the region enclosed by the 5 level (see Fig. 1b). The main peak is spatially coincident with the MIR source and the fainter peak is located 200southeast of IRS1 (see that the 3 mm dust continuum emission is optically thin, the hydrogen gas massMH=M(H) + 2M(H2) in the circumstellar envelope (excluding Helium) was calcu- lated with the same method as described in Launhardt & Henning (1997). We adopt an interstellar hydrogen-to-dust mass ratio of 110, and a dust opacity 3mm0:2 0:8 a fairly typical value for dense protostellar cores (Ossenkopf & Henning 1994). Dust temperatures are derived from SED tting ( x4.1) and are listed in Table 7. The derived hydrogen gas masses (0.05 2.1M), together with mean volume densities (0.4 2.6107cm 3) and column densities (1.5 9.91023cm 2), are listed in Table 2. The resulting optical depths are 3mm0.4 310 3, thus justifying the optically thin N is detected from both CG 30 and BHR 71. Figure 2a shows the N 2H+intensity image of CG 30. Two cores, spatially associated with the 3 mm dust continuum sources, are seen. The northern core is elongated east-west with a long (2000) extension to the west, along the direction of the protostellar jet HH 120 (see Fig. 7c). The southern core is more compact and peaks at the position of the dust continuum source. The mean radii of the N 2H+cores (Table 4) were measured with the same method described in Paper I. A larger-scale N 2H+cloud core, detected in the Mopra single-dish map with a radius of8000 AU (P. Barnes et al. in prep.), peaks between the two sub-cores (see Fig. 2a) and is resolved out by the interferometer (more than 90%
ux is missing). Figure 2b shows the integrated N 2H+intensity image of BHR 71. Two cores are found to the east and west of IRS1 (see below and discussion in x4.4). We refer to these as BHR 71E and BHR 71W, respectively. The two cores are elongated in the north-south direction. Sev- eral smaller clumps are also seen north and south of the two main cores, along both sides{ 7 {
of the large-scale CO out
ow (see Fig. 2b). For BHR 71, the Mopra N 2H+map (P. Barnes et al. in prep.) again shows a large-scale cloud core with one peak ( 1500oset IRS1), and does not line up well with the two dust continuum sources (see Fig. 2b). Figure 3 shows the N 2H+spectra at the peak positions of CG 30 and BHR 715. The spectra were tted using the hyperne program in CLASS. The tting results, such as LSR velocities (VLSR), intrinsic line width ( 4v; corrected for instrumental eects), total optical depths (tot), and excitation temperatures ( Tex), are listed in Table 3. Figure 4 shows the mean velocity elds of CG 30 and BHR 71, derived from the N 2H+line maps with the tting routine described in Paper I. The jet/out
ow information is also shown in each map. In CG 30, the southern core shows a well-ordered velocity eld, with to the out
ow direction. The northern core shows a more complicated velocity eld, but the gradient in the inner core is also parallel to the out
ow direction. In BHR 71, there seems to be a general velocity gradient across the two N 2H+cores, which is to the axis of the large-scale CO out
ow. This may indicate that the two cores are actually part of one physical structure associated with IRS1 (see discussion in x4.4). A least-squares tting of the velocity gradients has been performed using the routine described in Goodman et al. (1993). The results are summarized in Table 5 and discussed in x4.2. Figure 5 shows the spatial distribution of N 2H+line widths for both sources. The line widths are roughly constant within the interiors of the cores, which is consistent with results in Paper I. The mean line widths were derived through Gaussian tting to the distribution of line widths versus solid angle area in the maps (see Fig. 6). We nd that the sub-cores in each object have roughly equal line width, but the mean line width in CG 30 (0.5 km s 1) is1.7 times larger than that in BHR 71 ( 0.3 km s 1). Assuming that the observed N 2H+line widths are not dominated by systematic gas motions, the virial mass of the cores has been calculated (1) whereGis the gravitational constant, Ris the FWHM core radius, and 4vaveis the line width of the emission from an verage particle with mass mave= 2.33 amu (assuming gas with 90% H 2and 10% He). The coecient vir= where pis the power-law index of the density prole, is a correction for deviations from constant density 5During the observations towards BHR 71, the correlator was not well centered due to an uncertainty in the Doppler correction calculation, resulting in the N 2H+JF1F= 101 012 component not being the absence of this line component did not aect our nal results.{ 8 {
(see Williams et al. 1994). In our calculations, we assume p= 1.5 (see Andr e et al. 2000) and usevir= 1.25.4vaveis derived from the observed spectra (2) where4vobsis the observed mean line width of N 2H+andmobsis the mass of the (here we use mN2H+= 29 amu). We derive virial masses between 0.1 and 0.6 M. The results are listed in Table 4. The N 2H+column density has been calculated independently from the line intensity using the equation given by Benson et al. (1998): N(N2H+) = (3) whereis the total optical depth, 4vis the intrinsic line width in km s 1, andTexis the excitation temperature in K. The gas-phase N 2H+mass of the core was then calculated , wheredis the distance from the Sun and
FWHM is the solid angle enclosed by the FWHM contours for each core. Assuming that the gas mass and virial mass derived from the N 2H+data are the same, we derived the average fractional abundance of N 2H+in each core (see Table 4). The CG 30 and BHR 71 is close to the mean value found in Paper I (3.310 10) for nine other protostellar cores. 3.3. Spitzer Images Figure 7 shows the Spitzer images of CG 30. The infrared emission from CG 30N and CG 30S is detected at all IRAC bands (3.6 m 8.0m). Fig. 7a shows a wide-eld IRAC band 2 (4.5 m) image. Centered at CG 30S is a highly collimated bipolar jet, with P.A.
40. The knots in the jet are labeled with the same numbers as in Hodapp & Ladd (1995). The most distant knot (No. 8) is 9000away from CG 30S. Assuming a typical jet speed of 100 km s 1(Reipurth & Bally 2001), an inclination angle of 90, and a distance of 400 pc, the dynamical age of the jet is estimated to be 1700 yr. CG 30N appears to be the driving source of HH 120, which is 500in size and extends to the west. Knot No. 6, located to the east of CG 30N, is probably ejected by CG 30N and part of the same out
ow as HH 120. Figs. 7b and 7c show enlarged views of the two sources, overlaid with the contours from the ATCA 3 mm dust continuum and N 2H+images. The two infrared sources are with the 3 mm dust continuum and N 2H+sources. However, when viewed in detail,{ 9 {
CG 30S is elongated at the infrared bands and the continuum source is located at the apex of the infrared emission, implying that the infrared emission at IRAC bands from CG 30S is due to scattered light in a cavity evacuated by the jet/out
ow. In contrast, CG 30N shows a point-like structure at all IRAC bands coincident with the circumstellar mm dust emission peak, suggesting that the source is directly detected at NIR wavelengths ( < 5m). The N2H+emission from CG 30N spatially follows the direction of the protostellar jet and the long extension to the west matches exactly the HH 120
ow (see Fig. 7c), indicating that the jet has a strong eect on the morphology of the N 2H+emission. In theSpitzer MIPS 1 (24 m) image shown in Fig. 7d, CG 30 is again resolved in two sources, but the emission is dominated by CG 30N and only weak emission is found at the position of CG 30S. In the MIPS 2 (70 m) image (see Fig. 7e), the two sources are not fully resolved, but two peaks, with
ux ratio 2:1, can be clearly distinguished. Flux densities of CG 30N and CG 30S in the IRAC and MIPS bands are measured (see x2.2) and listed in Table 6. TheSpitzer images of BHR 71 are shown in Fig. 8, with the same sequence as in Fig. 7. The infrared emission from IRS1 and IRS2 is detected at all IRAC bands. A large-scale (
16000in length) bipolar jet, centered at IRS1 with a P.A. of 165, is seen in the IRAC images (Fig. 8a). The northern jet, spatially coincident with the red-shifted CO out
ow, is S-shaped, while the southern jet, containing the HH object HH 321 (Corporon & Reipurth 1997), shows a V-shaped structure at the apex. This V-shaped structure may represent a conical cavity evacuated by the successive bow-shocks traced by the infrared emission (Fig. 8a) and the blue-shifted CO out
ow (see B97 and Parise et al. 2006). Another bipolar jet, at P.A.
30, is found with IRS2 being in the center. Its northwest lobe, containing another HH object HH 320 (Corporon & Reipurth 1997), also shows a V-shaped structure at the apex and could be explained in the same way. IRS1 and IRS2 are spatially coincident with the dust continuum sources detected with ATCA (see Fig. 8b). We note that the IRS2 dust continuum source is located at the apex of the infrared emission and could be explained in the same way as CG 30S. The and secondary peak found in the ATCA dust continuum image match the left wall of the out
ow cavity, suggesting they result from the jet/out
ow action (for a similar case, see Gueth et al. 2003). The N 2H+emission is located on both sides of the large-scale CO out
ow and basically matches the wall of the cavity (see Fig. 8c). At the MIPS 1 band, BHR 71 is barely resolved into two sources and the emission is dominated by IRS1 (see Fig. 8d). The MIPS 2 image does not resolve the two sources and the emission is peaked at{ 10 {
the position of IRS16(see Fig. 8e). Flux densities of IRS1 and IRS2 are listed in Table 6. 4. DISCUSSION 4.1. Spectral Energy Distributions and Evolutionary Stages Figure 9 shows the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of CG 30 N and S and BHR 71 IRS1 and IRS2, based on the infrared (ISOCAM, Spitzer , and IRAS), sub-mm only for CG 30), and mm (SEST and ATCA) observations. The NIR data of CG 30N are adopted from Persi et al. (1990). The SCUBA and SEST data for CG 30 are adopted from Henning et al. (2001) and Henning & Launhardt (1998), ISOCAM and SEST data for BHR 71 are adopted from B01 and B97, we do not explicitly list all
ux values, but show graphically the SEDs. Since could resolve neither CG 30 nor BHR 71,
ux ratios at the IRAS wavelengths of 10:1 (CG 30N : CG 30S) and 20:1 (BHR 71 IRS1 : IRS2) were inferred from the Spitzer and ATCA observations. In order to derive luminosities and bolometric temperatures, we rst interpolated and then integrated the SEDs, always assuming spherical symmetry. Interpolation between the
ux densities was done by a 2grey-body t to all points at 100m7, (4) whereB(Td) is the Planck function at frequency and dust temperature Td,is the dust optical depth as a function of frequency /1:8, and is the solid angle of the source. A simple logarithmic interpolation was used between all points at 100m. The tting results, such as dust and bolometric temperatures, sub-mm ( 350m) and are listed in Table 7. Based on these results, we try to address the evolutionary stages of CG 30 and BHR 71. A detailed denition and discussion for early stellar evolutionary phases can be found in Andr e et al. (2000) and Froebrich (2005). The Lsubmm /Lbolratios of all sources are
0.5% (the standard boundary of Class 0 protostars, see Andr e et al. 2000)8and the four 6The oset (300) between the MIPS 2 emission peak and the 3 mm emission peak is much smaller than the FWHM of MIPS 2 PSF ( >1000), and is not signicant. 7The 3 mm points were ignored in the tting to CG 30 and BHR 71 IRS2 to give higher priority to the submm data, resulting in much better /Lbolratios are larger than those found by Froebrich (2005). We attribute this to the fact{ 11 {
sources each drive a bipolar jet (see x3.3). However, the bolometric temperature of CG 30N is100 K and the object is also directly detected at NIR wavelengths, suggesting CG 30N is a Class I young stellar object. In contrast, the low bolometric temperature (37 K) of CG 30S suggests it is a Class 0 protostar. In BHR 71, both IRS1 and IRS2 have less than 70 K (see Table 7). Nevertheless, IRS1 might be directly detected at NIR wavelengths (see Fig. 8a), suggesting that it is a transition object between Class 0 and I, while IRS2 could be a Class 0 protostar. It must be noted that the analysis above does not take into account inclination a protostar embedded in a circumstellar disk/envelope, its infrared emission could be detected through the out
ow cavity when the system is face-on, but is not seen when it is edge-on. In BHR 71, the bipolar CO out
ow powered by IRS1 is lying roughly in the plane of sky, implying the latter case; the bipolar out
ow driven by IRS2 appears to favor the same situation (see Parise et al. 2006). In CG 30, however, the relative inclinations could not be easily distinguished because the information about molecular out
ows is still missing. The SED-based classication discussed above thus might be a result of both and inclination. In particular in CG 30 we cannot disentangle the two eects. It is well possible that the dierent SEDs (and bolometric temperatures) re
ect actually rather than a dierence in evolutionary stage. 4.2. Gas Kinematics The thermal contribution to the N 2H+line width is calculated by 4v2 th= the Boltzmann constant, TKis the kinetic gas temperature, and mobsis the mass of the observed molecule. Assuming that at the high densities of >106cm 3(see Table 2) the kinetic gas temperature is equal to the dust temperature derived in x4.1 (20 K), the non- thermal contributions to the line widths ( were then calculated to be0.5 km s 1in CG 30 and0.2 km s 1in BHR 71 (see Table 3). These non-thermal line widths suggest that turbulence, the main contribution to the non-thermal line width (Goodman et al. 1998), cannot be ignored in the protostellar cores. On the other hand, the thermal line width of an verage particle of mass 2.33 mH(assuming gas with 90% H 2 and 10% He), which represents the local sound speed, is 0.62 km s 1at 20 K. The contributions to the N 2H+line width in both CG 30 and BHR 71 are smaller that Frobrich (2005) assumed the two objects were single cores, but we resolved them as binaries. Further- more, we have more data points at submm wavelengths (for CG 30) and high-resolution interferometric data points at 3 mm, which were all not available to Froebrich (2005).{ 12 {
than this local sound speed (i.e., the turbulent motion is subsonic). We also note that the mean line widths derived for BHR 71 ( 0.3 km s 1) are three times smaller than measured by single-dish observations in Mardones et al. (1997; 0.9 km s 1). Taking into account the systematic velocity variation across the core ( 0.3 km s 1; see Table 5), the combined line width in our maps is still smaller than the result from single-dish observations. It means that high-level (supersonic) turbulence occurs mainly in the extended envelope which is resolved out by the interferometer, but the inner core is much more quiescent. This is consistent with what we found in Paper I, namely that non-thermal motions are quickly damped from large-scale to smaller inner cores (see e.g., Fuller & Myers 1992). The velocity elds of CG 30N, CG 30S, and BHR 71 show systematic velocity gradients (see Fig. 4). As discussed in Paper I, systematic velocity gradients are usually dominated by either rotation or out
ow. In CG 30, the gradients in both cores are parallel to the jets. Although there is no molecular out
ow information available yet for CG 30, these gradients are likely the results of out
ows and we treat them as upper limits of velocity gradients. In BHR 71, the velocity gradient across the two N 2H+cores is roughly perpendicular to the axis of the large-scale CO out
ow and could be explained by rotation. [Here we assume that the two cores are associated with IRS1 (see x4.4).] The velocity gradients measured in CG 30N, CG 30S, and BHR 71 are <24.4,<17.5, and 7.80.5 km s 1pc 1, respectively (see Table 5). Both the velocity gradient in BHR 71 as well as the upper limits for CG 30N and CG 30S are consistent with those found in Paper I. Assuming that the velocity gradients summarized in Table 5 are due to core rotation, the specic angular momentum J=M of the objects was calculated with the following equation: J=M (5) where the coecient the power-law index of the radial density prole ( p
= 1.5; seex3.2),gis the velocity gradient, and iis the inclination angle to the line of sight direction (here we assume sini = 1). The derived J=M for CG 30N, CG 30S, and BHR 71 are listed in Table 5. It should be noted that for CG 30 we derive only upper limits. The ratio of rotational energy to the gravitational potential energy was calculated by whereErot=1 2I masses and radii used in the equations are virial masses and radii listed in Table 4). The for CG 30N, CG 30S, and BHR 71 are <0.019,<0.014, and0.020, respectively.{ 13 {
4.3. How did the cores fragment? Recent numerical simulations and observations support the hypothesis that the fragmen- tation of molecular cloud cores is the main mechanism for the formation of systems, although the exact when ,where ,why, and how are still under debate (see reviews by Bodenheimer et al. 2000, Tohline 2002, and Goodwin et al. 2007). In this section, we try to examine the origin of the sub-cores in both CG 30 and BHR 71, i.e., whether they formed by initial cloud fragmentation prior to protostellar collapse or by prompt of a single core after the initial collapse. In CG 30, our previous single-dish submm maps have shown a large-scale common envelope around the two sub-cores (Henning et al. 2001; see Fig. 1a). The separation between the sub-cores is 8700 AU, which is roughly two times the typical Jeans length [RJeans = 0.19 pc see Stahler & Palla 2004] in prestellar cores (4000 AU at T= 10 K and nH2= 106cm 3). The radial velocity dierence between the two sub-cores is0.16 km s 1(see Table 3). If we assume that the total binary mass Table 2; the factor 1.36 accounting for He and heavier elements) and the orbit is perpendicular to the plane of sky, the orbit velocity dierence in a bound system with the separation of 8700 AU should be 0.44 km s 1, about three times larger than the observed value. Furthermore, from this observed velocity dierence, we estimate the rotof
0.008 for the large-scale cloud core which contains the two sub-cores (radius 8000 AU; see Fig. 2a). This rotis less than the typical boundary suggested by a series of (see e.g., Boss 1999 and Machida et al. 2005) for rotational fragmentation. Based on the morphology and velocity structure, we suggest that the two sub-cores in CG 30 were formed by initial fragmentation9of a large-scale lamentary prestellar core. In BHR 71, the two sub-cores have a separation of 3400 AU (less than the typical Jeans length) and are also surrounded by a large common envelope (Fig. 1b). observed velocity structure is mainly associated with IRS1 and kinematic information of IRS2 is missing. Here we can only speculate on the basis of separation that the two sub-cores could be formed by prompt rotational fragmentation of a collapsing protostellar core. 9The basic idea of this initial fragmentation is that the collapse is initiated in a large-scale molecular cloud core which contains multiple Jeans masses in a weakly condensed conguration, e.g., a prolate or distribution with several Jeans masses along the long axis and one Jeans mass across the short axis; with some initial angular momentum, provided by either slow rotation (Bonnell et al. 1991) or et al. 2007), the large cloud core fragments at Jeans scale into several dense cores, in which the separate protostellar collapse then starts and proceeds more quickly than across the whole structure (see e.g., Mundy et al. 2001 and reference therein).{ 14 {
Numerical simulations also predict that the material collapses along the magnetic eld lines while the fragmentation occurs in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic eld. This is supported by our previous submm polarimetric observations towards CG 30 (Henning et al. 2001). In contrast to a simple assumption that the angular momenta of two components will be parallel in the fragmentation, we nd that the out
ows, and hence the angular momenta (assumed to be parallel to the out
ows), of the sub-cores are not aligned, neither in CG 30, nor in BHR 71. This phenomenon is also found in other binary protostars studied recently, like e.g., CB 230 and L 723 (Launhardt 2004; Launhardt et al., in prep.). This could mean that during core fragmentation the initial angular momentum is not evenly (in value and direction) divided between the sub-cores, although the mean direction is preserved all the time. 4.4. N 2H+vs. Dust vs. CO From our observations towards Class 0 protostars conducted at OVRO (Paper I), ATCA (this work), and IRAM-PdBI (Chen et al., in prep.), we nd that in most objects the mm continuum source lies within the half maximum level of the N 2H+emission. This good general agreement indicates that N 2H+is spatially associated with thermal dust in cores and cannot be signicantly depleted like, e.g., CO and CS (see Bergin et al. 2001 and Caselli et al. 1999). Fig. 10 shows that the dust mass (converted into hydrogen gas mass) is in general cor- related with both the N 2H+gas mass and the virial mass (both derived from the N 2H+
emission). However, there is a signicant scatter in both correlations, indicating that the agreement holds only within a factor of 2 to 2.5 (1 scatter). This could be due to the fact that the mm dust continuum emission traces mainly the dense structures (e.g., inner enve- lope or disk), while N 2H+emission traces the larger-scale envelope (see e.g., Figs. 1a & 2a), and hence re
ects dierent masses on dierent scales. We also note that the N 2H+gas mass depends on the specic source morphology and chemistry since it is quickly destroyed where CO is released from dust grain into the gas phase (see below). The estimated virial mass has also signicant uncertainties because several sources are driving bipolar out
ows and are probably no longer in virial equilibrium. On the other hand, we also nd that in most objects the morphology of the N 2H+emis- sion is directly related to the jet/out
ow actions. For example, in BHR 71, two N to the east and west of the out
ow-driving source IRS1, are rotating perpendicular to the out
ow axis, and there is no N 2H+emission detected at the origin and along the large-scale CO out
ow. These features suggest a large N 2H+hole has been formed and the{ 15 {
two cores may be the remnant of a N 2H+envelope10. It is likely that a large amount of N2H+in the way of the out
ow has been depleted by CO molecules, which is one of the main destroyers of N 2H+in the gas phase (Aikawa et al. 2001). For this reason, we think that the emission at the position of IRS2 (see Fig. 2b) is part of the structure around IRS1 and does not originate from IRS2. Based on the observational results, we speculate that there are three stages of the interaction between N 2H+and jets/out
ows. (1) When jets are ejected from a in the envelope are entrained and show a jet-like morphology in the images, like, e.g., L723 VLA2 (Paper I) and CG 30N (this work). (2) Molecular out
ows, following the jets, release CO from grain surfaces back into the gas phase and start destroying on the way, leading to the observed hourglass structure perpendicular to the CO out
ow axis, like e.g., IRAS 03282+3035, IRAS 04166+2706, and CB 224 (see Paper I). (3) Large N 2H+holes form in the envelopes, like e.g., in BHR 71 IRS1 (this work), L 483 (Jrgensen 2004), and IRAM 04191 (Belloche & Andr e 2004). However, there seems to be no clear correlation between this N 2H+/jet scenario and standard evolutionary scenario from Class 0 to Class I. For example, IRAM 04191 is a young Class 0 protostar but appears in the last stage, while CG 30N is a Class I object but appears in the rst stage. We speculate that the appearance of the N 2H+emission is strongly aected by out
ow-envelope depends on the specic envelope morphology and source multiplicity properties. 5. SUMMARY We have presented ATCA and Spitzer observations of the two isolated cores CG 30 and BHR 71 in the southern sky. The main results of this work are summarized as follows: (1) The 3 mm dust continuum image of CG 30 resolves two compact sources with a separation of2100(8400 AU). In BHR 71, one strong dust continuum source is detected at the position of mid-infrared source IRS1, while only weak emission is detected from the secondary mid-infrared source IRS2. The separation between IRS1 and IRS2 is 1700 (3400 AU). Assuming optically thin dust emission, we derive hydrogen gas masses of 1.1 M and 0.33Mfor northern and southern sources in CG 30, and 2.1 Mand 0.05Mfor IRS1 and IRS2 sources in BHR 71. 10For similar cases see low-mass protostars L 483 (Jrgensen 2004) and IRAM 04191 (Belloche & Andr e 2004).{ 16 {
(2) N 2H+(1 0) emission is detected in both CG 30 and BHR 71. In CG 30, the two dust continuum sources are directly associated with N 2H+cores. In BHR 71, two N 2H+cores are around the primary dust continuum source, probably part of one large envelope, but no N2H+is detected at the position of the dust source. The secondary IR source is not detected in N 2H+. (3) The excitation temperatures of the N 2H+line are 4.7 6.8 K for CG 30 and 3.9 4.4 K for BHR 71. The FWHM radii of N 2H+cores range from 730 to 1700 AU. The average frac- tional abundances of N 2H+, derived from the ratio of N 2H+gas mass to virial mass, is
3.010 10, which is consistent with the results obtained in our previous study of the cores in northern sky. The observed mean N 2H+line widths are0.5 km s 1for CG 30 and
