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Is Renters Insurance Per Person Or Per Apartment? | Renters insurance is typically coverage for the insured and the insured 's immediate family that resides with the insured only . If other persons reside within the premise that are not immediate family members of the insured ; then they should secure their own coverage to protect themselves properly . Contact a local agent to discuss your coverage needs and wants to get proper pricing . | The simplest rule of thumb to figure a face amount of life insurance is to take all of your debt -LRB- mortgage , auto , credit card , etc -RRB- plus the cost of educating your children -LRB- if you have young children -RRB- and add it together with ten times your income . For example , if you owe $ 200,000 on a mortgage , $ 20,000 in other debt and the cost of educating two young children is $ 80,000 each . You earn $ 75,000 per year . You would need to have $ 1,130,000 face amount . This would leave your family debt free , children 's college fund paid and $ 750,000 to invest for the income replace of $ 75,000 per year . I recommend using an experienced advisor to help set up the proper amounts with the proper coverage . But this is a good rule of thumb for the `` do it yourselfer '' . |
Who Bears The Investment Risk In A Variable Annuity? | In Canada , Variable Annuities are called Segregated Funds -LRB- Seg Funds -RRB- or Guaranteed Investment Funds -LRB- GIFs -RRB- . They are similar to Mutual Funds . However , since they are issued by insurance companies , they have different features and benefits . The key features are described in the policy 's information folder . Any amount that is allocated to a segregated fund is invested at the risk of the policy owner and may increase or decrease in value . The policy owner bears the investment risk . As an insurance product , they do have maturity and death benefit guarantees of 75 % or 100 % . Design and options do vary . An independent insurance broker can help you find a plan that is right for you . If you have additional questions , please do not hesitate to contact me . Additional information is available at | An insurance company forms a pool of people . It charges a premium based on the projected medical expenses of the people in the pool . Previously underwriters had several tools to restrict those with high expenses from entering the pool . That has been eliminated . Additionally , procedures which were not covered under previous policies must now be included . An increased numbers of participants might result in hospitals and medical groups accepting a lower payment for services but for now the pressure on premiums appears to be upward . |
How To Calculate Voluntary Life Insurance? | Please be more specific with your question . Is this for a employer group or for an individual ? Is the employer contributing all or part of premium or is this 100 % employee paid ? The answer varies depending on what needs to be accomplished . Many times the amount is some percentage of salary other times it 's simply a fixed amount chosen based on the income of the employees . | To sell fixed annuities the agent needs to be licensed in life insurance . A licensed life agent can also sell indexed annuities . The exception would be if the agent was facilitating the purchase of the fixed annuity with existing stocks , bonds or mutual funds owned by the annuity applicant . In that situation , the agent would need some additional securities licenses to handle the sale . |
Who Has The Best Rates For Term Life Insurance? | There is not one company that has the best rates for Term Life Insurance . Some companies are running low right now for those with great health ; others are best if there is a health condition that requires adding on many `` tables '' . Some are best for young people while others have the best rates if you are applying at an older age . Some have a sweet spot of 15 year Term or 30 year Term . It is just impossible to pick out the one with the `` best '' rates due to all those factors . To find the best rate for you , visit a website that offers instant quotes from many companies and try out different term lengths . Then call that agency to make sure that you qualify for the policy shown . | Adverse selection is the primary driver behind the need for the Affordable Care Act to impose a penalty for not purchasing coverage , and for the intense media scrutiny surrounding the demographics of people enrolling through state exchanges . Adverse selection occurs when people expecting to use the healthcare system enroll in health insurance plans at a far higher rate than healthier people . Somebody has to pay more in premium than they receive in benefits - or the premiums will have to rise to cover the sicker population - which in turn causes more healthy people to opt out - which causes premiums to rise further - which in turn ... . |
Who Has The Best Rates For Term Life Insurance? | The best rates for life insurance will depend entirely on you . Your age , health , gender , height and weight will determine your discounts from standard rates . Which company is best ? Lots of them . Some companies are best if you 're 30 or 50 , or female or purchasing 500,000 . The thing for you to consider is working with an independent agent who can show you several companies . | I have seen rates as low as about $ 30/mo and over $ 500/mo . Your rate is dependent on many factors : geographic location , age of drivers in household , MVR records of drivers in household , amount of coverage sought , and many others . Contact a local agent to discuss your needs and wants in coverage and they can provide you with what fits those requirements the best amongst the products that they have to offer . |
Who Has The Best Rates For Term Life Insurance? | The company or agency that offers your best rates for Term Life Insurance may be different than the company or agency that has the best rates for someone else . You can go to an online quote engine that offers `` instant life insurance quotes '' to see the companies that have your lowest rates . | There is no such thing as who has the lowest auto insurance rates . Factors vary upon the individual and their personal needs . What is low for one person may not hold true for another . The best advise to to consult and independent agent who can shop multiple carriers and find you the right coverage at the best premium . |
Who Has The Best Rates For Term Life Insurance? | There are a number of factors involved in determining the premium or `` rates '' for a given life insurance policy . In addition to the length of the term , the age , gender , health and tobacco use or not of the insured , as well as the amount of insurance , there are `` riders '' that may be added to the basic policy . In general most of the insurance companies that specialize in Term insurance have rates that are fairly competitive with each other and typically lower than the companies that specialize in permanent insurance . There may be a bigger difference in the rates for various riders or if the health of the insured warrants it , the `` table ratings '' assigned to different health conditions . With all the above considered , In my experience - for a basic term insurance policy the following companies usually come in with the lowest quotes : Protective , Transamerica , Genworth , Banner , Prudential . My advise is to work with an experienced insurance adviser / broker who can help you to determine your actual need for insurance and then implement the right policy for your particular needs . | That would depend on which state you 're comparing it to . but overall , Indiana is on the lower end as far as auto insurance premium . There are companies who track state averages . In the most recent 2014 rankings that includes 50 states + D.C. , Indiana ranked 12th for the least expensive state . |
Who Has The Best Rates For Term Life Insurance? | It is impossible to know which company has the best rates as everyone has a unique situation , need , age , occupation , health status and life style that determines those rates . I suggest using an independent life insurance broker that can shop multiple companies for your unique situation to find you the best rate for your needs . | It 's not required , but I would highly recommend that any renter have insurance.Not only does it protect your belongings , but it also covers you should you be found liable for damage or injury to another person or their property . It 's also relatively inexpensive , depending on the area you live in and the type of housing you are renting . |
Who Has The Best Rates For Term Life Insurance? | The best term rates are posted online by several life brokerage outlets . But rates online may not tell the whole story because everyone 's individual health and personal activities are different and sometimes even the state you live in determines the best company for term life insurance . There also appears to be a distinctive sub category for short term versus long term life insurance , i.e. some carriers price significantly different at shorter guaranteed periods than longer durations . | Yes , using a search engine like Google or Bing there will be many websites to choose from to quote life insurance . Be careful to read the fine print at the bottom of the disclosure page . The majority of `` quote sites '' are information collection sites that will sell your information to multiple agents . These `` lead '' companies will sell and resell your information and you will be bombarded with phone calls and emails . Most quote sites are not accurate on the quote . Most sites will give their best preferred rate which only about 2-4 % of the population qualify for . it is more about selling your information . Try asking friends , family and co-workers for names of trusted independent brokers to shop for you free of charge to find the best product at the best price for your unique situation . |
Who Has The Best Rates For Term Life Insurance? | It 'll be different for each person . There 's no one carrier who offers better rates than everyone else . This is because there are many factors that go into the premium calculations for life insurance including their age , gender , amount of coverage they want , how long they want the coverage for -LRB- guaranteed to age 90 , 95 , 100 , 121 , etc. -RRB- , and their risk classification -LRB- determined by the medical history -RRB- . The risk classification is the MOST critical factor in determining the cost -LRB- premium -RRB- of a life insurance policy . The risk class depends on a number of factors including whether you 're male or female , your medical history , height/weight profile , any tobacco usage , and other factors . Please keep in mind - every carrier has their own set of underwriting guidelines and mortality tables , and each may offer a different risk class for a given medical profile - e.g. company A may offer preferred -LRB- featuring lower rates -RRB- and company B may only offer standard -LRB- featuring higher rates -RRB- . I would suggest consulting with an experienced life insurance broker who can work with you on a personal level and help determine what coverage is appropriate/suitable for your needs and budget and which carrier will work best for your program . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your program and if you have any further questions . Thanks very much . | Typically , homeowner 's insurance policies cover a wide range of claims , such as fire and theft , vandalism , liability , wind , hail and much much more . However , `` wear and tear '' is not an item that can be covered under this type of policy . Therefore , assuming your pipes burst due to wear and tear , it would not be covered . On older homes , this is possible although it is unlikely if the pipes are fairly new . However , if the water damage originates from inside of your home , resulting in pipe damage , there 's a good chance the insurer will pay for that , subject to deductible and policy limitations and exclusions . |
Who Has The Best Rates For Term Life Insurance? | That is a great question ! While most companies will have fairly similar rates , the `` best '' rate will be determined by what coverage you want , and for how long . You will find that your health issues can make a big difference in rates between companies , so it is always a good idea to have an independent agent -LRB- one not tied to a specific company -RRB- do the footwork for you . I hope that helps , thanks for asking ! | What does a qualified retirement plan mean ? It means a retirement plan that offers some sort of tax benefit to the participant in their savings towards retirement in a particular plan . A qualified plan provides benefits that will boost the outcome possibilities in most cases . The plans also come with limits and conditions that must be met . |
Who Has The Best Rates For Term Life Insurance? | I would suggest looking at an instant term life insurance site in a couple of ways . Some local agents may provide an instant quote on their website . You can search for `` life insurance quotes '' and see which are offering quotes . Some sites may say quotes but they are a contact form . Some sites are actual quotes and show up immediately . You can call the agent at your convenience if you have questions . Some agent site allow you put in your application right away and get the process started . Another option is . It has a online quote then it will show your 3 agents . Look for one with a local phone number and give them a call . If you have a long term health issue , you are better served calling an agent that is independent with multiple carriers and find the best fit for you . | Medicare will indeed pay for a kidney transplant as Peggy indicated . If you have ESRD and are on dialysis , Medicare will cover the cost of your dialysis begining in the 4th month after your Medicare benefits begin . In some cases dialysis will be covered in the first month provided you meet certain conditions . If you do have a transplant paid for by Medicare , they will only cover your anti-rejection medication for 3 years . |
