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2 I. on our lives. For example, the incidence of obesity and its co-m orbidities has increased at a rapid rate over the past two decades [1, 2]. These conditions are characterized by changes in body weight (mass) that arise from energyex pended tomaintainlife andperformwork. However, the underlying mechanisms of how changes in energy balance lead to c hanges in body mass and body composition Inparticular, components when the body mass changes and if this energy par titioning can be altered. Such an be useful in optimizing weight loss treatments in obese subject s to maximize fat loss or weight gain treatments for anorexia nervosa and cachexia patients to maximize lean tissue g ain. To address these issues and improve our understanding of human b ody weight regulation, mathematical and com- putational modeling has been attempted many times over the past s everal decades [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]. Here we show how models of body compos ition and mass change can be understood and analyzed within the realm of dynamical systems theory and can be cla ssified according to their geometric structure in the two dimensional phase plane. We begin by considering a general c lass of macronutrient flux balance equations introduce assumptions that constrain the model dy namics. We show that two compartment models of fat and lean masses can be categorized into two generic classes. In the first class, there is a unique body composition and mass (i.e. stable fixed point) that is specified by the diet and ener gy expenditure. In the second class, there is a continuous curve of fixed points (i.e. invariant manifold) with an infin ite number of possible body compositions and masses at steady state for the same diet and energy expendit ure. We show that almost all of the models in the literature are in the second class. Surprisingly, the existing data ar e insufficient to determine which of the two classes pertains to humans. For models with an invariant manifold, we show th at an equivalent one dimensional equation for body composition change can be derived. We give numerical examples and discuss possible experimental approaches that may distinguish between the classes. II. RESULTS A. General model of macronutrient and energy flux balance The human body obeys the law of energy conservation [20], which can be expressed as U= Q-W (1) where Uis the change in stored energy in the body, Qis a change in energy input or intake, and Wis a change in energy output or expenditure. The intake is provided by the ener gy content of the food consumed. Combustion of dietary macronutrients yields chemical energy and Hess's law state s that the energy released is the same regardless of whether the process takes place inside a bomb calorimeter or via t he complex process of oxidative the mitochondria. Thus, the energy that can be derived from com bustion of food in the body can be in the laboratory. However, there is an important cavea t. Not all macronutrients in food are by the body. Furthermore, the dietary protein that is a bsorbed does not undergo complete combustion3 in the body, but rather produces urea and ammonia. In accounting for these effects, we refer to the content of dietary carbohydrate, fat, and protein which are slightly less than the values obtained by The energy expenditure includes the work to maintain b asic metabolic function (resting metabolic rate), to digest, absorb and transport the nutrients in food (thermic eff ect of feeding), to synthesize or break down tissue, and to perform physical activity, together with the heat generat ed. The energy is stored in the form of fat as well as in lean body tissue such as glycogen and protein. The body need not b e in equilibrium for Eq. (1) to hold. While we are primarily concerned with adult weight change, Eq. (1) is also valid f or childhood growth. In order to express a change of stored energy Uin terms of body mass Mwe must determine the energy content per unit body mass change, i.e. the energy density rM. We can then set U= (rMM). To model the dynamics of body mass change, we divide Eq. (1) by some interval of time and tak e the limit of infinitesimal change to obtain a one dimensional energy flux balance =I-E the rate of metabolizable energy intake and E=dW/dtis the rate of energy expenditure. It is important to note that rMis the energy density of body mass change, which need not be a cons tant but could be a function of body composition and time. Thus, in order to use Eq. (2) , the dynamics of rMmust also be the body changes mass, that change will be composed of wate r, protein, carbohydrates (in the form of glycogen), fat, bone, and trace amounts of micronutrients, all h aving their own energy densities. Hence, a means of determining the dynamics of rMis to track the dynamics of the components. The extracellular wate r and bone mineral mass have no metabolizable energy content and change little when body mass changes in adults under [21]. The change in intracellular water can be specified by ch anges in the tissue protein and glycogen. Thus the main components contributing to the dynamics of rMare the macronutrients - protein, carbohydrates, and fat, where we distinguish body fat (e.g. free fatty acids and triglyc erides) from adipose tissue, which includes water and protein in addition to triglycerides. We then represent Eq. (2) in terms of macronutrient flux balance equations for body fat F, glycogenG, and protein (5) whererF= 39.5 MJ/kg,rG= 17.6 MJ/kg,rP= 19.7 MJ/kg are the energy densities, IF,IC,IPare the intake rates, andfF,fC, 1-fF-fCare the fractions of the energy expenditure rate obtained from t he combustion of fat, carbohydrates (glycogen) and protein respectively. The fr actions and energy expenditure rate are functions of body composition and intake rates. They can be estimated from indir ect calorimetry, which measures the oxygen consumed and carbon dioxide produced by a subject [22]. The intak e rates are determined by the of the consumed food, the efficiency of the conversion of the food into utilizable form and the thermic effect of feeding. Transfer between compartments such as de novo lipogenesis where carbohydrates are converted to fat or gluconeogenesis where amino acids are converted into carbo hydrates can be accounted for in the forms of fF andfC. The sum of Eqs. (3), (4) and (5) recovers the energy flux balanc e equation (2), where the body mass M4 is the sum of the macronutrients F,G,P, with the associated intracellular water, and the inert mass that do es not change such as the extracellular water, bones, and minerals, and rM= intake and energy expenditure rates are explicit functions of t ime with fast fluctuations on a time scale of hours to days [23]. However, we are interested in the long term dynamics ov er weeks, months and years. Hence, to simplify the equations, we can use the method of averaging to remove the f ast motion and derive a system of equations for the slow time dynamics. We do this explicitly in the Methods section and show that the form of the averaged equations to lowest order are identical to (3)-(5) except that the three co mponents are to be interpreted as the slowly varying part and the intake and energy expenditure rates are moving time a verages over a time scale of a day. The three compartment flux balance model was used by Hall [3] to n umerically simulate data from the human starvation experiment [21]. In Hall's model, the form s of the energy expenditure and fractions were chosen for physiological considerations. For clamped food intake, the body composition approached a unique steady state. The model also showed that apart from transient changes lasting only a few days, carbohydrate balance resultofthe limited cogen. We will exploitthis propertyto reducethe three dimensional system to twodimens ional system wheredynamical be employed to analyze the system dynamics. B. Reduced models 1. Two compartment macronutrient partition model The three compartment macronutrient flux balance model Eqs. (3 )-(5) can be reduced to a two dimensional system for fat mass Fand lean mass L=M-F, whereMis the total body mass. The lean mass includes the protein and glycogen with the associated intracellular water along with the mass t hat does not change appreciably such as water and bone. Hence the rate of change in lean mass is given by dL dt= 1.6 andhG= 2.7 are reasonable estimates of the hydration coefficients for the int racellular water associated with the protein and glycogen respectively [3, 24]. (We no te that fat is not associated with any water.) The glycogen storage capacity is extremely small compared to the f at and protein compartments. Thus the slow component of glycogen can be considered to be a constant (see Me thods). In other words, on time scales much longer than a day, which are of interest for body weight change, we can co nsider glycogen to be in so that dG/dt= 0, as observed in numerical simulations [3]. This implies that fC=IC/E, which can be substituted into Eq. (5) to (7) Substituting Eq. (7) and dG/dt= 0 into Eq. (6) leads to the two compartment macronutrient partition = 7.6 the intake rates into the fat and lean E=E(IF,IL,F,L) is the total energy expenditure rate, and the fraction of energy expenditure rate attributed to fat utilization. We note that dG/dt= 0 may be violated if the glycogen content is proportional to the pro tein content, which is plausible because the glycogen mass is stored in muscle tissue and may scale with protein mass. We show that this assumption leads to the same two dimensional system. a proportionality constant k, into Eq. (4) gives inserted into Eq. (5) leads Eqs. (10) and (11) into Eq. (6) will again result in Eq. (9 ) but withrL= 0.044<<1 as suggested by Snyder et al. [25], rLhas approximately the same value as before. Previous studies have considered two dimensional models of body ma ss change although they were not derived from the three dimensional macronutrient partition model. Alpert [5, 6, 7 ] considered a model with Elinearized in FandL and different fdepending on context. Forbes [8] and Livingston et al. [9] modeled w eight loss as a double Although, they did not consider macronutrient flux balance , the dynamics of their models are equivalent to the two dimensional model with IFandILzero, andElinear inFandL. 2. Energy partition model The two compartment macronutrient partition model can be furth er simplified by assuming that trajectories in the L-Fphase plane follow prescribed paths (12) wherea(F,L) is a continuous function [10, 11, 26] that depends on the mechan isms of body weight change. This stringent constraint was first hypothesized by Forbes after ana lyzing body composition data collected across a large number of subjects [26, 27]. Forbes postulated that for (14) whereDis a free parameter, and the lean and fat masses are in units of kg. F orbes found that his general is similar whether weight loss is induced by diet or exercise [27]. It is possible that resistance exercise or a significant change in the protein content of the diet may result in a diff erent relationship for a[28, 29, 30]. Infant growth is an example where ais not well described by the Forbes relationship. Jordan and Hall [11] used composition data in growing infants to determine an appropriat e form foraduring the first two years of life.6 Equation (12) describes a family of FvsLcurves, parameterized by an integration constant (e.g. D in Eq. (1 4)). Depending on the initial condition, the body composition moves along o ne of these curves when out of energy Eq. (8) by Eq. (9) and imposing Eq. (12) results in f(F,L) Bain and Chow [10] showed that the two compartment macronut rient partition model with Eq. (15) using Forbes's law (13) matched a wide range of data without any adjusta ble Eq. (15) into the macronutrient partition model (8) a nd (9) leads to the Energy Partition model: rFdF dt= (1-p)(I-E) = 1/(1+a) is known as the p-ratio [31]. In the energy partition model, an ener gy imbalance I-E is divided between the compartments according to a function p(F,L) that defines the fraction assigned to lean body tissue (mostly protein). Most of the previous models in the literatur e are different versions of the energy partition model [6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], although none of the authors have noted the connection to macronutrient flux balance or analyzed their models using dynamical systems theory. S ome of these previous models are expressed as computational algorithms that can be translated to the form of th e energy partition model. Despite the ubiquity of the energy partition model, the physiological interpretation of the p-ratio remains [10]. o ften considered pto be aconstant[6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18], which implies that the partitioning of energy is independent of current body composition and . This is in contradiction to weight loss data that finds tha t the fraction of body fat lost does depend on body composition with more fat lost if the body fat is initially higher [26, 32, 33]. However, if ais a weak function of body composition then a constant p-ratio may be a valid approxima tion for small changes. Flatt [17] considered a model where the p-ratio was constant but included the dynamics f or glycogen. His model would be useful when dynamics on short time scales are of interest. It may sometimes be convenient to express the macronutrient par tition model with a unique fixed point as rFdF dt= (1-p)(I-E)+ps (19) for a function which is zero at the fixed point ( F0,L0). We use this form in numerical examples in Sec. IID1. The fasting model of Song and Thomas [19]) used this fo rm withI= 0 andpswas a function of F representing ketone production. Comparing to Eq. (8) and Eq. (1 8) One Dimensional models The dynamics of the energy partition model Eqs. (16) and (17) mov e along fixed trajectories in the L-Fplane. Thus a further simplification to a one dimensional model is possible by fi nding a functional relationship between F7 andLso that one variable can be eliminated in favor of the other. Such a fu nction exists if Eq. (12) has a unique solution, which is guaranteed in some interval of Lifa(F,L) anda/Fare continuous functions of FandLon a rectangle containing this interval. These are sufficient but not nece ssary a relationship F=ph(L) can be found between FandL. Substituting this relationship into Eq. (16) and Eq. (17) and adding the two resulting equations yields the one dimens ional can obtain a dynamical equation for body mass by expressing the body mass as M=L+ph(L). If we can invert this relationship uniquely and obtain Las a function of M, then this can be substituted into Eq. (21) to obtain a dynamical equation for M. As an example, assume pto be a constant, which was used in [6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18]. This imp lies that the phase orbits are a family of straight lines of the form F=bL+Cph(L) andCis a constant that is specified by the initial body composition. This results Eq. (22) around a mass ando=dE/dM|M=M0. This is the form used in [18]. If Eqs. (16) and (17) are constrained to obey the phase plane pat hs of Forbes's law, then a reduction to a one dimensional equation can also be made. Using Eq. (14) (i.e. ph(L) =Dexp(L/10.4)) in Eq. (21) (24) Similarly, a one dimensional equation for the fat mass has the (25) Since the mass functions M=L+Dexp(L/10.4) cannot be inverted in closed form, an explicit one dimensional differential equation in terms of the mass can not be derived. However, the dynamics of the mass is easily obtained using either Eq. (24) or Eq. (25) together wit h the relevant mass function. For large changes in body composition, the dynamics could differ significantly from the co nstantpmodels (22) or (23). The one dimensional model gives the dynamics of the energy partitio n model along a fixed trajectory in the F-L plane. The initial body composition specifies the constant CorDin the above equations. A one dimensional model will represent the energy partition model even if the intake rate is t ime dependent. Only for a perturbation that directly alters body composition will the one dimensional model no long er apply. However, after the the one dimensional model with a new constant will apply aga in. C. Existence and stability of body weight fixed points The various flux balance models can be analyzed using the methods of dynamical systems theory, which aims to understand dynamics in terms of the geometric structure of poss ible trajectories (time courses of the body compo-8 nents). If the models are smooth and continuous then the global d ynamics can be inferred from the local dynamics of the model near fixed points (i.e. where the time derivatives of the variables are zero). To simplify the analysis, we consider the intake rates to be clamped to constant values or se t to predetermined functions of time. We do not consider the control and variation of food intake rate that may ar ise due to feedback from the body composition or from exogenous influences. We focus only on what happens to th e food once it is ingested, which is a of the control of intake. We also assume that the ave raged energy expenditure rate does not depend on time explicitly. Hence, we do not account for the effects of develo pment, aging or gradual changes in lifestyle, which could lead to an explicit slow time dependence of energy expendit ure rate. Thus, our ensuing analysis is to understanding the slow dynamics of body mass and comp osition for clamped food intake and over a time course of months to a few years. Dynamics in two dimensions are particularly simple to analyze and can be easily visualized geometrically [34, 35]. The one dimensional models are a subclass of two dimensional dynamic s. Three dimensional dynamical systems difficult to analyze but Hall [3] found in simulations that the glycogenlevels varied overa small interval and averaged to an approximate constant for time periods longer t han a few days, implying that the slow dynamics could be effectively captured by a two dimensional model. Reduction t o fewer dimensions is an oft used strategy in dynamical systems theory. Hence, we focus our analysis on two dim ensional dynamics. In two dimensions, changes of body composition and mass are repre sented by trajectories in the L-Fphase the flux balance model is a two dimensional autonomous s ystem of ordinary and trajectories will flow to attractors. The only possib le attractors are infinity, stable fixed points or stable limit cycles [34, 35]. We note that fixed points within the context of the model correspond to states of flux balance. The two compartment macronutrient partition model is co mpletely general in that all possible in the two dimensional phase plane are realizable. Any two or one dimensional autonomous model of body composition change can be expressed in terms of the two dimensiona l macronutrient partition model. Physical viability constrains LandFto be positive and finite. For differentiable fandE, the possible trajectories for fixed intake rates are completely specified by the dynamics near fixed points of the system. Geometrically, the fixed points are given by the intersections of the nullclines in the L-Fplane, which are given by the solutions of IF-fE= 0 andIL-(1-f)E= 0. Example nullclines and phase plane portraits of the macronutrien t model are shown in Fig. 1. If the nullclines intersect once then there will be a sing le fixed point and if it is stable then the steady statebody Multiple int multiple that body composition is not unique [4]. If the nullclines are collin ear then there can be an attracting one- dimensional invariant manifold (continuous curve of fixed points) in t heL-Fplane. In this case, there are an infinite number of possible body compositions for a fixed diet. As we will show, the energy partition model implicitly as- sumes an If a single fixed point exists but is unstab le then a stable limit cycle may exist around it. The fixed point conditions of Eqs. (8) and (9) can be expressed in te rms of the solutions of E(F,L) =I (26) f(F,L) and we have suppressed the functional dependence on intake ra tes. These fixed point 1: Possible trajectories (solid lines) for different in itial conditions and nullclines (dotted lines) in the L-Fphase plane for models with a stable fixed point a), multi-stability with two stable fixed points separated by one unstable saddle poin t b), an attracting invariant manifold c), and a limit cycle attra ctor d). correspond to a state of flux balance of the lean and fat componen ts. Equation (26) indicates a state of energy balance while Eq. (27) indicates that the fraction of fat utilized must equal t he fraction of fat in the diet. Stability of a fixed point is determined by the dynamics of small perturbations of body c omposition away from the fixed point. If the perturbed body composition returns to the original fixed point the n the fixed point is deemed stable. We give the stability conditions in Methods. The functional dependence of the existence and stability of fixed points. As shown in Methods, an isolated stable fixed point is guaranteed if fis a monotonic increasing function of Fand a function of L. If one of the fixed point conditions automatically satisfies the othe r, then instead of a fixed point there will be a continuous curve of fixed points or an invariant m anifold. For example, if the energy (26) automatically satisfies the fat fraction condition (27 ), then there is an invariant manifold defined by I=E. The energy partition model has this property and thus has an inva riant manifold rather than an isolated fixed point. This can be seen by observing that for fgiven by Eq. (15), I=Eautomatically satisfies condition (27). An attracting invariant manifold implies that the body can exist at any of the infinite number of body by the curve I=E(F,L) for clamped intake and energy expenditure rates (see Figure 1 c) ). Each of these10 infinite possible body compositions will result in a different body mass M=F+L(except for the unlikely case that Eis a function of the sum F+L). The body composition is marginally stable along the direction of the in This means that in flux balance, the body composition will rem ain at rest at any point on the in A transient perturbation along the invariant manifold will sim ply cause the body composition to move to a new position on the invariant manifold. The one dimensional models have a stable fixed point if the is attracting. We also show in Methods that for multiple stable fixed points or a limit cycle to exist, fmust be nonmonotonic in Land be finely tuned. The required fine tuning makes these latter two possibilities much less plausible than a single fixed point or an invariant manifold. Data suggest that Eis a monotonically increasing function of FandL[36]. The dependence of fonFandLis not well established and the form of fdepends on multiple interrelated factors. In general, the sensitivit y of various tissues to the changing hormonal milieu will have an overall effect on b oth the supply of macronutrients as well as the substrate preferences of various metabolically active tissues. On the supply side, we know that free fatty acids derived from adipose tissue lipolysis increase with increasing body fat mass wh ich thereby increase the daily fat asFincreases [37]. Furthermore, reduction of Fwith weight loss has been demonstrated to decrease f [38]. Similarly, whole-body proteolysis and protein oxidation increases with lean body mass [39, 40] implying that f should be a decreasing function of L. In further support of this relationship, body builders with significa ntly increased Lhave a decreased daily fat oxidation fraction versus control subj ects with similar F[41]. Thus a stable isolated fixed point is consistent with this set of data. D. Implications for body mass and composition change We have shown that all two dimensional autonomous models of body c omposition change generically fall into two classes - those with fixed points and those with invariant manifolds. I n the case of a stable fixed point, any ofbody weight or composition will be correctedovert ime (i.e. for all things equal, the body will return to its originalstate). An allowsthe possibility that a tr ansient leadto of body composition and mass. At first glance, these differing properties would appear to point to a simple way of distinguishing between the two classes. However, the traditionalmeans ofinducing weight change , namely diet through aerobic exercise, turn out to be incapable of revealing the distinctio n. For an invariant manifold, any change of intake or expenditure rate will only elicit movement along one of the prescrib obeying Eq. (12), an example being Forbes's law (14). As shown in Fig. 2, a change of intake or energy expenditure rate will change the position of the invariant manifold. The body composition that is initially a t one point on the invariant manifold will then flow to a new point on the perturbed invariant manifold along the trajectory prescribed by (12). If the intake rate or energy expenditure is then restored to the original value t hen the body composition will return along the same trajectory to the original steady state just as it would in a fix ed point model (see Fig 2 solid curves). Only a perturbation that moves the body composition off of the fixed traj ectory could distinguish between the two classes. In the fixed point case (Fig. 2 a) dashed-dot curve), the body compo sition would go to the same steady state following the perturbation to body composition but for the invariant manifold case (Fig 2 b) dashed-dot curve), it would go to another steady 2: An example of a situation where the intake or energy ex penditure rate is changed from one clamped value to another and then returned for the fixed point case a) and the invariant manifold case b). Dotted lines represent nullclines. In bot h cases, the body composition follows a fixed trajectory and re turns to the original steady state (solid curves). However, if the body composition is perturbed directly (dashed-dot curves ) then the body composition will flow to same point in a) but to a different point in that move the body composition off the fixed trajec tory can be done by altering body or by altering the fat utilization fraction f. For example, body composition could be altered directly or administering compounds such as growth hormone. Re sistance exercise may cause an increase in lean muscle tissue at the expense of fat. Exogenous hormones, compo unds, or infectious agents that change the propensity for fat versus carbohydrate oxidation (for example, by increasin g adipocyte proliferation and acting as a sink for fat that is not available for oxidation [42, 43, 44]), would also perturb the body composition off of a fixed FvsLcurve by altering f. If the body composition returned to its original state after such a perturbation then there is a unique fixed point. If it does not then there could be an invariant manifold alt hough multiple fixed points are also possible. We found an example of one clinical study that bears on the question of whether humans have a fixed point or an invariant manifold. Biller et al. investigated changes of body composit ion pre- and post- growth hormone therapy in forty male subjects with growth hormone deficiency [45]. Despite sig nificant changes of body composition induced by 18 months of growth hormone administration, the subjects retur ned very closely to their original body composition 18 months following the removal of therapy. However, there was a slight (2%) but significant increase in their lean body mass compared with the original value. Perhaps not enough tim e had elapsed for the lean mass to return to the original level. Alternatively, the increased lean mass may possibly have been the result of increased bone mineral mass and extracellular fluid expansion, both of which are known effec ts of growth hormone, but were assumed to be constant in the body composition models. Therefore, this clinical st udy provides some evidence in support of a fixed point, but it has not been repeated and the result was not conclusiv e. Using data from the Minnesota experiment [21] and the underlying physiology, Hall [3] proposed a form for fthat predicts a fixed point. On the other hand, Hall, Bain and Chow [10] showed that an invariant manifold model is con sistent with existing data of change but these experiments only altered weight through c hanges in caloric intake so this cannot rule out the possibility of a fixed point. Thus it appears that existing data is insuffic ient to decide the issue.12 1. Numerical simulations We now consider some numerical examples using the macronutrient p artition model in the form given by Eqs. (18) and (19), with a p-ratio consistent with Forbes's law (13): p= 2/(2+F), whereFis in units of kg. Consider two cases of the model. If ps= 0 then the model has an invariant manifold and body composition mov es along a fixed trajectory in the L-Fplane. Ifpsis nonzero, then there can be an isolated fixed point. We will show an e xample where if the intake energy is perturbed, the approach of the body composition to the steady state will be identical for both cases but if body composition is perturbed, the body will ar rive at different steady states. For every model with an invariant manifold, a model with a fixed point c an be found such that trajectories in the L-Fplane resulting be identical. All that isrequiredis that psin the fixed point model is chosen such that the solution of ps(F,L) = 0 defines the fixed trajectory of the invariant manifold model. Using Forbes's law (14), we choose ps= We then take a plausible energy expenditure rate ofE= where energy rate has units of MJ/day and mass has units of kg . This expression is based on combining cross-sectional data [36] for resting energy with a contribution of physical activity of a fairly sedentary person [3]. Previous models propose similar forms for the energy expenditure [5, 7, 13, 18]. Figure 3 shows the time dependence of body mass and the FvsLtrajectories of the two model examples given a reduction in energy intake rate from 12 MJ/day to 10 MJ/day star ting at the same initial condition. The time courses are identical for body composition and mass. The mass firs t decreases linearly in time but then saturates to a new stable fixed point. The dashed line represents the same intake rate reduction but with 10 kg of fat removed at day 100. For the invariant manifold model, the fat perturbation p ermanently alters the final body composition and body mass, whereas in the fixed point model it only has a transien t effect. In the fixed point model, the body composition can ultimately exist only at one point given by the intersec tion of the nullclines (i.e. solution of I=E andps= 0). For the invariant manifold, the body composition can exist at an y point on the I=Ecurve (dotted line in Fig. 2 d)). Since a pscan always be found so that a fixed point model and an invariant manif old model have identical time courses for body composition and mass, a perturbat ion in energy intake can never discriminate between the two time constant to reach the new fixed point in the numerical simula tions is very long. This slow approach to steady state (on the order of several years for humans) has be en pointed out many times previously [3, 5, 7, 13, 18]. A long time constant will make experiments to distinguish between a fixe d point and an invariant manifold difficult to conduct. Experimentally reproducing this example would be demandin g but if the time variation of the intake rates and physical activity levels were small compared to the induced chan ge then the same result should arise the time constantdepends on the form ofthe energy e xpenditure. There is evidence that the dependence of energy expenditure on FandLfor an individual is steeper than for the population due to an effect c alled [46], thus making the time constant shorter. III. DISCUSSION In this paper we have shown that all possible two dimensional autono mous models for lean and fat mass are variants of the macronutrient partition model. The models can be divided into t wo general classes - models with isolated fixed13 01000 2000 (kg)F (kg)b) 01000 2000 (kg)F (kg)d) FIG. 3: Time dependence of body mass for fixed point model a). I n all the figures, the solid line is for an intake reduction fro m 12 MJ/day to 10 J/day and the dashed line is for the same reduct ion but with a removal of 10 kg of fat at day 100. Trajectories in theFvsLphase plane for the fixed point model b). Dotted lines are the n ullclines. Time dependence c) and phase plane d) of the invariant manifold model for the same (most likely a single stable fixed point) and models with an invarian t manifold. There is the possibility of more exotic behavior such as multi-stability and limit cycles but these r equire fine tuning and thus are less experimentally determining if the body exhibits a fixed po int or an invariant manifold is nontrivial. of the body composition itself apart from dietary or energy expenditure interventions or alterations of the fraction of energy utilized as fat can discriminate between th e two possibilities. The distinction between the classes is not merely an academic concern since this has direct clin ical implications for potential permanence of transient changes of body composition via such procedures as lipos uction or temporary administration of analysis considers the slow dynamics of the body mass and compo sition where the fast time dependent hourly or daily fluctuations are averaged out for a clamped average food in take rate. We also do not consider a slow explicit time dependence of the energy expenditure. Such a time dependen ce could arise during development, aging or gradual changes in lifestyle where activity levels differ. Thus our analysis is bes t suited to modeling changes over time scales of months to a few years in adults. We do not consider any feedback of body composition on food intake, which is an extremely important topic but beyond the scope of this paper. Previous efforts to model body weight change have predominantly u sed energy partition models that an invariant manifold and thus body composition and mass are not fully specified by the diet. If the body does have an invariant manifold then this fact puts a very strong co nstraint on the fat utilization fraction f. Hall [3] considered the effects of carbohydrate intake on lipolysis and othe r physiological factors to conjecture a form of f that does not lead to an invariant manifold. However, our analysis an d numerical examples show that the body composition could have an invariant manifold but behave indistinguisha bly from having a fixed point. Also, the decay to the fixed point could take a very long time, possibly as long as a deca de giving the appearance of an in Only experiments that perturb the fat or lean compartme nts independently can tell. IV. METHODS A. Method of Averaging The three compartment macronutrient flux balance equations (3) -(5) are a system of nonautonomous since the energy intake and expenditure are explicitly time dependent. Food is ingested over discrete time intervals and physical activity will vary greatly within a day. However , this fast time dependence can be viewed as oscillations or fluctuations on top of a slowly varying background. It is this slower time dependence that body mass and composition changes that we are interest ed in. For example, if an individual had the exact same schedule with the same energy intake and expenditure each da y, then averaged over a day, the body be constant. If the daily averaged intake and expenditure we re to gradually change on longer time scales of say weeks or months then there would be a corresponding change in the body composition and mass. Given that we are only interested in these slower changes, we remove the short time s cale fluctuations by using the method of averaging to produce an autonomous system of averaged equations valid on longer time scales. We do so by introducing a second fast time variable t=t/o, whereois a small parameter that is associated with the slow changes and let all time dependent quantities be a function o f bothtandt. For example, if tis measured in units of days and tis measured in units of hours then o~1/24. Inserting into (3)-(5) and using the chain rule (30) We then consider the three body compartments to have expansion s of the form F(t,t) (31)15 G(t,t) (32) P(t,t) 0 for a time average defined by dtandTrepresents an averaging time scale of a day. The fast time dependence can be either periodic o r stochastic. The important thing is that the time average over the fast quantities is of order oor higher. We then expand the energy expenditure rate and expenditure fractions to first order in o: E(F,G,P,t,t ) (34) f0 i(F,G,P) andi {F,G,P}. We assume that the expenditure fractions depend on time only through the body compartments. Substituting these exp ansions into Eqs. (28)-(30) and taking lowest (38) Taking the moving time average of Eqs. (36)-(38) and requiring tha of orderoor higher leads to the averaged (41) In the main text we only consider the slow time scale dynamics so we dro p the superscript and bracket notation for simplicity. Hence, the system (3)-(5) can be thought of as repres enting the lowest order time averaged balance equations. We note that in addition to the daily fluctuatio ns of meals and physical activity, there can also be fluctuations in food intake from day to day [23]. Our averagin g scheme can be used to average over as well by extending the averaging time T. A difference in the choice of Twill only result in a of the averaged quantities. B. Stability conditions for fixed 35]. Assuming solutions of the form exp( lt) yields an eigenvalue problem with two fixed point is stable if and only if Tr J <0 and detJ >0. In the case of an invariant manifold, det J= 0, so the eigenvalues are Tr Jand 0. The zero eigenvalue reflects the marginal stability along the in variant manifold, which is an attractor if Tr J <0. An attracting invariant manifold implies a stable fixed point in the cor responding one dimensional model. Unstable fixed points are either unstable nodes, saddle points or unstable spirals. In the case of unstable spirals, a possibility is a limit cycle surroundingthe spiral arisin gfrom a Hopf bifurcation, where Tr J= 0 and detJ >0. In this case, body composition and mass would oscillate even if the in take rates were held constant. The frequency and amplitude of the oscillations may be estimated near a s upercritical Hopf bifurcation by transforming the equations to normal form. Stability of a fixed point puts constr aintson the form of f. data imply that E/L > E/F > 0 [3, 36]. Thus we can set E/F=dE/L whered <1 (where the derivatives are evaluated at the fixed point). Then det J >0 implies that f/F >df/L (44) and TrJ <0 implies f/F >gf/L -K, (45) whereK= >0 andg=rF/rL5.2. Hencef/F > 0 andf/L < 0 of a fixed point. From Eq. (44) and Eq. (45) and the fixed point conditions (26) and ( 27), iffincreases monotonically with Fand decreases monotonically with Lthen there will be a unique stable fixed point. For an invariant manifold ,fis given by Eq. (15), which immediately satisfies det J= 0; TrJ <0 is guaranteed if Eis monotonically increasing in Fand L. For a Hopf bifurcation, we require f/F=gf/L -Kand Eq. (44), implying ( g-d)f/L-K >0. Since g >d,fmust increase with Lfor the possibility of a limit cycle. However, to ensure that trajecto ries remain bounded fmust decrease with Lfor very small and large values of L. 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Changes in energy expenditure resulting from altered bod y weight.The New England Journal of Medicine , 332(10):621-628, 1995. | 0802.3234 | Carson C. Chow | Carson C. Chow and Kevin D. Hall | The dynamics of human body weight change | null | null | 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000045 | null | q-bio.TO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | An imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure will lead to a
change in body weight (mass) and body composition (fat and lean masses). A
quantitative understanding of the processes involved, which currently remains
lacking, will be useful in determining the etiology and treatment of obesity
and other conditions resulting from prolonged energy imbalance. Here, we show
that the long-term dynamics of human weight change can be captured by a
mathematical model of the macronutrient flux balances and all previous models
are special cases of this model. We show that the generic dynamical behavior of
body composition for a clamped diet can be divided into two classes. In the
first class, the body composition and mass are determined uniquely. In the
second class, the body composition can exist at an infinite number of possible
states. Surprisingly, perturbations of dietary energy intake or energy
expenditure can give identical responses in both model classes and existing
data are insufficient to distinguish between these two possibilities. However,
this distinction is important for the efficacy of clinical interventions that
alter body composition and mass.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 21 Feb 2008 23:45:31 GMT"
] | 2015-05-13T00:00:00 | [
"Carson C.",
"Kevin D.",
] |
2M. Vigelius et al. proved that newly born neutron stars containing a toroidal field are stable to the axisymmetric in- stability yet unstable to its nonaxisymmetric counterpart . Differences between the two- and stabil- ity of MHD equilibria are also observed in a variety of so- lar contexts (Priest 1984) and in tokamaks (Lifschitz 1989; Goedbloed & Poedts 2004). The central aim of this paper is to perform fully ideal-MHD simulations to assess the stabilit y of magnetic mountains, generalizing PM07. Importantly, we compute not just the linear growth rate but also the non- linear saturation state of any unstable modes. The latter property is what matters over the long accretion burialas in u(Payne 2005), the persistence of millisec- ond oscillations in type-I X-ray bursts (Payne & Melatos 2006b), and gravitational radiation from magnetic moun- tains (Melatos & Payne 2005; Payne & Melatos 2006a). The structure of the paper is as follows. We introduce our numerical setup in section 2 and validate it against pre- vious axisymmetric results in section 3, characterizing th e controlling influence of the boundary conditions for the firs t time. In section 4, we present simulatio ns, which display growth of unstable toroidal modes. The insta- bility is classified according to its dispersive properties and energetics, andthenonlinear saturation state is computed as a function of Ma. We compute the spectrum of global MHD oscillations in section 5. Resistive effects are postponed t o a future paper. 2 NUMERICAL MODEL The accretion problem contains two fundamentally differ- ent time-scales: the long accretion time ( ~108yr) and the short Alfven time ( ~10-3s). The wide discrepancy pre- vents us from treating the accretion problem in a full MHD simulation, where mass is added through the outer boundary onto an initially dipolar field. Instead, for a given value of Ma, we compute the equilibria, using the Grad-Shafranov solver develo ped by PM04, then load it into the ideal-MHD solver zeus-mp (Hayes et al. 2006) to test its hydromagnetic stability on th e Alfv' en time-scale tA. We find below that all quantities reach their saturation values after ~10tA~10-2s at a particu- lar value of Ma(e.g. 10-4M). AsMachanges slowly, over
~108yr, the saturation values adjust in a quasistatic way on the Alfv' en time-scale. In practice, to study a different value ofManumerically, we recalculate the and load the new equilibrium into zeus-mp . 2.1 Magnetic mountain for stent ideal-MHD equilibria for magnetic mountains are set out in PM04. Here, we briefly restate the main points for the convenience of the reader. An axisymmetric equilibrium is generated by a scalar flux function ps(r,th), such that the magnetic (1)automatically satisfies *B= 0. Weemploy theusual spher- ical coordinates ( r,th,ph), whereth= 0 corresponds to the symmetry axis of the magnetic field before accretion. In the static limit, the mass conservation and MHD are identically satisfied, while the component of the momentum equation transverse to Breduces to a sec- ond order, nonlinear, elliptic partial differential equati on for ps, the Grad-Shafranov (GS) equation is an arbitrary function. However, the ideal-MHD flux-freezing constraint, that matter cannot cross flux surfaces, imposes an additional conservation law on the mass-flux ratio d M/dps, F(ps) determines F(ps) uniquely when solved simultane- ously with (2). The integration in (4) is performed along the field line ps= const,ph= const. The solution is insen- sitive to the exact form of d M/dps; we thus distribute the accreted mass Mauniformly over 0 wherepsa is the flux enclosed within the polar cap, and take psto be dipolar, initially, with hemispheric flux ps*. In writing (2) and (5), we approximate as uniform over the height of the mountain, and hence write the gravitational potential the stellar mass and radius respectively. We also assume an working in the ideal-MHD limit, we neglect elas- tic stresses (Melatos & Phinney 2001; Haskell et al. 2006; Owen 2006), the Hall drift (Geppert & Rheinhardt 2002; Cumming et al. 2004; Pons & Geppert 2007), and Ohmic diffusion (Romani 1990; Geppert & Urpin 1994). In partic- ular, Ohmic diffusion causes the mass quadrupole moment of the magnetic mountain (and u) to saturate above a cer- tain value of Maand may also affect the stability to resistive MHD (e.g. ballooning) modes.1We defer investigating these resistive effects to a forthcoming paper [Vigelius & Melatos (in solve (2) and (4) simultaneously using the relax- ation algorithm described in PM04, subject to the bound- ary conditions ps(R*,th) =ps*sin2th(line tying at the = 0 at the outer boundary r=Rm, ps(r,0) = 0, and ps/th(r,p/2) = 0 (north-south symme- try). 2.2 Evolution in ZEUS-MP In this paper, we explore numerically how the axisymmetric GS equilibria evolve when subjected to a variety of initial 1J. Arons, private RAS, MNRAS 000, stability of magnetically confined moun tains on accreting neutron stars 3 and boundary conditions in three dimensions. To achieve this, we employ the parallelized, general purpose, time- dependent, ideal-MHD solver zeus-mp (Hayes et al. 2006). zeus-mp integrates the equations of ideal MHD, discretized on a fixed staggered grid. The hydrodynamic part is based on a advection scheme accurate to second order in time and space. The magnetic tension force and the induction equation are solved via the method of characteris - tics and constrained transport (MOCCT) (Hawley & Stone 1995), whose numerical implementation in zeus-mp is de- scribed in detail by Hayes et al. (2006). We initialize zeus-mp with an equilibrium computed by theGScode and described by B(r,th) andr(r,th), ro- tated about the zaxis to generate cylindrical symmetry. We introduce initial perturbations by taking advantage of the numerical noise produced by the transition between grids in the GS code and zeus-mp . We adopt dimensionless variables in zeus-mp 1, where the hydrostatic scale height. The basic units of mass, magnetic field, and time are then M0=h0c2 s/G,B0= The grid and boundary conditions are spec- ified in appendix A. 2.3 Curvature rescaling In general, the characteristic length-scale for radial gra di- ents (h0) is much smaller than the length-scale for latitu- dinal gradients R*, creating numerical difficulties. However, in the small- Malimit, it can be shown analytically (PM04, PM07) that thestructure of themagnetic mountain the combination h0R2
*/M*, not separately. We therefore artificially reduce R*andM*, to render the problem tractable It is important to bear in mind that invariance d oes not imply invariance of the dynamical behaviour, nor is it necessarily applicable at large Ma. A standard neutron star has M*= 1.4M,R*= 106 cm,B*= 1012G, andcs= 108cm s-1, givingh0= 1.9x104, andt0= 5.4x10-7s. We rescale the star to M'
*= 50 while keeping it large. The base units for this rescaled star (see section 2.2) are then M0= 8.1x1024 g,r0= 5.2x1019g cm-3,B0= 7.2x1017G, The critical accreted mass above which the star's magnetic moment starts to change, Mc, is defined by equation (30) of PM04: Mc M= characteristic time-scale for the MHD response of the mountain is the Alfv' en pole-equator crossing time, tA=
pR*/(2vA), wherevA= (B2/u0r)1/2is the Alfv' en a function of position and time, so the defini- tion oftAis somewhat arbitrary. Typically, at the equator, we empirically 1. Simulation parameters. Mais the accreted mass, in units of the characteristic mass Mc(section 2.3), and a=R*/h0 measures the curvature of the rescaled star (section 2.3). T he conditions at the outer boundary ( r=Rm) are either outflow (zero gradient in all field variables) or inflow(pinned magnetic field); cf. also appendix A. Model Boundary A 1.0 50 yes outflow B 1.0 50 yes inflow D 1.0 50 no outflow E 1.0 50 no inflow F 0.6 50 no outflow G 1.4 50 no outflow J 1.0 75 no outflow K 1.0 100 no outflow 3 AXISYMMETRIC STABILITY AND GLOBAL demonstrated the axisymmetric stability of using the serial ideal-MHD solver zeus-3d. Here, we start by repeating these axisymmetric simulations in the parallel solver zeus-mp , in order to verify the mountain im- plementation in zeus-3d andzeus-mp , generate an axisym- metric reference model, and understand the effect of the boundary conditions, which were not investigated fully in previous work. The simulation parameters are detailed in Table 1 (models A and B). 3.1 Reference model Model A, in which we set Ma/Mc= 1.0 and the outer boundary condition to outflow, serves as a reference case. Fig. 1displays atime series of six r-thsections for 0 showing density contours (dashed curves) and the mag- netic field lines projected into the plane ph= 0 (solid curves). The axisymmetric equilibrium (top-left panel) reveals how the bulk matter is contained at the magnetic pole by the tension of the distorted magnetic field. The mountain in Fig. 1 performs damped lateral oscil- lations without being disrupted. The (unexpected) stabili ty of this configuration is due to two factors. First, the config- uration is already the final, saturated state of the nonlin- ear Parker instability, which is reached quasistatically d ur- ing slow accretion (PM04; Mouschovias 1974). Second, line- tying of the magnetic field at changes the structure of the MHD wave spectrum in a way that enhances stability. Goedbloed & Halberstadt (1994) found that, in a homogenous plasma, a superposition of Alfv' en- and magnetosonic waves is needed to satisfy the conditions. As a consequence, the basic, unmixed MHD modes are not eigenfunctions of the linear force oper- ator, and thus the spectrum is modified. The mass quadrupole (7) of the mountain in Fig. 1 are plotted versus time in Fig. 2. We note first that Q12= 0 andQ22=-Q33/2, as RAS, MNRAS 000, 000-0004M. Vigelius et al. Figure 1. Meridional section of model A at t/tA= (top left to bottom right). Shown are density con- tours (dashed curves) with values log10(r/r' 0) and flux surfaces with footpoints at r=R*, th= (solid curves). Lateral oscillations of the equatorial fi eld lines are clearly visible. The outflow bound- ary condition at r=Rmmakes the field lines flare towards the magnetic pole. This is v isible most clearly for the line whose footpoint lies atth= 0.39. for an axisymmetric system. We can compare Fig. 2 directly with the ellipticity oQ33computed by Payne & These authors found two dominant global modes, an Alfv' en and an acoustic mode, claimed to be analogous to the fundamental modes of a gravitating, magnetized plasma slab. We cannot resolve the compressional modes in Fig. 2, but the latitudinal (Alfv' en) mode is clearly visible throu gh the oscillations in Q22andQ33. An oscillation cycle proceeds as follows. The first mini- mum ofQ33, and hence o, att= 0.4tAin Fig. 2, corresponds to the top right panel of Fig. 1. The mountain withdraws ra- dially and poleward. Polar fieldlines move closer tothemag- netic pole, while equatorial field lines are drawn towards th e equator. At t=tA, the mountain spreads and Q33reaches a maximum in Fig. 2. The damping observed in Fig. 2 arises solely from numerical dissipation; neither viscosity nor r e- sistivity are included in our version of zeus-mp . 3.2 Outer boundary The flaring up of magnetic field lines at the pole, observed by PM07, is an artifact of the outflow boundary condition 2Payne & Melatos (2006a) simulated a polar cap with b= 10 as againstb= 3 in model A.Figure 2. Mass quadrupole moments for model A, normalised to the maximum of Q33(1.3x1025g cm2), as a function of time in units Alfv' en time. We find Q22=-Q33/2 andQ12= 0, as expected for an axisymmetric configuration. The global Alfv ' en oscillation is damped by numerical In order to check this, we repeat the simulation of model A but switch to an inflowboundary condition (model B). The density distribution is similar in the RAS, MNRAS 000, stability of magnetically confined moun tains on accreting neutron stars 5 Figure 3. Meridional section of model B, showing density (left) and projected magnetic field (right) at t/tA= 3.6 (solid curves). The field lines are pinned to the outer rboundary by the inflow boundary condition. For comparison, the density and magnet ic field of model A are overplotted (dotted curves). Figure 4. Mass quadrupole moments for model B, normalised to the maximum of Q33(1.3x1025g cm2) as a function of time in units of the Alfv' en time. We find Q22=-Q33/2 andQ12=
0, as expected for an axisymmetric configuration. The mounta in performs damped lateral oscillations with twice the freque ncy of model A. models, as is clear from Fig. 3. However, the pins the magnetic field to the outer (mostly intheout er layers, where ris en waves are similar totransverse waves on a string, where the magnetic tension provides the restoring force. Models one end free and fixed respectively. We expect the os- cillation frequency of the fundamental mode in model B to be twice that of model A. This is indeed observed in the oscillations of the quadrupole moments, displayed in Fig. 4 : Q22andQ33in Fig. 4 oscillate at 0 .6 times the period in Fig. 2. A comprehensive analytic computation of the MHD spec- trum, including discrete and continuous components, will b e attempted in a forthcoming paper. 3.3 Uniform toroidal field There are strong theoretical indications that the instability (Balbus & Hawley 1998) acts durin g Figure 5. Model A repeated with the same parameters as in Ta- ble 1 including a uniform toroidal field Bph= 10-7B0= 0.35Bp. The mountain is defined by the orange isosurface r(r,th,ph) =
1.04x109g cm3, while red denotes the neutron star surface r=R*. In order to improve visibility, all length scales of the mountain and the field lines (blue) are magnified five-fold. Th e field exhibits a helical topology, which ismost distinctin t he polar flux tubes where the poloidal contribution is weakest. core collapse supernova explosions to generate a substan- tial toroidal field component Bph~Bpbeneath the stellar surface (Cutler 2002; Akiyama et al. 2003). The hydromag- netic stability of equilibria with 0 will be in a forthcoming paper. In this subsection, we present the results of a preliminary inves - tigation. Let us rerun model A with the same initial conditions while applying a uniform Bph= 10-7B0= Bp= (r-R*)/h0,th,ph] = initially and is allowed to evolve nonuniformly as This procedure leads to a non-equilibrium con- figuration, because we do not generalise and solve again the GS equation (2) toaccomodate 0. Nevertheless, it pro- vides us with some insight into the stability of a field with nonzero pitch angle. Fig. 5 displays the result of this numerical 7.4tA. The toroidal field component creates a he- lical field topology in the polar region far from the surface, where the poloidal field is comparably weak. In the equa- torial region, however, the poloidal field is still dominant and the structure remains unchanged from Fig. 1. Remark- ably, the toroidal field does not alter the stability of the system qualitatively, at least for the parameters of model A [We expect a stronger effect in other parameter regimes; see Lifschitz (1989); Goedbloed & Poedts (2004)]. The elliptic - ity, displayed in Fig. 6 (solid curve), exhibits characteri with a period ~30 per cent smaller than that of the purely poloidal configuration (dotted curve), which can be explained simply by the increase in the Alfven speed. In addition, the saturation ellipticity is ~3 per cent RAS, MNRAS 000, 000-0006M. Vigelius et al. Figure 6. Mass ellipticity of model A with (solid) and without (dotted) a uniform Bph. The toroidal field component leads to a shorter oscillation period and to a higher saturation ellip ticity. than in model A; the magnetic tension increases with B, sustaining the mountain at a lower colatitude. 4 NONAXISYMMETRIC STABILITY We turn now to the evolution of a mag- netised mountain in zeus-mp . The chief finding, presented below, is that the initial (axisymmetric) configuration be- comes unstable to toroidal perturbations, but that, after a brief transition phase, the system settles into a new (nearl y axisymmetric) state, which is stable in the long term. Sec- tion 4.1 compares the results to the axisymmetric reference model A. The magnetic and mass multipole moments are computed in section 4.2, the influence of the boundary con- ditions is considered in section 4.3, and the component-wis e evolution of the energy is examined in section 4.4. A scaling of the mass quadrupole moment versus Mais derived em- pirically in section 4.5. The curvature rescaling is verifie d in section 4.6. 4.1 General features Model D starts from the same configuration as model A (Ma/Mc= 1.0, outflow at r=Rm) but is evolved in Six snapshots of a density isosurface (orange) and magnetic field lines (blue) are depicted in Fig. 7. At t0.8tA= 200t0, the system undergoes a violent tran- sition. The field lines bend in the phdirection, indicating that the initial axisymmetric configuration is unstable to toroidal modes, a channel that is evidently not present in axisymmetric simulations. This hypothesis is supported by Fig. 8 which plots Bphat ~x= 10-3andth= 0.01 as a function of phandt. The magnetic field takes the form of an azimuthal travelling wave From Fig. 8, we measure the phase speed to be 27vA, where the Alfv' en speed vAis mea- sured at (~x,th,ph) = (10-3,0.01,0.1) and we assume m= 1. An inhomogenous plasma generally supports mixed en modes, so vphdoes not necessarily equal vA or the fast/slow magnetosonic speed. The magnitude of Bph Figure 8. Evolution of the azimuthal magnetic field component Bphat (~x,th) = (10-3,0.01) in model D as a function of longitude ph(in radians) and time t(in units of the Alfv' en time.) Figure 9. |Bph|at (~x,th,ph) = (10-3,1.5,1.3) for model D, simu- lated at higher resolution ( Nph= 32, solid) and lower resolution (Nph= 8, dashed). Small wavelength perturbations grow faster. We track the absolute value of |Bph|in order to isolate better the dominant mode, as the system exists in a superposition of sta ble and unstable modes, and Bphswitches sign. is comparable to the magnitude of the polar magnetic field Bp= 2.9x10-7B0. The deviations of the mountain isosurface, defined by r(r,th,ph) = 1.04x109g cm3, from axisymmetry are per cent laterally and per cent radially during the transition phase). The isosurface spreads outward by
~32 per cent relative to ites initial position. Fig. 9 demonstrates how the instability grows. We plot
|Bph|at the (arbitrary) position ( r,th,ph) = (R*,1.5,1.3) ver- sus time. The solid curve corresponds to a higher ( Nph= 32 grid cells in phdirection) than the dashed curve ( Nph= 8). We note first that |Bph|grows expo- nentially with time, as expected in the linear regime. The growth rate is measured to be G = Im( o) = with toroidal modes. The magnetic perturbation, dB, induced RAS, MNRAS 000, stability of magnetically confined moun tains on accreting neutron stars 7 Figure 7. Density and magnetic field of model D at t/tA= 0,1,2,3,4,5 (from top left to bottom right). The mountain is defined by the orange isosurface r(r,th,ph) = 1.04x109g cm3, while red indicates the neutron star surface r=R*. In order to improve visibility, all length scales of the mountain and the field lines are magnified five-fold. The mountain becomes unstable to toroidal modes a tt0.8tA. It subsequently relaxes to a new nonaxisymmetric equilibri um. The footpoint of the blue fieldlines is at the stellar surf ace while green fieldlines are traced starting from the equator. Green field l ines eventually become topologically disconnected (see te xt). a linear Lagrangian displacement xisdB=x(xxB). By writing out the vector components, one sees that d 0, provided the unperturbed field has the dashed curve in Fig. 9 tracks |Bph|for a out at a lower resolution ( Nph= 8). The instabil- ity grows significantly slower with G = Im( o) = We conclude that G scales with the wavelength lof the perturbation roughly as l-1/2. The of the dashed curve in Fig. 9 shows that the global oscillations are governed by a superposition of unst a- ble (growing) and stable wave modes. What type of instability is at work here? In order to an- swer that question, we first write down the change in poten- tial energy associated with a Lagrangian displacement xin a form that reveals the physical meaning of the different con- tributions (Biskamp1993; Lifschitz 1989; Greene & include the term due to gravity (Goedbloed & Poedts 2004) and define j=u-1 0 xB(current density), Q=
x(xxB) (change in Bas a response to x),k= (b*)b (field line curvature), and b=B/B. The subscripts ,badbl refer to the magnetic field, such that The first three (stabilising) terms are the potential energy of the shear Alfv' en mode, the fast mag- netosonic mode, and the (unmagnetized) sound mode. They are all positive definite.The last threeterms mayhaveeithe rsign. The term proportional to j/bardblcauses the the curvature term causes pressure-driven in- stabilities (when k*r >0), and the final term first note that j/bardbl= 0, ruling out current-driven in- stabilities. Furthermore, we have our particular field geometry. In principle, this term ad- mits pressure-driven instabilities. However, we would exp growinanaxisymm et- ric system, suggests that theinstabili ty we see in Figs. 7-9 is associated with a toroidal dependence inx, leaving the gravitational term, which indeed prominent gravitational mode is the Parker or magnetic buoyancy instability (PM04; Mouschovias 1974). Its physics was elucidated by Hughes & Cattaneo (1987) for a plane-parallel, stratified atmosphere with a horizon- tal field increasing with depth z. The instability involves an interchange sub-mode and an undular sub-mode. The interchange sub-mode satisfies ky=xy= 0. We do not ob- serve this mode in our system because (i) it should also be present in two dimensions, as it does not rely on a toroidal dependence, yet it is absent; and (ii) it is incon- sistent with the line-tying boundary condition at r=R*. On the other hand, undular modes compress the plasma along field lines, even in systems which are interchange sta- ble. In two dimensions, they are restricted to kx=Qx= 0, whereas a non-vanishing Qxis allowed in three & Cattaneo (1987) showed that dWpis minimized forkx- , consistent with the results in Fig. 9; the insta- bility grows faster, if we allow smaller wavelength perturb a- tions by increasing Nph. WhenvAis uniform the growth rate of the Parker RAS, MNRAS 000, 000-0008M. Vigelius et al. stability reaches an asymptotic maximum G Here, L = v2 A/gis the scale height for a strat- ified atmosphere with uniform gravitational acceleration g. Werecognize(L timeover one scale height. In the units specified in section 2.3, we find GPt0Lg1, two orders of magnitude higher than the observed growth rate G 10-2t-1 0. The discrepancy arises because the Parker instability cannot grow freely in the bel t region, since the adjacent plasma at higher latitudes effec- tively acts as a line-tying boundary for the magnetic field. The snapshot at t=tA(top-middle panel in Fig. 7) demonstrates how the instability starts in the equatorial r e- gion, whose magnetic belt represents the endpoint of Parker instability. The undular Parker su b- mode releases gravitational energy by radial plasma flow towards the neutron star's surface. At the same time, the magnetic field is rearranged such as to minimize the in B. Importantly, the undular mode is not avail- able in the axisymmetric case. The extra degree of freedom in thephdirection allows perturbations to develop which do nowork against the magnetic pressure, destabilising the be interestinghere is theformation disconnected field lines (green curves in Fig. 7). The se occur when field lines are pushed out of the radial They are then disrupted and can subsequently re- connect at the equatorial boundary, forming O-type r- tant to note, however, that the formation of these bubbles is not an unphysical boundary effect. Instead, in a even a small resistivity leads to reconnection and thus to a topological rearrangement of the field. The effect is similar totheformation of plasmoids (Schindler et al. 1988 ). Brswitches sign at the magnetic equator, implying the ex- istence of a current sheet. Reconnection then leads to the creation of magnetic X-type neutral points and the resistive effects andtheimportanc e of these bubbles to resistive instabilities in an accompany ing paper. The concept of rational magnetic surfaces, where the field lines close upon themselves, plays an important role in a local plasma stability analysis. The bending of field lines as a result of a Lagrangian displacement is associated with an increase in potential energy. Hence, for almost all insta - bilities to occur, this contribution, which can be expresse d asB*x, needs to be small. In a tokamak geometry, it can be shown that this term vanishes on a rational surface. The spatial location of rational surfaces is directly related t o the pitch angle Bph/Bp. We defer a detailed analysis of the ratio- nal magnetic surfaces in our problem to a forthcoming paper and restrict ourselves to a brief discussion in the followin g paragraph. In Fig. 10, we plot the pitch angle as a function of the field line (right panel) for four differ- ent field lines (left panel) in model D. We first note that the toroidal component stays below 20 per cent of the along all four field lines. Furthermore, the ab- solute magnitude of the pitch angle tends to increase with colatitude. This is consistent with the previous discussio n. The Parker instability (and hence Bph) dominates close to the magnetic equator. The wave-like character of the insta-Figure 11. Mass quadrupole moments for model D, normalised to the maximumof function oftimein units of the Alfv' en time. The sytem develops a substantial a sym- metry, characterised by the off-diagonal element Q12, during the relaxation phase, before settling down to a nearly axisymme is vividly demonstrated by the zero crossings of the pitch angle. 4.2 Mass and magnetic quadrupole moments Att2tA, the system in Fig. 7 settles down to a stable state which differs from the initial configuration, primaril y by being nonaxisymmetric with respect to the axis. The field lines whose footpoints are at a low colatitude move towards the magnetic poles. This behaviour is reflectedin themass plotted against time in Fig. 11. The transition to a nonaxisymmetric mag- netic field configuration at ttAis accompanied by a sud- den rise in the off-diagonal moment Q12. However, by the time the mountain settles down at t2tA, axisymmetry is largely restored and Q12decreases. Fig. 11 shows that Q12 oscillates before damping down, with a remarkably low de- viation from axisymmetry of Q12/Q33<0.1 per cent in the final state. We reiterate that the final state is not the same as the initial state, even though it is nearly axisymmetric. Furth er- more, the final state is stable. This is the main result of the paper, as far as astrophysical applications are concerned. Why doesQijdecrease? Naively, one would not expect a significant change, given that the Parker instability pre- dominantly acts in the equatorial belt region, while most of the plasma is located at the magnetic pole. The answer can be found in the Lorentz force, which balances the lateral pressure gradient. Fig. 12 shows how the relative strength o f thetoroidal ( curve), grows as a function of time in model D. As Bphgrows, following the onset of the instability, the force per unit volume develops a toroidal component while its hydrostatic pressure gradient forces the mountain to slip towards the equator. After the system settles down, Bph decreases and the lateral components of RAS, MNRAS 000, stability of magnetically confined moun tains on accreting neutron stars 9 1 2 3 4 Figure 10. Magnetic pitch angle Bph/Bp(right panel) as a function of the coordinate ealong four magnetic field lines 1-4 for model D, for a snapshot taken at t= 5tA. The positions of the field lines are depicted in the left pane l. The mountain is defined by the r(r,th,ph) = 1.04x109g cm3, while red denotes the neutron star surface r=R*. In order to improve visibility, all length scales of the mountain and the field lines (blue) are magnified five-fo ld. Figure 12. Meridional section for model D at t/tA= 0,1,2,3,4,5 (top left to bottom right). Shown are the density contours ( dashed curves) for log10(r/r' 0) and the normalised Lorentz force per unit volume ( curves) for the values 0.1, 0.5, 0.9. The Lorentz forc e develops a toroidal component as Bphincreases, but its poloidal allowing the poloidal pressure gradient to pus h the mountain to balance each other, leading to the stable equilibriu m state. The ellipticity oQ22reaches a local maximum during the transition phase at ttAand subsequently drops. The mass quadrupole moment of the final configuration is 33 per cent lower than in model A. The asymptotic values of Qijfor the eight models in Table 1 are tabulated in Table 2, normalized to Q33(t= 8tA) for model A.The nonvanishing components of the magnetic dipole and quadrupole moments dlm(r=Rm), defined as dlm(r=Rm) (9) (see appendix C), are displayed as functions of time in Fig. 11. The dipole moment d10= rapidly during the transition phase, reaching an asymptotic RAS, MNRAS 000, 000-00010M. Vigelius et al. Table 2. Asymptotic values of Qijfor the eight models in Table 1, normalized to ^Q33=Q33(t= 8tA) for model A. We select t= 8tA(models A-E), t= 5tA(models F & G), and t= 4tA (models J & K) to compute the asymptotic value. Model 1 1 .02 D 1 .6x10-3-0.21 0 1 0 .60 G 8 .7x10-4-0.17 0 .68 J 5 .7x10-2-1.27 3 .9 K 2 .5x10-4-4.72 12 Figure 13. Magnetic dipole moment d10/R3 m(bottom) and mag- netic quadrupole moment d21/R4 m(top, middle) for model D, normalised to the initial value of d10/R3 m= 5.29x10-7B0, as a function of time (in units of the Alfv' en time scale). All ot her components vanish due to symmetry. mum of 5.5 times the initial value. Likewise, the during the transition phase before settling down to a constant value. The final field is highly from perfect symmetry by |d21|Rm/d10= 0.8 per cent.The asymptotic values of dlmfor models A-Kare listed in Table 3. 4.3 Boundary conditions We perform a simulation (model E) with the same as model D ( Ma/Mc= 1.0 andb= 3) conditions at R=Rm. Fig. 14 field(rightpane l) of models D and E. Again, inflowpins the magnetic field at the outer boundary,as opposed to outflow, which leaves the field free. The density distribution is almost unaffected. Th e magnetic field is mainly affected in the outermost region, where the plasma density is low. The overall time evolu- tion (a nonaxisymmetric transition phase which leads to a nearly axisymmetric equilibrium) remains as before, too. W eTable 3. Non-vanishing components of the asymptotic mag- netic dipole moments d10/R3 mand magnetic quadrupole both normalised to ^d10/R3 m=d10(t= 8tA)/R3 m. We se- lectt= 8tA(models A-E), t= 5tA(models F & G), and t= 4tA (models J & K) to compute the asymptotic value. Model 1 .0 1 .3 7 .4 4 1 .3 7 .3 1 7 .1 2 21 -1.2 -0.12 K 57 14. of density contours (left) and modelE (dot- ted curve). The inflowboundary condition corresponds to line- tying at the outer boundary. Deviations between the two mode ls occur in the outermost, low density conclude that the outer can be chosen contrast, the inner boundary condition tostability. The tension of themagnetic fiel d, which is tied to the stellar surface, suppresses those modes which are driven by a pressure gradient perpendicular to the magnetic flux surfaces, such as the interchange and bal- looning mode. If line-tying is taken away, the latter by applying a reflecting boundary condition at r=R*, the mountain rapidly dissolves on a timescale ~t0. The same experiment for model D results in high velocities and steep field gradients, causing the numerical to break down. 4.4 (1974) showed that an isothermal, gravitating , MHD system possesses a total energy W, which can be writ- tenas andacou s- tic contributions, defined by the following volume integral s, evaluated over the simulation RAS, MNRAS 000, stability of magnetically confined moun tains on accreting neutron stars 11 Figure 15. The evolution of the total energy Wand its com- ponents Wm,Wg,Wk, andWa(top to bottom) for model D, all normalised to W0= 2.2x1036erg, as a function of time (in units of the Alfv' en time scale). The total energy increases artifi cally, due to mass loss through the outer boundary (see (13) Here,vis the plasma velocity and p=c2 sris the pressure. The evolution of (10)-(13) for model D is shown in Fig. 15. The magnetic energy (second panel from top) to 20 per cent of its original value, as the axisym- metric equilibrium evolves to a lower energy, state. The kinetic energy peaks at t= 1.2tA, during the transition phase when the magnetic reconfiguration oc- curs. However, the gravitational and acoustic contributio ns, which dominate W, increase with time. The reason for this becomes apparent if we track the total mass in the simu- lation volume. Approximately 3.7 per cent of the mass is lost through the outflow boundary at r=Rmbyt= 6tA. The mass loss is responsible for the increase of War2and Wgr, both of which are negative ( Wgbecause the plasma is gravitationally bound and Wasincer<1 in our units). Let us try to correct for the mass loss by andWabyM(t= 0)/M(t), whereM(t) is themass in the simulation volume at time t. The result is presented in Fig. 16.WgandWanow decrease, and the total decreases by just 2.5 per cent. The approximate correction above assumes which is not strictly true. We therefore check ou r claim that mass loss is responsible by tracking the energy evolution of model E, which has the same initial configu- ration as model D, but an inflowouter boundary which blocks mass loss. From Fig. 17, it is clear that the total en- ergy rises then falls, consistent with the observed dynamic al evolution. untiltoroidal modesgr ow sufficiently to disrupt the initial configuration and force it into a nonaxisymmetric state. There is no spurious increase inW. We conclude that mass loss through the outer bound-Figure 16. The evolution of the total energy Wand its com- ponents Wm,Wg,Wk, andWa(top to bottom) for model D, all normalised to W0= 2.2x1036erg, as a function of time (in units of the Alfv' en time scale). W,Wg, andWaare now corrected for the mass loss through the outer boundary (cf. Fig. 15). Figure 17. The evolution of the total energy Wand its com- ponents Wm,Wg,Wk, andWa(top to bottom) for model E, all normalised to W0= 2.2x1036erg, as a function of time (in units of the Alfv' en time scale). ary is indeed responsible for the observed behaviour of W in model D in Fig. 15. 4.5 Dependence on Ma Does the final, nonaxisymmetric configuration of the moun- tain become unstable once the accreted mass exceeds a crit- ical threshold? There are two ways that this can happen. First, the sequence of nonaxisymmetric GS equilibria passe d through asMaincreases can terminate above a critical value ofMa; i.e. there is a loss of equilibrium. PM07 observed this phenomenon in axisymmetric magnetic mountains when the source term in the GS equation forces the flux function outside the range 0 by the boundary condition at r=R*. Second, state reached in Fig. 7 (for example) RAS, MNRAS 000, 000-00012M. Vigelius et al. Figure 18. The mass quadrupole moments for models F (solid), D (dotted), and G (dashed), normalised to 1 .33x1025g cm2, as a function of time. While all models show similar dynamica l behaviour, the quadrupole moment of the final state increase s withMa. be metastable. That is, it may be a local energy minimum which can be reached from an axisymmetric starting point via the Parker instability but which the system can exit (in favor of some other, global energy minimum) if the system is kicked hard enough. One way to kick the system hard is to increase are not really in a position to answer this ques- tion definitively, because the GS fails to converge to valid equilibria for Ma10-4M, due to numerical gradients, which would be smoothed in a more real- istic, non-ideal-MHD simulation). Nevertheless, we begin to address the issue by performing two simulations, models F and G, with the same parameters as model D but with lower and higher masses viz. Ma/Mc= 0.6 andMa/Mc= 1.4 mass quadrupole momentsare plotted versus time inFig. 18. Thesolid for models F and G respectively, with model D (dotted curve) overplotted for comparison. The dynamical behaviour of all three models is simi- lar: a violent transition phase which settles down to a state. However, the start of the defined as the instant where Q33is maximized, scales roughly 0.5Ma/Mcin units oftA. Physically, this means that the onset of the toroidal instability depends on Ma. We can understand the trend in terms of the Parker insta- bility (section 4.1), whose growth rate scales as G Pv-1 A. By measuring vAatth=p/2 in models D,F, and G, we and G PM-1 a, consistent with the Parker scalings. The evolution of the ellipticity oQ33for models D, F, and G is displayed in Fig. 19. Of chief interest here is the ellipticity of the final state. It increases along with Ma, consistent with Melatos & Payne (2005). A linear fit yields the following rule of thumb for our downscaled star 1.12Ma Mc. (14) Note, however, that the fit is valid in the range 0 19. Ellipticity ofor models F (solid), D (dotted), and G (dashed) as a function of time. As expected, oincreases with Ma. Figure 20. Azimuthal magnetic field component |Bph|for models F (solid), D (dotted), and G (dashed), in units of B0, plotted as a function of time, in units of the Alfv' en preventusfrom valuesof Ma.Payne & Melatos 7.8Ma/Mc(1 + 1.1Ma/Mc)-1in theMa~Mc regime for the axisymmetric equilibrium. Equation (14) yields values roughly 70 per cent lower than the latter for- mula. For completeness, we plot the magnitude of the toroidal field component |Bph|versus time in Fig. 20. peak value is achieved for the intermediate mass model, D, not for model G. However, Bphin the final state depends weakly onMa. We findBph,F= 4.5x 10-7B0, andBph,G= 3.2x10-7B0, whereB0is defined in section 2.3. These values are comparable to the magnitude of the polar magnetic field Bp= 2.9x10-7B0. 4.6 Dependence on curvature As discussed in section 2.3, PM07 argued that reducing R*
andM*does not affect the equilibrium structure as long as h0remains constant, at least in the small- Malimit. To RAS, MNRAS 000, stability of magnetically confined moun tains on accreting neutron stars 13 Figure 21. Mass quadrupole moments Qijfor model J ( a= 75, solid curve) and model K ( a= 100, dashed curve), plotted as a function of time (in units of the Alfv' en time). The scale fo r model J (K) appears on the left (right) vertical axis. Althou gh the transition phase is less distinct than in Fig. 11, these m odels basically share the same dynamics as lower curvature runs. whether this also holds for the dynamical behaviour of the system, we perform two runs, models J and K, with a= 75 anda= 100 21 plots Qijversustime for these models. The tran- sition phase is more gradual than model D (Fig. 11). significantly, marking a deviation Melatos & Payne (2005) found in the small- Maregime, so we fit a parabola to the simulation data (for Ma=Mc): o 10-13= 1.82a2. (15) A realistic star has a= 1.9x104(cf. section 2.3). Ex- trapolating (15), we find o= 6.6x10-5. (An ellipticity this large is close to the upper limit inferred from exist- ing nondetections; see section 6 for mo re details.) However, it should be remembered that equation (15) is an overestimate, because the computations in this paper neglect nonideal MHD effects. 5 GLOBAL MHD OSCILLATIONS In this section, we explore the natural oscillation modes of magnetic mountain. We do this by loading the final state from models D, F, and G into zeus-mp and settingv= 0 on the whole grid. This procedure perturbations that are sufficient to excite small linear oscillation modes, albeit an uncontrolled distribu tion thereof. We then compute the power spectrum P[S](o) evaluating the discrete Fourier transform of the [e.g.Br(t)] atNsample times ti. In order to explore the magnetic modes, we examine Br,Bth, andBph. We choose one point on the grid where the amplitude of the oscillations is high, namely ( r,th,ph) =Figure 22. Power spectrum of Br,Bth, andBph(top to bottom) for model D (arbitrary units), plotted as a function of angul ar Fourier frequency (in units of and compute P[Br],P[Bth], andP[Bph]. The results are displayed in Fig. 22. We can distinguish five different spectral peaks at 103ot0= are more or less distinct for the different components. For a magnetized gravitating slab in a one can distinguish three different MHD modes (Goedbloed & Poedts 2004): slow magnetosonic, Alfv' en, and fast magnetosonic. Each mode consists of a discrete set of eigenmodes and a continuous spectrum, which are Unfortunately, such clean separation cannot be expected for a highly inhomogenous plasma in spherical ge- ometry. Generally, different parts of the spectrum overlap or degenerate into a single point in a nontrivial way. We therefore restrict the discussion below to some qualitativ e remarks. The MHD spectrum contains genuine the eigenfrequency coincides with the Alfv' en or frequency at some location within the singular; the boundary conditions can be fulfilled for a continuous range of frequencies. The singular frequencie s depend on the components of the wave vector perpendicular to the direction of inhomogenity. It is unclear whether the band o <0.002t-1 0, which looks filled in Fig. 22, belongs to the continuous part of the spectrum or else is an artifact of the nonzero line width from numerical damping (which can be estimated from the sample times tito be~1.2x10-4ot0). We do not ob- serve any singular behaviour in the field variables, but we note that singularities would be suppressed by the shock- capturing algorithm (i.e. the artificial viscosity) in zeus-mp . We conclude that the features in Fig. 22 are probably dis- crete lines. Let us compare these results to the spectrum of the axisymmetric model A (Fig. 23). We first note that the Alfv' en frequency oA= acous- tic frequency os= 0.48t-1 0found by PM07 are outside the range of this plot, which is set by the Nyquist fre- quencyoN= (4pNt)-1(t= 50t0for model A and t= 10t0for models D-G). Here, we are restricted RAS, MNRAS 000, 000-00014M. Vigelius et al. Figure 23. Power spectra of BrandBth(top to bottom) for model A (arbitrary units), plotted as a function of angular F ourier frequency (in units of t-1 0). Figure 24. Power spectra of Br,Bth, andBph(top to bottom) for models F (solid curve) and G (dashed curve) in arbitrary unit s, plotted as a function of angular Fourier frequency in units o ft-1 0. We overplot the spectrum of model G, stretched by a factor of 1.4 ino, as dotted curve, by way of comparison. low frequency oscillations which are generally associated with global magnetic modes. Most distinct is the peak at 103ot0= 0.5, which is not visible in Fig. 22. This long wavelength poloidal mode is suppressed in favor of toroidal modes in the configuration. However, the small peak at 103ot0= 1.1 is present in both systems. This example illustrates vividly how relaxing the leads to a different MHD spectrum. Fig. 24 shows the power spectrum for models F (solid) and G (dashed). The most distinct peaks are again concen- trated in the low frequency region. We can roughly match the peaks of models G and F by stretching the former spec- trum by a factor of 1.4 in frequency. The higher Maequi- librium has a similar structure, but the Alfv' en timescale i s lower because the plasma density is 85 per cent higher.A complete analytic determination of the discrete and continuous components of the MHD spectrum via a full lin- ear mode analysis will be attemped in a forthcoming paper. 6 confined mountains on accreting neutron stars screen the magnetic dipole moment of the star. the process of polar magnetic burial can explain the observed reduction of uwithMain neutron stars with an accretion history. However, before magnetic burial can be invoked as a viable explanation, the question of stabilit y must be resolved. In this article, we concentrate on the im- portant aspect of stability, deferring resis- tive processes to future work (especially the issue of resis find that the axisymmetric configurations in PM04 are susceptible to the magnetic buoyanc y instability. The instability proceeds via the undular sub- mode, with growth rate l1/2, limited by the toroidal grid resolution. However, instead of breaking up and reverting to an isothermal atmosphere threaded by a dipolar mag- netic field, the magnetic field reconfigures (over a few Alfv' e n times) andsettles down equilib- rium which is still highlydistorted. Just as the axisymmetr ic solutions in PM04 are the final saturated states of the non- linear evolution of the Parker instability in two dimension s, we find here the equivalent. This surpris - ing result is the main conclusion of the paper. It holds ir- respective of the outer boundary condition and factor, but it depends critically on the line-tyi ng boundary condition at the stellar surface. The final state is predominantly axisymmetric, for models D, F, and The ellipticity for model G the downscaled star. The stability of magnetic mountains is important for the emission of gravitational waves from accreting millise c- ond pulsars, as pointed out previously by Melatos & Payne (2005). Persistent X-ray pulsations from accreting bi- nary pulsars imply that the angle between the spin vec- torohmand the magnetic symmetry axis uis not zero (Romanova et al. 2004; Kulkarni & Romanova 2005). Hence a magnetic mountain constitutes a time-varying mass quadrupole which emits gravitational waves. Furthermore, the star precesses in general, emitting gravitational wave s at the spin frequency and its first harmonic. The amplitude of the resulting signal (with curvature upscaled to a realis tic neutron star at a distance d= 10 kpc using oa2) is plot- ted in Fig. 25 for The amplitude of the average signal that can be detected by the Laser In- terferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) from a periodic source with a false alarm rate of 1 per cent and a false dismissal rate of 10 per cent over an integration time ofT0= 14 days (Jaranowski et al. 1998; Abbott, B. et al. 2004), is overplotted in Fig. 25. This T0can realistically be achieved this point, it is important to acknowledge that Ma=
3J. Arons, private RAS, MNRAS 000, stability of magnetically confined moun tains on accreting neutron stars 15 Figure 25. Amplitude of the gravitational wave signal h0 forMa/M= for the axisymmetric (solid lines) and nonaxisymmetric equili brium (dashed ofInitialand Advanced L IGO, as- suming 14 days coherent integration, are also plotted (uppe r and lower curves respectively). The growth of the mountain is ar shaded region), due to Ohmic dis- sipation (Melatos & Payne 2005; Vigelius & Melatos 2008), wh ile the right-hand edge is excluded at present because no accret ing millisecond pulsars have been discovered with f*>0.7 kHz (dark shaded still well below Ma~0.1M, the mass required to spin up a neutron star to millisec- ond periods (Burderi et al. 1999). At present, this high- mass regime is not accessible numerically; neither the GS solver nor zeus-mp can handle the steep magnetic gradi- ents involved. By the same token, Ohmic diffusion in this high- Maregime (Melatos & Payne 2005; Vigelius & Melatos 2008), smoothing the gradients and mit- igating the numerical challenge. We postpone studying real - istic values of Matoan accompanying paper, which will con- centrate on non-ideal MHD simulations. However, to make a rough estimate regarding detectability here, we assume that non-ideal effects stall the growth of the mountain at MaMc, following Melatos & Payne (2005). This includes the region shaded light grey in Fig. 25. Furthermore, no ac- creting millisecond pulsars have been discovered spinning faster than Hz, possibly due to braking by gravita- tional waves (Bildsten 1998; Chakrabarty et al. 2003). The region with 2 Hz is shaded dark grey in Fig. 25. Even with those exclusions, Fig. 25 demonstrates that there is a fair prospect of detecting gravitational waves from accreting X-ray millisecond pulsars in the near future , for accreted masses as low as Ma10-4M. Recent di- rected searches for gravitational waves from the nearby X- ray source Sco-X1 found no signal at the level B. et al. 2007), thereby setting an upper bound on the ellipticity of o= B. et al. 2004, Phys. Rev. D, 69, 082004 Abbott, B. et al. 2007, Phys. Rev. D, 76, 082001 Akiyama S., Wheeler J. C., Meier D. L., Lichtenstadt I., 2003, ApJ, 584, 954 Balbus S. A., Hawley J. F., 1998, Rev. Mod. Phys., 70, 1 Bildsten L., 1998, ApJ, 501, L89+
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~x1= log(~x+ e-Lx) +Lx, whereLxcontrols the zooming (PM04). This grid is implemented by setting the Stretching is achieved via the , which sets the radial length ratio of two neighbouring zones. In order toget consistent radial grid p o- sitions in the GS code and zeus-mp , we conditions are enforced in zeus-mp via ghost cells, which frame the active grid cells. Several rd boundary conditions. In the phdirection, we choose conditions [ ikb.niks(1)=4 andokb.noks(1)=4 ]. Theth=p/2 surface is reflecting, with normal magnetic field [ojb.nojs(1)= 5 ], which translates to v=B/bardbl= 0. The lineth= 0 is also reflecting [ ijb.nijs(1)= -1 ] with tangential magnetic field ( v=B= 0). toroidal component Bphis reversed at the boundary, the field andth>0, respectively. The outer surface r=Rm is usually an outflow [ oib nois(1)= 2 ] boundary, i.e. zero gradient. The stellar surface is impenetrable, so the is inflow [ iib.niis(1)= 3 ]. This enables us to impose line-tying at r=R*by fixing the density and magnetic field there. We also use an isothermal equation of state (XISO=.true. ).APPENDIX B: MASS MULTIPOLE MOMENTS We work out the mass quadrupole moment in Cartesian co- ordinates from thecode outputin spherical coordinates. Fo l- lowing Jackson (1998), we define the spherical mass multi- pole moments according the usual orthonormal set of spherical quadrupole moments are related to the traceless, Cartesian quadrupole moment (B2) byQ11= and Q23= the axisymmetric case (when the star and the moun- tain form a prolate spheroid), we have r=r(r,th) and theph integrals in (B1) vanish. Qis then diagonal with with respect to the body and we can introduce the ellipticity4o, where we assume that the ^ zaxis is the symmetry (B3) withI^z^z= 2M*R2
*/5 is the moment of inertia along the rotation axis for a biaxial ellipsoid with mass M*and minor axisR*. We can compute the ellipticity directly from the code output (B4) APPENDIX C: MAGNETIC a source-free region J= 0, a magnetic field Bis determined solely by its radial component Br (Bouwkamp & Casimir 1954), which, from Maxwell's equa- tions, satisfies the Laplace equation 2Br= 0. (C1) One can therefore define the magnetic multipoles as the ex- pansion coefficients in the general solution of the boundary value problem (C1), (C2) with 4Note that the definition of the ellipticity varies in the literature. The ellipticity defined here is consistent with Bonazzola & Gourgoulhon (1996) and Shapiro & Teukolsky (1983) and is related to the ellipticity in Melatos & Payne (2 005) and Jaranowski et al. (1998) by |o|= 3oMP. Abbott, B. et al. (2007) used a different ellipticity defined for a triaxial rotator, o= RAS, MNRAS 000, stability of magnetically confined moun tains on accreting neutron stars (C3) Note thatd10is related to the magnetic moment uof a dipole field B(r) =ur-3(2costher+ sintheth) the case of north-south symmetry, we find d10= 2^d10 andd21= 2^d21, where a hat denotes the moment evaluated on the hemisphere. All other coefficients RAS, MNRAS 000, 000-000 | 0802.3238 | Matthias Vigelius | M. Vigelius, A. Melatos | Three-dimensional stability of magnetically confined mountains on
accreting neutron stars | accepted by MNRAS | null | 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.13139.x | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We examine the hydromagnetic stability of magnetically confined mountains,
which arise when material accumulates at the magnetic poles of an accreting
neutron star. We extend a previous axisymmetric stability analysis by
performing three-dimensional simulations using the ideal-magnetohydrodynamic
(ideal-MHD) code \textsc{zeus-mp}, investigating the role played by boundary
conditions, accreted mass, stellar curvature, and (briefly) toroidal magnetic
field strength. We find that axisymmetric equilibria are susceptible to the
undular sub-mode of the Parker instability but are not disrupted. The
line-tying boundary condition at the stellar surface is crucial in stabilizing
the mountain. The nonlinear three-dimensional saturation state of the
instability is characterized by a small degree of nonaxisymmetry ($\la 0.1$ per
cent) and a mass ellipticity of $\epsilon \sim 10^{-5}$ for an accreted mass of
$M_a = 10^{-5} M_\odot$. Hence there is a good prospect of detecting
gravitational waves from accreting millisecond pulsars with long-baseline
interferometers such as Advanced LIGO. We also investigate the ideal-MHD
spectrum of the system, finding that long-wavelength poloidal modes are
suppressed in favour of toroidal modes in the nonaxisymmetric saturation state.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 22 Feb 2008 00:00:39 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
] |
2 weak gauge bosons or higgses. Even models where the line emission is enhanced, as the Inert Doublet Model (IDM) [6, 7] are very challenging to detect via line emission. Yet, with an optimized choice of the angularsize, the IDMmodel maybe or with reasonable boost factors (i.e., en- hancement of the flux with respect to the smooth halo signal due to the clumpiness of DM). Simi- lar considerations apply for the more gamma-ray flux from DM considered a more promising channel. This paper is structured as follows. In Sec. II we discuss the ingredients contributing to the DM signal. In Sec. III we describe our model for the point-like and diffuse backgrounds, while Sec. IV is devoted to present our results. In Sec. V we conclude. II. THE SIGNAL It is customary to write the number flux of gamma rays (per energy and solid angle) produced in dark matter (DM) annihilations in our Galactic halo as PhDM(E,ps) the factor in square brackets depends only on the particle physics model: the cross section multiplied by the rela- tive velocity of the two WIMPs (averaged over the WIMP velocity distribution), mXis the mass of the WIMP, d Ng/dEis the photon spectrum If the dark matter is not its own antiparticle (as assumed here), Eq. (1) should be multiplied further by a factor 1/2 (if abundant). The factor outside the brackets only depends on the DM astrophysics, in particular on the distri- bution of DM in the halo and on the position of the Solar System within the halo. The constants with dimensions of dis- tance and energy density respectively, whose only purpose is of making J--which encodes the angu- lar dependence of the DM signal--a Following [8], we fix these parameters at df= 8.5kpc andrf= distance of the sun and of the local density of dark matter). The J-function is thus defined in terms of the DM density the previous equations, psis the angle between the direction in the sky and the Galactic Center so that, in terms of galactic latitude band lon- gitudel, cosps= cosbcosl;r8.0kpc [9] is the solar distance from the Galactic Center; lis the distance from the Sun along the Note that we implicitly assumed that the halo is spherically symmetric and that the the Sun in the halo, which implies for example the azimuthal symmetry of the signal (see e.g. [10] and refs. therein for a discussion of determining the angular distribution of the signal). A general class of spherically halo distributions can be fitted as r(r) a normalization constant and rsis a characteristic radius below which the profile scales asr-g. Two of the most well known profiles have been proposed by Navarro, Frenk and White (NFW) [11] and Moore et al.[12]. Another fit, proposed by Kravtsov et al. [13] mimics a flat core potential, which seems to be in better agreement with some observations. More recent simulations (see e.g. [14-17]) suggest that halo density pro- files are better represented by a function with slope. At least above the re- solved radius ( ~1kpc) and for Galactic-size halos, the newly proposed fitting formulae provide only marginal improvement with respect to the more traditional ones, although it seems that the inner slope of a DM halo is very likely shallower that the Moore one, and probably shallower than the NFW one, too. For illustrative purposes, we shall consider the Moore, NFW and Kravtsov profiles with the parameters reported in Table I, since the former and the latter bracket the different cases, withthe NFW(aswellasthe [17]) falling in between. Similarly to Ref. DM contribution to the local rotational curves, such thatrr(r)--the DM density at the so- lar distance from the GC--yields to the 0.3GeV/cm3for the NFW profile. TABLE I: Halo parameters, see text and Ref. [18]. Modela b g r rs [GeVcm-3] [kpc] Moore 1.5 3 1.5 0.27 28 NFW1.0 3 1.0 0.30 20 Kravtsov 2.0 3 0.4 0.47 10 Note that in none of the above-mentioned mod- els astrophysical processes modifying the pure DM3 profile are included. For example, adiabatic com- pression may lead to the formation of a DM spike around the central supermassive black hole; merg- ers as well as scattering on the dense stellar cusp around the central black hole may destroy etc. While potentially relevant in determining the dark matter annihilation bright- ness of the Galactic Center, they only affect re- gions too close to the Galactic Center to be re- solved angularly by present detectors. In general, they might lead to a measurable gamma ray flux from the innermost angular bin even in presence of relatively large astrophysical backgrounds, but in this case only the energy information is relevant for the separation, for which the present discussion is irrelevant. We not address these effects further; details can be found in the refs. cited in [1] or ref. [19]. The spectrum per annihilation depends on the nature of the WIMP, although the gamma-ray yield is often largely dominated by the result of the fragmentationand products. Neutralinos in the MSSM, for example, typically annihilate to final of heavy fermions and gauge or Higgs bosons [20]. With the exception of the t+t-chan- nel, each of these annihilation modes result in a very similar spectrum of gamma rays. In most of the following considerations, however, it is the an- gular distribution of the DM radiation that complications, we shall illustrate our mostly the case of annihilation in two gammas, for which dNg dE= 2bggd(E-mX), (5) wherebggis the branching ratio for the 2-photon line. Although it would constitute a striking sig- nature of a DM annihilation process, in general the photon line is considered hard to detect, since it is loop-suppressed with respect to the main an- nihilation modes [8]. This is not necessarily the case in some DM models, as for example the In- ert Doublet Model (IDM) [6, 7]. In general, the line feature may be enhanced whenever: (i) the DM almost decouples from fermions, while being mostly coupled to gauge bosons; (ii) the DM can- didate is in the mass range 45GeV mZ/2<
MX< mW80GeV, the lower limit coming from the bound on the Z0-width measurement and the upper limit to avoid the annihilation mode XX-W+W-by kinematical constraints (other cases where a prominent line emission is possible at lower or higher energies have been treated re- spectively in [21] and [22]). Interestingly, this is probably the best region where the GLAST satel- lite [23] has a reasonable chance to detect a for the next generation of low-threshold likeCTA[24] or AGIS [25]. In the following, for GLAST we shall use an integrated area exposure over time of 104cm2yr, corresponding to about 5 years of ob- servations, and an energy resolution of +-7% at 1s. For ACTs, we shall assume an effective array area ofAeff= 1km2, energy resolution of 15% and 200 hour observations, with a 2*x2*field of view. Whenever needed, we shall compare our results with two benchmark models for IDM candidates among the ones considered in [7], see Table II. Also, to get a feeling of how things change if the continuum gamma-ray spectrum is considered in- stead, we shall also report the results obtained when a fiducial case of a 100 GeV MSSM neu- tralino mainly annihilating into W+W-is II: Benchmark models in the IDM scenario, see [cm3/s] I70 THE BACKGROUNDS The Galactic Center is a complex region of the sky at all wavelengths, the gamma-raywindow be- ing no exception. In this section, we discuss how, in our analysis, we treat the backgrounds for dark matter searches due to known and unknown astro- physical sources of gamma rays. Since we focus on an extended signal, diffuse (or unresolved) back- grounds are our main concern. However, to illus- trate how effective is a large field-of-view search, we shall compare it with the sensitivity achieved when focusing on the inner region around the Galactic Center, when at least one background is known to exist. This is the relatively bright, very high-energy gamma ray source observed by HESS, MAGIC, WHIPPLE, and CANGAROO-II [26]. This source is consis- tent with point-like emission and is located at with asystematic pointing errorof 28''[27]. It appears to be coincident with the position ofSgr A, the black hole constituting the dynamical cen- ter of the Milky Way. Following the measurements of HESS, we describe the spectrum of this source as a power-law given by: PhGC= energiesbelow ~200 GeV, the spectrum of this source has not yet been measured. GLAST, how- ever, will be capable of measuring the spectrum of this source at energies below the thresholds of HESS and other ACTs. In addition to the HESS source, a yet uniden- tified source has been detected by EGRET in the GeV range, approximately 0.2*away from the dynamical center of our galaxy [28, 29]. It has not been detected so-far at the energies ex- plored by HESS and other ACTs, which means that its power-law spectrum cuts-off between ~10 and~100 GeV. Although it should be included in more realistic analyses of the DM signal from the inner galactic regions [30], in the following we ne- glect it, thus overestimating the diagnostic power of a narrow field of view search and providing a conservative estimate of the a large angle search.The overall diffuse gamma-ray radiation can be qualitatively divided into a galactic and an ex- tragalactic contribution. Since the latter is not simply the isotropic part of the flux, the sepa- ration of these two components can be done at present only assuming a specific model for the production of secondaries by cosmic rays in the galactic disk and halo. (However, a measurement of the cosmological Compton-Getting effect that should be achievable for GLAST would provide wayto separatethe two contri- butions [31]). A significant fraction of the quasi- isotropic component, especially in the GeV range, maybe due to high-latitude galacticemission com- ing from processes in the magnetized halo of the Milky Way. We employ here a fit of the galac- tic diffuse flux proposed in [8] and calibrated on EGRET data around the GeV [32], Igal(E) (7) where the arguments l,bare in degrees, and N0(l,b) =
85.5 >=30*
85.5 <=30*. (8) The EGRET collaboration derived the intensity of the extragalactic g amma-ray flux as [33] Iex(E) (9) withb= 2.10+-0.03,k0= (7.32+-0.34) and the fits is valid from E~10 MeV to E~100 GeV. In the following, we shall consider two models of diffuse backgrounds: a conservative model assuminga= 2.7 in Eq. (7) and k0= 7.32 in Eq.(9), 3.0 is assumed for the and k0= 3.66. Based on models, one expects indeed that GLAST should resolve roughly half of the [34]; analogously, one expects that un- resolved sources contribute significantly to the dif- fuse Galactic spectrum as measured by EGRET, and once detected and removed by GLAST the Galactic background should be steeper (see e.g. discussion in [21]). Finally, for ACTs the dominant background is the isotropic cosmic ray one. At energies well expectsthe to play a dominant role. In the reported in [8]. IV. RESULTS First, let us repeat a simple argument already sketched in [4]. The DM signal coming from in- tegrating over a solid angle ohm is proportional (10) For an annulus around the GC with inner open- ing semi-angle psmand outer one psM, the previous formula reduces 1: Plot of the function in Eq. to the significance of a DM signal for an isotropic background in the limit SB) for the three models considered in Table I: the solid lines as- sumepsm= 0.1*, the dashed lines psM= 0.3*; the fortheMoore profile, the NFW profile. The significance S/Nof a Signal Sin presence of a background Bis defined S while for an isotropic background Bohm. In the limit SB(which is likely to hold in all realistic DM searches), we have S N (13) In Fig. 1, we plot this function vs. psMfor the three models considered in Table II, assum- ingpsm= 0.1*(solid lines) or psm= Note the exact choice of the inner bound is irrelevant for cored profiles: the peak of this func- tion is above 20*. Even for profiles as cusped as the NFW (or more) the peak of this function is at a few degrees. Of course, the Moore profile gives a formally divergent signal when psm-0, so the inner angle cutoff does matter. Figure 1 already shows that the S/Nis typi- cally maximized for values of psMpsm. However, the diffuse really decline away from the Galactic Plane. When using the models for the galactic and ex- tragalactic background introduced in the we see how this effect is appreciable. In Fig. 2 , in order to make the comparison amongthe different models easier, we plot the such a way that their maximum values are equal) for a region 0 .4*<|b|< the fiducial IDM model I of Tab. II, and for the continuum spectrum of a 100 GeV MSSM neutralino annihilating into W+W-. In the former case, we consider the 1- s smoothing of the gamma-line due to the GLAST energy resolution, while for the continuum we ac- tually show the S/N in the most significant energy bin (which happens to fall in the ~1GeV range). The innercut hasbeen chosento 0 .4*to from known point sources close to the GC. Note how the peak of S/Nmovesto largeran- gles in all cases compared with Fig. 1, developing a maximum at finite angle also for the Moore pro- file. For the continuum spectrum the peak of the significance moves to larger angles, due to the fact that the isotropic component of the background is harder, and thus at the lower energies relevant for this signal the overall background is dominated by the falls rapidlywith b. It is also worth nothing that even for heavy dark matter particles (TeV mass scale) the continuum photon spectrum peaks at or below about 30 GeV. Since theS/Nfor continuum spectra is dominated by its value at the peak, the angular window re- sults reported in Figs. 1 and 2 are really more general than the case they were discussed for, re- flecting the situation for the continuum spectrum from DM in all the interesting mass range. In Fig. 3 we show the curves with S/N= 3 for the branching ratio into two gammas, normalized in terms of the fiducial annihilation cross 3x10-26cm3/sin most interesting mass range below mW. The triangles represent the fiducial points of the S/N(respectively bmax~1.5*, 15*
and 30*, for Moore, NFW and Kravtsov profiles of Tab. I). The solid lines are for the estimate, the dashed lines for the op- timistic one. It is interesting to note that for the Moore profile, the fiducial models should be de- tectable at the 3 slevel without need for boost factors. For the NFW case, boost factors of order 10 should suffice. Even for the unfortunate case of a Kravtsov profile, a boost factor ~20 should be sufficient. These values appear to be viable in cold DM cosmologies, see e.g. [35]. Thus, our con- clusions are more promising that what envisioned in [7], where boost factors >~100 were the top dot-dashed line shows the if one only includes the inner 0 .1*region around the GC, where the background is domi- nated by the central source. These limits, com- parable with the results reported in [36], show an evident improvement. It is also worth commenting on the fact that,6 FIG. vs. annulus size bmax(we equate their maximum value to ease the comparison) for a region 0 .4*<|b|< bmax, 0*<|l|< lmax=
bmaxfor the continuum spectrum of a 100 GeV MSSM neutralino annihilating into W+W-(dot-dashed line, NFW profile) and for the fiducial IDM model I of Tab. IIfor the Moore, (solid from the left to the to our estimate, although ACTs are not optimized to searchfor linesignalsin the rangebe- low 100 GeV, the performance of the next gener- ation, km2instruments presently being considered maybe than GLAST. Forex- ample, in accordance with existing estimates [37], for the fiducial exposure parameters we have used and the NFW profile we find a sensitivity a fac- tor~1.5 better in the parameter space of Fig. 3, despite their worse energy resolution. It is also fortunate that the ground-based instruments, that have necessarily a much smaller field of view with respect to satellite observatories like GLAST, do not suffer too much from limited field of view, at least for relatively cusped profiles. The of ACTs are indeed isotropically dis- tributed, and for this case the optimal annulus cusped profiles), within the field of view future ACT. V. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS A large field of view instrument like GLAST promises to revolutionize the field of high energy gamma ray astrophysics. But it could also turn into a discovery instrument for DM, if it is made by WIMPs which annihilate into standard model particles in the halo of our galaxy. Since the DMFIG. 3: Plot of the curves with S/N= 3 in the 10 -100 GeV range, with vertical lines in correspondence of mZ/2 andmW. The dot-dashed line shows the .1*region around the GC for the NFW profile. The couples of solid/dashed lines (solid for conservative for optimistic one) represent instead the sensi- tivityfor theoptimal annulussize for each model: from top to bottom, for Kravtsov, NFW and Moore grows like the square of its density, it is usually assumed that the Galactic Center, where the DM density is expected to be the highest, is the most promising region to focus on. i) the presence of astrophysical close to the GC; ii) geometric in particular related to the shape of the DM signal and is thus important to establish the level of the diffuse galactic and extragalactic diffuse back- grounds, a task which will be accomplished with exquisite precision by GLAST itself. Yet, by em- ploying simple models based on EGRET data, we showed that it is alwaysto be preferred a the GC, even for profiles as larger the optimal window size: for example we find an optimal galactic latitude cut bmax>~10*for Kravtsov profile. The discovery of additional point-like sources is not expected the good angular resolution of GLAST will allow one to remove the quasi-totality of the resolved point-source contaminations with only a minor loss in the solid angle of the diffuse signal. When these geometric effects are taken into7 account and the search strategy is adjusted con- sistently, the prospects for DM detection For example, we found that models with sufficiently strong line annihilation signals, like the Inert Doublet Model, may be or with still reasonable boost factors, of the order of 10 even for Kravtsov-like profiles. Also, the perspectives to detect a DM signal become less sensitive to the unknown profile of the DM halo. In particular the S/Nof is only a factor ~2 worse than for the NFW case. We also showed with one example that our considerations remain true also for the widely considered case of continuum from DM annihilation. Given thegenerality of these considerations, we believe they should be taken into account when estimating the reach of DM searches via gamma-ray Authors are grateful to James Buckley and Dan Hooper for careful reading of the manuscript and useful comments. This work is supported in part by the US De- partment of Energy, Division of High Energy Physics, under Contract is supported by the US Department of Energy and by NASA grant NAG5-10842. Fermilab is operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. with the United States Department of Energy. [1] G. Bertone, D. Hooper and J. Silk, Phys. Rept. 405, 279 (2005) L. Bergstrom, Rept. Prog. Phys. 63, 793 D. Hooper and E. A. Baltz, arXiv:0802.0702 [hep- ph]. [4] F. Stoehr, S. D. M. White, V. Springel, G. Tormen and N. Yoshida, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 345, 1313 (2003) R. Barbieri, L. J. Hall and V. S. Rychkov, Phys. Rev. D74, 015007 (2006) M. Gustafsson, E. Lundstrom, L. Bergstrom and J. Edsjo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 041301 L. 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Buckley et al., whitepaper for Dark Matter Searches with a Future VHE -Ray Observatory, in preparation. | 0802.3245 | Gabrijela Zaharijas | Pasquale D. Serpico, Gabrijela Zaharijas | Optimal angular window for observing Dark Matter annihilation from the
Galactic Center region: the case of gamma-ray lines | 7 pages, 3 figures. Matched to the published version | Astropart.Phys.29:380-385,2008 | 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2008.04.001 | FERMILAB-PUB-08-036-A, ANL-HEP-PR-08-16 | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Although the emission of radiation from dark matter annihilation is expected
to be maximized at the Galactic Center, geometric factors and the presence of
point-like and diffuse backgrounds make the choice of the angular window size
to optimize the chance of a signal detection a non-trivial problem. Contrarily
to what is often assumed, we find that the best strategy is to focus on a
window size around the Galactic Center of ~ 1 deg to >~ 30 deg, where the
optimal size depends on the angular distribution of the signal and the
backgrounds. Although our conclusions are general, we illustrate this point in
the particular case of annihilation into two monochromatic photons in the
phenomenologically most interesting range of energy 45 GeV < E < 80 GeV, which
is of great interest for the GLAST satellite. We find for example that Dark
Matter models with sufficiently strong line annihilation signals, like the
Inert Doublet Model, may be detectable without or with very moderate boost
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 22 Feb 2008 03:02:48 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 11 Aug 2008 09:08:53 GMT"
] | 2008-11-26T00:00:00 | [
"Pasquale D.",
] |
2 Daniel diverging flow preserves the neighbourhood of sol utions, a of coordinates allows to remove the formal d ivergence back: the regularized model is then no longer diverging. Therefore th e divergence effect may be model dependent. To be truly chaotic, a system should r emain chaotic even after smooth transformations of coordinates. It shoul dmixthe solutions, such that after a few Liapunov times not only initially close solutions become widely separated by the exponential divergence, but some in itially distant solu- tions come close together at some time. With time, most of sol utions become at least once arbitrarily close to each other, which expresses the mixing property of chaotic systems. Mixing occurs frequently in systems with b ounded phase space, while in systems with unbounded phase space escaping soluti ons, i.e., solutions going to infinity, do not return often in almost all phase spac e regions. Chaos is therefore important because it touches to an essent ial aspect of the scientific activity: to represent faithfully natural pheno mena with formal models. At the heart of the scientific process is the determination of th e domain of the limits of models and we can enlarge the notion of sensitivity of solutio ns to initial conditions to the sensitivity of solutions to functionally close dynam ical systems. The former case is a particular case of the latter one when the initial di splacement has been produced by an initial impulse perturbation. Therefore in c haotic systems not only possible perturbations of the initial conditions lead to un predictability, but also close but distinct functional approximations adopted in th e model may lead to very different solutions after a finite time. Therefore when considering chaos in natural systems, it is n ot only important to discuss how the ignorance of the real initial conditions i nfluences the model pre- dictions, but also how the functional distance from the re al system to the mod- elled one participates to This point is a ctually central to because a good model should be robust to perturba tions of the model functional form, since a model is always an approximation of the real system. 1.2 Epistemological digression, theories vs. models Until recent times theories and models could be viewed as fun damentally theories, like quantum physics or general relativ ity, have been thought to be more fundamental than models, because applicable to many more different cases. For a long time, since about the rise of classical mechanics i n the were even taken as absolutely exact. Isaac Newton' s laws were as absolute at the same level as a God given, revea led truth. In the meanwhile, classical mechanics was found to be only an approximation of Nature, and had to be corrected by relativistic and quantu m effects. Further, the new physical theories also could not claim to be exact, be cause quantum physics and general relativity have remained incompatible since th en, the theory of quantum gravity is still a work in progress. The so-called fundament al physical theories, like the elementary particle Standard Model, are today known to b e incomplete, and must all be considered as approximations of Nature. Models, like a galaxy or star model, concern often more speci fic phenomena than theories. Models are simplified formal approximations of particular phenom- ena, while theories aimed in the past to be exact isomorphism s with reality, butChaos in Galaxies 3 aren't. In models, scientists deliberately simplify reali ty in order to keep and discard inessential ones. Doing so allows to de scribe in a formal way, with usual mathematics but more and more with computer progr ams, the gist of the phenomena. For example, a planet or a star may be approxim ated first by a perfect sphere, which allows to concentrate the discussion on its most essential fea- tures that we want to understand, and leave out the inessenti al aspherical features, like rotation induced flattening, or mountains. This simpli fication or reality has the important virtue to reduce the complexity of phenomena t o a level compatible with the finite capacity of human brains to grasp complex syst ems. In the end, the subjective feeling of understanding a phenomenon comes fro m a simplified, i.e., in- exact, description that captures essential features and di scards inessential ones. separation is often not unique, con tains subjective assumptions, and of course is constrained by our finite brain capacity, whi ch is not among human beings. A minority of models and theories are successful, and often o nly for a limited time. The scientific process, like biological evolution, is selective. In this view, of Nature by human beings looks no longer as mu ch miraculous as Albert Einstein thought1. All theories are derived by human beings from the search of a formal simplified description of Nature that is both as fa ithful as possible, but also that is adapted to the brain of at least some other human b eings. theories are repeatedly checked, scrutinized for correctness by the so in the end only effective theories survive. At this stage it is worth to put some attention to mathematics , which is used as the most solid formal language in physical models and theori es. Mathematics is not a frozen field and its view by mathematicians has deeply chang ed during the theGreek school of mathematics around -300 BC, and particu- larly since Euclid, mathematics and logic have been based on a limited set of axioms from which all the theorems were expected to follow with rigo rous during the 20thcentury, famous mathematicians like Kurt G odel, Alan Turi ng, and Gregory Chaitin showed however that such an axiomatic ma thematics would always be incomplete (see [1] for an introduction to these pr oblems and for ref- erences). Not by a little part, since actually most theorems (mathematical facts) escape demonstration when starting from a limited set of axi oms. Since physical the- ories try to build an isomorphism between Nature and a subset of mathematics, it follows that no theory of everything (TOE) can summarize w ith provable derived theorems the implicit complexity of its content. Similar id eas have been expressed by Stephen Hawking2. Therefore even if a theory would be exactly true, most of the consequences of it would escape an axiomatic description. O nly left is the by brute force methods the consequences of theories. This is why growing capacity of computers plays an incre asingly important role in science, because computers allow to explore better and be tter the vast domain of theories that were out of reach by older methods using main ly theorems (like analytical methods). The best illustration of the power of t he computer approach vs. the traditional analytic approach is the very notion of d eterministic chaos that arose from computer models in the 1960's [6, 7]. 1The eternal mystery of the world is its ..The fact that it is a miracle. Albert Daniel Pfenniger 2 Chaos in galaxies Letus general ideas togalaxies. These particular structures in the Universe offer an excellent case illustrating the scient ific method at work large variety of physical problems at widely different scal es, most of them chaotic at some level, which have been more or less successfully been described by distinct models. No galaxy model may claim to describe fully and exact ly the galaxies, onsofgalaxies our understanding of these objects. With these mode ls, all for making a part of galaxies understandable, we c an much better think about galaxies than without. Let us mention some types of chaos in galaxies existing at ver y different levels. 2.1 Chaos linked to Newtonian dynamics Before and even after the discovery of interstellar matter a nd dark matter ( >1930), galaxies have been described by purely stellar dynamical mo dels of point masses fol- lowing classical mechanics, the N-body model. Such a simpli fied description already demands substantial efforts to extract useful information h elping us to understand how galaxies work. For a long time the mean field approximatio ns, models of the N-body model, were studied, with further time-independenc e and spherical or ax- isymmetric symmetry description . Assuming a fixed, smooth mean field potential allows to de- couple the motion of point masses. At this stage one consider s all the orbits in the galactic potential. As soon as the p otential departs from a spherical shape, or differs from some particular functiona l form like the St ackel potential family ngbar),orbital chaos appears and occupies large regions of phase space associate d to resonances. The neglected granularity of the mass become then relevant on ch aotic orbits, the relaxation process estimated in integrable potentials is m uch faster [12]. Over several decades George Contopoulos and collaborators (e.g., [2, 3, 11, 16, 17]) have explored by numerical means the orbital complexit y in the phase space of galactic potentials, illustrating well how numeri cal brute force did allow to make understandable a part of the co mplexity of the mean field model of galaxies. In contrast, traditional analy tical approaches have been much less efficient in extracting the information implic itly contained in the classical mechanics models of space fluid description . Another approach is to approximate by orweakly interactingdar kmatterparticles in a galaxy. In addition, these collisionless particles are su pposed to be in phase space, and make a continuous and differe ntiable flow of matter in the 6-dimensional phase space of space and velocit y coordinates. flowisastronghyp neither by the observations of the stars in the sol ar stellar streams abound, nor by the usual arguments use d in in which smoothness is expected to arise through the mic roscopic chaosChaos in Galaxies 5 resulting from the frequent particle collisions (the relax ation time is short), erasing quickly irregularities and decorrelating particl es. Further, one should also keep in mind that the number of stars in galax- ies (<1012) is actually not very large for a smooth fluid description in a 6- dimensional phase space, and lies also in part in massive sta r clusters. If one would representphase space with cells each containing, say , at least 100 particles in order to have reasonably smooth average quantities betwe en contiguous cells, one would obtain a number of bins per coordinate of only matter particles are more numerous but are not expected to contribute much density in the optical part of galaxies like the Milky Wa y, therefore the graininess of the mass distribution in galaxies is certainl y already a difference with the smooth model that must be taken into description . The full N-body model of a galaxy is a much more faithful model than the two previous ones, at least when one wants to de scribe a galaxy with about 1012point masses. In a not too distant future, 5-10 years, it is li kely that it will be possible to integrate such as number of partic les with the by tree approximation techniques. Therefore th e N-body model has certainly a bright future and will make the collisionless sm ooth flow model less relevant in galactic dynamics, and even less in star cluster dynamics. However the N-body model is also limited. a)The Miller's exponential instability [9] of individual par ticle trajectories and of the whole N-body system constrains to interpret N-body si mulations in a statistical way. An ensemble of close but otherwise uncorre lated initial condi- tions produces an ensemble of round-off errors dependent evo lutions, which may contain statistical useful information about typical repr esentative important limitation of the N-body approach when th e bodies are supposed to represent real stars is that one often neglects t he internal evolu- tion of stars. At formation, most of the mass transformed int o stars consists of small mass stars that eject a large fraction of their mass i n the red giant phase several Gyr later. This ejected gas from planetary neb ulae mixes mass, orbital momentum and kinetic energy in the interstellar gas , a highly energy dis- sipative process. Galactic models that ignore this dissipa tive aspect obviously miss an important part of reality over long time scales, espe cially in 5-12 Gyr old systems like elliptical galaxies that have been conside red for a long time as prototypical systems for using pure dissipationless N-b ody dynamics. In like spiral galaxies but for different physica l reasons, should be seen as substantially dissipative systems when described over s everal Gyr. 2.2 The complex physics of baryons Besides stars, galaxies contain gas in sometimes large amou nt, even exceeding the stellar content. Some very gas rich galaxies like Blue Compa ct Dwarfs galaxies are misnamed: they are called dwarf only because the visible ste llar mass is tiny, but when the gas content revealed by HI emission is considered, t hey appear just as massive as normal galaxies, except for the fact that gas has n ot yet been turned into stars. So for galaxies even with lesser amount of gas, st ellar dynamical models are more or less rapidly invalidated by the rest of the physic s that baryons can be subject to.6 Daniel Pfenniger The interstellar gas physics is very complex and far from bei ng under control. Typical interstellar gas is multiphased, has supersonic tu rbulence, and density and temperature contrasts covering several orders of magnitud es, a very chaotic state that defies description with the present physics tools. For e xample, for its use that a local thermal equilibrium can be e stablished, provided a local mechanical equilibrium has been reached. But supers onic turbulence means precisely that strong pressure gradients are ubiquitous, o ut of mechanical equilib- rium regions frequent. Despite such incoherences, thermod ynamical quantities like temperature are used in models and observations due to a lack of better about supersonic compressible turbulence. What is apparent from simple order of magnitude estimates is that andtheexchange ofenergies betweenthe stars andthe gas is notnegligible for the whole galaxy equilibrium over Gyr timescales. For examp le the power radiated by the stars at their different stages of evolution, known to b e partly recycled by the dust in the infrared, or known to feed a part of the turbule nce in the is comparable to the power necessary to change the wh ole galaxy shape against its own gravity [13]. Therefore, the galaxy global p arameters and shapes can be expected to depend also on its internal dissipative micro -physics, and not only on the initial conditions at earlier epochs, or external effe cts like accretion. 2.3 The dynamics of non-baryonic matter Solid cosmological and particle physics arguments exist fo r the existence of large amount of non-baryonic matter. 1s after the Big Bang a number of neutrinos compa- rable to the photon number must have been produced mostly fro m The involved physics is the well known, far f rom exotic MeV nuclear physics. The discovery of neutrino oscillations between th e e-,u- a proof of their positive mass, and solved the 40 year old s olar neutrino deficit. With the present constraints about the neutrino mass ( ~0.01-0.1eV), this average leptonic density turns out to be comparable to the average id entified baryon density [14]. The neutrino case shows that a particle predicted by Pa uli in the 30's for re- solving an apparent violation of energy conservation durin g thebdecay demanded huge effort to arrive to the present solid conclusion that ind eed much matter is in non-baryonic form. The gained knowledge about neutrinos su ddenly doubles the amount of identified matter, which is this time leptonic. With similar arguments, many other particle candidates (ax ions, particles, ...) have been proposed, often with strong based on symmetries and conservation laws. For example, axions are invoked for explaining the zero neutron electric dipole mom ent, an empirical fact that escapes predictions of the Standard Model. Therefore, in view of all the to be explained in elementary particle physics, i t is natural to expect a rich variety of different dark matter components that remain to be identified. The consequence for galaxies is that each kind of matter can i mprints during structure and galaxy formations. Some phases of structure formation, like during the formation of Zel'dovich's pancakes, are hig hly sensitive to the ne- glected physics. Yet a high fraction of matter is expected to participate at least once, even over a brief time interval, to a sheet-like singul arity where the outcome of such highly non-linear singularities is known to be very s ensitive to the exact physics of the participating matter, so also from non-baryo nic particles. The oftenChaos in Galaxies 7 adopted collisionless property of cold dark matter is just a n assumption that may be acceptable in present day galaxy models, but may turn out t o be invalid sensitive events like pancake or filamentary c ollapses. 3 Cases of Sensitive Dependence in Galaxy Models In the following we will concentrate on illustrative cases o f sensitivity to perturba- tions of galactic models, where slight changes in the model m ay turn out to lead to radically different conclusions. We will discuss the perf ectly smooth fluid phase space description of the star ensemble and of collisionless matter used in the colli- sionless Boltzmann equation, where the collisionless limi t may turn out to lead to severe approximations. The discrete point mass models used in N-body simulations is also limited by its strongly chaotic character. Finally t he role of quantum mechan- ics at extra-galactic scales related with cosmological neu trinos and possibly other relic dark matter particles will be argued to be not so neglig ible as usually assumed. 3.1 Collisionless Chaos The main equation of collisionless galactic dynamics is the collisionless Suppose that we describe the mass density at the in stanttin space xR3 and velocity space vR3, i.e.,{x,v} R6by a density distribution f(t,x,v)R. The projection of fonto the x-space r(x,t) =Z d3vf(x,v,t), (1) provides the usual mass density r(x,t). This projection is well defined even when fis not differentiable. Poisson's equation gives us a constra int on the ginduced by the mass density r, g(x,t) =-4pGr(x,t) (2) Finally, the collisionless Boltzmann 0, (3) tells us that the mass flow in R6is conserved, the characteristics curves of this equation are the trajectories of particles in the accelerat ion field g. The above three equations forms a system of nonlinear equations, similar to Eu- ler's equation in R3for incompressible fluids. Many efforts have been dedicated by mathematicians to unders tand the Euler or Navier-Stokes equations with more rigorous tools that co mmonly used in physics. This has been useful to understand much more general facts ab out non-linear equations, such as the limits of their applicab ility. The simplest case taken from the Navier-Stokes equation but still preserving its non-linear character is the 1-dimensional Burger's equati on, tu+uxu=u2 xu , (4)8 Daniel Pfenniger which describes a constant density advection flow at velocit yu(x,t) along the di- rectionx, with an optional viscosity term proportional to a paramete ruon the right-hand side. When u= 0 the system corresponds to the energy conserving Euler equation. For simple initial conditions, say u(x,0) =-sin(x), the solution after a finite time when u= 0, and develops a shock, a >0. This shows a prototypical behaviour of non-linear partia l they tend to break the initial assumptions about the solution after a finite time by violating the assumption that the solution rem ains continuous everywhere. We have here an example of sensit ive dependence on the functional form of the flow model. If viscosity is zero the flow develops while if viscosity is small but positive the flow remains single-valued but becomes discontinuous, and most of the energy is dissipated in the shocks. An old but relevant result by Onsager [10]3about 3-dimensional turbulence is that energy dissipation in Navier-Stokes fluids does not van ish to zero when viscosity tends toward zero. As viscosity tends toward zero, Navier-S tokes'equation tends well toward Euler's equation, but the solutions don't. The most astonishing fact verified in experiments of developed turbulence is that the e nergy dissipation tends toward a positive constant independently of the value of vis cosity. As in entropy increasing discontinuous solutions (so- called weak solutions) are physically the relevant ones. Therefore it may be physically misleading to consider Euler 's equation and its energy conservation law, for application on systems where v iscosity is small, because even a small viscosity term becomes essential when the flow be comes turbulent, which is precisely the rule in low viscosi ty fluids. There is no ground to believe that the growth of discontinuit ies is restricted to non-linear hydrodynamics. On the contrary, the growth of sh ocks and occur frequently in other non-linear partial diff erential equations. One should expect shocks in more complex, higher dimensional no n-linear systems like the system, in which the collisional or d iffusive term is small, but is never exactly zero. In cases of strong phase space turbul ence during eventswe can expectthatthe small residual coll isionality has its strongly amplified. High phase space density gradien ts and multi-streams are susceptible to develop fast from the actual particle noise. Also we should remind that in usual fluids i s often a valid as- sumption because the microscopic molecular chaos does eras e the growth of cor- relations faster than the flow develops gradients of density or velocity. Except for very particular cases, laminar flows do require some positiv e viscosity, low to stay laminar. Otherwise low viscosity fluids beco me spontaneously tur- bulent, i.e., develop discontinuous, singular flows. Since precisely collisionless flows in galactic dynamics la ck of a strong micro- scopic collisional chaos that would justify the usual smoot hness assumption of dis- tribution functions, we should rather expect irregular, no n-smooth solutions) as a rule in galaxies. Actually, the loca l distribution function of stars in the solar neighbourhood is highly structured wit h several star streams, and is far from resembling a Maxwellian distribution. What w e see is at best a partly relaxed extensive review about Onsager's work on turbulence is gi ven in [4].Chaos in Galaxies 9 To explain the smoothness in the galaxy distribution functi ons, the concept [8] has been proposed. It was initially a ttributed to the time- dependence of the gravitational potential, but today we vie w it rather as resulting from the highly sensitive to perturbations, chaotic stages of galaxy evolution perturbations become fast macroscopically re levant. Contrary to a still popular opinion, this is not directly the time-dependence o f the potential that leads to an enhanced relaxation, but the highly chaotic, sensitiv e stage of the demonstrating that time-dependence doe s not necessarily relax a collisionless flow are analytical time-dependent periodi c solutions of the system (e.g., [15]). 3.2 N-body Chaos Miller (1964) [9] discovered numerically the exponential d ivergence of N-body systems, and noticed that the diverge nce of close systems onstantlybythe N(N-1) particle interactions. Gurzadyan & Savvidy (1986) [5] show ed also with that the N-body problem is indeed generally chaoti c in simple However these studies should not be seen as d efinitive, it is indeed not difficult to invent particular counter-examples of as wea kly unstable as of N-body systems, such as widely separated p airs of pairs etc. of bi- naries. By natural selection we do observe in the sky the leas t unstable multiple star systems, often arranged hierarchically. The solar system i s also an example where the Liapunov time is much longer than its dynamical time.. An interesting problem is to specify the relationship betwe en Miller's type chaos seen at the microscopic level, and the global stability of a s tellar system. In usual gases, the molecular very rapid chaos is the key property tha t guarantees that the system seen at macroscopic scales can be modelled with the qu of thermodynamics. To be effective thermodynamics req uires a fast relaxation of molecules, in other words, a strong molecular chaos. Is it similar in From numerical experiments, systems like hot sphe rical models of many equal mass stars are examples where indeed a kind of statisti cal robust state appears to be reached over time-scales longer than the crossing time . For these systems Miller's microscopic chaos could be actually favouring a gl obal statistical gravitational systems, such as disks, or systems with strongly dispersions, can present macroscopic instabilit ies leading to evolution. It is presently unclear whether Miller's microscopic chaos is re lated in any way with large scale Sensitivity to Quantum Physics The relict cosmological neutrinosare fermions andhavebee n produced ~1-2s after the Big Bang from annihilations at a reds hift ofz1010. At this epoch all the particles were strongly relativistic and clos e to thermal means that the distribution of neutrinos had to be very c lose to a with anegligible chemical potential. Inothe r words, the natural creation state of such relativistic particles is always semi-degene rate [18], which means that10 Daniel mechanics plays a significant role from the start. Th e phase space density of neutrinos is therefore sufficiently high for quantum effect s to be important at the macroscopic level. As the Universe expands the neutrino phase space density is little modified, since neutrinos have only two weak possibil ities of interaction with matter, the weak force andthe gravitational force, and thei r numbercannot decrease through decay since they are supposed to be stable. For a rest mass range such as 0 .01-0.1eV at the present time the relict neutri- nos should be non-relativistic and much colder than the ofte n quoted temperature of 1.9K, which would apply if they were massless or still relati vistic [14]. Their speed is estimated low enough ( ~1000kms-1) to be trapped at least in galaxy clusters. So if neutrinos are massive and participate to structure for mation, clearly they are able to perturb the outcome of pancake collapses since their total mass is compa- rable to the one of baryons, and they are still today semi-deg enerate fermions, so their physics differs from classical ballistic particles. S tructure formation is a highly chaotic process where most of the matter goes through Zel'do vich's pancakes, so one can expect that any perturbation to a purely classical model of structure formation, like when including the fermionic properties of neutrinos, may significantly change the results. But here we have the non-trivial challenge to merge two widel y different descrip- tions of Nature. Sometimes quantum physics is said to be hol istic because it is a non-local theory. A particle does not necessarily repres ent a localized mass, but can be a plane-wave. Pauli's principle does not require to lo calize particles, and in Schr odinger equation may extend over all space. In contrast, the notion of localized point mass is central in classical mecha nics. In the recent years these questions have considerably advan ced. The [19, 20, 21, 22] allows to specify when a finite system, supposed to be iso- lated, is well represented by quantum physics, and when clas sical physics is the when the neglected but always existing pertur bation rate of the outer world to a given model stays indeed negligible, quantum coherence build-up wins and quantum mechanics stays a faithful representation of th e system. But when the outer world perturbation rate is faster and destroys quantu m coherence, emerges as a good description of the system. A satisf actory aspect of the de- coherence theory is that a conscious observer is no longer re quired. A to coherence destruction by external perturba tions to the system. are central for building quantum computers , where coherence preser- vation is crucial, and clearly unrelated with the presence o f a conscious observer. So in order to describe a particle as a localized mass distrib ution with as implicit in all cosmological simulations up t o now, one needs to check that decoherence is effective. Otherwise particles can not b e localized and must be described with quantum physics as non-local ensembles. But since neutrinos have extremely low probability to inter act with other parti- cles by the weak interaction, the only remaining possibilit y is gravitational interac- tion. As long as the Universe is homogeneous, gravitational interaction cancels and is negligible. Only when structures form ( z100) matter inhomogeneities by gravitation. The entanglement time-scale tEof identical neutrinos is estimated by a time where the cross section diameter is given by t he de Broglie [14]),Chaos in Galaxies (5) wherennis the neutrino density, mnthe neutrino mass, and zthe redshift. After a multiple of tElarge numbers of neutrinos are entangled just because they a re identical fermions, not because of their weak interaction. The decoherence theory [19, 20, 21, 22] gives an estimate of t he we know the characteristic relaxation time tRover which the external world perturbs the system of size (6) For ensembles of neutrinos above a given size xthe decoherence time tDwill be shorter than the entanglement time tE, and above such a scale the may be considered as localized and included in a cla ssical description, [14] we estimated that at the present epoch the fastest rel axing mass conden- sations for neutrinos are the galaxies, not the stars or the g alaxy clusters. With this estimate of the relaxation time tRproduced by the external world, we found that when considering scales much larger than ~1013cm, the ensemble of at least 1040 neutrinos is perturbed at a rate fast enough by the galaxy gra vitational interactions to be considered as a classical fluid with a Fermi-Dirac equat ion of state. Thus a simple model of cosmological neutrinos above solar system s cales is to describe them as a Fermi-Dirac fluid, like what is done in stellar models of w hite dwarfs and neu- tron stars. This is a very different physics than the collisio nless classical that up to now has been used in cosmological s imulations but closer to the adhesion model sometimes used i n pancake models. Of course the consequences for structure formation models may be drastic because flu- ids tend to develop shocks, contrary to collisionless flows, and shocks imply and has been said about neutrinos may be applicable to other dark matter particles like axions or neutralinos, with possible compli cations for bosons. Much depends on their effective rest mass, number density, and if t hey are to participate to structure formation. 4 Conclusions The sensitivity to perturbations is a characteristics of ch aos. Various aspects of galaxies can be represented by different models that may cont ain sensitive parts subject to limitations on the scope of are a few points to consider for future galaxy models:
*The assumed smoothness of distribution functions for colli sionless systems is not grounded on theoretical arguments or observational evi dences. The effects of irregular, non-smooth distributions on the dynamics of a model have been little investigated. The results of incompressible fluid tu rbulence could be useful to extend to collisionless phase space flows.12 Daniel the collisionless Boltzmann differential equati on is a decreasingly at- tractive model in galactic dynamics in regard of the fast gro wing capabilities of the much less constrained N-body techniques.
*The dissipative baryonic physics in galaxies coming from th e gas but also from the stellar evolution is important over Gyr timescale, not o nly for spirals, but also for ellipticals due to the stellar important mass loss i n the red giant phase.
*Quantum physics in the semi-degenerate sea of cosmological neutrinos produces a kind of collisional relaxation due to decoherence and the f ermionic nature of such particles. These neutrinos and possibly other dark mat ter particles fluidw equation of state. This point is crucial during p ancake am grateful to the organisers of this stimulating interdis ciplinary conference for the invitation. This work has been supported by the Swiss Nation al Science Chaitin, G.J. 1982, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 21, ) 2. Contopoulos, G. 1980, Astron. & Astrophys. 81, 198 3. Contopoulos, G., Patsis, P. A. 2006 Monthly Not. Royal Ast ron. Soc. 369, 1039 4. Eyink G.L., Sreenivasan, K.R. 2006, Rev. Mod. Phys, 78, 87 5. Gurzadyan, V. G., Savvidy, G. K. 1986, Astron. & Astrophys . 160, 203 6. H' enon, M., Heiles, C. 1964, Astron. J. 69, 73 7. Lorenz, E. N. 1963, J. Atmos. Sci. 20, 130 8. Lynden-Bell, D. 1967, Monthly Not. Royal Astron. Soc. 136 , 101 9. Miller, R. H. 1964, Astrophys. J. 140, 250 10. Onsager, L. 1949, Nuovo Cimento, Suppl. 6, 279 11. Patsis, P. A., Contopoulos, G., Grosbol, P. 1991, Astron . & Astrophys. Pfenniger, D. 1986, Astron. & Astrophys. 165, 74 13. Pfenniger, D.1991, Galaxies, ed.B . Sundelius,G oteborg, 389 14. Pfenniger, D., Muccione, V. 2006, Astron. & Astrophys. 4 56, 45 15. Sridhar, S. 1989, Monthly Not. Royal Astron. Soc.238, 11 59 16. Voglis, N., Contopoulos, G., Efthymiopoulos, C. 1999, C el. Mech. & Dyn. As- tron. 73, 211 17. Voglis, N., Harsoula, M., Contopoulos, G. 2007, Monthly Not. Royal Astron. Soc. 381, 757 18. Weinberg S. 1962, Phys. Rev. 128, 1457 19. Zeh, H.D. 1970, Found. Phys. 1, 69 20. Zeh, H.D. 2005, S' eminaire Poincar' e, 2, 1 ( quant-ph/0512078 ) 21. Zurek, W.H. 2002, Los Alamos Science 27, 2 22. Zurek, W.H. 2003, Rev. Mod. Phys., 75, 715 | 0802.3268 | Daniel Pfenniger | Daniel Pfenniger | Chaos in Galaxies | 12 pages, invited contribution to the conference "Chaos in
Astronomy", Athens, sept. 2007, eds. G. Contopoulos & P.A. Patsis | null | 10.1007/978-3-540-75826-6_6 | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | After general considerations about limits of theories and models, where small
changes may imply large effects, we discuss three cases in galactic
astrophysics illustrating how galactic dynamics models may become insufficient
when previously neglected effects are taken into account: 1) Like in 3D
hydrodynamics, the non-linearity of the Poisson-Boltzmann system may imply
dissipation through the growth of discontinuous solutions. 2) The relationship
between the microscopic exponential sensitivity of N-body systems and the
stability of mean field galaxy models. 3) The role of quantum physics in the
dynamics of structure formation, considering that cosmological neutrinos are
massive and semi-degenerate fermions.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 22 Feb 2008 08:35:35 GMT"
] | 2015-05-13T00:00:00 | [
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Figure 1. Transmittance weighting functions for GOES-10/11 bands 3 and 5. Accordingly, a new GOES-West (GOE S-11) imager microburst algorithm employs brightness temperature differences (BTD) between band 3 (upper level water vapor, 6.7m m), band 4 (longwave infrared window, 10.7 mm), and split window band 5 (12mm). Band 3 is intended to indicate mid to upper-level moisture content and advection while band 5 indicates low-level moisture content. It follows that large BTDs between bands 3 and 5 imply a large relative humidity gradient between the mid-troposphere and the surface, a condition favorable for strong convective downdraft generation due to evaporational cooling of precipitation in the deep sub-cloud layer. In addition, small BTDs between bands 4 and 5 indicate a relatively dry surface layer with solar heating in progress. Thus the GOES imager microburst risk (MBR) product is based on the following algorithm in which the output brightness temperature (B) is proportional to microburst potential: MBR (B) = {T 5 - T 3} - {T 4 - T 5} ( 1 ) Where the parameter T n represents the brightness temperature observed in a particular imager band. The relationship between BTDs and microburst risk in the product image is based on the following assumptions: (1) A deep, well-mixed convective boundary layer exists in the region of interest; (2) moisture for convective storm development is based in the mid-troposphere and is advected over the region of interest. This paper will outline the development of the GOES-West imager microburst product and present case studies that feature example images, outline potential operational use and assess performance of the algorithm. 2. Methodology The objective of this validation effort was to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the performance of the GOES imager-derived microburst product by employing classical statistical analysis of real-time data. Accordingly, this effort entailed a study of downburst events over the Eastern Snake River Plain (ESRP) of southeastern Idaho during the summer of 2007 that was executed in a manner that emulates historic field projects such as the 1982 Joint Airport Weather Studies (JAWS) (Wakimoto 1985). GOES-11 image data was collected for pre-convective environments associated with eight microburst events that occurred within the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) mesonet domain during July and August 2007. Clawson et al. (1989) provides a detailed climatology and physiographic description of the INL as well as a description of the associated meteorological observation netw ork. Wakimoto (1985) and Atkins and Wakimoto (1991) discussed the effectiveness of using mesonet surface observations and radar reflectivity data in the verification of the occurrence of downbursts. Well-defined peaks in wind speed as well as significant temperature decreases (Wakimoto 1985; Atkins and Wakimoto 1991) were effectiv e indicators of downburst occurrence. Product images were generated in Man computer Interactive Data Access System (McIDAS) by a program that reads and processes GOES imager data, calculates brightness temperature differences, and overlays risk values on GOES imagery. The image data consisted of derived brightness te mperatures from infrared bands 3, 4, and 5, obtained from the Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS, In addition, visible imagery was generated to compare derived product images based on infrared bands to the location and spatial coverage of cloud fields prior to microburst events. It was found that derived product imagery generated two to three hours prior to microburst events provided an optimal characterization of the pre-convective thermodynamic environment over the INL. Downburst wind gusts, as recorded by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) mesonet observation stations, were measured at a height of 15 meters (50 feet) above ground level. Archived NOAA mesonet observations are available via the NOAA INL Weather Center website ( In order to assess the predictive value of the GOES imager microburst product, the images used in validation were obtained for valid times two to three hours prior to the observed surface wind gusts. Derived images generated from the infrared dataset consisted of the following: (1) band 5-3 difference image; (2) band 4-5 difference image; (3) microburst risk image derived from the algorithm as defined in equation 1. In the infrared derived images, contrast stretching and contouring of brightness was employed to highlight regions of relatively high microburst risk. For each microburst event, product images were compared to radar reflectivity imagery and surface observations of convective wind gusts as provided by INL mesonet stations . Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) base reflectivity imagery (levels II and III) from National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) was utilized to verify that observed wind gusts were associated with downbursts and not associated with other types of convective wind phenomena (i.e. gust fronts). NEXRAD images were generate d by the NCDC Java NEXRAD Viewer (Available online at Another application of the NEXRAD imagery was to infer microscale physical properties of convective storms. Particular radar reflectivity signatures, such as the rear-inflow notch 1995) and the spearhead echo (Fujita and Byers 1977), were effective indicators of the occurrence of downbursts. In addition, radar temperature profiles over the INL were generated and archived as a means to validate quantitative information as portrayed in the derived product images. At this early stage in the algorithm assessment process, it is important to consider covariance between the variables of interest: microburst risk (expressed as output brightness temperature) and surface downburst wind gust speed. A very effective means to assess the quantitative functional relationship between microburst index algorithm output and downburst wind gust strength at the surface is to calculate correlation between these variables. Thus, correlation between GOES imager microburst risk and observed surface wind gust velocities for the selected events were computed to assess the significance of these functional relationships. Statistical significance testing was conducted, in the manner described in Pryor and Ellrod (2004), to determine the confidence level of correlations between observed downburst wind gust magnitude and microburst risk values. Hence, the confidence level is intended to quantify the robustness of the correlation between microburst risk values and wind gust magnitude. 3. Case Studies 3.1 July 2007 Microbursts The multispectral Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) imager microburst product has effectively indicated the potential for severe convective winds that were observed by Idaho National Laboratory (INL) mesonet stations in southeastern Idaho during July 2007. The microburst product indicated higher output brightness temperature (corresponding to higher microburst risk) about two hours prior to the occurrence of a severe convective wind gust (52 knots) on 31 July 2007 that was observed by Rover mesonet station. Lower brightness temperature was associated with a non-severe microburst (40 knots) that was observed by Specific Manufacturing Capability station in the INL on 25 July. During the afternoon of 25 and 31 July 2007, convective storm activity developed over the Rocky Mountains of southeastern Idaho and propagated down slope to merge into clusters over the ESRP. Figure 2 displays GOES-11 imager derived microburst risk products at 2000 UTC 25 July 2007 and at 2030 UTC 31 July 2007, respectively. Note lower output brightness temperatures associ ated with the weaker downburst (40 knots, plotted in upper image) that occurred on 25 July as compared to the higher brightness temperatures associated with the severe microburst (52 knots, plotted in lower image) that occurred on 31 July. Also apparent in the images is convective storm activity, displayed as cellular or globular dark regions, developing over the surrounding Rocky Mountains. Forcing for this convective storm activity was most likely driven by solar heating of the mountain ridges in the presence of significant mid-level moisture that was advected from the central and eastern North Pacific Ocean. The convective storm activity propagated into the Snake River Plain where intense surface heating during the afternoon hours resulted in the development of a deep dry-adiabatic boundary layer. As discussed earlier, large BTD between bands 3 and 5 implies a large relative humidity gradient and well-mixed moisture profile between the mid-troposphere and the surface, a condition favorable for strong convective downdraft generation due to evaporational cooling of precipitation in the deep sub-cloud layer. Higher boundary layer moisture content observed during the afternoon of 25 July by Specific Manufacturing Capability mesonet station most likely resulted in decreased downdraft instability and the resulting weaker microburst. Figure 2. GOES-11 imager microburst risk products at 2000 UTC 25 July 2007 (top) and at 2030 UTC 31 July 2007 (bottom) with observed peak convective wind gusts plotted over the images. Output brightness temperature contours are overlying the image. Figure 3. INL meteograms at Specific Manufacturing Capability mesonet station (LOF, top) and Rover mesonet station (ROV, bottom). Surface observations as displayed in the meteograms in Figure 3 confirm the presence of favorable boundary layer conditions for microbursts during the afternoon hours of 25 and 31 July. Especially noteworthy is a large surface dewpoint depression near 29degC and relative humidity less than 20% during the two hours prior to downburst occurrence at Rover station. In addition, temperature lapse rates in the surface layer were determined to be superadiabatic (>10degC/km) based on comparisons between temperatures measured at 2 meters and 15 meters above ground level (not shown) about two hours prior to downburst occurrence. Superadiabatic lapse rates are often associated with strong insolation and resulting surface heating. Downburst occurrence was apparent in the mesonet meteograms, characterized by sharp peaks in wind speed, and abrupt changes in wind direction, temperature and relative humidity. Radar imagery in Figure 4 from Pocatello NEXRAD (KSFX) near the time of occurrence of peak winds indicated that high reflectivities (>45 dBZ) were associated with the parent convective storms of downbursts. The combination of high radar reflectivity and large subcloud lapse rates strongly suggests that the microbursts observed during the afternoon of 25 and 31 July were hybrid microbursts. Also apparent were radar signatures typically associated with microbursts such as the rear-inflow notch 1995) and the spearhead echo (Fujita and Byers 1977). Figure 4. Radar reflectivity images from Pocatello NEXRAD at 2147 UTC 25 July 2007 (top) and 2250 UTC 31 July 2007 (bottom). Markers indicate the locations of Specific Manufacturing Capability (top) and Rover (bottom) mesonet stations, respectively. 3.2 August 2007 Microbursts The most significant microburst event was recorded by San Dunes (SAN) and Rover (ROV) mesonet stations during the evening of 11 August 2007 with wind gusts of 60 knots. A cluster of convective storms developed over the ESRP and tracked northward over the INL during the late afternoon. Between 0030 and 0045 UTC 12 August, the cluster of convective storms produced severe downbursts at San Dunes and Rover mesonet stations. Similar to the pre-convective environments of the July microburst events, the convective boundary layer was deep and dry with superadiabatic temperature lapse rates near the surface. Exceptionally dry surface layer conditions were indicated in the San Dunes meteogram in Fi gure 5 with the dewpoint depression greater than 35degC and relative humidity less than 10% during the two hours prior to microburst occurrence. Figure 6, the GOES-11 microburst risk image at 2230 UTC 11 August 2007, reflected favorable microburst conditions w ith output brightness temperatures greater than 60 in close proximity to SAN and ROV stations. Figure 5. INL meteogram at San Dunes (SAN) mesonet station. Figure 6. GOES-11 imager microburst risk product at 2230 UTC 11 August 2007 with observed peak convective wind gust at Sand Dunes station plotted over the image. Also, similar to the July events, NEXRAD imagery in Figure 7 revealed reflectivities greater than 45 dBZ associated with the parent convective storms of the microbursts, again, suggesting that microbursts in this case could be classified as hybrid. As was typical for the 2007 convective season, mid-level moisture available for deep convective storms originated over the central North Pacific Ocean and was advected northeastward over southeastern Idaho. Interesting to note is the light amount of rainfall (.01 in.) measured by San Dunes mesonet station coincident with the microburst. Comparing high radar reflectivity with the measured rainfall amount may suggest that significant evaporation occurred as precipitation descended in the sub-cloud layer, thus, providing negative buoyant energy for downdraft acceleration. Figure 7. Radar reflectivity image from Pocatello NEXRAD at 0035 UTC 12 August 2007. Markers indicate the locations of San Dunes and Rover mesonet stations. 4. Statistical Analysis and Discussion Analysis of covariance between the variables of interest, microburst risk (expressed as output brightness temperat ure) and surface downburst wind gust speed, provided favorable results for the imager microburst product. A strong correlation (r=.76) between microburst risk values and wind gust speed was found for the dataset of ten microburst events during July and August 2007. In addition, statistical significance testing revealed a high (98%) confidence level that the correlation did represent a physical relationship between risk values and downburst magnitude and was not an artifact of the sampling process. A listing of the microburst events during July and August 2007 is displayed in Table 1. Table 1 shows that microbursts in the INL mesonet domain occurred primarily during the afternoon. This preference for afternoon microburst activity underscores the importance of solar heating of the boundary layer in the process of convective downdraft generation over southeastern Idaho. The well-mixed moisture profile and relative humidity gradient that results from diurnal heating fostered a favorable environment for microbursts due to the evaporation of precipitation in the deep sub-cloud layer. In addition, the majority of the observed microbursts, including the most intense recorded microburst (60 knots), were associated with high radar reflectivity (> 45 dBZ). Significant mid-level moisture promoted precipitation loading as an initiating mechanism for downbursts over the INL domain. The combination of precipitation loading and the presence of a relatively deep and dry convective boundary layer favored a microburst environment that was effectively captured by the GOES imager-derived microburst product. Thus, derivation of an algorithm that incorporates GOES-11 bands 3, 4, and 5 appears to be most effective in indicating a favorable thermodynamic environment for microbursts over southeastern Idaho as well as other regions in the intermountain western U.S. Correlation: MBR to measured wind: 0.7569 Reflectivity to measured wind: -0.4226 No. of events: 10. Mean Wind Speed (kt): 50.20 Mean MBR: 46.50 Measured Wind GOES-11 Date Time Speed Location MBR (UTC) kt 8-Jul-07 100 42 GRI 40 14-Jul-07 2310 58 DUB 50 25-Jul-07 2150 40 LOF 40 31-Jul-07 2250 52 ROV 55 3-Aug-07 2250 48 LOF 50 4-Aug-07 2010 54 DUB 45 5-Aug-07 1910 48 ATO 40 12-Aug-07 30 60 SAN 60 16-Aug-07 2340 54 GRI 45 31-Aug-07 2245 46 MON 40 Table 1. Microburst events as recorded by INL mesonet stations during July and August 2007. 5. Summary and Conclusions A new multispectral GOES imager product has been developed to assess downburst potential over the western United States. This microburst risk product image incorporates GOES-11 bands 3, 4, and 5 to sample the warm-season pre-convective environment and derive moisture stratification characteristics of the boundary layer that would be relevant in the microburst potential assessment process. Case studies and statistical analysis for downburst events that occurred over southeastern Idaho during July and August 2007 demonstrated the effectiveness of the product with a strong correlation between risk values and microburst wind gust magnitude. This product provides a higher spatial (4 km) and temporal (30 minutes) resolution than is currently offered by the GOES sounder microburst produc ts and thus, should provide useful information to supplement the sounder products in the convective storm nowcasting process. 6. References Atkins, N.T., and R.M. Wakimoto, 1991: Wet microburst activity over the southeastern United States: Implications for forecasting. Wea. Forecasting , 6, 470-482. Clawson, K.L., N.R. Ricks, and G.E. Start, 1989: Climatography of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. Department of Energy, 169 pp. Fujita, T.T., and H.R. Byers, 1977: Spearhead echo and downburst in the crash of an airliner. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 105, 129-146. Pryor, K.L., and G.P. Ellrod, 2004: WMSI - A new index for forecasting wet microburst severity. National Weather Association Electronic Journal of Operational Meteorology , 2004-EJ3. Przybylinski, R.W., 1995: The bow echo. Observations, numerical simulations, and severe weather detection methods. Wea. Forecasting , 10, 203-218. Sorbjan, Z., 1989: Structure of the atmospheric boundary layer. Prentice Hall, 317pp. Wakimoto, R.M., 1985: Forecasting dry mi croburst activity over the high plains. Mon. Wea. Rev. , 113, 1131-1143. | 0802.3340 | Kenneth Pryor | Kenneth L. Pryor | A GOES imager-derived microburst product | 12 pages, 7 figures; text modifications; revised statistical data | null | null | null | physics.ao-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | A new multispectral Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)
imager product has been developed to assess downburst potential over the
western United States employing brightness temperature differences (BTD)
between band 3 (upper level water vapor), band 4 (longwave infrared window),
and split window band 5. Band 3 is intended to indicate mid to upper-level
moisture content and advection while band 5 indicates low-level moisture
content. Large BTDs between bands 3 and 5 imply a large relative humidity
gradient between the mid-troposphere and the surface, a condition favorable for
strong convective downdraft generation due to evaporational cooling of
precipitation in the deep sub-cloud layer. In addition, small BTDs between
bands 4 and 5 indicate a relatively dry surface layer with solar heating in
progress. This paper will outline the development of the GOES-West imager
microburst product and present case studies that feature example images,
outline potential operational use and assess performance of the algorithm.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 22 Feb 2008 20:57:00 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 13 Mar 2008 18:45:19 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 1 May 2008 19:24:56 GMT"
] | 2008-05-01T00:00:00 | [
"Kenneth L.",
] |
2 dimensionless constant b of or der unity have been introduced in the past (see ref. [5, p.7] for a discussion of this point). Moreover, alternative choices for the dimension of the field B are mathematically possible, leading to other dimensions for b. Furthermore, it is noticed that Ga ussian units are used throughout this paper. Since .B = 0, the field B can be derived from a gravitomagnetic vector potential A (B = xA). The field B can be derived in a similar way as in the corresponding electromagnetic case (see , e.g., Landau and Lif shitz [9 , SS 43 and SS 44 ])). For a massive rotating sphere with angular momentum S the following expression satisfies to (1.1) 12 1121. cGR AS (1.2) In deriving (1.2) it has been assumed that the distance R from the centre of the sphere is large compared with the radius r0 of the sphere. In addition, t he angular momentum S of the sphere with total mass m is given by 225s0 , or ,I S I f mr So (1.3) where o = 2p n is the angular velocity of the sphere ( n is its rotational frequency), I is the moment of inertia of the sphere and fs is a dimensionless factor depending on the homogeneity of the mass density r of the sphere. For a homogeneous mass density fs = 1, but when if the mass density is greater near the centre of the sphere fs will be less than unity value. From (1.2) the following expression for the gravitomagnetic field B follows 12 1121 . cGR BS (1.4) This expression represents the gravitomagnetic field B of an ideal dipole , located in the centre of the sphere . The gravitomagnetic dipole moment M can be written as 12 112 . cGMS (1.5) Combination of (1.4) and (1.5) lea ds to the following formula for the gravitomagnetic field 5313,R R R M R MB M R (1.6) where R is the distance from the centre of the sphere to the field point where B is measured ( R >= r0). Note that this equation is completely analogous to the corresponding electromagnetic expression. In case of a homogeneous mass density ( fs = 1), combination of (1.3), (1.5) and (1.6) then yields the following gravitomagnetic fields B at the poles and at the equator of the sphere, respectively 1122 1 2 3 1 2 32155 p 0 eq 0(sphere) , (sphere) . c G mr R c G mr R B o B o (1.7) The fields Bp(sphere) and Beq(sphere) have been calculated under the assumption that R
>> r0, so that the se results may be only approximately valid in the vicinity of the sphere. Furthe rmore, it is noticed that neither the sign nor the value of follow from the gravitomagnetic approach. For lack of something better, the electromagnetic analogues of (1.7) are often applied in cases, where R <= r0 (see, e.g., Michel and Li [10]). Note, ho wever, that the 3 results of (1.7) show the flaw of a singularity at R = 0. In this work the validity of the gravitomagnetic fields of (1.7) and the corresponding electromagnetic fields at short distances from the sphere will be investigated. Especially, the validity of the expressions for fields Bp(sphere) and Beq(sphere) from (1.7) at distance R = r0 will be considered. In the gravitomagnetic case the respective fields of (1.7) reduce to 1122 1 1 1 12155 p 0 eq 0(sphere) , (sphere) . c G mr c G mr B o B o (1.8) Using series expansions, we will try to calculate more accurate values for the gravito - magnetic field B(gm) inside and outside a spher e with a homogeneous mass density. Analogously, the corresponding electromagnetic induction fields B(em) for a sphere with a homogeneous charge density have been deduced. In general, the tiny effects due the gravitomagnetic field are difficult to observe. Two such effects have been investigated by space missions: the Gravity Probe B (GP-B) mission and the LAGEOS satellites. We will give a short introduc tion of both missions. We will first consider the GP -B mission. Starting from the theory of general relativity, a derivation of the precession rate of a gyroscope moving in an orbit around a large massive rotating sphere has been given by Schiff [11, 12]. For a gyroscope in free fall, as in a satellite, the found precession rate consisted of two terms: the g eodetic term and the frame -dragging term. We will only focus on the latter term. Owing to a formal analogy between electrodynamics and the general theory of relativity in the slow motion and weak field approximation, this contribution is often denoted as t he gravitomagnetic term, whereas Weinberg [13, chs. 5 and 9] called it the spin -spin or hyperfine term. This contribution to the precession rate has previously been written in terms of the gravitomagnetic field B ([2, ch. 4], [3] and [5]). In ref. [5] bo th the classical and the gravitomagnetic derivation are given and discussed. Using the gravitomagnetic approach, one obtains 12 11(gm) 2 , cGOB (1.9) where O(gm) is the precession rate of the angular momentum S around the direction of the field B (S is given by (1.3)) . Combination of (1.5), (1.6) and (1.9) leads to the standard expression for the hyperfine precession rate O(gm) 2 533(gm) . cGRRS R SOR (1.10) Note that this result does not depend on the constant b. The prediction O(gm) from ( 1.10) c an be tested by a gyroscope in an orbit moving around a rotating body with a large angular momentum S. In order to do so, the G ravity Probe B spacecraft [14] was launched in a polar orbit around the Earth on April 20, 2004 . Equipped with a set of four sphe rical gyroscopes and a telescope, it was designed to measure the precessions of the four gyroscopes with respect to a distant fixed star. Since the gravitomagnetic field B in (1.9) (see (1.6b)) has different values, at the pole and at the equator, for exam ple, O(gm) of (1.10) has to be integrated over a revolution. The latter integration yields 222 2 3 2 3 00(gm) 3cos 1 ,2GGddc R c R SSO (1.11) where is the angle between the directions of S and R. Calculation from (1.11) shows, that O(gm) equals 40.8 milliarc -seconds per year (mas.yr-1). 4 As a second application of (1.9), a small perturbation of the orbit of a satell ite around, e.g., the Earth can be considered. The orbiting satellite can be regarded as a gyroscope with angular momentum Sorbit, which is subjected to the gravitomagnetic field B (and the gravity field of the Earth). T he precession of Sorbit around field B is called the Lense -Thirring precession. For a polar orbit, however, the field B is no constant and B has to be integrated over the whole orbit. F or an orbit with semi -major axis a and orbital eccentricity e, the averaged value for the frequency rate, -O-L-T-, can be shown to be (see , e.g., ref. [15] for the original derivation) 32LT 2 3 22. (1 )G c a e SO (1.12) Ciufolini et al. [16-19] tried to test the prediction of (1.12) by analysing the relativistic effects on the orbits of two artificial satellites: LAGEOS (laser geodynamics satellite) and LAGEOS 2. Recently, Ciufolini and Pavlis [18] reported a result of 99 +- 5 per cent of the value predicted by (1.12), but they allowed for a total error of +- 10 per cent to include unknown sources of error. Analogously to the Lense -Thirring precession rate of an orbiting satellite, the precession rate of a ci rcular torus with electrically neutral mass moving around a star could be tested. Following the same gravitomagnetic approach, the latter precession rate has previously been deduced [20, see eqs. (1.8) and (1.9) therein]. However, the predicted precession frequencies for pulsars like SAX J1808. 4-3658, XTE J180 7-294 and IGR J00291 +5934 have not yet unambiguously be attributed to observed low frequency quasi - periodic oscillations (QPOs) (see ref. [20]). Perhaps, evidence for the existence of such low Lense -Thirring precession frequencies will be found in the future. In section 2 the gravitomagnetic vector potential A of a torus with a homogeneous mass density, necessary for the subsequent calculation of the gravitomagnetic field, is deduced. In sections 3 and 4 the polar and equatorial gravitomagnetic fields , Bp(sphere) and Beq(sphere), respectively, are calculated from A. An additional check of Beq(sphere) is performed by application of Stokes' theorem. In section 5 the calculated fields are used in order to calculate the value of the gravitomagnetic precession rate for the gyroscopes in the Gravity Probe B satellite. Subsequently, the observed results from the GP -B mission will be compared with obtained predictions and the standard prediction from (1.11). Likewise, in section 6 observed data from the LAGEOS satellites will be compared with the value of the Lense -Thirring prediction from (1.12). In section 7 electromagnetic analogues of the gravitomagnetic field B(gm), B(em), are shortly discussed. In addition, the nature of B(gm) is considered more in detail. Finally, conclusions are drawn in section 8. 2. THE GRAVITOMAGNETIC VECTOR POTENTIAL A Firstly, the gravitomagnetic vector potential A from (1.1) for a circular torus containing a total mass dm = rdV (where r is the homogeneous mass density of the sphere) will be considered. The derivation of A follows from the method given by Jackson [ 21]. As an example, a torus lying in an x'-y' plane at distance s from the origin O' is chosen, as shown in figure 1. Th e x'-y' plane is parallel to the x-y plane through the centre O of the sphere. A radius vector R' from O' to a field point F is fixed by the spherical coordinates R', th and ph' = 0. At field point F, the mass current dm/dt = dmn (n is the frequency of the m ass current) in the torus generates the following azimuthal component of the vector potential A in the y direction , i.e. Aph'(R', th) 12 12212 2 228 (1 ) ( ) ( )( , ) , ( 2 sin )'G dm s k K k E kA R'k c s R' sR' (2.1) 5 Figure 1. Spherical coordinates R', th and ph' = 0 of a field point F relative to the origin O'. A point mass dm in a torus is located at coordinates s and ph' = ph' in the x'-y' plane . The total mass dm of the torus is given by dm = dm = rdV = 2prsrdphdr. The angular velocity vector of the sphere is denoted by o (o = 2p n is the angular velocity of the sphere , where n is its rotational frequency ). The distance OP = R denotes a position at or above the pole of the sphere. where K(k) and E(k) are complete elliptic integrals of the first kind and second kind, respectively. See for the properties of these integrals, e.g., [ 22, SS 2.57, SS 8.11-SS 8.12]. The modulus k of the elliptic integrals is give n by 2 224 sin.2 sinsR'ks R' sR' (2.2) A number of limiting cases for Aph'(R', th) can be distinguished. When th 0, R' >> s, or s
>> R', k2 is small. Then, Aph'(R', th) in (2.1) reduces to relative simple expressions. For k = 1 K(k) and Aph'(R', th) become infinite. We will now first treat the limiting case th 0. In section 4 an example of R' >> s, or R' - with F in the x-y plane will be considered. In the limiting case th 0, the value of k2 is small and the expression between parentheses in (2.1), F(k), reduces to 2212 2(1 ) ( ) ( )( ) .32k K k E k kFkk (2.3) Combination of (2.1 )-(2.3) then yields for Aph'(R', th) (compare with Jackson [ 21]) 12 322 22sin( , ) , 2 ( 2 sin )'G dm s R'A R' c s R' sR'
(2.4) where the relation o = 2p n has been inserted. When values of th >> 0 occur, the approximate value of F(k) in (2.3) is no longer valid and a series expansion of F(k) in terms of k2 can be applied. In order to calculate F(k), series expansions of the complete elliptic integrals K(k) and E(k), up to the terms in z x' rdph th ph ph' dr R' O' F o O y' x s dm o r y P 6 k14, are performed (see, e.g., ref. [22, SS 8.11]). One obtains for F(k) 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 223 75 245 6615 22869 1288287( ) 1 ... .32 4 128 512 2 2 2kF k k k k k k k (2.5) Instead of the parameters R' and s occurring in (2.1) and (2.2), the coordinates R, r and ph will be used in the evaluation of these equations below 2 2 2 2sin , cos , cos and sin . R R' O'O r R' r R s r (2.6) These relations between R' and R will be used for a field point F, lying in the equatorial plane that coincides with the x-y plane in figure 1. Moreover, the foll owing relation will be introduced into (2.1) 22 sin . dm d r dr (2.7) By combining (2.2) , (2.3a) and (2.5)-(2.7) with (2.1), Aph'(R', th) transforms into 12 3243 22sin( , ) ( ), ( 2 sin )G Rr dr dA r f k c r R rR
(2.8) where f(k) is defined by the relation f(k) (32/ pk2)F(k); F(k) is given by (2.5). Moreover, introduction of (2.6) into k2 of (2.2) transforms k2 into 2 224 sin.2 sinrRkr R rR (2.9) Note that k obtains unity value, when ph = 1/2p and r = R. The quantity f(k) then becomes infinite. In sections 3 and 4 we will calculate the polar and equatorial gravitomagnetic fields from a sphere, Bp(sphere) and Beq(sphere), from equations (2.4) and (2.8) , respectively . 3. THE POLAR GRAVITOMAGNETIC FIELD OF A SPHERE In order to deduce Bp(sphere), we first calculate the radia l component BR' of the gravitomagnetic induction field B from the relation 1sin ( , ) ,sinR' 'B A R'R' (3.1) where R', th and ph' have been defined in section 2 (see also figure 1). Application of (3.1) to the approximated azimuth al component of the vector potential of (2.4) from a torus with total mass dm yields (compare with Jackson [21]) 12 522 2 2 22cos 2 2 sin ( , ) . 2 ( 2 sin )R'G dm s s R' sR' B R' c s R' sR'
(3.2) Next, we will consider the exact limiting case th = 0 by choosing a field point P at or above the pole of the sphere, so that OP = R (R >= r0, see also figure 1). Then, R' and s can be replaced by 7 cos and sin . R' r R s r (3.3) Combination of (2.7), (3.2) and (3.3) then transforms BR'(R', th) from (3.2) into 12 3234 222 sin( , ) . ( 2 cos )RG d r drBr c r R rR
(3.4) The gravito magnetic induction field at field point P from a thin shell with thickness dr, Bp(r, shell), can now be calculated from (3.4) by integration of ph from 0 to p 1122 324 3 4 p 3 22 02 sin 8( ,shell) .3 ( 2 cos )G r dr d G r drBrc cR r R rR
(3.5) In the integration of ph the quantity R has been co nsidered as a constant parameter. It appears that the result of the integral does not depend on r. Integration of Bp(r, shell) from (3.5) over the interval r = 0 to r = r0 (r0 is the radius of the sphere) then yields the gravitomagnetic induction field at the poles of the sphere, Bp(sphere) 1 10 2 2 5 4 0 p 33 08 8(sphere) .3 15rGr GB r drcR cR (3.6) For a sphere with homogeneou s mass density r the total mass m of the sphere is given by 343 0. mr (3.7) Com bination of (3.6) and (3.7) then leads to the following accurate result for Bp(sphere) 12 1 2 325 p0(sphere) . c G mr R B o (3.8) Thus, the gravitomagnetic field Bp(sphere) of (3.8) appears to coincide with the field from the ideal dipole approximation of (1.7a), deduced for the limiting case R > r0. Moreover, relation (3.8) retains its validity up to distance R = r0. In the latter case the field of (3.8) reduces to the expression of (1.8a). 4. THE GRAVITOMAGNETIC FIELD IN THE EQUATORIAL PLANE In order to calculate the equatorial gravitomagnetic field of a sphere, Beq(sphere), we will use the series expansion of Aph(r, ph) from (2.8), deduced for a torus, and that of k2 from (2.9). In the se series expansion s the following dimensionless parameters x and y are introduced , defined by
222 sin 1 2sin 1 , .rR rRx y y r R r R (4.1) Note that both x and y have values smaller than unity, so that series expansions in x or y may converge. As an example, the factor 1/( r2 + R2 + 2rRsinph)3/2 in (2.8) has been expanded up to sixth order terms in x. One obtains 8 322 3 4 5 6 3 31 1 3 15 35 315 693 30031 ... .( ) 2 8 16 128 256 1024 ( ) 1x x x x x xrR r R x (4.2) Likewise, the terms in k2, k4, and so on, in the function f(k) from (2.8) have also been expanded up to sixth order terms in x. After i ntroduction of a ll these series expansions into (2.8), integration of ph from 0 to p follows. The following resu lt for Aph(r, shell) is then obtained after a lengthy but straightforward calculation 1122 324 3 4 3 22 0sin ( ) 4 ( )( ,shell) , ( 2 sin ) 3G Rr dr f k d G Rr g y drArc r R rR c r R
(4.3) where the quantity g(y) is given by 2 3 4 5 6 3 9 7 45 297 1001( ) 1 ... .2 4 2 8 32 64g y y y y y y y (4.4) Like the terms in x in (4.2), for example, the terms in y in (4.4) have been calculated up to sixth order. Expression Aph(r, shell) from (4.3) can further be evaluated by integration of r from 0 to r0. After substitution of (3.7) and a lengthy calculation then follows for the azimuthal component of the vector potential A of the sphere, Aph(sphere) 1102252 4 002 32 3 0 0 0 0 0 115 15 3 2 2 3 4 22 0 0 0 00 42 4 22 0 0 0 0 441 783 5 2 4 00 20 102 ()(sphere) 3 6 12 256 ln 15 15 lnrr r R G m R r g y dr G m R RAcr cr r r R r R r R r R r R R r R r R R R R r R r r R rR r R r
513 99 3 3 4 2 5 6 7 2 0 0 04 2 0 6 2 0 00 8 10 9 12 11 10 2 2 2 2 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 10 12 2 2 2 2 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 2 1 0 0 0 2 4 0111 99 ln 10 12 66 14 91R r R r R r R R rR R rR r r R r r r R r r R r R R R R r r r r R r R r R r r R r R r
12 2 11 3 0 14 0364.R r R rR (4.5) It is noted that the seven terms between parentheses on the right hand side of (4.5) corresp ond to the unity term, the terms in y, y2, up to y6, in the series expansion on the r. h. s. of (4.4), respectively. In addition, it is noticed that the last four terms between parentheses , display an increasing number of terms in the nominator that also o ccur in the denominator. For example, ( r0 + R)14 can be written as 14 14 13 12 2 11 3 10 4 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 91 364 1001 ... . r R r r R r R r R r R R (4.6) Comparison of (4. 5) and (4. 6) shows that only the first four terms out of fifteen in the series expansion on the right hand side of (4.6) occur in the nominator of the corresponding series of (4.5). Two applications of (4.5) will separately be investig ated: expressions of Aph(sphere) inside and outside the sphere, respectively . Firstly, for R <= r0 series expansion of the right hand side of (4.5) up to terms ( R/r0)7 yields 9 12 3 3 001 11(sphere) .2 10G m R RAc r r (4.7) Apart from the terms in R/r0 and ( R/r0)3, all terms of the truncated series expansion, like terms in ( R/r0)2, (R/r0)4, (R/r0)5, (R/r0)6 and ( R/r0)7 reduce to zero value. Moreover, the coefficient 11/5 of the surviving term in (R/r0)3 will certainly decrease, when higher order terms than y6 are added to the calculation of (4.5). For small values of R a linear relationship between Aph(sphere) and R can be calculated from (4.7) 12 0(sphere) .2G m RAcr (4.8) In addition, it fol lows f rom this relation that Aph(sphere) reduces to zero value in the limiting case R - 0. Secondly, for R >= r series expansion of the r. h. s. of Aph(sphere) in (4.5) yields the following result for the limiting case R - 12 2 0 2(sphere, ) .5G m rARcR (4.9) Apart from the term in (r0/R)2 in (4.9) the series expansion of Aph(sphere) from (4.5) also produc es terms in ( R/r0)2, R/r0, integers, r0/R, (r0/R)2, (r0/R)3, (r0/R)4, (r0/R)6, (r0/R)7 and (r0/R)8, but their sums all cancel (higher order terms have not been calculated). Only the term in (r0/R)2 survives. The results of (4.8) and (4.9) lead to important limiting cases for the gravitomagnetic field. We will calculate these fields below . The th-component of the gravitomagnetic induction field B, Bth, can be deduced from the relation 1(sphere) . B RARR (4.10) Introduction of (4.5) into (4.10), followed by evaluation, then yields for the equatorial gravitomagnetic induction field, Beq(sphere), at distance R from the centre of the sphere
12 4 3 2 2 3 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 eq 3 2 00 00 5 4 2 3 3 2 4 5 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 00 54 223 459 762 0055 2 06 44 60 24sphere 24 ln 9 137 385 470 270 6060 ln 9r r R r R r R R r R G m R cr r R r r R r R r R r R r R r R R r R R rR r r R r r R R r oB
319 214 5 2 4 3 3 4 2 5 62 0 0 0 0 05 3 3 0 7 2 0 0 25 11 10 9 2 9 8 13 12 11 2 10 3 9 2 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 9 11 13 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 026 4 36 ln 11 13 78 99 14 4r R r R r R r R r R rR R rR rR r r R r R r r R r r R r R r R R RR r r r r R r R r R 15 14 13 2 12 3 11 42 0 0 0 0 0 15 2 0 015 105 455 637 .r r R r R r R r R R r rR
(4.11) This complicated expression can be regarded as a main result of this work. It is noticed that the logarithmic te rms in (4.11) cancel. 10 Two limiting cases for (4.1 1) will now be distinguished. First ly, for R <= r0 series expansion of Beq(sphere) from (4.1 1) up to terms in ( R/r0)6 yields 12 2 eq 2 0022sphere 1 .5G m R cr r oB (4.12) It appears that all terms like terms in R/r0 (R/r0)3, (R/r0)4, up to terms in ( R/r0)6 reduce to zero value. When higher order terms than y6 are a dded to (4.4), a calculation leading to the analogue of (4.12), may yield the limit value 6/5 instead of the factor 22/5. In that case the value of Beq(sphere) changes into 12 2 eq 2 006sphere 1 .5G m R cr r oB (4.13) For R = r0 the field Beq(sphere) reduces to value of the ideal gravitomagnetic dipole of (1.7b) . In the limiting case of R - 0 the series expansio n of Beq(sphere) of both (4.12) and (4.13) simplify to Bc(sphere) , the gravitomagnetic fi eld at the centre of the sphere 12 c 0sphere .Gm croB (4.14) The latter result can more easily be found by a direct calculation from (4. 8) and (4. 10). Relation (4.14 ) has ea rlier been given by Biemond [2 ]. Contrary to the ideal dipole model discussed in secti on 1, no singularity is obtained for Bc(sphere) ( see comment to (1.7)) . Secondly, another limiting case occurs for R >= r0. The series expansion of (4.1 1) then yields for Beq(sphere) 12 2 00 eq 3(sphere) 1 terms in .5nG m r r cR R oB (4.15) The series expansion on the r. h. s. of (4.1 1) may contain non -zero terms in (r0/R)n with n ranging from n = -4 up to +. Although for n = -4, -3, -2, -1, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5 and
+6 appear to be zero, higher order terms may give a non -zero contribution. When all terms in (R/r0)n for n >= +7 wo uld be zero, only the first term on the r. h. s. of in (4.15) would survive. In that case the relation of (4.15) would coincide with the result of (1.7b) for the ideal dipole model. In any case, for R >> r0, the first term of (4.15) reduces to the result o f (1.7b). By combining (4.9) and (4.10), this limiting value of (4.15) follows more directly. Furthermore, calculations of the sum S of the seven terms between parentheses on the r.h.s. of (4.11) (term 1 T1, and so on) show that S yields zero value for R = 1.075 8r0. When more higher order terms are included in the truncated series expansion of (4.11), the value S = 0 shifts to lower values of R. In order to get an impression of this change, we calculate the value of R, where the subsequent terms between parentheses on the r. h. s. of (4.11) reduce to zero value. One obtains 0 0 0 0 0 0 0term1 : 1.5865 , term2: =1.1923 , term3: =1.0632 , term4: = , term5: =0.963 1 , term6: =0.9392 , term7: 0.9226 .R r R r R r R r R r R r R r (4.16) These results suggest that for a more extended series expansion of (4.11) Beq(sphere) reduces to zero value for R < r0. For the hypothetical expression (4.13) Beq(sphere) reduces to zero value for R = (5/6) 1/2r0 = 0. 912 9r0. 11 Table 1. Calculated contributions to Beq(sphere), in units of -bc-1G 1/2mr0-1o, for different values of R from the respective terms between parentheses on the r. h. s. of (4.1 1). In addition, the sum of the seven contributions to Beq(sphere), S, in units of -bc-1G 1/2mr0-1o, is given. Moreover, the value s of Beq(sphere) from (4.1 3), E, (educated guess) and (1.7b), (ideal dipole model) in units of -bc-1G 1/2mr0-1o, are also calculated for values of 0 <= R <= r0 and R >= r0, respectively. The ratio S/D in percent is added , too. See also text. Term number R = 0 R = 0.1r0 R = 0.2r0 R = 0.3r0 R = 0.4r0 R = 0.5r0 1 +1 +0.4985602 +0.2858298 +0.1748438 +0.1114844 +0.0731552 2 0 +0.2407060 +0.2017063 +0.1432946 +0.0968765 +0.0640255 3 0 +0.1108213 +0.1321591 +0.1093745 +0.0793897 +0.0537657 4 0 +0.0534363 +0.0868254 +0.0831722 +0.06504 99 +0.0455215 5 0 +0.0276890 +0.0581420 +0.0637778 +0.0537342 +0.0390184 6 0 +0.0155428 +0.0398919 +0.0494598 +0.0447903 +0.0338160 7 0 +0.0094352 +0.0280932 +0.0388149 +0.0376558 +0.0295805 S +1 +0.9561908 +0.8326477 +0.6627376 +0.4889809 +0.3388830 E +1 +0.988 +0.952 +0.892 +0.808 +0.700 Term number R = 0.6r0 R = 0.7r0 R = 0.8r0 R = 0.9r0 R = r0 R = 1.1r0 1 +0.0489741 +0.0332201 +0.0226920 +0.0155112 +0.0105323 +0.0070346 2 +0.0415967 +0.0264679 +0.0163027 +0.0094834 +0.0049192 +0.0018792 3 +0.0345870 +0.0210692 +0.0118577 +0.0057277 +0.0017360 -0.0007977 4 +0.0293367 +0.0173542 +0.0090341 +0.0035142 0 -0.0021327 5 +0.0253749 +0.0147264 +0.0071699 +0.0021555 -0.0009766 -0.0027981 6 +0.0222964 +0.0127902 +0.0058820 +0.0012859 -0.0015381 -0.0031 145 7 +0.0198356 +0.0113103 +0.0049560 +0.0007101 -0.0018616 -0.0032412 S +0.2220014 +0.1369383 +0.0778944 +0.0383881 +0.01281128 -0.0031704 D -0.2 -0.1502630 E +0.568 +0.412 +0.232 +0.028 -0.2 S/D(%) 2.110 Term number R = 1.2r0 R = 1.3r0 R = 1.4r0 R = 1.5r0 R = 1.6r0 R = 1.7r0 1 +0.0045522 +0.0027772 +0.0015019 +0.0005837 -0.0000766 -0.0005492 2 -0.0001264 -0.0014275 -0.0022476 -0.0027392 -0.0030067 -0.0031222 3 -0.0023488 -0.0032441 -0.0037063 -0.0038861 -0.0038854 -0.0037726 4 -0.003 3398 -0.0039408 -0.0041547 -0.0041288 -0.0039606 -0.0037141 5 -0.0037459 -0.0041327 -0.0041733 -0.0040108 -0.0037385 -0.0034156 6 -0.0038633 -0.0040909 -0.0040081 -0.0037541 -0.0034177 -0.0030533 7 -0.0038340 -0.0039408 -0.0037688 -0.0034534 -0.0030788 -0.0026950 S -0.0127060 -0.0179997 -0.0205570 -0.0213887 -0.0211643 -0.0203219 D -0.1157407 -0.0910332 -0.0728863 -0.0592593 -0.0488281 -0.0407083 S/D(%) 10.98 19.77 28.20 36.09 43.34 49.92 Term number R = 1.8r0 R = 1.9r0 R = 2.0r0 R = 2.5r0 R = 3.0r0 R = 10r0 1 -0.0008840 -0.0011174 -0.0012755 -0.0014677 -0.0012974 -0.00012144 2 -0.0031356 -0.0030815 -0.0029840 -0.0022806 -0.0016394 -0.00005344 3 -0.0035935 -0.0033786 -0.0031479 -0.0020704 -0.0013235 -0.00001751 4 -0.0034304 -0.0031354 -0.0028451 -0.0016653 -0.0009613 -0.00000534 5 -0.0030785 -0.0027488 -0.0024387 -0.0012850 -0.0006738 -0.00000160 6 -0.0026930 -0.0023543 -0.0020458 -0.0009758 -0.0004661 -0.00000047 7 -0.0023296 -0.0019964 -0.0017008 -0.0007367 -0.0003212 -0.00000014 S -0.019144 5 -0.0178124 -0.0164377 -0.0104815 -0.0066827 -0.00019994 D -0.0342936 -0.0291588 -0.025 -0.0128 -0.0074074 -0.0002 S/D(%) 55.83 61.09 65.75 81.89 90.22 99.97 12 In table 1 the separate values of the seven terms between parentheses on the r. h. s. of (4. 11) for increasing values of R have been given in units of -bc-1G 1/2mr0-1o for the interval 0 <= R <= 10r0. Furthermore, the sum S of the seven terms has been added. The values of the hypothetical field Beq(sphere) from (4.13), denoted by E (educated guess) , for values of R in the interval 0 <= R <= r0, have also been gi ven in the same units. Finally, the value of Beq(sphere) from t he dipole model of (1.7b), D, has been given again in the same units for values of R >= r0. The absolute value of the ratio S/D in percent is also added to table 1. It appears that values of D are always more negative than those of S. For values of R >= 10r0 both values coincide within 0.3 %. In figure 2 the first term (= term 1 = T1) between parentheses on the r. h. s. of Beq(sphere) of (4.11) and the S have been plotted against increasing values of R. The former curve accurately displays the behavior of Beq(sphere) in the limiting cases R - 0 and R - . The S versus R curve illustrates the more accurate overall behaviour of Beq(sphere), but is still a rough approximation. The result for S would i mprove when higher order than y6 would be incorporated into (4.4), but their calculation is cumbersome. The S versus R curve can be compared with E versus R curve from (4.13) for the interval 0 <= R <= r0 and with D versus R curve from (1.7b) for the interva l r0 <= R < 10r0 (or larger). The area between the S one side and the E and D curves on the other reflects our uncertainty. R Figure 2. Values of T1 and S of Beq(sphere) from (4.1 1), expressed in units of -bc-1G 1/2mr0-1o, have been plotted against incre asing values of R, in units of r0. Moreover, the values of E, the hypothetical expression of Beq(sphere) from (4.13), and the value s D from the dipole model of (1.7b), all expressed in units of -bc-1G 1/2mr0-1o, have been plotted against R. See also text. 4.2 CALCULATION OF THE EQUATORIAL GRAVITOMAGNETIC FIELD BY APPLICATION OF STOKES' THEOREM As an alternative method to calculate the equatorial gravitomagnetic field , one may use Stokes' theorem . For the surface denoted by ABCDEFA in figure 3 the r. h. s. o f (1.1a) is zero, since rv = 0. Application of Stokes' theorem to (1.1a) then yields ( ) d d d d d d d d 0.B C D E F A A B C D E F B S B s B s B s B s B s B s B s (4.17) Figure 3. Application of Stokes' theorem to the surface ABCDEFA in the y-z plane through the centre of the sphere O. S denotes th e angular momentum of the sphere and M is its gravitomagnetic moment. The angle between S and the position vector R is denoted by th. Bth is the th-component of the gravitomagnetic field B along the semi -circle BCD . Utilizing the calculated value for the gr avitomagnetic field at the poles of the sphere, Bp(sphere) of (3.8), relation (4.17) can be evaluated. By combining (1.3), (1.5) and (3.8) , one obtains Bp(sphere) = 2 R-3 M for a homogeneous mass density (i.e ., fs = 1). Subsequent integration over the inte rval AB (and interval DE) then results into 03 p 2 2 0d (sphere) d 2 d d .B B R E A A r DMMRr R B s B s M R B s (4.18) When the radius R of the semi -circle BCD is very large, the gravitomagnetic field B along the semi -circle is given by the expression (1.6) for the ideal gravitoma gnetic dipole located at the centre of the sphere. The component of B along the semi -circle BCD , is then given Bth = - R-3M sinth. Integration of B along the semi -circle BCD then yields p 3 2 02d d sin .CD BCMMR R d R B s B s (4.19) Combination of (4.1 7), (4.1 8) and (4.1 9) then yields the following result for the component of B along the semi -circle EFA 2 02d d .FA EFM r B s B s (4.20) As an example, the result of (4.17) can be obtained for the following component of the gravitomagnetic field Bth along t he semi -circle EFA 3 0sin . B Mr R (4.21) This expression for Bth agrees with relation (1.6), representing the field of the ideal gravitomanetic dipole located at the centre of the sphere. Although the solution for Bth is compatible with condition (4.17), a different r esult from (4.11) for Bth might follow when a more complete series expansion would be calculated. Bth A F ro R S M n E y z th m B D O C 14 5. GRAVITY PROBE B In the derivation of the precession rate O(gm) for a gyroscope of (1.11) the validity of a point dipole model is usually assumed. For exa mple, the latter assumption has implicitly been made in the derivations of (1.10) given by Schiff [11, 12] and Weinberg [13], as well as in the gravitomagnetic approach followed by Biemond [5]. The last author compared the classical and gravitomagnetic der ivations of (1.10) to each other. Whereas Weinberg [13] introduced a dimensionless vector potential z defined in his equation (9.1.61), Biemond [5] used the vector potential A defined in section 1 of this work . The vector potentials z and A are related by [5, p.4] 12 12= 4 . cGzA (5.1) In this work the gravitomagne tic field B acting on the gyroscope has been calculated from the vector potential A (see eqs. (2.4) and (2.8)). From the accurate calculation of the polar gravitomagnetic field Bp(sphere) of (3.8), presented in section 3, follows that this result coincide s with the field from the ideal dipole approximation (1.7a). The equatorial gravitomagnetic field Beq(sphere) from the truncated series expansion (4.11), however, deviates from the dipole field of (1.7b). In order to compare observations with predictions from (1.11) we first calculate Earth's angular momentum S from (1.3). Introduction of a homogeneity factor fs = 0.82675 [23], a mass m = 5.972 x1027 g, a radius r0 = 6,378 km and an angular velocity o
= 7.292x10-5 rad.s-1 into (1.3), yields a value S = 5.858x1040 g.cm2.s-1. In 2004 Gravity Probe B was launched in a nearly circular polar orbit with a semi - major axis of 7,027 km , corresponding to an orbit of about 649 km. Since the result for the prece ssion rate O(gm) is only slightly affected by the small eccentricity e = 0.0014 (see data from 2005 in ref. [14]) , we will neglect its influence on our calculation . Introduction of R = 7,027 km and S = 5.858x1040 g.cm2.s-1 into (1.11) yields a value of 40.8 mas.yr-1 for O(gm). From combination of R = 7,027 km and r0 = 6,378 km one obtains R = 1.1 0r0. From the truncated series expansion of Beq(sphere) in table 1 follows for R = 1.10r0, that the ratio between the absolute value of Beq(sphere) and the corresp onding value from the dipole model is only 0.0 211. Therefore, in a first order calculation of O(gm) only the contribution from the polar region has been taken into account , whereas the contribution from the equatorial region will be neglected . So, we repla ce the integration of (1.11) by m 22 2 3 2 3 00(gm) 4 3cos 1 0.7542 ,GGddc R c R SSO (5.2) where m is the magic angle ( 3cos2m - 1 = 0, m = 54.7 4o). Compared with the integral of (1.11) , the contributions from the interval s m < < 180o-m and 18 0o+m < < 360o-m have been neglected. Instead of the standard precession rate O(gm) = 0.5 GS/(c2R3) from (1.11), we now find the higher precession rate O(gm) = 0.7542 GS/(c2R3) of (5.2). Note that the contributions to O(gm) from the polar and excluded intervals in the dipole model possess opposite signs. As a result, the obtained va lue for O(gm) is a factor of 1.51 higher than the standard value for O(gm) , equivalent to 61.5 mas.yr-1. Since we have only calculated the gravitomagnetic field B at angles = 0o (the poles) and = 90o (the equator), but not at other values of , the lat ter figure can be regarded as a maximum. Moreover, the ratio between the absolute value of Beq(sphere) from a complete series expansion for (4.11) and the corresponding value from the dipole model may yield unity value, so that the standard value from (1.1 1) applies for O(gm) . In May 2011, the final results of the Gravity Probe B experiment for the two orthogonal contributions to the observed precession rate were published by Everitt et al. 15 [24]. Firstly, a geodetic precession rate of 6601.8 +- 18.3 mas.yr-1 (1s error, or 68% confidence interval) was reported, to be compared with the predict ed 6606.1 mas.yr-1. Since we have not analysed the geodetic effect in our work, we will not discuss it further. Secondly, a frame -dragging or gravitomagnetic precession rate of 37.2 +- 7.2 mas.yr-1 (1s error, or 68% confidence interval) was reported. It is noticed that a value of 39.2 mas.yr-1 for the standard precession rate O(gm) is given, instead of the previously reported value of 40.9 mas .yr-1. Above, we extracted a value of 40.8 mas.yr-1 from previously published results. It is noticed that the frame -dragging effect has to be separated off from a solar geodetic effect and an effect due to the proper motion of the guide star. The latter contributions amount to 16.2 +- 0.6 and 20.0 +- 0.1 mas.yr-1, respectively (see, ref. [24]), resulting into a total measured effect of 75.4 mas.yr-1. A discussion of the involved errors is given by Everitt et al. [24] and by Will [25]. Previously, a critical discussion of the Gravity Probe B mission was given by Brumf iel [26]; see ref. [27] for comment. 6. THE LAGEOS SATELLITES Previously, Ciufolini et al. [16] have analy sed the Lense -Thirring precessions of the orbits of the LAGEOS and LAGEOS 2 satellites with semimajor axes aLAGEOS = 12,270 km and aLAGEOS 2 = 12,1 63 km, respectively. The given eccentricities are small and amount to eLAGEOS 0.004 and eLAGEOS 2 0.014, respectively. Ciufolini and Pavlis [18] reported a result of 99 +- 5 per cent of the value of -O-L-T- predicted by (1.12), but they allowed for a total error of +- 10 per cent uncertainty to include unknown and not mode lled sou rces of error. However, the accuracy of this result is disputed by several authors. For example, referring to [18], the GP -B team remarked [28]: In their measurement, the frame -dragging effect needs to be separated by an extremely elaborate modelling proc ess from Newtonian effects more than 10,000,000 times larger than the effect to be measured. (compare with data from ref. [17]). Additional criticism was given and summarized by Iorio [29]. His conservative error estimate is 20 -45%. Using a radius r0 = 6,378 km for the Earth, one obtains R 1.9r0. Table 1 shows that for this value of R the ratio S/D between the more accurate , absolute value of Beq(sphere) and the corresponding value from the dipole model is 0.61. An extrapolation of the contribution from the higher order terms to the r. h. s. of (4.11) raises the latter ratio to about unity value. Therefore, the deviation from the ideal dipole value of Beq(sphere) will be neglected. Thus, the Lense -Thirring precession of (1.12) may be unaffected by a poss ible non -ideal dipole gravitomagnetic field at Earth's equator. 7. DISCUSSION In this section electromagnetic analogues of the gravitomagnetic field B(gm), B(em), are shortly discussed. In addition, the nature of B(gm) is considered more in detail. 7.1. THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD Analogous to (1.1), the electromagnetic field B = B(em) in the stationary case can be obtained from the simplified Maxwell equations (see, e.g., [9, SS 26 and SS 30]) 1 e 4 and 0,c B v B (7.1) where v is velocity and re is the density of a charge element dq = e dV. Comparison of (1.1) and (7.1) shows that the factor -bG 1/2 has been replaced by +e. Note that B = B(em) has the dimension of a magnetic induction field. Assuming the ideal dipole located at the centre, the following electromagnetic 16 fields B(em) can be calculated from (7.1) for a sphere with homoge neous charge density 1 2 3 1 125 p 0 c 0 1 2 315 eq 0(sphere) , (sphere) and (sphere) ,c Qr R c Qr c Qr R B o B o B o (7.2) where Q is the total charge of the sphere. The fields Bp(sphere), Bc(sphere) and Beq(sphere) denote the el ectromagnetic fields at the poles, at the centre and in the limiting case R - , respectively. These fields are completely analogous to their respective gravitomagnetic counterparts of (3.8), (4.1 4) and (4.1 5). Comparison of the corresponding fields B(gm) and B(em) shows that the following transformation has been carried out 12. G m Q (7.3) In order to obtain additional electromagnetic analogues, the same transformation of (7.3) can be applied to equations (1.8), (4.5), (4.8), (4.9) and (4.11). Furthermore, the electromagnetic analogue Beq(sphere) for R = r0 deserves special attention. From the ideal dipole model follows 1115 eq 0 3 0(em)(sphere) , c Qrr MB o (7.4) where M(em) is the electromagnetic moment of the sphere. Analogous to (4.11), the electromagnetic field Beq(sphere) can approximately be calculated. Utilizin g the transformation (7.3) to the units of table 1 and figure 2, similar results and curves are obtained for the respective electromagnetic analogues. It is possible, however, that the field Beq(sphere) reduces to (7.4), when a more complete series expansi on would be used. 7.2. NATURE OF THE GRAVITOMAGNETIC FIELD Several authors (see, e.g., [2 -8]) have introduced a gravitomagnetic field starting from the Einstein equations in the slow motion and weak field approximation. In general, it is implicitly assu med that the nature of the gravitomagnetic field B = B(gm) is totally different from its electromagnetic counterpart B = B(em). Since numerous definitions of the gravitomagnetic field are mathematically possible, several different definitions for B(gm) hav e been given. Alternatively, it has previously been proposed that the gravitomagnetic field B(gm) generated by rotating mass and the electromagnetic field B(em) due to moving charge are equivalent [2, 4, 5, 20, 30]. Gravitational and electromagnetic pheno mena are then connected by the magnetic induction field. Therefore, the same dimensions for B(gm) and B(em) are chosen . It is stressed, however, that the dependence of B(em) on distance R, for example, does not change by this particular choice (compare wit h figure 2) . We now briefly outline some consequences of this special interpretation of the gravitomagnetic field. Identification of B = B(gm) in (1.4) as a magnetic induction field implies that rotating electrically neutral matter generates a magnetic fi eld. For example, the rotating Earth generates a magnetic field with a magnetic dipole moment M = M(gm), according to (1.5). Then, this equation represents the so -called Wilso n-Blackett law. It appears that this relation is approximately valid for many , strongly different , celestial bodies and for some rotating metallic cylinders in the laboratory as well (for a review, see ref. [2] and references therein; for pulsars, see [30]). It is noticed that the observed values of the magnetic dipole moment M(obs) an d S vary over the large interval of about sixty decades! The correct order of magnitude of M(obs) compared with M(gm) from (1.5) is an important reason to propose that B(gm) from (1.4) is equivalent to the magnetic 17 induction field B(em) generated by moving charge. Discrepancies between the values of B(gm) predicted by (1.4) and the observed fields B(obs) exist, but they may be attributed to interfering effects from electromagnetic origin [2, 30]. Another indication for the proposed equivalence of the field s B(gm) and B(em) is formed by the existence of low frequency quasi -periodic oscillations (QPOs). They have been observed for a number of accreting millis econd X -ray pulsars, soft gamma repeaters and black holes. Application of our special interpretation o f the gravitomagnetic field results in the deduction of four new gravitomagnetic precession frequencies , which have been identified with observed low frequency QPOs [20]. Predictions of the pr oposed model were compared with observed low frequency QPOs of t he pulsars SAX J1808. 4- 3658, XTE J180 7-294, IGR J00291 +5934 and SGR 180 6-20. The results seem to be compatible with the presented model. Moreover, similar results have been obtained for the stellar black hole XTE J155 0-564 and the supermassive black hole S gr A* . In addition, it has been pointed out [5] previously, that equivalence of fields B(gm) and B(em) will lead to an alternative result for the standard gravitomagnetic precession rate O(gm) (or frame -dragging effect) of a gyroscope. A gyroscope subjected to a total field B(tot) = B(gm) + B(em) cannot distinguish between these fields from different origin and B = B(tot) has to be substituted into (1.9). However, the gyroscopes in the experimental set -up of Gravity Probe B have carefully been shielded against all external magnetic fields [31, 32]. Then, both fields B(gm) and B(em) from the Earth may be filtered out and a precession rate O 0 may be found. Usually, it is assumed, however, that the field B(gm) has properties totally different from the magnetic induction field B(em) generated by moving charge. In that case a gravitomagnetic precession rate of about 40.8 mas.yr-1 is predicted. As has been discussed in section 5, results from t he Gravity Probe B experiment largely confirm the last possibility. Furthermore, the equivalence between B(gm) and B(em) will also affect the value of the Lense -Thirring precession rate -O-L-T- of (1.12). In this case, in deducing -O-L-T-, the field B(gm) in (1.9) has again to be replaced by the total field B(tot) = B(gm) + B(em). Otherwise stated, we should use M(tot) = M(gm) + M(em) in the calcul ation. From (1.5) the (absolute) value of the gravitomagnetic dipole moment M(gm) of the Earth can be calculated. Choosing b = + 1 and substituting S = 5.858x1040 g.cm2.s-1 into (1.5) yields M(gm) = 2.5 24x1026 G.cm3. The observed magnetic moment M(obs) of the Earth, however, is equal to 7.91x1025 G.cm3 (see, e.g., [2]). The dimensionless ratio beff M(obs) /M(gm) may re flect the strength of the electromagnetic contribution. It amounts to beff = 0.31 in this case (When no electromagnetic contribution would be present , beff would reduce to unity valu e). Therefore, the electromagnetic contribution leads to a reduction of the total magnetic field B(tot). As a result, the Lense -Thirring precession rate -O-L-T- may be reduce d by a factor of 0.31 to 32LT 2 3 220.31 . (1 )G c a e SO (7.5) Thus, in this case th e prediction for the Lense -Thirring prediction is about 31 percent of the predicted value of (1.12), instead of the observed value of 99 +- 10 per cent reported by Ciufolini and Pavlis [18]. 8. CONCLUSIONS Usually, the gravitomagnetic field B(gm) of a sp inning sphere with radius r0 is calculated from an ideal gravitomagnetic dipole, located at the centre of the sphere. For a sphere with a homogeneous mass density the gravitomagnetic field calculated from this model is not valid within the sphere and may d eviate in the vicinity of the sphere. Utilizing series expansions, expressions for the gravitomagnetic fields at the pole, B(gm) 18 = Bp(sphere), and at the equator, B(gm) = Beq(sphere), at distance R from the centre are presented. These series expansion s can also be applied for the calculation of the corresponding electro magnetic induction fields B(em), generated by a rotating sphere with homogeneous charge density . The polar gravitomagnetic field Bp(sphere) of (3.8) is calculated and appears to coincide wit h the prediction (1.7a) from the ideal dipole model. Thus, the field from (3.8) applies to the poles from R = r0 to R - , i.e., from the surface of the sphere to infinity. In case of R = r0 the field of (3.8) reduces to the ideal dipole result (1.8a). Calculation of the equatorial gravitomagnetic field Beq(sphere) appears to be much more complicated. A truncated series expansion for Beq(sphere) is presented in (4.11). As to be expected, i n the limiting case R - this relation (4.11) coincides with the re sult of the ideal dipole model (compare equations (4.15) and (1.7b)). F or R = r0, however, Beq(sphere) from (4.11) deviate s from the ideal dipole result (1.8b) (see also figure 2). A more extended series expansion of (4.11) for R = r0 will shift the value of Beq(sphere) of the calculated sum of seven terms S = -0.0128 bc-1G 1/2mr0-1o from table 1 into the direction of the ideal dipole value + 0.2 bc-1G 1/2mr0-1o of (1.7b). For values of R >= 10r0 both values for Beq(sphere) coincide within 0.3%. Moreover, for values R smaller than r0 the ideal dipole model completely fails; it predicts the wrong sign and magnitude for the field Beq(sphere) , as can be seen from (1.7b) and table 1 . As an illustration, in figure 4 field pattern are given for B(gm) from an ideal gravitomagnetic dipole M(gm) (compare with Mc Tavish [33] for a figur e drawn to scale) and for the more accurate description of B(gm) , inspired by expression (4.11) . Note that within the sphere the field patterns of panels a and b widely differ, whereas they converge for, say R >= 3r0. The corresponding electromagnetic fields B(em) yield analogous field patte rn. Figure 4. Sketch of the field lines of B(gm) from an ideal gravitomagnetic dipole moment M, located at the centre of a sphere with radius r0 (panel a). A more accurate picture of the field lines of B(gm) , inspired by relation (4.11), is given in panel b. a b M M r0 S M M M r0 S M 19 A discussion of the electromagnetic fields B(em) at the poles, at the centre and at the equator of the sphere, Bp(sphere) , Bc(sphere) and Beq(sphere) , respectively, has been given in section 7.1. For the Gravity Probe B experiment with an orbit at R = 1.10r0 the equatorial gravitomagnetic field Beq(sphere) may lie between zero value and the ideal dipole value
+1/5 bc-1G 1/2mr0-1o (see section 5). T he calculated gravitomagnetic precession rates of a gyroscope , O(gm) , are then 61.5 and 40.8 mas.yr-1, respectively. Instead of these high values, Everitt et al. [24] recently reported a value O(gm) of 37.2 +- 7.2 mas.yr-1 (1s error, or 68% confidence interval). They deduced a standard result of 39.2 m as.yr-1. When gravitomagnetic and electromagnetic field are equivalent (see section 7.2), the predicted value for O(gm) is nearly zero. In table 2 the standard and alternative val ues of O(gm) for the gyroscopes are compared with reported ones. Fair agreement with the standard prediction is found. See sections 5 and 7.2 for a discussion of these results. Furthermore, in table 2 the observed and predicted Lense -Thirring precession r ates for the LAGEOS/LAGEOS 2 satellites have been compared. All results have been normalized with respect to the standard result of (1.12). The predicted rate for equivalent gravitomagnetic and electromagnetic fields is a factor of 0.33 smaller. All these theoretical results can be compared with the observed value, which differs a factor 0.99 +- 0.10 from the standard result. However, the reported error has been criticized by several authors (see section 6). Table 2. Comparison of observed and theoretical r esults for Gravity Probe B and the LAGEOS satellites. Gravity Probe B Standard result, based on B(gm) only (mas.yr-1) Observed value (mas.yr-1) Prediction, based on B(gm) + B(em) f (mas.yr-1) 40.8 a 39.2 b 37.2 +- 7.2 (1 s) b 0 LAGEOS + LAGEOS 2 satellites Standard result, based on B(gm) only (normalized) c Observed result (normalized) c Prediction, based on B(gm) + B(em) f (normalized) 1 0.99 +- 0.10 d +- 0.20-45 e 0.33 a Gravitomagnetic precession rate (or frame -dragging effect), calculated from (1.11). See section 5. b Ref. [24]. c Lense -Thirring precession from (1.12), normalized to unity value. d Ref. [ 18]. e Ref. [29]. f See section 7.2. Summing up, both the results from the Gravity Probe B experiment and from the LAGEOS sa tellites are in fair agreement with the standard interpretation of general relativity. Perhaps, the proposed equivalence of the gravitomagnetic field and the magnetic field due to moving charge may not be ruled out definitively. Indications of such an equi valence are the approximate validity of the so -called Wilson Blackett law and the compatibility of four observed and predicted low frequency quasi -periodic oscillations (QPOs) of four pulsars and two black holes (see section 7.2). Further observations and analyses will decide between all proposed alternatives. In any case, the more detailed deduction of the gravitomagnetic field in a sphere may be helpful in numerous future applications. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank dr. F. Henry -Couannier for a discussion about the ideal dipole character of the gravitomagnetic field near a rotating sphere. The technical help of my son Pieter in publishing this paper is also gratefully acknowledged. 20 REFERENCES [1] Heaviside, O., A gravitational and electromagn etic analogy. In: Electromagnetic Theory , 3rd ed., Chelsea Publishing Company, New York, vol. I, app B , pp. 455 -466 (1971) (1st ed. at London in 1922). [2] Biemond, J., Gravito -magnetism , 2nd ed. (1999). Postal address: Sansovinostraat 28, 5624 JX Eindhov en, The Netherlands. E-mail: Websites: and [3] Peng, H., On calculation of magnetic -type gravitation and experiments. Gen. Rel. Grav. 15, 725 -735 (1983). [4] Biemond, J., Gravi -magnetism , 1st ed. (1984). See also Ref. [2]. [5] Biemond, J., Which gravitomagnetic precession rate will be measured by Gravity Probe B? arXiv:p hysics /0411129v1 [physics.gen -ph], 13 Nov 2004. [6] Mashhoon, B., arXiv: gr-qc/0011014v1 , 3 Nov 2000; Gravitoelectro - magnetism: a brief review. arXiv: gr-qc/0311030v1 , 8 Nov 2003 and references therein . 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[20] Biemond, J., Quasi -periodic oscillations, charge and the gravitomagnetic theory. arXiv: 0706.0 313v 2 [physics.gen -ph], 20 Mar 2009. [21] Jackson, J. D., Classical electrodynamics , 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, ch. 5 (1975). [22] Gradshteyn, I. S. and Ryzhik, I. M., Tables of integrals, series, and products , 5th ed., (Ed. Jeffrey, A.), Academ ic Press, Boston (1994). [23] Williams, J. G., Contributions to Earth's obliquity rate, precession, and nutation. Astron . J. 108, 711-724 (1994). [24] Everitt, C. W. F., DeBra, D. B., Parkinson, B. W., et al. Gravity Probe B: Final results of a space experiment to test general relativity. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 221101 -1-5 (2011). [25] Will, C. M., Finally, results from Gravity Probe B. Physics 4, 43-46 (2011). [26] Brumfiel, G., Gravity probe falters. Nature 444, 978 -979 (2006). [27] GP-B team, A re cent story about GP -B in Nature. In update December 22, 2006. See also: Polhode motion in the GP -B gyros. In update November 20, 2006. [28] GP-B team, Gravity Probe B mission u pdate. In update October 22, 2006. [29] Iorio, L., On some critical issues of the LAGEOS -based tests of the Lense -Thirring effect . J. Mod. Phys. 2, 210 -218 (2011). [30] Biemond, J., The origin of the magnetic field of pulsars and the gravitomagnetic theory. In: Trends in pulsar research (Ed. Lowry, J. A.), Nova Science Publishers, New York, ch. 2 (2007) (updated and revised version of arXiv:a , 22 Jan 2004). [31] Anderson, J. T., Cabrera, B., Everitt, C. W. F., Leslie, B. C. and Lipa, J. A., Progress on the relativity gyroscope experiment since 1976. In: Proceedings of the second Marcel Grossmann meeting on general relativity (Ed. R. Ruffini), North -Holland Pub lishing Company, Amsterdam, pp. 939 -957 (1982). [32] Bardas, D. et. al ., Gravity Probe B: II. Hardware development; progress towards the flight instrument. In: Proceedings of the sixth Marcel Grossmann meeting on general relativity (Eds. H. Sato and T. Nakamura), World Scientific Press, Singapore, pp. 382 -393 (1992). [33] Mc Tavish, J. P., Field pattern of a magnetic dipole Am. J. Phys . 68, 577 -578 (2000). Erratum: Am. J. Phys . 69, 1112 (2001). | 0802.3346 | J. Biemond | Jacob Biemond | The gravitomagnetic field of a sphere, Gravity Probe B and the LAGEOS
satellites | Revised and updated version. 20 pages, 4 figures and 2 tables | null | null | null | physics.gen-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The gravitomagnetic field generated by a rotating sphere is usually
calculated from the ideal dipole model. However, for a sphere with a
homogeneous mass density, this model is not generally valid. Trying to obtain a
more accurate value of the gravitomagnetic field inside and outside the sphere,
series expansions for this field are presented in this paper. The calculated
polar gravitomagnetic field of the sphere and that from the ideal dipole model
appear to coincide, but the field in the vicinity of the sphere may deviate.
The deduced field within the sphere strongly deviates from the ideal dipole
result. As an illustration, the gravitomagnetic precession rate (or
frame-dragging effect) of a gyroscope moving in the gravitomagnetic field from
a large rotating sphere is calculated. For the Gravity Probe B experiment the
result may coincide with the prediction from the ideal dipole model and in fair
agreement with observations. In addition, the obtained Lense-Thirring
precession rate for the LAGEOS satellites probably coincides with the standard
prediction. For both experiments alternative predictions are calculated, when
the gravitomagnetic field and the magnetic field from moving charge are
equivalent. Theoretical and observational indications for such an equivalence
are summarized. The obtained series expansions for the gravitomagnetic field of
a sphere can also be applied to the calculation of the magnetic field,
generated by a rotating sphere with a homogeneous charge density. Results for
this case are also discussed.
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In this context this paper reports on the development of a finely granulated HCAL using Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) as the active medium, which meets the requirements of PFAs. In preparation for the construction of a larger prototype module, a stack of nine small chambers was assembled and exposed to the muons, electrons and pions of the Fermilab test b eam. Following the description of a general calibration procedure for such calorimeters , the measurements performed with the broad-band muon beam are described in detail. DESCRIPTION OF THE CALORIMETER STACK The calorimeter stack consisted of nine cham bers interleaved with the combination of a steel (16 mm) and a copper (4 mm) absorb er plates, corresponding to approximately 1.2 radiation length. The chambers measured 20 x 20 cm2 and were based on two separate designs. Eight chambers consiste d of two glass plates (default design), whereas one chamber featured only one gl ass plate (so-called 'exotic' design). A schematic of the two chamber designs is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The thickness of the glass plates was 1.1 mm and the gas gap was maintained with fishing lines with a diameter of 1.2 mm. The overa ll thickness of the chambers , including layers of Mylar for high voltage protection, was approximately 3.7 mm. Resistive paint Resistive paint Mylar 1.2mm gas gap Mylar Alumin um foil1.1mm glass 1.1mm glass-HV Signal pa ds G10 boar d Fishing l ines Figure 1. Schematic of the default chamber desi gn with two glass plates. Not to scale. Resistive paint Signal pa ds Mylar Alumin um foil1.1mm glass1.2mm gas ga p -HV G10 boar d Figure 2. Schematic of the 'exotic' cham ber design with one glass plate. Not to scale. The cham bers were o perated in saturate d av alanche m ode with an averag e high voltage setting around 6.1 kV. The gas consis ted of a m ixture of three com ponent s: R134A (94.5%), isobutane (5.0 %) and ( 0.5%). For more details on the design and perform ance of the cham bers, see [3]. The chambers were mounted on the absorber plates and these in turn were inserted into a hanging file structure. The gap betw een absorber plates was 13.4 mm, where 8.3 mm were taken by the chambers and their readout boards. DESCRIPTION OF THE ELEC TRONIC READOUT SYSTEM The electronic readout system is optimized for the readout of large numbers of channels. In order to avoid an unnecessary complexity of the system, the charge resolution of individual pads is reduced to a single bit (digital readout). The system consists of several parts which are briefly described in the following: a) Pad-board: the pad board is a four-lay er board containing the signal pick-up pads on one (the RPC) side and gluing pads on the other side. The signals are transferred from one to the other side vi a transfer lines. The dimensions of the board are 20 x 20 cm2, where the central 16 x 16 cm2 contain 256 1 x 1 cm2 signal pick-up pads. b) Front-end board: the front-end board contains the mirror-image of the pad-board's gluing pads on one side a nd four front-end Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) on the other side. Particular care was devoted to the shielding of the analog signal lines from the digital lines of the ASIC. Conductive adhesive was used to connect the gluing pads of the pad- and front- end boards. c) DCAL chip: the DCAL chip served as front-end ASIC, reading out 64 individual pads. The chip can be operated in high or low gain mode, where the latter is more suited for operating wi th RPCs. The threshold value is common to all channels of a chip and is set by an internal digital- to-analog converter (DAC) with a range of 256 counts. In low gain mode, the DAC range corresponds to threshold settings between ~20 and 700 fC. The output of the chip is a hit pattern (64 bits) and a time-stamp with a resolution of 100 ns. The chip can be operated in either triggered or self-trigger mode. d) Data concentrator: each data concentrat or receives data from four front-end ASICs. Events with zero hits in a gi ven ASIC are suppressed at this stage. e) Data collector: the VME-based data co llectors receive data from the front-end and format them for transfers to the data acquisition computer. A commercial VME-PCI bridge served as link to th e computer. Slow control signals for device configuration are sent from the da ta collector via the data concentrator to the front-end ASICs. f) Trigger and timing module: a VME-base d trigger and timing module generates the clock and time-stamp reset signals for the readout and distributes the external trigger signals to the data collector modules. The total number of readout channels was up to 2,304, for nine layers. More details, in particular, on certain performance aspects of the electronic readout system can be obtained from [4]. CALIBRATION PROCEDURE In a digital hadron calorimeter the energy of an incoming hadron, E hadron, can be reconstructed from the number of hits associ ated with that partic le. Ignoring effects of high-density sub-clusters, which might requ ire non-linear corrections, Eqn. 1 provides a general formula fo r reconstructing E hadron E hadron = a samp(SiHi) * S i(Hi-Bi)/(e iMIP*miMIP), (1) where i is an index running over all pads associated with an incoming particle H i is set to 1 (0) depending on whether a hit (or no hit) has been recorded in pad i B i are the expected number of background hits (from accidental discharges, electronic noise or co smic rays) for pad i e iMIP is the efficiency for pad i to fire when traversed by a minimum ionizing particle (MIP) m iMIP is the average number of pads firi ng when pad i is traversed by a MIP and a samp(SiHi) is a sampling term, possibly depending on the total number of hits. The sampling term can be regarded as i ndependent of specific running conditions and so to be time independent. It needs to be determined from test beam data and Monte Carlo simulations. The chamber's calibration constants (B, eMIP, mMIP) depend on both operational (such as high voltage and threshold settings) and environmental conditions (such as temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure). In the following we study the dependence on the operational parameters, assu ming that the environmental effects are small in comparison. Thus no corrections are applied for the environmental dependencies. Operation of the chambers in saturated avalanche mode results in an equal response from particles with differe nt masses (pions, protons...), such that the calibration constants, as establ ished with muons, can be genera lized to all particles in a hadronic shower. In a colliding beam experiment, the calibration of a RPC fine-grained digital hadron calorimeter can be maintained without the n eed of a dedicated calibration system, as any track segment within a hadronic shower can be used to obtain a measurement of the efficiency and pad multiplicity. MEASUREMENT OF THE NOISE RATE The noise rate was measured using the self-t rigger data acquisition mode of the DCAL chip. For a given high voltage setting, Fig. 3 shows the noise rate as a function of threshold for a selection of chambers. Tw o chambers, with an overall noise rate a factor 5 - 10 higher, due to hot spots, we re omitted from the plot. The rate at our Figure 3. Rate of noise hits per readout pad as a function of threshold for 6 different chambers. The measurements were performed with a high voltage setting of 6.3 (6.0) kV, for the default (exotic) chambers. The open circles indicate the re sults of the 'exotic' chamber (RPC6) default threshold setting of 110 DAC counts corresponds to about 0.15 Hz/cm2. Given a 300 ns gate width for triggered data acquisitio n, this rate translates into an accidental rate of 4.5*10-8 hits/pad/event. Extrapolated to a calorimeter with say 50*106 channels, as envisaged for the International Linear Col lider (ILC), this rate in turn corresponds to 0.2 hits/event. With the high voltage to the chambers turned off the noise rate was found to be less than 4*10-5 Hz/cm2. For a threshold setting of 110 counts, Fig. 4 shows the dependence of the noise rate on the high voltage of the chamber. The noise rate is seen to increase approximately quadraticaly with high voltage. Figure 5 shows the x - y map of the noise hits for a typical default and the 'exotic' chamber. A clear clustering along the fishi ng lines located approximately at x = 4.2 and 10.7 is visible. The noise rate was observed to fluctuate significantly over longer periods of time in comparison to the 5 minute noise data collection runs. Further studies to establish the impact of the environmental variables on these rates are ongoing. Figure 4. Rate of noise hits per readout pad as a function of high voltage for 6 different chambers. The measurements were performed with a threshold at 110 counts. The high voltage values for the exotic chamber (open circles) were set at 30 0 V less than indicated in the plot. Figure 5. x-y map of noise hits for a default and the exotic chambers, where the rate is proportional to the area of the shaded boxes . The fishing lines are located at x = 4.2 and 10.7 cm. TEST BEAM SETUP AND DATA COLLECTION The calibration procedure was performed at th e Meson Test Beam Facility (MTBF) of Fermilab [5]. The calibration runs were ta ken with the primary 120 GeV proton beam and a 9 foot (~ 3 m) iron beam blocker in place to produce muons and filter out the non-muon component. The readout of the stack was triggered by the coincidence of two large scintillator paddles, ea ch with an area of 19 x 19 cm2, located approximately 5.0 and 0.5 meters upstream of the stack. A phot ograph of the setup is shown in Fig.6. The beam came in spills of four second le ngth every one minute. The trigger rates were typically between 100 and 200 per spill. At these low rates the long recharge times (of the order of 1 msec) of the RPCs is not expected to decrease the efficiency of the chambers. For a given run, all default chambers were operated at the sa me high voltage and threshold settings. The 'exotic' chamber was op erated at the same threshold, but at a somewhat lower voltage, to ensure a similar MIP detection efficiency to the one obtained with the default chambers. Ta ble I summarizes the various operating conditions. For each setting 5,000 - 10,000 events were collected in separate data acquisition runs. Figure 6. Photograph of the setup at the Meson Test Beam Facility of Fermilab. The stack containing nine layers within the blue hanging file structure and part of the closer trigger scintillation counter are visible on the jack stand at left. The gas distribution rack is shown to the right. From these data sets, Fig. 7 shows various of two selected events. Figure 7.a shows the event display of a clean muon track, where in every layer a single pad fired. Depending on the location of th e avalanche with respect to the pad boundaries up to four pads might fire. Th e event display of Fig. 7.b shows a muon track entering the calorimeter with a slight inclination both horizontally and vertically. As a result some layers show more than one hit in both projections. Number of Chambers in the stack High Voltage in kV Threshold in DAC counts 30 50 8 6.2/5.9 70 30 70 110 150 9 6.3/6.0 210 30 50 70 110 150 190 7 6.4/5.8 210 30 120 8 6.5/6/2 210 Table I. Summary of calibration runs. The first/second number for the high voltage corresponds to the default/exotic chamber settings. For each setting between 5,000 and 10,000 events were collected. . Figure 7. Event displays of single muon tracks: a) w ith one hit per layer, and b) entering the calorimeter at a slight angle and therefore leading to multiple hits in some layers. ANALYSIS PROCEDURE The analysis of the test beam data selects clean single muon track segments for the measurement of the MIP detection efficien cy and the pad multiplicities. Due to the loose trigger conditions, some selection cr iteria for rejecting mu ltiple or showering particles were necessary. The analysis invol ved several steps, wh ich are described in detail in the following: a) Rejection of events with large number of hits. In order to reduce the contamination from multiple or showering particles, events with more than 50 hits were rejected, where a 'hit' is de fined as a single pa d firing, possibly as part of a cluster of nearby pads. T ypical single muon induced events have between 1 or 2 hits per layer. As a first step all hits in a given layer are , where 'touching' is defined as sharing avity of a cluster i (x i, yi) is obtained as the In order to reconstr uct track segments, only being considered. This is to avoid a ltiple tracks or showering particles. For the first the following (preceding) two layers are For intermediate la yers, clusters in the layer immediately preceding and in the layer just following are being two aligned clusters in these layers, of-gravity of the clusters DR2 = Dx2 + Dy2 < 9 ravity is extrapolated (or interpolated for intermediate layers) onto the layer being investigated. If the he border of the readout area, the track is d easurement of e these problems were not correlated to the chamber performance, a fiducial cut around the dead area of the chip s, including a one- f) troduced a small systematic uncertainty of 0.4% b) Clustering of the hits in each layer.assigned into clusters of touching cellsa common side. The position of the hits. c) Reconstruction of track with at most four hits are measurement bias due to mu(last) layer in the stack, clusters in being considered for track reconstruction. considered. A track segment is defined by where the difference in center- cm 2. d) Fiducial cuts to avoid the readout boundaries. Once aligned clusters have been identified, the track through their cente rs-of-g track position is with in 1 cm of t iscarded. This fiduci al cut ensures a proper m the pad multiplicity and avoids a bias due to the limited ar ea of the readout boards. e) Fiducial cut associated with readout problems. During the data taking period either all or part of the 64 channels of some DCAL chips developed readout problems. Sinc pad wide rim around the area, was introduced. This problem affected approximately 5% of the readout channels. 2 Additional cuts. In order to reduce the effect fr om showering particles, tracks are eliminated if any layer, apart from the layer being investigated, counts more than 10 hits. This cut in (0.04) on the efficiency (pad multiplicity). lem was later attributed to th e particular grounding schem oblems. 2 This prob e of the test be am setup. An improved grounding eliminated all these prg) Matching with clusters in the layer being investigated . In the layer being investigated clusters are searched for in the area around the track position. Any cluster with a DR2 < 10 cm2 from the position is considered a match. The number of hits associated to this cluster enters the measurement of the pa d multiplicity. If no cluster with DR2 < 10 cm2 is found, the layer is considered inefficient in this event. ependent analysis based on track r econstruction using all RPC layers (i.e. a An ind global fit), rather than using track segments reconstructed in pairs of chambers, was also This sepad muope and Figu For a g the numsegmen e For a given chamber i the pad multiplicity m MIP is defined as the average number of hits per track segme average. Figure 10 shows the average pad multiplicity versus threshold for the nine chambers performed. The results of the two appr oaches were found to be very consistent. DEPENDENCE ON THRESHOLD ction presents the de pendence of the chamber characteristics (efficiency and ltiplicity ) as a function of the signal threshold. The results were obtained while rating the default chambers at 6.3 kV. Due to the smaller distance between anode thode plane, the 'exotic' chamber wa s operated at 6.0 kV, which resulted in MIP detection efficiencies. The beam block produced a beam spot size which ated evenly the chamber's readout area. 8 shows the distributions of number of hits a re s seen in the nine chambers for a shold setting of 110 counts. The distributions for the i ndividual chambers are quite . Only RPC7 (based on the 'exotic ' design) shows a signi ficantly different r from all others. Due to the smaller distance of the signal pads to the gas , clusters only rarely contain more than a sine gle pad. iven chamber i the efficiency eiMIP for detecting a MIP is defined as the ratio of ber of track segments with at least one hit over the total number of track ts i = N ihits>0 /Nitotal .. ( 2 ) Measurements of the efficiency as a func tion of threshold are shown in Fig. 9. At a threshold of 30 counts the chamber e fficiencies are around 95%. With higher thresholds the efficiencies gradually decrease. i nt, where the 'zeros' are excluded from Whereas the default chambers show a decrease of the pad multiplicity with increasing threshold, the values for the 'exotic' chamber remain constant at around 1.1. Figure 8. Distribution of hits per track segment for RPC0 through RPC8. The chambers were operated with a high voltage of 6.3/6.0 kV. The threshold was set at 110 counts. Note that RPC7 is the 'exotic' design chamber. RPC0 (RPC1) shows a lower (higher) efficien cy together with a lower (higher) pad multiplicity. This suggests that the operati ng voltage for these chambers should have been chosen somewhat differently to obtai n similar results as for the other default chambers: higher for RPC0 and lower for RPC1 (see the next section for the high voltage dependence). RPC5 shows a lower e fficiency together with average numbers of the pad multiplicity. This is due to a lower efficiency in one corner of the chamber, the cause of which was later related to the particular grounding scheme employed during the beam tests. Figure 11 shows the pad multiplicity as a functi on of efficiency for all nine chambers. The results appear to lie on a common curve, even for the chambers RPC0 and RPC1 which require a somewhat different high voltage setting. Due to its efficiency problems, the results for RPC5 for a given pad multiplicity are shifted towards lower values for the efficiency. Again, the 'exotic' chamber s hows a constant pad multiplicity over a wide range of efficiencies. Figure 9. MIP detection efficiencies as function of threshold. The results of the 'exotic' chamber are shown as open squares. The measurements were performed with a high voltage setting of 6.3/6.0 kV. The results for RPC0-8 are shown individually. open squares. The measurements were performed under the same conditions as for Fig.9. Figure 10. Pad multiplicity as a function of threshold. The results of the 'exotic' chamber are shown as Figure 11. Pad multiplicity versus MIP detection effi ciency for RPC0 through RPC8. The results of the 'exotic' chamber are shown as open squares. Th e measurements were performed under the same conditions as for Fig. 9. DEPENDENCE ON HIGH VOLTAGE In order to study the dependence on the high vo ltage setting, the individual results for e various chambers have been averaged using weights inversely proportional to the easurement errors. Four chambers with obvious differences in operational high oltage requirements or with areas of inef ficiencies have been excluded from these verages. Due to its lower and near consta nt pad multiplicity, the exotic chamber has een excluded as well. igure 12 shows the MIP detec tion efficiency as a functi on of threshold for four ifferent high voltage settings. For a given th reshold a clear increase in efficiency with igher voltage is observed. he average pad multiplicity as a function of threshold is shown in Fig. 13. Again peration at higher voltages results in higher pad multiplicities. igure 14 shows the average pad multiplicities versus average efficiencies for four ifferent high voltage settings. For an efficiency of 95% (90%) average pad lower pad th m v a b F d h T o between 1.7 and 2.1 (1.4 and 1.6) are obtained. Furthermore, for a given efficiency, operation at higher voltages is seen to result in somewhat multiplicit adout stem [3]. The details of this di screpancy are still under investigation. with similar operating points and no areas of inefficiencies have been included in is measurement. The lines are fit to higher or der polynomials and only serve to guide the eye. ies. This effect was not observed in previous tests with an analog re sy Figure 12. Average MIP detection efficiencies as a function of threshold for four different high voltage sett ngs. Only chambers i th Figure 13. Average pad multiplicities as a function of threshold for four different high voltage settings. Only chambers with similar operating points and no areas of inefficiencies have been included in this measurement. The lines are fit to higher order polynomials and only serv e to guide the eye. Figure 14. Av high voltage settings. nly chambers with similar operating points and no areas of inefficiencies have been included in this easurement. sing only thos of inefficiencies, Fig. 15 shows an x y map of the inefficiency (defined as 1 - e) as averaged over the chambers. The data ere collected with a high voltage of 6.3 kV and a threshold of 110 counts with an verall MIP detection efficien cy of approximately 90%. In this figure, the largest oxes correspond to values of the inefficien cy of approximately 15%. Two areas of igher inefficiencies around x = 4 and 11 are apparent. These areas coincide with the cation of the fishing lines. CONCLUSIONS stack of up to nine layers of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs), interleaved with opper and steel absorber plates was expos ed to a broad-band muon beam at the ermilab Meson Test Beam Facility (MTBF). The data were used to establish the alibration parameters of such a calorimeter. he calibration of a digital hadron calorime ter depends on a geometric sampling term to be determined with test beam meas urements and Monte Carlo simulations) and erage pad multiplicity versus average efficiency for four different O m X - Y MAP U e chambers with no obvious A c F c T ( three possibly time-dependent quantities that are functions of high voltage, threshold and environmental conditions: Figure 15. x-y map of the inefficiency as obtained by averaging over all ch ambers with no obvious areas of inefficiency. The largest boxes correspond to inefficiencies of about 15%. The fishing lines, used to keep the glass plates apart, are located at approximately x = 4.2 and 10.7 and are shown as dashed lines. i) Background noise: Using the self-triggered mode of th e front-end readout, the rate tings ts e lines located in the gas volume. Lower values of the fficiency observed in two of the chambers we re later explained as being related to the particular grounding scheme used du ring the test beam data taking. iii) Pad multiplicities: Depending on the high voltage and threshold settings pad or a given high voltage, the pad multiplicities versus MIP detection efficiencies lie was established to be typically 0.15 Hz/cm2. The probability of such a noise hit overlapping with a 300 ns readout window, as used in triggered mode, is negligible. ii) MIP detection efficiency: Depending on the high voltage and threshold set efficiencies in the range between 80% a nd 96% were obtained using track in neighboring layers. As expected the efficiency drops around th location of the two fishing between 1.2 and 2.2 were measured using track segments in neighboring layers. With the 'exotic' chamber pad multiplicities around 1.1 were obtained, independent of the operational conditions. F on a common curve, despite slight differen ces in high voltage re quirements between individual chambers. Operation at a higher hi gh voltage results in a relatively larger gain in efficiency than in pad multiplicity. Enhanced l shing lines in the as volume. verall, the 'exotic' compared to the default RPC design offers two distinct dvantages: a lower average pad multiplic ity and a reduced height. During the test eam runs at Fermilab the chamber perfor med reliably with an overall noise rate omparable to the other default design chambers. However, it remains to be seen if ng-term effects, e.g. due to the exposure of the pads to the gas mixture, will limit its sefulness in detectors with an expe cted lifespan of a decade or more. e would like to thank the Fermilab test beam crew, in particular Erik Ramberg, oug Jensen, Rick Coleman and Chuck Brown, for providing us with excellent beam. he University of Texas at Arlington ILC group is acknowledged for providing the o trigger scintillator paddles and their associated trigger logic. edings of the XII In ternational Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics, Chicago, AIP Conf.Proc. 867: 531-537, 2006. 3, osses of efficiency are observed at the location of the fi g O a b c lo u W D T tw REFERENCES 1. L. Xia, Proce 2. J. Repond, Proceedings of the 10th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy, Nucl. Instrum. Meth, A572, 211 (2007). 3. G.Drake et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth, A578 , 88-97 (2007). 4. J. Butler et al., Prepared for 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct. 27 - Nov. 2007. Submitted to IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 5. As of February 15, 2007: | 0802.3398 | Jose Repond | B.Bilki, J.Butler, T.Cundiff, G.Drake, W.Haberichter, E.Hazen, J.Hoff,
S.Holm, A.Kreps, E.May, G.Mavromanolakis, E.Norbeck, D.Northacker, Y.Onel,
J.Repond, D.Underwood, S.Wu, L.Xia | Calibration of a digital hadron calorimeter with muons | null | JINST 3:P05001,2008 | 10.1088/1748-0221/3/05/P05001 | null | physics.ins-det | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | The calibration procedure of a finely granulated digital hadron calorimeter
with Resistive Plate Chambers as active elements is described. Results obtained
with a stack of nine layers exposed to muons from the Fermilab test beam are
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 22 Feb 2008 22:22:03 GMT"
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"created": "Thu, 17 Apr 2008 13:06:20 GMT"
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] |
I. INTRODUCTION The accurate knowledge of the properties of static and rotat ing compact stars (CSs) are of utmost importance to probe the behaviour of the equation of s tate (EOS) of superdense matter. Even the accurate information on the maximum gravitational massMstat maxfor the static CS and its radius Rstat 1.4with the canonical mass (1 .4M), not yet well known, would narrow down the choices for the plausibleEOSs to just a few. The newly measur ed CS mass 1.76+-0.20Mof mass for any known pulsar to date. Recent observati ons of the thermal emission from the quiescent LMXB X7 in the globular cluster 47 Tuc yield the value of R 1.4to be effects [3]. It is expected that a reasonably accurate value of Rstat 1.4can be deduced ofPSR The first millisecond pulsar PSR B1937 +214 rotating at the frequency n=641Hzwas discovered in 1982[5]. Such frequencies are too low to a ffect significantly the structure of CSs with ncies Very recent discovery of X-ray transient XTE J1739-285 by Kaaret et al [8 ] suggests that it contains a CS rotating at 1122Hz. Following this discovery, the structur e of the CS rotating with 1122Hz are studied using several EOSs [9]. It is found that, for some of t he EOSs, this CS is (1) is less than 0. In the above equation, Mstat B,maxis the maximum baryonic mass of the static CS and MB,minis the ones rotating with the highest observed frequency of 1122Hz. The properties of these CSs chemical compositions ranging from nucleons to hyperon s and quarks inb-equilibrium. Our results suggest that the values of anddMBare strongly correlated. Though, Weals the EOS responsible for the supramassive or non-supramas sive nature of the CS rotating with 1122Hz. II. this work we consider 24 di fferent EOSs with exceeds the recent mass measurements suggesting only 5% probability that the m ass of pulsar PSR J1516 +02B is below1.59 M [11]. TheseEOSs are constructed w hich can and (iii) model. The first group contains EOSs protons, electrons and muons. The EOSs considere d in this group are: BJ-C [12], FPS [13], BBB2 [14], AU, WS, and UU [15], and APR [16]. For the seco nd group we consider the EOSs: O [17], GN3[18], GM1 [19], TM1 [20], G2[21], BalbN1H1 [ 22], GMU110[23], DH [24], SSK and GSK1 [25], UY, U0 and L0 [26], GM1-H, UQM52, and CFL52. The EOS GM1-H is composed ofnucleons and hyperonsin bequilibrium. The nucleon-meson The EOS UQM52 involves noninteracting unpaired quar k matter, composed of massive u, d, and s quarks, is based upon the MIT Bag Model of quarks. Th is EOS has been calculated by using model parameters, bag constant, B =52 MeV/fm3, masses of three quarks, m u=md=
5.00 MeV/c2, ms=150 MeV/c2, and QCD couplingconstant ac=0.1. matter equation of state (CFL52) is based upon the free energy as described by [27] and [28], by using pairing gap parameter =100 MeV. The other model parameters such as bag constant, quark masses, and QCD constant are same as used for UQM52 EOS. In the third DBHF byKrastev etal. [29]. III. areobtained by solving the Einstein's equations in 1D and 2D, respective ly. The numerical computations are performed by usingRNS code writtenby Stergioulas and Fried man [30]. In Fig. 1 we present the values of for several EOSs. We notice that the value of dMBfor a given EOS is only weakly correlated with those of Mstat maxas compared to Rstat 1.4. It seems, larger is 3thevalueof dMB. Ontheotherhand, Forinstance, the cases with ThoughdMBis not correlated well but, it might be well correlated with some appropriat e combination of In Table I we summarize the properties of the CS, rotating wi th 1122Hz, calculated at the maximum circumferential equatorial radius Rmax eqand the a few selected EOSs. The values of the radius Rmax eqare determined by the mass shedding instability and that of Rmin eqare determined by the secular axi-symmetric instability ac - cording to turning point theorem [31]. It can be verified from the table that the variations in (2) of the CS rotating at 1122Hz are correlated with dMBup to some extent. The di negative. withdMB. Therefore,dMBnot Fig. 2 weconsider thevariationsof This combinationof analogous to the one derived within the Newtonian approxi mation to determine frequency. Thevaluesof correlated. It is interesting to note that dMB>0 only greater than unity. These with respect to itsbehaviourat low density plays a predominant role in determining whether the CS rotating at 1122Hz is supramas- sive or not. Since, the Mstat maxprobes densest segment of the EOS whereas, Rstat 1.4probes (3) The best fit values of the parameters appearing in Eq. 3 are cal culated using the results displayed in Fig. 1. The values of parameters are andb=1.56. In Fig. 3, we plot the results for by solving Eq. 3 for fixed values of dMB. These plotscan provideus ofthestaticCS like known. We also superpose the results shown in Fig. 1 by div iding them in to three 4classes dependingon thevaluesof the dMB. and squares represent the values of in the range of -0.5-0.0, 0.0-0.5 and 0.5 - 1.5 M respectively. It is evident from Fig. 3 that Eqs. 3 can be used to divide the in to the regions with di fferentdMB. It is to be noted from Fig. 3 that the current measurement of maximum gravitational mass 1.76M [1] would set the upper limit on Rstat 1.4to be 12.4 km todMB=0. Interestingly, this upper limit on Rstat 1.4is closer to the lowerlimit of 12.9 km obtained by analyzing the high quality X-ray spectra from CS in qLMXB X7 [2]. We plot in Fig. 4 the curves for moment of inertia fixed values of dMB. These curves are generated dMBto cm-2and the values of the best fit parameters are andb'=0.85. Similar to the case of Rstat 1.4, we obtained the upper limit of cm-2from todate[1]. IV. SUMMARY The key properties such as static CS anddMB(Eq. 1) for the CS TheseEOSs are chosen in a manner that they correspond to a wide variety o f approaches and their from the nucleons to hyperonsand quarks in b-equilibrium. The values of dMB are foundto bealmostlinearly correlated a combinationof to the one popularly used to determine Keplerian f requency. For a given EOS, the CS rotating at 1122Hz is non-supramassive (i.e., dMB>0) only greater than unity. up to some extent correlated with the values of dMB(see Table I). In view of these results, sities. Since,the of the EOS, whereas, Rstat 1.4probes relatively lower density region of EOS. The forms for the dMBin terms of 3 and 4) are also atingwith1122Hz. be non-supramassive provided km or equivalently cm-2. repeat theCSrotatingat authors greatly acknowledge Professors F. Sammarruca a nd J. A. Pons for providing Thisworkwass #F.17-40 /98 (SA-I). 6[1] J. P. W. Verbiest, M. Bailes, W. van Straten, G. B. Hobbs, R . T. Edwards, R. N. Manchester, N. D. R. Bhat, J. M. Sarkissian, B.A.Jacoby, and S.R.Kulkarni, astr o-ph/0801.2589 . [2] C.O.Heinke, G.B.Rybicki, R.Narayan, and J.E.Grindlay , Astrophys. J. 644, 1090 (2006). [3] A.Lyne, M.Burgay, M.Kramer, A.Possenti, R.N.Manchest er, F.Camilo, M.A.McLaughlin, D.R. Lorimer, D'Amico, B.C.Joshi, et al., Science 303, 1153 (2004). [4] I. A. Morrison, T. W. Baumgarte, S. L. Shapiro, and V. R. Pa ndharipande, Astrophys. J. 617, L135 (2004). [5] D.Backer, S.Kulkarni, C.Heiles, M.M.Davis, and W.M.Go ss, Nature 300, 615 (1982). [6] J. W. T.Hessels, S. 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J.325, 722 (1988). 8TABLE I: The properties of the compact stars, rotating with f requencyn=1122 Hz, calculated at the maximum and the minimum circumferential equatorial radius The a given EOS are determined by using Eqs.(1 and 2) respecti vely. The central mass densities ocat also presented. EOSoc (M) (km) (1015gcm-3) (M) (km) (M) (M) GMU110 1.30322 2.071 17.53 1.48038 2.053 16.33 0.018 -0.393 GM1-H 1.25875 2.235 18.03 1.56496 2.158 15.23 0.074 -0.328 BalbN1H1 1.42497 1.825 16.88 3.56904 1.704 9.97 0.123 -0.079 G2 1.05609 2.051 17.48 1.81037 2.116 13.02 0.065 -0.064 GM1 0.86585 2.456 18.55 1.53015 2.576 13.77 0.120 0.007 UQM52 1.14801 1.585 16.14 2.33042 1.864 11.48 0.279 0.246 BJ-C 1.05732 1.695 16.46 2.55674 1.954 10.88 0.259 0.278 GSK1 0.98210 1.788 16.70 2.37515 2.089 11.15 0.301 0.335 O 0.78443 2.138 17.81 1.69183 2.554 12.72 0.416 0.461 SSK 0.94170 1.684 16.39 2.55229 2.127 10.72 0.443 0.537 FPS 0.98885 1.395 15.51 3.04073 1.881 9.89 0.486 0.583 BBB2 0.9615 1.476 15.79 2.87618 2.002 10.08 0.526 0.654 DBHF 0.7813 1.732 16.54 2.19589 2.412 11.24 0.680 0.861 CFL52 0.948 0.846 12.99 2.39711 1.990 10.39 1.144 1.357 AU 0.9237 1.143 14.46 2.87473 2.215 9.76 1.072 1.402 91.6 2 2.4 Mstat max [MO]-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 dMB[MO]10 12 14 Rstat 1.4 (Color online) m CSs,radius Rstat 1.4for static CSswith mass1.4Mand the 1) obtained for several EOSs. 100.8 1 1.2 [MO] .. FIG. 2: (Color online) Correlations between This combination of to the one commonly used todetermine the Kepler ian frequency. 111.6 2 2.4 2.8 Mstat max (Color online) Plotsfor usingEq. 3for dMB=-0.5,0.0and 0.5 Mas indicated. 0.0-0.5(circles) and 0.5-1.5(squares) Mas also depicted inFig. 1 121.6 2 2.4 2.8 Mstat max [1045g (Color online) Sameas fig. 3, but, values of moment of i used instead of Rstat 1.4. 13 | 0802.3423 | Bijay Agrawal | B. K. Agrawal, Raj Kumar and S. K. Dhiman | Correlations in the properties of static and rapidly rotating compact
stars | 13 pages, 4 figures, Appearing in Phys. Rev. D | Phys.Rev.D77:087301,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.087301 | null | astro-ph gr-qc nucl-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Correlations in the properties of the static compact stars (CSs) and the ones
rotating with the highest observed frequency of 1122Hz are studied using a
large set of equations of state (EOSs). These EOSs span various approaches and
their chemical composition vary from the nucleons to hyperons and quarks in
$\beta$-equilibrium. It is found that the properties of static CS, like, the
maximum gravitational mass $M_{\rm max}^{\rm stat}$ and radius $R_{1.4}^{\rm
stat}$ corresponding to t he canonical mass and supramassive or
non-supramassive nature of the CS rotating at 1122 Hz are strongly correlated.
In particular, only those EOSs yield the CS rotating at 1122Hz to be
non-supramassive for which $\left (\frac{M_{\rm max}^{\rm stat}}{M_\odot}\right
)^{1/2} \left (\frac{10{\rm km}}{R_{1.4}^{\rm stat}})^{3/2} $ is greater than
unity. Suitable parametric form which can be used to split the $M_{\rm
max}^{\rm stat}$ $-$ $R_{1.4}^{\rm stat}$ plane into the regions of different
supramassive nature of the CS rotating at 1122Hz is presented. Currently
measured maximum gravitational mass 1.76$M_\odot$ of PSR J0437-4715 suggests
that the CS rotating at 1122Hz can be non-supramassive provided $R_{1.4}^{\rm
stat} \leqslant 12.4$ km.
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"created": "Sat, 23 Feb 2008 04:44:02 GMT"
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Sasso (LNGS) in Assergi, Italy. These data represent an expo sure of11.83kg*y or91mole-years of 130Te. No evidence for 0nbb-decay was observed and a limit of (90%
C.L.) is set. This corresponds to an upper limit on the effect ive mass, between analyzed with the many published nuclear structure cal culations. In the context of these nuclear models, the values fall within the range corresponding to th e claim of evidence of 0nbb-decay by etal.The experiment continues toacquire data. I ysicsthat canbest be addressedby First, ass-scale? While searches for bb-decay have been carried out steadily throughoutmany decad es [1,2,3], it is now a far forthe field. Atmosphericn imply that in detector technology make the observation o f0nbb-decay at this scale now feasible. For recent theoretical review ssee [4,5,6]. Optimism that a direct is possible was greatly enhancedby the observationa nd measurementof the oscillations results of the SNO experiment [12] that clearly showed th at the total flux of8Bneutrinos from the sun predicted by Bahcall and his co-workers[13] is correct. Finally, the data from the KamLAND important list of results published since 1998weighs very heavily in favor of supporting two or thereportsin . The most sensitive limits have come from germanium detector s enriched in76Ge. They were the and the IGEX These imply that the upper bound on the effective Major ana mass of the electron neutrino, defined below, ranges from ~0.3to~1.0eV, depending on the choice of nuclear matrix elements used in the analysis. However, a s ubset of the Collabora- tion has reanalyzed the data and claimed evidence of a peak at the total decay energy, 2039keV, [19,20]. While there have been opposing views [21,22 ,23], there is no clear proof that the observed peak is not an indication of 0nbb-decay. The GERDA experiment, also using76Ge, is (LN TheCUORI- CINO experiment, also located at LNGS, is the most sensitive 0nbb-decay experiment with good currently operating [25,26]. It is searching fo r the0nbb-decay of130Teand has the claim;however,a used the nuclear matrix element calculations. The proposed Ma [27], are all designed to reach the 0.05eV mass sen- sitivity and below. Descriptions of other proposed experim ents with similar goals are given in the are other constraints on the neutrino-mass scale, irr espective of their Majorana or Dirac character. The Troitsk [30] and Mainz experiments have placed an upper limit of 2.2eV on the mass of the electron neutrino. The KATRIN experiment, a g reatly enlarged3H b-decay experiment havea sensitivityof data are also very relevant in a discussion of neutrino mass. In a recent paper by Barger et al., [33] an upper limit on the sum of neutrino mass eigenvalues, Red Shift Survey (2dFGRS) [35], and the Wilkinson Mic rowave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) [36], as well as other CMB experiments and data from the Hubble Spac e Telescope. Hannestad [37] used the WMAP and 2dFGRS data to derivethe bound S<1.0eV (95%C.L.) and concludedthat these data alone could not rule out the evidence claimed in [19,20]. On the oth er hand, Allen, Schmidt and Briddle [38] found a preference for a non-zero neutrino mass, i.e., S = This is interestingly close to the favored range of values given in [19,20]. For recent papers o n the subject see [39] and references therein. The constraint S<=0.75eV would imply that the lightest neutrino eigenstate mass m1<0.25eV. On the other hand, if the claim of the positive value of Swould be correct, 0.17eV, and next low). In this paper we present a detailed description and present t he results from the CUORICINO derived from data taken between April 2003and May 2006. Finally, we note that130Tehas a series of calculated matrix elements implying values of derived from the CUORICINO half-life limit between ~0.20keV, and ~0.68keV. A detailed discussion of the implications from the rece NEUTRINO PHYSICS AND data very strongly imply that there a re three neutrino flavor eigenstates, that are super positions of three mass eigenstates, of the weak Hamiltonian as expressed in eidjisa CP phase, +-1forCP followingapproximation:
/parenleftBig T0n 1/2/parenrightBig-1
=G0n(E0,Z)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle me/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleM0n f-(gA/gV)2M0n GT/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 , (2) 3whereG0nis a phase space factor including the couplings, ||is the effective Majorana mass of and gAandgVare the relative axial-vector and vector weak coupling cons tants s,isexpressedintermsofthefirst rowof the3x3matrixofequation(1)asfollows:
|| the Majorana CP phases ( +-1for CP conservation in the lepton sector). Only the in oscillation expressions. The two Majorana phase s,eiph2,3, do not, and hence do Theoscillatio and thereby the coefficients uL ljin equation (3). Using the best-fit values from the SNO and Sup nin thecaseofthenormalhierarchy:
||=/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbig 0.70+0.02 -0.04/parenrightbig m1+/parenleftbig 0.30+0.04 -0.02/parenrightbig m2eiph2+(<=0.05)m3ei(ph3+d)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle, (4) where the errors are approximated from the published confide nce levels (C.L.). The bound on |ue3|2is at the2sC.L. and the errors on the first two coefficients are 1s. In the convention used here, the exchanging results of the solar neutrino and atmospheric neutrino e xperiments yield the mass square cannot distinguish between two mass patterns (hierarch ies): the normal In both cases we can approximate Considering the values in equation(4), we make the (ue3)20. Using the central valuesof equation(4), we canwritethefollowingapproximateexpressions:
||~=m1/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle0.7+0.3eiph2/radicalBigg 1+d2 solar m2 1/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle, (5) forthecaseofnormalhierarchy,and,
||~=/radicalBig m2 1+dm2 AT/vextendsingle/vextendsingle0.7+0.3eiph2/vextendsingle/vextendsingle, (6) inthe At thistime thereisnoexp In Table I, we use Eqs. (5) and (6) to show the predicted central v alues ofas a function of the m1. I:Central values of the numerical predictions of ||(meV) for both hierarchies and CP phase relations. ( eiph2= +1 eiph2=-1 eiph2= +1 m1||m1||m1||m1||
20.0 7.90 20 .0 20.2 0 .00 20 .0 0 .00 50 .0 40.0 16.0 40 .0 40.0 20 .0 21.6 20 .0 53.9 60.0 24.0 60 .0 60.0 50 .0 28.3 50 .0 70.7 80.0 32.0 80 .0 80.0 75 .0 36.0 75 .0 90.1 100.0 40.0 100 .0 100.0 100 .0 44.7 100 .0 111.0 200.0 80.0 200 .0 200.0 200 .0 82.5 200 .0 206.0 400.0 160.0 400 .0 400.0 400 .0 161.1 400 .0 403.0 It is clear that a next generation experiment should have at l east the sensitivity for discovery in the case of an 0. In thiscase, It should also is convenientto define the nuclear structure factor, FN, (sometimes denoted as Cmmin the literature) (7) Accordingly, the effective Majorana mass of the electron ne utrino is connected to the half-life as shown in equation(8):
=me/radicalBig FNT0n 1/2. (8) To extract values of FNfrom theoretical papers, we recommend using their calculat ed values of half lives for a given value of thereby avoiding difficulties associated with convention s used in be understoodwith detailed analyses of the nuclear matr ix elements discussed in a Secs. VIII and IX. InSec. X, thisnullresult will [19,20]. 5III This technique was suggested for bb-decay searches by Fiorini and Niinikoski [42] and applied earlier by the Milano group in the MIBETA experiment [43]. Th e bolometers are sensitive measurethe in temperature. are operatedat 8and10mK [44,45]. Accordingto the Debye Law, the specific heat ofTeO2crystals is givenby C(T) =b(T/ThD)3, whereb= the In these materials, C(T)is due almost exclusively to lattice degrees of freedom. A sp the value of ThD, as232K [43]. This differsfrom the previously 10mK, is2.3x10-9JK-1. With these valuesof the parameters,an f a few keV will result in a T. In CUORICINO, Tis measuredby high- resistance to each crystal. Mo re details can be foundin reference[44] and the total bb-decay energy, Qbb= 2530.3+-2.0keV, would be 1.77x10-4K. To obtain usable thermistors are heavily doped high-resistance germani um semiconductors with an impurity concen- tration slightly below the metal-insulator transition. Hi gh quality thermistors require a very concentration. CUORICINO uses Neutron Transmutati on Doped (NTD) germanium is achievedby meansof uniformthermal neutronirradia entire erature. g= A(T) R(T) =R0exp(T0/T)g. Theparameter the contactsandthe crosssection o f the The for the rest. The measurements were done by coupling the thermistor to a low-temperature heat the heat sink is between 15and50mK [50]. A current flows through the device and an I-V load curv e is plotted. The curve becomes very non-linear due to the powe r dissipation, which causes the the slope ofthe I-V curve,to invertfrompositi ve to negative. discussed in Ref. [51] is done on the thermistors directly mounted on a h eat sink, while the optimum bias is wires, Teflon, etc. This allows the maximization of the signal to noise ratio. The parameters of this application [52]. It is necessary to optimize the ne utron doping of the Ge. This is facilitated by foils of metal with long-lived (n,g)radioactive daughter nuclides, allowing the neutron expos ure to decay. Following the decay period, the Geis heat treated to repair the crystal structure and then cut i The thermistors are glued to each bolometer by n ine spots of epoxy, deposited by an array THE CUORICINO is a pilot experimentfor a larger experiment,CUO RE Rare Events) discussed later. It is a tower of 13planes [25,26]. As shown in Fig. 1, the eachoftheupper Inthe andindividual smaller crystals are of natural isotopic abundance exce pt for four. Two of them are enriched to 82.3%
in128Teand two are enriched to 75%in130Te. All crystals were grown with pre-tested low by the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics and shipped t o Italy by sea to minimize the activation by cosmic ray interactions. They were lapped with specially se lected low compound. All these operations, as well as the mountingof the tower, we re carried out in a nitrogen pulses are measuredwith NTD coupledto each crystal. The thermis tors are biasedthroughtwo roo Thelarger was minimized by a specially designed circuit [53]. Th e voltage signals from the thermistors are amplified and filtered before being fed to an analog-to-digit al converter (ADC). This part of the is DC coupled, and only low-pass anti-aliasing filter s are used to reduce the is stabilized by means of a Siresistor of 50-100kohm, attached to each bolometer that acts as a to the Siresistor. This pulse has a time durationvery muchshorter th an the typical thermal response of the detector [44]. The Joule dissipation from the Siresistor produces heat pulses in the crystal calibration g-rays. a frequencyof about one in every 300s in each of the CUORICINO bolometers. Any variationin oneat sent to the same resistorswit h muchlower frequency. The formeris used checktheeff correction. The tower is mechanically decoupled from the cryostat to avo id heating due to vibrations. The tower is connected through a 25mm copper bar to a steel spring fixed to the 50mK plate of the refrigerator. is used for a feed back system [56]. The entire setup i s shielded with two layers of lead of 10cm minimum thickness each. The outer layer is made of common low radioactivity lead, while the inner layer is made of special lead with a measured activity of 16+-4Bq/kg from210Pb. The electrolytic copper of the refrigerator thermal shields provides an additional shield with a minimum thickness of 2cm. An external10cm layer of borated polyethylenewas installed to reduce the backgrounddue to detector is shielded against the intrinsic radioactive contamination of the dilution unit materials by an internal layer of 10cm of Roman lead [50]), located inside of the Thebackgroundfro 1.2cmthick. is surroundedby a Plexiglas anti-radon box flushed wi th cleanN2from a liquid nitrogen evaporator and is also enclosed in a Faraday cage to eliminate electroma A sketch of the 2. When cooled to 8mK there is a temperature spread of ~1mK among the different detectors. are performed using two wires of thoriated tun gsten inserted inside the external lead shield onetotwo beginninganden CUORICINO array was first cooled down at the beginning of 2003. However, during this connectionswere lost to 12of the44detectorsof 5x5x5cm3, and to one of the 3 ing. crystals. temperature of the electric signals in several steps from the detectors at ~8mK to room the cause of the disconnection was found, new thermaliz er stages were fabricated and tested at low temperature. However, since the performance of the remaini ng detectors was normal, and their total ralmonthswhile Attheendof tower was kept enclosed in its copper box to prevent possi ble recontamination of the detectors. As a consequence, two detectors whose disconnections were insi de the box were not recovered. The same was true for one of the small central detectors whose Siresistor was electrically disconnected inside the box. In the middle of 2004,CUORICINO was cooleddownand data Typical Fig. 3. V ANALYSIS The signals coming from each bolometer are amplified and filte red with a six-pole Bessel low-pass filter and fed to a 16-bit ADC. The signal is digitized with a sampling time of 8ms, and a circular buffer is filled. With each trigger pulse, a set of 512samples is recordedto disk; accordingly,the entire pulse s hape 9Figure3: stored for offline analysis. Each channel (bolometer) has a ompletely independent trigger and 2,the CUORICINO data acquisition (DAQ) now has a software trigger that implements a debounce algorithm to reduce spurious fast signal triggering. The trigger is re ady again within a few tens of ms, a delay due to the debouncetime. Therefore,most of the pile-upeventsare re-triggered. The Theoffl this comparison. Pile-up pulses are identified and dealt w ith. This is important for calibration and dead time. However, the pile-up fraction during the sear ch for0nbb-decay is negligible given the Thepile-upprob entire sampling window is quite a bit higher, ~0.4%. However, these events are easily identified and the pile-up pulses are rejected. The total trigger rate, bef ore any pulse-shape rejection, is time and On a single channel it rangesfrom a few mHz to hund redsof mHz, with a mean value of about 20mHz. Accepted-pulse amplitudes are then corrected using th e variation in the gain measured with Siresistors. on the specific analysis desired. In the case of bb-decay analyses, anticoincidence spectra are used. This allows the rejection of backgroundcounts from ga mma rays that Compton scatter in more Crosstalk pulses have been observed between a few channel s; however, the resulting pulses SOURCE CALIBRATIONAND performance of each detector is periodically checked du ring the routine calibration with the232Th gamma rays from thoriated calibration wires. The most inten se gamma ray peaks visible in the are used. They are the: and the single escape peak of the2615keV gamma ray at 2104keV. The resulting is obtai ned from and the pulse amplitudesare convertedin to energies. The dependenceof the of the detectors. The details of how the thermal model w as applied have been published elsewhere [44]. for two to six weeks, separated by radioactive-so The data collected by a sig of the very low counting rates. The energy resolutio n, and the stability of the energy The position of the 2615keV background g-ray line from the decay of208Tl, in the initial and the final be stable to wit hin1/3of the measuredfull widthat 2615keV lineforthat detector. (ii) The the in the initial and final 30%. (iii) ire thatdata set The energy resolution measured with the heater pulses f or that entire data collection period must be stablewithin one or more of these criteria is not fulfilled, the da ta from that detector are not included in the final data set. Approximately 17%of the data were discarded because they failed one or more of t hese criteria. Frequent causes of failure to satisfy all of the cr iteria were noise pulses that degrade the and temperature drifts that change the operatin g parameters of the bolometers. The cary; however, some are more sensitive to noise and than others. The application of coincidence cuts does not change the effic iency; however, the difference in rise small. in any case, the only result of the failure to recogn ize coincidences is the loss of ative. In bothruns,the b eexcellent; theaverageFWHM 7and9keV,forthe 2keVinbothcases. the from all of the largerand small er detectorsare DOUBLE-BETADECAY the shutdown discussed earlier, and restart in Ma y2004, a second interruption was required to remove the malfunctioning helium liquefier used to automa tically refill the main bath of the There were also short interruptions for rout ine maintenance of the 17-year old these interruptions, the duty cycle was very sati sfactory,~60%, not withstanding the fact three spectra corresponding to large ( 5x5x5cm3) detectors and the smaller natural and detectors are kept separate because of the different detec tion efficiencies for tingrates. runs are treated separately. Because the background rat es in the spectra of Runs I and II do not show any statistically significant difference, it was concluded that no recontamination of the detector took place whenthe cryostatwas openedto air duringthe interruptionb etweenRuns I andII. The full data set of the tellurium and the copper frame. The correc t positions and widths of the peaks in the sum spectrum demonstrate the effectiveness of the calibration and linearity of the spectra. The accuracy of 12calibration in the 0nbb-decay region was evaluated to be about +-0.4keV. The details of the from a preliminary analysis of Run 2 ar e given in Tables II, III and IV. There is also clear evidenceof energiesabovethe 2614.5keV gammaray in the decayof232Tl. th e regionof interest to A oreducethistoa minimum. Table II: Isotope 212Pb 228Ac 208Tl 212Bi 228Ac 208Tl acontribution from the acontribution acontribution from annihilation acontribution from214Biin acontribution acontribution from214Biin 0nbbdecayare: 5. is applied. An extensive analysis of the backgr ound contributions implies that the in the region of interest around 2530keV breaks down as follows: 10+-5%is due to of the TeO2crystals due to surface contamination of the bolometersalso and30+-10%is dueto the tail of Fina III: Gamma rays from the238Uchain in data of Run II. Most of the activity is attributed o a r Isotope RateCts/1000h Energy(keV) Isotope Ra te Cts/1000h 241.9a 214Pb 6.84+-0.43 1401 .7214Bi 2.69+-0.48 1408 .0214Bi 3.88+-0.42 1509 .5214Bi 13.09+-0.47 1583 .2214Bi 2.54+-0.33 1594 .7b 214Bi 2.55+-0.33 1599 .3214Bi 214Bi 1.02+-0.20 1661 .5214Bi 1.52+-0.19 1729 .9214Bi 1.75+-0.17 1764 .7214Bi 10.84+-0.40 1838 .4214Bi 1.38+-0.14 1847 .7214Bi 4.83+-0.21 2118 .9214Bi 1.32+-0.13 2204 .5214Bi 3.37+-0.17 2448 .0214Bi acontribution from214Pbin acontribution from208Tlin acontributions from214Biin IV: Background gamma rays from a variety of sources including is otopes produced by Isotope Rate Cts/1000h Energy(keV) Isotope Ra te 5.39+-0.44 661 .7137Cs 1.95+-0.27 834 .8a 54Mn 125Sb 1.33+-0.25 1063 .7207Bi 7.78+-0.38 1173 .260Co 3.11+-0.27 1332 .560Co 1.42+-0.20 1461 .040K 0.64+-0.18 2505 .760Co acontribution from228Acin acontribution from228Acin acontribution from208Tlin fromtheFWHMofthe Theresultsare due the summingof the in the decayof60Co. This is25.46 keV, i.e., about 7sigma of the Gaussian energy resolution peak from the 0nbb-decay end-point energy of 130Te, and could make a negligible contribution to the region unde r the expected 0nbb-decay peak . The sum spectrum from 2290to2700keV is shown in Fig. 5. The sum spectrum from 2470to2590keV is shownin Fig. 6. Figure5: details of the operating conditions and parameters of th e two CUORICINO data collection periods are given in Table V. The total usable exposure for Run I + Run I I is11.83kg*yr of130Te. The event detection efficiencieswere computedwith Monte-Carlosimu lations; they are 0.863and0.845for the Fromtheabovee for the large and ln2xNSxoSxt= 4.584x1024yr for the small crystals. Here, largeandsmall half-life limit was evaluated using a Bayesian appro ach. The peaks and continuum in the region of the spectrum centered on the bb-decay energy were fit using a maximum likelihood The likelihood functions of six spectra (the sum sp ectra of the three types of crystals in the two runs) were combined allowing for a different backgroundlev el for each spectrum, and a different intensity of peak. Other free parameters are the position of the60Copeak and the peakat the bb-decayenergy. 90%CL limitto 15Table V: listed: the run number, number of large and small detecto rs, the active mass ments. Thetotal Activemass Run time Calibration t- bbCollected Used large/small [kg130Te] [d] [d] [d] [kg *yr130Te] [kg *yr130Te] 1 29/15 7.95 240 24.5 55.08 1.2 1.06 2 40/15 10.37 983 108.5 415.1 11.79 Poisson statistics for the binneddata, the fit proc edurewas formulatedin termsof the : kh2 L= jthspectrum, ithbinofthe jthspectrumand model. Fit kh2 L,while , consideringthe the physicalregion. The responsefunction for each spectrumis ypicaloneofthedetectors summed in that spectrum. The in th e transition energyis consideredby means of a quadratic (gaussian) term in the above equation. In the reg ion between 2575and2665keV, assuming a flat fit sunderthepeak( -13.9+-8.7). upper boundon the numberof candidateevents in th e0nbb-decay peak is n= values are normalized to a hypothetical sum spectrum o f the entire statistical data set in which each of the six spectra are weighted accordingto the correspondi ngexposure, geometric efficiency,and data was investigatedin detail. These uncertaintiesre sidein the deadtime, Q-value, and shape. The main factor influencing t he limit is the uncertainty in the example, changing the degree of the polynomial used to fit the background in the 0nbb-decay well as the selection of the energy window used in the analy sis can vary the boundfrom Thequoted decayenergy[49]. Thereis a small dipi n the datacenteredat ~2530keV fluctuatio n. Figure6: 2505.74 keV due to the sum of the cascade in the decay of60Co. he frames were aboveground. The solid lines are the best fit to th e region using polynomialsof the order0to2. The three lines in the region of interest are for bounds ( 68%and90%) CL on NUCLEAR STRUCTURE ISSUES There is one theoretical viewpoint that holds that the requi red model space for130Teis still very runcated. The results from these calculations, from author to author had, until recently, IntheQRPA Twor al., give detailed assessments of the uncertaintiesin QRPA cal culations of 0nbb-decay matrix elements, and explain many of the reasons for the n the variousauthors over the years [60,61]. The numerical values given in these articles were corrected in a later erratum [78]. In Table VI we list the values of corresponding to derived using the calculations of various authors. VI: Variousvaluesof correspondingto Method (eV) [78] Rodin et al.,2007 fix gpp0.46 [62] Staudt etal.,1992 pairing(Bohm) 0.19 [63] Pantis et al.,1996 nop-npairing 0.52 [64] Vogel,1986 0.47 [65] 0.42 [66] Tomoda,1991 0.42 [67] Barbero, etal.,1999 0.33 [68] Simkovic,1999 pn-RQRPA 0.68 [69] Suhoen et al.,1992 0.64 [67] Muto et al.,1989 0.39 [71] Stoica et al.,2001 0.60 [72] Faessler et al.,1998 0.55 [73] Engel et al.,1989 seniority 0.29 [74] Aunola etal.,1998 0.41 [79] Caurier et al.,2008 NuclearShell Model nuclear structure factor, in Eq. (7). This is not nucleons. To create a tractable shell-model calcul ation for these heavy nuclei, it is necessary to truncate the model space to the point that could affect the re liability of the results. employed. As stated above,QRPA has becomethe sta ndardapproachfor both QRPA, however,dependon the selectionof a numberof fact that different authors select the parameters in var ious ways has resulted in large differences in derivedwithQRPAandwithrenormalizedQRPA,(RQRPA), correspondingto 3.0x1024yr, and also the recent shell-model calculations of Caurier et al.[79]. From the table it is clear that the different ways of app lying the same basic model has lead to a spread in the resulting matrix elements, and hence in the co rresponding value of of a factor of three Th is correspondsto differencesof a factor of nine in the predicted half-life for a given value of if all calculations are given the same weight. This assumption, however, cannot be justified. It should be recog nized that calculation techniques, as well their recent article, Rodin, Simkovic, Faessler, and Vog el (Tubingen) [61], give detailed discussions of how the choices of various parameters in similar models can l ead to such discrepancies. These are the gap of the pairing interactions,the use of A that partially accountsfor the violationof strength of the particle-hole interactions of the core p olarization, the size of the model space, and the strength of the interaction, parameter ized by the quantity gpp. The matrix elements of the virtual transitions through states with Jp= 1+in the intermediate nucleus are extremely sensitive to the value ofgpp, which makes 2nbb-decay matrix elements also very sensitive to it because thi s decay mode only proceeds through 1+intermediate states. On the other hand, 0nbb-decay also proceeds via through states of higher spin. These transition s are found to be far less sensitive to the value ofgpp. For this reason, Rodin et al.select the value of gppthat makes the calculation of the agree with the experimental value. In addition, s ome calculations are greatly simplified by using an averageenergyin the denominatorof the second-ordermat the sum over the intermediate states is done by closure. When the value, gA= 1.245, of the axial-vector coupling the measured value. To ameliorate this situation, a que nched value gA= 1.00is used. In calculated rates of2nbb-decay, which proceed only through Jp= 1+states, this results in a factor of 2.44reduction in the rate. Using the techniqueof Rodin et al.[61], the choice of gaA= 1.00reducesthe rate by serious difference between some of the 0nbb-decay calculations is due to the treatment of ions. etal.[68], that including the momentum dependent higher order terms of the nucleon current typically result in a reductionin the calculated value of the 0nbb-decay matrix element by about 30%. These were considerable reduction in the matrix elements was observe d in cases in which there was a in the deformations of the parent and daughter nu clides. Exactly how this would affect 0nbb- decay calculations is not yet clear. It must be understood th at this uncertainty, when resolved could andRQRPA. In general, however, the paper by Rodin et al.[61], represents a detailed study of the various factors tha years, and must be taken seriously. The procedure of Rodi net al.[59,60,61] has the attractive feature that it gives a straightforward prescription for selecting the very important parameter, the favor of using single b+--decay and electron capture data for this purpose, while giv ing arguments against 2nbb-decay half lives [65]. They argue that only states with spin and parity 1+can be the intermediate states involved in 2nbb-decay, and that in the neutrinoless process these states pl ay a the higherspinstates playa dominantrole. Th preprint in which they show that the effects of ons have been significantly overestimatedin the past[76,77]. of the CUORICINO data presented in this paper. Howeve r, recently there have been some RECENT CALCULATIONS We adopt the position that the large dispersion in values in t he nuclear matrix elements implied by the values in Table VI does not reflect the true state of the art. In stead, we assume that there has been sig- nificant progress in understanding the key theoretical issu es, as well as large increases in available com- putational power. Until very recently, however, two of the r ecent extensive theoretical treatments of the 0nbb-decay matrix elements disagreed significantly, and in part icular in the case of130Te. The relevant nuclear structure factors, FN, fromthe gA= Rodin et al.[61], and 5.13x10-13yr-1of Civitarese an erratum was submitted by Rodin et al.[78] with major corrections to Table I of Ref. [61]. A coding error was discoveredin the computationof the short- for example, increased the predicted 0nbb-decay rate of130Teby a factor of 4.03. Their corrected value of the nuclear structure factor of130Te, is now in good agreement with the above value given by Civitarese and Suhonen. However, there is still a sm all disagreement between these two the technique for calculating short-range corr elations. Rodin et al., used a et al.[76] anexcessiveredu ctionin et al.[77] have also updated the calculations of Civitarese and Su honen. They extended their model space, for the cases to include the orbitals, calculated with a spherical Coulomb-co rrected Woods-Saxon potential. In Ref. [77], a complete discussion is given of their method of fixing the par ametersof the Hamiltonian. In this treatment theyfixparameter Theydidnotusethe nfunction to correct for the short-range correlations, but rather the y employ a unitary correlation operator method (UCOM), which in the case of130Teincreases the matrix element by a factor of 1.38over that the any case, the major disagreements between the finally been under- stood,and thepresent differencein the predicted a factorof 1.06, whereasthe earlier disagreementwas by a factor of 4.28. Some well lie in the differingmethodsofapplyingtheon inte nuclear shell model calculations. The shell-mode l matrix elements are somewhat smaller than those of the recent Jyvaskylaand corrected and according to their matrix elements, the CUORICINO dataimply: <=0.58eV. X CUORICINO AS ATEST OF THECLAIM OF DISCOVERY The CUORICINO array is the only operating 0nbb-decay experiment, with energy resolution adequate to potentially probe the range of effective Majorana mass, implied by the observation of 0nbb- decay claimed by et al.[19,20]. In the 2006article by and Krivosheina (KK& K) [20], the peak in the spectrum centered a tQbb~=2039keV is interpreted as been criticized fromseveral pointsof view [21,22,23], it is interestingto ask if it is feasible to with this half-life with a significant confidence leve l with the published parameters of the experiment. Below, we show that the answer is yes, the expe riment could have made the observation xpressionforthe a given confidence level that an experiment can achieve (se e Appendix). The achievable discovery (9) It is simply have bd(E)in rootof Eq. (9) as prescribedby the Particle Data Book [81]. However, when the background conti nuum is obtained by a best fit to all peaks and continuum in the region, we choose this alternative appr oach. In Eq. (9), nsis the desired number 3forCL= the instrumental width of the region of interest related t o the energyresolution at the energyof the expected 0nbb-decaypeak. Thevaluesfortheseparametersforthee Mt= 71.7kg*yr, b= 0.95,a= 0.86,W= 76, andd(E) = 3.27keV. The number of z~=2. = 1.2x1025yr. = 2.13x1025yr. (11) These are close to the claimed most probablevalue given in Re f. [20]. This simple analysis is independent of with the exceptionofthe determinati onofthe signal to backgroundratio, z. between 3sand5s. Any criticism ofthe claim would involvea reanalysisof the data, andthe Thisfallsouts theprese ntCUORICINO dataconfrontit, the many theoretical calculationsof the nuclearmatr ix elementsover the yearshave Caurier et 30%. We havechosentouse for0nbb-decay calculated with a given by the authors of the theoretical papers. The FN= al.: FN= 4.29x10-14yr-1, (12) Civitarese andSuhonen: FN= al.: FN= , Caurier,et al.: FN= 2.57x10-13yr-1, FN= impliedbytheKK&Kdata,andbytheCUORICINOdata areasfollows: 22Rod KK&K={0.23-0.43}eV, Rod CUOR<= {0.38-0.46}eV, Civ KK&K={0.32-0.54}eV, (14) Civ CUOR<=0.41eV, Cau KK&K={0.41-0.68}eV, Cau CUOR<=0.58eV. Theresultsoftheanalyseswiththenewcorrectedmatrixele has entered well into the range of values of implied by the claim of KK&K. In the dataalso angeofvaluesof impliedbyKK&K. It is also interesting to try to predict the sensitivity of CU ORICINO if it were to continue to operate for a totalof5years. Inthiscase, the CUORICINO data consistent with the claim of KK&K. The e xposurewould be: Nto= counts would be superimposed on an expected backgroun dof35to39counts per keV in the would make it more challenging for CUORICINO to confirm t he discovery claim of KK&K, Thesolution to this problem is the construction and operation of the prop osed first tower of CUORE, called CUORE- teCUORE Experiment. 23XI THE PROPOSED CUORE 19towersof tower [28]. Each will house 13modules of four 5x5x5cm3crystals with masses of ~750g. CUORE will contain ~200kg of130Te. The988bolometers will have a total detector mass of ~750 kg and will operate at 8-10mK. An intense research and development program is underway to reduce the background to Thus far a reduction has been achieved th at has reached within a factor of 2.4of this goal in the region of 2530keV, theQ-value for the 0nbb-decay of130Te. With is to achieve a backgroundlevel of This would allow a half-life sensitivit y case that the backgroundwould be reducedto associated sensitivities in wouldbe Rod={0.026-0.031}eV, Civ= 0.028eV, (17) Cau= 0.040eV. The half-life sensitivity is directly proportional to the a bundance, a, of the parent bb-decay isotope [see equation (9)]. Accordingly, enriching the detectors of CUO RE from witha backgroundof wouldwith natural Te and a background of An R&D program, to determine the feasibi lity and cost of isotopically enriching CUORE is underway . In addition, the CUORE collaboration has a rigorous R&D programto improvethe 8keV,as it isin CUORICINO, to 5keV. An intense program is underway to determine the cause of the s pread in energy resolution. If in the ge 5keV,it couldreacha 2.5x1027yrin10years. Inthiscasethesensitivitiesbecome: Rod={13-16}meV, Civ= 14meV, (18) Cau= experiments. It is possible to proceed as planne d with a natural abundance version of CUORE, and then the bolometers could be replaced with those isotopi cally enriched in130Te. This would 85%. 24XII SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The CUORICINO detector is an array of 62TeO2bolometers operating at a temperature of about 8mK. It has a total mass of 40.7kg ofTeO2, containing 11kg of130Te. It has operated for a total 5.47x1025yr, with no observation of 0nbb-decay events, results in a lower bound, . The corresponding upper bound on the effective Majorana mass of the usingthecorrectednuclearstructurecalculationsofRod inetal.,is while using those of Civitarese and Suhonenyields <=0.47eV. With the recent shell measuredby KK&K.If structure calculations of Ref. [78] imply that afte r5years of live time CUORICINO would = 8kkeV, any case, the current results imply that the continued ope ration of CUORICINO is very important since it represents the only possibility of testing the claim of ev idence of 0nbb-decay for the next 5years CUORICINO Collaboration owes many thanks to the Directo rs and Staff of the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso over the years of the development, constructi on and operation of CUORICINO, and to the technical staffs of our Laboratories. The experiment wa s supported by the Istituto Nazionale di nderContractNo. HPRN-CT- 2002-00322, by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC DOE W- 7405-Eng-48, and by the National Science Foundation Grants Nos. PHY- 0139294 and PHY- 0500337. We also wish to thank the following colleagues for their help and advice: Ju oni Suhonen, Osvaldo Civiterese, Petr doFerroni. A at the confidence level corresponding to nss, can be derived by reference to Figure 7. Let C be the total number of counts found in the region of the expect ed0nbb-decay peak; let Bbe the d(E). C-B=ns C. 0, a desired signal to backgroundratio, z(C-B)/B, can be chosen; hence C= (1+z)B. ttenin the total numberof parent nuclei, ois the total detection efficiency, and tis the live time of the data collection. The number of parent nuclei can be written i n terms of, M, the total mass of the source (in an oxide for example), as follows: these values, and expressing the backgroundi n terms of the backgroundrate, course in the case of zero background, Eq. (A.1) is used, an d the quantity, (1+z)B, is replaced the number of real events in the peak. In case there are no real or b ackground events, i.e., C=B= 0, Eq. (A.1) is replaced by the usual quantity, ln{1/(1-CL)}, which is 2.3, (90%C.L.) for example, and T0n 1/2becomes an experimental lower limit. In Eq. 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Barucci, J.W. Beeman, F. Bellini, C. Brofferio, C. Bucci, S. Capelli, L.
Carbone, S. Cebrian, M. Clemenza, O. Cremonesi, R.J. Creswick, A. de Waard,
S. Di Domizio, M. J. Dolinski, H.A. Farach, E. Fiorini, G. Frossati, A.
Giachero, A. Giuliani, P. Gorla, E. Guardincerri, T. D. Gutierrez, E.E.
Haller, R.H. Maruyama, R.J. McDonald, S. Nisi, C. Nones, E.B. Norman, A.
Nucciotti, E. Olivieri, M. Pallavicini, E. Palmieri, E. Pasca, M. Pavan, M.
Pedretti, G. Pessina, S. Pirro, E. Previtali, L. Risegari, C. Rosenfeld, S.
Sangiorgio, M. Sisti, A.R. Smith, L. Torres, G. Ventura, M. Vignati | Results from a search for the $0\nu\beta\beta$-decay of $^{130}Te$ | 30 pages, 7 figures | Phys.Rev.C78:035502,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevC.78.035502 | null | hep-ex | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | A detailed description of the CUORICINO $^{130}Te$ neutrinoless double-beta
($\nbb$) decay experiment is given and recent results are reported. CUORICINO
is an array of 62 tellurium oxide ($TeO_{2}$) bolometers with an active mass of
40.7 kg. It is cooled to $\sim 8-10$ mK by a dilution refrigerator shielded
from environmental radioactivity and energetic neutrons. It is running in the
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) in Assergi, Italy. These data
represent an exposure of $11.83\textrm{kg}...\textrm{y}$ or 91 mole-years of
$^{130}Te$. No evidence for $\nbb$-decay was observed and a limit of
$T^{0\nu}_{1/2}(^{130}Te)\geq3.0\times10^{24}$ y (90% C.L.) is set. This
corresponds to an upper limit on the effective mass, $< m_{\nu}>$, between 0.19
and 0.68 eV when analyzed with the many published nuclear structure
calculations. In the context of these nuclear models, the values fall within
the range corresponding to the claim of evidence of $\nbb$-decay by H.V.
Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, \textit{et al.} The experiment continues to acquire
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 23 Feb 2008 11:45:00 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 22 Sep 2008 11:33:31 GMT"
] | 2008-11-26T00:00:00 | [
"D. R.",
"F. T.",
"J. W.",
"R. J.",
"de Waard",
"Di Domizio",
"M. J.",
"H. A.",
"T. D.",
"E. E.",
"R. H.",
"R. J.",
"E. B.",
"A. R.",
] |
1 sification of electromagnetic fields (see also [12]) equally applicable in both relat ivities and having deep physical roots. In fact, there already exist class ifications of stress-energy tensors (essentially, those of Segr` e and Pleb a' nski, [14, 15, 17]) and, specifically, of electromagnetic fields [18]. However, one do es not encounter there a direct relation to such field properties as the Po ynting vector and the velocities of propagation of concrete configuratio ns of these fields (in particular, with respect to the reference frames co-mov ing with the corresponding fields when these velocities are < c= 1 in the natural units used here; for a detailed discussion of the Li' enard-Wiecher t example see our recent article [12] and a preprint with complete simple deduc tion of that solution [10]). Now, our aim is also to give here natural and for calculation of such physical characteristics of e very field ( cf.[8, 16, 23]). We consider electromagnetic fields in a vacuum (but electric current s may be present, not the media with dielectric and magnetic propertie s), this theory being treated here on the classical (not quantum theoret ical) basis. The state of motion (in general, inhomogeneous) of the electromag netic field, which we call its propagation, is that of a concrete (preferably, ex act) solu- tion of the system of dynamical equations (of Maxwell in special the ory in general theory of relativity), but not the prop agation of perturbations on the background of these solutions, and not t he propa- gation of discontinuities, which belong to other problems of the field t heory not considered in this paper (their treatment is already well develop ed and does not need immediate revision). Any motion is, naturally, relative ( that occurring with the velocity of light is also relative, at least in the sense of its direction: the light aberration effect), while motions with under-lumin al ve- locities always permit to introduce co-moving reference frames with respect to which the fields are at rest everywhere in the four-dimensiona l region of the frame determination, which includes the requirement that redis bydeformation, acceleration and rotation of the respective co-moving reference frame, and vice versa . In this connection, we remind that the physical reference frame is an idealized image of a changing with time (let us not to put this concept here more pre- cisely) distribution and motion of observers together with their obs ervational and measuring devices, idealized primarily in the sense to be test obje cts, 2i.e.they should not practically perturb the characteristics of the obj ects (including fields and spacetime) in the classical (non-quantum) theo ry. We do not touch here upon the problem of quantum theoretical descr iption of reference frames: this question still seems not to be adequately c onsidered in physics, although the first step in this direction was already made by Bohr and Rosenfeld [1]. 1.1 A preview of the paper's structure The reader will notice that in this paper the original conclusions are e In the next section the notations and definitions us ed in this paper are given. In section 3 we present a condensed information o n descrip- tion of reference frames and its application to electromagnetic field s. The short section 4 is dedicated to the classification of these fields in ter ms of their two invariants, I1andI2. In section 5 we introduce the concept of propagation velocity of electromagnetic fields in a vacuum, and it is sh own that absolute value the three-velocity of all pure null fields is equal to unity. The pure electromagnetic fields (when I2= 0) are considered in section 6 yielding for the pure electric and magnetic types a simple elimination of magnetic or electric field, respectively, by the corresponding choic es of ref- erence frame (subsection 6.1), and a specific r^ ole of the Doppler e ffect (with its inevitable generalization) for the pure null type in subsection 6.2. An approach to constructing exact Einstein-Maxwell solutions in the s ame 4- geometry as that of any exact seed Einstein-Maxwell solution one a rbitrarily would choose (with the exception of pure null fields), is developed in s ec- tions 7 and 8. Section 9 is dedicated to the treatment of impure subt 0) of all three types of fields leading to parallelization of electric and magnetic vectors in the adequate (canonical) reference frames. In sections 10 and 11 we consider application of the methods developed in the pre ced- ing sections to some exact solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equatio ns in general relativity and Maxwell's equations in special relativity: in subs ec- tion 10.1 of the well-known Kerr-Newman (KN) solution (involving, as w e show, in different regions different types of electromagnetic field wh ose elec- tric and magnetic vectors are always collinear and , and in subsection 11.1, the Li' enard-Wiechert solution (we show that it b elongs to the pure electric type and there always exists a global co-moving wit h field non-degenerate reference frame, so that the velocity of 3propagation of this field in a vacuum is everywhere less than that of lig ht, withthe exception ofthe futurenull infinity). In subsection 10.2n ew exact solutions with pure electric and pure magnetic fields in the standard K err- Newman black hole geometry are presented, together with a similar b lack hole with impure-null-type electromagnetic field. In subsection 11.2, it is shown that a superposition of plane harmonic electromagnetic wave and ho- mogeneous magnetic field has strictly sub-luminal velocity of its prop agation in a vacuum. In the final section 12 the obtained results are summed up and concluding remarks are given. 2 Mathematical will be considered in four spacetime dimensions. We use th e spacetime signature + ,-,-,-, Greek indices being four-dimensional (run- ning from 0 to 3), and Latin ones, with the Einste in con- vention of summation over dummy indices. However, in the referenc e frame formalism, allindices usually areGreek, andthesplitting into physical space- like and timelike objects only means that the former ones are in all fre e in- dices orthogonal to the timelike monad vector (projected onto th e of the reference frame), while the physical timelike p arts repre- sent contractions with the monad in the indices which hence become a bsent (a change of the root-letter notation is then advisable). The indice s put into individual parentheses belong to tetrad components. For the sake of convenience and writing and reading economy, the C artan exterior forms formalism is frequently used. In it, the coordinated basis is the set of four covectors (1-forms) dx0,...,dx3, and the orthonormal tetrad basis similarly is th(0),...,th(3). Every such basis 1-form, ( e.g.,dx2,th(3)), an individual four-dimensional covector. The exterio r (wedge) product simply is a skew-symmetrized tensorial product (antisymm etrization is also denoted by Bach's square brackets which embrace the indices , number)!is supposed to be included in this definition). It is clear that the rank of a form can be from 0 (a scalar) to 4, inclusively; all f orms of higher ranks vanish identically (in D= 4). The scalar product of four- vectors or covectors is denoted by a central dot, if these vecto rs are written without indices ( A*B), butwithsuch indices this has a wider meaning, literally, this means that the scalar product of covectors equals a contravariant component of the metric 4tensor with the same indices as those of these isd enoted by an asterisk over the corresponding subindices, or under upper indices; the Hodge star stands for dual conjugation of a form written more ab stractly, and is denoted by an asterisk before the form; it is convenient to ha ve in mind that, after all, it applies to the form's basis, though this is equiva lent to a similar dual conjugation of the form's components ( not both at once! ). An application of a pair of Hodge stars does not change an odd-rank form and results in the change of the sign of an even-rank form (for exa mple, field 2-form F). By this definition ,
*(dxa1***dxak) Eklun:=-1-goklun (2.2) are covariant and contravariant components of the axial Levi-Civ it` a tensor, and the usual Levi-Civit` a symbol is defined o0123= +1 (2.3) (always with the subindices: this is a symbol, though simultaneously rep- resenting components of a contravariant axial tensor density of the weight -1anda covariant axial tensor density of the weight +1). See some details in the beginning of the introductive chapter in [11]. Finally, coming back to a formula in the end of the second paragraph of this section, we h ave
*(dxu*dxn) =-dxu*dxn=-gun. Of course, the r^ ole of metric properties of spacetime is somewhat hidden in the Hodge notations, as one can s ee from the formulae (2.1) and (2.2). 3 Algebra of reference frames; applications to the electromagnetic field Thecentral s, being here only of auxiliary significance, for example, the ex operator d=th(a)X(a) dxaa. 5In the physical sense, a concrete reference frame (see [11]) has only to do with a state of motion (a timelike world lines' congruence, or, equivale ntly, its unitary tangent vector field, the monad t) of a swarm of test with their test measuring devices. Moreover, one additio nal ingre- dient, the metric tensor g, is needed to construct the projector b:=g-tt which at the same time serves as the (formally, me tric ten- sor on the local subspace orthogonal to the m onad field t;buntn0, detb0.bhas the signature 0 ,-,-,-, so that the scalar product of two vectors is A*B:=-babAaBb *[(tA)*(tB)] (3.1) where these vectors are also automatically projected onto the loc al above. If such vectors did already belong to the subspa ce, they usually are boldfaced: Au=bu nAn. The axial vector product of two vectors now (3.2) These algebraic operationsare to the usual three -dimensio- nal scalar and vector products, so we denote them by essentially t he same symbols. In fact, in the complete reference frame theory we similar ly use the operations of gradient, divergence and curl, but, being differe ntial oper- ators, they are more profoundly generalized, explicitly taking into a ccount the characteristics of inhomogeneities of general reference fra mes, such as ac- celeration, rotation and deformation (expansion and shear) which naturally cannot be present in the algebraic treatment of geometry. The un iformity interpre- tation of general- and (in non-inertial frames) e xpressions as well as of theoretically predicted fields are described withthe use of the covector p the 2-form (the field (3.3) With respect to a given reference frame t(see [11]), the field tensor splits into two four-dimensional (co)vectors, (3.4) 6and (3.5) botht, thus F=Et+*(Bt). (3.6) It is obvious that Eis a polar four-vector and B, an axial four-vector, both restricted to the local physical three-subspace of the t-reference frame. (In Cartesian coordinates and with the corresponding inertial monad, conse- quently, in the Minkowskian spacetime, we have the same relations as for usual contravariant three-vectors: The splitting (3.4), (3.5), (3.6) follows from the observation that the Lorentz force can be expressed (3.7) Here the three-velocity of the charged particle on which acts the L orentz force, follows from the general (1-v2)-1/2, that is non- total differential of the physical time along an infinitesimal displacem ent of the particle in spacetime), and uis its four-velocity. We have to add here important comments related to the basic concepts of both relativit ies, and these comments could be more transparent just with the three-v elocity as an intuitively clear example. The physical objects (such as v,E,etc.) be- long to the section orthogonal to tusing which these objects are already in special relativity, the velocities considered in their c ompo- sition law, may exist even in three distinct sections of spacetime, while three frames are participating in the composition, and it is absolutely obviou s that one cannot simply add vectors from two subspaces obtaining the th ird lying in the third subspace, all of them having necessar y prop- erties with respect to these respective frames. And in the compos ition law the three-vectors being added together, frequently are colline ar (an absurd if they belong to non-parallel sections of spacetime). This is, of cou rse, since Einstein himself did not realize the fact of unifica tion of space and time into the four-dimensional manifold before the famou s discov- ery of Minkowski in 1908 (and even during several years after this discovery). 7The only two electromagnetic invariants being important in the Einste in- Maxwell theory can be easily =FunFun= (3.9) I2= 2*(FF) =F*unFun= 4E*B. (3.10) These invariants enter the following important fact,I2is an axial (pseudo-) invariant whose square behaves as a electromagnetic stress-energy tensor is [9, Gaussian units). Its (single) contraction with arbitrary monad in cludes the electromagnetic energy density and Poynting vector in that fr (3.13) and the squared expression is (see (3.11) and cf.[23, is interesting that these constructions are not only scalars und er of coordinates, but they are also independent of the refe rence frame choice: the right-hand side does not involve any mention of the mona d at all. 4 A classification of electromagnetic fields The simple and exhaustive classification of electromagnetic fields is ba sed on existence of only two invariants, (3.9) and (3.10), built with the field t ensor Fun, while all other invariants are merely algebraic functions of these tw o 8invariants (if not vanish identically). Since I2itself is a scalar) which acquires the factor sign( J) :=J/|J|under a of coordinates, Jbeing its Jacobian, the concrete sign of I2 does not matter in our terms of I1the invariant classification suggests three types of fields: I1<0 is the electric type (the electric field dominates), I1>0 gives the mag- netic type, and to I1= 0, the null type corresponds. The to work out the classification in more detail: we get impure ( 0) and pure ( I2= 0). Below we shall see how this classification enables us to find reference frames most adequately suitable for description of concrete elect and even to construct new exact solutions of Einstein-Maxwe ll's equa- tions. It also gives a natural base for straightforward physical in terpretation of these fields. 5 Propagation of electromagnetic the propagation of electromagnetic field, we do not inclu de limits related to field discontinuities (bicharacterist ics). The Poynting vector plays an important r^ ole in electrodynamics having t wo dis- tinct meanings: of the energy density flow and of the linear momentu m density due tosymmetry of energy-momentu m tensor (in natural units velocity is dimensionless and that of light ina vacuum is c= 1). It is worth giving more comments on physical interpretation of the P oynting vector. It does not always describe propagation of extractable e nergy of the field and even a real motion (see also [19]); the exclusion is here relate d to the special case of static and stationary fields (whose frequency is equal to zero). Thus the Poynting vector, together with the electromagn etic energy density, determines (sometimes formally) the propagation three- velocity field with respect to the reference frame in which t he expres- sion (3.13) is given. We take this velocity according to Landau and Lifs hitz [7] (see the problem in p. 69) alternative definition see in [13], p. 115, formula (312), v= 2ExB E2+B2, (5.2) 9but this definition is false as it can be seen from subsection 11.2 below) . In the preceding pages in [7], an interesting discussion of electromag netic invariants is worth being noted. From (3.14) and (5.1) we see the angle between EandBin the strict local Euclidean sense; moreover, the function |v|/(1+v2) is everywhere monotonic. In particular, this means that the propagation of all pure null fields ( with the unit absolute value of the three-velocity, the veloc ity of light, and all other electromagnetic fields propagate with sub-luminal velo cities which canalways bemadeequal co-moving r eference frames. This is the conclusion, only expressed in notations characteristic to the general reference f rame theory. 6 Dealing with pure electromagnetic especia types when there always exist reference frames in which either magnetic or electric field can be easily eliminated. The pure null type requires mo re thorough examination involving a consideration of the Doppler effect (here, its generalized counterpart) which we have to discuss below in more d etail. 6.1 Pure electric and magnetic type fields Vanishing of the second invariant, I2, means that the electromagnetic field tensor, or its dual conjugate, is a simple bivector in all reference f rames (the second of two necessary and sufficient conditions is four-dimension ality of the manifold under consideration), (6.1) U,V,P, andQbeing In the first case, I1= is negative if one of these vectors is timelike (say, U) and (V), thusFwill pertain to the pure electric type (or, similarly, for 10*F, to the pure magnetic type; see also an alternative case considere d in subsection 11.1 when vector U=Ris null). Normalizing timelike Uto unity (the extra coefficient may be included in V), we can take the normalized U as a new monad in the choice of reference frame and immediately see t hat in this frame the magnetic vector automatically vanishes. It remains only to show thatour supposition (timelike Uandspacelike V)is sufficiently general; this can be easily proven using the substitution V==V+aUwhich does not change F. Similarly we treat the problem of eliminating the electric field in the pure magnetic case using *Fin (6.1). 6.2 Pure null type fields and the Doppler effect Pure null type fields have both invariants equal to zero, but the ve ry fields remain non-trivial in any non-degenerate system of coordinates a s well as in any realistic reference frame (here, in the sense of EandB, these three-vectors do transform under changes of r eference frames, and their components transform under transformations of coor dinates. The monadtunder these transformation should remain always timelike, and the Jacobian of the transformation of coordinates has to be non-zer o and non- . As an example we consider in this subsection a wave in a vacuum ( k=o) written in Cartesian it theLorentz transformation the direction of the xaxis using the of EandBunder this transformation. The resulting then (6.5) It is clear that the expression of o'in (6.5) describes the longitudinal Doppler effect while E'gives the accompanying change of the wave intensity. Since the latter is an integral part of the longitudinal Doppler effect, we c onsider the complete expression (6.5) as its natural generalization; the de scription of transversal Doppler effect has to be generalized in the similar way. 11It seems that this generalization of the Doppler effect is not encoun tered in physics textbooks. Nevertheless, it is generally used as an import ant hint in the interpretation of the well-known astrophysical phenome non of particles' jet pairs emitted by cores of some galaxies (the jet moving away from the observer not only has lower frequency, but a lso lower intensity, thus this jet sometimes escapes to be ob served). There is also a static ( o= 0) particular case of pure null elect involving mutually orthogonal constant vectors EandB(let us call it Cartesian case whose cylindrically symmetric analogue is used in som e ex- periments involving electromagnetic fields with non-zero angular mom entum without a genuine rotation). Such Cartesian pure null fields manifes t only intensity part of the Doppler effect since in this case o= 0 =o'in of their intensity and frequency (only the relation of freque ncy to intensity remaining constant, and if the frequency had not been equal to zero from the very beginning). A complete transformation away of ini- tially non-trivial pure null fields is however impossible in any non-degen erate frame, representing only asymptotic and not real possibility. We co nsidered above the case of a plane-polarized wave, but similar approach work s in the circular polarization case as well. 7 Duality rotation and electromagnetic fields with the same spacetime geometry Let us introduce a new electromagnetic field tensor (2-form) F= (k+l*)F,*F= (k*-l)F (7.1) (*is the Hodge star), where Fis the electromagnetic field tensor belonging to some given exact self-consistent Einstein-Maxwell solution, kandlbeing some scalar functions to be further determined. We now set the co ndition that the new field Fhas to produce the same energy-momentum tensor which follows from the old field F. Since geometry is well determined by tensor, fromthe Bianchi identities it then follow s that the standard general relativistic Maxwell equations for both fields, old and new, will be equally satisfied if the old field has no electromagnetic sources, or the sources are localized at the singularity of the old and new fields where the standard classical theory is not calligraphic letters will be used for all concomitants of the new ele c- tromagnetic field. (7.3) I1=FunFun= simple calculation yields with I2cancel automatically for arbitrary I2). Hence the coincidence of geometries created by the two fields is guaranteed iff k= cosa, l= sina, (7.4) so that I1= rotation, how the transformation (7.1) with (7.4) is now int er- preted (see [8]), does not change the 4-geometry compatible with t he field. This geometry remains the same as that crea ted by the old field (see also [16, 8, 23]). The angle (complexion) aof the duality rotation is, of course, an axial scalar function of coordinates whic h we shall now concretely determine. 8 Construction of new Einstein-Maxwell rotation First, let us see how restrictive is the duality rotation. The relations (7.5) lead to a general olution using this method. Together with the considerations of subsection 6.2, eticfields. Now, let us see if pure subtypes ( I2= 0= I12=I12+I22) can be obtained from the impure fields ( 0). The second relation in (7.5) (8.2) 13which with the first relation cos2aI12+I22 I1= fact, we have to perform straightforward calculations for ev ery see ifI2would be sign-definitive or not in the desired region. Though the last possibility seems to be excluded by our initial supposit ion, it could be, naturally, softened: the duality rotation should reduce to the identity transformation at equal to zero.) From (8.2) and (8.3) we come to the following conclusions: if the new field has to be pure electric ( I1<0), whileI1<0 andI2>0, the angle ahas to be such that sin2 a <0 and cos2 a >0; forI1<0 andI2<0,ahas to give sin2a>0 and cos2a>0; forI1>0 andI2>0, there has to be sin2 a<0 and cos2a<0; forI1>0 andI2<0, sin2a>0 and cos2a<0. Similarly, we determine the position of afor the pure magnetic new I1= 0= I22=I12+I22) we have to use the first relation in (7.5) (8.4) The second relation etc; (8.5) the procedure of determination of the position of ais the same as above, here only 0, and both signs of I2are equally admissible. It is clear that we can perform the inverse duality rotation in all these cases (in par ticular, coming from the impure null to pure electric or magnetic type fields). Thus the pure and impure electric and magnetic types form togethe r with the impure null type a mutually transformable ( viaduality rotation) group of electromagnetic fields disconnected from the pure null type. 9 Impure electromagnetic fields: paralleliz- ing of E and B In this section we again use the classification of electromagnetic field s in two senses: in the proper one, i.e.with respect to F, and, simultaneously, in the 14sense of the new field Fintroduced in (7.1), but we now look for from Fabout the old field F. It is already clear that when F is impure (electric, magnetic, or null), the field Fcan be chosen as pure (electric or magnetic in everyone of these cases). An interesting f eature here is that the reference frame in which only one field (electric or magnet ic in the sense of F) survives, is precisely that in which EandBfollowing from F are mutually parallel, and the parallelization procedure becomes comp letely reduced just to determination of this canonical frame (say, t'). Thus, while the relations E *B E'*B'= 0 (9.1) are frame-invariant (the field Fis chosen as belonging to the pure subtype), the property E'/badblB'is realized only in the canonical frame where either field Fmay be considered as a merely auxiliary one (essentially, in special relativity where its r^ ole in generation of gravitational field is ne- glected), so that the parallelization procedure then may be manage d even without the use of the strict duality rotation with the angle aand the relation (8.1), but when we simply take, e.g., F= (1+k*)F. (9.2) The calculations following from this ansatz are simple, but somewhat c um- bersome, and we omit them, especially since they will not be used in this paper. 10 Examples in general relativity In this section we consider two particular electromagnetic fields self -consis- tently sharing one and the same four-dimensional geometry: in the the standard Kerr-Newman (KN) rotating charged b lack hole, and in the subsection 10.2, its generalizations to the black holes crea ted by specific mixtures of electric charge and magnetic monopole distrib theKNsingular ring. The first example corresponds to a field, while the next three ones belong to the pure e lectric, pure magnetic and impure null types, thus representing new black- hole exact solutions of Einstein-Maxwell equations. The first two new solutions admit reference frames in which there is no magnetic or no electric fields in t he whole The Kerr-Newman solution The KN metric tensor is taken in the Boyer-Lindquist (BL) coordinat es =r2-2Mr+Q2+a2. Thus the basis outside the singularity r= 0 Further, the electromagnetic 1-form four- potential ( cf.the usual Coulomb potential) and the field tensor (see for some details [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 20, 22]). confirms the presence in Fof the factor r2-a2cos2thwhich first could seem to be somewhat unnatural), we can now introduce an angle (10.5) Then the electromagnetic field involving a duality rotation, and the electromagnetic invaria I2=2Q2 r4sin2b, (10.7) so that the construction invariant under duality rotation (8.1) in th e KN solution case is ( cf.the Coulomb and om fields where, of course,a= (10.8) From (10.7) and (10.5) we immediately find that on the plane cos th= 0 and the sphere r= 0 (it is well known that the negative region of space withr<0 makes a certain sense in this spacetime) the invariants take I2= 0 I2= 0, respectively, thus the field Fbelongs there to the pure electric type (in the BL frame, the magnetic field is already eliminated in this region). The in- tersection of these 2-surfaces is the well-known singular rotating Kerr when we approach to the ring from these mutually orthog- onal directions. This would be in conformity with the usual interpret ation of the ring as rotating with the velocity of light if that I1also tended there to zero, though this is not quite the case. The vanishing of I1occurs only in the limits in four directions along which (without admission to simultaneously take only both similar signs in the whole formula). Further, when r2=a2cos2th, we have the pure mag- netic type field (with already eliminated electric field in the BL frame) wit thus, if we come to the ring from the corresponding di- rections, the field will be purely magnetic. The electromagnetic field a round the Kerr ring in KN solution is in fact very diverse, like a patchwork quilt . To find how behaves the propagation velocity vof this field, we have to calculate its energy density and Poynting vector, but let us begin wit hE andBin the BL frame t=th(0), see (10.2). Already before any looking at the definitions (3.4) and (3.5), one understands that these two vectors and th(1)are everywhere collinear, so that the Poynting vanishes, as well as vdoes (this is natural, since both and the field tensor components do not depend on tandph, and we already arein the KN-field's co-moving frame). The pure subtype can be 17realized (if we suppress duality rotations) only due to local vanishing ofE orBin the BL frame. In this co-moving frame the electromagnetic energ y density is everywhere equal (5.3). We have found here that the KN solution is anisotropic and in the sense of distribution of electric and magnetic typ es of theFfield, although three-vector fields EandBare always collinear in the spacetime of KN black hole in the BL frame, but there are surfaces o n which either magneticor electric field vanishes. Inorder tobetter under stand if this structure of electromagnetic field belonging to the KN solution is inev itable (however, see also [3]), we shall further apply to the KN solution the method developed in sections 7 and 8 (as a broadening and modernization of t duality rotation approach). We shall find th at it is easy to radically modify the KN solution obtaining rotating black holes with electromagnetic fields of everywhere pure electric or pure mag netic, or impure null type. 10.2 New rotating black hole solutions with pure electric, pure magnetic, and impure null fields F in KN geometry Here we apply duality rotation F= (cosa*-sina)F (10.10) [the combination of (7.1) and (7.4)] to the KN electromagnetic field (1 0.3). Since our aim is to construct a pure subtype field ( I2= 0), we already have from (8.1) I12=I12+I22while the sign of I1is determined by the choice of position of ain the angle diagram and (8.2). Taking the expression (10.6) and using the obvious algebra of duality rotation, we rewrite the exp ression (10.10) putting a+b= 0, we immediately come to the pure electric field the same KN geometry which everybody associates with the KN patchwork electromagnetic field F(10.3). The pure magnetic similarly obtained with the use of we have to add the third new case of KN-like black holes, those with null type electromagnetic field when in (10.11) a+b=p/4+np/2 is taken (naturally, this field now belongs to the impure subtype). With n= 0, it (10.14) The (contracted) Bianchi identities guarantee satisfaction of Ma outside the ring singularity for the new field Fin this geometry, while the presence of magnetic monopole distribution existing here on ly on the singular Kerr ring should not create any problem since at the sing ularity the classical laws of physics obviously fail to work. One may say that (aswell asthat oftheelectric charg e) can, as this is shown above, exactly compensate the magnetic (electric) fie ld butthisisno tprecisely the case. In fact, we encounter in this situation a more complicated super- position of dynamical and kinematic effects, since the ( is not an inertial one: it involves both acceleration and rotatio n (the latter is present due to 0, see the definitions in [11]). In the same ref. 11 (chapter 4, pp. 86, 87, 90, and 91) it is shown that in t he classical Maxwell equations and in laws of motion of electric charges, both written in non-inertial reference frames, there appear kinematic terms of the monopole nature. In equations of motion they bear the name of kine- matic forces (forces of inertia), thus in the field equations let us sp eak of kinematic sources. While dynamical force and source are originated by the same interaction term in the action integral (only the variational pr ocedure is performed with respect to particle's world line and to field's potentia their kinematic counterparts automatically app ear in the respective dynamical equations written (and experimentally invest igable) in non-inertial frames. It is interesting that kinematic and dynamical counter- parts of forces, as well as of sources, have rather similar struct ure, despite their different origin, thus making them Examples in special relativity 11.1 Li' enard-Wiechert's field: the pure electric type The Li' enard-Wiechert (LW) field is special relativistic electromagn etic field generated by an arbitrarily moving electric charge Q(we restrict our consid- eration to an arbitrary timelike world line of the charge). See the det ails of deduction of this field in [10] where we used the future light cone (the case of retarded field, precisely like in the present paper); an arbitrary mixture of retarded and advanced fields can be found in [18]. Thus the retarde d point on the charge world line x'uis connected with the four-dimensional point xu (where the field is determined) by the null vector Ru=xu-x'u(we theCartesian special relativistic tre atment). The four-potential then projector on local retarded subspace or thogonal to u' and the spatial three-metric on this subspace (with the signature 0,-,-,-). The retarded of the charge is A simple calculation yields the LW field tensor F=RV, second field invariant I2automatically vanishes). The first invariant is I1=-2Q2 D4<0 ThustheLWfield pertains to the pure electric type everywhere outside the point charge's wo rld line. Combining RwithVin (11.2), one can change the null vector Rto a timelike one, U, and thus reduce the problem to that discussed in subsec- tion 6.1. However it is much simpler to (algebraically) regauge the vect fractional coefficient is put only for a scalar function still to be determined); this does neither change 20the field tensor, F=RW, nor produce any l2-term in further now the 1-form definition of the magnetic vector in a t-frame (3.5) and taking the monad as t=NWwhere the scalar normalization factor is N= (W*W)-1/2, we come to B= 0 in this frame. The problem is thus reduced to a proper choice of lsuch thatWwill be a suitable real timelike vector. We see (11.4) Then its square takes an unexpectedly simple (11.5) In fact,lstill remains arbitrary (this means that there is a continuum of such different co-moving frames). Let it first term in the square brackets, 1 /D2, got its denominator to fit the dimensional considerations). Finally, is clear that t*t= +1). By its definition, the monad tdescribes the reference frame co-moving with the LW electromagnetic field: in this frame the Poynting vector of the field vanishes, the electromagnetic ene rgy flux ceases to exist due to the absence of magnetic partt Bof the field in this frame (applicable at any finite distance D, not asymptotically), and Fcan be rewritten as F=Q D3Rt. The expression (3.4) now =Q D3*[t*(Rt)] =Q D2tn (11.8) which is, up to an understandable reinterpretation of notations, e xactly the form known as the Coulomb field vector. Here the unitary normal to the t-congruence, while hence in the frame co-moving with the LW field (the reader may choose other co-moving reference frame s but our choice seems to be one of the simplest that fact given after the formula (11.1) as Dand pertaining to another frame (co-moving with the retarded charge, not with it s field, see for details [10]). The situation discovered in this subsection can be formulated in a sho rt and exact form as existence in all spacetime outside the world line of t he charge generating LW's field, of a reference frame co-moving with t his field, i.e., a frame in which the Poynting vector vanishes in all this region (with t he exception of the future null infinity which can be described only asym ptoti- cally, using more topological1than geometrical methods), thus in this frame there is no flow of electromagnetic energy anywhere. Of course, t his frame is in general a rotating one (see in [10] the expression (4.27) and app endix A), thusthe aglobal-- at least, finite -- subspace of the four-dimensio nal world; at most, in the presence of rotation there exist only strictly local ( infinitesi- mal) elements of such a subspace which do not merge into a finite hype rsur- face, like scales of a sick fish in aquarium. Note that this occurs here even in the special relativity, not only in general theory. Moreover, the presence of the frame's rotation does not permit synchronization of clocks b eing at rest in such a frame. (In the same spacetime there always exist also an in- finite number of non-rotating frames in which you are welcomed to pe rform a synchronization, but in any rotating frame this very procedure is It is curious that while we live all our lives in our terrestrial ro- tating frame, its rotation remains sufficiently slow not to condition us to this non-holonom psychology.) 1It was a gibe of the fate with respect to the authors who deliberate ly and nevertheless claimed that the LW field contains electro magnetic in this field the Poynting vector can be easily transformed aw ay by means of a proper choice of the reference frame in every finite region around the charge's world line. About the attitude of L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz toward topology see [21], pp. 470- 471, -- and see also [7], p. 173 ff. However, Misner and Wheeler didtake topology into account in their considerations [8, 23]. 22Since everywhere outside the LW source (the pointlike charge world line on which the field singularity occurs) there is no magnetic field in this fr ame, and any redistribution of electromagnetic field cannot take place th ere, the LW field does not propagate in this frame, it only can be compressed o r rarefied remaining at rest with respect to the frame in its contract ion or ex- pansion, similar to effects known in relativistic cosmology. This could se em to be in contradiction with the traditional decomposition of LW field int o the near (induction) and distant (radiation) zones. The reason for th is should be seen inthe fact that, althoughthe very Maxwell e quations are linear, the physical characteristics of electromagnetic fields s uch as their energy density, Poynting vector (describing, up to a constant fa ctor, either the energy flow density or linear momentum density of the field), and stress, are quadratic (or bilinear) in the field tensor sense. Thus we have no t to overlook the interaction terms between the induction and radiat ion coun- terparts in these characteristics. Note that the elimination of the magnetic part of LW's field is directly related to its pureelectric type,-- consequently, to the quadratic (bilinear) invariants of this field. Therefore the c ontradic- tion exists only in a wrong customary application of the linearity conc ept to the strictly nonlinear characteristics even of the electrovacuu m fields. In a certain sense, there should be a way to reconc ile considering the asymptotic behaviour of the field; in a ny case, this has to correspond to merely technical details of the problem. S imilarly, in his ironic paper [19], Synge with his great wit criticized the existing st yle of introduction of these same characteristics in the most widely use d text- books on field theory. Though his criticism was there somewhat supe rficial, we find Synge's paper quite provocative in more profound determina tion of the quotidian concepts in our theory using their physical sense. 11.2 Propagation of a plane electromagnetic wave on the background of homogeneous magnetic field in a vacuum Finally, let us consider a simple, but not yet discussed in literature pro b- lem of electromagnetic waves' propagation in a time-independent so urceless Maxwell field in a vacuum. For simplicity, we take the same wave as in sub - section 6.2, and the additional Maxwell field is chosen merely as a magn etic one in the direction of propagation of the wave, with the constant t hree- 23vectorB. Obviously, this superposition is an exact solution of Ma, and there cannot be any real interaction between the se two fields since the equations are linear. We have however already noted that the ve- locity of propagation of electromagnetic field is non-linear in terms of this field's tensor F, so that there should, naturally, exist an observable physical effect in the case of a superposition of such free Maxwell's fields. The re is, of course, an effect which was already considered and observed in t he early history of optics, that of the standing electromagnetic waves, bu t nobody still worried about the seemingly absurd problem formulated above. Thus we take in Cartesian coordinates t,x,y,zthe superposition of the fields (6.3) and I2= 0 due to the orthogonality of EandB, and the first invari- ant isI1= 2H2>0: this is the pure magnetic type field. The result of superposition (11.10) is in fact a specific not precisely monochromat ic wave whose behaviour can be best understood in the reference frame c o-moving with it, and one can find such a frame using the pure-magnetic prope rty of this wave's field, see subsection 6.1. First, we write the field in the initial frame tin=dt] as a simple =-PQ. (11.11) If toPwe addlQ(lbeing an arbitrary function) and use this sum Itisobviousthat P*P <0, Thus if we choose vectorP'will be timelike, P'*P'=H2>0, and we can take P'/Has a properly normalized the dually conjugated field tensor reads *F=-Ht(dt-dx), thus in the frametthe electric field (3.4) vanishes, and this is the field's co-moving frame. In all these calculations one has to remember that when only one (here, magnetic) field survives after the reference frame is tran sformed, involve anadditional even when this motion occurs to be with a non-constant magnitude of the three- velocity described by strictly local Lorentz transformations work ing in non- inertial frames). Thus there appears a continuum of such one-fie ld frames (cf.[7], but working in general as well as in special relativity), and the sea rch for more elegant ones depends on the individual taste of the resea rcher. Let us now calculate the three-velocity of the frame tfrom the our general definition (3.8) and substitute the result into the left- hand side of (5.1), then putting into the right-hand side the expres sions ofE andBfrom (11.10) in the frame tinto check if the Landau-Lifshitz definition (5.1) really works. Obviously, this way will not represent a vicious circ le since these parts of (5.1) were initially deduced in [7] from a very differ ent standpoint than ours (moreover, in this way the left-hand side of ( 5.2) will be automatically checked: both definitions of vcannot simultaneously work well). First, we rewrite (3.8) in these notations for frames and find v(tin): t= means the same is the result of Landau and wins. (Pauli's definition (5.2) cannot contain on its left-hand side the construction which inevitably appears on the right- hand side 2|ExB|
E2+B2, like in the Landau-Lifshitz case.) The mean value of |v|
is WhenH-0, the mean propagation that of light, while if EH, the mean velocity can become as low as one wishes: to this end, it is necessary to use as strong magne tic field Has possible and/or choose a low-intensity wave in the Concluding remarks The results obtained in this paper are based on three simple observa tions: that the physical classification of electromagnetic fields should be f , thecom- plete description of reference frame is related only to the state of motion of a continuous multitude of test observers, and that the duality rota tion (in the vein of but in a more modern and general fo rm) applied to a seed solution of Maxwell's equations, yields a new solution in t he same four-geometry which was generated by the seed solution We have proven that these suppositions really work tog ether, and the duality rotation permits to construct qualitatively new solutions, belong- ing also to other desired types of electromagnetic fields in accordan ce with our classification. There is only one restriction separating the pure null type fields from those of other five types. The pure null type does not c hange under the duality rotation, becoming in fact the same solution of this pure type, though corresponding to another reference frame and dis playing the Doppler effect in its generalized form also considered in this paper. As il- lustrations of application of our approach we discuss concrete exa mples of the Kerr-Newman (KN) solution and the Li' enard-Wiechert (LW) fi eld (to show the efficiency of our method also in special relativity). Moreove r, we deduce three qualitatively new types of electromagnetic field creat ing the same four-geometry as the seed KN solution, thus describing othe r kinds of KN-like black holes. Studying the LW field, we come upon a new conclusio n that the linearity of Maxwell's equations does not automatically mean t hat different constituent parts of this field can be properly interprete d characteristics of the field (such as the energy density and Poynting vector) have non-linear nature, thus a study of these characte ristics con- structed only of one or another parts of the LW solution, with omiss ion of the combination (interaction) of these parts, means a disregar d of impor- tant physical properties of the field, in particular, of its true prop We have explicitly shown that this velocity of the complete LW so- lution is less than that of light, and we have given the physically full-fled ged frame co-moving with LW field in which its Poynting vector exactly vanis hes everywhere outside the world line of the source of this field (strang ely, this fact was never noticed before). The last, but not least example is r elated to a simple superposition of two exact solutions of Ma , plane electromagnetic wave and homogeneous magnetic field in a vacuum. We show that this superposition, being itself an exact solu tion, always propagates with the velocity lesser than that of light, and we show that the elementary expression for this velocity is properly defined in [7], but not in [13]. (I must admit that at first I liked the definition given in Pauli's 26book much more than one: see, e.g., [12].) Finally, may I express my hope (to a certain extent, against hope), that the given here examples should lead our community of physicists to a m ofreference understanding as a more physical than purely mathematica l subject and an important ingredient in the description of physical reality. To con- sole those who cannot accept the representation of reference f rames through monads and Cartan's forms, I would add that they can take instead any system of coordinates whose t-coordinate lines coincide with those of the t-congruence (the choice of spatial coordinates does not matter ). In such a system, therewill thesame picture, thoughma thematics will feel awkward, while reference frames will seem to be N. Bohr andL. Rosenfeld(1933) Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab., Mat.- fys. Medd. 12, 8. [2] G.C. Debney, R.P. Kerr, and A. Schild, (1969) J. Math. Phys. 10, 1842. [3] M.P. Hobson, G.P. Estathiou, and A.N. Lasenby (2006) General Rela- tivity. An Introduction to Physicists (Cambridge, U.K.: CUP). [4] G. 't Hooft (1998) Introduction to General Relativity (Institute for The- oretical Physics, Utrecht University, Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Ut recht, the R.P. Kerr (2008) Discovering the Kerr and Kerr-Schild metrics [gr-qc]. [6] D. Kramer, H. Stephani, M. MacCallum, and E. Herlt (1980) Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations (Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften; Cambridge, U.K.: CUP). [7] L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz (2006) The Classical Theory of Fields , Fourth Revised English Edition (Amsterdam: Elsevier). [8] C.W. Misner and J.A. Wheeler (1957) Ann. Phys. (USA) 2, 525. 27[9] N.V. Mitskievich (Mizkjewitsch) (1958) Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 1, 319. In German. (The Noether theorem in general relativity, see also [11].) [10] N.V. Mitskievich (2005) Li' enard-Wiechert solution revisited N.V. Mitskievich (2006) Relativistic Physics in Arbitrary York: Nova Science Publishers). See also a less detailed early bookpreprint: arXiv the Noether t N.V. Mitskievich (2006) Electromagnetic Phenomena 6, no. 2, 124. [13] W. Pauli (1981) Theory of Relativity (New York: Dover). [14] J.F. Pleba' nski (1964) Acta Phys. Polon. 26, 963. [15] F.M. Paiva, M.J. Rebou, cas, G.S. Hall, and M.A.H. MacCallum (1998) Class. Quantum Grav. 15, 1031. [16] G.Y. Rainich (1925) Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 27, 106. [17] H. Stephani, D. Kramer, M. MacCallum, C. Hoenselaers, and E. H erlt (2003)Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations , Second U.K.: CUP). [18] J.L. Synge (1965) Relativity: The Special Theory (Amsterdam: J.L. Synge (1974) Hermathena (a Dublin University review) No. cxvii. [20] S.A. Teukolsky (1973) Astrophys. J. 185, 635. [21] K.S. Thorne (1994) Black Holes & Time Warps: Einstein's York: W.W. Norton and Co.). [22] P.K. Townsend (without date) Black Holes. Lecture notes (DAMTP, Univ. of Cambridge, Silver St., Cambridge, U.K.). [23] J.A. Wheeler (1962) Geometrodynamics (New York: Academic Press). 28 | 0802.3474 | Nikolai V. Mitskievich | Nikolai V. Mitskievich | Classification of electromagnetic fields in general relativity and its
physical applications | 28 pages, no figures | null | null | null | gr-qc | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The simplest electromagnetic fields' (general- as well as
special-relativistic) classification is formulated which is based on physically
motivated ideas. According to this classification these fields can belong to
three types (electric, magnetic and null), each of them being split in pure and
impure subtypes. Only pure null type field propagates with the fundamental
velocity $c$, all other fields have the propagation velocity less than that of
light. The reference-frame-based methods of elimination of alternative
three-fields (e.g., magnetic in the electric type case) are given for pure
subtypes; for pure null type the generalized Doppler effect takes place
instead. All three types of impure fields are shown to be {\bf E}-{\bf
B}-parallelizable. Thus such an elimination in pure non-null and
parallelization in all impure cases mean transformation to the reference frame
co-moving with the electromagnetic field in which the Poynting vector vanishes.