0.3 km s 1for BHR 71. The line widths are roughly constant within the interiors of the cores and large line widths only occur at the edges of the cores. The derived virial masses of the N 2H+cores range from 0.1 to 0.6 M. (4) We derive the N 2H+radial velocity elds for CG 30 and BHR 71. The two N 2H+cores in CG 30 show systematic velocity gradients of 24.4 km s 1pc 1and17.8 km s 1pc 1that are parallel to the out
ow directions and could be aected by the out
ows. In BHR 71, a systematic velocity gradient of 7.8 km s 1pc 1across the two cores is perpendicular to the large-scale out
ow and could be explained by rotation. (5) Assuming that the observed velocity gradients are due to core rotation (if perpen- dicular to out
ow) or place an upper limit to rotation (if parallel to out
ow), we estimate specic angular momenta of <0.30,<0.35, and0.5110 3km s 1pc for CG 30N, CG 30S, and BHR 71, respectively. The ratios for the rotational energy to the gravitational potential energy for CG 30N, CG 30S, and BHR 71 are estimated to be <0.019,<0.014, Infrared emission from both sub-cores in both CG 30 and BHR 71 is detected at Spitzer IRAC bands and MIPS bands. Each source is driving its own out
ow, as seen in the shock-excited 4.5 m infrared images. CG 30N is associated with a Herbig-Haro
ow, while the southern source is driving a large bipolar jet. In BHR 71, both IRS1 and IRS2 are associated with Herbig-Haro objects and driving bipolar jets which coincide spatially with the CO out
ows. (7) By tting the spectral energy distributions, we derive the dust temperature, bolo- metric temperature, and bolometric luminosity of the sources. We nd that CG 30N is a Class I object while the southern source is a Class 0 protostar. In BHR 71, the properties of IRS1 resemble a Class 0/I transition object, while IRS2 is a Class 0 protostar. We speculate that the sources may nevertheless be coeval but that this evolutionary discrepancy is due to{ 17 {
the eects of ralative Based on the morphologies and velocity structures, we suggest that the double cores in CG 30 were formed by initial fragmentation of a lamentary prestellar core, while BHR 71 may originate from rotational fragmentation of a single collapsing protostellar core. We also nd that the angular momenta of the sub-cores are not aligned in either pair of sources. (9) Our observations conducted at OVRO and ATCA show a close correlation between thermal dust emission and N 2H+. The N 2H+emission in most sources is spatially associated and quantitatively correlated with the dust continuum emission. However, we also nd a strong relationship between the morphology of the N 2H+emission and the Out
ows rst seem to entrain N 2H+and then gradually destroy it, which leads to the observed jet-like, hourglass-shaped intensity maps and N 2H+hole. We thank the anonymous referee for many helpful comments and suggestions. The Australia Telescope Compact Array is part of the Australia Telescope, which is funded by the Commonwealth of Australia for operation as a national facility managed by CSIRO. We thank the ATCA sta for technical support during the observations. We also thank A. Goodman for fruitful discussions and providing the VFIT Y., Ohashi, N., Inutsuka, S. I., et al. 2001, ApJ, 552, 639 Andr e, P., Ward-Thompson, D., & Barsony, M. 2000, in Protostars and Planets IV, ed. V. Mannings, A. P. Boss, & S. S. Russell (Tucson: Univ. Arizona Press), 59 Belloche, A., & Andr e, P. 2004, A&A, 419, L35 Benson, P. J., Caselli, P., & Myers, P. C. 1998, ApJ, 506, 743 Bergin, E. A., Ciardi, D. R., Lada, C. J., Alves, J., & Lada, E. A. 2001, ApJ, 557, 209 Bodenheimer, P., Burkert, A., Klein, R. I., & Boss, A. P. 2000, in Protostars and Planets IV, ed. V. Mannings, A. P. Boss, & S. R. Russell (Tucson: Univ. Arizona Press), 675 Bonnell, I., Martel, H., & Bastien, P. 1991, ApJ, 377, 553 Boss, A. P. 1999, ApJ, 520, 744 Bourke, T. L. 2001, ApJ, 554, L91 (B01){ 18 {
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Table 1. Target list and summary of IRAS R.A. & Dec. (J2000)aDistance Array HPBWbrmsc Name Source [h : m : s,:0:00] [pc] conguration [arcsec] [mJy/beam] CG 30 08076 3556 08:09:33.0, 36:05:01.00 400 H75+H168 4.6 3.3/4.63.2 65/0.5 BHR 71 11590 6452 12:01:36.5, 65:08:49.49 200 H75+H168 3.6 2.9/3.93.1 position for gures and tables in the paper (except Spitzer FWHM beam sizes at N 2H+(1 0) line / 3 mm dust continuum with robust weighting 1. c1noises at N 2H+(1 0) line / 3 mm dust continuum. Table 2. 3 mm dust continuum results for CG 30 and BHR 71 Source R.A.aDec.aS FWHM (J2000) [mJy] maj. min. P.A. [ M] [107cm 3] [1023cm 2] CG 30N 08:09:33.12 36:04:58.12 15.8 3.2 5:0013:001 8971.100.26 1.11 4.51 CG 30S 08:09:32.67 36:05:19.09 6.0 1.3 4:0083:001 74150.330.10 0.37 1.45 BHR 71 IRS1 12:01:36.81 65:08:49.22 140 28 2.64 9.94 BHR 71 IRS2 12:01:34.09 65:08:47.36 2.8 2.1 2:0062:001 76400.050.02 2.18 2.58 aCenter position and FWHM sizes of the continuum sources derived from Gaussian uvplane a spherical morphology for the objects, the mean volume density of hydrogen atoms nH=n(H) + 2n(H2) was calculated by nH=MH/mHV, volume. cThe hydrogen column density NH=N(H) + 2N(H2) was derived from the
ux densities by NH=S
d() Sis the solid angle of the objects and mHis the proton mass. Table 3. Observing parameters from N 2H+(1 0) spectra [km s 1] [km s 1] [K] [km s 1] [km s 1] CG 30 N 6.64 0.02 0.530.03 1.00.1 4.660.09 0.510.01 0.47 CG 30 S 6.48 0.01 0.520.02 1.40.1 6.810.05 0.520.01 0.48 BHR 71 E 4.350.02 0.440.10 1.90.4 4.440.13 0.280.01 0.20 BHR 71 W 4.420.02 0.380.06 2.50.2 3.910.05 0.330.01 0.27 aValue at the intensity peak. The error represents 1 error in the hyperne tting. bMean line width obtained through Gaussian tting to the distribution of line widths versus solid angle line width at the given dust temperature (see Table 7).{ 21 {
Table 4. Volume size, density, and mass of N 2H+cores Source R M virnvir [M] [106cm 3] [1012cm 2] [10 10M] [10 10] CG 30 N 1300 0.38 6.2 1.29 0.51 1.83 CG 30 S 1650 0.55 4.5 3.42 1.94 4.85 BHR 71 E 960 0.13 5.3 1.95 0.34 3.63 BHR 71 W 730 0.11 10.3 1.87 0.21 2.52 BHR 71 IRS1a3000 0.49 0.7 1.90 3.07 8.55 aAssuming that the two N 2H+cores found in BHR 71 are part of a physical structure around IRS1 with a radius of 3000 AU (see Fig. 2b) and a mean line width of 0.33 km s 1(see Table 3). Table 5. Velocity gradients and specic angular momentum mean velocity g a g gr J=M rot Source [km s 1] [km s 1pc 1] [degree] [km s 1] [10 3km s 1pc] CG 30 N 6.62 0.32 <0.30 <0.019 CG 30 S 6.45 <17.80.2 33.90.3 0.29 <0.35 <0.014 BHR 71 0.23 of north in the direction of increasing velocity bThe same assumption as in Table 4. Table 6. Spitzer
ux densities of CG 30 and BHR (J2000) (J2000) [mJy] [mJy] [mJy] [mJy] [mJy] [mJy] CG 30N 08:09:33.20 36:04:58.17 55.7 1.4 123.42.1 256.13.0 395.83.8 3400100 8700430 CG 30S 08:09:32.68 36:05:20.38 6.7 0.5 16.80.8 19.60.8 9.60.6 505 4200340 BHR 71 IRS1 12:01:36.57 65:08:49.52 32.4 1.1 82.41.7 123.32.1 210.22.8 5000300 84000800 BHR 71 IRS2 12:01:34.05 65:08:47.03 4.5 0.4 12.40.7 15.40.7 9.30.6 9030
aFlux densities in the IRAC and MIPS bands were measured using IRAF APPHOT and GILDAS, respectively (see x2.2). bPeak position of infrared sources measured at the IRAC band 3 (5.8 m). Table 7. Fitting results of the spectral energy /Lbol [K] [ L] [L] [%] CG 30N 22 102 13.6 0.8 0.490.10 3.6 Class I CG 30S 27 37 4.3 0.5 0.320.05 7.4 Class 0 BHR 71 IRS1 25 44 13.5 1.0 0.490.05 3.6 Class 0/I BHR 71 IRS2 26 58 0.5 0.1 0.020.01 3.4 Class 0{ 22 {
Fig. 1.| (a) 3 mm dust continuum image of CG 30. Contours start at 3(10.5 mJy) with steps of2. The grey dashed contour represents the half-maximum level of the 850m emission observed with SCUBA (Henning et al. 2001). (b) 3 mm dust continuum image of BHR 71. Contours start at 3(12 mJy) with steps of 2. Crosses mark the positions of the Spitzer MIR sources. The grey dashed contour represents the of the 1.2 mm emission observed with SEST (B97). Synthesized ATCA beams are shown as grey ovals in bottom right corners.{ 23 {
Fig. 2.| (a) Image of the N 2H+(1 0) intensity integrated over the seven hyperne compo- nents for CG 30. Contours start at 3(160 mJy) with steps of 2. The arrows show the directions of protostellar jets (see x3.3). The grey dashed contours represent the 50%, 75%, and 99% levels of the N 2H+(1 0) emission observed with Mopra single-dish telescope (P. Barnes et al. in prep.). (b) The same for BHR 71 (1 20 mJy). The solid and dashed arrows show the directions of the blue-shifted and red-shifted CO out
ows (see x3.3). The crosses in both images represent the peaks of 3 mm dust continuum emission. Synthesized ATCA beams are shown as grey ovals.{ 24 {
Fig. 3.| N 2H+spectra at the peak positions of the two cores in CG 30 (left) and BHR 71 (right). Thin dotted curves show the results of hyperne structure line tting. Fit parameters are given in Table 3. [ See the electronic edition of the Journal for a color version of this gure. ]{ 25 {
Fig. 4.| N 2H+velocity eld maps of CG 30 (left) and BHR 71 (right). Contours are same as in Fig. 2. The white arrows in CG 30N and CG 30S show the directions of the The red and blue arrows in the BHR 71 map show the directions of CO out
ows, while the white arrow shows the direction of the gradient across the two main N 2H+clumps.{ 26 {
Fig. 5.| Spatial distribution of N 2H+line widths in CG 30 (left) and BHR 71 (right), as derived from the HFS line tting. Contours and symbols are the same as in Fig. 2.{ 27 {
0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 (0.01) km s-1BHR 71EPixel number Line width (km s-1)0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 (0.01) km s-1BHR 71W Line width (km s-1)0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 (0.01) km s-1CG30 S 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 (0.01) km s-1CG30 NPixel number Fig. 6.| Distribution of N 2H+line widths versus solid angle areas for CG 30 (top) and BHR 71 (bottom). Black solid curves and numbers show the results of Gaussian tting to the distributions.{ 28 {
12 HH#120 3 6578 Fig. 7.| Spitzer images of CG 30. (a) Spitzer IRAC band 2 (4.5 m) image of CG 30. Sources CG 30N and CG 30S are labeled as and S, respectively. Dashed arrows show the directions of the (b) IRAC band 2 image overlaid with the ATCA 3 mm dust continuum contours (reference position at DEC= 36:00:53.53, J2000); (c) Same, but overlaid with the ATCA N (d) Spitzer MIPS 1 (24 m) image of CG 30, overlaid with the ATCA 3 mm dust (e) Spitzer MIPS 2 (70 m) image of CG 30, overlaid with the ATCA 3 mm dust 29 {
Fig. 8.| The same as Fig. 7, but for BHR 71 (reference position at J2000).{ 30 {
Fig. 9.| Spectral energy distribution of CG 30N (up left), CG 30S (up right), BHR 71 IRS1 (bottom left), and BHR 71 IRS2 (bottom right). Error bars (1 ) are indicated for all data points, but are mostly smaller than the symbol sizes. Open squares represent IRAS data points, where
ux densities are divided into two sub-cores with ratios assumed in x4.1. While most data points represent total
uxes, the 3 mm
uxes were measured from interferometric maps which resolved out the envelope and thus represent lower limits only. Solid lines show the best-t for all points at 100m using a grey-body model. Dashed lines at 100m show the simple logarithmic interpolation used to derive the luminosity. The tting results are summarized in Table 7.{ 31 {
0.1 CB188 MMATCA data OVRO dataVirial mass ( Msun) Hydrogen gas mass ( Msun)0.11ATCA data OVRO mass (10-10Msun) Fig. 10.| (a) N 2H+gas mass (derived from N 2H+line emission) versus hydrogen gas mass (derived from 3 mm dust continuum emission; the dust continuum data of OVRO sample are taken from Launhardt et al. in prep.), and (b) virial mass (derived from N 2H+line emission) versus hydrogen gas mass for studied in Paper I and this work. | 0805.1533 | Xuepeng Chen | Xuepeng Chen (1), Ralf Launhardt (1), Tyler L. Bourke (2), Thomas
Henning (1), Peter J. Barnes ((1) Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (2)
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (3) School of Astrophysics,
University of Sydney) | ATCA and Spitzer Observations of the Binary Protostellar Systems CG30
and BHR71 | 31 pages, 10 figures, to be published by ApJ in Sep. 2008 | null | 10.1086/589939 | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We present interferometric observations with resolution of ~3 arcsecs of the
isolated, low-mass protostellar double cores CG30 and BHR71 in the N2$H+(1-0)
line and at 3mm dust continuum, using the Australian Telescope Compact Array
(ATCA). The results are complemented by infrared data from the Spitzer Space
Telescope. In CG30, the 3mm dust continuum images resolve two compact sources
with a separation of ~21.7 arcsecs (~8700 AU). In BHR71, strong dust continuum
emission is detected at the position of the mid-infrared source IRS1, while
only weak emission is detected from the secondary mid-infrared source IRS2.
Assuming optically thin 3mm dust continuum emission, we derive hydrogen gas
masses of 0.05--2.1 $M_\odot$ for the four sub-cores. N2H+(1-0) line emission
is detected in both CG30 and BHR71, and is spatially associated with the
thermal dust continuum emission. We derive the velocity fields and find
symmetric velocity gradients in both sources. Assuming that these gradients are
due to core rotation, we estimate the specific angular momenta and ratios of
rotational energy to gravitational energy for all cores. We also find that the
N2H+ emission is strongly affected by the outflows, both in terms of
entrainment and molecule destruction. $Spitzer$ images show the mid-infrared
emission from all four sub-cores. All four sources appear to drive their own
outflows. Based on the ATCA and $Spitzer$ observations, we construct spectral
energy distributions (SEDs) and derive temperatures and luminosities for all
cores. Based on the morphology and velocity structure, we suggest that the
sub-cores in CG30 were formed by initial fragmentation of a filamentary
prestellar core, while those in BHR71 could originate from rotational
fragmentation of a single collapsing protostellar core.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 11 May 2008 14:12:46 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"Tyler L.",
"Peter J.",
] |
PMC Physics B 2008, 1:9 2 of 8 (page number not for citation purposes)bond distances, octahedral tilt angle and Jahn-Teller distortion. Further rationalization of the Raman spectra of orthorhombic RMnO3 (R = Pr, Nd, Tb, Ho, Er) and different phases of Ca- or Sr- doped RMnO3 compounds as well as cation deficient RMnO3 were made by Martin Carron et al. [13]. Their assignment of the peaks related to octahedral tilt were in good agreement with the other authors but the assignment of peak to an antisymmetric stretching associated with the Jahn-Teller distortion was doubtful. Wang Wei-Ran et al. [14] measured Raman active phonons in orthorhombic RMnO3 (R = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) compounds and they also assigned three main Raman peaks. Recently, the polarized Raman spectra of orthorhombic RMnO3 (R = Pr, Nd, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho) series at room temperature were studied by Iliev et al. [15] where they had assigned the observed frequencies to nine Rama n modes. Their study shows that the variations of lattice distortions with radius of rare earth atoms affect significantly both the phonon frequen- cies and the shape of some of Raman modes. To our knowledge, the theore tical investigations of phonons, using the normal coordinate analysis in the orthorhombic NdMnO3 has first been made by Gupta et al. [16]. In the present study, the theoretical investi gations of phonons in the orthorhombic RMnO3 have been made using the normal coordinate an alysis. It has been observed that a total of 17 inter-atomic force constants, which include 8 bending force constants, are enough to obtain a good agreement between theory and experiment fo r the Raman frequencies. The assignments of infrared frequencies along with their corresponding eigen vectors observing the atomic displace- ments in the respective vectors ha ve been made for the first time. There is always some scope of more precise infrared experiments to verify these theoretical structure of st oichiometric RMnO3 shown in Fig. 1, described at room temperature by the Pbnm space group (Z = 4), can be considered as orthorhombically distor ted superstructure of ideal perovskites. In the Pbnm st ructure the atoms occupy four non equivalent atomic sites of them only the Mn site is a center of symmetr y [17]. The distortion of the orthorhombic per- ovskites characterized by th e tilting angle of the MnO6 octahedra progressively increases from Pr to Er due to simple steric factors. Additionally , all of the perovskites show a distortion of due to orbital ordering charac teristic of the Jahn-Teller of the Mn3+ data of EuMnO3 is very recent because of its high neutron absorption and they are per- fectly correlated with the other members of RMnO3 series [18]. The total number of irreducib le representations for RMnO3 are
= 7Ag + 7B1g + 5B2g + 5B3g + 8Au + 8B1u + 10B2u + 10B3uPMC Physics B 2008, 1:9 3 of 8 (page number not for citation purposes)There are four Raman active species, Ag, B1g, B2g and B2g, three infrared active species B1u, B2u and B3u and inactive specie Au. In the present paper, an atte mpt has been made to study th e zone center phonons in RMnO3 (R = Pr, Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho) for the first time usin g SRFCM. We have used nine valence force con- stants K1(Mn-O2), K2(Mn-O1), K3(Mn-O2), K4(R-O1), K5(R-O2), K6(R-O1), K7(R-O2), K8(R- O1), K9(R-O2); and eight bend ing force constants H1(O1-R-O1), H2(O1-R-O1), H5(O1-R-O2), H6(O1-R-O2), H7(O2-R-O2) and H8(O2-R-O2) at various inter- atomic distances and angles as shown in Table 1(only for PrMnO3). Table 1: Force constant, Coordination nu mber, Inter-atomic Distances (A) and Angles (deg) and Force constant values (N/cm) for Orthorhombic PrMnO3 Force constantK1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 Coord. 1.95 2.21 2.36 2.40 2.48 2.62 3.17 3.52 89 67 110 90 56 66 160 120 Force constant values0.597 0.535 0.950 0.456 0.019 0.311 0.382 0.335 0.598 0.432 0.413 0.404 0.373 0.338 0.329 0.136 0.022The structure of Orthorhombic RMnO3 (R = Pr, Nd, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho) compounds at room temperature, belonging to Pbnm space groupFigure 1 The structure of Orthorhombic RMnO3 (R = Pr, Nd, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho) compounds at room temperature, belonging to Pbnm space group. The structure has four formulae unit with R atoms, Mn atoms and O atoms (O1 and O2). PMC Physics B 2008, 1:9 4 of 8 (page number not for citation purposes)Results and Discussions A systematic variation in the most of the force cons tants is seen throughout the series. It was inter- esting to observe that although, the interatomic distances for K1 and K3 between Mn and O2 atoms remain nearly unchanged from Pr to Ho but the force constant exhibited a This behaviour can be related to the increase in distortion of MnO6 octahedra. Further, as shown in Table 1 the force constant K3 (0.950 N/cm) is quite large when compared with the similar force constant obtained in studies of NdNiO3 [19] and NdGaO3 [20] (0.620 N/cm). A similar kind of behaviour of large force cons tant between Mn and O2 atoms was observed in pyrochlore manganates [21]. This may be one of the possible reasons of associated CMR proper- ties of manganese compounds. To account for a drastic change in resistivity and a low in such materials, it should be noted that the double exchange model must be com- bined with the effect of the Jahn-Teller distortion of MnO6 octahedra [22]. This effect promotes carrier localization and dresses charge carriers via cloud of phonons. It is in this respect where the large interatomic force between Mn and O2 atoms plays an important role, being a part of the distortion of the MnO6 octahedra. The force constant s between R and O1 atoms, K4 and K6 increase with decrease of R-O1 distance almost uniformly throughout the series. The force con- stant K8 (R-O1) changes by a small amount as the R-O1 distance also shows the similar behavior. The force constants K5, K7 and K9 also show a uniform increase . Although force constant K5 is very Table 2: *Observed [15] and Calculated Raman Wave Numbers (cm-1) for Orthorhombic RMnO3 (R = Pr, Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho) Modes *Pr Pr *Eu Eu *Tb Tb *Dy Dy *Ho Ho Ag 491 491 501 501 509 509 513 513 520 520 462 462 479 479 489 489 492 492 499 499 386 392 402 412 408 324 324 361 361 378 378 386 386 395 395232 232 270 269 272 288 288 206 205 211 213 210 64 67 79 79 77 B 1g 607 607 610 610 612 612 614 614 615 615496 496 518 518 528 528 534 534 537 537 486 499 501 501 503 445 445 465 465 474 474 478 478 481 481312 312 324 324 331 331 336 336 340 114 122 127 129 129 84 91 96 97 97 B 2g 627 611 621 624 617492 511 519 521 529432 463 469 476 482283 295 302 306 309 125 131 134 134 135 B 3g 537 521 545 553 546400 429 432 432 454305 367 381 390 402239 266 270 274 286123 124 127 127 125PMC Physics B 2008, 1:9 5 of 8 (page number not for citation purposes)small but K9 shows comparatively a large value . The bending force constants H1-H4 show a very small change in force constant values while H7 and H8 exhibit uniformly increasing values. The calculated Raman frequencies in Table 2 agreed satisfactorily with the observed values [15]. The assignment of infrared frequencies as shown in Table 3 has been done for the first time. Still a precise experimental analysis of infrared frequencies is needed to verify the results of present calculations. The potent ial energy distribution (PED) for most of the force constant is found to be almost similar throughout the seri es. The PED showed that high wave numbers are dominated by stretching force constants involv ing Mn and O atoms and bending force constants having R and O atoms. Therefore, the symmetric st retching of the basal oxygens of the 610 cm-1 (B1g symmetry); the asymmetric st retching at about 490 cm-1 (Ag with the Jahn-Teller distortion is expected. The Ag mode (324 cm-1- 395 cm-1) showing a drastic increase in frequency is pur ely a stretching mode dominated by K9 (R-O2). Most of the lower wave number modes have a convincing infl uence by R-O bending and stretching force con- stants. For all the compounds of the orthorhombic RMnO3 series, we calculated the eigen vectorsTable 3: Calculated Infrared Wave Numbers (cm-1) for Orthorhombic RMnO3 (R = Pr, Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho) Modes Pr Eu Tb Dy Ho B1u 608 611 612 614 617 569 581 581 580 582 485 492 509 514 516 303 323 328 332 338205 213 214 214 223141 152 158 159 161133 135 142 144 143 00000 B 2u 614 612 617 620 620 571 582 582 580 580467 494 498 500 511389 395 406 417 410290 304 309 312 318223 229 232 234 235 201 206 208 208 213 177 176 180 179 178132 142 148 148 149 00000 B 3u 535 538 551 558 562484 505 515 519 522431 458 463 465 474 343 384 398 406 419 315 320 318 316 315244 268 272 277 289181 181 185 184 184131 137 143 144 143106 115 118 120 122 00000PMC Physics B 2008, 1:9 6 of 8 (page number not for citation the displacements of various atoms. It was observed that for larger wave numbers, the displacement of O atoms is important whereas for smaller wave numbers, the displacement of R atoms dominates as given in Table 4 and Table 5 only for PrMnO3. Vibrations of several atoms are involved in some middle order modes.Table 4: Calculated Raman Wave Numbers (cm-1) of PrMnO3 along with their Eigen-vector Lengths representing Atomic Displacements for various Atoms M o d e s W a v e - n u m b e r s P r P r O 1O 1O 2O 2O 2 Ag 491 0.04 0.26 -0.08 -0.46 0.69 -0.43 0.21 462 0.05 0.16 -0.24 0.53 0.60 0.52 -0.02386 0.05 0.05 0.96 0.05 0.20 0.15 0.01324 0.12 -0.15 -0.06 -0.66 0.09 0.54 -0.47 232 -0.30 0.21 -0.03 -0.27 -0.18 0.47 0.74 206 0.91 -0.16 -0.04 -0.01 -0.07 0.06 0.36 64 0.24 0.90 0.00 -0.01 -0.27 0.01 -0.25 B 1g 607 -0.03 0.10 -0.06 0.96 -0.05 0.09 0.24496 0.33 0.05 0.78 0.06 -0.49 -0.13 -0.10486 0.05 0.00 0.10 -0.08 -0.07 0.99 -0.03 445 0.07 -0.17 0.51 0.06 0.82 0.01 0.14 312 -0.27 0.34 0.15 -0.25 -0.12 0.00 0.84114 0.28 0.90 -0.05 -0.01 0.24 0.00 -0.23 84 0.85 -0.18 -0.30 -0.07 0.01 -0.01 0.38 B 2g 627 0.01 0.90 0.13 0.37 0.20493 0.08 -0.20 0.95 0.20 -0.06432 -0.17 -0.27 -0.25 0.88 -0.25 283 0.09 -0.28 -0.05 0.19 0.94 125 0.98 -0.01 -0.12 0.11 -0.13 B 3g 537 0.06 0.59 0.41 0.68 -0.08400 0.04 -0.23 -0.69 0.64 0.25305 0.21 -0.73 0.41 0.32 -0.40239 0.28 -0.18 0.39 0.00 0.86 123 0.93 0.19 -0.20 -0.14 -0.18PMC Physics B 2008, 1:9 7 of 8 (page number not for citation Kusters RM, Singleton J, Keen DA, McGreevy R, Hayes W, Physica B: 1989, 155:362. 2. von Helmholt R, Wecker J, Holzapfel B, Schultz L, Samwer K: Phys Rev Lett 1993, 71:2331. 3. 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Gupta HC, Singh MK, Tiwari LM: J Phys Chem Solids 2003, 64:531. 20. Rani N, Gohel VB, Gupta HC, Singh MK, Tiwari LM: J Phys Chem Solids 2001, 62:1003. 21. Brown S, Gupta HC, Alonso JA, Martinez-Lope MJ: Phys Rev B 2004, 69:054434. 22. Mills AJ, Littlewood PB, Shraiman BI: Phys Rev Lett 1995, 74:5144. | 0805.1637 | Hem Chandra Gupta | Hem Chandra Gupta, Upendra Tripathi | Zone center phonons of the orthorhombic RMnO3 (R = Pr, Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho)
perovskites | 8 pages, 1 figure | PMC Physics B (2008) 1:9 | 10.1186/1754-0429-1-9 | null | physics.atm-clus | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | A short range force constant model (SRFCM) has been applied for the first
time to investigate the phonons in RMnO3 (R = Pr, Eu, Tb, Dy, Ho) perovskites
in their orthorhombic phase. The calculations with 17 stretching and bending
force constants provide good agreement for the observed Raman frequencies. The
infrared frequencies have been assigned for the first time.