How To Continue Health Insurance When Changing Employers? | When changing jobs , deciding how to address your health insurance needs in the gap period between employer sponsored health insurance plans is both simpler and more complicated than ever before . The size of the employer group you are leaving will impact on your planning as well . If your employer has less than 20 employees then state continuation of coverage provisions will apply , these vary from state to state but they are usually for shorter periods of time than the Federal COBRA law requires . Employers with 20 + employees are subject to the Federal COBRA guidelines where most employees can continue their coverage for up to 18-months . Your continuation of coverage options to consider now in 2014 are ; 1 -RRB- Continuation of Coverage through Your Existing Employer 's Health Plan - you will need to notify your former employer of your intention to continue your coverage under their group plan within 63-days of your last day of employment . You must make premium payments in full and remit them in a timely manner to your former employer -LRB- or their administrator -RRB- each month to keep your coverage in effect . 2 -RRB- Short Term Medical Insurance - if you are healthy and pre-existing condition issues are not a personal concern and if you are confident that you will be obtaining new employment with benefits in the next several weeks to months then Short Term Major Medical Insurance may be an alternative to consider . Just because you can continue with your former employer 's coverage does not mean you are required to or that you will find it affordable . Short Term Medical plans are often far less expensive than group health insurance plans and in some cases may even offer you more coverage than your employer 's plan . A note of caution : Short Term Medical policies do not meet the minimum coverage requirements under the Affordable Care Act -LRB- ObamaCare -RRB- so a person covered by such a policy may find themselves subject to the individual mandate tax penalty for the period of the year they are insured under such plans . 3 -RRB- Obtain Individual Major Medical Insurance - maybe your prospects for being quickly hired somewhere else are not strong at this time or perhaps you are considering taking a new career path -LRB- e.g - consultant , freelancer , contractor -RRB- , having health insurance independent of your employer may be the best solution . In this event you will want to explore your health insurance plan options both inside and outside of the government health insurance marketplaces and whether you would qualify for any premium tax subsidies . 4 -RRB- Qualification for Medicaid/CHIP , etc. - depending upon your income level and/or other life circumstances you may have to explore your coverage options under various state and/or Federal health benefit plans for you and/or your dependents . 5 -RRB- Go Without Coverage - not my recommendation but it is an option and an option than no small number of people choose each year . Considering the potential financial risk of an uninsured illness or injury this is really only an option of last resort and a person faced with such a situation should pursue their government coverage options if possible . That should pretty well cover all the possible ways to address your coverage needs between jobs . | Comprehensive , in insurance talk means that your car is covered for damages it sustains in an incident other than a collision . There is some specific coverage also included under comprehensive like animal strikes . Since insurance follows a car , if you are a licensed driver and have permission from the owner , you can operate any car and that cars insurance coverage will apply . |
How To Continue Health Insurance When Changing Employers? | When you are changing employers , you will be forced off of your group health insurance through your old employer . You will then have several options : 1 -RRB- Go on COBRA - you will be required to pay 102 % of the health insurance premium . Your employer usually paid for a portion of the premium so you will now be paying your portion , your employer 's portion , plus the 2 % overage . Please note , you can only stay on COBRA up to 18 months . 2 -RRB- You will have a qualifying event for a special enrollment period to buy a new individual health insurance policy . Under this scenario , the ACA grants you 2 months from your group coverage termination date to buy an individual plan . 3 -RRB- Join your new employer 's group health insurance plan . Please note , as many employers require a term period of employment before you can go on their group plan , you may want to consider going on COBRA or buying an individual plan -LRB- traditional coverage or a short term health plan -RRB- as an interim measure . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help , including quotes and plan comparisons , and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much . | Nope . Life insurance can not be an investment . Think about this question for a second . What is the most essential element in an investment ? It is time . Some investments need time to mature . Other investments need time to increase in value . Example : if you are invested in the stock market , and your investment decreases in value , what should you do ? Should you sell ? Of course not . You would sustain the loss only if you redeem the shares at a lower price than when you bought them . What you should do is let them ride , and if properly managed , they should recoup their value , and then some . Over time . If you die , then you could pass this investment on to a family member , and that person could continue to manage the fund . It could continue to grow in value . Over time , during his or her lifetime . Does life insurance buy you this kind of time ? Absolutely not . The product is designed in just the opposite way . It assumes you will run out of time tomorrow . You get the biggest bang for the buck when a death benefit is paid immediately . Somebody could conceivably buy a policy today , pay one monthly premium , and then die . The beneficiary would receive the entire survivor benefit . Would you call something an investment if it required no time to realize value ? Nope . Or that is guaranteed to pay out , for that matter ? Lets talk about that guarantee for a second . Of all the forms of insurance you might buy , the only one you know for sure will pay a benefit is life insurance . This is because you know for sure you are going to die . You could buy medical insurance , but never get sick . You could buy disability insurance , but never get hurt . You could buy auto insurance , but never have a car accident . You could buy professional liability insurance , but never get sued . You could buy home insurance , but never have a fire . And on and on . However , if you hold on to that life insurance policy , you know your survivors will get paid . For sure . So , life insurance is a uniquely wonderful risk management tool that requires no time at all to realize value , and is absolutely guaranteed . With these characteristics , it meets nobodys definition of an investment . Now : I am sure you know that certain life insurance products can produce cash value . Whole life , universal life . Even term can carry a return of premium feature . But these funds are not to be considered investments . They should be seen as added value . As ways to partially offset your cost . As an extra benefit . They make the purchase of a policy extra attractive . But you should never assume that they will have time to grow . They will disappear as soon as a claim is filed and a benefit paid . And that could be tomorrow . |
Is This A Good Time To Buy An Immediate Annuity? | The best time to purchase an immediate annuity is when you need to establish a lifetime income stream . This is the unique feature of an immediate annuity . You can not live too long because the insurance company continues payments for as long as you live . If you have a sum of money and want to maximize the monthly income , an annuity is usually the best option . | Life insurance is cheaper to buy when you are younger if your health is good or you have no other risk . Some things that can afflict a younger person do not show up so much in older persons : DUI 's , suspended drivers licenses , suicide attempts , some mental disorders , and type 1 diabetes , to name a few . While under the age of adulthood , some of these conditions can make it impossible for a child or teen to get life insurance , although there are usually policies to be had for each of these after age 19 . And sometimes more years of control or stability can actually bring the rate down . However , in the absence of those situations , it is usually cheaper to buy life insurance when you are younger . |
What Is Whole Or Universal Life Insurance? | Whole life and Universal Life are two types of permanent life insurance . Whole life can be participating or non-participating . Participating can receive dividends , whole life typically has guaranteed premiums and cash values . The `` investment '' is done for you and the policy does not require much if any management other than paying the premium . Universal Life is more flexible than whole life , it is an `` unbundled '' permanent insurance policy . The premium is flexible between a minimum and maximum . You can choose between various cost of insurance options such as yearly renewable term or level . You have a variety of investment options to choose from . In short you get to , and need to make decisions to manage the policy . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community . | No . Allstate used to market long-term care insurance through Lincoln Benefit Life , but has not done sofor at least 5 years . All long-term care policies sold by Allstate through LBL are being fully administered and claims paid as approved . Since the carrier is not currently marketing LTC insurance , no new premiums are coming in . As a result , policy holders of this carrier 's long-term care plans of insurance are likely to experience increases in premium in the 30-50 % range . Such an increase occurred in 2010 . However , while those percentages seem extremely high , consumers need to understand that in spite of the increase , the higher premium is probably still a bargain compared to what LTCi costs today . Carriers that increase premiums are making every effort to help people keep at least some of their coverage by making adjustments to benefits , features , or riders going forward . |
What Is Whole Or Universal Life Insurance? | Whole Life is designed to last your whole life . Your premiums will cover the the cost of insurance protection until the day you die , or else pay you the money in a lump sum if you do not die by a certain age . Whole Life also has a savings component that allows you to borrow from the cash value , if you desire . Universal Life also has the components of insurance protection -LRB- death benefit -RRB- plus savings -LRB- cash value -RRB- . But UL can be designed in a multitude of ways , and it can be further adjusted while the policy is in existence . E.g. . You might want your Universal Life policy to have a large face amount when your children are in the home , but then reduce the face amount to simply pay for final expenses when you are older . You have the flexibility to do that with Universal Life . Not only that , but when you reduce the face amount , you might be able to also reduce or quit paying premiums . Or you can keep paying the same premium and cause your policy to build up extra cash value . A word of caution when buying Universal Life . It is called permanent life insurance , but it is not guaranteed to be permanent unless you choose a UL policy that states that guarantee . Thankfully , there are guaranteed no lapse UL policies on the market ; even those where you can `` dial '' the guarantee to make the policy last to whatever age you choose . As with Whole Life , if you borrow from the policy , you must pay the money back with interest to ensure that your death benefit will be paid per the terms of the contract . | Your employment status is not a question on an application for homeowners insurance . The company will want to know your occupation but even unemployed is an acceptable occupation . Being unemployed may be a tragedy but it doesnt affect the insurability of the home . |
What Is Whole Or Universal Life Insurance? | These are permanent forms of life insurance , as opposed to term life insurance , which is temporary , and whose premiums change after a fixed number of years . With Whole and also with Universal , you are building equity , from which you may borrow tax free . With Whole , you have the commitment of the carrier that they will invest your funds and you will appreciate value , never losing . With Universal , you have the ability to appreciate income and tie some or all of it to various markets . With Index Universal , you are guaranteed a minimum , and a maximum , so regardless of the market going up or down , you will not lose and can make quite a bit more than with Whole life . Your call . Thank you . GARY LANE . | Assuming the question is addressing current assumption universal life , here is basic chronology to the mortality mechanics.The word flexibility infers to the ability to modify the death benefit , the premium or both . When a premium is paid int the policy , the policy expenses are paid : policy fee , premium loads , admin charges and the cost of insurance . Whatever earnings of the policy are then applied to the remaining premiums and/or cash values . |
What Is Whole Or Universal Life Insurance? | Whole life and universal life are the dominant permanent insurance plans . The whole life plan provides a level death benefit for life in exchange for a level premium deposit . The universal life removes the guarantees and provides flexibility in premium payment and even death benefit . The key issue is that the design for both plans is to pay a death benefit . In order to do this they must accumulate cash that is more than necessary to pay immediate death claims . This is because in the future , death claims will far exceed the premiums . | No . Renters insurance is a lot less expensive than homeowners insurance . Renters insurance provides coverage for your personal property and provides liability coverage . Homeowners insurance provides coverage for the structure , personal property and liability . Renters insurance is one of the best deals you can buy . For $ 150 a year you can obtained coverage for all your personal property plus liability coverage . |
Who Is Covered By Disability Insurance? | Social Security covers disability events for most Americans . Some employer sponsored group plans include short term or even long term disability insurance . You can purchase individual disability insurance for yourself online via several brokerage outlets . Some employers pay for disability insurance for their key employees as a retention benefit and as a recruiting incentive . | The company pays for everything for which you become liable by law involving bodily injury or property damage . The company will defend you in such a lawsuit up to the limits of the policy . The company makes you whole if you lose personal property due to a covered loss . It pays for your personal property while you are in school . It pays for additional living costs if your unit is unfit because of a covered loss . It pays for the removal of your property to avoid further damage . It pays for removal of debris in the event of an insured loss . It pays for fire department charges . It also pays for trees , plants and shrubs , grave markers and improvements you make to the unit . There are other coverages which are included and others which are optional . |
What Information Do I Need To Get Car Insurance? | To get car insurance you would need at minimum you would need the vehicle identification numbers of all vehicles that you are getting coverage for , the drivers license numbers of all personsto be covered , the dates of birth of all persons to be covered , address of persons to be covered , garaging address of vehicles , and other personal information of parties to be covered along with required payment by carrier . | Many college students today are in a position of having to take out thousands of dollars in student loans in order to finance their educations . In many instances , parents are co-signers on these loans . In the event of the college student 's untimely death , parents might not only have to grieve the loss of their son or daughter , but also have to deal with repayment of the student 's debt . To me this , together with the cost of final expenses -LRB- funeral , unpaid medical bills , etc. -RRB- , is the most obvious reason to purchase life insurance coverage - so that in the event of death , your loved ones wo n't have to be burdened with raising the funds to repay the debt . Another reason to go ahead and buy life insurance is that in all likelihood , the cost of the insurance will never be lower . Life insurance is age-rated . Assuming that you are in good health , do n't smoke , etc. , a college student can buy term life insurance coverage very , very affordably - under $ 200 per year for $ 100,000 of coverage is common . You can even lock in that low premium for up to 30-years with many life insurers . |