The methods we propose modernizing the Rainich--Misner--Wheeler approach, also
permit to construct new exact Einstein--Maxwell solutions from already known
seed solutions. As examples, the Kerr--Newman and Li\'enard--Wiechert solutions
are considered, three ``new'' types of rotating charged black holes (with the
same Kerr-Newman geometry) are presented, and new physical effects are
evaluated. PACS 2008 Numbers: 04.20-{\bf q}, 04.20.Ex, 04.40.Nr, 04.70.Bw
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 24 Feb 2008 01:10:44 GMT"
] | 2008-02-26T00:00:00 | [
"Nikolai V.",
] |
They correspond to pairs ( Os,r), where Osis a conjugacy class containing sin G andr is an irreducible representation of the centralizer Gsin G. In this paper, quiver Hopf algebras, Nichols algebras over group alg ebras and pointed Hopf algebras of type one are classified by means of ramification sys tem with (RSR in short). As examples we classify RSRs over symmetric group 6. Quivers [11, 12, 13, 14] and tensor algebras of Hopf bimodules [15, 16] have widely been applied in representation theory, Hopf algebras andquantum groups. We use quivers to describe Yetter-Drinfeld bimodules, Nichols algebras in braided tensor categorykG kGYD, pointed Hopf algebras of type one and quiver Hopf this paper we assume that Gis a finite group and kis a the set of all isomorphism classes of irreducible representa tions of group GandZsthe centralizer of sinG. ForhGand an isomorphism phfromGtoG', define a sending xtoph(h-1xh) for anyxG. deg(r) denotes the dimension of a representation space of representation the sets of all non-negative integers and all integers, res pectively. For a setX, we denote by |X|the number of elements in X. IfX=iIX(i)as vector spaces, then we denote by iithe natural injection from X(i)toXand bypithe cor- responding projection from XtoX(i). We will use uto denote the multiplication of an algebra and use to denote the comultiplication of a coalgebra. Fo r a (left or right) module and a (left or right) comodule, denote by a-,a+,d-andd+the left module, right module, left comodule and right comodule structure maps, respect ively. Sweedler's sigma notations for coalgebras and comodules are ( x) quiverQ= (Q0,Q1,s,t) is an oriented graph, where Q0andQ1are the sets of vertices and arrows, respectively; sandtare two maps from Q1toQ0. For any arrow aQ1,s(a) andt(a) are called its start vertex and end vertex, respectively, and ais called an arrow from s(a) tot(a). For anyn>=0, ann-path or a path of length nin the quiverQis an ordered sequence of arrows =s(ai+1) for all 1<=i<=n-1. Note that a 0-path is exactly a vertex and a 1-path is exactly an a rrow. In this case, we define s(p) =s(a1), the start vertex of p, andt(p) =t(an), the end vertex of p. For a 0-path x, we haves(x) =t(x) =x. LetQnbe the set of n-paths. set of all n-paths from xtoy,x,yQ0. That =x,t(p) =y}. A finite sets. A quiver Qislocally finite ifyQx 1is a 2finite set for any x,yQ0. LetGbe a group. Let K(G) denote the set of conjugacy classes in G. A formal conjugacy classes of Gwith cardinal number coefficients is called a ramification (orramification data ) ofG, i.e. for any C K(G),rCis a cardinal number. In particular, a formal sum conjugacy classes of Gwith coefficients is a ramification of G. For any ramification rand aC K(G), without loss of generality, we can choose a set IC(r) such that its cardinal number is rC. LetKr(G) :={C If there exists a ramification rofGsuch that the cardinal number of yQx 1is equal torCfor anyx,yGwithx-1yC K(G), thenQis called a Hopf quiver with respect to the ramification data r. In this case, there is a bijection from IC(r) toyQx 1, and hence we anyx,yGwithx-1yC K(G). Denote by ( Q,G,r) the Hopf quiver of Gwith respect to r. Ifph:A-A'is an algebra homomorphism and ( M,a-) is a leftA'-module, then Mbecomes a left A-module with the A-action given by a*x=ph(a)*xfor anyaA, xM, called a pullback A-module through ph, written as phM. Dually, if ph:C-C'is a coalgebra homomorphism and ( M,d-) is a leftC-comodule, then Mis a theC'-comodule structure given by d'-:= (phid)d-, called a push-out written asphM. IfBis a Hopf algebra and Mis aB-Hopf bimodule, then we say that ( B,M) is a Hopf bimodule. For any two Hopf bimodules ( B,M) and (B',M'), ifphis a Hopf from BtoB'andpsis simultaneously a B-bimodule homomorphism aB'-bicomodule homomorphism fromphMphtoM', then (ph,ps) is called a pull-push Hopf bimodule homomorphism. If psis a bijection, then we say that ( ph,ps) is a a pull-push Hopf bimodule isomorphism, written as ( B,M)~=(B',M') as pull-push Hopf bimodules. In particular, if B=B'we also write M~=M'as pull-push in short. Similarly, we say that ( B,M) and (B,X) are a and a Yetter-Drinfeld Hopf algebra, respectively, if Mis a Yetter-Drinfeld B- module and Xis a braided Hopf algebra in Yetter-Drinfeld categoryB BYD. For any modules ( B,M) and (B',M'), ifphis a Hopf algebra homomorphism from BtoB', andpsis simultaneously a left B-module homomorphism from MtophM'and homomorphism fromphMtoM', then (ph,ps) is called a pull-push Yetter- Drinfeld module homomorphism. For any two Yetter-Drinfeld Hopf alg ebras (B,X) and (B',X'), ifphis a Hopf algebra homomorphism from BtoB',psis simultaneously a left B-module homomorphism from XtophX'and a leftB'-comodule homomorphism from phXtoX', meantime, psalso is algebra and coalgebra homomorphism from XtoX', then (ph,ps) is called a pull-push Yetter-Drinfeld Hopf algebra homomorphism (se e the remark 3after Theorem 4 in [8]). LetAbe an algebra and Mbe anA-bimodule. Then the tensor algebra TA(M) ofM overAis a graded algebra with That is, TA(M) (see [15]). Let Dbe another algebra. If his an algebra map from AtoDandfis anA-bimodule map from MtoD=hDh, then by the universal property of TA(M) (see Proposition 1.4.1 in [15]) there is a unique :TA(M)-Dsuch One can easily see thatTA(h,f) For the details, the reader is directed to Section 1.4 of [15] or [8]. Dually, let Cbe a coalgebra and let Mbe aC-bicomodule. Then the cotensor coalgebra Tc C(M) ofMoverCis a graded coalgebra with >1. That is, Tc C(M) [15] or [8] ). If Bis a Hopf algebra and Mis aB-Hopf bimodule, then both TB(M) andTc B(M) are graded Hopf algebras. Furthermore, the subalgebra gener ated written as H[M], is a Hopf subalgebra of Tc B(M) andH[M] is called a Hopf algebra of type one. 2 Classification of Quiver Hopf 2.1. (G,r,- -r,u)is called a ramification system with irreducible (or RSRin short), if ris a ramification of G;uis a map from anyC sets with anyC anyi IC(r,u),C Kr(G).RSR(G,r,- -r',u')are said to be isomorphic if the following conditions are exists a group isomorphism ph:G-G'.
*For anyC K(G), there exists an element hCGsuch anyC Kr(G), there exists a bijective map representations of kZu(C)for alliIC(r,u), wherephhC(h) anyhG. Remark. Assume that G=G',r=r',u(C) =u'(C) andIC(r,u) =IC(r',u') for anyC Kr(G). If there is a permutation phConIC(r,u) for anyC Kr(G) such alliIC(r,u), then obviously RSR( G,r,- -r,u)~=RSR(G,r,- -r',u). Example 2.2. Assume that kis a complex field and G=S3, then there are 3 elements in K(G), which are and there are 3 representations, namely two 1 dimensional irr educible representations, oand sgn, and one 2 dimensional irreducible representation r. Obviously Zu({1})=G. -r,u)|- all the representatives of isomorphic classes of RSRs Furthermore, when- -r=r, we can setIC(r,u) ={1}andJC(1) ={1}. In this case r(1) C=r. When- -r= (o,sgn), we can setIC(r,u) ={1,2}andJC(1) =JC(2) ={1}. In this case (2.1) where Th Cis an index set, be a coset decomposition of Zu(C)inG. It is easy to check that
|ThC|=|C|. We always assume that the representative element of the coset Zu(C)is the identity 1 of G. For anyhGandthThC, there exist unique thatgthh=h'gth'. Letzth(h) =h'. Then we (2.2) LetQ= (G,Q1,s,t) be a quiver of a group G. ThenkQ1becomes the natural comodule =t(a)a, d+(a) =as(a), aQ1, (2.3) called an arrow comodule , written as kQc 1. In this case, the path coalgebra kQcis to the cotensor coalgebra Tc kG(kQc 1) overkGin a natural way (see [12] and [11]). We will set kQc=Tc kG(kQc 1) in the following. Moreover, when Gis a ( kG)*-bimodule with the module structures defined p(kG)*,aQ1, (2.4) written askQa 1, called an arrow module . Therefore, we have a tensor algebra that the tensor algebra T(kG)*(kQa 1) ofkQa 1over (kG)*is exactly isomorphic to the path algebra kQa. We will set in the 2.3. IfNis akG-Hopf bimodule, then there exist a Hopf quiver -r,u)and akG-Hopf bimodule a+(a(i,j) y,xh) bimodules, where given by (0.3) in [8], C SinceNis akG-Hopf bimodule, there exists an thatM(C) is akZu(C)-module for any C K(G) bimodules by [12] or Theorem 1 in [8]. dimM(C) for anyC K(G). Notice that dim M(C) denotes the cardinal number of a basis of M(C) whenM(C) is infinite dimensional. Since M(C) is akZu(C)-module and kZu(C)is semisimple, there exists a family of thatM(C) a k-basis of X(i) Cfor anyiIC(r,u). Then for any hGthere are alliIC(r,u) and jJC(i) bimodules. Observe that there is a canonical kG-bicomodule Kr(G) ,iIC(r,u) andjJC(r). We (see a leftkG-module isomorphism. (by phis akG-Hopf bimodule isomorphism. Let (kQc 1,G,r,- -r,u) denote the kG-Hopf bimodule ( kQc 1,a-,a+) given in Proposition 2.3. Furthermore, if ( kQc 1,kQa 1) is an arrow dual pairing, i.e. kQc 1is isomorphic to the dual ofkQa 1askG-Hopf bimodules or kQa 1is isomorphic to the dual of kQc 1as (kG)*- Hopf bimodules under the isomorphisms in Lemma 1.7 of [8] (c.f. the arg ument 1.8 of [8]), then we denote the ( kG)*-Hopf bimodule kQa 1by (kQa 1,G,r,- -r,u). We obtain six quiver Hopf algebras kQc(G,r,- -r,u),kQs(G,r,- -r,u], kQa(G,r,- -r,u),kQsc(G,r,- -r, u], called the quiver Hopf by RSR( G, r,- -r,u). 6From Proposition 2.3, it seems that the right kG-action on ( kQc 1,G,r,- -r,u) depends on the choice of the set {gth|thThC}of coset representatives of Zu(C)inG(see, (2.1) or (0.1) [8]). The following lemma shows that ( kQc 1,G,r,- -r,u) is, in fact, independent of the choice of the coset representative set {gth|thThC}, up tokG- Hopf For a while, we write ( kQc 1,G,r,- -r,u) = (kQc 1,G,r,- -r,u,{gth}) given before. Now let {hthG|thThC}be another coset representative set of Zu(C)inGfor anyC K(G). That (2.7) Lemma 2.4. With the above notations, (kQc 1,G,r,- -r,u,{hth}) are isomorphic kG-Hopf We may assume anyC K(G) Now let (hthg-1 th)gthh= kZu(C)-module. Let twokG-Hopf bi- modules. Itissufficient toshow we have that anywM(C), Kr(G) andiIC(r,u), is ak-linear isomorphism. It is clear that fis akG-bicomodule isomorphism and a left kG-module isomorphism from NtoM. Kr(G) Thusfis a rightkG-module homomorphism. Now we state one of our main results, which classifies the quiver Hopf 1. Let(G,r,- -r,u)and(G',r',- -r',u')be twoRSRs. Then the following state- ments are equivalent: (i) RSR(G,r,- aHopf (kQc 1,G,r,- if Qis finite, then the above are equivalent to the -r',u'). (viii) Lemma 1.5 and Lemma 1.6 in [8], we only have to prove (i) =(ii). (i)=(ii). Assume that RSR( G,r,- -r',u'). Let (X(i) C,r(i) C) representations over Zu(C)andZu'(C'), respectively. Then there exist a group isomorphism ph:G-G', an element hCGsuch =
u'(ph(C)) for anyC K(G) and a bijective map such as for all iIC(r,u). Now in (2.1) or (0.1) [8] for any C K(G). Kr(G) andthThC. Assume that Then we follows (2.11) Moreover, we have ( xh)-1(yh) =ph(x-1y) also (by (by (2.13) It is (2.14) is a coset decomposition of anyph(C) K(G'). Let N: It suffices to bimodules by the proof of Proposition 2.3. Considering we have that ps:N-Mgiven whereC is ak-linear isomorphism. It is clear that psis a homomorphism not only of kG-bicomodules from of left kG-modules from NtophM. For anyhGandwX(i) C, we ( by by Definition ( by by (2.11)) , which shows that psis a rightkG-module Assume that there exist a Hopf algebra isomorphism ph:kG-kG'and a kG-Hopf bimodule isomorphism ps: (kQc 1,G,r,- -r',u')ph-1 ph. Then ph:G-G'is a group isomorphism. Let C K(G). and hence u'(ph(C)) =ph(h-1 Cu(C)hC) for some hCG. Sincepsis akG'-bicomodule isomorphism -r,u)phto (kQ' 1c,G',r',- =u'(ph(C)), by restriction one gets a k-linear also have a k-linear =u'(ph(C)) one =
Zu'(ph(C)). HencephhCis an algebra isomorphism from Using the hypothesis that psis akG-bimodules homomorphism psCfC is a isomorphism from (u(C)(kQ1)1,) to In- deed, for any zu(C)(kQ1)1, we (sincepsis a bimodule semisimple right as as where ( X(i) C,r(i) C) is an irreducible forany for any jIph(C)(r',u'). Therefore, there exists a bijective map such that ( as for all iIC(r,u). It follows that RSR( G,r,- -r', u'). We have classified the quiver Hopf algebras by means of RSRs. In oth er words, rami- fication systems with irreducible representations uniquely determin e their Hopf algebras up to graded Hopf algebra 2.5. LetRSR(G,r,- -r',u')be twoRSRs. Ifu'(C) =IC(r,u')for anyC =h-1 CghC, thenRSR(G,r,- -r,u)~=RSR(G,r,- anyC Kr(G).It is clear that RSR( G,r,- -r',u'). Remark. RSRs. That is, if we fix a map u0fromK(G) toGwithu0(C)Cfor anyC K(G), then for any RSR( G,r,- -r,u), there exists RSR( G,r,- -r',u0) such that RSR( G,r,- -r',u0). 3 Classification of pointed Hopf algebras of type one A graded Hopf algebra A=
n=0A(n)is said to be of Nichols type, if the diagram of Ais a Nichols algebra over A(0)(the definition of diagram was given in [3] and Subsection 3.1 of [8]). Furthermore, if the coradical of Ais a group algebra, then Ais called a pointed Hopf algebra of Nichols type. For an RSR( G,r,- -r,u) and akG-Hopf bimodule ( kQc 1,G,r,- -r,u) with the define a new left kG-action Withthisleft kG- action and the original left (arrow) a Yetter-Drinfeld = 1}, the set of all arrows with starting vertex 1. It is clear that kQ1 1is a Yetter-Drinfeld kG-submodule of kQ1, denoted by ( kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- -r,u)). Lemma 3.1. (i)IfHis a Hopf algebra with bijective antipode and (B,a- B,d- B)is a graded braided Hopf algebra thendiag(B#H) =B#1H~=Bas graded braided Hopf algebras inH HYD. (ii)Ais a pointed Hopf algebra of Nichols type if and only if Ais isomorphic to the biproduct B(V)#kGas graded Hopf algebras with the Nichols algebra B(V)over the Obviously, diag( B#H) =B1H. Define a map psfrom diag(B#H) anyxB. It is easy to check that psis a graded braided Hopf algebra isomorphism inH HYD. (ii) IfAis a pointed Hopf algebra of Nichols type, then diag( A) =B(V) is a kG. Therefore A~=B(V)#kG as graded Hopf algebras. By Lemma 2.5 in [3], clearly, diag( B(V)#kG) = by (i) and the coradical of B(V)#kGis 3.2. IfH=kGis a group algebra and Mis anH-Hopf bimodule, then the pointed Hopf algebra H[M]of type one is a Hopf algebra of Nichols type. In particular, a one-type-co-path Hopf algebra kG[kQc 1,G,r,- -r,u]is a pointed Hopf algebra of Nichols type and -r,u]) -r,u)). Proof.By Proposition 2.3 there exists an RSR( G,r- -r,u) such that M~=(kQc 1,G,r- -r,u) askG-Hopf bimodules. Thus kG[M]~=kG[kQc 1] as graded Hopf algebras by Lemma 1.6 in [8]. Therefore, it is enough to show that kG[kQc 1] is of Nichols type. Let diag(kG[kQc 1]). Obviously, R(0)=k.Now we show R(1)=kQ1 1. whereb(p)is an arrow from which implies x(p)= 1 for 1 next show that Ris generated by R(1)as algebras. Let udenote the multiplication and let Bdenote the algebra generated by Obviously, BR.It follows from the argument in Subsection 3.1 of [8] that a+:=u(idi0) is an algebraic isomorphism from For anyx,yGand any arrow ay,xfromxtoy, we =a+(R#kG) and soB=R. It is sufficient to show P(R) =kQ1 1, whereP(R) denotes the set of all in R. For any aQ1 1withd-(a) =yandd+(a) = 1, we have R(a) =
(oid)A(a) = 1a+a1 (see Section 3 of [8]), i.e. kQ1 1P(R), we shall show P(R)kQ1 1by the following two steps. Obviously, kG P(R) = 0 andP(R) is a graded subspace of R. (i) Assume that a path from vertex x0, via to vertexxn. Theno(a) =a*x-1 0. (ii) a path with n >1,kpkforp= 1,2,***,m, andb(p) xjxj-1is an arrow from vertex xj-1to vertexxj 12forj= 1,2,***,n. We shall show that kp= 0 forp= 0,(3.1) forj= 1,2,***,n-1, because of their length. For any jwith 1<=j<=n-1, loss of generality. Therefore, by 0 andkp= 0 forp= 1,2,***,m1. Similarly, we can showkp= 0 Theorem 4.3.2 in [17], the categoryH HYDof Yetter-Drinfeld modules is equivalent to the bimodules, where His a Hopf algebra with Let TandUbe the two corresponding functors. For any NH HYD, according to Proposition 4.2.1 in [17], T(N) :=NH=NHas vector spaces, and the actions and coactions are given as follows: the left (co)actions are diagona l and right (co)actions are induced by H. Explicitly, g*(xh) :=g*xgh, :=xhh, whered- N(x) anyMH HMH H, according to Equations (7) and (21) in [17], U(M) is the coinvariant of Mas a vector space, i.e., U(M) =x1}. The left action is left adjoint action and the left coaction is the restr icted coaction of the original coaction of M. That is, a- U(M)(hx) = =d- M(x) for anyhH,xU(M).In fact,TU(M) =U(M)Hand UT(N) =N1H. LetlNbemapfrom and letnMbe map from =x*hfor natural isomorphisms fromfunctor UTtoidand from functor TUtoid, respectively. Note that the inverse of nMis We -r,u) = (kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- -r,u)) by the proof of Lemma 3.2. 13Lemma 3.3. Assume that phis a Hopf algebra isomorphism from HtoH'. first isomorphism is given by sending xhtoxph(h) for anyxN,hH; the second one is identity. Proposition 3.4. (i)IfNis a Yetter-Drinfeld kG-module, then there exists an RSR(G,r, - -r,u)such -r,u))as Yetter-Drinfeld a Nichols algebra inkG kGYD, then there exists an RSR(G,r,- -r,u)such thatB(N)~ -r,u))as graded braided Hopf algebras SinceT(N) is akG-Hopf bimodule, it follows from Proposition 2.3 that there exists an RSR( G,r,- -r,u) such that -r,u) askG-Hopf -r,u) = (kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- -r,u)) as Yetter-Drinfeld kG- modules by Equations (7) and (21) in [17]. (ii) This follows from (i) and Corollary 2.3 in [4]. Lemma 3.5. Assume that phis a Hopf algebra isomorphism from HtoH'. LetRand R'be graded braided Hopf algebras If Randph-1 phR'are isomorphic as graded braided Hopf algebras inH HYD, graded Hopf a graded braided Hopf algebra isomorphism from is easy to check that nis an isomorphism of graded Hopf algebras. Theorem 2. IfAis a pointed Hopf algebra of Nichols type with coradical kG, a group algebra, then there exists a unique RSR(G,r,- -r,u), up to isomorphism, such that -r,u]as graded Hopf Lemma 3.1, A~=B(V)#kGas graded Hopf algebras. By Proposition 3.4 (ii), there exists a RSR( G,r,- -r,u) such that B(V)~ -r,u)) as graded braided Hopf algebras inkG kGYD. -r,u]~ -r,u))#kG(by Lemma Lemma 3.5)
~=A. The uniqueness follows from Theorem 3 in [8]. Considering Theorem 2 and Lemma 3.2, we have that Ais a pointed Hopf algebra of Nichols type if and only if Ais a pointed Hopf algebra of type one. 144 Classification of Nichols Algebras Theorem 3. Let(G,r,- -r,u)and(G',r',- -r',u')be twoRSRs. Then the following state- ments are equivalent: (i) RSR(G,r,- aHopf (kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- -r',u'))as Yetter-Drinfeld aHopf ph:kG-kG'such that B(kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- -r',u'))as graded braided Hopf algebra =(ii). We -r',u')) -r',u') ( by the remark before Lemma -r',u')ph-1 ph) ( by Lemma -r,u)) ( by Theorem 1)
= (kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- ByLemma2.7in[8], B(kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- -r',u')) as graded braided Hopf algebras graded Hopf algebras by Lemma as graded Hopf algebras by Lemma 3.2. Now (i) follows from Theorem 1. We have classified all Nichols algebras by means of RSRs. In other wor ds, with irreducible representations uniquely determine their c orresponding Nichols algebras up to pull-push graded braided Hopf algebra isomorphisms. 5 Classification of RSRsover symmetric groups Let the left andright adjoint actions, respectively. That is, ad- h(x) :=
hxh-1for K(G). AutGand InnGdenote the automorphism group and inner automorphism group of G, 5.1. LetRSR(G,r,- -r',u')be two RSRs. If there exists a bijective map anyiIC(r,u)and C thenRSR(G,r,- -r',u') are said to be of the same type. Furthermore, if let |for anyC called the type of RSR(G,r,- -r, u). 15Lemma 5.2. IfAutG= InnG, for example, 6, thenRSR(G,r,- -r',u)are isomorphic if and only if they have the same type. Proof.By Proposition 1.1 (ii) in [9], Aut G= InnGwhen 6. Let RSR(G',r',- -r',u') denote RSR( G,r,- -r',u) If RSR( G,r,- -r,u) and RSR( G,r,- -r',u) have the same type, then there exists a bijective map phCfromIC(r,u) toIph(C)(r',u') such that any iIC(r,u),C Kr(G). Therefore they are if RSR( G,r,- -r,u) and RSR( G,r,- -r',u) are isomorphic, then there a bijective map such that u'(ph(C)) =phad+
hC(u(C)) anyC Kr(G) InnG, there exists a gCGsuch thatphad+
hC= ad+
gC. Therefore u(C) = ad+
gC(u(C)) That is, =kh(i) C(h) for anyhZu(C), the characters of respectively. Consequently, This implies that RSR( G,r,- -r,u) and RSR( G,r,- -r',u) have the same type. For a given ramification rofG, let ohm(G,r) be the set of all RSRs of G with the ramification r, namely, ohm( G,r) :={(G,r,- -r,u)|(G,r,- -r,u) is an RSR }. LetN(G,r) be the number of isomorphism classes in ohm( G,r). Theorem 4. Given a group Gand a ramification rofG. Assume AutG= InnG, for example, 6. Letu0be a fixed map from K(G). Let-ohm(G,r,u 0)denote the set consisting of all elements with distinct type in{(G,r,- -r,u0)|(G,r,- -r,u0)is anRSR}. Then-ohm(G,r,u 0)becomes the of isomorphic classes in any RSR( G,r,- -r,u), there exists RSR( G,r,- -r',u0) such that RSR( G,r,- -r',u0) by Proposition 2.5. Using Lemma 5.2, we complete the proof. Corollary 5.3. N(G,r) number of elements in the set anyC Kr(G). Remark. For a given finite Hopf quiver ( Q,G,r) over the symmetric group 6, every path algebra T(kG)*(kQa 1) over the quiver ( Q,G,r) admits exactly graded Hopf algebra structures; every path coa over the quiver (Q,G,r) admits exactly N(G,r) non-isomorphic graded Hopf algebra structures. 166 Appendix We now consider the dual case of Theorem 3. If Qis finite, then ( kQa 1,G,r,- -r,u) is a (kG)*-Hopf bimodule with comodule operations d-andd+. Define a new left ( kG)*- coaction on kQa 1given by d- coad(x) anyxkQa 1, i.e. adjoint coaction. With this left ( kG)*-coaction and the original left (arrow) ( a Yetter-Drinfeld ( kG)*-module. Let kQ1a 1denote the subspace It is clear that xkQc 1(kQ1 1) = (kQ1a 1)*, wherexkQc 1was defined in Lemma 1.7 of [8]. Thus kQ1a 1is a Yetter-Drinfeld ( kG)*-submodule of kQa 1, denoted by ( -r,u)), which is isomorphic to the dual of ( kQ1 1,ad(G,r,- -r,u)) as Yetter- Drinfeld we have the dual case of Theorem 3. Proposition 6.1. Let(G,r,- -r,u)and(G',r',- -r',u')be twoRSRs. Then the are equivalent: (i) RSR(G,r,- exists a Hopf algebra isomorphism ph: (kG)*-(kG')*such that ( -r',u'))as Yetter-Drinfeld is a Hopf algebra isomorphism ph: (kG)*-(kG')*such that B( -r',u'))as graded braided Hopf algebras (ii) and Theorem 3 (ii) are equivalent; (iii) and Theorem 3 (iii) a re equivalent. IfV=
i=0V(i)is a graded vector space, and dim V(i)<for 0<=i<= , thenVis said to be locally finite. In this case, set as in [18]. Lemma 6.2. Assume that H=
n=0H(n)is a locally finite graded Hopf algebra. (i) a locally finite graded Hopf algebra. (ii) IfGis a finite group and the coradical H0ofHis(kG)*, then the coradical See Lemma 3.1.11 in [19]. (ii) a filtered coalgebra. By in [18], C0= the coradical ( Hg)0ofHg. 6.3. LetGbe a finite group. Assume that Vis a finite dimensional (kG)*- YDmodule. Then (i)The coradical of (B(V)#(kG)*)gis isomorphic to kG. (ii) (B(V)#(kG)*)gis finite dimensional if and only if B(V)is finite kG)*. This proves (i) For (ii), if ( R#(kG)*)gis finite dimensional, then there exists a natural number m such that Consequently, is finite dimensional. The converse is obvious. Remark. This gives a method to decide whether Hopf algebra with coradical ( kG)*is finite dimensional or not by means of pointed Hopf would like to thank Prof. N. Andruskiewitsch for his help. The first and third authors were financially supported Council, andt hesecond by NSF of China (10771183) and Sino-German project ( GZ310). S.C.Z thanks the Department of Mathematics, University of Queensland for its h S Majid, Quasi-triangular Hopf algebras and Yang-Bsxter equat ions, Int. J. Mod. Phys.A 5(1990), 1-91. [2] M.R. Gaberdiel, An algebraic approach to logarithmic conformal fie ld theory, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 18(2003), 4593-4638. [3] N. Andruskiewitsch and H. J. Schneider, Lifting of quantum linear spaces and pointed Hopf algebras of order p3, J. Algebra 209(1998), 645-691. [4] N. Andruskiewitsch and H. J. Schneider, Pointed Hopf algebras, inNew Directions in Hopf Algebras , Math Sci. Res. Inst. Publ. 43(Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 1-68. [5] N. Andruskiewitsch and H. J. Schneider, On the classification of fi Hopf algebras, Ann. Math. 171(2010), 375-417 . 18[6] I. Heckenberger, The Weyl groupoid of a Nichols algebra of diagonal type , 175-188. [7] N. Andruskiewitsch and S. Zhang, On pointed Hopf algebras asso ciated to some conjugacy classes in Sn, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135(2007), 2723-2731. [8] S. Zhang, Y.-Z. Zhang and H.X. Chen, Classification of PM quiver Ho pf algebras, J. Algebra Appl. 6(2007), 919-950. [9] S. Zhang, M. Wu and H. Wang, Classification of ramification system s for Acta Math. Sin. 51(2008), 253-264. [10] R. Dijkgraaf, V. Pasquier and P. Roche, Quasi Hopf algebras, group cohomology and orbifold models, Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 18(1991), 60-72. [11] C. Cibils and M. Rosso, Hopf quivers, J. Algebra 254(2002), 241-251. [12] C. Cibils and M. Rosso, Algebres des chemins quantiques, Adv. Ma S. Zhang and Y.-Z. Zhang, Structures and representations o f generalized path alge- bras, Algebr. Represent. Theor., 10(2007), 117-134. [14] F. Van Oystaeyen and P. Zhang, Quiver Hopf algebras, J. Algeb W. Nichols, Bialgebras of type one, Comm. Algebra 6(1978), 1521-1552. [16] S.L. Woronowicz, Differential calculus on compact matrix pseudo groups Comm. Math. Phys. 122(1989), 125-170. [17] Y. Bespalov and B. Drabant, Hopf (bi-)modules and crossed mo dules in braided monoidal categories, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 123(1998), 105-129. [18] M. E. Sweedler, Hopf algebras, Benjamin, New York, 1969. [19] S. Zhang, BraidedHopf algebras, Hunan NormalUniversity Pre ss, 1999; The of braided Hopf algebras, Comm. Algebra 29(2001), 31-66. 19 | 0802.3488 | Shouchuan Zhang | Shouchuan Zhang, Hui-Xiang Chen, Yao-Zhong Zhang | Classification of Quiver Hopf Algebras and Pointed Hopf Algebras of Type
One | 19 pages; To appear in Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical
Society | Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 87 (2013), 216-237 | null | null | math.QA | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The quiver Hopf algebras are classified by means of ramification systems with
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1 Introduction The manipulation of subluminal and supe rluminal light propagation in material systems has been the subject of growing inte rest over the years [1]. Normal dispersion leads to subluminal propagation and superl uminal propagation corresponds to abnormal dispersion. Manipulation of light propagation in an optical me dium can be realized by changing the dispersive properties of the medium. Experiments have recently demonstrated both subluminal [2, 3] and s uperluminal [4] propagation of light in an optical medium. Recently, tunable group velocity for light propagation from subluminal to superluminal in L-type and V-type three level atoms in a single system has been shown. For example, switching from sublumin al to superluminal propagation can be achieved by changing the Rabi frequency of an additional microwave field [5], by increasing the intensity of the single driving field [6] and by adjus ting the relative phase between probe and pump fields [7]. Expe rimental evidences of subluminal and superluminal propagation in four-level atoms have also been obtained [8]. The above- mentioned experiments of subluminal and supe rluminal propagation are performed in the induced transparency (EIT) and induced absorption (EIA), respectively. In 1999, Hau an d coworkers [2] reported an experimental demonstration of EIT in a Bose-Einstein cond ensate (BEC) of sodium atoms, in which the optical pulses propagated at twenty millio n times slower than the speed of light in vacuum. As is known, to study the dynamics of the BEC gas, the Bogoliubov approximation [9] in quantum ma ny body theory is usually applied, in which the creation and annihilation operators for condensate at oms are replaced by a c-number. However, this approximation destroys the conservation of the total particle number. To overcome this problem, Gardiner [10] suggested a modified Bogoli ubov approximation by introducing phonon operators which conserve the total atomic particle number and obey the f- deformed commutation relation of the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra such that as , the usual commutation relation of the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra is regained. Then the Gardiner's phonon approach gives an elegant infinite atomic particle- number approximation theory for BEC taking into acc ount the conservation of the total atomic number [11]. N - N In the last few years, there have attracted tremendous interests in the development of studies for deformations of classical Lie algebras, so-called quantum groups, quantum algebras and quantum spaces, whose rich stru ctures have produced important results in different areas of mathematics and physics. Quantum groups and quantum algebras have been applied to several research areas of physics and mathematics such as exactly solvable statistical models [12], non commu tative geometry [13], nuclear quantum many body problems [14] and rational conformal fi eld theories [15]. The study of quantum groups have led to the notion of q-deformed boson oscillators [16] based on deformation of the standard algebra of boson creation and annihilation operato rs. The q-deformed boson oscillator has been interpreted as a nonlin ear oscillator with a very specific type of nonlinearity which classically corresponds to an intensity dependence of the oscillator frequency [17]. In addition, a general type of nonlinearity for which the intensity dependence of frequency of oscillati ons is described by a generic function , so- called f-deformation, has been introduced [18] . The relation between deformed radiation field and nonlinear quantum optical proce sses has been studied [19]. Recently, much )^(n f 2 attention has been paid to understanding and applications of the f-deformed bosons for the description of BEC [20]. The type of quantum nonlinearity introduced by f- deformation provides a compact description of physical effects in BEC. For example, the f-deformed BEC produces a correction to th e Plank distribution formula [21, 22]. The statistical and thermodynamical properties of a gas of f-deformed bosons have been investigated [23]. BEC has commonly been referred to as Dicke model [24]. The quantum model involving th e interaction of a single m ode of the electromagnetic field with identical two-level atoms, known popularl y as the Dicke model [24] in the literature, is of interest in many areas of physics. Many aspe cts of the Dicke model have been studied, such as critical behavior of the atom-field entanglement [25, 26], squeezing [27] and quantum phase transition [28]. A change from quasi-integrable to quantum chaotic behavior in the Dicke model has been established [29]. The finite-size corrections in the Dicke model have been studied [30]. These corrections have been shown to be crucial in the understanding of entanglement properties [26]. N As we know, the Dicke model is analytica lly solvable due to the RWA, which is a popular technique in quantum optics, laser physics and other branches of resonance phenomena [31]. It leads to some mathematical simplifications in the calculation procedures of many problems. Under this approximation the rapidly oscillating counter-photon transitions are dropped from the interac tion Hamiltonian. However, if the counter- rotating terms (CRTs) are considered, the mo dels are not solvable by usual techniques since the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian can not be found in a closed form. In physical terms, this generalization allows us to introduce an additional parameter l into the Dicke model. The physical nature of the additional parameter l might be treated as some nonlinearity. The use of Dicke model beyond the RWA, in this case, corresponds to a description of the nonlinea r interaction of the atoms with the electromagnetic fields under the RWA. Although the RWA is a very good approximation, the CRTs contributions in the Dicke model have received increasing attention from many authors, since they can yield physical effects, albeit small ones. Influence of the CRTs on the population inversion in the Dicke model w ith cavity damping for an initial coherent field has been studied [32]. It has been shown [33] that the CRTs could lead to significant changes in the Rabi oscillations and squeezi ng in the Dicke model in the absence of cavity losses. Analogous investigations in cav ity with losses [34] have confirmed the significance of the contribution of the CRTs, in which the effect of the CRTs leads to the appearance of new steady states. The role of the CRTs in the dynamical and steady state behavior of the dipole moment , mean photon number and s queezing parameters in the Dicke model with cavity losses have been ex amined [32]. All the studies reveal the significance of further inves tigation of quantum properties in the Dicke model with the CRTs included. Furthermore, it is reasonable to expect that the optical properties of an atomic medium and propagation properties of optical pulses in the medium are modified in the presence of CRTs. In the present paper, we investigate tunable control of the group velocity of an optical pulse propagating through an f-deformed BEC beyond the RWA. The system under consideration is an f- de formed BEC of a gas with L- type three- level atoms in the EIT regime, in which the Gardiner's phonon operators for BEC are deformed by an operator- valued function . By considering the CRTs in the interaction Hamiltonian and the )^(n f 3 effect of collision between the atoms within the condensate as a special kind of the f- deformation, in which the collision rate k, is regarded as a deformation parameter, we analyze the light propagation in the deformed BE C. Such a system offers extra degrees of flexibility ) , , (lkN for processing signal, and an eff ective control of the group velocity of light in deformed BEC can be demonstrated by changing the controlling parameters ) , , (lkN which leads to both subluminal and superl uminal propagation of light. We show that the presence of both CRTs and f-deformati on, exhibit nonlinear ch aracteristic s in the system under consideration, such that the nonlinearities may be increased by adjusting the controlling parameters ) , , (lkN , and the nonlinearities enhance the subluminal and superluminal properties of light propagation. The scheme of the paper is as follows. In section 2 we present our model and by using a method based on perturbation theory, we firs t show that in the absence of RWA, the model Hamiltonian can be transformed to an Hamiltonian. Corrections produced by the CRTs appear in the first order as the detuning and in the second orde r as the atom-field coupling. In section 3 we use the deformed algebra to study the condensate with large but finite number of atoms. We show that a physical and natural realization of the f- deformed boson is provided by the Gardiner's phonon opera tors, for the description of the BEC. Here the deformation paramete r is no longer phenomenologi cal and is defined by the total number of atoms. We show that the e ffect of collisions between the atoms within condensate is an extra deformation on the intrinsically deformed Gardiner's phonon operators for BEC. In section 4 the quantum approach of the angular momentum is used to obtain the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the system up to first- order approximation. The interacti on between the f- deformed BEC and the probe pulse and conditions for subluminality and superluminalit y of the probe pulse ar e studied in section 5. Finally we summarize our results in section 6. 2 The effective two- level model beyond the RWA We consider the EIT effects in the BEC of L- type three- level atoms interacting with two laser fields (Fig. 1). The levels 2 and 3are coupled by a probe field of amplitude and frequency 3 . The upper level pApo is coupled to level 1by a classical coupling field of amplitude and frequencycAco. Under rotating wave approximation the total Hamiltonian for the atom and two fields is given by ], . ) 2 3 1 3 [( 3 3 1 1) ( 2) ( 1 C H e g e gczt i czt ip c+ - - + +- - - - o oo= = ^
12 H=o= (2) where coupling constants are defined by =cAg31 1m= and =pAg32 2m= with ijm denoting the transition dipole matrix element between states iand j . By making the following substitutions, . , ,) / )( ( 12 12) / ( 32 32) / ( 31 31c z t i c z t i c z t i ii iic p p ce e e- - - - - - -= = = =o o o or r r r r r r r the equations of motion for the atomic density matrix elements ijr are given by 4 , ) ( ) (, ) ( ) (, ) (, ) ( 2 _ _, 2 2, 2 2 32 31 32 121 33 22 2 32 3231 31 32 12 212 33 11 1 31 3121 12 31*
2 231 21 2133 31 32 32*
2 232 31*
1 131 3333 32 11 12 32*
2 232 2233 31 11 12 31*
1 131 11 r g g r r r r rr g g g r r r r d rr g r r r d rr g g r r r r rr g r g r r rr g r g r r r
+ - + - + D - =+ + - + - + - =- + - D - - =+ - + =+ + + - =+ - + - =
ig ig iig ig iig ig iig ig ig igig igig ig
(3) where,poo- = D , coood -- =12 and the constants ijgdetermine the rate of spontaneous decay from the level ito level j in the L- scheme. We consider the dynamics of the levels 2and 3of three- level L- type atoms interacting with the probe field in the EIT regime. We characterize the transition 3 2- in terms of the effective coupling constant associated with the dipole matrix element 32r.Assuming all atoms being initially in the ground state 2we obtain the following stationary solution , ] 2 [112 1 32- D -+ - D =G=
magoptigigg r (4) where . ,21232 31g gg gg =+=mag opt (5) We introduce the creation and annihilation operators anda, respectively, for the probe field and assume strong coupling field so th at its intensity is given by a c- number parameter. Under the dipole approximation a nd in the absence of RWA the Hamiltonian (2) can be written as an effective two- level Hamiltonian in the following form +a^ ^
),^^ ^^( ^),^^ ^^( ^,^ )2^^^ ^( ^,^ ^ ^ ^
3 3 - ++-+
+ =+ =D + + + =+ + =
S a S a k HS a S a k HSNS a a HH H H H CRTRWAp freeCRT RWA free
===o (6) where is the total number of atoms in BEC and the operators and , describe total dipole momentum corresponding to the 3- for the atoms in the BEC, denotes the free energy of the probe field and atoms, is counter rotating Hamiltonian and the atom-field coupling strength is defined by [35] freeH^
k ,0lL k k= (7) 5 where Vkp 032 02eom== is the single-photon Rabi-frequency in the Dicke model [24], and the parameter denotes linear coupling constant lL .) , 0 () , ( 1 321 32 D =D=ggLlrr (8) Here, by generalizing the pert urbation theory used by Shirel y [36] to the quantum field case, we obtain a simple effective Hamiltonian that takes into account the influence of CRTs. For this purpose, we approximately transform the Hamiltonian (6) to the one which commutes with the excitation number operator , by applying a sequence of small rotations. At the first step, we apply to the Hamiltonian (6) the transformation . Assuming 3 3^^ ^^ ^ ^ S n S a a N+ = + = '+
)]^^ ^^( exp[ ^
- ++- = S a S a Ul lto be small, we neglect the terms of order and we obtain 3 ,>=jjl ),^^ ^ ^ ^ ^( 2 ] ^) 1^2 (^[ )] ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^( ) ^^^^[(^)^ ^ ( ] ^) 1^2 (^[ ) ^^^^( 2 ^ ^ ^ ^
2 33 3 232 2 32
- -+
+ - +++
- ++ +
+ - - + + + + +- + + - + - + - S a n n a S k N n S k S a n n a S S a S a kS a a k N n S S a S a H U H U l l ll o l o l
= = == = = (9) where ) 2 / (D + =poo . It is obvious that if we choose ol 2 /k= the second term in (9) cancels the counter rotating Hamiltonian . The transformed Hamiltonian conserves the number of excitations . It is noticeable that the parameter )^^ ^^( ^
- +++ =S a S a k HCRT N'^+U H U^ ^ ^
ol 2 /k= is indeed small for a standard experimental setup in Ref [8]. Now, we perform the second small rotation ]^)^ ^ (2exp[^
32 2S a akU p- ='+
olto diagonalize the Hamiltonian up the second order in lin the basis of eigenstates . Straightforward calculation shows that the Hamiltonian N'^
H^after the transformations Uand takes the following form ^
,^~)^^ ^^[( 2 ]2^)21^(^[^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
3 3 2 3) ( H S a S a k N n S kH H U U H U U pID RWA free
+ + - - ++ + ' ' -+
++ +
ool l = = (10) where is the RWA interaction Hamiltonian with coupling constant ) (^ID RWAH ),^ 1 ( ) ^( ), ^(^^ ^ ^)^( ^2 ) (n k n k n k a S S a n k HID RWA l- = + =+ -+= = (11) and )].^^ ^ ^ ^ ^( ) ^^ ^^() ([^~ 3 3 2 -+
+ - +++D+ +D += S n a a n S S a S a k H p pp o ool = = (12) 6 We now notice that H^~can be easily eliminated by applying corresponding transformations with rotati on parameters proportional to which, of course, does not affect the terms of the order of . In order to eliminate the first term in3l 2l H^~, i.e. )]^^3+a^^() ([3 2 - ++D +S S a k pp ool= , describing the three-photon transitions we apply the transformation )].+^^ ^^(]2exp[ ^3 3 +
+-D +' ' S a S a p po ol o 3 )2 -k [(poU If the atomic transition is far from the three-photon resonance, we get32 ]3-) [(2lo o ol oD +p p pk, and the term can be eliminated. It is obvious that in the case of three-photon resonance (p po o 3 ) ( D + ) the transformation Ucan no longer be applied. Furthermore, it is easy to find the width of the three- photon resonance, , which is much less than the width of the one-photon resonance, ' '^
23 (l o o kp p - kp p)D +
-D+o o ) ( . Let us note that in the three-photon resonance case the term desc ribing the one-photon transition, , can be removed by applying appropriate small transformation. )^^-++S a ^^(+S a k Therefore the effective Hamiltonian for the case of one-photon resonance takes the following form
}. )^(^^ ^ ^)^( ]2^
)21^(^[ ^ )2^^^ ^( { ^
3 3 3 n k a S S a n kNn S k SNS a a Hp eff + -+ ++ + - + + D + + + = l o= (13) It is clear that . As is seen, the corrections produced by the CRTs appear in the first order as the intensity -dependent detuning, i.e., dynami cal Stark shift, and in the second order as the intensity-d ependent atom-field couplin g. We can write the above Hamiltonian in the following form 0]^,^[='N Heff
}, )^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ( ) ^^ ^ ^(]2^
)21^(^[ ^ )2^^^ ^( { ^
23 3 3 a a a S S a a a k a S S a kNn S k SNS a a Hp eff
+ -+ +
+ -++
+ - ++ - + + D + + + =
ll o= (14) where, the first and the second terms give the free energy of the probe field and atoms respectively. The third term shows the inte nsity-dependent detuning. The fourth term represents linear contribution into the interaction between the field and two-level particles in dipole approximation. It has the typical form of the Dicke model. The last term describes nonlinear pro cesses and it depends on the intensity of the probe pulse. 3 The f- deformed bosonic alge bra for the Gardiner's phonon We now apply the second quantization theory to the above model. Let denote the annihilation and creation ope rators of the atoms in the excited (ground) state, respectively, so that the total Hamiltonian reads as +
) ( ) (^,^
g e g eb b 7 ].^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ()^ ^^^ ^ ^( ]2)^ ^ ^ ^ ()21^)(^ ^ ^ ^ [()^ ^ ^ ^ ( }2)^ ^ ^ ^ ()^ ^ ^ ^ (^ ^{ [ ^
2 g e e gg e e gg g e e g g e eg g e eg g e e g g e e p eff b b a a a b b a a a kb b a b b a kb b b bn b b b b kb b b bb b b bb b b b a a H
+ + + + ++ + ++ +
+ ++ ++ +
+ + +
+ -+ ++- + - +- D +++ - + =
(15) It should be noted that in the above Hamiltonian the total atom number is conserved . As well known, the central tool to study the dynamics of a BEC in the thermodynamic limit is Bogoliubov approximation method [9], in which the conde nsate operators treated as cnumbers. One consequence of this is that the resulting approximate Hamiltonian does not conserve the total particle number . In order to preserve the property of the initial model, we consider the Gardiner's phonon operators [10] defined by g g e eb b b b N^ ^ ^ ^ ^+ ++ =
]^,^([bH N) 0 ] ^,^([=H N ) ^( - N ) 0 .^ ^1^ ,^ ^1^ + + += =e g q e g q b b Nb b b Nb (16) These operators obey a deformed algebra. In fact, a straightforward calculation leads to the following commutation relation [] ,^ ^ 2 1 ^ ^21 ^,^
e e e e q q b b b bNb b+ + +- = - =e (17) By introducing the Gardiner's phonon operators we arrive at an in trinsically deformed model in which the deformation parameter is determined by the total number . Having this in mind, the total Hamiltonian (15) can be written as [37] N ),^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ( ) ^^^^( ^ ^^ ^^ ^]23[^ ^ ^
2 + + + + + + + ++ +
+ - + ++ D + + =
q q q q q qq qp p b a a a b a a a K b a b a K a a b b kb b a a H l loo
= = == =
(18) where .k N K= Now, we intend to study the effect of co llisions between the atoms within condensate as a special kind of f-deformation. For this purpose, we remind the basics about the f- deformed quantum oscillators. The f-deformed quantum oscillators [22] by the algebra generated by the operators , where the operators }^,^,^, 1 { N A A+A^and +A^
+c^are defined as a nonlinear expansion of the usua l harmonic oscillator operators and , c^
.^ ^ ^,^)^( ^),^(^^ c c N c N f A N f c A+ + * + = = (19) The operators A^and +A^satisfy the following commutation relations ,^ ]^,^[ ^ ]^,^[ ) ( ^) 1^( ) 1 ^( ] ^,^[2 2 + + +- = - = - + + = A A N A A N N f N N f N A A (20) where, is positive analytic function with)^(N f 0 ) 0 (= f . The function is specific to each f-deformed algebra. This function plays a central role in our treatment, since it )^(N f 8 determines the form of nonlinea rities of the system under cons ideration. As a particular physical example, we consider the effect of collisions between the atoms within the condensate, where the op erator valued function is given as follows [37] )^(N f , ) 1 ( ^ )^(2 k k- + = n n f (21) where the collision rate denoted by kand is the particle number operator. The function , which is a characteristics for the deformation, has a dependence on the deformation f ksuch that when the deformation disappear (the case of no collision), then 1 ) 0 , ^(2 ==kn f and the usual algebra is recovered. In means the deformation increase with the collision rate k. Subsequently, by considering the effect of collisions between the atoms within condensate, we can apply the extra deformation on the intrinsically deformed Gardiner's phonon operators for BEC by an operator- valued function ) 1 (+^ ) k k- = n )^(2n f^(2n f of the particle number operator [37]. Here the nonlinearity is relate d to the collisions between the atoms within condensate. The deformed Gardiner's phonon operators are re lated to the nondeformed ones thorough the operator valued- function as n^
.^ ^ ^^,^)^( ), ^(^ ^
2 2 q q qq q q q b b N nb n f B n f b B
+++ +
= == =
(22) For small deformation, the f- deformed Gardiner's phonon operators can be expressed as +
q qB B, .+
q^)]^ ^ 1 (21 [ ^ )],^ ^ 1 (21 [^ ^+ + +- - = - - =q q q q q q q b b b B b b b Bk k (23) Here, the small value for kis considered, where )^n1 (-k would be very smaller than one. In that case, by keeping only the lowest order ofN1=e for very large total atom number and by keeping only the first- order term of the collision rate N kfor very low temperature we get ).^b^ ^
21^)}](^ ^ ^ ^1^ ^( 1 {21 [ ^)}],^ ^ ^ ^1^ ^( 1 {21 )[^ ^ ^
b bNb b b b bNb b Bb b b bNb b b b bNb B qq
+ + + + + + ++ + + +
- - - - - - - - kk (24) Therefore, by using (24) the deformed versi on of the Hamiltonian (18) can be expressed in terms of the nondeformed operators band bas follows ^ ^+
,^ ^ ^
0H H H'+ = (25) where 9 ),^^ ^^( ) ^ ^ ^ ^( ^
0 b a b a K b b a a Hp+ + + ++ + + = = =o (26) and )].^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ )(21 2( ) ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ [()^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ )(21 2(]^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ )1(^ ^^ ^[^ ^ ^ ^ )1](23[ ) ^ ^](2[ ^
2 2b b b a a a b b b a a aNK b a a a b a a a Kb b b a b b b aNKa a b b b bNa a b b kb b b bNb b Hp p
+ + + + + + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + +
+ - - + -+ + - ++ - + ++ - D + + D + = ' kl lkk lko o
= ==== =
(27) It is clear that the thir d and the last terms of H'^are the corrections produced by the CRTs. Furthermore the second term in Eq. (27) describes the attrac tive exciton- exciton collisions due to bi- exciton effect. The third, the fourth and the last terms of H'^describe the decrease of the exciton- photon coupling constants due to the phase- space filling effect [38]. It is evident that the Hamilt onian (27) reproduces th e Hamiltonian (6) by setting kl,and eequal to zero. 4 Approximate analytical solutions To solve the Schrodinger equation governed by the Hamiltonian (18) we shall make use of the quantum angular momentum theory. Acco rding to the Schwinger representation of the angular momentum, we can build the a ngular momentum operators as follows .^^ ^,^^ ^),^ ^ ^ ^(21^
++ +
==- =
b a Jb a Jb b a a Jz (28) By using the cavity- field ladder operators and and the exciton operators band we define a^+a^ ^ +b^
+ + +- = + =b a b aiJ b a b a Jy x (29) Then we rewrite the Hamiltonian (26) as , ^ 2^ ^ 2^ ^^) 2 / ( 1^) 2 / ( 1 1 0y y J i zJ i p x p e K J e K N J K N Hp po o+ -+ = + == = = = (30) 10 The excitation number operator is a constant under any SO(3) rotation and a a b b N^ ^ ^ ^ ^+ ++ =
) 1+
(2^^ ^ ^ ^2 2 2 2= + + =N NJ J J Jz y x is the total angular momentum operator. The common eigenstates of and are as follows 2^J J^
, 0 )! ( )! ()^( ) ^( m j m ja bjmm j m j - +=+ + - +
(31-a) or , 0 ! !)^( ) ^(, n na bn n en n ee+ +
= (31-b) where denotes the number of photons, is the number of excito ns, and the eigenvalues of and are, respectively nen 2JzJ .2,...,2,2N NmNj - = - = (32) The and the eigenvalues of can be easily constructed as ) 0 ( jmE0H . 2 ,1) 0 (^) 2 / ( 0m K N E jm ep jmJ i jmy= =+ = =-o psp (33) Up to the first -order approximation, the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian H^ are obtained as , ^^) 2 / ( ^) 2 / ( ) 0 (jm e H e jm E Ey y J i J i jmjmp p -' + = (34) and their corresponding eige nfunctions are given by .^
) 0 ( ) 0 ( ) 0 () 0 ( jn jn jkjk jkE Ejk H jnps ps ps-'
+ = (35) The matrix elements of the perturbation Hamiltonian H'^are given by 11 )}]. 1 )( )( (41) 1 )( )( (41) 2 )( 1 )( (41) 2 )( 1 )( (41) 1 )( (21) 1 )( (21){21 2() (21) (21) (21) (21[)] 1 )( (21) 1 )( (21)[(21 2()] ( ) ( 4 ) ( ) ( 4 ) 1 )( ( 2) 1 )( 1 )( ( 2 ) 1 )( 1 )( ( 2) 1 )( ( 2 ) 1 ( ) ( ) 1 )( () 1 )( ( ) 1 ( ) [(81)1()] 1 )( (41) 1 )( (41) (21) (41) (41[)] ( ) 1 )( (41) 1 )( (41)[1)(23()] (21) (21)[2( ^
2 2 22 2 2 22 2 2 2 22 2 22 2 2 22 2^) 2 / ( ^) 2 / ( - - - + + - + - +- - - - - - - - + - + ++ - + + - - + + -+ - - + + - - +- - + + + - - - -+ - + + + - + + + -- + + - - - - + - - + +- + - - - - - - + - - -+ - + - + - + + + -+ - - + - - + -- - + - + ++ - + - + + + - - - + - D ++ - + + D + = '- m j m j m j m j m j m jm j m j m j m j m j m jm j m j m j m jNm j m j m j m j Km j m j m j m jNKm j m j m j m j m j m jm j m j m j m j m j m jm j m j m j m j m j m jm j m j m j m jNkm j m j m j m jm j m j m j km j m j m j m j m jNm j m j jm e H e jm pp J i J iy y klkk llkoop p
(36) We shall apply this result in section 5 to drive the polarization of the medium. 5 Controlling group velocity in an f-deformed BEC In order to get the susceptibility of the medi um, we need to calculate the polarization of the atomic medium. To this end, we can make use of Hamiltonian approach [39]. According to this approach, the polarization of the medium can be expressed as the partial derivative of the averaged free energy density of the atomic medium with respect to the electric field amplitude ,^
*'- =EHP (37) where H^' is the interaction part of the Hamiltonian, *E is the complex amplitude of the electromagnetic field and defined as n Ee= , where Vp 02eoe== (Vis the quantization volume) and P is the polarization of the medium. Under adiabatic conditions [40], the 12 averaged Hamiltonian that appears in Eq. (37) can be replaced by .Then we get jmjmE E0- . ) )}( ( 1 )[21 2( 2 )21 2( 2)23 2) ()(1( )1)(23
{(]} ) (21)[21 2( )21 2(]21) (21) (41)[1(2)] ( 221)[1)(23 ( )2{() ( 5 23 2 22 2 220 nNKNkn m jNK KNKm j Nk kNn m jNK KNKm j m jNkkm jNnE E EHP pp pjmjm - - -- - + - + - -+ --+ - + + + - D +- - - - - -- + - - - + -+ - + + - + - D + + D + - ==
- - =
'- =*
klklkl lkk l l kokl lkk llko oe
(38) On the other hand, the total polarizat ion of the BEC coupled to the probe electromagnetic field is given by .... ) )( ( ) )( ( ) )( (5 ) 5 ( 03 ) 3 ( 0) 1 ( 0 + + + = n n n Pp p p e o kh e e o kh e e o kh e (39) where is the linear susceptibility and represents the kth-order nonlinear Eqs. (38) and (39) we obtain first, third and fifth order nonlinear of the BEC in the following fo rm, (the higher order su sceptibilities of the medium are zero). ) 1 (kh) ) ()}, ( 1 )[21 2( 2 )21 2( 2)23 2) ()(1( )1)(23
{( ) (]} ) (21)[21 2( )21 2(]21) (21) (41)[1(2)] ( 221)[1)(23 ( )2{( ) ( 2 06) 5 (2 204) 3 (2 2 2202) 1 ( NKNkm jNK KNKm j Nk kNm jNK KNKm j m jNkkm jN pp pp p p - - --=- + - + - -+ --+ - + + + - D +-=+ - - - - -- + - - - + -+ - + + - + - D + + D +-=
klkl e eo khkl lkk l l ko e eo khkl lkk llko o e eo kh
(40) 13 The total susceptibility of the BEC at th e probe field frequency including linear and nonlinear terms, reads ), ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) () ( ) 1 (4) 5 (2) 3 ( ) 1 ( pnl p p p p p p E E o kh o kh o o kh o o kh o kh kh+ = + + = (41) where the nonlinear part of the tota l susceptibility of the medium is . ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (4) 5 (2) 3 ( ) ( p p p p pnlE E o o kh o o kh o kh + = (42) The refractive index ) (pno is related to the susceptibility of the medium ) (pokh through the relation , ) ( 1 ) (p pn o kh o+ = while the group velocity is gnc, where the group refraction index is defined as .) () ( pp p p gddnn nooo o+ = We are now in a position to present numerical results[Figs. 2-8] for dependence of the refraction group index and the real and im aginary parts of the linear and nonlinear of the f- deformed BEC under consideration on the CRTs (or lparameter) and the deformation parameters k, (or NN1=e ). In this paper, we consider probe pulse propagation in an f-deformed BEC of a gas of -type configuration. This system can be realized in the BEC of sodium atoms (Fig. 1), where the probe transition is denoted by L ) 589 ( 101 . 5214nm= x =lHzpo[2] and the energy splitting between the levels 1and 2 is MHz 1772212=po.The intensity of the coupling field is 255 cmmWIc= corresponding to the Rabi frequency MHz g 4 .21 2 /1=p [2], much stronger than the intensity of the probe field 2cmW80Ipm= corresponding to 25 photons in average. The other physical parameters for th e BEC of sodium are set to be, the density of the condensate 3 1210 3 . 3-x = cmVN [2], the dipole matrix element m C. 10 2230 32-x =m [40], the decay rates 31gand 32gof the level 3 MHz5 2 / 2 /32 31 = =pgpg [21], the decay rates from the transition between the hyperfine levels 1and 2 KHz38 2 /12=pg [41]. To observe the effects of CRTs on propagation of the probe pulse, for a given collision rate kand the total number of atoms , we need to plot the group refraction index as a function of detuning , for different values ofN D l. This is shown in Fig 2a. The point D=0 of the exact resonance corres ponds to the EIT regime, charact erized by low losses. The zero points of group refraction index in Fi g .3a show an uncertainty of the group 14 velocity , of the probe pulse and describe the possibility of observing superluminal velocities. When the refraction index is negative (corresponding to the superluminal propagation) the peak of the pulse exits the BEC before it passes the entrance face. We see that the pulse propagation changes from subluminal to superluminal and the significant subluminality and superluminality take place for However, the increase in parameter lleads to large nonlinearity as shown in Fig 2b. In Fig 2b, we show the real part of the nonlinear total susceptibility , defined by Eq. (42), versus the probe pulse detuning , for three different values of the parameter) (nlkh D l, which correspond to the nonlinear properties of the me dium. It is clear th at the nonlinearity increases with the parameter l which in turn leads to the slower subluminal and faster superluminal group velocity. Theref ore, for a given collision rate kand the total number of atoms , the parameterN l can be adjusted to realize th e transition from subluminal to superluminal propagation. In Fig. 3a, we show the behavior of th e group refraction index as a function of the detuning parameter Dof the probe pulse for th ree different values of the deformation parameter k when 1. 0=l and . As is seen, with the increasing value of the collision rate )0 10 = N ( ,20e k the subluminal and superluminal behaviors of the group velocity are enhanced. The physical origin of this result is that with increasing the deformation parameter kthe nonlinearity of the mode l under consideration becomes larger, as shown in Fig. 3b. In Fig. 3b, we plot the real part of the nonlinear total susceptibility as a function of ) (nlkh D for three different values of kand 1. 0=l . The real part of shows the nonlinearity of th is process. It is evid ent that the nonlinearity increases with deformation To observe the effect of number of atoms , for a given collision rate, in the presence of CRTs, (N 1 . 0=l ) we plot the group refraction index as a function of detuning D for different values of (Fig. 4a). We see that the pulse propagation can change from subl uminal to superlum inal and significant superluminality and subluminality take place for large values of the deformation parameterN e. In other words, superluminality and subluminality decrease with the total number of condensate atoms . The reason is due to the f act that with increasing the deformation exist an enhancement of th e nonlinearity as shown in Fig. 3b. In Fig. 4b, we plot the real part of the total nonlinear susceptibility as a function of detuning for different values of the deformation parameter )(nlkh D e and for the case of no collision ( 0=k ) and 1 . 0=l . As is seen, the nonlinearity in creases with the deformation parametere. The imaginary part of the total nonlinear su sceptibility is plotted versus the detuning in Figs. 5a, 5b and 5c. We observe that the absorption coefficients increase with the andl. In Figs. 6a, 6b and 6c, we plot the real part of the linear susceptibility versus detuning) 1 (kh D for various values of the parameters e,k andl. It is evident that the dispersive properties of the BEC increase with the parametere,k andl. The imaginary part of the linear susceptibility as a function of the detuningDis shown in Figs. 7a, 7b and 7c, for various values of the parameter e,k andl. It is clear that the medium has abso rption for positive absorption coefficient and gain for negative absorption coefficient. We s ee that the gain and ab sorption properties of the BEC increase with the parameters e,k andl. In Figs. 8a-8f we illustrate the effects 15 of the parameter l and deformation parameters e,kon the magnitude of the real and imaginary parts of the tota l susceptibility, wh ich correspond to the dispersive and absorptive properties of the condensate, respectiv ely. It is seen that at the region around the zero detuning both D khkh''',are equal to zero. This means that the absorption is almost zero where the index of refraction is unity. Thus the medium becomes transparent under the action of the probe field and EIT is occurred. It is evident th at with the increasing values of the parameters e,k andlthere exists an enhancement of the dispersion and absorption properties of th e deformed BEC under consideration. 6 Summary and conclusions In summary, we have studi ed the dispersive, absorptive and propagation properties of a weak optical probe field in an f- deformed BEC of the gas of L- type three- level atoms in the EIT regime beyond the RWA. By applyi ng an effective two- level quantum model beyond the RWA, within the framework of the f- deformed boson model, we have shown that in the existence of CRTs, the model can be transformed into an Hamiltonian. Corrections produced by the CRTs a ppear in the first order as the detuning and in the second order as the intensity-dep endent atom-field coupling. We have calculated the linear and nonlinear susceptibilities of the atomic condensates. In addition, we have considered the effects of collisi ons between the atoms within the condensate as a special kind of f- deformation for which the collision rate kis regarded as the corr esponding deformation parameter. We have demonstrated that tunable control of the group velocity of a weak probe field from subluminal to superluminal and we have st udied the effects of CRTs on the propagation of the probe pulse. We have found that the deformed parameters e, kand lplay an important role in determining the subluminal and superlumin al propagation through the condensate. We have also shown that by applying the deformation on at omic operators of the BEC medium, it is possible to obtain large nonlinearity that leads to an enhanced subluminal and superluminal propagation. 16 References [1] S. E. Harris, Phys. Today 50, 36 (1997); M. D. Lukin and A. Imamoglu, Nature 413, 273 (1990); P. W. Milonni, J. P hys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys 35, R31 (2002). [2] L.V. Hau, S. E. Ha rris, Z. 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An excited state 3corresponds to the hyperfine sub-leve l of the term 2323Pwith F=2 Fig.2a: The group velocity as a f unction of the detuning parameter D, for three different values of the parameter l, .) - 0.3(-. 0.1(-), , (...) 0 = = = l l l , the total number of atoms and the total number of excited atoms) 0 ( , 1020 =e N 1=en Fig.2b: The real part of the total nonlinear susceptibility , as a function of the detuning parameter , for three different values of the parameter) Re() (nlkh D l, .) - 0.3(-. 0.1(-), , (...) 0= = =l l l , the total number of atoms and the total number of excited atoms)0 ( , 1020e=N 1=en Fig.3a: The group velocity as a f unction of the detuning parameter D, for three different values of the deformation parameter k, .) - 0.008Hz(-. , 0.005Hz(-) , (...) 0 = = = k k k , the total number of atoms , the total number of excited atoms and ) 1=en 0( , 1020=e N 1 . 0=l Fig.3b: The real part of the total nonlinear susceptibility , as a function of the detuning parameter D, for three different values of the deformation parameter) Re() (nlkh k, .) - 0.008Hz(-. , 0.005Hz(-) , (...) 0 = = = k k k , the total number of atoms , the total number of excited atoms) 0 ( , 1020 =e N 1=en and 1 .0=l Fig.4a: The group velocity as a f unction of the detuning parameter D, for three different values of the total number of atoms ,N .) . ), ( 20 (...),30 -(10-=-= = N N N in the case of no collision ( 0=k ), the total number of excited atoms 1=en 1 . and 0=l Fig.4b: The real part of the total nonlinear susceptibility , as a function of the detuning parameter , for three different values of the total number of atoms ,) Re() (nlkh D N .) . ( 10 ), ( 20 (...),30 --=- = = N N N in the case of no collision ( 0=k ), the total number of excited atoms 1=en . 0 and 1=l Fig.5a: The imaginary part of the total nonlinea r susceptibility , as a function of the detuning parameter ,for three different values of the parameter) Im( ) (nlkh D l, 20 .) - 0.3(-. 0.1(-), , (...) 0 = = =l l l , the total number of atoms and the total number of excited atoms)0 ( , 1020 =e N 1=en Fig.5b: The imaginary part of the total nonlinea r susceptibility , as a function of the detuning parameter D, for three different values of the deformation parameter) Im() (nlkh k, .) - 0.008Hz(-. , 0.005Hz(-) , (...) 0 = = = k k k , the total number of atoms , the total number of excited atoms) 0 ( , 1020 =e N 1 . 0=l 1=en and Fig.5c: The imaginary part of the total nonlinea r susceptibility , as a function of the detuning parameter , for three different values of the total number of atoms ,) Im( ) (nlkh D N ), ( 20 (...),30 in the case of no collision ( 0=k =- = = N N N .) . ( 10-- ), the total number of excited atoms and 1. 0=l 1=en Fig.6a: The real part of the linear susceptibility as a function of the detuning parameter , for three different values of the parameter) Re( ) 1 (kh l, D .) - 0.3(-. 0.1(-), , (...) 0 = = =l l l , the total number of atoms and the total number of excited atoms)0 ( , 1020 =e N 1=en D Fig.6b: The real part of the linear susceptibility as a function of the detuning parameter , for three different values of the deformation parameter) Re( ) 1 (kh k, .) - 0.008Hz(-. , 0.005Hz(-) , (...) 0 = = = k k k , the total number of atoms the total number of excited atoms) 0 ( , 1020 =e N 1 . 0=l 1=en and Fig.6c: The real part of the linear susceptibility as a function of the detuning parameter , for three different values of the total number of atoms ,) Re( ) 1 (kh .)D N ), ( 200 (...),300 in the case of no collision ( 0=k - = = N N N . ( 100--= ), the total number of excited atoms and 1 . 0=l 1=en Fig.7a: The imaginary part of the linear susceptibility as a function of the detuning parameter D, for different values of the parameter)) 1 (Im(kh l, .) - 0.3(-. 0.1(-), , (...) 0 = = =l l l , the total number of atoms and the total number of excited atoms)0 ( , 1020 =e N 1=en Fig.7b: The imaginary part of the linear susceptibility Im( as a function of the detuning parameter D, for three different values of the deformation parameter)) 1 (kh k, .) - 0.008Hz(-. , 0.005Hz(-) , (...) 0 = = = k k k , the total number of atoms the total number of excited atoms)0 (e,1020=N and 1 . 0=l en1=
. 21 Fig.7c: The imaginary part of the linear susceptibility as a function of the detuning parameter , for three different values of the total number of atoms ,) Im() 1 (kh D N .) . ( 10 ), ( 20 (...),30 --=- = = N N N in the case of no collision ( 0=k ) the total number of excited atoms 1=en . 0 and 1=l Fig.8a: The real part of the susceptibility ) Re(kh, as a function of the detuning parameter , for different values of the parameterD l, .) - 0.3(-. 0.1(-), , (...) 0 = = = l l l , the total number of atoms and the total number of excited atoms)0 ( , 1020 =e N 1=en Fig.8b: The real part of the susceptibility ) Re(kh, as a function of the detuning parameter , for three different values of the deformation parameterD k, .) - 0.008Hz(-. , 0.005Hz(-) (...) 0 = = =, k k k , the total number of atoms the total number of excited atoms)0 ( , 1020 =e N 1=en and 1 . 0=l Fig.8c: The real part of the susceptibility ) Re(kh, as a function of the detuning parameter , for three different values of the total number of atoms ,D N .) . ( 10 ), ( 20 (...),30 --=- = = N N N in the case of no collision ( 0=k ),the total number of excited atoms 1=en 0 and 1 .=l Fig.8d: The imaginary part of the susceptibility ) Im(kh, as a function of the detuning parameter , for different values of the parameterD l, .) - 0.3(-. 0.1(-), , (...) 0 = = = l l l , the total number of atoms and the total number of excited atoms)0 ( , 1020 =e N 1=en Fig.8e: The imaginary part of the susceptibility ) Im(kh, as a function of the detuning parameter , for three different values of the deformation parameterD k, .) - 0.008Hz(-. , 0.005Hz(-) (...) 0 = = =, k k k , the total number of atoms the total number of excited atoms)0 ( , 1020 =e N 1=en and 1 .0=l Fig.8f: The imaginary part of the susceptibility ) Im(kh, as a function of the detuning parameter , for three different values of the total number of atoms ,D N .) . ( 10 ), ( 20 (...),30 --=- = = N N N in the case of no collision ( 0=k ) the total number of excited atoms 1=en . 0 and 1=l 22 Fig. 1 2 , 2 3- = = =FM F D d o co o p o12 2 , 2 1- = = =FM F 1 , 1 2- = = =FM F 23 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 24 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 25 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 26 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 27 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 28 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 29 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 108-2-10123x 30 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 31 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 32 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 108-1012345678x 33 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 34 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 35 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 108-6-4-20246x 36 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 108-3-2-10123x 37 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 108-3-2-10123x 38 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 39 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 40 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 10-8 DRe(kh)Fig. 41 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 108-2-10123x 42 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x 10-11Im(kh) DFig 43 44-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 x | 0802.3503 | Zahra Haghshenasfard | Z. Haghshenasfard, M. Soltanolkotabi and M. H. Naderi | Controlling subluminal to superluminal behavior of group velocity in an
f-deformed Bose-Einstein condensate beyond the rotating wave approximation | 44pages, 22 figures | null | 10.1016/j.optcom.2009.05.072 | null | quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In this paper, we investigate tunable control of the group velocity of a weak
probe field propagating through an f-deformed Bose-Einstein condensate of
three-level atoms beyond the rotating wave approximation. For this purpose, we
use an f- deformed generalization of an effective two-level quantum model of
the three-level configuration without the rotating wave approximation in which
the Gardiners phonon operators for Bose-Einstein condensate are deformed by an
operator- valued function,f(n), of the particle- number operator n .
Corrections produced by the counter- rotating terms appear in the first order
as an intensity- dependent detuning and in the second order as an intensity-
dependent atom-field coupling. We consider the collisions between the atoms as
a special kind of f- deformation where the collision rate k is regarded as the
deformation parameter. We demonstrate the enhanced effect of subluminal and
superluminal propagation based on electromagnetically induced transparency and
electromagnetically induced absorption, respectively. In particular, we find
that (i) the absorptive and dispersive properties of the deformed condensate
can be controlled effectively in the absence of the rotating wave approximation
by changing the deformation parameter k, the total number of atoms N and the
counter- rotating terms parameter, (ii) by increasing the values of k, 1/N and
the counter- rotating terms parameter, the group velocity of the probe pulse
changes, from subluminal to superluminal and (iii) beyond the rotating wave
approximation, the subluminal and superluminal behaviors of the probe field are
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:27:46 GMT"
] | 2015-05-13T00:00:00 | [
"M. H.",
] |
LY (O,P,Z ) LP + [: - (1 + )>]6(8, 9, : )+ [@ALY (O,P,Z ) LOQ+ @>LY (O,P,Z ) LOR+ @BLY (O,P,Z ) LOS 6(8, 9, : )+ D(8, 9) (1.3) which is perturbed by additive small white noise EFG(8, 9). And analytical result also illustrated by example of1X stochastic model system LY](O,P,Z ) LP + [: - (1 + )>]67(8, 9, : )+ @LY](O,P,Z ) LOQ67(8, 9, : )+ D(8, 9)-EFG(8, 9)= 0, 8 R (1.4) 67(8, 0, : )= 0, G (8, 9)=LRN(O,P) LOLP , F 1,0 < @, (1.5) which was obtained from the non-stochastic 1D Nikol aevskii s model: LY (O,P,Z ) LP + [: - (1 + )>]6(8, 9, : )+ @LY (O,P,Z ) LOQ6(8, 9, : )+ D(8, 9)= 0, 6 (8, 0, : )= 0, 8 R, (1.6) 6(8, 0, : )= 0. (1.7) Systematic study of a different type of chaos at on set '' soft-mode turbulence '' based on numerical integration of the simplest 1D Nikolaevskii model (1.7) has bee n executed by many authors [2]-[7].There is an erroneous belief that such numerical integration gi ves a powerful analysis is means of the processes o f turbulence conception, based on the classical theor y of chaos of the classical syst ems [8]-[11]. Remark1.1. However, as it well known, such approximations corr ect only in a phase of turbulence conception, when relatively small number of the degrees of free dom excites . In general case, when a very large number of the degrees of freedom excites, well known phenomena of the numerically induced chaos, can to spoils in the uncontrollable way any numerical integration [12]-[15] Remark1.2. Other non trivial problem stays from noise roundof f error in computer computation using floating poin t arithmetic [16]-[20]. In any computer simulation the numerical solution i s fraught with truncation by roundoff errors introduced by finite-precision calculation o f trajectories of dynamical systems, where roundoff errors or other noise can introduce new behavior and this pro blem is a very more pronounced in the case of chaot ic dynamical systems, because the trajectories of such systems e xhibit extensive dependence on initial conditions. As a result, a small random truncation or roundoff error, made computational error at any ste p of computation will tend to be large magnified by future computational of the system [17]. Remark1.3. As it well known, if the digitized or rounded quantity is allowed to occupy the nearest of a large number of levels whose smallest separation is bc, then, provided that the original quantity is larg e compared to bc and is reasonably well behaved, the effect of the q uantization or rounding may be treated as additive random noise [18].Bennett has shown that such additive noise is nearly white, with mean squared value of bc>/12 [19].However the complete uniform white-noise model to be valid in the sense of weak convergence of probabilistic m easures as the lattice step tends to zero if the matrices of r ealization of the system in the state space satisfy certain non resonance conditions and the dis tributions of the input signal are absolutely conti nuous [19]. The method deprived of these essential lacks in gen eral case has been offered by the author in papers [23]-[27]. Remark1.4 Remark1.4 Remark1.4 Remark1.4 .. .. Thus from consideration above it is clear that num erical integration procedure of the1D Nikolaevskii model (1.6)-(1.7) executed in papers [ 2]-[7] in fact dealing with stochastic model (1.4)- (1.5). There is an erroneous the point of view, that a whi te noise with enough small intensity does not bring any significant contributions in turbulent modes, see f or example [3]. By this wrong assumptions the resul ts of the numerical integration procedure of the1D Nikola evskii model (1.6)-(1.7) were mistakenly considered and interpreted as a very exact modeling the slow t urbulence within purely non stochastic Nikolaevskii model (1.6)-(1.7). Accordingly wrong conclusions ab out that temperature noises does not influence slow turbulence have been proposed in [3].However in [27 ] has shown that that a white no ise with enough small intensity can to bring significan t contributions in turbulent modes and even to chan ge this modes dramatically. At the present time it is generally recognized that turbulence in its developed phase has essentially singular structure. Such a singular condu ct is impossible to describe adequately by the mean s of some model system of equations of a finite dimensionalit y. In this point a classical theory of chaos is abl e to describe only small part of turbulence phenomenon in liquid and a nother analogous s of dynamical systems. The result s of modeling of super-chaotic modes, o btained in the present paper allow us to put out a quite probable hypothesis: developed turbulence in the real physic al systems with infinite number of degrees of freed om is a quantum super-chaos, at that the quantitative chara cteristics of this super-chaos, is completely deter mined by contribution of additive (thermal) fluctuations in the corresponding classical system dynamics [18]-[20]. 22 22.M .M .M .Main ain ain ain Theoretical Theoretical Theoretical Theoretical Result Result Result Results s ss We study the stochastic h -dimensional differential equation analogous propose d by Nikolaevskii [1] to describe longitudinal seismic waves: LY](O,P,Z,i ) LP + [: - (1 + )>]67(8, 9, :, j )+ 6 7(8, 9, :, j ) @lLY](O,P,Z,i ) LOmn VoA + D(8, 9)-EFG(8, 9, j )= 0, (2.1) 8 Rn, 67(8, 0, :, j )= 0, G (8, pLP , 0 < @ V, W = 1, ... , h.(2.2) The main difficulty with the stochastic Nikolaevskii equation is that the solutions do not take values in an function space but in generalized function space. Thus it is necessary to give meaning to the non-lin ear terms 5Os 67>(8, 9, :, j ), W = 1, ... , h because the usual product makes no sense for arbit rary distributions. We deal with product of distributions via regularizations, i.e., we approximate the distributions by appropriate wa y and pass to the limit. In this paper we use the approximation of th e distributions by approach of Colombeau generalize d functions [28]. Notation Notation Notation Notation 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. We denote by t(Rnx Rv) the space of the infinitely differentiable functio ns with compact support in Rnx Rv and by tw(Rnx Rv) its dual space. Let C = (ohm, S, m ) be a probability space. We denote by } the space of all functions ~: ohm - tw(Rnx R v) such that <~, > is a random variable for all t (Rnx R v). The elements of } are called random generalized functions. Definition Definition Definition Definition 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. 2.1. [29]. We say that a random field R(8, 9)|9 Rv, 8 Rn is a spatially dependent semimartingale if for each 8 Rn,R(8, 9)|9 Rv is a semimartingale in relation to the same filtra tion FP|9 Rv. If R(8, 9) is a -function of 8 and continuous in almost everywhere, it is called a -semimartingale. Definition 2.2 Definition 2.2 Definition 2.2 Definition 2.2. . .. We say that that 67(8, 9, :, j ) } is a strong generalized solution ( SGS ) of the Eq. (2.1)-(2.2) if there exists a sequence of -semimartingales 67(8, 9, :, , j ), (0,1] such that there exists (i) 67(8, 9, :, j )= lim -c67(8, 9, :, , j ) in tw(Rnx Rv) almost surely for j ohm, (ii ) 5Os 67>(8, 9, :, , j )= lim -c5Os 67>(8, 9, :, , j ), W = 1, ... , h almost surely for j ohm, (iii ) for all t (Rnx Rv) (iv ) <5P67(8, 9, :, j ), > -<[: - (1 + )>]67(8, 9, :, j ), > - @l 2<5Os 67>(8, 9, :, j ), > n VoA-<D(8, 9), > + +EF8 Rp (9, 8) cP(8, 9)= 0, 9 Rv almost surely for j ohm, and where P(8, p, (v) 67(8, 9, :, j )= 0 almost surely for j ohm. However in this paper we use the solutions of stochastic Nikolaevskii equation only in the se nse of Colombeau generalized functions [30]. Remark2.1. Remark2.1. Remark2.1. Remark2.1. Note that from Definition 2.2 it is clear that any strong generalized solution 67(8, 9, :, j ) of the Eq. (2.1)-(2.2) one can to recognized as Colombeau generalized function such that 67(8, 9, :, j )= 67(8, 9, :, , j ) (#) By formula (#) one can to define appropriate generalized solution of the Eq. (2.1)-(2.2) even if a strong generalized solution of the Eq. (2.1)-(2.2) does not exist. Definition 2.3. Definition 2.3. Definition 2.3. Definition 2.3. Assume that a strong generalized solution of the Eq. (2.1)-(2.2) does not exist. We shall say that: (II II) Colombeau generalized stochastic process 67(8, 9, :, , j ) is a weak generalized solution ( WGS ) of the Eq. (2.1)-(2.2) or Colombeau solution of the Eq. (2.1)-(2.2) if for all t (Rnx Rv) and for all (0,1] (i) <67(8, 9, :, , j ), 5P> -<[: - (1 + )>]67(8, 9, :, , j ), > - @l 2<5Os 67>(8, 9, :, , j ), > n VoA+ + <D(8, 9), > +EF8 Rp (9, 8) cP(8, 9)= 0, 9 Rv almost surely for j ohm, (ii ) 67(8, 9, :, , j )= 0 almost surely for j ohm. (II II II II) Colombeau generalized stochastic process 67(8, 9, :, , j ) is a Colombeau-Ito 's solution of the Eq. (2.1)-(2.2) if for all t (Rn) and for all (0,1] (i) <5P67(8, 9, :, , j ), > +<[: - (1 + )>]67(8, 9, :, , j ), > @l 2<5Os 67>(8, 9, :, , j ), > n VoA- -<D(8, 9), > -EF(8)Rp G(8, 9)8 = 0, 9 Rv almost surely for j ohm, (ii ) 67(8, 9, :, , j )= 0 almost surely for j ohm. Notation Notation Notation Notation 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2.. .. [30]. The algebra of moderate element we denote by E [Rn]. The Colombeau algebra of the Colombeau generalized function we denote by (Rn). Notation Notation Notation Notation 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3.. .. [30].We shall use the following designations. If (Rn) it representatives will be denoted by , their values on = (8), (0,1] will be denoted by () and it point values at 8 Rn will be denoted (, 8). Definition Definition Definition Definition 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4.. .. [30]. Let c= c(Rn) be the set of all X (Rn) such that (8)8 = 1. Let C = (ohm, S, m ) be a probability space. Colombeau random generaliz ed function this is a map : ohm - (Rn) such that there is representing function : cx Rnx ohm with the properties: (i) for fixed c(Rn) the function (8, j )- (, 8, j ) is a jointly measurable on Rnx ohm; (ii) almost surely in j ohm, the function - (, . , j ) belongs to E[Rn] and is a representative of ; Notation Notation Notation Notation 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3.. .. [30]. The Colombeau algebra of Colombeau random generalized function is denoted by ohm(Rn). Definition Definition Definition Definition 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5.. .. Let C = (ohm, S, m ) be a probability space. Classically, a generalized stochastic process on Rn is a weakly measurable map !: ohm - Xw(Rn) denoted by ! Xohmw(Rn). If c(Rn), then (iii) !(j)* (8)=<!(j), (8-. )> is a measurable with respect to j ohm and (iv) smooth with respect to 8 Rn and hence jointly measurable. (v) Also ! (j)* (8) E[Rn]. (vi) Therefore PS(, 8, j )= ! (j)* (8) qualifies as an representing function for an eleme nt of ohm(Rn). (vii) In this way we have an imbedding tw(Rn)- ohm(Rn). Definition 2. Definition 2. Definition 2. Definition 2.6 6 66.. .. Denote by $? (~)= $?(RnvA)| ~ the space of rapidly decreasing smooth functions on ~ = Rnx [0, ). Let C = (ohm, S, m ) with (i) ohm = $?w(~), (ii) S- the Borel SS-algebra generated by the weak topology. Therefore there is unique probability measure on (ohm, S) such that (j)exp [(c)<j, > ]= exp -A
>||ph||!R()> for all $? (~). White noise G (j) with the support in ~ is the generalized process G (j): ohm - tw(RnvA) such that: (i) G ()=<G(j), > =<j, | ~ > (ii) (r) [G()]= 0, (iii) (r) Viewed as a Colombeau random generalized function, it has a representative (denoting on variables in RnvA by (8, 9)): -(, 8, 9, j )=<j, (8-, 9 - )| ~> , which vanishes if 9 is less than minus the diamet er of the support of . Therefore G is a zero on Rnx(-, 0 ) in ohm(RnvA). Note that its variance is the Colombeau constant: (r) [->(, 8, 9, j )]=deg |(8 - deg, 9 - +- )|>+- c Rp . Definition 2.7 Definition 2.7 Definition 2.7 Definition 2.7. . .. Smoothed with respect to Rn white noise G(8, 9) the representative -(, 8, 9, j ) with c(Rn)x tw(Rn), such that = (8), (0,1] and = 2n O @(9). Theorem 2.1. Theorem 2.1. Theorem 2.1. Theorem 2.1. [25]. (Strong Large Deviation Strong Large Deviation Strong Large Deviation Strong Large Deviation Principle fo SPDE Principle fo SPDE Principle fo SPDE Principle fo SPDE) (I I II) Let 6 (8, 9, :, F, j ), (0,1] be solution of the Colombeau-Ito 's SPDE [26]: LY '(O,P,Z,7,i )' LP + [: - (1 + )>]6(8, 9, :, F, j )+ u 6(8, 9, :, F, j ) ) LOm*
n loA +
D(8, 9)-EFG(8, 9, j )= 0, (2.3) 8 Rn, 6(8, 9, :, F, j ) 0, @V> 0, W = 1, ... , h.(2.4) Here: (1)u(o) >>(R), >>(R) the Colombeau algebra of Colombeau generalized fun ctions and uc(o)= o. (2) D (8, 9) (RnvA). (3) G(8, 9) is a smoothed with respect to Rn white noise. (II IIII II) Let 6 , 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, F, j ) , (0,1] be solution of the Colombeau-Ito 's SDE [26]: 1/2Y ', 1/4(O 1/4,P,Z,7,i ) ' 1/2P + 1/4[: - (1 + 1/4)>]6, 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, F, j )
3/4 3/4u6, 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, F, j )? ? @lPuY', 1/4qQ,m O 1/4qA,m ,P,Z,7,i2Y ', 1/4O + D(8 1/4, 9)- EFG(8 1/4, 9, j )= 0, (2.5) 8 1/4 A hAE Zn, 1/4 = (EA, ... , En) Zn,| 1/4|= EVn loA , 8 1/4vA,l = 8EQ, ... , 8Em+ hAE, ... , 8Ep, -E <= El<= E,(2.6) 6, 1/4(8 1/4, 0, :, F, j ) 0, 8 1/4 A. (2.7) Here is obtained from Eq.(2.3)-Eq .(2.4) by spatial discretization on finite lattice A hAE- 0 if E - and 1/4-is a latticed Laplacian [31]-[33]. (II IIII II II II) Assume that Colombeau-Ito 's SDE (2.5)-(2.7) is a strongly dissipative. [26]. (II IIVV VV) Let R(8, 9, :, I ) be the solutions of the linear PDE: LR(O,P,Z,I ) LP + [: - (1 + )>]R(8, 9, :, I )+ I @lLR(O,P,Z,I ) LOmn loA - D(8, 9)= 0, I R, (2.8) R(8, 0, :, I )= 0. (2.9) Then liminf -c(r)[|6(8, 9, :, F, j )- I|>]<= R (8, 9, :, I ). (2.10) Proof. Proof. Proof. Proof. The proof based on Strong large deviations p rinciples (SLDP-Theorem) for Colombeau-Ito 's solution of the Colombeau-Ito 's SDE, see [26], theorem 6. By SLDP-Theorem one obt ain directly the differential master equation (see [26],Eq.(90)) for Colombeau-Ito 's SDE (2.5)- (2.7): 1/2 ', 1/4(O 1/4,P,Z) ' 1/2P + 1/4[: - (1 + 1/4)>], 1/4(8 1/4, 9, : )
+I 1/4 @lPu', 1/4qQ,m O 1/4qA,m ,P,Z2 ', 1/4O + D (8 1/4, 9)+ D()= 0, (2.11) , 1/4(8 1/4, 0, : )= -I 1/4. (2.12) We set now I 1/4 I R. Then from Eq. (2.13)-Eq. (2.14) we obtain 1/2 ', 1/4(O 1/4,P,Z,I ) ' 1/2P + 1/4[: - (1 + 1/4)>], 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, I )
+I @lPu', 1/4qQ,m O 1/4qA,m ,P,Z,I2 ', 1/4O + D(8 1/4, 9)+ N ()= 0, (2.13) , 1/4(8 1/4, 0, :, I )= -I. (2.14) From Eq. (2.5)-Eq. (2.7) and Eq. (2.13)-Eq. (2.14) by SLDP-Theorem (see see [26], inequality (89)) we obtain the inequality liminf -c(r) [O6 , 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, F, j )- IO> <= , 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, I ), (0,1]. (2.15) Let us consider now the identity |6(8, 9, :, F, j )- I|>= OO6 (8, 9, :, F, j )- 6 , 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, F, j )O + O6 , 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, F, j )- IOO>. (2.16) From the identity (2.16) by the triangle inequality we obtain the inequality |6(8, 9, :, F, j )- I|><= O6(8, 9, :, F, j )- 6, 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, F, j )O>+ O6, 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, F, j )- IO>. (2.17) From the identity (2.17) by integration we obtain the inequality (r)|6(8, 9, :, F, j )- I|><= <= (r)O6 (8, 9, :, F, j )- 6 , 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, F, j )O>+ O6 , 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, F, j )- IO>. (2.18) From the identity (2.18) by the identity (2.15) for all (0,1] we obtain the inequality (r) |6(8, 9, :, F, j )- I|><= <= (r)O6(8, 9, :, F, j )- 6, 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, F, j )O>+ , 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, I ). (2.19) In the limit E - from the inequality we obtain the inequality (r) |6(8, 9, :, F, j )- I|><= <= limsup AE- (r)O6 (8, 9, :, F, j )- 6 , 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, F, j )O>+ limsup AE- , 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, I ). (2.20) We note that limsup AE- (r)O6(8, 9, :, F, j )- 6, 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, F, j )O>= 0. (2.21) Therefore from (2.20) and (2.21) we obtain the inequality (r)|6(8, 9, :, F, j )- I|><= limsup AE- , 1/4(8 1/4, 9, :, I ) (2.22) In the limit E - from for any f ixed 0, 1, we obtain the differential master equation for Colombeau-Ito 's SPDE (2.3)-(2.4) 1/2 '(O,P,Z,I )' 1/2P + [: - (1 + )>](8, 9, :, I )+
+I @lPuL'(O,P,Z,I ) LOm*
n loA + D (8, 9)+ N ()= 0, (2.23) (8, 9, :, I )= -I. (2.24) Therefore from the inequality (2.22) follows the inequality (r) |6(8, 9, :, F, j )- I|><= (8, 9, :, I ). (2.25) In the limit - 0 from differential equation (2.23)- (2.24) we obtain the differential equation (2.8)-(2 .9) and it is easy to see that lim -c(8, 9, :, I )= R (8, 9, :, I ). (2.26) From the inequality (2.25) one obtain the inequality liminf -c(r)|6(8, 9, :, F, j )- I|><= lim -c(8, 9, :, I )= R (8, 9, :, I ). (2.27) From the inequality (2.27) and Eq.(2.26) finally we obtain the inequality liminf -c(r)|6(8, 9, :, F, j )- I|><= R (8, 9, :, I ). (2.28) The inequality (2.28) finalized the proof. Definition 2.7 Definition 2.7 Definition 2.7 Definition 2.7. . .. (The The The The Differential Master Equation Differential Master Equation Differential Master Equation Differential Master Equation) The linear PDE: LR(O,P,Z,I ) LP + [: - (1 + )>]R(8, 9, :, I )+ I @lLR(O,P,Z,I ) LOmn loA - D(8, 9)= 0, I R, (2.29) R(8, 0, :, I )= 0 (2.30), we will call as the differential master equation. Definition 2.8 Definition 2.8 Definition 2.8 Definition 2.8. . .. (The The The The Transcendent Transcendent Transcendent Transcendental Master Equation al Master Equation al Master Equation al Master Equation) The transcendental equation R8, 9, :, I (8, 9, : ) = 0, (2.31) we will call as the transcendental master equation. Remark2.2 Remark2.2 Remark2.2 Remark2.2. . .. We note that concrete structure of the Nikolaevsk ii chaos is determined by the solutions I (8, 9, : ) variety by transcendental master equation (2.31). Master equati on (2.31) is determines by the only way some many-valued function I (8, 9, : ) which is the main constructive object, determining the characteristics of quantum chaos in the corresponding model of Euclidi an quantum field theory. 33 33.. ..Criterion of Criterion of Criterion of Criterion of the the the the existence quantum chaos in Euclidian quantum N existence quantum chaos in Euclidian quantum N existence quantum chaos in Euclidian quantum N existence quantum chaos in Euclidian quantum N- - --model. model. model. model. Definition Definition Definition Definition3 3 33.11 11.Let 6 7(8, 9, :, j )be the solution of the Eq.(2.1). Assume that for al most all points (8, 9) Rnx R v(in the sense of Lebesgue -measureon Rnx R v), there exist a function 6 (8, 9) such that lim 7-c(r) O67(8, 9, :, j )- 6(8, 9)>
x = 0. (3.1) Then we will say that a function 6 (8, 9)is a quasi-determined solution (QD-solution of the Eq.(2.). Definition Definition Definition Definition3 3 33.2. 2. 2. 2. Assume that there exist a setH Rnx R vthat is positive Lebesgue -measure, i.e., (H)> 0 and (8, 9)U(8, 9) H - !lim 7-c(r)O6 7>(8, 9, :, j )OTh,(3.2) i.e., (8, 9) H imply that the limit: lim 7-c(r)O67>(8, 9, :, j )Odoes not exist. Then we will say that Euclidian quantum N-model has the quasi-determined Euclidian quantum chaos (QD QD QD QD-quantum chaos). Definition Definition Definition Definition3 3 33.. ..33 33.For each point (8, 9) Rnx Rvwe define a set UR ss(8, 9, : )Th R by the condition: IOI UR ss(8, 9, : )Th R (8, 9, :, I )= 0 O.(3.3) Definition3. Definition3. Definition3. Definition3.4 4 44.Assume that Euclidian quantum N-model(2.1) has th e Euclidian QD QD QD QD-quantum chaos. For each point (8, 9) Rnx Rv we define a set-valued functionR ss(8, 9): Rnx Rv- 2R by the condition: Rss(8, 9, : )= URss(8, 9, : )Th(3.4) We will say that the set -valued functionR ss(8, 9, : )is a quasi-determined chaotic solution(QD QD QD QD-chaotic solution)of the quantum N-model. Pic. Pic. Pic. Pic.3. 3. 3. 3.1. 1. 1. 1.Evolution of QD QD QD QD-chaotic solution at point 8 = 3. 9 -0,10 ., : H = 10 Pic. Pic. Pic. Pic.3. 3. 3. 3.22 22.. ..The spatial structure of instant 9 H 3, : H =10 2>, SS H 10 Theorem3.1. Theorem3.1. Theorem3.1. thatD 18, 92H thath a, @ V K v, W H 1, ... , h, : QD QD QD QD-chaotic solutions. Definition3. Definition3. Definition3. Definition3.5 5 55.For each point 18, 92 1i2 6v18, 9, : 2H limsup 7-c(r) 1ii2 6218, 9, : 2H liminf 7-c(r)- chaotic solution ss18, 9, : 2in time 9 -0,10 . 10 2>, SS H 10 B, a H 1.1. The spatial structure of QD QD QD QD-chaotic solution ss18, 9, : 2 at 10 B, a H 1.1. 2HSS sin 1a 8 2Then for all values of parametersh, :, SS , -=1,1 ., a Kn, SS O 0, quantum N-model 12.12 has the 1 2 Knu K v we define the functions such that: (r)-6718, 9, :, j 2., -6718, 9, :, j 2., ,@V, W H 1, ... , h such has the 1iii2 6-18, 9, : 2H 6 v18, 9, :, j Definition3. Definition3. Definition3. Definition3.7 7 77. 1i2 Function 6v18, 9, : 2is called 1ii2 Function 6 218, 9, : 2is called lower bound of the 1iii2 Function 6 -18, 9, : 2is called Definition3. Definition3. Definition3. Definition3.8 8 88. Assume now that limsup P-6-(8, 9, : )H 6-(8, :)U Then w e will say thatEuclidian quantum N at point8 Kn. Definition3. Definition3. Definition3. Definition3.9 9 99.Assume now that limsup P-6-(8, 9, : )H 6-(8, :)H Then we will say that Euclidian quantum N at point 8 Kn. Pic. Pic. Pic. Pic.3. 3. 3. 3.33 33.. .. TheQD QD QD QD-quantum chaos of the asymptotically infinite width at point 8 H 3. : H 0.1, @
j)= 6 2(8, 9, :, j ). is called upper bound of the QD QD QD QD-quantum chaos at point is called lower bound of the QD QD QD QD-quantum chaos at point is called width of theQD QD QD QD-quantum chaos at point (8, 9). )U.(3.5) e will say thatEuclidian quantum N -model has QD QD QD QD-quantum chaos of the asymptotically f )H. (3.6) Then we will say that Euclidian quantum N -model has QD QD QD QD- quantum chaos of the asymptotically quantum chaos of the asymptotically infinite
@H 10, SS H 10 B, a H 1. at point (8, 9). at point (8, 9). ) asymptotically f inite width quantum chaos of the asymptotically infinite width Pic. Pic. Pic. Pic.3. 3. 3. 3.44 44.. ..The fine structure of t he asymptotically infinite width at point SS H 10 a, a H 1, 9 -10 a, 10 a;10 Definition3. Definition3. Definition3. Definition3.10 10 10 10 . For each point 18, 1i2 ssv18, 9, : 2H supU ss18, 1ii2 ss218, 9, : 2H infU ss18,9 1iii2 ss-18, 9, : 2H ssv18, 9, : Theorem3.2. Theorem3.2. Theorem3.2. Theorem3.2. For each point 18, 92 ss-18, 9, : 2I 6-18, 9, : 2.13.72 Proof. Proof. Proof. Proof. Immediately follows by Theorem2.1 and Theorem3. Theorem3. Theorem3. Theorem3.3 3 33.. .. (( ((Criterion of Criterion of Criterion of Criterion of QD QD QD QD-- --quantum chaos in Euclidian quantum N quantum chaos in Euclidian quantum N quantum chaos in Euclidian quantum N quantum chaos in Euclidian quantum N Assume that mesU (8, 9)|ss-(8, 9, : )1 0Th 1 0. (3. Then Euclidian quantum N- model Proof. Proof. Proof. Proof. Immediately follows by the 44 44. Q . Q . Q . Quasi uasi uasi uasi- - --determin determin determin determine e eedd dd quantum quantum quantum quantum In generally accepted at the present time an infinite number of degrees of free attrac tors, on which the phase trajectories of dynamical system reveal the known a very high dependence on the initial conditions, w hich initially close trajectories and brings almost of all the trajectories a very fast he QD QD QD QD-quantum chaos of the asymptotically infinite width at point 8 H 3, : H 0, @ H 10, 10 2A., I -=0.676,0.676 .. 192 Knu K v we define the functions such that: 19, :2Th, 19, :2Th, :2= ss218, 9, : 2. 1 2 Knu K vis Theorem2.1 and Definitions 3.5, 3.10. quantum chaos in Euclidian quantum N quantum chaos in Euclidian quantum N quantum chaos in Euclidian quantum N quantum chaos in Euclidian quantum N -- --model model model model) (3. 8) model has QD QD QD QD-quantum chaos. the inequality (3.7)and Definition3.2. quantum quantum quantum quantum chaos chaos chaos chaos and and and and physical turbulence physical turbulence physical turbulence physical turbulence nature nature nature nature. . .. In generally accepted at the present time hypothesis what physical turbulence in the dynamical systems with free dom really is, the physical turbulence is associated with tors, on which the phase trajectories of dynamical system reveal the known properties of stochasticity: a very high dependence on the initial conditions, w hich is associated wit h exponential dispersion of the initially close trajectories and brings to their non- reproduction; everywhere the density on the attract or a very fast decrease of local auto-correlation function -2. in the dynamical systems with turbulence is associated with a strange properties of stochasticity: h exponential dispersion of the reproduction; everywhere the density on the attract or -2. --9. Ph1x, t)=<6 ae(8, 9)6 ae(8, c + 9 )> ,(4.1) Here 6 ae(8, 9)= 6(8, 9)-<6(8, 9)> ,<D(9)> = lim -<D(9)> ,<D(9)> =1
~e D c(9). In contrast with canonical numerical simulation, by using Theorem2.1 it is possible to study the influence of thermal additive fluctuations on classical dynamics, which in the consideredcase is described by equation (4.1). The physical nature of quasi-determined chaos is si mple and mathematically is associated with discontinuously of the trajectories of the stochast ic process67(8, 9, :, j )on parameter F. In order to obtain the characteristics of this turb ulence, which is a very similarly tolocal auto-corr elation function (3.1) we define bellow some appropriate fu nctions. Definition Definition Definition Definition 4 4 44.1 .1 .1 .1.. ..The numbering functionE (9, 8) of quantum chaos in Euclidian quantum N-modelis de fined by E(8, 9)= cardUR ss(8, 9)Th.(4.2) Here by card e we denote the cardinality of a finite sete,i.e., t he number of its elements. Definition 4 Definition 4 Definition 4 Definition 4.2. .2. .2. .2.Assume now that a set UR ss(8, 9)This ordered be increase of its elements. We introdu ce thefunction R ssl(8, 9), (c) = 1, ... , E (8, 9)which value at point (8, 9), equals the (c) -th element of a set UR ss(8, 9)Th. Definition Definition Definition Definition 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3.. ..The mean value function6 (8, 9) ofthe chaotic solution R ss(8, 9)at point (8, 9)is defined by 6(8, 9)= E (8, 9)2A Rssl(8, 9)AE(O,P) loA .(4.3) Definition Definition Definition Definition 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4.. ..The turbulent pulsations function 6*(8, 9) of the chaotic solution R ss(8, 9)at point (8, 9)is defined by 6*(8, 9)=eE(8, 9)2A ORssl(8, 9)- 6(8, 9)OAE(O,P) loA .(4.4) Definition Definition Definition Definition3. 3. 3. 3.55 55.. ..The local auto-correlation function is defined by Ph(8, c)= lim -<6 ae(8, c)6 ae(8, c + 9 )> = lim -A 6 ae c(8, 9)6 ae(8, c + 9 )9,(4.5) 6 ae(8, 9)= 6(8, 9)- 6 e(8), 6 e(8)= lim -A 6 c(8, 9)9.(4.6) Definition 3.5. Definition 3.5. Definition 3.5. Definition 3.5.The normalized local auto-correlatio n function is defined by Phi(8, Let us consider now 1DEuclidian quantum N-model cor responding to classical dynamics LR LORO: = 1 ;LR LOR>
x 6(8, :); @LY( LO Corresponding Langevin equation are LY]1O,P,Z 2 LP ; -: = 11 ; )>.67(8, 9,
=SS sin (a8 )HEFG(8, 9), @ 1 0 H 67(8, 0, : )H 0, G (8, 9)HLRN(O,P) LOLP .(4.10 Corresponding differential master L(O,P,Z,I 2 LP ; -: = (1 ; 2>.(8, 9, : (8, 0, :, I 2H =I.(4.122 Corresponding transcendent al master equation idn (oO22io -Po(o2.idn -o(O2IoP 2.Io o oR(o2vIRoRoR o(a2H a>-: = (a>= 12>..(4.142 We assume now that o (a2H 0. Then from Eq.(4.132 for a idn (oO22idn -o(O2IoP 2.Ioo IRoRoR ;I
/H 0, cos (a 8 2= cos -a(8 = I @ 9 2. The result of calculation using transcendental is presented by Pic.4.1 and Pic.4.2. Pic Pic Pic Pic.44 44.1. 1. 1. 1. Evolution of QD QD QD QD-chaotic solution SS H 10 >, @ H 1, , I H 0.01. (O,Z2 LO 6(8, :2= SS sin (a 8 2H 0,(4.82 equation are -34.--35.: ( :2; @LY](O,P,Z 2 LO 67(8, 9, : 2= HLR LOR,(4.92 2(4.10 2 master equation are ( :, I2; I@ L(O,P,Z,I 2 LO = SS sin (a8 2H 0,(4.112 al master equation (2.292-(2.302 are o;noi (oO22io -Po(o2.noi -o(O2IoP ;I
/H 0, (4.132 Then from Eq.(4.132 for a ll 9 -0, 2 we obtain , or (4.142 2. SS @2A a2A; I>H 0.(4.152 transcendental master equation (4.15 2 the corresponding function is presented by Pic.4.1 and Pic.4.2. chaotic solution ss(10 B, 9, : 2 in time 9 -0, 10 B., 9 H 0 (4.132 2 the corresponding function ss(8, 9, : 2 0.1, : H 0, a H 1, Pic Pic Pic Pic .44 44.22 22.. .. The spatial structure of @ H 1, 8 H 0 .1, I H 0 .01 . The result of calculation using master equation14. Pic.4.3 and Pic.4.4. Pic .4.3.The development of temporal Euclidian quantum N-model at point : H 10 2u, SS H 10 >, @ H 1, a H 1 . The spatial structure of QD QD QD QD-chaotic solution ss18, 9, : 2 at instant 9 H 10 B, master equation14. 132 the corresponding function u( temporal chaotic regime of 1D at point 8 H 1, 9 -0, 10 >.. ,: H 0, a H 1, SS H 10 >, (8, 9, : 2 is presented by Pic Pic Pic Pic .44 44.44 44.. ..The development of temporal Euclidian quantum N-model at point : H 10 2u, SS H 5 10 u, @ H 1, a H 1 Let us calculate now corresponding calculation using Eq.(4.7)-Eq.(4.7 ) Pic Pic Pic Pic.44 44.55 55.. .. Normalized local auto- correlation function 9 -0,50 ., : H 10 2u, SS H 10 >, @H of temporal chaotic regimeof 1D at point 8 H 1, 9 -0, 10 >., 1. corresponding normalized local auto-correlation function Phi(8 ) is presented by Pic.4.5 and Pic.4.6. correlation function Phi(1, c) H1, a H 1. (8, c). The result of Pic Pic Pic Pic .44 44.. ..66 66.. .. Normalized local auto- correlation function 9 -0,100 ., : H 10 2u, SS H 5 10 u, In paper -7. t he mechanism of the onset of chaos and its relation ship to the characteristics of the spiral attractors are demonstrated for inhomogeneous media that equation(4.14) . Numerical data are compared with experimental res ults. Lu (O,P) LP H (c)j (8)y(8, 9);A
>(1 = |y(8 Lu(c,P) LO H 0,Lu (th,P) LO H 0, 8 -0,.,H Pic Pic Pic Pic.4. 4. 4. 4.77 77.. .. Normalized local auto- correlation function However as pointed out above (see for stochastic model correlation function Phi(1, c).
@ H 1, a H 1. he mechanism of the onset of chaos and its relation ship to the characteristics of the spiral attractors are demonstrated for inhomogeneous media that can be modeled by the G inzburg . Numerical data are compared with experimental res ults. (8, 9)|>)y(8, 9);LRu(O,P) LO , (4.14) .H50. correlation function Phi(25, c )-7.. However as pointed out above (see Remark1.1-1.4 ) such numerical simulation in fact he mechanism of the onset of chaos and its relation ship to the characteristics of the spiral can be modeled by the G inzburg - Landau in fact gives numerical data Lu (O,P) LP = (c)j (8)y(8, 9)+A
>(1 - |y(8, 9)|>2y(8, 9)+LRu(O,P) LO +:G(8, 9), : 1, (4.15) Lu(c,P) LO = 0,Lu (th,P) LO = 0, 8 [0,],= 50. 55 55.. ..The order The order The order The order of the of the of the of the phase transition phase transition phase transition phase transition from a spatially uniform from a spatially uniform from a spatially uniform from a spatially uniform state state state state to a turbulent state to a turbulent state to a turbulent state to a turbulent state at at at at instant instant instant instant . In order to obtain the character of the phase trans ition (first-order or second-order on parameters :, a) from a spatially uniform to a turbulent stateat instant 90one can to use the master equation () of the form R8, 9, :, I (8, 9, : ) = 0. (5.1) By differentiation the Eq.(5.1) one obtain 1/2RO,P,Z,I (O,P,Z ) 1/2Z =5R8,9,:,I (8,9,:) 5I I (8,9,:) : +5R8,9,:,I (8,9,:) 5: = 0. (5.2) From Eq.(5.2) one obtain 1/2I (O,P,Z ) 1/2Z = - LRO,P,Z,I (O,P,Z ) LZ LRO,P,Z,I (O,P,Z ) LI 2A .(5.3) Let us consider now 1DEuclidian quantum N-model giv en by Eq. (4.9)-Eq. (4.10). From corresponding transcendental master equation Eq.(4.13) by differe ntiation the equation Eq.(4.13) with respect to var iable I one obtain LRO,P,Z,I (O,P,Z ) LI =idn (oO)2io [Po(o)]idn [o(O2IoP +idn (oO)2io [Po(o)]noi [o(O2IoP - -idn (oO)2io [Po(o)]idn [o(O2IoP -noi (oO)2io [Po(o)]idn [o(O2IoP )]oPo (o) oR(o)vIRoRoR - -noi (oO)2io [Po(o)]noi [o(O2IoP )]>Io +A
/. (5.4) From Eq.(5.4) for a sufficiently small 9 0 one obtain [LRO,P,Z,I (O,P,Z ) LI Pc=A
/.(5.5) From master equation Eq.(4.13) one obtain by differ entiation the equation Eq.(4.13) with respect to va riable : one obtain LR(O,P,Z,I ) LZ =2P
io [Po(o)]idn [o(O2IoP -idn (oO)2io [Po(o)]idn [o(O2IoP )]>
+ ;2P
io -Po(o).noi -o(O2IoP ;noi (oO)2io -Po(o).noi -o(O2IoP ).
oR(o)vIRoRoR =
=noi (oO)2io -Po(o).noi -o(O2IoP ).>oR(o)
-oR(o)vIRoRoR.R (5.6) From Eq.(5.6)for a sufficiently small 9 0one obtain [LRO,P,Z,I (O,P,Z ) LZ Pc= - 9 1/2o (o) 1/2Z o(o)onoi 9a>(a>- 1)>o(o)noi Therefore from Eq.(5.3),Eq. (5.5) and Eq.(5.7) one obtain [I(:, 8, 9 )]Pc= [A P 1/2I (O,P,Z ) 1/2Z PcSSa>(a>- 1)>noi (oO) o(o)sign (a 8 ) (5.8) In the limit 9 - 0 from Eq. (5.8) one obtain I(:, 8)= lim P-c 1/2I (O,P,Z ) P 1/2Z = SSa>(a>- 1)>noi (oO) o(o)sign (a 8 ), (5.9) and where o (a)= a>[: - (a>- 1)>]= a>(:),(:)= : - (a>- 1)>. From Eq. (5.9) follows that lim (Z)-cqI(:, 8)= +, (5.10) lim (Z)-cI(:, 8)= -. (5.11) From Eq. (5.10)-(5.11) follows second order discont inuity of the quantity I(:, 8, 9 ) at instant 9 = 0. Therefore the system causing it to make a direct tr ansition from a spatially uniform state 6 7c(8, 0, : )= 0 to a turbulent state in an analogous fashion to the second-order phase transition in systems. 66 66.. .. Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic regime regime regime regime generated generated generated generated by periodical multi by periodical multi by periodical multi by periodical multi- - --mode mode mode modes s s s external perturbation external perturbation external perturbation external perturbation. . .. Assume now that external periodical forceD (8)has the following multi-modes form D(8)= - SS
oA sin (a8).(6.1) Corresponding transcendental master equation are (8, 9, :, I )= SSidn (oO)2io [Po(o)]idn [o(O2IoP +
+ SSnoi (oO)2io [Po(o)]noi [o(O2IoP + I = 0, o (a)= a>[: - (a>- 1)>].(6.2) Let us consider the examples of QD QD QD QD-- --chaotic solutions with a periodical force: D (8)= -SS sin O E
oA .(6.3) Pic.6.1. Pic.6.1. Pic.6.1. Pic.6.1. Evolution of QD QD QD QD-chaotic solution R ss(10 B, 9, : ) in time 9 [7 10 B, 10 a], 9 = 0.1, = 1, E = 100, : = -1, a = 1, SS = 10 >, @ = 1, I = 0.01. Pic.6.2 Pic.6.2 Pic.6.2 Pic.6.2. . .. The spatial structure of QD QD QD QD-chaotic solution R ss(8, 9, : ) at instant 9 = 10 B, 8 [1.4 10 B, 2.5 10 B],= 1, E = 100, : = -1, a = 1, SS = 10 >, @ = 1, 8 = 0.1, I = 0.01. Pic.6.2 Pic.6.2 Pic.6.2 Pic.6.2. . .. The spatial structure of QD QD QD QD-chaotic solution ss(8, 9, : ) at instant 9 = 5 10 B, 8 [1.4 10 B, 2.5 10 B],= 1, E = 100, : = -1, a = 1, SS = 10 >, @ = 1, 8 = 0.1, I = 0.01. 7. 7. 7. 7.Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion A non-perturbative analytical approach to the study ing of problem of quantum chaos in dynamical system s with infinite number of degrees of freedom is propo sed and developed successfully. It is shown that th e additive thermal noise destabilizes dramatically th e ground state of the system thus causing it to mak e a direct transition from a spatially uniform to a tur bulent state. 8. 8. 8. Acknowledgments Acknowledgments Acknowledgments A reviewer provided important clarifications. References References References References V. N.(1989). Recent Advances in En gineering Science, edited by S.L. Kohand C. G . Speciale. Lecture Notes in Engineering, No. 39(Springer - Verlag. Berlin. 1989), pp. 210. [2] Tribelsky, M. I., Tsuboi, K. (1996).New scenari o to transition to slow turbulence . Phys.Rev. Lett. 76 1631 (1996). [3] Tribelsky, M. I. (1997). Short-wavelegth instab ility and transition in distributed systems with additional symmetry U spekhi fizicheskikh nauk (Progresses of the Physic al Studies)V167,N2. [4] Toral, R., X iong, J. D. G unton, and H. W. X i.(2003) Wavelet Description of the Nikolaevskii 36, 1323 ( 2003). [5] Haowen X i, Toral, R,. 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ORLANDO , REFFERT , S., RELATING FIELD THEORIES VIA STOCHASTIC Quantization , DOI: [35] MASUJIMA ,M., PATH INTEGRAL QUANTIZATION AND STOCHASTIC QUANTIZATION , EDITION : 2ND ED . 2009 ISBN-13: 978-3540878506 | 0802.3493 | Jaykov Foukzon | Jaykov Foukzon | New scenario for transition to slow 3D turbulence | 23pages | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2015, 3, 371-389 | 10.4236/jamp.2015.33048 | null | physics.flu-dyn physics.comp-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Analytical non-perturbative study of the three-dimensional nonlinear
stochastic partial differential equation with additive thermal noise, analogous
to that proposed by V.N. Nikolaevskii [1]-[5]to describe longitudinal seismic
waves, is presented. The equation has a threshold of short-wave instability and
symmetry, providing long wave dynamics. New mechanism of quantum chaos
generating in nonlinear dynamical systems with infinite number of degrees of
freedom is proposed. The hypothesis is said, that physical turbulence could be
identified with quantum chaos of considered type. It is shown that the additive
thermal noise destabilizes dramatically the ground state of the Nikolaevskii
system thus causing it to make a direct transition from a spatially uniform to
a turbulent state.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 24 Feb 2008 05:25:01 GMT"
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turbulence is dominated by Alfv' en wavesfor which the magnetic and kinetic energy densities are in approx- imate equipartition [27]. In this case v0~b0, where b0=B0/
4pw is the characteristic magnetic field velocityunits. While MHDturbu- lence is isotropic on large scales, it is locally anisotropic on small scales [28], resulting in small-scale anisotropy in the generated GW background. However, GWs are gen- erated mainly by the largest eddies [12] so we adopt an isotropic turbulence model, and thus the magnetic field two-point correlation function is with [22] FM ij(k,t) =dij-kikj/k2, andEM(k,t) andHM(k,t) are the magnetic field energy and helicity densities. The Schawarz inequality implies |HM(k,t)| EM(t) helicity HM(t) where is the magnetic-eddy correlation length. e(k) is an function that determines the f(e(k),t) that describes the temporal decorre- lation of turbulent fluctuations. In the following we use f(e(k),t) = generation primordial turbulence freely decays. We adopt the decaying MHD turbulence model of Refs. [30, 31]. For non-zeroinitial magnetic helicity turbulence decay is a two stage process. First decay stage dynamics is governed by a direct cascade of energy density lasting for a time ts0=s0t0, several times ( s0~3-5) longer then the characteristic largest-eddy turn-over time t0=
l0/v0= 2p/k0v0. During the first stage energy density flows from large to small scales and finally dissipates on scales~ld= 2p/kd(kdk0) where one of the Reynolds numbers becomes of order unity. Due to the selective de- cay effect [27] magnetic helicity is nearly conserved turbulence, we assume that lasting for time ts0is equivalent to stationary tur- bulence lasting for time ts0/2. This can be justified us- ing the Proudman [22, 25] argument for turbulence. Consequently, when com- puting the emitted GWs we ignore the time andHM(k,t). We also assume small initial magnetic helicity, a assume that the usual and magnetic Reynolds numbers are much greater than unity on scales ~l0, otherwise there is no tur- bulence. Throughout this paper the symbol ~represents equal- ity to the accuracy of a dimensionless multiplicative const ant of order unity.ForEM(k,t) ande(k) we use the Kolmogorov e(k) k < k d. Heree~k0v3 0is the energy dissipation rate per unit enthalpy. At the end of the first stage turbulence relaxes to a maximally helical state, as0~1 [31, 32]. Accounting for conservation of magnetic helicity, the Second stage dynamics is governed by a magnetic helicity inverse cascade. If both Reynolds numbers are large at the end of the first stage, magnetic helicity is conserved during the second stage. The magnetic eddy correlation length evolves as 31] where t1~l0/v1=t0/ais energy containing eddy turn-over time at the beginning of the second stage. The magnetic EM(t) and kinetic EK(t) energy densities evolve as [30, (5) These imply that the characteristic turn-over ( tto) and cascade ( tcas) timescales evolve (6) To compute the GWs emitted during the second output. Introducing the characteristic = 2p/xM(t) and using Eqs. (5) we find time when turbulence is present on scale xM(t) is determined by Eq. (6) which can be rewritten So instead of considering decay- ing turbulence, we consider stationary turbulence with a scale-dependent duration time (time during which the magnetic energy is present at the scale), coincides with tcas). The expression for EMyields the kS< k < k 0.(7) HereC1is a constant of order unity, kSis the small- est wavenumber where the inverse cascade stops, and the second equation follows from saturating the causal- ity condition. For the second stage autocorrelation func- tion, we assume e(k) = (k/k0)2/
2pt1. At the largest scales there is no efficient dissipation mechanism, so the inverse cascade will be stopped at scale lS(t) = 2p/kS where either the cascade timescale tcasreaches the ex- pansion timescale H-1
=H-1(t), or when the char- acteristic length scale xM(t)~lSreaches the Hubble radius. These conditions are cascade time is scale dependent and max- imal atk=kS). Defining g=l0/H-1 (g<=1), it is3 easy to see that the first condition is fulfilled first and consequently To have an inverse cascade requires k0/kS>=1, leading to a constraint on initial helicity, the turbu- lence Mach number). The magnetic field perturbation stress-energy = wbi(x,t)bj(x,t). For the first decay stage we compute for this magnetic part and then double the result to account for approximate magnetic and kinetic energy equipartition for Alfv' en waves. During the sec- ond stage, according to Eqs. (5), kinetic energy can be neglected compared to magnetic energy. To we assume Millionshchikov and use the convolution theorem (for details see Sec. III of Ref. [12]). Using the ( k-0) which is accurate for low Mach number ( M<=1, (and slightly overestimates GWs amplitude for the Mach number approaching unity ( M-1) [12]), we = integral is dominated by the contribution of large scale (kkS) perturbations and is maximal at 2pH. For the first-stage the peak frequency is To determine the peak frequency at the current epoch we need to account for the cosmological expansion which decreases the GW amplitude and frequency by the factor a/a0, whereaanda0are the values of the factor at the GW generation and current epochs The total GW energy spectrum at a given space- time event is obtained by integrating over all source re- gions with a light-like separation from that event, and includes contributions from GW generated during the first and second stages. For the first stage (with du- ration time is given by Eqs. (21) and (A3) of Ref. [12]. For the second stage contribu- tion we must account for the scale dependence of the cascade time. The total GW fractional energy den- sity parameter at the moment of emission ohm Here the index mruns over IandIIfor the first and second an angular frequency at the moment of emission. The current GW amplitude is related to the current fractional energy density parameter through hC(f) = the current Hubble parameter H0in units of [14], x 1020 FIG. 1: The spectrum of gravitational radiation from MHD turbulence for g*= 100, T*= 100 GeV , g= 0.01, and M= 1/
3, for four different initial magnetic helicity values, a= 0 (solid line), a= 0.02 (dashed line), a= 0.05 (dash- dotted line), and a= 0.1 (dotted line). The bold line is the LISA design sensitivity curve. Here the linear frequency f= the temperature and effective num- ber of relativistic (all fields) degrees of freedom at 1 shows hC(f) for a few initial magnetic he- licity values. GWs emitted during direct-cascade un- magnetized turbulence peak at current f(I) maxMn [12]. We find that the gener- ated GW (current epoch) peak frequency is determined by cosmology parameters, f(II) max=Ha0/a= 1.6x 10-5Hz and is independent of turbulence parameters. On the other hand, shifted to lower frequency compared to the unmagnetized case. From Eq. (9), the amplitude GWs at the peak is a than that in the modeling turbulence we used the Biskamp and Muller model, [30, 31]. If we adopt the helical MHD turbulence model of Banerjee and Jedamzik [32] (also see Refs. [33]) the GW peak frequency remains the same while the amplitude of the signal doubles. Figure 1 shows that even for small values of the main contribution to the GW energy density is from the second, inverse-cascade stage. The GWs will be strongly polarized since magnetic helicity is maximal at the end of the first stage [11]. LISA should be able to detect such GW polarization [20]. Unlike the unmag- netized case due to the second the GW amplitude is large enough at 10-4 Hz to be detectable by LISA. If the EWPT occurs at higher energies ( T>100 Gev) the peak is shifted to higher frequency, closer to LISA sensitivity peak, which leads to a stronger signal. Our formalism is applicable for GW production at an earlier QCD phase the presence of colored magnetic fields [34], or4 for any other phase transitions [3]; the peak frequency will be shifted according to the changes in Tandg. 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results unchanged, Phys. Rev. Lett. accepted | Phys.Rev.Lett.100:231301,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.231301 | KSUPT_08/1 | astro-ph gr-qc hep-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We consider gravitational waves (GWs) generated by primordial inverse-cascade
helical magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) turbulence produced by bubble collisions
at the electroweak phase transitions (EWPT). Compared to the unmagnetized EWPT
case, the spectrum of MHD-turbulence-generated GWs peaks at lower frequency
with larger amplitude and can be detected by the proposed Laser Interferometer
Space Antenna (LISA).
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 25 Feb 2008 03:12:40 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 15 May 2008 14:23:09 GMT"
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Also for brevity, define Tdas the difference between the travel time on foot and the travel t ime (4) Then the derivative (2) may be expressed as
TWE[Tt] =R(TW)-Tdp(TW). (5) Zeros of (5) occur at points (6) In reliability theory where one is concerned with failure-time distribut ions, the function l(t) =
p(t)/R(t) is known as the hazard rate : the density for the probability of failure given a component has not failed up to time t[2]. But l(t) also has a natural interpretation for arrival times, where it may be termed the appearance rate for the distribution p(t). By definition l(t) is nonnegative, but depending on the underlying distribution it may b ehave in a variety of ways: it may increase, decrease, attain local maxima or minima, or be constant. More precisely, for any TR+ {}any nonnegative real measurable function on (0 ,T) can be the appearance rate for a possible arrival time distribution p(t); ifTis finite then take p(t) =R(t) = 0 fort>=T. An increasing l(t) is characteristic of many waiting scenarios; it represents the cas e where the conditional probability increases with time spent waiting. B y contrast, a constant the exponential arrival time distribution, where tim e spent waiting does not affect the conditional likelihood of a bus (6) indicates that E[Tt] as a function of TWis stationary at any point where the appearance rate l(TW) equals the reciprocal of Td. To determine whether this is a minimum or a maximum, one calculates the second derivative (assuming for simplicit y thatp(t) is =-p(TW)-Tdp'(TW) (7) and inspects the sign of this quantity. Since p(t) andTdare both positive (and p(TW) is nonzero by (6)) this is equivalent to the sign (8) Accordingly, any stationary point of E[Tt] is a minimum when it coincides with a falling appearance rate, and a maximum when it coincides with a rising appearance rate. It is thus established that, when faced with a typical probability dist ribution for bus arrivals having a rising appearance rate, the optimal strategy reduces to a choice between strategies A and B, and hence to a straightforward comparision of expected arriva l time with Tdas indicated above. For example, if it is known that buses run punctually every Tminutes but one does not know the actual arrival times, the uncertainty in arrival time can be mod elled as a uniform between 0 and T, with mean T/2. The corresponding appearance rate is l(t) =1 T-t, t(0,T) (9) an increasing function of t. One may then distinguish three cases: 1. IfT < T d, the expected travel time E[Tt] has no stationary points, and is in fact a of wait time. In this case strategy A is optimal: one should wa it for the next bus. 2. IfTd< T <2Td, the expected travel time has one stationary point at T*
W=T-Td, which is a maximum. The expected travel time increases with waiting time up to T*
Wand then decreases. But since the mean bus arrival time is T/2< Td, the waiting strategy A is still preferable to an initial decision to walk. 3. IfT >2Td, then expected travel time again reaches a maximum at T*
W=T-Td. But now, it is better to follow strategy B and not wait for a bus at all. 2Perhapsthe most interesting situation here is the marginalcase wh ereT= 2Td: the interval between buses is twice the difference between walking time and bus travel time . In this case it is equally good (or bad) to wait as to walk, but having decided to wait, one shou ld not give up and walk, as this will result in a worse outcome (averaged over all all practically realisable probability distributions have rising appea rance rates for all t. Consider, for example, the situation where Justin has arrived at th e bus stop one minute after the (known) scheduled arrival time for the bus, but knows that buses sometimes run up to five minutes late. Under reasonable assumptions this leads to a falling l(t) for the first four minutes, and if p(0) is sufficiently large and the service relatively infrequent, this will resu lt in an optimal time T*
Wfor which Justin should remain at the bus stop and then start walking. Ho wever, if the next bus can be counted on to arrive in a time comparable to Td, it will still be advantageous to keep waiting for the next bus, and the lazy mathematician still wins. One may also contemplate the special case where l(t)lis constant, and bus arrivals are a Poisson process. The mean time between arrivals is T= 1/l; if this is greater than Tdthen it is better to walk, and if less then it is better to wait, as is intuitively clear . More interesting is the case where Thappens to just equal Td: then, the derivative (5) vanishes and the expected travel time is equal to the walking time d/vw,regardless of the time spent waiting. What this means is, no matter how long Justin decides in advance to wait, over a large numbe r of journeys he can expect to spend no more or less time than if he had decided to walk at the outs et. Nonetheless, Poisson arrivals are generally an unrealistic assumption except in some cases of very frequent service, where it is generally better to catch the bus in any Stops In [1] it is argued that the conclusion is unchanged when Justin has th e additional option of walking to an intermediate stop and catching the bus there. If, for examp le, one re-evaluates the decision between strategies A and B at a distance d1from the start of the journey, then the walking time is (d-d1)/vwand the bus travel time is ( d-d1)/vb. However, the expected waiting time for the bus (assuming it does not pass by en route) is now reduced by T1=d1/vw-d1/vb, the time that passes while walking less the additional time taken by the bus to reach the nex t stop. The terms and one is left with a decision identical to the original one. Und er these would rather save energy and act as though the intermediat e stop did not exist, since the outcome is the same. This conclusion is also intuitively evident. The authors argue that the same reasoning applies to walk-and-wa it strategies analogous to strategy C, at least when the wait time TWat the next stop is chosen to make the expected travel time equal to the walking time. However, there appears to be a circu larity involved here--if the expected travel time is fixed as d/vwa priori, then naturally it will be observed to be the same whether or not Justin walks to another stop. Again, some more insig ht into the problem is gained by seeking stationary points of E[Tt] with respect to the free strategy C is modified so that one walks a distance d1to another stop, then waits for a maximum time TW. One may now distinguish two cases, depending on whether or not a b us passes byen route. Denote this event by M('miss the bus') and its non-occurrence by -M; the are Pr(M) 1-Pr(M) =R(T1), T no bus passes by en route, then the expected travel time is similar to (1), but with a time offset : E[Tt|-M] (11) Even if the bus does pass by, it is possible that Justin may catch it any way, if he is vigilant and there is a stop close enough, or if the bus is delayed, or if he takes a s hort cut. Let the probability of catching a bus if one turns up on the way be PC. On the other hand, if Justin misses the bus it may be assumed there is no advantage in waiting for the next one (e lse he would have A at the outset). Thus the expected travel time condit ional on Mis E[Tt|M] (12) (Note that within the integral, tis the time at which the caught bus reaches the starting point, rather than Justin's current position, since p(t) is the p.d.f. of bus arrivals at a fixedpoint on the route. This is a subtle point and easily overlooked. In terms of t, Justin's overall travel time if he catches the bus is tplus the time taken by the bus to cover the entire journey, regard less of where Justin is when he catches it.) The overall expected travel time is E[Tt] = andE[Tt|-M] are given by (12) and (11) respectively. Again, one can differentia te to find optimal values of wait time TWat the more distant stop. (This is made easier by noting that E[Tt|M] does not vary with TW.) One finds that
TWE[Tt] (15) where Td1= (16) is the difference between travel time on foot and by bus starting fr om the more distant stop. (7), with TW+T1inplaceof Td. econclusion: the optimal value of TWis either zero or arbitrarily large. But now there is an additional variable in the problem, because Justin will generally have a number of stops to choose from between the starting point and th e destination. For the sake of simplicity, suppose the stop spacing is small enough that d1can be regarded as a Then we can try and optimise with respect to d1, obtaining after a little work
d1E[Tt] (17) whereq= 1/vw-1/vbis a constant. The above discussion suggests directing attention to the cases TW= 0 andTW- . IfTW= 0, then (17) vanishes unless PC>0; that is, when there is a nonzero chance of catching a bus while walking to the next stop. Assuming then that PC>0 andTW= 0, (17) is found to be zero whenp(T1) = 0 and negative when p(T1)>0. (Recall that T1is proportional to d1.) The result is intuitively evident: as long as there is a chance of catching a bus on t he way (however small), walking a distance d1to an intermediate stop always reduces the expected travel time E[Tt] relative to strategy B, where one does not attempt to catch a bus. The ac tual reduction can be quantified by integrating (17) with respect to d1. Due to the factor ( d-d1) in (17), the marginal reduction in travel time is greatest at the start of the journey, all other thin gs being equal. Now consider the case TW- . One may presume that there is a limit to the time one must wait for a bus, so that p(T1+TW) becomes zero for TWsufficiently large. It is also fair to assume thatPC<1. Then it follows that for TWsufficiently large, (17) is zero when p(T1) = 0, but It follows that walking to an intermediate stop only to wait indefinite ly at that stop yields a worse expected outcome than waiting at the st arting point, consistent with common sense. Again, (17) can be used to judge how much one is wor se off due to the chance of missing the bus on the way. The more interesting case to consider, of course, is a direct compa rison between strategy A (waiting indefinitely at the starting point) and a strategy of walking b ut trying to catch a bus on the way. From above, the best possible strategy of the latter var iety is the case TW= 0 and d1=d: a little manipulation of (13) yields the result E*[Tt] (18) 4Under strategy A, of course, the expected travel time is just th e bus travel time, plus the expected arrival time for the bus: EA[Tt] (19) The difference in expected travel time is this quantity is positive, it represents the expected time saving if one walks instead of waiting. (It will be seen that all terms are in fact nonnegative apart from th e last one, Td; which, however, is relatively large.) For example, let p(t) be the uniform distribution based on a bus headway T. The mean arrival time isT/2 and hence EA[Tt] =d/vb+T/2. IfT > T d, then E*[Tt] this improves on EA[Tt] from 1 to 2, the minimum probability PCdecreases from 1 to zero; recall that whenT/Td>2 strategy A is worse than strategy B, which is equivalent to the abo ve strategy with PC= 0. IfT < T d, then E*[Tt] the condition for this to improve on EA[Tt] reduces to PC>1, a contradiction. A is still the best choice for uniform arrival probabilities wit h headway T < T analysis of the model and results in [1] for a traveller at a bus stop confirms that the does indeed win in many cases. The exact criteria for w hen it is better to walk can be formulated in terms of an appearance rate function, and if o ne disregards the existence of intermediate stops, an arrival probability with a rising appearance r ate is sufficient to make waiting the best strategy. It has also been shown, however, that allowing for the possibility of c atching the bus at an intermediate stop can restore the walking strategy to optimality. I n the end, the decision whether to walk or wait is not always clear-cut, and relies on one's expectation s of being able to catch a bus on the run, as well as of a bus turning up in the first place. In the particular case where one knows the (uniform) headway but not the exact timetable, it has been clearly established that one should wait if the headway is less tha n the walking time (less bus travel time), and should walk if the headway is more than twice this mu ch. This leaves a where it may be better to wait or to walk, depending on one's co nfidence in being able to catch up to a passing J.G. Chen, S.D. Kominers, and R.W. Sinnott. Walk versus wait: The la zy mathematician wins. arXiv.org Mathematics , January 2008. R. Billinton and R.N. Allan. Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems . Plenum, second edition, 1992. 5 | 0802.3653 | Anthony Morton | Anthony B. Morton | A Note on Walking Versus Waiting | 5 pages | null | null | null | math.HO math.OC | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | This mathematical recreation extends the analysis of a recent paper, asking
when a traveller at a bus stop and not knowing the time of the next bus is best
advised to wait or to start walking toward the destination. A detailed analysis
and solution is provided for a very general class of probability distributions
of bus arrival time, and the solution characterised in terms of a function
analogous to the hazard rate in reliability theory. The note also considers the
question of intermediate stops. It is found that the optimal strategy is not
always the laziest, even when headways are not excessively long. For the common
special case where one knows the (uniform) headway but not the exact timetable,
it is shown that one should wait if the headway is less than the walking time
(less bus travel time), and walk if the headway is more than twice this much.
In between it may be better to wait or to walk, depending on one's confidence
in being able to catch up to a passing bus.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 25 Feb 2008 17:01:03 GMT"
] | 2008-02-26T00:00:00 | [
"Anthony B.",
] |
Abstract We investigate the relativistic kinematics of the spin-pol arized collision of deuterium incident on tritium, producing4He and a neutron. Within the context of special relativity, w e apply the conservation of four momentum and the conservation of intri nsic spin, which leads to a system of ten equations. We imposeinitial conditions such that the de uterium is moving along the x-axis, at theorigin ofcoordinates, andthec lassical spinvector = 1) is along the +z-axis, while the classical spin vector for tritium (spin magnitude =
1/2) is along the -z-axis. We expand the ten conservation equations to second o rder in velocities and we solve them for the velocity components of the neutron, its vector, and the velocity components of the4He nucleus, as a function of the incident deuterium energy. W e find that this analytic solution agrees closely with the nume rical solution of the ten For a given energy of deuterium, we find that there are two solutions, each solution having a unique velocity for the emitted neutron and helium n ucleus. The two solutions are related to each other by reflection in the plane perpendicular to the d euterium spin and containing the initial deuterium velocity address: of neutrons are currently used to excite nuclei in an unkn own sample of material in order to determine its elemental composition. The technique is calle d neutron where neutrons are incident on target nuclei and a unique spectrum of gamma rays are emitted for each element that is present in the sample [1]. In this technique, mea- surements are made of emitted gamma rays that are either emitted almost or, thataredelayed. Theprompt gamma-r come from a compound nucleus that is formed when the neutron is captured by the target nucleus in the sample. The technique is called prompt ga mma-ray analysis (PGNAA). When delayed gamma rays are measure d, they are emitted by the decay of a radioactive intermediate state formed by the neu tron irradiation. In this case, the technique is called delayed gamma-ray neutron activation analysis (DGNAA). In both cases, analysis of the composite emitted gamma ray spectrum often allows a of the elemental content of the sample [1]. A critical c omponent in this type of detection is the source of neutrons. Ideally, we would want a nar row beam of neutrons that can be directed at the sample so that the damaging effects of n eutron radiation are limited to a small solid angle. A reaction that is commonly used for neutr on production is the collision of deuterium with tritium [2], d+t-n+4He (1) However, with unpolarized deuterium and tritium this reaction gener ally produces an isotropic distribution of emitted neutrons, as opposed to the narr ow beam mentioned above. If the deuterium and tritium nuclei were spin polarized before collision , then the symmetry of the collision,- -T(- -d ,- -n)4He, would be reduced, and we would expect that there may be preferential directions for the emitted neutrons. Quantum mech anical calculations of this collision process are quite complicated [2, 4]. However, it is possible to u se a approach to analyze some aspects of the kinematics of the s pin-polarized deuterium and spin-polarized tritium collision. We use conservation of four-vec tor momentum and conservation of intrinsic spin tensor, within the context of special relativity, to investigate the kinematics of this collision. This reaction in Eq.(1) has the advantage that it has a large cross se ction, which peaks at 5 b [2, 3] for a deuterium energy of 107 keV. It is believed that at lo w-energy the proceeds via a short-lived intermediate resonant stateof5Hewitha spin angular momentum J= 3/2, and that this state quickly decays into a neutron and a4Henucleus. At low energies, the reaction proceeds via zero orbital angular mom entum,l= 0, so that the total spin J= 3/2 must arise from intrinsic spin of the reactants [4]. Therefore, at lo w energies, the deuterium nuclear spin sd= 1, and tritium nuclear spin, st= 1/2, must be aligned to produce a total angular momentum J= 3/2 in the initial state. The products of the reaction are a neutron, with nuclear spin sn= 1/2, and4Hewhich has nuclear spin sh= 0. The total intrinsic spin of the product state (helium and neutro n) iss= 1/2, so the rest of theangular momentum, the quantity J= 3/2-1/2 = 1, must becarried off as orbital angular momentum of the product state. Alternatively, there is als o some small amplitude for the reaction to proceed, with zero orbital angular momentum, when the deuterium and tritium spins are anti-aligned. In this case, there is zero orbital ang ular momentum carried off by the products. We consider this latter case in the work below. The formalism we use was initially applied by J. L. Synge to discuss elastic transmutation of mass) of particles having intrinsic spin [5]. Here, we use to analyze the fundamentally inelastic collision,- -T(- -d,- -n)4He, when the reac- tants have a definite state of spin, in the sense of special relativity , where spin is represented as a four-tensor. The treatment we give below assumes that the d euterium has a zero impact parameter on the tritium, and therefore this limits our analysis to th e case where the spin of deuterium and tritium are anti-aligned, i.e., the spins are pointing in o pposite the condition of zero impact parameter is not easily relaxed because of com- plications in special relativity associated with the speed of propagat ion of interactions and the requirement of relativistic invariance [5]. As described above, at low energies, the zero impact parameter (zero orbital angular momentum in initial state) is probably the most important in the collision process since the reaction- -T(- -d ,- -n)4Hewill only occur when the deuterium and tritium are in close spatial proximity, due to the short range nature of the nuclear our goal here is to analyze the dependence of thevelo city components of the emitted neutron and helium nuclei, on the initial c onditions, which are specified by initial velocity and initial spin orientation for deuterium an d tritium. We apply the conservation of four momentum and conservation of intrinsic s pin CONSERVATION OF FOUR MOMENTUM The total four momentum before the collision is equal to the total f our momentum after the (2) where the superscripts d,t,n, andhlabel the four momentum vectors for neutron, and helium, respectively. The subscript k= 1,2,3,4 labels the of the four-vector. We follow the convention used by Synge and take the fourth component tobeimaginary, thereby int roduce space-time. So the momentum four-vector has the form pk= (pa,p4) =m(g cua,ig) (3) whereg= Greek indices take values a= 1,2,3, and Latin indices always take values k= 1,2,3,4. We use the convention that repeated indices are summed over their respective ranges. Here, ua=dxa/dtare the ordinary three velocity (2) is a conservation law that is valid in any inertial frame of r eference. For our purposes, we assume that the laboratory frame is an inertial fram e. The conservation of four momentum leads to four equations. III. ANGULAR MOMENTUM TENSOR In four dimensional space-time, the total angular momentum is an a ntisymmetric second rank tensor, with six independent components, for m,n= the orbital angular momentum and Hspin mnis the spin angular momentum [5]. The spin is represented by a four tensor because in four dimensions (space-time) there is no four-vector (of angular momentum) that is dual to the tensor Hmn. As discussed above, we assume that in the laboratory frame of ref erence the impact parameter for deuterium on tritium is zero, so there is zero orbital angular momentum in the collision, Horb mn= 0. In what follows, we drop the superscript and we use Hmnto denote the intrinsic spin four-tensor, the particle's world line [5]. When a collision occurs at a space-time p oint, the sum of 5the intrinsic spin four-tensors before the collision must be equal to the sum of these tensors after the collision, since the particles do not experience forces bef ore or after the collision. We assume that the range of forces between particles is negligible, s o that we take the collision to occur at a point. The intrinsic spin four-tensor can be exp ressed in terms of the particle's four velocity, ln= (g cua,ig) (4) and a unit spin four-vector, sn, according to (5) where ohm is the magnitude of the intrinsic spin, the four-velocity satis fieslnln=-1 and the unit spin four-vector satisfies, snsn= 1. (6) The Levi-Civita symbol, oklmn, is antisymmetric with respect to interchange of it satisfies o1234= +1 and has value -1 for odd permutations of its argument, so that Hkl=iohm 0 ( s4l3-s3l4) (s2l4-s4l2) 0 ( s4l1-s1l4) (s1l4-s4l1) 0 ( (s3l1-s1l3) (s1l2-s2l1) 0 (7) The intrinsic spin four-tensor has the following ohm2. (8) Furthermore, the intrinsic spin four-tensor is orthogonal to the four velocity Hmnln= 0 (9) by virtue of its construction in Eq. (5). The four components of the unit spin four-vector, sn, are related to the four-velocity of the particle, ln, by the orthogonality condition [5] lnsn= 0 (10) Equations (9) and (10) state that the physical spin vector lies in th e that is the physical space. Equ ations (5 ) through (10) are tensor equations and hence they are valid in any frame of referenc e. 6The fourth component of the unit spin four-vector, s4can be expressed in terms of the other three components by use of the orthogonality condition in Eq . (11) Using Eq. (11)toeliminate s4fromEq. (6), wehave arelationbetween spin,sa, and the three velocity, ub, which must be satisfied sasa= we define three-component quantities by s= (s1,s2,s3) andu= (u1,u2,u3), then we can write suggestively that the quantity sis normalized according to s2= (12) or (13) shows that the three spatial components sof the unit spin four-vector, sn, satisfy a normalization relationthat depends onthe particle's thre e velocity components, u. When the particle is at rest, u= 0, the three components satisfy s*s= 1, as expected. In the low velociy limit, we can interpret the three component quantity, S= ohms, as the classical spin vector, where ohm is the magnitude of the particle's spin. Of cours e, the of the three components, S, depend on velocity and hence do not transform as a true INTRINSIC SPIN CONSERVATION We consider the collision,- -T(- -d ,- -n)4Hewhere the initial conditions are such that both the deuterium and tritium spins are anti-aligned. The magnitude of to tal spin for deuterium is assumed to be ohm d= 1 and the magnitude of spin for the tritium nucleus is taken to be ohmt= 1/2. The products of this inelastic collision are a4Henucleus, whose total spin is ohmh= 0, and a neutron, whose total spin is ohm n= 1/2. The conservation of intrinsic spin before and after the collision is given (14) whereHh mn= 0 because the spin of He is zero. Each of the intrinsic spin four-ten sors in Eq. (14) satisfies Eq. (9) by virtue of their construction accordin g to Eq. (5). Each a 4x4 antisymmetric matrix. Therefore, Eqs. (14) constitute six indep endent equations that relate the spin orientations to the velocity compone nts, before and after the collision. rtial INITIAL CONDITIONS AND SOLUTIONS We have a total of ten conservation equations, where four of the m are the conservation of four momentum given by Eq. (2) and six of them are the conserva tion of intrinsic spin given by Eq. (14). Insolving the each particle is known, as described above. The orientation of t he spins and velocities of deuterium and tritium areinitial conditions that can beselected arbit rarily. We solve for the velocity and spin orientation components of the neutron, and the v elocity components of the 4He, in the laboratory frame of reference. For initial conditions, we take the tritium to ut a= be moving along the + x-axis, with velocity components specified by ud a= (u,0,0), where u >0. We take the deuterium spin direction to be along the + z-axis, specified by the sd a= best a= (0,0,-1). The deuterium is moving such that s*u= 0, sos2= 1, and the sd a= (0,0,1) satisfies Eq.(13). (As described above, the magnitude of the sp in for every particle is fixed.) We solve for the following quantities: velocity a nd spin of the neutron, un a= (un x,un y,un z) andsn a= respectively, and Note that we use subscripts x,y,zand 1,2,3 interchangeably to denote components. We have a total of ten nonlinear equations, given by Eq. (2) and (14 ). There are a total of nine unknowns: three velocity components for the neutron, un a, three velocity components for the4He, and three spin-orientation vector components for the neutr on spin, sn a. A key point is that, before solving the ten Eqs. (2) and (14), we must elimin ate from Eqs. (14) the fourth component of the spin-orientation vector for each partic le using Eq. (11). In this way, only the three spatial components, sn a, of the spin-orientation four-vector sn m, appear in the intrinsic spin tensors in Eqs. (14). In the solutions of our ten equat ions, the for the neutron, s(n)= and the neutron velocity, un a, must still 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1: The angle of neutron as a function of deuterium kineti c energy in the laboratory frame of reference for solution 1. solution1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 2: The angle of helium as a function of deuterium kinetic energy in the laboratory frame of reference for solution 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 3: The angle of neutron as a function of deuterium kineti c energy in the laboratory frame of reference for solution 2. Eq. (12) or (13). We have checked that our solutions satisfy Eq. ( 12). Having eliminated the components, sd 4,st 4,sn 4, andsh 4, the ten Eqs. (2) and (14) are solved by expanding them in a Taylor series to second order in the velocity co mponents, un a,uh aand u, which we assume are small quantities compared to the speed of light ,c. At least second order in the velocities must be kept to allow for the transmutation of mass, i.e., process. We find that there are two solutions to these ten e quations, and each solution has a unique velocity for the neutron and for the4He nucleus. The two solutions, which we call solution 1 and solution 2, are related by reflection in the x-yplane, which is perpendicular to the deuterium spin, sd a= (0,0,1), and contains the deuterium (u,0,0). Note that the signs of the velocity components for the two solu tions are as 1 : un x>0, un y= 0, un z>0;uh x<0, uh y= 0, uh z<0 solution 2 : un x>0, un y= 0, un z<0;uh x<0, uh y= 0, we solve numerically the ten nonlinear (unexpanded) equations, given by Eq. (2) and (14), and compare these numerical solutions to the an alytic solutions. The two solutions agree very 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 4: The angle of helium as a function of deuterium kinetic energy in the laboratory frame of reference for solution 2. The solutions show that the emitted neutron and helium have velocity vectors that lie in the x-z plane. Figures 1 and 2 show the angle of the emitted neutro n and as a function of incident deuterium kinetic energy, fo r solution 1. Figures 3 and 4 show that same quantities for solution 2, which is related to solution 1 by reflection, as described above. The numerical data used in our calculations is given in Table I. At the maximum cross section, where the deuteron kinetic energy is 107 keV, the angle of the neutron is thn= arctan( u3/u1) = 82.85 degrees and the angle of the helium is = 89.88 degrees. VI. the context of special relativity, we have applied the conserv ation of four mo- mentum and the conservation of intrinsic spin to a collision of deuteriu m with a Wehave assum ed thatthedeuterium and tritium nuclei have spins that are anti-aligned and have zero impact p arameter, correspond- ing to zero orbital angular momentum in the initial state. We have ver ified, as that there are unique (classical) solutions for neutron (and helium) velocities, i.e., 11TABLE I: Numerical data taken from Refs.[6] and [7] . deuterium mass md 2.01410177785 u tritium mass mt 3.01604927767 u neutron mass mn 1.00866491574 u 4He mass mh 4.00260325415 u speed of light c 299792458 m/s MeV per u - 931.49402823303 MeV/u there are unique directions for the emitted neutron and helium. Spe cifically, for a given energy of incident deuteron, there are two solutions that are rela ted by reflection symmetry, see the above discussion. We have obtained the angular dependenc e of the emitted neutron and helium as a function of the incident deuterium kinetic energy. Our results may be compared with a quantum calculation [4] given by Kulsrud et al. From our classical relativistic analysis, it seems clear that we could in p rinciple relax the constraint of zero impact parameter, so that we could impose s ome amount of orbital angular momentum for the deuterium and helium. Within a classical con text (as opposed to a quantum calculation) the amount of orbital angular momentum im posed in the s is arbitrary and is a continuous quantity (not a discrete q uantity, as in to the impact parameter. As described earlier , assuming non-zero an- gular momentum in the initial state would allow us to treat the case whe re the deuterium and tritium spins are aligned, which is presumably the more important c ase. As in such ascase, we will have orbital angular momentum appea r inthe products of the collision (neutron and helium). The continuum of possible angular mome ntum in the initial state would then lead to a continuum of angular momentum in the poss ible final So the neutrons would not have a unqiue direction, but inst ead, they would have a distribution of possible velocities. The assumed initial probability distr ibutions of would then lead to a probability distributions for neutro n velocities and earlier, thisisbelieved W work. 12VII. work was sponsored in part by ILIR at the AMRDEC. [1] See for example, Z.B. Alfassi, Activation Analysis , Volumes I and II. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, (1990). See also the web sites, . [2] G. G. Ohlsen, Phys. Rev. 1641268 (1967). [3] D. C. Bonar, C. W. drake, R. D. Headrick, V. W. Hughes, Phys . Rev.174, 1200 (1968). [4] R. M. Kulsrud, H. P. Furth, and M. Goldhaber, Phys. Rev. Le tt.49, 1248 (1982). [5] J. L. Synge, Relativity: The Special Theory , Second Edition, North-Holland (1965). [6] A. H. Wapstra, G. Audi, and C. Thibault. Nuclear Physics A729, 129 (2003), see and also G. Audi, A.H. Wapstra, and C. Thibault. Nuclear Physics A729, 337 (2003), see . Also, see the Los Alamos web page . [7] See for conversion factors, df 13 | 0802.3850 | Thomas B. Bahder | Thomas B. Bahder, William C. McCorkle, William V. Dent Jr | Spin-polarized collision of deuterium and tritium: Relativistic
Kinematics | 13 pages, four figures | null | null | null | nucl-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We investigate the relativistic kinematics of the spin-polarized collision of
deuterium incident on tritium, producing ${}^4$He and a neutron. Within the
context of special relativity, we apply the conservation of four momentum and
the conservation of intrinsic spin, which leads to a system of ten equations.
We impose initial conditions such that the deuterium is moving along the
x-axis, the tritium is stationary at the origin of coordinates, and the
classical spin vector of the deuterium (spin magnitude = 1) is along the
+z-axis, while the classical spin vector for tritium (spin magnitude = 1/2) is
along the $-$z-axis. We expand the ten conservation equations to second order
in velocities and we solve them for the velocity components of the neutron, its
unit-spin-orientation vector, and the velocity components of the ${}^4$He
nucleus, as a function of the incident deuterium energy. We find that this
analytic solution agrees closely with the numerical solution of the ten
(unexpanded) equations. For a given energy of deuterium, we find that there are
two solutions, each solution having a unique velocity for the emitted neutron
and helium nucleus. The two solutions are related to each other by reflection
in the plane perpendicular to the deuterium spin and containing the initial
deuterium velocity vector.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 26 Feb 2008 17:24:28 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 17 Apr 2008 18:44:41 GMT"
] | 2008-04-17T00:00:00 | [
"Thomas B.",
"William C.",
"William V.",
] |
2 Weinzirl, Jogee, and such as disk scalelengths, mass, kinematics, colors, a nd star formation his- tories vary across galaxies of different B/T, ranging from bulge-dominated systems Are quasi-bulgeless systems confined to low mass systems with high specific star formation rates, while classical bulges populate hig h mass systems? How do the fraction, mass function, and structural properties o f galaxies with across environments with different large-scale cosmological o verdensities? If environment plays a central part in suppressing bulge formation, t hen differences would be expected in the properties of bulgeless galaxies in different enviro nments, such as field versus dense galaxy clusters. How does the frequency and pr operties of galaxies with low B/Tas a function of redshift over z= 0.2-0.8 compare to the recently re- ported merger history of galaxies over this epoch (Jogee et al 200 7)? Answering these questions will help us to understand the reasons behind the appare nt failure of LCDM galaxy formation models, and shed light on how galaxies is possible by observationally constraining properties of e nigmatic bulge- less galaxies. A powerful technique for measuring the structural properties (e.g. scale- lengths, S' ersic indexes, B/T) of galaxies is the decomposition of the 2D light distri- bution into separate structural components with GALFIT (Peng e t al. 2002). Most earlier work has only performed 2D bulge-disk decomposition, but be cause have been shown to have higher optical bar fractions than e arly-type et al. 2007), it is important to include the bar when analyzin g Bars can contain a significant fraction of light, so failure t o account for bars could lead to inflated B/T(Laurikainen et al. 2006). 2. Methodology and Samples We perform three-component decomposition of the 2D galaxy light d istribution, while taking the PSF into account, with GALFIT. Since GALFIT utilizes a non -linear least squares algorithm, initial guess parameters are required for each component GALFIT attempts to fit. While reasonable initial guesses can be generated b y inspection in many cases with common tools (e.g. IRAF), this is time-consuming and inefficient In practice, we break three-component decompos ition into three of GALFIT. We first perform one and two-component fits to constrain the bulg e and disk pa- rameters. The single-component fit models the entire galaxy with on ly a S' ersic bulge component. In addition to constraining the bulge structural para meters, the total lu- minosity of the object is also consistingofaS' disk, isthen made based on the output of the previous fit. If GALFIT is allowed to do an bulge-disk fit in a strongly barred galaxy, it will ofte n try to fit the bar by artificially stretching the disk along the bar PA. In order to get ph ysically meaning- ful two-component fits, we therefore constrain the fit by fixing t he position angle and axis ratio (b/a) of the outer disk to values pre-determined by fittin g an ellipse to the outermost disk as initial guesses for the bulge parameters, and fixing the disk b /a and PA as before. Bars are modeled with elongated, low-index S' ersic components usin g initial guesses for the size and position angle estimated from the images. All objects ar e subjected to the three-component fits, regardless of whether they appear b y eye to possess a bar. If there is independent evidence for an AGN or nuclear cluster, a point source is fitted as a fourth component. In order to decide which of the two or three-component fit is bette r, a number of criteria are used. 1) If the one or two-component residuals show a bar signature that is removed in the three-component residual, then the three compo nent fit is ersicindex, b/a)oft Galaxy Evolution With Bulge-Disk-Bar Decomposition 3 3) Visual evidence of a strong bar in the input images favors the thr ee-component fit. Weak barsare often not visually prominent, but for such bars, the changesin the disk or bulge parameters, between the two and three component fits, ar e small; (4) In addition, we test the robustness of the three-component solution by vary ing the initial guesses to check that the same solution is converged to three complementary samples, which span differen t epochs and differ- ent environments (field and cluster): (1) a z~0 sample of ~200 galaxies with Hubble types S0 to Sm drawn from the OSU Bright Spiral Galaxy Survey (OSU BSG) (Eskridge et al. 2002) and UKIDSS (McLure et al. 2006); (2) a sample of galaxie s in the of the Coma cluster from our ACS Treasury survey (C arter et al 2007); and a sample of early disk galaxies out z~2 with deep NICMOS imaging (180 orbits). 3. Preliminary Findings For the two-component fits, we have performed consistency che cks by testing our de- composition on samples of galaxies with published results from the Millen nium Galaxy Catalog (Driver et al. 2007) and the New York University Value-Adde d Catalog (Blan- ton et al. 2005) for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. For three-component fits, we have performed similar tests on a fe w galaxies drawn from small samples with published three-component bulge-bar-disk fits, drawn from Laurikainen et al. (2006) and Reese et al. (2007). An example of our method is presented in Figure 1, which illustrates th e decomposition for NGC 4643. We now summarize our pre liminary findings: 1. Luminosity is conserved between the two and three-component fits. 2. Modeling the bar in the three-component fits forces a reshuffling of the bulge declines in luminosity, whereas light can be taken f rom, or addedback, tothedisk. adjusts the bulge and disk accordingly to compensate for th e bar, which can include artificially elongating and brightening the bulge. Accountin g for the bar returns the bulge and disk parameters closer to their true valu es. 3. Inclusion of the bar can reduce bulge fractional luminosity B/Tby a factor of two or more. Larger changes in bulge luminosities (a factor of 10 or more ) occur in cases where a prominent bar influences the two-component fit to v ery much over- state the bulge luminosity. The bulge-disk fits in such extreme cases underscore the importance of including the bar in 2D luminosity The scalelength of the disk is generally unchanged by including the b ar. However in a few cases, the two-component disk structure can be erroneo us, as in the case of NGC 4643, shown in Figure 1. We have provided a proof of concept of our ongoing three-compon ent with GALFIT. We are optimistic about our on-going wor k, which will be described in Weinzirl et al. 2008 (in for NASA, under F. D., Jogee, S., Marinova, I. 2007, ApJ, accepted, a M. R., et al. 2005, AJ, 129, 2562 Burkert, A., & Naab, T. 2004, Coevolution of Black Holes and G alaxies, 4224 Weinzirl, Jogee, and Barazza Figure 1. Shown is the complete three-step decomposition fo r NGC 4643. From top to bottom, the rows show the fits from the one, two, and thre e-component The residuals for the one and two-component fi t show a distinct bar signature. In Step 2, the fitted disk has an unphysically larg e scalelength (335'') that does not match the galaxy. Due to its resulting low surface br ightness, the fittted disk is hard to see, and ellipses are drawn to show its PA and b/ a. In Step 3, the addition of the bar component restores the disk scalength to a reasonable value. The fit parameters are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Fit parameters for NGC 4643 Fit reor h ('') n b/a Position Angle Fractional light Step 1 Sersic 27.90 4.44 0.80 -51.08 100%
Step 2 Bulge 23.86 4.16 0.80 -51.08 34.6%
Disk 335.88 1.0 0.84 66.94 65.4%
Step 3 Bulge 5.43 2.53 0.90 60.52 25.0 %
Disk 48.22 1.0 0.84 66.94 54.1 %
Bar 21.30 0.62 0.37 -45.84 20.9 %
Carter, D. et al. 2007, ApJ, submitted Cole, S. M., Baugh, C., Frenk, C., Lacey, C., Benson, A. 2000, MNRAS, 319, 168 D'Onghia, E. & Burkert, A. 2006, MNRAS, 372, 1525 Driver, S. P., Liske, J., Graham, A. W., 2007, ApJL, accepted P. B., et al. 2002, ApJS, 143, 73 Jogee et al. 2007, Proceedings of Formation and Evolution o f Galaxy Disks, held in Rome, 1-5 October 2007 S. J., Grebel, E. K., Barazza, F. D., & Gallagher, J. S., III 2006, A&A, 445, 765 Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Buta, R., Knapen, J., Speltincx, T., & Block, D. 2006, AJ, 132, 2634 McLure, R. J., et al. 2006, MNRAS, 372, 357 Navarro, J.F., Steinmetz, M. 2000, ApJ, 538, 477 Peng C. Y., Ho L. C., Impey C. D., Rix H.-W., 2002, AJ, 124, 266 Reese, A. S., Williams, T. B., Sellwood, J. A., Barnes, E. I., & Powell, B. A. 2007, AJ, 133, 2846 | 0802.3903 | Tim Weinzirl | Tim Weinzirl (UT Austin), Shardha Jogee (UT Austin), Fabio D. Barazza
(EPFL) | Constraining Galaxy Evolution With Bulge-Disk-Bar Decomposition | 4 pages of text, 1 figure, 1 table | null | null | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Structural decomposition of galaxies into bulge, disk, and bar components is
important to address a number of scientific problems. Measuring bulge, disk,
and bar structural parameters will set constraints on the violent and secular
processes of galaxy assembly and recurrent bar formation and dissolution
models. It can also help to quantify the fraction and properties of bulgeless
galaxies (those systems having no bulge or only a relatively insignificant
disky-pseudobulges), which defy galaxy formation paradigms requiring almost
every disk galaxy to have a classical bulge at its core. We demonstrate a proof
of concept and show early results of our ongoing three-component bulge-disk-bar
decomposition of NIR images for a sample of three complementary samples
spanning different epochs and different environments (field and cluster). In
contrast to most early studies, which only attempt two-component bulge-disk
decomposition, we fit three components using GALFIT: a bulge, a disk, and a
bar. We show that it is important to include the bar component, as this can
significantly lower the bulge-to-total luminosity ratio (B/T), in many cases by
a factor of two or more, thus effectively changing the Hubble type of a galaxy
from early to late.
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"UT Austin"
"UT Austin"
"Fabio D.",
] |
is a sum of the two effects. The following is a numerical illustration. The normal RF frequency at injection is 52,811,400 Hz. To lower the injection beam energy, the frequency was changed to 52,812,060 Hz, an increase of Df = 660 Hz. This corresponds to an increase of momentum in the MI: In the Booster, however, this frequency corresponds to a momentum decrease since e has positive sign (above transition): Therefore the momentum offset of the Booster beam in the MI is a sum of the two, i.e. Dp/p = -0.196%, or an energy offset DE = -18 MeV . The measured energy spread of the Booster beam at low intensity is +-6.1 MeV (see below). So the highest energy particles in the beam have an offset of -12 MeV , which gives a drift: ms8.0=D= TppDte per Booster cycle This rate meets the requirement. PROCEDURE At injection, the RF system in the MI was phase locked to the Booster RF at 52,812,060 Hz and paraphrased to zero amplitude. So the injected beam was debunched and had a momentum offset of -0.196%. Two RF barriers, each of +-8 kV height and 400 ns width, were turned on from the beginning until the end of injection. One was stationary serving as a reflection wall. Another was moving at a speed of 0.8 ms every Booster cycle as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3: Left - stationary barrier, right - moving barrier. After the first Booster pulse entered the MI, it drifted about 0.8 ms before the second pu lse was injected. The spacing between two consecutive pulses was 0.8 ms, or 42 RF buckets. After a total of 12 pulses were injected, the main RF system was gradually turned on to adiabatically recapture the beam into th e 53 MHz buckets while the barrier RF was turned off. It was then followed by acceleration to 120 GeV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Because this method has strong dependence on the momentum spread of the inco ming beam, we started with low intensity beam (1-turn injection from the linac to Booster). Figure 4 is a beam test of stationary barriers. Two consecutive Booster pulses were injected. Due to momentum offset they started to drift to the right but were stopped by the barrier and reflected back to the left. When they met another barrier on the left, they were stopped again and contained within two barriers. Figure 4: Top - two consecutive pulses in MI (Mountain View plot), middle left - 1 st pulse, middle right - two pulses, bottom left - beam stopped by right barrier, bottom right - beam confined within two barriers. In normal operation, 6 Booster pulses have a width of 9.6 ms, or 6/7 of the MI ring size. In this experiment, however, the width of 6 stacked pulses was only 5.5 ms, or less than half of the MI size as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5: Top left - 6 injections (green lines), top right - 6 pulses in Mountain View plot, bottom - the total width of 6 pulses was 5.5 ms. Figure 6 shows the injection of 8, 10 and 12 pulses respectively. Figure 6: Top left - 8 injections (green lines), top right - 8 pulses in Mountain View plot, middle - 10-pulse injection, bottom - 12-pulse injection. It is interesting to compare bottom right of Figure 6 to Figure 2. The 12 colored boats mimic the 12 batches in the simulation. Another interesting thing is in bottom left of Figure 6, where the beam stacking stopped when the barriers were turned off. Figure 7 shows the recaptured beam (top) and the beam accelerated to 120 GeV (bottom). During injection and recaptur e, there was no noticeable beam loss. However, there were losses at the beginning of acceleration as shown in the botto m left of Figure 7. This was mainly due to dc beam th at was not captured by the 53 MHz RF bucket. Simulation indicates this loss could be eliminated by improving the RF recapture procedure. DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF BEAM MOMENTUM SPREAD A bonus of this experiment is a new method to measure the beam momentum sp read directly rather than using a calculation based on beam width measurement and known RF voltage. This new method makes use of the fact that a beam will be completely contained by a barrier unless its momentum spread is larger than the barrier height. The barrier height is well known: TTEeVEb b2x =Deb in which b is the relativistic factor, Vb and Tb the barrier voltage and width, respectively, and E the beam energy. Figure 8 shows the beam started to penetrate when the barrier was lowered from 9.5 kV to 9 kV , which gave a beam energy spread of +-6.1 MeV Figure 8: Left - no penetration at 9.5 kV, right - penetration at 9 kV. REFERENCES [1] K. Seiya et al ., Multi-batch Slip Stacking in the Main Injector at Ferm ilab, this conference. [2] W. Chou, D. Wildman and A. Takagi, Induction Barrier RF and Applications in Main Injector, (2006). [3] W. Chou et al., Barrier RF Stack ing at Fermilab, PAC'03, Portland, May 2003, p. 2922. [4] W. Chou et al., Design and Test of a Beam Transformer as a Chopper, PAC'99, New York, March 1999, p. 565. [5] Figure 7: Top left - 12 injections (green lines), red line is the RF voltage, top right - recaptured beam at 8 GeV, bottom left - 12 injected pul ses accelerated to 120 GeV, bottom right - beam at 120 GeV.
| 0802.3907 | Weiren Chou | W. Chou, D. Capista, J. Griffin, K-Y. Ng and D. Wildman | Fast beam stacking using RF barriers | 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC07) | Conf.Proc.C070625:1682,2007 | null | FERMILAB-CONF-07-347-AD | physics.acc-ph physics.ins-det | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Two barrier RF systems were fabricated, tested and installed in the Fermilab
Main Injector. Each can provide 8 kV rectangular pulses (the RF barriers) at 90
kHz. When a stationary barrier is combined with a moving barrier, injected
beams from the Booster can be continuously deflected, folded and stacked in the
Main Injector, which leads to doubling of the beam intensity. This paper gives
a report on the beam experiment using this novel technology.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 26 Feb 2008 21:15:20 GMT"
] | 2010-01-18T00:00:00 | [
] |
FIELD ERROR AN D CORRECTION Table 2 lists the main parameters of the WQB. Table 2: WQB Parameters Aperture 4.347 Length 84 Max gradient at 150 GeV/c 19.6 T/m Good field region +- 2 Weight 12,000 lb Main coil Turns per pole 7 Peak current at 150 GeV/c 3540 A RMS current 2000 A Resistance 8.1 m ohm Inductance 3.7 mH Trim coil Turns per pole 18 Max current 28 A Resistance 0.75 ohm Inductance 0.03 H The WQBs and the MI main quadrupoles are powered by the same buses. If the integrated field error of the WQB was 1%, each WQB would cause a beta-wave of 5.7% and a tune shift of 0.0045, which is not acceptable. There are five horizontal focusing WQBs and two vertical focusing WQBs. In order to minimize the perturbation on the lattice, the allowable WQB field error was set to 0.1%, or 10 units (1 unit = 10 -4). However, because the WQB has higher saturation (due to larger aperture) and strong er hysteresis (due to steel properties) than the old qu ads (called the IQB), the measured integrated field er ror was significantly larger than the specification. It re ached +4% at low field and -3% at high field, as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: Relative field error of the WQB. To further complicate the matter, the hysteresis has strong dependence on the reset current (Figure 5) and the transfer function of the trim coil used for field correction has large anomaly at high current. All these were carefully measured and taken into account in designing the required trim current throughout the ramp, which is shown in Figure 6. Figure 5: Hysteresis curves at different reset: left - WQB, right - IQB. Trim current for WQB (with anomaly 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Main coil current, ATrim current, A using IQB310 hysteresis data using IQBavg data WQB (h) trim setting WQB (v) trim setting Figure 6: Required trim current during the ramp. NEW BPM AND OFFSET TABLE The new extra wide aperture BPM has an electrode ID of 5.625 and extended angl e of each electrode of 60 deg. It can measure both horizontal and vertical position of a beam at the same location. In order to get an accurate orbit measurement, several o ffsets have to be corrected:
* Offset between the WQB lamination center and the magnetic field center (~200 mm).
* Survey offset between th e mechanical center of the BPM and that of the nearby WQB.
* BPM offset between the electrical and mechanical center of the BPM.
* Electrical offset due to cables, jump boxes and electronics upstairs in the service building.
* Orbit offset which is intentional move of the quadrupoles for accommodating the required large orbit deflection. All these offsets were measured and incorporated into an offset table in the BPM front-end database. ORBIT MEASUREMENT The simple geometry of the BPM makes it possible to use an analytical formula to compute the beam position from BPM signal [3]: xxRA211(mm) (mm) pos--xx= where R is the BPM electrode radius, A is a constant to be fit to the calibration data, and x is the ratio of the signal difference to the signal sum. There is also another scaling formula suggested by Webber. He used MATHCAD to fit the bench data and obtained a 5th order polynomial [4]: WQB001-0, nonlinear part of strength -- upramp 500.0 1000.0 1500.0 2000.0 2500.0 3000.0 3500.0 4000.0 current, Agdl(meas) - gdl(calc), TIQB310-1, nonlinear part of strength -- upramp 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 current, Agdl(meas) - gdl(calc), T5 3071.21 432.5 513.43 (mm) pos x x x ++ = Both formulae were used for data processing and compared with the calibration data. Figure 7 shows an example of the horizontal fit. While the analytical formula is more accurate at small amplitude (< 20 mm), the 5th order polynomial fits better at large amplitude (> 20 mm). Because the beam displacem ent is big at the WQB locations, it was decided to use the polynomial for data processing. Figure 7: Scaling formula: left - 5 th order polynomial, right - analytical formula. Two types of orbit measurements were carried out to verify the BPM accuracy and estimate the lattice perturbation by WQBs, one using 3-bump method, another 1-bump method. The calculation of closed orbit deviation (COD) of the two methods is well known [2]. The results show a good agreement between the calculation and measurement. As an example, Table 3 gives a comparison of 3-bump COD at 4 WQB locations. Table 3: Calculation vs. Measurement (mm/0.25A) Location COD (calc.) COD (meas.) Q101 1.25 1.48 Q222 3.21 3.44 Q321 1.43 1.56 Q402 3.22 3.75 MACHINE APERTURE AND ACCEPTANCE IMPROVEMENT Figure 8 shows the cross section of the Lambertson magnet, the old beam pipe for the IQB and new pipe for the WQB. The aperture increa se is about 10 mm, which was verified by aperture scanning as shown in Figure 9. Figure 8: Cross section of Lambertson, old pipe in the IQB and new pipe in the WQB. Figure 9: Aperture scanning at Q608. Figure 10 (top) shows the WQB increases the machine acceptance to 60 p mm-mrad, 50% larger than before (Fig. 1). This acceptance is limited by the WQB good field region (2). If one would move the WQB by 10 mm, the acceptance could be further increased to 80 p mm-mrad, as demonstrated in the bottom of Figure 10. Figure 10: Top - present ac ceptance, bottom - acceptance with a move of WQB by 10 mm. REFERENCES [1] D. Harding et al., A Wide Aperture Quadrupole for the Fermilab Main Injector Synchrotron, this conference. [2] W. Chou, Operational Aspects of the MI Large Aperture Quadrupole (WQB), Fermilab (2006), [3] W. Chou, Derivation of the S-Curve of BPM Signals, APS Project, Argonne National Laboratory (1989). [4] R. Webber, MI Extra Wide Aperture BPM Scaling in BPM System, Fermilab (2006). Webber's 5th order polynomial -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Horizontal BPM (mm)Error (mm ) EXWA08 EXWA07 EXWA06 EXWA05 EXWA04 EXWA03 EXWA02 EXWA01Analytic formula -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Horizontal BPM (mm)Error (mm ) EXWA01 EXWA02 EXWA03 EXWA04 EXWA05 EXWA06 EXWA07 EXWA08 | 0802.3911 | Weiren Chou | W. Chou, L. Bartelson, B. Brown, D. Capista, J. Crisp, J. DiMarco, J.
Fitzgerald, H. Glass, D. Harding, D. Johnson, V. Kashikhin, I. Kourbanis, P.
Prieto, W. Robotham, T. Sager, M. Tartaglia, L. Valerio, R. Webber, M. Wendt,
D. Wolff, M. Yang | Operational aspects of the Main Injector large aperture quadrupole (WQB) | 2007 Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC07) | Conf.Proc.C070625:1685,2007 | 10.2172/922019 | FERMILAB-CONF-07-344-AD | physics.acc-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | A two-year Large Aperture Quadrupole (WQB) Project was completed in the
summer of 2006 at Fermilab. Nine WQBs were designed, fabricated and
bench-tested by the Technical Division. Seven of them were installed in the
Main Injector and the other two for spares. They perform well. The aperture
increase meets the design goal and the perturbation to the lattice is minimal.
The machine acceptance in the injection and extraction regions is increased
from 40pi to 60pi mm-mrad. This paper gives a brief report of the operation and
performance of these magnets.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 26 Feb 2008 21:22:42 GMT"
] | 2011-03-18T00:00:00 | [
] |
2-8 The acoustic eigenmodes of a homogeneous sphere with a free surface have been studied by Lamb [1] who classified them into two categories, viz. spheroidal and torsional modes, labeled by the angular momentum quantum number l, where l = 0, 1, 2, . . . for spheroidal modes, and l = 1, 2, 3, . . . for torsional modes. The sequence of eigenmodes, in increasing order of energy, is indexed by n (= 1, 2, 3, . . .). Lamb's theory predicted that the frequencies of the eigenmodes ( n, l) scale as 1/ d, where d is the sphere diameter. Hence, vibrations of nanometer-size spherical particles are usually investigated by Raman scattering [2-6] while those of micron-size ones by Brillouin light scattering [7-12]. However, it is to be noted that the distinction between Raman scattering and Brillouin light scattering is artificial, as the inelastic light scattering mechanism from eigenvibrations of a sphere is the same. Only the detection technique, which depends mainly on the size of the sphere concerned, is different. Much controversy surrounds the inelastic light scattering selection rules for the vibrational eigenmodes of a sphere. Duval derived the Raman selection rules for the condition in which the sphere diameter d << l, the wavelength of the excitation light (usually ~ 500 nm) [13]. He predicted that only spheroidal modes with l = 0, 2 are Raman-active while torsional modes are not observable by Raman scattering. The same results were obtained by Montagna and Dusi, and Li et al. from calculations of the Raman coupling coefficients of the acoustic vibrati ons [14,15]. However the recently derived Raman selection rules of Kanehisa preclude th e observation of spheroidal modes and state that only the torsional mode with l = 2 is Raman-active [16]. The Comment, by Goupalov et al. [17], which refuted his model and his subs equent rebuttal [18] have exacerbated the controversy. Interestingly, Tanaka et al. claimed that both spheroidal modes of even l, and torsional modes of odd l are Raman-active [6]. No selection rules governing Brillouin light scattering ( d ~ l) from confined acoustic modes in a sphere have, to date, been reported. Consequently, in previous studies, mode assignments of Brillouin spect ra of submicron or micron-size silica, polystyrene and CaCO 3 spheres were not based on any one consistent set of selection rules [7-12]. In some cases, observed spectr al peaks were assigned as spheroidal modes with l = 0, 2, 4, ..., [7-10] while in others, as spheroidal modes with l = any arbitrary integer [11,12]. To address this problem, we present a derivation, from group theory, of the Brillouin selection rules and their experimental verification. 3-8 The selection rules for inelastic light scattering from confined acoustic modes in a homogeneous sphere are now discussed. The elastic displacements u of the modes are given by 22 2() 0 ,tL T VV - + xx =uu u (1) where VL and VT are the bulk longitudinal and transverse velocities respectively. The elastic displacements can be categorized into torsional and spheroidal displacements which are given respectively by ()tps=xur (2) () ,skh ph = +xxur (3) where ps, kh and ph are the scalar potentials which satisfy the scalar Helmholtz equation, and are expressed in term s of Bessel functions jl and spherical harmonics Ylm in spherical coordinates. The symmetry group of the sphere is the group, of the proper and improper rotations, that is isomorphic to the full rotation group O(3). Their irreducible representations are Dg(l) and Du(l), where l = 0, 1, 2, 3,..., and g and u denote even parity and odd parity respectively [19]. The spheroid al vibrations transfor m as the irreducible representations Dg(0), Du(1), Dg(2),... , while the torsional vibrations as Dg(1), Du(2), Dg(3),... of O(3) [13]. In Raman scattering, the sphere diameter is much shorter than the excitation light wavelength. Hence, the phase of the excitation light within the sphere can be assumed to be constant, and only the electric dipole moment need be considered in the light scattering process. The irreducible representations of the components of the dipole moment iiier transform as Du(1). The operator involved in inelastic light scattering is the symmetric polarizability tensor aij (aij = aji) whose components transform as the irreducible representations resulting from the symmetric product [13]: (1) (1) (0) (2) symmetric [] .uu g gDD D Dx= + (4) Duval thus concluded from Eq. (4) that only spheroidal modes with l = 0, 2 are observable by Raman spectroscopy. However, if the diameter of the sphere is comparable to the incident light wavelength ( d ~ l), the frequencies of the vibrational modes of sphere lie in the gigahertz range, and its modes are thus detectable by Brillouin light scattering. In this case, the assumption that the phase of the incident light within the sphere is constant is no longer 4-8 valid. In Mie scattering, where the sizes of the particles can be larger than the excitation light wavelength, besides the electric dipole moment, higher-order terms in the electric multipole expansion are also taken into account in the series solution of the scattering theory [20]. Similarly, besides the electric dipole moment, these higher-order terms are also taken into consideration in our derivation of Brillouin selection rules. The components of the electric multipole tensors, of rank k, transform as the irreducible representations D(k) of the full rotation group O(3) [19]. Thus, for example, the rank 2 multipole tensor, which is the elec tric quadrupole tensor, has the irreducible representation D(2). As before, the operator involved in the inelastic light scattering is the symmetric polarizability tensor whose components transform as the irreducible representations that are obtained from the symmetric product [21] () () ( 0 ) ( 2 ) ( 4 ) ( ) symmetric [ ] ... ,kk l ggg g DD D D D Dx =+++ + (5) where k = 1, 2, 3, ..., and l = 0, 2, 4, ..., 2 k. Therefore, it follows that for d ~ l, only the spheroidal modes of a sphere are observable by Brillouin spectroscopy. Unlike Duval's selection rules for Raman scattering, spheroidal vibrations with l = 0, 2, 4, ... are Brillouin active. Torsional modes are not dete ctable by inelastic light scattering. Brillouin light scattering from six samples of loose matrix-free monodisperse amorphous silica spheres, with diameters ranging from 140 - 800 nm, had been measured in the geometry using a 6-pass tandem Fabry-Perot interferometer [8]. The 514.5 nm line of an argon-ion laser was used to excite the spectra. The measured spectra contain well-resolved sharp peaks as can be seen in the representative spectrum of the 360nm-diameter sphere sample displayed in Fig. 1. The variations of the measured frequencies of the eigenmodes of the various spheres with inverse sphere diameter are presented in Fig. 2. These experimental data were used to ascertain the validity of the selection rules derived above based on the following approach. In this approach, the measured frequencies of the two lowest-energy modes, of the six sphere sizes studied, were used in the evaluation of the velocities VL and VT. First, a trial assignment of the observed lowest and second lowest energy modes was made. Second, the parameters VL and VT were determined by least-squares fitting the data to the Lamb theory [1]. This was done by 5-8 Fig. 1 . Brillouin spectrum of 360nm- diameter silica spheres. The experimental data are denoted by dots and Brillouin peaks were fitt ed with Lorentzian functions shown as dashed curves. The assignment of the confined acoustic modes, labeled by ( n, l), is based on our selection rules as described in the text. Fig. 2 . Dependence of frequencies of confined acoustic modes ( n, l) in silica microspheres on inverse sphere diameters ( d). Experimental data are denoted by dots. The measurement errors are the size of the dots shown. Solid lines represent theoretical frequencies of spheroidal modes with l = 0, 2, 4,..., calculated based on Lamb's theory and our selection rules. 6-8 minimizing the residual th expt 2 1()N ii inn
=- by varying VL and VT within the reasonable ranges of 2000 <= VL <= 7000 m/s and 1000 <= VT <= 5000 m/s. Here thn and exptn are the theoretical and measured frequencies respectively, and N (= 12) the total number of mode frequencies of the two lowest-energy vibrations for the six sphere sizes studied. Third, using the fitted values of VL and VT, the frequencies of the two lowest-energy modes were calculated to check for self-consistency i.e. agreement between the resulting energy ordering and the trial assignments. Finally, the frequencies of the higher-energy modes are computed for the assignments that meet this self-consistency condition. According to our selection rules, only even- l spheroidal modes are observable by inelastic light scattering. Hence, when making the trial assignment, all possible pairs of (n, l) for n = 1, 2 and l = 0, 2, 4 were considered. This is because our calculations reveal that the two lowest-energy modes do not have n and l higher than these values for VL and VT within the same ranges specified above. It was found that almo st all the possible choices of ( n, l) do not satisfy the self-consistency condition. For instance, the trial assignment of (1,0) and (1,4) yields, in order of increasing energy, the sequence (1,2), (1,0), (2,2), (1,4), ... in contradiction to the trial assignment. It turns out that only two trial assignments meet this self-consistency requirement. One of them is (1,0) and (1,2) as the respective lowest and second lowest-energy modes. Using the fitted VL and VT based on this assignment, the frequencies of the higher-energy modes with even l were calculated. However this assignment is unacceptable as there is discrepancy between the calculated and me asured frequencies of the higher-energy modes. For the other trial assignment of (1,2) and (1,0), the frequencies of the corresponding higher-energy modes with even l were computed in a similar fashion. Results of the calculations are presented in Fig. 2. The (4,4) spheroidal vibration has the highest energy. It should be emphasized that all modes, both measured and theoretical, with lower energies are also displayed. Figure 2 clearly illustrates the good agreement between theory and experiment. Additionally, a one-to-one correspondence exists between them i.e. not only are all observed modes accounted for, but also there is no omission of any theoretical modes nor are there any theoretical modes unaccounted for. Hence, our Brillouin selection rule s are experimentally confirmed. 7-8 The fitted values of VL and VT are 3885 and 2436 m/s respectively. These are reasonable values, as they are expected to be lower compared to VL 5500 and VT 3000 m/s for bulk silica, due to low dimensionality and the possible presence of defects as discussed in Ref. 8. Also, these fitted ve locities obtained from the confined eigenmodes are consistent with the respective VL and VT values of 3778 and 2518 m/s measured by Lim et al. in their study of Brillouin light sc attering from bulk acoustic waves in 1.45 - 3.95 um silica spheres [8]. In summary, the Brillouin selection rules for a sphere with a diameter of the order of the excitation light wavelength have been derived from group theory. In the derivation, besides the electric dipole moment, higher-order terms in the electric multipole expansion have also been taken into account. It is found that only the spheroidal modes with l = 0, 2, 4, ... are observable by Brillouin spectroscopy. Torsional modes are not detectable by inelastic light scattering. Our selection rules, for d ~ l, allow the observation of confined acoustic modes with even values of l >= 4, in contrast to Duval's Raman rules, for d << l, for which l = 0, 2 only. Our selection rules were experimentally confirmed by spectral data on inelastic (Brillouin) light scattering from silica microspheres. Acknowledgement Funding from the Ministry of Education, Singapore under research grant is gratefully acknowledged. 8-8 References [1] H. Lamb, Proc. London Math. Soc. 13 (1882) 189. [2] E. Duval, A. Boukenter, B. Champagnon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 (1986) 2052. [3] H. K. Yadav, V. Gupta, K. Sreenivas, S. P. Singh, B. Sundarakannan, R. S. Katiyar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 085502. [4] M. Fujii, Y. Kanzawa, S. Hayashi, K. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. B 54 (1996) R8373. [5] M. Ikezawa, T. Okuno, Y. Masumoto, A. A. Lipovskii, Phys. Rev. B 64 (2001) R201315. [6] A. Tanaka, S. Onari, T. Arai, Phys. Rev. B 47 (1993) 1237; ( E) 56 (1997) 9977. [7] M. H. Kuok, H. S. Lim, S, C. Ng, N. N. 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sphere | 8 pages, 2 figures | null | 10.1016/j.cplett.2008.07.003 | null | cond-mat.other | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Selection rules governing Brillouin light scattering from the vibrational
eigenmodes of a homogeneous, free-surface submicron sphere have been derived
using group theory. The derivation is for the condition where the sphere
diameter is of the order of the excitation light wavelength. Well-resolved
spectral data obtained from Brillouin light scattering from submicron silica
spheres provide experimental verification of the selection rules.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 27 Feb 2008 07:41:50 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"H. S.",
"S. C.",
"Z. K.",
"M. H.",
] |
The principal aim of this brief report concerns straightforward synthesis of a new Hydrocarbon material which has been theoretically predicted recently1. According to this theoretical prediction a new Hydrocarbon compound, called Graphane, is an extended two dimensional covalently bonded hydrocarbon. Its fully dehydrogenated counterpart, Graphene, has been the subject of many recent investigations due to its peculiar transport properties2-3. Graphane1 is a semiconductor and because of its structure and low dimensionality, it provides a fertile playground for fundamental science and technological applications. The typical characteristic features of Graphane, as predicted theoretically1, can be summarized as below: (i) it has hexagonal network of carbon in the sp3 hybridization with C:H=1 and a c lattice constant of 1.6nm (ii) every C-C bond connects carbon atoms with hydrogen at opposite sides of the plane of C-C bond or on the same side of the plane; the former type of conformation of C-C bond is called chairlike conformer and the latter one is a boatlike conformer; the typical C-C bond length for chairlike conformer is 0.152 nm which is similar to the sp3 bond length of 0.153 nm in diamond and that for boatlike conformer it is 0.156 nm. (iii) the characteristic distinctive feature for chairlike conformer and boatlike conformer is the position of C-H bond stretching mode in the FTIR spectrum: for boatlike conformer the mode occurs at 3026 cm-1 and for chairlike conformer the mode occurs at 2919 cm-1 . (iv) the gravimetric hydrogen capacity of the compound is 6-7 wt% . The two very important attractive properties of this material are: it has a very high volumetric and gravimetric hydrogen density and the electrons in its conduction and valence bands will move in a purely two dimensional topology. Experimental search for Graphane is being carried out in different laboratories4-9. The methodologies consist of mainly three types of experiments viz., hydrogenation of different forms of carbon including nanotubes to see hydrogen adsorption on SWCNT4-7 , hydrogenation of different graphenic surfaces8 and hydrogenation of different bulk structures of graphite and diamond8-10 . Graphane material has never been synthesized till date. Direct exposure to H2 does not seem to be correct path to produce graphane because, unlike fluorine, hydrogen does not intercalate graphite11 due to the higher binding energy of H2 ( ~ 2.4 eV/atom ) compared to F2 (~ 1.5 eV/atom ). Thus, synthesis of Graphane has to be directed through a different path. of carbon containing gases and hydrogen gases under reduced pressure and electrically biased or temperature controlled substrate was used to grow various thin film of carbon, viz., diamond thin film, diamond like carbon thin film, amorphous carbon thin film etc. According to classification diagram for various hydrogenated carbon films15, there are still various unknown phases (crystalline, amorphous, nano etc.) of carbon. Whether Graphane phase can also exist in these hydrogenated carbon films produced following the routes of decomposition of carbon containing gases and hydrogen gas has not been explored. One of the authors (NRR), engaged in the synthesis of hydrogenated diamond like carbon (HDLC) films16-17 and characterizing the same by various techniques, got the information about Graphane recently18. Analyzing the characteristic results by different diagnostics on a typical HDLC film synthesized directly in a capacitatively coupled RF (13.56 MHz) discharge16 of helium (He) into which methane (CH4) and hydrogen (H2) are admixtured and finding out the presence of Graphane phase, if any, in the film is the motto of the present brief report. In our works on the synthesis of various HDLC films16-17 at low substrate temperature (~140 C), we have made bias pretreatment of mirror polished Si(100) for 15 minutes using hydrogen glow discharge at pressure 0.2mbar and followed by bias (-200volts) enhanced nucleation method (BEN)19 to prepare the HDLC films. The typical deposition conditions of HDLC film whose characteristic results to be analyzed in this brief report are as below: deposition deposition time=30 minutes, dc self bias = - 200volts, flow rates: He (1500 sccm), H2 (500 sccm) and CH4 (50 sccm). Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) of the sample: Sample for TEM has been prepared by dimpling and ion milling from the substrate side so as to get electron transparent thin region of the film in large area. Sample was characterized by RRCAT 200kV TEM in both imaging and diffraction mode. Fig.1a shows the representative diffraction pattern from one of the region. Diffraction pattern shows the single crystal like diffraction. The pattern has been indexed by Carbon with hexagonal crystal structure. The lattice parameters are a= 0.2522nm and c= 1.64743nm. The zone axis of the diffraction pattern is found to be [110]. Fig.1b shows the micrograph of the region from where the diffraction pattern has been taken. It shows the single crystalline nature of the film. The Kekuchi line in the micrograph suggests that the film is essentially single crystal hexagonal structure of Carbon. Typical FTIR spectrum of the sample, as shown in Fig.2, shows presence of C-H bond stretching mode in the hydrocarbon sample. Typical Tauc gap by Ellipsometric measurement of the HDLC sample17 is 2 eV. Elemental composition of thin films by elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA)20 technique: The ERDA measurements were performed at the Rossendorf 5 MV tandem accelerator using 35 MeV Cl +7 ions as projectiles. A glancing geometry with an incidence beam angle of 15deg to the surface and a detection angle of 31deg to the beam direction had been chosen. A Bragg peak ionization chamber (BIC) detects both scattered ions and ejected recoils. Besides of the energy signal this detector provides a signal (bragg-peak height) which allows to identify impinging particles according to its atomic number or nuclear charge, respectively. Simultaneously a silicon detector with an Al stopping foil in front suppressing heavy ions signals detects ejected hydrogen recoils. From the two-dimensional data of the BIC, an example is shown in Fig. 3a, the branches of each recoil element are cut out and projected to the energy axis. Then the depth concentration distributions are calculated according to Spaeth21 et al. using the stopping data of TRIM9522 and Rutherford scattering cross sections. For the conversion from the atomic area density scale to a depth scale in length units a layer density of 2.9 g/cm3 was assumed as shown in Fig.3b. The typical experimental result on C: H ratio vs. thickness (nm) is shown in Fig.3c. The obtained depth resolution amounts to about 20 nm for all elements except for hydrogen. Here the energy straggling in the stopper foil gives rise to a lower energy resolution and hence a depth resolution of roughly 50 nm. For all considered elements the detection limit is about 0.1 at%. Assuming that the C: H atomic ratio in the layers is equal and the measured thickness dependence of this ratio (Fig.3c) can be used to determine the certain amount of hydrogen which is not included in these layers. Both hydrogen of a generally observed thin water film at each surface and possible hydrogen at the substrate prior to the deposition of the C: H layer contribute to excess hydrogen. There is no way to separate this three hydrogen signal contributions directly, but the extrapolation to zero carbon coverage provides a value of about 5 x 1016 cm-2 for the area density of hydrogen off the layer. Taking this value into consideration we have evaluated for all samples C: H atomic ratios of 4 +- 0.3. Therefore a layer of hexagonal structure of C wherein possibility of formation of one atom of H per C atom in our HDLC sample, a stable chemical compound, can be explored as below: the HDLC16-17 is made of sp2 , sp3 carbons and H atoms; according to XPS results17 , sp2 carbon (284.3eV) content is higher than sp3 carbon (285.3eV) content in the HDLC sample. Now we may assume that hexagonal structure of carbon (Fig.1) is formed out of sp2 carbons first and H atoms convert some sp2 carbons into sp3 carbons in this whole hexagonal structure so that C(sp3) :H=1 i.e. one atom of H per sp3 carbon , may be called as Graphane. Therefore our HDLC film may be described as a hexagonal structure of carbons consisting of sp2 carbons and Graphane phase as defined above. Thus the result C:H= 4 +- 0.3 should imply [C(sp3) + C(sp2)]/H = 4 +- 0.3. According to experimental result in Fig.3c, C: H ratio never becomes 1 even in the thinnest sample (say, zero thickness), which signifies formation of 100 % Graphane phase is impossible in the present experimental results.. Analyzing the characterizing results based on TEM, ERDA, FTIR, Ellipsometric and XPS measurements, we can summarize the results as below: The TEM results show single crystal hexagonal structure of Carbon with c lattice constant 1.647 nm. According to ERDA and XPS results our HDLC film may be described as a hexagonal structure of carbons consisting of sp2 carbons and Graphane phase i.e. C(sp3) :H=1. Typical Gravimetric H capacity: 21.7 at% H i.e. 1.6E17 H atoms cm-2. Tauc Gap of 2eV, by Ellipsometric measurement, signifies semi conducting property of our HDLC sample. Thickness16-17 of the HDLC sample is 120 +/-20nm; length and breadths are several tens of cms; hence the film is a 2D HDLC film. The comparision of theoretical predictions1 and the experimental results obtained as described above may be concluded as first experimental observation of like structure embedded in the HDLC film16-17. Influence of H atoms on the hexagonal structure of sp2 carbons seems to play an interesting role to discover new structures of carbon for fundamental science and technological applications. Hence synthesis of HDLC samples under various deposition conditions and their proper measuring physical and chemical properties are required further research. One of the authors (NRR) wants to thank Jayanth Banavar for informing the news of theoretical prediction of Graphane in PRB (2007) , Jorge O.Sofo for useful discussion and comments about the experimental results, Debajyoti Ray for help to understand the structure of Graphane and Graphene using stick & ball method and special thank to G.S.Lodha (RRCAT)) for help in doing TEM at RRCAT. Authors want to thank Abhijit Betal, Dipankar Das, Mahendra Babu, S.S.Sil, A. Bal for their technical help. 1Jorge O. Sofo, Ajay S. Chaudhari and Greg D. Barber, Phys. Rev. B 75, 153401 (2007) 2K.S. Novoselov et al., Nature (London) 438, 197 (2005) 3D.A.Abanin, P.A.Lee, and L.S. Levitov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 176803 (2006) 4 S.P.Chan, G.Chen, X.G. Gong, and Z.F.Liu, Phys. Rev.Lett. 87, 205502 (2001) 5O. Gulseren, T.Yildirim, and S.Ciraci, Phys. Rev. B 66, 121401 (2002) 6 G.Lu, H. Scudder, and N.Kioussis, Phys. Rev. B 72, 205416 (2003) 7G.Chen, X.G.Gong, and C.T.Chan, Phys.Rev. B 72, 045444 (2005) 8D.Stojkovic, P.Zhang, P.E.Lammert and V.H. Crespi, Phys.Rev. B 68, 195406 (2003) 9C.Cab, R.de Coss, G.Oskam, G.Murrieta, and G.Canto, Bull. Am. Phys.Soc. 51, 888 (2006) 10A.B.Anderson, L.N.Kostadinov, and J.C. Angus, Phys. Rev. B 67, 233402 (2003) 11M.S. Dresselhaus and G.Dresselhaus, Adv. Phys. 30, 139 (1981) 12 S.Yugo, T.Kanai, T.Kimura and T.Mulo, Appl.Phys. Lett. 58(10), 1036 (1991) 13P.K. Bachmann and W.van Enckevort, Diamond Relt. Mater. 1, 1021 (1992) 14 J.Robertson, Material Science & Engineering R 37, 129-221 (2002) 15P.K.Bachmann, In Ullman's Encyclopaedia of Industrial Chemistry, A26, 720-725 (1996) 16N.R.Ray and A.N.S.Iyengar, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23rd Symposium on Plasma Processing, 24-27 January 2006, Japan, 2006 edited by R.Hatakeyama and p.583 17A.Singha, A.Ghosh, A.Roy and N.R.Ray, J.Appl.Phys., 100, 044910(2006) 18Jayanth Banavar and Jorge Sofo (private communication) 19J.Robertson, J.Gerber, S.Sattel, M.Weiler, K.Jung and H.Ehrhardt, Appl.Phys.Lett. 66(24), 3287 (1995) 20U. Kreissig, R. Gago, M. Vinnichenko, P. R.J. Martin-Palma, J.M. Martinez-Duart, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 219-220 (2004) 908 21C. Spaeth, F. Richter, S. Grigull, U. Kreissig, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 140 (1998) 243] 22J.F.Ziegler, J.P.Biersack, and U.Littmark, the Stopping and Range of Ions in Solids, Pergamon Press, New York, 1985 Figure captions: Fig.1a: Typical diffraction pattern of HDLC film in TEM Fig.1b: Typical micrograph of HDLC film in TEM Fig.2: Typical FTIR spectrum of HDLC film. Fig.3a: Typical energy spectra of elements of HDLC film in ERDA measurements. Fig.3b: Typical depth profile of elements of HDLC film in ERDA measurements Fig.3c: Typical ratio of C & H vs thickness(nm) in the HDLC film Figure 1a Figure 1b Figure 2 Figure 3a Figure 3b Figure 3c | 0802.3998 | Nihar Ranjan Ray Dr. | Nihar Ranjan Ray, A.K.Srivastava and Rainer Grotzschel | In Search Of Graphane -- A two-dimensional hydrocarbon | 15 pages, 3 figures | null | null | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The characteristic results by different diagnostics on a typical hydrogenated
diamond like carbon (HDLC) film synthesized directly in a capacitatively
coupled RF (13.56 MHz) discharge are described. The results show some typical
charecteric features of Graphane as predicted theoretically. First experimental
observation of GRAPHANE/GRAPHANE like structure embedded in the HDLC film is
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:54:55 GMT"
] | 2008-02-28T00:00:00 | [
"Nihar Ranjan",
"A. K.",
] |
2 I. Introduction The representation of time dependent v ector fields is a central problem in scientific visualization. There have been tw o advances in computer graphics since 1993 which combined have fundamentally changed the way time dependent vector fields can be visualized in two dimensions. The fi rst of these was the introduction of the line integral convolution (LIC) method for showing the structur e of vector fields at a resolution near that of the di splay, using textures generated by convolving the vector field with a grid of pixels of random brightness1. The second was the introduction of a method for the animation of a LIC by using a second ve locity field to evolve the underlying grid of random pixels used to generate the LIC2. This latter method, dynamic line integral convolution (DLIC), produces an animated seque nce of LIC images of the first field such that the time dependence of that field is evident from frame to frame by the inter-frame coherence in the LIC texture pattern. In this paper we first discuss at a conceptual level how these two algorithms work. We then apply these methods to cros sed electromagnetic fields, where the velocity field is taken to be the ExB drift velocity of electric or magnetic monopoles. We discuss the pedagogical utility of these electroma gnetic animations in providing insight into electromagnetic phenomena. In addition to the obvious advantag e of high spatial resolution, the DLIC method has th ree advantages: (1) it displa ys fields in a continuous way, which underscores the fact that the for ces mediated by fields is via continuous contact; (2) it shows the direc tion of electromagnetic energy flow explicitly; and (3) the time-evolving field configurati on enables insights into the Ma xwell stresses. We provide an open source Java program that implements the DLIC algorithm described here, and which contains many examples of applications of this method to II. Line Integral Convolution (LIC) Most vector visualization algorithms use spatial structures to represent a vector field F (x). One of the most familiar is the fiel d line representation, where a discrete set of curves are drawn which are everywhere parall el to the local field direction. Another is the vector field grid representation, where a set of icons on a fixed grid of spatial coordinates represents the fiel d direction and perhaps magnit ude at a given grid point. The use of field lines has the disadvantage that small scale structure in the field can be missed depending on the choice for the spatial distribution of the field lines. The vector field grid representation has a similar disadvantage in that the associated icons limit the spatial resolution because of the size of the icons and becau se of the spacing between icons needed for clarity. These two factors limit the usefulness of this representation in showing small scale structure in the field. The LIC method avoids both of these probl ems by the use of a texture pattern to indicate the spatial structure of the field at close to the resolution of the display. To explain how the LIC algorithm works, first cons ider a constant field. Take a square array 3 of NxN pixels of random brightness. We want to replace this white noise array with a textured array of the same dimension, where the texture pattern indica tes the direction of the constant field, to within a si gn. To do this, we process our NxN random array pixel by pixel to produce the new texture array, as follows. At any pixel 1 (see Figure 1), we average the brightness of the pixels along a line centered on pixel 1 and in the direction of the local field, for n pixels, n << N , and put this value in our new texture array at the same location as pixel 1 was in the initial array. Figure 1: To produce a LIC image for the constant field F, we consider a pixel, for example pixel 1, and average the brightness of n pixels lying along a line parallel to F centered on pixel 1, as indi cated by the while line. We now move to an adjacent new pixe l and repeat this same process again (Figure 2). If we move parallel to the field to get to the ne w pixel, say pixel 2 in Figure 2, then the resulting average that we obtain at pixel 2 is almost the same as the average for pixel 1, because most of the pixels are th e same. So the calculated brightness at pixel 2 is highly correlated with the brightness of pixel 1. If on the other hand we move perpendicular to the field to get to the new pixel, say pixe l 3 in Figure 2, the resulting average is not correlated at all with the average at pixel 1, because none of the pixels whose brightness is being averaged are the same. This process produces a new array which has correlations in brightness along the field direction. Another way of saying this is that we have produced a texture pattern wher e the streaks in the texture are parallel to the field direction. The results of th is process are shown in Figure 3. 4 Figure 2: We calculate the brightness at pixels 2 and 3 by averaging over the brightness of the n pixels lying along the lines parallel to F centered on pi xels 2 and 3, as indicated by the two white lines. Figure 3: A LIC of a constant field, constructe d in the manner described in the text. Now consider the LIC procedure for a field that varies in space. If we simply follow the procedure described above and aver age the brightness of pixels along straight lines in space, where the direc tion of the straight line is de termined by the local direction of the field at (for example) pixel 1, we woul d get a visual representation of the field but it would be inherently inaccurate, because we would be assuming that the local streamline can be reasonably approximated by a straight line along the entire n pixel averaging length. For locations where the local ra dius of curvature of a given field line is 5 large compared to the n pixel length of the averaging lin e, this assumption is valid. However, if the local radius of curvature is comparable to or smaller than the length of n pixels along the averaging line, this assumption is no longer va lid, and correlations in the texture pattern so generated will no longer show the details of st ructure of the field at this scale in a faithful manner. To correct for this shortcom ing, the Cabral and Leedom LIC1 algorithm averages over n pixels along a line in space, but the averaging line is no longer a straight line. Instead it is the field line th at passes through the point at which we are calculating the new texture value, that is pixel 1. That is , the texture pattern is convolved with the field structure along a line in space determined by th e field lines (thus the name line integral convolution). This procedure retains the pr operty that movement along the local field direction exhibits a high correlation in brightness values, but movement perpendicular to that direction exhibits little co rrelation, and this is true even in regions of high curvature. Figure 4 shows a LIC for the magnetic field of a conducting ring falling toward a stationary magnetic dipole. Re gions of high curvature occur near the two zeroes in the magnetic field strength just above the ring. The zeroes are distinguishable by the tilted X-like structure near them. For comparison we also draw four tradit ional field lines in the figure, to demonstrate that the correlations in the LIC are parallel to the field lines, even in regions of high curvature. Figure 4: LIC of the magnetic field of a conducting ring as it falls toward a stationary magnetic dipole. The magnetic field shown includes both the field of the dipole and of the eddy currents induced in the ring. 6 III. Dynamic Line Integral Convolution (DLIC) The DLIC method extends the LIC algorithm described above to time-dependent fields. The vector field F(x,t) is allowed to vary with time, with the motion of its field lines described by a second velocity vector field, D(x,t). That is, at any time t the field line passing through x at time t is displaced in space at time t + Dt to a new position x + D(x,t) Dt. To produce an animation, the DL IC algorithm originated by Sundquist2 evolves the texture input used in LIC in a manner prescribed by the velocity field D. That is, if T( x,t) represents our random texture map discussed above, we evolve it with time according to () ()( ) ,TttT t t t+D = - Dxx D x , , (1) Unfortunately, the texture pattern is typical ly stored as a discrete array of values on an ordered grid, and repeatedly evolving th at array over time results in warping and a loss of detail because the velocity field D may have divergent or convergent regions, which will spread out or compress the location of the pixels in our texture. To avoid this problem, instead of evolving the input text ure according to equa tion (1), the DLIC algorithm tracks a large number of particle s of random intensity, roughly on the same order as the number of pixels in the original input texture. The particles move over time with a velocity given by D, and the DLIC algorithm continuously monitors and adjusts their distribution to keep the level of deta il roughly the same, by both consolidating and creating particles. At any in stant of time for which we want to produce a frame of the animation, the texture at that time is generate d by simply drawing all of the particles onto it. Once we have the texture for a given frame, the LIC method is applied to this texture to render the image of the field at that time. Intuitively, since the particles that pr oduce the input texture advect according to the motion field D, the LIC convolution of a co-moving region of the field lines of F with the texture from one frame to the next samples the same part of the texture pattern, since the texture particles and field lines move in concert. Thus, the streaks in the LIC of F appear to move from one frame to the next according to the motion field D. Each output image in the sequence will individually ha ve the same properties as a static LIC rendering, but successive frames will have an inter-frame coherence that depicts the prescribed motion of the field lines. IV. Applications to Electromagnetism The above discussion applies to the anim ation of any vector field for which we can specify a corresponding velocity field. We now turn specifically to electromagnetic vector fields and discuss an example of th e construction of a DLIC in We consider a situation in wh ich the electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular. A conducting ring with mass m , radius a, resistance R and self-inductance L is located on the z-axis above a stationary permanent magnet with magnetic dipole moment vector . The normal to the ring is along th e vertical z-axis, and the ring is z^oM 7 constrained to move along that axis. The ring is released from rest at t = 0 , and falls under gravity toward the conducting ring. Eddy currents arise in the ring because of the changing magnetic flux as the magnet falls toward the ring, and the sense of these currents will be such as to slow the ring. Belcher and Olbert4 argue that the magnetic field lin es in this case evolve with a velocity field given by 2Bx=EBD (2) This velocity field represents the guiding cen ter motion of a set of low energy electric monopoles initially arranged along any given magnetic field line, as those monopoles drift in the time-dependent el ectric and magnetic fields. The dynamics of the ring can be formulated mathematically in terms of three coupled ordinary differential equations for the position Z(t) of the ring, its velocity V(t), and the eddy current I(t) in the ring. The rate at which energy goes into Joule heating in the ring is given by [ ] R I I L mgZ mVdtd2 2 21 2 21- = + + (3) We consider the particular situation where th e resistance of the ring (which in this model can have any value) is identically zero, a nd the mass of the ring is small enough (or the field of the magnet is large enough) so that the ring levitates above the magnet. We let the ring start out at a rest a distance h above the magnet. The ring begins to fall under gravity. When the ring reaches a distance of about a above the ring, its acceleration slows because of the increasing current in th e ring. As the current increases, energy is stored in the magnetic field, and when th e ring comes to rest, all of the initial gravitational potential of the ring is stor ed in the magnetic field (that is, in the 2 1 2LI term in equation (1)). That magnetic energy is th en returned to the ring as it bounces and returns to its original position a distance h above the magnet. Since there is no dissipation in the system for our particular choice of R in this example (zero), this motion repeats indefinitely. Figure 4 shows one fram e from the DLIC that visualizes the motion described above. The full animation is available on the web3. V. Pedagogical Advantages What are the advantages to the student to this way of representing electromagnetic phenomena? In the field line representation, students frequently ask what is between the field lines we choose to exhibit. The DLIC animation helps with this conceptual confusion in that it constructs a texture representation of th e field that is continuous and exists at every point in space. This c onstruction underscores one of Faraday's great insights. His concept of fields was developed to replace action at a distance with the notion of action by continuous contact. Object s that are not in direct contact (objects separated by apparently empty space) exert a force on one another through the presence of an intervening mechanism existing in the sp ace between the objects, that is, the field. The force between two objects is transmitted by direct contact from the first object to the 8 intervening field immediately surrounding that object, and then from one element of space to a neighboring element, in a continuous manner, until the force is transmitted to the region of space contiguous to the second object, and thus ultimately to the second object itself. That is, a mate rial object generates a field a nd through that field influences its immediate neighborhood and ultimately th e behavior of objects remote from its location. Another advantage of the animation tec hnique is the reinforcement of Faraday's insights into the connection between the sh ape and dynamics of electromagnetic fields, that is, the connection between their shape and the forces that they transmit. This is expressed mathematically by the Maxwell stre ss tensor, which depends only on the local field configuration and strengt h. As an example of this, consider the animation of the falling ring shown in Figure 4. As the ri ng moves downward, it is apparent in the animation that the magnetic field texture is compressed below the ring. This makes it intuitively plausible that the compressed fi eld enables the transmission of an upward force to the moving ring as well as a downward force to the magnet. We know physically (cf. e quation (3)) that as the ri ng moves downward, there is a continual transfer of energy from the kineti c energy of the ring to the energy of the magnetic field. The DL IC makes this manifest, because the overall appearance of the downward motion of the ri ng through the magnetic field is that of a ring being forced downward into a resisti ng physical medium, w ith stresses in the medium that develop due to this encroachment . Thus it is plausible to argue based on the animation that the energy of the downwardly moving ring is decreasing as more and more energy is stored in the magneto -quasi-static field, and convers ely when the ring is rising. Moreover, because the texture motion is in th e direction of the Poynting vector, we can explicitly see electromagnetic energy flowing away from the immediate vicinity of the ring into the surrounding field when the ring is falling and flowing back out of the surrounding field toward the immediate vici nity of the ring when it is rising. All of these features make watchi ng the DLIC animation a much more informative experience than viewing any single image of this situation, since the animation exhibits the actual flow directions of electromagnetic energy everywhere in space, as well as showing the field shape at any instant of time, which determine the properties of the local Maxwell stresses. VI. Use in Instruction Students often find the subject of electroma gnetism to be esoteric and difficult to understand. Conceptually the student must first grasp what the concept of a field means. They must then understand how the interacti on of material objects are mediated by the fields they generate. For this last task, th ey must understand the details of how fields are generated and how they change with time. The mathematics used in understanding these field properties is abstra ct and difficult to master5. All of these factors together lead to a substantial cognitive load (for a discussion of this in the context of, for example, Ampere's Law, sees Manogue et al.6). 9 One might argue that the use of graphical visualizations increases the cognitive load that students already combat in learning and there is some risk of that. However, if used in a consistent fa shion with a consistent format through out the subject exposition, we feel that the use of graphical visualiz ation tools can be a positive part of the conceptual learning in this subject. Animated textures are only one way to represent fields, and should be only one of multiple representations. For one thing, the computational process used to animate the te xtures is calculationally intensive, and cannot be done in real time. Thus the student is reduced to passive viewing of movies of the animated textures, which has many disadvant ages. In contrast, fi eld lines or vector field representations of fields can be cal culated rapidly enough that the student can interact with e.g. Java applic ations showing interacting and evolving charges and currents and their fields in real time. In this way students can see and interact with this process, and this has many advantages in terms of learning. The use of multiple representations of the same phenomena has been the subject of considerable research in the physics education research literature7. The general consensus is that representations are impor tant for student learning and those students who learn the material in an environment that uses more representations are less affected by the representational format of problem statem ents. Here is what we consider an idea combination of representations of electroma gnetic fields: (1) single static diagrams showing field representations in all three formats mentioned above; (2) textured animations of dynamical situations illustra ting how fields mediate the electromagnetic interaction of material objects; this could be for example the falling ring animation of Figure 4, or of two interacting charges, or of the interaction of two rings of current, and so on; (3) real time interac tive applications containing time varying field lines or vector field grids, which can be influenced by st udent input, either by the dynamic change of some parameter in the application (i.e. the ch arge of a moving inte racting charge) or by active intervention in the dynamics by clicki ng and dragging on a given charge or current element to see how the other charges or curr ents present then respond dynamically to that change; (4) the ability to pause such real time simulations at any point in time to create a single static LIC, which can be rendered in tens of seconds, so as to connect this representation to the more standard repres entations, as well as to show the field configuration at the re solution of the display at selected times. Building visualizations with the proper ties described above is not technically challenging, and we have already developed ex amples of these kinds of visualizations for freshman physics courses at MIT8, using the DLIC technique de scribe above, with Java 3D and Shockwave simulations for real time interaction . We are in the process of developing an entire suite of such electromagne tic visualizations to be incorporated in physics classrooms via lecture demos, reci tation exercises, online homework modules, and other assignment venues. We are studying how effective this suite of visualizations is in demonstrating and conceptualizing f undamental physical phenomena in the realm of We are interested in stude nt gains both in introductory courses and in level courses in electr odynamics, and are using these curricula 10 materials both in MIT freshman courses and at WPI in freshman and upper level courses. The results of these studies will be th e subject of future publications. VII. Summary Animated textures can be used to visu alize the spatial structure and temporal evolution of vector fields at high spatial resolution. This is particularly useful in visualizing time-dependent electromagnetic fi elds where the magnetic and electric fields are perpendicular, since the motion of the te xture patterns can be used to indicate the direction of electromagnetic ener gy flow in these systems. We feel that the use of this visualization technique in add ition to more traditional tech niques for visualization of vector fields can be an important aid in stude nt's of the idea of fields. We are in the process of investigating this hypothesis quantitatively using guided instruction in conjunction with visualiza tions of the fields using this and other visualization techniques. The Java code and documentation for the creation of the animated textures describe d here are freely available3. This work is supported by NSF Grant #06185580, and a grant from the Davis Educational Foundation. 11 References a)Electronic mail: [email protected] 1B. Cabral and C. Leedom. Imaging Vector Fields Using Line Integral Convolution. Proc. SIGGRAPH '93, 263-270 (1993). 2A. Sundquist, Dynamic Line Integral Convolution For Visualizing Streamline Evolution, IEEE Transactions on Visu alization and Computer Graphics, 9 (3), 273-282 (2003). 3See EPAPS Document No. E-AJPIAS-??- ?????? for the DLIC code base with documentation, and for an animation of the ex ample shown in Figure 4 in this paper. A direct link to this document may be found in the online article's HTML reference section. The document may also be reached via the EPAPS homepage epaps.html or fr om ftp.aip.org in the directory /epaps. See the EPAPS homepage for more information. NOTE TO THE REFEREES: For review purp oses you can find the animation of Figure 4 at the public and heavily trafficked web page and the DLIC software with documentation at 4Belcher J. W. and S. Olbert, Field Li ne Motion in Classical American Journal of Physics 71 (3), 220-228 (2003). 5In one of his first papers on the subject, Maxw ell remarked that ....In order therefore to appreciate the requirements of the science [o f the student must make himself familiar with a considerable body of most intricate mathematics, the mere retention of which in the memory materially interferes with further progress..., J. C. Maxwell, On Faraday's Lines of Force, Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, X, Part I (1855), as quoted by Thomas K. Simpson, Maxwell on the Electromagnetic Field (Rutgers Universi ty Press, New Brunswick, NJ, 1997), p. 55. 6Manogue, C. A., K. Browne, T. Dray, B. Edwards, Why is Ampere's Law so Hard? A Look at Middle Division Physics, American Journal of Physics 74 (4), 344-350 (2006) 7Rosengrant, D, E. Etkina, A. Van Heuvelen, An Overview of Research on Multiple PERC 2006 Proceedings, AIP Conference Proceedings, 883, 149 - 152 (2007). 8See | 0802.4034 | John Belcher | John Belcher, Carolann Koleci | Using Animated Textures to Visualize Electromagnetic Fields and Energy
Flow | null | null | null | null | physics.ed-ph physics.gen-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Animated textures can be used to visualize the spatial structure and temporal
evolution of vector fields at high spatial resolution. The animation requires
two time-dependent vector fields. The first of these vector fields determines
the spatial structure to be displayed. The second is a velocity field that
determines the time evolution of the field lines of the first vector field. We
illustrate this method with an example in magneto-quasi-statics, where the
second velocity field is taken to be the ExB drift velocity of electric
monopoles. This technique for displaying time-dependent electromagnetic fields
has three pedagogical advantages: (1) the continuous nature of the
representation underscores the action-by-contact nature of forces transmitted
by fields; (2) the animated texture motion shows the direction of
electromagnetic energy flow; and (3) the time-evolving field configuration
enables insights into Maxwell stresses.
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"created": "Wed, 27 Feb 2008 15:03:29 GMT"
] | 2008-02-28T00:00:00 | [
] |
2.1. Similarity between the random multipli cative noise and fragmentation processes We assume ( M(t)) to vary as M(t) = (1 + Ext)M(t - 1) , ( 5 ) where ( E) is the (net, i.e., after subtracting the maximum rate for the random extinction) maximum for the random emergence rate of the cities. Eq. (5) may be written as M(t) =
t=1t (1 + Ex,t)x0M0 , ( 6 ) where ( M0) is the number of ancestor ci ties. Please note that, the random fragmentation is the same as random extinction of the given city which is replaced by tw o cities which emerge newly at t and the number of the current cities ( M(t)) increases by 1, wh ich is not important due to the present randomness. Suppose that the splitting ratio for the given fragmentation is S; this means that the offspring citi es will have the following populations: PI(t)=SP I(t) and PM(t)+1 (t)=(1-S)PI(t)) both of which are clea rly less than the population of the fragmented city. It is clear that the offspring ci ties may be interchanged; i.e., ( S)AE(1-S) with ( I)AE (M(t)+1) and (1- S)AE(S) with ( M(t)+1)AE(I). Thus a random fragmentati on process may be considered as a random multiplicative noise process, where we have also a minimum for the population decay rate, since: P I(t)=SP I(t)=S(1 + RxI,t)PI(t - 1)) (7) which can be written as PI(t)=(S + SRxI,t)PI(t - 1))=[1+(-1+S + SR xI,t)]PI(t - 1) (8) or as - 1) , (9) where the factor ( 1-S-SRxI,t) is the current (at ( t)) random population decay rate and the maximum of which is ( 1-S) with xI,t=0; and, similarly the mentioned maximum is ( S) for (M(t)+1) with ( S)AE(1-S) or (1- S)AE(S) for ( I) as mentioned within th e text before Eq. (7). Please note that, ( S=1/2) may be taken as universal as well as a uniform random number, where average of ( S) gives 1/2 in the long run. Secondly if ( S0) or ( S1) then it means that we do not have fragmentation practically, where one of the new cities goes extinction immediately. 2.2. Exponential growth in the population of each city and the num ber of the cities Eq. (1) reads P I(t) - PI(t - 1)= R IPI(t - 1) , (10) which may be written as DPI(t) /Dt=R IPI(t) (11) or DlnP I(t) = R IDt (12) and similarly for ( M(t)) in Eq. (6), where ln is the natural logarithm. Hence, the average of the logarithm of ( PI(t)) in Eq. (12) increases with Rt/2 in time ( t) since ( RI=RxI,t) and the average of the uniform numbers ( xI,t) between 0 and 1 is 1/2. Therefore, whatever the populations of the cities ( PI(t)) at a time t are, the probability of fi nding a city with a population P decreases exponentially with P which gives the power law with expone nt -1 (Pareto-Zipf law) as we show in the next section. A different derivatio n of more general power laws was given by Levy and Solomon [3]. 2.3. Finite sums over numerous exponentia l functions with ra ndom exponent (and independent random amplitude) Let us define uniformly distributed random numbers ( A i and Bj) with Amin<=Ai<Amax and Bmin<=Bj<Bmax, (i.e., and similarly for Bj) where each set is independent of each other. (We select Ai and Bj from different sets of random numbers, between which there is no connection.) Now we c onsider the exponential functions ( yij(t)) for a real positive number b, where ( t) is an integer variable with t=1, 2, 3, ..., which may re present time or size, etc. y ij(t) = Aiexp(-Bjbt) . ( 1 3 ) In Eq. (13) A i and Bj may be fixed to be valid for all t's utilized in the computation or they may be defined differently for each of the mentioned t's. Please note that yij(t) may describe the current number of the citizens living in a city ( PI(t)) or the current number of the cities (M(t)) at ( t) after some suitable change s in the coefficient and th e exponent. For example we may take Ai=1 and Bj=-RI with b=1 and we have yij(t)=PI(t) and similarly for M(t). Here, we will utilize yij(t) in Eq. (13) for describing the probabi lity of finding a city with a population (P) which decreases exponentially with ( P) as mentioned at the end of the previous section. It is known that many physical functions show exponential decreasing distributions and exponential decays in time. Figure 1 is for one of many yij(t) (Eq. (13)) with b=0.1 and Amin= Bmin=0.0, Amax=Bmax=1.0 (and hence, Ai=xi and Bj=xj) which may be considered as the size distribution for the cities, where ( t) describes population here. In Fig. 1 a new Bj is tried for each of the utilized t's along the horizontal axis which increase by 1 an d the inset is the same as the figure, where yij(t) is in the rank order and the vertical axis is logarithmic. Now, we define Y(t)=
iIjJ yij(t)/IJ , (14) with some big yet finite I and J, where the order of sum is no t important due to independence of the random numbers. For homogeneously (yet, independent) distributions of the random numbers A i (for the amplitudes) and Bi (for the exponents) one may utilize the general theorem of central limit with large N or just convert the double su m into a double integral over A (AiAEA) and B (BjAEB), which vary linearly (since the random numbers are homogeneously distributed) between the extrema to obtai n the following equalities: - (A2 max - A2 min)[exp(- Bmaxbt) - exp(- Bminbt)]/(2bt) , (15) and, for Bmin=0, we have (for 1<< 2bt) Y(t) [(A2 max - A2 min) /2b] t -1 , (16) since, the exponential term (Eq. (15)) approaches to zero as t increases. And the result is power law with exponent mi nus one. Figure 2 displays Y(t) (Eq. (14)) with I=J=1000, for Amin= Bmin =0.0, Amax=Bmax=1.0, where we have no fluctuation in Y for the random numbers selected as the same for each of the utilized t's within the simulation (thick line). And fluctuation in Y increases in magnitude, as t increases for the random numbers selected for each of the utilized t's within the simulation differentl y. And, in both cases we have power law; as the arrow with slope -1 indicates in log-log scales. Obviously, the important issue in Fig. 2 is that Y(t) is a power function for large ( t)with the power of (about) minus unity, i.e., Y(t)=iIjJ yij(t)/IJ t-1 , (17) which is similar to Pareto-Zipf law (thin line), if ( t) stands for the city population. 3 Discussion and Conclusion: Bmax may always be taken as unity, and b may be varied accordingly in Eqs. (13)-(17). For Amin=0 and Amax=1 (since Ai=1 may be taken), Y(t) in Eq. (16) may give the distribution of the number of cities over the number of the citizens with tAEP and b=R. It is clear that, R and t may not be independent if the individual populations ( PI(t)) should repeat (or approximate) the real data. Secondly, the random fragmentatio n or the multiplicative noise process with a negative growth (i.e., decay) rate run the cities to extinction, where the individual population (PI(t)) falls to zero. We may state that, our analys is is general for any set of independent random numbers for amplitudes (provided all of the limits Amax and Amin, etc., are finite) and that for exponents (provided Bmin= 0, where Bmax=1 may be taken after changing b accordingly). The present approach may be foll owed also for the biological speciation and extinction, where the lifetimes of the families within a specified order maybe exponentially distributed (due to the randomness of extinctions as well as the distinctive different life times between the different order, which is know n as Van Valen's Red Queen hypothesis). And then, the species should be di stributed following a power law with power (about) minus unity as Eqs. (13)-(17) imply. [2] The important points are: 1) The initial parameters ( P max and M0) in Eqs. (4) and (7), respectively are not important fo r the results and changing them amounts to shifting (back or forth) the origin for the time axis (for exampl e in Eqs. (4) and (7)). 2) Changing the rates ( R, E and S in Eqs. (4), (7) and (8), respectively am ounts to scaling the time axis, i.e., changing the unit for time accordingly. And, in terms of 1) and 2) here, it is clear that the mentioned theoretical data displays universality since th ey may be collapsed on to a single line. 3) The same reason, i.e., the probability of finding a city for a given population is decreasing exponentially with size gives exponential decay in the life times, since the populations grow exponentially in time. This prediction may be cons idered as a natural el ection for the cities: The cities either go extin ct quickly or live long. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author is thankful to Dietrich St auffer who will retire soon, for his crit- ical reading and corrections, valued di scussions, inspirations, suggesting ref- erences, and many other contributions to the papers of the author. REFERENCE LIST [1] H.A. Simon, Models of Man, Wiley, New York 1957; V. Novotny and P. Drozdz, Proc. Roy. Soc. London B267, 947, (2000). [2] C. Tuncay, Model of World; her cities, langu ages and countries, to be published, (Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 19, issue 2 (2008)), arXiv: 0710.2023; C. Tuncay, A physical model for competition between biological peciation and extinction, (unpublished) [3] M. Levy and S. Solomon, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 7, 595 (1997). FIGURES 0 2 k4 k6 k8 k 1 0 k0.00.51.00 2 k4 k6 k8 k 1 0 Figure 1 yij(t) (Eq. (14)) with b=0.1 and Amin= Bmin =0.0, Amax = Bmax<1.0, which may be considered as the population of cities, etc., where a new Bj is tried for each of the utilized ( t)'s along the horizontal axis which increase by 1. The inset is the same as the figure, where yij(t) is in the rank order and the ve rtical axis is logarithmic. Figure 2 Y(t) with I=J=1000, for Amin=Bmin=0.0, Amax=1.0, B max=1.0, where the oscillating plot is for Eq. (14) with the vertical axis on left. The solid plot is for the analytical expression in Eq. (15) and the dashed line is fo r Eq. (16) both with the vertical axis on right. The shifted vertical axes have the same units. | 0802.4064 | Caglar Tuncay | Caglar Tuncay | A theoretical approach for Pareto-Zipf law | 6 pages 2 figures and dated for IJMPC Volume 19 presumably issue 8 | null | 10.1142/S0129183108012790 | null | physics.soc-ph q-fin.GN | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We suggest an analytical approach for Pareto-Zipf law, where we assume random
multiplicative noise and fragmentation processes for the growth of the number
of citizens of each city and the number of the cities, respectively.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 27 Feb 2008 18:28:57 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
] |
2 Fig. 1 Experiment Process Logic Diagram B. Steps of the Data Experiment Process 1. The initial source of the patient -specific clinical data was -Inpatient Discharge (DAD) FY 2004 -2005 file [2]. t oa large complex teaching hospital (LCTH) 2004/05 was used in the of the file was changed to preserve only fields/columns containing clinical information which could be considered most pertinent to determining case cost estimates (e. g. CMG, diagnoses, interventions, length of stay, etc). The file has 130 fields with clinical data. It contains 7782 patient -level cases grouped in 163 CMGs (the set of data was limited to 163 CMG codes with matching number of cases between DAD and OCCI CA T (Cost Analysis Tool -www.occp.com Clinical information in the file was appended with the following OCDM cost data for LCTH hospital [3]: Acute expenses; Acute Weighted Cases; Cost per Weighted Case; Acute Direct Cost perDiem; Acute Overhead Cost perDiem; Acute Total Cost Per Diem; Acute Total Patient Days. 3. Several (total of 5) financial models were developed and used one at a time to calculate CCE for each patient -level case. 4. Using CCEs and simulating the query: W hat's the total cost of the LCTH CMG xyz cases in 2004 -05?, aggregate cost estimates (and several other parameters) were calculated for each of the 163 CMG codes: -Estimate of the Total cost of the cases in the CMG group -Estimate of the Average cost o f the case in the CMG group -Estimate of the Standard deviation of the case costs in the CMG group -Estimate of the Minimum case cost in the CMG group -Estimate of the Maximum case cost in the CMG group The reason for selecting and calculating estimat es of the above parameters is that the same parameters are available from the OCCI CAT database [4]. 5. OCCI CAT database was queried: What are the case cost parameters of the LCTH CMG xyz cases in 2004 -05? for each of the 163 CMG codes. OCCI CAT retur ns the same case cost parameters as outlined in Step 4. The difference is that this is the official OCCI data, and it was used later as the Actual (correct, verified) cost. 6. Estimated (step 4) and actual (step 5) cost parameters were compared and estim ating errors characterizing the efficiency of the financial models were calculated for each of the 163 CMG codes: -Error estimating the Total cost of the cases in the CMG group E(ACCE cmg) =ACCE cmg-AACC cmg -Error estimating the Average cost of the cas e in the CMG group E (avgCCE cm) = avgCCEcmg estimating the Standard deviation of the case costs in the CMG group3E (stdevCCEcmg ) = stdevCCEcmg estimating the Minimum case cost in the CMG group E ( minCCEcmg ) = mi nCCEcmg estimating the Maximum case cost in the CMG group E ( maxCCEcmg ) = maxCCEcmg -maxACCcmg 7. Estimating error analysis was conducted to compare various financial models, determine their accuracy, identify factors impa cting results, and fine -tune models. Analysis of all types of errors calculated on step 6 would require handling matrixes with dimensions 5 x 163. Being feasible generally, it wouldn't provide results which could be easily understood and interpreted. That led to the formulation of a limited number of performance measures. The first performance measure is Pab -the percentage of the CMG groups for which the absolute value of the relative error estimating total cost of cases per CMG group lies within certain limits. Pab= n ab/ of the CMG groups in the experiment (in this case of the CMG groups for which the ratio of the estimating error of the total cost of cases for the CMG group to the actual total cost for this CMG group (in percent) falls within the interval from a to b: Three other measures of performance characterize absolute error of estimating average, minimum and maximum case costs per CMG code averaged over all (163) CMG codes: III. FINANC IAL MODELS and DATA ANALYSIS A. PAC Relative Intensity Model -Model 1 CCEi=PAC_RIW i* i-relative intensity of the is available in the DAD database -fieldPAC_RIW_WT . CPWC -cost per weighted case. Parameter is calculated annually by OCDM for each hospital. For the LCTH in 2004 -05 CPWC measures for the model are given inTable 1, which combines measures for all models (see Section IV. Data Experiment Results and segment ofthe e stimates of the total cost of cases per CMG accurate -for 68% of the CMG groups relative error is under 20%. At the same time ,for 18% of the CMG groups relative error is over 30%. It was noticed that for a number of CMG code s,PAC RIW weights were set at exactly the same value for all cases in the group. Although this situation is generally possible, in some instances it raises questions. For example, for the CMG group 232 which contains 9 patient -level cases all PAC RIW sareset at 0.9002. Length of stay for the cases in this group varies from 1 to 20 days, and OCCI database indicates that minimum and maximum case costs in the group are $821.81 and
$17,651.78, respectively. There're 12CMG groups in the dataset with this type of data. Related observation is that the accuracy of the cost estimates for the CMG groups in question are usually very low. Estimates of the average case cost sare more accurate than estimates of the minimum and maximum case costs.4More detailed error analysis shows that within the CMG group cases with lowest costs are mostly overestimated. At the same time, cases with the highest costs are mostly underestimated (in many cases -significantly). Thefigure below i llustrate sthe biased nature of minimum andmaximum cost estimates calculated with this model . Fig.2Biased minimum and maximum case cost and maximum costs are usually attributed to the atypical cases (with either very short or very long length o f stay). The overall comment is that the PAC Relative Intensity Model, a lthough being simple, straightforward and accurate estimates for the typical cases, calculates biased results for atypical cases and requires verification of the PAC RIW weights for the single value CMG groups . B. PAC Relative Intensity Model ( RIW-modified) -Model 2 As it was noted in the description of the Model 1, it was observed that in some instances PAC weights are set identical for all cases across CMG group .That results in large errors. Current model was intended to alleviate this drawback by replacing the identical PAC weights (PAC_RIW_WT )with normalized RIWval for the affected CMG codes. Normalized weights were used in order to keep the total weight of t he CMG group at the same PAC weight value. PAC Relative Intensity Model (RIW -modified) can be formulated the following i-relative intensity of the i -th case. Parameter is available in the DAD database intensity of the i -th case calculated by the CIHI . Parameter is available in the DAD database -field RIW and maximum values of the RIW_valifor the n -th CMG iandmaxPAC_RIW i-minimum and maximum values of the PAC_RIW ifor the n -th CMG group; CPWC -cost per weighted case. Parameter is calculated annually by theOCDM for each hospital. For the LCTH in 2004 -05 CPWC ~$6,000 . RIW -modified model impacted PAC weights of the following CMG groups: 232, 393, 767, and 884. The table below shows that the accuracy of estimating minimum and maximum costs for the CMG groups involved has been improved.5TABLE II RIW -modified Model Performance Measures for Select CMGs CMG E(stdevCCE cmg) E( minCCE cmg) E( maxCCE -5,273.05 4,573.99 -2,724.45 1,216.33 -6,370.07 8,331.54 -2,504.95 3,964.70 -2,196.52 Due to the fact that the tota l sum of the PAC weights per CMG was not changed (because of normalization ), estimates of the total cost of the cases in the CMG group and average cost of the case in the CMG group and their respective errors were measures for the model are given in Table II, which combines measures for all models (see Section IV. Data Experiment Results and improvement may be noticed as compared to the Model 1, but it's relatively small because only four out of 163 CMG groups in the dataset were affected. For the following CMG groups -434, 480, 551, 771, 778, 790, 883 -both PAC and RIW weights are set to asingle value. These ca ses could not be improved with M odel 2. But they should be given attention later as the estimating er rors for them are significant. E.g. for the CMG 551 all case costs estimates are at the same level -$4,5K (as the PAC and RIW weights are the same), but OCCI minimum and maximum costs in the group are 1K and 10K respectively. C. PAC Relative Intensity Mode l (RIW -modified, total expenses normalized) -Model 3 According to the project's objectives precautions are to be taken to assure that the data generated as a result of the project does not contradict to the data currently published by OCCI/OCDM. One of th e important figures to preserve intact is the total acute expenses of the hospital. Due to the limited sc opeof the data used in the experiment it can no t be done directly, but measures are to be taken to make sure that the estimated total cost of the case s in the dataset equals to the total cost of these cases in the OCCI database , i.e. the following equation should hold: Inthereal life situation, the right -hand side of the expression equals to the total acute expenses of the hospital annuall y published by the OCDM . PAC Relative Intensity Model (RIW -modified and total expenses normalized) can be formulated the following i-relative intensity of the i -th case. Parameter is available in the DAD database -fieldPAC_ intensity of the i -th case calculated by the CIHI. Parameter is available in the DAD database -field RIW and maximum values of the RIW_valifor the n -th CMG iandmaxPAC_RIW i-minimum and maximum values of the PAC_RIWi for the n -th CMG group; CPWC -cost per weighted case. Parameter is calculated annually by the OCDM for each hospital. For the LCTH in 2004 -05 CPWC~$6,000 ; avgACC cmg-average actual cost of the case in the CMG group. Parameter is available in the OCCI measures for the model are given in Table II, which combines measures for all models (see Section IV. Data Experiment Results and didn't lead to any signif icant changes in accuracy, but technically it's a required step to assure compliance with theOCDM/OCCI data . This step will be included in all other model sas a default. D. Cost per Diem Model -Model 4 Model 4 multiplies length of stay (in days) by the c ost per diem. The third multiplier is used for normalization of the of Stay for the i -th case. This p arameter is available in the DAD database -field TotalL . CpD -cost per diem . Parameter is calculated annually by OCDM for each hospital. For the LCTH in 2004 Total cost per diem is used without breakdown into Direct and Indirect costs which are also available in the measures for the model are given in Table II, which combin es measures for all models (see Section IV. Data Experiment Results and model provides very poor estimates for the total cost per CMG group -for 57% of the groups the estimating error exceeds 30%. Estimates of the maximum costs are at ab out the same level of accuracy as forother models. The error is large and costs are mostly underestimated (although the bias is not as consistent as in therelative intensity models ). Important observation is that estimates of the minimum costs have much better accuracy than of the other models.7E. Cost per Diem Model with the Type of Stay Differentiation -Model 5 Model 5 elaborates on Model 4 by explicitly calculating costs of the three different types of the patient's stay in the hospital: in acute care, in alternate care and in a special care unit. Costs for each type of stay are set inrelati on to the average cost per Diem Model with the Type of Stay Differentiation can be formulated the following way (t he third multiplier -in bracket s-is used for normalization of the total cost ): where: LOSac i-Length of Stay in acute care for the i -th case. This parameter is available in the DAD database -fieldAcuteL . LOSalc i-Length of Stay in alternate care for the i -th case. This paramete r is available in the DAD database -field ALClen . LOSsci-Length of Stay in aspecial care unit for the i -th case. This parameter is available in the DAD database -field TotHRS . CpD -cost per diem. Parameter is calculated annually by OCDM for each hos pital. For the LCTH in 2004 Total cost per diem is used without breakdown into Direct and Indirect costs which are also available in the OCDM report. CpD * K1 -cost per diem in acute care. K1 > 1. CpD * K2 -cost per diem in alterna te care. K2 < K1. CpD * K3 -cost per diem in a special care unit. K3 > K1. Note: If K1=K2=K3 Model 5 transforms in to Model 4. Actual value is irrelevant due to the for the c oefficients K1, K2, K3 were selected by running the model and minimizing errors. The following values were selected : K1=1.3, K2=0.5, K3=2.85. Although these values minimize errors and look reasonable, they are to be verified on the larger measures for the model are given in Table II, which c ombines measures for all models (see Section IV. Data Experiment Results and measures show th atModel 5 provided some enhancement in theaverage and minimum case cost estimates and more significantly to the maximum case cost estim ates. Still, due to the high level of errors the total case cost per CMG is estimated DATA EXPERIMENT RESULTS AND measures for the model swith optimal coefficients are presented in the table below.8TABLE I I Financial Models Performance Measures Results of the data experiment show feasibility of the selected approach. All models can be cla ssified into two groups based on their underlying method : 1. Models based on using relative intensity weights of the cases. This group includes Models 1, 2, 3. 2. Models based on using cost per diem. This group includes Models 4, 5. Despite the differences of th e individual models, each group has certain common features. The first group models good performance estimating average CMG costs, and hence the total case cost of the CMG group, but they are much less accurate estimating minimum and max imum CMG case costs. On the other hand, the second group shows good estimating performance of the minimum and maximum case costs, but fails in estimating the total costs of the CMGs. The above observation prompts an approach for the next phase of the rese arch. Future algorithms will combine by the models belonging to the both groups. On the first step, two models (e.g. Model 3and Model 5) will be used to calculate all estimates. On the second step, minimum and maximum case cost estima tes of the each CMG group of the relative intensity model (Model 3) will be replaced with minimum and maximum case cost estimates calculated with the cost per diem model (Model 5). Also, t he values of the empirical coefficients K1-K3were selected by a manual trial and error method. That limited the range of possible combinations of coefficients and increased probability of missing the optimum. To overcome this deficiency, an Excel macro will be developed ,which would allow to automatically scan thousa nds of combinations of coefficients within reasonable time. The following set of criteria w ill be used to optimise model's performance: - Minimum of large errors, i.e. percentage of the CMG groups with errors in the intervals from 30 to 50% and more than 50%. - Minimum of very large errors, i.e. percentage of the CMG groups with errors more than 50%. - Maximum of the small errors, percentage of the CMG groups with errors in the intervals from 0 to 5% and from 5 to 10%. Sequence of applying criteria is important.Model Number 1 2 3 4 5 , $2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 3.3 , $4.1 4.0 4.1 1.1 1.0 , $27.0 26.9 26.9 28.4 20.9 Pab, %
a b 0 5 20 20 18 7 8 5 10 22 22 23 6 7 10 15 13 13 13 6 10 15 20 13 13 14 6 6 20 30 15 15 14 18 18 30 50 11 11 11 26 26 50 7 7 7 31 work was prepared in connection with both authors' official duties at the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long -Term Ontario Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care (MOHLTC). Financial Modelling Project: HD DSU & IMU. Version 05. Aug. 2006, Toronto, Ontario (Unpublished report). 2. Ontario Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care. Provincial health planning database. Online. 2006. Available from Ontario Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care. Finance and Information Management Branch. Online. 2006. Available from URL: Ontario Case Costing Initiative (OCCI). OCCI Costing Analysis Tool .Online. 2006. Available from ccp.com Appendix 1 . Terms and An instant of a disease that led to the individual's inpatient stay, which has been registered by the health service to the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) DAD, dat abase and eventually has a corresponding record with all appropriate attributes in the PHPDB. Case Cost. Expenditures (direct and indirect) incurred by the health service facility relating to the treatment of a specific (patient - level) case. There's no w ay of precise measuring of the dollar value of each and all specific cases. Irrespective of the methodology and calculation techniques employed to determine the case cost, dollar value of a specific case is always an approximation of the real - life hosp ital expenses. In some sense, case cost is a conceptual phenomenon reflecting hospital business functioning as a clinical and financial A process of allocating expenditures of various hospital departments to each individua l case with an objective to determine the case cost. The process is performed according to the Ontario Cost Distribution Methodology (OCDM) and This project is not involved in the case costing process, its formal description, implementati on or the project uses case costing results (case costs), and parameters employed by the case costing methodology. In general, case costing can be accomplished in various ways. Within the framework of this project, the term case cos ting is used only with the implication that the process is based on the OCDM/OCCI Case Cost (ACC). Case Cost that is considered to be the most trustworthy and most closely reflecting real -life on a specifi c case is referred to as Actual Case Cost. Actual Case Costs are used as a benchmark for comparing various case costs. Case Cost Model (CCM). A formal representation of the Case Cost, as a conceptual phenomenon, which involves expr essions, well -defined procedures, computer software, that is constructed with the purpose of producing output -Case Cost Estimate, as a function of one or more clinical and financial parameters. CCM can constitute a single or a set ofcomplex algorithms implemented in a software package. Case Cost Estimate (CCE). Approximate dollar value of the Case Cost, by employing the Cost Case Model. CCE may constitute a single value or a range of Actual Case Cost (AACC). The sum of two or more actual costs of cases (ACCs) usually produced as a result of a query with the underlying question such as: What was the actual cost of all cases of the XYZ hospital? What was the actual cost of all cases with Case M ix Group (CMG) code xxx? Aggregate Case Cost Estimate (ACCE). The sum of two or more cost estimates of cases (CCEs) usually produced as a result of a query with the underlying question such as: What was the cost estimate of all cases of the XYZ hospita l? What was the cost estimate of all cases with CMG code xxx?10Cost Modelling. 1. A process of applying structured methodology to create and validate Case Cost Models (CCM). 2. A process of employing CCM to produce Case Cost Estimate (CCE). Financial M odelling. A complex process which involves people, data, equipment, software, methods, and includes a set of interrelated activities of: acquiring clinical and financial data; creating and validating Case Cost Models and employing them to produce Case Cost Estimates; extracting, transforming and loading data; performed to integrate clinical and financial data in the PHPDB and make it available to the healthcare analysts. | 0802.4126 | Alexei Botchkarev | Peter Andru, Alexei Botchkarev | Hospital Case Cost Estimates Modelling - Algorithm Comparison | null | null | null | null | cs.CE cs.DB | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Ontario (Canada) Health System stakeholders support the idea and necessity of
the integrated source of data that would include both clinical (e.g. diagnosis,
intervention, length of stay, case mix group) and financial (e.g. cost per
weighted case, cost per diem) characteristics of the Ontario healthcare system
activities at the patient-specific level. At present, the actual patient-level
case costs in the explicit form are not available in the financial databases
for all hospitals. The goal of this research effort is to develop financial
models that will assign each clinical case in the patient-specific data
warehouse a dollar value, representing the cost incurred by the Ontario health
care facility which treated the patient. Five mathematical models have been
developed and verified using real dataset. All models can be classified into
two groups based on their underlying method: 1. Models based on using relative
intensity weights of the cases, and 2. Models based on using cost per diem.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 28 Feb 2008 04:56:48 GMT"
] | 2008-02-29T00:00:00 | [
] |
2 the use of quantum Householder reflections (QHR) permits efficient quantum-state engineering of transitions QHR implementation proposed earlier [5, 6] requires a particular m ultistate linkage pattern, in which a set of Nlow-lying degenerate states all link, via radiative interaction, with a singleupper state - a generalization of the tripod linkage termed an N-pod. Such a linkage pattern occurs with a lower level having angular mome ntumJ= 1 (three sublevels) excited to an upper level having J= 0 (a single sublevel) but the pattern is difficult to realize for more than 3 lower states. It is therefore desirable to extend the Q HR technique to more general linkage patterns. The present manuscript describes a procedure that allows implemen tation of the QHR when there are multiple states in the upper set. Such an extension makes possible the applic ation of QHR to arbitrary angular momentum states, as occur with free atoms and molecules. As we show, the pr opagator for such situations is not a single QHR, but a product of QHRs, moreover with orthogonal vectors. The e xpression for the resulting propagator has a clear geometric interpretation as the effect of a succession of reflectio ns, i.e.coupled mirrors . The key to this extension of the QHR is a transformation of the unde rlying basis states, the so-called transformation [8, 9, 10]. This replaces the original system, w ith its multiple linkages between states, by a set of independent nondegenerate two-state systems, thereby allo wing us to utilize the considerable literature of to two-state systems and produce analytic solutions for degenerate multistate systems [5]. In this paper we present the solution of the degenerate two-level problem in a simple closed form involving sums of projectors of MS states. These expressions are useful for d eriving analytical solutions, generalizations of known two-state solutions, for systems having degenerate levels. For c ertain conditions, wherein the transition states from different sets vanish, the propagator for s tates of the lower set is given by a product of QHRs with orthogonal vectors, each vector being a bright state; a simila r property applies to the upper set. We of this novel geometric object, the coupled mirrors. T o illustrate the procedure we develop a useful formalism for two upper states and present some examples . II. THE DEGENERATE TWO-LEVEL SYSTEM A. Two non-degenerate states We consider the controlled alteration of a multistate system, expre ssed as a redirection of the statevector, induced by a set of laser pulses. The simplest example of coherent excitation occurs when there are just two indexed 1 and 2. The time-dependent Schr odinger equat ion prescribes the changes in Hilbert space as (here and henceforth we set /planckover2pi1= 1, thereby making no distinction between energy and frequency u nits) id dtC(t) =H(t)C(t), Cn(t)aselements, C(t) = one neglects in the Hamiltonian H(t) elements that vary rapidly compared with the characteristic resp WA) [3]. of energy zero-point, reads H(t) (3) Here the slowly-varying function ohm( t), the Rabi frequency, quantifies the coupling between the two st ates. For a laser-driven electric-dipole transition in an atom or a molecule, ohm( t) is proportional to the transition dipole moment and the electric-field envelope. The detuning ( t) measures the frequency offset of the carrier laser frequency ofrom the Bohr transition frequency o0, =o0-o. A time dependence in the detuning can be introduced by both o(due to chirping [11]) and o0(due to Stark and Zeeman shifts). When the transition is exactly resonant the associated detuning va nishes, = 0. Then the response depends only upon the initial conditions and upon the time-integrated Rabi frequ ency (the temporal pulse area), A(t) (4) At all times the probability amplitudes are expressible as trigonometr ic functions of A(t); whenA(t) is some even- integer multiple of p(e.g., a 2ppulse), the probabilities repeat their initial values. Thus the respon se, for does not depend on any details of the pulse shape. Of pa rticular use are the ppulses, which produce3 1ps 2ps 3ps Nps 1ph 2ph Mph ( ) tD FIG. 1: (Color online) Schematic linkage pattern for multis tate system consisting of two coupled sets of degenerate lev els. complete population inversion between the two states, and half- ppulses that create an equal coherent superposition of the two states. Resonant pulses having precise temporal area have had wide application, most notably in nuclear magnetic resonance [12] and coherent atomic excitation [3]. They ar e now a common tool in quantum [1]. A variety of nonresonant ( /ne}ationslash= 0) pulses also lead to exact analytic expressions for the probability amplitudes C1(t) andC2(t). Amongst the soluble two-state models are the models of Rabi [13 ], Landau-Zener [14], Rosen-Zener [2, 16], Bambini-Berman [17], Demkov-Kunike [18], Demkov [1 9], Nikitin [20], and Carroll-Hioe [21]. Methods for approximate solutions are also available, such as the pe rturbation theory, the adiabatic the Magnus approximation [23], and the s approximation [24]. The latter, in particular, is a very useful tool for deriving very accurate approximations in v arious cases of interest, e.g., [25] and chirped Gaussian pulses [26]. The two-state dynamics acquires in teresting new features when the pulsed field possesses some symmetries [27], or when it is a sequence of identical pulses (pulse train) [28]. The two-stateatom providesa verybasic model ofcoherentexcit ation, widely used because ofthe which it can be treated mathematically and fabricated experimen tally. However, with this mastery has come interest in more general systems, involving more than two discrete quantum states. It is with a class of these that the present paper deals. Specifically, we describe a straightforwa rd technique that allows efficient redirection of the statevector for such a system by means of laser pulses, and the u se of the many exact and approximate for two-state systems. B. Multiple states as two degenerate levels An important extension is the linear chain of Nstates, each state being linked only to its nearest neighbor. The simplest of this is the three-state chain, involving two independe nt pulses, the mathematics of which has been extensively reported [29], as have lengthier chains [30]. Here we cons ider an extension in which each of the states of the two-state system is replaced by a degenerate set of states t hat together form an energy level. Such situations occur commonly when one deals with angular-momentum eigenstates, as ha ppens with the electronic structure of atoms in free space. For a given angular momentum Jthere are 2J+1 magnetic sublevels that, in the absence of an or magnetic field, all have the same energy. We shall consider the possibility that there be no nonzero elements o f the Hamiltonian matrix linking any states of the same energy; nonzero couplings occur only between states fr om the lower set and the states in the upper set. We make no restriction on the number of states that connect with any single state. This generalizes the usual situation of angular momentum states excited by electric-dipole radiation, wh en any state can link to no more than three other states (the selection rules m=-1,0,+1). Figure 1 illustrates the linkage pattern we consider. We shall assume that we can control the magnitude and the phase o f each interaction (e.g. each electric field envelope), and that every Rabi frequency has the same time dependence , which we write as ohmmn(t) = 2Vmnf(t), (5) whereVmnis a complex-valued constant and f(t) a real-valued pulse-shaped function of time bounded by unity. We assume that the duration of the pulse is shorter than any decoher ence time, so that the dynamics is governed by the Schr odinger equation. Such is the situation for excitations of fre e atoms and molecules by picosecond or [11].4 We shall also assume that each transition has exactly the same detu ning . In the simplest situations, those associated with angular-momentum states, three distinct fields ca n be distinguished by their polarization, while sharing a common carrier frequency. By utilizing three independent polarization directions of a laser pulse we can ensure three linkages with common time dependence. More general linkage patterns, still within the model described here, are also possible [10]. III. EXACT ANALYTICAL SOLUTION A. The RWA Hamiltonian In the RWA the Schr odinger equation provides a prescription for t he time dependence of the probability Written in matrix form it is id dtC(t) =H(t)C(t), (6) where the column vector C(t) hasCn(t) as elements. We shall arrange these elements with those of the low er set first, followed by the upper set. Then the RWA Hamiltonian has the block str ucture H(t) (7) HereOdenotes the N-dimensional square null matrix; the zeros signify that the lower st ates do not interact with each other and that they all have the same energy, which we take as the zero-point of our energy scale. The matrix Vis an matrix whose elements Vnmare the magnitudes of the couplings between the lower and the upper states; V+is its hermitian conjugate. Lastly, D(t) is anM-dimensional square diagonal matrix whose elements are all equal to the shared detuning ( t), D(t) = (t)I, (8) whereIis the unit matrix. The diagonal nature of Dindicates the absence of interaction of the upper states We allow the detuning ( t) to vary with time, bearing in mind use of known analytic solutions to th e two-state model with frequency-swept detuning. It proves use ful to write the matrix of interactions Vas a row column vectors [V1n,V2n,...,V (9) B. The Morris-Shore transformation A significant property of the linkage pattern shown in Fig. 1 is that a t ransformation of Hilbert-space coordinates - the Morris-Shore (MS) transformation - reduces the dynamics t o that of a set of independent two-state with decoupled states [8]. When N > M, as is the case with Fig. 1, the N0=N-Madditional states are a part of the lower-level manifold. They have no connection with excited states, and hence they cannot followed by fluorescence; they are termed dark states [31], by contrast to the states that can (and thence fluorescence), the bright states . The number of bright states is the lesser of NandM, in this caseM. Figure 2 shows the new linkage pattern in the MS basis. Because, by assumption, all elements of the interaction matrix sha re a common time dependence, the required is achieved by a constant unitary O O (10) HereAis a unitary N-dimensional square matrix ( AA+=A+A=I) which transforms the lower set of states, and Bis a square matrix ( BB+=B+B=I) which transforms the upper set. This transformation casts5 ( ) tD Mb 2b 1b 1a 2a Ma 1g 0Ng Ml 1l 2l FIG. 2: (Color online) Linkages of Fig. 1 transformed by the M orris-Shore transformation into a set of two-state systems, with couplings ln, and a set of N0=N-Mdecoupled (dark) states. the dynamics into the MS basis, with new MS bright lower states dark lower states and The transformed MS Hamiltonian has the (12) Because the matrices be diagonal (possibly after removing null rows and rearanging the basis states), the matrices AandBare defined by the conditions that they diagonalize V+VhasMgenerally nonzero eigenvalues l2 n(n= 1,2,...,M). TheN-dimensional matrix VV+has as V+Vand additional N0=N-Mzero eigenvalues. From the vector form (9) of Vwe *** *** *** (13b) V+Vis the Gram matrix [32] for the set of vectors (n= 1,2,...,M). Thus if all these vectors are then det 0 and all eigenvalues of V+Vare nonzero [32]; however, this assumption of independence is unnecessary. The MS Hamiltonian (11) has the explicit =
O O O0 0 ***0l1f(t) 0 ***0 0 0 ***0 0 0 ***0 0 0 ***lMf(t) l1f(t) 0 ***0 0 ***0 0l2f(t)***0 0 0 ***lMf(t) 0 0 ***
. (14) The structure of /tildewideH(t) shows that in the MS basis the dynamics decomposes into sets of N0decoupled single two-state systems - 1,2,...,M), each composed of a lower state and an upper state and driven by the two-state RWA 1,2,...,M). (15)6 Each of these two-state Hamiltonians has the same detuning , but they differ in the couplings ln. Each of the new lower states is an eigenstate of VV+that corresponds to a specific eigenvalue l2 nofVV+. Similarly the new upper state the eigenstate of V+V, corresponding to the same eigenvalue l2 n. The square root of this ln, represents the coupling (half the Rabi frequency) in the respec tive independent MS two-state system - TheN0zero eigenvalues of VV+correspond to decoupled (dark) states in the lower set (we assum e thoughout that N>=M; therefore, dark states, if any, are in the lower set). The dark s tates are decoupled from the dynamical evolution because they are driven by one-dimensional nu ll Hamiltonians. C. The propagator in the original basis The eigenvectors of VV+andV+Vform the transformation matrices (16) They obey the completeness relations M/summationdisplay n=1/an}bracketle{tan|+N0/summationdisplay k=1|gk/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{tgk|=I, (17b) The propagator for the independent MS two-state system - 1,2,...,M) is unitary and therefore can be parameterized in terms of the complex-valued Ca yley-Klein parameters anandbn, 1 In what follows we express the desired control of statevector m otion in terms of constraints on these two-state Cayley-Klein paramete rs. The unimportant phase factor the chosen representation of the Hamiltonian (7), which facilit ates the application of the MS transformation. In the interaction representation, where the diagonal elements are nullified and the detunings appear in phase the couplings, the factor e-iddisappears. (Note: This phase factor has been omitted in Eqs. (17 ), (18) and (20) of Ref. [5], where it should have been associated with a*andb*; however, it did not affect any result there.) By taking into account the MS propagators (18) for the two-stat e MS systems, the ordering of the states (16), and the MS Hamiltonian (14), we write the propagator of the full system in the MS basis O Oa1 0 b2 0 ***aM 0 0 0 a*
2e-id 0 *** -b*
Me-id0 0 ***a*
Me-id . (19)7 It is straightforward to show that the propagator in the original b (20a) where UN=M/summationdisplay n=1an/an}bracketle{tan|+N0/summationdisplay k=1|gk/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{tgk|, (20b) UNM=M/summationdisplay n=1bn/an}bracketle{tbn|, (20e) The propagator UNconnects states within the lower set, UMconnects states within the upper set, and UNMand UMNmix states from the lower and upper sets. By using the completenes s relations (17a) and (17b) we find UN=I+M/summationdisplay n=1(an-1)/an}bracketle{tan|, (21b) Hence the propagator UNdoes not depend on the decoupled states 1,2,...,N 0). This has to be owing to their degeneracy, the choice of the decoupled s tates is not unique: any superposition of them is also a zero-eigenvalue eigenstate of VV+. Because the dynamics in the original basis must not depend on such a leeway of choice, the full propagator Umust not depend on the decoupled states at all, and this is indeed the case. D. Analytical solutions for degenerate levels Equation (20a) expresses the dynamics of the degenerate two-le vel system in terms of the dynamics of the M independent eachwiththe samedetuning( t) andpulseshape with different coupling strengths ln. Therefore, Eq. (20a) allows one to generalize any analytical non- solution to a pair of degenerate levels. Recently, such a generalization of the Landau-Zener model to two degenerate levels has been presented [33]. This generalization displa ys several interesting properties, for instance, not all transition probabilities between degenerate states are defined for infinite time duration. Other analytical two degenerate levels have been derived for five chainwise- coupled states in MorWlinkage We present below another interesting aspect of the solution (20 ): its geometrical nature. IV. QUANTUM-STATE REFLECTIONS A. Coupled reflections Of particular significance is the special case when the Cayley-Klein pa rametersbnare all equal to zero, bn= 0 (n= 1,2,...,M); (22) then all transition probabilities in the MS basis, as well as these in the o riginal basis from the lower set to the upper set, vanish, i.e. UNM=UMN= 0. Equation (22) implies that |an|= 1, or an=eiphn(n= 1,2,...,M), (23)8 for all MS two-state systems, where phnare arbitrary phases. After substituting Eqs. (22) and (23) in Eqs. (20), the propagat or in the original basis (24a) UN=I+M/summationdisplay n=1(eiphn-1)/an}bracketle{tan|, (24c) where the propagator UNoperates in the lower set of states and UMacts in the upper set. Taking into account that the coupled lower states (n= 1,2,...,M) are orthonormal basis vectors, i.e. as are the upper MS states 1,2,...,M), we rewrite UNandUMas the (26) These individual matrices are, in fact, the matric es used to produce Householder reflection in [4]. We refer to them as generalized quantum Householder reflection (QHR) operators [5, 6, 7]. The generalized QHR operator (26) is unitary, and its determinant has unit =eiph. Forph= 0the QHR the identity, M(n;0) =I, while forph=p, the QHR operator reduces to the standard (27) The orthogonality of the QHR vectors in Eq. (25a) automatically ensures the commutation of the = 0. (28) Therefore their ordering in the product in Eq. (25a) is unimportant . The same argument applies to Eq. (25b). The importance of QHR derives from the fact that any N-dimensional unitary matrix can be decomposed into a set of at most Ngeneralized QHRs [6]. The resulting ease with which pulse sequences c an be designed to realize the QHR therefore enables one to synthesize any desired unitary tran sformation of a qunit state, for example a quantum Fourier transform [6] or transition between any two pure or mixed q unit states [7]. B. Special case: orthogonal interaction vectors In the special case when the interaction vectors ,/an}bracketle{tVm|Vn|2dmn, the MS eigenvalues and the MS states simplify greatly. Then the matrix V+Vof Eq. (13b) becomes diagonal, and hence its eigenvalues 1,2,...,M). Moreover, the eigenstates of V+V- the MS states in the upper set - coincide with the original 1,2,...,M). (29) The coupled MS states in the lower set - the eigenstates of VV+- are readily found from Eq. (13a),
|Vn||Vn/an}bracketri}ht (30)9 The propagator UNin the lower set is a product of QHRs, with the normalized interaction v as QHR vectors, whereas the propagator UMin the upper set is a phase (31b) The advantage of having orthogonal interaction vectors that they serve as QHR vectors. The implication is that in order to construct a pre-selected coupled-QHR transfo rmation (31a), the required couplings are from Eq. (30). Otherwise, in the general case of non-or thogonal interaction vectors, a set of pre-selected QHR vectors (n= 1,2,...,M), defined as the eigenvectors of VV+, demand numerical derivation of the from Eq. (13a). C. Realizations 1. Off-resonant pulses The condition (23) can be realized with the Rosen-Zener model [5, 1 5], which assumes constant detuning and time dependence f(t) for the couplings, with pulse duration T, f(t) = sech(t/T), (32a) (t) = const. (32b) The independent MS two-state systems share the same detuning and pulse shape f(t), but have different MS couplingsln. For the Rosen-Zener model the Cayley-Klein parameters an(n= 1,2,...,M) read [5, (33) where G(z) is Euler's G-function. Using the reflection formula G(1 /2+z)G(1/2-z) =p/cospz, we find
|an|2= (34) It follows that the condition |an|= 1 is satisfied when lnT=l(l= 0,1,2,...). The phase the detuning , but not on the corresponding coupling ln, and for an arbitrary integer lwe find [5] phn= (35) Hence the QHR phase phncan be produced by an appropriate choice of the detuning . This re sult shows that even though the couplings for the MS two-state systems are not the sa me, the phases phnof the Cayley-Klein This feature is unique for the sech pulse. For other non-resonan t pulses, e.g. Gaussian [25], depend also on the coupling and therefore will be generally differ ent for each MS two-state system. 2. Resonant pulses For exact resonance ( = 0), the Cayley-Klein parameter anreadsan= cos(An/2), where the pulse area is An= When the pulse area is An= 2(2l+1)p(l= 0,1,2,...), the phase phnis equal to p; hence we obtain a physical realization for the standard QHR (27). This result is not resticted to the sech pulse (32a) but it is valid for any pulse shape with such an area [5, 6]. When the pulse areas are multiples of 4 p, the phases phnvanish, an= 1, and the corresponding QHRs reduce to the identity. Resonant pulses therefore do not produce variable QHR phasesphn, which can be used as free parameters.10 3. Far-off-resonant pulses provide the opportunity for easy adjus tment of the phase phn, albeit only the condition (23) is fulfilled automatically because of the smallne ss of the transition probabilities in each MS system. Specifically, if the common detuning exceeds sufficiently much the largest MS coupling ln, then all transition probabilities will be negligibly small, |bn| 1. By adiabatic elimination of each upper MS state one (36) For a sech pulse the integral is equal to 2 T, and for a Gaussian Because each MS coupling lnis each phase phnwill also be different. Any desired phase phn, or a set of such phases, can easily be produced by choosing the original couplings Vmn, and hence the MS couplings ln, TWO DEGENERATE UPPER STATES Above, we described the dynamics of the degenerate two-level qu antum system in the general case when the lower and upper levels had In this section, we will illustrate these results with a specific example: when the upper set consists of just two degene rate states, i.e. M= 2. This case is of the possible implementations in different real physical sy stems, several examples of which will be presented below. Moreover, this special case allows for an elegant analytical t reatment. A. General case We retain the notation for the lower states 1,2,...,N), and we denote the two upper states interaction matrix (9) interaction vectors comprising the couplings between the lower states and upper state. The product (38) With the introduction of parameters thandsthrough the tan2th(0<th<p/ 2), (39b) we write the eigenvalues lmand the associated eigenvectors 1,2) within the upper set (40b) The next step is to find the MS states the lower set of states. They are the eigenstates of (41)11 which correspond to the (nonzero) eigenvalues (40a). We constr uct them as superpositions of the interaction and find after simple (42b) B. The we have found the explicit form of the MS states (40b) and (4 2), we obtain the exact form of the the phases of the Cayley-Klein parameters for the MS two-st ate propagators (18). It is easy to verify that the bright states (42a) and (42b) are eige nstates of the propagator UNwith respectively. Physically this means that if the qunit starts in one of these states it will end up in this same state, acquiring only a phase factor. This occurs because of the conditions (22) and the independence of the different MS two-state systems. If the QHR phases are equal, ph1=ph2, then any superposition of an eigenvector of UN. The other eigenstates of the propagator are all degenerate, w ith unit eigenvalue, and they are orthogonal to For a qutrit ( N= 3) there is only one such eigenvector (up to an phase factor) and it is proportional to For qunits, any vector in a to an eigenvector of UN. In the special case when the vectors orthogonal, 0, the expressions simplify. Then th= 0 ands= 0, and hence l1=|V'|, l2=|V''|, (44c) Then the propagator UNin the lower set is a product of QHRs, in which the interaction vectors QHR vectors, while the propagator UMin the upper set is a phase (45b) C. are examples of linkage patterns amongst angular-moment um states, which allow application of the QHR theory. 1. Two levels, J= 3/2-J= 1/2 Figure 3 shows linkage patterns possible with b etween the four magnetic sublevels of J= andthetwoof J= 1/2,theupperset. (46)12 V+'' V+' V-' V-'' ( ) tD 1/2 - 1/2 1/2 J= 3/2 - 1/2 - 1/2 3/2 0V' 0V'' 3/2 J= FIG. 3: (Color online) Linkage pattern for the four degenera te magnetic sublevels of J= 3/2, the lower set, shown coupled by arbitrary polarization of electric-dipole radiation to the two sublevels of J= 1/2, the upper set. The states are labeled by their magnetic quantum -2 0 2 (in units 1/ 4: (Color online) Time evolution of the numerically cal culated populations of the magnetic sublevels of a J= 3/2 level coherently coupled to a J= 1/2 level by three polarized ( s+,s-andp) pulsed laser fields, with sech shape f(t) = sech( t/T), V-=V0=V+= 8.5T-1and detuning = 80 T-1. Then th=p/4,s=p,l1T= 106.3,l2T= 38.2,ph1= 2.65772, ph2= 0.954776. The arrows on the right indicate the values derived b y the QHR theory. where the subscripts +, -and 0 refer to right circular ( s+), left circular ( s-) and linear ( p) 4 shows an example of time evolution of the populations of the m agnetic sublevels in the J= 3/2 level, starting with all population in state The conditions an=eiphn(n= 1,2) are realized approximately, by using large detuning from the upper J= 1/2 level. In the end of the interaction, the numerically calculated popu lations are seen to approach the values predicted by the QHR theory (the arrows on the right). 2. Two levels, J= 2-J= 1 The linkage pattern for electric-dipole couplings between sublevels o fJ= 2, the lower set, and J= 1, the upper set will, for polarization expressed as a combination of left- and right -circular polarization, appear as two three states form a L-linkage, while five form an M-linkage , as shown in Fig. 5. The interaction matrix (47) Then ands= argV+-argV-.13 ( ) tD 1- 0 1 1J= 2- 1- 0 1 2 V+' V+'' V-' V-'' 2J= FIG. 5: (Color online) Linkage pattern for five states in an Mconfiguration. V+'' V-'' 0 V+' V-' ( ) tD 0 0J= 1- 1 0V' 1J= ( ) tD 0J= 0V'' 0 FIG. 6: (Color online) Linkage pattern for three-level ladd er involving a degenerate middle level. The two ends of the ch ain, magnetic sublevels with J= 0 have the same detuning from the three intermediate sublev els ofJ= 1. The various linkages are invoked by adjusting the direction of the polarization w ith respect to the quantization axis. The sublevels with J= 1 form the lower set, while those with J= 0 form the upper set. 3. Three levels, J= 0-J= 1-J= 0 The MS transformation can be applied not only to a pair of degenerat e levels but also to a ladder of as long as there is only a single detuning. Figure 6 illustrates an e xample in an angular momentum basis between the magnetic sublevels of three levels with angular momenta J= 0,1,0. The interaction matrix has the (48) and the formalism of this section applies. In this case all fields can be c hanged DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS We have here extended the earlier work on QHR in Hilbert space to allow more general linkage patterns between the quantum states, with particular attention to degenerate sub levels that occur with angular momentum states. The extension relies on the use of the Morris-Shore transformation to reduce the original multi-linkage Hamiltonian to a set of independent two-state systems, thereby allowing the utiliza tion of various known two-state analytic solutions. Such solutions, when expressed in terms of Cayley-Klein parameter s, readily lead to conditions upon the pulse areas and the time-varying detunings of the excitation pulses. We havefound that the propagatorwithin the lower(or upper) set quantum- state mirrors. The realization of these coupled QHRs within the lower (or upper) set of states requires on the interaction parameters, specifically that all tran sition probabiities between the lower and upper sets must vanish. We have proposedthree physical c ondition: with resonant, and far-off-resonant pulses. Resonant and near-res onant pulses provide exactly zero transition offer less flexibility in the QHR phases phn; moreover they require a carefully chosen pulse area in each MS two-state system, which leads to a number of conditions on the inte raction parameters. Far-off-resonant pulses fulfill the zero-probability conditions only approximately, but offer much m ore flexibility. Then the only restriction is for sufficiently large detuning, without specific constraints on pulse are as, because the zero-probability conditions are fulfilled simultaneously in all MS two-state systems. For angular-momentum states, there are six independent interac tion parameters: three polarization amplitudes, two relative phases between different polarizations, and the commo n detuning. Therefore the constructed QHR has six free parameters (with the realization). Fo r a more general linkage, the number of can be much larger. In a subsequent paper [34], we shall describe the mathematical as pects of this largely unknown operator of which however, as we have shown here, arises natura lly in quantum systems. In particular, we shall show how one can factorize, and therefore synthesize, an arbitrary U (N) propagator by such objects. The procedure is more efficient than a set of rotations that would produce the same t conclude by pointing out that the confinement of the statevect or evolution to the lower set of states, and the availability of simple and efficient tools for its engineering, such as coup led QHRs, can be an essential ingredient quantum computing information processing, and the needed manipulation of st atevectors in Hilbert space, has long interested Sir Peter Knight, in whose honor the present issue of Journal of Mo dern Optics has been assembled. We are pleased to offer the present article in his honor. This work has been supported by the EU ToK project CAMEL (Grant No. EU RTN project EMALI (Grant No. and the Alex ander von Humboldt Foundation. [1] M.A. Nielsen and I.L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Cambridge University Press, Cam- bridge, 2000); D. Bouwmeester, A. Ekert and A. 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Knight, Phys. Re v. Lett.851762 (2000). | 0802.4246 | Elica Kyoseva | E. S. Kyoseva, N. V. Vitanov, and B. W. Shore | Physical realization of coupled Hilbert-space mirrors for quantum-state
engineering | 15 pages, 6 figures | Journal of Modern Optics, 54, 2237-2257 (2007) | 10.1080/09500340701352060 | null | quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Manipulation of superpositions of discrete quantum states has a mathematical
counterpart in the motion of a unit-length statevector in an N-dimensional
Hilbert space. Any such statevector motion can be regarded as a succession of
two-dimensional rotations. But the desired statevector change can also be
treated as a succession of reflections, the generalization of Householder
transformations. In multidimensional Hilbert space such reflection sequences
offer more efficient procedures for statevector manipulation than do sequences
of rotations. We here show how such reflections can be designed for a system
with two degenerate levels - a generalization of the traditional two-state atom
- that allows the construction of propagators for angular momentum states. We
use the Morris-Shore transformation to express the propagator in terms of
Morris-Shore basis states and Cayley-Klein parameters, which allows us to
connect properties of laser pulses to Hilbert-space motion. Under suitable
conditions on the couplings and the common detuning, the propagators within
each set of degenerate states represent products of generalized Householder
reflections, with orthogonal vectors. We propose physical realizations of this
novel geometrical object with resonant, near-resonant and far-off-resonant
laser pulses. We give several examples of implementations in real atoms or
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 28 Feb 2008 17:39:07 GMT"
] | 2008-03-04T00:00:00 | [
"E. S.",
"N. V.",
"B. W.",
] |
2 1Nps+ D 1O 2O 3O NO 1ps 2ps 3ps Nps MS transformation 1Nps+ DD O 1ph 2ph 1Nph- Nph FIG. 1: Top: The system studied in this paper. Ndegen- erate (in RWA sense) states to an upper state possibly off single- photon resonance by a detuning ( t), with Rabi (n= 1,2,...,N). Bottom: The same system in the Morris-Shore basis. There are N-1 uncoupled dark and a pair of coupled states, a the upper state with the same detun- ing (t) as in the original basis and a coupling given by the rms Rabi frequency ohm( t), Eq. (6). photon resonance (Fig. 1). The upper state be off single-photon resonance by some detuning (t) that, however, must be the same for all fields. In the usual rotating-wave approximation (RWA) the Schr odinger equation of the system reads =H(t)C(t), (1) where the elements of the ( N+1)-dimensional vector C(t) are the probability amplitudes of the states and the Hamiltonian is given by H(t) 0 ***0 ohm 1(t) 0 0 ***0 ohm 0 ***0 ohm N(t) ohm1(t) 2(t) .(2) For the sake of simplicity the Rabi frequences of the cou- plings between the ground states and the excited are assumed real and positive as the populations do not depend on their signs. The phases of the couplings can easily be incorporated in the descrip- tion and they can be used to control the inner phases of the created superposition states. Furthermore, theRabi frequencies are assumed to be pulse-shaped func- tions with the same time dependence f(t), but possibly with different =khnf(t) (n= hence different pulse Physical linkage pattern described by the Hamiltonian (2) can be implemented experimentally in laser excitation of atoms or molecules. For example, the N= 3 case is readily implemented in the J= 1-J= 0 system cou- pled by three laser fields with right circular, left circular and linear polarizations, as shown in Fig. 2 (left). These coupling fields can be produced from the same laser by standard optical tools (beam splitters, polarizers, etc.), which greatly facilitates implementation. Moreover, the use of pulses derived from the same laser ensures auto- matically the two-photon resonance conditions and the condition (3) for the same temporal profile of all pulses. The cases of N= 4-6 can be realized by adding an additional J= 1 level to the coupling scheme asshownin theright frame of Fig. 2. 4ps 5ps 2ps 3ps 4ps 1ps 2ps 3ps 1ps J = 0 J = 0 J = 1 J = 1 J = 1 FIG. 2: Examples of physical implementations of the link- age pattern of Ndegenerate ground states coupled via one upper state, considered in the present paper. Left: N= 3 degenerate states. Right: N= 4 degenerate (in the RWA sense) states (dashed arrows indicate two additional possi GENERAL SOLUTION A. Morris-Shore (dark-bright) basis The Hamiltonian (2) has N-1 zero eigenvalues and two nonzero ones, ln= 0 (n= (6) is the root-mean-square (rms) Rabi frequency, (7) The set of orthonormalized eigenstates corresponding to the zero eigenvalues can be chosen 2,3,...,N). (9) These states, i.e. they do not involve the excited state as we shall see, are uncou- pled from All dark states are emphasize that the choice (8) of dark states is not unique because any superposition of dark states is a dark state too; hence their choice is a matter of convenience. The Hilbert space is decomposed into two subspaces: an dark subspace comprising the dark states (8) and a two-dimensional subspace orthog- onal to the dark subspace. It is convenient to use the Morris-Shore (MS) basis [11], which, in addition to the dark states, includes the excited state a bright ground state The latter does not have a component of the excited state and is orthogonalto the dark states; these conditions determine it completely (up to an unimportant global point out that the Morris-Shore basis is notthe adi- abatic basis because only the dark states are eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, but not. In the new, still stationary basis Schr odinger equation (11)where the original amplitudes C(t) are connected to the MS amplitudes B(t) by the time-independent by the basis vectors (12) according to C(t) =WB(t). (13) The transformed Hamiltonian reads /tildewideH(t) =W+H(t)W, 0***0 0 0 0 0***0 0 0***0 0 0 0 0***0 0 ohm( t) 0 0***0 ohm(t) 2(t) .(14) We point out that the Hamiltonian of Eq. (2) is a special case of the most general Hamiltonian for which the MS applies and which includes N degenerate lower states and Mdegenerate upper of the same type as (2) and related leading to Eq. (14), have appeared in the literature also before the paper by Morris and Shore [11], mostly in simplified versions of constant and equal inter- actions (see e.g. [16] and references therein). B. Solution in the Morris-Shore basis As evident from the first N-1 zero rows of /tildewideHthe amplitudes remain unchanged, Bn(t) =const (n= 1,2,...,N-1). Thus the ( N+1)-state problem reduces to a two-state one involving ohm ohm propagator for this two-state system, defined unitary and can be expressed in terms of the Cayley- Klein parameters (17) with|b|2= 1-|a|2. Then the transition matrix for the (N+1)-state system in the MS basis 0***0 0 0 0 1***0 0 0***1 0 0 0 0***0a b 0 The solution in the original basis We can find the transition matrix in the original, dia- batic basis by using the -b*khN kha*
. (20) Theith column of this matrix provides the for initial conditions Ci(-) = 1, (21a) Cn(-) = 0 (21b) The initial state be one of the degenerate states or the upper state. This generalunitary matrix and com- binations of such matrices can be used to design tech- niques for general or special qunit rotations. As evident from Eq. (20) for finding the populations for the initial condition (21) it is sufficient to know only the parameter 1-
|a|2[17]. For the sake of simplicity, in the present paper we are interested only in cases when the system starts in a single state and below we shall concentrate on the values of the parameter a. In the more general case when the system starts in a coherent superposition of states, Eq. (20) can be used again to derive the solution; then the other Cayley-Klein parameter bis also needed. IV. TYPES OF POPULATION DISTRIBUTION We identify two types of initial conditions: when state , which we shall consider separately. A. System initially in a ground state 1. General case When the system is initially in the ground state (21), we find from the ith column of the propagator(20) that the populations in the end of the evolution (22c) Therefore the ratio of the populations of any two degen- erate states, different from the initial state details but only on the ratios of the Rabi frequencies. For equal Rabi (24) Eqs. (22) reduce (25c) Thus the populations of all ground states except the ini- tial state equal.5 2. Special values of a Several values of the propagator parameter aare espe- cially 0, which indicates complete population trans- fer (CPT) in the MS two-state system, Eq. (22) (26c) Fora= 1, which corresponds to complete (CPR) in the MS two-state system, we obtain Pi= 1, (27a) Pn= 0 (27b) PN+1= 0. (27c) Fora=-1, which again corresponds to CPR in the MS two-state system, but with a sign flip in the ampli- tude, we (28a) Pn=4kh2 nkh2 i kh4(28b) PN+1= 0. (28c) It is important to note that although both cases a= 1 anda=-1 lead to CPR in the MS two-state system, they produce very different population distributions in the full (N+1)-state system. The case a= 1 leads to a trivial result (CPR in the full system), whereas the case a=-1 is very interesting because it leads to a popula- tion redistribution amongst the ground states with zero population in the upper state; hence this case deserves a special attention. 3. The case a=-1 The case of a=-1 is particularly important because it allows to create a coherent superposition of all ground states, with no population in the upper state. All ground-state populations in this superposition will be (29a) PN+1= 0. (30c) This result does not depend on other interaction details (pulse shape, pulse area, detuning) as long as a=-1. For example, for N= 4 degenerate states, equal popula- tions are obtained when khi=khnorkhi= 3khn. We shall discuss later how the condition a=-1 can be obtained for several analytically soluble models. Another important particular case is when the initial- state population Pivanishes in the end. This occurs (31) For example, an equal superposition ofall lowersublevels except Pi=PN+1= 0, (32a) Pn=1 N-1(32b) is created for khi=kh0 N-1, (33c) B. System initially in the upper state If the system is initially in the excited state , at the end of the evolution the populations will (34b) Fora=+-1 at the end of the evolution the system un- dergoes CPR, as in the MS two-state system. For a= 0 (CPT in the MS two-state system) the whole popula- tion will be in the ground states leaving the excited 0. If all the couplings are equal, Eq. (24), the ground states will have equal 1,2,...,N). (35)6 C. Discussion In this section we discussed some general features of the population redistribution in the ( N+1)-state system. There are three particularly interesing results. First, the ratios of the populations of the ratios of the corresponding Rabi frequencies; hence they can be controlled by changing the intensities alone. The populations values, though, depend on the other interaction details. Moreover, it can easily be seen that the relative phases of the can be controlled by the relative laser phases. Second, is possible when the system starts in a ground state: then condition (30) is required, along with the CPR con- ditiona=-1. Alternatively, an equal superposition can be created when the system starts in the upper state: then condition (24) is required, along with the CPT con- ditiona= 0. because they are states with maximal coher- ence (since the population inversions vanish). Third, it is possible, starting from a ground state, to create a superposition of all other ground states, whereas the initial ground state and the excited state are left un- populated. This requires a=-1 and condition whichwill be discussed in the next section. V. APPLICATIONS TO EXACTLY Multistate analytical solutions The values of the propagator parameter the most popular analytically ex- actly soluble models are listed in Table I. Equation (20), supplied with these values, provides several exact multi- state which generalizethe solutions. Among these solutions, the resonance case is the below. It will be followed by a detailed Rosen-Zener(RZ) model, extension of the resonance solution to nonzero detun- ing for a special pulse shape (hyperbolic secant). Both the resonance and the RZ model allow for the param- eterato obtain the important values 0 ,+-1. The Rabi model can also be used to illustrate the interesting cases of population distribution associated with these values of abut its rectangular pulse shape is less attractive (and also less realistic) than the beautiful sech-shape of the pulse in the RZ model. The Landau-Zener (LZ) and Allen-Eberly (AE) mod- els are of level-crossing type, i.e. the detuning =khf(t),(t) = 0 a= =kh(|t|<=T),(t) = 0 a= =kh,(t) =Ct a= =khsech(t/T),(t) = =khsech(t/T),(t) =khsech(t/T),(t) = I: Values of the Cayley-Klein parameter several exactly soluble models. Here G(z) is the Gamma function and are scaled dimensionless parameters, which are assumed positive without loss of (0) = 0. For these models in the adiabatic limit the transition probability approaches unity, that is a-0. The parameter ais always nonnegative, i.e. the most interesting value in the present context, a=-1, is unreachable. Nevertheless, becauseofthe importance of the LZ model, and because the LZ solution supplements other multistate LZ solutions, we discuss this solution in detail in Sec. VI. The Demkov-Kunike (DK) model is a very versatile model, which combines and generalizes the RZ and AE models. Indeed, as seen in Table I, the DK model re- duces to the RZ model for B= 0 and to the AE model for 0= 0. For the DK model, the parameter acan be equal to the most interesting value of -1 only when B= 0, i.e. only in the RZ limit. Therefore, we shall only consider the RZ model below, and leave the AE and DK models to readers interested in other aspects of the analytic multistate solutions presented here. B. Exact resonance In the case of exact resonance, = 0, (36)7 the elements ofthe evolutionmatrix forthe MS two-state system for any pulse shape of ohm( t) are a= cosA 2, (37b)whereAis the rms pulse area defined (38) In the important case of N= 3 we (39) We havea= 0,+-1 for the following pulse areas, a= 0 :A= (2l+1)p, (40a) a= 1 :A= 4lp, (40b) a=-1 :A= 2(2l+1)p. (40c) wherel= 0,1,2,.... The pulse areasforthe threeimportant Sec. IVC are easily calculated. An equal superposition of all Nground states is cre- ated when starting from the excited state and all indi- vidual pulse areas are equal to (see Sec. 0,1,2,.... An equal superposition of all Nground states is cre- ated also when starting from one ground state pulse areas are [see Eq. 0,1,2,... The other interesting case when the system starts in one ground state ends up in an equal superposi- tion of all other ground states is realised for pulse areas [see Eq. 0,1,2,....C. Multistate Rosen-Zener model Equation (20) and the value of the parameter ain Ta- ble I represent the multistate RZ solution in the degen- erate two-level system. It is easy to show that
|a|2= (44) where we have used the reflection formula =p/cospz[18]. Hence in this model |a|= 1 0,1,2,...). The phase of a, however, depends on the detuning 0[17]; we use this to an ad- vantage to select values of 0for whicha=-1. For a=lwe find [17] a= the recurrence relation G( z+ 1) =zG(z) [18] has beenused. Thus, theequation 0, whichhas The first few values of khand 0for whicha=-1 are shown in Table II. As the table shows, 0= 0 is a solution not for even a, in agreement with the conclusions in Sec. VB. Moreover, the a=-1 solutions do not depend on the number of degenerate states N. In the present context the RZ model is interesting for it shows that one can create superpositions within the ground-state manifold even when the excited state is off resonance by a considerable detuning ( 01/T), for which the transition probability in the MS two-state sys- tem is virtually zero, i.e. |a| 1. This fact allows us, transient dy- namics within the ground states; in contrast, in the reso- nance case the excited state can get significant PN+1(t) = sin21 2A(t), although it vanishes in the end. Figure 3 displays the populations against the detun- ing 0for a pulse with khT= 18 II: Some approximate solutions of the equation a(0) =-1 for the RZ model, where ais given in Table I, for various even integer values of khT. couplings chosen to satisfy Eqs. (30) (upper frame) and (33) (lower frame). In both cases we have |a|= 1 [see Eq. (44)], which leaves the excited state unpopulated in the end. For several special values of the detuning 0, as predicted in Table II, we have a=-1. For these values, an equal superposition of all degenerate states including the initially populated state created in the upper frame, and anequalsuperpositionofalldegeneratestates except created in the lower frame. Figure 4 shows the final populations versus the rms pulse areaA=pkhTforN= 3 degenerate lower states for couplings chosen to satisfy Eqs. (30) (upper frame) and (33) (lower frame). As follows from Table II, an equal superposition of all degenerate states is created for rms pulse area A= 18p; this is indeed seen in the figure in the upper frame. For the same value of Ain the lower frame an equal superposition is created of all except the initially populated state In both frames, there are other values of Afor which the are apparently created; a closer examina- tion (not shown) revealsthat for these other values of the rms pulse area the created superposition has almost, but not exactly, equal 5 displays the time evolution of the 3 degenerate lower states and rms pulse area of 18p, and two detunings: = 0 in the upper frame and T= 50.534 in the lower frame. For these pairs of areas and detunings, Figs. 3 and 4 have already an equal superposition of all degenerate states is created. Figure 5 shows that the evolution towards such a superposition can be dramatically different on and 1 10 (units of 1/ 3: (Color online) Populations vs the detuning 0for N= 3 lower states and khT= 18. The coupling strengths khn are given by Eqs. (30) in the upper frame and Eqs. (33) in the lower frame. The system is initially in state Indeed, for = 0 (upper frame) the nonde- generate upper state receives considerable transient pop- ulation, which would lead to significant lossesif this state can decay on the time scale of the pulsed interaction. In strong contrast, off resonance this undesired population is greatly reduced (lower frame), and still the desired equal superposition of the degenerate states emerges in the end. We have verified numerically that for larger de- tunings this transient population continues to decrease, e.g. for T= 142.198 and ohmT= 30 it is less than 1%. To conclude this section we point out that one can create any desired superposition, with arbitrary in very much the same manner, on or off resonance, by appropriately chosing the individual cou- plings, while still maintaning particular values of the overall rms pulse area. Tuning on resonance gives the advantage of smaller pulse area required, whereas largerpulse area)providesthe advan- tage of greatly reducing the transient population of the possibly lossy common upper state. VI. MULTISTATE LANDAU-ZENER MODEL As seen in Table I the propagator parameter afor the LZ model, a= cannot be equal to 0 or 1 or-1, but may approach 0 or 1 arbitrarily it is always positive and cannot approach the value of-1; hence the LZ model is unsuitable for within the degenerate manifold, in contrastto the resonance and RZ models discussed above. Still, the present multistate LZ solution represents an 10 20 30P2,P3P1 RMS Pulse Area (units of 4: (Color online) Final populations versus the rms puls e areakhforN= 3 degenerate lower states and detuning T=
50.534. The coupling strengths khnare given by Eqs. (30) in the upper frame and Eqs. (33) in the lower frame. The system is initially in state important addition to the available LZ solutions (see [19] and references therein). 1. The Demkov-Osherov model The present multistate LZ model complements (DO) model [20], wherein a slanted en- ergy crosses energies. In the DO model, the exact probabilities Pn-mhave the same form -- products of LZ probabilities for transition or no- transition applied at the relevant crossings -- as what would be obtained by naive multiplication of LZ prob- abilities while moving across the grid of crossings without accounting for phases and interfer- ences. For example, if the states 1,2,...,N) are labeled such that their energies increase with the in- dexn, and if the slope of the slanted energy of state is positive, the transition probabilities in the DO model 0 (n>m), (46b) Pn-n=qn, (46f) whereqn= andpn= 1-qnis the transition probability -2 2 6P4P2,P3P1 Time (units of 5: (Color online) Populations versus time for N= 3 lower states and rms Rabi frequency khT= 18. The given by Eqs. (30). The detuning is = 0 in the upper frame and T= 50.534 in the lower frame. The system is initially in state |ps1/angbracketright. statesand|psn/an}bracketri}htat the crossing of their energies. 2. The degenerate case The present multistate LZ solution provides the tran- sition probabilities for the special case when all are degenerate, which cannot be obtained from the DO model. a. The propagator The elements of the for our ( N+1)-state degenerate LZ problem are readily found from Eq. (20) to (47e) with L =pkh2/4Cand|b|2= 1-e-2L. b. System initially in the nondegenerate state When the system begins initially in the nondegenerate state , with the tilted energy, the system ends in a co-10 herent superposition of all states with (48b) Inthe adiabaticlimit L the initially populated state is For equal couplings, all populations will be equal, Pn1/N. In the op- posite, diabatic limit L 1 the population remains in statewithalmostnopopulationin the. c. System initially in a degenerate state When the system is initially in an arbitrary degenerate state at the end of the evolution the populations (49c) In the adiabatic limit L 1 and for equal couplings, the populations will (50a) Pn1 N2(n= solution (46), which implies that the in the DO model is 6 shows the transition probability for the mul- tistate LZ model plotted against the LZ parameter L =
pkh2/4C. As L increases the populations approach their steady adiabatic values (50). Different coherent superpo- sitions can be created by choosing appropriate values for the couplings khn. VII. CONCLUSIONS In this paper we have described a procedure for deriv- ing analytical solutionsfor a multistate system state with pulsed interactions of the same tempo- ral dependence but possibly with different peak ampli- tudes. The multistate resonance and Rosen-Zener solu- tions have been discussed in some detail because theyallow one to find special values of parameters, 2 4 Parameter 6: (Color online) Populations for the degenerate LZ model vs the LZ parameter L = pkh2/4CforN= 3 degen- erate states and equal couplings. The system is supposed to start in one of the degenerate states The arrows on the right point the adiabatic values ppulses, for which various types of popula- tion transfer can occur, for example, creation of maxi- mally coherent superpositions. The RZ solution is par- ticularly useful because it allows to prescribe pulsedfields forwhichthe contained within the degenerate-state space, without populating the upper state eventransiently, thus avoiding possible losses from this state via ionization, etc. We have analyzed in some detail also the model, which complements the Demkov- Osherov model in the case of degenerate energies. The presented analytical solutions and general proper- ties have a significant potential for manipulation of mul- tistate quantum bits in quantum information processing, for example, in designing arbitrary unitary work has been supported by the European Union's Transfer of Knowledge project CAMEL (Grant No. and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. ESK acknowledges support from the EU Marie Curie Training Site project No. B.W. Shore, The Theory of Coherent Atomic New York, 1990). [2] I.I. Rabi, Phys. Rev. 51, 652 (1937). [3] L.D. Landau, Physik Z. Sowjetunion 2, 46 (1932); C. Zener, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A 137, 696 (1932). [4] N. Rosen and C. Zener, Phys. Rev. 40, 502 (1932). [5] L. Allen and J. H. Eberly, Optical Resonance and Two- Level Atoms (Dover, New York, 1987); F.T. Hioe, Phys. Rev. A30, 2100 (1984). [6] A. Bambini and P.R. Berman, Phys. Rev. A 23, 2496 (1981). [7] Yu.N.DemkovandM. Kunike, Vestn.Leningr. 39 (1969); see also F.T. Hioe and C.E. Carroll, Phys. Rev. A 32, 1541 (1985); J. Zakrzewski, Phys. Rev. A32, 3748 (1985); K.-A. Suominen and B.M. Garraway, Phys. Rev. A 45, 374 (1992). [8] C.E. Carroll and F.T. Hioe, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 19, 3579 (1986). [9] Yu.N. Demkov, Sov.Phys.-JETP 18, 138 (1964); N.V. Vitanov, J. Phys. B 26, L53 (1993), erratum ibid.26, 2085 (1993). [10] E.E. Nikitin, Opt. Spectrosc. 13, 431 (1962); Discuss. Faraday Soc. 33, 14 (1962); Adv. Quantum Chem. 5, 135 (1970); N.V. Vitanov, J. Phys. B 27, 1791 (1994). [11] J.R. Morris and B.W. Shore, Phys. Rev. A 27, 906 (1983). [12] C.P. Williams and S.H. Clearwater, Explorations in Quantum Computing , Berlin, 1997); A. Steane, Rep. Prog. Phys. 61, 117 (1998); M.A. Nielsenand I.L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and (Cambridge University Press, R.G. Unanyan, M. Fleischhauer, B.W. Shore, and K. Bergmann, Opt. Commun. 155, 144 (1998); H. Theuer, R.G. Unanyan, C. Habscheid, K. Klein and K. Bergmann, Optics Express 4, 77 (1999). [14] Z. Kis and S. Stenholm, Phys. Rev. A 64, 63406 (2001). [15] K. Bergmann, H. Theuer, and B.W. Shore, Rev. Mod. Phys.70, 1003 (1998); N.V. Vitanov, T. Halfmann, B.W. Shore, andK.Bergmann, 52, 763 (2001); N.V. Vitanov, M. Fleischhauer, B.W. Shore and K. Bergmann, Adv. At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 55 (2001). [16] S. Stenholm, in Frontiers of Laser Spectroscopy , Les Houches Summer School Session XXVII, edited by R. Bailian, S. Haroche and S. Liberman (Amsterdam, North Holland, 1975), p. 399; R. Lefebvre and J. Savolainen, J. Chem. Phys. 60, 2509 (1974); M. Bixon and J. Jortner, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 715 (1968). [17] N.V. Vitanov, J. Phys. B 33, 2333 (2000). [18] M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathemat- ical Functions (Dover, New York, 1964). [19] A.A. Rangelov, J. Piilo, and N.V. Vitanov, Phys. Rev. A 72, 053404 (2005). [20] Y.N. Demkov and V.I. Osherov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 53, 1589 (1967) [Sov. Phys. JETP 26, 916 (1968)]; Y.N. Demkov and V.N. Ostrovsky, J. Phys. B 28, 403 (1995). | 0802.4254 | Elica Kyoseva | E. S. Kyoseva, and N. V. Vitanov | Coherent pulsed excitation of degenerate multistate systems: Exact
analytic solutions | 11 pages, 6 figures | Physical Review A 73, 023420 (2006) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.73.023420 | null | quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We show that the solution of a multistate system composed of N degenerate
lower (ground) states and one upper (excited) state can be reduced by using the
Morris-Shore transformation to the solution of a two-state system involving
only the excited state and a (bright) superposition of ground states. In
addition, there are N-1 dark states composed of ground states. We use this
decomposition to derive analytical solutions for degenerate extensions of the
most popular exactly soluble models: the resonance solution, the Rabi,
Landau-Zener, Rosen-Zener, Allen-Eberly and Demkov-Kunike models. We suggest
various applications of the multistate solutions, for example, as tools for
creating multistate coherent superpositions by generalized resonant pi-pulses.