PACS Codes: 36.20.Ng, 33.20.Fb, 34.20.Cf
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 12 May 2008 13:51:33 GMT"
] | 2008-05-13T00:00:00 | [
"Hem Chandra",
] |
2 ing a hydrodynamic approach. In section III, we present our results together with a discussion. Finally in section IV, we draw our conclusions. II. FORMALISM We harmonic plus radial quartic potential in the region. The trapping potential is Vex(r,z) the atom mass, oi's are the harmonic trap- ping frequencies, and r2=x2+y2. The Fermi atomic system rotates about the z-axis at frequency is much larger than the inter-vortex distance. This condition always satisfies as the typical wavelength of the lowest mode oscillations is of the order of the sys- tem size. Further, we assume that the vortices are uni- formly distributed in the superfluid so that we do ofthe the atomic cloud spreads in the plane perpendicu- lar to the rotation. Within this diffused vorticity approx- imation [12], diffuse vorticity is given by xv= 2ohm, where superfluid velocity is given by v= (-h/2M)th. The local superfluid density nand the local phase thare related through the wave function ps=neith. The uni- form vortex density is given by nv= local equilibrium, we start with the continu- ity and Euler equations of rotational hydrodynamic description is valid as long as the collisional relaxation time tis much smaller than the in- verse of the oscillation frequencies; ot <<1. The equa- tion of state enters through the density dependent local chemical potential u(n). We fix the local chemical po- tential by introducing the equation of state in the form ofu(n)ng. As we will discuss in the next subsec- tion, the polytropic index gis calculated by the Manini and Salasnich[13] in the entire BCS- BEC crossover region. Linearizing the density nand the superfluid velocity varound their equilibrium values =u(n0)+duwithdu= (u/n)|n=n0dn, we obtain the linearized version of the hydrodynamic (5) Starting from these two linearized equations, collec- tive breathing mode frequencies have been calculated in ref.[14] and ref.[15] for a harmonic trap. As the authors have used two different ansatz for the velocity fluctua- tion, they produce two different results for the breathing mode frequencies. In this paper we closely follow the ap- proach adopted in ref.[15], generalizing the theory to an anharmonic trap. The ansatz used in ref.[15] ensures the conservation of angular momentum properly. In order to solve the linearized equations for the breathing we take the equilibrium density in the lo- cal density approximation as ansatz for the density fluctuations and axis of rotation and guarantee that angular momen- tum is conserved during the oscillations. two ansatz into Eq. (4) and Eq. (5), we derive four linear equations for the variational parameters a0,a, az, andb. These linear equations yield three for the breathing mode frequencies omo/or as roots of the following 0 (8) with,A 1) + 48g2+ The constants, zohm/or, doz/or, set of dimensionless parameters. The three solutions of Eq. (8) are the lowest order axial breathing mode fre- quencyo1and the lowest and next lowest order radial breathing mode frequencies o2ando3.3 The Effective polytropic index and the in the BCS-BEC crossover calculate the effective polytropic index gand the chemical potential uin the BCS-BEC crossover region. In the weak coupling BCS limit ( a--0-) and the uni- tarity limit ( a-- ), the polytropic index is g= 2/3. In the deep BEC limit ( a--0+), the polytropic index is g= 1. In the BCS-BEC crossover regime, the dependence on gis given by the parameter y= 1/(kfa) is the interaction pa- rameter with kfbeing the Fermi wave vector. The func- tiono(y) is related to the energy per atom given by E= (3/5)Efo(y), whereEf= -h2k2 f/2Mis the Fermi atomic energy of a non-interacting Fermi system in the trap. Above o'(y) =o(y)/yand the double prime in- dicates the second derivative of the function on its argu- ment. Using the data presented in reference [16], Manini and Salasnich [13] used a data fitting scheme to derive an analytical form of the function o(y) in the entire BCS- BEC region, o(y) ai'sand bi's in the BCS regime ( y<0) and the BEC regime ( y>
0). In the BCS regime, the parameters are a1= 0.42, a2= 0.3692,a3= 1.044,b1= 1.4328, andb2= 0.5523. In the BEC regime, the parameters are a1= 5.04,b1= 0.1126, andb2= 0.4552. The expression for the chemical potential uis given by system in a harmonic plus radial quartic the number (12) We define the function f(Ef) as f(Ef) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1: Central chemical potential ( u0) of a gas as a function of interaction parameter 1 /(kfa) ~K. Fromtoptobottom ~K= 0.05 line), and 0 .01 (short black dashed line), 0 harmonic trap (black solid line), -0.005 (short gray dashed line), and -0.01 (long gray dashed line). For the calculation, we use N= 2.0x106andd= 0.0 0.5 1.0 2: The lowest order radial breathing mode frequencies of a rotating Fermi gas in a harmonic trap with aspect ratio d= 0.045. The rotation frequencies are z= 0 (solid line), 0 .5 (long dashed line) and 0 .9 (short dashed line). where the scaled parameters are ~K-hK/(M2o3 r) The upper and lower signs are cor- responding to K >0 andK <0 respectively. For the case of harmonic trap, the Fermi energy is RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In FIG. 1, we plot the central chemical potential of a non-rotating Fermi system calculated from Eq. (11) as a function of inverse scattering length for two differ- ent representative values of anharmonicity. We use d= 0.045. Our calculation shows a kink at unitarity limit due to the dis- continuity in the function o(y) proposed by Manini and Salasnich [13] (This kink appears in all the Eq. (8) for the case of harmonic potential 0.0 0.5 1.0 3: The lowest order axial breathing mode frequencies of a rotating Fermi gas in a harmonic trap with aspect ratio d= 0.045. The rotation frequencies are z= 0 (solid line), 0 .5 (long dashed line) and 0 .9 (short dashed line). (K= 0) in a rotating ( zne}ationslash= 0) Fermi system, the lowest axial and radial breathing modes frequencies are the isotropic trap ( d= 1), at non-interacting limit and at unitarity limit ( g= 2/3), the mode frequen- cies areom= 2 In the deep BEC limit ( g= 1), the mode frequencies are For the case of harmonic poten- tial (K= 0) in a non-rotating ( z= 0) limit, Eq. (14) reduces the case of highly anisotropic limit ( d <<1), the two mode frequencies at g= 2/3 as expected. For this case, the two mode frequencies at g= 1 and o2/or= 2. In the BCS-BEC crossover region, the lowest order breathing modes frequencies are calculated from Eq. (15) by using the gfrom Eq. (9). The results for several representative values of zare given in FIG. 2 and FIG. 3. We solve Eq. (8) for the breathing mode frequen- cies for various values of Kin both rotating and non- rotating Fermi systems. We calculate the central chem- ical potential u0for fixed number of atoms N=
2.0x106in the trap. We find that as = 0.0 0.2 4: The two lowest radial breathing mode frequencies as a function of d= [1/(1-z2)2]~K~u. Black (lowest mode) and gray (second lowest) solid lines are the mode frequencies fo r weakly interacting limit and unitarity limit( g= 2/3). Black (lowest mode) and gray (second lowest) dashed lines are the mode frequencies for deep BEC limit( g= 1). The value of d=oz/or= 0.045. The two modes merge at some critical dand beyond this critical value, the atomic cloud is unstable against the breathing mode 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 5: Axial breathing mode frequencies as a function of ~K forz= 0 (black), 0.3 (long dashed), 0.6 (short dashed) and, 0.9 (dotted) at unitarity. We use the values d= 0.045 and N= 2.0x106. the lowest order radial breathing mode frequency in- creases while the next lowest order breathing mode fre- quency decreases. Then at a critical value of d=dc, these two modes merge and beyond this critical dc, the atomic cloud is unstable against the oscillations. FIG. 4 shows the lowest and the next lowest order radial mode frequencies at g= 2/3 (non-interacting limit and unitar- ity limit) and g= 1 (deep BEC limit). As evidenced by FIG. 5, the lowest order axial breath- ing mode frequencies are almost insensitive to the FIG. 5 shows the axial breathing mode frequencies for various values of rotational frequencies as a function radial anharmonicities at unitarity. In the BEC limit where g= 1, we calculate the lowest and next lowest radial breathing mode frequencies as a5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 6: Radial breathing mode frequencies at BEC limit (g= 1) for z= 0 (solid line), 0 .3 (long dashed line) and 0.5 (short dashed line). The black lines are lowest breathing mode and the gray lines are second lowest breathing mode in an anharmonic trap. The value of d=oz/or= 0.045 and the atom number is N= 0.0 0.5 1.0 7: The two lowest radial breathing mode frequencies at for~K= 0.005 (solid line), 0 .01 (long dashed line) and 0 Theblacklines arelowest breathingmo de and the gray lines are second lowest breathing mode in an an- harmonic trap. The black dotted line is the lowest breathing mode frequency in a harmonic trap. The gray dotted lines are the breathing mode frequencies at ~K=-0.005. The value of d=oz/or= 0.045 and the atom number is N= of radial anharmonicity ~Kfor three represen- tative values of rotational frequencies z. We fixed the number of atoms to be 2 0.045. As shown in FIG. 6, as we increase ~Kthe lowest or- der radial breathing mode frequency increases, while the next lowest order radial breathing mode frequency de- creases. Further increase of ~Kmerges these two modes and beyond this merging point the atomic cloud is un- stable against the lowest order and next lowest order radial breath- ing mode frequencies as a function of the interaction pa- rameter [1/(kfa)] are shown in FIG. 7. In the presence of radial anharmonicity, the lowest order mode frequency tends to increasein the BCS regimewhile the next lowest order breathing mode frequency tends to decrease. This deviation becomes large as the anharmonicity 0.0 0.5 8: The lowest order radial breathing mode frequencies at for~K= 0.005, 0.025 and 0 .001 (Top to bottom). The black lines is the lowest order breathing mode in a harmonic trap. The value of d=oz/or= 0.045 and the atom number isN= 2.0x106. The dots are the experimental data for comparison [10]. As we have discussed before, at larger Ku0values the two lowest order modes merge and the cloud is unsta- ble against the breathing mode oscillations beyond this point. The data in the FIG. 8 shows the same informa- tion as FIG. 7, but we plot only the lowest order radial breathing mode frequencies for small quartic with experimental data from ref. [10]. IV. CONCLUSIONS We have discussed the breathing mode frequencies of a rotating Fermi gas trapped in a harmonic plus ra- dial quartic potential. We find that the radial breath- ing mode frequencies strongly depend on the rotation and anharmonicity through parameter d= Asdincreases, the lowest or- der radial breathing mode's frequency increases and the next lowest order mode decreases. Beyond some criti- caldc, these two modes merge and the cloud is unstable against the oscillations. As the chemical potential is large in the intermediate BCS regime, even with a very weak quartic potential As aresult, the mode frequency increases in the intermediate BCS regime. 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crossover region | 6 pages, 8 fiqures. Formalism is modified to include the effect of
negative quartic potential | Phys. Rev. A 78, 023623 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.023623 | null | cond-mat.other | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We study the breathing mode frequencies of a rotating Fermi gas trapped in a
harmonic plus radial quartic potential. We find that as the radial
anharmonicity increases, the lowest order radial mode frequency increases while
the next lowest order radial mode frequency decreases. Then at a critical
anharmonicity, these two modes merge and beyond this merge the cloud is
unstable against the oscillations. The critical anharmonicity depends on both
rotational frequency and the chemical potential. As a result of the large
chemical potential in the BCS regime, even with a weak anharmonicity the lowest
order mode frequency increases with decreasing the attractive interaction. For
large enough anharmonicities in the weak coupling BCS limit, we find that the
excitation of the breathing mode frequencies make the atomic cloud unstable.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 12 May 2008 13:54:15 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 22 Jul 2008 23:15:40 GMT"
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PMC Physics B 2008, 1:6 2 of 6 (page number not for citation on a substrate, whose th ickness is less than half the na tive thickness of the molecule, are insulating, whereas molecules keeping their native thickness ar e conducting down to very low temperature with a non-ohmic be haviour characteristics of a on e dimensional (1D) experimental and theore tical work over the past decade has led to substantial clari- fication of charge transport mechanisms in DN A. The dominant mechanisms appear to be short- range quantum mechanical tunnelling [14-18] or long-range thermally activated But these mechanisms are not capa ble to explain all the field- and of experimental data associated with conduction of the DNA molecules. Indeed, the hopping models confronted with difficulties in explaining the observed strong on the temperature along l-DNA double helix at high te mperatures and a very week dependence at low temperatures [9]. The tunne lling mechanism was excluded in the case of results [9,11]. We affirm that in many cases the temperat ure-dependent conductivity of DNA molecules could be explained by the quantum mechanical tu nnelling theories in which the impact of pho- nons on tunnelling rate is included. In the even t, pure tunnelling can be observed at low tem- peratures when the vibrations modes of the mole cule are frozen. At moderate temperatures the input of phonon energy to the process of tunne lling must be taken into account and contempo- rary phonon-assisted tunnelling theo ries (PhAT) [25-27] realise this. Recently, it has been shown that the Ph AT describes well not only the nonlinear I-V curves, but also the t conductivity in conducting po lymers [28,29]. Therefore, we invoke the PhAT theory to describe some the t experimental data on elec- trical transport through DNA mole cules presented by other authors. Model and comparison with experimental data We suggest that the thermoactivated current thr ough the DNA molecules is caused by the charge carriers released from localised states loca ted between HOMO and LUMO levels of DNA ones [11]. In the dc case, the said levels are continuously fill ed from the electrode. Assuming that the electrons are released from these states due to phonon-assisted tunnelling , we will compare the current (the same as the conduc tance) dependence on the temp erature and field strength with the tunnelling rate dependence on these parameters, computed using the PhAT theory. For this purpose we explore the equation (18) in [27] de rived by Makram-Ebeid and Lannoo for the tunnelling of the electrons from th e impurity centre. Taking into consideration the fact that this theory has been evaluated using th e Condon approximation, it is more suitable for the molecular structures than other ones. For the tunnelling rate dependen ce on field strength E and temperature T this theory gives:PMC Physics B 2008, 1:6 3 of 6 (page number not for citation po = eT/ho, ho is the phonon energy, eT is the centre depth, IP is the modified Bessel func- tion and S is the Huang-Rhys coupling constant. In the first instance, the comparison of the I-V data measured in the temperature range from 43 K to 294 K for DNA molecule s (from Fig 2a in [11]) with dependences is presented in Fig. 1. The W(E,T) dependences were calculated using centre depth eT to be 0.21 eV (the value is slightly higher than the value of the activation energy esti- mated in Table 1, which is offere d in Ref. [11]), and for the electron effective mass the value ofWET R W peT ppp oo (,) ( ) , =+
eo= =-
=ww w 22 2 T (3) Comparison of I - V dependences in poly(dA)-poly(dT ) DNA molecules extracted from figure 2 (a) in [11] (sym- bols) with theoretical W (E,T) against E dependences (solid curves) calculated for the same T as in the experiment (from top to bottom) using the following parameters: eT = 0.21 eV, m* = 1.5 me, o = 43 meV and S = 12 Figure 1 Comparison of I - V dependences in poly(dA)-poly(dT ) DNA molecules extracted from figure 2(a) in [11] (sym- bols) with theoretical W (E,T) against E dependences (solid curves) calculated for the same T as in the experiment (from top to bottom) using the following parameters: eT = 0.21 eV, m* = 1.5 me, ho = 43 meV and S = 12.-4 -2 0 (nA) lnV (V)294 K 223 K 161 K 143 K 89 K 43 KYoo et al., 2001 dA-dT Fig1a lnW (s-1)lnE (MV/m)PMC Physics B 2008, 1:6 4 of 6 (page number not for citation purposes)1.5 me [30] was used. For the phonon energy, the value of 43 meV was selected. This value is sim- ilar to the value of 348 cm-1 used for the calculation of the DNA IR active modes in [31]. The cou- pling constant S was chosen in order to ge t the best fit of the experimental data with the calculated dependences on the assumption that the field strength for tunnelling is proportional to the applied voltage. As is s een in Fig. 1, the theoretical W(E,T) dependences fit well with the experimental data for entire range of the measured temperatures. The field strength for theoreti- cal curves ranges from 0.16 MV/m to 500 MV/m, wh ich is close to the field strength estimated from the sample thickness (about 20 nm). The judgment on the carriers tr ansfer mechanism is often carr ied out considering the conduct- ance dependence on the temperature. The con ductance measured by Yoo et al. for was strongly t ar ound room temperature and slightly at low temperatures [11]. The authors explain such dependence within small polaron hopping model. We note that the W (E,T) versus E characteristics at temperatures below 100 K are weakly dependent on the temperature, and this feature is in excellent agreement with the experimental observatio n. This circumstance is also eviden t in Fig. 2 (solid lines) from the plot of ln W (E,T) versus 1/T calculated using the same parameters as in Fig. 1 and for E = 135 MV/m. The symbols in Fig. 2 represent the experime ntal data extracted from figure 2(c) in [11]. One can see that the theoretical dependences of the phonon-assisted tunnelling rate are in good agreement with the experimental data. Tran et al. [9] using the resonant cavity tech nique studied conductivi ty and its along the l-DNA double helix at microwave fr equencies. They observed s (T) against 1/T dependence for poly(dA)-pol y(dT) DNA molecules extracted from figure 2 (c) in [11] (symbols) fitted to W (E,T) against 1/T dependence, calculated using the same parameters as in Fig. 1 Figure 2 Experimental s (T) against 1/T dependence for poly(dA)-pol y(dT) DNA molecules extracted from figure 2 (c) in [11] (symbols) fitted to W (E,T) against 1/T dependence, calculated using the same parameters as in Fig. 1.0 5 10 15 20 (:-1) 103/T (K-1) lnW (s-1)Yoo et al., 2001 Fig.2cPMC Physics B 2008, 1:6 5 of 6 (page number not for citation of the conductivity on the temperature as in [11], i.e. a strong temperature dependence of conductivity at high temperatures, wherea s at low temperatures the conductivity in l-DNA exhibits a very weak temperature dependence. Th ey explain the t conduc- tivity suggesting two transport me chanisms, i.e. ionic conduction at low temperatures and tem- perature driven hopping transpor t processes at high te mperatures. The underlying physics of the weak temperature dependence at low temperatur es was not understood. The calculation in [32] has also shown that transport through DN A does not have a purely hopping character. In Fig. 3 the experimental data ext racted from Fig. 3 in [9] for l-DNA (symbols) fitted to the PhAT rate dependences on 1/T for the l-DNA in buffer (solid curve) and for the dray l-DNA (dashed curve), are depicted. In this case the theoretical W(T) dependences reflect also the exper- imental data conclusion, the PhAT model is able to expl ain the peculiarities of field- and current observed in DNA molecules in a wide region of the electric field strength. A strong temperature dependence of conductivity observed at high temperatures and a very weak temperature dependence at low te mperatures of DNA molecules is comprehensible in the frame- work of the PhAT model. It is worth to note that the W(E,T) dependences at both low and are calculated using the same set of parameters, i.e. eT, m*, T, E, ho and S. From these ones only the Huang-Rhys coupling constant S is the fitting parameter estimated from the Experimental s (T) against 1/T dependences for the l-DNA in buffer and for the dray l-DNA extracted from figure 3 in [9] (symbols) fitted to theoretical W (E,T) against 1/T dependences calculated for the following parameters: eT = 0.21 eV, E = 290 MV/m, S = 12 (solid line) and for parameters eT = 0.17 eV, E = 315 MV/m, S = 8 (dashed line) Figure 3 Experimental s (T) against 1/T dependences for the l-DNA in buffer and for the dray l-DNA extracted from figure 3 in [9] (symbols) fitted to theoretical W (E,T) against 1/T dependences calculated for the following parameters: eT = 0.21 eV, E = 290 MV/m, S = 12 (solid line) and for parameters eT = 0.17 eV, E = 315 MV/m, S = 8 (dashed ((:cm)-1) 103/T (K-1)Dray O-DNA O-DNA in buffer 100HzTran et al., Physics B 2008, 1:6 6 of 6 (page number not for citation purposes)best fitting of the experimental data and theo ry. 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| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 12 May 2008 14:33:10 GMT"
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/glyph37/glyph56/glyph73/glyph56/glyph69/glyph63/glyph56/glyph70/glyph70/glyph7/glyph1/glyph74/glyph56/glyph1/glyph53/glyph56/glyph63/glyph60/glyph56/glyph73/glyph56/glyph1/glyph1/glyph66/glyph72/glyph69/glyph1/glyph69/glyph56/glyph70/glyph72/glyph63/glyph71/glyph1/glyph74/glyph60/glyph63/glyph63/glyph1/glyph54/glyph56/glyph69/glyph71/glyph52/glyph60/glyph65/glyph63/glyph76/glyph1/glyph70/glyph71/glyph60 /glyph64/glyph72/glyph63/glyph52/glyph71/glyph56/glyph1/glyph57/glyph72/glyph69/glyph69/glyph1/glyph69/glyph56/glyph70/glyph56/glyph52/glyph69/glyph54/glyph59/glyph1/glyph60/glyph65
/glyph43/glyph66/glyph1/glyph26/glyph52/glyph67/glyph56/glyph70/glyph1/glyph1/glyph26/glyph37/glyph39/glyph68/glyph1/glyph1/glyph57/glyph60/glyph65/glyph52/glyph65/glyph54/glyph60/glyph52/glyph63/glyph1/glyph70/glyph72/glyph67/glyph67/glyph66/glyph69/glyph71/glyph7/glyph1/glyph26/glyph9/glyph1/glyph1/glyph57/glyph66 /glyph1 /glyph1 /glyph1 /glyph67/glyph72/glyph71/glyph56/glyph69 /glyph1 /glyph70/glyph60/glyph64/glyph72/glyph63/glyph70 /glyph1 /glyph1 /glyph41/glyph9 /glyph1 /glyph303/glyph80/glyph66/glyph1 /glyph1
/glyph69/glyph56/glyph73/glyph60/glyph70/glyph60/glyph66/glyph65/glyph1/glyph1/glyph60/glyph65/glyph70/glyph60/glyph58/glyph59/glyph71/glyph70/glyph9 /glyph1
/glyph50/glyph19/glyph51/glyph1/glyph1/glyph1/glyph26/glyph9/glyph1 /glyph9/glyph1 /glyph2/glyph1/glyph1/glyph14/glyph28/glyph41/glyph41/glyph2 | 0805.1655 | Cassio Henrique dos Santos Amador | Cassio H. S. Amador, Liliana S. Zambrano | Evidence for Energy Regularity in the Mendeleev Periodic Table | 5 pages, 3 figs | null | null | null | physics.gen-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We show that the dependence of the total energy of the atoms on their atomic
number follows a q-exponential (function proposed by C. Tsallis), for almost
all elements of the periodic table. The result is qualitatively explained in
terms of the way the atomic configurations are arranged to minimize energy.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 12 May 2008 14:41:41 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sat, 27 Jun 2009 21:12:49 GMT"
] | 2009-06-28T00:00:00 | [
"Cassio H. S.",
"Liliana S.",
] |
PMC Physics B 2008, 1:7 2 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes)play between charge, spin, orbital, and latt ice degrees of freedom. Doped manganites R1- xAxMnO3 (R = rare earth trivalent cation and A = di valent alkaline earth cation) undergo a para- magnetic insulator (PMI) to ferromagnetic meta l (FMM) transition and exhibit colossal (CMR) phenomena in the vicinity of their transi tion temperature. The between the metallicity and ferrom agnetism in manganites has been explained within the framework of the double exchange (DE) mechanism, which describes the between neighboring Mn (eg) orbitals. However, the DE mechanism cannot explain the entire observed phase diagram. In addition to DE, the polaron effect due to a very strong electron phonon coupling coming from the Jahn-Te ller (JT) lattice distortion of the Mn3+ is very helpful in explaining the resi stivity and of these compounds [11]. Among various aspects of transport studies in these material s, thermopower has attracted much it is a very sensitive physical property and depends on the nature of charge carriers and their interaction with spins. Although a lot of work on nanocrystalline manganites, based on their resistivity and , is ava ilable in the literature, data on thermopower of these materials are scanty. In view of these facts, a systematic investigation of electrical resistivity, and thermopower studies of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 manganites have been carried out and the results of such an investigation are presented here. 2. Experimental polycrystalline samples with compositional formula, La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 were synthe- sized by the sol-gel route, taking corresponding metal nitrates as starting materials in a stoichio- metric ratio. Later, these solutions we re converted into citrates and the pH was adjusted between 6.5 and 7. After getting a sol on slow evaporation, a gelating reagent ethylene glycol was added and heated on a hot plate between 160 and 180degC to get a gel. Finally, the resulting powder was pressed into circular pellets, which were sinter ed in air atmosphere for 4 hrs at 800, 900, 1000 and 1100degC to produce samples of different particle sizes. All the sample s were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) (Philips xpert diffract ometer). The XRD data were analyzed using Rietveld refinement technique [12] and the average crystallite sizes were estimated using peak broadening. The electrical resistivity and magnet oresistance (MR) measurements were performed using JANI'S 'supervaritemp' cryost at in an applied magnetic fiel d of 0,1,3,5 and 7T over a tem- perature range 77-300 K and magnetic transition temperatures (TC) were determined by meas- uring AC susceptibility ( kh) in the temperature range 77-300 K by using the mutual Finally, a dynamic two probe differe ntial method was employed for the measurement of the thermopower [13]. The samples were attach ed with silver paint be tween two copper elec- trodes with an adjustable temperature gradient and were monitored using a The assembly was placed in a clos ed liquid nitrogen cryostat and nitrogen atmos- phere was used as an exchange, to maintain uniform temperature and avoid condensation of moisture. The data were collected in heating mode. The measured thermopower data were cor- rected by subtracting thermopow er values of copper, so as to obtain the absolute of the samples.PMC Physics B 2008, 1:7 3 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes)3. Results and discussion 3.1. X-ray diffraction The XRD pattern of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 samples, sintered at differ ent temperatures are shown in Fig. 1. The XRD data have been analyzed with the Rietveld refinement technique and the mate- rials were found to crystallize in Pbnm space group. It is also clea r from the analysis that the sam- ples are single phase with no detectable impurity. The Mn -O-Mn bond angle and Mn-O bond length obtained from the Rietveld refinement are presented in Table 1. Th e average particle sizes of the materials were estimate d using peak broadening [10] through the Scherrer formula,
<S> = Kl/bcosth, where <S> average crysttallite size in A, K is a constant (shape factor; 0.89), l is the Cu Ka wavelength and b is the corrected axima of XRD peaks of the sample. SiO2 was used to correct the intrinsic width associ ated with the equipment. The calculated aver- age crystallite size values are given in Table 1. It is clear from the table that the crystallite sizes are found to increase with incr easing sintering Magnetic and electrical AC susceptibility measurements of all the samples have been carried out as a function of temper- ature (Fig. 2) and based on thes e results, the ferro to paramagn etic transition temperatures (TC) were obtained and are given in Table 2. It is clear from the table that TC values decrease with increasing sintering temperatur e thereby indicating that TC is decreasing with increasing particle size. The observed behavior may be explained following the work by Dutta et al. [14]; According X-ray diffraction patterns of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 manganites Figure 1 X-ray diffraction patterns of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 manganites.20 30 40 50 60 70 80LC - 11LC - 10LC - 9Intensity (a.u.) 2th ( Degree )LC - 8PMC Physics B 2008, 1:7 4 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes)to these authors, the magnetic and transport prop erties of the perovskite manganites are strongly coupled and are very sensitiv e to Mn-O-Mn bond angle and Mn-O bond length. It has been found that a decrease in magnetiz ation and an increase in resistiv ity occur as we decrease the par- ticle size, due to broken Mn-O-Mn bonds at the su rface of smaller particle s that hamper and degrade connectivity for electron conduction, but in this case it seems that the spin interaction increases and the connectivity im proves as we decrease the particle size. The decrease in particle size results increase in Mn-O-Mn bond angle and decrease in Mn-O bond length. Therefore magnet ization increases and TC enhances with decreasing particle size. It is also clearly evident from Table 1 that the bond angles are found to be almost constant, while the bond lengths decrease continuously with decreasing particle size of the ma terial. In view of these argu- ments and explanations, it is reas onable to understand that there is a continuous decrease in the values of TC with a continuous increasing sintering dependence of AC susceptibility of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 samples Figure 2 Temperature dependence of AC susceptibility of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 samples.50 100 150 200 250 300 100 150 200 250 300 100 150 200 250 300 100 150 200 250 300 (d) F(a.u.) LC - - 8(b)T(K) LC - 9F(a.u.)(c) LC - 10 T(K)Table 1: Experimental data of LCMO formulaSample Code Sintering temp. (degC)<S> (nm) a(A) b(A) c(A) Mn-O-Mn (Degree)Mn-O LC-8 800 20 5.466(3) 5.449(2 ) 7.727(5) 148.5 LC-9 900 30 5.468(3) 5.446(2 ) 7.742(3) 148.4 LC-10 1000 35 5.475(1) 5.462 (1) 7.732(3) 148.5 LC-11 1100 40 5.480(2) 5.462 (2) 7.741(6) 148.5 1.82550PMC Physics B 2008, 1:7 5 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes)The metal insulator transition temperature (TP) and peak resistivity ( rPeak) obtained from elec- trical resistivity measurements are given in Table 2. It is interesting to note that TP values are found to increase with increasing sinter ing temperature from 145 to 195 K, while rPeak values are decreasing. In view of these observations, one ca n understand that ther e is a tremendous influ- ence of crystallite size on various properties ment ioned, and that the observed behavior may be explained on the basis of a qualitative model. Acco rding to this model, it has been assumed that in the case of sol-gel prepared samples of the pr esent investigation, when the grain size of the material is decreased, a non-magnetic surface la yer having nanocrystalline size would be created around the grain. This may incr ease the residual resistivity of the material, which in turn decreases the density of Ferromagnetic Metallic (FMM) particles. Theref ore, lowering of TP and enhancement of electrical resist ivity at a given temperature ( rT) are expected. Finally, the shifting of TP towards the low temperature region could be due to the loss of long-range in the sample [15]. It can also be seen that a difference between TC and TP is observed and it is has been calculated T (TC ~ TP) for each material and given in Table 2. The T values are found to decrease from a large value of 108 to 24 K as the sintering temper ature increases continuously and in fact, a sim- ilar difference between TC and TP has been reported earlier [14]. The observed difference between the two transition temperatures m ay be explained as outlined here . It is well known that two con- tributions are responsible for the transport properties among CM R materials. One of them is intrinsic and might have orig inated from the double exchange (DE) interaction between the neighboring Mn ions, while the other one is ex trinsic and is due to spin-polarized ferromagnetic grains through an insula ting grain boundary (GB) barrier. According to DE model, the metal-insulator transition always occurs in the vicinity of TC. However, in the case of granular samples with a large number of GBs, the influence of interfaces and be taken into account. Further, as the GB is similar to the amor phous state, the on the grain surface is more disorder ed than in the core. In such a situation, the occurrence of insulating re gions on the grain boundary may not modify the magnetic transition temperature, TC. However, the phenomenon m ay influence the (electrical) transition, TP thereby shifting it to lower temperatures [16].Table 2: Electrical and magnetic data of LCMO Code TC (K) TP (K) TS (K) T = TC-TP (K) rPeak (ohmcm) MR% (7T) LC-8 253 145 229 108 969 63 LC-9 248 160 236 88 429 71 LC-10 246 180 257 66 176 70 LC-11 219 195 266 24 112 -PMC Physics B 2008, 1:7 6 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes)3.3. measurements we re carried out in the presence of different magnetic fields viz; 1, 3, 5 and 7 T. A typical plot of variation of electrical resistivity with temperature in the case of LC-9 at different field runs is shown in Fig 3. It can be seen from the fi gure that the resistivity is found to decrease with increa sing magnetic field and that TP shifts towards higher temperatures and that as a matter of fact, TP values are found to change from 160-185 K when the field changes from 0-7 T. This may be due to th e fact that the applied magnetic field induces delocalization of charge carriers, which in turn mi ght suppress the resistivity and al so cause local ordering of the magnetic spins. Due to this or dering, the ferromagnetic metal lic (FMM) state may suppress the paramagnetic insulating (PMI) regime. As a result, the conduction electrons (e1 g) are inside the magnetic domains and are easily transf erred between the pairs of Mn3+ (t3 2g e1 g : S = 2) and Mn4+(t3 2g eo g : S = 3/2) via oxygen and hence the peak temperature (TP) shifts to high temperature side with applic ation of magnetic field [17]. In fact a similar explanation was given earlier [18]. Further, the percentage of MR of all the materials (except LC- 11) of the present been calculated in the vicinity of TC by using the well-known relation, MR% = {[ r(0) - r(H)]/r(0)} x 100 (1) Resistivity versus absolute temperature of LC-9, at different magnetic fields Figure 3 Resistivity versus absolute temperature of LC-9, at different magnetic fields.100 150 200 250 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 MR MR%