How Much Will Renters Insurance Cost? | The most expensive renters policy is the one that was never purchased . The cheapest renters policy is one that covers your entire claim . Whether it is liability or loss of property , inadequate or non-existing renters coverage is the most expensive . Consult with a knowledgeable agent and carefully weigh the risks . Regardless of what you pay in premiums , a well-designed plan will be the cheapest in the long run , particularly if there is a large claim . | Permanent or term coverage as provided by the policy when issued is effective at that time . In many if not all cases , there is a `` free look '' period offered usualy for a period of 10 days in which time you may decide that you do not want the coverage . If returnmed to the company , any premium you had paid would be refunded to you . Many policies offer a `` temporaty Insurance provision '' which sates that once the application has been signed and the appropriate premium paid , the company grants that you are covered for a certain amount of benefit during the underwriting period . Check with your Insurance Professional aboiut how much tempoorary coverage you may be entitled to receive after submitting your application . |
How Much Will Renters Insurance Cost? | That is a great question ! A lot of the answer will depend upon where you live , and how much that you want to insure . A policy in a high crime area will obviously cost more than one in a safer area , and a smaller coverage amount a lot less than a higher one . That said , the typical policy averages at just less than $ 20 per month , but to be completely fair , I have no idea of where that number was derived from in the statistical study , so it may be a little more or less , where you live . But it should give you a budgeting point . I hope that helps , thanks for asking ! | Video Transcript : What is whole life ? Whole life is a permanent product that can go all the way out to age 121 . The products that are usually sold today are called ` participating ' . They 're actually returning pieces of the premium you paid , a portion of it , back to you as a dividend . It 's a return of an unused premium . Whole life will give you the coverage that you need for the entire period , usually at minimum to age 100 , and again , out until age 121 . Those dividends , even though they 're not guaranteed , those dividends could be a nice supplemental retirement plan that you can put aside with your qualified plans . Whole life has been around for a long time . If you have a permanent need , whole life should be one of the permanent products that you look at . |
Can You Sell A Term Life Insurance Policy? | Term life insurance does not have any cash value , so is usually not the type of insurance that people can sell in a life settlement . If the insured person is in very poor health or very advanced age , and there are many years left on the policy , it may be possible to sell it . | That depends on the type of coverage that you have . If you have full coverage which includes liability , property damage , collision , and other than collision . It will provide coverage for damage to your vehicle under a covered peril less your deductible and for property damage and liabilities from an accident that you are deemed responsible for . Liability only coverage does just what it says . It only provides for liabilities that you are covered that you are deemed resposible for . To better understand your coverage please read your policy or contact your local agent to have them explain the coverage and exclusions of your policy . |
Can You Sell A Term Life Insurance Policy? | A term life insurance policy would not have much value but it could be sold . I am not sure where to go in order to market your insurance policy but I suppose someone might be interested in buying it . Purchasing an existing life insurance policy is like placing a bet and hoping that a tragic event takes place before the policy expires . | The short answer is yes . As long as the total amount of insurance force can be justified through financial documentation . Many policy owners have multiple life insurance policies as they add new coverage at key life events like a new child , a bigger mortgage or increased future obligations . |
How Much Is Car Insurance Through USAA? | The rates that they have are VERY competitive . In Montana it is VERY rare that anyone can get a lower rate then USAA . They have some fantastic rates and excellent coverage 's . Many of times I have sent away clients telling them that If they are with USAA then they should stay with them . I have never heard anything bad about them at all . I will say the renters and homes are a tad high in our area but the autos are fantastic . Even If I do not write with them I have sent many clients to them . | There is no reason to estimate the cost of your homeowners coverage . Speaking with a local agent will cost your nothing but about fifteen to thirty minutes of your time and will net you an accurate quote when you provide the information that is needed . Homeowners insurance premiums can vary greatly from carrier to carrier and location to location . |
Who Is Monumental Life Insurance Company? | Monumental Life Insurance Company is a sizable 31 billion asset life insurance carrier with ratings from the following rating services : A.M. Best Company -LRB- Best 's Rating , 15 ratings -RRB- A + -LRB- 2 -RRB- , Standard & Poor 's -LRB- Financial Strength , 20 ratings -RRB- AA - -LRB- 4 -RRB- , Moody 's -LRB- Financial Strength , 21 ratings -RRB- A1 -LRB- 5 -RRB- , Fitch Ratings -LRB- Financial Strength , 21 ratings -RRB- AA - -LRB- 4 -RRB- , Comdex Ranking -LRB- Percentile in Rated Companies -RRB- 93 as of July 3 , 2013 . | I am not certain what question is being asked here , but I will assume that you are asking about the premium that you may have paid to a carrier for your current coverage term . If you change carriers after paying for your current coverage term , the prior carrier should issue you a refund of all unused premium if you informed them to cancel your coverage . |
Can Police Tell If You Have Car Insurance? | Based on my education and experience in the industry up to this point -LRB- at least in Wisconsin -RRB- ; the police do not have any way currently to verify if you have insurance or not except for asking for your POI when you are pulled over . I have heard that other states require a licensed driver to show proof of insurance before renewing their license or registering a vehicle which may allow the police in those states to verify the presence of insurance coverage . | Life insurance proceeds in Missouri are not subject to income tax when the beneficiary of the policy is not the estate . When the beneficiary is the estate -LRB- due to being named as the estate , or by default because there are no living beneficiaries on the policy -RRB- , the proceeds will go through probate and incur income taxes . |
Is Critical Illness Insurance A Waste Of Money? | If you have family health history that includes chronic illness or a genetic disposition to disease , then critical illness insurance is a good defensive posture for future medical bills . When youre young and generally healthy , the premiums are relatively inexpensive . Critical illness can also be a supplement to high deductible medical insurance . | When you compare the premium for a life insurance policy to the benefit paid to your beneficiary , life insurance is cheap ! Unlike other forms of insurance life insurance covers an eventuality not a possible loss . The cheapest life insurance policy is the one that is in force on the day that you die . If you know when that might be , it makes it easier to determine which is the cheapest . I recommend that you sit down with an agent that you trust and determine how much life insurance you really need . Buy that with the longest possible term , some of it should probably be permanent insurance . |
Is Critical Illness Insurance A Waste Of Money? | I had a client in his 40 's who had a Sroke . He was unable to work . He had health insurance at work which payed some of the Medical but he still had deductibles and copay 's that mounted into the thousands of dollars . He needed additional help while his wife worked to try to make up for the lost income . He nearly lost his home while he was waiting to get Social Security Disability . Do you think an additional $ 10,000 or $ 20 , 000 would have help him ? Some critical illness policies have a return of premium option . There is nothing to lose and everthing to gain with a Critical Illness policy and they are not real expensive . Yes , I think they are worth it ! | The most important thing to know is the agent with whom you are doing business . A trusted agent will guide you to correct coverages . Setting correct limits is the most important consideration that you can make in regards to renters insurance . There should be enough coverage to satisfy your landlord , enough coverage to make you whole if everything goes up in smoke , and enough coverage to protect you in the case of a lawsuit . |
Is Critical Illness Insurance A Waste Of Money? | If you purchase Critical Illness Insurance and then never suffer a life threatening illness of the type that would cause a benefit to be paid by the policy , you probably would look at the policy as a waste of money -LRB- unless it was such a comfort to you to know those funds were there , that it was worth the premium for that peace of mind -RRB- . If you did collect on the policy , you would not feel it was a waste of money . It is very hard to answer that without knowing the future . But that is the nature of all insurance . It is protection against the unknown and the `` what if 's '' of life . | Annuity Value Protection is a product specific feature . Meaning that it is a term specific only to certain companies/products . Usually , it refers to a feature that `` locks in '' returns at a certain point . Usually it is in reference to the gains of a living benefits rider such as a Guaranteed Lifetime Income Rider . If your annuity has this feature be sure to have your agent or the company explain it in full . Then review it on a yearly basis . |
How Soon After Buying A Car Does It Need To Be Insured? | Typically , on most car insurance policies , you have up to 30 days of coverage when you purchase a vehicle and it is replacing another vehicle . The coverage matches the coverage you had on the previous car . For example , if you had $ 50,000 per person of bodily injury and $ 100,000 per accident , along with $ 250 deductibles , the new vehicle would also have those limits . Each policy may be different so do n't assume you have 30 , 10 , or even 5 days of coverage . Contact your agent when you are considering buying a vehicle and he/she can review the estimated rate along with the length of time you have to add the car to the policy . If you are purchasing a new vehicle , and your existing coverage is `` liability only , '' it 's critical to add the car to your policy before it is driven . Also , be aware of the date you will be charged for the new car coverage . It may not be as `` free '' as you believe , if the vehicle is added effective the day of purchase , and not the day of reporting ! IMPORTANT : Answer was provided by Edward Harris , one of the premier auto insurance authorities in the US . His website , , provided free online quotes and the lowest car insurance rates from top-rated companies in your area . | An Auto policy on the st page should have what is called your declarations page . This will have on it Bodily injury liability limits example would $ 25,000 per person / $ 50,000 -LRB- this is medical bills they pay to others -RRB- Then it should have Property damage example $ 10,000 -LRB- this is the coverage to the cars or fence or tree or what ever you cause damage to other then medical bills -RRB- Then there is a section that you should have that is Uninsured and underinsured This should be matching limits to your liability limits listed above . This if for you if you get hit by someone that has no insurance or has insurance but there limits are not high enough to pay all your medical bills that you got from the accident then there is medical pay usually this is 5,000 this is for you also incase you are hurt on near or around your vehicle it also is used for funeral bills incase you die in your car you loved ones can use this to help with the funeral expense then If you have what some call `` Full '' coverage this would be the deductible part . Comprehensive or other then collision coverage less your deductible then there is collision . In Montana we do not have what some state have which is call PIP which is personal injury protection . |
How Soon After Buying A Car Does It Need To Be Insured? | Great question ! I always recommend doing it right away , especially if you have a loan on the vehicle . Most companies will give you 30 days to add the new vehicle to your auto policy however . If there was a claim filed within those 30 days , it might be a longer process due to not having the vehicle listed on your policy , but it would be covered regardless . Hope this helps ! | Chances are slim . I 've been asked this question for 10 years and insurance carriers almost never cover it since it 's an elective treatment . However , some group plans will give aggressive discounts as long as the providers are in their network . Call the benefits verification hotline on the back of your insurance cards and ask the question . If your plan does cover it , take advantage of it and good luck :-RRB- Please click the `` Contact Me '' button on the left or run a personalized quote at : WEBSITELINK Also , you can call me anytime at : 561-320-2978 ... I would love to hear from you . |
How Soon After Buying A Car Does It Need To Be Insured? | All personal automobile policies offer some automatic coverage when purchasing a vehicle . This coverage varies from policy to policy and also varies from state to state . One thing that you should be aware of is the limitation on this coverage . All personal automobile policies specifically state that to have automatic coverage on newly acquired vehicles , all vehicles owned by you must be insured with the same company . Basically , if you have a policy with X company and another with Y company , this completely eliminates automatic coverage of a newly acquired vehicles . In this situation you would have to have an agent with the company desired to provide the coverage bind the coverage for you . It just would n't happen automatically . | Firstly , we hope your son continues to recover and has a full and speedy recovery . Our thoughts and prayers are with him . If you are injured in an automobile accident , and you have minor or significant injuries , nearly all companies will pay for the medical expenses , up to the stated limits of the policy that is providing coverage . Medical payments coverage , although optional , is covered on nearly all policies in `` fault '' states . If the driver of the other car is at-fault , they are required to carry specific minimum limits of bodily injury . Typically it is between $ 15,000 and $ 30,000 per person . If it is a `` no-fault '' state , PIP -LRB- Personal Injury Protection -RRB- is typically required and will pay for the damages , although it does not matter who was at fault . Lost wages would also be covered . If the other driver has no car insurance , then uninsured motorist protection of the driver of your vehicle can step in and pay . If your driver is not covered , you can utilize your healthcare coverage or begin litigation against the driver . IMPORTANT : Answer was provided by Edward Harris , one of the leading US car insurance brokers with more than 30 years of experience . His award-winning website provides free online quotes and offers the lowest auto insurance rates from the most reputable companies . |