We show that such generalized pi-pulses can occur even when the upper state is
far off resonance, at special detunings, which makes it possible to operate in
the degenerate ground-state manifold without populating the (possibly lossy)
upper state, even transiently.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 28 Feb 2008 18:04:30 GMT"
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"E. S.",
"N. V.",
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We define the Q-linear map (called evaluation map) Z:H0--Rby Z(1) = 1 and Z(zk1zk2***zkn) =z(k1,k2,...,k n). We next define the shuffle product xonHinductively by 1xw=wx1 words in H), together with Q-bilinearity. The shuffle product xis commutative and associative. For this product, we have Z(w1xw2) =Z(w1)Z(w2) for anyw1,w2H0. We also define the shuffle product words in together with Q-bilinearity. For example, we Theorem 1 can be restated as Proof of Theorem 1 We restate Proposition 4.1 and Proposition 4.2 of [BB] by using /tildewidexand prove them by 2. For integers n,Nwhich satisfy 0<=n<=N, we (2) Proof.We prove identities (1) and (2) simultaneously by induction on n. [Step 1] The case n= 0 of (1) is clear. We can easily prove the case n= 0 of (2) by induction on N. [Step 2] Suppose that (1) and (2) have been proven for n-1. We prove (1) for nby induction on N. zn 2xzn 2= (1) is true for N=n. Suppose that the case N-1 of (1) has been proven. (We may the following (1) is true for N. We can prove (2) for nby induction on Nwith using (1) for n. Before proceeding the proof of Theorem 1, we prove a key identity . Comparing coefficients of (x+1)2m+4n+2= (x2+2x+1)m+2n+1, we can transform this identity as of Theorem 1. We prove Theorem 1 by induction on n. The case n= 0 is well known as has been mentioned in Section 1. Suppose that the assertion has been p roven up to n-1. Putting N=m+nin (1), we completes the proof of Theorem D. Bowman, D. Bradley, The algebra and combinatorics of shuffles and multiple zeta va lues, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 97(2002), 43-61. [BBB] J. M. Borwein, D. M. Bradley, and D. J. Broadhurst, Evaluations of k-fold A compendium of results for arbitrary k , Electron. J. Combin. 4, No. 2 (1997). [BBBL1] J. M. Borwein, D. M. Bradley, D. J. Broadhurst and P. Lison V ek,Combinatorial aspects of multiple zeta values , Electron. J. Combin. 5, No. 1 (1998). [BBBL2] J. M. Borwein, D. M. Bradley, D. J. Broadhurstand P. Lison V ek,Special values of , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 353, No.3 (2001), 907-941. [IKZ] K. Ihara, M. Kaneko, D. Zagier, Derivation and double shuffle relations for multiple zeta values, Compos. Math. 142(2006), 307-338. [H1] M. Hoffman, Multiple harmonic series , Pacific J. Math. 152(1992), 275-290. [H2] M. Hoffman, The algebra of multiple harmonic series , J. Algebra 194(1997), 477-495. [Z] D. Zagier, Values of zeta functions and their applications , First European Congress of Mathe- matics, Vol. II, Birkh auser, Boston, 1994, pp. School of Mathematics, Kyushu 812-8581, Japan E-mail address : | 0802.4331 | Shuichi Muneta | Shuichi Muneta | A note on evaluations of multiple zeta values | 4pages | null | null | null | math.NT | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Multiple zeta values (MZVs) with certain repeated arguments or certain sums
of cyclically generated MZVs are evaluated as rational multiple of powers of
$\pi^2$. In this paper, we give a short and simple proof of the remarkable
evaluations of MZVs established by D. Borman and D. M. Bradley.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 29 Feb 2008 06:41:20 GMT"
] | 2008-03-03T00:00:00 | [
] |
Spinning Binary Black Holes 2 in several ways. For instance, they can be used in creating hybrid t emplates for detection, validating and extending the mass range of the current search strategy and may be implemented as templates themselves especially for the higher mass range [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. In a previous paper [9] (paper I), we studied waveforms from a ser ies of of equal-mass, spinning BBH mergers, which we label the A -series. In the A- series, the black holes had spins that were equal in magnitude with on e spin aligned and the other anti-aligned with the orbital angular momentum, Jorb. We found that using only the dominant harmonic of the radiation, a common practice in num erical relativity and data analysis, caused a complete degeneracy of the this spin sp ace with respect to detection. In other words, a template of a non-spinning BBH wav eform used. However, retaining non-dominant harmonics of non-ne gligible amplitude broke the degeneracy to some degree, most notably for spins J/M2>=0.6. In this paper, we further our previous study in two ways. First we include a new series of BBH mergers, the B-series, in which the initial black-hole spins are still eq ual in magnitude and anti-aligned with each other but the initial angle the black-hole sp ins make with the orbital angular momentum, th, is allowed to vary. Second, for both the A and B series of data we conduct a new study of the contributions of the individua l modes to ratio. In addition, for the B-series we also calculate the dependence of the minimax matches between the dominant mode and the full wavefo rm on the initial spin orientation. 2. The Waveforms The binary black hole coalescence problem can be divided into three ph ases called the inspiral, merger and ringdown. Due to the early accessibility of PN and other analytic based approaches, most of the work in setting up detection schem es has been done with these analytic approaches. These methods are well suited for the inspiral phase of the coalescence, only breaking down at some ed point within a few orbits of the merger. Fortunately, the signal resulting from the in spiral is in the ground- based frequency band for systems of total mass less than appro ximately 50 M. As the mass increases, the inspiral lowers in frequency, and the detecta ble signal contains more merger and ringdown. Now that numerical relativity is producing the waveforms for the final orbits and the merger phase of the coalescence [12, 13, 14] w e can investigate the inclusion of the merger regime in detection strategies. We study two sets of waveforms both the result of evolutions cond ucted by the PSU numerical relativity group. The A-series was published in [15] with initia l black-hole spins covering the set a= The B-series was published in [16] and generalizes the A-series with variation of the initial angle that one of the makes with the axis, th, at a fixed magnitude of spins, a= 0.6. When th= 0, we recover the a=0.6 waveform of A-series. When th=p/2, the spin-directions lie in theSpinning Binary Black Holes 3 plane of the orbit and are in thesuperkick [17] configuration in whic h the recoil from the BBH mergers has been found. Since these waveforms were originally produced to study the gravit ational recoil imparted to the final black hole after an asymmetric collision, only two to three orbits were evolved (the merger phase dominates the recoil). The number of orbits is set by the initial orbital frequency for a given total mass. In order to pla ce the firmly in the frequency band of the detector, we use th e initial LIGO noise curve [18] and we only investigate masses larger than 50 Mwhen calculating matches between waveforms. The total mass sets the frequency at which the signal enters the band. For example, the cutoff frequency for a binary system of 50 Mis 80Hz and about 40Hz for 100 M. The waveforms were extracted from the numerical evolution of th e spacetime in terms of the Newman-Penrose scalar, Ps 4(t,x,y,z), which is expanded into angular modes via -2Ylm(th,ph), the spin-weighted s=-2 spherical harmonics, by extraction on a sphere. The dominant mode for the quasi-circular orbits is the q uadrupole mode (l=m= 2). The angles to the inclination and azimuthal angles between the source and detector in the source frame. When th= 0, the observer is directly above the orbital plane of the binary and sees primarily the l=m= 2 the waveforms are a mixture of modes. We truncate th e infinite series of modes at l<=4 because we do not extract all the modes from the simulations and m odes ofl >4 were zero within our numerical error. As more complicated configu rations are evolved, more modes will need to be accurately extracted from the codes. 3. Faithfulness The multipolar analysis of BBH waveforms produced by numerical rela tivity has been pursued for both unequal mass and spinning BBH configurations [19 , 20, 21]. In paper I, we found that using only the dominant mode in comparing waveform s, tantamount to choosing an inclination angle with the detector in the source frame ofth= 0, resulted in a degeneracy of the A-series parameter space. In this paper, w e focus our attention on how different initial configurations, in this case aandth, result in different to the signal-to-noise ratio. To build intuition about wh at parameters might be important to the template space of black-hole mergers, we further calculate the overlap between pairs of our waveforms. We perform a prelimina ry analysis on how faithful l=m= 2 waveforms of various parameters would be in matching with waveforms at random inclination angle. We keep the total mass for e ach template fixed and vary the inclination angle of the detector, th, the spin a, and initial angle minimax match is given by [22, (1)Spinning Binary Black Holes (2) The Fourier transform of the strain, h(t), is given by ~h+(f) =F(Re(Ps Ps 4(t) a Fast Fourier Transform. The signal-to- noise ratio, r, is given (3) The variable Sh(f) denotes the noise spectrum for which we use the initial LIGO noise curve. The domain [ fmin,fmax] is determined by the detector bandwidth and the masses of our signal. The masses are set such that the overlaps will not cha nge significantly if we were to add the inspiral portion of the signal because the A and B series of waveforms have orbital frequencies that increase almost monoto nically. Owing to this, the gravitational wave frequency also increases monotonically with time implying that extending the signal back in time will not change the spectrum in the m erger band. When precession is significant this will no longer be true and the inspira l will to the signal at higher In Fig. 1 we plot the match versus spin at different inclination angles, th, for a given total mass of 100 M. This plot first appeared in paper I and is included here for reference. The figure shows that as the spin increases, the matc h between a waveform of th= 0 and one of non-zero thdecreases. This indicates that the non-dominant modes are important both for distinguishing between different spinning wavefo rms and in making a detection. This is most notable for the a= 0.8 case. 0.95 0.955 0.96 0.965 0.97 0.975 0.98 0.985 0.99 0.995 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1. The minimax match versus afor three values of th,p/4,p/3,p/2 for the case of total mass 100 M. The value of th= 0 is not included in the plot, since this is the waveform of comparison and the match is one by definition. In order to have a qualitative understanding of why the match beha ves as in Fig. 1, we study the rper mode for the A-series. This is only a qualitative estimate because the relative fraction of modes present in the signal will depend on the re lative harmonics values at the particular angle. In practice the error induced bySpinning Binary Black Holes 5 ignoring the mixed terms that are important in constructing r(th,ph) from the modes is less than 20%, as the relative overlaps of the significant modes from both the A and B-series of data are of this order. Since the rof thel=m= 2 mode is much larger than the rof the other modes, we plot the ratio, r(l,m)/r(2,2) in Fig. 2. The upper left plot corresponds to a system of mass 50 M, the upper right to 100 M, lower left to 200Mand lower right to 300 M. Across all the masses sampled, the ratio of the rfor 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 m=1 l=3, m=3 l=3, m=2 l=4, m=4 l=4, m=3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 m=1 l=3, m=3 l=3, m=2 l=4, m=4 l=4, m=3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 m=1 l=3, m=3 l=3, m=2 l=4, m=4 l=4, m=3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 m=1 l=3, m=3 l=3, m=2 l=4, m=4 l=4, m=3 Figure 2. A series of plots are shown with the ratio of rper mode to the rof the l=m= 2 mode versus the initial spin of the black holes. This is done for serie s-A. Each plot refers to the calculation for a different total mass of the binary. Starting from the upper left and moving right and then down, we have 50 M, 100M, 200M, and 300Mon the lower right. each mode grows with increasing spin. This is especially true for the m= 1 andm= 3 modes which are suppressed at low a. Them= 2 and m= 4 increase slightly with a. While the l= 2,m= 1 mode is the next mode dominant mode after the l=m= 2 mode for the high-spin regime at low masses, the l=m= 4 mode is secondary for the entirearange at higher masses. For low spins, the waveform is entirely domin ated by them= 2 modes. The linear-like growth of the odd- mmodes with spin magnitude is expected from PN expressions like Eq(1)-(4) in [21]. B-series: The minimax match versus the initial angle for the B-series is present ed in Fig. 3. Each line represents a choice of total mass, with 50 Mthe top most line and 300Mthe bottommost. The match was computed by setting one wavefor m toth= 0 and the other to th=p/2.4. We find that the variation of the match across initial angle for the given spin of a= 0.6 does not change more than about 2%. The Binary Black Holes 6 0.88 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6M th50MO *
100MO *
200MO *
250MO *
300MO *
Figure 3. The minimax match versus initial angle thfor the B-series. Each curve represents a particular choice of total mass, 50 Mat the top with each line a higher mass. To compute the match, we used one wavefor m withth= 0 and the other at th=p/2.4 radians for a given aandth. amongst different total masses is more dramatic, dropping down be low a match of 0.9 for most in the angles at a mass of 300 M. At that large mass range, the ringdown is contributing significantly to the signal, and differences in the modes, like thel=m= 4 mode, begin to make important contributions. These BBH configura tions settle down to a final black hole with a spin of a= 0.62. InFig.4, theinitialangle, thforeachmode. a system of mass 50 M, the upper right to 100 M, lower left to 200 Mand lower right to 300 M. Across the mass scales sampled, as thincreases, the signal in odd- m modes decrease. In the non-precessing case, the strength of t he odd-modes is expected to vary with the z-component of the spin [21]. Since in this series of ru ns, the spins precess about the z-axis and thremains nearly constant, the relative strength of the modes show similar trends as the non-precessing case. At higher ma sses, where the ringdown dominates the signal, the l=m= 4 mode contributes a large portion of the M. the ringdown signal which occurs when the frequency of the high er modes lies around the detector's sweet spot. It is interesting to note that in the su perkick the spread of the modes is reduced in rcompared with the parallel configuration at th= 0. The decrease of the odd mmodes is expected from the PN expressions. For example, the l= 2,m= 1 will be suppressed when the spins lie in the orbital plane for equal-m ass black holes as discussed in [21]. These waveforms are the solution to the BBH coalescence as expre ssed by with errors arising from several sources, see [24]. In pap er I, we analyzed the effects of resolution onthematched filtering technique andfoundt hat forthe resolutions used to compute the waveforms studied in the A-series, the larges t error would be +-0.02 in the match, although that is only for the a= 0.8 case, and is typically smaller. The waveforms in the B-series have comparable errors, i.e. the resolut ions, wave Binary Black Holes 7 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 m=1 l=3, m=3 l=3, m=2 l=4, m=4 l=4, m=3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 m=1 l=3, m=3 l=3, m=2 l=4, m=4 l=4, m=3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 m=1 l=3, m=3 l=3, m=2 l=4, m=4 l=4, m=3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 m=1 l=3, m=3 l=3, m=2 l=4, m=4 l=4, m=3 Figure 4. A set of plots is shown with the ratio of rper mode to the rof the l=m= 2 mode versus the initial angle for series-B. Each plot is the ratio co mputed for a different total mass of the binary. Starting from the upper le ft and moving right and then lower left and right, we have 50 M, 100M, 200M, and 300 Mon the lower right. and other numerical techniques were the same in computing both se ries of waveforms as discussed in [9, 15, 16]. For reference, the typical resolution on the finest grids were h=M/35.2 whereMis the total mass. 4. Discussion and Conclusion In this paper, we investigated the contribution of individual modes t orfrom the last orbits, merger and ringdown of an equal-mass, spinning binary black coalescence. In the A-series, the spins were kept to the direction of the orbital but the magnitude of the spins varied. In the B-series, the magnitude was kept fixed to a= 0.6, but the initial angle the spins make with the orbital angular momentum varied. In paper I, we investigated the match between a waveform from th e only the l=m= 2 mode and a waveform of a sum of modes. There we found strong dependence on the match with spin, with the l=m= 2 waveform failing to match to spinning waveforms especially for spins equal to and gre ater than a= 0.6. We did a similar study here for the B-series, comparing two waveform s ofa= 0.6 at variousth. We found, despite the variation of the rversusth, the match had a muchSpinning Binary Black Holes 8 greater dependence on mass than the initial angle. The inclusion of m odes was much more important to templates of higher mass, where the merger and ringdown dominate the signal, than at lower masses. This importance will be more evident in matches and spinning waveforms with larger spin as well as wave forms with more cycles. To qualitatively understand the matches, we conducted a multipolar analysis of the modes in each waveform and calculated the ratio of the rof each mode versus l=m= 2. For the A-series, the rper mode increased as the magnitude of the spins increased at every total mass as seen in Fig. 2. The odd- mmodes increased from almost no contribution at low spins to a 10% contribution at larger spins. At a given spin, the l= 2,m= 1 mode dominated the rat low mass, but the l=m= 4 mode's ratio tol=m= 2 grew with increasing mass. For the B-series, Fig. 4, we found tha t the diversity withincreasing angle, ex cept forthe l=m= 4 andl= 3,m= 2 modes which remain relatively constant across thfor a given mass. As in the variation with a, at low total binary mass, the secondary signal is the l= 2, m= 1 mode, but at higher masses the l=m= 4 and the l=m= 2 modes are stronger. As anticipated, the l= 2,m= 1 mode decreases to zero as the initial angle moves to lie parallel to the orbital plane. For both the series of runs , the variation of the signal in different modes is consistent with the expectation from PN [21]. 5. thank The Center for Gravitational Wave Physics is supported b y the NSF agreement PHY-0114375. 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Rev. , D76:124038, 2007. | 0802.4427 | Birjoo Vaishnav | Deirdre Shoemaker, Birjoo Vaishnav, Ian Hinder and Frank Herrmann | Numerical Relativity meets Data Analysis: Spinning Binary Black Hole
Case | Invited submission to Class.Quant.Grav. for Amaldi07 proceedings | Class.Quant.Grav.25:114047,2008 | 10.1088/0264-9381/25/11/114047 | null | gr-qc | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We present a study of the gravitational waveforms from a series of spinning,
equal-mass black hole binaries focusing on the harmonic content of the waves
and the contribution of the individual harmonics to the signal-to-noise ratio.
The gravitational waves were produced from two series of evolutions with black
holes of initial spins equal in magnitude and anti-aligned with each other. In
one series the magnitude of the spin is varied; while in the second, the
initial angle between the black-hole spins and the orbital angular momentum
varies. We also conduct a preliminary investigation into using these waveforms
as templates for detecting spinning binary black holes. Since these runs are
relativity short, containing about two to three orbits, merger and ringdown, we
limit our study to systems of total mass greater than 50 solar masses. This
choice ensures that our waveforms are present in the ground-based detector band
without needing addition gravitational wave cycles. We find that while the mode
contribution to the signal-to-noise ratio varies with the initial angle, the
total mass of the system caused greater variations in the match.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 29 Feb 2008 17:45:23 GMT"
] | 2008-11-26T00:00:00 | [
] |
2 Abstract. as strings or polymers. Necessary and sufficient condit ions for the minimal transformation between two polymer configurations are derived. Transformations co nsist of piecewise rotations and to corner conditions. Numero us examples are given for the special cases of one and two links. The transition to a large number of links is investigated, where the distance converges to the polymer length times the mean root square distance (MR SD) between polymer curvature and non-crossing constraints can be neg lected. Applications of this metric to numbers: 02.30.Xx, 45.10.Db, 45.40.-f , 45.40.Ln, 46. 25.Cc , 64.70.Nd , 64.70.km , 82.39.Rt 87.15.Cc, to: J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 3 1. Introduction The standard variational definition of distance can be gener alized to higher dimensional objects such as strings or membranes. In a previous paper [1], one of us has introduced the formalism for Consider first zero-dimensional objects (poi nts). The distance between two points (here The transformation mi nimizing the arc-length travelled between A andBgives the scalar distance D*. The differential increment of arc-length may be defined as e or without the assumption that y,zare functions of x, be specific, introduce a time parameter tsuch that 0 <=t<=T, andr(0) =rA,r(T) =rB, rAandrBcan the functional derivative in eq. (1c) gives Euler-La grange (EL) equations for the the derivative of a unit vector is always orthogonal to that vector, equation (2) says that gives However, the a solution,so long Thesolutionis (3) and A choosing extremal transformation (3) is also a minimum. In sectio n 2.4 we will give the extremumto wew illreturnto thisexample. The above idea can be generalized to space curves, surfaces, or higher dimensional manifolds [1]. The distance is defined through the transformation between t he objects that minimizes the all the transformation r(s,t)between two space curves two sthe arc-length along the space curve , andtthe time as in the above zero-dimensional Thebou (5) Herewe haveused theshorthand and .rr/t. It has been shown previouslythat the problem of distancedoe s not map to a simplesoap film, tothea above,the stringcan contract and expandarbi trarily in order to minimizethe The transforming object is akin to a rubber band, and all points on rA(s)will movein straight lines to theirpartner pointson rB(s)to It is worth mentioningthat protei nchains for example only change their length by about one percent at b iological temperatures. To a a Lagrange multiplier l(s,t)mustbe this constraint, points along the string can no longer move independently of each other, but must always be a fixed The tan gent vector ^t=r'is now a unit vector, twoc onfigurations ideal polymer of length L. Let us derive the EL equations for this case. From equations (5) and (6), the Lagrange multiplier ll(s,t)is a function of both sandt. The extrema of the Din (7a)are foundfrom dD=0. (8) where^vis the unit velocity vector, ^tis the unit tangent vector, and kis the curvature vector. In eq. isset tozero ( l=0), allpointson rB(s). 2.1. make the problem more amenable to solution, we can discret ize the spatial variables while letting the time variable remain continuous, i.e. we implement the m ethod of lines to solve eq. (8). Rather than directly discretizing eq. (8) however, it is more natur al to consider a discretized chain as shown in figure 1 from the outset, and to calculate the EL equations for this system. This recipe then gives the same result as properly discretizing eq. (8). For the discre tized chain, the constraint in eq. (6) becomes
|r|= s=L/(N-1), giving the length of each link. As the number of beads N- the a continuous chain. For finite N, the Lagrangian becomes a function of the positions and velocities {ri,.ri}ofall beads i, 1<=i<=N+1. We L(ri,.ri). This recipe yields the distance metric for an ideal, freely- jointed chain, which has no non-local 5 a b Figure1. TheELequa disc and no curvature constraints. While this appr oximation is often used as a first step, real chains may behave quite differently for several reasons. In many cases, the configuration which is At finite temperature, energy in the bath induces conf ormational fluctuations. Real polymers also cannot cross themselves,and because of theirstereoch emistry also take up volume. We (6) for the discretized chain becomes Nconstraint equations added to the each a function of t, and^lN,N+1=0. Letting convertto letting r=(s)^r. here on wesimplyrefer to ^rasr. (10) The derivatives .randri+1/iare raised to different powers in (10), however so long as used. The invariance present for point parti cles (c.f. section 1) is still present for beads on the chain, but the parameterization of arclength al ong the chain is taken to be fixed by the discretization. 6 0 2. General variations of a functional with fixed end points allo w for broken extremals. In the beextremalforour. 2.2. reasons that will become clear as we progress, we conside r the general variation of the functional D, allowing for broken extremals . That is, we allow the curves describing the particle trajec tories to be non-smooth in principle at one or more points in time. Consid er the case of one such point at time (11) The of the particles must be continuous at timet1, sori(t1-o) =ri(t1+o), or two neighboring trajectories from ri(0) =rAitori(T) =rBi(see figure 2). Neighboring curves will differ by the first order quantity hi(t) =~ri(t)-ri(t). The fixed at t=0,Tdictate that hi(0) =hi(T) =0. The difference in distance between the two trajectories tofirst orderin integrating by parts using the fixed boundary conditions att=0,T, the difference in distance up to first orderin hiis D usethenotation FrF/r,F.rF/.r. variation dDdiffers from Daboveonly by second order terms. Then for the transformatio dD=0. ish ineach regime[0 ,t1),(t1,T]. eq. (10),theEL equatio extremum. To find thesefirst notethatupto first order(seefigure (16) Then thefirst (17) which must vanish at an extremum. Because the variations drianddt1are all independent, the terms in square brackets in equation (17) must vanish. Writing the se expressions in terms of the pi=L.riand Hamiltonian conditions are called the conditions orcorner conditions in the calculus theLagrangian inequation(10), theHamiltoni identicallyzero, to(10)are (19) Therefore, according to corner condition (18a), extremal t rajectories cannot suddenly change tofirst derivativesin th fact that one corner condition provided no information d ue to the vanishing of the Hamiltonian is related to our choice of parameterization in formulating the problem. For example, in the case of bedefined variable tasL(t)=
.r2. The conjugate momenta are then either L(x) y'=y'//radicalbig 1+y'2+z'2 ^v. The Hamiltonia are either =0. The corner conditions can be shown to be equivalent for bot h choices of independent variable: for L(t)they give ^v(t- 1) =^v(t+
1), so that the direction of the tangent to acontinuous tangent vector,here Boundary conditions In the continuum limit, the boundary conditions on r(s,t)arer(s,0) =
rA(s),r(s,T) the two configurations of the polymer. For discrete chain (20b) There are also boundary conditions that hold for the end points of the chain at all times. 15c) threesolutionsfo rtheend purely rotational motion results. This can be seen by taki ng the dot product of eq. (15a) withv1, which yields l12v1*r2/1=0, so the velocity of the end point is orthogonal to the link. T he rotation must be about a point that is internal to the link, i. e. on the line between points 1 and 2 for end point 1. This can be seen for the case of on e link by removing point 3 from on isabout points1 and and (21) whichhas v1=0. Theend pointcan beatrest, whileotherparts ofthechain m ove. 2.4. minimum For a transformation to be minimal, it is necessary, but not s ufficient, that it be an extremum. We now derive the sufficient conditions for a given transformation to minimize the functional (9). We describe the formalism in some detail because it is not typically taug ht to physicists- for further reading see for example reference [2]. This section can be read independent ly of the others, and might be skipped on first to Sylvester's criterion , a quadratic positive definite if and only if ... , (22) and a function a minimum at xif the Jacobian matrix F/xi=0). For a function to be a minimum of a given functional, it must sa tisfy similar sufficient again the difference in distance between two traje ctories in (9)++. Taylor expanding the
++++We derivation. Itcanbeshownthattheydonotmodifytheresult. 9 Lagrangian tosecond orderin an extremum, the first order term in (23) is zero, and D d2D, the second variation. For the extremum to be a minimum, d2D>0. From eq. (10), the matrix Assuming general a symmetric matrix, i.e. Lxi.xj=Lxj.xi, the second term in the quadratic form of (23) may (25) From becalcula ted. P block matrix Q is block tri-diagonal, because the spatial deri vatives in (25) couple each bead to its two neighbors. Usingindices and i,jtoenumerate Q =
l121-l121 0 0 the transformation r*(t)to be a minimum of D[r], the functional (24) must be positive definite for To derive the conditions for this, we can temporarily ignor e the fact that (24) arose from the second variation of (9), and treat (24) as a new functional of the function We then ask what (24). If d2D>0 we expect that theonly extremal solutionwould bethe trivial one: at least for small variations of the hi(t). That is, changing the that which extremized (9) to a neighboring transformat increase NEL equationsfor toas the Jacobiequation note that if the systemof equations in (29) as well as the bounda ry (31) This means that for d2Dto be>0, any nontrivial satisfies the boundary conditions must not itself be an extremal solution of the Jacobi equation, ot herwise solutions by any constant times themselves extremals. One may think of this by analogy as the necessity for the absence of any Goldstone modes, where excitations by v lead to a family costin action,and thuszero effectiverest oringforce, askwhatequation L(r+h,.r+.h). Taylorexpanding ). From here on, it is much simpler to elucidate the central conc epts for sufficient conditions using the case h(t). Theanalysiscan begeneralized ase with a bit more effort, but the conclusions are essentially the sa me and so they will simply be stated 1-D was realized originallyby Legendrethat theintegral cou ld be broughtto simplerform by adding zero toit anyw(t)so long as h(t)satisfies the boundary conditions (30), we can add it to the in tegral in (32) and seek afunction w(t)such thattheexpression d2D=1 2/integraldisplayT 0dt/parenleftig P.h2+2wh.h+(Q+.w)h2/parenrightig 11 maybewritten asa perfect square. ial second (34) Therefore a necessary condition for a minimum is for P>0. The analogous condition in the forthematrix the differential term .h+w Phin (34) were equal to zero for some h(t), the boundary condition h(0)=0 would then imply .h(0)=0 and thus h(t)=0 for alltby the uniqueness theorem as applied to thisfirst and on lyif, 1.)P>0 , 2.)A solutionforeq. ,T]. In general, there is no guarantee of condition (2)even if condition (1)is valid. For example if P=1, Q=-1, (33)has solution has apoleat say ~t, remainfinite, h(~t)-0. Thispointis to=0, i.e. itisa conjugatepoint . Moreover, equation (33) is a Riccati equation, which may be b rought to linear form by w(t)=-P.H/H, withH(t)an unknownfunction. (35) whichis h(t). This means that for equation (33) to have a solution on [0 ,T],H(t), as given by the solution to (35), must have no roots on [0 ,T]. But because equation (35) holds for h(t)as well,h(t)must have no roots (conjugate points) on [0 ,T]. Because h(0) =h(T) =0, the only way to extremize (32) is to satisfy eq. (35) with the trivial solution h(t)=0. for 0<t<Tthen it would mean that there was ~t=T. In the case an extremal one of 3 Nvectors satisfying equations (29), 1<=a<=3N. A conjugate point is defined as a point where the ,T]containsno bemadeclear withafew Distance between points From the effective Lagrangian L=
.r2, given in equation (27), which has determinant detP =0, and so is not This is due to our invariance in our problem, the value ofTis adjustable, however precisely because of isnolonger We manditsresolutionbelow. positive definite determinant det for any trajectory. From eq Along the extremal, where equation (29) gives P x. equation gives straight line solutions for h(x). Because h(x0)=0, there can be no Geodesics on the surface of a sphere Taking the azimuthal angle phas the independent variable, and polar angle th(ph)as the dependent variable, the arc-length on the surface of a unit sphere may (36) The EL equations give the extremal trajectory as cos is the equation of a plane z=Ax+By, which intersects the surface of the sphere to make a great circle. Thescalar always positive. To andth(ph0) =th(ph1) =p/2, so the great circle lies in the z=0 plane. Along this extremal P is constant and equal to 1, while Q=-1. The second variation, eq. (32), is then corresponding Jacobi equation, h''+h=0, must not have a root between [0 ,ph1]. The to the Jacobi equation satisfying the initial cond itionh(0) =0 ish(ph) =Csinph, which has a conjugate point at ph=p. Thus for the extremal curve to be minimal, ph1must be< p, the location of the opposite pole on the sphere. If ph1< p, there is no extremal solution for h(ph)other than the trivial one which satisfies the boundary conditions. It is instructi ve to look at the arc-length under around the extremal path which satisfy the bound ary conditions h(0) =h(ph1) =0, so that th(ph) =p/2+h(ph) Inserting this into eq (36) above and expanding to second orderino, weseethat first order termsin ovanish,and thedifference in distancefrom theextremalpat Forph1< pthis is always greater than zero indicating the extremal is a minimum. For perturbations: the length may be shortened. When ph1=p,D=0 to second order. When h(ph) represents thedifference betweengreat circles Dis Harmonic oscillator It is not widely appreciated that the classical action for a s imple is not always a minimum, and indeed in many cases c an be a maximum with respect to some perturbations. The action for a harmonic oscillator wi th given spring constant is proportional which has EL equation x+x=0. Taking the specific initial conditions x(0)=1, .x(0) =0, the extremal solution is x(t) =cost. The scalar P(t) =L.x.x=1, which is always positive and satisfies the necessary conditions for a minimum. The sca The h+h=0. that for geodesics on a sphere, so the sufficient condition s will parallel those above. The h(0)=0 t=np,n=1,2,.... Thismeans thatthe action is a minimum only so long as T< p, i.e. a half-period. If we let x(t)be the extremal solution plus a sin perturbation satisfying the Jacobi equation at th e conjugate points: x(t)=cost+osint, then the difference in action from the extremal path becomes S= (o2/4T)(p2-T2). This result is exact because the action for the oscillator is quadratic (as oppos ed to the action for geodesics). When T<p, S>0 indicating the extremal is a minimum. When Tis larger than a half-period, S<0 and the extremal trajectory is a maximum (with respect to half-wave length sinusoidal perturbations), and when b c Figure3. ABandA'B'. Figure bshows a straight line the initial and fi nal states do not lie in the same plane. In SingleLinks In Bpoint2,and ll12. thevector rB/Acouldalso havebeen writtenas aunitvector ^rB/A. Both points AandBare end points and satisfy the boundary conditions of sectio n 2.3.1. This means that points AandBmove by either pure rotation, straight-line translation, o r remain at rest. The initial and final link in our problem has direction, so Amust transform to A'andBtoB'. We will often use arrowheads infigures to Th efourpoints for examplefig 3b). Let angle BAA'abeobtuse. We draw straightlines from AtoA'and BtoB', and ask whethersuch We can th Atravelsbe xA,i.e. A'andthedistance Thelength rBthat point Btravels isthena functionof xAand theoriginalangle a,rB(xA,a). We can nowfind conditionson theangle bBB'A'suchthat A, =x2 A-2xAcosa. Sinceais obtuse, f>0 whenxA>0, and so the positive root must be AB A'B' A BFigure 4: (A) Anexample of aset of link configurations connected by ast raight-line transformation. Thelink asit translates toallow theend points to moveins traight lines. Thetranslation can proceed no farther than the end points ABandA'B', which have link vectors- -ABor- - -A'B'that are perpendicular to one or the other of the vectors ^vAor^vB. Thetotality of states thus connected forms abowtie. (B) Abowtie where the tocross each other. taken for rBtopositive. When xA=0,f(0,a)=0, bmust also be an obtuse angle. If two opposite angles are obtus e, then the other two necessary isgivenin AppendixA. We readily see that figure 3A is one pair of a larger set of strai ght line transformations that can continue until one or both of the obtuse angles reaches 90*. This collection forms a bow tie of admissible configurations, as in figure 4. Note that straight lines in the quadrilateral may cross as in the transformation from A,BtoA',B'in figure 4. Trivial translations of the link without any conc rmations. 3.2. Piece-wise extremal transformations: transformatio immediate question is the nature of the transformation be tweenABandA'B'in figure 3C, where opposite angles of the quadrilateral are not obtuse. Recall our link has direction so Acannot transform toB'. Then direct only remaining solution is for the link to rotate as part o f the transformation. Consider first AB. Likewiseforlink A'B'. The rotation can occur from either link AB(fig 5a) or link A'B'(fig 5b). After the link rotates to Theext a piece consistingof pure rotation with a piece consistin gof pure translation of the end points of the link. cannot suddenly change direction, a situation which is only satisfied by a straight line tangenttothecircleofrotation. Fromfigure4,weseethatarmationexis reaches fromB' is just tangent to the unit sphere centered at point A, pointB1in figure 5a. There is generally a A'B'asinfig angleis circ the rotation was about a common center, we see that one or an other of the link ends would oneoftheli nkends. 15 a d ABB1 5. Transformations between two links involving broken extrem als consisting of rotation and translation. (b)is the global minimum, with shortest distance travelled dur ing the transformation. (a), (c), and(d)are local minima. (e)is extremal,but notminimalas the to eqs. (26) and (27), the matrix P has a determinan t of zero due to the in the problem and so is not positive definite. To show that the transformations in fig. 5a,b are indeed minimal, we need to then express the problem in non -parametric form. To do this, let the independent variable be the angle thof the link with the vertical. Then the displacement xalong the line AA'is the unknown function of thto be determined by minimizing the total arc length travelle d. This distancecan is always >0 except for the isolated point th=0, in particular it is positive along the which is necessary for a minimum. So we conclude t hat the transformation with the smaller angle of rotation in fig 5b is here the global minimum, and the o ther transformation (fig 5a) is a 5e is also an extremal trajectory, satisfying corner conditions, and with positive definite P. However it is not a local minimum because the trajectory pass es through a conjugate point (denoted by pointCP, where the dotted line along A'B'meets the great circle about A'). According to the results in section 2.4.2, if the extremal trajectory (a great circle) t raverses an angle larger than pradians, it passes points BorB'infigure 5both so transformation in fig. 5c does not pass through a conjugat e point and so is in fact another local minimum. The part of the extremum along the straight line sec tion of the trajectory has no etwolinksheadtotailasshowninfigure6A. themis 2by nd points. We can now increase the angle between the two vectors by rotat ing the right link for example, as in figures 6B-H. So long as the angle between the two vectors is le ss than 90*, one link may slide 90*however, the transformation must include rotation. Fig 6D h as an angle of 150*. The minimal transformation first rotates, for example with the t ail of the horizontal black arrow fixed, and the head tracing out the blue arc, until the critical angle is reached, where a straight line made from the final arrowhead (at the top of the figure) is just tangent to the circle made by the blue arc. This state is indicated by a red link in figure 6D. The link then translate s to its reciprocal position at the opposite end of the bowtie, denoted by a second red link (c.f. also figur e 4B). At this point the arrowhead has completed the transformation. Finally the tail rotates int o its final position. The total distance than2. When the angle between the vectors is 120*as shown in 6E, the transformation consists of pure rotations. head tracing out the blue arc, until the link reaches the s tate shown in red, where the position of the arrowhead has reached its final end point. Then the link rotat es about its head until the position of the tailreaches thefinal state. When theanglebetween the linksislarger than 120*as showninfigs 6F-G, rotation about an internal point along the link. Let the tail and head of the link respectively. If an infinitesimal rotation thoccurs about an internal point P, the increment ). Thismeans thatthere are an infinity of transformations all giving the same distan ce, depending on the time-dependence of the ICR. Two simple alternatives with only two discrete posi tions of ICR are shown in figures in figure 6F, the horizontal black vector first r otates about its tail to the red is a mirrorimage ofthe final black vector. Then rotatio n is about an internal pointdetermined by the intercept of the red vector with the final black vector, wi th end points tracing out the green arcs. In figure 6G the two ICRs are both internal and determined by the i ntercepts of the initial and final 6H depicts the transformation for overlapping, oppo site pointing vectors. Rotation can 7 illustrates what happens when one of the links is tra nslated with respect to another, starting from two different scenarios shown in 7A and 7E. In 7A, the tai l of the vertical link is Theminimalt ransformationis figure 7B, the tail of the vertical link is now displaced to (2/3,-1/3). Pure rotations again givea distance of p/2. Rotation about a point on the horizontal link that is equid istant from both the initial arrowhead to the final (red intermedi ate state). Then rotation of the tail about the arrowhead state. In figure 7C, the minimal transformation first involves a tran slation by sliding the arrowhead along 17 a b c D= 2.000 D= 2.000 D= 2.000 d e f D= 2.020 D= 2.094 D= 2.618 g h D= 2.618 D= 3.142 Figure 6. Successive transformations between two links made by rotat ing a link so that there is a progressively larger angle between the links as vectors (or smaller angle made between them as re. 18 the vertical, until the arrowheads overlap (red intermedia te state). The tail end of the link then figure 7D, straight lines from the end points will not satis fy the obtuse condition in section 3.2, so Here a straig state. It thenmustundergo asmallrotationto compl Seen in arrow must rotate to a critical angle determined by the criterion in section 3.2, before the link can finish translating it vertically away from the horizontal link ( which we choose arbitrarily as the figure 7F the tiltedlink is translated a distance1 /3 vertically. The be achieved by rotating the horizontal link about a point equidistant fr om both arrowheads, to the red The link then rotates about the arrowhead int o the final configuration. The distance is still the angle rotated for the reasons mentioned above in th e context of figures 6F-G, is less than dwheredis the solution to d2+d+1- 3=0 for this angle), then the distance will be unchanged. The transformation at the critical dista nce is shown in figure 7G. The rotations thetailand head ofthelink. In figure 7H the translated distance is now equal to 1. The tran sformation first consists of a rotation about thetail to a critical angle (bluearc and red intermedi atestate), then atranslation muchlikethat (green arc) tothefinal of2links(3 beads). Th eLagrangian EL equations(c.f. thedirection ofmotioncannot suddenlychange, unlessal ong onepart oftheextremal zero (thepointisat rest), ^visthen undefined. The boundary conditions described in section 2.3.1 hold as w ell, so the end points can either be at rest, move in straight lines, or purely rotate. This gives 3 x3=9 possible scenarios to of which can readily be ruled out. For example consider t he states in figure 8a. Because translationof C. Howeversince Ccannotremain at C. Suppose Ctranslates towards C'as in figure 8b. Then.^vC=0 and from (39c,39b) lBC=0 move in a straight line without moving point A, and thus thevectors rB/AandrC/Bcouldalsohavebeenwrittenasunit vectors^rB/Aand^rC/B. 19 a e D= 1.571 D= 2.618 b f D= 1.571 D= 2.618 c g D= 1.730 D= 2.618 d h D= 2.374 D= 3.181 Figure 7. Successive transformations between two links made by trans lating one link with respect to the other. In (a-d) the initial and final configurations are perpe ndicular, while in (e-h) they are at an angle of 150*to eachother. Note the distancesin (e-g)are all the same, ev enthoughthe end pointsof the links are atvaryingdistancesfromeachother. 20 a b
/Bullet /Bullet /Bullet /Bullet /Bullet 4.498 Figure 8. (a) Initial and final states for a chain of two links. The trans formation in (b) is it violates a corner condition at C''. (c) and (d) are degenerate minima- rotations occurring abo ut B'orBboth have the same length. Intermediate states is shown in re d have opposite convexityin (c) and (d). rotate about point A. The transformation then proceeds as in figure 8b until Then however if C''were to rotate to C', the trajectory would violate corner conditions at point C''. Therefore the direction of translation of Cmust not be directly to C'but must be tangential to the arc
C'C''as infigure 8c. The reverse of this transformation is allowable as well, as c an be seen by swapping the HereCfirst rotates thshowninfig 8d and thentranslatesto C'. In fact one can see that links BCandB'C'along with lines BB'andCC'form a quadrilateral as in figure 5, with the same consequences for rotation to a critica l angle. For the links in fig 8 the situation is symmetric so rotation can occur at the beginning or end of t he transformation. Figure 9a shows infigures 5a,b. In thiscase, 9cha s thatin fig 9b is subminimal. Extensionsofure9 tol changein between configurations with opposite conv exity involve motion out of the plane, even if the initial and final states lie in the plane. If the transfo rmation is constrained to lie in plane, the trajectories from as the initial and final states in figure 10. We again ima gineBrotating to B'. If C were to 21
/Bullet /Bullet /Bullet /Bullet /Bullet 2.985 a b c Figure 9. (a) Initial and final states for a polymerof 2 links. The angle nerate. A'B''C'. satisfy corner conditions. Then the only way to finish the t ransformation is for B''to rotate about InAppend ewhenthelinksare constrained thus seek a point B''and resulting trajectory- -- -BB''B'such that corner B''atposition Cat rest (and Aat rest). Then Brotates to B'about axis AC, and the trajectory of Blies on a circle defined by the intercept of two unit spheres centered at AandC. The sphere about Ais drawn in figure 11 as a visual aid. Along Once in configuration A'B'C,Ccan then transformation in 11a is a local minimum in distance, how ever it is not the global minimum. A shorter distance transformation can be seen by considerin g the reverse transformation. Imagine convexity up and left. There is no extremal transformati on in the plane that can . while B'rotates about axis A'C'in figure 11b. This rotation of B'follows a defined by the intercept of two unit spheres cente red atA'andC'. The rotation occurs Aand passing through B. The arc BB''is a great circle because this is a geodesic for point BgivenAis lBC=0. A,B, p/2, so once the corner condition is met, point Con linkBCcan move in straight line motion from the great circle from B''toB. That is, the quadrilaterial criterion of section 3.1 is find point B'', let its position be rB= The great circle is defined by the plane passing through the points A,B, andB''. This plane has normal n- -ABx- - -AB''= = At the point B''the normal is orthogonal to the tangent AC'axis. rule. At B'',^t*n=0, (40) The functions y(x)andz(x)are defined by the intercept of two unit spheres centered at distance travelled along arc BB''isthBB, where cos thBB=xo=
2-1. The distance travelled similarly be shown to be Adding the distance CC', the total (minimal) distance is thus D=2.576. There is of course a degenerate solution to the above wit h z--z. 4.2. statesin 3-D We now give a representative example where the initial and fin al configurations do not lie in the same plane, as shown in figure 12. Because ABAA'andBCCC', neitherAnorCwill rotate about B as part of the transformation. Nor can translate directly to A'B'C', because for example quadrilateral /BoxAA'B'Bdoes not satisfy the rule of opposite angles >=p/2, so link ofthetransform CintheCBB'plane. motion of Bis then^vB= (-^i+^k)/
2, however then ^vAcan only move backward to preserve similartofigure A1. Thisrules outcase (1). 2.)Aremains fixed, fixed. Bthen rotates towards B'about axis ACuntil it reaches 23 a b Figure11. Subminimal(a) and minimal the boun daryconditionsin figure 10. approximately3 ABCby first rotating BtoB'about axis AC, then rotating Cabout point B'. proceedsfrom ABCby CtoC'while rotating BaboutAon a great circle to pointB''. Finallypoint Brotatesfrom B''toB'aboutaxis A'C'. a critical angle where line B''B'is tangent to its circular trajectory (see fig. 12a). At this p oint /BoxB''CC'B'does soa straightlinetran sformationto A'B'C' is not possible. It is possibleto transform to a configuratio nA'B'C'', whereC''is at position ^vC=^k. p/2rotationof C''about B'. fixed, In this case, Brotates toward B'in theBAB'plane, to C', until the state AB''C''is reached (see fig. 12b). State AB''C''can be found as follows. Because the rotation of Bis about the axis (0,-1/
2), the position- - -AB''ofB''after rotation of the (critical) angle This angle is then determined by the condition- - -AB''*- - -B''B'=0,where- - -B''B'=- -AB'-- - -AB''. simply th=p/4. where---B''C''=- - -AB''+t- -CC'. Solving this condition for tgives the position of At this point the quadrilateral oppositeobtuse angles, and quadrilateral /BoxAB''B'A'has ationsinfigure4. translatefrom this their final pos itionsA'B'C'. The total B'rotatesabout A'intheplane -C'C. thesameas theforward trans formation. 5. the transformation discussed in section 4.1, we see tha t if both in figure 13a, then the transformations in figures 11a and 11 b become degenerate, having distance D=p/
2. taxis13. We can now examine the effect of increasing the link number. L et the number of links increase to 4, and let us preserve the symmetry that is present about the hor izontal axis in fig 13a, so the initial and final statesbecomean octagon(figure 13b). In thelimit N-, thefigure becomesacircle. b Figure 12. (a) (b) minimal transformat ionsbetween we separated the links in figure 13a by some distancein the ydirection (perpendicular to axis 13), then the minimal transformation involves the same rotation of 2 about axis 13 until a critical angle thc, after which all three points 123 can translate in straight li nes to 1'2'3'. In thesame fashion, the the octagonal transformation in fig 13b i nvolvesa rotationof point 3 out of theplane about axis 24 to acritical angle thcat which thepointis located at position3''. Once this critical angle is reached, point3 translatesin points1 and 5 are stationaryto satisfy corner condi tions,points 2 and 4 must movein At the configuration 1'2''3'4''5'in figure 13b, point 3 has finished the transformation, but poi nts 2 and 4 have not. To satisfy corner conditions at the points 2''and 4'', the great circles must be out of plane as well. At points 2''and 4'', the transformation finishes with rotations about axes D is about the z=0 plane. Now consider increasing the chain to 6 links, so the combinat ion a dodecagon (12-sided polygon, see figures 13c-d). As before t he midpoint vertex (here r4) must r4'. is where- -34''*- - -4''4'=- -54''*- - -4''4'=0. The quadrilaterals /Box22'3'3 and /Box655'6'are of the type -23''*- - point 3 rotates to its critical angle, point 4 translat es along line 4''4'. r1(T)andr7(T)and soremainfixed Afterpoint 3 hasreached its critical angle, it can translate along 3''3'as point 2 rotates about r1. However to satisfy at point 2'', the rotation cannot remain in the x-yplane. Point r2''is determined as the point where ^t*nplane=0, where ^tis the tangent to the arc 22''defined by rotation about axis 13', and some intermediate states for the transformation are shown in figure 13d. The total D 16.3. It is sensible to consider the total length of chain as fixed to sayL=1, and to let the link length NdsN=L. ds2 N,theN=2,4,6cases b 00.5 11.5 22.5 33.5 d Figure13. N=2links. (b) (c,d) N=6 andinitial dodecagon. (c)topview. ( e). The grey dashed lines underneath 3''3'in (b) and 4''4'in (d) are shown only to illustrate that those lines Note that this distance decreases with beadsduringtherelaxed as increased. We can then imagine resting a piece of string on a table in the s hape of a semi-circular arc, and then asking how one can move this string to a facing semicircle of o pposite convexity. So long as the string has somenon-zero lP, minimaldistancemustinvolvelifti ngthe string off of the table to change its local convexity. The ver tical height the string must be lifted (see fig 13d)isoforder whichgoes tozero for the number of links N- , some simplifications emerge. In particular the contributi on to the total distance due to rotations becomes negligible, and the translational component dominates. To see thisnotethat thedistancedueto s as: D(st. we assume the worst case scenario where an extensive nu mber of links must rotate Because translation dominates the distance a sN- , the distance travelled converges root (42) The MRSD for the examples in figures 13b,d are 0 .394Land which are both less than the actual distances travelled (in units of L). In the limit N-, where the polygon becomes a circle, to For large Nsystemsthen, itis agood MRSDfor thedistance. The MRSD is always less than the root mean square distance(RM SD), except in special cases when theyare equal. To seethis,wecan anda+b=1. With the specific identifications gk= example the RMSD for the circle configuration discussed a bove is 2L/p0.4502L, which is greaterthan theMRSD. Thefactthatforlarge This fact warrants future investigation- it has impli cations in research areas from was shown in [1] that chains with persistence length chara cterized by some radius of curvature Rhave extensive corrections to the MRSD-derived minimal dis tance, which do not vanish as N-, but remain so long as R/Lis nonzero. Likewise, chains that cannot cross themselves h ave nonlocal e. ncemetric. MRSD asa metricfor we examine the use of MRSD as a metric or order parameter f or protein folding. To this end we adopt an unfrustrated Camodel of segment 84 -140 ofsrc tyrosine-protein kinease (src-SH3), by applying a G -o-like Hamiltonian [8, 9, 10] to an off-lattice coarse-grai ned representation of the (pdb 1fmk). Amino acids are represented as single beads centered at their Capositions. The G-o-like energy of a protein configuration ais given by the following Hamiltonian, which we will 27 explaintermby (43) Adjacent beads are strung together into a polymer through ha rmonic bond interactions that distances between consecutive Caresidues. Here raandrNrepresent the distances between two subsequent residues in configurations aand the native state N. As with other parameters in the Hamiltonian, the distances rNare based on the pdb structure and may vary pair to pair. The an the angles formed by three subsequent Caresidues in the pdb structure, and the angles phN represent the dihedral angles defined by four subsequent res idues. The dihedral potential consists of a sum of two terms, one with period 2 pand another with 2 p/3, which give angles between successiveplanes of three amino acids, w ith a global dihedral potential einbackbone: we used the values kr=50kcal/mol, kth=20kcal/mol, and theAMBER softwa re package. For MD kr=80kcal/mol, kth=16kcal/mol, last line in equation (43) deals with non-local interact ions, both native and non-native. If two amino acids are separated by 3 more along the chain ( |i-j|>=3), and have one or more pairs of ve contact. Then the respective coarse-grained Caresidues are given a 10-12 potential of ( -0.8kcal/mol for LAMMPS simulations) and a position of the pote to the distance of the Caatoms in the pdb structure. That is, sijis taken equal to two amino acids are not in contact, their respective Caresidues sterically repel each other (oNN= +0.6kcal/mol). Thus oNN=0 ifi-jis a native residue pair, while oN=0 ifi-jis a non-native pair. configuration rij<=1.2sij. nfiguration ais thendefined as Q(orQa). The MRSD of configuration ais found by aligning this configuration to the native structu re, 3rotationaldegre es temperature molecular dynamics simulations were run for this system using both AMBER and LAMMPS simulation packages. The probability for the sys tem to have given values of 1)-F(Q2,MRSD 1) p(Q2,MRSD 14 shows the free energy surfaces obtained using the a bove recipe, for the AMBER (fig 14a) and LAMMPS (fig 14b) molecular dynamics routines. The temper ature is taken to be the transition TF, foldedfree energies are equal. 28 Noticethat F(MRSD)isaswell. Howeverthe free energy surface plotted as a function of both QandMRSDshows a marked difference. In addition to a native minimum, the LAMMPS routine has an additional min imum atQ0.95 states in thisbin are closely related, w ith an averageMRSD between themof 1 .8A. We can take the most representative state in this bin as that w hich has a minimum MRSD from all 14b): Ifwereflect structureto thepdb on e,theMRSD is only1 .1A. The discrepancy in free energy surfaces corresponding to th e presence of a low energy arises because the COMPASS class 2 dihedral poten tials in the LAMMPS algorithm do not ascribe a sign to the angle ph, so the full range [ -p,p], is projected onto [0 ,p]. This gives the set of actual dihedral angles {phi+p}the same energy as the set {phi}, so that the dihedral potentials have RMM phoveritsfull range. 6. may be calculated by minimizinga f unctionalof2 independent variables alongthechain, and tisthe'elapsed derived the Euler-Lagrange (EL) equation giving the solu tion to this problem, which is a vector partial r*(s,t). Wealso extremal solution to be a minimum, through the Jacobi equ ation. Once the minimal provided a general recipe for the solution to the EL equati on using the method of lines. The resulting N+1 EL equations for the discretized chain are ODEs that can be i nterpreted the direction of velocity of any link end point does not sud denly change (the cornerconditions). We explored the minimal transformations for the simplest po lymers, consisting of 1 or 2 links, in depth. For transformations between 2 links, convexity beco mes an issue (the analog to the direction of theradius ofcurvature for a For exampl e, even ifthe initialand final states liein the same plane, if the convexities of these states are of opposit e sign the transformation must pass states that are out of the plane. Similarly, gi ven a semicircular piece of string lying on a table, to move it to a semicircle of opposite convexity using the minimal amount of motion, the problem in robotics and movement control. In the i nverse kinematic problem, one is given the initial and final positions of the end-effector (the hand of the robot), and asked for the functional form of the joint variables for all intermediate states. Gen erally there is no unique solution until functional is introduced, such as minimizing the time rate of change of acceleration (the jerk), torque, or muscle tension (see the review [11] and ref erences therein). The minimal mechanical limitations. Theind be afree the limit of a large number of links, some simplifications e merge. For chains without curvature or the to Ltimes themean root square distance( MRSD) of the initial and final conformations. So for example the dista nce between 2 strings of length L2/p2,thedistancebetweenhorizontalandvertical 29 a b Figure 14. Free energy surfaces for the folding of G two molecular Thecontourp also shown on each side. The COMPASS class 2 dihedralpote ntial in the Future implementations of LAMMPS using COMPASS d -p,p]. 30 straight lines of length Lwhich touch at one end is L2/
2, and the distance to fold a straight line upon itself(to formahairpin)is L2/4. The fact that for large Nthe distance (over L) converges to MRSD rather than RMSD suggests that RMSD may not be the best metric for determining similarity be tween molecular structures, although AdoptingMRSD may lead toimprovement sin MRSD was investigated as an approximate metric for prote in folding. Free energy surfaces for folding were constructed for two simulation packages, A MBER and LAMMPS. It was found that including MRSD as an order parameter uncovered discrepanci es between the two molecular Because dihedral angles in LAMMPS (at least in C OMPASS class 2 style) are only defined on [0,p], the potential admits a mirror image structure degenerate in energy with the native long as one is aware of it. It should be mentioned that the mi rror-image structure would also have been seen had RMSD been usedas an sofandnon-crossingon the distance between biopolymer conformations [1]. Also im portant is the role of entropy of paths is also an interesting question to ask whether theactual d ynamics between ove. dominant pathway for a chemical reaction [12], which has recently been applied to the problem of protein folding [13]. We have focused here on the question of geometrical distance for complex systems, which can be separated from the calculation of quan tities such as reaction paths that on energetics, i.e. on the specific Hamiltoni an of the system. Quantifying the geometrical distanceand the dominantreaction pat h is an notion of distanceand corresponding optimaltransform ation for a system with many degrees of freedom is fundamental to a diverse array of research subjec ts. Hence we saw potential applications for this metric in areas ranging from drug design to robotics . It is not clear at present how useful the calculation of the true Euclidean distance between high -dimensional objects will be for are thankful to Shirin Hadizadeh, Mike Prentiss, and Pete r Wolynes for helpful discussions. acknowledges support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the A. P. Sloan A.Necessary conditions for rmations Itwasshowninsection3.1thattohave rma,itissufficienttohave facingobtuseanglesonoppositesidesofthethequadrilate raldefined 3A. We now show that it is a necessary condition as well, i.e. we show that a slide in the possiblein alongthezaxis. ends are shown in the figure. Note that the end point traje ctories of AandBare in 3D space so the paths travelled by AandBneed not cross or lie in the same plane. Let the unit vector alo ngA's path be^vAand the unit vector along B's path be ^vB. Because the angles that the path of A and the path of B make with thelink are acute, thez-component of ^vB(zB) is negativeand the z-component of ^vA(zA) is Onecan write vectorsinxy planeand zA>0 and Bends attime Solvingfor gas afunctionof t,keeping inmindthat ifg'(t)>0 it means that the B-end of the link is travelling in the assum ed direction, and if g'(t)<0 it means that B-end is travelling in the opposite direction (which means that the angle is Writing point Bcan only travel in the opposite direction from what was assum ed, which in turn means an all-acute slide is not possible. We conclude that the cond ition of facing obtuse angles is necessary and B. concept of critical angle was first introduced in 3.2. In o rder for a straight-line slide of both ends to be possible, at some stage during the transformation the l ink needs to rotate about one of the ends, with the other end being stationary. In principle the rotati on can be about either of the two ends and it can happen at the beginning or the end of the transformation. The conditions on the critical angle conditions. otationiscircularandthepaththatis during the slide part is a straight line. Broken ex tremal condition forces these two paths to Forexamplein figure5 where Bis rotatingabout Ainitiallyto B1and then slidestoB', therotationhasto thethreepoints in(B.1) doesnotitse lfmeanthat alinkcan one satisfies this second condition as well. Below we de rive an analytical expression for the critical as an exampleand Furthermore the particular example will be used l ater in Appendix C to introduce (B.2) wheres- -- to Wecallsuchat A ofthis kind is sh ownin figure B1. Theparameters aandbin (B.4)can betunedtomeet theboundary ). Infact itisseen thatpoint somecritica langle, which 33 iswhenlink BB'thatpoint Btravelson. Subsequently towards A'. Assume that thruns from th1toth2, where 0 <th2<p/2. For simplicityassume that both these angles are between0 (B.5) s(th2)=l AandA'. aandbcan our purposes we only need to note that the critical angle o ccurs when .sds dthbecomes zero, andstarts can now ask what should th1be so that there is no need for the link to go backward, i.e. it m oves forward from thebeginningand monoto nic. (B.7) pedagogical reasons we prove condition (B.10) using ana lytic geometry as well. Looking at 34 figureB2 can solve the first two equations and substitute in the (B.14) On theotherhand basedon ourresultsfor (B.15-B.18)in quation(B.14) the particular case that we have discussed, the proposed transformation is in fact a If weknowispurerotation and then straight line slide. Pure rotation has a nice geomet ric interpretation in our parametrization. s=0. .s=0weseethat with mandated re rotation and the curved section correspondsto slide on stra ight paths. Here the corner conditions .sbecontinuousat C.Minimal dimensions It was seen in section 4.1 that for the case of two links when on e is confined to moving in a the constant link length constraints and corner conditions do not seem to lead to one or a set of minimal transformations. We need to look at o ther forms of transformations, namely compoundrmations. Wewillelaborate ontheideastartingwithsinglelinks. 35 The hyper extended solution that was discussed previously i n Appendix B can be considered as a veryspecialexampleofcompoundrmat ion. Amo BA'B'B' A'' thc /Bullet/Bullet/Bullet
BA'B' A''B'' Figure C1: Theprevious hyper extended solution is shown along withamore general compound straight-line tran sformation, where- - -AA''travels in Length of each line segment is written beside it. Forthe hyper extended solution thevalue of by twobecause the path istravelled twice. Note that the corners do not technically violate the corner c onditions because the speed of A bead is zero at the corner point in any parametrization that can si multaneously describe Amotion and B motion: Since at thecorner an angleof9 0 degrees withthepath thatB of B at the critical angle in infinitely larger than the s peed of A. In fact one sees that we have an instantaneous pure rotation about A-bead, when it is at the corner point. ^vais not clearly defined at the corners, and thespeed ofthebead(s)i s notzero), thetwobeads straight line. The two solutions depicted in the figure come from two different parametrization of the most general form of the action and result in different dista nces. But each of them is a local - valuesfort hedistance. We can then ask about the best positionto put the corner point , to minimizethe distance travelled in thecompoundrmation,withrespectto othercompoundrmations. Weassumethecorneroccurs on onesideand wetakeittobethe the corner point to B path is always the length of the link , i.e. unity here. Also note that the total distance that the A-bead travels is the distance from the i nitial point Ato the corner point A'', plus the distancefrom A''to thefinal position sAandA'defines an Moreover the length of the major axis of the ellipse equals t he sum of the distances from the foci. Thus the smaller the major axis of the ellipse with f ociAandA', the smaller the total Moreover A''shouldsiton alineparallelto B-path atadistanceof1 fromt he B-path line BB'. So in seeking theshortest the Aend of the link, we seek the point A'' such that it lies on an ellipse with foci AandA', the ellipse shares at least one point with a line distance 1 away from it, and lastly that the ellipse has th e smallest possible major axis (see figureC2). figureC2. This solution can be extended to 2 links, as depicted in figure C3. Consider the above ellipses turns into a circles centered at AandC. The BB'tothefarthestpointonthecircleis anda C3. An optimal compound Straight line solution for 2 link. For th is particular class of dividedintoto hlink)andsolvedseparately. 37
/Bullet BC A'B' C4. Minimal transformation restricted to 2 dimensions, for 2 li nks of opposite convexity Plotkin, S. S. (2007). Generalization of distance to hig her dimensional objects. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA Gelfand,I.M &Fomin,S. V. . (Dover). [3] J. Greene, S. Kahn, H. S. P. S & Teig, S. (1994). Chemical Fu nction Queries for 3D Database Search. J. Chem. Inf. Comput.Sci. Lemmen, C & Lengauer, T. (2000). Computational methods f or the structural alignment of molecules. J. 14,215-231. [5] Y. Patel, V. J. Gillet, G. B & Leach, A. R. (2002). A compari son of the pharmacophore identification DISCOandGASP. J. 681. [6] Gerstein, M & Levitt, M. (1998). Comprehensive assessme nt of automatic structural alignment against a manual standard. Baker,D &Sali, A. (2001). -o,N. (1975). The effects of specific amino acid sequence represented by specific inter-unit interactions. Int. J. Peptide Res. 7, 445-459. [9] Shea, J & Brooks III, C. (2001). From folding theories to f olding proteins: A review and assessment of Ann.Rev.Phys.Ch Clementi, C & Plotkin, S. S. (2004). The effects of nonna tive interactions on protein folding rates: Theory and simulation. Kawato,M. (1996)in (1953). and,H. (2007). Phys.Rev.Lett. 99,118102. . | 0803.0040 | Ali R. Mohazab | Ali R. Mohazab and Steven S. Plotkin | Minimal distance transformations between links and polymers: Principles
and examples | Submitted to J. Phys.:Condens. Matter | null | 10.1088/0953-8984/20/24/244133 | null | cond-mat.soft cond-mat.other | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The calculation of Euclidean distance between points is generalized to
one-dimensional objects such as strings or polymers. Necessary and sufficient
conditions for the minimal transformation between two polymer configurations
are derived. Transformations consist of piecewise rotations and translations
subject to Weierstrass-Erdmann corner conditions. Numerous examples are given
for the special cases of one and two links. The transition to a large number of
links is investigated, where the distance converges to the polymer length times
the mean root square distance (MRSD) between polymer configurations, assuming
curvature and non-crossing constraints can be neglected. Applications of this
metric to protein folding are investigated. Potential applications are also
discussed for structural alignment problems such as pharmacophore
identification, and inverse kinematic problems in motor learning and control.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 1 Mar 2008 04:51:23 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"Ali R.",
"Steven S.",
] |
Recently, there appeared several papers, in which CR singular poin ts in the case were considered (see [Sto], [DTZ], [Cof1-2], to name a few). In [Sto], among other things, Stolovitch introduced a set of generalized Bishop inva riants for a CR singular point, and established some of the results of Mo ser-Webster [MW] to the case ofdimRM > dim CCn+1. In [DTZ], introduced the concept of the elliptic flat CR singular points and studied global filling property b y complex for a class of compact submanifold of real codimension two inCn+1with exactly two elliptic flat CR singular points. In this paper, we study the local holomorphic structure of a manifo ldMnear a CR singular pointp, for which we can find a local holomorphic change of coordinates suc h that in the p= we use ( z,w)CnxCfor the coordinates of Cn+1. Such a non-degenerate CR singular point has an intriguing nature that its quadric model has the largest possible symmetry. We will first derive a pseudo-normal form for Mnearp(see Theorem 2.3). As expected, the holomorphic structure of Mnearpis influenced not only by the nature of the CR singularity, but also by the fact that ( M,p) partially inherits the property of strongly pseudoconvex CR structures for n >1. Unfortunately, as in the case of n= 1 first considered by Moser [Mos], form is still subject to the simplification of the comp licated infinite automorphism group of the quadric aut0(M), where Mis defined by w=|z|2. Thus, our pseudo-normal form can not be used to solve the local equivale nce problem. However, with the rapid iteration procedure, we will show in SS4 that if all higher order terms in our pseudonormal form vanish, then Mis equivalent to the model M. Namely, we have the 1 :LetMCn+1(n>=1) be a real analytic submanifold defined by an equation of the form: w=|z|2+O(|z|3). Then(M,0)is holomorphically equivalent to the quadric (M,0) if and only if it can be formally transformed to n= 1isthatageneric( M,0) can not be formally mapped into the Levi-flat hypersurface Im(w) = 0. As another application of the pseudo-normal form to be obtained in SS2, we will give a necessary and sufficient condition when (M,0) can be formally flattened (see Theorem 3.5). Theorem 1, in the case of n= 1, is due to Moser [Mos]. Indeed, our proof of Theorem 1 uses the approach of Moser in [Mos] and Gong in [Gon2], which is based on the rapidly convergent power series method. Convergence results along the lines of Theor em 1 near other type of CR singular points can be found in the earlier papers of Gong [Gon1] and S tolovitch [Sto]. The papers of Coffman [Cof1-2] also contain the rapid convergence arg uments in the setting of other CR singular cases. 22 A formal pseudo-normal form We use ( z,w) = (z1,***,zn,w) for the coordinates in Cn+1withn>=2 in all that follows. We first recall some notation and definitions already discussed in the pr evious papers of Stolovitch [Sto] and [DTZ]. Let (M,0) be a formal submanifold of codimenion two in Cn+1with 0Mas a CR singular point and T(1,0) 0M={w= 0}. Then,Mcan be defined by a formal equation of the is a quadratic polynomial in ( z,z). We say that 0 Mis a CR singular point if there is no change of coordinates in w hich we can make q0. Following , we further say that 0 is a not CR singular point if we can make qreal-valued after a linear change of that 0 is a flat CR singular point withq(z,z) eachz. HereA(z,z) B(z,z) = assumption that A(z,z) is definite is independent of the choice of the coordinates system. Suppose that Ais definite. Then making use of the classical Takagi theorem, one ca n find a linear change of coordinates in ( z,w) such that in the new coordinates, in the defining equation for (M,0) of the form in (2.1), one has that q(z,z) 0<=la<with 0<=l1<= *** <=ln<. In terms of Stolovitch, we call {l1,***,ln}
the set of generalized Bishop invariants. When 0 <=la<1/2 for all a, we say that 0 is an elliptic flat CR singular point of M. Notice that 0 Mis an elliptic flat CR singular point if and only if in a certain defining equation of Mof the form as in (2.1), we can make 0. (Hence the definition coincides with the notion of elliptic flat Comple x points in [DTZ].) When la>1/2 for alla, we say 0 Mis a hyperbolic flat CR singular point. Notice that, in the other case, we can always find a two dimensional linear su bspace of with Mhas a parabolic complex tangent at 0. For a more general related no tion on ellipticity and hyperbolicity, we refer the reader to the paper of S tolovitch [Sto]. In terms of the terminology above, the manifold in Theorem 1 has van ishing invariants at the CR singular point. In [Gon1] [Sto], one finds th e study on the problem in the other situations, where, among other non-degeneracy conditions, all the generalized Bishop invariants are assumed to be non-zero. T he method studying CR singular points with vanishing Bishop invariants is different from that u sed in the invariants case (see [MW] [Mos] [Gon2] [Sto] [HY]). We now return to the manifolds with only vanishing generalized Bishop in (respectively , f(z,w)) be a formal power series in ( in ( z,w)) without constant term. We say =O(tk). Similarly, we =O(tk). Set the weight of z,-zto be 1 and that of wto be 2. For a polynomial h(z,w), we define its weighted degree, denoted by degwth, to be the degree counted in terms the weighted system just given. Write E(t)(z,-z) andf(t)(z,w) for the sum of monomials with weighted degree tin the expansion of Eandfat 0, |zk|2for 2<=k<=n. We In what follows, we make a convention that the defined to be 0 ifj > l. We start with the following elementary algebraic lemma: Lemma 2.1: Moreover, for each index iwith 1<=i<=n,|zi|2can be uniquely expressed as the following linear combination of u, v2,***, vn:
|z1|2= of Lemma 2.1: By a direct computation, we 21-n(2n-1|z1|2) we see that uniqueness assertion in the lemma now is obvious. For a formal (or holomorphic) transformation f(z,w) of (Cn,0) to itself, we = I= (i1,***,in) be a formal power series with E(0) = 0. We next prove the following: Lemma 2.2: E(z,-z)has the following k=1***,n}E(I,J)(u,v2,***,vn)zIzJ and in what follows, we write I= (i1,***,in),J= (j1,***,jn),K= Moreover, the coefficients E(K) (I,J)are uniquely of Lemma 2.2: the unique linear combinations of each other by Lemma 2.1, one sees the existence of the expansio n in (2.4). Also, to complete the proof of Lemma 2.3, it suffices for us to prove the following state 0 if and only if we define A(N,N*) il*jl= 0, il,jl,kl>=0 for =N*}. LetP= (p1,***,pn) andQ= integers be such that |P|=N,|Q|=N*. We ={(I,J,K)A(N,N*) :il*jl= 0, jl+kl=
ql,for 1<=l<=n}.Now, suppose 0. We eachP, next claim that there is at most one element in A(N,N*;P,Q). Indeed, ( if and only if il+kl=pl, jl+kl=ql, il*jl= 0, for 1 <=l<=n.Now, if il= 0, then kl=pl. thus this happens only when ql>=pl. Ifjl= 0, then kl=ql. we see that this can only happen when pl>=ql. Hence, we see thatil,jlare uniquely determined by When pl=ql, it is easy to see thatil=jl= 0, kl=ql=pl. We thus conclude the argument for the claim. This completes the proof of Lemma 2.3. We now let MCn+1be a formal submanifold defined (2.5) whereEis a formal power series in ( z,-z) withOrd(E)>=3. We will subject (2.5) to the following formal power series transformation in ( the vector whose component is 1 at the jth-position and is 0 elsewhere. We next give a formal pseudo-normal form for ( M,0) in the following theorem: Theorem 2.3: There exits a unique formal transformation of the form in (2. 6) with
fi,(0)(u) = = 0for1<=j < i<=n; f1,(e1)(u) = transforms M to a formal submanifold defined in the follo wing pseudo-normal in the following unique expansion of (2.9) we have, for any k>=0, l>=1,t>=2, the following normalization 0 = 0,fori > 0,for|I| 0,forh>=1,|I| >=2,ih= of Theorem 2.3 : We need to prove that the following equation, with unknowns in (f,g, ph), can be uniquely solved under the normalization conditions in (2.7) an d (2.10): w+g(z,w) terms of degree tin the above equation, we obtain for each t>=3 the = is a homogeneous polynomial of degree tdepending only on < t. Thus, by an induction argument, we need only to uniquely solve the f ollowing equation under the above given = (2.13) 6Indeed, if we can uniquely solve (2.13), then, we can start with (2.12 ) witht= 3 and G = E(3). We then get ( F(2),G(3)).Now, we transform MbyH2= (z,w) + (F(2),G(3)). Then the new manifold is normalized up to weighted order 3. Let H= (F,G) = be a normalized map and consider (2.12) with t= 4. We can then uniquely determine ( H2= to order 4. Now, by an induction, we can prove the existence par t of Theorem 2.3. The uniqueness part of the Theorem follows also from the unique solvabilit y of (2.13). Expand G, phas in (2.4) and (2.9) and expand f,gas in (2.3). Making use of Lemma 2.2 and comparing the coefficients in (2.13) of zIzJwithil*jl= 0, l= 1,***,n, we get the G(0,0); G(0,ej)for 1<=j<=n; (2.16) zizJ, G(J,ei)for|J| >=2,ji= 0; G(0,I)for|I| >=2; G(I,J)for|I|,|J| >=2, il*jl= 0, l= 1,***,n. (2.19) Here we demonstrate in details how the system (2.18) is uniquely solve d. The others are done similarly (and, in fact, more easily). We first substitute (2.2) to (2.18) and then col- lect coefficients of the zeroth order term, linear terms and higher o rder terms in while taking u as a parameter. We obtain, by Lemma 2.2, the k2+***+kn>=2. (2.25) Using the normalization in phand letting u= 0 in (2.20) (2.23), we get By the normalization we (2.26) Sum up (2.24) with j= 2,***,nand then add it to (2.23). By the the 0 fork>=0,l>=1, we obtain the the complex conjugate of (2.24) from (2.21), we obta j>=2, k>=0. (2.28) From (2.20) and (2.24), we can similarly get g(I)(u) >=2. (2.29) Back to the equation (2.24), we can inductively we get from (2.14) the h>=2; (2.32) ph(0,0)= (2.33) 8From (2.15), we obtain the 2<=i<=n; (2.35) g(ej)(u) l>=2, k>=0; k2+***+kn>=2; k2+***+kn>=2. (2.39) From (2.16), we get fi,(ej)(u) i < j; i < j, k >=1; k2+***+kn>=1. (2.42) From (2.17), we obtain fi,(J)(u) k2+***+kn>=1, k2+***+kn>=1. (2.46) where|J| >=2 andji= 0. Summarizing the solutions just obtained, we have the following formu la: (One can also directly verify that they are indeed the solutions of (2.13) with the n ormalization in (2.7) and (2.10)) F1(z,u) =z1+f1(z,u) =zh+fh(z,u) n>=h>=2, G(z,u) =u+g(z,u) completes the proof of Theorem 2.3. Let (M,0) be as in (2.5). We say that ( M*,0) is a formal pseudo-normal form for ( M,0) if (M*,0) is formally equivalent to ( M,0) andM*is defined by normalizations in (2.13). We notice that pseudo-normal forms o f (M,0) are not we have the following 2.4 :(A).The pseudo-normal form obtained in Theorem 2.3 contains informat ion reflecting boththesingular udoconvex CRstructure atthe point under study. For instance, the following submanifold in C3is given in a (2.49) Here the harmonic terms presented due to the nature of CR sin- gularity of Mat 0, which may be compared with the Moser pseudo-normal form in [M os] in the pure CR singularity setting. Typical mixed terms associated with the partial CR structure near 0, which can be compared with th e Chern-Moser normal form in the pure CR setting [CM]. (B). Suppose that Mis defined by a formal equation of the form: andE(z,z) =E(z,z). In the normalized map H(z,w) = w-component is formally real-valued, by the formula in (2.47). This is due to the f act that the G in (2.47) obtained from each induction stage in the process of the pro of of Theorem 2.3 is Hence, the phin the of Mobtained in Theorem 2.3 is also formally real-valued. However, fundamentally different from the tw o dimensional case, this is no longer true for a general M. Indeed, we will see in Theorem 3.5 that Mcan be if and only if its pseudo-normal form is given by a formal re al-valued function. 3 the quadric In this section, we first compute the isotropic automorphism group of the model space M Cn+1defined by the equation: WriteAut0(M) for the set of of ( M,0). We have the 3.1: Aut0(M)consists of the transformations given in the following (3.1 ) or (3.2) (3.2) wherea= 0,U(Re(w))is a unitary matrix and holomorphic in w. Proof of Proposition3.1: Writew=x+-1y. Let(F,G)Aut0(M). forz0. Since Mbounds a family of balls near 0 defined 0,x=r2>= Therefore, G(z,w) =G(w) =cw+o(w) (c >0) is independent of zand takes real value when w=xis real. Now F(z,r2) must be a biholomorphic map from |z|2< r2to|z|2< G(r2) for any r >0. Using the explicit expression for automorphisms of the unit ball (see [Rud]), we obtain either: F(z,r2) (3.3) whereU(r) is a unitary matrix and a/ne}ationslash= 0, or we have F(z,r2) =xb(x)b(x) 0 and b(w) holomorphic in w. In the case of (3.4), F(z,x) real analytic, where th(x) is real-valued real analytic function in x. Hence, the Jacobian matrix of Finz. Since both 0) are real analytic for x0, we conclude that U(r) is real analytic in x. Hence, U(w) is also holomorphic in w. Still write U(x) forU(x)eith(x). We see the proof of Proposition 3.1 in the case of (3.2). Suppose that a/ne}ationslash= 0. Still write G(w) =wb(w)b(w) 0. We have F(z,r2) is holomorphic in ( z,w) andf(0,w) =b(w)wa(w)U*(w) withU*=eithU, we see thatwa(w)U*(w) is holomorphic in w. In particular, |a(w)|2is real analytic in w. analytic. Sincewa(w)U*(w) is real analytic, we see real analytic, too. Here ( *)tdenotes the matrix transpose. Since ( |a|2-v-1) +v=
|a|2-1 is real analytic, we conclude that both raiandai/rare real analytic in w. Since bothwa(w)U*(w) andraiare real analytic, we see that U*(w) is real analytic. Still denote afora/r, we further obtain the following with the given properties stated in t he completes the proof of Proposition 3.1. Remark 3.2 : In Proposition 3.1, if we let a(w),b(w),U(w) be formal power series in w witha(0), 0 and then (3.1) and (3.2) give of M, which are not convergent. Write the set of automorphisms obtain ed in this way as aut0(M). One may prove that aut0(M) consists of all the formal automorphisms of (M,0) . We now suppose that H= (F,G) is a formal equivalence self-map of ( Cn+1,0), mapping following lemma shows that we can always normalize Hby composing it from the left with an element from aut0(M) to get a normalized mapping. This fact will be used in the proof of Theorem 1. In what follows, we set v(g,a) 3.3: There exists a unique automorphism Taut0(M)such that T*Hsatisfies the normalized condition in (2.7). When His biholomorphic, TAut0(M) Proof of Lemma 3.3: First, it is easy to see that by composing an automorphism of the for m w'=|c|2w, z'=czU, we can assume that F=z+Owt(2) andG=w+Owt(3) (see [Hu1]). Herecis a non-zero constant and Uis a certain nxn-unitary matrix. Letb(w) = 0, and U=Iin (3.1). We get the following automorphism of ((j)F,(j)G) a direct computation shows that ( (j)F)i,(0)(u) = 0 for 1 <=i<=j. In particular, we = 0 for all 1 <=i<=n. Still write HforHn. Next, for i < j, letb(w) = 1,a= 0, and let Ui j=
I0 0 0 0 0 cos(thi j) 0-sin(thi j) 0 0 0 I0 0 0 sin(thi j) 0 cos( thi j) 0 0 0 0 0 I
in (3.1), where cos( thi j) is at the ithrow and the jthcolumn. Then we get an automorphism Ti j. Set Hi j= (i jF,i jG) we can inductively prove that 0,(i jF)k,(el)= 0 < i,l+1<=k<=n. In particular, we see that Hn-1 nsatisfies (n-1 nF)(0)= 0 for 1 <=j < i<=n. Still write HforHn-1 nand setH'=T*H= (F',G') 0,(F')1,(e1)= 1,(F')i,(ej)= 0 for 1 <=j < i<=n. 13At last, a composition from the left with the rotation map as follows:
^T= suppose both H= (F,G) = and ^H= (^F,^G) =T*H=
satisfy the normalization condition (2.7). Here T is an automorp hism ofM. ThenTmust be of the form in (3.2), for T(0,w) = 0. Hence, T= the normalization condition (2.7) on H,^H, we unitary and = 0. Considering the norm of the first row of the right hand side, we get = 1 in case G(0)(w) =w+o(w), this implies that b(w)b(w)1 and thus T= (b(w)zU(w),w). Write b(w)U(w) =/tildewideU(w) notice that /tildewideUis a lower triangular matrix and is unitary when w=x. Thus we = 1 and uij= 0 Notice for = 1+o(x) are real, we get uii(x) = 1. This proves the uniqueness part of the lemma. Lemma 3.4: Suppose that HwithH(0) = 0is an equivalence map from Herephandph'are normalized as in (2.10). Let s,s'be the lowest order of vanishing in phandph', respectively, then s=s'. Proof of Lemma 3.4 : We seek for a contradiction if Assume, for instance, that s < s'. LetTbe an automorphism of MwithT*Hbeing normalized as in (2.7). Suppose that T transforms withs''the lowest vanishing order for 14ph''. We claim that s'=s''. Suppose not. We assume, without loss of generality, that s'< s''. Writethe linear partof T(in(z',w'))as withBGL(n,C), d/ne}ationslash= 0. Then a direct computation shows is a phbeing normalized as in (2.7) and (2.10), respectively. Also s < s''. we see that T*Htransforms moduling This contradicts the uniqueness part of Theorem 2.3. The proof of Lemma 3.4 is complete. We say that a formal submanifold ( M,0) of real dimension 2 ndefined by (2.5) can be formally flattened if there is a formal change of coordinates ( z',w') =H(z,w) withH(0) = 0 such that in the new coordinates ( M,0) is defined by a formal function of the form w'=
E*(z',z') withE*(z',z') =E*(z',z'). We also say a pseudo-normal form of ( M,0) given withphsatisfying the normalizations in (2.10) is a flat pseudo-normal form ifphis formally real-valued. An immediate application of Lemma 3.3 and Remar k 2.4 (b) is that if (M,0) has a flat pseudo-normal form, then all of its other pseudo-no rmal forms are flat. Indeed, for a given pseudo-normal form of ( M,0), there is a formal equivalence map Hmapping it intoImw= 0. Now, by Lemma 3.3, we can compose Hwith an element Tofaut0(M) to normalize H. Next, since Tmaps any flattened submanifold to a flattened submanifold, there is a formal transformation H*such that H**T*Hmaps the pseudo-normal form given at the beginning to a flat one. On the other hand, since H**T*Hsatisfies the normalizations in (2.7), by Theorem 2.3, we see that H**T*H=idand two pseudo-normal forms are the the above, we proved the 3.5 :Let(M,0)be a formal submanifold defined by an equation of the Then the following statements are be a flat pseudo-normal form. Namely, Mhas a pseudo-normal form given by an equation of the form: the normalizations in (2.10) and the reality condition ph(z',z') Any pseudo-normal form of (M,0)is flat. Remark 3.6 : By Theorem 3.5, we see that Mdefined in (2.49) can be formally flattened if and only if bij=bjifor alli,j. 4 Proof of Theorem 1 We now give a proof of Theorem 1 by using the rapidly convergent pow er series method. We letMbe defined by 15w= Ph(z,-z) =|z|2+E(z,-z) is holomorphic near z=x= 0 with vanishing order >=3. Assume that H=
(F,G) = (z+f,w+g) is a formal map satisfying the normalization condition in (2.6). We define R= (r1,r2,***,rn) = (4.2) Then|R|2= 2r2.Define the :|zi|< :|zi|< ri,|xi|< rifor is defined over Dr, we set the norm of E(z,-z) (4.4) Also for a holomorphic map h(z,w) defined on r, we define
|h|r= (4.5) After a scaling transformation( we may assume that Eis a given small e >0. Suppose that HmapsMto the quadric w'=|z'|2. Then we have the following = (4.6) We consider the following linearized equation of (4.6) with ( f,g,ph) as its (2.10). The unique solution of (4.7) is given in the formula (2.4 7). However, we will make a certain truncation to ( f,g,ph) to faciliate the estimates. Suppose that Ord(E)>=
d>=3. ^g+Owt(2d-2), ,^G=w+ ^g,^H= (^F,^G). Write Th = ( ^F,^G) and write
^ph(z,-z) =E(z,-z)+ (4.9) 16Then that M'= Th(M)isdefined by be such that 1 2< r'< s < < r <=1, =1 3(2r'+r), s=1 3(2r'+). As in the paper of Moser [Mos], the following lemma will be fundamental f or applying the rapid iteration procedure of Moser to prove Theorem 1. Lemma 4.1: as in Theorem 1. Suppose that defined above. Then of Lemma 4.1: Making use of (4.9), we have E'(z',z') by (2.47) and (2.48), we see that Ord(^f)>=d-1 andOrd(^g)>=d. Hence, we = By Lemma 3.3 and the assumption that w=|z|2+Eis to w=|z|2, we have s=. Hence we have Ord(ph)>=2d-2. The lemma follows. Before proceeding to the estimates of the solution given in (2.47), w e need the 4.2: IfEis holomorphic in Dr, then we of Lemma 4.2: We here give the estimates for The others can be done similarly. Suppose that Then by (2.3), we we the Cauchy estimates, we we have used the fact for 1<=h<=n, j1+j2+***+jn=k} <=(k+1)n-1. This completes the proof of Lemma 4.2. To carry out the rapid iteration procedure, we need the following es timates of the solution given by (2.47) for the equation 4.3: Suppose that w=|z|2+E(z,-z)is formally equivalent to over DrandOrd(E)>=d. Then the solution given in (2.47) satisfies the = of Proposition 4.3: Notice that by the definition of ^fgiven in (4.8), we have Ord(^f)>=
d-1 anddegwt<=2d-4. In terms of (2.47), we can write, for 2 Lemma 4.2, we have, for B1, the and in what follows, we write R'= Wee have also used the fact for 2d-1} <=(2d)n. ForB2, we we have Thus we the same manner, we we letting t=r+2 3and using the Cauchy estimates, we have the following estimate of the derivatives of we have used the fact < t < r <=1, t=r+2 3. (4.14) The inequality (4.13) shows that The on ^f1and ^gcan be achieved similarly. We next estimate ^ ph. Notice that -^g(z,u) + only used to cancel terms of with weight <2d-2 inE. By (4.9), we have the we have used the fact for =k} finishes the proof of Proposition 4.3. Proposition 4.4: LetE,r,,C (n)be as in Proposition 4.3. Then there exists a constant d >0such that d, (4.15) Ps(z',w') := Th-1(z',w')is well defined in ^s. Moreover, it holds that Ps(^r') holomorphic in of Proposition 4.4: We need to show that for each ( z',w')^s, we can uniquely solve the ^g(z,w) with (z,w) ^. By (4.12), choosing dsufficiently small such that . Define ( z[1],w[1]) = (z',w') ^sand (z[j],w[j]) inductively a standard argument on the Picard iteration procedure, we can get a unique ( z,w) ^
satisfying Ps-1(z,w) = (z',w'), which gives that Ps( ^s) ^. Similarly, we have Ps( ^r') ^s. Hence we conclude that E'is holomorphic in ^s. /badblQ/badbls (4.17) where Q= we have used the fact that ( r)2<r' r. (This can be achieved by the same token as for (4.14).) We also (4.18)-(4.20), we completes the proof of Proposition 4.4. Now we turn to the proof of Theorem 1. Set ru,u,suas u=1 3(2ru+ru+1), will apply the previous estimates with = Ps v,***,with v= 0,1,***,.Then we have the following (see [(4.5), a sequence of real analytic Ps-1 u(Mu) for allu= 0,1,2,***, where Ps uis the biholomorphic And we find that Ord(Eu) =du>=2u+2 foru>=0. We next state the following elementary fact: Lemma 4.5 : Suppose that there is a constant C and number a >1 such that dv>=Cav. Then for any integer 0. 22Then one can prove, by using (4.21) and Lemma 4.5, that lim u-Cdu= bounded. Set C, whereCis a fixed positive constant. Also, one can verify that the hypothesis in (4.15) holds for all u>=0, by choosing small. Indeed, we can even have allu>=0 and any given 1> o >0. ChooseNlarge enough such that =1 4whenu>=N. Suppose C >1 and choose E0such that e*
0=o(2C)-2N<1. Then we have the following (I) When u<=N, we When u > N, we choose +C0o2-ufor some constant C0. Notice that Ps umaps^suinto^u. By Cramer's rule, we have some constant C1. Now the convergence from the fact completes the proof of Theorem 1. Remark 4.6 : We notice that the formal map in Theorem 1 sending ( M,0) to its quadric (M,0) may not be convergent as aut0(M) contains many non-convergent elements. This is quite different from the setting for CR manifolds, where formal map s are always convergent under certain not too degenerate assumptions. We refer the rea der to the survey article [BER1] for discussions and references on this S. Baouendi, P. Ebenfelt and L. Rothschild, Local geometric properties of in complex space, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 37 (2000), no. S.Baouendi, RealSubmanifold Their Mappings, Princeton Mathematical Series, 47, Princeton Princeton, NJ, 1999. 23[BG] E. Bedford and B. Gaveau, Envelopes of holomorphy of certain 2-spheres in C2, Amer. J. Math. (105), 975-1009, 1983. [Bis] E. Bishop, Differentiable manifolds in complex Euclidean space, Duke Math. J. (32), 1-21, 1965. [CM] S. S. Chern and J. K. Moser, Real hypersurfaces in complex ma 133 , A. Coffman, Unfolding CR singularities, 2006, preprint. (to ap pear inMemoirs of the AMS .) [Cof2] A. Coffman, Analytic stability of the CR cross-cap, Pacif. Jour. of Math. (2) 226 (2006), 221-258. [DTZ] P. Dolbeault, G. Tomassini and D. Zaitsev, On Levi-flat hypers yrfaces with pre- scribed boundary, preprint. (Announcement of the paper appea red atC.R. Acd. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 341 (2005), 343-348 .) [Gon1] X. Gong, On the convergence of normalilations of real analyt ic surfaces near hyperbolic complex tangents, Comment. Math. Helv . 69 (1994), no. 4, 549-574. [Gon2] X. Gong, Normal forms of real surfaces under unimodular t ransformations near elliptic complex tangents, Duke Math. J. 74 (1994), no. 1, 145-157. [Hu1] X. Huang, Local Equivalence Problems for Real Submanifolds in Notes in Mathematics 1848 (C.I.M.E. series) , 109-161, York, 2004. [HK] X. Huang and S. Krantz, On a problem of Moser, Duke Math. J. (78), X. Huang and W. Yin, A Bishop surface with a vanishing Bishop invar iant, preprint, March 2007. (arXiv:0704.2040 ) [Mir] N. Mir, Convergence of formal embeddings between real-analy tic hypersurfaces in codimension one, J. Differential Geom. 62 (2002), 163-173. [Mos] J. Moser, Analytic surfaces in C2and their local hull of holomorphy, Annales Aca -demiaeFennicae Series A.I. Mathematica (10), 397-410, 1985. [MW] J. Moser and S. Webster, Normal forms for real surfaces in C2near complex tan- gents and hyperbolic surface transformations, Acta Math. (150), 255-296, 1983. [Rud] W. Rudin, Function theory in the unit ball of Cn, New York, L. Stolovitch, Family of intersecting totally real manifolds of ( Cn,0) and preprint. Huang Department of Math ematics, Rutgers University at New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA; Wanke Yin, School of Mathematical Sciences, Wuhan University, Wu han 430072, P. R. China. 25 | 0803.0074 | Wanke Yin | Xiaojun Huang, Wanke Yin | A codimension two CR singular submanifold that is formally equivalent to
a symmetric quadric | 25 pages | null | null | null | math.CV | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Let $M\subset \mathbb{C}^{n+1}$ ($n\geq 2$) be a real analytic submanifold
defined by an equation of the form: $w=|z|^2+O(|z|^3)$, where we use $(z,w)\in
\mathbb{C}^{n}\times \mathbb{C}$ for the coordinates of $\mathbb{C}^{n+1}$. We
first derive a pseudo-normal form for $M$ near 0. We then use it to prove that
$(M,0)$ is holomorphically equivalent to the quadric $(M_\infty: w=|z|^2,0)$ if
and only if it can be formally transformed to $(M_\infty,0)$. We also use it to
give a necessary and sufficient condition when $(M,0)$ can be formally
flattened. The result is due to Moser for the case of $n=1$.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 1 Mar 2008 18:20:36 GMT"
] | 2008-03-04T00:00:00 | [
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rthetotaltime circumvent this problem what is typically done is to let on e of the space variables (e.g x) become the independent variable. However for higher dimensional o bjects, or zero dimensional objects on a manifold with nontrivial topology, there is no guarantee th at the dependent variables ( y,z) valued functions of x. Alternatively, one can study the 'time' trajectory of the p arametric ntvo,forexample. theoutset with gaugethat may Thelatteris oftensimpleri n practice. To be specific, the effective Lagrangian Lappearing in the above problem is .r2, and the Theboundar (3) Since the derivative of a unit vector is always orthogonal to that vector, equation (2) says that gives However, the is a solution, so long This is the infinite degeneracy of above. Then this point we could fix the parameterization by choosing speed), for example. The extremum is a minimum, as can be shown by analyzing the eig envalues of the =-dund''(t-t'). Diagonalizing by Fourier transform gives positive elemen onetreats thespacecurves as non-extensible,h passthroughthem selves. distance D*between two one-dimensional objects (which we refer to as sp ace curves or configurations rA(s)andrB(s), 0<=s<=L, is obtained from the transformation from AtoBthat minimizes the integrated distance travelled. By integ rated distance we mean the ormationfrom AtoB. exist,strings AandBmusthavethe samelength (althoughthis conditionmay berel axed by extensions or contractions). For the distance to be finite, open space curves must be finite in length. For closed non-crossing space curves, AandBmust be in the same topological class for exist. Describing the transformation r(t,s)requires two scalar parameters, onefor t: 0<=t<=T, so thatr(s,0) =rA(s)andr(s,T) =rB(s). The distance travelled is a functional of the vector functi on r(s,t). AorB,i.e. ityields a distance that is two-dimensional. The problem does not map to a simple soap film, since there astraight line displaced along its own axis, or that in figure 1C. The ana logue to a surface of minimalarea when the'time' can construct the effective Lagrangian along the same lin es as the zero-dimensional case. (4) Howeverto meaningfully represent the distance a string mus t move to reconfigure itself from confor- [PP]The distance-metric action in eq. (4) bears a strong resemb lance to the Nambu-Goto action for a classical [2]: whererinSNGis now a four-vector and the dot product is the relativistic dot product. This action is physically interp reted as the (Lorentz Invariant) world-sheet area of the str ing. same that results in wav e equation solutions to the equationsof motion for the class the square root in the action has opposite sign). Unfor the velocity in the distance-met ric action is a 3-velocity rather than a 4-velocity, our action o nly accumulates area when parts of the string move in 3-space , in contrast to the Nambu-Goto action which accumulates area even for a static string. The distance-metric action eq. (4) has a lower symmetrythan that for the classical relativisti c string.D*cannot dependon the time the the world sheet area does. Conversely, if we take e.g. c onfiguration Aatt=0 to be a straight line of length L, yvaryingamounts LT, Ld.4 mationAtoB, of theseis Points along the spa ce curvecannot multiplier (5) This constraint ensures a parameterization of the string wi th unit tangent vector ^t=r', so that the In curvei from AtoBand the problem of minimizingthe distancewould be trivial. should reduce the problem to a sum of straight lines analogo usly to the zero-dimensional case above. As in the case of distance between points, one can fix the from the outset by in- troducing a Lagrange multiplier a(t)that fixes the total distance covered per a condition it reduces the symmetry of the problem. For example there would then be no conser- vation law that could be written to capture the invarianceof the with respect to t. Ideal eentwostrings is unimportant (c.f. figures 1A and 1B). Here we deri ve the Euler-Lagrange equations for this case. From Dare (6)5 Performing momenta EL equation follows from the last term in (7), and yields a partial differential equation for (9) can be written in terms easier to understand int uitively by using the unit velocity vector
^v, tangent^t, and curvature (10) Comparison of equations (10) and (2) illustrates the point m ade earlier that setting the Lagrange to the condition to zero r esults in straight line solutions for all points along the space curve. Conversely the condition t hat the space curve form a contiguous ob- ject results generally in nonzero deviation from straight l ine motion. So in comparing various (10), in(7). are specified, the variation drvanishes at t=0,T, and the corresponding boundary final (11) Since the end points of the string are free during the transfo ats=0,L, and so the conjugate momenta must vanish: ps(0,t) =ps(L,t) =0. This means that l^t=0 at the end points. However since ^tcannot be zero, the only way this can occur is for l(0,t)=l(L,t)=0. The which represents the conjugate force or tensio n to ensure an inextensible chain, must vanish at the end points of the string. If l=0, the EL equation (10) gives.^v=l'^tat the end points. (at theendpoints). (12) Equation (12) has three possible solutions. One is that v*^t=0 or equivalently .r*r'=0, which cor- responds to pure rotation of the end points. It is worth mentioning that the end points o f the string also move transversely to the string. M oreover because of the Minkowski metric the end points must also move at the speed of light. Here however b ecause Lorentz invariance is not Theend-pointso fourstringcan beatrest, v=0,and condition (12). The last solution of eq. (12) is for l'=0. Because lalso vanishes at the end points, eq. (10) gives.^v=0, . In summary the three possibleboundary (purerotation) (13a) v=0 (at rest) (13b) .^v=0 (13c) Whether an extremal transformation is a minimumcan be deter mined by examiningthe second (14) whereIij= anddr'andd.rare of the variation If two space curves differ by a translation, rB(s) =rA(s)+dwithda constant vector. The appropriate boundary condition for the end points is (13 c). The points along the string can Thedistance D*=L|d|. (2), (3). Piece-wise linear space curves. Suppose initially the curvature of some section of the strin g is zero. Then, taking the dot product of vwith eq. (10), we see that eq. (12) holds for allpoints along the string. So the string either rotates or translates (or remai ns at rest if that segment has completed if both rAandrBare straightlines as in figure 1A, equation (12) holds for bot h. It is then solutions r*oftheEL equationsuchthat all(s,t) AtoB. Thevelocity ^twitheq.10gives beextremal,theconjugatemomentamustalsovanishat the sot may however include the subsidiary condition here that rA(0,t)=rB(0,t). Then the end point of the string at s=0 is determined, and the variations dr(0,t)must vanish. Now only l(L,t)=0, and it is a minimum can be determined by examining the sec ond variation (14). For the trans- formation rROT(s,t), the matrix Iin (14) is non-negative definite, a necessary condition for a local min- imum [1], however Lis negative definite, so the character of the extremum is dete rmined by the in- terplay of the two terms in (14). Variations drthat preserve r'2=1 or 2^t*dr'=0 are satisfied in this example by dr=f(s,t)^th, wheref(s,t)must satisfy the boundary conditions dr(0,t)=dr(s,0) =
dr(s,T) =0. We thus let the variations have the functional form: kisunrestricted. function, with a maximum of zero at kL=0. In fact to lowest order F(kL) only other solution to equations (10) and (12) for all (s,t)is for each point sonrA(s)to be Equati l'(s,t)=0. Because lis zero at 2). As rB, itslef tend is rB. (s,t)isgivenby the direction of the velocity, ^ev=(-^x+^y)/
2, andvo(t)is a speed which can be taken constant. By simplegeometry, vo=
2.s*. Because the transformation involves straight line motion, it is minimal. This can be seen from the second variationeq. (14). times (15) Taking variations from the extremal path as before, let variations only act on the free part of the string and preserve a unit tangent to first order. The matrixLin (14) is zero for straight line transformations where l=0. The quadratic form and results in a 2nd variation which in kL, and quadratic to lowest order, with a minimumof zero at kL=0. indeed formahairpin)is Degeneracy. The above example illustrates that there are essentially an infinite number of extremal transformations: one can piece together various r otations and translations for parts or all of the chain while still satisfying the EL equations. This infin ity of extrema is likely to lead to difficulties for the solution of eq. (9) by di rect numerical integration. For these reasons we apply a method based on analytic geometry to obtain numeri cal solutions. This described in is also an infinite degeneracy of solutions having the m inimal distance in the above example.9 To see a second minimal transformation, imagine running the above solution backwards in time, so the kink propagates from s=Ltos=0 alongrB. But this solution should hold forwards in time for the original problem if we permute rBandrA. Now intermediate states r*first run along ^x, then^y. laces,withoutcausingthetrajectoriesindeviatefromstraightlines,sothatinte Asthereare an inthecontinuumli mit,thereisan Thiscan lead to a tangent vector r'whose magnitude is length-scale dependent, and less than un ity bedrawninfigu d. This problem is resolved in practice through finite-size effects involving different critical angles of below. In int constraints. In applications to polymer physics, chains have a stiffness characterized by bending potential in the analysis that is proportional to th e square of the local curvature. Here we may choose to characterize stiffness by introducing a constrai nt on the configurations of the space curve, (16) This term lifts the mentionedabove, as e ach near-kink (with putative k>kC) would result in slight deviations from linear motion in the above e xample, and thus an additional cost in the effective action. Other functional forms for Vkare also possible. For some applications a more no longer consist of a true distance functional, and it s minimization would involve the ofthe parameter Akfavouring withother factors af fecting Chains. Strings witha finitenumberof reaccurate Discreti these more realistic cases. Monomers on a discretized cha in travel along a curved metric [3], here with each ri(t)a function of tonly. The total distance is of all the points joining the links, plus that of the end points, all times ds. This approach the PDE becomes aset of (5) becomes Nconstraint equations added to the effective We rewrite this strictly for convenience in(10)then becomes N+1 link. We turn to the simplestproblem of one link with end points AandB(see fig. 3), for which the action reads PointsAandBhave boundary conditions rA(0) =A, rB(0) =B,rA(T) =A',rB(T) =B'. The link in our problem is taken to have a direction, so point A cannot transformtopoint B. vand.^vhas been of eq. (12), equations (18) each have 3 solution s. For point Athese are: (1) rotation ofAaboutB, (2)vA=0 or point Aisstationary , or (3)l=0 and thus.^vA=0 from the EL equations, indicating . Moreover, (1) implies vB=0, or both points rotate (2)implies (3)implies.^vB=0 as well,sothat straight lines. An extremal inv one point about the other at rest (or common center). Once a gain, there are an infinite number of solutions: any combination of translations and rotations s atisfies the EL equations, such as Thuswhen l=0. its acceleration aBfollows from rigid body kinematics as acceleration respectively,and aA=0. fortheexamp distance (over ds) where sin exampleif AA'=2L,D This is the canonical example when at least one of th e space curves has non-zero curvature k. with We then discretize the chain into Nsegments. According to eq. (17), the end point equations of the same form as equations (18), and thus eith er rotate or translate. The situation for these links is analogous to figures 3B and 3F, in that the angle the link must rotate depends on the order of translation and rotation. The geometry in figure 1B is anal ogous to transformations 3B, 3F, in that the critical angle thcthelink must rotate before translating is smallerif transl ation occurs first. Figure 4 shows the two minimal solutions thus obtained. The t ransformation in fig. 4A away from curve rA, and rotation at rB. It is the global minimum. The transformation in 4B rotates from rAthrough a larger critical angle (see 4B inset), and then tran slates torB. Both propagatesacross eitherspac e-curverBorrA. followsthesesteps: (1)Link r2/1rotatesabout Lagrange multiplier representing the conjugate 'force During this rotation, nodes 3 rA3,rA4,...and at rB2,rB3,.... The corresponding Lagrange constraint forces l23,l34,...are all zero. noftheirend points(dashed (2)Whenlink curve rB, and the process starts again with link r3/2which begins its rotation about r2, while straight lines. This process continues until thefina l into place on 4Bis theabove,but startingat curve rBand ending onrA. For ideal chains without curvature constraints, the distan ces obtained from the two in 4A,B differ non-extensively as the number of links N- . Moreover, the distance for each transformation itself differs non-extensively from t he Mean Root Square distance nscales asdsNL~L2,whilerotationalmotionscales a the other hand, curvature constraints as in eq. (16) becom e more severe on consecutive links as N-, and can yield extensive corrections to the distance. Speci fically, the increase in distance So D ~dsNR~LR. It doesnotvanishas sivecorrections Non-crossing spacecurves The minimal transformation may be qualitatively different when chain crossing is explicitly disal- lowed. Figure 1C illustrates a pair of curves that differ onl y by the order of chain crossing. They are displaced in the figure for easier visualization but shou ld be imagined to overlap so the 0, i.e. if they were ghost chains their distance would be near ly zero, and most distancebetween bleI). Analogous to the construction of Alexander polynomials for knots, if we form the orthogonal pro- jection of these space curves onto a plane there will be doubl e points indicating one part of the curve crossing over or under another. To transform from configurat ionrAtorBwithout crossing, the nts. . an underpass weassignit-1, so tra versingfrom theleft in figure1C, curve rB has (+1) sense, and curve rA(-1). The change in sense during any transformation obeying +-1, whileghostchains can havechanges of +-2. The non-crossing condition means that the Lagrangian for th e minimal transformation now depends on the position r(s,t)of the space curve, which may be accounted for using an Edward s practice a Gaussian may be used to approximate variancethat maybeadjustedto accou (19) where the curvature potential in eq. (16) has been included, and the notation been used. (20) To access various conformations, the minimal transformati on must now abide by the non-trivial ge- ometrical constraints that are induced by non-crossing. In general this renders the problem the example in figure 1C is simple enough to propose a m echanism for the minimal analogy with the hairpin transformation described below eq. (15), the transformation here forming and then unforming a hairpin. rA(N)(the blue end of curve rAin fig 1C) takes essentially zero distance in the continuum limi t). The curve then doubles back following Thedistan extendingfrom thejunctioni nfig 1C. III. minimizing a vector functional of d+1 independent variables. Here we formulated the problem for space curves, where the function r*(s,t)defining the transformation from curve rAto curverBgives D. We provided a general recipe for the solution to the problem t hrough the calculus of variations. For simple cases the solution is analytically tractable. Gener ally there are an infinity of extrema, and Weemployeda Thev and compared curr entlyused. The distance metric may be generalized to higher dimensiona l manifolds, for example a two question of a distance metric between configurations of a biopolymer has occupied the minds of many in the protein folding community for some time (c.f. f or example [4-8]). Such a metric is of interest for comparison between folded structures, as we ll as to quantify how close an unfolded or14 partly folded structure is to the native. Chan and Dill [5] in vestigated the minimum number of moves necessary to transform one lattice structure to another, in particular while breaking the smallest number of hydrogen bonds. Leopold et al[4] investigated the minimum number of monomers that had to b e moved to transform one compact conformation to another. Fal icov and Cohen investigated by rotation and translation until the minimal ar ea surface by triangulation was obtained between [6] . The present theoretical framework allows computation of a m inimal distance between proteins of the same length by rotating and translating until Dis minimized, as done in the calculation of RMSD. Comparison between different length proteins would involv e the further optimization with respect segments. It is interesting to ask which folded structures have the lar gest, or smallest average distance ensembleof random coil structures, and also whether the a ccessibility of these structures in terms kinetic proximity in terms of its probability pFto fold before unfolding [7], by calculating question of the most accessible or least accessible stru cture may be formulated variationally as a free-boundary is an important future question to address whether the ent ropy of paths to a particular structure is as important as the minimal distance. In this sense it may be t he finite temperature ( b <) litybetween structures. This has an analogue to the quantum string: we investigated only Z()here. We hope that this work proves useful in laying the foundations for unambiguously defining distance betwee n biomolecular structures in particular general. IV. are grateful to Ali Mohazab, Moshe Schecter, Matt Choptui k, and Bill Unruh for insightful dis- cussions. Support from the Natural Sciences and Engineerin g Research Council and the A. P. Gelfand, I. M& Fomin,S.V. (2000) Calculus of Variations . (Dover).15 [2] Zwiebach, B. (2004) Afirst course in string theory. (Camb ridge University Press, NewYork). [3] Grosberg, A. Y. (2004) in Computational Soft Matter: From Synthetic Polymers to Prot eins, eds. Attig, N, Binder, K, Grubmuller, H, & Kremer, K. (John von Neumann Inst itut fur Computing, Bonn) Vol. NIC series vol. 23, pp. 375-399. [4] Leopold, P. E, Montal, M, & Onuchic, J. N. (1992). Protein folding funnels: Kinetic pathways through compact conformational space. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci.USA89, 8721-8725. [5] Chan, H.S&Dill, K.A. (1994). Transition States and Fold ing Dynamics of Proteins and Heteropolymers. J. Chem.Phys. 100, 9238-9257. [6] (1996). comparison ofproteins. JMol Biol 258, 871-892. [7] Du, R,Pande, V. S,Grosberg, A. Y,Tanaka, T,& Shakhnovic h, E.S. (1998). Onthe transition coordinate for protein folding. JChem Phys108, 334-350. [8] Cho, S. S, Levy, Y, & Wolynes, P. G. (2006). P versus Q: Stru ctural reaction coordinates capture protein folding on smooth landscapes. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA103, 586-591. [9] Veitshans, D. (1996). Protei n folding kinetics: Timescales, pathways in terms of properties. Fol ding and Design 2, 1-22.16 FIGURE displacedforeasy eimaginedto 2: The minimal transformation from AtoBin figure 1A involves the propagation of a kink along curve B. The end point of the curve at intermediate states satisfies x+y=L, the equation for a straightline. can exist. An is shown in re d. are A, as wellas 3: Transformations between two rigid rods. (A) under goes simultaneous translation and rotationand so isnot extremal. (B) is extremaland minimal. Therod cannotrotateany less giventhat it translates first. is aweak or lo cal minimum. (C), (D), and (E) are extremal but not minimal. (F) Is the global minimum. It rotates the min imal amount, and both towards A',B'. A purely straight-line transformation exists but involve s moving point A awayfrom thuscoveringala 4: Two the curves sh own in fig. 1B, for N=10 links. 0.335L2. In (A), links with one end touching curve rBrotate, the others translate first from rA, rotating only when one end of a link has touched rB. In (B) they rotate first from rA, then translate into rB. Dashed lines in (A) show the paths travelled for each bead. T he inset of (A) plots the total as a function of the number of links N, with various Nplotted as filled circles to indicate the rapid decrease and asymptotic limit to D0.251L2The inset in (B) shows the minimal angle each link must rotate during the transformation- it is less for th e transformation in (A). Movie animations ion.17 TABLESAND Values of the distance for various examples conside red here, compared toother D*(L2) RMSD(L) |d|/L |d|/L 0 0 L-curves,fig 1A Hairpin 1/4 1/
6 1 1/2 C-curve- st. line,fig 4A 0.330 0.371 st. line,fig 1A0.251 0.334 fig 1C (l/L)20 AhaswithB, see AandB. contactismadeat herebecauseRMSD containsa factorof 2whileD didnot. We A' A B' A'B AB B' A' A B' A'B AB B' A'B'' thc A B' A'B(A) (B) (D) (F) | 0803.0102 | Ali R. Mohazab | Steven S. Plotkin | Generalization of distance to higher dimensional objects | null | PNAS.2007; 104: 14899-14904 | null | null | cond-mat.soft cond-mat.other | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The measurement of distance between two objects is generalized to the case
where the objects are no longer points but are one-dimensional. Additional
concepts such as non-extensibility, curvature constraints, and non-crossing
become central to the notion of distance. Analytical and numerical results are
given for some specific examples, and applications to biopolymers are
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 2 Mar 2008 05:39:04 GMT"
] | 2008-03-04T00:00:00 | [
"Steven S.",
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1: a) Classical 120*degree non-collinear spin order on the tri- angular lattice. Basic vectors of triangular lattice: /vectord1= (1,0). b) Definition of scattering angles for LFvertex. Raman spectrum on various levels of approximation in 1/S, i.e. bare, including final sta te interactions, and show that Raman profile is very sensitive t o the magnon-magnon interactions. We discuss our results in sectionV. II. The classical ground state of the THAF21is a non-collinear Toachiev e this we assume a gauge in which the la- bel the lattice plane and a uniform twist with a pitch vector Q= y-axis. spin Siis related to the spin ~Siin the 0 0 0 -1 cos(qi) sin(qi) points on the triangular lattice, which is depicted in Fi g. 1a). Incontrastto Si,thespin ~Siisamenabletoa (3)
i= we intendto first thebosonfields. We have H-E0= 3JS(H2+H3+H4), (4) whereE0= groundstate momentum kis defined in the first magnetic BZ. 1+nk/2, Bk=-3nk/2, (8) andthe expressions for H3andH4have been obtain first in Ref.16. The essential (4) - (7) Ne' el state ona hypercubi c lattice is the occurrenceof the term H3, which is present groundstate config ura- tion of the THAF. In the remainder of this paper we set the scale ofenergyto 3J/2 = 1, i.e. forS= 1/2the prefactorin Eqn. (4) 1. The Hamitonian H2in terms of (13)3 FIG. 2: One magnon dispersion. Top: linear spin-wave disper sion Ekof from Eqn. (14). Middle and bottom: real and imaginary (10) - (12) of Ref.17on a lattice of 252x252k-points of e= magnon dispersion Ekis depicted in Fig. 2. It vanishes at the center of the zone, kx= 0,ky= 0, wherenk= 1and at the corners of the BZ, where nk=-1/2. There are two van-Hove singularities, i.e. at E= maximum energy and at E= 2/30.6667Jfrom treat the interaction between magnons we need to ex- press the triplic and quartic part of the Hamiltonian, (11). entin principle, but are not expressed explicitly for notational sim- plicity. As will be come clear in section IV they play no rolein evaluating the magnon interactions within the Raman re- sponse. Moreover f(k,p) the Raman scattering are no = .(19) Eqns. (15) - (19) allow to construct all vertices relevant to the final state in the Raman scatter - ing. Apart from that Eqns. (4) - (10) can be used to O(1/S). 16, to which we refer the readerfor details. For the pur- pose of the present work it is sufficient to employ Eqns. (10) - (12)from Ref.16 to calculate the Fig. 2 (middle and bottom panel) shows the result of such calculations. It is evident that in the real part of the magnon energy, the interactions lead to extended and almost flat regions with a shallow along the BZ faces. Moreover, as the use the framework of the Loudon-Fleury (LF) model for the interaction of light with spin degrees of freedom for the calculationof the two-magnonRaman scattering. The (20) where the polarizations ^ein= costh^x+ sinph^yof the incoming and the outgoing light are determined by angles thandph, defined with respect to the x-axis. To derive the final form of the scattering LF vertex, we first write spin operators in terms of (3), and then express the latter in terms4 FIG. 3: Diagrams for the Raman intensity: a) Bare Raman verte xR fromEqn. willbeconsidered (seetext). c)Thein tegral equation for the dressed Raman vertex Gin terms of the (IPP) vertex g. d) Leading order tothe IPPvertex. of the boson quasi-particle operators c. We get the = = = c+
kckterms. How- ever, at zero momentum and to lowest order in 1/Sthese terms do not contribute to the Raman response at finite fre- quency, and we dropped them. Note that Ris explicitly Her- mitian.IV. now calculate the Raman intensity including one- to O(1/S). The Raman ies om= 2pmTonto the real axis as iom-ohm +ie, where ohm =oin-ooutrefers to the inelastic energy transfer by the photon, and for the remainder of this paper we assume the temperature T= 1/btobezero. Theprefactor' const'refers to some arbitrary units by which the observed intensities ar e scaled. The role of interactions is summarized in Fig. 3. Two effects have to be distinguished, namely renormalizations of the one-magnon propagators, i.e. G0-G, and vertex cor- rections to the Raman intensity (final state interactions), i.e R-G. All particles. To orders higher than O((1/S)0)the prop- agators of these particles are not diagonal i.e. both normal Gcc(k,t) anomalous Dcc(k,t) do occur. However, anoma- lous propagators are smaller by one factor of 1/Sas com- pared to the normal propagators and, therefore, can be ne- glected. To first order in 1/S, the normal propagators read G(k,ion) = 1/(ion-Er k), i.e. the quasi-particle Er kis taken from Eqns. (10)- (12)of Inprinciple, the latter can contain terms of type in Eqn. (21) and Fig. 3 a). However, these i.e., they are smaller by one order o f 1/Sand will be dropped. In the following we consider is sufficient to calculate J(t) which 3 b). Fig. 3 b) shows the two-particle reducible Raman events. It satisfies the Bethe-Salpeter equation ex- pressed in terms of the two-particle irreducible vertex g, de- pictedin Fig. 3c) G(k,on,om) this work we consider only the leading order contribu- tions in1/Stog. They are shown in Fig. 3 d). The identical to the andreads g4(k,p) =-1 2Sh(k,p) (26)5 The two addends forming the irreducible assembled from H3and one the functions the G0foreach for an additional two-particle irreducible graph, with the legs placed into the channel and one intermediate line at z ero momentum and frequency. However, we verified that tog3, Eqn. (25) is an integral equation with Thisis thefirst be made. Here we simplify g3by assuming the from the frequency summations to result ofthe propagatorsin (28) This approximation will be best for sharp magnon lines and the transferred frequencies iomclose to the van-Hove 2Ek. In this approximation for g3, the two-particle ooonthe right hand side of Eqn. (25) as well as the analytic +iez. With this Gin the latter =r-(k) (30) Lk,p(z) the rest of the paper the superscript ' r' refers to the propagatorswith reducible part of the Raman intensity, while inspection of the vertex g(k,p)shows, that it does not separate into a finitesum of productsof lattice harmonics0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 ohm [a.u.]N=252, e=0.003, BB N=252, e=0.003, RB FIG. 4: Raman intensity neglecting final state interactions , i.e. eqn. (33). Scattering geometry: ph=th= 0. Number of k-points:NxN. Dashed (BB): bubble using bare magnon energies Ekfrom eqn. (14), shown in top panel of fig. 2. Imaginary broadening e= 0.003choosen such as to retain Solid(RB):bubble usin (10)-(12) of ref.17and shown in the middle and lower panel of fig. 2. Finite- size oscillations are suppressed by Im[Er k]. The absolute scale of I(ohm)is settounity, but the relative scale of BBand RBiskept. of the Therefore,Eqns. (30)-(31) cann otbe solved algebraically in terms of a finite number of scatterin g channels, but require a numerical solution. On finite lattic es this can be done by treating Eqn. (30) as a linear Raman scattering from collinear and the expression for the Raman intensity from Eqn. (24) (32) J(ohm) now discuss the Raman intensity for several levels First, we neglect final state interactions and setGk(z)-Mk. Fig. 4 shows the Raman intensity as figure contrasts the Raman bubble with bare propaga- tors against that with Such results can b e obtained on fairly large lattices, since they do not involve a solution of the integral equation (30), but only a calculati on of the one We keep the shift ieoff thisfigure,in ordertodiscr to the scattering geometry. This is in a sharp con- trast to Raman scattering from the square lattice HAF, where6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 ohm [a.u.]N=69, e=0.03, RB N=69, e=0.03, RBV FIG.5: Effectof final on Ramanintensity . Scatter- ing geometry: ph=th= 0. Number of k-points:NxN. Imaginary shift off real axis is e= 0.03. Dashed line (RB): replacing GbyM in Eqn. (33) and using bubble with renormalized magnon energ from Eqns. (10) - (12) of Ref.17. Solid Gobtainedfrom Eqn. (30)inEqn. (33) and renormalized magnon energies Er k. The absolute scale of I(ohm) is settounity, but the relative scale of RBandRBV iskept. Raman amplitudesin case of the bare Raman bubble, one can see two well- defined peaks, one at energy ohm = 3/
2and one at ohm = 4/3 - bothin unitsof 3J/2. These 2times that of the maximum and of the BZ-boundary saddle-point of the classical spin-wave spectrum Ek. Clearly, the domi- nant spectral weight does not stem from the k-points at BZ- boundary. This does not reflect the bare states but is an effect of the Raman matrix element modificationsof the in- tensity occur. First, both maxima are shifted downwards by a factor of ~0.7due to the corresponding the one magnon energies. Second, as the of Ekhas turned into a flat region, parts of the BZ for Er k, the intensity of the lower energy peak is strongly enhanced due to the very large den- sity of one-magnon states. Equally important, the imaginar in the maximal one-magnon energies. This smears the peak at the upper frequency cut-off in I(ohm)almost completely - as can seen from the solid line in Fig. 4. In contrast to that, Im[Er k] almost vanishes in the flat regions on the BZ-boundary due to phase-space constraints18, leading to a further relative we turn to final-state interactions. In Fig.5, we the Raman bubble obtained with O(1/S)and only bare Raman vertices to exGk(z)from Eqn. (30). The numerical solution of the latter equation requires some comments. Since the kernel Lk,p(z) is not sparse and has rank N2xN2, already moderate lat- tice sizes lead to ratherlarge dimensionsand storage requi re- ments for the linear solver. We have chosen N= 69, lead- ing to a 4761 x4761system which we have solved 200 times to account for 200 frequencies in the interval (k,p)- space, which stem from the singularities of the from the Eqn. (29). In principle,such regionsare of measur solutionofEqn. (30 ) asN- . Inourcase,i.e. ngu- laritiesin Lk,p. rather larger artificial broadering iein order to achieve line shapes. This can be seen by contrasting the dashed curve in Fig. 5 and solid curve in Fig.4, main message put forward by Fig. 5 is that the final leadtoaflatteningofthepeakfromthetw a- mancontinuum. a- tion. Discarding momentum dependencies and iterating the two-magnon bubble times the irreducible vertex g, leads to a renormalization of the intensity by a factor, roughly of th the over-all intensity. While exactly the same mechanism is at work also for the square lattice HAF, its impact on the nsity without final state interactions is at the upper cut-off of th e Raman intensity. Suppression of this peak-intensity simpl y shifts the maximum intensity to lower frequencies within th e Raman spectrum. This shift is then interpreted in terms of a two-magnon binding energy. Such reasoning cannot be CONCLUSIONAND from the two-dimensional triangular Heisenberg considering various levels of approximatio n within a controlled 1/S-expansion. Our study has revealed several key differences as compared to the well-known we found that the intensity profile is insensitive ng light atO(1/S). This has to be contrasted against the clear difference between A 1gand B1g,2gsymmetry for the the Raman intensity hastwo Th e less intensive peak is located at the upper edge of the states andstems fromtwice the maximum of the one-magnon energy. This is similar to the square lat- tice case. However, the dominant peak is located Thi s peak stems from the Loudon-Fleury Raman-vertex the Brillouin zone the one - magnon dispersion on the triangular lattice has an addition al weak van-Hove singularity. This is absent on the square lat- tice. Next, we calculated the Raman intensity with the final-state interactions within the Raman process. In th at energy ~3J/2. At this energy the real part of the renormalized one-magnon dispersion shows a large plateau- region at the Brillouin zone boundary with a roton-like shal - low minimum. Moreover, due to phase-space constraints the one-magnon life-time is large in this region. Therefore, th e two-magnon density of states in this region is strongly en- hanced, as compared to the linear spin-wave result. In con- trast to that, the intensity at the upperedge of the spectrum is suppressed further, since the lead to 0.7. In a last step, we considered the impact of the to O(1/S). Due to the non-collinear ordering on the triangular lattice, and in sharp contrast to the squar n scattering is neither instantaneous in time, nor separable inmomentum space. Our solution of the corresponding - file which results from a smearing of the intensity of the two-roton peak by virtue of repeated two-magnon scattering . While, at this order in 1/Sthe over-all form of the Raman profile is reminiscent of that on the square-lattice, one has to keep in mind, that in the latter case the position of the maxi- muminthe differently, namely in terms of a two-magnon conclusion we hope that our theoretical stimulate further experimental analysis of triangula r, and more generally frustrated magnetic systems by Several novel materials with triangular struc ture have been investigated thoroughly over the last few years, among them the cobaltites, Na xCoO222, and the triangular antiferromagents Cs 2Cu2(CN)324. To of us (W.B.) acknowledges partial support by the DFG through Grant No. BR 1084/4-1 and the hospitality of the KITP, where this research was supported in part by the R.Loudon, Phys.Lett. 3A,189 (1963) 2P. A. Fleury, S. P. S. Porto, L. E. Cheesman, and H. J. Guggen- heim, Phys.Rev. Lett. 17, 84 (1966) 3J. B.Parkinson, J.Phys. C 2, 2012 (1969) 4P. A. Fleury and H. J. Guggenheim, Phys. Rev. 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the triangular lattice | 7 pages, 5 figures | null | 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.174412 | null | cond-mat.str-el | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We investigate two-magnon Raman scattering from the $S=1/2$ Heisenberg
antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice, considering both the effect of
renormalization of the one-magnon spectrum by 1/S corrections and final-state
magnon-magnon interactions. The bare Raman intensity displays two peaks related
to one-magnon van-Hove singularities. We find that 1/S self-energy corrections
to the one-magnon spectrum strongly modify this intensity profile. The central
Raman-peak is significantly enhanced due to plateaus in the magnon dispersion,
the high frequency peak is suppressed due to magnon damping, and the overall
spectral support narrows considerably. Additionally we investigate final-state
interactions by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation to $O(1/S)$. In contrast to
collinear antiferromagnets, the non-collinear nature of the magnetic ground
state leads to an irreducible magnon scattering which is retarded and
non-separable already to lowest order. We show that final-state interactions
lead to a rather broad Raman-continuum centered around approximately twice the
'roton'-energy. We also discuss the dependence on the scattering geometry.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 2 Mar 2008 16:28:49 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
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SS1. Introduction One of the most fascinating puzzles in the meson mass spectrum is the mass of the flavor singlet pseudoscalar meson, e', is so heavier, me'= 957.78(14) MeV, than that of its flavor nonsinglet counterparts in nature, mp0= 134.9766(6) MeV, mK0= 497.648(22) MeV, and me= 547.51(18) ofSU(3)Asymmetry in the quark massless limit ( mquark-0), ignoring the small QED effects whereas e'is not an NG boson because U(1)Asymmetry is broken by the quantum effect, theU(1)Aanomaly. The nonvanishing divergence of the flavor singlet axial cur rent, A0 u(x), in the axial Ward-Takahashi identity (AWTI) occurs for an oper atorOin the case of degenerate quarks up to the contact (1.1) and expresses the anomalous breaking of chiral symmetry in the las t term, which is propor- tional to the topological charge density, rtop(x). For a sufficiently smooth gauge field, rtop(x) (1.2) The difference in the pseudoscalar meson masses between the flavo r singlet sector, me', and the non-singlet sector, mp, was estimated by the Witten-Veneziano (WV) (1.3) at the limit of Nc- . Herekhtopis the susceptibility of the topological charge ( Qtop) (1.4) in pure Yang-Mills (YM) theory in a four dimensional volume VT. A recent result in Nc= 3 YM theory with the overlap fermion4)shows that kh= from this estimation for Nf= 3 and in the chiral limit, m2 p-0, isme'970 MeV, which is very close to experimental values. The direct numerical calculation of the e'spectrum is important for checking such asthe WVrelation, andshould result in itscorrection of e'physics in pure YM theory with quenched Wilson fermions were carried out in pioneer works.5),6)The relation between the topological charge and the mass of e' 2was also performed for two-flavor and Wilson fermions. Using staggered fermions, me'has been calculated for Nf= 0,214)andNf= there are other interesting investigations, such as using twisted-mass quarks49)or a local imaginary e'inNf= one of the lattice chiral fermions, which has both flavor and chiral symmetries even at finite lattice spacing ( a>0), and is thus suitable for investigation of of chiral anomalies. These features of DWF make their use p referable to the methods of discretization. Wilson fermions break chiral symmetry at a>0 errors start at O(aLQCD). The singlet flavor meson in staggered fermions is a very important subject as it may be related to the potential issue a bout the locality of the formalisms in the continuum and flavor symmetry are particularly important for e'physics, and the DWF is the natural choice of lattice quark in investigations. Chiral symmet ry in a DWF is not realized perfectly, it is broken due to its finite extent in the fifth dire ction,Ls. The amount of breaking can be measured by a shift in quark mass: mquark=mf+mres, so that the nonsinglet axial current is conserved at mquark= 0.mresis called the residual quark mass and vanishes at large Lsfor a sufficiently smooth gauge it is desirable to take Ls- limit, to reduce the computational cost, we re- strict ourselves tofinite Ls= smoothen gauge field at short distance and reduces RBC collaboration examined the first large scale dynamical DWF sim meson masses and decay constants were computed and fit to the chiral per- turbation theory (ChPT) formula. mp,mK,mr,fp, andfKcalculated in their work are reasonably consistent with values obtained in experiments. The Jparameter is closer to value than the value obtained in the quenched simu lation. The meson, a0, mass and the decay constant have also been examined both in dyna mical QCD and partially quenched QCD using partially quenched ChPT.26) We will mainly focus on the e'meson in this paper, but we will also report on the results of other mesons belong to other Lorentz and flavor representat ions, and also investigate the signal of the mesons in their excited state and their decay constan ts. As the results are limited to the isospin symmetric case and the numbe r of dynamical quarks is two, our focal interest in this paper is to provide a benchm ark calculation for the study of the general meson spectrum on a dynamical DWF ensemble with various (smeared) meson field using a larger statistical sample than in the previous stud y. InSS2, the theoretical expectations of e'meson physics are summarized. We explain the 3details of the simulation including improvements in the signal-to-noise r atio and the fitting methods used to relate the simulation data to physical quantities in SS3. The are presented in SS4 with a list of their systematic uncertainties. We will Theoretical results on physics of flavor singlet meson In (continuum Euclidean) QCD with Nfdegenerated quarks, the operator of the flavor singlet pseudoscalar meson, e':I(JP) = 0(0-), is defined by quark operators, qf, as e'(x) (2.1) wheref= 1,...,Nfis the flavor index. The e'propagator consists of two (2.2) Cg5(t) x,t)g5qf(/vector =/integraldisplay d3x/angbracketleftBigg 1 NfNf/summationdisplay f/bracehtipdownleft x,t)g5qf(/vector x,t)1 NfNf/summationdisplay g/bracehtipdownleft/bracehtipdownright -qg(/vector0,0)g5qg(/vector0,0)/angbracketrightBigg . The braces represent the contraction of the quark propagator s,Sq(0,t). Thus, for example, Cg5(t) the same as the nonsinglet meson (pion) propagator, and Dg5(t) is the correlation function between disconnected quark loops, wh ich exists in the flavor singlet mesons. When Dg5(t) is suppressed by the OZI rule, it propagates and dynamical QCD, inwhich the mass ofquark polarizing the gluon, msea, isequal to that of the valence quark consisting the meson operator, mval, thee'propagator is an of time with its damping factor being the mass of the meson, =Ae'e-me't+***, (2.3) at larget. A model of the e'propagator is depicted in Fig. 1. The meson propagator is expresse d as a series expansion in number of the quark loops with signs reflectin g the of the quark, and the blobs at the ends are the meson ope rators (2 .1). The wavy lines connecting the quark loops represent the coupling between dis connected loops attached to the pseudoscalar density, which is related to the U(1)Aanomaly. 4
Fig. 1. Diagram of meson propagator in momentum space can be calculated from th e model. The first term in Fig. 1 is the same as the nonsinglet pseudoscalar meson ( pion), 1/(p2+m2 p), and the second term is given by two pion propagators coupled to eac h other by whose coupling we parameterize as m2 0/Nf. There of quark loops in the second term. Repeating the similar identification of connected pion propagators to the nth order, the momentum space representation of the e' propagator can be written as a geometrical (2.4) Themppole in the connected diagram, Cg5, is exactly canceled by part of the and thus the square of the e'meson mass, m2 e', is identified by m2 p+m2 0, which means e'does not behave as an NG boson. In terms of this model, in lattice simulation should reveal the magnitude of m2 0, and if it is consistent with the WV relation (1 .3). In a later section, we will also calculate the ratio between Dg5(t) (2.3), the ratio at large tshould behave (2.6) m=me'-mp, B=Ae' Ap. (2.7) The ratio at large texponentially approaches unity with the exponent being the mass difference between e'and pion, which is a signature of the dynamical sea quark. This is in contrast to the quenched QCD, in which mseais taken to be infinitely heavy while mvalis kept finite. Inthis nonunitary theory, the thirdandhigher terms in the are missing due to the decoupling of the sea quark, and the result ing meson propagator 5has an unphysical double (2.8) The in this case behaves as a linear function of ***, (2.9) which is clearly different from (2 .6). Thus, to obtain a physical e'we must simulate the dynamical theory ( msea=mval). We will examine me'in the domain wall QCD only at the dynamical points. SS3. Simulation wall fermion (DWF) The DWF action is defined is a DWF that is located in five dimensional space, ( x,s),Lsis the size of the fifth direction, and the parameter M5is the domain wall height. By setting M5in a region around [0,2], from (3 .4), zero modes are localized around s= 0(Ls-1) and the zero modes undergo exponential damping as s,(Ls-1-s) increases. When fermion and antifermion, q(x) and -q(x), are defined as q(x) (3.5) -q(x) (3.6) chiral symmetry is fulfilled even with finite lattice spacing ( a>0) at theLs- limit. However, in the simulation, Lsis restricted to be finite, and the AWTI is modified from its expression in the continuum theory (3.7) 6i.e., the physical quark mass is shifted to a small lattice artifact called the residual quark mass, defined as mres= x,t) is an operator similar to the pseudoscalar operator but made of fe rmions at the midpoint of the fifth thus the numerator of (3 .8) includes the contractions between the surface fermions at s= 0 ors=Lsand the midpoint For the flavor non-singlet case, bne}ationslash= 0,mresis an exponential function of Ls as a consequence of the exponentially localized zero modes to the su rface, and vanishes as Ls- . One could further argue52)that the effective Lagrangian contains the diverging, error, which can be corrected by the small shift of t he quark mass, mquark=
mf+mres. The remaining error is O(a), similar to that of Wilson fermions, however, it is an exponentially small number, eaLs, orO(mres). Although mresis small compared with the statistical errors we will have in most of observables, we will tre at the shifted the physical quark mass so that our analysis is precise which is a few percent in our simulation. On the other hand, for flavor singlet ( b= 0) case, Jb 5q(/vector x,t) in (3.8) can be attached to a quark loop that does not propagate in the entire Lsin the fifth direction, and is free from suppression. the counterparts of mresin the flavor singlet case remains finite even as Ls- , and reproduces the following anomalous (3.9) In summary, DWF even for finite Lscorrectly reproduces the quantum anomaly of axial symmetry with small error due to lattice actions and parameters We employ the Nf= 2 QCD ensemble25)with DWF actions described in the Our gauge action contains an improvement in the sense of the invariance, =Uu(x)Un(x+ ^u)U+
u(x+ ^n)U+
n(x), (3.11) Run(x) =Uu(x)Uu(x+ ^u+ ^n)U+
u(x+ ^n)U+
n(x), (3.12) 7Table I. Lattice ensembles and simulation parameters. b c 1VxT 163x32 1.537(26) 0.1284(22) (2 begin-end(step) traj. #config. Nnoise 0.02 0.5121(36) 656-5351(5) 940 1 0.03 0.5984(31) 615-6205(10) 560 3 0.04 0.6415(33) 625-1765(10), 2 (a)For themf= 0.04 ensemble, we do not use trajectories 1775-2065 due to a hardw are error on trajectory 1772 that was not detected until lattice generation was finished. withb= 0.80 andc1=-1.4069. The parameters of the DWF action (3 .4) are set as Ls= 12 andM5= 1.8. We measure observables on a 470-940 lattice configuration samp les for three different masses, mf=0.02, 0.03, and 0.04, which correspond to mp/mr0.51-0.64. The lattice size is 163x32, the lattice scale is a-11.5 GeV (a0.13 fm), and the residual chiral breaking mres= 0.00137(4) which is about an order of magnitude smaller than method. The size of the block is determined to be 50 traje ctories by monitoring of the hadron propagators. A summary of lattice ensembles and parameters is given in Table I. Other results on these ensembles can be found in 25 smearing and sources Before constructing the meson propagators, we describe an impr ovement for the in this section. It is known to be difficult to reduce the s tatistical error of ion, the correlation function between disconnected loops, statistical fluctuation is very large, particularly for large tas we will see. We have implemented smearing for a quark operator in a gauge-covariant ma nner called smeared quark operator qSis a gauge-covariant superposition of the local quark operator qL: qc L(/vector x,t) x,/vector y)qc' L(/vector y,t), x,/vector y) x,c;/vector y,c', x,c;/vector x,/vector y, x,c;/vector y,c'=Ui(/vector x,t)c,c'd/vector x+^i,/vector y-dc,c'd/vector x,/vector y, x,c;/vector y,t)c,c'd/vector x-^i,/vector y-dc,c'd/vector x,/vector y. (3.17) The shape of qSin terms of qLis Gaussian with width oasN- . We seto= 4.35 and N= 40. The overlap between the ground state and the meson operat or made of smeared quarks is expected to be larger the meson made of unsmeared quar ks, and the excited is suppressed for small t, where the statistical error is smaller. Both the quark correlation functions, CG(t) andDG(t), are calculated for a complex Z2 noise source, x, defined by x(n)(/vector x,t) x,t)], (3.18) wheren= 1,2,...,N noiseare random noise ensembles and x1andx2take values of x,t) is statistically independent of space-time: thus, it x,t)x(n)(/vector y,t') = 0, y,t') =d/vector x,/vector ydt,t', (3.20) which is useful for calculating the disconnected loops as we will see in t he next subsection. We use the source restricted to a time slice (wall source) for CG(t) and a space-time volume source forDG(t), andNnoise= 1, 3, and 2 for mf=0.02, 0.03, and 0.04, operators and correlation functions Our naming convention for meson fields is similar to that used by the pa rticle data group,1)but our simulation is limited to having only up and down quarks ( Nf= 2) with degenerate masses and zero electric charges; thus, the meson s pectra are inevitably different from those in the real world. The systematic error from these omis sion may be comparable or smaller to our target precision of ~10 %. This point certainly needs further Hermitian interpolation fields for flavor nonsinglet meson in our sim andb1, and singlet fields, e',o,f0,f1, andh1are defined in terms of quark -qJ,fas x,t) x,t), x,t) x,t) (3 .22) 9Table II. Meson operators in the simulation and their quantu m numbers. Meson type JPCGnonsinglet 0-+ig5p e' vector 1--igiar o scalar over i,j= 1,2,3 is x,t) x,t), x,t) x,t) (3 .24) b1I(/vector x,t) x,t) (3 x,t) x,t), x,t) x,t) (3 .27) f0I(/vector x,t) x,t)qI,f(/vector x,t), x,t) x,t) (3 .29) h1I(/vector x,t) x,t) (3 .30) wheretb(b= 1,2,3) are the Pauli matrices for the flavor indices fandg, andIandJ denotes whether we use the local quark field ( L) or the smeared field ( S) to control the ground-state overlap. In Table II, we summarize the quantum num bers of each meson field. The two-point correlation functions between the interpolation field s are calculated x,/vector x,t)p+
J(/vector x,/vector x,t)r+
J(/vector x,/vector x,/vector x,/vector x,/vector x,/vector x,t)o+
J(/vector x,/vector x,/vector x,/vector (3.40) in terms of the connected and disconnected quark loop contributio ns (Tr is for the trace over color and spinor indices only): CIJ,G(t) x,/vector y/angbracketleftbigg/bracehtipdownleft/bracehtipdownright -qI(/vector x,t)GqI(/vector y,0)GqJ(/vector x,/vector x,t;/vector y,0)GGJI(/vector y,0;/vector x,/vector y/angbracketleftbigg/bracehtipdownleft/bracehtipdownright -qI(/vector x,t)GqI(/vector x,t)/bracehtipdownleft/bracehtipdownright -qJ(/vector y,0)GqJ(/vector x,/vector x,t;/vector y,0;/vector x,t;/vector y,t') is the propagator of the four dimensional quark x,t;/vector y,t') x,t;/vector x,t;/vector y,t') y), x,t;/vector y,t') x,t;/vector y,t') y',t')/bracketrightBigc'',a;c''',a' Fc''',c'(/vectory',/vector in terms ofthe inverse ofthe five dimensional matrix D-1 DWF(Eq. (3.2)): D-1(x,y) x,/vector y) is the smearing function which is defined in Eq.(3 the color indices and a,a'are the spin indices. We apply the zero- momentum projection to obtain the meson mass from meson energy :E/vector p2- mmeson, by summing over spatial volume /vector y,/vectory'. In eq. (3 .41), the sum over /vector yis stochas- tically evaluated by the Z2noise source at t= 0, while the sums over /vector xand/vector yin (3.42) are evaluated by Z2source spreads over the space-time volume, c.f.(3.19) and (3 x,/vector y,/vector x,t;/vector y,0)x(n)(/vector x,t;/vector z,0)x(n)(/vector x,/vector y,/vector x,t;/vector x,t;/vector x,/vector x,t;/vector x,t;/vector ), x,/vector x,t;/vector y,0)GGJI(/vector y,0;/vector x,/vector x,t){GII(/vector x,t;/vector x,t;/vector ), (3.49) 12The dagger ( +) is taken only for color and spinor (and not for space-time) indices, and we use g5D-1g5= [D-1]+, of the propagator (3 .47) in (3.48). The trace over color and spinor indices is exactly carried out by solving the quark pro pagator 3 x4 times each for a random mass fit Throughout this paper, we assume that the one particle state is th e ground state for quantum numbers IandJPC, for compatibility with to the interpolation operator in Table II. This assumption is not entirely true for some cases. For example , armeson may decay into pions. In our simulation, quarks are heavy with the lightest quar k mass about half the strange quark mass, and confined in a relatively small ( ~2 fm)3box. Many of the decay processes would not occur in this setting since the decaying particle s have energies above the threshold. Also we restrict ourselves to degenerate up and down q uarks,Nf= 2, so that a meson such as a0can not decay due to exact symmetry. To extract the meson masses, the following two analyses are carrie d out. (A) Standard method: Only the ground state of mass mOis assumed to exist in the correlation which is fitted by the hyperbolic cosine function reflecting theperio dic bound- ary condition for a meson at x,/vector x,t)O+
I(/vector sufficiently large tandT-t. Although our main results will be obtained from case, I=S, we also analyze local quark case to monitor the excited- state contamination. The fitting range of tis determined so that the effective meson mass becomes independent of the time. We also avoid a too large tfor which the statistical error becomes large and the results become unreliable. (B) Variational this case, we also assume the first excited state of mass mO*. Both the local (I,J=L) and the smeared ( I,J=S) interpolation fields are used to construct the correlation function The 2x2 matrix, X(t) x,/vector x,t)O+
L(/vector x,/vector x,t)O+
S(/vector x,/vector x,t)O+
L(/vector x,/vector x,t)O+
S(/vector normalized at a reference time t0to reduce the statistical error, then is (3.52) The eigenvalues are fit as a function of t, lO(t,t0) (3.53) lO*(t,t0) obtain the masses of the states. The second method, called the variational method, is employed to ex tract the ground- state energy precisely and to determine the amount of excited sta te (3 Bymo verify, for our choice of t0, that such contamination is not apparent within the current statistics. As an example a0case is shown in Fig. 2. t0= 2 (squares) is chosen for the final results as l(t,t0) fort0= 1 (circles) can't be fit to a linear the meson propagator is not a single exponential, while those of t0>2 (diamonds, triangles) have much larger error bars. If the numbe r of were larger, we would have observed the effect fro m the second excited state and should have calculated for more variations of interpolatio n field. This point may be important for future investigations with larger statistical s ample. For another example, the effective mass of a0, which we will define in (4 .1), obtained has the smallest statistical error, which is consistent w ith that of standard method using a smeared-smeared interpolation field (filled circles). For the v ariational method, the plateau appears after a smaller time distance when the excited-sta te is separated from The global fits to the plateaux are almost identical to each other. The clear signal of contamination from larger excited states for the local-loc al interpolation field (open circles) is observed. The identical central values and error bars f rom the standard fit and the variational method indicate that the effect from excited states is small for both methods with these settings. We analyze all masses by both methods and compare the results to e stimate the sys- tematic uncertainty due to higher excited-states. We also explore the first excited state for pseudoscalar and vector mesons, p*andr*, using the variational method. 140 2 4 6 2.t0dependence of a0eigenvalue for mf= 0.02. We chose t0= 2 (squares) by determining the contamination from the higher excited constant The leptonic decay constant can be obtained from the amplitude of t he two-point corre- lation function of a meson. We analyze decay constants for a pion, p*andrmesons. Their respective decay constants, fp,fp*andfrcan be defined through the conserved axial and vector currents, Ab u(x) (3 1,2,3) (3 ofthevector mesonstate, and between the lattice local = -q(x)tbgug5q(x), (3.57) Vb u(x) = -q(x)tbguq(x), (3.58) and an appropriate renormalization is used scheme in the continuum Q CD, which, in our case, isMSatu= 2 the first matrix element in (3 .55) can be related to pseudoscalar x,t) = -q(x)tbg5q(x) using the (flavor nonsinglet) (3.59) 150 2 4 6 8 10 effective mass0.02 LL 0.02 SS 0.02 Variational Fig. 3. Comparison of the effective mass of a0obtained by the two methods. Open (filled) circles show the results from the local-local in terpolation field in the standard method while squares show the effective mass obtained in the va riational method. which leads to fOm2 O= . (3.60) The actual determination of the decay constants is performed by the standard method (C) for a pion and rmeson, and the variational method (D) for a pion and p*meson: (C) Standard method In this case we assume the functions contain only prop- agation of the ground-state. fitted by a standard x,/vector x,t)p+
L(/vector x,/vector x,t)r+
L(/vector (3.62) to extract the quantities mp,fp,mr, andfr/ZV. 16(D) Variational method In this case, the second excited state, p*, in the correlation function of the local meson operator, is also taken into account. fitted by a double x,/vector x,t)p+
L(/vector this fitting procedure, we first determine mpandmp*by the variational method, (B) in the previous subsection and then fit the two-point function d ata to (3 .63) the results from the first Extrapolation To obtain the masses and decay constants of various mesons at th e physical quark need to extrapolate the numerical value calculated at heavier qu ark mass points. As the number of simulation points is limited and the statis tical error is too large, we do not use the fitting formula of chiral perturbation theo ry at the next leading order or higher in this work. As a crude estimation of the mass of e'at the physical point, we examine the formula valid in the lowest-order approximation from the flavor singlet AWTI g iven by eq. (3 (AWTI type) , (3.64) We also examine the simplest linear extrapolation for all meson masses as well as the (linear type) (3 .65) whereOis either a meson mass or a decay constant. SS4. Numerical results 4.1.Mass ofrmeson and lattice scale First we analyze the mass of a rmeson using the methods (A) and (B) and determine the lattice scale from mrassuming that it is a stable particle, which is true for the relatively heavy quark in the small box used in our simulation. In Fig. 4, the effec tive mas of a rho 17Table III. 0.5741(39) 5 11 (A) 0.5729(41) 5 t0+1 12 (B) 0.5425(64)a5 16 (A) 0.03 0.5979(40) 7 14 (A) 0.5984(34) 5 t0+1 16 (B) 0.5946(58)a6 16 (A) 0.04 0.6385(39) 6 14 (A) 0.6379(35) 5 t0+1 16 (B) 0.6323(70)a7 16 (A) (a)These values are obtained from ( I,J) = (L,W) correlation functions and quoted by.25) meson, taken from the damping rate between meson propagators at two neighboring which is defined x,/vector x,t)O+
J(/vector x,/vector (T-t-1),(4.1) is plotted in the top panels (method (A) and method (B) are shown in t he left and right panels, respectively). The bottom panel shows an eigenvalue of th e ground-state obtained from the variational method. The results of mrobtained from the standard fit (method (A)) and the variational method (method (B)) a re listed in Table III. The masses obtained from both methods are consistent with each o ther within for all mf, and the ground-state mass can be successfully extracted using the perform linear extrapolation for both results and obtain mrat the physical quark mass point ( mf=mu,d). The result of the chiral extrapolation is shown in Fig. 5 and Table IV. The values obtained from both methods at the physical qu ark mass point are consistent within statistical error; we choose the value from meth od (B) as our main value. The lattice scale determined from mr=775.49 MeV1)is a-1 mr= 1.537(26) GeV . (4.2) We have measured the potential energy between static quarks an d extracted the the potential r0/a= 0.5491(93) fm , (4.3) 180 2 4 68 10 12 14 effective mass0.02 LL 0.02 SS 0.03 LL 0.03 SS 0.04 LL 0.04 SS 0 2 4 68 10 12 14 effective massmf=0.02, t0=5 mf=0.03, t0=5 mf=0.04, t0=5 0 2 4 6 8 t0=5 mf=0.03, t0=5 mf=0.04, t0=5 Fig. 4. Effective mass of rvstusing method (A) (left) and method (B) (right), and Lines show the globally fitted result with errors a nd the ranges of t. which is somewhat larger than previously estimated values by ~10%. Although r0is one of the most precisely determined dimensionful quantities in the lattice Q CD, its is not known; thus, we could not judge whether our larger valu e is close to the physical value in QCD or whether it reflects some systematic errors, which we discuss in a increasing the statistical sample size, the lattice scale changed f rom that we reported in our previous the physical quark mass point, mf=mu,d, may 19-0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark massStandard Fit Variational Method Fig. 5.mrvsmf Table IV. mrat the physical quark mass point ( 1.528(26) 0.1291(22) (A) 0.5044(85) 1.537(26) 0.1284(22) (B) change. However, we use the old value of mu,das the physical quark mass point in this paper. This is because the number of quark mass points newly obtain ed in this work is not sufficient to repeat the same analysis as before in which we used the f ormula of ChPT up to the next to the leading order. We will discuss the decay constant and the in later mass In Fig. 6, we plot the effective mass of a pseudoscalar meson obtaine d by method (A) on the left, that obtained by method (B) on the right, and the grou nd-state using method (B) on the bottom panel. Table V summarizes t he values of the pion mass obtained by both methods. By using 5-10 times more statical s amples than in the previous analysis and extracting the ground-state information fr om the meson propagator over shorter time distance, which becomes possible using smeared o perators, the s decrease to approximately half of those in the previous res ults. The fact that the reduction of the error size is closer to or even larger than that exp ected from the increase 200 2 4 68 10 12 14 effective mass0.02 LL 0.02 SS 0.03 LL 0.03 SS 0.04 LL 0.04 SS 0 2 4 68 10 12 14 effective massmf=0.02, t0=5 mf=0.03, t0=5 mf=0.04, t0=5 0 2 4 6 8 t0=5 mf=0.03, t0=5 mf=0.04, t0=5 Fig. 6. Pion effective mass vs. tusing method (A) (left) and method (B) (right), and pion eige n- value vs. t-t0(bottom). Lines show fit values, errors and ranges. in the number of statistical samples, 1 /2>1/
5-10, suggests that the smearing itself does not necessarily cause the smaller statistical error for a pseudosc alar meson. Rather, we could determine the extent of the excited-state contamination us ing smeared operators with different overlaps with the states. In fact, our new results are co nsistent within with the previous results. We will discuss the decay constant and the later. 21Table V. 0.2940(14) 5 14 (A) 0.2934(13) 5 t0+1 14 (B) 0.2902(28)a9 16 (A) 0.03 0.3596(11) 6 16 (A) 0.3581(10) 5 t0+1 16 (B) 0.3575(19)a9 16 (A) 0.04 0.4075(11) 7 16 (A) 0.4092(11) 5 t0+1 16 (B) 0.4094(25)a9 16 (A) (a)These values are obtained from ( I,J) = (L,W) correlators and quoted by.25) 4.3.Mass ofa0 From experiments, there are two scalar meson s,a0(980) anda0(1450), in nature. Although these are unstable particles in the more realistic Nf= 2 +1 case, we assume a stable one-particle state to be the ground state in the sc alar meson sector in our Nf= 2 case with a relatively heavy quark and small space-time. a0meson spectrum obtained by lattice QCD calculation seem to fall roughly into two reporting lighter masses of ~1 GeV42),44)and those reporting heavier masses RBC 1.58(34) GeV by the analysis of unitary points and 1.51 (19) GeV by partially quenched analysis. Fig. 7 (left) shows the effective mass of a0, Fig. 7 (right) shows the eigenvalue of the ground-state using the variational method (B). The numerical va lues are listed in Table VI, in which we also quote the previous RBC values.26) Our new results for the mass of a0are significantly lighter than those of previous results, as shown in Table VI. Since the QCD ensemble used in both investigation s is the same, this discrepancy must originate from the difference in measuring the meson operator. In the previous calculation the meson interpolation field was construct ed from quark fields at a point. Although the point operator was convenient for theoretic al investigation in the previous study, it is not necessarily optimal for extracting the gro und state. In fact, as shwon in the left panel of Fig. 7, the effective mass of the point oper ator (open symbols) is very large at a short distance, which implies a large amount of excited -state contamination in the point operator. On the other hand, the effective mass obtain ed using the smeared operator (filled symbols) reaches plateaux earlier in time and coincide s to that obtained from 220 2 4 6 8 10 effective mass 0.02 LL 0.02 SS 0.03 LL 0.03 SS 0.04 LL 0.04 SS 0 2 4 6 8 10 effective massmf=0.02, t0=2 mf=0.03, t0=2 mf=0.04, t0=4 Fig. 7. Effective mass of a0vstusing method (A) (left) and method (B) (right). Lines show fit ted values, errors, and ranges. Table VI. method 0.02 0.750(28)a2 6 (A) 0.747(28) 2 t0+1 10 (B) 0.92(9)b4 10 exponential fit 0.03 0.816(17)a2 6 (A) 0.807(14) 2 t0+1 6 (B) 0.99(10)b5 10 exponential fit 0.04 0.814(19)a4 9 (A) 0.811(17) 4 t0+1 10 (B) 0.94(5)b5 12 exponential fit (a)These values are obtained by uncorrelated fitting.(b)These values are obtained from ( I,J) = and quoted in 26). the ground-state eigenvalue by the variational method, shown in r ight panel. Note that the size of the statistical sample is increased by a factor of five or more in this work compared with that in the previous report. Fig. 8 shows the results of extrapolation by linear fitting and Table VI I showsma0at the physical quark mass point. Since both methods (A) and (B) are consistent with each 23-0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark massStandard Fit Variational 8.ma0vsmf. The asterisk on the left shows the experimental values.1) Table VII. ma0at the physical quark mass point ( 1,108(85) 3.08(23) (A) 0.723(51) 1,111(81) 3.10(22) (B) other we choose mphys a0= 1.111(81) GeV (4 .4) from method (B) as our final value in this work. To clarify the discrepancies among results obtained from lattice calc ulations and exper- iments, further investigations including the calculation multiparticle s cattering states and the strange sea quark effects ( Nf= 2+1) are needed. 4.4.Mass ofe' Before presenting the mass spectrum results of the flavor singlet pseudoscalar meson, e', we check whether the theoretical expectation discussed in SS2 is realized. The ratio of the correlation function between disconnected quark loops, Dg5(t), to the connected was shown to approach unity for a large time separation, which is c learly different from the expectation of the linear growth in the quenched QCD case (2 .9). In the discussion, only the pion and e'states were considered when coupling to the I(JP) = leading e-(me'-mp)t. (4.5) In Fig. 9, the ratio extracted using the smeared operator, e' S, is plotted. Indeed the approaches one for the two lighter quark masses (c ircles, squares), although it is statistically uncertain at a large time distance. However the heav iest quark mass point (diamonds) seems to approach to a value lower than one. The mass d ifference between e' andpis smaller for the heavier quark mass, and is close to zero for the hea viest quark mass (as we will discuss later); thus, the ratio only approaches unit y at a very large tfrom (2.6). Moreover, this deviation from the simplest theoretical explana tion might be due to the omission of the excited states such as the p*or 0-+glueball state, which may play a more significant role in the region. From the cu rrent results, we can not conclude whether the deviation from unity for the heaviest quark c an be explained by arguments or is due to other reasons, for exam ple, insufficient sampling of the different topological sectors. 0 2 4 Nf D(t) / C(t)0.02 SS 0.03 SS 0.04 SS Fig. vst. We now describe the e'spectrum obtained using methods (A) and (B). Figure 10 shows the effective mass (left: method (A), right: method (B)), and the ground-state eigenvalue, and their numerical values and their fitted ranges are given in Table V III. We did not use a propagator from longer distance, where the statistics are too p oor and the standard error 25Table VIII. 0.477(40) 2 5 (A) 0.473(50) 2 t0+1 6 (B) 0.03 0.571(60) 3 5 (A) 0.600(44) 2 t0+1 6 (B) 0.04 0.497(17) 2 5 (A) 0.492(15) 2 t0+1 5 (B) analysis would not be reliable, although the inclusion of a few more data points does not change the fitted results for most of the masses. Method (B) pro duces flatter plateaux than method (A) for this meson. As a consistency check, we also examined the temporal exponent o f the ratio (2 .6) to extract the mass of e'. We have evaluated the effect of the finiteness of the lattice in the temporal direction by using the fitting formula (2 .5), and found the results to be the measured pion mass in Table V, the values obtained are me'= and 0.461(15) for mf= 0.02, 0.03, and 0.04, respectively. These estimations are slightly smaller than the results in Table VIII. One reason for this may be that the time range used in fitting the ratio is too short and the pion mass is ove restimated, which causes the estimation for the mass of e'to be smaller than its actual value. Because of we won't use the results obtained from the ratio fitting in o ur main results. The mass of e'has only slight dependence on the quark mass, as shown in Fig. 11: all three masses are consistent within two to three standard deviatio ns of statistical error. Their central value fluctuates nonmonotonically in quark mass order. Be fore being convinced of this nonmonotonicity, we should question the reliability of the error e stimation and other systematic uncertainties such as insufficient sampling over the topo logical charge since e'is likely to depend strongly on the topological charge strongly. In our simulation we use DBW2 gauge action to reduce the size of the residual chiral symmetry br eaking,mres, sacrificing the configuration mobility among different topological sectors to so me extent. Although the quark mass dependence has not been resolved sufficie ntly clearly, we ex- trapolate the measured masses by the eqs. (3 .64) and (3 .65) to estimate the mass of e'at the physical quark mass point. The results are shown in Fig. 11 and T able IX. The central values of the estimation differ from each other by 15% but are within s tatistical error. Our main estimation for the mass of e'at the physical quark mass point is obtained from the variational method (B) and chiral extrapolation using the lowest or der of ChPT (3 .64), and 260 2 4 6 effective mass 0.02 LL 0.02 SS 0.03 LL 0.03 SS 0.04 LL 0.04 SS 0 2 4 6 effective massmf=0.02, t0=2 mf=0.03, t0=2 mf=0.04, t0=2 0 2 4 6 t-t00.010.11e' eigenvalue mf=0.02, t0=2 mf=0.03, t0=2 mf=0.04, t0=2 Fig. 10. Effective mass of e'vstusing method (A) (left) and method (B) (right), and given by mphys e'= 819(127) MeV . (4.6) This is the first estimation of the mass of e'performed with the two flavors of a chiral fermion, which is certainly heavier than a pion , which is thought to be related to the chiral U(1)Aanomaly. Apart from the large statistical error and the errors discussed above, the main results are close to t he experimentally obtained 27-0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark mass)2Standard Fit Variational 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark massStandard Fit Variational 11. m2 e'vsmf(left), and me'vsmf(right). The open circles and squares are at the physical quark mass point using (3 .64) and (3 .65), respectively. The asterisk on the left shows the experimental values.1) Table IX. me'at the physical quark mass point ( and chiral 738(121) 2.05(33) (A) AWTI type (3 .64) 0.487(78) 748(120) 2.08(33) (A) linear type (3 .65) 0.532(82) 819(127) 2.28(35) (B) AWTI type (3 .64) 0.560(89) 862(130) 2.40(36) (B) linear type (3 .65) mass ofe', which suggests that further improvements can be made by espec ially anNf= 2+1 ofo We also examine the flavor singlet vector meson, o, using a similar procedure to that fore'. Fig. 12 shows the effective mass of o(left: method (A), right: method (B)), which is also listed in Table X. We are able to extract a non-zero signal, but fr om a shorter time distance; thus there may be a significant distortion from the excite d states. The results for the lightest point, mf= 0.02, has a particularly poor quarkmasspo int, asshown usedisthelinear extrapolation(3 .65). Sincethe for the lightest point mf= 0.02 is large, as mentioned above, we examine two ways of 280 2 4 6 effective mass 0.02 LL 0.02 SS 0.03 LL 0.03 SS 0.04 LL 0.04 SS 0 2 4 6 effective massmf=0.02, t0=2 mf=0.03, t0=2 mf=0.04, t0=2 Fig. 12. Effective mass of ovstusing method (A) (left) and method (B) (right). Table X. 0.464(48) 3 6 (A) 0.616(124) 2 t0+1 4 (B) 0.03 0.636(24) 2 5 (A) 0.651(28) 2 t0+1 4 (B) 0.04 0.717(23) 2 5 (A) 0.699(29) 2 t0+1 5 (B) the chiral extrapolation: using all three masses or the heaviest tw o points. In Table XI, one can see that the results obtained from the method (A) 3-masses fitting are from those of the method (A) 2-masses fitting. At the physical quark mass point, mois obtained from the method (B) 3 masses 790(194) MeV . (4.7) Our estimation for ois consistent with the experimental value, but with a large statistica l error~25%. We also calculated the propagators of the flavor singlet meson scala r,f0, using the same quark propagator for e'ando, and found that they are too noisy to extract the spectrum for all values of mf. 29-0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark mass Standard Fit Variational Method Standard + 3 mass fit Standard + 2 mass fit Variational + 3 mass fit Variational + 2 mass 13. movsmf. The asterisk on the left shows the experimental value.1) Table XI. Estimation of moat the physical quark mass point ( method 0.285(80) 439(123) 1.22(34) (A) 3 masses fit 0.394(117) 605(180) 1.68(50) (A) 2 masses fit 0.514(126) 790(194) 2.20(54) (B) 3 masses fit 0.509(141) 782(217) 2.18(60) (B) 2 masses meson ( a1,b1,f1,h1) spectra Figs. 14, 15, 16, and 17 show the effective mass obtained using meth od (A) (left) and method (B) (right), and Tables XII, XIII-XV list the results of fits fora1,b1,f1, and h1, respectively. Except for the h1meson propagator at mf= 0.03, the fitting 2 4 6 8 10 12 time effective mass 0.02 LL 0.02 SS 0.03 LL 0.03 SS 0.04 LL 0.04 SS 0 2 4 6 8 10 effective massmf=0.02, t0=4 mf=0.03, t0=4 mf=0.04, t0=4 Fig. 14. Effective mass of a1vstusing method (A) (left) and method (B) (right). 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 time effective mass 0.02 LL 0.02 SS 0.03 LL 0.03 SS 0.04 LL 0.04 SS 0 2 4 6 8 10 effective massmf=0.02, t0=4 mf=0.03, t0=4 mf=0.04, t0=4 Fig. 15. Effective mass of b1vstusing method (A) (left) and method (B) (right). 310 2 4 6 time effective mass0.02 LL 0.02 SS 0.03 LL 0.03 SS 0.04 LL 0.04 SS 0 2 4 effective massmf=0.02, t0=2 mf=0.03, t0=2 mf=0.04, t0=2 Fig. 16. Effective mass of f1vstusing method (A) (left) and method (B) (right). 0 2 4 6 time effective mass0.02 LL 0.02 SS 0.03 LL 0.03 SS 0.04 LL 0.04 SS 0 2 4 effective massmf=0.02, t0=2 mf=0.03, t0=2 mf=0.04, t0=2 Fig. 17. Effective mass of h1vstusing method (A) (left) and method (B) (right). 32Table XII. 0.816(12) 4 7 (A) 0.808(15) 4 t0+1 9 (B) 0.03 0.894(16) 5 8 (A) 0.880(11) 4 t0+1 9 (B) 0.04 0.898(11) 4 8 (A) 0.895(12) 4 t0+1 11 (B) Table XIII. 0.849(17) 4 7 (A) 0.848(21) 4 t0+1 8 (B) 0.03 0.892(14) 4 8 (A) 0.898(15) 4 t0+1 8 (B) 0.04 0.889(26) 6 9 (A) 0.925(13) 4 t0+1 9 (B) Table XIV. 0.801(41) 2 5 (A) 0.798(40) 2 t0+1 5 (B) 0.03 0.895(34) 2 4 (A) 0.893(35) 2 t0+1 4 (B) 0.04 0.925(43) 2 4 (A) 0.935(41) 2 t0+1 5 (B) These meson masses are extrapolated linearly to the physical quar k mass point, mf=
mu,d, and are shown in Figs. 18-21. The numerical values are summarized in Tables XVI- XIX fora1,b1,f1, andh1, respectively. As the masses are independent of the method used , within statistical error, we choose mphys a1= 1.140(51) GeV , (4.8) mphys b1= 1.203(64) GeV , (4.9) mphys f1= 1.033(137) GeV , (4.10) 33Table XV. 0.818(78) 2 4 (A) 0.814(78) 2 t0+1 4 (B) 0.04 0.834(49) 2 4 (A) 0.832(49) 2 t0+1 4 (B) mphys h1= 1.225(250) GeV (4 .11) from method (B) as our main values. 34-0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark 18. ma1vsmf. The asterisk on the left shows the experimental value.1) -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark 19. mb1vsmf. The asterisk on the left shows the experimental value.1) These numbers may be compared with the experimental results for and f1(1285), the first two of which are in good agreement with the numer ical results. However further investigations based on realistic setting s are clearly needed for more detailed 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark 20. mf1vsmf. The asterisk on the left shows the experimental value.1) -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark 21. mh1vsmf. The asterisk ont he left shows the experimental meson ( p*,r*) masses In this subsection, the second excited states of the pion and rmeson are discussed. Using method (B), we extract the eigenvalue for the second excited sta which is plotted in the right panels of Fig. 22 and 23, respectively . Although we only 36Table XVI. ma1at the physical quark mass point ( 1,146(45) 3.19(12) (A) 0.742(31) 1,140(51) 3.17(14) (B) Table XVII. mb1at the physical quark mass point ( 1,241(70) 3.45(19) (A) 0.783(40) 1,203(64) 3.35(17) (B) Table XVIII. mf1at the physical quark mass point ( 1,058(139) 2.95(39) (A) 0.672(88) 1,033(137) 2.87(38) (B) Table XIX. mh1at the physical quark mass point ( 1,233(252) 3.43(70) (A) 0.797(162) 1,225(250) 3.41(69) (B) Table XX. 1.215(50) 5 t0+1 8 (B) 0.03 1.211(27) 5 t0+1 8 (B) 0.04 1.242(26) 5 t0+1 8 (B) use two different operators for each meson, and lO*(t) may have a significant the higher excited state, we fit lO*(t) to extract the temporal exponent, mO*, or the mass of the excited states using eq. (3 .54). The results of the fitting are shown in Tables XX and XXI. We checked that the results for t0= 5 andt0= 6 are consistent with each other. We performed linear extrapolation using eq. (3 .65) to the physical quark mass point, and found that mphys p*= 1.791(138) GeV , (4.12) mphys r*= 2.028(131) GeV (4 .13) 370 2 4 6 8 effective massmf=0.02, t0=5 mf=0.03, t0=5 mf=0.04, t0=5 0 2 4 t0=5 mf=0.03, t0=5 mf=0.04, t0=5 Fig. 22. Effective mass of p*and eigenvalue as functions of tandt-t0. 0 2 4 6 8 effective massmf=0.02, t0=5 mf=0.03, t0=5 mf=0.04, t0=5 0 2 4 t0=5 mf=0.03, t0=5 mf=0.04, t0=5 Fig. 23. Effective mass of r*and eigenvalue as functions of tandt-t0. (see Figs. 24 and 25, Table XXII and XXIII). These states may be in terpreted as constants As the last set of numerical results, we present the leptonic decay constant in this sub- section. The decay constant of the ground-state pion, fp, is determined using method (C), 38Table XXI. 1.375(43) 5 t0+1 8 (B) 0.03 1.361(25) 5 t0+1 8 (B) 0.04 1.402(31) 5 t0+1 8 (B) -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark 24. mp*vs.mf. The left most star symbols show the experimental values1)in the real world. Table XXII. mp*at the physical quark mass point ( 1,791(138) 4.98(38) (B) Table XXIII. mr*at the physical quark mass point ( 2,028(131) 5.64(36) (B) and fitting the smeared two-point function to formula (3 .61). We also fitted the same two- point functions to the double exponential formula (3 .63) using the values of from the variational method (method (B)) to investiga te the decay constant for the second excited state, fp*, using method (D). Table XXIV shows the results for each simulated quark mass. The pio n mass and decay 39-0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark 25. mr*vs.mfThe left most star symbols show the experimental values1)in the real world. Table XXIV. fpandfp*. mfmp fp mp* 0.2936(13) 0.09561(40) -- -- 7 14 0.09540(43) 1.215(50)(fixed) 0.02244(54) 4 1 4 -- 9 16 (C) 0.03 0.3598(15) 0.10350(46) -- -- 10 16 0.10370(44) 1.211(27)(fixed) 0.03236(65) 4 1 6 -- 9 16 (C) 0.04 0.4098(12) 0.11002(39) -- -- 8 16 0.10964(40) 1.242(26)(fixed) 0.04362(61) 4 1 6 -- 9 16 (C) (a)These values are quoted in the previous are consistent with those reported in the previous pap er25)within statistical error. Although the p*decay constant is poorly numerically determined, an interesting the o- retical prediction can be made. AWTI, (3 .60), forp*describes the equation for its (4.14) 40-0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark decay 26. fp*vsmf. Table XXV. fp*at the physical quark mass point ( mf=mu,d) and the chiral limit ( 20(19) 0.0057(53) -05(20) -0.0013(57) (D) Table XXVI. 0.5730(96) 0.2011(66) 9 13 (C) 0.03 0.6035(64) 0.2025(50) 10 14 (C) 0.04 0.6448(51) 0.2164(37) 9 14 (C) Ifmp*is not an NG boson, so mp*remains nonzero, the right-hand side vanishes at the chiral limit, ( mf- -mres). This prediction was checked on a lattice QCD using consistent to be zero at the chiral limit. Figure 26 and Table XXV show the linear extrapolation of fp*. At the chiral limit, the p*decay constant is also consistent with the theoretical prediction, i.e.,fp*-0. Next we discuss the rmeson decay constant, fr. The result of the fitting using eq. (3 .62) is shown in Table XXVI. The mass of the rextracted by this fitting is consistent with those obtained from methods (A) and (B) within statistical error for all mf. 41Then the decay constant at the physical quark mass point is obtain ed as fphys r= 210(15) MeV (4 .15) by linear extrapolation (see Table XXVII). The renormalization fact or,ZV, which operatorinto theoneinthe continuum for MS atu= 2 GeVisnecessary to obtain a physical value for the decay constants. We use ZA= 0.75734(55), which was determined in the previous paper,25)and the relation ZV=ZA, assuming the good chiral symmetry of the current 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark / ZV Fig. 27. fr/ZVvsmf. Table XXVII. frat the physical quark mass point ( 0.1363(94) 210(15) 0.0583(41) ofthesta tistical sample. Our numerical results were obtained only at one lattice scale, in one spac e-time volume, for three quark masses heavier than the physical values, and the strange s ea quark was neglected. In this section, various sources of systematic errors are listed and s ome of their magnitudes are very roughly estimated to compare our results with those of exper Using DWF, the error starts with . The value of mresa is negligibly small in our simulation compared with the large statistical er ror involved except in the case of the pion. Our results are closer to their contin uum values than those obtained using a Wilson-type fermion on similar lattice scale. For quenched DWF QCD, the physical values of fp,fK, andfK/fpshift by~5%, 3%, and 2%, respectively, when the lattice scale changes from a-1= 2 GeV to are equal or less than current statistical error.
*Because of the limited number of quark mass points calculated in our s imulation, we restricted ourselves to using the simplest linear chiral extrapolatio ns (3.65) and that obtained from the AWTI (3 .64). A more appropriate extrapolation based on a larger number of quark mass points is the chiral fitting formula from the (p artially Whilethemassof e', onquarkmass, amoreprecisec the physical quark mass point using lighter quark masses is neede d to obtain more reliable our assumption, that the ground state is a one-particle s tate is certainly wrong for some quantum numbers, some of the decay channel in na ture are prohibited in simulations using degenerate up and down quarks with heavier mass in a relatively small spatial box (2 fm)3without a strange quark. More sophisticated as calculating the scattering amplitudes between multiparticles are needed to verify our spectrum results for the decaying meson.
*Without results obtained from a larger volume, it is difficult to estimate the finite- volume effect, although it might be smaller than that for sea quark effect: The number of quark flavors that play d ynamical roles in the e'meson may be very important as seen in the WV relation , m2 e'Nf. By 2 to 3 by including strange quark, the WV prediction for me'becomes ~20%
larger. A strange quark is, however, heavier than up/down quark s, and the mass of e' in theNf= 2+1 QCD is likely to be in between the results of Nf= 2 and 3.
*Topological charge distribution and its effects to e'meson: In our simulation, we deliberately used a special gauge action, DBW2, for good chiral sym metry. However, the autocorrelation time of the topological charge in the simulation b ecomes longer. The samples taken in our simulation may not be sufficiently long for the r eliable es- timation of the autocorrelation time for Qtop. The growth of the increasing bin size was monitored, and we estimated the time of roughly ~300 trajectories for the mf= 0.02 ensemble and ~
43-0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 quark [MeV4]From topological charge e' mass and WV relation Fig. 28. Circles show the measured khtopas a function of mf25),53)while squares show from me'andmp, as described in the next section. The horizontal line shows the value obtained from a pure SU(3) YM simulation.4)The dotted line shows the prediction from chiral perturbation theory. 200 trajectories for mf= 0.03,0.04. Because of the less frequent tunneling topological sectors, the charge distribution sampled in ou r simulation may be statistically skewed. In 1.8(4) for mf= 0.02,0.03, and 0.04, respectively. Note that the central value for mf= 0.04 is more than four standard deviations away from zero. It is conceivable that this poo r sample of the topological sectors causes significant systematic errors in e'spectrum, particularly for themf= 0.04 ensemble. Figure 28 shows the topological susceptibility, khtopin (1.4) as a function of quark mass. The fact that the susceptibility for all three masses is const ant within two standard deviations implies that the simulation points are far from th e region, where the susceptibility may vanish as a linear function o f quark mass. It is also possible the tunneling between different topological sector s does not frequently, as shown in Figure 29; thus, the estimation f or the a larger systematic error. Of course, more reliable estimation of the magnitude of these syste matic errors may be carried out by future simulations on a finer and larger lattice using ligh ter quark masses with the strange sea quark effect, and with a larger statistical sample s ize. 440 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 = 0.02 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 = 0.03 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 =0.04 Fig. 29. History of the topological charge in the same simula tion as that used for Fig. 28. SS5. Summary and discussions We have measured light meson propagators in all channel (flavor no nsinglet/singlet pseu- doscalar, vector, scalar, pseudovector, and tensor meson estimated the ground state meson masses and some of leptonic decay constants, as well as, the excited state mass, in two flavors of domain wall QCD. The size of the statistical sample used in the calculation is increased b y five to ten times higher than that reported previously.25)By applying the gauge-invariant because of quark operators for their better overlap wit h the ground-state, the statistical error of the pion and rmasses is reduced by approximately 50% and the i.e., To extract values for the meson mass and decay constant by fitting the propagators, we use two methods, the standard and variational methods. The res ults of these methods are consistent with each other, which indicates that excited-state co ntamination of the ground- state is controlled by the smearing. The systematic uncertainties discussed in the previous section are difficult to estimate; thus, we only quote results with statistical errors. Our results line arly extrapolated to the physical quark mass point are a-1 mr= 1.537(26) GeV , 45r0= 0.5491(93) fm for quantities directly related to the lattice scale, fr= 210(15) MeV , fp*= 20(19) MeV for decay constants, and ma0= 1.111(81) GeV , me'= 819(127) MeV , mo= 790(194) MeV , mp*= 1.791(138) GeV , mr*= 2.028(131) GeV , ma1= 1.140(51) GeV , mb1= 1.203(64) GeV , mf1= 1.033(137) GeV , mh1= 1.225(250) GeV , for the mass spectrum. The lattice scale is set from mr= 775.49 MeV. In Fig. 30, the meson masses obtained in this work are compared with the s.1)Horizontal bars show the experimental values and filled circles show the The error bars indicate statistical errors only. The decay constant of the excited pseudoscalar meson turns out to be consistent with zero at the chiral limit as MeV . (5.1) The flavor singlet scalar meson, f0, was too noisy to obtain its mass in our data. In this paper we chose the simplest noise method, complex Z2, for evaluating the quark loop amplitudes. More elaborate and/or sophisticated improve the sta- tistical accuracy of the calculation. The recalculated pion mass is consistent with the previous result, bu t the results for randa0meson masses are significantly different. The central value of mris 10% 10% smaller, and the error bar is reduced by 50% compared with the the central value and the error bar of ma0are 25% smaller than those in previous mass [GeV]Nf=2 DWF at a-1=1.5 GeV on (2.1 fm)3 p e'r o a0a1f1b1h1 Fig. 30. Comparison of simulation results with experimenta l values1)in the real world. Horizontal bars show the experimental values and filled circles show the simulation results. The error bars indicate statistical errors only. The squares show the quan tities used to set the lattice spacing and the physical quark mass point. We confirm that the flavor singlet pseudoscalar meson, e', is not an NG boson, and me'is not likely to be zero at the chiral limit, which is consistent with the stan dard understanding of the axial anomaly. Assuming the WV relation (1 .3) is exact at Nc= 3, one can calculate the mass gap, m2 0, and topological susceptibility, khtop, from our values of =f2 p 2Nfm2 0, (5.2) Thevalueof khtop(WV)forNf= khtop obtained from a pure SU(3) YM 0.02 and 0.03, khtop(WV) is consis- tent with the quenched value, while mf= 0.04 pointkhtop(WV) undershoots the line signifi- cantly. By linearly extrapolating to the chiral limit, we obtained m2 0= (808(129) = (193(15) MeV)4, which is consistent with the quenched value4)(191(5) MeV)4. The agreement, which may imply only small 1 /Nccorrection, is interesting and deserves further investigation in future. These results are susceptible to various systematic errors. First , we have only two flavors of dynamical quarks. The omission of the strange quark and antiqu ark pairs in vacuum, 47whose mass is comparable to the dynamical scale of the QCD, may ske w our results signifi- cantly. The limited number of quark masses, three unitary points, r estricted us to examining only the simplest function for the quark mass dependence of the ph ysical results. Thus, the chiral extrapolation has a systematic error due to the omission of c urvature resulting from the chiral logarithms and higher order terms although many of our r esults show little depen- dence on quark mass. The ensemble was generated only on a 163x32 lattice with condition in the space directions; thus, all the meson spe ctrum is affected by the mirror images located ~2 fm away from the original image in each of the three The effects may be as large as ~10% for the lightest quark mass points. The lattice discretization error in this study is small, O(mresa) +O(a2L2 QCD)~ O(1%). The previous careful studies25)on the scaling violation show a ~5% level shift for a~0.1 fm lat- tices. The omission of the isospin violation due to the differences in qua rk mass and electric charge is likely to be negligible compared with other sources of errors , but this issue can also be studied using the significant statistical error and the various remaining systematic uncertainties, this study should s erve a benchmark calcu- lation for the statistical features of difficult physical quantities, d isconnected diagrams, feasibility tests. The results for the mass of e'were close to the , indicates that further improvements can be made particular ly calculation using an Nf= 2+1 DWF thank RIKEN, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and the U.S. D epartment of Energy for providing the facilities essential for the completion of this work. We are grateful to mem- bers of the RBC collaboration, especially to T. Blum, N. Christ, C. Daw son, R. Mawhinney, K. Orginos, and A. Soni for their various contributions in the early s tages of this work and their continuous encouragement. The QCDOC supercomputer at t he RIKEN-BNL Research Center (RBRC) was used for the numerical calculations in this work. K.H. thanks RBRC for its hospitality while this work was partly performed. We are grate ful to the authors and maintainers of the CPS,54)which was used in this work. This work is supported in part by the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Educ ation, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (No. W. M. Yao et al.[Particle Data Group], J. Phys. G 33, 1 (2006). 2) E. Witten, Nucl. Phys. B 156, 269 (1979). 483) G. Veneziano, Nucl. Phys. B 159, 213 (1979). 4) L. Del Debbio, L. Giusti and C. Pica, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 032003 (2005) S. Itoh, Y. Iwasaki and T. Yoshie, Phys. Rev. D 36, 527 (1987). 6) Y. Kuramashi, M. Fukugita, H. Mino, M. Okawa and A. Ukawa, Phys . Rev. Lett. 72, 3448 (1994). 7) M. Fukugita, Y. Kuramashi, M. Okawa andA. Ukawa, Phys. 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(Nf=2) lattice QCD. The continuum-like relation between the topology of the QCD
vacuum and the U(1)_A anomaly, that prevents eta' meson from being a would-be
Nambu-Goldstone boson, are expected to hold in the domain wall fermions (DWF)
used as a lattice quark field in this work. Although our simulation is limited
to relatively heavy quark masses and statistical error is not magnificently
small despite of improvements in measurements and fit procedures for meson
propagators, we obtained m_eta'=819(127) MeV for Nf=2 QCD, where the error is
statistical only. Potentially serious systematic error in the number are
discussed. Results for other meson are also reported.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 3 Mar 2008 06:19:18 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 21 Apr 2008 14:09:59 GMT"
] | 2008-11-26T00:00:00 | [
] |
2 Ancestral state reconstruction is an important approach to understanding the origins and evolution of key feature s of different living organisms (Liberles, 2007). For example, ancestral proteins and genomic seq uences have been reconstructed for understanding the origins of genes and proteins (Blanchette et al., 2004; Cai, Pei and Grishin, 2004; Gaucher et al., 2003; Hi llis et al. , 1994; Jermann et al., 1995; Taubenberger et al ., 2005; Thornton et al. , 2003; Zha ng and Rosenberg, 2002) . A variety of reconstruction methods including parsimony and maximum likelihood exist for bio - molecular sequencing (Yang et al. , 1995; Elias and Tuller, 2007; Koshi and Goldstein, 1996), multistate discrete data (Pagel, 1999, Schul tz et al., 1996; Mooers and Schluter, 1999) and continuous data (Martins, 1999). These different reconstruction methods have been assessed by both theoretical analyses (Maddison, 1995 ; Elias and Tuller, 2007 ) and computer simulation (Blanchette et al., 2004; Moorers, 2004; Salisbury and Kim, 2001, Schultz et al. , 1996; Williams et al., 2006; Zhang and Nei, 1997) . One important observation in these investigations is that the topology of the phylogenetic tree relating the extant taxa to the target ancestor has a significant influence on reconstructio n accuracy. For instance, a star -like phylogeny allows the ancestral character states to be inferred more accurately than other topologies given t he same number of terminal taxa under the two -state symmetric model (Evans et al., 2000; Schultz et al., 1996) . For more comple x models (e .g. on four-states such as DNA) , the influence of topology on reconstruction accuracy is more complicated (Lucena and Haussler, 2005) . MODELS AND METHODS We study how ancestral state reconstruction depends on taxon sampling, with the assumption that the true phylogenetic tree is given. Intuitively, more terminal taxa should give better reconstruction accurac y. For example, in a recent review, Crisp and Cook (2005) recommend that if ancestral features are to be inferred from a phylogeny, a method that optimizes character states over the whole tree should be used. In certain cases, this viewpoint can be formally justified; for example, consider the problem of estimating the root state given a character at the leaves of a tree, under a model of 3 character evolution in which the branch lengths are known, and each of the states at the root has equal prior probability. In this case, the 'most accurate' method for reconstructing the root state is to use a local (or marginal) maximum likelihood (ML) method, applying it to the total set of taxa (not just a subset). Before we justify this claim, recall that for estimating the root state, the local ML procedure simply selects the state that has the highest probability of evolving the given character s under the model (wit h the branch lengths specified), and any ties are broken uniformly (Koshi and Goldstein, 1996; Schluter et al, 1997; Felsenstein, 2004) . By 'most accurate', we mean the method that has the highest expected probability of return ing the correct root state. The proof of the claimed optimality of ML in this setting can be found in Berger (1985, p.159), or Steel and Szekely (1999, Theorem 4). For models in which certain states may have higher a priori probability at the root, the most accurate reconstruction method is to maximize the posterior probability of the roo t state (i.e. the product of the ML score for each root state with its a priori probability ). In summary , if the branch lengths and model are known, it is always best to use all the terminal taxa, and to do so in an ML -style framework (which can provide a different estimate from that provided by maximum parsimony). However , if the branch lengths that describe the evolution of the character are not known, the situation is more complicated . For simple models, such as the symmetric Poisson model (e .g. the J ukes-Cantor model on four states) , it is known that the ML estimate of the root state (where one also optimizes the branch lengths as 'nuisance' parameters) is identical to the maximum pars imony estimate (see Theorem 6, Tuffley and Steel, 1997). This lea ds to a natural question regarding the situation where the branch lengths for the character are unknown to the investigator - is the maximum parsimony estimation of the root state using all the leaf species mo re accurate than just using a subset of leaf sp ecies? We will see that for certain trees, it may be b etter to use som e leaves - or even a single leaf - that is 'near' the root for estimating the root state. Given a phylogenetic tree of a group of taxa, we assume that the character evolves by a Markov process, starting with a state at the root and proceeding to the leaves. The 4 evolutionary model specifies the length of each branch or, equivalently, the probability that a state c evolves to a state d on a bran ch from node f to node x as conditional probability ] | Pr[ c sds f x= = . In this study , we also assume that (i) there are only t wo states, say 0 and 1, and (ii) there is a symmetric rate of change betw een the two states 0 and 1, or, equivalently, both types of substitution change are equally likely on a given branch . We call the probability ] | Pr[ c scs f x= = the conservation probability on that branch, denoted p (by the symmetry assumption, p is the same for c=0 or c=1). Throughout this paper, the accuracy of a reconstruction method is represented as an increasing function of the conse rvation probability rather than a decreasing function of the probability of change. We analyze reconstruction a ccuracy in two evolutionary models: the equal branch length model (Oakley et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2006), which assumes that change happens mostly at speciation events (vertices) and therefore the length of each branch is irrelevant, and the distance mode l (Oakley et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2006), which assumes that mutations occurred continuously during the course of evolution and hence the branch length is no longer a constant. Both models have their advantages and disadvantages in ancestral state recon struction (reviewed in Cunningham, 1999). Under the symmetric evolutionary model given above, the ancestral state at the root of the phylogenetic tree begins with a character state and evolves with probability p-1 of change on the bra nches of the tree; hence the extant taxa would receive one of many possible distributions of character states 0 and 1. These states in extant taxa are the data used by the Fitch method (Fitch, 1971) to reconstruct the most parsimonious character state at the root as follows. Th is method assigns a set of states to each node one by one downward in the tree, starting with the leaves and using the subset s previously computed for the node's descendants . For each leaf node, the observed state forms the state subset. For the internal nodes, the following rule is used. Assume A is an internal node with 5 descendants B andC. The state subset AS is calculated from the state subsets BS and CS by:
= =., ff C B C BC B C B AS Sif S SS Sif S SS The state subset at the root contains all the possible states that wil l be assigned to it. The method unambiguously reconstructs a state at the root if the state subset contains only that state and ambiguously reconstructs a state if the state subset contains both 0 and 1. Since we are concentrating on state reconst ruction in a symmetric evolutionary model with two states 0 and 1, the reconstruction 's accuracy is independent of the prior distribution of the states at the root. Hence, for the Fitch method, the unambiguous accuracy is: ],1|}1[{AP UA= which is the probability t hat the state 1 is correctly reconstructed at the root A. The ambiguous (reconstruction) accuracy is: ]1|}1,0[{AP AA= . The reconstruction accuracy of the method is : A AP P RA + = where the second t erm in the expression RA simply indicates that when either state (0 or 1) is equally parsimonious as a root state then we can select either state with equal probability. RESULTS We first consider the reconstruction accuracy of the Fitch method o n the complete binary phylogenetic tree on n2 taxa in the equal branch length model . As n tends 6 towards infinity, the unambiguous accuracy )(p UAnconverges to 1/3 when 87 2/1 <=<=p and t o
- - -+- -= )3 4)(7 8( 1 21)3 4( )1 2(21)( p p pp ppf when 87>=p as shown in (Steel, 1989) . When n approaches infinity, the conservation probability on any root -to-leaf path converges to 1/2. Therefore, when 87 2/1 <=<=p , the unambiguous reconstruction accuracy of using the all the terminal ta xa is smaller t han 1/2, the limit of the conservation probability . As n approaches infinity, the reconstruction accuracy ()p RAn of using all t he terminal taxa converges to 1/2 when 87<=p and to 21)3 4)(7 8( )1 2(21 21 1 21)(2>=- - -+=
--+ p p p pppf when 87>=p as shown in (Steel, 1989) . Hence, on a large , complete binary phylogenetic tree, the conservation probability on a root -to-leaf path is larger than the unambiguous accuracy when p is small, but smaller than the reconstruction accuracy of using all the terminal taxa (see Figure 1). Next, we consider the comb -shaped tree with n leaves as shown in Figure 2. Note that in the equal branch length model, a descendant leaf of the root is closer in evolutionary distance to the root than other leaves in a larger clade. The unambiguous accuracy )(p UAn of using all the terminal taxa in the tree is : , 2 32)2 32( 3 22 22 11 p pp p pa an n
+-+-+ +l l where l indicates the roots of the characteristic equation : .0)2 31( ) 1(2 2= +-+-+ p p p pl l Since 1|||,| 2 1<l l for 1 0 <<p , )(p UAn converges to 3 22 2 32)2 32( p pp p p
+-+- as n tends towards infinity. The limit can be easily shown to be less than p. Similarly, the reconstruction accuracy )(p RAnconverges to )2 32(22 3 21 3 23 2 p pp p p
+-+-+. As shown in Figu re 2, 7 the limit of the reconstruction accuracy is also smaller than p, the conse rvation probability on the branch leading to the descendant leaf of the root. The observation on the comb -shaped trees applies to any asymmetric phy logenetic trees T in which a descendant leaf of the root A is on a branch that is shorter than the branch leading to a large clade as illustrated in Figure 3. We now establish this result under a model in which the branch length is not constant. Let Y be the descendant leaf and Z the other non -descendant leaf of A. We assume that the conservation probability on the branches leading to Y and Z be 1p and 2p respectively, and set
}1,0{ , ]|}[{ =a aa PZ b and
}.1,0{ , ]|}[{ = ba abPZ g We have )) 1( 1( ]0|}0[{ 2 2 1 b g p p p PA ---= and .)) 1() 1(( )) 1)( 1( (]0|}1,0[{ 2 1 2 1 2 1 21b g pp p p p p pp PA-+- + --+ = The accuracy of the Fitch method for reconstructing the root state is: .) ( 21) 1 2 2 1 1b g p p p p p P P RA A A- + --+= + = When 21 2 1>>=p p , the reconstruction accuracy RA is less than 1p (since b >0 and, in general, g>0). This shows that reconstructing the root state from all the leaf states in T using maximum parsimony is less accurate than using just the state of a leaf adjacent to the root, whenever the branch leading to this leaf is not longer than the branch leading to the clade. More interestingly, the reconstruction accuracy of the local or marginal ML method is just equal to 1p even with multiple sta tes. For simplicity, we show this only for two -state models as follows. When we say D is a state configuration of the terminal taxa, we mean that D contains a state for each terminal taxon in T. For a root state c and a state 8 configuration D of the termin al taxa, we use ( )cDP |to denote the probability that c evolves into the states specified by D at the leaves. For any state configuration ZD of the terminal taxa below the node Z and s=0, 1, the term ZsD denotes the state configuration of all the terminal taxa in which Y receives state s and other taxa receive the states specified by ZD. For any ZD, we have ))1| () 1()0| ( ( )0| 0( 2 21 Z Z Z DPp DPpp DP -+ = and )).1| ( )0| () 1)(( 1()1| 0( 2 2 1 Z Z Z DPp DPp p DP + - -= Hence, ).1|() ()0|()1 ()1| 0( )0| 0( 2 1 2 1 Z Z Z ZDPp p DP p p DP DP -+ -+= - If 2/12 1 >>=p p , we have )1| 0( )0| 0( Z Z DP DP > (since, in general, P(DZ|0)>0). This implies that the local ML method infers 0 as the root state with the probability 1 )0| 0( p DP ZDZ = . Notice t hat, in the two arguments we have presented above (for parsimony and marginal ML), we have imposed no assumption concerning the conservation probabilities on branches within the tree, other than (i) 21 2 1>>=p p and (ii) the other conservation probabilities are non -degenerate (so g>0 and P(DZ|0)>0). We hav e shown that the accuracy of the Fitch method for reconstructing ancestral character states at the root from all terminal states in a phylogenetic tree can be smaller than the conservation prob ability on a path from the root to a nearest leaf. To find out how often this happens , we conducted a computer si mulation test. We generated random phylogene tic trees using the Yule model . The generation procedure starts with a single root node. In eac h step, the procedure randomly selects one leaf with uniform distribution from the current tree and adds two descendants to it. The process terminates when the generated phylogeny has the required number of leaves. For each random phylogenetic tree, we calculated and compared the conservation probability on the shortest root-to-leaf path, the conservation probability on the longest 9 root-to-leaf path and the accuracy of reconstructing the ancestral state at the root from all the leaf states. We assume d that all branches had the same length and that the conservation probability is p. For N = 9, 15, 20 and i p 01.05.0+ = , ,49 0<=<=i we generate d 5000 random phylogenetic trees with N leaves a nd the conservation probability p on each branch. The left panel of Figure 4 gives the number of generated phylogenetic trees in which the conservation probability on the shortest root -to-leaf path is larger than the accuracy of recon structing the ancestral root state from all the leaf states with the Fitch method. When p is in the range of 0.5 and 0.8, the conservation probability on the shortest root -to-leaf path is larger than the accuracy of reconstructing the correct state at the root in a large portion of trees. When p exceeds 0.83 , the number of 'bad' trees decreases rapidly. The right panel of Figure 4 shows the reconstruction accuracy of these three different reconstructions from some sampled trees . It is well known that the Yule model tends to produce trees that are, on average, more balanced than most real reconstructed trees (Aldous, 2001; Blum and Francois, 2006) and so we expect the level of support for the accuracy of root state reconstruction using a single species to be higher on real trees. In general, the reconstruction accuracy of using a subset of the terminal taxa can also be higher than that obtained by using all the terminal taxa. For example, for the phylogenetic tree given in Figure 5 in which the conservation probability in each branch is 0.71, the reconstruction accuracy is 0.5878 if all the leaf states are used and 0.5916 if the states of only the four closest leaves indicated in the figure are used. This is true a s long as the conservation probability is in the range from 0.5 to 0.82. DISCUSSION In studying how the accuracy of ancestral state reconstruction depends on taxon sampling, we demonstrated that more taxa are not necessarily better for ancestral s tate reconstr uction with the Fitch method under the assumption that the true phylogenetic tree was given. This also happens with the maximum likelihood method. Our results and analyses have several implications. 10 First, taxon sampling has a subtle effect on the accuracy of ancestral state reconstruction. Unambiguous a nd ambiguous accuracy are considered separately by Salisbury and Kim. Our analyses indicate that unambiguous and ambiguous accuracy first decrease and then increase with the numb er of taxa sampled in reconstructing the root state in a phylogenetic tree. This pattern of increased accuracy with a large dataset of sampled taxa is consistent with the simulation results in Salisbury and Kim (2001). In our paper, we define the reconstru ction accuracy to be the unambiguous accuracy plus half of the ambiguous accuracy for the Fitch method . The reconstruction accuracy is much more sensitive to the tree structure and does not monotonically depend on the size of taxon sampling especially whe n the given phylogenetic tree is asymmetric. As a result, researchers may need to decide how to select taxa from the observable extant species in reconstructing the root state of a clade . In certain cases, a single extant taxon at the end of a slowly evo lving lineage (basal to the root) may provide a more accurate estimate of the root state than a tree -based analysis involving all the taxa (in contrast to Crisp and Cook (2005)). Secondly, both the parsimony and ML methods attempt to incorporate the tree structure into ancestral state reconstruction. Suppose that 88 lineages formed a very recently diversified clade with a very long stem and a single sister lineage. If the 88 lineages have state 1, but the sister lineage has state 0, which state sh ould their common ancestor have? This is exactly the situation when both fossil record and extant data are used for ancestor state reconstruction (e.g. evolution of body size in the Caniformia in Finarelli and Flynn (2006)). This is also the scenario when an outgroup is used in reconstructing the ancestral state. Our analysis concludes that 0 is selected as the root state by the Fitch method and the local ML method. Hence, when fossil record is used, it is very likely for the reconstructed ancestor to tak e the fossil state. This suggests that the Fitch and even local ML methods might not explore the full power of incorporating the fossil record into extant data . Therefore, when both fossil record and extent data are available, one may need to select an op timal subset of taxa carefully or to apply another sophisticated method for the reconstructing ancestor state. It also suggests that caution 11 should be used in drawing conclusions on testing evolutionary hypotheses with the ancestral state reconstruction ap proach. Finally, we have derived counterintuitive phenomena under a particularly simple evolutionary model, namely, the two-state symme tric model where branch lengths can be equal or unequal. A natural question that empiricists may ask is how often this situation arises in practice. To take one example, for certain data, branch lengths might be expected to satisfy a molecular clock - this amounts to allowing each edge e to have its own conservation probability p(e) but requiring that th e sum of - log(2 p(e)-1) is to be constant on each root -to-leaf path . A phylogenetic tree with this clock constraint is said to be ultrametric. For an ultrametric tree, it might be expected that using all the taxa results in more accurate root state estimat ion than using a subset of the taxa only. The simulations of Salisbury and Kim (2001) and Zhang and Nei (1997) suggested that this is often the case. Salisbury and Kim investigated how the accuracy of reconstructing root states responds to size changes in taxon sampling in an ultrametric phylogeny generated in a Yule model. Their results indicate that reconstruction accuracy is generally increased by using more taxa. However, once again, we find this general trend is not universally valid. More precisely , our simulation test shows that even with an ultrametric phylogenetic tree, the Fitch method or the joint ML method using a particular subset of terminal taxa can be more accurate (or at least as accurate) for ancestral state reconstruction than using a ll terminal taxa. We also observed that this holds for the four -state symmetric model . A related phenomenon was shown by Mossel (2001) for a certain asymmetric model using information -theoretic methods . In summary, the phenomena we have described is not restricted to trees that have a highly unusual set of (non -clocklike) branch lengths. Despite this further counterintuitive result, we end by offering the following positive conjecture: for any ultrametri c phylogenetic tree and a symmetric model, the Fitch parsimony method using all terminal taxa is more accurate (or at least as accurate) for 12 ancestral state reconstruction than using any particular terminal taxon. 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Imbalanced trees in which there is a large clade and a sister lineage . Figure 4 . The left part gives the number of the random phylogenetic trees in which the accuracy of reconstructing th e ancestral state at the root from all the leaf states is lower than the conservation probability on the shortest root -to-leaf path. The right part shows the accuracy of different reconstructions: the squares represent the reconstruction accuracy of usi ng all the leaf states; plus signs and stars represent the conservation probability on the shortest and longest root -to-leaf paths, respectively. Figure 5. In this phylogenetic tree, the Fitch method reconstructs the correct state at the root using all t erminal taxa with less accuracy than using just the states of the four closest terminal taxa. 17 Figure 1: 18 Figure 2: 19 Figure 3: 20 Figure 4. 21 Figure 5. | 0803.0195 | Louxin Zhang | G. L. Li, M. Steel and L. X. Zhang | More Taxa Are Not Necessarily Better for the Reconstruction of Ancestral
Character States | 21 pages | null | null | null | q-bio.PE q-bio.QM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We show that the accuracy of reconstrucing an ancestral state is not an
increasing function of the size of taxon sampling.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 3 Mar 2008 08:57:12 GMT"
] | 2008-03-04T00:00:00 | [
"G. L.",
"L. X.",
] |
2 FIG. 1: (Color online) Comparison between the Fermi surface maps measured by ARPES and the linear mun-tin calculation. (a) Sketch of the rst Brillouin zone for LuNi 2B2C. (b-d) ARPES mapping at the chemical potential for incident photon energies of 128.13 eV, 119.44 eV, and 102.98 eV, respectively. (e-g) The Fermi surface maps obtained by TB-LMTO calculations for constant kzvalues equal to (e) 0.2, (f) 0.15 and (g) 0.8 expressed in the units of - Z distance. mined the superconducting gap to be 2.58 meV (extrap- olated for T=0), in good agreement with the gap ex- pected from the superconducting transition 2:78). II. 2B2C single crystals were grown at Ames Labora- tory by means of a high-temperature
ux plate-like crystals were cleaved in situ at pressures better than 3 x 10 11Tr to reveal and maintain fresh a-b surfaces. The Fermi surface and band structure mapping were performed at the 7.0.1 beamline at the Advanced Light Source, using a Scienta R4000 analyzer. The en- ergy and angle resolution were set at 30 meV and
0.5 deg, respectively. The energy gap was measured with a Scienta 2002 analyser and He-I photon source ( h=
21.2 eV), in which the overall energy resolution was set at 2 meV. The normal state data were measured at the Synchrotron Radiation Center using the PGM beamline and Scienta 2002 endstation, with the energy and angu- lar resolution set at 13 meV and 0.25 deg, respec- tively. Tight-binding linear mun-tin orbital calcula- tions were performed by the TB-LMTO program, ver- sion 4722, and the Full-Potential Linearized (LAPW) calculations were performed using the Wien2k package23.III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Band structure and semi-planar Fermi Surface cuts were determined for incident photon energies 128.13 eV, 119.44 eV and 102.98 eV (Fig. 1b-d), where the point in the Brillouin zone (Fig. 1a) corresponds to normal emission of electrons along the (001) direction. A sin r=r correction term ( ris the distance from the point) was used to account for mapping of the momentum space onto the angular distribution of photoelectrons. The ARPES process in 3D materials leaves some ambiguity as to the kzcomponent of the momentum (perpendicular to the sample surface), because it is not conserved in the pho- toemission process. This is due to jump of the potential at the sample surface. From conservation of energy and remaining components of the momentum one can cal- culate the relative changes of the kzfor various photon energies. To obtain the oset one needs to seek guid- ance from the band structure calculations and identify the high symmetry points in the data.24This allows es- timation of the kzoset. The change of the wave vector component kz(parallel to the caxis) between scans in Fig. 1b (h=128.13) and 1c ( h=119.44) was calculated from momentum and energy conservation to be 0.33 of the -Z distance. Similarly the change of the wave vec- tor component kzbetween scans in Fig. 1c ( h=119.44) and 1d (h=102.98) was 0.66 of the -Z. The calculated Fermi surfaces were obtained for constant kzvalues by means of the TB-LMTO method and are shown in Fig.3 FIG. 2: Dispersion of the conduction bands obtained with a photon energy of 102.98 eV (same as Fig. 1d), compared with the TB-LMTO calculation. a) Fermi surface map with momentum cuts indicated by the solid lines, in which cut (c) and (i) pass through the and X points, respectively. b) Fermi surface contours obtained by the TB-LMTO calculation for the value of kz corresponding to the data in panel (a). Panels (c-i): measured band dispersion along the cuts indicated in (a). Panels band dispersion along the cuts marked in panel (b). 1 panels e-g. We estimated the values of the inner po- tential,V0= 9.4 eV and the work function = 4.6 eV, by comparing the high symmetry points between the cal- culated Fermi surfaces and the experimental data. This allowed us to determine the oset of the photon energy that corresponds to kz= 0. The Fermi surface maps for the incident photon ener- gies of 128.13 eV and 119.44 eV reveal large parallel parts of the FS with essentially the same nesting vector (spac- ing between the linear sections): kn= (0.59 0.04) a*
for Fig. 1b and kn= (0.58 0.04) a* for Fig. 1c. kz is expressed in the units of the -Z distance, where the
point corresponds to kz= 0. Although the full FS was not determined in great detail, a sim- ilar nesting vector was found for dierent kzvalues which indicates that the FS likely has considerable nesting prop- erties for a wide range of kzvalues. The constancy of thevalue of the nesting vector between kz=0.15 and -0.2 is also consistent with results of calculations. The spacing between the parallel segments of the Fermi surface pre- dicted by TB-LMTO calculation is between 0.54 a* and 0.55a*, the LAPW calculation results (not shown) are 0.50a* and 0.57 a*, respectively. The detected knis very close to the theoretically predicted value obtained from the generalized Our results also agree reasonably well with the nesting vector previously deter- mined via 2D-ACAR19. The Fermi surface map obtained at 102.98 eV very closely resembles the calculated Fermi surface for kz=
0.8a*. The overall shapes of the measured and calculated Fermi surface sheets (Fig. 1d and 1g) are very similar, however there is one signicant dierence. In the calcu- lations the four oval parts of the Fermi surface centered about -Z are well separated in momentum space (Fig.4 1g), while the data reveals that they actually are con- nected at the edges (Fig. 1d). A lack of separation in the experimental data may indicate that the hybridiza- tion gap is overestimated in the calculations. These oval parts arise from the intersection of the electron and hole- like bands. Interestingly enough at the edges along the diagonal directions (e. g. 110) the bottom of the electron band and the top of the hole band appear to be pinned at the chemical potential, resulting in a shape. In Fig. 2 we plot the band dispersion data along a few selected cuts in momentum space obtained at an incident photon energy of 102.98 eV (Figs. 2c-i), along with a cal- culated (TB-LMTO method) band dispersion for kz
0.8a* (Figs. 2j-p). The agreement between the mea- sured and calculated band dispersion is rather good, es- pecially in the proximity of the chemical potential. In TB-LMTO calculations (Figs. 2j-p), the same overall features are well reproduced, which shows the validity of the calculation in this material to a certain extent. This agreement also validates the assignment of kzvalues to the cuts measured at various photon ener- gies, which is very important when studying 3D materials with ARPES. The most signicant dierence is the hy- bridization gap, which is quite large in the calculations but its signatures are for the most part absent in the measured data. For example in Fig. 2 panels (k) and (l) the high and low energy branches form of about 200 meV at E= -0.3 eV, while in the corre- sponding measured data (panels (d) and (e)) the bands appear to disperse without a signature of the hybridiza- tion gap. One should consider if the observed features have any relation to the superconducting gap asymmetry and observed phonon softening in LuNi 2B2C. It should be noted that band structure a
at band lies very close to, but slightly above, the Fermi level. This feature was unfortunately not observed in our data due to the Fermi function cut-o. However, a higher DOS near the Fermi level would explain the large num- ber of scattered electrons observed with kvectors along (110) and phonon softening for the discussed wave vec- tors. Consequently this may lead to an anisotropy of order parameter. This is in agreement with the results proposing for YNi 2B2C that the gap is larger just at (110) and diminishes or even has nodes along the (100) and (010) the above concern, we measured the energy gap in LuNi 2B2C by partial angle-integrated photoelec- tron spectroscopy and compared with the normal state Fermi surface. The opening of the superconducting gap is clearly shown in Fig. 3. In order to determine the magnitude of the gap, the Dynes function25was tted to the (Fig. 3b). The tted func- tion yields the gap value of = 1.5 meV for the sample atT= 11 K with the parameter equal to 0.05 meV. The striking feature in Fig. 3c is the pronounced peak above the chemical potential. This peak arises from ther- mal excitation of electrons above the 2. This points to FIG. 3: (Color online) Superconducting gap of LuNi 2B2C a) measured at T= 111 K, compared with the normal state atT= 40 K. b) The Dynes function (solid red line) with the parameters = 1.5 meV and = 0.05 meV tted to the symmetrised spectrum (solid black circles). c) enlarged por- tion of superconducting spectra from (a) close to the DOS just above which is consistent with the idea that the
at band along (110) direction, a large part of which is slightly over the Fermi energy playing an impor- tant role in this anisotropic Similar peaks were recently reported in Y based to BCS theory the energy gap value at zero temperature ( 0) is 2.45 meV for Tc= 16 K Our value of 1.5 meV obtained at T=11K cor- responds to ( 0)=2.6 meV, in excellent agreement with the BCS predictions. IV. CONCLUSIONS We have performed measurements of the Fermi surface, band dispersion and supercondcuting gap for highest Tc rare earth nickel borocarbide superconductor LuNi 2B2C. The experimental data were compared with two dierent density functional calculations. The overall theory and measurement is good. In the experi- ment, large parallel FS parts spaced with the vector kn=
0.59a* have been found for two dierent incident photon energies, which is a conrmation of the previous theoreti- cal predictions17and earlier experimental studies19. The calculated FS conrms the existence of large nested parts, with a nesting vector in good agreement with the ARPES5 results presented here. The superconducting gap was measured and we also observed a coherent peak above the chemical potential. This peak arises due to electrons being thermally excited above the energy of 2. V. work was supported by Director Oce for Basic Energy Sciences, US DOE. Work at Ames Laboratorywas supported by the Department of Energy - Basic En- ergy Sciences under Contract No. Light Source is operated by the U.S. DOE un- der Contract No. Center is supported by the National under award No. DMR-0537588. R. K. gratefully acknowledges support of K. Alex M uller J. Cava, H. Takagi, H. W. Zandbergen, J. J. Krajewski, W. F. Peck Jr, T. Siegrist, B. Batlogg, R. B. van Dover, R. J. Felder, K. Mizuhashi, J. O. Lee, H. Eisaki, and S. Uchida, Nature 367, 252 (1994). 2R. Nagarajan, C. Mazumdar, Z. Hossain, S.K. Dhar, K. L. C. Gupta, C. Godart, B. D. Padalia, and R. Vijayaraghavan, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 274 (1994). 3P. C. Caneld, P. L. Gammel, and D. J. Bishop, Physics Today 51, 40 (1998). 4K.-H. M uller and V. N. Narozhnyi, Rep. Prog. Phys. 64, 943 (2001). 5C. Mazumdar and R. Nagarajan, Current Science 88, 83 (2005). 6T. Yokoya, T. Kiss, T. Watanabe, S. Shin, M. Nohara, H. Takagi, and T. Oguchi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 4952 (2000). 7E. Boaknin, R. W. Hill, C. Proust, C. Lupien, and L. Taillefer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 237001 (2001). 8N. L. Bobrov, S. I. Beloborod'ko, L. V. Tyutrina, I. K. Yanson, D. G. Naugle, and K. D. D. Rathnayaka, Phys. Rev. B 71, 014512 (2005). 9K. Maki, P. Thalmeier, and H. Won, Phys. Rev. B 65, 140502 (2002). 10P. Raychaudhuri, D. Jaiswal-Nagar, Goutam Sheet, S. Ra- makrishnan, and H. Takeya, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, Martinez-Samper, H. Suderow, S. Vieira, J. P. Brison, N. Luchier, P. Lejay, and P. C. Caneld, Phys. Rev. B 67, 014526 (2003). 12K. Izawa, K. Kamata, Y. Nakajima, Y. Matsuda, T. Watanabe, M. Nohara, H. Takagi, P. Thalmeier, and K. Maki, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 137006 (2002). 13T. Siegrist, H. W. Zandbergen, R. J. Cava, J. J. Krajewski, and W. F. Peck Jr, Nature 367, 254 (1994). 14L. F. Mattheiss, Phys. Rev. B 49, 13279 (1994). 15W. E. Pickett and D. J. Singh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 3702 (1994).16R. Coehoorn, Physica C 228, 5671 (1994). 17J. Y. Rhee, X. Wang, and B. N. Harmon, Phys. Rev. B 51, 15585 (1995). 18H. Kim, C.-D. Hwang, and J. Ihm, Phys. Rev. B 52, B. Dugdale, M. A. Alam, I. Wilkinson, R. J. Hughes, I. R. Fisher, P. C. Caneld, T. Jarlborg, and G. Santi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 4824 (1999). 20P. Dervenagas, M. Bullock, J. Zarestky, P. Caneld, B. K. Cho, B. Harmon, A. I. Goldman, and C. Stassis, Phys. Rev. B 52, 9839 (1995). 21P. C. Caneld, I. R. Fisher, J. Crystal Growth, 225, 155- 161 (2001) . 22O. Jepsen and O. K. Anderson, Solid State Commun. 9, 1763 (1971) and Phys. Rev. B 29, 5965 (1984); P. Bl ochl, O. Jepsen and O. K. Anderson, Phys. Rev. B 49, Blaha, K. Schwarz, G. Madsen, D. Kvasnicka and J. Luitz, (2001) WIEN2k, An Augmented Plane Wave +Lo- cal Orbitals Program for Calculating Crystal Schwarz, Tech. Univ. Wien, Austria). 24S. Hufner, Photoelectron Spectroscopy, pp Berlin 1995). 25R. C. Dynes, V. Narayanamurti, and J. P. Garno, Phys. Rev. Lett. 41, 1509 (1978). 26M. R. Norman, H. Ding, M. Randeria, J. C. Campuzano, T. Yokoya, T. Takeuchi, T. Takahashi, T. Mochiku, K. Kadowaki, P. Guptasarma, and D. G. Hinks, Nature 392, 157 (1998). 27T. Baba, T. Yokoya, S. Tsuda, T. Kiss, T. Shimojima, K. Ishizaka, H. Takeya, K. Hirata, T. Watanabe, M. Nohara, H. Takagi, N. Nakai, K. Machida, T. Togashi, S. Watan- abe, X.-Y. Wang, C. T. Chen, and S. Shin, Phys. Rev. Lett.100, 017003 (2008). | 0803.0310 | Adam Kaminski | P. Starowicz, C. Liu, R. Khasanov, T. Kondo, G. Samolyuk, D.
Gardenghi, Y. Lee T. Ohta, B. Harmon, P. Canfield, S. Budko, E. Rotenberg and
A. Kaminski | Direct observation of a Fermi surface and superconducting gap in
LuNi2B2C | 5 pages, 3 figures | Phys Rev. B 77, 134520 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.134520 | null | cond-mat.supr-con | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We measured the Fermi surface (FS), band dispersion and superconducting gap
in LuNi2B2C using Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy. Experimental data
were compared with the tight-binding version of the Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital
(LMTO) method and Linearized Augmented Plane-Wave (LAPW) calculations. We found
reasonable agreement between the two calculations and experimental data. The
measured FS exhibits large parallel regions with a nesting vector that agrees
with a previous positron annihilation study and calculations of the generalized
susceptibility. The measured dispersion curves also agree reasonably well with
the TB-LMTO calculations, albeit with some differences in the strength of the
hybridization. In addition, the spectrum in the superconducting state revealed
a 2meV superconducting gap. The data also clearly shows the presence of a
coherent peak above the chemical potential, that originates from thermally
excited electrons above the energy of 2 delta. This feature was not previously
observed in the Lu-based material.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 3 Mar 2008 20:39:49 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 4 Mar 2008 17:01:34 GMT"
] | 2017-03-21T00:00:00 | [
"Y. Lee T.",
] |
2 tion procedure. DSMC, unlike MD, is not and does not conserve angular momentum, lead- ing to an anisotropic stress tensor. To avoid such grid ar- tifacts, all collision partners within a collision diameter D must be considered even if they are in neighboring cells, and, if angular momentum conservation is required, only radial momentum should be exchanged in collisions as for hard spheres. This grid-free variant will be called Isotropic DSMC (I-DSMC). The cost is that is the is reduced by a factor of 2 -3 due to the need to perform neighbor searches. Note that a pairwise Ander- son thermostat proposed within the context of MD/DPD in Ref. [13] essentially adds (thermostated) I-DSMC colli- sions to ordinary MD and has very similar As in I-DSMC, in SHSD we consider particles in neighboring cells as collision partners in order to en- sure isotropy of the collisional (non-ideal) component of the pressure tensor. The virial in I-DSMC giving In orderto introducea of state it is necessary to either give an to the particles that is parallel to vij, or to bias the momentum exchange vijto be to rij. The former approach has already been in- vestigated in the Consistent Boltzmann Algorithm (CBA) [14]; however, CBA is not consistent since it modifies the compressibility without affecting the density fluctuations (i.e., the structure of the fluid is still that of a perfect gas). A fully consistent approach is to require that the particles collide as if they are elastic hard spheres of diameter equal to the distance between them at the time of the collision. Such collisions produce a posi- tive virial only if the particles are approaching each therefore, we reject collisions among particles that are moving apart. Furthermore, as for hard spheres, it is necessaryto collidepairswith which requires a further increase of the re- jection rate and thus decrease of the efficiency. based on vnorvr, fluctuations of the local tem- perature Tcwould not be consistently coupled to the local pressure pc~ pc~Tc. ForDSMC thecol- lisional rules can be manipulated arbitrarily to obtain the desired transport coefficients, however, for non-ideal requirements eliminate some of the free- dom. This important observation has not been taken into account in other algorithms that randomize hard-sphere MD [15]. Note that one can in fact add I-DSMC collisions to SHSD in order to tune the viscosity without affecting the sufficiently small time steps, the SHSD fluid can be considered as a simple modification of the standard hard- sphere fluid. Particles move ballistically in-between colli- sions. When two particles iandjare less than a there is a probability rate (3 them to collide as if they were elastic hard spheres with a variable diameter DS=rij. Here Th is the and khis a dimensionless parameter determiningthe collision frequency. The prefactor 3 /Dhas been chosen so that for an ideal gas the average collisional rate would bekhtimes larger than that of a low-density hard-sphere gas with density (volume fraction) ph=pND3/(6V). In order to understand properties of the SHSD fluid as a function of phandkh, we consider the equilibrium pair correlation function g2at low densities, where than pairwise can be ignored. We consider the cloud of point walkers ijrepresenting the N(N-1)/2 pairs of particles, each at position r=ri-rjand with At equilibrium, the distribution of the point walkers in phase space will be f(v,r) the core r < Dthis distri- bution of pair walkers satisfies a kinetic G 0= 3kh/Dis the collision frequency. At 0 and vncancels, consistent with choos- ing collision probability linear in |vn|. Thus solution g2(x) = exp[3 kh(x-1)] for x<=1 andg2(x) = 1 for x >1, where x=r/D. In- deed, numerical experiments confirmed that at sufficiently low densities the equilibrium g2for the SHSD fluid has this exponential form inside the collision core. This low density result is equivalent to gU 2= exp[-U(r)/kT], where U(r)/kT= 3kh(1-x)Th(1-x) is an effective linear core pair potential similar to the quadratic core potential used in DPD. Remarkably, it was found numerically that this repulsive potential can predict exactly g2(x) Figure 1 shows a comparison between the pair correlation function of the SHSD fluid on one hand, and a Monte Carlo calculation using the linear core pair po- tential on the other, at several densities. Also shown is a numerical solution to the hyper-netted chain (HNC) inte- gral equations for the linear core system, inspired by its success for the Gaussian core model [16]. The at all densities permits the use of the HNC re- sult in practical applications, notably the calculation of the transport 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 linear core MC linear core Low density limit SHSD ph=2.0 SHSD ph=0.5 SHSD ph=1.0 SHSD ph=0.1 Figure 1: (Color online) Equilibrium pair correlation func tion of the SHSD fluid (solid symbols), compared to MC (open sym- bols) and HNC calculations (solid lines) for the linear core sys- tem, at various densities and kh= in the limit kh- the SHSD to hard-sphere (HS) molecular dynamics. In fact, if the density phis smaller than the freezing point for the HS system, the structure of the SHSD fluid approaches, as khincreases, that of the HS fluid. For higher densities, if khis sufficiently high, crystallization is observed in SHSD, either to the usual hard-sphere crystals if phis lower than the close-packing density, or if not, to an unusual state with multiple occupancy per site, typical of weakly repulsive potentials. An exact BBGKY-like hierarchy of Master equations distribution functions of the SHSD fluid is given in Ref. [17]. For the first equation of this at low densities, we canneglect than pair ones and approximate f2(r1,v1,r2,v2) With this assumption we obtain a stochastic Enskog equation similar to a revised Enskog equation for hard spheres but with a smeared distribution of hard-sphere diameters, as studied in Ref. [18]. expansion carried out in Ref. [18] pro- duces the equation of state (EOS) p=PV/NkT , and ap- proximations to the self-diffusion coefficient z, the shear e and bulk eBviscosities, and thermal conductivity kof the SHSD fluid. The expressions ultimately give the trans- port coefficients in terms of various integer moments specifically, p-1 = 48ph2khx4/p3/2, natural units, and c1= 5/48,c2= 24/5 andc3= 3/5 fore, whilec1= 25/64,c2= 24/5 and c3= 3/5 fork. The above formula for the pressure is exact and is equiv- alent to the virial theorem for the linear core potential, and thus thermodynamic consistency between g2(x) and p(ph) is guaranteed. In the inset in the top part of Fig. 2, we directly demonstrate the thermodynamic consistency of SHSD by comparing the compressibility calculated from the EOS, Sc= (p+phdp/dph)-1, to the structure factor at the origin S0=S(o= 0,k= 0). Furthermore, good agreement is found between the adiabatic speed of 2p2/3 and the location of the Brilloin lines in the dynamic structure factor S(o;k) for small kvalues. In Fig. 2, we also compare the theoretical predictions for eutilizing the HNC approximation for g2to the ones di- rectly calculated from SHSD. Surprisingly, good agreement is found for the shear viscosity at all densities. The corre- sponding results for zshow significant ( ~25%) deviations for the self-diffusion coefficient at higher densities because of corrections due to higher-order correlations. As an illustration of the correct hydrodynamic behav- ior of the SHSD fluid and the significance of we study the velocity autocorrelation function (VACF) C(t) a single hard sphere of mass mand radius Rsuspended in an SHSD fluid0.25 0.5 0.75 11.25 1.5 1.75 22.25 limit 0.5 1 1.5 2 derivative 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.500.51 Low density limit Figure 2: (Color online) Comparison between numerical resu based on the stochastic Enskog equation using t he HNCg2(x) (solid lines). The low-density approximations are also indicated (dashed lines). ( Top) Normalized equation of state. The inset compares the compressibility (pressure de riva- tive, dashed lines) to the structure factor at the origin measured using adirect Fourier transform of the par- ticle positions for small kand extrapolating to k= 0. (Bottom) The shear viscosity at high and low densities (inset), as mea - sured using an Poiseuille flow. There are sig- nificant corrections (Knudsen regime) for large mean free pa ths (i.e., at low densities and low collision rates). of mass density r. This problem is relevant to the model- ing of polymer chains or (nano)colloids in solution, and led to the discovery of a long power-law tail in C(t) [19, 20]. Here the solvent-solvent particles interact as in SHSD. interaction is treated as if the SHSD parti- cles are hard spheres of diameter Ds, chosen to be some- what smaller than their interaction diameter with other solvent particles (specifically, we use Ds=D/4) for com- putational efficiency reasons, using an event-driven algo- rithm [3]. Upon collision the relative velocity of the solvent particle is reversed in order to provide a no-slip condition at the surface of the suspended sphere [3, 19] (slip bound- aries give qualitatively identical results). For comparison, an ideal solvent of comparable viscosity is also C(t) has been calculated from the lin- earized (compressible) fluctuating Navier-Stokes (NS) equations [19]. The results are analytically complex even in the Laplace domain, however, at short times an invis- cid compressible approximation applies. At large times does not play a role and the NS equations can be used to predict the long-time tail. At short times, t < tc= 2R/cs, the major effect of is that sound waves generated by the motion of the suspended particle carryawaya fraction of the momen- tum, so that the VACF quickly decays from its initial value C(0) longtimes, t > tvisc= 4rR2 H/3e, the VACF decaysasin an incompressible fluid, with an asymptotic power-law in disagreement with pre- dictions based on the Langevin equation (Brownian dy- namics), C(t) = We have es- timated the effective (hydrodynamic) colloid radius RH from numerical measurements of the Stokes friction 0.1 1 10 100 ph=0.5 SHSD ph=1.00.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8 16 t / ph=0.5 SHSD ph=1.0 tL Figure 3: (Color online) The velocity autocorrelation func tion for a neutrally buoyant hard sphere suspended in a non-ideal SHSD (kh= 1) solvent at two densities (symbols), as well as an ideal I-DSMC solvent ( ph= 0.5,kh= 0.62, symbols), at short and long times (inset). For the more compressible (less visc ous) fluids the long time tails are statistically measurable only up to t/tvisc5. The theoretical predictions based on the inviscid, for short times, or incompressible, for long times, Navier- Stokes equations are also shown (lines). The diameter of the nano- colloidal particle is only 2 .5D, although we have performed sim- ulations using larger spheres as well with very similar resu lts. Since periodic boundary conditions were used we only show th e tail up to about the time at which sound waves generated by its periodic images reach the particle, tL=L/cs. In Fig. 3 numerical results for the VACF for an I-DSMC solvent and an SHSD solvent at two different densities are compared to the theoretical predictions. It is seen, as pre- dicted, that the compressibility or the sound speed cs, de- termines the early decay of the VACF. The exponent of reasonably well with the hydrodynamic prediction for the less dense solvents, however, there is a of the coefficient for the densest solvent, perhaps due to ordering of the fluid around the suspended sphere, not accounted for in continuum theory. In closing, we should point out that for reasonable val-ues of the collision frequency ( kh~1) and density ( liquid, c2 s<10. Indicative of this is that the so that the Schmidt number Sc=e(rz)-1 is less than 10 instead of being on the order of higher csorScrequires high collision rates (for example, kh~104is used in Ref. [13]) and time steps to ensure that there is at most one col- lision per particle per time step, and thus a similar com- putational effort as in molecular dynamics. The advantage of SHSD is its simplicity, easy parallelization, and simpler coupling to continuum methods such as fluctuating hydro- dynamics [10]. This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore under Contract We thank Salvatore Torquato, Frank Still- inger, Ard Louis, Andres Santos, and Jacek Polewczak for their assistance and advice. [1] H.Noguchi, N. Kikuchi, andG.Gompper, 10005 (2007). [2] G. D. Fabritiis, M. Serrano, R. and P. V. Coveney, Phys. Rev. E 75, 026307 (2007). [3] A. Donev, A. L. Garcia, and B. J. Alder, J. Comp. Phys. 227, 2644 (2008). [4] L.-S. Luo, Phys. Rev. E 62, 4982 (2000). [5] I. Pagonabarraga and D. Frenkel, Molecular Simulation 25, 167 (2000). [6] T. Ihle, E. T uzel, and D. M. Kroll, Europhys. Lett. 73, 664 (2006). [7] A. Frezzotti, Phys. Fluids 9, 1329 (1997). [8] J. M. Montanero and A. Santos, Phys. Fluids 9, 2057 (1997). [9] E. Tuzel, T. Ihle, and D. M. Kroll, Math. and Comput. in Simul.72, 232 (2006). [10] S. A. Williams, J. B. Bell, and A. L. Garcia, SIAM Multi- scale Modeling and Simulation 6, 1256 (2008). [11] R. and G. D. Fabritiis, Phys. Rev. E 76, 036709 (2007). [12] F. J. Alexander and A. L. Garcia, Computers in Physics 11, 588 (1997). [13] C. P. Lowe, Europhysics Letters 47, 145 (1999). [14] F. J. Alexander, A. L. Garcia, and B. J. Alder, Phys. Rev. Lett.74, 5212 (1995). [15] W. Ge and J. Li, Chemical Engineering Science 58, A. A. Louis, P. G. Bolhuis, and J. P. Hansen, Phys. Rev. E 62, 7961 (2000). [17] M. Lachowicz and M. Pulvirenti, Archive for Rational Me - chanics and Analysis 109, 81 (1990). [18] J. Polewczak and G. Stell, J. Stat. Phys. 109, 569 (2002). [19] J. T. Padding and A. A. Louis, Phys. Rev. E 74, M. W. Heemels, M. H. J. Hagen, and C. P. Lowe, J. Comp. Phys.164, 48 (2000). | 0803.0359 | Aleksandar Donev | Aleksandar Donev, Berni J. Alder, Alejandro L. Garcia | Stochastic Hard-Sphere Dynamics for Hydrodynamics of Non-Ideal Fluids | This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of
Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract
DE-AC52-07NA27344 (LLNL-JRNL-401745). To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. 2008 | null | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.075902 | null | cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | A novel stochastic fluid model is proposed with non-ideal structure factor
consistent with compressibility, and adjustable transport coefficients. This
Stochastic Hard Sphere Dynamics (SHSD) algorithm is a modification of the
Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) algorithm and has several computational
advantages over event-driven hard-sphere molecular dynamics. Surprisingly, SHSD
results in an equation of state and pair correlation function identical to that
of a deterministic Hamiltonian system of penetrable spheres interacting with
linear core pair potentials. The fluctuating hydrodynamic behavior of the SHSD
fluid is verified for the Brownian motion of a nano-particle suspended in a
compressible solvent.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 4 Mar 2008 02:04:51 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 22 Jul 2008 19:21:17 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"Berni J.",
"Alejandro L.",
] |
the two split off nodes with the largest k. The bulk part of the of E. Coli. is broad and power law like. The straightline in the figure corresponds to N(k),k 2cwith c$2 and illustratesthat the node-degree distribution for metabolic networks is broad and power-law like, as was first demonstrated in Ref. [16]. This power law like distribution is even more pronounced when taking an average over many different metabolic networks as shown in Fig. 3(a). As the complex metabolic system is projected and reduced into a network, the relevant possibilities also reduce to the correspond- ing relevant possibilities of the network. A possible state of a network corresponds to a possible way of assembling its parts i.e.it includes both a description of what nodes a particular node is connected to and a description of the time order this particular node was connected to these other nodes. The blind is the network which is unbiased with respect to these different assembling possibilities. In the following we will briefly explain what the properties of the blind watchmaker network are and how they are obtained (with more details in in Text S1). Results We start from a simplified network model, the [17]. The mapping between the CBB-model Figure 1. The mapping between network and the balls-in- boxes model. The left half shows a network of nodes and links with the link-ends enumerated. The right half shows the equivalent balls-in- boxes model. The vertical position of the balls in a box gives the orderin which they arrived into the box, or more generally a 2. The most unbiased box(node)-size distribution. Panels a-d show the most unbiased distributions n(k) obtained by the a) The variational solution the statistical states of the CBB-model compared to the average Sn(k)Tsolution from the algorithm method in case of N = 1000 and M/N = 4 . The fact that the two solutions agree reflects that the algorithm contains the least compatible with the constraints: b) The same thing for the blind watchmaker version of the CBB-model. In this case the is the agreement again reflects that no additional information is contained in the algorithm. The two curves in the panel corresponds to N = 1000 and M/N = 2 and 4, respectively. As seen the distribution becomes more power law like with increasing ratio M=N~SkT: c) The corresponding network solution. The most unbiased solution in this case gives the blind watchmaker network structure. The variational solution cannot be simply obtained for the network case because of the network constraints. By contrast these constraints are into the algorithm method. The panel shows the average solution for M/N = 4 and N = 1000 . The solution has a fat tail power law n(k),k2cwith c<2.1 : d) A real network is just one representation n(k) and not an average Sn(k)T. The panel shows a single network for N = 1000 and M/N = 4 . A single network always contain large split-off Blind Watchmaker Network PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org 2 February 2008 | Volume 3 | Issue 2 | e1690and the corresponding network goes as follows: a link is defined by its link-ends such that an enumeration of the links is given M21,M) where the link ends corresponds to balls enumerated by 1,2,..., Mas is illustrated in Fig. 1: The nodes correspond to boxes and the link-ends to the enumerated balls. The balls in the boxes are given a ranking by the vertical position of the balls in a box. The time-order of connections gives the ranking: earliest connection corresponds to the bottom positionand the latest to the top. The existence of this time-order ranking is crucial in the following . The point is that the existence of an implicit time- ordering is an un-avoidable consequence of any sequential process.Natural selection is but one example of such a process. For simplicity we here consider undirected links. A network is then an association of link-ends where the associated link-ends form nodes. Note that this means that a node will always contain at least one link-end. This is the origin of ''constrained'' in the Figure 3. Metabolic networks and the blind watchmaker network. The first two panels show the data for real metabolic networks (the data is taken from Ref. [ma03a][ma03b]): Panel a) shows the average distribution Sn(k)Tover 107 metabolic networks. This average distribution has a fat power-law tail Sn(k)T*k{cwith c<2.2. Note that the nodes with only one link are fewer (by roughly a factor of 5) than the nodes with two links. The average size of these 107 networks is N<640 and M/N<5.35 b) the specific metabolic network distribution n(k) for the E.Coli bacteria ( N<970 and M/
N<5.8). This network has 6 nodes with more than 100 links. Panel c) makes a direct comparison between the 107 metabolic networks in Panel a and 107 blind watchmaker networks with the same Nand M. The agreement implies a common origin. Panel d) makes the same comparison between the E.Coli network and a single random blind watchmaker network for the same Nand M. Apart from a general agreement (modulo the larger inherent in comparing single networks) , the distribution of the split-off nodes are similar. Panel e) compares the average of the with the corresponding average of the blind watchmaker networks including a constraint decreasing the abundance of the single link node to the same average number, n(1), as for the metabolic networks ( a = 0.07 ). The agreement is extraordinary. Panel f) makes the same comparison for the E. Coli. network ( a = 0.08 ) again with a striking Blind Watchmaker Network PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org 3 February 2008 | Volume 3 | Issue 2 | e1690name of the model: a box always contains at least one ball. Obviously, any association of the balls corresponds to a it is customary to include additional constraints in the definition of a network. The most common for an are: 1) a network must be connected, 2) only one link between two nodes, 3) no self-loops (which means that the two link-ends of the same link cannot belong to the same node) . We will first discuss the model without the additional network constraints. In order to make connection to standard statistical mechanics we will consider the case with a fixed number of balls Mand a fixed number of boxes N. The total number of ways you can distribute Mballs into N boxes, V, is by elementary combinatorics factors N(k)! in the denominator is the number of identical ways you can place the same balls in the same order into N(k) boxes of size k. However, in the CBB-model one ball is assigned to each box to start with. This means that the distinguishable number of ways you can distribute the remaining k-1balls into a box which already contains one ball, is ktimes less the number of ways to put kballs into the same box. Thus the total number of you can distribute balls into the boxes is for the by a combinatorial factor Pk~1kN(k)(more details in Supporting Information Text S1). The most unbiased estimate of Vcorresponds to the maximum and this maximum corresponds to one particular distribution N(k). This is completely equivalent to the maximum entropy principle in statistical mechanics [18]: Once the statistical states are identified, the most unbiased system corresponds to the maximum of such states or equivalently to the maximum of the entropy S=l nV. This maximum is achieved when all statistical states are The last statement is the counterpart of the postulate of a priory equal probabilities is statistical mechanics [18]. From an information perspective the maximum of Sgives a measure of the maximum information which can be contained in the system [18]. For the CBB-model two statistical states are equal provided that there exists a one to one mapping between boxes containing the same balls and furthermore that for each such mapped pair of boxes the time order in which the balls arrived to the boxes differ by at most a cyclic permutation. The point is that this degeneracy of the statistical states is enforced by the constraint that the boxes always contain at least one ball: The statistical state of the CBB-model and its network counterpart contain a practical issue is to determine the distribution N(k) which maximizes V[N(k)] subject to the appropriate constraints. One way is to find an update algorithm which picks the statistical states with equal probability, since such an algorithm automatically yields N(k). For the CBB-model the obvious algorithm is as follows: Pick two balls randomly and then move one to the same box as the other. If the attempted move involves emptying a box you try again with two new randomly picked balls . If you start with a random distribution with at least one ball in each box, then the restriction of ''always at least one ball in all boxes'' is in this way implemented without any additional bias. The resulting distribution, N(k), is shown in Fig. 2(a). An alternative is to directly find N(k) using a mathematical standard method called variational calculus (see supporting information Text S1). Both alternatives give the same as result (see Fig. 2(a)). The advantage with the algorithm method is that it directly gives a complete characterization of the unbiased situation: the maximizes SSN(k)T dTh and at the same time maximizes the noise As will be shown below this noise, or equivalently the spread of the data, provides important characteristics of the metabolic networks. The definition of the statistical state is a direct consequence of the maximum number of distinguishable ways you can distributethe balls in the boxes: The statistical states, when picked with give the global maximum of the entropy. However, our requirement is that the relevant states are picked with in our case the rankings of the balls in the boxes is relevant. As emphasized above, this is a direct consequence of the sequential element implicit in the natural selection process andwhich imposes a time-order ranking on the balls in the boxes. The crucial assumption is that the blind watchmaker network is random with respect to these relevant states. The key observation is that many such relevant states correspond to the same statistical state. Thus unbiased, or equivalently random, with respect to the relevantstates inevitably means biased with respect to the statistical biased with respect to the statistical states means smaller entropy S. What bias is imposed on the statistical states? In order to see this we note that the entropy ~SSis related to the probability ~ppof obtaining a new statistical state when choosing a new relevant state: ~SS~ln~ppV. When the relevant states and statistical states are identical, this reduces to ~pp~1and S=l nV.I f several relevant states correspond to the same statistical state then
~ppv1and ~SSvS. In the present case the number of different time-orders which gives the same statistical state. Thus Sa~P k~1N(k)lnk. Consequently, the most in terms of the relevant states corresponds to the N(k) which maximizes ~SS. The corresponding least biased algorithm which achieves goes as follows: 1) pick two boxes (nodes) A and B randomly with pick a random ball in A and move to B. 3) If the attempted move is forbidden by a constraint choose another ball in A. Repeat until one ball is moved. Thenchoose two new boxes (nodes) 4) If no ball can be moved from A, choose two new important point here is that this algorithm incorporates the constraints in the most unbiased way and consequently yields the optimal N(k). Figure 2(b) illustrates that the algorithm solutions which have the functional form in Text S1). Note that the distribution has an exponential decay for smaller values of average becomes very power law like for larger SkT. In order to find the variational solution for the network case, one needs to introduce the network constraints. These constraints can be directly implemented into the corresponding Moves which violates the network constraint Supporting Information in Text S1) When thenetwork constraints are included the distribution follows a a large range with c.2, as illustrated in Fig. 2(c). An important point to notice is that average different from the individual network The striking difference is that a single network contains large split-off nodes, as illustrated in Fig. 2(d). These split-off nodes constitute an essential characteristic of the does the blind watchmakers random network compare to real networks? Fig. 3 illustrates this for the case of Fig. 3(a) shows the average distribution obtained from 107 such networks and Fig. 3(b) the metabolic network for the E.Coli. bacteria (the data is taken from Ref. [14][15]). In Fig. 3(c)The Blind Watchmaker Network PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org 4 February 2008 | Volume 3 | Issue 2 | e1690and 3(d) these networks are compared to the corresponding blind watchmaker network: the only information contained in this latter network is the number of nodes and links and the number of networks involved in the average. We again stress that both the shape of the distribution andthe spread of the data are of a real network. As apparent from Fig. 3(c) the overlap between the two data-sets is striking. From this we conclude that metabolic networks are to large extent blind s. Figure 3(d) compare a single metabolic network (E. Coli.) with the corresponding random network. A particular feature in this comparison is the large split off nodes. In case of E. Coli. there are 6 nodes with more than 100 links and for the corresponding blind watchmaker there are on the average 5.3 61.5. Even if the blind watchmaker network explains the overall feature such as the fat tails of biological networks like the metabolic ones, there are of course differences. One such difference is the low number of nodes with only one link in case of metabolic networks. Such systematic deviations signal additional constraints in the real network. Whenever such constraints are present the entropy of the distribution is lower than for the blind watchmaker network. To illustrate this we in Fig. 3(e) and 3(f) compare the real networks with the corresponding blind watchmaker network including the least biased constraint which adjusts the number of (details in Supporting Information Text S1). Now the agreement is extraordinary considering the fact that only one data point, the number of single-link nodes at the very beginning of has been adjusted. It clearly demonstrates that it is rather the deviations from the blind watchmaker network which needs to be explained (like in the present case the smaller number of single -link nodes): These deviations contain information about the system in addition to the less system specific by the blind watchmaker network. In the present work we focus on the different possible states a network can be found in. These network states the time order in which a node is connected to its neigbours. No a priory assumption of any growth mechanism or evolution process is made. We introduce the concept of random with respect to the network states and call the corresponding network the blind watchmaker network. It is found that the blind watchmaker network is scale-free and that metabolic networks to large extent are blind watchmaker networks. This means that the evolutionary path of the cell-metabolism, when projected onto a metabolic is statistically random with respect to a complete set of network states. This randomness emanates from the (the blind element) in Darwinian evolution and suggests that natural selection has had no or little effect on thenetwork node degree distribution of metabolic networks. Can these conclusions really be drawn from the the node degree distribution, the split off nodes and thestochastic spread of the data when comparing the actual data formetabolic networks and the blind watchmaker model network? Inour opinion they can be drawn: The key is the quality of theagreement in relation to the number of free adjustable attempts to reproduce the degree distribution of usually starts from some assumption about the path and has to our knowledge not been able toreproduce the data in the way demonstrated here [13]. So whydoes the evolution of metabolic networks choose this node degree distribution displayed by the blindwatchmaker model network? According to us, the answer is thatthis degree distribution is neutral with respect to natural selection and hence, in this sense, has not been chosen at all. The notionthat the node degree distribution for metabolic networks could beneutral with respect to natural selection has also been suggested onthe bases of a comparison between the node degree distribution inatmospheric chemical reaction networks (no natural selection) andmetabolic networks and Methods The theoretical framework used in the analysis is mechanics, both in its conventional variational formdescribed in Text S1 and in its stochastical algorithm formdescribed in Results. The cell- metabolisms data represented by the are taken from Ma and Zeng in Ref. [14] and [15]. Supporting Information Text S1 Found at: (0.05 MBPDF) Author and designed the experiments: SB PM. Performed the experiments: SB PM. Analyzed the data: SB PM. Contributed tools: SB PM. Wrote the paper: SB Albert R, Baraba 'si A-L (2002) Statistical mechanics of complex networks. Rev. of Mod. Phys. 74: 47-97. 2. Dorogovtsev SN, Mendes JFF (2003) Evolution of networks: From biological nets to the Internet and WWW. Oxford University Press. 3. Newman MEJ (2003) The structure and function of complex networks. SIAM Review 45: 167-256. 4. Boccaletti S, Latora V, Morena Y, Chavez M, Hwang D-U (2006) Structure and dynamics. Phys. Rep. 424: 175-308. 5. Newman MEJ, Baraba 'si A-L, Watts DJ (2006) The Structure and dynamics of networks. Princeton: Princeton University press. 6. Dawkins R (1985) The blind watchmaker: Why the evidence of evolution reveals a universe without design. Norton. 7. Wagner A (2003) Does selection mold molecular networks. Science STKE 41. 8. Albert R, Jeong H, Baraba 'si A-L (2000) Error attack and tolerance of Nature 406: 378-382. 9. Cohen R, Erez K, ben-Avraham D, Havlin S (2000) Resilience of Internet for random breakdowns. PRL. 85: 4626-4628. 10. Baraba 'si A-L, Albert R, Jeong H (1999) Emergence of scaling in Science 286: 509-512. 11. Sole ' RV, Pastor-Satorras R, Smith E, Kepler T (2002) A model of evolution. Adv. in Complex Systems 5: 43-54.12. Vazquez A, Flammini A, Maritan A, Vespignani A (2003) Modeling of networks. Complexus 1: 38-44. 13. Pfeiffer T, Soyer OS, Bonhoeffer S (2005) The evolution of connectivity in metabolic networks. PloS Biology 3: 1269-1275. 14. Ma H, Zeng A-P (2003) Reconstruction of metabolic networks from genome data and analysis of their global structure for various organisms. 270-277. 15. Ma H, Zeng A-P (2003) The connectivity structure, giant strong component and centrality of metabolic networks. Bioinformatics 19: 1423-1430. 16. Jeong H, Tombor B, Albert R, Oltvai ZN, Baraba 'si A-L (2000) The large of metabolic networks. Nature 407: 651-654. 17. Minnhagen P, Bernhardsson S (2007) Optimization and scale-freeness for complex networks. Chaos 17: Jaynes ET (1957) Information theory and statistical mechanics. Phys. Rev. Minnhagen P, Bernhardsson S, Kim BJ (2007) Scale-freeness for Networks as a Degenerate Ground State: A Hamiltonian Formulation. EPL 78: Wagner A (2005) Robustness and evolvability in living systems. University Press. NJ. 138 p. 21. Gleiss P, Stadler P, Wagner A, Fell D (2001) Relevant cycles in networks. Adv. Complex Systems 4: 207-226.The Blind Watchmaker Network PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org 5 February 2008 | Volume 3 | Issue 2 | e1690 | 0803.0383 | Sebastian Bernhardsson | Petter Minnhagen and Sebastian Bernhardsson | The Blind Watchmaker Network: Scale-freeness and Evolution | 5 pages, 3 figures | PLoS ONE 3(2): e1690, (2008) | 10.1371/journal.pone.0001690 | null | physics.bio-ph q-bio.MN | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | It is suggested that the degree distribution for networks of the
cell-metabolism for simple organisms reflects an ubiquitous randomness. This
implies that natural selection has exerted no or very little pressure on the
network degree distribution during evolution. The corresponding random network,
here termed the blind watchmaker network has a power-law degree distribution
with an exponent gamma >= 2. It is random with respect to a complete set of
network states characterized by a description of which links are attached to a
node as well as a time-ordering of these links. No a priory assumption of any
growth mechanism or evolution process is made. It is found that the degree
distribution of the blind watchmaker network agrees very precisely with that of
the metabolic networks. This implies that the evolutionary pathway of the
cell-metabolism, when projected onto a metabolic network representation, has
remained statistically random with respect to a complete set of network states.
This suggests that even a biological system, which due to natural selection has
developed an enormous specificity like the cellular metabolism, nevertheless
can, at the same time, display well defined characteristics emanating from the
ubiquitous inherent random element of Darwinian evolution. The fact that also
completely random networks may have scale-free node distributions gives a new
perspective on the origin of scale-free networks in general.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 4 Mar 2008 07:58:47 GMT"
] | 2008-03-05T00:00:00 | [
] |
It is still unknown what sets can be the sum ranges of series. In this paper it is shown that any finite subset of Xcan be the sum range of a conditionally convergent series, which solves the problem posed by M. I. Kadets along with his two-point exa mple (the problem is stated in [S91] in the general case, and in [U02] for X=C() andn= 3). The example is an extension of the 2-point example of M. I. Kadets as given in [S91]. A s far as possible I shall try to keep the notation consistent with the notation given th ere, although the lack of suitable letters in the latin alphabet will force me to abandon the nota tion in a few all spaces are considered with the L1norm, i.e. Fre- quently it is assumed it is obvious on which space the norm is taken, and only||f||is written. 2 The results of K. Wo` zniakowski The work in this paper is strongly inspired by the 2-point example of M. I. Kadets and the proofby K.Wo` zniakowski. of Wo` zniakowski's workwill be used, but also multiple technical facts than can be found in the pr oof. Rather than force the reader to search for those in the original paper, I shall reiter ate here Wo` at times formulating the results in a way that will make them eas ier to use in the subsequent sections. The whole content of this section in based on [S91], and a reader familiar with this work may probably skip to the next section. LetQ= [0,1]obe the infinite dimensional cube, i.e. the product of a countable numb er of unit segments, equipped with the standard product topology an d measure. By x=
(x1,x2,...) we shall denote the variable on Q. Suppose we have two sequences of functions on the cube: an mandbn m,j, wherenNand for a given nbothmandjbelong to some By Anwe shall denote the set {an m:mMn}, and byBnthe For convenience if Xis a set of functions, by ~Xwe shall denote the sum of the functions from X. We shall assume the following properties of the functions = 1 nNxQ (3) The function an mdepends only on the variable xn (4) The functions an massume only values 0 and 1 (6) 2We shall this collection of properties the Kadets properties on the cube Q. These prop- erties mean that for each nthe interval [0 ,1] is divided into |Mn|setsVn mof equal = 1 iffxnVm. The functions bn m,jare negative, and are supported on rectangles ( the Kadets properties we can easily deduce another few prop erties, mainly about the behaviour of bn m,jbased on properties 1 and (8)
~Bn(x) =-1nN function bn m,jdepends only on the variables functions bn m,jassume only values 0 and -1 almost disjoint supports for properties follow easily from the Kadets properties. In prop erty 14 by almost disjoint supports we mean that the intersection of two supports is of measure zero, we can obviously modify an mso that the Kadets properties still hold and the sets disjoint for any constant nand any two different values of m. Letck,kNbe any ordering of all the functions an mandbn m,j. Following Wo` zniakowski we shall investigate the convergence of any reordering 2.1. For any family of functions ckhaving the Kadets properties there exist such two permutations is enough to order the functions i.e. an mappears and then immediately after each an mto put the Then the sum of each block consisting of a single function an mand it sums up to zero due to property 7, so the norm of each pa rtial sum is the norm of the currently open block, which converges to zer o due to properties 2, 10 and 3. To gettwe order the functions an min the same way, but we follow each function an mfor n>1 by the set the functions a1 mare not followed by anything (as there 3are no functions b0 m,j). Then the functions a1 msum up to the constant function 1 due to property 1. The following blocks again sum up to zero, this time due to property 8, so the norm of the difference between 1 and a particular partial sum is equa l to the norm of the currently open block, which again converges to zero due to proper ties 2, 10 and 3. Remark 1. The series of functions from Proposition 2.1 converge not on ly in theL1norm, but also in any Lpnorm for any p<. Proof.Again it is only a question of investigating the norm of any given block, a s the sum of the previous blocks is zero. Functions an massume only values 0 and 1 and have for a set nfrom properties 5 and 14. Functions bn m,jfor a given nhave (this follows from properties 6 and 14) and assume values 0 and-1 (from 13). Thus for any fbeing a sum of any set of functions an mandbn m,jfor a a fixednin the case of t) we have This implies for any 1 if the sum of the series tended to zero in the L1norm withntending to infinity, it also tends to zero in any Lpnorm 2.2. If a reordering cs(k)of a family ckhaving the Kadets properties converges, it converges to a constant integer to properties 4 and 12 and the finiteness of the sets MnandJnonly finitely many of the functions cs(k)depend on a given variable xl- precisely the functions Moreover the sum of all these functions equals to the constant f unction -1 due to properties 1 and 9. Thus for some integer K0the constant with regard to xlforK>=K0, and thus the limit of the series also has to be constant with regard toxl. As this applied to an arbitrary l, the limit simply has to be constant. As the functions ckare integer-valued (properties 5 and 13), their sums also have to b Thus all the partial sums of the series are integer -valued, and so the limit is also integer-valued, which ends the proof. The next step will be to show that 0 and 1 are the only possible limits of a rearrangement of a family of functions with the Kadets property. We shall set a fixe d rearrangement cs(k) of a given Kadets family, and we shall assume that the to some constant integer C/e}atioslash= 1 (we know C= 1 can be achieved, it remains to prove that under these assumptions C= 0). 4Take an arbitrary d >0 and fixK0=K0(d) such that for any K >K (15) and for any m>l>K 0the Cauchy condition holds, (16) In addition to the sets earlier we shall also consider LetMbe any integer such anyk<=K. 0 otherwise. Similarly let - 0 otherwise. By c*we shall while bycwe shall The sum c+c*is equal to ~VM+~AM+1= 0+1 = 1. Hence ||c*||=||1-c|| >= ||1-C||-||C-c|| (18) The indices kjare well defined for jfrom 1 to 4 because the total norm of the sum c*
is at least 1 -dand each single c*
khas norm <=ddue to the Cauchy condition (16). For j= 0,1,2,3 define the following forj= 1,2,3,4 setrj= plain words this means that we divide the functions ckforkj< k<=kj+1into three sets - those from Anforn<=M+1 add up to c**
j), those from BM+1 (these add up to --cj) and the rest (these add up to rj). We will show that the placed in ckin similar proportions as the functions from VMAM+1-- if, say, about a half of the functions from VMAM+1appeared in ck(that happens at k2) then about a half of the functions from BM+1must have appeared, too. We shall need to estimate the norm of two sums, which we would like to b e We know that the sum of all ckup tokjis negligible, thus if the high-nfunctions (rj) are negligible, the functions from to approximately cancel each other out. This motivates the following p 2.3. For a Kadets family of functions ck, its rearrangement 1, an arbitrary dand an arbitrary M > K 0(d)as above, with the notation as above we integer-valued (being a sum of some functions from a Kadets family ), the condition ||c**
j|| <=1 4. Thus we can use lemma 1 (from the lemmas) to get
j+rj|| >= course ||^cj|| <=dfrom the Cauchy condition (16). We thus gives us the sought estimate upon ||rj||, <=18d. In particular, of course, each ||rj||is bounded by 18 d. Corollary 2.4. With the notation and assumptions as above, ||--cj+c**
j|| <= ||^cj||+||rj|| <=d+18d= 19d. Proposition 2.5. For a Kadets family of functions ck, its rearrangement 1, an arbitrary dand an arbitrary M > K 0(d)as above, with the notation as above we have <=11d. Proof.We >= >= >= any index k'>k4. If the norm greater then 11 d, then there would exist some k5(k4,k'] such that 12 d>= Then by a similar >= ||c**
5||+ (1-24d)||r5||- ||^c5|| >=11d-d) the norm be larger then 10d-- but all the functions - ckare negative, so which in this case gives 1>= a contradiction. Thus the norm has to be no greater than 11 d(the sum is convergent, as it is in fact the sum of a finite number of functions, all coming from VM+1). Let us denote this sum by c**
5. 6Now we can prove the main theorem of Wo` zniakowski's work: Theorem 2.6. For a Kadets family of functions ckand some rearrangement C/e}atioslash= 1we have|C-1 2| <=1 2, which (due to lemma 2.2) implies C= any d, and the partial sum the notation as above. As k4> K0, from assumption 15 we know that ||S-C|| <=d, so it will suffice to We a sum of functions from BM+1, which means assumes only the values 0 and-1, always equal to1 2. Inserting this and the bounds upon rj andc**
5we get
||S-1 2|| <=dwe get||C-1 2|| <=1 2+30d. Asdwas chosen arbitrarily, we get the 2.7. The sum range of any Kadets family consists of two points, the 0 and 1, in any Lpnorm for 1<=p<
Proof.From Proposition 2.1 and Remark 1 we know that the two constant fu nctions belong to the sum range. From the Proposition 2.2 we know that all function s in the sum range integer functions, andfromTheorem 2.6we kno w thatonly thetwo functions 0 and 1 are eligible. If any permutation of the series conve rged to some function gin someLpnorm, then tend to zero. But from the H older inequality we know that the measure of the whole space is 1), which would imply that the series Snconverges also in the L1norm, contradicting Theorem 2.6. 3 The 3-point series Denote byQi= [0,1]o,i= 1,2,3 the infinite dimensional cube, i.e., the product of a count- able number of unit segments equipped with the standard product p robability measure. The example will be constructed in L1(Q1Q2Q3). In the whole paper t= (t1,t2,...) will 7denote the variable on Q1,u= (u1,u2,...) will denote the variable on Q2andv= (v1,v2,...) will denote the variable on Q3. Our series will consist of functions of three kinds. The functions of the first kind are defined as follows: fn m(t) ifm-1 n<tn<m n 0 =fn m(v) = 0 fornN,m {1,2,...,n}. The second kind of functions is defined on all three cubes: gn m,j(t) n+1ifm-1 n<un<m n 0 {1,2,...,n},j functions of the third kind are defined on = 0 hn m,j.k(u) (n+1)2(n+2)ifm-1 n<un<m n 0 {1,2,...,n},j {1,2,...,n+1},k functions have properties we want to generalize. Suppose w e have three families the mapping between {1,2,...,n} x{1,2,...,n+ 1)}is given by 1) +j). We have three families of functions: the first the second kind the third on the union Q1Q2Q3of Hilbert cubes. 8The families fandgform a Kadets family on Q1, while the functions hdisappear on Q1. OnQ3the functions gandhform a Kadets family (with MnxJnbeing the first index set andKnthe second), while functions fdisappear. The properties of the functions on Q2are different, as only values 0 and 1 functions only on un(28) Such a family of functions will be called a 3-Kadets family . It is easy (although maybe a bit tedious) to check that the family defined at the beginning of the section is a shall denote by Fnthe set{fn m:mMn}, byGnthe byHnthe Also, by VMwe shall Denote by dnany set enumeration of the whole 3-Kadets family. We the possible limits all permutations sofN. If a given rearrangement ds(n)of a 3-Kadets family converges, it converges on each of the cubes separately. On Q1andQ3we have Kadets families of functions, so the series on each of these cubes converges either to 0or to1due to theorem 2.6. The new part is the 9behaviour on Q2. Same as in the first part of Proposition 2.2 only finitely many function s depend on a given variable un- the functions and their sum is constant, equal to zero due to property (21) applied to each jseparately. Thus again the limit of to be a constant anydn(it is 0 for functions of the first kind and follows from properties 24 and 25 for the second and third kind), we the integral is a continuous functional on L1(Q2) andL1(Q3) we get that the integrals of the limits have to be equal - but we know that the limit bothQ2andQ3is a constant function, so the equality of integrals implies the equality o f the limits. Thus the limit of the whole series is described by a pair of integers - the value on Q1and the value on Q3. Let us denote the limit function by d. We are to show that it is possible to obtainexactly three different sum s - precisely we can obtain (0,0),(1,0) and (1,1). To obtain any of these limits we first arrange the functions f andgas by Proposition 2.1 for a Kadets family on Q1, and then after each gwe put the h functions as by Proposition 2.1 for the cube Q3. It remains to be seen if we get the case of ( 0,0) after a given fn mthere appear the all functions samemandn. The sum of all these functions on Q2is equal to 0due to property (21) for eachjseparately. Thus the norm of the partial sum on Q2is equal to the norm of the functions appearing after the last f, and this tends to zero due to properties 26, 27 and 3 (all the functions have the same index m, so the sum of their norms is equal to2
|Mn|-0). In the case of ( 1,0) after a given fn mwe get the functions The sum of all these functions on Q2is again0due to property 21, this time applied to each the norm of the difference between the partial sum and ( 1,0) is the norm of the part after the last f, and that again tends to 0. In the case of ( 1,1) after a given fn mwe get the functions Their sum is0due to property 22 applied to them all. Again the norm of the differenc e between the partial sum and 1tends to 0. Again it is easy to check that the convergence occurs not only in the L1norm, but also in anyLpnorm forp<in the same way as in Remark 1 -- on each of the cubes the L norm of the partial sums is bounded by 1. One may wonder why the same arguments will not imply the convergen ce of the series arranged by rows in Gnand columns in Hn-1to (0,1). The answer is we lack the equivalent of property 22 for this arrangement. To illustrate this let us look at the 3-Kadets family given at the beginning of the section arranged in this natural way. T he equal to 1 onm-1 n< un<m n, while the sum of the appropriate column of equal to -1 non the whole cube Q2. Thus the partial 10sums before each function of the first kind do not disappear as the y did in the previous three cases, and when half of these functions from a given Fnhave appeared, the norm of the partial sum on of n- thus this particular series does not converge. Of course we still have to prove this is true for any rearrangement - b ut this example shows the nature of the reason why only three and not four possible limits exist . 4 Auxiliary lemmas Before we begin the main part of this paper - i.e. the proof that our s eries cannot converge to (0,1) - we shall need three auxiliary lemmas: Lemma 1. (Lemma given without proof in [O89]) Let (X,u)and(Y,n)be measure spaces with probability measures. Let functions in L1(XxY), each of which depends on only one variable: f(x,y) =~f(x),g(x,y) = ~g(y). Then
||f+g|| >= -u(supp~f)||g||+ +
||g||[1-2u(supp~f)]. Lemma 2. LetA,B,Cbe arbitrary spaces equipped with probabilistic measures a nd letX=
AxBxCbe equipped with the standard product measure. Suppose f,gare bounded on Xof the form f(a,b,c) =~f(a,b) = ~g(b,c) <=e. Then there exists a function h(a,b,c) =~h(b)such <=2e. Moreover if fis integer-valued then hcan also be chosen to and if for a family of sets Bawe =f(a,b2,c), then we can choose a function hconstant on any set Ba. Proof.For any given bBwe take~h(b) such is well defined, as fis bounded, and thus in fact the inf is taken over a bounded, and thus compact set. For such an hwe <=e <=e, we immediately have <=2e. As for the if fandgare integer-valued, we can take the inf in the definition of ~hto be taken only over integers, with the same result. Regardless of that which option we choose, iffis constant with regard to bon anyBa, then from the definition halso can be chosen to be constant on that set. Lemma 3. LetA,Bbe arbitrary spaces equipped with probabilistic measures a ndX=AxB equipped with the standard product measure. Suppose f,g,hare integer-valued =~f(a)andh(a,b) =~h(b)for some ~f,~h. Suppose too that only two adjacent values (i.e. kandk+1for somek) . Finally d <1 9. Then either forhis a constant function equal some integer con a set of measure >=1-2 d. Furthermore the function satisfies form two increasing families, the sum of each is the whole space Xand the intersection of each is empty. The form an ascending sequence with elements arbitrarily close to 0 whenn- - and arbitrarily close to 1 when n-. if~fis not constant on any set of measure >=1-2 d, then at least one element of the sequence |Fn|, sayFnf, has to fall into the interval [ d,1- d]. Similarly if ~his constant on no set of measure
>=1-2 d, then for some nhwe have d>= |Hnh| >=1- d. Then on the set X1=
FnfxHnhwe while onX2= (AFnf)x(BHnh) we Asgassumes two adjacent values, it is either <= -(nh+nf+1) or>= -(nh+nf+ 1) on the whole space X. Thus on one of the sets X1,X2we have
|f+g+h| >=1, call itXi. As bothX1andX2are products of two sets of measure >=
d, >= |Xi| >=d, which contradicts the assumptions of the lemma. Thus one of the functions has to be constant on a large set. Withou t the loss of generality we may assume it is h, and that it is equal to some integer c. Let us examine the function f, taking into account that all the functions are integer-valued, an d thus if their sum is non-zero, it is at least one : d >= {-k-c,-k-c-1}}xh-1(c)|=
= implies ~f(a) {-k-c,-k-c-1}on a set of measure at least 1 -d 1-2 d. Denote this set by A'. Now we return to the function the setA'the function f+g+cassumes values of absolute value <=1, so by shall decrease the norm at most giving the we haved 1-2 d<=
d, and thus ||h-c|| <=3 d. 5 The fourth point Now we can begin to prove the main theorem of the paper: Theorem 5.1. The function d= (0,1)does not belong to the sum range of any 3-Kadets family we have a rearrangement of some 3-Kadets family ds(n)the sum of which converges to d. Again, take an arbitrarily small d >0 (we shall need 927 d <1 4, i.e. d <1 13749264) and an integer Ksatisfying inequalities (15) and (16), i.e. the tails and Cauchy sums are smaller than dforN >K. Then, again, we take any Msatisfying (17), i.e. the first Kelements of our series. Then we take an N0such that VM s(N0)}. (29) Consider any fixed N >N 0. We will prove toprove thatourseries doesnotconverge to1onQ3, which contradicts the assumption the rearrangement converged to ( 0,1). Denote for any L,kZbyDkthe set{ds(1),...,d s(k)}, and of sets FL,GL,HLorVL, respectively, with the set Dk. First we shall prove the following lemma: Lemma 4. If functions a 3-Kadets family on the cubes Q1,Q2and Q3and their set permutation ds(n)tends and for a given L we whereN >N 0as above, then there exists a P[0,1]such Q3has measure <=450d. Remark 2. What this lemma really tells us is: if up to the Nth element of the series at least half plus something (38d)of theGLfunctions have appeared, then at least half minus something (450d)of theHLfunctions had to appear. Moreover, the HLfunctions do not appear in a haphazard fashion - we know that at least half minu s something rows had to appear (a row is the set of the functions hL m,j,kwith fixedmandjand varying our thesis is automatically fulfilled - all functions from HLbelong to the setDN, thus we can take any set of the set ( ~HN L)-1(0) will be empty, soPwill satisfy the required conditions. Now consider the case L>M. The numbers KandL-1 satisfy the conditions (15), (16) and (17) (as L>MandMsatisfied (17)). Thus we know there exist numbers We shall prove that N>=n2. We know allgn m,jare of the same constant sign on each cube, the absolute value of the integral is equal to the norm, and t he norms on each cube are equal) . If N <n 2, <= contradicts our assumption (the first inequality follows from t he fact, that gn m,jare all non-positive functions on Q1, the second inequality from corollary 2.4). ThusN > n 2. Consider This function is dependent on L, on tLandtL+1. From property (15) and Corollary 2.4 we <= <=d+19d+19d= 39d. We can thus use lemma 2 for functions get that on Q1both these functions are closer than 39 dto some integer-valued function ~Adepending only on tL. 14Each function fn mdepends only on tnand assumes values 0 and 1 only (properties 5 and 4), so it is in fact the characteristic function of a set {t:tnSn m}for someSn m[0,1]. have disjoint support for a fixed n, they are all constant on any given are also constant with regard to tnon theSn mdue to property 6, and all the other functions are constant with regard to tnon the whole interval. Thus the constant with respect to tLon sets{tLSL m}we can choose ~A to be constant on those sets. Thus ~Acoincides on Q1with the sum of some of the rows of GL, to some subset AofGLsuch that for a fixed meither all or none of the functions gL m,jbelong toA. Define ~AonQ2andQ3as the sum of all the elements of Aas well, which agrees with our notation that ~Uis the sum of all the elements of Ufor an arbitrary set of that ( On the other hand taking into account the equality can (30) Distinct functions from GLhave disjoint supports on Q1(this follows from the properties 14 and 6 of Kadets families), and each has the same norm ps=1
|MLxJL|. Thus if the distance between two functions corresponding to two subsets of GLonQ1is smaller than nps, then at mostnfunctions belong to the symmetric difference of those two subsets . If at most n functions belong to the symmetric difference, then the distance be tween the two functions onQ2is at mostnps(as onQ2the norm of a single function is also equal psby property 26). Thus, in general, if B,CGL, In particular ~Gn2 Lis at most 39ddistant from ~AonQ2. Now consider what happens on Q2. From (23) the restriction of ~AtoQ2is equal to 1 on some set (on intervals tL[m-1 L,m L] formsuch thatgL m,jA) and 0 on the rest. From (15), asn2> K, we have If we substitute ~Afor~Gn2 L, we will be at most 40ddistant from zero, as only GLandHLdepend on uL, this sum is composed of two parts - the on uLand the whole rest (i.e. dependent on other variables. Thus we can apply a simplified version of lemma 2, with and a trivial one-point space as B. We learn that both our functions are 15within 80dfrom a function cdependent on b- but asBwas a one-point space, cis a As ~Aassumes values 0 and 1, and ~Hn2 L[-1,0], their sum is non-negative on supp~Aand non-positive on the remainder of Q2. From (30) we know that |supp~A| >=1 2-50d, thus~A+~Hn2 Lis non-negative on a set of measure >=1 2-50d. Ifcis positive, then (as d <1 200) 80d>= implies c<=320d. Similarly if cis negative, we know from (30) that |Q2supp~A| >=
1 2-40d, yielding again c>-800 3d. Thus|c|<320d, <= +|c| <=
80d+320d= within 400 dof a function with values 0 and -1 on Q2- the function -~A. Remark, that -~A=-~A'onQ2for a subset A'ofHLwith the property that for a given m either all of the functions hL m,j,kbelong toA', or none of the functions belongs to A'(if to A, then toA') . If~A', whereA'HL, is a only values 0 and 1 on Q2andBHL, us take any subset A''ofHLdepending only on mandjwith exactly half of the elements of HLand containing A'or contained in A'. - because all the the functions in HLare non-positive. from (30) <=50d, we get and consider what happens on Q3. both integer-valued on Q3, this means they differ on a set of measure at most 450 d, and thus their difference can be positive on a set of measure at most 450 d. When we increase nfromn2toNthe set where the difference is positive can only decrease. Thus |{HN L-~A''>0}| <=450d. Now forPwe take supp~A''. The set [( ~HL N)-1(0)] {v:vLP}is the set where HL Nis equal to zero and ~A'' is negative -- thus their difference is positive, so the set has to have m easure smaller than 450d, which is what we had to prove. Now themainproof. Assume d= (0,1), i.e. ourseries converges to We shall prove by induction upon finite, 16its elements are contained in some VL, thus if the thesis is true, we is what we had to prove. For L < M we haveVLDNand from property 0<=1 4. Now suppose we have the thesis for L-1 and attempt to prove it for L. Denote by P1the function ( byP2the the function ~HN L|Q3. It depends on variables vLandvL+1. The function L, whileP2depends on vL+1,...,v Zfor someZZ. The function HN L|Q3 assumes only values 0 and -1, all three functions - integer-valued, and from (15) their sum is less then ddistant from 1onQ3. Thus by taking P' 1=P1-1 we have three functions fulfilling the assumptions of lemma 3. Thus eithe rP1orP2is within 3 dof a constant function. In each of these cases the proof will also d epend on Thus we have in total four cases to first that P2is within 3 dof a constant function. As <=d, thismeans that function. (1 2+ 38d) + 0 =3 4+ 38d. But this function and so is within 4 dof some constant integer cand its integral also has to be within 4 dofc. As 4 d+38d<1 4, we getc<=0, within 3 dof a constant function, then again 4 dfrom a constant integer c. From lemma 4 we have in particular As this is supposed again to within 4 dofc, we havec<=0 as the third case we suppose that P' 1, and thus also P1is within 3 dof a 38d. the inductive assumption, we 38d. AsP1is supposed to be within 3 dof some constant integer c, its integral also has to be within 3 dofc, which again implies c<=0 we last case is when P1is within 3 dof a constant integer In this case from lemma 4 we know there exists a set P'Q3dependent only on vLsuch -1 2+ 450d. IfP1is within 3 dof a constant integer function function C. arrrive in the situation of lemma 2: on vL+1,vL+2,...,v Z. This means that each of them is within 8 dof some integer function P3dependent only on vL+1. -1 2+ <=8 d, we gather -1 2+ 450d+ 8 d<= -1 2+458 d. AsP' 17depends only on vLandP3only to ~HN Lwe As to be within 3 dof theinteger c, implyingc<=1 in all four cases we have completed the induction step, which pr oves in a finite number of steps This holds for an arbitrary N >N 0, and would thus have to hold for the limit which obviously contradicts the assumption 5.2. A 3-Kadets series has a 3-point sum range, consisting of the f unctions As previously, this holds for any Lpwith1<=p<
6 More points From the previous section we know how to make 3 points out of 2. The same mechanism can be applied to make r+1 points out of r. Theorem 6.1. For anyr>1there exist a family dkof functions defined on a union of cubes Q1,...,Q Nwith anr-point sum range. Additionally we can distinguish two disjo int form a Kadets family on QN, while all other functions dk disappear on QN. Moreover one function in the sum range of dkis equal to 1onQNand all the other functions from the sum range disappear on QN. Finally there exist to any point of the sum range in which the sets FandGare arranged as in Proposition 2.1. Proof.We shall prove the thesis by induction upon r. Forr= 2 the original Kadets example withN= 1 satisfies the given we have an appropriate family for r-1. We add two cubes to the domain of dk: QN+1andQN+2. Denote by x= (x1,x2,...) the variable on QN+1and byy= (y1,y2,...) the variable on QN+2. All the functions except Gwill disappear on these cubes. For each n we divide the unit interval [0 ,1] We define gn m,jto be 0 otherwise. Next we define Kn=Mn+1xJn+1and divide 18the unit interval [0 ,1] equal measure, and on be equal to 1 if ynTn-1 (m,j), 0 otherwise. Finally to the functions dkwe add a set of disappear on the cubes Q1toQN, and satisfy is again easy, although tedious, to check that F,Gand the new functions Hform a 3-Kadets family on QN,QN+1,QN+2. We claim that the set {dk}Hsatisfies the conditions given in the theorem. The sets GandHform a Kadets family on QN+2, all other on QN+2. We have to check the sum ranges. Let us fix any convergent rear From the properties of 3-Kadets families given in section 3 we know that the limit on QN+1andQN+2is going to be the same, and equal either 0or1. From theorem 5.1 we know that if the series converges to 0onQM, it has to converge to 0on QN+1andQN+2. Thus at most r+1 limits can be achieved - the functions with 0onQN generate one each (by the 0-extension onto QN+1QN+2), while the single function with 1 onQNcan be extended by either 0or1toQN+1QN+2. This also satisfies the condition that only one of the points in the sum range is 1onQN+2, while the other points can of course attain all the desired points in the sum range with GandHordered as in Proposition 2.1 by taking the rearrangements with FandGordered as in the proposition and inserting Has in section 3. Thus it is possible to attain a finite set of any size ras a sum range of a conditionally convergent series. Again, this works for any Lp, 1<=p<. To attain full generality on Lpwe would attain arbitrary sum ranges, and not only the sum range given above. We will do that according to the scheme from [K90], as follows: Lemma 5. Letohmbe an arbitrary probability space, cnR,cn-0and letfnL2(ohm)be a sequence of integer-valued functions. Then the if and only if part is obvious. For the only if part it is enough to prove th at has to diverge as well. In fact then there such that for any NNwe have a large Cauchy sum above N, i.e. for somel > k > N we have e. Ascn-0 we can take Nlarge enough to >N. Thus we can select l=l(k) such that But >=eas a sum of an integer-valued function and a constant c(e,1/2), which ensures the divergence let us apply this lemma to our example from Theorem 6.1. We have a s eriesdk with anr+ 2-point sum range Ddefined on ohm cubes. We consider it as a series defined on L2(ohm). Let us denote X= Q2r+1}, i.e. the subspace of the piece-wise constant functions on ohm. Let P:L2(ohm)-Xbe the orthogonal projection onto X. Denote by Ythe subspace of Xconsisting of those piecewise constant functions ( the value of fonQi, 1,2,...,r. Thus for any dkwe haveP(dk) Y, and thusP(D) is in fact a subset of Y. Recall also that for odd indices jthe functions dkare integer-valued. Let T:Y-Ybe an arbitrary linear operator. Put 6.2. The sum range D'of the inclusion ( I+T)(D)D'is evident. To prove the inverse inclusion consider an arbitrary arrangement ( b' k) of (d' k) and the corresponding rearrangement ( bk) of (dk). If (b' k) converges to some point b'D', then its restrictions to Qjfor odd indices jsatisfy the conditions of the lemma. Thus the restrictions to Qjfor oddjofTP(bk) converge. Now the restrictions of TP(bk) toQj-1are equal to the corresponding restrictions to Qj, so the whole series TP(bk) converges. also has to converge. The sum of this series bbelongs toD, henceb'=b+TP(b) belongs to ( I+T)(D). This example can be transferred to any Banach spaceYusing the results of V.M. Kadets. In [S91], Theorem 7.2.2 states: LetXandYbe Banach spaces, Xf=Y. Suppose that Xhas a basis {ek}
k=1and a series in Xsuch not a linear set. Then for any monotone sequence of positiv e there exists a that SR not a linear set and /bardblyk/bardbl allkN, Corollary 7.2.1 points out that if Xisl2then by Dvoretzky's theorem Xf=Y, and Corollary 7.2.2 states that In any Banach space there are series whose sum range consists of two points. This is achieved by applying the two-point example in L2to Corollary 7.2.1 and following the proof of Theorem 7.2.2 to see that no new points appear and all the old ones are transf erred to the space Y. We have an n-point example in L2which can be in the same manner, through in the proof of Theorem 7.2.2 transferred to any Bana ch spaceY. Finally for any subspaces H1,H2of a infinitely dimensional Banach space Yand any isomorphism f:H1-H2there exists an isomorphism Thus having any npoints satisfying some linear equations as a sum range of ykinYwe can them to any other npoints satisfying the same linear equations and then transfer the whole series by M. I. Kadets and V. M. Kadets, Series in Banach Spaces, Cond itional and Uncondi- tional Convergence, Birkh auser Verlag, 1991. [O89] M. I. KadetsandK.Wo` zniakowski, Onseries whose permutat ions haveonlytwo sums, Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 37 (1989), no. 1-6, 15-21. [U02] P. L. Ulyanov, On interconnections between the research of russian and polish math- ematicians in the theory of functions, Banach Center Publ, Polish Ac ad. Sci. Math 56 (2002), p. 122-128 [K90] V.M.Kadets, ofaseriesinaB Funktsij, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen. 54(1990), p. 54-5 7. (Russian) 21 | 0803.0415 | Jakub Wojtaszczyk | Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk | A series whose sum range is an arbitrary finite set | 21 pages | Studia Mathematica 171 (3) (2005), pp. 261-281 | null | null | math.FA | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In finitely-dimensional spaces the sum range of a series has to be an affine
subspace. It is long known this is not the case in infinitely dimensional
Banach spaces. In particular in 1984 M.I. Kadets and K. Wo\`{z}niakowski
obtained an example of a series the sum range of which consisted of two points,
and asked whether it is possible to obtain more than two, but finitely many
points. This paper answers the question positively, by showing how to obtain an
arbitrary finite set as the sum range of a series in any infinitely dimensional
Banach space.
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"created": "Tue, 4 Mar 2008 11:30:27 GMT"
] | 2008-03-05T00:00:00 | [
"Jakub Onufry",
] |
wheredijis the Kronecker delta and LKis a positive constant. Since any convex body not supported on an affine subspace has an affine image which is in isotropic position, this is not a restrictive assumption. The motivation in studying this problem comes from the so-called cent ral limit prob- lem for convex bodies, which is to show that most of the one-dimensio nal projections of the uniform measure on a convex body are approximately normal. It turns out that the bounds on the square correlation can be crucial to estimating the d istance between the one- dimensional projections and the normal distribution (see for insta nce [ABP03], [MM05]). A related problem is to provide bounds for the quantity sK, defined uniformly distributed on K. It is conjectured (see for instance [BK03]) that sKis bounded by a universal constant for any convex symmetric isotro pic body. Recently Antilla, Ball and Perissinaki (see [ABP03]) observed that for K=ln pthe covariances of X2 iandX2 j are negative for and from this deduced a bound on sKin this class. In this paper we shall study the covariances of X2 iandX2 j(or, more generally, of any functions depending on a single variable) on a convex, symmetric and isotropic body. We will show a general formula to calculate the covariance for given funct ions and K, and from this formula deduce the covariance of any increasing functions of differ ent variables, in particular of the functions X2 iandX2 j, has to be negative on generalized Orlicz balls. Then we follow [ABP03] to arrive at a concentration property and [MM05] to get a Central Limit Theorem variant for generalized Orlicz balls. The layout of this paper is as follows. First we define notations which w ill be used throughout the paper. In Section 2 we transform the formula for the square correlation into a form which will be used further on. In Section 3 we use the form ula and the Brunn- Minkowski inequality to arrive at the square negative correlation pr operty for balls. In Section 4 we show the corollaries, in particular a centra l-limit theorem for generalized Orlicz balls. Section 5 contains another application of the formula from Section 2, a simple counterexample for the square negative correlation hyp othesis for Throughout the paper KRnwill be a convex body of volume 1 in isotropic position. Recall that by isotropic position we mean that for any vector thSn-1we some constant LK. ForARnby|A|we will denote the Lebesgue volume of A. ForxRn,|x|will mean the Euclidean norm of x. We assume that Rnis equipped with the standard Euclidean structure and with the cano nic 2orthonormal base ( e1,...,e n). ForxRnbyxiwe shall denote the ith coordinate of x, We will consider Kas a probability space with the Lebesgue measure restricted to Kas the probability measure. If there is any danger of confusion, th enPKwill denote the probability with respect to this measure, EKwill denote the expected value with respect to PK, and so on. By Xwe will usually denote the n-dimensional random vector whileXiwill denote its ith coordinate. By the covariance cov( Y,Z) for real random variables Y,Zwe mean E(YZ)-EYEZ. By an 1-symmetric body Kwe mean one that is invariant under reflections in the coordinate hyperplanes, or equ ivalently, such a body that (x1,x2,...,x nxnX) for any choice of ei {- 1,1}. The parameter sK, as in [BK03], will be defined anyn>=1 and convex increasing functions fi: [0,)-[0,),i= 1,...,n satisfying fi(0) = 0 (called the Young functions) we define the generalized Orlicz b allKRnto be the set of points x= (x1,...,x n) is easily proven to be convex, symmetric and bounded, a norm on Rn. In the case of equal functions fithe norm is called an Orlicz norm , in the general case a generalized Orlicz norm. Examples of Orlicz norms include the lpnorms for anyp>=1 withf(t) =|t|pbeing the Young functions. The generalized Orlicz spaces are also referred to as modular sequence spaces (I thank the refere e for pointing this out to me). 2 The general formula We wish to calculate cov( f(Xi),g(Xj)), where fandgare univariate functions, the coordinates of the random vector X, equidistributed on a convex, symmetric and isotropic body K. For simplicity we will assume i= 1,j= 2 and denote X1byYand X2byZ. For any ( y,z)R2letm(y,z) be equal to the n-2-dimensional Lebesgue measure of the set ( {(y,z)}xRn-2)K. We set out to prove: 3Theorem 2.1. For any symmetric, convex body Kin isotropic position and any functions f,gwe for 1-symmetric bodies and symmetric functions we will have the 2.2. For any symmetric, convex, uncondtitional body Kin isotropic position and symmetric functions f,gwe = corollary is a simple consequence of the fact that for symmetric functions fandg and an 1-symmetric body Kthe integrand is invariant under the change of the sign of any of the variables, so we may assume all of them are positive. As concerns the sign of cov( f,g), which is what we set out to determine, we have the following simple 2.3. For any, convex, 1-symmetric body Kin isotropic position and symmetric functions f,gthat are non-decreasingon [0,)if for ally >-y >0,z >-z >0 we if the opposite inequality is satisfied for all y > -y >0andz > -z >0, then the covariance is The second and third bracket of the integrand in Corollary 2.2 is posit ive under the assumptions of Corollary 2.3. Thus if we assume the first bracket is n egative, then the whole integrand is negative, which implies the integral is negative, and vice- versa. Proof of Theorem 2.1. We the Fubini theorem we have Ef(Y)g(Z) similar equations for Ef(Y) andEg(Z). For any function hof two variables a,bAwe can +h(b,a). We shall repeatedly use this trick to transform the formula for t he covariance of fandginto the required form: Ef(Y)Eg(Z) repeat this trick, exchanging zand -z(and leaving yand perform the same operations on the second part of the covaria nce. To get a multiply by an E1 factor (this in effect will free us from the assumption that the body's volume is 1): Ef(Y)g(Z)E1 notice that if we exchange yand -yin the above formula, then the formula's value will not change -- the first and second bracket will change signs, and the third will The same applies to exchanging zand -z. Thus cov(f,g) Generalized Orlicz spaces Now we will concentrate on the case of symmetric, non-decreasing functions on spaces. We will prove the inequality (1): Theorem 3.1. IfKis a ball in an generalized Orlicz norm on Rn, then for any y >-y >0 andz >-z >0we (2) From this Theorem and Corollary 2.3 we get Corollary 3.2. IfKis a ball in an generalized Orlicz norm on Rnandf,gare that are non-decreasing on [0,), then now remains to prove the inequality (2). Proof of Theorem 3.1. Letfidenote the Young functions of K. Let us consider the ball K'Rn-1, being an generalized Orlicz ball defined by the Young functions Ph 1,Ph2,..., Phn-1, where Ph i(t) =fi+1(t) fori >1 and Ph 1(t) =t-- that is, we replace the first two Young functions of Kby a single identity function. For anyxRletPxbe the set ( {x} xRn-2)K', and|Px|be measure. K'is a convex set, thus, by the Brunn-Minkowski inequality (see for instance [G02]) the function x/masto- |Px|is a logarithmically concave function. This a concave function, or equivalently >= particular, for given real positive numbers a,b,cwe have
|Pa+c| >= >= as a consequence when we multiply the two >= |Pa|*|Pa+b+c|. (3) Now let us consider the ball K. Let us take any y > -y > 0 andz > -z > 0. Let a=f1(-y) The numbers a,bandc are positive from the assumptions on y,z, -yand -zand because the Young functions are increasing. Then m(-y,-z) is equal to the measure of the set
{x3,x4,...,x n:f1(-y) +f2(-z) m(y,-z) =|Pa+b|,m(-y,z) =|Pa+c|im(y,z) those values into the inequality (3) we get the The consequences For the consequences we will take f(t) =g(t) =t2. The first simple consequence is property for generalized Orlicz balls. Here, we follow the argument of 4.1. For every generalized Orlicz ball KRnwe From the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality we the other hand from Corollary 3.2 we for 1-symmetric bodies the density of Xiis symmetric and log-concave, we know (see e.g. [KLO96], Section 2, Remark 5n)L4 K. This gives us Var(|X|2) 4.2. For every generalized Orlicz ball KRnand for every t >0we From the estimate on the variance of |X|2and Chebyshev's inequality we the second part let t >0. We have PK(|X|-nLK| result confirms the so-called concentration hypothesis for generalized Orlicz balls. The hypothesis, see e.g. [BK03], states that the Euclidean norm con centrates near the valuenLKas a function on K. More precisely, for a given e >0 we say that Ksatisfies hypothesis Corollary 4.2 we get that the class of generalized Orlicz balls satis fies with e=
5n-1/3. A more complex consequence is the Central Limit Property for gene ralized Orlicz be the density of the random variable Letgbe the density of N(0,L2 K). Then for most ththe density gthis very close to g. More precisely, by part 2 of Corollary 4 in [MM05] we get Corollary 4.3. There exists an absolute constant csuch The counterexample for 1-symmetric bodies It is generally known that the negative square correlation hypothe sis does not hold in general in the class of 1-symmetric bodies. However, the formula from sect ion 2 allows us to give a counterexample without any tedious calculations. Let KR3be the ball of the norm defined by
/bardbl(x,y,z )/bardbl=|x|+ quantity m(y,z) considered in Corollary 2.3, defined as the volume of the cross-sec equal to 2(1 -max{|y|,|z|}) for|y|,|z| <=1 and 0 for greater |y|or|z|. To check the inequality (1) for y > -y > 0 andz > -z >0 we may assume without loss of generality that y>=z(asKis invariant under the exchange of yandz). We =
= all we have to consider is the sign of the third bracket. However, a sz > -z, the third bracket is never positive, and is negative when z > -y. Thus from Corollary 2.3 the covariance cov( f,g) is positive for any increasing symmetric functions f(Y) andg(Z), in particular for f(Y) =Y2andg(Z) M. Anttila, K. Ball and I. Perissinaki, The central limit problem for convex bodies. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 355 (2003), pp. S. G. Bobkov and A. Koldobsky, On the Central Limit Propert y of Convex Bodies. GAFA Seminar, Lecture Notes in Math. 1807 (2003), pp. 44-52. [G02] R. J. Gardner, The Brunn-Minkowski Inequality, Bull. Amer. M ath. Soc. 39 (2002), pp. 355-405 [KLO96] S. Kwapie' n, R. Lata/suppress la and K. Oleszkiewicz, Comparison of M oments of Sums of Independent Random Variables and Differential Inequalities. Jou rnal of 136 (1996), pp. 258-268. [MM05] E. Meckes and M. Meckes, The Central Limit Problem for Rand om Vectors with Symmetries. Preprint. Available at 0505618. 10 | 0803.0433 | Jakub Wojtaszczyk | Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk | The square negative correlation property for generalized Orlicz balls | 10 pages | Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis, Israel Seminar,
2004-2005, pp. 305-313 | null | null | math.PR math.FA | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Antilla, Ball and Perissinaki proved that the squares of coordinate functions
in $\ell_p^n$ are negatively correlated. This paper extends their results to
balls in generalized Orlicz norms on R^n. From this, the concentration of the
Euclidean norm and a form of the Central Limit Theorem for the generalized
Orlicz balls is deduced. Also, a counterexample for the square negative
correlation hypothesis for 1-symmetric bodies is given.
Currently the CLT is known in full generality for convex bodies (see the
paper "Power-law estimates for the central limit theorem for convex sets" by B.
Klartag), while for generalized Orlicz balls a much more general result is true
(see "The negative association property for the absolute values of random
variables equidistributed on a generalized Orlicz ball" by M. Pilipczuk and J.