T(K)LC - 90T 1T 3T 5T 7TU ( : cm ) T ( K )PMC Physics B 2008, 1:7 7 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes)The calculated MR values are found to remain co nstant (Table 2) with increasing The variation percent age of MR of LC-9 with temperature is also shown in the inset of the Fig. 3 and one may note from the figure that the percentage of MR values is found to be very high in the vicinity of TC. The electrical resistivity data (T<TP) of samples of the present inve stigation are found to fit well with the equation r = r0 + r2.5 T2.5(2) Here the term r0 represents the resistivity due to grain/ domain boundary effects, while the sec- ond term, r2.5T2.5 represents the resistivity due to electron-magnon scattering process in ferro- magnetic phase [17]. The conduction mechanism of manganit es at high temperatures (T > TP) is explained by adi- abatic small polaron hopping mechan ism and the equation is given by r = raT exp (EP/kBT) (3) where ra is residual resistivity, while EP is the activation energy, ra = 2kB/3ne2a2v, here kB is Boltz- mann's constant, e is the electronic charge, n is the number of charge carriers, a is site - to - site hopping distance and v is the longitudinal optical phonon fr equency. The activation energy val- ues, calculated from the best-fit parameters are given in Table 3. 3.4. Thermoelectric power (TEP) measurements were carried out over a temperature range 77-300 K and Seebeck coefficient (S) value s have been computed at diff erent temperatures. The variation of S with temperature for all the samples is shown in Fig 4 and it can be seen that the magnitude of S decreases with increasing sintering temperature. It is also clear from the figure that in the case of LC-8, LC-9 and LC-10 samples the sign of S is positive through out the temperature range while in the case of LC-11, th ermopower changes from a positive to a negative value. It means that the samples with lower partic le size (20, 30 and 35 nm) exhibit a positive S Table 3: Best fit parameters obtain ed from of thermopower and electrical resistivity of LCMO Code S0 (uVK-1)S3/2 (uVK-5/2)S4 (uVK-5)EP (meV) ES (meV) WH = EP-ES (meV) a' LC-8 -3.5850 0.0084 -3.0890 x 10-9160.31 26.368 133.942 -0.5994 LC-9 -5.4796 0.0105 -1.7713 x 10-8157.94 22.606 135.334 -0.4768 LC-10 -6.9553 0.0124 -2.2135 x 10-8155.09 17.731 137.359 -0.2747 LC-11 -2.4868 0.0544 -1.109 4 x 10-8143.43 2.859 140.571 -0.2410PMC Physics B 2008, 1:7 8 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes)value, while those with higher crystallite size (45 nm) exhibit both negative and positive values. The observed behaviour may be exp lained as follows. The positive sign exhibited by LC-8, LC-9 and LC-10 materials might be attributed to hole s which are excited from the valence band (VB) into the impurity band, while in the case of LC-1 1 sample, the change in sign may be attributed to the orbital degeneracy of the eg band. According to this model, the orbital degree of freedom of the eg band may play an important ro le. It is well known that eg band consists of degenerate 3 d orbital (i.e., d3z2 -r2 and dx2 -y2) and may split into upper and lower bands by an order of JH [19]. If the lower (spin-up) band, splits further into two bands in the FM state, then the lowest band is filled, the dopants may introduce holes thereby sh owing positive S values while the lowest band is empty; it shows negative (ele ctron-like) values. Therefore, on e may conclude that there may be a possibility of changing sign from positive to negative with varying particle size [20]. Close observation of S versus T plots shows that as the temperature decreases from 300 to 77 K, the values of S increases thereby attaining a ma ximum value in the vicini ty of magnetic tran- sition temperature (TC) designated as TS. The obtained TS values from S vs. T plots are included in the Table 2. Further, TS values and the magnitude of S at TS increase with increasing particle size. In the ferromagnetic metallic part (T < TP), a broad peak is found to develop and increase with increased particle si ze. In fact, similar behaviour was repo rted earlier in Pr-based The observed broad peak may be explaine d on the basis of the spin-wave theory. Accord- ing to this theory, in ferromagnets and antiferro magnets, electrons are scattered by spin waves,Variation of S with T of LCMO manganitesFigure 4 Variation of S with T of LCMO manganites.100 150 200 250 300-5051015LC - 8 LC - 9 LC - 10 LC - 11S(V / K ) T(K)PMC Physics B 2008, 1:7 9 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes)giving rise to the electron-magnon scattering effe ct. In a manner similar to the scattering of pho- nons resulting in phonon drag effects, the electron-magnon in teraction also produces a magnon drag effect. As the magnon drag effect is approximately proporti onal to the magnon specific heat, one may expect the variation of S with temperature as T3/2 for ferromagnetic materials [22]. In view of these arguments, one may conclude that the observed broad peaks may be attributed to the magnon drag effect which increase s with increase in particle size. 3.4.1. Low Temperature (T < TP) to the electrical conduction, several fa ctors, namely impurity, complicated band struc- ture, magnon scattering, etc, affect the TEP data at low temperatures (T < TP). Therefore, the ferromagnetic metallic part of thermopower data was fitted to an equation: S = S0 + S3/2T3/2 + S4T4(4) where S0 is a constant that accounts for the low temperature TEP data, while the S3/2 term arises from the electron magnon scattering contribution and the origin of the S4 term, which is domi- nant in the high temperature regi on especially near the transition temperature, is still not clear. Variation of S with T of LCMO manganites at (T<TP) Figure 5 Variation of S with T of LCMO manganites at (T<TP). The solid line gives the best fit to the equation S = S0
+ S3/2T3/2 + S4T4.100 125 150 175 LC - 8 LC - 9 LC - 10 LC - 11S ( P V / K ) T ( K )PMC Physics B 2008, 1:7 10 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes)The best-fit parameters obtaine d from equation (4) are given in Table 3 and are shown in Fig. 5. It is clear from the table that the S0 values increase with increasing par- ticle size for first three samples (LC-8, LC-9 and LC -10) and decrease in the case of the LC-11 sam- ple, while the S3/2 values increase continuously. The S4 values do not vary systematically with varying particle size of the ma terials. The increase in S3/2 values with increasing particle size shows a continuous increase in ferromagnetic magn on strength in these ma terials. Similarly, S0 represents the temperatur e independent High temperature (T > TP) behaviour There is a strong experimental evidence for the presence of small polaron s at high temperatures in the case of manganites [23]. In fact, pair-density function (PDF) analysis [24,25] of powder neutron scattering data of manganites clearly in dicates that the doped holes are likely to be local- Plots of S versus T-1 of LCMO manganites Figure 6 Plots of S versus T-1 of LCMO manganites . The solid line gives the best fit of the equation S = KB/e(ES/KBT + a').0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.0120369121518S (P V / K ) T-1 (K -1)LC - 8 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 ( K -1 )S( PV / K )LC - 9 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 (PV / K ) T -1 ( K -1 )LC -10 0.0032 0.0034 0.0036 0.0038 (PV / K ) T-1 ( K -1 )LC - 11PMC Physics B 2008, 1:7 11 of 12 (page number not for citation purposes)ized within one octahedron as a Mn4+ ion, forming a single-site polaron (small polarons). These small polarons in the paramagnetic insulating re gion are in good agreement with the of entropic lo calizations. Therefore, it has been concluded that the small polarons might be responsible for the high temperature (T > TP) paramagnetic conduction process in man- ganites. In view of this, the th ermopower data of the present in vestigation have been analyzed using small polaron hopping model descri bed by the following equation [26], S = kB/e [ES/kBT+a'] (5) where, kB is Boltzmann's constant, e is electron's charge, ES is the activation energy obtained from TEP data and the a' is a sample dependent constant, which is associated with the spin and the mixing entropy. In addition, a' < 1 suggests the conduction mechanism is due to small polarons, while a' > 2 represents the conduction may be due to large polarons [27]. The high temperature TEP data are found to fi t well with equation (5) and from the the ES and a' values are obtained and given in Tabl e 3. Plots of S versus 1/T of all the samples are shown in Fig. 6. The calculated values show that both the activation energies (EP and ES) decrease with increasing sintering temperature. Moreover, the magnitude of ES is much smaller than that of EP, which is a characteristic property of small polaron conduction [27]. The difference between the activation energies, measured from resi stivity and TEP studies is the polaron hopping energy WH = EP-ES. The decrease in the EP, ES and WH may be explained as fol- lows: It is known that with increasing grain si ze, the between grains increases, which in turn enhances the possibility of conducti on electron to hop the neighboring sites [28], thereby conduction bandwidth increase s and as a result the value of EP, ES and WH Therefore one may conclude that th e conduction bandwidth may be tuned by varying the particle size of the Properties of Fine Particles. Edited by: Dormann JL, Fiorani D. North-Holland, Amsterdam; 1992. and Mesoscopic Systems. Edited by: Kirk WP, Reed MA. Academic, New york; 1992. 3. 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thermopower of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 | 12 pages, 6 figures | PMC Physics B 2008, 1:7 | 10.1186/1754-0429-1-7 | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | A systematic investigation of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 manganites has been
undertaken, mainly to understand the influence of varying crystallite size
(nanometer range) on electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and
thermoelectric power. The materials were prepared by the sol-gel method of
sintering at four different temperatures between 800 and 1100 degrees C. The
samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction and data were analyzed using
Rietveld refinement. The metal-insulator transition temperatures (TP) are found
to increase with increasing sintering temperatures, while the magnetic
transition temperatures (TC) decrease. The electrical resistivity and
thermoelectric power data at low temperatures (T < TP) have been analyzed by
considering various scattering phenomena, while the high temperature (T > TP)
data were analyzed with Mott's small polaron hopping conduction mechanisms.
PACS Codes: 73.50.Lw, 75.47.Gk, 75.47.Lx
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 12 May 2008 15:21:18 GMT"
] | 2008-05-13T00:00:00 | [
"Y. K.",
"P. V.",
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PMC Physics B 2008, 1:8 2 of 16 (page number not for citation purposes)group R32 [1]. The general formula of these compounds is RX3(BO3)4, where R = Y3+, Gd3+ or any other lanthanide, and X = Al3+, Sc3+, Ga3+, Cr3+, Fe3+ [2]. YAB is a non centro-symmetric crystal and as early as in 1974 it was reported to be a ve ry effective second-harmonic generating material [3]. Furthermore, owing to its good chemical stability and possibility of substituting Y3+ ions with other lanthanide ions, namely Nd3+, Yb3+, Dy3+ and Er3+ [4] it is a promising material for The nonlinear optical properties of this material in connection with lasing proper- ties led to the construction of numerous systems generating red, green and blue light by self-fre- quency doubling effect [5]. YAB can be obtaine d as nano crystallite powders by approaches [6,7]. They also posse ss relatively large two-photon absorption [6], which makes them promising third order optical ma terials. At the same time they are good matri- ces for different rare earth ions [8-11]. The existing data is restrained by consideration of the fields and the influence of the rare ea rth ions [12-15]. Intrinsic defects also may play an important role in determining the optical susceptibilities [16,17]. We feel that a reliable band structure will be of immense help in understanding the linear and nonlinear optical properties and show directions for technologists to obtain crystalline materials with desired optical properties. A reliable band structure calculation can help in determining the role of inter-band dipole matrix elements on th e optical properties. It can give information on the dispersion of the bands in k-space and origin of the bands which are directly connected with the optical and susceptibilities [18]. In the present work we report first prin- ciple's calculation of the linear and nonlinear opt ical susceptibilities for YAB using the full potential linear augmented plane wave method [19] which has proven to be one of the most accurate methods [20,21] for the comp utation of the electron ic structure of solids within density functional theory (DFT) [22]. One specific feature of the borate crystals is the coex- istence of the strong covalent and ionic chemical bonds, which provide relatively flat k-disper- sion of the bands [23]. Moreover there exists substantial anisotr opy of the chemical bonds restrains the app lication of the pseudopotential method, even [24]. The aim of this paper is to understand the origin of birefringence and the high kh2(o), using first principle's calculations. In the Section 2 we present the computational and experimental details. Section 3 gives the results of the calculations an d the measurements. Th e observed discrepancies are discussed fol- lowing the band energy approach. II. Computational an d experimental details YAB has the trigonal structure (Fig. 1) of the mi neral huntite [1]. YAB lattice provides suitable sites for rare-earth or transition metal ions doping [8]. The lattice parameters of YAB crystal are a
= b = 9.295 A, c = 7.243 A, a = g = 90deg and b = 120deg. YAB melts incongruently at 1280degC and decomposes into YBO3 and AlBO3. Therefore, it cannot be crysta llized from stoichiometric melts.PMC Physics B 2008, 1:8 3 of 16 (page number not for citation purposes)The application of high temperature solution growth (HTSG) method allows lowering the tem- perature of YAB crystallization below the te mperature of the peritectic calculations of the electronic structure and optical prope rties based on the sca- lar relativistic full-potential linearized augmente d plane wave method were carried out using the WIEN2K package [19]. This is a very accurate an d efficient scheme to solve the Kohn-Sham equa- tion of density functional theory (DFT) [22]. This is an implementation of the DFT with approximations for the ex (XC) potent ial. The XC is treated within(a). Yttrium Aluminium Borate YAl3(BO3)4 (YAB) crystal structure Figure 1 (a). Yttrium Aluminium Borate YAl3(BO3)4 (YAB) crystal structure (b) Primitive unit cell, (c). Brillouin zone. PMC Physics B 2008, 1:8 4 of 16 (page number not for citation purposes)the local density approximation (LDA) [25] and sc alar relativistic equati ons are used to The Kohn-Sham equations are solv ed using a basis of linear APW's. In the inter- stitial region the potential and the charge density are represente d by Fourier seri es. In order to achieve energy convergence, the wave functions in the interstitial region were expanded in plane waves with a cut-off Kmax = 9/RMT, where RMT denotes the smallest atomic sphere radius and Kmax gives the magnitude of the largest K vector in the plane wave expansion. The RMT are taken to be 2.14, 1.81, 1.28, and 1.28 atomic units (a.u.) for Y, Al, B and O respectively. The valence wave functions inside the spheres are expanded up to lmax = 10 while the charge density was Fourier expanded up to Gmax = is obtained using 200 points in the irreducible Brillouin zone (IBZ). We calculated the frequency dependent linear op tical properties using 500 points and properties using 1400 points in the IBZ. The self-consistent calculations are assumed to be converged when the total energy of the system is stable within 10-5 Ry. The second order optical susceptibilities were measured by standard method (Fig. 2) using 10 ns Nd-YAG laser (Carat, Lviv , Ukraine, 2005) at the fund amental wavelength 1064 nm, with pulse repetition 7 Hz. The Glan polarizers were us ed for definition of the input and output direc- tions to measure the different tens or components of the second or der optical The green interferometric filter was used to cut the output doubled frequency signal at 533 nm with respect to the fundamental ones. Detection wa s performed by fast response photodiodes con- nected with the GHz oscilloscope (NewPort). The cr ystals were cut in directions which allowed to do the measurements for two principa l tensor components and . The set- up allows us to achieve a precision of 0.08 pm/V for the second order Results and Discussion A. First order optical suscep tibilities and birefringence We first consider the linear optical properties of the YAB crystal. The investigated crystals have trigonal symmetry, so we need to calculate tw o dielectric tensor comp onents, corresponding to electric field perpendicular and parallel to the optical c-axis, to completely characterize the lin- ear optical properties. Thes e are and , the imaginary parts of the dielectric function. We have performe d calculations of the die- lectric function using the expressions eo2zz()PMC Physics B 2008, 1:8 5 of 16 (page number not for citation purposes)The above expressions are writte n in atomic units with e2 = 1/m = 2 and h = 1. where o is the photon energy and is the x component of th e dipolar matrix elements between initial
|nk /H20909 and final | n'k/H20909 states with their eigen-values En (k) and En'(k), respectively. onn'(k) is the band energy difference onn'(k) = En(k) - En'(k) and Sk is a constant energy surface Sk = {k; onn'(k) = o}. Figure 3 shows the calculated imaginary part of the anisotropic frequency dependent and . Broadening is taken to be 0.04 eV. All the opt ical properties are scissors corrected [26] using a scissors correction of 0.6 eV. This value is the difference between the calculated (5.1 eV) and measured energy gap (5.7 eV). The calculated energy gap is smaller than the experimental gap as expec ted from an LDA calculation [27] . It is well known that LDA calculations underestimat e the energy gaps. A very simple way to overcome this drawback is to use the scissor correction, which merely makes th e calculated energy gap equal to the experimen- tal gap. From Figure 3, it can be seen that th e optical absorption edges for and are located at 5.7 eV. Thereafter a small hump aris es at around 6.0 eV. Looking at these spectra ='() '() mPnnZkd S S k nnk() ='() +'()
'() eo2zz() eo2xx() eo2zz()Second harmonic generation experimental setup (SHG): BS1, BS2-beam splitters, Ph1, Ph2-photodiodes, l/2-half wave plate, P-Glan polarizer, A-Glan analyser, L-lens, RS-rotation stage, F-filter/s, tube Figure 2 Second harmonic generation experimental setup (SHG): BS1, BS2-beam splitters, Ph1, Ph2-photodiodes, l/2-half wave plate, P-Glan polarizer, A-Glan analyser, L-lens, RS-rotation stage, F-filter/s , tube. PMC Physics B 2008, 1:8 6 of 16 (page number not for citation purposes)note that and increases to reach th e highest magnitude at around 7.5 eV for , and around 8.5 eV for . It is known that peaks in the optical response are deter- mined by the electric-dipole tran sitions between the valence and conduction bands. These peaks can be identified from the band structure. The calculated band structure along certain is given in Figure 4. In order to identi fy these peaks we need to look at the optical tran- sition dipole matrix elements. We mark the tr ansitions, giving the ma jor structure in and in the band structure diagra m. These transitions are labe led according to the spectral peak positions in Figure 3. For simplicity we have labeled the transitions in Figure 4, as A, B, and C. The transitions (A) are responsible for the structures of and in the energy range 0.0-5.0 eV, the transitions (B) 5.0-10. 0 eV, and the transiti ons (C) 10.0-14.0 eV. From the imaginary part of the dielec tric function and the real part and is calculated by using of Kramers-Kronig relations [28]. The re sults of our calculated and are shown in Figure 5. The calculated is about 2.4 and is about 2.5.eo2xx() eo2zz() eo2xx() eo2zz() eo2xx() eo2zz() eo1zz() eo1xx() (dark curve) and (light curve)Figure 3 Calculated (dark curve) and (light curve). eo2() eo2II()PMC Physics B 2008, 1:8 7 of 16 (page number not for citation purposes)The optical transitions shown on the band structure of YAB Figure 4 The optical transitions shown on the band structure of YAB. Calculated (dark curve) and (light curve)Figure 5 Calculated (dark curve) and (light curve). eo1() eo1II()PMC Physics B 2008, 1:8 8 of 16 (page number not for citation purposes)These crystals show considerable anisotropy in the linear optical susceptibilities which favors large SHG The birefringence is also important in fulfilling phase-matching con- ditions. The birefringence can be calculated from the linear res ponse functions from which the anisotropy of the index of refraction is obtaine d. One can determine the value of the extraordi- nary and ordinary refraction indices. The birefr ingence is a difference between the ordinary refraction indices, Dn = ne - n0, where ne is the index of refraction for an electric field oriented along the c-axis and n0 is the index of refraction for an electric field perpendicular to the c-axis. Figure 6, shows the birefringence Dn(o) for this single crystal. The birefringence is impor- tant only in the non-absorbing region, which is below the energy gap. In the absorption region, the absorption will make it difficult for these com pounds to be used as nonlinear crystals in optic parametric oscillators or frequency doublers and tr iplers. We note that the spectral feature of Dn(o) shows strong oscillations aroun d zero in the energy range up to 12.5 eV. Thereafter it drops to zero. We find that the calcul ated birefringence at zero energy is 0.025 in excellent agreement with our own measurement of 0.02. It is known th at for the borates, the contribution of the interaction to the dielectric disper sion may be neglected for the SHG effects [29] contrary to the linear electro-optics Pockels ef fect. Comparing these de pendences with the ani- sotropy for other borates [23,24] one can conclude that the anisotropy caused by the chemical bonds is smaller than in the other borates [24]. Calculated Dn(o) Figure 6 Calculated Dn(o). PMC Physics B 2008, 1:8 9 of 16 (page number not for citation purposes)B. Second order expressions of the complex second-order nonlinear optical susceptibility tensor has been presented in previous work s [33,34]. From the expressions we can obtain the three major contributions: the interband transitions , the and the modulation of interband terms by intraband terms . These are where n m l. Here n denotes the valence states, m the conduction states and l denotes all states (l m, n). There are two kinds of transiti ons which take place one of them vcc', involving one valence band ( v) and two conduction bands ( c and c'), and the second transition vv'c, involving two valence bands ( v and v') and one conduction band ( c). The symbols are defined as with being the i component of the electron velocity given as and . Thekh o ed krnmirmljrlnk ln mlfn-() ={}
- ()23 2432
=GGG nmloo o o o o - ()+- ()+- ()
2 (3) kh nmi mlj lnk ed krr rfnl ln l-() = {} 23 2432=G GG G nnflm ml - ()- - ()
- oooo2 8GGD nnmk mn ln mn mn{}
- ()+{}- () - oo ooo oo22222GG G oo ()
nml nm (4) kh ooo po o oomod;,ijk nl lmi mnj ned k fnm mn mnrr r -() =
- ()23 22432=G GG G llk lm - {} {}
-{} oGG G GGD oooomn mn nm2- kGG G () =()- () nmiki k rkGG G () = () () rk r k rk r krk r GG GG () (){} = () () +() () ()1 2PMC Physics B 2008, 1:8 10 of 16 (page number not for citation matrix elemen ts between states n and m, , are calculated from the momentum matrix element using the relation [35]: , with the energy the states n and m given by h onm = h(on - om). fnm = fn - fm is the difference of the functions. i, j and k correspond to cartesian indices. It has been demonstrated by Aspnes [36] that only one virtual-electron transitions one valence band state and two conduction band states) give a significant contribution to the second-order tensor. Hence we ignore th e virtual-hole contribution (transitions between two valence band states and one conduction band state) because it was found to be negative and more than an order of magnitude smaller than the virtual-electr on contribution for these com- pounds. For simplicity we denote by . We have measured the second order susceptibili ties of YAB single crystal using Nd-YAG laser at the fundamental wavelength 1064 nm. Since th e investigated crystals belong to the point group R32 there are only five in dependent components of the SHG tensor, namely, the 123, 112, 222, 213 and 312 components (1, 2, and 3 refer to the x, y and z axes, respectively) [30]. These are , , , and . Here is the complex sec- ond-order nonlinear optical susceptibility tensor . The subscripts i, j, and k are Cartesian indices. The calculated imaginary part of the second order SHG susceptibilities , , , and are shown in Figures 7 and 8. We do not show the component because it is very small. Our calculat ion and measurement show that is the dominant component which shows the largest total Re value compared to the other components (Table 1). A definite enhancement in the anisotropy on going from linear to the nonlinear optical properties is evident (Figures 7 and 8). It is well known that nonlinear optical susceptibilities are more sensitive to small ch anges in the band structure than the linear optical ones. Hence an y anisotropy in the linear optical properties is enhanced in the nonlinear () =() ()o kh oooijk();;22-() kho1122()() kho2222()() kho2132()() kho3122()() khoijk()2() kh 1232()() Physics B 2008, 1:8 11 of 16 (page number not for citation Im (dark curve) an d Im (light curve), all Im kh(2)(o) are multiplied by 10-7, and in esu units Figure 7 Calculated Im (dark curve) an d Im (light curve), all Im kh(2)(o) are multiplied by 10-7, and in esu Im (dark curve) an d Im (light curve), all Im kh(2)(o) are multiplied by 10-7, and in esu units Figure 8 Calculated Im (dark curve) and Im (light curve), all Im kh(2)(o) are multiplied by 10-7, and in esu kho1232()()PMC Physics B 2008, 1:8 12 of 16 (page number not for citation purposes)In Figure 9, we show the 2 o inter-band and intra-band contributions to Im . We note the opposite signs of the two contributions th roughout the frequency range. We have calcu- lated the total complex susceptibility fo r ,... and . The real part of the domi- nant component is shown in Figure 10. The zero -frequency limit of all components is listed in Table 1. From above we can see the total second order susceptibility determining SHG is zero below half the band gap. The 2 o terms start contributin g at energies ~1/2 Eg and the o terms for energy values above Eg. In the low energy regime ( <= 5 eV) the SHG optical spec tra is dominated by Im along with the intra (2 o) and inter (2 o)-band contributions Figure 9 Calculated Im along with the intra (2 o) and inter (2 o)-band contributions. All Im kh(2)(o) are multiplied by 10-7, and in esu 1: Calculated total, intra-band and inter-band contributions of Re in units of 10-7 esu, along with the measured in units of pm/V. Component 123 112 222 213 Re khijk(0)total -0.0011 -0.009 0.01 0.0002 Re khijk(0)int er -0.007 0.035 -0.038 0.006 Re khijk(0)int ra 0.008 -0.04 0.04 -0.0085 Total Re khijk(0) pm/V -0.5 -0.7 0.8 0.5 Experimental SHG kh ijk(0) (pm/V) 0.12 Physics B 2008, 1:8 13 of 16 (page number not for citation purposes)2o contributions. Beyond 5.7 eV ( values of the fundamental energy gaps) the major from the o term. One could expect that the structures in Im could be understood from the features of e2(o). Unlike the linear optical spectra, the features in the SHG susceptibility are very difficult to identify from the band structur e because of the presence of 2 o and o terms. But we use of the linear optical spectra to identify the different re sonance leading to various features in the SHG spectra. The first spectral band in Im betw een 0.0-5.0 eV is main ly originated from 2 o resonance and arises from the first structure in e2(o). The second band between 5.0-7.0 eV is associated with interference between the o resonance and 2 o resonance and is associated with high structure in e2(o). The last structur e from 7.0-8.0 eV is mainly due to o resonance and is associated with the tail in e2(o). From an experimental viewpoint, one of the quant ities of interest is the magnitude of to the second order suscepti bility). We present the absolute values of , and in Figure 11. The first peak for these compo- nents are located at 2 o = 5.31 and 5.11 eV with the peak values of (0.052 and 0.081) x 10-7 esu, kho kho1232 2132 () ()() = () kho kho1122 2222 () ()() = ()Calculated Re along with the intra (2 o) and inter (2 o)-band contributions Figure 10 Calculated Re along with the intra (2 o) and inter (2 o)-band contributions. All Im kh(2)(o) are multiplied by 10-7, and in esu Physics B 2008, 1:8 14 of 16 (page number not for citation To evaluate the pe rformed calculations we have don e the measurements of the abso- lute value of and for the YAB single crystals for the Nd-YAG laser wavelength 1064 nm and we have revealed the correspon ding values equal to about (0.042 and 0.061)x10-7 esu, respectively confirming sufficiently good agr eement. The calculated second order show substantially good agreement with the measured one. IV. Conclusion We have performed experimental measurements of the second order susceptibilities for the sec- ond harmonic generation for the YAl3(BO3)4 (YAB) single crystals for the two principal xyz and yyy. We have reported a firs t principle's calculation of the linear and non- linear optical susceptibilities using the FP-LAPW method within a framework of DFT. Our calcu- lations show that YAB possess es a direct energy band gap of about 5.1 eV located at G point of the Brillouin zone. This is smaller than the expe rimental value of 5.7 eV. The calculated imagi- nary and real parts of the seco nd order SHG susceptibility and were found to be in reasonable agreement with the measurements. We note that any anisotropy in the linear optical su sceptibilities will signif icantly enhance the non- linear optical Ou r calculations show that the 2 o inter-band and intra-band con-kho1232()() kho2222()() kho kho1232 2132 () ()() = () kho kho2222 1122 () ()() = ()Calculated absolute value of (dark curve) and (light curve) Figure 11 Calculated absolute value of (dark curve) and (light curve). All absolute values of kh(2)(o) are mul- tiplied by 10-7, and in esu kho1122()()PMC Physics B 2008, 1:8 15 of 16 (page number not for citation to the real and imaginary parts of show opposite signs. 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crystals (theoretical simulation and experiment) | 16 pages, 11 figures | PMC Physics B 2008, 1:8 | 10.1186/1754-0429-1-8 | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Experimental measurements of the second order susceptibilities for the second
harmonic generation are reported for YAl3(BO3)4 (YAB) single crystals for the
two principal tensor components xyz and yyy. First principles calculation of
the linear and nonlinear optical susceptibilities for Yttrium Aluminum Borate
YAl3(BO3)4 (YAB) crystal have been carried out within a framework of the
full-potential linear augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method. Our calculations
show a large anisotropy of the linear and nonlinear optical susceptibilities.