How Soon After Buying A Car Does It Need To Be Insured? | Safest bet is right away . Although you have a window from the state as to when your coverage can begin there is no window if your car is involved in an accident . Whenever you plan to drive a car you should have it insured . This protects both you and the other motorists . | To find life insurance policies for a deceased person , start by looking through their records and files . If you ca n't find any policy numbers that way , ask an insurance agency that handled their auto , car , etc insurance , to see if they purchased their life insurance there , as well . You could try calling a couple companies that you know they liked . If all else fails , you may need to wait a couple of years for the life insurance to show up as unclaimed property for that state . |
How Soon After Buying A Car Does It Need To Be Insured? | Your state probably requires that you have auto insurance before you drive out the dealers driveway . Your current policy may well provide coverage for a specified period of time -LRB- usually 30 days . -RRB- Many consider that free coverage . That is not the case as the policy on the newly acquired car will revert back to the date of purchase . The best idea is to provide the dealer with evidence of current coverage and then call your insurance agent with all the details including the VIN , the date of purchase , the price of the car and any coverage changes that are necessary . That way you are covered and that is really the issue . | If you are covered under an individual policy you should be able to drop them from the coverage at any time during the year . The termination would generally be for the first of the coming month as your insurance carrier may decline to do a retroactive termination of coverage due to the possibility of recent unreported claims . You should note though that in today 's environment dropping your spouse from your individual coverage could leave your spouse uninsured until the next open enrollment period , which this year begins on November 15th for an earliest effective date of coverage of January 1 , 2015 . If your spouse is becoming eligible for Medicare then you will want to time the termination of the spouse 's coverage to match with the effective date of their coverage under Medicare . If you are covered under a group health insurance plan and you a having your portion of your health insurance premiums taken out of your paycheck on a pre-tax basis then your employer has a Section 125 plan in place and this restricts changes an employee can make to their enrollment status outside of the group 's open enrollment period . A change of life status event as defined under IRS regulations would have to occur for you to remove your spouse from coverage outside of the open enrollment period . |
How Soon After Buying A Car Does It Need To Be Insured? | Since the rules on this can change from one state to another , check with a local agent on the rules . In Florida , if you 're buying a car with finance you have to give proof of insurance to take the vehicle off of the lot at purchase . If your car purchase is replacing one vehicle for another , a quick call to your agent prior to finalizing the deal is all that 's needed . If the car is an additional car -LRB- and additional policy -RRB- a new policy will need to be written . This can often still be done with a quick call to your agent , but plan for the expense of starting a new policy . | An average renter in California would be able to insure $ 20,000 of personal property and have $ 300,000 of liability protection for an average premium of less than $ 15 per month . Contact an agent and get a quote . Your situation is unique . I doubt that you consider yourself to be average . |
How Soon After Buying A Car Does It Need To Be Insured? | In most if not all states , auto insurance is required in order to register a car for use on public access roads and highways . So the short answer to your question is right away because you will need to provide an insurance ID card and binder -LRB- if there is financing involved -RRB- to your dealership so that they can complete the transaction and register your car . Be sure to keep your INsurance Professional in the loop when you are shopping for a new car . That is the best way to make sure you have the insurance protection and documentation that you need , at the time you need it . | Universal life insurance is a good idea if you need greater flexibility than is afforded by an ordinary whole life policy . With a universal life you can select the premium deposits within certain parameters and decide to suspend payments if there circumstances dictate . The flexibility combined with the potential greater return on the cash value are the key reasons why a universal life policy might suit your needs . |
Is Disability Insurance Required By Law? | Not generally . There are five states that require most all employers carry short term disability insurance on their employees . These states are : California , Hawaii , New Jersey , New York , and Rhode Island . Besides this mandatory short term disability law , there is no other legislative imperative for someone to purchase or be covered by disability insurance . | Life insurance that is fully underwritten will involve a blood test , urine sample plus the taking of vital signs all performed by a paramedical examiner . With this information , a life insurer will test for many things which include various chemicals such as THC . The statements made on the application are also important . In this situation , assuming everything else is normal , a carrier would likely offer smoker rates . |
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Hep C? | There are a large number of refugees who have entered our country in the last few years who have Hepatitis C . Some have had this disease for thirty or more years . I have seen some of these people have standard rate life insurance policies issued . For many the Hep C is just a low level irritant with little or no effect on longevity . | Critical Illness Insurance is a policy that will pay you a lump sum of money if you are diagnosed with a serious health condition . Some of the conditions that may be covered are stroke , advanced cancer , heart attack , MS , and Alzheimer 's . Some life insurance policies with living benefits will allow you to take out some of the death benefit in cash , so that you can combine your life insurance and critical insurance into one policy . |
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Hep C? | That is a great question ! Hepatitis C will not prevent someone from being able to find a life insurance policy . While it may keep them from getting the cheapest , highest benefit policies , there are certainly enough policies out there with adequate coverage that will be available . I would advise that you contact an independent agent who can help you find the best policy for you . Thanks for asking ! | The best plan as far as I am concerned is the plan that lets you go to any doctor or hospital of your choice , keeps your out of pocket cost low when you have to use it for doctor and hospital services and offers good value for your money . Do n't over pay for your Supplement and pick out a plan and a company that has a good track record for low , stable rate increases . Plan N is my favorite and Plan G would be my second choice . |
Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Hep C? | Most people with Hep C can get life insurance . If you have normal liver function lab results and have had a biopsy that shows no liver damage , you will have the lowest rates . If you have cirrhosis or fibrosis , have abnormal liver labs , and/or have a history of failed treatment , you may need to use a simplified or guaranteed issue policy . Regardless , there is usually life insurance out there for those with Hepatitis C if you know where to look . Contact an agency that specializes in life insurance for people with Hep C to get your best rate . | Adderall is a type of prescription and would therefore be covered under your health plan 's prescription drug coverage . Which tier level it may fall under can vary from plan-to-plan , meaning how much you pay for the prescription may be higher under some plans and lower under others . Tiers are generally broken down in to 4 or 5 categories - some combination of preferred generics , non-preferred generics , preferred brand-name drugs , non-preferred brand-name drugs , and specialty drugs -LRB- some plans classify preferred and non-preferred specialty drugs -RRB- . If you 're unsure , you can contact the carrier -LRB- or your agent -RRB- to find out if that specific prescription will be covered by your health plan and/or what portion of the expense they cover and what your portion of the expense would be -LRB- your copayment or coinsurance -RRB- . |
Do I Need A Medigap Plan? | I ca n't say that anyone really `` needs '' a Medigap plan but it is a good idea . Original Medicare only covers about 80 % of your hospital and outpatient charges . Seniors with a healthy bank account may not need or desire to purchase a Medigap -LRB- supplement -RRB- plan . While you may be healthy now , your health can change at any time . If you are hospitalized 3 times during a calendar year for unrelated medical conditions you will have to pay a deductible of $ 1184 -LRB- 2013 Medicare Part A deductible -RRB- for each admission . Medicare Part B outpatient charges can become expensive as well . After you have paid the calendar year Part B deductible of $ 147 -LRB- for 2013 -RRB- you are responsible for 20 % of the remaining charges not paid by Medicare . An $ 800 CAT scan can leave you owing several hundred dollars . Your 20 % share of Part B expenses has no upper cap . Medicare supplement plan F covers 100 % of approved Medicare Part A and Part B charges . Do you `` need '' a Medigap plan ? Only you can decide , buy for most it is a wise choice . | A life insurance policy will lapse , or cease to exist , when the planned premium is not paid on a timely basis . Most policies have a grace period , usually 30 days , in which the back premium can be paid before the policy lapses . In some cases a carrier will reinstate a lapsed policy if the back premiums are paid and the insured signs a statement indicating their health has not changed since the last premium was paid . |
Do I Need A Medigap Plan? | A Medigap plan would be needed if it is affordable to you and if it is appropriate for your medical insurance needs . Not everyone needs or even wants one . You are not required to have one . Are your medical out of pocket expenses prohibitive ? A Medigap plan would fill in some of the gaps of your Medicare plan 's deductibles , co-payments and benefit periods . If you decide you need a Medigap plan you will not have to shop around for the differences in the plans . All Medigap plans are the standardized . By that I mean , if you compare Plan K with insurance company `` A '' it will be exactly the same as Plan K with insurance company `` B '' The only difference then would be the cost of the plan . If it fits within your budget I believe it is a good idea to have a Medigap policy . | It would be best if you knew the current value of your personal property and the replacement cost of the same items . That way you can compare the premiums for the two types of coverage . The only other critical thing to know is the highest amount of liability insurance that you can afford . These issues can be handled smoothly by a competent insurance agent . |
Who Should Not Purchase Long Term Care Insurance? | Long term care insurance is a necessary part of retirement planning for nearly everyone . If your family has a predisposition for short life expectancy before retirement age , then long term care insurance may not be a priority . If you have liquid assets that can be set aside to the tune of $ 500,000 for assisted living and/or nursing home care , then long term care insurance may not be a consideration . | You should sign up for Medicare three months before reaching age 65 , even if you plan to delay receiving retirement benefits because you are working . Otherwise , your Medicare medical insurance , as well as prescription drug coverage , could be delayed , and you could be charged higher premiums . You can sign up for Medicare even if you are not ready to start receiving retirement benefits . You can opt out of receiving cash retirement benefits now once you are in the online application . Then you can apply online for retirement benefits later . Source for above : This also means you can sign up for a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Medicare Supplement and/or a Prescription drug plan . If you have any questions contact me or go to the site |
Is There A Waiting Period For Renters Insurance? | There isnt a waiting period for a renters policy from most insurance companies . When the agent writes the policy and submits it to the company there is a period of time in which the company may decide to not accept the risk . If that happens they will notify the customer and give them a future date at which time the coverage will cease , but coverage remains in force from the inception date until the date of cancellation . | Yes , sleep apnea will effect your life insurance rates and can possibly cause you to be declined for underwritten life insurance . The apnea does n't scare underwriters as bad as the risk of having sleep apnea . The lack of REM sleep needed to rest and recharge the body causes many problems such as high blood pressure , cardiac issues , breathing issues and a elevated risk of accidents due to dosing or lack of attention due to lack of REM sleep . |
Is There A Waiting Period For Renters Insurance? | Typically , there is not a waiting period for renter 's insurance . Rates tend to be very inexpensive and often you can request an effective date for the day of application or shortly thereafter . A renter 's policy will cover your personal contents along with many other items . Liability and medical pay -LRB- to others -RRB- is included . | They do not share detailed information but they do check your MIB report . The MIB is your Medical Information Bureau Report and it will show any recent hospitalizations you have had and also any life insurance companies that you have applied with . Insurance companies will also have access to look at your prescription medications that you currently take or have taken in the past . You must give them permission to review these things when you apply . |