O. Wojtaszczyk). While, however, both aforementioned papers are rather long,
complicated and technical, this paper gives a simple and elementary proof of,
eg., the Euclidean concentration for generalized Orlicz balls.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 4 Mar 2008 13:19:15 GMT"
] | 2008-03-05T00:00:00 | [
"Jakub Onufry",
] |
4.3 The generalized Orlicz ball lemmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.4 1/m-concave functions and proper measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.5 Lens sets and Th functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5 The Ththeorem 24 5.1 Preparations for divisibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5.2 Almost horizontal divisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of lens sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6 The transfinite induction 32 6.1 Starting the transfinite induction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 6.2 The induction step for successor ordinals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 6.3 The induction step for limit ordinals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 7Thfunctions on Orlicz balls 39 7.1 The one-dimensional case -- the phfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 7.2 The general case -- the psfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 1 Introduction 1.1 Notation We shall begin by introducing the notation used throughout the pap er. For any set Aby1Awe shall denote the characteristic function of A. As usually, RandR+will denote the reals and the non-negative reals respectively. By Rkwe shall mean the k-dimensional Euclidean space equipped with the standard scalar product the Lebesgue measure denoted by lorlkand a system of orthonormal coordinates x1,x2,...,x k. ByRk
+we mean the generalized that is the set {(x1,...,x k)Rk:ixi>=0}. For a given set KRkbyK+we shall denote the positive quadrant of K, that isKRk
+. For a given set Aby-Awe will denote the complement of A. For a measure uonRnand an affine subspace HRn, by theprojection of uontoHwe mean the measure uHdefined byuH(C) =u({xRn:P(x)C}), wherePis the onto H. Ifuis given by a density function mandKHRn, then by the restriction of utoKwe mean the measure u|KonHgiven with the density m*1K. By the support of a function m:X-R, denoted supp m, we mean cl 0}. Ifuis a measure, then by supp uwe mean the smallest closed set Asuch thatu(-A) = 0. In the cases we consider, when uwill be given by a density m, we will always have suppu = suppm. We shall call a set KRnasymmetric body if it is convex, bounded, and has a non-empty interior. A body KRnis if for any (e1,...,e n) {- 1,1}nand any (x1,...,x n)Kwe have (e1x1,...,e nxn)K. Such a body is sometimes called unconditional . A function f:R+-R+ {} is called a Young function if it is convex, f(0) = 0 If we have nYoung functions f1,...,f n, then the set K={(x1,...,x n) a 1-symmetric body in Rn. Such a set is called a generalized Orlicz ball , also known in the literature as a modular sequence space ball. 2We shall call a Young function fproper if it does not attain the + value andf(x)>0 for x>0. A generalized Orlicz ball is called proper if it can be defined by proper Young functions. If the coordinates of the space Rnare denoted x1,x2,...,x n, the appropriate Young functions will be denoted f1,f2,...,f n, with the assumption fiis applied to xi. If some of the coordinates are denoted x,y,z,... , the appropriate Young functions will be denoted fx,fy,fz,..., with the assumption that fxis applied to x,fytoyand so on. A function f:R-Ris called increasing (decreasing) if (f(x)<=
f(y)) -- we do not require a sharp inequality. A function increasing (decreasing) , if forxi>=yi,i= 1,2,...,n we havef(x1,...,x k)>=
f(y1,...,y n) (f(x1,...,x k)<=f(y1,...,y n)). A setARk
+is called a c-set, if forxi>=yi>=0, i= 1,2,...,n and (x1,...,x n)Awe have (y1,...,y n)A. For a coordinate-wise setsf-1((-,t]) are c-sets, and conversely the characteristic function of a c-set is a coordinate-wise decreasing function on Rk
+. Similarily a function increasing n) fort >1, and a set Ais a radius-set if its characteristic function is radius-wise decreasing. We say a function if lnfis concave. A measure uonRnis called log-concave if for any nonempty A,BRnandt(0,1) we have u(tA+ A classic theorem by Borell (see [Bo74]) states that any log-conca ve density not concentrated on any affine hyperplane has a density function, and that function is log-concave. A random vector in Rnis said to be log-concave if its distribution is log-concave. A sequence of random variables ( X1,...,X n) is said to be negatively associated , if for increasing bounded functions f,gand disjoint sets {i1,...,i k}and{j1,...,j l}
{1,...,n}we ik),g(Xj1,...,X (1.1.1) We say that the sequence ( Xj) isweakly negatively associated if inequality (1.1.1) holds for l= 1, and very weakly negatively associated if (1.1.1) holds for l=k= 1. For a 1-symmetric body KRnwe can treat the body, or its positive quadrant, as a probability space, with the normalized Lebesgue measure as the pro bability. Formally, we consider ohm = K, the Borel subsets of Kas thes-family and P=1 l(K)las the We do similarly for K+. We also define nrandom variables X1,...,X n, withXi being thei-th coordinate of a point oK+orK. 1.2 Results Our main subject of interest is to prove negative associacion type p roperties for some classes of symmetric bodies in Rn. An straightforward approach is bound to fail due to the 1.1. If for a 1-symmetric body Kwe consider the random vectors on K(not just on K+) and the coordinate variables are very weakly then they are pairwise independent, and thus Kis a rescaled cube. Proof. Take anyi,j {1,...,n}and any increasing functions f,g:R-R. Thenf*(x) =
-f(-x) is increasing too. Kis 1-symmetric, so ( Xi,Xj) has the same joint distribution as (-Xi,Xj), = both Cov( f(Xi),g(Xj)) are non-positive, then Cov( f(Xi),g(Xj)) =
0. This holds for every i,j,f,g . In particular for every a,bwe = Cov( 1[a,),1[b,)) = 0. 3A standard argument shows that XiandXjare independent, thus the density of 1Kis a product density, soKhas to be a product of intervals. Thus, even very weak negative associacion for coordinate variable s occurs only in the trivial case. The problem becomes more interesting if we look at the variable s|Xi|(or, ourselves to Xi>=0). K. Ball and I. Perissinaki in [BP98] prove the subindependence of co ordinate slabs for lp balls, from which very weak negative association of ( |X1|,...,|Xn|) is a simple consequence. In the paper [W06] Corollary 3.2 states that the sequence of variab les (|X1|,...,|Xn|) is very weakly negatively associated for generalized Orlicz balls. In this paper we shall prove that for a generalized Orlicz ball the seq uence of is negatively 1.2. LetKbe an generalized Orlicz ball, and let Xibe the coordinates of a random vector uniformly distributed on K. Then the sequence |Xi|is negatively associated. We shall also prove an even stronger property of 1.3. Take anyp[1,)and anynN. Letm:R+-R+be any and let ube the measure on Rnwith the density at xequal be a probability measure. Let I={i1,...,i k},J={j1,...,j l}be two disjoint subsets of
{1,2,...,n}, and any radius-wise increasing functions bounded onsuppu. LetX= (X1,X2,...,X n)be the vector distributed according to u. is an equivalent of the above theorem, but the uniform distribut ion is replaced by the class of distribution with the density being a log-concave function of thep-th power of the p-th norm, and the coordinate-wise increasing function replaced by rad ius-wise decreasing functions. Let us comment on the organization of the paper. In the following su bsection we shall state the main results and show a few corollaries which motivate thes e results. Section 2 is a collection of general lemmas, which allow us to reformulate the proble m in a simpler fashion. In Section 3 a simple proof for the ln presult is given. Section 4 introduces the definitions used in dealing with the generalized Orlicz ball case and investigates the basic properties of the defined objects. Section 5 states the th-theorem, which is the main tool of the proof, and gives a part of the proof. Section 6 contains the second part of the proof, which is a large transfinite Finally Section 7 applies the th-theorem to obtain the result for generalized Motivations This study was motivated by a desire to link the results achieved in con vex geometry in and in [W06] for generalized Orlicz balls with an established theory, which will hopefully allow us to avoid repeating proofs already made in a more gen eral case. For example, a form of the Central Limit Theorem for negative associated variab les was already known in 1984 (see [N84]). We also hope some new observations can be made us ing this approach. The negative association property is stronger then the sub-indep endence of coordinate slabs, which has been studied in the context of the Central Limit Theorem ( see [ABP03], [BP98]). The statement of Theorem 1.3 was motivated by Theorem 6 of [BGMN0 5], where a proof of subindependence of coordinate slabs is given for a different class of measures with on the p-th norm, also including the uniform measure and the normalized cone measure on the surface. An example that can prove useful for applications in convex geomet ry is a pair of due to Shao (see [S00]). First, notice that as |Xi|are negatively associated, they remain negatively associated when multiplied by any non-negative sca lars (which amounts to multiplying Xiby any scalars) and after the addition of any constant scalars. Th us the negatively associated for any ai,ciR. Shao's inequalities, when applied to our case it will state the 1.4. LetKRnbe a generalized Orlicz ball, (ai)n i=1be any sequence of reals and (Xi)n i=1be the coordinates of the random vector uniformly distribut ed onK. Then for any convex function f:R-Rwe independent random variables with XiandX ihaving the same distribution for eachi. Additionally, if fis increasing, then for any sequence of reals (ci)n i=1we more direct consequence is a moment comparision theorem sugges ted by R. Lata/suppress la (note we compare the moments of the sums of variables, and not their abs olute values): Theorem 1.5. LetKRnbe a generalized Orlicz ball, (ai)n i=1be a sequence of reals and (Xi)n i=1be the coordinates of the random vector uniformly distribut ed onK. Then for any even positive integer pwe as before. Proof. When we open the brackets in summands in which at least one Xiappears with an odd exponent average out to zero, as Kis 1-symmetric. Thus what is left is a sum of elements of the we putf(a1x1) = nxn) = association we this process inductively we separate all the variables and we can apply Shao's maximal inequality to get a exponential con centration of the euclidean norm. Theorem 3 in [S00] states: Theorem 1.6. Let(Xi)n i=1be a sequence of negatively associated random variables wit h zero means and finite second moments. Let Then for all x>0, a>0and0<a< sayKRnisin isotropic position ifln(K) = 1 and EX2 i=L2 Kfor some constant LK(any bounded convex set with a non-empty interior can be moved int o isotropic position by an affine transformation, for more on this subject see e.g. [MS86 ]). Notice that if associated and fiare increasing, then fi(|Xi|) are also negatively associated. Thus the sequence ( distributed on a generalized Orlicz ball is also negatively associated. The moments of log-concave variables are comparable (see for instance [KLO96], Section 2, remark 5), thus we we puta= 1/2 andx=ntin Shao's inequality and apply the bound we got above for the variance we get Corollary 1.7. LetKRnbe a generalized Orlicz ball in isotropic position, and (Xi)n i=1be the coordinates of the random vector uniformly distributed onK. Then for any t >0,a >0 we 4 apply this result probably an idea on what order of convergence is possible to achieve with this formula would be needed. To this end we give the following coro llary: Corollary 1.8. LetKRnbe a generalized Orlicz ball in isotropic position, and (Xi)n i=1be the coordinates of the random vector uniformly distributed onK. Then for any t>0we universal constants independent of better bound (of the order of e-tn) is due to Bobkov and Nazarov (see frequently a bound for t-0 is needed -- for instance the proof of the Central Limit Theorem for convex bodies uses bounds for the concentration of the second norm for small t (see for instance [ABP03]). In full generality (ie. for an arbitrary lo g-concave isotropic measure and for arbitrary t) such a result is given in a very recent paper by Klartag (see [K07]) wit h worse exponents -- the bound for the probabilty is of the order of et3.33n0.33. Previous proofs of such results (see [FGP07], [K07,2]) gave a logarithmic dependence of t he exponent on n. The 6bound given in the corollary above is very rough, and in any particular case it is very likely it may be improved. However, we give it in order to show an explicit expon ential bound in inequality which is uniform for all generalized Orlicz balls in a given dimension and applies for any t>0. Proof. we have only to bound the right hand side in Corollary 1.7. Put a=3 n2t2. We know (see [MP89]) that L2 Kis bounded by some universal constant Lindependent of nandKfor any 1-symmetric body in Rn. Ifcis small enough and Clarge enough, then for a<L2 Kwe we may consider only the case a>L2 K. In this case P( to the Brunn-Minkowski inequality Xkis log-concave (see for instance [Ga02]), we C andEXk= 0, and thus P(|Xk|> t)<=c1e-c2tfor some of the distribution of Xkand oft(Borell's Lemma, see for instance [MS86]). Thus we the second part we shall simply +at 5L4 K/parenrightBig/parenrightbigg/parenrightBigg
<=4 would very much like to thank Rafa/suppress l Lata/suppress la, who encouraged us to write the paper, was the first person to read it and check the reasoning, and helped improve the paper in He also taught us most of what we know in the subject. We would also like to thank prof. Stanis/suppress law Kwapie' n, who first sugge sted to us the idea of searching for type properties for convex b odies. 72 Easy facts 2.1 Simplifying We want to prove inequality (1.1.1) for various classes of functions ( coordinate-wise increasing in the case of Theorem 1.2 and radius-wise increasing in the case of Th eorem 1.3). We putting ~ g(xj1,...,x jl,xr1,...,x rn-l-k) =g(xj1,...,x jl). For convienience we shall assume that the Lebesgue volume of K+is 1 (inequality (1.1.1) is invariant It will be more convienient to work with c-sets or radiu s-sets than with functions, which motivates the following Lemma: Lemma 2.1. Letube any probability measure on Rn
+and letX= (X1,X2,...,X n)be the random vector distributed according to u. Assume that for given 0<=k,l<=nwe have two families of bounded functions LetA={f-1(-,t] :f F,tR}, and similarly BforG. If for any A AandB Bwe (2.1.1) then inequality (1.1.1) holds for Xand anyf F,g G. In particular, if inequality (2.1.1) holds for any kand for any c-sets A,B, then the nare negatively Let us take any two functions F f:Rk
+-RandG g:Rl
+-R. As covariance is bilinear and is 0 if one of the functions is constant, we may assume with out loss of non-negative. For non-negative functions we have f(x) (again, by the bilinearity of the covariance) we can restrict ou rselves to functions f andgof the form 1 -1Aand 1-1B, whereA A andB B. Since Cov(1 -1A,1-1B) =
Cov(1A,1B), we have to prove that Cov( 1A,1B)<=0. Let us denote by vector ( Xi1,...,X ik) on which fis taken, and by vector on which gis taken. is non-positive by (2.1.1). 2.2 Simple proportion lemmas During the course of further proofs we shall frequently need to c ompare two ratios of integrals of the same functions over different sets. In this subsection we will demonstrate some simple properties of rat ios of integrals. Fact 2.2. Leta,b>=0andc,d> 0. Then the following are there is equality in one of the inequalities, all af orementioned fractions are equal. Lemma 2.3. Letube a non-negative measure on Rsupported on the (possibly [lu,ru]. Suppose that f,g,h :R-R+are functions bounded on suppu, positive on the interior of their supports, satisfying: 1. The support of any function u {f,g,h}is an interval [lu,ru](possibly a decreasing function where defined, and rf<=rg, 3.his an increasing For any a<b<c both sides of an inequality are defined. (1b) Moreover, if for some a < b < c we have two equalities in inequality (1a) on for any equal tof(b)/g(b)if defined. (2a) For any points both sides are defined. (2b) Moreover, if this inequality is an equality and positive, thenf gis constant on [a,d]where defined, and we have an equality both sides are defined. (3) Iflg=lfthe following inequality occurs for any interval both sides are defined. 9Proof. (1a) Consider the first inequality. Let a'= max{lu,lg,a}. We have a<=a'< b(oth- erwise the denominator of the left-hand side would be undefined). A andg >0 on (a',b] (it has to be positive in bor the right-hand side would be undefined). similar reasoning with c'= the second inequality (note rf<=rg, so the first inequality in the reasoning above becomes an equality). (1b) If equality occurs, almost all x(a',c') asgis strictly positive on (a',c'). Asf gis decreasing, if it is constant on almost whole ( a',c'), it is constant on the whole interval and thus defined for any s,t(a',c'). We = 0, so to have equalities we also have to = 0, and similarly for g, thus the thesis. (2a) LetF(x,y) andG(x,y) As the left-hand side is defined, G(a,b)>0 and thusG(a,d)>0. We apply (1a) to the right-hand side is defined and from Fact 2.2 we +F(b,d) G(a,b) the right-hand side in (2.2.1) was not defined, G(b,d) = 0 and thus F(b,d) = 0 as rf<=rg, Similarly from the left-hand side is defined, and thus from Fact the left-hand side was undefined, G(a,d) =G(c,d) and obviously F(a,d)>=F(c,d), so we get the same inequality. Linking the two inequalities we get the thes is. (2b) Suppose G(b,d)>0. the first and last expressions are equal, all inequalities are in fac t equalities. Thus from the first one of them and Fact 2.2 we applying (1b) we get the thesis. 10(3) LetI'=Isuppg. As suppfsuppgall integrals in the thesis over Iare equal to the appropriate integrals over I'. Consider the functions handf gon the defined on Int I') taken with a measure with is defined as the left-hand side in the thesis was defined, From the continuous Chebyshev sum inequality (that is, if Fis increasing and Gis decreasing, we both sides by get the thesis. Lemma 2.4. Letube a non-negative measure on IR. Suppose f,g,p,q satisfying Using Fubini's theorem we have to sides by two and changing names follows from the assumptions, as the integrand is always non-p ositive. Lemma 2.5. defined on any set Xwith a measure u. Let{Di}iI be a family of disjoint subsets of X. somet,sR{-,}, and for some set DX1xX2and anyx1X1we In the first case, we should add all the inequalities by sides. In the se cond case, we should not sum but integrate using Fubini's theorem. 113 Theln pball case First we shall give the proof for ln pballs. Recall the ln pball is the generalized Orlicz ball defined by the Young functions fi(x) =|x|p. We include this case for two reasons: first, it is much simpler than the Orlicz ball case, and serves as a good illustration of w hat is happening, and second, because we are able to achieve a stronger result, namely p rove Theorem 1.3. Note that in particular we can take mto becr1[0,r]to get the result for the uniform measure on theln pball. As any coordinate-wise increasing function is radius-wise increa sing, this result is stronger than the negative associacion property we prove for g eneralized Orlicz balls. By a simple approximation argument we can also get the result above for ubeing the cone measure on the surface of ln p. Proof. LetBn pdenote the ln pball. LetM(x1,x2,...,x n) = and let ~ube defined by ~u(A) =u(M-1(A)). Notice ~udescribes the distribution of ( As uis 1-symmetric, we may equivalently define ~ uas 2ntimes the restriction of utoRn
+. Recall that the cone measure on Bn p(that is, the boundary of Bn p), which we shall denote n, is defined for ABn pby nn(A) this measure we have the polar integration to Lemma 2.1 we only need to prove inequality ~ any radius-sets A,B, which is equivalent to We have: u(AxB) Lets1be the measure on R+with density Ckrk-1. We can perform similar operations for the other in inequality (2.1.1). What we have to prove becomes the to lemma 2.4 it is enough to prove the following two forr1>=r2, forr1>=r2. (3.0.3) is simple -- 1A(rth) is decreasing as a function of rfor any fixed th, while 1-A(rth) is increasing, as Ais a radius-set. Thus gA(r) is decreasing, g-Ais increasing, so gA(r1)<=
gA(r2) (3.0.2) will require a bit more work. We have: fB(r1) are going to use Lemma 2.4 once again. Let pr1(s) =m(rp 1+sp) andqB(s) ands2the measure with density Cn-ksn-k-1. We do the similar cal- culation for the other three expressions in inequality (3.0.2), and it b Lemma 2.4 we have to fors1>=s2, fors1>=s2. (3.0.5) is proved in the same way as inequality (3.0.3) -- qBis decreasing and q-B is increasing. Inequality (3.0.4) follows from the log-concavity of m. As we saw, this proof was quite simple. Unfortunately, it takes adva ntage of the fact that the Young function of the ln pball scales well with the radius, that is, that fi(txi) =ph(t)fi(xi) for some function ph. Of all Orlicz ball only the lpballs have this property, which makes it impossible to apply the same proof to the generalized Orlicz ball case. 4 The generalized Orlicz ball case -- preliminaries, the proper measure, lens sets 4.1 Idea of the proof We would like to transfer the result given above for ln pballs to the more general case of general- ized Orlicz balls. In the generalized Orlicz ball cas the Young function d oes not, with the radius, and this creates the need for a different appr oach. Again by Lemma 2.1 we can restrict ourselves to characteristic functions of c-sets. As generalized Orlicz balls are 1-symmetric, we can restrict ourselves to the positive quadrant o f our generalized Orlicz ball. We shall proceed in two steps. The first will be to prove that genera lized Orlicz balls (1.1.1) if one of the functions, say g, is univariate -- in other words, to begin by proving weak negative association. This is equivalent to proving 2.1.1 f or one of the sets, say 13B, being one-dimensional. Due to Lemma 2.3, part 1, we will simply need to prove that decreasing with z. Thus, we take any z2>z1>=0 and concentrate on them. We want to the right denominator with the left numerator we the inequality we need to prove. We shall denote the proportion o f the measure of Kz2to the measure of Kz1on a given set Dbyth(D). The second step will be to pass from the univariate case to the gene ral case. It turns out that a very similar argument, using the will allow us to do that. Thus, to avoid repetition (as the argument is quite long), we shall ta ke the properties of both of these functions which make the similar arguments possible and call any function with such properties a Th-function, then attempt to (4.1.1) for any Th-function th. Section 4 is devoted to defining the concepts used in the proof (sub section 4.2) and proving general lemmas about those concepts (subsections 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 ). In particular, the a Th-function are given. Section 7 assumes inequality 4.1.1 and proves Theorem 1.2. Sections 5 and 6 are devoted to the proof of inequality 4.1.1. The idea of Section 7 is quite simple -- a Brunn-Minkowski argument and a few approxi- mations are enough to verify that the appropriate functions cons idered for generalized Orlicz balls are in fact Th-functions. The main line of the reasoning is similar to [ W06]. To prove inequality 4.1.1 we shall attempt to divide the set K+into appropriately small convex subsets Dfor whichth(D) =th(K). On each of these sets we will prove inequality for K, which proves the thesis ( this a proportion, so if it is attains some value on a family of disjoint sets, it attains the same value on the sum o f this family). The problem, of course, is to prove the inequality (4.1.1) for any set D(this is the aim of Section 5) and to construct a division into suitable sets D(this is the aim of Section 6). For Section 5, the sets Dwill have to be of the form ~DxRn-2, where ~Dis we will need ~Dto be long and narrow. This will allow us to take one direction (the one in which ~Dis long) to be a new coordinate, replacing the two coordinates of ~D, and to approximate the set Aand the function thonDwith their approximations constant in the other, narrow, variable. If the approximation is good enough (a nd it turns out to be), we can inductively use the inequality (4.1.1) for the n-1 dimensional case for the and then transfer the result to the original functions. We cannot reasonably expect the sets Dto have constant width in the narrow coordinate. This means that in the inductive step we shall have to consider weight ed measures to take this into account. This motivates us to consider a more general theore m, in which the Lebesgue measure on Kwill be replaced by a proper weighted measure. The argument in Section 6 is somewhat similar to the Kanaan-Lovasz- Simonovits localiza- tion lemma. However, we need the sets Dto satisfy additional assumptions, in particular to 14be positively inclined (this roughly means that the long coordinat e axis has to be of the formy=ax+b, whereais positive). We were unable to fit this into the localization lemma scheme, so the division is done by hand. We prove in Section 5 we can cut off a good set Dfrom our ball. Unfortunately, we have no control of the measure of the set we cut off (apart from t he fact it is positive). Thus inductive cutting off good sets does not necassarily cover the whole K. This leads us to a transfinite inductive reasoning, where we cut off good sets in a tr ansfinite fashion (that is, after cutting off countably many we see what is left and continue cut ting). This approach leads to a number of technical problems associated with the limit step, and Section 6 is devoted to dealing with these problems and following through with the transfinite induction. 4.2 Definitions For the convienience of the reader all the basic definitions have bee n gathered in one place. So here we will just introduce the concepts required in the proof, and the next sections will be devoted to gaining a deeper understanding of those concepts. We shall usually consider a generalized Orlicz ball KRxxRyxRn-2. ByKx=uwe shall mean the section of K+with the hyperplane x=u, similarly for any other variable in Rn. For a given set shall denote the projection of DtoRxxRy. If not said otherwise, we shall assume 4.1. A function f:Rn-[0,)is called 1/m-concave if its support is a convex set and the function f1/mis concave on its 4.2. LetKRnbe a generalized Orlicz ball. A measure uonRnis called a proper measure with respect to if the following conditions a non-negative measure with density functions for some m> 0.
*IfKx=x0=for a givenx0thenf(x0) = 0, and ifKy=y0=for a giveny0theng(y0) = 0. In the case n= 1a proper measure is a non-negative measure with a 1/m-concave density f for somem> 0, satisfying suppfK+. This definition describes the proper weighted measures which we w ill have to analyze in the subsequent induction steps of the proof outlined above. We shall denote the support of fby [x-,x+] and the support of gby [y-,y+]. Of similarly for y. If we have a proper measure on Rnwith respect to Kwe can define a lens set . This the shape of a set, which will be one of the conditions of n ot losing too much and also will be a condition under which further dividing will be 4.3. A setDRxxRyxRn-2is called a lens setif:
*Dis a convex we have lens set is said to be a strict lens set ifx-< x1< x2< x+,y-< y1< y2< y+and points the only points of cl~Dbelogning to the boundary of the that the boundary of the projection of a strict lens set onto RxxRyconsists of an upper part, which is a graph of an concave, strictly increasing func tion, and a lower part, which is the graph of a convex, strictly increasing function. The boundar y of a (non-strict) lens set may additionaly contain horizontal and vertical intervals adjacent to (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). We shall speak of the upper-left border and the lower-right border o f a lens set. For a lens set Dwe define the extremal points of~Dto be two points ( x1,y1) and (x2,y2). From the definition of a lens set, the extremal points belong to ~D. Theextremal line of a lens set is the line connecting extremal points. By the width of a lens set we shall mean the length of its projection upon the line perpendicular to its extremal line in the 4.4. For a ofLwill denote measure of the so that the inclination of the line {x=y}isp/4. A line is said to have positive inclination if its inclination belongs to (0,p/2), and non-negative inclination if the inclination belongs to [0,p/2]. The inclination of a lens set Dis simply the inclination of its extremal line. By a positively inclined hyperplane inRnwe mean a hyperplane Hdefined 4.5. For a given convex set Dand a proper measure uby the relevant diameter of Dwe mean the diameter of 4.6. For a given generalized Orlicz ball KRnby its restriction to a hyperplane Hwe mean such a generalized Orlicz ball K'Rn-1such to K'
+. By Lemma 4.19 there exists such a generalized Orlicz ball K'. Definition 4.7. For a given generalized Orlicz ball KRnby its restriction to an interval IR+with respect to the coordinate xiwe mean such a generalized Orlicz ball K'Rnthat K'
+is isometric to K {xiI}. By Lemma 4.18 there exists such a generalized Orlicz ball K'. When it is obvious in which coordinate the interval Iis taken we shall simply write that K'it a restriction of KtoI. Definition 4.8. For a given generalized Orlicz ball KRnand a generalized Orlicz ball K'Rmwe say that K'is aderivative ofKif there exists a sequence K=K0,K1,...,K n=K' of generalized Orlicz balls such that for each i {1,...,n}the ballKiis either a some positively inclined hyperplane or a restriction of Ki-1with respect to some interval IR+. We can embed isometrically the positive quadrant of any derivative of Kinto the of K. We shall identify without notice the positive quadrant of the deriva tive with the image of this embedding in the positive quadrant of K. In particular for a function fdefined onK+we shall speak of its restriction to K'
+, meaning such a function ~fthat ~f(x) the embedding of K'
+intoK+. For the space Rnwith a fixed orthonormal system e1,...,e nby acoordinate-wise decom- postion ofRnwe mean a decompostion Rn=RkxRl, whereRk= span{ei1,...,e ik}and Rl= span{ej1,...,e jl}, anyp,q. The main tool used in this proof will be the Th functions. We define the Th functions 4.9. For a given generalized Orlicz ball KRnand two functions say that e1ande2define a Thfunction on Kif the following properties are satisfied: T1. The functions e1ande2are bounded. T2. The functions e1ande2are coordinate-wise We have e1>=e2>=0. T4. For any derivative K'RmofK, any proper measure uonK'and any Rm=RkxRm-kthe a coordinate-wise non-increasing function of x= (xj1,...,x jm-k)where defined. the restriction of utoRk. For a fixed proper measure uonKwe define the function thuby thu(A) any Borel set Awithu(A)>0. We shall say that thuis the Thfunction defined for a fixed proper measure uonKand a fixed Rn=RkxRn-k we shall also k;A) such sets Aand number a1,a2,...,a kfor which the denominator is positive. If A=
Rn-kwe shall omit it and write k)for k;Rn-k), and k), wewill write thu n-k(a;A)orthu n-k(a)for k;A)and which is consistent with the notation above. xRn-k). If there could be doubts as to what coordinate-wise decompo sition is taken, we may write k=ak;A)for k;A). Fact 4.10. Ife1ande2define a Thfunctionthufor a proper measure uon a generalized Orlicz ballK, then the following are true: T5. The function thuis continuous with respect to the symmetric difference dista nce, that is if thuis defined for all Ciandu(C0^Ci)-0, IfD'DRn,thu(D) =thu(D')andthuis defined for DD', thenthu(DD') =thu(D). T7. IfK'is a derivative of K, then the restrictions of a Thfunction on K'. Further on, as the proper measure taken rarely changes, we omit theuin the upper index and simply write thforthu. Note that as e1is positive on K+from property (T3) and supp uK+, we know that thu(D) is well defined if and only if 4.11. a Thfunction on a generalized Orlicz ball Kare said to define a strict Thfunction if the following extra conditions are where IntR+denotes the interior taken with respect to the space R+. S2. The generalized Orlicz ball Kis proper. S3. For any coordinate-wise decomposition Rn=RkxRn-kwithn > kthe functions ~ei: Rk-Rdefined 4.12. a Thfunctionthon a generalized Orlicz ball Kby a derivative ofthwe mean the function defined on a derivative K'ofKby the restrictions of e1 ande2toK'. Note that the derivatives of a Thfunction are 4.13. For a given generalized Orlicz ball Kwe say that e1ande2define a Th function onKif for every e>0there exists a generalized Orlicz ball functions a strict Thfunction on AThfunction is called non-degenerate if it is weakly non-degenerate and all its derivatives are weakly that as the density of any proper measure is bounded, in all th e bounds in the definition above we can replace lby any proper measure u. Frequently we shall take the same collection of assumptions for our theorems. To make reading the paper easier, we will use the following 4.14. We shall speak of
*Standard assumptions ifKRxxRyxRn-2is a generalized Orlicz ball, uis a proper measure for K,e1ande2define a a c-set in assumptions if additionally we require the Thfunction defined by e1and e2to be non-degenerate, and
*Strict assumptions ifKis a proper generalized Orlicz ball and e1ande2define a 4.15. Under standard assumptions a set DRnwill be called appropriate , if
*th(D)is the left-hand side and the right-hand side are defined,
*th(D) 4.16. Under standard assumptions let u2be the restriction of anye>0a set ~DxRn-2=Dis , if
*th(D)is defined,
*th(D) =th(K), 18*For eachU {A,-A}and eachi {1,2}there exists a number CU,isuch definition of an appropriate set describes the properties we de sire for the set into which we divideK+. In fact, due to the approximation, we shall divide sets to prove it ise-appropriate, and then take e-0. 4.3 The generalized Orlicz ball lemmas In this subsection we will prove a few lemmas about the structure ge neralized Orlicz balls. They show that the class of generalized Orlicz balls is closed under tak ing derivatives, and that proper generalized Orlicz balls are, in a sense, dense in the class of generalized Orlicz balls. These lemmas are the main reason the whole reasoning in this pap er has to be done for generalized Orlicz balls, and not simply Orlicz balls -- the class of Orlicz balls does not enjoy the same closedness propeties. Fact 4.17. A product of isometric to the positive quadrant of the by the functions fi(xi) 4.18. IfK+Rnis a generalized Orlicz ball positive quadrant and 0<=xa<xb, isometric to a generalized Orlicz ball positive quadrant or empty Proof. Letf1,f2,...,f nbe the Young functions defining K. LetK'
+=K+ Ifc= 1, = 0}, which is a product of intervals and thus isometric to a generalized Orlicz ball positive quadr ant. Ifc>1 Ifc<1 we define -f1by -f1(x1) forx1>xb, and -fifori>1 by -fi(xi) =fi(xi) 1-c. Now (x1,x2,...,x n)-K+iff (x1+xa,x2,...,x n)K'
+, where -K+is the positive quadrant of the Orlicz ball defined by -fi. Lemma 4.19. IfKRnis a generalized Orlicz ball and a positively inclined hyperplane in Rn, thenK+His the positive quadrant of some ballLor an empty set. 19Proof. AsHis positively inclined, l>=0. Ifl= 0 andc <0 we haveK+H=. Ifc <0 andl>0 we can transform the equation giving Thus we can assume c>=0. Forx2>=0 we havex1>=cinH. Thus iff1(c)>1, then for x2>=0 we thusHK+=. Iff1(c) = 1 and l > 0, thenHK+is the set
{x:x1=c,x2= 0,fi(xi) = 0 fori >2}. This set is a cartesian product of intervals, and isometric to a generalized Orlicz ball positive quadrant. If f1(c) = 1 andl= 0, the situation is the same, except x2= 0 is replaced by f2(x2) = 0. Now we may assume f1(c)<1. Letx3,x4,...,x n+1be the coordinates on H, Let us take fn+1(t) =f1(lt+c) +f2(t)-f1(c), thenf1(x1) +f2(x2) =
fn+1(x2) +f1(c). The function fn+1is a sum of three convex functions, thus it is convex, and fn+1(0) = 0. The set R+is equal to K+H. If we consider Young functions ~fi(t) 3,4,...,n + 1 we get the generalized Orlicz ball LH such 4.20. For any generalized Orlicz ball KRnand anye >0there exists a Orlicz ball Furthermore if any Young function fiofK is already a proper Young function, the same fiwill be the appropriate Young function of K'. Proof. This lemma is easy to believe in, but somewhat technical to prove. An im patient reader might be well advised to skip the next two proofs (or prove the Lemm as her/himself, if desired) and go to the more crucial parts of the paper. As any generalized Orlicz ball is 1-symmetric, it suffices to prove We shall thus consider only the points in Rn
+and decrease eto be 2ntimes smaller. Recall that a proper Young function is such a Young function that f(x) = 0 only for x= 0 andf(x)<. Thus we have to get rid of superfluous zeroes and of infinity values. First we shall take care of the zeroes. Letfibe Young functions defining K. LetMbe the largest of the ( of the projections of Konto the hyperplanes xi= 0. Letti= infi{f' i(ti)}. We shall prove that for d <1/2nthe measure no larger thanMnd c. First note that Ud=/uniontextUi, as at least one of fi(xi) has to be large for the sum to be large. We shall bound the measure of ea chUiseparately. For each pointx= (x1,...,x i-1,xi+1,...,x n) the set of those xithat (x,xi)Uihas length at mostd c. Thus, from Fubini's theorem, the measure of Uican be bounded byMd c, and summing over all iwe get the desired bound for Ud. Let us take d=ce 2Mn2. For each ifor which we have superfluous zeroes let us take replace fibygidefined by gi(xi) Thus ifK'is the generalized Orlicz ball defined bygi, we and we shall deal with the values. Let d=e 2nM. Note that the shape of K'is determined by the values of gionly up to gi(xi) = 1. Thus we have to make some corrections to giup to gi(xi) = 1, and then extend gianyhow, say linearly. For each isuch thatgiattains the value letri= inf{xi:gi(xi) =}, and letvi= Ifvi>=1, then all we have to do is to extendgiin a different way after ri, and that does not change the ball K'defined bygi. we define hias follows: hi(xi) =
gi(xi) for xi<ri-d 2 for xi=ri linear continuous extension the ball defined by hi. Again,K''K', ashi>=gion the set where gi>=1, from the convexity of gi. The difference, however, is obviously contained in/uniontext iK' =e/2. Adding the two estimates together we get 4.21. With the assumptions of Lemma 4.20 if we take any y0(whereyis any coordinate in Rn), then we can take such a K'as before and y1thatln-1((K This, again, is easy to believe in, and actually simple if 1. The special case wherefy(y0) = 1 could arguably be ignored (as it happens only on a set of measure zero), but to avoid omitting a set of measure zero in all other places of the proo f, we shall go through we can simply take y1=y0, andln-1(K{y=y0}) =ln-1(K'{y=y1}) = 0. Iffy(y0)<1, we need to control the Orlicz = 1-fy(y0). This Orlicz ball Lis given by Young functions fi/(1-fy(y0)). For this Orlicz ball we also calculate values of Mand c, and apply the reasoning in the proof of Lemma 4.20 taking the larger Mand the smaller c of those calculated for the two balls. We thus get good approximatio nsK'andL'of bothK andL. Now take such a y1thatfy(y0) =hy(y1), this can be done as hyis continuous. Now K'{y=y1}=L', which proves the thesis. In the case fy(y0) = 1 if any of the other fido not have superfluous zeroes, the measure of K{y=y0}is 0, and thus taking y1=y0+ 1 we get the thesis. If, however, all the other fi have superfluous zeroes, the intersection K{y=y0}is the In this case we shall need a better approximation. Let zi= sup{xi:fi(xi) = 0}. Let us, as before for e, We neede'to be so small that s' i/zi<=1 +(1 +e/M)1/n-1 n and smaller than e. Note that as e'-0 we haved'-0 ands' i-zi, so taking e'small enough we can achieve the desired inequality for all i. Conduct the proof of Lemma 4.20 taking e'instead ofe. Takey1such thathy(y1) = 1-nd'. Note that if xi<=s' ifor alli, and thusx= (xi)K'{y=y1}. On the other hand if for any iwe havexi>s' i+ and asfi(zi) = convex, we have fi(xi)> nd', we have the following +(1 last inequality follows is a subset of the projection of Kontoy= 0, and thus its measure is no bigger than M. This, along with the fact that K{y=y0} K'{y=y1}
gives the thesis. This reasoning can be extended to approximate any finite number of sections of 1/m-concave functions and proper measures Here we give a few elementary facts about 1 /m-concave functions and proper measures. Most facts are easily proved and quite a few are well known, so we skip som e of the proofs. Fact 4.22. If a function fis1/m-concave for some m > 0, then it is also 1/m'-concave 4.23. The product of 1/m-concave functions is 4.24. Fromthe if KRnisa convexset, then (y1,y2,...,y k)/masto- ln-k(K a 1/(n-k)-concave function, where xiare the coordinates on Rn. Conversely, if we have a 1/m-concave function on Rn, then there exists a convex set KRn+msuch thatfis the projection of the Lebesgue measure restricted to KontoRn. As a corollary of these two facts the projection of a 1/mconcave function on RnontoRkis function. Fact 4.25. The restriction of the Lebesgue measure to K+is a proper measure with respect to K. Fact 4.26. The support of a proper measure uis a convex set. Lemma 4.27. Ifuis a proper measure on withl>=0is a hyperplane in Rn, thenurestricted to Hwith coordinates (v,x3,...,x n)is a proper measure. Proof. The density of uis equal tof(x)g(y)1Kfor some (1 /m)-concave functions fandgand some generalized Orlicz ball K. From Lemma 4.19 the set K+His the positive quadrant of some Orlicz ball K'with coordinates ( v,x3,...,x n). The product f*gonHvaries with at most two variables, and is from, Fact 4.23, a (1 /2n)-concave function with respect to v. Lemma 4.28. Ifuis a proper measure on RxxRyxRn-2, then the restriction of uto an intervalIwith respect to any variable is also a proper Due to Lemma 4.18 if K+is the Orlicz ball quadrant for which uis defined, K'
K+{tI}is also an Orlicz ball quadrant. Let fandgbe the functions defining the density ofu. To make them define a proper measure on K'
+we simply have to restrict them to similarly for g, and additionaly to the interval Iif it was taken Both functions will have a convex support after this restriction, and as they were 1 /m-concave on a larger domain, they will still be 1 /m-concave. 4.5 Lens sets and Thfunctions Fact 4.29. LetDbe a lens set with extremal points Letx-(y) = = sup{x: Thenx-andx+are on their domains, x-is convex, and x+is concave. Lemma 4.30. Under standard assumptions consider a fixed y0and two intervals Then we have thu n-1(y0; [xc,xd]xRn-2) if both sides are defined. The same applies when xis exchanged with y. Proof. From property (T4) we know that thu n-2(x,y0) is a decreasing function of x. The domain of this function is a convex set, so its intersections with [ xa,xb] and [xc,xd] are both intervals (they are non-empty, for thu n-1is defined for both intervals). Applying Lemma 2.3, part 2, n-2) n-2) and the shortened intervals we get the thesis. Lemma 4.31. Under standard assumptions for a given interval I= [xa,xb]the a decreasing function of yon its domain. The same applies when xis exchanged with y. Proof. Take any 0 <=y1<=y2in the domain. K'=K {xI}is a derivative of K, =-thu n-1(y), where -thuis defined by the restrictions of e1ande2toK'. Thus from property (T4) we get the thesis. Lemma 4.32. Under standard assumptions for a given lens set Dthe domain of the an interval and the function is Let (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) be the extremal points of ~D. Take any y4such defined and take any y3(y1,y4]. is defined for more than one xsuch for a set of positive Lebesgue measure), let x4be any such xexcept the smallest. We want to prove thu n-1(y3;D) is defined. Note that supp uis a c-set on x>x-,y>y- and suppe1is also a c-set, thus their intersection is a c-set. Thus thu n-2(x,y) is defined for AsDis a lens set, the set of x<=x4such that Lebesgue measure, thus thu n-1(y3;D) is defined, which means that thu n-1(y;D) is defined on some interval ( y1,y0) and undefined outside. Now we shall prove thu n-1(y;D) is decreasing. Take y3<=y4from the domain. Let [ x- 3,x+
3] be the interval ~D{y=y3}and [x- 4,x+
4] the interval ~D{y=y4}. From the definition of a lens From Lemmas 4.31 and 4.30 (twice) we =thu n-1(y3; that the last expression in the first line and the first in the seco nd line are well defined, for the second argument is a superset of the second argument fo rthu n-1(y3;D) 4.33. Under standard assumptions for a given lens set Dand a given y0in the domain ofthu n-1(y;D)we the left and right hand sides are if thu(D{y<=y0}) anyy0(y1,y2), all constant where defined and equal From Lemma 4.32 the function thu n-1(y;D) is decreasing as a function yon its domain, and its domain is an interval. We know that supp e2suppe1, so we can apply Lemma 2.3, part 1a, to the appropriate integrals of e2ande1to get the first part of the thesis. The second part follows from the first and Fact 2.2. The third follows again from L emma 2.3, part 1b. Proposition 4.34. Under standard assumptions if Dise-appropriate for any e >0, thenD is The third and first condition in Definition 4.15 follows from the definition anye. We have to check the second condition. Let Ce U,idenote the numbers ande-appropriate set. We have thu(D) similarly for the second 4.35. Under standard assumptions if sets for kK, then D=/uniontext kKDkise- We havethu(D) =thu(K) from Lemma 2.5. For the third condition in Definition 4.16 These are good approximations as u2(~D) and the proportion inequality. 5 The Ththeorem 5.1 Preparations for divisibility In this section we shall prove the main theorem concerning Th functio ns. Under we shall consider uto be a fixed proper measure on RxxRyxRn-2. Byu2we shall denote the restriction of utoRxxRyx {0}. Note that as the support of uis a c-set with respect to the n-2 variables of Rn-2, the support of u2is the projection of the support ofu. As we fix u, we shall omit the upper index when writing the Th function and write thorthk instead main theorem we want to prove is: 24Theorem 5.1. Under non-degenerate assumptions whenever both sides of an inequality are defined. This looks like a quite simple theorem, and we suspect there is a simpler p roof than the one we present here. However, we were not able to find it (and would be interested to learn if anyone does). Notice that if th(A) is undefined, 0, which 0 from property (T3). Thus th(-A) =th(K) and the Theorem is satisfied. Thus we assume th(A) is defined. Similarly we may assume th(-A) is defined. From Fact 2.2 it is enough to and the second inequality will follow. Thus, we concentrate on the fi rst for technical reasons, we shall deal with the low-dimensiona l case: Theorem 5.2. Under standard assumptions with n<=2(that is,KRorKR2) we have whenever both sides of an inequality are defined. Proof. Forn= 1 the set Ais one-dimensional, and thus (being a c-set) is an interval of the form [0,a). We apply property (T4) to K'=K, the measure uand the decomposition Rx{0}
and get thate2 e1is a decreasing function. Thus from Lemma 2.3, part 1a, th(A)>=th(-A) and the thesis follows from Fact 2.2. Forn= 2 we shall approximate the set Aby al-stair set. The l-stair set is defined 5.3. A1-stair set defined by x1= is the empty set. Al-stair set defined by 0 l;a1,a2,...,a l)is defined by A(x1,x2,...,x l;a1,a2,...,a l) l-1;a1,a2,...,a means that a l-stair set consists of lsteps, thek-th step goes from xktoxk+1(the last one goes all the way to infinity) at height ak. A proper l-stair set is a l-stair set with al= 0 Notice that th(A) =th(KA) as suppuK. Thus we may assume AK, and thus A is bounded. Take An={(x,y) : ([xn]/n,y )A}, where [xn] denotes the integer part of xn. This is a proper stair set defined by 0 ,1/n,2/n,... (a finite sequence as Ais bounded) and the sequenceak= sup{y: (k/n,y )A}. Notice also so it is enough to prove th(A2n)>=th(K) and go to the limit. Thus, instead of considering all c-sets we may restrict ourselves to proper l-stair sets. The proof for Abeing a proper l-stair set will be an induction upon l. Forl= 1 the set A is empty and the thesis is obvious. For l= 2 letI= [0,x2]. From Lemma 4.31 the is decreasing where defined. Thus from Lemma 2.3 we have Note that A=Ix[0,a1]. Thus ifth(A)>=th(K) orth(A) is undefined, the thesis is satisfied. Otherwise, as we if defined, and thus from Lemma 2.5 th(K)>th(IxRy). Now apply property (T4) to K'=K, the the measure uto get that th1(x) is a decreasing function. Again from Lemma 2.3 and Lemma 2.5 this implies th(IxRy)>=th(K), a contradiction. Thus the thesis is satisfied for l= 2. For largerlletI= [xl-1,xl]. Again from Lemma 4.31 the function th1(y;I) is (5.1.1) if both are defined. l;a1,a2,...,a l)(Ix[0,al-1]) =A(x1,x2,...,x l-1;a1,a2,...,a l;a1,a2,...,a =A(x1,x2,...,x th(K). th(A) or is undefined, then from Lemma 2.5 we but from the inductive assumption for l-1 we from which th(A)>=th(K). If, on the other hand, then from (5.1.1) or is undefined, thus from Lemma 2.5 and again from the inductive assumption for any land for any Abeing a proper l-stair set we have th(A)>=th(K), which ends the proof. Proof of the Theorem 5.1. The proof will proceed by induction upon n. Forn<=2 we use Theorem 5.2. For greater nletKRxxRyxRn-2. Assume the thesis is true for all cases with n'<n. If the theorem holds for strict Th functions, then for any non-degen eratethwe take a sequence thiof strict Th functions for e= 1/i. For any set Cfor whichth(C) is defined, we have thi(C)-th(C), so as we we get the thesis when itends to infinity. Thus it is enough to restrict ourselves to strict assumptions. Note that under str ict assumptions th(U) is defined for any set Uwithu(U)>0 as suppusuppe1. In particular, if u2(~U)>0, well defined. Also note that if th(K+) = 0, then e2has to be zero u2-almost everywhere, which means th(U) = 0 for any Usuch that it is defined, thus Theorem 5.1 holds. Thus we can want to prove that for any e >0 the quadrant K+is ane-appropriate set. We shall frequently require the following property from various sets D: th(D) =th(K), (5.1.2) or (for sets) thk(a;D) =th(K). (5.1.3) We shall need to bound the diameter of the constructed sets from below. To this end consider the following sets: ~S0={(x,y) :thn-2(x,y) ~S= cl~S+cl~S-. We take a d-neighbourhood ~Sdof~S withdso small 0,y= 0}) that as from property (T4) the function thn-2(x,y) is coordinate-wise decreasing, the set
~S~S0has measure 0. Remark 5.4. Note that any ~DRxxRyhaving property (5.1.2) must, from Fact 2.5, have a non-empty intersection both with ~S+and~S-in some points where the density of u2is positive. Thus any convex set ~Dwith property 5.1.2 will satisfy as the set ~Dsuppu2 is convex, and thus connected. Thus either ~Dsuppu2is contained in ~Sdor it has diameter at leastd. The main part of the proof will be an transfinite inductive construct ion of subsequent e- appropriate strict lens sets by the following Theorem: Theorem 5.5. Letn >2. Assume Theorem 5.1 holds under non-degenerate assumption s for anyn'< n. Then under strict assumptions if th(K+)>0for any ordinal gthere exists a division of the set ~K+intog+ setU(g,g+1)is ofu2measure at most 0,y= 0}) supKe1)-1.
*The setU(g,g)is either an appropriate set, a strict lens set satisfying co ndition (5.1.2) or hasu2measure 0.
*All setsU(g,b)forb < gare sets, empty, or have non-zero u2 measure and satisfy U(g,b)~K+~Sd
*If anyU(g,b)is empty for b <g, thenU(g,g)has measure 0. If we prove this Theorem, we can apply it to prove Theorem 5.1. By th e inductive assump- tion we assume Theorem 5.1 holds for n'<n. We As the measure of~K+is finite, it cannot have o1disjoint subsets of non-zero measure, thus some of U(o1,b) forb <o 1are empty. Thus U(o1,o1) has measure 0. Let~Tbe the sum of those U(o1,b) which are subsets of ~Sd. For every point ( x,y) in~T~S0 we apply Theorem 5.1 to the restrictions of K,A,th anduto (x,y)xRn-2. The conditions are satisfied -- the restiction of this a derivative of thand thus non-degenerate, the restriction of K is an generalized Orlicz ball due to Lemma 4.19 and the restriction of uis a proper measure due to 4.27, the restriction of a c-set is obviously a c-set. Thus for all (x,y)~S0we asthn-2(x,y) =th(K) from the definition of ~S0, from Lemma 2.5 we =th(K), if onlyu(~T~S0)>0. Thus ~T~S0either has measure 0, or is an appropriate set. Meanwhile ~T~S0has measure at most e(ln-2(K {x= 0,y=
0}) from the definition of ~Sd. We therefore have a division of ~K+except a set of measure 2 e(ln-2(K {x= 0,y=
0}) into sets. The sum of all the ( e/3)-appropriate sets is by Remark 4.35 an ( e/3)-appropriate set. As the integral of eiover the remaining set is at most 2eu2(~K)/3, the whole ~K+is ane-appropriate set with the same CU,i. As we can do this for anye>0, by Lemma 4.34 Kis an appropriate set, which is the thesis of Theorem 5.1 5.2 Almost horizontal divisions We shall prove that if we can divide a lens set with a horizontal, or even almost strict assumptions) line into two sets with equal th, then the lens set is 5.6. Assume Theorem 5.1 holds for n'< n. Under strict assumptions if for a given lens setDRnsatisfying (5.1.2) there exists a horizontal or vertical li two sets ~D-and ~D+of non-zero u2-measure with th(~D-xRn-2) =th(~D+xRn-2), then Dis an appropriate set. Proof. Suppose, without loss of generality, the line is horizontal given by y=a0. From Corollary 4.33 we know that for any awe also have thn-1(y=a;D) =th(D) if defined. From Lemma 4.27 and property (T7) we know that the restriction of uto{y=a}is a proper measure and the restriction of this a non-degenerate Th function. From the assumption we can apply Theorem 5.1, =th(D), which does not depend on a, we can apply Lemma 2.5 to and asth(D) =th(K) this means Dis 5.7. Assume Theorem 5.1 holds for n'< n. Under strict assumptions if for a given strict lens set Dsatisfying (5.1.2) for every b > 0there exists a line Lbwith 0andb(i.e. almost horizontal) or almost vertical) dividing
~Dinto two sets ~D-and ~D+of non-zero u2-measure with th(D-) =th(D+) =th(D), thenDis an appropriate set. Proof. Assumeth(D)>0 (otherwise the thesis is trivial). We choose a sequence of such lines Liwithb-0. We choose a subsequence such that all lines are almost vertical o r all are (we shall assume without loss of generality that all are a lmost horizontal). From the compactness of the set of lines intersecting the closure of ~Dsupp(u2) we can choose a subsequence of lines converging to some line L, which, of course, will be horizontal. If Lcuts off a non-zero u2measure both above and below it, then both the sets into which ~Dis divided have the same th=th(D) from the continuity of thwith respect to the set and the thesis follows from Lemma 5.6. The case left to examine is when Liapproaches the lowest or highest the definition of a lens set we know that the only points of ~Don outside ~K+. Thus the lowest point of ~Dsupp(u2) is the lower extremal point of ~D. The highest point can be either the upper extremal point of ~Dor can lie on the boundary of supp u2. First consider the second, simpler case. As Dis a strict lens set and Kis proper, for ~URxxRyof the highest point pif we take a sufficiently horizontal line passing sufficiently close to p, the set it will cut off from ~Dwill be a subset of ~U(~Dsuppu2 has no horizontal edges). We know that supp e2Int suppu, so Asplies on the boundary of supp u2, it lies outside Int supp u2and thus outside cl so we can choose an open neighbourhood ~Uofpon whiche2is 0. This neighbourhood has non-zero u2 measure, and as Bute2on the whole set ~Uis zero, thus any line cutting off only a part of ~Ucannot satisfy th(D+) =th(D)>0. In the first case ( Li) approaches one of the extremal points of ~D. Assume it is the lower point. For any line Lithe set ~DLi -is a lens set. From Lemma 2.5 there has to be a point =th(D). The lines Litend to the horizontal line through ( x1,y1), the lower extremal point of D. Thus, the vertical coordinate of pitends toy1, and as ~Dhas no horizontal edges, the horizontal coordinate of pitends tox1, property (T4), as for all points pDexcept for ( x1,y1) This, however, from Lemma 2.5 implies in particular, that for any horizontal line Mdividing ~Dinto two sets of non-zero u-measure we have from Lemma 4.33 implies th(D+) =th(D), which from Lemma 5.6 implies that of lens sets This subsection puts down precisely what we meant by long and narr ow in the idea of the proof, and show how to go from the longness and narrowness to 5.8. LetCRnbe a convex set with l(C)>0, letICbe an interval of length a, and letLbe the line containing I. Letf:C-(0,)be a1/m-concave function. Let P:Rm-L be the orthogonal projection onto L. LetJIbe an subinterval of length b. LetC'Cbe such a set that P(C')J. also Letp(y) From Fact 4.24 the function p(y) a function on L, thusI'is an interval. As fis positive and Cis convex and has positive measure, pis positive on Int I, thus the length of I' is at leasta. IfJI'=, 0 and the thesis is satisfied, so assume a sum of two intervals (one may be empty) of total length at least a-b. Thus it contains an interval I''of length at leasta-b 2, let{y1}= clI''clJandy2be the other end ofI''. Lety2andy3be the ends of I'and letTbe such that y3=Ty1+ knowT>=1). Aspis + which for T>=t>=1 we + which proves the first part of the Lemma. For the second part note that if a/b<=2m+n+2, then the thesis is true, =/parenleftBig1 + 5.9. Lete>0. Letube a measure on R2with a 1/mconcave density. Let ~DR2 be a lens set. Let Lbe the extremal line of ~Dandp:R2-Lthe orthogonal projection onto L. LetAbe a c-set in R2. LetA'=p-1(AL). Assume the relevant length of ~D(that is, the length ofL~Dsuppu) is at least d >0, the inclination of >0and width at most w=1 2max(cot b,tanb)2-m-3ed. Letp= (xp,yp) be the rightmost point on LA(and at the same time on LA', from the definition of A'). As both AandA'are c-sets, we have A^A' {(x,y) :x>xp,y<y p}
{(x,y) :x<xp,y>y p}. AsDhas width at most w, the projection of ( at most 2 wmax(tanb,cotb). From Lemma 5.8 we know that as 2 we 5.10. LetKRxxRyxRn-2be a generalized Orlicz ball with a proper measure u andDbe a lens set of relevant length at least d, inclination between bandp/2-band width at mostw=1 2max(cot {x= 0,y= 0}))-1, wheremis such that the density ofuis1/mconcave. Let Abe a c-set in Rnand letA'be defined as before. For eachtRn-2we may apply Corollary 5.9, and integrate over K{x= 0,y= 0}
to get a bound for the Lebesgue measure. Note the same argument works if Ais the complement of a c-set. Corollary 5.11. LetKRxxRyxRn-2be a generalized Orlicz ball with a proper measure u. LetDbe a lens set of relevant length at least d, inclination between bandp/2-band width at mostw=1 2max(cot 0,y= decreasing function with -ph(t) :=ph(p(t)), wherepis the orthogonal the extremal line of ~D. Then for any UDwe Asphis coordinate-wise decreasing, the sets ph-1([s,)) are c-sets. By the integration by sets ( -ph)-1([s,)) are formed from the sets ph-1([s,)) as in Corollary 5.10. Thus for each swe integrated over [0 ,M] gives the thesis. Lemma 5.12. Consider a generalized Orlicz ball KRxxRyxRn-2with a proper measure u with both its defining functions 1/mconcave, a strict non-degenerate Thfunction, any e>0and any c-setA. Assume Theorem 5.1 holds for n'<n. LetDbe a lens set satisfying th(D) =th(K) of relevant length at least d, inclination between bandp 2-band width at most w=1 2 0,y= 0}))-1. ThenDis an 8e-appropriate set. Proof. LetLbe the extremal line of D. We switch coordinates in the plane coordinates ( u,v) such that L={v= 0}andu > 0 on the positive quadrant of RxxRy. Define for any set U {A,-A}the setU'byU {v= 0}andU''byUxRv. Let K'be a generalized Orlicz ball in RuxRn-2such thatK'
+=K+{v= 0}given by Lemma 4.19 andK''=K'xRv. Lete' ibe the restriction of eito{v= 0}ande'' i(u,v,t ) the measure on K'with density h(u) density functions defining u, andu''be the measure on Rnwith density f(x)g(y) to K). We want to prove a good approximation then check the assumptions for Theorem 5.1 on K'and apply it for A'. First note ) for any function phdefined onK'. This follows directly from the definitions of We know K+is a c-set, thus by Corollary 5.10. Thus for any phwe 2(~D) sup|ph|. We repeat the same trick for U {A'',-A''}, the above inequality and applying Corollary 5.10 again to 2(~D) we insert eiforphand apply Corollary 5.11 to )du(u,v,t the same for integration over KD-AandKD. Now we want to check assumptions for Theorem 5.1. K'is a generalized Orlicz ball due to Lemma 4.19. A'is a c-set in positively inclined, thus an increase in u translates to an increase in both xandy.u'is a projection of the measure with the The first two functions are 1 /mconcave, the third is 1 /1 concave as Dis convex. Thus from Facts 4.23 and 4.24 the density h(u) ofu'is a 1/(3m+ 1) concave function. Thus u' is a proper measure on K'(recallu'is restricted to K', thus the third point of the Definition 4.2 is satisfied). e' 1ande' 2are restrictions of e1ande2toK', which is a derivative of K, thus they define a non-degenerate Th-function on K'. Let us apply Theorem 5.1. We (5.3.1) We need to make the middle expression equal to th(D), so for any u0,t0we )du(u,v,t -e' i=Cie' i, we have inequalities (5.3.1) for functions - e' i(although they do not a Th function on K'). To bound the error we )du(u,v,t )du(u,v,t we bounded the integral of errors, the error on K'A'andK'-A'is no larger than 3 eu2(~D). We can now for U {A',-A'}andi Applying to -e' iwe )du(u,v,t )du(u,v,t )=th(D) putting together all the estimates we made we get <=6eu2(~D). 6 The transfinite induction What is left to prove is Theorem 5.5. We will prove by transfinite induct ion an extended version of Theorem 5.5, which will allow us to carry the information we need thr ough the induction steps. The sets U(g,b) will have to satisfy the conditions of Theorem 5.5, and furthermor e the following conditions:
*For anyg >b we haveU(g,b) =U(b+ 1,b).
*For anygwe haveU(g,g+ 1) =U(0,1).
*Ifgis a successor ordinal and U(g,g) has positive u2measure, the sets U(g,g-1) and U(g,g) are formed by dividing U(g-1,g-1) with a straight line of positive a limit ordinal, U(g,g) anygifU(g,g) has positive u2measure, then for all b <g the setsU(b,b) are strict lens sets. Remark that this in fact means we carry out a transfinite inductive c onstruction. The sets U(g,b) forb <g depend only on the second argument, once constructed. The set U(g,g+1) is equal toU(0,1). The set U(g,g) in each step has a part cut off to make a new set U(g+1,g+1). Note that if th(K) = 0, then Kis appropriate (as any UKwithu2(U)>0 hasth(U) = 0). Thus by putting U(g,0) = ~K+for anygandU(g,b) =forg+ 1>=b > 0 we satisfy the conditions of Theorem 5.5. Thus, further on, we assume th(K)>0. 6.1 Starting the transfinite induction First we need to define the sets U(0,0) andU(0,1) to start the induction. If we take thenDis a lens set and satisfies condition (5.1.2). It is not, however, a strict lens set. The idea is to take two almost vertical lines -- one close to the left edge of~Dand the other close to the right edge, then look at the thof the set they cut off. If this too large, we move the left line closer to the edge, if too small, we move the right line closer to the edge. When we have balanced th, we repeat the same for horizontal lines. By cutting off a bit from ea ch edge we shall also ensure [ x1,x2](x-,x+) and similarly for y. Below is a formalization of appropriate to begin with, we take U(0,1) =andU(0,0) = ~K+. Thus we assume
~K+is not byL-(x,b) the line through ( x,y-) with inclination p/2-band byL+(x,b) the line through (x,y+) with inclination p/2-b. Denote by ~D-(x,b) the subset of [ the left of L-(x,b) and by ~D+(x,b) the subset to the right of L+(x,b). Note that for b(0,p/2) those sets have positive u2measure by the definition of a proper measure. Let ph-(x,b) andph+(x,b) From property T5 these functions are continuous in both arguments. From Lemma 4.33 and Lemma 5.7 there is ab0>0 such that for b <b0we haveph-(x,b)>0 andph+(x,b)<0 forx(x-,x+). Now start with any xl,xuand 0<bl,bu<b0such that the sets ~D-(xl,bl) and ~D+(xu,bl) have measure no larger than e'(ln-2(K{x= 0,y= 0}) supKe1)-1u(K)/4 and do not intersect. Now if we fix xuandbuwhile letting xltend tox-andblto 0, thenthof the sum of the two sets will tend to which is strictly smaller than th(K). If, on the other hand, we fix xlandbland letxutend tox+andbuto 0, thethof the two sets will which is strictly greater than th(K). Thus, from the Darboux property, for some values have the set that remains is a lens set with no vertical boundaries and sat isfies property (5.1.2). If it is appropriate, we have found our U(0,0) and define U(0,1) = If not, then we can repeat the same trick for y(we needed the to use Lemma 5.6), and achieve a lens set with no horizontal and no vertical bound aries and separated from x-andx+, i.e. a strict lens set. Thus we define U(0,1) = and andU(0,0) 6.1. AssumeU(0,0)is a strict lens set (otherwise the induction will be trivial ). Recall functions defining the proper measure u. AsU(0,0)is a strict lens set, it is separated from the boundary of the support of f*g. Thus (as fandgare continuous on the interior of their support), they both attain positive minimal values fLandgL. Also, as they are continuous on their support and 1/mconcave, they are bounded from above by some fUandgU. Thus for any set TU(0,0)we for any function tonTwe The induction step for successor ordinals For a successor ordinal g+1 we have a division of ~K+forg. We putU(g+1,g+2) is appropriate of positive measure, we put U(g+1,g) =U(g,g) (as an appropriate set is ane-appropriate set) and U(g+1,g+1) =. IfU(g,g) has measure 0, we put U(g+1,g) =
andU(g+ 1,g+ 1) =U(g,g). The difficult case to deal with will be when U(g,g) is a non- appropriate strict lens set. For brevity denote U(g,g) by ~D. In this case from Lemma 5.7 there exists an angle a'>0 such that any positively inclinated line dividing ~Dinto two sets of non-zero u-measure with equal thhas inclination greater than a'and smaller thanp 2-a'. If the inclination of ~Disa'', leta= shall attempt to cut off a long and narrow lens set U(g+ 1,g) fromU(g,g). We shall cut off a narrow set satisfying (5.1.2). From Remark 5.4 it will either be long, or be a subset of~Sd, both of which satisfy us. 33Take a sufficiently small w(w<1 2max(cot 0})-1, wheremis such that the density functions of uare 1/m-concave, will suffice). For any angle x[0,p 2] we can find continuously a line Lxof inclination xsuch that the part
~D+(x) of~Dsuppulying above and to the left of Lxhas width no larger than w. From Lemma 4.33 we have th(D+(0))>=th(D) From the Darboux property for some xwe haveth(D+(x)) =th(D). We take U(g+ 1,g) = ~D+(x). LetIxdenote the segment of Lx intersecting ~D. The setU(g+ 1,g+ 1) =U(g,g)(g+ 1,g) is, of course, a strict lens set, (5.1.2), because the new edge has inclination between aandp 2-a, and all the other edges come from the old set ~D. It remains to check that U(g+ 1,g) satisfies the conditions of the transfinite induction. First let us check what is the inclination o fU(g+ 1,g). If both the endsIxfall upon the upper-left border of U(g,g), then they are the extremal points of U(g+ 1,g), and thus the inclination of U(g+ 1,g) is the inclination of the segment, which is between a'andp 2-a'. If one of them falls upon the lower-right border, then the extrem al points ofU(g+ 1,g) are the end of Ixon the upper-left border and one of the extremal points ofU(g,g), and the inclination of U(g+ 1,g) is between the inclination of U(g+ 1,g) and the inclination of the segment, which means it is between aandp 2-a. If both ends fall upon the lower-right border, the extremal points of U(g+ 1,g) are the extremal points of U(g,g), which meansU(g+ 1,g) has inclination a''. Thus, the inclination of U(g,g) is between 1,g)~Sd, the induction thesis is satisfied. Thus we may assume U(g+ 1,g) sticks outside ~Sd. Note that as thn-2(p),pRxxRy, is a coordinate-wise increasing function from property (T4), one of the extremal points of U(g+ 1,g) has to lie outside ~Sd, and at least one point of ~Slies on the extremal line of U(g+ 1,g). Thus, the length of the segment of the extremal line contained in ~K+is at leastd. ThusU(g+ 1,g) has relevant length at least d, width at most wand inclination Thus from Lemma 5.12 we know that U(g+ 1,g) ise-appropriate, which means we completed the induction step. 6.3 The induction step for limit ordinals For limit ordinals gthe setU(g,g+ 1) =U(0,1), the sets U(g,b) forb < g are defined by U(g,b) =U(b+ 1,b), and from the inductive assumption the conditions for U(g,b) are met. We defineU(g,g) as the have to check that U(g,g) thus defined satisfies the induction thesis. If any of the sets U(g',b),b <g'was empty, then from the inductive assumption U(g'+1,g'+1) hasu2measure 0 and thus U(g,g) hasu2measure 0, which satisfies the conditions. If U(b,b) was not a strict lens set for some b < g , thenU(g,g) has measure 0, again satisfying the conditions. The case to worry about is when U(g,g) is a intersection of a descending family of strict lens sets satisfying condition (5.1.2) and has a positive u2measure. A descending intersection of lens sets is a lens set -- the circumscribe d rectangle is the intersection of circumscribed rectangles, the extremal points be long to the intersection, and the intersection is convex. A descending intersection of sets satis fying (5.1.2) with positive u2 measure satisfies (5.1.2) by property (T5). We have to prove that the intersection is either a strict lens set, or appropriate. As U(g,g)U(0,0), it is separated from we only have to check it does not have a horizontal or vertical has a horizontal or vertical edge I. We may assume, without loss of generality, that Iis a horizontal edge. We will assume it is an upper horizontal edge. In the case of the lower one, the proof goes very similarily: every constru ction of new points is and every inequality is opposite. In one place, w here the proof we will say it explicitly. Let (x0,y0) be the left end of Iand (x1,y0) the right end. First we shall prove the 6.2. With the notation as previously we have We shall prove the Lemma by contradiction. Suppose that cl Isuppe2=. The idea of the proof is that at some moment, a line dividing some U(b,b) intoU(b+ 1,b+ 1) and U(b+ 1,b) lies above Iand cuts off only points that are above and to the right of the left en d ofI, or almost so, and thus only cuts off points, which do not belong to su ppe2. Thuse2is zero on the set U(b+ 1,b) which was cut off, th(U(b+ 1,b)) = 0, a contradiction. Now for a formal some point of U(g,g) has to lie inside supp e2, thus (as supp e2is a c-set), the lower left extremal point of U(g,g) lies in supp e2. Note, that as e2= 0 onI,Ihas to be an upper edge, the lower edge case is trivial here. Let x2<x0be such that ( lety2<y0be a number so close to y0that Take ab < g such that ( AsU(b,b) is a lens set, no points ( x2,y) withy > y2 belong is a strict lens set, and IU(b,b), there exists a y3>y0such that (x1,y3) U(b,b). Takey3to be so small (6.3.1) Letb'be the smallest such ordinal that ( Of course b'> b and from the inductive assumption b'is a successor ordinal. LetLbe the line which divides U(b'-1,b'-1) intoU(b',b') interval [( x1,y0),(x1,y3)] and does not intersect I, so, from (6.3.1), Lintersects the line x=x2at some point above ( no points ( x2,y) withy >y2. Thus all points from U(b',b'-1) lie above and to the right of (x2,y2). As suppe2is a c-set and ( we = 0. But as we assumed th(K)>0 this means that U(b',b'-1) is empty, a we know that cl and as Int supp e1suppe2, there is an positive length, which means thn-1(y0;IxRn-2) is defined. The idea of the proof in this case is to prove that thn-1(y0;IxRn-2) =th(K), which from Lemma 4.33 and Lemma 5.6 will imply U(g,g) is appropriate. We prove this by selecting a moment at which the set U(b+1,b) which is being cut off lies above I, and comparing its th(which we know to be The formal proof goes as follows: We assume Iis an upper horizontal edge. In the case of Ibeing a lower horizontal edge, the below construction works ( x0,y0) be the left end of Iand (x1,y0) the right end. Take any 0 < e <|I|. y0and close enough that Takeb1<gsuch that Next take a point ( x1,y3) with y3>y0such that (6.3.1) is satisfied, and take g >b2>b1such that the upper extremal point of U(b2,b2) lies below y3. Again, as in the proof of Lemma 6.2, any line dividing some U(b,b) for b >b2and crossing exitU(b,b) at somex>x2. Forg >b >b 2 any line cutting off the upper extremal point pofU(b,b) will cross lie below and to the right of and above ( x1,y0) as U(b,b)U(g,g) and the line has to go below pand above ( x1,y0) as us consider the functions ~ ei(x,y) )dtfori= 1,2. The set [ x-,x+]x [y-,y+] is compact and ~ eiare continuous from property (S4) (recall n>2), thus we can find a
~d >0 such 1,2. Also, as g(the density of uwith respect to y) is 1/m-concave, it is continuous on the interior of its support, and thus we can take ~dsuch that also ~e1((x1,y0))>0 taked=~d. If not, then as Int ~K+supp~e2, there exists an of positive length c. supp~e2are closed, we may taked<=~dsmall enough, that there exists an interval JIof length at least c/2, >b3>b2such that the whole set U(b3,b3) lies below the line y=y0+d. Now let (x4,y4) be the upper right extremal point of U(b3,b3). Letb4be the first bsuch that The ordinal b4has to be a successor, let L'be the line intoU(b4,b4-1) andU(b4,b4), and letlbe the inclination of L'. Any tangent to the upper-left border of U(b4,b4) has inclination no smaller than l. Letb5be the first ordinal greater than b4for which some tangent to the upper left edge of U(b5,b5) has inlination strictly smaller than l. Again,b5has to be a successor ordinal. Let Lbe the intoU(b5,b5-1) andU(b5,b5). This line has to go above I, to become a part of the upper edge of U(b5,b5). As the inclination of this line is smaller than the inclination of any tangent to the upper left edge of U(b5-1,b5-1), the right end of LU(b5-1,b5-1) lies on the lower right edge of U(b5-1,b5-1). It lies above y0, as it goes above Iand has positive inclination, and lies to the right of x1, as the lower right edge of u(b5-1,b5-1) abovey0lies to the right of x1. Now we will prove some inequalities on th. In the case of Ibeing lower edge, the inequalities are simply reversed. Let ~D=~D(e) be the part of U(b5,b5-1) that lies to the left of x=x1. As usual,D=D(e) =~D(e)xRn-2. AsU(b5,b5-1) is a lens set, from Lemma 4.33 we =th(K). Remark that the line L''that cut (b5,b5-1) off contains the whole lower edge of ~D. Thus as the inclination of L''is smaller than the inclination of the upper edge of ~Dthe where ~Dxis the section of ~Datx, is strictly 0, then the lower extremal point p5ofU(b5,b5-1) lies above and to the right of any point of U(g,g). However, from property =th(K), which means that from property (T4) for any point pU(g,g) we we know th(U(g,g)xRn-2) =th(K), which, from Fact 2.5 implies that for almost all points inU(g,g) we havethn-2(p) =th(K). Thus any horizontal line divides U(g,g) into two sets with equal th, which from Lemma 5.6 implies U(g,g) is appropriate. Hereafter we that the whole set ~Dlies in the rectangle [ It lies to the left ofx1from its definition. To the right of x2asb5>b2. its lower edge is the line L''which passes above ( x0,y0), so if it dipped below y0-d, it would also (as e<|I|) have to reach above y0+d. Now we want to estimate thn-1(y0;IxRn-2) byth(~DxRn-2). This will, quite a lot of technicalities. We begin with a lemma: 36Lemma 6.3. There exist two numbers of esuch that for a set ~Dconstructed as above for this ewe have l2(~D{(x,y) : 1,2. Proof. The proof for this lemma is a bit different for Ibeing a lower edge. First, let us prove it for an upper edge. First we prove the thesis for ~ e1. Suppose ~e1(x1,y0)>0. Then supposing e<1 2~e1(x1,y0) for any (x,y)~Dwe ~e1is decreasing as e1is decreasing, thus it is enough to have the case ~ e1(x1,y0) = 0 letb1= sup{x: ~e1(x,y0)>0}. Recall that we constructed an intervalJof of e) such that Let J= [j0,j1]. Now as forxJand (x,y)~Dwe have ~e2(x,y) = 0 and ~e1(x,y)>0, which means j2<=b1. On the other hand th(~D)>=th(K)>0, thus with positive e2, and thus for these points ( x,y) we havex < j0. Note that as l1(~Dx) is strictly increasing, so if ~Dcondains some point to the left of j0, then for every xJthe set
~Dxhas positive Lebesgue the midpoint of J. Ife<1 2~e1(j,y0) we : we perform a similar operation as in Lemma 5.8. The function p(x) =l(~Dx) is concave on its support, p(j0)>=0, thus for every t[0,1] we and fort>1 we =j-j0 2p(j). In a similar gives : gives the thesis for c1<=1 2~e1(j,y0) deal with ~ e2first use Remark 6.1 to the other hand ~ e2is bounded from above on supp~ e2byM= ~e2(0,0), as it is continuous. We above holds for any a. Let us take 2 Then we implies (with the assumption e<a/ )l(D). Now, let us assume that Iis a lower horizontal edge. The proof is much easier in that case. Since th(U(g,g))>0, there is a segment I'Istarting at lower left end of I, such that I'supp~e2. Moreover, we can take such I''I', that onI''we have ~e2>cfor somec. Since x-l(~Dx) is decreasing on I, we have l2(~D{(x,y) : 6.4. There exists a constant c3such that for all sufficiently small ewe rest of the proof is independent of the fact, whether Iis lower or upper edge, we simply use already proven facts. Now to estimate th(D(e)). Asb5> b2we know d, Thus we get: th(D(e)) first and second fraction will both be bounded by 1 as e-0 from Corollary +e (here we prove that the lower bound for the reciprocal conve rges to 1, which is third fraction is the one that should converge to (or at least, f or very small e, be LetIe= [x0-e,x1] = [x2,x1]. Asd, we )<=g(y0) first of these fractions obviously tends to 1 as g(y0)>=gL>0. The second can be bounded using Lemma 2.3, part property (T5) used for restrictions to y=y0we whene-0. Putting all the estimates together we get where c(e)-1. Thus we can go with eto 0 to On the other hand from Lemma 4.33 we have =th(K), which means thn-1(y0;IxRn-2) =
th(K). From Lemma 4.32 this means that for any horizontal line Lintersecting U(g,g) we which, from Lemma 4.33 implies that any horizontal line divides U(g,g) into two sets with equal th. Thus, from Lemma 5.6, U(g,g) is finishes the proof of the inductive step in the limit ordinal case: t he assumption U(g,g) has positive measure and is not a strict lens set led us to the conclusio n it is on Orlicz balls Our main target is proving Theorem 1.2: Due to Lemma 2.1 we need to prove inequality (2.1.1) for any c-sets ARkandBRn-k. We shall attempt to prove (2.1.1) using Theorem 5.1. 7.1 The one-dimensional case -- the we need to apply the Brunn-Minkowski theorem to get a Th-like c ondition: Lemma 7.1. LetKRxxRyxRn-2be a generalized Orlicz ball. Let {1,2}. Letnbe a on Rn-2. Letfi,i= 1,2,...,n be the Young functions of K, withf1defined on Rxandf2onRy. Let us consider the generalized Orlicz ball K'Rn-1, with the Young functions Ph i=fi+1for i>1 and Ph 1(t) =t-- that is, we replace the first two functions with a single identity func tion. For anyxRletPxdenote the set K'({x}xRn-2), and|Px|=n(Px). AsK'is a convex set, from the Brunn-Minkowski inequality (see for instance [Ga02 ]) the function x/masto- |Px|is a log-concave function, which means that for any t[0,1] we >= particular, for given real non-negative numbers a,b,c we have
|Pa+c| >= >= as a consequence when we multiply the two |Pa+c| >= |Pa| |Pa+b+c|. (7.1.1) Now let us take a=f1(x1) As the Young functions are non-negative and increasing on [0 ,), the numbers a,b,c are the definitions above we we have Substituting those values into inequality (7.1.1) we get the thesis. First we consider KRn-1xRz. Take any z2>z1>0 and consider any c-set BinRn-1. We defineph1(x) =1K(x,z1) andph2(x) =1K(x,z2) forxRn-1. LetK'
+= (K+)z=z1. By Lemma 4.19 K'
+is a positive quadrant of some generalized Orlicz ball K'. Lemma 7.2. If-K'is a derivative of K', then there exists a generalized Orlicz ball -Ksuch equal to 1-K(x,zj)forj {1,2}. Proof. We have a sequence some restriction of K' i. We can, taking identical restrictions (that is, restrictions to hype rplanes defined by the same equations or to the same intervals with respect to the same variable s), construct a m=-Ksuch thatK' i= (Ki)z=z1. Aszwas not a variable of Rn-1of which K'was a subset, on each step being a hyperplane restriction zdoes not appear in the equation of the restriction hyperplane, thus we can speak of a zvariable in all Ki, and the -Kmaps ( Thus1-K(x,zj) =1K(u(x,zj)), which (when, as always, we identify -Kwith its image in K) gives the thesis. Lemma 7.3. For any generalized Orlicz ball KRm-1xRz, anyz2>z1>0, any coordinate- wise decomposition any proper measure uonK'=Kz=z1the coordinate-wise decreasing on Rm-k-1. Proof. Letl=m-k-1. Select any coordinate variable yifromRland fix all other somey0. Fory1<=y2we have to intersection Ky=y0is a generalized Orlicz ball from Lemma 4.19 and the restriction of uis a proper measure from Lemma 4.27. Thus taking K''=Ky=y0we have to that even if the density of uchanges with y, it cancels out in both fractions, thus we can assume the density of uchanges only on Rk. As a proper measure has a 1 /m-concave density, and thus a log-concave density, we can apply Lemma 7.1 to get the th esis. 40Lemma 7.4. The functions ph1andph2defined as above define a Thfunction on K'. Proof. We have to check the four properties defining Th functions. Proper ty (T1) is bounded by one. Note that Kis a c-set, as it is convex and immediately gives properties (T2) and (T3). Condition (T4) is a consequence of Lemma 7.3. If -K'is any derivative of K', then from Lemma 7.2 we have some -Ksuch to -K'are equal to 1-K(*,zj), and thus from Lemma 7.3 the appropriate ratio of integrals is coordinate-wise decr easing. Lemma 7.5. IfKis a proper generalized Orlicz ball, then ph1andph2define a strict The properties (S2) and (S4) are trivial. For property (S1) notice that as the Young functions are strictly increasing, Int Kz=z1Kz=z2. To check property (S3) we have to prove =u|Rk(Ky,zj) is con- tinuous inyforj= 1,2 andk>0. Letukdenoteu|Rk. Let us take any sequence yi-y. First note that as the Young functions fldo not assume the value + , they are continuous. +fz(zj) +fz(zj). We knowal-a, we want to prove uk(Lal)-uk(La). =uk(La) as measure is continuous with respect to the set, =uk(La), where we use the fact that = 1-a}) = 0, asfiare strictly which proves property (S3). Corollary 7.6. For any generalized Orlicz ball Kthe functions ph1andph2define a non- degenerate First we prove that ph1andph2define a weakly non-degenerate Th function. From Lemma 4.20 we can approximate Kwith a proper generalized Orlicz ball Additionally, from Corollary 4.21 we may take z' 1andz' 2such K{z=zj}up to a set of lmeasuree. We takeph' 1(x) =1K'(x,z' 1) andph' 2(x) =1K'(x,z' 2). As the intersections of approximations of intersections of Katzi, we Lemma 4.20 we know K'is a proper generalized Orlicz ball and K'K. From Lemma 7.5 we know that a strict Th function. Thus ph1andph2define a weakly non- degenerate Th function. As for the derivatives of the function defined by ph1andph2by Lemma 7.2 they are constructed in the same manner on some derivative of K, and thus also define a weakly non-degenerate Th function. Thus ph1andph2define a non-degenerate Th 7.7. For any generalized Orlicz ball KRnand any c-set ARn-1the a decreasing function of zwhere From Corollary 7.6 we can apply Theorem 5.1 to the Th function defined b yph1,ph2to get for any 0 (7.1.2) if both sides are defined. We can apply Fact 2.2 to make the left numerator with the right denominator we get the t hesis. If the right-hand side denominator in inequality (7.1.2) is zero, the rig ht-hand side numerator is also zero, as z1<z2andK+is a c-set. Thus both for z1andz2our function is either zero or undefined. If the left-hand side denominator is zero and the right-hand side is d efined, again the left- hand side numerator is zero, thus in inequality (7.1.3) we have an equa lity, which again gives the thesis. 7.2 The general case -- the the Lebesgue measure restricted to K+. Recall that we set out to any c-sets ARkandBRn-k. This is equivalent eitherlK(AxRn-k) orlK(-AxRn-k) is zero, then respectively either lK(Ax-B) orlK(-Ax-B) is zero and the thesis is satisfied. Thus it suffices to both sides are defined, which means it is enough to prove ps1(x) a non-degenerate Th function on K'=Kz=0Rkand apply Theorem 5.1. Lemma 7.8. If-K'is a derivative of K', then there exists a generalized Orlicz ball -Ksuch equal equal proof is identical to the proof of Lemma 7.2. Proposition 7.9. For any generalized Orlicz ball KRn, any coordinate-wise any c-set BRn-kthe functions ps1andps2define a Thfunction on K. Proof. Property T1 follows from the fact that Kis bounded. Property T2 follows from the fact K+is a c-set. Property T3 follows from the fact that BRn-k. As before, the tricky part is to prove property T4. Consider any coordinate-wise decompositio nRk=Rk1xRk2. Choose any variable vinRk1and fix all the others at some fixed v0. We have to prove this function is decreasing in vwhere defined. Let us restrict ourselves to the generalized Orlicz ball ^K=Kv=v0. Notice that Rl2xAis a c-set in Rl2xRkandulis a proper measure in Rl2xRk. We have to )d(ul)(y,z) is decreasing in v, but this is exactly the thesis of Corollary 7.7. Again, as in Lemma 7.4, due to Lemma 7.8, the appropriate ratio is also d ecreasing for any derivative 7.10. For any generalized Orlicz ball KRn, any coordinate-wise any c-set BRn-kthe functions ps1andps2define a non-degenerate Th function on K. Proof. Again the derivatives of psare again functions formed as in Lemma 7.8, so it is enough to provepsis weakly anye >0. From Lemma 4.20 we may take a proper generalized Orlicz ball ^KK withl(K^K)< emin{l(K),1}/2 from Lemma 4.21. Denote any coordinate in Rn-k, takeB'=B({z:z1< d}K+), wheredis so small that the addition is of ln-kmeasure less than e/2.B'is a sum of two c-sets and thus a c-set. We defineps' 1(x) We have from the definition of ^K. indeed good approximations of ps1and ps2, +lK(-B^-B') =l(K^K) we only have to prove that a strict Th function on ^K. Property (S2) is true as ^Kis proper -- ^K'is defined by those Young functions of ^Kwhich act on the variables of Rk. Property (S4) is obvious from the definition of ps' 1. The function ps' 2 is 0 on the from the definition of B'-- any point in -B'hasz1> d, hence property (S1). Finally (S3) is checked exactly as in Lemma define a non-degenerate Th function, which ends the proof of Th M. Anttila, K. Ball and I. Perissinaki, The central limit problem for convex bodies. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 355 (2003), pp. K. Ball and I. Perissinaki, The subindependence of coordinat e slabs inln pballs, Israel J. Math., 107 (1998), pp. F. Barthe, O. Gudeon, S. Mendelson and A. Naor, A Proba bilistic Approach to the Geometry of the lN p-ball, Annals of Probability, 33 (2005), pp. 480-513. [Ga02] R. J. Gardner, The Brunn-Minkowski Inequality, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 39 (2002), S. G. Bobkov, F. L. Nazarov, On convex bodies and log-conc ave probability measures with unconditional basis. 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[MP89] V. D. Milman and A. Pajor, Isotropic position and inertia ellipsoid s and zonoids of the unit ball of a normed n-dimensional space. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1376 (1989), pp. 64-104. [MS86] V. Milmanc G. Schechtman, Asymptotic theory of finite-dimen sional normed spaces. With an appendix by M. Gromov. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1200 . 1986. [N84] C. M. Newman, Asymptotic independence and limit theorems for positively and neg- atively dependent random variables. In Y. L. Tong (ed.), Inequalitie s in Statistics and Probability, Hayward, CA, pp. 127-140. [S00] Qi-Man Shao, A comparison theorem on moment inequalities betw een negatively associ- ated and independent random variables, J. Theoret. Probab. 13 ( 2000), 343-356. [W06] J. O. Wojtaszczyk, The square negative correlation proper ty for gen- eralized Orlicz balls. Preprint, to be published in GAFA. Available | 0803.0434 | Jakub Wojtaszczyk | Marcin Pilipczuk, Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk | The negative association property for the absolute values of random
variables equidistributed on a generalized Orlicz ball | 44 pages (sorry) | null | null | null | math.PR math.FA | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Random variables equidistributed on convex bodies have received quite a lot
of attention in the last few years. In this paper we prove the negative
association property (which generalizes the subindependence of coordinate
slabs) for generalized Orlicz balls. This allows us to give a strong
concentration property, along with a few moment comparison inequalities. Also,
the theory of negatively associated variables is being developed in its own
right, which allows us to hope more results will be available. Moreover, a
simpler proof of a more general result for $\ell_p^n$ balls is given.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 4 Mar 2008 13:25:35 GMT"
] | 2008-03-05T00:00:00 | [
"Jakub Onufry",
] |
The dependence of n(e,Bd) one-1has been studied for many years, and bounds for n(e,Bd) in terms of e-1are known for many Bd. For instance, let Fd=Cr([0,1]d) be the space ofrtimes continuously differentiable functions defined on the d-dimensional unit cube with the norm given as the supremum of the absolute values of all par tial derivatives up to therth order. Bakhvalov proved in 1959, see [NW01], that there exist tw o positive fixed this implies that multivariate integration in Cr([0,1]d) is intractable. Indeed, n(e,Bd) cannot possibly be bounded by a polynomial in e-1anddsince the exponent of e-1 goes to infinity with d, andn(e,Bd) is exponential in d. However if rvaries, that is, when we consider the spaces Fd=Cr(d)([0,1]d) with supdd/r(d)<, the behavior of n(e,Bd) is not known since we do not have sharp bounds on cr,dandCr,d. In fact, the best known bounds on cr,dare exponentially small in d, while the best known bounds on Cr,dare exponentially large ind, see again[NW01]. Thus we canneither claim nordeny tractability orst rong tractability in the class Cr(d)([0,1]d) with supdd/r(d)<on the basis of Bakhvalov's result. The conjecture formulated in [W03] states that multivariate integr ation intractable even if r(d) =. That is, even when we consider infinitely with all partial derivatives bounded by one, n(e,Bd) cannot be bounded by a polynomial in e-1andd. Although we are not able to establish this conjecture in full generality, is achieved by showing that for a fixed n, thenth minimal error goes to one as d approaches infinity. More precisely, we show that for any nandethere exists d=d(n,e) such that for any linear algorithm there exists a polynomial that is a s um of which belongs to the unit ball of C([0,1]d), whose integral is at least 1 -e, and the algorithm outputs zero. This proof technique allows us to pr ove the lack of but seems too weak to establish the lack of tractability . 2 Multivariate Integration in C([0,1]d) We precisely define the problem of multivariate integration studied in t his paper. Let Fd=
C([0,1]d) be the space of real functions defined on the unit cube [0 ,1]dthat are with the norm
||f||d= a-any multiindex }. 2Herea= [a1,a2,...,a d] with non-negative integers for the differentiation the unit ball of this space. The multivariate integration prob lem is defined as an approximation of integrals Id(f) the integral is taken with respect to the Lebesgue measure . It is well known that adaption and the use of non-linear algorithms do not help for the multivariate integration problem, as proven in [B71], see also [NW01 ]. That is why we consider only linear some real coefficients ajand some sample points xjfrom [0,1]d. Herendenotes the number of function values used by the algorithm. Of course the aiandximay depend on n. The (worst case) error of the algorithm An,dis defined as err(An,d) = LIN n,ddenote the class of all linear algorithms that use nfunction values. The nth minimal error is defined as e(n,Bd) = inf{err(An,d) :An,dLINn,d}. We shall prove the following theorem: Theorem 2.1 For any positive integer nwe = 1. This theorem easily implies that multivariate integration in C([0,1]d) Indeed, were it strongly tractable, we would have a poly nomial bound on of d, thus having a linear algorithm of error at most eand using at most n=n(e,Bd) function values. Taking, say, e <1 2andn > n(1 2,Bd) we would get of d, and this would contradict the theorem that e(n,Bd) goes to one when d approaches infinity. 32.1 Proof of the Theorem We take an arbitrary positive integer nande(0,1). The idea of the proof is to and, for sufficiently large dand any An,dLINn,d, to find a polynomial fBd that is a sum of univariate polynomials such that It will suffice to find such a polynomial for which f(xj) = 0 at all points xjused byAn,d. ThenAn,d(f) = 0, and thus err( An,d)>= |Id(f)|>1-e. SinceAn,dis an arbitrary linear algorithm this sufficiently large d. For the zero algorithm An,d0 we have we haveerr(An,d) = 1 and hence we have e(n,Bd)<=1. Since ecan be arbitrarily small, this completes the proof of Theorem 2.1. Suppose for the moment that we have the following lemma, which will be proven in the next 2.2 For any positive integer n, and any e(0,1)there exists a constant Ke,nsuch that for any choice of y1,y2,...,y n[0,1]there exists a polynomial f: following >1-e, 4.f(yj) = 0forj= Lemma 2.2, we take any d>=Ke,nand any ALINn,dthat uses sample points xj= 1,2,...,n. Fori= 1,2,...,d, letfibe the polynomial given by Lemma 2.2 for yj=xi j, with j= 1,2,...,n. Consider the multivariate d) values of fare bounded by 1 since they are arithmetic means of the values of fifrom [-1,1]. Any mixed derivative of such a function fis 0, to Bd. f(xj) = 0 since fi(xi j) = 0 for all j= 1,2,...,n. Thusfis a function we needed to prove Theorem 2.1. 2.2 Proof of the Lemma We will use the theorem to find a function satisf ying Lemma letthefunction g: 1 and linear on [1 -d,1] and [1,1+d]. It is obviously a continuous function, so by the theorem we can approximate it by a polynomial Pof degree N=N(e,n) such d. The polynomial Pis negative at 1 and positive at 1 + d, so it has a root at some y0 (1,1 +d). LetPi(x) =P(x+y0-yi). Asy0-yi(0,1 +d) the polynomial d. Now take f(x) that f(yj) = 0 since the jth factor is P2(y0) = 0. The polynomial Pisatisfies 1-2d < P of course, f(x)>=0 on the whole interval [0 ,1]. This allows us to approximate the integral of f. the Bernoulli inequality we conclude that the last expression is a t 1-e. The function fis a polynomial on [0 ,1]. Its coefficients are continuous functions of (y1,y2,...,y n)[0,1]nsince the coefficients of each Piare continuous functions of yi, andf is the product of Pi's. The upper bound of the jth derivative of fis a continuous function of f's coefficients, and thus a continuous function of ( y1,y2,...,y n). As a continuous function on a compact set it is bounded for each j, and so all derivarives up to the 2 nNth order have a common bound, say, Ke,n, independent of ( y1,y2,...,y n). This means that the second condition of Lemma 2.2 is satisfied and the proof of Lemma 2.2 is complet ed. 2.3 work was completed with the enormous help of Prof. Henryk Wo' zniakowski, who sug- gested the problem, gave me the theoretical tools to solve it and wo rked with me on creating a publishable paper from the mathematical reasoning. The help and s upport of my father was also crucial to finish this N. S. Bakhvalov, On the optimality of linear methods for operat or approximation in convex classes of functions, USSR Comput. Maths. Math. Phys. 1 1 (1971), 244-249 [NW01] E. Novak and H. Wo' zniakowski, When are integration and disc repancy R.A.DeVore, A.Iserlis an dE.S uli, Press, 211-266, 2001. [W03] H. Wo' zniakowski, Open Problems for Tractability of Multivariat e Integration, J. Complexity 19 (2003), 434-444. 6 | 0803.0441 | Jakub Wojtaszczyk | Jakub Onufry Wojtaszczyk | Multivariate integration in C^\infty([0,1]^d) is not strongly tractable | 6 pages | Journal of Complexity 19 (2003), pp. 638-643 | null | null | math.NA | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | It has long been known that the multivariate integration problem for the unit
ball in $C^r([0,1]^d)$ is intractable for fixed finite $r$. H. Wo\'zniakowski
has recently conjectured that this is true even if $r=\infty$. This paper
establishes a partial result in this direction. We prove that the multivariate
integration problem, for infinitely differential functions all of whose
variables are bounded by one, is not strongly tractable.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 4 Mar 2008 13:52:18 GMT"
] | 2008-03-05T00:00:00 | [
"Jakub Onufry",
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number whose sum of its digits is precisely k. We will show later that the answer to this is affirmative. Therefore, it makes sense to define akto be the smallest positive multiple of k such that sq(ak) =k. In other words, akis the smallest Niven number whose sum of the digits is a given positive integer k. We denote by ckthe companion sequence ck=ak/k, kN. Obviously, ak, respectively, ck, depend on q, but we will not make this explicit to avoid cluttering the notation. In this paper we give constructive methods in Sections 3, 4 an d 7 by two for the binary and nonbinary cases, yielding sha rp upper bounds for ak. We find elementary upper bounds true for all k, and then better nonelementary ones true for this paper, we use the Vinogradov symbols andand the Landau symbols Oandowith their usual meanings. The constants implied by such sym bols are absolute. We write xfor a large positive real number, and pandqfor prime numbers. If Ais a set of positive integers, we write A(x) =A [1,x]. We write ln xfor the of xand logx= max{lnx,1}. 2 Easy proof for the existence of ak In this section we present a simple argument that shows that t he above defined sequence ak is well defined. First we assume that ksatisfies gcd( k,q) = 1. By Euler's theorem, we can find an integer tsuch that qt1 (modk), and then define K= K0 (modk), and also sq(K) =k. Hence, in this case, Kis a Niven number whose digits in base qare only 0's and 1's and whose sum is k. Ifkis not coprime to q, we write k=abwhere gcd( b,q) = 1 and adividesqnfor some nN. K0 (modb)withsq(K) =b. Letu= define K'= k=abis a divisor of K'andsq(K') =
ab=k. Therefore, akis well defined for every kN. This argument gives a large upper bound, namely of size exp( O(k2)) forak. We remark that if mis the minimal q-Niven number corresponding to k, thenq-1 must divide m-sq(m) =kck-k= (ck-1)k. This observation turns out to be useful in the calculation of ckfor small values of k. For instance, in base ten, the following table of values of akandckcan be established easily by using the previous simple obser vation. As an example, if k= 17 then 9 has to divide c17-1 and so we need only check 10 Elementary bounds for akin the binary case For each positive integer kwe setnk=log2k. Thus,nkis the smallest positive Assuming that kN(k >1) is odd, we let tkbe the multiplicative order of 2 modulo k, and so, 2tk1 (modk). Obviously, where phis Euler's totient function. (1) Lemma 1. For every odd integer k >1, every integer x {0,1,...,k-1}can be repre- sented as a sum modulo kof exactly nkdistinct elements of D={2i|i= 0,...,n k+k-2}. Proof.We find the required representation in a constructive way. Le t us start with an example. If x= 0 and k= 2nk-1, then since xk(modk), we notice that in this case we have a representation as required by writing k= 1 + 2 + ***+ 2nk-1(note is equivalent to k>=1). Anyx {0,1,...,k-1}has at most nkbits of which at most nk-1 are ones. Next, let us illustrate the construction when this binary representa tion ofxcontains exactly nk-1 ones, say x= some j {0,1,...,n k-1}. First, we assume j<=nk-2. Using 2j+1= we (mod k), where both j+tk<=nk-2+k-1 =nk+k-3 andj+tk> nk-1 are true according to (1). Therefore all exponents are distinct and they are contained in the required range, which gives us a representation of xas a sum of exactly nkdifferent elements of thenx= 2nk-1-1. We consider x+kinstead of x. By the definition ofnk, we must have k>=2nk-1+ 1. Hence, x+k>=2nk, which implies that the of most nkones. Indeed, if = 2nk+1-1, which in turn contradicts the +k= 2k-1<=2nk+1-3 sincekis odd. If s(x+k) =nk, then we are done (k>=3). Ifs(x+k) =nk-1, then we proceed as before and observe that this for every j {0,1,2,...,n k-1}andj+tk> nkifj >0 which is an assumption that we can make because in order to obtain nk-1 ones two of the powers of 2, out of 1 ,2,22,...,2nk-1, must be nk-1, then for every zero in the representation of x+k, which is preceded by a one and followed by l(l>=0) other zeroes, we can fill out the zeros gap in the following way. If such a zero is given by the coefficient of 2j, then we replace This will give l+2 ones instead of a one and l+1 zeros. We fill out all gaps this way with the exception of the gap corresp onding to the smallest power of 2 and l>=1, where in order to insure the inequality j'+tk> nk(j'=j-l+1>0) one will replace 2j+1by The result will be a which all the additional powers 2j'+tkwill be distinct and the total number of powers of two isnk. The maximum exponent of these powers is at most the representation of xstarts with 2nk-1, then the technique described above can be applied directly to xmaking sure that all zero gaps are completely filled. Otherwi se, we apply the previous technique to x+k. Example 2. Letk= 11. Thenn11= 4andt11= 10. Suppose that we want to represent 9 as a sum of 4distinct terms modulo 11 from the set D={1,2,...,213}. Since9 = 23+1, we have 9 = 22+ 2 + 2 + 1 , so922+ 2 + 211+ 1 (mod 11) . If we want to represent 7 = 22+ 21+ 20then, since this representation does not contain 23, we look at 7 + 11 =
18 = 24+2 = 23+23+2 = 23+22+22+2. (mod 11) . We note that the representation given by Lemma 1 is not unique . If this construction is applied in such a way that the zero left when appropriate is al ways the one corresponding to the largest power of 2, we will obtain the largest of such re presentations. In the we can fill out the smallest gap first and leave a zero f rom the gap corresponding to 23, so 71824+2 = 11). Recall that 2a/arlmmeans that 2a|mbut 2a+1m. We write u2(m) for the exponent a. Theorem 3. For all positive integers kandl, there exists a positive integer nhaving the following is clear that if kis a power of 2, say k= 2s, then we can take n= 2lk-1 and sos(kn) =lk. In this case, the upper bound in part ( b) is sharp since if kis of the form k= 2mdfor some positive integers m,dwith odd d>=3, then assuming that we can find an integer wherenk'=log2d, such thats(nd) = 2mld, thennksatisfies condition ( a) sinces(nk) =s(2mnd) =s(nd) = 2mld=
lk.We observe that condition ( b) is also satisfied in this case, because without loss of generality, we may assume in what follo ws that k>=3 is odd. Consider the integer M= 2lk+nk-1 = and so, s(M) =lk+nk. By Lemma 1, we can (2) where 0<=j1< j2<***< jn<=k+nk-2< lk+nk-1. Therefore, we may is an integer by (2) and satisfies s(nk) =lk. Corollary 4. The sequence (3) Proof.The first inequality in (3) follows from the fact that if s(ak) =k, 2k-1. The second inequality in (3) follows from Theorem 3 by taki ngl= 1, and from the minimality condition in the definition of ak. We have computed akandckfor allk= 1,...,128, c1= 1, c2= 3, c3= 7,..., c 20= 209715 ,.... and the graph of k-ln(ck) against the functions k-ln(2k) is included in Figure 1. The right hand side of inequality (3) is sharp when k= 2s, as we have already seen. For k= 2s-1, we get values of ckvery close to 2k-1 but, in general, numerical evidence closer to zero more often than it is to 1. In fact, we show in S ection 6 that this is indeed the case at least for odd indices (see Corollary 11, Corollary 12 and relation (23)). 580 10050 60 20 1: The graphs of k-ln(ck) Improving binary estimates and some closed formulae In order to obtain better bounds for ak, we introduce the following classes of odd integers. For a positive integer mwe define Cm={k1 (mod 2) 0<=j1< j2<***< jm<=m+k-2}. Let usobservethat Cm Cm+1. Indeed, if kis inCm, wethen have some 0 <=j1< j2<***< jm<=m+k-2. Multiplying by 2 the above congruence and adding one to both sides, we get representation which implies that kbelongs to Cm+1. Note also that Lemma 1 shows that every odd integer k>=3 belongs to Cu, Hence, we have 2 N+1 5. For every k C1, we have 2k-1< ak<2k+1-1. In particular, ck/2k-0ask- throughC1. Furthermore, ak= 2k+1-1-2j1, where j1=j0+stk, and0<=j0<=tk-1is such that know that (modk) (see [13, Problem 37, p. 109]). Hence, an integer of binary length kwhose sum of digits is kis not divisible by k. Therefore, ak>2k-1. 6Next, we assume that akis an integer of binary length k+1 and sum of digits k; that is, ak= 2k+1-1-2jfor some j= 0,...,k-1. But 2k+1-1x(modk), and by hypothesis there exists j0such that x= 2j0for some j0 {0,...,tk-1}. In order to obtain ak, we need to subtract the highest power of 2 possible because of th e minimality of ak. So, we need to take the greatest exponent j1=j0+stk<=k-1, leading to on the above argument, we can compute, for instance, a5= 55 = 26-1-23, since 23-123(mod 5). Similarly, a29= 230-1-25= 1073741791, since 230-125 (mod 29), and a25= 226-1-219= 66584575, since 226-1219(mod 25), or perhaps the more interesting example a253= 6. IfmN, andk Cm+1Cm, we then have 2k+m-1-1< inCmfor any fixed m. Proof.Similar as the proof of Theorem 5. Theorem 7. For all integers k= 2i-1>=3, we (4) wherek-is the least positive residue of -kmoduloi. Furthermore, the bound (4)is tight whenk= 2i-1is a Mersenne prime. In this case, we have ck/2k-1/2ask- through Mersenne primes, assuming that this set is the first claim, we show that the sum of binary digits of the bound of the upper bound on (4) is exactly k, and also that this number is a multiple of k. From the definition ofk-, we find that k+k-=iafor some positive integer a. = get that 2k+k-+2k-2k-i-1 is divisible by k. Further, k->=1 sincekis not the proof of Theorem 5), that tis missing in that sum. The first claim is proved. We now consider a Mersenne prime k= 2i-1. First, we show that k CiCi-1. by Lemma 1, we know that k Ci. Suppose by way of Ci-1. (5) holds with some 0 <=j1< j2<***< ji-1<=k+i-3. Since kis prime, we have that 2k-11 (modk), and so 2k+i-1-12i-10 (modk). Because 2i1 (modk), we can reduce all powers 2jof 2 modulo kto powers with exponents less than or equal to i-1. We get at most i-1 such terms. But in this case, the sum of at least one and at most i-1 distinct members of the set {1,2,...,2i-1}is positive and less than the sum of all of them, which is k. So, the equality (5) is impossible. To finish the proof, we need to choose the largest representat ionx= 2j1+***+ 2ji, with 0<=j1< j2<***< ji<=k+i-2, such that 2k+i-1x(modk). But 2k+i-1 2i+1-11 (modk). Since the exponents jare all distinct, the way to accomplish this is to take and finally j1to be the greatest integer with the property that the resulting xsatisfies x1 (modk). Since x= 2j1+ 2k(1 + 2 + ***+ 2i-2) = 2j1+ 2k(2i-1-1)2j1+ 2i-22j1-1 (modk), we need to have 2j12 (modk). Since the multiplicative order of 2 modulo kis clearly i, we have to take the largest j1= 1+sisuch that 1 + si < k. Butimust be prime too and so 2i-11 (modi). This implies k= 2i-11 (modi). Therefore j1=k-i. So, ak= 2k+i-1-x= 2k+i-1+2k-2k-i-1 and the inequality given in our statement becomes an equality since k-=i-1 in this case. Regarding the limit claim, we observe as a result k) goes to the two extremes, Theorems 6 and 7, we find out that the first situation is more predominant (see Corollary 12). Next, we give quantita tive results on the sets Cm. However we start with a result which shows that C1is of asymptotic density zero as one would less expect. 5C1is of density zero Here, we show that C1is of asymptotic density zero. For the purpose of this sectio n only, we omit the index and simply write C={1<=n: 2n+1-12j(modn) for some j= 1,2,...}. It is clear that Ccontains only odd numbers. Recall that for a positive real nu mberxand a setAwe putA(x) =A[1,x]. We prove the following 8. The for all x > ee. Proof.We letxbe large, and put qfor the smallest prime for large xthe prime qis odd and its size is q= (1 +o(1))yasx- . For an odd prime pwe write tpfor the order of 2 modulo pfirst defined at the beginning of Section 3. Recall that this is the smallest positive integer ksuch that 2k1 We put P={pprime :p1 (mod q) andtp|(p-1)/q}. (6) The effective version of Lagarias and Odlyzko of Chebotarev's Density Theorem (see [10], or page 376 in [14]), shows that there exist absolute constants AandBsuch that the estimate
#P(t) for all real numbers tas long as q<=B(logt)1/8. In particular, we see that estimate (7) holds when x > x 0is sufficiently large and uniformly in t[z,x], where we take z= exp((loglog x)100). We usetheabove estimate to compute the sumof thereciprocal s of the primes p P(u), where we put u=x1/100. We we only use the fact that every prime p Pis congruent to 1 modulo q. By inequality we (mod x q=O(1). ForS2, we are in the range where estimate (7) applies so by Abel's su mmation the above estimates, we used the fact that p(t) well as the fact for t>=z. To summarize, we have next eliminate a few primes from Pdefined in (6). Namely, we let P1={p:tp< has a divisor din well-known elementary argument (see, for example, Lemma 4 in [2]) shows (9) therefore by the Abel summation formula one gets easily forP2, results of Indlekofer and Timofeev from [9] show 2-(1 + loglog2) /log2 = 0 .08..., so again by Abel's summation formula one gets thus arrive at the conclusion that letting Q=P(P1P2), we (10) Now let us go back to the numbers n C. LetD1be the subset of C(x) consisting of the numbers free of primes in Q(u). By the Brun (11) 11Assume from now on that n C(x)D1. Thus,p|nfor some prime p Q(u). Assume that p2|nfor some p Q(u). Denote by D2the subset of such n C(x)D1. Keeping p Q(u) fixed, the number of n<=xwith the property that p2|nis<=x/p2. Summing up now over all primes p1 (modq) not exceeding x1/2, we get that the number of such n<=xis (mod Write n=pm, wherepdoes not divide m. We may also there are only at most x/logxpositive integers failing this The definition of Cimplies that 2mp+12j+1 (mod p) for some j= 1,2,...,t, and since 2p2 (modp), we get that note that 2m+1(modp) determines m<=x/puniquely modulo t. We estimate the number of values that mcan take modulo t. Writing X={2j(modp)}, we see that # {m (modp)} <=I/t, whereIis the number of solutions ( x1,x2,x2) to the 0, x 1, x2, x3X. (13) Indeed, to see that, note that if mandjare such that 2m+11 + 2j(modp), then (x1,x2,x3) = (2m+1+y,2y,2j+y) fory= 0,...,t-1, is also a solution of equation (13), and conversely, every solution ( x1,x2,x3) = (2y1,2y2,2y3) of equation (13) arises from 2m+1 1+2j(modp), where m+1 by multiplying it with 2y2. To estimate I, we use exponential sums. For a complex number zpute(z) = exp(2 piz). Using the fact that for z {0,1,...,p-1}the 1 if and only if z= 0 and is 0 otherwise, we the term for a= 0, we we put result of Heath-Brown and Konyagin [8], says 0, then
|Ta| to the fact that the number of values of also m<=x/p, it follows that the number of acceptable values for that x/pt>=1 because pt < p2< u2< x). the first sum T1above, we observe that t<=p/q, therefore t/p2<=1/(pq). Thus, the first sum above (14) where we used again estimate (10). Finally, for the second su mT2, we change the order of summation and thus get can be taken to be any lower bound on the smallest t=tpthat can show up. We will talk about it later. For the moment, note that for a fixedt,pis a prime factor of 2t-1. Thus, there are only O(logt) such primes. Furthermore, for each such prime we havep > qt. P1 P2, we get that tp> p1/2(logp)10. Since p>=2q+ 1, we get that t q1/2(logq)10. Thus, for large xwe may take get an upper bound for T2. (16) Combining the bounds (14) and (16), we get together with the bounds (11) and (12) completes the pr oof of the the density of C1is zero, one my try to calculate the densities of Cm(m >
1) hoping that they are positive and approach 1 as m- . In the Figure 2 we have numerically calculated the density of C2within the odd integers up to 63201. thatthedensity o feachCmisstill zero. However, the next section gives a way out to proving that ck/2kgoes to zero in arithmetic average over odd integers k. 6 The sets Cmfor large m In this section, we prove the following result. Theorem 9. Putm(k) k)3). The set of odd positive integers k such that k Cm(k)is of asymptotic density 1/2. 14x300 250 200 150 100 50 2: The graph of 2#C2(x) x, particular, most odd positive integers kbelong to large. We put y= (loglog x)3. We start by discarding some of the odd positive integers k<=x. We start for some prime q>=y}. Clearly, if n A1, then there exists some prime q>=ysuch that either q2|n, for some prime factor pofn, ornis a multiple of two primes p1< p2such that q|pi-1 for both i= 1 and 2. The number of integers in the first category . Similarly, the number of integers in the second category . The number of integers in the third category (mod (mod , while the number of integers in the fourth and most numerous category (mod q), (mod q), (mod . We now letA2be the set of k<=xdivisible by some q Qwithq > y. To estimate # A2, we begin by estimating the counting function # Q(t) ofQfor positive real numbers t. (17) By Abel's summation formula, we now get . Recall now that P(m) stands for the largest prime factor of the positive integer m. Known results from the theory of distribution of smooth numb ers show that uniformly for 3<=s<=t, we have Ps(t,s) = #{m<=t:P(m)<=s} texp(-u/2), (18) whereu= logt/logs(see [15, Section III.4]). Thus, putting z= conclude that the uniformly for large xoncet > z, because in this case x, so, in particular, u/2>5logloglog xholds for all large x. Furthermore, if t > Z=
exp((loglog x)2), sufficiently large. Thus, in this range, inequality (19) ca n be improved x)x (logx)2. (20) Now forapositive integer m, weputd(m,y) for thelargest divisor dofmwhich isy-smooth, that is,P(d)<=y. LetA3be the set of k<=xhaving a prime factor pexceeding p1/10. To estimate # A3, we fix a y-smooth number dand a prime pwith z10< p < d10such that p1 (modd), and observe that the number of n<=xwhich are multiples of this prime pis<= x/p. Note also that d > p1/10> z. Summing up over all 17the possibilities for dandp, we get that # A3does not (mod (mod above estimates, we usedasidefrom theAbel summation (19), also the minimal order of the Euler function for all d[1,x]. It remains to bound the above integral. For this, we split it at Zand use estimates (19) and (20). In the smaller range, we have the larger range, we use estimate (20) and these together we get . Now letl=d(k,z10). Put w= x)3), and putA4for the set of k<=xsuch that l > w. Note that each such khas a divisor d > w such that P(d)<=z10. Since for such dwe 6logloglog x, 18we get that in the range x,for large x, for such toncexis large. Furthermore, if t > Z1= exp(1280loglog x(logloglog u/2>2loglogx. In this range. By an argument already used previously, we hav e that # A4is at , where the above integral was estimated by splitting it at Z1and using estimates (21) and (22) for the lower and upper ranges the set of k<=xwhich are coprime to all primes p[y,z10]. By the x=o(x) asx- . We next let A6be the set of k<=xsuch that P(k)< w100. Clearly,
#A6= Ps(x,w100) , wherec1= we some p1 (mod d) andp < d3}. Assume that k A7. Then there is a prime factor pofkand a divisor dofp-1 of size d > p1/3such that dp|k. Fixing dandp, the number of such n<=xis<= x/(dp). . Here, we used t(m) for the number of divisors of the positive integer mand the fact that t(m)emeholds for all e >0 (with the choice of e= 1/12). From now on, k<=xis odd and not From what we have seen above, most oddintegers below Then A4. Further, because k/}atioslash A1. Moreover, if p|k/l, thenp > z10> y, therefore tp> A2. A3, we get that d(p-1,y)< p1/10, p1/5for all such p. Moreover, t' pis divisible only by primes > z > y, so ifp1and p2are distinct primes dividing k/l, coprime because k/}atioslash A1. Finally, l > A5. Furthermore, for large xwe have that w > y, sok > land in fact k/lis divisible by a prime > A6. We next put n= We let n0stand for the minimal positive integer such that n0 -k+1 (mod ph(l)) and let m=n0+lph(l). Note x)3). We may also assume that k > x/logxsince there are only at most x/logx=o(x) this property. Since k > x/logx, we get that m < for large x. We will now show that this value for mworks. First of all (modph(l)) andx1,...,x tare any nonnegative integers. Let U= any choice of the integers x1,...,x t. Letpbe any prime divisor of k/l. A1. In Certainly, the order of 2nmodulopis precisely t' p. So, #X=t' p>
p1/5. A recent result of Bourgain, Glibichuk and Konyagin (see Th eorem 5 in [1]), shows that there exists a constant Twhich is absolute such that for all integers l, the an integer solutions 0 <=x1,...,x t< t' poncet > T. In fact, for large pthe number of such = #{(x1,...,x t) : 0<=x1,...,x in the parameter land uniformly in the number t. In particular, if we let N1(t,p,l) be the number of such solutions with xi=xjfor some Indeed, the pair ( i,j) be chosen in O(t2) ways, and the common value of xi=xjcan be chosen in # Xways. Once these two data are chosen, then the number of ways of choosing xs > T+ 2. In conclusion, if all thave two components equal, then p1/5#Xt2, sopt10. For us, t<=2w2, sopw20. SinceP(k) =P(k/l)> w100, it follows that at least for the largest prime p=P(k), we may assume that x1,...,x tare all distinct modulo pfor a suitable value of l. We apply the above result with l=U,t=lph(l) (note that since t > y, it follows that t > T+2 does indeed hold for large values of x), and write x(p) = (x1(p),...,x t(p)) for a solution t' p. We also assume that for at least one prime (namely the largest one) the xi(p)'s are distinct. Now choose integers x1,...,x tsuch that xixi(p) (mod t' p) for allp|k/l. This is possible by the Chinese Remainder Lemma since the nu mberst' p are coprime as pvaries over the distinct prime factors of k/l. We assume that for each i, xiis the minimal nonnegative integer in the corresponding ari thmetic progression Further, since nxi(p) are distinct modulo t' pwhenp=P(k), it follows that nxi are also distinct for i= 1,...,t. Hence, for such xi's we have that a multiple of all p|k/l, and since k/lis square-free, we get that the above congruence is also valid modulo l, so it is valid modulo k= lcm[l,k/l], since landk/lare coprime. we have said, the numbers xinare distinct and they can be chosen of sizes at Finally, nxiare divisible by ph(l) whereas none of the 1,...,n 0-1 is unless n0= 1. Thus, assuming that n0/}atioslash= 1, we get that are distinct except for the fact that ph(l)-(n0-1) appears twice. Let usfirstjustify that n0/}atioslash= 1. Recalling thedefinition of n0, we get that if this were sothen ph(l)|k. However, we have just said that lhas a prime factor p > y. Ifph(l)|k, by both pandp-1 for some p > yand this is impossible since n/}atioslash A1. Finally, to deal with therepetition of the exponent ph(l)-(n0-1), wereplace this by as usual tkis the order of 2 modulo n. We show that with this replacement, all the exponents are distinct. Indeed, this replacement will not c hange the value of Assumethat after this replacement, still one of the n, tpfor all primes p|l. for all primes p|l, we get that tp|n0-1, sotp|k. Sincelis divisible by some prime p > y(because k/}atioslash A5), we get that tp|k. A2, we get that tp> p1/3. Thus,kis divisible by a prime p > yand a divisor dofp-1 with d > p1/3, and this is false since n/}atioslash A7. Hence, this is impossible, so it must be the case Thisshowsthat tkis a multiple of tP(k)>=P(k)1/3, showing that P(k)<=230w60, which is false for large A6. Thus, the new exponents are all distinct for our values of k. As far as their sizes go, note that since khas at least two odd prime factors, it follows that tk|ph(k)/2, therefore ph(l)-(n0-1) +tk<=w+ph(k)/2< w+k/2< ksincek >2wfor largex. Thus, we have obtained a representation of 2k+m-1 modulo mof the 0<=j1< ... < j m<=k, which shows that k Cm. Sincem<=m(k) andCm Cm(k), the conclusion follows. Remark 10. The above proof shows that in fact the number of odd k < xsuch that k/}atioslash x). Corollary 11. For large x, the inequality for all odd k < x with at most O(x/logloglog follows from the fact that ck=ak/k<=2k+m/k, wherek Cm(see Theorem 6), together with above Theorem 9 and Remark 10. Corollary 12. The for all odd, then ck/2k<=1, Cm(k), then still ck/2k<=1 and, by the Corollary 11, the number of suchk's isO(x/logloglog x). x. For the remaining odd values of k<=x, we have it suffices to show x, is equivalent x/log2, which in turn is implied x x)3), and this is certainly true for large x. Thus, is what we wanted to prove. In (23) asx- . One can adapt these techniques to obtain that the whole sequ to 0 in arithmetic average. In order to do so, the s etsCmshould be and an analog of Theorem 9 for these new sets should be proved. We leave this for a subsequent work. 247 Existence and bounds for akin base q >2 Letq>=2 be a fixed integer and let xbe a positive real number. Put Vk(x) ={0<=n < x:sq(n) =k}, Vk(x;h,m) ={0<=n < x:sq(n) and S' ark ozy proved in [12] that if gcd( m,q(q-1)) = 1, then there exists some constant c0depending on qsuch that if we put l= is well distributed in residues classes modulo mprovided that m 0, we deduce that if k <exp(c0l1/2), then Vk(x;0,k) = (1+ uniformly in our range for k. The condition on kis equivalent to log kl1/2, which is implied by Thus, we have the following result. Lemma 13. Letq>=2be fixed. There exists a constant c1such that if kis any positive integer with gcd(k,q(q-1)) = 1, thenVk(x)is well distributed in arithmetic progressions of modulus kwhenever x 2 of [12] implies that if asx- , (24) then the estimate
#Vk(x) with some explicit constant c3dependingon q. As a corollary of this result, we deduce the following result. Lemma 14. If condition (24)is satisfied, then casekandqare coprime but kandq-1 are not, we may apply instead Theorem B of [11] with m=kandh= 0 to arrive at a similar result. 25Lemma 15. Assume that q>=2is fixed. There exists a constant c4depending only on q such that if kis a positive integer with gcd(k,q) = 1, andx>=exp(c4k), 0. One can even remove the coprimality condition on qandk. Assume that xis such (25) wherec5is some suitable constant depending on q. Using Theorem C and Lemma 5 of 0, we obtain the following result. Lemma 16. Assume that both estimates (25)andk <2(logx)1/4hold. Then sufficient condition on xfor Lemma 16 above to hold is that x >exp(c6k), where c6is a constant is a constant that depends on q. Putting Lemmas 15 and 16 together we obtain the next theorem. Theorem 17. For allq>=2there exists a constant c6depending on qsuch that for all k>=1there exists ak= exp(O(k)) for all k, and in particular it is nonzero. The of Lemma 18 shows that ak= exp(o(k)) does not always hold as k- . Lemma 18. Ifq >2, 2, thena2m= fact that sq(aqm) =qmfor allq>=2 is immediate. We now show the minimality of the given aqmwith this property. Let am= (qm-1)/(q-1). Note that every digit of qam-1 in base qis maximal, so qam-1 is minimal such that sq(qam-1) =qm-1. Since qam-1 = contain the least term qt, wheret > am-1 such that its sum of digits is qmandqm|aqm. The least term is obviously qam, and it just happens that aqmsuch the mentioned J. Bourgain, A. A. Glibichuk and S. V. Konyagin, 'Estimat es for the number of sums and products and for exponential sums in finite fields of prime order',J. London Math. Soc. 73(2006), 380-398. [2] W. D. Banks, M. Z. Garaev, F. Luca and I. E. Shparlinski, 'U niform distribution of fractional parts related to pseudoprimes', Canadian J. Math. , to appear. [3] T. Cai, 'On 2-Niven numbers and 3-Niven numbers', Fibonacci Quart. C. N. Cooper and R. E. Kennedy, 'On consecutive Niven numb ers',Fibonacci Quart. 21(1993), 146-151. [5] J. M. De Koninck and N. Doyon, 'On the number of Niven numbe rs up to x',Fi- bonacci Quart. 41(2003), 431-440. [6] J. M. De Koninck, N. Doyon, and I. Katai, 'On the counting f unction for the Niven numbers', Acta Arith. 106(2003), 265-275. [7] H. G. Grundman, 'Sequences of consecutive Niven numbers ',Fibonacci Quart. 32 (1994), 174-175. [8] D. R. Heath-Brown and S. Konyagin, 'New bounds for Gauss s ums derived from kth powers', Quart. J. Math. 51(2000), 221-235. [9] H.-K. Indlekofer and N. M. Timofeev, 'Divisors of shifte d primes', Publ. Math. 307-345. [10] L. C. Lagarias and A. M. Odlyzko, 'Effective versions of Ch ebotarev's Density Theo- rem', inAlgebraic Number Fields (A. Fr olich, ed.), Academic Press, New York, C. Mauduit, C. Pomerance and A. S' ark ozy, 'On the distr ibution in residue classes of integers with a fixed digit sum', The Ramanujan J. 9(2005), 45-62. [12] C. Mauduit and A. S' ark ozy, 'On the arithmetic structu re of integers whose sum of digits is fixed', Acta Arith. 81(1997), 145-173. [13] I. Niven, H.S. Zuckerman and H.L. Montgomery, ' An introduction to the theory of numbers', Fifth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1991. 27[14] F. Pappalardi, 'On Hooley's theorem with weights', Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. 375-388. [15] G.Tenenbaum, ' Introduction to analytic and probabilistic number theory ', Press, 1995. [16] I. Vardi, 'Niven numbers', SS2.3 inComputational Recreations in Mathematics 1991, 19 and 28-31. 28 | 0803.0477 | Eugen Ionascu Dr | H. Fredricksen, E. J. Ionascu, F. Luca, P. Stanica | Minimal Niven numbers | 28 pages, 2 figures | null | 10.4064/aa132-2-3 | null | math.NT math.CO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Define a(k,q) to be the smallest positive multiple of k such that the sum of
its digits in base q is equal to k.
The asymptotic behavior, lower and upper bound estimates of a(k,q) are
investigated. A characterization of the minimality condition is also
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"created": "Tue, 4 Mar 2008 15:28:47 GMT"
] | 2015-05-13T00:00:00 | [
"E. J.",
] |
2 lepton is a muon, the neutrino is detected by requir- ing the missing mass-squared to peak at zero. When the charged lepton is a t, the identification is made through the subsequent decays t-en-nandt-p-n. BaBar [3] observes Dscoming from the decay D*
s-Dsg, produced well above threshold. They compare the relative num- ber of subsequent Ds-u+nandDs-php, and then use their own measurement of B(Ds-php) to Belle [5] also observes Insummary, values and error bars that are straightforward to in- terpret, and to combine to obtain Eq. (3). The measured branching fraction and Eq. (1) yield
|Vcs|fDs. Three-generation CKM unitarity is assumed, either taking |Vcs|from a global fit to flavor physics [1], or setting |Vcs|=|Vud|. The difference is numerically ir- relevant. Relaxing the assumption cannot lead to agree- ment between theory and experiment because unitarity, even for more than three generations, requires |Vcs|<1, whereas the discrepancy would require |Vcs| 1.1. Radiative corrections. --The measurements are not, strictly speaking, for Ds-lnalone, because some pho- tons are always radiated. The radiative corrections have been studied, focusing on effects that could overcome the helicity suppression [9, is no sizable helicity suppression. In the rest frame of the Ds, thetacquires only 9.3 MeV of kinetic energy, so it cannot radiate much. [9] shows that the radiative corrections are too small to account for the discrepancy corrections could play a not so the factor helicity suppression. Using Eq. (12) of Ref. [9] and imposing the CLEO [4] cut Eg>300 MeV, we find that the radiative rate is around 1% and, hence, insuffi- cient to explain the QCD --There are many lattice-QCD calcula- tions for fDsin the literature, but only Refs. [7, 8] in- clude which is necessaryto find agreement for many gold-plated quantities, namely those for which errors are easiest to control [12]. start with lattice gauge fields generated fermions for the sea quarks. At finite lattice spac- ing this approachhas small violationsof unitarity and lo- cality. Theoretical and numerical evidence suggests with the undesirable features controlled with chi- ral perturbation theory. The strengths and weaknesses of this approach have been reviewed in detail [14]. Reference [7] reports an error five times smaller thanthat of Ref. [8] for several reasons. The largest uncer- tainties in Ref. [8] come from a power-counting estimate of the discretization error for the charm quark, and in the chiral extrapolation. Reference [7] employs a different discretization for the charm quark, which allows a controlled extrapolation to the continuum limit. Thus, the discretization error here is driven by the underlying numerical data. The action for the charm quark in Ref. [7], called HISQ [15], is the same as that used for the light valence quarks. As a result the statistical errors are smaller than those of the heavy-quark method used in Ref. [8], and the axial current automatically has the physical normal- ization. The suitability of HISQ for charm is one of its design features, it has been tested via the [15], and the computed DandDsmasses The D+decayconstant experiment, at 1 s. Another feature of Ref. [7] is the way the lattice- spacing and sea-quark mass dependence is fitted. Full details are not yet published, but it is noteworthy that the same analysis yields fpandfKin agreement with experiment [1] and earlier, equally precise, [16]. The Dsmeson is simpler than the pion or kaon for lattice QCD, because none of the valence quarks is light, so fDsis easier to determine than fp. We find that simple extrapolations lead to the same central values for both mDsandfDs. The errorbar in Eq. (4) is smaller than that in Eq. the yardstick for the deviation. To illustrate, if the lattice-QCD error bar were doubled, the 2.7 s, 2.5s, and 3.3 sfort,u, and combined. Hence, even if additional sources of uncertainty are un- covered, evidence for a deviation may well effective interactions. --Although the ex- periments quote the final states as charge conjugates), the flavor of the neutrino is not detected. Nonstandard physics could lead to any neu- trino flavor, even a sterile neutrino. However, given the large effect that needs to be explained, we shall restrict our attention to amplitudes that could interfere with which fixes the neutrino flavor. new physics may contribute to the following effective complex dimensionless parame- ters,Mis the mass of some particle whose exchange in- ducesthe and the in the mass-eigenstate basis. The hadronic matrix element required for the decay induced by (- sg5c)(-nLlR) is related to the one of Eq. (2) by partial conservation of the axial current: ( branching fraction in the presence of the operators (5) is given by Eq. (1) with no helicity suppression in the last term. The imaginarypart of Vcsis negligible(in the standard CKM parametrization [1]), so constructive would increase B(Ds-ln), requires the real be nonzero and positive. Assuming only one nonzero coefficient, the amplitude for t+nt(u+nu) could be increased by 12% (8.4%) only GeV for l=t 850 GeV for GeV for l=t 4500 GeV for l=u,(8) thereby reducing the discrepancy to 1 sin each case. These bounds are a key new result of this Letter, be- cause they constrain any model of new physics. The effective interaction (5) also contributes to the semileptonic decays D-Ku+n. This proceeds through two amplitudes, corresponding to angular momentum J= 1 or 0 for the lepton pair. For J= 1, the standard- model amplitude and that from Cu Aare not helicity sup- pressed, while that from Cu Pis. ForJ= 0, the pattern of helicity suppression is as for the leptonic decay. Hence, only the J= 1 part of the rate will be visible, and as the accuracy of the lattice-QCD calculations improves, the comparison with experiment will help decide are responsible for the effect in Ds-ln. The current status favors 0 rather than 0, because the lattice-QCD prediction for D-Kun[17] agrees with experiment [18], albeit at the ~7% level. New particles. --There are three choices for the electric charge of a boson that can mediate the four-fermion op- erators (5): +1 ,+2/3,-1/3, corresponding to the three diagrams shown in Fig. 1. The exchanged boson (taken to be emitted from the vertex where cis absorbed) is a color singlet if the electric charge is +1, and a color triplet if the electric charge is +2 /3 or-1/3. We shall consider only the cases where the new boson has spin 0 or 1, and its interactions are new vector boson, W', of electric charge +1 would contribute only to Cl A. Such a boson must be 1: Four-fermion operators induced by boson exchange.with a new gauge symmetry, which makes it difficult to allow large couplings to left-handed leptons. One pos- sibility is that WandW'mix, but the constraint from electroweak data on mixing ( is too strong to allow noticeable deviations in Dsdecays. Another pos- sibility is that some new vector-like fermions transform under the new gauge symmetry and mix with the left- handed leptons. Such mixing is also tightly by the nonobservation of vector-like fermions at LEP and the Tevatron. Overall, a W'is (e.g., with large W-W'mixing whose are cancelled by other particles). A spin-0 particle of charge +1, H+, appears in models with two or more Higgs doublets. Its interactions, in the mass eigenstate basis for charged fermions, complex Yukawa couplings. The ex- change of H+inducesCl A= 0 to the H+mass. If H+is the charged Higgs boson present in the Type-II then so that Cl Pcan have either sign [19], but the Yukawa couplings are too interference. For example, a model where one doublet gives the c,u(but not d,s,b, ort) and lepton masses, and has a vacuum ex- pectation value of ~2 GeV, yields |ys| Furthermore, such a model explains why the It model does not induce neutral currents, and the of H+are CKM suppressed. Given that this model has not been previously studied, its 1-loop con- tributions to flavor-changing processes (such as b-sg) need to be computed before deciding whether some fine tuning is required to evade experimental bounds. The charge -1/3 and +2 /3 exchanges correspond to leptoquarks. A scalar charge +2 /3 exchange arises for the (3,2,+7/6) set of leptoquark appears, for example, in a new theory of quark and lepton masses [20]. Let r= (ru,rd) be the doublet leptoquark, where rdis its charge +2 /3 compo- nent. The interaction terms relevant here, written in the same basis as (5), are Therd exchange gives Cl A= 0 and Since the leptoquark couplings can have any phase, the new ampli- tude Still, constrain the couplings of r. Even if its couplings to first-generation fermions were negligible, the lepton- flavor violating decays t-u-ss, where -sshadronizes set a lower limit on M2/|l' stl' su|, which is hard to reconcile with Eq. (8). One way out would be a model with two rleptoquarks, with one coupling to t and the other one to u. The constraint from t-u-ss similarly disfavors spin-1 leptoquarks of charge +2 /3. A scalar leptoquark of charge -1/3 (also discussed in [20]) arises in the case of two sets of (3 Letusdenote the former by ~d. Its Yukawa couplings are given complex parameters. These inter- actions are present, for example, in R-parity models (their effect on Ds-e+nhas been analyzed in Ref. [21]). The ~dexchange, as in the last diagram of Fig. 1, gives (for Mequal to the mlmc/m2 Ds, the interference is automati- cally constructive [see Eq. (6)], and the resulting devia- tions intnandunare if |ku| |kt|. Moreover, there are no severe constraints from other pro- cesses on the couplings the ones to first-generation quarks could be small. The an SU(2)W component of charge -4/3 which mediates t-u-ss. The vector leptoquark of charge -1/3 has the same --We have argued that the 3 .8sdiscrep- ancy between the standard model and the combined ex- perimental measurements of Ds-lnappears so far to be robust, and thus it is worth interpreting it in terms of new physics. The upper bounds (7) and (8) on the scale of four-fermion operators are low enough to of the underlying physics at the of charge -1/3may solve the Ds puzzle without running into conflict with any other mea- surements. At the LHC, the ~dcan be strongly produced in pairs, and the final states would be l+l-jj, wherelis ator au, andjis ac-jet. Given that there are two lj pairs, each of them forming a resonance at the ~dmass, the backgrounds can be kept under control. The around 200 GeV [22]. An alternative explanation is provided by an H+ex- change in a (new) model where a Higgs doublet gives masses to the charged leptons and canduquarks, and a second Higgs doublet gives masses to the down-type and top quarks. Both the leptoquark and charged Higgs solutions lead naturally to comparable increases in the branching fractions for Ds-t+nandDs-u+n, as sug- gested by the --We thank P. Fox, E. Lunghi, S. Stone and R. Van de Water for helpful is operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, under US DoE Contract W. M. Yao et al.[Particle Data Group], J. Phys. G 33, 1 (2006) and 2007 partial update for 2008. [2] J. L. Rosner and S. Stone, arXiv:0802.1043 [hep-ex]. [3] B. Aubert et al.[BABAR Collaboration], Phys. 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Kronfeld | Accumulating evidence for nonstandard leptonic decays of D_s mesons | 4 pages; v2 conforms with PRL version | Phys.Rev.Lett.100:241802,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.241802 | FERMILAB-Pub-08-051-T | hep-ph hep-ex hep-lat | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | The measured rate for D_s -> l nu decays, where l is a muon or tau, is larger
than the standard model prediction, which relies on lattice QCD, at the 3.8
sigma level. We discuss how robust the theoretical prediction is, and we show
that the discrepancy with experiment may be explained by a charged Higgs boson
or a leptoquark.
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"created": "Tue, 4 Mar 2008 19:45:00 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 14 Jul 2008 17:44:27 GMT"
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I. INTRODUCTION An important application of lattice gauge theory is to calcu late hadronic matrix elements nf= 2+1 flavors 4],wenowhavean excitin calcu- lations. To match the experimental uncertainty, available now or in the short term, it is essential to control all other sources of theoretical uncertainty as w ell as possible. An attractivetarget is This increases vementsareneeded too. Many of the important processes are electroweak transition s of heavy charmed or A particular challenge stems from heavy-quark disc retization effects, because key to meeting the challenge is to observe that heavy quar ks are non-relativistic in the quarkmass, from the soft scales inside the hadron and treated with an effective field theory instead of computer simulation. Even so, at available lattice spaci ngs [1], many calculations of properties suffer from a discretization error of ar ound 7% (5%) [2, 3]. Thus, it moreaccurate theaccuracy for heavy quarks[7] toinclude in the lattice action all interactions of dimension six. We a lso include certain interactions of dimension seven. Because heavy quarks are non-relativisti c, they are commensurate with (NRQCD) forquarkonium [6]. The Fermilab method starts with Wilson fermions [8] and the c lover action [9]. With these actions latticespacing effects are bounded for large mQa, thanks to heavy-quark symmetry. They can be reduced systematically by allowing an asymmetry betw een spatial and temporal interac- tions. Asymmetry in the lattice action compensates for the n on-relativistic kinematics, enabling a through the Symanzik effective field theory [10]. may interpret Wilson fermions from the o utset [7], and set up the matching lattice gauge theory and continuum QCD to e ach other through HQET and NRQCD [11, 12]. The Symanzik description makes it possible t o design a lattice action that TheHQETdesc ription, on retizationerrors new action introduced below has nineteen bilinear inter actions beyond those of the asym- metric version of the clover action, as well as many four-qua rk interactions. Several of these couplings are redundant, and many more vanish when matching to continuum QCD at the tree level. We study how many of the new opera tors are needed to achieve 1-2%
accuracy. We find, in the end, that only sixnew interactions are essential for such accuracy. The action is designed with some flexibility, so that one may choo se the computationally least paper is organized as follows. Section II considers the description of lattice gauge theories. Then, in somedetail , we identifya full set ofoperators de- scribing heavy-quark discretization effects. We then dete rminehow many of these are Wehave two goals in this analysis. One is to design the new, more high ly improved, action; for this step a Symanzik-like description is more helpful, and the resulti ng action is given in Sec. III. The other is to estimate the discretization errors of the new action; h ere the HQET and NRQCD descrip- tions are more useful. To make error estimates, and to use the new action in numerical work, Ourerrores ndices: calculation are in Appendix A; some details of the C ompton scattering amplitude used for matching are in Appendix B; a discussion of improvement o f the gauge action on (which one needs only if the heavy quarks are not que nched) is in Appendix C. Some reported earlier[13]. II. this section we discuss how to understand and control disc retization effects using effective field theories. is massmQL. For more details, the reader may consult earlier work [7, 11 , 12, 14, 15] or a pedagogical review [16]. Here we catalog all interactio ns of dimension 6 and also forheavy quarks,are ofco mparablesizewhen in latticefield theories are most elegantlys tudied with withSymanzik [10]and was ext ended togluonsand lightquarks by Weiszand collaborators[9, 17, 18,19]. lattice itself regulates the ultraviolet behavior of th e underlying (lattice) theory Llat. On the other hand, a continuum scheme, which does not need to be spec ified in detail, regulates agrangian (LE the gauge coupling and quark mass (of flavor f), renormalized at The (continuum) QCD Lagrangian appears as the first two term s. The sum consists Ki. effects. The short-distance coefficients depend on t he renormalization point and on the couplings, including couplings cjof improvement terms in Llat. Equation (2.2) is fairly to all orders in perturbation theory [20, 21] an d believed to hold well. If ais small enough, the terms Limay be treated as operator insertions, leading to as QCD +smallcorrecti ons. In heavy-quark physics mQL, whereLis the QCD scale, so one is led to consider what happens when The short-distance coefficients depend explicitly on the m ass. Time derivatives of heavy-quark or heavy-antiquark fields in the Lialso generate mass dependence of observables. With field equivalently, wi th the equations of can be eliminated. Focusing on a single heavy fla vorQ, the result of these 14, the ellipsis denotes the unaltered LE Lfor gluons and light quarks. By construction the -Li do nothaveany quarksorantiquar ks. The advantage of Eq. (2.3) is that all dependence on the heavy -quark mass is in the heavy-quark symmetry of Wilson quarks (with either the W ilson [8] or [9] actions) guarantees that the coefficients -Ki(m2a)are bounded for all m2a. This fea- ture can be preserved by improving the lattice Lagrangian wi th discretizations of the -Li, thereby avoiding higher time derivatives [7, 11]. For such improved actions, Eq. (2.3) neatly isolates the potentially most serious problem of heavy quarks into the de viation of the ays. two hopping parameters [7], tuned so that m1=m2. Then Eq. (2.3) once again takes the form QCD + small corrections. The new lattice action intro duced in Sec. III has two solution is to interpret Wilson fermions in a non-re lativistic framework. One can replace the Symanzik description with one using a non-relat ivistic effective field theory for the quarks Fortheleading -Q-Qtermin a matching coefficient, and h(+)is a heavy-quark field satisfying h(+)= +g4h(+). Another set of terms appears for the antiquark, with field effective theory conserves heavy quarks and heavy antiquarks separately. As a consequence, the rest mass m1has no effect on mass splittings and matrix elements.1For lattice gauge theory this impliesthat the bare quark mass (or hoppin g parameter) should not be adjusted viam1. Instead, thebare normalizethek ineticenergy D2/2m2. Onecan fields instead of Dirac quark fields [11]. Higher-dimen sion operators in the 4)andofthe -Li. ugetheory withheavy (2.5) where the operators Oion the right-hand side are those of a (continuum) heavy-quar k of dimension 5 and higher, built out of heavy-quark fi eldsh(+-), gluons, and light quarks. (The leading ellipsisdenotes term forthe gluonsand lightq uarks only.) The Ciare m2a,andalso all couplings cjin the lattice action. The logic and structure is the same as t he ustingcouplings someaccuracy)for the first several Oi. 1A simpleproofcanbe foundinRef. interactions that could appear in the Syma nzik LELthrough dimension 6. Dim With axis-interchange symmetry Without axis-intercha nge symmetry HQET lsNRQCD ut 3 -qq -QQ 4 -qD /q -Q(g4D4+m1)Q 1 u2 -Qg*DQ l u2 5 -qD2q e 1-QD2 4Q e 1 -QD2Q d 1 l u2 -i 2-qsunFunq -QiS*BQ l u4 -Qa*EQ l2u4 6 -qguD3 uq -QgiD3 iQ l3u4 -q{D /,D2}q e 2-Qg4D3 4Q e 2 -Q{g4D4,D2}Q d 2 -Q{D2 4,g*D}Q th 2 -Q{g*D,D2}Q l3u4 -i 2-q{D /,sunFun}q e F-Q{g*D,a*E}Q e F d B -Q{g*D,iS*B}Q l3u6 -Q[D4,g*E]Q -Qg4(D*E-E*D)Q l3u6 It does not matter whether one carries out the improvement pr ogram by adjusting -Ki(cj) = 0 orClat i(cj) =Ccont i[12]. The results for the cjare the same, provided one identifies mQwithm2. The matching assumes that pa1, but at the same time One is thus led kinematics ( p/m21) in the matching calculation, where both (2.3) and (2.5)--are valid. Kinematics are encoded into the operators -LiorOiand are Hence, kin cj. relativistic kinematics ( p~m2) are possible, and it follows from the field theory that the solution of -Ki(cj) = 0yields the same cjfor both relativistic Quarkbilinears in theLE L In the rest of this section we construct the LE Lappropriate to heavy quarks. The two red redundant. In part analysisofRef. Weshallstar In each case, wefirst ofoperators, and bechosen vesact on allfields Toarrive at as D /2=D2-i 2sunFun, and chargec column. It is easy to showthat thelistis complete, by writingout all independentways to have three covariant derivatives, expressing the EandBfields as anti-commutators of thefourth LELcontains several redundant directions. The equation of mot ion of the leading LE L plays a key role in specifying which operator insertions may be considered redundant. Let Listhe Dirac equation. Below we shall use the non-relativistic eff ective field theory to address the /+m) +ad1g*D+a2e2(D -ei,-di,and-thi. can propagate the change of variables to the LE L, and trace which coefficients of etersinJand-J. -ei= +ei,-di= +di,-th2=-th2. are two redundant directions at dimension 5, and five at dimension 6. That means that action. The third and fifth columns show the correspo ndence between parameters in redundant. includedthe -q[D /,D2]q. Reference[7] includedthe ted. 6arguments [7, 14, 15], all interactions in which g4D4acts onQor (after integration by parts) -Q are redundant. There is quite a bit of freedom here. One could choose eFto eliminate of -Q{g*D,a*E}Q. But the former is suppressed, relative to the latter, inheavy-quark systems. Moreover,inHQET andNRQCD Thus,weprefer to take understand the general pattern of redundant interaction s, let us introduce some be a combination of gauge fields, derivatives, and Dirac mat rices that commutes g4. An exampleof B(E) isiS*B(a*E). Also, let us write B+-(andE+-) has charge conjugation +-1. Because we wish to eliminate time derivatives of quark and antiquark fields, we would like be redundant. That is always possible: simply add to Jin Eq. (2.13) terms of the form dB+B+andthE-E-. As a consequence, neither redundant. On the other hand, only on gaugefields. Thus, by be redundant. Instead of may be convenient to choose throughan identity. C. small corrections of an effective field theory are small, because the product of the short- distance coefficients and the operators yield a ratio of a sho rt-distance scale to a For light quarks in the Symanzik effective field theor y, the essential ratio is a/L-1= La, and dimensional analysis reveals the power of Lato which any contribution is suppressed. In particular, equallyimport ant. Forheavy quarks thephysicsis different, because m-1 Qis a short distance. The ratio not be taken commensuratewith La[7]. Instead, interactions should be classified in a way that brings out the physics. It is natural to turn to HQET and NRQCD. Let us start with heavy-light hadrons and HQET. E-type interactions of given dimension are L/mQtimes Because powersof [11, 12, 15] l~aL,L/mQ. (2.16) This power counting pertains whether mQ< a,mQ~a, ormQ> a. Writing the corrections quarkfields Qand-Q), ls, with s= dimL-4+nG. (2.17) HerenG= 0or1for interactions of the form -QB+Qor-QE+Q, respectively. The sixth column of Table I (labelled HQET) shows the suppression of each inte raction, relative to the from the light degrees of freedom. In the follo wing we call the power counting onEq. (2.17), HQET powercount ing. 7TABLE II: Dimension-(7,0) bilinear interactions that are c ommensurate, for heavy quarks, with those u4,u6(in NRQCD). Dim Without axis-interchange symmetry HQET lsNRQCD ut 7 -QD4 iQ d l3u6 -Q(D2)2Q d [{g*D,iS*B}] l3u6 -QDiiS*BDiQ l3u6 -QD*(BxD)Q d [g*(DxB+BxD)] l3u6 -Q(iS*B)2Q d [{g*D,D2}] l3u8 -QB*BQ l3u8 -Q(a*E)2Q d [[D4,g*E]] l3u6 -QE*EQ l3u6 Nowlet us recall how to quarkonium according to internal velocity, u. Because color source and sink are both c carry a power of u3, and a power of u4[22].E-type interactions are suppressed by a power of p/mQ=u, analogously to their suppression in heavy-light suppressedby ut, wherenow t= (2.18) andnE(nB) is the number of chromoelectric (chromomagnetic) fields. T he seventh column inter action. on Eq.(2.18), NRQCD p down the sixth and seventh column of Table I, one see s several terms of order l3 andu6, from Eqs. (2.17) and (2.18) one realizes that some dimensio n-7 interactions are of the same order. They are listed in Table II. There are two interac tions with four derivatives, six with the chromomagnetic field and two derivatives, and four with t woEor twoBfields. A ityDiD2Di= Other dimension-7 operators carry power l4in HQET power counting, or u8(or higher) in NRQCD power counting. Five combinations are redundant (as s hown), and we shall see below howtheyand theothers = (7,1)operator -Q{D2,a*E}Qand several (d,nG) = (8,0)operators, all with nE= 1andnD+nG= 3, have NRQCD power-counting u6. Reference [22] includes spin- dependent ones, to obtain the next-to-leading corrections to spin-dependent mass splittings. We havenot included these operators in our analysis, but a stra the IVB1 plings. Although this description of cutoff effects is somewhat cum bersome, it provides a for our new action, given in Sec. III. To obtain th e new action, we simply in Tables Iand II, except thosewithhigher timederivatives. smoothlyas mQa-0[7], reproducing the universal continuum limit of QCD. Similarly, discretiz ations of the E-type interactions, needed toretain that Bilinear interactions that could appear in thehe avy-quark LE Lthrough dimension 7. Dim Without axis-interchange symmetry HQET lsNRQCD ut 3 -h(+-)h(+-) 4 u4 6 Heavy-quark description For understanding the size of heavy-quark discretization e ffects, it is simpler to switch to a non-. (When it is also necessary to see the connection to QCD.) The list of interactions is much shorter, because the constr the ofthefield variables arepossi similarlyfor -J. To parameters in Jand-J. Thus, there are four redundant directions of interest--all w ith the In the end, just as many non-redundant interactions re main as in the Symanzik good way to estimate thesize ofremaining as inSec. V. 9E. Gauge-field andfour-quark interactions in theLE we givea cursory sketch of the gauge action. Then we cons ider the four-quark Inpractice(se eSec. V),wefind nalyzed in as. heavy-quark loops. Improved anisotropic actions have been discussed in the literature [23], butfull Wepresent thedet ailsin AppendixC. We are most concerned here with effects that survive on shell , so we study here the possible changes [9, vention. toEq. (2.22)when the dsvanish. For a moment, let us set eJf=dJf= 0in Eqs. (2.23) and (2.24), and focus on the at dimension six. There are three independent ways--pa rametrized by eA,dA, the gauge field, yielding three redundant directi ons. Similarly, there are eight distinct classes of Fig. 1, thatcan be used in an 1--may beomittedfroman on. The transformations involving the currents -qfgutaqfare more interesting. They shift the LE L [cf. Eq. iononanisotropic lattices: rectangles (middle); bent rectangles (bottom). Nomen clature from Ref. [19]. where the derivatives act only on the gauge fields. The size of these shifts--of order g2for four- quark operators and of order g0for bilinears--is commensurate with the respective terms th at LSym. Thus,the now list the dimension-six four-quark interactions in th e LEL. For a single flavor, with the color structure (-qGq)2may be omitted, because they can be related to Dirac indices. The Fierz problembecomes moreintricate , and we shall find that Letussta Thefour-quark termsintheLE short-distance coefficients, the Greek (Latin) ind ices label color (flavor), interactions that could appear in the L EL(for asingle flavor). Dim With axis interchange Without axis interchange 6 rrangement Asumover Dirac matrices GXin each of the sets assumed. symmetry, the sets would be Color octet Color -QGXtaQ-QGXtaQ - Heavy-heavy Fierz rearrangement matrix (with F2= 1), and the minus sign comes from the fermion fields. Equation (2.26) leaves the flavor and co lor indices uncontracted, but to get terms intheLE L, thecolorindices mustbecontracted (oneway oranother), a nd theflavor labels must yield a flavor-neutral interaction. Without loss, we ca n choose the side of Eq. (2.26) such that the Dirac matrices contract quark fields of the same flavo r. Then one can use Fierz generators ( (2.28) sothat contracted across thesamefield s astheDiracand using Fierz rearrangement to bring quarks of the same fl avor next to each other, one is left with the interactions in Table V. To be concrete, we co nsidernlflavors of light and two flavors of heavy quarks (charm and bottom). We neglec t the dependence of the coefficients on the light quark masses, because four-q uark interactions are already (of dimension six). In that case, the four-quar k interactions can be arranged so that onlytheSU( nl) parameters eJfanddJfmay be used to eliminate color-octet current-current inter actions. For each heavy flavor, one finds be redundant. For light quarks, we may neglect the differences in the mass, so they have commo n parameters, and the flavor- singlet combination redundant. For the light flavors, our list of operators is a Fierz rearrangement ofthelistin Ref. [9]. The leading HQET power counting for heavy-light four-quark operators follows from (2.17): l2+nG, justas werereplaced bythreederiv a- 12tives. Heavy-heavy four-quark operators willbe suppresse d,oncematrix elementsare taken, by a heavy-quark loop,leadingto g2l4+nG. In quarkonium, the size of heavy-light four-quark operator s follows similarly from Eq. (2.18): u3+nG. The operators are moreinteresting. T heymust containtwo contribu- tions, one to improve t-channel gluon exchange, and another to improve s-channel powercounting Thelatterare leading to g2u6-nG~u7-nGin all. In practice, the s-channel contributions are when treated as an insertion in a color-singlet qua rkonium state. At the tree level, the only color structure that can arise is the color-octet. Its m atrix elements vanish in the Fock state of quarkonium, leaving the u3-suppressed -QQAcolor octet [25]. operators additionalf actor ofg2~u. III. this section we introducea new, improvedlattice action f or heavy quarks, designed to yield smaller discretization errors than the action in Ref. [7]. O ur design is based on several lessons from the preceding section and Refs. [7, 11, 12]. First, it is important to preserve the symmetry of Wilson fermions, so that the coeffic ients-Kistay bounded for all mQa. (This feature is spoiled in the standard improvement progra m designed for light quarks, mQ.) cleanlyontoboth theSymanzik descriptionand then on-. Letus writetheactionas the improved gauge action [Eq. (C7)], S0is the basic Fermilab action, the S(d,nG) consist of the bilinear terms added to improve the quark sect or, S(d,nG)consists of (discretizations of) interactions of dimensio nd, withnGas in the discussion of power counting, Eqs. (2.16)-(2.18). Incl uding the interactions in and lower components, but allows a smooth limit a-0.3Our aim is to improve Thenth well. Finally, S-qq-qqconsists of discretizations of four-quark operators, at di mension action[7]isa onaction (3.2) We denote lattice fermions fields with psto distinguish them from the continuum quark fields in Sec. II. The dimension-five Wilson terms are included in S0to remove doubler states. S(d,1) infavorof [7, (3.4) where the notation SBandSEis from Ref. [7], and the discretizations defined below. Thenew thispaper ar atticeaction. as [2 7]. 14Equations (3.5)-(3.7) contain 19 new couplings. The conven tion for couplings ci,riandzi is as follows. In matching calculations we find that coupling szivanish at the tree level, while the couplings cido not. Couplings riare redundant and, for this reason, could be omitted. The analysis in Sect. II gives the numberof redundant interactions, rather than the specific choices of(c4,c5,r5)is redundant; we choose r5. Furthermore, one of (z6,z7,r7,rBB), another of (z7,r7,rBB), and another of redundant; we choose r7,r' 7, andrBB. But be- cause es, we keep all of themin our providesagoodway lationstoverify L. rs>=1). operatorsand fields are takento be Drlat= (Tr-T-r)/2a (3.8)
^rlat= (3.10) where the covariant translation operators T+-rtranslate all fields to the right one site in the . Forthenew thesameingredie r5andz' 7onecan pendenceon r5andz' 7. A FermiQCD [29] computer code of the new action indica tes that Eq. (3.11) is faster 0. The improved gluon action SD2F2is defined in Appendix C. The four-quark action the obvious discretization of the (continuum) operat ors explained in Sec. IIE and listed in Tables IV and V: simply substitute lattice fermion fields for the continuum fields, and assign each a real coupling. When matching to continuumQCD, the cou plings inS-qq-qqstart at order g2, making them commensurate with order- g2matching effects in S(6,1)+S(7,0), such as scattering. To incorporate the four-quark act ion in a Monte Carlo simulation, n. theseoperators are not necessary for thetarget accura cy of 1-2%, so beavoidedfor now. 15IV. this section we derive improvement conditions on the new c ouplings at the tree level. We calculate on-shell observables for small pawithout any assumption on mQa. We look at the energy as a function of 3-momentum, which is sensitive to c1,c2,c4, andz6. We then look at the interaction of a quark with classical background chromo electric and chromomagnetic fields. The former is sensitive to cE,rE, andzE; the latter to all but cEE,rEE,zEE,rBB, andzBB. To ensure that these results are compatible with the improved g auge action, we next compute the amplitude for quark-quark scattering. This step also match es the four-quark interactions, Finally,wecompu andzBB. A. Forsmallmomentum ptheenergy can wefind m1a= ln(1+m0a), -7 couplings m4=m2andw4= 0. (at fixed m0a) prescribes a line in the (c2,z6)plane. From w4= 0one obtains the (4.7) 16which (at fixed m0a) prescribes a line in the (c1,c4)plane. Asm0a-0, both lines become vertical: the coefficients c1andc2of dimension-6 operators are fixed, whereas the coefficients areundetermined. Atthisstageitis temptingtochoose c4andz6 tobetwo oftheredundant at Background Field To compute the interaction of a lattice quark with a continuu m background field, we have to computevertex diagrams withone gluon attached to thequark line. TheFeynman rules are given inEqs. (A23)and (A24). OurFeynmanrules introduceagaugep = (4.8) whereeuisa unitvectorinthe udirection,and ofthegaugefield t obe Au(x) (4.9) A backgroundfield to paralleltranspor ters Uu(x) for gluons would change, in such a way that Feynman di agrams for on-shell amplitudes end upbeing thesame. To use the interaction with a background classical field as a m atching condition, we AuinEq.(4.10). = 0, (4.11) wherekis the external gluon's momentum. The usual convention for Au(k), from Eqs. (4.8) and (4.9), yieldsa current = 0, (4.12) where^ku= (2/a)sin(kua/2). nu(k)as line. Itsappeara nce tothat in Theincomingqu ark'smomentumis p, theoutgoing p', and thegluon's K=p'-p. Thecurrent isgivenby (no impliedsumon the vertex function derived in Appendix A. The external qu arks take Nas well as spinorfactors [7]. 171. Chromoelectric field: u= 4 For the interaction with the chromoelectric background fiel d, we use the time component in continuumQCD is J4= (4.15) whereP= (p'+p)/2. wefind J4= s zE= 0 (cE,rE)plane. 0, fixingcE= 1andleaving obtain conditions on cEE,rEE, andzEE, we shall have to turn to Compton scattering in Sec. IVD. 2. Chromomagnetic field: u=i For the interaction with the chromomagnetic background fiel d, we use the spatial compo- nentsJi. in continuumQCD Eqs. (4.20) and (4.21), one sees that the first four terms match the continuum if m2=m4=mE=m. The other terms do not match unless one adjusts cB=rs[7] andzE= 0 [as inEq. demands (4.34) Taken with Eqs. (4.6) and (4.7), these tuning conditions put eight constraints on the nine (non- redundant) couplings for interactions made solely out of sp atial derivatives (and, hence, chromo- magnetic fields). To eliminate z6from the right-hand side of Eq. (4.33), and to obtain conditi ons onrBBandzBB, weshallhaveto turnto inSec. atures ofSec. II. be redundant in Eq. (4.7), then one cannot take r5to be redundant here, and Also, a mistuned c5-r5leads 0and a spin-dependent suppressedby fromTableII--and by termin Eq.(4.21)notyet where X= (4.36) 19One cannot tune wX= 0. Fortunately, however, X=0. A simplegeometric proof is as follows: if, by chance, Pis parallel to K, then setting PKone sees that the last two terms on the right-hand side of Eq. (4.35) vanish and the first two cancel. In the general case that Pis not parallel to But (KxP)*X= 0; (4.37) thus,X=0. sforthe amplitude. C. the current Juderived in the previous subsection, this is a relatively sim ple task. The For k2a21, (4.38) wherexis the redundant coupling of the pure-gauge action, cf. Appe ndix C and Ref. [19]. man gauge)isclearly (4.39) where 1 and 2 label the scattered quark flavors, and both tahave uncontracted color indices. We find, therefore, that the tree-level couplings of S-qq-qqare, at most, proportional to x. They can be eliminated, at the tree level, by setting x= 0, with the added benefit of simplifying the however, that the approximation in Eq. (4.38) and, thu s, Eq. (4.39), breaks down for s- channel annihilation of heavy quarks. As discussed in Sec. I IE, these interactions are thefour-quark operators needed tocor rect The matching of Secs. IVA-IVC leaves four non-redundant cou plings of the new action un- determined: z6,cEE,zEE, andzBB. To find four more matching conditions, we turn to Weshallproceed nt coupling x= continuum polarization vectors, and ^Mab undenotes the sum of Feynman dia- grams shown in Fig. 2. The factors in Eq. (4.40) to account for lattice gluons. With themonecan =-Dun(k), (4.41) 20as usual. We find it convenientto associatethese factors wit h thediagrams and introduce Thepropagator Lu,XunandYunare defined in AppendixA. theaccura cy needed, isgiveninEq. (4.38), and thetr x= that the factors ns(K),etc., arise naturally. Note also that 0, so most of the lattice artifacts in the vertex drop out. The r emaining one is necessary to cancel f. Eqs.(B10)and (B11). We may choose the polarization vectors such that -o' 4=o4= 0. Then we need only focus on Mmn. theresults,letus Wri (p'+p)/2, (4.44) R= (k+k')/2, Note that P0=-iP4= 2m1+***is larger than the K0=-iK4= (4.47) k', b, nk, a, u pp'k', b, n k', b, n k', b, np' p'p'p p pk, a, u k, a, u k, a, u FIG.2: Feynman diagrams for Compton scattering inlattice g auge an Abeliangaugetheo ry. (4.48) and similarlyfor Nun, 1/mandR0. Most of these terms are well-matched with Eqs. (4.18), (4.19 ), (4.29)-(4.34). New andN(3,0) mn. The(n,r) = (4.51) To onerequires zEE= 0 Aswith,say, a line in the (cEE,rEE)plane, which becomes vertical at m0a= 0, leaving = matched denotes terms (spelled out in Appendix B) th at already match, if the areapplied. (4.55)yiel dthenew noting z' 7=r' 7[Eq. (4.34)], we find zBB= 0, tomatchthenew (4.7), (4.31)-(4.34), (4.59), and (4.60) can nowbecombinedto (4.69) zBB= 0, (4.70) To run a numerical simulation, we would like to have as few new couplings as possible. The matching calculations verified the presence of several redu ndant directions. We may, 0 (4.71) toall orders Hence cB=rs, 0. (4.77) From mE=m2andmEE=m2, (4.79) and 0. (4.80) Without loss one may set the redundant rE=rEE= 0to simplify the action and Eqs. (4.78) and (4.79). In summary, of the nineteen new couplings in Eqs. (3.5)-(3.7 ), we find only sixthat are non- zero at tree-level matching. Moreover, once the bilinear ac tion has been matched, and the redun- dant gaugecoupling x= 0, the onlynon-zero four-quark interaction wouldcorrespon d to Q-Qannihilation. In the next section we shall examine the size o f the remaining justifythat . V. this section we give a analysis of heav y-quark discretization effects with the new action. Our aim is to study the accuracy needed in matc hing lattice gauge theory to continuum QCD. Several elements are needed. First, we need e stimates of the mismatch at short distances. This is straightforward, because the calculati ons of Sec. IV can be applied to work out how large the mismatch is for the unimproved action. Second, we need estimates of the ntingpowersof Landu. depends on thelattice spacing (o bviously)so we mustnotethe range andin thenear future. The error analysis is convenient using the non-relativisti c description. Heavy-quark effects of operators that are related as in Eqs. (2.14) and (2.15) are lu mped into one short-distance HQET operator in Table III. In Sec. IV the short-distance coefficients are etc. In the corresponding continuum short-distance coeffi - cientsCcont i, these masses are replaced with a single mass mQ. To eliminate discretization effects from of Eqs. (2.5) and (2.6) then says that heavy-quar k discretization effects take the form error from heavy-quark formalisms. We estimatethe matrix ele the power counting of HQET and NRQCD for heavy-light hadrons and quarkonium, re spectively. The power of l oruis listed in Table III. The coefficient mismatches are obtain ed from Sec. IV, where show how the coefficients depend on the new coupl ings. In particular, when the c calculations of the mismatch at higher orders of pe rturbation theory are not yet avail- able. (They would be tantamount to higher-loop matching.) N evertheless, the asymptotic behav- ior remains constrained, when mQa1because of the presence of the E-type operators, heavy-quark symmetry, and when mQa~1because the Wilson time only onepolein It turns outtha t asinSec.IV. It seems reasonable, therefore, to multiply the tree-level mismatch with al sto estimate the l-loop mismatch. We use one-loop running for as(a)starting with as(1/11 fm) = 1/3. This yields the highend culated resulting estimates for the mismatch of rotationally sy mmetric operators are shown in Fig. 3, as a function of the lattice spacing a=m2a/mQ,Q {c,b}. We show the relative left set of plots uses HQET power counting, for heavy-lig ht hadrons, while the right set Thelightgr 1/2mBHQET for 1/4mE2 0.01 0.1 a 1/2mBNRQCD for 1/4mE2 0.01 0.1 a 1/8m43 FIG. 3: Relative truncation errors for the new action. The li ght gray or red curves stand for cquarks; dark gray or blue for b. Dotted curves show the error when the contribution is unimp roved. Dashed and solid curves show the error for tree-level and one-loop matc hing, respectively, of the needed operators. L = 700 MeV,mc= 1400MeV,mb= 4200MeV;u2 -cc= 0.3,u2-bb= 0.1. Vertical lines show lattice spacings available withthe MILCensembles containing c(b)quarks. The when correction term is omitted completely, i.e. , the errors in the Wilson action. The dashed tree Theverti- cal lines highlight a= and0.045fm, corresponding to the with nf= 2+1flavors matching is necessary for cB, the coupling of the chromomagnetic clover term. Tree-leve desirable for charmonium and charmed hadrons. The lowest plots, labeled from 1/8m3 4 are for the terms, with couplings c2andz6. They also apply to 1/8m3 B'and c3andz7. loopfactor, butalsoby l2oru2,so rotationalsymmet To drivethese contributionstoheavy-quarkbelo at are some other noteworthy features of Figs. 3 and 4. For mQa1, the vanish as a power of a, as one would deduce from the Symanzik effective field theory . 10-210-1from w4/6HQET for wBi/4 0.01 0.1 a (w4 + w4' )/410-210-1 from w4/6NRQCD for wBi/4 0.01 0.1 a (w4 + w4' )/4 FIG. 4: Relative truncation errors for the new action, from d iscretization effects that break rotational sym- metry. Thecurves have the samemeaning as inFig. 3. 26Because we identify m2with the mass in the Ccont i, the powers of aare balanced by LormQu, notmQ. Had we identified m1with the physical mass, errors of order (mQa)nwould have ap- peared. For mQa~1, the tree-level curves flatten out. The error cannot grow wit hout bound, because of the heavy-quark symmetries of the Wilson action a nd our improvementsto it. . b-flavored start out smaller, so their mismatches are al so smaller. Similarly, the Themis matchesfrom relativ esuppression (mc/mb)3. Mismatchesfrom tree-level improvement, one should avoid choices where i t is known that one-loop correc- tions from tadpole diagrams will be large [35]. Therefore, w e envision following some sort of tadpole improvement. In the action, write each link matrix a su0[Uu/u0]and absorb all but one pre-factor of u0into a tadpole-improved coupling ~ciand~ri. (In several cases, it will be neces- sary to expand expressions such as and Eq. (3.11), to eliminate any instance of UuU+
u= 1before inserting u0.) Then apply the conditions of Sec. IV to ~ciand~riinstead ofci andri, andtakethe u0factors theMonteCarlo simulation. VI. theformalismand explicitca lculationsneeded currently available lattice spacings. Combining our mat ching calculations, power counting, and the heavy-quark theory of discretization eff ects, we have argued that the proposed action should meet its target. Setting to zero the redundant couplings and those that vanish when matchedat can bewritten S=S0+SB+SE+Snew, Toachieve1%ac SEcould wellbe, matched at lattice action achieves similar accuracy for charm ed quarks, namely the quark (HISQ) action [37]. Ourapproach i s are smallerthan for charmed quarks. That means that experience with cha rmed hadrons and charmoniumcan inform ofpropert ies ofb-flavored we note that there is tension between the most accur ate calculation of the Dsmeson decay constant, fDs[38], whichuses HISQ, and Ouraction be expected to be small enough to strengthen or dissipate the disagreement, while thank Massimo Di Pierro, Aida El-Khadra, and Paul Mackenz ie for helpful conversa- tions. Colin Morningstar provided useful correspondence o n unpublished details of Energy under Grant No. and by Science Foundation of Ireland of this work was being carried out. Fermilab is operated by Fermi Research Alliance, theUnitedState s of Sec. IV. These are the quark and gluon propag ators and three- and shownin F ig.5. Thequark propagator[Fig. 5(a)]is c2,c1,z6, andc4. It reads aS-1(p) (A1) where Ki(p) = = p4=iE, where theenergy (A5) u(x,p) (A6) v(x,p) =u(x,0),g4v(x,0) =-v(x,0). Outgoing external fermion =v+(x,p)g4. The gluon propagator [Fig. 5(b)] is not easy to express in clo sed form. We refer the reader to two papers of Weisz for details [17] and a correction [18] for the propagatoron inRef. [18]. 28Now let us turn to vertices with one [Fig. 5(c)-(d)] or two [Fi g. 5(e)-(g)] gluons attached to a quark line. Thenew oftheactionar e allbuiltfrom S0+SB+SE. difference operators are given in Eqs. (3.8)-(3.10). To simplify notation, let us drop the (g)p j ip' m, ak n, bl(f)p j ip' 4, ak m, bl(e)p j ip' 4, ak 4, bl(a)pj i (b)ka b (c)p j ip' 4, ak (d)p j ip' m, ak FIG.5: Feynman rules for the action Sgiven byEqs. (A8)
^ra ,u(P,k) (A9) Frsa ,u(k) (A10) It chromoe lectriccases ofEq. (A10): Bia ,m(k) (A11) Eia ,m(k) (A12) Eia ,4(k) Eq.(3.1). convenientto = onehas ( (A21) TheFeynman (A23) Lm(p',p) assumed. Eq .(3.12)then on ands=p'+p= (A27) X4m(p,k,l) (A28) Ymn(p,k,l) (A30) Y4m(p,k,l) (A31) APPENDIXB: DETAILSOFCOMPTONAMPLITUDES Thepartsoftheamplitudenotexhibited Fig.2(a)-(c) (B10) Theterms onthelast linedo notmatch, but westillmustadd to 2(d)], whic Here Juis thecurrent ofSec. IVB. The first latticeartifact cancels given up. The improvement program is the same as for anisot ropic lattices, which has been worked out [24] and summarized [23]. Since it has not been pub lished, we give the main Without axis-interchange symmetry there are eight ope rators. Other operators can be written as linear combinations of the operators in the table and tota l derivatives. For example, gauge-field interactions that could a ppear inthe LE L. With axis-interchange Without tr[( tr[ [17, 18, 19] used but we find it easier to use tr[FunFnrFru]. With the Bianchi identity 0, onecan = the omission of total derivatives that make no contr ibution to the action. areneeded. Table VI is laid out in a suggestive way: operators in the righ t column clearly descend from those in the left. It is a little harder to show that there are n o more [24]. When parity and taken intoaccount thereare 10operators withtwo Dsand twoEs and another 10 where the two Es are replaced with two Bs. Of these 2x6may be eliminated in favor of others, leaving 2x4 = 8of this type. Three of these may be eliminated with the Bianchi identities D*B= 0, (C2) DxE=D4B. thano = withtwo Ds addition, there are 6operators with one each of D4,D,E, andB;4may be eliminated complete. There are three redundant interactions, corresponding to t he transformations in Eqs. TheychangetheLE Lby LSymmapsto- appropriate choice of the parameters eA,dA, anddE, one can remove two of the other three induced interactions from the LE L. Below we shall see that it is directionsas showninth loops on thelattice, up tolength 6. SetiTypeof loop 0tTemporal with temporal long with temporal short side 1sSpatial withtwo temporal sides 2sSpatial rectangles with temporal bend edge 3t'Bent rectangles with temporal sides, but spatial bend edge 3sSpatial bent rectangles To construct an improved gauge action, it is enough to consid er the eight classes of six-link loops shown in Fig. 1, as well as plaquettes. Generalizing fr om Ref. [19], we label sets of unori- ented loopsas in TableVII. aroundthecurve C. chosenso that SD2F2>=0and sothat correct. The classical continuum limit is needed not only to determin e the normalization of the ci, L. The classical continuum limit of the Siis easy to find with the procedure given in Ref. [19]. H (C10) It is convenient to express the six-link loops through S0tandS0s, plus further terms of order yield S1t= (C11) 40S1t'= (C12) S1s= (C15) and thebent rectangles S3t= (C17) S3s= see immediately that the bent rectangles are the only plac e that the redundant so one may set c3t,c3t', andc3sat will, on-shell improvement. theimpro theclassical conti =x0, =x-1 0, Atthetreelevel x0=as/at. x0. To derive on-shell improvement conditions (at the tree leve l), one must allow for the Wefind nt,at (C25) c2t=c2s= 0, (C28) x0c3s=xs, free parameters. In the main text of the paper, we consider isotropic lattices , but allow for the possibility that heavy-quark vacuum polarization requires some asymmetry i n the couplings, starting at the one- looplevel. Thus,weconsider x0= (C31) c2t=c2s= 0, (C33) Positivity of the action requires x <5/72and is guaranteed if |x|<1/16[19]. Beyond the in these couplingsmay indeed arise. 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Kronfeld | New lattice action for heavy quarks | 43 pp; v2 conforms with PRD version, improving plots and many minor
things | Phys.Rev.D78:014504,2008 | 10.1103/PhysRevD.78.014504 | FERMILAB-PUB-08/054-T | hep-lat | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We extend the Fermilab method for heavy quarks to include interactions of
dimensions 6 and 7 in the action. There are, in general, many new interactions,
but we carry out the calculations needed to match the lattice action to
continuum QCD at the tree level, finding six non-zero couplings. Using the
heavy-quark theory of cutoff effects, we estimate how large the remaining
discretization errors are. We find that our tree-level matching, augmented with
one-loop matching of the dimension-five interactions, can bring these errors
below 1%, at currently available lattice spacings.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 4 Mar 2008 19:34:37 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 14 Jul 2008 17:32:20 GMT"
] | 2008-12-18T00:00:00 | [
"Mehmet B.",
"Andreas S.",
] |
of Weyman on a minimal generatingset of Jl. This hasbeen a well studied problemthat has been openfor the past seventeenyears. We hopethatour methodstogetherw ith thoseof Weymanwill eventuallylead to minimalgenerat ingset forbothideals IlandJl. Our paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce s ome basic tools from the theory of InSection3,we neratingset a simple combinatorial description for it. This lead s to a simple rule to read a set of generators of the ideal directly from a special filling of the Young diagram of the partition that call the regular filling . In Section 4 we show that only generatorsread fromthe top entri es of the regularfilling are necessary in order to construct a generating set for Il. The resulting generating set is in a one-to-one correspond ence with a generating set that arises from the work of Weyman [W1]. In th e case where the partition lis a hook, our result coincides with the minimal generating set we introdu ced in [BFR]. For a general shape though, InSection5weredu the Youngdiagram. Finally in Section 6, we provide many examplesand the modified version of and discuss classe s where our reductionswork best. Inside those familieswe areable tofind a originalc onjectureof Weymanona for the ideal Jl. Throughoutthe paper, we raise new questionswhose answers could help illuminate IlandJl. 2 Basic Tools We will be workingin the polynomialring R=k[x1,...,x n], wherekmay be an arbitraryfield of define a partition ofnNto be a finite sequence l= (l1,...,l k)Nk, such Iflis a partitionof nwe writeln. The nonzeroterms liare called partsofl. liscalledthe lengthofl, denotedby l(l), soli= 0ifi > l(l). Letl= (l1,...,l k)be a partition of n. TheYoung diagram of a partition lis the left-justified Weusethesymbol l= ontheleft. For a partition l= (l1,...,l k)we define its conjugate partition as l'= (l' 1,...,l' h), where for each i>=1,l' iis the number of parts of lthat are bigger than or equal to i. The diagram of l'is obtained lacrossthe Thepartition l= (4,4,2,1)andits conjugate l'= ricfunctions. series for the elementary and the complete symmetri c a set of variables, and zis a formal variable. Therefore, the elementary symmetric the sum of all squarefree monomialsof degree rin the variablesof S, andthecomplete rinthe variablesof S. In order to introduce the monomial symmetric polynomials ml(S), we say that a monomial (s1,s2,...,s Givenapartition l, polynomial variablesin S. Iffk[x1,...,x S {x1,...,x n},wedefine x {x1,...,x n}Stobeequalto 0inf. Forinstance, e2(x1,x3) =
x1x3. The polynomial f(S)is called a partially symmetric polynomial . In general, it is no longer nletters. For simplicity, given a symmetric polynomial fk[x1,...,x n], for all1<=k<=n, we will denote ={f(S)|S {x1,...,x n},|S|=k}. For example, let n= 4, thene2(3) x1x2+x1x4+x2x4, x1x3+x1x4+
x3x4, thatif r > kwe haveer(k) =. Notation. LetS {x1,...,x n}. ik} S,we shallbe inthe paper. Lemma 2.1 (Basic Lemma) .LetS {x1,...,x Then 1.ej(S) = =jej(S). Proof. 1. Clear. 2. Fix a square-free monomial Mof degree jappearing in ej(S). Without loss of generality, s}. Then each ej(Sxt)contains exactly one copy of M, for t=j+1,...,s. Thereareexactly s-jsuchindices We use the equation in Part 1, and sum over all elements of sej(S) = jej(S) 2.2 (Another presentation of the partially symmetric polynomi n}, i<=n, anddefinethe ideal Ei(S) = (e1(S),...,e i(S))in the polynomialring k[x1,...,x n]. LetUSbe asubset ofcardinality u. Thenfor i<=n-uwe have ei(S) = We have E(S,z) E(S,z) obtain ei(S) hypothesis for j= 1,...,i. Sincee0(S) = A set R=k[x1,...,x Theideal inorderto describethe Zariskiclosureof the conjugacyclass withthe set order to manipulate De Concini-Procesi ideals, we use a ge nerating set defined by Tanisaki [T]. A nice featureof is that its elemen tsare Tanisaki's proof of the correctness of his gen erating set is both elegant and elementary, and it is based on standard linear algebra facts. Finally, Tanisak i's generating set has proven to be very fruitful forexample[AB, BG,GP]. Letl= (l1,...,l k)be a partition of n. For the purposeof the next formula, we add enoughzeroes to theendof lso thatit has nterms:l= (l1,...,l n). Forany 1<=k<=n,we define dk(l) (3) Itis clearthat andthat dn(l) =n. Theorem 3.1 (Tanisaki's generating set [T]) .The ideal Ilis generated by the following collection of 1,...,n,andk>=r > (4) Definition 3.2 (De Concini-Procesi ideal) .We call the ideal Ildefined in Theorem 3.1 the De Concini- Procesi ideal ofthe partition lofn,dn(l) =n,whenwe set k=nin(4) we concludethat Ilcontainsall allthe variables x1,...,x n. Example 3.3. Letl= the partition appearing in Figure 1. 11(l)) = = 11. Fork= 1,...,7there is no admissible er(k)in the generating set described in (4). So of 8e7(8),e8(8) k= 10(10) k= eneratorsfor shortenit sothat onecanreadare for l. Inordertodosowe introducethe n. its cells with the numbers 1,2,...,nfrom top to bottom and from left to right, skipping the cells i n . Thisiscalledthe regularfilling .We Gf(l). F lwe addto Gf(l)all the elementsofthe sets er(k), wherekis the entryin the degrees r'sare givenbyall theentriesin From now on, we rows of a Young diagramf rom left to right by Sothefirst columnwill bethe Forthepartition l= e1(x1,...,x 11), e2(x1,...,x 11),e3(x1,...,x 11),e11(x1,...,x 11), coming from the 0-th column; the partially s of the sets from the first column, e6(9),e9(9)from the readTanisaki' sgeneratorsfroma n. d(l) d(l) =
wheredk(l)isdefinedasin(3),anddrawtheYoungdiagramofitsconjugat ed'(l). Nowfillthe top to bottom, and then fill the remainder of the diagram s o that the filling We call thisthe by af. For our runningexample l= (4,4,2,1,07), we have d(l) = (11,7,4,2,07); the Notethatthe bottomentryofthe k-thcolumnof The of n. Computetheset We 3.8. n. ofgeneratorsis Gaf(d'(l)). (l1,...,l n). Compute d'(l)and fill its diagram with the antidiagonal filling. According to Theorem3.1, to generatingset, we nee dto find for which kthe interval dk(l)>0. From the definition of dk(l), the only times dk(l)>0is whenk=n-l1+ 1,...,n. So we n-l1+1<= |S| <=n. thefirst rowof d'(l). 5Now, fix a column tthat has entry n-tin its bottom cell. The generatingset describedin Theorem3 t-thcolumnof d'(l). t-thcolumnofthe of d'(l). One can easily check that this procedure applied to the antid iagonal filling in Figure 3 produces wewill usethe 3.9. Letlbe a partition of n. Fill the diagram of lwith the regular filling, and compute the set Grf(l)by The n Il= (Grf(l)). Proof. d'(l), fillitsdiagramwiththeandreadoffal By Part 2 of Lemma 2.1, if er(x1,...,x 0belongsto the ideal, so does er(x1,...,x J)for anyJ > j. Therefore, for each entry r= 1,...,n, we only need to keep the generators coming from the rightmost occurrenceof that rin the of d'(l). So we delete all other occurrencesof rin that filling, and the corresponding cell. We obtain a filling t hat contains exactly one occurrence of each 1ton. ntcolumnsof d'(l)are given by the sequence l' 1,...,l' l1. So after the deletion process, explained above, the remain ing diagram will have columnsof height l' 1,...,l' l1. Hence it is the diagram of our partition l. Moreoverthe Thecase ofthepartiti onl= 3.10. Observethat ej(S)forSof cardinality jis a square free monomialof degree j. So once we have all square-free monomials of degree n-l1+1in our ideal, then we have the ones of higher degree. These monomialsare obtained when we read the generatorscom ing from the rightmost entry of the (First reductionof Tanisaki's generatingset for Il).Letlbe a partition of n. degree n-l1+1;
* Elisgeneratedby polynomials e1(x1,...,x n),...,e l(l)-1(x1,...,x n);
* l, in thesamecolumnas k,andstrictly lisa hook,we [BFR, Second reduction ofthe generating setfor given in Corollary 3.11 . It turns out that only partially symmetric polynomials coming from the top value of each column are required in the generating set. This finding already gives a large reduction in . lofaninteger n,andfill thediagramof 3.4. For k>=1we label the valuein the top cell of the k-th columnwith bk, as long as the height of thek-th column is >=2. If the right-most column of lhas height 1, then we label its entry bs. This Notethatwith thisnotat ionwe have b1=l' 1, b2=l' 1+l' 2-1, ..., b (5) Clearlyif n-s-1 nn-1n-2 lofnwiththe e1(n),...,e b1-1(n) Column1 eb1(n-1),...,e eb2(n-2),...,e e bt(n-t),...,e > t)en-s(n-s), orallsquare-free (n-s).(6) Our goal here is to show that it is enough to pick only one set of generators in each column, other hcolumn. Theorem 4.1 (Principal reduction of the generating set for Il).Letlbe a partition of n, and suppose for Ilis Column0 e1(n),...,e b1-1(n) Column1 e bt(n-t) Last column(if s > t)en-s(n-s), orall square-free (n-s).(7) 7Ifl= (1n)is the then we also need to add the elem enten(n) =x1***xnto this generating set. If l= (n)is the one-row partition, we only need generators from the la st column, in other wordsI(n)= (x1,...,x the elargerindicesin that columnalso belongto the ideal. We go column by column, and build a new ideal Ilby adding generators described in (7) for each columnof l. We Ilcontainsall (comingf Il=Il. Col. arekeepingall thegener atorse1(n),...,e b1-1(n). Col. j=b1, wesee thatwe have > b1, wecanassume byinductionon j=i,to seethat ei(n)Il. Fixa /S. LetSx=S{x}. ei(S)Il. fact that the generators eb1(n-1)can be replaced by the powers have all generators from the previous columns 0,...,j-1as described in (7). Let
|S|=n-j, and suppose x /S, so that|Sx|=n-j+1, (Sx=S{x}). We know by allh>=bj-1. Therefore,since bj> bj-1, fori>=bjwe have by Part 1 =ei(Sx)-xei-1(S) = ( mod Col. j ebj(S)inIl,we will haveall the case where lis a hook, the generating set described in Theorem 4.1 coinci des with the for Letl= (5,4,4,3). generatorsof Ilare Column Generators Number 16 2e7(14) 120 3e10(13) square-free 121820 Total et Remarks on arelated workand conjecture thegeneral lineargroupto sets for the ideal Jlof polynomial functions vanishing on the conjugacy class Cl. The generators in thefirst family,denotedby The second set of generators Ul, on the other hand, arises from the irreducible representat ions of GL(n). ThesetUlis smallerthan Vl, Ul) is given by the disjoint union of sets Ui,p), where the family of indices (i,p)can be read off from a special diagram introduced by Weyman; s ee [W1, Example (4.5)]. We call this diagram the Weyman diagram ofl. It is possible to construct the Weyman diagram of a partitionstartingfromthe(see Defini First, ofd'(l), andjustify its columnsin such a way that equalentriesare n ow in same rows. X. InFigure6wei diagram correspondingto the partition l= (4,4,2,1). Compare this diagram to the one in Figure 3. Notethat if the top Xin thei-thcolumnof Weymandiagramof lhascoordinates (i,p), thenthe regularfillingof lisfilledby p. p= 1X p= 2X p= 3X p= 4XX p= 5XX p= 6XX X p= 7XX X X p= 8XX X X p= 9XX X p= 10XX p= 11X i= 0 1 2 3 Figure6: Weymandiagramfor l= Il andJl: helabels n, while we use the transpose. On the other hand, he associates to a partition lwhat in our setting would be the Weyman diagram of l'. These two facts cancel out, and we do not need to take any tran 4.3 for Jl).In [W1, showsthat the ideal Jl is generatedby the Ui,p, where the (i,p)'s are the coordinatesof the top cells of the columns ( i>=1) of the Weyman diagram of l, together with the invariants U0,pwith1<=p<=n. This result implies that the sameset ofindices (i,p). Example 4.4. For the partition l= (4,4,2,1), whose Weyman diagram is in Figure 6, Weyman's set Ul consists of U0,p, andU3,7(and similarly for the set Vl). The cells adding the generators for the ideal defining the diagon al matrices to the two sets VlandUl, Il; wedenotethese by cardinalities of their components in order to compare th em with our generating set. We emphasize turns out that the cardinalities of the generating set for Ilgiven by the ~Vi,p's and the generating set given in Theorem 4.1 are the same. Moreover, it is not difficul t to describe a one-to-one the two generating sets. Under this correspondence Weyman's Vi,pgenerators correspond to topcell ofthe i-thcolumnofthe to the right of or on the line segment joining (i,p)with(0,1), is a minimal set of generators 4.6 (Diagonal version of Weyman's conjecture) .Is the generating set ~WlforIlarising the following sections we show that the the answer to this q uestion is negative. Indeed, we provide some infinite families of counterexamples. These observati ons, together with the help of Macaulay 2 led us to the discovery that even the original conjecture of Weyman (Conjecture 4.5) fails already for one of the smallest Reducing generatorsof Ilof a fixeddegree The aim of this section is to consider the generating set of Ildescribed in Theorem 4.1, and eliminate 5.1 (Columns of height >1).Letlbe a partition whose diagram is represented in Figure 5. Fork>=2, if the height of the (k-1)-st column is >1, then we can of k-thcolumn. Indeed,if x1,...,x elementsintheset i2< ... < i >1,byusingPart2 ofLemma2.1we = (8) 1012 13 14 23 24 34 21 0 0 1 1 0 30 1 0 1 0 1 40 0 1 0 1 1 11 1 1 0 0 0123 124 134 234 231 0 0 1 240 1 0 1 340 0 1 1 121 1 0 0 131 0 1 0 140 1 1 0 Figure7: n= 4,k= 2,andn= 4,k= 0tok-1. So we have a system homogeneous equations, In fact we have one equation for each choice of a and one variable matrix associated to this system has columns Jindexedby the k-subsets of {1,2,...,n}, and rows Iindexed by k-1-subsets of {1,2,...,n}. Equation (8), says that at position (I,J)the entry will be claim that we can drop from the generating set of Theorem 4. 1ebk(SJ), for allJof cardinality k containing 1, prove this it suffices to show that the submatrix correspon dingto weputfirst Jcontaining 1in alphabetical order, and then column indexed by {2,...,k+ 1}. Similarly, we order the rows starting with those indexed by subsets Ithat do not contain 1, in alphabetical order, and then the row indexed anyorder. are > iseasyto seethat thissubmatrixha 5.2. The system (8) If all the equationsare indepen- dent, redundant. Hence them are necessary. Then ~Uk,p. Ulin 5.3. Letlbe a partition of ndifferent than (n). As a consequenceof Proposition 5.1, the number of generators coming from the top cell of column kin our generating set for On the other hand, and as discussed in Section 4.1 the correspon ding~Uk,pin Weyman's generatingset Since for all partitions other than (n), we have that n > k, we conclude that the difference between the two sets for each k >2. For columns 0,1, and2their t1. Proposition 5.4 (Columns of height 1) .Letlbe a diagram represented in Figure 5. If s > t>=1, then Ilcomingfrom thelast n-s > en-s(n-t) Il. We nowclaimthat s-t < i1< i2< ... < i t<=n fromthe generatingset for Il. Since there choicesforsets {i1,...,it}, this will settle But Il. Therefore using Propositions 5.1 and 5.4, we have reduced ou r generating set to that in the table in Figure8, Generators Number 0 e1(n),...,e b1-1(n)b1-1 =l' 1-1 1 > eachdegreein thereducedg eneratingset for Il Example 5.5. Consider the partition l= (4,4,2,1)in Figure 2. Our formula gives 177 generators, but in fact, Macaulay2 verifies that 168 generators are enough. The extra generators are in degree 7 (see table Number 8 Actualnumber 1ineachdegree 1in eachdegree 4 11 11 6 44 44 7 119 110 While in many examples such as the previousone, the predicti ons of the diagonal version of 5.6. Consider the partition l= (5,4,1). We denote by I01= Thepartition l= (5,4,1) ideal generated by the elements of the 0-th and1-st column. Now consider e4(8)coming from the second column. Let A {1,...,n}be a subset of of cardinality 8, and letBbe its complement ( |B|= 2). wehavemod (9) Among the monomial symmetric in (9), m(4), andm(3,1)are already in the biggerideal denoted I012includedin Il. Thatis, we needto addall generatorsof < e5(A), where|A|= =m(5)(B) +m(3,2)(B) +m(4,1)(B) +m(3,1,1)(B) isclear thateach oneofthese ialsisalreadyin theideal I012. Infact, every monomial in the first four summands in (10) contains a power x3 i, and each element in m(2,2,1)(B)can be obtained as a combination of elements in m(2,2)(2). Hence the third column will not contribute any new generator. Thesame column. Let |A|= |B|= 4. Then e6(A) =h6(B) all monomials in this sum are already in the ideal, since t hey contain either a power x3 i, or a Sowe have the generating set ~WlforIlcoming from the minimal generating set for Jlconjectured by Weyman is not in general minimal (see Question 4.6). More precisely , according to his diagram in Figure 10, some generators of degree 5and6should be needed, while they are not, as we just showed. In Fig ure 10 the underlined X's label the generatorsof Ilarising from the diagonalversion of shaded X'sare not needed. Thisis we shall uselater aswell. p= 1X p= 2X p= 3XX p= 4X X X p= 5X X X X p= 6X X X X X p= 7X X X X p= 8X X X p= 9X X p= 10X i= 0 1 2 3 4 Figure10: Weymandiagramfor l= (5,4,1). It might be possible to generalize the reasoning used in Exam ple 5.6 with an algorithm, as Let b1,...,b of las in Figure 5. Set G0={e1(n),...,e b1-1(n)}, and create a list of partitions L0=.For niscontainedin thatof u. 1) If|Uk|= If|Uk|= Gtheset Istheset Ga generatingset for Il? Clearly this algorithm producesa subset of the generating s et given by the Theorem 4.1. All 2)in used this algorithm to produce generating sets for all fam ilies of examples and Then,we proceededto provet onebyonebasis. d. 6 ecture We (Question 4.6), as well as a counterexampleto th e original conjecture of Weyman for a oftheideal 6.1 (The case of two-column partitions) .As mentioned above a partition of nof the form l=
(2a,1c), length of the partition, Ilis generated by e1(n),...,e 6.2 (The case of .Letlbe a partition of n, and letk >2be any integer. If columns 0,1,...,k-1of the same height,thenin the generat ingset columns 2,...,kare redundant. Proof.thepartition monomial redundant in the presence of the second column generators, which are the (g+ 1)-st this,suppose a1<=g,...,a k<=g. Thenwe 6.2, one can see that the points (0,1),(1,g+ 1),(2,2g+ 1),...,(k,kg+ 1)are collinear because they can successively obtained by adding the vector (1,g). Therefore, the diagonal version of the redundant. Thisis true: infact X 6X X 7X X X 8X X X 9X X X 10X X X X 11X X X X 12X X X X X 13X X X X 14X X X 15X X 16X i= 0 1 2 3 4 Figure11: Anexampleofa l= 6.4. Letl= (5,4,4,3)be the partition in Example 4.2. Theorem 6.2 implies that the generating set ow(comparewith reduced number from the table in Figure 8 is in the third co lumn. No 7and10-degree generators are neededin the generatingset. In thiscase the predictionof t he cells Figure11. Column Generators Numbers fromFigure8 0e1(16),e2(16),e3(16) 16 2redundant - 3redundant - 4e12(12) 1365 Total noftheform l= (ul), of Ilwill simplybe e1(n),...,e 6.6 (The case of two-row partitions) .For a two-row partition of nof the form l= (u,v), a generatingset is givenby Letlbea partitionof n. 1. Ifl= of Ifl= >1,thenIlis Ifl= (ua,(u-1)c,1,1)withu>=4andg=a+c+1>2,thenIlis < j < k. Proof. 1. beofthe 0and1clearly providethe generators e1(n),...,e By < j<=n. remainsto showthat the 3,...,u-1are redundant. Let lbe any integer such that 3<=l<=u-1. The generators from Column l, by Proposition 2.2 and the fact that wehaveall i2< ... < i l<=n, and in each monomial most oneof the powers auis equaltog. Forsucha monomialin contradiction. nlifl>=3. 3. e1(n),...,e ByProposition2.2,Column < j<=n. monomial xa ixb jin the sum, and so at least one of aorbwouldhave to be g-1and theother g. Thisproducesa 3will < j < k <=n. Oncemore,we canassumethat last three summands are in the ideal already (coming from Column2), so the generators bewrittenas < j < k <=n. We now need to show that generators coming from Column l, redundant. The generators from Column l, by Proposition 2.2 and the fact that we have all (g+ 1)-st powers i2< ... < i monomialin a1,isequalto a2,...,a lthatisg org-1. Ifnot,all of a2,...,a lare<=g-2,andwe have lg-2l+3 contradiction. Sothereisat saya2, suchthat Inthiscase,we andhenceso is In this case, there is another monomial sum as well, and there is exactly one copy of Mand one copy of M'in the sum. Now we have M+M'= each such monomial Mis paired with a unique monomial M'in the sum, and their sum is alreadyin X X 6X X X X 7X X X X X 8X X X X X 9X X X X 10X X X 11X X 12X i= 0 1 2 3 4 Figure12: Weymandiagramof l= thatall thepowers a1,...,a lare<=g-1. Ifl-2ofthe powers a1,...,a have lg-2l+3 =lg-2l+2 which is a contradiction. So there are at least 3 powersamong a1,...,a lthat are equal to g-1. But then the monomial already in Il, because it is a multiple of a generator coming 6.8. Suppose that the first l+ 1columns of a partition lbelong to one of the three families Theorem6.7. Then a) Incases1and2,the Columns ForColumns 0,1,2we canuse In Case 3, the generatorscoming from columns 4,...,lare redundant. For Columns 0,1,2,3we 6.9 the diagonal version of Weyman's conje cture).The two of parts2 and 3 of Theorem6 .7are the Weyman's conjecture. Indeed, according to it, all genera tors coming from each of the top cells of k >0, thetopcellsare familywe canmove from one top cell to the next one by adding the vector (1,g-1), and for the second family, by adding (0,1). (0,3)forthe a partition such that its first lcolumns belong to one of the two families of shapes described above, with l >2for the first family and l >3for the second one. The preceding corollary shows that the generators coming from Column k, with3< k<=lare redundant. We conclude that each such lis a counterexample to the diagonal version of Weyman's conjec ture. A first counterexample was shown 6.10. Consider the partition (5,5,1,1)that fits inside one of the families in Theorem 6.7. As provedin that theorem, the cell containing7 is redundant. T ranslated into the Weyman diagram, this (4,7)is redundant(see redictionthatthe accordingto thediagona lversionofthe X X 7X X X X 8X X X X X 9X X X X X X 10X X X X X 11X X X X 12X X X 13X X 14X i= 0 1 2 3 4 5 Figure13: An .11forl= Minimal number 1in 6.2 and 6.7 can be reformulated in a suggestive geom etrical way as special instances of 6.11. Letlbe a partition and draw the Weyman diagram of l. If theX'sat the top of collinear,and theline he point(0,k), thenare have evidence that suggests that this statement is true: i t was proven to be true when k= 1in Theorem 6.2, for k= 2in Theorem 6.7 Part 1, and for k= 3in Theorem 6.7 Part 2, (see Figure 12: the collinear X'shave been surrounded). For k= 4, we used Macaulay2to verifywhether the statement is still true for the smallest possible member of this family, the par tition (6,5,1,1,1)(see Figure 13). As predicted, all degree Minimal number ,4 1 ineachdegree 5 14 6 77 7 273 8 637 9 redundant 6.1 Weyman's ectureofWeyman. Itseemsplausiblethatthose partitionsthatgivethediagonalversi X X 5X X X X 6X X X 7X X 8X i= 0 1 2 3 Figure14: e:(4,3,1). to We used Macaulay2to verif yif this was the case for the smallest shape 6.12 (Counterexample to Weyman's original conjecture) .Consider the partition (4,3,1) whose Weyman diagram is represented in Figure 14. The points collinear, but the line that contains them does not pass through (0,1). So according to Weyman's conjecture, all these cells contribute generators to a minimal generating set of J(4,3,1). However, Theorem 6.7 suggests that the cell Macaulay 2, we computed the minimal generating set for J(4,3,1)and verified that this is indeed thecase. We concludethat (4,3,1)isa counterexampleto Degrees Minimal number ofgenerators 11 1 21 1 364 64 4720 720 52352 redundant Total 3138 786 To summarize, in this particular case, Weyman's conjecture predicts that we need 3138 generators, even large servers were not able to handle sl ightly larger examples, so at this point we do not know if other partitions in the families described ear lier are counterexamples to Weyman's endthepaperwitha wish to thank Jerzy Weyman for many interesting conversat ionsand suggestions, as well as his (4,3,1) is indeed a counterexampleto his Conjecture 5.1 using geome tric reasoning[W3]. Moreover,he has WealsowishtoM N. Bergeron and A. Garsia. On certain spaces of harmonic polynomials , Contemp. Math., R. Biagioli, S. Faridi, and M. Rosas, De Concini-Procesi ideals indexed by hooks , D. Eisenbud and D. Saltman, Rank varieties of matrices. Commutative algebra (Berkeley, Res. ew York,1989. [GS] - etry, availableat . [GP] A. Garsia and C. Procesi. On certain graded Sn-modules and the q-Kotska polynomials , B. Kostant, Lie Amer.J. T. Tanisaki, Defining ideals of the closure of conjugacy classes and repre sentations of the J. Weyman, The equations of conjugacy classes of nilpotent matrices. Invent. Math. 98 J. Weyman, Two results on equations of nilpotent orbits. J. Algebraic Geom. 11 (2002), no. 4, 791-800. [W3] J. Weyman, | 0803.0658 | Mercedes Rosas | Riccardo Biagioli, Sara Faridi, and Mercedes Rosas | The defining ideals of conjugacy classes of nilpotent matrices and a
conjecture of Weyman | null | null | null | null | math.AC math.CO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Tanisaki introduced generating sets for the defining ideals of the schematic
intersections of the closure of conjugacy classes of nilpotent matrices with
the set of diagonal matrices. These ideals are naturally labeled by integer
partitions. Given such a partition $\lambda$, we define several methods to
produce a reduced generating set for the associated ideal $I_{\lambda}$. For
particular shapes we find nice generating sets. By comparing our sets with some
generating sets of $I_{\lambda}$ arising from a work of Weyman, we find a
counterexample to a related conjecture of Weyman.
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"created": "Wed, 5 Mar 2008 14:13:32 GMT"
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2 The ferromagnetic semiconductor GaMnAs continue s to be the subject of intense interest due to the opportunities which it may provide for spintronic applications [1-3]. Many of its physical properties, such as the effect of lo w temperature annealing on the Curie temperature [4-8], the role of Mn ions at interstitial positions [7, 9, 10], and the dependence of magnetic anisotropy on strain and on carrier density, ha ve been extensively investigated [11-13]. The fundamental question of th e uniformity of magnetic phase in GaMnAs is, however, still under debate. For example, the ac susceptibility measurements of Hamaya et al. [14] of GaMnAs films have led these authors to sugge st a mixed magnetic phase model of GaMnAs. Wang et al. [15], on the other hand, who also carried out ac susceptibility studies on GaMnAs films, interpret their data in terms of changes in magnetic anisotropy by assuming a single uniform magnetic phase. It is thus cl ear that further studies are needed to resolve the fundamental issue of the magnetic doma in landscape in GaMnAs. A major advance in this area has been made by Welp et al. [16], who used magneto-optical imaging to map the magnetic domain struct ure in GaMnAs. This study demonstrated a landscape comprised of multiple domains with different directions of magnetization coexisting during magnetization reversal. The magnetotransport measurements of Shin et al. [17] provided further evidence for the existe nce of stable multidom ain structures which accompany the magnetization reversal process in GaMnAs. In this letter we report a study of the multidomain structure in GaMnAs during magnetization reversal carried out by an alternative approach of changing the direction of the applied magnetic field while its magnitude is kept constant. It will be shown that this approach provides direct information on the distribution of pinning fields for magnetic domains with different orientati ons of their local magnetization. A GaMnAs film with 6.2 % of Mn and a thickness of 100 nm wa s used in this study. The 3 details regarding growth, annealing, and samp le preparation are described elsewhere [19]. Curie temperatures TC of 62 and 136 K were estimated for the as-grown and annealed films from the temperature dependences of their resp ective resistivities (see inset in Fig. 4). Hall measurements revealed the magnetic easy axes to lie in the layer plane in both samples. The magnetic anisotropy within the plane is, however, quite different in the two cases, as revealed by the angular dependence of the planar Hall effect (PHE). The dependence of PHE on the magnetic field orientation was measured as follows. The magnetization of the sample was first saturated by applying a fiel d of 4000 Oe at a given angle. The field was then reduced to the desired strength, and the PHE was meas ured as the field di rection was rotated without changing field strength . This was repeated for a series of field strengths. The azimuthal angle was measured counterclockwise from [1 10] crystallographic direction (i.e., from the direction of the current). Representative angular dependences of th e planar Hall resistance (PHR) obtained for as-grown and annealed GaMnAs films at 13 K ar e shown in Fig. 1. The PH R is seen to vary between positive and negative values as the field is rotated, showing a hysteresis between clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) rota tions. This type of angular dependence of PHR has already been observed in GaMnAs f ilms [19, 20], and can be described by the following expression [21] 2 PHR sin 2MkRMtph = , ( 1 ) where t is the film thickness, Mphis the angle between the dir ection of the current and the magnetization M, and k is a constant related to the anisotropic Note that the behavior of PHR is strikingl y different in the two samples, showing an abrupt transition between its maximum (2kMt+ ) and minimum (2kMt- ) values in the as-grown film, 4 and a smooth broad transiti on for the annealed film. In order to investigate the ma gnetic domain structure associat ed with the reorientation of magnetization during the rotation of the field, we have focused on the transition region indicated by the shaded area in Fig. 1. This re gion includes the crossing by the field direction of the [110] crystallographic axis. In this angular range the direct ion of magnetization changes between the [100] and [010] directio ns via domain nucleation and propagation, in a process similar to that discussed in Ref. [16] . The value of PHR in this region will therefore reflect the fractions of the sample area occupi ed by domains oriented along [100] and [010]. Note that magnetization in these directi ons corresponds to the minimum and maximum values of RPHR, respectively, when the entire sample is in single-domain state [17]. The fractional area p of magnetization along the [010] direct ion at any point dur ing the transition from [100] to [010] (i.e., in the case of CCW ro tation of the field) can be calculated from the simple relation, max PHR PHR 1/2( 1 / )pR R=- , given in Ref. [22]. The observed values of p are plotted in the left inset in Fig. 2. The direction of magnetization in an in-plane magnetized GaMnAs film is determined by the magnetic free energy, given by [23] 22 UCsin ( / 4)cos 2 cos( )M MM H EK K M H ph phph ph =+ -- , ( 2 ) where H is the external magnetic field, UK and CK are uniaxial and cubic anisotropy coefficients, respectively, and Mph and Hph are angles of the magnetization and of the applied magnetic field measured from the [1 10] direction. The magnetic energy difference between magnetizations along [100] and [010] directions is then [010] [100] [010] [100] 2c o s s i n ( ) / 2HM M EE E M H phph ph D= - = - , ( 3 ) where the orientation of magneti zations is given by the angles[100], [010] Mph . Note, however, that 5 these orientations may be slightly mis-aligned with [100] and [010] due to the presence of the external magnetic field and to contribu tions from uniaxial anisotropy [18]. Since the energy difference ED between the two directions of magnetization varies as cosH Hph in Eq. (3), it can be continuously swep t by changing the direction of the applied field. This provides a very direct handle for investigating the pinning energy [24] distribution of magnetic domains, since only those areas ha ving a domain pinning energy of the same or smaller magnitude than ED will make a transition from [100 ] to [010] during the scan of ED. As the sample breaks up into regions with two different directions of magnetization, the value of PHR will change to reflect the fractional areas corresponding to these two magnetization orientations. From the data shown in the left inset in Fig. 2 ( p vs. Hph) and the relation given in Eq. (3) ( ED vs. Hph), one can relate the fraction p to the value of /EMD , as shown in the right insets in Fi g. 2. Note that the relation between p and /EMD is a measure of the field strength required to reorie nt the domain magnetizat ion from the [100] to the [010] direction. The derivative of p with respect to /EMD then provides the probability of finding a domain w ith a pinning field /pHE M=D , which is the thresh old external field required to cross the [110] dir ection. The probability distributions of domain pinning fields obtained in this way are plotted for both samples in Fig. 2. This probability can very nicely fit by a Gaussian distribution function given by 2 avg 2() 1() e x p2 2p pHHfHs sp-=- , ( 4 ) where pH is the pinning field for a doma in with a given orientation,avgH is the average pinning field over the enti re ensemble of domains in the sample, and s is the standard deviation of the pinning fiel d fluctuation. The value of avgH obtained from the fits is 37.7 0.43 Oe+- for the as-grown and 8.6 0.30 Oe+- for the annealed sample. 6 It is most interesting that the domain pinni ng field distribution for the as-grown sample shown in Fig. 2 is confined to a very narrow region, indicating that domain pinning is quite homogeneous over the entire sample. Since the domains comprising the sample have nearly identical pinning fields, they rotate coherently during magnetization revers al. This behavior is consistent with the uniform magn etic phase model adopted by Wang et al. for the interpretation of their ac su sceptibility data obtained on as-grown GaMnAs film. In contrast to the as-grown sample, domain pinning fields in the annealed sample are distributed over a broad region, as seen in Fig. 2. Note that there even is a finite probability p for a region of negative pinning fi elds, indicating that there exist areas in the film in which magnetization direction can change in the absence of an applied magnetic field. The phenomenon of negative pinning fields is usually observed in magnetic multilayer systems comprised of ferromagnetic and antiferromagne tic layers. In that case a strong coupling between adjacent magnetic layers provides a negative pinning field for the ferromagnetic layer [25]. Our sample, however, consists of a single ferromagnetic GaMnAs film, and it is difficult to identify a mechanism that would be analogous to that discus sed in Ref. [25]. The negative pinning field in our case must ther efore have an entirel y different origin. To gain some insight into th e broad distribution of pinning energies in annealed GaMnAs (including negative values), we must reexam ine the distribution of magnetic anisotropy within the sample. In the analysis presented ab ove we assume the entire film to be uniformly dominated by the same type of anisotropy (s pecifically, cubic). However, magnetic domains in a GaMnAs film can in principle have differe nt magnetic anisotropies, resulting in different magnetization directions at zero magnetic fiel d. It is now well established that magnetic anisotropy in GaMnAs is a sensitive function of the hole concentr ation [11, 13]. Small fluctuations of this parameter can thus produc e regions with different magnetic anisotropy (i.e., different relative strengths of KU and KC). This in turn can result in local variations of 7 magnetic energy profiles, leading to a broad di stribution of magnetic pinning fields, as is observed. The observation of the negative pinning field can also be understood in terms of this picture. Assume, for example, that there are some areas dominated by uniaxial anisotropy along [110], and some dominated by cubic an isotropy along the <1 00> directions. The magnetization of each area will then have tended to align along the directions of magnetic energy minima determined by the anisotropy at zero field. As the magnetization makes the transition from [100] to [010] di rections, its relaxation toward the [110] direc tion in areas can then be viewed as a rotation of magnetization from [100] to [010] in a fraction of the sample. This will manife st itself as a negative pinning energy in the analysis used above, where the magnetization wa s assumed to make a transition from [100] to [010]. To support the existence of ar eas dominated by different ma gnetic anisotropies in the annealed sample, we performed field scans of PHR with different directions of the applied field. Data presented in Fig. 3 show that th e value of PHR changes significantly when the field is reduced toward zero even before its direction is reverse d. This behavior is very different from what we observed in as-grown GaMnAs film with a strong cubic anisotropy, in which an abrupt change of PHR occurs only after the field direction is reversed [16,20]. Furthermore, in field scan experiments on annealed GaMnAs films the PHR value at zero field is neither a maximum nor a minimum, which can only occur when the magnetization points along one of the in-plane <100> directions over the entire sample in the form of single domain. Note also that PHR returns to the same value at zero field independent of what was the field direction during the scan. These observa tions directly sugge st that the sample consists of some areas with strong uniaxial anisotr opy along [110], and some with strong cubic anisotropy along the <100> directio ns. The magnetization of the sa mple at zero field is then 8 given by the combination of magnetic domains with magnetizations along [110] ( areas) and along <100> (cubic-an areas), as shown in the right-hand inset in Fig. 3. In the above configuration invol ving domains with two different orientations, the direction of the average magnetization at zero field will lie between these two orientations, thus resulting in an intermediate value of PHR, ex actly as observed in experiment. Furthermore, this distribution of magnetic domains is intrinsi c to the film, and will thus result in the same value of PHR at zero field, regardless of the di rection of the field applied during the scan. This is confirmed by the entire set of field angl e data in the left-hand inset of Fig. 3, which clearly show that PHR changes only between two values (positive for [100] and [110] combination, and negative for [010] and [110 ] combination), both of the same magnitude. This observation directly indicates that the anne aled GaMnAs film cons ists of areas having different magnetic anisotropies, similar to the mixed magnetic phase model suggested by Hamaya et al. [14]. The pinning field distribution caused by magn etic fluctuations was further tested by investigating the process of magnetization reorientation for va rious field strengths, chosen so as to cover the distribut ion of pinning fields in the sample. If the pinning field distribution shown in Fig. 2 corresponds to a specific distri bution of magnetic regions in the sample, only a fraction of the sample with domain pinning fields which are smaller than the applied external field will be able to respond to the fiel d as it is rotated. This will be reflected in the amplitude of PHR as a function of the angle Hph, since in the reorient ation process only those areas which can follow the rotation of the field will contribute to changes of the PHR value. The field dependence of the amplitude of PHR normalized by the PHR maximum observed at 4000 Oe is shown Fig. 4. The normalized PHR amplitude remains constant (close to unity) at fields above 40 Oe, indicating that above 40 Oe practically the entire sample follows the 9 rotation of the field. This is consistent with the domain pinning field distribution shown in Fig. 2, where the upper ends of the distributions for both samp les lie around 40 Oe. At lower fields, on the other hand, the amplitude of PHR is clearly seen to decrease as the field is reduced, since the areas having pinning fields larger than the strength of the applied field can no longer follow the rotation of the field. Thus the lower the field, the lesser fraction of the sample can respond to the field rotation. As s een in Fig. 4, in the as-grown sample the amplitude of PHR drops rapidly to zero wi thin a very narrow field window, while the decrease of PHR in the annealed sample is much more gradual. Th is behavior directly reflects the difference of domain pinning field distribut ions in as-grown and annealed GaMnAs. Interestingly, the pinning field distributi on shown in Fig. 2 for GaMnAs films also provides qualitative insight into the temperatur e dependence of the resistivity shown in the inset of Fig. 4. It is now well established that the peak in the temperature scan of the resistivity is an indication of the magnetic phase transition [6]. The resistance peak in annealed GaMnAs samples -- a lthough it is shifted to a highe r temperature, indicating an increase of the Curie temperat ure -- is systematically obser ved as a broad, rounded maximum as compared to the sharp peak seen in as-grown samples [4, 6, 8]. This has always been rather surprising, since annealing leads to an overa ll improvement of magnetic properties of GaMnAs films, such as an enhancement of TC and a reduction in the concentration of interstitial Mn ions [4-9]. However, one can see from Fig. 2 that the pinning field distribution in annealed GaMnAs is much broader than in as-grown material. This suggests that annealing leads to an increase of magnetic fluctuations (i n agreement with Refs. [7] and [14]); and it is reasonable to expect that the more magnetic fluc tuations in the film, the broader will be the temperature range needed to complete the magne tic phase transition of the entire film. The commonly observed difference in the resistivit y peaks of as-grown and annealed GaMnAs can therefore be readily related to the differen ce in their magnetic pinning field distributions. 10 In conclusion, we have inve stigated the domain pinning fiel d distribution of ferromagnetic GaMnAs films by PHE measurements as a func tion of applied field orientation. While a narrow pinning field distribution was obtaine d for as-grown GaMnAs, annealed GaMnAs film exhibited a strikingly broad range of pi nning fields. Such pinni ng field distribution was interpreted in terms of fluctu ations of magnetic an isotropy over the ar ea of the film. All domains comprising as-grown GaMnAs have similar magnetic anisotropy (predominantly cubic), resulting in a un iform behavior of the sample as a whole. In contrast, domains in annealed GaMnAs films have a broad range of pinning fields (inc luding even a non-zero probability of negative pinning fields), indicating the existe nce of areas with various degrees of uniaxial anisotropy. This br oad pinning field distribution ag rees with the mixed magnetic phase model proposed in Ref. [14]. The pres ent study therefore demonstrates that the magnetic nature of GaMnAs films can be repr esented either by a singl e (uniform) phase, or by a mixed phase model, depending on the degree of magnetic anisotropy variation related to spatial magnetic fluctuations within the film. This work was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant by the Seoul R&DB Program; and by the National Science Foundation Grant DMR06-03762. 11 [1] G. A. Prinz, Science 282, 1660 (1998). [2] S. A. Wolf et al. , Science 294, 1488 (2001). [3] H. Ohno et al. , Nature (London) 408, 944 (2000). [4] T. Hayashi et al. , Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 1691 (2001). [5] B. S. Sorensen et al. , Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 2287 (2003). [6] K. W. Edmonds et al. , Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 4991 (2002). [7] K. W. Edmonds et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 037201 (2004). [8] S. J. Potashnik et al. , Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 1495 (2001). [9] K. M. Yu et al. , Phys. Rev. B 65, 201303 (2002). [10] K. Y . Wang et al. , J. Appl. Phys. 95, 6512 (2004). [11] M. Sawicki et al. , Phys. Rev. B 71, 121301(R) (2005). [12] A. Shen et al. , J. Cryst. Growth 175, 1069 (1997). [13] X. Liu, et al., Phys. Rev. B 67, 205204 (2003). [14] K. Hamaya et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 147203 (2005). [15] K. Y . Wang et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 217204 (2005). [16] U. Welp et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 167206 (2003). [17] D. Y . Shin et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 047201 (2007). [18] D. Y . Shin et al. , IEEE Trans. Magn. 43, 3025 (2007). [19] J. Kim et al. , J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07D101 (2008). [20] H. X. Tang et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 107201 (2003). [21] K. Okamoto, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 35, 353 (1983). [22] S. J. Chung et al. , Solid States Commun. 143, 232 (2007). [23] E. C. Stoner and E. P. Wohlfarth, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London A 240, 74 (1948). [24] R. P. Cowburn et al. , J. Appl. Phys. 78, 7210 (1995). [25] G. J. Strijkers et al. , Phys. Rev. B 62, 13896 (2000). 12 Figure Caption Fig. 1. Angular dependences of planar Hall resistance data ta ken at 13 K for (a) as-grown and (b) annealed GaMnAs samples. The open a nd solid symbols show da ta taken with field rotations in CW and CCW directions, respecti vely. A hysteresis is cl early observed between the CW and CCW rotations in both samples, but with very different characteristics. Fig. 2. Probability of finding magnetic domains oriented along the [010] direction for a given pinning field. The widths of the distribution show a clea r contrast between as-grown (solid circles) and annealed (open circles) samp les. The solid lines are Gaussian fits obtained with Eq. (4). The left-hand inset shows fractional area p corresponding to magnetic domains with magnetization along [010] obtained from da ta in the shaded region of Fig. 1. The right- hand insets are plots of the relation between fractional area p and the pinning field DE/M mapped out from the data shown in the left inset. Fig. 3. Representative field scans of PHR data obtained on annealed GaMnAs film for field directions 105Hph=deg and 145Hph=deg. Both sets of data show significant changes near zero field, giving the same intermediate value at the intercept. The zero-field intercepts obtained for PHR s cans at different Hph are given in the left-hand inset, showing that the transition occurs between two PH R values that correspond to a co mbination of two directions of magnetization, along [110] and [100]. This is illustrated in the right-hand inset, where M U and M C indicate magnetizations dominated by uniaxi al and cubic anisotropies, respectively. Fig. 4. (a) Amplitude of PHR obtained from angular dependence data taken at various field strengths. The solid and open circles correspond to as-grown and annealed samples. For as-grown sample the PHR amplitude drops to zero in a very narrow field window, and annealed GaMnAs it decreases gradually with decreasing field. Temperature dependence of resistance measured on the two GaMnAs films is shown in the inset. 13 Fig. 1 0 90 180 270 360-202-20020 CCW CW Annealed(b) phH (deg.)(a) CCW CW RPHR (O) as-grown Fig. 2 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 90 120 0 1000.00.51.0 -20 0 20 400.00.51.0 Portion p DE/M (Oe) Portion p DE/M (Oe)(c) (d)T=13 K As-grown Annealed (Oe)Portion p phH (deg.) 14 Fig. 3 -400 -200 0 200 400-2-10 0 90 180 270 RPHR (O) H (Oe) phH=105o phH=145oMeff RPHR at H=0 phH (deg) Fig. 4 0 2 04 06 08 0 1 0 100 200 Amplitude of (Oe)annealed Resistance (k O) Temperature (K)T=13 K | 0803.0714 | Sanghoon Lee | Jungtaek Kim, D. Y. Shin, Sanghoon Lee, X. Liu, and J. K. Furdyna | Distribution of magnetic domain pinning fields in GaMnAs ferromagnetic
films | null | null | 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.075309 | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.other | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Using the angular dependence of the planar Hall effect in GaMnAs
ferromagnetic films, we were able to determine the distribution of magnetic
domain pinning fields in this material. Interestingly, there is a major
difference between the pinning field distribution in as-grown and in annealed
films, the former showing a strikingly narrower distribution than the latter.
This conspicuous difference can be attributed to the degree of non-uniformity
of magnetic anisotropy in both types of films. This finding provides a better
understanding of the magnetic domain landscape in GaMnAs that has been the
subject of intense debate.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 Mar 2008 17:44:51 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"D. Y.",
"J. K.",
] |
- 2 - We present new full-sky temperature and polarization maps i n five frequency bands from 23 to 94 GHz, based on data from the first five years of theWMAP sky survey. The new maps are consistent with previous maps and ar e more sensitive. The five-year maps incorporate several improvements in data processing made possible by the additional years of data and by a more complet e analysis of the instrument calibration and in-flight beam response. We p resent several new tests for systematic errors in the polarization data and con clude that W data is not yet suitable for cosmological stud ies, but we for further study. We dofind that Ka band data is suitable for use; in conjunction with the additional years of data, the additi on of Ka band to the previously used Q and V band channels significantly reduces t he uncertainty in the optical depth parameter, t. Further scientific results from the five year data analysis are presented in six companion papers and are summa rized inSS7 of this paper. With the 5 year WMAP data, we detect no convincing deviations from the minimal 6-parameter LCDM model: a flat universe dominate d by a cos- mological constant, with adiabatic and nearly scale-invar iant Gaussian fluctua- tions. Using WMAP data combined with measurements of Type Ia supernovae (SN) and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) in the galaxy di stribution, we find (68% CL uncertainties): ohm bh2= ohmch2= 0.726+-0.015,ns= 0.960+-0.013,t= 0.084+-0.016, and 2 R= 0.002 Mpc-1. From these we derive: s8= 70.5+-1.3 km s-1Mpc-1, ohmb= 0.0456+-0.0015, ohm c= 10.9+-1.4, and t0= 13.72+-0.12 Gyr. The new limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio is r <0.22 (95% CL), while the evidence for a running spectral index is insignificant, (68% CL). We obtain tight, simultaneous limits on the (constant) dark en ergy equation of state and the spatial curvature of the universe: -0.14<1 +w <0.12 (95% CL) (95% CL). The number of relativistic degrees of free- dom, expressed in units of the effective number of neutrino sp ecies, is found to beNeff= 4.4+-1.5 (68% CL), consistent with the standard value of 3.04. Model s withNeff= 0 are disfavored at >99.5% confidence. Finally, new limits on phys- ically motivated primordial non-Gaussianity parameters a re-9< CL) and-151< fequil NL<253 (95% CL) for the local and equilateral headings: cosmic microwave background, cosmology: observations, ea rly universe, dark matter, space vehicles, space vehicles: ins truments, instrumenta-- 3 - tion: detectors, telescopes 1. INTRODUCTION The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe ( WMAP ) is a Medium-Class Explorer (MIDEX) satellite aimed at elucidating cosmology through f ull-sky observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The WMAP full-sky maps of the temperature and polariza- tion anisotropy in five frequency bands provide our most accu rate view to date of conditions in the early universe. The multi-frequency data facilitate the separation of the CMB signal from foreground emission arising both from our Galaxy and fr om extragalactic sources. The CMB angular power spectrum derived from these maps exhibits a highly coherent acoustic peak structure which makes it possible to extract a wealth of information about the compo- sition and history of the universe, as well as the processes t hat seeded the data (Bennett et al. 2003; Spergel et al. 2003; Hinshaw et al. 2007; Spergel et al. 2007), along with a host of pioneering CMB experiments (Mill er et al. 1999; Lee et al. 2001; Netterfield et al. 2002; Halverson et al. 2002; Pearson et al. 2003; Scott et al. 2003; Beno^ it et al. 2003), and other cosmological measurements ( Percival et al. 2001; Tegmark et al. 2004; Cole et al. 2005; Tegmark et al. 2006; Eisenstein et al. 2005; Percival et al. 2007; Astier et al. 2006; Riess et al. 2007; Wood-Vasey et al. 2007) have establi shed LCDM as the standard model of cosmology: a flat universe dominated by dark energy, supplemented by dark matter and atoms with density fluctuations seeded by a Gaussian, adi abatic, nearly scale The basic properties of this universe are determin ed by five numbers: the density of matter, the density of atoms, the age of the universe (or equi valently, the Hubble constant today), the amplitude of the initial fluctuations, and their scale dependence. By accurately measuring the first few peaks in the angular pow er spectrum and the large-scale polarization anisotropy, WMAP data have enabled the following inferences:
*A precise (3%) determination of the density of atoms in the un iverse. The the atomic density derived from WMAP and the density inferred from the deuterium abundance is an important test of the standard big bang model.
*A precise (3%) determination of the dark matter density. (Wi th five years of data and a better determination of our beam response, this measur ement has Previous CMB measurements have shown that t he dark matter must be non-baryonic and interact only weakly with atoms and radi ation. The WMAP measurement of the density puts important constraints on su persymmetric dark matter models and on the properties of other dark matter candidates .- 4 -
*A definitive determination of the acoustic scale at redshift z= 1090. Similarly, the re- cent measurement of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) in t he galaxy power et al. 2005) has determined the acoustic scale a t redshift z~0.35. When combined, these standard rulers accurately measure the geo metry of the universe and the properties of the dark energy. These data require a nearl y flat universe dominated by dark energy consistent with a cosmological constant.
*A precise determination of the Hubble Constant, in conjunct ion with BAO observa- tions. Even when allowing curvature (ohm 0/negationslash= 1) and a free dark energy equation of state ( the acoustic data determine the Hubble constant to withi n 3%. The measured value is in excellent agreement with independent r esults from the Hubble Key Project (Freedman et al. 2001), providing yet another im portant consistency test for the standard constraint of the basic properties of the primor dial fluctuations. The seen in the (TE) cor relation spectrum on 4*scales implies that the fluctuations are primarily adiabatic and ru le out defect models and isocurvature models as the primary source of fluctuations (P eiris et al. 2003). Further, the WMAP measurement of the primordial power spectrum of matter fluct ua- tions constrains the physics of inflation, our best model for the origin of these the 5 year data provide the best measurement to date of the scalar and slope, and place the most stringent limits to d ate on the amplitude of However, it should be noted that these constra ints assume a smooth function of scale, k. Certain models with localized structure in P(k), and hence additional parameters, are not ruled out, but neither are they required by the data; s ee e.g. Shafieloo & Hunt & Sarkar (2007). The statistical properties of the CMB fluctuations measured byWMAP are close to Gaussian; however, there are several hints of possible devi ations from Gaussianity, e.g. Eriksen et al. (2007a); Copi et al. (2007); Land & Magueijo (2 007); Yadav & Wandelt deviations would be a very important signature o f new physics in the early polarization measurements currentl y provide our best window into the universe at z~10. The WMAP data imply that the universe was reionized long before the epoch of the oldest known quasars. By accurately c onstraining the optical depth of the universe, WMAP not only constrains the age of the first stars but also determi nes the amplitude of primordial fluctuations to better than 3%. T his result is important for constraining the growth rate of structure.- 5 - This paper summarizes results compiled from 5 years of WMAP data that are fully presented in a suite of 7 papers (including this one). The new results improve upon pre- vious results in many ways: additional data reduces the rand om noise, which is for studying the temperature signal on small angu lar scales and the on large angular scales; five independent years of dat a enable comparisons and null tests that were not previously possible; the instrument cal ibration and beam response have been much better characterized, due in part to improved anal yses and to additional years of data; and, other cosmological data have become available. In addition to summarizing the other papers, this paper repo rts on changes in the WMAP data processing pipeline, presents the 5 year temperature a nd polarization maps, and gives new results on instrument calibration and on poten tial systematic errors in the polarization data. Hill et al. (2008) discuss the program to derive an improved physical optics model of the WMAP telescope, and use the results to better determine the WMAP beam response. Gold et al. (2008) present a new analysis of diffuse foreground emission in the WMAP data and update previous analyses using 5 year data. Wright e t al. (2008) point sources and provide an updated source c atalog, with new results on Nolta et al. (2008) derive the angular power sp ectra from the maps, including the TT, TE, TB, EE, EB, and BB spectra. Dunkley et al. (2008) produ ce an updated and present cosmological parameter results based on 5 year WMAP data. They also develop an independent analysis of polarized foregrou nds and use those results to test the reliability of the optical depth inference to foregroun d removal errors. Komatsu et al. (2008) infer cosmological parameters by combining 5 year WMAP data with a host of data and discuss the implications of the resul ts. Concurrent with the submission of these papers, all 5 year WMAP data are made available to the research community via NASA's Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analys is (LAMBDA). The data products are described in detail in the WMAP Explanatory Supplement (Limon et al. 2008), also available on LAMBDA. TheWMAP instrument is composed of 10 differencing assemblies (DAs) s panning 5 frequencies from 23 to 94 GHz (Bennett et al. 2003): 1 DA each a t 23 GHz (K1) and 33 GHz (Ka1), 2 each at 41 GHz (Q1,Q2) and 61 GHz (V1,V2), and 4 at 9 4 GHz (W1-W4). Each DA is formed from two differential radiometers which are sensitive to orthogonal modes; the radiometers are designated 1 or 2 (e .g., V11 or W12) depending on polarization mode. In this paper we follow the notation convention that flux dens ity isS~naand is T~nb, where the spectral indices are related by b=a-2. In general, the CMB is expressed in terms of thermodynamic temperature, whi le Galactic and extragalactic- 6 - foregrounds are expressed in antenna temperature. Thermod ynamic temperature differences are given by T= where x=hn/kT 0,his the Planck constant, n is the frequency, kis the Boltzmann constant, and T0= 2.725 K is the CMB et al. 1999). A WMAP band-by-band tabulation of the conversion factors and antenna temperature is given in Table 1. 2. CHANGES IN THE 5 YEAR DATA ANALYSIS The 1 year and 3 year data analyses were described in detail in previous papers. In large part, the 5 year analysis employs the same methods, so we do no t repeat a detailed here. However, we have made several improvemen ts that are summarized here and described in more detail later in this paper and in a serie s of companion papers, as noted. We list the changes in the order they appear in the proc essing pipeline:
*There is pointing offset between the star tra cker coordi- nate system (which defines spacecraft coordinates) and the i nstrument boresights. In the 3 year analysis we introduced a correction to account for the elevation change of the instrument boresights in spacecraft coordinates. With additional years of data, we have been able to refine our thermal model of the pointing offse t, so we now include a small ( <1') correction to account for the azimuth change of the instrum ent bore- sights. Details of the new correction are given in the 5 year E xplanatory et al. 2008).
*We have critically re-examined the relative and absolute in tensity calibration proce- dures, paying special attention to the absolute gain recove ry obtainable from the mod- ulation of the CMB dipole due to WMAP 's motion. We describe the revised procedure inSS4 and note that the sky map calibration uncertainty has decre ased from 0.5% beam response has now been measured in 10 independent seaso ns of Jupiter observations. In the highest resolution W band chan nels, these measurements now probe the beam response ~44 dB down from the beam peak. However, there is beam solid angle below this level ( ~0.5%) that needs to be measured to enable accurate cosmological inference. In the 3 year analy sis we produced a physical optics model of the A-side beam response starting with a pre- flight model and mirror distortions to the flight Jupiter data. In th e 5 year analysis we have extended the model to the B-side optics and, for both sides, w e have extended the fit to include distortion modes a factor of 2 smaller in linear scale (4 times as many- 7 - modes). The model is used to augment the flight beam maps below a given threshold. The details of this work are given in Hill et al. (2008).
*The far sidelobe response of the beam was determined from a co mbination of and in-flight lunar data taken early in the miss ion (Barnes et al. 2003). For the current analysis, we have replaced a small fraction o f the far sidelobe data with the physical optics model described above. We have also made the following changes in our handling of the far sidelobe pickup (Hill et al. 2008): 1) We have enlarged the transition radius that defines the boundary between the ma in beam and the far sidelobe response. This places a larger fraction of the tota l beam solid angle in the main beam where uncertainties are easier to quantify and pro pagate into the angular power spectra. 2) We have moved the far sidelobe deconvoluti on into the and sky map solver ( SS4). This produces a self-consistent estimate of the intensity calibration and the deconvolved sky map. The cali brated time-ordered data archive has had an estimate of the far sidelobe response subt racted from each datum (as it had in the 3 year processing).
*We have updated the optimal filters used in the final step of map -making. The func- tional form of the filter is unchanged (Jarosik et al. 2007), b ut the fits have been updated to cover years 4 and 5 of the flight data.
*Each WMAP differencing assembly consists of two radiometers that are s ensitive to orthogonal linear polarization states. The sum and differen ce of the two radiome- ter channels split the signal into intensity and polarizati on components, the noise levels in the two radiometers are not equa l, in general, so more optimal sky map estimation is possible in theory, at the cost of mixing intensity and polarization components in the process. For the current ana lysis, we investigated one such weighted algorithm and found that the polarization map s were subject to unac- ceptable contamination by the intensity signal in cases whe re the beam response was non-circular and the gradient of the intensity signal was la rge, e.g., in K band. As a result, we reverted to the unweighted (and unbiased) estima tor used in previous work.
*We have improved the sky masks used to reject foreground cont amination. In previous work, we defined masks based on contours of the K band data. In t he 5 year analysis we produce masks based jointly on K band and Q band contours. F or a given sky cut fraction, the new masks exclude flat spectrum (e.g. free-fre e) emission more effectively. The new masks are described in detail in Gold et al. (2008) and are provided with the 5 year data release. In addition, we have modified the proces sing mask used to exclude very bright sources during sky map estimation. The n ew mask is defined in terms of low-resolution (r4) HEALPix sky pixels (Gorski et a l. 2005) to facilitate a- 8 - cleaner definition of the pixel-pixel inverse covariance ma trices, N-1. One side effect of this change is to introduce a few r4-sized holes around the brightest radio sources in the analysis mask, which incorporates the processing mas k as a subset.
*We have amended our foreground analysis in the following way s: 1) Gold et al. (2008) perform a pixel-by-pixel analysis of the joint temperature and polarization data to study the breakdown of the Galactic emission into physical c omponents. 2) We have updated some aspects of the Maximum Entropy (MEM) based anal ysis, as described in Gold et al. (2008). 3) Dunkley et al. (2008) develop a new an alysis of emission using a Gibbs sampling approach that yi elds a cleaned CMB po- larization map and an associated covariance matrix. 4) Wrig ht et al. (2008) update theWMAP point source catalog and present some results on variable so urces in the 5 year data. However, the basic cosmological results are stil l based on maps that were cleaned with the same template-based procedure that was use d in the 3 year analysis.
*We have improved the final temperature power spectrum, CTT l, by using a Gibbs- based maximum likelihood estimate for l<=32 (Dunkley et al. 2008) and a pseudo- Cl estimate for higher l(Nolta et al. 2008). As with the 3 year analysis, the pseudo- Cl estimate uses only V- and W-band data. With 5 individual year s of data and six V- and W-band differencing assemblies, we can now form individu al cross-power spectra from 15 DA pairs within each of 5 years and from 36 DA pairs acro ss 10 year pairs, for a total of 435 independent cross-power spectra.
*In the 3 year analysis we developed a pseudo- Clmethod for evaluating spectra in the presence of correlated noise. In the pre sent analysis we addition- ally estimate the TE, TB, EE, EB, & BB spectra and their errors using an extension of the maximum likelihood method in Page et al. (2007). Howev er, as in the 3 year analysis, the likelihood of a given model is still evaluated directly from the using a pixel-based likelihood.
*We have improved the form of the likelihood function used to i nfer cosmological param- eters from the Monte Carlo Markov Chains (Dunkley et al. 2008 ). We use an exact maximum likelihood form for the l<=32 TT data (Eriksen et al. 2007c). We theoretically optimal methods for incorpora ting window function uncer- tainties into the likelihood, but in tests with simulated da ta we have found them to be biased. In the end, we adopt the form used in the 3 year analy sis (Hinshaw et al. 2007), but we incorporate the smaller 5 year window function uncertainties (Hill et al. 2008) as inputs. We now routinely account for gravitational lensing when and we have added an option to use low- lTB and EB data for cosmological models.- 9 -
*For testing nongaussianity, we employ an improved estimato r et al. 2006; Yadav et al. 2007). The results of this analysis are des cribed in Komatsu et al. (2008). 3. OBSERVATIONS AND MAPS The 5 year WMAP data encompass the period from 00:00:00 UT, 10 August 2001 (d ay number 222) to 00:00:00 UT, 9 August 2006 (day number 222). Th e observing this time is roughly 99%; Table 2 lists the fraction of data that was lost or rejected as unusable. The Table also gives the fraction of data that is flagged due to by thermal emission from Mars, Jupiter, Satu rn, Uranus, and Neptune. These data are not used in map-making, but are useful for in-flight b eam mapping (Hill et al. 2008; Limon et al. 2008). After performing an end-to-end analysis of the instrument c alibration, single-year sky maps are created from the time-ordered data using the proced ure described by Jarosik et al. (2007). Figure 1 shows the 5 year temperature maps at each of t he five WMAP 23, 33, 41, 61, and 94 GHz. The number of indepen dent observations per pixel, Nobs, is qualitatively the same as Figure 2 of Hinshaw et al. (2007 ) and is not reproduced here. The noise per pixel, p, is given by s(p) =s0N-1/2 obs(p), where s0is the noise per observation, given in Table 1. To a very good approximation, the noise per pixel in the 5 year maps is a factor of 5 times lower than in the single-year maps. Figures 2 and 3 sho w the 5 year polarization maps in the form of the Stokes paramet ers Q and U, of the relative polarization sensitivity, the Q and U an alogs of Nobs, are shown in Figure 13 of Jarosik et al. (2007) and are not updated here. A d escription of the low- resolution pixel-pixel inverse covariance matrices used i n the polarization analysis is also given in Jarosik et al. (2007), and is not repeated here. The p olarization maps are dominated by foreground emission, primarily synchrotron emission fr om the Milky Way. Figure 4 shows the polarization maps in a form in which the color scale repre sents polarized intensity, and the line segments indicate polarization direction for pixels with a signal-to- noise ratio greater than 1. As with the temperature maps, the noise per pixel in the 5 maps is 5 times lower than in the single-year maps. Figure 5 shows the difference between the 5 year temperature m aps and the correspond- ing 3 year maps. All maps have been smoothed to 2*resolution to minimize the noise difference between them (due to the additional years of data) . The left column shows the difference without any further processing, save for the subt raction of a relative offset between the maps. Table 3 gives the value of the relative offset in each band. Recall that WMAP is- 10 - insensitive to absolute temperature, so we adopt a conventi on that sets the zero level in each map based on a model of the foreground emission at the galacti c poles. While we have not changed conventions, our 3 year estimate was erroneous due t o the use of a preliminary CMB signal map at the time the estimate was made. This error did no t affect any but it probably explains the offset differences note d by Eriksen et al. (2007b) in their recent analysis of the 3 year data. The dominant structure in the left column of Figure 5 consist s of a residual dipole and galactic plane emission. This reflects the updated 5 year cal ibration which has produced changes in the gain of order 0.3% compared to the 3 year gain es timate (seeSS4 for a more detailed discussion of the calibration). Table 3 gives the d ipole amplitude difference in each band, along with the much smaller quadrupole and octupo le power difference. (For comparison, we estimate the CMB power at l= 2,3 to be l(l+ 1)Cl/2p= 211 The right column of Figure 5 shows the corres ponding sky map the 3 year map has been rescaled by a single factor (in ea ch band) to account for the mean gain change between the 3 and 5 year calibration dete rminations. The plane structure in these maps is less than 0.2% of th e nominal signal in Q band, and less than 0.1% in all the other bands. The large scale stru cture in the maps is quite robust. 3.1. CMB Dipole The dipole anisotropy stands apart from the rest of the CMB si gnal due to its large amplitude and to the understanding that it arises from our pe culiar motion with respect to the CMB rest frame. In this section we present CMB dipole resu lts based on a new analysis of the 5 year sky maps. Aside from an absolute calibration unc ertainty of 0.2% (see SS4), the dominint source of uncertainty in the dipole estimate arise s from uncertainties in subtraction. Here we present results for two diff erent removal methods: template- based cleaning and an internal linear combination (ILC) of t heWMAP multifrequency data (Gold et al. 2008). Our final results are based on a combinatio n of these methods that encompass both approaches. With template-based foreground removal, we can form cleane d maps for each of the 8 high frequency DA's, Q1-W4, while the ILC method produces on e cleaned map from a of all the WMAP frequency bands. We analyze the residual dipole moment in each of these maps (a nominal dipole based on the 3 year data is subtracted from the time- ordered data prior to map-making) using a Gibbs sampling tec hnique which generates an ensemble of full-sky CMB realizations that are consistent w ith the data, as detailed below.- 11 - We evaluate the dipole moment of each full-sky realization a nd compute uncertainties from the scatter of the realizations. We prepared the data for the Gibbs analysis as follows. The Nside= 512, maps were zeroed within the KQ85 mask, smoothed with a 10*FWHM Gaussian kernel, and degraded to Nside= 16. Zeroing the masked region prior to smoothing cleaning errors within the mask from contaminatin g the unmasked data. We add random white noise (12 uK rms per pixel) to each map to regularize the pixel-pixel cov ariance matrix. The Nside= 512 ILC map was also smoothed with a 10*FWHM Gaussian kernel and degraded to Nside= 16, but the data within the sky mask were not zeroed prior to smoothing. We add white noise of 6 uK per pixel to the smoothed ILC map to regularize its covariance matrix. Note that smoothing the data with a 10*kernel reduces the residual dipole in the maps by ~0.5%. We ignore this effect since the residual dipole is only ~0.3%
of the full dipole amplitude to start with. The Gibbs sampler was run for 10,000 steps for each of the 8 tem plate-cleaned maps (Q1-W4) and for each of 6 independent noise realizations add ed to the ILC map. In both cases we applied the KQ85 mask to the analysis and truncated t he CMB power at lmax= 32. The resulting ensembles of 80,000 and 60,000 dipole samples were analyzed jointly. The results of this analysis are given in Table 4 . The first row combines the results from the template-cleaned DA maps; the scatter amon g the 8 DA's was well within the noise scatter for each DA, so the Gibbs samples for all 8 DA 's were combined for this analysis. The results for the ILC map are shown in the second r ow. The two methods give reasonably consistent results, however, the Galactic longitude of the two dipole axis estimates differ from each other by about 2 s. Since we cannot reliably identify one cleaning method to be superior to the other, we have merged the Gibbs sa mples from both methods to produce the conservative estimate shown in the bottom row. T his approach, which enlarges the uncertainty to emcompass both estimates, gives (d, l, b) = (3 .355+-0.008 mK (1) where the amplitude estimate includes the 0.2% absolute cal ibration uncertainty. Given the CMB monopole temperature of 2.725 K (Mather et al. 1999), thi s amplitude implies a Solar System peculiar velocity of 369 .0+-0.9 km s-1with respect to the CMB rest frame. 4. CALIBRATION the 5 year processing we have refined our procedure for ev aluating the and have improved our estimates for the calibr ation uncertainty. The funda-- 12 - mental calibration source is still the dipole anisotropy in duced by WMAP 's motion with respect to the CMB rest frame (Hinshaw et al. 2003; Jarosik et al. 2007), but several details of the calibration fitting have been modified. The new calibra tion solution is consistent with previous results in the overlapping time range. We estimate the uncertainty in the is now 0.2% per differencing assembly. The basic calibration procedure posits that a single channe l of time-ordered data, di, may be modeled as di=gi[Tvi+ Tai] +bi, (2) where iis a time index, giandbiare the instrument gain and baseline, at time step i, Tvi is the differential dipole anisotropy induced by WMAP 's motion, and Taiis the differential sky anisotropy. We assume that Tviis known exactly and has the (3) where T0= 2.725 K is the CMB temperature (Mather et al. 1999), cis the speed of light, viisWMAP 's velocity with respect to the CMB rest frame at time step i,ximis the loss imbalance parameter (Jarosik et al. 2007), and nA,i, andnB,iare the unit vectors of the A- and B-side lines of sight at time step i(in the same frame as the velocity vector). The velocity may be decomposed as vi=vWMAP -SSB,i+vSSB-CMB, (4) where the first term is WMAP 's velocity with respect to the solar system barycenter, and the second is the barycenter velocity with respect to the CMB. Th e former is well determined from ephemeris data, while the latter has been measured by CO BE-DMR with an uncertainty of 0.7% (Kogut et al. 1996). Since the latter velocity is cons tant over WMAP 's life span, any error in our assumed value of vSSB-CMBwill, in theory, be absorbed into a dipole contribution to the anisotropy map, Ta. We test this hypothesis below. The differential sky signal h as the form Tai= (1 + xim)[Ia(pA,i) +Pa(pA,i, +Pa(pB,i, gB,i)],(5) where pA,iis the pixel observed by the A-side at time step i(and similarly for B), Ia(p) is the temperature anisotropy in pixel p(the intensity Stokes parameter, I), and Pa(p, g) is the polarization anisotropy in pixel pat polarization angle g(Hinshaw et al. 2003) which is related to the linear Stokes parameters QandUby Pa(p, g) =Q(p) cos2 g+U(p) sin 2g. (6) We further note that, in general, IaandPadepend on frequency owing to Galactic emission.- 13 - A main goal of the data processing is to simultaneously fit for the calibration and sky signal. Unfortunately, since the data model is nonlinear an d the number of parameters is large, the general problem is intractable. In practice, w e proceed iteratively as we assume the gain and baseline are constant for a g iven time interval, 1 and 24 hours, gi=Gktk< ti< tk+1 (7) bi=Bktk< ti< tk+1, (8) where tiis the time of the ith individual observation, and tkis the start time of the kth calibration interval. Throughout the fit we fix the velocity- induced signal, equation km s-1(in Galactic coordinates), and, for the first iteration, we assume no anisotropy signal, Ta= 0. Then, for each calibration interval kwe perform a linear fit for GkandBkwith fixed Tv+ Ta. As we proceed through the intervals, we apply this calibration to the raw data and a ccumulate a new estimate of the anisotropy map as per equation 19 of Hinshaw et al. (2003) . The procedure is repeated with each updated estimate of Ta. Once the calibration solution has converged, we fit the gain data, Gk, to a model that is parameterized by the instrument detector voltage and the temperatures of the receiver's warm and cold stages, equati on 2 of Jarosik et al. (2007). still provides a good fit to the Gkdata, so we have not updated its form for the 5 year analysis. The updated best-fit parameters are give n in the 5 year (Limon et al. 2008). Note that for each radiomete r, the relative gain vs. time over 5 years is determined by just two parameters. For the 5 year processing we have focused on the veracity of th e raw calibration, Gk andBk. Specifically, we have improved and/or critically reexamin ed several aspects of the iterative fitting procedure:
*We have incorporated the effect of far sidelobe pickup direct ly into the iterative cali- bration procedure, rather than as a fixed correction (Jarosi k et al. 2007). We do this by segregating the differential signal into a main beam contr ibution and a Tmain,i+ Tside,i. (9) (Hill et al. 2008 discuss how this segregation is defined in th e 5 year processing.) After each iteration of the calibration and sky map estimation, we (re)compute a database of Tsideon a grid of pointings using the new estimate of Ia. We then interpolate the database to estimate Tside,ifor each time step i. Note that Tsideincludes contri- butions from both the velocity-induced signal and the intri nsic anisotropy. Ignoring- 14 - sidelobe pickup can induce gain errors of up to 1.5% in K band, 0.4% in Ka band, and
~0.25% in Q-W bands.
*In general, the different channels within a DA have different c enter frequencies (Jarosik et al. 2003); hence the different channels measure a slightly differ ent anisotropy signal due to differences in the Galactic signal. We assess the importan ce of accounting for this in the calibration procedure.
*A single DA channel is only sensitive to a single linear polar ization state. ( WMAP mea- sures polarization by differencing orthogonal polarizatio n channels.) Thus we cannot reliably solve for both Paand for Iaat each channel's center frequency. We assess the relative importance of accounting for one or the other on bot h the gain and examine the sensitivity of the calibration solution to th e choice of vSSB-CMBand to assumptions of time-dependence in the gain. 4.1. Calibration Tests We use a variety of end-to-end simulations to assess and cont rol the systematic effects noted above. We summarize a number of the key tests in the rema inder of this section. The first case we consider is a noiseless simulation in which w e generate from an input anisotropy map which includes CMB and Gala ctic foreground signal (one map per channel, evaluated at the center frequency of each ch annel) and a known The input gain for each channel is fixed to be const ant in time. We run the iterative calibration and sky map solver allowing for an ind ependent sky map solution at each channel (but no polarization signal). When fitting for t he calibration, we assume from the input value by 1% to see if the known, modulate d velocity term, vWMAP -SSB, properly anchors the absolute gain solution. The result s are shown in the top panel of Figure 6 where it is shown that the absolute gain reco very is robust to errors in vSSB-CMB. We recover the input gain to better than 0.1% in this instanc e. The second case we consider is again a noiseless simulation t hat now includes (with Earth-velocity modulation), but here we vary t he input gain using the flight- derived gain model (Jarosik et al. 2007). The iterative solv er was run on the K band data for 1400 iterations, again starting with an initial guess th at was in error by 1%. The results are shown in the bottom panel of Figure 6, which indicate syst ematic convergence errors of
>0.3% in the fitted amplitude of the recovered gain model. Sinc e the input sky signal in this- 15 - case does not have any Galactic foreground or polarization c omponents, we cannot ascribe the recovery errors to the improper handling of those effects in the iterative solver. We have also run numerous other simulations that included various c ombinations of instrument noise, CMB anisotropy, Galactic foreground signal (with or withou t individual center frequencies per channel), polarization signal, and input gain variatio ns. The combination of runs are too numerous to report on in detail, and the results are not es pecially enlightening. The most pertinent trend we can identify is that when the input va lue ofvSSB-CMBis assumed in the iterative solver, the recovered gain is in good agreem ent with the input, but when the initial guess is in error by 1%, the recovered gain will have c omparable errors. We believe the lack of convergence is due to a weak degeneracy between ga in variations and the sky map solution. Such a degeneracy is difficult to diagnose in the con text of this iterative given the computational demands of the system, s o we are assessing the system more directly with a low-resolution parameterization of th e gain and sky signal, as outlined in Appendix A. Since the latter effort is still underway, we have adopted a mo re pragmatic approach to evaluating the absolute gain and its uncertainty for the 5 year data release. We proceed as follows: after 50 iterations of the calibration and sky ma p solver, the dominant errors in the gain and sky map solution are 1) a dipole in the sky map, a nd 2) a form that reflects a relative error between vSSB-CMBandvWMAP -SSB. At this point we can calibrate the amplitude of the gain error wave form to t he magnitude of the velocity error in vSSB-CMB. We can then fit the gain solution to a linear combination of th e gain model of Jarosik et al. (2007) and the velocity error wave for m. See Appendix B for details on this fitting procedure. In practice this fit is performed si multaneously on both channels of a radiometer since those channels share one gain model par ameter. We have tested this procedure on a complete flight-like simulations that includ es every important effect known, including input gain variations. The results of the gain rec overy are shown in Figure 7, and based on this we conservatively assign an absolute calib ration uncertainty of 0.2% per channel for the 5 year WMAP archive. 4.2. Summary The series of steps taken to arrive at the final 5 year calibrat ion are as follows:
*Run the iterative calibration and sky map solver over the ful l 5 year data set for 50 iterations, using 24 hour calibration intervals. This run s tarts with Ia=Pa= 0 and updates Iafor each individual channel of data. Pais assumed to be 0 throughout this run. We keep the gain solution, Gk, from this run and discard the baseline solution.- 16 -
*Run the iterative calibration and sky map solver over the ful l 5 year data set for 50 iterations, using 1 hour calibration intervals. This run st arts with Ia=Pa= 0 and updates both using the intensity and polarization data in th e two radiometers per DA, as per Appendix D of Hinshaw et al. (2003). We keep the baselin e solution, Bk, from this run and discard the gain solution. Both of these runs inc orporate the as noted above.
*Fit the gain solution, Gksimultaneously for the gain model and for an error in the ve- locity, vSSB-CMB, as described in Appendix B. This fit is performed on two chann els per radiometer with the gain model parameter T0common to both channels.
*We average the best-fit velocity error over all channels with in a frequency band under the assumption that the dipole is the same in each of these cha nnels. We then fix the velocity error to a single value per frequency band and re-fit the gain model parameters for each pair of radiometer channels. Based on end-to-end simulations with flight-like noise, we e stimate the absolute gain error per radiometer to be 0.2%. We believe the limiting fact or in this estimate is a weak degeneracy between thermal variations in the instrument ga in, which are annually modu- lated, and annual variations induced by errors in vSSB-CMB. Since there is a small in the spacecraft temperature, additional years o f data should allow improvements in our ability to separate these effects. Once we have finalized the gain model, we form a calibrated tim e-ordered data archive using the gain model and the 1 hour baseline estimates to cali brate the data. This archive also has a final estimate of the far sidelobe pickup subtracte d from each time-ordered data point. However, we opt not to subtract a dipole estimate from the archive at this stage in the processing. 5. BEAM IMPROVEMENTS In addition to reassessing the calibration, the other major effort undertaken to improve the 5 year data processing was to extend the physical optics m odel of the WMAP telescope based on flight measurements of Jupiter. This work is describ ed in detail in Hill et al. (2008) so we only summarize the key results with an emphasis on their scientific implications. The basic aim of the work is to use the flight beam maps from all 10 DA 's to determine the in-flight distortion of the mirrors. This program was begun f or the A-side mirror during the 3 year analysis; for the 5 year analysis we have quadrupled th e number of distortion modes- 17 - we fit (probing distortion scales that are half the previous s ize), and we have developed a completely new and independent model of the B-side distorti ons, rather than assuming that they mirror the A-side distortions. We have also placed limi ts on smaller scale distortions by comparing the predicted beam response at large angles to s idelobe data collected during WMAP 's early observations of the Moon. Given the best-fit mirror model, we compute the model beam res ponse for each DA and use it in conjunction with the flight data to constrain the faint tails of the the beam peak. These tails are difficult to constrain with flight data alone because the Jupiter signal to noise ratio is low, but, d ue to their large areal extent they contain a non-negligible fraction (up to 1%) of the tota l beam solid angle. An of the beam tail is required to properly measu re the ratio of to larger-scale power in the diffuse CMB emission (and t o accurately assign point source flux). Figure 14 in Hill et al. (2008) compares the beam radial profil es used in the 3 year and 5 year analyses, while Figure 13 compares the l-space transfer functions derived from the Legendre transform of the radial profile. The important chan ges to note are the following. 1. In both analyses we split the beam response into main beam a nd far sidelobe contri- butions. In the 5 year analysis we have enlarged the radius at which this transition is made (Hill et al. 2008). In both cases, we correct the time-or dered data for far sidelobe pickup prior to making sky maps, while the main beam contribu tion is only accounted for in the analysis of sky maps, e.g., in power spectrum decon volution. As a result, the sky maps have a slightly different effective resolution wh ich is most apparent in K band, as in Figure 5. However, in each analysis, the derived transfer functions are appropriate for the corresponding sky maps. 2. In the 3 year analysis, the main beam profile was described b y a Hermite fit to the observations of Jupiter in the time-orde red data. This approach was numerically problematic in the 5 year analysis due to the larger transition radius; as a result, we now simply co-add the time-ordered data into r adial bins to obtain the profiles. In both cases, the underlying time-ordered data is a hybrid archive consisting of flight data for points where the beam model predicts a value above a given contour, and model values for points below the contour (Hill et al. 200 8). With the improved beam models and a new error analysis, we have adjusted these h ybrid contours down slightly, with the result that we use proportionately more fl ight data (per year) in the new analysis. The radius at which the 5 year profile becomes mo del dominated ( >50%
of the points in a bin) is indicated by dotted lines in Figure 1 4 of Hill et al. (2008).- 18 - 3. The right column of Figure 14 in Hill et al. (2008) shows the fractional change in solid angle due to the updated profiles. The main point to note is the ~1% increase in the V2 and W band channels, primarily arising in the bin from 1 to 2 degrees off the beam peak. As can be seen in Figure 3 of Hill et al. (2008), this is th e angular range in which the new beam models produced the most change, owing to the inc orporation of modes in the mirror model. The 3 year analysis mad e use of the model in this angular range which, in hindsight, was suppressing up t o~1% of the solid angle in the V and W band beams. (The longer wavelength channels are less sensitive to distortions in this range, so the change in solid angle is sma ller for K-Q bands.) In the 5 year analysis, we use relatively more flight data in this reg ime, so we are less sensitive to any remaining model uncertainties. Hill et al. (2008) pla ce limits on residual model errors and propagate those errors into the overall beam unce rtainty. 4. Figure 13 in Hill et al. (2008) compares the beam transfer f unctions, bl, derived by transforming the 3 year and 5 year radial profiles. (To factor out the effect of changing the transition radius, the 3 year profiles were extended to th e 5 year radius using the far sidelobe data, for this comparison.) Since the transfer functions are normalized to 1 atl= 1, the change is restricted to high l. In V and W bands, blhas decreased by
~0.5 - 1% due largely to the additional solid angle picked up in the 1-2 degree range. This amounts to a ~1schange in the functions, as indicated by the red curves in the Figure. The calibrated angular power spectrum is proportional to 1 /g2b2 l, where gis the mean gain and blis the beam transfer function, thus the net effect of the chang e in gain and is to increase the power spectrum by ~0.5% at and by~2.5% at high l. Nolta et al. (2008) give a detailed evaluation of the power s pectrum while Dunkley et al. (2008) and Komatsu et al. (2008) discuss the implications fo r cosmology. 6. LOW- lPOLARIZATION TESTS The 3 year data release included the first measurement of micr owave polarization over the full sky, in the form of Stokes Q and U maps in each of 5 bands . The analysis of data is complicated by the fact that the instru ment was not designed to be a true polarimeter, thus a number of systematic effects had to b e understood prior to error estimates to the data. Page et al. (2007) pres ented the 3 year polarization data in great detail. In this section we extend that analysis by co nsidering some additional tests that were not covered in the 3 year analysis. We note that all o f the tests described in- 19 - this section have been performed on the template-cleaned re duced-foreground maps except for the final test of the Ka band data, described at the end of th e section, which tests an alternative cleaning method. 6.1. Year-to-Year Consistency Tests With 5 years of data it is now possible to subject the data to mo re stringent than was previously possible. In general, the number o f independent cross-power spectra we can form within a band with Nddifferencing assemblies is With 5 years of data, this gives 10 independent estimates e ach in K and Ka band, 45 each in Q and V band, and 190 in W band. For cross power s pectra of distinct band pairs, with Nd1andNd2DA's in each band, the number is Nd1Nd2xN2 y. This gives 50 each in KaQ and KaV, 100 each in KaW and QV, and 200 each in QW a nd VW. (For comparison, the corresponding numbers are 3, 15, & 66, and 18 , 36, & 72 with 3 years of data.) We have evaluated these individual spectra from the 5 year da ta and have assigned to each estimate using the Fisher formalism d escribed in Page et al. (2007). We subject the ensemble to an internal consistency test by co mputing the reduced kh2of the data at each multipole lwithin each band or band pair, under the hypothesis that the d ata at each multipole and band measures the same number from DA to DA and year to year. The results of this test are given in Table 5 for the foregroun d-cleaned EE, EB, and BB spectra from l= 2-10 for all band pairs from KaKa to WW. There are several points to note in these results. 1. For l>=6, the most significant deviation from 1 in reduced kh2, in any spectrum or band, is 1.594 in the l= 7 BB spectrum for KaQ. With 50 degrees of freedom, this is a 3 sdeviation, but given that we have 150 l>=6 samples in the table, we expect of order 1 such value. Thus we conclude that the Fisher-based errors provide a good description of the DA-to-DA and year-to-year scatter in the l>=6 polarization data. If anything, there is a slight tendency to overestimate the unc ertainties at higher l. 2. For l<=5, we find 37 out of 120 points where the reduced kh2deviates from 1 at more than 4 ssignificance, indicating excessive internal scatter in the data relative to the Fisher errors. However, all but 5 of these occur in cross-pow er spectra in which one or both of the bands contain W band data. If we exclude combina tions with W band, the remaining 72 points have a mode in the reduced kh2distribution of 1 with a slight positive skewness due to the 5 points noted above, which all c ontain Q band data. This- 20 - may be a sign of slight foreground residuals contributing ad ditional noise to the Q band data, though we do not see similar evidence in the Ka band spec tra which would be more foreground contaminated prior to cleaning. For Ka-V ba nds, we believe that the Fisher errors provide an adequate description of the scatte r in this l<=5 but we subject polarization sensitive cosmological p arameter estimates, e.g., the optical depth, to additional scrutiny in SS6.3. 3. Of special note is l= 3 BB which, as noted in Page et al. (2007), is the power spec- trum mode that is least modulated in the WMAP time-ordered data. This mode is therefore quite sensitive to how the instrument baseline is estimated and removed and, in turn, to how the 1/f noise is modeled. In the accounting abo ve, the l= 3 BB data have the highest internal scatter of any low- lpolarization mode. In particular, that includes W band data is significantly discr epant; and the two most discrepant non-W band points are also estimates of l= 3 BB. We comment on the W band data further below, but note here that the final co-added BB spectrum (based on Ka, Q, and V band data) does notlead to a significant detection of tensor modes. However, we caution that any surprising scientific conclusi ons which rely heavily on theWMAP l= 3 BB data should be treated with caution. Based on the analysis presented above, we find the W band polar ization data is still too unstable at low- lto be reliably used for cosmological studies. We cite more sp and consider some possible explanations in t he remainder of this section. The 5 year co-added W band EE spectrum is shown in Figures 8, in the form of from l= 2-7. At each multipole we show two curves: an estimate based on evaluating the likelihood multipole by multipole, and an es timate based on the pseudo- Cl method (Page et al. 2007). The best-fit model EE spectrum, bas ed on the combined Ka, Q, and V band data is indicated by the dashed lines in each panel. Both spectrum estimates show excess power relative to the model spectrum, with the mo st puzzling multipole being l= 7 which, as shown in Table 5, has an internal reduced kh2of 1.015, for 190 degrees of freedom. This data has the hallmark of a sky signal, but that h ypothesis is implausible for a variety of reasons (Page et al. 2007). It is more likely due t o a systematic effect that is common to a majority of the W band channels over a majority of t he 5 years of data. We explore and rule out one previously neglected effect in SS6.2. It is worth recalling that l= 7 EE, like l= 3 BB, is a mode that is relatively poorly measured by WMAP , as discussed in Page et al. (2007); see especially Figure 16 and its related d iscussion. The W band BB data also exhibit unusual behavior at l= 2,3. In this case, these two multipoles have internal reduced kh2greater than 6, and the co-added l= 2 point is nearly- 21 - 10sfrom zero. However, with 190 points in each 5 year co-added es timate it is now possible to look for trends within the data that were relatively obscu re with only 3 years of data. In particular, we note that in the l= 2 estimate, there are 28 points that are individually more than 5 sfrom zero and that allof them contain W1 data in one or both of the DA pairs in the cross power spectrum. Similarly for l= 3, there are 14 points greater than 5 sandallof those points contain W4 data in one or both of the DA pairs. We h ave yet to pinpoint the significance of this result, but we plan to study the noise pro perties of these DA's beyond what has been reported to date, and to sharpen the phenomenol ogy with additional years of data. 6.2. Emissivity Tests In this section we consider time dependent emission from the WMAP optics as a can- didate for explaining the excess W band signal seen in the E E spectrum, mostly at l= 7. In the end, the effect proved not to be significant, but it provi des a useful illustration of a common-mode effect that we believe is still present in the W ba nd polarization data. From a number of lines of reasoning, we know that the microwav e emissivity of the mirrors is a few percent in W band, and that it scales with freq uency roughly like frequency range, as expected for a classical metal (Born & Wo lf 1980). Hence this mechanism has the potential to explain a common-mode eff ect that is primarily seen in W band. Further, Figure 1 in Jarosik et al. (2007) shows that t he physical temperature of the primary mirrors are modulated at the spin period by ~200uK, with a dependence on solar azimuth angle that is highly repeatable from year to ye ar. We believe this modulation is driven by solar radiation diffracting around the WMAP sun shield reaching the tops of the primary mirrors, which are only a few degrees within the g eometric shadow of the sun shield. In contrast, the secondary mirrors and feed horns ar e in deep shadow and show no measurable variation at the spin period, so that any emissio n they produce only contributes to an overall radiometer offset, and will not be further consi dered here. As a rough estimate, the spin modulated emission from the pri mary mirrors could produce as much as ~0.02x200 = 4 uK of radiometric response in W band, but the actual signal depends on the relative phase of the A and B-sid e mirror variations and the polarization state of the emission. In more detail, the diffe rential signal, d(t), measured by a radiometer with lossy elements is d(t) = (10) where the combined loss in the A-side optics: (p)rimary plus (s) econdary- 22 - mirrors, plus the (f)eed horn, and likewise for the B-side. TA,Bis the sky temperature in the direction of the A or B-side line-of-sight; and Tp A,Bis the physical temperature of the A or B-side primary mirror. The first two terms are the sky signal attenuated by the overal l loss in the A and B side optics, respectively. The effects of loss imbalance, wh ich arise when have been studied extensively (Jarosik et al. 2003, 2007). We account for loss imbalance in the data processing and we marginalize over residual uncertainties in the imbalance coefficients when we form the pixel-pixel inverse covariance matrices (Jaros ik et al. 2007). Updated estimates of the loss imbalance coefficients based on fits to the 5 year dat a are reported in Table 6. In the remainder of this section we focus on the last two emiss ive terms in Equation 10. Recall that a WMAP differencing assembly consists of two radiometers, 1 and 2, t hat are sensitive to orthogonal linear polarization modes. The tem perature and polarization signals are extracted by forming the sum and difference of the two radi ometer outputs; thus, the emission terms we need to evaluate (11) where op A1is the A-side primary mirror emissivity measured by radiome ter 1, and so forth. The factor of 1-oin the denominator applies a small correction for the mean lo ss,o (oA+oB)/2, and arises from the process of calibrating the data to a kno wn sky (SS4). Note that we only pick up a polarized response if have simulated this signal in the time-ordered data using the measured primary mirror temperatures as template inputs. The emissivity coe fficients were initially chosen to be consistent with the loss imbalance constraints. However , in order to produce a signal, we had to boost the emissivity differen ces to the point where they that is |o1-o2|>|o1+o2|. Nonetheless, it was instructive to analyze this simulation by binning the resulting data (which also includ es sky signal and noise) as a function of solar azimuth. The results are shown in the top pa nel of Figure 9 which shows 3 years of co-added W band polarization data, the d1-d2channel; the input emissive signal is shown in red for comparison. We are clearly able to detect s uch a signal with this manner of binning. We also computed the low- lpolarization spectra and found that, despite the large spin modulated input signal, the signal induced in the power spectrum was less than 2 uK2inl(l+ 1)CEE l/2p, which is insufficient to explain the l= 7 feature in the W band EE spectrum. In parallel with the simulation analysis, we have binned the flight radiometer data by solar azimuth angle to search for spin modulated features in the polarization data. The results for W band are shown in the bottom panel of Figure 9 for the 5 year data. While- 23 - thekh2per degree of freedom relative to zero is slightly high, ther e is no compelling evidence for a coherent spin modulated signal at the ~2uK level. In contrast, the simulation yielded spin modulated signals of 5-10 uK and still failed to produce a significant effect in the EE spectrum. Hence we conclude that thermal emission from the WMAP optics cannot explain the excess W band EE signal. In any event, we continue to monit or the spin modulated data for the emergence of a coherent signal. 6.3. Ka Band Tests The analysis presented in SS6.1 shows that the Ka band polarization data is comparable to the Q and V band data in its internal consistency. That anal ysis was performed on data that had been foreground cleaned using the template method d iscussed in Page et al. (2007) and updated in Gold et al. (2008). In order to assess whether o r not this cleaned Ka band data is suitable for use in cosmological parameter estimati on we subject it to two further tests: 1) a null test in which Ka band data is compared to the co mbined Q and V band data, and 2) a parameter estimation based solely on Ka band data. For the null test, we form polarization maps by taking differe where S = Q,U are the polarization Stokes parameters, SKaare the maps formed from the Ka band data, and SQVare the maps formed from the optimal combination of the Q and V band data. We evaluate the EE power spectrum from these null maps b y evaluating the likelihood mode by mode while holding the other multipoles fixed at zero. The results are shown in Figure 10, along with the best-fit model spectrum based on the final 5 year LCDM analysis. The spectrum is clearly consistent with zero, but to get a bet ter sense of the power of this test, we have also used these null maps to estimate the optica l depth parameter, t. The result of that analysis is shown as the dashed curve in Figure 11, where we find that the null likelihood peaks at t= 0 and excludes the most-likely cosmological value with a separate test, we evaluate the tlikelihood using only the template-cleaned Ka band signal maps. The result of that test is shown as the blue c urve in Figure 11. While the uncertainty in the Ka band estimate is considerably larger t han the combined QV estimate (shown in red), the estimates are highly consistent. The res ult of combining Ka, Q, and V band data is shown in the black curve. Dunkley et al. (2008) present a complementary method of fore ground cleaning that makes use of Ka band data, in conjunction with K, Q, and V band d ata. Using a full 6 parameter likelihood evalutaion, they compare the optica l depth inferred from the two- 24 - cleaning methods while using the full combined data sets in b oth cases: see Figure 9 of Dunkley et al. (2008) for details. Based on these tests, we co nclude that the Ka band data is sufficiently free of systematic errors and residual foregr ound signals that it is suitable for cosmological studies. The use of this band significantly enh ances the overall of WMAP . 7. SUMMARY OF 5-YEAR SCIENCE RESULTS Detailed presentations of the scientific results from the 5 y ear data are given by Gold et al. (2008), Wright et al. (2008), Nolta et al. (2008), Dunkley et al. (2008), and Komatsu et al. (2008). Starting with the 5 year temperature and polarizati on maps, with their Gold et al. (2008) give a new Markov Chain Monte Carlo-based analysis of fore- ground emission in the data. Their results are broadly consi stent with previous analyses by the WMAP team and others (Eriksen et al. 2007c), while providing some new results on the microwave spectra of bright sources in the Galactic plan e that aren't well fit by simple power-law foreground models. Figure 12 shows the 5 year CMB m ap based on the internal linear combination (ILC) method of foreground removal. Wright et al. (2008) give a comprehensive analysis of the ext ragalactic sources in the 5 year data, including a new analysis of variability made poss ible by the multi-year coverage. The 5 year WMAP source catalog now contains 390 objects and is reasonably co mplete to a flux of 1 Jy away from the Galactic plane. The new analysis o f the WMAP beam response (Hill et al. 2008) has led to more precise estimates of the point source flux scale for all 5 WMAP frequency bands. This information is incorporated in the ne w source catalog (Wright et al. 2008), and is also used to provide new b rightness estimates of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn (Hill et al. 2008). We find significant (an d expected) variability in Mars and Saturn over the course of 5 years and use that information to provide a of a Mars brightness model (Wright 2007), and to fit a simple model of as a function of ring inclination. The temperature and polarization power spectra are present ed in Nolta et al. (2008). The spectra are all consistent with the 3 year results with im provements in sensitivity com- mensurate with the additional integration time. Further im provements in our understanding of the absolute calibration and beam response have allowed u s to place tighter uncertainties on the power spectra, over and above the reductions from addi tional data. These changes are all reflected in the new version of the WMAP likelihood code. The most notable im- provements arise in the third acoustic peak of the TT spectru m, and in all of the for example, we now see unambiguous evidence for a 2 nd dip in the high- lTE spec-- 25 - trum, which further constrains deviations from the standar d LCDM model. The 5 year TT and TE spectra are shown in Figure 13. We have also generated n ew maximum of the low- lpolarization spectra: TE, TB, EE, EB, and BB to complement ou r earlier estimates based on pseudo- Clmethods (Nolta et al. 2008). The TB, EB, and BB spectra remain consistent with zero. The cosmological implications of the 5 year WMAP data are discussed in detail in Dunkley et al. (2008) and Komatsu et al. (2008). The now-stan dard cosmological model: a flat universe dominated by vacuum energy and dark matter, see ded by nearly Gaussian random-phase fluctuations, continues to fit the 5 year data. WMAP has now determined the key parameters of this model to high preci sion; a summary of the 5 year parameter results is given in Table 7. The most notable impro vements are the measurements of the dark matter density, ohm ch2, and the amplitude of matter fluctuations today, s8. The former is determined with 6% uncertainty using WMAP data only (Dunkley et al. 2008), and with 3% uncertainty when WMAP data is combined with BAO and SNe et al. 2008). The latter is measured to 5% with WMAP data, and to 3% when combined with other data. The redshift of reionization is zreion= 11.0+-1.4, if the universe were reionized instantaneously. The 2 slower limit is zreion>8.2, and instantaneous reion- ization at zreion= 6 is rejected at 3.5 s. The WMAP data continues to favor models with a tilted primordial spectrum, ns= Dunkley et al. (2008) discuss how the LCDM model continues to fit a host of other astronomical data as wel l. Moving beyond the standard LCDM model, when WMAP data is combined with BAO and SNe observations (Komatsu et al. 2008), we find no evidenc e for running in the spectral index of scalar fluctuations, (68% CL). The new limit on ratio is r <0.22 (95% CL), and we obtain tight, simultaneous limits on the (constant) dark energy equation of state and the spatial cur vature of the universe: -0.14<
1+w <0.12 (95% CL) and (95% CL). The angular power spectrum now exhibits the signature of the cosmic neutrino backgroun d: the number of of freedom, expressed in units of the effective numbe r of neutrino species, is found to be Neff= 4.4+-1.5 (68% CL), consistent with the standard value of 3.04. Model s with Neff= 0 are disfavored at >99.5% confidence. A summary of the key cosmological paramete r values is given in Table 7, where we provide estimates using WMAP data alone and WMAP data combined with BAO and SNe observations. A complete tabu lation of all parameter values for each model and dataset combination we studied is a vailable on LAMBDA. The new data also place more stringent limits on deviations f rom Gaussianity, par- ity violations, and the amplitude of isocurvature fluctuati ons (Komatsu et al. 2008). For example, new limits on physically motivated primordial non -Gaussianity parameters are- 26 - -9< flocal NL<111 (95% CL) and -151< fequil NL<253 (95% CL) for the local and respectively. 8. CONCLUSIONS We have presented an overview of the 5 year WMAP data and have highlighted the improvements we have made to the data processing and analysi s since the 3 year results were presented. The most substantive improvements to the proces sing include a new method for establishing the absolute gain calibration (with reduced u ncertainty), and a more of the WMAP beam response made possible by additional data and a higher fi delity physical optics model. Numerous other processing changes a re outlined inSS2. The 5 year sky maps are consistent with the 3 year maps and have noise levels that are 5 times less than the single year maps. The new maps are compar ed to the 3 year maps inSS3. The main changes to the angular power spectrum are as follo ws: at low the spectrum is ~0.5% higher than the 3 year spectrum (in power units) due to th e new absolute gain determination. At higher multipoles it is increased by~2.5%, due to the new beam response profiles, as explained in SS5 and in Hill et al. (2008). These changes are consistent with the 3 year uncertainties when one accounts f or both the 0.5% gain uncertainty (in temperature units) and the 3 year beam uncertainties, wh ich were incorporated into the likelihood code. We have applied a number of new tests to the polarization data to check internal con- sistency and to look for new systematic effects in the W band da ta (SS6). As a result of these tests, and of new analyses of polarized foreground emission (Dunkley et al. 2008), we have concluded that Ka band data can be used along with Q and V band d ata for However, we still find a number of features in the W b and polarization data that preclude its use, except in the Galactic plane where the sign al to noise is relatively high. We continue to investigate the causes of this and have identifie d new clues to follow up on in future studies results gathered from the suite of 5 year papers ar e summarized inSS7. The highlights include smaller uncertainties in the optical de pth,t, due to a combination of additional years of data and to the inclusion of Ka band polar ization data: at zreion= 6 is now rejected at 3.5 s. New evidence favoring a non-zero at the epoch of last scattering, made possible by i mproved measurements of the third acoustic peak; and new limits on the nongaussian param eterfNL, based on additional data and the application of a new, more optimal bispectrum es timator. The 5 year data- 27 - continue to favor a tilted primordial fluctuation spectrum, in the range ns~0.96, but a purely scale invariant spectrum cannot be ruled out at observatory continues to operate at L2 as designed, and the a ddition of two years of flight data has allowed us to make significant adva nces in characterizing the instrument. Additional data beyond 5 years will give us a bet ter understanding of the instrument, especially with regards to the W band polarizat ion data since the number of jackknife combinations scales like the square of the number of years of operation. If W band data can be incorporated into the EE power spectrum estimate , it would become possible to constrain a second reionization parameter and thereby furt her probe this important epoch in cosmology. The WMAP data continues to uphold the standard LCDM model but more data may reveal new surprises. 9. DATA PRODUCTS All of the WMAP data is released to the research community for further analy sis through the Legacy Archive for Microwave Background Data Analysis ( LAMBDA) at products include the complete 5 year time-ordered data a rchive (both raw and cal- ibrated); the calibrated sky maps in a variety of processing stages (single year by DA, multi-year by band, high resolution and low resolution, smo othed, so forth); the angular power spectra and cosmological mo del likelihood code; a full table of model parameter values for a variety of model and data sets (including the best-fit model spectra and Markov chains); and a host of ancillary data to su pport further analysis. The WMAP Explanatory Supplement provides detailed information abo ut the WMAP and data products (Limon et al. 2008). TheWMAP mission is made possible by the support of the Science Missio n at NASA Headquarters. This research was additionally s upported by NASA NNX07AL75G S01, LTSA03-000-0090, ATPNNG04GK 55G, and ADP03- 0000-092. EK acknowledges support from an Alfred P. Sloan Re search Fellowship. This research has made use of NASA's Astrophysics Data System Bib liographic Services. We acknowledge use of the HEALPix, CAMB, CMBFAST, and CosmoMC p P., et al. 2006, A&A, 447, 31- 28 - Barnes, C., et al. 2003, ApJS, 148, 51 Bennett, C. L., et al. 2003, ApJ, 583, 1 Beno^ it, A., et al. 2003, A&A, 399, L25 Born, M. & Wolf, E. 1980, Principles of Optics, sixth edn. (Pe rgamon Press) Cole, S., et al. 2005, MNRAS, 362, 505 Copi, C. J., Huterer, D., Schwarz, D. J., & Starkman, G. D. 200 7, Phys. Rev. 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1 j= 0 cosjthi j= 1, . . ., j 1, . . .,2jmax, (A6) and Bki=
1 k= 0 coskthi k= 1, . . ., k 1, . . .,2kmax, (A7) where th= tan-1(^ny/^nx). Here ^ nis the unit vector from WMAP to the Sun, and the components are evaluated in ecliptic Evaluation of the Fisher Matrix We wish to evaluate the 2nd piandpjare the parameters we are trying to fit. The needed first deriva tives Tai] s2 i, (A10)- 32 Tai]Gj''i[Tvi+ this we can form the inverse covariance (A18) where the gain and baseline blocks are (2 jmax+ 1)x(2jmax+ 1), and the sky map block is (lmax+ 1)2x(lmax+ 1)2. If we decompose C-1using SVD the parameter covariance matrix can be inverted to have the (A19) where the wiare the singular values, and the V(i)are the columns of the orthogonal matrix V. In this form, the uncertainty in the linear combination of p arameters defined by V(i)is 1/wi.- 33 - B. CALIBRATION MODEL FITTING WITH GAIN ERROR TEMPLATES B.1. Gain Error From Calibration Dipole Error Consider a simple model where the input sky consists of only a pure fixed (CMB) by the vector dc, and a dipole modulated by the motion of WMAP with respect to the Sun, described by the time-dependent vector dv(t). The raw data produced by an experiment observing this signal is c(ti) =g(ti)[tc(ti) + tv(ti)] (B1) where c(ti) is the TOD signal in counts, g(ti) is the true gain of the instrument and tm(ti) is the differential signal produced by each dipole component (m=c, v) at time tigiven the instrument pointing at that time. Note that we have suppress ed the explicit baseline and noise terms here for simplicity. Now suppose we calibrate the instrument using an erroneous C MB dipole, d' c=rdc=
(1 + r)dc, where ris a number of order one (and r1 so we can ignore terms of order r2). The fit gain, gf(t), will then roughly have the form gf(t) (B2) where the vertical bars indicate vector magnitude. Now defin eddc+dvand expand to 1st order in rto get gf(t) (B3) Note that the term ( d*dc)/(d*d) is dominated by a constant component of order followed by an annually modulated term that is suppresse d by a factor of order dv/dc. Thus an erroneous calibration dipole induces a specific err or in the fit gain that can be identified and corrected for, assuming the time dependenc e of the true gain is orthogonal to this form. B.2. Gain Model Fitting In theory, the way to do this is as follows. We have a set of data in the form of the fit gains, gf,ifor each calibration sequence i, and we have a gain model, G(t;pn), which is a function of time and a set of model parameters pn. Ideally we would like to fit the model to the true gain, g(t), but since we don't know the true gain, the next best thing is to modify- 34 - the gain model to have the same modulation form as the dipole g ains have and to fit for this modulation simultaneously with the other gain model parame ters. Thus kh2takes the (B4) where fd,i(d*dc)/(d*d) evaluated at time ti, or is a function generated from the system is nonlinear, it must be minimized using a su itable nonlinear least squares routine. However, we can analyze the parameter cova riance matrix directly by explicitly evaluating the 2nd derivative of kh2with respect to the model (B5) First compile the necessary 1st evaluate the individual G/p mterms below.) Next the various 2nd derivatives the last two expressions, we neglect the term proportiona l to2G/p mpnbecause the prefactor of ( gi-Gi) is statistically zero for the least squares we evaluate the G/p mterms. The gain model has the form (Jarosik et (B11) where T0 RXB290 K, and a,V0, and T0 FPAare parameters to be fit. The necessary 1st derivatives (B12)- 35 (B15)- 36 - K band V band Ka band W band Q band
+200 -200 T( +K) Fig. 1.-- Five-year temperature sky maps in Galactic coordin ates smoothed with a 0 .2*
Gaussian beam, shown in Mollweide projection. top: K band (23 GHz), middle-left : Ka band (33 GHz), bottom-left : Q band (41 GHz), middle-right : V band (61 GHz), bottom- right: W band (94 GHz).- 37 - Fig. 2.-- Five-year Stokes Q polarization sky maps in Galacti c coordinates smoothed to an effective Gaussian beam of 2 .0*, shown in Mollweide projection. top: K band (23 : Ka band (33 GHz), bottom-left : Q band (41 GHz), middle-right : V band (61 GHz), bottom-right : W band (94 GHz).- 38 - K band V band Ka band W band Q band
+30 -30 T( +K) Fig. 3.-- Five-year Stokes U polarization sky maps in Galacti c coordinates smoothed to an effective Gaussian beam of 2 .0*, shown in Mollweide projection. top: K band (23 : Ka band (33 GHz), bottom-left : Q band (41 GHz), middle-right : V band (61 GHz), bottom-right : W band (94 GHz).- 39 - Fig. 4.-- Five-year polarization sky maps in Galactic coordi nates smoothed to an beam of 2 .0*, shown in Mollweide projection. The color scale indicates p and the line segments indicate polarization direction in p ixels whose signal-to-noise exceeds 1. top: K band (23 GHz), middle-left : Ka band (33 : Q band (41 GHz), middle-right : V band (61 GHz), bottom-right : W band (94 GHz).- 40 - V band W bandKa band Q bandK band
+15 -15 T( +K)Raw 5.-- Difference between the 5 year and 3 year temperature m aps.left column : the difference in the maps, as delivered, save for the subtractio n of a relative offset (Table 3), right column : the difference after correcting the 3 year maps by a scale fac tor that accounts for the mean gain change, ~0.3%, between the 3 year and 5 year estimates. top to bottom : K, Ka, Q, V, W band. The differences before recalibration are d ominated by galactic plane emission and a dipole residual: see Table 3, which also gives the changes for l= 2,3.- 41 - Fig. 6.-- Gain convergence tests using the iterative sky map & calibration solver run on a pair of simulations with known, but different, inputs. Both p anels show the recovered gain as a function of iteration number for a 4-channel K band simul ation. The initial was chosen to be in error by 1% to test convergence; the o utput solutions, an exponential fit, are printed in each panel. top: Results for a noiseless simulation that includes a dipole signal (with Earth-velocity modulat ion) plus CMB and (the former is evaluated at the center frequency of each channel). The input gain was set to be constant in time. The extrapolated solutions ag ree with the input values to much better than 0.1%. bottom : Results for a noiseless simulation that includes only dipo le signal (with Earth-velocity modulation) but no CMB or foreg round signal. In this case the- 42 - Fig. 7.-- Gain error recovery test from a flight-like simulati on that includes every effect known to be important. Using the daily dipole gains recovere d from the iterative sky map
& calibration solver as input, the gain convergence error, s hown here, is fit the gain model parameters, not shown, following the pro cedure outlined in Appendix B. The red trace indicates the true gain error for each WMAP channel, based on the known input gain and the gain solution achieved by the iterative so lver on its final iteration. The black trace shows the gain error recovered by the fit, average d by frequency band. scatter within a band is <0.1%, though the mean of Ka band error is of order 0.1%.- 43 - Fig. 8.-- W band EE power spectrum likelihood from l= 2-7 using two separate black: maximum likelihood and red: pseudo- Cl. The vertical dashed lines indicate the best-fit model power spectrum based on fitting the combine d Ka, Q, and V band data. The two spectrum estimates are consistent with each other, e xcept at l= 3. The estimates are wider because they include cosmic variance whereas the pseudo- Cl estimates account for noise only. Both estimates show exces s power in the W band data relative to the best-fit model, and to the combined KaQV band s pectrum, shown in Figure 6 of Nolta et al. (2008). The extreme excess in the l= 7 pseudo- Clestimate is not so severe in the maximum likelihood, but both methods are still incons istent with the best-fit model.- 44 - Fig. 9.-- top: Simulated W band data with a large polarized thermal emissi on signal injected, binned by solar azimuth angle. The red trace shows the input w aveform based on the flight mirror temperature profile and a model of the polarized emiss ivity. The black profile is the binned co-added data which follows the input signal very wel l. The thickness of the the 1 suncertainty due to white noise. bottom : Same as the top panel but for the 5 year flight data. The reduced kh2of the binned data with respect to zero is 2.1 for 36 degrees of freedom, but this does not account for 1/f noise, s o the significance of this result requires further investigation. However, the much larger s ignal in the simulation did not produce an EE spectrum with features present in the flight W ba nd EE spectrum, so the feature in the binned flight data cannot account for the exces sl= 7 emission.- 45 - Fig. 10.-- The EE power spectrum computed from the null sky map s,1 2SKa-1 2SQV, where S = Q,U are the polarization Stokes parameters, and SQVis the optimal combination of the Q and V band data. The pink curve is the best-fit theoretical sp ectrum from Dunkley et al. (2008). The spectrum derived from the null maps is consisten t with zero.- 46 - Fig. 11.-- Estimates of the optical depth from a variety of dat a combinations. The dashed curve labeled Null uses the same null sky maps used in Figure 1 0. The optical depth obtained from Ka band data alone (blue) is consistent with in dependent estimates from the combined Q and V band data (red). The final 5 year analysis uses Ka, Q, and V band data combined (black). These estimates all use a 1-paramete r likelihood estimation, holding other parameters fixed except for the fluctuation amplitude, which is adjusted to fit the first acoustic peak in the TT spectrum (Page et al. 2007). The degen eracy between tand other LCDM parameters is small: see Figure 7 of Dunkley et al. (2008 ).- 47 - Fig. 12.-- The Internal Linear Combinat ion (ILC) map based on the 5 yearWMAP data.- 48 - Fig. 13.-- The temperature (TT) and on correlation (TE) power spectra based on the 5 year WMAP data. The addition of 2 years of data provide more sensitive measurements of the third peak in TT and the high- lTE spectrum, especially the second trough.- 49 - Table 1. Differencing Assembly (DA) Properties DA (GHz) (*) (mK) (mK) (GHz) (GHz) (GHz) K1 13.17 22.77 1.0135 0.807 1.436 1.453 22.47 22.52 22.78 Ka1 9.079 33.02 1.0285 0.624 1.470 1.488 32.71 32.76 33.02 Q1 7.342 40.83 1.0440 0.480 2.254 2.278 40.47 40.53 40.85 Q2 7.382 40.61 1.0435 0.475 2.141 2.163 40.27 40.32 40.62 V1 4.974 60.27 1.0980 0.324 3.314 3.341 59.65 59.74 60.29 V2 4.895 61.24 1.1010 0.328 2.953 2.975 60.60 60.70 61.27 W1 3.207 93.49 1.2480 0.213 5.899 5.929 92.68 92.82 93.59 W2 3.191 93.96 1.2505 0.196 6.565 6.602 93.34 93.44 94.03 W3 3.226 92.92 1.2445 0.196 6.926 6.964 92.34 92.44 92.98 W4 3.197 93.76 1.2495 0.210 6.761 6.800 93.04 93.17 93.84 aEffective wavelength and frequency for a thermodynamic spec from antenna temperature to thermodynamic temp erature, from radial profile of A- and B- side average beams. Note: beams are not Gaussian. dNoise per observation for resolution 9 and 10 I,Q, &Umaps, to~0.1% frequency for synchrotron (s), free-free (ff), and dust (d) emission, indices of respectively, in antenna temperature units.- 50 - Table 2. Lost and Rejected Data Category K-band Ka-band Q-band V-band W-band Lost or incomplete telemetry(%) 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 Spacecraft anomalies(%) 0.44 0.46 0.52 0.44 0.48 Planned stationkeeping maneuvers(%) 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0. 39 Planet in beam (%) 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Total lost or rejected (%) 1.06 1.08 1.14 1.06 1.10 Table 3. Change in low- lPower from 3 year Data Band l= 0al= 1al= 2bl= 3b (uK) ( uK) ( uK2) (uK2) K 9.3 5.1 4.1 0.7 Ka 18.9 2.1 2.8 0.2 Q 18.3 0.4 2.5 0.5 V 14.4 7.3 1.2 0.0 W 16.4 3.5 1.0 0.0 al= 0,1 - Amplitude in the difference map, outside the processing cut, in uK. bl= 2,3 - Power in the difference map, outside the processing cut, l(l+ 1)Cl/2p, inuK2.- 51 - Table 4. WMAP 5 year CMB Dipole dxbdy dz dcl b method (mK) (mK) (mK) (mK) (*) 2 .506+-0.003 3 .359+-0.008 264 .11+-0.08 48 2 .501+-0.001 3 .352+-0.007 263 .87+-0.07 48 2 .504+-0.003 3 .355+-0.008 263 .99+-0.14 48 .26+-0.03 aThe CMB dipole components for two different galactic cleanin g methods are given in the first two rows. The Gibbs samples from each set are combined in the last row to produce an estimate with that encompasses both cases. bThe cartesian dipole components are given in Galactic coord inates. The quoted uncertainties reflect the effects of noise and sky cut, for illustration. An absolute ca libration uncertainty of 0.2% should be spherical components of the dipole are given in Galactic coordinates. In this case the quoted uncer- tainty in the magnitude, d, includes the absolute calibration uncertainty.- 52 - Table 5. Polarization kh2Consistency Testsa Multipole KaKa KaQ KaV KaW QQ QV QW VV VW WW (10)b(50) (50) (100) (45) (100) (200) (45) (200) (190) EE 2 0.727 1.059 1.019 1.301 1.586 0.690 1.179 0.894 1.078 1.152 3 1.373 0.994 1.683 1.355 1.092 1.614 1.325 1.005 1.386 1.519 4 1.561 1.816 1.341 2.033 0.993 1.126 1.581 1.195 1.596 1.724 5 0.914 1.313 1.062 1.275 1.631 1.052 1.155 0.589 0.881 1.252 6 1.003 0.847 0.688 1.124 0.740 0.856 1.049 1.384 1.168 1.142 7 0.600 0.671 0.689 0.936 0.936 0.780 0.864 0.900 1.064 1.015 8 1.578 1.262 1.337 1.212 1.080 0.763 0.608 1.025 0.871 0.749 9 0.760 0.710 0.891 0.820 0.582 0.726 0.651 0.791 0.821 0.795 10 0.494 0.821 0.996 0.914 0.656 0.763 0.806 0.676 0.891 0.94 3 EB 2 0.900 1.297 1.179 2.074 1.006 0.915 2.126 1.242 2.085 2.309 3 0.719 1.599 0.651 2.182 1.295 0.986 2.739 1.095 3.276 3.157 4 0.746 1.702 1.378 1.777 1.926 1.110 1.435 1.028 1.279 1.861 5 1.161 0.948 0.945 1.003 1.149 1.232 1.468 0.699 1.122 1.516 6 0.475 1.183 0.651 0.687 0.829 1.023 0.814 1.201 1.136 0.960 7 1.014 1.007 0.829 0.700 0.817 0.759 1.112 0.616 0.802 1.233 8 0.849 0.897 1.279 0.861 0.681 0.689 0.955 1.021 0.954 0.996 9 0.743 0.734 1.007 1.112 0.820 0.798 0.686 0.882 0.808 0.824 10 0.413 1.003 1.316 0.859 0.722 0.900 0.693 1.124 0.836 0.85 2 BB 2 2.038 1.570 1.244 2.497 1.340 1.219 2.529 0.694 1.631 9.195 3 0.756 0.868 0.808 1.817 3.027 1.717 3.496 0.601 2.545 5.997 4 1.058 1.455 1.522 2.144 1.007 0.905 1.786 0.752 1.403 1.984 5 1.221 1.659 1.742 2.036 0.889 1.057 1.271 1.078 1.660 1.255 6 0.379 0.805 0.483 0.812 1.009 0.861 1.238 0.800 0.767 0.955 7 1.925 1.594 0.967 1.332 1.074 0.817 0.928 0.772 0.994 1.024 8 0.804 1.005 0.999 0.912 1.069 0.782 0.831 0.997 0.879 0.943 9 0.320 0.489 0.502 0.450 0.884 0.491 0.729 0.748 0.664 0.959- 53 - Table KaKa KaQ KaV KaW QQ QV QW VV VW WW (10)b(50) (50) (100) (45) (100) (200) (45) (200) (190) 10 1.181 1.162 1.028 0.980 1.218 1.165 0.951 1.079 0.621 0.79 1 aTable gives kh2per degree of freedom of the independent spectrum estimates per multipole per band or band-pair, estimated from the template-cleaned maps. See text for details. bSecond header row indicates the number of degrees of freedom in the reduced kh2for that spectrum. See text for details. Table 6. Loss Imbalance Coefficientsa DA xim,1xim,2 (%) (%) K1 0.012 0.589 Ka1 0.359 0.148 Q1 -0.031 0.412 Q2 0.691 1.048 V1 0.041 0.226 V2 0.404 0.409 W1 0.939 0.128 W2 0.601 1.140 W3 -0.009 0.497 W4 2.615 1.946 aLoss imbalance is defined as xim= See SS6.2 and Jarosik et al. (2007) for details.- 54 - Table 7. Cosmological Parameter Symbol WMAP -only WMAP for Standard LCDM Modela Age of universe t0 13.69+-0.13 Gyr 13 .72+-0.12 Gyr Hubble constant H0 70 .5+-1.3 km/s/Mpc Baryon density ohmb 0.0441+-0.0030 0 baryon density ohm 0 matter density ohmc 0.214+-0.027 0 dark matter density ohm 0 energy density ohmL 0.742+-0.030 0 fluctuation amplitude, k0= 0.002 Mpc-1 b2 R amplitude at 8 h-1Mpc s8 0.796+-0.036 0 .812+-0.026 l(l+ 1)CTT 220/2p C220 spectral index ns of matter-radiation equality zeq 3176+151 -150 diameter distance to matter-radiation eq.cdA(zeq) of decoupling z* 1090.51+-0.95 1090 .88+-0.72 Age at decoupling t* diameter distance to horizon at 146 .8+-1.8 Mpc 145 scale at 302 .08+0.83 -0.84 optical depth t 0.087+-0.017 0 of reionization zreion 11.0+-1.4 10 .9+-1.4 Age at reionization treion 427+88 -65Myr for Extended Modelse Total densityfohmtot of to scalar ratio, k0= 0.002 Mpc-1 b,hr < 0.43 (95% CL) <0.22 (95% CL) Running of spectral index, k0= 0.002 Mpc-1 55 - Table Symbol WMAP -only WMAP +BAO+SN Neutrino (95% CL) <0.0071 (95% CL) Neutrino eV (95% CL) <0.67 eV (95% CL) Number of light neutrino familieskNeff >2.3 (95% CL) 4 .4+-1.5 aThe parameters reported in the first section assume the 6 para meter LCDM model, first using WMAP data only (Dunkley et al. 2008), then using WMAP +BAO+SN data (Komatsu et al. 2008). bk= 0.002 angular diameter parameters reported in the second section place limits o n deviations from the LCDM model, first using WMAP data only (Dunkley et al. 2008), then using WMAP +BAO+SN data (Komatsu et al. 2008). A complete listing of all parameter va lues and uncertainties for each of the extended models studied is available on LAMBDA. fAllows non-zero curvature, ohm k/negationslash= 0. gAllows but assumes wis tensors modes but no running in scalar spectral index . iAllows running in scalar spectral index but no tensor modes. jAllows a massive neutrino component, ohm n/negationslash= 0. kAllows Neffnumber of relativistic species. The last column adds the HST prior to the other data sets. | 0803.0732 | Gary Hinshaw | G. Hinshaw, J. L. Weiland, R. S. Hill, N. Odegard, D. Larson, C. L.
Bennett, J. Dunkley, B. Gold, M. R. Greason, N. Jarosik, E. Komatsu, M. R.
Nolta, L. Page, D. N. Spergel, E. Wollack, M. Halpern, A. Kogut, M. Limon, S.
S. Meyer, G. S. Tucker, E. L. Wright | Five-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Observations: Data
Processing, Sky Maps, and Basic Results | 46 pages, 13 figures, and 7 tables. Version accepted for publication,
ApJS, Feb-2009. Includes 5-year dipole results and additional references.
Also available at
http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/map/dr3/map_bibliography.cfm | Astrophys.J.Suppl.180:225-245,2009 | 10.1088/0067-0049/180/2/225 | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We present new full-sky temperature and polarization maps in five frequency
bands from 23 to 94 GHz, based on data from the first five years of the WMAP
sky survey. The five-year maps incorporate several improvements in data
processing made possible by the additional years of data and by a more complete
analysis of the instrument calibration and in-flight beam response. We present
several new tests for systematic errors in the polarization data and conclude
that Ka band data (33 GHz) is suitable for use in cosmological analysis, after
foreground cleaning. This significantly reduces the overall polarization
uncertainty. With the 5 year WMAP data, we detect no convincing deviations from
the minimal 6-parameter LCDM model: a flat universe dominated by a cosmological
constant, with adiabatic and nearly scale-invariant Gaussian fluctuations.