The observed dependences of the second order susceptibilities for the static
frequency limit and for the frequency may be a consequence of different
contribution of electron-phonon interactions. The imaginary parts of the second
order SHG susceptibility chi_{123}^{(2)}(omega), chi_{112}^{(2)}(omega),
chi_{222}^{(2)}(omega), and chi_{213}^{(2)}(omega) are evaluated. We find that
the 2(omega) inter-band and intra-band contributions to the real and imaginary
parts of chi_{ijk}^{(2)}\l(omega) show opposite signs. The calculated second
order susceptibilities are in reasonably good agreement with the experimental
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"created": "Mon, 12 May 2008 15:41:08 GMT"
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"Ali H.",
"I. V.",
] |
Lattice Points on the plane d cz by ax=++ and the linear diophantine system 1 1 1 1d z c y b x a=++ 2 2 2 2d z c y b x a=++ Introduction In almost every introductory number theo ry book there is a sect ion devoted to the treatment of the lin ear diophantine equation c by ax=+ , in two unknowns or variables x and , and with integer coefficients and .The word diophantine refers to equations to be solved in the se t of integers, usually denoted by Z. Also the same word, diophantine, has its hist oric derivation in the na me of Diophantos, a Greek mathematician (estimated to have lived in the period 150AD-250AD) who lived in Alexandria, Egypt. Diophantos tackled real life problems whose solution relied on the solution of certain equations to be solved in integers.The books Elementary Number Theory with Applications (see [1]) by Kenne th Rosen and Classical Algebra (see[2]) by William J.Gilbert and Scott A.Vanstone are excellent courses for the student who is unfamiliar with the above linear diophantine equation; they are replete with interesting exercises, not only on this topic but thr oughout, and they emphasize the computational aspects of number theory in a clear and concise manner. As with every other textbook wiich contains a presentation of the above equa tion, the complete solution set is presented (parametric solutions in terms of an intege r-valued parameter), along with the relevant conditions and facts. y b a, c From a geometric perspective when one tries to solve the diophantine equation , one has the objective of determining a ll the lattice points, if any, that lie on the straight line described by the equation c by ax= +
c by ax=+ .In a given coordinate plane with coordinate axes xand , a lattice point is simply a point in which both coordinates and are integers. y ) , (1 1y x 1x1y Later on in this paper, we will make use of the parametric solution to the above linear diophantine equation. Now let us turn our atte ntion to space equipped with a coordinate system of three mutually perpendicula r or orthogonal axes yx, and z; and imagine for a moment a lattice points in space; that would be a point with the real numbers actually being integers. The probl em of determining the set of all lattice points that lie on a gi ven plane described by the equation (with being integers) is tantamount to findi ng all integer solutions to the above ) , , (1 1 1z y x 1 1 1, ,z y x d cz by ax= + +
d c b a, , , equation. This equation often arises in pract ical problems as well. Only rarely does an Page 2 of 27 introductory number theory book devote a secti on to this equation. Even more rarely, does it contain a section on the system of two (simultaneous ) linear diophantine equations, 1 1 1 1d z c y b x a = + + eometrically speaking we would seek to find th e set of all the lattice points which lie on he organization of this paper in se quential sections is as follows: 1. Terminology notation of the form can be interpreted three ways: as a point in the coordinate 2 2 2 2 d z c y b x a= + + Gthe intersection line of two pl anes. Of course there may be not a line of intersection (parallel planes) or if there is one, it may not contain any lat tice points. This is then the aim of this article: to present (in a step- by-step manner) the parametric solutions to the above three-variable diophantin e equation as well as the system of the two three-variable diophantine equations; along with inte resting computational examples. T 1. Terminology, 2. Review: Solv ing the diophantine equation , ulasc by ax= +
3. The Four Form , 4. Examples, 5. Explanations and Proofs, 6. Chart of Special Cases A ()l,k plane (with axes xandy); secondly as the greatest co mmon divisor of two integers kand l.And thirdly, as a solution to the diophantine equation c by ax=+ (here, we exemp the pen interval notation). t o imilarly, a notation of the form ()r k, ,l S can have three meanings: as a point in space (equipped with an zyx, ,coordinate system), as the gr eatest common divisor of three integers r k, ,l,or (third meaning) as a solution to the linear diophantine equation d by ax+ + or the diophantine system 1d cz=
1 1 1z c y b x a= + +
will always be clear from the text whether for example 2 2 2 2 d z c y b x a= + +
()r k, ,l It refers to the greatest or sol common divisor of the integers r k, ,l; or to a point in space ution to the above tree variable diophantine equation or em. Note that the difference between the meanings of the triple () r k, ,l as a point or as solution to the above equation (or system) is only semantic; for all practical pur poses we may regard the fris t and the third meanings as Thus the only distinction that needs to be made clear is that between syst Page 3 of 27 ( r k, ,l)as a point (or solution) and as greatest common divisor of ,we will be writing r k, ,l d=) , , (r kl or some other letter. With regard to the notation x Z which may appear on occasion throughout this paper, it simply means xbelongs to the set Z or xis a member of the set Z (in plain language, xis an integer). Finally, the conjunctive may be used between statements, which simply means and. And one more clarification. If we state that the integer k divides the integer l, we will mean that k exactly divides ; that is, l l=t k, for some t Z. The same meaning we will attribute to the expression k is a divisor of l. The notation | can also be employed means k divides l. l|k 2. Review: Solving the diophantine equation c by ax=+ First assume that both a and b are nonzero integers.The special case (and the geometric interpretation of) (i.e.0=ab () 0 , 0=b a , ( )0 , 0=b a or ()0==b a is discussed in the special cases section.(Section 6) The graph described by the equation c by ax=+ is slant (straight) line whose slope is equal to ba-. The equation c by ax=+ has solutions in the set of integers Z if, and only if the greatest common divisor is also a divisor of (b a,) ()c b a c| , :=d . If ddoes not divide c then the se t of solutions is the empty set (no solutions) We have, dcybxac by ax =
= = +d d; the last diophantine equatio n is equivalent to the original one; that is, they have the same solution set. The two reduced integers daand db are relatively prime or coprime, another way of saying that their greatest common divisor is equal to 1: 1 ,=
d db a. If ()1 1,y x is a particular solution to the above linear diophantine equation then all the solutions are given by Solution set S: ()
- = may mbx y xd d1 1 , , (For further details, proof etc, see either of the two references, [1] or [2]) Where m is an integer parameter; in other words m can take any integer value; we can simply write Z.Thus, for each specific integer value of m a new particular solution is produced. m Page 4 of 27 So for () (1 1, , , 0y x y x m)== . Thus, if we know one specific or particular solution, all the rest can be found. But how does one determine a particular solution ()? ,1 1y xSometimes it is easy to find one by inspection or by a short trial and error process, especially if the coefficients a and b are small in absolutely va lue. But there is fail proof procedure that works in all cases, although it ma y several steps in order to arrive at a particular solution .Essentially this process is what is known as the Euclidean Algorithm. We can explain how it works without becoming unduly theoretical. For simplicity let us put (1 1,y x) 1 ) , ( ; , ,1 1 1 1 1 = = = = b accbbaad d d.We have the equation 1 1 1c y b x a=+ . If 11=a or 11=b , we are done; for example say 11=a (i.e. 11=a or -1) and suppose .We solve for x to obtain 11- = a y b c x1 1+- = . So the solution set S is given by S: Z. A similar picture emerges in the cases , () ( ) + - =m m m b c y x, , ,1 1 11=a 11=b or . Now suppose that 11- = b 11>a and 11>b . Because of the condition () 1 ,1 1=b a it follows that 1aand 1bmust be distinct positive integers: either 1 1b a> or 1 1b a< . For the sake of discussion suppose that 1 1b a< : we solve the equation for x (if it were1 1b a> , we would solve for y): 11 1 1 1 1ay b cx c y b x a-= = = + We perform the divisions and ; we have 1 1:a c1 1:a b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , R Q a c r q a b+ = + =, Where are the quotients of the divisions and the two remainders. 1 1,Q q1 1,R r As we know form the division theorem, 1 1 0 a r< <= and 1 1 0 a R< <= . We find that, () ( ) 11 1 1 1 1 1 ay R Q a r q ax+ - += 11 1 1 1ay R ry Q q x-+ - = Obviously for x to be an integer, the ratio 11 1 ay R r- m u s t b e a n i n t e g e r ; s a y y R z a r zay R r 1 1 1 1 1 11 1+ = = =-. Page 5 of 27 Note that in the last equation, 1 1 1a R R< = . Thus by setting 0z y=,we can repeat the process by solving for the variable (which is one that has the smaller, in absolute value, coefficient). The Euclidean Algorithm ensures us that the process must terminate after a finite number of steps by obtaining, in the last stage, an equation of the form 0z m= ++ n nz kz1 , which has the integer solution ()0 ,m.By back substitution we can trace a particular solution to equation (1 1,y x)1 1 1c y b x a=+ . Let us illustrate this with an example. Consider the linear diophantine equation, 102x + 140y = 318 We have a = 102, b = 140 , c = 318;
=d(a,b) = (102 , 140) = 2; 1702140, 511 1 = = = = baad, and 1591= =dcc . The original equati on is equivalent to 51x + 70y = 159. Obviously 70 70 51 51= < = , so we solve for x: 5170 159yx-= The divisions 159:51 and 70:51 yield 159=(3)(51)+6 and 70=(1)(51)+19. Therefore, () ( )[] () ( )[];5119 51 1 6 51 3yx+ - += 5119 63yy x-+ - = Next we set and 0z y=5119 60 1zz-= , a linear diophantine equation with unknowns and ; we obtain 0z1z 51 51 19 19 ; 6 19 510 1 = < = = + z z ,so we solve for : 0z () 1913 621913 19 . 2 6 1951 61 1 01 1 0zz zz zz-+ - = =+ -=-= Again, we set 1913 61 2zz-= , a linear diophantine e quation in the unknowns 1zand 2z: we ha 6=; note th ve 13 191 2+z z at 16and so solve for 19 13 13= < =1z: Page 6 of 27 () 136 13 . 1 6 1319 62 2 1z zz+ -=-= () 131 62 2 1zz z-+ - = We could continue for a few more steps till we get an equation of the form m= ++ n nz kz1 (which has the integer solution ) 0 , (m ); but it is not really necessary, for the last diophantine equation has an obvious particular solution: 12=z and . Tracing back we find 11- =z () 3 1 1 20 =+ - - = = z y and 1 1 3 3-=--=x Thus is a particular solution to the diophantine equation 51x + 70y = 159 and hence the original one. All the solutions are given by (3 , 1 ) , (1 1- = y x) m b x x1 1- = , ; m a y y1 1+ =
Solution set S( x,y)=(-1-70 m,3+51 m), mZ In the Examples Section, in all the examples (except for one) the particular solutions are easily found by inspection. However, we wanted to give an illustration to the reader of how this process works in less than obvious cases. 3. The Four Formulas In formulas 1,2 and 3 below assume that the coefficients a,b,c are nonzero (for the cases in which abc=0, see the Special Cases Section). Formula If at least on of the positive integers c b a, , is equal to 1 (i.e. 1 1 1+-=+-= +- = c or b or a ), all the solutions to the diophantine equation d cz by ax=++ can be obtained by merely solving for the correspond ing variable. For example if a=1, solution set ()( )n m cn bm d z y x S, , , , : --= , where m and n are integer- value parameters. While in the case b=-1, Solution set ()( ) -+= n m with n d cn am m z y x S, , , , , , : Z 1 The next formula pertains to the case in which 1 , 1 , 1> > >c b a and at least one of the greatest common divisors is eq ual to 1. First observe that the diophantine equation will have solutions if, and only if, the number d cz by ax= + + () c b a, ,=d is a divisor of d. Otherwise, if ddoes not divide d, the equati on has no integer solutions. If d|d , the given diophantine equation is equivalent to Page 7 of 27 ;d d d , ,=
and and d d dc b a ecause of the above reduction, in Formulas 2 and 3, we start with an equation which is ormula he next formula, Formula 3, deals with the cases in which not only each of the three here is a fact from number theory that is used in Formula 3, namely ) eader to show. InB already reduced; (a,b,c )=1 FAssume ( a, b, c) = 1 , , , 1>c b a and at least one of ( a,b), (b,c), (a,c) being 1, all the sol equal to 1. If ( a,b) = utions to the diophantine equation d cz by ax= + + are given by () () m z an y c d y bn 2 m x cm d x +-= = - - = ,1 1 , with being integer- valued parameters, and ( ) being a solution line ikewise, if, to the ar diophantine equation 1= +by ax n m, 1 1,y x L () 1 ,=c b , all the solution can be e xpressed by the two-parameter formulas () ()( )1 , , , y x with bn z am d z cn y am d x 1 1 1 ,y m +-=--== being a solution to the equation 1 =+cz by . imilarly, if S () 1 ,=c a , all the solutions can be given by () cn x bm d x-- =1 , () an d z m y z bm+ -1 to = =, with ) , (1 1y xbeing a solution 1= +cz ax Tcoefficient is greater than 1 in absolute value; but also each of the greatest common divisors () () () c a c b b a, , , , ,is greater than 1 (so we can not use Formula 2). T () ( c b a c b a, , ) , , (= for any nonzero integers c b a, ,. We leave this as an exercise for the r our case, a,b,c )=1= (( a,b), c) ( Page 8 of 27 Formula o finish this section, we stat Formula 4 which pertai ns to the diophantine system ormula and ()()()1 , , , , ,>c a c b b a 1 , ,>c b a Assume , and let ()d=b a, All the so 3 lutions to the diophantine equation d cz by ax= + +are given by the formulas, () () m z znay cm t ynb x cm t x ddd
+ =
+ - =
- - =
11 11 1 here are integer-valued parameters, W n m, ()1 1,y x is a solution to the linear diophantine equation ; 1=
b a
+y x d d and ()1 1,z tis a solution to the linear diophantine equation d cz t=+d . T mentioned in the introduction. F ssume that at most one of the six integers is zero and
= + += + +
here and are also integers. i. a 4 A2 2 2 1 1 1, , , , ,c b a c b a consider the linear diophantine system 2 2 2 21 1 1 1 d z c y b x ad z c y b x a W1d2d If 2 1 2b b a2 1 1 c ce e e === where 1=e or -1, then the above equation has solutions if, and only if, ;2 1d de= that is, if 2 1d de , the solution set is the empty set; while for 2 1d de= , the solution set to the above system is equal to the solution set of the linear diophantine equation 1 1 1 1d z c y b x a= + + which can be solved with the aid of Formulas 1,2 or 3; provided that ()1 1 1, ,c b ais a divisor of 1d(otherwise there are no solutions); if 1 1,b aor 1chappens to be zero, refe r to the Special Cases section. one of Page 9 of 27 Page 10 of 27 ii. Assume that at leas t one of the conditions 2 1 2 1 2 1 , , c c b b a aeee holds true as well as ()1 1 1, ,c b a=()1 ,2 , 2 2=c b a . Let be the determinants respec tively, of the 2x2 matrices D D D D, , ,3 2 1
2 21 1 2 21 1 2 21 1 2 21 1, , ,c dc d c ac a c bc b b ab a: 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 , , c a c a D c b c b D b a b a D-= -= - = and 1 2 2 1c d c d D-= . 2Dand can not both be zero (s ee Explanations and Pr oofs section) and so we can define, 3D ()
= =
1 231 1 3 2 23 , , cDD cand D D Dd Under the condition 01c (see notes 1 and 2 below). The above diophantine system will have solutions (i.e. a nonempty solution set) only if both conditions, stated below, are satisfied: Condition 1: The integer divides (or is a divisor of) the integer D 23D Condition 2: dis a divisor of the integer 1 1 1 1 1y b x a d-- , for any solution ( ) to the linear diophantine equation 1 1,y x D y D x D=+2 3 (see note 3). If both conditions are met, the soluti on set to the above system can be described by, , 232 1 1 232 1 ld
- =DD cmDDx x ldld
+ =
+ =
231 1 11 1 233 11,Dd cz zcmDDy y , where lis and integer-valued parameter and ()1 1,z mis a solution to the linear diophantine equation, 1 1 1 1 231 1by ax d z c mDd c- - = +
(which will have so lutions, by condition 1). Note 1: Note that the number-fraction 231 1 Dd cis indeed an integer: an easy computation shows that, 231 1 233 1 232 1DD c DDbDDa =
- Obviously , both 232 DD and 233 DD are integers since is the greatest common divisor of and .Similarly, the numbers 23D 2D3Dd1cand d1 231 1
DD c are both integers by the very definition of the integer d. Note 2: We may assume , since if it were 01c 01=c ,c b ); by hypothesis, we know that at most one of the coefficient is zero and so by necessity we would have .We can simply rename the coefficients: become and conversely. 02c 1 1 1, ,c b a2 2 2,a Note 3: With regard to Condition 1: It will either hold for every solution or for none; this will become evident in th e Explanations and Proof section. (1 1,y x When one is faced with a specific linear diophantine equation (or system) of two, three, or more variables, one may solve it without applying any systematic general method or formulas; but if one follows a different path for solving the very same system one may end up with a different set of parametric formulas describing th e same solution set. Assuming that no error occurred in the process, both sets of parametric formulas would be correct; the would be equivalent: one coul d, in a finite number of algebraic steps derive one from the other. We make this re mark in light of the possibility that some readers may want to experime nt and improvise with specifi c linear diophantine equations or systems and discover this f act in their own experience. 4 . Examples Below we present seven examples. 3/4 Example 1 i. Find the solutions to the diophantine equation 0 4 3=-- z y x ii. Determine the lattice points that lie on the plane described by the above equation and which also lie in the interi or of or on the boundary of (sphere) the ball whose center is the origin (0,0,0) and whose radius is R=2. Solution i) We are in the simplest of cases, namely those dealt with by Fromula 1. We solve for x to obtain x = 3y + 4z ; solution set , where are integer-valued parameters. () ( n m n m z y x S, , 4 3 , , :+ =) n m, ii) For a point () z y x, ,to lie inside or on the given ball, it is necessary and sufficient that its distance from the center not exceed R= 2; since the center is the point (0,0,0), we must have, 42 2 2<= + +z y x It follows that () = <= <= <= = <=2 2 2 4 , ,2 2 2z y x z y x () 2 2 , 2 2 , 2 2<=<=- <= <= - <= <= - = z y x Page 11 of 27 These conditions are necessary but not sufficient for a point ()z y x, , to lie in or on the given ball.The locus that the last three inequalities describe, is the set of all points in space which lie inside or on the rectangul ar box whose boundary surface is a cube centered at (0,0,0) and whose edges have length 4. 4. The given ball is inscribed in that box. A pplying part (i), we a rrive at the necessary conditions, () 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 2<=<=-<=<=-<= + <= - n m n m . A quick search can be done systematically by picking a value of m(m=-2,-1,0,1,2) and checking to see whether there are values of n satisfying the first and the third inequalities. Seven points are produces: (-2,-2,1) , (2,-2,2), (1,-1,1) , (0,0,0) , (-1,1,-1) , (-2,2,-2) and (2,2,-1). However only three lie in or the given ball (actually all three lie inside the ball): (1,-1,1) , (0,0,0) , (-1,1,-1) 3/4 Example 2 In how many ways can a person pay the amount of 80 cents using only dimes, nickels or quarters? Solution If x is the number of dimes, y the number of nickels, and z the number of quarters, we must have 10x + 5y + 25z = 80
=2x + y + 5z = 16. We are seeking the number of nonnegative solutions to the last diophantine equation; we must have which lead to the constraints z y x, , 0<= 3 0 16 0 8 0<=<= <= <=<= z x . This is a Formula 1 case, solving the equa tion yields x = m , y=16 - 2m - 5n , z = n, where m and n are integer-valued paramete rs. Applying the constrains implies, 3 0 16 5 2 0 8 0<=<=<= + <= <= <= n n m m A search produces exactly tw enty solutions; the triples and (8,0,0) Therefore there are exactly twenty ways of paying the given amount. 3/4 Example 3 i) Find the integer solutions to the equation 2x + 3y + 7z = 23 ii) Find those lattice points that lie on the plane described by the equation of part (i) and in the interior space bounded by or on the cube which is described by the inequalities 3 3 3 3 3 3<=<=-<=<=-<=<= - z y x . Page 12 of 27 Solution i. Since (2,3) = (3,7) = (2,7) = 1, we ca n apply Formula 2 with more than one choice; we apply it with ( a,b) = (2,3) = 1; in our case a = 2 , b = 3 , c = 7, and d = 23. All the solutions can be described by x = (23-7m) 1x - 3n, =+- = n m where m z n y m y , , , 2 ) 7 23 (1 Z are the two parameters and ()1 1,y x is an integer solution to the equation 2 x + 3y =1. By inspection, ()()1 , 1 ,1 1-=y x is solution. Hence, Solution set ()( )m n m n m z y x S , 2 7 23 , 3 7 23 , , :+--+-= . ii. We apply the constrains to the solutions we found: () =<=<=-<=+-<=-<=- + - <= - 3 3 3 2 7 23 3 3 3 7 23 3m n m n m () 3 3 26 2 7 20 26 3 7 20<=<=-<=-<=<= - <= = m n m n m A search shows that only m =2 , m=1 and m = 3 yield values of n that satisfy the first and second inequalities. Specifically for m=2 we obtain n = -3 and n = -4; while for m = 1 the values of n are only n = -6; and for m=3 those values of n are n = -1 and n = 0. Going back to the parametric formulas for x,y, and z we obtain exactly five points. (x,y,z) = (0,3,2) , (3,1,2) , (2,4 ,1) , ( 1,0,3) , (-2,2,3) The third point in the list lies in the inte rior space bounded by the cube, whereas the other four lie on the cube itself. 3/4 Example 4 Find the solutions to the diophantine equation 6 x - 15 y + 10 z = 4. Solution We have a = 6 , b = -15 , c = 10 , d = 4 thus ( a,b,c ) = 1. Since 1 , ,>c b a , and () () , 1 5 , , 1 3 ,> = > = c b b a () 1 2 ,>=c a , the relevant formula to use is Formula 3. First we need to find an integer solution ()1 1,y xto the linear equation 1=
d dbxa, where () 3 ,== b ad . By inspection the equation 2 x - 5y = 1 has a solution ()1 1,y x=()1 , 3. Next we find and integer solution is a solution. Applying the parametric formulas in Formula 3 we obtain, () ( 1 , 2 ,1 1- = z t) Solution set S:(x,y,z ) = (-6 - 30 m + 5n, -2 - 10 m + 2n, 1 + 3 m), with m ,n Z Check: 6 (-6 - 30 m + 5n) -15 (-2 - 10 m + 2n) + 10(1 + 3 m) = 4 Page 13 of 27 3/4 Example 5 6x - 4y + 3z = 30 Find the solutions to the linear diophantine system 3 x + 6y - 2z = 25 Solution We have 25 , 2 , 6 , 3 , 30 , 3 , 4 , 62 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 =-===== -== d c b a d c b a . Note that )2cand all the coeff2 2 2, , ,c b aare nonzero. Also, obviously, the requir1 2 1 1 1 1 , , 1 , ,b a c b a= = icients , ,c b a ement that () (1 1 1 1 b a+- o2b+- r a2 or 3 3b a+- is satisfied, so we can apply Formula 4, part (i i). We compute the four determinants to find , , ,481=D 102- = D 213- = D 135-=D . Also, () ( ) 1 21 , 10 ,3 2 23 = - - = = D D D and
=1 231 1,cDD cd = ((3) (48),3)=3. We check the two conditions: Condition 1 : obviously divides D = -135. So this condition is also satisfied. 123=D Condition 2 : First we find a solution ()1 1,y xto the equation -21x - 10y = - 135 21x + 10y = 135; = ()1 1,y x=(5,3) is a solution. We compute, which is divisible by 121 1 1 1 1= - -y b x a d d= 3; so the condition is satisfied. Thus, the system has solutions. To find them, we must find a solution ()1 1,z m linear equation, to the ()1 1 1 1 1 1 231 1y b x a d z c mDD c+ - = +
; 144m + 3z = 12 48m + z = 4; an obvious solution is = () ) 4 , 0 ( ,1 1=z m . Applying this together with the other inform ation we already have to the formulas in Formula 4. we find, Solution set ++- = llll ); 48 4 , 21 3 , 10 5 ( ) , , ( : z y x S Z Check: () () ()30 48 4 3 21 3 4 10 5 6 + + - -l+l= l And () () ()25 48 4 2 21 3 6 10 5 3=+- + + - l l l Page 14 of 27 3/4 Example 6 Solve the diophantine system 13 x + 11 z = 123 - 5 y + 7z = 4 Solution Observe that this system falls in the category of the Special Cases section since two of the six coefficients , are zero, namely and . We can solve this system by first finding the general solu tion to the second equation a nd substituting (for y) into the first equation. By inspection 1a2 2 2 1 1, , , ,c b a c b1b2a 21 1==z y is a solution to the second equation. The general solution can be given by, - = - =ll l ; 5 2 , 7 2 z y Z Substituting into the first equation gives () 101 55 13 123 5 2 11 13=- = = - +l l x x To find a solution (1 1,)lx to the last equation, we solve for x: we have 1310 37 413101 55 ++ + =+=lllx Let t = 313 4310 13 1310 3 -+ - =-= =+ tttll An obvious solution to the last equation is 1 11l==t Thus 1213137 41310 37 41 1 1 = + + =++ + =ll x We conclude that ()(1 , 12 ,1 1=)lx is a solution to the linear diophantine equation 101 55 13= -l x . Hence all integer solutions to the last equation are given by x=12-(-55) m and l=1 + 13m. We substitute for lin the previous equations for y and z to find. Solution set S: (x,y,z) = (12+55m , 5-91m , -3-65m). Check: 13(12+55m) + 11 (-3-65m) = 123 and -5 (-5-91m) +7(-3-65m) = 4 3/4 Example 7 Let p be a positive integer. i) Describe the set of all triples (x,y,z) with the two properties, 1. The sum of the three integers x,y,z is equal to p, and 2. The integers 7x , 5y, 3z (in that order) are successive terms of an arithmetic progression. Page 15 of 27 ii) What condition must p satisfy in orde r that x,y,z be positive integers? iii) Find the smallest value of p for which x,y,z are positive integers. iv) What conditions must p satisfy in order that x,y,z be the side lengths of a triangle? v) For p = 85 find those triples (x,y,z) w ith x,y,z>0. Which of those triples correspond to a triangle with x, y,z being the side lengths? Solution i) if the numbers 7x , 5y , 3z are consecutiv e terms of an arithmetic progression, the middle term must be the average of the other two. Thus we obtain the diophantine system pzyx= + + ()y x p z+-= = = () z x y3 7 5 2+ = 0 3 10 7=+- z y x ) (y x p z+ - = ) (y x p z+-=
= ()[] 0 3 10 7 = + - + -y x p y x= p y x3 13 4=+- In the last system, we solve the second equation for x to obtain 433p yy x-+ = ; clearly, is a solution, and so all the solu tions to the second linear diophantine equation are given by and () ( p p y x3 , 9 ,1 1=) m p x13 9- = m p y4 3-= , where m is an integer-valued parameter. Substituting back in the first equa tion (of the last system above) for z we find that, Solution set () ( )+--- = m m p m p m p z y x S, 17 11 , 4 3 , 13 9 , , : Z ii) Setting () =>> > 0 0 0z y x () =>+->- > - = 0 17 11 0 4 3 0 13 9m p m p m p
< < < =411 43 139 pmpmpm sinpmpand p ce < <
< < > = is the necessary and sufficient condition for x,y and z to be positive integers. What this really says is that in order for x,y and z to be positive inte gers it is necessary and sufficient that the open interval
=139,1711 p pl (here we use sta ndard precalculus/ calculus notation) contain at least one integer m. For each such value of the parameter m, a positive integer triple ( x,y,z) will be generated. p Page 16 of 27 iii) An easy calculation show that p = 3 is the smallest value of the (positive) integer p for which the interval pl contains an integer. For p = 3 , 2 ;1327,1733 3 =
= = m l lp is the only integer that falls in 3l. For p = 3 and m = 2 the formulas part (i) produce (x,y,z) = (1,1,1). iv) If (x,y,z) corresponds to a triang le, the three triangle inequalities must be satisfied: )y z> ( x x z y z y x+ +> > + . Note that these three inequalities alone imply 0 0 0 >> > z y x ( for example, add the first two inequalities member wise to obtain 0>x ). This means that we should obtain an interval (that depends on p) which must contain at least one integer, and which is a subinterval of the interval obtained in part (ii). Indeed, using the above th ree triangles inequali ties and parametric formulas for x,y,z ( in part (i) we now have, () =- > +-->+-- - < - m p m p m p m p m p m p4 3 4 2 13 9 13 8 17 11 17 12