What Is Revocable Life Insurance? | All life insurance is revocable . The word revocable simply means that you have the option to cancel your policy , if you desire . If the policy is owned by an irrevocable life insurance trust , then the trustee would have to make the decision to cancel the policy or change beneficiaries . | The annuity offerings change all the time . The best today maybe not be the best tomorrow . Annuities are categorized into basically three crediting methods : interest rate crediting , indice crediting and separate sub account crediting . Interest rates are generated by the companys predominately government bond portfolio . Sentinel is a very good fixed interest rate annuity company . Most indexed annuities invest their interest rate returns in domestic and foreign index options . Some indexed annuities that credit zero in a given year , still charge policy expenses and which could result in a loss . Genworth is a very good index annuity company . Variable annuities use equity and bond instruments in their separate sub accounts selected by the variable annuity owner . These separate sub account allocations are subject to market risk , i.e. you can lose money . Prudential is a very good variable annuity company . |
Does Safe Auto Offer Full Coverage Insurance? | SafeAuto does indeed offer full coverage and just liability protection . Of course , options will vary depending on the state you reside and the type of policy that is available in that state . Typically , their rates are competitive , compared to other major carriers such as Esurance , Nationwide , State Farm , Allstate , Farmers and many others . | Auto Insurance is compulsory in MD. . You must carry State Minimum Liability Limits of 30,000 / 60,000 / 15,000 . That 's $ 30,000 per person/with a max of $ 60,000 per accident and $ 15,000 in Property Damage . Liability only covers the OTHER driver/car , so it might be advisable to get some coverage on yourself as well . |
How Much Is Renters Insurance On Average? | Renters insurance rates can vay greatly from carrier to carrier and location to location . Based on my experience thus far in the industry and within my geographic location . I would say a rough estimate of the cost of renters insurance within my area would be approximately ten to twenty dollars per month . | Term policies are known by the period of time when the premium is guaranteed to remain level . For example , 20 year level term . That doesnt always mean that the policy expires in 20 years -LRB- although it might . -RRB- If it doesnt expire the renewal premium for every year after the guaranteed level term period increases and in later years the premium becomes very expensive . |
How Much Is Renters Insurance On Average? | The renters insurance coverage is rated based upon : 1 . Geographic Area : two identical policies with same limits will be charged at a different rate in Portland , OR and Seattle , WA . 2 . Personal property replacement cost -LRB- or ACV - actual cash value -RRB- 3 . Personal liability limit 4 . Loss of use limit You can get an instant quote and compare renters insurance proposals on WEBSITELINK | Life insurance is mostly used to provide a death benefit . A specified lump sum is payable on the death of the insured . Some life insurance policies have `` living '' benefits including cash value and accelerated death benefits . Some life insurance plans also will have a critical illness rider . A pure critical illness policy pays a lump sum on first diagnosis of a `` dread disease '' . |
How To Compare Homeowners Insurance Rates? | Comparing rates for homeowners insurance coverage is fairly easy if all you are looking at is price . The easiest way would be to contact two or three local agents in your area and request a quote . Price is only a small portion of the insurance equation . The most important thing is to have a local agent that you are comfortable working with and that can help point out the coverages that you truly need not the standard cooker cutter coverages . | There is no one life insurance company that has the best rates for everyone . Companies often have `` sweet spots '' in which their rates will be more competitive for a certain type of policy , or for a certain age of applicant , or for a certain type of health . To find the best rates for you , you can use online quote engines to compare prices , or call an agency that sells policies from multiple companies and have them do the shopping for you . |
What States Require Short Term Disability Insurance? | The states that require short term disability insurance are California , Hawaii , New Jersey , New York , and Rhode Island , as well as Puerto Rico . Most of these states require employers to provide short term disability insurance benefits to their employees . California also offers its own state disability disability insurance plan . | Unfortunately , the only type of private life insurance that HIV patients can get is guaranteed issue life insurance . Guaranteed Issue policies are not available at every age , so there are some people who are HIV positive who may not be able to obtain a life insurance policy unless under a group plan through their work . |
Is Short Term Disability Insurance Needed? | Short Term Disability Insurance is intended to cover people if they have minor health conditions , injuries , or pregnancies that cause them to be off work for a few months -LRB- up to a maximum of 2 years -RRB- . If you have enough savings to cover you if you are off work for approx 6 months , you may not need to purchase Short Term Disability . | If you are offered Disability Insurance through your work , yes , sign up for it ! You will most likely be paying a reasonable premium and have some income to pay your bills if you are unable to perform your job for an extended period of time due to illness or injury . If you are not offered Disability Insurance through your work , I recommend purchasing a long term disability insurance plan . One of the most common hardships I see in my job is people having to go on Social Security Disability due to MS , heart disease , cancer , or other health conditions . Not only do they face a pile of medical bills , they must wait many months without any income until they are approved for SSDI . With a private plan , they could be drawing their benefit much quicker , and the payments are greater than you get with SSDI . In fact , a private plan will supplement the SSDI to provide you with more spending money . Buying Disability Insurance is not cheap , but living without a paycheck for many months can be devastating . My vote would be , sign up for Disability Insurance . If you would like some assistance , I can help you find the most reasonable price from many companies . |
How Does Employment Status Affect Car Insurance? | Although many auto insurance companies do ask for employment status and possibly basic info , it does not have any impact on your rate . Employment status questions are asked as a way to screen drivers from buying the wrong kind of auto insurance . For example : if you are a delivery driver , companies want to make sure that you understand that there is no coverage on a personal auto policy while making deliveries -LRB- you need commercial auto insurance for that -RRB- . | Based on data compiled for health insurance plans in 2014 with the new mandated coverage under the Affordable Care Act , the weighted average of a benchmark -LRB- silver , or 70 % benefit level -RRB- health insurance plan in Kansas is $ 260 ; which is below the $ 328 national weighted average . As for current Kansas averages , the 2013 data is not accurately completed and compiled yet . But by best estimates of 2013 data , the average premium in Kansas is $ 182 , but does not disclose or reflect benefit levels or type of coverage -LRB- the national average benefit level is 78 % -RRB- . So , in conclusion , a resident of Kansas can expect to pay on average $ 182 for a health plan the remainder of 2013 , and then $ 260 starting 2014 -LRB- a 43 % increase from 2013 , which is in line with the national weighted average of overall premium increases -RRB- . But , premiums vary widely across the state and by county , and by age . |
Why Is It Important To Have Life Insurance? | Life insurance provides a solution to a number of problems . First i provides peace of mind in knowing that your loved ones are cared for in the event of your death . The loss of someone you love not only presents a financial burden , but also an extreme emotional burden Life insurance helps reduce both . It provides money to not only pay the final expenses , but it can also pay off the mortgage insuring that your loved ones can stay in their home , help pay for their child 's education , and help provide an income for your family . Life insurance can also provide protection in a business partnership and other applications . It is also a great estate planning tool . The reasons for life insurance are multiple . | Group health insurance quotes are based on the size of your business , the industrys SIC code , age of employees , and average employee health -LRB- except in Maryland , which requires no medical underwriting -RRB- . There are no instant online quotes for group health insurance for these reasons . To get a quote for group coverage , you 'll need to contact a health insurance agent - working with an independent one will allow you to shop for quotes from multiple companies in one place . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help with your health insurance needs and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much . |
How Long Does It Take For Life Insurance To Be Paid Out? | Here is where the rubber meets the road . A high quality life insurer will handle the vast majority of claims within a 7 day period . Submit all the information needed and a check should be presented by the end of a week . If there are any questions , or any delays in giving the information to the insurance company , expect a few days more . Ultimately , your choice in picking insurance companies is a direct reflection on how long your family will have to wait to see their money -LRB- if ever -RRB- . Thank you . GARY LANE . | Actually cash value life insurance does not effect FASFA . One of the few things that is n't asked for when determining a family 's ability to pay towards a child 's college tuition costs . Speaking as a father of two college students , I ca n't tell you how pleasant it was not to have to disclose cash values when completng the FASFA online . Another hidden benefit of cash values . |
How Long Does It Take For Life Insurance To Be Paid Out? | State life insurance commissioners monitor companies to ensure that life insurance proceeds are paid out in a timely manner . The beneficiary should receive the life insurance death benefit within two months of submitting the completed death claim and the insured person 's official death certificate to the life insurance company . | Automobile insurance covers an automobile so people dont need automobile insurance , automobiles do . Most states require coverage if the car is licensed . If it isnt licensed or operates on private property there isnt a legal requirement to insured the car . The problem is liability . An automobile is a 2000 pound missile that can maim and kill . Being responsible for that is an awesome thing . Automobile insurance almost always contains coverage in case your car hurts someone . |
How Long Does It Take For Life Insurance To Be Paid Out? | When an insured dies , the beneficiary making the claim on the policy will need to send in a completed claim form and a copy of the death certificate -LRB- some carriers may have an additional form - varies by carrier -RRB- . Once these items are received by the carrier , they will pay out the claim to the beneficiary . So , in short , it just depends on how long it takes the beneficiary to make the claim and send in the necessary paperwork . From there , I would expect it to take the carrier a couple of weeks for them to process everything and send the proceeds to the beneficiary . | The current Medicare premium for Part B is $ 104.90 / mo in 2013 , if one 's income is $ 85,000 or less . If income is between $ 85,000 and $ 107,000 , the premium is $ 146.90 / mo. . The amounts go up incrementally until the highest premium , which is for those with incomes above $ 214,000 per year . That premium is $ 335.70 / mo. . Part A does not have a premium for those who qualify for free Part A , which is almost everyone . |
How Long Does It Take For Life Insurance To Be Paid Out? | It really depends on the customer service level and procedures of the your particular life insurance company . Regardless it is fairly quick . All carriers will require a certified copy of the death certificate and usually a short form , one or two pages , with some details . Most all life insurance companies will pay their death claims in a very timely manner once this documentation is in place . | Extended Home Insurance coverage provides an additional amount of funds in the case that the estimated cost to rebuild a home is more than what the Coverage A limits allow for . This extra coverage would come in handy during a large disaster affecting several properties at the same time in one area . In this situation , the cost of materials and labor may jump quickly due to the high demand as homeowners want their properties rebuilt quickly . Since this is not something that can be predicted , some insurance policies allow for this extra coverage . In most cases , 125 % extended coverage is included in the premium price , but you can also select 150 % extended coverage as well . And , since this coverage does not increase your premium by the same amount it increases your Coverage A limits , it is a very affordable addition and highly recommended . |
What You Should Know About Long Term Care Insurance? | Consumers should become as knowledgeable as the can be about the risk of taking too long to die . For starters , find out what the costs for care are in the area in which you intend to retire and/or spend the latter part of your life . Call local care facilities and home care services and request a listing of costs for each facility and level of care . You can also get an idea of not only today 's estimated costs but what those costs might be in the future by going to this website : WEBSITELINK . Click on the state you want , then use the down arrow on the left side of the page to find the locale within that state that corresponds to your latter-years living area . Then , click on `` Future Costs '' to see how much the same care might cost when you need it , years from now . Understand that no long-term care insurance policy can possibly guarantee that it will pay all of your health care costs after the point that you ca n't take care of yourself any longer regardless of how high a premium you pay . Consult with an experienced insurance agent that specializes in long-term care . It is a specialty . Most agents that are licensed to sell it do n't know very much at all about it . If it happens to you , statistics are useless . But , here are a few that you should know when assessing if you want to buy insurance and how much of it would be worth the outlay in premium : - The average claim lasts about 24-26 months -LRB- i.e. the insured dies -RRB- - Of those that go beyond that period of time , over 90 % of claims are settled within five years . - To date , I believe that the record for a single claim is just over $ 1.4 MM . - Take projections of future cost with a grain of salt because it is not known what new medical technologies will come along , nor is it known what new care strategies might be available 20-40 years out . If you can afford the premiums on a $ 300/day , 2-year pool of money -LRB- it could last longer than that -RRB- with no inflation rider on the policy today , you can probably afford some type of long-term care policy . If not , it is a waste of money to buy any insurance policy that you ca n't afford now and know you wo n't be able to afford it in the future . | Great question ! To give you an accurate answer , I 'd need a lot more information - age , sex , smoking or non-smoker ; The status of your health currently , and over the past few years ; How much coverage you would like , and whether you have an occupation or hobby that puts you at risk . All of those things will affect the price of your policy . I can give you a better idea if you 'd like to contact me with details , otherwise I 'd advise you to contact a local independent agent who can give you an idea . Thank you for asking ! |