Using WMAP data combined with measurements of Type Ia supernovae and Baryon
Acoustic Oscillations, we find (68% CL uncertainties): Omega_bh^2 = 0.02267 \pm
0.00059, Omega_ch^2 = 0.1131 \pm 0.0034, Omega_Lambda = 0.726 \pm 0.015, n_s =
0.960 \pm 0.013, tau = 0.084 \pm 0.016, and Delta_R^2 = (2.445 \pm 0.096) x
10^-9. From these we derive: sigma_8 = 0.812 \pm 0.026, H_0 = 70.5 \pm 1.3
km/s/Mpc, z_{reion} = 10.9 \pm 1.4, and t_0 = 13.72 \pm 0.12 Gyr. The new limit
on the tensor-to-scalar ratio is r < 0.22 (95% CL). We obtain tight,
simultaneous limits on the (constant) dark energy equation of state and spatial
curvature: -0.14 < 1+w < 0.12 and -0.0179 < Omega_k < 0.0081 (both 95% CL). The
number of relativistic degrees of freedom (e.g. neutrinos) is found to be
N_{eff} = 4.4 \pm 1.5, consistent with the standard value of 3.04. Models with
N_{eff} = 0 are disfavored at >99.5% confidence.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 Mar 2008 20:39:29 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 17 Oct 2008 22:59:47 GMT"
] | 2009-02-18T00:00:00 | [
"J. L.",
"R. S.",
"C. L.",
"M. R.",
"M. R.",
"D. N.",
"S. S.",
"G. S.",
"E. L.",
] |
1 Introduction The dynamical supersymmetry breaking in meta-stable vacua [1, 2] occurs in the N= 1 su- persymmetric gauge theory with massive fundamental flavors and the corresponding type IIA meta-stable brane constructions have been studied in [3, 4, 5]. Oth er type IIA meta-stable brane configuration has been constructed by considering the term for the quarks in the electric superpotential besides the mass term [6, 7]. This extra deformation in the N= 1 supersymmetric gauge theory corresponds to the rotation of D6-branes along the (45)-(89) directions in type IIA string theor y. The states arise only after the gravitational attraction of NS 5-brane [8] is can be used to describe the dynamics of a wide variety of N= 1 theories with different matter contents and superpotentia l [9]. It is very important to control the gauge singlet meson fields in appropriate way in order to find out the new meta- stable states. In general, one can consider the electric brane con figuration of kcoincident connected by NcD4-branes to k'coincident right located between the left NS5- and right NS5 '-branes [10]. The creation of D4-branes during the Seiberg dual is related to the gau ge singlets in the magnetic brane configuration. Then there exist kmagnetic meson fields because each NS5-brane in the above brane configuration produces each meson field when it is cros sing the D6-branes. One can try to find out the new meta-stable brane configuration fo r a single meson field by taking a single left NS5-brane but multiple k'right NS5'-branes rather than the general case with kleft NS5-branes and k'right NS5'-branes where the corresponding dual gauge theory is not known so far. This question is also raised in [11] where th e meta-stable when k= 2 and k'= 1 was studied. In this paper, we find the various meta- stable brane configurations for the different gauge theories with m atters and the lines of [12, 13, 14, 15]. All of these examples contain a set o f a single NS5-brane and multiple NS5'-branes in their type IIA brane configurations. The single magnetic meson field is realized by the product of quark and anti-quark in the electric gauge theory in the presence of D6-branes with quartic superpotential for the fund amentals. On the other hand, when there are no D6-branes, it is realized by the product of bifund amentals with higher order section 2, we review the type IIA brane configuration correspo nding to the N= 1 SU(Nc) gauge theory with two adjoints and fundamentals and deform this theory by adding both the mass term and the quartic term for the fundamentals. Th en we describe the dual N= gauge theory with corresponding dual matter as well as a gauge s inglet. We 1discuss the meta-stable minimum and present t he corresponding inter- secting brane configuration of type IIA string theory. In section 3, we apply the method of section 2 to the N= 1Sp(Nc) gauge theory with two adjoints and fundamentals. In section 4, we review the type IIA brane configuration correspo nding to the N= 1 SU(Nc) gauge theory with symmetric tensor and fundamentals and defor m this theory by adding both the mass term and the quartic term for the fundament als. Then we study the dualN= gaugetheory with corresponding dual matters. We present the meta-stable minimum and the corresponding intersecting brane configuration of type IIA string theory. In section 5, we review the type IIA brane configuration correspo nding to the N= histheory by adding both the mass terms and the quartic terms for each fund amentals. Then we describe the dual N= xSU(N' c) gauge theory with corresponding dual matters. We discuss the meta-stable minimum and the cor responding configuration. In section 6, we use the method of section 5 t o theN= gauge theory with bifundamentals, vectors andfundamentals. I nsection 7, we apply the method of section 5 to the N= gauge theory with and fundamentals. In section 8, we review the type IIA brane configuration correspo nding to the N= gauge theory with symmetric tensor and bifundamentals and defo rm this theory by adding both the mass term and the higher order term for bifundamentals. Then we describe the dual N= xSU(N' c) gauge theory with corresponding dual matters. We discuss the meta-stable minimum and the cor responding configuration. In section 9, we use the method of section 8 t o theN= gauge theory with antisymmetric tensor, eight fundamentals and section 10, we review the type IIA brane configuration corresp onding to the N= gauge theory with symmetric tensor, bifundamentals and fundam entals and deform this theory by adding both the mass terms and the quar tic terms for each fun- damentals. Then we describe the dual N= xSU(N' c) gauge theory or N= gauge theory with corresponding dual matters. We study the no meta-stable minimum and the corresponding intersecting brane configurations. In section 11, we also describe the N= 1SU(Nc)xSU(N' c) gauge theory with bifundamentals and fundamentals. In section 12, we make some comments for the future two adj. and Nf-fund. 2.1 Electric theory The type IIA supersymmetric electric brane configuration [10] co rresponding to N= 1 SU(Nc) gauge theory with two adjoint fields Ph, flavors Q,/tildewideQcan be described as follows: one Let us introduce two complex coordinates [9] vx4+ix5, wx8+ix9. Since we consider a single NS5-brane, the adjoint field Ph is massive and can be integrated out. For large coupling in front of the quadratic Ph term, there is no Ph -dependence in The Nc-color D4-branes are suspended between the left NS5-brane and the right NS5'-branes and similarly the NfD6-branes are located between the left NS5-brane and the right NS5'-branes. The Nf-fundamental flavors Q,/tildewideQare strings stretching between Nf D6-branes and Nc-color D4-branes while the adjoint field Ph'is related to the fluctuations of Nc-color D4-branes in vdirection. Let us deform this theory by adding the mass term and the quartic t erm for order to find the new meta-stable states. T he former can be achieved by displacing the D6-branes along + vdirection leading to their coordinates v= +vD6[9] while the latter can be obtained by rotating the D6-branes [6] by an angle -th in (w,v)-plane and we denote those rotated D6-branes by D6-th-branes. Then, in the electric gauge theory, the deformed superpotential is given a=tanth L, L is related to the scales of the electric and magnetic theories and +vD6-this thev coordinate of the center of coincident rotated D6-th-branes. When k'= 1, this theory reduces to the one in [6, 7] because the first two terms of (2.1) contribute to the additional quartic term for the quarks Q,/tildewideQand we are left with the last two terms in (2.1). Therefore, we focus on the nontrivial case with the number of NS5'-branes k'>=2. Let us summarize the N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane superpo- tential (2.1) in type IIA string theory as follows and draw this in Figu re a= 0), thetheorywith exist also the lower order terms by splitting the k'NS5'-branes in vdirection) was studied in [16] some time ago in the supersymmetric brane configuration and this th eory without D6-branes when k'>=
Nc+ 1(multitrace interactions) was also studied in the context of supe rsymmetry breaking vacua from M5- branes recently [17]. 3*One left NS5-brane in (012345) directions with w= 0
*k'right NS5'-branes in (012389) directions with v= 0
*Nc-color D4-branes in (01236) directions with v= 0 in (01237) directions and two other directions in ( 1: The N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration for the gauge gro up SU(Nc) with two adjoints and fundamentals Q,/tildewideQ. Note that there are k'NS5'-branes of Nccolor D4-branes in vdirection correspond to the adjoint field. A in ( w,v)-plane, which become D6-th-branes, corresponds to a quartic term for the fundamentals while a displacement of NfD6-branes in + vdirection corresponds to a mass term for the Magnetic theory Let us move the left NS5-brane to the right all the way past the righ t NS5'-branes and one arrives at the Figure 2A. Note that there exists a creation of Nf-flavor D4-branes and k'NS5'-branes. Recall that the NfD6-th-branes are not parallel to the NS5-brane in Figure 1 unless th=p 2. The linking number [18] of the NS5-brane from Figure 2A On the other hand, the linking number of the NS5-brane from Figur e 1 isle=-Nf 2+Nc. From the equality between these two relations, one obtains the nu mber of colors of dual magnetic theory that the multiplicity k'of NS5'-branes does not arise in this computation because the creation of flavor D4-branes appears via the dual process betwe en the NS5-brane and Nf D6-th-branes which do not depend on from4-4 strings connecting the dual color D4-branesand Nf-fundamental from 4-4 strings connecting between the color D4-branes a nd flavor D4- branes. Moreover, a single magnetic meson field and comes from 4Figure 2: The N= 1 supersymmetric magnetic brane configuration corresponding t o between and brane configuration when th e gravitational potential of the NS5-brane is considered(2B). The Nfflavor D4-branes connecting between D6-th-branes and NS5'-branes are splitting into /tildewideNc-, (Nc-l)- andl- D4-branes(2A). Further n- D4-branes among (Nc-l)- D4-branes are moved to the strings of flavor D4-branes. Then the dual magnetic superpo tential is given (2.2) The undeformed expression, the first three terms, is already fou nd in [10]. The case with k'= 1 leads to the one in [6]. In order to obtain the supersymmetric vacu a, one computes the F-term equations for the superpotential 0, (2.3) We choose the adjoint field ph'to be diagonal, i.e., ph'= Then the first two equations of (2.3) imply that the upper left ofM Lis given By substituting this into the last equation of (2.3), one obtains th e upper left given by diag( Moreover, the lower right ( block of Misgiven by l's zero eigenvalues and ( Then finally, the third equation of (2.3) gives rise to the expectatio n value for the adjoint field ph'satisfying (2.4) forj= For nonzero quark mass m, the expectation value ph' jis not the positiveness of left hand side of (2.4) when gph'andph' jare real. 5Let us first describe the meta-stable states and supersymmetric ones when all the NfD6-th-branes and k'NS5'-branes are coincident with each NfD6-th-branes and massive flavors) One writes eigenvalues by the diagonal eigenvalues by the zeros and ( Nc-l) eigenvaluesm aas 0 0 0 l0 0 0m a1Nc-l ,with ph'= (2.5) In the brane configuration of Figure 2A, the lof theNf-flavor D4-branes are connected with l-color D4-branes and the resulting lD4-branes stretch from the D6-th-branes to the NS5- brane directly and the intersection point between the lD4-branes and the D6-th-branes is given by ( v,w) = (+vD6-th,0). This corresponds to exactly the l's eigenvalues from zeros of Min (2.5). Now the remaining ( Nc-l)-flavor D4-branes between the D6-th-branes and the NS5'-branes correspond to the eigenvalues of Min (2.5), i.e.,m a1Nc-l. The intersection point between the ( Nc-l) D4-branes and the NS5'-branes is given by ( v,w) = [6]. Finally, theremnant D4-branesbetween the D6-th- branes and the NS5'-branes correspond to the eigenvalues -Lph'in (2.5) with (2.4) providing the exact nonzero wcoordinates for these flavor D4-branes. One also represents the vacuum expectation value for the quarks as 0 0 0 L m1l0 0 0 0 Nc-l ,with ph'= (2.6) In thel-thvacuum the gaugesymmetry is broken to and when the is drawn in Figure 2A with l= 0, the gauge group SU(/tildewideNc) is unbroken. Then tationvalues eigenvalues andm awith degeneracy Nc. The theory has meta-stable ground states s ince there exists an attrac- tive gravitational interaction between the flavor D4-branes and t he NS5-brane from the DBI action [8]. Let us rescale the meson field as M=hLPh. Then the magnetic can be rewritten in terms of Ph (2.7) withu2=mL anduph=aL2. 6Now one splits the ( Nc-l)x(Nc-l) block at the lower right corner of of size nand (Nc-l-n) and then (2.5) and (2.6) are rewritten as follows [7]: hPh =
-ph'0 0 0 0 0l0 0 0 0hPhn0 0 0 0 0 0 u21l0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Here matrices and correspond to n-flavors of fundamentals of the gauge group which is unbroken. One can move n D4-branes from ( Nc-l) flavor D4-branes stretched between the D6-th-branes and the NS5'- branes at w= +vD6-thcotth, to the local minimum of the potential and the end points of these nD4-branes are at a nonzero w[6]. In the brane configuration from Figure 2B, to fundamental strings connecting between the n-flavor D4-branes and ( D4-branes. Moreover, the The supersymmetric ground state corresponds to the vacuum expectation values by 0. The full one loop potential from (2.7) and (2.8) takes the we did not include Ph n- or term and after this (2.9) with respect to Ph+
none obtains the local nonzero stable point given corresponds to the location of wcoordinate, which is less between the D6-th-branes and the NfD6-th-branes and massive flavors) Let us suppose that the numbers of D6-th-branes and the NS5'-branes are equal to Let us displace the k'D6-th-branes and NS5'-branes given in Figure 2A in thevdirection respectively to two k'different points denoted by 1,2,***,k'. The color and flavor D4-branes attached to them are displaced als o. The number of color D4-branes stretched between j-thNS5' j-brane and the NS5-brane is the number of flavor D4-branes stretched between the is denoted by Nf,j. Then it is obvious that there are relations between the color and flavor When all the NS5' j- branes and D6-th,j-branes are distinct, the low energy physics corresponds to gauge theories with gauge theFigure2B by displacing themultiple D6-th-branesand as in [15]. Then the ncurved flavor D4-branes attached to them(as well as other D4-branes) are displaced also as k'different nj's connecting between D6-th,j-brane and NS5' j- brane. When we rescale the submeson field as Mj=hLPhj[15], then the Kahler potential for Phjis canonical and the magnetic quarks canonical near the origin of field space [1]. Then the magnetic superpotential (2.7) can be rewritten in term s of Ph is coming from 4-4 strings connecting between the before. One splits the ( block at the lower right corner of of size njand (Nc,j-lj-nj) for alljas follows [15]: hPh =
0eNc+l+n0 0 *** 0
* * * *** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0u2 11l10 0***0 0 0* * * *** * 0 0 0 0 0 ***u2 k'1lk'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nc-l
+ diag( diag(0 matrices and correspond to nj-flavors of fundamentals of the gauge group which is unbro- ken. They correspond to fundamental strings connecting betwe en thenj-flavor D4-branes and D4-branes. Moreover, the Ph ground state corresponds to the vacuum expec tation values by 0. The full one loop potential from (2.10), (2.11) and (2.12) can be and the local nonzero stable point arises to the nonzero wcoordinates of njflavor D4-branes between the the meta-stable states, for fixed k'which is related to the order of the adjoint field in the superpotential and thwhich is a deformation parameter by rotation angle of D6-th- branes, are classified by the number of various D4-branes and the positions of multiple D6-th- branes and NS5'-branes: ( Nc,j,Nf,j,lj,nj) and wherej= not equal to k'(for example, when Nf> k'), then some coincident D6-th- branes among NfD6-th-branes should be connected to the NS5'-branes in order to conne ct all the flavor D4-branes between the D6-th-branes and the NS5'-branes. These can be obtained by taking those quark masses equal. Then all the for the meta-stable states for the case with Nf=k'can be applied in this case also without any difficulty. On the other hand, when Nf< k', then some among k'NS5'-branes should be connected to the two adj. and Nf-fund. 3.1 Electric theory The type IIA supersymmetric electric brane configuration [10, 19, 20] corresponding to N=
1Sp(Nc) gauge theory with two adjoint fields Ph, Ph'(which are symmetric tensors in the symplectic gauge group) and Nf-fundamental flavors Qcan be described as follows: one NS5- brane, (2 k'+1) NS5'-branes, 2 NcD4-branes, 2 NfD6-branes and the The 2Nc-color D4-branes are suspended between the left NS5-brane and the right NS5'-branes and the 2NfD6-branes are located between the left NS5-brane and the right N S5'-branes. strings stretching between 2 NfD6-branes and 2 Nc-color D4-branes. The adjoint field Ph'is related to the fluctuations of color D4-branes in vdirection. Let us deform this theory by adding the mass and the quartic terms for The former can be achieved by displacing the D6-branes alo ng+-vdirection leading to their coordinates v=+-vD6[9] while the latter can be obtained by rotating the D6-branes [6] by an angle -thin (w,v)-plane and we denote them by D6-th-branes. That is, each Nf 9D6-branes is moving to the +-vdirections respectively and then is rotating by an angle Therefore, in the electric gauge theory, the deformed s uperpotential is given a=tanth L, 0, this theory reduces to the one similar to the unitary case [6, 7] because the first two terms of (3.1) contribute to the additional quartic term for th e quarks. Therefore, we focus onthe nontrivial case with k'>=1. The order of the first term of (3.1) can be determined by replacing the k'of (2.1) with (2 k'+1) in the sense that when the additional added into a single NS5'-brane, their mirrors also should be prese nt, leading to the total number of NS5'-branes being (2 k'+1). Let us summarize the N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration with superpo- tential (3.1) in type IIA string theory as follows and draw this in Figur e 3 which is nothing but the Figure 1 together with the addition of left NS5-brane in (012345) directions with w= 0
*(2k'+1) right NS5'-branes in (012389) directions with v= 0
*2Nc-color D4-branes in (01236) directions with v= 0 in (01237) directions and two other directions in ( in (01236) directions with v= 0 =w Figure 3: The N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration for the gauge gro up Sp(Nc) with two adjoints and fundamentals Q. Note that there are (2 k'+ 1) NS5'-branes and the fluctuations of 2 Nccolor D4-branes in vdirection correspond to the adjoint field. A rotation of NfD6-branes in ( w,v)-plane corresponds to a quartic term for the a displacement of NfD6-branes in +-vdirection corresponds to a mass term for Magnetic theory Let us move the left NS5-brane to the right past the right NS5'-bra nes as in previous section and we arrive at the Figure 4A. Note that there exists a creation of Nf-flavor NfD6-th-branes and (2 their mirrors). The linking number of the NS5-brane from Figure 4A is The linking number of the NS5-brane from Figure 3 is le=-2Nf 2+ 2 + 2Nc. From the equality between these, one obtains the number of colors of dual magnetic theory [10, 1, 21] 4: The N= 1 supersymmetric magnetic brane configuration corresponding t o Figure 3 with a misalignment between D4-branes when the gravitational pot ential of the NS5-brane is ignored(4A) and brane configuration when t he gravitational potential of the NS5-braneis considered(4B). The Nfupper flavor between and NS5'-branes are splitting into /tildewideNc-, andl- D4-branesamong upper ( D4-branesare moved to the low energy theory on the color D4-branes has Sp(/tildewideNc) gauge group and an from 4-4 strings connecting the color D4-branes and Nf-fundamental quarks qcoming from 4-4 strings connecting between the color D4-branes a nd flavor a single magnetic meson field MQQis 2Nfx2Nfmatrix and comes from 4-4 strings of flavor D4-branes. Then the magnetic superpotential is given (3.2) Whenk'= 0 and there is no mass term for M, this superpotential reduces to the one found in [1, 21]. In order to obtain the supersymmetric vacua, one computes the F -term equations for 0, g 0, 1 Lqq=m-aM. (3.3) We choose the adjoint field ph'to be diagonal, i.e., ph'= Then the first equation of (3.3) implies that the upper left 2 ofM Lis given By substituting this into the last equation of (3.3), one obtains the upper left 2 of1 Lqqis given by diag( the lower right 2( block of Mis given by 2 l's zero eigenvalues and eigenvalues +-m a. Then finally, the second equation of (3.3) gives rise to the expectation value for the adjoint field ph'satisfying (3.4) forj= For nonzero quark mass m, the expectation value ph' jis not the positiveness of left hand side of (3.4) when gph'andph' jare real. Let us first describe the meta-stable states and supersymmetric ones when all the 2 NfD6-th-branes and (2 k'+1) NS5'-branes are coincident with each other.
*Two coincident NfD6-th-branes and coincident (2 k'+1) NS5'-branes One writes 2 by the diagonal elements for +-ph', 2l's eigenvalues by the zeros and 2( eigenvalues +-m aas 0 0 0 2l 0 0 ph'= (3.5) Therefore, in the brane configuration of Figure 4A, the lof the upper Nfflavor D4-branes are connected with D4-branes and the resulting D4-branes stretch from the up per D6-th-branes to the NS5-brane directly and the intersection point betw een thelupper D4- branes and the NS5-brane is given by ( v,w) = (+vD6-th,0). Now the ( upper the arerelatedto thecorresponding ha lf eigenvalues of M:m a1Nf-eNc-l. The intersection point between the ( upper D4- branes and the NS5'-branes is given by ( v,w) = (0,+vD6-thcotth) corresponding to of M. Finally, the remnant 2 D4-branes between the D6-th-branes and the NS5'-branes correspond to the eigenvalues +-ph'in (3.5) with (3.4) which shows the exact coordinate of wfor these flavor D4-branes. One represents the vacuum expectation value for the quarks as f 0 0 L m1lis20 0 0 (3.6) In thel-th vacuum the gauge symmetry is broken to and when the is drawn in Figure 4A with l= 0, the gauge group Sp(/tildewideNc) is unbroken. Then ground state corresponds to the vacuum expec tation values 2/tildewideNc's eigenvalues and +-m awith degeneracy 2( us rescale the meson field as M=hLPh [1]. Then the magnetic superpotential (3.2) can be rewritten in terms of Ph (3.7) whereu2=mL anduph=aL2. Now one splits the 2( x2( block at the lower right corner of M andqqinto blocks of size 2 nand and then (3.5) and (3.6) are rewritten as follows: hPh =
-ph'is20 0 0 0 0 2l0 0 0 0 hPh2n 0 0 0 0 0 0 u21lis20 0 0 0 phph 0 0 0 0 dimensional matrix and corresponds to 2 nflavors of fundamentals of the gauge group which is unbroken by the nonzero expectation value of q. The Ph 2n andphphare 2nx2nmatrices. The supersymmetric ground state corresponds to the values by 0. The full one loop potential takes the we did not include Ph 2n-independent term and after with respect to Ph 2none obtains the local nonzero stable point given to the location of wcoordinates for nflavor D4-branes, very close to the NS5- brane, between the D6-th-branes and the D6-th-branes and NS5'-branes Let us consider when the numbers of D6-th-branes and the number of NS5'-branes minus one are equal: Nf=k'. We displace the and upper NS5'-branes, given 13in Figure 4A, in the + vdirection respectively to two k'different points denoted by 1,2,***,k'(and their mirrors in the -vdirection). A single NS5'-brane is located at v= 0. Then there all the upper NS5' j-branes and 1,2,***,k') are distinct, the low energy physics corresponds to k'decoupled supersymmetric gauge theories with gauge deforms the Figure 4B by displacing the multiple D6-th-branes and [15]. Then the ncurved flavor D4-branes attached to them as well as other D4-branes are displaced also as k'different nj's connecting between D6-th,j-brane and NS5' j- brane. Then the magnetic superpotential (3.7) can be rewritten in terms of Ph is coming from 4-4 strings connecting between the before. One splits the 2( block at the lower right corner blocks of size 2 njand for alljas follows: hPh =
02(eNc+l+n)0 0 *** 0
* * * *** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0u2 112l10 0***0 0 0* * * *** * 0 0 0 0 0 ***u2 k'12lk'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02(Nf-eNc-l)
+ diag( Hereph2njis matrices and correspond to 2nj-flavors of fundamentals of the gauge group which is unbroken. The super- symmetric ground state corresponds to the vacuum expectation values by 0. The full one loop potential from (3.8), (3.9) and (3.10) can be written similarly and the local nonzero stable point arises to the wcoordinates of njflavor D4-branes between the D6-th,j-brane and their the meta-stable states, for fixed k'andth, areclassified by the number of and the positions of multiple D6-th-branes and NS5'-branes: When Nfis not equal tok'(for example, when Nf> k'), then some coincident D6-th-branes among be connected to the NS5'-branes in order to connect all the flavor D4-branes and the and a symm. 4.1 Electric theory The type IIA supersymmetric electric brane configuration [22, 23 , 9] corresponding to N=
1SU(Nc) gauge theory with a symmetric tensor S, a conjugate symmetric tensor flavors described as follows: one middle NS5-brane, 2 D4-branes, 2 The between the left k'NS5'-branes and the right k'NS5'-branes and similarly each NfD6-branes is located between the middle NS5-brane and the NS5'-br anes. Let us deform this theory [24] by adding the mass and the quartic te rms for The former can be achieved by displacing the D6-branes alo ng+-vdirection leading to their coordinates v=+-vD6[9] while the latter can be obtained by rotating the D6-branes [6] by the angles thin (w,v)-plane and we denote them by D6th-branes. Therefore, in the electric gauge theory, the deformed superpotential is given (4.1) Here the to the rotation and displacement of D6-branes and they are the same as the ones in [12]. The last two terms in (4.1) ar e due to the rotation of NS5'-branes where b= tanoandois a rotation angle of NS5'-branes in the ( w,v)-plane and the relative displacement of D4-branes where mS=vNS5'is the distance of D4-branes in vdirection. When k'= 1 with small blimit and mS= 0, this theory reduces to the one we focus on the case with k'>=2 andb,mS-0, i.e., we consider the with the electric superpotential (4.1) with this partic ular limit. Let us summarize the N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration with superpo- tential (4.1) in type IIA string theory as follows and draw this in Figu re 5:
*One NS5-brane in (012345) directions with w= 0 in (012389) directions with v= 0
*Nc-color D4-branes in (01236) directions with v= 0 in (01237) directions and two other directions in ( in (0123789) directions with x6= 0 =v Figure5: The N= upSU(Nc) with a symmetric tensor and fundamentals Q,/tildewideQ. Note that there are multiple k'NS5'-branes. A rotation of NfD6-branes in ( w,v)-plane, denoted by D6th-branes, corresponds to a quartic term for the fundamentals while a displacement of NfD6-branes in +-vdirection corresponds to a mass term for the Magnetic theory We move the D6th-branes and the left and right NS5'-branes through each other an d use the linking numbers for the computation of creation of D4-branes a s in [23]. Let us take the extra left- and right-( k'-1) NS5'-branes, compared with the single NS5'-brane case [23, 12], move them to the origin x6= 0, and rotate them by an anglep 2in with the middle NS5-brane. Temporarily, there exist (2 k'-1) middle NS5-branes atx6= 0. Let us move the left D6th-branes to the right all the way(and their mirrors, to the left) past the NS5-branes and the right single NS5'- brane. Then the linking number lmof aD6th-brane becomes lm=1 2-n4Lwhile the one of the same the electric theory. Then the number of D4-branes to the left of the magnetic theory becomes 1 and we must add NfD4-branes to the left side of their mirrors). Note that at the x6= 0, the D6+-th-branes become instantaneously [23, 12]. 16Then theextra 2( k'-1) middle NS5-branes, which were left-andright-( k'-1) NS5'-branes in the electric theory, are moving to +-x6direction by performing the remaining dual process and rotating by an anglep 2in (w,v)-plane. This leads to the left k'NS5'-branes and the which look similar to the brane configuration of electric t heory but we need to further take Seiberg dual for the remaining single NS5'-brane he re. In this process there is a creation of D4-branes because the O6-plane, which has 4 D6-br ane charge, is not parallel to these 2( k'-1) NS5-branes at x6= 0. Finally, after moving the left NS5'-brane, which does not participate in the dual process so far, to the right all the way past O6-plane(and its mirror, the right NS5'-brane to the left), the linking number of th e NS5'-brane can be computed as Note that the fractional the second term is due to the fact that only the left ( k'-1) NS5'-branes among k'NS5'-branes in the electric theory are crossing the O6-plane with an angle. Of cou rse, the remaining left single NS5'-brane among k'NS5'-branes in the electric theory is crossing the an angle. Originally, the linking number was given by This leads to the fact that the number of D4-branes becomes /tildewideNc= 2Nf-Nc+4(k'-1). Here the last constant term which depends on the number of NS5'-branes is d ue to the fact that the extra NS5'-branes are crossing the O6-plane. Of course, k'= 1 case reduces to the known number of D4-branes /tildewideNc= 2Nf-Nc[23]. We present the Figure 6A. Figure 6: The N= 1 supersymmetric magnetic brane configuration corresponding t o between and brane configuration when th e gravitational potential of the NS5-brane is considered(6B). The Nfflavor D4-branes connecting between D6-th-branes and NS5'-branes are splitting into ( Nf-l)- andl- D4-branes(6A). Further n- D4-branes among (Nf-l)- D4-branes are moved to the quarks from 4-4 strings connecting between the color D4-branes a nd flavor D4-branes and a symmetric tensor and a conjugate symmetric ten from 4-4 strings connecting between the color D4-branes with x6<0 and the color D4-branes with 17x6>0. Moreover, a single magnetic meson field and comes from 4-4 strings of flavor D4-branes. Then the magnetic superpotent ial with the limit b,mS-0 is given (4.2) The case where k'= 1 and a= 0 leads to the previous result in [23]. Note that the number of color on k'. In general, there are also different kinds of meson fields 1,2,***,k'andr= 0,1,***,k'-1 for general rotation angles of multiple NS5'-branes. The magnetic s uperpotential contains the interaction between these meson fields with as well as ( will vanish for small blimit. However, the particular route we take above from an electric t heory to the magnetic theory does not produce these meson fields becau se and the extra 2( k'-1) NS5'-branes do not create the D4-branes corresponding to th ose the supersymmetric vacua, one can compute the F-term equa tions for this superpo- tential (4.2) and the expectation values for obtained since this the same as the one in [12]. Let us consider two different NfD6-th-branes and their mirrors) In this case, all the discussions given in [12] are satisfied with one exc eption that the num- ber of colors here is different from the one in [12]. The theory has man y meta-stable ground states and when we rescale the meson field as M=hLPh, then the Kahler potential for Ph is canonical and the magnetic quarks are canonical near the origin of field space [1]. Then the magnetic superpotential can be written in terms of Ph one splits the ( Nf-l)x(Nf-l) block at the lower right corner of hPh of size nand (Nf-l-n) as follows [12]: hPh =
0l0 0 0hPhn0 0 0u2 uph1Nf-l-n , 0 0 Nf-l-n . Here dimensional the gauge group which is unbroken. In the brane configuration shown in Figure 6B, they correspond to fundamental strings connecting the nflavor D4-branes and ( D4-branes [12]. The Ph The supersymmetric ground state corresponds to 0 the full one loop potential for Ph takes the Differentiating this potential with respect to Ph+
nand putting ^ ph= 0 to the wcoordinates of ncurved flavor D4-branes between the D6-th-branes and the NS5'-branes(and their D6-th-branes and NS5'-branes Let us consider the case where the numbers of D6-th-branes and the NS5'-branes are equal to each other: Nf=k'. We displace the k'D6-th-branes and NS5'-branes given in Figure 6A in thevdirection respectively to two k'different points denoted by 1,2,***,k', as in section 2. There are relations between the color and flavor D4 -branes as theFigure6B by displacing themultiple D6-th-branesand Then the ncurved flavor D4-branes attached to them are displaced also as k' different nj's connecting between D6-th,j-brane and NS5' j-brane. Let us rescale the submeson field asMj=hLPhj[15] and the Kahler potential for Ph jis canonical and the magnetic as canonical near the originof field space [1]. Then the can be rewritten in terms of Ph before. One splits the ( block at the lower right corner of blocks of size njand (Nf,j-lj-nj) for alljas follows [15]: hPh =
0l+n 0 0 *** 0
* * * *** 0 0 0 0 diag(0 0***0 0
* * * *** * 0 0 0 0 ***u2 k'1lk'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nf-l
+ diag(0 as before. Here matrices and correspond to nj-flavors of fundamentals of the gauge group which is unbroken. The supersymmetric ground state corresponds to th e vacuum expectation 0. The full one loop potential can be and the local nonzero stable point arises to the nonzero wcoordinates of njflavor D4-branes between the think ofthe consisting of multiple outer NS5-branes aswell as a single NS5'-brane, O6+--planes and eight D6-branes. So we focus on the case where there is only a single outer NS5-brane [26, 25, 27, 28] when we discuss the o ther brane this sub-brane configuration with NS5-brane, NS5'-bra ne,O6+--planes and eight D6-branes andN' f-fund. and bifund. 5.1 Electric theory The type IIA supersymmetric electric brane configuration [29, 30 , 31, 32, 33] 1SU(Nc)xSU(N' c) gauge theory with Nf-fundamental flavors asfollows: 2 k' NS5'-branes, Nc- and Nf- The Nc-color D4-branes are suspended between the middle NS5-brane and the right NS5'-brane s, theN' c-color D4-branes are suspended between the left NS5'-branes and the middle NS5-br ane, theNfD6-branes are located between the middle NS5-brane and the right NS5'-branes an d theN' fD6-branes are located between the left NS5'-branes and the middle NS5-brane. Let us deform this theory by adding the mass term and the quartic t erm for The former can be achieved by displacing the D6-branes alo ng +vdirection leading 20to their coordinates v= +vD6[9] while the latter can be obtained by rotating the D6-branes [6] by an angle -thin (w,v)-plane and we denote them by D6-th-branes. Then, in the electric gauge theory, the general deformed superpotential is given (5.1) The last two terms aredue to the where b= (tanoL+tanoR) andthe relative displacement of D4-branes where the mass mX=vNS5'is the distance of When there are no D6-branes, this theory reduces to t he one [15] and the case where there exists further restriction on the number of NS5'-bra nesk'= 1 has been studied in [14]. We focus on the case with k'>=2 and the limit b,mX-0. When we take the Seiberg dual for the gauge group SU(Nc), we put a'= 0 andm'= 0(no displacement and no while for the Seiberg dual for the gauge group SU(N' c), we take a= 0 and m= 0. Let us summarize the N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration with superpo- tential (5.1) in type IIA string theory as follows and draw this in Figu re 7:
*One middle NS5-brane in (012345) directions with w= in (012389) directions v= in (01237) directions and two other directions in ( in (0123789) directions
*Nc- andN' c-color D4-branes in (01236) directions with v= 0 =w Figure 7: The N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration for the gauge gro with bifundamentals X,/tildewideXand fundamentals Note that there exist multiple 2 k'NS5'-branes. A rotation of NfD6-branes in ( w,v)-plane corresponds to a quartic term for the fundamentals a displacement of NfD6-branes in + to a mass term for the fundamentals Magnetic theory for SU(Nc) After we move a middle NS5-brane to the right all the way past the rig ht NS5'-branes, we arrive at the Figure 8A. Note that there exists a creation of NfD4-branes connecting and the k'right NS5'-branes. The linking number of NS5-brane from Figure 8A On the other hand, the linking number of NS5-brane from Figure From these two relations, one obtains the number of colors of dua l magnetic theory as follows [30]: 8: The N= 1 supersymmetric magnetic brane configuration corresponding t o between and brane configuration when th e gravitational potential of the NS5-brane is considered(8B) . The Nfflavor D4-branes connecting between D6-th-branes and NS5'-branes are splitting into ( Nf-l)- andl- D4-branes(8A). Further n- D4-branes among (Nf-l)- D4-branes are moved to the low energy theory on the color D4-branes has gauge group dual quarks from 4-4 strings connecting between the color and Nfflavor D4-branes as well as gauge singlets. Moreover, a magnetic meson field and comes from 4-4 strings of Then the magnetic superpotential with the limit b,mX-0 is given (5.2) The case with k'= 1 and a= 0 was studied in [30]. Although the superpotential (5.2) does not depend on the multiplicity k'of NS5'-branes in our particular limit, the difference from the previous result of [30] appears as two things: nonzero ain (5.2) and multiple NS5'-branes in Figure 8. Here other meson fields are given by the supersymmetric vacua, one can compute the F-term equa tions for this superpo- tential (5.2) and the expectation values for obtained. The F-term equations 22are almost the same as the one in [30] and the derivative of (5.2) with r espect to the term. The vacuum expectation values for as in NfD6-th-branes and theory has many meta-stable ground sta tes and when we rescale the meson field as M=hLPh as before, then the Kahler potential for Ph is canonical and the magnetic quarks are canonical near the origin of field space [1]. Then the can be written anduph=aL2. Now one splits the ( Nf-l)x(Nf-l) block at the lower right corner of hPh blocks of size nand (Nf-l-n) as follows [7]: hPh =
0l0 0 0hPhn0 0 0u2 uph1Nf-l-n , 0 0 0 0 Nf-l-n . Here dimensional the gauge group which is unbroken. In the brane configuration shown in Figure 8B, they correspond to fundamental strings connecting the nflavor D4-branes and ( D4-branes [6]. The Ph The supersymmetric ground to 0 the full one loop potential takes the we do not write down Ph nor terms. potential with respect to Ph+
nand putting ph= 0 =/tildewideph, one to the wcoordinates of ncurved flavor D4-branes between the D6-th-branes and the to a single gauge group, there exist extra k'left NS5'-branes, N' fD6-branes and Figure 8B, we consider the case where k'left NS5'-branes are far from k'right NS5'-branes. From the result of [34], in general, there exists a repulsive force between N' cD4-branes and nD4-branes depending on their distance in wdirection and an rotation angle between those D4-branes. In orde r to weaken this effect, we need to take the limit where their distance in wdirection should be large and an rotation angle between them should be small. Furthermore, the distance beteen nD4-branes and the NS5-brane should be small NfD6-th-branes and areequaltoeachother the k'D6-th-branes andNS5'-branes given inFigure8Ain the vdirection respectively to twok'different points denoted by 1,2,***,k', as in section 2. There Then the ncurved flavor to them are displaced also as k'different nj's connecting between D6-th,j-brane Let us rescale the submeson field as Mj=hLPhj[15] and the Kahler potential for Phjis canonical and the magnetic quarks canonical near the origin of field space [1]. Then the magnetic superpotential can be rewritten in ter ms of Ph before. One splits the ( block at the lower right corner of of size njand (Nf,j-lj-nj) for alljas follows [15]: hPh =
0l+n 0 0 *** 0
* * * *** 0 0 0 0 diag(0 0***0 0
* * * *** * 0 0 0 0 ***u2 k'1lk'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nf-l
+ diag(0 matrices and correspond to nj-flavors of fundamentals of the gauge group which is unbroken. The supersymmetric ground state corresponds to the vacuum ex pectation values by 0. The full one loop potential can be written similarly and the local nonzero stable point arises to the nonzero wcoordinates of njflavor D4-branes between the theNS5' j-brane. Then, the meta-stable states, for fixed k'andth, are specified by the number of various D4-branes and the positions of multiple D6-th-branes and and bi- fund. 6.1 Electric theory The type IIA supersymmetric electric brane configuration [35, 36 , 37] corresponding to N= gauge theory with flavors Qand be described as follows: one middle NS5-brane, 2(2 k'+ 1) NS5'-branes, 2 Nc- and 2N' c-D4-branes, and 2 Nf- and 2N' f-D6-branes as well as O4+--planes. The 2 Nc-color D4- branes are suspended between the middle NS5-brane and the right NS5'-branes, the 2 are suspended between the left NS5'-branes and the m iddle NS5-brane, the 2 Nf D6-branes are located between the middle NS5-brane and the right NS5'-branes and the 2 N' f D6-branes are located between the left NS5'-branes and the middle NS5-brane. Let us deform this theory by adding the mass term and the quartic t erm for The former can be achieved by displacing the D6-branes alo ng+-vdirection leading to their coordinates v=+-vD6[9] while the latter can be obtained by rotating the D6-branes [6] by an angle -thin (w,v)-plane and we denote them by D6-th-branes. Then, in the electric gauge theory, the general deformed superpotential is given (6.1) The last two terms are due to the rotation of NS5'-branes where b= tanoand the of D4-branes where the mass mX=vNS5'is the distance of D4-branes in v direction. When there are no D6-branes, this theory reduces to t he one [15] and the case where there exists a further restriction on the number of NS5'-br anesk'= 0 has been studied in [14]. We focus on the case with k'>=1 andb,mX-0. When we take the Seiberg dual for the gauge group Sp(Nc), we put a'= 0 and m'= 0 while for the Seiberg dual for the we take a= 0 and m= 0 instead. Let us summarize the N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration with superpo- tential (6.1) in type IIA string theory as follows and draw this in Figu re 9:
*One middle NS5-brane in (012345) directions with w= 0 25*2(2k'+1) NS5'-branes in (012389) directions v= in (01237) directions and two other directions in ( in (0123789) directions
*2Nc- and 2N' c-color D4-branes in (01236) directions with v= 0 =w
*O4+--planes in (01236) directions with w= 0 =v Figure 9: The N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration for the gauge gro Q,Q'. multiple 2(2 Arotationof NfD6-branesin( to a quartic term for the fundamentals Qwhile a displacement of NfD6-branes in +- to a mass term for the fundamentals Q. 6.2 Magnetic theory for Sp(Nc) After we move the middle NS5-brane to the right all the way past the right NS5'-branes, the linking number of NS5-brane from Figure 10A is given by it was given by Figure 9. Therefore, by the linking number conservation and equating these two l's each other, we are left with the number of colors in the magnetic theory [35] low energy theory on the color D4-branes has gauge group dual quarks qcoming from 4-4 strings connecting between the color and Nfflavor D4-branes as well as Q',Yand gauge singlets. Moreover, a magnetic meson field MQQis 2Nfx2Nfmatrix andcomes from4-4 strings of 2 Nfflavor D4-branes. Then the magnetic superpotential with the limit b,mX-0 is given (6.2) The case with k'= 0 and a= 0 was studied in [35]. Although the superpotential (6.2) does not depend on the multiplicity (2 k'+1) of NS5'-branes in our particular limit, the difference from the previous result of [35] appears as 1) nonzero ain (6.2) and 2) multiple NS5'-branes in Figure 10A. Here other meson fields are given by 10: The N= 1 supersymmetric magnetic corresponding t o between and brane configuration when t he gravitational potential of the NS5-brane is considered(10B) . The Nfflavor D4-branes connecting between D6-th-branes and NS5'-branes are splitting into ( Nf-l)- andl- D4-branes(10A). Further n- D4-branes among (Nf-l)- D4-branes are moved to the can compute the F-term equations for this superpotential (6 .2) and the for Mandqqare obtained. The F-term equations are almost the same as the one in [35] and the derivative of (6.2) with respect to the meson field Mhasa-dependent term. The vacuum expectation values for YandNvanish as in NfD6-th-branes and ( k'+1 2) NS5'-branes The theory has many meta-stable ground sta tes and when we rescale the meson field as M=hLPh as before. Then the magnetic superpotential can be written anduph=aL2. Now one splits the 2( Nf-l)x2(Nf-l) block at the lower right corner of hPh andqqinto blocks of size 2 nand 2(Nf-l-n) as follows [7]: hPh =
02l0 0 0hPh2n 0 0 qq=
u212l0 0 0phph 0 0 0 0 dimensional matrices and correspond to 2 nflavors of fundamentals of the gauge group which is unbroken. The Ph 2nandphphare 2nx2nmatrices. ground state corresponds to 0. Now the full one loop potential takes the we do not write down Ph 2n-independent terms. Differentiating this potential with respect to Ph 2nand putting ph= 0, one to the wcoordinates of ncurved flavor D4-branes between the D6-th-branes and the NfD6-th-branes and ( k'+1 2) NS5'-branes When the numbers of D6-th-branes and the number of NS5'-branes minus one are equal Nf=k', we displace the and upper NS5'-branes, given in Figure 10A, in the + vdirection respectively to two k'different points denoted by 1,2,***,k'(and their mirrors in the -vdirection). A single NS5'-brane is lo- cated at v= 0. Then there all the upper NS5' j-branes and 1,2,***,k') are distinct, the low energy physics corresponds to k'decoupled supersymmetric gauge theories with gauge deforms the Figure 10B by displacing the multiple D6-th-branes and [15]. Then the ncurved flavor D4-branes attached to them are displaced also ask'different nj's connecting between D6-th,j-brane and NS5' j-brane. Then the can be rewritten in terms of Ph before. One splits the 2( block at the lower right corner of hPhjandqjqj into blocks of size 2 njand 2(Nf,j-lj-nj) for alljas follows: hPh =
02(l+n) 0 0 *** 0
* * * *** 0 0 0 0 diag(0 0***0 0
* * * *** * 0 0 0 0 ***u2 k'12lk'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2(Nf-l)
+ diag(0 Hereph2njis matrices and correspond to 2nj-flavors of fundamentals of the gauge group which is unbroken. Moreover, the 2njx2njmatrices. The supersymmetric ground state corresponds to the vacuum expectation values by 0. The full one loop potential can be written similarly and the local nonzero stable point a rises to the wcoordinates of njflavor D4-branes between the D6-th,j-brane their mirrors). Then, the meta-stable states, for fi xedk'andth, are specified by the number of various D4-branes and the positions of m and bi- fund. 7.1 Electric theory The type IIA supersymmetric electric brane configuration [38, 30 ] corresponding to N= gauge theory with Nf-fundamental flavors Q,/tildewideQ, 2N' f-vectors X,/tildewideXcan be described as follows: two NS5-branes, 2 k'NS5'-branes, Nc- and 2N' c-D4-branes, 2 Nf- and 2N' f-D6-branes and O6+-plane. The 2 N' c-color D4-branes are suspended between the two NS5-branes and the Nc-color D4-branes are suspended between the NS5-brane and the NS5'-branes(and their mirrors). Let us deform this theory by adding the mass term and the quartic t erm for the funda- mentals. The former can be achieved by displacing the D6-branes alo ng +vdirection leading to their coordinates v= +vD6[9] while the latter can be obtained by rotating the D6-branes [6] by an angle -thin (w,v)-plane and we denote them by D6-th-branes. Then, in the electric gauge theory, the general deformed superpotential is given (7.1) The last two terms are due to the rotation of NS5'-branes where b= tanoand the of D4-branes where the mass mX=vNS5'is the distance in vdirection. This reduces to the one [30] when k'= 1 and a= 0 =a'=m'. We focus on the case with When we take the Seiberg dual for the gauge group SU(Nc), we put a'= 0 andm'= 0. Let us summarize the N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration with superpo- tential (7.1) in type IIA string theory as follows and draw this in Figu re 11:
*Two NS5-branes in (012345) directions with w= in (012389) directions v= in (01237) directions and two other directions in ( in (0123789) directions
*Nc- and 2N' c-color D4-branes in (01236) directions with v= 0 =w
*O6+-plane in (0123789) directions with x6= 0 =v Figure 11: The N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration for the gauge gro with bifundamental X,/tildewideX, fundamentals Q,/tildewideQand vectors Q'. Note that there are multiple its mirrors). A rotation of NfD6-branes in ( to a quartic term for the fundamentals while a displace ment ofNfD6-branes in
+-vdirection corresponds to a mass term for the Magnetic theory for SU(Nc) After we move the right NS5-brane to the right all the way past the right NS5'-branes, we arrive at the Figure 12A. Note that there exists a creation of NfD4-branes connecting and the k'right NS5'-branes. The linking number of NS5-brane from Figure 12A On the other hand, the linking number of NS5-brane from Figure From these two relations, one obtains the number of colors of dua l magnetic theory as follows [30]: low energy theory on the color D4-branes has gauge group dual quarks from4-4 strings connecting between the color and Nfflavor D4-branes as well as gauge singlets. Moreover, a magnetic meson field and comes from 4-4 strings of Nfflavor 12: The N= 1 supersymmetric magnetic corresponding t o Figure 11 with a misalignment between D4-branes when the gravitational po tential of the NS5-brane is ignored(12A) and brane configuration when the gravitational potential of the NS5-brane is considered(12B) . The Nfflavor D4-branes connecting between D6-th- branes and NS5'-branes are splitting into ( Nf-l)- andl- D4-branes(12A). Further n- D4- branes among ( Nf-l)- D4-branes are moved to the the magnetic superpotential with the limit b,mX-0 is given (7.2) The case with k'= 1 and a= 0 was studied in [30]. Although the superpotential (7.2) does not depend on the multiplicity k'of NS5'-branes in our particular limit, the difference from the previous result of [30] appears as two things: nonzero ain (7.2) and multiple NS5'-branes in Figure 12. Here other meson fields are given by the supersymmetric vacua, one can compute the F-term equa tions for this superpo- tential (7.2) and the expectation values for obtained. The F-term equations are almost the same as the one in [30] and the derivative of (7.2) with r espect to the term. The vacuum expectation values for in NfD6-th-branes and k'NS5'-branes By following the description of subsection 5.2, one obtains the local n onzero stable point given by (5.3) corresponding to the wcoordinates of ncurved flavor D4-branes between the D6-th-branes and the NS5'-branes in Figure NfD6-th-branes and local nonzero stable point arises as (5.4) corresponding to the D4-branes between the D6-th,j-brane and the a symm. and bifund. 8.1 Electric theory The type IIA supersymmetric electric brane configuration [39, 40, 41, 42] corresponding to N= 1SU(Nc)xSU(N' c) gauge theory with a symmetric tensor S, a conjugate bifundamentals X,/tildewideXcan be described as follows: (2 k+1) NS5-brane, 2 O6+-plane. The left NS5'-branes and the right NS5'-branes and the N' c-color D4-branes are the right NS5'-branes and the right NS5-branes(and the ir mirrors). Let us deform this theory by adding the mass term and the higher or der term for The former can be achieved by displacing the NS5-b ranes along + to their coordinates v= +vNS5[9] while the latter can be obtained by rotating the NS5-branes [6] by an angle -thin (w,v)-plane and we denote them by NS5-th-branes. Then, in the electric gauge theory, the general deformed superpotent ial by including the mass term and higher order term for symmetric tensor matter is given (8.1) The last two terms are due to the rotation of NS5'-branes where b= tanoand the of D4-branes where the mass mS=vNS5'is the distance in vdirection. This reduces to the one [14] when k=k'= 1 andb=mS= 0. We focus on the case with us summarize the N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration with superpo- tential (8.1) in type IIA string theory as follows and draw this in Figu re 13:
*One NS5-brane in (012345) directions with w= 0 in (012389) directions with v= 0
*k NS5+-th-branes in (012389) directions with v= 0
*Nc- andN' c-color D4-branes in (01236) directions with v= 0 =w
*O6+-plane in (0123789) directions with x6= 0 =v 8.2 Magnetic theory for SU(Nc) We apply the Seiberg dual to the SU(Nc) factor and the two k'NS5'-branes are other. The linking number of the right NS5'-brane in Figure 14A is linking number of the left NS5'-brane in Figure 13 is given by This leads to the fact that the number of D4-branes becomes /tildewideNc= 13: The N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration for the gauge gro with a symmetric tensor S,/tildewideSand bifundamentals X,/tildewideX. Note that there are multiple k NS5+-th-branes and 2 k'NS5'-branes. A rotation of kNS5-branes in ( to a higher term for the bifundamentals while a displace ment ofkNS5-branes in
+-vdirection corresponds to a mass term for the 14: The N= 1 supersymmetric magnetic corresponding t o Figure 13 with a misalignment between D4-branes when the gravitational po tential of the NS5-brane is ignored(13A) and brane configuration when the gravitational potential of the NS5-brane is considered(13B) . The N' cflavor D4-branes connecting between NS5-th- branes and NS5'-branes are splitting into ( N' c-l)- andl- D4-branes(14A). Further n- D4- branes among ( N' c-l)- D4-branes are moved to the low energy theory on the color D4-branes has gauge group dual quarks from 4-4 strings connecting between the color and N' cflavor D4-branes as well as sand/tildewides. Moreover, a single magnetic and comes from 4-4 strings of N' cflavor D4-branes. Then the magnetic superpotential with the limit b,mS-0 is given (8.2) The case with k= 1 =k'anda= 0 was studied in [39]. Although the superpotential (8.2) does not depend on the multiplicity k'of NS5'-branes in our particular limit, the difference from the previous result of [39] appears as two things: nonzero ain (8.2) which has term and multiple NS5-th-branes and NS5'-branes in Figure 14A. For the vacua, one can compute the F-term equations for t his superpotential (8.2) and the expectation values for obtained. The F-term equations are the same as the one in k NS5-th-branes and theory has many meta-stable ground sta tes due to the fact that there exists an attractive gravitational interaction between the flavor D4-branes and the NS5- brane from the DBI action. When we rescale the meson field as M=hLPh, then the Kahler potential for Ph is canonical and the magnetic quarks canonical near the origin of field space. Then the magnetic superpotential (8.2) can be rewr itten (8.3) with the new couplings u2=-mL one splits the ( N' c-l)x(N' c-l) block at the lower right corner of of size nand (N' c-l-n) and then they are rewritten as follows [7]: hPh =
01l0 0 0hPhn 0 0 0 0 0 0 N'c-l-n .(8.4) Here matrices and correspond to n-flavors of fundamentals of the gauge group which is unbroken. The supersymmetric ground state correspon ds to the vacuum expectation values by 0. The full one loop potential for Ph n,ph, (8.3) and (8.4) including the one loop result [1] takes the constant bisgivenby with respect to Ph+
nand putting ph= 0 =/tildewideph, one (8.6) It is evident that the ( N' c-l-n) flavor D4-branes between the NS5-th-branes and the NS5'- branes are related to the corresponding eigenvalues of hPh (8.4), intersection point between the ( N' c-l-n) D4-branes and the NS5'-branes is also given by (v,w) = k NS5-th-branes and the numbers of NS5-th-branes and the NS5'-branes are equal to each other k=k', we displace the k'NS5-th-branes and NS5'-branes given in Figure 14A in the to two k'different points denoted by 1,2,***,k', as in section 2. There deforms the Figure 14B by displacing the multiple NS5-th-branes and . Then the ncurved flavor D4-branes attached to them are displaced nj's connecting between NS5-th,j-brane and NS5' j-brane. Let us rescale the submeson field as Mj=hLPhj[15] and the Kahler potential for Ph jis canonical and the magnetic quarks canonical near the origin of field space [1]. Then the can be rewritten in terms of Ph before. One splits the ( block at the lower right corner of of size njand (N' c,j-lj-nj) for alljas follows [15]: hPh 0 0 *** 0
* * * *** 0 0 0 0 0 diag(0 0***0 0
* * * *** * 0 0 0 0 ***u2 k1lk0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N'c-l
+ diag(0 matrices and correspond to nj-flavors of fundamentals of the gauge group which is unbroken. The supersymmetric ground state corresponds to the vacuum ex pectation values by 0. The full one loop potential can be written similarly and the local nonzero stable point arises to the nonzero wcoordinatesof njflavor D4-branesbetween the theNS5' j-brane. Then, the meta-stable states, for fixed k,k'andth, are specified by the number of various D4-branes and the positions of multiple NS5-th-branes and an antisymm., eight-fund. and bifund. 9.1 Electric theory The type IIA supersymmetric electric brane configuration [39] co rresponding to N= gauge theory with an antisymmetric tensor A, a conjugate eight fundamentals ^Qand bifundamentals X,/tildewideXcan be described as follows: Two NS5-branes, (2 k'+1) NS5'-branes, Nc- eight D6-branes and D4-branes are suspended between the left NS5-brane and the right NS5-brane and theN' c-color D4-branes are suspended between the right NS5-brane an d the right NS5'- branes(and their mirrors). Let us deform this theory by adding the mass term and the higher or der term for The former canbeachieved bydisplacing theNS5'-b ranesalong + to their coordinates v= +vNS5'[9] while the latter can be obtained by rotating the NS5'-branes [6] by an angle -thin (w,v)-plane and we denote them by NS5-th-branes. Then, in the electric gauge theory, the general deformed superpotent ial is given (9.1) The third term is due to the rotation of NS5-branes where b= tano. This theory reduces to the one [14] when k'= 1 and b= 0. We focus on the case with k'>=2 andb-0. Let us summarize the N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration with superpo- tential (9.1) in type IIA string theory as follows and draw this in Figu re 15:
*Two NS5-branes in (012345) directions with w= 0
*One NS5'-brane in (012389) directions with v= 0 in (012345) directions with w= 0
*Nc- andN' c-color D4-branes in (01236) directions with v= 0 =w
*Eight half D6-branes in (0123789) directions with x6= 0 =v
*O6+--planes in (0123789) directions with x6= 0 =v 36Figure 15: The N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration for the gauge gro with an antisymmetric tensor A,/tildewideS, eight fundamentals ^Q, and bifun- damentals X,/tildewideX. Note that there are A rotation of k'NS5'-branes in (w,v)-plane corresponds to a higher term for the bifundamentals while a displacement of k' NS5-branes in +-vdirection corresponds to a mass term for the Magnetic theory for SU(Nc) We apply the Seiberg dual to the SU(Nc) factor and the two NS5-branes are other. The linking number of the right NS5-brane in Figure 16A is the linking number of the left NS5-brane in Figure 15 is given by leads to the fact that the number of D4-branes becomes [39] /tildewideNc= 16: The N= 1 supersymmetric magnetic corresponding t o Figure 15 with a misalignment between D4-branes when the gravitational po tential of the NS5-brane is ignored(16A) and brane configuration when the gravitational potential of the NS5-brane is considered(16B) . The N' cflavor D4-branes connecting between into( (N' c-l)- D4-branes are moved to the low energy theory on the color D4-branes has gauge group dual quarks from 4-4 strings connecting between the color and N' cflavor D4-branes as well as a,/tildewidesand ^q. Moreover, a single magnetic and comes from 4-4 strings of N' cflavor D4-branes. Then 37the magnetic superpotential with the limit b-0 is given ^q/tildewides^q. (9.2) The case with k'= 1 and a= 0 was studied in [39]. The difference from the previous result of [39] appears as two things: nonzero ain (9.2) which has explicit k'dependent term and multiple NS5th-branes in Figure 16A. For the supersymmetric vacua, one can com pute the F-term equations for this superpotential (9.2) and the expectat ion values for obtained.
*Coincident obtains the vacuum expectation value (8.6) with a replacement kbyk'by applying the prescription of subsection 8.2. This provides the wcoordinates of nflavor the NS5-th-branes and the NS5'-brane in Figure non-coincident NS5-th-branes can be obtained by taking those quark masses being unequal. Then all the previous descriptions for the meta-stable st ates can be applied in this case also without any andN' f-fund., a symm. and bifund. 10.1 Electric theory The type IIA supersymmetric electric brane configuration [43] co rresponding to N= gauge theory with Nf-fundamental flavors a symmetric tensor S, a conjugate symmetric tensor /tildewideSand bifundamentals described as follows: Three NS5-branes, 2 k'NS5'-branes, Nc- and 2 Nf- and 2N' f-D6-branes and O6+-plane. The Nc-color D4-branes are suspended between the left NS5'-branes and the right NS5'-branes, the N' c-color D4-branes are suspended between the right NS5'-branes and the right NS5-brane(and their mirrors), th eNfD6-branes are located between the middle NS5-brane and the right NS5'-branes and the N' fD6-branes are located between the right NS5'-branes and the right NS5-brane(and their mirrors). Let us deform this theory by adding the mass term and the quartic t erm for The former can be achieved by displacing the D6-branes alo ng+-vdirection leading to their coordinates v=+-vD6[9] while the latter can be obtained by rotating the D6-branes [6] by an angle thin (w,v)-plane and we denote them by D6th-branes(or D6th'-branes for 38the second gauge group). Then, in the electric gauge theory, the deformed superpotential is given last four terms are due to the rotation of NS5'-branes and NS5 -branes where b= tano' andg= tanoand the relative displacement of D4-branes where the mass mS=vNS5'and the mass mX=vNS5are the distance in vdirection. The case of k'= 1 and a= 0 with b=g=mS=mX= 0 was studied in [43]. We focus on the case with k'>=2 and b,g,m S,mX-0. When we take the Seiberg dual for the gauge group SU(Nc), we put a'= 0 and m'= 0 and for the Seiberg dual on the gauge group SU(N' c) we take a= 0 and m= 0. Let us summarize the N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration with superpo- tential (10.1) in type IIA string theory as follows and draw this in Fig ure in (012389) directions v= 0
*Three NS5-branes in (012345) directions w= in (01237) directions and two other directions in ( in (01237) directions and two other directions in ( v,w)-plane
*Nc- andN' c-color D4-branes in (01236) directions with v= 0 =w
*O6+-plane in (0123789) directions with x6= 0 =v Figure 17: The N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration for the gauge gro with a symmetric tensor S,/tildewideS, bifundamentals X,/tildewideXand fundamentals Note that there are 2 k'NS5'-branes. A rotation of Nf(N' f) D6-branes in (w,v)-plane corresponds to a quartic term for the fundamentals while a displace- ment ofNf(N' f) D6-branes in +-vdirection corresponds to a mass term for the fundamentals . 3910.2 Magnetic theory for SU(Nc) After the left NS5'-branes and D6th-branes and the right NS5'-branes and D6-th-branes are exchanged each other, we arrive at the Figure 18A. One reads off t he number of colors of dual magnetic theory from section 4 by noticing the new N' cdependence: /tildewideNc= 18: The N= 1 supersymmetric magnetic corresponding t o Figure 17 with a misalignment between D4-branes when the gravitational po tential of the NS5-brane is ignored(18A) and brane configuration when the gravitational potential of the NS5-brane is considered(18B) . The Nfflavor D4-branes connecting between D6-th- branes and NS5'-branes are splitting into ( Nf-l)- andl- D4-branes(18A). Further n- D4- branes among ( Nf-l)- D4-branes are moved to the low energy theory on the color D4-branes has gauge group dual quarks from4-4 strings connecting between the color and Nfflavor D4-branes as well as gauge singlets. Moreover, a magnetic meson field and comes from 4-4 strings of Then the magnetic superpotential with the limit b,g,m S,mX-0 is given (10.2) The case with k'= 1 and a= 0 was studied in [43] as mentioned before. Although (10.2) does not depend on the multiplicity k'of NS5'-branes in our the difference from the previous result of [43] appears as 1) no nzeroain (10.2) and 2) mutiple NS5'-branes in Figure 18A. Here other meson fields are given b y the supersymmetric vacua, one can compute the F-term equa tions for this superpo- tential (10.2) and the expectation values for obtained. The F-term equations are almost the same as the one in [43] and the derivative of (10.2) with respect to the term. The vacuum expectation values for as in NfD6-th-branes and gets the local stable point (4.3) corresponding to the wcoordinates of ncurved flavor D4-branes between the D6-th-branes and the NS5'-branes in Figure 18B by following the prescription of subsection NfD6-th-branes and local nonzero stable point arises similarly. 10.3 Magnetic theory for SU(N' c) After we move the right NS5'-branes to the right all the way past th e right mirrors to the left), we arrive at the Figure 19A. Note that ther e exists a creation connecting the and the NS5'-brane. The linking number of NS5'-brane from Figure 19A is On the other hand, the linking number of NS5'-brane from Figure 17 is From these two relations, one obtains the number of colors of dual magnetic theory In this subsection we consider only the single number of NS5'-brane k'= 1 in order to deal with a single meson field. Figure 19: The N= 1 supersymmetric magnetic corresponding t o Figure 18 with a misalignment between D4-branes when the gravitational po tential of the NS5-brane is ignored(19A) and brane configuration when the gravitational potential of the NS5-brane is considered(19B). The N' fflavor D4-branes connecting between (N' f-l)- D4-branes are moved to the low energy theory on the color D4-branes has gauge group dual quarks from 4-4 strings connecting between the color and N' fflavor D4-branes as well as gauge singlets. Moreover, a magnetic meson field and comes from 4-4 strings of Then the magnetic superpotential with the limit b,g,m S,mX-0 is given (10.3) 41The case with k'= 1 anda= 0 was studied in [43]. Although the superpotential (10.3) does not depend on the multiplicity k'of NS5'-branes in our particular limit, the difference from the previous result of [43] appears as nonzero ain (10.3). Here other meson fields are given by the supersymmetric vacua, one can compute the F-term equa tions for this superpo- tential (10.3) and the expectation values for obtained. The F-term equations are almost the same as the one in [43] and the derivative of (10.3) with respect to the term. The vacuum expectation values for as in One obtains the local stable point as (5.3) by changing the role of the This gives the wcoordinates of nflavor D4-branes between the the NS5'-brane in Figure These non-coincident D6-th-branes can be obtained by taking those quark masses being unequal. Then all the previous descriptions for the meta-stable st ates can be applied in this case also without any andN' f-fund., an and bifund. 11.1 Electric theory The type IIA supersymmetric electric brane configuration [43] co rresponding to N= gauge theory with Nf-fundamental flavors an antisymmetric tensor A, a conjugate symmetric tensor /tildewideS, eight fundamentals X,/tildewideXcan be described as follows: Two NS5-branes, (2 k'+ 1) NS5'-branes, Nc- and 2 Nf- and 2N' f-D6-branes, eight D6-branes and O6+--planes. The Nc-color D4-branes are suspended between the two NS5-branes, t heN' c-color D4-branes are suspended between the right NS5-brane and the right NS5'-brane s(and their mirrors), the NfD6-branes are located between the middle NS5'-brane and the right NS5-brane and are located between the right NS5-brane and the right NS5'-branes(and us deform this theory by adding the mass term and the quartic t erm for The former can be achieved by displacing the D6-branes alo ng+-vdirection leading to their coordinates v=+-vD6[9] while the latter can be obtained by rotating the D6-branes 42[6] by an angle thin (w,v)-plane and we denote them by D6th-branes. Then, in the electric gauge theory, the general deformed superpotential is given (11.1) The last three terms are due to the rotation of NS5-branes and NS 5'-branes where b= tano andg= tano'and the relative displacement of D4-branes where the mass mX=vNS5'is the distance in vdirection. The case of k'= 1 and a= 0 with b=g=mX= 0 was studied in [43]. We focus on the case with k'>=2 andb,g,m X-0. When we take the Seiberg dual for the gauge group SU(Nc), we put a'= 0 and m'= 0 and for the Seiberg dual on the we take a= 0 and m= 0. Let us summarize the N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration with superpo- tential (11.1) in type IIA string theory as follows and draw this in Fig ure 20:
*Two NS5-branes in (012345) directions with w= 0
*(2k'+1) NS5'-branes in (012389) directions v= in (01237) directions and two other directions in ( in (01237) directions and two other directions in ( D6-branes in (0123789) directions
*Nc- andN' c-color D4-branes in (01236) directions with v= 0 =w
*O6+--planes in (0123789) directions with x6= 0 =v Figure 20: The N= 1 supersymmetric electric brane configuration for the gauge gro with an antisymmetric tensor A,/tildewideS, bifundamentals X,/tildewideX, fundamentals ^Q. Note that there are multiple 2 k'NS5'-branes. A in ( w,v)-plane corresponds to a quartic term for the fundamentals a displacement of NfD6-branes in +-vdirection corresponds to a mass term for the fundamentals Magnetic theory for SU(Nc) After the left NS5-branes and D6th-branes and the right NS5-branes and D6-th-branes are exchanged each other, we arrive at the Figure 21A. The number of colors of dual magnetic theory is given by [43] /tildewideNc= 21: The N= 1 supersymmetric magnetic corresponding t o Figure 20 with a misalignment between D4-branes when the gravitational po tential of the NS5- brane is ignored(21A) and brane configuratio n when the of the NS5-brane is considered(21B). The Nfflavor D4-branes connecting and NS5'-brane are splitting into ( Nf-l)- andl- D4-branes(21A). Further n- D4-branes among ( Nf-l)- D4-branes are moved to the low energy theory on the color D4-branes has gauge group dual quarks from 4-4 strings connecting between the color and Nfflavor D4-branesaswell as Moreover, a magnetic meson field and comes from 4-4 strings of Then the magnetic superpotential with the limit b,g,m X-0 is given (11.2) The case with k'= 1 and a= 0 was studied in [43] as mentioned before. Although (11.2) does not depend on the multiplicity k'of NS5'-branes in our the difference from the previous result appears as 1) nonzero ain (11.2) and 2) inFigure21A.HereothermesonfieldsaregivenbyPh'X/tildewideX,F'/tildewideXQ,/tildewiderM^Q/tildewideQ and/tildewideF'X/tildewideQ[43]. For the supersymmetric vacua, one can compute the F-term equa tions for this superpoten- tial (11.2) and the expectation values for obtained. The F-term equations are almost the same as the one in [43] and the derivative of (11.2) with re spect to the meson term. The vacuum expectation values for as in theory has many meta-stable ground sta tes and when we rescale the meson field as M=hLPh as before, then the Kahler potential for Ph is canonical and the magnetic quarks are canonical near the origin of field space [1]. Then the can be written anduph=aL2. Now one splits the ( Nf-l)x(Nf-l) block at the lower right corner of hPh blocks of size nand (Nf-l-n) as follows [7]: hPh =
0l0 0 0hPhn0 0 0u2 uph1Nf-l-n , 0 0 Nf-l-n . Here dimensional the gauge group which is unbroken. The Ph ground state corresponds to 0 the full one loop potential takes the we do not write down Ph nor terms. potential with respect to Ph+
nand putting ph/tildewideb= 0 =g/tildewideph, one corresponding to the wcoordinates of ncurved flavor D4-branes between the D6-th-branes and the se non-coincident D6-th-branes can be obtained by taking those quark masses Magnetic theory for SU(N' c) After we move the right NS5-brane to the right all the way past the right mirrors to the left), we arrive at the Figure 22A. The linking numbe r of NS5-brane from Figure 22A is On the other hand, the linking number of NS5-brane from Figure 45Figure 22: The N= 1 supersymmetric magnetic corresponding t o Figure 20 with a misalignment between D4-branes when the gravitational po tential of the NS5-brane is ignored(22A) and brane configuration when the gravitational potential of the NS5-brane is considered(22B). Note that there are multiple 2k'NS5'-branes. The N' f flavor D4-branes connecting between D6-th'-branes and NS5'-brane are splitting into ( N' f-l)- andl- D4-branes(22A). Further n- D4-branes among ( N' f-l)- D4-branes are moved to From these two relations, one obtains the number of colors of dua l magnetic theory low energy theory on the color D4-branes has gauge group dual quarks from 4-4 strings connecting between the color and Moreover, a single magnetic meson field and comes from 4-4 strings of N' f flavor D4-branes. Then the magnetic superpotential with the limit b,g,m X-0 is given (11.3) The case with k'= 1 anda= 0 was studied in [43]. Although the superpotential (11.3) does not depend on the multiplicity k'of NS5'-branes in our particular limit, the difference from the previous result of [43] appearsas two things: nonzero ain(11.3) andmultiple NS5'-branes in Figure 22A. Here other meson fields are given by the supersymmetric vacua, one can compute the F-term equa tions for this superpo- tential (11.3) and the expectation values for obtained. The F-term equations are almost the same as the one in [43] and the derivative of (11.3) with respect to the term. The vacuum expectation values for as in One obtains the stable point (5.3) with appropriate replacement of NfD6-th-branes by . This gives the wcoordinates of ncurved flavor the D6-th'-branes and the NS5'-branes in Figure and local nonzero stable point arises as (5.4). 12 Conclusions and outlook As mentioned in the abstract, let us summarize the new features we have obtained from the meta-stable brane with the ones of [7, 6], the Figure 2 contains the multiple k'NS5'-branes and the presence of D4-branes connecting D6-th-branes and NS5'-branes. Similarly, its symplectic version, characterized by the Figure 4, contains the multiple (2 k'+ 1) NS5'- branes and the presence of D4-branes connecting D6-th-branes and mirrors). Compared with the one of [12], the Figure 6 has the multip the different value of has k'-dependence. The Figures 8, 10, 12 have and rotated D6-branes, compared with [30]. Compared with [39], the Figure 14 has multiple rotated NS5-branes an d multiple NS5'- branes while the Figure 16 has multiple rotated NS5'-branes. The Figu re 18 contains the multiple k'NS5'-branes and the different value of has k'-dependence while the Figure 19 has only rotated D6-branes, compared with the previous result in [43]. Finally, the Figure 21 has only rotated D6-branes and the Figure 22 multiple NS5'- branes and compared with [43]. We make some comments for the future directions along the line of me ta-stable we mentioned, the construction for possible multiple outer NS5-b ranes on the gauge theory [24] with the antisymm. and conj. symm. as well as fundamen tals is an open groundstatesan d ground states also.
*Are there any variants of sections 2 and 3 by kNS5-branes and a single 2, the gauge theory analysis for unitary group was given in [44]. It w ould be interesting to study whether there exist met a-stable vacua and if not, how one can think of the possible deformations in the superpotentia l to make them stabilize at one-loop?
*When there are multiple k'middle NS5-branes, which is the same number as the one of NS5'-branes, in section 4, how one can analyze the meta-stable vac uum? For the supersym- metric brane to the gaugetheory [45 , 46, 47], some of the analysis 47was donein[25] t the interaction terms between an adjoint and quarks and symm etric when there are multiple k'middle NS5-branes in section 5(there are (2 k'+1) middle NS5-branes in section 6), how one can analyze the meta-stab le vacuum? For brane configuration [29] corresponding to this ga uge theory [46] which has extra two adjoint fields, the superpotential has more general fo rm.
*It is possible to consider the case where there are multiple kNS5-branes and a their mirrors) in section 7. It would be interesting t o study whether there exist meta-stable vacua.
*As mentioned before, when there are multiple k'middle NS5-branes in section 8, the analysis for the supersymmetric brane configuration [25] explains t he gauge theory result [46]. It is an open problem to find whether there exist nonsupersymmetr ic meta-stable vacua.
*Also one can think of the case when there are multiple kNS5-branes in section 9. It would be interesting to find out the supersymmetric ground states and states.
*When there are multiple k'middle NS5-branes in section 10, how one can analyze the meta-stable vacuum? It is known that the supersymmetric brane c onfiguration [25] describes the gauge theory [46]. Onthe other hand, one can consider the cas e where there exist with a single NS5'-brane or combination of both multiple k'middle NS5-branes and multiple kNS5-branes in section 10. For the dual of second gauge group SU(N' c), we treated only k'= 1 NS5'-brane but it is also possible to consider the general k'case where there are many meson fields.
*Also when there are multiple kNS5-branes with a single NS5'-brane, or when there are multiple kNS5-branes and multiple k'NS5'-branes in section 11, how the meta-stable vacua as well as supersymmetric ones work was supported by grant No. fr om the Basic Research Program of the Korea Science & Engineering Foundation. I would like t o thank for Advanced Study) for hospitality where this work was K. Intriligator, N. Seiberg and D. Shih, JHEP 0604, 021 (2006). [2] K. Intriligator and N. Seiberg, Class. Quant. Grav. 24, S741 (2007). 48[3] H. Ooguri and Y. Ookouchi, Phys. Lett. B 641, 323 (2006). [4] S. Franco, I. and A. M. Uranga, JHEP 0701, 085 (2007). [5] I. Bena, E. Gorbatov, S. Hellerman, N. Seiberg and D. Shih, JHEP 0611, 088 (2006). [6] A. Giveon and D. Kutasov, JHEP 0802, 038 (2008). [7] A. Giveon and D. Kutasov, Nucl. Phys. B 796, 25 (2008). [8] A. Giveon and D. Kutasov, Nucl. Phys. B 778, 129 (2007). [9] A. Giveon and D. Kutasov, Rev. Mod. Phys. 71, 983 (1999). [10] S. Elitzur, A. Giveon, D. Kutasov, E. Rabinovici and A. Schwimme r, Nucl. Phys. B 505, 202 (1997). [11] C. Ahn, Class. Quant. Grav. 24, 1359 (2007). [12] C. Ahn, Phys. Lett. B 665, 418 (2008). [13] C. Ahn, Phys. Lett. B 663, 125 (2008). [14] C. Ahn, arXiv:0801.0619 [hep-th]. [15] C. Ahn, arXiv:0802.0044 [hep-th]. [16] J. de Boer and Y. Oz, Nucl. Phys. B 511, 155 (1998). [17] L. Mazzucato, Y. Oz and S. Yankielowicz, JHEP 0711, 094 (2007). [18] A. Hanany and E. Witten, Nucl. Phys. B 492, 152 (1997). [19] C. Ahn, Phys. Lett. B 426, 306 (1998). [20] C. Ahn, K. Oh and R. Tatar, J. Geom. Phys. 28, 163 (1998). [21] C. Ahn, Phys. Lett. B 647, 493 (2007). [22] K. Landsteiner, E. Lopez and D. A. Lowe, JHEP 9807, 011 (1998). [23] C. Ahn, JHEP 0705, 053 (2007). [24] K. A. Intriligator, R. G. Leigh and M. J. Strassler, Nucl. Phys. B 456, 567 (1995). 49[25] I. Brunner, A. Hanany, A. Karch and D. Lust, Nucl. Phys. B 528, 197 (1998). [26] K. Landsteiner, E. Lopez and D. A. Lowe, JHEP 9802, 007 (1998). [27] S. Elitzur, A. Giveon, D. Kutasov and D. Tsabar, Nucl. Phys. B 524, 251 (1998). [28] C. Ahn, Class. Quant. Grav. 24, 3603 (2007). [29] J. H. Brodie and A. Hanany, Nucl. Phys. B 506, 157 (1997). [30] C. Ahn, Class. Quant. Grav. 25, 075001 (2008). [31] C. Ahn and R. Tatar, Phys. Lett. B 413, 293 (1997). [32] C. Ahn, arXiv:0708.4255 [hep-th]. [33] C. Ahn, arXiv:0710.0180 [hep-th]. [34] A. Giveon, A. Katz and Z. Komargodski, JHEP 0806, 003 (2008). [35] C. Ahn, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 22, 2329 (2007). [36] R. Tatar, Phys. Lett. B 419, 99 (1998). [37] C. Ahn, K. Oh and R. Tatar, J. Geom. Phys. 31, 301 (1999). [38] E. Lopez and B. Ormsby, JHEP 9811, 020 (1998). [39] C. Ahn, JHEP 0708, 021 (2007). [40] C. Ahn, Nucl. Phys. B 790, 281 (2008). [41] C. Ahn, Class. Quant. Grav. 25, 095018 (2008) [42] C. Ahn, arXiv:0711.0082 [hep-th]. [43] C. Ahn, arXiv:0705.0056 [hep-th]. [44] A. Amariti, L. Girardello and A. Mariotti, JHEP 0612, 058 (2006). [45] J. H. Brodie, Nucl. Phys. B 478, 123 (1996). [46] J. H. Brodie and M. J. Strassler, Nucl. Phys. B 524, 224 (1998). [47] L. Mazzucato, JHEP 0512, 026 (2005). 50 | 0803.0836 | Changhyun Ahn | Changhyun Ahn | Meta-Stable Brane Configurations, Multiple NS5-Branes, and Rotated
D6-Branes | 58 pp, 22 figures; Eq. (4.2) corrected and footnote added; redundant
parts removed and to appear in IJMPA | Int.J.Mod.Phys.A24:5121-5171,2009 | 10.1142/S0217751X09045947 | KIAS-P08019 | hep-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We construct the type IIA nonsupersymmetric meta-stable brane configurations
corresponding to the various N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories. The D6-branes
are both displaced and rotated where these deformations are described as the
mass term and quartic term for the fundamental flavors respectively. The
multiplicity of the NS5-branes occurs in the superpotential order for adjoint,
symmetric, or bifundamental matters. A rich pattern of nonsupersymmetric
meta-stable states as well as the supersymmetric stable states is found.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 Mar 2008 11:15:59 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 11 Jun 2008 11:54:45 GMT"
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"created": "Tue, 21 Apr 2009 11:23:09 GMT"
] | 2009-11-05T00:00:00 | [
] |
appeared more recently as the first step of an O(log2n) approximation algorithm for sparsest cut [19]. The cut-preserving guarantee of [5] is equivalent to satisf ying (1) for all x {0,1}n, which are the characteristic vectors of cuts. Spielman and Teng [23, 2 5] devised stronger sparsifiers which extend (1) to all xRn, but have O(nlogcn) edges for some large constant c. They used to construct preconditioners for symmetric dia gonally-dominant matrices, which led to the first nearly-linear time solvers for such systems of equa tions. In this work, we construct sparsifiers that achieve the same g uarantee as Spielman and Teng's but with O(nlogn/o2) edges, thus improving on both [5] and [23]. Our sparsifiers a re subgraphs of the original graph and can be computed in /tildewideO(m) time by random sampling, where the are given by the effective resistances of the e dges. While this is conceptually much simpler than the recursive partitioning approach of [23], w e need to solve O(logn) linear systems to compute the effective resistances quickly, and we do this usi ng Spielman and Teng's linear Our Results Our main idea is to include each edge of Gin the sparsifier Hwith probability proportional to its effective resistance. The effective resistance of an edge is known to be equal to the probability that the edge appears in a random spanning tree of G(see, e.g., [9] or [6]), and was proven in [7] to be proportional to the commute time between the endpoi nts of the edge. We show how to approximate the effective resistances of edges in Gquickly and prove that sampling according to these approximate values yields a good sparsifier. To define effective resistance, identify G= (V,E,w ) with an electrical network on nnodes in which each edge ecorresponds to a link of conductance we(i.e., a resistor of resistance 1 /we). Then the effective resistance Reacross an edge eis the potential difference induced across it when a unit current is injected at one end of eand extracted at the other end of e. Our algorithm can now be stated as (G,q) Choose a random edge eofGwith probability peproportional to weRe, and add etoH with weight we/qpe. Take qsamples independently with replacement, summing weights i f an edge is chosen more than once. Recall that the Laplacian of a weighted graph is given by L=D-Awhere Ais the matrix ( aij) =wijandDis the diagonal matrix ( dii) weighted degrees. Notice that the quadratic form associated with Lis just Let L be the Laplacian of Gand let ~Lbe the Laplacian of H. Our main theorem is that if qis then the quadratic forms of Land~Lare close. Theorem 1. Suppose GandH=Sparsify (G,q)have Laplacians and 1/n < o <=1. Ifq= 9C2nlogn/o2, where Cis the constant in Lemma 5 and if nis then with probability at least +o)xTLx. (2) 2Sparsifiers that satisfy this condition preserve many prope rties of the graph. The Courant- Fischer Theorem tells us that li= if l1,... ,l nare the eigenvalues of Land~l1,... ,~lnare the eigenvalues of ~L, then we +o)li, and the eigenspaces spanned by corresponding eigenvalues a re related. As the eigenvalues of the normalized Laplacian are given by li= are the same as the eigenvalues of the walk matrix D-1L, we obtain the same the eigenvalues of the walk matrix of the original gr aph and its sparsifier. Many properties of graphs and random walks are known to be revealed by their sp ectra (see for example [6, 8, 15]). The existence of sparse subgraphs which retain these proper ties is interesting its own right; indeed, expander graphs can be viewed as constant degree sparsifiers for the complete graph. We remark that the condition (2) also implies xRn1 1 L+is the pseudoinverse of L. Thus sparsifiers also approximately preserve the between vertices, since for vertices uandv, the effective resistance between them is given by the formula ( where khuis the elementary unit vector with a coordinate 1 in position u. We prove Theorem 1 in Section 3. At the end of Section 3, we prov e that the spectral guarantee (2) of Theorem 1 is not harmed too much if use approximate effec tive resistances for sampling instead of exact ones(Corollary 6). In Section 4, we show how to compute approximate effective res istances in nearly-linear time, which is essentially optimal. The tools we use to do this are S pielman and Teng's nearly-linear time solver [23, 24] and the Lemma [18, 1] . Specifically, we prove the in which Ruvdenotes the effective resistance between vertices uandv. Theorem 2. There is algorithm which on input o >0andG= (V,E,w a (24log that with probability at least 1-1/n (1-o)Ruv<= +o)Ruv for every pair of vertices is simply the difference of the corresponding two columns of /tildewideZ, we can query the approximate effective resistance between any pair of ver tices ( u,v) in time O(logn/o2), and for all the edges in time O(mlogn/o2). By Corollary 6, this yields an time for sparsifying graphs, as advertised. In Section 5, we show that Hcan be made close to Gin some additional ways which make it more useful for preconditioning systems of linear equation s. 31.2 Related Work Batson, Spielman, and Srivastava [4] have given a determini stic algorithm that constructs sparsifiers of size O(n/o2) inO(mn3/o2) time. While this is too slow to be useful in applications, it is optimal in terms of the tradeoff between sparsity and quality of appro ximation and can be viewed as generalizing expander graphs. Their construction paralle ls ours in that it reduces the task of spectral sparsification to approximating the matrix P define d in Section 3; however, their method for selecting edges is iterative and more delicate than the r andom sampling described in this paper. In addition to the graph sparsifiers of [5, 4, 23], there is a la rge body of work on sparse [3, 2] and low-rank [14, 2, 22, 10, 11] approximations for general matr ices. The algorithms in this guarantees of the form where Ais the original matrix and ~Ais obtained by entrywise or columnwise sampling of A. This is analogous to satisfying (1) only for vectors xin the span of the dominant eigenvectors of A; thus, if we were to use these sparsifiers on graphs, they would only preserve the large cuts. Interestingly, our proo f uses some of the same machinery as the low-rank approximation result of Rudelson and Vershyni n [22] -- the sampling of edges in our algorithm corresponds to picking q=O(nlogn) columns at random from a certain rank ( n-1) matrix of dimension mxm(this is the matrix P introduced in Section 3). The use of effective resistance as a distance in graphs has rec ently gained attention as it is often more useful than the ordinary geodesic distance in a graph. F or example, in small-world graphs, all vertices will be close to one another, but those with a sma ller effective resistance distance are connected by more short paths. See, for instance [13, 12], wh ich use effective as a distance measure in social network graphs. 2 The Incidence Matrix and the Laplacian LetG= (V,E,w ) be a connected weighted undirected graph with nvertices and medges and edge weights we>0. If we orient the edges of Garbitrarily, we can write its Laplacian as L=BTWB, where Bmxnis the signed edge-vertex incidence matrix , given by B(e,v) =
1 if vise's head -1 ifvise's tail 0 the diagonal matrix with W(e,e) =we. Denote the row vectors of Bby{be}eE and the span of its columns by B= im( B)Rm(also called the cut space ofG[15]). Note that bT (u,v)= (khv-khu). It is immediate that Lis positive semidefinite for every xRn. 4We also have ker( L) = ker( W1/2B) = span( 1), since xTLx= 0== /bardbl 0
==x(u)-x(v) = 0 for all edges ( u,v)
== xis constant, since Gis connected. 2.2 The Lis symmetric we can diagonalize it and l1,... ,l n-1are the nonzero eigenvalues of Landu1,... ,u n-1are a corresponding set of orthonormal eigenvectors. The Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse ofLis then defined that ker( L) = ker( L+) and is simply the projection onto the span of the nonzero ei genvectors of L(which are also the eigenvectors of L+). Thus, LL+=L+Lis the identity on im( L) = ker( L)= span( 1). We will rely on this fact heavily in the proof of Theorem 1. 2.3 Electrical Flows Begin by arbitrarily orienting the edges of Gas in Section 2.1. We will use the same notation as [17] to describe electrical flows on graphs: for a vector iext(u) of currents injected at the vertices, let i(e) be the currents induced in the edges (in the direction of ori entation) and v(u) the at the vertices. By Kirchoff's current law, the sum of the currents entering a vertex is equal to the amount injected at the Ohm's law, the current flow in an edge is equal to the potenti al difference across its ends times its these two facts, we = ker( L) -- i.e., if the total amount of current injected is equal to th e total amount extracted -- then we can the definition of L+in Section 2.2. Recall that the effective resistance between two vertices uandvis defined as the induced between them when a unit current is inject ed at one and extracted at the other. We will derive an algebraic expression for the effective resi stance in terms of L+. To inject and extract a unit current across the endpoints of an edge e= (u,v), we set iext=bT e= (khv-khu), which is clearly orthogonal to 1. The potentials induced by iextat the vertices are given by v=L+bT e; to measure the potential difference across e= (u,v), we simply multiply by beon the left: v(v)-v(u) = follows that the effective resistance across eis given by beL+bT eand that the matrix BL+BThas as its diagonal entries BL+BT(e,e) =Re. 3 The Main Result We will prove Theorem 1. Consider the matrix P = W1/2BL+BTW1/2. Since we know BL+BT(e,e) =
Re, the diagonal entries of P are P( e,e) =weRe. P has some 3 (Projection Matrix) .(i)Pis a projection matrix. (ii) im(P) = im( W1/2B) =W1/2B. (iii) The eigenvalues of Pare1with multiplicity n-1and0with multiplicity m-n+ 1. (iv) P(e,e) To see (i), observe that P2= the identity on im( L+)
= P. For (ii), we have im(P) = im( see the other inclusion, assume yim(W1/2B). Then we can choose xker(W1/2B) = ker( L) such that W1/2Bx=y. But yim(P), as desired. For (iii), recall from Section 2.1 that dim(ker( W1/2B)) = 1. Consequently, dim(im(P)) =
dim(im( W1/2B)) =n-1. But since P2= P, the eigenvalues of P are all 0 or 1, and as P projects onto a space of dimension n-1, it must have exactly n-1 nonzero follows from P2(e,e) = P( *,e)TP(*,e), since P is symmetric. To show that H= (V,~E,~w) is a good sparsifier for G, we need to show that the quadratic forms xTLxandxT~Lxare close. We start by reducing the problem of preserving xTLxto that of preserving yTPy. This will be much nicer since the eigenvalues of P are all 0 or 1, so that any matrix ~P which approximates P in the spectral norm (i.e., makes also preserves its quadratic form. We may describe the outcome of H=Sparsify (G,q) by the following random matrix: S(e,e) =~we we=(# of times eis sampled) qpe. (3) Smxmis a nonnegative diagonal matrix and the random entry S(e,e) specifies the 'amount' of edge eincluded in HbySparsify . For example S(e,e) = 1/qpeifeis sampled once, 2 /qpeif it is sampled twice, and zero if it is not sampled at all. The weight of einHis now given by ~ we=S(e,e)we, and we can write the Laplacian of ~W=WS=W1/2SW1/2. The scaling of weights by 1 /qpeinSparsify implies that E~we=we (since qindependent samples are taken, each with probability pe), and thus ES=IandE~L=L. We can now prove the following lemma, which says that if Sdoes not distort yTPytoo close. Lemma 4. Suppose Sis a nonnegative diagonal matrix such +o)xTLx, where The assumption is equivalent symmetric A. Restricting our attention to vectors in im( W1/2B), we by Lemma 3.(ii), P is the identity on im( W1/2B) so P y=yfor all yim(W1/2B). Also, every such ycan be written as y=W1/2BxforxRn. Substituting this into the above expression we yields the desired conclusion for all x /ker(W1/2B). When xker(W1/2B) then xTLx=xT~Lx= 0 and the claim holds trivially. To show that likely to be small we use the following concentration resu lt, which is a sort of law of large numbers for symmetric rank 1 mat rices. It was first proven by Rudelson in [21], but the version we state here appears in the more recent paper [22] by Rudelson and Vershynin. Lemma 5 (Rudelson & Vershynin, [22] Thm. 3.1) .Letpbe a probability distribution over ohmRd such that Let y1... y qbe independent samples drawn from p. Cis an absolute constant. We can now finish the proof of Theorem 1. Proof of Theorem 1. Sparsify samples edges from Gindependently with replacement, with prob- abilities peproportional to weRe. Tr(P) = n-1 by Lemma 3.(iii), the distribution over Eis given by pe=weRe n-1. Sampling qedges from Gcorresponds to sampling qcolumns from P, so we can write PSP of times eis of times eis vectors y1,... ,y qdrawn independently with replacement from the distributio n y=1peP(*,e) with probability pe. We can now apply Lemma 5. The expectation of yyTis given PP = P 1. We also have a bound on the norm of q= large, as ois assumed to be at least 1 /n. By Markov's inequality, we probability at least 1 /2. By Lemma 4, this completes the proof of the theorem. We now show that using approximate resistances for sampling does not damage the sparsifier very much. Corollary 6. Suppose Zeare numbers satisfying some a>=1. If we sample as in Sparsify but take each edge with probability p' e=weZe P eweZeinstead of pe=weRe P eweRe, then probability at least 1/2. Proof. We note proceed as in the proof of Theorem 1. The norm of the random vector yis now bounded =a n-1 which introduces a factor of ainto the final bound on the expectation, but changes nothing e lse. 94 Computing Approximate Resistances Quickly It is not clear how to compute all the effective resistances {Re}exactly and efficiently. In this section, we show that one can compute constant factor approx imations to all the Rein In fact, we do something stronger: we build a which the effective resistance between any two vertices (including ve rtices not connected by an edge) can be computed in O(logn) time. Proof of Theorem 2. Ifuandvare vertices in G, then the effective resistance between uandvcan be written as: Ruv= effective resistances are just pairwise distances betw een vectors in {W1/2BL+khv}vV. By the Lemma, these distances are pres erved if we project the vectors onto a subspace spanned by O(logn) random vectors. For concreteness, we use the following ver sion of the Lemma due to Achlioptas [1]. Lemma 7. Given fixed vectors v1... vnRdando >0, letQkxdbe a random +-1/
kmatrix Bernoulli entries) with k>=24log n/o2. Then with probability at least all pairs i,j<=n. Our goal is now to compute the projections {QW1/2BL+khv}. We will exploit the linear system solver of Spielman and Teng [23, 24], which we recall satisfie s: Theorem 8 (Spielman-Teng) .There is an algorithm x=STSolve (L,y,d )which takes a Laplacian matrix L, a column vector y, and an error parameter d >0, and returns a column vector The algorithm runs in expected time where mis the number of non-zero entries in We will compute an approximation /tildewideZby usingSTSolve to the rows of Z. Let the column vectors ziand ~zidenote the ith rows of Zand~Z, respectively (so that ziis the ith column of ZT). Now we can construct the matrix /tildewideZin the following three steps. 1. Let Qbe a random +-1/
kmatrix of dimension kxnwhere k= 24log n/o2. 2. Compute Y=QW1/2B. Note that this takes 2 mx24log time since B has 2mentries and W1/2is diagonal. 3. Let yi, for 1 <=i<=k, denote the rows of Y, and compute ~ zi=STSolve (L,yi,d) for each i. 10We now prove that, for our purposes, it suffices to call STSolve +o)n3wmax. Lemma 9. +o)Ruv, for every pair u,vV. If for all +o)2Ruv, for every uv. Proof. Consider an arbitrary pair of vertices u,v. It suffices to show - (6) since this will - connected, there is a simple path Pconnecting utov. Applying the triangle we will upper bound this later term by considering its square this as a Frobenius +o)Rab
<=d2n(1 +o) wmin(n-1) by Lemma 3.(iii). On the other Proposition 10. Combining these bounds, we (5), as 10. IfG= (V,E,w )is a connected graph, then for all By Rayleigh's monotonicity law (see [6]), each resistance RuvinGis at least the correspond- ing resistance complete graph with all edge weights wmax) since G'is obtained by increasing weights (i.e., conductances) of edg es inG. But by symmetry each Ruv>=2 nwmaxfor all u,vV. 12Thus the construction of time. We can then find the approximate resistance any u,vVinO(logn/o2) time simply by subtracting two columns of /tildewideZand computing the norm of their the above procedure, we can compute arbitrarily good a pproximations to the {Re}which we need for sampling in nearly-linear time. By Corolla ry 6, any constant factor approximation yields a sparsifier, so we are done. 5 An Additional 6 suggests that Sparsify is quite robust with respect to changes in the sampling prob- abilities pe, and that we may be able to prove additional guarantees on Hby tweaking them. In this section, we prove one such claim. The following property is desirable for using Hto solve linear systems (specifically, for the construction of ultrasparsifiers [23, 24], which we will not define here): For every vertex v). (7) This says, roughly, that not too many of the edges incident to any given vertex get blown up too much by sampling and rescaling. We show how to incorporate th is property into our 11. Suppose we sample q >4nlogn/bedges of Gas inSparsify with probabilities u),deg(v)) for some constant 0< b < 1. Then with probability at least v)for all vV. Proof. For a vertex v, define i.i.d. random variables X1,... ,X the ith edge chosen 0 otherwise so that Xiis set to 1 /pewith probability pefor each edge eattached to v. of times eis want to show that with high probability, Dv<=2deg( v) forallvertices v. We begin by bounding 13the expectation and variance of each deg( v) Var(Xi) u),deg(v)) bby the Xiare independent, the variance of Dvis just Var(Dv) now apply Bennett's inequality for sums of i.i.d. variabl es (see, e.g., [20]), which know that EDv=EXi= deg( v). Substituting our estimate for Var(Dv) and setting 1 (-2logn) = 1/n2. Taking a union bound over all vgives the desired result. Sampling with the requirements of both Corollary 6 (with a= 2) and Lemma 11 (with b= 1/2) and yields a sparsifier with the desired 12. There is algorithm which on input G= (V,E,w ),o >0produces a weighted subgraph H= which, with probability at least 1/2, satisfies both (2) and D. Achlioptas. random projections. InPODS '01 , pages 274-281, 2001. [2] D. 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Nearly-linear time algor ithms for and solving symmetric, diagonally dominant linear systems. Available , 2006. [25] D. A. Spielman and S.-H. Teng. Spectral Sparsification o f Graphs. Available , 2008. 16 | 0803.0929 | Daniel A. Spielman | Daniel A. Spielman, Nikhil Srivastava | Graph Sparsification by Effective Resistances | null | null | null | null | cs.DS | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We present a nearly-linear time algorithm that produces high-quality
sparsifiers of weighted graphs. Given as input a weighted graph $G=(V,E,w)$ and
a parameter $\epsilon>0$, we produce a weighted subgraph
$H=(V,\tilde{E},\tilde{w})$ of $G$ such that $|\tilde{E}|=O(n\log
n/\epsilon^2)$ and for all vectors $x\in\R^V$ $(1-\epsilon)\sum_{uv\in
E}(x(u)-x(v))^2w_{uv}\le \sum_{uv\in\tilde{E}}(x(u)-x(v))^2\tilde{w}_{uv} \le
(1+\epsilon)\sum_{uv\in E}(x(u)-x(v))^2w_{uv}. (*)$
This improves upon the sparsifiers constructed by Spielman and Teng, which
had $O(n\log^c n)$ edges for some large constant $c$, and upon those of
Bencz\'ur and Karger, which only satisfied (*) for $x\in\{0,1\}^V$.
A key ingredient in our algorithm is a subroutine of independent interest: a
nearly-linear time algorithm that builds a data structure from which we can
query the approximate effective resistance between any two vertices in a graph
in $O(\log n)$ time.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 Mar 2008 18:03:06 GMT"
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"created": "Fri, 7 Mar 2008 23:10:59 GMT"
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"created": "Fri, 14 Mar 2008 19:49:32 GMT"
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"created": "Wed, 18 Nov 2009 07:22:03 GMT"
] | 2009-11-18T00:00:00 | [
"Daniel A.",
] |
and similarly for EUR ps(p+q,t) with the same unitary operator U(t). In other words, EUR F(q,t)is a constant of the motion for each q, and there can be no temporal oscillations. Thatresult is unchanged if one starts with an impure state represented by a density matrix attime t=0. Published kinematical analyses of which I am aware appear to be excluded bythis unitary constraint.In stating that unitarity forces EUR F(q,t) to be independent of t, I implicitly ignoredthe radioactive decay of the parent ion, since U(t) is unitary only if EUR ps(p,t) includes alldecay channels as well as the 140Pr channel. Thus unitarity does not directly address theexperiment; it addresses theories in which the effect of the radioactivity on thekinematics of the parent beam is not taken into account. That effect causes eachmomentum component of EUR ps to have a small range of energies determined by the half lifeof the ion, and the consequences of that may need further I note that none of this applies to the solar neutrino oscillations, which arespatial, not temporal. However, there is one similarity. Spatial oscillations are possiblein the solar case only because the neutrino detector is smaller than the oscillation lengthand does not in effect average over the entire beam. In a GSI-like experiment, Eq.(1)applies strictly only to an experiment that looks uniformly at the entire beam. A finalstate detector that selects only part of the wave packet by sampling only part of the spaceoccupied by the beam could in principle lead to a signal not given by Eq.(1), but thatseems unlikely to be a practical thank Harry J. Lipkin and John P. Schiffer for instructive conversations aboutthis problem. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office ofNuclear Physics, under Contract No. email: Yu Litvinov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 99 (2007) 262501.[2] H.J. Lipkin, arXiv:0801.1465 [hep-ph][3] M. Faber, arXiv:0801.3262 [nucl-th] | 0803.0935 | Murray Peshkin | Murray Peshkin | Unitarity Constraint upon Kinematical Analyses of the GSI Time-Modulated
Radioactive Decay Experiment | 2 pages | null | null | null | hep-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | It is tempting to try to explain the reported time-modulated decay rate in
the GSI experiment by arguing that the matrix element for decay at any time
results in an interference between two slightly different momentum values in
the parent ion beam. I show here that a unitarity theorem of quantum mechanics
rules out a wide class of such explanations.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 Mar 2008 18:19:30 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 6 Mar 2008 22:48:26 GMT"
] | 2008-03-07T00:00:00 | [
] |
1 algorithms are one of the most popular ways o f solving linear programs. These algorithms are iterative, and their complexity is dominate d by the cost of solving a system of linear equations at each iteration. Typical complexity analyses o f interior point algorithms apply worst- case bounds on the running time of linear equations solvers. However, in most applications the linear equations that arise are quite special and may be solv ed by faster algorithms. Each family of optimization problem leads to a family of linear equation s. For example, the maximum flow and minimum cost flow problems require the solution of linear sys tems whose matrices are symmetric and The generalized versions of thes e flow problems result in generalized maximum flow problem is specified by a directe d graph ( V,E), an inward capacity c(e)>0 and a multiplier g(e)>0 for each edge e, and source and sink vertices sandt. For every unit flowingintoedge e,g(e) flows out. Inlossy generalized flow problems, each multipli er g(e) is restricted to be at most 1. In the generalized maximum flow problem, one is asked to find the flow f:E-IR+that maximizes the flow into tgiven an unlimited supply at s, subject to the capacity constraints on the amount of flow entering each e dge. In the generalized minimum cost flow problem, one also has a cost function q(e)>=0, and is asked to find the maximum flow of minimum cost (see [AMO93]). In the following chart, we compare the complexity of our algo rithms with the fastest algorithms of which we are aware. The running times are given for network s in which all capacities and costs are positive integers less than Uand every loss factor is a ratio of two integers less than U. For the standard flow problems, our algorithms are exact, but for the generalized flow problems our algorithms find additive oapproximations, while the other approximation algorithms have multi- plicative error (1+ o). However, we note that our algorithms only require arithme tic with numbers of bit-length O(log(nU/o)), whereas we suspect that the algorithms obtaining multip licative ap- proximations might require much longer numbers. In the chart, Crefers to the value of the flow. Exact algorithms Approximation algorithms Our Maximum Minimum Cost Cost [Orl88] 1.1 The solution of systems in M-matrices A symmetric matrix Misdiagonally dominant if each diagonal is at least the sum of the absolute values of theother entries in its row. A symmetricmatrix Mis anM-matrixif thereis apositive di- agonal matrix Dfor which DMDis diagonally dominant. Spielman and Teng [ST04, ST06] show ed 1how to solve linear systems in diagonally dominant matrices tooaccuracy in time show how to solve linear systems in M-matrices by first computing a diagonal matrix Dfor whichDMDis diagonally dominant, and then applying the solver of Spie lman and Teng. Our algorithm for finding the matrix Dapplies the solver of Spielman and Teng an expected O(logn) times. While iterative algorithms are known that eventuall y produce such a diagonal matrix D, they have no satisfactory complexity analysis [Li02, LLH+98, BCPT05]. 1.2 Analysis of interior point methods In our analysis of interior-point methods, we examine the co mplexity of the short-step dual path following algorithm of Renegar [Ren88] as analyzed by Ye [Ye 97]. The key observations required by our complexity analysis are that none of the slack variables become too small during the course of the algorithm and that the algorithm still works if one solves each linear system in the matrix norm (defined below). Conveniently, thi s is the same type of by our algorithm and that of Spielman and Teng. This is a very crude level of approxi- mation, and it means that these algorithms can be applied ver y quickly. While other analyses of the behavior of interior point methods with inexact solvers have appeared [Ren96], we are unaware of any analyses that are sufficiently fine for our purposes. This analysis is given in detail in Appendix C. 1.3 Outline of the paper In Section 2, we describe the results of our analysis of inter ior point methods using In Section 3, we describe the formulation of the gen eralized flow problems as linear pro- grams, and discuss how to obtain the solutions from the outpu t of an interior-point algorithm. In Section 4, we give our algorithm for solving linear systems i n M-matrices. 2 Interior-Point Algorithm using an Approximate Solver Our algorithm uses numerical methods to solve a linear progr am formulation of the generalized flow problems. The fastest interior-point methods for linear pr ograms, such as that of Renegar [Ren88] require only O(n) iterations to approach the solution, where each iteration takes a step through the convex polytope by solving a system of linear equations. In this paper, we consider stepping through the linear progr am using an only an i.e. an algorithm x=Solve(M,b,o) that returns a solution the matrix norm given by mentioned above, we have analyzed the Renegar [Ren88] ver sion of the dual along the lines of the analysis that found in [Ye9 7], but modified to account for the use of an approximate solver. In particular, using the approximate solver we implement an interior-point algorithm with the following 2.1. x=InteriorPoint input that satisfies
*Ais annxmmatrix; bis a length nvector;cis a length mvector 2*AATis positive definite, and lmin>0is a lower bound on the eigenvalues of AAT
*T >0is an upper bound on the absolute values of the coordinates in the dual linear all(y,s)that satisfy point y0is a length nvector where ATy0<c
*error parameter osatisfies 0< o <1 and returns x>0such that <=oandcTx< z*+o. Let us define
*Uis the largest absolute value of any entry in A,b,c
*s0 minis the smallest entry of s0=c-ATy0 Then the algorithm makes to the approximate solver, of the a positive diagonal matrix with condition number Appendix C, we present a complete description of this algo rithm, with analysis and proof Solving Generalized Flow We consider network flows on a directed graph ( V,E) withV= source sVand sink tV. Edgeejgoes from vertex vjto vertex wj. and has inward capacity c(ej), flow multiplier g(ej)<1, and cost q(ej). We assume without loss of generality that thas a single in-edge, which we denote as et, and generalized max-flow approximation algorithm will prod uce a flow that sends no worse thanoless than the maximum possible flow to the min-cost approximation algorithm will pro ducea flow that, in addition to being withinoof a maximum flow, also has cost no greater than the minimum cos t of a maximum flow (see [FW02]). 3.1 Fixing Approximate Flows The interior-point algorithm described in the previous sec tion produces an output that may not exactly satisfy the linear constraints Ax=b. In particular, when we apply the algorithm to a network flow linear program, the output may only be an approxi mate flow: Definition 3.1. Ano-approximate flow approximately satisfies all capacity constraints and constraints. In particular, every edge may hav e flow up to oover capacity, and every vertex besides sandtmay have up to oexcess or deficit flow. Anexact flow satisfies all capacity constraints and has exact flow conserv ation at all are going to modify the graph slightly before running the i nterior-point algorithm, so that it will be easier to obtain an exact flow from the approximate fl ow given by the us compute the tree Trooted at s. This is the tree that contains, for each vV- {s,t}, the path ps,vfromstovthat minimizes L(v) the factor by which the flow along the path is diminished. We can find this tre e in using to solve the single-source shortest-paths probl em with edge weights -logg(e). Next, we delete from the graph all vertices vsuch that L(v)>o 2mnU. Note that in a maximum- flow, it is not possible to have more thano 2nflowing into such a v, since at most mUcan flow out ofs. Thus, deleting each such vcannot decrease the value of the maximum flow by more thano 2n. In total, we may decrease the value of the maximum flow by at mos to 2. We define In the subsequent sections, we show how to use the interior- point method to obtain an flow that has a value within o4of the maximum flow. Assuming that the graph had been preprocessed as above, we ma y convert the approximate flow into an exact flow: Lemma 3.2. Suppose all vertices we are able to convert an flow that has a value withino 4of the maximum flow into an exact flow that has a value withino 2of the maximum flow. The cost of this exact flow is no greater than the cost of the approximate flow. Proof.Let us first fix the flows so that no vertex has more flow out than in . We use the tree T, starting at the leaves of the tree and working towards s. To balance the flow at a vertexvwe increase the flow on the tree edge into v. After completing this process, for each vwe will have added a path of flow that delivers at units of flow to v. no such path requires more on an edge, and so in total we have added no more thano 32mU2to each edge. Next, let us fix the flows so that no vertex has more flow in than ou t. We follow a as above, except now we may use any spanning tree ro oted at and directed towards t. Starting from the leaves, we balance the vertices by increas ing flow out the tree edge. Since the network is lossy, the total amount added to each edge is at mos that we started with each edge having flow up capacity. After balancing the flows at the vertices, each edge may now be over capacity by as much the edge capacities are at least 1, the flow on an edge may be as much as (1+o 16mU2) times the while balancing the flows we may have added as mu ch total cost of the flow. Assuming that the value of approxim ate flow was at leasto 4, its cost must also have been at leasto 4, and so we have increased the cost by a multiplicative factor of at most (1+o 4U). (If the approximate flow had value less thano 4, then the empty flow trivially solves this flow rounding problem.) By scaling the entire flow down by a multiplicative factor of ( 1+o 4U)-1, we solve the and also reduce the cost of the exact flow to be no g reater than that of the Since the value of a flow can be at most U, the flow scaling decreases the value of the flow by no more than o/4, as required. 4The above procedure produces an exact flow that is within o/2 of the maximum flow in the preprocessed graph, and therefore is within oof the maximum flow in the original graph. Further- more, the cost of the flow is no greater than the minimum cost of a maximum flow in the to solve a generalized flow problem, it remains for us to d escribe how to use the interior- point algorithm to generate a flow that has a value within o/4 of the maximum flow, and, for the min-cost problem, also has cost no greater t han the the minimum cost of a maximum flow. 3.2 Generalized Max-Flow We formulate the maximum flow problem as a linear program as fo llows: Let Abe the (n-2)xm matrix whose nonzero entries are Avj,j=-1 andAwj,j=g(ej), but without rows Letcbe the length mvector containing the edge capcities. Let utbe the length m unit vector with a 1 entry for edge et. Let the vectors denote the flow into each edge and the unused inward capacity of each edge. The max -flow linear program, in canonical form, constraint Ax1= 0 ensures that flow is conserved at every vertex except sandt, while the constraint x1+x2=censures that the capacities are obeyed. Now, the dual of the above linear program is not bounded, whic h is a problem for our interior- point algorithm. To fix this, we modify the linear program sli I -I I use 1kto denote the all-ones vector of length k.) Lemma 3.3. This modified linear program has the same optimum value as the o riginal us examine the new variables in the modified program and no te thatx3has the effect of modifying the capacities, while x4andx5create excess or deficit of flow at the vertices. Since we have a lossy network, a unit modification of any of these val ues cannot change the value of the flow by more than 1, and therefore must increase the value of th e modified linear program. Thus, at the optimum we have x3=x4=x5= 0 and so the solution is the same as that of the original linear program. 5The modified linear program has the following equivalent dua l linear 3.4. The above dual linear program is bounded. In particular, the co ordinates of all feasible dual points have absolute value at most the five constraints in the dual linear program, the last fo ur give4U oFLOWas an explicit bound on the absolute value of ycoordinates. It then follows that8U oFLOWis a upper bound on the coordinates of s2,s3,s4,s5, and the coordinates of be at refer to the sivariables as the slacks. Recall that we must provide the inte with an initial dual feasible point y0such that the corresponding slacks s0are bounded away from zero. We choose the following initial point, and no te that the slacks are bounded from below must also provide the interior-point algorithm with a low er bound on the eigenvalues of I -I I that we may subtract 2 Ifrom the above matrix and still have a positive definite matri x, so lmin= 2 is certainly a lower bound on the the above values for y0andlmin, and the bound on the dual coordinates given in Lemma 3.4, we now call InteriorPoint on the modified max-flow linear program, using error paramete r oFLOW 2. In the solution returned by the interior-point algorithm, the vector x1assigns a flow value to each edge such that the flow constraints are nearly satisfie d: Lemma 3.5. x1is an flow with value within oFLOW/2of the maximum that the amount flowing into tis at least -1 times the value of the modified linear program. Since the interior-point algorithm generates a so lution to the modified linear of the optimum value, which is -1 times the maximum flow, the amount must be within oFLOW/2 of the maximum flow. Now, let us note more precisely that the modified linear progr am aims to minimize the computed by subtracting the amount flowing into tfrom 4U/oFLOWtimes the sum of the entries of x3,x4, andx5. Since the minimum value of this objective function must be n egative, and the solution returned by the interior-point algorithm has a value within oFLOW/2 of the minimum, the value of this solution must be less than oFLOW/2< U. The amount flowing into tis also at mostU, so no entry of x3,x4,x5can be greater than 2 U/(4U/oFLOW) =oFLOW/2. The interior-point algorithm guarantees so we may conclude oFLOW and this is precisely what is means for x1to describe an flow. 3.3 Generalized Min-Cost Flow As a first step in solving the generlized min-cost flow problem , we solve the generalized max-flow linear program as described above, to find a value Fthat is withino 8of the maximum flow. We now formulate a linear program for finding the minimum cost flow that delivers Funits of flow tot: min xiqTx1 the length nvector containing the edge costs, and etis the length n-1 vector that assigns 1 to vertex tand 0 to all the other vertices except s.Ais the same matrix as in the max-flow linear program, except that we include the row corre sponding to t, which translates to a new constraint that Funits must flow into t. We must again modify the linear program so that the dual will b e I -I I 3.6. This modified linear program has the same optimum value as the o riginal examine the new variables and note that x3modifies the capacities, while x4andx5 create excess supply (or demand) at the vertices. A unit modi fication to any of these values can at best create a new path for one unit of flow to arrive at the sink. This new path has cost at least 1, and it can replace an path in the optimum flow of cost at most nU, for a net improvement in the cost of the flow of at most nU-1, which is less than4mU2 oFLOW. Thus the value of the modified linear program can only increase when these new variables are set to non-zero values. Now, the dual linear program 3.7. The above dual linear program is bounded. In particular, the co ordinates of all feasible dual points have absolute value at most the five constraints in the dual linear program, the last fo ur give4mU2 oFLOWas an explicit bound on the absolute value of ycoordinates. It then follows that8mU2 oFLOWis a upper bound on the coordinates of s2,s3,s4,s5, and the coordinates of s1=q-ATy1-y2can be at us also note that an initial interior dual point with all slacks at the above initial point, the bound on the dual coordina tes from Lemma 3.7, and lmin= 2 as in the previous section, we run InteriorPoint on the modified min-cost linear program, with error In the solution returned by the interior-point algorithm, the vector x1 assigns a flow value to each edge such that the flow constraints are nearly satisfied: Lemma 3.8. x1is an flow with value within5o 32of the maximum flow. Proof.Note that any flow in total cannot cost more that mU2, even if all edges are filled to maximum capacity. Therefore the value of the solution outpu t by the interior-point algorithm can be at most and so in particular no entry of x3,x4,x5can be greater the interior-point algorithm guarantees so we may conclude oFLOW and inequalities imply that this is a flow, and additionally that at least F-oFLOWis flowing into t. SinceFis withino 8of the maximum flow, the amount flowing into t must be the maximum flow. 8By scaling down the x1flow slightly, we obtain a flow that does not exceed the minimum cost of a maximum flow: Lemma 3.9. x' 1= (1-o 12U)x1is an flow with value withino 4of the maximum flow, and with cost at most the minimum cost of a maximum flow. Proof.We may assume that the value of flow x1is at least3o 32, because otherwise the maximum flow would have to be at and so the empty flow would trivially be withino 4of the maximum. Therefore, the minimum cost of a maximum flow mus t also at be least3o 32. The interior-point algorithm guarantees that the cost of x1does not exceed this optimum cost by more thanoFLOW 2, and so must also not exceed the optimum cost by a multiplicat ive factor of more than Thus. x' 1= (1-o 12U)x1must have cost below the since the value of the flow x1can be at most U, scaling down by (1 -o 12U) cannot decrease the value of the flow by more thano 12. Therefore, the value of the value x' 1is the maximum. 3.4 Running Time The linear systems in the above linear programs take the I -I I the running time of the interior-point method depends on o ur ability to approximately solve systems of the form -AS-2-AT+vvT, where diagonal matrix Sand vector vare as described in Theorem 2.1. As it turns out, this is not much more difficult tha n solving a linear system in AS-2 1AT, whereS1is the upper left submatrix of S. The matrix AS-2 1ATis a symmetric M-matrix. In the next section, we describe how to ap- proximately solve systems in such matrices in expected time wherekis the condition number of the matrix. We then extend this result to solve the s wherekis the condition number of 3.10. Using out interior-point algorithm, we can solve the genera lized max flow and generalized min-cost flow problems in time to Theorem 2.1, the interior-point algorithm req uires to the solver. Recall that Tis an boundon thecoordinates of the dual linear program, and s0 minis the smallest slack at the initial point. Above, we gave both of these value s to be polynomial inmU o, for both the max-flow and min-cost linear programs. We also gave lmin= 2 as a lower bound on the Thus, the total number of solves is referring to Theorem 2.1, we find that the condition num ber of-AS-2-ATis be as is the We conclude that each solve takes time runningtimeof Standard Min-Cost Flow In this section we describe how to use interior-point algori thms to give an exact solution to the standard (i.e. no multipliers on edges) min-cost flow proble m. We use the following property of the standard flow 3.11 (see [Sch03, Theorem 13.20]) .Given a flow network with integer capacities, and a positive integer F, letohmFLOWbe the set of flow vectors xthat flow Funits into tand satisfy all capacity and flow conservation constraints. Then ohmFLOWis a convex polytope in which all vertices have integer coordinates. Our goal is to find the flow in ohm FLOWof minimum cost. Since the cost function is linear, if there is a unique minimum-cost flow of value F, it must occur at a vertex of ohm FLOW. By Theorem 3.11 this must be an integer flow, and we could find this flow exac tly by running the inte until it is clear to which integer flow we are conver the minimum-cost flow may not be unique. Howe ver, by applying the Isolation Lemma of Mulmuley, Vazirani, and Vazarani [MVV87], we can mo dify the cost function slightly so that the minimum-cost flow is unique, and is also a minimum- cost flow under the original us first state a modified version of the Isolation Lemma: Lemma 3.12 (see [KS01, Lemma 4]) .Given any collection of linear functions on mvariables with integer cooefficients in the range {0,...,U}. If each variable is independently set uniformly at random to a value from the set {0,...,2mU}, then with probability at least 1/2there is a unique function in the collection that takes minumum value. We now describe how to force the minimum-cost flow to be unique : Lemma 3.13. Given a flow network with capacities and costs in the set {1,2,...,U}, and a modify the cost of each edge independently by adding a numbe r uniformly at random from the Then with probability at least 1/2, the modified network has a unique minimum-cost flow of value F, and this flow is also a minimum-cost flow of value Fin the original modified cost of a flow at a vertex of ohm FLOWis a linear function of mindependent vari- ables chosen uniformly at random from the where the coefficients are thecoordinates of the flow vector, which by Lemma 3.11 are integers in the range {0,...,U}. So the Isolation Lemma tells us that with probablity at least 1 /2, there is a unique vertex of ohm FLOW with minumum modified cost. Now, any vertex that was not originally of minimum cost must h ave been more expensive than the minimum cost by an integer. Since the sum of the flows on all edges can be at most mU, and no edge had its cost increased by more than1 2mU, the total cost of any flow cannot have increased by more than 1 /2. Thus, a vertex that was not originally of minimum cost cann ot have minimum modified cost. We may now give an exact algorithm for standard minimum-cost flow. Note that this algorithm works for any integer flow value, but in particular we may easi ly find the exact max-flow value by running the interior-point max-flow algorithm with an error of 1/2, since we know the max-flow value is an integer. Lemma 3.14. To solve the standard minimum-cost flow problem in expected t the edge costs as in Lemma 3.13, then run the min-cost flow interior point algorithm with an error of1 12m2U3, and round the flow on each edge to the nearest us prove correctness assuming that the modified costs do i solate a unique directly fromTheorem3.1 0, that 10after a constant number of tries we can expect the modified cos ts to yield a unique We first note that the modified edge costs are integer multiple s ofd=1 4m2U2. Therefore, by Theorem 3.11 the cost of the minumum-cost flow is at least dless than the cost at any other vertex of ohmFLOW. Now, the flow returned by the interior-point algorithm can be expressed as a weighted average of the vertices of ohm FLOW. Since the cost of this flow is the minimum cost, this weighted average must assign a combined weight of at most1 3Uto the Therefore, the flow along any edge differs by at most 1 /3 from the minimum-cost flow. So by rounding to the nearest integer flow, we obtain the minim um-cost flow. 4 Solving linear systems in symmetric M-Matrices A symmetric M-matrixis a positive definite symmetric matrix with non-positive off- diagonals (see, e.g. [HJ91, Axe96, BP94]). Every M-matrix has a factorization of the form M=AATwhere each column of Ahas at most 2 nonzero entries [BCPT05]. Given such a factoriz ation of an M-matrix, we we will show how to solve linear systems in the M-matrix in nearly-linear time. Throughout this section, Mwill be an nxnsymmetric M-matrix and Awill be a nxmmatrix with 2 nonzero entries per column such that M=AAT. Note that MhasO(m) non-zero entries. Our algorithm will make use of the Spielman-Teng /tildewideO(m) expected time approximate solver for linear systems in symmetric matri ces, where we recall that a symmetric matrix is if each diagonal is at least the sum of the absolute values of t he other entries in its row. It is strictly if each diagonal execceds each will use the following standard facts about symmetric M-matrices, which can be found, for example, in [HJ91]: Fact 4.1. a symmetric M-matrix with M11a principal minor, then: 1.Mis invertible and M-1is a nonnegative matrix. 2.M12is a nonpositive matrix. 3.M11is anM-matrix. 4. TheSchur complement anM-matrix. 5. If all eigenvalues of Mfall in the range [lmin,lmax], then so do all diagonal entries of S. 6. For any positive diagonal matrix D,DMDis anM-matrix. 7. There exists a positive diagonal matrix Dsuch that DMDis strictly Ouralgorithmwillworkbyfindingadiagonal matrix Dforwhich DMDis, providing us with a system to which we may apply the solver of S pielman and Teng. Our an iterative process. In each iteration, it decreases the number of rows that are not dominated by their diagonals by an expected constant fac tor. The main step of each thesolutionof O(logn) linearsystems. For simplicity, wefi rstexplain how our algorithm would work if we made use of an algorithm x=ExactSolve (M,b) that exactly solves the system Mx=b, for M. We then explain how we may substitute an approximate solver. The key to our analysis is the following lemma, which says tha t if we multiply an M-matrix by a random diagonal matrix, then a constant fraction of the dia gonals probably dominate their rows. 11Lemma 4.2 (Random Scaling Lemma) .Given an nxn M-matrixM, and positive real letDbe a random diagonal nxnmatrix where each diagonal entry diis and uniformly from the interval (0,1). LetT[n]be the set of rows of MDwith sums at least rtimes the pre-scaled diagonal, i.e. T={i[n] : probability at least1-4r 4r+7, we have
|T| the fraction of the diagonal entries of Mthat are less than ztimes the average in particular that for r= 0,Tis the set of rows dominated by their diagonals. We will use the Random Scaling Lemma to decrease the number of rows that are not dominated by their diagonals. We will do this by preserving the rows tha t are dominated by their diagonals, and applying this lemma to the rest. Without loss of generali ty we write where the rows in the top section of Mare the ones that are already so in particular M11is Let the Schur complement and let SDbe the matrix containing only the diagonal entries of S. We construct a random diagonal matrix DRof the same size as M22by choosing each diagonal element independently and uniformly from (0 ,1). We then create diagonal matrix the diagonal entries of D1are given by -M-1 11M12D21. We know that the diagonal entries of D1are positive because Fact 4.1 tells us that M-1 11is nonnegative and M12 is DMDare, the rest probably become so as well. Since Mis anM-matrix and Dis positive diagonal, DMD has no positive off-diagonals. Therefore, the diagonally-do minant rows of DMDare the rows with nonnegative row sums. The row sums of that the diagonal entries of all 1. Thus by invoking Lemma 4.2 with r= 0 andz= 1, we find that there is a 1 /7 probability that at least 1 /24 of the row sums in the bottom section of DMDbecome nonnegative. Furthermore, we see that row sums in the top section only problem with this idea is that in each iteration it co uld time to compute the entire matrix S. Fortunately, we actually only need to compute the diagonal s ofS, (i.e. the matrixSD). In fact, we only actually need a diagonal matrix S that appr oximates SD. As long the diagonals of S-1/2SS-1/2fall in a relatively narrow range, we can still use the Random Scaling Lemma to get a constant fraction of improvement at each itera tion. 12To compute these approximate diagonal values quickly, we us e the random projection technique of Johnson and Lindenstrauss [JL84]. In Appendix A, we prove the following variant of their result, that deals with random projections into a space of constant d 4.3. For all constants a,b,g,p (0,1), there is a positive integer that the following holds: For any vectors akxmmatrix with entries chosen independently at random from the standard normal distribution, and let probability at least pboth of the following us note ( I-AT 1M-1 11A1) is a projection matrix. So if we let aidenote the ith row of A2, we can write the ith diagonal of Then if we use Theorem 4.3 to create a random projection matrix a good approximation to sii. Moreover, we can use one call to ExactSolve to compute each of the constant number of rows of the Since A2hasO(m) entries, we can compute PAT 2inO(m) time, and obtain all the approximations time, yielding the desired approximations of all algorithm, still usingan exact solver, is giv en in Figure1. To make this algorithm fast, STSolve ofSpielman and Teng: Theorem 4.4 (Spielman-Teng [ST04, ST06]) .The algorithm as input a symmetric a column vector b, and an error parameter o >0, and returns in expected time column vector define the algorithm MMatrixSolve as a modification of the in Figure 1. For this algorithm we need to provide upper and lo wer theeigenvalues of the matrix A, and dependon k=lmax/lmin. The modifications are that we need to set parameters: d= substitute the calls to ExactSolve in lines 2 c, 2hand 3 respectively b,o). We may note that the final call to STSolve guarantees whereM=AATis an M-matrix and Ahas at most 2 non-zeros xsatisfying Mx=b 1. SetD:=I. 2. Until DMDis diagonally dominant do: a. Permute so that diagonally dominant rows in the top section. Let a1,...anbe the rows of A2. b. and let Rbe a random kxmmatrix with normal entries. Let ribe theith row of R. c. Fori= 1,...,k, compute qT i=ExactSolve Let S be the nxndiagonal matrix with entries LetDRbe a uniform random nxndiagonal matrix with diagonal entries in (0 ,1). g. SetD' 2= S-1/2DR h. SetD' 1to be the matrix with diagonal D1*ExactSolve Return x=D*ExactSolve (DMD,D b) Figure1: cM-matrix. will replace the exact solver with the Spielman Teng appro ximate solver. or the output fulfills the specification of an approximate sol ver, provided that the algorithm termi- nates. We can in fact bound the running time of this algorithm as foll ows: Theorem 4.5. The expected running time of the algorithm MMatrixSolve running time is dominated by the calls to the Spielman-Te ng solver. There are O(1) such solves per iterations, each of which take time and at the conclusion of the algo- rithm, there is one final call of time to prove the running time, it suffices for us to give a O(logm) bound on the expected number of iterations. In particular, it suffices to show that i n each iteration, the number of rows in DMDdecreases by a constant fraction with constant probability . In analyzing a single iteration, we let the diagonal scaling at the start of the iteration, and we let the new diagonal scaling. In Appendix A, we prove: Lemma 4.6. D'is a positive diagonal matrix. 14This implies that D'MD'has no positive off-diagonals, thereby enabling us to check wh ich rows ofD'MD'are by looking for rows with nonnegati ve row sums. We again let the Schur complement, and let SDdenote the matrix containing the diagonal entries of S. Let us also define ~S= S-1/2SS-1/2. We know from Facts 4.1.4 and 4.1.6 that ~Sis the matrix containing the diagonal entries of ~S. In Appendix A, we show that the row sums of MD'are related to ~Sas follows: Lemma upper part of the above inequality tells us that all the ro w sums that were nonnegative in DMDremain nonnegative in D'MD'. From the lower part of the inequality and by invoking the Random Scaling Lemma on the matrix ~Swithr=1 6, we find that with probabilty at least1 23, the fraction of remaining rows of D'MD'that now have positive row sums is at for some z <1,bis the fraction of the diagonal entries of ~Sthat are less than ztimes the average diagonal entry. Indeed we prove in Appendix A: Lemma 4.8. With probability at least1 9, at most1 5of the diagonal entries of ~Sare smaller the average diagonal entry. So with probability at least1 9*1 23, the fraction of rows with negative row sums in DMDthat now have positive row sums in D'MD'is at we may conclude that MMatrixSolve is expected to terminate after O(logn) iterations, as claimed. 5 Final Remarks The reason that our interior-point algorithm currently can not produce an exact solution to gen- eralized flow problems is the dependence of our M-matrix solv er on the condition number of the matrix, even when approximating in the matrix norm. It would be of interest to eliminate would also be nice to extend the result to networks with gai ns. The main obstacle is that the resulting linear programs may be R.K. Ahuja, A.V. Goldberg, J.B. Orlin, and R.E. Tar jan. Finding minimum-cost flows by double scaling. Mathematical Programming , 53:243-266, 1992. [AMO93] RavindraK. Ahuja, Thomas L. Magnanti, andJames B. O rlin.Network Flows . Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1993. [Axe96] Owe Axelsson. Iterative Solution Methods . 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So distribution, with mean1 k-2and Therefore, Zhas mean kn k-2and variance at because Var[Z] =n2Var[Zi] using Cantelli's inequality, we may conclude that Pr[Z the same chi-square distribution, with mean kand variance 2 k. So using Cantelli's inequality, we find that Pr[Zi<1-a] the set {i:Zi<1-a}has expected cardinality less So using we conclude inequalities 1 and 2 via the union bound, we find the probability that is at is greater than pfor sufficiently large k. 18Lemma 4.2 (Random Scaling Lemma) .Given an nxnM-matrix M, and positive real letDbe a random diagonal nxnmatrix where each diagonal entry diis and uniformly from the interval (0,1). LetT[n]be the set of rows of MDwith sums at least rtimes the pre-scaled diagonal, i.e. T={i[n] : probability at least1-4r 4r+7, we have
|T| the fraction of the diagonal entries of Mthat are less than ztimes the average the matrix containing only the off-diagonal elements o fM. Thus,MOhas no positive entries. LetBbe the set of rows of Min which the diagonal entry is less than ztimes the average diagonal entry. Thus |B|=bn. We definea subset Jof rows of Mwhose sums are not too far from being positive. In particular , we letJbe the set of rows in which the sum of the off-diagonal entries is no less than -3 2times the diagonal : (MO1n)i>= us prove that Jcannot be too small. Let Sbe the sum of the diagonal entries of M. We Mis positive definite)
>= MOis definition of definition of we see that |J| let us show that the rows in Jhave a high probability of being in T. Consider the ith row sum of each ( dj-1 2) is symmetrically distributed around zero, we may conclude median value of ( MOD1)i. We may also note that ( MD1)i= (MOD1)i+dimii, and that the values of ( thus have, for definition of the expected size of J-Tis at So we Markov's lemma then follows from the lower bound on |J|proven above. Lemma 4.6. D'is a positive diagonal S-1/2DRis trivially positive diagonal by construction. To check that D' 1is positive, we use Lemma A.1, which implies see why the above expression is positive, recall from Fact 4.1 that matrices. Furthermore, note that the diagonals of M-1 11are at least l-1 max. Lemma from the algorithm STSolve guarantees in turn implies can then Lemma Lemma l-1/2 min1by Fact 4.8. With probability at least1 9, at most1 5of the diagonal entries of ~Sare smaller the average diagonal that the diagonal entries of ~Sare ~sii=sii si, us define By Lemma 4.3, there is at by Lemma A.2 below, there is at least that the average diagonal entry of ~Sis at similarly we have the following bound on the number of sma ll diagonal A.2. With probability at least 1-2 9kmit holds for all diagonal of M22, so cannot exceed M22's largest Fact 4.1.5)
= guarantee of AT 1M11A1is a projection above inequality does not hold with probability at most2 9km, based on the fact that chi-square distribution with mkdegrees of 4.3 implies that we conclude that Lemmas A.1 and Fact Lemma 4.8) Lemma A.3. For all positive vectors <= Fact 4.1, M-1 11and-M12are Solving Matrices from the Interior-Point Method In the interior-point algorithm, we need to solve matrices o f the annxmmatrix with entries bounded by Uin absolute value, AATis an positive diagonal matrices. We show how to do this using o the Schur complement of M: MS= Note that MSis also an M-matrix, and that the eigen- values of MSfall in the range [ where dminanddmaxare respectively the smallest and largest diagonal entry in D1,D2,D3. We can build an solver for systems in Mfrom a solver for systems in MS, by using the following easily verifiable property of the Schur B.1. Schur complement we to solve systems in M+vvT, we can use the Sherman-Morrison particular, we give the following algorithm, which runs i n where B.2. first show Lemma by MMatrixSolve Lemma the same let We will userepeatedly the <= that we return the value x=y-zzTb 1+vTz. So we begin by analyzing the expressions (4) We thus equations 3 and we Lemma equation Lemma B.3. For all vectors v,w, and symmetric positive definite M: (i) of of Interior-Point Method using an Approximate this section, we take Solveto be an algorithm such that x=Solve(M,b,o) use the notational convention that Sdenotes the diagonal matrix whose diagonal is s. The same applies for Xandx, etc. 1kdenotes the all-ones vector of length k.
@ohm denotes the interior of polytope ohm. We are given a canonical primal linear program z*= has the same solution as the dual linear program z*= length m, andy,bare length n, andm>=n. use of nandmis reversed from the standard linear programming conventio n. We do this to be consistent with the standard graph-theory convention th at we use throughout the paper.) We let ohmDdenote the dual we can write the solution to the linear program as z*= this appendix, we present an InteriorPoint algorithm based on that of Renegar to use an approximate solver. Our analysis follows t hat found in [Ye97]. Theorem 2.1. x=InteriorPoint input that satisfy
*Ais annxmmatrix;bis a length nvector;cis a length mvector
*AATis positive definite, and lmin>0is a lower bound on the eigenvalues of AAT
*T >0is an upper bound on the absolute values of the dual coordinat es, Tfor all(y,s)that satisfy point y0is a length nvector where ATy0<c
*error parameter osatisfies 0< o <1 and returns x>0satisfying <=oandz*<cTx< z*+o. Let us define
*Uis the largest absolute value of any entry in A,b,c
*s0 minis the smallest entry of s0=c-ATy0 Then the algorithm makes to the approximate solver, of the a positive diagonal matrix with condition number The Analytic Center Standard interior-point methods focus on a particular poin t in the interior of the dual polytope. This point, called the analytic center , is the point that maximizes the product of the slacks, i.e. the product of the elements of s. For the purpose of our analysis, we use the following equiva lent definition of the analytic center: Fact C.1 (see [Ye97, center the unique point (*y,*s)@ohmDthat satisfies eA(*s) = 0, where we define xA(s) definitions of the following C.2. Let(*y,*s)be the analytic center of ohmD. For any point (y,s)@ohmDwe have (i)AxA(s) = =*S-11m (iv) For all xsatisfying Ax= 0, it holds that >=eA(s) The first three properties are straightforward from the defin ition. We present a proof of the last: Proof of C.2(iv). Note that SxA(s)-1mis orthogonal to S(x-xA(s)), 0 We thus have
=/bardblSxA(s)-1m+S(x-xA(s))/bardbl >= will be useful to note that the slacks of the analytic cente r cannot be too small. We can bound the slacks of the analytic center away from zero as foll ows: Lemma C.3 (compare [Ye97, Thm 2.6]) .Let(*y,*s)be the analytic center of ohmD. For every (y,s)ohmD, we we know from Lemmas C.2(i) and C.2(iii) that A*S-11m= 2: Procedure for stepping closer to the analytic cent er Let us note that a point ( y,s)@ohmDthat satisfies eA(s)<1 is close to the analytic center, in the sense that the slacks sare bounded by a constant ratio from the slacks of the analyti c center: Lemma C.4 ([Ye97, Thm 3.2(iv)]) .Suppose eA(s) =e <1and let(*y,*s)be the analytic center of ohmD. (y,s)@ohmDis sufficiently close to the analytic center (as measured by eA), then with a single call to the approximate solver, we can take a Newton-type ste p to find a point even closer to the analytic center. This NewtonStep procedure is presented in Figure 2. In the first part of the following lemma, we prove that the poin t returned by NewtonStep is indeed still inside the dual polytope. In the second part, we show how close the new point is to the analytic center: Lemma C.5 (compare [Ye97, Thm 3.3]) .Suppose eA(s) =e (i) s+>0and The solver guarantees (1+o3)e <1+o3 We thus positive and so is s+. 30(ii) Letx=xA(s) andx+=xA(s+). We Lemma C.2(iv))
<=(1-o3)/bardblSx/bardbl/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleS-1ATdy-Sx+1m/vextenddouble/vextenddouble+(1-o3)2+o3 (using the relation /bardblVw/bardbl <= <= )
= equation The Path-Following Algorithm In a path-following algorithm, we modify the dual polytope adding an additional contraint bTy>=z, wherez<=z*. As we let zapproach z*, the center of the polytope approaches the solution to the dual linear prog the new slack variable, we define the modified polytope a trick of Renegar, when we define the analytic center of ohmD b,z, we consider there to be m copies of the slack sgap, as C.6. Theanalytic center ofohmD b,zis the point that = 0, where we path is the set of analytic centers of the path-following algorithm steps through a sequence of poin ts near the central path, as z increases towards z*. It is useful to note that given any point on the central path, we may easily construct a feasible primal solution x, as follows: Lemma C.7. the analytic center of ohmD b,z. Then the vector Ax=b. More generally, for any the vector x=sgap mS-11msatisfies (~A~S-2~AT)-1=sgap m*~e(s,sgap) 31(y+,s+,s+
gap,z+) (~A,~c,y) where 3: Procedure for taking a step along the central path Proof.We prove the second assertion: (~A~S-2~AT)-1=sgap m/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleAS-11m-ms-1 gapb/vextenddouble/vextenddouble (~A~S-2~AT)-1
=sgap m/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble~A~S-112m/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble (~A~S-2~AT)-1
=sgap m*~e(s,sgap) The first assertion now follows from the definition of analyti c center. Let us now describe how to take steps along the central path us ing our approximate solver. In Figure 3, we present the procedure Shift, which takes as input a value z < z*and a e(s,sgap)<=1 10. The output is a new value z+that is closer to z*, and a new point ( The procedure requires a single call to the solver. Let us examine this procedure more closely. After defining th e incremented value z+, if then ( y,s,s' gap) is a point in the shifted polytope this point may be slightly farther away from the cent ral path. One call to the suffices to obtain a new point ( is sufficiently close to the central path, satisfying ~ We prove this formally: Lemma C.8 (compare[Ye97, Lem4.5]) .Givenz < Then (i)z+< z+(bTy-z) =bTy< z*
(ii) We note that us write note us define So we Lemma Equation By Lemma C.5, we have s+,s+
gap>0 now present the complete path-following InteriorPoint algorithm, implemented using an approximate solver, in Figure 4. For now we postponedescrib ing gives an initial point near the central path. In partic ular, it produces a zC< ~ Once we have this initial central path point, Lemma C.8 tells us that after each call to Shiftwe have a new value z < z*and new central path point satisfies ~ we will analyze the number of calls to Shiftbefore the algortihm terminates. First, let us confirm that the algorithm returns the correct output: Lemma C.9. The output of x=InteriorPoint (A,b,c,y0,o)satisfies (i)x>0 (ii) ( yC,zC) =FindCentralPath (A,b,c,y0) (y,s,sgap,z) := (y,s,sgap,z) the smallest entry of 4: Dual path-following interior-point algorithm us ing an approximate solver Proof.(i) To assist in our proof, let us define note that guarantee of Solve)
= positive, we conclude that ~x'must also be positive, and so must be x. (ii) We have
=1 mx'gap/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleAx'-mx' gapb/vextenddouble/vextenddouble
=1 mx'gap/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble~A~x'/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble
=1 mx'gap/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble~A~S-112m-~A~S-2~ATv/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble 34Observe that the largest eigenvalue of the matrix ~A~AT=AAT+mbbTis less than the trace, which is at most 2 nmU2. Thus, the largest eigenvalue of ~A~S-2~ATis at most 2 nmU2s-2 min. So we guarantee of equation 10, we know We equation 10, we know equation equation 10, we know equation (13) We then (by Equation 13)
<=...2 3*o+yT(Ax-b)
<=2 3*o+/bardbly/bardbl
<=2 3*o+Tn1/2
<=2 3*o+1 12 2*o(by Lemma C.9(ii))
< (by Equation 13)
<=5 6*o+yT(Ax-b)
<=5 6*o+/bardbly/bardbl
<=5 6*o+Tn1/2
<=5 6*o+1 12 2*o(by Lemma C.9(ii))
< o Next, we analyze the number of Shiftiterations until the algorithm terminates. We can measure the progress of the algorithm with the potential fun ctionB(z): B(z) (*y,*s,*sgap) is the analytic center of ohmD b,z Soon, we will show how a decrease in B(z) implies that sgapis decreasing and thus the Let B(z)decreases byohm(m)after each iteration. Lemma C.10 (compare [Ye97, Lem 4.6]) ~e(s,sgap)<1 10, let (y+,z+) =Shift(y,z). (*y,*s,*sgap) and respectively be the analytic centers of ohmD b,zand Lemma C.7, we define satisfies Ax=b. We Lemma C.7)
= Lemma conclude that B(z+)-B(z)<= -9 100m. Let us now show that a decrease in the potential function B(z) implies a decrease in the C.11 (compare [Ye97, Prop 4.2]) <1. (*y,*s,*sgap) and respectively be the analytic centers of ohmD b,zand ohmD b,z+. which by Lemma C.7 satisfy Ax=b=Ax+. 38We Lemma C.4, we may C.12. TheInteriorPoint algorithm makes that the algorithm will terminate only when the value ofsgaphas decreased from its initial value of sC gapto belowo 3. Thus, Lemma C.11 ensures us that sgapwill be smaller thano 3once B(z) thisoccursafter Finding the Central Path It remains for us to describe how to initialize the path-foll owing algorithm by finding a point near the central path. Essentially, this is accomplished by running the path-following algorithm in reverse. Instead of stepping towards the optimum given by b, we step away from the optimum given by the depends on our initial feasible point ( y0,s0)@ohmD. Our analysis parallels that in the previous section. The fol lowing the proximity of a point ( the central path given =e~
-A(~-s) where initialize the algorithm, we observe that ( on the-bcentral path, where C.13. -e(s0,m) = 0 Proof.Defining we 0 Thus, -e(s0,m) 0 We present the FindCentralPath algorithm in Figure 5. Starting with-z=-z0, we take steps along the-bcentral path, it is sufficiently small that the analytic center of ohmD -b,-z is close to the analytic center of ohmD, and therfore also close to the analytic center of ohmD b,zfor small z. Let us show that the Unshift procedure indeed takes steps near the-bcentral path: Lemma C.14 (compare Lemmas C.8) of C.14(i). Following the proof of Lemma C.8(i) through equation 9, we ha =FindCentralPath (y,s,-sgap,-z) := (y,s,-sgap,-z) :=Unshift ( (~
-A,~-c,y) where 5: Algorithm for finding point near central path given feasible interior point Proof of C.14(ii). By Lemma C.5, we let us prove that the point returned by FindCentralPath is indeed near the original central path (i.e. the path given by b): Lemma C.15. Fory0satisfying ATy0<c, let(y,s,sgap,z) =FindCentralPath the values at the end of the algorithm, we write begin, we (15) where the last inequality follows because the smallest eige nvalue of AS-2ATis at least (16) We have
~e(s,sgap) positive equations 15 and Lemma B.3, using the fact that equation Lemma measure the progress of the FindCentralPath algorithm, we (*y,*s,*
-sgap) is the analytic center of ohmD -b,-z Lemma C.16 (compare Lemma C.10) will follow the proof of Lemma C.10, with some minor change s. Before we proceed, let us recall the note (17) Now, we switch the places of zandz+, and follow the proof of Lemma C.10 up to Equation Equation Lemmas C.14 and C.17. algorithm makes the smallest entry of that the algorithm will terminate only when the value of-sgaphas increased from its initial value of mto at least 40 So, by Lemma C.11, this will have happened once -B(z) has increased by to Lemma C.16, this occurs after complete the proof, we note Calls to the Solver In each call to Unshift, we solve one system in a matrix of the in each call to Shift, we solve one system in a matrix of the the end of the interior-point algorithm we have one final ca ll of the latter form. In order to say something about the condition number of the ab ove matrices, we must bound the slack vector s. We are given an upper bound of Ton the elements of s, so it remains to prove a lower bound: Lemma C.18. Throughout the InteriorPoint algorithm, all times duing the algorithm, we know from Lemma C.4 that t he elements of sare bounded by a constant factor from the slacks at the current ce ntral path point*s. In into account Lemmas C.8 and C.14, we surely have s>=1 2*s. So let us bound from below the elements of*s. During the FindCentralPath subroutine, as we decrease-zand expand the polytope the initial point s0remains in the interior of Thus, by Lemma C.3, and so during the main part of the algorithm, as we i ncreasezand shrink the the initial point may not remain inside the polytope. In par ticular, once we have z>=bTy0, the initial point is no longer in ohmD b,z, but we may define a related point ( yz,sz,sz gap) that is in ohmD b,z. Given our current point ( let us define note that 0< r <1 2. We then Lemma C.3 then last inequality follows because, when sgapdecreased belowo 3on the final step, using Lemma C.4 we find that it certainly could not have decreased by more t han a factor of1 2. We conclude may now summarize the calls to the solver as follows: Theorem C.19. TheInteriorPoint makes to the approximate solver, of the one call of the a positive diagonal matrix with condition number we know from the FindCentralPath algorithm that sC gap= we noted above, all solves are in matrices that take the for mAS-2AT+vvT, or know that sgap= ohm(o) and-sgap= ohm(m), so we obtain the respective condition number of Scomes from Lemma C.18 and the upper bound of Ton the slacks. The error parameter for the solver is the all NewtonStep calls. In the final solve, the error parameter again invoking Lemma C.18. 45 | 0803.0988 | Samuel Daitch | Samuel I. Daitch, Daniel A. Spielman | Faster Approximate Lossy Generalized Flow via Interior Point Algorithms | v2: bug fixes and some expanded proofs | null | null | null | cs.DS cs.NA | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We present faster approximation algorithms for generalized network flow
problems. A generalized flow is one in which the flow out of an edge differs
from the flow into the edge by a constant factor. We limit ourselves to the
lossy case, when these factors are at most 1.
Our algorithm uses a standard interior-point algorithm to solve a linear
program formulation of the network flow problem. The system of linear equations
that arises at each step of the interior-point algorithm takes the form of a
symmetric M-matrix. We present an algorithm for solving such systems in nearly
linear time. The algorithm relies on the Spielman-Teng nearly linear time
algorithm for solving linear systems in diagonally-dominant matrices.
For a graph with m edges, our algorithm obtains an additive epsilon
approximation of the maximum generalized flow and minimum cost generalized flow
in time tildeO(m^(3/2) * log(1/epsilon)). In many parameter ranges, this
improves over previous algorithms by a factor of approximately m^(1/2). We also
obtain a similar improvement for exactly solving the standard min-cost flow
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 Mar 2008 21:57:53 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 7 Apr 2008 19:02:38 GMT"
] | 2008-04-07T00:00:00 | [
"Samuel I.",
"Daniel A.",
] |
2 Joel C. 1: The spread of disease in a network. The outbreak begins with a single [large empty circles] and then spreads along edges to others. The infected nodes recover with immunity [large lled circles]. Eventually the outbreak dies out. in section 2). We are primarily interested in what controls the probability of large outbreaks and the fraction of nodes infected in a large outbreak. Before discussing earlier results, we introduce some terminology. The the probability that an infection of node uwould result in direct infection of the neighbor v. The Tin(v) is the marginal probability that a neighbor of vwould infect vgiven the characteristics of v, and the is the marginal probability that uwould infect a neighbor given the ofu. Both the in- and necessarily have the same average, hTi. These denitions will be made more precise in section 2. Most network-based epidemic models assume homogeneous transmissibility Tuv=
hTibetween all pairs of neighboring nodes. Models that do allow show that they reduce the probability or size of epidemics [4, 16, 29, 21, 13]. For an arbitrary network with homogeneous susceptibility [ Tin(v) =hTifor allv], infectiousness, [16] showed that epidemics are most likely and largest if infectiousness is homogeneous [ Tout(u) =hTifor allu]. It was noted by [29] that the same argument shows that with homogeneous susceptibility epidemics are least likely and smallest if infectiousness is maximally heterogeneous ( Tout= 0 for a fraction 1 hTiof the population and Tout= 1 for the remainder). The recent work of [21, 13] considered the eect of heterogeneity on a specic subclass of unclustered called Molloy{Reed networks [23] or Conguration Model networks [26]), nding similar results. One of these, [21], studied simultaneous heterogeneities and infectiousness, showing that for given hTi, the same cases give the upper and lower bounds on probability while epidemics are largest if susceptibility is homogeneous and smallest if susceptibility is maximally heterogeneous. We are un- aware of any work which has considered simultaneous heterogeneities in susceptibility in networks with clustering or even in unclustered networks more general than Molloy{Reed networks. In this paper we investigate the spread of epidemics in which be heterogeneous, using techniques from [16] and [21]. We will consider both clustered and general unclustered networks. Clustered networks are more dicult because of the existence of short cycles, and so a stronger assumption will be made for them. Often only the distribution of Tout(or, more rarely, of Tin) would be available early in an outbreak. If we know the distribution of Tout, it does not in general uniquelyEpidemic Size and Probability 3 determine the distribution of Tinand so we cannot fully predict the nal details of an outbreak. Our focus is on identifying the best and worst case scenarios given the distribution of Tout(orTin), thus helping to provide policy makers with knowledge of what to expect and how best to mitigate it. Mathematical theories modeling the spread of infectious diseases have been de- veloped in a number of elds [14, 1, 2, 8]. The techniques used include stochastic models, agent-based simulations, and network-based approaches. The dierential equations approaches may be thought of as a mean-eld approximation to a subclass of network models, while the stochastic and agent-based approaches can be made formally equivalent to network-based methods [13, 24]. Consequently results for networks will apply to other models as well. Network epidemic models have primarily been studied by the statistics community [30, 16, 17, 4, 5, 22, 3] and the mathematics communities [25, 20, 19, 28, 9, 27, 18, 10, 11]. In general the statistics community has produced more rigorous results, but has considered more restricted classes of networks. The physics and applied mathematics communities have considered a wider range of networks, but the results are less rigorous. The these elds has been relatively sparse, leading to repeated discoveries of some results and a lack of cohesion in the topics studied. We attempt to bring some of these dierent approaches together in this paper. This paper is structured as follows: in section 2 we introduce the model and In section 3 we consider epidemics spreading on general networks. In section 4 we nd stronger results for networks with no short cycles. Finally in section 5 we discuss extensions and implications of our results. 2. Epidemics in networks We consider the spread of disease on a network G. An outbreak begins when a single node (the index case ) chosen uniformly from the population is infected. The disease spreads from an infected node uto a neighboring susceptible node vwith a to the transmissibility Tuv. Each infected node attempts to infect each of its neighbors and then recovers (and is no longer susceptible or infected). The outbreak ends when no infected nodes remain. This section, like Gaul, is divided into three parts. First we describe the transmissibility Tuv. This will depend on the characteristics of both uand v. We then introduce the concept of an Epidemic Percolation Network, which is a tool to study the routes of transmission in a given network. We nally discuss tools which will be used to make the concept of a large network rigorous. 2.1. [21], we assume that the factors in
uencing infectiousness of node of node vmay be summarized in IuandSv. In general, these may be vector-valued functions (though with few exceptions they are taken to be scalars in the literature). For example, Iumay represent u's viral load, duration of infection, and willingness or ability to leave work if sick, while Svmay represent v's history, genetic predisposition to infection, and previous exposure to If uandvare neighbors, the transmissibility Tuvis Joel C. Miller for some function T. The function T(I;S) is the probability of transmission from a node with infectiousness Ito a node with susceptibility Sassuming that the nodes are joined by an edge. We may think of Tuvas dened only for neighboring nodes, or we may wherefu;vg= 0 iffu;vgis not an edge and 1 if it is. We assume thatIandSare assigned independently, using the probability andP(S) (although we use the same symbol Pfor both, we assume that the two functions are dierent). Particularly if IandSare vectors, we may not be able to clearly dene which of two nodes is more infectious ( i.e., there may not be a well-dened ordering). For example, with a sexually transmitted disease, we with u1having a high viral load and regular condom use (with occasional lapses), while u2has a low viral load but no condom use. Let us assume they have contacts with susceptibles a high level of resistance, and thus will only be infected by a large dose, while v2has no immune protection and thus will be infected by even a small dose. Under these assumptions, u1is more likely to infectv1, whileu2is more likely to infect v2. Which is more infectious depends on the test susceptible considered. The probability that uinfects a neighbor (prior to knowing Sfor that neighbor) is given by the ofu Tout(u) the probability that vwould be infected by a neighbor is given by the ofv Tin(v) times it will be convenient to use Tout(I) andTin(S) [rather than Tout(u) and Tin(v)] to denote the out- and of arbitrary nodes with When the concepts of being more infectious and more susceptible are clearly dened, Tin(S) andTout(I) are invertible functions. However, because the ordering is not well-dened in general, they may not be invertible. If they are invertible, it is often convenient to change variables and set Iu=Tout(u) orSv=Tin(v). We will do this frequently in section 3, where we restrict our attention to cases where the ordering described above is andP(I), we may nd the distributions of TinandTout. We use Qin(Tin) to denote the probability density function for the to denote the probability density function for the Tout. The both equal to hTi. Given distributions of IandSand the function T, there is always a QinandQout pair that result. Also, given a Qinor aQoutit is always possible to nd P(I),P(S), and Tthat are consistent. For example, given any Qin, for each node vwe assign a setSv=Tin(v). ThenT(I;S) =Sis consistent with Qinand =(Tout hTi). This means that for any distribution of , it is possible that the infectiousness of nodes is homogeneous. Although it is possible to nd aQinfor anyQout(and vice versa ) not all pairs QoutandQinare compatible. For example, if Qin= (1 hTi)(Tin) +hTi(Tin 1) (i.e., susceptibility is then the must be homogeneously distributed; no other distribution is possible. This particular example will be important in Section 4.Epidemic Size and Probability 5 Although in principle IandSmay be vector-valued, they frequently are assumed to be scalars with the transmissibility between two neighbors given by (for example [7, = 1 exp( IuSv) (1) A number of disease models yield this form. For example: let be the rate at which virus from an infected person reaches a susceptible person. Let Iube the ofu. LetSvbe the probability that a virus reaching vcauses infection. Then the probability pthatvhas not become infected satises _ p= Svp. Integrating this over the infectious period Iuofuyields equation (1). We need one nal concept related to the Let a node ube given, and letV=fv1;:::;v mgbe a subset of the neighbors of u. Assume we know but notIu. Dene
in(V;~S) (2) This is the probability that uwill not infect any node in Vgiven knowledge of Sfor eachv2V, but marginalized over the possible values of Iforu. We may similarly dene in(V) (4) This is the probability that uwill not infect any v2Vmarginalized over Sofv2V and the values of Iforu. IfjVj= 1, then in(V) = 1 hTi, which will be important later when we consider unclustered networks. 2.2. Epidemic Percolation Networks Given a network G, the distributions P(I) andP(S), and the function T(I;S), we assignIandSto each node of G. We then create a new directed network Ewhich is anEpidemic Percolation Network (EPN) [12] as follows: the nodes of Eare the nodes ofG. For each edgefu;vgofG, we place directed edges ( u;v) and (v;u) The original network Ggives the paths a disease could follow, while a realization of Egives the paths the disease willfollow (if given the chance) for a simulation. The out-component of a given node ufound by assigning IandSand generating an EPN comes from the same distribution as the nodes infected by the dynamic epidemic process described earlier with uas the index case. The processes are motivate some denitions, we assume suciently high transmissibility that there are nodes inEwith giant in- or out-components [6]. We dene Houtto be those nodes with a giant in-component, and Hinto be those nodes with a giant We dene almost surely be a strongly Hinis the in-component of HsccandHoutis its out-component. In of any u2Hinresults in infection of all nodes in Houtand occasionally a few other nodes (if u62Hscc). We dene such an outbreak to be an epidemic . Ifu62Hin, then a small self-limiting outbreak occurs.6 Joel C. Miller For large values of N=jGj, the probability of an epidemic is given by Y=
E[jHinj]=Nand the expected fraction infected in an epidemic is given by ). E[jHoutj]=N, and so the size of a single epidemic in a large population closely approximates expected size of epidemics (note that if we include non-epidemic outbreaks in the average, this does not hold). If the directions of arrows in the EPNs are reversed, then Consequently, replacing Tuv=T(Iu;Sv) with ^Tuv=T(Iv;Su) interchanges the size and probability. As such, results derived for the probability of an epidemic also apply to the size. 2.3. Large Networks The results we derive will be appropriate in the limit of large networks. However, in practice we are usually interested in a single given network. Unfortunately jGj!1 is a vague concept when we are given a single, nite network. There are many ways to increase its size, with dierent impacts on epidemics. In this section, we dene what is meant byjGj!1 in a way that allows us to produce rigorous a sequence of networks fGngwhich satisfyjGnj!1 asn!1 . We dene an open ball Bd(u) to be a network centered at a node usuch that all nodes v2Bd(u) are at most a distance dfromu. Given a network G, we denePG(Bd(u)) to be the probability that if we choose a node ^ urandomly from G, then the set of nodes of distance at most dfrom ^uis isomorphic to Bd(u) (with the isomorphism dene sequential convergence of local statistics to mean that given any =PGd(Bd(u)) for allnd. For the results developed later, all that is strictly needed is that PGn(Bd(u)) converges as n!1 , but the stronger statement that forndthey do not change makes the proofs simpler. This means that for large enough n, networks have the same small-scale structure, and the size of what is considered small-scale increases with jGj. We restrict our attention to sequences which have sequential convergence of local statistics. For a given EPN, we dene Hin(d) andHout(d) to be the set of nodes from which a path of length (at least) dbegins or ends respectively. At large d, these will correspond to earlier. We dene Yd(G) andAd(G) to be the probability that a randomly chosen node from Gis inHin(d) andHout(d) respectively. means that Yd(Gn) =Yd(Gd) andAd(Gn) =Ad(Gd) fornd. We nally dene Y= the probability of an epidemic and Ameasures the fraction infected. We will prove our results in the limit n!1 by showing that Hin(d) andHout(d) for a given Gnare maximal or minimal under dierent conditions. This means that our results are generally true for arbitrary nite networks. The reason we use the large nlimit is because for networks which are small it is unclear what constitutes a giant component in an EPN, or similarly, for a network with some unusual structure on a size comparable to the network size (for example a network made up of a few a giant component may not be uniquely dened. Using the large nlimitEpidemic Size and Probability 7 avoids these problems. We could avoid the need for a limit by instead assuming the existence of a giant strongly connected component in the EPN and showing that the same conditions maximize or minimize the probability a node is in the in- or out- component of this giant strongly connected component. 3. Bounds in general networks We begin by considering the spread of infectious diseases on arbitrary networks. We begin with a simple lemma which we will need in this section and the next. Lemma 1. (Edge Reversal.) if we interchange the roles and susceptibility so that Tuv=T(Iv;Su)for all edges, then roles. Proof. If we replace Tuv=T(Iu;Sv) with ^Tuv=T(Iv;Su), then the new EPNs correspond to reversing the direction of edges in the original EPNs. Since reversing the direction of edges in an EPN interchanges Hin(d) andHout(d), this and nishes the proof.
We now make a simplifying assumption which we will need for networks with 1. (Ordering Assumption.) IfT(I1;S1)> T(I2;S1)for anyS1, allS. Further, strict inequality occurs for a set of Similarly if T(I1;S1)> T(I1;S2)for anyI1, strict inequality for a set of positive measure. The ordering assumption is a statement about the functional form of T(I;S). It places no restrictions on the network. The assumption holds for equation (1), but as noted earlier there are many scenarios where it fails. The ordering assumption implies that Tout(I) andTin(S) are invertible mappings. It also allows us to assume that Iis a scalar quantity ordered such Tout(u0). We may make similar conclusions about S. There will be more than one way to represent IorSas scalars. It will frequently (but not always) be convenient to identify IwithTout(I) work by [16] considered the spread of infectious diseases on networks for which the only heterogeneity came from variation in duration of infection. Hence all nodes have the same Tin, and variation occurs only in Tout. This model satises the ordering assumption. In this section we generalize the results of [16] by allowing Tin andToutto be heterogeneous will drop the ordering assumption in section 4 where we consider networks with no short cycles. Even in this section, many of the results hold without the but the proofs are less clean. The assumption is only strictly needed for Theorems 1, 3, and 4. We are now ready to show that increased heterogeneity generally decreases the size and probability of epidemics. We show that for a given Qin[resp.Qout], bothYand Aare maximal when Tout[resp.Tin] is homogeneous. They are minimal when the variance of Tout[resp.Tin] is maximal subject to the constraint of Qin[resp.Qout].8 Joel C. Miller We can also derive conditions for a global upper bound on YandA. The upper bounds occur when Tuv=hTifor all neighbors uandv. We hypothesize a lower bound, but cannot prove it in networks with short cycles. To make the notation cleaner in the following lemma, we identify SwithTinand so we may use T(I;Tin) in place of T(I;S). Lemma 2. Assume a sequence of networks fGngwith sequential convergence of local statistics and a susceptibility distribution Qin(Tin). Assume the ordering assumption holds and consider a distribution of infectiousness P1(I)with transmissibility given by T1(I;Tin), that is consistent with Qin. Letin;1(V;~S)be as in equation (2). LetA1and Y1be the corresponding attack rate and epidemic probability. Similarly choose corresponding A2,Y2, and2(V;~S). Assume that allVand~S. ThenA1A 2andY1Y 2. Proof. Letd0 be We will show that a node in an EPN created from Gnusing the rst distribution is more likely to be in Hout(d) than a node in an EPN created using the second any node ufromGn. Partition the nodes of Gninto disjoint sets fug,U1, andU2. To the nodes in U1we assignIfromP1(I) and to the nodes in U2we We assign Tinto all nodes from Qin(Tin). We will consider the eects of adding it to U2. Consider a partial EPN Ecreated by assigning edges ( w;v) from allw6=u, ifw2U2. Now consider an arbitrary node u0(which may be u) which is not already in Hin(d), but which would join Hin(d) if the appropriate edges were added from u. LetVbe the set of neighbors vofufor which adding the edge ( u;v) would allow a path from u0touto be extended to a path of lengthd. We consider extensions of Eformed by placing uintoU1orU2. The be in Hin(d) in the extended EPN is equal to the probability that uhas at least one edge to some node in V. This probability is at least as high if u2U1as ifu2U2by our assumption Consequently the be inHin(d) is maximal if u2U1. Induction onjU1jshows thatYd(Gn) is largest if all nodes are in U1. We now show that with u2U2. We can prove only increase the probability of a node to be at the end of a length dpath. The proof proceeds largely as above. Consider the same above. Let u0be a node which is not in Hout(d) but would be if an edge fromuto anyv2V(note thatu6=u0). The probability that u0will be inHout(d) is
in;1(V;~S) orin;2(V;~S) depending on whether uis it follows thatAdis largest if u2U1. Induction is maximal if all nodes are in U1. Takingd!1 , it follows then that YandAare maximal if all nodes are in U1, and so the proof is nished.
We begin by showing that for xed distribution of , the size and probability are largest when the is Size and Probability 9 Theorem 1. LetQin(Tin)be given. Assume that the ordering assumption holds sequential convergence of statistics. Set Sv=Tin(v). ThenYand Aare maximized when T(I;Tin) =Tin. Proof. By the ordering assumption, we may take Ito be scalar with Tout(I2). This allows us to use Chebyshev's other inequality [15]: if h1 andh2are decreasing functions of xandpis a probability density any number of this to the decreasing function hj(I) = 1 T(I;Tin(vj)) we have
in(V;~S) equality if T(I;Tin) =Tin. Thus by Lemma 2, AandYare maximal, completing the proof.
We have proven the upper bounds given Qin(Tin) occur when Toutis homogeneous. We now show the lower bounds occur when Toutis maximally heterogeneous. Because of the ordering assumption, we may take 2. LetQin(Tin)be given, assume the ordering assumption holds, and as- sume thatfGngsatises sequential convergence of statistics. Take Ito be chosen uniformly from [0;1]. Setting T(I;Tin) Given equation (5), we have in(V;~S) = min need to prove that for any arbitrary transmission function ^T(I;Tin) satisfying the ordering assumption and consistent with To do this, let ^Tbe to v1, . . . ,vnand assume v1, . . . ,vnare ordered such shows that for any ^T,in(V;~S) is at most the value it takes for (5). Thus Lemma 2 shows thatYandAare minimal, completing the proof. 10 Joel C. Miller We derived the results above with xed Qin. Lemma 1 shows that the must hold for Qout. Theorem 3. LetQout(Tout)be given. Assume that the ordering assumption holds sequential convergence of statistics. Set chosen uniformly in This follows immediately from Lemma 1 with Theorems 1 and 2.
We now give a global upper bound for both YandA. Theorem 4. LethTibe given. Under the ordering assumption with sequential con- vergence of statistics for fGng, the maximum of YandAoccur when Tuv=hTifor all neighboring nodes. Proof. Consider a P(I),P(S), andT(I;S) which yields a global maximum for eitherYorA. IfTinis not homogeneous, then we can nd a new infection process which preserves the same Qout(Tout) with homogeneous Tinwhich can only increase Y orA. A repeated application preserving the new homogeneous , but now making Toutalso homogeneous again can only increase homogeneous. This completes the proof.
We nish with a conjecture about global lower 1. Under the ordering assumption with sequential convergence of statis- tics forfGng, the minimum of Yoccurs when Qout(Tout) =hTi(Tout 1) + minimum of Aoccurs when Qin(Tin) =hTi(Tin 1) + that if Qout(Tout) =hTi(Tout 1) + (1 hTi)(Tout), thenQin(Tin) =
(Tin hTi) is Discussion The results of this section have focused on extending earlier results of Kuulasmaa [16] who considered a population with homogeneous susceptibility and heterogeneities due entirely to variation in duration of infection. We have extended these results to cover a wide range of heterogeneities in infectiousness and susceptibil- ity under the assumption that infectiousness and susceptibility are assigned independently. In order to extend the proof used by Kuulasmaa, we have been forced to make the ordering assumption, which eectively means that if we order people by how infectious they would be to one test susceptible individual, the order is the same as we would nd for another test susceptible individual. We do not have anyEpidemic Size and Probability to these theorems in the case where the ordering assumption fails, and so it is not clear that it is needed. In section 4 we will see that similar results hold in unclustered networks without needing the ordering assumption. Our results show that in general increasing the heterogeneity of the population is useful for either decreasing the size or decreasing the probability that an epidemic occurs. Given Qin[resp.Qout], bothYandAare maximized if Tout[resp.Tin] is homogeneous and minimized if it is maximally heterogeneous. Similarly, given just hTi, we nd that the global maxima of YandAoccur when T=hTi. the conditions leading to upper and lower bounds are independent of the network, though the size of the variation between these bounds is we can prove lower bounds given Qin[orQout], we cannot prove global lower bounds given hTi. We hypothesize that the global lower bound for maximally heterogeneous and the global lower bound for Aoccurs when Qinis maximally heterogeneous. In the next section we will see that these are the lower bounds for an unclustered population. However, we have not found a rigorous proof for general networks. In the proof of the upper bound, we took a given maximizesYandA. We then held that Qinxed and found Qoutto maximize, arriving at the upper bound. However, applying a similar technique to the lower bound fails because given any Qout, if we nd a minimizing Qin, attempting to then minimize with Qinxed simply returns the original Qout. The diculty results from the fact that increasing heterogeneity in Toutrestricts the amount of vice versa . 4. Bounds in unclustered networks Most studies of infectious diseases spreading on networks have been made for net- works for which the eect of short cycles may be neglected [25]. These investiga- tions have generally used Molloy{Reed networks [23] (also known as the [26]). The theory we develop here applies to these networks, but also to more general networks which may have degree-degree correlations, or even longer we study networks with no short cycles, we are able to prove stronger results and abandon the ordering assumption. We nd that Ydepends on the network and Qout(Tout) only, whileAdepends on the network and Qin(Tin) only. We can prove global upper and (unlike in the general case) lower bounds on 2. (Unclustered Assumption.) Given a sequence of networks fGng, we assume that Gnhas girth greater than 2n. This assumption means that Bd(u) chosen from any Gnwithndmust be cycle free. In particular, there is no alternate path between a node and a neighbor. It was this complication that forced the use of the ordering assumption earlier, and since the complication no longer exists, we drop the ordering assumption. The will also allow us to use in(V) rather than in(V;~S). Thus we only require the marginal probability of the set of nodes Vnot to be infected to satisfy an than the inequality be satised for every possible set of We must bear in mind that knowing TinorToutno longer uniquely determines IorS. Lemma 3. Let the sequence fGngsatisfy the unclustered assumption with sequential12 Joel C. of statistics. Take Let in;1(V)be as in equation (4). Similarly take P2(I),P2(S), andT2(I;S)with corresponding in;2(V). If in;1(V) in;2(V)thenY1Y 2. Proof. This proof is similar to that of Lemma 2. Letd0 be given. Take Gn,nd. Choose a node ufromGnand partition the nodes ofGnintofug,U1, andU2. To the nodes in U1we assignIfromP1(I) and to the nodes of U2we To each node w(includingu), we assign thatSw;1comes from P1(S) andSw;2comes from P2(S). We create a partial EPN Eas follows. For each v2U1, we assign edges ( and for v2U2we assign them using T2(Iv;Sw;2). We do not yet assign edges from u(but edges may point to u). Consider any u0not inHin(d) which would join Hin(d) if an edge was added from uto anyv2V. By assumption, in;1(V) in;2(V) and so the probability is greatest if Iuis chosen from P1(I). It follows thatY1Y 2. This completes the proof.
This proof can be modied to work on clustered networks without the so Lemma 2 does not require the ordering assumption. However, the proof is more technical and provides little additional insight, particularly because the main results following from Lemma 2 do require the ordering 5. Let the the unclustered assumption with of local statistics. Let Qin(Tin)be xed. ThenAis xed. Proof. We follow the technique used to prove Ais larger for one distribution than the other in Lemma 2. However, in following that proof, the lack of clustering means jVj= 1. Since for any distribution (V) = 1 hTiwhenjVj= 1, all give the same A, and the proof is nished.
Theorem 6. If the assumptions of Theorem 5 hold except that Qoutis xed rather thanQin, thenYis xed. Proof. This follows immediately from Lemma 1 and Theorem 5.
Theorem 7. LetQinbe given. Assume that fGngsatises the unclustered assumption with sequential convergence of statistics. Yis maximized when T(I;S) this result is analogous to Theorem 1, the proof is fundamentally altered because we no longer have the ordering We rst note that if T(I;S) =Tin(S), thenTout=hTifor all nodes. Now consider an arbitrary function T(I;S) withP(I) andP(S) to function (1 Tout)jVjin equation (4) is convex, so by Jensen's inequality inis minimized by Tout=hTi. Lemma 3 completes the proof.
Theorem 8. LetQinbe given. Assume fGngsatises the unclustered assumption with sequential convergence of statistics. Yis minimized when Iis chosen uniformly from [0;1]and T(I;S) Size and Probability 13 Proof. Following the proof of Theorem 2, we may show that inis to Qin) exactly when these assumptions hold. Thus from equation (3) inis also maximized when these assumptions hold. Lemma 3 completes the proof.
Theorem 9. LetQoutbe given. Assume fGngsatises the unclustered assumption with sequential convergence of statistics.
A is maximized when T(I;S) =Tout(I).
A is minimized when Sis chosen uniformly from [0;1]and T(I;S) This follows from Theorems 7 and 8 with Lemma 1.
Before proving our nal result, we introduce a lemma. Lemma 4. Letf(x)be a convex function on [0;1]and(x)be a probability density function on [0;1], with expected value 0. +0f(1): Proof. The denition of convexity 10. LetfGngbe a sequence of networks satisfying the unclustered assump- tion with sequential convergence of statistics. Assume that hTiis given:
The global upper bound for both YandAoccurs when Tuv=hTifor all pairs of neighbors.
The global lower bound for Yoccurs when Qout(Tout) =hTi(Tout 1) + global lower bound for Aoccurs when Qin(Tin) =hTi(Tin 1) + The proof of the upper bound is identical to that of Theorem 4. We prove the lower bound for Y. The lower bound for Afollows from Lemma 1. We have in(V) We now seek to nd inin order to apply Lemma 3. Since (1 Tout)jVjis a convex function, we may apply Lemma 4 with Qoutplaying the role of. The maximum occurs when Qout(Tout) so Lemma 3 nishes the proof. 14 Joel C. Miller Although the upper bound for both YandAoccurs when Tuv=hTifor all pairs, our earlier results show that for unclustered networks Ydepends only on Qout(Tout) and the network, and so as long as Tout(u) =hTifor all nodes u, we achieve the upper bound onY(but not onA). Symmetrically, if Tin(v) =hTifor all nodes v, we achieve the upper bound on A. Note that the lower bound for Arequires that Tout(u) =hTifor allu, and so the population is homogeneously infectious. It follows from Theorem 8 that Yis then maximal. Similarly the lower bound for Yrequires thatAbe maximal. 4.1. Discussion The results of this section generalize those of [21] which considered the special case of Molloy{Reed networks. These results prove that the same scenarios give upper and lower bounds in unclustered networks with a wide range of correlations or disassortative mixing (high degree nodes preferentially joining with high or low degree nodes respectively), or longer range correlations. Although we proved these under the assumption that no short cycles exist, the results remain useful in networks with either few short cycles, or for situations in which the transmissibility is low enough that the short cycles are only rarely of the lack of short cycles, the ordering assumption is not needed. This means that our results apply to a much wider class of disease transmission mechanisms, but at the cost of restricting the network. Again we nd that which conditions give the upper or lower bound is The amount of variation there is between these bounds, however, is main distinction from clustered networks is that Ydepends only on the and Qout(Tout). That is,Yis independent of Qin(Tin). on the structure and Qin(Tin). We note that unless the eect of clustering is very large, the dependence of Yon and Aon will be weak. Curiously the global lower bound for Afound in Theorem 10 =(Tout hTi), and so the population is homogeneously susceptible. It follows from Theorem 8 that Yis then maximal. Similarly the lower bound for Y requires thatAbe maximal. This has important implications for policy design to reduce Ttend to have a heterogeneous impact on either SorI. 5. Conclusions We have extended earlier work on the eect of heterogeneity in infectiousness on the spread of epidemics through networks. Our extensions allow for heterogeneity in susceptibility as well. Many of the results are similar. In general we nd that the size and probability of epidemics are reduced if the population is more heteroge- neous. Unfortunately, increasing heterogeneity in susceptibility restricts the level of heterogeneity possible in infectiousness. In the extreme case where susceptibility is maximally heterogeneous, infectiousness must be homogeneous. Perhaps surprisingly, we have found that the distributions leading to upper and lower bounds on YandA are Early in an outbreak, it is likely that we may gain some information about Qout(Tout). For example, in the early stages of the SARS epidemic, it was known that a number of people were highly infectious, while the rest were only mildly infectious and so Qout(Tout) was highly heterogeneous. However, there was little information on Qin.Epidemic Size and Probability 15 Once given the distribution of Qout, the results here show which distributions of Qin give the largest or smallest YandA. Our results further suggest that the distribution of infectiousness found for SARS is consistent with a low epidemic probability. It is dicult to extrapolate from observations what the sizes would have been without put into place, but the fact that a number of isolated cases the world without sparking local epidemics suggest that the probability of an epidemic from each introduction was low, consistent with our predictions. Our results further suggest that in order to prevent an epidemic, it is best to take measures that will have a heterogeneous impact on infectiousness, but in order to aect the size of an epidemic, it is best to take measures that will have a heterogeneous impact on susceptibility. In terms of actual interventions, we compare two strategies aimed at controlling a disease which is initially spreading with homogeneous T: in the rst we devote resources to vaccinating half of the population, while in the second we devote them to identifying and removing half of the infected population. Both a factor of 2. In the rst, the susceptibility is highly heterogeneous, but the probability an infected node infects a randomly chosen neighbor has simply gone down by a factor of 2, and so it remains homogeneous. Assuming that the is valid, this maximizes the impact on size, but the impact on probability is minimized. In contrast, the second strategy maximizes the impact on probability, but minimizes the impact on work was supported in part by the Division of Mathematical Modeling at the UBC CDC and by DOE at LANL under Contract and the DOE Oce of ASCR program in Applied Mathematical H. (1952). An examination of the Reed-Frost theory of epidemics. Human Biology R. M. and May, R. 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Physical Review Letters M. and Bogu ~na, M. (2006). Percolation and epidemic thresholds in clustered networks. Physical Review Letters P. (2007). On analytical approaches to epidemics on Population Biology den Berg, J., Grimmett, G. R. and Schinazi, R. B. (1998). Dependent random graphs and spatial epidemics. The Annals of Applied Probability 8,317{
336. | 0803.0999 | Joel Miller | Joel C. Miller | Bounding the Size and Probability of Epidemics on Networks | v1 to v2: Minor changes - corrected some typos, clarified some
sentences, and added a small number of additional comments. No changes to the
scientific content... v2 to v3: added a citation and improved a figure
slightly | null | null | null | q-bio.PE | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We consider an infectious disease spreading along the edges of a network
which may have significant clustering. The individuals in the population have
heterogeneous infectiousness and/or susceptibility. We define the
out-transmissibility of a node to be the marginal probability that it would
infect a randomly chosen neighbor given its infectiousness and the distribution
of susceptibility. For a given distribution of out-transmissibility, we find
the conditions which give the upper [or lower] bounds on size and probability
of an epidemic, under weak assumptions on the transmission properties, but very
general assumptions on the network. We find similar bounds for a given
distribution of in-transmissibility (the marginal probability of being infected
by a neighbor). We also find conditions giving global upper bounds on size and
probability. The distributions leading to these bounds are network-independent.
In the special case of networks with high girth (locally tree-like), we are
able to prove stronger results. In general the probability and size of
epidemics are maximal when the population is homogeneous and minimal when the
variance of in- or out-transmissibility is maximal.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 Mar 2008 22:58:08 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 14 Apr 2008 23:26:44 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 1 May 2008 20:30:31 GMT"
] | 2008-05-01T00:00:00 | [
"Joel C.",
] |
superheavy nucleus (SHN) ( Z>=106) is due to strong binding shell effects against the large Coulomb repulsion. However, the shell effects get reduced with incr easing the excitation energy of the formed compound nucleus. Combinations with a doubly magic nu cleus or nearly magic nucleus are usually chosen owing to the larger reaction Qvalues. Reactions with208Pb or209Bi targets were first proposed by Oganessian et al. to synthesize SH N [3]. Six new elements with Z=107-112 were synthesized in cold fusion reactions for the first t ime and investigated at GSI (Darmstadt, Germany) with the heavy-ion accelerator UNILAC an d the SHIP separator [1 ,4]. Recently, experiments on the synthesis of element 113 in the70Zn+209Bi reaction have been per- formed successfully at RIKEN (Tokyo, Japan) [5]. However, it is diffic ulty to produce heavier SHN in the cold fusion reactions because of the smaller production cr oss sections that are lower than 1 pb for Z >113. Other possible ways to produce SHN are very needed to be inve stigated and theoretically. Recently, the superheavy elemen ts Z=113-116, 118 were synthe- sized at FLNR in Dubna (Russia) with the double magic nucleus48Ca bombarding actinide nuclei [6,7,8]. New heavy isotopes259Db and265Bh have also been synthesized at HIRFL in Lanzhou (China) [9]. Further experimental works are necessary in order to testify the new synthesized SHN. A reasonable understanding of the formation of SHN in the mas sive fusion reactions is still a challenge for theory. In accordance with the evolution of two heavy colliding nuclei, the dyn amical process of the compound nucleus formation and decay is usually divided into three re action stages, namely the capture process of the colliding system to overcome the Coulomb ba rrier, the formation of the compound nucleus to pass over the inner fusion barrier, and the de -excitation of the excited compound nucleus by neutron emission against fission. The transmis sion in the capture process depends on the incident energy and relative angular momentum of th e colliding nuclei, which is the same as that in the fusion of light and medium mass systems. The c omplete fusion of the heavy system after capture in competition with quasi-fission is very important in the estimation of the SHN production. The concept of the extra-push energy explains for the fusion of two heavy colliding nuclei in the macroscopic dynamical model [10 ,11]. At present it is still difficult to make an accurate description of the fusion dynamics. After the capture and the cleus willdecay bytheemission of light particles and grays against fission. The three stages will affect the formation of e vapo- ration residues observed in laboratories. The evolution of the whole process of massive is very complicated at near-barrier energies. Most of the t heoretical methods on the formation of SHN have a similar viewpoint in the description of the capt ure and the but there are different description of the compound nucle us formation process. There are mainly two sorts of models, depending on whether the compound nuc leus is formed along the radial variable (internuclear distance) or by nucleon transfer in a t ouching configuration which is usually the minimum position of the interaction potential after captu re of the colliding system. Several transport models have been established to understand t he fusion mechanism of two heavy colliding nuclei leading to SHN formation, such as the macroscopic dyn amical model [10 ,11], model [12], the concept of nucleon collectiviz ation [13] and the dinuclear system model [14 ,15]. Recently, the improved quantum molecular d ynamics (ImIQMD) model was also proposed to investigate the fusion dynam ics of SHN [16 ,17]. With these models experimental data can be reproduced to a certain ex tent, and some new results have been predicted. However, these models differ from each other, an d sometimes different physical ideas are used. Further improvements of these models have to be made. Here we us e a dinuclear system (DNS) model [15 ,18], in which the nucleon transfer is coupled with the relative motion by solving a set of microscopically derived master equations, and a barrier distribut ion of the colliding system is introduced in the model. We present a new and extended investigat ion of the production of superheavy nuclei in the48Ca induced fusion reactions and in other combinations. In Section 2 we give a simple description on the DNS model. Calculated re sults of fusion dynamics and SHN production are given in Section 3. In Section 4 conc lusions are discussed. 2 Dinuclear system model The dinuclear system [19] is a molecular configuration of two touching nuclei which keep their own individuality [14]. Such a system has an evolution along two main degr ees of freedom: (i) the relative motion of the nuclei in the interaction potential to form the DNS and the decay of the DNS (quasi-fission process) along the R degree of freedom (intern uclear motion), (ii) the transfer of nucleons in the mass asymmetry coordinate e= (A1-A2)/(A1+A2) between two nuclei, which is a diffusion process of the excited systems leading to the comp ound nucleus diffusion in the surface ( A1,R) is not considered since we assume the DNS is formed at the minimum position of the interaction potential of two colliding nuc lei. In this concept, cross section is expressed as a sum over part ial waves with angular momentum 3Jat the centre-of-mass energy barrier in the entrance channel to form the DNS. In the same manner as in the model [13], the transmission probability Tis calculated by using the empirical cou- pled channel model, which can reproduce very well available experime ntal capture cross The PCNis the probability that the system will evolve from a touching configur ation into the compound nucleus in competition with quasi-fission of the DNS and fission of the heavy fragment. The last term is the survival probability of the formed co mpound nucleus, which can be estimated with the statistical evaporation model by considering th e competition between and fission [15]. We take the maximal angular momentum a sJmax= 30 since the fission barrier of the heavy nucleus disappears at high spin [20]. In order to describe the fusion dynamics as a diffusion process in mas s asymmetry, the analyti- cal solution of the Fokker-Planck equation [14] and the numerical s olution of the master have been used, which were also used to treat deep inelastic hea vy-ion collisions [23]. Here, the fusion probability is obtained by solving a set of master equ ations numerically in the potential energy surface of the DNS. The time evolution of the dist ribution function P(A1,E1,t) for fragment 1 with mass number A1and excitation energy E1is described by the following master equations [18 the mean transition probability from the channel ( A1,E1) to (A' 1,E' 1), anddA1 denotes the microscopic dimension corresponding to the macrosco pic state ( A1,E1). The sum is taken over all possible mass numbers that fragment A' 1may take (from 0 to A=A1+A2), but only one nucleon transfer is considered in the model with A' 1=A1+-1. The excitation energy E1is the local excitation energy e*
1with respect to fragment A1, which is determined by the from the relative motion and the potential energy of the co rresponding DNS and will be shown later in Eqs.(8) and (9). The dissipation energy is described by the parametrization method of the classical deflection function [24 ,25]. The motion of nucleons in the interacting potential is governed by the single-particle Hamiltonian [15 ,21]: H(t) =H0(t)+V(t) (3) 4with H0(t) (4) Here the indices K,K'(K,K'= 1,2) denote the fragments 1 and 2. The quantities the single particle energies and the interaction matrix ele ments, single particle states are defined with respect to the centers o f the interacting nuclei and are assumed to be orthogonalized in the overlap region. So the annihilatio n and creation operators are dependent on time. The single particle matrix elements are param eterized by uaK,bK'(t) (5) which contain some parameters UK,K'(t) and K,K'(t). The detailed calculation of these parame- ters and the mean transition probabilities were described in Refs. [1 5,21]. The evolution of the DNS along the variable R leads to the quasi-fission of the DNS. rate Lqfcan be estimated with the one-dimensional Kramers formula [26 ,27]: Lqf(Th(t)) (6) Here the quasi-fission barrier is counted from the depth of the poc ket of the interaction potential. The local temperature is given by the Fermi-gas expression Th to the local excitation energy eand level density parameter a=A/12MeV-1. In Eq.(6) the frequency oBqf is the frequency of the inverted harmonic oscillator approximating t he interaction potential of two nuclei in R around the top of the quasi-fission barrier, and ois the frequency of the approximating the potential in R around the bottom of the pocket. The quantity G, which denotes the double average width of the contributing single-p article states, determines the friction coefficients: gii'=G -huii', withuii'being the inertia tensor. Here we use constant values G = 2.8 MeV, -hoBqf= 2.0 MeV and - ho= 3.0 MeV for the following reactions. The Kramers formula is derived with the quasi-stationary condition of the temper ature Th( t)< thenumerical Th(t)> Bqf(A1,A2). In the reactions of synthesizing SHN, there is the possibility of th e fission of the heavy fragment in the DNS. Because the fissility increases wit h the charge number of the nucleus, the fission of the heavy fragment can affect the quas i-fission and fusion when the DNS evolves towards larger mass asymmetry. The fission rate Lfiscan also be treated with Kramers formula [26] Lfis(Th(t)) (7) wherethe thpotential at the ground state and on the top of the fission barrier for nucleu sA1orA2(larger Here, we take - hog.s.= -hof= 1.0 MeV, G 0= 2 MeV. The fission barrier is calculated as the sum of a macroscopic part andthe shell correction energy u sed in Refs. [15 ,28]. The fission of the heavy fragment does not favor the diffusion of the system t o a light fragment it leads to a slight decrease of the fusion kinetic energy. The excited system opens a valence space eKin fragment K(K= 1,2), which has a symmetrical distribution around the Fermi surface. On ly the particles in the states within this valence space are actively involved in excitation and transf er. The averages on these quantities are performed in the valence (8) where the e*is the local excitation energy of the DNS, which provides the excitat ion energy for the mean transition probability. There are NK=gKeKvalence states and mK=NK/2 valence nucleons in the valence space eK, which gives the dimension d(m1,m2) =
N1 m1
N2 m2 . The local excitation energy is defined (9) Here the U(A1,A2) andU(AP,AT) are the driving potentials of fragments A1,A2and the entrance point of the DNS), respectively. The detailed calc ulation of the can be seen in Ref. [18]. The excitation energy Exof the composite system is energyloss, each initial relative angular momentum Jby the parametrization method of the function [24 ,25]. SoExis coupled with the relative angular momentum. After reaching the reaction time in the evolution of P(A1,E1,t), all those components on the left side of the B.G. point contribute to the f ormation of the The hindrance in the diffusion process by nucleon transfer to form the compound nucleus is the inner fusion barrier Bfus, which is defined as the difference of the driving potential at the 6B.G. point and at the entrance position. Nucleon transfers to more symmetric fragments The formation probability of the compound nucleus at the Coulomb barrier B(here a barrier distribution f(B) is considered) and angular momentum Jis given (10) Here the interaction time tint(Ec.m.,J,B) is obtained using the deflection function method [30], which means the time duration for nucleon transfer from the captu re stage to the formation of the complete fused system with the order of 10-20s. We obtain the fusion probability as PCN(Ec.m.,J) (11) where the barrier distribution function is taken in asymmetric Gauss ian form [13 ,15]. So the fusion cross section is written as sfus(Ec.m.) (12) The survival probability of the excited compound nucleus cooled by t he neutron evaporation in competition with fission is expressed as (13) where the E*
CN,Jare the excitation energy and the spin of the compound nucleus, re the excitation energy before evaporating the ith neutron, which has the (14) with the initial condition E*
CN. The energy Bn iis the separation energy of the ith neu- tron. The nuclear temperature Tiis given by the level density parameter a. P(E*
CN,x,J) is the realization probability of emitting xneutrons. The widths of neutron evapo- ration and fission are calculated using the statistical model. The det ails can be found in Ref. [15]. The level density is expressed by the back-shifted Bethe formula [ 31] with the spin cut-off model as r(E*,J) the KrotandKvibare the coefficients of the rotational and vibrational enhancemen ts. The pairing energy is given by =kh12 A(16) 7in MeV(kh=-1, 0 and 1 for odd-odd, odd-even and even-even nuclei, respec tively). The spin is calculated by the (17) where the rigid-body moment of inertia has the relation zr.b= 0.4MR2with the mass Mand the radius Rof the nucleus. The level density parameter is related to the shell c orrection energy Esh(Z,N) and the excitation energy E*of the nucleus as a(E*,Z,N) = (18) Here, ~a(A) =aA+bA2/3bsis the asymptotic Fermi-gas value of the level density parameter at high excitation energy. The shell damping factor is given by f(E*) = 1-exp(-gE*) (19) withg= ~a/(oA4/3). l of different nuclides at the ground state calculated by using Eq.(18) and compared them with two empirical formulas a(A) =A/8, andA/12. It can be seen that the strong shell effects appear in the level density. With this procedure introduced above, we calculated the angular mo mentum dependence of the capture, fusion and survival probabilities as shown in Fig.2 for th e Thevalue with increasing the relative angular momentum. So in the follo wing estimation of the production cross sections, we cut off the maximal angular momentu m atJmax= 30, which is taken as the same value that used in the cold fusion reactions [18]. 3 Results and discussions 3.1 Fusion-fission reactions and quasi-fission mass yields As a test of the parameters for the estimation of the transmission of two colliding nuclei and of the thermal compound nucleus, we analyzed the f usion-fission reactions for the selected systems shown in Fig.3 assuming PCN= 1. The capture and evaporation residue cross sections are compared with the available experimental data [32 ,33,34,35]. For these systems the quasi-fission does not dominate in the sub-barrier region, which also means that PCN~1. 8The evaporation residues are mainly determined through the captu re of the light projectile by the target nucleus and the survival probabilities of the formed compou nd nucleus. The can be reproduced rather well within the error bars. Some dis crepancies may come from the quasi-fission in the above barrier region and from the input quan tities, such as the energy, shell correction and mass. The rotational an d the vibrational enhancement in the level density can also affect the survival probabilities of the exc ited compound nucleus [36]. Herewe takeunity asshown inTable1 because t heheight ofthefission barrier is also sensitive to the survival of the compound nucleus by fitting th e experimental excitation functions in the fusion-fission reactions. Since the electrostatic energy of the composite systems formed b y two heavy colliding nuclei is very large, so although the two nuclei may be captured by the nuc lear potential, they almost always separate after mass transfer from the heavier nucleus to the lighter one rather fusing. This process is called quasi-fission [37 ,38], which is the main feature in the massive fusion reactions and can inhibit fusion by several degree of freedom. Recently, exp eriment has performed nice works by measuring the quasi-fission and fusion-fission mass yields [3 9]. In the DNS model, mass yields are expressed as [26] Yq-f(A1) data for the two48Ca induced reaction systems. The trends of the distribution can be reproduced by the DNS model. At the domain of the medium-mass fragments A The experimental data arehigher than the calculated values, which may become fromthe contribution of the fusion-fission fragments. 3.2 Evaporation residue cross sections The evaporation residues observed in laboratories by the consecu tiveadecay are mainly produced by the complete fusion reactions, in which the fusion dynamics and th e structure properties of affect their production. of theDNSmodel, , 113, targets in the48Ca induced reactions as shown in Fig.5, and compared them with the Dubna data [7 ,40,41] as well as with the recent GSI data [42] for238U targets in the 3n sections in the 3n channel have a slight decrease at the same excitation energy, which is in 9a good agreement with our calculated results. The calculations were carried out before getting the experimental data [41] for the and a good agreement with the data is also found [43]. The excitation energy of the compound nucleus is obt ained by the Ec.m.is the incident energy in the center-of-mass system. The Qvalue is given by Q= MP+MT-MC, and the corresponding mass excesses Mi(i=P,T,C) are taken the data from Ref. [44] for the projectile, target and compound nucle us denoted with the symbols P,TandC, respectively. Usually, the neutron-rich comb inations are in favor of synthesizing SHN experimentally, which can enhance the survival pr obability Wsurin Eq.(1) of the formed compound nucleus because of the smaller neutron sepa ration energy. Differently to the cold fusion reactions [18], the maximal production cross sectio ns from Ds to 115 especially in the 2n-5n channels are not changed much although the heavier SH Ns are synthesized. Within the error bars the experimental data can be reproduced rather well. With the same procedure, we analyzed the evaporation residue excitation functions with targ ets242,244Pu and245,248Cm that are used to synthesize the superheavy elements Z=114 and 116 in D ubna [40,45] (Fig.6). Our calculations show that the target244Pu has a larger production cross section than242Pu because of the larger survival probability. In Fig.7 we also calculated the evap oration residue to synthesize superheavy elements Z=117-120 using th e actinide isotopes with and257Fm. The 3n evaporation channel with an excitation energy of the formed compound nucleus around 30 MeV is favorable to prod uce SHN with Z >=117 by using the actinide targets. Within the error bars, the positions of t he maximal production cross sections are in good agreement with the available experimental resu lts. Similar calculation of the evaporation residue excitation functions was also reported in R ef. [46]. The spectrum form of evaporating neutrons is mainly determined by the survival proba bility, in which the energy and the shell correction play a very important r ole in the determination of the value. We considered the angular momentum influence in the calculatio n of the level density, but did not include it in the estimation of the fission barrier of the thermal compound nucleus. As pointed out in section 1, the fission barrier of SHN decreases rapidly with increasing of the compound nucleus, where the rotation of the syste m affects the height of the barrier and also influences other crucial quantities such as the level densit y etc. In Fig.8 we show a comparison of the calculated maximal production cr oss sections of super- heavy elements Z=102-120 in the cold fusion reactions by evaporat ing one neutron, in the48Ca induced reactions with actinide targets by evaporating three neut rons, and the experimental data [1,2,4,47]. The production cross sections decrease rapidly with increasing the charge number of 10the synthesized compound nucleus in the cold fusion reactions, suc h as from 0.2 ubfor the to 1 pb for70Zn+208Pb, and even below 0.1 pb for synthesizing Z >=113 [18]. It seems to be difficult to synthesize superheavy elements Z >=113 in the cold fusion reactions at the The calculated results show that the48Ca induced reactions have smaller production cross sections with232Th target, but are in favor of synthesizing heavier SHN (Z >=113) because of the larger cross sections. The experimental data also give such tr ends. In the DNS concept, the inner fusion barrier increases with reducing mass asymmetry in the c old fusion reactions, which leads to a decrease of the formation probability of the compound nu cleus. However, the48Ca induced reactions have not such increase of the inner fusion barrie r for synthesizing heavier SHN. Because of the larger transmission and the higher fusion probability , we obtain larger SHN(Z reactions have the smaller survival probability than those in the cold fusion rea ctions. It is still a good way to synthesize heavier SHN by using the48Ca induced reactions. Of course, further are anticipated to be obtained in the future. However, the ac tinide targets are difficulty to be handled in experiments synthesizing heavier SHN. 3.3 Isotopic dependence of the production cross sections Recent experimental data show that the production cross sectio ns of the SHN depend on Forexample, the maximal cross section in the 3n channel is 3 .7+-3.6 1.8pb for the at the excitation energy 37.9 MeV; however, it is 1 .2 pb for the although the later is a neutron-rich target [8 ,40]. The isotopic trends of the production cross sections were also observed and investigated in cold fusion reactions [48 ,18]. Further investigations on the isotopic trends in the48Ca induced reactions are very necessary for predicting the optima l energies (incident energies) and evaporation channels in the synthesis of SHN. In Fig.9 we show the calculated isotopic trends in producing superheavy elem ents Z=110, 112 with the isotopic actinides Th and U in the 3n channels, and compare them with t he available performed in Dubna [40] (squares with error bars) and at GSI [42] (circles with error bars). The results show that the targets230Th in the 4n channel and235,238U in the 3n channel have the largest cross sections. The isotopic trends in synthesizing Z=113- 116 with the actinide targets Np, Pu, Am and Cm are also calculated systematically, and compared w ith the existing data measured in Dubna [7 ,40,45] and the results of Adamian et al. [49] for the Pu isotopes as sho wn 11in Fig.10 and Fig.11. The and245,247Cm in the 3n channels, and 244Pu in the 4n channel as well as the isotope250Cm are suitable for synthesizing SHN. Except for the244Pu, our calculated cross sections are smaller than the ones of the A damian et al. In the DNS model, the isotopic dependence of the production cross se ctions is mainly determined by both the fusion and survival probabilities. Of course, the transmis sion probability of two colliding nuclei can also be affected since the isotopes have initial quadrupole deformations. With the same procedure, we analyzed the dependence of the production c ross sections on the isotopes Bk and Cf in the 3n channels for synthesizing the superheavy elements Z=117, 118 and compared them with the available experimental data [8] shown in Fig.12. The resu lts show that the and251,252Cf are favorable for synthesizing the superheavy elements Z=117 and 118. excitation energies are also given in the figures. In Fig.13 we show the dependence of the inner fusion barrier, the fis sion barrier of the and theneutron separation energies of evaporat ing3n and4non themass numbers of the isotopic targets Cm in the48Ca induced reactions. It is obvious that the combinations with the have smaller inner fusion barriers, higher fission barriers and sma ller 3n separation energies, which result in larger production cross sectio ns producing the Z=116. Although the lower fission barrier for the isotope250Cm, it gives the smaller inner fusion barrier and neutron separation energies, which also lea ds to the larger cross sections in the 3n and 4n channels as shown in Fig.11. The shell correction and t he neutron are taken from Ref. [44]. When the neutron number of the target increases, the DNS gets more asymmetrical and the fusion probability increases if the D NS does not consist of more stable nuclei (such as magic nuclei) because of a smaller inner fusion b arrier. A smaller energy and a larger shell correction lead to a larger sur vival probability. The compound nucleus with closed neutron shells has a larger shell correction ener gy and a larger neutron sep- aration energy. The neutron-rich actinide target has larger fusio n and survival probabilities due to the larger asymmetric initial combinations and smaller neutron sep aration energies. But such actinide isotopes are usually unstable with smaller half-lives. With the e stablishment of the high intensity radioactive-beam facilities, the neutron-rich SHN may be s ynthesized approaches the island of based reactions The uranium is the heaviest element existing in the nature. It has a lar ger mass as a target in the fusion reactions with the various ne utron-rich light projectiles. The isotope238U is the neutron-richest nucleus in the U isotopes and often chosen as the target for synthesizing SHN. In Fig.14 we give evaporation residue excitation fu nctions of the in the 2n-5n channels. The results show that the 4n channel in the has the larger cross sections with 2.1 pb at an excitation energy 42 MeV. This reaction is being used to synthesize the superheavy nucleus Ds with HIRFL ac celerator at Institute of Modern Physics in Lanzhou. The lead to the cross section stigated shown in Fig.15. Calculations show that the isotopes235U and238U are favorable in producing SHN. The cross sections are reduced with increasing the mass numb ers of the projectiles. Other reaction mechanisms to synthesize SHN have to be investigated with theoretical models, such as the massive transfer reactions, and the complete fusion reaction s induced by weakly bound nuclei. Work in these directions is in progress within the framework of the DN S model. 4 the DNS model, we systematically investigated the production o f superheavy residues reactions, in which the nucleon transfer leadin g to the formation of the su- perheavy compound nucleus is described with a set of microscopically derived master equations that are solved numerically and include the quasi-fission of the DNS an d the fission of the heavy fragments. The fusion dynamics and the evaporation residue excit ation functions in the48Ca fusion reactions are systematically investigated. The calculated re sults are in good agreement with the available experimental data within the error bars. Isotopic trends in the production of superheavy elements are analyzed. It is shown that the and251,252Cf in the 3n channels, in the 4n channels are favorable for producing the superheavy elements Z= 110, 112 and 113-118, respec- tively. The evaporation residue excitation functions of the reactio in the 2n-5n channels and the isotopic trends and64Ni bombarding U isotopes are also studied. 135 of us (Z.-Q. Feng) is grateful to Prof. H. Feldmeier, Dr. G.G. Ad amian and Dr. N.V. Antonenko for fruitful discussions and help, and also thanks the h ospitality during his stay in GSI. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Fou ndation of China under Grant No. 10805061, the special foundation of the president fellowship, the west doctoral project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and major state basic research dev elopment program under Grant No. S. Hofmann and G. M unzenberg, Rev. Mod. Phys. 72 (2000) 73 3; S. Hofmann, Rep. Prog. Phys. 61 (1998) 639. [2] Yu.Ts. Oganessian, J. Phys. G 34 (2007) R165; Nucl. Phys. A 787 (2007) 343c. [3] Yu.Ts. Oganessian, A.S. Iljnov, A.G. Demin, et al., Nucl. Phys. A 239 (1975) 353; Nucl. Phys. A 239 (1975) 157. [4] G. M unzenberg, J. Phys. G 25 (1999) 717. [5] K. Morita, K. 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/s48 /s50/s48 /s52/s48 /s54/s48 /s50/s48 /s52/s48 /s54/s48 /s78 /s78 /s50/s48 /s52/s48 /s54/s48 2: Calculated capture, fusion and survival probabilities as fu nctions of the relative angular momenta in the at excitation energies of the compound nucleus of 20 MeV and 40 MeV, /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s54/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s54/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s54/s48 3: Comparison of the calculated fusion-fission excitation fun ctions and the available exper- imental data for the /s54/s48 /s56/s48 /s49/s48/s48 /s49/s50/s48 /s54/s48 /s56/s48 /s49/s48/s48 /s49/s50/s48 4: Calculated quasi-fission mass yields for the and48Ca+248Cm at excitation energies of the compound nuclei 42 MeV and 33 MeV, resp ectively, and compared them with the available experimental data [39]. 18/s50/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 5: The calculated evaporation residue excitation functions w and 243Am targets in48Ca induced reactions, and compared with the available experimental /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 6: The same as in Fig.5, but for the targets242,244Pu and245,248Cm to produce s Z=114 and 116. 20/s50/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 7: The same as in Fig.5, but for the and257Fm to elements /s49/s48/s50 /s49/s48/s52 /s49/s48/s54 /s49/s48/s56 /s49/s49/s48 /s49/s49/s50 /s49/s49/s52 /s49/s49/s54 /s49/s49/s56 /s49/s50/s48 8: Maximal production cross sections of superheavy elemen ts Z=102-120 in cold fusion reactions based on208Pb and209Bi targets with projectile and88Sr, in48Ca induced reactions with actinide targets by evaporating 3 neutrons, in comparison with available experimental data [1 /s50/s50/s56 /s50/s50/s57 /s50/s51/s48 /s50/s51/s49 /s50/s51/s50 /s50/s51/s50 /s50/s51/s51 /s50/s51/s52 /s50/s51/s53 /s50/s51/s54 /s50/s51/s55 /s50/s51/s56 9: Isotopic dependence of the calculated maximal productio n cross sections in the 3n evaporation channel and the corresponding excitation energies in the synthesis of s Z=110 and 112 for the and48Ca+AU, and compared with the experimental data [40 /s50/s51/s54 /s50/s51/s56 /s50/s52/s48 /s50/s52/s50 10: The same as in Fig.9, but for isotopic targets Np and Pu to p roduce s Z=113 and /s50/s52/s50 /s50/s52/s52 /s50/s52/s54 /s50/s52/s56 11: The same as in Fig.9, but for isotopic targets Am and Cm to s ynthesize s Z=115 and 116 in 3n and 4n /s50/s52/s56 /s50/s52/s56 /s50/s52/s57 /s50/s53/s48 /s50/s53/s49 /s50/s53/s50 12: The same as in Fig.9, but for isotopes Bk and Cf in48Ca induced /s50/s52/s52 /s50/s52/s54 /s50/s52/s56 /s50/s52/s52 /s50/s52/s54 /s50/s52/s56 13: (a) the inner fusion barrier, (b) the fission barrier of th e compound nucleus and (c) the neutron separation energy as a function of the mass numbers of t he isotopic targets Cm in /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 14: The evaporation residue excitation functions in the reac /s50/s51/s52 /s50/s51/s53 /s50/s51/s54 /s50/s51/s55 /s50/s51/s52 /s50/s51/s53 /s50/s51/s54 /s50/s51/s55 15: The production cross sections in the 3n channels as a fun ction of the mass number of the isotopic targets U with and64Ni. 26 | 0803.1117 | Zhaoqing Feng | Zhao-Qing Feng, Gen-Ming Jin, Jun-Qing Li, Werner Scheid | Production of heavy and superheavy nuclei in massive fusion reactions | 26 pages, 15 figures | Nucl. Phys. A 816 (2009) 33 | 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2008.11.003 | null | nucl-th | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Within the framework of a dinuclear system (DNS) model, the
evaporation-residue excitation functions and the quasi-fission mass yields in
the $^{48}$Ca induced fusion reactions are investigated systematically and
compared with available experimental data. Maximal production cross sections of
superheavy nuclei based on stable actinide targets are obtained. Isotopic
trends in the production of the superheavy elements Z=110, 112-118 based on the
actinide isotopic targets are analyzed systematically. Optimal evaporation
channels and combinations as well as the corresponding excitation energies are
proposed. The possible factors that influencing the isotopic dependence of the
production cross sections are analyzed. The formation of the superheavy nuclei
based on the isotopes U with different projectiles are also investigated and
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 7 Mar 2008 15:42:37 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 20 Apr 2009 10:23:25 GMT"
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] |
regime: the effect of the zero-point oscillation to the gravity. We do not kn ow the general theory for this, however, there can be two possibilities for the Hawking radi ation. One is such that the radiation can carry away the black hole en ergy to cause its evaporation. In this case, the backreaction of the quantum filed is so large as to alter th e black hole formation completely [4]. We will see in the present paper there can be another possibility tha t the field has no backreaction to the black hole geometry. In this case, however, there will be no black hole e vaporation at all even with the existence of Hawking radiation. This may be plausible because there are c onsiderable amount of observational evidence to believe the existence of black holes. We take an approach a little di fferent from the conventional quantization with creation in the present paper; the mathematical structure is equivalent, but its interpretation is not the same. The quantization with creation /annihilation operators takes two di fferent steps, transition from the classic to quantum field and introduction of the particle pic ture, namely, at the same time. The essential step in the canonical quantization method is to replace a classic al Poisson bracket with a quantum regarding the field as a collection of quantum opera tors. If conserved quantities have with equal intervals, then we can construct the particle picture. It is well known the latter is not always possible in a curved spacetime. It also should be noted these two steps do not have to be done at the same place even when we have the particle picture. The commutation relation must be given on a Chaucy surface on which the Poisson bracket is defined. The particle picture, in contrast, does not have t o be on the same surface. It can be on some other spacelike surface, which does not have to be a Chaucy surface as long as there exist some conservation laws on it. In the present paper, the essential quantization, i.e., defi nition of the commutation relation, will be done on the surface of constant time in Minkowski /Kruscal coordinates. Then the particle picture is introduc ed based on that quantization, not only on the same surface but a lso on the surface of constant time coordinates. The particle picture is based on conservation laws in genera l. What we directly measure is not the particle number itself, but some conserved quantity such as energy or electric charge. We imagine each of which carries a certain amount of conserv ed quantity, if the total of the quantity has discrete values proportional to an integer n. This means the concept of particle number is defined by cons erved quantities. If all the share the same n, then we can define one unique particle number, however, this is not the case. There can be several di fferent definitions of particle numbers because there can be se veral different Killing vector fields that determine the conservation laws in a relat ivistic one physical state can have di fferent particle numbers, and this is what is happening in the Unruh/Hawking process. Particles are not created in the literal me aning of creation, which means the particle number increases as time goes on. Rather, what take s place is just a di fference of particle numbers caused by the difference in their definitions. This is in agreement with the res ult of Belinski [3] calculated from another viewpoint. We will see in the present paper the radiation of particles co mes from the vacuum state, i.e., zero particle state, of another kind of particle number. This is possible b ecause a vacuum is not a completely empty space but has zero point oscillations. The continuous parti cle radiation can take place because the zero exist up to infinitely large wave numbers, whic h means infinite amount of energy source. The present paper is organized in the following. In section 2 we first review some basic concepts to clarify the procedure of quantization used in the later sect ions. We examine in Section 3 the case of Unruh process in a flat spacetime, since it has the two di fferent types of conservation laws clearly defined; we can understand the problem with this simple analogy. We apply th e results obtained in Section 3 to the case of Schwarzschild black holes in Section 4, and a brief summary i s given in Section 5. 22 Basics 2.1 Time and Energy The concept of energy is often used in a sloppy way, which some times leads to misconceptions. The integration of the energy-momentum tensor cannot be carrie d out in the curved spacetime in there can be well defined energy as a globally cons erved quantity if there exists a Killing vector field. If a Killing vector xnis timelike, then the energy-momentum tensor) over an appropriate spacelike surface Sis conserved with respect to the time evolution in xn. If there are several different timelike Killing vector fields, there can be the same nu mber of corresponding energies; the energies defined by di fferent Killing vector fields are di fferent physical this di fference in energies is not well understood and causes confusi on; one good example is an intuitive explanation of the Hawking radiation found i n popular science books. It goes like: (1) a vacuum is not an empty space but filled with instantaneous pai r production of virtual particles; (2) a pair of virtual particles can exist within a short time period of of the uncertain principle; (3) when such virtual particles are created near the event ho rizon, one of the pair may fall into the black hole across the horizon during the time interval of t; (4) once a virtual particle crosses the horizon, its energy becomes negative; (5) then the other particle of the p air can have positive energy without violating the energy conservation law. This explanation does not specify the Killing vector field wi th which the time and energy are defined. If the Killing vector is something like the Schwarzschild time , then a particle takes infinitely long time to reach the horizon, and cannot cross the horizon during the period o ft. If, on the other hand, the Killing vector is such that a particle can cross the horizon within a finite pe riod, then the corresponding energy does not change the sign on the other side of the horizon. The pair prod uction near the horizon is not likely to occur to cause the Hawking radiation in both cases. 2.2 Conservation Laws and Particle Numbers Usually the quantization process to investigate Hawking /Unruh process is based on the creation defined by the negative /positive frequency modes. In the present paper we take one st ep back- wards and perform the quantization by replacing the Poisson bracket with the commutation relation. Here- after, let us use the word quantization with the meaning of the transition from the classical to quantum theory, and does not necessarily mean the particle picture. The particle picture is derived from conserved quantities a fter the quantization. If the quantum observ- able of a conserved quantity has the structure of a harmonic o scillator, its eigenvalues are proportional to n+1 2with n=0,1,2,***. Usually the constant1 2is subtracted out by normal ordering, thus the quantity is proportional to n. When there are several conserved quantities that share the same nfor the same state, then we can interpret nas the particle number. Suppose we establish quantization somehow, and find an obser vable ^a(hat mark indicates a and its Hermite conjugate ^a+have the following commutation (1) We use the unit system with throughout the present paper. The general theory of quantu m harmonic oscillators tells us (see., e.g., [10]) an observa ble defined the eigenstates (3) 3if^ahas the commutation relation of (1). For the above argument the observable ^Adoes not have to be related to the Hamiltonian explicitly (no te: the Poisson bracket has something to do with the Hamiltonian implicitly), and there can be several choices for such observables. For example if we define a new observabl then it also satisfies the commutation relation like (1) and thus the eigenvalues B0(n+1 2). It is easy to confirm its eigenstates not the eigenstates of ^A, and vice versa. Both pairs ^a,^a+and ^b,^b+have the structure of annihilation /creation operators, however, it is not enough for the particle picture. To construct the particle picture with ^aand ^a+,^Amust obey a conservation law in time, i.e.,^A/t=0 (here we employ the Heisenberg picture) at least approxima tely. If ^Arapidly changes even without interactions, so does n, and it is not appropriate to regard nas a particle number. When the Hamiltonian does not depend on time explicitly, the condition of^A/t=0 is equivalent to the following commutation (5) Obviously the Hamiltonian itself satisfies this condition, therefore, the Hamiltonian is usually used to introduce the particle picture. Then the operators ^aand ^a+become the amplitudes of wave modes with positive and negative frequencies respectively, which are usually used in the procedure of quantization as the annihilation and creation operators. Therefore, the mathematical structure in the present paper is equivalent to the one in the conventional method. If there are other conserved observables with respect to the time t, then they share the same set of eigenstates with the Hamiltonian ^Hbecause of the commutation relation (5). Therefore ncan be regarded as the particle number without specifying the conserved qua ntities, as long as the conservation laws are on the same time evolution of t. Especially, the ground sate of the observables is uniquely determined, and we call it vacuum. We can define the number operator as
^N=^a+^a, (6) whose eigenvalue is the particle number n, and the vacuum means the eigenstate with n=0. However, in relativistic spacetimes there can be several di fferent types of time evolution with di fferent sets of conservation laws because several di fferent Killing vector fields can exist; the Minkowski and Rind ler times in a flat spacetime are a good example. If two different types of time evolution have their own conservation la ws, then the conserved quantities that belong to di fferent time evolution may have di fferent sets of eigenstates. Consequently the ground state in one time evolution is not the ground state in another , in other words, they have di fferent vacuum states. This is what causes Hawking /Unruh radiation as we will see in the next section. 3 Unruh process 3.1 Minkowski the following real valued Klein-Goldon equation in a two dimensional Minkowski spacetime where tand xare the time and space (7) 4We writeph/ t=ph,tetc. in shorthand. We take the Cauchy surface for the canonic al dynamics as the one defined with t=constant, then the Hamiltonian may be written (8) We expand the field (9) with mode the asterisk indicates complex conjugate. Precisely sp eaking, akdiverges to infinity as we usually encounter in the Fourier transform; we assume s ome appropriate prescription, such as formulation, has been applied to avoid this d ifficulty in this paper. The essential transition from the classical to the quantum fi eld is done by replacing a(k) and a*(k) with the operators satisfying the commutation relation (11) The above quantization is based on the Cauchy surface of t=constant. It should be noted that the quantization in this paper takes place only once at this poin t. Later we introduce the particle picture on the surface of constant Rindler time, but it is expressed by a lin ear superposition of ^aand ^a+and based on the commutation relation defined here. The Hamiltonian (8) can be expressed as a collection of quant um harmonic (12) Therefore, we can define the particle number as explained in t he previous section, and ground sate of ^His called vacuum. Now that we have the quantized operators ^a(k) and ^a+(k), we can calculate the field ^ph(x,t) at any point of the spacetime as a quantum observable. Any classical quan tity defined from the classical field phcan be quantized by (13) 3.2 Rindler Coordinates The Hamiltonian Hin (8) is the energy with the conservation law based the Killi ng vector field of Minkowski timet. We examine in the following another conservation law resul ting from another Killing vector field kxt-ktx, wherekis a real constant that corresponds to the relativistic acce leration. The energy Mfor this Killing vector field is written in the classical field theory a (14) whereS(e) is a surface specified by t/x=tanh(ke) and x>0. Clearly Mis not the same quantity as H, therefor, let us distinguish Mand Hby calling them Rindler energy and Minkowski energy res pectively. The density of the Rindler energy is conserved locally, and t here is no Rindler energy flow across the left and right Rindler wedges, thus we have M/e=0; once we calculate Mon a surfaceS(e) with a given 5e, then the result holds for all e. When we choose e=0, we can express Mwith the coefficients a(k) of the Minkowski modes. Since Mis quadratic inphwe can dk', (15) with coefficients A,B, and Cthat do not depend on eort. The above quantity is quantized by replacing a(k)-^a(k) and a*(k)-^a+(k) dk'. (16) As noted before, this quantization is based on the Cauchy sur face of t=constant, notS(e). not have to be a Cauchy surface. What we wish to show in the following is that the particle numb ers defined by ^Mand ^Hare not the same. Before that, we have to show that ^Msurely can define the particle number. Suppose an operator ^bis defined as a linear superposition of ^aand the commutation (18) and ^Mcan be expressed with (19) then we can define the particle number with ^Min the similar way as done in the previous subsection with
^H. It is possible show the above two equations with direct calcu lation, however, it is easier to use the following Rindler coordinates ( e,r) for the right Rindler wedge i.e., region of (20) Then the Rindler energy ^Mmay be written (21) We introduce the (22) withs=|p|. The wave function ^phcan be expanded in the right Rindler wedge (23) 6then ^Min (21) can be cast into (19). In this context aandbin (17) are equivalent to the Bogolubov coe fficients that (24) The above property combined with (11) yields the commutatio n relation of (18), therefore we can define particle numbers with ^M. What we do next is to compare the eigenstates of ^Mand ^H. From (16) it is clear that ^Mand ^Hdo not share the same set of eigenstates unless Aand Cvanishes. We can see from (17) and (15) that Aand however,bcan be evaluated by a straightforward integration (see, e.g ., [11]), (25) Therefore, the eigenstates of ^Mare not the eigenstates of ^H. This means that the ground state of ^His not the ground state of ^M, which can be stated in other words as a vacuum defined by the M inkowski energy is not a vacuum defined by the Rindler energy. The expected valu e of the particle number defined by Rindler energy (we call Rindler particle number hereafter) in the Mi nkowski vacuum can be calculated using (25), resulting the well known Plankian distribution [11]. What we have seen above is not surprising since di fferent operators may have di fferent sets of it contradicts with the picture of the pair product ion by the gravitational force often found in intuitive explanations like the one in Section 2. The part icle number defined by Minkowski particle number hereafter) is zero for all t, and the Rindler particle number has the fixed Plankian distribution for all e. This is consistent with the time symmetry; the vacuum in the flat spacetime must be symmetric in time, both in tande, but the particle creation process is not symmetric. 3.3 Origin of the Radiation The Rindler particle number in the Unruh process is calculat ed by the expected value of the Rindler energy for the ground state of the Minkowski energy, i.e., If the vacuum were a completely empty space, i.e., vanish. However, this is not true since the quantum ground state has zero point oscillation, and hence This means the particles found in the Unruh process comes from the zero point oscillation of the Mi nkowski modes. Then what we wish to know is the properties of zero point oscil lations that contribute to the of Rindler energy. In the present paper we concent rate on right moving waves, i.e., ok<0 or sp<0, since their analog in the Schwarzschild spacetime play th e key role in the black hole evaporation. It should be noted, however, left moving waves are also problem atic and should be examined in the next step. We first examine the properties of waves in the classical limi t, and then apply the result to the begin with, we observe that the a eigenmode (22) has infinit e Rindler energy in a finite region of 0<=r<r cwith arbitrary position rcin the right Rindler wedge; this can be confirmed by the follow ing direct (26) Also it is easy to confirm there is a constant rightward outflux of the Rindler energy at r=rcby This outflux comes from the region of 0 <=r<r c, but the total Rindler energy can be the amount of the Rindler energy in that region is infi nitely large. Belinski [3] considered this fact as physically unacceptable and concluded the radiation res ults from v(p) is just a mathematical illusion. 7The present paper takes a di fferent interpretation. The infinite Rindler energy can be phy sically real as long as we believe zero point oscillations exist for any high frequency modes, because the collection of has infinitely large Rindler energy even in a fin ite volume. To see this, we examine the behavior of the a wave packet in the following form ( c.c. means (27) This wave packet was initially localized around r=r0with width s0ate=0, and propagates rightward. The width of the packet becomes larger and the wave number become s smaller as a result of wave propagation. The wave packet can be expanded by the Minkowski modes u(k;t,x) (28) with the Klein-Goldon inner products ( ph1,ph2), which can be calculated at t=e=0 (29) When sr0ln(kr0) then we can (30) where the width and center of the wave packet at a time e. Using the we (31) from (28) with (29). The above expression means that the wave packet comes from the Minkowski modes with wave number around k0=p/kr 0when s0kr0/p. Suppose we find a wave packet around r1at a given timee=e1(>0) in the Rindler space then its position ate=0 wasr0=r1e-ke1, therefore, the packet consists of the Minkowski modes with k~k0=p eke1/kr 0. When we regard the wave field at e=e1as a superposition of such wave packets, we see that the waves in the region of 0<r<r 1ate=e1consists of Minkowski modes with wave numbers larger than k0=p eke1/kr 0. Since k0- in the limit ofe1- , we understand the Rindler energy radiation at the distant f uture in ecomes from the Minkowski modes with infinitely large wave num bers. The Rindler coordinates represent an observer with constant acceleration, and the relative ve locity of the accelerating observer to the rest frame becomes infinitely large in the limit of e- . Waves with finite wave numbers in this limit are infinitely red shifted, therefore its original wave number must have be en infinitely large. Now let us apply the above observation to quantum vacua to see the origin of the Rindler the quantum state is Minkowski vacuum, i.e., the gro und state of the Minkowski energy. Then the state has zero point oscillation up to infinitely large wa ve numbers. Usually the energy of these zero point oscillation is subtracted out by normal ordering, and we regard there is no particle in the ground state. However, the ground state of the Minkowski energy is not the g round state of the Rindler energy, which means the existence of the Rindler particles. The continuou s radiation of Rindler particles is possible for any largeebecause the zero point Minkowski energy exist for modes with any large wave numbers. The radiated Rindler energy must have been piled up near r=0 at the initial time of e=0, since there is no particle creation as we have seen in the previous subsection . 84 Hawking Radiation Let us move on to the Hawking radiation from a Schwarzchild bl ack hole in this section. We introduce the Schwarzchild coordinates ( t,r,th,ph ) whose metric (32) The Kruscal coordinates ( u,v,th,ph ) are related to ( t,r,th,ph ) (34) The rest of the coordinates, thandph, are unchanged. It is generally accepted that the quantum properties of vacu um near the Schwarzchild event horizon is essentially the same as those in the Rindler spacetime [2, 12], therefore, the results we obtained in the previous section are basically valid by replacing Minkowsk i/Rindler coordinates with Kruscal (note: tin the Schwarzchild spacetime corresponds to e, not t, in the flat spacetime). There are, however, two fundamental di fferences. One is the definition of the energy in Kruscal coordi nates, and the other is the backreaction of the quantum fields to the blac k hole metric. The latter causes the in the scenario of the black hole evaporation. The first difference is about the energy that corresponds to the Minkowski energy. The Kruscal time uis not a global Killing time, and thus there is no global energy c onservation law like for the Minkowski energy. However, ucan be approximately regarded as a Killing time near the hori zons. As we have seen in the previous section, the radiation in later time comes from the infinitely high frequency modes the horizon, therefore the energy is conserved approxi mately for these waves. This is in parallel to the approximation of geometrical opti cs used by Hawking in his original paper [1]; geometrical optics assumes locally constant frequency, wh ich means locally constant energy. Hereafter we assume the energy corresponds to the Kruscal time uis approximately conserved, and treat it in the same way as for the Minkowski energy in the previous subsection. W e call it Hartle-Hawking energy since its ground state is often called Hartle-Hawking vacuum. The ene rgy defined with the Schwarzchild time is called Boulware energy hereafter for the same reason. We have another problem in the definition of the Hartle-Hawki ng energy in a Schwarzchild energy is defined as an integration over a surface o ft=constant in a flat spacetime. If we introduce a similar definition for the Hartle-Hawking energ y with Kruscal time u=constant, the energy would include the part of the white hole in the extended Schwa rzchild spacetime. This di fficulty may be avoided by analyzing the black hole formation process by a st ar collapse, or the analytical proposed by Hartle and Hawking [13]. A detailed analy sis on this point will be given in a forthcoming paper of the author. The second difference is far more serious; the energy of zero point oscillat ions may change the metric. Usually the zero point energy is subtracted out by normal ord ering in the source term of the and the vacuum does not have e ffect on the metric. This means only the excited state of the ene rgy can cause gravitation. However, as we have seen in the previo us section, the ground state of is not the ground state of the Boulware energy, and vis e versa. In a flat spacetime we consider the ground state of the Minkows ki energy is the state of no the Minkowski coordinates are the natural coordi nate system. We have seen there is of the Rindler energy near r=0 for a Rindler mode v(p;e,r). There must be an source of gravitational force at r=0 if we assume the ground state of the Rindler energy is the sta te of no gravitation, since the vacuum state defined by the Minko wski energy is the excited state of the Rindler energy. This is not plausible, and we can conclude the ground state of the Minkowski energy has no e ffect on the metric. In contrast, we do not know which coordinate system is natur al to calculate the energy for a curved spacetime in general (see, e.g., [14]). The Schwarzchild coordinates are to be natural in the scenario of the black hole evap oration, in other words, excited states of Boulware energy causes the gravity. The black hole evaporat ion is believed to be the result of the that carries the energy away from the black hole, a nd the energy in this context is the Boulware energy; this means the Boulware energy can have e ffects on the black hole metric somehow. If this is true, however, the Rindler energy radiated at late r times must have been exist just outside of the horizon from the beginning [3]. The energy does not come from inside the black hole, but comes from the Minkowski modes with extremely high wave numbers. This mean s the backreaction of the quantum field is far from negligible to the black hole metric [4]. On the contrary, we can imagine the gravity is caused by the ex ited state of Hartle-Hawking energy and its ground state has no e ffect on the metric. The black hole can exist in this case, howev er, it cannot evaporate. There exists a constant outflow of Boulware energy, but it is t he ground state of the Hartle-Hawking energy and does not have a backreaction on the metric. Consequently the black hole metric is unchanged at all, just like the Unruh process does not change the flat metric. There c an be other possibilities for the e ffect of the zero point energy to the metric, however, it is hard to imagin e there is an extremely convenient case which is favorable for the scenario of black hole evaporation. 5 Summary What we have seen in the present paper are: 1. The ground state of Minkowski /Hartle-Hawking energy is not the ground states of Rindler and this is what causes the Hawking /Unruh process. 2. The quantum state is unchanged and particles pairs are not created in any coordinate system; the num- ber of Minkowski /Hartle-Hawking particles is zero and number of Rindler /Boulware particles has time stationary Plankian distribution all through the time, whe re time means the Rindler . 3. The radiation of Rindler /Boulware energy in the distant future of Rindler /Schwarzchild time comes from the zero point oscillation of Minkowski /Hartle-Hawking energy with infinitely large wave The effect of zero point energy to the metric is not known, however, w e have the following for a Schwarzchild spacetime. The scenario o f black hole evaporation is inconsistent in both cases. (a) If the Hawking radiation causes the black hole evaporati on,it means the excitation in the Boulware energy can cause the metric change. The Boulware energy radi ated later time was accumulated near the horizon at the initial time, whose existence essent ially alter the Schwarzchild metric from the beginning. (b) If, on the contrary, the Boulware energy of the Hawking ra diation does not a ffect the metric, then the Schwarzchild metric can exist as we expect, but exists fo rever. There is no evaporation of the black hole. 10We started the present study by assuming that the cis-Planki an physics is valid for any small scale phenom- ena, and end up with the inconsistency of black hole evaporat ion. This fact means we have no reason to believe the black hole evaporation. A new theory of physics i n trans-Plankian scale may save the evapora- tion, but may not; we can imagine anything, but cannot believ e. What we can say for sure is that the physics we know at the present is not able to predict the black hole eva poration, if the calculations in the present paper are correct. We see the scenario of black hole evaporation is inconsisten t, however, we do not know what is the consistent theory even within the cis-Plankian regime. The problem deeply depends on the in curved spacetimes, to which we do not know the an swer yet. It is often said Hawking process can be a touchstone for the theory of quantum gravity. The aut hor of the present paper would like to say it also can be a touchstone for the renormalization theory, or t heory on what is avoided by renormalization at the present, in curved Hawking, S. W., Comm. Math. Phys. 43, 199 (1975). [2] Unruh, W. G., Phys. Rev. D14, 870 (1976). [3] Belinski, V . A., Phys. Lett. A209 , 13 (1995); Phys Lett. A354 , 249 (2007). [4] Helfer, A. D., gr-qc /0008016. [5] Helfer, A. D., Int. J. Mod. Phys. D13, 2299 (2004), gr-qc /0503052. [6] Helfer, A. D., Rept.Prog.Phys. 66, 943 (2003), gr-qc /0304042. [7] Gibbons, G. W., in Proc. First Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity , ed. R. Ruffini, 499 North- Holland (1977). [8] Jacobson, T., Phys. Rev. D44, 1731 (1991); Phys. Rev. D48, 728 (1993); Prog The Phys Suppl 136, 1 Unruh, W. G., Phys. Rev., D51, 2827 (1995); Brout, R., Massar, S., Parentani, R., and Spin del, Ph., Phys. Rev. D52, 4559 (1995), hep-thy /9606121; Corely, S. and Jacobson, T., Phys. Rev., D53, Himemoto, Y. and Tanaka, T., Phys. Rev. D61, 064004, gr-qc/9904076; Saida, H. and Sakagami, M, Phys. Rev. D61, 084023, Messiah, A., Quantum Mechanics , North Holland, (1961). [11] Wipf, A., in Black Holes: Theory and Observation, Proc. 179th W. E. Herae us Seminar , ed. F. W. Hehl, C. Kiefer, and R. J. K. Metzler, 385, Springer (1998), hep-th /9801025; DeWitt, B., The Global Approach to Quantum Field Theory , Oxford (2003). [12] Fulling, S. A., J. Phys. A10, 917 (1977); Wald, R. M., Quantum Field in Curved Spacetime and Black U. Chicago Press (1994). [13] Hartle, J. B., and Hawking, S. W., Phys. Rev. D13, 2188 (1976). [14] Birrell, N. D., and Davies, P . C. W., Quantum Fields in Curved Space , Cambridge Univ. Press (1982); Fulling, S. A., Aspects of Quantum Field Theory in Cureved Space-Time , Cambridge Univ. Press (1989). 11 | 0803.1347 | Tadas Nakamura | Tadas K. Nakamura | On Hawking/Unruh Process: Where does the Radiation Come from? | 11 pages, 0 figures; fixed typo and minor errors, changed page style | null | null | null | gr-qc | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The energy source of the radiation in Unruh/Hawking process is investigated
with emphasis on the particle number definition based on conservation laws. It
has been shown that the particle radiation is not the result of pair creation
by the gravitational force, but the result of difference in the conservation
laws to define the particle number. The origin of the radiated energy in the
distant future corresponds to the zero point oscillations with infinitely large
wave numbers. This result implies the need of reconsideration on the scenario
of black hole evaporation.
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"created": "Thu, 27 Mar 2008 10:25:06 GMT"
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2 Mark S. Marley and S.K. Leggett late-L dwarfs (Kirkpatrick et al. 1999), then the mid-T dwarfs (Burgasser et al. 1999, Strauss et al. 1999) and finally the early-T dwarfs (Leggett et al. 2000). Today over 600 warm ( Teff2400 to 1400 K) L and cool (600 to 1400 K) T dwarfs are known1 and the quest for the elusive, even cooler Y dwarfs is ongoing. Note that collectively late M and later type dwarfs are often termed (or UCDs) to avoid having to distinguish whether particular warm objects in this group are above or below the hydrogen burning minimum mass, the require- ment for bestowing the term 'brown dwarf'. Brown dwarfs will continuously cool over time. The more massive UCDs will eventually arrive on the bottom of the hy- drogen burning main sequence (Burrows et al. 1997). Fig. 1 The most prominent signatures of the ultra cool dwarf spectral sequence are seen in these 0.65 to 14 :5mm spectra of a mid-M, L, and T dwarfs as well as Jupiter (adapted from Cushing et al. (2006)). The spectra have been normalized to unity at 1 :3mm and multiplied by constants. Major absorption bands are marked. The opacity of H 2is indicated as a dashed line because it shows no distinct spectral features but rather a broad, smooth absorption. Jupiter's flux shortward of4mm is predominantly scattered solar light; thermal emission dominates at (near- and mid-infrared Jovian spectra from Rayner, Cushing & Vacca (in preparation) and Kunde et al. (2004), dwarf science is exciting not only for the rapid pace of discovery, but for a host of other reasons as well. First, since brown dwarfs lack an internal energy 1See Future of Ultracool Dwarf Science with JWST 3 source (beyond a brief period of deuterium burning), they cool off over time; they thus reach effective temperatures below those found in stars and enter the realm where chemical equilibrium favors such decidedly 'unstellar' atmospheric species as CH 4and NH 3. Along with these more typical 'planetary' gasses, silicate and iron clouds are found in their atmospheres, leading to interesting, complex atmospheric chemical, dynamical, and Ultracool dwarfs thus bridge the domain between the bottom of the stellar main sequence and giant planets. They are a laboratory for understanding processes that will also be important in the characterization of extrasolar giant planets. Second, they occupy the low mass end of the stellar initial mass function. IMF requires that we understand the masses of individual field objects, which ultimately requires an understanding of their luminosity evolution as well as the dependence of their spectra on mass, gravity, effective temperature and as terra incognita , brown dwarfs (some of our nearest stellar neighbors) have offered a series of surprises that test our ability to understand the universe around us. The most distinctive features of the UCD spectral sequence are highlighted in Figure 1. At effective temperatures below those of late-M dwarfs, several chemi- cal changes (illustrated in Figure 2) occur that strongly impact the spectral First, major diatomic metal species (particularly TiO and FeH) into grains, leading to the gradual departure of hallmarks of the M spectral sequence (Kirkpatrick et al. 1999). Second, the formation of iron and sili- cate grains produces optically thick clouds that veil gaseous absorption bands and redden the near-IR JHK colors of L dwarfs. The atmospheric temperature domain where these clouds are most important is 1500 2000K (e.g. Ackerman & Mar- ley 2001). At lower Teff, the clouds lie near or below the base of the photosphere, and only marginally affect the SEDs of T dwarfs. Finally, CH 4supplants CO as the dominant carbon-bearing molecule. This transition is first noted in the 3-4 mm spectra of mid-L dwarfs (Noll et al. 2000) and appears in of T0 dwarfs (Geballe et al. 2002). Together, increasing CH 4 absorption and sinking cloud decks cause progressively bluer near-IR colors of T dwarfs. For types T5 and later, significant H 2opacity in the K band enhances the trend toward bluer near-infrared colors. These changes in spectral features are used to assign spectral types to UCDs as briefly explained in x2. Given assigned spectral types, measurement of the bolomet- ric luminosity of individual objects along with their parallaxes connect the to effective temperature. Figure 3 illustrates the effective temperature as a function of spectral type from late M through late T. While the general correla- tion of increasing spectral type with falling effective temperature is unmistakable, a remarkably rapid set of spectral changes (as expressed in the variation in spectral type) happens over a relatively small span of Teffnear 1400 K. As we will this variation in expressed spectral signatures, the 'L to T transition', is a key subject of current brown dwarf research. Most of the scientific inquiry into these ultracool dwarfs has focused on their for- mation and youth, on the resultant initial mass function, and on the determination4 Mark S. Marley and S.K. Leggett Fig. 2 Important chemical equilibrium boundaries for substellar objects (modified from Lodders &
Fegley 2006). Green, red, and blue lines denote various condensation boundaries for a solar abun- dance mixture of gasses in a substellar atmosphere. Light purple lines denote equilibrium bound- aries between important gaseous species. Grey dashed lines show model atmospheric profiles for M, L and T dwarfs (the latter specifically for Gl 229 B) as well as for Jupiter. As one moves upwards in the diagram along the model (T;P)curves, the labeled species will con- dense at the intersection with the condensation curves and would be expected to be absent from the gas at lower temperatures further up along the model profiles. This figure can be compared with Figure 1 to understand why spectral features for various compounds are present or absent in each observed spectrum. of their global properties, particularly mass, effective temperature, metallicity, and cloudiness. This review will focus primarily on the latter areas. Burrows et al. (2001) provide a much more in depth review and background to brown dwarf science and is an excellent starting point for those new to the subject. Kirkpatrick (2007) pro- vides a more current look at outstanding issues in the field from an Here we first present a very brief review of the ultracool dwarf spectralThe Future of Ultracool Dwarf Science with JWST 5 Fig. 3 Effective temperature as a function of infrared spectral type for ultracool dwarfs with known parallax (data from Golimowski et al. 2004, Vrba et al. 2004, and Luhman et al. 2007). Note the roughly constant effective temperature for dwarfs of spectral types from late L to early T. See Kirkpatrick (2007) for further and the nature of the current datasets. We then move on to discuss the role that clouds and atmospheric mixing play in controlling the emitted spectra of these ob- jects and the enigmatic L- to T-type transition. Because clouds control the spectral energy distribution of the L and early T dwarfs, and since clouds are inherently diffi- cult to model, constraining gravity solely by comparison of observations to spectral data is particularly challenging. Finally we will close with a look forward to some of the ultracool dwarf science opportunities that will be enabled by JWST. Because of space limitations we neglect several other important avenues of UCD studies of the IMF, very young objects, and of objects with unusual colors. 2 Spectral Type The currently known ultracool dwarfs span spectral types from late M, L0 through L9, and T0 through T9. The TiO and VO bands, which dominate the optical portions of late-M dwarf spectra, disappear in the L dwarfs (Kirkpatrick et al. 1999), where metallic oxides are replaced by metallic hydrides and where features due to neutral alkali metals are strong. To systematize such objects Kirkpatrick et al. indices and defined an optical classification scheme for L dwarfs, which is commonly used. The indices measure the strengths of TiO, VO, CrH, Rb and Cs features as well as a red color term, at wavelengths between 0.71 and 0.99 mm.6 Mark S. Marley and S.K. Leggett With the discovery of the T dwarfs, which have very little flux in the optical, Geballe et al. (2002) defined a near-infrared classification scheme that encompassed both the L and T dwarfs. The indices measure the strength of the H 2O and CH 4 absorption features between 1.1 and 2 mm, and for the early L dwarfs a red color term is also used which is slightly modified from Kirkpatrick et al. et al. (2002a) introduced a near-infrared classification scheme for T dwarfs that was very similar to that of Geballe et al. The two schemes were unified in Burgasser et al. (2006) and this near-infrared scheme is the commonly used scheme for typing T dwarfs. For L dwarfs, both the optical Kirkpatrick et al. and the near- infrared Geballe et al. schemes are used; these usually produce the same type (the Geballe et al. scheme was pinned to the Kirkpatrick et al. types), but for L dwarfs with unusual colors they can give significantly different types. Because of this, scheme used for L dwarfs should always be et al. (2007, and other work referenced therein) explore the possible sig- natures of the next spectral type, for which the letter Y has been suggested (Kirk- patrick 2005). It is likely that NH 3features will join the familiar water and seen in T dwarfs as the effective temperatures approach 600 K. In actu- ality the situation is likely more complex: it is already known that the atmospheric NH 3abundance (as seen in Spitzer mid-infrared spectra of T dwarfs) is reduced by vertical mixing which drags N 2up from deeper layers in the atmosphere (e.g., Saumon et al. (2006)). If this mechanism continues to act at low effective temper- atures (which is not a certainty (Hubeny & Burrows 2007)) the near-infrared am- monia features may be weaker than expected. Another outstanding problem with predicting the signature of the proposed Y dwarfs, is that the linelist for NH 3is very incomplete at 1.0-1.5 mm. Since the near-infrared flux of Y dwarfs is expectedly to rapidly 'collapse' with falling Teff(Burrows et al. 2003), it may even be appropriate to ultimately type these objects with mid-, instead of near-infrared, spectra. In this case spectra obtained by Spitzer or JWST would be required for spectral dwarfs with Teff650K are now being found (e.g. Warren et al. 2007), and it is likely that soon temperatures where significant spectral changes occur will be reached. 3 Ultracool Dwarf Datasets The L and T dwarfs were discovered primarily as a result of the far-red and near- infrared Sloan Digital Sky Survey and 2 Micron All Sky Survey (e.g. Kirkpatrick et al. 1999, Strauss et al. 1999). This continues with current surveys - the Canada France Hawaii Brown Dwarf Survey and the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (e.g., Lodieu et al. 2007) are identifying extreme-T dwarfs by their very red far-red and blue near-infrared colors. Spectral classification is carried out in the far-red Hence the existing data for L and T dwarfs is primarily far-red imaging and spectroscopy. The spectroscopy has been medium- orThe Future of Ultracool Dwarf Science with JWST both because that is all that is required for the spectral also because the dwarfs are faint. Some ground-based imaging and spectroscopy has been carried out at 3.0-5.0 mm (e.g. Noll et al. 2000, Golimowski et al. 2004). Such work is extremely challenging due to the very high and rapidly variable sky background at these wavelengths, and only the brightest dwarfs could be observed from the ground. This situation changed with the launch of the Spitzer Space Telescope . Roellig et al. (2004) and Patten et al. (2006) demonstrated the quality and quantity of mid- infrared imaging and spectroscopy of L and T dwarfs that Spitzer could produce, and such work continues through the current, final, cryogenic cycle. IRS spectral data, which span 6 to 15 mm, show a strong 11 mm NH 3absorption feature in T dwarfs, as well as H 2O and CH 4absorption features in both L and T dwarfs (Figure 1). IRAC photometry covers the 3 to 8 mm wavelength range, and the 3 to 5 mm range may continue to be available in the warm- Spitzer era. These IRAC CH 4, CO and H 2O features, and signatures of vertical transport have been recognized in the photometry (Leggett et al. 2007). Warren et al. (2007) further suggest that the H [4.49] color may be a very good indicator of temperature for dwarfs cooler than 1000 K. For extreme-T dwarfs CH 4and H 2O bands are so strong that it will be difficult to measure an increase in their strength, hence the mid-infrared may prove to be vital to inter- preting the cold objects. 4 Ultracool Dwarf dwarf emergent spectra are controlled by the variation in abundances of important atomic, molecular, and grain absorbers both with height in the atmosphere at a given age and over time as the objects cool. The major atomic and features are imprinted on spectra that have no true continuum2. Flux emerges from a range of depths in the atmosphere as a function of wavelength. For example (Fig. 4), in an early L dwarf, brightness from 1000 K in the depths of alkali absorption lines (Burrows et al. 2000) in the far red, to well over 2000 K in the molecular windows in between strong water absorption bands. By providing a continuum opacity source, clouds can limit the flux emerging in some molecular window regions, but not others. Furthermore the strength of some molecular absorption features, particularly CH 4, CO, and NH 3, can depend on the strength of mixing in the atmosphere. Thus a full description of an ultracool dwarf atmosphere hinges on the dwarf's gravity, effective & Burrows (2007) and Freedman et al. (2008) discuss the atmospheric opacity sources temperature (the temperature that a blackbody that emits radiation of the at a given wavelength) is commonly used in planetary atmospheres studies to elucidate the temperature of the emitting level in an atmosphere.8 Mark S. Marley and S.K. Leggett cloud properties, and mixing. In this section we summarize the important related to these 4 Brightness temperature as a function of wavelength for atmosphere models which in- clude (solid) or exclude (dotted) silicate and iron clouds (Ackerman & Marley 2001). increases downward to suggest increasing depth in the atmosphere from which flux emerges. The solid straight line indicates the base of the silicate cloud while the long dashed line denotes the 'top' of the cloud (the level in the atmosphere at which the cloud column extinction reaches 0.1). Shading suggests the decrease in cloud extinction with altitude. Since cloud particle radii exceed 10 mm in these models, the Mie extinction efficiency is not a strong function of wavelength over the range shown. Shown are models characteristic of (a) an early-type L dwarf with Teff=1800K, (b) a late-type L dwarf with Teff=1400K, and (c) a T dwarf with Teff=900K . All of these models are for solar composition and gravity appropriate for a 30 Jupiter-mass brown dwarf. Note that the spectral region just longward of 1 mm is to the cloud opacity. 4.1 Clouds At high effective temperatures the column abundance of condensates (see Marley 2000 for a discussion of influences on cloud optical depth) is low and the models computed with and without cloud opacity is slight (Figure 4). At lower temperatures, however, the cloud substantially alters the temperature profile of the atmosphere and provides a continuum opacity source that limits the depthThe Future of Ultracool Dwarf Science with JWST 9 to which the usual molecular windows probe into the atmosphere. By the of the mid-T dwarfs, however, most of the flux emerges from above the cloud level and the clouds are again less important. For the effective of the mid to late L dwarfs and the early T dwarfs, however, clouds clearly play a very large role in controlling the vertical structure and emergent spectra of brown dwarfs. Thus any attempt to model brown dwarf atmospheres must include a treatment of clouds. However clouds are the leading source of uncertainty in terrestrial atmo- sphere models and are inherently difficult to model. Their influence depends on the variation of particle size, abundance, and composition with altitude, which in turn depend on the complex interaction of many microphysical processes (e.g., Acker- man & Marley 2001, Helling et al. 2006). Fits of model spectra to observational data are highly sensitive to the treatment of clouds in the underlying atmosphere model and the approaches taken by various modeling groups vary widely (see the compar- ison study in Helling et al. 2008a). For example Cushing et al. (2008) accurate fits of model spectra to near- and mid-IR spectra of a sample of L and T dwarfs, but the precise values of effective temperature and gravity obtained from the fits depend entirely upon the cloud sedimentation efficiency (Ackerman &
Marley 2001) assumed. Since the models are highly dependent on the cloud descrip- tion, the derived effective temperature and gravities, while plausible, are neverthe- less uncertain. A similar conclusion was reached by Helling et al. (2008b). Finding a selection of L dwarfs with known gandTeffthat could serve as calibrators of the model spectra would be invaluable. L dwarf companions to main sequence stars with constrained ages, L dwarf binaries with resolved orbits, and L dwarfs in clusters of known ages are all promising targets for such work. 4.2 Characterizing Clouds The spectral range of the InfraRed Spectrometer (IRS) on Spitzer includes the 10 mm silicate feature which arises from the Si-O stretching vibration in silicate grains. The spectral shape and importance of the silicate feature depends on the particle size and composition of the silicate grains. According to argu- ments, in brown dwarf atmospheres the first expected silicate condensate is forsterite Mg 2SiO 4(Lodders 2002), at T1700K ( P=1bar). Since Mg and Si have approx- imately equal abundances in a solar composition atmosphere, the condensation of forsterite leaves substantial silicon, present as SiO, in the gas phase. In equilibrium, at temperatures about 50 to 100 K cooler than the forsterite condensation tempera- ture, the gaseous SiO reacts with the forsterite to form enstatite, MgSiO 3(Lodders 2002). The precise vertical distribution of silicate species depends upon the inter- play of the atmospheric dynamics and chemistry and such details have yet to be fully modeled, although efforts to improve the detailed cloud modeling continue (e.g., Cooper et al. 2003; Woitke & Helling 2004; Helling & Woitke 2006; Helling et al. 2008b).10 Mark S. Marley and S.K. Leggett Fig. 5 Top: Spitzer IRS spectrum of 2MASS 2224 (L4.5) and the best fitting model from Cushing et al. (2006). Middle: Optical absorption ( Qabs=a) for amorphous enstatite (MgSiO 3) and forsterite (Mg 2SiO 3) for three different particle sizes, 0.1, 1, and 10 mm. Bottom: Optical absorption for crystalline enstatite, also for three different particle sizes. The deviation of the model from the data suggests that additional small, and perhaps crystalline, silicate grains are required to adequately account for the observed spectrum. In brown dwarf clouds there is likely a range of particle sizes, ranging from very small, recently condensed grains, to larger grains that have grown by mean particle size for silicate grains in L dwarf model atmospheres is to be in the range of several to several tens of microns (Ackerman &
Marley 2001, Helling et al. 2008b) . Figure 5 compares the absorption efficiency of silicate grains of various sizes, composition, and crystal structures to the spectrum of 2MASS J2224-0158 (L4.5). For each species the quantity Qabs=a, or Mie absorp- tion efficiency divided by particle radius, is shown; all else being equal, the total cloud optical depth is proportional to this quantity (Marley 2000). Large grain sizes tend to have a relatively flat absorption spectra (dashed lines) across the IRS spectral range. Only grains smaller than about 3 mm in radius show the classic 10 mm silicate feature (Hanner et al. 1994). Figure 5 suggests that the mismatch between the mod-The Future of Ultracool Dwarf Science with JWST 11 els and data may arise from a population of silicate grains that is not captured by the cloud model used to construct the figure (Ackerman & Marley 2001). The actual silicate cloud may contain both more small particles and a mixture of enstatite and forsterite grains (e.g., Helling & Woitke 2006), although detailed models for this particular dataset have not been attempted. Furthermore the model shown in the fig- ure employs optical properties of amorphous silicate. It is possible, especially at the higher pressures found in brown dwarf atmospheres, that the grains are crystalline, not amorphous. Indeed laboratory condensation experiments pro- duce crystalline, not amorphous, silicates (Toppani et al. 2004). Crystalline grains (Figure 5) can have larger and spectrally richer absorption cross sections. 4.3 The Transition from L to T The evolutionary cooling behavior of a given substellar object can be inferred from the field brown dwarf near-infrared color-magnitude diagram (Fig. 6a). Over tens to hundreds of millions of years a given substellar object first moves to redder J K colors as it cools while falling to fainter J magnitudes. Around M J14 15 the J
Kcolor turns bluer and the Jmagnitude slightly (and brightens (Dahn et al. 2002, Tinney et al. 2003, Vrba et al. 2004). With further cooling a given dwarf finally falls to fainter Jmagnitudes and apparently continues to slightly turn somewhat bluer in J K. The behavior with even greater cooling is as yet uncertain until many more objects with Teff<700K are found. The 'L to T' transition is the 'horizontal branch' of the color-magnitude diagram as objects move from red to blue in the diagram. From Figure 3 we know that this color (and underlying spectral) change from late-type L dwarfs with J K2:5 to blue T dwarfs with J K 1 happens rapidly over a small range of effective tem- perature. No brown dwarf evolution model can currently reproduce the magnitude of the observed color change over such a small range of Teff. Various been suggested including holes forming in the condensate cloud decks (Acker- man & Marley 2001, Burgasser et al. 2002b), an increase in the efficiency of (Knapp et al. 2004), or a change in particle size (Burrows et al. 2006). In a series of papers Tsuji (Tsuji 2002, Tsuji & Nakajima 2003, Tsuji et al. 2004) proposed that a physically very thin cloud could explain the rapid L to T transition. These models indeed exhibit a somewhat faster L- to T-like transi- tion, but are still not consistent with the observed rapidity of the color change. More recently Tsuji (2005) has favored a sudden collapse of the global cloud deck at the transition along the lines of the Knapp et al. (2004) for a rapid increase in sedimentation efficiency at the L to T transition has come from the model analysis of the 0.8-14 :5mm spectra of four by Cushing et al. (2008), who find that the cloud sedimentation & Marley 2001) indeed increases across the transition. The Cushing et al. (2008) sample includes two pairs of mid- to late-L dwarfs with very colors. The authors find that the redder L dwarfs have less efficient sedi-12 Mark S. Marley and S.K. and therefore thicker cloud decks consisting of smaller particles, although gravity also may play a role for one pair. For one of the red L dwarfs Cushing et al. (2006) identified a broad absorption feature at 9-11 mm which may be due to the presence of small silicate grains (Figure 5). The difficulty in characterizing the L to T transition arises from our lack of un- derstanding of the masses and effective temperatures of objects at various locations in the ultra-cool dwarf color-magnitude diagram. It is not clear, for example, if the reddest field L dwarfs are more or less massive than bluer objects or if the turn to- wards the blue in J Kis mass dependent (although there are some indications that it may be (Metchev & Hillenbrand 2006)). There are two ways in which this short- coming in current understanding could be addressed. First, observing the orbits of binary brown dwarfs allows the total system mass to be measured. Secondly, pho- tometry leading to near-infrared color-magnitude diagrams for many clusters with a variety of ages and metalicities will constrain the nature of transition. To date, the cluster color magnitude diagram (CMD) has only reached the tran- sition in the Pleiades and perhaps the Sigma Orionis clusters. Figure 6b shows the currently best available CMD for the Pleiades. Two objects in this figure can be seen to have turned towards the blue. Deeper searches to fainter magnitudes in this cluster should soon reveal the expected downward turn to the fainter J magnitudes appar- ent in the field CMD. By constructing evolution models at the age of the Pleiades, it should be possible to constrain the mass at the turnoff from the red L sequence. Given enough clusters of different ages, the turnoff effective temperature and grav- ity can be constrained, thus illuminating the dependence of the turnoff on gravity and perhaps will be able to obtain moderate resolution ( R1000) spectra on the cur- rent Pleiades candidates in Figure 6 in about 2.5 hours at S=N20. This should be sufficient to identify, for example, FeH and CH 4bands as they vary through the spectral sequence. This combination of evolution models and spec- tra should tightly constrain the empirical cooling sequence. Although this cluster is likely too large on the sky for efficient searching by JWST, NIRCAM could in prin- ciple find objects with masses as low as about 1M J. Surveys of more compact clus- ters would not reach to such low masses, but should nevertheless be deep enough to find many young T dwarfs that have already undergone the transition. 4.4 The Latest T Dwarfs At this time only 16 very cool ( Teff<900K) dwarfs with types T7 and later are known, and of these only four are T8 or later. New surveys that go fainter than 2MASS and SDSS have started or are planned, and several groups are attempting to push to later and cooler types (e.g. Warren et al. 2007). All but two of the very late T dwarfs are isolated (the exceptions are Gl 570 D, Burgasser et al. 2000, and HD 3651B, Mugrauer et al. 2007). Since age is unknown for field dwarfs and brown dwarf cool with time, observed spectra must be compared with models or spectra ofThe Future of Ultracool Dwarf Science with JWST 13 Fig. 6 Near-infrared color-magnitude diagrams for field and cluster ultracool dwarfs. (a) Black dots show single field L & T dwarfs. Green dots are resolved components of binary systems. Dotted circles are suspected (but unresolved) binaries (figure courtesy M. Liu based on Liu et al. (2006)). (b) Candidate ultracool dwarfs in the Pleiades in the most sensitive current survey (Casewell et al. 2007). Faintest objects in this plot have masses of about 11M Jup. Note that at a fixed magnitude the cluster members tend to be redder than the field objects, which is likely a signature of low gravity. JWST will obtain spectra of quality comparable to Figure 1 for the candidate objects shown on this panel which will help calibrate evolutionary models of the brown dwarf cooling sequence. The detection limit for NIRCam on JWST is at about J=22 for this cluster or 1M Jup. for colors of objects with J>15 are shown in Figure 8. fiducial objects, to constrain mass and age. Since there are only a few T dwarfs with highly constrained properties, accurate model analysis is crucial for secure determi- nation of gravity and hence mass at the bottom of the T sequence. For field brown dwarfs with ages in the range 1-5 Gyr and masses of 20-50 Jupiter-masses, ef- fective temperature will lie in the range of 600-800 K. To understand the of these elusive, cold, and low-mass dwarfs requires observation of their full spectral energy Vertical Mixing and Chemical has long been understood that the abundances of molecules in Jupiter's atmo- sphere depart from the values predicted purely from equilibrium chemistry (Prinn
& Barshay 1977; Barshay & Lewis 1978; Fegley & Prinn 1985; Noll et al. 1988; Fegley & Lodders 1994; Fegley & Lodders 1996)4. Rapid upwelling can carry com- pounds from the deep atmosphere up into the observable regions of the atmosphere 4In stellar atmospheres, departures from thermochemical equilibrium can arise from interactions of atoms and molecules with the non-thermal radiation field (Hauschildt et al. 1997; & Baron 2000). In brown dwarf atmospheres this effect is negligible.14 Mark S. Marley and S.K. Leggett on time scales of hours to days. When this convective timescale is shorter than the timescale for chemical reactions to reach equilibrium, then the atmospheric abun- dances will differ from those that would be found under pure equilibrium conditions. The canonical example of this situation is carbon monoxide in Jupiter's atmosphere. In Jupiter's cold and dense upper troposphere, carbon should almost entirely be found in the form of methane. Deeper into the atmosphere, where temperatures and pressures are higher, CO should be the principal carrier of carbon. Rapid vertical mixing, combined with the strong C-O molecular bond, means that CO molecules can be transported to the observed atmosphere faster than chemical reactions can reduce the CO into CH 4. The observed enhancement of CO, combined with (uncer- tain) reaction rates places limits on the vigor of convective mixing in the of the 4.5 - 5 mm spectra of the T dwarfs Gl 229B and Gl 570 D reveal an abundance of CO that is over 3 orders of magnitude larger than expected from chemical equilibrium calculations (Noll et al. 1997, Oppenheimer et al. 1998, Grif- fith & Yelle 1999, Saumon et al. 2000), as anticipated by Fegley & Lodders in the Mband, which overlaps the CO band at 4 :6mm, shows that an excess of CO may be a common feature of T dwarfs. Golimowski et al. (2004) have found that the Mband flux is lower than equilibrium models predict based on the K andL0fluxes in all of the T dwarfs in their sample. The low Mband flux certainly arises from an excess of CO above that expected by equilibrium models. Since CO is a strong absorber in the Mband, a brown dwarf can be much fainter in this band than would be predicted by equilibrium chemistry. Equilibrium models predict that brown dwarfs and cool extrasolar giant planets should be bright at Mband, hence any flux decrement at this wavelength would have implications for surveys for cool dwarfs and giant planets. The degree to which this is a concern depends upon how the vigor of mixing declines with following effective temperature. Hubeny & Bur- rows (2007) recently have argued that this will not be a concern at about 500 K, however, because the vigor of mixing falls with effective 3 Ammonia forms from N 2by the reaction N 2+3H2,2NH 3. N2+3H2is favored at low pressures and high temperatures because of higher entropy. NH 3is favored at low temperatures, but since molecular nitrogen is a strongly bound molecule, reac- tions involving this molecule typically have high reaction energies and proceed very slowly at low temperatures. Like CO, N 2is favored at the higher temperatures found deep in brown dwarfs atmospheres. Again, like CO, vigorous vertical transport can bring N 2in the upper atmosphere faster than it can be converted to NH 3, resulting in an excess of N 2compared to the values expected from chemical equilibrium. FigureThe Future of Ultracool Dwarf Science with JWST 15 7 illustrates the effect of mixing (Saumon et al. 2007) on the 10 mm ammonia band in the spectra of the T8 dwarf 2MASS0415-0935 (Burgasser et al. 2002a). JWST Fig. 7 Fits of the IRS spectrum of 2MASS J0415-0935 (Saumon et al. 2007) showing the differ- ence between a model in chemical equilibrium and a model that includes vertical transport that drives the nitrogen and carbon chemistry out of equilibrium. The red thin curve is the in chemical equilibrium, and the blue thin curve is the best-fitting nonequilibrium model. The data and the noise spectrum are shown by the histograms (black). The uncertainty on the flux calibration of the IRS spectrum is 5%. The model fluxes, which have not been normalized to the data, are shown at the resolving power of the IRS spectrum. will obtain higher resolution mid-infrared spectra than the Spitzer data analyzed by Saumon et al. (2007). Higher spectral resolution on more targets will allow more in depth studies of atmospheric mixing. Since the vertical profile of mixing also influ- ences cloud particle sizes and optical depths (in L- and L to T transition dwarfs), mapping out the eddy diffusion coefficient (which parameterizes mixing) as a func- tion of mass and effective temperature will help to shed light on cloud dynamics as well as atmospheric chemistry. 5 Opportunities for JWST As we have highlighted in the above sections, there are many unsolved problems in the study of ultracool dwarfs. In this section we will briefly summarize some of the most promising avenues for JWST.16 Mark S. Marley and S.K. Leggett 5.1 Characterizing Rosetta Stone Dwarfs The characterization of most field brown dwarfs, particularly the L and early T dwarfs, is hampered by the dependency of model fits on the particulars of the cloud models used to generate model atmospheres and spectra for comparison to data. Brown dwarfs of known mass, metallicity, and age are thus of particular importance as calibrators for the entire brown dwarf cooling sequence. This section discusses some opportunities for unearthing and deciphering 'Rosetta Stone' ultracool dwarfs with known or easily deduced masses and effective temperatures. Such objects could turn the page to much greater understanding of our library of known L and T dwarfs. 5.1.1 Color-magnitude diagram for clusters to low masses By providing cluster color-magnitude diagrams to very low masses (a Jupiter-mass or less) JWST will revolutionize our understanding of brown dwarf cooling in en- vironments controlled for age and metallicity. Comparison of spectra of objects with known properties to models will finally provide insight into the variation in cloud properties with mass and effective temperature. In the Pleiades, Casewell et al. (2007) have detected objects with masses as low as 11 Jupiter masses (Figure 6). In each cluster a brown dwarf of a given mass will be found either earlier or later on its cooling track, depending on the cluster age. Since the evolutionary cooling of brown dwarfs is well understood, spectra of cluster objects with known masses will definitively connect spectral features with gravity for mid- to late L dwarfs. In the Pleiades such a project should be straightforward for JWST as NIRSPEC will be able to obtain R1000 JHK spectra of the known low-mass cluster members in as little as a few hours. A Jupiter-mass object will be about 6 magnitudes fainter in Jband. Assuming JWST could survey a sufficiently large area to find candidates, it would define the brown dwarf cooling curve to a degree still not reached in the disk population. Model photometric predictions (Burrows et al. 2003) for such ob- jects are shown in Figure 8. The actual trajectory in color-magnitude space will ultimately depend upon the interplay of water clouds and atmospheric mixing with the emitted spectra. Comparison of models such as those in the figure with data will test our understanding through this as-yet unexplored range of parameter space. 5.1.2 Resolved Spectra of Close Binaries Binary stars have long served as astronomical workhorses, helping to reveal impor- tant details of stellar astrophysics. Likewise binary brown dwarfs are also excep- tionally useful. The orbits of close L- and T-dwarf binaries allow the total system mass to be determined as Bouy et al. (2004) have done for the binary Assuming co-evality and equal metallicity combined with the total system mass and resolved spectra of the individual dwarfs furthermore allows such systems to elucidate the interpretation of brown dwarf spectra. Many more tightThe Future of Ultracool Dwarf Science with JWST 17 Fig. 8 Predicted absolute J magnitude ( MJ) vs. J Kcolor for a range of brown dwarf masses and ages. The numbers by the symbols denote the masses of the objects in Jupiter mass units. In the Pleiades the JWST NIRCAM detection limit will be about 1 Jupiter mass. Figure and description from Burrows et al. (2003); see discussion therein for greater detail. binaries have been found by the combination of HST and ground based adaptive op- tics imaging (see summary in Bouy et al. 2008). Orbital periods for many of these systems appear to be less than twenty years, so dynamical masses will be available during the JWST mission lifetime. The combination of the ground-based astrome- try and photometry and resolved NIRSPEC high Rspectra of many of the particularly for the tightest binaries, in these systems should provide impor- tant constraints on models of brown dwarf evolution, atmospheric structure, and emergent spectra. 5.1.3 Cloud Behavior from L to T to Y Perhaps the greatest single observational result that could drive improvements in understanding of the L to T transition would be a direct measurement of surface gravity (or almost equivalently, mass) and effective temperature of late L and early T dwarfs. This would elucidate the dependence of the initiation of the L to T transition on mass and Teff. Constraining the turnoff absolute magnitude in a variety of clusters of known ages and resolving the spectra of close binaries that have masses would highly constrain the nature of the L to T transition.18 Mark S. Marley and S.K. Leggett Likewise as brown dwarfs further cool through the T sequence a number of open issues remain. Although T dwarfs are generally modeled as being entirely cloud free, some models that include very thin cloud decks better reproduce the spec- tra and color of the T's. As brown dwarfs cool through about 500 K, thin water clouds should appear high in their atmospheres. With falling effective clouds are expected to thicken and begin to substantially alter the spectra of the Y dwarfs. It is entirely possible that, like the departure of clouds in the late L dwarfs, the arrival of clouds in the early Y dwarfs will produce unexpected and per- haps rapid color and spectral changes. Although we cannot yet identify what these changes might be, the same type of observations noted above will also be invaluable in constraining the Y dwarfs. Since the optical and near-IR flux of the Y dwarfs is expected to rapidly decrease (Burrows et al. 2003), the signatures of the water clouds will be best obtained in the mid-IR by JWST. 5.2 Spectra of Very Cool Objects As of early 2008, the brown dwarf with the lowest estimated effective temperature is ULAS J0034-00 with Teff650K (Warren et al. 2007). A number of ongoing and future searches will certainly find cool objects in the solar neighborhood (e.g., UKIDSS, Pan-STARRS, and the WISE mission). In particular WISE will have suffi- cient sensitivity to detect a Teff200K brown dwarf (2M Jat 1 Gyr) at a distance of about 2 pc. Assuming such nearby targets are found, JWST will produce that will be unobtainable from the ground. A survey with NIRSPEC in high resolution mode with the YJH and LM gratings would nicely sample the spectra of cool field dwarfs. For a 500K dwarf at 10 pc, we estimate an exposure of about a minute will provide a spectrum with S/N of about 100 in Mband. A one hour ex- posure would be required for the same dwarf at 25 pc. Detection limits and model spectra are shown in Figure 9. High quality spectra of cool dwarfs will be important for a number of rea- sons. First, cold disk objects possess effective temperatures comparable to those of middle-aged to old extrasolar giant planets. The disk population of brown dwarfs will thus provide ground truth for the spectral features that such cold objects exhibit (for example NH 3should appear in the near-IR (Saumon et al. 2001, Burrows et al. 2003, Leggett et al. 2008)). These objects will also have water clouds. The experi- ence with the challenge of modeling silicate and iron clouds in L dwarfs alluded to above implies that water clouds will be no more tractable. The cold disk population will thus provide a proving ground for exoplanet water cloud modeling, which is undoubtedly needed (see Marley et al. 2007 and references mixing, long recognized in Jupiter's atmosphere, is also impor- tant for brown dwarfs (see x4.5), yet the most diagnostic spectral region for this process (the CO band at 4 :6mm) lies in a blind spot for Spitzer spectroscopy and most groundbased observatories, but not JWST. Thus the nearby disk brown dwarfs will elucidate the extent to which Mband flux of objects in this effective temper-The Future of Ultracool Dwarf Science with JWST 19 Fig. 9 Spectra (flux in millijanskys) vs. wavelength (in microns) for a range of brown dwarf masses at an age of 1 Gyr and a distance of 10 pc. Superposed are the approximate point-source sensitivi- ties for instruments on Spitzer (red) and JWST (blue). The JWST/NIRCam sensitivities are 5 sand assume an exposure time of 5 104sec. The JWST/MIRI sensitivity curve from 5.0 to 27 mm is 10sand assumes an exposure time of 104sec. Figure and description from Burrows et al. (2003); see discussion therein for greater detail. ature range is impacted by excess atmospheric CO. Vertical mixing could be an important consideration for the direct detection of giant planets around nearby et al. 2004; Marley et al. 2006; Hinz et al. 2006). After the discovery of Gl 229B, Marley et al. (1996) suggested that a substantial 4 to 5 mm flux peak should be a universal feature of giant planets and brown dwarfs. This expectation, combined with a favorable planet/star flux ratio, has made the band a favorite for planet detec- tion (Burrows et al. 2005). However, groundbased and IRAC photometry suggests that cool dwarfs are fainter in this region--and the Lband region is by equilibrium chemistry. Given these and other considerations, Leggett et al. (2007) suggested that the comparative advantage of ground-based searches for young, bright giant planets at Mband might, such as the searches planned with the JWST coronagraph, might be somewhat less than currently expected (see also Marley et al. 2007). Hubeny et al. (2007), however, recently predicted that the vigor of will decline with effective temperature. If this is indeed the case then M band will remain a fruitful hunting ground for extrasolar giant planet NIRCAM photometry of cold brown dwarfs will certainly illuminate this issue. 5.3 Mid-IR Spectra Beyond Spitzer Examples of some of the best available Spitzer IRS mid-infrared spectra of L and T dwarfs are shown in Figures 5 and 7. The spectral region between about 6 and 15mm is important for a number of reasons. First there are several strong molecular20 Mark S. Marley and S.K. Leggett bands in this region, including water, methane, and ammonia. As recounted above methane and ammonia are particularly sensitive to atmospheric mixing. The Si-O vibrational band, seen in the opacity of small silicate grains (Figure 5), also may trace the arrival of silicate clouds. Finally a number of other molecules, not yet detected in brown dwarf spectra, have absorption features in this range (Mainzer et al. 2007). MIRI will produce much higher resolution and S/N spectra than the best data from IRS (see the sensitivity curve in Figure 9). Higher quality spectra will allow for more robust detection of silicate features, perhaps including the sort of fine structure in the grain opacity seen in the lower panel of Figure 5, as well as for fine detail on the molecular features (see model prediction in Burrows et al. (2003)). If silicates are indeed detected, high resolution spectra could in principle differentiate between the particular silicate species, including forsterite, enstatite, and even quartz (SiO 2, Helling et al. 2006), and whether the grains are in crystalline or amorphous form (Figure 5). 6 Conclusions The next decade holds the potential to substantially improve our fundamental under- standing of ultracool dwarfs. Ground and space based surveys for very cool UKIDSS, Pan-STARRS, and the WISE mission as well as deep surveys of young clusters will provide a host of ultracool dwarf targets for JWST. For cold nearby dwarfs JWST will provide unparalleled near- and especially These observations will constrain the water clouds expected to be present in objects with Teff<500K and measure the degree of atmospheric mixing. Both types of observations are highly relevant to the ultimate direct detection and of extrasolar giant planets by coronagraphy. In young clusters (e.g, the Pleiades and younger) JWST will provide spectra of many known cluster members and will have the capability of imaging objects down to about one Jupiter mass and below. Such observations will constrain the evolutionary cooling tracks for dwarfs with lower gravities than most field objects and will tightly constrain the nature of the L to T transition by revealing its dependence on gravity. Many other opportunities, including producing resolved spectra of tight binary dwarfs and searching for spectral signatures of condensates and low abundance gasses are also possible. Combined with the inevitable unexpected discoveries, there is no doubt that JWST will bring brown dwarf astrophysics into the same highly con- strained realm as stellar astrophysics. Interpretting these expected datasets will un- doubtedly require substantial improvements to atmosphere and evolution cloud and chemical transport modeling of ultracool dwarf The authors thank M. Cushing, M. Liu, & D. Saumon, for helpful conversa- tions on the future of brown dwarf science and A. Burrows, Ch. Helling, X. Tielens and K. ZahnleThe Future of Ultracool Dwarf Science with JWST 21 for thoughtful comments on the manuscript. We thank M. Cushing, M. Liu, and K. Lodders for preparing Figures 1, 6a & 2, respectively and C. Nixon for kindly providing the Cassini CIRS spectrum of Jupiter for Figure 1. 7 A. S., & Marley, M. S. 2001, ApJ, 556, 872 Barshay, S. S., & Lewis, J. S. 1978, Icarus, 33, 593 Bouy, H., et al. 2004, A&A, 423, 341 Bouy, H., et al. 2008, ArXiv e-prints, 801, A. J., et al. 1999, ApJL, 522, L65 Burgasser, A. J., et al. 2002a, ApJ, 564, 421 Burgasser, A. J., Marley, M. S., Ackerman, A. S., Saumon, D., Lodders, K., Dahn, C. C., Harris, H. C., & Kirkpatrick, J. D. 2002b, ApJL, 571, L151 Burgasser, A. J., Geballe, T. R., Leggett, S. K., Kirkpatrick, J. D., & Golimowski, D. A. 2006, ApJ, 637, 1067 Burrows, A., et al. 1997, ApJ, 491, 856 Burrows, A., Marley, M. 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Leggett (Gemini Observatory) | The Future of Ultracool Dwarf Science with JWST | 23 pages, 9 figures, for publication in proceedings of "Astrophysics
in the Next Decade: JWST and Concurrent Facilities", a meeting held Sept.
24-27 in Tucson, Arizona | null | 10.1007/978-1-4020-9457-6_4 | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Ultracool dwarfs exhibit a remarkably varied set of characteristics which
hint at the complex physical processes acting in their atmospheres and
interiors. Spectra of these objects not only depend upon their mass and
effective temperature, but also their atmospheric chemistry, weather, and
dynamics. As a consequence divining their mass, metallicity and age solely from
their spectra has been a challenge. JWST, by illuminating spectral blind spots
and observing objects with constrained masses and ages should finally unearth a
sufficient number of ultracool dwarf Rosetta Stones to allow us to decipher the
processes underlying the complex brown dwarf cooling sequence. In addition the
spectra of objects invisible from the ground, including very low mass objects
in clusters and nearby cold dwarfs from the disk population, will be seen for
the first time. In combination with other ground- and space-based assets and
programs, JWST will usher in a new golden era of brown dwarf science and
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"created": "Mon, 10 Mar 2008 19:23:50 GMT"
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"Gemini Observatory"
] |
flip model [4] which has proven to be successful in the study of quark/hadron of the calculation and refer the interested reader to Ref. [8] for further details. Other approaches toward a dynamical description of recombi nation, in the context recently fo yistakenas the product of Wigner functions for each hadron's constit uent quark at a and the constituent quark wave function inside the hadron. For a,brep- resent the quantum numbers (color, spin, flavor) of the const ituent quark and constituent quark's Wigner function is approximated a s a Boltzmann distribution and momentum conservation is used, the product of Wigner fun ctions is given by (2) In this approximation, the product of parton distributions is independent of the and the integrationof thewave functiono verzis triviallyfound There can be corrections from a dependence o f each constituent quark Wigner function on momentum components that are not additiv ebecause energy is not conserved in this scenario [10]. An important feature to kee p in mind is that in order to allow for a more realistic dynamical recombinati on scenario let us take the above description as a guide, modifying the ingredients that account for the QCD dynamics of parton recombination. Let us assume that the pha se space occupation can be factorized into the product of a term containing the therm al occupation density edriven probability P(e)of the coalescence of partons into a (3) wherev(x)is the flow velocity.In order to compute the probability P(e)we weproceed HADRON Flip Model is formulated incorporating a many-bo dy quark potential able to confine quarks within color-singlet clusters [4]. At low den sities, the model describes highdens (anticolors) quantum numbers. Our approach is very c lose to that described in Refs. [5] and [6], where we refer the reader for an extensive d iscussion of the many-body potential Vis defined as the optimal clustering of quarks into color- singlet objects, that is, the configuration that minimizes t he potential energy. In our approach, theinteraction between quarks is pair-wise. The refore, the achieved by finding the optimalpairing between two givens ets of quarks of different color for all possible color charges. The minimization proc edure is performed over all possible permutations of the quarks and the interaction bet ween quarks is assumed to be harmonic with a spring constant k. Through this procedure, we can distinguish . In this case the pairing is imposed to be between color and an the labels for red, blue and green color onlybuildpairs . ii)Baryon-like . In this case the pairing is imposed to be between the differe nt thismanner, themany-b areofth formed hadrons should interact weakly due to the short-r ange nature of interaction. This is partially accomplishe d by the possibility of a one cluster to another. At high energy density, asympto tic freedom de- mands that quarks must interact weakly. This behavior is obt ained once the to describe the evolutionof a system of Nquarks as a function of the We consider the quarks moving in a three-dimension al box whose sides have lengthaand by mesons or baryons and PhFG(x1,...,xN) is the Fermi-gas wave function given by a product of Slater determinants, one for each color-flavor co mbination of quarks. gafree variational parameter has definite values for the extrem e density cases. At very low density it must correspond to the wave function solution of an isolated respectively; at very high densities the value of lmust case To fix the theenergy unit we first noticethat in a 3-bo dy systemthe (with (8) To fix the length unit we use the mean square radius, which for a 3-body system is:
<r2>=(3)1/4. pionas results come from simulation done with 384 particles, 19 2 quarks and 192 antiquarks, corresponding to having 32 u(-u)plus 32d(-d)quarks (antiquarks) in determine the variational parameter as a function of dens ity we first select the valueof theparticle density rin the box, which, for a fixed number of particles, means changing the box size. Then we compute the energy of the syste m as a function of the variational parameter using a Monte Carlo Method. The mi nimum of the information contained in the variational parameter is g lobal, in the sense that it only gives an approximate idea about the average size of the i nter-particle distance at a given density, which is not necessarily the same for quarks i n a single cluster. This is reflected in the behavior of the variational parameter lpfor the case of baryons which goes above 1 for energies close to where the sudden drop in the parameter happens. We interpret this behavior as as a consequence of the procedu re we employ to clusters for baryons, which, as opposed to the cas e to form mesons, allows0 1 2 3 e Probabilitiesto rgydensity. the formation of clusters with a number of quarks greater tha n 3. When including the likelihood to find clusters of 3 quarks P3. Recall that for 3 Nquarks in deisequalto N.However this is not always the case as the density changes, given that the potential allows the formationof clusters witha highernumberof quarks. P3is defined as theratio of3 quarks foundat agivendensity,wi th respect to N. Therefore, wecan yofforminga P3, (10) For the case of mesons, since the procedure only takes into ac count the formation meter, namely Pp=l/l0p. the qualitative differences between these probabil ities. In the case of baryons, the sudden drop found in the behavior of the variational para meter is preserved at an energy densityaround in thecase smooth, indicatinga difference in theproduction of bary ons and mesons with TOPION RATIO In order to quantify how the different probabilities to prod uce sets of three quarks (protons) as compared to sets of two quarks (pions) affect th ese particle's yields asthe energy density changes during hadronization, we need to resort to a model for of the collision. For the present purp oses, we will omit describing the effect of radial flow and take Bjorken's scenario which in corporates the fact that initially, expansion is longitudinal, that is, along the be am direction which we take as the ^zaxis. In this 1+1 expansion scenario, the relation between t he temperature Tand the1+1 proper-time Equation (12) assumes that the speed of sound vschanges monotonically from about half the ideal gas limit this limit only for T>4Tc, whereTcis the critical temperature for the phase transition. No reliable lattice results exist for the value of the speed of stiffer below Tcand as the temperature approaches zero. For the ease of the argument, here we take vsas a constant equal to the ideal gas also consider that hadronization takes place on hypersur (13) whereeis the spatial rapidity and r,phare the polar transverse coordinates. Thus, find the relation between the energy density e-that the probability Pdepends upon- and T, we resort to lattice simulations. For the case of two flavors , a fair (15) witha=4.82 andb=0.132. We take Tc=175 MeV. For a purely longitudinal expan- sion, the flow four-velocity vector vuand the normal to the freeze-out hypersurfaces of constantt,uu, coincideand are givenby therefore, in Eq.(14)can and yistherapidity.0 1 2 3 4 5 pt p/p 0.5 fm 0.75 fm 1 fm PHENIX (2004) FIGURE2. Protonto pionratio asa functionof t0=0.5,0.75and 1 fm andthe same finial +Au . Considering the situation of central collisions and lookin g only at the case of (17) To obtain the the pion and proton distributions, we use the va luest0=0.75 fm and tf=3.5 fm and an initial temperature T0=200 MeV. From Eq. (12), this whereas for pions g=1, to account for the spin degrees of freedom. Figure 2 shows the proton to pion ratio for three different values of t he initial evolution and 1 fm and the same finial freeze-out proper-time tf=3.5 fm, compared to data for this ratio for Au + Au collisions atsNN=200 GeV from PHENIX [12]. We notice that the maximum height reached by thi s ratio is sensitive to the choice of the initial evolution time. We also notice that theptvalue for which the maximum is reached is displaced to larger values than what th e experimental values indicate. This result is to be expected since the model assum ptions leading to Eq. (17) do not include the effects of radial flow that, for a common flow velocity, are known CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, we have used the string-flip model to introduc e a dynamical quark that accounts forthe evolutionofthe probabilityto form ameson or a baryon as a function of the energy density during the coll ision of a heavy-ion sys-tem. We have used the model variational parameter as a measur e of the probability to form colorless clusters of three quarks (baryons) or of quar k-antiquark (mesons). We have shown that these probabilities differ; whereas the pro bability to form a pion tran- sits smoothly from the high to the low energy density domains , the probability to abruptlyat agivencritical energy density clustering happens only for quark-antiquark pairs, for baryons the energy can be minimized by also forming sets of three, six, etc., quarks in (colorless) clusters. These produces competing minima in the energy that do not reach eac h other smoothly. We interpret this behavior as a signal for a qualitative differ ence in the probability to form mesonsand abaryons have incorporated these different probabilities to comp ute the proton and proton to pion ratio as a function of transverse momentum and compare to exper- imental data at the highest RHIC energies. We argue that the r atio computed from displaced to larger ptvalues. This could be understood by recalling that the model does not include the effects of radial flow which is known to be stronger for that for this work has been received by PAPIIT-UNAM under grant CONACyT undergrant number40025-F. M. Martine zwas R. C. Hwa and C. B. Yang, Phys. Rev. C 67, 034902(2003);V. Greco, C. M. Ko, and P. Levai, Phys. Rev.Lett. R.J. Fries,B. Muller,C. Phys.Rev.Lett. F. Karsch, E. Laermann and a Peikert, Phys. Lett. B478, 447 (2000); F. Karsch, Lect. Notes in C.J. Negele, Phys.Rev.D C. Nucl.Phys. Phys.Rev.C Phys.Rev.C A.Ayala, M.Martinez,G. Pai 'c andG. ToledoSanchez, S. Haussler, S. Scherer and M. Bleicher, The effect of dynamical parton recombination on R.J. Fries,B. Muller,C. Phys.Rev.C S.Gupta,Pramana S.S.Adler et 69,034909(2004). | 0803.1513 | Alejandro Ayala | Alejandro Ayala (ICN-UNAM), Mauricio Martinez (Frankfurt Institute for
Advanced Studies), Guy Paic (ICN-UNAM) and Genaro Toledo-Sanchez (IF-UNAM) | Proton to pion ratio at RHIC from dynamical quark recombination | To appear in the proceedings of the XI Mexican Workshop on Particles
and Fields, Tuxtla Gutierrez Chiapas, Mexico, 7-12 Nov. 2007 | AIPConf.Proc.1026:101-108,2008 | 10.1063/1.2965030 | null | hep-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We propose an scenario to study, from a dynamical point of view, the thermal
recombination of quarks in the midsts of a relativistic heavy-ion collision. We
coin the term dynamical quark recombination to refer to the process of
quark-antiquark and three-quark clustering, to form mesons and baryons,
respectively, as a function of energy density. Using the string-flip model we
show that the probabilities to form such clusters differ. We apply these ideas
to the calculation of the proton and pion spectra in a Bjorken-like scenario
that incorporates the evolution of these probabilities with proper time and
compute the proton to pion ratio, comparing to recent RHIC data at the highest
energy. We show that for a standard choice of parameters, this ratio reaches
one, though the maximum is very sensitive to the initial evolution proper time.