> > > =85 2617 3423 pmpmpm sinpmpand p ce <
< < > = . We see that the necessary and suff or (x,y,z) to correspond to icient condition f a triangle is that the open interval
34 26p te as expected, that since=23,17pJp contain and integer. No < < , the interval lies entirely ithin (the interval in part (ii)). v) For pJ pl w
= = p and
341955 26= ,1445 85J . Also since 5 . 5734, 569 . 5526, 846 . 5813, 5517 = , we see that the internal 85l contains three integers; the integers m = 1955 1445 765 935 56,57,58; whereas the interval contains two integers, namely m = 56,57. ormulas in part (i) we find that, 85 J Substituting for p = 85 and m = 56,57,58 in the f (x,y,z) = (37,31,17) , (24,27,34) , (11,23,51) Page 17 of 27 The first two triples correspond to a triangle, but the third one does not since 11 + 23 = 34 is in fact less than 51; this is as expected by virtue of the fact that the integer 58 does not lie within the interval 85J. Also note that in part (i ii) where we found that for p = 3, there is one positive integer triple ( x,y,z), nam ely ( x,y,z) = (1,1,1); we see that p = 3 is lso the smallest value of p for which a triple ( x,y,z) corresponds to triangle; which for p f side lengthe 1. Of Formula 1 uch to show here, one simply solves for the variable whose coefficient is 1 or - ntine equatioa
= 3 is the equilateral tria ngle o 5. Explanations and Proofs 1. Not m 1. 2. Of formula 2 We only need explain the derivatio n of Formula 2 in the case (a,b) = 1. Since ( a,b) =
, the linear diopha n ax + by = 1 has solutions, let () be a particular 1 1,y x 1 solution. We have . We put z = m , where m can be any integer; so that, 11 1= +by ax ()[] ()[] cm d y cm d b x cm d a by ax =- -+- = = +1 1 11 , which shows that the pair1 ()( )1 1 ) ( ,y cm d x cm d- - so u o the linear diophantine equation ax + by =d - cm. Consequently, all th e integer solutions of the last equation are given by is a l tion t () () +-=--= n an y cm d y bn x, ,1 1 Z. But the initial diophantine equation by + cz = d is obviously equivalent to () d by axcm d x ax + Z m m z cz= - = +, ons to the initial equation re given by (). Hence all the soluti () m z an y cm d y bn x cm d x=+-=-- = a , ,1 1 , where m,n are integer- We are done. + by = dvalued parameters. 3. Of Formula 3 The diophantine equation ax + by +cz = d is equivalent to ax - cz. Since dis the greatest common divisor of a and b, we must have and =
=ddbb, where the integers da1 ,=
d db a and db. We see that, are relatively prim e; that is,
= - =
= - = + cz dbxacz d by axdddd cz d ybxa- =
=d dd d Clearly the last equation will have solutions if, and only if, is divisor of d-cz. Evidently the original equation is equivalent to the system of diophantine equations, Page 18 of 27
=() ) 2 (1 d cz tt ybxa
= +=
dd d cz d tt ybxa - ==
dd d e variables being x,y,z and t. Observe th th at each equation in the last system has solutions: the first has solutions since 1 ,=
d db a ()(. The second equation has solutions as well by virtue of )() ( ) 1 , , , , ,= = = c b a c b a c d , which is true by hypothesis. If ()1 1,y x is an integer solution 1=
d+ybxa d, then obviously ()t ty tx, ,1 1 Z Furthermore, let ()1 1,z t b, is a solution to equation (1). e a particular solution to (2); then all the integer solutions to quation (2) are given by , ,1 1e Z t + = - =m m z z cm td But for a given integer value of t, ()1 1,ty tx is particular solution to equation (1); therefore (1), wh ile (2) also ho , can be described by all the integer solutions to equation lds true ; ,1 1 d dnaty y nbtx x + = - = where n Z and cm t t-=1 . We conclude that the lution set to the original equation can be described by, so () () m z z nay cm t y nbx cm t x dd d+ =
+ - =
- - =1 1 1 1 , , ; Where m,n are integer- valued parameters, ()1 1,y x is a particular so lution to the linear diophantine equation 1=
ybxa d d and ()1 1,z ta particular solution to d cz t= +d . 4.. Of Formula 4 can not be both zeri) This part is obvious, it is ii) First note that the integers 2Dand o: for if that were the case we would have 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 10 c b c b c a c a-3D
==- ; then none of 2 1 2 1 2 1, , , , ,c c b b a acould be zero, since if one them were zero, o have to be zero (for example, if 01=a , then 0 01 2 1 2 2 1another would als
=== - c a c a c a , which is not allowed by hypothesis, since at most one of the six coefficients can be zero. Thus, all six coefficients would be nonzer o and so we would have Page 19 of 27 2 2 2c b a1 1 1c b a= = ; but also, () ()2 , 2 c c1 22 1 1 1, c cc c c c ''= , where 1c' and 2c' are relatively prime integers (i.e. ) and () 1 ,2 1=' 'c c ()2 1,c c is the greatest common divisor of and thus, 1c2c; = , which implies (see remark 2) b ()2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 , , c b c c a c a ,'='='='= llmm , for some integers m and l; we see that ()2 1 1 1 1 , , c c c b c a '=1 1,c c'='= lm and in view of the assu n that greatest common divisor 1c is equal to 1, we conclude 11='c or -1; Likewise the hypothesis m of and ptio 1 1,b a ()1 , ,2 2 2=c b a implies 12='c or -1. Obviously there are four combinations of values of 1c' and ses 2c' but in all ca e='1c=1e'2, where cor -1. Consequently, ()2 1 2 1 2 1 21 21 21 21c c b b a acc cc bb aae e e e= = = = =''= = = , ontrary to the assumption of part (ii). reatest common divisor positive integer. We have, 1 1 1 1 d c z c c y b c x cd z c y b x a - = - - - C It is now clear that at least one of 2D,3D must be nonzero and therefore their 23Dexists and is, of course, a g 2 2 2 21 1 1 1 d z c y b x ad z c y b x a
= + += + + ++= = 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1a = 0 since1c 2(c= times 1 eq.plus 2 ) order for e qua hat be a divisor of D, in other words, condition 1 must hold true. st nd ) 4 () 3 ( 2 31 1 1 1 D y D x Dd z c y b x a
= += + + We see that in tion (4) to have integer solutions it is necessary and sufficient t ()3 2 23 ,D D D=
Page 20 of 27 If is an integer solution to equation (4), th en all integer solutions to (4) are given by ) , (1 1y x
+ =
- = m mDDy y mDDx x , , 233 1 32 1 Z+ (5) Substituting for x and y in equation (4) yields, ), (1 1 1 1 1 1 233 1 232 1 y b x a d z c mDDbDDa + - = +
- and since the quantity in the brackets in equal to 231 1 DD c(see note 1) we arrive at ) (1 1 1 1 1 1 231 1y b x a d z c mDD c+ - = +
( 6 ) It is clear that the original diophantine system is equivalent to the pair of equations (5) and (6) in the variables m and z . For equation (6) to have integer solutions, it is necessary and sufficient that
=1 231 1,cDD cd be a divisor of the integer y b x a d1 1 1 1 (+- ); in other words, condition 2 must hold true. The integer solutions to (6) given by, ,1, 231 1 11 1 ldld
+ =
- =DD cm zcz m where l is an integer-valued parameter and a particular solution to (6). Substituting for m and z in (5) we find ) , (1 1z m , 232 1 232 1 l
- =DDzDDx x , 233 1 233 1 l
+ =DDzDDy y ,1 231 1 1 ld
+ =DD cm z # Page 21 of 27 Remark 1 . Note the assumption ) , , ( 1 ) , , (2 2 2 1 1 1 c b a c b a== . Obviously if we are given a system of two linear diophantine equations in three variables, the first thing to do would be check whether the greatest common deviso r of the coefficients of the unknowns in each equation divides the corresponding constant on the other side of the equation. If either equation fails the test, sy stem has no integer solutions. If on the other hand, both equation pass the test, we reduce each equation the (by dividing both sides with ) so that we have ) (2 1d or d id 2 , 1 for 1 ) , , (== i c b ai i i Remark 2 . In the explanations of formula 4 we made use of the following fact from number theory: if four non zero integers dgba , , , satisfy the conditions dg ba= and 1 ) , (=dg then ) ( dbga k k= = for some nonzero integer k. Indeed dg ba=implies bgad= ; since gis relatively prime to d and gdivides the product ad, it must divide a;this fact from number theory is typically covered in the first 2 or 3 weeks of an introductory course in elementa ry number theory. We have gak= for some non zero integer ; and fromk dbg bgdgbgad k k = === = ) 0 since ( ) ( . 6. Chart of Special Cases A. The linear diophantine equation c by ax=+ with 0=ab . i ) I f , 0 0 = b and a then the equation has no solution if b is not a divisor of c. If ,on the other hand b is a devisor of c then the solution set consists of all pairs of the form
cbm,, where Z(all lattice points on the horizontal line m )bcy= . ii) If , 0 0= b and a there are no solutions if a is not a divisor of c; otherwise (if a divides c), solution set = m macy x S ), , ( ) , ( : Z (all lattice points on the vertical line acx=) iii) If there are no solutions unless 0= =b a 0=c , in which case the solution set consist of all lattice points on the plane. Namely, = n m n m y x S, ), , ( ) , ( : Z B. The linear diophantine equation d cz by ax=++ with 0=abc . Let [ be the matrix of the coefficients. In each group below, we only present the solution for the first (as viewed from left to right) matrix (of the coefficients) in the group. The others are treated similarly. ]c b a Page 22 of 27 i ) Group 1: Exactly one of the coeffici ents is zero. Possible matrices are[] , , . c b 0[] c a0[] 0b a [ : The equation describes a plane whic h is parallel to or contains the x-axis. If does not divide d , there are no solutions. If, on the other hand ]c b 0 ) , (c b ) , (c b=d divides d, the solution set is given by
- = n m nbz ncy m z y x S , ; , , ) , , ( :1 1d dZ and a solution to ) , (1 1z y d d ddzcyb=
. ii) Group 2: Two of the coefficients are zero. The third non zero [] 0 0 a ,[] ,[] 0 0b c0 0 [ 0 0 a]: If a is not a divisor of d there are no solutions. If a does divide d, solution set
= n m n madz y x S , ; , , ) , , ( :Z. The equation describes a plane parallel or coincident to the yz- plane. iii) Group 3: [] 0 0 0 There are no solutions unless , in which case 0=d = ll , , ), , , ( ) , , ( :n m n m z y x SZ (all lattice points in space). C. The linear diophantine system , with at least two of the coefficients being zero. Matrix of coefficients is
= + += + +
2 2 2 21 1 1 1 d z c y b x ad z c y b x a 2 2 2 1 1 1, , , , ,c b a c b a
2 2 21 1 1 c b ac b a 1. Exactly two of the six coefficients are zero i) Group1: Two zeros in a column.
2 21 1 00 c bc b, ,
2 21 1 00 c ac a
002 21 1 b ab a
2 21 1 00 c bc b: Each equation describes a plane that is parallel to or contains the x-axis. If or equivalently 01 2 2 1= -c b c b 21 21 cc bb= ; then the system has no solutions unless = , in which case the problemis reduced to the single equation with (see part B, case (i)). d cz by ax= + + 01=a Page 23 of 27 If , there are no solutions unless the integer ( ) is a common divisor of the integers (01 2 2 1 -c b c b1 2 2 1c b c b- 1 2 2 1c d c d- ) and ) (1 2 1 2d b b d- ;if that is the case, solution set
-- --= mc b c bc b b d c b c bc d c dm z y x S , , , ) , , ( : 1 2 2 11 2 1 2 1 2 2 11 2 2 1 Z. ii) Group 2: Two zeros in a row.
2 2 210 0 c b ac
2 2 21 0 0 c b aa
2 2 210 0 c b ab
21 1 1 0 0cc b a
0 021 1 1 ac b a
0 021 1 1 bc b a
2 2 210 0 c b ac: The first equation describes a plane parallel to of coincident with xy plane. If is a not a divisor of , the system has no integer solutions. If is a divisor of , the system will have solutions only if 1c1d1c 1d ) , (2 2b a=d is a divisor of the integer
- 11 2 2cdc d ; in that case all the solutions are given by, , , , ) , , ( : 11 2 12 1
- =cdmay mbx z y x Sd dwhere is a solution to ) , (1 1y x d d d
11 2 2 2 2cdc d ybxa. iii) Group 3: Two zeros not both on the same row or column.
2 21 1 00 c ac b
00 2 21 1 b ac b
2 21 1 00 c bc a
00 2 21 1 b ac a
2 21 1 00 c bb a
2 21 1 00 c ab a
2 21 1 00 c ac b: If ) , (1 1 1c b=d is not a divisor of , the system will have no solutions .If 1d 1d is a divisor of the system will have solutions only if 1d
11 2 2 2,ddbc a is a divisor of the integer , where can be any particular solution to ; if that is the case, the solution set to the system can be described by, 1 2 2z c d- ) , (1 1z y1 1 1d z c y b= +
ld d d d d
- =
- =
22 11 11 1 1 11 2 21 ,1:a c cm y ybc x x S ,and Page 24 of 27 ld d d
+ =
22 11 11 1 1a b bm z z ,where is a solution to ) , (1 1m x 1 2 2 11 2 2 z c d mbc x a - =
+dand lis an integer-valued parameter. 2. Exactly three of the six coefficients are zero i) The two of the three zeros are on the same column and two among them lie on the same row. Possible matrices:
2 21 00 0 c bc
2 21 00 0 c bb
0 00 21 1 bc b
21 1 0 00 cc b
2 21 00 0 c ac
2 21 00 0 c aa
0 00 21 1 ac a
21 1 0 00 cc a
00 0 2 21 b ab
00 0 2 21 b aa
0 00 21 1 ab a
0 00 21 1 bb a
2 21 00 0 c bc: The first equation describes a plane parallel to or coincident with xy-plane; the second equation describes a plan e parallel to or containing the x - axis. The system will have no solutions only if not a divisor of . If on the other hand, , the system will have solutions only if is a divisor of the integer 1c1d1 1|d c 2b2 11 2 ccdd
- . In that case, Solution set , ) , , ( :cd bccdd m z y x S ii) Two among the three zeros lies on the same row, but no two lie on the same column. Possible matrices:
00 0 2 21 b ac
2 21 00 0 c ab
2 21 00 0 c ba
21 1 0 00 cb a
0 00 21 1 bc a
0 00 21 1 ac b
00 0 2 21 b ac: The first equation describes a plane parallel to or coincident with the xy- plane; the second equation describes a plane parallel to or containing the z-axis. If is not a divisor of , there are no solutions. If on the other hand, , the system will have solutions only if 1c 1d1 1|d c 2 2 2| ) , (d b a =d . If that is the case, the solution set can be described by Page 25 of 27
- = mcdmay mbx z y x S , , , ) , , ( : 11 2 12 1d d Z; where is a solution to ) , (1 1y x d d d2 2 2 dybxa=
. iii) Three zeros on the row.
2 2 20 0 0 c b a
0 0 01 1 1c b a
2 2 20 0 0 c b a: If there are no solutions, while if 01d 01=d , the system is reduced to with 2 2 2 2d z c y b x a= + + 02 2 2c b a ,which has already been covered by Formulas 1,2 or 3. 3. Exactly four of the six coefficients are zero i) Group 1:
21 0 00 0 cc
0 00 0 21 bb
0 00 0 21 aa : There are solutions only if and ; if so, there are solutions only if
21 0 00 0 cc 1 1|d c2 2|d c 22 11 cd cd= ; if that is the case, Solution set
11, , ) , , ( :cdn m z y x S ,where n m, Z (lattice points on the plane 11 cdz= ). ii) Group 2:
0 00 0 21 ac
21 0 00 0 ca
0 00 0 21 ac
0 00 0 21 ac: The first equation described a plane pa rallel to or coincident with the xy- plane, while the second equation describes a plane parallel to or coincident with yz-plane. There are solutions only if and in which case, solution set 1 1|d c2 2|d a
11 22, , ) , , ( :dcmadz y x S ;Z m iii) Group 3:
2 2 00 0 0 c b
2 200 0 0 c a
00 0 0 2 2b a
0 0 001 1c b
0 0 001 1 c a
0 0 001 1b a Page 26 of 27 2 2 00 0 0 c b: If there are no solutions. If 01d 01=d , the case reduces to part B(i). iv) Exactly five of the six coefficients are zero 2 0 00 0 0 c 2 0 00 0 0 c: If there are no solutions. If
0 00 0 0 2b
0 00 0 0 2a
0 0 00 01c
0 0 00 01b
0 0 00 01a
01d 01=d , the case reduces to part B(ii). . All coefficients are zero 0 0 0or is non zero, there are no solutions. If 5 0 0 0: If either 1d2d 02 1==d d , solution set in other words each lattice point in space is a eferences ] Kenneth Rosen, Elementary Numb er Theory with Applications, 2nd edition, Prentice ] William J. Gilbert & Scott A. Vanstone, Classical Algebra, Waterloo University () solution. k n m z y x S, , ) , , ( := ; k n m, , R [1 Hall. [2Press. Page 27 of 27 | 0805.1702 | Konstantine Zelator | Konstantine Zelator | Lattice points on the plane ax+by+cz=d and the diophantine system
ax+by+cz=d ex+fy+gz=h | 27 pages | null | null | null | math.GM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The subject matter of this work are the linear, three variable diophantine
equation ax+by+cz=d (1), and the diophantine system ax+by+cz=d (2) ex+fy+gz=h
with the coefficients a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h being integers. Introductory number
theory books, typically contain only a brief outline of how to solve equation
(1). Even less or no material is offered on the system (2). The purpose of this
work is to fill this gap. After some preliminary, introductory material, which
includes the general solution of the two variable linear diophantine equation
ax+by=c(material which we use later in the paper); we present a complete and
detailed analysis of equation (1). We determine the precise conditions that the
coefficients a,b,c,d must satisfy in order for integer solutions to exist. We
then derive a two-parameter, parametric description of The solution set. The
solution set of (1), if not empty, consists of all integer triples (x,y,z) that
satisfy (1). Geometrically, this is interpreted as the set of all lattice
points in 3-D space which lie on the plane with equation (1). Similarly, we
offer an exhaustive analysis of the system (2) by determining the precise
conditions that the coeffients must satisfy in order for integer solutions to
exist. We offer seven examples with detailed solutions.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 12 May 2008 18:05:32 GMT"
] | 2008-05-13T00:00:00 | [
] |
PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 2 of 19 (page number not for citation (II) have been of special interest for their structural flexibility. They can occur as simple tetrahedral anions CdX42- or form the backbone of chain pol ymers. This is due to the fact that the Cd2+ ion, being a d10, exhibits a great variety of coordination numbers and on crystal packing and hydrogen bo nding, as well as halide dimensions [3-8]. Although two-dimensional polymeric chlorocadmates (II) have been widely studied, much less is known about one dimensional linear chain co mpounds. The major difficulty concerns the fact that the structural possi bilities of bidimensional chloroca dmates(II) are somewhat restricted with respect to monodimensional ones, which pres ent a panoply of differ ent structural arrange- ments. A wide variety of stoichiometries belong to this class of compounds, including [Cd2Cl5], [Cd2Cl6], [Cd2Cl7], [Cd3Cl7], [Cd3Cl10], [Cd5Cl14], [Cd2Cl6(OH2)2], [Cd2Cl7(OH2)] and [Cd5Cl12(OH2)2] which makes the of chlorocadmates (II) extremely dive rse and complex. Common features of all these compounds are the invariable pr esence of octahedral (CdCl6) and/or [CdCl5(OH2)] units in the anhydrous and hydrated species, respectively. Ioni zed in some different w ays, such as sharing tri- angular faces, edges or vertexes, giving rise to in finite chains usually runn ing parallel along a axis. A network of hydrogen bonding , involving organic cations generally connects the columnar stacks of chains together and stabilizes the whole crystal structure [9-16]. In the present paper we report on the synthesis, the structural and spectroscopic of the both and [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 compounds. 2. Preparation of [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 and sample (denoted 1) was prepared by mixing the organic compound dissolved in acetone, with CdCl2, dissolved in hydrochloric acid solution (1 M), in molar ratio 2:1. By slow evaporation at room temperature, yellow crys tals suitable for X-ray single crystal analysis were the reaction proposed in order to justify obtaining sample is shown in figure 1. (denoted 2) sample was prepared by mixing CdCl2, dissolved in hydro- chloric acid solution (1 M), and the organic compound in molar ratio 2:1. By slow evaporation at room temperature, re d crystals suitable for X- ray single crystal analy- sis were the reaction proposed in order to justify obtaining sample is shown in figure 2.PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 3 of 19 (page number not for citation the reacti on proposed in order to justify obtaining [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 sample Figure 1 Schematically the reacti on proposed in order to justify obtaining [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 sample. PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 4 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)2.2. Analysis The infra-red spectrum was recorded in the 400-4000 cm-1 range with a Perkin-Elmer FT-IR using samples pressed in pure KBr pellets. The Raman spectrum of [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 and samples were on a Kaiser Optical System spec trometer model-Hololab 5000R in the region 70- 3500 cm-1 and HR 800 spectrometer in the region 150-2000 cm-1. For both compounds 111Cd CP-MAS NMR spectra were measured on powdered sample at 63.648 MHz (7.1 T) with Bruker WB 300 MAS FT -NMR spectrometer. A single pulse sequence was used for all the measuremen ts. The acquisition parameters for compound 1 and 2 were as follows; a 10.5 ms pulse length, 5.0 s pulse delays and 512 and 1024 scan per spectrum respec- tively. Samples in cylindrical zirconia rotors we re spun at spinning rates at 4 KHz and 11 Chemical shifts were referenced to Cd(ClO4)2 aqueous solution at 0 ppm. 2.3. Crystallographic studies For compound 1 (0.58 mm x 0.38 mm x 0.25 mm) and compound 2 (0.57 x 0.4 x 0.3 mm3) prismatic crystals were selected by optical ex amination and mounted on an Enraf-Nonius CAD4 four-circle diffractometer. For both compound 1 an d 2 the unit-cell parameters were determined from automatic centering of 25 reflections (12 < th < 15deg and 11 < th < 16deg respectively) and refined by least-squares method. Intensities were collected with graphite monochromatized Mo Ka radiation, using o/2th reflections were measured every 2 hrs as or ientation and intensity control. No were made for compound 1 and an em pirical absorption correction was applied for compound 2 using a method based upon ABSDIF data (transmission range of both structures were solved by Patterson me thods, using SHELXS-86 [17] in the space group . All the refinement calculations were perfor med with the SHELXL-93 [18] computer program. Cd and Cl atoms were first located. The atomic positions of nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen of the organic groups were subsequently found by diff erence Fourier syntheses. Details of the analysis ar e reported in Table the reacti on proposed in order to justify obtaining sample Figure 2 Schematically the reacti on proposed in order to justify obtaining sample. PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 5 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)3. Results and discussions 3.1. Infra-red and Raman [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 (1) Figures 3a and 3b show IR and Raman spectra respectively of the reported compound at A detailed assignment of all the bands is difficult, but we can attribute some of them by comparison with similar co mpounds [19-21]. The assignments of the bands observed in the infrared and Raman spectra of [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 are listed in Table 2. The principal bands are assigned to the intern al modes of organic cation. The C = C bands exhibit torsion vibration at 457 cm-1 in IR and 460 cm-1 in Raman, and stretching vibration at 1580 cm-1 in IR. The bands observed at 763, 955 and 765, 953 cm-1 in IR and Raman respectively are ascribed to CH wagging mode. Those observed at 1166, 1292, 1461 cm-1 and 1175, 1288,Table 1: Summary of crystal data, intensity measurements and refined parameters for [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 and data Compound 1 Compound 2 Formula Formula weight (g.mol-1)[ C12H17N2]2CdCl4 632.75 455 Color/shape yellow/parallele piped dimensions (mm3) 0.58 x 0.38 x 0.25 0.57 x 0.4 x 0.3 Crystal system triclinic triclinic Space groupCell parameters from 25 12 < th(deg) < 15 11 < thdeg < 16 a = 9.687 (8) A, a = 6.826 (5)A,b = 9.912 (9) A, b = 9.861 (7)A c = 15.40 (2) A c = 10.344 (3)A a = 79.4 (1)deg, a = 103.50 (1)deg b = 88.73 (8)deg b = 96.34 (4)deg g = 77.82 (7)deg g = 109.45 (3)deg V = 1420 A 3V = 624.8 (8) A3 Z = 2, m = 1.164 mm-1Z = 2, m = 3.609 mm-1 Intensity (K) 293(2) 293(2)Radiation, l (A), monochromator MoK a, 0.71069, graphite plate MoKa, 0.71069, graphite plate Scan angle (deg) 0.8 + 0.35 tg( th) 0.8 + 0.35 tg( th) 2th range (deg) 1.5 - 27 2 - 27 Range of h, k, l -12 -12, -2 -12, 0 -19 -8 -8, -12 -12, -13 -13 Standards reflections (6 4 0) and (2 6 0) (-1 6 1) and (-1 5 1) Frequency 60 mnReflections collected/unique 4541/4439 (Rint = 0.0219) 5436/2718 (Rint = 0.0019)Structure correction wa sn't applied ABSDIF T min/max : resolution Patterson method s SHELXS86 Patterson methods refinement with SHELXL-97 reflections [Fo > 2 s(Fo)] 3823 2371 Refinement F2 full matrix F2 full matrix Refined parameters 435 174Goodness of fit 1.035 1.565Final R and Rw 0.029, 0.081 0.053, 0.128Final R and Rw for all data 0.0378, 0.0864 0.0615, 0.1315 Largest feature diff. map 0.668, -0.453 e A -33.256, -2.636 e A-3 For compound 1: w = 1/[ s2 (Fo)2 + (0.0315 P)2 + 0 P] where P = [Fo2 + 2 Fc2]/3 For compound 2: w = 1/[ s2 (Fo)2+(0.0507P)2 + 0 P] where P = [Fo2 + 2 Fc2]/3P1 P1PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 6 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)1454 cm-1 in IR and Raman respectively are ascribed to CH bending vibration. The CH are observed at 2931, 2963, 2978 cm-1 in IR and 2926, 2957, 2985 cm-1 in Raman. The bands observed at 3160 and 3208 cm-1 in IR are associated to the asymmetric NH stretching out of plane, those observed at 3313 and 3363 cm-1 in IR are ascribed to sy mmetric NH stretching in plane. Table 2: Infrared and Raman spectral data (cm-1) and band assignments for wavenumbers (cm-1) Raman wavenumbers (cm-1)A s s i g n m e n t 74 (CdCl42-) Bend. 78 (CdCl42-) Bend. 117 Rotation (C12H17N2+) 128 Rotation (C12H17N2+) 279 CdCl42- Symmetric stretch 457 460 C = C torsion713 738 CC torsion763 756 CH and NH Wagg. 955 953 CH Wagg. 1166 1175 CH and CH 3 Bend. 1292 1288 CH and NH Bend., CN Str.1461 1454 CC and CN Str., CH Bend.1580 C = C Str. 2931 2926 CH Str. 2963 2957 CH Str. 2978 2985 CH Str. 3026 CH Str. (+)3030 CH Str. (+) 3160 Asymmetric NH Str. (-) 3208 Asymmetric NH Str. (-) 3313 Symmetic NH Str. (+) 3363 Symmetic NH Str. (+) Bend., bending; Str., stretc hing; Wagg., wagging; (-) ou t-of-plane; (+) in plane.a: Infrared spectrum of [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 Figure 3 a: Infrared spectrum of b: Raman spectrum of 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 (cm-1) (a) (b) PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 7 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)The bands corresponding to the intern al vibrational modes of the (CdCl4) anions: n1, n2, n3 and n4 appear in the Raman spec tral region below 300 cm-1. The intense band observed at 279 cm-1 is assigned to the n1 mode; while the band observed at 78 cm-1 is assigned to the n4 mode. Finally, the band appearing at 74 cm-1 is assigned to the n2 mode. The infrared and Raman study confirms the presence of the organic group C12H17N2 and the tetrahedral anion CdCl42-. 