Does Allstate Renters Insurance Cover Flood? | I used to be an Allstate agent , but it does n't matter where you purchase your Renter 's policy . Flood is exluded on the policy . Butif you have water damage from a pipe breaking or the toilet over flowing , those type of water damages would be covered.If you areworried about flood , you can buy flood insurance even if you dont ' liive in a flood zone and even if you rent . | Our agency and others who cater to `` impaired risk '' life insurance are the best resource for finding life insurance as a recovering alcoholic . By having a number of policies to shop from , you can find one that that will give you the lowest price at this point in your sobriety . Agencies like ours carry policies that are for those who have had treatment in the past year , with a lower price for those who have been out of treatment at least two years , and so on . After 10 years , most recovering alcoholics who have stayed sober during that entire time will have no problem getting a life insurance policy anywhere . |
Does Allstate Renters Insurance Cover Flood? | Flood insurance is handled through the Federal government only and sold through insurance carriers . Renters insurance as well as homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage of any kind . You must purchase flood insurance as a seperate policy . Contact a local agent to find out availabity for this coverage within your area . | No , it will not unless it has run dry due to an accident of some sort . Then it may be covered . Please read your policy completely to know what coverage is provided and what exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you . |
When Was SBI Life Insurance Started? | SBLI Life Insurance started in 1907 . Boston lawyer Louis D. Brandeis helped pass Chapter 561 of the Acts of 1907 , an act that allowed Savings Banks to sell life insurance in Massachusetts . The Whitman Savings Bank took up the charge by establishing the Savings Bank Life Insurance Department and SBLI was started . | Life insurance is NOT federally insured , and be happy it is not . It is as strong as the company you buy it from , so be certain to buy from a reliable company with only the highest ratings . This way you do not have to worry about getting your payment . You do not have to rely on our federal government either , for maybe , eventually , getting around to making good on a payment , if ever . Select from the top rated companies and you can be sure to do well . That is why the ratings of these companies are so widely published . Use the information along with their premium rates , in making your selection , from a reliable agent . Thank you . GARY LANE . |
What Does Accidental Death Life Insurance Cover? | Accidental death life insurance only covers death due to accident , such as car accident , falls , drowning , etc. . Life insurance , on the other hand , covers death due to accident or any other cause . Far more people die from natural causes -LRB- illness , complications of medical treatment , etc -RRB- than accident . Therefore , accidental death coverage costs less than life insurance because it pays out far less often than life insurance does . | Combined single limit is essentially a pool of money from which liability claims are paid . For example , if someone with a policy that has a combined single limit is in an accident with multiple people and the individual with the combined single limit policy is at fault and pursued legally for damages , any damages rewarded are paid out of the total pool . So , if the combined single limit is $ 500,000 , then damages will be paid from this $ 500,000 pool and no damages rewarded above $ 500,000 will be covered by the policy . |
What Does Accidental Death Life Insurance Cover? | If you have an accident policy you should read through it carefully . It is very common for accident policies to have a lot of conditions and exclusions . For example it may state that you must die within 90 days of the accident itself in order for the death benefit to be paid . Other common exclusions are for death while committing a crime , death while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs . While we often like to think that we will die of accidental causes -LRB- especially young people -RRB- , that is simply not the case . As Peggy mentioned above , accidental death policies have much lower premiums than life insurance policies because there is a very small risk of death by accident . One final consideration is if the financial impact to your family will be different depending on the cause of your death . Will your family need more money if you die in a car accident versus having a heart attack ? If anything , death by natural causes may bring more financial burden if it is preceded by a lengthy illness . You can use an accident policy as a supplement to your life insurance , but never as a replacement . | You can figure out how much your car insurance will cost by going online and comparing quotes . You 'll have to provide some basic information such as the type of car you drive , your age , zip code etc. . . Also , as experienced brokers , we can be contacted directly and we will `` shop '' the top-rated carriers for clients . Of course , if you have existing coverage , do n't cancel a policy unless you are already approved for new coverage . |
How Much Is Home Insurance? | Home insurance is tailored for a specific residence . If your home is identical to another in the neighborhood , you might get a good indication of the price of homeowners insurance by talking to the property owner . The premium for a homeowners policy is based on the location of the property , the cost to rebuild the residence , the value of the contents , the age and condition of the property . There are other underwriting considerations . | Short answer ? It 's cheap . The longer answer has to do with your intended need for the policy , and for the length of that need . It does n't make financial sense to pay more money for a whole life policy to cover a 4 year need , for example , any more than it makes sense for someone to buy a 5 year term policy and intend for it to cover their funeral expenses when they pass somewhere far down the road . Term policies are great for some things , and not so great for others . Please contact me , and I 'll give you a fuller answer . Thanks for asking ! |
Will Car Insurance Cover Slashed Tires? | It may . If you have other than collision -LRB- comprehensive -RRB- coverage on your auto insurance policy then your policy may provide coverage for your slashed tires less the policy deductible . Remember every policy is different . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you . | Obamacare -LRB- The Affordable Care Act -RRB- is likely going to remain a piece of US healthcare history . Loved by many , and hated by many , Barack Obama 's major piece of legislation is unlikely to be repealed . However , tweaks , adjustments , and changes are very likely , as health insurance rates continue to increase , and out-of-pocket expenses for many Americans remains much higher than their budget allows . What changes will be coming ? Stay tuned since the road will be bumpy , and medical plan prices may fluctuate quite a bit from one carrier to another . Republican President ? Democratic President ? It probably wo n't matter , unless there is a `` Super Majority '' in both Houses of Congress . Important : Answer was provided by Edward Harris , one of America 's premier healthcare authorities . His award-winning website , , provides the low |
Why Get Whole Life Insurance? | Why get whole life insurance ? I ca n't give you a reason why you should , only why I did . I wanted a locked in price the day I bought it , till the day I died . I wanted something to work both if I died too early or lived too long . I wanted something I owned , that could not be taken away later on . I wanted to control the policy , not the insurance company . I wanted to take away an insurance company 's ability to say no to me . I wanted a safe place to put money to let it grow , to cover for my other investment choices . I wanted a place to access cash if needed , where I did n't have to explain to a guy in a cubicle `` why ? '' and get his blessing . If any of these reasons work for you , by all means consider the choice . | Only you can determine the best Medigap plan in your particular situation . The plan that offers you the most flexibility in coverage , limits your out of pocket risk to a manageable level and charges a premium that fits you budget is probably the plan you should choose . When you pay more you do n't get more , you simply paid too much . #GeorgiaMedicarePlans |
Why Get Whole Life Insurance? | Whole Life Insurance offers features that many other types of life insurance do not . Not all of these are part of every Whole Life policy , but some of these features are : > Coverage that will last a lifetime . > Cash value accumulation that can be accessed for personal use by tax free loans . > Dividends . > The ability to pay up your entire premiums in a limited number of years . > The ability to quit paying premiums and still have a policy of some value . | Whole life insurance can accumulate cash values . Participating whole life can accumulate additional cash values if thepolicyis designed with amaximumterm rider and a paid up additions rider . This tactic could be part of a long termstrategyfor savers.Dividendsup to basis can be withdrawn tax free and policy gains through policy loans . Keep in mind that policy loans charge use a spread loan interest rate and afewcompanies use a more expensive , direct recognition policy loans . The big caveat here is that the policy must be kept in force for the life of the insured . If the policy was surrendered , all gain in the policy via loans , distributed and internal , would be subject to ordinary income tax . |
Why Get Whole Life Insurance? | Whole Life Insurance is the oldest type of insurance within the family of life insurance . Whole Life Insurance is full of guarantees which other policies do mot have . These guarantees include the death benefit , the premium you pay for coverage and the cash value in any given year . Other popular features include dividends which can be paid to you or back into the policy , paid up insurance , additional life insurance by adding inexpensive term riders . And more depending on the company . Company specific additions may include a critical illness rider , disability protection for accident only or accident and health . | There is generally a form for the policyowner to complete to cash out a policy . Your agent or the carrier -LRB- generally a representative in the policyholders ' department -RRB- can send you this form . The exact requirements may vary by company . Before cashing out a policy , you want to find out whether or not there are any remaining surrender charges left on the policy . Cashing out a policy may not always be the best course of action - talk to your agent before taking any actions to make sure cashing out the policy is the best option for you . |
What Does Home Insurance Cover In A Flood? | NOTHING ! So good question . Flood is outside ground water entering your home through windows and doors , NOT seepage thru cracks or failure of the sump pump . Flood damage is covered only with a flood insurance policy and coverage for flood damage to any area of the home is very limited . Seepage is not going to be covered at all . And coverage for water damage due to sump pump failure is not typically an automatic coverage on homeowners insurance but usually an available option . Talk to you insurance professional , he/she can help . | One type of life insurance -LRB- variable life insurance -RRB- has an investment component but no life insurance itself is NEVER an investment . Life insurance is guaranteed protection . An investment is risk . Without risk the product can NOT be considered an investment . This is not a bad thing . It 's a good thing . Life insurance does what it was designed to do better than any investment ever could . You will find a few agents that will call life insurance an investment to make a sale . Those who get caught at it are subject to huge fines and can lose their license to sell insurance . It is considered very misleading and the Department of Insurance of your state should be contacted if you ever have an agent telling you such a thing . |
What Does Home Insurance Cover In A Flood? | A homeowners policy doesnt cover any loss for property inside a structure that is caused by dust , rain , sand , sleet , snow or water which enter the house through an opening not made by the direct force of the wind or hail . That means that you really need a flood policy . 25 % of property losses in the USA are the result of flood . The problem is so great that insurance is underwritten by the Federal Government . Agents generally , have access to flood coverage for your home and many companies will discount your homeowners policy if you have a valid flood policy . | The standard renters insurance policy does not include ordinance or law coverage . Renters insurance does include `` loss of use '' coverage , which is triggered only in the event of a covered loss . If you are forced to evacuate from a wildfire , loss of use coverage would not kick in unless and until you had a loss from the fire . Evacuation is not a covered peril in and of itself . |
How To Pick Long Term Care Insurance? | The policy provisions and their definitions are extremely important and need to be defined to the satisfaction of the potential policy owner before the policy is purchased . The options for long term care insurance are limited and a few niche companies for special scenarios . But the overall pick based on policy perks and long standing history in the LTCi market is Genworth . | Homeowners Insurance is designed to offer coverage for the owner occupied primary residence of the titled owner . Renters Insurance is designed to offer Personal Property & Liability Coverage for the tenant of a home , condo or apartment . Due to the strict definitions in the insurance Contract , it is essential that the correct form of insurance is purchased . Contact an insurance professional to make sure that you are purchasing the correct policy for your insurance needs ! |
Is Selling Life Insurance Lucrative? | Selling life insurance is a performance based position . Since it is based on commission there is no upper limit on what you earn . You provide insurance based financial solutions to : living too long , dying too soon or getting disabled . In other words the more people you help , the more you earn . The good news is your are in charge of your own destiny , the bad news is , you are in charge of your own destiny . I know life insurance brokers who earn $ 25,000 a year and others that earn a million or more . If you are considering life insurance sales as a career , ask agents/brokers in your locale for their opinion . If ypu have further questions , or if I can be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . | Net cash value means the cash value of the lifeinsurancepolicy that the insurer would pay less any outstanding policy loans and less any surrender charges . Life insuranceillustrations use this definition when showing cash value on the numerical summarypage . It is the cash value that has the most meaning to people who want to know the asset value of their policy . |