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"created": "Tue, 11 Mar 2008 01:31:25 GMT"
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I. gas molecules is critical to environmental monitor ing, control of chemical pro- cesses, space missions, and agricultural and medical appli cations[1]. Solid-state gas sensors are renowned for their high sensitivity which have made them ubiquitous in the world[2, 3]. In the past few years, a new generation of gas sensors have bee n demonstrated using carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and semiconductor nanowires[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. It was reported that semiconducting CNTs could be used to detect small conce ntration of NH 3, NO 2, and O2with high sensitivity by measuring changes of the CNTs condu ctance upon exposure to the gases at room temperature[4, 5, 6, 7, 11]. Graphene, a single atomic layer of graphite, has been succes sfully produced 13], which have resulted in intensive inve stigations on graphene-based struc- tures because of fundamental physics interests and promisi ng applications[14] ( e.g., gas sensor[15]). Importantly, graphene can be patterned via st andard lithographic techniques into materials[13, 16, 17], graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), which have many properties similar to CNTs, such as energy gap dependen ce of widths and orientation[18, 19]. Different from CNTs, however, GNRs present long and reactive edges which make GNRs not only notably more accessible to dop ing[18, 20, 21] and 23, 24, 25], but also more susceptible to st ructural defects and studies of gas molecular adsorption on the grap hene surface have been re- ported recently[26, 27], which showed that NO 2, H2O, NH 3, CO and NO molecules are physically adsorbed on the pristine graphene: NH 3and CO molecules will act as donors while H 2O and NO 2will act as acceptors, which are consistent with previous ex with graphene, GNRs are advantageous in small volu me and free reactive edges. In experiments, the edges of GNRs are not well controlled[16 , 17] and it is hard to obtain fully saturated edges without any dangling bond (DB) defect s. It is well known that DB defects around the vacancy sites or at the tips play a very imp ortant role in CNTs gas sensors because they are very chemically reactive[28, 29, 3 0]. Similar to CNTs, when there are DB defects at GNRs edges, covalent attachment of chemica l groups and molecules influences their electronic properties[22, 2 4, 25]. Therefore, it is very interesting and important to study the feasibility of using GNRs as gas se nsors. In this article, using density functional theory (DFT) calc ulations, we study the adsorp- 1tion of gas molecules (CO, NO, NO 2, O2, N2, CO 2and NH 3) around the sites of DB defects on armchair GNRs (AGNRs, having armchair-shaped edges) and explore the feasibility of using AGNRs as gas sensors. Following conventional notatio n[31], a GNR is specified by the numbers ( n) of dimer lines and zigzag chains along the ribbon forming th e width, for the AGNR and zigzag GNRs (ZGNRs, having zigzag-shaped edges), r espectively. For example, the structure in Fig. 1a is referred as a 10-AGNR (i.e., n= 10). Previous works show that all AGNRs are semiconductor while ZGNRs are metal[18, 31]. W e focus on instead of metallic ZGNRs, since it is expected that ga s molecule adsorption will have a much smaller effect on modifying the electronic proper ties of (metallic) ZGNRs. It is found that although all gas molecules can influence the ele ctronic structure of AGNRs, only NH 3molecule adsorption can modify the conductance of AGNRs rem arkably by acting as donors while other gas molecules have little effect on cond uctance. This property can be utilized to detect NH 3out of other common gases, which is requisite and significant in industrial, medical, and living CALCULATION METHOD AND MODEL Our electronic structure calculations were performed usin g the DFT in the gradient approximation (GGA) with PW91 functi onal for the exchange and correlation effects of the electrons, as implemented in Vien naAb initio Simulation The electron-ion interaction was described by the ultrasoft pseudopentials and the energy cutoff was set to be 400 eV. Structural optimizatio n was carried out on all systems until the residual forces on all ions were converged to 0.01 e V/@A. The quantum were performed using the ATK 2.3 package[34], which implements nonequilibrium Green's function formalism. T he mesh cutoff is chosen as 150 Ry to achieve the balance between calculation efficiency and acc uracy. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION DB defects would exist at both edges of GNRs due to the fact tha t the two edges of a GNR are equivalent in nature. So we will focus our study on dou ble-edge-defect case ( i. e., both edges have DB defects). What is more, we also preform tes t calculations for the single- 2FIG. 1: (a) The optimized structure of 10-AGNR with edge dang ling bond (DB) defects, where the arrow shows the periodic direction. The sites of DB defec ts are shown by yellow. C atoms and H atoms are denoted by large and small (white) spheres, respe ctively. (b) Density of states (DOS) of perfect 10-AGNR (top panel) and spin-polarized DOS of 10- AGNR with DB defects (middle and bottom panels). The Fermi level is set to zero (the top of v alence band). The middle (blue) and bottom (red) panels in the figure correspond to minority s pin and majority spin, green area corresponds to local DOS of the two carbon atom s (yellow balls in (a)) with case (DB defects only exist at one edge), and find little difference in compared with the case. The str ucture with one DB defect per edge per five unit cells in the ribbon axis direction is adopte d in our calculations, as shown in Fig. 1a, corresponding to a DB defect concentration of 0.0 4@A-1. [Several different with one DB defect per edge have been consider ed and we find that the one shown in Fig. 1a is most favorable (stable) in energy.] Due to the dangling s-bonds at the edges, the ground state of this system is spin-polarized wit h the magnetic moment of 1 uB 3FIG. 2: Optimized structure of 10-AGNRs with gas molecule ad sorption: (a) CO, (b) NO, (c) NO2, (d) O 2, (e) CO 2, and (f) NH 3. We only show the structure around the adsorbed molecule. per DB, which is localized at the carbon atoms with DB defects . Spin-polarized density of states (DOS) of this system is shown in the middle and bottom p anels of Fig. 1b. For the DOS of prefect 10-AGNR with the same superce ll is also presented (the top panel). It can be seen that the perfect 10-AGNR is paramag netic semiconductor with a band gap of 1.2 eV, consistent with our previous study[18]. When there are DB defects at the ribbon edges, two new peaks appear in the DOS (indicate d by the arrows in Fig. 1b). The local density of states (LDOS) analysis (the green a rea in Fig. 1b) shows that the two peaks are mainly contributed by the edge carbon atoms wit h DB defects. These two DB states are localized, respectively, within the valence b and for minority spin and at the bottom of conduction band for majority spin, different from t he usual DB states which are localized within band gap[35]. We start by investigating the adsorption geometries of seve n gas molecules on 10-AGNR with DB defects (Fig. 1a). Only the gas molecules adsorption around the sites of DB defects is considered. Several different initial orientati ons of gas molecules on 10-AGNRs are adopted in searching the most stable configurations. Fig . 2 shows the top views of 4TABLE I: Calculated adsorption energies ( Eads) and charge transfer ( CT) from the gas molecules to the CO NO NO 2 O2 N2 CO2 NH3 Eads(eV) -1.34 -2.29 -2.70 -1.88 0.24 -0.31 -0.18 CT(e) -0.30 -0.55 -0.53 -0.78 / -0.41 0.27 10-AGNR with adsorbed molecules. We find that different gas mo lecules prefer in the adsorption: (a) CO molecule lies in the AGN R plane with C-C distance of 1.35 @A and a C-C-O angle of 168.6*. The bond length of the adsorbed CO is 1.18 @A, a little longer than that of an isolated molecule (1.13 @A), indicating that adsorption process will weaken the original C-O bond of gas molecule. (b) NO mole cule sits out of the AGNR plane with a C-N-O angle of 118.2*, and the C-N and N-O distances are 1.43 @A and 1.24
@A, respectively. Also, the bond length of the adsorbed NO is 0 .07@A longer than that of an isolated molecule. (c) The adsorbed NO 2has C-N and N-O distances of 1.47 @A and 1.25@A and a O-N-O angle of 127*, and the O-N-O plane is tilted 60*with respect to the ribbon plane. Our results are consistent with previous stud ies[24, 25]. (d) O 2sits in the ribbon plane with C-O and O-O distances of 1.37 @A and 1.38 @A respectively and a C-O-O angle of 116.2*. The bond length of O 2molecule increases by 0.15 @A after adsorption. (e) The geometry of CO 2adsorbed on the ribbon edge is different from that of an isolat ed CO2molecule: it is not linear structure anymore but similar to t he NO 2configuration. This indicates that the bond of CO 2transfers from in order to lower the total energy. The C-C and C-O distances are 1.51 @A and 1.26 @A respectively, and the C-O-C angle is 127*. (f) The adsorbed NH 3molecule sits 1.49 @A away from the edge carbon atom, the H-N distance is 1.03 @A and the dihedral angle is about 21*between the C-N bond and the AGNR plane. Besides the above gas molecules, we also study the N 2 molecule adsorption on the AGNR, and find that it is difficult fo r N2to adsorb on the ribbon due to its inert nature. The calculated adsorption energies of the gas molecules wit h the 10-AGNRs are shown in Table 1. Herein, The adsorption energy is defined as: + mMolecule) - Etot(ribbon) -nEtot(Molecule) }/m, where Etot(ribbon + mMolecule), Etot(ribbon), are the total energies of the AGNR with molecule a dsorption, the isolated 5FIG. 3: Band structure and density of states (DOS) of 10-AGNR s with gas molecule adsorption: (a) CO, (b) NO, (c) NO 2, (d) O 2, (e) CO 2, and (f) NH 3. The LDOS of gas molecules is also plotted (red filled area under DOS curve). The Fermi level is set to zer o. AGNR (with DB defects) and the molecules, respectively. And mis the number of on the AGNR. The results reveal that all these ads orption configurations are ener- getically favorable except that the N 2adsorption process is endothermic reaction (note: the negative adsorption energy corresponds to the exothermic r eaction). The adsorption energies of CO, NO, NO 2, and O 2are all larger than 1 eV, corresponding to strong chemisorpt ion. The adsorption energies for the NH 3and CO 2on AGNRs are -0.18 eV and -0.31 eV that the adsorption are between weak chemisorpt ion and strong above results illuminate that gas molecule adsorption a t AGNR edges is quite different 6FIG. 4: Iso-surface plots of the partial charge density at G p oint of the band crossing the Fermi level for the 10-AGNRs with (a) CO 2adsorption and (b) NH 3adsorption. The iso-value is 0.01 e/@A3. from the weak physisorption of gas molecules on the graphene surface[15, 27]. Furthermore, the Bader analysis[36] of the charge distribution is used to understand the nature of the inter- action between the gas molecules and the AGNRs, and to evalua te the induced effects on the molecules. The trend of calculated charge transfer (Table 1 ) can be understood on the basis of relative or -donating capability of the adsorbed molecular groups. From Table 1 (note: the positive value means a charge transfe r from the adsorbed molecule to the AGNR), we can see that CO, NO, NO 2, O2, and CO 2have capability, while NH 3is functional molecule. It is well known that NO 2 and O 2are relatively strong molecules whi le NH 3is relatively strong molecule in other carbon-based materia ls[4, 5, 15, 27, 29]. Comparing with gas adsorption on the graphene (GNR) surface[27], the v alues of the charge transfer are much larger. This is consistent with our conclusion that the interaction between the gas molecules and the GNR edges is much stronger than that of surf ace. The calculated band structures and DOS of 10-AGNRs with mole cule adsorption are shown in Fig. 3. Comparing with the DOS of AGNR (Fig. 1b), the t otal DOS of the system and LDOS of the molecules show that these molecules modulate the electronic property of AGNRs in different manners: i) CO and NO molecules adsorpti on introduces impurity states in the band gap and the Fermi levels of two systems cros s these states, as shown in Figs. 3a and 3b. Therefore, gas adsorption will decrease t he original band gap, and probably have some influence on the optical properties of AGN Rs. For CO are two half-occupied states in the band gap, but we do n ot expect these impurity states can enhance the conductance of the system because the se states are very localized and deep in the original band gap. It would be very difficult for charge carriers to transit between the valence (or conduction) band and impurity state s at finite temperature. ii) LDOS analysis (Fig. 3c) shows that NO 2adsorption will introduce fully-occupied states which are strongly hybridized with the original bulk stat es in the valence band and these states are nonlocalized. It suggests that the interaction b etween NO 2molecules and dangling bonds of the ribbon is very strong, consistent with the calcu lated adsorption energy. The Fermi level is pinned in the top of valence band, which is the s ame as the case of the ribbon without molecule adsorption, so the system is still s emiconducting. iii) Figs. 3d and 3e show the cases of O 2and CO 2adsorptions, respectively. From LDOS analysis we can see that the states contributed by CO 2(or O 2) molecules are localized around the top of valence band and hybridize with the original valence b and. Partial charge density analysis (Fig. 4a) shows that the states near the Fermi level are quite localized and by CO 2molecule and the carbon atoms of ribbon around the CO 2molecule. This suggests that the conductance of this system can not be e nhanced notably. When the molecular doping concentration is low enough, these imp urity states will become more localized on the gas molecules. But due to these half-occupi ed impurity states being near the top of valence band, the electrons of the valence band can tra nsit into these states and the system will exhibit p-type semiconducting behavior at finite temperature. iv) NH induces unoccupied local states in the conducti on band, and more importantly, the Fermi level is shifted into original conduction bands, r esulting in n-type (Fig. 3f). Furthermore, partial charge density an alysis (see Fig. 4b) shows that the states near the Fermi level are mainly contributed by the carbon atoms of the ribbon rather than NH 3molecules. The above results indicate a transition from sem iconducting to conducting behavior after NH 3molecule adsorption. The stabilization of the Fermi level i n the conduction band by the impurity resonant levels was also reported in by Cr and Tl[37, 38]. Among all gas molecules considered, obviously NH 3molecule adsorption can greatly enhance the conductance of AGNRs, where the system will exhi bit metallic behavior CO 2and O 2, on the other hand, may enhance the conductance of GNRs to some extent at finite temperature since the CO 2and O 2adsorption will turn AGNRs 8FIG. 5: The I-Vbiascurves for the GNR sensor before and after the adsorption of N H3and CO 2. The inset shows the schematics of such a GNR sensor, consisti ng of one 10-AGNR (detection region) and two metallic 7-ZGNRs leads. The gas molecules can be adso rbed around the DB defects of the GNR sensor. top-type semiconductor. Based on the analysis, we can expect th at AGNRs may act as effective sensor to detect NH 3out of other gas molecules discussed above by measuring the change of conductance after the gas adsorption. What is more interesting, the of NH 3molecule is only -0.18 eV (Table I), so NH 3molecules can be desorbed at higher temperature. This implies that GNR senors could be re cycled more than once. A design of a GNR-based junction (GNR sensor) to detect NH 3is given in the inset of Fig. 5 as an example. It contains a 8.60 nm long 10-AGNR with on e DB defect per edge as the detection region and two semi-infinite metallic 7-ZGN Rs as the leads. Gas molecules can be adsorbed on the DB defect sites, and the conductance is measured by applying a bias voltage through the junction. The DB defect concentrat ion in this model is about 0.011/ @A per edge, which is practical in experiments. We calculate a series of current versus bias voltage ( I-Vbias) curves for such GNR junction with different gas molecule ads orption on the edges. For the sake of clarity, we only show I-Vbiascurves for the AGNRs before and after NH 3and CO 2adsorption due to the fact that the currents induced by other gas molecules adsorption are almost zero (much smaller than the currents induced by CO As shown in Fig. 5, without gas molecule adsorp tion, the channel (GNR sensor) exhibits a semiconducting behavior, and the curren t is always zero even under a bias of 0.5 V. After NH 3adsorption, however, the current increases notably and I-Vbiascurve is 9nearly linear, corresponding to a metallic behavior of ohmi c contact. CO 2adsorption can also increase the current, but its value is much smaller than that induced by NH phenomenon indicates that NH 3can be detected out of other gases by applying a bias voltage upon the GNR junction, which is consistent with our a nalysis based on SUMMARY In summary, we have performed first-principles calculation to study the adsorption ge- ometries and electronic structure of graphene nanoribbons with gas molecule adsorption. We find that NH 3molecule adsorption can significantly influence the electro nic and of AGNRs, while other gas molecules have little e ffect. Based on this we demonstrate that an AGNR can be used to detect NH 3molecules out of many familiar gas molecules. 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Bing-Lin Gu and Wenhui Duan | Adsorption of gas molecules on graphene nanoribbons and its implication
for nano-scale molecule sensor | 13 pages and 5 figures | J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 13442?C13446 | null | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We have studied the adsorption of gas molecules (CO, NO, NO2, O2, N2, CO2,
and NH3) on graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) using first principles methods. The
adsorption geometries, adsorption energies, charge transfer, and electronic
band structures are obtained. We find that the electronic and transport
properties of the GNR with armchair-shaped edges are sensitive to the
adsorption of NH3 and the system exhibits n type semiconducting behavior after
NH3 adsorption. Other gas molecules have little effect on modifying the
conductance of GNRs. Quantum transport calculations further indicate that NH3
molecules can be detected out of these gas molecules by GNR based sensor.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 11 Mar 2008 02:25:44 GMT"
] | 2008-09-20T00:00:00 | [
] |
Contents 1 Einstein's Thermodynamic Legacy 3 2 Hamiltonian 3+1 Quantum Gravity 6 2.1 The Einstein-Hilbert field equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.23+1 General Relativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.3 The Wheeler-DeWitt equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 Bosonization. Global 10 4 Space quantum states 13 4.1 Canonical reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.2 Second quantization in the Fock space . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4.3 Quantum bosonic field. One-point correlations. . . . . . . . .21 5 Classical bosonic embedded space. Tachyon. 29 5.1 Field mass by its energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 5.2 Perturbations, cosmological constant, Dark Energy . . . . . . 33 5.3 Tachyon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 6 Quantum gravity by thermodynamics 42 6.1 Density matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 6.2 The Bogoliubov coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 6.3 Thermodynamics of the Bose gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 6.4 Classically stable phase. Cold Big Bang. . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 6.5 Entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 7 Summary 63 21 Einstein's Thermodynamic is the only physical theory of universal con tent concerning which I am convinced that, within the framework of the applic ability of its basic concepts, it will never be words of Dr. Albert Einstein written in his autobiogra phical notes [1] are the testament of his life in Science. One hundred years a fter Ein- stein's discoveries, in the centaury of microcomputers, th e testament sounds strange. Today theoretical as well as mathematical physics treats investigations with some very subtle kind of contem pt. In conviction thermodynamics is clear and well un derstood branch of physics, and is need only for engineering sciences, but no t for mathematicians - this branch is categorized by more tech nologic than scientific debatable level. However, from methodological point of view, it is interesti ng that the General Relativity founder was the well defined thermodynam ic physicist, and in spite of this crucial fact he successfully formulated physical as well as mathematical fundamentals on the modern view on gravitat ion, so that General Relativity today has a status of a physical theory we ll confirmed by experimental data from the nearest regions of Cosmos. As it is commonly known, towards the end of his life Einstein d id general field theoretical considerations about physics. The reason of the general field theory dream seems to be very simple as well as very complex. N amely, from the historical point of view, the man who gave contributions to theory of diffusion processes and explained unexpected difference bet ween theoretical and experimental predictions in the photoelectrical effect of falling down light quanta on a metal, surprisingly gave simultaneously and pra ctically in the same time the crucial investigation to contemporary thinki ng about gravita- tional phenomena on classical level as, i.e.he computed theoretical values of precession of the perihelion of Mercury and binding of light rays around the sun, and generalizes the Newton law of universal gravitatio n. These regions of scientific activity at first glance lie in the most far concept ual points, and are not connected by straight intellectual line. Can it be only a coincidence that these outermost points was present in the Einstein consider ations? Maybe it is not obvious, but really it seems that Dr. Einstein disco vered only the one universal true, namely that thermodynamics is an essence of all physics , because really thermodynamic effects are present on experimental level . In this manner also gravitation, by its obvious presence in N ature and deep physical consequences can be also considered as an ther Really, the main goal of the Einstein vision was under standing that it 3should be possible to describe geometry by thermodynamics . By this realizes the concept of the general field theory searched by Einstein. In this paper we will derive some new realization of the Einst ein idea. This is a mathematical way between a mani fold given by spacetime of General Relativity, and thermodynamics of q uantum states of this spacetime. Existence of this way is not obvious, and b y this we propose to take into considerations the following point of view Conjecture. Gravitation determined by General Relativistic spacetime can be described as the effective quantum states thermodynamics . The realization of this conjecture is essentially containe d in the idea called in this paper Thermodynamical Einstein's Dream . This idea is comprehend as some hypothetical way from the classical object that is a pse defined by four dimensional spacetime metrics bein g a solution of the Einstein-Hilbert field equations of General Relativity , to generalized ther- modynamics of the Bose gas of quantum states of 3-dimensiona l space. The conception of space quantum states arises naturally from th e canonical 3+1 Dirac-ADM approach to General Relativity, that determines theory of grav- itation as an time evolution of 3-dimensional geometry of em bedded the thermodynamics realizes the quantum theo ry of fields in the strict sense of general field theo ry. In this manner, this paper is devoted to give the new proposal for quantum gra vity of this paper is as follows. First, we recall very br iefly to the Einstein-Hilbert General Relativity [ 2,3] that is studying of the splitting of 4-di mensional geometry into 1-dimensional time and 3-dimensi onal space, and interprets of General Relativity as time evolution of the em bedded This canonical 3+1 approach to [ 4,5] leads immediately to the Hamiltonian secondary constrain t of General Relativity given by some generalized the Einstein- that after application of the Dirac first quantiza tion method [ 6] gives in the result the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and leads to the conception of the Wheeler's superspace [ 7,8,9] as the configurational space of . The superspatial quantum equation of motion ma thematically is the second order functional differential equation with re spect to metrics of 3-dimensional space, and is commonly interpreted [ 9,10,11] as a kind of the nonrelativistic Schrodinger quantum mechanics in su perspace for wave function that is a functional of embedd ed 3-space metric field. 4However, by the relativistic character of General Relativi ty, in this paper it is proposed to reinterpret this equation not as nonrelati vistic equation but as relativistic one, that is the equatio n for some abstract Bose field. It is demonstrated explicitly that in frames of 3+1 metric one can get rid of the superspace metric from t he Wheeler- DeWitt equation and to change differentiation from metrics o f onto determinant of 3-metrics, and in result treat the function as the one dimensional Bose field associated wi th a manifold of General Relativity by three dimensi onal geometry of embedded space. Some aspects of classical theory of the bo son are de- veloped and discussed in this paper, deductions for the tach yon state, Dark Energy and cosmological constant value are included. The cl assical field the- ory is quantized by employing the second quantization in for m of commutation relations agreed with general Von Ne algebraic approach [ 12,13] and the correct Fock space is builded. By nonlinear character of equations of motion in the Fock space , procedure based on the Heisenberg operator evolution w ith using of the bosonic Bogoliubov transformation [ 14] is proposed, and in the result the fundamental functional operator Fock reper associated to i nitial data is ob- tained, where stable quantum vacuum state is naturally pres ent. Quantum states of 3-dimensional space, called here Space Quantum St ates (SQS), are defined with respect to this static reper, and thermodynamic s of the Bose gas of space quantum states is formulated by application of t he matrix method in this static basis. The SQS system is analyzed from point of view of one-point correlations of the Bose field, and stable phase of the system in the limit of huge number o f quantum states produced from stable Bogoliubov vacuum is chosen as t he correct equilibrium sense. Fundamental thermody namic are computed. The equipartition law is used to obt ain a number of degrees of freedom in the classical limit of the Bose gas, a nd are interpreted as four thermodynamical degre es of freedom. En- tropy of the Bose gas of space quantum states is analyzed, and roles of initial data vacuum quantum states, and the Cold Big Bang of SQS from v acuum are discussed. In this manner the quantum theory of gravitat ion is realized as generalized thermodynamics of the Bose gas of space quant um states. 52 Hamiltonian 3+1 Quantum Gravity In this section we present some standard results which have a basic status for General Relativity and quantum gravity, and are need for fur ther develop- ments of this paper. This is the cano nical3+1 ap- proach to a Lorentzian manifold given by a solution of the Ein equations of General Relativity and its Dirac's primar y leads to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and the concept of Superspace. 2.1 The Einstein-Hilbert field Relativity can be obtained from the four-geometry a ction with fixed on a boundary three-geometry [ 9,15]1 S[g] (1) where(M,g)is a manifold [ 16] with a boundary (M,h), h= dethijis 3-volume form, K[h] = TrKijis traced the second fundamen- tal form, related to unit normal vector called the extrinsic Gauss-Codazzi curvature (see e.g.[17]) of a boundary, g= detgun is 4-volume form, R[g]is the Ricci scalar curvature, Lis cosmological con- stant, and Lis a lagrangian of all physical fields considered on a manifol d, called Matter Lagrangian. By application of the Hilbert-Pa latini [ 3,18] with respect to the fundamental field gunto the action ( 1) dS[g] dgun= 0, (2) with boundary 0, (3) one can obtain the Einstein-Hilbert field equations of Gener al 3Tun, (4) whereTunis the stress-energy (5) 1In this paper the units 8pG/3 1are used. 6Runis the Ricci curvature tensor that is contracted the Riemann tensor Rl uan, and is dependent on the Christoffel affine their coordinate (6) Run=Rl uln= (8) where holonomic basis [ 15] was chosen. 2.23+1 General Relativity Let us introduce coordinate system chosen by the condition s o that boundary space is a constant time tsurface and write the spacetime metric field being a solution of the Einstein-Hilbert field equations ( 4) in the following (9) that actually is the Pythagoras' theorem between two points lying on two distinguish constant time (spacelike) hypersurfaces, and was firstly investi- gated by Arnowitt, Deser and Misner (ADM) [ 4]. By this the Einstein-Hilbert General Relativity Riemannian man ifold in the canonical 3+1 ADM approach has the following Ni=hijNj, g=N2h, (12) In this case the action ( 1) becomes S[g] (15) Kij[h] (16) 7where ( 16) follows from the Gauss-Codazzi equations for embedded spa ce. HereKijis the tensor, is the stress-energy tensor pro- jected onto unit timelike normal vector nu= [-N,0], nunu= 1, (17) to induced embedded (18) andpijis the canonical conjugate momentum field to the field requirement [ 6] of the primary constraints [ 8] for ( 13) p=dL d.N0, (21) leads to the secondary constraints H0, (22) Hi0, (23) called the Hamiltonian constraint and the diffeomorphism co nstraint, respec- tively. The diffeomorphism constraint ( 23) merely reflects spatial of the theory, and dynamics is given by the Hamilton ian constraint (22). By using of the conjugate momentum field ( 19), the Hamiltonian con- straint ( 22) can be written in the equivalent = 0, (24) called the equation [ ?]-[?]. (25) is called the Wheeler superspace metric. 82.3 The Wheeler-DeWitt equation The classical geometrodynamics is given by the Dirac-ADM Ha ( 24) and can be quantized by direct application of the Dirac pri- mary quantization [ =d(3)(x,y), (28) that in result demands to introduce the canonical conjugate momentum op- erator in the pj=-id dNj, p=-id dN, (29) and leads to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation [ 8] HPs[hij] = 0.(30) Other first class constraints are conditions on the wave func = 0, piPs[hij] = 0, HiPs[hij] = 0, (31) and the canonical commutation relations 0.(32) In result Hiare generators of diffeomorphisms can be expressed also as constraints =Hd(3) ,i(x,y), andca ij's are structure constants of diffeomorphism (38) Commutators ( 35-37) show the first-class constrained system property. 93 Bosonization. Global Commonly the Wheeler-DeWitt theory ( 30) is interpreted in terms of Schrodinger quantum mechanics in configur ation space of Gen- eral Relativity. This point of view seems to be misleading, t he conception of superspace is rather mysterious mathematical creation t han real physi- cal existence, and in this interpretation the Wheeler-Dewi tt equation be- comes physically senseless. Indeed one can ask: Why primary quantization of relativistic classical field theory, that is General Rela tivity, must be Schrodinger quantum mechanics? From conceptual point of view it is completely unnatural to interpret quantization of rel ativistic theory one. Really this question is old and seems t o have answer in Dirac's considerations - the result of classical field theor y primary quanti- zation should be relativistic quantum mechanics that is als o a classical field theory. This is unique correct conceptual way on classical fi eld theory level. However, in spite of this famous fact previous investigatio ns of authors was concentrated on studying the Wheeler-DeWitt equation ( 30) as a kind stationary wave mechanics. This quantum m echanical logics applied to quantization of the Einstein-Hilbert theory of g ravitation is the most popular approach in the present state of quantum cosmol ogy and quan- tum gravity (See, e.g., [9,10,11]). For example so called Loop Quantum Gravity and Loop Quantum Cosmology develop also quantum mec hanics point of view. In result, in spite of beautiful philosophica l as well as so- phisticated mathematical constructions and many promises to description of quantum gravity in terms of nonrela tivistic did not give any phenomenological results that ca n be confronted with experimental data. By this reason in this section we will study the Wheeler-DeWi tt equation (30) from some new point of view, that is relativistic quantum me chanics as well as classical field theory. Recall that we have begun our c onsiderations of quantum gravity by studying of 3+1decomposition of Lorentzian metric field of General Relativity, which means that actually we have con sidered classical field theory after the Dirac primary quantization. From the famous candidates for the relativistic quantum mechani cs equation it seems to be the best choice for this role the stationary the bo sonic evolution, that is the wave equation. Indeed, the Wh is based on the second order differential equation in t he superspace co- ordinate hij. However, it is some conceptual and formal problem to consid er this equation with explicit presence of the superspace metr icsGijkl. One can try to eliminate this refined tensor from our considerations and reduce 3+1 Quantum Gravity to global one-dimensional classical field t heory. 10Let us consider the standard relation between functional di fferentials of 4-metric field and 4-volume form (See, e.g., (39) where summation convention is assumed. By employing the 3 + 1 decom- position ( 10) one can determine the variations of contravariant metric fi (40) dgij=dhij, (43) as well as the variation of 4-volume (44) So by using of covariant metric field components we obtain fina lly in result the (45) which establishes the global relation between 3-volume for m and 3-metric field contravariant components. However, the relation ( 45) to determine the functional derivative with respect to field as an object proportional to covariant space m etrics with func- tional differentiation with respect to the scalar field that i s the space (3-volume (46) Double using of this functional differential operator to the wave function of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation leads by direct computation of the variation of covariant spac e metrics with using by the relation ( (48) 11we obtain as (49) that after application in the second term of ( 47) causes that two first terms vanishes and in result we obtain important for further devel opment (50) One can see now that really we have not to deal with the supersp ace namely the key relation ( 50) in result leads to the scalar beeing double contraction of the superspace (51) and by this the functional differentiation with respect to sp ace metrics be- ing an origin of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation transits into t he with respect to space metrics determinant w ith some (52) In consequence we conclude that the superspatial Wheeler-D eWitt equation (30) transforms by the following = 0. (53) This equation can be rewritten in form of the functional 1-di mensional equation for the classical massive Bose field = 0, (54) that lies in accordance with general relativistic characte r of the theory of gravitation. Formally one can u nderstand (55) as square of mass for the classical bosonic field Ps[h], and build a quantum theory of the Einstein-Hilbert general gravitational field s as quantum field theory, where classical Riemannian manifold is an effect of t he Bose gas. 124 Space quantum states The previous section was devoted to presentation of results for the treated in terms of the relativistic quan tum by the equation ( 147) for the classical Bose with the Einstein-Hilbert Riemannian manifold of . In the present section we will construct quantu m field theory of the considered Bose field by language of the Fock space of anni hilation and creation operators. 4.1 Canonical reduction Let us consider again the equation ( 147). Formally one can consider this Euler-Lagrange equation of motion as comb ination of two equations: the equation of motion for the canonical conjuga te momentum field given by ( 151) and the constraint for the canonical conjugate momentum field that is ( 152). This system of equations can be rewritten in the reduced form, that is the first order functional differential equatio n as 1 -m2[h] (56) With using of the following abbreviated (57) the reduced equation ( 56) can be presented in the form that is looks like formally to the Dirac 0, (58) where the positively defined mass matrix Mu nis determined (59) However, in the considered case the matrices Gu= [-iI2,02]create different the Clifford algebra than in the case the Dirac algebra
{Gu,Gn}= 2eunI2, anticommutator brackets, I2is 2-dimensional unit matrix, and 02is 2-dimensional null matrix, and the metrics eunin this case is given 0 0 (61) that is agreed with 1-dimensional equation ( 147). Let us investigate the generalized second quantization of t he reduced rela- tivistic quantum mechanics ( 58) by application of the Fock space of creation and annihilation functional operators. Note that the class ical field of considered system given by the relation ( 153) H[h] (62) can be presented in the matrix form H[h] = b g Ph+
uHunPhn, (63) wherea, b, g, d are some functionals of h, generally. From classical point of view the Hamiltonian ( 63) can be rewritten as H[h] (64) with natural identification concluded from the form of the Ha miltonian ( 62) a=1 2, d=1 2m2[h], b=g= 0. (65) Let us build the second quantization of the reduced equation (58) based on quantization of the classical field theory Hamiltonian. 4.2 Second quantization in the Fock space The quantization of the considered classical Bose field theo ry will understand in this paper in terms of the fundamental operator quantizat ion of the re- duced field equation ( 58). This quantization, called the second quantization, that can be presented formally as the t ransition fields and quantum fields operators as (66) 14and applied to the reduced equation ( 58) gives as the result the operator 0. (67) According to standard rules of quantum field theory, the quan tization must be constructed by application of canonical commutation rel ations that are agreed with quantum statistics that have the entrance relat ivistic equation given in the considered case by the Klei ( 147). Obviously, this is the Bose statistics, and in this manner we should apply the standard rules of bosonic quantum field theo ry thats =-id(h'-h), = 0, = 0. (70) where[,]are commutator brackets. From the quantum field theory point of view, that we want to construct here, the classical field theo ry Hamiltonian (62) must be quantized in terms of field operators, and in this cas e we should consider instead the classical Hamiltonian ( 63) more general quadratic form H[h',h] = (71) and the formula ( 64) in this case has a form H[h',h] (72) that by existence of the canonical commutation relations ( 68), (69), (70) is nonequivalent to the classical field theory Hamiltonian ( 63). Now we want to see directly that if we want to preserve in quantum field theor y the classical form of the field Hamiltonian ( 63),i.e. H[h] then we must take into consideration the =1 2, d[h',h] =1 2m[h']m[h], g[h',h] =C, b[h',h] =-C, (74) 15whereCis some constant c-number independent on h. Then from ( 72) we obtain directly H[h] (75) where the last term can be omitted by c-number character. How ever, gen- erally the quantum field theory of considered boson has the fo llowing (76) that is obviously nondiagonal. Because of, as it was seen in t he relation ( 75), the constant c-number Cdoes not play role in physics - it is only a choice of reference Hamiltonian value - one can put into computatio ns the simplest caseC0. Then the quantum field theory Hamiltonian ( 76) is diagonal, and moreover the demanded classical form of the quantum field Hamiltonian is preserved H[h] (77) In this manner we must not search for special diagonalizable basis, and we can directly apply to the system the Fock space quantization . We propose apply to the reduced equation (67) the following generalized fundamental operator quantization in the Fock space of creation and annihilation functional operators (78) Let us note that this second quantization lies in strict acco rdance with the bosonic character of the equation ( 147), and also with the generalized alge- braic approach investigated in papers of Von Neumann, Araki and Woods [12,13]. The principal canonical commutation relations ( 68), (69), and ( 70) are automatically fulfilled if the considered Bose system is described by the dynamical basis B[h]in the proposed Fock space = that the Fock space quantization ( 78) can be rewritten briefly as action of the second quantization matrix on the dynamical basis Ph[h] =Q[h]B[h], (80) where the second quantization matrix can be determined dire ctly as Q[h] (81) The quantum field dynamics considered from the point of view o f the basis B[h]is described by the equation ( 147) with application of the second quantization ( 80). By elementary calculations one can obtain that the h-evolution of the basis B[h]is governed by the following equation of (82) Formally, this is nonlinear first order functional different ial equation. This system of equations for the creation and annihilation funct ional operators can not be solved directly by application of the standard path in tegrals method, here the coupling between annihilation and creation operat ors is present in form of nondiagonal elements. Moreover, in the dynamical ba sis (79) we have to deal with some kind of global situation - by reference fram e dependence of the quantum vacuum state, vacuum expectation values of the q uantum field theory Hamiltonian ( 77) that in the dynamical basis has a following form H[h] (83) can not be treated as correctly defined, by the dynamical char acter of the basis. For correctness we must build some static functional operator basis - in this type of basis, the vacuum expectation values can be de termined by local status of the basis, and by this quantum field theory is n o senseless. The recept to the similar evolutions is only one, unique, and una mbiguous - this is diagonalization of the operator evolution to the Heisenb erg canonical form 17together with using of the Bogoliubov transformation agree d with relations. Let us apply the diagonalization procedure. Firstly, we tak e into con- siderations the supposition that sounds that in the Fock spa ce exists some local basis where exactly the same canonical commutation re lations between creation and annihilation functional operators are preser ved B'[h] = basis in our studies has the fundamental status, namely we suppose that in this basis the functional operator evolution ( 82) diagonalizes directly to the canonical Heisenberg operator (85) wherel[h]is generally some functional of the evolution parameter. By using of the supposition that in the local basis are preserved the b osonic relations, one can deduce directly that the fun damental be obtained from the dynamical basis B[h]by some transformation in the considered Fock space, tha t is a rotation of basis determined by standardly defined the Bogoliubov tra in the case of systems with Bose statistics has the foll owing form B'[h] (86) where the Bogoliubov coefficients uandvare functionals of h, and by rota- tional character of the bosonic Bogoliubov transformation these the hyperbolic space cond 1. (87) This can be checked by direct elementary computation that th e proposed two- step diagonalization operator evolution equations proced ure in result leads to demanding of vanishing of the functional l[h], but simultaneously transits a whole dynamical evolution from the operator basis onto the system of the bosonic Bogoliubov (88) 18By this the procedure leads to realization of the main aim of t his construc- tion - namely this gives definition of the static operator bas is that has the fundamental character; the static basis is completely dete rmined by initial data problem in the Fock space, and is given by usual ladder op erators B'[h] 1,[GI,GI] = by the static character the fundamental opera tor basis, this basis defines static quantum vacuum state given 0,0 (90) and vacuum expectation values computed on this initial data vacuum state are well-defined by local status of the fundamental basis BI. The functional differential equations for the Bogoliubov co efficients ( 88) can be solved directly by famous methods of linear analytica l algebra based on the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. However, in the present sit uation we have very special evolution - actually the bosonic Bogoliubov co efficients can not be chosen arbitrary, by the fact that they are constrained by the ( 87), and in possible solving method we should construct firstly some parametrization that lies in accordance with this hype rbolic constraint, and then to try solve the coefficients evolution equation ( 88) in this parametrization. It can be checked by direct algebra ic reverse conduct leads to bad-defined algebraical probl em. By hyper- bolic view of the rotational condition ( 87) we suggest to use the very of the bosonic Bogoliubov coefficients, so c alled the super- fluid coordinate system defined by the following transformat ion u[h] = exp (91) v[h] = exp (92) Elementary algebraic manipulations lead to the system of fu nctional differ- ential equations for the parameters th[h]andph[h], that can be solved directly and the solutions can be written in the following form th[h] (93) ph[h] = mI=m[hI]. (94) 19The interpretation of these solutions is obvious - the quant ityth[h]is inte- grated mass of the considered boson, and the solution ph[h]is associated with mass of the boson. By this the bosonic Bo ( 88) can be determined as follows u[h] have a freedom in sign choosing of the phases, but we decide to choose the positive phases. Actually by definition of the coefficient suandv, we determinate the monodromy matrix G[h]that transits the fundamental basis BIinto the dynamical one B[h]defined as B[h] =G[h]BI (97) that has the following this manner one can conclude directly that in the presente d approach the quantum theory of gravitation is completely determined by the correct choose of the monodromy matrix between dynamic and static ba ses in the Fock space of creation and annihilation functional operato rs. By this reason in the Fock space formulation, quantum gravitation one can i mmediately un- derstood as the phenomena that is an effect of the choice of ope rator basis. The initial data basis BIis directly related with intial data of the creation and annihilation operators, and in this manner this has the f for description of physical phenomena - the monodrom y matrix ( 98) consists whole information about dynamics of a space geomet ry of the Rie- mannian manifold given by a solution of the Einstein-Hilber t field equations of General Relativity ( ??). Moreover, one can see directly from the form of the monodromy matrix ( 98), that this fundamental quantity is by a quotient of two squares of mass for the Bose fie ld - one taken in the initial point, and the second taken in the current evol ution point. By this reason, actually this quotient of squares of mass has th e meaning for the quantum theory of the considered Bo se field. 204.3 Quantum bosonic field. One-point field operator Ph[h]which is directly associated with a 3-dimensional spa- tial part of the Einstein-Hilbert Riemannian manifold of Ge neral Relativity, and represents a spacetime in terms of bosonic quantum field t heory can be concluded immediately as an effect of transformation of th e initial data basis by directed action of the monodrom y matrix G[h] and the second quantization matrix Q[h]as follows Ph[h] =Q[h]G[h]BI. (99) In this manner by multiplication of matrices QandGgiven by the formulas (80) and ( 98) the bosonic field operator associated with a spatial geomet ry of spacetime can be concluded in the form Ps[h] (100) This field operator is formally hermitian operator Ps+[h] =Ps[h], (101) and acts on the static vacuum state by the following = (103) Linear algebra gives the theorem that states that eigenvalu es of are given by functions of the operator eigenvalues , and in considered case it particularly allows to define the multifield quantum s natural numbers, and h'andhare determinants of space metrics and characterize quantum state of spacetime given b y a metrics with 21space part described respectively by h' unandhun. We will these states as space quantum states of a spacetime and for shortness we will note these states two-point correlation functions of two space q uantum states can be determined immediately (108) By normalization to unity the initial data (109) one can determinate the vacuum-vacuum amplitude 8mI, (110) and simultaneously it can be treated as the definition of init ial data mass mI. Especially interesting for further developments correla tors (114) where in calculations of vacuum expectation values was used the 8mI, the Newton binomial coefficient. The correlator (111) is basic, naturally one can find from ( 108) (117) For example one can directly define the two-point correlator (113) in the following by application of the functional Taylor series expansion of the integral in exponent of the last (119) with the functional considered two-point correlator for shortness us consider in detail the one point correlator ( 111). Firstly let us note that by application of the correlator ( 111) the bosonic field ( 100) is immediately determined by this one-point correlator in the following way Ps[h] (122) 23and by this it gives also the hermitean conjugation. From the other side by using of the square of mass definition ( 55) one can obtain the =m2[h] (124) that can be interpreted as the other definition of the one-poi nt correlator by basic geometrical quantities associated with 3-dimension al space (125) Also the Dark Matter energy density ( 202) can be expressed immediately by this (126) Moreover, as it was noted in the previous subsection the mono dromy matrix (98) is immediately determined by the quotient of squares of mas s, that is really the one-point correlator by the formula ( 111). In this manner the monodromy matrix ( 98) is really dependent on the one-point correlator in the following (127) where according to the definition ( 93) and with accepted sign, the phase is equal to th[h] (128) Similarly the second quantization matrix ( 81) can be completely determined by the considered one-point correlator in the following way Q[h] (129) 24Note that in the previous section we obtained the relation fo r square of mass (182) by the coefficients a's m2[h] (130) and by this the correlator ( 111) can be determined now by the following (131) that for case of constant energies of the rang eaccording to ( 192) in the tachyon limit we (133) The one-point correlation function ( 132) can be interpreted as the informa- tion source on quantum stable states of the considered Bose s ystem. Namely, as it is common accepted in research on similar situation in p article physics, one can consider the poles of the correlator with respect to t he variable h-hI. The poles are given by zeros of the correlator ( 132) 0. (134) This is the third order polynomial equation, and generally t his kind of equa- tions has three roots - two complex and one real. Let us consid er only the 25real root, because it is the stable state only. By elementary algebraic meth- ods of the Galois group, one can obtain that the real solution of the equation (132) is given (135) This solution has a little bit complicated form, but we can ex change these some complex solution by the following recept. Namely, we kn ow that the real solution is only one, and by this one can use the parametr ization of the constant e, related with h-hIby the inequality ( 193), by the following way e=th2 h-hI, (136) wherethis a number, that by the formula ( 193) must fulfills
|th|<1= -1< th <1. (137) With this supposition the formula ( 132) can be expressed as (138) where the (139) is identified with tachyon state. The real and positive pole o f (138) is deter- mined by very simple (140) In this manner, by using of the regularization ( 136), actually one can consider the relative (141) 26where the vacuum-vacuum amplitude was absorbed by reductio n. This cor- relator expressed in units for which the square of the tachyo n mass is equal to minus unity, -1, (142) becomes very (143) and we see that this reduced one-point correlator has the rea l pole for th=1 3. The Figure ( 1) presents graphics of this one-point correlator as a functi on ofth, and the one-point correlator ( 141) as function of the argument h-hIfor some values of th(-1,1). Because we have to deal with one-point of the quantum bosonic field Psdetermined on the of General Relativity that is the superspace, where th e point means some concrete compact 3-geometry, the poles of the one-poin t correlator ( 143) have an interpretation of free stable states of the consider ed quantum field theory. By this the point th=1 3localizes the quantum stable state, and in this manner the quantum stable state can be identified with th e quanta of gravity, i.e. with the graviton. Generally the graviton is detected in the superspace points hthat fulfill the (144) and are presented on the Figure ( 1) in the part (b) by points where the correlator has singularity. In the tachyon limit th= 0the pole value of h-hI (144) 0, (145) and by this in the point h=hIis localized graviton in the tachyon limit. It is interesting that in the , (146) stable quantum state can not be detected, as it is presented o n the 1: Graphics of (a) the normalized relative correlato r (143) (b) the correlator ( 141) (vertical axis) as a function of the argument for some values of 2: Dependence of the argument h-hIfrom the parameter thfor that the graviton is localized. 5 Classical bosonic embedded space. Tachyon. Let us consider now some aspects of the classical Bose field the previous section. We are not going to resolve the equat ion (54) again, but analyze some structural elements of the relativistic qu antum by this equation, especially the square of mass ( 55) by its with 3-geometry of spacetime. 5.1 Field mass by its energy The relativistic wave equation obtained in the previous sec = 0, (147) from classical point of view describes some one-dimensiona l classical particle with mass dependent on the point hijin superspace characterized by its determinant h. In the case of the mass independent on the superspace point, this equation has a very well known solution in terms of plane waves, but in the general case, i.e.for nonconstant mass, this equation is not very simple for direct solving. Plane waves are not a solution in this cas e. However, we are not going to concentrate our considerations on search for solutions of the equation ( 147), but in the next sections we will try 29to construct a second quantization of this equation, that is independent on classical field theory solution. In this section we will disc uss classical field theory that gives the equation ( 147) as the classical Euler-Lagrange equation of motion. Obviously, because of we have to deal with the Bose field, in this section we will consider some theory of the bosonic string. Firstly, let us consider the equation ( 147) as the classical of motion obtained by some field theory lagrangian to the system of 0, 0, canonical momentum conjugate to the classical field one can construct the Lagrangian by field theory action by using of the equation of motion ( 147) in the we have applied integration of full divergence, and Ps+[h] = Ps[h]. This means we have to deal with the classical field theory given by t he Euler- Lagrange system of equations in the = 0, 0. (152) The classical field theory Hamiltonian can be constructed im mediately from the Lagrangian ( 150) by application of the standard Legendre between Hamiltonian and Lagrangian of the classical dynam ical system H[PPs,Ps] = P Ps[h]dPs[h] dh-L/bracketleftbigg Ps[h],dPs[h] dh/bracketrightbigg (153) 30that for fixed mass m[h]describes ellipse in space The set of these all ellipses lies on paraboloid parameterized by co ntinue parameter h. Direct using of the momentum constraint ( 152) and the fact that really the Hamiltonian ( 153) can be treated as functional with respect to the hof the equation ( =H[h], allows to rewrite the classical field theory Hamiltonian ( 153) as the definition of mass m2[h]Ps2[h] = (154) and after simple elimination of the square of mass by using of the equation of motion ( 147) this leads to the functional differential equation for the c = (155) which after collecting terms leads to the following relatio n between the field Ps[h]and the Hamiltonian 2H[h]. (156) So, presently one can be integrate the last equation directl y with initial value ofhtaken as hI. In result we obtain Ps2[h] = (157) and by this the solution of the classical wave equation ( 147) can be for- mally accepted as the functional Ps[h] = (Ps2[h])1/2. From the other side the equation ( 155) can be integrated into the form PPs[h]Ps[h] = (158) which combined together with the solution ( 157) fixes values of the momentum PPs[h]with respect to values of the classical the following way PPs[h] (159) 31Taking into account the basic relation for the classical fiel d theory Hamilto- nian ( 153) one can obtain by direct algebraic (160) or by employing the relation ( 158) m2[h] (161) By treating this relation as a constraint that fixes mass valu e and by applica- tion of the solution ( 157) one can determine easily the dependence between field mass and its energy values m2[h] (162) In this manner, the classical field theory of the Bose field Ps[h]can be studied in terms of values of its square mass in dependence on values o f the classical field theory Perturbations, cosmological constant, Dark Energy The last formula ( 162) determines fundamental relation between the square of mass of the considered boson and the classical field energy distribution. By using of the definition ( 55) one can consider this relation in terms of fixes values of the normal to the boundary space componen t of tensor (164) and by positive definiteness of the classical energy density can be used to determine an upper limit for the cosmological us define the mass groundstate of the classical field theor y presented above by the following condition H[h'] =Cd(h'-h), H[h] = 0, (166) so that the constant C-0formally, here d(h'-h)is the Dirac delta function. For so defined groundstate the first term in the square of mass ( 162) and the second term gives finite contributio n to the square number is negative for all values of hand by this relation the tachyon, that is the fundamental excitation of the bosonic string [21]. For the considered groundstate are fulfilled the followin g (169) 33If we demand additionally that for the initial metric hIthe classical have a some finite mass mIthen the formula ( 173) should be renormalized as follows m2 0[h] (170) so the initial square of mass should be huge for correctness the field Ps[h], we conclude from the basic relation ( 157) that in so defined mass groundstate the classical field Ps[h]is Ps[h] = (171) and in this case the phase space by the relation ( 158) is given by a family of (172) or simply by the condition that the product of phase space var iables is the first integral of the considered classical field theory PPs[h]Ps[h] =constans . For all constant, but nonzero values of the classical field th eory 0, the square of mass vanishes 0, (173) and these states are massless excitations of the bosonic str ing, by fact that hereH0is arbitrary constant, number of massless states is continu um. For the massless states we have simplified relations for normal stre ss-energy tensor and cosmological (174) However, presence of massless states in the theory means tha tu2= 0, what is unphysical mass scale value by u>=1. From the string theory point of view the tachyon state is trea ted as mass groundstate of the considered theory of bosonic string. One can generate the process of symmetry breaking in frames of the perturbationa l calculus with respect to the classical field theory Hamiltonian H[h]. Namely, in the most 34general case, one can imagine that an arbitrary mass state of the consid- ered bosonic string, and as the context suggests arbitrary m etrics of , is generated by small deviation from the tachyo n state. Let the deviation is an arbitrary functional so that dH[h]1, then deviation from the groundstate of the classical Hamiltonian given by H[h'] H[h] =dH[h], (175) leads to perturbations from the mass groundstate in the form m2[h] =m2 0[h]+dm2[h], (176) where the term dm2[h]describes the full contribution to the square of mass from the perturbation and breaks mass groundstate directly . Let us assume that the term has a form of the series dm2[h] (177) where the partial terms d(k)m2[h]consist all corrections taken up to the k-th order in the perturbation dH[h]of the classical Hamiltonian. By introduce of shorten notation a0a0[h] =dH[h] C, (178) a1a1[h] (179) a2a2[h] (180) one can check easily by elementary computation that the k-th contribution to the series ( 177) has a following form d(k)m2[h] = (181) and by this the series ( 177) can be summed immediately, so that the full result for the square of mass ( 176) can be determined by dependence from 35the parameters a's m2[h] =-1 4(h-hI)2+
1 2a2 h-hI 1+a2 h-hI 2
/bracketleftbigg1 (h-hI)2-a2 1+2a1 a2/bracketrightbigg
+1 (182) and the parameters can be treated as free parameters of the th eory. 5.3 Tachyon From the relation ( 182) we see explicitly that if a's are constrained by the following system of 0(183) then we have to deal with the tachyon state - in this case the sq uare of mass is negative and equal to the first term of this formula. Th e system of equations ( 183) can be solved directly, in result we obtain the both a1. (185) By this the tachyon, which is the mass groundstate of the cons idered bosonic theory, can be completely determined by arbitrary value of a0and connected with this value the functions by relations ( 184) and (185). One can see easily that this system of equations leads to th e surface Tin space of parameters (a0,a1,a2)given by the set of (186) that describes tachyon state in this space, see Figure 3. 36Figure 3: Tachyon state in space of parameters (a0,a1,a2): the part (a) presents large scale view of the surface ( 186); the part (b) presents the surface in neighborhood of the point the case of the constant perturbation othat is very small in comparison with (187) Then by direct combination of the relations ( 178), (179), and ( 180) we obtain a0=e, (188) a1= (h-hI)e, (190) and in this case d(k)m2[h] = (191) so, the sum ( 176) can be calculated directly m2[h] (192) where the small constant eis chosen according to the (193) It is clear now that tachyon state is obtained by the limit one can treat the square of mass ( 176) in terms of power series in the (194) where the coefficients anas functions of ( 178), (179), and ( 180) are initial data described by hI, and they can be directly written in the compact form an[h;hI] = the step function defined as G[n] using of the main relation for the square of mass ( 55) m2[h] can obtain by direct comparison with the power series ( 194) the (197) that can be treated as a definition of the stress-energy tenso rprojected onto normal vector field to boundary 3-dimensional surface a s [h] (198) This energy density is positive (199) and this actually defines an upper limit for the cosmological constant L. One can view on the relation ( 197) by different point of view. Namely, when we rewrite this formula in the following 0, (200) then we see that this suggests redefinition of the energy dens ity by the way TDM=+rDM[h], (202) can be interpreted as a density energy from Dark Matter fields . Equivalently one can determine the Dark Matter density energy ( 202) by application the relation ( 182) as follows rDM[h] (203) 39that for constant energies becomes rDM[h] (204) By direct resolving of the equation ( 200) with respect to the Lone can determine the cosmological constant as the only on scalar curvature of boundary 3-geometry, and density of normal Matter fields and Dark Matter L =R[h]-3TDM 2. (205) In this manner, the Einstein-Hilbert action that is the seco nd integral of ( 1) takes the the total lagrangian of Matter fields and Dark (207) withLas the Lagrangian of Matter fields. Moreover, by constant val ue ofL, with Dark Matter contribution, the General Relativity field equations ( ??) presently (208) whereTunis the stress-energy tensor of Matter fields. One can consider the case when we have to deal with vanishing c osmo- logical constant L0. In this case, from the relations ( 205) and ( 201) we directly obtain that stress-energy tensor projected onto n ormal field vector has a value lim L-0[h] =R[h] 3-rDM[h], (209) that for small energies (210) and in the tachyon limit takes the =R[h] 3. (211) 40By this the Einstein-Hilbert field equations of General Rela tivity with Dark Matter existence ( 208) in the case of vanishing cosmological constant within the tachyon limit are simply Run= (212) but the tachyon state in the neighborhood of zero in the space of nonzero cosmological constant is described by complet ely other field calculus ideas presented above, completely d escribe the classical field theory ( 147) in terms of the spontaneously breaking of mass groundstate of the bosonic string with respect to the field theory Hamilto nian ( 153). 416 Quantum gravity by last section was devoted to presentation of the quantum t heory of the Bose field Ps[h]based on the quantization in the Fock space of creation and annihilation functional operators, and proper choice of th e initial data ba- sis. This approach led us to notion of space quantum states as sociated spatial part of a Riemannian spacetime c lassically treated as a solution of the Einstein-Hilbert field equations of Gene ral as the main result of our studies of the one-poi nt two-field cor- relator real poles of the bosonic field Ps[h]we have obtained a localization of the stable quantum states of the quantum field theory that can be interpreted as the quantum particle of generalized gravitational fields - the graviton. In this section we will investigate thermodynamical descri ption of the con- sidered bosonic statistical system. We will use the density functional method in order to formulation of equilibrium statistical thermod ynamics of many space quantum states. Actually, it is the last step of the The Dream, that is the main motivation to this paper. Let us try to create thermodynamical picture that arises fro m the pre- sented quantum field theory. When we build thermodynamics, w e should use the simplest rules of statistical physics, that in some sens e give the about the considered physical system. In usual thermal situa- tions in physics, we have to deal with some concrete set of pos sible physical states, and we try to construct statistical description of t he system by using of ensemble that given the prescription for averaging proce dure. Generally in real physical systems we have to deal with the only one clas sical Boltzmann distribution, and in case of quantum states of the Bose systems with the Bose-Einstein statistics, and in case with Fermi particles with Fermi-Dirac statistics. Furthermore, the real system s are no isolated and open, so interaction with environment is inevitable. Le t us consider the situation of the concrete system as is the system of space qua ntum states of a spacetime. By quantum character of the set we have to deal wi th in the considered case the quantum mechanics, t hat is classical field theory, is described by the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in form of the evolution equation ( 147). Naturally, this is the Bose system, and we should describe statistical properties of th e system in frames of the Bose-Einstein statistics. Moreover, by its Nature th e system is open and no isolated, but we have proposed the diagonalization pr ocedure and this framework generates the fundamental static operator basis in the Fock space associated with initial data of the system. Actually, this i nitial data basis also defines the thermal equilibrium state, and generalized thermodynam- ics of the set of space quantum states can be investigated fro m this point 42of view. Let us consider the thermodynamics of space quantum states as quantum theory of general gravitational fields. The initial data basis ( 89) gives an opportunity to introduce a notion of the thermodynamical equilibrium state in the statistical e nsemble of many space quantum states that are some generalized quantum part icles of the classical Einstein-Hilbert Riemannian manifold of Genera l Relativity. Es- sentially, the fundamental static operator basis BIis given by creation and annihilation operators in the Fock space of the quantum field theory. It means that initial data are directly jointed with static des cription of the en- semble, and from the point of view of the fundamental basis th e set of space quantum states is isolated and no open system, and can be char acterized by usual thermodynamical description. By this from conceptua l side of ther- modynamics as the only theory between quantum field theory an d and from as logical well as ontological points sh ould be possible to obtain the statistical of the space quan tum states system. In the context of this paper the following supposition seems to be the of space quantum states is quantum gravity. Let us study this generalized thermodynamics and its physic al aspects. 6.1 Density matrix We will investigate here thermodynamical description trea ted as of density operator. In real physical system s, as for example for photon gas or the system of free electrons, this is sufficie nt approximation to obtain satisfactory accordance with experimental data. The operator is standardly given by occupation number o perator of quan- tum states. For the considered case the quantum states are de scribed by the dynamical operator basis ( 79), and by this in demanded approximation the density operator has a form D[h] =G+[h]G[h]. (214) This dynamical density operator has the following matrix re presentation in the dynamical basis D[h] 0 0 =B+[h]DB+[h], (215) 43and by direct application of the Bogoliubov transformation can be immedi- ately expressed in the static initial data basis as follows D[h] an interpretation of the matrix representation of the de nsity operator ( 214) in the initial data operator basis, and actually describes the system of space quantum states in thermodynamical equilibr ium with respect to the fundamental basis. The explicit form of the functiona l matrix D[h]is D[h] has the natural properties D+[h] =D[h],detD[h] = 0, (218) where for compact notation m=m[h], andth=th[h]. This type of reasoning is some kind of the Heisenberg picture. It is natural to assume that the set of space quantum states is described in the Grand Canonical Ensemble [ 23]. The grand partition function is stan- dardly defined as ohm(z,V,T) = (219) wherez= expuN Tis called activity, Uis internal energy, uis chemical po- tential,Nis averaged occupation number, Vis volume, and Tis temperature of the system. The ensemble average of quantity Ain the Grand equation of state for the Bose system can be calculated as PV T= lnohm(z,V,T), (221) 44wherePis pressure. The famous grand partition function for the Bos e statis- tics in the case associated with our problem is ohm(z,V,T) (222) and by this the equation of state ( 221) (223) Moreover, the averaged occupation number can be (224) Entropy of the Bose gas is then determined by the following re (225) 6.2 The Bogoliubov coefficients Let us consider the space quantum states system in Grand Cano nical En- semble. The basic quantity of statistical mechanics is an en tropy, that for an arbitrary quantum system described is defined by the standar d formula S[h] (226) and in considered case can be immediately computed from the d ensity ma- trix ( 217). Using of linear algebra methods, especially the Cayley-H polynomial and its properties, one can comp ute directly the logarithm of the density matrix the Bogoliubov coefficients given by ( 91). Taking the proper traces according to the definition ( 226) one can directly obtain the compact relation for entropy S[h] (228) that can be immediately compared with the entropy of the Bose gas ( 225), and in result leads to the following the activity z[h]is now z[h] = (231) After using of the hyperbolic property of the Bogoliubov coe fficients the leads to the following 2|u[h]|2= 2|v[h]|2+2, (232) and by this the second identification gives (233) Similarly the equation of state ( 223) for the Bose gas of space quantum (234) The formula determined averaged occupation number ( 224) expressed by the Bogoliubov coefficients becomes N[h] (235) 46The presented relations give an opportunity to determine th e Helmholtz free energy F[h] =U[h]-T[h]S[h], (236) as well as the Gibbs free energy G[h] (237) and the enthalpy of the system defined as H[h] =U[h]+P[h]V[h], (238) iff the free energy U[h]is understood as the ensemble average of the ma- trix representation of the Hamiltonian of the system expres sed in the vacuum U[h] (239) and the thermodynamical chemical potential is simply the fu nctional deriva- tive of the internal energy with respect to the averaged occu pation number u[h] =dU[h] dN[h]. (240) 6.3 Thermodynamics of the Bose gas In this part of the paper we will construct the space quantum s tates that according to the conjecture presented in the first section of this text is the quantum theory of gravitation. Let us start from derivation of the thermodynamical quantit ies for the Bose gas of space quantum states that give crucial informati on about this many-body statistical system. Firstly, we will consider th e internal energy of the gas. In order to derivation this characteristics, let us consider the Hof the quantum field theory Hamiltonian ( 83) of the space quantum states with respect to the initial data fundamental operator basis BI, that is H[h] (241) As it can be checked directly, this Hamiltonian matrix for fix ed space metrics has the discrete spectrum that consists two different type ei using of the definition ( 239) and some elementary algebraic computations one can obtain directly the internal energy of the Bose gas, t hat is equal to U[h] (243) Let us concentrate our attention on the occupation number of quantum states for the considered Bose gas of space quantum states. The numb er of space quantum states generated from the stable Bogoliubov vacuum related to initial data fundamental operator basis can be derived by st andard method, as the vacuum expectation value of the one-particle density operator ( 214), namely by the following (244) After direct application of the bosonic Bogoliubov transfo rmation and by us- ing of the canonical commutation relations related to the fu ndamental initial data operator basis in the Fock space, one can simply derive t he number of vacuum quantum states as (245) From the other point of view one can calculate the number of al l possible states that can be occupied by the ensemble. This quantity ca n be deter- mined by grand canonical ensemble average of the matrix repr esentation of one-particle density operator according to the (246) However, in the considered case we have the identification N[h]D[h], and by this reason the number can be computed immediately with th e TrD[h], (247) 48that after application of the matrix representation ( 217) and the relation (245) leads finally 2x+1. (248) By this the grand canonical ensemble average of an occupatio n number of the Bose gas of space quantum states determined firstly by the equals N=1 2x+1, (249) and gives an information that statistically the volume of th e Bose gas of space quantum states is occupied by one space quantum state. The relation between the number of states generated from the stable Bogol iubov vacuum xand the mass m[h]arises directly from the formula ( 96) (250) By this reason the spectrum of the Hamiltonian eigenvalues ( 251) actually is determined (251) This result can be interpreted as follows - the Bose gas of spa ce quantum states consists two physically independent phases, associ ated with the However, these two possible phases have no th e same physical status. For demystify of this fact let us consider t he basic quantity (111) of the quantum field theory formulated in previous parts of t his paper - the correlation function, that carries an information abou t one-point bosonic field configuration and is the key quantity by this (252) The character of changeability of this one-point correlato r strongly depends on the choice of the sign in the denominator, and has complete ly meaning for the case of the sign +and for the case of the sign -. Namely, in the case the positive sign this correlator goes to zero for huge values of particles generated from the initial data vacuum, but for the case of negative sign the one-point correlations become asympto tically infinite for huge number of vacuum quantum 4: The basic one-point correlation function for stab le configuration of space quantum states. For the classical limit, i.e.for huge number of vacuum quantum states, the one-point correlations arises i nfinitely. The physical meaning of this situation can be explained in th e following way. In the case of the positive sign, the one-point correlat ions in the limit of huge number of quantum states generated from the stable Bo goliubov vacuum asymptotically vanish, that physically means we hav e to deal with unstable situation in the classical limit, and by this reaso n the classical with the positive sign in the one-point correlat or (252) is the unstable object. However, in the second case, that is for the negative sign, the one-point correlations asymptotically arise to infinit y with arise to infinity of the number of vacuum quantum states, and by this reason in t his case the one-point correlator ( 252) describes stable configuration of space quantum states in the classical limit, it is stable physical object, see Figure ( 4). In this manner, at the present text we will discuss only the case of the 5: Internal energy for the Bose gas of space quantum st ates primor- dially is given by initial data, and asymptotically goes to c onstant value determined also by initial data. 6.4 Classically stable phase. Cold Big Bang. The internal energy of the Bose gas of space quantum states ( 243) for the stable fields configuration (254) and is monotonic function of the argument x(see Figure ( 5)) that in classical limit of the huge argument values goes asymptotically to the constant value that (255) One can characterize some statistical properties of the Bos e gas of space quantum states by derivation of the chemical potential for t his system. This quantity can be calculated by direct using of the standard th (256) that by using of the fact that the internal energy Uas well as the number Nare functions of the number of vacuum quantum states 51Figure 6: Chemical potential for the Bose gas of space quantu m states asymp- totically describes open system, but primordially is assoc iated with a point object ( The Big Bang point). Figure 7: Temperature for the Bose gas of space quantum state s asymptot- ically goes to constant value determined by initial data, bu t primordially in the point of Big Bang is characterized by minus infinite value of Big Bang). 52xleads to the (257) By using of the relations ( 254) and ( 249) one can compute some that are need for derivation of the chemical pot (259) so that actually the chemical potential ( 257) depends from number of vacuum quantum states by the following chemical potential ( 260) is also monotonic function of the argument x and asymptotically decreases to zero for huge number of vacu um particles. This fact physically means that we actually consider the sys tem with non- conserved number of quantum states (see Figure ( 6)). Obviously, it is not new fact for our considerations, we have considered this typ e system in this paper from the beginning. Now temperature of the Bose gas of s pace quan- tum states can be determined by direct application of the rel ation ( 233) (261) that after application of the relations ( 254), (249), and ( 260) leads to the rela- tion between temperature and number of the space quantum sta tes produced from initial data temperature globally is not monotonic function, but ha s stable value in the classical limit (see Figure ( (263) 53One can see now that the following relation between internal energy and temperature of space quantum states (264) and in the limit of huge number of vacuum quantum states one ca n suppose that the principle of energy equipartition should be fulfill ed - in a sense of the classical thermal equilibrium, the energy is shared equ ally among on all degrees of freedom fof the system x- ==U=f 2T. (265) One can calculate immediately the classical limit of the rel ation ( 264). The result exactly accords with the equipartition law ( 265), for this case the number of degrees of freedom equals f= 4. (266) For huge number of vacuum quantum states we have to deal with c lassical thermal equilibrium state of the system of space quantum sta tes, that is a Riemannian manifold given by a solution of the Einstein-Hil bert field equa- tions of General Relativity. Simultaneously out of the pres ented way looks into view the following fact: classical thermal equilibrium state of the system of space quantum states is associated with an object describ ed by 4 degrees of freedom (see Figure ( 8)). These degrees of freedom have the natural interpretation - they can be identified with four - one time and three space coordinates. By direct using the equation of state ( 234) one can determinate the prod- uct of pressure and volume (267) and similarly the product of temperature and entropy as TS= (268) 54Figure 8: Relation between quotient of internal energy and t emperature (the blue line), and number of space quantum states generated fro m the initial data Bogoliubov vacuum. For the limit of huge value of this qu antum number (the red line), i.e.for the classical equilibrium state of the system of space quantum states described by a Riemannian manifold given by a solution of the Einstein-Hilbert field equations of General Relativity , according to the law of equipartition this quotient asymptotically is relat ed to 4 degrees of freedom, which have an interpretation of four spacetime coo rdinates. 55The product of pressure and volume ( 267) goes to zero for huge number of vacuum space quantum states, what physically means that in t his limit the pressure goes to zero for arbitrary big volume. The product o f entropy and temperature ( 268) goes to minus infinity in this limit. Now the Helmholtz free energy Fgiven by general relation ( 236) can be determined directly (269) similarly the Gibbs free energy Gdetermined standardly by the relation ( 237) now is equal (270) and the enthalpy Hdefined by the formula ( 238) now (271) These thermodynamical potentials have the following asymp totical values for huge number of vacuum quantum states (see Figures ( 9), (10), and ( 11)) lim x-F=, (272) lim x-G=, (274) Above thermodynamical characteristics determine complet e physical infor- mation about the Bose gas of space quantum states related to t he initial data stable Bogoliubov vacuum state. The variable x, that really is a number of 56Figure 9: Helmholtz free energy for the Bose gas of space quan tum arises to infinity. Figure 10: Gibbs free energy for the Bose gas of space quantum states asymp- totically arises to 11: Enthalpy for the Bose gas of space quantum states a to constant value determined by initial data. space quantum states generated from the stable vacuum and si multaneously the square of one of the Bogoliubov coefficients, can be treate d as the funda- mental quantity directly related with the basic one-point c orrelator the following (275) and allows to study the presented relations between thermod ynamics of space quantum states and classical equilibrium states determine d only by the one- point correlator. 6.5 Entropy Let us consider the entropy of the Bose gas of space quantum st ates ( presented on the Figure ( 12). The relation ( 228) actually estab- lishes the nontrivial connection between disorder in the Bo se gas of space quantum states with respect to the initial data fundamental operator basis, and the number of space quantum states generated from the sta ble initial data vacuum state. Let us take into our considerations the se t of initial 58Figure 12: Entropy of the Bose gas of space quantum states as a function of the parameter xhas nontrivial maximum, that is identified with the in the system. 59data space quantum states. According to the relation for the mass ( 250) this group of space quantum states is described by the initial dat a mass m=mI==x= 0, (276) that really is the initial tachyon mass. It can be seen direct ly that the entropy (228) for these quantum states vanishes SI= 0. (277) The complete thermodynamical of the gro up of initial data space quantum states can be computed by taking the limit lim x-0N= 1, (279) lim x-0u=, ln2, (282) lim x-0F=, (285) We see that initially the Bose gas of space quantum states has finite internal energy and unit averaged occupation number, but all other ch The chemical potential is also infinite, that physi cally means that the system is no open and is compact point object with hug e In this manner the initial data point can be int erpreted as the Big Bang point, where objects that bangs are space quantu m generated from the stable quantum vacuum. Th e temperature in the Big Bang limit is negative infinite; this phenomena can be called the Cold Big Bang. On the Figure ( 12) we see that the next interesting group of states are the space quantum states associated with the maximal value of th e entropy. Let us consider now the maximally entropy point of the system of s pace quantum states. This especial point is determined by the number of qu antum states generated from the initial data vacuum given by x=1 2, (286) 60and by maximal value of entropy and chemical equilibrium cha racter, this point has the natural interpretation of the point of the cond ensation in the Bose gas of space quantum states. The averaged occupation nu mber for the condensate state (287) and the mass of the condensate (288) The Bose condensate point has the (289) and by values of thermodynamical characteristics are as fol (295) with the following equation of ln3 2. (296) The group of space quantum states with maximal value of entro py are formally associated with chemical equilibrium of the Bose s ystem of space quantum states. The fact that the maximal value of entropy is not localized in the initial data point x= 0is the typical characteristic property of systems with the Bose condensate presence. However, as it was presen ted the group of initial data space quantum states play the crucial role in context of General Relativity Riemannian manifold . These states have the fundamental status, they have the primordial states mea ning. From the Figure ( 12) we see that in the region between the Big Bang and the of space quantum states, i.e.0<=x<=1 2, we observe entropy arising, and from the Bose condensation point up to classica l i.e.in the region x>=1 2, entropy decreases to minus infinity, and system 61goes to thermodynamical disorder. It is interesting that in this region exists the point when entropy again vanishes, i.ethe point where the system of space quantum states has the initial value of entropy, but ot her not the same as initial ones. 627 Summary In this paper we have presented is details the new realizatio n of the old prob- lem, that is formulation of quantum gravity by effective ther modynamics of quantum states. This realization was based on the fundament al fact - theory following from 3+1 decomposition of a metric field of General Relativity actually is not n quantum mechanics for wave function of Univers e, but is the Global One-Dimensional equation of cla ssical field the- ory of the Bose field associated with embedded 3-dimensional space. More- over, we have proved directly that the Wheeler-DeWitt equat ion with pres- ence superspace metrics can be represented in the form witho ut explicitly us- ing of the superspace metrics, that is the idea of Global One- the dimension is 3-volume form of a space. This simplifi ed equation that further exists in the configurational space of General R elativity, was treated in this paper as the equation of classical field theor y of the Bose field associated with spatial geometry of the Einstein-Hilbert p se. The tachyon state of the classical field theory and more important from physical point of view the Dark Energy and the cosmologi cal were described and discussed. Some limits for valu e of cosmologi- cal constant was derived. This little interpretational and cosmetic changes in the form of the Wheeler-DeWitt theory completely changed es sence of that in the presented form is a classical fi eld theory of some relativistic system. Quantization of this classical fi eld theory is natural by application of the language of the Fock space functional a nnihilation and creation operators, and as it was presented in this paper giv es beautiful and elegant results on physical nature of quantum gravitation. The quantum field theory was used as the main link between the Einstein-Hilber t General Rela- tivity and thermodynamical description of a Lorentzian man ifold as an effect of the many-body quantum field theory of the Bose gas of space q uantum states. It is the general field theory according to depiction s of Dr. quantum theory of gravitation presented in this paper es sentially de- scribes the classical spacetime given by a solution of Gener al Relativity field equations as an effect of asymptotical equilibrium of the gen eralized thermo- dynamics of the Bose gas of many quantum states of three-dime nsional space that classically evolves in 1-dimensional time. These quan tum states of 3+1 splitted spacetime was called in this pa per by name of space quantum states, and it was shown here that these quantu m states can be considered in terms of gravity quanta. These are graviton s, in the sense of quantum field theory formulated in the Fock space the stable B ogoliubov vac- 63uum state. As it was seen, the quantization of classical field theory, given equation, can be const ructed correctly only by using of the Fock space operator basis that is the Heis enberg type, i.e.has static character. This fact caused using of the bosonic B and leads to the fundamental operator basi s associated with initial data. However, still we have to deal with open system , where number of quantum states is not conserved. The description related to the vacuum state gave an opportunity to understand t he quantum field theory in terms of the Bose gas of space quantum states an d construct proper statistical mechanics of this system. As it was shown explicitly, this amazing Bose gas has some state of chemical equilibrium that is related to non-zero number of quantum states generated from the initia l data vacuum, and has an interpretation of the Bose condensation in the Bos e gas of space quantum states with respect to the initial data vacuum state . Really, as it was mentioned the Bose gas of space quantum consists two phys ical phases - one phase is characterized by some kind of condensation of one-point cor- relations in the case of arising of number of quantum states g enerated from the fundamental initial data vacuum, the second phase has va nishing corre- lations of the Bose gas in this classical limit. Physically t his fact means that classical solution given by a Lorentizan manifold of Genera l Relativity is de- scribed by the stable classical equilibrium in the first case , and by state in the case of the second phase. By this physic al reasoning we have chosen to further consideration the phase with conde nsing This solution is stable i n the classical limit, i.e.in the limit of huge value of number of vacuum quantum states g ives a classical object that can be identified with the pseudo-Rie mannian space- time. Furthermore, as it was computed by using of the equipar tition law, this solution gives a number of thermodynamical degrees of f reedom which accords to number of classical spacetime coordinates - it is equal to four. By this reason, from the point of view of the thermodynamics of t he Bose gas of space quantum states, spacetime coordinates have a status o f degrees of freedom in the presented approach. In this cl assical limit the considered phase has asymptotically constant values of tem perature and in- ternal energy, and chemical potential vanishes classicall y. In this manner the stable solution describes the classical open quantum syste m in constant tem- perature. In the case of the second solution, by vanishing of the in classical limit, also the temperature of th e space quantum states system arises to infinity for huge number of vacuum qua ntum states. For this solution exists Hot Big Bang of the initial data quan tum states from the Bogoliubov vacuum opportunity. As it was presented in de tails, the anal- ysis of the stable phase of the Bose gas of space quantum state s leads to the 64Cold Big Bang phenomena, and to the interpretation of the ini tial state of the Bose gas as the primordial compact point object with nega tive it was shown that the condensed state of the Bose gas of space quantum states presented for nontrivial value of number of v acuum quantum states, has a natural physical interpretation of chemical e quilibrium state. Actually, by application of an analogy famous from condense d matter physics, the Bose condensate has a nature of the quantum object with ma and this should be observed in experiments as in the case of condensation of photons. The condensed stat e of the Bose gas of space quantum states can be responsible for Dark Matter eff thanks are directed to Dr. B. G. Sidharth and Prof. F. Honsell for full hospitality 3 - 25 June 2008 at Dipartimento di Matemati ca e Informatica of Universit ` adegli Studi di Udine and discussions during the stay. The author benefitted many valuable discussions from Prof. G . 't Hooft and Dr. B. G. Sidharth, and is grateful to Profs. A. B. Arbuzov , I. Ya. Aref'eva, B. M. Barbashov, K. A. Bronnikov, I. L. Buchbinder , V. N. Per- vushin, and V. B. Priezzhev for the critical remarks and moti A. Einstein, autobiographical notes in Albert Einstein: Vol. 1 , p. 1-94, ed. by P.A. Schilpp, Open Court, (1969). [2] A. Einstein, Sitzungsber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 44, N2, 778, (1915); Sitzungsber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 46, N2, 799, Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 48, N2, 844, (1915). [3] D. Hilbert, Konigl. Gesell. d. Wiss. Gottinger, Nachr., Math.-Phys. Kl . 27, 395, (1915). [4] R. Arnowitt, S. Deser and Ch.W. Misner, in Gravitation: an introduc- tion to current research , ed. by L. Witten, p. 227, John Wiley and Sons, (1961), A. Peres , Nuovo Cimento 26, 53, (1962). 65[6] P.A.M. Dirac, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 246, 333, (1958); Phys. Rev. 114, 924, (1959); Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 246, 326, (1958); Can. J. Math. 2, 129, (1950). [7] J.A. Wheeler, in Battelle Rencontres: 1967 Lectures in Mathematics and Physics , Editors C.M. DeWitt and J.A. Wheeler, New York, 1968, p. 242 [8] B.S. DeWitt, Phys. Rev. 160, 1113, (1967). [9] J.B. Hartle, S.W. Hawking, Phys. Rev. D 28, 2960, (1983). [10] A. Ashtekar, M. Bojowald and J. Lewandowski, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 7, 233, (2003). [11] C. Rovelli, Quantum gravity , Cambridge University Press, (2004). [12] J. von Neumann, Math. Ann. 104, 570, (1931). [13] H. Araki and E.J. Woods, J. Math. Phys. 4, 637, (1963). [14] J.-P. Blaizot and G. Ripka, Quantum theory of f inite systems , Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology Press, (1986). [15] Ch.W. Misner, K.S. Thorne, J.A. Wheeler, Gravitation , W. H. B. Riemann, Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen 13, 133, (1920). [17] P. Petersen, Riemannian Geometry , 2nd ed., Grad. Texts Math. A. Palatini, Rend. Pal. 43, 203, (1919). [19] G. 't Hooft, Private communication . [20] H. Goldstein, Ch. Poole, J. Safko, Classical Mechanics , 3rd ed., Addison- Wesley, (2000). [21] D. Lust and S. Theisen, Lect. Notes Phys. 346, (1989). [22] N.N. Bogoliubov, A.A. Logunov, A.I. Oksak, and I.T. Tod orov, of Quantum Field Theory , Nauka, Moscow, (1991) [23] K. Huang, Statistical Mechanics , 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc, (1987). 66 | 0803.1533 | Lukasz Andrzej Glinka | L. A. Glinka | Quantum gravity as the way from spacetime to space quantum states
thermodynamics | 65 pages, 12 figures | New Advances in Physics, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1 - 62, 2008 | null | null | gr-qc cond-mat.stat-mech hep-th math-ph math.MP quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Physical spacetime geometry follows from some effective thermodynamics of
quantum states of all fields and particles described in frames of General
Relativity. In the sense of pure field theoretical Einstein's point of view on
gravitation the thermodynamic information is actually quantum gravity. We
propose new realization of this old idea by studying the canonical 3+1
Dirac-ADM approach to pseudo-Riemannian (Lorentzian) manifold of General
Relativity. We derive the Wheeler-DeWitt theory as the Global One-Dimensional
classical field theory of the Bose field associated with embedded 3-space,
where Wheeler's superspace metric is absent. The classical theory is discussed,
some deductions on tachyon state, Dark Energy density and cosmological constant
are included. Reduction to 1st order evolution is carried out, and quantum
theory by the second quantization in the Fock space of creators and
annihilators is constructed by employing the Heisenberg equation and the
bosonic Bogoliubov transformation for diagonalization. In result we find the
static reper with stable vacuum, where quantum states of 3-space can be
considered, and finally space quantum states thermodynamics is formulated.
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] | 2008-08-27T00:00:00 | [
"L. A.",
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2 Herek= 2p/lwherelis the wave length of stand- ing wave laser forming optical lattices. The lattice con- stant is determined by a=l/2. The lattice height of optical lattices Vis measured by the recoil energy ER= -h2k2/2mwheremis mass of the atom. We use lattice height s=V/ER. The binary in- teraction between atoms is approximated by which is charactrized by the scattering length as. The Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian can be derived by ap- plying the tight-binding approximation to Eq. (1) [14]. We expand the field operator by the Wannier as^ps+(x) where ^biis the destruction operator for a boson at a lattice site xi. We can rewrite Eq. (1) usual, we consider the nearest-neighbor hopping and the on-site interaction. Note that we added the order to treat the grand-canonical ensem- ble. Wannier function as the Gaussian functioin can be found asU ER= In this paper, we consider87Rb and set 545 [nm], and l= 852 [nm] as in the Greiner's experiment [16]. The validity of using the Bose-Hubbard model was ex- amined in Ref. [14]. The tight-binding approximation at finite temperatures implies that the energy scale includ- ing the thermal energy must be less than the gap energy between the lowest band and the second band. We cal- culated the thermal energy kBTnormalized by the gap energy and confirmed kBT/1 for the parameters we will use in this paper. Let us apply the mean-field approximation [17, 18] taken to be real. Then we can rewrite the Hamiltonian Eq.(3) as sum of on-site Hamiltonians as and the Hamiltonian of the i-th site the In the we truncate the size of the Hilbert space of maximum can be at one site is nt. We take large ntso that the trunca- tion effect on the calculated physical quantities is negleg- ible. Diagonalizing this Hamiltonian ^Hiunder given U, t, andu, we obtain the eigenstates and the correspond- ing eigenenergies. Then we can calculate the the Helmholtz free energy Fas given temperatures. phis determined by the self- consistent equation F/ph= 0. At first, we assume that the system is neglecting the trapping potential. In order to inves- tigate the behavior of this system during the we calculatethe entropy S/kB, the condensate density rsph2, and the number the occupation number r= 1. Fig. 1 (a) shows along the isentropic curve which corresponds to the initial entropy. One finds that there exists two areas: the adiabatic cooling region and the adiabatic heating one. Former is the region where the system is cooled as the lattice height increases while the latter is that of where the system is heated as the lattice height increases. No- tice that the efficiency of the adiabatic for higher initial entropy. Seeing the one finds that SF phase, which is exists in shallow lattices and at low temper- atures. The cooling region lies in SF phase, whereas the heating region lies in N phase where rs= 0. We also find that the efficiency of the adiabatic cooling/heating is not related with the amount of the condensate density. We plot the number fluctuation and the in Fig. 1 (b). For kBT/ER<0.04, there exists a rectangle region with the very low number is called as the thermal insulator in Ref. [19]. In that region, the critical lattice height scdoes not change much. It is necessary to satisfy S/kB<0.01 in order to reach the thermal insulator. Note, however, that the number fluctuation is constant on the same isentropic curve in N phase. Thus, although the system is heated up, the number fluctuation does not change with loading optical lattices adiabatically after crossing SF-N phase transition the reasonwhythe phase by investigating the dispersion relation in each phase (see Fig. 2). The adiabatic loading means that the number of state is conserved during this process. As shown in Fig. 2 (a), the dispersion relation in SF phase exhibits the where the sound veloc- ity decreases with increasing the lattice height from the initial state. Then the number of state which can be not change. Thus the temperature must decrease in the final state in order to keep the number of state (i.e. the entropy) being constant. Fig. 2 (b) shows that, in N phase, the energy gap increases as the lattice height in- creases from the initial state. Then the number of state which can be accesjsible by the thermal energy decreases if the temperature is same. Therefore the to maintain the number of state being constant in the final state. In this way, the behavior of the is determined by whether the increases or decreases from the initial state to the final state. Let us consider the system with the harmonic trap- ping potential Vt(r) =m 2o2r2, which usually exists in3 FIG. 1: (Color online) (a) The isentropic curves and the con- densate density rsfor the given lattice height sand We choose the chemical potential uwhich satisfies r= 1. The number inside box on the isentropic curve indicates the value of the entropy S/kB. The system goes along the isentropic curve which corresponds to the ini - tial entropy. SF phase stands for the cooling region, wherea s N phase stands for the heating region. (b) The added the density plot of the number fluctuation s. The isentropic curves is the same one as in (a). In SF phase, the number fluctuation is enhanced due to the quantum fluc- tuation. As loading optical lattices adiabatically, the nu m- ber fluctuation decreases and it takes the minimum value at the critical lattice height sc. The temperature increases the number fluctuation is 2: (Color online) Schematic picture of the dispersion r e- lation and the thermal energy. Arrows indicate the directio n of loading optical lattices. Its tail (head) corresponds to the initial (finial) state. (Dot: the thermal energy in the initi al state (kBT)ini, Short Dashed: the thermal energy in the fi- nal state ( kBT)fin, Long Dashed: The excitation spectrum in the initial state oini, Dot Dashed: The excitation spectrum in the final state ofin) (a) SF phase. The sound velocity de- creases with increasing the lattice height. Thus the temper a- ture must decrease in order to keep the number of state. (b) N phase. The energy gap opens with loading optical tomaintain theentropybein g a Note that ris the distance from the center of the trapping potential. In the presence of the trap- ping potential, the system becomes inhomogenous and has the mixture of SF and N phases. In order to inves- tigate the behavior of the adiabatic heating/cooling in this case, we perform the same calculation as the homo- geneous case except inserting the local chemical poten- tialu(r) =u0-Vt(r). We take the trapping frequencyo= 2px24, the lattice size to be 653, and the total num- ber density N= 2x105as in the Greiner's work [16]. Figs. 3 (a) and (b) show qualitativley same results as homogeneous case. The adiabatic cooling occurs in the presence of condensate while the adiabatic heating oc- curs when there is no condensate. Therefore we can say that the behavior of adiabatic heating/cooling does there is the not. We note, however, that the effects of the trap- ping potential is important quantitatively for realizing the strong correlated system as shown in Refs. [12, 19]. In Figs. 3 (c) and (d), we plot the spatial distributions of the occupation number, the condensate density, the entropy, and the number fluctuation along the 0.3 indicated by two white dots 3 (c), while the wedding-cake structure is exhibited in Fig. 3 (d). Since we use local density detailed studies are needed for the case with the trapping 3: (Color online) (a) The isentropic curves and the den- sity plot of the condensate density per particle. (b)The iso en- tropic curves and the density plot of the number fluctuation per particle. (c) and (d) Spatial distributions of purple), S/kB(diamond, blown), and s (triangle, green) at ( s,kBT/ER) = This two ( s,kBT/ER) are on the adiabatic line Stotal/NkB= 0.3, which are indicated by two white dots in (a) and (b). The condensate density exists in (c) while the wedding-cake structure is exbited in (d). In conclusion, we calculated the model at finite temperatures within the mean-field approximation and investigated the effects of the adiabatic loading of optical lattices to the temper- ature. The lattice-height dependence of the for given initial temperatures in case of the ho- mogeneous system was computed. We found that the cooling occurs in SF phase while the heating occurs in N phase and the efficiency of the adibatic higher for higher temperatures. Its behavior is deter- mined by whether the dispersion relation of the system increases or decreases as loading optical lattices. Finally, we showed that the case with the trapping potential is essentially same as the homogeneous one. Note added. Recently we have become aware of a re- lated paper by Pollet et al.[20]. They studied the adi- abatic loading in one-dimensional and lattices by quantum monte carlo method. The effect of the trapping potential to the adiabatic loading was investigated with high accuracy in these lower di- mensional cases. S.Y. thanks to S. Miyashita, N. Kawashima, and I. Danshita for fruitful discussions. S.Y. is supported by NAREGI Nanoscience Project from Ministry of Edu- cation Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan. S.K. is supproted by JSPS (Japan Society for the Promo- tion ofScience) D. Jaksch and P. Zoller, Annals of Physics 315, 52 (2005). [2] O. Morsch and M. Oberthaler, Rev. Mod. Phys. 78, 179 (2006).[3] M.Lewenstein, A.Sanpera, V.Ahufinger, and U.Sen, Adv. Phys. 56, 243 (2007). [4] I. Bloch, J. Dalibard, and W. Zwerger, (2007), 0704.3011. [5] S. Clark, C. Moura-Alves, and D. Jaksch, New J. Phys. 7, 124 (2005). [6] A. Kay, J. Pachos, and C. Adams, Phys. Rev. A 73, 022310 (2006). [7] M. Christandl, N. Datta, T. Dorlas, A. Ekert, A. Kay, and A. Labdahl, Phys. Rev. A 71, 032312 (2005). [8] D. Jaksch, H.-J. Briegel, J. I. Cirac, C. W. Gardiner, and P. Zoller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1975 (1999). [9] O. Mandel, M. Greiner, A. Widera, T. Rom, and T. H ansch, Nature 425, 937 (2003). [10] P. Blakie and J. Porto, Phys. Rev. A 69, 13603 (2004). [11] A. Rey, G. Pupillo, and J. Porto, Phys. Rev. A 73, T.-L. Ho and Q. Zhou, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99(2007). [13] F. Gerbier, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99(2007). [14] D. Jaksch, C. Bruder, J. Cirac, C. Gardiner, and P. Zoller, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3108 (1998). [15] F. Gerbier, A. Widera, S. F olling, O. Mandel, T. Gerick e, and I. Bloch, Phys. Rev. A 72, 053606 (2005). [16] M. Greiner, O. Mandel, T. Esslinger, T. W. H ansch, and I. Bloch, Nature (London) 45, 39 (2002). [17] D. van Oosten, P. van der Straten, and H. Stoof, Phys. Rev. A63, 053601 (2001). [18] X. Lu and Y. Yu, Phys. Rev. A 74, 063615 (2006). [19] F. Gerbier, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 12045 (2007). [20] L. Pollet, C. Kollath, K. Van Houcke, and M. (2008). | 0803.1548 | Shingo Yoshimura | S. Yoshimura, S. Konabe, and T. Nikuni | Adiabatic Loading of Cold Bosons in Three-Dimensional Optical Lattices
and Superfluid-Normal Phase Transition | 4 pages, 8 figures | Phys. Rev. A 78, 015602 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.78.015602 | null | cond-mat.other | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We investigate the effects of the adiabatic loading of optical lattices to
the temperature by applying the mean-field approximation to the
three-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model at finite temperatures. We compute the
lattice-height dependence of the isentropic curves for the given initial
temperatures in case of the homogeneous system i.e., neglecting the trapping
potential. Taking the unit of temperatures as the recoil energy, the adiabatic
cooling/heating through superfluid (SF) - normal (N) phase transition is
clearly understood. It is found that the cooling occurs in SF phase while the
heating occurs in N phase and the efficiency of adibatic cooling/heating is
higher at higher temperatures. We also explain how its behavior can be
understood from the lattice-hight dependence of dispersion relation in each
phase. Furthermore, the connection of the adiabatic heating/cooling between the
cases with/without the trapping potential is discussed.
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2 Basic properties of the 3D symmetric numerical basic definitions and known facts about 3D numerical s emigroups mostly focusing on their symmetric type. Let S(d1,d2,d3)Z+ {0}be the additive numerical semigroup with zero finitely generated by a minimal set of positive integers {d1,d2,d3}such that 3 <=d1< d2< = 1. Semigroup S(d1,d2,d3) is said to be generated by the minimal set of three natural numbersif there are no nonnegative integers bi,jfor which the following bi,j {0,1,...}for anyi<=m . (1) For shortwe denotethevector ( d1,d2,d3) byd3. Following Johnson[6] define the minimal relation R3for given d3as = = = 1,(2) where a11= min{v11|v11>=2, min{v22|v22>=2, v21,v23N{0}}, (3) a33= min{v33|v33>=2, uniquely defined values of give aiiwill be denoted by Note that due to minimality of the set ( d1,d2,d3) the elements aij,i,j<=3 a22=a12+a32, (4) The smallest integer that all integers s, belong to called the conductor number is referred to as the Frobenius number . Denote by of {0}, i.e. {0} The cardinality (#) of the set called the number of gaps semigroup ring k[X1,X2,X3] over a field kof characteristic 0 associated with a polynomial subring graded by deg Xi=di,i= 1,2,3 and generated by all monomials zdi. The 2Hilbert series H(d3;z) of a graded subring defined [11] by H(d3;z) (5) whereQ(d3;z) is a polynomial in z. The semigroup called symmetric iff for any integer (6) Otherwise called non-symmetric . The integers related [5] as, 2G/parenleftbig d3/parenrightbig
=C/parenleftbig d3/parenrightbig if symmetric semigroup, and 2 .(7) Notice that always symmetric semigroup [1]. The number of independen t entries aijin (2) can be reduced if symmetric: at least one off-diagonal element of e.g. a13= 0 and therefore a11d1=a12d2. Due to minimality of the last relation we have by (2) the following equalities and consequently the matrix represen tation as well [4] (see also [3], a23= subscript s stands for symmetric semigroup. Combining (8) with formul a for the Frobe- nius number of symmetric semigroup [4], we get e1=lcm(d1,d2), e2=d3gcd(d1,d2). (9) If symmetric semigroup then a complete intersection [4] and the in the Hilbert series (5) reads [11] Q(d3;z) = (1-ze1)(1-ze2). (10) 2.1 Structure of generating triples of symmetric numerical semigroups Two following statements, Theorem 1 and Corollary 1, give ne cessary and sufficient be 1 ([4] and Proposition 3, [14]) If a semigroup S(d1,d2,d3)is symmetric then its min- imal generating set has the following presentation with two relatively not prime =l ,gcd(d3,l) = 1, (11) 3It turns out that (11) gives also sufficient conditions for be symmetric. This follows by Corollary 1 of the old Lemma of Watanabe [14] for semigroup S(dm) Lemma 1 (Lemma 1, [14]) a numerical semigroup, aandbbe such that: (i) (ii)gcd(c,l) = 1. Then semigroup S(ld1,...,ld m,c)is symmetric iff S(d1,...,dm)is symmetricwearriveatCorollary. Corollary 1 LetS(d1,d2)be a numerical semigroup, candlbe positive integers, gcd(c,l) = 1. IfcS(d1,d2), then the semigroup S(ld1,ld2,c)is symmetric. In Corollary 1 the requirement be omitted since both semigroups are generated by two elements ( d1,ld2) and are also this Section with important proposition adapted to t he 3D numerical 2 ([5], Proposition 1.14) The numerical semigroup = is Divisibility of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers We recall a remarkable divisibility properties of Fibonacc i and Lucas numbers which are necessary for further consideration. Theorem 3 dates back to E. Lucas [ 7] (Section 11, p. 206), Theorem 3 LetFmandFn,m > n, be the Fibonacci numbers. Then gcd(Fm,Fn) =Fgcd(m,n). (12) As for Theorem 4, its weak version was given by Carmichael [2]2. We present here its modern form proved by Ribenboim [12] and McDaniel [9]. Theorem 4 LetLmandLnbe the Lucas numbers, and let m= 2am',n= 2bn', wherem'and n'are odd positive integers and a,b>=0. Then gcd(Lm,Ln) , 2 ,3|gcd(m,n), 1 [2] (Theorem 7, p. 40) has proven only the most har d part of Theorem 4, namely, the 1st equality in (13). 4We also recall another basic divisibility property of Lucas numbers, Lm= 0 (mod 2) ,iffm= 0 (mod 3) . (14) We'll need a technical Corollary which follows by consequen ce of Theorem 4. Corollary 2 LetLmandLnbe the Lucas numbers, and let m= 2am',n= 2bn', wherem'and n'are odd positive integers and a,b>=0. Then gcd(Lm,Ln) = 1,iff
a=b= 0,gcd(m',n') = ,gcd(3,gcd(m,n)) = 1.(15) 4 Symmetric numerical semigroups generated by Fibonaccitr > b > a >=3. The two first values a= 3,4 are of special interest because of Fibonacci numbers F3= 2 and F4= 3. First, the semigroup S(F3,Fb,Fc), gcd(2,Fb,Fc) = 1, is always symmetric and has actually 2 generators. Next, accor ding to Theorem 2 the is symmetric iff at least one of two requirements, 3 is broken. Avoiding those trivial cases we state Theorem 5 LetFc,FbandFabe the Fibonacci numbers where c > b > a >=5. Then a S(Fa,Fb,Fc)is symmetric iff l= = 1,2, (16) ProofBy Theorem 1 and Corollary 1 a numerical semigroup S(Fa,Fb,Fc) is symmetric iff g= = 1, (17) By consequence of Theorem 3 and definition of Fibonacci numbe rs we get
g=Fl>1 =Fgcd(l,c)= 1-gcd(l,c) = 1,2.(18) The last containment in (17) A,B Z+, that finishes the proof of Theorem. /square Theorem 5 remains true for any permutation of indices in trip le (Fa,Fb,Fc). By (9), (10) and (16) we get 5Corollary 3 LetFc,FbandFabe the Fibonacci numbers and numerical semigroup S(Fa,Fb,Fc) be symmetric. Then its Hilbert series and Frobenius number ar e given by H(Fa,Fb,Fc) next Corollary 4 gives only the sufficient condition for S(Fa,Fb,Fc) to be symmetric and is less strong than Theorem 5. However, instead of containment (16) it sets an inequality which is easy to check out. Corollary 4 LetFc,FbandFabe the Fibonacci numbers where c > b > a >=5. Then a S(Fa,Fb,Fc)is symmetric if l= = 1,2, (20) The Hilbert series and Frobenius number are given by (19). ProofThe two first relations in (20) are taken from Theorem 5 and wer e proven in (18). We have to use also the containment (16). For this purpose take Fcexceeding the Frobenius number of semigroup generated by two numbers Fa/FlandFb/Fl. This number F(Fa/Fl,Fb/Fl) is classically known due to Sylvester [13]. So, we the Hilbert series H(Fa,Fb,Fc) and Frobenius number F(Fa,Fb,Fc) are given by (19). Thus, Corollary is proven. /square We finish this Section by Example 1 where the Fibonacci triple does satisfy the containment in (16) but does not satisfy inequality in (20). Example 1 {d1,d2,d3}={F6= 8,F8= 21,F9= 34}
gcd(F6,F9) =F3,gcd(F3,F8) = 1, = 136, f2=F8*F3= 42, = 115, G(F6,F8,F9) = 58. 5 Symmetric numerical semigroups generated by Lucas tr Ln, LmandLk,n > m > k >=2. Note that the case k= 2 is trivial because of Lucas number L2= 3 and Theorem 2. The semigroup S(L2,Lm,Ln) is symmetric iff at least one of two is broken. 6Theorem 6 be the Lucas numbers and let m= 2am', n= 2bn', k= 1 (mod 2) , a,b,c >=0,(21) l= gcd(m,n) = 2dl',wherel'= gcd(m',n') = 1 (mod 2) , d= min{a,b}. Then a numerical semigroup generated by these numbers is symm etric ,orLkS/parenleftbiggLm 2,Ln 2/parenrightbigg , , (22) and one of three following 0, a 0,gcd(k',l') = ,3|gcd(m,n), 3k .(23) Proof By Theorem 1 and Corollary 1 a numerical semigroup S(Lk,Lm,Ln) is symmetric iff there exist two relatively not prime elements of its minimal generating set such that e= = 1, (24) Represent nandmas in (21) and substitute them into the 1st relation in (24). B y consequence of Theorem 4 it holds iff 1)a=b ,gcd(m,n)>1 or 2) ,3|gcd(m,n). (25) First, assume that the 1st requirement in (25) holds that res ults by Theorem 4 in e=Ll. Making use of notations (21) for kmove on to the 2nd requirement in (24) and apply Corollary (2) . Here we have to consider two cases 0 and a=b= 0 separately. 0, a ,3gcd(k,l) = 1, (26) a=b= 0,gcd(k',l') = assume that the 2nd requirement in (25) holds that resul ts by Theorem 4 in e= 2. Making use of the 2nd requirement in (24) and applying (14) we get, ,3|gcd(m,n),3k . (28) Combining (26), (27) and (28) we arrive at (23). The last requ irement in (24) together with Theorem 4 if , A,BZ+, 7that proves (22) and finishes proof of Theorem. /square By consequence of Theorem 6 the following Corollary holds fo r the most simple Lucas 5 the Lucas numbers with odd indices such = 1. (29) Then a numerical semigroup generated by these numbers is symm etric (30) Proof follows if we apply Theorem 6 in the case a=b=c= 0, see (27). We give without derivation the Hilbert series and Frobenius number for symmetric general, the containment (30) is hardly to verify because it presumes algorithmic one can formulate a simple inequality which provid e only the sufficient condition for semigroup S(Ln',Lm',Lk') to be 6 the Lucas numbers with odd indices such that (29) is satisfied and the following inequality (32) Then a numerical semigroup S(Ln',Lm',Lk')is symmetric and its Hilbert series and Frobenius number are given by (31). Its proof is completely similar to the proof of Corollary 4 fo r symmetric semigroup generated by three Fibonacci numbers. We finish this Section by Example 2 where the Lucas triple does satisfy the containment in (30) but does not satisfy inequality (32). Example 2 {d1,d2,d3}={L9= 76,L15= 1364,L17= =L3,gcd(L3,L17) = 1, = 25916 , l2=L17*L3= 14264 , = 35189 , G(L9,L15,L17) = 17595 thank C. Cooper for bringing the paper [9] to my R. Ap' ery, Sur les Branches superlin' eaires des Courbes Alg' ebriques , C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 222, 1198 (1946). MR 8, 221 [2] R. D. Carmichael, On the Numerical Factors of the Arithmetic Forms an+-bn, Annals of Math., 15, 30-70 (1913) [3] L. G. Fel, Frobenius Problem for Semigroups Analysis and Other Math., 1, # 2, 119-157 (2006) [4] J. Herzog, Generators and Relations of Abelian Semigroups and Semigro up Rings , Manuscripta Math., 3, 175 (1970) [5] J. Herzog and E. Kunz, Die Werthalbgruppe Eines Lokalen Rings der Dimension 1 der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissensch aften, Springer, Berlin (1971) [6] S. M. Johnson, A Linear Diophantine Problem , Canad. J. Math., 12, 390 (1960) [7] E. Lucas, Theorie des Fonctions Numeriques Simplement Periodiques , Amer. J. Math., 1, 184-240, 289-321 (1878) [8] J. M. Marin, J. Ramirez Alfonsin and M. P. Revuelta, On the Frobenius Number of Semigroups , Integers: Electron. J. Comb. Number Theory, 7, # A14 (2007) [9] W. L. McDaniel, The G.C.D in Lucas Sequences and Lehmer Number Sequences , Fibonacci Quarterly, 29, 24-29 (1991) [10] A. Restivo, Permutation property and the Fibonacci semigroup , Semigroup Forum, 38, 337-345 (1989) [11] R. P. Stanley, Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra , Birkh auser Boston, 2nd ed, (1996) [12] P. Ribenboim, Square Classes of Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers , Port. Math., 46, 159-175 (1989) 9[13] J. J. Sylvester, Problems from the Theory of Numbers, with Solutions , Educational Times, 4, 171 (1884) [14] K. Watanabe, Some Examples of 1-dim Gorenstein Domains , Nagoya Math. J., 49, 101 (1973) 10 | 0803.1606 | Leonid Fel | Leonid G. Fel | Symmetric Numerical Semigroups Generated by Fibonacci and Lucas Triples | 10 pages | null | null | null | math.NT math.AC | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The symmetric numerical semigroups S(F_a,F_b,F_c) and S(L_k,L_m,L_n)
generated by three Fibonacci (F_a,F_b,F_c) and Lucas (L_k,L_m,L_n) numbers are
considered. Based on divisibility properties of the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers
we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for both semigroups to be
symmetric and calculate their Hilbert generating series, Frobenius numbers and
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"created": "Tue, 11 Mar 2008 15:03:05 GMT"
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"Leonid G.",
] |
2 goal of our calculation is to calculate, for the first time, th e diffractive gluon spectrum taking into account the low- xgluon evolution in all rapidity intervals, i.e. in the rapid ity interval between the onium and the emitted gluon and between the emitted gluon and the nucleus. We believe that this calculation opens a new avenue towards the phenomenologica l applications in pA and eA collisions. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we briefly review the result for the gluon spectrum given in our previous paper [44]. Eq. (1) represents the cros s section in terms of the dipole N(r-,b-,y). about the behavior of np(r-,r-',b-,y) andN(r-,b-,y) in various kinematic regions. We turn to analysis of the gluon spectrum for large dipoles r >1/Qsin Sec. IV and small ones r <1/Qs in Sec. V. The results are summarized in Sec. VI where we also d iscuss possible DIFFRACTIVE GLUON PRODUCTION IN ONIUM-NUCLEUS COLLISI ONS AP k yY FIG. 1: Fan diagram for the diffractive gluon production in onium-nuc leus collisions with maximal The source of gluon multiplicity is the cut pomeron hanging out the on ium P [44]. Consider a process of diffractive gluon production in onium-n ucleus scattering such that the rapidity gap equals the produced gluon rapidity y. The corresponding fan diagram is displayed in Fig. 1. In Ref. [44] we used the Mueller's dipole model [55] to generalize the quasi-classical result of Kovchegov [27] (derived independently in [53]) by includ ing the quantum evolution effects.3 The method is based on the principal idea of the dipole model t hat, due to the large the coherence length of the low- xgluons in the onium light-cone wave-function and the nuclear size, we can split in the light-cone time the proc ess of the low- xevolution in onium and the instantaneous interaction. Indeed, the coherence l ength of the low- xgluons is to x, whereas the size of the interaction region (in the nucleus r est frame) is 2 RA. In the large Ncapproximation the onium wave function decomposes into a sys tem of dipoles. Up to terms suppressed at low x, dipole transverse size does not change in a course of interaction with the nucleus. We therefore, are able to wr ite the cross section for the gluon production as a convolution of the onium dipole density and d ipole forward scattering amplitude. Let us introduce the following notations, see Fig. 2: transv erse coordinates of quark, in the amplitude and gluon in the c.c. amplitude are den oted by x-, y -, z-1, transverse momentum is denoted by k-. In this notation the cross section takes the z1 FIG. 2: One of the diagrams contributing to the diffractive gluon pro duction at the quasi-classical level. Notations are detailed in is the dipole density and N(r-',b-,y) is the forward amplitude. Function has the meaning of the number of dipoles of size x-'-y -'at rapidity Y-yand impact parameter b-generated by evolution from the original dipole x--y -having rapidity Yand impact parameter B-[55]. It satisfies the BFKL equation [56, (2)4 with the initial =d(r--r-')d(b-), (3) where we denoted r-= x--y -and r-'= x-'-y -'. The forward elastic dipole-nucleus scattering amplitude s atisfies the nonlinear BK equation [58, (4) with the initial condition given by [60] N(r-,b-,0) = 1-e-1 8r-2Q2 s0. scale is given (6) whereris the nuclear density, T(b-) is the nuclear thickness function as a function of the impac t parameter b-. In the following we will assume for notational brevity that the nuclear profile is cylindrical. whi analysis, can be easily restored in the final expressions. Accordingly , it is convenient to proceed by defining the (7) which satisfies the BFKL equation (2) with the initial condit ion np(r-,r-',0) =d(r--r-'). (8) For the following calculations it is convenient to cast (1) i n a different form extracting the explicit dependence on r-'. First, we change the integration variable w-= z-1-y -'. Then, introduce the following transverse (9), (1) can be rendered contribution of the first term in the round brackets of (9 ) can be written we changed the integration variable w--r-'- -w-and used the fact that the only on the dipole size (and not on direction). Defini ng a new scalar function using (11) we write (9) in the following the region where Q(r-',k-,y) is a real function, we can render (14) 4 R. (15) In terms of np(r-,r-',y), (10) (16) whereSAis the cross sectional area of the interaction region. At y= 0 this expression reduces to the quasi-classical formula derived in [48, 53, 54]. So far we have been concentrating on a case in which the rapidi ty of the produced gluon y coincides with the rapidity gap Y0in a diffractive event. In this case the diffractive coincides with the square of the forward elastic scatterin g This case has the most phenomenological interest (since t he invariant mass Mof the produced system is dominated by slow gluons M2k2/x). Still, at high enough luminosity a single hadron spectrum measurements should become possibl e. Therefore, a question may arise about the diffractive production of a gluon with y > Y 0. Such process is shown in Fig. 3. In this case, the amplitude N(r-,b-,y) must be replaced by the off-forward diffractive dipole amplitu 3: Fan diagram for the diffractive gluon production in pA collisions with rapidity gap Y0smaller than the gluon rapidity the emitted gluon in the amplitude and in the c.c. of properties of the off- forward diffractive amplitude would lead us astray of the main subject of this paper and hence will be discussed elsewhere. Let us only note here that in those ca ses when the coordinate of the gluon is the same on both sides of the cut, the off-forward diffractive a mplitude reduces to the more familiar forward diffractive amplitude ND(r-,b-,y;Y0). contains all possible pomeron cuts shown in Fig. 3 it can serve as model for the yet unknown off-forward diffractive amplitude. In this case the cross section for the production takes (17) where now in place of (13) and (12) we (18) 1In the case of inclusive gluon production, an off-forward amp litude was discussed in (19) Amplitude ND(r-,b-,y;Y0) equals the cross section of single diffractive dissociation of a dipole r-, rapidityyand impact parameter b-on atarget nucleus. Itsatisfies evolution equation (20) with the initial =N2(r-,b-,Y0). (21) Diffractive gluon production of the kind shown in Fig. 3 requir es a dedicated study while in this paper we concentrate on the case y=Y0. III. DIPOLE EVOLUTION IN ONIUM AND NUCLEUS A. Dipole evolution in onium Dipole evolution in onium is encoded in the function np(r-,r-',y) and is determined by solving the BFKL equation (2) with the initial condition (3). The res ult (22) where (23) withps(n) being the digamma function ps(n) =G'(n) G(n). (24)8 There are several cases when the integral (22) can be done ana lytically. Expansion near the maximum of kh(n) corresponds to the approximation. I n this case we = 4-asln2. Alternatively, we can expand kh(n) near one of its two symmetric poles at 2in=+-1. This corresponds to the double logarithmic approximatio n depending on the The results for the dipole density read as Dipole evolution in a heavy nucleus In the region rQs1 where the forward elastic dipole-nucleus scattering ampl the BFKL equation it can be calculated similarly to the dipole density of the The initial condition in this case is specified b y (5) expanded at small dipole sizes to the leading order. The result (28) Analogously to the derivation of (25) we obtain in the leadin g logarithmic in the double logarithmic (30) Behavior of the scattering amplitude deeply in the saturati on regionrQs1 can be found by noting, that with the logarithmic accuracy, the parent dipo le r-tends to split into two daughter dipoles w-and r--w-of different sizes: either wr |w--r-|or, symmetrically, |w--r-| rw.9 Both give equal contribution to the integral over w-. Restricting ourself to the case wrand doubling the integral we write the BK equation as (31) Now, for the reason that in the saturation region, the amplit udeN(r-,b-,y) is close to unity we render (31) saturation scale Qs(y) can be found by equating the argument of the exponent in (30) to a constant which yields [63, (33) Introducing a new scaling variable t= ln(r2Q2 s) we solve (32) and find the high energy limit of the forward scattering amplitude (32) [63, 64, 65, 66] (in the fix ed coupling approximation). It reads N(r-,b-,y) = 1-S0e-t2/8= r1 Qs. (34) where we approximated CFNc/2 in the large Nclimit.S0is the integration constant. It determines the value of the amplitude at the critical line r(y) = 1/Qs(y). IV. DIFFRACTIVE GLUON SPECTRUM: LARGE ONIUM r>1/Qs Now the stage is set for calculation of the diffractive gluon sp ectrum in various Let us first analyze the differential gluon productio n cross section in the case of scattering of large onium r >1/Qs. There are two interesting kinematic regions in this case de pending on the relation between the gluon transverse momentum kand the saturation scale Qs. We consider these two cases separately. A. Hard gluons k>Q s To begin we need to calculate the function Q(r-',k-,y) given by (12). Note, that in the region w >1/kthe integrand is a rapidly fluctuation function. Therefore, the dominant contribution to Q(r-',k-,y) arises from dipole sizes w<1/k. Consider now three possible cases. (i) r'<1 k<1 Qs. In this case splitting the integration region into two parts we write (12) (35)10 In the second integral on the r.h.s. we neglected N(r-',b-,0) as compared to N(w-,b-,0) since the amplitude is an increasing function of the dipole size and in most of the integration region wr'. To determine the kinematic region that gives the largest con tribution we note that when w1 Qs the amplitude scales as N(w-,b-,y)~w2. It follows, that the first integral in the r.h.s. of (35) is of the second one is of order Q2 s/k2, i.e. the former is parametrically smaller than the latter. r'<1 k<1 Qs. (36) We obtain for the r'<1 k<1 Qs. (37) Eq. (37) holds in the logarithmic approximation. Using (15) we r'<1 k<1 Qs. (38) In the second case (ii)1 k< r'<1 Qsand the third case (iii)1 k<1 Qs< r'there is only one significant integration region into (15) 4(2p)2 k2N2(k-1^k-,b-,y)[1-N(r-',b-,y)]2 1 k<r'<1 Qsand1 k<1 Qs<r'. (41) To calculate the differential cross section (16) we now need to integrate over all possible orientations. Integration over the dipole orientation s restricted integration over r'to the region r'<1/Qssince otherwise the integrand is [1 see (41) with (34) or (5). To determine the largest contrib ution11 to the integral on the r.h.s. of (42) we use the fact that the Be ssel function atx1 and write the expression in the curly brackets (43) It follows from (26) and (27) that On that account, we determine that the first integral in (43) is o f order unity, whereas the second one enhanced by ln( k/Qs)1. A more accurate estimate is gained by substitution of (27) andexplicit integration over r'. variable z= erfi(z) is the imaginary error function defined as erfi(z) =-ierf(iz), (45) z0= andz*= In compliance with the double log- arithmic approximation we must replace the imaginary error function by its asymptotic form at z01 given z1. (46) Hence, keeping in mind that z0z*we expected, this integral is independent of Qssince the integrand is a steeply increasing function of1 r'. Finally, the cross section is procured by plugging (47) int o Soft gluons k<Q s We are now turning to analysis of soft gluon production by lar ge onium. As in the case of hard gluons we wish to calculate Q(r-',k-,y) in three different cases. First case corresponds to i.e. size of dipole emitting the triggered gluon is smaller than any other scale in the problem. We the r.h.s. of (49) is of order r'2Q2 s1, 1 and lnQs k1 respectively. Evidently, the third one is dominating. that
|I-(r-',k-,y)|2=4(2p)2 k2 r'<1 Qs<1 k. (51) In the second case are also three relevant regions of (52) In the second and the third integral N(w-,b-,y)1. The third integral is enhanced by it is the only integral that depends on k. Therefore, using (53) Consequently,
|I-(r-',k-,y)|2=4(2p)2 k2S2 0e-1 4ln2(Q2 sr'2)1 Qs<r'<1 k. (54) The third case corresponds to There are now two relevant second integral is enhanced by lnQs kand, apart from the lower limit of integration, is the same as the third integral in (52). Evidently, the kdependence of Q(r-',k-,y) is the same as in the case (ii), implying that (54) holds in the case (iii) as well
|I-(r-',k-,y)|2=4(2p)2 k2S2 0e-1 4ln2(Q2 sr'2)1 Qs<1 k<r'. what (54) and (56) tell us is that the region r'>1 Qsdoes not contribute to the cross section for diffractive production of soft gluon by larg e onium. Thus, the only contribution to the cross section stems from r'<1 Qs. There are now two possibilities depending on the size r of the incident onium: (a) r >1 k>1 Qsand (b)1 k> r >1 Qs. However, in both cases1 Qsis the smallest size implying that the leading contribution to the cross section is the same in both cases. Expanding the argument of sinus in (51) and substituting to ( 16) we (57) The dipole density is given by (27). Notice that since the lar gest contribution to the integral arises from dipoles of size r'~1 Qs(the integrand increase rapidly with r') we can neglecting contribution of very small dipole sizes r'. r,1 k>1 Qs, (58) which holds for any relation between rand 1/k. If we now wish to calculate the total cross section for diffract ive gluon production at have to integrate (48) and (58) over d2k. Clearly, the leading contribution stems from the integral over soft gluons given by (58). We r>1/Qs, (59) in complete agreement with the result obtained in our previo us paper [44]. V. DIFFRACTIVE GLUON SPECTRUM: SMALL ONIUM Wewillagain two cases of hardand soft gluons. Calculation are facili tated a lot since we have already derived the function |I-(r-',k-,y)|2, which embodies information about the gluon emission and su bsequent elastic scattering of the two intermediate dipoles w-and r-'-w-off the nucleus. A. Hard gluons k>Q s Using (38) we obtain ds d2kdy=asCF p1 (2p)2SA/integraldisplay 0dr'r'np(r-,r-',Y-y)(1-J0(kr')),(60)14 wherewe integrated over orientation of the dipole r-'. To proceed we have to specify the the onium size rand the inverse gluon transverse momentum1 k. Assume that (a) r <
1 k<1 Qs. Then, integral over r'can be divided into the following four regions: (i) 0 <r'< r, (ii) r < r'<1 k, (iii)1 k< r'<1 Qsand (iv)1 Qs< r'. To estimate the integral in each of this regions we use the same procedure as before (it is explained after (43 )). We find the following of the integral in these four regions: (i) k2r2, (ii)k2r2ln1 kr, (iii)k2r2and (ii) gives the largest contribution. We have ds d2kdy=asCF p1 (2p)2SAk2 4/integraldisplay 0dr'r'3np(r-,r-',Y-y),(61) Upon substitution of (26) and changing to a new integration v ariable~z= the integral over r'to the imaginary error function as in (44). Following the sam e steps as those that led us to (47) we region (b)1 k< r <1 Qs. Repeating the same analysis as above we conclude that the dominant logarithmic contribution originates from the reg ion1 k<r'<r. Accordingly, we use (27) for the dipole density and neglect the Bessel function in (60 ). Doing the integral as explained in (44)-(47) we Soft gluons k<Q s In the case r for given by (51),(54),(56). As was only small dipoles in the r'integral. We thus have two regions of integration: (i) 0 <r'<rand (ii)r<r'<1 Qs. The integral over the former is of order r2whereas over the latter it is of order r2ln1 rQs. That being the case we total cross section is again dominated by soft gluons. In tegrating (64) over d2ksuch that k<Qswe in agreement with our previous result [44]. VI. SUMMARY The differential cross section for diffractive gluon productio n is given by formulas (48), (58), (62), (63) and (65). We can see that there are five distinct kin ematic regions, which are really six. The behavior of gluon spectrum in these regions is sketc hed in Fig. 4. To make the figure FIG. 4: Sketch of diffractive gluon spectrum as a function of trans verse momentum kin two cases Qualitative behavior in both regions is also indicated. xG(x=ey-Y) is a gluon in onium, gis the anomalous dimension of the nuclear gluon distribution function a ndNis a normalization we indicated an approximate transverse mom entumkand the saturation scale Qs dependence. gdenotes the anomalous dimension of the nuclear gluon distri bution. It varies from about unity at kQ2 s/Qs0tog1/2 < Q2 s/Qs0. Fig. 4 teaches us that by varying the incident onium size with respect to the saturation scale we obtain different behavior of the gluon spectrum as a function of transverse momentum. In DIS t he typical onium size can be varied by means of triggering on the events with different phot on virtuality. Depending on the relation between k,Qsandrthe gluon spectrum exhibits different pattern that allows a mo re direct measurement of the saturation scale Qs(y) (and hence the nuclear gluon density) than it is possible nowadays. The k-dependence of hadron spectra is of course significantly mod ified by16 the fragmentation process. On the other hand, dependence of hadron spectra on atomic number Ais the same as for the gluon spectrum (it arises from the A-dependence of Qs, see (6), (33)). The reason is that, as we explained in Introduction, the cohe rence length for the gluon production is much larger than the nucleus size, implying that the fragm entation process is independent of A. Consequently, A-dependence is a powerful tool in studying the nuclear gluon energy/rapidity dependence is independent of de tails of fragmentation (see however [67]) and has beensuccessfully usedalong with A-dependencefor analysis of inclusive RHIC. Therefore, energy/rapidity and atomic number depe ndence at different values of momenta allows access to information about the a nomalous dimension g, which is of crucial importance for understanding the transition regio n between the region of gluon saturation and the hard perturbative QCD. Similar arguments apply to the diffractive gluon production i n pA collisions. In this case, however, there is a substantial uncertainty regarding the s tructure of the proton wave gluon ween quarks is about the same is strongly suppressed as compared to the ca se when the distance between one pair of quarks is much smaller than the distance between the o ther two pairs (quark - see [44]. In either case the Aand energy dependence are given by Fig. 4 (right or left panel). Since calculation of diffractive gluon producti on in pA collisions requires a of the proton wave function we intend to address it i n a separate publication. 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collisions at high energies. We show that it exhibits a characteristic
dependence on nucleus atomic number A and energy/rapidity. We argue that this
dependence offers a unique possibility for determining the low-x structure of
nuclear matter. Applications to RHIC, LHC and EIC experimental programs are
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2 D. F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center Morris & Serabyn (1996) review the content and conditions of the in terstellar medium in the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ), noting that the molecular clo uds in the region are extraordinarily dense ( n >104cm-3) and warm ( T~70K) with respect to those found in the disk of the Galaxy. Stark et al. (1989) argue that the d ensity and of clouds in the GC are a direct result of the strong tidal fie lds in the region, i.e. only the dense survive. Serabyn & Morris (1996) argue that the inexorable inflow of molecular material from further out in the Galaxy powers continuou s and robust star formation activity in the region. It is still unclear how magnetic field strength affects star formation . If it does GC has been estimated through far infrared polarized light from aligned dust et al. 1993; Chuss et al. 2003) and Zeeman splitting of th e OH Lo, & Crutcher 1995). In both cases, the field is inferred to be of However, Uchida & Guesten (1995) argue strongly tha t these strengths are localized to bundles that delineate the extraordinary non-thermal filaments in the & Morris 1987), and are not representative of the field strength that is pervasive in the region. If this is correct, then the fields inside GC mo lecular clouds may not be so strong versus those inside disk clouds ( B~3uG). Metals in molecular clouds can provide cooling that aids protostellar co llapse, but they also create opacity to the UV flux, winds, and bipolar outflows t hat emanate from newly formed stars. Measurements of metallicty in the Galactic cent er span a range of solar, observed in stars (Ram' irez et al. 2000; Carr, Sellgren, & Balachandran 2000; Najarro et al. 2004), to twice solar, observed in the gas phase (Sh ields & Ferland 1994), to four times solar, observed through x-ray emission near the ver y center (Maeda et al. 2002). The errors from the stellar measurements are the smallest and suggest that stars in the GC are formed from material with roughly solar abundances. 3. Present-day star formation in the GC Present-day star formation in the GC is somewhat subdued compar ed to the episodes that produced the massive clusters we now see. A dozen or so ultra -compact HII regions are distributed throughout the central 50 pc, each containing on e or a few O-stars still embedded in their natal environs. Yusef-Zadeh & Morris (1987) ide ntify most of these sourcesin radiocontinuum observations(see Figure1). Zhao et al. (1993) and Goss et al. (1985) infer lyman-continuum fluxes that are comparable to that e xpected from a single O7V star in each of the H1-H5 and A-D UCHII regions. Cotera et al. ( 1999) find that several of the recently formed stars in these regions have broke n out of their dust spectra of young massive stars; see also Figer et al. (199 4) and Muno et al. (2006) for additional examples. A bit further from the GC, the Sgr B2 molecular cloud harbors a mass ive star clus- ter in the making and is home to the most intense present-day star f ormation site in the Galaxy (Gaume et al. 1995; de Pree et al. 1995; McGrath, Goss, & De Pree 2004; Takagi, Murakami, & Koyama2002;de Vicente et al.2000;Liu & Snyde r1999;Garay & Lizano 1999; de Pree et al. 1996). Within the next few Myr, this activity sho uld produce a star cluster that is comparable in mass to the Arches cluster (see Figure 2). Sato et al. (2000) note evidence in support of a cloud-cloud collision as the origin for the intense star formation in Sgr B2; these include velocity gradients, magnetic field m orphology, shock- enhanced fromdust different densities of certain molecular species throughou t the cloud.D. F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center 3 Figure 1. Radio emission from the GC region at 6 cm, adapted in Figure 1 b y Cotera et & Morris (1987). Thestarsymbols re clusters. Hot stars in the Quintuplet and Arches clusters ionize gas on the surfaces of nearby molecular clouds to produce the radio emission in the Sickle and G0. 10+0.02/E1/E2 Filaments, re- spectively. The radio emission near the Galactic center is d ue to a combination of thermal and non-thermal emission. The are ultr a-compact HIIregions formed stars. 4. Continuous star formation in the GCinthe region (Lebofsky & Gould, & Depoy 1996; Frogel, Tiede, & Kuchinski 1999; Sjouwerman et al. 1999). Figure 3 shows a plot for some of these stars, based on spe ctroscopic data, overlaid with intermediate age model isochrones (Blum et al. 2003). Note tha t the giants and supergiants in this plot require ages that span a few Myr to a few Gyr . One comes to similar conclusions by analyzing photometry of the field p opulation in the GC. Figer et al. (2004) use observed luminosity functions to det ermine that the star formation ratehasbeen the lifetime ofthe Ga laxyin the GC, similar to the suggestion in Serabyn & Morris (1996) based on the sharp inc rease in light towardsthe center and a mass-budget argument. F igure 4 shows model and observed luminosity functions ( right) for various star formation scenarios ( left) over the lifetime of the Galaxy, assuming a Salpeter IMF (Salpeter 1955) for m asses above 10 M,4 D. F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center Figure 2. Figure 3 from McGrath, Goss, & De Pree (2004) showing H 2O and OH masers over- plotted on 7 mm contours for a small portion of the Sgr B2 cloud . The activity in this region is typical of that found near the fifty or so ultra-compact HII re gions in Sgr B2. and a flat slope below this mass. The observations were obtained with HST/NICMOS and have been corrected for incompleteness. The burst models (panels 1, 2, 4, and starsin theluminosityfu redclump neara dereddened K-bandmagnitude of12. The cont (panel 3) best fits the data. 5. Properties of the Three Massive Clusters The majority of recent star formation activity in the GC over the pa st 10 Myr pro- duced three massive clusters: the Central cluster, the Arches c luster, and the The following sections describe the stellar content in the clu sters and the re- sultant implications for star formation in the region. They closely follo w recent reviews (Figer et al. 1999a; Figer 2003, 2004), with updates, as summarize d in Table 1. The three clusters are similar in many respects, as they are all youn g and stars. They have very high central stellar mass densities, up to n early 106Mpc-3, exceeding central densities in most globular clusters. They have lu minosi- ties of 107-8L, and are responsible for heating nearby molecular clouds. They also generate 1050-51ionizing photons per second, enough to account for nearby giant H II regions. The primary difference between the clusters is likely to be ag e, where the Quin- tuplet and Central clusters are about twice the age of the Arches cluster. In addition, the Central cluster is unique for its population of evolved massive stars that have broad and strong helium emission lines (Krabbe et al. 1991, and referenes ther ein). While the Quin- tuplet cluster has a few similar stars (Geballe et al. 1994; Figer et al. 1 999a), the Central cluster has far more as a fraction of its total young stellar populat ion (Paumard et al. 2006). Table 2 summarizes the massive stellar content of the clusters.D. F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center 5 Figure 3. Estimates of absolute magnitude versus temperature for sta rs in the GC from Blum et al. (2003). The lines correspond to model isochrones having ages of 10 Myr, 100 Myr, 1 Gyr, 5 Gyr, and 12 Gyr. The supergiants (above the horizonta l line) are descendant from stars having M 15-25M, whereas fainter stars are descendant from lower mass main s equence stars having a few to 15 M. The presence of these stars in the GC demonstrates intermed iate age star formation of massive stars. Table 1. Properties of massive clusters in the Galactic Center Log(M1) Log(M2) Radius Log( r1) Log( r2) Age Log(L) Log(Q) Cluster Ls-1 Quintuplet 3.0 3.8 1.0 2.4 3.2 3 -6 7.5 50.9 Arches+ 4.1 4.1 0.19 5.6 5.6 2 -3 8.0 51.0 Center++ 3.0 4.0 0.23 4.6 5.6 3 -7 7.3 50.5 M1 is the total cluster mass in observed stars. M2 is the t otal cluster mass in all stars extrapolated down to a lower-mass cutoff of 1 M, assuming a Salpeter IMF slope and an upper mass cutoff of 120 M(unless otherwise noted) Radius gives the average projected separation from the centroid po sition. r1 is M1 divided by the volume. r2 is M2 divided by the volume. In either case, this is probably closer to the central density than the average dens ity because the mass is for the whole cluster while the radius is the average project ed radius. Age is the assumed age for the cluster. Luminosity gives the total me asured luminosity for observed stars. Q is the estimated Lyman continuum flux emi tted by the cluster.
+Mass estimates have been made based upon the number of stars h in Figer et al. (1999b) and the mass function slope in Stolte et al. (2003). The age, luminosity and ionizing flux ar e from Figer et et al. (1995). The mass, M2 has been estimated by ass uming that a total 103.5stars have been formed. The age spans a range covering an init ial starburst, followed by an exponential decay in the star form ation cluster The Central cluster contains many massive stars that have recen tly formed in the et al.1978;Rieke, Telesco, & y, Rieke, & et al.1987;Allen, Hyland, & et al.1 991;Najarro et al. 1994; Krabbe et al. 1995; Najarro 1995; Libonate et al. 1995; Blum , Depoy, & Sellgren6 D. F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center Figure 4. A figure adapted from Figer et al. (2004) showing various star formation and resultant model luminosity functions ( right, thick ) compared to observed ( right, thin ) in the GC. The models assume a Salpeter IMF slope, an elevate d lower- mass turnover of 10 M, and are additionally constrained to produce 2(108)Min stars within the region. The observations have been corrected for incomp leteness. The third panels from the top, i.e. continuous star formation, best fit the data. The ob served turn-down at the faint end appears to be real and is only well fit only by assuming a very hi gh lower mass turnover. Table 2. Massive Stars in the Galactic Center Clusters Age (Myr) O LBV WN WC RSG 4 100 2 6 11 1 Figer et al. Najarro, & Figer (2000); Homeier et 2 160 0~>6 0 0 Figer et al. (2002) Center 4 -7 100~>1~>18~>12 3 Paumard et al. (2006) Total 360~>3~>29~>23 4 1995a;Blum, Sellgren, & et al.1996;Tamblyn e t al.1996;Najarro et al. 1997). In all, there are now known to be at least 80 massive stars in t he Central et al. 2005; Paumard et al. 2006), including 50 OB stars on the main se- quence and 30 more evolved massive stars (see Figure 5). These yo ung stars appear to be confined to two disks (Genzel et al. 2003; Levin & Beloborodov 20 03; Paumard et al. 2006; Tanner et al. 2006; Beloborodov et al. 2006). There is also a t ight collection of a dozen or so B stars (the s stars) in the central arcsecond, hig hlighted in the small box in the figure. The formation of so many massive stars in the central parsec remains as much a mystery now as it was at the time of the first infrared observ ations of the region. Most recently, this topic has largelybeen supplanted by the even mo re improbable notion that star formation can occur within a few thousand AU of the supe rmassive black hole,D. F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center 7 Figure 5. K-band image of the Central cluster obtained with NAOS/CONI CA from Sch odel et al. (2006). The 100 or so brightest stars in the im age are evolved descendants from main sequence O-stars. The central box highlights the s st ars that are presumably young and massive (M initial20M). an idea that will be addressed in Section 7. See Alexander (2005) for a thorough review of the s stars and Paumard et al. (2006) for a review of the youn g population in the Central cluster The Arches cluster is unique in the Galaxy for its combination of extra ordinarily high mass, M104M, and relatively young age, t= 2Myr(Figer et al. 2002). Being in the Galaxy (Cotera et al. 1996; Serabyn, Shupe, & Figer 1998 ; Figer et al. 1999b; Blum et al. 2001; Figer et al. 2002). It is ideally suited for testing theo ries that predict the shape of the IMF up to the highest stellar masses formed (see S ection of the cluster - the majority of the bright stars in the image ha ve masses greater than 20M. The most massive dozen or so members of the cluster have strong emission lines at infrared wavelengths (Harris et al. 1994; Nagata et al. 1995 ; Cotera 1995; Figer 1995; Cotera et al. 1996; Figer et al. 1999b; Blum et al. 2001; Figer e t al. 2002). These lines are produced in strong stellar winds that are also detected at r adio Goss, & Rodr' iguez 2001; Yusef-Zadeh et al. 2003; Lang e t al. 2005; Figer et et al.2002;Rockef eller et al.2005;Wang, Dong, & cluster The Quintuplet cluster was originally noted for its five very bright sta rs, the Quintu- plet Proper Members (QPMs) (Glass, Moneti, & Moorwood 1990; Oku da et al. 1990;8 D. F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center Figure 6. F205W image of the Arches cluster obtained by Figer et al. (20 02) The brightest dozen or so stars in the cluster ha ve and there are160 O-stars in the cluster. The diameter is 1 lyr, making the cluster the densest in the Galaxy with r et al. 1990). Subsequently, a number of groups identified o ver 30 stars evolved from massive main sequence stars (Geballe et al. 1994; Figer, McLea n, & Morris 1995; Timmermann et al. 1996; Figer et al. 1999a). Given the spectral typ es of the massive stars identified in the cluster, it appears that the Quintuplet cluste r is4 Myr old and had an initial mass of >104M(Figer et al. 1999a). An accounting of the ionizing flux produced by the massive stars in the cluster conclusively demonstr ates that the clus- ter heats and ionizes the nearby Sickle HII region (see Figure 1). The Quintuplet is most similar to Westerlund 1 in mass, age, and spectral content (C lark et al. 2005; Negueruela & Clark 2005; Skinner et al. 2006; Groh et al. 2006; Crow ther et al. 2006). Of particular interest in the cluster, the QPMs are very bright at inf rared wavelengths, mK6 to 9, and have color temperatures between 600 to 1,000 K. They are lu- minous, L 105L, yet featureless, making their spectral classifi ca- tion ambiguous. Figer, Morris, & McLean (1996), Figer et al. (1999a ), and Moneti et al. (2001) argue that these objects are not protostars, OH/IR st ars, or protostellar OB stars. Instead, they claim that these stars are dust-enshroud ed WCL stars (DWCLs), similar to other dusty Galactic WC stars (Williams, van der Hucht, & The 1987), i.e. WR 104 (Tuthill, Monnier, & Danchi 1999) and WR 98A (Monnier, Tuthill, & Danchi 1999). Chiar et al. (2003) a weakspectroscop icfeature at 6.2 um that they attribute to carbon, further supporting the hypothesis th at these stars are indeed DWCLs. The stars have also been detected at x-ray wavelengths ( Law & and at radio wavelengths (Lang et al. 1999, 2005). Recently, Tuthill et al. (2006) convincingly show that the QPMs are in deed dusty F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center 9 Figure 7. Paschen- aimage of the region surrounding the Pistol star from Figer et al. (1999c). North is to the upper right, and east is to the upper left. The P istol star ejected 10Mof material approximately 6,000 yr ago to form what now appears to be a circumstellar nebula that is ionized by two WC stars to the north of the nebula. Mone ti et al. (2001) use ISO data to show that the nebula is filled with dust that is heated by the Pistol M onnier, & Danchi 1999; Monnier, Tuthill, & Danchi 1999). This identification raises intr uiging massive star formation and evolution. With their identific ations, it becomes clear that every WC star in the Quintuplet is dusty, and presumably b inary. There are two possible explanations for this result. Either the binary fraction for massive stars is extremelyhigh (Mason et al.1998; Nelan et al. 2004), oronlybinarym the WCL phase (van der Hucht 2001). The Quintuplet cluster also contains two Luminous Blue Variables, the Pistol star (Harris et al.1994;Figer et et Najarro, & 104K), placing them in the forbidden zone of the D iagram, above limit (Humphreys & Davidson 1994). The Pistol star is particu- larly intriguing, in that it is surrounded by one of the most massive (10 M) circumstel- lar ejecta in the Galaxy (see Figure 7; Figer et al. 1999c; Smith 2006) . Both stars are (Figer et al. 1999a) and photometrically variable ( Glass et al. 2001). They present difficulties for stellar evolution and formation models. T heir inferred initial masses are >100M, yet such stars should have already gone supernova in a cluster that is so old, as evidenced by the existence of WC stars (Figer et al. 1999a) and Glass, & irez et a l.2000).Figer & Kim (2002) and Freitag, Rasio, & Baumgardt (2006) argue that stellar mergers might explain the youthful appearance of these stars. Alternatively, these s tars might be binary, al- though no evidence has been found to support this assertion. Not e that in a similar case, LBV1806 -20 is also surrounded by a relatively evolved cluster (Eikenberry et a l. 2004; Figer et al. 2005), yet it does appear to be binary (Figer, Najarro, & Kudritzki 2004).10 D. F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center Figure 8. Tuthill et al. (2006) find that the Quintuplet Proper Members are dusty Wolf-Rayet stars in binary systems with OB companions. The insets in thi s illustration show imaging data for two Quintuplet stars, overlaid on the HST/NICMOS image from Figer et al. (1999b). All of the Quintuplet WC stars are dusty , suggesting that they are binary. 6. The initial mass function in the Galactic center The IMF in the Galactic center has primarily been estimated through o bservations of the Arches cluster (Figer et al. 1999b; Stolte et al. 2003), altho ugh there have been several attempts to extract such information through observa tions of the Central clus- ter (Genzel et al. 2003; Nayakshin & Sunyaev 2005; Paumard et al. 2006) and the back- ground population in the region (Figer et al. 2004). These studies su ggest an IMF slope that is flatter than the Salpeter value. 6.1.The slope Figer et al. (1999b) and Stolte et al. (2003) estimate a relatively flat IMF slope in the Arches cluster (see Figure 9). Portegies Zwart et al. (2002) inter pret the data to indicate an initial slope that is consistent with the Salpeter value, and a prese nt-day slope that has been flattened due to dynamical evolution. Performing a similar a nalysis, Kim et al. (2000) arrive at the opposite conclusion - that the IMF truly was re latively flat. The primary difficulty in relating the present-day mass function to the init ial mass function is the fact that n-body interactions operate on relatively short tim escales to segregate the highest stellar masses toward the center of the cluster and to eject the lowest stellar masses out of the cluster. Most analysis is needed to resolve this iss ue. 6.2.Upper mass cutoff The Arches cluster is the only cluster in the Galaxy that can be used t o directly probe an upper mass cutoff. It is massive enough to expect stars at least as massive as 400 M, young enough for its most massive members to still be visible, old enou gh to have broken out of its natal molecular cloud, close enough, and at a well-establish ed distance, for us to discern its individual stars (Figer 2005). There appears to be an absence of stars with initial masses greater than 130 Min the cluster, where the typical mass functionD. F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center 11 Figure 9. Figer (2005) find an apparent upper-mass cutoff to the IMF in th e Arches are transformed into initial mass by assuming th e Geneva models for tage=2 Myr, solar metallicity, and the canonical mass-loss rates. Erro r bars indicate uncertainty from Two power-law mass functions are drawn through the average of the upper four mass bins, one having a slope of -0.90, as measured from the data, and another having the Salpe ter slope of -1.35. Both suggest a dramatic deficit of stars with M initial>130M, i.e. 33 or 18 are missing, respectively. These slopes would further suggest a single star with verylarge initial mass (MMAX). The analysis suggests that the probability of there not be ing an upper-mass cutoff r masslimit of150 M. There is additional support for such a cutoff in other environments (Weidner & Kroupa 2004; Oey & Clarke 2005; Koen 2006; Weidner & Kroupa 2006). 6.3.Lower mass rollover Morris (1993) argue for an elevated lower mass rollover in the GC bas ed on the envi- ronmental conditions therein, and only recently have observation s been deep enough to address this claim. Stolte et al. (2005) claim observational evidence for an elevated cutoff around 6 Min the Arches cluster; however, in that case, confusion and incomp leteness are serious problems. In addition, even if the apparent turn-down is a real indication of the initial cluster population, the lack of low mass stars might result f rom their ejection through n-body interactions (Kim et al. 2000; Portegies Zwart et a l. 2002). Field obser- vations should not suffer from such an effect, as the field should be t he repository for low mass stars ejected from massive clusters in the GC. Figure 4 revea ls a turn-down in the observed luminosity function of the field in the GC at a dereddened K- band than 16. This appears to not be a feature of incompletene ss, as the data are greater than 50% complete at these magnitudes (Figer et al. 1999b ). A more based on this type of data, will await even deeper obser vations (Kim et al. 2006). 7. The s stars Figure 5 shows a dense collection of about a dozen stars within 1 arcs econd (0.04 pc) of Sgr A* (Genzel et al. 1997; Ghez et al. 1998, 2000; Eckart et al. 2002; Sch odel et al.12 D. F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center 2002; Ghez et al. 2003; Sch odel et al. 2003; Ghez et al. 2005). Th is cluster stands out for its high stellar density, even compared to the already dense field population in the GC. Sch odel et al. (2003) and Ghez et al. (2005) (and refereces therein) have tracked the proper motions of the s stars, finding that they are consist ent with closed a massive, and dark, object having M 2-4(106)M, consistent with previous claims based on other methods (Lynden-Bell & Rees 1971; Lacy et al. 1980; Serabyn & Lacy 1985; Genzel & Townes 1987; Sellgren et al. 1987; R ieke & Rieke 1988; McGinn et al.1989;Lacy, Achtermann, & Habing, & Winnberg 1992; Haller et al. 1996). The orbital parameters for these stars are well determined, as seen in Figure 10 ( left), and they require the existence of a supermassive black hole in the Galactic center. While these stars are useful as gravitational tes t particles, they are also interesting in their own right, as they have inferred luminosities and t emperatures that are similar to those of young and massive stars (Genzel et al. 1997; Eckart et al. 1999; Figer et al. 2000; Ghez et al. 2003; Eisenhauer et al. 2003, 2005; Pa umard et al. 2006). Figure 10 ( right) shows the absorption lines that suggest relatively high temperatu res. Oddly, the increased density of the young stars in the central arc second is not matched by the density distribution of old stars. Indeed, there is a curious a bsence of late-type stars in the central few arcseconds, as evidenced by a lack of sta rs with strong CO absorption in their K-band spectra (Lacy, Townes, & Hollenbach 19 82; Phinney 1989; Sellgren et al. 1990; Haller et al. 1996; Genzel et al. 1996, 2003). Th is dearth of old stars represents a true hole in three dimensional space, and not just a projection effect. Even the late-type stars that are projected on to the central parse c generally have relatively low velocities, suggesting dynamical evidence that the region neare st to the black hole lacks old stars (Figer et al. 2003). The existence of such massive and young stars in the central arcs econds is it is perhaps only an extension of the original problem in unde rstanding the origins of the young stars identified in the central parsec over 20 y ears ago. Table 3 gives a list ofrecent papers regardingthe originof the s stars.While th ere are over30 papers listed in this table, they can be reduced to a few basic ideas. One class of ideas considers the s stars as truly young. In this case, the origin of the s s tars is often reduced to the case of massive star formation in the Galactic center region a nd the products to the central arcsecond. The other class rega rds the s stars as old stars that only appear to be young, i.e. via atmospheric stripping, m erging, or heating. Both classes require new mechanisms that would be unique to the GC, and they both have considerable weaknesses. For example, Figer et al. (2000) ar gue that stripped be asbrightasthe sstars(see Dray, King, & Dav See Alexander (2005) for a more thorough discuss ion of the strengths and weaknesses of these ideas. If the s stars are truly young, then that would require massive c lumps to form OB stars(M in order for them to be stable against tidal disruption. Ass uming that the stars formed as far away from the supermassive black hole as possible, wh ile still friction to transport them into the central arcsecond during their lifetimes, then the required densities must be >1011cm-3(Figer et al. 2000). The average molecular cloud density in the GC is about five orders of m agnitude less, so highly compressive events might be required to achieve the n ecessary densi- ties. Alternatively, the required densities can be reduced if the sta rs are to significant mass, i.e. a surrounding stellar cluster. Indeed , Gerhard Zwart, McMillan, & Gerhard (2003), and Kim & Morris (2003 ) showed could formtens ofparsecsoutside of the center and be deliv-D. F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center 13 Table 3. Chronologically sorted list of references that explore hyp otheses on the origin of the s stars. Some of the references primarily concern the othe r young stars in the central parsec and are included in the table because they propose ideas that may relate to the origins of the s stars. Contributions to this table have been made by Tal A lexander (priv. Townes, & disruption of red giants Morris (1993) compact objects surrounded by material from r ed giant envelopes (Thorne-Zytkow objects) Davies et al. (1998) red giant envelope stripping through n- body (1999) red giant envelope stripping through dwar f-giant & Davies (1999) colliding red giants Morris, Ghez, & Becklin (1999) duty cycle of formation from i nfalling CND clouds and evaporation of gas reservoir by accretion and star- formation light Gerhard (2001) decaying massive & Morris (2003) tidal heating of stellar envelope s to form et al. (2003) stellar rejuvination through red giant mergers Gould & Quillen (2003) exchange reaction between massive -star binary and massive black hole Hansen & Milosavljevi' c (2003) stars captured by inspirali ng intermediate mass black hole Levin & Beloborodov (2003) formation in nearby gas disk McMillan & Portegies Zwart (2003); Kim, Figer, & migration of young cluster with IMBH Portegies Zwart, McMillan, & Gerhard (2003); Kim & Morris (2003)inward migration of young & Livio (2004) orbital capture of young stars by MB H-SBH c & Loeb (2004) formation in molecular disk Davies & King (2005) tidal strippng of red giant (AGB) stars ( but see critique in Goodman & Paczynski 2005) G urkan & Rasio (2005) decaying cluster with formation of an IMBH Haislip & Youdin (2005) formation in disk and orbital relaxa tion.(but see critique in Goodman & Paczynski 2005) Levin, Wu, & Thommes (2005) dynamical interactions with sin king IMBH Nayakshin & Sunyaev (2005) in-situformation within central parsec Nayakshin & Cuadra (2005) formation in a fragmenting star di sk Subr & Karas (2005) formation in disk and accelerated orbita l & Hansen (2006) cluster inspiral and n-body interac tions Hopman & Alexander (2006) resonant relaxation of orbits Freitag, Amaro-Seoane, & segregation with compact rem- nants Levin (2006) star formation in fragmenting disk Perets, Hopman, & betweenmassive star binaries induced by efficient relaxation by massive perturbers Dray, King, & Davies (2006) tidal strippng of red giant (AGB) stars (but see critique in Figer et al. 2000) ered intothe centralparsecin just a few million years.The efficiency ofthis method (McMillan & Portegies Zwart 2003; Kim, Figer, & Morris 2004). It is key in any of these cluster tra nsport models that the host system have extremely high densities of >106Mpc-3, comparable to the14 D. F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center Figure 10. (left) Figure 2 in Ghez et al. (2005) and ( middle) Figure 6 in Sch odel et al. to the same scale. Both figures fit similar model orb its through separate proper motion data sets for the s stars. ( right) Paumard et al. (2006) find that one of the s stars, S2, has a K-band spectrum that is similar to those of OB stars in the cen tral parsec (see also Ghez et estimated central density of the Arches cluster after co re collapse (Kim & Morris 2003). Detailed n-body simulations suggest that while these ideas ma y be relevant for the origins of the young stars in the central parsec, it is unlikely tha t they could explain the existence of the s stars in the central arcsecond. 8. Comparisons to other massive star populations in Galaxy There are relatively few clusters in the Galaxy with as many massive st ars as in the GC clusters. NGC3603 has about a factor of two less mass than eac h of the GC clusters (Moffat et al. 2002); whereas, W1 has at least a factor of two grea ter mass (Clark et al. 2005; Negueruela & Clark 2005; Skinner et al. 2006; Groh et al. 2006 ). The next massive cluster is R136 in the LMC (Massey & Hunter 1998). All of these clusters, and the GC clusters, appear to have IMF slopes that are consistent with the Salpter value (or slightly flatter) and are young enough to still poss ess a star population. It is remarkable to note that these massiv e clusters appear quite similar in stellar content, whether in the Galactic disk, the GC, or even the environment of the LMC. Evidently, the star formation pr ocesses, and are virtually are probably more massive clusters yet to be found in the Gala xy. The limited sample of known massive clusters is a direct result of extinction, as m ost star formation sites in the Galaxy are obscurred by dust at optical wavelengths. W hile infrared observa- tions have been available for over 30 years, they have not provided the necessary nor survey coverage, needed to probe the Galactic dis k for massive a number of groups have begun identifying candidate mas sive star clusters us- ing near-infrared surveys with arcsecond resolution (Bica et al. 20 03; Dutra et al. 2003; Mercer et al. 2005). Indeed, these surveys have already yielded a cluster with approxi- mate initial mass of 20,000 to 40,000 M(Figer et al. 2006), and one would expect more to be discovered from them. The present-day sites of massive star formation in the Galaxy have been known for some time through radio and far-infrared observations, as their h ottest members ion- ize and heat nearby gas in molecular clouds. As one of many examples, consider W49D. F. Figer et al.:Massive Star Formation in the Galactic Center 15 which is the next most massive star formation site in the Galaxy compa red to Sgr B2 (Homeier & Alves 2005), and wherein the star formation appears to be progressing in stages over timescales that far exceed the individual collapse times for massive This suggests a stimulus that triggers the star form ation, perhaps pro- vided by a daisy chain effect in which newly formed stars trigger colla pse in nearby parts of the cloud. Similar suggestions are proposed in the 30 Dor re gion surrounding R136 (Walborn, Ma' iz-Apell' aniz, & Barb' a 2002). While there is no ev idence for an age- dispersed population in Sgr B2, Sato et al. (2000) suggest that the cloud was triggered to form stars through a cloud-cloud interaction. 9. star formation in the GC has produced an extraordinary sa mple of stars populating the initial mass function up to a cutoff of approximately 15 0M. 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http://www.cis.rit.edu/~dffpci/private/papers/stsci06/ | null | 10.1017/CBO9780511770593.004 | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The Galactic center is a hotbed of star formation activity, containing the
most massive star formation site and three of the most massive young star
clusters in the Galaxy. Given such a rich environment, it contains more stars
with initial masses above 100 \Msun than anywhere else in the Galaxy. This
review concerns the young stellar population in the Galactic center, as it
relates to massive star formation in the region. The sample includes stars in
the three massive stellar clusters, the population of younger stars in the
present sites of star formation, the stars surrounding the central black hole,
and the bulk of the stars in the field population. The fossil record in the
Galactic center suggests that the recently formed massive stars there are
present-day examples of similar populations that must have been formed through
star formation episodes stretching back to the time period when the Galaxy was
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 11 Mar 2008 16:08:59 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 12 Mar 2008 16:03:38 GMT"
] | 2015-05-13T00:00:00 | [
"D. F.",
] |
Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. The model 3 2.1 Asymptotic solutions 4 2.2 Review (and critics) of the linearized analysis 5 3. Exact spherically symmetric static solutions 6 3.1 Black hole solutions 6 3.2 Comparison with the linearized solution 10 3.3 Interior solution 11 3.4 Decoupling the second metric 14 3.5 limit 15 3.6 Local Lorentz-breaking in nontrivial background 16 4. Conclusions 17 A. Background for solvable potentials 18 B. Interior solution 18 C. Energy integrals 19 D. Simplest bigravity 21 1. for large-distance modifiedtheories of gravity, motivated by theevidence for the cosmological acceleration, hasstimulated a numberof stud ies inthe recent years. Themain goal has been to look for a massive deformation of standard ge neral relativity, featuring a large vitational potential, idea of considering a theory of a mass ive spin-two field dates back to 1939 [1]: the resulting theory is plagued by a number o f diseases that make it unphysical, besides being excluded. I n particular, the modification of the Newtonian potentials is not continuous when the mass m2vanishes, giving a large correction (25%) to the light deflection from the sun that is e xperimentally excluded [2]. A possible way to circumvent the physical consequences of th e discontinuity was proposed in [3]; the idea is that in the Fierz Pauli theory (FP) the line arized approximation breaks - 1 -down near the star and an improved perturbative expansion mu st be used, leading to a continuous result when m-0. Whether the solution associated with the improved pertur - bative expansion valid near the star can be extended up to infi nity is an open problem [4]. In addition, FP is problematic as an effective theory at thequa ntum level. Regarding FP as a gauge theory where the gauge symmetry is broken by a explici t mass term m, one would expect a cutoff L 2~mg-1= (mMpl)1/2, however the real cutoff is L 5= lower than L 2. A would-be Goldstone mode is responsible for the extreme ul of FP theory, that becomes totally unreliable i n the absence of proper comple- tion. These issues cast a shadow on the the possibility of rea lizing a theory of massive gravity [6]. It was recently noted that by allowing lorentz-breaking mas s terms for the graviton the resulting theory can be physically viable [7], being fre e from pathologies such as ghosts or low strong coupling scales, while still leading to modifie d gravity. Since the mass terms break anyway the diffeomorphisms invariance, this possibili ty was analized mainly in way, by reintroducing the goldstone fiel ds of the broken gauge invari- ance, and by studying their dynamics [5, 8]; we refer to a rece nt review for the status and results in this direction [9]. This approach has the power of being model independent, but the advantage turns into a difficulty when investigating the c oncrete behavior of solutions. In [10] we considered a class of theories that generate Loren tz-breaking mass terms for the graviton, by coupling the metric to an additional spi n-two field. This system was originally introduced and analyzed by Isham, Salam and Stra thdee [11, 12] and reanalyzed more recently in [13, 14, 15]. While this approach may seem an tieconomical, we stress that this is the simplest model that can explain dynamically the e mergence of lorentz breaking and give mass to the graviton. What happens is that the two ten sor fields lead in general to two coexisting and different backgrounds, inducing Lorent z-breaking mass terms at linearized order. For a general discussion on the consequen ces of Lorentz Breaking see [16]. The linearized analysis showed that only two gravitons prop agate, one massive and the other massless, both with two polarization states, represe nting two kinds of (GW). Thesearetheonly states inthetheory that feel t heLorentz breaking, showing a frame-dependence that may be measured at future GW detecto rs. In addition, the linearized gravitational potential differs in a crucial way from the Newtonian one: it contains a new term that is linearly growin g with distance. Of course, this signals the breakdown of perturbation theory at large d istances, and in this regime the theory should be treated fully nonlinearly. This fact is not surprising, since one has effectively introduced nonlinear interactions, and therefo re antiscreening may be present also at classical level like in non-abelian gauge theories. We believe that this is a general feature of massive gravity theories due to the presence in th e full theory of terms. In such situations the linearized analy sis is of limited reach, and we are forced to find exact classical solutions to be compared with t he standard Though in general this a very hard task, we have manag ed to find a whole class of interaction terms for which nontrivial and rather interest ing exact solutions can be found. After describing the setup and the flat backgrounds in sectio n 2 ad 2.1, we review the linearized analysis and its problems in section 2.2. We t hen describe the spherically - 2 -symmetric solutions in section 3, that we match with an inter ior star solution to estimate the modifications of the gravitational potential as a functi on of the source parameters. We also comment on the properties of these solutions and of th e whole theory in the interesting limit when the second metric decouples, leavin g just one massive gravity theory with modified Schwarzschild solutions, as well as in the Lore ntz-invariant limit. 2. The model Consider a gravity theory in which, besides our standard met ric field, an additional rank-2 tensor is introduced in in the form of a bimetric theory. The a ction is taken for symmetry each rank-2 field is coupled to its own matter with the respective La- grangians L1,2. In the interaction term we only consider non-derivative co uplings. The only invariant tensor, without derivatives, that can be wri tten out of the two and then Vis taken as a function of the four independent scalars
{tn= tr(Xn), n= 1,2,3,4}made out of X. The cosmological terms can be included in V, e.g.VL1= L1q-1/4, withq= detX=g2/g1. Then the (modified) Einstein equations (2.3) where we defined the effective energy-momentum tensors induce d by the (2.5) with (V')u n=V/Xn u. Indeed, the field g2plays the role of matter in the equations of motion for g1, and viceversa for g1. The Einstein tensors satisfy the corresponding contracted Bianchi 0. (2.6) that follows from the invariance of the respective Einstein -Hilbert terms under 2g2a(u2n)xa. (2.7) The interaction term is also separately invariant and we can derive conservation laws to the conservation of the energy-momentum tensor i n GR: n 1Q1un= 0 on shell for g2 n 2Q2un= 0 on shell for g1.(2.8) 1We use the mostly plus convention for the metric. Indices of t ype 1(2) are raised/lowered with the covariant derivative associated to the Levi-Ci vita connection of g1/2. - 3 -These identities are quite powerful; for instance they allo w to solve completely the sim- plest of these models, when Vis a function of qonly. This peculiar case is discussed in appendix D. 2.1 Asymptotic solutions At infinity, far from all the sources, we expect that g1andg2are maximally s the constant scalar curvature of gaun, 1,2) (2.9) the equations (2.2)-(2.3) 0 0. (2.11) and these equations can be solved for specific ans atze. In or der to study the properties of this model for asymptotically flat spaces, we analyze firstth e biflat solutions, K1=K2= 0. Eqs. (2.10)-(2.11) yield: V'n u= 0, V= 0. (2.12) Assuming that rotational symmetry is preserved and that the two metrics have the same signature, the biflat solution can written in the following f the speed of light in sector 2 and ois the relative conformal factor. Eqs. (2.12) correspond to three independent equations V= 0,V'0 0= 0 and V'i i= 0, where 0 andi= 1,2,3 stand for temporal and spatial indices. Therefore, two of t hese the values of two parameters cando, while the third represents a fine tuning condition for the function V, necessary to ensure flatness. The same sort of fine tuning is necessary in thecontext of normal GR to set thecosmological term to zero. Therefore, for a generic function V(X) we expect to have a Lorentz Breaking (LB) solution with c/ne}ationslash= 1, and hence a preferred reference frame (2.13) in which both metri cs are diagonal. Asymptotic flat solutions should approach (2.13) in a suitable coordina te system. In addition, there exists also a Lorentz Invariant (LI) solution, with c= 1: in this case two equations and can be used to determine the value of o. Summarizing, asymptotically the solutions fall in two bran ches: LI with c= 1, and 1.3The LB branch is of particular interest since it naturally al lows for deformations of gravity [10]. 3In the special case when V=V(detX), Bianchi identities force det Xto be constant, and there are additional gauge symmetries that allow to set c= 1. As a result the branches are equivalent (appendix D). - 4 -2.2 Review (and critics) of the linearized analysis In [10] we performed a linearized analysis around the biflat b ackground, that we report here for the LB branch. In addition to the kinetic terms, the linearized action cont ains a Lorentz-breaking mass term for the fluctuations 1,2). Since on the biflat 0, one can expand the potential at second order in the fluctua and define the mass the column vector of fluctuations and M0,1,2,3,4are 2x2 mass matrices. It is then crucial to realize that, due to lineariz ed gauge invariance (that we remark is never broken) these matrices are of rank-one; one c an P on the potential. In addition, due to the LB, M1vanishes regardless of the potential V. This fact leads to a well defined phase of linearized massive gravity.4 In this phase, the only propagating states are the two spin-2 tensor components of the fluctuations (two polarizations each) corresponding to two gravitons, of which one is massless and the other has mass l2. Their dispersion relation is non-linear due to their mixing and their different propagating speeds [10]. The other components, scalars and vectors, do not propagate , and therefore discon- tinuity and strong coupling problems are absent in this phas e. They however interactions, so the Newtonian potentials t hat one finds at linearized level are then drastically modified; for example in sector 1, the po tential from a point-like for later reference note that u2may be negative. The linearly growing term in (2.16) signals the breakdown of perturbation theory at distances larger than rIR= (GM1u2)-1[8, 10], and one usually considers the solution to be valid as long as the potential stays in the weak field regime . However, one should note 4The vanishingof thesecond eigenvalue of M1can be h10i-h20iis corresponding to the broken boosts in the LB back ground. In sec. 3.6 we comment on the fate of this condition on nontrivial backgrounds. - 5 -that the linear term in (2.16) is induced by an other scalar fie ld having an andacting as asourceforPh (seee.g. [22, 20]). I tis then easy torealize that non- linear corrections to this field can drastically modify the I R behavior, even in the We can clarify this point by showing, as an example, t wo systems of that differ by nonlinear terms and have drastically different IR Ph is a scalar field (mimicking the gravitational potenti al)sis an additional scalar field coupled to it by a mass term (and is the laplacian). Whil e in the first system s~M/rand this induces a linear term in Ph like in (2.16), in the secon d system sdrops to zero faster than M/rso that the bad behavior of Ph is cured. What happens is that the IR behavior is dominated by a non-linear term, because effective ly -0 at large distances. We incidentally point out that standard GR is safe in this res pect, because nonlinear terms coming from the Einstein tensor are always accompanied by tw o derivatives and thus are equally suppressed at large distances. We are thus led to the conclusion that in massive gravity the s ituation is similar to non-abelian gauge theories, where the large distance behav ior is generically non-trivial and inaccessible to the linearized approximation. We recall th at in Yang-Mills theories, non- abelian configurations of charges can lead to non coulomb-li ke classical solutions, screening or even anti-screening the charge, leading also to infinite e nergy configurations [17]. In this situation what one may try is to really look at higher o rders and maybe retain the first terms that are relevant at large distance. This appr oach would require the of defining the gauge invariant fields at higher ord ers, and would also lead to nonlinear terms mixing scalars, vectors and tensors. Inste ad of following this approach, we find more instructive to study the exact spherically symmetr ic solutions. 3. Exact spherically symmetric static solution fieldproduced by a spherically symmetric source. It is crucial to understa nd what kind of modification is introduced in this theory by the presence of a new spin 2 field. Spherical symmetry allows us to choose a coordinate patch ( t,r,th,ph) whereg1andg2have the form ds2 1=-J (3.2) and all the functions J,K,C,A,D,B entering g1andg2are function of ronly. Notice that the off-diagonal piece Dcannot be gauged away. 3.1 Black hole solutions In the absence of matter, a number of interesting properties follow from the form of the Einstein tensors from (3.1)-(3.2) and do not depend on the chosen V. - 6 -Following [12, 18] the spherically symmetric solutions can be divided in two classes: type I 0 and type II with D= 0. We shall focus here mainly on type I diagonal by the choice of the first metric, then also ( V'X)u nmust be diagonal because of the EOM (2.2). The only possible source o f a off-diagonal term in the RHS of (2.3) would be ( V'X)u n, so as a result also E2u nmust be diagonal, i.e. E2t r= 0. For type I solutions, this condition amounts to a single equatio (3.3) whered2is a constant. Incidentally using this relation it turns out thatE2t t=E2r r, then using (2.3) also ( V'X)t t= (V'X)r r, and by (2.2) we have also that E1t t=E1r r. This Kin terms of J K=d1 J, (3.4) withd1an other constant. The metric 2 can be brought in a diagonal form by a coordinate c Thanks to (3.3), in the new coordinates we of course the metric 1 in no longer diagonal). Then by a su itable change of rthe metric 2 can also be put in a form; settin we C(r) =C(r'), (3.6) which shows that Cis the physically relevant potential in sector 2. To proceed further a choice of Vis needed. In the existing literature essentially all the results are based on a potential VISintroduced in [19] and [11] in the context of motivation for this choice is probably due to the fact tha tVISis the producing a FP mass term in the t) linearized limit: VIS= -g1= ForVISit was shown in [12] that type-I solutions are and it was recently realized that the se solutions are present for any potential [20]. It turns out that VIScan be deformed and there exists a whole family of potentials for which the exact spherically symmetric solut ions can be found. Let us consider the family of (3.8) 5In the years preceding QCD, the proposal of Isham, Salam and S trathdee was that of a second metric mediating a strongly coupled interaction, responsible for confinement of quarks inside tiny black holes. - 7 -where we introduced the following combinations involving t he generalized tr(Xn) andois the 4-index antisymmetric = = = = = where V-n=Vn(X-X-1). The cosmological constants L 1and L2have been added to simplify the asymptotic flatness conditions. The Isham-S torey potential is recovered 6,a2= 1 and 0. Remarkably, the general combination Vof (3.8) leads to solvable equations for type I spherically symmetric solutions, and these can be found in a closed form (these equations are the main result of the KJ = A 1)]. The solution depends on the integration constants m1,m2andSand we have introduced G= The values of c2,gand of the graviton mass l2/M2 pl1 of the linearized analysis (2.15) are given in terms of the co upling Notice that one may trade ~a1,~b1and e.g. ~a2for, respectively, c2,gand the graviton mass l2, showing that these may take any value for this class of potentials. When g <2, theKiare proportional to the constant asymptotic curvatures of gi; the explicit expressions are given in appendix A. Finally, o2is also in general a free parameter that determines for examp le L2to have K2= 0, after having fine tuned L 1to setK1= 0. 6This solvability is linked to the fact that the combinations Vnare actually the coefficients of the secular equation of Xand are (multi)linear combinations of its eigenvalues 8 -The expression (3.10) resembles the ) solution but with a a rgterm of magnitude Sis present and it may alter significantly the behavior of the gravitational field, depending on whether g <-1,-1< g <0 org >0. Before discussing these solutions, let us comment on the Ish am-Storey potential VIS used traditionally. Since in this case all bnvanish, it leads to a singular situation where c2- unless an additional fine tuning o2= 2/3 is performed. Even choosing this case, the linearized analysis is ill defined due to an enhanced gaug e invariance (see [10] for the case ofle= 0), and moreover from (3.13) one has g- . This is the reason why only standard solutions were found. Now, in order to shed light on the physical meaning of the vari ous constants in the solution let us also compute the total gravitational energy , as measured with respect to backgrounds 1 or 2. In the stationary case this is the Komar en ergy that can be calculated as a surface integral on a sphere of large radius router- (see appendix C). We find, for the two these expressions we see that only IR modifications with g <-1 will lead to finite total energy. Caseg <-1:At very large distance the solution reduce to a maximally sym metric solution parametrized by Ki. In particular one can set K1=K2= 0 with a single fine tuning, determining the asymptotic conformal factor o2as discussed above, so that the solution describes asymptotically flat metrics. Clearly be causeg <-1, at large is Newtonian, while at distanc es, depending on S, the presence of the additional spin 2 field has changed the nature of the gra vitational force. Since the large distance behavior is Newtonian, the total en ergy is finite; taking router- , we find E1=m1,E2=m2. In black hole solutions like these, m1and m2are just parameters, that can be related to the mass of a mater ial object only when the solution is considered as the outer part of, for instance, a s tar. In the case of standard GR, for a star of radius Rand mass density r, the total gravitational energy Eis the total mass M= 4pR3r/3. Here, the interaction with g2is turned on and we expect a contribution to this energy given by the interaction term Q1. Its size should be controlled by Vand by the matter itself, because this interaction energy also is turn ed on by the source. Moreover, by dimensional analysis the coefficient Sof thergterm should also be a function of the sizeof the object, and not only on its mass. This can be understood intuitively as the failure of the Gauss theorem due to the presence of Qin the EOMs and of the rgterm in the solution. Accordingly, the separate contribution of Q1to the energy is not expressible as a flux on a 2-surface at infinity, as it happens for the total K omar energy. The of this interaction energy for a star will be per formed in section 3.3. Caseg >-1:For simplicity, also in this case we set K1=K2= 0 as discussed above, but note that because the new term induces a curvature R~rg-2, only when g <2 we - 9 -have that g1andg2are asymptotically flat and o2can be interpreted as an factor. For these choices of g, we have a solution such that Q1does not vanish rapidly as r- , and compensates a slow fall-off (or rise!) of the gravitatio nal field. However on dimensional grounds any fall-off slower than 1 /rmakes the Komar total energy infinite, and indeed when router- making this unfeasible. If spherically symmetric solutions of infinite energy are su rely not physical, this may only suggest that solutions will not be spherically symmetr ic, as it happens in theories. For example one may speculate that finite ene rgy configurations will ar- range in flux tubes of gravitation at large distance, between sources of type 1 and 2, as suggested bythedifferent signsof SinJandC. Inasimilar scenario, the termrgmay be screened dynamically by the self-arrangement of confi gurations of matter 1 and 2, so that effectively S-0 at large distances, as suggested by the full star solutions that we will describe later. To summarize, we found that exact black-hole solutions are m odified in the IR or in the UV depending on the choice of the potential, and that this behavior is not captured by the linearized approximation. There are even cases where the behavior of the potential is not modified at all with respect to GR (e.g. g= 2 org=-1) while the still shows a linear term. It is also interesting to observe that in the limit in which th e second metric decouples, Mpl2- (i.e.k- ), and assuming that m2andSremains finite, from the solu- tion (3.10) we find that the term Srgremains in g1whileg2becomes exactly flat. We will discuss the decoupling limit as well as the limit c2-1 in section 3.4 and 3.5. 3.2 Comparison with the linearized solution It is interesting to comment on the perturbative origin of th e exact solutions. This can be addressed by looking at the asymptotical weak-field limit of the solution (for g <-1): J, K, C, A (3.15) The crucial observation is that Dvanishes more slowly (and than the other components of the perturbations. As a result, this sol ution is not captured by the standard linearization, where all the perturbations have t he same large distance the origin of this behavior can be traced back t o the equation ( Q1,2)t r= 0, that is 0 (3.16) This equation can be solved either with D= 0 (type-II solutions) or with D/ne}ationslash= 0 (type-I). In this last case, for the exterior solution, since it turns o ut thatB=o2r2, equation turns into the definition of the speed of light of g2(as in (3.13)), while the deviations give the mentioned behavior of D~1/r. - 10 -From equation (3.16) we can also understand that standard li nearization (around the LB background) can not distinguish between type-I and type- II at leading order: consid- ering the standard perturbative expansion (with parameter o) whereD~o, this equation starts from order o2. Also, at first order Dcan be gauged away: it does not appear neither in the linearized Einstein tensors (due to separate gauge in variances) nor in the mass terms (due toM1= 0). At higher orders however one must choose D= 0, otherwise there is a constraint on the fields A,C,J,K,Bthat are already determined at reach the conclusion that the standard perturbation theo ry around the LB background may only approximate the solutions in the type-II branch (if any exist: we recall that nontrivial type-II solutions are not known). On the other hand, it is interesting that the rgterm can be recovered in a semi- linearized approach, whereone solves exactly equation (3. 16) and treats the remaining This will be done for the interior star solu tion and the result can be found in appendix B, e.g. equation B.2. Alternat ively, if one insists in solving perturbatively all the equations, the correct re sult can also be recovered by assuming D~owhile all the other fluctuations are still of order o, and retaining the order.7 Exactly as in the comparison between the Newtonian and Schwa rzschild solutions, the final difference between this semi-linearized and the exact so lution is just that K= 1+2Ph instead of K=J-1= 1/(1-2Ph) (and similarly for g2). 3.3 Interior solution In order to determine the integration constants m1,m2andSone can imagine that (3.10) is the exterior portion of the solution describing a spheric ally symmetric star. We aim at finding the interior solution and then determine m1,m2,Sby matching with the exterior one. It is instructive to consider first in full generality a spher ical star made of fluids of type 1 and 2, extending from the origin to radii R1,R2, stationary with respect to the respective T (3.17) Like in the vacuum, since g1,T1andE1are diagonal, so should be Q1/2, i.e.Q1t r= 0. This equation, being the same as in the vacuum case, is exactl y solvable for the class of potentials (3.8). The remaining equations are more involve d in the presence of matter, but in linearized approximation the solution can be found analy tically. 7A similar approach was envisaged in [6] to find an asymptotica lly flat modified Schwarzschild solution for LI massive gravity, valid in the m2-0 limit. Alsoin that case a fieldthat is not determined at line arized level for m= 0, is found to vanish non-analitically asp 1/r. However that solution is not valid beyond some distance scale, and there is probably no global extensi on [6]. In the present work, it is remarkable that the semi-linearized solution is also extendable to the exact one. - 11 -According to the discussion of section 3.2 this partial line arization corresponds to choosing the type-I class ( D/ne}ationslash= 0) also for the interior solution. For simplicity, we consider a star made of an incompressible fluid of constant density and small pressure, pr. The interior solution is then matched by requiring continu ity ofC,J,B,Kand of the derivatives C',B'. This procedure, in the physical case when g <-1, determines exactly the exterior constants m1,m2,S.8 While the detailed solution is given in appendix B, we presen t here the instructive 0, and then discuss the interesting ca se of only matter 1, M2= 0. Case with both kinds of matter: ForR1=R2=R, and setting M1,2= matching condition gives: m1=M1+M , M 8c1/2o2/5(g+ 1)(g-2) andu2is the same constant that appears in the linearly growing potential (2.16) of the linearized analys is. In the exterior solution (3.10) Sand Mmodify the form of standard Schwarzschild solution. The firs t modification is in the Newtonian terms, and amounts to a mass shift with respect to the The second is the new term rg. Both are proportional to the same combination M.9 The mass shift Mcan be understood as the contribution of the interaction ter ms Qto the total energy, i.e. to the total mass as measured by the N ewton law at large distance. To clarify this, it is useful to recall that in stan dard GR the Komar energy, written as a spatial volume integral (8 appendix C) can be rewritten as a volume integral of the matter energy-momentum tensor by means of the E=ET= This result is modified in massive gravity because the Einstein equations contain the additio nal energy-momentum tensor of interactions Q, and the additional contribution can be evaluated with its v olume integral EQ= We remark that while the sum of these two integrals, being the total energy, can be expressed as a surface integra l at infinity (see appendix C), they separately can not, and they can only be evaluated using the smooth interior and exterior solution. The result of the volume integral is (aga in finite only for g <-1): ET1,2= =M1,2,EQ1=-kEQ2= M . (3.19) This confirms that the mass shift Mis a screening effect, due to the energy of the interacting fields in Q, and corresponding to the nonzero Ricci curvature even outs ide the source (see e.g. [21]). 8In the unphysical case g >-1, although the potentials JandCare regular, the field Bdevelops a singularity rg+1in the origin, calling probably for a fully nonlinear interi or solution. 9But see appendix B for the full case 12 -As a side remark, looking at the matching (3.18), we observe t hat we did but neglecting terms higher order in the matter density one has effectively neglected higher orders in V~u2. Indeed, the result depends on the two dimensionless parame but at first order in GM/Ronly the first order in R2u2appears, i.e. GMRu2, and the final result is smooth when the interaction vanishes ,V~u2-0. This is opposed to the singular massless limit of Lorentz-Invari ant (Fierz-Pauli) massive gravity. Case of normal matter: Turning off M2= 0, we can focus on sector 1 and discuss more how normal gravity is modified by th e presence of the additional spin two field. From the matching condition we have, with m from (3.10) we find for the modified potential (ignoring th e numerical (3.21) The mass shift is now equivalent to a rescaling of the Newton c that depends on the source radius!! We observe that for the sun10we have u2R2~10-10, assuming all coupling massfrompul thus see that for the sun the size dependence is negligible and unobservable, and even more so for the planets. The effect becomes important for objec ts of size u-1. For instance, for large objects with giants, large gas clouds, galaxies...) the effect may be of order one, and induces a macroscopic modification of the Newton constant. For low density objects that we consider here, this modification does not depend on the mass but just on the object size; therefore, given the mass, a larg e sphere of gas has a larger effective newton constant. In the limit u2R2>1, the surface potential would even scale as R4, instead of R2as in standard gravity. Moreover, remembering that u2may be negative, the negative interaction energy could cause large fluids to a ntigravitate, hinting toward the acceleration of the cosmological solutions. Then, the new term in the potential is of the form dPh~GM (3.22) replacing the linear term GM u2rof the linearized analysis. The Newtonian and the new term will be competing at a critical distance rcthat also depends on 5*1015eV-1andM= 1066eV. - 13 -Of course since g <-1 the relevant modification is ultraviolet, and is evident fo rr < rc (while for g >-1 it would be infrared, for r > rc). To estimate rc, we observe that since the exponent -1/(g+ 1) is positive, one always has rc< Rforu2>0, and the is inside the star. This does not mean that there wil l be no observable effects, since even subleading modifications to the newton potential may be measured (for of the gravitational potential of relative ma gnitude 10-3/-5are at the level the current solar-system tests). On the other hand for negat iveu2, and in particular for u2R2<-1/2, one has rc> Rso that in a UV region near the source the has stronger fall-off. For u2R2 -1 we even find that rcbecomes infinite, so that the region of UV modification expands to larger and large r distances! We can summarize the results in the physical phase g <-1:
*For sources of dimension R < u-1, the effects are: a mass shift equivalent to a small Newton-constant renormalization (1 + u2R2), and a subleading correction to the Newtonian potential, large sources, of dimension R > u-1, the mass shift is more pronounced, and for negative u2even the new rgterm can become dominant in a region near the source. As we see, even discarding the nonphysical and possibly confi ning branch g >-1, of these modified static solutions appears to be quite rich, and deserves a separate analysis toconfronttheir featureswithreal phys ical systems, e.g. field, gravitation of large sources, post-Ne wtonian analysis. 3.4 Decoupling the second metric The idea of introducing a second metric and considering its d ecoupling limit, to have a second background at hand while disposing of its fluctuation s, is not new and was ion [4]. However, due to the singular Isham-Storey potential, or due to the ill-defined nature of the theory, this did not lead to significant a dvance. In this work we found some nonperturbative solutions of the full system, so we are in a position to control the decoupling limit Mpl2- (k- ) in which the second gravity is effectively switched off. First, as far as the propagating states are concerned, we rec all from the [10] that in the flat background out of two gravitons only the firstgraviton survives the decoupling limit: it is massive (with two polarization s tates and mass Gl2) and has a normal dispersion relation. For the nontrivial solutions, as anticipated, one may take t his limit in the once one checks that m1,m2andSstay finite. This is indeed shown by the interior solution (3.18), therefore we directly find the res 0. (3.25) Both the mass shift and the new term remain, but the second gra vity disappeared: here the other metric is flat! - 14 -A look at the exact solution (3.10) in the decoupling limit sh ows that the limiting metric 2 is still nondiagonal ( D/ne}ationslash= 0). This means that g2is and that to make contact with this traditional minkowski di agonal vacuum one has to choose the gauge (3.5), where - g1is not diagonal. Explicitly we find: ds2 1=--J Notice that -Dis defined by the deviation of Afromo2, and that still -J-K+-D2= 1. We therefore note that, to recover the present solutions in e ffective massive where only g1is dynamical and the Lorentz breaking is an external diagona l metric, one should look for nondiagonal also remark that while taking the decoupling limit has lef t us with a flat still thereis curvaturefor metric1 inthe vacuumou tsidethe sources, dueto Q1and Q2being nonzero there, because of the rgterm. Therefore the order of the limit matters, and one would not get the correct result if one were to assume a flat second metric before taking the decoupling limit. In other words, setting g2to be flat in advance: g2= -g2, we have in vacuum Eu 2n= 0 that 2Vdu n--V= const by Bianchi --(Anti)deSitter . Instead, in the limit Mpl2- we have still g2un--g2un, but different solutions for g1: Eu 2n-0 but 0,and then const --non-trivial the decoupling limit shows that the theory rem ains well behaved, con- sisting of a modified gravity with massive gravitons, while t he auxiliary metric is flat limit The Lorentz Invariant limit c2-1 is also interesting to address the Vainshtein's claim that nonlinear corrections actually cure the discontinuit y problem in Pauli-Fierz theory [6]. Indeed, we findthat the limit c2-1 is well behaved, and the solutions retain their validity. In this limiting phase therefore, gravity is modified, but lo rentz breaking disappears. The linearized mass term is accordingly of the form ah2 un+bh2, however the limiting theory reached in this way is notthe Fierz-Pauli one, where a+b= 0 (and for this reason FP is free from coupled ghosts). Here, we get to a theory where a= 0; in fact, since we approach the LI phase from the l1= 0 branch, and because in the LI limit one has l1=l2=a, we see that also the graviton mass vanishes in this limit, as can be checked with the expression (3.13). It is nevertheless worth to poin t out that also a= 0 is a ghost- free theory like a+b= 0. This case is not usually considered because at the linear ized level there is no massive graviton as a consequence of an addi tional gauge symmetry (three - 15 -transverse see[23] and alsothePF0 phasei n [10]. Accordingly, problems are expected and no Vainshtein issues. Th is matches nicely with our model having good properties along all the LB branch, that su rvive also in the LI limit. 3.6 Local Lorentz-breaking in nontrivial background While the asymptotic biflat metrics are Lorentz breaking, on e may ask about the situation at finite distance. This will have definite interest when addr essing the ghosts in the described nontrivial background. In fact, w e recall (section 2.2) that on flat background this is a consequence of M1= 0 , and this follows from gauge withthefactthat locally ybroken. Now, a spontaneous breaking of Lorentz will lead to fla t directions of the this fact will be enough to lead to absence of ghosts a nd to stable under scrutiny, and goes beyond the scope of the present wo rk. To describe the local breaking of Lorentz at any given point i n the nontrivial back- ground, one chooses a local Lorentz frame ( g1=e) and simultaneously diagonalizes g2. The Lorentz breaking is given by the entries of g2, that are actually the eigenvalues of X. These are easily calculated (in polar coordinates f +-= 1+-~Srg-2. Quite remarkably, that they do not dependon the masses m1,2of the newtonian terms, and this is due to the nondiagonal structure given by D. One can easily check that for r- we have ^X=o2{c2,1,1,1}, reproducing the asymptotical lorentz breaking ( g <-1). Thenwe see that in thecase S= 0 theeigenvalues are constant, so that at any distance the Lorentz breaking is the same: ^X=o2{c2,1,1,1}. We have two pure in a configuration that at any point breaks local bo osts but preserves rotations (these are the solutions found in [23]). On the other hand, since in general S/ne}ationslash= 0, a star solution will break not only boosts but also local rotations, because the rrterm is different from the ththandphphones. For example at large but finite distance, where Srg-2is small, we withstandardGR, werecall that inG andisb by the curvature (tidal) effects. Here on the contrary in t he gravitational sector a Lorentz breaking is felt also locally, and for 0 also rotations are broken. The physical effect is that gravitons will propagate differently in directio n of the source. We strongly believe that this breaking of (local) boosts androtations at finite distance from a source is a general feature of nontrivial solutions in massive gravity, due to the presence of additional fields that can not be 'gauged away'. - 16 -4. Conclusions In this paper we approached the problem of finding a consisten t massive deformation of gravity field. Thisallows us to explore both the Lorentz invar iant (LI) and Lorentz breaking (LB) phases working with consistent and dynamically determ ined backgrounds. and breaking Lorentz is also important; at th e linearized level it forces M1to vanish and no dangerous scalar mode is propagating. Still at the linearized level, it was shown [8] that in the case M1= 0 the vDVZ discontinuity is absent, but a new linearly growing term is present in the static gravitationa l potential [10, 24], that seems to invalidate perturbation theory beyond some distance scale . To address this and the problem, wethus studiedtheexact spherical ly The exact solution that we found, valid for a large class of inter action potentials, shows that the linear term is replaced in the full solution by a power-li ke termrg, the nonlinear couplings in the interaction when g <-1 the total energy of the solution is finite and the space is asymptotically flat; Lorentz is broken in the gravit ational sector by the asymptotic value of g2, but normal matter only feels the modification of the gravita tional potential. Using the full solution one can check that the absence of the v DVZ discontinuity is an exact result. The effect of the interaction manifests in the rgterm whose size Swas determined for a star by matching the exterior solution with an interior one. In addition to this, by the presence of the additional spin 2 field, the total mass of the s tar appearing in the Newton term gets a finite renormalization that depends on the object size, and may screen or even antiscreen the star mass. We believe that this is a general fe ature of massive a black hole the solution depends not only on the co llapsed mass but also on an other constant, probably remnant of the origin al shape; notice that there is no contradiction with the no-hair theorem because the Einst ein equations are modified by the presence of Q1/2. In the case g >-1 the total energy is infinite and this may indicate only that s olutions will not be spherically symmetric. For example the solution may be unstable under perturbations and drop to a flux tube in a sort of mas s confinement regarding stability, even for the physical case g <-1 the final word would be given by studying the small fluctuations also around the exac t solution, to check that of the (ghost) scalars and vectors is prese rved on a nontrivial background. To this aim, we have discussed how the spontaneous Lorentz-b reaking is present also in the nontrivial background, where we note that in general als o rotations are locally broken. One expects this also to be a generic feature of massive gravi ty. We showed that we can reach the LI phase by tuning c2-1 in the exact solutions, and this results into a well behaved phase, though not the Fie rz-Pauli one (gravitons are massless). Thefate of the discontinuity and Vainshtein cla im for the PF case is thus still an open problem and exact solutions of type II with c= 1 are presently under it would be interesting to speculate on the role of t he mass screening in cosmology, that may change the form of the Hubble expansion. - 17 supported in part by the MIUR grant for the Projects of Na tional Interest PRIN 2006 Astroparticle Physics, and in part by the European FP 6 Network Background for solvable potentials For the solvable potential (3.8), we report here the biflat so lution as it results from solving the EOM (2.12), as well as the u2andl2constants of the linearized analysis. The fine tuning conditions to ensure flatness K1=K2= 0 turn in two relations for the two cosmological constants. Defining ~ andbn= (~an+c2~bn), we we remind that one of these is a genuine fine tuning to achie ve flatness, as is usual in General Relativity, while the other is a complicated equati on that may be used to find o. We prefer thinking in reverse and consider oa free parameter determining the right L 2. Finally, the lorentz breaking speed of light turns out to (A.2) The relevant quantities entering in the linearized analysi s are the graviton mass that have the following (A.4) B. Interior solution For generality we report here the case of a star composed of tw o spherical regions filled with incompressible fluids of kind 1 and 2 extending from the o rigin to different radii R1 - 18 -andR2; of constant densities negligible pressures. In general we have two scenarios, for the three different regions: a) forR2< R1we have 0 < r < R 2,R2< r < R 1orr > R1; b) forR1< R2we have 0 < r < R 1,R1< r < R 2orr > R2. We give only the analitic results for J[r], that is the gravitational potential in g1:
*Starting from the exterior solutions r > R1,2, we find a common value for the Jin both scenarios a) andb): J(r) = (B.1)
*The intermediate solutions are different in the two scenarios : fora) i.e.R2< r < R i.e.R1< r < R inner solutions r < R1,2have again a common form in both scenarios a) one checks, the solution is regular at the origin. C. Energy integrals In the presence of a time-like Killing vector in GR on can defin e the notion of total gravi- tational energy as a flux from an asymptotic 2-surface that in volve only the at large distance, far from the sources. Consider the fo llowing (C.1) - 19 -with the time-like Killing vector K=
t. From the Killing equation we have uJu= 0, J u=Ku. (C.2) The Komar energy Eis defined (C.3) wherehunis the induced metric in the hyper-surface t=const.with unit normal nuand wis a normalization constant. According to Stokes theorem, g iven a 3-surface V, for tensor Funwe (C.4) wherevais the unit normal to Vandgabis the induced metric in V. Then Stokes theorem (C.5) In general the Komar energy will depend on 2-surface that bou nds from Einstein equations it easy to show that the differ ence Ebetween the Komar energy computed with two different bounding 2-surfaces S 1and S2is proportional to the integral of the Ricci tensor over the 3-volume bounded by S 1and S 2. As a result the Komar energy does not depend on S in a region where the Ricci te nsor is vanishing. This is indeed the case in a region far from any source. (C.6) for the induced metric on the 3-surface t= const. and its normal nwe for the induced metric on t,r=const.and its normal v( v is normalized with h ) ds2=B(r)dohm2, v =A1/2 r. (C.8) We have (C.9) One can recover the same result using the language of different ial forms. Introducing the 1-form J=-(dd+dd)~Kin terms of the 1-form ~Kassociated with the Killing vector K. From the Killing equation d~K= 0, (C.10) - 20 -Now time-independent (C.11) and (C.12) D. Simplest bigravity Here we analyze the system in the simpler particular case whe nVis a function of qonly: V=f(q). The Bianchi identities (2.8) for Q1,2, can be written as11 uV-[nlogq+2 0 ulogq= 0 (D.2) and because in the case at hand ( V'X)n u=f'qdn u, the only non-trivial equation 0. (D.3) Thus, either q=const. or However, ( g1g2)1/4V0=c1g1 +
c2g2 would imply that the two sectors do not see each other and we a re left with two independent copies of GR + cosmological term. The theory wit hq=const is the simplest of all possible bigravity theories, the EOM reduce (D.7) The effective cosmological constants are thus related; moreo ver, this simplest bigravity, due to the constraint q=const, is equivalent to a single GR + unimodular GR, and the t wo sectors share the conformal mode. Finally, besides the diag onal diff also two diffs are present. 11And recall that for any vector field vuone has ( 2u- 1u)vn=Cs unvs, with the tensor 21 -As an example of exact solution, we present the solution for t he potential V= trlnX= lndetX (D.8) (and we may add also the two cosmological constant terms L 1q-1/4and L2q1/4to With this potential we have V'X=1by construction. The solution in general is for both metrics, but g2is in a different gauge: J= K = 1/J , (D.9) C= r = D2+AC= (D.11) A= free, c2=42 o21. (D.12) This is a family of solutions because A(r) is a free function (!), remnant of the spatial diffs. The determinant AC+D2is fixed by B(r), and for l/ne}ationslash= 0 it is not constant, at finite distance. Then one can also use Ato setD= 0 and get a bidiagonal solution like (3.5). Notice that o2and 2/1are free constants, and so also the relative speed of light M. Fierz and W. Pauli, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A173, 211 (1939). [2] H. van Dam and M. J. G. Veltman, Nucl. Phys. B 22(1970) 397; Y. Iwasaki, Phys. Rev. D 2(1970) Sov. Phys. JETP Lett. 12(1971) 198. [3] A. I. Vainshtein, Phys. Lett. B 39(393) 1972. [4] T. Damour, I. I. Kogan and A. Papazoglou, Phys. Rev. D 67(2003) 064009. [5] N. Arkani-Hamed, H. Georgi and M. D. Schwartz, Ann. Phys. (NY) 305(2003) 96. [6] D. G. Boulware and S. Deser, Phys. Rev. D 6(1972) 3368; G. Dvali, New J. Phys. 8 (2006) 326; A. Vainshtein, Surveys High Energ. Phys. 20, 5 (2006); P. Creminelli, A. Nicolis, M. Papucci, E. Trincherini, J. High Energy Phys. 09(2005) 003. [7] V. A. Rubakov, hep-th/0407104 . [8] S. L. Dubovsky, J. High Energy Phys. 10(2004) 076. [9] V.A. Rubakov, P.G. Tinyakov, arXiv:0802437 [hep-th] . [10] Z. Berezhiani, D. Comelli, F. Nesti and L. Pilo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99(2007) 131101. [11] C. J. Isham, A. Salam and J. A. Strathdee, Phys. Rev. D 3(1971) 867; A. Salam and J. A. Strathdee, Phys. Rev. D 16(1977) 2668; C. Aragone and J. Chela-Flores, Nuovo Cim. A10(1972) 818. - 22 -[12] C. J. Isham and D. Storey, Phys. Rev. D 18(1978) 1047; M. Gurses, Phys. Rev. D 20(1979) 1019. [13] T. Damour and I. I. Kogan, Phys. Rev. D 66(2002) 104024. [14] D. Blas, C. Deffayet and J. Garriga, Class. and Quant. Grav. 23(2006) 1697; D. Blas, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 46(2007) 2258. [15] S. Groot Nibbelink and M. Peloso, Class. and Quant. Grav. 22(2005) 1313; S. G. Nibbelink, M. Peloso and M. Sexton, Eur. Phys. J. C 51(2007) 741. [16] V.A. Kostelecky, Phys. Rev. D 69(2004) 105009. [17] Point-source solutions are usually discarded because they hav e infinite energy, R. Jackiw, L. Jacobs, C. Rebbi, Phys. Rev. D 20(1979) 474, but they can be retained if one allows the flux lines to end on other charges, see for example S.L. Adler and T. P iran,Rev. Mod. Phys. 56(1984) 1. [18] J. Chela-Flores, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 10(1974) 103. [19] B. Zumino, in Lectures on elementary particles and quantum field theory , edited by S. Deser, M. Grisaru and H. Pendleton. MIT Press 1970, Vol. 2 , p. 437. [20] D. Blas, C. Deffayet and J. Garriga, Phys. Rev. D 76(2007) 104036; [21] G. Gabadadze and A. Iglesias, arXiv:0712.4086 [hep-th] . [22] S. L. Dubovsky, P. G. Tinyakov and I. I. Tkachev, Phys. Rev. D 72(2005) 084011. [23] E. Alvarez, D. Blas, J. Garriga and E. Verdaguer, Nucl. Phys. B 756(2006) 148. [24] S. L. Dubovsky, P. G. Tinyakov and I. I. Tkachev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94(2005) 181102. - 23 - | 0803.1687 | Luigi Pilo | Z. Berezhiani, D. Comelli, F. Nesti, L. Pilo | Exact Spherically Symmetric Solutions in Massive Gravity | 24 pages, Latex JHEP style, added clarifications. Version accepted in
JHEP | JHEP 0807:130,2008 | 10.1088/1126-6708/2008/07/130 | null | hep-th astro-ph gr-qc hep-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | A phase of massive gravity free from pathologies can be obtained by coupling
the metric to an additional spin-two field. We study the gravitational field
produced by a static spherically symmetric body, by finding the exact solution
that generalizes the Schwarzschild metric to the case of massive gravity.
Besides the usual 1/r term, the main effects of the new spin-two field are a
shift of the total mass of the body and the presence of a new power-like term,
with sizes determined by the mass and the shape (the radius) of the source.
These modifications, being source dependent, give rise to a dynamical violation
of the Strong Equivalence Principle. Depending on the details of the coupling
of the new field, the power-like term may dominate at large distances or even
in the ultraviolet. The effect persists also when the dynamics of the extra
field is decoupled.
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& Gammon 1976), respectively. The distance to AH Sco remains unce rtain. A of 4.6 kpc has been derived by Humphreys & Ney (1974) bas ed on their infrared data. However, Baudry, Le Squeren & L' epine (1977) led to a phot ometric distance of 2.6 kpc under an assumption of an absolute visual magnitude of -5.8 for Iab stars, whereas its kinematic distance was about 1 .5~2.0 kpc for its systemic velocity -5.5~ -7.5 km s-1. Late type stars often exhibit circumstellar maser emission in molecule s OH, H 2O, and SiO. The supergiant variable AH Sco is such a star that has been dete cted strong maser emission with single-dish in all three species (e.g. L' epine, Pase de Bar ros & Gammon 1976; Baudry, Le Squeren & L' epine 1977; Balister et al. 1977, G' omez Ba lboa & L' epine 1986). observations ofthese masers wouldbeuseful ind etermining thestructure and kinematics of the circumstellar envelop (CSE) and understanding th e physical circumstance and mass loss procedure for this supergiant variable. Unfortunat ely, there has been so far no any published interferometric map of OH, H 2O and SiO masers toward this SiO masers provide a good probe of the morphology of CSE and etween the inner dust formation shell. Previous VLBI experiments have demonstrated (e.g. Diamond et al. 1994; Greenhill et al. 1995; Bobo ltz, Diamond &
Kemball 1997; Yi et al. 2005, Chen et al. 2006), or elliptical distribut ions (e.g. Boboltz &
Marvel 2000; S' anchez et al. 2002; m asers, kinematics in SiO maser regions, e.g. contraction and expans ion at the different phase of stellar pulsation (Boboltz, Diamond & Kemball 1997; Diamond & Kemball 2003; Chenetal. 2000; Holliset al. 2001; S' Cotton et al. 2004; Boboltz & Diamond 2005). The ringlike or ellip tical is assumed to be centered at the stellar position with a radius of 2-4 R *suggests that SiO masers are amplified in tangential rather than radial path. In this paper, we present the first VLBI maps of SiO maser emission t oward AH Sco observed at two epochs separated by 12 days in March 2004. The o bservations and data reduction are described in SS2; results and discussions are presented in SS3, followed by conclusions in SS4. 2. Observations and data J2000) were performed at two epochs on March 8, 2004 (hereaf ter epoch A) and March 20, 2004 (hereafter epoch B) using the 10 stations o f the Very Long Baseline- 3 - Array (VLBA) of the NRAO1. A reference frequency of 43.122027 GHz was adopted for the v=1,J=1-0 SiO transition. The data were recorded in left circular polarizat ion in an 8 MHz band and correlated with the FX correlator in Socorro, New Mex ico. The data had 256 spectral channels, corresponding to a veloc ity resolution of 0.22 km s-1. The system temperatures and sensitivities were on the order of 1 50 K and 11 Jy for both epochs. For the data reduction, we followed the standard procedure for V LBA spectral using the Astronomical Image Processing System (A IPS) package. The band- pass response was determined from scans on the continuum calibra tor (NRAO530). The amplitude calibration was achieved using the total-power spectra of AH Sco based on the template spectrum method. The template spectra at each epoc h were obtained from the Mauna Kea (MK) station at a high elevation. A zenith opacity of about 0.05 at MK from the variation of system temperature with zenith an gle was applied to correct the atmosphere absorption for each epoch. Residual group delay s determined from a fringe fitting to the continuum calibrator were applied to the spectral line d ata. Residual fringe- rates were obtained by performing a fringe-fitting on a reference channel (at V LSR=-9.4 km s-1), which has a relatively simple structure in the maser emission. An iter ative on the reference channel was performed to remove an y structural phase. The solutions of fringe-fitting and self-calibration were then applied to t he whole spectral line data. Image cubes were produced for all the velocity channels bet ween 14 and -18 km s-1with a synthesized beam of 0.69 mas x0.20 mas at a position angle -6*. Off-source rms noise ( srms) in channel maps ranges from 20 mJy beam-1in the maps with weak or no maser emission to 50 mJy beam-1in the maps containing strong maser emission. The flux densities, and positions in right ascension (R.A.) and declination (D ec.) for all with intensity above 8 srmsin each channel maps were determined by fitting a two-dimension Gaussian brightness distribution using the AIPS task SAD. Errors in R.A. and Dec. obtained from above fitting procedure range from 1 uas for components with high SNR, to 168 uas for components with low SNR, and the typical uncertainty of the fitted position of maser components was smaller than 10 uas. The remaining analysis of the maser component identifications was pe rformed outside of the AIPS package. As described in our previous work (Chen et al. 2006), a maser spot is a single velocity component of the maser emission in each velocity cha nnel map; a regioninbothspa 1 AU and 1 km s-1, and is expected to be a physical feature consisting of a single 1The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the Nation al Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.- 4 - gas clump. In order to study the characteristics of SiO masers, it is necessary to identify maser features for each epoch. The maser spots in different chan nels were deemed as the same feature according to the criterion that these spots appear in at least three and lie within an angular separation of 0.5 mas. Finally, 82 and 8 7 maser features were identified for epochs A and B, respectively. 3. Results and Discussions 3.1. The spatial structure of the SiO masers The full lists of parameters for each identified feature are given in T ables 1 and 2, for epochs A and B, respectively. We fit a Gaussian curve to the velocity profile of a at least four spots to determine V LSRat the peak of velocity profile. For some features which can not be well represented by a Gaussian profile (la belled by a * in Tables 1 and 2), intensity weighted mean V LSRwas adopted. The velocity range across the feature u, is defined to be the difference between the maximal and minimal veloc ities of the spots in the feature. Feature positions ( x,y) in R.A. and Dec. were determined from an average over maser spots in the feature. The uncertain ty (sx,sy) of a feature position was defined as squared root of the square sum of (1) the m ean spot distance from the defined feature position and (2) the mean measurement error of the spot positions. The weights proportional to the intensity of the spot were applied in the uncertainty estimation. The typical position uncertainties of features are 0.01 mas and 0.02 mas for R.A. and The positions are measured with respect to the refe rence feature at (0, 0) for aligning the maps in the two epochs (labelled by R in Tables 1 and 2; see Sect. 3.2.2). The distance of a maser feature, r, is measured with respect to the fitted center obtained from the ellipse model fitting to the distribution of maser features (see b elow). The flux density of the brightest spot in each feature was deemed as its peak flux de nsity, P. In two top panels of Figure 1, we compare the total power imaged by the VLBA (open circle) to the total power (solid line) obtained from the MK antenna f or each epoch. The total power imaged by VLBA is obtained by summing all fitted flux of sp ots belonging to features. The fractional power representing the ratio of the to tal flux imaged by VLBA to the total flux of maser emission is shown in two bottom panels. The fraction is mostly between 0.4 and 0.8. That is, on average about ~60% of the total luminosity of masers was detected in our observations. Actually, such a fractional pow er reflects the degree of extension of the maser emission. If the apparent sizes of maser co mponents are larger than that of the interferometric beam, the maser would be partly resolv ed (i.e. the fractional power is less than 1) and the fractional power should decrease with the increase of apparent- 5 - size of masers. The typical size of maser spots estimated from geo metric mean of sizes of the major and minor axes of the spots, which were obtained by fitting to an elliptical distribution in the CLEAN map, is 0.5 mas. This typical scale size is slightly larger than the geometric mean of the VLBA beam of 0.4 mas. Thus ~40% missing flux in our map is mainly due to the high spatial resolution of the interferome tric array. Figure 2 shows the distributions of maser features toward AH Sco f or the two epochs. These high resolution VLBI images reveal a persistent elliptical stru cture of SiO masers around AH Sco druing an interval of 12 days. We characterized this morphology by per- forming a least-squares fit of an ellipse to the distribution of masers weighted by the flux density of each feature for each of two epochs. The best-fitting ellipses and the ellipse centers are also shown in Figure 2. The lengths of the major and minor axes we re found to be 18.6 and 15.7 mas for epoch A, and 18.4 and 15.9 mas for epoch B, respect ively, with the major axis of the ellipse oriented similarly at ~150*at both epochs. And the fitted centers of the elliptical distributions are almost the same at both epochs of -7.9 and 5.8 mas in R.A. and Dec., respectively. At a distance to AH Sco of 2.26 kpc (see Sect. 3.2 .3), the distribution of SiO masers corresponds to about 42 x35 AU for both two epochs. However, an axial ratio of 1.18 suggests that the distribution of maser features around A H Sco can be viewed ap- proximately as the ringlike structure with an average diameter of ab out 17.2 mas (obtained from the geometric average of the major and minor axes for both e pochs). The simultaneous near-infrared interferometry and radio interfe rometry imaging of cir- cumstellar SiO maser for late type stars have been done recently (e .g. Boboltz & Wittkowski 2005; Wittkowski et al. 2007; Cotton et al. 2004, 2006). These ob servations reveal that the ratio of the maser ring radius to the photospheric radius of the cen tral star is about 1 there has been no any published photospheric rad ius measurement for AH Sco. Thus we can not directly compare SiO maser ring radius with stella r radius for AH Sco. We also notice that the red-shifted SiO masers lie slightly closer to the center than the blue-shifted masers (see Figure 2). This can be seen more clearly in F igure 3, showing the maser feature distance from the fitted center versus its line-of- sight (LOS) velocity (see Sect. 3.2.1). This phenomenon seems to be explained under the assumption that maser gas was undergoing infall to the central star. This is because along the sam e LOS path the red- and blue-shifted masers would appear in front of and behind the star, r espectively, as long as the coherence path lengths satisfy the requirement of maser excitat ion, under the condition that the maser gas was undergoing infall to the central star during our observations. However the blue-shifted masers generated behind star would be obscured by t he stellar disc projected on the LOS, while the red-shifted masers would not. Thus only red-shif ted maser emission will be seen closer to the center. Actually, we have confirmed that the SiO maser shell contracts- 6 - to the star during our observations in Sect. 3.2.2. Moreover, from Figure 3, some systemic masers with velocity -7 km s-1(see Sect. 3.2.1) locate at the distance of 7 mas which can be viewed as an upper limit to the photospheric radius, then the extr eme blue-shifted masers with the distance of less than 7 mas would be obscured. This is consist ent with our data (see Figure 3) showing that all blue-shifted masers locate at the dis tance of larger than 7 mas. 3.2. The kinematics of the SiO masers 3.2.1. The kinematics obtained from LOS velocities From Figure 2, we notice that there appears a velocity gradient at b othepochs, with the bluest- and reddest-shifted maser features lying closer to the ce nter of the distribution than those with intermediate velocities. To verify this, we plotted in Figure 3 feature distance from the fitted center (marked by the red star in Figure 2) versus its LOS velocity for both epochs. Both epochs appear to have the same distribution with a pe ak near the velocity of-7 km s-1and decreasing maser distance with increasing deviation of velocity f rom this peak velocity. This has also been seen in some OH maser sources (e.g. Reid et al. 1977, Chapman & Cohen 1986), H 2O maser sources (e.g. Yates & Cohen 1994) and SiO maser sources (e.g. Boboltz & Marvel 2000; Wittkowski et al. 2007). A wid ely used simple model to explain this phenomenon is that of a uniformly expanding thin shell ( e.g. Reid et al. 1977; Yates & Cohen 1994; Wittkowski et al. 2007). In this model t he projected distance r (in the fourth column of Tables 1 and 2) of a maser on the shell from t he center is related to its LOS velocity VLSRby the 1, (1) whereV*is the systemic velocity of maser source, rsis the shell radius and V expis the expanding velocity. Apparently, this model traces an ellipse on the r-VLSRplot. The uniformly expanding thin shell model was used to characterize t he expansion or contraction kinematics of a circular maser distribution. For the cas e of AH Sco, even though we characterize the maser distribution as an ellipse, an axial ratio of ~1.2 suggests that the distribution of maser features is approximately a circular structur e as discussed in Section 3.1. Thus, we can also apply the uniformly expanding thin shell model t o AH Sco. Moreover, most maser features locate in the northwest and southeast (i.e. t he direction of major maser features andsouthwes t (i.e. the directionof minor- 7 - axis). These make the assumption of uniformly tion in all directions of the uniformly expanding thin shell model to be suitable for the case of AH Sco. We performed a least-squares fit of the uniformly expanding thin shell model to th e distribution of epochs A and B. The LSR stellar velocity of AH Sco, which is estimated to be abo ut-7 and-3 km s-1based on the observations of OH maser (Baudry, Le Squeren & L' e pine 1977) and H2O maser (L' epine, Pase de Barros & Gammon 1976), has not been me asured yet. Thus the LSR stellar velocity V*, together with the shell radius rand V exp, is treated as a free parameter in the fitting procedure. The value s ofV*, Vexp andrswere found to be -6.8+-0.5 km s-1, 18.8+-2.0 km s-1and 9.3+-0.1 mas, both epochs, where the uncertainties are their standard err ors. The best fitted r-VLSR ellipse is also plotted in Figure 3. The systemic velocity of AH Sco of -6.8 km s-1is consistent with the value of -7 km s-1from the OH maser observations. The shell radius of 9.3 mas determined from above model fitting is larger than the radius of maser distribution of 8.6 mas (see Sect. 3.1). A note is that the definition of the shell ra dius determined from the uniformly expanding thin shell model is different from that of the radius of the The shell radius reflects the scale of a 3-dimensional m aser spherical shell, whereas the radius of maser distribution reflects the scale of mase r distribution in the sky plane, and is the projected size on the sky plane of the 3-dimensiona l spherical shell. Thus it is not surprising that the shell radius is a bit larger than the radius o f maser comparison, the escape velocity calculated at the shell radius o f 9.3 mas, assuming a typical mass of 10 Mfor supergiant and a distance to AH Sco of 2.26 kpc, is about 29 km s-1. Thus, the tion velocity at the location of SiO ma ser shell is less than the corresponding escape velocity, suggesting that the mas er gas is still to the star. However, the current fitting can not tell the s ign of V expterm (as can be seen in Eq. (1)), and thus can not differentiate between expansion and contraction of the maser shell. The dominant expansion or contraction of maser shell c an be clarified by the SiO maser proper motion analysis to be discussed below. 3.2.2. Maser Proper Motions We can study proper motion and the kinematics of the CSE of AH Sco b y tracing the matched features that appeared in both epochs. Because the ab solute position of the phase center in each image is not kept during the data reduction, we must a lign two-epoch maps for studying the proper motion. The feature used for registratio n is the one with a velocity VLSR -9.3 km s-1(labelled by R in Tables 1 and 2) at both epochs. And then we shift the coordinate frames for both epochs to align the origin (0, 0) with this feature. At an- 8 - assumed distance of 2.6 kpc (Baudry et al. 1977) and a maximum expa of 20 km s-1(see Sect. 3.2.1), the maser proper motion should be less than 0.05 mas in an interval of 12 days. Thus we can match these features fr om one epoch to another epoch using the criterion that the angular separation of the match ed features between two epochs should not exceed 0.15 mas after allowing the maximum position uncertainty of (0.05, 0.10) mas (see Tables 1 and 2) and they have similar velocity profile and flux density. As a result, we identified 59 commonly matched maser features between two epochs (see Tables 1 and 2). Actually, using a reference feature located on the maser shell to align maps for two epochs could introduce a constant offset vector representin g the motion of the in the individual maser proper motions. We assumed that th e vector-average of the proper motions for all the matched features represents the mot ion of the aligned feature. In order to present a better representation of the real motions of individual features, the mean proper motion was subtracted from each of the determined p roper motion vectors. The proper motions of matched maser features are shown in Figure 4. Here we adopt the distance to AH Sco of 2.26 kpc (see Sect. 3.2.3) for denoting the velo city values of the Figure 4, we can clearly see that the maser shell shows an over all the central star. In order to better characterize the n et contraction of the masers, we computed the separations between pairwise combinations of fea tures. This technique has previously been applied to analyse proper motions of OH masers ( Chapman, Cohen &
Saika 1991; Bloemhof, Reid & Moran 1992), H 2O masers (Boboltz & Marvel 2007), and SiO masers (Boboltz, Diamond & Kemball 1997; Chen et al. 2006), and ha s no dependence on the alignment of maps. The procedure involves computing the angula r separation between two features at the first epoch and the separation between the c orresponding two features at the second epoch. The difference between the two values of sep aration is referred to as the pairwise separation. The procedure is repeated for all the pos sible pair the inclusion of all possible pair combinations often results in decreasing toward zero due to the bias caused by calculating pairs of closely spaced mas er features. For the sake ofclarity, andtodetermine representative have included only those pairs separated by more than 9 mas (cor responding to the radius of maser distribution). We obtained the mean value of these p airwise mas, in an interval of 12 days, corresponding to a proper motio n of -1.186+-0.061 mas yr-1or a velocity of -12.7+-0.7 km s-1at a distance of 2.26 kpc, where the uncertainties are the standard errors. The negative value of proper motion implies an overall contraction of the maser shell. The contraction value of 1 .186+-0.061 mas yr-1of maser shell derived from the pairwise separation is significantly less t han the of SiO proper motions of 1 .96+-0.15 mas yr-1(where its uncertainty is the standard- 9 - error). This is because some of maser proper motions do not comple tely point to the center or even a few proper motions show outflow motion as can be seen in Fig ure 4. The contraction of SiO maser shell has been reported in two Mira var iables R Aqr (Boboltz, Diamond & Kemball 1997) and TX Cam (Diamond & Kemball 200 3) and one red supergiant VX Sgr (Chen et al. 2006; 2007). Our observations pro vide an inward motion of SiO maser shell around another red supergiant AH Sco. In Table 3 we list these four sources. We also estimated the stellar optical phase of AH Sco at ou r observation sessions to beph0.55 (i.e. at the optical minimum phase) based on the American Associa tion of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) data. Interestingly, the optica l phase at which the SiO maser shell around the red supergiant AH Sco contracts is nearly t he same as that seen in other three sources: VX Sgr ( ph= 0.75-0.80; Chen et al. 2006), R Aqr ( ph= Diamond & Kemball 1997), TX Cam ( ph= 0.50-0.65; Diamond & Kemball 2003). This infers that the contraction of the SiO maser shell would occur d uring an optical stellar phase of 0 .5-1, which agrees with the previous conclusion reported by Chen et al. (2006) and the theoretical kinematical model results of Humphreys et al. (2002). Moreover, from Table 3 we can find that the contraction velocity of about 13 km s-1of maser shell around AH Sco is the largest among the four sources. 3.2.3. 3-dimensional kinematics model for SiO masers In order to estimate further the kinematical parameters of SiO ma sers and the distance to AH Sco, we made model-fitting to analyze spatial distribution and p roper motion of SiO maser features as done by Gwinn, Moran & Reid (1992) and Imai et a l. (2000; 2003). The model fitting requires to minimize the squared sum of the differences between the observed and model the observed proper motions in R.A. and Dec., respectively, and uiz the observed velocity along LOS, dthe distance to the maser source, a04.74 km s-1mas -1yr kpc-1, (six,siy,siz) the standard deviations of the observed velocity vectors which a re determined in the similar manner of Imai et al. (2002). In this work, w e assume a flow in SiO maser region, thus the model velocity vector Vi(including Vix,Viyin R.A. and Dec., and Vizin LOS) for the ith maser feature can be expressed (3)- 10 is a systemic velocity vector of the stellar system, reflecting the motion of the central star; Vexp(i) is an expanding velocity as a function of the distance from the origin of the flow, r i;x0(x0,y0, 0) is the position vector of the flow origin with respect to the position of reference maser feature (here, we assumed th at the origin of the flow was at the star, whose positions of x0=-7.94 mas and y0=-5.83 mas have been derived from the least-squares fit of an ellipse to the distribution of masers in Sec t. 3.1.); and ( xi,yi) is an observed position of maser feature on the sky plane; the positio n of a maser feature along the LOS, ziis estimated as one of the free parameters too (Imai et al. 2000). In the model fitting procedure, we adopted the expanding velocity as Vexp(i) =V1(ri/r0)a, whereV1is the expansion velocity at a unit distance of r010 mas, and aa power-law index indicating the apparent acceleration or deceleration of the flow. Moveover, we excluded those maser features with large positive expansion velocities in the fitting. Finally, we used 48 proper motion data and obtained the best solutions with their standard err ors, which are given in Table 4. From Table 4, we can see that a negative expansion velocity of -14.1+-1.4 km s-1 at a shell radius of 10 mas was estimated from the best-fit model, su pporting the presence of a real contracting flow in the SiO maser region around AH Sco. This is consistent with the conclusion derived from the pairwise separation calculation in Sec t. 3.2.2. For com- parison, we also estimate the corresponding velocity of -15.0+-1.5 km s-1at the mean SiO maser radius of 9 mas according to the power-law index of the acc eleration of the flow aobtained in our model. However, the velocity of -15.0+-1.5 km s-1seems larger than that of-12.7+-0.7 km s-1obtained from the pairwise separation analysis, which is because that we excluded maser features showing outflow motion in the 3-dim ensional kinematics model fitting procedure. And the velocity of 15 .0+-1.5 km s-1is slightly smaller than that of 18.8+-2.0 km s-1obtained from a least-squares fit of the uniformly expanding thin sh ell model to SiO maser LOS velocity structure (see Sect. 3.2.1), which is due to that some maser proper motions used in model fitting still deviate from the orig inating point of the inflow (i.e. the position of central star; see Figure 4), whereas the model fitting method involves one critical assumption that velocity vectors are in the rad ial direction from the commonly originating point of the flow. The systemic velocity along LOS ofv0z=-5.2 km s-1from the 3-dimensional kinematics model is also roughly consistent w ith that of -6.8 km s-1derived from the uniformly expanding thin shell model in Sect. 3.2.1, s uggesting that the assumption of the origin of the flow located at the star is reason able. More obtain a negative power-law index of the acceleration of the flow, that the contracting flow was accelerating in the SiO maser region with a similar- 11 - form ofv~r-0.5of the gravitational contraction. Thus the 3-dimensional maser k inematics model suggests that the infall motions of SiO masers can be achieve d under the of the central star. The velocity gradient across the SiO maser region usually used in the n umerical sim- ulation of SiO masers (e.g. Doel et al. 1995; Humphreys et al. 2002) c an be (5) A value of e= 0 corresponds to a constant velocity expansion, while e>=1 corresponds to a velocity field with large radial accelerations. A value of e= 1 was usually adopted in the SiO maser numerical simulations (e.g. Doel et al. 1995). Chapman & Cohen (1986) estimated the velocity gradient efor the OH, H 2O and SiO maser emission around VX Sgr and found that e0.2 in the 1612 MHz OH maser region, e0.5 in the region of the H 2O and mainline OH masers, and e1 in SiO maser region. However, the power-law index of the acceleration of the flow ( a=-0.54+-0.16) derived from our best-fit kinematic model suggests a negative velocity gradient value of e=-0.54 in SiO maser region around AH Sco. This is different from those flows that apparently exhibit the ac celerations in their SiO maser kinematics (e.g. VX Sgr, Chapman & Cohen 1986; S Ori, Wittkow ski et al. 2007) and the positive velocity gradient value used in the maser simulations. The content of is beyond this work. However, we think that such a negat ive velocity in maser simulation may be necessary for understanding th e SiO maser during the infall stage of the SiO maser shell. The 3-dimensional kinematics model fitting shows a best solution for the distance to AH Sco of 2 .26+-0.19 kpc. This distance value seems reasonable. Firstly, this distance of AH Sco is in a good agreement with its estimated 'near' kinematic distan ce of about 2.0 kpc at the systemic velocity of -6.8 km s-1with the adopted galactic constants, R =
8.5 kpc and Th = 220 km s-1. Secondly, at the distance of 2.26 kpc, the of 1 .96+-0.15 mas yr-1of proper motions of matched features (shown in Figure 4) would correspond to a velocity of 21 .0+-1.6 km s-1. This velocity is consistent with the tion velocity of 18 .8+-2.0 km s-1in SiO maser region obtained from a least-squares fit of the uniformly expanding thin shell model to LOS velocity structure. Thus we adopt the distance to AH Sco of 2.26 kpc throughout this work.- 12 - 4. Conclusions We summarize the main results obtained from 2-epoch (at an interva l of 12 days) mon- itoring observations of the 43 GHz v= 1,J= 1-0 SiO maser emission toward AH Sco performed in March 2004, corresponding to a stellar optical phase of~0.55. (1). Our observations revealed a persistent elliptical structure o f SiO masers with the sizes of the major and minor axes of about 18.5 and 15.8 mas, respectively , along a position angle of 150*. We notice that the red-shifted SiO maser emission lies slightly closer t o the center than the blue-shifted one. (2). The LOSvelocity structure of the SiO masers shows a velocity g radient at bothepochs, with masers towrad the blue- and red-shifted ends of the spectru m lying closer to the center of the maser distribution than masers at intermediate veloc ities, which can be explained by the outflow or infall kinematics of SiO maser shell. By analy zing the uniformly expanding thin shell model to the LOS velocity of SiO masers , we estimated the tion velocity of about 19 km s-1in SiO maser region around AH Sco. (3). The proper motions of 59 matched features between two epo chs show that the SiO maser shell around AH Sco was undergoing inward motion to the cent ral star. Com- puting pairwise separation of these matched features, we obtaine d that the maser shell contracts toward AH Sco with a velocity of about 13 km s-1at a distance to AH Sco of 2.26 kpc. The stellar optical phase of red supergiant AH Sco is ver y close to that of Mira variables R Aqr and TX Cam and red supergiant VX Sgr when the SiO maser shell contracts. And the contraction velocity of about 13 km s-1of maser shell around AH Sco is the largest one among the known four sources showing con traction of SiO maser shell. (4). We made a 3-dimensional kinematics model to analyze spatial dis tribution and proper motion of SiO maser features. The 3-dimensional maser kinematics m odel that the contraction of SiO maser shell around AH Sco is mainly due to the central star. And the distance to AHSco of 2 .26+-0.19 kpc estimated from this kinematics model fitting is consistent with the kinematic dist ance of 2.0 kpc at the systemic velocity of AH Sco of -7 km s-1. We thank an anonymous referee for helpful comments that improv ed the manuscript. We also acknowledge with thanks data from the AAVSO Internationa l Database based on observations submitted to the AAVSO by variable star observers w orldwide.- 13 - This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Fo undation of China (grants 10573029, 10625314, and 10633010) and the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KJCX2-YW-T03), and spo nsored by the Program of Shanghai Subject Chief Scientist (06XD14024) and the Nationa l Key Basic Program of China (No. Chen thanks the support by the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. ZQS acknowledges the support by the One-H undred-Talent Program of Chinese Academy of M., Batchelor, R. A., Haynes, R. F., Knowles, S. H., Mc Culloch , M. G., Robinson, B. J., Wellington, K. J., & Yabsley, D. E. 1977, MNRAS, 180, 415 Baudry, A., Le Squeren, A. M., & L' epine, J. R. D. 1977, A&A. 54,593 Bloemhof, E. E., Reid, M. J., & Moran, J. M. 1992, ApJ, 397, 500 Boboltz, D. 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ID V LSR u r x s x y s y P S Match ID (km s-1) (mas) (mas) (mas) (Jy) (Jy km s-1) Epoch 2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1 -17.28 1.52 8.10 -2.862 0.002 -0.452 0.005 11.7 36.8 1 2*-16.32 0.65 6.96 -1.356 0.009 7.974 0.032 0.7 2.1 ... 3 -15.16 3.26 8.31 -1.637 0.004 0.448 0.008 19.7 147.5 2 4*-14.94 0.87 8.76 -1.679 0.007 -0.250 0.022 1.5 4.9 ... 5 -14.54 2.82 8.42 -1.304 0.003 0.686 0.008 16.6 84.3 6 6*-14.16 0.87 8.56 -1.724 0.004 -0.018 0.015 8.2 21.0 ... 7 -13.23 0.87 8.34 -3.051 0.004 -0.909 0.009 3.1 8.1 8 8 -12.56 1.09 8.45 -1.228 0.007 0.738 0.007 10.3 28.7 11 9 -12.22 3.04 8.87 -0.792 0.003 0.621 0.005 25.5 151.3 9 10 -11.98 2.17 8.38 -1.790 0.002 0.176 0.007 9.4 52.9 ... 11 -10.94 2.17 9.47 -0.330 0.011 0.243 0.015 9.8 59.9 13 12 -9.97 1.30 9.04 -1.329 0.008 -0.305 0.019 4.5 18.9 14 13 -9.77 2.82 9.30 -0.957 0.003 -0.280 0.008 15.9 103.8 16 14 -9.57 1.09 8.39 -16.011 0.007 8.277 0.013 5.2 21.6 ... 15R-9.31 2.39 9.88 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.007 35.9 254.8 18 16 -9.20 1.09 9.58 0.030 0.019 0.567 0.012 1.9 6.6 19 17*-9.05 1.09 8.95 -15.261 0.009 11.052 0.036 3.5 10.1 20 18*-9.04 0.87 8.93 -15.099 0.034 11.227 0.021 5.1 12.7 ... 19 -8.96 1.95 9.39 -15.667 0.006 11.237 0.018 6.2 29.5 21 20 -8.68 1.74 10.21 0.412 0.008 0.014 0.026 6.7 23.3 22 21 -8.58 1.09 11.93 -16.001 0.009 14.662 0.029 1.4 6.0 23 22 -8.33 2.82 8.37 -15.791 0.009 8.848 0.016 5.3 40.4 27 23*-8.32 0.65 11.59 -1.897 0.012 -4.038 0.028 1.2 3.1 ... 24 -8.23 1.52 9.79 -12.858 0.006 14.322 0.019 4.4 19.2 25 25 -8.12 1.09 8.58 -14.846 0.005 10.985 0.014 7.5 26.2 24 26 -8.02 2.82 9.74 0.438 0.009 0.925 0.018 7.2 45.9 26 27 -7.80 1.74 7.91 -9.327 0.007 13.627 0.013 5.3 29.1 29 28 -7.56 1.09 11.10 -15.678 0.024 13.829 0.041 1.5 6.3 ... 29 -7.55 1.09 7.13 -7.390 0.009 12.937 0.029 1.9 6.9 ... 30 -7.07 1.74 11.44 -15.386 0.006 14.560 0.015 4.3 22.1 30 31 -6.72 1.09 8.24 -9.195 0.010 13.984 0.025 2.3 8.6 31 32 -6.70 2.39 6.90 -5.873 0.003 12.406 0.014 8.8 53.1 ... 33 -6.45 1.74 9.34 -12.505 0.012 14.010 0.018 2.8 14.8 ... 34*-6.14 0.65 7.81 -7.069 0.011 13.593 0.032 1.2 2.8 ... 35*-6.10 0.65 9.38 -16.537 0.015 9.687 0.032 1.8 4.9 32 36 -5.53 1.52 8.82 -8.159 0.005 14.657 0.003 22.6 92.2 34 37 -4.58 1.74 9.07 -16.715 0.003 8.303 0.006 10.3 48.5 36 38 -4.20 1.09 8.88 -7.921 0.006 14.718 0.003 8.6 41.4 37 39*-3.70 0.65 9.51 -17.329 0.024 4.082 0.039 2.4 6.4 39 40 -3.10 2.39 8.75 -16.673 0.007 4.814 0.016 11.2 67.2 43 41 -3.03 1.96 9.13 -7.780 0.006 14.967 0.008 12.4 75.7 41 42 -2.88 2.17 9.25 -16.938 0.008 8.141 0.009 6.7 44.6 42 43 -2.82 1.74 8.39 -16.237 0.013 4.292 0.024 3.5 13.5 47 44 -2.78 1.52 11.08 -14.008 0.016 15.137 0.026 2.2 10.0 46 45 -2.32 2.39 9.17 -16.406 0.006 9.461 0.009 12.9 79.8 45 46 -1.72 2.17 8.03 -15.938 0.009 4.691 0.018 7.2 46.0 48 47*-1.50 0.87 8.27 -16.227 0.022 5.114 0.047 4.6 6.4 50 48*-0.92 0.65 7.73 -15.366 0.015 3.546 0.043 2.0 5.5 ... 49 -0.73 1.52 8.66 -15.946 0.017 9.235 0.038 3.8 15.5 ... 50 -0.64 1.52 9.15 -11.534 0.012 -2.610 0.022 4.2 18.8 52 51 -0.57 1.09 9.96 1.832 0.021 7.554 0.029 1.6 7.2 53 52 0.25 1.09 7.10 -14.770 0.015 3.747 0.032 2.1 7.6 54 53 1.08 2.17 8.67 -11.042 0.014 -2.283 0.025 5.4 30.3 57 54*1.30 0.65 8.07 -11.478 0.047 13.113 0.047 4.8 8.2 ... 55 1.43 1.30 10.73 2.032 0.010 1.950 0.014 3.5 14.1 56 56 1.44 1.09 8.50 -10.621 0.005 -2.252 0.016 3.5 10.1 55 57*1.48 0.65 8.23 -11.841 0.012 13.107 0.050 1.8 4.3 58 58 2.34 1.52 7.57 -11.300 0.005 12.637 0.021 8.4 36.4 61 59 2.65 1.95 8.11 -12.171 0.009 12.774 0.030 3.1 20.3 ... 60 2.87 1.74 7.72 -2.150 0.014 0.760 0.021 1.8 11.9 65 61 3.19 1.09 7.08 -11.118 0.018 12.181 0.023 7.4 24.4 64 62 3.77 1.52 6.84 -10.486 0.006 12.202 0.016 4.0 16.7 66 63 3.86 1.52 7.73 -12.410 0.021 12.175 0.024 3.1 17.1 ... 64*3.86 0.65 7.38 -10.185 0.010 -1.221 0.045 1.6 4.0 68 65 4.04 1.30 7.43 -1.074 0.007 3.081 0.023 1.2 6.0 ...- 16 - Table 1--Continued ID V LSR u r x s x y s y P S Match ID (km s-1) (mas) (mas) (mas) (Jy) (Jy km s-1) Epoch 2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 66 4.10 3.04 8.66 0.508 0.008 4.077 0.013 2.8 29.4 70 67 4.70 1.52 7.40 -12.565 0.009 11.650 0.020 5.8 30.0 71 68 4.83 1.30 6.67 -9.377 0.012 -0.696 0.033 2.3 10.2 ... 69 5.20 1.95 7.22 -3.566 0.014 0.108 0.027 2.4 14.6 ... 70 5.43 1.30 6.05 -10.355 0.003 11.399 0.012 5.5 19.7 75 71*5.59 0.65 6.82 -4.651 0.008 -0.124 0.023 1.2 3.2 76 72 5.97 1.52 5.75 -13.283 0.009 3.593 0.016 2.5 15.5 74 73 7.00 1.30 6.21 -7.430 0.011 12.023 0.025 1.9 8.1 79 74 7.33 3.04 6.39 -9.017 0.006 -0.477 0.013 4.0 41.0 78 75 7.42 1.74 6.51 -8.278 0.008 12.338 0.022 2.9 16.6 ... 76 7.73 2.17 5.08 -12.707 0.005 3.946 0.008 4.0 27.5 82 77*7.99 0.65 7.79 -0.359 0.017 4.208 0.034 1.3 3.5 ... 78*8.01 1.09 6.16 -8.120 0.008 11.995 0.023 2.3 7.8 83 79*8.35 1.09 3.98 -4.070 0.014 6.607 0.026 1.5 6.5 ... 80 8.92 1.95 5.85 -8.965 0.006 0.059 0.023 4.9 31.9 84 81 9.17 1.30 5.85 -8.289 0.007 11.678 0.013 3.9 17.9 85 82 12.62 0.87 2.50 -5.479 0.009 5.706 0.017 2.2 7.4 86 Note. -- column (1): ID number; columns (2): V LSRat the peak of velocity profile of feature; column (3): the vel ocity range across the feature u; column (4): distance of maser feature, r, from the fitted position of central star; columns (5) and (7): the intensity weighted centroid of each feature ( x,y); columns (6) and (8): the corresponding uncertainties ( sx,sy); column (9): the peak flux density of each feature P; column (10): the integrated flux density of all spots in the f eature S; and column (11): the ID numbers of matched features at anothe r epoch.
*Feature which can not be well represented by a Gaussian curve . RReference feature.- 17 - Table 2. 43 GHz SiO maser features around AH Sco observed by VLBA on Marc h 20, 2004. ID V LSR u r x s x y s y P S Match ID (km s-1) (mas) (mas) (mas) (Jy) (Jy km s-1) Epoch 2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1 -17.23 1.09 8.14 -2.861 0.003 -0.509 0.014 5.8 16.0 1 2 -15.14 2.39 8.33 -1.650 0.004 0.385 0.009 14.1 90.0 3 3*-14.73 0.87 7.97 -1.642 0.012 0.953 0.021 2.5 3.8 ... 4*-14.60 0.87 8.03 -1.351 0.018 1.243 0.011 1.3 3.4 ... 5*-14.59 0.65 8.90 -1.271 0.010 -0.055 0.011 1.2 3.1 ... 6 -14.50 2.39 8.39 -1.351 0.003 0.642 0.009 21.7 121.4 5 7*-13.74 0.65 9.04 -0.905 0.052 0.159 0.091 2.1 5.5 ... 8*-13.31 0.65 8.37 -3.046 0.005 -0.946 0.017 2.0 4.4 7 9 -12.41 4.13 8.85 -0.813 0.006 0.591 0.015 18.9 144.1 9 10 -12.17 2.82 8.44 -1.777 0.004 0.080 0.016 6.6 42.7 ... 11 -12.14 1.52 8.56 -1.139 0.016 0.640 0.012 15.4 61.6 8 12 -11.07 0.87 9.09 -0.930 0.010 0.054 0.018 7.9 24.6 ... 13 -10.89 1.74 9.33 -0.423 0.021 0.318 0.014 11.1 53.6 11 14 -10.08 1.52 8.99 -1.366 0.006 -0.296 0.022 5.8 20.6 12 15*-9.88 0.87 9.80 -0.906 0.017 -0.988 0.021 1.4 3.6 ... 16 -9.72 3.48 9.27 -1.002 0.005 -0.301 0.010 14.7 109.9 13 17 -9.50 1.30 8.36 -15.994 0.010 8.099 0.029 3.6 18.3 ... 18R-9.36 3.04 9.86 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.008 32.0 218.4 15 19 -9.16 1.52 9.54 -0.015 0.007 0.519 0.017 1.9 7.4 16 20 -8.98 1.30 8.97 -15.241 0.007 11.070 0.021 5.5 21.6 17 21 -8.83 2.61 9.35 -15.673 0.007 11.118 0.029 7.5 38.1 19 22*-8.55 0.65 10.21 0.354 0.006 -0.109 0.026 5.9 11.4 20 23 -8.11 1.09 11.85 -16.001 0.006 14.542 0.021 2.6 11.5 21 24 -8.09 1.52 8.60 -14.867 0.006 10.958 0.016 8.8 36.0 25 25 -8.08 1.52 9.75 -12.873 0.009 14.265 0.026 3.1 15.2 24 26 -8.07 1.96 9.72 0.428 0.012 0.887 0.027 6.7 37.0 26 27 -8.00 2.17 8.39 -15.780 0.009 8.829 0.017 9.6 49.4 22 28 -7.75 1.96 6.78 -5.908 0.005 12.333 0.017 4.2 22.0 ... 29 -7.41 2.17 7.81 -9.290 0.009 13.558 0.024 3.8 21.6 27 30 -7.09 1.30 11.35 -15.398 0.011 14.414 0.031 3.2 17.1 30 31*-6.99 1.30 8.21 -9.175 0.012 13.978 0.033 3.2 7.1 31 32 -6.34 1.52 9.39 -16.524 0.017 9.659 0.045 2.2 11.9 35 33 -6.31 1.52 9.17 -12.445 0.012 13.846 0.027 2.4 12.8 ... 34 -5.74 1.30 8.74 -8.193 0.002 14.598 0.007 18.7 55.1 36 35*-5.51 0.65 8.24 -8.555 0.022 14.083 0.071 1.8 4.8 ... 36 -4.62 1.74 9.12 -16.734 0.004 8.241 0.011 6.2 33.0 37 37 -4.30 1.74 8.76 -7.981 0.010 14.622 0.009 12.4 69.8 38 38 -4.08 1.52 9.47 -7.822 0.014 -3.618 0.048 2.1 11.2 ... 39*-3.72 0.65 9.58 -17.347 0.037 4.073 0.048 2.8 7.5 39 40*-3.30 0.65 10.93 -13.892 0.019 15.022 0.059 1.2 3.0 ... 41 -3.16 2.61 9.03 -7.811 0.009 14.892 0.019 9.4 62.0 41 42 -3.09 2.39 9.26 -16.914 0.011 8.125 0.023 3.9 26.3 42 43 -3.05 2.17 8.75 -16.624 0.011 4.791 0.021 9.0 60.1 40 44*-2.67 0.65 8.33 -7.722 0.033 14.190 0.027 1.2 2.9 ... 45 -2.40 2.61 9.14 -16.370 0.008 9.381 0.023 13.2 95.3 45 46*-2.40 0.87 11.11 -14.067 0.013 15.123 0.049 1.4 3.6 44 47*-2.36 1.09 8.42 -16.199 0.033 4.248 0.097 4.6 14.1 43 48 -1.83 1.96 8.08 -15.931 0.013 4.670 0.034 5.2 38.6 46 49*-1.61 0.65 8.63 -16.528 0.012 5.067 0.036 2.2 6.0 ... 50*-1.16 0.65 8.27 -16.157 0.011 5.014 0.022 2.0 5.1 47 51 -0.54 1.30 8.48 -15.780 0.019 9.080 0.040 1.7 12.6 ... 52 -0.47 1.74 9.27 -11.556 0.008 -2.679 0.026 3.0 18.7 50 53 -0.33 0.87 9.83 1.767 0.033 7.487 0.068 2.2 6.2 51 54*0.39 0.65 7.12 -14.744 0.034 3.762 0.065 1.8 4.1 52 55 1.49 1.30 8.52 -10.627 0.009 -2.226 0.030 3.6 14.6 56 56 1.49 1.30 10.65 1.969 0.011 1.927 0.019 2.7 12.1 55 57 1.55 1.96 8.71 -11.052 0.013 -2.276 0.033 3.4 24.7 53 58 1.58 1.30 8.10 -11.766 0.013 12.997 0.035 3.7 13.7 57 59*1.70 0.65 9.30 -1.642 0.023 12.725 0.052 1.3 3.1 ... 60 1.85 0.87 8.33 -12.225 0.033 13.001 0.036 5.3 9.5 ... 61 2.30 1.95 7.55 -11.316 0.010 12.614 0.023 8.0 52.1 58 62 2.85 1.74 8.01 -12.161 0.008 12.666 0.029 2.5 13.7 ... 63 3.07 1.09 8.78 0.646 0.006 3.962 0.020 2.3 8.7 ... 64 3.19 1.74 7.03 -11.131 0.017 12.125 0.029 10.8 34.3 61 65 3.35 1.30 7.68 -2.163 0.020 0.787 0.047 1.3 6.8 60- 18 - Table 2--Continued ID V LSR u r x s x y s y P S Match ID (km s-1) (mas) (mas) (mas) (Jy) (Jy km s-1) Epoch 2 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 66 3.50 1.52 6.85 -10.396 0.011 12.258 0.025 5.1 23.6 62 67 4.13 1.95 7.66 -12.283 0.017 12.167 0.028 2.9 12.7 ... 68 4.17 0.87 7.46 -10.183 0.011 -1.255 0.053 1.7 5.5 64 69 4.27 1.09 7.42 -3.501 0.016 -0.097 0.053 1.4 5.1 ... 70 4.29 1.74 8.55 0.434 0.010 4.042 0.026 2.5 14.7 66 71 4.78 1.52 7.37 -12.552 0.013 11.604 0.020 8.0 35.3 67 72 5.04 1.74 6.40 -1.921 0.007 8.073 0.026 2.5 13.7 ... 73*5.44 0.87 6.93 -3.062 0.011 0.916 0.038 1.2 3.6 ... 74 5.56 1.30 5.79 -13.234 0.012 3.534 0.023 2.9 12.2 72 75 5.67 1.52 5.94 -10.333 0.004 11.302 0.014 5.5 22.0 70 76*5.72 0.87 6.84 -4.629 0.011 -0.132 0.038 1.5 5.7 71 77 6.06 0.87 7.13 -3.665 0.008 0.137 0.026 1.7 5.4 ... 78 7.05 1.74 6.46 -8.987 0.013 -0.517 0.027 5.3 25.7 74 79 7.23 1.30 6.08 -7.467 0.014 11.923 0.042 1.4 6.3 73 80 7.51 1.09 7.87 -0.253 0.016 4.125 0.048 1.9 6.6 ... 81 7.91 1.74 6.48 -9.070 0.010 -0.522 0.033 4.7 26.1 ... 82 7.92 2.39 5.13 -12.679 0.008 3.906 0.022 2.8 19.6 76 83 8.09 2.39 6.21 -8.201 0.013 12.065 0.036 3.7 25.2 78 84 9.15 1.96 5.89 -8.943 0.006 0.052 0.020 5.1 31.3 80 85 9.31 1.30 5.73 -8.309 0.008 11.587 0.017 3.5 16.1 81 86 12.98 1.09 2.41 -5.522 0.008 5.632 0.026 2.9 10.8 82 87 12.99 1.09 4.44 -6.258 0.007 9.977 0.029 1.8 6.4 ... Note. -- The representations of columns (1)-(11) are the same as in Table 1.
*Feature which can not be well represented by a Gaussian curve . RReference feature.- 19 - Table 3. Sources with the detected contraction of SiO maser shell. Source stellar phase Contraction velocity Reference ph km s-1 R Aqr 0 .78-1.04 4.2 +-0.9 Boboltz et al. (1997) TX Cam 0 .50-0.65 5 -10 Diamond & Kemball (2003) VX Sgr 0 .75-0.80 4.1 +-0.6 Chen et al. (2006) AH Sco ~0.55 12.7 +-0.7 this work Table 4. Best-fit model for the SiO maser kinematics in AH Sco. v0x v0y v0z V1 a d Reduced kh2 (km s-1) (km s-1) (km s-1) (km s-1) 2.26+-0.19 3.58- 20 -
/s45/s50/s53 /s45/s50/s48 /s45/s49/s53 /s45/s49/s48 /s45/s53 /s48 /s53 /s49/s48 /s49/s53 /s45/s50/s48 /s45/s49/s53 /s45/s49/s48 /s45/s53 /s48 /s53 /s49/s48 /s49/s53 1.-- Top: Comparison of total power (solid line) to cross power (o pen circle) of 43 GHzv=1,J=1-0 SiO maser emission toward AH Sco obtained on (a) March 8, 2004 and (b) March 20, 2004. Bottom: The corresponding fraction power (cro ss/total) detected by VLBA observations.- 21 Offset (mas)DEC. Offset Offset (mas)DEC. Offset (km s-1) Fig. 2.-- VLBI images of 43 GHz v=1,J=1-0 SiO maser emission toward AH Sco obtained on (a) March 8, 2004 and (b) March 20, 2004. Each maser feature is represented by a filled circle whose area is proportional to the logarithm of the flux density , and the color indicates its Doppler velocity with respect to the local standard of rest. Its stellar velocity is about -7 km s-1. Errors in the positions of the features are smaller than the data p oints. The ellipse indicates the least-squares fit to the maser distribution for e ach epoch. The fitted center of ellipse model is marked by the red star.- 22 -5 (km s-1)Distance from Center (mas)Epoch A Epoch B V*=-6.8 km s-1 Fig. 3.-- Distance of maser features from the fitted position of cent ral star (in Fig. 2) versus their LOS velocity for epochs A and B. Maser features of the differe nt epochs are denoted by different color symbols whose area is proportional to the logarithm o f the flux density. The plot suggests that the higher-velocity maser features lie closer to the central star, which can be well explained by the uniformly expanding thin shell model. Indicate d by the downward arrow is the systemic velocity of AH Sco of -6.8 km s-1, obtained from the model (shown by the curve).- 23 - -25 -20 -15 -10-50 5-10-50510152020 km yr-1 R.A. Offset (mas)DEC. Offset (km s-1) Fig. 4.-- Distribution of proper motion velocity vectors of the matche d maser features at an assumed distance of 2.26 kpc. The length of the vector is propor tional to the velocity. The mean proper motion vector has been subtracted from each of the determined proper motion vectors. The color and size of symbols are the same as that s hown in Fig. 2. Red star represents the fitted center of ellipse model to maser distrib ution (see Sect. 3.1). | 0803.1690 | Xi Chen | Xi Chen and Zhi-Qiang Shen | VLBI Observations of SiO Masers around AH Scorpii | 23 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ | null | 10.1086/588186 | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We report the first Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of 43 GHz
v=1, J=1-0 SiO masers in the circumstellar envelope of the M-type semi-regular
supergiant variable star AH Sco at 2 epochs separated by 12 days in March 2004.
These high-resolution VLBA images reveal that the distribution of SiO masers is
roughly on a persistent elliptical ring with the lengths of the major and minor
axes of about 18.5 and 15.8 mas, respectively, along a position angle of
150^{\circ}. And the red-shifted masers are found to be slightly closer to the
central star than the blue-shifted masers. The line-of-sight velocity structure
of the SiO masers shows that with respect to the systemic velocity of -6.8 km/s
the higher velocity features are closer to the star, which can be well
explained by the simple outflow or infall without rotation kinematics of SiO
masers around AH Sco. Study of proper motions of 59 matched features between
two epochs clearly indicates that the SiO maser shell around AH Sco was
undergoing an overall contraction to the star at a velocity of ~13 km/s at a
distance of 2.26 kpc to AH Sco. Our 3-dimensional maser kinematics model
further suggests that such an inward motion is very likely due to the
gravitation of the central star. The distance to AH Sco of 2.26$\pm$0.19 kpc
obtained from the 3-dimensional kinematics model fitting is consistent with its
kinematic distance of 2.0 kpc.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 12 Mar 2008 01:38:26 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
] |
2protocols for the screening and design of novel functional materials. Classic perovskites like PbTiO 3, BaTiO 3 and SrTiO 3 which have served as a fertile ground for the discovery of new physical phenomena and devices1-23 are ideal model systems for such studies. II. Techniques A. Theoretical studies We have undertaken first principles cal culations of ferroelectric tetragonal PbTiO 3 and rhombohedral BaTiO 3 with space groups P4mm and R3m and the paraelectric cubic ( Pm3m) and tetragonal phases ( I4/mcm ) of SrTiO 3 (ST). Density functional theory (DFT) permits calculation of the total energy of solids without any parameterization to experimental data. The phonon spectra, elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric tensors are related to the second derivates of the total energy with respect to variables like atomic displaceme nts, macroscopic strain, a nd electric field. All these material properties can be efficiently computed using density functional perturbation theory (DFPT)24-27. The dielectric susceptibility and elastic constants involve second derivatives of total energy with respect to el ectric field and strain, respectiv ely, while the piezoelectric ten sor is the mixed second derivative of total energy with respect to strain and electric field. DFPT linear re sponse studies have intrinsic advantages over the frozen phonon technique, as they do not re quire large supercells for the studies of phonons at a general wavevector. Furthermore, the DFPT appro ach includes explicit treatment of the long ranged Coulomb interactions, required to obtain accurate values of the LO-TO splittings. We carried out DFT and DFPT linear response calculations using plane wave basis sets and the code ABINIT28 using the local density approximation (LDA). These calculations used norm-conserving generated using the code OPIUM. The pseudopotential re sults were rigorously tested31 against the full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave calculations and included se micore states of Pb 5 d10, Ti 3 s23p64d2, and O 2 s2 as valence states. The Brillouin zone integrations were performed with a 6x6x6 k-point mesh using a plane-wave energy cut off of 120 Rydbergs. We first carried out full structural relaxations for these perovskites. Linear response DFPT studies24-26 using a 6x6x6 k-point grid with atomic displacements, strain and electric field perturbations were used to compute the zone center phonon freque ncies, elastic, piezoelectric and dielectri c properties. The spontaneous polarization was computed using the Berry's phase approach27 using a 6x6x20 k-point grid, with a dense mesh along the direction of polarizatio n. All calculations are at zero temperature. To study the phonons at a general wavevector, response functions were calculated on a 4x4x4 grid of q-points in the Brillouin zone (BZ), including the zone center G point. The phonon frequencies at a general wavevector q were obtained by interpolating the dynamical matrices calcula ted on this grid. The phonon density of states involves an integrated average over the phonon modes in the entire Brillouin zone and is given by, g(o)=A BZ jd(o-oj(q))dq where A is a normalization constant such that g(o)do=1 and oj(q) is the frequency of the jth phonon mode. We used a 12x12x12 q-point mesh in the irreducible Brillouin zone to calculate the phonon density of states. B. Experimental studies We have carried out inelastic neutron scattering measurements (T=6 K) of the phonon density of states of three classic perovski tes: ferroelectric PbTiO 3 and BaTiO 3 and the quantum paraelectric SrTiO 3. The inelastic neutron scatteri ng measurements were carried out using powder samples on the High-Resolution Medium-Ene rgy Chopper Spectrometer (HRMECS) using the time-of-flight technique at Argonne's Intense Pulsed Neutron Source. Two incident neutron energies were used (50 and 130 meV) to obtain good resolution data in all range of energy transfers. The data were collected over a wide range of scattering angles (28o to 132o) for large coverage of momentum transfers. The high energies of neutrons from pulsed sources enable measurements of the phonon spectra over its entire energy range. Samples were cooled to 6 K using a conventional liquid-helium cryostat with the sample to minimize multiphonon contributions. The energy resolution E (full width at half maximum) of the HRMECS spectrometer varies between 2-6% of the incident-neutron energy ( E0) over the region. The data were corrected for background scattering by subtracting the results from empty container runs. Measurements of the elastic inc oherent scattering from a vanad ium standard provided the detector calibration and intensity renormalization. The observed data were analyzed in the in coherent wherein the measured scattering function S(Q, E) in the neutron energy loss experiments is related to the generalized density of states by34 gn(E)= B ),(1),( kk kkEgmbC )(}4{2p where the partial density of states gk(E) is given by gk(E)=D BZ j|x(qj, k)|2d(E-E j(q))dq and n(E,T)=[exp(E/k BT)-1]-1 . B, C and D are normalization constants. bk and mk are respectively, the neutron and mass of the kth atom. Ej(q) and x(qj) respectively correspond to the energy and eigenvector of the jth phonon mode at wavevector q in the BZ. The symbol < > represents Q averaging of the quantities within. 3 The incoherent approximation33, 34 is valid, when the ratio of the volume of th e reciprocal space cove red in the experiment to the volume of the Brillouin zone is large. In our inelastic neutron scattering experiment, this ratio was about a few thousa nds. The data were properly averaged over the range of scattering angles to obtain the neutron-weighted generalized phonon density o f states gn(E). The first principles calculations were used to derive the generalized phonon density of states gn(E) for comparison with the experiments. The computed density of states were smeared with Guassians having full width at half maximum of 1 meV for comparison with the experiments, due to the finite resolution involved in the measurements. III. Results A. Phonon dispersion relations and long wavelength phonon frequencies The calculated phonon dispersion relations of PbTiO 3 (Fig. 1) reveal giant anisotropies and span distinct spectral ranges for wavevector directions along ( G-Z-A-R-Z)) and perpendicular ( G-M-X- G) to the direction of spontaneous polarization. Very limited single crystal inelastic neutron data20 and first principles calculations4 of the phonon frequencies of PbTiO 3 were earlier reported and are in good agreement with our studies (Tab le I). The calculated transverse acoustic and transverse optic modes of PbTiO 3 (Fig. 1) propagating in the direction perpendicular to the spontaneous polarization show considerable splitting due to tetragonal anisotropy in agreement with reported inelastic neutron data20(b). LDA calculations of PbTiO 3 underestimate the strain (calculated c/a=1.047, observed c/a=1.063) and volume ( calculated V=60.4 A3). As the phonon frequencies are quite sensitive to the structural parameters, we have relaxed the structural variables of PbTiO 3 at the observed lattice constants, as in earlier studies4. The computed structural parameters and long wavelength phonon frequencies of tetragonal PbTiO 3 and rhombohedral BaTiO 3 are found to be in good agreement with reported experimental data17(c),22(a) and LDA (Table I). The phonon dispersion relations of rhombohedral BaTiO 3 are plotted along cubic high symmetry directions (Fig. 1), to enable direct comparisons with the oj(q) of tetragonal PbTiO 3. Symmetry analysis of the zone-center G-point phonon modes for the P4mm space group of PbTiO 3 yields the classification G: 4A 1+5E+B 1. The E symmetry phonon modes are doubly degenerate. The A 1 and E phonon modes which are both Raman and infrared active, are polar modes with vibrations which are respectively para llel and perpendicular to the direction of spontaneous polarization. For rhombohedral BaTiO 3, the phonon modes can be classified as G : 4A 1+5E+A 2. The A 1 and 4 E modes are polar while the A 2 mode and a doubly degenerate E-mode are non-polar (Table I). While most of the calculated frequencies of PbTiO 3 are in good agreement with expe riments (Table I), the observed E-symmetry polar infrared-active phonon modes22(a) at 289 (TO), 505 (TO) and 723 (LO) cm-1 at the G point are underestimated, which causes the shifting of the corresponding branches/peaks in the computed phonon dispersion relations and phonon density of states of PbTiO 3 (Figs. 1, 2). Nevertheless, LDA calculations of PbTiO 3 bring out all the salient features and the calculated phonon dispersion relations and density of states are overall in good agreement with experiments. Although experimentally SrTiO 3 is not ferroelectric even at low temperat ures, it is very close to the ferroelectric threshold. Isotopic replacement of oxygen or partial cation substitution reduces quantu m fluctuations and makes it ferroelectri c14. Path-integral Monte-Carlo simulations which include zero-point energy contributions yield the correct ground state8 for ST. Neglect of zero-point energy in the structural relaxation, yields ferroelectric zone cent er instabilities for the polar E u and A 2u phonon modes in the tetragonal I4/mcm structure in agreement with earlier reports5. LDA calculations of cubic SrTiO 3 yields soft zone center and zone boundary R and M point phonon instabilities in good agreement with reported all electron linear augmented plane wave calculations6. LDA calculations on a coarse wavevector me sh of the phase suggest that the phonon density of states of the tetragonal and cubic phases are overall quite similar. Stirling et al. 20(g) and Cowley20(i) have reported single crystal inelastic neutron scattering measurements at T=90 K and T=296 K of the low energy crystal dynamics and phonon dispersion relations in SrTiO 3. They have fitted the observed inelastic neutron data to several lattice dynamics models with temperature dependent force constants20(g), 20(i). SrTiO 3 exhibits dynamical critical phenomena in the vicinity of the low temperature phase transition and the temperature variations of the soft mode pho non frequencies and lineshapes have aroused considerable computed ab initio T=0 K phonon dispersion relations of cubic SrTiO 3 are compared with the reported T=90 K inelastic neutron scattering data20(g), 20(i) (Fig. 1(c)). Our calculations of cubic SrTiO 3 reveal very strong dispersion of the lowest energy optic phonon modes along ( xxx) and ( xx0) wavevector directions, in good agreement with reported inelastic neutron 20(i) (Fig. 1(c)).While the higher frequency optic modes are in satisfactory agreement, the observed zone center, R and M point soft modes in SrTiO 3 [which are found to be strongly temperature dependent20(g), 20(i)] are in qualitative agreement with our T=0 K calculations. The computed phonon density of states of cubic and tetragonal SrTiO 3 neglecting effects from phonon instabilities are found to be in good agreement with our measured inelastic neutron scattering T=6 K data (Fig. 2). B. Calculated charge densities and bonding characteristic of PbTiO 3, BaTiO 3 and SrTiO 3 The computed charge densities and isosurface plots of tetragonal PbTiO 3 and rhombhohedral BaTiO 3 are given in Fig. 3. All densities were computed from the fully rela xed zero pressure LDA structures. The well connected region of charge between the Pb and O atoms indicate the strong covalent Pb-O bonding in PT. In BaTiO 3, the charge densities almost connect (Fig. 3) while in 4cubic SrTiO 3 they are far from connecting which reveal ionic Ba-O and Sr-O bonding, respectiv ely. Electronic structure calculations3 reveal that the covalent bonding between the Ti and O in PbTiO 3 and BaTiO 3 arise from the hybridization between the titanium 3d states and the oxygen 2p states. This covalent Ti-O bonding was found to be essential for ferroelectricity in perovskites3. The strong covalency of the Pb-O bonds in tetragonal PbTiO 3 which arises from the hybridization of the Pb 6s state and O 2p state has been theoretically predicted3 as a key factor of the much larger ferroelectricity of PbTiO 3 as compared to BaTiO 3. The covalent character of the Pb-O bonds have been experimentally verified16 and the computed charge densities are in good agreement with the observed density distributions of tetragonal PbTiO 3 and BaTiO 3 obtained from maximum entropy analysis of synchrotron data. The covalent nature of the Pb -O bond stabilizes the ferroel ectric tetragonal phase in PbTiO 3, while the ionic nature of the Ba-O bond stabilizes the rhombohedral phase of BaTiO 3. These structural and bonding changes in these materials lead to important differences in their PDR (Fig. 1), PDOS (Fig. 2) as well as elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric properties (Table II). C. Elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric properties The computed elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric properties of PbTiO 3 at the experimental volume (Table II) are in good agreement with reported room te mperature Brillouin scattering data35. These demonstrate the intrinsic ability of DFPT calculations in accounting for acoustic phonons and polarization accurately . Electronic stru cture calculations3 reveal that the hybridization between the titanium 3d states and the oxygen 2p states is essential for ferroelectricity in perovskites. The strong covalent character of the Pb-O bond (Fig. 3) in PbTiO 3 enhances its ferroelectric strength3 as compared to BaTiO 3, wherein the Ba- O bonding is ionic. These bonding changes3 between PbTiO 3 and BaTiO 3 give rise to significant differences in their Curie temperature, phase diagram and electromechan ical response (Table II). The large di fference between the elastic constants C 33 and C11 (Table II) in tetragonal PbTiO 3 reflects its inherent large anisotropy. This anisotropy is due to the large difference in the longitudinal acoustic phonon wave velocities, for propagation alo ng and perpendicular to the direction of polarization (Fig. 1) . This anisotropy in PbTiO 3 leads to interesting directional enhancements of its piezoresponse (Table II). The enhanced values for e33 and e 15 in tetragonal PbTiO 3 are due to the large atomic response to the correspondi ng macroscopic strains combined with large anomalous values of the Born effective charge tensors. The computed partial density of states giving the dynamical contributions from various atoms are given in Fig. 4. These reveal that the 0-20 meV low frequency vibrations which critically govern the response are strongly influence d by the A-O bonding character. The strong covalent bonding of the Pb-O bonds (Fig. 3) contributes to the strong anisotropy of th e elastic and piezoelectric response of PbTiO 3 (Table II). Although first principles cal culations of the piezoelectric response in PbTiO 3 and BaTiO 3 have also been reported by others11,26, in this work we have examined the intimate connections between phonon spectra and respon se. The computed elastic, piezoelectric an d dielectric constants (Tables I, II) are found to be quite sensitive to the relaxed structural parameters and although our results for PbTiO 3 are similar to earlier first principles results11, our results for BaTiO 3 have some differences with reported values26(b) which are due to the differences in their computed crystal structures. D. Phonon density of states and partial density of states The computed generalized phonon density of states is in good agreement with the observed inelastic neutron scattering spectra (Fig. 2) and spans the spectral range from 0-120 meV. The phonon spectrum of the quantum paraelectric SrTiO 3 is found to be fundamentally distinct from those of ferroelectric PbTiO 3 and BaTiO 3, with a large 70-90 meV phonon band-gap. This large phonon band-gap is due to the distinct bonding in SrTiO 3 (Fig. 3) as compared to ferroelectric PbTiO 3 and BaTiO 3. From the viewpoint of crystal stability9, 14, the quantum paraelectricity in the threshold of ferroelectric behavior in SrTiO 3 originates from the critical status of this material. Such trends are conventionally studied9, 14 using the tolerance factor ( t=(r Using reported ionic radii, the tolerance was found to be t= 1.00 for SrTiO 3, which means that the ion packing in SrTiO 3 is ideal for a perovskite-type structure14. The tolerance t for BaTiO 3 and PbTiO 3 are similarly9, 1.07 and 1.03. Larger (t>1) and smaller (t<1) values were found to favo r ferroelectricity [e.g. BaTiO 3] and quantum paraelectricity [eg, see Ref. [9]: CaTiO 3, t=0.97], respectively. The critical status of SrTiO 3 and its distinct bonding as compared to PbTiO 3 and BaTiO 3, result in spectacular signatures in the phonon spectra. The computed partial density of states (Fig. 4) enables microscopic interpretations of the observed data. These reveal that while the A-cations (namely, the Pb, Ba and Sr) contribute in the 0-20 meV spectral range (Fig. 4), the intermediate and high energy spectra are due to the Ti and O vibrations. The phono n spectra (neglecting instabilities) are overall similar in the paraelectric cubic and tetragonal phase of SrTiO 3 as the distortions for the SrO 12 and TiO 6 polyhedra are small in the te tragonal phase of SrTiO 3. On the other hand, the covalent Ti-O bonding, found essential for in perovskites, causes a strong distortion of the Ti-O 6 octahedra and the spectra are significantly different in the ferroelectric and paraelectric phases of PbTiO 3 and BaTiO 3. For example, in tetragonal PbTiO 3, the calculated Ti -O bond lengths (A) are 1.9785 (4), 1.7606 (1), 2.3908 (1), [where the values in parentheses give the multiplicity of the bonds] which deviate significantly from the typical Ti-O bond length of about 1.95 A in cubic perovskites. This strong TiO 6 octahedral distortion (Table I) characteristic of ferroelectric behavior is responsible for the filling up of the characteristic 70-90 meV phonon band-gap o f the quantum paraelectric SrTiO 3. Strong covalency of the Pb-O bonds, similarly distorts the PbO 8 polyhedra (2.8016(4) A; 2.5243 (4) A) in tetragonal PbTiO 3, which lead to the following: (i) The vibrations of the Pb atoms in PbTiO 3 (around 7.5 meV) are considerably softer than in the vibratio ns of Ba (around 12.5 meV) in BaTiO 3 and Sr (around 13 meV) in SrTiO 3, (ii) there are significant differences in the elastic and piezoelectric properties of PbTiO 3 and BaTiO 3 (Table II). 5IV. Discussion A large 70-90 meV phonon band-g ap seems characteristic of ATiO 3 perovskite quantum paraelectrics like SrTiO 3. In the case of the ferroelectric instability, the covalent interactions which play a predominant role3 lead to marked differences in the phonon spectra. Ferroelectricity in perovskites arises from a competition between the Coulomb (whi ch favors ferroelectric) and short-ranged (which favors paraelectric) interactions3. This competition which contributes to several reported anomalies2-23, also leads to the spectacular signatures in the phonon spectra. The covalent Ti-O bonding (Fig. 3) found necessary for ferroelectric behavior in perovskites3 causes the following: (i) the large 70-90 meV phonon band-gap of paraelectric SrTiO 3 gets filled by the covalent Ti-O vibrations in ferroelectric PbTiO 3 and BaTiO 3, and (ii) there are giant anisotr opies in the phonon spectra and response of PbTiO 3 (due to the combined Ti-O and Pb-O covalent bonding). The anisotropy of the phonon spectra correlates well with ferroelectric and piezoelectric strength. These results suggest that vibrational spectroscopy can aid in the search for novel materials. Th e distinct phonon spectra of PbTiO 3, BaTiO 3 and SrTiO 3 lead to important differences in their thermodynamic properties and phase diagram. An important objective of this study was the integration of current advances in first principles computational theory with neutron experiments to provide microscopic insights that can define new strategies for the screening of novel materials. To transform the theoretical qua ntum mechanical techniques24-27 developed in the last several decades into predictive design and discovery tools, important tests of the ability of modern first principles theory in reproducing various macroscopic physical properties of ferroelectrics were of interest. In this context, we have compared our calculations, with reported15-23 Raman and infrared data (Table I), inelastic neutron data20 (Figs. 1, 2), Brillouin data35 (Table II) and synchrotron x-ray data16 of three classic perovskites in addition to comparing with our experimental ne utron data. Our calculations are in good agreement with these experimental studies. The theore tical studies predict giant anisotropies in th e phonon dispersion rela tions and electromechani cal response of PbTiO 3 which arise due to the strongly d irectional character of the covalent interactions found necessary for . This anisotropy in the phonon dispersion relations obtained from first principles calculations of PbTiO 3 (particularly for the high energy modes which have not been earlier studied [20]) is measurable experimentally via future singl e crystal inelastic neutron scattering and inelastic x-ray scatte ring measurements. Anisotropy in the phonon spectra of PbTiO 3 obtained from LO-TO (longitudinal optical- transverse optical) splittings have been measured using single-crystal infrared spectroscopic studies and are found to be in good agreement with our calcu lations (Table I). V. Conclusions In summary, we report very successful tests of the ability of first principles theory in reproducing the ex perimental data of phonon dispersion relations, density of states and electro mechanical response of thre e classic perovskites PbTiO 3, BaTiO 3 and SrTiO 3. We obtain an important correlation between the phonon spectra and ferroelectricity in perovskites, which can guide future efforts at custom designing still more effective piezoelectrics for applications. A large phonon band-gap seems characteristic of ATiO 3 perovskite quantum paraelectrics, while anisotropy of the phonon spectra correlates well with fe rroelectric strength. Distinct bonding characteristics in the ferroelectri c and paraelectric phases give rise to these vibrational signatures. Although, we ha ve studied only three classic perovskites, since the vibrational signatures we obtain arise due to fundamental differences in the physics of ferroelectrics (covalently bonded) and paraelectric systems, we believe that thes e correlations in phonon spectra could be universal. Our results suggest that vibrational spectroscopy can ai d in the search for novel materials. We hope these studies w ill stimulate interest in systematic investigations of other ferr oelectrics to examine the universalities of our observations. The excellent agreement between theory and experiments, demonstrat e the intrinsic power of first principles quant um mechanical calculations for deriving various key properties of these materials. N.C. thanks R. E. Cohen and S.L. Chaplot for discussions. 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The calculated polyhedral (PbO 8, BaO 12) and TiO 6 octahedral distortions and bond-lengths of PbTiO 3 and BaTiO 3 are in good ag reement with the experimental data. Symmetry analysis of the zone-center G-point phonon modes for the P4mm space group of PbTiO 3 yields the classification G: 4A 1+5E+B 1. The E symmetry phonon modes are doubly degenerate. For rhombohedral BaTiO 3, the phonon modes can be classified as G : 4A 1+5E+A 2. The longitudinal optic (LO) and transverse optic (TO) phonon frequencies of the polar modes are listed. *The non-polar E-symmetry phonon frequency in BaTiO 3. aRef. [4], bRef. [1(b)]; bbRef.[21(a)], cRef. [22(a)], dRef.[26(b)], eRef.[21(c)], fRef.[21(b)]. LDA Calculations This work LDA calculations4, 26(a) 21, 22(a) PbTiO 3 a (A) 3.9048 3.9048 a 3.9048b, 3.902bb c/a 1.063 1.063 a 1.063b, 1.065bb z(Ti) 0.5378 0.549 a 0.54b, 0.5377bb z(O1, O2) 0.6145 0.630 a 0.612b,0.6118bb z(O3) 0.1136 0.125 a 0.112b, 0.1117bb Pb-O (A) 2.8016(4); 2.5243 (4) 2.7980 bb (4),2.5319 bb (4) Ti-O (A) 1.9785 (4); 1.7606 (1); 2.3908 (1) 1.9751 bb (4),1.7700 bb (1), 2.3860 bb (1) A 1 (TO) (cm-1) 146, 355, 648 151 a, 355 a, 645 a 147c, 359c, 646c A 1 (LO) (cm-1) 187, 438, 781 187 a, 449 a, 886 a 189c, 465c, 796c E (TO) (cm-1) 90, 170, 275, 465 81a, 183 a , 268 a, 464 a 88c, 220c, 289c, 505c E (LO) (cm-1) 117, 275, 416, 635 114 a, 267 a, 435 a, 625 a 128c, 289c, 436c, 723c B 1 (cm-1) 277 285 a 289c BaTiO 3 a (A) 4.0 4.0d 4.0e th (degrees) 89.90 89.85d 89.90e z(Ti) (A) 0.053 0.043 d 0.052+-12e x(O) (A) -0.052 -0.049 d -0.044+-8e z(O) (A) -0.080 -0.077 d -0.072+-8e Ba-O (A) 2.8286 (6), 2.7335 (3), 2.911 (3) 2.8287 f (6), 2.7739 f (3), 2.8981 f (3) Ti-O (A) 1.864 (3), 2.147 (3) 1.8776 f (3), 2.1351f(3) A 1 (TO) (cm-1) 167, 295, 527 169 d, 255 d, 511 d A 1 (LO) (cm-1) 183, 462, 679 179 d, 460d, 677 d E (TO) (cm-1) 162, 240, 468, 296* 164 d, 206d, 472 d, 293* ,d E (LO) (cm-1) 176, 440, 688, 296* 175 d, 443d, 687 d, 293*, d A 2 (cm-1) 274 278 d Table II . Calculated spontaneous polarization P (C/m2), elastic constants c ij (GPa) and piezoelectric tensors e ij (C/m2) of tetragonal PbTiO 3 (PT)and rhombohedral BaTiO 3 (BT) compared with reported Brillouin35,36 and synchrotron x-ray data. eand e0 represent electronic and zero freque ncy dielectric tensors (in units of eo), respectively. For BaTiO 3 the tensors are in their hexagonal coordinate system, with the z-axis along the cubic (111) direction. The spontaneous polarization for PbTiO 3 and BaTiO 3 are respectively, along the cubic [001] and [111] directions. *Ref. [21(c)]. P c 11 c33 c44 c66 c12 c13 c14 c65 e21 e31 e33 e15 e16 e xx e zz e0 xx e0 zz P T Expt.35 0.75* 237 60 69 104 90 70 2.1 5.0 4.4 102 34 Calc. 0.78 235 45 47 99 95 69 0 0 0 2.1 4.4 6.6 0 7.6 6.9 143 26 Calc.11 230 47 47 99 96 65 2.1 4.4 6.6 B T Calc. 0.28 251 236 37 89 73 36 45 45 2.3 2. 3 3.7 4.6 2.3 6.1 5.5 51 27 Calc.26(b) 277 264 48 99 79 41 45 45 2.9 3.0 4.4 5.5 2.9 6.2 5.8 69 37 8Fig. 1. (Color online). (a) Computed phonon dispersion relations (full line) of tetragonal PbTiO 3 (a), rhombohedral BaTiO 3 (b) and cubic SrTiO 3 (c) compared with reported experimental inel astic neutron scattering (INS) single crystal data20, optical long wavelength data 22(a) and reported first principles calculations4. Z R MZ R M Cubic SrTiO3 (c) G(zzz) (zz0)Energy (meV) Calc. (This work) , INS data 20(g), INS data 20(i) (00z) Calc. (This work) GRhombohedral BaTiO3 (b) G(zzz) (zz0)Energy (meV) (00z) This work LDA calculations ; LDA calculations4 , , INS data20(a) ; INS data20(b) ; Raman and infrared data22(a) Tetragonal PbTiO3 (a) (0,z,.5) (z,.5,.5) (z,z,.5) (0,0, z) (0,z,0) (z,.5,0) (zz0) Z R A Z G X M GEnergy (meV) 9 Fig. 2 (Color online). Comparison of the computed genera lized phonon density of states with the measured inelastic neutron spectra (T=6 K) of tetragonal PbTiO 3, rhombohedral BaTiO 3 and the quantum paraelectric SrTiO 3. 0 20 40 60 80 100 LDA Calc. Expt. T=6 K Generalized PDOS gn(E) Energy (meV) 10PbTiO 3 (a) PbTiO 3 (d) PbTiO 3 ( g) P b T i O 3 ( j) PbTiO 3 (m) BaTiO 3 (b) BaTiO 3 (e) BaTiO 3 (h) BaTiO 3 (k) BaTiO 3 (n) SrTiO 3 (c) SrTiO 3 (f) SrTiO 3 (i) SrTiO 3 (l) SrTiO 3 (o) Fig. 3 (Color online). The computed charge densities (a-f) and isosurface plots (g-o) of tetrag onal PT, rhombhohedral BT and cubic ST displayed using the code xcrysden37. All densities were computed from the fully relaxed zero pressure LDA structures. The charge densities in the [010] Ti-O plane (a-c) and the [010] Pb-O plane (d-f) are shown. The 0.12 a.u. isosurfaces viewed down [100] and [110] are shown in (g-i) and (j-l), respectively, while the 0.03 a.u. isosurfaces are show n in (m-o). (p) The symbols used in (g-o) above. 11Fig. 4. The computed total and partial density of states of tetragonal PbTiO 3, rhombohedral BaTiO 3 and cubic SrTiO 3. For cubic SrTiO 3, effects from phonon instabilities are neglected. 04 0 8 0 04 0 8 0 04 0 8 0(a) PbTiO3Totalg(o) (meV)(b) PbTiO3Pbgpar(o) (c) PbTiO3Ti (d) O PbTiO3(h) O BaTiO3 Energy (meV)(g) Ti BaTiO3Ba BaTiO3(f) (e) Total BaTiO3 (l) O SrTiO3 Energy (meV)(k) Ti SrTiO3(j) Sr SrTiO3 (i) Total SrTiO3 | 0803.1729 | Narayani Choudhury | Narayani Choudhury (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre), E. J. Walter
(College of William and Mary), A. I. Kolesnikov (Argonne National Lab.) and
C.-K. Loong (Argonne National Lab.) | Origin of the large phonon band-gap in SrTiO3 and the vibrational
signatures of ferroelectricity in ATiO3 perovskite: First principles lattice
dynamics and inelastic neutron scattering of PbTiO3, BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 | 11 pages, 4 color figures and 2 Tables | Phys. Rev. B 77, 134111 (2008) (10 pages) | 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.134111 | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.other | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We report first principles density functional perturbation theory
calculations and inelastic neutron scattering measurements of the phonon
density of states, dispersion relations and electromechanical response of
PbTiO3, BaTiO3 and SrTiO3. The phonon density-of-states of the quantum
paraelectric SrTiO3 is found to be fundamentally distinct from that of
ferroelectric PbTiO3 and BaTiO3 with a large 70-90 meV phonon band-gap. The
phonon dispersion and electromechanical response of PbTiO3 reveal giant
anisotropies. The interplay of covalent bonding and ferroelectricity, strongly
modulates the electromechanical response and give rise to spectacular
signatures in the phonon spectra. The computed charge densities have been used
to study the bonding in these perovskites. Distinct bonding characteristics in
the ferroelectric and paraelectric phases give rise to spectacular vibrational
signatures. While a large phonon band-gap in ATiO3 perovskites seems a
characteristic of quantum paraelectrics, anisotropy of the phonon spectra
correlates well with ferroelectric strength. These correlations between the
phonon spectra and ferroelectricity, can guide future efforts at custom
designing still more effective piezoelectrics for applications. These results
suggest that vibrational spectroscopy can help design novel materials.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 12 Mar 2008 09:34:08 GMT"
] | 2008-06-14T00:00:00 | [
"Bhabha Atomic Research Centre"
"E. J.",
"College of William and Mary"
"A. I.",
"Argonne National Lab."
"C. -K.",
"Argonne National Lab."
] |
Lemma 1. LetI[0,1)be an interval. Suppose that b,l>0. Then mes({a(0,b) :{a/l} I}}) loss of generality, we may assume that I= (c1,c2) with 0 <=c1<
c2<=1. LetJ={a(0,b) :{a/l} I}. ifl>b, then mes(J) = 2. Suppose that b2>b1>0andbare arbitrarily real numbers. Let o>0 be a small number and xbe a sufficiently large (depending on Then there exists an exceptional set =O(x-o) such that for any square-free d<=x1/3-2oand irrational 0 an irrational a(b1,b2), let A(x;a) ={nan+b: ={aA:a0 (modd)}. For a square-free d, we 0 (modd/s),(n,d/s) = 0 0 0 (modtd/s)== {ans2/td+bs/td} :|thq-a| that 1<=a<=qwith (a,q) = 1. If {a'} Itd/sfor :{as2/td} Itd/sfor Lemma we have mes( JE) =O(x-o). /square Lemma 3. Suppose that b2> b1>0,o >0andbare arbitrarily real numbers. Then there exists an exceptional set =O(x-o)such that for any irrational primes }| x (logx)2(3) for sufficiently large (depending on Define P(z) ={aA; (a,P(z)) = 1}. LetA(a) ={nan+b: 1<=n<=x}. primes }
is a subset of S(A(a),z). Furthermore, by Lemma 2, we know that there exists a setJE(b1,b2) with mes( JE) =O(x-o) such that for any square-free 1 <=d<=
x1/3-2oand irrational Ad(a) ={yA(a) :d|y}. Letg(m) be the completely g(p) = p. DefineG(z) Selberg's sieve denotes the number of distinct prime divisors of d. Since it suffices to show G(z)(logz)2. By Theorem 7.14 in [5], we know G(z) of Theorem 1. Suppose that b2>b1>0. Let F={a(b1,b2) : : So it suffices to show that mes( Fn) = 0 for every n >1. (The measurability of Fnwill be proven later.) 4Assume on the contrary that there exists n >1 such that mes( Fn)>0. Let I= (c1,c2) be an arbitrary sub-interval of ( b1,b2). (4) provided that xis sufficiently large (depending on b1andb2). Suppose that C >1 is the implied constant in Lemma 3. Let any two primes pandq, an interval or empty set. Hence LI,d(x) distinct measurable in the sense of Lebesgue measure. Let o>0 be a very small number. By Lemma that xis sufficiently large. Combining (4) and (5), we (6) 5We claim (7) In fact, for any m>n, there exists y0such that for any the other hand, if clearly we (6) and (7), we mes( Fn)>0, there exist open intervals I1,I2,...(b1,b2) such by (6), mes(Fn) evidently leads to a contradiction. /square Remark. In [6] and [8], Harman proved that for almost all real a >0 there are infinitely many pairs of ( p,q) p,q are primes, provided that psis a non-increasing positive function (In fact, in [8] Harman established a quantitative version of the above result, onconditionthat almost all a >0, there exists infinitely many pair of primes ( p,q) such that [[ap]] =q, where [[x]] isthenearest integer to x. thereaders may refer to [7, Chapter We aregrateful to Professor GlynHarman for his very and kindly sending us the copies of the references [6] a nd A. Balog, On a variant of the prime number problem . Publ. Math. Orsay, 1989, 3-11. [2] W. D. Banks and I. E. Shparlinski, Prime numbers with Beatty sequences , J. Deshouillers, Nombres premiers de la forme [nc]. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, Ser. A, 282 (1976), 131-133. [4] C.-H. Jia, On a conjecture of Yiming Long . Acta Arith., 122(2006), 57-61. [5] C.-D. Pan and C.-B. Pan, Goldbach Conjecture . Science Press, Beijing, 1992. [6] G. Harman, Metric diophantine approximation with two restricted vari ables. III: Two prime numbers. J. Number Theory, 29(1988), 364-375. [7] G. Harman, Metric number theory . London Mathematical Society Monographs. New Series 18. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 1998. [8] G. Harman, Variants of the second Borel-Cantelli lemma and their appli cations in metric number theory . Bambah, R. P. (ed.) et al., Number theory. Basel, Birkh auser. Tr ends in Mathematics. 121-140, 2000. E-mail address address of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, People's Republic of China 7 | 0803.1740 | Hao Pan | Hongze Li and Hao Pan | Primes in the form $[\alpha p+\beta]$ | null | null | null | null | math.NT | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Let \beta be a real number. Then for almost all irrational \alpha>0 (in the
sense of Lebesgue measure)
\limsup_{x\to\infty}\pi_{\alpha,\beta}^*(x)(\log x)^2/x>=1, where
\pi_{\alpha,\beta}^*(x)={p<=x: both p and [\alpha p+\beta] are primes}.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 12 Mar 2008 10:38:30 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 13 Mar 2008 04:48:22 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Sat, 5 Apr 2008 06:55:44 GMT"
] | 2008-04-05T00:00:00 | [
] |
{Ban}is the class of {Ba n}. = limd(Ba n,) = limu(Ba n). Note that in [4] d(A,B) in [5] d(A,B) :=u*(A^B); the completion of ohm will remain the same due to the property u*|ohm=u. Note that u(EA) =u(A) whenAohm. In [4], we defined set-theoretic notations for unions, intersections, and c omplements on ohm similarly on ohm.*C:ohm-ohm where ( we showed the set theoretic notations are well defined on ohm in [4]. We showed the set theoretic notations are well defined on ohm in [4]. Note = 0 iff lim u(Ba nBg n) = 0. We say iff Thus, if Ea1andEa2are disjoint, then +u(Ea2) . As for the infinite union on ohm; ifEaiohm for i>=1, there exists a unique E such for all n, and lim = 0. In addition, we showed that for any u-Cauchy sequence {Bn}, there exists a f(n)
>n such that lim u*(Bn^limBf(n)) = 0. In this paper, I define a s-algebra isomorphism between two s-algebras, and define a map F:ohm-P(X) given by F({Bn}) is defined as above. Wewillshowthat ohm and the Caratheodory Extension of ohm under the equivalence relat ion
~defined as A ~B iffu*(A^B) =0. 2.Main 1. For A, B in P(X), A = B a.e. iff u*(A^B) = 0. Definition 2. Define a map F:ohm-P(X) given by F({Bn}) = 0. Note that such f(n) always exists by Lemma 20 in [4]. Remark 1. Fis a map into /tildewideSby the definition of 1. Fis well that u*(An^limAf(n)) = 0andlim u*(Bn^limBg(n)) =
0 by Lemma 20 in the triangle inequality. By taking the limit on both sides, = Therefore, F is 1. F is an isometry between we show F is onto /tildewideS. LetX/tildewideS. Then there exists a {Bn}such that lim u*(Bn^X) = 0. Then there exist f(n) such that lim u*(Bn^limBf(n)) = 0. Thus F({Bn}) Therefore, F is onto. Second, we will show F preserves the metric. Let {An},{Bn} ohm. Then we have f(n) and g(n) as AND CARATHEODORY EXTENSION 3 u(Af(n)^Bg(n)) =u*(Af(n)^Bg(n))
<=u*(Af(n)^limAf(n))++u*(limBg(n)^Bg(n)) By taking the limit on both = limu(Af(n)^Bg(n))<=. In addition,
<=u*(Af(n)^limAf(n))+u(Af(n)^Bg(n))+u*(limBg(n)^Bg(n)). By taking the limit on both sides,
<=limu(Af(n)^Bg(n)). Therefore, d({An},{Bn}) = limu(An^Bn) =
=u*(F({An})^F({Bn})) we will show that F is one to one. Let that F({An}) =F({Bn}) implies = 0. Then, as in the proof of F being onto, lim u(An^Bn) =. Thus {An}
={Bn}. Thus, F is one to one. Therefore, F is an isometry between ohm 3. Suppose X and Y are s-algebras, and F: X -Y is a one to one, onto well defined map. Then F is called a s-algebra isomorphism =F(*)F(*), =F(*)F(*), F(*C) =F(*)C. Lemma 2. LetEi={Bin} ohmfor i>=1 and by following Lemma 8 in [5], each Lsuch that any n. LetNL> implies that lim = 0. Therefore by the 2. F is as-algebra isomorphism between JUN TANAKA Proof.We already showed that F is a one to one, onto map in Theorem 1. Since, in general, =F(*)F(*) =F({(Bn)C}) =lim(Bf(n))C= (limBf(n))C= by the construction of f(n), lim Thus, F(*C) for i>=1 for each i, there exists a that lim u*(Bain^Si) = 0. Now suppose we have {YL}in the same manner as Lemma 2. By design, {YL}
converges to i=1Si. Lemma 2. Now we =F({YL}) =limYf(L). Since lim u*(YL^limYf(L)) = 0 and lim u*(YL^
i=1Si) = 0, we have In addition, the claim 1 and 2 show that the completion of ohm is isometric and Thusthe isometricand the Catheordory Extension under the equivalence relation ~by the conclusion in would like to thank my grandfather Waichi Tanaka for his inspiration and financial assistance and Andrew Aames for encouraging him to prog ress through the graduate program. With the kind support of both, I have prog ressed further than I ever thought possible. In addition, I would like to thank my frie nds Aa ronHudson, Mark Tseselsky for representing me and for their professional ad H.L.Royden, Real Analysis Third Edition, Prentice-Hall Inc. 1988. 2. N. Dunford and J. T. Schwartz, Liner Operators Part 1 Gener al Theory, Willy 1988. 3. Walter Rudin, Real and Complex Analysis McGraw-Hill Publ ishing Co, 1987. 4. P.F. Mclaughlin and J. Tanaka, A Relationship Between the Completion of a Metric Space and the Caratheodory Extension, will be submitted soon 5. J. Tanaka and P.F. Mclaughlin, A realization of measurabl e sets as limit points, AND CARATHEODORY EXTENSION 5 University of California, Riverside, USA E-mail address junex | 0803.1749 | Jun Tanaka | Jun Tanaka | An isomorphism between the completion of an Algebra and its Caratheodory
Extension | 5 pages | null | null | null | math.FA | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Let $\Omega$ denote an algebra of sets and $\mu$ a $\sigma$-finite measure.
We then prove that the completion of $\Omega$ under the pseudometric $d(A,B)$ =
$\mu^{\ast}(A \triangle B)$ is $\sigma$-algebra isomorphic and isometric to the
Caratheodory Extension of $\Omega$ under the equivalence relation $\sim$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:24:26 GMT"
] | 2008-03-13T00:00:00 | [
] |
/s48 /s53/s48 /s49/s48/s48 /s49/s53/s48 1: Typical voltage-current characteristics at select ed temperatures in B= 3 T. Inset: current dependence of dif- ferential resistance dV/dIat the same temperatures. At high currents dV/dIsaturates at Rab. We selected for experiment three single crystals from 3 different batches of Bi typical di- mensions 1 x0.5x0.003mm3, the shortest corresponding to the poorly conducting caxis. All wereclose to optimal doping with a critical temperature Tc89 K and transition width about 2 K in zero field; the diamagnetism in a 1 mT field set in near 100% at low ( V-I) response was measured in the usual an abfacein perpendic- ular magnetic field with two current contacts across the width near the ends and two point voltage contacts near each edge of the same face. The contacts were made by bonding25 um goldwireswith an oxygen atmosphere resulting in current contact re- sistances of less than 3 ohm. To avoid significant Joule heating, we employed short ( <=50us) current pulses of isosceles triangular shape at 0 .2 to 1 s intervals. Techni- cal details and the issue of Joule heating are treated the area between the voltage contacts is negligible for the duration of the at different temperatures in a field of 3 T are shown in Fig. 1. Above a TctheV-Icurves are linear (see the lower inset of Fig. 2 for the field dependence of the characteris- tic temperatures). Below Tlinnonlinearity develops and theI-0 resistance decreases faster than it becomes unmeasurably small even with the most sensitive technique. At low temperature dissipation sets in abruptly at a threshold current Ith; for higher tem- peratures a marked upturn in the V-Icurve (a knee) is seen at Throughout the nonlinear range the differential resistance increases with increasing current; for currents several times IthorIkit saturates (becomes current independent) at a value dV/dI=Rabas shown in the inset of Fig. 1. Since IthandIkare hallmarks of depinning, the Rabobserved /s50/s48 /s52/s48 /s54/s48 /s48/s46/s48/s49 /s48/s46/s49 /s47/s72
/s99 /s40/s109 /s84 /s50 /s50 FIG. 2: High-current differential resistance Rabat as a function of the logarithm of magnetic field normalized to the upper critical field Hc2(T). Upper inset: Same data on a linear field scale. Lower inset: Phase diagram measured on same samples exceptfor thefirst order transitio n TFOTtaken from Ref. [14] for comparison. Tirrrefers to mag- netic irreversibility, T2ndto second magnetization peak, Tlin to the beginning of linear V-I.Hc2= 120[1-(T/Tc)2] tesla. The vertical black (grey) lines show the range of full (open) symbols in the main panel. The open circle is crossover in the field dependence of Rab. many times this current suggests that at these high cur- rents pinning is irrelevant and Rabreflects FFF [13]. The focus of this article is the behavior of Rab. The upper inset of Fig. 2 shows the field dependence of Rabfor the temperatures indicated in the phase diagram of the lower inset. The resistance is field and tempera- ture independent at low temperature. With there is a crossover to a field-dependent be- haviorat Tco(open circles in the phase the magnetic irreversibility line and Tlin. Hav- ing in mind that in the BS law the characteristic field isHc2, we interpolate the upper critical field using the formHc2= (120 tesla)[1 -(T/Tc)2] constructed a logarithmic field scale in the main panel of Fig. 2. The high-temperature curves all collapse into the zero field normal resistance at Tcand ais a constant. This scaling only contains the tempera- ture through Hc2(T). Equation (2) provides an of all three samples; for the parameter awe find 0.16, 0.19 and 0.21, essentially the same values, in-3 sensitive to the presumably different disorder emphasize that Rabcannot be compared directly to the BS law because the strong anisotropy of the elec- tronic properties makes the current distribution very in- homogeneous and Rabreflects both ab-plane and However, if the sample is thick in the cdirec- tion, a simple acurrent resistivity tensor yields geometrical factor. This relation is valid in the linear regionT > T lin(B) but also below Tlinif the current is sufficiently high that the currentdensity iswell in the up- per differentially linear portion of the response near the top surface of the crystal [13]. The analysis and experi- mental checks of Ref. [10] indicate that with the sample size, shape, and contact geometry used in their and our single crystal abplane studies in BSCCO, the thick sam- ple limit provides a good confirmation of our results emerges from analysis of other experiments. Although are absent, the fact that the V-Icurves are linear forT > T lin(H) allows comparison with low-current data in this temperature and field range. In Fig. 3(a) we extractedfrom the Rabvs.Tdata taken by Busch et al.[10] in different magnetic fields. with Eq. (2) is seen for T > T lin(full symbols in the figure) with a= 0.23. Buschet al.[10] were able to disentangle rabandrcby using data from two additional contacts on the bottom of the crystal. rabandrcresults extracted from their work for a series of temperatures are shown as a function of H/Hc2in Fig. 3(b) and (c). In the temperature and field rangeT > T lin(H) both quantities individually The in-plane resistivity does notagree with the b= 1 BS law of Eq. (1), but is well described by ab= 3/4 exponent (best fit b= 0.75+-0.02). Having definite analytic forms for both Rabandrab, we can use the relation ( Rab/A)2=rabrcto write an expression for thec-axis resistivity. In 3/4, a= 0.2. The prefactors rn abandrn care in good agreement with the respective normal resistivities at Tc. Are these forms corroborated by other types of mea- surement? In principle rabcan be measured in thin films where the current density is expected to be homoge- neous. In Fig. 3(b) we show the 77 K thin film resis- tivity obtained by digitizing the V-Icurves in Ref. [7]. Data above about 1 T are reasonably well described but a closer look reveals that are concave from below at every H, i.e., there is a systematic deviation from power law. This logarithm like (but not logarithmic) /s50/s48 /s44/s32 /s84 /s32
/s97/s98/s32/s32 /s40/s109 /s32/s40/s99/s41
/s32/s32/s99/s32/s32 /s50/s48/s72/s32 /s32/s32
/s32 /s40/s107 /s32/s99/s109 3: Single crystal resistance Rab(a);abplane and c-axis resistivity rc(c) as a fuction of magnetic field normalized to the upper critical field Hc2. Data from Ref. [10]. For full symbols T > T lin. Solid lines in panels (a) to (c) are fits to Eqs. (2) to (4), respectively. In panel (b) 77-K thin film data from Ref. [7] is also shown by triangles. Inset of panel (c): c-axis conductivity data from Ref. [11]. sc= 1/rcands0a constant. The solid line is a fit to Eq. (3). is shared with other thin film results [6] but there are sig- nificant quantitative differences between data measured by different groups. A possible reason is that macro- scopic defects like steps on the surface or mosaic bound- aries force c-axis currents and the measured resistance is a sample-dependent combination of observed in the high field c-axis [11] and the overall field dependence of these independently measured data is very well described by Eq. (4). We demostrate this in Fig. 3(c) where we plot 70 K data for 5 of Ref. [11] where sc= 1/rcand the constant s0 is interpreted as the zero-field quasiparticle our estimate of Hc2(T)46 T for T= 70 K, Eq. (4) fits the measured data with parameters sn c=
1/rn c= 6.6 (kohmcm)-1,s0= 3.6 (kohmcm)-1anda= The value of ais in excellent agreement with that inferred from Rabmeasurements. It should be pointed out, however, that s0is significantly smaller than the4 values08 in Ref. [11]. In terms this means that rcdecreases more slowly in high fields than described by Eq. (4) with b= 3/4 and is in fact best described with an exponent b= Rab(H)also holds below Tlin(H) where the V-Icurves are nonlinear. Since no change in the behavior of Rabis observed when theTlin(H) line is crossed, it is reasonable to assume the same for rabandrc. In the low field direction a lower limit of the validity of Eq. (2) is the zero of the equationat order of the first order transition in the static vortex system. In the high-field direction Eq. (2) is valid up to the highest field 0.3Hc2we temperature Tcoofthe crossoverfrom Rab= distinctly higherthan the onset Tirr, TgTirrinferred from scaling analysis [16] of theV-Icurves. On the other hand, no change in the behavior of Rabis observed when the Tirr(H) andTg(H) lines are crossed. This suggests that because the pin- ning potential is smoothed at high velocities, the phase diagram [17] of the dynamic vor- tex system [18] is different from that of the phases. Since Rabbehaves the same in the pinned ( T < T lin) and unpinned ( T > T lin) liquid phases, we propose that the unpinned phase, only above Tlin, may be restored in the range Tco< T < T lin. ThenTcomay approximate the in a hypothetical defect-free crystal. Our most robust finding, invariably observed not only in our 3 batches but also in the data of Ref. [10], is the logarithmic field dependence of the high-current single crystal resistance Rab. Although a power of Hfactor is expected both in rab[1] andrc[19], no such factor is present in Rabrabrc. The most likely reason is that the power-law factors in rabandrccancel (exponents 3/4 and -3/4 in our analysis). The cancellation is very accurate; we estimate that a power law factor with ex- ponent as low as 0.1 could be observed in our because we find no logarithmic correction to rab, the logarithmic dependence of Rabis carried by rc. Arguing that both rabandscare proportional to density of states at the Fermi level, N(0), it cancels in the product rabrc. In conventional N(0) is proportional to the number of vor- tices therefore to H, leading to the H-linear resistiv- ity of the BS law. In nodal gap superconductors near- nodal quasiparticles lead to a sublinear dependence; for line nodes N(0)H1/2[20], as evidenced in thermodynamic measurements [21]. Al- though delocalized near-nodal quasiparticles are not ex- pected to contribute significantly to rFFFbecause of the weak spectral flow force [4] they experience, the result may be different in the diffusive limit in the liquid phase. A possible reason for the b= 3/4 exponent is the differ-ent structure factors of the solid and liquid phases. Nonlocal effects [22, 23] may influence the evaluation of the 6-contact measurements [10] and therefore the va- lidity ofEqs.(3) and(4) (but notofEq.(2)). This seems, however, unlikely in the light of the good agreement of rcinferred from independent ab-plane [10] and c-axis and of the broad temperature range of va- lidity of Eq. (2). In conclusion, we have set up empirical rules for the analytic form of single crystal resistance as well as for theabplane and caxis resistivities in the flux flow limit in the vortex liquid state of BSCCO, valid over a broad range of temperature and field. Both the logarithmic field dependence of the single crystal re- sistance and the 3/4-power law in the ab-plane free flux flow resistance are in disagreement with the current the- oretical understanding of high- acknowledgewith pleasurefruitful Portier, I. T utt o, L. Forr' o and T. Feh' er and the help and technical expertise of F. T' oth. L. Forr' o and the EPFL laboratory in Lausanne have contributed in a we acknowledge with gratitude the agency OTKA (grant no. K 62866). [1] For areview, see N. B. Kopnin, Theory of (Oxford University Press, 2001). [2] J. Bardeen and M. J. Stephen, Phys. Rev. 140, A1197 (1965); P. Nozi` eres and W. F. Vinen, Philos. Mag. 14, 667 (1966). [3] For a review, see D. Parks, Ed., New York, 1969). [4] N. B. Kopnin and G. E. Volovik, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1377 (1997). [5] I. Pethes et al., Synth. Met. 120, 1013 (2000). [6] H. Raffy et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 2515 (1991); P. Wag- neret al., Phys. Rev. B 49, 13184 (1994); M. Giura et al., Phys. Rev. B 50, 12920 (1994). [7] Z. L. Xiao, P. Voss-de Haan, G. Jakob, and H. Adrian Phys. Rev. B 57, R736 (1998). [8] R. Mallozzi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 1485 (1998); Tet- suo Hanaguri et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1273 (1999). [9] M. N. Kunchur, D. K. Christen, and J. M. Phillips, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 998 (1993); M. N. Kunchur, Phys. Rev. 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Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{2}$CaCu$_{2}$O$_{8+\delta}$ | 5 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett | null | null | null | cond-mat.supr-con | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Pulsed high current experiments in single crystals of the high-$T_{c}$
superconductor Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{2}$CaCu$_{2}$O$_{8+\delta}$ in c-axis directed
magnetic field $H$ reveal that the $ab$-face resistance in the free flux flow
regime is a solely logarithmic function of H, devoid of any power law
component. Re-analysis of published data confirms this result and leads to
empirical analytic forms for the $ab$-plane and c-axis resistivities:
$\rho_{ab}\propto$ $H^{3/4}$, which does not obey the expected Bardeen-Stephen
result for free flux flow, and $\rho_{c} \propto H^{-3/4} \log^{2}H$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 12 Mar 2008 16:08:00 GMT"
] | 2008-03-13T00:00:00 | [
"F. I. B.",
] |
- 2 - this system, D= 840+-20 kpc, underpin the most accurate dynamical model that has been achieved for any of the 21 known black hole binaries (Orosz et a l. 2007, hereafter O07). The two dynamical parameters of interest in this Letter are the black hole mass M= 15.65+-1.45Mand the orbital inclination angle i= group has published spin estimates for three stellar-mass black holes using the X-ray continuum fitting method: GRO J1655-40, a*= 0.65-0.75; 4U 1543-47, a*= 0.75-0.85; and GRS 1915+105, a*= 0.98-1.0 (Shafee et al. 2006, hereafter S06; McClintock et al. 2006, hereafter M06). For LMC X-3, Davis et al. (2006) find a*<0.26. Meanwhile, the Fe line method has been used to obtain two additional estimates o f black hole spin (Brenneman and Reynolds 2006; Miller et al. 2008). The dimensionless spin parameter a*a/M =cJ/GM2, whereMandJare the mass and angular momentum of the (Shapiro and Teukolsky 1986). The method, which was pioneered by (Zhang et al. 1997) (also see Gierli' nski et al. 2001), is based on the existence of an innermost s table circular orbit (ISCO) for a particle orbiting a black hole, inside which the particle suddenly plu nges into the hole. In the method, one identifies the inner edge of the black hole's accretion disk with the ISCO and estimates the radius RISCO of this orbit by fitting the X- ray continuum spectrum. Since the dimensionless radius is solely a monotonic function of the black hole spin parameter (Shapiro and Te ukolsky 1986), knowing its value allows one to immediately infer the black hole spin parameter a*. Our estimates of spin are based on our fully relativistic accretion disk model (Li et al. 2005) and an advanced treatment of spectral hardening (Davis e t al. 2005). We consider thermal-state data (Remillard and McClintock 2 006), which are largely free of the effects of Comptonization. Furthermore, we only acce pt data for which the bolometric disk luminosity is moderate, L/LEdd<0.3, in order to ensure that the thermal disk model is applicable (Shafee et al. 200 8; M06). For the method to succeed, it is essential to hav e accurate values of the black hole mass, orbital inclination and distance (M06), quantities th at are known precisely in the case of M33 X-7. Other virtues of M33 X-7 for the determinat ion of spin, are the abundance of Chandra andXMM data, the remarkably thermal and featureless spectrum of the X-ray source, and its moderate luminosity ( SS3).- 3 - 2. DATA SELECTION AND REDUCTION There have been 17 Chandra ACIS observations and 12 XMM-Newton EPIC observa- tions of M33 X-7. We analyzed Chandra observations (downloaded from the Chandra Data Archive) with CIAO 3.4 and extracted the spectra from source ellips es enclosing 95% of the source photons as reported by wavdetect . TheXMM observations were downloaded from the HEASARC archive and analyzed with SAS 7.0.0 (Gabriel et al. 2004) . Using the stan- dard procedures and excluding intervals of high background, we ex tracted separate spectra from the PN and two MOS chips using radii of 400 pixels (i.e., 20'') and fitted them resultant count rate data were folded on the M33 X-7 X-ray ec lipse et al. 2006): HJD (2453639 The folded light curve for all the Chandra data are shown in Figure 2 ain O07. For the purpose of measuring the spin of M33 X-7, we excluded (1) spectra obtained in t he phase range -0.3 to 0.2, i.e., during the eclipse or the pre-eclipse period of erratic X-ra y variability (which is presumably caused by the accretion stream; O07); (2) four ACI S spectra (ObsIDs 6384, 6385, 7170, 7171) that are severely affected by pile-up; and (3) a ll spectra that contain less than 1000 counts. The 15 spectra so selected are listed in Table 1 and comprise eight Chandra ACIS spectra and seven EPIC PN/MOS spectra from five XMM observations. We refer throughout to the four ACIS spectra with>~5,000 counts as the gold spectra and to the rest as the silver spectra. 3. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS The procedures used here are precisely the same as those that ar e described fully in M06. Briefly, the relativistic accretion disk model kerrbb2 has just two fit the black hole spin a*and the mass accretion rate .M(or equivalently, a*and bolometric luminosity, M06). In the case of M33 X-7, we also fit for a third parameter, NH, the hydrogen column density ( phabs in XSPEC). The spectral hardening factor fTcol/Teffwas computed as a function of lfor the appropriate metallicity of M33 X-7 ( Z= 0.1Z; O07) using the model of Davis and Hubeny 2006 (bhspec in XSPEC). These values of fare contained in a pair of lookup tables, which correspond to two representative values of the viscosity parame ter (a= 0.01,0.1; M06) for a wide range of the spin parameter (e.g., 0 < a*<0.99). We find that our results are to the choice of aor an increase in metallicity. We have also experimented with varying the input parameters M,D,iandNH, and we find that the values of fare scarcely- 4 - affected. All of the spectra were well-fitted using a simple absorbed kerrbb2 model [i.e., XSPEC]. Notably, neither Fe line/edge components nor an additiona l nonthermal com- ponent was required, as they were in our earlier work (R06, M06). W e fitted each spectrum fora*, the mass accretion rate .M, and the neutral hydrogen column density NHwith the input parameters fixed at their baseline values (see SS1; O07). The normalization was fixed at unity (as appropriate when M,iandDare held fixed). We included the effects of limb darkening (lflag = 1) and returning radiation effects (rflag = 1), and we set the torque at the inner boundary of the accretion disk to zero ( e= 0). The fits obtained for all 15 spectra are quite acceptable with kh2 n<1.2; results for fits over the energy range 0.3-8 keV are summarized in Table 1. An inspec tion of the for all the spectra show them to be free of any systemat ic effects, as illustrated in Figure 1. Given the modest luminosities, 0 .07< l < 0.11 (Table 1), which are well below our selection limit of l= 0.3, the accretion disk in M33 X-7 is quite thin, H/R<=0.04 (see Fig. 17 in Shafee et al. 2008), and our assumption of zero torque at the inner boundary is likely to be valid. Figure 2 shows plots of a*for all 15 observations, which are ordered by the number of counts detected. Each of the four panels corresponds to a differ ent choice for the energy interval used in fitting the data (e.g., 0.3-8 keV, 0.5-8 keV, etc.); a c omparison of the results in the four panels shows that this choice is quite unimportant . The four gold counts each (solid symbols) yield spin estimates that agree with t heir mean value (indicated by the dotted lines) typically to within their 2% statistical stability of these four gold spectra is especially remarkable given that three of the observations were separated by 3-month intervals in 2005-2006, and one of them was obtained five years earlier in 2000 (Table 1). The dispersion for the 11 silver sp ectra that (open symbols) is much larger. However, in each panel, the m ean of these 11 spin values agrees with the mean determined using the gold spectra to wit hin1%. As concluded in the caption of Figure 2, our adopted average spin for the four go ld spectra is - a*= 0.77 with a standard deviation of a*= 0.02. In order to determine the error in a*due to the combined uncertainties in M,iand D(SS1), we performed Monte Carlo simulations assuming that the uncert ainties in these parameters are normally and independently distributed. The result s for 3,000 simulation runs are plotted in Figure 3. The histogram of - a*--a*0shows that the 1 serror in the spin due to the combined uncertainties of the three input paramete rs is about a*= 0.05. The error is dominated by the uncertainty in M; the uncertainties in iandDare This error is based on a readily available table that was c omputed for solar- 5 - metallicity. Despite this limitation, we believe that our error estimate is accurate because the effects of going from Z= 0.1ZtoZ=Zare very small at the luminosities in DISCUSSION The largest error in our spin estimate arises from the uncertainties in the validity of the disk model we employ. For example, the spin depends on accurate mo del the hardening factor f; this problem is quite tractable and vigorous theoretical efforts are underway (Davis et al. 2005, 2006; Blaes et al. 2006). Possibly m ore problematic is our assumption that the viscous torque vanishes at the ISCO and that there is no from the gas inside the models of the accretion disk indicate that the viscous torque at the ISCO as well as emission from inside the ISCO should both be negligible for the geometrically thin disks and low luminosities ( l<=0.3) that we restrict ourselves to (Afshordi and Paczy' nski 2003; S08). The emission from inside the ISCO causes rather modes t errors in spin estimates; in the case of M33 X-7, the estimated error is a*<=0.01 since l<=0.1 and hence R/H<=
0.04 (M06; S08). On the other hand, MHD simulations of accretion flow s around black holes (Hawley and Krolik 2002; Beckwith et al. 2008) find a large torqu e at the ISCO and substantial dissipation inside the ISCO. We note, however, that th ese simulations carried out so far are for geometrically thick systems, with H/R~0.2; these flows are nearly an order of magnitude thicker than the disk in M33 X-7. In the hydro dynamic models of Shafee et al. (2008) the stress at the ISCO increases rapidly with in creasing disk thickness, so it is conceivable that there is no serious disagreement between th e hydrodynamic and MHD results. Numerical MHD simulations of truly thin disks are necess ary to resolve this issue. We note that a recent MHD simulation of a geometrically thin acc retion disk for potential does show a dramatic drop in the mid-p lane density and vertical column density over a narrow range of radii close to the ISCO (Reyn olds and Fabian 2008). Although there is theoretical uncertainty about conditions near t he ISCO, there is a long history of evidence suggesting that fitting the X-ray continuu m is a promising approach to measuring black hole spin. This history begins in the mid-1980s with t he simple multicolor disk model (Mitsuda et al. 1984), which returns the color the inner-disk radius Rin. Tanaka and Lewin (1995) summarize examples of the steady decay (by factors of 10-100) of the thermal flux of transient so urces during which Rinremains quite constant (see their Fig. 3.14). More recently, this evidence f or a constant inner radius in the thermal state has been presented for a number of sources in several papers via plots- 6 - showing that the bolometric luminosity of the thermal component is a pproximately propor- tional to T4(McClintock et al. 2007, and references therein). Obviously, this n cannot provide a secure value for the radius of the ISCO no r even establish that this stable radius is the ISCO. Nevertheless, the presence of a fixe d radius indicates that the method is a well-founded approach to measuring b lack hole spin. It is reasonable to assume that the inner X-ray-emitting portion of the disk is aligned with the spin axis of the black hole by the effect (?). Throughout, in making use of the orbital inclination angle, we have assumed that the black hole spin is aligned with the angular momentum vector of the binary system. As F igure 3 indicates, if any misalignment is<~3*, then it will contribute an error in a*that is no larger than our total observational error of a*= 0.05. There is no evidence for significant misalign- ments despite the often-cited examples of GRO J1655-40 and SAX J 1819.3-2525 (see SS2.2 in Narayan and McClintock 2005; but see Maccarone 2002). The clea r-cut way to assess the degree of alignment is via X-ray polarimetric observations of blac k hole systems in the thermal state (Li et al. 2008, in is the origin of the spin of M33 X-7? Was the black hole born with its present spin, or was it torqued up gradually via the accretion flow supplied by its com panion? In order to achieve a spin of a*= 0.77 via disk accretion, an initially non-spinning black hole must accrete 4 .9Mfrom its donor (King and Kolb 1999) in becoming the M= 15.65Mthat we observe today (O07). However, to transfer this much mass even in the case of accretion ( requires ~120 million years, whereas the age of the system is only 2-3 million years (O07). Thus, it appears that the spin of M33 X-7 must be natal, which is the same conclusion that has been reache d for two other stellar black holes (S06, M06; but see Bethe et al. 2003 on the possibility of h ypercritical accretion) M33 X-7's secure dynamical data and distance, the X-ray source's clean and moderate luminosity, and an abundance of Chandra andXMM data have provided arguably the most secure estimate of black hole spin that h as been achieved to date:a*= 0.77+-0.05, where the error estimate includes all sources of observationa l error. Since an astrophysical black hole can be described by just the two p arameters that specify its mass and spin (Shapiro and Teukolsky 1986), we now have a complete description of an asteroid-size object that is situated at a distance of about one Mp c. JFL and SWD acknowledge support from NASA through the Chandra Fellowship Pro- gram, grants PF6-70043 and PF6-70045. JEM acknowledges supp ort from NASA grant AR8-9006X. We thank Rebecca Shafee for technical advice and Ja ck Steiner for on the manuscript.- 7 - Erratum: Precise Measurement of the Spin Parameter of the S tellar- mass Black Hole M33 X-7 (ApJL, 679, 37L [2008]) In the paper Precise Measurement of the Spin Parameter of the S tellar-Mass Black Hole M33 X-7 by Jifeng Liu, Jeffrey E. McClintock, Ramesh Narayan, Shane W. Davis, and Jerome A. Orosz (ApJ, 679, L37 [2008]), the reported value of the black-hole spin parameter a*= 0.77+-0.05 is in error. The correct value is larger by 0.068 and is a*= 0.84+-0.05. The error is the result of a bug in the XSPEC accretion-disk model kerrbb .1Prior to 1 December 2008, the model's two parameter flags that switch limb da rkening and of the disk on/off were reversed (e.g., par8 incorrect ly controlled limb darkening rather than In computing tables of the spectra l hardening factor f, we use bothkerrbb and the disk atmosphere model bhspec (McClintock et al. 2006). Because the latter model does not include the effect of we s witch this feature off in kerrbb when computing the f-tables. In this instance, because of the bug we switched off limb darkening instead of which corrupted our re sults. Meanwhile, our earlier spin results for GRS 1915+105 (McClintock et al. 2006) and fo r 4U 1543-47 and GRO J1655-40 (Shafee et al. 2006) are unaffected by the bug. The figures and tabular data in the paper are essentially unaffected , apart from the increase in a*and corresponding decreases in fand the Eddington-scaled luminosity l(8.7%
and 4.5%, respectively, for the four gold spectra). The higher spin increases somewhat our estimate of how much mass (4 .9M) and time ( ~120 million years) would be required to spin up an initially nonspinning black hole to the present spin of M33 X- 7. In order to achievea*= 0.84, the black hole must accrete 5 .7M, which would require ~140 million years. Because the age of the binary system is only 2-3 million years t his change does not at all affect our conclusion that the spin of M33 X-7 is Afshordi and B. Paczy' nski. Geometrically Thin Disk Accreting int o a Black Hole. July 2003. doi: Beckwith, J. F. Hawley, and J. H. Krolik. Where is the radiation edg e in magnetized black hole accretion discs? MNRAS , 390:21-38, October 2008. doi: (patch 12.5.0a).- 8 - H. A. Bethe, G. E. Brown, and C.-H. Lee. Formation and evolution of black holes in the Galaxy : selected papers with commentary . 2003. O. M. Blaes, S. W. Davis, S. Hirose, J. H. Krolik, and J. M. Stone. 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Jerome A. Orosz | Precise Measurement of the Spin Parameter of the Stellar-Mass Black Hole
M33 X-7 | 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, published in ApJ Letters; as explained
in the erratum at the end of the text, the spin parameter has been corrected
upward from a*=0.77 to a*=0.84. Apart from the addition of the erratum, the
paper is unchanged. | The Astrophysical Journal, 679, L37-L40, 2008 May 20 | 10.1086/588840 | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In prior work, {\it Chandra} and Gemini-North observations of the eclipsing
X-ray binary M33 X-7 have yielded measurements of the mass of its black hole
primary and the system's orbital inclination angle of unprecedented accuracy.
Likewise, the distance to the binary is known to a few percent. In an analysis
based on these precise results, fifteen {\it Chandra} and {\it XMM-Newton}
X-ray spectra, and our fully relativistic accretion disk model, we find that
the dimensionless spin parameter of the black hole primary is $a_* = 0.77 \pm
0.05$. The quoted 1-$\sigma$ error includes all sources of observational
uncertainty. Four {\it Chandra} spectra of the highest quality, which were
obtained over a span of several years, all lead to the same estimate of spin to
within statistical errors (2%), and this estimate is confirmed by 11 spectra of
lower quality. There are two remaining uncertainties: (1) the validity of the
relativistic model used to analyze the observations, which is being addressed
in ongoing theoretical work; and (2) our assumption that the black hole spin is
approximately aligned with the angular momentum vector of the binary, which can
be addressed by a future X-ray polarimetry mission.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 12 Mar 2008 20:01:03 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 8 Apr 2008 18:40:49 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Tue, 11 May 2010 20:11:40 GMT"
] | 2010-05-13T00:00:00 | [
"Jeffery E.",
"Shane W.",
"Jerome A.",
] |
associated with gluing these tools together is the extreme burden placed on the scientist in terms of data management. In complicated systems, there are often a plethora of dierent data les in several dierent formats residing at many dierent locations. Most tools do not produce adequate metadata for these les, and scientists typically fall back on cryptic le naming schemes to indicate what type of data the les contain and how it was generated. Such complications can easily lead to mistakes. This in turn provides poor at best data provenance when it is in fact of utmost importance in scientic studies where data integrity is the foundation of every conclusion reached and every fact when data les are manually moved around from tool to tool, it is not clear if an error is due to program error, or human error in using the wrong le. Analyses can only be repeated by following work
ows that have to be manually recorded in a paper or electronic lab notebook. This practice makes steps easily forgotten, and hard to pass on to future generations of scientists, or current peers trying to reproduce scientic results. The Python programming language and associated community tools [13] can help scientists overcome some of these problems by providing a general scientic programming platform that allows scientists to generate, analyze, visualize and manage their data within the same computational framework. Python can be used to generate simulation data, or control instrumentation to capture data. Data analysis can be accomplished in the same way, and there are graphics libraries that can produce scientic charts and python code can be used to glue all of these python solutions together so that resides alongside the code that generates the data it is applied to. This allows streamlined generation of data and its analysis, which makes data management feasible. Most importantly, such a uniform tool set allows the scientist to record the steps used in data work
ows to be written down in python code itself, allowing automatic provenance tracking. In this paper, we outline a recent comparative genomics case study where python and associated com- munity libraries were used as a complete scientic programming platform. We introduce several specic python libraries and tools, and how they were used to facilitate input of standardized biological data, create scientic plots, and provide solutions to speed bottle-necks in the code. Throughout, we provide examples of how these tools were used, and point to resources for further reading on these topics. We conclude with ideas about how python promotes good scientic programing practices, and tips for scientists interested in learning more about python. 2 A Comparative Genomics Case Study Recently we performed a comparative genomics study of the genomic DNA sequences of the 74 that infect E. coli ,P. aeruginosa , or L. lactis [1]. Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. The DNA sequences of these bacteriophages contain important clues as to how the their host has shaped their evolution. Each virus that we examined has a DNA genome that is a long strand of four nucleotides called Adenine (A), Threonine (T), Cytosine (C), and Guanine (G). The specic sequences of A's, T's, C's and G's encode for proteins that the virus uses to take over the host bacteria and create more copies of itself. Each protein is encoded in a specic region of the genomic DNA called a gene. Proteins are made up of linear strings of 20 amino acids. There are 4 bases encoding for 20 amino acids, and the translation table that governs the encoding, called the genetic code, is comprised of 3 base triplets called codons. Each codon encodes a specic amino acid. Since there are 64 possible codons, and only 20 amino acids, there is a large degeneracy in the genetic code. For more information on the genetic code, and the biological process of converting DNA sequences into proteins, see [14]. Because of this degeneracy, each protein can be `spelled' as a sequence of codons in many possible ways. The particular sequence of codons used to spell a given protein in a gene is called the gene's `codon usage'. As we found in [1], bacteriophages genomes favor certain codon spellings of genes over the other primary question of our investigation was - does the observed spellings of the bacteriophage genome shed light onto the relationship between the bacteriophage and its host [1]? 2Figure 1: Lambda phage GenBank le snippet. The full le can be found online - see [15]. LOCUS NC_001416 48502 bp DNA linear PHG Enterobacteria phage lambda, complete NC_001416.1 . SOURCE Enterobacteria phage lambda ORGANISM Enterobacteria phage lambda Viruses; dsDNA viruses, no RNA stage; Caudovirales; 1 (sites) AUTHORS Chen,C.Y. and Sequence elements essential for rho-dependent at lambda tR1 JOURNAL J. Biol. Chem. 262 (23), 11292-11299 (1987) PUBMED phage packaging gggcggcgac ctcgcgggtt ttcgctattt atgaaaattt tccggtttaa ggcgtttccg 61 ttcttcttcg tcataactta atgtttttat ttaaaatacc ctctgaaaag aaaggaaacg 121 acaggtgctg aaagcgaggc tttttggcct ctgtcgtttc ctttctctgt ttttgtccgt 181 ggaatgaaca atggaagtca acaaaaagca gctggctgac attttcggtg cgagtatccg 241 taccattcag aactggcagg aacagggaat gcccgttctg cgaggcggtg gcaagggtaa 301 tgaggtgctt tatgactctg ccgccgtcat aaaatggtat gccgaaaggg atgctgaaat 361 tgagaacgaa aagctgcgcc gggaggttga agaactgcgg caggccagcg aggcagatct 421 ccagccagga actattgagt acgaacgcca tcgacttacg cgtgcgcagg address this question, we examined the codon usage of the protein coding genes in these bacterio- phages for any non-random patterns compared to all the possible spellings, and performed statistical tests to associate these patterns with certain aspects about the proteins. The computational requirements of this study and parsing the genome les for viruses from GenBank in order to get the genomic DNA sequence, the gene regions and annotations: GenBank [16] is maintained by the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and is a data wharehouse of freely available DNA sequences. For each virus, we needed to obtain the genomic DNA sequence, the parts of the genome that code for genes, and the annotated function of these genes. Figure 1 displays this information for lambda phage, a well-studied bacteropphage that infects E. coli [14], in GenBank format, obtained from NCBI. Once these les were downloaded and stored, they were parsed for the required the genomic information: The parsed information was stored in a custom genome python class which also included methods for retrieving the DNA sequences of specic genes. Drawing random genomes to compare to the sequenced genome: For each genome, we drew random genomes according to the degeneracy rules of the genetic code so that each random genome encode the same proteins as the sequenced genome. These genomes were then to the sequenced genome through zero-mean cumulative sum plots discussed below. Visualize the comparisons through `genome landscape' plots: Genome landscapes are zero-mean cumu- lative sums, and are useful visual aids when comparing nucleotide frequency properties of the genomes they are constructed from (see [1] for more information). Genome landscapes were computed for both the sequenced genome, and each drawn genome. The genome landscape of the sequenced genome was compared to the distribution of genome landscapes generated from the random genomes to detect regions of the genomes that have extremely non-random patterns in codon analyzing the non-random regions with annotation and host information: To understand the observed trends, we performed analysis of variance (ANOVA) [17] analysis to detect protein function annotation or host lifestyle information with these regions. Python was used in every aspect of this computational work
ow. Below we discuss in more detail how python was used in several of these areas specically, and provide illustrative tutorial-style examples. For more information on the details of the computational work
ow, and the biological hypotheses we tested, see [1]. For specic details on the versions of software used in this paper, and links to free downloads, see Materials and Methods. 3 is an open-source suite of bioinfomatics tools for the python language [2]. The suite is comprehen- sive in scope, and oers python modules and routines to parse bio-database les, facilitate the computation of alignments between biological sequences (DNA and protein), interact with biological web-services such as those provided by NCBI, and examine protein crystallographic data to name a few. In this project, Biopython was used both to download and parse genomic viral DNA sequence les from the NCBI Genbank database [16] as outlined in Listing 1. Listing 1: Downloading and parsing the GenBank genome le for lambda phage (refseq number NC 001416).