3.1.2 (2) FTIR and Raman spectra of (2) have been recorded (see Figure 4a and 4b) at room temperature. A detailed assignment of all the bands is difficult but we can attribute some of them by comparison with similar compounds [19]. In IR spectrum, the band observed at ~3500 cm-1 can be attributed to symmetric and asym- metric NH stretching vibrations. The characteristic n(CH) modes of the aromatic ring are observed as expected in the 3170-2680 cm-1 spectral regions. The bands observed between ~1540 and ~1620 cm-1 are ascribed to C = C stretching mode . The intense band observed at 1490 cm-1 is associated with the vibrations of the C-N-H group mixed with C-C stre tching and CH bending. The intense band observed at 1470 cm-1 is attributed to C-C and C-N stretching and CH A very strong band observed at 1310 cm-1 results purely from interaction between the a: Infrared spectrum of Figure 4 a: Infrared spectrum of . b: Raman spectrum of .4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 (cm-1) (a) (b) PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 8 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)N-H and C-H bending and C-N stretching vibr ations. The band observed between 1130 cm-1 and 1240 cm-1 is attributed to CH bending vibrations. Th e symmetric out of plane CH vibration (CH- wagging) creates a very strong band at 772 cm-1 whereas weak bands observed at 861 cm-1 and 876 cm-1 were attributed to CCC bending and C-N stretching. The medium bands observed in the region between 519 and 581 cm-1 are commonly attributed to ring torsion. The strong band observed at 443 cm-1 is ascribed to C = C torsion vibration. These vibrational absorptions are listed in Table 3. The bands corresponding to the intern al vibrational modes of the (CdCl6) anions appear in the Raman spectral region below 300 cm-1. The intense band observed at 158 cm-1 is assigned to the Cd-Cl bending; while th e band observed at 180 cm-1 is assigned to the Cd-Cl [22]. These vibrational ab sorptions are given in Table 3. The infrared and Raman study confirms the presence of the organic group C6H10N2 and the octahedral anion CdCl6. Table 3: Infrared and Raman spectral data (cm-1) and band assignments for sample. IR wavenumbers (cm-1) Raman wavenumbers (cm-1) Assignment 158 Cd-Cl Bend. 180 Cd-Cl (equatorial) Bend. 443 C = C torsion 503519 592 aromatic ring torsion581 606 668 CCC Bend. 688743 CC torsion 752772 CH and NH Wagg. 833 CH Wagg. 861 NH Wagg. 876 CH Wagg. 1070 1044 CC Str., CH and CCC Bend.11001130 1155 CH Bend.1140 11651240 1247 1310 1373 CC and CN Str. 1470 14001490 CH Bend., CC and CN Str. 1540 1505 C = C Str.1580 15451620 1575 2920 CH Str. 3500 Asymmetric and Symmetic NH Str. Bend., bending; Str., st retching; Wa gg., wagging;PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 9 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)3.2. NMR measurements The 111Cd MAS NMR spectra of compound 1 and 2 are shown respectively in Figures 5a and 5b. The spectrum of compound 1 is composed of one broad peak and two spinning side bands. The diso value is equal to 468.01 ppm indicating that CdCl42- tetrahedral is present in the sample [23]. Based on the 111Cd MAS NMR measurements of several ch lorocadmate crystals with known struc- tures, Sakida et al. have shown that the diso value for the CdCl6 octahedra is equal to 183 ppm [24]. Hence, it may be concluded that the compound 2 is composed of CdCl6 octahedra alone. The diso value of Cd(1)Cl6 octahedra is much smaller than that of Cd(2)Cl6. This fact indicates that the octahedral around Cd2+ has higher symmetry in the Cd(1)Cl6 octa- hedra than in the Cd(2)Cl6. a: Cross polarization 111Cd MAS NMR spectra of [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 compound Figure 5 a: Cross polarization 111Cd MAS NMR spectra of [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 compound. b: Cross polarization 111Cd MAS NMR spectra of compound. PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 10 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)3.3. Description of the structures 3.3.1 [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 (1) Selected inter-atomic distances and angles are given in Tables 4, 5, 6 and 7, structure can be described by an alternation of organic and inorganic layers stacked in the c direction. The anionic layer is built up of tetr ahedra of CdCl42- two different organic laye rs. The first one located at z = 0 is formed by C12N2H17+ (a) cations. The second is build up of C12N2H17+ (b) cations obser ved at z = 1/2 (Figure 6). The benzene rings in cations one and two are not para llel. The angle between them is equal to 77.3 (1)deg. The material cohesion is assure d by two different interactions: - The bonding between the organic and inorganic layers is established by three bonds (Cl1...HN21-N 21, Cl2...HN12-N12 and Cl2...HN 11-N11). The N... Cl distances vary between 3.134 (4) A and 3.691 (4) A. We deduc e that the hydrogen links are weak (Table 8) [25]. - The cohesion of the organic layer is obtaine d by van der Waals interaction between The separation between the planes of two aromatic ca tions from adjacent dimeric unit is 4.29 (6) A [4,26] (Figure 6). Geometry and coordination of the anion CdCl42- tetrahedron presents a C1 punctual symmetry. The geometrical features of CdCl4 entity are comparable to those found in the Cambridge St ructural Database (CSD) for other Cd(II) salts containing isolated [CdCl4]2- tetrahedral anions [27]. The rang e of average Cd-Cl distances is 2.45-2.47 A. In our case the Cd-C l distances vary between 2.416(2) and 2.501(2) A with a mean of 2.459(3) A (Table 4). The Cl-Cd-Cl angle val ues are in the 101.81(9)deg - 118.13(9)deg range with a mean of 109.26(9)deg (Table 6). Taking into a ccount these parameters and considering the cal- Table 4: Main inter-atomic dist ances (A) in anionic part of [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 and compounds. (Esd are given in (1) Compound (2) Distance (A) of CdCl4 Distance (A) of Cd(1)Cl6 Distance (A) of 2.497(3) Cd1-Cl3 2.551(1) Cd2-Cl6 2.501(2) Cd1-Cl3i2.551(1) 2.423(3) Cd1-Cl5 2.669(1) Cd2-Cl3 2.416(2) Cd1-Cl5i2.669(1) Cd2-Cl4 Physics B 2008, 1:11 11 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)culated average values of the Baur distortion in dices [28] {ID Cd-Cl = 0.0157(1), ID Cl-Cd-Cl =
0.031(1) and ID Cl-Cl = 0.0157(1)}, we deduce that the CdCl4 tetrahedron is slightly Geometry and coordinat ion of the organic cations Ortep representations of C12H17N2+ (a) and C12H17N2+(b) cations showing ellipsoid thermal unrest are shown in Figure s 7a and 7b, 6: Main bond angles (deg) in anionic part of [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 and compounds. (Esd are given in (1) Compound (2) Angle (deg) of CdCl4 Angle (deg) of Cd(1)Cl6 Angle (deg) of 101.81(9) Cl3-Cd1-Cl3i180 Cl6-Cd2-Cl7 108.85(9) Cl3-Cd1- Cl5 90.46(4) Cl6-Cd2-Cl3 110.14(9) Cl3i-Cd1-Cl5 89.54(4) Cl7 -Cd2-Cl3 109.78(9) Cl6-Cd2-Cl4 106.87(8) Cl7-Cd2 -Cl4 118.13(9) Cl5-Cd1-Cl5i180 Cl3-Cd2-Cl4 5: Main inter-atomic distan ces (A) in cationic part of [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 and compounds. (Esd are given in (1) Compound (2) Distance (A) of C12H17N2+(a) Distance (A) of C12H17N2+(b) Distance (A) of 1.388(6) C(21)-C(22) 1.383(5) 1.383(7) C(22)-C(23) 1.378(5) 1.373(8) C(23)-C(24) 1.396(6) C2vi-C5 1.356(7) C(24)-C(25) 1.352(6) C3-C4 1.410(5) C(25)-C(26) 1.426(4) C3-C6 1.406(4) C(21)-C(26) 1.415(5) 1.405(5) C(21)-N(21) 1.430(4) C1-N1 1.482(4) N(21)-C(27) 1.291(5) C6-N2 1.533(6) C(27)-C(271) 1.511(7) C(27)-C(28) 1.542(5) C(28)-C(29) 1.492(6) C(29)-C(291) 1.467(8) C(29)-C(292) 1.307(5) C(29)-N(22) 1.400(5) N(22)-C(26) 1.350(5) - symmetry code : i: -x+1,-y,-z+1; ii: x-1,y,z; iii: -x+2,-y,-z+1; vi: x+1,y,z; v: -x+2,-y,-z+2; vi: x,y-1,z; vii: x,y+1,z;PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 12 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)The C-C distances in the benzene of the first and second cations vary in the ranges A and A respectively (Table 5). The C-C-C angle values in the aro- matic ring are in the range 117.1(3)deg - 121.9( 4)deg and 115.4(3)deg - 123.2(3)deg for the first and second cation respectively (Table 7). The benzene rings of those cati ons are distorted and slightly deviated from their equation of the average plane for the first and second cations are, respectively, 7.11(1) x
+ 1.70(1) y - 9.96(2) z = 0.66 (3) and 4.55 (1) x - 1.99 (2) y + 11.80 (2) z = 4.91 (2). In the first and second cation, the average deviation of carb on atoms from the ideal aromatic ring is 0.0032 A and 0.0064 A, respectively. We deduce that the C12H17N2+(2) cation is more deformed. 3.3.2 (2) Selected inter-atomic distances and angles are given in Tables 4, 5, 6 and 7, crystal structure of the compound can be described by an alterna- tion of organic and inorganic layers stacked in th e [011] direction. The inorganic layer is built upTable 7: Main bond angles (deg ) in cationic groups of [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 and compounds. (Esd are given in (1) Compound (2) Angle (deg) of C12H17N2+(a) Angle (deg) of C12H17N2+(b) Angle (deg) of 121.9(4) 121.7(4) 120.4(5) 118.8(4) 119.6(4) 120.0(3) 120.9(4) 123.2(3) 117.1(3) 115.4(3) C1vii-C6-C3 120.4(4) 120.8(3) C1vii-C6-N2 122.2(3) 124.7(3) C3-C6-N2 122.7(3) 114.4(3) C2 v-C1-N1 110.4(4) 129.3(4) C6vi-C1-N1 108.3(3) 109.5(4) 107.8(2) 112.6(4) 108.2(4) 113.1(3) 122.7(4) C 117.3(4) 119.8(4) 126.5(3) 120.2(3) 119.6(3) 120.0(4) 115.2(3) - symmetry code : i: -x+1,-y,-z+1; ii: x-1,y,z; iii: -x+2,-y,-z+1; iv: x+1,y,z; v: -x+2,-y,-z+2; vi: x,y-1,z; vii: x,y+1,z;PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 13 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)of an infinite one-dimensio nal inorganic chain of [Cd3Cl10]n4n- moieties running along the [011] direction (Figure 8). Two types of six- coordinated Cd are observed: Cd(1)Cl6 and Cd(2)Cl6. In the trimer, two Cd(2)Cl6 octahedra generated by a symmetric center share one bridging chlorine atom (C1(4), C1(4')), the Cd(1)Cl6 octahedron shares one bridgi ng chlorine atom (C1(4), C1(3)) with the Cd(2)Cl6 octahedron and another bridging ch lorine atom (C1(4), C1(5)) with Table 8: Main inter-atomic distan ces (A) and bond angles (deg) involved in the hydrogen Bonds of [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 compounds. (Esd are given in H-N (A) Cl...H (A) Cl...N (A) Cl...H-N 0.74(4) 2.5 7 (4) 3.306 (4) 171 0.78(4) 2.37 (4) 3.134 (4) 167 0.82(4) 2.89 (4) 3.691 (4) 163 (4) - symmetry code : i: 1-x, 2-y, 1-z.[010] view of the structure of [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 Figure 6 [010] view of the structure of The large empty circles repres ent nitrogen atoms, the small medium grey circles represent hydrogen atoms an d the black circles represent carbon ones. CdCl42- anions are represented by tetrahedra. Hydrogen bo nds are represented by broken lines. PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 14 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)a: Showing the ellipsoid of ther mic unrest of carbon and nitrogen atoms at 40% in C12H17N2+(a) cation Figure 7 a: Showing the ellipsoid of thermic unrest of carbon and nitrogen atoms at 40% in C12H17N2+(a) cation. b: Showing the ellipsoid of thermic unrest of carbon and nitrogen atoms at 40% in C12H17N2+(b) cation. (a) (b) N11 C11 N12 C12 C16 C18 C24C22 C25C21 C26N21 C27 C28 N22 C271 C291 C292 C29 PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 15 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)the Cd(2')Cl6 octahedron (Figure 9). In the same layer, the infinite one-dimensional inorganic chains are connected by C6H10N22+ cations via hydrogen bonding (N -H...Cl) (Table 9). One type of organic cation, C6H10N22+, is observed on both sides of ev ery infinite one-dimensional inor- ganic chain. Each organic cation orients its NH3 groups towards the inorganic chain in order to form three hydrogen bonds with free chlorine atom of the CdCl6 octahedron and two hydrogen bonds with common chlorine atoms between two types of octahedron.[011] view of the structure of sample Figure 8 [011] view of the structure of sample. The large empty circles represent nitrogen atoms, the small medium grey circles represent hydrogen atom s and the black circles represent carbon ones. Cd3Cl104- anions are represented by octahedra. Hydrogen bonds are represented by broken lines. PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 16 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)From one layer to other, the cohesion is assured by hydrogen bonding (N- H...Cl) (table 9). Every cation forms three hydrogen bonds with the two layers observed on both sides of its own layer. Geometry and coordinatio n of anion Geometry of Cd(1)Cl6 The geometry of the Cd(1)Cl64- anion is shown in Figure 9, and it is apparent that the coordina- tion around the cadmium is slightly distorte d from octahedral symmetry, presenting a C2n punc- tual symmetry. The base of this octahedron is formed by Cl(3) and Cl(5) chlorine atoms and their symmetry by reversal center. The Cl-Cd- Cl angle values are in the 89.54(4)deg - 9: Main inter-atomic distan ces (A) and bond angles (deg) involved in the hydrogen Bonds of compounds. (Esd are given in H-N (A) Cl...H (A) Cl...N (A) Cl...H-N (deg) N1-HN11... Cl7i0.923(4) 2.333(6) 3.199(8) Cl6 1.108(6) 2. 102(7) 3.122(6) Cl5i1.108(2) 3.195(4) 3.776(8) Cl6ii0.826(5) 2.458(4) 3.185(5) Cl5iii1.011(4) 2.191(6) 3.198(5) Cl5vii0.751(4) 2.551(5) 3.254(7) Cl4 0.751(3) 3. 149(4) 3.548(3) Cl7i0.992(4) 2.443(5) 3.222(4) Cl7iv0.992(6) 2.693(6) 3.310(4) 120.6(4) - symmetry code : i: x+1, y, z; ii: -x+3, -y, -z+2; iii: x+1, y+1, z; iv: -x+2, -y, -z+1; v: x-1, y-1, z; vi: x-1, y, z; vii: -x+1, -y, -z+1Showing the coordination of Cd3Cl104- anions and the ellipsoid of thermic unr est of chlorine and cadmium atoms at 40%Figure 9 Showing the coordination of Cd3Cl104- anions and the ellipsoid of thermic unr est of chlorine and cadmium atoms at 40%. PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 17 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)range (table 6). The range of Cd-Cl distances is between 2.551(1) and 2.669(1)A (table 4). The chlorine atom observed in both si des of the tetrahedron base sh ow a longer Cd-C1 bond length (Cd-Cl(4) = 2.689(1)A). The Cl(4)-Cd-Cl angles wi th the Cl atom of the octahedron base are in the range, shown to be slightly distorted from octahedral symmetry. The Cl-Cd-Cl angles of opposite chlorine at oms about cadmium atom center are planar. In fact, the cadmium ion is located at the center of Geometry of Cd(2)Cl6 The Cd(2)Cl6 octahedra presents a Ci punctual symmetry. The Cl-Cd- Cl angles between atoms about the cadmiu m atom center do not form the ideal octahedral shape. The angle values are in the 166.97(4) -178.10(4)deg range, which proves that the cadmium atom is slightly shifted to the center of the octahedral one (table 6). The remainder of the Cl-Cd-Cl angles show a variation of +- 6deg in both sides of ideal octahedral shape (90deg). The Cd-Cl distances are more dispersed than those observed in the Cd(1)Cl6 octahedra. The range of Cd-Cl distances is between 2.519(1) and 2.739(1)A (table 4). 3.3.3 Geometry of organic group The asymmetrical unit contains only one C6H10N22+ grouping (Figure 10). The aromatic ring of the cation is slightly distorted. The carbon at oms show a low distortion compared to the average plan of 0.52A. Showing the ellipsoid of thermic unrest of carbon and nitrogen atoms at 40% in C6H10N22+ cation Figure 10 Showing the ellipsoid of thermic unrest of carbon and nitrogen atoms at 40% in C6H10N22+ Physics B 2008, 1:11 18 of 19 (page number not for citation purposes)The main geometric features of the organic ca tion are similar to those commonly observed in hybrid compounds [13]. The C-C distances and the C-C-C angles values in the benzene vary in the range an d respectively (tables 5 and 7). 4. Conclusion Two new compounds [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 and have been synthesized using solution methods. The atomic ar rangement of the both compounds can be described by alternat- ing layers of organic and inorganic material stacke d parallel to the ab plane and according to the [011] direction respectively. The material cohesion for all compounds is assured by two different bonds. The bonding between the inorganic and organ ic layer is established by N - H...Cl - Cd interaction, and the cohesion of the organic layer is assumed by Van Der Waals aromatic p-stacking. The inorganic layer for the compound is con- structed from infinite one-dime nsional inorganic chains of [Cd3Cl10]n4n- moieties running along the [011] direction, and that for the [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 sample is formed from insulated tetrahe- drals [CdCl4]2-. Infrared and Raman spectroscopy an d NMR study confirms the presence of organic and inorganic groups for both are grateful to Professor Monsour Salem for informat ive discussion in order to propose a way to the ion [b] diazepin-1-ium from in the syn-thesis of compound 1. References 1. Kimizuka N, Kunitake T: Advanced Materials 1996, 8:89. 2. Mitzi DB, Chondroudis K, Kagan CR: IBM Journal of Research and Development 2001, 45:1. 3. 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X-ray Diffraction of [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 and [C6H10N2]2Cd3Cl10 compounds | 19 pages, 10 figures | PMC Physics B 2008, 1:11 | 10.1186/1754-0429-1-11 | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The synthesis, infra-red, Raman and NMR spectra and crystal structure of 2,
4, 4- trimethyl-4, 5- dihydro-3H-benzo[b] [1, 4] diazepin-1-ium
tetrachlorocadmate, [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 and benzene-1,2-diaminium
decachlorotricadmate(II) [C6H10N2]2Cd3Cl10 are reported.
The [C12H17N2]2CdCl4 compound crystallizes in the triclinic system (P-1 space
group) with Z = 2 and the following unit cell dimensions: a = 9.6653(8)
angstrom, b = 9.9081(9) angstrom, c = 15.3737(2) angstrom, alpha =
79.486(1)degrees, beta = 88.610(8)degrees and gamma = 77.550(7)degrees. The
structure was solved by using 4439 independent reflections down to R value of
0.029. In crystal structure, the tetrachlorocadmiate anion is connected to two
organic cations through N-H...Cl hydrogen bonds and Van Der Waals interaction
as to build cation-anion-cation cohesion. The [C6H10N2]2Cd3Cl10 crystallizes in
the triclinic system (P-1 space group). The unit cell dimensions are a = 6.826
(5)angstrom, b = 9.861 (7)angstrom, c = 10.344 (3)angstrom, alpha = 103.50
(1)degrees, beta = 96.34 (4)degrees and gamma = 109.45 (3)degrees, Z=2. The
final R value is 0.053 (Rw=0.128). Its crystal structure consists of organic
cations and polymeric chains of [Cd3Cl10]4- anions running along the [011]
direction, In The [C6H10N2]2Cd3Cl10 compounds hydrogen bond interactions
between the inorganic chains and the organic cations, contribute to the crystal
PACS Codes: 61.10.Nz, 61.18.Fs, 78.30.-j
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"created": "Tue, 13 May 2008 08:55:38 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 22 May 2008 15:07:33 GMT"
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In this connection, it is relevant to mention that the modulation of the periodic lattice potential in the Schr od ingerequation, producedby withclose toa spectrum [4]. Taking into regard the Kerr nonlin earity of the fiber, as in the theory of gap solitons (GSs) in the uniform fiber BG [7, 5, 6], couple were derived in Ref. [3], and examples of the corresponding GSs we re found (these equations bear a similarity to coupled-mode equations for deep BGs [8, 9]). Stable solitons in the above- mentioned mini-gaps of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with the repulsive cubic is a model of the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) trapp ed in the optical lattice, were found too [4]. Another example of the superstructure was dev eloped in the form of the Moir' epattern, with a the period icvariation of the of the central gap, which was proposed [10, 11] and rea lized experimentally [12] as optical media which resemble the BG structure and m ay also be used as a basis for the design of superstructures are CROWs (coupled resona nt optical waveguides) [13, 14]. It is also possible to realize superstructure patterns in th e recently proposed (a waveguide with uniform nonlinearity and periodically distributed short segments with strong Bragg reflectivity) [15]. A vast potential for the syn thesis of complex grating patterns is offered by techniques developed for writing BGs in photon ic crystals and 17,18]. A topic of is families of GSs and the ir stability in superstructured BGs. In fact, the stability of GSs is a no ntrivial issue even in the standard model of uniform BGs [19, 20, 21]). A basic system of coupled- mode equations for waves the periodically modulated BG was proposed in fiber. The spatial period of both modulations is 2 p/k. We define the model by fixing u>0, is known that GSs are possible not only as temporal soliton s in fiber gratings, but also as spatial solitons in planar waveguides equipped with the g rating in the form of a system results obtained in this work are presented in Section II , where families of soliton so- lutions and their stability are reported, and in Section III , which deals with the nonlinear evolution of stable and unstable GSs, and with moving solitons. In the the GSs increase of modulation amplitude e. In Section II we demonstrate that the effect of the periodic modulation of the local chirp (or refractive index ) - a feature that was not studied before - is different: a part of the GS family filling out the ce ntral bandgap (labeled as gap 0 below,see Fig. 1) remainsstable with the increase of u, while the first side (designated below as gap -1) supports a new partially stable family of fundamental GSs, two-peak shape,unlikethe in the central bandgap (in bandgap +1, GSs also feature the double-peak shape, but theyare unstable).Note the Gross-P In Section III it is shown that, in the model with e=0 andu>0, stable quiescent soli- tons belongingto the central gap readilyself-trap from movinginput pulsesof a the periodically may serve as a too l for the creation of solitons bistability bound states of two and 3-peak complexes, built of three single- peak solitons, may be stable too (recall that bound states of GSs do not exist in the standard BG). In Section III we demonstrate that the evolution of unstable GSs in the modulated GSs belonging to bandgap -1, while unstable GSs do not transform themselves into stable ones in the standard model. Other unstable GSs ev olve into persistent breathers, or may be destroyed by the instability. In Section III we also st udy a possibility to set quiescent GSs in motion, which is suggested by the fact that, thusfar, B G solitons in fiber created only at finite velocity c; in the first works, it was c>=0.5 [with respect to c0.23[32]. In terms of the tion, moving solitons beams.We demonstratethat stable movingsolitonsar e supportedby Eqs. (1) with andinglight. 2. solutions of Eqs. (1) with frequency oand zero velocity are looked for the numerical solution, the complex amplitudes were spl it into real and imaginary and the resulting system of four withconstants of soliton solutions are characterized by the total en ergy (on total power, in terms of (3) to o. The Eqs.(2) wa package SpectrUW [33]. The spectra are displayed in Fig. 1, which also show sta that the regionoccupiedby bandgap -1 in Fig. 1(b)(for theupp erone. The linearization of Eqs. (2) is invariant with respect to tr ansformation e- - {-V,U}; therefore, the linear spectrum for e<0 can be obtained-2 -1 0 1 Gap -1 Gap +1 -1 0 1 Gap-1 Gap-1 Gap+1 -1 0 1 Gap -1 Gap+1 -1 0 1 Gap -1 Gap +1 1. The bandgap structure found from the linearization o f Eqs. (2) for (a) e=0, (b) e=0.5, (c)e=1 and (d) u=0. Shaded areas are occupied by Bloch bands. Five gaps are displayed: the central one (No. 0) and twoside bandgaps, +-1 not labeled). Stable solitons are found in gaps 0 and -1, where borders between stability are shown bydashed lines.Note that allso litons are unstable for e=1. as a mirror image (with o- -o) from its counterpart for -e. However, this not apply to full On the other h and, Eqs. (2) admit the reduction to a single equation by means of the well-known substitution ,V=+-U*. As well as in the standard model, the GSs found in the central bandgap satisfy ordinary reduction V=-U*, while populating bandgap -1 (and unstable solitons of the same type V=U*. Stability of solitons was identified by dint of simulations o f the evolution of typically up to t=10,000, which means several thousand soliton periods, or time ~1 ns, in physical units. It was typic al cases, that the solutionswhich are identified as stable ones retain their stability in arbitrar ily long simulations. The simulations were performedby meansof the mmethod,with of the integration domain. The domain was covered by a m esh consisting of N=512 grid points, and the stepsize of the time integrationwas Dt=0.01 (it was checkedthat Nanddecreaseof Dtdidnotalterthe results). Figure 1 clearly shows that the increase of the reflectively m odulation, represented by e, quickly destabilizes all solitons. On the other hand, the mo del with the periodic chirp modu-lation, which is accounted for by u(unlike the system with e>0, it was not studied stable GSs, including the new family in gap -1. Therefore, we focus below on case of u=0 will Results In addition to Fig. 1, the stability of the GSs is summarized i n Fig. 2, which displays E(o)[recallEis defined in Eq. (3)] for soliton families in several generic cases and in different bandgaps (situations where all solitons ar e unstable, such as at e=1, are not included). As said above, stable solitons are found only in b andgaps 0 and -1. For instance, the stability intervals in gaps -1 and 0 for u=0.5 ande=0 are-1.17<o<-0.84 the existencerangeof gap -1splits into two parts,as in Fig. 1(b),stable solitonsare foundonly in the upperone [in Fig. 1(b), the stability area in bandgap -1 is located at u>0.75)].A notable Figs. 2(a,c) is the bistability : +-2,all We stress that the double-peakGSs are fundamentalsol itons, rather than bound states Fig.1(d)].As solitons in gap -1obeythe V=U*. Unlike them, in gap 0 GSs are similar to the ngsubject to the Fig.3(b). Unlike the GSs in the central bandgap,which do not combine in to bound states, solitons of them is stable, viz., a 4-peak symmetric bound state of two double-peak soliton s, see an example in Fig. 4(a). The entire family of such states is sh own in Fig. 2(a) by the upper bold curve. The conclusion that the 4-peak states are bound s tates of fundamental solitons is, approximately, twice that of the double-peak soliton at the same o. The stability area of the 4-peak states is identical to that of the fundamen talGSs. In addition,stable 3-peak symmetric bound states of three single-peak solitons were f ound in that small part of gap Ref.[22]). 3. appraise the experimental relevance of the GSs, it is nece ssary to consider the possibility of self-trapping of such solitons from standard input pulse s (Gaussians). In the fiber BG, the inputbeamsmay beb othstraight andtilted (the former one correspondsto zero velocity in the temporal domain), an d simultaneous coupling of quiescent readily produced by self-trapping of the one-componentm oving input pulses, see a typical example in Fig. 5. In this figure, the velocity of the input pul se isc=0.2 (recall c=1 is the largest normalized velocity possible in the model). Fas ter inputs generate stable more It is relevantto mentionthat the creation of solitons of standing light in fiber BGs is a challenging p roblem (previously elaborated-1.5 -1-0.5 00.5 11.50246810 oE0 Gap -1 Gap +1 Gap (a)-1.5 -1-0.5 00.5 Gap-1 Gap+1 Gap (b) -1.5 -1-0.5 00.5 11.5012345678 0 Gap