Is Wet Rot Covered By Home Insurance? | In general , no , home insurance will not cover wet rot . A homeowners policy is there to protect you from the sudden and accidental , not the ongoing . To file a claim , you have to be able to pinpoint what happened and when it happened . Wet rot describes a long time , ongoing circumstance . Your homeowners policy is designed to make you whole after an `` occurrence '' . It 's not designed to maintain your home . If you have a condition that could , potentially , damage your home , it 's the homeowners responsibility to correct that condition to protect your home from future damage . This brings up the question of the cost of your homeowners insurance . Every claim impacts the loss ratio of your company and , ultimately , your rates . Want to control the cost of your homeowners insurance ? Take a higher deductible and pay for the smaller things yourself . You 'll save money in the long run . | There are many websites that offer you the chance to see free life insurance quotes by inputting your information . That is a good place to find life insurance in Georgia . Be sure that the website uses privacy measures and has good reviews . Getting referrals or looking at blogs is another way to find a good life insurance agency in Georgia , as is reading answers from a website like this one . |
Can A Home Insurance Company Drop You? | Any Home or Auto insurance company can drop you . Home insurance is not guaranteed renewable . The company has a right to drop you or raise your premium at each renewal . This can be done because of claims experience , deterioration and maintenance of your home , or in some cases a company will pull out of an area or state completely . This happened in Florida because of the frequency of hurricanes . | I highly recommend it . Your landlord carries insurance on the building but he does not cover your personal belongings . If there is a fire or other covered peril , lightning , theft etc. , then you would not be covered . Also , if someone is injured in or entering or leaving your apartment you can be in a lawsuit . Many landlords are starting to require renters insurance for their tenants . |
Can A Home Insurance Company Drop You? | An insurance carrier may decide to cancel or non-renew a client if the client no longer meets the carriers standard for providing coverage . A client could also be dropped or non-renewed by a carrier if the coverage provided was approved under false information or fraudulant acts . If you receive a letter of cancellation or non-renewal from your current carrier you should contact your local agent to either contest be dropped or non-renewed or they may be able to help you secure coverage else where . | No not really . Insurance companies must file their rates and rules with your State Insurance Department and have those approved for use by them . Companies will then monitor and develop experience with the filed rates and may , after a time and usually after several years ' experience , may chose to refile the base rates and rules . In the mean time , the approved rules enable them to adjust individual policy premium based upon that driver 's particular experience . That is why after an accident a policy may increase though the sates base rates would not be . |
Can A Home Insurance Company Drop You? | A insurance company will look at any insured or potential insured and weigh the risk involved . After the riskassessmenta company can make an offer for insurance . Should the risk change significantly a company can chose to eitherincreasethe premium associated with the risk or chose to no longer carry the risk . Keep in mind when a insurance company is renewing you it is an offer of renewal . | At least enough to cover the cost of taking care of your situation if it happens along with enough to prevent this tragedy from becoming a double whammy for the people who love you and will be the ones cleaning up your business behind you . As a young single man I carried around 50k of life insurance at 19 . Why ? I did n't want my parents who were the people who would have to take care of my stuff I left behind to suffer any financial hardship to do so . Imagine your mom , already dealing with the loss of you , having to also deal with the cost of a service for you , loss of wages from work and other costs . Long before I became an insurance agent I loved my mom enough to not want to make my death even worse for her than it could be . You can apply that thought towards anybody that loves you and will be that person or persons having to deal with your loss . Hopefully , you matter to somebody . That 's what you 're doing it for . At a minimum carry enough to account for your responsibilities and to cover the loss other people will have to take on to deal with your loss . Your loss is hard enough to the people that love you . Do n't make it worse . |
Why Is Medicare Taken Out Of My Check? | The Medicare system is funded through current budgetary dollars , the social security system is structured in the same way . All individuals age 65 and over along with anyone who is permanently disabled automatically qualify for medicare . The `` premiums '' are deducted from workers wages in part because of the assumption that contributing a small percentage from ones paycheck is far less of a unreasonable financial burden then paying a larger percentage over a shorter period of time from ages 65 to death after becoming permanently disabled . | When you leave your job , you typically lose most or all of your life insurance coverage . However , often you can convert a portion -LRB- or all -RRB- of your coverage to a permanent policy . The premium will certainly increase although there is likely to be some sort of cash value . A full-time experienced broker can review the best options for you . |
Can Unmarried Couples Share Car Insurance? | Depends on the carrier . Some companies recognize domestic partnerships while others do not . Often this depends upon how their rates are filed with the Insurance Department in the specific State . Often , there are significant savings when you find a company that allows domestic partners on the same policy . You typically get `` married '' rates and potentially multiple vehicle discounts . | Medicare POS -LRB- point of service -RRB- plans have limited networks and if you want full coverage -LRB- without penalty -RRB- you should choose a par provider . Some POS plans require a referral which should minimize or eliminate any non-par penalties . Usually in a medical emergency situations the carrier will waive non-par penalties . Keep in mind you can still be balance billed by providers not in the POS network . |
Can Unmarried Couples Share Car Insurance? | Some companies , but not all will allow more than one person in the household that is not a direct relative or spouse of the insured to be on the same policy as long as all parties share the same residence . Contact a local agent within your area to find out what is available . | It begins on the policy 's effective date which is listed on the declarations page . It can often be dated in the future but can not be backdated . Usually the auto policy begins once the insurance company has all material facts , a signed application , the initial payment , and any other documents required for binding . Since the effective time of all policies is 12:01 AM , many will extend coverage at no charge for a portion of one day while making the official effective date the next day as 12:01 AM . |
Does Medicare Cover Veneers? | Veneers are thin , custom made covers for teeth that improve the look of the teeth and smile . Since Medicare does not cover services or supplies for the purpose of cosmetics , it does not cover veneers . This has held up even when the veneers were applied in conjunction with medically necessary surgery for the jaw . | In Ohio , upon receipt of a written proof of loss , the insurer must pay death claims immediately -LRB- most states interpret this to be within 30 days . -RRB- Check your state law to verify . If there is no beneficiary named in the policy , the death proceeds are paid to the estate of the insured . An insurer can not delay the payment of a death claim until the settlement of the estate of the insured has been completed . I |
Can You Add Money To A Fixed Annuity? | That is a great question ! The answer is that it depends upon your specific annuity . Mine allows me to add within the first year . Yours may allow it , or may not . There also may be adjustments to payment periods or charges , so be sure to ask your agent when you contact them to find out about your contract terms . Good luck , and thanks for asking ! | Disability insurance is very affordable compared to it protects your family from disaster if the head of the house hold should lose the ability to perform their duties at work or in their business it could cause domino effects to the family budget that could take many years to get back even if ever but it is fairly cheap and you have many options.If I can help let me know see my profile or view my website . Take Care |
Why Is Disability Insurance Important To Have? | Disability insurance is very important to have because it 's paycheck protection . After life insurance , disability insurance is the most critical coverage . Most American workers have 90 days in cash reserves , so spending between 3 and 5 % of your compensation to protect it can pay off with the odds of you being disabled once in your working life . | In my nearly 30 years in the business I have n't heard of a health insurance carrier by that name . Perhaps you mean HealthSpring , which is a Medicare Managed Care Organization or Medicare Advantage plan . HealthSpring operates in the Medicare markets in a few states and is a wholly owned subsidiary of CIGNA . |
Why Is Disability Insurance Important To Have? | Disability Insurance is what pays your bills if you are unable to work . When you buy Long Term Disability Insurance , you pick an elimination period that can be from a month or up to a year , with the most common elimination period being 3 months . When you are determined unable to work due to illness or injury , your elimination period starts counting down . When that time is up , your Disability Insurance starts paying you cash . By that time , most people have had to dip into savings and/or make other adjustments to their lifestyles , just to get by . Having Disability Insurance to pay them a large percentage of their paychecks is important for financial , emotional , and possibly even physical reasons . | When is whole life better than term ? When insuring the time coverage is needed goes beyond 20 years or so . Term is short for temporary coverage . Term works best when you know your end date and know you will not need coverage beyond a certain date . Term is really not a plan when there is no known end date for the need . Whole life is best for long term needs and for those who really are n't sure how long they may need coverage beyond 20 years or so . |
Why Is Disability Insurance Important To Have? | Disability Insurance can pay you a monthly benefit should you ever become sick or disabled . It 's commonly thought that you do n't need disability insurance if your job does n't put you at risk , but people fail to realize that 90 percent of disabilities are caused by illnesses , not by accidents . Whether you break your leg skiing , get cancer or havea mental nervous problem , disability insurance can protect your income when you 're unable to work . | That is a great question , and one with a great answer ! Yes , Medicare Part A pays for end of life treatment . You will need a Doctor 's certification that your loved one is expected to pass within 6 months , and that no further restorative procedures are to be implemented . It does n't matter if the hospice care is given in your home , or a facility , as long as it is Medicare approved . You may also need a living will , or something similar to qualify . It will also pay for up to 5 days of respite care , if you need to take a break . Thanks for asking ! |
Where Should I Buy Life Insurance In New York? | To buy life insurance in New York , you can go to a website that offers it , look through your Yellow Pages and call an agency , or ask friends , relatives or co-workers for a referral . When purchasing online , you can use the quote engines and put in New York to see if they offer policies there . New York has its own companies so not every agency does business there . | That is a great question ! Not only can they , but they absolutely will . There are a couple of reasons why . The first is that people often forget exactly what the doctors have told them , or sometimes that there even was an issue . Some people will pretend that issues never happened when filling out the application , in hopes that it will be cheaper . The company protects itself by looking at those records , and your prescription history.If they are concerned with your reliability , they may also look at your credit history . I hope that helps , thanks for asking ! |
Where Should I Buy Life Insurance In New York? | New York state is highly regulated . Go online and visit trusted life insurance related websites/blogs to do your research . You can easily shop and compare life insurance rates from many top life insurance carriers , without exchanging personal information . Work with an independent life insurance broker to find the best available rates in New York . | If you have a health condition that makes it difficult to get life insurance elsewhere , you have recently separated from the service , and are eligible to get Veterans Group Life Insurance -LRB- VGLI -RRB- without having to answer medical questions , I think VGLI is a very good deal . If you are very healthy and able to get similar rates elsewhere , I would advise to lock in your premium for a longer period of time than Veterans Group Life Insurance locks them in . However , since the rate reduction in 2008 , VGLI premiums are good and it may be hard to beat them . You might want to purchase a permanent policy elsewhere along with taking VGLI Term to cover all your life insurance bases . |