# genbank.py - utilities for downloading and parsing GenBank les from Bio import GenBank # (1) from Bio import SeqIO def download ( a c c e s s i o n l i s t ) : 4' ' 'Download and save a l l GenBank records in a c c e s s i o n l i s t . ' ' ' try: handle = GenBank . download many ( a c c e s s i o n l i s t ) # (2) except : print Are you connected to the i n t e r n e t ? raise genbank strings = handle . read ( ) . s p l i t ( '//nn ')# (3) for iinrange ( len ( a c c e s s i o n l i s t ) ) :
#Save raw le as .gb g bf i l e n a m e = a c c e s s i o n l i s t [ i ]+ '. gb ' f = open ( gb file name , 'w ') f . write ( genbank strings [ i ] ) # (4) f . write ( '//nn ') f . c l o s e ( ) def parse ( a c c e s s i o n l i s t ) : ' ' 'Parse a l l records in a c c e s s i o n l i s t . ' ' ' parsed = [ ] for accession number ina c c e s s i o n l i s t : g bf i l e n a m e = accession number+ '. gb ' print 'Parsing . . . ', accession number try: g bf i l e = f i l e ( gb file name , 'r ') except IOError : print 'I s the f i l e %s downloaded ? '% gb f i l e n a m e raise gbparsed record = SeqIO . parse ( g b f i l e , genbank ) . next ( ) # (5) g bf i l e . c l o s e ( ) print gbparsed record . id # (6) print gbparsed record . seq parsed . append ( gb parsed record ) # (7) return parsed import genbank # (8) genbank . download ( [ 'NC001416 '] ) genbank . parse ( [ 'NC001416 '] )
# (1) The biopython module is called Bio. The Bio.Genbank module is used to download records from GenBank, and the Bio.SeqIO module provides a general interface for parsing a variety of biological formats, including GenBank.
# (2) The many method is used in the genbank.download method to download Genbank records over the internet. It takes a list of GenBank accession numbers identifying the records to be downloaded.
# (3) GenBank records are separated by the character string //
. Here we manually separate GenBank les that are part of the same character string.
# (4) When we save the GenBank records as individual les to disk, we include the //
separator again.
# (5) The Bio.SeqIO.parse method can parse a variety of formats. Here we use it to parse the GenBank les on our local disk using the genbank format parameter. The method returns a generator, who's next() method is used to retrieve an the parsed le.
# (6) The object representing the parsed GenBank le has a variety of methods to extract the record id and sequence. See Listing 2 for more details.
# (7) The genbank.parse method returns a listed of parsed objects, one for each input sequence le. 5# (8) To run the code in genbank.py, Biopython 1.44 must rst be installed (see Materials and Methods). Executing the following code should create a le called `NC 001416.gb' on the local disk (see Figure 1), as well as produce the ' ' Parsing . . . NC 001416 NC001416 . 1 Seq ( 'G G G C G G C G A C C T C G C G G G T T T T C G C T A T T T A T G A A A A T T T T C C G G T T T A A G G C G T T T C C G . . . ', ( ) ) ' ' ' The benets of using Biopython in this project were several including: 1. Not having to write or maintain this code ourselves. This is an important point as the number of web- available databases and services grows. These often change rapidly, and require rigorous maintenance to keep up with tweaks to API's and formats - a monumental task that is completed by an of volunteers for the Biopython project. 2. The Biopython parsing code can be wrapped in custom classes that make sense for a particular project. Listing 2 illustrates the latter by outlining a custom genome class used in this project to store the location of coding sequences for genes (CDS seq). Listing 2: A custom Genome class which wraps the biopython parsing code outlined in Listing 1.
# genome.py - a custom genome class which wraps biopython parsing code import genbank # (1) from Bio import Seq from Bio . Alphabet import IUPAC class Genome( o bj e c t ) : Genome r e p r e s e n t i n g a genomic DNA sequence with genes Genome . genes [ i ] returns the CDS sequences f o r each gene i . def i n i t ( s e l f , accession number ) : genbank . download ( [ accession number ] ) # (2) s e l f . parsed genbank = genbank . parse ( [ accession number ] ) [ 0 ] s e l f . genes = [ ] s e l f . p a r s e g e n e s ( ) def p a r s e g e n e s ( s e l f ) : Parse out the CDS sequence f o r each gene . for f e a t u r e ins e l f . parsedngenbank . f e a t u r e s : # (3) i ff e a t u r e . type = = 'CDS ':
#Build up a list of (start,end) tuples that will
#be used to slice the sequence in self.parsed locations are zero-based so can be directly
#used in sequence splicing l o c a t i o n s = [ ] i flen ( f e a t u r e . s u b f e a t u r e s ) : # (4)
# If there are sub features, then this gene is made up
# of multiple parts. Store the start and end positins
# for each part. for s finf e a t u r e . s u b f e a t u r e s : 6l o c a t i o n s . append ( ( s f . l o c a t i o n . s t a r t . position , s f . l o c a t i o n . end . p o s i t i o n ) ) else :
# This gene is made up of one part. Store its start and
# end position. l o c a t i o n s . append ( ( f e a t u r e . l o c a t i o n . s t a r t . position , f e a t u r e . l o c a t i o n . end . p o s i t i o n ) )
# Store the joined sequence and nucleotide indices forming
# the CDS. seq = ' '# (5) for begin , end inl o c a t i o n s : seq + = s e l f . parsed genbank . seq [ begin : end ] . t o s t r i n g ( )
# Reverse complement the sequence if the CDS is on
# the minus strand i ff e a t u r e . strand = = - 1 : # (6) s e q o b j = Seq . Seq ( seq ,IUPAC. ambiguous dna ) seq = s e q o b j . reverse complement ( ) . t o s t r i n g ( )
# append the gene sequence s e l f . genes . append ( seq ) # (7)
# (1) Here we import the genbank module outlined in Listing 1, along with two more biopython modules. The Bio.Seq module has methods for creating DNA sequence objects used later in the code, and the Bio.Alphabet module contains denitions for the types of sequences to be used. In particular we use the denitions.
# (2) We use the genbank methods to download and parse the GenBank record for the input accession number.
# (3) The parsed object stores the dierent parts of the GenBank le as a list of features. Each feature has a type, and in this case, we are looking for features with type 'CDS', which stores the coding sequence of a gene.
# (4) For many organisms, genes are not contiguous stretches of DNA, but rather are composed of several parts. For GenBank les, this is indicated by a feature having sub features. Here we gather the start and end positions of all sub features, and store them in a list of 2-tuples. In the case that the gene is a contiguous piece of DNA, there is only one element in this list.
# (5) Once the start and end positions of each piece of the gene are obtained, we use them to slice the seq of the parsed genbank object, and collect the concatenated sequence into a string.
# (6) Since DNA has polarity, there is a dierence between a gene that is encoded on the top, plus strand, and the bottom, minus strand. The strand that the gene is encoded in is stored in feature.strand. If the strand is the minus strand, we need to reverse compliment the sequence to get the actual coding sequence of the gene. To do this we use the Bio.Seq module to rst build a sequence, then use the reverse complement() method to return the reverse compliment.
# (7) We store each gene as an element of the Genome.genes list. The CDS of the ith gene is then retrievable a more detailed introduction to the plethora of biopython features, as well as introductory information into python see [18] . 4 [3] is a suite of open-source python modules that provide a framework for creating scientic plots similar to the Matlab [8] graphical tools. In this project, matplotlib was used to create genome landscape plots both to have a quick look at data as it was generated, and to produce publication quality gures. Genome landscapes are cumulative sums of a zero-mean sequence of numbers, and are useful for understanding the distribution of nucleotides across a genome (see [1] for more 3 outlines how matplotlib was used to quickly generate graphics to test raw simulation data as it was being 3: Sample matplotlib script that calculates and plots the zero-mean cumulative sum of the numbers listed in a single column of an input le. 7# landscape.py - plotting a zero-mean cumulative sum of numbers import f i l e i n p u t # (1) import numpy from matplotlib import pylab def plot ( filename ) : Read s i n g l e column numbers in filename and plot zero mean cumulative sum numbers = [ ] for l i n e inf i l e i n p u t . input ( filename ) : # (2) numbers . append ( f l o a t ( l i n e . s p l i t ( 'nn ') [ 0 ] ) ) mean = numpy . mean( numbers ) # (3) cumulative sum = numpy . cumsum( [ number - mean for number innumbers ] ) pylab . plot ( cumulative sum [ 0 : : 10 ] , 'k ')# (4) pylab . x l a b e l ( 'i ') pylab . t i t l e ( 'Zero Mean Cumulative Sum ') pylab . s a v e f i g ( filename+ '. png ')# (5) pylab . show ( )
# (1) We use several python community modules to plot the zero-mean cumulative sum. As part of the python standard can be used as a quick an easy solution to reading in a le containing a column of entries. numpy is a project aimed at providing numerical routines for scientic applications [19]. Finally we import the which provides a Matlab-like plotting environment.
# (2) Here we use leinput to read successive lines of the input le, which takes care of opening and closing the input Notice that we split each line by the newline character , and take everything to the left of it, assuming that each line contains a single number.
# (3) The numpy module provides many convenient methods such as mean to compute the mean of a list of numbers, and cumsum which computes the cumulative sum. To shift the input numbers by the mean, we use a python list comprehension to subtract the mean from each number, and then input the shifted list to numpy.cumsum.
# (4) The pylab module presents a Matlab-like plotting environment. Here we use several methods to create a basic line plot with an xlabel and title.
# (5) To view the plot, we use pylab.show(), after we have saved the gure as a PNG le using pylab.saveg. The following script uses the genome class outlined in Listing 2, along with the landscape class to plot the GC-landscape for the lambda phage genome. The genome class is used to download and parse the GenBank le for lambda phage. Each gene sequence is then scanned for 'G' or 'C' nucleotides. For every 'G' or 'C' nucleotide encountered, a 1 is appended to the list GC; for every 'A' or 'T' encountered, a 0 is appended. This sequence of 1's and 0's representing the GC-content of the lambda phage genome is saved in a le, and input into the landscape.plot method. A plot corresponding to executing this script is shown in Figure 2. import genome , landscape lambda phage = genome . Genome( 'NC001416 ') GC = [ ] for gene sequence inlambda phage . genes : for n u c l e o t i d e ingene sequence : i fn u c l e o t i d e = = 'G 'orn u c l e o t i d e = = 'C ': GC. append ( 1 ) else : GC. append ( 0 ) f = f i l e ( 'NC001416 .GC ', 'w ') for num inGC: f . write ( '%inn '% num) f . c l o s e ( ) landscape . plot ( 'NC001416 .GC ') Matplotlib was also used to make custom graphics classes for creating plots. To do this, we used the object oriented interface to matplotlib plotting routines to inherit funcionality in our classes. The benets of using matplotlib in this project were several: 8Figure 2: The lambda phage GC-landscape generated by the sample code in Listing 3. 0 1000 2000 3000 CountsZero Mean Cumulative Sum 1. The code that produced the scientic plots resided alongside the code that produced the underlying data for the plots. The importance of this cannot be stressed enough as having the code structured in this way removed many opportunities for human error involved in manually shuing raw data les into separate graphical programs. Moreover, the instructions for producing the plots from the underlying raw data was python code , which not only described these instructions, but could be executed to produce the plots. Imagine instead the often practiced use of spreadsheets to create plots from raw data - in these spreadsheets, formulas are hidden by the results of the calculations, and it is often very confusing to construct a picture of the computational
ow used to produce a specic plot. 2. Having the graphics instructions in code allowed for quick trouble shooting when creating the plots, or evaluating raw data as it was generated. 3. Complicated plots were easily regenerated by tweaking the code for particular graphical plots. 5 SWIG The Simple Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) [4], is an easy-to-use system for extending python. In particular, it allows the speed up of selected parts of an application by writing these routines in another more low-level language such as C or C++. Furthermore, SWIG implements the use of this low-level code using the standard python module importing structure. This allows developers to rst prototype code in python, then re-implement the code in C and SWIG causing no change in the python code that uses module. This project relied heavily on drawing random numbers from an input discrete distribution. For example, we often needed to draw a sequence of A's, T's, C's or G's corresponding to the nucleotide sequence of the genome, but preserving the genomic distribution of these four nucleotide bases. For some viruses, the distribution might look like: PA= 0:2,PT= 0:2,PC= 0:3,PG= 0:3, with PA+PT+PC+PG= 1:0. Listing 4 illustrates the outline of a python module that has methods to draw numbers according to a with 4 possible outcomes. It also illustrates how this module could be implemented in C, and included in a python module with SWIG. Listing 4: Drawing random numbers from a specied discrete distribution with four possibilities implemented in python.
# module discrete distribution.py - drawing numbers from a discrete probability random # (1) 9def seed ( ) : # (2) random . seed ( ) def draw ( d i s t r i b u t i o n ) : # (3) ' ' 'Drawing an index according to d i s t r i b u t i o n . d i s t r i b u t i o n i s a l i s t of f l o a t i n g point numbers , one f o r each index number , r e p r e s e n t i n g the p r o b a b i l i t y of drawing that index number . Example : [ 0 . 5 , 0 . 5 ] would r e p r e s e n t equal p r o b a b i l i t i e s of returning a 0 or 1 . ' ' ' sum = 0 # (4) r = random . random ( ) for iinrange ( 0 , len ( d i s t r i b u t i o n ) ) : sum + = d i s t r i b u t i o n [ i ] i fr < sum : return i import d i s c r e t e d i s t r i b u t i o n # (5) d i s c r e t e d i s t r i b u t i o n . seed ( ) print sum( [ d i s c r e t e d i s t r i b u t i o n . draw ( [ 0 . 2 , 0 . 2 , 0 . 3 , 0 . 3 ] ) for xinrange ( 10000 ) ] ) /10000 .
# (1) Import the random number generator.
# (2) We use the discrete method to seed the random number generator. If no arguments are supplied the system time is used to seed the number generator [20].
# (3) The draw function takes an argument distribution, which is a list of
oating point numbers.
#(4) The algorithm for drawing a number according to a discrete distribution is to draw a number, r, from a uniform distribution on [0,1]; compute a cumulative sum of the probabilities in the discrete distribution for successive indices of the r is less than this cumulative sum, return the index that the cumulative sum is at.
# (5) To test this code, plug in a distribution draw 10000 numbers from this distribution, and compute the mean, which theoretically should be 00:2 + 10:2 + 20:3 + 30:3 = 1 :7. In this case, when this code was executed, the result 1:7013 was returned. In Listing 5, we implement this routine using C, and use SWIG to create a python module of the 5: Drawing random numbers from a specied discrete distribution with four possibilities implemented in C with distribution.c - A C implementation of the discrete distribution.py module
#include s t d l i b . h // (1)
#include s t d i o . h
#include time . h void seed ( )f srand ( ( unsigned ) time (NULL) * getpid ( ) ) ; g i n t draw ( f l o a t d i s t r i b u t i o n [ 4 ] ) f// (2) f l o a t r= ( ( f l o a t ) rand ( ) / ( f l o a t ) RAND MAX) ; f l o a t sum = 0 . ; i n t i = 0 ; for( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i+ +) f sum + = d i s t r i b u t i o n [ i ] ; i f( r l t sum)f return i ; g 10g g
// (1) Here we dene two functions, seed and draw, which correspond to the python methods in discrete distribution.py. Note that the python implementation of discrete worked with distributions of arbitrary numbers of elements. For simplicity, we are restricting the C implementation to work with distributions of length 4.
// (2) The draw routine is implemented using the same algorithm as in the python implementation. For simplicity, we use the C standard library rand() routine, although there are more advanced random number generators that would be more appropriate for scientic applications [21]. (Note that the `lt' symbol should be replaced by `<' when executing the code.)
// c discrete distribution.i - A Swig interface le for the c discrete distribution module // (3)
%module c d i s c r e t e d i s t r i b u t i o n // (4)
// Grab a 4 element array as a Python 4-list // (5)
%typemap ( in) f l o a t [ 4 ] ( f l o a t temp [ 4 ] ) f // temp[4] becomes a local variable i n t i ; i f( PyList Check ( $input ) )f PyObject* i n p u t t ot u p l e = PyList AsTuple ( $input ) ; i f( ! PyArg ParseTuple ( i n p u t t ot u p l e , f f f f , temp , temp+1 , temp+2 , temp+3 ) ) f PyErr SetString ( PyExc TypeError , tuple must have 4 elements ) ; return NULL; g
$1 = &temp [ 0 ] ; gelsef PyErr SetString ( PyExc TypeError , expected a tuple . ) ; return NULL; g g void seed ( ) ; // (6) i n t draw ( f l o a t d i s t r i b u t i o n [ 4 ] ) ;
// (3) To use SWIG, we create a swig interface le that describes how to translate python inputs to the C code, and C outputs to the python code.
// (4) SWIG directives are preceded by the % sign. Here we declare that the module we are going to make is called cdiscrete distribution. In general, the module name, the C source name, and the interface le name should all be the same outside of the le extension.
// (5) SWIG will automatically handle the conversion of many data-types from python to C and C to python. For we create an explicit typemap which converts a 4-element python list into a 4 element C list of
oats. Since we are using the typemap(in) directive, SWIG knows that we are converting python to C. The rest of the code checks that a list was passed from python to C, and the list has 4 elements. If these conditions are not met, python errors are thrown. If they are met, an array of
oats called temp is called, and passed to C. This conversion is adapted from the SWIG reference manual [4].
// (6) The last thing to do in the SWIG interface le is to declare the function signatures of the C use this module outlined in Listing 5, we have to call swig to generate wrapper code, then compile and link our code with the wrapper code. With SWIG installed, the procedure would look something like swig -python -o rst use SWIG to generate the wrapper code. Using the c discrete distribution.i interface le, SWIG will generate c discrete distribution wrap.c using the Python C API, since we specied the -python
ag. In addition, SWIG will also generate c discrete distribution.py, which we will use to import the module into our code. gcc -c -I/usr/include/python2.5 we use a C compiler to compile each of the C les (our C source, and the SWIG generated wrapper). We have to include the python header les and libraries for the python version we are using. In our case, we 11used python 2.5. After this procedure completes, we should have two additional les: c discrete c discrete distribution wrap.o . gcc -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress -o nal step is to link them all together. The linking options are platform dependent, and the ocial SWIG documentation should be consulted [4]. For Mac OS X, we use the -bundle -
at namespace options for gcc. When this step is done, the le cdiscrete distribution.so is created. The python module le c discrete distribution.py can be used in the same way as in Listing 4 above, import as discrete_distribution discrete_
print for x in produces the number 1.6942. The benets of using SWIG in this project were several: 1. We used all the benets of python with the increased speed for critical bottlenecks of our The parts that were sped up were used in the exact same context through the python module removing the need for glue code to tie in external C-programs. More generally, SWIG allows scientists using python to leverage experience in other languages that they typically have, while staying within the python framework with all its benets outlined above. This promotes a scientic work
ow which consists of prototyping simulation code using the more simple python, then proling the python code to identify the speed bottlenecks. These can then be re-implemented in C or C++ and wrapped into the existing python code using SWIG. This is a much preferred methodology than writing unnecessarily complicated and error-prone C programs, and using glue code to integrate them within the larger simulation methodology. 6 are several practical conclusions to draw for scientists. The rst is that python, and its supported by the python community, oer a general platform for computing that is useful accross a broad range of scientic disciplines. We have only outlined several such tools in this article, but there exist many more relevant to scientists [22]. The second is that python and its community modules can easily be used by scientists. The clean nature of the code is quick to learn, and its high-level features make complicated tasks quick to accomplish. We have not discussed the interactive programming by python[23, 24], which when combined with the power of the language makes prototyping ideas and algorithms extremely easy. The bigger picture conclusion is that python promotes good scientic practice. The code readability and package structure enables code to be easily understood by dierent researchers working on the same project. In fact, python code is often self-documenting which allows researchers to go back to code they wrote in the past and easily understand it. Python and its community modules provide a consistent framework to generate data, and shuttle it to the various analysis tasks. This in turn promotes data provenance through a written record in code of every step used to analyze specic data, which removes many manual steps, and thus many errors. Finally, by using python, scientists can start to use other community tools and practices for professional programmers, but also useful to scientists. The most important of these, but not discussed in this article, is unit testing, whereby test code is written alongside scientic code that tests to 12see if that code is working properly. This allows scientists to re-write aspects of the code, perhaps using a dierent algorithm, and to re-run the tests to see if it still works as they think it should. For large projects this is critical, and removes the need for often-used ad-hoc practices of looking at some sample data by eye, which is not only tedious, but not guaranteed to uncover subtle numerical bugs that could cause of scientic data. Since python is a well-established language and has a large and active community, the resources available for beginners can be overwhelming. For the scientist interested in learning more about scientic programming in python, we recommend visiting the web page and mailing lists of the SciPy project for an introduction to scientic modules [22], and [25, 26] for excellent introductory python tutorials. 7 Materials and Methods All code examples in this paper were written by the author. The particular versions of the relevant software used were: Python 2.5, Biopython 1.44, MatPlotLib 0.91.2, and SWIG 1.3.33. Documentation and free downloads of this software are available at the following URLs: Python - - - - source code for all the listings above, as well as the original and maintained version of this article can be found at . 8 author would like to thank Adrian Del Maestro, Joao Xavier, David Thompson and Stanley Qi for helpful comments during the preparation of this manuscript. The author also thanks the Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science at the University of California, Berkeley for support. 9 References and J. B. Lucks, D. R. Nelson, G. Kudla, J. B. Plotkin. Genome landscapes and bacteriophage codon usage , PLoS Computational Biology, 4, .1000001, 2008. The Biopython project homepage is at and the documentation can be found The Matplotlib project homepage is at where the documentation can also be found. [4] The Simple Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) project homepage is at the documentation can be found at N. Ashcroft and N. Mermin Solid State Physics (Holt, Reinhart and Winston, New York 1976). [6] E. Tufte The Visual Display of Quantitative Information 2nd Ed. (Graphics Press, Cheshire CT). [7] L. Stein How Perl Saved the Human Genome Project Perl saved human genome) 13[8] The Matlab programming environment is developed by Mathworks - The Mathematica software is developed by Wolfram Research - The Stata statistical software is developed by StataCorp- The SPSS statistical software is developed by SPSS - The R statistical programming project homepage is at The Python project homepage is at Alberts, Johnson, Lewis, Ra, Roberts, Walter Molecular Biology of the Cell 4th Ed (Garland Science). [15] The GenBank le for lambda phage can be downloaded by querying the Genbank nucleotide database with the keyword NC 001416 at The GenBank data repository can be found at For information on the Analysis of Variances Statistical Method, see Julian Faraway Practical Regression and Anova using R , which can be found at S. Bassi. A Primer on Python for Life Science Researchers , PLoS Comput Biol, 3, e199, The numpy project provides a numerical backend for scientic applications. The project homepage is at The python random module documentation can be found at For an extensive discussion of random numbers, see Numerical Recipes in C , Chapter 7, which can be found at The SciPy project is aimed at collecting and developing scientic tools for python. The project homepage is at The ipython project can be found at F. Perez and B. Granger. IPython: A System for Interactive Sci- entic Computing , Computing in Science and Engineering, C. H. Swaroop A Byte of Python . M. Pilgrim Dive Into Python . | 0803.1838 | Julius Lucks | Julius B. Lucks | Python - All a Scientist Needs | Regularly maintained at
http://openwetware.org/wiki/Julius_B._Lucks/Projects/Python_All_A_Scientist_Needs | null | null | null | q-bio.QM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Any cutting-edge scientific research project requires a myriad of
computational tools for data generation, management, analysis and
visualization. Python is a flexible and extensible scientific programming
platform that offered the perfect solution in our recent comparative genomics
investigation (J. B. Lucks, D. R. Nelson, G. Kudla, J. B. Plotkin. Genome
landscapes and bacteriophage codon usage, PLoS Computational Biology, 4,
1000001, 2008). In this paper, we discuss the challenges of this project, and
how the combined power of Biopython, Matplotlib and SWIG were utilized for the
required computational tasks. We finish by discussing how python goes beyond
being a convenient programming language, and promotes good scientific practice
by enabling clean code, integration with professional programming techniques
such as unit testing, and strong data provenance.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 12 Mar 2008 20:08:07 GMT"
] | 2008-03-14T00:00:00 | [
"Julius B.",
] |
2 III-V free-standing nanowires (NWs) have recently attracted considerable interest because of their potential for optoelectronic applications. NWs have been regarded as ideal systems for an understanding of the role of dimensionality and size in optical, electrical, and mechanical properties of nano-objects. Several research groups [1-7] have made progress leading to precisely controlled synthesis of III-V NWs. However, despite such progress, the growth mechanism that governs the formation of these nanostructures has not been thoroughly explored, nor is it fundamentally understood. The theoretical models of the formation of NWs can be divided into two large groups [8]. In the first group are the models based on the classical (VLS) mechanism. First suggested by Wagner and Ellis [9], the VLS is the most commonly accepted model of NWs growth. In the VLS model, a liquid droplet of a catalyst is formed at high temperatures and it is assumed that the precursors that fall into the droplet from the gas phase firstly dissolve in the droplet and then crystallize at the liquid solid interface under the droplet. The droplet then moves upward at a rate equal to the vertical rate of growth of the NWs. The VLS mechanism, initially suggested to describe the growth of crystals [9], was later used to explain the formation of different types of NWs [10, 11]. In the second group of models, the growth of a NW is stimulated by surface diffusion of precursor's adatoms to the NW top. In this case the growth of a NW is not only due to the direct impingement of gas phase atoms onto the catalyst droplet, but also to the diffusion flux of adatoms. These adatoms, originated from the gas phase, reach the substrate surface and migrate to the NW sidewalls towards the catalyst droplet. The classical VLS mechanism is dominant in relatively thick NWs, while the diffusion induced growth is dominant for thin NWs. V. G. Dubrovskii et al. [8] have reviewed the different theoretical models of the formation of NWs and developed a model of growth of NWs applicable to a large variety of technologies of growth which accounts for the surface diffusion of adatoms. Nevertheless, most of the experimental works on this area have focused on the NWs length as a function of the NWs radius [8, 12-15] or on the dependence of the growth rate on growth parameters such as the distribution of the catalyst [14], temperature of growth [12-15], migration length of adatoms [14] and flux of precursors [12-15], etc. Despite such theoretical and experimental studies, we have not been able to find reports on structural and/or chemical modifications of the NWs due to the interdiffusion contribution of adatoms coming from the top monolayers of the substrate. This interdiffusion process has been proven to strongly modify the physical properties of other free-standing nanostructures such as self-assembled quantum dots [16, 17] and rings [18]. 3 In this work we present experimental results of scanning electron microscopy and X- ray diffraction (XRD) indicating that nominally grown InAs free-standing NWs, on GaAs, are actually In 0.86 Ga 0.14 As NWs. The GaAs molar fraction in the NWs has been established by measuring the longitudinal and the radial lattice parameters of the NWs. The formation of the alloy is then attributed to the diffusion of Ga adatoms from the top monolayers of the substrate towards the sidewalls of the NWs and the catalyst droplet. Based on the experimental results, a simple nanowire growth model accounting for the Ga and In diffusion is also presented. This growth model could be generally applicable to the molecular beam heteroepitaxy of III-V nanowires. Vertically aligned free-standing InAs NWs were grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using 5 nm colloidal gold nanoparticles as catalyst. A GaAs (111)B substrate was drop coated with the catalyst and then introduced and degassed in a ultra high vacuum (UHV) chamber at 400 oC for 2 hours. Following this, the substrate was transferred to the UHV growth chamber and deoxidized at 620 oC under an As 4 flux for 20 min. The substrate temperature was then lowered to 510 oC and the In cell was opened. The beam equivalent pressures for the In and As 4 used were 3.1x10 -7 Torr and 5.8x10 -5 Torr, respectively. The Ga cell was kept cold and closed during the whole growth procedure. After 20 minutes of growth the In cell was closed, the sample cooled to room temperature and then removed from the MBE system. Scanning electron microscopy measurements were carried out on a JSM 6330F field emission microscope in order to study the morphology of the sample. X-ray diffraction experiments were carried out on the XRD2 beamline of the Brazilian National Light Synchrotron Laboratory at 10KeV x-ray energy. This beamline is equipped with a 4+2-circle Huber diffractometer and a position sensitive detector (PSD) that integrates a solid angle of 1.5o. Grazing incidence diffraction (GID) and coplanar diffraction measurements were used to investigate the in-plane and out-of-plane (surface perpendicular) crystal structure of the NWs, respectively. Figure 1 shows a scanning electron micrograph of the NWs. The SEM measurements show that the NWs have a mean diameter of (46+-13) nm and most of them are vertically aligned with respect to the substrate. The inset of Figure 1 shows a top view SEM image of a single NW. According to these images the nanowires are composed of six vertical }10 1 { facets and a top (111)B plane. Large islands or grains, forming a rough surface, are clearly visible between the NWs. The mean height of the islands was found to be about 400 nm, while the tallest nanowires have approximately 2000 nm. The estimated mean growth rates of the islands and nanowires were 1.2 um/h and 3 um/h, respectively. 4 Figure 1 . 30 o-perspective view of a SEM image of the vertically oriented free-standing In 0.86 Ga 0.14 As NWs. Large InAs islands are also observed in between the nanowires. The inset shows a top view of a hexagona l NW with the indication of the lateral facets. Figure 2(a) shows three XRD radial scans corresponding to the ) 022 ( and ) 242 ( in- plane reflections, as well as the ) 333 ( out-of- plane reflection. A sketch of the directions of x- ray measurements is shown in Fig. 2(b). All scans span from the InAs to the GaAs reciprocal space positions. In the graphs the momentum transfer (q) axis was directly converted to the local lattice parameter to allow a direct comparison of in-plane and out-of-plane measurements. The ) 022 ( and ) 242 ( reflections directly probe the lattice parameter in directions perpendicular to the } 011 { facets of the NWs and along a diagonal of the hexagonal cross-section of the NWs, respectively. On the other hand, the ) 333 ( reflection probes the longitudinal lattice parameter of the NWs. In all scans strong diffraction peaks are observed at the bulk InAs and GaAs reciprocal space positions corresponding to lattice parameters of Figure 2. (a) Radial scans of the ) 022 ( and ) 242 ( and ) 333 ( reflections of the samples. Note that the intensit y hump in the left side of the InAs peak (islands) ap pears in the same position in the three scans. (b) Schematic s of the geometry of the experiments for the coplanar and GI D configurations. 6.058A and 5.653 A, respectively [19]. While the InAs peak can be uniquely ascribed to a fully relaxed pure InAs structure, an intensity hump can be clearly observed on the left side (smaller lattice parameter) of the InAs position in both ) 022 ( and ) 242 ( radial scans at the 5 Figure 3. (a) Reciprocal space map of the ) 022 ( reflection. (b) Normalized angular scans taken at t he position of the substrate, NWs and islands. The lin es connecting the dots are to guides the eyes. Insert: radial scan of the ) 022 ( reflection with the positions of the angular cuts indicated with arrows. local lattice parameter of 5.999(7) A. Such a hump is also observed at the same equivalent reciprocal space position of the out-of-plane ) 333 ( reflection. In order to clarify which structure, NWs or islands, corresponds to the bulk InAs peak and which to hump, angular (transversal) scans were also measured along the ) 022 ( radial scan. Figure 3(a) shows a reciprocal space map of the ) 022 ( reflection. Three normalized angular scans taken at the position of the substrate peak, InAs peak and InAs hump were extracted from the reciprocal space map and are shown in Figure 3(b). These scans exhibit very different angular widths. The width ao of the angular scans may have two origins [20]. Firstly, the limited size Sq D = /2p of crystallites may broaden the diffraction peak with a contribution qq qS S / )( = o , where Sq is the constant peak broadening in reciprocal space due to the finite-size of the crystallites and q is the momentum transfer. Secondly, the mosaic spread of crystallites add a component M to the angular peak width that can be taken into account by the relation 2 2 2 2 i S a M o o o + + = , where io accounts for the instrumental broadening in the experiments taken here to be equal to the angular width of the substrate peak . Since the InAs hump is very close to the InAs peak, we have assumed that the crystalline structures in the sample have negligible strain or are fully unstrained. In fact, when taking strain broadening into consideration, the size of the crystallites obtained from those calculations will alter by less than 1%. In order to evaluate the size of the crystallites and the mosaic spread, the radial scans must be also analyzed. The width of the x- ray peaks in the radial direction ro is similarly given by the strain broadening str o, the 6 crystallite size broadening So and the instrumental broadening ( io), i.e., 2 2 2 2 i s str r o o o o + + = . Having ruled out the presence of strain in our sample, the angular width of the radial scans ro is roughly given by the So component. Fitting both, the radial and angular scans with Voigt functions ro and ao were extracted. Using the previous relationships we have found that the mean lateral size of the objects diffracting in the position of the InAs peak is (164+-4) nm with a mosaic spread of (0.57+-0.02) degrees. The corresponding values for the InAs hump are (39+-4) nm and (0.65+-0.02) degrees, respectively. These dimensions are similar to the lateral sizes of the InAs islands and NWs as found by scanning electron microscopy. The mosaic spread of the InAs hump is slightly above the value obtained for the islands, indicating a small tilt distribution of the NWs as observed in Figure 1. Another piece of evidence that points to the relation between the diffraction intensity observed at the hump and the NWs is provided by the scattering profile measured by the PSD in GID measurements along the surface perpendicular direction. Figure 4 shows the scattering profile along fa measured by the PSD in a range of 1.5o for the GaAs, InAs and hump reciprocal space positions at the ) 022 ( reflection. For the GaAs position the scattering peak is observed exactly at the critical angle ca ( o 258 . 0=ca for GaAs at E = 10KeV). The scattering profile measured at the InAs peak Figure 4. Scattering profiles along fa obtained by the position sensitive detector at the substrate, islan ds and nanowires peaks for the ) 022 ( reflection. The scattering from wires is compatible with a structure and does not exhibit the characteristic s urface peak as observed for the islands and substrate. position has a similar shape to the one measured at the GaAs position, but with the scattering peak at a slightly lower exit angle ( o188 . 0=fa ). Both the GaAs and InAs scattering profiles are typical examples of the exit angle intensity distribution in grazing incidence diffraction of real surfaces and can be interpreted within the distorted wave born approximation (DWBA) [21, 22]. Therefore, the observed InAs peak in the ) 022 ( radial scans is originated by a structure that is slightly above the GaAs surface, i.e. the effective rough film created by the InAs islands. On the other hand, the scattering profile acquired at the position of the InAs intensity hump presents a completely different shape. This profile is consistent with diffraction from the bulk (Born approximation) or an extremely rough film [21, 22] with no 7 contribution from the surface Fresnel reflectivity. Hence, the absence of a scattering peak near the InAs critical angle ( o 188 . 0=ca at E = 10KeV) is a clear fingerprint of direct scattering from objects that are spatially apart from the substrate. Based on the above results and discussions we can conclude that the intensity hump observed in the radial scans of Figure 2(a) corresponds to the x-ray diffraction from the InAs NWs, while the InAs peak is due to the diffraction from the InAs islands. However, the origin of the nanowires lattice parameter shift is still unclear. In the following we will discuss this aspect. The intensity hump observed in the in- plane radial scans could be, in principle, due to an in-plane compressive biaxial strain in the NWs caused by the lattice mismatch, of approximately 7%, between InAs and GaAs. In fact, recent theoretical and experimental works have shown evidence that below a critical diameter it is possible to obtain coherent growth of strained NWs on substrates [24, 25]. These works indicate that InAs NWs grown on GaAs substrates have a critical diameter of approximately 40 nm, just like our NWs. However, in-plane biaxially strained InAs, NWs must have an out-of-plane lattice parameter expansion, i.e. the intensity hump in the ) 333 ( reflection is expected to be observed on the right side of the ) 333 ( InAs peak. In addition, InAs grown on GaAs are known to relax after just a few monolayers of deposition [26, 27]. Therefore, the intensity hump observed at the same lattice parameter position for all radial scans cannot be assigned to strain effects. An alternative interpretation of the intensity hump observed at 5.999(7) A in the ) 022 ( , ) 242 ( and ) 333 ( radial scans is to assume a possible incorporation of Au from the catalyst droplet into the nanowires. We have not found reports on Au-In-As compounds, but there are several reported Au-In and Au-As crystalline compounds [28]. However, we have carried out long radial scans in GID and coplanar geometries and no extra peak indicating the presence of those compounds was found. Resonant GID experiments were also carried out at the E=11KeV absorption edge of Au looking for a substantial (more than 3%) incorporation of Au into the InAs crystalline lattice, with negative results. Finally, a more plausible explanation for the intensity hump is the formation of an InGaAs alloy in the nanowires during growth. In this case the NWs should have a cubic crystal structure with the same lattice parameter along the radial and longitudinal directions, just as was observed experimentally. The observed lattice parameter corresponds to an unstrained In xGa 1-xAs alloy with an average InAs molar fraction x = (0.86+-0.02). The formation of the In xGa 1-xAs alloy will be explained in the next 8 paragraphs, considering the NWs growth model developed by Dubrovskii et al. [29]. In the classical VLS model the growth of an InAs NW, of length L and radius R, on (111)B GaAs is caused by the direct impingement of In atoms on the surface of the catalyst droplet that lies on top of the nanowire. However, a large part of the atomic In flux directly impinges the substrate surface, creating In adatoms that can diffuse to the top of the NW contributing to the growth rate [8, 14, 15]. This growth process is illustrated in Figure 5. The steady-state growth rate of the NW can be expressed as VNW = VVLS +Vdiff , where VVLS is the growth rate due to the direct impingement of In atoms on the catalyst drop as explained by the VLS growth model [9] and Vdiff is the growth rate due to the diffusion flux of In adatoms from the substrate surface to the NW. At this point we will generalize the last idea by considering the existence of an equilibrium concentration of Ga adatoms, supplied from the top monolayers of the GaAs substrate, which can also diffuse towards the NW. Therefore, the Vdiff should be rewritten as Ga diff In diff diff V V V + = , where In diff V and Ga diff V are the separated contributions to the growth rate due to the diffusion flux of In and Ga adatoms. Comparing the growth rate of thick (d
~120 nm) and thin (d~30 nm) NWs in our sample, we have found that for a typical 40 nm- thick NW the growth regime is dominant over the classical VLS regime [29] . This conclusion is also in agreement with the results of ref. [29], which points out that the classical VLS growth mode is dominant for III- V NWs with a diameter larger than 100 nm. Therefore, the VLS growth rate can be neglected and the InAs molar fraction x in the average NW can be approximated as follows: ) (Ga diff In diff In diff diff In diff V V V V Vx + = = (1) Both In and Ga diffusion growth rates are proportional to the diffusion flux of In and Ga adatoms from the substrate surface to the NW top. Following Dubrovskii et al. [29], the diffusion flux jdiff (L) , for each element, can be expressed by:
+- = ) tan( ) 1 () cosh( 1) 0 ( )( f fL Ldiff diff c j Ljl lx (2) where diff j(0) is the diffusion flux of adatoms from the substrate surface to the NW base, lf is the diffusion length of the element ( Ga or In ) in the sidewalls of the NW, c is a coefficient related with the equilibrium adatom coverage on the sidewalls of the NW, and x is the supersaturation in the catalyst drop. Considering that under typical MBE conditions the second term to the right of Eq. (1) is much smaller than the first term, and can be neglected [29], and lf to be of similar magnitude for In and Ga adatoms [30], then: ) 0 ( ) 0 ( 1 1In diff Ga diff j j x += (3) 9 Figure 5. Schematic illustration of the growth process of InGaAs nanowires. The In and Ga adatoms inside the diffusion area of each nanowire will diffuse towards the NW and contribute to its growth . The adatoms outside those diffusion areas will contribu te to the formation of islands. Following ref. [29], the diffusion flux of adatoms from the substrate surface to the NW base can be calculated as s eq s diff tNRl j sp=) 0 ( , where ls is the length of adatom diffusion jump on the main surface, ts is the characteristic time between jumps, s is the adatom supersaturation, and Neq is the equilibrium adatom concentration on the substrate surface. The length of adatom diffusion jump and the characteristic time between jumps for each element should be very similar. Furthermore, the supersaturation should be of the order of unity [31]. The InAs molar fraction can be calculated then from In eq Ga eq N N x +=1 1 (4) In our case, the ratio between the Ga and In equilibrium adatom concentrations on the substrate surface should be approximately 0.16, i.e. the concentration of In adatoms is nearly six times larger than the concentration of Ga adatoms. Direct measurement of adatom concentrations is extremely difficult, especially under growth conditions. However, both concentrations are dependent on the growth temperature, the primary In atom flux and somehow on the As 4 flux as well [32]. This gives growers the added flexibility of tuning three parameters independently to control the chemical composition of the In xGa 1-xAs NWs and, therefore, their electronic and optical properties. In this work we have studied, by using scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction techniques, the morphology, crystal structure and chemical composition of free- standing InAs NWs grown on a (111)B GaAs substrate by molecular beam epitaxy. We have shown direct evidence that Ga adatoms from the top monolayers of the GaAs substrate surface play an important role in the growth mechanism of the InAs NWs and significantly modify the chemical composition of these elements. The incorporation of Ga in the NWs is of the order of 14%. We have also shown that a generalization of the growth model of free-standing nanowires, to include the diffusion of Ga adatoms from the substrate to the NWs, can satisfactorily explain our results. This growth model could be generally applicable to the molecular beam heteroepitaxy of III-V nanowires. 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to thank the Brazilian National Light Synchrotron Laboratory, CNPq, CAPES and FAPEMIG for the financial support of this work. REFERENCES (1) Wang, J.; Gudiksen, M. S.; Duan, X.; Cui, Y.; Lieber, C. M.; Science 2001 , 293 , 1455. (2) Duam, X. F.; Lieber, C. M.; Advanced Matterials 2000 , 12 , 298. (3) Bjork, M. T.; Ohlsson, B. J.; Sass, T.; Persson, A. I.; Thelander, C.; Magnusson, M. H.; Deppert, K.; Wallenberg, L. R.; Samuelson, L.; Nanoletters 2002 , 2, 8789. (4) Poole, P. J.; Lefebvre, J.; Fraser, J.; Appl. Phys. Lett . 2003 , 83 , 2055. (5) Bhunia, S.; Kawamura, T.; Watanabe, Y.; Fujikawa, S.; Tokushima, K.; Appl. Phys. Lett. 2003 , 83 , 3371. 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V. B. Moreira and A. G. de Oliveira | Direct evidence of enhanced Ga interdiffusion in InAs vertically aligned
free-standing nanowires | null | null | null | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We present direct evidence of enhanced Ga interdiffusion in InAs
free-standing nanowires grown at moderate temperatures by molecular beam
epitaxy on GaAs (111)B. Scanning electron microscopy together with X-ray
diffraction measurements in coplanar and grazing incidence geometries show that
nominally grown InAs NWs are actually made of In$_{0.86}$Ga$_{0.14}$As. Unlike
typical vapor-liquid-solid growth, these nanowires are formed by
diffusion-induced growth combined with strong interdiffusion from substrate
material. Based on the experimental results, a simple nanowire growth model
accounting for the Ga interdiffusion is also presented. This growth model could
be generally applicable to the molecular beam heteroepitaxy of III-V nanowires.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 13 Mar 2008 12:16:13 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 14 May 2008 02:36:08 GMT"
] | 2008-05-14T00:00:00 | [
"J. C.",
"de Sousa",
"J. C.",
"M. V. B.",
"de Oliveira",
"A. G.",
] |
- 2 - the Chandrasekhar mass coalesce (Iben & Tutukov 1984; Webbink & Iben 1987)1. indicate that there is a wide spread of delay time betwe en star formation and SN Ia explosion, and this imply that there exist two populations of pro genitors, a prompt one with a delay time less than ~0.1Gyr and a tardy one with a delay time of ~3Gyr (Mannucci, Della Valle & Panagia 2006). Using the archival data prior to explosion from Hubble Space Telesco pe (HST) and Chandra,Voss & in elliptical galaxy NGC 1404. They discovered an object at the po sition of SN2007on. The X-ray luminosity of the object and the non-detection in the opt ical images are fully consistent with the scenario, and the the disco very therefore favours the scenario. However, new Chandra X-ray observations (Roelofs et al. 2008) and detailed astrometry of the site of SN2007on showed that ther e appears to be an offset between the SN and the X-ray source, and the offset means a small probability ( ~1%) of the X-ray source being related to the SN. However, the X-ray sou rce is not unconnected with the SN, as the X-ray source has dimmed after the explosion and the source before the explosion showed an excess of soft X-ray photons relative to t he other sources in the field. Kepler's 1604 supernova is suggested to be of type Ia. Reyno lds et al. (2007) made a deepChandra observation of Kepler's supernova remnant and concluded that Ke pler's SN is a SN Ia with circumstellar medium (CSM) interaction. This might indic ate that the progenitor is a massive (young) star. Maoz & Mannucci (2008) sea rched HST for NGC 1316, a radio galaxy in the Fornax cluster and a prolific producer of SNe Ia, for evolved progenitor stars. The pre-ex plosion images (3 years SN Ia) show no potential luminous stellar progenitors. More effort is st ill needed in identifying the progenitors of SNe e scenario is the most widely accepted one, in which a CO WD accretes ma ss from (MS) star or a slightly evolved subgiant in a close binar y system until it reaches a mass of ~1.378Mand explodes as a SN Ia (Nomoto, Thielemann & Yokoi 1984; Li & van den Kato & et al.2000;Han & The companion star should survive the explosion and show dis tinguishing properties, and it is therefore a promising method to test progenitor models by id entifying the stars of SNe Ia. 1Note, it is quite likely that the merger product experiences core colla pse rather than a 3 - Tycho Brahe's 1572 supernova is a Galactic SN Ia. Ruiz-Lapuente et al. (2004) found in theremnant regionthat Tycho G, astar similar to theSun but with a lo wer gravity, moves at more than three times the mean velocity of the stars there. They a rgued that Tycho G could be the surviving companion of the supernova2. Indeed, a surviving companion would have a high space velocity and evolve to a WD finally, and the single-degener ate scenario explain the properties of halo WDs observed by Oppenheim er et al. (2001), e.g. their space density and ages (Hansen 2003; Bergeron 2003). Fur thermore, Justham et al. (2008) argued that the ultra-cool WDs observed by Wolf (2005) m ight have been formed via the scenario, i.e. they might be the remnants of the non-degenerate donor stars. Note, however, there have been no conclusive proof yet t hat any individual object is the surviving companion of a SN Ia. Langer et al. (2000) did detailed binary evolution calculations for par t of the WD+MS channelofthescenario, andpresentedthep roperties, e.g. effective temperatures, the sample WD binaries they studied, in which the Roche lobe overfl ow (RLOF) starts when the companion star is in MS. However, the distributions of the p roperties have not been obtained. Canal, M' endez & Ruiz-Lapuente (2001) run a Mont e Carlo scenario code to calculate the distributions of masses, luminosities and velocities of the companion stars of SNe Ia. However, they have not done detailed binary evolution ca lculations for the production of SNe Ia, and this results in big uncertainties (see Han & Podsiadlowski 2004), e.g. the orbital velocities obtained for the companion stars from th e WD+MS channel are over 450 km/s, which is far too high. Han & Podsiadlowski (2004, hereafter HP04) carried out detailed b inary evolution cal- culations for the WD+MS channel for about 2300 close WD binaries, in which RLOF starts when the companion star is in MS or in Hertzsprung gap (i.e. slightly evo lved). The study and various properties of the companion stars we re obtained but not sorted for publishing. In this Letter, I extract the properties from the data files of the calculations and incorporate them into the latest version of the binary populatio n synthesis (BPS) code developed for the study of various binary-related objects (Han, Podsiadlowski & Eggleton 1995; Han et al. 1995; Han 1998; Han et al. 2002, 2003), including th e progenitors of SNe Ia (Han & Podsiadlowski 2004, 2006), and obtain the distributions of t he Fuhrmann (2005) argued that there exists a possibility o f Tycho G being a thick disk passing in the vicinity of the remnant of SN 1572.- 4 - 2. The distributions of properties of the companion stars In the scenario, the progenitor of a SN Ia is a clo se WD binary system, which has most likely emerged from common envelope (CE) evolution (P aczy' nski 1976) of a giant binary system. During the CE evolution, the envelope engulfs the core (here a CO WD) of the giant and the secondary, and the orbital energy releas ed in the spiral-in process (i.e. orbital decay) is used to overcome the binding energy of the CE in order to eject it. For the CE evolution, I have two parameters: aCEthe CE ejection efficiency, i.e. the fraction of the released orbital energy used to overcome the bind ing energy, and ath, which defines the fraction of the thermal energy contributing to the bin ding energy of the CE. As in previous studies, I adopted aCE=ath= 1.0, which gives good matches between theory and observations for many binary-related objects3. To obtain the distributions of properties of companion stars at the moment of SN explosion, I have performed a detailed Monte Carlo simulation with the latest version of the BPS code. The code follows the evolution of binaries with their proper ties being recorded at every step. If a binary system evolves to a WD+MS system, and if the system, at the beginning of the RLOF phase, is located in the SN Ia production region s in the plane of (logPi,Mi 2) for itsMi WD, respectively, the orbital period, the secondary's mass and the WD's mass of the WD+MS system at the beg inning of the RLOF (see Fig. 3 of HP04), I assume that a SN Ia is resulted, and the prop erties of the WD binary at the moment of SN explosion are obtained by interpolation in t he (Mi WD,Mi 2, logPi) of the~2300 close WD binaries calculated in HP04. In the simulation, I follow the evolution of 100 million sample binaries acco rding to grids of stellar models of metallicity Z= 0.02 and the evolution channels leading to SNe Ia as an, Podsiadlowski & Eggleton 1995). (1) The star-formation rate (SFR) is taken to be constan t over the last 15Gyr. (2) The initial mass function (IMF) of Miller & Scalo (1979) is adopted. (3) The mass-ratio dis- tribution is taken to be constant. (4) The distribution of separatio ns is taken to be constant in logafor wide binaries, where ais the orbital separation. (5) The orbits are assumed to be circular. The simulation gives distributions of man y properties of com- panion stars at the moment of SN explosion, e.g. the masses, the or bital periods, the the orbital velocities, the effective temperatures, the luminosities, the surface 3The prescription adopted here for the CE evolution is different from but appears to be more physical. See Han, Podsiadlowski & Eggleton (19 95), Dewi & Tauris (2000) Rappaport & Han (2003) for details.- 5 - gravities, the surface abundances, the mass transfer rates, t he mass loss rates of the opti- cally thick stellar winds. The simulation also shows the initial parameter s of the and the WD binaries that lead to SNe Ia. Figs 1- 7 are selected distributions that may be helpful to identify the progenitors of SNe Ia. 3. Discussion Figs 1 and 2 are the distributions of the masses, the orbital velocitie s4, the and the surface gravities of companion stars at th e moment of SN explosion. Tycho G was taken as the surviving companion star of Tycho Brahe's 1572 supernova by Ruiz-Lapuente et al. (2004). It has a space velocity of 136km /s, more than 3 times the mean velocity there. Its surface gravity is log( g/cms-2) = 3.5+-0.5, while the is Teff= 5750+-250K. The parameters are compatible with Figs 1 and 2. As from our simulation, the recorded properties at each step show that a primordial binary system with a primary mass M1i~4-5.5M, a secondary mass M2i~2-3Mand an orbital period Pi~100-250d would evolve to a close WD binary system with a WD Mi 2~2-3M, Pi~1-4d. The WD binary results in SN Ia explosion with companion parameters ( Teffand loggactually) in the range of Tycho G. However, Figs 1 and 2 are for that at the moment of SN explosion, th e be modified due to the explosion. Marietta, Burrows & Fryxell ( 2000) presented sev- eral high-resolution two-dimensional numerical simulations of the im pacts of SN Ia explosion with companions. The impact make the companion in the WD+MS channe l lose a mass of 0.15-0.17 M, and receive a kick of 49 - 86km /s. Meng, Chen & Han (2007) adopted the simple analytic method of Wheeler, Lecar & McKee (1975), and calcula ted the impact to survey the influence of the initial parameters of the progenitor's s ystems. With detailed stel- lar models and realistic separations that were obtained from binary e volution, they obtained an even lower 'stripped mass', 0.03-0.13 M, but a similar kick velocity 30-90km /s, which is perpendicular to the orbital velocity. A surviving companion star th erefore has a mass lower by~0.1Mand a space velocity larger by ~10% than that in Fig. 1. The companion stars are out of thermal equilibrium at the moment of SN explosion. The equilibrium radii are typically larger by ~50% than that at the moment of SN ex- plosion. Therefore the surface gravity at equilibrium should be lower than that in Fig. 2. 4The WD has an orbital velocity of ~50 to~200km/s for a corresponding com- panion star's mass of ~0.6 to~2.0Mat the moment of SN explosion.- 6 - Podsiadlowski (2003) systematically explored the evolution and app earance of a typical com- panion star that has been stripped and heated by the supernova in teraction during the post-impact re-equilibrium phase. Such a star may be significantly ov erluminous or under- luminous. Fig. 2 could be a starting point for further studies of this k ind. Fig. 3 is the distribution of orbital periods of the WD+MS systems at t he moment of SN explosion. If I assume that the companion stars co-rotate with their orbits, I obtain their distributions of equatorial rotational velocities (see Fig. 4). We see that the stars are fast rotators and their spectral lines should be broadened noticeably. Fig. 5shows the distribution ofmasses lost during optically thick stella r wind phase. We see that a significant amount of mass is lost in the wind. Badenes et al. (2007) found that the wind with a velocity above 200km /s, which is believed to be reasonable, would excavate a large low-density cavity around its progenitor. However, the fun damental properties of seven young SN Ia remnants (Kepler, Tycho, SN 1006, 0509-67.5, 0519-69.0, N103B and SN 1885) obtained by Badenes et al. (2007) are incompatible with suc h large cavities. A lower wind velocity or the consideration of WD rotation could help to so lve the problem (Badenes et al. 2007). Fig. 6 presents the distribution of mass transfer rates at the mom ent of SN explosion. The mass transfer rates can be converted to X-ray luminosities of the systems by 7x1018erg/g gives the approximate amount of energy obtained per gram of hydrogen burnt into helium or carbon/oxygen. The luminosity of the X-ray source close wasestimated & Nelemans 2008), corresponding to a mass accretion rate o f~10-7M/yr, which is consistent with Fig. 6. QU Carinae, a cataclysmic variable (CV), is suspected to be a SN Ia pr ogenitor. It has a WD mass of ~1.2M, a once-reported orbital period of 0 .45d, and more importantly, a very high mass transfer rate of ~10-7M/yr (Kafka, Anderson & Honeycutt 2008). These properties are consistent with Figs 3 and 6. However, BF Eridani, an other CV with (Neustroev & Zharikov 2008), appears not to be a SN Ia progenitor. Fig. 7 is the distribution of the surface nitrogen mass fraction of co mpanion stars at the moment of explosion. We see that nitrogen can be significantly ov erabundant underabundance of carbon due to the CN-cycle). However, the surface can be seriously polluted by the ejecta of SN explosions. The simulation in this Letterwas made with aCE=ath= 1.0. If I adopt a lower value forath, say, 0.1, the birth rate of SNe Ia would be higher (a factor of 1.7) a nd the delay time- 7 - from the star formation to SN explosion is shorter. This is because t hat binaries resulted from CE ejections tend to have shorter orbital periods for a small athand are more likely to locate in the SN Ia production region (see Fig.3 of HP04). The compan ion stars with <110km/s would be absent from Fig. 1, and the ones with log( g/cm s-2)<3.1 would be absent from Fig. 2. This is due to that WD binaries with long orb ital periods are absent due to a small ath. The distributions are snapshots at current epoch for a constant SFR. For a single star burst, most of the SN explosions occur between 0.1 and 1Gyr after the burst (see Fig. 7 of HP04). The evolution of progenitor properties with time can be un derstood via Fig. 3 of HP04. A delay time from 0.1 to 1Gyr corresponds to the WD+MS system, respectively. As seen from Fig. 3 of HP04, the range of the orbital periods becomes narrower fro m a delay time of 0.1 to 1.0Gyr. Those WD binaries result in SN Ia explosions via RLOF. Consequ ently, the properties at the moment of SN Ia, e.g. the orbital velo cities of companion stars, the surface gravities, the equatorial rotational velocities, the m ass transfer rates, becomes narrower with time. The mass transfer rate would be smaller with time thank an anonymous referee for his/her comments which help to im prove the paper. I thank Ph. Podsiadlowski for stimulating discussions. This work was in part supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 10433 030, 10521001 C., Hughes J.P., Bravo E., Langer N., 2007, ApJ, 662, 472 Bergeron P., ApJ, 586, 201 Canal R., M' endez J., Ruiz-Lapuente R., ApJ, 550, L53 Dewi J.D.M., Tauris T.M., 2000, A&A, 360, 1043 Fuhrmann K., 2005, MNRAS, 359, L35 Hachisu I., Kato M., Nomoto K., 1999, ApJ, 522, 487 Han Z., 1998, MNRAS, 296, 1019- 8 - Han Z., Eggleton P.P., Podsiadlowski Ph., Tout C.A., 1995, MNRAS, 277, 1443 Han Z., Podsiadlowski Ph., Eggleton P.P., 1995, MNRAS, 272, 800 Han Z., Podsiadlowski Ph., Maxted P.F.L., Marsh T.R., Ivanova N., 2002, MNRAS, 336, 449 Han Z., Podsiadlowski Ph., Maxted P.F.L., Marsh T.R., 2003, MNRAS, 341 , 669 Han Z., Podsiadlowski Ph., 2004, MNRAS, 350, 1301 (HP04) Han Z., Podsiadlowski Ph., 2006, MNRAS, 368, 1095 Hansen B.M.S., ApJ, 582, 915 Iben I.Jr., Tutukov A.V., 1984, ApJS, 54, 335 Justham S., Wolf C., Podsiadlowski Ph., Han Z., 2008, A&A, submitted Kafka S., Anderson R., Honeycutt R.K., 2008, ApJ, submitted (astr N., Deutschmann A., Wellstein S., H oflich P., 2000, A&A, 362, 1 046 Li X.D., van den Heuvel E.P.J., 1997, A&A, 322, L9 Mannucci F., Della Valle M., Panagia N., 2006, MNRAS, 370, 773 Marietta E., Burrows A., Fryxell B., 2000, ApJS, 128, 615 Meng X., Chen X., Han Z., 2007, PASJ, 59, 835 Maoz D., Mannucci F., 2008, MNRAS, submitted 98) Miller G.E., Scalo J.M., 1979, ApJS, 41, 513 Neustroev V.V., Zharikov S., 2008, MNRAS, submitted (astro-ph/0 801.1082) Nomoto K., Thielemann F.,Yokoi K., 1984, ApJ, 286, 644 Oppenheimer B.R., Hambly N.C., Digby A.P., Hodgkin S.T., Saumon D., 2001, S cience, 292, 698 Paczy' nski B., 1976, in Eggleton P.P., Mitton S., Whelan J., eds, Struc ture and Evolution of Close Binaries. 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Regions, from inside to outside with corresponding gradational grey or color in the legend ( from bottom to top), together with the regions with higher number densities contain 50.0% , 68.3%, 95.4%, and 99.7% of all the systems, 2.-- Similar to Fig. 1, but in the plane of (log Teff, logg), where Teffis the of companion stars at the moment of SN explosion, log gthe surface gravity. The error bars denote the location of Tycho G (Ruiz-Lapuente et a l. 2004).- 11 - Fig. 3.-- Similar to Fig. 1, but in the plane of (log PSN,MSN 2), where PSNis the orbital period at the moment of SN explosion. Fig. 4.-- Similar to Fig. 1, but in the plane of ( Vrot,MSN 2), where Vrotis the velocity of companion stars at the moment of SN explosio n.- 12 - Fig. 5.-- Similar to Fig. 1, but in the plane of ( Mwind,MSN 2), where Mwindis the mass lost during the optically thick stellar wind phase of the WD binaries. Fig. 6.-- Similar to Fig. 1, but in the plane of (log( -.M2),MSN 2), where -.M2is the mass transfer rate at the moment of SN explosion.- 13 - Fig. 7.-- Similar to Fig. 1, but in the plane of ( XN,MSN 2), where XNis the nitrogen mass fraction at the surface of companion stars at the moment of SN ex plosion. | 0803.1986 | Zhanwen Han | Zhanwen Han | Companion Stars of Type Ia Supernovae | 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJL | null | 10.1086/588191 | null | astro-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The WD+MS channel of the single-degenerate scenario is currently favourable
for progenitors of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). Incorporating the results of
detailed binary evolution calculations for this channel into the latest version
of a binary population synthesis code, I obtained the distributions of many
properties of the companion stars at the moment of SN explosion. The properties
can be verified by future observations.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 13 Mar 2008 15:03:16 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
] |
possible networks, and then consider networks which are optimal in the sense of minimizing cost for a given level of benefit. This paper addresses one of functionals, but our broader purpose (see section 1.1) is to draw the attention of statistical physicists to this class of problem. We study a simple model involving the economy of scale idea One link of length land capacity 2 cis less than twice as expensive as two links of length land capacity c. We capturethis ideaby specifying that the costofalink oflength as lcbfor some 0 < b <1. In the real world, network designers do not know in advance what traffic demand will be. We simplify by assuming tha t traffic demand is known (and uniform over all pa irs) and routes are controlled, so that the volume f(e) of flow across an edge (link) e can be determined by the designers, and the corresponding link-ca pacity are ignoring stochastic fluctuations in traffic). Thus our cost st ructure is cost of network (1) wherel(e) = length of link e. To define the model carefully, write xn={x1,x2,...,x n}for a in the square [0 ,n1/2]2of arean. Soxiis the position of vertex i. Create a connected networkG(xn) by adding links: links are line-segments with their natural Euclidean lengths, and links may meet at places not in th e given vertex-set xn. To make the distinction clear let us refer to the given any meeting places (which depend on our choice of network) as junctions . Between each pair ( i,j) of cities, flow of scaling is explained below) is routed through the network. Defin e cost(G(xn)), the cost of the network, via (1). This setting specializes a sett ing considered by Gilbert [1], and we call the minimum-cost network the See [2] for general properties of, and heuristic algorithms for, Gilbert networks over deterministic points. Gilbert networks may be optimal from a network operator viewpoint, but what about a network user? Write l(xi,xj) for route-length, and distance, between cities iandj. For a typical configuration, ave i,j|xj-xi|will be order n1/2. The kind of benefit to users we have in mind is that the network provides routes almost as short a s possible. So we call the sequence of networks ( G(xn))modestly efficient =o(n1/2). (2) The name reflects the remarkable fact [3] that there exist extremely for which this average is O(logn) while their length is only 1 + o(1) times the minimum length of any connected network; such results pa y no at- tention to flow-volumes or capacities, and so constitute the b= 0 case of the present model. The problem we address in this paper is: 2giventhe sequence( xn), howsmallcanwe makecost( G(xn)) subject to themodestly efficient constraint (2)? In theb= 0 case just mentioned, we can make cost( G(xn)) be lengthofthe Steiner tree(minimum length connected network) onxn, which is well known to be O(n) in the worst case and in the typical case. Recall that an=O(bn) means that an/bnis bounded as n- . It is often convenient to write the converse relationship bn=O(an) asan= ohm(bn); if both an=O(bn) andan= ohm(bn) then we write an= Th(bn). In the case b= 1 there is no economy of scale and so the is just the complete graph, that is a direct link between eac h pair of cities. The associated cost is O(n) in the worst case and in the typical case. Recall that the Gilbert network Gil( xn) is the minimum-cost network when there is no extra modestly efficient constraint. Theorem 1 shows that im- posing the modestly efficient constraint makes little difference in an order of magnitude sense: in either case the optimal cost grows roughly as o 1 Fix0< b <1. Define a(b) = 1 -b 2,0< <1. Letxnbe a configuration of ncities in the square b<=1 2.There exist modestly efficient networks for =O(na(b))(except for b= 1/2the bound is O(n3/4logn)). Under the technical assumption (7) there do notexist connected networks for =o(na(b)). So under (7) we have cost(Gil( xn)) = Th(na(b))for b b <1.Herecost(Gil( xn)) =O(na(b)). Given on- arbi- trarily slowly, there exist modestly efficient networks for w hichcost(G(xn)) =
O(onna(b)). Under the technical assumption (8), cost(Gil( xn)) = Th(na(b)), but there do notexist modestly efficient networks for which cost(G(xn)) =O(na(b)). Our discussion above of the cases b= 0 andb= 1 implies corresponding results in these cases with a(0) = 1 and a(1) = 1. The transition at b=1 2corresponds to the dominant cost from short links to long links, as we will explain in section 2.5. Th e technical regularity assumptions that we need to impose to obtain lo wer bounds reflect this transition: for b <1/2 we need to assume that are not atypically small, whereas for b >1/2 we assume a until the place they are actually used in the proof, to avoid inte rrupting 3the conceptual discussion here.) We show (section 2) that the upp er bounds arise in the following type of hierarchical networks, which are there fore optimal in an order of magnitude sense. On the large scale, use a sparse Pois son line process to provide long-range links. On the medium scale, use hierac hical rout- ing on the square lattice. On the small scale, link cities directly to mediu m-grid points. It is perhaps that one can use the same n etwork for the whole range of b; the point is that only the medium-small scale structure really matters for b <1/2 and only the large scale structure really matters for b >1/2. Our arguments implicitly imply some weak properties of the exactly optimal networks. Undestanding in detail the structure of the Gilb ert network (or the asymptotically optimal modestly efficient network) over ran dom points in the critical case b= 1/2 is a challenging problem, interesting because one expects the network to have some scale-free stucture, in the (correct) sense of invariance under spatial and flow-volume rescaling. One can imagine many variant models in which extra structure is incorp o- rated. In section 4 we briefly discuss the case where links have desig ned speed s and where the cost of a link becomes lcbsg; in this case an analog of Theorem 1 remains true. 1.1 Optimal spatial network design methodology This paper contributes to a general program concerning network s linking points in the plane: for mathematically simple cost/benefit functionals, study the prop - erties (geometry, cost and benefit values) of optimal networks a s the numbernof points tends to design problems arise in many applied fields, but serious real- world modelling leads to more complicated functionals tuned to specific applic ations than we have in mind. As complementary work, [3] gives a detailed trea t- ment of the extremely efficient networks mentioned above that minimize av- erage route length subject to total network length; and [4] analy zes a model (for e.g. passenger air travel or package delivery) where there is a substantial cost to transfer from one link to another. In the latter model, the ory predicts that hub-and-spoke networks (as seen in the real world) are nea r-optimal and that, constraining the average number of transfers to be say 2, the length of the shortest possible network scales as n13/10. The methodological feature we want to emphasize concerns models for the position of ncities (assumed for simplicity in a square of area n). In each problem we have studied one gets the same order of magnitude for o ptimal network cost for worst-case positions as one gets for arbitrary positions (under mild assumptions) and in particular the same as for random positions o r for regular (e.g. lattice) positions. The bulk of statistical physics literature on spatial networks (sur veyed in [5]) analyzes networks built according to some specific probability mod el which combines ingredients such proportional attachment probabilities for arriving vertices; (c) prescribed power law distribution of lattice vertex degrees; (d) networks based on recursive partitioning of space. This theoretical literature makes passing reference to optimality, but we have not seen analytic results demonstrating optimality over allpossible networks in the spatial context (see [6] for non-spatial results, and [7, 8] fo r which optimal networks are trees). For interesting empirica l work see [9]. Our scaling conventions(a squareof area n; flow-volume n-3/2between each pair) may seem arbitrary, but are chosen to fi t the cities have density 1 per unit area; (ii) flow volume across unit area is order 1. 2 The construction A network satisfying the requirements of Theorem 1 will be constru cted in section 2.3 using mathematical ingredients described in sections 2.1 a nd 2.2. Figure 1 illustrates the 1. Ingredients of the construction. Left: the hierarchical routing lattice, with higher-type edges indicated by thicker lines , and a typical route shown. Right: the large-scale grid and the Poisson line process. 2.1 Hierarchical routing on the square lattice FixMand consider the square grid on vertices Declare lines (and their edges) to be of some type 0 to the rule: 5the horizontal lines {(x,y) :y= (2j-1)2m}, j= 1,2,...are type m the boundary line {(x,0)}is typeM; and similarly for vertical lines. For each vertex ( x,y), define a route from ( x,y) to (0,0) using only downward and leftward edges as follows. First choose t he edge at ( x,y) of higher type (breaking ties arbitrarily). Then repeat the rule Follow the current edge until it crosses an edge of strictly higher type, then transfer to that edge until reaching (0 ,0). See Figure 1, left side. It is elementary to verify Lemma 2 For each 0<=m<=M, the number of type- medges traversed by the route is at most 2m+1. 2.2 The Poisson line process A line in the plane may be parametrized by the point zon the line which is closest to the origin (so the line segment from the origin to zis orthogonal to the line); then write zin radial coordinates as ( r,th). Recall [10] the notion of aPoisson line process (PLP) of intensity e >0, which makes precise the notion of completely random lines in the plane. Parametrizing lines by by their closest points ( r,th), this PLP has intensity ewith respect to Lebesgue measure on parameter space (0 ,)x(0,2p). The PLP distribution is invariant under Euclidean transformations, and for a fixed set A E(length of line segments intersecting A) write Efor expectation and Pfor probability). The next result shows how the PLP is useful in constructing spatial networks. See Figure 1, r ight side. Lemma 3 Letn1/2/snbe an integer. Construct a network as the superposition of the rectangular grid with cell side-length snand the Poisson line process of intensity e, intersected with the square [0,n1/2]2. Letvi,vjbe vertices of the grid. vitovj)<= an absolute constant C2. Lemma 3 is proved in [3], Lemma 11, and we will not repeat the argument here. (In essence, one analyzes the natural routing algorithm: move to a nearby line of the PLP, move along that line in the direction closer to the direction of the destination city, and when encountering another line of the PLP, sw itch to that line if its direction is closer to the destination city direction). Using the PLP gives but a typical realization will have costs and lengths of the same order as the expectations in our formulas. 62.3 Construction of the networks We now describe how the ingredients above (hierarchical routing on the square lattice, the PLP) are used in a network construction. Recall xndenotes the given configuration of ncities. Take integers thn| slowly and the integer such a network G(xn) as follows. (i) Take the large-scale network in Lemma 3, with en=thnn-1/2. This network contains large cells of side-length sn. (ii) Inside each large cell put a copy of the hierarchical routing lattic e of section 2.1, with M=Mn, and scaled so that the basic small cell of this lattice has side-length sn. (iii) Link each city xxnvia a straight edge to the bottom left of its small cell. Figure 1 illustrates (i) and (ii). There is a natural way to define a rout e from xitoxjin this network. From xitake the link to v(xi), then follow the section 2.1 routing scheme to the lower left corner V(xi) of the large cell; navigate from V(xi) toV(xj) via the shortest route in the Lemma 3 graph. Note that in addition to the given ncities, this network has several different kinds of junctions: the vertices of the grid, and places where lines o f the PLP cross each other or cross the grid lines or cross the short stage ( iii) links. In our model there is no cost associated with creating a junction or with ro utes using junctions; the costs involve only link lengths and route lengths. So t he exact number of junctions is unimportant. 2.4 Analysis of the so by Lemma 3 El(xi,xj)<= the definitions of sn,enwe the modestly efficient property. To analyze costs, we treat stages (i)-(iii) separately, and check t hat each stage cost is less than the bounds stated in Theorem 1. 7Stage (iii). There are nlinks ofthe form ( x,v(x)), each carryingflow and each having length at most sn 2, and so the total cost of stage (iii) links is O(n1-b 2). (4) Stage (ii). Now let Embe the set of type- medges. The number of such edges is # Em=O(n2-m). Recall that H older's inequality shows that for any edge-set = in route v(x) toV(x)} <=2m+2n1/2 using Lemma 2. all edges in the copies of the hierarchical routing lattice, we find after summing over 0 b b <1 using 2M< n1/2. Because edge-lengths here are sn<2, these are bounds for the costs associated with stage (ii). Stage (iii). WriteElargefor the set of links of the large-scale network, that is the large-scale grid and the PLP lines. Flow along the route from V(xi) to V(xj) contributes to the flow xdistance measure, and so the left side denotes integrating along all links of the large-sc ale network. By the modestly efficient = (1+ so total length LnofElargeis the sum of O(n1/2thn) (= contribution from large-scale grid) and O(enn) (= contribution from the PLP, using (3)), and The integral form of H older's inequality now shows that the cost associated with Elargeis the cost of each stage, we check that the modestly efficie nt network we have constructed has its cost bounded as stated in Theorem 1. Moreover, if we eliminate the modestly efficient constraint then we can eliminate Stage (iii) of the construction (take thn= 1) and get the stated O(na(b)) upper bound. 2.5 The transition at b= 1/2 To summarize, the costs associated with the constructed networ ks arising from short, medium and large-scale links are bounded by expressions (4,5 ,6) respec- tively. By examining the exponents of nwe see that the transition at the dominant cost contribution changing from sho rt links to long links. The arguments we give below for the lower bound show this is a ge nuine effect (no alternate networks can do essentially better), not an a rtifact of the particular networks contructed above. 3 The lower bound In the settings of [3, 4] the lower bounds require some effort to pro ve, but in the present setting the proofs are short. 3.1 The case 0< b<=1/2 Consider first the case 0 < b<=1/2. Impose the condition: there exists some smalld >0 such that for at least dnof the cities of xn, the distance to the nearest neighbor is at least d. (7) Consider a city xxnsatisfying this condition, and consider the link-segments of an arbitrary connected network within distance d/2 fromx. Because flow of volume 2 n-1/2must enter or leave x, the cost associated with these link- segments (which by concavity of f-fbis minimized when there is a is at least d/2x(2n-1/2)b. Summing over all (there are at least dn) such cities x, noting the link-segments are distinct as xvaries, the network cost is at least The case 1/2< b <1 In the case 1 /2< b <1 we impose the classical equidistribution property for the configuration xn= (xn i,1<=i<=n) rescaled back to the unit square: the empirical distribution of distribution to the uniform distribution on [0 ,1]2. (8) Our standardization conventions imply that the total volume of flow through the network is Th( n1/2) and so assertion (a) below is obvious. Lemma 4 (a) In the Gilbert network Gil(xn), the maximum edge-flow is =O(n1/2). (b) For any modestly efficient network (G(xn))on configurations satisfying condition (8), the maximum edge-flow is bo unded as max ef(e) this result, use the Th(n) by the general >=/summationtext el(e)f(e) (maxef(e))1-b to deduce that cost( G(xn)) grows strictly faster than modestly efficient network, and no slower than order na(b)for the of Lemma 4(b). We first quote an easy fact from geometry. Lemma 5 LetZ1,Z2be two independent uniform random points in the There exists a constant Csuch that for all x[0,1]2and all d <= fixd >0. Write X1,X2for two uniform random picks from the set xnof cities. The modestly efficient assumption |X1-X2|+dn1/2)-0 asn- . Lemma 5 and the equidistribution assumption (8) <= |X1-X2|+dfor order for the route from X1toX2to pass through point x, one of the two inequalities above must hold, and so sup xP( through arbitrary, so this probability is o(1), and the flow volume is this probability. 4 Associating speeds with links The main feature of our model - that the cost of building a link is subline ar in link capacity - is just one of many realistic features one might want to incorpo- rate into a model. By focussing on route lengths, we have implicitly ass umed that users travel at constant speed. A notable feature of real road or rail net- works is that different links permit different speeds. In this section w e state and briefly discuss a variant model in which links can be designed to per mit different speeds. Suppose a link with length l, nominal capacity c0and nominal speed for fixed 0 < g <. On such a link, traffic moves with speed s0provided the flow-volume fis at most c0; for larger flow-volumes, congestion causes the speed to drop, reaching speed zero (jammed) at volume sc0for a constant s. Sosc0is the maximum capacity. Precisely, speed at flow-volume = 1for 0 <=u<=1andG(u) decreasesfrom 1to0 as uincreasesfrom 1 tos. Otherwise the model is the same as before: we are given a configur ation ofncities in the square of area n, and we are required to route flow of each pair. For any network and feasible routing, define average speed as speed is the time taken to travel from xitoxj. For this model, we ask What is the minimum cost for a network on a given cities that allows speed = s? The answer is that, under the regularity assumptions of Theorem 1 (which are needed only for lower bounds), and ignoring O(logn) terms. minimum cost grows as order sgna*(b,g), where (9) a*(b,g) = 1 us briefly indicate how the previous analysis is adapted to this set ting. Because costs scale with design speed s0assg 0, it is enough to consider the case speed = 1, and show that minimum cost grows as order na*(b,g). To construct a network, use the networks constructed previously and assign d esign speeds as follows. For links of the large-scale network, which routes will use fo r a distance of order n1/2, design speed of order 1. For type medges in the lattice, which routes will use for a distance of order 2m, design speed of order 2mn-1/2logn. For the local links of the form ( x,v(x)), which routes will use for distance O(1), design speed of order n-1/2. This ensures the are of order n1/2as required. To calculate the cost, we simply combine the previous estimates (4,5,6) of costs of providing flow-vo lumes of different links with the costs of the design speeds stipulated above; the total cost is of this works out to be of the form E.N. Gilbert. Minimum cost communication networks. Bell System Tech. J., 46:2209-2227, 1967. [2] D. A. Thomas and J. F. Weng. Minimum cost flow-dependent commu ni- cation networks. Networks , 48:39-46, 2006. [3] D.J. Aldousand W.S. Kendall. orksvia Poisson line patterns. 01140. To appear in Adv. Applied. Probability , 2007. [4] D.J. Aldous. Asymptotics and optimality for hub and spoke models in spatial transportation networks. mat/0702502. To appear in Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. , 2007. [5] Y. Hayashi and J. Matsukubo. A review of recent studies of geographical scale-free networks. IPSJ Trans. , 47:776, L. Donetti, F. Neri, and M. A. Mu~ noz. Optimal network topologie s: ex- panders, cages, Ramanujan graphs, entangled networks and all that.J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. , 2006:P08007, 2006. [7] A. Bejan. Shape and Structure, from Engineering to Nature . Press, 2000. 12[8] M. Barth' elemy and A. Flammini. Optimal traffic networks. J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. , 2006:L07002, 2006. [9] M.T. Gastner and M.E.J. Newman. Shape and efficiency in spatial dist ri- bution networks. J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. , pages P01015, 9 pp., (elec- tronic), 2006. [10] D. Stoyan, W. S. Kendall, and J. Mecke. Stochastic Geometry and its Ap- plications . Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics: Ap- plied Probability and Statistics. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 2n d edition, 1995. 13 | 0803.2037 | David J. Aldous | David J. Aldous | Optimal spatial transportation networks where link-costs are sublinear
in link-capacity | 13 pages | J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P03006 | 10.1088/1742-5468/2008/03/P03006 | null | cond-mat.dis-nn | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Consider designing a transportation network on $n$ vertices in the plane,
with traffic demand uniform over all source-destination pairs. Suppose the cost
of a link of length $\ell$ and capacity $c$ scales as $\ell c^\beta$ for fixed
$0<\beta<1$. Under appropriate standardization, the cost of the minimum cost
Gilbert network grows essentially as $n^{\alpha(\beta)}$, where $\alpha(\beta)
= 1 - \frac{\beta}{2}$ on $0 < \beta \leq {1/2}$ and $\alpha(\beta) = {1/2} +
\frac{\beta}{2}$ on ${1/2} \leq \beta < 1$. This quantity is an upper bound in
the worst case (of vertex positions), and a lower bound under mild regularity
assumptions. Essentially the same bounds hold if we constrain the network to be
efficient in the sense that average route-length is only $1 + o(1)$ times
average straight line length. The transition at $\beta = {1/2}$ corresponds to
the dominant cost contribution changing from short links to long links. The
upper bounds arise in the following type of hierarchical networks, which are
therefore optimal in an order of magnitude sense. On the large scale, use a
sparse Poisson line process to provide long-range links. On the medium scale,
use hierachical routing on the square lattice. On the small scale, link
vertices directly to medium-grid points. We discuss one of many possible
variant models, in which links also have a designed maximum speed $s$ and the
cost becomes $\ell c^\beta s^\gamma$.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 13 Mar 2008 21:31:11 GMT"
] | 2008-03-17T00:00:00 | [
"David J.",
] |
2 All we need to solve is the homogeneous 0, (4) without the need to know f. Fixing the values of above approach, although straightforward, repre- sents a daunting challenge: for each individual, we must solve the huge matrix problem once - a prohibitively ex- pensive task fora typical internet community havingmil- lions of members. The standard way to get around this dilemma is to resort to the Green's function method. Starting from eq.(1) we would like to have a Green's function ohm'such that eq.(1) can be getH2= However, divergent: the Laplace operator has a zero eigenvalue and the inverse L-1is meaningful only if (H1,H2)Tis in the subspace that is orthogonal to the eigenvector of zero eigenvalue. A fortunate scenario like this has occurred in the studies of random resistor net- works [5, 6]. To simultaneously deal with all possible BC, we lose the freedom to limit the solution to a certain we have a good understanding Basically,the with the right eigenvector being a column of (1,1,***,1)T and with left eigenvector the degree of node the sum of degrees. Note that with this notation, we have 1. We may then decompose 0. Further, the spectral radius of Qis now guaranteed to be smaller than 1 and thus (I-Q) is invertible with ( may then rewrite the eq.(3) (6) where the H-dependent constant may be written as c(H) We need to explain the nota- tion further. Basically represents a column vector whose components are obtained from the column component labels corresponding to that of the sources and the sinks. On the other hand, a column vector that is the remainder of the components whose labels correspondto the sources and sinks. Similarly, we define be a row vector whose components are obtained from the row component labels corresponding to that of the sources and the sinks; while a row vector that is the remainder of removing the components whose labels correspond to the sources and sinks. To simplify the notation, we will represent c(H) bycwithout explicitly showing its that since 0, upon multiplying ohm (I- Q)-1to both side of eq.(6) we we may write H2in the following weobtain complexity solely depending on ohm 21ohm-1 11. Note that we only needs to invert the matrix ( I-Q) once and for all. Upon specifying the boundary nodes, one needs to reshufflethe rowsand columns ofthe matrix as well as vectors - a relatively efficient operation. This operation groups the source nodes and sink nodes in one block to make easy the computation of ohm-1 11. Let us emphasize that our final expression is writ- ten in a rather general setting that it can be applied to cases when Pis either row-normalized or In the case of P, we will have norm norm The solution structures (9-10), however, does not change. Although an exact Green's function method with Dirichlet boundary condition using spectral and eigenvectors) has been established by Chung and Yau [7], we find our method more conve- nient for computational purpose. With our method, the Greens function ohm is computed once and can be used for all different BC. This is immensely more efficient than finding all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for everyBC needed for eachindividual. Furthermore, it would not be3 FIG. 1: Comparison between the exact solution (bold line) eqs.(9-10) and our approximation. For both cases we plot the hottest nodes. For better visualization we shifted th e profiles such that the first node coincide in the graph. We observe a good agreement between the exact solution and for M= 10 in our artificial to find all the eigenvectors of matrices resulting from networks of millions of nodes. To apply our method, one may either choose to fully invert (I-Q) or take its approximate form. The di- rect inversion of ( I-Q) may still be for a matrix of size millions by millions. In terms of approximations, we find the use of ( particularly useful, approximation gets better for larger M. This is be- cause the larger Mis, the smaller the difference One may then use ohm place of ohm 21ohm11-1. The quality of this be be verified comparing the two models: the versus the approximate one (ie. in the exact solution). The convergenceofthe the ex- act solution (eqs.(9-10)) was first tested on an random network of 100 nodes. Aside from the condition that the nodes do not form disjoint clusters, a pair of nodes has probability p= 0.1 to be connected. One then randomly selects a sink node and a source node that are not directly linked. We expect to get very simi- lar shape of the as in the exact case. This is because for the row-normalized matrix, the being a column vector with 1 in each entry may induce a small but uniform offset in the approximate so- lution. In Fig. 1, we plot the of the 15 hottest nodes from the exact solution and the of the same nodes using our ap- proximation solution of various M. A good the exact solution and the approximate solution is reached at about M= 10. To test the usability of our approach in real world, we use the movielens database. MovieLens (movie-FIG. 2: Prediction performance on movielens database. The heat conduction model outperforms the mean predictor and the Pearson correlation based method as well. xdenotes the fraction of possible votes in the matrix. The vertical approximately to the giant cluster formatio n threshold in the movie - movie network, has vote where Nis the number of users, M is the number of grouplens.org) ratings are recorded on a five stars scale and contain additional information, such as the time at which an evaluation was made. The data set we downloaded contains N= 6040users xM= 3952 movies. However, only a fraction xM= 0.041 of all possi- ble votes were actually expressed. To be able to perform the calculation in reasonable time, we decide to further reduce the data size in each dimension by roughly 50%. To preserve the statistical properties of the original data, the pruning is done randomly without bias. In particu- lar, we tried to maintain the probability distribution of the number of votes per users, as well as the sparsity and theN/Mratio. We want to stress that this is crucial when testing the performance of predictive algorithms on real data in an objective way. In fact, many recom- mender systems can be found in the literature that rely on dense voting matrices [8, 9], at least in the traning data set. Typically, users who have judged too few items are struck out, as well as items that have received too few votes. We did not comply to such convention and made an effort to keep the filtering level as low as possi- ble, although this makes predictions much more difficult. Once filtered, we cast the data set in a vote matrix V, with number of users N= 3020 and number of movies M= 1976. In this reduced vote matrix, the matrix the number of stars assigned to moviejby user aand is set to zero for The total filling fraction of VisxM= 0.0468. The votes in Vare then sorted according to their . The last ntest= 104expressed votes are col- lected to form our test set, while the rest of the expressed votes form our training set. We denote by V(t) the vote matrix information up to time t. That is, in V(t) all the unexpressed votes up to time tare set to have zero star.4 For the purpose of rating prediction, one will need the correlation coefficient Cij(t) between movie iand movie jusing the expressed votes up to a certain timetin the training set. Specifically, we denote correlation coefficient a specified cutoff Ccut, one obtains an withAij(t) The value ofCcut(t) is set so that the average degree per node k(t) for the movie - movie network has the same number of non-zero entries as [ the test set data fixed, we progressively fill the vote matrix the training set data over time (using the relative time stamps), say up to time t. We then useA(t) to construct the the propagator D(t) based on the information accumulated up to t. For each viewer (user), the BC is simply given by the votes expressed by the user up to time t. In the event that a user only has one vote (or none) up to time t, the BC for that user is given by randomly choosing one (or two) movie(s) and use the average rating(s) of the movie(s) up to that time as the boundary values [11]. We then use our algorithm to make predictions on the entire test set. This test protocol is intended to reproduce real ap- plication tasks, where one aims to predict future votes -which is, of course, much harder than predicting ran- domly picked evaluations. It is somewhat less realistic allow for more objective comparisons of the results. Many different accuracy metrics have been proposed to assess the quality of recommendations (see ref. [12]), we choose the Root Square Mean the predicted vote from our the actual vote (rated by user b on movie j) in the test set, and the sum runs over all expressed votes in the test set. In our experiments, the RSME is calculated, at different sparsity values x, on a unique test set. Fig. 2 summarizes the performance comparison of our model with the mean predictor (the prediction is sim- ply given by the objects mean value) and the widely used Pearson correlation based method [13, 14]. Our model outperforms both after enough votes (of the have been expressed. Since the dimensions of the vote matrix Vis known in a real application, given the number of expressed votes, it is relatively easy to see where one stands in terms of information content and whether our method will perform well using the given partial information. In summary, we havedevised a recommendation mech- anism using analog to heat conduction. The innovation of our method is its capability to compute the Green's function needed just once to accommodate all possible BC. In terms of generalization, it is apparent that our method can be applied to network with weighted Whether such a generalization will improve the performance will be investigated in a sepa- rate publication. Finally, we stress that our study is not aimed to extract statistical properties out of networks through constructing model networks mimicking the real world networks [15, 16]; nor are we pursuing analysis of slowly decaying eigenmodes [17] in the absence of bound- ary condtitions. Instead, our goal is to provide a frame- work that is capable of providing individualized informa- tion extraction from a real world network. YCZ and MB were partially supported by Swiss Na- tional Science YCZ ac- knowledges hospitality at Management School, UESTC, China, where part of the work is done. The research of YKY was supported by the Intramural Research Pro- gram of the National Library of Medicine at the NIH. [1] S. Maslov and Y.C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, M. Blattner, Y.C. Zhang, and S. Maslov, Physica A 373, 753 (2006). [3] G. Adomavicius and A. Tuzhilin, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 17, 734 (2005), W. Press, S. Teukolsky, B. Flannery, and V. Recipes in C (Cambridge University Press, New York, USA, 1992). [5] G. Korniss, M. Hastings, K. Bassler, M. andD.Abbott, Phys.Lett.A 350, 324(2006), ISSN 1046-8188. [6] F. Wu, J. Phys. A 37, 6653 (2004). [7] F. Chung and S. Yau, Journal of Combinatorial The- ory(A) pp. 141-214 (2000). [8] K. Goldberg, T. Roeder, D. Guptra, and C. Perkins, In-formation Retrieval 4, 133 (2001). [9] A. Waern, User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 14, 201 (2004). [10] Assuming that the vote matrix is filled randomly, one can show that the density needs to be x>=N-1/2M-1/6 to have in the movie-movie network a linking which marks the onset of giant cluster for- mation. See B. Bollob' as, Random Graphs , chap. 6 (Cam- bridge University Press, New York, USA, 2001). [11] This is to avoid the artifact of null information retrie val: e.g. assume only one boundarynode with aspecified tem- perature, all nodes will reach the same temperature upon thermal J. Herlocker, J. Konstan, L. Terveen, and J. Riedl, ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 22, 5 (2004), ISSN 1046-8188. [13] P. Resnick, N. Iacovou, M. Suchak, P. Bergstorm, and J. Riedl, in Proceedings of ACM 1994 Conference on5 Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ACM, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1994), pp. 175-186. [14] J. Herlocker, J. Konstan, and J. Riedl, in Computer Sup- ported Cooperative Work (2000), pp. 241-250. [15] M. Newman, SIAM Review 45, 167 (2003).[16] J. ParkandM.Newman, Phys.Rev.E 70, K. A. Eriksen, I. Simonsen, S. Maslov, and K. Sneppen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 148701 (2003). | 0803.2179 | Yi-Kuo Yu | Yi-Cheng Zhang, Marcel Blattner, Yi-Kuo Yu | Heat Conduction Process on Community Networks as a Recommendation Model | 4 pages, 2 figures | Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 154301 (2007) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.154301 | null | physics.soc-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Using heat conduction mechanism on a social network we develop a systematic
method to predict missing values as recommendations. This method can treat very
large matrices that are typical of internet communities. In particular, with an
innovative, exact formulation that accommodates arbitrary boundary condition,
our method is easy to use in real applications. The performance is assessed by
comparing with traditional recommendation methods using real data.
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which excludes any quantum fluctuations from a single exciton to do uble- or many-exciton states. For the above simplest cases of dnanddSz, the MF calculation gives an asymptotically exact result which may be found perturbatively to the first order in rc,9 because these ( dn, dS z) sets can not correspond to any states except single-exciton mo des. Any complication of ( dn,dS z) makes the calculations substantially more difficult due to the necessary expansion of the basis to the entire continuous set of m any-exciton states with the same total numbers dn,dSz, andq. For example, the double-cyclotron plasmon with dn=2, dSz=0 and with given q'dissociates' into double-exciton states consisting of one-cyclotr on plasmon's pairs with the total momentum equal to q.4At oddn, a similar for the CSFE, where dn=-dSz=1. The proper double-exciton states are pairs of a magnetoplasmon ( dn= 1, dSz= 0) and a spin wave ( dn= 0, dSz=-1). The problem thus changes from the two-body case to the four-body one, and the correct solution should be presented in the form of combination of the single-exciton mode a nd continuous set states.6It is important that in both cases the desired solution corresponds to a discrete line against the background of a continuous spectrum of free exciton pairs. The technique of correct solution has to be of essentially non-Hart ree-Fock (non-HF) type. Actually this letter concerns the fundamental question of consist ency of the MF approach. By considering the case of unit filling factor where the number of elec trons is equal to the number of magnetic flux quanta Nph, now we report on a study of the CSFE with q=0. This state is optically active and identified in the ILS it is exactly this spin-flip magnetoplasma mode which is the key component of the eleme ntary in the microscopic approach to the skyrmionic problem.12The calculation is performed in way which should, in principle, lead to the result whic h is exact in the leading approximation in rc. In our case the envelope function determining the combination of the double-exciton states is one-dimensional -- i.e., it only depends on the modulus of the excitons' relative momentum. This function is chosen in the form of e xpansion over basis, where every basis vector obeys a specific symm etry condition necessary for the total envelope function. Even to the first-order approximation inrc, we obtain a to the former HF result8,10for the CSFE energy. As a technique, we use the excitonic representation (ER) which is a convenient tool for description of the 2DEG in a perpendicular magnetic field.5,6,13When acting on the our case the exciton operators produce a set of basis states the single-particle term of the Hamiltonian and some part ^HEDof the states are classified by q, and it is essential that in this basis the LL degeneracy is lifted .3 So, the generic Hamiltonian is e.g, the Landau gauge and substituting for the Schr od inger operator the LL number, intra-LL state, and spin sublevel), one can express the Hamiltonian (1) in terms of combinations of various c omponents of are exciton operators defined (2) and obeying the commutation our units Here a,b,c,... are binary indexes (see above), which We will also employ for binary indexes the notations so that the single-mode component of the CSFE is defined as The interaction Hamiltonian can be presented as if applied to yields a combination of single-exciton states with the same numbers dn,dSz, andq(see Refs. 6,12 and therein ^HEDexpressed in terms of exciton operators). In the framework of the above HF approximation, the CSFE correlation en ergy8,10is obtained from the equation only the ^HEDpart of the contributes to the expectation. In the following, we nee d this so-called HF value atq= 0, namely E01(0) 2pV(q) is the of the effective Coulomb vertex in the layer.10(In the strictly 2D limit problem arises due to the 'troublesome' part ^H'of the interaction Hamiltonian which can not be diagonalized in terms of single-exciton states. For our ta sk we keep in ^H'only the terms contributing besides preserving the cyclotron part of the total energy (i.e. commuting with ^H1). In terms of the ER these H.c. (4) Using Eqs. (3) and identities can find that the operation of ^H' 01on vector in a combination of states of the type of a certain regular and square The norm of this combination is not small as and the terms (4) must be taken into account when calculating th e CSFE energy. On the other hand, if the set of double-exciton states considered, then one finds that they, first, are not exactly but 'almost' where{ds1,s2} and, second, the the state a negligibly small norm: ~E2 C/Nph. Therefore the double- exciton state the thermodynamic limit actually corresponds to free noninteract ing excitons: one of them is a spin exciton (spin wave) with energy (6) while the other is a magnetoplasmon with energy - (7) [J0is the Bessel function (cf. Refs. 2,4)]. Thus we try for the CSFE state the vector a combined (8) Actually only a certain part {phq}of the envelope functions contributes to the double-exciton combination in our case the antisymmetry transform Such a specific feature originates from the antisymmetry of the Fermi wave function of our many -electron system. We may therefore consider only 'antisymmetric' functions for (9) Our taskisto findtheenergy of theeigenvector function' phq(s), integrable. If (namely, thenEqis found (10) Now we project this equation onto two basis states and obtain two closed coupled step is a routine treatment of Eqs. (11) and (12) in terms of c alculation of commu- tators guided by commutation rules (3). In the q=0 case, which we immediately consider, the function ph0(p) depends only on the modulus of p. As a result we (14) (we omit subscript 0 in E0), where g(q) (15) K1(q,s) Eq. (13) is the angle between sandq). The problem has thus been integrable to yield in the thermodynamic limit a pair of coupled integral equations for one-dimensional function ph0(q) and the eigenvalue E. In order to solve this system we employ the method of expansion in orth ogonal functions ph0(q) odd indexes of the Laguerre polynomials are chosen as a natural basis satisfying: (i) the property of inte grability and ex- pected analytic and asymptotic features of ph0(q); (ii) the antisymmetry condition (9). In other words, we change from the basis formed by the set of nonor thogonal a new set of basis states are strictly orthogonal. Indeed, one can check by employing E q. (3) and The dimensionality of this new double-exciton basis. After substitution of Eq. (17) into Eq. (14) the latter takes the f orm:E=F, (18) Let us consider the ideal 2D case where V(q) = 1/q. (Here and below energy is mea- sured in units of e2/klB.) After substitution of the expansion (18) into Eq. (13), by basis functions psm(q) and integration lead to the set of equations with respect to An. FindingAnfor a givenEand substituting them into Eq. (18), we obtain F(E). The condition F(E)=Eyields the desired result /s48/s44/s50 /s48/s44/s52 /s48/s44/s54 1: Graphical solution of Eqs. (13) and (14). Intersecti on of the F=Estraight line with the dotted line corresponds to the CSFE energy, ESF0.71. See text for details. Fig. 1 shows the result of calculations for N= 50. The lines which are restricted by vertical asymptotes reflect the result of calculation of F(E). Points of singularity E(i), at whichFgoes to infinity, are roots of the equation DN(E) = 0 where DNis the to the left-side of the set of equations for An. By increasing Nwe increase the order of equation DN(E) = 0, so that this has up to Nreal roots. Indeed, when observing the evolution of F(E) with increasing N, one finds that the number of singular points grows, and they become more densely placed. For N- one could expect that a singular point appears within an arbitrarily small vicinity of every value E. Since all the vertical asymptotes E=E(i)are crossed by the straight line F=E(see Fig. 1), we come to the conclusion that for anyEthere is a singular solution of Eqs. (13) and (14). Such solutions with singular functions ph(q) form a band. The physical meaning of this result is quite transparent. Namely, the band corresponds to energy Esw(q)+Emp(q) of unbound exciton pairs. Now we only consider the solution E=F(E), where the F=Eline crosses a conventional envelope curve tracing the regions of regularity ofph0determined by Eq. (17). Such regions at a finite Nshould be as distant as possible from the points of singularity, and we simply define them as the vicinities of middle points hepoints[E(i), F(E(i))]. The intersection with the straight line F=Eoccurs at the only point stable with respect to evolution of this picture at N- . This intersection point is readily seen in Fig. 1. Fig. 1 shows the build-up of singular points (vertical lines) with vanish ingEand vice versa a certain rarefication of singularities in the vicinity of ESF. The former reflects growth of the density of states at the bottom of the exciton band wherea s the latter is a usual effect7 of the levels' repulsion. Note that the non-Hartree-Fock shift for the CSFE level is positive as compared to the value EHF=0.627. This is expected because the repulsion of the CSFE from the lower-lying crowded states of unbound excitons should be stronger than from the upper states having comparatively low density. At the same time, on e can also see in Fig. 1 some trend towards the concentration of singularity points E(i)at higher energies E. This is evidently a consequence of the density of states growth at the t op of the exciton band. In general, the larger is Nthe more accurate is the calculation of ph0(q) andE, i.e. the envelope curve in Fig. 1 becomes discernible and may be drawn only at considerable N. At the same time the analysis reveals that the intersection point wit h theF=E line is rather stable and only weakly depends on N. This feature prompts us to consider the caseN= 1 where double-exciton states mixed with modelled by a Actually the N= 1 approximation for the problem determined by Eqs. (13), (14) and (17) is equivalent to a variational procedure for th e trial double-mode where the correlation part of the excitation energy is found from equation E= the correlation part of the ground-state energy). Aft er minor manipulations we find that this simple double-mode approximation (DMA) reduces ou r problem to the secular equation det (indexes iandkare 1 or 2), where the largest root of this secular equation has physical meaning. In the ideal 2D c ase we easily obtain the DMA correlation energy of the CSFE: ESF= 0.766. Comparing this result with Fig. 1 we conclude that even the DMA works rather well. Fig. 2 shows the CSFE correlation energy calculated within the DMA an d employing the HF approximation, if the vertex Vfor a real 2DEG is defined as V=Fb(q)/qwith a dimensionless to dimensionless q. (b0is considered to be independent of the magnetic field.) It is seen that the non-HF shift of the CSFE energy, being about 15 % in the strict 2D limit (i.e., in the b-case), becomes smaller ( ~5-6%) in real samples. This difference is not observable the DMA results are in good agreement data where the CSFE correlation energy is measured as a function of magnetic field, see inset in Fig. 2. The chosen value, b0= 0.213/nm, is quite consistent with the available wide quantum wells.11 In conclusion, we note that preliminary analysis indicates that the no n-HF shift /s48/s44/s50 /s48/s44/s52 /s48/s44/s54 /s48/s44/s56 /s52 /s53 /s54 /s55 /s56 /s69 /s101/s50
/s47 /s69 2: Main picture: DMA and HF shifts in dimensionless unit s against theform-factor parameter b. Inset: DMA shift against the magnetic field when lBin nm's, Bin Teslas); symbols are experimental data for the 25nm quant um wells.11 be more substantial in the case of a fractional filling, e.g. at n=1/3. Moreover, contrary to the single-mode the energy to lower values as compared to the HF result, the approach taking into account the double-exciton co mponent should lead to a considerable positive shift in the CSFE correlation energy. The authors acknowledge support of the RFBR and hospitality of th e Max Planck Insti- tute for Physics of Complex Systems (Dresden) where partly this w ork was carried out. The authors also thank I.V. Kukushkin, L.V. Kulik and A.B. Van'kov for the discussion. 1T. Ando, A. B. Fowler, and F. Stern, Rev. Mod. Phys. 54, 437 (1982). The Quantum Hall Effect , Ed. by R.R. Prange and S.M. Girvin, 2nd Ed. (Springer, New Yor k, 1990). 2Yu.A. Bychkov, S.V. Iordanskii, and G.M. Eliashberg, JETP L ett.33, 143 (1981). 3Yu.A. Bychkov and E.I. Rashba, Sov. Phys. JETP 58, 1062 (1983). 4C. Kallin and B.I. Halperin, Phys. Rev. B 30, 5655 (1984). 5S. Dickmann, I.V. Kukushkin. Phys. Rev. B 71, 241310(R) (2005). 6S.M. Dickmann, V.M. Zhilin, and D.V. Kulakovskii, JETP 101, 892 (2005). 7A.H. MacDonald J. Phys. C 18, 1003 (1985). 8J.P. Longo and C. Kallin, Phys. Rev. B 47, 4429 (1993). 9The first-order calculations as far as the MF approach for the q=0 cyclotron spin-flip plasmon at evenngive zero energy shift from the cyclotron gap - hoc. Actually the negative shift may be found exactly by performing full perturbative calculation to thesecond order inrc.5 10A. Pinczuk, B.S. Dennis, D. Heiman, C. Kallin, L. Brey, C. Tej edor, S. Schmitt-Rink, L.N. Pfeiffer, and K.W. West, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 3623 (1992).9 11A.B. Van'kov, L.V. Kulik, I.V. Kukushkin, V.E. Kirpichev, S . Dickmann, V.M. Zhilin, J.H. Smet, K. von Klitzing, and W. Wegscheider. Phys. Rev. Lett., 97, 246801 (2006). 12S. Dickmann, Phys. Rev. B 65, 195310 (2002). 13A. B. Dzyubenko and Yu. E. Lozovik, Sov. Phys. Solid State 25, 874 (1983); ibid 26, 938 (1984); J. Phys. A 24, 415 (1991). 14If using ER, the relevant operators in our case are Laguerre polinomial) . 15For reference we write out Eqs. (11) and (12) in the q/ne}ationslash= 0 the 'free' (see notations of Ref. 14). If qis chosen parallel to ^ y, thenphq(p) is an even function with respect to the replacement px--px. The HF result E01(q) was calculated in Ref. 8. | 0803.2208 | Sergey Dickmann | S. Dickmann and V.M. Zhilin | Double-exciton component of the cyclotron spin-flip mode in a quantum
Hall ferromagnet | 9 pages, 2 figures | Phys. Rev. B 78, 115302 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevB.78.115302 | null | cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mes-hall | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We report on the calculation of the cyclotron spin-flip excitation (CSFE) in
a spin-polarized quantum Hall system at unit filling. This mode has a
double-exciton component which contributes to the CSFE correlation energy but
can not be found by means of a mean field approach. The result is compared with
available experimental data.
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Definition 1. LetEandFbe sets. Suppose PEandg:P-Fbe an application. The application f:E-Fis said to be an extension of goverErelative to Fiff|P=g. In general such an application is not unique see [9]. However , any Analytic if they exist are unique, see [19] and [33]. Theorem 1. zcan be continued across the boundary Rez= 1of the half- plane Re>1, and proves to be a Meromorphic function having the single pole z= 1with the principal 1is a simple pole with residue +1. Proof.See [21] Theorem 1, we get that: (i) The analytic Continuation of zup to the boundary Re z= 0 is given by z(z) = The analytic Continuation of zup to Re z=-1 is given by z(z) = The analytic Continuation of zup to Re z=-2 is given by z(z) so forth by induction. The most important issue here is that by definition 1, it is eno ugh to proof the for z(z) = also [33] prop. 16.10. Remember that: z(z) = 0 for can be deduced from equation: z(z) = 1 (2) -1< Rez < 1 2We also know that 0 and 0, similar reasoning gives that zhas no other zeros outside the Critical strip Bthan the trivials: 2. The points called the trivials zeros of z. Let us define the following sets: (i)F={zC: Rez=1 2}called the critical line (ii)B1={zC: 0<Rez 0<=Rez<=1}called the critical strip. See more about this in [13]. The Riemann Hypothesis is equivalent to say that zhas no zeros in B. Lemma 1. Ifz0(C{0,1}), 0 Proof. z(z0) = 1+1 z0-1-1 =1 z0-1, z(z0) = 1. z(z0) = 1 Theorem 2. Ifz0(C-{0,1}). Then, z(z0) = 1 3Proof. (i) 0 =z(z0)=0 = 1. (ii) 1=z(z0) = 0 z(z0) = 0
=z(z0) = 2. ForB={z=x+iy|0< x <1 21 2< x <1yR}. 0x: 0< x <1 21 2< x <1 4we have suppose that 0 (x1+iy) such that 0 < x1<1 21 2< x1<1 and 1 then, derivating with respect to y we find that: 0 =a1[2(x1+iy)i-i] = 0
=(x1+iy) is a/e}atioslash= 0x: 0< x <1 21 2< x <1 we have that: 1 particular if x0+iy0=z0B, we have 1 0 3 (The Riemman's conjeture) 0 Proof.Let's suppose that: z0B:z(z0) = 0 z(z0) = 0(Theorem 1 (3) (2)z(z0) = 0=z(1-z0) = 0 (4) z(1-z0) = 0(Theorem 2)= 1 0 = 0 This is Absurd! (By ! 0,a1Csuch = = 0
= 0
= = 0 = 0=1 =a1z0(z0-1) This is Absurd! (By lemma 2). Then the proposition z0B:z(z0) = 0 is false. 0
/squaresolid 2 Conclusion of the Saga. It is known that z(z) = 0 for some zF. See for example: [11], [25], [35] or [38]. Not every zFis solution for z(z) = 0, for it is not difficult to prove that 0. We can say now = 0}={zF: 1}
Now we know that the non-trivial zeros of z(z) = 0 are on the critical line. Therefore: To find non-trivial solutions for z(z) = 0;zF, we can try the system:
enough could be useful to try the 2. If every statement of the type RH=A=B is true. Then a relation betwen AandB. See RH is true follows from Theorem 3. [5] pags. 13-16. /squaresolid 3 Applications. 1) Redheffer (1977) R.H.= e >0,C(e)>0 :|det(A(n))|< is thenxnmatrix of 0's and 1's defined by A(i,j) ifj= 1 or if i|j 0 otherwise This is an important result for linear analysis for example. See [12] 2) Lagarias (2002) Lets(n) denotes the sum of the positive divisors of n. Then R.H.= 1 This is an important result for number theory for example. See [12]. 73) 0< a is the fractional part of xthis is an important result for Real and Functional Analysis for example. See [12] Others results like these can be seen in [12]. I believe that o ne of the must important result to be studied after this one is the paper of Andre Weil. See [12]. Corollary 3. Ifkh=kh1is the principal character 0 Proof.See [2] Theorem 11.7 and then use theorem 3. /squaresolid 4 Open Questions 1. Are simple the zeros of the zRiemann Function? 2. It is known that of all imaginary quadratic field Q( -d) with class number h, we have d < Ch2logh2, except for at most one exceptional field, for which dmay be Larger. Does there exist such an Exceptional Field? Hint.- See [28] and L.V. Alphors. Complex Analysis . Mc Graw Hill Book Company. Second Edition. Tokyo 1966. [2] T. M. Apostol. Introduction to Analytic Number Theory . Springer- Verlag. New York Inc. 1980. [3] R. Bellman. A Brief Introduction to Theta function . Holt Rinehart and Wistons. USA 1961. [4] R. Bellman. A Collection of Modern Mathematical Classics . Analysis. Dover. New York 1961. [5] M.L. Bittinger. Proof, Logic an Sets . Addison Wesley Publishing Company. USA. 1982. [6] E. Bombieri. Problems of the Millenium the Riemann Hypothesis . [7] H. Cartan. Theory elementaire des Fonctions Analytiques D'une ou Plusi eurs . Hermann Editeurs Des Sciences Et Des Arts. Paris. 1985. 8[8] K. Chandrasekharan. Introduction to Analytic Number Theory . Springer Verlag. New York. 1968. [9] L. Chambadal. Dictionarie Des Mathematiques Modernes . Libraie Larousse. Paris. 1969. [10] H. Cohn. Advanced Number Theory . Dover Publishing, Inc. New York. 1962. [11] J.B. Conrey. More Than Two Fifths of the zeros of the Riemann Zeta Functions a re on the Critical Line . J. Reine Angew. MAth 399 (1989) 1-26. [12] J.B. Conrey. The Riemann Hypothesis . Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Volumn 50. Number 3. (March 2003) 341353. [13] J.B. Conway. Function of one Complex Variable . Springer Verlag. N.Y. 1973. [14] L.E. Dickson. History of the Theory of Numbers . Chelsea New York. 1952. [15] M.H. Edwards. Riemann's Zeta Function . Academic Press, New York- London. 1974. [16] L. Flatto. Advanced Calculus. The Williams and Wilkins Company. Baltimore 1976. USA. [17] E. Gentile, Notas de Algebra . EDEBA. Buenos Aires. 1976. [18] HArdy, G.H. and Wright, E.M. An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers . 4thEd. Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1960. [19] S.T. Hu. Introduction to General Topology . Holden-Day, Inc. San Francisco. USA 1966. [20] A.A. Karatsuba. Fundamentos de la Teor' ia anal' itica de los N' umeros . Editorial MIR. Moscu. 1979. [21] K. Knopp. Theory of Functions . Parts I and II. Dover Publications. New York. 1947. [22] S. Lang. Complex Analysis . Addison Wesley. Reading Mass. USA. 1976. [23]Theory of Numbers . Spriger-Verlag. New York. USA 1980 [24] D. Laugwitz, A. Sheinitzer. Bernhard Riemann 1826-1866 . Birkhauser. Boston. Baser. Berlin 1998. [25] N. Levison. More than One third of zeros of Riemann's Zeta Function are on s=1 2. Advances Math. 13. 383-486 (1974). [26] S. MacLane. Symbolic Logic . American Mathematical Montly. Vol. 46. P. 289. (1939). [27] A. Markushevich. Teor' ia de las Funciones Anal' iticas. . Tomos I & II. Editorial MIR. Mosc' u 1970. [28] H.L. Montgomery, The pair correlation of zeros of the zeta function , Proc. sympos. Pure Math., vol. 24, amer. Math. soc., Providence, R.I., 1973, pp . 181-193. [29] H.L. Montgomery, and P.J. Weinberger, Notes on small class numbers , Acta Arith. 24 (1974), 329-342. [30] H.L. Montgomery, Distribution of Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function , Proc. Intr. Con- grss of Math. Vancouver, 1974, pp. 379-381. 9[31] R. Narashiman, Y. Nievergelt. Complex Analysis in one Variable . Second Boston 2000. [32] A.M. Odlyzko. ~odlizko/ . [33] W. Rudin. Real and Complex Analysis . Second Edition. Mc. Graw Hill. Series in I.E.Segal & R.A.Kunze. Integrals and operators . Mc. Graw Hill. company N.Y. 1968. [35] A. Selberg. On the zeros of the Zeta Function of Riemann . College Papers. Springer Verlag. New York. 1989 Vol I, 156-159. [36] A. Selberg. Old and New Conjetures and Results About A Class of Dirichlet Se ries. Vol II. With A Foreword By K. C.L. Siegel. Analytic Number Theory . (Lectures Notes By B. Riemann) New York Uni- versity 1945. [38] E.C. Titchmarsh. The theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function . Claredon Press. I.Vinogradov. Fundamentos de la Teor' ia de los N' umeros . Editorial MIR. Mosc' u. 1971. Prof: Pedro J, Geraldo C. Home address: Calle principal 130. Delicias Nuevas Cabimas (4013). Edo Zulia & phone: 0264-2513221 10 | 0803.2303 | Pedro Geraldo MSC | Pedro Geraldo | The nontrivial zeros of the Zeta Function lie on the Critical Line | 10 Pages, This is a proof of Riemann Conjecture | null | null | null | math.GM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | In this paper is stablished a characterization of the solutions of the
equation: zeta(z) = 0. Then such a characterization is used to give a proof for
Riemann is Conjecture.
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2 Tianshu Luo,Yimu Guo tem. In this paper we attempt to find a sort of relationship bet ween a mechanical system between nonconservative clas sical mechanical symplecticgeo (1) which leads exactly to the classical equation of motion of a d amped (2) In sdefined a damped oscillator based on a mirror-image trick, inc orporating a with negative friction. The resulting Hamilton ian is unphysical: it is unbounded from below and under time reversal the oscillator is transformed into its mirror-image. By this arbitrary trick dissipative sy stems can be handled as though they were conservative. Bateman[3] proposed a simil arapproach. For the system(2),we there (5) Rajeev[12] consideredthat a large classof dissipativesys temscanbe brought to a canonical form by introducing complex coordinates in ph ase space and a complex-valued Hamiltonian. Rajeev[12] indicated that Eq .(2) can be brought to diagonal form bya (7) and the constant A=1/2o1. Then [12] defined the (8)Relation Between aDissipative Mechanical System andConse rvative Ones reviewing the works of we can find that they attempt to transform a dissipative system into a conservative syste m entirely and these approaches might be suitable for Hamiltonian representati on of Eq.(1), Eq.(4), Eq.(5) and the transformation (6 ), one can find that thenatural )of quantum of the two form O( an analog of d pdq-dHdt), avoiding to non-Lagrangian s stabilityof (9) where the position vector rdepends on the canonical variable {q,p}, Hamiltonian, and FFF(r/qi)denotes a generalized force in the Marsden considered that Eqs.(9) was composed of a con- servative part and a non-conservative part. Eq.(9) apparen tly is a dissipative mechanical systems in the phase space. Altho ugh one can utilize the approaches discussed in some to convert Eq.(9) into a conservative system, one must first change the definition of the canonical mo- mentumofthe system.If one vethe the phase flow of the original systemisdiffe rent from that of the new system. We need a Hamiltonian system that shares common p hase flow or solution with the original system. But this demand cannot be satisfied, because it conflicts with Louisville's theorem. Therefore, we would ha ve to attempt to on Eq.(9), in this paper we will attempt to demonstrate that a dissipa- tive mechanical system shares a single common phase curve wi th a In the light of this property, we will propose an appr oach to substitute a group of a system.In the follow- ing section, we will illustrate the relationship between a d issipative a Tianshu Luo,Yimu Guo 2 and A general force FFFis a damping force that depends on the variable set the components of the (10) Thus (11) Suppose the Hamiltonian quantity of a conservative system w ithout damping is
^H.Thus we maywritea the conservative do require thata Eq.(12) isthe sameas that of Eq.(11). We may therefore assume a phase curve gof Eq.(11) coincides with that of Eq.(12). The phase curve gcorresponds to an initial condition qi0,pi0. Consequently andEq.(12), we the values of these partial the phase curve g. In Hamiltonian Hof a andcanbe writt a constant that depends on the initial condition describe d thenconst1=0. The mechanical energy Hof the system (11) can be evaluated via Eq. (14) too. The Einstein summation con vention has beenRelation Between aDissipative Mechanical System andConse rvative Ones phase curve gof (15) Analogous toEq.(14), we a constant which depends on the initial condition. Substi intoEq.(16),we mechanical energy of the nonconservative system(11). According to the physical meaning of added into Eq.(14)(16)(17) respectively the Newton-Laplace principle of determinacy as, 'Th is principle asserts that the state of a mechanical system at any fixed moment of tim e uniquely de- termines all of its (future and past) motion.' In other words , in the phase space the position variable and the velocity variable are determi ned only by the time t. Therefore,we canassumethatwe have alreadya solutionofEq (18) where the solution satisfies the initial condition. We can di vide the whole time domain into a group of sufficiently small domains and in these domains qiis monotone, and hence we can assume an inverse function t=t(qi). force Fi|g,we (19) where Fiis a function of qialone. In Eq.(19) the function Fiis restricted on the curveg,such thata newfunction nonconservative force Fion the curve gto the conservative force Fiwhich is distinct from Fi. It must be noted, that Eq.(19) is tenable only on the phase curveg. Consequently the function form of Fidepends on the condition; from other initial conditions Fiwith different function Tianshu Luo,Yimu Guo According to the physical meaning of Hamiltonian, constis added to Eq.(17) such that the integral constant vanishes in Hamiltonian qua ntity. Hence and the potential of the conservative force to the sum of the work done by the nonconservative force Fandconst. both functions of qi,piandWi(qi)a function of qi. Eq.(21) and Eq.(17) can be thought of as a map from the total energy of t he to the Hamiltonian of the conservative system(1 2). Indeed, total energy differ in the constant const=-Wi(qi0). When the canconsider ofasanentir elynew Basedon theabove,the Forany y temsshareone andonly one common phase curve; the value of the Hamiltonian of the co nservative sys- tem is equal to the sum of the total energy of the nonconservat ive system on curve and aconstant depending on the i we must prove the first part of the Proposition 1, i.e. th at a conser- vative system with Hamiltonian presented by Eq.(22) shares a common phase curve with the nonconservative system represented by Eq.(1 1). In other words the Hamiltonian quantity presented by Eq.(22) satisfies Eq. (13) under the leftside of Eq.(13), we (23) It must be noted that although qiandpiare considered as distinct variables in Hamilton's mechanics, we can consider qiand .qias dependent variables in the processof constructingof ^H. At thetrajectory gwe (24) where Fi(qi)is equal to the damping force Fion the phase curve g. Hence un- der the initial condition q0,p0, Eq.(13) is satisfied. As a result, we can state thatRelation Between aDissipative Mechanical System andConse rvative Ones 7 the phase curve of Eq.(12) coincides with that of Eq.(11) und er the initial condi- tion; and ^Hrepresentedby Eq.(22) isthe Hamiltonianof the conservati Eq.(12). Then we must prove the second part of Proposition 1: the uniqu eness of the common phase curve. We assume that eq.(12) shares two common phase curves, g1andg2, g1atthetime tbez1,apointof g2atthetime t flowof eq.(12). Suppose a domain andOis not only a subset of the phase space of the but alsothat of the phase spaceof the cons ^ gtcomposedof g1andg2,and O.According tothe 1 The phase flow of Hamilton's equations preserves volume: for any regionDwe have volume of gtD=volume of D where gtisthe of phase spac the volume of O. This implies that the phase flow of eq.(11) ^ gtpre- serves the volume of Otoo. But the system (11) is not conservative, which con- flicts with Louisville's theorem; hence only a phase curve of eq.(12) eq.(11). In thenext sectionthree oposition 1. 3 Examples In this section, first two simple analytical examples are giv en, then a pro One-dimensional a em: x+c.x=0, (25) wherecisa constant.The exactsolutionof the equationabove,we derivedthe veloc (27)8 Tianshu Luo,Yimu intoEq.(27), suchwe (29) The dissipativeforce Finthe suchwe have the conserv ativeforce F F=-c2(x-A1); (25), in other words an initial condition determine a conservative a (32) The stiffness coefficient of the equation above must be negat ive.One can readily verify that the particular solution (26) of the dissipative system can satisfy (32). Thispoint equal to the energy loss of the original system. Both the me chanical energy of the Two-dimensional (33) The exact solution of the equation above with initial initia l condition Between aDissipative Mechanical System andConse rvative Ones 9 For convenience to obtain t=t(x),t=t(y)let .x0+.y0=0, then simplify the (35) Fromthe equationabove,we derivedthe we have themapat gfromx,yto .x: .x(x) (40) .x(y) we have themapat gfromx,yto .y: .y(y) (42) .y(x) (43) The componentsof nonconservative FFFin thesystem(33) are F1=.x-.y (44) F2=-.x+.y into F2(45), thentake the quantity asthe second compo- nent the (48)10 Tianshu Luo,Yimu Guo We can readily prove that the particular solution (35) can sa tisfy Eq.(48) too. too. 3.3 A superscript Tdenotesa to solve Eq.(49) we ass ume that a solution (50) Suppose a group (51) As in Eq.(19) we can consider that the damping forces are equa l to some under a function of qi. For convenience, these conservative forces can be defined asfunctions toelasticrestor ing a function of qi. An equivalent stiffness matrix ~Kis an n-dimensional (55)Relation Between aDissipative Mechanical System andConse rvative Ones 11 Dissipative Mechanical Systems with varied Initial System n Initial Condition Condition 1 Conservative System 1 Initial Condition 2 Conservative System Mechanical System andConservative Hamiltonianof Eqs.(55) (56) where 000 is a zero vector, ppp=.qqq.^Hin Eq.(56) is the mechanical energy of the conservative system(55), a potential function such that ^H doest not depend on anypath. 3.4 Discussion Based on the above, we can outline the relationship between a dissipative me- chanical system and a group of conservative systems by means of Fig. 1. statedfromtwo perspectives: If one explains the relationship from a geometrical perspec tive, one can 1. In this paper the conservative systems( 12) and (55) are called the substituting systems. Although a substituting system s hares a common phase curve with the original system,under other initialconditi ons the exhibits different phase curves. Therefore the phase flo w of the hatthesisnotequaltotheoriginalsystem.AccordingtoLouisv flow of the original dissipative system Eq.(11) certai nly does not also could explain the relationship from a mechanical pe rspective. It is known that there are non-conservative forces in a nonconser vative system. The total energy of the nonconservative system consists of the w ork done by forces. Hence the function form of the total energ y depends on a phase12 Tianshu Luo,Yimu Guo curve i.e. under an initial condition. If one constrains the total energy function to a phase curve g, the total energy function can be converted into a function o f q,p. One take ^Hconsisting of this new function and a constant as a Hamiltoni an quantity, such that a Hamilton's system (i.e., a conservati ve system) is obtained. Under the initial condition mentioned above, the solution c urve of the conditions the solution curve of the conservative i s different from that of the original nonconservative system.Since one defines the f in thenewsystem,theoftheconservativ mechanicalenergy ofthe 56). One might doubt that the orbit of a dissipative dynamical sys tem must coincidewithone ofac system. In some literature[13], a conservative system defined a system with the behavior of the preservation of phase volume. Hasselbla tt[6] had enbya directly observed by looking at individual orbits but by considering the evo- lution of large sets of initial conditions simultaneously, the preservation of phase volume.' Thispoint agreeswiththe secondpart of theproof o f theProposition 1. The Hamiltonians of the new conservative systems in general are not done by dampingforce depends onthe phase curve .Ifthe and therefore the work done by damping fo rce can be Subsequently, the Hamiltonian ^Hcan be explicitly expressed. Most systems do not have an analytical solution. Despite this, th e Hamilton momentummust satisfyEq.(12) under a certa had Klein[5] written, Physicists can make use of these t heories only is to a problem by utilizingHami in fact one must inevitably convert the problem back to Newtoni an formalism. This meansthat an explicitform of isnot ne cessary for conclusions Wecanconcludethatasystemhassuc classical mechanical system and any initi al condition, there ex- ists a conservative one, the two systems share one and only on e common phase curve; the Hamiltonian of the conservative system is the sum of the total energy of the nonconservative system on the aforementioned phase c urve and a on the initial condition. We can further conclude , that a can be reformulated as an infinite number of non-diss ipative problems, one corresponding to each phase curve of the dissipativepro blem. One can avoid having to change the definition of the canonical momentum in t he Hamilton for- malism, because under a certain initial condition the motio n of one of the group of sameasthe originaldissipat Between aDissipative Mechanical System andConse rvative Ones 13 References 1. Arnold., V.I.: Mathematical Methods of classical Mechan ics, second edition. (1978) 2. Arnold., V.I.: Mathematical aspects of classical and cel estial mechanics. Bateman, H.: On dissipative systems and related variatio nal principles. Phys. Rev. 38(4), 815-819 (1931). DOI dellameccanicaqu antistica. NuovoCim F.Klein: Entwickelung der Mathematik im19Jahrhundert. Teubner(1928) 6. AMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS (2003) 7. . (1948) 8. Kochan, D.: Functional integral for non-lagrangian syst ems. Phys. Rev. A 81(2), 022,112 (2010). DOI Kochan, D.: How to quantize forces (?): An academic essay o n how the strings could enter classical mechanics. Journal of Geomet ry and Physics 60(2), 219 - 229 (2010). DOI .014. Re- views ofModern Physics 79,519-553 (2007). P.Morse, Feshbach, H.:Methods ofTheoretical Physics. McGraw-Hill, NewYork (1953) 12. Rajeev, S.: A canonical formulation of dissipative mech anics using ANNALS ofPHYSICS 322(3),1541-1555 (2007) 13. Sun, Y., Zhou, Y.: Introduction to Modern Celestial Mech anics. Higher Education Press (2008) | 0803.2330 | Tianshu Luo | Tianshu Luo, Yimu Guo | A Sort of Relation among a Dissipative Mechanical System and
Conservative Ones | null | null | null | null | math-ph math.MP | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In this paper we proposed a proposition: for any nonconservative classical
mechanical system and any initial condition, there exists a conservative one;
the two systems share one and only one common phase curve; the Hamiltonian of
the conservative system is the sum of the total energy of the nonconservative
system on the aforementioned phase curve and a constant depending on the
initial condition. Hence, this approach entails substituting an infinite number
of conservative systems for a dissipative mechanical system corresponding to
varied initial conditions. One key way we use to demonstrate these viewpoints
is that by the Newton-Laplace principle the nonconservative force can be
reasonably assumed to be equal to a function of a component of generalized
coordinates $q_i$ along a phase curve, such that a nonconservative mechanical
system can be reformulated as countless conservative systems. Utilizing the
proposition, one can apply the method of Hamiltonian mechanics or Lagrangian
mechanics to dissipative mechanical system. The advantage of this approach is
that there is no need to change the definition of canonical momentum and the
motion is identical to that of the original system.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 16 Mar 2008 02:13:32 GMT"
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Alveset. al. Table 1. Example search results of augmented RAId DbS. (a)E-value P-value Peptide Mol.Wt. Protein ID Novel SAP 1.744e-05 RTKLKDC...KIAR 2897.500 (NP 9.345e-03 KQQELAA...VSSR 2898.520 (NP P-value Peptide Mol.Wt. Protein ID Novel SAP 1.834e-10 KsVEEYANCHLAR 1448.650 (NP 2.205e-04 KsVqEYANCHLAR 1447.670 (NP 3.470e-04 R lMNAsMVWAQAAR 1448.720 (NP disabled dysplasia(CMD1) dysplasia(CMD1) [MIM:114290]) }
RAIdDbS by default perform searches considering the parent ion t o have charge +1, +2, +3. The search results are then pooled to gether to form a single result ranked DbS may report peptidehits withvery different masses.In pa rt(a) ((b)), searchesweredone withannotated off (on). The lowercase letters in the peptide indica te SAPs. A novel SAP, if present and enabled in the searches, w ill be specified in the column headed by Novel SAP. Note that in the disease related annotation, there are four fi elds separated by three semicolons. The first field, a lower ca se amino acid letter, indicates the SAP; second field, theSAP position in thepeptide; the third fi eld,an SAP position in theprotein; the fourth database searches that consider a ation one novel SAP per peptide. This feature, helpful for scrutin izing otherwise unidentifiable spectra, will increase the effect ive peptide database size. However, it does not cause harm since the with peptide hits containing novel SAPs are obta ined by multiplying their P-values with a much larger number than that a tandem mass (MS2) spectrum taken from the profile data- set described earlier (Alves et al., 2007b), we illustrate in Table 1 two search results in the human protein database with the ann ota- ted SAPs and PTMs turned off (a) and on (b) respectively. In ca se (a), the best hit is a false positive with E-value about 0.11imply- ing that one probably ends up declaring no significant peptid e hit for this spectrum. In case (b), however, the best hit is a true posi- tive (a peptide from human transferin with an annotated SAP) with E-value about 4.0x10-7. This example shows that if onrate. That is, it may be fruitful to turn on the SAPs/PTMs when a regu - lar search returns no significant hit. Blindly turn on SAPs/P TMs, however, may cause loss of sensitivity due tothe increase of search space. In supplementary information, using the 54training spectra of PEAKS, we compare RAId DbS's peptide identifications with andwithout SAPs/PTMs.The purpose istostudythe degree of l oss in senstivity when turning on the SAPs/PTMs. Although for th e data set tested there is no obvious loss in sensitivity (perh aps 1.Protein sequence (NP 054764) used as an example to structure. A[character isalways inserted a fter Annotated SAPsa amino acid. SAPs are further enclosed by a pair of curly b rackets while PTMs are further enclosed by a pair of round brackets. Amino a cid follo- wed by two zeros indicates an annotated SAP. Every annotated PTM has a two-digit positive integer that is used to distinguish diff erent modifications.to the statistical accuracy of RAId DbS), we recommend sno significant enable speedy information retrieval and to enhance the pr otein coverage while analyzing MS2peptide spectra, wehave augmented the capability of RAId DbS and integrated with protein information such as SAPs, PTMs, and disease anno rches may enhance the peptide identification rate. Integration of and information may be crucial in many time-press are currently investigating the possibility of combinin tocluste- ring almost identical proteins. We are experimenting with k eeping the longest form of the protein and marking at the beginning o f the sequence possible deletions. Once achieved, this enhancem ent will further reduce redundant searches which should result in a shorter run time. Another objective is to cover more organisms. Curr ently, we have finished database construction of 17organisms, evisiae etc. (see supplementary information for details). We will p rovide more organismal databases onour web server once constructe work was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Library of Medicine at National Institutes o rges forthis articlewas provided bythe G., Ogurtsov A.Y. and Yu, Y.-K. (2007a) RAId DbS: Peptide Biology Direct ,2:25. Alves, G.,Ogurtsov A.Y.,Wu, W., Wang, G., Shen, R.-F. and Yu , Y.-K.(2007b) Cali- brating E-valuesfor BiologyDirect ,2:26. Collins, F.S., Brooks, L.D. and Chakravarti, A. (1998) A DNA resource for research on human genetic variation .Genome Res. J.,Blagoev,B.,Z M. (2007) A mass database for c SNP extract 34,197human protein sequences with a total acids from the file (last updated protein sequence is accompanied by a list of annotated S APs and PTMs. Out of the 34,197proteins, we found 29,979uni- que proteins with a total of 15,324,913amino acids. To avoid having multiple copies of identical or almost identical pro teins in the database, we first cluster the 34,197sequences by running an all-against-all BLAST. Two sequences with identical len gths and aligned gaplessly with less than 2%mismatches are and each sequence is called a qualified hit of the other. Any other sequence that satisfies this condition with a membe r of an existing cluster is assigned to that existing cluster. Al l the anno- tations in the same cluster are then merged. We find it possibl e for every given cluster to choose a consensus sequence that will make all other members its polymorphous forms. Hence, we only ret 27,272consensus we only retain one sequence (the consensus sequenc andtheconsensus sequen ce disagree at twosites, the presence of the member sequence is two cluster-induced SAPsat thetwosites of the consensus sequence. The originally annotated SAPs and P nsus sequence. this isprocess is done it eratively. In our information file, each SAP or PTM is documented with its origin. SAPs arising from clustering are easily distinguis hed hecon- sensus sequence, the accession number of those member seque nces are also recorded with their SAPs/PTMs annotations merged i nto the consensus sequence. When a user selects not to have annot ated SAPs, RAId DbS still allows for cluster-induced SAPs resulting in aneffective searchof the original databases but withminim um red- undancy. The strategy employed by RAId DbS to search for consensus protein in a given cluster is then used as a query to BLAST against the NCBI's nr database to retrieve its RefSeq accession number and its corresponding Swiss-Pr accession number, if it ex ists, from hit. It is possible for a cluster to have more than one accession number. This happens when there is a tie in the qual ified best hits and when a protein sequence in nr actually is docume nted withmore than one accession number. To minimize inclusion of less confident annotations, we only keep the SAPs and PTMs that are consistently documented in more than one source. For example, for proteins with Swiss- Prot accession number, we only keep the SAPs and PTMs that are annotated both by Swiss-Prot and GeneBank. For pro- teins without Swiss-Prot accession numbers, the retention s of SAPs and PTMs are described below. The PTM annotations are kept only if they are present in the gzipped seq. ...DPR... ... ...L ... member seq. ...DPR ... updated consensus protein clustering example. Once a consen- sus sequence is selected, members of the clusters are merged into howtheinfor mation ofamem- ber sequence is merged into the consensus sequence. The diff erence in the primary sequences between a member and the consensus int SAPs. In this example, the residues Q and A (in red) in the consensus are different from the residues K and V (in blue ) in the member sequence. As a consequence, K becomes a cluster-indu ced SAP associated with Q and V becomes a cluster-induced SAP associ ated with A at these respective sites of the consensus. The annotated S with residue R in the member sequence is merged in to the con- sensus sequence, see the updated consensus sequence in the fi gure. PTM, associated merged with a different annotated PTM, at the same site of the consensus sequence. As mentioned earlier, although the SAPs, PTMs are merged, each annotation's origin and disease associati ons are kept in the information file allowing for faithful information retr ieval at the final reporting stage of theRAId DbS of the Human Protein Refe- rence Database: The SAP an nota- tions are kept only if they are in agreement with the master ta (last updated 01/10/2007), of into account the finite sample effect and skewness, th e P-values)ofRAId DbS(Alves etal., 2007a) is derived theoretically . Since the skewness varies per spec- trum, the parameters for our theoretical distribution are spect rum- specific. For each spectrum considered, our theoretical dis tribution (used to compute P-value) mostly agrees well with the score Thefinal E-value foreachpeptide hit,however, is obtained by multiplying the peptide's P-value by the number of peptides of its category. As a specific example, when Tryps in is used as the digesting enzyme, RAId DbS allows for cleavages. RAId DbS has internal counters, Ccand Cinc, counting respectively the number of scored peptides with correct and incorrect N-terminal cleavage. In general, Cinc Cc. When calculating the E-value of a peptide with correct N- terminal cleavage, RAId DbS multiplies the peptide's P-value by Cc. However, the E-value of a peptide with incorrect will be obtained by multiplying the peptide's P-value database (thepool ofpeptides regardless (the pool of peptides withcorrect N-terminal same idea is used in the augmented RAId DbS. That is, dif- ferent counters are set up to record the number of scored pept ides indifferent categories. As aspecific example, when novel SA of scored peptides with a novel SAP. This is in general a 3Alveset. al. much larger number than other counters. When one calculates ofcout- ners with However, in the same search, for a peptide without novel SAP, its E-value is obtained by multiplying the peptide's P-value by the sum of a number of counters The same approach is applied to PTMs and we briefly sketch how RAId DbS deals with the presence of annotated SAPs, PTMs as well as novel SAPs. In our data- base format, annotated SAPs and PTMs are inserted right afte r the site of variation. When searching the database for peptides with parent ion mass 1500 Da, RAId DbS sums the masses of amino acids within each possible peptide to see if the total mass is within 3 Da of1500Da. At this stage, sites with variations will have, instead of a fixed mass, several possible masses depending on the number of SAPs/PTMs are annotated at these sites. Each pepti de fragmnent covering some of those sites will therefore have s everal effective masses, each corresponding to a specific arrangem ent of SAPs/PTMs. If some of these masses happens to be within 3 Da of1500Da, RAId DbS will score this peptide with SAPs/PTMs that give rise to the proper masses. If n one of these masses are within the allowed molecular mass range, that peptide will not be scored. Note that this approach is comput atio- nally efficient in terms of mass selection. For example, if a p eptide contains a site with annotated SAPs/PTMs, one computes the m ass of this peptide by summing oncethe amino acid masses of other sites. It is then a simple matter to see whether the addition o f this sum to the list of masses associated with the site with SAPs/P TMs may fall in the desriable mass range. This approach is partic ularly powerful when there are more than one site with SAPs/PTMs in thepeptide considered. Thecombinatorics associatedwith stobe added tothe mass sum of unvaried sites.This should be constr asted with methods that incorporate SAPs via appending polymorph ous peptides to the end of the primary sequence. In the latter app roach, the program needs todo the mass sum multiple times,repeatin g the mass sum of unvaried sites, and thus may significantly slow do wn the RAId DbS's strategic advantage, introduction of SAPs/PTMs does increase the complexity of the algorithm. Th e- refore, we limit per peptide the maximum number of annotated SAPs to be 2and the maximum number of annotated PTMs to be5. To facilitate discovery, RAId DbS also permits novel SAPs, but limited to one novel SAP per peptide, mea- ning peptides that do not contain any annotated SAPs/PTMs. T his is because the introduction of novel SAP largely expand the s earch space, and if one allows novel SAPs on peptides already docum arger and may render the search intractable. Currently, the novel SAP nce.As an example, assume that one is searching for a peptide with pa rent ion mass 1500Da, and a candidate peptide smaller than the target mass. It happens that 23Da is also the mass difference between Tryptophan and Tyro- sine, and if the candidate peptide contains a Tyrosine, RAId wpep- tide. If the candidate peptide contains two Tyrosines, RAId DbS will replace one Tyrosine at a time with a Tryptophan and scor eboththenew peptides. Itisevident that s fastif one were toallow fortwonovel SAPsper petpide. It is commonly believed that when searching in a larger data- base, one is bound to loose sensitivity. This may be true if th e E-value for every hit is obtained by multiplying the peptide' sP- value by the same number regardless of the category that pept ide belongs to. As we have explained earlier, RAId DbS does not do that. It uses a method equivalent to Bonferroni correction. We use E-values to rank peptide hits and each peptide's E-value is obtai- ned by multiplying its P-value by the corresponding size of the effective database that the peptide belongs to. Consequent ly, pep- tide hits falling in a category that has a large effective dat abase size essentially need to have smaller P-values than those of pep- tide hits falling in a category that has a small effective dat abase size. In Figure 3, we show the Receiver Operating Characteri stic (ROC) curves when analyzing the training 54spectra of PEAKS. In this data set, there are 17spectra from yeast, 23spectra from bovine, and 14spectra from horse. The true positive proteins are already provided by PEAKS. We search the spectra generated b y proteins of yeast, bovine, and horse respectively in the dat abases fo yeast, bovine, and horse. Since the true positive protein s are already known, it is relatively easy to perform the ROC analy sis using the search results from the 54spectra. There are three ,one for searches allowing annotated SAPs/PTMs, and one for sear SAPs/PTMsas wellas novel Positivesregular search annot. SAPs/PTMs annot. SAPs/PTMs + novel SAPs Fig. 3.ROC curves for three different search strategies employed w hen running RAId these database in Table 2 below. Note that the dise aseinformation is only available for the human database. For hu man database, we have 123,464SAPs and 81,984PTMs. Out of those SAPsand PTMs, 15,787of them have disease al. Table 2. Summary of Augmented Organismal Databases Searchable by RA IdDbS. Organism DB name SAPsincluded PTMsincluded DB size (byte) Homo sapiens hsa.seq 123464 81984 gambiae angam.seq 350 50 thaliana artha.seq 5207 11977 botau.seq 3295 15810 elegans caele.seq 1045 7756 10,050,609 Canis familiaris cafam.seq 2766 4196 18,458,474 Danio rerio darer.seq 7358 3841 melanogaster drmel.seq 5611 9290 eqcab.seq 485 1045 9,404,150 Gallus gallus gagal.seq 1109 6522 8,728,501 Macaca mulatta mamul.seq 1370 1262 14,498,187 Mus musculus mumus.seq 27614 61684 14,363,491 Oryza sativa orsat.seq 1291 2182 patro.seq 5201 3734 falciparum plfal.seq 56 184 3,995,386 Rattus norvegicus ranor.seq 9297 33240 cerevisiae sacer.seq 5507 13220 2,927,330 6 | 0803.2395 | Yi-Kuo Yu | Gelio Alves, Aleksey Ogurtsov, and Yi-Kuo Yu | RAId DbS: A Mass-Spectrometry Based Peptide Identification Web Server
with Knowledge Integration | 6 pages, 2 figures | null | null | null | q-bio.QM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Summary: In anticipation of the individualized proteomics era and the need to
integrate knowledge from disease studies, we have augmented our peptide
identification software RAId DbS to take into account annotated single amino
acid polymorphisms, post-translational modifications, and their documented
disease associations while analyzing a tandem mass spectrum. To facilitate new
discoveries, RAId DbS allows users to conduct searches permitting novel
polymorphisms. Availability: The webserver link is http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
/CBBResearch/qmbp/raid dbs/index.html. The relevant databases and binaries of
RAId DbS for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X are available from the same web page.
Contact: [email protected]
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 17 Mar 2008 06:56:53 GMT"
] | 2008-03-18T00:00:00 | [
] |
1 interesting nonlinear systems in experiments are wells describe d dynamical models. Their dynamical processes includ e of transition of periodic orbits from stable to unstable and bifurcation to chaos. To make a global understanding of the system, some topological an d geomet- rical methods based on periodic orbits are developed[1]. Symbolic dyn amics, as a coarse-grained description of the dynamics, provides an effec tive tool to depict Inspecial, two curve families of stable and unstable manifolds intersect each other and de compose a Poincar' e section[3,4]. Enumeration and existence of unstable per iodic or- bits (UPOs) in the Poincar' e section are determined[5,6] and some nu merical methods such as finding UPOs are the features of dynamics in a Poincar' e section, evolution o f man- ifolds in a phase space, which possibly gains a geometric insight into the dynamics, is another important characteristic of the system. For to chaos can be identified by tracing the evolution of sta ble and unstable manifolds in the phase space with parameters. Recently, s ome al- gorithms for computing two-dimensional stable and unstable manifo lds in a phase space are proposed[8,9,10] and applied t o visual- ize the structure of chaos[11]. Since UPOs are closely related to inva riant manifolds, a basic issue in their relations is describing how local invarian t manifolds rotate around UPOs in the phase space. Moreover, how r educing their topological relation into a two-dimensional template is importan t the global organization of UPOs in chaos. To motivate the visualization of rotation of invariant manifolds aroun d UPOs and construction of topological template in reduction of stab le man- ifolds, we consider the model for diamagnetic Kepler problem (DKP)[1 2]. In our previous works, two coordinate axes are chosen as a Poinca r' e sec- tion to form an annulus in a lifted space. The dynamics on the annulus can be reduced by considering the symmetry of system. In view of s tretch- ing and wrapping in the lifted space, symbolic dynamics without has been established[13]. Due to the ordering of stable and in the minimal domain (a reduced Poincar' e section), a meth od to extract UPOs corresponding to short symbolic strings is proposed . A one to one correspondence between UPOs and symbolic sequences is show n under the system symmetry Although we only focused o n the case of zero scaled energy, in our numerical experiences, the met hods can be still used at the scaled energy +-0.1. In this paper, for the DKP, we numbers of invariant manifolds around UPOs and set up a co n- nection between rotation numbers and symbolic sequences. Using s we reduce stable manifolds to construct a topological te mplate, which preserves the topological relation of UPOs. 2 Model system and Poincar' e section The Hamiltonian of a hydrogenic electron (with zero angular momentu m) in a uniform magnetic field Bdirected along the z-axis is given by H= half the cyclotron frequency. Converting to atomic units and transforming the cylindrical coordinates to semiparabolic ones, the Hamiltonian the scaled energy depending on the energy Eand field strength parameter g= 2o. The symmetry group of hconsists of the identity e, two reflections su,snacross the u,naxes, two diagonal reflections s13,s24, andthree rotations around the center, In the following, the symmet denoted by r,pand -r, respectively. The is denoted by T. Figure 1 displays an orbit and boundary of the transformed potent ial for o= 0. A Poincar' e section is chosen as follows. Imagine that the uandn axes are both of a finite width and length. A cont our is taken along the perimeter of the area forming by the two crossing im The Poincar' e section is then obtained by recording th e position and the tangent component of the momentum along the contour, i.e ., the Birkhoff canonical coordinates[16] at intersecting points with the c ontour where an orbit enter the inside of the contour. The length of the co ntour is infinite. It is more convenient to transform the contour to one wit h a finite length. For example, in the first quadrant, the transformat naxis convert the segment of the original contour in the first quadrant to interval of length 2 parametrized with s[-1,1). The variable corresponding to the momentum is taken as v=-pu/pat the positive uaxis, and v=pn/pat where In this way we may parametrize the whole contour with s[-1,7) and define corresponding v. The under r,pand -rin the original configurational space becomes symmetry of shifting sby a multiple of 2 in the s-vplane. The dynamics on the Poincar' e surface is then represented by a ma p on andv[-1,1], which is taken as a fundamental domain (FD). When consider an image and preimage of the FD, we need exten d to its lifted space. The partial image and preimage of the FD in the lifted s pace is given in Fig. 2. For example, in Fig. 2(a), zones 1 (2) and 1' (2') in the strip 1 (2) aremapped forwardinto zones +3 (+0) and+2 (+1), res pectively. In the same way, the backward mapping of the strip 1 is given in Fig. 2( b). Since the rotational symmetry of the Hamiltonian (2) corresponds to symmetry in lifted space, the annulus ( the Poincar' e section can be reduced to a domain ( the conservative system, classical dynamics preserves an inva riant vol- ume in the phase space under constricting, stretching and folding. This behavior can be displayed in the Poincar' e section. In Fig. 3(a), we d raw the 9 lines (s(0,1),v[-1,1]) in the reduced domain (RD) and their forward mapping in the lifted space. In the mapping, the original zone in the RD is stretched and folded, as well as wrapped. In order to display ord ering of the lines in the forward mapping, we also plot connecting lines between two different strips in the lifted space. In the lifted space ( ordering of lines in the top-left part preserves the same as the original one and the ordering in the bottom-right part is in reverse. In anot her lifted space the ordering of lines in the whole part is in reverse. It is clear that the wrapping of lines in the forward mappin g is clockwise, if the lines in the strip ( s(1,2),v[-1,1]) are stuck to those in the strip ( s(2,3),v[-1,1]) in terms of their ordering. In the same way, in Fig. 3(b), the similar result can be obtained from the 9 lines ( s(1,2), v[-1,1]) in the RD and their forward mapping in the lifted space. So, the forward mapping illustrates the rotation of RD in the clockwise direct ion. 3 Stable and unstable invariant manifolds In general, the invariant manifolds as a subset are contained in manif olds. The method for calculating stable and unstable manifolds (dynamical folia- tions) used in through the rest of our works is detailed in [2]. Using the same method, we can thus generate the stable and unstable invariant ma Poincar' esec tion. Here we present a short introduction of the method. (i) Unstable manifolds: Taking a circle around nsteps backward of an unstable periodic point ( x0,y0), we get an ellipse centered at (x0,y0) after the same steps forward mapping. Its long axis points to the 4most stretching direction. When we fix the point ( x0,y0) and increase n, the ellipse is stretched and rotated, as well as its most stretching d irection changes slightly. When n- , the most stretching direction approaches a limit. This direction is the most stretching direction of the point ( x0,y0). After going a short distance along the direction, we get a new point ( the above process, we can get the new most stretching an unstable invariant manifold is generated by connecting the points (x0,y0). In fact, the deformation of ellipse is closely related to the dynamic al matrix of Poincar' e mapping. (ii) Stable manifolds: Taking a circle around nsteps forward mapping (xn,yn) of an unstable periodic point ( x0,y0), we get an ellipse centered at (x0,y0) after the same steps backward mapping. Following the above similar process, we can get the most stable direction of the point ( x0,y0) and a stable invariant manifold. 4 Evolution of unstable manifolds in rotated Poincar' e sections In order to display the evolution of invariant manifolds around an UPO , we rotate the ( u,n) coordinates to the ( uph,nph) coordi- nates with an angle ph[0,p/2]. By using the same transformations in Section II, the Poincar' e map ( sph,vph) is obtained from the ( uph,nph) coor- dinates and reduced to a domain ( Since hhas C4vand time-reversal symmetries, we take 4 UPOs (4)(5)(14)(15) w ith dif- ferent symmetries in the Table I as examples to investigate the evolu tion of invariant manifolds. Their plots in the configuration space with 10 rot ation coordinate axes and periodic points with unstable invariant manifolds in the RDs are drown in Figs. 4(a)-(d), respectively. From the initial point in axis corresponding to the point 1 in the RD with ph= 0, each UPO goes into the second quadrant as displayed in the configur ation space by an arrow. Its time process is recorded in the RDs with 10 ro tation anglesph. So, the figure in the RD with ph=p/2 is the same as that in the RD with ph= 0 besides the first point in the former RD is the second point in the later one. In a periodic process, we will calculate the advanced phase thof an unstable manifold in rotation around the periodic orbits to dete rmine rotation number th/2p. The phase this counted positive (negative) when the rotation of unstable manifold around the periodic orbits is counter- UPOs with 4 different symmetries are described as follows: 5(i) The UPO (4) displayed in the configuration space of Fig. 4(a) but not r,p, In the second quadrant of configuration space, the orbit starting from the axis goes to the -uph=0(+nph=p/2) coordinate axis. It corresponds to that the point 1 moves to 2 in the RD with ph= 0, i.e. 1 in the RD with ph=p/2. In the process, the orbit passes through the + nph=p/18, while the point 1 moves in the RDs with 4p/9. At the same time, an unstable manifold passing through the point 1 evolves in the RDs. The phase of unstable manifo ld advances by an angle close to -p. In the third quadrant of the orbit starting from the -uph=0coordinate axis goes to the coordinate axis. It corresponds to that the point 2 moves to 3 in the RD with ph= 0, i.e. 2 in the RD with ph=p/2. In the process, the orbit passes through the axes, while the point 2 moves in the RDs with 4p/9. The phase of unstable manifold advances by an angle close to -p. The orbit starting from the -nph=0coordinate axis goes into the fourth quadrant of configuration space and back to the -nph=0coordinate axis. It corresponds to that the point 3 moves to 4 in the RD with ph= 0. In the process, the orbit passes through the axis two times, while the point 3 goes into the RD with ph=p/18, then leaps to the point 4 and comes back the RD with ph= 0. In the moving processes of the point 3 from the RD withph= 0 into the RD with ph=p/18 and of the point 4 from the RD withph=p/18 into the RD with ph= 0, the directions of unstable manifolds are almost invariant. However, in the leaping process of the orbit fr om the point 3 to 4 in the RD with ph=p/18, an unstable direction indicated as the arrow from the periodic point to its neighboring point on the unst dvances by an angle close to -p. In the third quadrant of configuration space, the orbit starting from the -nph=0(-uph=p/2) coordinate axis goes to the axis. It corresponds to that the point 4 moves to 5 in th e RD with ph= 0, i.e., the point 3 in the RD with ph=p/2 moves to 5 in the RD with ph= 0. In the process, the orbit passes through the axes, while the point 3 moves in the RDs with ph= 4p/9,ph= 7p/18,***,ph=p/9 and then the point 5 moves in the RD withph=p/18. Since the axis intersects the orbit in the fourth quadrant, two points 3 and 4 are added in the RD with ph=p/18. The phase of unstable manifold advances by an angle close to -p. In the second quadrant of configuration space, the orbit starting from coordinate axis goes to the + nph=0coordinate axis. It corresponds to that the point 5 moves to 6 in the RD with ph= 0, i.e., the point 4 in the 6RD with ph=p/2 moves to 6 in the RD with ph= 0. In the process, the orbit passes through the + nph=4p/9, +nph=7p/18,***, axes, while the point 4 moves in the RDs with ph= 4p/9,ph= 7p/18,***,ph=p/9 and then the point 6 moves in the RD with ph=p/18. The phase of -p. nph=0 (+uph=p/2) coordinate axis goes into the first quadrant of configuration spa ce and back to the + nph=0(+uph=p/2) coordinate axis. It corresponds to that the point 6 moves to 1 in the RD with ph= 0, i.e., the point 5 moves to 6 in the RD with ph=p/2. In the process, the orbit passes through axis two times, while the point 5 goes into the RD with ph= 4p/9, then leaps to 6 and comes back the RD with ph=p/2. In the moving processes of the point 5 from the RD with ph=p/2 into the RD with ph= 4p/9 and of the point 6 from the RD with ph= 4p/9 into the RD with ph=p/2, the directions of unstable manifolds are almost invariant. Howeve r, in the leaping process from the point 5 to 6 in the RD with ph= 4p/9, an unstable direction isapproximately reversed. The phase of unstab le by an angle close to -p. So, in the periodic process, the unstable manifold returns to its orig inal position, as well as the phase of unstable manifold advances by -6 p. The rotation number of UPO (4) is -3. (ii) The UPO (5) displayed in the configuration space of Fig. 4(b) pass es through the origin. Its right limit orbit has s13symmetry, but not r,p, Similarly, in the periodic process, the phase of unstable manifold advances by -6 p. The rotation number of UPO (5) is -3. (iii) The UPO (14) displayed in the configuration space of Fig. 4(c) has snsymmetry, but not r,p, Similarly, in the periodic process, the phase of unstable manifold advances by - 8p. The rotation number of UPO (14) is -4. (iv) The UPO (15) displayed in the configuration space of Fig. 4(d) ha s r,p, -rsymmetries, but not Similarly, in the periodic process, the phase of unstable manifold advances by - 16p. The rotation number of UPO (15) is -8. Thus, in the rotation of unstable invariant manifolds around UPOs, w e have determined rotation numbers. At the same time, we have also o btained that the advanced phase |th|of unstable invariant manifold in a Poincar' e mapping does not exceed p. In the Sect. V, we will present a method to calculate the rotation numbers in a Poincar' e section. 75 Rotation aPoincar' to the natural ordering in the lifted space and the occur rence of tangencies of manifolds, we have the region partition in the RD with sy and the ordering for forward (3) The forward mapping preserves the ordering in regions of *L0and*L2, but reverses the ordering in regions of the RD, some symmetries of the Hamiltonian (2) are reduced, it ca n be reflected by the relation of orbit periods to sequence ones. So, we can oundUPOs in the RDandthen add thecontribution of symmetries to determine r otation numbers. The 4 UPOs with different symmetries in the Sect. IV are st ill taken as examples. (i) In Fig. 5(a), we draw the periodic points encoded by and unstable invariant manifolds passing through the points. The pe- riodic points are denoted by circles. In order to illustrate the evolut ion of unstable direction around the periodic points, we take another initia l point near the periodic point 1 on the unstable invariant manifold. The forw ard mapping of the point is also drawn in the figure and denoted by crosse s. The arrows from periodic points to their neighboring points on the unsta ble in- variant manifolds display unstable directions. In the forward mappin g from the periodic point 1 to 2, the symbolic sequence *R2 0R1R2 2R1is shifted the original unstable direction is approximately reversed. Since the rotation is clockwise, we obtain -protation of the unstable direc- tion. In the forward mapping from the periodic point 2 to 3, the symb olic sequence *R0R1R2 2R1R0is shifted to *R1R2 2R1R2 0and the unstable direction is approximately reversed. We also obtain -protation of the unstable direc- tion, i.e. Inthesameway, -p rotation of the unstable direction is obtained in the forward mapping from the periodic point 3 to 4. In the periodic point 4, we take another neig h- boring point denoted by a triangle to replace the point denoted by a c ross. In the same way, 3 x(-p) rotation of the unstable direction is obtained in the forward mapping from the periodic point 4 to 5, from the periodic point 5 to 6 and from the periodic point 6 to 1. Thus, during the mapping in the sequence period, the original unstable direction goes back and the total advance of phase is -6p. Since the orbit period is equal to the sequence one, i.e., the UPO (4) has not the r,p, -rsymmetries, the rotation number of 8UPO encoded by R2 0R1R2 2R1is -3. (ii) In Fig. 5(b), the periodic points with the right limit encoded the stable and unstable invariant manifolds passing through the points are drawn. In the forward mapping from the pe the original unstable direction is approximately preserved. In t he for- ward mapping from the periodic point 5 to 6, the same result is obtaine d. In other forward mappings, 6 x(-p) rotation of the unstable direction is added. Thus, during the mapping in the sequence period, the origina l un- stable direction goes back and the total advance of phase is -6p. Since the orbit period is equal to the sequence one, the rotation number of U PO (5) encoded by -3. (iii)In Fig. 5(c), the periodic points encoded by redrawn. In the forward mapping from the periodic point 1 to 2, the symbolic se shifted to the original unstable direction is approximately preserved. In the forw ard map- ping from the periodic point 6 to 7, the same result is obtained. In oth 8 Thus, during the mapping in the sequence period, the original unstable dire ction goes back and the total advance of phase is -8p. Since the orbit period is equal to the sequence one, the rotation number of UPO (14) enc oded -4. (iv) In Fig. 5(d), the periodic points encoded by L0R2 1R2 0and stable thesymbolic sequence *L0R2 1R2 0 is shifted to *R2 1R2 0L0and the original unstable direction is In other forward mappings, 4 x(-p) rotation of the is added. Thus, during the mapping in the sequence period, the original unstable direction goes back and the total advance of pha se is-4p. Since the orbit period is 4 times of the sequence one, i.e., the UPO (15) has ther,p, -rsymmetries, the rotation number of the UPO encoded by L0R2 1R2 0 is saround periodic points, the forward map corresponding to the shift with approximately preserves (reserves) the original . So, we can multiply the numbers of R0,R1andR2in sequences by one half of the ratios of orbit periods to sequ ence ones to determine rotation numbers of UPOs. Since the RD has the p-rotation symmetry, the 5-letter symbolic dy- namics can be reduced to the 3-letter one in the minimal domain The MD is partitioned and denoted by The correspondence of 5-letter symbolic sequences with 3-letter ones is general, the number of R0,R1andR2in 5-letter symbolic sequences is twice of the number of R0andR1in 3-letter ones. The ratios of orbit pe- riods to sequence ones for the former are one half of those for th e later. Of course, the simple repeating of 3-letter symbolic sequences in 5-let ter ones will be removed. For example, the 3-letter symbolic sequences to the 5-letter ones respectively. Rotation numbers of two UPOs can be determined by calculating total number s 3-letter symbolic sequences and multiplying them by one half of the ratios of orbit periods to sequence ones. The same r otation numbers of the UPOs can be also obtained by using the method for 5- letter symbolic sequences. Thus, using the method, we extract rotation numbers of 38 UPOs from symbolic sequences as given in Table I. 6 Topological Template After the region partition and symbolic ordering are introduced, th e families of stable and unstable manifolds constitute curve coordinates in th e RD. Each stable (unstable) manifold has the same forward (backward) The ordering on stable (unstable) manifolds is described by that of forward (backward) symbolic sequences[14]. In Fig. 6, two familie s of ordering of stable (unstable) manifolds increases monotonically from each stable manifold in zones *L0,*R0and*R1of Fig. 6, we con- strict all points in the curve to a point. The point preserves the for ward symbolic sequence and the ordering of stable manifold. So, in the left region of Fig. 6, the points in three zones are reduced to three lines. Conn ecting the three lines, we obtain a belt partitioned by the symbols *C0and*B0, and denoted by the symbols *L0,*R0and*R1as given in the top of Fig. 7(a). From the left to right along the belt, the ordering of forward seque nces in- creases monotonically. The forward mapping of the left region ( in Fig. 6, i.e. the right region ( s(2,3),v[-1,1]) in Fig. 3(a), can be reduced in the RD. So, in the forward mapping, the keep in the region ( s(0,1),v[-1,1]) encoded by L0*andR0*, respectively, but the zone *R1moves in the region ( encoded by R1*. In Fig. 6, we again partition the RD and en- code it by corresponding backward symbols. The two zones to five zones by the lines *B0and*C0, as well as the zone R1*
is partitioned to three zones by the lines *B2and*C2. In the stretching and folding processes of forward mapping, the original three zones ar e mapped into the eight zones. We still constrict all points along stable manifold s in each zone. Thus, the points in eight zones are reduced to five lines in the left region and three lines in the right region. Connecting the eight line s, we obtain a belt partitioned by the symbols and encoded by the strings the bottom of Fig. 7(a). The ordering of the bottom belt is the same as that of the top one. S o, the forward mapping of the region ( s(0,1),v[-1,1]) can be described by a twisting part of topological template as given in Fig. 7(a). In the same way, along each stable manifold in zones 6, all pointsin thecurve areconstricted toa point. Abelt conta ining the point *B2and*L2, andencodedby given in the top of Fig. 7(b). From the left to right along the belt, the ordering of forward sequences increases mono tonically. The forward mapping of the right region ( s(1,2) andv[-1,1]) in Fig. 6, i.e. the left region ( s(-1,0),v[-1,1]) in Fig. 3(b), can be reduced in the RD. So, in the forward mapping, the zones in the region ( s(1,2),v[-1,1]) encoded by L2*andR2*, but the zone*R1moves in the region ( s(0,1),v[-1,1]) encoded by R1*. We still constrict all points along stable manifolds in each zone and obtain the belt partitioned by the symbols and encoded by the strings the bottom of Fig. 7(b). So, the forward mapping of the region ( s(1,2),v[-1,1]) can be described by a twisting part of topological template as given in Fig. 7(b). In the two twisting parts of topological template, the belts reflect ap- proximately the direction of unstable manifolds. Using the twisting pa rts of topological templates, we can easily calculate rotation numbers f or given symbolic sequences. In the same way, the 4 UPOs with different symm etries in Sect. II are still taken as examples. For the sequence the UPO(4), firstly, R0*R0R1R2 2R1is obtained by shifting anarrow is put on the *R0zone of topbelt inFig. 7(a), after a forward mapping, the arrow is moved on the R0*R0zone of bottom belt in Fig. 7(a). Since the arrow rotates clockwise to its opposite direction, we coun t the pro- cess as -1. Then, R0*R1R2 2R1R0is obtained by shifting an arrow on the *R0zone of top belt in Fig. 7(a) rotates clockwise 11to its opposite direction, we count the forward mapping as -1. Repe ating the above process, we get the total number -6 counting the forw ard map- ping in sequence period. Since the orbit period is equal to the sequen ce one, we can thus obtain rotation number of the UPO encoded by For the sequence the UPO(5), after a forward mapping for an arrow on the top belt in Fig. 7(a) moves parallelly on the zone L0*R0of bottom belt. We count the forward mapping as 0. Following the same process, we get the total number -6 count ing the forward mapping in the sequence period. Since the orbit period is equ al to the sequence one, we can thus obtain rotation number of the UPO e ncoded by -3. Similarly, for the sequence encoding the UPO(14) (UPO(15)), we get the total number -8 (-4) counting the forward mapping in the sequence period. Since th e orbit period is equal to (4 times of) the sequence one. we can thus obtain rota- tion number of the UPO encoded by is -4 (-8). By comparing with the former computation for the 4 UPOs fro m the definition and in a Poincar' e section, the same results are extracte d from the topological template. By combining the two twisting parts in Figs. 7(a)(b), suspension of t he Poincar' emapping, forward mapping from the top belt to bottom one, is obtained. A global topolo gical template of the RD is constructed by connecting the suspension wit h a to the Poincar' e mapping in Fig. 8. The template pres erves the ordering of forward sequences encoding stable manifolds in a be lt and the same or inverse ordering of symbolic encoding in the forward map ping of all parts in the belt. 7 Conclusion and discussion In summary, we have presented the systematic study of the evolu tion of in- variant manifolds around unstable periodic orbits and the reduction of them to construct a topological template in terms of symbolic dynamics fo r the diamagnetic Kepler problem. To confirm the topological template, ro tation numbers of invariant manifolds around unstable periodic orbits in a ph ase space, which quantify the evolution, are determined from the defin ition and connected with symbolic sequences encoding the periodic orbits. On ly sym- bolic codes, which correspond to the forward mapping with inverse o rdering, can contribute to the rotation of invariant manifolds. By using symb olic ordering, the reduced Poincar' e section is constricted along stab le whichpreserves can be used to extract the rotation numbers, is established. T he rota- tion numbers computed from the topological template are the same as those computed from the original unstable periodic orbits in phase space are the skeleton of the chaotic system, the local evolution of manifolds near unstable perio dic or- bits can present basic features of the global evolution of manifolds in phase space. One of the basic features can be quantified by the rotation number and embedded in the topological template. In the semiclassical Green's function, the phase correction is relat ed to Maslov indices of the UPOs[17], which has been connected with symbolic se- quences of unstable periodic orbits due to boundary coding[18]. The relation of Maslov indices to rotation numbers of unstable periodic orbits rem ains to be determined. 138 REFERENCES [1] J. Guckenheimer and P. Holmes, Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical S ys- tems and Bifurcation of Vector Fields, Springer, New York, 1983. [2] B.-L. Hao and W.-M. Zheng, Applied Symbolic Dynamics and Chaos, World Scientific, Singapore, 1998. [3] P. Grassberger and H. Kantz, Phys. Lett. A 113(1985) 235. [4] Y. Gu, Phys. Lett. A 124, (1987) 340. [5] P. Cvitanovi' c, G. H. Gunaratne and I. Procaccia, Phys. Rev. A38, (1988) 1503. [6] P. Grassberger, H. Kantz and U. Moenig, J. Phys. A 22, (1989) 5217. [7] K. T. Hansen, Phys. Rev. E 52, (1995) 2388. [8] M. E. Johnson, M. S. Jolly, and I. G. Kevrekidis, Numer. Algorithm s 74, (1997) 125. [9] M. Dellnitz and A. Hohmann, Numer. Algorithms 75, (1997) 293. [10] B. Krauskopf and H. Osinga, Chaos 9, (1999) 768. [11] H. M. Osinga and B. Krauskopf, Computers and Graphics 26, (2002) 815. [12] H. Friedrich and D. Wintgen, Phys. Repts. 183, (1989) P. Cvitanovi' c and B. Eckhardt, Nonlinearity 6, (1993) 277. [16] G. D. Birkhoff, Acta Mathematica 50, (1927) 359. [17] J. B. Delos, Advan. in Chem. Phys. 65, 161 (1986). [18] B. Eckhardt and D. Wintgen, J. Phys. B 23, 355 (1990). 149 FIGURE CAPTION Fig. 1. A typical orbit and boundary of the transformed potential for the diamagnetic Kepler problem at o= 0. Fig. 2. A image (a) and preimage (b) of the strips 1 and 2 of the funda - mental domain ( s[-1,7),v[-1,1]) in the lifted space. Fig. 3. 9 lines in (a) ( s(0,1),v[-1,1]) or (b) ( the reduced domain and their forward mapping in the correspond ent lifted space. The different types of lines display the relative changes betw een orig- inal positions and their forward mappings along the scoordinate axis. Fig. 4. UPOs with different symmetry in the configuration space and p e- riodic points with unstable invariant manifolds in rotation Poincar' e se ctions: (a) the UPO (4); (b) the UPO (5); (c) the UPO (14); (d) the UPO (1 5). Fig. 5. Periodic points encoded by (a) R2 0R1R2 2R1; unstable invariant manifolds. Fig. 6. Stable and unstable manifolds with partition lines in the 7. Twisting parts of topological template describing the forwar d mapping on the regions (a) ( s[0,1),v[-1,1]) and (b) ( For crossing of two lines in suspension of the Poincar' e ombination of solid lines and short dashes). The top and bottom belts are denot ed by solid lines or dashes depending on their positions. The connecting lines of two parts of the broken belt in the forward mapping are denoted by domain. The not ions for belts are the same as Fig. 7, except that projection of severa l parts in the bottom belt on one belt in terms of forward symbolic codings is connec ted by short dashes. The flow is denoted by short dashes. 15Table I. Rotation numbers and symbolic sequences of UPOs for the diamagnetic Kepler problem at o= 0. No 3-lett. Seq. & its Period 5-lett. Seq. & its Period Orb. Period Rot. Num. 1 R01 R01 4 -2 2 L0R12 L0R1L2R14 4 -1 3 R0R12 R0R1R2R14 4 -2 4 R2 0R13 R2 0R1R2 2R16 6 -3 5 L0R2 0R14 8 -3 6 L0R1R2 04 8 -3 7 L0R1R0R14 L0R1R2R14 4 -1.5 8 R3 0R14 R3 0R1R3 2R18 8 -4 9 R2 0R2 14 R2 0R2 14 8 -4 10 L0R0L0R2 15 L0R0L0R2 15 20 -6 11 L0R2 0R2 15 L0R2 0R2 15 20 -8 12 L0R1L0R2 15 10 -3 13 L0R1R2 0R15 L0R1R2 2R15 20 -8 14 L0R1R0R2 15 10 -4 15 L0R2 1R2 05 L0R2 1R2 05 20 -8 16 L0R2 1R0R15 10 -4 17 R4 0R15 R4 0R1R4 2R110 10 -5 18 R3 0R2 15 R3 0R2 15 20 -10 19 R2 0R1R0R15 R2 0R1R2R15 20 -10 20 R2 0R3 15 10 -5 21 R0R1R0R2 15 10 L0R0L0R1R2R16 12 -4 23 L0R0L0R3 16 12 -4 24 L0R2 0L0R2 16 L0R2 0L0R2 16 6 -2 25 L0R4 0R16 12 -5 26 L0R3 0R2 16 L0R3 0R2 16 6 -2.5 27 L0R2 0R3 16 12 12 -4 29 L0R1R4 06 12 -5 30 L0R1R3 0R16 L0R1R3 2R16 12 12 -5 32 L0R2 1R3 06 L0R2 1R3 06 6 -2.5 33 L0R3 1R2 06 12 -5 34 R5 0R16 R5 0R1R5 2R112 12 -6 35 R4 0R2 16 R4 0R2 16 12 -6 36 R3 0R1R0R16 R3 0R1R2R16 12 -6 37 R3 0R3 16 12 -6 38 R2 0R4 16 R2 0R4 16 12 -6 16This figure wufig4a1.jpg is available in jpg format figure wufig4b1.jpg is available in jpg format figure wufig4c1.jpg is available in jpg format figure wufig4d1.jpg is available in jpg format figure wufig51.jpg is available in jpg format | 0803.2401 | Zuo-Bing Wu | Zuo-Bing Wu | Rotation numbers of invariant manifolds around unstable periodic orbits
for the diamagnetic Kepler problem | 8 figures, 1 table | Fractals (2008) Vol. 16, pp. 11-23. | null | null | nlin.CD | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In this paper, a method to construct topological template in terms of
symbolic dynamics for the diamagnetic Kepler problem is proposed. To confirm
the topological template, rotation numbers of invariant manifolds around
unstable periodic orbits in a phase space are taken as an object of comparison.
The rotation numbers are determined from the definition and connected with
symbolic sequences encoding the periodic orbits in a reduced Poincar\'e
section. Only symbolic codes with inverse ordering in the forward mapping can
contribute to the rotation of invariant manifolds around the periodic orbits.
By using symbolic ordering, the reduced Poincar\'e section is constricted along
stable manifolds and a topological template, which preserves the ordering of
forward sequences and can be used to extract the rotation numbers, is
established. The rotation numbers computed from the topological template are
the same as those computed from their original definition.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 17 Mar 2008 07:47:52 GMT"
] | 2008-03-22T00:00:00 | [
] |
I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, the spin-orbit interaction (SOI) in low-dimensiona l semiconductor struc- tures has attentionbecause of itspoten tial applicationin spintronic devices. [1, 2] There are two types of SOI in co nventional One is the Rashba spin-orbit induced by st ructure inversion asym- metry, [3, 4] and the other is the Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactio n(DSOI) induced by bulk inversion asymmetry [5]. The strength of the RSOI can be tuned by external gate voltages or asymmetric doping. In thin quantum wells, the strength of the DS OI is comparable to that ofthe RSOI. [6] Theinterplay between to asignificant change in the transport property. There are a few works on the effects o f the competition between these two types of SOI on the transport properties of 2DEG, [7, 8 , 9]especially in meso- scopic rings [10]. The circular photogalvanic effect can be used to sep arate the contribution of the RSOI and DSOI, and the relative strengths of the RSOI and D SOI can be extracted from the photocurrent. [7] The RSOI and DSOI can interfere in suc h a way that the spin dependent features disappear even though the individual SOI is st ill strong, e.g., vanishing spin splitting in the presence of the equal-strength RSOI and DSOI. [7] This in extremely long spin relaxation time in specific crystallograph ic directions, and of the beating pattern in SdH oscillation. [9] Recently, advanced growth techniques have made it possible to fab ricate high qual- ity semiconductor rings, [11] which have attracted considerable at tention due to the in- triguing quantum interference phenomenon arising from their uniqu e topological geome- try. The Aharonov-Bohm (AB) and the Aharonov-Casher (AC) eff ects are typical exam- ples of quantum mechanical phase interference, which have been d emonstrated experimen- tally [12, 13] and theoretically [14] on semiconductor rings. The quan tum transport proper- ties through semiconductor ring structures with the RSOI alone ha ve attracted [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] SOIs in semiconductors behave lik e an in-plane magnetic field and lead to a lifting of spin degeneracy of en ergy bands. This effective magnetic field induces a wave phase difference between the upper arm and lower arm, resulting in the oscillation of the conductance. [1, 20, 21] Ther efore, the with increasing the strength of the RSOI.[15, 16] The ring s ubjected to the equivalent to that of the DSOI alone by a unitary transformatio n. [22] The the RSOI and DSOI results in a periodic potential in an isolate d ring, producing the gap in the energy spectrum, suppressing the persistent curr ents, [22] and breaking the cylindrical symmetry of mesoscopic rings. This interesting feature leads to the anisotropic spin transport and could be detected using the transport proper ty in an open ring. This anisotropic spin transport is a new result, is do minant our work and the previous studies, [15, 16, 17, 18, 19] a nd should be important for the potential application of spintronic devices. In this paper, we investigate theoretically the spin transport in two -terminal mesoscopic rings in the presence of both the RSOI and DSOI. We find that the int erplay between the RSOI and DSOI leads to a significant change in the transmission, t he localization of electrons, and the spin polarization of the current. This interplay w eakens and smoothens the oscillation of the conductance, and breaks the original cylindric al symmetry, leading to the anisotropic spin transport. The paper is organized as follows, in Sec. II, we present the theoretical model and formulation. The numerical results and discussions are given in Sec. III. Finally, the conclusion is given in Sec. IV II. THEORETICAL MODEL A semiconductor mesoscopic ring (see Fig. 1) in the presence of the RSOI and DSOI can be described by the single-particle effective mass (1) where thexaxis is along the [100] direction, k=-iis the electron wave vector, m*is the electron effective mass, si(i=x,y,z) are the Pauli matrices, ais the strength of the RSOI, andbis the strength of the DSOI. V(r) is the radial confining potential, which is since we consider that electrons only occupy the lowest subband in a ring with narrow width. The one-dimensional Hamiltonian of a ring in a dimensionle ss form in lattice 3 y x i FIG. 1: Schematic diagram of a 1D semiconductor mesoscopic r ing with two leads. Electrons are injected from the left lead, pass through the ring, and exit f rom the right lead. SOI only exists in the is (2) where the hopping energies are given in the 2 x2 matrix form (3) wherephis the angular coordinate and enis the on-site potential energy. The annihilates (creates) a spin selectron at the site nof the ring. phn,n+1is the angle between the n-th site and the n+1-th site. withabeing the lattice is the nearest-neighbor hopping term in the lead. The spin-resolved conductance of a two-terminal device can be ob tained by using the 4Landauer-B uttiker's formula (4) whereMis the number of conducting channels, the transmission matrix eleme the probability for a spin- s electron incoming from the left lead in the orbital state appear as a spin- s'electron in the orbital channel the right lead. We can calculate the conductance from lead pto leadqby using the Fisher-Lee rela- tion [25]. The detailed formula can be found in the Ref. 26: GR= [EI-Hc-SR]-1, (6) whereHcis the Hamiltonian of the 1D isolated ring. G p(i,j) the coupling of the ring conductor to the leads. We assum e the RSOI and DSOI only exist in the ring, and are absent in the leads. The self-ener gy where SR p(i,j) =t2gR p(pi,pj), describes the effect of the external leads on the ring. The Green's function between two points along the leads is given bygR p(pi,pj) The function khm(pi) describes the m-th mode in lead i. In this paper, we take aas the length unit and the energy unit. The local density of electron states is [26]: r(r,E) =1 2pA(r,r;E) is the spectral function, which can also be the lifetime of an electron remaining in state nbefore it escapes into the leads,en0is the eigenenergy of the isolated conductor, and ps(ph) is the eigenstates of the effective Hamiltonian [ Hc+SR] ([Hc+SA]) [26]. 5III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. 1D ring with both RSOI and DSOI Many previous works investigating the spin transport through a 1D ring account only for the RSOI. [15] The RSOI behaves like an effective in-plane moment um-dependent mag- netic field. This effective magnetic field induces a phase difference bet ween the clockwise and counterclockwise along the ring's upper and lo wer arms. Therefore, the conductance of a 1D ring in the presence of the RSOI oscillates q with changing the strength of the RSOI and the Fermi energy EF. We study the transport through a mesoscopic ring in the presence of both the RSOI and DSOI. First, we consider the ballistic transport through the mesos copic ring in the InFig. 2, weplot theconductance throu gha1Dring asafunction of the strength of the RSOI Qr. This figure shows that the conductances are exactly same when the right lead is located at symmetric positions, e.g., and+-3 4p. The RSOI or DSOI alone in the ring does not break the cylindrical symmetr y and the transport is still isotropic when the outgoing leads are located at symmetric pos itions with respect to thex-axis (see the dashed lines in the insets of Fig. 2). The quantum inter ference between the alternation paths, the spin-up or spin-down clockwise and antic lockwise, is responsible for the oscillation of the the 1D mesoscopic ring is subjected to both the RSOI and DSOI , as shown in Fig. 3, the conductances become asymmetric when the outgoing lea d is located at e.g., and+-3 4p. The anisotropy of the conductance is induced by the interplay of the RSOI and DSOI, which leads to a periodic potentia lab 2sin2ph. [22] The height of the periodic potential is determined by the product of the strengths of the RSOI and DSOI, and the periodicity of the potential is fixed at p. The potential at ph=1 4p,-3 4p, and the valleys at ph=-1 4p,3 4p. Thus, the conductance features for the symmetric positions of the outgoing le ads. If the incoming lead locates at ph=3 4p(see Fig. 4), we find the transmission for the outgoing lead locating at the symmetric positions r espect to the new incoming lead. In Fig. 4, we plot the conductance of a 1D ring with the in coming lead located atph=3 4p. The conductance becomes symmetric again with respect to the st /s50 /s52 /s54 /s56 /s50 /s52 /s54 /s56 /s40 2: The conductance through a 1D ring in the presence of th e RSOI or DSOI alone as a function of the strength of the RSOI and the outgoing lead is located respectively (see the dashed lines in the insets of Fig. 4). The periodic by the interplay between the RSOI and DSOI [22] results in th e and the minima at order to describe the magnitude of the anisotropy of the condu ctance induced by the interplay of the RSOI and DSOI, we define the ratio eas: e(ph,-ph) (9) whereG+-phis the conductance when the right lead is located at the positions with an angle
+-phwith respect to the xaxis. In Fig. 5, we plot e(p/4,-p/4) as a function of the strength of the RSOI and DSOI when the left lead is located at the position of ph=p.eoscillates with the changing /s49/s50 /s50/s52
/s48 /s49/s50 /s49/s50 /s40 3: The conductance through a 1D ring in the presence of th e RSOI and DSOI as a function of the strength of the RSOI and DSOI, The outgoing lead is located at the RSOI and DSOI. The maximum of the anisotropy of the conduc tance can approach 20%. This anisotropic transport can be interpreted as follows. The interplay between the RSOI and DSOI leads to an effective periodic [22] The potential height is related to the strength of the RSOI and DSOI. e(ph,-ph) = 0 when the ring subjected to the DSOI alone because the periodic when a= 0. This effective periodic potential exhibits the maxima at ph=1 4p, and-3 4p, and the minima at ph=-1 4p, and3 4p. Therefore, the interplay between RSOI and DSOI breaks the cylin drical symmetry of the ring (see Fig. 7). In order to clarify the effect of the invasive role of the lead on the an isotropy of the spin transport, we consider different strengths between the ring and leads (as shown /s49/s50 /s49/s50 /s40 4: Same as Fig. 3, but the incoming lead is located at ph=3 4p, and the outgoing lead is located at ph= 6). We find that the conductance decreases with decreasing t he coupling strength, but the anisotropy ratios are almost same as before. We believe tha t the anisotropic spin transport propertyiscaused by theinterplay between theRashb a andDresselhaus 7 describes how the conductance varies with the variation of th e strengths of the RSOI and DSOI. The conductance oscillates as the s trengths of the RSOI and DSOI increase, and is symmetric with respect to the straight line a=b, since the Hamiltonian of the RSOI and that of the DSOI are equivalent and can b e transferred by theSU(2) unitary transformation. The contribution from the RSOI and D SOI to the spin splitting of electrons cancel each other, [22] which results in the dis appearance of the oscil- lation along a=b. This feature provides a possible way to detect the strength of th e DSOI 9FIG. 5: (Color online) The ratio eas a function of the strength of the RSOI Qrand DSOI Qd, whenEF=-0.1. The incoming lead is located at ph=p, and the outgoing lead is located at ph=p/4,-p/4, the strength of the RSOI can be tuned by the external elect ric fields. Below, we demonstrate that the interplay between the RSOI and DS OI also results in the variation of the local density of electrons in the ring. In Fig. 8, we plo t the local density of electrons in the ring from Eq. 7 with and without the SOI. Fig. 8(a) an d (b), shows that the local density of electrons shows slow and very rapid oscillations. The fast oscillation comes from the contribution of each site of the lattice, while the slow variat ion of the to the bound (quasibound) states in the isolated (op en) ring. This feature is analogous to the situation of the effective mass theory, where the electron wave function can be expressed as the product of two parts: the band-edge Bloch f unction and the slow varying 10/s48 /s53 /s49/s48 /s32/s40 6: (Color online) The conductance of 1D ring as a functio n of the strength of equal RSOI and DSOI, when EF=-0.1 for different coupling strengths t0= function. The former denotes the contribution from the atomic wave function, and the latter describes the bound (quasibound) state from the exte rnal potential, e.g., the quantum well potential. Similar results can be found in Ref. 27. There is only a slight difference between the local densities of electro n states with and without the RSOI, but a significant change in the presence of both t he RSOI and DSOI (see Fig. 8(c)). The local density of electrons exhibit maxima at ph=-1 4p,3 4p. is also caused by the periodic potential induced by th e interplay between the RSOI and DSOI. The positions of correspond to a (well), where the local density of electron states is smaller ( larger). The the RSOI and DSOI induces periodic potential and breaks t he original of the ring, consequently changing the local density of e lectron states. 11FIG. 7: (Color online) The conductance of a 1D ring as a functi on of the strength of the RSOI Qr and DSOI Qd, whenEF=-0.1. The incoming lead is located at ph=p, while the outgoing lead is located at ph= 0. The above analysis assumes perfectly clean 1D systems, in which the re is no elastic or inelastic scattering at T= 0. In a realistic system, there will be many impurities in the sample. Disorder could be incorporated by the fluctuation of the on -site energies, which distribute randomly within the range width yEFwithout is negligible for (weak and strong) different disorders w= 0.1,0.3 when the system is without the RSOI. Fig. 9(b) plots the conductance of a 1D ring as a function of the strength of RSOI and DSOI, when Qr=Qd, for the various random widths w= 0.1,0.3,1 (w= 1 for inset). It can be clearly seen that the c onductance for /s45 8: The local density of electrons along the ring phwhenEF= 0.1 (a) without the RSOI and DSOI; (b) with the RSOI alone; (c) with equal RSOI and DSOI ( Qr=Qd= 11.3). strong disorder case ( w= 1) shows almost the same anisotropy as that for the weak disorde r case (w= 0.1,0.3). (see Fig. 9(b)) While the anisotropy of the 1D ring becomes significant as the streng ths of the RSOI and DSOI increase, random disorder increases the scattering of t he ring, and compared to that of a clean 1D ring. The anisotropic s pin transport can still survive even in the presence of weak and strong disorder. 13/s48 /s53 /s49/s48 /s45/s48/s46/s52 /s45/s48/s46/s50 /s49/s53 /s32/s40 /s49/s47/s52 /s41 FIG. 9: (Color online)(a) The conductance of a 1D ring as a fun ction of Fermi energy EFwithout SOIs for random width w= 0.1,0.3; (b) The conductance and eof a 1D ring as a function of the strength of the RSOI, for outgoing lead located at ph=1 4p,-1 4p, andQr=Qd,EF= 0.1, w= 0.1,0.3. The inset shows the conductance and the anisotropic ratio ewhenw= 1. B. The spin polarization of current The spin polarization vector of current P= (Px,Py,Pz) can be evaluated as follows (10) 14where the density matrix is given the trace in the spin Hilbert space. Then, the spin polarized vectorP is (14) where thex-axis is chosen as the spin-quantized axis, ^ sx| |/angbacketight= +| ^sx| |/angbacketight, so that Pauli spin matrix has the following form:
1 0 0-1 ,^sy=
0 1 1 0 ,^sz=
0i -i0 . (15) For the spin polarized injection, i.e., Px= 1, the magnitude of the spin polarization P in the outgoing lead will not change, i.e., |P|= 1 since there is no other orbit channel to interact with the spin.[28] Fig. 10 depicts the current spin polarization Pi(i=x,y,z) of a 1D ring as a function of the strength of the RSOI Qrand the positions of the outgoing lead. The RSOI behaves like an effective in-plane magnetic field, and the f ully spin-up in the incoming lead will bechanged to thespin-down current in theoutgoing lead at large RSOI. The three components of the outgoing polarization vec tor also show for the RSOI or DSOI alone, since the RSOI or DSOI alone d oes not break the cylindrical symmetry of a 1D ring. The spin polarization Pxdecreases rapidly from Px= 1 toPx -1 as the strength of the RSOI increases when the outgoing lead is loc ated at the position near ph= 0, while the spin polarization PyandPzoscillate and decrease to zero. When the outgoing lead locates away from the x-axis, i.e.,ph= quickly with increasing Qr. In Fig. 11, we show how the spin polarizations Pi(i=x,y,z) vary with the strength of the SOIs and the position of the outgoing lead phin the presence of equal-strength RSOI 15FIG. 10: (Color online) The contour plot of the spin polariza tion of current as a function of the strength of the RSOI Qralone and the position of the right lead in the absence of the D SOI, EF=-0.1,Qd= 0. (a) for Px; (b) for Py; (c) forPz. The spin-quantized axis is the x-axis. and DSOI, i.e., Qr=Qd. All three components Px,Py, andPzoscillate regularly as the strengths of the RSOI and DSOI increase, and show significant anis otropy of spin polariza- tion with respect to the position of the outgoing lead. This feature c an also be understood from the interplay between the effective periodic potential induced by the SOIs and the quantum interference. For a fixed strength of the SOI, the asym metric characteristic of the polarization Pas a function of the angle pharises from the cylinder symmetry breaking induced by the effective The quantum interference between the spin -up and -down electrons traveling clockwise and/or counterclockwise a long the ring's upper and lower arms leads to the oscillation of the polarization Pas a function of the strengths of the SOIs at a fixed angle ph. Compared to Fig. 10, the spin polarization Pxwill decrease to 0 instead of -1 as the strengths of the SOIs increase. This is because the DSOI b ehaves like a twisted in-plane magnetic field, while the effective magnetic field induc ed by the RSOI always points along the radial of the ring. IV. CONCLUSION We investigate theoretically the spin transport through a two-ter minal mesoscopic ring in the presence of both the RSOI and DSOI. We find that the interpla y between the RSOI and DSOI leads to the anisotropic transport through a two-termin al cylindrical mesoscopic ring, i.e., breaks the cylindrical symmetry. This interesting feature arises from the peri- 16FIG. 11: (Color online) The same as Fig. 10, but includes the D SOI. odic potential along the ring caused by the interplay between the RS OI and DSOI. This interplay also results in a significant variation in electron density and t he spin polarization of current. The anisotropy of the spin transport through the me soscopic ring induced by the interplay between the RSOI and DSOI can survive even in the pre sence of the disorder effect. Furthermore, the anisotropy of the spin transport shou ld play an important role in the potential application of all-electrical spintronic work is partly supported by NSFC Grant No. 62525405 and the k nowledge innova- tion project of CAS. [1] S. A. Wolf, D. D. Awschalom, R. A. Buhrman, J. M. Daughton, S. von Moln' ar, M. L. 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and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions | 18 pages, 11 figures. Phys. Rev. B (in press) | Phys. Rev. B 77, 125330(2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.125330 | null | cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We investigate theoretically the spin transport in two-terminal mesoscopic
rings in the presence of both the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI) and the
Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (DSOI). We find that the interplay between
the RSOI and DSOI breaks the original cylindric symmetry of mesoscopic ring and
consequently leads to the anisotropic spin transport, i.e., the conductance is
sensitive to the positions of the incoming and outgoing leads. The anisotropic
spin transport can survive even in the presence of disorder caused by impurity
elastic scattering in a realistic system.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 17 Mar 2008 08:54:51 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
] |
1 Introduction Although many details of particular cytokine interactions have been elucidated and the effects of cytokines on a myriad of cellular functions have been described, practically nothing is known about the behavior of the network as a whole[1]. Perhaps the most important features of the network are nonlinearities in cytokine interactions and the presence of positive and negative feedback . Complex nonlinear systems commonly have unusual and nonintuitive properties that may include chaotic behavior. These properties make the cytokine network too complex to be understood fully by the conventional experimental approach of testing the effects of cytokines or combinations of cytokines on cells in vitro. The finding that T cell immune responses could be divided into those promoting cell mediated immunity (Th1) and humoral responses (Th2) has had a profound effect on the understanding of immune response generation. With ever increasing knowledge of the immune system, the model has come under criticism, as not all responses easily fit the classification. All cytokine interactions exhibit nonlinear behavior. In fact , they act in a complex, intermingled network where one cytokine can influence the production of, and response to, many other cytokines[2]. A complementary modeling approach based on modern nonlinear dynamic is now required. In this review we update the model with current thinking regarding the generation and maintenance of immune responses[3]. 2 The Wu-Hsing model The thinkers of the early Zhou dynasty attempted to fuse many of the strains of Chinese thought to come up with a syncretic and systematic explanation of the universe, the changes that occur in the universe, and the relation of the human world to the physical and divine worlds. Their thought focused on two inventions, both designed to explain the changing world. The principles of yin and yang, opposite forces of change which complement and cyclically give rise to one another, operated through the physical mechanism of the five material agents, or Wu-Hsing . These five material agents are and are grouped either in the order by which they produce one another (wood gives rise to fire, fire gives rise to earth, earth gives rise to metal, metal gives rise to water, water gives rise to earth, etc.) or the order by which they are conquered by one another: fire is conquered by water, water is conquered by earth, earth is conquered by wood, wood is conquered by metal, and metal is conquered by fire, etc. Each of these orders can be used to explain the progression of change in just about everything. The five agents, however, is a metaphysical explanation of the progression of change that is meant to be applied to every phenomenon one encounters in this changing universe: politics, ethics, music, biology, time, seasons, history, etc. The Chinese divided the year into five seasons: Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Each of them they described with the attributes of one of the Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. When looking at these Five Elements -- or Five Forces -- all around us in Nature, we can also discern that these qualities of energy have a matching counterpart inside every living being. These forces are the elemental building blocks of our inner nature. In human anatomy, the spleen is ruled by wood, the lungs by fire, the heart by earth, the liver by metal, and the kidneys by water. If one has a disease of the liver, it is because the liver is being overcome by a fire agent or pathogen---since fire is overcome by water, one would treat the liver pathogen with a water agent. Fig.1. Five elements in Chinese medicine One could endlessly list how the various categories of phenomenon fit into Wu-Hsing model. What is important to understand is that the five agents explain everything including the progress of change in the universe. 3 The Five Elements of Th1-Th2 system A great deal of experimental data on the regulation of Th1 and Th2 differentiation have been obtained. Other authors[4-8] have modeled the Th1-Th2 system, with a variety of approaches and areas of emphasis[9,10]. But many essential features of this complex system are still not understood[11]. Here we present a Wu-Hsing model of Th1/Th2 differentiation and cross regulation. Th1 and Th2 cells arise from a common precursor. When an immune response is initiated, naive helper T cells produce interleukin (IL)-2 and proliferate. After entering the cell cycle, progeny become competent to produce effector cytokines[12,13 ]. Th1 cells, but not Th2 cells, secrete IL2 , interferon(IFN )- g, and tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-b , whereas Th2 cells, but not Th1 cells, express IL4 , IL5 , IL6 , and IL10 . The relative balance of Th1 vs. Th2 cytokine expression is thought to play a critical role in the regulation of cellular immune responses, with impacts on susceptibility to infectious disease and/or progression of inflammatory disorders [14]. The fact that some of these cytokines have been designated type-1 or type-2 factors does not imply that these cytokines cannot be produced also by other cells. Producer cells other than T-cells expressing CD4 include CD8 (+)T-cells, monocytes, natural killer cells, B-cells, eosinophils, mast cells, basophils, and other cells. This is why many immunologists define immune responses by the types of cytokines controlling these responses rather than by the types of cells. Both types of T-helper cells can influence and regulate each other by the cytokines they secrete [15]. For example, IFN -g, secreted by Th1 cells, can inhibit the proliferation of Th2 cells. IL10, secreted by Th2 cells, can suppress Th1 functions by inhibiting cytokine production. The Th2 cytokine IL4 inhibits the differentiation and/or expansion of Th1 cells. It thus appears that these functional subsets of helper cells are mutually antagonistic such that the decision of which subset predominates within an infection may determine also its outcome [16] . Through the activities of the cytokines produced, Th1 and Th2 cells can keep each other in check and prevent inflammatory reactions in response to pathogens getting out of control. The main interactions influencing the generation and maintenance of Th1-Th2 system are summarized in Fig.2. Fig.1. Cytokines are major inducers of Th1 and Th2 subset development. The five elements of Th1-Th2 system are and IL-10. IL-2 promotes production of IL-12, IL-12 promotes production of IFN-IFN-g IL-10IL-4 IL-12 IL-2 heart liver kidney lung spleen g, IFN-g promotes production of IL-10, IL-10 promotes production of IL-4, IL-4 promotes production of IL-2. IL-10 inhibits production of IL-2, IL-2 inhibits production of IFN- g, IFN-ginhibits production of IL-4, IL-4 inhibits production of IL-12 , IL-12 inhibits production of IL-10. 3.1 Five elements IL-2 is a cytokine with a crucial regulatory role in the immune system. In healthy humans (or mammals), expression of IL-2 is restricted to the effector subset of T-helper lymphocytes --that is, activated naive CD4 T-helper cells and Th1-committed T-helper clones. IL-2 acts as a T-cell growth factor; it sensitizes activated T cells to cell death (AICD); it promotes the maturation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes and killer activity; and it enhances germicidal and cytotoxic function of natural killer (NK) cells, B-cells, monocytes, and macrophages. IL-12 is a regulatory protein produced by activated B lymphocytes and macrophages. The biological activities of IL-12 include the stimulation of growth of activated CD4 and CD8+T cells and NK cells. Human IL-12 also promotes the development of CD4+ cells and cytotoxic CD8 T cells. IFN-g is an acid-labile interferon produced by CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes as well as activated NK cells. IFN-g receptors are present in most immune cells, which respond to IFN- g signaling by increasing the surface expression of class I major complex( MHC) proteins. This promotes the presentation of antigen to T-helper (CD4+) cells. IFN- g signaling in APC and B and T lymphocytes regulate the antigen-specific phases of the immune response. Additionally, IFN- g stimulates a number of lymphoid cell functions including the anti-microbial and anti-tumor responses of macrophages, NK cells, and neutrophils. IL-4 is a pleiotropic cytokine that regulates diverse T and B cell responses including cell proliferation, survival and gene expression. Produced by mast cells, T cells and bone marrow stromal cells, IL-4 regulates the differentiation of naive CD4+ T cells into helper Th2 cells, which favor a humoral immune response. Another dominant function of IL-4 is the regulation of immunoglobulin class switching to the IgG1 and IgE isotypes. Excessive IL-4 production by Th2 cells has been associated with elevated IgE production and allergy. IL-10 is an cytokine produced by a variety of mammalian cell types including macrophages, monocytes, T cells, B cells and keratinocytes. IL-10 inhibits the expression of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1 and TNF- a. Like IL-4, IL-10 enhances humoral immune responses and attenuates cell-mediated immune reactions. 3.2 Promotion IL-2---IL-12 IL-2 promotes the proliferation, and survival of target cells. Subsequent to their expansion, the differentiated function of both T helper cells and T cytolytic cells is dependent upon an adequate supply of IL-2. [17,18]. IL-12---IFN-g IL-12 is especially important because its expression during infection regulates innate responses and determines the type and duration of adaptive immune response. IL-12 induces IFN-g production by NK, T cells, dendritic cells (DC), and macrophages. IL-12 promotes the differentiation of naive CD4+ T cells into Th1 cells that produce IFN- gand aid in cell-mediated immunity[19]. IFN-g---IL10 Recombinant murine IFN- gwas found to possess B cell maturation factor activity for resting splenic B cells and the comparable B cell tumor line WEHI-279.1. IFN- g may be one of several molecules with a direct role in driving the maturation of resting B cells to active immunoglobulin secretion[20]. IL-10---IL-4 IL-10 inhibits production of IL-2 and TNF- , but not IL-4 when T cells were stimulated without APCs [21]. IL-10 acts as a costimulator of the proliferation of mast cells (in the presence of IL-3 and/or IL-4 ) and peripheral lymphocytes. IL-4---IL-2 IL-2 and IL-4 are important growth and differentiation factors for B and T cells. IL-4 antagonizes the effect of IL-2 on B cells and some T cells while it synergizes with IL-2 on other T cells[22]. 3.3 Inhibition IL-10---L-2 IL10 , secreted by Th2 cells, can suppress Th1 functions by inhibiting cytokine production. IL10 inhibits the synthesis of a number of cytokines such as IFN- g, IL2 and TNF-b in Th1 T-helper subpopulations of T-cells[23]. IL-2---IFN-g IL-2 can promote expression of CTLA-4, a negative regulator of TCR signals, which competes with the positive, costimulatory molecule, CD28. In addition to positive influences attributable to IL-2, there are negative feedback regulatory effects of IL-2 that function to limit the ultimate immune response and inhibit production of IFN-g[24]. IFN-g---IL-4 IFN-g directly suppresses IL-4 gene expression. IRF-1 and IRF-2 induced by IFN- g bind to three distinct IL-4 promoter sites and function as transcriptional repressors. Data demonstrate a direct negative feedback of IFN- gon expression of the Th2 cytokine gene IL-4 [25]. IL-4---IL-12 Development of Th1 responses can be antagonized directly by IL-4 and indirectly by IL-10. IL-4 inhibits the production of inflammatory mediators such as IL-12 and IL-18 from macrophages and/or dendritic cells stimulated by the innate immune response[26,27]. IL-12 ---IL10 IL-12 promotes Th1 responses by inducing IFN- g from T cells and NK cells. IL-12 inhibits the development of IL-4-producing Th2 cells and the production of IL-10[28]. 4 Conclusion The crucial cell for immune system control is the T-cell. In Th1-Th2 system, two types of T-helper cells have been defined on the basis of their cytokine secretion patterns[29]. The decision of a naive T cell to differentiate into Th1 or Th2 is crucial, since to a first approximation it determines whether a cell-mediated or humoral immune response is triggered against a particular pathogen, which profoundly influences disease outcome[30]. In our work, We have specified aspects of T-cell cytokine networks using B method of software engineering. With this model, we are able to run verification with B-toolkit and allow us to compare the dynamic behavior of the model to actual experimental data from College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine. This study shows that IL-2, IL-12, IFN- g, IL-10, IL-4 are crucial regulator of Th1-Th2 system. This model therefore may have crucial significance in the development of therapeutic strategies for intervention in inflammatory process and infections. The research is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under the grant No. 70671089 and 10635040. References [1]Callard C, Geprage AJT, Stark J. Cytokine, chaos, and complexity. Immunity 1999;11:507-13. [2]Haddad JJ. Cytokines and related signaling pathways. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2002;297:700-13. [3]Lappin MB, Campbell JDM. The Th1-Th2 classification of cellular immune responses: concepts, current thinking and applications in haematological malignancy. Blood Reviews 2000;14:228-39. [4]Murphy E, Shibuya K, Hosken N, Openshaw P, Maino V, Davis K, et.al. Reversibility of T helper 1 and 2 populations is lost after long-term stimulation. J Exp Med 1996 ;183:901-13. [5]Mosmann TR, Sad S. The expanding universe of T-cell subsets: Th1, Th2 and more. Immunology Today 1996;17:138-46. 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Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2004;3314: 385-90. | 0803.2561 | Shengrong Zou | Shengrong Zou | The Five Elements of Th1-Th2 System | 6 pages, 2 figures | null | null | null | nlin.AO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The T helper (Th) phenotypes, Th1/Th2, are acquired upon interaction of a
naive T helper cell and an antigen presenting cell (APC). Naive T helper cells
may differentiate into either phenotype, and the actual outcome is determined
by the density and avidity of the antigenic determinants presented by the APC,
and the APCs inherent costimulatory properties. Until recently it was thought
that differentiation is further affected by cytokines. In our work, We have
specified aspects of T-cell cytokine networks using B method of software
engineering. With this model, we are able to run verification with B-toolkit
and allow us to compare the dynamic behavior of the model to actual
experimental data from College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine. Here
we present a Wu-Hsing model of Th1-Th2 system.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 18 Mar 2008 02:29:14 GMT"
] | 2008-03-19T00:00:00 | [
] |
search algorithm is called the amplitude amplification algorithm. For the sizeN= 2nof the search algorithm requires O( N) steps to find the target state. As mentioned in [4] [5], unless we stop when it is right at the target state, it will drift away. A fixed-po int search algorithm was presented in [4] to avoid drifting away from the target state. The fixed-point se arch algorithm obtained by replacing the selective inversions by selective phase shifts of p/3, converges to the target state irrespective of the number of iterations. The main advantage of the fixed-point search with eq ual phase shifts of p/3 is that it performs well for small but unknown initial error probability and the fixed-poin t behavior leads to robust quantum search algorithms [4]. However, the target state is the limit state wh en the number of iterations tends to the infinite. For readability, we introduce the fixed-point search algorithm as fo llows. In [4] the whereUis any unitary operator, was applied to the start state for the target state. The transformation denoted as Grover's the Phase- p/3 search algorithm in [6]. Let us consider the fixed-point search algorithm with general but e qual phase shifts as (2) The transformation called as the Phase- thsearch algorithm and studied in [7]. It is enough to letthbe in [0,p]. Note that if we apply Uto the start state then the amplitude of reaching the target state 1-o. As indicated in [2], in the case of database search, |Uts|is almost 1 /
N, whereNis the size of the database. Thus, ois almost 1 -1/Nandois close to 1 for the large size of database. 2Apply the operations andUto the start letD(th) be the deviation of the the tstate for any phase shifts of th. The deviation D(th) was reduced in [7] and is rewritten as follows. D(th) = It was shown that D(th) is between 0 and 1 in [7]. For the Phase- p/3 search =o3[4]. In [8], we explored the performance of the fixed-point search with g eneral but different phase shifts for one iteration. In [7], we discussed the performance of the fixed-po int search with general but equal phase shifts for one iteration. In this paper, we investigate convergence behavior of the fixed-p oint search with general but equal phase shifts for anynumber of iterations. It is useful for designing fixed -point choices of the phase shift parameter th. The following results are established in Section 2. (1). The fixed-point search with equal phase shifts of th<=p/2 converges to the target state. (2). The fixed-point search with equal phase shifts of th, wherep/2< converges the target state with the probability of at least 80% . (3). The fixed-point search with equal phase shifts of th, where arccos( -1/4)< th<=2p/3, converges the target state with the probability of among 66 .6% and 80% . (4). The fixed-point search with equal phase shifts of th, where 2 p/3< th<=p, does not converge. In section 3, we analyze the convergence rate for different values ofth. It is demonstrated that the Phase- p/3 is not always optimal and the convergence rate can be improved by choosing th > p/3. In section 4, we show that for the size N= 2nof the database, O(n) iterations of the Phase- thsearch can find the target state. However, as indicated in [4], O(n) iterations of the Phase- thsearch involve the exponential queries. 32 Convergence performance of the Phase- thsearch for any number of 0< o <1. Then, from Eq. (3) one can obtain the following iteration equation om+1= (4) In this section, we discuss the convergence behavior of the Phase -thsearch for any number of iterations. For the Phase- p/3 search, after recursive application of the basic iteration for mtimes, the failure the success probability |Um,ts|= 1-o3m[4]. The omin Eq. (4) is the failure probability of the Phase- thsearch algorithm after Eq. 0, 1( th/n}ationslash= 0),a, wherea= 0). In other words, if the sequence {om}in Eq. (4) has a limit then the limit must be 0, 1 or a. Clearly a < d. To study the convergence performance for any number of iterat ions, we need the following results which are listed in the following paragraphs (A), (B), and (C). (A). From Eq. (4), we obtain the (5) Eqs. (4) and (5) imply the following convergence 1. (1.1) Ifom=d, thenom+l= 0, for any l >0. (1.2). ifom-1> 0,om< om-1; (1.3). If om-1< 0,om> om-1. (B). When p/2<=th<=p, we have the following equation. om-a= When anyl >0. Note that b < d,a < d, andd < c. (C). Let f(x) = (7) Then, the derivative of f(x) is f'(x) = 12(1 (8) From Eq. (8), (1). f'(x) = 0 at randd, wherer=d/3; (2).f'(x)<0 whenr < x < d ; < rorx > d; (4). When th > p/3,f(x) has a relative maximum a relative minimum 0 at d. 2.1 When 0< th<=p/2, for any o0(0,1), the Phase- thsearch converges to the target state. Note that 0 is an attractive fixed-point when 0 < th < p/ 2 and 0 is also a semi-attractive fixed-point when th=p/2. See inference [11] in [7]. (1). 0< th<=p/3 For this case, d<=0 anda <0. In Eq. (4), d= 0 means om+1=o3 m, which is Grover's Phase- p/3 search. Fromd <0 and Eq. (4), om>0. By property (1.2), always om< om-1when 0< th<=p/3. That is, the sequence {om}in Eq. (4) decreases monotonically .Therefore, for any o0in (0, 1) lim m-om= 0. (2).p/3< th<=p/2 For this case, a<=0, 0< d<=1/2. Hence, from Eq. (4) 0 <=oi<1. By property (1.2), always th<=p/2. That is, the sequence {om}in Eq. (4) decreases. Factually, the sequence {om}in Eq. (4) decreases monotonically and om>0, or is of the form o0> o1> ... > o k= 0 and ol= 0 for any l > k. Therefore, for any o0in (0, 1) lim m-om= 0. Example 1. For the Phase- p/2 search, Leto0= 0.99999. See Fig. 1. 5o1= 0.99995, o2= 0.99975,o3= 0.99875, o4= 0.99376, o5= 0.96911, o6= 0.85307,o7= 0.42537, o8= 9.4766x10-3. 2.2 When p/2< th <arccos(-1/4), the Phase- thsearch converges the target state with the success probability of (1-a)>80%. For the Phase- thsearch,a < g < r < b < d < c . Note that ais an attractive fixed-point. See inference [11] in [7]. From Eq. (6), we have the following 2. (2.1).a < om<=gwhenever a < om-1< b; (2.2). 0<=om< awhenever b < om-1< corom-1< a. The convergence region of the Phase- thsearch (A). When o0(0,c] the deviation from the target state converges to the fixed-poin ta. There are four cases. The argument is the following. Case 1. When o0=aorborc, it is trivial by Eq. (6). Case 2.o0< a. By property (2.2), 0 < om< afor anym. By property 1, the sequence Hence, the sequence {om}converges to afrom below. Case 3. a < o0< b. By property (2.1), always a < om<=gfor anym >0, and by property 1, the sequence {om}decreases monotonically. Hence, the sequence {om}converges to afrom above. Case 4.b < o0< By property (2.2), 0 < o1< a. Then, it turns to case 2. Conclusively, when o0(0,c] from the above four cases, hence lim m-om=a. (B). When o0(c,1), the deviation from the target state converges to the fixed-p ointsaor 0. By property (1.2), o0> ... > o j*-1(> c)> oj*(<=c). Ifoj*=d, thenom= 0 for any m > j*. the above (A). 62.3 Phase- converges the target state with the success prob- ability of 80%. For the Phase-arccos( -1/4) search, a= 1/5is an attractive fixed-point, see inference [11] in [7]. b=a= 1/5, d= 3/5, andc= 4/5. The iteration equation is Eq. (6) becomes the (9) From Eq. (9) we have the following 3. (3.1).om<1/5 whenom-1<4/5 convergence region of the Phase- (A). When o0(0,4/5] 3/5, the deviation from the target state converges to the fixed-po int 1/5. Wheno0= 1/5 or 4/5, it is trivial by Eq. (6). When o0(0,4/5) 1/5, always om<1/5 form >0 by property (3.1) and the sequence {om}increases monotonically from m >0 by property the sequence {om}converges to 1 /5 from below. (B) When o0(4/5,1), the deviation from the target state converges to the fixed-p oints 1/5 or 0. By property (1.2), o0> o1> .... > o m(<=4/5). Case 1. If om= 3/5, thenoi= 0 for any i > m. Case 2. Otherwise, by the above (A), lim m-om= 1/5. Example 2. Let o0= 0.9999; o1= 0.9994,o2= 0.9964, o3= 0.97855,o4= 0.87641, o5= 0.41850,o6= 8.6165x10-2,o7= 0.14219,o8= 0.18626, o9= 0.19928,o10= 0.2. 72.4 When arccos(-1/4)< th<=2p/3, the Phase- thsearch converges the target state with the success probability of (1-a), where the Phase- thsearch,b < r < a < g < d < c . Note that ais an attractive fixed-point when arccos( -1/4)<
th <2p/3 and 1/3 is a semi-attractive fixed-point when th= 2p/3. See inference [11] in [7]. From Eq. (6), we have the following 4. (4.1).a < om<=gwhenever b < om-1< a; (4.2). 0<=om< awhenever a < om-1< corom-1< b. The convergence region of the Phase- thsearch (A). When o0(0,c] the deviation from the target state converges to the fixed-poin ta. There are seven cases. We argue them as follows. Case 1. If o0=aorborc, then it is trivial. Case 2.a < o0<=g. The proof is put in Appendix A. Case 3. o0< b. By property (1.3), ojincreases monotonically from o0untiloj*-1< bandb<=oj*<
f(b) =asincef'(x)>0 whenx < b. Ifoj*=b, it is trivial. Otherwise, by property (4.1), oj*+1is in (a,g]. Now it turns to case 2. Case 4. b < o0<=r. When From the proof of case 2, lim m-f(m-1)(g) =a. Next consider that b < o0< r. Sincef'(x)>0 whenb < x < r ,f(b)< f(o0)< f(r). That is, a < o1< g. It turns to case 2. Case 5.r < o0< a. Sincef'(x)<0 whenr < x < a ,a < o1< g. It turns to case 2. Case 6.g < o0< d. Sincef'(x)<0 wheng < x < d anda < g, 0< o1< f(g)< a. Then, it turns to cases 1, 3, 4, 5. Case 7.d < o0< c. Sincef'(x)>0 whend < x < c , 0< o1< a. Then, it turns to cases 1, 3, 4, 5. (B). When o0(c,1), the deviation from the target state converges to the fixed-p ointsaor 0. Wheno0> c, by property (1.2) the sequence {oi}decreases monotonically from o0tooi*<=c. Case 1, if oi*=d, thenoi= 0 for any i > i*. Case 2. Otherwise, by the above (A) lim For the Phase-2 p/3 search, a= 1/3. The iteration equation becomes 0.99999. We have the following iterations. See Fig. 1. o1= 0.99993,o2= 0.99951, o3= 0.99657,o4= 0.97617, o5= 0.84159,o6= 0.23176, o7= 0.39452,o8= 0.26350, o9= 0.38547,o10= 0.27432,o11= 0.38005,o12= 0.28099, o13= th<=p, the Phase- thsearch does not converge. For the Phase- thsearch,b < r < a < d < c . From Eq. (6), we have the following 5 (5.1).a < om<=gwhenever b < om-1< a; (5.2). 0<=om< awhenever a < om-1< corom-1< b. For large o, by property (1.2), the sequence {oi}decreases monotonically from o0tooi*(<=c). Ifoi*=d, thenoi= 0 for any i > i*. Ifoi*=a,b, orc, thenoi=awheni > i*. Otherwise, when i > the fixed point aby property 1. However, the sequence {oi}does not converges because a, 0 and 1 are repulsive 4. For the Phase- psearch, the iteration equation becomes 1/2. Leto= 0.99999. We have the following iterations. See Fig. 1. o1== 0.99991, o2= 0.99919, o3= 0.99273,o4= 0.93583, o5= 0.51707, o6= 0.44887, o7= 0.65125,o8= 0.10161, o9= 0.68349, o10= the sequence decreases from o0too6. Note that after the sixth iteration, om oscillate around the fixed point 1 /2. 93 A comparison of rates of convergence after any number of ite r- ations For the Phase- p/3 search, let the iteration equation be om(p/3) = (om-1(p/3))3, whereom(p/3) is the of the Phase- p/3 search algorithm after miterations. For the Phase- thsearch, we can rewrite Eq. (4) asom(th) = where the om(th) is the failure probability of the Phase- th search algorithm after miterations. We want to compare the failure probability of the Phase- algorithm with the one of the Phase- p/3 search after miterations. It is known that the less the is, the faster the algorithm converges. By (10) We have the following th<=p Case 1. For large o, the Phase- thsearch converges faster than the Phase- p/3 search for miterations [7], we show if o0(th) =o0(p/3) =o o1(p/3) =o3. om-1(p/3), then by Eq. (10) om(th)< om(p/3). Thus, oi(th)< oi(p/3), where i= 1, 2, ..., It says that after miterations, the failure probability of the Phase- thsearch is less than the one of the Phase- p/3 search until It suggests us first to use the with large phase shifts for the large size of database. Case 2. For small o, the Phase- p/3 search converges faster than the Phase- thsearch for miterations [7], we show if o0(th) =o0(p/3) =o o1(p/3) =o3. om-1(p/3), then by Eq. (10) om(th)> om(p/3). 10(2). When 0 < th < p/ 3, the Phase- p/3 search converges faster than the Phase- thsearch for any ofor any number of =o0(p/3) =o, in [7] we show o1(th)> o1(p/3). Assume that om-1(th)> om-1(p/3). From Eq. (10), it is easy to see that om(th)> om(p/3). Therefore, om(th)> om(p/3) for any m. Hence, when 0< th < p/ 3, the Phase- p/3 search converges faster than the Phase- thsearch for any ofor any number of iterations. 4 For any known o,O(n)iterations can find the target state. Assume that a database has N= 2nstates (items). Then a state (an item) is found with the probability o f 1/N[2]. In other words, the failure probability o= 1-1/N. It is known that the Phase- p/3 search converges the target state. In this section, we investigate how to use the fix ed-point search to find the target state in a database when ois known. As discussed in [4], the fixed-point search is a recursive algo rithm, therefore the number of queries grows exponentially with the number of recur sion levels. For example, the Phase- p/3 search at i-level recursion involves qi= (3i-1)/2queries [6]. This implies that O(n) iterations of the Phase- th search involve the exponential queries. 4.1 When o<=3/4, only one iteration is needed to find the target state. When 0 Let cos th= 1-1 2(1-o). Then D(th) = 0. Therefore, if ois fixed and 0<=o<=3 4, then we choose th= arccos[1 -1 2(1-o)],which is in ( p/3 ,p], as phase shifts. The search will obviously make the deviation vanish. It means that one it eration will reach t state if the this chosen as phase shifts. Ref. [7]. 114.2 When o can find the target state. 4.2.1 First use the Phase- p/3search For the Phase- p/3 search, on=o3n. There exists the least natural number n*such that o3n*
<=3/4. By calculating, 1. For the Phase- p/3 search, n*=O(n). Proof. In the case of database search, Let N= 2n. Theno= 1-2-n, and lim n-+n*
n=ln2 ln3. Almost nln2 ln3 0.63n. LetN= 10n. Theno= 1-10-n, and lim Almostn lg32n. Thus, n*=O(n). Hence, when o >3/4, of the Phase- p/3 search the failure probability on*<=
3/4. Then, after one iteration of the Phase-arccos[1 -1 2(1-on*)] search by using the result in section 4.1, it will reach tstate. Example 5. Let N= 104. Theno= 1-10-4,n*= 8,o7= 0.80332,o8= 0.5184. See Fig.1. However, for this purpose, it only needs 4 iterations for the Phase- psearch. See example 7. Example 6. Let N= 210. Theno= 1-2-10,n*= 6,o5= 0.78856,o6= 0.49035. 4.2.2 First use the Phase- search Leto >3/4. Then, by property (1.2), for the Phase- thsearch, there exists the least natural number m*(th) such that o0> o1> ... > o m*(th)-1(>3/4)> Thus, after m*(th) iterations of the Phase- th search, the failure probability om*(th)<=3/4. Then, after one iteration for the Phase-arccos[1 by using the result in section 4.1, it will reach tstate. Next let us calculate m*(th). Letd= 1-o, wheredis the success probability. When ois close to 1, dis close to 0. Then, for large o, by induction ol= Thus, this approximate formula of ol,m*(th)M*(th) -costh)). In the case of database search, let N= 2n. Then o= 1-2-n,d= 2-n, andm*(th)M*(th) -costh)). Forthe Phase- p/3search, M*(p/3) Note that2ln2 ln3= 1.2619. large enough M*(p/3)m*(p/3) =n*. For the Phase- (lg2)n. See Table (I). 12LetN= 10n. Theno= 1-10-n,d= 10-n, andm*(th)M*(th) =n-2lg2 lg(1+4(1 -costh)). For the Phase- =n lg3-2lg2 lg3. Note Therefore, when nis large enough M*(p/3) m*(p/3) =n*. For the Phase- =(n-2lg2)/(2lg3) n. See Example 7. Let N= 104. Theno= 1-10-4,M*(p) = 4,o4= 0.47532. See Table (II). Lemma 2. For the Phase- search, m*(th) =O(n). Proof. When p/3< th<=p, as discussed in case 1 of (1) in Sec. 3, m*(th)< n*. By lemma 1, this lemma holds. When 0 < th < p/ 3, from the approximate formula of m*(th),m*(th) =O(n). Remark. M*(th) monotonically decreases as thincreases from 0 to p, Therefore, we suggest first to use Phase- psearch for m*(p) times to get the failure probability om*<=3/4. 5 Summary In this paper, we investigate convergence performance of the Ph ase-thsearch for any number of iterations. We discuss the convergence region and rate of the Phase- thsearch and study the convergence behavior of for different initial thankthe reviewerof[7] studyth e with general but equal phase shifts for any number of iter ations. 6 Appendix A Proof. Since f'(x)<0 whenr < x < d ,f(g)<=o1< a. Note that r < f(g). Thus, r < f(g)<=o1< a. Let f(k)(x) =f(f(k-1)(x)). Since f'(x)<0,a < o2<=f(2)(g)< f(r) =gandr < f(g)< f(3)(g)<=o3< a. By induction, generally a < o2k<=f(2k)(g)< f(2k-2)(g)< ...f(2)(g)< gandr < f(g)< ... < a. That is, oioscillate around the fixed point aby property 1 and between It is plain that the sequence monotonically as kincreases while the sequence monotonically as kdoes. Hence, the sequences limits. Let lim k-f(2k)(g) =aand lim k-f(2k+1)(g) =b. Clearly, a,b < d. From Eq. (4), f(2k)(g) = = taking the limits, we obtain a= By substituting, b= By cancelling, [4(1 1. Then, there are two cases. Case 1. 4(1 = 1. By solving this equation, a=b= 1 < d < 1, thena=b=a. Case 2. 4(1 =-1. There is no solution because a,b < d. Therefore, lim k-f(2k)(g) = lim k-f(2k+1)(g) =a. Then, lim k-f(k)(g) =a, and also lim m-om=a. We finish the L.K.Grover, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 (1997) 325. [2] L.K.Grover, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 4329. [3] D. Li et al., Theor. Math. Phys. 144(3) (2005) 1279-1287. [4] L.K.Grover, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 150501. [5] G. Brassard, Science 275 (1997) 627. [6] T.Tulsi, L. Grover, and A. Patel, Also, Quan t. Inform. and Comput. 6(6) D. Li et al., Eur. Phys. J. D 45 (2007) 335-340. [8] D. Li et al., Phys. Lett. A 362 (2007) 260-264. Also see quant-p h/0604062. 14 | 0803.2566 | Dafa Li | D. Li, X. Li, H. Huang, X. Li | Convergence properties of fixed-point search with general but equal
phase shifts for any iterations | 7 pages, one figure | Int. J. Quant. Inf., Vol. 8, p.1075-1087 (2010), with small
changes, the new title is Fixed-point search with two arbitrary equal phase
shifts for any number of iterations | null | null | quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Grover presented the fixed-point search by replacing the selective inversions
by selective phase shifts of $\pi /3$. In this paper, we investigate the
convergence behavior of the fixed-point search algorithm with general but equal
phase shifts for any iterations.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 18 Mar 2008 03:33:35 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 16 Jul 2008 03:48:06 GMT"
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] |
whereuis a complex valued function of ( ei {1,-1}, i= 1,...,n, (1.2)
= a polynomial, F(z) =P(z1,...,z2n+2) be given below. There is a large literature which is devoted to the study of (1.1). Rou ghly speaking, three kinds of methods have been developed for the loca l and global well posedness of (1.1). The first one is the energy method, which is mainly useful to the elliptic case +-= =2 x1+...+2 xn, see Klainerman [21], Fisassumed to satisfy an energy structure condition Re F/(u) = 0. Chihara [6,7] re- moved the condition Re F/(u) = 0 by using the smooth operators it+, suitable decay conditions on the Cauchy data are still required in [6,7]. Recently, Ozawa and Zhang [25] removed the assumptions on th e decay atinfinity obtainedthatif small enough, Fis a smooth function vanishing of the third order at origin with ReF/(u) th(0) = 0, then (1.1) has a unique classical global solution main tools used in [25] are the gauge transform techniques, the energy method together with the endpoint Strichartz way consists inusing the Xs,b-likespaces, see Bourgain[3] andit has been developed by many authors(see [2,4,15] andreferences therein). This method depends on both the dispersive property of the linear equa tion and the structure of the nonlinearities, which is very useful for the low er data. The third method is to mainly use the dispersive smootheffects of the linear Schr odinger equation, see Kenig, Ponce and Vega [17,18]. The cruc ial point is that the Schr odinger group has the following locally smooth effects the unit cube with center at a. Estimate (1.5) contains one order smooth effect, which can be used to control the derivative t erms in 2the nonlinearities. Such smooth effect estimates are also adapted t o the non- elliptic Schr odinger group, i.e., (1.4) and (1.5) still hold if we replace eitby eit+-. Some earlier estimates related to (1.4) were due to Constantin and Saut [5], Sj olin [26] and Vega [34]. In [17,18], the local well posedness of (1.1 ) in bothelliptic andnon-elliptic caseswas established forsufficiently smoo thlarge Cauchy data ( m>=1,u0Hswiths > n/2 large enough). Moreover, they showed that the solutions are almost global if the initial data are suffi ciently small, i.e., the maximal existing time of solutions tends to infinity as initial data tends to 0. Recently, the local well posedness results have b een gener- alized to the quasi-linear Schr odinger equations , see [19,20]. As far as the authors can see, the existence of the scattering op erators for Eq. (1.1) and the global well posedness of (1.1) in the non-elliptic cas es are unknown. 1.1 Main results In this paper, we mainly apply the third method to study the global we ll posedness and the existence of the scattering operators of (1.1 ) in both the elliptic and non-elliptic cases with small data in Bs 2,1,s >3/2 +n/2. We now state our main results, the notations used in this paper can be f ound in Sections 1.3 and 1.4. Theorem 1.1 Letn>=2ands > n/2 + 3/2. LetF(z)be as in <. We have the following 2, where d >0is a suitably small number, then (1.1)has a unique global solution uC(R, for n>=3, the scattering operator of Eq. (1.1)carries the ball 2, whered >0is a suitably small number, then (1.1)has a unique for n>=3, the scattering operator of Eq. (1.1)carries the ball now illustrate the proof of (ii) in Theorem 1.1. Let us consider the e quiv- alent integral equation u(t) (1.8) where S(t) (1.9) If one applies the local smooth effect estimate (1.5) to control the deriva- tive terms in the nonlinearities, then the working space should conta ins For simplicity, we consider the case F(u,-u,u,-u)
= (x1u)n+1. By (1.4) and (1.5), we immediately one needs to control In [17,18], it was shown that forn= s>n/ 2+2. (1.11) Inthe elliptic case (1.11) holds for s>n/2. (1.11)is a time-local version which prevents us to get the global existence of solutions. So, it is natur al to ask if there is a time-global version for the estimates of the maximal func tion. We can get the s>n/ 2, n>=2+4/n. (1.12) Applying (1.12), we have for any can get, say for s= we need to further estimate all|b| <=s+ We can conjecture that a similar estimate to for the estimate of one needs the s>n/ 2, (1.16), the estimate of easier than that of Hence, the solution has a self-contained behavior by the details of the estimates (1.12) and (1.16) in Section 2. The no nlinear mapping estimates as in (1.14) and (1.15) will be given in Section 4. Next, we use the decomposition method develo ped in [31,32,33] to consider the case of initial data in modulation spaces Ms 2,1, which is the low regularity version of Besov spaces Bn/2+s 2,1, a sharp embedding and Ms 2,1has onlys-order derivative regularity (see [27,29,32], for the final result, see [33]). We have the following local w ell posed- ness result with small rough initial data: Theorem 1.2 Letn>=2. LetF(z)be as in (1.3)with2<=m<=M <. Assume that 2, where d >0is sufficiently small. Then there exists a T:=T(d)>0such that (1.1) has a unique local solution uC([0,T], limdts`0T(d) posedness result withCauchy datainmodu 1.3 Letn>=2. LetF(z)be as in <
. Lets >3/2 + (n+ 2)/m. Assume that 2, whered >0is a suitably small number. Then (1.1)has a unique global solution uC(R, for n>=3, the scattering operator of Eq. (1.1)carries the ball we consider one spatial dimension case. (1.19) Theorem 1.4 Letn= Assume that there exists a small d >0such that a unique global solution uX={uS'(R1+1) m> m= 4,
|||^jv|||s:= (1.20) Recall that the norm on homogeneous Besov spaces .Bs 2,1can be defined in the following (1.21) 1.2 Remarks on main results It seems that the regularity assumptions on initial data are not opt imal in Theorems 1.1-1.3, but Theorem 1.4 presents the sharp regularity c ondition to the initial data. To illustrate the relation between the regularity in dex and the nonlinear power, we consider a simple cases of u(0) =ph. (1.22) Eq. (1.22) is invariant under the scaling s= 1+ ~sn-1:= point of view, we say that s= 1+~sn-1is thecritical regularity index of (1.22). In [23], Molinet and Ribuad showed that (1.22) is ill-posed in on e spatial dimension in the sense if ~sn-1+1, the flow map of equation (1.22) 6ph-u(if it exists) is not of class at the originph= 0. For each term in the polynomial nonlinearity F(u,-u,u,-u) as in (1.3), we easily see that the critical index scan take any critical 1 + ~sM. So, our Theorem 1.4 give sharp result in the case m>=4. On the other hand, Christ [9] showed that in the case n= 2,n= 1, for anysR, there exist initial data in Hswith arbitrarily small norm, for which the solution attains arbitrarily large norm after an arbitra rily short time (see also [24]). From Christ's result together with Theorems 1.4, we can expect that there exists m0>1 (might be non-integer) so that for n-1>=m0, s= 1+ ~sn-1is the minimal regularity index to guarantee the well posedness of (1.22), at least for the local solutions and small data global solut ions inHs. However, it is not clear for us how to find the exact value of m0even in one spatial inhigherspatial dimensions, itseems that1 regularity is lost in Theorem 1.1 and we do not know how to attain th e regularity index s>=1+ ~sM. In two dimensional case, if +-= and the initial value u0is a radial function, we can remove the condition using the endpoint Strichartz estimates as in the case the nonlinearity F(u,u) = Theorem 1.2 holds for the case k>=1. Theorems 1.1 and 1.3 hold for the case k>=2. one easily sees that we can use the same way as in the proof of our main results to handle this kind of this paper, we will always use the following notations. S(Rn) andS'(Rn) stand for the Schwartz space and its dual space, respectively. We denote by Lp(Rn) the Lebesgue space, /badbl * /badblp:=/badbl * /badblLp(Rn). The Bessel potential spaceisdefinedby Hs p(Rn) := = any quasi-Banach space X, we denote by X*its dual space, by Lp(I,X) the Lebesgue-Bochner space, IfX=Lr(ohm), then we write Lp(I,Lr(ohm)) LetQabe the unit cube with center at (x1,...xn) also needs 1Rnwill be omitted in the definitions of various function spaces if there is function spaces denote by F(F-1) the (inverse) Fourier transform for the spatial vari- ables; by Ft(F-1 t) the (inverse) Fourier transform for the time variable the (inverse) Fourier transform for both time and spatial vari- ables, respectively. If there is no explanation, we always denote by phk(*) the dyadic decomposition functions as in (1.25); and by sk(*) the uniform decom- position functions as in (1.27). uvandu*vwill stand for the convolution on time and on spatial variables, respectively, i.e., (uv)(t,x) stand for the sets of reals, positive integers and c<1,C >1 will denote positive universal constants, which can be different at different places. fora<=Cbfor some constant C >1,a~bmeans that We denote by p'the dual number ofp[1,], i.e., 1/p+1/p'= 1. For any a>0, we denote by [ a] the minimal integer that is larger than or equals to a.B(x,R) will denote the ball in Rn with center xand radialR. 1.4 Besov and modulation spaces Let us recall that Besov spaces are defined as follows (cf. [1,30]). Let ps:Rn-[0,1] be a smooth radial bump function adapted to =
1,|x| <=1, smooth,|x| [1,2], 0,|x| >=2.(1.24) We writed(*) :=ps(*)-ps(2*) and phj:=d(2-j*) forj>=1;ph0:= (1.25) We say that ^j:=F-1phjF, jN{0}are the dyadic Beove spaces are defined in the following we recall the definition of modulation spaces (see . Here we adopt an equivalent norm by using the uniform decomposition to th e fre- quency space. Let rS(Rn) andr:Rn-[0,1] be a smooth radial bump function adapted to the ball B(0,n), sayr(x) = 1 as |x| <=n/2, and r(x) = 0 as |x| >=n. Letrkbe a translation of r:rk(x) =r(x-k), kZn. We write sk(x) kZn. kZn, (1.28) which are said to be the decomposition operato rs. For any kZn, we write LetsR, 0< p,q<= . are defined will use the function space which contains all of so that the following norm is we can define the space with the following special case is s= 0, we write rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we give the details of the estimates for the maximal function in certain function spaces. Section 3 is devoted to considering the spatial local versions for th e otheffects. In Sections 4-7 we prove our main Theorems 1.1-1.4, respectively. 2 Estimates for the maximal function 2.1 Time-local version Recall that S(t) ej=+-1. (2.1) Kenig, Ponce and Vega [17] showed the following maximal function est (2.2) wheres>=2 +n/2. IfS(t) =e-it^, then (2.2) holds for s > n/2,C(T) =
(1+T)s. Using the decomposition method, we can get t 2.1 There exists a constant C(T)>1which depends only on T andnsuch particular, for any (2.4) Proof.By the duality, it suffices to prove we that we need to one can show from (2.6)-(2.8) we obtain that (2.5) holds. Denote L :={lZn: (2.9) In the following we show (2.8). In view of Young's inequality, we (2.10) and Minkowski's inequality is easy to see in order to prove (2.8), it suffices to prove (2.13) In fact, observing the following (2.14) wherek+-= (e1k1,...,enkn), we L It follows from (2.15) each Eb,koverlaps at most manyQb',b'Zn, one can (2.16),each at most times. Hence, we it suffices to show (t,x1,...,xn). By the Sobolev (2.19) 12By H older's inequality, we (2.20) One easily sees that Ihas the same bound as that of II. The proof of (2.3) is finished. Noticing that HsM1/2 2,1ifs >(n+ 1)/2 (cf. [29,32,33]), we immediately have (2.4). 2.2 Time-global version Recall that we have the following equivalent norm on Besov spaces ([1 ,30]): Lemma 2.2 Let1<=p,q<= Then we the minimal integer that is larger than or equals to Lemma 2.2, one has (2.22) Lemma 2.3 Let1<p<,s>1/p. Then we divide the proof into the following two toHs p(R)L(R), we (2.24) Recalling that for allxQaandaZn, we have from (2.24) in view of (2.25), one has (2.26) For simplicity, we denote v= (I-2 t)s/2u. By (2.22) and (2.26) we (2.27) We now estimate II. It is easy to see supp saoverlaps at most finitely many supp sbandsb=s0(* -b), bZn, it follows from (2.28), and H older's inequality (2.29) Clearly, one has (2.27), (2.29) and (2.30), we have can take an s1< ssuch the conclusion as in Case 1, we get the result, as desired. For the semi-group S(t), we have the following Strichartz estimate (cf. 2.4 (2<=p,r<ifn= 2), 2/g(*) =n(1/2-1/*). We to 2n/(n-2), then (2.31) and (2.32) are said to be the endpoint Strichartz estimates. Using Proposition 2.4, we have Proposition 2.5 Letp>=2+4/n:= 2*. For anys>n/2, we the dyadic decomposition to the time-frequency, we obtain th the fact using the Strichartz inequality and Plancherel's identity, one has (2.35) and (2.38), together with Minkowski's inequality, we h (2.39) In view H older's inequality, we have for any Plancherel's identity, and supp phj(|x|2
+-) {x:||x|2
+-| [2j-1,2j+1]}, we easily see that (n+2)s0+2e<s, from (2.39)-(2.41) we have the result, as desired. Next, we consider the estimates for the maximal function based on the decomposition method. This issue has some rela tions with the Strichartz estimates in modulation spaces. Recently, the Stric hartz esti- mates have been generalized to various function spaces, for insta nce, in the 16Wiener amalgam spaces [10,11]. Recall that in [32], we obtained the follow ing Strichartz estimate for a class of dispersive semi-groups in modulat ion spaces: U(t) =F-1eitP(x)F, (2.42) P(*) :Rn-Ris a real valued function, which satisfies the following (2.43) where independent of tR. Proposition 2.6 We have for any (2.44) Recall that the hyperbolic Schr odinger semi-group S(t) =eit+-has the same decay estimate as that of the elliptic Schr odinger semi-group follows (2.45) On the other hand, by and H older's inequalities w e easily calculate L is as in (2.9). It follows (2.46) Hence, in view of (2.45) and (2.46), we (2.47) By Plancherel's identity, one has (2.48) Hence, an interpolation between (2.47) and (2.48) yields (cf. Proposition 2.6, we immediately obtain that Proposition 2.7 Let2<=p <,2/g(p) =n(1/2-1/p). We have for (2.49) In particular, if p>=2+4/n:= 2*, (2.50) Let L = {lZn: as in (2.9). Using the fact thatkk+l= 0 it is easy to see that (2.50) implies the following kZn. (2.51) Applying this estimate, we can get the 2.8 Letp>=2+4/n:= 2*For anys>(n+2)/p, we (2.52) Proof.Let us follow the proof of Proposition 2.5. Denote (I-2 t)1/2. By Lemma 2.3, for any we have used the fact that Since supp applying Bernstein's multiplier estimate, we get as in (2.38), using (2.51), we an analogous way as in (2.40) and (2.41), we obtain (2.53)-(2.56), we by (2.57) we have (2.52). Using the ideas as in Lemma 2.3 and Proposition 2.5, we can show t 2.9 Letp>=2+4/n:= 2*. Let2*<=r,q<= Then we (2.58) In particular, for any (2.59) Sketch of Proof. In view ofl2*lp, it suffices to consider the case p= 2*. Using the inclusions Hs0p(R)Lq(R) we (2.60) Using the same way as in Lemma 2.3, we can show can repeat the procedures as in the proof of Lemma 2.3 to conc lude an analogous way as in the proof of Proposition (2.61) and (2.63), we immediately get (2.58). Proposition 2.10 For Global-local estimates on time-space 3.1 Time-global and space-local Strichartz estimates We need some modifications to the Strichartz estimates, which are g lobal on time variable and local on spatial variable. We always denote by S(t) and A the generalized Schr odinger semi-group and the integral operat or as in 3.1 Letn>=3. Then we (3.3) Proof.In view of H older's inequality and the endpoint Strichartz (RxQa)
<= (3.4) Using the above ideas and the following Strichartz (RxRn), (3.6) one can easily get (3.2) and (3.3). 20Since the endpoint Strichartz estimates used in the proof of Propo sition 3.1 only holds for n>=3, it is not clear for us if (3.1) still hold for n= 2. This is why we have an additional condition that u0.H-1/2is small in 2D. However, we have the following (see 3.2 Letn= 2. Then we have for any the low frequency case, one easily sees that (3.7) is strictly weak than (3.1). Proof.By Lemma 3.4, it suffices to (3.8) Using the unitary property in L2and theLp-Lp'decay estimates of S(t), (3.9) Taking the L2 tnorm in both sides of (3.9), we immediately get (3.8). Hence, the result follows. Proposition 3.3 Letn= 2. Then we (3.10) Proof.We notice (3.11) It follows (3.12) Using Young's inequality, one has (3.13) In view of H older's inequality, (3.13) yields the result, as desired. 213.2 Note on the time-global and space-local smooth effects Kenig, Ponce and Vega [16,17] obtained the local smooth effect estim ates for the Schr odinger group eit, and their results can also be developed to the non-elliptical Schr odinger group eit+-([18]). On the basis of their results and Proposition 3.1, we can obtain a time-global version of the local s mooth effect estimates with the nonhomogeneous derivative ( I-)1/2instead of homogeneous derivative , which is useful to control the low frequency parts of the 3.4 ([16]) Let ohmbe an open set in Rn,phbe aC1(ohm)function 0for anyxohm. Assume that there is NNsuch that for any -x:= equation =
rhas at most Nsolutions. For (3.14) Then forn>=2, we 3.5 Letn>=3,S(t) =eit+-. We (3.17) Forn= 2,(3.17)also holds if one substitutes ohm = RnB(0,1),ph(x) =|x|2
+-andpsbe as in (1.24), a(x,s) =
1-ps(s) in Lemma 3.4. Taking W(t) from (3.15) follows from Proposition 3.1 (3.19) From (3.18) and (3.19) we have (3.16), as desired. (3.17) is the dual version of (3.16). 22Whenn= 2, it is known that for the elliptic case, the endpoint holds for the radial function (cf. [28]). So, Corollary 3.5 als o holds for the radial function u0in the elliptic case. The following local smooth effect estimates for the nonhomogeneous part of the solutions of the Sc hr odinger equation is also due to Kenig, Ponce and Vega 3.6 Letn>=2,S(t) =eit+-. We (3.20) 4 Proof of Theorem 1.1 Lemma 4.1 (Sobolev Inequality). Let ohmRnbe a bounded domain . Assume we of Theorem 1.1. In order to illustrate our ideas in an exact way, we first consider a simple case s= [n/2] + 5/2 and there is no difficulty to generalize the prooftothe case We assume without loss of generality :=F(u,u) we only use the Sobolev norm to control the nonlinear terms, - uandu have the same norm, whence, the general cases can be handled in t he same way. Denote l1(v) [17], the result was stated for the elliptic case, however , their result is also adapted to the non-elliptic cases. 23l2(v) consider the (4.4) and we show that T:Dn-Dnis a contraction mapping for any n>=2. Step1. ForanyuDn, we estimate l1(DbTu),|b| following three and 1 <= |b| <=3 + [n/2]. In view of Corollary 3.5 and Proposition 3.6, we have for any b, 1<= |b| simplicity, we can further assume that (4.5) and the general case can be treated in an analogous way3. So, one can rewrite (4.5) is easy to see H older's can see below for a general >=1, ,|bi|= 0. It is easy to see that for Sobolev's inequality, one has that for Ba:={x:|x-a| i= 1,...,k; =k+n-1, by (4.8)-(4.10) we follows from (4.11) and (4.12) Hence, in view of (4.6) and (4.12) we and|b|= 0. By Corollary 3.5, the local Strichartz estimate (3.2) and H older's (4.14) Case3.n= 2,|b|= 0. By Propositions 3.2 and 3.3, we the same way as in Case 2, we l2(DbTu),|b| the maximal function as in Proposition 2.5, we have for |b| <=1, the same way as in Step 1, for any |b| H older's inequality, we have from (4.18) (4.19) over all aZn, we have for any |b| (4.20) Combining (4.17) with (4.20), we obtain (4.21) Step3. We estimate l3(DbTu),|b| <=1. In view of Proposition 2.9, one reduces to the case as in collecting the estimates as in Steps 1-3, we have for follows that for n>=3,T:Dn-Dnis a contraction mapping if small enough (similarly for n= 2). 27Before considering the case s > n/2 + 3/2, we first establish a estimate: Lemma 4.2 Letn>=2,s >0,KN. satisfy 1/p= 1/q1+(K-1)/q2. We We (4.26) where we assume that S-1v0. Recall the (4.27) where we assume We (4.28) Hence, it follows the support property we see j >r+C. (4.30) Using the fact one has (4.29)-(4.31) and using Fubini's Theorem, we result follows. For short, we write 4.3 Letn>=3. We have for any (4.34) Proof.In view of Corollary 3.5 and Propositions 3.1 and 3.6, we have the results, as desired. Lemma 4.4 Letn= 2. We have for any Propositions 3.2, 3.3 and 3.6, we have the results, as desired. 29We now continue the proof of Theorem 1.1 and now we consider the ge We write l1(v) here are different from those in the above. We only give the details of the proof in the case n>=3 and the case n= 2 can be shown in a slightly different way. Let Tbe defined as in (4.4). Using Lemma 4.3, (4.39) For simplicity, we By Lemma 4.2, we ifuD, in view of (4.39) and (4.41), we (4.42) In view of the estimate for the maximal function as in Proposition 2.5, one has (4.43) and fori= by (4.43) and (4.45) Similar to (4.45), in view of Proposition 2.9, we (4.46) In view of Lemma 4.2, we ifuD, we (4.48) Repeating the procedures as in the above, we obtain that there ex the integral equation Tu=u, which finishes the proof of Theorem 1.1. 5 Proof of Theorem 1.2 We begin with the following Lemma 5.1 LetAbe as in (1.9). There exists a constant only on Tandnsuch Minkowski's inequality and Proposition (5.2) 31It is easy to see that for i= (5.2) and (5.3), we immediately have (5.1). Lemma 5.2 LetAbe as in(1.9). Letn>=2,s>0. Then we view of Proposition 3.6, we (5.5) By Propositions 3.1 and (5.5) and (5.6) we immediately have (5.4). Lemma 5.3 Letn>=2,S(t)be as in(1.9). Then we have for i= n>=3, n= follows from Corollary 3.5. For n= 2, by Proposition 3.2, we have the result, as desired. Lemma 5.4 Letn>=2,s >0,LN,L>=3. satisfy 1/p= 1/q1+(L-1)/q2. We the (5.10) 32and noticing the fact = 0,|k-k1-...-kL| >=C(L,n), (5.11) we to (4.31) and noticing the fact that we (5.13) By (5.12) and (5.13), we H older's (5.15) The result follows. 33Proof of Theorem 1.2. Denote l1(v) (5.16) LetTbe as in (4.4). We will show that T:D-Dis a contraction mapping. First, we consider the case n>=3. LetuD. By Lemmas 5.2 and 5.3, use the same notation as in (4.40). We have from Lemma 5.4 (5.19) Next, we consider the estimate of l2(Tu). By Lemma 5.1 and reduces to the estimates of l1(*) as in (5.17). Similarly, for n= the procedures as in the proof of Theorem 1.1, we can sh ow our results, as desired. 346 Proof of Theorem 1.3 The proof of Theorem 1.3 follows an analogous way as that in Theorem s 1.1 and 1.2 and will be sketched. Put l1(v) (6.1) LetTbe as in (4.4). We show that T:D-D. We only consider the case n>=3. It follows from Lemma 5.3 and 4.3 (6.2) Using Lemma 5.4 and similar to (5.18), one sees that if uD, (6.3) Using Proposition 2.10 and combining the proof of (4.44)-(4.46), we s ee left part of the proof is analogous to that of Theorems 1.1 and 1 .2 and the details are omitted. 7 Proof of Theorem 1.4 We prove Theorem 1.4 by following some ideas as in Molinet and Ribaud [23] and Wang and Huang [33]. The following is the estimates for the so lu- tions of the linear Schr odinger equation, see [16,23,33]. Recall that is as in Section 1.4. Lemma 7.1 Then we (7.9) For convenience, we write for any Banach function space 7.2 in particular, if u1=...=uN=u, the spaces only consider the case N= 2 and the case N >2 can be handled in a similar way. We may assume, without loss of generality that there is only the first term in the right hand side of (7.14) and the second term can be handled in th e same way. It follows from Bernstein's estimate, H older's and Young's ineq (7.15) which implies the result, as desired. Remark 7.3 One easily sees that (7.12) can be slightly improved (7.16) In fact, from Minkowski's inequality it follows (7.17) From (7.15) and (7.17) we get (7.16). Proof of Theorem 1.4. We can assume, without loss of generality (7.18) and the general case can be handled in the same way. 37Step1. We consider the case m>4.Recall (7.19)
|||^jv|||s:=(7.20) Considering the (7.21) we will show that T:X-Xis a contraction mapping. We (7.22) In view of (7.1), (7.2) and (7.3) we (7.23) It follows now estimate have from (7.4), (7.5) and (7.7), (7.8) and (7.9) it follows from (7.19), (7.25) and (7.26) we we perform the nonlinear estimates. By Lemma anym<=l<=M, we let1 r=1 2-4 3l. It is easy to see that the precisely, we (7.30) Using (7.30) and noticing that we (7.31) Combining (7.28) with (7.31), we (7.32) Now we estimate II. By Lemma (7.27), (7.28), (7.32) and (7.33), we (7.34) By (7.22), (7.24) and We consider the case m= 4. Recall /summationdisplay i=0,1/parenleftBig
/badbli xu/badblL tL2xL6 x,t+ (7.1), (7.2) and now estimate Strichartz' and H older's inequality, we (7.30), we see that (7.37) implies Bernstein's estimate and (7.7) it follows of have from (7.4)-(7.6), (7.7)-(7.9) for all s>0. The right hand side in (7.42) has been estimated by (7.33). So, it suffices to consider the estimate of the right hand side in (7.41) . Let us observe the been handled in the estimate of V, we use Remark 7.3, for any the estimate (7.46) whence, we have the results, as desired. Acknowledgment. This work is supported in part by the National of China, grants 10571004 and 10621061; and the 973 of China, grant J. Bergh and J. L ofstr om, Interpolation Spaces, Sprin ger-Verlag, 1976. [2] I. Bejenaru and D. Tataru, Large data local solutions for the derivative NLS equation, v1. [3] J. Bourgain, Fourier transform restriction phenomena f or certain lattice subsets and applications to nonlinear evolution equations, GAFA, 3(1993), 107 - 156 and 209 - 262. 41[4] J. Colliander, M. Keel, G. Staffilani, H. Takaoka, and T. Ta o, A refined result for the Schr odinger equation with d erivative, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 34(2002), 64-86. [5] P. Constantin and J. C. Saut, Local smoothing properties of J. Amer. Math. Soc., 1(1988), 413-446. [6] H. Chihara, Global existence of small solutions to semil inear Schr with guage invariance, Publ. RIMS, 31(1995), 731-753. [7] arSchr guage invariance, Publ. RIMS, 32(1996), 445-471. [8] H. Chihara, Gain of regularity for semilinear Schrdinge r equations, Math. Ann. 315(1999), 529-567. [9] M. Christ, Illposedness of a Schr odinger equation with derivative E. Cordero and F. Nicola. Strichartz estimates inWiene r amalgam spaces for the Schr odinger equation. Math. Nachr., 281(2008), 25-41. [11] Metaplectic representation onWie neramalgam to the Schr odinger equation, J. Funct. Anal. ,254(2008), 506-534. [12] H. G. Feichtinger, Modulation spaces on locally compac t Abelian group, Technical Report, University of Vienna, 1983. Published in : Proc. Internat. Conf. on Wavelet and Applications, 99-140. New D elhi Allied Publishers, India, 2003. K. Gr ochenig, Foundations of Time-Frequency Analysi s, Birkh auser, Boston, MA, 2001. [14] Amer .J.Math., A. Gr unrock OntheCauchy- and problem for a certain class of derivative nonlinear Schr odinger equations, arX C. E. Kenig, G. Ponce and L. Vega, Oscillatory integrals and regularity of dispersive equations, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 40(1991), 253-288. [17] C. E. Kenig, G. Ponce, L. Vega, Small solutions to nonlin ear Ann. Inst. Henri Poincar' e, Sect C, 10(1993), 255-288. [18] C. E.Kenig, G. PonceandL. Vega, Smoothingeffects andloc al existence theory for the generalized nonlinear Schr odinger equations, Inv ent. Math., C. E. Kenig, G. Ponce, L. Vega, The Cauchy problem for qua equations, Invent. Math. 158(2004), 343-388. 42[20] C. E. Kenig, G. Ponce, C. Rolvent, L. Vega, The genreal qu Schrodinger equation, Advances in Mathem S. Klainerman, Long-time behavior of solutions to nonl inear Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 78(1982), 73-98. [22] S. Klainerman, G. Ponce, Global small amplitude soluti ons to equations, Commun. Pure Appl. Math., 36(1983), 133-141. [23] L. Molinet and F. Ribaud, Well posedness results for the generalized Benjamin- Ono equation with small initial data, J. Math. Pures Appl., 83(2004), 277-311. [24] L.Molinet, Ill-posednessis and related equations, SIAM J.Math. Anslysis, 33(2001), 982-988. [25] al odinger equations, Ann. I. H. Poincar' e, AN, to appear . [26] P. Sj olin, Regularity of solutions to the Schr odinge r equations, Duke Math. J., 55(1987), 699-715. [27] M. Sugimoto amd N. Tomita, The dilation property of modu lation spaces and their inclusion relation with Besov spaces, Preprint. [28] T. Tao, Spherically averaged endpoint Strichartz esti mates for the two- dimensional Schr odinger equation, Commun. PDE, 25(2000), 1471-1485. [29] J. Toft, Continuity properties for modulation spaces, with applications calculus, I. J. Funct. Anal., 207(2004), 399-429. [30] H. Triebel, Theory of Function Spaces, Birkh auser-Ve rlag, 1983. [31] Baoxiang Wang, Lifeng Zhao and Boling Guo, Isometric de function spaces El p,qand applications to nonlinear J. Funct. Anal., 233(2006), 1-39. [32] Baoxiang Wang and Henryk Hudzik, The global Cauchy prob lem for the NLS and NLKG with small rough data, J. Differential Equations, 231(2007), 36-73. [33] Baoxiang Wang and Chunyan Huang, de for the generalized BO, KdV and NLS equations, J. Differ 239(2007), 213-250. [34] L. Vega, The Schr odinger equation: pointwise converg ence to the initial data, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 102(1988), 874-878. 43 | 0803.2634 | Baoxiang Wang | Baoxiang Wang | Global well posedness and scattering for the elliptic and non-elliptic
derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equations with small data | 43 pages | null | null | null | math.AP | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | We study the Cauchy problem for the generalized elliptic and non-elliptic
derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equations, the existence of the scattering
operators and the global well posedness of solutions with small data in Besov
spaces and in modulation spaces are obtained. In one spatial dimension, we get
the sharp well posedness result with small data in critical homogeneous Besov
spaces. As a by-product, the existence of the scattering operators with small
data is also shown. In order to show these results, the global versions of the
estimates for the maximal functions on the elliptic and non-elliptic
Schrodinger groups are established.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 18 Mar 2008 14:07:09 GMT"
] | 2008-03-19T00:00:00 | [
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2Statistical aspects of set-valued continuous time stochas tic processes sets. Now, in the class of all convex fuzzy sets having compac t support, for sub- and was studied ( e.g. [13-15,32]). Nev- ertheless, a more general case (than the convex one) has not y et been in order to do this, the first easiest step is to consid er decomposition for random set-valued processes. After which, the step forward , to be considered in a following paper, can be to generalize results of this paper t o birth-and-growth fuzzy set-value processes. This paper is an attempt to offer an original approach based on a purely point of view in order to avoid regularity assump tions describing processes. The pioneer work [21] studies a growt h model for a single convex crystal based on Minkowski sum, whilst in [1], the aut hors derive a tractable mathematical model of such processes that emphasizes the geo- metric growth ofobjects without regularity assumptions on the in view of this approach, we introduce different set-va lued parametric estima- tors of the rate of growth of the process. They arise naturall y from a Minkowski sum and they are consistent as the observation window expands to the whole space. On the other hand, keeping in mind that distr ibutions of random closed sets are determined by Choquet capacity functionals and that the cannot be observed directly, the paper provides an e stimation procedures of the hitting function of the nucleation process. The article is organized as follows. Section 1.1 contains pr eliminary properties. Sec- tion 1.2 introduces a birth-and-growth model for random clo sed sets as the combi- nation of two set-valued processes (nucleation and growth r espectively). Further, a decomposition theorem is established to characterize the n ucleation and the growth. Section 1.3 studies different estimators of the growth proce ss and correspondent con- sistent properties are proved. In Section 1.4, the nucleati on process is studied via the hitting function, and a consistent estimator of the nucl eation hitting function is derived. 1.1 Preliminary ofall integer, real andno n-negative real numbers respectively, and let X=Rd. LetFbe the family of all closed The suffixes b,kandcdenote boundedness, compactness and convexity properties respectively (e.g. Fkcdenotes the family of all compact convex subsets of X). For allA,BXandaR+, let us Sum) (Scalar Product) (Minkowski Subtraction) , VA={-a:aA}, (Symmetric Set) of by vector x), and, by definition, +A==a. It is well known that +
is a commutative and associative operation with a neutral el ement but, in general, AXdoes not admit opposite (cf. [18,29]) and is not the inverse operation of
+. The following relations are useful in the sequel (see [30] ): for every A,B,CX November 3, 2018Giacomo Aletti, Enea G. Bongiorno, Vincenzo the following, we shall work with closed sets. In general, not belong to F(e.g., in X=RletA={n+1/n:n >1}andB=Z, then
{1/n= (n+1/n)+(-n)} A+Band 1/n|0, but 0 In view of this fact, we define AB=A+Bwhere(*) denotes the closure in X. It can be proved that, [30]). For any distance (ormetric) is defined by dH(A,B) = random closed set (RaCS) is a map Xdefined on a probability space ( ohm,F,P) with values in Fsuch that measurable for each compact setKinX. It can be proved (see [19]) that, if X,X1,X2are RaCS and if xis a measurable real-valued function, then X1X2,X1X2,xXand (Int X)Care RaCS. Moreover, if {Xn}nNis a sequence of RaCS then X=S nNXnis so. LetXbe aRaCS, then TX(K) for all KFk, is itshitting capacity functional ). The well known Matheron Theorem states that, the probability law PXof any RaCS Xis by its hitting function (see [20]) and hence by QX(K) = 1-TX(K). Remark 1.1 (See [22].) If bothXandYare RaCS, then, for every KFk, TXY(K) if X,Yare independent, then, for every KFk, TXY(K) RaCS Xisstationary if the probability laws of XandX+vcoincide for every vX. Thus, the hitting function of a stationary RaCS clearly is i nvariant up to translation TX(K) =TX(K+v) for each KFkand any vX. A stationary RaCS Xisergodic, if, for all ; where{Wn}nNis aconvex averaging sequence of sets inX(see [11]), i.e. each {Wn}
is convex and compact, WnWn+1for :B(x,r)Wnfor some xWn} | ,asn- . Proposition 1.2 LetX,Ybe RaCS with YF' ka.s. and Xstationary, then X+Yis a stationary RaCS. Moreover, if Xis ergodic, then X+Yis so. November 3, 20184Statistical aspects of set-valued continuous time stochas tic it is a RaCS. Note that TZ(K) every KFkandvX, thenZ=X+Yis stationary. Further, let us supposethat Xisergodic, then,byTonelli's Theorem ergence theorem, we every K1,K2Fk. HenceX+Yis ergodic. /squaresolid 1.2 A Birth-and-Growth process Let (ohm,F,{Fn}nN,P) be a filtered probability space with the usual two families of RaCS such that and These processes represent the )processand the growth process respectively. Thus, let us define recur- sively a birth-and-growth process n>=1, B0, n = 0.(1.1) Roughly speaking, Equation (1.1) means that Thnis the enlargement of Thn-1due to a Minkowski Bnoccurs. Without loss of generality let us consider the following For every n>=1, 0Gn. Note that, Assumption (A-1) is equivalent to Thn-1Thn. In [1], the authors derive (1.1) from a continuous time birth -and-growth process; here, in order to make inference, the discrete time case is su fficient. Indeed, a sample of a birth-and-growth process is usually a time sequence of p ictures that different temporal step; namely Thn-1,Thn. Thus, in view of (1.1), it is interesting to investigate {Gn}and{Bn}; in particular, we shall estimate the maximal growth Gnand the capacity functional of Bn. For the sake of denote RaCS (then XY). Thus, let us consider the following general 1.3 LetY,Xbe RaCS with XY. AX-decomposition of Yis a couple of RaCS ( G,B) for which Y= (XG)B. (1.2) Note that, since we can consider ( G,B) = ({0},Y), there always exists a X- decomposition of Y. Itcanhappenthat GandBin(1.2) are [0,1] andX={0}, then both ( G1,B1) = (Y,Y) and (G2,B2) = (X,Y) November 3, 2018Giacomo Aletti, Enea G. Bongiorno, Vincenzo (1.2). As a consequence, since we can not distinguis h between two we shall choose a maximal one according to t he following 1.4 (See [30]) LetY,Xbe RaCS with XY. (1.3) is the greatest RaCS, with respect to set inclusion, such tha t (XG)Y. Corollary 1.5 The couple ( G=YVX,B=Y(XG)C) is the max-min X- decomposition of Y. As a consequence, ( G,B) is aX-decomposition of Yand for any other X-decomposition of Y, say (G',B'), other words, if X,G',B'are RaCS and Y= (XG')B', (XG)B'. LetThbe as in (1.1). From now on, as a consequence of Assumption (A-1), contains the origin. Moreover, we shal l suppose (A-2) There exists KF' bsuch that Gn=ThnVThn-1Kfor every nN. (A-3) For every thatprocess Thdoes Assumption (A-3) means that it cannot born something that, up to a trans- lation, is larger (or equal) than what there already exists. Let us remark that Assumption (A-2) implies {Gn} any RaCS X. 1.3 Estimators of G On the one hand Proposition 1.4 gives a theoretical formula f orG, but, on the other hand, in practical cases, data are bounded by some observati on window and edge effects may cause problems. Hence, as the standard statistic al scheme for (e.g. [23]) suggests, we wonder if there exists a c onsistent estimator of G as the observation window expands to the whole space X. Proposition 1.6 If{Wi}iNF' ckis a convex averaging sequence of sets, then, for In this case, we say that {Wi}iNexpands to X and we shall write Wi|X. Proof.At first note that X=S iNIntWiand for any Note that, x+KF' kis a compact set. Then there exists a finite family of indices INsuch that, if N= maxI, IntWN. Hence, we have that xIntWNVKWNVK, i.e., for any xX, there exists n0Nsuch that xWn0VK. 3, 20186Statistical aspects of set-valued continuous time stochas tic processes LetW {Wi}iNbe an observation window and let us denote by YWandXW, the (random) observation of YandXthrough W, us consider the estimator of Ggiven by the maximal XW-decomposition of thatXWbGWYWW. Notice that, whenever YandXare bounded, then thereexists Wj {Wi}iNsuchthat YWjandVXWj,hence bGWj=YVX=G. In other words, on the set {oohm:X(o),Y(o) bounded }, the estimator (1.4) -G, as we already said, if YandXare unbounded, edge effects may cause problems and the estimator (1.4) is, in general, not consist ent as we discussed in the following example. Example 1.7 LetX=R2, let us consider X= ({x= 0}{y= 0}) andY=
X+B(0,1) where B(0,1) is the closed unit ball centered in the origin. Surely XY, and they are unbounded. Note that Y= (X+G) for any Gsuch On the other hand, by Proposition 1.4, there exists a unique Gthat is the greatest set, with respect to set inclusion; in this case G= us suppose 0 W0and letW {Wi}iN, then, by Equation (1.4), the This is an edge effect due to the fact that, for every G'with
{0} G'G, it holds ( then does not agree with Proposition 1.4. Edge effects can be reduced by considering the following esti mators of (1.6) whereKis given in Assumption (A-2) and The role ofKwill be clarified in Proposition 1.8 where it guarantees the m onotonicity of bG1 W. Note that, estimators (1.5) (1.6) are bounded (i.e. compac t) RaCS, bounded, then coincide with the estimator (1.4); i.e. there exists n0such that for all us explain how bG1 Wand bG2 Wwork. Estimator bG1 Wis obtained by reducing the information given by Xto the smaller window WVK, whilst Yis observed in W. Then bG1 Wis the greatest subset of K, with respect to set inclusion, such Proposition 1.4). Estimator bG2 Wis obtained by not WVK), whilst Yis increased (at least) by`
+K WXW' , that is the greatest possible set of growth for Xoutside of the observed window W. Then bG2 W is the greatest subset of K, with respect to set inclusion, such that ( XW+bG2 W) WYW, or, alternatively, XW+bG2 WYW', 1.4). Note that by definition of Minkowski 3, 2018Giacomo Aletti, Enea G. Bongiorno, Vincenzo every xXWVK(resp.xXW) grows at most as ( we are ready to show the consistency property of bG1 Wiand bG2 W. In 1.8 proves that bG1 Widecreases, with respect to set inclusion, to the theoretical G, whenever Wiexpands to the whole space ( Wi|X). Proposition 1.9 proves that, for every WF',bG2 Wis a better estimator than bG1 Wand hence it is a consistent estimator of G. Proposition 1.8 LetY,Xbe RaCS, let 0 G=YVXK. The hold for every W; (2) IfWi|X, = 0. (1.7) Proof. (1) Since 0 then XWVKW. Let gG, theng+XY. SincegK, last inclusion still holds when by g+XWVKYW. Definition (1.5) and Proposition 1.4. (2) In order to obtain bG1 W2bG1 W1, it is sufficient to prove (1.8) since bG1 W1is the greatest set, with respect to set inclusion, for which the inclusion (1.8) holds. In fact, thenxXW2. By definition of bG1 W2, we the other hand, since xW1VKand bG1 W2K, we included both in Yand inW1. (3) Since GT iNbG1 Wi, it remains to prove ifgbG1 Wifor each iN, thengG. TakegT iNbG1 Wi. By definition of bG1 W1, we have g+xYfor allxXWiVKandiN. (1.9) November 3, 20188Statistical aspects of set-valued continuous time stochas tic processes By contradiction, assume i.e. there exists xXsuch On the one hand, Proposition 1.6 implies that there exists On the other hand, Equation (1.9) implies g+xYwhich is a contradiction. Thus Theorem 1.1.18 in [19] implies (1.7). 1.9 For every twoparts; inthefirstonewe proveth atbG2 WbG1 W, in the second one that GbG2 W. Since bG2 WK, (1.10) where we use properties of monotonicity of the Minkwoski Sub traction and Sum. Moreover, by definition of (1.10), x+gYW. The arbitrary choice of xXWVKcompletes the first part of the proof. For the second part, let gGandxXW. By definition of G,x+gY. We have two cases: -x+gW, and therefore 1.10 bG2 Wis consistent (i.e. bG2 W|Gwhenever W|X). A General Definition of /hatwideG2 W.The following proposition shows that the esti- mator in (1.6) can be defined in an equivalent way by bG2 W(Z) (1.6) is substituted (1.11) In other words, we are saying that, under condition (1.11), bG2 W(Z) does not depend onZ. From a computational point of view, this means that Zcan be chosen in a way that reduces the computational costs. On the one hand, th e best choice of Z seems to be the smallest possible set, i.e. Z=XW(WVK). On the other hand, in order to get XW(WVK), we have to may be costly if at least one between WandKhas a bad shape (for instance it is not a 1.11 IfZ1,Z2P'both satisfy condition (1.11), then bG2 W(Z1) 3, 2018Giacomo Aletti, Enea G. Bongiorno, Vincenzo Capasso 9 Fig. 1.1. We consider two pictures of a simulated birth-and-growth pr ocess, at two different time instants, that in our notations are XandY. Emphasizing the differences, we report here the magnified pictures of the true growth used for the simulation, the computed bG2 W,bG1 Wand bG1 WVK. Note that they agree with Propo- sition 1.8 and Proposition 1.9 since is sufficient to fact, (1) and (2) imply that bG2 W(W) = At the same time they imply bG2 W(Z) = for every Zthat satisfies (1.11); that is the thesis. STEP (1) is a consequence of the following the last one holds since X1YX2YifX1X2(see [30]). Before proving the second step, we show that bG2 W(Z) = satisfies (1.11). This statement is true the same set. Since Minkowski sum is distributive with re spect to union, we get November 3, aspects of set-valued continuous time stochas tic we have to prove (2) . Since bG2 W(XW) = thesis becomes LetgbG2 W(W). We must prove gbG2 W(XW), i.e. for every for any xXWwe can have two remains to prove that (b) implies g+x(XW+K)W. In particular, (b) implies g+xWC. At the same time g+xXW+K, Hitting Function Associated to B In many practical cases, an observer, through a window Wand at two observes the nucleation and growth processes nam elyXandY. According to Section 1.3 we can estimate Gvia the consistent estimator bG2 WorbG1 W(in the following we shall write bGWmeaning one of them). From the point of view, it is also interesting to test wheneve r the nucleation a specific RaCS (for example a Boolean model or a point pro- cess). In general, we cannot directly observe the n-th nucleation Bnsince it can be overlapped by other nuclei or by their evolutions. Nevert heless, we shall infer on the hitting function associated to the nucleation process TBn(*). Let us consider given by (1.2) Y= (X+G)Bthen the following proposition is a consequence of Remark 1.1. Proposition 1.12 If (G,B) is aX-decomposition of Ysuch that Bis onG, then, for each KFk, TY(K) in terms of Q*(K) = (1-T*(K)), is equivalent to QY(K) other words, the probability for the exploring set Kto missYis the missBmultiplied by the probability for Kto 3, 2018Giacomo Aletti, Enea G. Bongiorno, Vincenzo 1.13 Working with data we shall consider two estimators of the hit ting function (we refer to [23, p. 57-63] and references therein) . In particular, if Xis a stationary ergodic RaCS, then TX(*) can be estimated by a single realization of X and two empirical estimators are given by bTX,W(K) KFk; whereulis the Lebesgue measure on X=RdandK0is a compact set such that KK0for allKFkof closed set inXis a closed set GF'for which G=IntG; i.e.Gis the closure (in X) of its 1.14 LetGF' kbe a regular closed subset in X. Then, for every XF',X+Gis a regular closed a closed set, Int (X+G)X+G. It remains to prove that X+GInt (X+G). LetyX+G, then there exists IfgIntG, then there exists an open neighborhood of gfor is an open neighborhood of x+gincluded in X+G; i.e.x+gInt (X+G). On the other hand, let gG=GIntG, then that gn-gandgnIntG, for allnN. Thus, for every nN,x+gnis an interior point of (X+G). 1.15 (See [23, Theorem 4.5 p. 61] and references therein) LetX be an ergodic stationary random closed set. If the random set Xis almost surely regular (1.12) asW|Xand for every K0F'. Remark 1.16 Proposition 1.14,together that,if {Gn}nN is a sequence of almost surely regular closed sets, then {Thn}nNis so. Thefollowing QBofthehidden canbeexstimated eQB,W,where for every KFk, eQB,W(K) (1.13) and bGWis given by (1.5) or (1.6). November 3, aspects of set-valued continuous time stochas tic 1.17 LetX,Ybe two RaCS a.s. regular closed. Let ( G,B) be of YwithBa stationary ergodic RaCS independent on GandX. Assume that Gis an a.s. regular closed set and eQB,Wdefined in Equation (1.13). Then, for any fixed. 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modeling birth--and--growth processes. The proposed setting allows us to
investigate the nucleation and the growth processes. A decomposition theorem is
established to characterize the nucleation and the growth. As a consequence,
different consistent set--valued estimators are studied for growth process.
Moreover, the nucleation process is studied via the hitting function, and a
consistent estimator of the nucleation hitting function is derived.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:16:49 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sat, 19 Jul 2008 16:56:36 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 25 Sep 2008 10:25:45 GMT"
] | 2011-09-29T00:00:00 | [
"Enea G.",
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2 0 100 200 300 Pressure per SiH4 unit 1: (color online) The enthalpy versus pressure for com- petitive structures of SiH 4. The enthalpy of the I41/aphase is taken as the reference point. tions at 4 x4x4q-point mesh and double k-point grids were used for calculation of the electron-phonon interac- tion matrix element. We performed a systematic study of the phase stabil- ity of SiH 4based on ab initio first-principles of more than one hundred structures we studied, six new polymorphs of SiH 4with low enthalpies are found in the pressure range from 0 to 300 GPa. In Fig. 1 we plot the pressure dependence of their enthalpies along the recent experiments [6]. The of four isolated covalently bonded SiH 4tetrahe- dra with the H atom of one molecule pointing away from the H atoms of a neighboring molecule. We find that a face-centered orthorhombic structure with Fdd2 symme- try appears stable from 27 to 60 GPa. These two phases are insulating. Near 50 GPa, there are three other competitive, low- enthalpy structures with the C2/c,I41/amd, Our C2/cstructure was based on the UI 4ar- rangement, which as exhibits a layered structure. How- ever, the C2/cstructure predicted by Pickard and Needs [9] forms networks at high pressures. P2 1/c Fdd2 I4 1/amd P-i Cmca C2/c (2D) FIG. 2: (color online) The energetically most favorable str uc- tures computed for SiH 4polymorphs at various pressures. For clarification, we name their structure as C2/c(3D) and our layered structure as C2/c(2D). There are sub- tle differences in band structures between the C2/cpre- dicted by Yao et al. [10] and our C2/c(2D). Our C2/c(2D) structure is composed of six-fold inside a layer, but Si-H bonding layers is absent. It is still dynamically stable up to 250 GPa. However, the stability of the C2/cphase of Yaoet al.[10] is only stable up to 150 GPa. On compression, the six-fold coordinated SiH 6octahedra are transformed into eight-fold coordinated SiH 8dodecahe- dra with a S 2H2bridge-like bonding arrangement within the layer. Above 110 GPa, the C2/c(2D) structure be- comes metallic. The I41/amdSiH4phase is composed of eight-fold coordinated SiH 8dodecahedra and every Si atom shares two H atoms with other Si atoms, as in The I41/amd-type SiH 4is a 40 and 70 was found to have the lowest with previous calculations [9]. In an early powder x- ray diffraction study [14], I41/awas considered as one of most plausible structures for the low-temperature phase II. Raman measurements [3] indicate that this (eV) GZ TY G S Z TY GSR G(b) FIG. 3: (color online) (a) Electronic band structure for at 250 GPa. The horizontal line shows the location of the Fermi level. (b) The phonon dispersion states (PDOS)projected on Si 250 GPa. may not exist for SiH 4under high pressure and at SiH 4in is believed to be stable only at low temperature. Between 220-270 GPa, a metallic Cmcastructure has the lowest enthalpy. Upon further compression, the C2/c(3D) phase possesses the lowest enthalpy between 270-300 GPa, which con- firms the previous calculations [9]. The Cmcaphase is also a layered structure that consists of eight-fold coor- dinated SiH 8dodecahedra. In each layer, the Si-H bond- ing arrangement is the same as that in the Thus, the Cmcaphase can be viewed as the two- dimensional analogue of the I41/aphase. In the 60 to 100 GPa range, we found a structure with P1 space group with It has almost the same enthalpy between 60 and 100 GPa. GPa 150 GPa 200 GPa 250 (o)150 GPa 200 GPa 250 (cm-1)00.20.4200 GPa 250 GPa 300 4: (color online) Electron-phonon spectral function a2F(o) vs frequency oof metallic SiH 4with the Cmca, C2/c(2D) and C2/c(3D) structures at various pressures. of their enthalpies are within 0.25 eV of the As pressure is increased, the P1 struc- ture transforms gradually into the Cmcastructure. It is instructive to note that the P1 andCmcaphases are metallic over the pressure regime between 60 GPa and 270 GPa, which is in a good agreement with recent ex- periments [3]. Although the insulating I41/aphase has the lowest enthalpy between 60 and 220 GPa, both P1 andCmcaare good candidates for metallic phases in this regime. We thus obtain six energetically for SiH 4at high pressures. The atomic ar- rangements for each of these structures is shown in Fig. 2. TheP1,Cmca, andC2/c(2D) phases have and are metallic. Figure 3(a) shows the calculated band structure for CmcaSiH4at 250 GPa. It can be seen that the Cmca structure is metallic. The valence bands cross the the YG direction, while the conduction bands cross EFnear the G point. Upon compression, the conduction band crossing oss EFat the G point shifts lower in energy, while the valence band across EFalong the YG direction only moves up slightly in energy. The net effect of the pressure-induced band shifts is to in- crease the volume of the Fermi surface and the phase space for the electron-phonon interaction. The structural stability of each SiH 4phase has been examined through lattice dynamics calculations. The typical results of the phonon dispersion and projected phonon density of states for the CmcaSiH4at 250 GPa are displayed in Fig. 3(b). The Cmcastability is (K)Cmca C2/c (2D) C2/c (GPa)3060TC 5: (color online) Calculated (a) logarithmic average phonon frequency olog, (b) electron-phonon coupling param- eterl, and (c) superconducting transition temperature Tcof SiH4with the Cmca,C2/c(2D), and C2/c(3D) structure as a function of pressure up to 300 GPa. firmed by the absence of imaginary frequency modes. There are weak interactions between the Si framework and H atoms over the whole frequency range. The heavy Si atoms dominate the low-frequency vibrations, and the light H atoms contribute significantly to the high- frequency modes. Three separate regions of bands can be recognized. The modes for the frequencies below 750 cm-1are mainly due to the motions of Si. The bands around 200 cm-1are caused by acoustic phonons. The Si-H-Si bending vibrations dominate the region between 750 and 1200 cm-1. At high frequencies above 1200 cm-1, the phonon spectrum be- longs to the Si-H bond stretching vibrations. The electron-phonon spectral function a2F(o) is es- sential in determining the electron-phonon land logarithmic average phonon frequency olog. We have calculated a2F(o) for the metallic SiH 4 phases in the pressure range of interest. Figure 4 shows the results for the Cmca,C2/c(2D) and C2/c(3D) struc- tures over the pressure range from 70 to 300 GPa. Be- low 600 cm-1the major contributions to a2F(o) come from the phonon modes involving Si-Si vibrations, and the remaining part of the electron-phonon coupling is mainly due to the phonon modes involving H-H vibra- tions. The a2F(o) on the wide high-energy side is signif-icantly higher than that on the narrow low-energy side. Thus the high-energy H-H vibrations dominate the total lvalue. Among these metallic structures, the C2/c(2D) phase at 250 GPa has a relatively large a2F(o) over the entire frequency range studied, resulting in a large l. We now examine whether in metal- lic SiH 4is possible, using the Tcequation derived by Allen-Dynes [15]. In the calculations, we took Tcin MgB 2[16]. Figure 5 shows the of olog,l, andTcfor SiH 4with the and C2/c(3D) structures. The [increases] with pressure for the C2/c(2D) [C2/c(3D)] structure. However, lchanges with pressure in an opposite sense to ologfor both struc- tures. For the Cmcastructure, both ologandldo In these metallic phases studied, the variation of Tcwith pressure is found to resemble the lbehavior. It is therefore indicated that the pressure effect on Tcin SiH 4is primarily controlled byl. TheCmcaphase has a Tcof 75 K even at 70 GPa. For theC2/c(2D) phase, we calculate a relatively large Tcas high as80 K at 250GPa. A decreasing Tcfrom 47.7 K at 200 GPa to 26.1 K at 300 GPa is obtained for the C2/c(3D) phase. The P1 structure is also estimated to have aTcof 46.6 K at 70 GPa. The current results thus suggest new possibilities for exploring high temperature in this hydrogen-rich system. In summary, we have investigated the structural sta- bility of silane under pressure up to 300 GPa. The P21/c phase is confirmed to be a good candidate for the phase. Between 27and 60GPa, Fdd2 is predicted to be the structure of another At higher pressures, silane enters the metallic state having a structure with P1 symmetry. As pressure is further increased, the P1 structure transforms grad- ually into the Cmcastructure. The C2/cstructure is most stable only after 270 GPa. The layered feature of this material favors metallization and . The relatively high transition tem- peratures in metallic silane are mainly attributed to the strong electron-phonon coupling due to the phonon modes involving H-H vibrations. We are grateful to J. S. Tse, R. E. Cohen, and S. A. Gramsch for discussions and comments. This work was supported by the HKRGC (402205); the U.S. DOE- BES DOE-NNSA and NSF (DMR-0205899). X.J.C. wishes to thank CUHK for kind hospitality during the course of this work. When revising this manuscript, we were aware of the discovery of in SiH 4[M. I. Eremets et al., Science 319, 1506 (2008)]. [1] N. W. Ashcroft, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 187002 (2004). [2] L. L. Sun, A. L. Ruoff, C. S. Zha, and G. Stup ian, J.5 Phys.: Condens. Matter 18, 8573 (2006); 19, X. J. Chen, V. V. Struzhkin, Y. Song, A. F. Goncharov, M. Ahart, Z. X. Liu, H. K. Mao, and R. J. Hemley, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105, 20 (2008). [4] K. Clusius, Z. Phys. Chem. B 23, 213 (1933). [5] R. E. Wilde and T. K. K. Srinivasan, J. Phys. Chem. Solids36, 119 (1975). [6] O. Degtyareva, M. A. Bergara, X. J. Chen, Y. Song, V. V. Struzhkin, H. K. Mao, and R. J. Hemley, Phys. Rev. B 76, 064123 (2007). [7] Y. Ding, J. Xu, C. T. Prewitt, R. J. Hemley, H. K. Mao, J. A. Cowan, J. Z. Zhang, J. Qian, S. C. Vogel, K. Lokshin, and Y. S. Zhao, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, J. Feng, W. Grochala, T. Jaro' n, R. Hoffmann, A. Bergara, and N. W. Ashcroft, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96,017006 (2006). [9] C. J. Pickard and R. J. Needs, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 045504 (2006). [10] Y. Yao, J. S. Tse, Y. Ma, and K. Tanaka, Europhys. Lett. 78, 37003 (2007). [11] V. L. Ginzburg, Rev. Mod. Phys. 76, 981 (2004). [12] G. Kresse and J. Furthmuller, Comput. Mater. Sci. 6, 15 (1996). [13] See also S. Baroni, S. de Giron- coli, A. Dal Corso, and P. Giannozzi, Rev. Mod. Phys. 73, 515 (2001). [14] W. M. Sears and J. A. Morrison, J. Chem. Phys. 62, Phys.Rev.B 12, 905(1975). [16] P. P. Singh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 247002 (2006). | 0803.2713 | Xiao-Jia Chen | X. J. Chen, J. L. Wang, V. V. Struzhkin, H. K. Mao, R. J. Hemley, and
H. Q. Lin | Layered Structures Favor Superconductivity in Compressed Solid SiH$_{4}$ | 5 pages, 5 figures | null | null | null | cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | The electronic and lattice dynamical properties of compressed solid SiH$_{4}$
have been calculated in the pressure range up to 300 GPa with density
functional theory. We find that structures having a layered network with
eight-fold SiH$_{8}$ coordination favor metallization and superconductivity.
SiH$_{4}$ in these layered structures is predicted to have superconducting
transition temperatures ranging from 20 to 80 K, thus presenting new
possibilities for exploring high temperature superconductivity in this
hydrogen-rich system.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 18 Mar 2008 20:24:06 GMT"
] | 2008-03-20T00:00:00 | [
"X. J.",
"J. L.",
"V. V.",
"H. K.",
"R. J.",
"H. Q.",
] |
2 65758595 C [J 103] d /dT 125 150 175 200 225 250u u/B Temperature [K](a) (b) (c) 1: (Color online) Temperature dependence of the heat capacity (a), thermal expansion (b), ive of the resistivity (c), and magnetic moment (d) in the region of the PMT in Ni 2MnGa. Figure 1 shows clear signatures of a PMT and MT in the specific heat, thermal expansion, of the resistivity and the magnetic moment. The specific-heat data show a broad peak centered at T= 225Kin agreement with previous measurements in a sample of the same composition [21]. This feature does not have any measurable thermal hysteresis asso- ciated with it. Conversely, the MT at TM= 196K is a sharp, first-order transition associated with 8 K of thermal hysteresis. Low-temperature specific-heat mea- surements (not shown) give an electronic specific g= 10.6 mJ K-2mol-1, and Debye temper- ature, Th D= 205.6 K. The high-temperature effects are mirrored in the thermal expansion where the sharp, dis- continuous MT is preceded by a broad feature with an onset temperature of TPM= 247K. The of the resistivity shows a break in the resis- tivity slope at T= 214Kfollowed by a 196K, as does the magnetic moment. The lack of thermal hysteresis at the PMT and the behav- ior of the thermal expansion, specific heat and is consistent with CDW formation: a contin- uous transition associated with CDW onset (PMT), behavior at lock-in insight into the nature of the PMT can be ob- tained -1.75 -1.50 -1.25 -1.00 -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 E [arbotrary units] FIG. 2: (Color online) Energy dependence of the normal pho- toemission intensity for selected temperatures in the regi on of the PMT in Ni 2MnGa. The inset shows allintensity plots at 1 K temperature [23]. Figure 2 illustrates the spectra (He I, hn=21.2 eV) for several tempera- tures of interest. In addition, the inset in Fig. 2 shows the UPS spectra in the temperature range of the PMT at 1K temperature intervals. In the inset, two of the UPS intensity are observed corre- sponding to the onset of the PMT and the MT, respec- tively. Above TPMandbelow and are not shown. For T > T PM, the UPS spectrum exhibits a prominent peak located at a binding energy of 1.3 eV, together with two smaller features at 0.8 eV and 0.3 eV. As the temperature is lowered below TPM, we note a rapid drop in the intensity of the 0.3 eV peak, followed by a slow, but continuous, decrease in the intensity of this peak with decreasing temperature. A second sudden drop in the intensity of this peak occurs just above TM. Throughout the process of depletion of the Fermi energy, we notice an enhancement in the number of available states above 0.8 eV. The temperature dependence of the UPS spectra reported here indicates the formation of a shal- low pseudogap in the allowed density of states, in the PMT region, for energies between 0.3 eV and the Fermi energy. Similar effects have been reported in the past [24] and purple bronze [25]. We note that the UPS spectra depicted in the inset of Fig. 2 show a much sharper transition at with the data illustrated in Fig. 1. The ther- mal expansion, resistivity and magnetic moment data support the notion of a first-order transition at the MT, TM. The smooth nature of the PMT makes difficult the identification of the onset temperature for the PMT, TPM. This is perhaps best illustrated by the thermal ex- pansion data. Nevertheless, from the UPS and data, we estimate TM-TPM50 K.3 -6 -4 -2 0 2 E [eV]total DOS Mn (d)Ni of state [arbitrary fcc 3: (Color online) The majority- and minority-spin DOS for the spin-polarized martensitic phase ( T < T M) and fcc ( TPM< T < T C) of Ni 2MnGa. The top panel depicts the total DOS, whereas the middle and bottom panels depict the contributions due to the d electrons of the Ni and Mn atoms, respectively. The contributions due to the Ga electronic degrees of freedom are smaller by an order of magnitude and have been disregarded for the purpose of UPS data was compared with results of band-structure calculations using the general- ized gradient approximation approach [26] in the full- potential method [27]. We use the experimental lattice constants and calcula- tions are performed on grids of 286 and 726 kpoints in the irreducible Brillouin zone for the austenitic and martensitic phases, respectively. Figure 3 depicts (spin-up) and minority-spin of states (DOS) for the spin-polarized marten- sitic phase ( T < T M) and the spin-polarized fcc phase (TPM< T < T C) of bulk Ni 2MnGa. The main con- tributions to the total density of states in either phase or spin state are due to the Ni-d and Mn-d electrons. We note that our electronic structure results also show a redistribution of the density of states away from the Fermi surface in the martensitic phase as compared to the fcc phase. Our calculations indicate that the missing spectral weight, observed experimentally near the Fermi energy in the martensitic phase, is due to the disappear- FIG. 4: Fermi surfaces in the Brillouin zones corresponding to a) the non-magnetic fcc phase ( T > T C), b) the phase ( TPM< T < T C), and c) the martensitic ( T < T PM) of Ni2MnGa. Both the merged and the individual band con- tributions to the Fermi surface are depicted. Plots perform ed with XCrySDen [28] using the structural data from Ref. [29]. ance of the Ni-d peak located at 0.3 eV in the spin-down DOS corresponding to the fcc phase. In the the spectral weight shifts to slightly lower binding energies and results in the enhancement of the peak ob- served at 0.8 eV in the spin-up DOS. The latter peak has a combined Ni-d and Mn-d character, as reflected by the peaks highlighted in the plots of the Ni-d and Mn-d spin- up partial DOS. Although wepredict that near the Fermi surface there is a spectral-weight transfer from minority- to spin-up electrons (which could potentially be resolved by spin-polarised photoemission), the net in Fig. 1d in fact drops at the transition. The calculated net magnetization change (integrated over all energies)is found to be closeto zero, since the of spin density is approximately canceled by higher energy states. The disagreement with experi- ment indicates that correlation effects may be important for the deeper Mn d-levels - note that the magnetization is mostly dominated by Mn whereas the Fermi surface from Ni states. The Fermi surfaces (FS) in the Brillouin zones corre- sponding to the 2MnGa aredisplayed in Fig. 4. Two electronic bands contribute to the FS T > T C), bands contribute to the spin-up and spin-down FS below TC. The character of the spin-down Fermi sur- faces for TPM< T < T Cis dominated by the Ni-d Below TMthe spin-up contribution to the FS look similar to the spin- up contribution above TM, but the FS is nested in the martensitic phase. The change in the FS of the spin-down electrons above TPMand below TMis more dramatic and reflects the changes noted in the calculated DOS and the measured UPS spectra. We note that the PMT is not accompanied by a change in the magnetic moment, whereas TMmarks a of the spin density betweenbands, as seen in both experiment and theory. Thus we speculate that the transition at TPMcorresponds to a nesting feature of a single band. As the amplitude of this instability grows on lowering the temperature, mixing with other bands becomes inevitable - which apparently triggers a second and stronger instability in the martensitic phase involv- ing a redistribution between the spin directions and the two spin-down bands. To summarize, in this paper we report the presence of a pseudogap in photoemission spectra, 0.3 eV below the Fermi energy, at the PMT temperature, TPM. Based electronic structure calculations, we con- clude that the changes in the experimental photoemis- sion spectra are due to a redistribution of the of states associated with the Mn-d and Ni-d elec- tronic degrees of freedom. We show that the peak ob- served at 0.3 eV in the UPS spectra above TPMis due to the Ni-d spin-down electrons. Below TMthis peak disap- pears, resulting in an enhanced DOS at energies around 0.8 eV. This enhancement reflects Ni-d and Mn-d elec- tronic contributions to the spin-up DOS. The Fermi surface of spin-up electronic states ex- hibits weak momentum dispersion, which, together with the changes in the material properties observed experi- mentally in the premartensitic temperature region (see Fig. 1), suggests a CDW mechanism from Fermi surface nesting in Ni 2MnGa. This work was supported in part by the Los Alamos National Laboratory under the auspices of the U.S. De- partment of Energy, and the Trustees of Boston College. LM and AP acknowledge partial support from (CICyT, Spain) and Catalonia). PSR acknowledges support from the U.S. Department of Energy through award The authors would like to acknowledge use- ful conversations with Y. Lee and B. and Structure in functional materials ed. A.Planes, L. Ma~ nosa, and A. Saxena, Materials Science Se- ries, Vol. 79 (Springer Verlag, Berlin 2005). [2] T. Kakeshita and K. Ullakko, MRS Bull. 27, 105 (2002). [3] J. Marcos et al., Phys. Rev. B 68, 094401 (2003). [4] C. Biswas, R. Rawat and S.R. Barman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 202508 (2005). [5] P.J. Webster et al., Philos. Mag. B 49, 295 (1984). [6] See O. Soderberg et al.,Giant magnetostrictive of Magnetic Materials , Vol. 79, ed. K.J.H. Buschow (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006) and ref- erences therein. [7] C. Bungaro, K. M. Rabe, and A. Dai Corso, Phys. Rev. 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Kokalj, Comp. Mater. Sci. 28, 155 (2003). Code avail- able from D.Y. Cong, P. Zetterstr om, and Y.D. Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett.87, 111906 (2005). | 0803.2724 | Bogdan Mihaila | C.P. Opeil, B. Mihaila, R.K. Schulze, L. Manosa, A. Planes, W.L.
Hults, R.A. Fisher, P.S. Riseborough, P.B. Littlewood, J.L. Smith, and J.C.
Lashley | Combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the
premartensitic transition in Ni$_2$MnGa | null | Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 165703 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.165703 | LA-UR-08-1278 | cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Ultraviolet-photoemission (UPS) measurements and supporting specific-heat,
thermal-expansion, resistivity and magnetic-moment measurements are reported
for the magnetic shape-memory alloy Ni$_2$MnGa over the temperature range $100K
< T < 250K$. All measurements detect clear signatures of the premartensitic
transition ($T_\mathrm{PM}\sim 247K$) and the martensitic transition
($T_\mathrm{M} \sim 196K$). Temperature-dependent UPS shows a dramatic
depletion of states (pseudogap) at $T_\mathrm{PM}$ located 0.3eV below the
Fermi energy. First-principles electronic structure calculations show that the
peak observed at 0.3eV in the UPS spectra for $T > T_\mathrm{PM}$ is due to the
Ni-d minority-spin electrons. Below $T_\mathrm{M}$ this peak disappears,
resulting in an enhanced density of states at energies around 0.8eV. This
enhancement reflects Ni-d and Mn-d electronic contributions to the
majority-spin density of states and is accompanied by significant
reconstruction of the Fermi surface.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 18 Mar 2008 22:01:30 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
"C. P.",
"R. K.",
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"R. A.",
"P. S.",
"P. B.",
"J. L.",
"J. C.",
] |
2 G XY M
~G G G(a) (b) FIG. 2: color online Fermisurface formation uponbackfoldi ng of the large BZ corresponding to a simple Fe square lattice. (a) Real space: the four small unit cells of the Fe sublattice only (dashed) with the larger solid diamond of actual two- Fe unit cell. Dark and light circles indicate ordering. The inset shows the spin density wave corresponding to ~X point SF. (b) Reciprocal space: the black square is the unfolded BZ, the blue diamond is the downfolded zone, the blue ellipse is the electron pocket fro m the~Y point downfolded onto the ~X point (which is M in the small BZ). phonons, it is hard to identify pairing interactions with a strong kzdependence. Thus, states with strong varia- tions of the OP along kzare unlikely. An angular varia- tion of the OP in the xyplane is possible, but would re- quire an unrealistically strong q-dependence of the pair- ing interaction on the scale of the small Fermi surface size, and would also be extremely sensitive to otherhand, the with a pairing state with weak variations of the OP within the sheets, but a pphase shift between electron and hole cylinders. Here we show that a this material and we discuss the expected properties. The SF spectrum is unusually rich for this compound and comes from three separate sources. First, the sys- tem is relatively close to a Stoner ferromagnetic instabil- ity. Second, Third, there are nesting- related AFM type SF near wave vec- tors connecting the electron and hole pockets. The latter appear to be the strongest ones. The corresponding in- teraction connects the well-separated FS pockets located around G, and around M. Though repulsive in the these that the OPs on the two sets of the FSs have opposite signs. The main message of our paper is that this s+- superconducting state is both consistent with ex- perimental observations and most favored by SF in this system.As opposed to the undoped material[8], we do not find any FM solution for the doped compound, even with the more magnetic GGA functional. This sug- gests that the main function of doping is to move the system away from a ferromagnetic instability (see, how- ever, Ref. [20]). That the system becomes less mag- netic is due to the fact that upon doping the heavy 3D hole pocket near G rapidly fills and the total DOS drops (by a factor of two). At a doping level x= 0.1, we ob- tain in the GGA an unrenormalized Pauli 0,o= 0)4x10-5emu/mole ( N(0) = Using 1.1 eV for the Stoner Ion Fe, we obtain a renormalized kh(0) of 0.14 x10-3emu/mole, a large renormalization, but much smaller than what is needed to explain the experimental value[1]. Note that in the undoped system the calculated susceptibility is larger, and the experimental one smaller, than in the doped one. This suggests that besides FM SF there are other, more important spin excitations in the system. The first candidate for these is a to the standard simple Importantly, there is also substantial direct Fe-Fe overlap[8], which leads to an additional AFM exchange of and with the same checkerboard discussion requires an understanding of the fermiology in clearer terms. The band structure may at first appear intractably complex, but it is in fact rel- atively simple, involving only three Fe orbitals near the Fermi level. The hole pockets around G originatefrom that aredegenerateatG ,and formtwo nearly perfect The electron surfaces are better understood if we recall that the underlying Fe layer forms a square lattice with the period ~ a=a/
2 (Fig. 2). The corresponding 2D Brillouin zone (BZ) is twice larger and rotated by 45*.If we could unfold the Fermi surface of Fig. 1, we would find the same two hole pockets at ~G andoneelectron pocket around the point ~X in thelargeBZ. The latter is formed by the dyzband (or dxznear~Y) that starts 180 meV below the Fermi up along ~X~M and is practically flat along ~X
~G. This band is hybridized with the dxyband (or dx2-y2 in the two-Fe cell), which starts from ~X at an energy of -520 meV, and is instead dispersive along ~X~G . these two bands yield an oval pocket, elongated along ~G~X pocket should lead to a broad (because the electron pocket is oval rather than circular) peak in the nonin- teracting susceptibility kh0(q,o-0), atq= (p/~a,0), while the superexchange interaction J(q) on the square lattice should be peaked at q= (p/~a,p/~a) (G in the downfolded BZ). The renormalized susceptibility, kh(q) then has a rich structure with max- ima at~G,~X and~M. For the true unit cell with two Fe,3 a) b) X G G G X GMM FIG. 3: color online The imaginary (a) and the real (b) parts of the non-interacting susceptibility kh0(q,o- 0), in arbitrary units. Within common is measurable by neutron scattering and Rekhcontrols the pairing interaction, in the singlet chan- nel proportional to 1 (see Ref. [13] for a review.) Note that the RPA enhancement will strengthen both peaks. both~G and~M fold down into the G point, while ~X folds down into the M point. The corresponding folding of the Fermi surfaces makes the electron pockets overlap, form- ing two intersecting surfaces (Fig. 1). It is important to appreciate from this gedanken unfolding that already on the level of the noninteracting susceptibility there is a tendency for correlations with a wave vector different from the superexchange one. In Fig. 3 we present the calculated [12] kh0(q,o) andqz=p/c(khis of qz), The peak at M, derived from inter- band transitions, is very broad, as expected, with ofthe twoovalpocketsat Mand the the hole and electron cylinders for finite doping. With minor modification, this structure is present also in the undoped compound. We have also performed magnetic calculations (dis- cussed in a separate publication) in a supercell corre- sponding to the superexchange, q=~M (=G in the down- folded Brillouin zone) and nesting-induced q=~X (=M) spin densitywaves. We find, indeed, that the tendency to ferromagnetic ordering is suppressed in the doped com- pound, while the tendency to nesting-based is present, even leading to an actual insta- bility at the mean field level. It is worth noting that while this instability does not appear in actual materials, it has been now found the low doping regime [20]. The strong AFM SF around M favor our proposed s+- state. Cases where SF-induced interactions connect two pockets of the Fermi surfaces, including SF been considered in the past. [14] However, they involved FS pockets related by symmetry, which the phase relations between them. In our case the two sets of pockets are not symmetry related, andnothing prevents them from assuming arbitrary phases. For the singlet case, the coupling matrix between the hole (h) and the electron pockets ( e) is negative, leh<
0.The diagonal components emerge from the attractive phonon-mediated and interactions and are, presumably, weak. If lph hhis the average of the phonon-mediated interaction over the wave vectors q <0<2kh F, andlsf hhthe same for the SF, then calculated electron- phonon coupling comes mostly from small wave weak, promote the s+-state. On the other come from FM (small-q) SF and are pair breaking. Finally, the superexchange interaction does not affect lhh,but the corresponding wave vector q=
~G~M connects the epockets near ~X and~Y and are also pair as usual for a two-gap defined by the maximal eigenvalue of the lmatrix, leff= OPs e,hare defined by the corresponding eigen- vector. In our case, the signs of hand ewill be opposite, and their absolute values (despite the differ- ent densities of states) will be similar since s+- state is analogous to the states proposed previously for semimetals[16] and bi- layer struc- ture of the peak in khnear M is important, but for SF induced it does not matter at all. butthe pairing interaction is integrated over all possible qvec- tors spanning the two sets of Fermi surfaces so that only the total weight of the peak is important. Dimensional- ity is however very important, as 3D coupling supports a long range magnetic ordering (competing with Indeed, the experiment shows an of at the 3D pockets around G disappear. One might envision a triplet state similar to the de- scribed singlet one, fully gapped, as expected for uni- tary 2Dp-wave states, and with different amplitudes (or signs) on the two cylinders. The similarity, however, is misleading. In the triplet channel, SF induce attrac- tion, but given the relatively large width of the AF peak (Fig.3), a large part of the pairing will be lost as only SF with a wave vector exactly equal to ( p/a,p/a) will be fully pairing, and some others will even be in this scenario where the SF around the Mpoint provide the primary pairing in- teraction, we expect the lowest energy to be s+-. The structure of the OP in real space can be evaluated using the lowest Fourier component, com- patiblewith the proposed s+-state, namelycos cos corresponds to pairing4 of electrons that reside on the nearest neighbors, just as in the d-wave case, so that the onsite Coulomb repulsion is not particularly destructive for this state. Finally, we discuss the experimental ramifications of thes+-state. In many aspects they are similar to that of thes+-state proposed in Ref. 17 and discussed in some detail in Refs.[17, 18, 19]. The thermodynamic and tunneling characteristics are the same as for a conven- tional two-gap The two-gap charac- ter, however, may be difficult to resolve, given the dom- inance of the interband interactions which will render the two gap magnitudes similar. Nonmagnetic small- q intraband ( e-eorh-h) scattering, as well as the in- terband spin-flip pairing will not be pair breaking, but paramagnetic interband scattering will, resulting in fi- nite DOS below the gap[2], consistent with specific [5]. The most interesting feature of the s+- state [19] is that the coherence factors for exciting Bo- golyubov quasiparticles on FS sheets with opposite signs of the OP are reversed compared to conventional coher- ence factors. We outline a few important consequences of the relatively straigtforward application of this con- cept to experimental probes. First, one expects a qual- itative difference between experiments that probe verti- cal transitions ( q=0) and those that probe top/a,p/a. For instance, the spin suscep- tibility at q=0 will behave conventionally, decay below Tcwithout any coherence peak, while the susceptibility for qp/a,p/a will have a coherence peak that should be detectable by neutron scattering as an enhancement below Tc[19]. AFM SF near p/a,p/a dominate in the doped material, and so the usual coher- ence peak in the NMR relaxation rate, which averages equally over all wave vectors is expected to disappear or be strongly reduced. It was shown in Ref. [18] that Josephson currents from FSs with different signs of andthe FSwiththe the constant relaxation time approximation, both in- plane and out of plane conductivities are dominated by the electron pockets. This is unfortunate, since there would otherwise be a pphase shift between the in high-T ccuprates. To summarize, we argue that the fermiology found in doped LaAsFeO gives rise to strong, but broad spin fluctuations near the M point in the Bril- louin zone, while the tendency to magnetism existing at zero doping is suppressed. These fluctuations, while too broad to induce a magnetic instability, are instrumental in creating a superconducting state with OPs of opposite signs on the electron and hole pockets. We would like to acknowledge helpful discussions with D. Scalapino. Work at NRL is supported by ONR. Work at ORNL was supported by DOE, Division of and Engineering.[1] Y. Kamihara, et al, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 108, (in A. A. Golubov and I. I. Mazin, Phys. Rev, B55, 15146 (1997) [3] D. F. Agterberg, V. Barzykin, and L. P. Gor'kov, Phys. Rev.B60, 14868 (1999) [4] G.F. Chen, Z. Li, G. Li, J. Zhou, D. Wu, J. Dong, W. Z. Hu, P. Zheng, Z.J. Chen, J.L. Luo, and N.L. G. Mu, X. Zhu, L. Fang, L. Shan, C. Ren, and H.H. A.S. Sefat, M.A. McGuire, B.C. Sales, R. Jin, J.Y. Howe, and D.G. Mandrus, H. Yang, X. Zhu, L. Fang, G. Mu, and H.H. Wen, D.J. Singh, M.H. Du, We used linear response theory with ultrasoft as implemented within the Quantum Espresso package by S. Baroni et al, We used a zone sampling of 1377 inequivalent k-points, a 4x4x2 phonon mesh and a planewave cut-off of 50 Ry. [10] The optimized positions actually depend slightly on do p- ing. For x= 0.1, in GGA, they are: zLa= 0.148, zAs= 0.638. [11] We thank P.A. Lee for pointing out an erroneous trans- mutation of ~X and~Y in our original We used a grid of with a temperature smearing of 1 mRy, and the constant matrix element T. Moria and K. Ueda, Rep. Prog. Phys. 66, 1299 (2003) [14] M.D. Johannes, I.I. Mazin, D.J. Singh, and D.A. Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 097005 (2004); K. Voelker and M. Sigrist, I.I. Mazin and V.P. Antropov, Physica C 385, 49 (2003). [16] A.G. Aronov and E.B. Sonin, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 63, 1059 (1972) [Sov. Phys. -JETP 36, 556 (1973)] [17] I.I. Mazin, and O.K. Andersen, Phy s. Rev. Lett. 74, 2303 (1995). [18] I.I.Mazin, A.A. Golubov, and A.D. Zaikin, Phys. Rev. Lett.75, 2574 (1995). [19] I.I. Mazin and V. Yakovenko, Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, After this manuscript was submitted for dozen relevant preprints have been posted, in particular (a) Experimental verification of the SDW state predicted here (inset of Fig.2), at (b) While we calculated the SDW stripe ordered phase at x= 0.1,Donget have subsequently shown that, con- trary to our initial conjecture, at zero doping this insta- bility is even stronger, (c) Kuroki et have studied the SF induced in LaFeAsO adding the RPA renormalization to our model and found that the s+-state has the lowest en- ergy as long as the hole pockets are present (otherwise, a nodeless d-wave state is the most stable one) and (d) Yildirim pointed out that the next n.n. superexchange in this system is of the same order as the n.n. superxchange, adding a fourth nontrivial nag- netic interaction to those we considered. These and other recent results support our main proposition that the role5 of doping is to drive the system away from a though we misidentified the offending insta-bility as ferromagnetic. | 0803.2740 | Michelle Johannes | I.I. Mazin, D.J. Singh, M.D. Johannes, M.H. Du | Unconventional sign-reversing superconductivity in LaFeAsO_(1-x)F_x | null | Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 057003 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.057003 | null | cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.mtrl-sci | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We argue that the newly discovered superconductivity in a nearly magnetic,
Fe-based layered compound is unconventional and mediated by antiferromagnetic
spin fluctuations, though different from the usual superexchange and specific
to this compound. This resulting state is an example of extended s-wave pairing
with a sign reversal of the order parameter between different Fermi surface
sheets. The main role of doping in this scenario is to lower the density of
states and suppress the pair-breaking ferromagnetic fluctuations.