+1 Gap-1 Gap oE (c) Fig. 2. Gap-soliton families, shown in the form of energy Eversus intrinsic frequency o, for (a)u=0.5,e=0, (b)u=e=0.5, (c)u=-e=0.5. Stable and unstable portions the familyof 4-peakbound states offunda mental curves in (b) and (c), in gaps -1 and+1, respectively, pertain to two regions obtained from that for -eas the mirror image, with scenarios for that relied on the retardation pr ovided by a smooth apodization two-component single-peak Gaussians, as shown in Fi g. 6, in the model with e, chirp(or local refractiveindex ),representedby u, GSs in gap -1, while the reflectivity modulation, accounted for by e, model.-30 -20 -10 010 20 Re U Im U Re V Im -10 0 10 20-0.500.5 x Re U Im U Re V Im V -20 3. (a) A stable double-peak solitonfound ingap -1, foru=0.5,e=0, Itsenergy is E=0.96. -50 0 o = -1.0Re U Im U Re V Im V (a)-50 0 o = -1.0Re U Im U Re V Im V (b) Fig. 4. (a) A stable bound state of two fundamental twin-peak solitons in gap -1, for u=0.5,e=0, ando=-1.0. The energy of this state is 3 .76, while the energy of each constituent solitonis1 .83. (b)Astable bound stateof threesingle-peak solitons fo thebound stateis1 .30,theenergyof 0.35. 3.2. the standard BG model, unstable GSs (actually, those with o<0) transform In the present system, the same is observed as a resul t of the evolution of bandgaps0and gap-1, unstable solitons with a relatively low energy demonstra te a more violent insta- bility, which may end up with the formation of a breather at a p osition different from that of the originalunstable soliton, as shownin Fig. 7(a). On the o therhand, unstable GSs with high energy in gap -1 feature an evolution scenario which does not occur in the st andard model, viz., another stable soliton belongingto the same bandgap. Unstablewith(a) (b) Fig. 5. Self-trapping of an input pulse of the forward wave ( u), at initial velocity inthemodelwith inthe input,atthe soliton's center.Theen ergy ofthe input pulse isE=2.28, of which 40% is kept by the established soliton. (a) (b) Fig. 6. Self-trapping of a two-component input pulse, movin g at velocity c=0.2, into a standing double-peak with isrelevant to the spatial-domain model, see text. The input energy is E=3.04, about 60% of which is kept bythe emerging double-peak soliton. still belongto gap -2,also self-retrapinto stable two-peakGSs -1. 3.3. mentioned above, only moving solitons have been observed in experiments performed in fiber BGs thus far [30, 31, 32]. This fact makes it necessary to study the mobility of stable solitons in the present model. This was done in the usual way, by applying a kickto (b) Fig. 7. (a) Formation of a breather from an unstable double-p eak soliton in gap -1, for u=0.1,e=0 Note the leap of the breather from the (b) The transformation of an unstable double-pea k soliton, with E=3.3.In(a) and (b), onlythe ucomponent isshown, as the evolutionof field visquite similar. other hand, stable single-peak solitons, originally belon gingto the central bandgap, can move at a finite velocity, in the model with e=0 and small amplitude of the chirp/refractive (moving solitons practically cannot be created in the mod el withu=0 [22]). To display a generic example of the soliton mobility in the pr esent system, we notice that, atu=0.03, the soliton with energy E=3.00 remains pinned if the kick is small, the kicked soliton performs several oscillations and th en depins itself, in Fig. 8. Inthis case, the velo cityofthe .120.4c0. Fig. 8.Depinning of a E=3.00, which belongs tothe central bandgap (o=0.40) in the model with u=0.03 ande=0, by the kick with c0=0.31, (this contour plots of |u|2.In interval 0 .3<c0<0.45, the same soliton readily sets in persistent motion, with average velocity -cwhich is foundto be slightly largerthan c0/2 (forexample, - still stronger kick sends the soliton in motion for a limite d (although long) interval of On the other hand,if the increasesto u=0.05, kickedGSs Conclusion We have reported results of systematic investigation of GSs (gap solitons) and their variationsof the grating'schirp (or local refrac tiveindex)and reflectivity. In modulation quickly makes all solitons unstabl e; on the other hand, the modulation of the chirp supports a new species of stable BGs in the side ba ndgap at negative the GSs in the side bandgaps is their double-peak shape. Th e stable single- and double- peak solitons in gaps 0 and -1, respectively, demonstrate bistability, existing in ove energy.Stable medin bandgap -1 bythe single-peak solitons belongingto the central ba ndgapreadily self-trap from one- component input pulses, which are launched into the BG at a fin ite velocity, while the GSs in gap-1 self-trap from the bimodal input, which is relevant to spat ial gratings. On the gingtobandgaps stable ones does not occur in the standard BG model). Mov ing solitons can be created in the BG quite feasible, and available hould be sufficient for the creation of solitons predicted in this work. In particular, such experi ments may bring closer a solution to the work of T.M. is supported, in a part, by a postdoctoral fel lowship from the Foundation, by the Israel Science Foundation throu gh the .MRG5080171. | 0805.1825 | Thawatchai Mayteevarunyoo | Thawatchai Mayteevarunyoo and Boris A. Malomed | Gap solitons in grating superstructures | 11 pages, 8 figures, Optics Express, in press | null | 10.1364/OE.16.007767 | null | nlin.PS physics.optics | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We report results of the investigation of gap solitons (GSs) in the generic
model of a periodically modulated Bragg grating (BG), which includes periodic
modulation of the BG chirp or local refractive index, and periodic variation of
the local reflectivity. We demonstrate that, while the previously studied
reflectivity modulation strongly destabilizes all solitons, the periodic chirp
modulation, which is a novel feature, stabilizes a new family of double-peak
fundamental BGs in the side bandgap at negative frequencies (gap No. -1), and
keeps solitons stable in the central bandgap (No. 0). The two soliton families
demonstrate bistability, coexisting at equal values of energy. In addition,
stable 4-peak bound states are formed by pairs of fundamental GSs in bandgap
-1. Self-trapping and mobility of the solitons are studied too.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 13 May 2008 11:18:30 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"Boris A.",
] |
2 graphene [14]. Multiple temperature and voltage sweeps are performed to ensure the reproducibility of the fea- tures observed in r(Vg,T). The carrier density nis de- termined via Hall measurements. Assuming a parallel plate capacitor geometry, we find 60 aF/ um2andVNPbeing the gate volt- age position of the point (NP). Since
|VNP|<1 V and is T-independent for all devices, we deduce that the features in r(Vg,T) are intrinsic and not caused by the of current annealing, the low- Tconductivity s=
1/rof our suspended devices depends linearly on n, with mobility u=s/en~28,000 cm2/Vs (Fig. 1, Sample S1, lower line), comparable to conventional samples fab- ricated on a substrate. Sending a large current through the device and heating the graphene to an estimated 400
*C [14, 16] improves the mobility to 170,000 cm2/Vs atn= 2x1011cm2(Fig. 1, upper line) [14], while s(n) becomes nonlinear. A similar improvement is ob- served for two other suspended devices, sample S2 ( u=
60,000 cm2/Vs) and sample S3 ( u= 70,000 cm2/Vs). We can gain insight into the dominant low- Tscatter- ing mechanism in graphene by comparing s(n) before and after current annealing. The linearity of s(n) be- fore annealing suggests the dominance of charged impu- rity scattering [5, 6, 17]. For screened Coulomb tkF[4, 6]whichleads to a conductivity s=2e2 hkFvFtn, withkFbeing the Fermi wavevector. The mean free path in these devices much smallerthan the sample size (>1um), justifying the use of the Boltzmann model for unannealed devices. In contrast, after current annealing the mean free path in S1 increases to ~1um, comparable to the device di- mensions of ~2um and transport is no longer diffusive. To elucidate the actual transport conditions in our sam- ple we compare s(n) with the expectation from the ex- treme opposite position of purely ballistic the current is carried by the finite number of lon- gitudinal modes N=WkF/p, whereWis the width of the sample. Assuming perfect transmission, the at vanishing Tis given by [18, 19] sbal(n) (1) The dotted curve in Fig. 1 shows the result of Eq. (1) device. From the excellent agreement both in shape and magni- tude, combined with the derived long mean free path, we conclude that the low- Ttransport in our suspended devices is close to the ballistic limit. As an important consequence, the peak mobility appears to be limited by boundary scattering set by the and not by impurity scattering and yet should be achievable. Sub-linear behavior of s(n), reminiscent of Fig. 1, was previously observed inFIG. 2: (color online) T-dependence of resistance of sus- pended device S1 before (a) and after (b) current Sketch of gate voltage dependence of the carrier den- sity in clean (lower curve) and charge inhomogeneous (upper curve) samples [7, 17] and interpreted as a com- bined contribution of short-range and long-range scat- terers. Given that the device dimension is comparable to the mean free path, such an interpretation based on the diffusive transport does not seem to be warranted for of the resistivity provides a tool to investigate the impact of the current annealing process. Before current annealing, the resistivity of device S1 ex- hibits a relatively small ( <30%) variation of the resis- tivity from 5 K to 240 K (Fig. 2b), similar to conven- tional unsuspended devices [7, 20], whereas after anneal- ing this variation is very pronounced ( >200%) (Fig. 2a, Fig. 4,Inset). These T-dependent data can be divided into two different density regimes, separated by n*, the density at which r(n*) isT-independent (Fig 2b). For
|n|< rfor decreasing T), with the change in peak resistivity as large as a factor of three in the vicinity of NP. For |n|> n*the resistivity exhibits metallic behav- ior (decreasing rfor decreasing T). In this regime r(T) is generally linear in Tabove a device specific T*(<50K), and the slope of r(T) increases for smaller n(Fig. observed in unsuspended graphene is considerably different. There, r(T) is for T<=100 K, while it is superlinear for T >
100 K [7, 11]. The lack of such activated behavior in our suspended devices shows that such activated behav- ior is not an intrinsic property of graphene, but rather3 FIG. 3: (color online) T-dependence of the resistivity in sam- ple S2 (/squaresolid) and S1 ( , shifted for clarity) at several different gate voltages. Inset: Density dependence of slope of r/T defined as r/T= [r(200 K)-r(100 K)]/100 K for sample S1 and S2 before (dotted line) and after (solid line) Since r(T) is linear only for n definition of r/Tis only meaningful outside of the dotted region. stems from the external sources, such as remote inter- face phonons [11] or static ripples [7]. In fact, shows only a modest increase of the resistiv- ity from T~5 K to 240 K maintaining a mobility of u= 120,000 cm2/Vs at T=240 K and at our highest density of n= 2x1011cm-2. This value semiconducting material (InSb, 77,000 cm2/Vs [21]). In order to quantify the linear rise of r(T) in Fig. 3 we define the slope in the high- Trange as K . The inset to Fig. 3 shows r/Tas a function of nin samples S1 and S2 before (dotted lines) and after (solid lines) current First, the high in S1 and S2 after current annealing exhibit very similar r/T(n) dependencies, in spite of a of a factor of 2. Second, in the large nlimit, the slope r/T(n) is similar for the samplesbefore and after the annealing process, indicating that the slope in this limit is rather insensitive to the sample for all devices r/Tis consistently larger for negative Vgthan for positive Vg. We separately consider the two density regimes, |n|>
n*and|n|< n*. At high densities, the linearly in- creasing r(T) source of carrier scattering [8, 9, 10, 11]. In- deed, within a Boltzmann model and for sufficiently high T > T BG= K 2x1011cm-2, the resistivity is linear in the deformation potential, rm= 7.6x 10-8g/cm2is the graphene mass density, vph= 2x 104m/s is the LA phonon velocity [25] and vF= 1x 106m/s is the Fermi velocity [1]. While our data in Fig. 3 show clearly such a linear T-dependence, indica- tive of phonon scattering, the slope of r(T) displays an unexpected density dependence, not captured by Eq. (1). The origin of this density dependence is unclear. It may point to additional contributions from a scattering mechanisms at lower densities, such as screened Coulomb scattering [23]. Further ex- perimental and theoretical work is needed to resolve this issue. However, for large |n|, when r/T(n) in Fig. 3b reaches a roughly n-independent value (at least for pos- itiveVg) we may identify this limiting behavior with ex- clusively phonon scattering and derive an upper bound value for D. Forn= Eq. (1) yields D~29 eV, consistent with D= 10-30 eV in graphite [8, 25] and comparable to D~17 eV, re- ported for unsuspended graphene [11]. In contrast, we obtain D~50 eV. This value may be overestimated, since r/T(n) is not fully saturated even at Vg-5 V, the experimental limit of hole density. Nevertheless, this large asymmetry is un- usual and presently unresolved and, together with the observed ndependence, may point to a scattering be- havior in suspended graphene that is more complex than simple electron-phonon interaction. We now turn to the low density regime, |n|< n*, and address the T-dependence of the minimum Figure 4 shows smin(T)/smin(5K) in samples S1, S2 and S3 before and after annealing. Before varies only slightly from 5 K to 240 K ( <30%). The variation is similar to smin(T) in unsuspended sam- ples of similar mobilities [20]. This is in a sharp contrast to the current-annealed devices, where sminacquires as large as a factor of 1 .5-3 for T= in low mobility samples [7, 20] is not an intrinsic property of graphene. The remarkable property of graphene to at vanishing charge density has been the subject of several experimental and theoretical inves- tigations [4, 5, 7, 18, 22]. In a high mobility sample, a T-dependence is only expected for kBT > 24], when Vg-VNP. [4, 6, 11, 13] or structural disorder [12] break up the carrier system into puddles of electrons and holes for Vg-VNP. As a result, the combined (electron plus hole) carrier ~ n, referred to as inhomogenity density (Fig. 2, the rms chemical potential in the pud- dle regime to be we expect a of smin(T) only for unsuspended samples ~ n~1011cm-2[4, 17] corre-4 FIG. 4: (color online) Minimum conductivity normalized to its value at T= 5 K as a function of Tfor three devices andafter(S1: annealing. DataforS3 before current annealing are not available. The considerably after annealing. Inset: Maximum re - sistivity for S2 before ( /trianglesolid) and after ( /squaresolid) current to K, which is used to explain why in dirty devices sminlacks a in the range [0, 300 K]. The in suspended samples before current an- nealing implies a similar situation. In contrast, after current annealing smin(T) shows T-dependence down toT~10 K (Fig. 4) This implies an upper bound of
~n <108cm-2, consistent with fits to the density de- pendence of transport data [22] and represents further evidence for the high quality of suspended graphene. While qualitatively our data suggest that the T- dependenceof low ~n, a of sminis complicated by the fact that kFlm>1 at small nand a may no longer be applicable. Such compli- cating factors are evident from a comparison annealed devices, which exhibit both a differ- ent magnitude and a different functional T-dependence as seen in Fig. 4. This suggests that the transport at the neutrality point in the suspended samples is domi- nated by extrinsic scattering. Interestingly, smin(T) ex- hibits a T-dependence, which is much weaker than the sminT2(solid line in Fig. 4), expected from a Boltz- mann model [7, 24]. In conclusion, we demonstrate that at low T, sus- pended, current annealed graphene can sustain near- ballistic transport over micron dimensions. At high tem- peratures, the resistivity of such high-quality linearly with T. The origin is likely but a density and carrier-type questions as to our present understanding of trans- port in such devices. The deduced upper bound of the deformation potential, D, in the high density limit iscomparable to values from graphite, but varies consid- erably between electron and hole transport. Finally, the observed strong T-dependence of sminin high devicesis consistentwith density ~ n <108cm-2. We acknowledge experimental help from and discus- sions with E. Henriksen, M. Foster, S. Adam, I. Aleiner, V. Fal'ko, M. Fuhrer and A. Geim. This work is supported by the NSF (No. DMR-03-52738), NSEC grant CHE-0641523, NYSTAR, DOE (No. and No. ONR FENA MARCO, W. M. Keck Founda- tion, and the Microsoft Project Q. [1] A. K. Geim and K. S. Novoselov Nature Materials 6, 183 (2007). [2] E. Stolyarova et al.,Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 104, 9209 (2007). [3] M. Ishigami et al.,Nano Lett. 71643 (2007). [4] E. H. Hwang, S. Adam, and S. Das Sarma, Phys. Rev. Lett.98, 186806 (2007). [5] J. H. Chen et al.,Nature Phys. K. Nomura and A. H. MacDonald, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 256602 (2006). [7] S. V.Morozov et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 016602 (2008). [8] E. H. Hwang and S. Das Sarma, Phys. Rev. B 77, F.T. Vasko and V. Ryzhii, Phys. Rev. B 76, T. Stauber, N. M. R. Peres, and F. Guinea, Phys. Rev. B76, 205423 (2007). [11] J. H. Chen, C. Jang, S. Xiao, M. Ishigami, and M. S. Fuhrer,Nature Nanotech. 3, 206 (2008). [12] F. Guinea, M. I. Katsnelson, and M. A. H. Rev. B 77, 075422 (2008). [13] J. Martin et al.,Nature Phys. 4, 144 (2008). [14] K. I. Bolotin et al.,Solid State Comm. 146, 351 (2008). [15] X. Du, I. Skachko, A. Barker, and E. Y. J. Moser, A. Barreiro, and A. Bachtold, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 163513 (2007). [17] Y. -W. Tan et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 246803 (2007). [18] J. Tworzydlo, B. Trauzettel, M. Titov, A. Rycerz, and C.W.J. Beenakker, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 246802 (2006). [19] N. M. R. Peres, A. H. Castro Neto, and F. Guinea, Phys. Rev. B73, 195411 (2006). [20] Y. -W. Tan, Y. Zhang, H. L. Stormer, and P. Kim, Eur. Phys. J. 148, 15 (2007). [21] H. J. Hrostowski, F. J. Morin, T. H. Geballe, G. H. Wheatley, Phys. Rev. 100, 1672 (1955). [22] S. Adam and S. Das Sarma, V. V. Cheianov and V. I. Fal'ko, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 226801 (2006). [24] S. Adam and S. Das Sarma, Phys. Rev. B 77, S. Ono and K. Sugihara, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 21, 861 (1966); K. Sugihara, Phys. Rev. B 28, 2157 (1983). | 0805.1830 | Kirill Bolotin | K. I. Bolotin, K. J. Sikes, J. Hone, H. L. Stormer, P. Kim | Temperature dependent transport in suspended graphene | null | null | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.096802 | null | cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The resistivity of ultra-clean suspended graphene is strongly temperature
dependent for 5K<T<240K. At T~5K transport is near-ballistic in a device of
~2um dimension and a mobility ~170,000 cm^2/Vs. At large carrier density,
n>0.5*10^11 cm^-2, the resistivity increases with increasing T and is linear
above 50K, suggesting carrier scattering from acoustic phonons. At T=240K the
mobility is ~120,000 cm^2/Vs, higher than in any known semiconductor. At the
charge neutral point we observe a non-universal conductivity that decreases
with decreasing T, consistent with a density inhomogeneity <10^8 cm^-2.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 13 May 2008 19:41:00 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"K. I.",
"K. J.",
"H. L.",
] |
2 PAVEL ETINGOF, JOHN KIM, AND XIAOGUANG MA The algebra Qn,iis the quotient of An=U(ln) by the ideal the Lie filtration from An, and one can form the grQn,i= Symln/grMn,i, which is [ln,ln]. Then we have a natural n]Syml' n. Let Ln,ibe the image of Sym l' ninDn,i. Then the multiplication n]Ln,i-Dn,i is 2.1. (i) Ln,iis a finite dimensional algebra with a grading by non- negative integers (defined by setting degxi= 1), withLn,i[0] =k. (ii)The map this an (i) follows from the following theorem of 2.2 ([Jen], Theorem 2) .IfAis a finitely generated Lie nilpotent a nilpotent ideal. This implies that there exists Nsuch that for any a1,...,a 0. Taking A=Qn,i, we see that for any a1,...,a Nl' n, we have a1a2***aN= 0. Since L n,iis generated by the subspace l' n[< i] ofl' nof degree < i, this implies that L n,iis finite dimensional, proving (i). To prove (ii), let vj,j= 1,...,d, be a basis of L n,i, and assume the contrary, i.e. that we have a nontrivial relation in n)vj= n]. Pick this relation so that the maximal degree Doffjis smallest possible. This degree must be positive, since vjare linearly Applying the automorphism gt i(tC) ofAnacting by gt i(xi) =xi+t, gt i(xs) we s+t,...,x n)vj= this by t, we n)vj= 0. This relation must be trivial, since it has smaller degree than D. Thusfjmust be constant, which is a contradiction. /square This shows that to understand the structure of the algebra Qn,i, we need to first understand the structure of the commutative finite dimensional a lgebra L n,i, which gives rise to the following 2.3. What is the structure of L n,ias aGL(n)-module?ON UNIVERSAL LIE NILPOTENT ASSOCIATIVE ALGEBRAS 3 The answer to Question 2.3 has been known only for i= 2, in which case L n,i=
C, and for i= 3, in which case it is shown in [FS] that L n), and hence is the sum of irreducible representations of GL(n) corresponding to the partitions (12r,0,...,0), 0<=2r<=n. In this paper, we answer Question 2.3 for i= 4. For i >4, the question multiplicative properties of the ideals Mi(A). A step toward understanding of the structure of the algebras Qi(A) is under- standing of the multiplicative properties of the ideals Mi(A). In 1983, Gupta and Levin proved the following result in this 3.1 ([GL], Theorem 3.2) .For any m,l>=2and any algebra A, we 3.2. The space a structure of a graded algebra, with Q3(A)sitting in degree zero, and Mi(A)/Mi+1(A)in 3.3. It is proved in [GL] that [[ implies that the algebra Ais Lie nilpotent of index 2. It is interesting that the result of Theorem 3.1 can sometimes be impr oved. Namely, let us say that a pair ( m,l) of natural numbers is null if for any algebra this property does not depend on the order of elements in the pair, and any pair (1 ,m) is null). Lemma 3.4. The pair (m,l)is null if and only if the m+l] is Theorem 3.1, a pair ( m,l) is null iff for anyA. Clearly, this happens if and only if the statement of Lemma 3.4 holds, as desired. /square Theorem 3.5. Ifl+m<=7, then the unordered pair (m,l)is null iff it is not (2,2) or (2,4). Proof.The property of Lemma 3.4 was checked using the MAGMA program, a nd it turns out that it holds for but not for (2,2) and (2,4). Actually, it is easy to check by hand that the property of Lemma 3.4 d oes not hold for (2,2), and here is a computer-free proof that it holds for ( 2,3). We need to show that in Qn,4, we = 0. To do so, define S(i,j,k,l,m ) := Then in Qn,4we have S(i,j,k,l,m ) = 0. Indeed, it suffices to show that in = 0,4 PAVEL ETINGOF, JOHN KIM, AND XIAOGUANG MA which follows from the fact that in a free algebra we = [xl,xm]. Now set R(i,j,k,l,m one can show by a direct computation that in Anwe =1 3(R(i,j,m,l,k )-R(i,j,l,m,k )). Therefore, we see that [ = 0 in Qn,4, as desired. /square Further computer simulations by T. Schedler using MAGMA have show n that the pairs (2,6) and (4,4) are not null. This gives rise to the following con 3.6. A pair (i,j) is null if and only if iorjis of Qn,4by generators and relations In [FS], Feigin and Shoikhet described the algebra Qn,3by generators and rela- tions. Namely, they proved the following result. Theorem 4.1. Qn,3is generated by xi,i= 1,...,n, andyij= defining = 0, and the quadratic 0 saying that yijyklis antisymmetric in its 4.2. The algebra Ln,3is generated by yijwith defining yijykl+yikyjl= 0. In this section we would like to give a similar description of the the algebr as Qn,4, Ln,4. As we know, the algebra Qn,4is generated by the elements xi,yijas above, and also zijk= [yij,xk], 1<=i,j,k<=n. Our job is to find what relations to put on xi,yij,zijkto generate the ideal Mn,4. This is done by the which is our main result.ON UNIVERSAL LIE NILPOTENT ASSOCIATIVE ALGEBRAS 5 Theorem 4.3. (i)The ideal Mn,4is generated by the Lie = 0. the quadratic 0, and the cubic 0, saying that yijyklympis antisymmetric in its indices. (ii)The algebra Ln,4is generated by yij,zijksubject to the linear zijk=-zjik, zijk+zjki+zkij= 0, and the 0, zijpzklm= 0, 0. Proof.Part (ii) follows from (i), so we need to prove (i). The relations yijzklm= 0 follow from the fact that M2(A)M3(A)M4(A) for any algebra A(Theorem that sinceby[FS], by Bnthe quotient of Anby the relations stated in part (i) of the theorem. We have just shown that there is a natural surjective h We need to show that it is an isomorphism. For this, we need to show that for any a,b,c,dBn, [[[a,b],c],d] = 0. For this, it suffices to show that [[a,b],c] is a central element in Bn. But [[a,b],c] = 0 in Qn,3, which implies that [[a,b],c] belongs to the ideal generated by But it is easy to see using the relations of Bnthat all elements of this ideal are central in Bn, as desired. the kernel of the projection map L n,i+1-Ln,i. We see that Kn,3is spanned by elements the antisymmetry relation. Therefore, we get Corollary 4.4. As aGL(n)-module, Kn,3is isomorphic to the direct sum of two ir- reducible modules to partitions answers Question 2.3 for i= the vector representation of GL(n). The span of zijkis the of V3annihilated by Id+ (12) and Id+ (123)+ (132) in C[S3], so it corresponds to the partition (2 ,1,0,...,0). The span of yijyklis S2(2V)/4V, so it is the irreducible representation corresponding to the partition (2 ,2,0,...0). structure on Der(Qn,3) be the Lie algebra of derivations of Qn,3. Since every derivation of Anpreserves the ideals Mn,i, we have a natural action of Der( An) ph: Der(An)-gn. surjective, since a derivation of Anis determined by any assignment ofthe images of the generators xi. The following theorem is analogous to results of [FS].6 PAVEL ETINGOF, JOHN KIM, AND XIAOGUANG MA Theorem 5.1. The action of through gn. Thus, gnacts on the graded algebra Apreserving the grading and the a derivation such that D(An)Mn,3. Our job is to show that For this, it suffices to show that for any a1,...,a iAnone i]Mn,i+1. For this, it is enough to prove that if a1,...,a iAn, and for some 1 <=k<=i, akMn,3, i]Mn,i+1. It is easy to show by induction using the Jacobi identity that we can r i] as a linear combination of expressions of the mi-1], where m1,...,m i-1is a permitation of 1 omitted). Thus we may assume without loss of generality that k= 1. In this case, we have to show that for any b1,b2,b3,b4An, one i]Mn,i+1. This reduces to showing that for any p,q>=0 withp+q=i-1, and any a1,...,a p,c1,...,c qAn, we by Theorem 3.1, we have which implies the desired statement, since the first factor is in Mn,p+1and the second one in Mn,q+3. /square It is pointed out in [FS] that, since Qn,3is the algebra of even differential forms onCnwith the *-product, the Lie algebra Wnof polynomial vector fields on Cnis naturally a subalgebra of gn. Therefore, we get the following 5.2. There is a natural action of the Lie algebra Wnon the and therefore on the graded algebra A. It is clear from Theorem 2.1 that as Wn-modules, the quotients Mn,i/Mn,i+1 have finite length, and the composition factors are the irreducible m fields of type D(whereDis a Young diagram) considered in [FS]. In fact, it follows from Theorem 2.1 that if the Wn-module of all fields of type D(which is reducible and therefore differs from FDif and only ifDhas only one column, which consists of < nsquares), and the irreducible representation of GL(n) then in the Grothendieck group of the category of representat ions particular, Corollary 4.4 implies that in the Grothendieck fact, we can prove a stronger statement.ON UNIVERSAL LIE NILPOTENT ASSOCIATIVE ALGEBRAS 7 Proposition 5.3. One has an isomorphism of the subspace By [FS], this is a Wn-. It is a proper , becaus but it is not contained in Yn, as its trace in a matrix Ancan be nonzero. On the otherhand, Yncontains[ 0, 0, and contains vectors of degree 3. This easily implies that the other hand, let Znbe the generated by the These elements are annihilated by xi, so they generate a whose lowest degree is 4. Thus, Zn=F2,2,0,...,0, as desired. B. Feigin, B. Shoikhet, On [ and on a Wn-action on the of free associative algebra, math.QA/0610410 v2. [GL] N. Gupta, F. Levin, On the Lie ideals of a ring , Journal of Algebra, 81, 225-231, 1983. [Jen] S. Jennings, On rings whose associated Lie rings are nilpotent , Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 53, (1947). of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Tec hnology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA E-mail address Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 0213 9, USA E-mail address of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Tec hnology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA E-mail address | 0805.1909 | Xiaoguang Ma | Pavel Etingof, John Kim, Xiaoguang Ma | On universal Lie nilpotent associative algebras | 7 pages | null | null | null | math.RA math.RT | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We study the quotient Q_i(A) of a free algebra A by the ideal M_i(A)
generated by relation that the i-th commutator of any elements is zero. In
particular, we completely describe such quotient for i=4 (for i<=3 this was
done previously by Feigin and Shoikhet). We also study properties of the ideals
M_i(A), e.g. when M_i(A)M_j(A) is contained in M_{i+j-1}(A) (by a result of
Gupta and Levin, it is always contained in M_{i+j-2}(A)).
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 13 May 2008 19:09:10 GMT"
] | 2008-05-14T00:00:00 | [
] |
Subsets and Splits