Where Should I Buy Life Insurance In New York? | Hello , In order to buy Life Insurance in New York State you must consult with an honest agent and fair agent that explains to you about the policy and how you benefit from the policy . There are different forms of Life Insurance which are Whole Life , Universal Life and Term Life . There are also some other types of Life insurance depending on your needs . The best way to buy is from a secure company with a high financial rating . Also look for lowest rates and other riders that can be added in order with alow rates . Other products from Life Insurance Companies will be Critical Illness Insurance which is Cancer , Stroke , Accident , andHeart Attack . It is always best to arrange an appointment with an agent in order to get more information on products and benefits and how they can benefit you and your family . Independent Agents as myself are known to offer a wider range of products and services and lower rates because we deal with a larger base of carriers , therefore , giving you the benefit of choosing the best product for you at the best , and lowest rates . As an Independent Agent , Iworkwith the bestcarriers with strong financial ratings and with a complete heritage that goes way back . | A great question and one that the answer for allows us to contrast how a product or service can evolve over time into something quite different from it 's original concept . Over a century ago health insurance was introduced as a financial protection against serious injury or illness . At that time and for decades after , the state of the medical arts was such that there was little your doctor or local hospital could do to deal with your cancer or heart attack other than dull the pain . People 's life expectancies were much shorter than today and a whole host of medical conditions we recognize and treat in the 21st century were unrecognized or untreatable . Wage and price controls imposed by the Roosevelt administration during WWII became the catalyst for wide spread employer based health insurance as employee benefits were not subject to these government controls and offering benefits gave employers a recruitment advantage in the labor force short marketplace of that era . This practice continued and expanded along with the American economy in the post war era and became institutionalized . What has changed in our lifetimes have been the advances in health care , the things that we now consider as being healthcare -LRB- do you ever wonder how our ancestors who were dealing with wars , attacks by native Americans , droughts & floods dealt with stress and depression before we had a pill for everything ? -RRB- , the fact that we live much longer and the introduction of government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid which expanded access to health care while at the same time introducing pricing distortions in the health care marketplace . These government programs , no matter how noble their intent , have never paid market rates for health care and set in motion the cost shifting process by medical providers of inflating their charges for those in private health insurance . Since the late 70 's health insurance has evolved from just protection against catastrophic loss into much more of an ongoing maintenance contract that covers more and more of the routine areas of health care people once paid for themselves . Kind of like buying a car and having all the oil changes & tire rotations included for `` free '' , they 're not really free but are buried into the higher cost you are paying for the car . So , that is how the health insurance concept originated and the story of how it has morphed into the major social and political issue our nation is struggling with today . |
Where Should I Buy Life Insurance In New York? | The state of New York is one of the most highly regulated states in the country . Residents of New York general pay more for coverage . It 's critical in securing the best possible price tag by going online to a brokerage firm that has an extension inventory of New York approved careers to secure the best deal . | None . People can certainly die because they have inadequate health care but not because they do n't have health insurance . In California there are standing programs that treat medical needs when people lack health insurance . One of the aims of the Affordable Health Care Act is to increase the number of people who have health insurance . |
Is My Driveway Covered By Homeowners Insurance? | If the driveway is simply cracking , bulging , sinking , being lifted by roots or just plain old wear then this would not be a covered peril . Depending on your homeowners policy you may have other structure coverage if the driveway is destroyed by fire and possible freezing . I recommend you call your agent to further discuss . | Once you have a full time job , you want to establish the discipline of paying yourself first . Paying yourself first is the money mantra of retirement planning . The first step is to determine if your employer offers a defined contribution plan like a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- , especially if the employer matches any portion of your contribution . If theres no retirement plan at work , you may want to explore tax deductible IRAs that generate taxable income or nondeductible ROTH IRAs that generate tax free income at retirement . |
How To Get The Best Deal On Auto Insurance? | Auto insurance rates vary per state and per company because they all have their own underwriting guidelines and rules . However , if you want to make sure that you are getting the best rate you need to NEVER have a lapse in coverage , keep your credit score up , have zero tickets , zero accidents , and always carry $ 100,000 / $ 300,000 or higher liability limits . | When authorized by your doctor , an MRI can be an effective diagnostic tool . In many cases and MRI is covered under Medicare Part B , subject to the deductible and coinsurance . If you have a good Medigap plan you may owe little or nothing after Medicare pays their portion for the MRI |
Can You Get Health Insurance As A Real Estate Agent? | My sick sense of humor almost tempts me to say `` No , real estate agents are specifically excluded from getting health insurance by law '' but I wo n't do that . Yes , you can get health insurance . What you do for a living has no bearing on your eligibility for health insurance , especially now that ObamaCare is in full effect regarding guaranteed issuance of policies . In my experience , most real estate agents are self-employed/1099 contractor status people and not W2 employees of an agency . So , this probably means that you will need to get individual health insurance either through your state 's government health insurance marketplace or outside of it . So , just like you would tell those `` For Sale By Owner '' folks , you need to seek out an experienced health insurance agent who can assist you in obtaining coverage . If you have been without health insurance for more than 60-days and have n't had what is called a `` change of life status event '' -LRB- marriage , divorce , childbirth/adoption , loss of other coverage -RRB- then you are in a time frame where you would be ineligible for enrollment in true major medical insurance until the next annual open enrollment period begins on November 15th , 2014 and the earliest your coverage could go into effect would be for January 1st , 2015 . I hate to be the one to deliver this news but that is how ObamaCare works . Your only coverage option to carry you through until then would be to take out a Short Term Medical insurance plan . There are a variety of short term medical plan options available . However , you need to be aware that short term medical plans do still use limited underwriting questions , can decline a person for coverage and they do not cover pre-existing conditions . Please feel free to contact me if you need advice or assistance in this matter . | Disability insurance is paycheck protection . The most significant valued asset in every household is human value , the ability to earn money . Protecting your paycheck is one of the highest priorities in defensive planning . Depending upon your gender , age , smoking status , health history and current medical condition , you may pay between 3 and 5 % of your compensation with disability insurance . |
Does Renters Insurance Cover Travel? | Most renters policies provide coverage for personal property away from the residence . The amount of coverage is usually a percentage -LRB- 10 % being common -RRB- of the personal property limit . There are additional coverages that can be added for high value items , such as jewelry . That coverage extends to the full value of the identified property , all the time , anywhere and without a deductible . | Yes , Long Term Care Insurance often covers assisted living . It depends on the wording of the policy . Many Long Term Care policies simply reimburse the person needing the care so they can spend the LTC benefit where they wish . This can be an assisted living residence , or even staying in their own home if they are able to hire someone to assist them with ADL 's . |
Is Group Life Insurance An Erisa Plan? | That is a great question ! To be an ERISA plan , the group policy has to be paid for by the company and the employees - not an insurance company . It is A Federally regulated plan , so there has to be a defined plan in place that specifically states what is covered , and what you pay . This type of plan is not very popular these days , as the employers cost is becoming increasingly expensive , and as employees age and file more claims , more and more unprofitable , and in many cases , underfunded as the amounts determined by employers back in the day were n't enough to keep up with the rising costs of health care . As a result , most plans offered by employers are not this type of plan . If you would like more specific information , please feel free to contact me , I 'm happy to help . Thanks for asking ! | That is a great question ! I am sorry for your loss , let me say that first ... you are obviously aware that there is the two year cooling off period , and that it has passed , so I am going to assume that the company is dragging its feet about paying for some other reason . My guess would be that they are looking for evidence that will show that the death was a result of some form of criminal activity , or that there was some form of illness that was n't properly disclosed on the application . In both cases , if there is something on the policy application that was signed off on -LRB- and many policies will state that they will not pay out if the death occurs as a result of criminal activity , or fraud on the application -RRB- that they could use , they may be waiting on a more definitive answer from the police or coroner . I do not know the specifics of your case , nor anything about your insurer , so bear in mind that this is just guesswork on my part , and in no way infers , implies , or suggests any wrongdoing on the part of you , your loved one , or the insurance company . Just searching for an answer to your question . Thank you for asking . |
Why Is Kit Car Insurance Cheap? | The rates for different types of insurance are typically based on the perceived and experienced risks within each category of insurance coverage . Kit cars are typically vehicles of relatively low cost and limit to exclusive use by many of their owners . They are typically not an everyday usage item . Remember every policy is different . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you . | You can lower your car insurance rates by doing the following : Consider raising your collision and comprehensive deductibles . Check to make sure you are receiving all of theavailablediscounts including multi-policy , 55 and retired and alarm system . SHOP SHOP SHOP !!! When you shop different companies , you may be able to reduce your premium . A respected website will offer multiple quotes from top-rated companies . You may save more than you thought was possible . |
Why Are Annuities A Good Investment? | Non-qualified tax deferred and immediate annuities can be part of an income strategy for suitable savers or investors . The tax deferral features of annuities are particularly attractive for high tax bracket Americans who have mid to long term financial goals . Immediate annuities can provide tax advantage strategies like those used in bond laddering techniques based on contract periods like 10 and 20 year payout periods . But immediate annuities with a life only payout can generate guaranteed income you cant outlive . | That is a great question ! One I 'm sorry that you have to ask ... I 'm sorry for your loss . Each Stat 's Department of Insurance will have in its codes the specified time limits for filing claims , beginning the processing , and for making the payments . You may want to look there for your answer . The fact that your loved one passed so soon after purchasing the policy is always a red flag for the insurer , their first assumption is that there was a desperate health issue that led to the purchasing of the policy , and perhaps some dishonesty in the application answers . That is certainly not always the case , but that is how they treat it . They will ask for Doctor 's statements , coroner 's or autopsy reports , police reports , whatever documentation they need to determine if the timing was coincidental , or expected . Once they 've received all of the documentation , the process moves pretty quickly . I 'd expect the process to take between 6 weeks and 90 days , maybe longer , maybe sooner , depending upon how quickly everything is received . In any case , you will receive a payment for some amount . It will either be for face value of the policy , if they find in your favor , or for what had been paid in premiums over the length of time the policy had been issued , and some amount of interest , if they do n't . Should the latter be the case , you do have the right to appeal , but you 'll need a good lawyer and some money to outlast the insurer 's lawyer and overturn the decision . If you feel that you 've been wronged by them , you have the right also to file a complaint with the State . If you do so , be nice to your agent , because unless they advised you to misrepresent the truth , or have you apply fr something that was n't appropriate , I can guarantee you they had no part in the decision that was made by the company , In fact , they will have been asked for a statement also , and would have had to tell their impression of your loved one 's health . I 'm sorry for your loss , and I hope everything works out for you . Thank you for asking ! |
Who Pays Home Insurance When Renting? | The entity that is renting the property to the ` renter or renters ' is typically the homeowner policyholder . It could be an organization , corporation or individual who holds the homeowner policy . The owner of the residence pays for their own policy . They are the ` landlord ' in common terms . The renter may be required by the owner , to carry a renter 's insurance policy but the two policies are different . Even if the renter is not required to have a renter 's policy , it is a wise move to purchase one , as the premiums are usually relatively low and the coverages are fairly extensive , primarily for losses and damages to personal property and also for liability coverage for accidental injury to others . | That is a great question ! A better one might be why would you want to ? The amount that you would pay for the policy will be far less than what it would cost you should something happen to your home , and you were out of the value of the home , and its contents . I suppose that if you are very very wealthy , and can afford that kind of loss , that you could save the money for the policy , and spend it somewhere else . I hope that helps , thanks for asking ! |
How To Create A Life Insurance Trust? | To create a life insurance trust , you need to enlist the help of both a life insurance agent and a tax professional . They will help you create a life insurance policy that is owned by an irrevocable life insurance trust , and help you choose who to manage it . You need to use expert help because this can not be undone . | Assuming youre addressing qualified plans , the answer is yes , but you need to know the rule of engagement . Borrowing from a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- is generally permissible , but there is a cost of borrowing . If you are terminated from employment or transfer of your 401 -LRB- k -RRB- to an IRA , the plan may require repayment . There are penalties for non-compliance and the possibility that non-repayment may trigger an ordinary income tax event and in addition 10 % penalty if youre younger than 59 . |
Subsets and Splits