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"version": "v1",
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] | 2015-05-13T00:00:00 | [
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"M. H.",
] |
1: (Color online) Perspective view of the of TbMnO 3. The large, medium, and small the Tb, Mn, and O ions, respectively. The Mn-Mn spin exchange paths Jab,Jaa,Jbb, andJccare also indicated. The solid vectors denote theeasy axes for the Tb3+and -2 0 2 4 6 Energy of statesTotal DOS Tb 4f DOS Mn 3d 2: (Color online) Electronic structure obtained for th e FM state of TbMnO 3from the WIEN2k calculations. The total DOS, the Tb 4f partial DOS, and the Mn 3d partial DOS are shown. The position of the fz(x2-y2)state is spin exchange paths to consider as shown in Fig. 1: Jabis the intralayer( abplane) nearest neighbor (NN) ex- change interaction, JaaandJbbare the intralayer next- nearest neighbor (NNN) exchange interactions along respectively, and Jccis the interlayer NN alongthe cdirection. The high- spin Mn3+ions have the with the eg states forming a staggered orbital orderingof the Such an orbital ordering induces an NN intralayer ferromagnetic (FM) exchange, and an NN interlayer (AFM) exchange. The co- operative Jahn-Teller distortion associated with the or- bital ordering leads to a large NNN intralayer along the bdirection [19, 20]. Our lead to Jab=-1.52 meV, Jaa= 0.57 meV, Jbb= 0.85 meV, and Jcc= 0.50 meV. The are consistent with those ex- pected for TbMnO 3[19].Jaawas predicted to be FMby Kimura et al.[19], but our calculations show it to be AFM. The classical spin analysis based on the Freiser method [21] predicts that the spin ground state is a spin spiral with the modulation vector q= (0,qy,0) with qy= 0.15. The prediction of a state is in agreementwith the [22], which shows an incommensurate spiral withq= (0,0.27,0)below 28K. It is worthwhile to point out that ifa smaller Ueffis usedJbbwill be weaker, hence leading to a larger qy. To examine the magnetic anisotropy of the 3, TbMnO per unit cell. The easy axes of these ions are not collinear but related by symmetry. Since the effect of SOC is largely local in nature, we consider for simplic- ity only one Mn ion (i.e., Mn1 in Fig. 1) per unit cell by replacing the remaining three Mn3+ions with Sc3+
ions that have no magnetic moment. To remove any pos- sible coupling with the Tb 4f moment, we replace the Tb3+ions of the unit cell with La3+ions that have no magnetic moment. The energy dependence upon the Mn spin direction obtained from DFT+U+SOC calculations is shown in Fig. 3(a) for the cases when the Mn spin lies in The energy minimum occurs at 60*and 70*for the case when the spin lies in the aband bcplanes, respectively, and the energy minimum for the ab-planeis lowerthan that for bc-planeby 0 .12meV/Mn. The above results can be readily understood by ana- lyzing the effect of the SOC Hamiltonian [23, 24]. As shown in Fig. 3(b), each MnO 6octahedron of TbMnO 3 is axially elongated. With one of the two longest Mn-O bonds taken as the local zaxis and neglecting the between the other four short Mn-O bonds, the d-block levels of the Mn3+(d4) ion are described as shown on the right hand side of Fig. 3(b), which leads SOC Hamiltonian l^L*^Sleads to an interaction of the empty dx2-y2(eg) state with the other d-states. The strongest SOC occurs between two egstates (dxyand dx2-y2) with the maximum energy lowering when the spin liesin the local zdirection[24]. Forthe Mn1ion, of the local zdirection in the global coor- dinate system are th= 80.2*andph= 60.5*, respectively. In good agreement with these values, our SOC analysis based on tight-binding calculations [25] shows that the actual easy axis of Mn1 has th= 84*andph= 60*. Thus the easy axis is close to the abplane, and is far from the caxis. This explains why the energy minimum for the Mn spin lying in the ab-plane has a lower energy than that lying in the bc-plane. In addition, the easy axis is closer to the baxis than to the aaxis. Our result is con- sistent with the experimental observation [26] that of the Mn magnetic moment below 40 K has the direction parallel to the b-axis. Since the easy axis of the Mn spin is far from the cdirection, it is3 0 20 40 6080 100 120 140 160180 Angle between spin and a axis (meV/Tb)0 20 40 6080 100 120 140 160180 Angle (meV/Mn)ab plane (angle with respect to a) bc plane (angle with respect to down Spin 3: (Color online) (a) The dependence of energy on the direction of the Mn spin in the ab-plane or the bc-plane. (b) The local structure of the distorted MnO 6octahedron. The numbers give the Mn-O bond lengths in @A. The local coor- dinate system is also indicated. The right-hand-side diagr am illustrates the electron configuration of the Mn3+(d4) ion. The label SOC denotes that the largest SOC mixing occurs between the (c) The dependence of energy on the direction of Tb spins in the that the spin-spiral plane of TbMnO 3is or the bc-plane, but not the ac-plane [22], it was found that the Mn moments of TbMnO 3form abc-plane elliptical spiral with mb(Mn)
= 3.9uB> mc(Mn) = 2 .8uB. This can be readily ex- plained by the fact that the easy axis of the Mn spins is close to the baxis, but far from the cdirection. The magnetic anisotropy of the Tb3+ion in TbMnO 3 was also calculated in a similar manner; three of the four Tb3+ions in a unit cell were replaced by La3+ions with all the Mn3+ions of a unit cell replaced by Sc3+ions. Our DFT+U+SOC calculations show that the Tb spin prefers to lie in the abplane since the state for the by at least 0.83 meV/Tb. The energy calculated for Tb1 (as labeled in Fig. 1 as a function of the angle phwithth= 90*is presented in Fig. 3(c), which reveals that the energy miminum occurs at around ph= 4: (Color online) The atomic displacements (indicated by solid arrows) of the spin-spiral states after geometry op ti- mization for (a)the bc-plane spiral and(b)the dashed arrows indicate the directions of the Mn spins in the spiral states. The directions of the electric polarizat ions are also shown. The large anisotropy energy is consistent with the Ising behavior of Tb moment [11]. The easy axes of the Tb3+
ions presented in Fig. 1 show that they lie the b-axis with the angle 55*. This is in with the observed angle of 57*[26]. The electric polarization of TbMnO 3in the was calculated using the VASP. To reduce the com- putational task, we considered the q= (0,1/3,0) state, which we simulated by using a 1 x3x1 supercell. Using the experimental centrosymmetric structure, the from the pure electronic effect was calcu- lated to be P= 29, 30] for the bc-plane spiral shown in Fig. 4(a). Experimentally, the magnitude of the electric polarization for the bc-plane spiral is about 600 uC/m2[31], which is three orders of magnitude larger than the value calculated with no geometry relaxation. For the ab-plane spiral shown in Fig. 4(b), the electric polarization is calculated to be P= the absence of The absolute directions of the FE polariza- tions obtained for the bc- andab-plane spin-spiral states from DFT calculations without geometry relaxation are opposite to those predicted by the KNB model (Eq. 6 of ref. [5]). states on the FE polarization, we optimized the atom positions of TbMnO 3in thebc- states by performing DFT+U+SOC calculations and calculated the electric polarizations of TbMnO 3us- ing the relaxed structures. These calculations lead to thebc-plane spiral, and to theab-plane spiral. The absolute di- rections of the FE polarizations are switched for states under geometry relaxation. The cal- culated FE polarization for the bc-plane spiral using the relaxed structure is now much closer to the Furthermore, the direction of the FE polarization is in agreement with experiment [28, 29, 30, 32] as well as the KNB model. However, this agreement between the KNB model and experimental values is fortuitous; for LiCuVO 4and LiCu 2O2, which consists of CuO 2rib- bon chains, the KNB model predicts the wrong of the FE polarization for the ab-plane spiral, but the correct absolute direction of the FE polarization for thebc-plane spiral, regardless of whether the unre- laxed or the relaxed crystal structures are employed [9]. The failure of the KNB model could be due to the fact that it was derived for the t2gsystems while the egstates are important in Mn3+and Cu2+systems. Furthermore, we notice that the FE polarization of the ab-plane spi- ral calculated by using the relaxed structure, now is smaller in magnitude than that calcu- lated by using the experimental structure. In the case of LiCuVO 4and LiCu 2O2, the geometry relaxation in the spin-spiral states was found to enhance the magnitudes of the FE polarizations without changing their s [9]. To show how the ion displacements break the we present the pattern of the atom dis- placements with respect to the centrosymmetric struc- ture in Fig. 4. For the bc-plane spiral, the O atoms at the Wyckoff 4c position (i.e., O1) lying in the abplane of the Tb atoms almost do not move. The movement of all the O atoms at the Wyckoff 8d position (i.e., O2) close to the abplane of the Mn atoms have a component along the cdirection. All the Mn and Tb atoms have a displacement along the -cdirection. The largest dis- placements along the cdirection (about 2 .4x10-4@A) occur at the Mn sites rather than at the O sites. This finding is in contradiction to the assumption introduced in the model [7]. Considering that the Born effective charge is positive for the and negative for the O2-anion, the total electric polarization is expected to be along the -cdi- rection, in agreement with the DFT calculation. For the ab-plane spiral, some O atoms have displacements but other O atoms have the adirection. The sum of the O ion displace- ments is along the -adirection. The occurrence of alter- nating O displacements is consistent with the prediction made by Sergienko and Dagotto [7], and is responsible for the smaller electric polarization when compared with the case of the bc-plane spiral. All the Mn atoms have a displacement along the adirection. Another is that some Tb atoms have the largest displace- ments with a largecomponent alongthe a small component along the adirection. In summary, the absence of the ac-plane spin-spiral in TbMnO 3is explained by the magnetic anisotropy of theMn3+ion. The calculated easy axis for Tb is in with the experimental result. The considera- tion of the ion displacements in the spin-spiral states of TbMnO 3is essential in determining the magnitude and the absolute direction ofthe FE polarizations, which is in support of the model. displacements of the Mn3+and Tb3+ions are gener- ally greaterthan those ofthe O2-ions. The KNB model, however, can fail to describe both the magnitude and the absolute direction of FE NREL wassupported by the U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract No. research at NCSU was supported by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy, under Grant No. We thank Prof. D. Vanderbilt for the dis- cussion about the definition of positive electric polariza- tion [29, 30, 32]. [1] S.-W. Cheong and M. Mostvoy, Nature Mater. 6, 13 (2007). [2] T. Kimura et al., Nature (London) 426, 55 (2003). [3] G. Lawes et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 087205 (2005). [4] N. Hur et al., Nature (London) 429, 392 (2004). [5] H. Katsura et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 057205 (2005). [6] M. Mostovoy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 067601 (2006). [7] I. A. Sergienko and E. Dagotto, Phys. Rev. B 73, S. Picozzi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 227201 (2007). [9] H. J. Xiang and M.-H. Whangbo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 257203 (2007). The definition of the positive direction of electric polarization adopted in this work is opposite to the conventional one [28, 29, 30]. [10] F. Schrettle et al., O. Prokhnenko et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 99, 177206 (2007). [12] A. I. Liechtenstein et al., Phys. Rev. B 52, R5467 (1995). [13] J. P. Perdew et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3865 (1996). [14] R. D. King-Smith and D. Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. B 47, 1651 (1993); R. Resta, Rev. Mod. Phys. 66, 899 (1994). [15] P. E. Bl ochl, Phys. Rev. B 50, 17953 (1994); G. Kresse and D. Joubert, ibid59, 1758 (1999). [16] G. Kresse and J. Furthm uller, Comput. Mater. Sci. 6, 15 (1996); Phys. Rev. B 54, 11169 (1996); [17] P. Blaha et al., in WIEN2K, An Augmented Plane Wave Plus Local Orbitals Program for Calculating edited by K. Schwarz (Techn. Universit at Wien, Austria, 2001). [18] J. A. Alonso et al., Inorg. Chem. 39, 917 (2000). [19] T. Kimura et al., Phys. Rev. B 68, 060403(R) (2003). [20] S. Picozzi et al., Phys. Rev. B 74, 094402 (2006). [21] M. J. Freiser, Phys. Rev. 123, 2003 (1961). [22] M. Kenzelmann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, H. J. Xiang and M. -H. Whangbo, Phys. Rev. B 75, 052407 (2007). [24] H. J. Xiang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 167207 (2008). [25] W. A. Harrison, Electronic Structure and Properties of Solids (Freeman, San Francisco, 1980).5 [26] S. Quezel et al., Physica B 86, 916 (1977). [27] VASP calculations show that the ac-plane spiral has higher energy by 0.23 meV/Mn than the ab-plane or bc- plane spiral. The energy difference between the ab-plane spiral and bc-plane spiral is within 0.02 meV/Mn. This difference is much smaller than that (0.12 meV/Mn) be- tween the minima on the bcandabplane since in a spiral not all spins lie along the minimum direction. [28] In this work we adopt the conventional definition of the positive direction of electric polarization (i.e., from th enegative to the positive charge site). [29] S. Seki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 127201 (2008). [30] A. Malashevich and D. Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 037210 (2008). [31] O. Prokhnenko et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 98, 057206 (2007). [32] Y. Yamasaki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 147204 (2007). The polarization direction of this report is in error. It should have been along the -cdirection [28, 29, 30]. | 0803.2741 | H. J. Xiang | H. J. Xiang, Su-Huai Wei, M.-H. Whangbo, and Juarez L. F. Da Silva | Spin-Orbit Coupling and Ion Displacements in Multiferroic TbMnO3 | null | Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 037209 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.037209 | null | cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.str-el | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | The electronic and magnetic properties of TbMnO3 leading to its ferroelectric
(FE) polarization were investigated on the basis of relativistic density
functional theory (DFT) calculations. In agreement with experiment, we show
that the spin-spiral plane of TbMnO3 can be either the bc- or ab-plane, but not
the ac-plane. As for the mechanism of FE polarization, our work reveals that
the "pure electronic" model by Katsura, Nagaosa and Balatsky (KNB) is
inadequate in predicting the absolute direction of FE polarization. For the
ab-plane spin-spiral state of TbMnO3, the direction of FE polarization
predicted by the KNB model is opposite to that predicted by DFT calculations.
In determining the magnitude and the absolute direction of FE polarization in
spin-spiral states, it is found crucial to consider the displacements of the
ions from their ecntrosymmetric positions.
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"version": "v1",
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] | 2008-07-18T00:00:00 | [
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"Juarez L. F.",
] |
2 for arbitrary subset a(l), and the function Sis the von Neumann entropy defined as S(x) =-Tr(xlog2x). In another word, the n-particle density matrix ~ re(n) lhas re(n), but it is maximally noncommittal to the other contained in the state re(n)[12]. A measure of the degree of irreducible k-particle correlation in the statere(n)is then defined as C(k)(re(n)) information appearing in re(n), but not ra(1). the total correlation in the state re(n)is then (4) Substituting Eqs. (3) into Eq. (4), we find that CT(re(n)) (5) Eq. (5) not only justifies that Eq. (4) is a of the total correlation, but also implies that all the irreducible multi-particle correlations construct a classification of the total that the above definitions of the degrees of dif- ferent types of correlations, Eqs. (3) and Eq. (4), are intimately related with the von Neaumann entropy. The underlying reasonis as follows. On the one hand, the of uncertainties of the state. On the other hand, the existence ofcorrelationin the decreases the uncertainties of the state. Therefore the decreasing of uncertainties, i.e, the entropy differ- ence, is reasonable to be used as a measure of the degree of exponential form. --Note that the matrixes ~ re(n) lare essential elements in the defi- nitions in Eqs. (3) and Eq. (4). The following gives the standard exponential form of the 1:For ann-particle quantum state re(n) with maximal rank, a state ~ re(n) l(1<=l<=n) which satisfies Eqs. (1) and (2) can be written in the 1- a(n-l)is the identity operators on the Hilbert space of particles - a(n-l), and the operators La(l)are to be determined by Eqs. (2). Proof:The Lagrange multipliers La(l)are introduced to transform the constrained maximization defined byEqs. (1) and (2) to the following unconstrained the Klein inequality [13] is used. The equality is satisfied if and only if Eq. (6) is satisfied. The La(l)are to be determined by Eqs. (2). Be- cause the Klein inequality [13] involves only the we need to limit ourselves to the states with maximal rank. A direct result of theorem 1 is the following 1:Form= 1 case, we have
~re(n) 1= the degree of the total correlation (5) in the statere(n)is give by CT(re(n)) (7) where we used ~ re(n) n=re(n). Although the degree of the total correlation has an analytical expression (7), we have not been able to give similar analytical results for the degrees of irreducible multi-particle that theorem 1 is a direct generalization of result in Ref. [2]. It shows that the fea- ture of multi-particle correlation in the state ~ re(n) lis di- rectly embodied in the exponential form of the state. As emphasized in Ref. [2], theorem 1 are not available for the multi-particle states without maximal rank. How- ever, most multi-particle states interested in many par- ticle physics or quantum information have not then-qubit stabilizer states and the general- ized GHZ states discussed below. To overcomethe difficulties in using theorem 1 to treat with the states without maximal rank, we adopt the fol- lowing approach. A multi-particle state without max- imal rank can always be regarded as the limit case of a series of multi-particle states with maximal rank. If the degrees of irreducible multi-particle correlations for the series of states with maximal rank can be obtained, then we take the limit to get the degrees of correlations for the state without maximal rank. We called the above method as the continuity ap- proach. The proofs of theorem 2 and 3 below are of this in stabilizer states. -- Ann-qubit stabi- lizer state state re(n) Sis defined (8)3 where the set indepen- dent commute n-qubit Pauli group elements. The set g(re(n) s) ={gi}is called the stabilizer generator of and the group generated by the generator g, denoted as G(re(n) s) is called the stabilizer of the state. To make the state (8) to be a legitimate state, the minus identity operator is required not to be an element of the stabilizer G. Note that our definition of the n-qubit stabilizer state is an extension of the usual definition [10], which corresponds to the case whenm=n. Whenm < n, the stabilizer states defined by Eq. (8) are no longer pure to the definition of the n-qubit Pauli group, an element h G(re(n) s) can be written as {I,X,Y,Z }, whereIis the 2x2 identity operator, and X,Y,Zare three Pauli ma- trixes. The number of identity operator Iin the The stabilizer G(re(n) s) can be classified into a series of sets Gk(re(n) s) Although is not a group, we can still define the generator gk(re(n) s) for the set Gk(re(n) s) as a set of ele- ments in Gk(re(n) s) such that every element in Gk(re(n) s) can be written as a unique product of elements in the set. As in group theory, the choice of the generator gk(re(n) s) is not unique in state is given by the following theorem. Theorem 2:The irreducible k-particle in an n-qubit stabilizer state the size of a set. Proof: Note that we can always take *** gn(re(n) s). but not in gk-1(re(n) s) are reexpressed as Thus we can construct an n-qubit state with a real parameter las re(n) m(l) = which is determined by the normalization condition Tr( re(n) m) = 1. Then the above state is expanded as re(n) m(l) that if aki= 1 fork > m, thena(m), we have Tr- 0. Thusthe matrix ra(m) m(l) =ra(m) n(l). According to theo- rem 1, the degree of irreducible k-particle correlation in then-qubit state re(n) n(l) Eq. (11), we observe that when the parameter l takes the limit of positive infinity, the states re(n) m(l) are stabilizer states. In =re(n) s. (13) It is easy to prove that S(re(n) m(+)) =n-|lm|. Then the degree of irreducible k-particle correlation in the sta- bilizer state that the result of theorem 2 has been given in Ref. [14], which is based on some reasonable arguments in the context of multi-party threshold secret sharing. Theorem 2 can be used to analyze the the two stabilizer states: se(3) 1= A simple calculation yields the following results. For the state se(3) 1, there are 2 bits of correlations al- together, and these 2 bits of correlations are correlations. For the other state se(3) 2, the to- tal correlations become 3 bits, and these 3 bits of corre- lations are classified into 2 bits of irreducible and 1 bit of irreducible 3-particle in generalized GHZ states. -- A GHZ states is defined (15) where the parameters 0. The degrees of irreducible for the state re(n) G( are given by the following theorem. Theorem 3:The degrees of irreducible in the generalized GHZ state (15) are = (n-1)E(|a|2), =E(|a|2), (17) whereE(x) The degrees of the other types of irreducible multi-particle correla- tion are zero identically, =C(4)(re(n) G) = 0. Proof:Let us construct an n-qubit = the vector the = ^zZ(1), the parameter eis determined by the normalization con- dition 1, and the notation ^ vrepre- sents the unit vector along the direction of the vector
/vector v. The^lcomponent of the operator vector /vectorS is de- noted as S l=^l*/vectorS. Note that S+
l= Sl, S2 l= 1, = 0 for ie(n). The state (18) can thus be written l)Sl]. Note that in the above equation, only the term Z1lz/l in Slcontributes to the reduced ( n-1)-particle reduced density matrixes. Therefore the state has the same (n-1)-particle reduced density matrixes as if the following condition is (19) According to theorem 1, we = (20) form= 2,3,***,n-1. Therefore the degrees of irreducible multi-particle correlations for the can be obtained via Eqs. (3). Without loss of generality, we assume that in Eq. (15) a= cos(th/2) andb= sin(th/2)eiph. Then we define the Bloch vector ^ u= Let us take ^l= ^u, then S The S ucan be regarded as the stabilizer gen- erator of the state re(n) G. According to theorem 2, the relation between the generalized GHZ state is re(n) G= (21) In this case, we find that, for m= direct calculation will yield the results of theorem 3. Theorem 3 shows that in the generalized n-qubit GHZ state (15), only the irreducible 2-particle correlation and the irreducible n-particle correlation exist, and the pre- vious one is ( n-1) times of the later one. Summary. -- In summary, the definitions of the n-particle state are given as a natural generalization of those de- fined in [2, 3]. The significance of exponential form ofa multi-particle state in characterizing irreducible multi- particle correlation is emphasized by theorem 1. Adopt- ing the continuity approach, we are capable of apply- ing theorem 1 to deal with the irreducible in the multi-particle states without maximal rank. Particularly, we successfully obtained the degrees of irreducible k-particle correlations in the n-qubit stabi- lizer states and the n-qubit generalized GHZ states. correlation structures in these states are revealed by our results. We hope that the concepts of irreducible multi-particle correlations will contribute mattersystem, e.g., 16, 17] in degenerate ground states. The author thanks for helpful discussions with L. You, Z.D. Wang, and C.P. Sun. This work is supported by NSF of China under Grant 10775176, and NKBRSF of China under Grant 2006CB921206 and C.E. Shannon, Bell Syst. Tech. J. 27, 379 (1948). [2] N. Linden, S. Popescu, and W.K. Wootters, Phys. Rev. Lett.89, 207901 (2002). [3] E. Schneidman, S. Still, M.J. Berry II, and W. Bialek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 238701 (2003). [4] B. Groisman, S. Popescu, and A. Winter, Phys. Rev. A 72, 032317 (2005). [5] B. Schumacher and M.D. Westmoreland, Phys. Rev. A 74, 042305 (2006). [6] N. Linden and W.K. Wootters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 277906 (2002). [7] S.N. Walck and D.W. Lyons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 050501 (2008). [8] D. Gottesman, PhD thesis, Caltech R. Raussendorf and H.J. Briegel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5188 (2001). [10] M. Hein, W. D ur, J. Eisert, R. Raussendor, M. Van den Nest, and H.J. Briegel, in Proceedings of the Inter- national School of PhysicsEnrico Fermi, Course 162, Varenna, edited by G. Casati, et al.(IOS Press, Amster- dam, 2006), D.L. Zhou, B. Zeng, Z. Xu, and L. You, Phys. Rev. A 74, 052110 (2006). [12] E.T. Jaynes, Phys. Rev. 106, 620 (1957). [13] A. Wehrl, Rev. Mod. Phys. 50, 221 (1978). The for positive operators AandB, the equality is satisfied if and only if A=B. [14] D.L. Zhou and L. You, arXiv: A. Kitaev and J. Preskill, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, M. Levin and X.-G. Wen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, S. Yang, D.L. Zhou, and C.P. Sun, Phys. Rev. B 76, 180404(R) (2007). | 0803.2747 | Duanlu Zhou | D.L. Zhou | Irreducible multi-particle correlations in states without maximal rank | 4 pages | Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 180505 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevLett.101.180505 | null | quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In a system of $n$ quantum particles, the correlations are classified into a
series of irreducible $k$-particle correlations ($2\le k\le n$), where the
irreducible $k$-particle correlation is the correlation appearing in the states
of $k$ particles but not existing in the states of $k-1$ particles. A measure
of the degree of irreducible $k$-particle correlation is defined based on the
maximal entropy construction. By adopting a continuity approach, we overcome
the difficulties in calculating the degrees of irreducible multi-particle
correlations for the multi-particle states without maximal rank. In particular,
we obtain the degrees of irreducible multi-particle correlations in the
$n$-qubit stabilizer states and the $n$-qubit generalized GHZ states, which
reveals the distribution of multi-particle correlations in these states.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 19 Mar 2008 02:55:50 GMT"
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] | 2014-03-05T00:00:00 | [
"D. L.",
] |
2 work we take advantage of the proximity of the most nearby classical T Tauri star, TW Hydrae, which is sur- rounded by a disk of radius 3 .''5, or 200 AU at a distance of 56 pc (Qi et al. 2004), and a possible orbiting planet of mass (9.8 +-3.3) M Jupiterat 0.04 AU (Setiawan et al. 2008), to study the physical and chemical structure of a protoplanetary environment at high spatial and using interferometry. The TW Hydrae disk is viewed nearly face-on, and so is well posed to investigate the radial distribution of molecular emission. Although the current angular resolution of ~1-2''places only a few independent beams ( or 'pixels') across the disk, ef- fectively improved resolution of the disk chemistry can be achieved thanks to the fact that the gas kinemat- ics are essentially Keplerian. Beckwith & Sargent (1993) show that molecular line emission from Keplerian disks displays a dipole pattern near the systematic veloc- ity due to the shear created by the orbital motion. The emission near the systemic velocity is dominated by the outer disk regions, and the separation of the emission peaks depends sensitively on the abundance gradient of the emitting specieswith radius. This seen in velocity channel maps of disks with a range of inclination angles (even as small as 6-7 degrees in the case of TW Hydrae, Qi et al. 2004), may be used to study the radial distribution of molecular emission far more precisely than is afforded by the limited number of pixels provided by the available resolution. Here we report on Submillimeter Array (SMA)5(Ho et al. of deuterated species in the disk aroundTW Hydrae, including the first detection and im- ages of DCN and DCO+. InSS2 we describe the observa- tions, while in SS3 we introduce the analysis method used and the molecular distribution parameters derived. We describe the model fitting results and discuss the impli- cations in SS4, and we present a summary and of the observations of TW Hydrae Dec: -34*42'17.''155; J2000.0) were made between 2005 February and 2006 December using the SMA 8 antenna interferometer located atop Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Table 1 and Table 2 summarize the ob- servational parameters for the detected and respectively. The SMA receivers operate in (DSB) mode with an intermediate fre- quency band of 4-6 GHz which is sent over fiber op- tic transmission lines to 24 overlapping digital correla- tor chunks covering a 2 GHz spectral window. Two settings were used for observing the HCN/DCN at 265.7-267.7 GHz (lower side- band) the tuning wascentered on the HCN J=3-2line at 265.8862 GHz in chunk S22 while the HCO+J=3-2 line at 267.5576 GHz was simultaneously observed in chunk S02; at 215.4-217.4GHz (lowersideband) the tuning was centered on the DCO+J=3-2 line at 216.1126 GHz in chunk S16 while the DCN J=3-2 line at 217.2386 GHz was simultaneously observed in chunk S02 (the at 225.90 GHz was also covered in the USB 5The Submillimeter Array is a joint project between the Smith - sonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Academia Sinica I nsti- tute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, and is funded by the Smit h- sonian Institution and the Academia Sinica.in chunk S06). Combinations of two array and extended) were used to obtain ranging from 6 to 180 meters. Cryogenic SIS receiverson each antenna produced system of 200-1400 K at 260 GHz and 100-200 K at 210 GHz. Observations of ortho-H 2D+and carried out (in the dual receiver observa- tional mode) on 28 December 2006 using only the com- pact array configuration. Three out of eight with 400GHz receivers(DSB system tem- perature between 400 and 800 K) and were available for observations of the 372.4213 GHz ortho-H and all eight antennas were operating with 345 system temperature between 150 and 300 K) for observations of the 346.9985GHz H13CO+J=4-3 and 345.796 GHz CO J=3-2 lines. The correlator was configured with a narrow band of 512 channels over the 104 MHz chunk, which provided 0.2 MHz frequency res- olution, or 0.28 km s-1at 217 GHz, 0.23 km s-1at 267 GHz and 0.16 km s-1at 372 GHz. Observations of the 691.6604GHz para-D 2H+11,0-10,1line were shared of the CO J=6-5 line made on 17 February 2005 (details provided in Qi et al. 2006). Calibrations of the visibility phases and amplitudes were achieved with interleaved observations of the quasars J1037-295 and J1147-382, typically at intervals of 20-30 of Callisto provided the absolute scale for the calibration of flux densities. The uncertainties in the flux scale are estimated to be 15%. All of the calibra- tions were done using the MIR software package6, while continuum and spectral line images were generated and CLEANed using LINE MODELING Several model approaches have been developed to in- terpret interferometric molecular line and continuum ob- servations from disks (Dutrey et al. 2007). In brief, the approach of Qi et al. (2004, 2006) works as follows: the kinetic temperature and density structure of the disk is determined by modeling the spectral energy assuming well mixed gas and dust, with the re- sults confirmed by the resolved (sub)mm continuum im- ages. Then, a grid of models with a range of disk param- eters including the outer radius R out, the disk inclina- tioni, position angle P.A. and the turbulent line width vturbare produced and a 2D accelerated Monte Carlo model (Hogerheijde & van der Tak 2000) is used to cal- culate the radiative transfer and molecular excitation. The collisional rates are taken from the Leiden Atomic and Molecular et al. 2005) for non- LTE line radiative transfer calculations. Specifically in the models used in this paper, the rate coefficients for HCO+and DCO+in collisions with H 2have been cal- culated by Flower (1999); the rate coefficients for HCN and DCN in collisions with H 2have been scaled from the rateof HCN-He calculated by Green & Thaddeus (1974). The model parameters are fitted using a kh2analysis in the (u,v) plane. Inthe distribution of CO molecules was assumed to follow the H nuclei as derivedfrom the dust density structure and a ~moldata3 TABLE 1 Observational Parameters for SMA TW Hydrae (detected specie s) HCN 3-2 HCO+3-2 H13CO+4- -3 DCN 3-2cDCO+3-2 Rest Frequency (GHz): 265.886 267.558 346.999 217.239 216. 113 Observations 2005 Mar 04 2005 Mar 04 2006 Dec 28 2006 Apr 28 200 6 Apr 28 2005 Apr 21 2005 Apr 21 2006 Feb 03 2005 April 26 2005 Apr 26 Antennas used 7 7 8 8 8 Synthesized beam: 1 .''6x1.''1 PA -0.5*1.''6x1.''1 PA -6.3*4.''1x1.''8 PA 3.3*5.''9x3.''2 PA -1.5*2.''6x1.''6 PA 2.8*
Channel spacing (km s-1): 0.23 0.23 km 0.70 0.56 0.28 R.M.S.a(Jy beam-1): 0.35 0.29 0.16 0.10 0.10 Peak intensityb(Jy) 4.7 2.0 0.70 0.31 0.56 aSNR limited by the dynamic averaged over the corresponding beam. cOnly compact configuration data used for DCN 2 Observational Parameters for SMA TW Hydrae (undetected spec ies) HDO 3 Frequency (GHz): 225.897 372.421 2006 April 28 2006 Dec 28 2005 Feb 17 Antenna used: 8 3 4 Synthesized beam: 5 .''7x3.''1 PA -0.6*4.''7x3.''8 PA 14.5*3.''3x1.''3 PA 7.5*
Channel spacing (km s-1): 0.54 0.65 0.35 R.M.S. (Jy beam-1): 0.11 1.17 7.39 Nmolecule (1s) (cm-2): However, molecules in disks do not same distribution as models (e.g. Aikawa et al. 1996; Aikawa &
Nomura 2006) predict so-called three-layered structure; most molecules are in the surface layer of the disk and frozen out in the mid-plane where with an abundance that peaks in the warm molecular layer at intermediate scale heights. To approximate this more complex behavior, we introduce new parametersforuse in spectral line modeling. For first-order analysis in the radial molecular distri- butions, the column densities are assumed to vary as a power law as a function of radius: Si(r) = S iandpidescribe column density distribution of a specific species ( i) rather than disk (hydrogen) column density. In most disk models to date, a single the hydrogenordust sur- face density. By assuming CO follows the distribution of hydrogen column density, Qi et al. (2004, 2006) also power-law fits for multiple CO transtions. When a single power law is insufficient for fitting the radial distribution, then a broken power law with two different indices will be used. To calculate the surface density at different radii, the vertical molecular distribution is needed, but this dis- tribution may well vary with distance from the star. However, theoretical models (Aikawa & Nomura 2006) indicate that the vertical distribution of molecules at different radii is similar as a function of the hydrogen column density measured from the disk surface, S where the denominator is the conversion factor of the hydrogen column density to Av for the case of interstellar dust. As indicated by Fraction ss sm Fig. 1.-- This schematic diagram shows an arbitrary distribution as a function of S 21measured from the disk surface ata certain radius. smandssare the midplane and surface boundary parameters for model fitting (see SS3 of the text). 5 of Aikawa & Nomura (2006), the vertical distribution of molecular abundances shows a good correlation with S21. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of an arbi- trary distribution of a molecule in disk where the x-axis shows S 21and the y-axis shows the normalized molecu- lar fraction. Smaller S 21values (to the left of the plot) approach the surface of the disk, while larger S 21values (to the right) approach the midplane of the disk. For modeling, we make the further simplifying assumption that gaseous molecules exist with a constant abundance in layers between ssandsm, the surface and of S 21, respectively, as indicated in Figure 1 by the shaded area. While the vertical distribution of molecules in disks may have a more complex distribu- tion than assumed here, the adopted parameters provide a gross approximation to the vertical location where the species is most abundant. This is adequate for a given the quality of the data available. For4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Velocity (km/s)01234Flux (Jy)HCO+ 3-2 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Velocity (Jy)DCO+ 3-2 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Velocity (km/s)-20246Flux (Jy)HCN 3-2 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Velocity (Jy)DCN 3-2 Fig. 2.-- Top: The HCO+, DCO+, HCN and DCN J=3-2 spectra at the peak continuum (stellar) po sition. The fluxes of HCO+and DCO+are averaged over the beam of DCO+J=3-2 (2 .''6x1.''6 PA 2.8*). The fluxes of HCN and DCN are averaged over the beam of DCN J=3-2 (5 .''9x3.''2 PA -1.5*). The vertical dotted lines indicate the positions of the fit ted VLSRfor each molecular transition except for DCN 3-2 where we adopt the V LSRfrom that of HCN J=3-2. Bottom: Velocity channel maps of the H CO+, DCO+, HCN and DCN J=3-2 emissions toward TW Hydrae. The angular resolutions a re 1.''6x1.''1 at PA -6.3*for HCO+J=3-2 and 1 .''6x1.''1 at PA -0.5*for HCN J=3-2. The cross indicates the continuum (stellar) posi tion. The axes are offsets from the pointing center in arcseco nds. The 1 s contour steps are 0.4, 0.12, 0.35 and 0.09 Jy beam-1for HCO+, DCO+, HCN and DCN J=3-2 respectively and the contours start at 2 s. example, the model of Aikawa & Nomura (2006) shows two vertical peaks of HCO+, but the secondary peak is an order of magnitude smaller, and provides emission. Also, at least for the nearly face-on disk of TW Hydrae, the uncertainties in vertical distri- butions do not affect the derived radial simple model captures the basic characteristics of three-layered structure predicted by theoretical models. Using the new distribution parameters: S i(10AU) and pi(radial), the radial and of the molecules in disks can be constrained by observation. The best fit model is obtained by mini-mizing the kh2, the weighted difference between the real and imaginary part of the complex visibility measured at the selected points of the ( u,v) plane. The kh2values are computed by the simultaneous fitting of channels cover- ing LSR velocities from 1 to 4 km s-1. on grids in steps of 5 (AU) and 0.2, respec- tively. log( ss) and log( sm) are calculated on grids therangefrom -2to2. S i(10AU)and iare found with each pair of radial and vertical distribu- tion kh2. The systemic velocity VLSRis fit is not correlatedwith parameters. For each fit parameter, the 1 s5 uncertainties are estimated as where nis the number of degrees of freedom and kh2 mis thekh2 value of best-fit model, as in Isella et al. (2007). We tested values for the turbulent velocity in the range from 0.0 to 0.15 km s-1and found that exact value does not have a significant impact, in part because of the coarse spectral resolution of the data. Therefore, we fixed the turbulent velocity at an intermediate value, 0.08 km s-1. 4.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 50 100 150 3.-- The solid and dotted contours show the temperature and density profiles fromthe TWHya model ofCalvet et al.(200 2). The blue and red lines confine the locations of HCO+and HCN in the model (see text). Figure 2 shows the spectra of HCO+, DCO+, HCN and DCN at the stellar (peak continuum) position and their velocity channel maps. Table 3 summarizes the power-law fitting results on HCO+, DCO+and HCN. The DCN and H13CO+lines are too weak for a kh2anal- ysis of their distribution parameters, and so only the ratios of DCN/HCN and HCO+/H13CO+are fit. Fig- ure 3 shows the density and temperature contours of the disk model (adopted from Calvet et al. 2002) and the locations of HCO+and HCN derived from the model fit- ting procedure. Figure 4 shows the radial distribution of the molecular column densities of the best fit models for HCO+, radial distributions are better constrained than the vertical ones: the local minimum of kh2for different grids of vertical parameters are within the noise limit, i.e. the vertical parameters are the least well determined, due in part to the face-on nature of the TW Hydrae disk. We therefore treat the best-fit vertical results as fixed, and investigate the uncertainty of other DCO+
The first detection of DCO+in the disk around TW Hydrae was obtained by van Dishoeck et al. (2003) with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), who reported a beam-averaged ra- tio of 0.035. Our spatially resolved observations of the DCO+and HCO+J=3-2 emission from the disk suggest a more complex chemical 5 shows the channel maps of HCO+J=3-2, to- gether with the best-fit model and the data-model resid- uals. Table 3 lists the best-fit model parameters. The kh2surface for the radial power index p HCO+and the outer radius R outis shown in the top panel of Figure 6. The 1scontour confines R outto 200+-10 AU and p The H13CO+J=4-3 line was also detected, but the emissionisnot as HCO+, then fitting the ratio of HCO+/H13CO+
to match the intensity of the H13CO+emission +-25. with the nominal solar system value of 89. Figure 7 presents the best-fit model spectra of on the SMA than that of HCO+, and we choose to adopt the same values of ssandsmfor both HCO+and DCO+
(as indicated in Table 3). Because of the nearly face-on viewing geometry for the disk, the fitting of radial distri- bution power-law index p iis not affected significantly by the uncertainties in vertical structure, but only the value of Si(10AU) needs to be of the channel maps shows upon inspec- tion that the radial distributions of DCO+and HCO+
are different. To demonstrate how differences in the ra- dial distribution affect the resulting images, Figure 8 presents three models of DCO+radial distribution and Figure 9 shows the corresponding simulated channel maps of the DCO+J=3-2 line. Model 1 assumes that the DCO+distribution fol- lows the best-fit model of HCO+. The minimum kh2is determined to be 575396 and the found to be 4.7 x10-2. maps from Model 1 with the data in Figure 9 shows a distinct difference in that the double peaked na- ture of the central channel in the data is more obvious than in this model. The contrastofthe the central channel and the adjacent channels are also smaller in the data than in this model. Because the emission of the central channel mostly originates at large disk radii, these differences suggestthat the DCO+emis- sion arising from the outer regions of the disk is stronger than predicted by this model. The slope of radial does not decrease as steeply as does radius. Model 2 shows the best-fit result for the radial dis- tribution of DCO+assuming a single power index. As shown in Figure 4, the radial distribution of different from that of HCO+, with a positive power index of 2.4 and a smaller but better AU. The contours of the iso- kh2surface for DCO+in the middle panel of Figure 6 indicate that the uncertainty of the radial power index is very large but that the index is still larger than 1.6 within the 1 ser- ror, much larger than -2.9 found for HCO+. The simu- lated DCO+channel maps for Model 2 shownin Figure9 are an improvement over Model 1 in matching the data. However in this model, R out(~90 AU) is much smaller than the disk radius observed with HCO+and CO ( sharply at R out~90 AU, as a step function, which is hard to understand. Comparison with the data shows that there are fewer complete contours around the dou- ble peaks in the central channel, which suggests that the DCO+emission is maximum at an intermediate radius6 10 100 R Density 4.-- Radial distribution of molecular column densities and DCO+/HCO+ratio for the best-fit models for TW Hydrae. Solid lines depict single power-law fits, while the dashed lines are for D CO+Model 3 where two power-law indices are used. TABLE 3 Fitting Mass: M *(M) 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Inclination: i(deg) 6.8 +-0.3 7.4 +-0.6 7.4 6.6 +-0.8 Systemic velocity: V LSR(km s-1) 2.88 +-0.05 2.94 +-0.06 2.9 4 2.73 +-0.06 Position angle: P.A.(deg) -27.4 -27.4 -27.4 -27.4 Turbulent line width: v turb(km s-1) 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 Outer radius: R out(AU) 200 +-10 90 +-5 160 100 +-10 Column Density at 10AU: S(10AU) (cm-2) power index: p -2.9 +-0.3 2.4 +-0.8 Parameters: ss,sm 0.1, 10 0.1, 10 0.1,10 0.3, 30 Minimum kh2: 329588 575347 575347 297198 Reduced kh2:kh2 r 1.21 1.95 1.95 1.35 aDCO+Model 2. bDCO+Model 3, no error point at radius 70 AU. rather than at the edge. For Model 3, instead of using a single power index (p) to fit for the radial distribution of DCO+column density N(DCO+), thefit (p1andp2)and a turning point (R t) where the power law index changes from p1 to p2, i.e. the location of the peak of N(DCO+). The parameters p1, p2 and R tare searched within lim- ited grids to minimize kh2. In this model, N(DCO+) is found to increase with radius out to ~70 AU, and then to decrease. Table 3 presents the best-fit parameters; no error estimation is provided due to the Figure 9 shows the best-fit model of Model 3 with the data shows a visual im- provement over Model 2 in the central channel, of the two models are not thus cannot clearly discriminate with the kh2statistic if there is indeed a peak with radius for N(DCO+) asin Model 3, or if DCO+increases with radius and dis- appears suddenly around 90 AU as in Model 2. Even with this ambiguity, however, both models imply that the D/H ratios change by at least an order of magni- tude (0.01 to 0.1) from radii <30 AU to >70 AU and that there is a rapid falloff of N(DCO+) at radii larger than 90 AU. Because the emission in the central channel comes from the outer part of the disk (Keplerian rota- tion) projected along the line-of-sight with a very of around 7 degrees for TW Hydrae, the cen- tral velocity channel is most important for constraining the radial distribution. Based on the difference in the central velocity channel map between the models, we be- lieve Model 3 is the more plausible description of the radial distribution of DCO+. Figure 10 shows the chan- nel maps of the DCO+J=3-2 emission, together with those of Model 3 and the data-model residuals.7 Fig. 5.-- Top: Velocity channel maps of the HCO+J=3-2 emission toward TW Hydrae. The angular resolution is 1 .''6x1.''1 at PA -6.3*. The cross indicates the continuum (stellar) position. The axes are offsets from the pointing center in arcseconds. The 1 scontour step is 0.4 Jy beam-1and the contours start at 2 s. Middle: channel map of the best-fit model with the same conto ur levels. between the best-fit model and data on the same cont our degree in molecular clouds, and a similar anal- ysis can be applied to circumstellar disks. If we consider only the ionization balance determined by HCO+, H+
3, DCO+and electrons in steady state as shown in Equa- tion 14 of Caselli (2002), the electron fractional abun- dance can be derived to be around 10-7. Of course, this value is only valid in the intermediate layer where HCO+is abundant and multiply deuterated H+
3is less abundant than HCO+. Several important also neglected in this analysis, including the presence of other atomic and molecular ions, neutral species be- sides CO which destroy H 2D+, and negatively charged dust grains and refractory metals. Still, accurate HCO+arethe firststeps toward an understanding of the ionization fraction in the disk. The increase of D/H ratios from inner to outer disk is generally consistent with the current theoretical models of the gas-deuterium fractionation processes that con- sider the effect of cold temperature. But the quick dis- appearance of DCO+at radii beyond 90 AU (comparing withR DCO+is expected to be abundant and observable in the cold outer region of the disk where HCO+is still available. More theoretical work is needed to explain of DCO+in the outer part of the disk. 4.2.HCN and DCN Figure 11 shows the HCN J=3-2 channel maps, to- gether with the best fit model and residuals. Table 3 lists the best-fit model parameters, and Figure 4 shows the radial distribution of column density derived. Thekh2surface shown in the bottom panel of Figure 6 indi- cates R out100+-10 AU and p HCN-1.0+-1.2. The radial power index is poorly constrained probably due to more complex distributions for HCN. A detailed comparison of the molecular distributions of HCN and CN will be presented the best fit vertical parameters seem to in- dicate that HCN ( sm,HCN= 30) is found much deeper toward the midplane than is HCO+(sm,HCO+= 10), we emphasize that we are not able to accurately Thisam- biguity strongly affects the column density of HCN needed to fit the data (not the power in- dex pHCNof radial distribution). A worse fit to the data (kh2larger by 3 sover the best-fit model) can be obtained by assuming that the vertical distributions of HCN and HCO+are the same, but the HCN column density is 1.5 times larger than that needed for the best fit model due to higher density near the midplane. The DCN J=3-2 transition is detected at a signal-to- noise ratio of 3 near the fitted HCN V LSRof 2.73 km s-1 (Figure 2). While this signal-to-noise ratio is not high, the significance of the detection is further supported by the channel maps (Figure 12 upper panel) where the ve- locity gradient along the disk position angle of ~ -30*
is consistent with that seen in CO J=2-1 and J=3-2 (Qi et al. 2004) and the other molecular lines presented in this paper. Since the DCN 3-2 emission is weak, we are not able to fit for the molecular distribution and so make the simplifying assumption that the distribution of DCN follows that of HCN. As with H13CO+, we fit the DCN/HCN ratio over the whole disk and determine be 1.7 +-0.5x10-2. To againempha-8 150 200 250 300 Outer Radius Power Radius (AU)-10123Radial Power Radius Power IndexHCN Fig. 6.-- Iso-kh2surfaces of (R out,pi) for HCO+, DCO+(as in Model 2) and HCN.Contours correspond to the 1 to 6 serrors. For DCO+, the index values larger than 3 at around 90 AU indicate the ratios of DCO+/HCO+larger than 1, so the kh2surface is not calculated beyond that. size the impact of the assumed vertical distribution on the derived column densities, the DCN/HCN ratio could be as high as 5 x10-2if HCN and DCN are over the same region as is HCO+. Highly fractionated DCN/HCN ratios have been mea- suredin comets. Inthe comaofcomet Hale-Bopp, forex- ample, 0 5 10 Velocity (Jy)H13CO+ 4-3 Fig. 7.-- The beam-averaged H13CO+J=4-3 spectra at the continuum (ste llar) position. The SMA data are presented by the solid histogram, and the simulated model by the dashed histo gram. The vertical dotted line indicates the position of the fitted VLSR for HCO+J=3-2. 100 R Density [cm-2] Model 3Model 2 Model 1 Fig. 8.-- Models of DCO+with different distributions of radial column but higher DCN/HCN ratios- (D/H) HCN,jet 0.025 are detected from the pristine material sublimed from icy grains ejected in jets from the nucleus which may present a more representative sampling of cometary ices that have not experienced significant thermal pro- cessing (Blake et al. 1999). Such ratios are consistent with those found here in the TW Hydrae disk, indicat- ing that high D/H ratios in comets could originate from material in the outer regions of disks where in situdeu- terium fractionation is ongoing, rather than requiring an inheritance from interstellar limits for H 2D+, D2H+and HDO In the disk midplane, H 2is expected to be gaseous and the molecular ion formed by the cosmic ray ioniza- tion of H 2, H+
3, is expected to be the most abundant ion. Unfortunately, H+
3is only detectable in cold gas via infrared absorption. In its deuterated forms, how- ever, H 2D+and even D 2H+are expected to be abun- dant in the cold, dense gas (Ceccarelli & Dominik 2005). The ground-state transition of ortho-H 2D+was first de- tected in a young stellar object (NGC 1333 IRAS 4A)9 Fig. 9.-- DCO+J=3-2 channel maps toward TW Hydrae and the simulated model d istributions depicted in Figure 8. by Stark et al. (1999) and in a prestellar core (L1544) by Caselli et al. (2003). Both H 2D+and D 2H+have been detected towardanother pre-stellarcore 16293Evia their ground-state submm rotational lines (Vastel et al. 2004). The inclusion of multiply deuterated H+
3in chem- ical models leads to predictions of higher values of the D/H ratio in cold, high-density regions of the Similarly, in the dense, cold disk midplane, CO is depleted, and high abundances of H 2D+and D 2H+
are expected. For this reason, Ceccarelli et al. (2004) searched for the ground-state transition of ortho-H 2D+
with the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO), and reported 3.2 sand 4.7sdetections toward TW Hydrae and DM Tauri, respectively. With the 400 GHz and 690 GHz SMA antennas, we searched for the 372 GHz ortho-H 2D+11,1-11,0and 690 GHz toward TW Hydrae. No signals were detected. Here we discuss the up- per limits and their 3-antenna SMA observations give a 1 supper limit for the ortho-H 2D+11,1-11,0line emission of 1.2 Jy beam-1km s-1with a 4.''7x3.''8 synthesized beam. To compare the result with single dish data, the extent of the source emission must be known. Since H 2D+was observed along with the H13CO+4-3 line in a dual- receiver observation on 28 December 2006 and H13CO+4-3 has been clearly detected at JCMT (van Dishoeck et al. 2003), we can compare the intensities of these two lines between the SMA data and the single dish observa- tions to constrain the emitting areas. The H13CO+4-3 line was detected at JCMT with an integrated intensity of 0.07 K km s-1in a 13''beam (van Dishoeck et al. 2003); while for the SMA the integrated intensity of this line is determined to be 0.61 Jy beam-1km s-1with a beam of 4 .''1x1.''8. If the extent of the emission of H13CO+is similar to that of H 2D+, our limit of Jy beam-1km s-1for the small change of the beam sizes) becomes 0.09 K km s-1(1s) or 0.27 K km s-1(3s) upper limits, which is consistent with 2 supper limits of about 0.2 K km s-1by the JCMT (Thi et al. 2004) but slightly lower than the 3.2 sdetection of 0.39 K km s-1by Cec- carelli et al. (2004). We estimate the 1 supper limit of the ortho-H 2D+column density to be 1.7 the Equation 4 of Vastel et al. (2004), which is slightly less than the 2 supper limit estimate of 4.4 x 1012cm-2by Thi et al. (2004) since the SMA data had a smaller noise level. Of course this analysis assumes the extent of H 2D+is similar to that of H13CO+. With the deployment of more 400 GHz receivers on the SMA and further H 2D+observations, it should be possible to pro- vide rather better constraints on the H 10.-- Top: Velocity channel map of the DCO+J=3-2 toward TW Hydrae. The angular resolution is 2 .''6x1.''6 at PA 2.8*. The cross indicates the continuum (stellar) position. The axes are offsets from the pointing center in arcseconds. The 1 scontour step is 0.12 Jy beam-1and the contours start at 2 s. Middle: channel map of Model 3 with the same contour levels. Bottom: difference between Model 3 and data on the same contour scale. Fig. 11.-- Top: Velocity channel map of the HCN J=3-2 toward TW Hydrae. T he angular resolution is 1 .''6x1.''1 at PA -0.5*. The cross indicates the continuum (stellar) position. The axes are offsets from the pointing center in arcseconds. The 1 scontour step is 0.35 Jy beam-1and the contours start at 2 s. Middle: channel map of the best-fit model with the same conto ur levels. Bottom: the best-fit model and data on the same contour scale.11 -5 0 5 10 Velocity (Jy)DCN 3-2 Fig. 12.-- Top left: DCN J=3-2 velocity channel maps ( red: 2.84 km s-1, blue: 2.28 km s-1) from TW Hydrae, overlaid on the 217 GHz dust continuum map ( gray scale ). The cross indicates the position of the continuum peak. To p right: the simulated model for DCN J=3-2. The 1 scontour step is 0.09 Jy beam-1and the contours start with 2 s. Bottom: the beam-averaged DCN 3-2 spectra at the continuum (stellar) position. The SMA data are presented by the solid histogram, and the simulated model by the dashed hi stogram. The vertical dotted line indicates the position of the fitted V LSRfor HCN J=3-2.12 in the disk. We estimate the 1 supper limit for para-D 2H+110-101 to be 5.35 Jy beam-1km s-1with a beam of 3 .''3x1.''3. The 1supper limit to the para-D 2H+column density is estimated to be 9.0 x1014cm-2. This is H 2D+due to the relatively poor system sensitivity at 690 GHz. For HDO 3 1,2-22,1, the 1 supper limit is 0.10 Jy beam-1km s-1. Assuming an excitation temperature of 30 K, the upper limit for the HDO column density is 2.0x1014cm-2. Since the lower state energy level of this line is nearly 160 K, it must originate from warm regions of the disk which are quite distinct from the cold layers where HDO ground state transition absorption, as found in DM Tauri (Ceccarelli et al. 2005), must arise - although we note that the detection of the HDO absorp- tion line in DM Tauri has been disputed by Guilloteau et al. AND of deuterated species in are important to understand the origin of primitive solar system bodies in that they can directly constrain the deuterium fractionation in the outer regions arelikely formed. Spatially of the D/H ratios in disks enable the comparison of the fractionation measured in comets such as Hale- Bopp (Blake et al. 1999) with the specific conditions at each disk radius. We have presented the first images of DCO+and DCN emission from the disk around a classical T Tauri star, TW Hydrae, along with images of the HCN and HCO+J=3-2 lines. The observations of deuterium fractionation serve as a clear measure of the importance of low-temperature gas-phase the proposed link among high gas densities, cold temperature and enhanced deuterium fractionation. De-tailed chemical models are still needed to explain from the outer part of the disk. The similarity of the D/H ratios in cold clouds, disks and pristine cometary material has been used to argue that the gas spends most of its lifetime at low tempera- tures and is incorporated into the disks before the physical models and 2D radiative images, we are only now beginning to investi- gate the radial and vertical distributions of molecules in disks. The radial distribution of DCO+in the disk of TW Hydrae indicates that in situdeuterium fractiona- tion is ongoing. The molecular evolution within disks must therefore be considered in the investigation of the origin of primitive solar system bodies. We have obtained less stringent constraints on the addressthe ambiguity present in the data from a robust sample of disks is needed, in particular one that covers a range of disk sensitive observations are also needed for the H13CN, H13CO+and, of course, DCN, to understand the radial and vertical gradientof thesedisks. In the future, the will provide further insight into the chemical state disks. Partial support for this work comes from NASA Ori- gins of Solar Systems Grant NNG05GI81G. M.R.H is supported bya VIDI grantfrom the Netherlands Organi- zation for Scientific Research. C.Q. acknowledges Paola Caselli for her help and useful suggestions. We thank the referee for very useful Y. & Herbst, E. 1999, ApJ, 526, 314 Aikawa, Y., Miyama, S. 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species in the disk around the classical T Tauri star TW Hydrae at arcsecond
scales, including detections of the DCN J=3-2 and DCO+ J=3-2 lines, and upper
limits to the HDO 3(1,2)-2(2,1), ortho-H2D+ 1(1,0)-1(1,1) and para-D2H+
1(1,0)-1(0,1) transitions. We also present observations of the HCN J=3-2, HCO+
J=3-2 and H13CO+ J=4-3 lines for comparison with their deuterated
isotopologues. We constrain the radial and vertical distributions of various
species in the disk by fitting the data using a model where the molecular
emission from an irradiated accretion disk is sampled with a 2D Monte Carlo
radiative transfer code. We find that the distribution of DCO+ differs markedly
from that of HCO+. The D/H ratios inferred change by at least one order of
magnitude (0.01 to 0.1) for radii <30 AU to >70 AU and there is a rapid falloff
of the abundance of DCO+ at radii larger than 90 AU. Using a simple analytical
chemical model, we constrain the degree of ionization, x(e-)=n(e-)/n(H2), to be
~10^-7 in the disk layer(s) where these molecules are present. Provided the
distribution of DCN follows that of HCN, the ratio of DCN to HCN is determined
to be 1.7\pm0.5 \times 10^-2; however, this ratio is very sensitive to the
poorly constrained vertical distribution of HCN. The resolved radial
distribution of DCO+ indicates that {\it in situ} deuterium fractionation
remains active within the TW Hydrae disk and must be considered in the
molecular evolution of circumstellar accretion disks.
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] |
On the string solution in the SUSY - Skyrme model 2 2 The SUSY string solution Let us consider the lagrangian with a mass of pion terms of complex scalars Ai[4], this equation can be rewritten (2) Now, let us consider the rotating soliton developed by M. Nitta at el. [ 3] from the original soliton constructed by A. Jackson (4) in the cylindrical coordinate system with the (5) Substituting this solution into Lagrangian (2), we obtain the string t ension (see more in the the dimensionless variable r=fpergr, and taking the variations of f(r) in the string tension dfE= 0, we have the Euler-Lagrange the string solution in the SUSY - Skyrme model 0.(7) For the finiteness and regularity conditions of the string tension, o ne requires f(0) =np;f() = 0, (8) wherenis a positive integer. This field equation can be solved numerically with tw o boundary conditions (8). 2.1 the case of b= 0 In the configuration of rotating soliton a(t) is angular rotation of soliton in time [2, 3] thus the quantity ^ odefined as .a=o g^owill be understood as an angular velocity of rotating soliton. To obtain the asymptotic form of the pr ofilef(r) as r- we need linearize the field equation (7). Setting f=df, we 0, This is the Bessel equation, to obtain solutions of Bessel function, we (10) where ^mp=mp g. Let us mention in ref. [3], the condition for angular velocity was obtain ed as 0<
^o<^mp 2and they shown the mechanics of emitting pions of string when ^ oincreases over the critical value ^ o+= ^mp/
2. However, in SUSY case, our critical value is
+= ^mp=
2^o+. In cases of critical values are larger than this critical value, the SUSY - String solution can be emitted into baryons - sbaryons pa irs and pions - spions. 2.2 the case of b/negationslash= 0 For this case, we have the 0.(11) We now consider an angular velocity of soliton is constant, meansdo dt= 0. Similarly to a case of b= 0, we (12)On the string solution in the SUSY - Skyrme model 4 wherec=b g4+ ^m2 p. Following conditions for bandoare given Eqs (13), (14) show us areas of oin which SUSY string may be decay. This is a different point between non-SUSY string [2, 3] and SUSY string. 3 Appendix 3.1 Recall the SUSY Skyrme model Let us consider the SUSY Lagrangian Skyrme [4, (15) whereUis canSU(2) matrix, fpis the pion decay constant, eis a free parameter. The ordinary derivatives in the Lagrangian density (15) is replaced b y the (16) Eq (15) becomes (17) Eq (17) is invariant under the local U(1)Rand the global (18) where the gauge field Vu(r) is defined (19) One parametrizes the SU(2) matrixUin terms of the complex scalars Ai U(r) 1 . Eq (16) can be rewritten asOn the string solution in the SUSY - Skyrme model 5 DuAi= (u+iVu)-Ai (21) and the new form of gauge field is Vu(r) =-i 2-Ai- Ai. (22) Finally, we obtain Lagrangian in terms of complex scalars (23) whereFun(V) =uVn-nVuOne supersymmetrised Skyrme model by extending Aito chiral scalar multiplets ( Ai,psai,Fi) (i,a= 1,2) and the vector Vu(x) to real vector multiplets ( Vu,la,D). Here, the fields Fiare complex scalars, Dis Majorana two-component spinors. psaicorresponds to a left- handed chiral spinor, -psai= to a right-handed one. The SUSY Lagrangian density is given (24) This Lagrangian is invariant under the following set of supersymmetr ic (30) The field equation and their supersymmetric transformations lead t o the 0, (31) -Aipsai= 0, (32)On the string solution in the SUSY - Skyrme model 6 -AiFi= 0, (33) and following algebraic expressions (36) To obtain the minimum of SUSY extension, one set psai=Fi= 0. Therefore, Eq (24) becomes (37) However, there is another four-derivatives term of Ai, one gave the general form of SUSY constants, /square=DuDuis the gauge covariant D'alembertian . 3.2 Some main results for Eq (6)
* The first term We have DuAi= forms of Ai(4), let us final 0 (41)
* The second term We have (Fun)2= (42) in terms of forms of Ai(4), we obtain final resultsOn the string solution in the SUSY - Skyrme model 7 F2 12=F2 21= 0;F2 13=F2 31= 0;F2 23=F2 32= 0 .
=(Fun)2= 0 (43)
* The third term We (45) Final results are 2 0-Ai2 0Ai= 0, sin2f. Conclusion In this paper, we have performed analytic calculations, new results were found. In near future, they will be computed clearly by numerical methods, t his way will give us the brilliant picture of mechanics of SUSY string's would like to thank Department of Theoretical Physics because o f helps for us. One of us (DQT) want to thank Department of Computing Physics, H US for giving me good conditions of A. Jackson, Nucl. Phys. A 493, (1989) 365. [2] A. Jackson, Nucl. Phys. A 496, (1989) 667. [3] M. Nitta, N. Skiiki, arXiv: 0706.0316 v2 (hep-th) [4] E. A. Bergshoeff, R. I. Nepomachie, H. J. Schnitzer Nucl. Phys. B 249(1985) 93. [5] T. H. R. Skyrme, Pro. Roy. Soc. Lon , Vol260, No1300127. [6] G. S. Adkins, C. R. Nappi, E. Witten, Nucl. Phys. B 228(1983) 552.On the string solution in the SUSY - Skyrme model 8 [7] G. S. Adkins, Nucl. Phys. B 249(1985) 507. [8] G. S. Adkins, C. R. Nappi, Nucl. Phys. B 233(1984) 109. [9] J. Wess, B. Zumino, Phys. Lett. B 37(1971) 95. [10] A. P. Balachandra, S. Digal, Phys. Rev. D 66(2002) 034018. [11] A. P. Balachandra, S. Digal, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 17(2002) 1149. [12] R. Rajaraman, H. M. Sommermann, J. Wambach, H. W. Wyld, Phys. Rev. D 33 (1986) 287. [13] I. Zahed, G. E. Brown, Phys. Rept 142, No1,2(1986) 1. [14] P. Fayet, S. Ferrara, Phys. Rept 32, No5(1977) 249. [15] H. B. Nielsen, P. Olesen, Nucl. Phys. B 61(1973) 45. [16] A. D. Jackson, M. Rho, Phys. Rev. Lett 51(1983) 751. [17] N. A. Viet, P. T. Tuyen, J. Phys. G 15(1989) 937. [18] H. Y. Cheung, F. Gursey, Mod. Phys. Lett. A , Vol5, No21(1990) 1685. [19] P. T. Tuyen, D. Q. Tuan, arXiv: 0710.0971 v1 (nucl-th) [20] N. Shiiki, N. Sawado, S. Oryu, hep-th/0603069 | 0803.2762 | Tuan Do quoc | Pham Thuc Tuyen, Do Quoc Tuan | On the string solution in the SUSY - Skyrme model | 8 pages | null | null | null | physics.gen-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In this paper, we have found the string solution in the SUSY Skyrme model.
Moreover, the mechanics of decay of SUSY - string was discussed.
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"created": "Wed, 19 Mar 2008 07:44:04 GMT"
] | 2008-03-20T00:00:00 | [
"Pham Thuc",
"Do Quoc",
] |
2 sults are suitable for multipartite quantum states; The conclusion is drawn finally. II. MONOGAMY EQUATION FOR a tripartite (2 2n)- dimensional quantum pure state by three parties Alice, Bob and Charlie, where Charlie's aim is to maximize the en- tanglement shared by Alice and Bob by local measure- ments on Charlie's particle C, the reduced density ma- trix by tracing over party C can be given by any a decomposi- tion ofrABsuch 1,(1) then CoA is defined [5,6] = (4) where ~rAB= Pauli = (5) is the concurrence of the reduced density matrix rAB withlibeing the square roots of the eigenvalues of rAB~rABin decreasingorder. With the definitions ofCoA and concurrence, we can obtain the following theorem. Theorem 1: For a(22n)- dimensional quan- tum pure state (6) wheret(rAB) the genuine tripartite en- tanglement measure for is very interesting that eq. (6) has an elegant form that is analogous to Pythagorean theorem if one consid- ers CoA as the length of the hypotenuse of a and considers bipartite concurrence and entanglement as the lengths of the other two sides ofthe triangle. Note that the lengths ofall the sides are allowed to be zero. The illustration of the relation is shown in Fig. 1 (See the left According to the definition of CoA and con- currence, it is obvious (7)Then the remaining is to prove that t(rAB) is an entan- glement monotone and characterizes the genuine tripar- tite entanglement of Next, we first prove that t(rAB) does not increase under a general tripartite local operation and classical communication (LOCC) subscript klabels different outcomes. We first assume that Alice and Bob perform quantum andMBkjon their qubits most general local operations given in terms of the Kraus operator [15] with IAandIBbeing the in Alice's and Bob's systems. After local oper- ations, the average CoA can be written =t(rAB), Here the first inequal- ity follows from Cauchy-Schwarz second inequality follows from the the second equation is derived from the fact (13)3 Ca(rAB) Ca(rABC) C(rAB) C(rAB) t(rAB) t(rABC) FIG. 1: The illustration of the relation among CoA, bipar- tite concurrence and genuine tripartite entanglement. The left right-angled triangle corresponds to Theorem 1 (for pu re states) and the right obtuse-angled triangle corresponds t o Theorem 2 (for mixed states). All the quantities given in the figures are defined the same as the corresponding theorems. and the analogous relations for MBk'j'. Eq. (8) shows thatt(rAB) does not increase under Alice's and Bob's local operations. Next we prove that t(rAB) does not increase Suppose the first inequality follows from the (10) and the second inequality follows from the definitions of Ca(rAB) andC(rAB). Eq. (14) shows that t(rAB) is a concave function of rAB, which proves that t(rAB) does not increase under Charlie's lo- cal operations following the same procedure (or Theo- rem 3) in Ref. [17]. All above show that t(rAB) is an entanglement monotone. Now we prove that t(rAB) characterizes genuine tri- partite entanglement. Based on eq. (4) and eq. (5), it is obvious that t(rAB) l is an explicit formulation. Ref. [18] has given a special quantity named entanglement characterizes the genuine tripartite entanglement.One can find that it requires the same conditions as the quantity introduced in Ref. [18] for t(rAB) to reach zero, which shows that t(rAB) characterizes the entanglement. The proof is completed. /square In general, multipartite entanglement is quantified in terms of different classifications [19-21]. However, t(rAB) quantifies genuine tripartite entanglement in a new way, i.e., we considerthe entanglement of and summarize all the genuine tripartite insepara- bility without further classifications. It is an of 3-tangle. Theorem 1 shows a very clear physical meaning, i.e. the increment of entangle- ment between Alice and Bob induced by Charlie is just the genuine tripartite entanglement among them. In thiscase, t(rAB) = 2l1l2. Two most obvious examples are GHZ state and W state. The entanglement of reduced density matrix of GHZ state is zero, hence Theorem 1 shows that the CoA of GHZ state all comes from the three-way entanglement and equals to 1 (the value of 3-tangle). On the contrary, the W state has no three-way entanglement (only two- way entanglement) [24], hence its CoA is only equal to the concurrence (2 3) of two parties. That is to say, for W state, Charlie can not provide any help to increase the entanglement between Alice and Bob. III. MONOGAMY INEQUALITY FOR MIXED STATES For a given mixed state rABC, CoA can be extended to mixed states in terms of convex roof construction = the minimum is taken over all Thus we have the following 2. -For a(22n)- dimensional the genuine tripartite for mixed states by extending t(*)of pure states in terms of convex roof construction and to Theorem 1 , one can easily find that the relation of Theorem 2 corresponds to an after a simple algebra, where CoA corresponds to the length of the side opposite to the obtuse angle. See the right triangle in Fig.1 for the Suppose the optimal decom- position in the sense of4 t(rABC) According to Theo- rem 1, we have t(rABC) (19) where the first inequality follows from (10) and the second inequality holds based on the definitions of Ca(rAB) andC(rAB). Eq. (19) fin- ishes the proof. /square IV. MONOGAMY FOR STATES Any a given N-partite quantum state can always be consideredasa (2 2X)- quan- tum states with Xdenoting the total dimension of N-2 subsystems so long as the state includes at least two qubits, hence both the two theorems hold in these cases. However, it is especially worthy of being noted that the two qubits must be owned by Alice and Bob respectively and the other N-2 subsystems should be at Char- lie's hand and be considered as a whole. Charlie is al- lowed to perform any nonlocal operation on the N-2 subsystems. In addition, there may be different group- ings [25] of a multipartite quantum state especially for multipartite quantum states of qubits, hence there exist many analogous monogamy equations (for pure states) or (for mixed states) for the same quantum state. For pure states, every monogamy equa- tion will lead to a genuine (2 2X)- dimensional tri- partite entanglement monotone that quantifies the gen- uine tripartite entanglement of the tripartite state gen- erated by the corresponding grouping. V. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION We have presented an interesting monogamy equation with elegant form for (2 2n)- dimensional quantum pure states, which, for the first time, reveals the rela- tion among bipartite concurrence, CoA and genuine tri- partite entanglement. The equation naturally leads to a genuine tripartite entanglement measure for (2 2n)- dimensional tripartite quantum pure states, which quan- tifies tripartite entanglement in terms of a new idea. Themonogamy equation can be reduced to a monogamy in- equality for mixed states. Both the results for states are also suitable for multipartite quan- tum states. We hope that the current results can shed new light on not onlythe but also the quantification of multipartite work was supported by the National Natural Sci- ence Foundation of China, under Grant No. 10747112 and No. address: V. Coffman, J. Kundu and W. K. Wootters, Phys. Rev. A61, 052306 (2000). [2] B. M. Terhal, IBM J. Res. Dev. 48, 71 (2004). [3] M. Koashi and A. Winter, Phys. Rev. A 69, 022309 (2004) and the references therein. [4] W. K. Wootters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 2245 (1998). [5] T. J. Osborne and F. Verstraete, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 220503 (2006). [6] T. Laustsen, F. Verstraete and S. J. Van Enk, and Computation 4, 64 (2003). [7] G. Gour, D. A. Meyer and B. C. Sanders, Phys. Rev. A 72, 042329 (2005). [8] S. Bandyopadhyay, G. Gour and B. C. Sanders, J. Math. Phys.48, 012108 (2007). [9] M. A. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Cambridge University 2000). [10] M. Zukowski, A.Zeilinger, M. A. Horne, andA.K. Ekert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 4287 (1993). [11] C. H. Bennett, G. Brassard, C. Cr' epeau, R. Jozsa, A. Peres and W. K. Wootters, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, C. H. Bennett and S. J. Wiesner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 2881 (1992). [13] D. P. Divincenzo, C. A. Fuchs, H. Mabuchi, J. A. Smolin, A. Thapliyal and A. Uhlmann, G. Gour and R. W. Spekkens, Phys. Rev. A 73, G. Gour, Phys. Rev. A 72, 042318 (2005). [16] G. Gour, Phys. Rev. A 71, 012318 (2005). [17] G. Vidal, J. Mod. Opt 47, 355 (2000). [18] Chang-shui Yu, He-shan Song and Ya-hongWang, Quan- tum Information and Computation 7, 584 (2007). [19] W. D ur, G. Vidal and J. I. Cirac, Phys. Rev. A 62, 062314 (2000). [20] A. Miyake, Phys. Rev. A 67, 012108 (2003). [21] A. Miyake and F. Verstraete, Phys. Rev. A 69, Ref. [19,20] have introduced onionlike classification of tri- partite entanglement for 2 2n- dimensional quantum pure states. It has been shown that the quantum states in the outer class can always irreversely converted into the states in the inner class. The GHZ-state class be- longs to the most inner class that characterizes entanglement (three-way entanglement). of GHZ-state class can be understood as the minimal unit that quantifies genuine tripartite Chang-shui Yu and He-shan Song, Phys. Rev. A 72, 022333 (2005).[24] Alexander Wong and Nelson Christensen, Phys. Rev. A 63, 044301 (2001). [25] Chang-shui Yu and He-shan Song, Phys. Rev. A 73, 022325 (2006). | 0803.2954 | Yu Chang-shui | Chang-shui Yu, He-shan Song | Entanglement Monogamy of Tripartite Quantum States | 5 pages, 1 figure | Physical Review A 77, 032329 (2008) | 10.1103/PhysRevA.77.032329 | null | quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | An interesting monogamy equation with the form of Pythagorean theorem is
found for $2\otimes 2\otimes n$-dimensional pure states, which reveals the
relation among bipartite concurrence, concurrence of assistance, and genuine
tripartite entanglement. At the same time, a genuine tripartite entanglement
monotone as a generalization of 3-tangle is naturally obtained for $(2\otimes
2\otimes n)$- dimensional pure states in terms of a distinct idea. For mixed
states, the monogamy equation is reduced to a monogamy inequality. Both results
for tripartite quantum states can be employed to multipartite quantum states.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 20 Mar 2008 10:09:08 GMT"
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Theorem 1a, the Jensen inequality. Letfbe a convex function from an interval IRtoR.Letx1, x2, ..., x nbe finitely many points from words, the arithmetic mean of the values of fat the points x1,x2,...,xn is greater or equal to the value of fat the arithmetic mean of these version ofthis inequality by replacing arith metic means by weighted means with some nonnegative weights w1, w2, ..., w n: Theorem 1b, the weighted Jensen inequality. Letfbe a convex function from an interval IRtoR.Letx1, x2, ..., x nbe finitely many points from I.Letw1, w2, ..., w nbennonnegative reals which are not all equal to w1=w2=...=wn= 1, so that Theorem 1b is more general than Theorem 1a. We won't stop at discussing equality cases here, since they can depe nd in various ways on the input (i. e., on the function f,the realsw1, w2, ..., w nand the points x1, x2, ..., x n) - but each time we use a result like Theorem 1b, with enough patience we can extract the equality case from the proof of this result and the properties of the input. The Jensen inequality, in both of its versions above, is applied often e nough to be called one of the main methods of proving inequalities. Now, in 1965, a s imilarly was found by the Romanian Tiberiu 2a, the Popoviciu inequality. Letfbe a convex function from an interval IRtoR,and letx1, x2, x3be three points from a weighted version can be 2b, the weighted Popoviciu inequality. Letfbe a convex function from an interval IRtoR,letx1, x2, x3be three points from I,and letw1, w2, w3be three nonnegative reals such that 0 really interesting part of the story began when Vasile C^ irtoaje - alias Vasc on the MathLinks forum - proposed the following two generalizations of Theorem 2a ([1] and [2] for Theorem 3a, and [1] and [3] for Theorem 4a): Theorem 3a (Vasile C^ irtoaje). Letfbe a convex function from x2, ..., x nbe finitely many points from 4a (Vasile C^ irtoaje). Letfbe a convex function from x2, ..., x nbe finitely many points from [1], both of these facts were nicely proven by C^ irtoaje. I gave a different and rather long proof of Theorem 3a in [2]. All of these proofs use the Ka ramata 2a follows from each of the Theorems 3a and 4a upon settin gn= 3. It is pretty straightforward to obtain generalizations of Theorem s 3a and 4a by putting in weights as in Theorems 1b and 2b. A more substantial gene ralization was given by Yufei Zhao - alias Billzhao on MathLinks - in [3]: Theorem 5a (Yufei Zhao). Letfbe a convex function from an nbe finitely many points from I,and letmbe an integer. that if m<=0 orm>n,the so that its value is 0 . Note that Theorems 3a and 4a both are particular cases of Theore m 5a (in fact, set m=n-1 to get Theorem 3a and m= 2 to get Theorem 4a). An rather complicated proof of Theorem 5a was given by myself in [3]. A fter some time, the MathLinks user Zhaobin proposed a weighted version of this result: Theorem 5b (Zhaobin). Letfbe a convex function from an x2, ..., x nbe finitely many points from I,letw1, w2, ..., w nbe nonnegative reals, and let mbe an integer. Assume 0,and 0 for any mintegers i1, i2, ..., imsatisfying 1 <=i1<i2<...<i we setw1=w2=...=wn= 1 in Theorem 5b, we obtain Theorem 5a. On the other hand, putting n= 3 andm= 2 in Theorem 5b, we get Theorem 2b. In this note, I am going to prove Theorem 5b (and therefore also its particular cases - Theorems 2a, 2b, 3a, 4a and 5a). The proof is going to use no prek nowledge - in particular, classical majorization theory will be avoided. Then, we a re going to discuss an assertion similar to Theorem 5b with its applications. 2. Absolute values interpolate convex functions We start preparing for our proof by showing a property of convex functions which is definitely not new - it was mentioned by a MathLinks user called Fleet ingGuest in [4], post #18 as a known fact: Theorem 6. Letfbe a convex function from an interval IRtoR.Let x1, x2, ..., x nbe finitely many points from I.Then, there exist two constants a1, a2, ..., a nsuch that f(t) for every t brief, this result states that every convex function f(x) onnrealsx1, x2,..., x n can be interpolated by a linear combination with nonnegative coefficien ts of a linear function and the nfunctions |x-xi|. Theproof of Theorem 6 , albeit technical, will begiven here for thesake of complete- ness: First, we need an almost trivial fact which I use to call the max any real number x,we have max we denote f[y,z] any two points we have ( y-z)*f[y,z] =f(y)-f(z) for any two points can assume that all points x1, x2, ..., x nare pairwisely distinct (if not, we can remove all superfluous xiand apply Theorem 6 to the remaining points). Therefore, we can WLOG assume that x1< x2< ... < x n.Then, for every j we set a1=an= for all i these notations, the above computation becomes f(xj) max by the max if we alli we have f(xj) we have shown this for every j {1,2,...,n},we can restate this as follows: We have f(t) everyt in order for the proof of Theorem 6 to be complete, it is enou gh to show a2, ..., a nare nonnegative. Since ai=1 2aifor everyi will follow once it is proven that the nrealsa1, a2,..., a nare nonnegative. Thus, we have to show that aiis nonnegative for every i {1,2,...,n}.This is trivial for i= 1 and for i=n(sincea1= 0 andan= 0), so it remains to prove that aiis nonnegative for every i since everyi {2,3,...,n-1},we thus have to show that is nonnegative for every i {2,3,...,n-1}.In other words, we have to prove for everyi from the next lemma: Lemma 7. Letfbe a convex function from an interval IRtoR.Letx, y, zbe three points from of Lemma 7. Since the function fis convex on I,and sincezandxare points fromI,the definition of convexity we have used that1 z-y>0 and1 y-x>0,what is clear from x < y < z simplifies becomes thus Lemma 7 is proven. Thus, the proof of Theorem 6 is completed. 3. The Karamata inequality in symmetric form Now as Theorem 6 is proven, it becomes easy to prove the Karamata inequality in the following form: Theorem 8a, the Karamata inequality in symmetric form. Letf be a convex function from an interval IRtoR,and letnbe a Let x1, x2, ..., x n, y1, y2, ..., ynbe 2npoints from I.Assume >= for every t will not need this result, but we will rather use its weighted version : Theorem 8b, the weighted Karamata inequality in a convex function from an interval IRtoR,and letNbe a positive integer. Let z1, z2, ..., z NbeNpoints from I,and let w1, w2, ..., w NbeNreals. Assume 0, (1) and >=0 holds for every t (3) It is very easy to conclude Theorem 8a from Theorem 8b by setting N= 2nand z1=x1, z 2=x2, ..., z n=xn; zn+1=y1, z n+2=y2, ..., z 1; as I said, we will never use Theorem 8a in this paper. Time for a remark to readers familiar with majorization theory. One may wonder why I call the two results above Karamata inequalities. In fact, t he in its most known form claims: Theorem 9, the Karamata inequality. Letfbe a convex function from an interval IRtoR,and letnbe a positive integer. Let x1, x2, ..., x n, y1, y2,..., ynbe 2npoints from Isuch that to [2], post #11, Lemma 1, the condition ( that >= every real t- and thus, in particular, for every t whenever the condition of Theorem 9 holds, the condition of Theorem 8a holds a s well. Thus, Theorem 9 follows from Theorem 8a. With just a little more work, we co uld also derive Theorem 8a from Theorem 9, so that Theorems 8a and 9 are equivale nt. 8Note that Theorem 8b is more general than the Fuchs inequality (a m ore well- known weighted version of the Karamata inequality). See [5] for a ge neralization of majorization theoryto weighted families of points (apparently alrea dy known long time ago), with a different approach to this hereisa proof ofTheorem8b: t= (2) (it is clear that this tsatisfiest {z1,z2,...,zN}), we getzk<=tfor ev- eryk {1,2,...,N},so thatzk-t<=0 and thus |zk-t|=-(zk-t) =t-zkfor everyk {1,2,...,N},and thus (2) other sight 0,this rewrites as substituting t= (2), we 0. The function f:I-Ris convex, and z1,z2,...,zNare finitely many points from I. Hence, Theorem 6 yields the existence of two real constants a2, ..., a Nsuch that f(t) for every t everyk according to (2) for t=zi>=0. Thus, Theorem 8b is proven. 4. A property of zero-sum vectors Next, we are going to show some properties of real vectors. Ifkis an integer and vRkis a vector, then, for any i {1,2,...,k},we coordinate of the vector a positive integer. We consider the vector space Rn.Let (e1,e2,...,en) be the standard basis of this vector space Rn; in other words, for every i from Rnsuchthat(ei)i= 1and(ei)j= 0forevery j the subspace of Rndefined 0}. For anyu {1,2,...,n}and any two distinct numbersiandjfrom the any two numbers iandjfrom the set {1,2,...,n}. For any vector tRn,we denote I(t) ={k {1,2,...,n} |tk>0}andJ(t) =
{k {1,2,...,n} for every tRn,the setsI(t) andJ(t) we are going to show: Theorem 10. Letnbe a positive integer. Let xVnbe a vector. Then, there exist nonnegative reals ai,jfor all pairs ( i,j)I(x)xJ(x) such of Theorem 10. We will prove Theorem 10 by induction over of the induction - the case when |I(x)|+|J(x)|= 0 - is trivial: If |I(x)|+
|J(x)|= 0,thenI(x) =J(x) =andx= 0,so because both sides of this equation are 0 . Now we come to the induction step : Letrbe a positive integer. Assume that Theorem 10 holds for all r.We have to show that Theorem 10 holds for all order to prove this, we let zVnbe an arbitrary vector with then have to prove that Theorem 10 holds for x=z.In other words, we have to show that there exist nonnegative reals ai,jfor all pairs ( i,j)I(z)xJ(z) such >0 at least one of the setsI(z) andJ(z) is non-empty. Now, since zVn,we 0.Hence, either zk= 0 for every k {1,2,...,n},or there is at least one positive number and at least one negative number in the set first case is impossible (since at least one of the setsI(z) andJ(z) is non-empty). Thus, the second case must hold - i. e., there is at least one positive number and at least one negative number in the set other words, there exists a number u {1,2,...,n}such thatzu>0,and a number 10v {1,2,...,n}such thatzv<0.Of course,zu>0 to say that wedistinguish between twocases: the first case will bethecasewhen zu+zv>=
0,and thesecond case will be the case when first case: Inthiscase, zu+zv>=0.Then, a vector space), so coordinate representation of the vector z'is easily allk 0. It is readily seen from this that I(z')I(z), so that |I(z')| <= is a proper subset of J(z),becausev /J(z') (sincez' vis not
<0,but = 0) but with |I(z')| <= |I(z)|, this yields view of since we have assumed that Theorem 10 holds for all r,we can apply Theorem 10 to x=z',and we see that there exist nonnegative reals a' i,jfor all pairs ( i,j)I(z')xJ(z') such have-zv>0, so that, particularly, -zvis andJ(z')J(z),we (because uI(z) andvJ(z)) and /J(z')). Hence, the sets I(z')xJ(z') and{(u,v)}are two disjoint subsets of the set I(z)x J(z).We can thus define nonnegative reals ai,jfor all pairs ( i,j)I(z)xJ(z) (i,j) = (u,v); 0,if neither of the two cases above all nonnegative because a' i,j,-zvand 0 are nonnegative). of some =z. Thus, (5) is we can fulfill (5) in the second case , repeating the arguments we have done for the first case while occasionally interchanging uwithv,as well asIwithJ,as well as<with>. Here is a brief outline of how we have to proceed in the second thatz'Vn(as in the first case). Notice allk v Provethat andthat (similarly to the proof that J(z') is a proper subset of J(z) in the first case). Show that there exist nonnegative reals a' i,jfor all pairs ( i,j)I(z')xJ(z') such in the first case). Note that zuis nonnegative (since zu>0). Prove that the sets I(z')xJ(z') and{(u,v)}are two disjoint subsets of the set I(z)xJ(z) (as in the first case). Define nonnegative reals ai,jfor all pairs ( i,j)I(z)xJ(z) by (i,j) = (u,v); 0,if neither of the two cases above holds. Prove that these nonnegative reals ai,jfulfill (5). Thus, in each of the two cases, we have proven that there exist no nnegative reals ai,jfor all pairs ( i,j)I(z)xJ(z) such that (5) holds. Hence, Theorem 10 Theorem 10 is proven for all the induction step, and therefore, Theorem 10 is prove n. As an application of Theorem 10, we can now show: Theorem 11. Letnbe a positive integer. Let a1, a2, ..., a reals. Let Sbe a finite set. For every sS,letrsbe an element of (Rn)*(in other words, a linear transformation from RntoR), and letbsbe a nonnegative real. Define a function f:Rn-Rby f(x) the following two assertions are A1:We havef(x)>=0 for every xVn. Assertion A2:We havef(ei-ej)>=0 for any two distinct integers Theorem11. other words, we have to prove that A1== A2andA2== A1.Actually, A1== A2 is trivial (we just have to use that ei-ejVnfor any two numbers It remains to show that A2== A1.So assume that Assertion A2is valid, i. e. we have f(ei-ej)>=0 for any two distinct integers to prove that Assertion A1holds, i. e. that f(x)>=0 for every xVn. So letxVnbe some vector. According to Theorem 10, there exist nonnegativ e realsai,jfor all pairs ( i,j)I(x)xJ(x) such will now show for everyu of course, ( ei-ej)umeans theu-th coordinate of the vector ei-ej. In fact, two cases are possible: the case when xu>=0,and the case when xu<0. We will consider these cases inthiscase, wehave( ei-ej)u>=0 for any two numbers iI(x) andjJ(x) (in fact, jJ(x) andxu>=0) and thus ( ej)u= 0,so that (ei)u-0 = Thus, any two numbers iI(x) (6) is proven. Case 2: We in this case, we have (ei-ej)u<=0 for any two numbers iI(x) andjJ(x) (in andxu<0) and thus ( ei)u= 0,so that (ei-ej)u= (ei)u-(ej)u= any two numbers iI(x) (6) is proven. 13Hence, in both cases, (6) is proven. Thus, (6) always holds. Now let us continue our proof of A2== A1: We the triangle inequality, since all ai,jand allbsare nonnegative) . Thus, f(x) becauseiandjare two distinct integers from {1,2,...,n}; in fact,iandjare distinct because iI(x) andjJ(x),and the sets I(x) andJ(x) are we have obtained f(x)>=0.This proves the assertion A1.Therefore, the implication A2== A1is proven, and the proof of Theorem 11 is complete. 5. Restating Theorem 11 Nowwe consider a result which 11 pretty obviou sly (although the formalization of the proof is going to be 12. Letnbe a nonnegative integer. Let a1, a2, ..., a nandabe n+1 nonnegative reals. Let Sbe a finite set. For every sS,letrsbe an element of ( Rn)*(in other words, a linear transformation from RntoR), and letbsbe a nonnegative real. Define a function g:Rn-Rby g(x) the following two assertions are B1:We haveg(x)>=0 for every xRn. Assertion B2:We haveg(ei)>=0 for every integer i for any two distinct integers of Theorem 12. We are going to restate Theorem 12 before we actually prove it. But first, we introduce a notation: Let be the standard basis of the vector space Rn-1; in other words, for everyi the vector from Rn-1such that (/tildewideei)i= 1 0 for every j we will restate Theorem 12 by renaming ninton-1 (thus replacing well) and aintoan: Theorem 12b. Letnbe a positive integer. Let a1, a2, ..., a n-1, reals. Let Sbe a finite set. For every sS,letrsbe an element of ( Rn-1)*(in other words, a linear transformation from Rn-1to R), and letbsbe a nonnegative real. Define a function g:Rn-1-Rby g(x) the following two assertions are C1:We haveg(x)>=0 for every xRn-1. Assertion C2:We for every integer i for any two distinct integers 12b is equivalent to Theorem 12 (because Theorem 12b is ju st Theorem 12, applied to n-1 instead of n). Thus, proving Theorem 12b will be enough to verify Theorem 12. Proof of Theorem 12b. The implication C1== C2is absolutely trivial. Hence, in order to establish Theorem 12b, it only remains to prove the implicatio nC2== C1. So assume that the assertion C2holds, i. e. that we have for every integeri for any two distinct integers want to show that Assertion C1holds, i. e. that g(x)>=0 is satisfied for every xRn-1. Since is the standard basis of the vector space Rn-1,every (e1,e2,...,en) is the standard basis of the vector space Rn,every vector the linear transformation defined by every i linear transformation is uniquely defined this way because 15 is a basis of Rn-1.) For every xRn-1,we then phnxVnfor everyxRn-1. Hence, Im everyi linear transformation is uniquely defined this way be- cause (e1,e2,...,en) is a basis of Rn.) For every xRn,we then id (in fact, for every i {1,2,...,n-1},we =psnei-psnen (sincepsnis for every xRn-1,we the function psnphnis linear, because psnandphnare therefore psnphn= id). We define a function f:Rn-Rby f(x) that f(-x) =f(x) for every xRn, (8) since f(-x) we have rspsn(-x) linear I claim that f(phnx) =g(x) for every xRn-1. (9) In order to prove this, we note that (7) yields ( phnx)u=xufor allu id yields psnphnx=x,so that f(phnx) (phnx)u=xufor allu thus (9) is proven. Now, we are going to show that f(ei-ej)>=0 for any two distinct integers order to prove (10), we distinguish between three different cas es: Case 1:We havei 2:We havei =n. Case 3:We havei=nandj fact, the case when both i=nandj=ncannot occur, since iandjmust be distinct). In Case 1, we have f(ei-ej) (since (after (9))
>=0 (by assumption) . 17In Case 2, we have f(ei-ej) =f(ei-en) =g(/tildewideei) (after (9))
>=0 (by assumption) . In Case 3, we have f(ei-ej) =f(en-ej) =f(-(ej-en)) =f(ej-en) (after =g(/tildewideej) (after (9))
>=0 (by assumption) holds in all three possible cases. Hence, (10) is proven. Now, our function f:Rn-Ris defined by f(x) a positive integer; the numbers a1, a2, ..., a narennonnegative reals; the setSis a finite set; for every sS,the function rspsnis an element of ( Rn)*(in other words, a linear transformation from RntoR), andbsis a nonnegative real. Hence, we can apply Theorem 11 to our function f,and we obtain that for Assertions A1andA2are equivalent. In other words, our function f satisfies Assertion A1if and only if it satisfies Assertion A2. Now, according to (10), our function fsatisfies Assertion A2.Thus, this function f must also satisfy Assertion A1.In other words, f(x)>=0 holds for every holds for every ImphnVn). Since f(phnx) =g(x) according to (9), we have therefore proven that g(x)>=0 holds Assertion C1is proven. Thus, we have showed that C2== C1, and thus the proof of Theorem 12b is complete. Since Theorem 12b is equivalent to Theorem 12, this also proves Theo rem 12. As if this wasn't enough, here comes a further restatement of The orem 12: Theorem 13. Letnbe a nonnegative integer. Let a1, a2, ..., a nandabe n+1 nonnegative reals. Let Sbe a finite set. For every reals, and let bsbe a nonnegative real. Assume that the following two assertions for everyi any two distinct integers y2, ..., ynbenreals. of Theorem 13. For everysS,letrs= covector whose i-th coordinate is rs,ifor everyi everyi {1,2,...,n},we have allu {1,2,...,n}, so that 1,and for every sS,we (sincers= that g(ei) the conditions of Theorem 13). For any two distinct integers have allu {1,2,...,n},so that 0,and for every sS,we have rs(ei-ej) thus g(ei-ej) the condition of Theorem 13). So we have shown that g(ei)>=0 for every integer i for any two distinct integers Assertion B2of Theorem 12 is fulfilled. According to Theorem 12, the assertions B1andB2are equivalent, so that Assertion B1must be fulfilled as well. Hence, g(x)>=0 for every if we set that g(x) thusg(x)>=0 13 is thus proven. 6. A general condition for Popoviciu-like we state a result more general than Theorem 5b: Theorem 14. Letnbe a nonnegative integer. Let a1, a2, ..., a nandabe n+1 nonnegative reals. Let Sbe a finite set. For every reals, and let bsbe a nonnegative real. Assume that the following two assertions for everyi any two distinct integers a convex function from an interval IRtoR.Letw1, w2, ..., wnbe nonnegative reals. Assume 0 0 for all sS. Letx1, x2, ..., x nbenpoints from the interval I.Then, the Written in a less formal way, this inequality states of Theorem 14. Since the elements of the finite set Sare used as labels only, we can assume without loss of generality that (we just rename the elements of Sinton+2, n+3, ..., this is possible because the set Sis finite2). alli alls is, for all sS). 1The second of these two assertions ( any two distinct integers is identic with the second required assertion in Theorem 13, but the first every i {1,2,...,n}) isstronger than the first required assertion in Theorem 13 (which only said that every i particular, N=n+1 ifS=. 21Also define zi=xifor alli alls is, for all sS). Each of these Nrealsz1, z2, ..., zNis a weighted mean of the reals x1, x2, ..., x weights. Since the reals x1, x2, ..., x nlie in the interval I,we can thus conclude that each of the Nrealsz1, z2, ..., z Nlies in the interval Ias well. In other words, the points z1, z2, ..., zNareNpoints from once we are able to show will thus Theorem 14 will be an assumption of Theorem 14, and 0
= >=0holdsforevery t Set for all i {1,2,...,n},we havewi(zi-t) =wi(xi-t) for all s is, for all sS), we we have pulled out of the modulus signs, since they are positive (in fact, they are /e}atioslash= 0 by an assumption of Theorem 14, and nonnegative because wiandrs,iare all Theorem 13 (in fact, we were allowed to apply Theorem 13 because all the require- ments of Theorem 13 are fulfilled - in particular, we have every i we know that everyi {1,2,...,n}by an assumption of Theorem 14). Altogether, we have now shown the following: The points u2, ..., u >=0 holds for everyt according to Theorem 8b, we as we have seen above, is shown, the proof of Theorem 14 is complete. Thus, Theorem 14 is proven. Theorem 14 gives a sufficient criterion for the validity of inequalities of the kind convex combination of f(x1), f(x2), ..., f(xn) andf(some weighted mean of x1, x2, ..., x n)
>=convex combination of finitely many f(some other weighted means of x1, x2, ..., x n)'s, wherefis a convex function and in its domain, and where the weights of the weighted mean on the left hand side are positive (thos e of the weighted means on the right hand side may be 0 as well, but still have to be nonne gative). This criterion turns out to be necessary as well: 24Theorem 14b. Letnbe a nonnegative integer. Let w1, w2, ..., w nbe positive reals. Let a1, a2, ..., a nandaben+ 1 nonnegative reals. Let S be a finite set. For every sS,letrs,1,rs,2,..., reals, and letbsbe a nonnegative real. Let IRbe an interval. Assume that the for any convex function f:I-Rand anynpointsx1, x2, ..., x nin the interval for everyi any two distinct integers we are not going to use this fact, we are not proving it either, b ut the idea of the proof is the following: Assume WLOG that I= [-1,1].For everyi {1,2,...,n}, you considering the convex function f(x) =xand considering the convex function f(x) =-xand the same points), so that any two considering the convex function f(x) =|x|and the points This altogether proves Theorem 14b. 7. Proving the Popoviciu inequality Now we can finally step to the proof of Theorem 5b: We assume that n>=2,because all cases where n<2 (that is,n= 1 orn= 0) can be checked manually (and are everyi reals a1, a2, ..., anandaare all nonnegative (since n>=2 yieldsn-2>=0 and all integers t). LetS={s {1,2,...,n} | |s|=m};thatis, wedenoteby Sthesetofall of the set {1,2,...,n}.This setSis obviously finite. For rs,2, ..., rs,nas /sfor everyi these reals rs,1, rs,2, ..., r s,nare all nonnegative. Also, for every sS,set bs= 1; then,bsis a nonnegative real as well. For everyi {1,2,...,n},we /s
= (number of m-element subsets sof the set {1,2,...,n}that contain the recurrence relation of the binomial (11) For any two distinct integers /s; 1,ifi /sandjs; 0,ifi /sandj /s; 0 /sandjs; 0 /s; 0 /sandjs; 0 /s; 0 /sandjs; 0 otherwise
= (number of m-element subsets sof the set {1,2,...,n}that contain ibut notj)
+(number of m-element subsets sof the set {1,2,...,n}that contain jbut 0 (13) 26(by an assumption of Theorem 5b). The elements of Sare all the m-element subsets of to correspond mintegersi1, i2, ..., imsatisfying 1 <=i1< themelements of sin increasing order). And conversely, any mintegersi1, i2, ..., imsatisfying 1 <=i1<
i2<...<i m<=ncan be obtained this way - in fact, they correspond to the S.Given an element sSand the corresponding mintegers i1, i2, ..., im,we can this, we can conclude 0 for every sS 0 by an assumption of Theorem 5b), and we can also conclude the conditions of Theorem 5b and the relations (11), (12), (1 3) and (14), we see that all conditions of Theorem 14 are fulfilled. Thus, we can apply Theorem 14, and rewrites other (15) and the obvious can rewrite this proves Theorem 5b. 8. A cyclic inequality The most general form of the Popoviciu inequality is now proven. But this is not the end to the applications of Theorem 14. We will now apply it to show a similar to 15a. Letfbe a convex function from an interval IRtoR. Letx1, x2, ..., x nbe finitely many points from I. We extend the indices in x1, x2, ..., x ncyclically modulo n; this means that for any integer i / {1,2,...,n},we define a real xiby the integer from the set {1,2,...,n}such this means that Letrbe an integer. weighted version of this inequality is: Theorem 15b. Letfbe a convex function from an interval IRtoR. Letx1, x2, ..., x nbe finitely many points from I.Letrbe an integer. Letw1, w2, ..., w nbe nonnegative reals. Let that w/e}atioslash= 0 and that 0 for every sS. We extend the indices in x1, x2, ..., x nand inw1, w2, ..., w this means that for any integer i / {1,2,...,n},we define reals xiandwiby setting the integer from the thatijmodn.(For instance, this means of Theorem 15b. We assume that n>=2,because all cases where n<2 (that is,n= 1 orn= 0) can be checked manually (and are we continue with the proof, let us introduce a simple notation : For any assertion A, we denote by [ A] the Boolean value of the assertion A(that is, [ A] ifAis true; 0, ifAis false). Therefore, 0 <=[A]<=1 for every assertion A. Letai= 2 for every i reals a1,a2, ...,ananda are all nonnegative (since n>=2 setSis obviously finite. For rs,2, ..., rs,nas follows: rs,i= for every i reals rs,1, rs,2, ..., rs,nare all nonnegative (because rs,i= = 0 29for everyi {1,2,...,n}). Also, for every sS,setbs= 1; then,bsis a nonnegative real as well. For everyi {1,2,...,n},we = 1 (because there exists one and only ones Also, for every i {1,2,...,n},we = 1 (because there exists one and only one s = 1(because[ si-rmodn] everyi {1,2,...,n},we have
/summationdisplay sSbsrs,i=n/summationdisplay s=1bs/bracehtipupleft/bracehtipdownright/bracehtipdownleft/bracehtipupright
=1rs,i=n/summationdisplay s=1rs,i=n/summationdisplay s=1()
=n/summationdisplay s=11+n/summationdisplay s=1[i=s]-n/summationdisplay s=1[is+rmodn] =n+1-1 =n= 2+(n-2) =ai+a, so (16) For any two integers have n/summationdisplay s=1|rs,i-1|=n/summationdisplay s=1|()-1|
=n/summationdisplay s=1|[i=s]+(-[is+rmodn])| the triangle [i=s] and [is+rmodn] are nonnegative, so that
|[i=s]|= [i=s] = 1+1 = 2 and <=2,so (by the triangle =ai+aj, 30and (17) For everysS(that is, for every s {1,2,...,n}), we v vs+rmodn, and for this element v,we havewv=ws+r), so for every sS(that is, for every s {1,2,...,n}), we v vs+rmodn, and for this element v,we and 0forallsS(becausen/summationtext v=1rs,vwv=w+(ws-ws+r) and 0). 0 0). Using these two relations, the conditions of Theorem 15b and the relations (16) and (17), we see that all conditions of Theorem 14 are fulfilled. Hence, we can apply Th eorem 14 immediately simplifies that for every sS,we can rewrite this other proves Theorem 15b. Theorem 15a follows from Theorem 15b if we set w1=w2=...=wn= 1. Theorem 15a generalizes two inequalities that have appeared on the MathLinks forum. The first of these results if we apply Theorem 15a to r= 1,tor= 2,tor= 3, and so on up to r=n-1,and sum up the n-1 inequalities 16. Letfbe a convex function from an interval IRtoR. Letx1, x2, ..., x nbe finitely many points from inequality occured in [6], post #4 as a result by Vasile C^ irtoaje (Va sc). Our Theorem 15a is therefore a strengthening of this result. The next inequality was proposed by Michael Rozenberg (aka Arqa dy) in [7]: Theorem 17. Leta, b, c, d be four nonnegative reals. of Theorem 17. The case when at least one of the reals a, b, c, d equals 0 is easy (and a limiting case). Hence, we can assume for the rest of this proof that none of the reals a, b, c, d equals 0.Sincea, b, c, d are nonnegative, this means that a, b, c, dare positive. LetA= ln(a4), B= ln(b4), C= ln(c4), D= ln(d4).Then, an interval containing the reals A,B,C,D (for instance, I=R). Let f:I-Rbe the function defined by f(x) = expxfor allxI.Then, it is known that this function fis convex. Applying Theorem 15a to n= 4, x1=A, x2=B, x3=C, x4=D,andr= 3,we this by 2 and simplifying, we we have f(A) = expA=a4and similarly f(B) =b4, f(C) =c4,andf(D) and proves Theorem Vasile C^ irtoaje, Two Generalizations of Popoviciu's Inequality , Crux Mathe- maticorum 5/2001 (volume 31), pp. Billzhao et al., Generalized Popoviciu - MathLinks topic #19097 Billzhao et al., Like Popoviciu - MathLinks topic #21786 Darij Grinberg et al., The Karamata Inequality - MathLinks topic #14975 Darij Grinberg et al., Weighted majorization and a result stronger than Fuchs - MathLinks topic #104714 4 [6] Harazi et al., improvement of Popoviciu's inequality in a particular case - Math- Links topic #22364 Arqady et al., New, old inequality - MathLinks topic #56040 | 0803.2958 | Darij Grinberg | Darij Grinberg | Generalizations of Popoviciu's inequality | The subject class "functional analysis" is an approximation; I would
describe the field as "elementary inequalities for convex functions". The
text should be understandable to undergraduates (like I am); everything that
is used and not widely known - like a version of the Karamata inequality - is
explicitely proven | null | null | null | math.FA math.GM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We establish a general criterion for the validity of inequalities of the
following form: A certain convex combination of the values of a convex function
at n points and of its value at a weighted mean of these n points is always
greater or equal to a convex combination of the values of the function at some
other weighted means of these points. Here, the left hand side contains only
one weighted mean, while the right hand side may contain as many as possible,
as long as there are finitely many. The weighted mean on the left hand side
must have positive weights, while those on the right hand side must have
nonnegative weights.
The most prominent example of such kind of inequalities, Popoviciu's
inequality in its most general form, follows from the general criterion. As
another application, a result by Vasile Cirtoaje is sharpened.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 20 Mar 2008 10:42:39 GMT"
] | 2008-03-21T00:00:00 | [
] |
2 FABRIZIO CATANESE, MARCO type , and we get then an isomorphism of p1(C) with a Fuchsian higher dimension the condition that the universal cover be biholom orphic to a bounded domain ohm is quite exceptional; but still in the Galois ' etale c ase, where ohm/G~=Xand G acts freely with compact quotient, we have, if ohm is bounded, that the complex manifold Xhas ample canonical bundle in particular it is a projective manifold of general type. Even moreexceptional isthe casewhere the universal cover is biho lomorphic to a bounded symmetric domain ohm, or where there is Galois uniformizat ion (ii) of definition 1.2) with source a bounded symmetric domain, and the re is a vast literature on a characterization of these properties (cf. [Y au77], [Bea00]). The basic result in this direction is S.T. Yau's uniformization theorem (e x- plained in [Yau88] and [Yau93]), and for which a very readable expositio n sectionof [V-Z05], enphasyzing theroleofpoly stability of thecotangent type. Onewouldwish nevertheless for more precise of the various possible cases. For the sake of simplicity, we shall stick here to the case of smooth c omplex surfaces, where the former problem boils down to two very specific When is the universal cover of a compact complex surface X biholomorphic to the two dimensional ball respec- tively to the bidisk HxH? The first part of this question is fully answered by the well-known ineq uality by Miyaoka and Yau (cf. [Miy77], [Yau77] [Miy82]). Setting, as usual, KX=
the canonical divisor, kh(X) :=kh(OX) the holomorphic Euler =h0(X,2KX) the second plurigenus of X, we have the 1.3 (Miyaoka-Yau) .LetXbe a compact complex surface. cocompact discrete subgroup of Aut(B2)acting freely on B2) if and only if (1)K2 X= 9kh(S); (2)the second plurigenus P2(X)>0. The above well known characterization is obtained combining Miyaoka 's result ([Miy82]) that these two conditions imply the ampleness of KX, with Yau's uniformization result ([Yau77]) which uses the existence of a K quiteremarkably, numbers which are either bimeromorphic or topological invariants. In the case where X=HxH/G, with G a discrete cocompact subgroup of Aut(HxH) acting freely, one has K2 X= 8kh(X). But Moishezon and Teicher in [MT87] showed the existence of a simply connected surface of general type (whence with P2(X)>0) having K2 X=
8kh(X), so that the above conditions are necessary, but not sufficient. We observe however ofourattemptA CHARACTERIZATION OF SURFACES UNIFORMIZED BY THE BIDISK 3 to answer the latter question) it is still unknown if there exists a sur face of general type with kh(X) = 1,K2 X= 8 which is not uniformized by HxH. Thepurpose outaprecise characterization o fcompact complex cover isthebidisk, andofthequ whether some hypotheses can be dispensed with, and to pose an analogous question in higher dimension. Our which is of course based on Yau's results, relies on the following 1.4. LetXbe a complex manifold of complex dimension n. Then aspecial tensor is a non zero section a semi special tensor is a non zero section whereeis an invertible sheaf such that e2~=OX. We shall say that Xadmits a unique semi special tensor if = 1. In fact, the existence of such tensors is a fundamental propert y of uniformized by the polydisk as we are now going to see. Recall that the group of automorphism of Hn, Aut(Hn), is the of (Aut( H))nwith the symmetric group Sn, hence for every subgroup G of Aut( Hn) we have a /uniontext 1.5. LetX=Hn/Gbe a compact complex manifold whose uni- versal covering is the polydisk Hn: thenXadmits a semi special tensor and KXis ample, in particular coordinates {z1,...,z n}and that ~ ois clearly invariant for (Aut( H))nand for the alternating sub- group. Let ebe the 2-torsion invertible sheaf associated to the of Snrestricted to H. Then clearly ~ odescends to a semi other assertions are well known (cf. [Sieg73] and [K-M71]). /square Remark 1.6. We observe that also (P1)nadmits the following special tensor o, given on dimension two we have then the 1.7. LetXbe a compact complex surface. Then the following two a semi special if and only if either4 FABRIZIO CATANESE, MARCO a cocompact discrete subgroup of Aut(HxH) acting freely ). In particular one has the following reformulation of a theorem of S.T. Yau (theorem 2.5 of [Yau93], giving sufficient conditions for (ii) to hold). Theorem 1.8. (Yau) Xis strongly uniformized by the bidisk if and only if (1)Xadmits a semi special second plurigenus P2(X)>=1. One can indeed be even more precise: Theorem 1.9. Xis strongly uniformized by the bidisk if and only if (1*)Xadmits a unique semi special second plurigenus P2(X)>=2. Xis biholomorphic to P1xP1if and only if (1*), (2) hold and P2(X) = 0. It is interesting to see that none of the above hypotheses can be d 1.10. The following examples show the existence of surfaces which satisfy two of the three conditions stated in Thm. 1.8, respe ctively in Thm. 1.9, but are not uniformized by the complex torus but neither it does not satisfy = 1,g(C2) = but its universal cover is ~X~=CxH. The most intriguing examples are provided by Proposition 1.11. There do exist properly elliptic surfaces a special tensor;
*(3*)the second plurigenus P2(X)>=2;
*q(X) 0;
*Xis not birational to a product. We would like to pose then the LetXbe a surface with q(X) = 0and satisfying (1*)and(3*): is thenXstrongly uniformized by the the above question, recall the 1.12. GAut(Hn)is said to be reducible if there exists G0as above (i.e., such that g(z1,...,zn) = every gG0) and a decomposition Hn=HkxHh(withh >0) such that the action of G0onHk is discrete.A CHARACTERIZATION OF SURFACES UNIFORMIZED BY THE BIDISK 5 Forn= 2 there are then only two 1.13. LetGAut(H2)be a discrete cocompact subgroup acting freely and letX=H2/G. Then
*Gis reducible if and only if Xis isogenous to a product of curves, i.e., there is a finite group Gand two curves of genera at least 2 such that X~=C1xC2/G. Both cases 0,q(X) = 0can occur here.
*Gis irreducible and q(X) = 0( this result holds in all dimensions and is a well-known result of Matsushima [Ma62]). Let us try to explain the main idea of our main result. In order to do th is, it is important to make the following Remark 1.14. A complex manifold Xadmits a semi special tensor if and only if it has an unramified cover X'of degree at most two which admits a that we have an invertible sheaf esuch that the corresponding double connected ' etale covering there is a special tensor on X'if and only if there is a semi special tensor on X. /square In dimension n= 2 things are easier, since the existence of a special tensor ois equivalent to the existence of a trace free endomorphism oof the tangent bundle of X. Our proof of Theorem 1.7 consists essentially in finding a decompositio n of the tangent bundle TXas a direct sum of two line bundles L1andL2, which are the eigenbundles of an invertible endomorphism oEnd(TX) (seeSS2 and SS3 for details), and then applying the results on surfaces with split ta ngent bundles as given in [Bea00]. Since the results on manifolds with split tangent bundles hold in dimensio n n>=3, one has a characterization of compact manifolds strongly unifor mized by the polydisk under a very strong condition on the semi special te which essentially corresponds to ask for the local splitting of oas the product of n1-forms which are linearly independent at each point. There remains the problem of finding a simpler character and Xdenotes throughout a compact complex surface. We use stan- dard notation of algebraic geometry: ohm1 Xis the cotangent sheaf, TXis the holomorphic tangent bundle (locally free sheaf), c1(X),c2(X) are the Chern classes of X;KXis the canonical divisor, and Pn:=h0(X,nK X) is called then-th plurigenus, in particular for n= 1 we have the geometric genus of6 FABRIZIO CATANESE, MARCO FRANCIOSI X pg(X) :=h0(X,KX), whileq:=h1(X,OX) is classically called the irregu- larity of X. Finally, kh(X) :=kh(OX) = 1 +pg-qis the holomorphic a slight abuse of notation, we do not distinguish between invertib le sheaves, line bundles and divisors, while the symbol denotes linear equiva- lence of divisors. First of all let us recall a result of Beauville which characterizes comp act complex surfaces whose universal cover is a product of two comple x curves (cf. [Bea00, Thm. C]). Theorem 2.1 (Beauville) .LetXbe a compact complex surface. The as a direct sum of two line bundles if and only if either Xis a special Hopf surface or the universal covering space of Xis a product UxV of two complex curves and the group p1(X)acts diagonally on UxV. Given a direct sum decomposition of the cotangent bundle shows that ( L1)2= (L2)2= 0 (cf. [Bea00, 4.1, 4.2]) 2*(L1*L2) = 2*c2(X) The last equality corresponds to K2 X= 8kh(X). Let us now consider the bundle End( TX) of endomorphisms of the tangent bundle. WecanwriteEnd( TX) = see that TX= This exactly means that we have an isomorphism End( us see how this isomorphism works in local coordinates ( z1,z2). I.e., let us see how an acts on a vector of the form
zh. We if on d a generic to an endomor- phism, which, with respect to the expressed by the particular for the symmetric tensors (i.e., a12=a21), respectively for tensors (i.e., 0) the following isomor- phisms can summarize the above discussion in the followingA CHARACTERIZATION OF SURFACES UNIFORMIZED BY THE BIDISK 7 Lemma 2.2. IfXis a complex surface there is a natural isomorphism between the sheaf the sheaf of trace zero endomorphisms of the (co)tangent sheaf special tensor nonzero determinant det(o) Cyields an eigenbundle splitting the cotangent bundle. If instead det(o) = 0C, the corresponding endomorphism ois nilpotent and yields an exact sequence of invertible, is an effective divisor, and Zis a 0- dimensional subscheme(which is a local complete intersect ion). We have in particular KX2L-andc2(X) We need only to observe that det(o) is a constant, 0, there is a constant cC{0}such that det(o) =c2, hence at every point of Xthe endomorphism ocorresponding to the special tensor ohas two distinct eigenvalues 0, be such that det( o) = 0. Then endomorphism ois nilpotent of order 2, and there exists an open nonempty subset UXsuch that Ker( o|U) = Im(o|U). At a point p where rank( o) = 0, in local coordinates the endomorphism omay be functions such that a2=-b*c Letd:= G.C.D.(a,b,c). After dividing by d, every prime factor of ais either not inb, or not in c, thus we can we 0 c*u-a*v= 0==g*u-b*v= writing our endomorphism oaso=d*a, we have Im(a) the 0-dimensional scheme defined by {b=g= 0}and be the Cartier divisor defined by {d= 0}. From the above description we deduce that the kernel of ois a line bundle Lwhich fits in the following exact IZL(-)-0. Taking the total Chern classes we infer that: KX2L- as divisors on X andc2(X) /square Lemma 2.3. LetXbe a complex surface and let X'be the blow up of Xat a pointp. Then a special tensor o'onX'induces a special tensor oonX, and8 FABRIZIO CATANESE, MARCO FRANCIOSI the converse only holds if and only if ovanishes at p(in particular, it must hold :det(o) = 0). Proof.First of all, o'induces a special tensor on X{p}, and by Hartogs' theorem the latter extends to a special tensor choose local coordinates ( x,y) forXaroundpand take a local chart of the blow up with coordinates ( x,u) wherey=ux. Locally around p we can pull back o'ofois given by the following regular if and only ifa+bu2+cu xis a regular function. This is obvious if a,b,cvanish at p, since then their pull back is divisible by x. Assume on the other side that a,b,care constant: then we get a which is only regular if a=b=c= 0.
/square Lemma 2.4. LetXbe a compact minimal rational surface admitting a special tensoro. 0. Proof.Assume that Xis aP1bundle over a curve B~=P1, i.e., a Letp:X-Bthe projection. By the exact since on a general fibre Fthe subsheaf p*ohm1 Bis trivial, while the quotient sheaf ohm1 X|Bis negative, we conclude that any endomorphism If it has non zero determinant we can conclude by Theorem 2.1 that X~=P1xP1. Otherwise, ois nilpotent and we have a nonzero element these are invertible sheaves, it suffices to see 0. But, letting S be the section with selfintersection S2=-n, our vector this divisor with S we see that (since each time the intersection number with S is negative) =H0(OX(-(n+2)F)) = 0. There remains the case where XisP2. In this case omust be a nilpotent endomorphism by Theorem 2.1, and it cannot vanish at any point by our previous result on F1. Therefore the rank ofoequals 1 at each point. By lemma 2.2 it follows that there is a divisor L such that KX= 2L, a CHARACTERIZATION OF SURFACES UNIFORMIZED BY THE BIDISK 9 3.Proof of Theorems 1.7 and 1.9 Proof.IfXis strongly uniformized by the bidisk, then KXis ample, in and, since by Castelnuovo's theorem kh(X)>=1, by the of Kodaira and Mumford it follows that P2(X)>=2 (see [Bom73]). Thus one direction follows from proposition 1.5, except that we shall show only later that (1*) holds. Assume conversely that (1) ,(2) hold. Without loss of generality we may assume by lemma 2.3 that Xis minimal, since K2 Xcan only decrease via a blowup and the bigenus is a birational implies thateither the surface Xis ofgeneral type, or it isa In the latter case we conclude by lemma 2.4. Observe that the further hypothesis (3) (obviously implied by (3*) ) guaran- tees that Xis of general type. Thus, from now on, we may assume that Xis of general type and, passing to an ' etale double cover if necessary, that Xadmits a special tensor. By the cited Theorem 2.1 of [Bea00] it suffices to find a decomposition o f the cotangent bundle ohm1 Xas a direct sum of two line bundles L1andL2. The two line bundles L1,L2will be given as eigenbundles of a previous discussion shows then that it is sufficient to show that a ny special tensor cannot yield a nilpotent by lemma 2.2, we can write 2 LKX+ and then deduce that Lis a big divisor since is effective by construction and KXis big because X is of general type. This assertion gives the required contradiction since by Franchis Theorem (cf. [Bog77]) for an Lof ohm1 Xit contradicting the bigness of L. There remains to show (1*). But if then, given a pointpX, there is a special tensor which is not invertible in p, hence a special tensor with vanishing determinant, a of proposition 1.11 In this section we consider surfaces Xwith bigenus P2(X)>=2 (property (3*)), therefore their Kodaira dimension equals 1 or 2, hence eithe r they are properly (canonically) elliptic, or they are of general type. Since we took already care of the latter case in the main theorems 1.7 and 1.9, we restrict our attention here to the former case, and try to see when does a properly elliptic surface admit a special tensor (we can reduc e to this situation in view of remark 1.14). We canmoreover assume that the a ois nilpotent by theorem 2.1. Again without loss of generality we may assume that Xis minimal by virtue of lemma 2.3.10 FABRIZIO CATANESE, MARCO a minimal properly elliptic surface and let f:X-Bbe elliptic fibration. Write any fibre f-1(p) setting we say that a fibre is multiple if np>1. By Kodaira's classification ([Kod60]) of the singular fibres we know that in this case mi=np,i. Assume that the multiple fibres of the elliptic fibration are n1F' 1,...,n rF' r, and consider the divisorial part of the critical that we have then the exact a 0-dimensional (l.c.i.) subscheme. For further calculations we separate the divisorial part of the crit ical locus as the sum of two disjoint effective divisors, the multiple fibre contrib ution and the -S m. Let us assume that we have a nilpotent endomorphism correspondin g to another exact IZL(-)-0, in turn determined by a by a =
=H0(OX(2L-KX)) observe that, since 2 LKX+, it follows that, if Fis a general fibre, then L*F= *F= 0, hence the effective divisor is contained in a finite union of fibres. The first candidate to try with is the choice of L=L', where we set this purpose we recall Kodaira's canonical bundle formula: KX Sm+f*(d) deg(d) the genus of the base curve and we search for an effective divisor linearly equivalent to f*(2KB-d)+2S claim that H0(OX(2L'-KX)) it will then suffice to have examples where |2KB-d| CHARACTERIZATION OF SURFACES UNIFORMIZED BY THE BIDISK 11 Proof of the claim It suffices to show that f*OX(2^S+Sm) =OB. Since the divisor 2 on the singular fibres, and it is effective, we have to show that, for each singular fibre neither 2 latter case is obvious since Sm,p= (np-1)F' p< Fp=npF' p. In the former case, 2 but it is not possible that i one has 2( mi-1)>=mi, since there is always an irreducible curve mi= 1. Q.E.D.for the claim Assume that the elliptic fibration is not a product (in this case there is no special tensor with vanishing determinant): then the irregularity o fXequals the genus of B, whence our divisor on the curve Bhas degree equal to 2 b- 2-(1-b+pg(X)) = and there exist an elliptic surface any divisor on Bof degree >=bis effective, it suffices to choose b<=
pg<=2b-3 and we get a special tensor with trivial determinant, provided tha t b>=3. Take now a Jacobian elliptic surface in Weierstrass normal and assume that all the fibres are the space of special tensors corresponding to our choice of Lcor- responds to the vector space H0(OB(2KB-d)) =H0(OB(KB-6M)). It suffices to take a hyperelliptic curve Bof genus b= 6h+1, and, denoting by Hthe hyperelliptic divisor, set M:=hH, so that KB-6M0 and we = 1. We leave aside for the time being the question whether the surface Xadmits a unique special research was performed in the realm of the SCHWERPUNKT G lob- ale Methoden in der komplexen Geometrie, and of the FORSCHERGRU PPE 790 'Classification of algebraic surfaces and compact complex manifo lds'. The second author thanks the Universit at Bayreuth for its warm hospitality in the months of november and december 2006 (where the researc h was begun) and the DFG for supporting his visit. We would like to thank Eckart Viehweg and Kang Zuo for pointing out so me aspects of Yau's uniformization theorem that we had not properly c redited in the first version.12 FABRIZIO CATANESE, MARCO W. Barth, C. Peters, A. Van de Ven, Compact complex surfaces. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete (3). Springer-Verlag , A. Beauville, Complex manifolds with split tangent bundle Complex analysis and algebraic geometry, de Gruyter, Berlin, 2000, 61-70. [Bog77] F. A. Bogomolov Families of curves on a surface of general type (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 236 no. 5, 1977 , E.Bombieri, Canonical models of surfaces of general type ,Publ. Math. 173-219. [Cat07] F. Catanese, Q.E.D. for algebraic varieties ,Jour. Diff. Geom. 77 no. 1 K. Kodaira, On compact complex analytic surfaces, I ,Ann. of Math. 71 Kodaira, K. Morrow, J. Complex manifolds Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Que.-London, 1971 [Ma62] Y . Matsushima, On the first Betti number of compact quotient spaces of higher - dimensional symmetric spaces Ann. of Math. (2) 75 , 1962, 312-330 [MT87] B.Moishezon, M. Teicher, Simply-connected algebraic surfaces of positive index In- vent. Math. 89 (1987), no. 3, 601-643. [Miy77] Y. Miyaoka, On the Chern numbers of surfaces of general type Invent. Math. 42 (1977), 225-237. [Miy82] Y. Miyaoka, Algebraic surfaces with positive indices Classification of algebraic and analytic manifolds (Katata, 1982), Progr. Math. 39 Birkhuser Boston, Boston, MA, (1983) 281-301 [Mu79] D. Mumford, An algebraic surface with Kample,K2= 9,pg=q= 0Amer. J. Math. 101 , no. 1, (1979), 233244. [Sieg73] C.L. Siegel, Topics in complex function theory. Vol. III. Abelian functi ons and mod- ular functions of several variables. Translated from the German by E. Gottschling and M. Tretkoff. With a preface by Wilhelm Magnus. Reprint of the 197 3 original. Wiley Classics Library. A Publication . John Wiley and Sons, Inc. , New York (1989), x+244 pp. [V-Z05] E. Viehweg, K. Zuo, Arakelov inequalities and the uniformization of certain ri gid Shimura varieties , S. T. Yau, Calabi' s conjecture and some new results in algebraic geome tryProc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 74 (1977), S. T. Yau, Uniformization of geometric structures. The mathematical heritage of Hermann Weyl (Durham, NC, 1987), Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 48, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI (1988), 265-274. [Yau93] S. T. Yau, A splitting theorem and an algebraic geometric characteriz ation of symmetric spaces Comm. in Analysis and Geometry 1 (1993), addresses: Prof. Fabrizio Mathematik VIII, Universit at Bayreuth, NWII D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany e-mail: di Matemativa Applicata U. Dini, Universit` a di Pisa via Buonarroti 1C, I-56127, Pisa, Italy e-mail: | 0803.3008 | Fabrizio M. E. Catanese | Fabrizio Catanese (Universitaet Bayreuth), Marco Franciosi
(Universita' di Pisa) | A characterization of surfaces whose universal cover is the bidisk | 12 pages, references added | null | null | null | math.AG math.CV | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We show that the universal cover of a compact complex surface $X$ is the
bidisk $\HH \times \HH$, or $X$ is biholomorphic to $\PP^1 \times \PP^1$, if
and only if $K_X^2 > 0$ and there exists an invertible sheaf $\eta$ such that
$\eta^2\cong \hol_X$ and $H^0(X, S^2\Omega^1_X (-K_X) \otimes \eta) \neq 0$.
The two cases are distinguished by the second plurigenus, $P_2(X)\geq 2$ in the
former case, $P_2(X)= 0$ in the latter. We also discuss related questions.
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"created": "Thu, 20 Mar 2008 15:20:49 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 26 Mar 2008 18:45:08 GMT"
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"Universitaet Bayreuth"
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The constant of integration Mbhmay have a meaning of the mass of the black holes. There are two alternatives b'= 0 oruc2+p= 0, which lead to the solutions of Einstein and de Sitter, respectively . In the case of de Sitter universe ab=constant . By a trivial change of scale of the time variable, this constant can, of course, always be made equal to 1, which means b(r) = corresponding metric with the line called the Schwarzschild - de Sitter metric. The Cauchy problem for the linear wave equation without source term on the maximally extended Schwarzschild - de Sitter spa cetime in the case of corresponding to parameter values 0< horizons and cosmological horizons, solutions converge pointw ise to a constant faster than any given polynomial rate, where the decay is measured with respect to natu ral future-directed advanced and retarded time is an important question of local energy decay for the solutio n of the wave equation and Klein- Gordon equation in black hole spacetime. Results on the decay of loca l energy can provide a proof of the global nonlinear stability of the spacetime. The global nonlinear stab ility we believe is only known for Minkowski spacetime. Bony and Hafner [4] describe an expansion of the solution of the wave equation in - de Sitter metric in terms of resonances. The reson ances correspond to the frequencies and rates of dumping of signals emitted by the black hole in the presence o f perturbations (see [9, Chapter e. one permits a logarithmic derivative loss in the angular directions and exponentially if one permits a small derivative loss in the angular directions. In the present paper we set Mbh= 0 to exclude black holes. The case of the Klein-Gordon equation in the presence of the black holes will be discussed in the forthcoming p aper. Thus, the de Sitter line element has the th'=th, ph'=ph leads to the following form for the line (0.5) Finally, defining new space coordinates with r',th',ph'by the usual equations coordinates and polar coordinates in a Euclidean space, ( 0.5) may be written [22, (0.6) The new coordinates x',y',z',t'can take all values from -to. HereRis the radius of the universe. The de Sitter model allows us to get an explanation of the actual red shift of spectral lines observed by Hubble and Humanson [22]. The de Sitter model also enjoys the advan tage of being the only model for which both particle creation and vacuum str ess have been explicitly evaluated by all known techniques [3]. In a certain sense all solutions look like the de Sit ter solution at late times [16]. The homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models possess highes t symmetry that makes them more amenable to rigorous study. Among them we mention FLRW (Friedman mod- els. The simplest class of cosmological models can be obtained if we ass ume additionally that the metric of the slices of constant time is flat and that the spacetime metric can b e written in the an appropriate scale factor a(t). Although on the made assumptions, the spatially flat FLRW models appear to give a good explanation of our universe. The assumption t hat the universe is expanding leads to the positivity of the time A further assumption that the universe obeys the suggests that the second is positive. A substantial amount of the can be in terms of the models wh ich take into account existing acceleration of the recession of distant galaxies. The time dependence of the function a(t) is determined by the Einstein field equations for gravity. The Einstein equations with the cosmological constant L have term L guncan be interpreted as an energy-momentum of the vacuum. Even a small value of L could have drastic effects on the evolution of the universe. Under the as sumption of FLRW symmetry the equation of motion in the case of positive cosmological constant L leads to the solution a(t) produces models with exponentially accelerated expansion. Th e model described by the last equation is usually called the de Sitter model . The unknown of principal importance in the Einstein equations is a met ricg. It comprises the feature of the gravitational field, and consequently explains the phenomenon of the attraction of substance. In the presence of matt er these equations contain a hand side -8pGTun. In general the matter fields described by the function phmust satisfy equations of motion and in the case of the massive scalar field the equation of mo tion is that phshould satisfy the Klein-Gordon equation generated by the metric g. In the de Sitter universe the equation for the scalar field with mass mand potential function Vwritten out explicitly in coordinates is (See, e.g. [14, and^is the Laplace operator on the flat metric, Hubble constant. If we introduce new unknown function u=e-n 2Htph, then the semilinear for uon de Sitter spacetime takes the Henceforth the quantity M, with nonnegative real part RM>=0, defined be called the curved mass of particle. We extract a linear part o f the equation (0.8) as an initial model that must be treated 0. (0.9) The fundamental solutions and the Cauchy problem for the equatio n withM= 0 in the backward direction of time are considered in [33]. 3The de Sitter line element in the higher dimensional analogue of de Sitte r space is a simplified version of the multidimensional cosmological models with the metric tensor given Themultidimens lot of attention during recent years in constructing mathematica l models of an anisotropic universe (see, e.g. [7, 16] and references therein). The equation (0.9) is strictly hyperbolic. That implies the well-posedne ss of the Cauchy problem for (0.9) in the different functional spaces. The coefficient of the equation is an analytic function and implies a local uniqueness in the space of distributions. More over, the speed of propagation is finite, namely, it is equal to e-Htfor every tR. The second-order strictly hyperbolic equation (0.9) possesses two fundamental solutions resolving the Cauchy proble m. They can be written microlocally in terms of the Fourier integral operators [17], which give a complete d escription of the wave front sets of the solutions. The distance between two characteristic roots l1(t,x) andl2(t,x) of the equation (0.9) It tends to zero as tapproaches . Thus, the operator is not uniformly (that is for all tR) strictly hyperbolic. Moreover, the finite integrability of the chara <, leads to the existence of that equation. M oreprecisely, any signal emitted from the spatial point x0Rnat timet0Rremains inside the ball all timet(t0,). The equation (0.9) is neither Lorentz invariant nor invariant with r espect to usual scaling and that brings additional difficulties. In particular, it can cause a no nexistence of the Lp-Lqdecay for the solutions in the direction of time. In [30] it is mentioned the model e quation with permanently bounded domain of influence, power decay of characteristic roots, and with outLp-Lqdecay for the solutions that illustrates that phenomenon. The above mentioned Lp-Lqdecay estimates are one of the important tools for studying nonlinear equations (see, e.g. [25, 27]). The time inversion transformation t- -treduces the equation (0.9) to the mathematically 0. (0.10) The wave equation, that is equation (0.10) with M= 0, was investigated in [15] by the second author. More precisely, in [15] the resolving operator for the Cauchy 0, u(x,0) =ph0(x), ut(x,0) =ph1(x), (0.11) is written asasum ofthe the amplitu desgivenin in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions. In particular , it is proved in [15] that for t >0 the solution of the Cauchy problem (0.11) is given by u(x,t) the notations of [2] the last functions are H-(a;g;z) =eiapPs(a;g;z) andH+(a;g;z) where function Ps( a;c;z) is defined in [2, Sec.6.5]. Here ^ ph(x) is a Fourier transform of ph(x). The typical Lp-Lqdecay estimates obtained in [15] by dyadic decomposition of the phas e space contain some derivative loss. More precisely, it is proved that for the solutio nu=u(x,t) to the Cauchy problem (0.11) with andph1(x) = 0 for all large t>=T >0, the following estimate is (0.12) 4where 1< p<=2,1 p+1 q= 1, and WN p(Rn) is the Sobolev space. In particular, the derivative loss, N, is positive, unless p=q= 2. This derivative loss for the classical wave equation as well. Indeed, it is well-known (see, e.g., [19, 20, 24]) that for the Cauchy problem utt-^u= 0,u(x,0) =ph(x),ut(x,0) = 0, the estimate to fulfill even for small positive tunlessq= 2. The obstacle is created by the distinguishing feature of the (different from translation) Fourier integral operators of or der zero, which compose a resolving to Theorem 1 [15], for the solution u=u(x,t) to the Cauchy problem (0.11) with n>=2, ph0(x) = 0 and ph1(x)C 0(Rn) for all large t>=T >0 and for any small e >0, the following estimate 1< p<=2,1 p+1 q= 1,r0= nonlinear equations (0.7) and (0.8) are those we would like to solve , but the linear problem is a natural first step. Exceptionally efficient tool for the studying no nlinear equations is a fundamental solution of the associate linear operator. The fundamental solutions for the operator of the equation (0.11 ) are constructed in [33] and the of the solutions of the Cauchy f(x,t), u(x,0) =ph0(x), ut(x,0) =ph1(x), (0.13) are given in the terms of the solutions of wave equation in Minkowski s pacetime. Then in [33] for n>=2 the following decay proven, provided that s>=0, 1< p<=2,1 p+1 q= 1,1 2(n+ 1. Moreover, this estimate is fulfilled for n= 1 and s= 0 as well as if ph0(x) = 0 and ph1(x) = 0. Case of n= 1, f(x,t) = 0, and non-vanishing ph1(x) andph1(x) also is discussed in Section 8 [33]. In the construction of the fundamental solutions for the operat or (0.9) we follow the approach proposed in [29] that allowsus to representthe fundamental solutions as som e integralof the family of the of the Cauchy problem for the wave equation without sour ce term. The kernel of that the Gauss's hypergeometric function. In that way, many properties of the wave equation can be extended to the hyperbolic equations with the time dependent spee d of propagation. That approach was successfully applied in [31, 32] by the first author to investigate the semilinear Tricomi-type equations. Thus, in the present paper we consider Klein-Gordon operator in de Sitter model of the universe, that is the reduced mass, xRn,tR. We look for the fundamental solution a support in the forward light cone and for the fundamental solution with a support in the backward light cone defined as <= (0.14) Infact, t=const < t for the point ( x0,t0), while the intersection of D+(x0,t0) with the hyperplane t=const > t 0is the so-called domain of influence of the point ( x0,t0). The equation (0.9) is non-invariant with respect to time 5inversion. Moreover, the dependence domain is wider than any given ball if time const > t 0is while the domain of influence is permanently, for all time const < t 0, in the ball of the radius et0. Define for t0Rin the domain the (0.15)
= the hypergeometric function (See, e.g. [2].). Let E(x,t;0,b) be function (0.15), and set E+(x,t;0,t0) inD+(0,t0), 0 inD-(0,t0), 0 elsewhere. Since function E=E(x,t;0,t0) is smooth in D+-(0,t0) and is locally integrable, it follows that E+(x,t;0, t0) andE-(x,t;0, t0) are distributions whose supports are in D+(0,t0) andD-(0,t0), respectively. The next theorem gives our first result. Theorem 0.1 Suppose that n= 1. The distributions the for the operator to the point (0,t0), that =d(x,t-t0). To motivate one construction for the higher dimensional case n>=2 we follow the approach suggested in [29] and represent fundamental solution E+(x,t;0,t0) as t > t 0, where the distribution Estring(x,t) is the fundamental solutionofthe stringe 0,Estring(x,0) = =1 2{d(x+t) +d(x-t)}. The integral makes sense in the topology of the space The fundamental solution E-(x,t;0,t0) fort < t0admits a similar appeal to the wave equation in Minkowski spacetime to obtain in th e next theorem very of the fundamental solutions of the higher dimen sional equation in de Sitter spacetime 0.2 IfxRn,n>=2, then for the operator fundamental a support in the forward cone suppE+,nD+(x0,t0), is given by the following integral (t > = the function Ew(x,t;b)is a fundamental solution to the Cauchy problem for the wave e 0,Ew(x,0) =d(x),Ew t(x,0) = 0. 6The fundamental solution E-,n(x,t;x0,t0) a support in the backward cone is given by the following integral (t < particular, the formula (0.16) shows that Huygens's Principle is no t valid for the waves propagating in de Sitter model of the universe. Fields satisfying a wave equation in de Sitter model of the universe can be accompanied by tailspropagating inside the light cone. This phenomenon will be discussed in the spirit of [28] in the forthcoming paper. Next we use Theorem 0.1 to solve the Cauchy problem for the one-dim ensional t > 0, xR, (0.18) with vanishing initial data, u(x,0) =ut(x,0) = 0. (0.19) Theorem 0.3 Assume that the function fis continuous along with its all second order derivatives, a nd that for every fixed tit has a compact support, supp f(*,t)R. Then the function u=u(x,t)defined by u(x,t) aC2-solution to the Cauchy problem for the equation (0.18) with vanishing initial data, (0.19). The representation of the solution of the Cauchy problem for the o ne-dimensional case ( n= 1) of the equation (0.9) without source term is given by the next theorem. Theorem 0.4 The solution u=u(x,t)of the Cauchy 0, u(x,0) =ph0(x), u t(x,0) =ph1(x), be represented as follows u(x,t) the kernels defined by K0(z,t) :=E(z,t;0,0)
= kernels K0(z,t) andK1(z,t) play leading roles in the derivation of Lp-Lqestimates. Their main properties are listed and proved in Section 8. Next we turn to the equation with n>=2. Theorem 0.5 Ifnis odd,n= 2m+1,mN, then the solution u=u(x,t)to the Cauchy u(x,0) = 0, ut(x,0) = 0, with the vanishing initial data is given by the next expre ssion u(x,t) = 1*3*...*(n-2). Constant on-1is the area of the unit sphere Sn-1Rn. Ifnis even,n= 2m,mN, then the solution u=u(x,t)is given by the next = :={|y| <=1}is the unit ball in Rn, whilec(n) 0= in both cases, of even and odd n, one can write u(x,t) = (0.24) where the function v(x,t;b) is a solution to the Cauchy problem for the wave equation vtt-^v= 0, v(x,0;b) =f(x,b), vt(x,0;b) = 0. The next theorem gives representation of the solutions of equatio n (0.9) with the initial data prescribed att= 0. Theorem 0.6 The solution u=u(x,t)to the Cauchy 0, u(x,0) =ph0(x), ut(x,0) =ph1(x), can be represented as follows: u(x,t) + xRn, t >0, (0.26) 8ph(t) := 1-e-t, by means of the kernels K0andK1have been defined in Theorem 0.4. Here for phC 0(Rn) and forxRn,n= for xRn,n= function with the value v(x,ph(t)s)of the solution v(x,t)of the Cauchy problem vtt-^v= 0, v(x,0) =ph(x), vt(x,0) = 0. As a consequence of the above theorems we obtain in Sections 9-10 forn>=2 and for the particles with large mass m,m>=n/2, that is, with nonnegative curved mass M>=0, the following that s>=0, 1< p<=2,1 p+1 q= 1,1 2(n+1. Theorem 7.1 the estimate (0.27) is valid for n= 1 and s= 0 as well as if ph0(x) = 0 and ph1(x) = 0. Case ofn= 1,f(x,t) = 0, and non-vanishing ph1(x) andph1(x) is discussed in Section 8. The case of particles with small mass m < n/2 will be discussed in the forthcoming paper. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 1 we construct the Riem ann function of the operator of (0.9) in the characteristic coordinates for the case of n= 1. That Riemann function used in Section 2 to prove Theorem 0.1. Then in Section 3 we apply the fundamental solut ions to solve the Cauchy problem with the source term and with the vanishing initial data given at t= 0. More precisely, we give a for the solutions. In that section we also prove several ba sic properties of the function E(x,t;y,b). In Sections 4-5 we use formulas of Section 3 to derive and to complet e the list of representation formulas for the solutions of the Cauchy problem for the case of one-dimensiona l spatial variable. The equation with the source term is considered in Section 6, where we de rive a representation formula for the solutions of the Cauchy problem with the source term and with the va nishing initial data given at t= 0. In the same section this formula is used to derive the fundamental solu tions of the operator and to complete the proof of Theorem 0.6. Then in Sections 7-10 we establish the Lp-Lqdecay estimates. Applications of all these results to the nonlinear equations will be done in the forthc oming paper. 1 The Riemann Function In the characteristic coordinates landm, l=x+e-t, m=x-e-t, (1.1) one the operator Sof the equation (0.18) particular, in the new variables the 0 0. We need the following lemma with g=1 2+iM. Lemma 1.1 The = the = 0. (1.3) Proof.We denote the argument of the hypergeometric function by z, and evaluate its we = = = = = coefficients of the derivatives of the hypergeometric function ,Fzz'',Fz', and ofFin the expression The coefficients of Fz'andFin the expression we turn to the equation (1.3). The coefficients of FandFz'in that equation first two terms in the brackets can be written as the last term can be transformed = 1-z. Thus, the coefficient of Fz'in the equation (1.3) the coefficient of Fzz''in the equation (1.3) the left-hand side of (1.3) 0, and vanishes, since Fsolves the Gauss hypergeometic equation with c= 1,a=g, andb=g. Lemma is proven. /square Lemma 1.2 ForgCsuch that well defined, the := ( (a-b)g-1 2(l-m)g-1 2 the = straightforward calculations 0. Lemma is proven. /square Consider now the is a formally adjoint to the the next lemma the Riemann function is 1.3 The = for all l,m,a,bR, such that l > m, is a unique solution of the equation S*
chR= 0, which satisfies the following the line the line = if we denote g=1 2+iM, then for the Riemann function we have R(l,m;a,b) = = operators SchandS*
chcan be written as direct calculations show that, if function usolves the equation Schu= 0, then the function v= (l-m)u solves the equation S*
chv= 0, and vice versa. Then Lemma 1.2 completes the proof. Lemma is pr oven./square 2 Proof of Theorem 0.1 Next we use Riemann function R(l,m;a,b) and function E(x,t;x0,t0) defined by (0.15) to complete the proof of Theorem 0.1, which gives the fundamental solution with a su pport in the forward cone and the fundamental solution with a support in the backward cone defined by (0.14) with plus and minus, respectively. We present a proof for E+(x,t;0,b) since for E-(x,t;0,b) it is similar. First, we note that the operator S is formally self-adjoint, S=S*. We must show that
<E+,Sph >=ph(0,b),for every is locally integrable in R2, this is equivalent to showing every phC 0(R2). (2.1) In the mean time D(x,t)/D(l,m) = (l-m)-1is the Jacobian of the transformation (1.1). Hence the integral in the left-hand side of (2.1) is equal consider the first term of the right hand side, and integrate it by for the second term we properties of the Riemann function we is proven. /square 3 Application to the Cauchy Problem: Source Term and n= 1 Consider now the Cauchy problem for the equation (0.18) with vanish ing initial data (0.19). For one has so that E(x,t;0,b) = (4 coefficient of the equation (0.9) is independent of x, therefore E+(x,t;y,b) =E+(x-y,t;0,b). Using the fundamental solution from Theorem 0.1 one can write the convo lution u(x,t) (3.1) which is well-defined since supp f {t>=0}. Then according to the definition of the distribution E+we obtain the statement of the Theorem 0.3. Thus, Theorem 0.3 is prov en. Remark 3.1 The argument of the hypergeometric function is nonnegative and allb(0,t), following corollary is a manifestation of the time-speed transfor mation principle introduced in [29]. It implies the existence of an operator transforming the solutions o f the Cauchy problem for the string equation to the solutions of the Cauchy problem for the inhomogene ous equation with time-dependent speed of propagation. One may think of this transformation as a two-st age Duhamel's principal, but unlike the last one, it reduces the equation with the time-dependent speed of propagation to the one with the speed of propagation independent of time. Corollary 3.2 The solution u=u(x,t)of the Cauchy problem (0.18)-(0.19) can be represented by (0 .24), where the functions v(x,t;t) :=1 2(f(x+t,t) form a one-parameter family of solutions to the Cauchy problem for the string equation, t hat is,vtt-vxx= 0,v(x,0;t) = 0. Proof.From the convolution (3.1) we derive u(x,t) is proven. /square Some Properties of the Function E (x,t;y,b). In this section we collect some elementary auxiliary formulas in order t o make the proofs of main theorems more 3.3 function defined by (0.15). One has E(x,t;y,b) =E(y,b;x,t), (3.2) E(x,t;y,b) =E(x-y,t;0,b), E(x,t;0,b) =E(-x,t;0,b), =1 21 e-t x+e-t, properties (3.2),(3.3), and (3.4) are evident. To prove (3.5) an d (3.6) we = implies both (3.5) and (3.6). To prove (3.7) we we = (4 is easily seen 0, according to (20) [2, Sec.2.8 v.1], we from (3.11) we proof of (3.8) is similar. To prove (3.9) we the other hand (3.12) and (3.13) (3.9) is proven. To prove (3.10) we appeal to (23)[2, v.1, Sec .2.8], that reads with a=b=1 2+iM, c= we plug the last relation in (3.13) and we have z z 0(1-z0) due to (20) [2, v.1, Sec.2.8], we formula (3.10) and, consequently, the proposition are proven . /square 4 The Cauchy Problem: Second Datum and n= 1 In this section we prove Theorem 0.4 in the case of ph0(x) = 0. More precisely, we have to prove that of the Cauchy problem (0.20) with ph0(x) = 0 and ph1(x) =ph(x) can be represented as follows u(x,t) = 1-e-t. The proof of the theorem is splitted into several 4.1 The solution u=u(x,t)of the Cauchy problem (0.20) with ph0(x) = 0andph1(x) =ph(x) can be represented as follows u(x,t) look for the solution u=u(x,t) of the form u(x,t) =w(x,t)+tph(x). Then (0.20) w(x,0) = 0, wt(x,0) = 0. We setf(x,t) and due to Theorem 0.3 obtain w(x,t) we integrate by and ph(1)(x-e-b+e-t) due to (3.3), and we more integration by parts leads =et/2 we use (3.6) of Proposition 3.3 to derive the next integration by parts in the second term leads +tph(x) application of (3.7) and (3.8) of Proposition 3.3 =- xE(x-y,t;0,b) for the function u(x,t) =w(x,t)+tph(x) we have (4.3) The proposition is proven. 4.2 The solution u=u(x,t)of the Cauchy problem (0.20) with ph0(x) = 0andph1(x) =ph(x)can be represented as well as by (4.1), where K1(z,t) (4.5) Proof of Corollary. By means of the statement (4.2) of Proposition 4.1 and (3.3) we obta in u(x,t) prove (4.1) with K1(z,t) defined by (4.5) we apply (3.3) and write u(x,t) we make change andb=-ln(z+e-t) in the the last integral we change the order of obtain (4.1), where K1(z,t) is defined by (4.5). Corollary is proven. /square Proof of Theorem 0.4 with ph0= 0.The next lemma completes the proof of Theorem 0.4. Lemma 4.3 The kernel K1(z,t)defined by (4.5) coincides with one given in Theorem 0.4. Proof.We have due to Lemma 1.2, (3.3), and by integration by the other hand, (3.4) and (3.9) of Proposition 3.3 for the kernel K1(z,t) defined by (4.5) we have K1(z,t) last line coincides with K1(z,t) of Theorem 0.4. Lemma is proven. /square 5 The Cauchy Problem: First Datum and n= 1 In this section we prove Theorem 0.4 in the case of ph1(x) = 0. Thus, we have to prove the by Theorem 0.4 for the solution u=u(x,t) of the Cauchy problem (0.20) with ph1(x) = 0, that is equivalent to u(x,t) = 1-e-t. The proof of this case consists of the several 5.1 The solution u=u(x,t)of the Cauchy problem (0.20) can be represented as follows u(x,t) setu(x,t) =w(x,t)+ph0(x), w(x,0) = 0, w t(x,0) = 0. Next we plug f(x,t) in the formula given by Theorem 0.3 and obtain w(x,t) (5.2) where we have we integrate by parts and apply the other and more integration by parts leads +ph0(x) =1 2et 2have been used. Next we apply (3.5) of Proposition 3.3 and an integration by parts to +ph0(x) have due to (3.7) and (3.8) of Proposition the last equation together with (5.2) proves the desired repr esentation. Proposition is proven. of the proof of Theorem 0.4. We make change and b=-ln(z+et) in the second term of the representation given by the previous pr we apply (3.3) to the last term of that representation, and th en we change the order of the other hand, since the function E(z,t;0,b) solves Klein-Gordon equation, the last integral is equal of (3.9) and (3.10) completes the proof. Theorem 0.4 is pr oven. /square 6 n-Dimensional Case, n>=2 Proof of Theorem 0.5 . Let us consider the case of xRn, wheren= 2m+1,mN. First for the given function u=u(x,t) we define the spherical means of uabout point x: Iu(x,r,t) the area of the unit sphere Sn-1Rn. Then we define an operator ohm rby ohmr(u)(x,t) can show that there are constants c(n) j,j= 0,...,m-1, where n= 2m+1, with c(n) 0= can recover the functions according to u(x,t) = lim r-0Iu(x,r,t) = (6.1) u(x,0) = ut(x,0) = (6.2) It is well known that xohmrh=2 r2ohmrhfor every function hC2(Rn). Therefore we arrive at the following mixed problem for the function v(x,r,t) := ohm =F(x,r,t) for all t>=0, r>=0, xRn, v(x,0,t) = 0 for all t>=0, xRn, v(x,r,0) = 0, vt(x,r,0) = 0 for all r>=0, xRn, F(x,r,t) := ohm r(f)(x,t), F(x,0,t) = 0,for allxRn. It must be noted here that the spherical mean Iudefined for r >0 has an extension as even function for r <0 and hence ohm r(u) has a natural extension as an odd function. That allows replacing t he mixed problem 24with the Cauchy problem. Namely, let functions the continuations of the functions if r>=0 -v(x,-r,t), if if r>=0 -F(x,-r,t), if the Cauchy for all t>=0, rR, = = 0 for all rR, xRn. Hence, according to Theorem 0.3, one has the = lim we consider the case of r < tin the above representation to obtain: u(x,t) by definition of the function /tildewideF, we replace lim the last formula. The definitions of F(x,r,t) and of the operator ohm ryield: u(x,t) 2m+1,mN. Thus, the solution to the Cauchy problem is given by (0.22). We emplo y the method of descent to complete the proof for the case of even n,n= 2m,mN. Theorem 0.5 is of (0.16) and (0.17). We setf(x,b) =d(x)d(t-t0) in (0.22) and (0.23), and we obtain (0.16) and (0.17), where if nis odd, then Ew(x,t) for neven we have Ew(x,t) the characteristic function of the ball Bt(x) :={xRn;|x| <=t}. Constant on-1is the area of the unit sphere Sn-1Rn. The distribution d(|x|-t) is defined by < of Theorem 0.6 . First we consider case of ph0(x) = 0. More precisely, we have to prove that the solution u(x,t) of the Cauchy problem (0.25) with ph0(x) = 0 can be represented by (0.26) with ph0(x) = 0. The next lemma will be used in both cases. 25Lemma 6.1 Consider the mixed 0 for all t>=0, r>=0, v(r,0) =t0(r), vt(r,0) =t1(r) for all r>=0, v(0,t) = 0 for all t>=0, and denote by continuations of the functions t0(r)andt1(r)for negative ras =-t1(r)for allr>=0, respectively. Then solution v(r,t)to the mixed problem is given by the restriction of (4.1) to r>=0: v(r,t) =1 2et 2/bracketleftBig
+/integraldisplay1 0/bracketleftbig
/tildewidet0(r-ph(t)s)+/tildewidet0(r+ph(t)s)/bracketrightbig K0(ph(t)s,t)ph(t)ds
+/integraldisplay1 0/bracketleftBig
/tildewidet1/parenleftBig r+ph(t)s/parenrightBig
+/tildewidet1/parenleftBig r-ph(t)s/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig K1(ph(t)s,t)ph(t)ds, where defined in Theorem 0.4 and ph(t) = lemma is a direct consequence of Theorem 0.4. /square Now let us consider the case of xRn, wheren= 2m+1. First for the given function u=u(x,t) we define the spherical means of uabout point x. One can recover the functions by means of (6.1), (6.2), and phi(x) = lim r-0Iphi(x,r) = i= 0,1. Then we arrive at the following mixed = 0 for all t>=0, r>=0, xRn, v(x,0,t) = 0 for all t>=0, xRn, v(x,r,0) = 0, vt(x,r,0) = Ph 1(x,r) for all r>=0, xRn, with the unknown function v(x,r,t) := ohm r(u)(x,r,t), where Phi(x,r) := ohm r(phi)(x) (6.3) Phi(x,0) = 0, i= 0,1,for allxRn. (6.4) Then, according to Lemma 6.1 and to u(x,t) = lim we obtain: u(x,t) last limit is equal Theorem 0.6 in the case of ph0(x) = 0 is proven. Now we turn to the case of ph1(x) = 0. Thus, we arrive at the following mixed = 0 for all t>=0, r>=0, xRn, v(x,r,0) = Ph 0(x,r), vt(x,r,0) = 0 for all r>=0, xRn, v(x,0,t) = 0 for all t>=0, xRn, 26with the unknown function v(x,r,t) := ohm r(u)(x,r,t) defined by (6.3), (6.4). Then, according to Lemma 6.1 and tou(x,t) = lim we obtain: u(x,t) =1 c(n) 0et 2lim r-01 2r/bracketleftBig
+2 c(n) 0/integraldisplay1 0lim r-01 2r/bracketleftbig/tildewidePh0(x,r-ph(t)s)+/tildewidePh0(x,r+ph(t)s)/bracketrightbig K0(ph(t)s,t)ph(t)ds,
=1 c(n) 0et 2/parenleftbigg rPh0(x,r)/parenrightbigg r=ph(t)+2 c(n) 0/integraldisplay1 0/parenleftbigg rPh0(x,r)/parenrightbigg r=ph(t)sK0(ph(t)s,t)ph(t)ds
+ 0.6 is proven. for the Solutions of n= 1 Consider now the Cauchy problem for the equation (0.18) with the so urce term and with vanishing initial data (0.19). In this and next sections we restrict ourselves to the particles with large mass m>=n/2, that is, with nonnegative curved mass M>=0, to make presentation more transparent. The case of m < n/2 will be discussed in the forthcoming paper. Theorem 7.1 For every function fC2(Rx[0,))such that f(*,t)C 0(Rx)the solution u=u(x,t)of the Cauchy problem (0.18), (0.19) satisfies allt >0, where1< p < <2,1 r+1 r'= 1. Proof.Using the fundamental solution from Theorem 0.1 one can write the c to Young's inequality we 1< p < 1,ph(t) = 1-e-t. The integral in parentheses can be transformed as the other hand, due to integral representation for the hyper geometric function (1)[2, v.1, Sec.2.12] for z[0,1) one 7.2 [33]For allz >1the following fulfilled, provided that 1< p < 1. In particular, if r <2, of the proof of Theorem 7.1. Thus for r <2 andz=et-bwe last inequality implies the estimate of the statement of theorem. Theorem 7.1 is proven. 7.3 The solution u=u(x,t)of the Cauchy 0, u(x,0) =ph0(x), u t(x,0) the following all we consider the equation without source term but with the sec ond datum that is the case of ph0= 0. Forthe subindex of ph1. Then we apply the Theorem0.4 for the solution u=u(x,t) of the Cauchy problem with ph0= 0, and obtain u(x,t) the kernel K1(z,t) is defined in Theorem 0.4. Hence, we arrive at estimate the last integral we denote it by I1, I1(z) with z=et>1 due to (7.1) we (7.3) Then, according to Lemma 7.2 (the case of r= 1) we have for that integral the following (7.4) 28Finally, (7.3) and (7.4) imply the Lq-Lqestimate (7.2) for the case of ph0= 0. Next we consider the equation without source but with the first dat um, that is, the case of ph1= 0. We apply the representation given by Theorem 0.4 for the solution u=u(x,t) of the Cauchy problem with ph1= 0, and obtain u(x,t) the kernel K0(r,t) is defined in Theorem 0.4. Then we easily obtain the following two estima the following lemma completes the proof of 7.4 The kernel K0(r,t)has an integrable singularity at r=et-1, more precisely, one the integral we allz:=et>1. We divide the domain of integration into two zones, Z1(e,z) (7.5) Z2(e,z) (7.6) and split the integral into conformable two the first zone we use the last formulas to estimate the term containing the hyperg eometric (7.9) Hence, we have to consider the following three integrals, which can b e easily evaluated and allz[1,). Finally, for the integral over the first zone we have allz[1,). In the second zone we (7.10) According to the formula 15.3.10 of [2, Ch.15] the hypergeometric fu nctions obey the allows to estimate the integral over the second allz[1,). Indeed, for the argument of the hypergeometric functions we all ( (7.14) To prove (7.12) we estimate the following the lemma is proven. for Equation with n= 1and without Source Term. Some Estimates of Kernels K0andK1 Theorem 8.1 Letu=u(x,t)be a solution of the Cauchy 0, u(x,0) =ph0(x), u t(x,0) Ifr(1,2), allt(0,). Here1< p < 1. Ifr= 1, (8.1) for 1 we just apply Proposition 7.3. To prove this theorem for r >1 we need some for the kernels K0andK1. We start with the case of ph0= 0, where the kernel K1appears. The application of Theorem 0.4 and Young's inequality lead 1< p < 1. Now we have to estimate the last 8.2 We all t(0,). Proof.One can and consider the the right-hand side. Then we apply Lemma 7.2 and is proven. /square Thus, the theorem in the case of ph0= 0 is proven. Now we turn to the case of ph1= 0, where the kernel K0appears. The application of Theorem 0.4 leads to the case of the second datum we arrive next proposition gives an estimate for the integral of the last in 8.3 Let1< p < 1, andr[1,2). We turn to the integral ( formulas (7.7) and (7.8) describe the behavior of the hypergeo metric functions in the neighbourhood of zero. Consider therefore two zones, Z1(e,z) andZ2(e,z), defined in (7.5) and (7.6), respectively. We split integral into two the proof of Lemma 7.4 the relation (7.9) was checked in the first z one. If 1 <=z<=Nwith some constant N, then the argument of the hypergeometric functions is for all r(0,z-1), (8.2) and we obtain with we can restrict ourselves to the case of large z>=Nin both zones. Consider therefore for r(1,2) the following integrals over the first according to (15.3.6) of Ch.15[1] and [2], F(a,b;c;z) p. We use (8.3) obtain for r <2 and large z>=Nthe following estimate for the hypergeometric the next term we obtain a similar the second zone Z2(e,z) for the argument of the hypergeometric functions we have (7.10 ), (7.13), and (7.14). We have to estimate the following apply (7.10) and (8.4) to allz>=N . Proposition is proven. for the Equation with Source, n>=2 For the wave equation the Duhamel's principle allows to reduce the cas e of source term to the case of the Cauchy problem without source term and consequently to deriv e theLp-Lq-decay estimates for the equation. For (0.9) the Duhamel's principle is not applicable straightfo rward and we have to appeal to formula of Theorem 0.5. In fact, one can regard t hat formula as an expansion of the principle. In this section we consider the Cauchy problem (0 .21) for the equation with the source term with zero initial data. Theorem 9.1 Letu=u(x,t)be solution of the Cauchy problem (0.21). Then for n >1one has the following decay that s>=0,1< p<=2,1 p+1 q= 1,1 2(n+1. Proof. In both cases, of even and odd n, one can write the representation (0.24). Due to the results of [5, 23] for the wave equation, we theorem is proven. /square 34We are going to transform the estimate of the last theorem to more cosy form. To this aim we last integralof the righthand side. Ifwe replace e-b/e-t>1 the integral will be 9.2 [33,Lemma 9.2]Assume that allz >1. Corollary 9.3 Letu=u(x,t)be solution of the Cauchy problem (0.21). Then for n>=2one has the following decay that s>=0,1< p<=2,1 p+1 q= 1,1 2(n+1. Proof.Indeed, we apply Lemma 9.2 with z=et-bto the right-hand side of the estimate given by Theo- rem 9.1 is proven. for Equation without Source, estimates for the energy of the solution of the Cauchy pro blem for the wave equation without (See, e.g., [25, Theorem 2.1].) There is also a proof of the Lp-Lq-decay estimates that is based on the microlocal consideration and dyadic decomposition of the pha se space. (See, e.g., [5, 23].) To avoid the derivative loss and obtain more sharp estimates we appeal to th e representation formula provided by Theorem 0.6. Theorem 10.1 The solution u=u(x,t)of the Cauchy problem (0.25) satisfies the following allt(0,), provided that s>=0,1< p<=2,1 p+1 q= 1,1 2(n+1. 35Proof.We start with the case of ph0= 0. Due to Theorem 0.6 for the solution u=u(x,t) of the Cauchy problem (0.25) with ph0= 0 and to the results of [5, 23] we continue we apply Lemma 9.2 and in the case of ph0= 0 the theorem is proven. Next we turn to the case of ph1= 0. Due to Theorem 0.6 for the solution u=u(x,t) of the Cauchy problem (0.25) with ph1= 0 and to the results of [5, 23] we can estimate the last following proposition gives the remaining estimate for that integr al and completes the proof of 10.2 allz >1. Proof.We follow the arguments have been used in the proof of Proposition 8 .3. If 1<=z<=Nwith some constant N, then the argument of the hypergeometric functions is bounded ( 8.2), and the integral can be estimated allz[1,N]. Thus, we can restrict ourselves to the case of large z>=Min both zones Z1(e,z) andZ2(e,z), defined in (7.5) and (7.6), respectively. In the first zone we have (7.9). Cons ider therefore the following allz[N,). For 0>=a >-1 andz>=Nthe following integral can be easily allz[1,). 37In the second zone we use (7.10), (7.11), and (7.14). Thus, we hav e to estimate the next two apply (7.10) to A11and allz[1,), for all is proven. /square To complete the proof of the theorem we is proven. Abramowitz, M., Stegun, I.A.: Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs, and National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series, 55, Washington, DC, 1964 [2] Bateman, H., Erdelyi, A.: Higher Transcendental Functions . v.1,2, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953. [3] Birrell, N. 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Spacetime | null | Comm. Math. Phys., 285 (2009), 293-344. | 10.1007/s00220-008-0649-4 | null | math.AP math-ph math.MP | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | In this article we construct the fundamental solutions for the Klein-Gordon
equation in de Sitter spacetime. We use these fundamental solutions to
represent solutions of the Cauchy problem and to prove $L^p-L^q$ estimates for
the solutions of the equation with and without a source term.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 20 Mar 2008 20:20:23 GMT"
] | 2009-11-13T00:00:00 | [
] |
Residual term Moreover, it seems, there will be another factor that has not bee n considered in the Appearance of the bus at stop 1 is a sort of a per iodic event (stochastic process). Hence, in the uniform distribution case, there will be significant depe ndence of the waiting time on the moment the bus passes us by while we are en route to the second bus stop. This term would come out to be (under the assumption of uniform is the expected time that he has to wait additionally if the bus happ ens to pass him at while he was on his way. In case of uniform distribution we know that one bu s is expected from [0 ,tb] and the next from [ tb,2tb]. The 1stterm is the 'dead' time for which the next bus is not expected and the 2ndterm is the time that he spends walking to the bus stop, which is subtr acted from the case,then choose to wait for the bus as it will necessarily pass him before he gets to his is just for the simple case of uniform distribution, and the result for the general distribution can also be worked out using similar these changes will not make a difference to the validit y of the have to thank Utkarsh Upadhyay for his helpful comments and ba J.G. Chen, S.D. Kominers, and R.W. Sinnott. Walk versus wait: The la zy mathematician wins. arXiv.org Mathematics , January 2008. | 0803.3106 | Ramnik Arora Mr. | Ramnik Arora | A Note on Walk versus Wait: Lazy Mathematician Wins | 2 pages | null | null | null | math.HO | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | Points out the errors in the paper "J.G. Chen, S.D. Kominers, and R.W.
Sinnott. Walk versus wait: The lazy mathematician wins. arXiv.org Mathematics
2008. arXiv:0801.0297"
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 21 Mar 2008 04:53:58 GMT"
] | 2008-03-24T00:00:00 | [
] |
ABSTRACT In quantum a known as quantum has been considered as a powerful method. In this the sis, we give a computa- tional geometric interpretation to the geometric structure of a q uantum system. Especially we introduce the concept of the Voronoi diagram and the smallest e nclosing ball problem to the space of quantum states. With those tools in computational geometry, we analyze the adjacency structure of a point set in the quantum state spac e. Additionally, as an application, we show an effective method to compute the capacity of a quantum channel. In the first part of this thesis, we show some coincidences of Voron oi diagrams in a quantum state space with respect to some distances. That helps u s to reinterpret the structure of the space of quantum pure states as a subspace of the whole space. More properly, we investigate the Voronoi diagramswith respect to the divergence, Bures distance, geodesic distance and Euclidean distanc e. For one qubit (or two level) states, the whole space is expressed as the Bloch ball. In the Bloch ball, we analyze the coincidence of the Voronoi diagrams in two 1)the diagram in pure states when Voronoi sites are tak en as pure states and 2)the diagram in mixed states when sites are taken as pure states. We show that in both cases, all the diagrams coincide. This clear result is because of the s ymmetry specific for one qubit states. For three or higher level systems, we investigate the diagrams in pu re states. The nat- ural embedding of the quantum state space into a Euclidean space is no longer symmetric as in one qubit case. Consequently the coincidence of the Euclidean V oronoi diagram and the diagram does not hold in a higher level s ystem. However the coincidence of the divergence-, Fubini-Study- and Bures-Vorono i diagrams still holds. In the second part, we proposeamethod to compute a capacityof a quantum communi- cation channel and show the result of the actual computation. We show that our method is sufficiently effective not only for one qubit states but for three leve l states. It is a of the theoretical result shown in the first part; the th eorems in the first part guarantee the correctness of the algorithm used in the second pa rt. The algorithm uses Welzl's algorithm to compute a smallest enclosing ball. Although the origin al by Welzl is only for the Euclidean space, we show that the same method is useful for non-Euclidean space. We also implement the algorithm and experiment it to prove it is of all, my Ph.D work is totally financially supported by Nihon Unisys, Ltd., which I belong to as an employee. I am very grateful to th e company for providing me such an opportunity. I am also grateful to my adv iser Hiroshi Imai for his advice and continuous support, and above all, for acc epting me as a new member of his lab. I thank coauthors of the papers which consists most of this di ssertation. In particular, the very start of my research project is the disc ussion with Mayumi Oto. I owe her very much. I am also grateful to Keiko Imai and Ji ro Nishitoba, who are also coauthors of the with my colleagues and related researchers are of course, essential to progress my work. Although I cannot list up all of them, an i ncomplete list includes Fran, cois Le Gall, Jun Hasegawa, Masahito Hayashi , Tsuyosi Ito, Masaki Owari, Toshiyuki Shimono. I am grateful to them for their adv ice and am also thankful to Kokichi Sugihara, who advised me about fi gural presen- tation of some Voronoi diagrams; and Hidetoshi Muta, who pro vided some figures of Voronoi diagrams. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family. I am specia lly thankful to my wife, Masumi Kato who supported my decision to go back to th e university, and also grateful to my two daughters; Koko and Koto, who supp orted me by just being there.Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Computational geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.1 Voronoi diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.2 Generalized Voronoi diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1.3 Voronoi diagrams in classical and quantum informatio n . . . 6 1.1.4 Smallest enclosing ball problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2 Quantum information theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.2.1 Quantum computation and quantum information . . . . . . . 8 1.2.2 Power of entanglement and additivity conjecture . . . . . . . 10 1.2.3 Numerical estimation of a quantum channel . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.3 Contribution of this dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.4 Organization of this dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2 Computational Geometry 19 2.1 Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.2 Computation of Voronoi diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 2.3 Smallest enclosing ball problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3 Quantum Infomation Theory 27 3.1 Quantum states and their parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.2 Distances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.3 Divergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.4 Quantum channel and its capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 3.5 Calculation of Holevo capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 i3.6 Entanglement and additivity problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4 Voronoi diagrams for one-qubit quantum states and Its Applica- tion 37 4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4.2 Voronoi diagrams in a quantum state space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 4.3 Primal and dual Voronoi diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9 4.4 Voronoi diagrams for one-qubit pure states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 4.5 Voronoi diagrams for one-qubit mixed states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 4.6 Meaning of the result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 4.7 Summary of this chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 5 Voronoi diagrams for 3 or higher level quantum states 58 5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 5.2 Primal and dual Voronoi diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 5.3 Euclidean Voronoi Diagram and divergence Voronoi diagr am . . . . 65 5.4 Other Parameterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5.5 Bures distance and Fubini-Study Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 5.6 Expected applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 5.7 Summary of this chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 6 Numerical Computation and Experiment 83 6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 6.2 Smallest enclosing ball problem in a quantum state space . . . . . . 84 6.3 Algorithm for numerical computation of the Holevo capac ity . . . . 86 6.4 Numerical experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 6.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 6.6 Summary of this chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 7 Conclusion 95 7.1 Coincidences of Voronoi diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 7.2 Numerical computation of Holevo capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 References 98 iiList of Figures 1.1 An example of Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulatio n . . . . . 3 1.2 An example of degenerate Voronoi diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 An example of weighted Voronoi diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.4 An example of an angular Voronoi diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.5 An example of a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.6 An explanation of the setting for the Holevo capacity . . . . . . . . . 14 1.7 A description of a part of our contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.1 An explanation of the incremental algorithm to draw a Vor onoi di- agram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2.2 An exapmle of a Euclidean Voronoi diagram determined by a lower envelope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.1 An explanation of pureness, mixedness, and faithfulnes s . . . . . . . 29 5.1 An example of a Voronoi diagram obtained from a lower-env elope of tangent planes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 5.2 An explanation for a geometric meaning of the divergence . . . . . . 66 5.3 An example of a diagram which appears as a section of a Voro noi diagram in three level quantum state space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 6.1 Conceptual explanation of Osawa-Nagaoka's algorithm a nd our al- gorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 6.2 Result of numerical computation for various . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 iiiList of Tables 4.1 complexities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 6.1 Result of numerical computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 ivChapter chapter, we explain thebackground for ourresearch a ndthesummaryof Our contribution has mainly two aspects: com putational geometry and quantum information theory. In computational geometry, our contribution is shortly des cribed as introduc- tion of another Voronoi diagram with a distortion measure an d an algorithm to solve the smallest enclosing ball problem in that measure. In quantum information theory, we contribute to re-interpr et the structure of a quantum state space to some extent, and proposed a practica l algorithm to compute the capacity of a quantum channel. We explain summarized background for topics related to our c ontribution. one and the other is about quantum information theory. Then, we explain the outline of the contribution of this dissertation, and sh ow how this dissertation is organized. 1.1 Computational geometry 1.1.1 Voronoi diagrams Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations have had an im portant role in com- putational geometry. Voronoi diagrams are not only useful f or such applications as numerical calculation and visualization, but also usefu l for theoretical of a geometric Voronoi diagrams are used in many fields such as geophysics, me- teorology, astrology, geometric information system, city planning, and so on. Ad- ditionally, nowadays one of the most important application s of Voronoi diagrams is computer vision. In particular, because of the recent rap id development of es, Voronoi diagrams are getting more and more important. Other practical exampl es of applications are explained in [87]. A Voronoi diagram is a division of a space. The applications l isted above all deal with a geometric space and need to divide it so that it can be computed in reasonable time. The essence of Voronoi diagrams can be expl ained as follows. Suppose that some points (which we call sites) are given and you want to divide the space into some regions so that each region expresses dom inance of a point. If for any point in a region, the nearest site is the site inclu ded in the region in problem, then the division is called a Voronoi diagram. A Del aunay triangulation is a dual of a Voronoi diagram; for any two sites, draw a line be tween them if there is a Voronoi edge between them, and you obtain a Delaunay tria ngulation. Fig. 1.1 shows a example of Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulati on. As Voronoi diagrams used in the wider area, the more complica ted diagrams with many Voronoi cells became needed and consequently, the robustness of the computation became emphasized. Actually, the general real world problems which needs Voronoi diagrams are badly positioned so that the resu lting diagrams Degeneracy of Voronoi diagrams happens when the sites are cocir- cular. The evilness of degeneracy lies on the weakness for pe rturbation; only slight move of a site will change the topological position (See Fig. 1.2). In calculation in a computer where numbers are not expressed rigidly, this k ind of evilness may cause inconsistent situation such as A point is geometrica lly in a certain area, out of the area. One off the researches to over come this problem is by Sugihara and Iri [112, 113]. They achieved the robustness by focusing only on topologies and ignoring the geometries when computing abou t the relative position of edges. Thanks to those researches about the robustness of actual computation, now Voronoi diagram with billions of sites is shown to be comp uted. Isenburg et 2Figure 1.1: An example of Voronoi diagram and Delaunay trian gulation: Solid lines are a Voronoi diagram, and dotted lines are a Delaunay t riangulation al. [58] showed an algorithm to calculate a tessellation of t errain data with a billion of triangles using some heuristics. The significant application which emerged recently is fine ar t. Fritzsche et al. [36] proposed a algorithm to synthesize an authentic loo k mosaic structure from a picture. Sugihara [111] synthesize a artistic pattern. Si nce there is often a behind a beauty in the nature, he proposed an algor ithm to create a nature-like shape by combining Voronoi diagrams with fract al. 1.1.2 Generalized Voronoi diagram In the original normal Voronoi diagrams, the sites are giv en as points and Eu- clidean distance is used to decide the dominance of each regi on. The Voronoi diagrams mainly goes into two ways: a) define a site as a set of point instead of one point, or b) use a general distance instead of t he Euclidean distance. In the direction to consider a general site, Voronoi diagram s for line segments 3Figure 1.2: An example of degenerate Voronoi diagram: Sites are in a and Voronoi edges meet at one point. were intensively researched from the late 70's, by Drysdale and Lee [29], Drys- dale [28], Kirkpatrick [72], Lee and Drysdale [73], Imai et a l. [57], Sharir [106], Fortune [35], Yap [124], Clarkson and Shor [20], Goodrich et al. [38], Burnikel et al. [17], Rajasekaran and Ramaswami [98, 99], and Deng and Zh u [25]. The rather recent ones are Voronoi diagrams for circles or balls. Conce rning the Voronoi di- agrams whose sites are given as circles, Kim et al. [64, 65] pr oposed a algorithm which is robust even for the degenerating case. Here, note that when we say distance in the context of Voron oi diagrams, it does not necessarily satisfy the axioms of a distance. In thi s dissertation, we use the word measure, or in a confusing con text. Another direction is to use a general distance in a general sp ace. One of the simplest in this direction is Voronoi diagrams for the weigh ted distance [87]. It means that each site has a weight and the distance is measured according to the weight. Ifwiis the weight for the site si, then the multiplicatively weighted dis- tance to the point xis defined as dweighted(si,x) =|x-si|/wi. Fig. 1.3 shows an example of multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagrams. The Voronoi edges 1.3: An example of weighted Voronoi diagram: Each num ber assosiated to the sites means its weight a multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram becomes a part of a circle, so circle butitsti Using more general distance, more distorted or so metimes diagrams can be obtained. For example, Onishi and It oh Voronoi diagram [91]. In classical information theory, Onishi and Imai [89, 90] and Nielsen et al. [80] are for divergences. The detail of diagrams are explained in the next section. The combination of the two directions described above can al so be the way to decide the polygon mesh used in compu ter vision, Asano introduced an aspect-ratio Voronoi diagram and analyzed it s computational com- plexity [6], and Asano et al. also introduced an angular Voro noi diagram [7]. In those diagrams, Voronoi sites are given as line segments and the distance is given as a visual angle or the aspect ratio of the triangle composed by a point and a line segment respectively. In both cases, the Voronoi edges are c urves of degree three and theregions can becomplicated; the region dominated by t hesame linesegment can separated by points. Fig. 1.4 shows the example of angula r Voronoi diagrams. Asano et al. also generalized those Voronoi diagrams to obta in an abstract notation of Voronoi diagrams and analyzed the characteristics of tho se diagrams [8]. When we think about actual computation of those generalized 1.4: An example of an angular Voronoi diagram (drawn b y H. Muta): Although it can be drawn in two dimensional space, its measur e is distorted and the Voronoi edges are generally cubic curves Voronoi diagrams, the arising problem is how we can achieve i ts robustness. y ofVoronoi diagrams from the viewpoint of the computational robustness [79]. Th e main discussion in the paper is about the conditions to make the number of crossi ng points of Voronoi edges jump with perturbation. It is only about angular Voron oi diagrams, but the concept of degeneracy in the paper is also applicable to gene ral Voronoi there is only few attempt to actually compute the di agrams are still other Voronoi diagrams with some strange m easure spaces. In the book by Okabe et al. [87], many of them are introduced with analysis about their computational Voronoi diagrams in classical and quantum theory is considered to have been founded by Sha nnon [105]. He showed the bound for the capacity of a channel by coding the so urce message of the channel. Its coding strategy is decided by the probabi listic distribution of the source message. Thus, information theory is mainly ba sed on and statistics. The most important quantities used i n this field are entropy, 6and Kullback Leibler divergence ( orrelative entroby). Kullback-Leibler divergence is defined as some kind of distance of two probabilistic dis tribution. Hence, geometry in information space can be considered but its stru cture is very distorted and far from intuition. Kullback-Leibler divergence does n ot satisfy the axioms of distance (so it is not a distance in a rigid sense); for exampl e it does not satisfy the law of triangle inequity, or is not commutative either. H owever, its distorted and strange properties give a rich field of a research for comp utational geometry. A computational geometric analysis was done by Onishi and Im ai [89, 90], On- ishi [88], and Sadakane et al. [101]. A Voronoi diagram and De launay defined with respect to the Kullback-Leibler divergence , and are shown to be the extensions of the Euclidean counterparts. The Voronoi d iagram is computed from an associated potential function instead of a parabolo id which is used in a Euclidean Voronoi diagram. In the same line, Nielsen et al. [80] showed some properties o f Voronoi diagram with respect to Bregman divergence, which is generalizatio n of Using the Voronoi diagram, Nielsen et al. [81] a lso showed that tosolve thesmallest enclosing ball problemis al so applicableto extend the Voronoi diagram in classical information to th e quantum world. In theory, there is a natural extension of and it is called a quantum divergence. We introd uce a Voronoi diagram with respect to the quantum divergence, and analyze its stru cture. Additionally we consider other diagrams with respect to some distances. C omparing the dia- grams, we can compare the structures of some distance spaces and problem concerning a certain distance can be replaced b y another problem of another distance. 1.1.4 Smallest enclosing ball problem The smallest enclosing ball is namely a problem to compute th e smallest ball which contains given points. It has variety of applications; coll ision detection, automated manufacturing, and so on. It is a geomet ric problem but has 7some aspect of combinatorial first theoretically effective algorithm was given by Megid do [77]. In spite of its astonishing idea of , Megiddo's algorithm was impracti- cal because there is a big constant hidden behind a big-O nota tion. Welzl [121] gave the first practical algorithm based on Seidel's randomi zed linear [104]. In these algorithms, however, the complex ity is the exponential of the dimension. Eventually MatouV sek et al. [75] discover ed subexponential time algorithm. Themost efficient algorithm known so far is Fische r and G artner's algo- rithm [34]. They gave an algorithm. Fischer also implemented a program to compute the smallest enclosing ball problem as a part of CGAL [19]. Nishitoba et al. [83] connected this line of the research to t he computation of the Holevo capacity in quantum information theory. He als o shed light on combinatorial aspect ofthisproblem. Thisdirection isfol lowed by Nishitoba[82] to analyze the combinatorial structure. Although Hayashi et a l. had already showed the method using the smallest enclosing ball problem, they fi rst mentioned the necessity of the fast algorithm with respect to the dimensio n to extend the existing method to the higher level system. Actually the dimension of the space when we think of the smallest enclosing ball problem is d2-1 ford-level system; this grows too rapidly from the viewpoint of practical computation. 1.2 Quantum information theory 1.2.1 Quantum computation and quantum [33] is considered to be one of the earliest to show an idea to apply quan- tum mechanics to computation. His idea comes from the fact th at in huge amount of computation is needed to compute t he behavior of par- ticles; he considered that particles which behave accordin g to the law of can be used to compute a quantum behavior itself. Deutsch [26] is the first to show this idea is really useful in s ome problem. He showed a problem which can be solved by a quantum computer e than a classical computer. Although the problem prop osed by him is and it is only to show the computational gap betwee n a classical meaningasafirste of superposition of quantum states in computation. Th e original by Deutsch is only for one bit but it was shown to be ex tended ton-bit by Deutsch and Jozsa [27], and Cleve et al. [21] gave another i mprovement . One of the greatest works in quantum computation was by Shor [ 110]. He showed that using a quantum computer, factoring of integer a nd discrete loga- rithms can be solved in a polynomial time. It is the first examp le in which quan- tum computer is exponentially faster than classical comput er. It was the difficulty of factoring is a guarantee for the secu rity of the existing public key famous algorithm for quantum computer is database s earch algorithm by Grover [39]. His algorithm is quadratically faster than c lassical one. His orig- inal algorithm is improved and generalized by Grover himsel f [41, 40] and Biham et al. [13]. Another algorithm is about integration. Abrams and Williams [1] showed an algorithm for integration. An alysis on some classes of functions is done by Novak [84] and Heinrich [49]. For quan tum algorithms for numerical integration, surveys are written by Heinrich [48 , 50]. Miyake and Wadati [78] showed that the Fubini-Study distanc e in a quantum state space has a special meaning for quantum search algorit hm. In the of Grover algorithm, a quantum state follows a path w hich is geodesic in the Fubini-Study information theory has been considered as a primiti ve backbone for the quantum computation. The typical theme of quantum infor mation is What can be possible using a quantum channel? Its difficulty is bas ed on the of the measuring of quantum states. Even for the tw o completely same quantum states, the resultof the measurement may bedifferent and may Consequently, the typical objective o f quantum information the- ory is to distinguish some different quantum states by measuri ng. For quantum information theory, the invention of the quantu m is an important epoch-making event; it became a trigger to make active the research in that field although it was not the very start of qua ntum From the practical point of view, quantum cryptosys tem is believed to be inthereal world. Tajimaetal. [114 toward realization of quantum cryptosystem wit h a realistic some venture companies, such as MagiQ Techno logies [74] and id Quantique [56], are emerging in this field. Some aspect of quantum information theory is to investigate a kind of dis- tance between two different quantum states. Depending on the s ituation, are defined in quantum states. In quantum informat ion geometry, the structure of those distances is researched [3, 95]. The quantum divergence have been used as an informational di stance from a quantum state to another. In particular, it played an import ant role in ofacapacity o measureis themainof our interest. Itis not symmetricand so distorted that its structure is difficult to understand. We have been motivated to understand its structure and clarify its geometric prope rties. 1.2.2 Power of entanglement and additivity is considered to beone of the most important an d interesting objects in quantum information theory, and actually provides a hot fi eld of research. As is described above, the result of the measurement of a quantum s tate may let us compare it to the coin tossing. Th en entangled states are like correlated coins; the probability whether one will sho w the top or tail is related to the result of the toss of the others. This correlation, a strange behavior of particles, were poi nted out by Einstein et al. [31] and the claim in this paper is known as Einstein-Po dolsky-Rosen (EPR) paradox. Its original intention was to show the paradox of qu antum mechanics. If there were such correlation, the locationally separated pa rticles can providea mean to convey information more rapidly than the speed of the ligh t; they claimed it is a contradiction. In spite of its original intention, their r esult is now known to be a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics. Since the cor relation given by the EPR paradox was known to be a break of the inequality shown by B ell which shows the necessary condition for a given artificially made probab ilistic distribution to 10be really realizable. Some of the recent research concernin g Bell's inequity is by Tsirelson [115, 116, 117], Avis et al. [10], and Ito [59] One of the lines of the research concerning entanglement is b ased on the question: What is communication? It is sho wn that sharing entan- gled states helps two parties to win some sort of games. The re searches in quantum games are based on the idea that whether ones are communicati ng or not is judged by whether they can do something they could not do without any share of infor- mation. Avis et al. [9] showed that two parties sharing entan gled states can make a good performance in the graph coloring game compared to the case that there is no communication. This result indicates that they are sur ely although it is much weaker than classical commun ication. It is because it looks like a telepathy but can win in only direction of the research is to evaluate numericall y how much the states are entangled. One direction is to measure some kind o f distance from the maximally entangled state to the state in problem. Some enta nglement measures were proposed by Bennett et al. [12]. The generalization of t he measures nt done by Vidral et al. [120, 119, 118], and Rains [97]. How much do entangled states contribute to the capacity of a quantum com- munication channel? has been considered as an important pr oblem. The problem can be described more precisely as follows: does the Holevo c apacity of a given channel make any difference depending on whether its domain is restricted to sep- arable states (i.e. not entangled states) or not? In a mathem atical sense, such a problem is stated as an additivity problem. It is conjectu red that the additivity holds for any quantum state space. In other words, it is belie ved that entangled states give no power to the quantum channel with respect to so me the problem of sending a classical message via a q uantum chan- nel, Holevo showed the upper bound for its capacity [52, 53]. Holevo [54] [102] independently showed theo retically that the up- per bound can be attained. Shor [109] proved that some open problems concerning the add itivity with re- 11spect to some measures are all equivalent. In particular, th ey proved the equiva- lence of the additivity of the Holevo capacity and the additi vity of the minimum entropy output. The additivity of the minimum entropy outpu t is equivalent to the limit of the multiplicativity of the p-norm asp-1. Although the conjectures are not solved completely, it is co nfirmed to hold for some classes of channels. About unital channels, King [67] p roved for unital qubit channels; Fujiwara and Hashizum' e [37], King [69], and Amos ov [4] for depolariz- ing channel; Matsumoto [76], Datta et al. [23], and Alicki [2 ] for Fannes et al. [32] and Datta et al. [22] for the tran spose Datta and Ruskai [24] for some asymmetric unital ch annel. About non- unital channels, Shor [108] and King [68] proved for entangl ement-breaking chan- nels; Wolf [123] for a modification of the Werner-Holevo chan nel; and King [70] for diagonal it is also conjectured that the multiplicativity o f thep-norm holds, a counterexample for p>4.79 is discovered by Werner and Holevo [122]. However, it is still believed it holds for a sufficiently small p. King and Ruskai [71] showed a condition under which the multiplicativity holds if p= 2. The condition shown there holds for typical examples, and accordingly, it is a st rong support for conjecture especially when p= 2. On the other hand, almost nothing is known around p= 1, and thus, the additivity problem is considered to be extremely difficult. Those problems related to entanglement also motivated us. O ur approach clarifies the structure of an entangleme nt measure. Our nu- merical computation for the Holevo capacity is also related . If there were a time effective and numerically robust algorithm to compute the Hol evo capacity even for a high level system, it would be a good tool to check the add itivity conjecture. Our algorithm is a step toward it. 1.2.3 Numerical estimation of a quantum a space of quantum states has a complicated struc ture. the wholespace is known to beclosed convex object in a Euclidean space d2-1. whichform alize the conditions for embedding of a quantum state space into Eu clidean space and it is convincing the complicatedness of the space. Because o f the capacity of a quantum channel is difficult to compute altho ugh it is important for quantum related engineering. Whether there is a practic ally efficient algorithm to compute the capacity is one of our et al. [47] and Oto et al. [93, 94] showed an effective me thod to numer- ically compute the Holevo capacity of one-qubit quantum cha nnel. With an actual numerical computation, Hayashi et al. [47] showed that ther e is a case that needs maximal number of points to determine the smallest enclosin g ball; this means the quantum state space with respect to the divergence is dis torted compared to Euclidean space. Actually Fig. 1.5 shows an example of a di we can observe it is really distorted. About the three lev el system, Osawa and Nagaoka [92] were the first to show an example of numerical proposed a quantum version of Arimoto-Blahut algorith m [5, 14] to numeri- cally compute a Holevo capacity, and confirmed that the addit ivity holds for some three-level examples. Our motivation partially comes from their work. If there is a faster algorithm to compute the Holevo capacity, although t his direction will never help us to prove it, we can be more convinced with the additivi ty conjecture or otherwise, can find a Holevo capacity is defined as the capacity of a quantum cha nnel when it sends classical message. Consider the setting that you send a classical message via a quantum channel and suppose that a probabilistic distr ibution of source messages and the way of encoding a message are varying parame ter. The Holevo capacity is the maximum of conveyed information with those v arying parameters. Its concept is illustrated in Fig. 1.6. An upper bound for the capacity is proved by Holevo [52, 53], and it is proved to be attained [54, 102]. The method we introduce in this dissertation is based on the a lgorithm to compute the smallest enclosing ball. This is an extension of the method used by Hayashi et al. [47] and Oto et al. [93, 94]. The smallest enclo sing ball problem itself is also important in computational geometry and is still to b e solved from some aspect; even in the Euclidean distance space, a polynomial t ime algorithm in the 13(a) (b) Figure 1.5: An example of a : 3D view of a di and its section by a plane passing through its center (b); the center appears as a plus sign. Quantum state space Quantum state space (Affine transform) Sent message 0000010010010 Encode Received message 0000010010010 Decode Quantum channel photon Figure 1.6: An explanation of the setting for the Holevo capa city dimension of the space is not known. 1.3 Contribution of this dissertation Our main contribution is a computational geometric interpr etation of a quantum state space. In particular, we introduce a concept of Vorono i diagrams and the smallest enclosing ball problem in a quantum state space. Th ose standard tools in computational geometry help to clarify the adjacency struc ture of a point set in a quantum state space. Another aspect of our interpretation i s that we show some relation between quantum information and quantum computat ion. Actually we 14Space of quantum states Space of pure states Embedding structure is one of our interests Divergence (only for faithful states) Bures distance Fubini-Study distance Associated We show a relation of these distances Applications Hypothesis testing, estimation of channel capacity Measure of entanglement Database search Figure 1.7: A description of a part of our some different distances used in quantum information and quantum compu- tation give a same Voronoi diagram. The setting for the probl ems described above and the variety of the in a quantum state space are illustrated in Fig. 1.7. Moreover as an application of such a geometric in terpretation, we pro- pose an algorithm to compute a capacity of a quantum channel, and show, by an experiment, that it is really practical. By proving coincidences of Voronoi diagrams, we show a conne ction between some distances which were considered differently. An especia lly significant point is that we showed a coincidence of Voronoi diagrams with respec t to the divergence and the Fubini-Study distance. The divergence is an importa nt measure in quan- tum information theory, and is used for quantum hypothesis t esting [51, 85] and estimation of the capacity of a quantum channel [52, 53], whi le the gives a convergence path in Grover's search algori thm [78]. We bridge those topics which had not seemed to be related, but had been c onsidered to be both important for quantum-related researches. Moreover, we also show a connec- tion between the Bures distance and the divergence. The Bure s distance is used as a measure of entanglement [102, 46]. Although for pure state s, the Bures distance is fundamentally the same thing as the Fubini-Study distanc e, it is meaningful to know a connection between the Bures distance and the diverge nce which are used in different interesting point is that the Fubini-Study distanc e is only for pure 15states while the divergence is not defined for pure states. To find the relation between those exclusive measures, we introduce a natural de finition of Voronoi diagram with respect to the divergence in a space of pure stat es. Here, note that although the divergence for pure states is not defined, t he diagram is naturally extended to a space of pure states by tak ing a defined as a very natural distance in it. It is meaningful be cause the whole space including pure and mixed states has a complicated structure and the is a distortion measure in it. Thus we give a conne ction between a simple natural structure and a distorted structure. From the viewpoint of computational geometry, our contribu tion is that we introduce Voronoi diagrams in a distortion space and charac terize it. Our main interest is the quantum divergence -- the most distorted one a mong the measures defined in quantum state space. A Voronoi diagram with respec t to the is a natural extension of a diagram with respect t o in classical information theory, and we reveal i ts geometric properties. For pure states in the space of one-qubit quantum states, we s how the coin- cidence of Voronoi diagrams with respect to some distances -- the divergence, the Fubini-Study distance, the Bures distance, the geodesi c distance and the Eu- clidean distance [60, 63]. As an application of this fact, we introduce a method to compute numerically the Holevo capacity of a quantum channe l [93, 94, 47]. of this method is partially based on the coincid ence of the also as to the diagrams in mixed states, we found th e coincidence of some of them. The diagrams with respect to the three distance s -- the divergence, the Fubini-Study distance, and the Bures distance -- coincid e [62, 63]. A naturalquestion thatarises after thisstoryis Whathapp Euclidean distance do not coincide [61, 63]. On the other hand, the diagrams with respect to the divergence, the Bures distance and the Fu bini-Study distance still coincide for a higher level. We also show that Welzl's algorithm is also applicable to qua ntum state space. Most of the idea of its proof is by Nielsen et al. [80], but they did not mention 16about quantum divergence. Following their idea, we show tha t the smallest en- closing problem in quantum state space with respect to quant um divergence obey to the axioms of LP-type problem which is essential conditio n to show the is effective. As an application of the theoretical result we proved, we pro pose an algorithm to compute the Holevo capacity of a quantum channel, It is a na tural but non- trivial extension of the existing algorithm for one qubit st ates. The merit of our algorithm is robustness of computation as a global optimiza tion. The algorithm by Osawa and Nagaoka [92] can converges to a local optimum and might need some iterations of optimization process. Our algorithm ove rcomes that a continuous object by a point mesh, our algor ithm can compute a global optimum although it only yields an approximation an d its on the fineness of the mesh. 1.4 Organization of this dissertation is organized as follows. In Chapters 2 and 3, we explain some preliminary facts about computational geometry and quantu m information Our contribution is described in Chapters 4, 5, and 6. In Chapter 4, we show explicit correspondence between prima l and dual quan- tum state space. We show some coincidences of Voronoi diagra m in the space of one-qubit space. The main result of this chapter is divided i nto two parts: about the space of pure states and the whole space including mixed s tates. This chapter is based on the papers [60, 62]. The similar problem in a higher level system is described in C hapter 5. Here, we also show the correspondence between primal and dual quan tum state space. The correspondence is less explicit than one-qubit case but mathematically proven as for one-qubit. About the coincidence of Voronoi diagrams , because of its the space of pure states is only analyzed here . This chapter is based on the papers [61, 62]. In Chapter 6, we propose an algorithm to compute the Holevo ca pacity of a quantum channel and experiment it to show it is really useful . It is also proved 17that Welzl's algorithm to compute the smallest enclosing ba ll problem is applicable to a quantum state space. The idea of those algorithms was men tioned in [62]. The summary of all our contribution is described in Chapter 7 , and we also explain a perspective of the future 2 Computational Geometry 2.1 Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay we start with the abstract notation of Voronoi diagram s. Definition 2.1 (Voronoi diagram) .For a given tuple ( X,d,P) whereXis a metric space,dis a distance attached to X, andP={pi}N i=1is a set of points of X, the Voronoi diagram Vis defined for (2.2) and eachpiis called a site(generator ,Voronoi vertex ). When it is necessary to make a distance associated to the diag ram clear, the definition above, the space Sand the distance dcan be arbitrary. The Voronoi diagram most di agram. Itisdefined as 2.2 (Euclidean Voronoi diagram) .For a set of sites Euclidean Voronoi diagram is defined (2.4) 19Just by saying Voronoi diagram, we usually mean the Euclid ean Voronoi diagram. Intuitively a Voronoi diagram is a diagram of domin ance of sites in the terms of the distance. In other words, it is the coloring of th e space according to which site is the nearest. The following example is the appli cation actually wanted by the author. Example 2.1 (Nearest station problem) .There are four subway stations near Hongo campus of the University of Tokyo. The campus is so larg e that if you choose a wrong station to access, it takes unnecessarily a lo ng time to walk. If the map of campus were colored as a Voronoi diagram regarding sta tions as sites, you can find the nearest station easily by just telling the color o f your current location. The region dominated by each site is called a Voronoi region (Voronoi polygon ). The edge appears in a boundary of a Voronoi region is called a Voronoi edge . As a practical implementation of a Voronoi diagram, just knowin g the boundary of each region is enough. Each Voronoi edge is a part of bisector line (or in general case bisector curve ) of a certain pair of sites. Thus, computing a Voronoi diagra m can be just described as deciding which part of bisector curve ap pears in a diagram. Here, note that some bisector curves do not appear at all. The dual diagram for a Voronoi diagram is called a Delaunay tessellation ). The Delaunay pretriangulation and triangulation of a Euclidean space is defined as 2.3 (Delaunay pretriangulation and triangulation) .For a given set the Delaunay triangulation Dis defined a line segment between piandpj, where the bisector of ( pi,pj) appears as an edge of Voronoi diagram of Delaunay pretriangulation is a triangulation, i.e. if fo r anyxX, there is a triple of line segments ( s1,s2,s3) (siD) which formulate a triangle and it has x as a inner point, then Dis called Delaunay not a triangulation, the triangulation made by joining th e vertices of non-triangle polygon of Dis called Delaunay other words, Delaunay pretriangulation is a diagram obta ined by connecting by a line each pair of sites whose Voronoi region is adjacent. Although definition above is only for a Euclidean space, but it can be extended for a general space; for a general space, just take a segment of a geodesic curve inste ad of a line segment. 2.2 Computation of Voronoi diagrams There are some algorithms known for construction of Voronoi diagrams. Here, we introduce the incremental method, which is an intuitive algorithm for two- dimensinal Euclidean Voronoi diagram. We only explain the o utline of the algo- rithm to show the main idea. For the detail of the algorithm, r efer to [87]. Note that the internal data structure to represent the Voronoi di agram is not trivial at all, but we skip it. The incremental method to construct a Voronoi diagram is des cribed as follows. Suppose that a set of point P={p1,...,pN}is given, we construct a the point by step and finally obtain the Suppose that we are going to add a point pas in Fig. 2.2. The rough sketch of the process to add this point is described as f ollows: 1. Find a region which the new point pnewbelongs to 2. Draw a bisector between the new point pand the site which dominate the region found 3. Find neighboring region to the current region 4. Go back to 2 until it comes back to the original region In Fig. 2.2, the process above is explained as follow. First t he region by the p3is found and draw a bisector between p1andpnew. The intersection of the bisector and the p3's region appears as a new Voronoi edge e1. Then find a point the bisector and the edge of the region meet, and go into the ne ighboring region, thep5's region. Now e2is drawn as the intersection of the bisector of region. The same process is iterated until it get to the ori ginal region, 2.1: An explanation of the incremental algorithm to d raw a Voronoi dia- gram: This shows the situation when pnewis added to an existing digram formed by the sites p1,...,p5 In Fig. 2.2, mathematical rigid computation will guarantee that the start point ofe1and the end point of e5is exactly the same. However, in a computer, coor- dinates are usually expressed in floating point number, and h ave some numerical error. It means that in Fig. 2.2, the start point of e1and the end point of e5might be slightly different. In usual case as Fig 2.2, it is not a probl em at all because the algorithm only have to maintain the neighboring structure o f regions. For a general dimensional space, a Voronoi diagram can be com puted via a lower envelope. Actually, aVoronoi diagramin Consider a paraboloid in d+1-dimensional space expressed by pofsites. Then, the lower envelope of the tangent planes is a Voronoi diagram (Fig. 2.2). Here, a lower envelope means the lowest part of a given set of surface s, and its computation is that of convex hull of a polytope. Thus, the computational complexity of a Voronoi diagram in d-dimensional space is the same as that of a convex hull space. In ad-dimensional space, the complexity for computation of a con vex hull has 22x1, . . ., x dxd+1xd+1=x2 1+* * 2.2: An exapmle of a Euclidean Voronoi diagram determ ined by a the complexity of d-dimensional Voronoi diagram is Note that although this is a polynomial for a fixed dimensio nd, it is exponential about d. For a general distance function, a Voronoi diagram can also b e considered as a projection of a lower envelope of some potential function. Halperin and Sharir [43, 44] showed that in three dimensional space, a lower enve lope of can be computed in O(n2+e)-time for any small e. Sharir [107] extend its result to ad-dimensional space and showed it can be computed in O(nd-1+e). This means a Voronoi diagram in ddimensional space whose edges are expressed by algebraic equation can be computed in O(nd+e). Another non-Euclidean is analyzed by Icking and Ma [55]. 2.3 Smallest enclosing ball problem The smallest enclosing ball problem is described as follows : for a given set of points P, compute the smallest ball which includes all the points of P. The first for the smallest enclosing ball problem is given b y Welzl [121]. The extension of it to the smallest enclosing ball of balls (SEBB) problem is shown by Fischer and G artner [34], and its implementation is freely available as a part of CGAL package [19]. However, SEBB solver in CGAL only works fo r and it does not fit our objective. The following is Welzl's algorithm to compute the smallest e nclosing ball. Algorithm 2.1. (Welzl [121]) procedure minball (P: set of points) Compute the smallest enclosing bminball (P,R)Compute the ball which includes Pand hasR in its (where dis a dimension of the space) then returnthe ball which has Ron its if returnB end if end procedure The function bminball is the main part of this algorithm. bminball (P,R)) computes the smallest ball that includes Punder the constraint that all the points orRmust be on its boundary. This algorithm is based on the idea th at more constraints on the boundary make the computation easier. So , the chosen point pis not included in the current optimal ball, it tries to a new b igger optimal ball which haspon its boundary. It works because of the following lemma. Lemma 2.1. For point sets PandR, letSEB(P,R)be the smallest ball hasRon its boundary. Then, for any pP SEB(P,R) = SEB(P-{p},R{p}), (2.6) Proof.See [121]. Another important point of this algorithm is the first if pa rt. Note that if
#R=d+1, the optimal ball is uniquely determined. If the function is called #R=d+1, it simply returns the ball which has Ron its boundary. It returns a wrong answer if some point of Pis not included in the ball constructed byR. In that case, to keep the consistency of the specification of this function, it is correct to return undefined because there is no ball whic h includesPand has Ron its boundary. However, our main objective is implement minball and this exceptional behavior of bminball makes it easier. Suppose that or |R|=d+ 1 of the first if condition of Algorithm 2.1 is omitted, and the second if condition is replaced by Bis defined and Denote this different version of function as a consistent specification as itself, ue if called by minball . If bminball is called from minball with #R=d+1 andP={p}, then the condition for second if becomes true and bminball is called with # R{p}.
#Ris already maximum and so, the returned value becomes undefi ned. If once a returned value is undefined in the depth of the call of bminball , the returned value of the top level also becomes undefined. It is easily c hecked by the value of minball is certainly defined, so it is a the observation above, we can say it is the same thing wheth er it checks if
#R=d+1 in the first if or it checks if Dis defined in the second if. However, for a practical performance, the original algorithm is bett er although it doesn't affect the order of computational showed this algorithm ends in an expected O(n) time if the dimension is fixed, where nis the number of the given points (i.e. n= #P). Its effectiveness is shortly based on the low probability of the recomputation of an optimum; the probability for the two if-conditions to be true is very low. For the detail of analysis, see Welzl's original algorithm is only for the Euclide an distance, Nielsen [80] showed this algorithm is also applicable for Bregman di vergence, which is used in classical information theory. Whe ther it is also applicable for the quantum divergence is important for numerical compu tation of Holevo capacity, and is proved to be true as a mostly straightforwar d corollary of The detail of its proof is given in Section 6.2. 26Chapter 3 Quantum Infomation Theory 3.1 Quantum states and their pure state can be expressed as a state vector. A state vector in ad-level system is defined 1 Dirac's braket notation and means mathematically a compl ex vector in Cd. The thei-th element of the orthogonal basis of vector space. Additionally the definition of a state vector is up to a i.e. equivalent when there exists a scalargCdsuch thatai=gbifor alli. A density matrix is representation of some probabilistic di stribution of states of particles. Mathematically it is defined as 3.1. Adensity matrix ris a complex square matrix which satisfies the following three conditions: a) Hermitian, i.e. r=r*, b) The trace is one, c) It is positive we denote the space of all density matrices of size dxdbyS(Cd), and we called it a d-level system. Especially when d= 2n, ad-level system is also called ann-qubit system. Whendis obvious, we denote S(Cd) byS. A densitymatrix The state a density matrix. Here a Hermitian in the convention of Dirac's braket notation. A mixed stat e is a state which is not pure. Namely a mixed state corresponds to a state which is mixture of multiple states. Actually a density matrix is expressed a (3.2) and the condition for rto be mixed is equivalent to that at least two of give another mathematically simple definition for purene ss and mixedness and also for 3.2. A density matrix ris called pureif rankr= 1,mixedif it is not pure, i.e. rank r>1, andfaithfulif rankr= dimS. We also use a notation for subspace of Sas 3.3. For a given quantum state space S, ris pure}. defined similarly. (Note that especially for that while a quantum state is either pure or mixed, any fa ithful state is mixed. The geometric image of pureness, mixedness, and fait hfulness is illustrated in Fig. 3.1. Especially in two-level system, which is often called one-qubit system , the con- 28The whole space of quantum states (convex object including its boundary) Set of pure states (appears as a part of the boundary)Set of mixed states (set of non-pure states)Set of faithful states (appears as set of interior points) Figure 3.1: An explanation of pureness, mixedness, and fait hfulness ditions a), b) and c) in Definition 3.1 are equivalently expre ssed x,y,zR. (3.4) This is called a Bloch ball because it is a ball in the xyzcoordinate system. matrix corresponds to the conditions a) and b ), and the to the condition c). There have been some attempts to extend this Bloch ball expre ssion to a higher level system. A matrix which satisfies only first two conditio ns, Hermitianness and unity of its trace, is expressed (3.5) Actually, any matrix which is Hermitian and whose trace is on e is expressed this way with some adequate {xi}. This condition doesn't contain a consideration for a semi-positivity. To add the condition for a semi-positivi ty, it is not simple as in one-qubit case, and we have to consider complicated inequ alities [18, 66]. Note that this is not the only way to parameterize all the density m atrices, but it is reasonably natural way because it is natural extension of on e-qubit case and has a special our interest is a pure state. A pure state is exp ressed by a density matrix whose rank is one. A density matrix which is not pure is called a mixed state. A pure state has a special meaning in quantum informat ion theory and also has a geometrically special meaning because it is on the boun dary of the convex object. In one-qubit case, the condition for rto be pure is x2+y2+z2= 1. (3.6) This is a surface of a Bloch ball. On the other hand, in general case, the condition for pureness is again expressed by complicated inequalitie s. 3.2 Distances Before explaining about distances for quantum states, we pr epare a 3.4. Suppose that the matrix ris diagonalized (3.7) with a unitary matrix U. For a given function f:R-R, takingfof the matrix ris defined as f(r) (3.8) Especially we (3.10) Now we define two 3.5 (See [45]) .For two pure states rands, the Fubini-Study is defined as cosdFS(r,s) =/radicalig Tr 3.6. For two arbitrary quantum states (i.e. mixed or pure states) r ands, the Bures distance dB(r,s) [16] is defined as dB(r,s) if randsare pure states and expressed as Bures distance is as follows: dB(r,s) =/radicalig 1-Tr (rs) same thing for pure states. Moreover, since a space of pur e states is defined as a unit ball divided by a multiplication, those distances are both natural and have a Euclidean-like property. 3.3 Divergence In a classical context, Kullback-Leibler divergence means , in a sense, a distance from a probabilistic distributions to another. When two pro babilistic given, the Kullback-Leibler divergence is defined as: DKL(p||q) of Kullback-L eibler divergence. Just like Kullback-Leibler divergence has an important rol e in classical the quantum divergence is essential in quantum info rmation theory. It is defined by a similar 3.7. Suppose that two quantum states randsare given and sis faithful. The quantum divergence is defined as D(s||r) = Trs(logs-logr). (3.16) Note that though this has some distance-like properties, it is not Also note that rdoes not necessarily need to be faithful because 0log0 can be naturally defined as 0. 3.4 Quantum channel and its capacity A quantum channel is the linear transform that maps quantum s tates to quantum states. In other words, a linear transform G : M(C;d)-M(C;d) is a if G(S(Cd))S(Cd). To preserve the condition for density matrix, there is a natural restriction for a quantum channel. A quantum cha nnel G condition: 1. it must be i.e. Tr G( r) = Trr, and 2. positive, map I, themapGImaps a semi-positive Hermitian matrix into a semi-positive Herm itian matrix. Such a map can be shortly denoted by a TPCP map. In other word s, the condition for a linear transform to be a quantum channel is to be a TPCP map. The Holevo capacity is considered as a classical informatio n capacity of a given quantum channel under the consumption that the input state i s not entangled and the output particle is properly 3.8 (Holevo capacity [54]) .The Holevo capacity of a given channel G is defined as follows: C(G) = (3.17) where (*) means von Neumann entropy, i.e. S(r) =-rlogr. Another formulation of the Holevo capacity is given by the fo llowing theorem. Theorem 3.1 (Ohya, Petz, Watanabe [86]) . C(G) = (3.18) This theorem means that the Holevo capacity is equal to the ra dius of the smallest enclosing ball with respect to the quantum diverge nce. From now on, we mainly use this formulation. 3.5 Calculation of Holevo capacity Our first motivation to investigate a Voronoi diagram in quan tum states is the numerical calculation of the Holevo capacity for one-qubit quantum states [93]. We explain its method in this section. In order to calculate the Holevo capacity, some 33points are plotted in the source of channel, and it is assumed that just thinking of the images of plotted points is enough for approximation. Actually, the Holevo capacity the points. More precisely, the procedure for the approxi mation is the following: 1. Plot equally distributed points on the Bloch ball which is the source of the channel in problem. 2. Map all the plotted points by the channel. 3. Compute the smallest enclosing ball of the image with resp ect to the diver- gence. Its radius is the Holevo capacity. In this procedure, Step 3 uses a farthest Voronoi diagram. Th at is the essential part to make this algorithm effective because Voronoi diagram is the known fastest tool to seek a center of a smallest enclosing ball of points. However, when you think about the effectiveness of this algori thm, there might arise a question about its reasonableness. Since the Euclid ean distance and the divergence are completely different, Euclideanly uniform po ints are not with respect to the divergence. We gave partial answ er to that problem by Theorem 4.5. At least, on the surface of the Bloch ball, the co incidence of Voronoi diagrams implies that the uniformness of points with respec t to Euclidean distance is equivalent to the uniformness with respect to the diverge nce. 3.6 Entanglement and additivity problem The additivity of Quantum channel is simply stated as follow s. Conjecture 3.1. For any two channels G 1:S1-S1and G2:S2-S2, it is conjectured that the following equation holds. C(G1G2) =C(G1)+C(G2) (3.19) The right hand side of Equation 3.19 means the total capacity when two chan- nels G1and G2are used separatedly. The difference between entangled states; more precisely, for an entangled state is an element of the set Edefined (3.20) So, the additivity conjecture of the Holevo capacity is simp ly stated as Do entan- gled states not contribute to thecapacity of a productchann el? or Are entangled states powerless in the terms of Holevo capacity? The conjecture above is stated in the terms of capacity, but t here are some direct measures of how much a quantum state is entangled, and similar properties for them are conjectured. Now we define some 3.9 (Entanglement of formation) .For a state rin a bipartite system SASB, theentanglement of formation EFis defined as EF(r) = (3.21) where the minimization is over all possible expressions suc h 1. Definition 3.10 (Minimum output entropy) .For a given channel G : S-S, the minimal output entropy Sof G is defined as S(G) = min rSS(G(r)). (3.22) The very important fact we have to mention here is that global ly, some conjec- tured properties about the measures defined above are equiva lent. It is stated 3.2 (Shor [109]) .The following four propositions are equivalent. 1. The additivity of the minimum entropy output of a quantum ch annel. Suppose that two channels G1andG2are given. Then S(G1G2) =S(G1)+S(G2). (3.23) 2. The additivity of the Holevo capacity (See Conjecture 3.1) 353. The additivity of the entanglement of formation. Suppose t hat two Then EF(r1r2) =EF(r1)+EF(r2), (3.24) whereEFis calculated over the bipartite A-Bpartition. 4. The strong superadditivity of the entanglement of formati on. Suppose a given. (3.25) whereEF's are over the bipartite A-Bsystem, and Trimeans a trace out for the means that some conjectures about the measures of entan glement are equivalent. All the conjectures are about the power of entan gled 4 Voronoi diagrams for one-qubit quantum states and Its Application 4.1 Overview In this chapter, we investigate the one-qubit quantum state space. In this case, the theoretic analysis is much simpler than general case becaus e the whole space is a three dimensional ball ( Bloch ball ). In spite of its simple structure, the here is still distorted and far from the intuition whi ch we have for a this chapter, we show some theorems concerning the coinci dences of Voronoi diagrams with respect to some Although s ome of the theorems are the just special cases of the theorems for a higher level c ase which we explain later, we introduce them here because historically they wer e proved earlier and the proofs are much simpler than the general the importanceof investigation for one-qubit s ystem as astart-up for a new stream of a research has been emphasized in quantum info rmation theory. The same thing can be said for Voronoi diagrams. More can be kn own for the one-qubit system than a higher-level system because of its s implicity. Although the Voronoi sites are restricted to be pure states, some coin cidences of diagrams in a set of mixed states can be proved for the one-qubit system , while in a higher- level system, mixed states are much more complicated and sim ilar thing is still not known. 37Our motivation originally started from the algorithm by Hay ashi et al. [47] to compute the Holevo capacity of a quantum channel. Since it uses Voronoi diagrams with respect to the quantum divergence, it is consi dered to be important to investigate the structure of the Voronoi diagram with res pect to the . In Hayashi et al.'s algorithm, the key factor to attain the ac curacy is an approx- imation of a set of pure states by discrete points. Especiall y, how you can obtain determines the accuracy of the computa tion. The wellness here is in terms of the divergence. Our result about coincide nces of Voronoi dia- grams tells that well distributed points in Euclidean space is also well distributed in terms of the divergence. Hence, although the divergence i s difficult to deal with, we can generate well distributed points appropriate for the computation. The refinement of the point set is another considerable appli cation. Suppose that you have computed the capacity with some generated appr oximating points, and wish to of theresult. Then, wheresho uldthe new points be plotted? Voronoi diagrams give the answer to that question. Since some diagrams with respect to some pseudo-distances are the same, all you h ave to think about is the Euclidean Voronoi diagram. Just plotting new points o n the Voronoi edges would be a reasonable the algorithm by Hayashi et al. is the only existing application of our result so far, it can be considered in a general context. T he difficulty of the numerical computation in quantum information theory is due to a computation of a continuous geometric object. It is essentially different fr om classical UsingVoronoi ercome Voronoi diagrams in a quantum state space We consider Voronoi diagrams with respect to the divergence . Since the D(*||*) is not symmetric, we can consider two different Voronoi diagr ams about this 4.1. For a given quantum state space S, Voronoi diagrams for a given 38set of sites S ={si}are defined as: VD(S) for for definition of the coincidence of Voronoi diagrams is natu ral. Suppose that a space X and distances d1andd2onXare given. For a given set {piX}, the two Voronoi diagrams Vd1andVd2are said to coincide when they are equal as a set. This property is equivalent to the coincidence of bisec tor curves. To show that given Voronoi diagrams coincide, it is sufficient to check their bisector curves. This fact is stated as follows: Theorem 4.1. Suppose that a space X and distances d1andd2onXare given and they satisfy di(x,x) = 0for anyxX. Then, the following two conditions are equivalent. 1. For any set of points P={p1,...,pn}, Voronoi diagrams equivalent. 2. For any given pair of points (p1,p2), the bisector curve of p1,p2with show this by induction. For two sites, the only edge is the b isector, = 0, the region dominated by a site is the same side as the site . Suppose that Vd1(P) andVd2(P) are the same for first n-1 points of P. If we add ann-th point as a new site, newly appearing edges are the bisecto rs of the new site and other site. The region dominated by the new site i s the same side as the new site. Then, the diagrams for npoints are also the same. 4.3 Primal and dual Voronoi diagrams In this section, wecharacterize theBloch ball by means of co mputational geometry. We define primal and dual space of quantum state. We show one of the two divergence Voronoi diagrams is linear in the primal space an d the other is linear in the dual space. All the theorems shown in this section can b e extended to an 39arbitrary quantum state space. However, more explicit comp utation is possible for one-qubit states, and it helps us to understand the things mo re deeper. It is a common merit for an investigation of one-qubit states. Theorem 4.2. For one-qubit states, VDis linear. The following is the essential for the proof of this theorem. Lemma 4.1. For a one-qubit mixed state s=s(~x,~y,~z)and a general ((~ = the are given as Formula (3.4) and that the formula for (~x,~y,~z) = (0,0,0)is the limit of the formula for (~ for notation: Bys=s(~x,~y,~z), we mean sis parameterized by (~ x,~y,~z) as in Formula (3.4) and implicitly define ~ rby ~y2+ ~z2 Proof.The eigenvalues of (4.4) When (0,0), defining a unitary matrix (4.5) ris expressed log1-r 2 U*
= (4.7) If (x,y) = (4.8) This means Equation (4.7) also holds for ( x,y) = (0,0). Now, we will consider three (0,0)
*(~x,~y) = (0,0) and 0
*(~x,~y,~z) = 0 For (~x,~y) = (0,0), denoting similarly as (4.9) 41we obtain Tr (rlogs)
= Tr rx~U log1+ ~r 20 0 log1-~r 2
= ~z
~rlog1+ Tr r1 2
~rlog1+~r 2+~r-~z
~rlog1-~r 2~x-i~y
~rlog1+~r 1-~r
~rlog1+~r 1-~r~r-~z
~rlog1+~r 2+~r+ means an unnecessary element for the computation ~z
~rlog1+ ~r 2+~r+ . = Tr (rlogr)-Tr (4.11) and this completes the proof for ( (0,0). If ~x= ~y= 0, ~z= ~rand Tr (rlogs) 42= Tr r log1+ ~r 20 0 ~r 1-~r.
=1 2log1-~r2 4+1 2~rlog1+ ~r 1-~r*z (4.13) This completes the proof for x=y= 0. Whenx=y=z= 0, (4.12) (4.14) and this completes the proof for x=y=z= 0. Proof of Theorem 4.2. Suppose that r,s1ands2are parameterized by ( (~x2,~y2,~z2) respectively. Using Lemma 4.1, we (4.15) This is linear in x,y,z. Theorem 4.3. Define a transformation from be expressed as
^r(u,v,w) =
w u-iv u+iv-w . be diagonalized =
r (4.24) In the similar way, we can (4.26) On the other u-iv u+iv-w , (4.27) 45and this completes the proof. Theorem 4.4. For a one-qubit state rands, we use plain notation for rand tilde notation for s, i.e.sand^sare parameterized by the inner product of vectors and ps(^r) = log(Tr (exp ^ r)). =^D(^s||^r)and the Voronoi diagram with respect to ^Dwith sites as second argument of ^D(denoted by V^D) is ^r= = (4.31) By taking square of (4.24), (4.25) and (4.26); and adding the m, we this (4.33) and (4.35) Thus, we (4.31) and (4.36), ^D(^r||^s) can be expanded as
^D(^r||^s) ~v2+ ~r 1-~r*(~x2+ ~y2+ ~r 1-~r
=D(s||r) (4.38) Note here we used Theorem 4.1. Additionally, Formula (4.37) is linear for u,v,w, and consequently the equation for the = 0 (4.39) is also linear. 4.4 Voronoi diagrams for one-qubit pure states The definition for the Voronoi diagrams with respect to the di vergence in the space of pure states is not obvious because the divergence D(r||s) is not defined for pure 48s. Actually, while D(r||s) = Trr(logr-logs) can be defined when an 0 because 0log0 can be naturally defined as 0, it is not d efined when an eigenvalue of sis 0. Here we show that this Voronoi diagram of mixed states can be extended to pure states. We shall prove that even thoug h the can not be defined when sis a pure state, the Voronoi edges are to pure states. In other words, we can define a Vorono i diagram for pure states by taking a natural limit of the diagram for mixed stat es. When we say a Voronoi diagram with respect to divergence for pure states , it means a diagram obtained by taking a limit of a diagram for mixed states. Note that when we Voronoi sites are pure states, we assume a ce rtain kind of a parameterization for the convergence. Actually the Voron oi diagram depends on how the sites converge. We assume that when sites are given as they are all pure, the diagram is considered as the limit o f the diagram with the the Euclidean coordinate system, where 0 <r<1 and the limit is taken for r-1. This definition might seem to be unnatural because it trying to fix the way of uncertain convergence but we believe i t is natural because it is symmetric. Note that this definition is only possible fo r the one-qubit system becauseit has special symmetry, andin general, for ahigher -level system, summarize the facts explained above, we give the followin g 4.2. When a set of Voronoi sites S = {si}is given, the Voronoi diagram with respect to the divergence in the space of pure st atesis defined as Vpure D(S) = Closure( = Closure( V*(i) D)Spure, for for (4.42) 49Here Closure(*) means a topological closure and si(a) is defined by si(a) parameterized by i.e. si(a) (4.44) Theorem 4.5. For given one-qubit pure states as sites, the following four Voronoi diagrams are equivalent in the space of pure states: 1. the Voronoi diagram with respect to the Fubini-Study dist ance 2. the Voronoi diagram with respect to the Bures distance 3. the Voronoi diagram on the sphere with respect to the ordin ary geodetic dis- tance 4. the section of the Euclidean Voronoi d iagram with the sphere and 5. the two Voronoi diagram with respect to the divergences, i Theorem 4.5, the coincidence of 1-4 is easy to prove. Actua lly, forr=
r(x,y,z) (rs) = cos-1(Tr (rs))
= (4.46) dB(r,s) (4.47) 50On the other hand, the Euclidean distance dEis computed as dE(r,s) when randsare pure, since r= 1 and ~r= 1, dE(r,s) (4.49) Then, the equivalence is proved by simple workout as dFS(r1,s) (4.50) and similarly we can easily show dB(r1,s) (4.51) This this complete the proof of 1-4. The rest of Theorem 4.5 is proved using Lemma 4.1 and the follo wing lemma. Lemma 4.2. For a mixed state sand an arbitrary r, D(r1||s) (4.52) Moreover, under the condition ~r1= ~r2, D(r||s1) ~r1= ~r2, by Lemma (4.55) Note that the setting for Lemma 4.2 is more general than neede d for the proof of Theorem 4.5 because ris not restricted to a purestate. Actually, Euclidean Voronoi and also holds in t he set of mixed states. It is proved in the next section. Theorem 4.5 means that all the diagrams are the same as the ord inal Euclidean one, which has been researched enough. It tells us the comput ational complexity of the diagrams stated as 4.1. In the space of pure one-qubit states, the following Voronoi d ia- grams can be computed in O(nlogn)-time fornsites. 1. the Voronoi diagram with respect to the Fubini-Study dist ance 2. the Voronoi diagram with respect to the Bures distance 3. the Voronoi diagram on the sphere with respect to the ordin ary geodetic dis- tance 4. the section of the Euclidean Voronoi d iagram with the sphere and 5. the Voronoi diagram with respect to the divergences, i.e. geodesic Voronoi diagram on a sphere is computed in Then, apply Theorem 4.5. 524.5 Voronoi diagrams for one-qubit mixed states In Theorem 4.5, we showed some Voronoi diagrams are the same i n the set of pure states. Somepart of the theorem can beextended to mixed stat es. Voronoi diagrams in a set of mixed states is stated as follo ws. Theorem 4.6. For given one-qubit pure states as sites, the following four Voronoi diagrams are equivalent in the whole space S: 1. the Voronoi diagram with respect to the Bures distance 2. the Voronoi diagram with respect to the Euclidean distanc e 3. the Voronoi diagram with respect to the divergences, i.e. VDandVD*. (Note that here, the sites are restricted to be pure states wh ile the diagram is con- sidered in the whole that sj(j= 1,2) are given as sites. Because they are pure, ~ r1=
~r2= 1. Under that condition, by Lemma 4.2, D(s1||r) (4.56) On the other hand, dE(r,s1) (4.57) Thus, the equivalence of the divergence Voronoi diagrams an d the diagram is proved. Now suppose that the sites sj. (j= 1,2) are expressed (4.59) 53which (4.60) Then, sincesj=sjthe Bures distance for an arbitrary quantum state ris calculated as dB(sj,r)
= 1-Trsjrsj
= (4.61) Here we supposed ris parameterized as (3.4). If sj's are also parameterized in the same way (4.62) Formula (4.61) can be more simplified as dB(sj,r) = = = 0. (4.64) This means the Bures diagram is the same as the Euclidean Voro noi diagram as for pure states, computational complexity can be known for 4.2. In the space of general one-qubit states, when nsites are given as pure states, each of the following Voronoi diagrams can be co mputed inO(n2)-time 1. the Voronoi diagram with respect to the Bures distance 2. the Voronoi diagram with respect to the Euclidean distanc e 3. the Voronoi diagram with respect to the divergences, i.e. Euclidean Voronoi diagram can be computed in O(n2)-time (See Sec- tion 2.2). Then, apply Theorem 4.6. 4.6 Meaning of the result The direct application of the fact proved above for the coinc idences of Voronoi diagrams is the algorithm by Hayashi et al. [47] and Oto et al. [93, 94] to compute the Holevo capacity. In the source of a channel, they plotted points so that they ar e vertices of the mesh which is obtained by dividing the sphere equally bot h latitudinally It is a intuitive way and looks reasonably w ell-distributed, but its uniformness of the points is in terms of Euclidean distance. In the algorithm, the smallest enclosing ball of the images of the points is comput ed, and it is in terms of the divergence. The accuracy depends on how well the poi nts are distributed with respect to the divergence. However, as we have shown, th e Voronoi diagrams with respect to Euclidean distance and the quantum divergen ce are the same, and it guarantee the uniformness of the points. In the original paper by Hayashi et al. [47] and Oto et al. [93, 94], there is an implicit assumption that uniformly distributed points in t erms of the is also uniform in the world of the quantum divergen ce. The coincidences of Voronoi diagrams we have shown partly fill its gap. Since th e coincidences we proved is only for the case that all Voronoi site are pure, we h ave not showed the uniformness preserve in general case. However, if the image of a given channel is sufficiently large (i.e. the surface of the image ellipsoid is near to the unit sphere), the images of the plotted points have a similar property as pu re states because the smoothness of 55Another expected application of our result is a refinement of points. Since the algorithm by Hayashi et al. [47] approximates a geometry by some points, slarger. the additional points be located? The reasonable ans wer is the Voronoi edges, because the Voronoi edge can be regarded as the set of t he farthest points from the existing plotted points. In a general case, the prob lem arises here is difficulty of non-Euclidean distance, but thanks to the theor ems we proved, the Voronoi edges with respect to the divergence is the same as th ose of diagram. You can easily refine the point set by adding points on the Voronoi edges, not worrying about the distortion of the quan tum divergence. From the viewpoint of computational geometry, we showed Vor onoi diagrams can be a tool to compare some measures defined for the same set. The important point is that the coincidence of Voronoi diagrams can be a hin t for uniformness of a point set in different measures, and we showed an example in th ree which can be visualized and observed intuitively. 4.7 Summary of this chapter We proved the coincidences of some Voronoi diagrams for one- qubit states. Some part of the result is just a special case of the general result explained in Chapter 5, but some are specific for one-qubit system. More precisely, we showed that when Voronoi sites are given, the diagram VdE, the Bures Voronoi diagram VdBand the divergence the same. Additionally, if it is restricted to the set of pure states, the diagrams above, the Fubini-Study Voronoi d iagramVdFS, and the geodesic Voronoi diagram are all the same. Table 4.1 shows th e summary of the proved facts. The known application of it is the algorithm by Hayashi et al. to compute the Holevo capacity. It supports the effectiveness of the algo rithm, and we also suggested the refinement of the point set by add point in its Vo ronoi edges. 56Table 4.1: Coincidences of Voronoi diagrams for one-qubit s tates and their com- putational complexities: Note that the Voronoi sites are gi ven as pure states in all the cases space pseudo-distance coincidence states geodesic mixed states Euclidean 5 Voronoi diagrams for 3 or higher level quantum states 5.1 analysis for Voronoi diagrams for three or higher level quantum state space is given in this chapter. Our motivation originally co mes from the natural interest about whether the extension of the theorems shown i n Chapter 4 hold or not. However, the structure of the quantum state space for three o r higher level sys- tem is much more complicated for one-qubit quantum system. O ne of the obvious support for its complicatedness is the result by Kimura [66] , which showed the explicit condition for a complex matrix to be a density matri x and the are too much complicated. Consequently, we could n ot have done analy- sis for three or higher level system about the same condition as in one-qubit case. We shall only show the case that Voronoi site are given as pure states though the Voronoi regions may be general. Using our result, we can convert a problem about a certain pse another problem about another Primal and dual Voronoi diagrams The following is the essential property of VD. 58Theorem 5.1. The boundaries of the Voronoi diagram VDare only VDis proved to be linear, the other Voronoi diagram V*
Dcan be obtained by some transformation from a linear Voronoi diagr am. It is stated as a following theorem; this is based on a common mathematical fr amework known as Legendre transformation . Theorem 5.2. Define transformation from rto^rby
^r= logr+1 dTr (logr)I, (rlogr). (5.2) Then, the parameterization of ^ris given as
^r(^x) *** *** parameterized as in Formula (3.5). Moreover, define ^Dby
^D(^r||^s) = log(Tr (exp ^ r)). =^D(^s||^r)and the Voronoi diagram with respect to ^Dwith sites as second argument of ^D(denoted by V^D) is linear. 59This theorem is mostly proved by Oto et al. [93], but it contai ns a logical gap or an ambiguous expression. We give a self-consistent proof as follows. Proof of Theorem 5.1 and 5.2. (rlogr), (5.6) and suppose that ris diagonalized as r=XLX*, (5.7) L =
l1 l2 ... ld , (5.8) whereXis a unitary matrix. 0. (5.11) Now compare the each element of Equation (5.11). For i= 1,...,d-1, onlyi-th andd-th diagonal elements ofr xiare and the other elements are zero, (5.12) So, if we write log relement-wise as logr= (zij), logr-zdd, logr. (5.16) Now think of i=dfor example. the only non-zero elements ofr xdare the (1,2) and (2,1)-th, Rez12, (5.17) because log ris also Hermitian. Here Re means a real part. Similarly for Imz12, (5.18) where Im means an imaginary part. Similar observation shows Formula (5.3). In the rest of the proof, we assume ps(^x) (5.19) 62and it is shown in the lemma below. also show ps(^e) =e (5.21) as a lemma, and it completes the proof for D(r||s) =^D(^s||^r) Now we will show both VDandV^Dare linear. For s1ands2, the bisector is given as a set of rwhich = 0. (5.23) we is linear equation in r. Because of the similarity of (5.4) and (5.23), V^Dcan also be proved to be linear in the same way. Now we show the following lemma to complete the proof of Theor em 5.1 and 5.2. 63Lemma 5.1. The following equations hold. ps(^x) (5.25) ps(^x) =x. (rlogr). = (rlogr)
=-1 dTr (logr)
=ps(^x). =x (5.31) Lemma 5.2. The following is another important property of VD. Theorem 5.3. Consider the surface defined by z=ps(r(x)). (5.32) Then, the Voronoi diagram VDis obtained as a projection of a lower-envelope of tangent planes of this surface at the Voronoi sites (Fig. 5.1 ). Proof.Because of Formula (5.23), the divergence D(r||s) can be considered as s minus the value of the tangent surface at s(Fig. 5.2). Note that this is another intuitive proof of the fact that VDis linear. Actually, since the Voronoi diagram is a lower envelope of planes, its b oundaries are linear. 5.3 Euclidean Voronoi Diagram and divergence Voronoi diagr am We show that the coincidence which happens in one-qubit case never occurs in a higher level case. To show it, it is enough to look at some sect ion of the diagrams with some subspace. If the diagrams do not coincide in the sec tion, you can say they are different. It is stated as 5.1: An example of a Voronoi diagram obtained from a lo wer-envelope of tangent sz=ph(x) Figure 5.2: An explanation for a geometric meaning of the div 5.4. Suppose that d>=3and that the space of general quantum states is expressed as Equation (3.5). Then, if given Voronoi sites are in a general position, the Voronoi diagram with respect to the Euclidean distance a nd the Voronoi diagram with respect to the quantum divergence V*
Dare different. Note that the diagramed considered here is V*
Donly. This is because VDis not well-defined for pure sites. Actually, define on the bisector of s1ands3, and is not on the bisector of s2ands3. (5.35) This shows the Voronoi diagram depends on how Voronoi sites c onverge. Think the section of rwith ad+1 dimensional (5.36) Then the section is expressed (5.37) The elements of this matrix are 0 except diagonal, (0,1), and (1,0) elements. This matrix is diagonalized with a unitary matrix (5.44) Now we will figure out the necessary and sufficient condition fo r the diagonal matrix of Equation (5.38) to be rank 1. For that condition to h old, the following three cases can be considered: Case 1 (onlyd-th raw of the matrix is xd=xd+1= 0. Case 2 (only onei-th raw (3<=i<=d-1) is 0, all ofxj(3<=j<=d-1) are-1 except one (let its index to be k) andxk=d-3. Case 3 (onlyl2is = that it is impossible that only l1is non-zero. In both Case 1 and Case 2, the set of points that satisfies the condition is just one poin t, so our main interest is Case 3. The set of points that satisfies this condition is a m anifold. Actually, Case 3 = 1, (5.46) and this is an we prepare for workout of the divergence. The log of ris expressed we some workout, we (5.49) Using these fact and the assumption e1+e2=x1+x2=d-2, we we think of a Voronoi diagram with only two regions for si mplicity. It is enough for our objective. Let sand ~sbe two sites, and supposethat rmoves along the boundary of the Voronoi regions. Suppose that sand ~sare parameterized in the same way as r. We consider what happens if r(0<=r<1) is fixed and the following x3=***=xd-1=-1. (5.51) 70The condition 0<=r<1 means that ris semi-positive and not a pure state while r= 1 in pure states. In other words, we regard that ris on the same by shrinking the ellipsoid expressed by Equation ( 5.46). These settings are in order to take a limit of a diagram to get a diagram in the p urestates. Taking the limitr-1, we can get a condition for purestates. This procedureis an alogous to the method used in Chapter 4. Now to think of the shape of boundary, we have to solve the equa tion D(s||r) =D(~s||r), (5.52) and this is equivalent to Tr (s-~s)logr= 0. (5.53) Using Equation (5.50), we obtain Tr when r= 0, this is zero because l1/l2= 1. In that case, rcan take only one point, but we do not have to care about this case because we are going to take the limitr-1. From now on, we suppose r>0 and that means 1. Hence we get the following equation that holds in the boundar y of the 0. taking the limit r-1, we get Equation (5.55) as the expression of the boundary in pure states. A careful inspection of Equation (5.55) tells us a geometric interpretation of this boundary. We obtain the following theorem: Theorem 5.5. On the ellipsoid of the pure states which appears in the secti on defined above, if transferred by a linear transform wh ich maps the ellipsoid to a sphere, the Voronoi diagram with respect to th e divergence coincides with the one with respect to the geodesic of the affine transform defined (5.56) then Equation (5.55) is expressed = 0, (5.57) while Equation (5.46) 1. (5.58) Thus when ( x,y,z) and (~x,~y,~z) are fixed, the point ( x',y',z') which stand for e runs along the geodesic. Now we work out the Voronoi diagram with respect to Euclidean distance. Under the assumption above, the Euclidean distance is expre ssed as d(s,r)
= (5.59) and we get the equation for boundary = 0.(5.60) By comparing the coefficients of x1,xd, andxd+1, we can tell that the by Equation (5.55) and (5.60) are different. To show how different they are, we give some examples in the rest of this section. Example 5.1. Suppose that ( e1,ed,ed+1) = (d-1,0,0) and (~e1,~ed,~ed+1) =
(-1,0,0), then the boundary is x1=d-2 2for the both 5.2. Supposethat( e1,ed,ed+1) = (0,1,0) = (0,-1,0), then the boundary is, for both the divergence and Euclidean d istance, 0. 72Example 5.3. Consider the Voronoi diagram with the following eight sites (5.61) where+-'s mean all the possible combinations. Then the Voronoi diag rams look like Fig.5.3. This figure is also for d= 5. Obviously they are 5.3: An example of a diagram which appears as a section of a Voronoi dia- gram in three level quantum state space. The left is the diagr am by the divergence, and the right is by the Euclidean distance. 5.4 Other have shown that the Euclidean Voronoi diagram and the dive rgence Voronoi diagram are different as far as the regular parameterization o f a quantum state is used. However, the parameterization of the quantum state is not unique. The condition that a matrix is Hermitian and its trace is one is ex pressed in another way. Here, we show an example of the parameterization with wh ich the section of the diagrams shown in the previous section coincides. Note t hat it just means the sections are the same and it cannot conclude that the diagram s are globally the same. It is difficult to investigate all the possible parameterizat ion, or equally all the possible embedding of quantum state space into the Euclidea n space. This section 73is intended only to show an example to which the proof of the pr evious section cannot be applied. Suppose that a density matrix is parameterized in another wa y than Equation (3.5) other word, we will think what happens if xi(0<=i<=d-2) is replaced byd 2xi. We will show that Voronoi diagrams with respect to Euclidean distance and the divergence coincide for pure states in the section expresse d by (5.36) Under this Equation (5.46) is expressed 1, (5.63) and Equation (5.55) (5.64) Assuming that Equation (5.63) holds, the Euclidean distanc e is calculated as d(r,s) = = 0. (5.66) This is equivalent to Equation (5.64), and we have shown the V oronoi diagrams are the same. Again, we mention this does not conclude that the diagrams ar e the same globally. We conjecture that they are different. More general ly, we conjecture that even with of quantum state space, the Euclidean Vor onoi diagram and the divergence Voronoi diagrams are different. 5.5 Bures distance and Fubini-Study Distance In this section, we prove the following theorem: Theorem 5.6. In a general level quantum system, for pure states, the follow ing diagrams are with respect to the divergence, i.e. with respect to Fubini-Study with respect to Bures distance The equivalence between the Fubini-Study diagram and the Bu res diagram is obvious we will show the coincidence between the diagram by Bur es distance and the diagram by (5.68) where Xis a unitary complex matrix expressed by X= (xij). (5.69) In other words, rois parameterized by one real parameter oandd2complex pa- rametersxij. Note that in this there might be more tha n for one given density to a pure state when you take the limit o|0. Moreover ro has rankdifo>0, and all pure states in space of dlevel system can be expressed by the limit of ro. Actually, taking the limit, we any pure state can be written in this way. About the divergence, we will calculate the boundary of the V oronoi diagram as a set ofro's for a fixed o, and take its limits. Considering the equivalence of the equations stated in (5.67), we can restate the problem: Claim 5.1. For given pure states s1ands2, let So(s1,s2) (s1r) = Tr (5.72) 76Then, for any s1,s2the following equation =T(s1,s2) that si's are expressed 1,2). (5.74) Defining the matrix (5.75) we can also we Tr s1logs1= Trs2logs2= (zij), (5.77) can be expanded further as (5.77) z z -z21z21logo+***+ -zd1zd1logo? ? -z22z22logo+***+ ? stands for a non-zero element that does not affect the result of the -z21z21logo+***+ -zd1zd1logo]
+[ -z22z22logo+***+ note that zij= 0 forj>=3 because the elements X*are all zero except the first two columns. Thus, we = 0. (5.80) Here we used the fact 1, unitary and vectors ( y11,y12,...,y1d) and have a unit length. For Equation (5.80) to hold independent of o, the necessary and sufficient condition is
|z11|=|z12|. (5.82) Writing down the elements by xij's andyij's, we obtain the condition written as
|-x11y11+ -x12y12+***+ -x12y22+***+ we consider the condition for Bures (or Fubini-Study) di stance. Similarly we can extend the formula as (5.84) Thus, Tr (s1-s2)r0= 0== |z11|=|z12|, (5.85) and finally we obtain the same condition as (5.83). 5.6 Expected the Euclidean distance is an exception and the spac e is restricted to pure states, we have shown that the coincidence of the Voronoi dia grams also happens in three or higher system. This means some problem about a dis tance for pure 80states can be translated into another problem in another dis tance. In such a sense, we can say we have clarified the structure of pure states as a sp ace. As is explained in Section 4.6, effectiveness of the algorithm by Hayashi et al. to compute the Holevo capacity of one-qubit channel is parti ally supported by the coincidence of Voronoi diagrams. Itis natural to thinkthee xtended coincidence for higher level system might become useful in the extended algo rithm. The is introduced in Chapter 6, but we have not found a c oncrete application in it. We also have to mention that the main part of the theorem about the coincidence used to support the effectiveness of the algorith m for one-qubit system is the one between Euclidean Voronoi and the divergence Voro noi, and it is proved not to happen in a higher level system. The distances in a quantum state space are originally consid ered as a tool to distinguish the states by measuring. We expect our result wi ll be used in of states. Actually, how well a message is cod ed in quantum system partially depends on how uniformly distributed points we ca n get in a quantum state space. The uniformness of a point set is preserved betw een multiple if their Voronoi diagrams are the same. As a real vector space, a d-level quantum state space has a quadratic dimension d2-1. From the viewpoint of computational geometry, our contri bution is an implication about such a large dimensional space about its a ctual computation. It provides a new category of research fields: distortion measu re in ahigh Summary of this chapter We have investigated whether the same thing as the coinciden ce of Voronoi dia- grams in the one-qubit system also occurs in three or higher l evel system. The Euclidean Voronoi diagram and the divergence Voronoi diagr am are proved to be different in three or higher level system. On the other hand, fo r pure states, the coincidence of the Euclidean distance, the Bures distance, and the occurs even in three or higher level system. Some problems about a pseudo-distance for pure quantum stat es can be trans- 81lated into a problem about another pseudo-distance. There i s still no of it, but by the analogy of the numerical comput ation of capacity of one-qubit channel, it is likely to become useful in the futur e. Another point is that we found a connection among measures wh ich have ap- parently have no relation. Especially, the connection betw een a distance used for quantum database search and a pseudo-distance used in quant um information the- ory is 6 Numerical Computation and Experiment 6.1 Overview We propose a new algorithm to compute the Holevo capacity of a quantum for three or higher level system. Our algorithm i s based on a and never converges to a local optimum. It is th e main merit of our algorithm compared to the preceding olevo capacity, which is an extension of the algorithm by Arimoto and Blahut t o compute the capacity of a classical channel. The main deficit of the algor ithm by Osawa and Nagaoka is that it only computes a local optimum, although Ar is guaranteed to reach the global optimum. It is be cause the foraclassical capa city a quantum one. The algorithm we propose is an extension of the one by Hayashi et al. [47] and Oto et al. [93, 94]. We follow their idea of using the smallest enclosing ball problem after approximating the geometric object by a set of points. However, to solve the smallest enclosing ball problem, the method based on a farth est Voronoi in [93, 94] cannot be directly applied to a higher l evel system because of its complexity. Our main contribution is to show theoretica lly and practically that Welzl's algorithm to solve the smallest enclosing ball prob lem is also useful for a quantum state space. 83(a) In Osawa-Nagaoka's algorithm, the objective function is not concave and it might converge to a local optimum(b) In our proposed algorithm, the small- est enclosing ball problem is computed for plotted points and it is the global opti- mum Figure 6.1: Conceptual explanation of Osawa-Nagaoka's alg orithm and our algo- rithm The main merit of our algorithm is that it can find a global opti mum although it is only an approximate algorithm. The difference of the idea s between our algorithm and Osawa-Nagaoka's one is conceptually explain ed by Fig. 6.1. 6.2 Smallest enclosing ball problem in a quantum state space In this section, we show that Welzl's algorithm is also appli cable for the quantum state space with the quantum divergence as its pseudo-dista nce. MatouV sek and al. [75] showed that the smallest enclosing pr oblem belongs to the class called linear programming-type ( LP-type) problem which is introduced as an abstraction of some algorithm for linear programming. Th e LP-type problem is defined as follows [75]. Think about the class of the optimiza tion problems defined by pairs (H,w), whereHis a finite set and w: 2H-Wis a function with a values in a ordered set W. The goal is to find the optimal set BHwhich satisfies w(BH) =w(H) and for any problem is LP-typewhen the following axioms are 6.1 (Monotonicity) .For anyFandGwithFGH, we have w(F)<=w(G) (6.1) Axiom 6.2. (Locality) For any FGHwith (-<)w(F) =w(G), and (6.2) The smallest enclosing ball problem in Euclidean space is ob viously belongs to this class. For the smallest enclosing ball problem with res pect to a given in a given space, whether Welzl's algorithm is also applicable, or in other words, has the same complexity order as in Euclidean space is certified by checking if the axioms above are and Nock [80] showed Bregman divergence satisfies th e axioms above. We will show that the quantum divergence also satisfies the ax ioms in the rest of this section, but it is by mostly the same idea of Nielsen and N ock. The latter axiom, locality, can be proved by showing the uniq ueness of the optimal ball. The uniqueness is follows from the linearity o f the bisectors (Theo- rem 5.1). Note that there are two types of the smallest enclosing ball p roblem can be considered as SEBD(P) = (6.3) SEB*
D(P) = a given set of quantum states. Our main interest is the s econd type because it is used to compute the Holevo capacity. The lo cality can be proved for both. First it is directly proved for the first type. For th e second type, we take dual of the problem as in Theorem 5.2, and similarly in the dua l space, we can determine the smallest enclosing ball uniquely. We have shown that for the smallest enclosing ball problem wi th respect to the quantum divergence, we can reach the optimum following t he same process as Welzl's algorithm. However, note that it is only under the assumption that 85the most primitive part of the algorithm works. In other word s, it can come to no conclusion about the complexity. Actually, it needs a com plicated to find a ball in terms of the divergence which pa sses through given points. Not only the complexity for it is not known, but there is no guarantee that the solution can be found. 6.3 Algorithm for numerical computation of the Holevo capac ity For the fixed level dof quantum system, the top level procedure of the algorithm we propose is as 6.1. 1:procedure main(G : quantum channel) Compute the Holevo capacity of a given ofB 6:end procedure The function the reasonably distributed points to ntum divergence. As an algorithm for distpoints, we employed the 6.2. 1:function distpoints Compute the reasonably distributed point in the quantum state space 2:ph= (ph1,...,ph Ph-(ph1+iph2, ph3+iph4, ..., ph 2d-3+iph2d-2, function The function nextstatecalled from this is as follows. Here, is a constant given as a returnnull 4:end returnph 11:end if 12:end function This algorithm is equivalent to run through all the possible tuples of inte- gers (n1,...,n 2(d-1)) which satisfies ( The as in a carry-up in the computation of sum of two int eger is used in nextstate. It tries to add to the i-th valuephi, but if the resulting value does not satisfy ( ph1,...,ph 2(d-1))<=1,phiis set to 0 and it tries to carry up to the the same value up to the multiplication of a complex numbe r zto Ph (of course, under the condition that |z|= 1 be a pure quantum state), d-th value of vector Ph can be restricted to R. So, lines 4 and 5 of distpointsdo not lose generality. We are not convinced that this is the best algorithm for dist points, but we take a trade-off between the simpleness of the algorithm and t he goodness of Thealgorithm iseasy tounderstand, andlook s distributed points. Nevertheless, there is no th eoretical guarantee that it really generates uniformly distributed points. 87The main part of our algorithm is the procedure to solve the sm allest enclosing ball problem. It is described as 6.3. 1:procedure qminball (P: set of P,) 3:end bqminball (P-{p},R) 10: end if 13: returnB 14:end if 15:end for through all the given points. To implement bqmb, the non-linear is necessary, and we have not found the algorit hm to compute it certainly. However, we believe that for a small d, we can use some libraries. We show in the next section that it i s a really there is no 100% reliable way to compute bqmb, the characteristic of the algorithm that it runs through points globally is a merit to cover that problem. To approximate the final result, it is not necessary to comput e the exact value for each call of bqmb, but it is enough with mostly correct value for mostlyall the call ofbqmb. Since it runs through all the plotted points globally, it is enough if the correct value is computed in one of the neighbor of the r eal optimal point. Of course, here we assume the error is one-sided, i.e. when it returns a wrong ball, 88the ball is always bigger than the real smallest ball. The computational error must be considered after divided in to two phases. About the smallest enclosing ball problem of points, the err or is one-sided. In that phase, the error is because of the optimization process, and if the not converges to the real optimum, the computed value is always bigger then the real optimum. However, our final objective to compute the Holevo capacity and it is equivalent to solve the smallest enclosing ball of a continuous Since a geometric object is approximated by plottin g points, one-sidedness of the error is not guaranteed at all. Of course, we can say we can obtain a better result by plotting more points. Then, how many points are needed to achieve a given upper boun d of the error? It is left to be open. It is essential to make the proposed algori thm really practical. 6.4 Numerical experiment Now, we show the algorithm we proposed is really practical. W e will check whether the samples computed by Osawa and Nagaoka [92] is correct. The most primitive part to compute the sphere with respect to the di- vergence which passes through given points ( bqmbin Section 6.3) is im- plemented using GNU Scientific Library (GSL) [42]. We used th e function fdfin GSL to compute the minimum value of a given function with its domain in Rn. The optimization problem we have to solve is formulated as toD(s1||r) GSL has no non-linear optimization function which process the con- strains like this. To fit to the specification of gslmultimin function fdfof GSL we rewrite the problem with a sufficiently large number Aas that the only exception is the case n=d2. In that case, the computation of the center of the ball does not include optimization. The c enter is by equations. Actually, the =D(s2||r) =***=D(sd2||r) equal marks and d2-1 unknown variables, and it has a unique solution in general. We employed a restricted version of the algorithm which igno re the ball with d2 points on its boundary. In other words, we solved the problem under the assump- tion that the optimal ball is determined by less than d2points. This restriction is because there is no easy way to compute the solution of Equa tion (6.6). Al- though this restriction seems unnatural, we expect that it m akes no difference for the result, or at worst, the difference is small because of the c haracteristic of the problem. We compute the capacity for the channel G 5in [92]. G 5is given by G(r) given as V1=
0.2 0.3 0.4 0 (6.10) 900.5 0.25 0.2 0.1Result of by Osawa and Nagaoka Figure 6.2: Result of numerical computation for various The step value ( in Algorithm 6.2) is set to 0 .1, and the number of plotted points are 49486. This value is determined so that the comput ation ends in a reasonable time, and returns a reasonable result. The result of our experiment was 0 .672***, while the optimal value written in [92] is 0.677***. The arguments to achieve the optimum is shown in Table 6.1, where the optimal value for ris expressed (6.11) and the approximated capacity is given by C=D(s1||r*) =D(s2||r*) =***. (6.12) The machine used in experiment is Intel Xeon 2.3GHz (64bit) w ith Linux x86 64 installed. The time for computation was 6 hours and 55 minute s. Fig. 6.2 shows the result of the computation for various . Si nce we can approach to the real solution with a smaller , it seems our re sult is approaching to the result by Osawa and Nagaoka. However, we cannot conclu de because we have not estimated the computational error and the error for our algorithm is 6.1: Result of numerical 0.6729054 Time for computation: 6h55m Variables to achieve the optimum: wi Discussion We obtained the similar result as that of Osawa and Nagaoka. S ince we have not done any error estimation, we can not know how correct the res ult is. However, it is still meaningful because we achieved a good approximat ion for the result of Osawa and Nagaoka, and showed their result is likely to be the global optimum. In our experiment, the number of quantum states which appear s on the surface of the optimum ball is 6, which is bigger than the number 3 show n in the paper by Osawa and Nagaoka. Although it is probably because of an erro r of the another possibility is that for the smaller number o f points, the optimum is not correctly calculated. Actually we observed that smal ler number of points as a constraint makes the optimization more unstable. It is b ecause with the dimension of the space where the variables can go becomes higher. Anyway, further observation is needed to know the reason for the difference. To make the approximation better, we have to make the step val ue smaller. The problem is the computational complexity which rapidly i ncreases as gets smaller. For three level system, when is 1 /n, the complexity becomes O(n4). To avoid the computationally difficult case, our experiment w as under the as- sumption that the optimum ball is determined by less than d2points. To remove the restriction is naturally considered as a next work. Alth ough the direct compu- tation of the ball which pass through d2is to solve a d2-1 dimensional the dual problem by Legendre transform becomes a l inear equation. Us- ing the dual problem is a probable option. Another problem is how much likely this method can be used for an system. For a d-level system, the complexity becomes O(n2d-2), where = 1/n. Because of lack of error estimation, we cannot say any concr ete criterion forn, but it is likely that the computation for d= 4 is far more difficult than the cased= 3. As is mentioned by Welzl [121], the possible way of improveme nt is to care for the order of the points. The original algorithm to compute th e smallest enclosing ball is a Las Vegas algorithm and its computational complexi ty is based on the randomness of the order of points. Some heuristics might imp rove the actual per- formance of the computation, even if it does not improve the c omplexity expressed as an order. In particular, since the optimization process f or fixed bounding points is very heavy in the proposed algorithm, the heuristics in th e order of the points is more likely to contribute to the improvement than the usua l Euclidean ball problem. 936.6 Summary of this of uses arranged version of Welzl's algorithm to compute the smallest enclosing ball problem. The proposed algorithm is for an arbitrary d-level system, and it is natural extension of the existing algorithm for one-qubit s ystem. Although the proposed algorithm includes a non-linear opti mization in its pro- cess which is likely to be very unstable, we have shown it is ac tually works for some examples of channels in 3-level system. We calculated the sa me examples as the ones by Osawa and Nagaoka [92], and certified the results by th em are real optima though there had been a concern that those might be only local optima. The main merit of our algorithm is that it searches an optimum globall y. Although proposed algorithm can practically approximate t he result, analysis for its error is not done yet, and the error is not one-sided. E stimating the error and computing the lower-bound for the real value by the compu ted value are to 7 Conclusion In this dissertation, we have given another geometric inter pretation to a quantum state space. It indicates a connection among some quantum-r elated research fields. More precisely, what we have shown in this dissertation main ly consists of the following two parts:
*some Voronoi diagrams in quantum state space algorithm for the smallest enclosing ball problem i s also applicable for a quantum state space. In this chapter, we summarize again the main results and disc uss the meaning of them and future potential of development of related resea rches. 7.1 Coincidences of Voronoi diagrams We proved that in one-qubit system, the Voronoi diagrams wit h respect to the divergence and Euclidean distance are the same. We also prov ed that in an n-level system forn>=3, that coincidence does not occur. In three or higher level system, restricting on a certain sub space, we have in- vestigated some distances. We showed that with some unnatur al Voronoi diagrams with respect to the divergence and Euclide an distance coincide on the supspace. We also showed that Voronoi diagrams with re spect to the diver- gence and the Fubini-Study distance only application of these fact is the algorithm by Hayashi et al. [47] to compute the Holevo capacity of a quantum channel. Neverth eless, we believe those result have clarified some aspect of the structure of a q uantum state space. Our result shows thatthere is a connection among different dis tances which are used in different cotexts. Especially a significant thing is a c onnection between the distance used in quantum computation and the pseudo-dis tance which is used for quantum information theory. We regard we indicated a bri dge between those research fields. From the viewpoint of computational geometry, what we have d one can be a methodological hint. Generally in a situation that some mea sures are associated to a set, analyzing those Voronoi diagrams will some indicatio n about the relation of those measures. Especially for a computational purpose, si nce a Voronoi diagram is a popular tool to approximate a continuous geometric obje ct in a Voronoi diagrams is a reasonable start point for t he discussion about how we can deal with a given continuous object with some assoc iated metrics. 7.2 Numerical computation of Holevo capacity We have shown that Welzl's algorithm for the smallest enclos ing problem is also applicable to a quantum state space. Using Welzl's algorith m, we proposed a new algorithm to compute the Holevo capacity of a quantum channe l. Although it leads to no conclusion about its complexity, we showed it is practi cal by an the experiment is for only few samples and under som e restrictions, we showed the proposed algorithm really works for a real comp utation. We have not compared its practical performance to the existing algo rithm by Osawa and Nagaoka [92], but it has at least one merit: there is no worry f or local optima. 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Estimation of a Quantum Channel Capacity | Ph.D thesis, adviser: Hiroshi Imai, 118 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables | null | null | null | quant-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ | In quantum information theory, a geometric approach, known as "quantum
information geometry," has been considered as a powerful method. In this
thesis, we give a computational geometric interpretation to the geometric
structure of a quantum system. Especially we introduce the concept of the
Voronoi diagram and the smallest enclosing ball problem to the space of quantum
states. With those tools in computational geometry, we analyze the adjacency
structure of a point set in the quantum state space. Additionally, as an
application, we show an effective method to compute the capacity of a quantum
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1 Introduction In 1900 D. Hilbert announced a list of twenty-three outstanding un solved problems. The seventh problem was settled in 1934 by A. O. Gelfond a nd an independent proof by Th. Schneider in 1935. They proved that if numbers with a/negationslash= 1, and if bis not a real rational number, then any value of abis transcendental [1, 2]. For instance transcendental number is 2 2. This can be written in the form can ask ourselves a following question which class of transcend ental numbers can be presented this way? Or can any transcendental n umber be expressed in the form (1). Answer is obvious; some transcendent al numbers cannot be expressed this way, for instance number ecannot be presented after taking logarithm from both sides 1 [3-5]for m1,n1N. However, one can take more freedom and try to express the numb erein even more freedom and try to present the number ein the form a1a2, have the form (4). Obviously, the argument such as shown in (3), that number ecannot be presented in such way, cannot be applied anymore since both a1anda2can be now transcendental numbers. One can go even further (as it is done in [6]) and take much more freed om in generating the numbers or a set of numbers, which elements will be g enerated through a general element of the sequence that has the in (5) each element aiof bases and exponents has the following form: ai= 1,2,3,...n,j= numbers canbeorcan not be represented in this way? Can majority of the transcendent al numbers be presented or can not be presented in this way? If some transce ndental numbers can not be presented, is that set countable or not? First let us note that the set of numbers generated through the o perator thefirst and last element, it has subset of all rational numbers, and it is dense ev erywhere in rational, algebraic and transcendental numbers. However, it ma y not be 3equal to the set of the real numbers since it is harder to prove tha t it is dense in Dedekind's sense, since this would require proof that it does not ha ve holes, i.e. that all numbers can be represented in this way. To avoid that difficulty, let as assume that some numbers can not be p thenumber ofthee lements in such set, i.e. on determining the cardinality of such set of numbers . 2 The cardinality of the generated set of numbers Let us generate the set of the real numbers through relation (5) where element of the set is to write (5) for all possible combinations of arg uments, with the sum of all bases and exponents equal to 2, 3, 4,... and so on. As the sum increases the number of the exponents will expand. The sa mple of such generated set with a procedure to avoid double counting of th e same numbers is given in [6]. However, let us focus here on our main task whic h is to estimate the cardinality of such generated set when the proces s described above continues to infinity. For each particular number the general element (5) that corresp onds to generating new numbers continues to infinity there is no an upper limit for the number of the exponents aithat will be generated by the general element (5), which will also go to infinity. Each of the elements of aiwill have 0 possible combinations. This is obvious, since for any arbitrary large v alue nNwhich one could take for the number of combinations, that value will 4be exceeded in this described process. The same is true for the num ber of the exponents. The number of the exponents will also be 0, since again any arbitrary taken number that one could chose for the value of the n umber of the exponents (does not matter how large is the number) will be exc eeded in the described process, which continues to the above described set will have 00=celements which makes it equivalent in the cardinal number to the set of the real numbers. A one to between such produced set and the set of natu ral numbers Ncan be easily obtained by arranging the set elements by the sum of th e exponents, as it is done for instance in [6]. We will not here proceed to discuss what could be wrong with the Cant or's famous diagonal proof of countability of the set of real numbers; some of the relevant remarks are done in [6, 7]. Let us note here that that proo f could be wrong since it uses the method of induction which, as it is well known [8, 9, 10], can not be applied on the infinite sets. With that method one can o nly prove that a number created by the diagonal procedure can be diff erent from anynnumbers in the set. The method can not prove that that number is different from any number in the assumed denumerable set, which ha s infinite number of the elements. So, one can move through that set using t he to higher positions numbers nin the sequence, but can not go through all the set elements. At least it cannot be done by using the Conclusion It is proven that the set generated by the general element (5) ha s cardinal number equal to 00=c. The same set is also denumerable, the elements can be ordered by the sum of the bases and exponents in (5). Ther efore it is proven that the cardinality of the real and natural set of numbe rs are the same, i.e. that A. O. Gelfond, Doklady Akad. Nauk. S.S.S.R., 2(1934), 1-6. [2] Th. Schneider, J. Reine angew. Math., 172(1035) 65-69. [3] A. Baker, Linear forms in the logarithms of algebraic num bers I, II, III, IV, Mathematika, 220-228; Ch. Hermite, Sur la fonction exponentialle, Oeuvres III , 150-181. [5] A. Baker and D. W. Masser, Transcendence Theory: Advance s Academic Press London New York San Francisco , 1977. [6] S. Vlahovic and B. Vlahovic, Countability of the Real Num S. Vlahovic and B. Vlahovic, Remarks on Cantor's diagona lization proof of 1891, A.A. Fraenkel and Y. Bar-Hillel, Foundation of Set Theor y, Amsterdam 1958, chapter IV. [9] A. Frankel, Y. Bar-Hillel and A. Levy, Foundation of set t heory, North 1973, van Dalen's remarks p. 268. 6[10] M. Hallett, Cantorian Set Theory and Limitation of Size , Clarendon Press Oxford, 1984. 7 | 0803.3119 | Branislav Vlahovic | Slavica Vlahovic and Branislav Vlahovic | The property of the set of the real numbers generated by a
Gelfond-Schneider operator and the countability of all real numbers | 7 pages | null | null | null | math.GM | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | Considered will be properties of the set of real numbers $\Re$ generated by
an operator that has form of an exponential function of Gelfond-Schneider type
with rational arguments. It will be shown that such created set has cardinal
number equal to ${\aleph_0}^{\aleph_0}=c$. It will be also shown that the same
set is countable. The implication of this contradiction to the countability of
the set of real numbers will be discussed.
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"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 21 Mar 2008 07:04:27 GMT"
] | 2008-03-24T00:00:00 | [
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/EF/BD/BA /GO/GD/GF/GR /GJ/H0 /GQ /H3/GQ/GP /H3 /GL/GD/GI /GM/G9 /B4/BD/B5/BA -o''+qo=lo /GP /GL/G8 /GR = 0 /B8o[1](0,l) = 1 /AM /GL/GR /GJ/GG /GU/GD/GJ/GM/GH /GP /GF/GL/G8 L /BA /GM/GH /GF/GL/G8 /G9/GR /GC/GD/GK /GL/GR /GJ/H3 l0 /BA /FE /GP/GG/GJ/GR /GG /G8/H3 /GI /GF/GL/G8 /GV/GD/GL/GG/H3 /GO/G8/GA/GL/G81 /BA /FR/GR /GF/GL/G8 /GM/GH /BA /GV/GQ/GM /B8j= 1,2,...,p-1 /GR /H3/H2/GQ /GK l(o(j) l) = 0 /BA /FU /G8/GI/GG/GK /B8j= 0,1,...,p-1 /GG/GF /GG /GF/GL/G8 /FN/GD/GB/GI /GM /GV/GQ/GM /H1/GQ/GM/GH /G8 /GF/GL/G8 /GV/GG/GQ /GN/GM/GO/GM p /BA /GV/GG/GK /GF/GL/G8 /GV/GD/GL/GG/H3 {ln}
/GG /GD/GK/GG/GT /GA /GN/GM/GO /H3/GC/GI /GD /G8/GL/GG/H3 /GK/GM /GC/GR /GP /GM/GH /BA /GK/GM /GC/GR /GJ/GD/GH /G9/GR /GC/GD/GK /GA/GD/GP/GQ/GG /GN/GM /G8/GL/GG/H2 /G8/B8 /GF/GL/G8 /H3 /GG/GF (-p,p] /BA /FR/GM /GC /GG /G9/GR /GC/GD/GK /B8 /GM/GH 1/uniontext k=1{o(j) l(x,lk)}pk j=0
/AM /GA/GP/GD /GF/GL/G8 /G8/H3 lk
/B5/BA /GV/GQ/GM /GA /GA/GP/GD /GF/GL/G8 /GV/GD/GL/GG/H3 /H3 /BD/BA /B4/GP /GK/BA /GQ/GD/GM/GO/GD /GK/GR /BE/BA/BL /GO /G8/G9/GM/GQ/GZ /CJ/BG/B5 /GN/GO/GG /GK th[0,1/2) /BA /FU /GM/GB/GC/G8 /GP/GG/GP/GQ/GD /GK/G8 {yn(x)}
n=1 /GG /GM/GN/GD/GO /G8/GQ/GM/GO /G8 L /GM/G9/GO /G8/GF/GR/GD/GQ /G9 /G8/GF/GG/GP /GG/GP/GP /G8 /GA L2[0,p] /BA/FU /G8/GI/GG/GK /GD/GQ /BA/GD/BA /GC/GJ/H3 /GI (yn(x),wm(x)) /GL/G8/GW/GD/GK /GE/GL/GM /H3/GA/GL/GM /GA /GA/GG/GC/GD /GI /GI /GG L*=-d2/dx2+q(x) /B4/GP/GK/BA /CJ/BD/BC /B5/BA /FE /B8 /GD/GP/GJ/GG /GF/GL/G8 /GR/H2 /BD/BA /GV/GG/GK /GV/GD/GO/GD/GFlth 2 {an}
/B8 /GC/GJ/H3 /GI /BA /GV/GQ/GM /GC/GJ/H3 /GJ/H2/G9/GM/GH uWth 2[0,p] /B8 0<th<1/2 /B8 /GB /GC/GDun= /BE/BA /B80< th <1/2 /B8 /BA /FU /GM/GB/GC/G8/B8 /GP/GL/GD/GI /GL/GM /GK/GD/GO /GF/GC/GD/GP/H0 /GG /GA /GK /GL/G8 /GA/GZ/G9/GM/GO /GL/GM /GK/GD/GO /G8N /GQ/GM /GJ/H0/GI/GM /GM/GQth /GGR /GG /GL/GD /GM/GQ /GT/G8/GO /G8/GI/GQ/GD/GO/GG/GP/GQ/GG/GI/B5/B8 /GA/GP/GD /GM/GN/GD/GO /G8/GQ/GM/GO /G8 L /G8 /GC/GJ/H3 yn
/GGwn/BD/GA/GP/H2 /GC/GR /GA /GK (*,*) /G9/GR /GC/GD/GQ /GV/G8/GQ/H0/GP /H3 /GP/GI /GA L2[0,p] /BN /H3 /GQ /G8/GI/GE /GD /GO wn(x) /GK /GN/GM/GP /GD/GD/GL/GM/GO /GK/G8 /GA /H1/GQ/GM /GK /GM/GB/GO /GQ/GM /GJ/H0/GI/GM /GM/GQth /GGR /BA /FM/GO/GM /GL/GM/GO /GK/G8 /GN/GM/GP lth 2
/B8 /H3/B8 /BA /FO/GM /GE/GL/GM /GV/GQ/GM /GA /H1/GQ/GM/GK /GR/GE /GD /GV/GQ/GM /GC/GJ/H3 /GF/GL/G8 /GV/GD/GL/GG/GH /GG/GK/GD/GD/GQ /GA/GG/GCwn(x) /BA /FU /G8/GI/GG/GK /GL/GM/GO/GK/G8 /G8 /GF/GL/G8 /GV/GG/GQ /B8/GG /GM Pnf= (f,wn)yn
/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddoublep/integraldisplay 0f(t)t/integraldisplay 0u(s)Dm(t-2s+x)dsdt/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble C/lessorequalslant/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddoublep/integraldisplay 0x+t/integraldisplay x-tf(t)u/parenleftbiggt+x 2/parenrightbigg Dm(x)dxdt/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble C+
+/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddoublep/integraldisplay 0x+t/integraldisplay x-tf(t)/parenleftbigg u/parenleftbiggt-x+x 2/parenrightbigg -u/parenleftbiggt+x 2/parenrightbigg/parenrightbigg Dm(x)dxdt/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble C=I1+I2 /GN/GM/GP/GI /B4/GP/GK/BA/B8 /CJ/BD/BE/B8 /GB /GJ/BA /BD /B4/BK/B5 /G8/GP/GP /GA/GM /GP/GM/GK/GL/GM /GV/G8/GP/GQ/GG /B4/BK /B5/BA /FU /G8/GI /GI /B4/CJ/BD/BE /B8 /GB /GJ/BA /BD /EF/BF/BE/B5/B8 /GC/G8 /GG /GG/GF /B4/BK/B5 /B4/BL/B5/FO/GZ /GP /GA /GD /GG /GP /GQ/GM/GB/GM/B8 /GV/GQ/GM /GN/GM /GC /GF/GL/G8/GI /GM/GK /G8 /GP/GQ/GM/GG/GQ /G8/GJ/GM/GP/H0 /GA /GA/GZ/GO/G8/GE /GD/GL/GG/GG/BA /FR/GM/GP/GI /GM/GJ/H0/GI/GR /GJ/H3/GD/GQ /GL/GM/GO/GK/GR /GA /CJ/BD/B8 /GN/BA /GQ/GM /GP/GO/G8/GF/GR /GL/GD/GM/G9 /GT /GM /GC/GG/GK/GR/H2 /BA /FQ/GC/GL/G8/GI /GM /GC/GJ/H3 /GR /GF/GC/GD/GP/H0 /GQ /G8/GI/GE /GD /GC/GM/GI /H1/GQ/GM/GB/GM /G8/GI/GQ /G8/BA /GV/GG/GK Ps(e) /BA /FU /G8/GI /GI /GC/GDun= /B8 /GM/GB /GM/GJ/H0/GI/GR Wth 2[0,p] /B8 /GQ/GM /GO /H3/GC /GP /GT /GM /GC/GG/GQ/GP /H3 /GG /GD/GB/GM /GP/GR/GK/GK/G8 /GM/GB/GO/GI /GM/GL/GP/GQ /GF/G8/GA/GG/GP /H3/GX/GD/GH /GQ/GM/GJ/H0/GI /GM /GM/GQth /GGR /BA /FJ/GL/G8 /GV/GG/GQ /B8 /GP /GL/GD /B4/BL/B5/B8 /GK/GM /GE /GD/GK /GB/GM /GP/GJ/G8/GB /GA /G8 /GP/GJ/G8/GB /GA /B4/BJ /B5 /GA/GZ/GQ/GD/GI /G8/GD/GQ /GG/GF /GC/GR /GA /GM/GU/GD/GL/GI /G8/GT /GN/GO/GG /GL/GD/GM/G9 /GT /GM /GN/GM/GJ/G8/GB /G8/GD/GK/B8 /GV/GQ/GM /GA/GP/GD /GN/GD/GO/GG/GM /GN/GO/GM /GC/GM/GJ/GE /GD/GL/GZ/GF/G8 [0,p] /BA/BI/FU /G8/GI/GG/GK /GI /GM /GR /GV/GJ/GD/GL/GR /B4/BI/B5/BA /FE /GP/GG/GJ/GR /GM/GO/GK/GR /GJ /B4/BE /B4/BD/BD/B5/GB /BA/FP/G8/GI /B5 /GA/GZ/GQ/GD/GI /G8/GD/GQ /GM/GU/GD/GL/GI /G8 /B4/BH /B5/BA/G0/G8/GB /BD /BE /G8 /GL/GM/GO/GK/GZ /B80<th<1/2 /BA /FU /GV/GQ/GM Bm /H3 /GA /GA/GG/GC/GD /AM /GA /GR/GQ/GA/GD/GO /BF/B5/BA /FR/GM/GP/GI /GM/GJ/H0/GI/GR /GA/GZ/G9/GM/GO /GV/GG/GP/GJ/G8N /GQ/GM/GJ/H0/GI /GM /GM/GQ th /GGR /B8 /FQ/GP/GQ /G8/GD/GQ/GP /H3 /FK/GF /GR/GQ/GA/GD/GO /BF /GA/GZ/GQ/GD/GI /G8/GD/GQ /B8 /GV/GQ/GM /GL/GM/GO/GK/G8 PN-1
/B8 /GJ/GD/GL/GL/GM/GB/GM /GN/GM /GG/GF L2[0,p] /GA W1 2[0,p] /B8/GM/GB/GO /GI /GM/GL/GP/GQ /GF/G8/GA/GG/GP /H3/GX/GD/GH /GQ/GM/GJ/H0/GI /GM /GM/GQth /GGR /BA /GN/GR /B8/GB /GC/GD0< th <1/2 /B8 /BA /FU /GM/GB /BA /FU /G8/GI /GI /G8/GI/GA/GJ/GM /GE /GD/GL/GG/GD /GW/G8/GO/G8 /GO/G8/GC/GG/GR /GP/G8R Wth 2[0,p] /GA Wth/2 2[0,p] /GI /GC/GD/GQ /G8/GQ/H0 /GL/G8 /GL/GD/GK /GP/GA/GM/GG/GT /FE/GP/GG/GJ/GR /GA/GJ/GM /GE /GD/GL/GG/H3 /B4/GP/GK/BA/B8 /CJ/BD/B8 /GN/BA /BE /BF /B4/GC/GM/GI /GT /GM /B5/BA/FG/GJ/H3 /GJ/H2/G9/GM/GH fL2[0,p] /GA/GZ/GN/GM 0. /B4/BD/BG/B5/BJ /G8/GP/GP Bm
/BA /FU /G8/GI /GI /G8/GI /GA/GP/GD ykW1 2[0,p] /B8 /GQ/GM /GO /H3/GC /FW/GR/GO/H0/GD yk
/GP /GT /GM /GC/GG/GQ/GP /H3 /GI /GL/G8 /GD[0,p] /B8 /GG /GK/GZ 0./FQ/GP/GQ /G8/GJ/GM/GP/H0 /GV/GQ/GM/B8 /GA /GP/GG/GJ/GR {yk(x)} /B4/GP/GK/BA /GR/GQ/GA/GD/GO /BD/B5/B8 /GG/GF /GD/GQ /B4/BD/BG /B5/BA/G0/G8/GB /BF /GI /GC/GM/GI /GR/GQ/GA/GD/GO /GM /GP/GI /GT /GM /BA /FG/GJ/H3 k/greaterorequalslantNth,R /GV/GG/GK gk(x) /GV/GQ/GMcn= (f(x),wn(x)) /B5/BA /GC/GJ/H3 /GJ/H2/G9/GM/GH fL2[0,p] /GG /GC/GJ/H3 m
/bardblBmf/bardblC/lessorequalslant/bardblBm(f-gk)/bardblC+/bardblBmgk/bardblC. /BG /G8 /GA C[0,p] /FU /GM/GB/GC/G8 /GC/GJ/H3 mN
/parenleftigg/summationdisplay n=k+1|cn,0|2/parenrightigg1/2
+/bardblf/bardblL2 kth , /BA/FT /GM/GO/GK/GR /GJ /B4/BE/B5 /BM
/bardblf(x)-gk(x)/bardblL2/lessorequalslant/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay n=k+12 p(f(x),sinnx)sinnx/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L2+/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay n=k+1/radicalbigg 2 p(f(x),psn(x))sinnx/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L2+
+/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay n=k+1/radicalbigg 2 p(f(x),sinnx)phn(x)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L2+/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay n=k+1(f(x),psn(x))phn(x)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L2/lessorequalslant
/parenleftigg/summationdisplay n=k+1|cn,0|2/parenrightigg1/2
+/parenleftigg/summationdisplay n=k+1|(f(x),psn(x))|2/parenrightigg1/2
/parenleftbigg 1+Cth,R kth/parenrightbigg
/parenleftigg/summationdisplay n=k+1|cn,0|2/parenrightigg1/2
+/bardblf/bardblL2 kth
/parenleftbigg 1+Cth,R kth/parenrightbigg ./BK/FR/GM/GP/GI /GM/GJ/H0/GI/GR /B4/BD/BF /B5/B5/B8 /GQ/GM /GG/GF /GC/GM/GI /GL/GD /G8/GD/GQ /GM/GU/GD/GL/GI /G8 /B4/BD/BI /B5/BA/G0/G8/GB /BG /GI /GM/GU/GD/GL/GI /GD /GP/GJ/G8/GB /GA /B4/BD/BH /B5/BA /FR/GR /GP/GQ/H0m > k /BA /GV/GG/GK /GV/GD/GO/GD/GFSm/B8 /GG/GF W1 2[0,p] /GA C[0,p] /GN/GM = /BA /GM/GJ/H0/GI/GR /GA/GP/GD /GG L /G8/GQ /B8 /GQ/GM Sm
/GL/G8 /GL/GG/GT /GI /GJ/GD/GL/GM/B5/BA /FU /GM/GB /BH /G8 /GA C[0,p] /AL /GL/G8/GQ/GR/GO /GV/GG/GP /GJ/G8/B8m > /FU /GM/GB/GC/G8 /GC/GJ/H3 /GJ/H2/G9/GM/GH f /GG/GF L2[0,p] /GG /GV/GG/GP /GJ/G8e>0 /GP/GN/GO /B4/BD/BK/B5 /GV/GQ/GM /GJ/GD/GA/GR/H2 /GV/G8/GP/GQ/H0 /GL/GD /B4/BD/BK /B5 /GK/GM /GE/GL/GM /G8/GA/GG/GQ/H0 /GA /G8/GI /GI /G8/GIyn(x) /B8 /GB /GC/GDphn(x) /GJ/GD/GL/GZ /GA /B4/BE /B5/BA /GA/GZ/GA/GM /GC/GD /GL/GD /GK/GZ /GR/GV/GJ/GG /GQ/GM/GQ /G8/GI/GQ /B8 /GA/GJ/GM /GE /GD/GL/GG/H3 We+1/2 2[0,p]-C[0,p] /B4/CJ/BD /B8 /GN/BA /BA /GV/GQ/GM /GC/GJ/H3 e>0 /GK/GZ /GN/GM /GV/G8/GP/GQ /H3/GK /GG /GR/GV/GJ/GG /GQ/GM/GQ /G8/GI/GQ /B8 /GV/GQ/GM phn(0) =phn(p) = 0 /BA/FU /G8/GI /GI /G8/GI /GG/GF /GM/GO/GK/GR /GJ /B4/BE/B5 /GP/GJ/GD/GC/GR /GD/GQ /B8 =nen(x) +u(x)yn(x) /B8 /GB /FJ/GL/G8 /GV/GG/GQ /G8/GI/B8 /GP/GJ/G8/GB /G8/GD/GK/GM/GD /GA /B4/BD/BJ /B5 /GL/GD /GT /GM /BH /GI /GM /GR /GP/GJ/G8/GB /GA /B4/BD/BJ/B5/BA Sm
/GL/G8 gN
/CW /D9/CZ /BT/BA /C5/BA /CU/D3/D6/D1 /D9/D0/CP/CT /CU/D3/D6 /D3/CU /DB/CX/D8/CW /D4 /D3/D8/CT/D2 /CP/D6/CG/CX/DA /FM/G8/GQ/GM /FU /BA /FU /GD/GM/GO/GG/H3 /GM/GA /BB/BB /FO/BA/BM /FO/GG/GO/B8 /FD/G8/GO/GG /FP/BA /FM/BA /GO /H3/GC/GZ/BA /FO/BA/BM /GM/GP/GR | 0803.3166 | Shkalikov | I. V. Sadovnichaya | Equiconvergence theorems for Sturm--Liouville operators with
distribution potentials^ the rate of equiconvergence | 11 pages | null | null | null | math.SP math.FA | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We consider a Sturm--Liouville operator $Ly=-y''+qy$ in $L_2[0,\pi]$ with
Dirichlet boundary conditions. We assume, that the potential $q$ is complex
valued and belongs to Sobolev space $W_2^\theta[0,\pi]$, $\theta\in(-1,-1/2$.
This operators were successfully defined in papers of Savchuk A.M. and
Shkalikov A.A. There were also shown, that theese operators have a discrete
spectrum, which we denote by $\{\lambda_n\}$, and $\lim\lambda_n=+\infty$. All
but finitely many of them are simple. The eigenfunctions form the Riesz basis
in $L_2[0,\pi]$. We investigate a uniform on $[0,\pi]$ equiconvergence of
series for this system and for trigonometric system $\{\sin(nt)\}_1^\infty$. We
obtain not only a theorems of equiconvergence, but also estimate a rate of this
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] |
2 0.01 0.1 1 10 012345678910 T (GeV)e/sHadron IAM, gas LET QGP-3 massless quark FIG. 2: We improve the hadron-side (low T) estimate of [1] that showed the jump in the e/sratio in the transition from the hadron gas to the quark-gluon plasma, substituting the of those authors (first order theory) by the Inverse Amplitude Method, that agrees with Chiral Perturbation Theory at NLO, and unitarity. We confirm the result of those authors, al - though the actual numerical value of e/sis quite different (as should be expected from their calculation reaching tempera with only the first order should note that, the calculation being performed at zer o baryon chemical potential, based on lattice data that sug- gest a cross-over between the hadron gas and the and from simple phenomenology this would be continuous. The reason is that in chiral perturbation theory alone the cross section grows unchecked, eventually violating the unitarity bound, which induces averysmall viscosity. Of more interest for our discussion in this work is to ex- amine the possible behavior across the phase transition. We take the simple estimate for e/sin the from [1], but we use our much improved calcula- tion for the low-temperature hadron side (those authors employ LO chiral perturbation theory without The result is plotted in Fig. 2. In addition we plot also the phase-shift based phenomenological calculation of [4], that is consistent with ours but somewhat smaller. The calculation that [1] reported shows a discon- tinuous jump between the QGP and the hadron gas, whereas simple-minded non-relativistic make us expect a continuous function with a min- imum. Our improved hadron calculation still shows a discontinuity, although now the jump at the discontinu- ity has opposite sign (our viscosity is larger since the meson-meson cross section is smaller due to of being an LO- khPT polynomial). Since our es- timate for e/sis now approximate only because of our use ofthe first Boltzmann equation, both of which are reason-0.1 (GeV)e/sQGP-3 massles quark QGP-3 massive quark (m=120 MeV) FIG. 3: We plot the dependence of e/son the quark mass from quark-gluon plasma side by adapting the results from [20]. Note that given the non-trivial calculation there, we have slightly simplified by taking a constant gin the mass correction. The band in the figure corresponds to the We have also taken all quarks of equal mass ms= 120MeVas the maximum possible variation. As can be seen, the dependence is small and positive, bringing abou t even better agreement with the hadron side Inverse Ampli- tude Method evaluation. able approximations, we feel further improvement on the hadron side will not restore continuity, and future work needs to concentrate on evaluating the viscosity from the QGP side. To calculate the viscosity in a field theory, a possible and popular approach is to employ Kubo's formula in terms of field correlators. Another method, based on the Wigner function, is to write-down the hierarchy of BBGKY to the use of the Boltzmann equation. Employ- ing this on the hadron-side. as opposed to the full hier- archy of BBGKY equations of kinetic theory, presumes the molecular chaos hypothesis of Boltzmann, which is tantamount to neglecting correlations between the path of the particle, and induces a systematic error in the calculation of order 2 = ( mpl), where 1 /mp is the typical reach of the strong interaction, and lthe mean free path (controlled by the density). To keep this number below one requires small densities n(T)<mp 2s. If we take as a cross-section estimate 100 mbarnwe see that the criterion is satisfied up to temperatures of we stop our plot in Fig. 2). We have also estimated the change in e/scaused by a small quark mass, by adapting the results of [20]. of the quark and gluon plasma of one fermion species as a function of the fermion mass divided by the tem-3 perature, for fixed coupling constant. Although we are employing, as Csernai et al.do, a coupling that runs with the scale (the temperature), the mass correction is small, so we can take g= 2 as fixed for a quick eye- ball estimate. We normalize the viscosity of [20] to the value plotted in Figure 2 at zero fermion mass, and then allow the fermion mass to vary. The results are now plotted in Figure 3. We plot the extreme case of all three light quarks equally massive and with mass equal- ingms= 120MeV. As can be seen, the difference to the massless case is irrelevant at current precision and does not change the fact that we cannot conclude as of yet whether the transition between a hadron gas and a quark-gluon plasma/liquid has a discontinuity in e/sor not. The reason that the fermion mass is not so relevant in the calculation is twofold. First, even at ms, we have T/ms>1 for any value of T > T c. Since kinetic momen- tum transport in a gas is dominated by the fraction of molecules (here, partons) with the largest energy allowed by the Boltzmann tail of the distribution E > T, and the momentum varies that the acorrection to the momentum of each (efficient) carrier. The second reasonis that the cross-section,in aregimewhere pertur- bation theory is of any use, is weakly dependent on the fermion mass, with a slight dependence brought about by the logarithmic running of the quark-gluon vertex. Still, given the large uncertainties in our knowledge of the quark-gluon medium created in heavy-ion tomatchwith thehadronside, wealso study a simple non-relativistic system where the jump in e/sat the phase transition is very PHASE TRANSITION IN ATOMIC ARGON In prior works it has been pointed out that experimen- tal data suggest that first order phase transitions present a discontinuity in e/sand second order phase transitions (and maybe crossovers) present a minimum. We will ex- amine one case a little closer, for a liquid-gas phase tran- sition in the atomic Argon gas, where we will theoretically and compare to data. The empirical data that has been brought forward was based on atomic Helium and molecular Nitrogen and Water. Quantum effects are very strong in the first at low relatively strong we choose Argon due to its sphericity and closed-shell atomic structure, that make it a case very close to a hard-sphere system. Thus, Argon is the per- fect theoretical laboratory, and sufficient data has beentabulated due to its use as a cryogenic fluid. The gas phase is therefore well described in terms of hard-sphere interactions. In elementary kinetic theory one neglects any correlation between sucessive scatter- ings. The viscosity follows then the (2) whered= 3.42x105fmis the viscosity diameter of the Argon atom and m= 37.3GeVits mass data is quoted as function of the tem- perature for fixed pressure. The particle density is then fixed by the equation of state; therefore a chemical po- tential needs to be introduced. In order to calculate the entropy density we again use Eq. (1) with N= 1. As said, we keep the pressure Pconstant, and the chemical potential uvaries then within the In order to obtain uwe simply invert (numeri- cally) the function P(T= 1/b,m,u) at fixed tempera- ture. The expression for the pressure consistent with the entropy above is P(T,m,u) (3) (we have neglected in both cases the effect of the Bose- Einstein condensate since the gas liquefies before this is relevant). The problem has then been reduced to com- puting the viscosity at the given temperature and chem- ical potential, which we do employing our computer pro- gram for the meson gas in the Chapman-Enskog approx- imation, with minimum change variables to absorb the scale and make the integrand of order 1 to: -uu-m T, xp2 mT. (4) Thus, the final expressions for the entropy density and pressurefrom Eqs. (1) and (3) (once integrated by This is because in liquids the momentum is quite complex and does involve the inter- action between molecules. Here, our choice of a noble4 gas is of help since long-range interactions are absent. It is common to resort to semiempirical formulas with un- clear theory support, or work with formal expressions of difficult applicability. We compromise by combining the Van der Waals equation of state (that ultimately encodes the Lennard-Jones theory for the interatomic potential), and use the Eyring liquid theory [22]. The Eyring theory is a vacancy theory of liquids. Each molecule composing the liquid has gas-like degrees of freedom when it jumps into a vacant hole, and solid- like degrees of freedom when fully surrounded by model approach yields a partition function Zfor a one-species liquid (in natural which one can derive complete statistical informa- tion about the system [25]. One can recognize in the second line the partition function of a non-relativistic gas for the fraction of atoms with gas-like behavior. The first line corresponds to the solid-like behavior. The first fac- tor is the partition function of a har- monic oscillator. The second term is a correction due to the translation degree of freedom, by which an atom can displace to a neighboring vacancy. The shear viscosity, (like Zitself), turns out to be a weighted average between the viscosity of solid-like (first line) and gas-like (second line) degrees of freedom of the liquid's to complete the model, in Table I for gaseous Argon. NAis The Vs/Vsolid-like volume fraction controls the weighted average. Note that if this ratio approaches 1, the viscosity diverges as appropriate for a rigid solid. [26] The entropy is calculated as usual taking a derivative of the Helmholtz free energy ( A (9) For our purposes we also need the liquid density which is easily estimated by means of the Van der Waals equation of state, that is of some applicability in the liquid phase.TABLE I: Liquid Argon parameters which appears in Eqs. (8) and (9). All these constants are given in [22]. However, khas been modified because we use Eq. (2) instead of the formula that appears in [22] for the hard-sphere gas case. Parameter Value th 5.17meV n 0.667 Es equation takes into account the volume excluded by the particles and the attraction between them. In the simplest form the Van der Waals equation the particle density of gas and liquid Argon, respectively; Tis the temperature, 2 b=
4pd3/3 is the covolume, that is, the excluded volume by the particle (here we take das a mean value of the viscosity radius and the gas radius) and a= 27Tc/64Pc is a measure of the particles attraction ( Tc= 150.87K, Pc= 4.898MPa). Eq. (10) is a cubic equation in nliq which results despite its reason, we think that it is not necessaryto derive a new state equation from the Helmholtz free energy. Putting all together we are able to calculate the e/s ratio in both liquid and gas states. The final result is plotted in Fig. 4 where a the exper- imental data of [23] is shown. One can see how the KSS bound is maintained. Moreover, one can observe that for the liquid-gas phase transition e/spresents a minimum and discontinuity at the phase transition (below the crit- ical pressure, Pc). Above this pressure, a minimum is still seen but the function is continuous.5 100 200 300 400 5000.010.1110 around the liquid-gas phase transition T 0.1 MPa CRC Data 0.1 MPa Theoretical 1 MPa CRC Data 1 MPa Theoretical 10 MPa CRC Data 10 MPa KSS Bound FIG. 4: e/s(a pure number in natural units) for atomic Ar- gon in the liquid and gas phases near the phase lines correspond to theoretical calculation describ ed in the text, dashed lines are the experimental values given fro m [23]. Note that e/sis quite independent of the pressure in the liquid phase, and that the theoretical curves calculate d from the liquid side and gas side do get closer together with increasing pressure, suggesting as the data that indeed, e/s will be continuous in the cross-over AND OUTLOOK In this article we have argued, in agreement with pre- vious authors, how it is likely that e/sis a observable in relativistic heavy ion collisions to pin down the phase transition and possible critical end point between a hadron gas and the quark and We have contributed an evaluation of the hadron-side e/sthat simultaneously encodes basic theo- retical principles such as chiral symmetry and unitarity, and simultaneously produces a practical and good fit of the pion scattering phase shifts, by means of the Method. In so doing we have updated our past meson gas work. Our conclusions are in with those of [21]. Since our lack of understanding of the dynamics on the high- Tside of the phase transition to the quark-gluon phase prevents us from matching asymptotic behavior of e/sat highTwith Model. We find numerically, and confirm with an analytical estimate, that keeping the s-channel ampli- tude one can isolate a minimum, and within this coincides with the known phase transition of the model. A complete analysis is to be reported elsewhere. Since we are not in possession of a good program that can proceed to finite baryondensity, we leave this for fur- ther investigation. Meanwhile we have investigated thepast observation that in going from a cross-overto a first order phase transition, e/schanges behavior, from hav- ing a continuous minimum to presenting a choose, as very apt for theoretical study, atomic Ar- gon. We employ standard gas kinetic theory above the critical temperature and the Eyring theory of liquids in the liquid phase. Whereas the discontinuity in e/sis very clear for low pressures, theory and data are close to matching (showing continuity) at high pressures where a crossover between the two phases is seen in the conclusion is that indeed the minimum of the e/s and the temperature of the phase transition might well be proportional. Whether the one could only be established by an exact calcu- lation of the viscosity which is not theoretically at hand. As a consequence, we provide further theory hints to the currently proposed method to search for the criti- cal end point in hot hadron matter. If, as lattice gauge theory suggests, a smooth crossover occurs between the hadron phase and the quark-gluon phase, at least un- der the conditions in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider where the baryon number is small at small rapidity, then one expects to see a minimum of viscosity over entropy density. In the FAIR experimental program however it might be possible to reach the critical end point given the higher baryon density (since the energy per nucleon will be smaller), and whether the phase transition is then first or second order can be inferred from the possibility of a discontinuity of e/s. We thank useful conversations and exchanges on e/s with Jochen Wambach, Juan Maldacena, Dam Son, and Tom Cohen. This work has been supported by grants FPA 2004-02602, 2005-02327, (Spain) [1] L. P. Csernai, J. I. Kapusta and L. D. McLerran, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97(2006) 152303 A. Dobado and F. J. Llanes-Estrada, Eur. Phys. J. C 49 (2007) 1011 J. W. Chen, Y. H. Li, Y. F. Liu and E. Nakano, Phys. Rev. D76, 114011 (2007) J. W. Chen and E. Nakano, Phys. Lett. B647371 (2007). [5] P. Kovtun, D. T. Son and A. O. Starinets, JHEP 0310 (2003) 064 P. Kovtun, D. T. Son and A. O. Starinets, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94(2005) 111601. [6] P. Danielewicz and M. Gyulassy, Phys. Rev. D 31(1985) 53. [7] T. D. Cohen, D. T. 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Sci., 47, 526- 537 (1961)[23] D.R. Lide (ed.), CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (75th ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (1994) [24] Note that this formula follows, up to the from considering a classical non-relativistic terms of the mean free path l, the particle density n, and average momentum. The numer- ical factor requires a little more work with a and can be found, for example, in L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Physical Kinetics, Pergamon Press, Elmsford, N.Y. 1981. [25] The meaning of the various variables can be found in [22] and is as follows. e= 2.71828...is Neper's number (the presence of a single efactor in the gas partition function comes from the Stirling's approximation). Esis the subli- mation energy of Argon (that we express in the Einstein characteristic temperature of the solid defined in any textbook. Here a=a'(not to be confused with Van der Waals constant) is a model parameter, a pure-number, controlling the molecular jump between sites, or activation energy. nV/Vsis the number of near- est vacancies to which an atom can jump. [26] In this formula kis an ad-hoc model transmission coef- ficient of order 1 related to the loss of momentum to a crystal wave upon displacing an atom. Here we take it to be independent of the pressure but this could be lifted to further improve the fit in Figure 4. | 0803.3275 | Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada | Antonio Dobado, Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada and Juan M. Torres-Rincon | $\eta/s$ and Phase Transitions | Revised for PRD. Shorter (by one section) than first version. 6 pp, 4
figures | Phys.Rev.D79:014002,2009 | 10.1103/PhysRevD.79.014002 | null | hep-ph | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ | We present a calculation of eta/s for the meson gas (zero baryon number),
with the viscosity computed within unitarized NLO chiral perturbation theory,
and confirm the observation that eta/s decreases towards the possible phase
transition to a quark-gluon plasma/liquid. The value is somewhat higher than
previously estimated in LO chi PT. We also examine the case of atomic Argon gas
to check the discontinuity of eta/s across a first order phase transition. Our
results suggest employing this dimensionless number, sometimes called KSS
number (in analogy with other ratios in fluid mechanics such as Reynolds number
or Prandtl number) to pin down the phase transition and critical end point to a
cross-over in strongly interacting nuclear matter between the hadron gas and
quark and gluon plasma/liquid.
| [
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"created": "Sat, 22 Mar 2008 13:49:50 GMT"
"version": "v2",
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