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Who Is The Cheapest Auto Insurance Company? | Pricing for auto insurance is going to vary from state to and company to company . So the answer is that will vary depending on your geographic area . I would highly suggest not shopping for coverage based on price along . There is an old addedge out there that says '' You get what you pay for '' unfortunately that is true in many cases . I recommend contacting a local agent to get coverage they will provide a point of contact when you have questions or issues with your coverage rather than just an 800 number . | I believe so , as I both own one , and sell them to my clients . They can help make up the deductables and co-pays that are not paid by the health insurance companies . They can also bring in extra income when the insured or family member is not working due to treatments . Remember that these payments from a cancer policy are paid directly to the insured or beneficiary , not the doctors or hopitals . The statistics say that 1 out of 2 men and 1 out of 3 women will contract some form of cancer in their lifetime , the odds are unfortunately good that you will also . Most cancer policys ' also have a wellness provision that will reimburse the insured if they have a mammogram or a pap test or other cancer related tests done , even if they have health insurance coverage . One company , Allstate Benefits , expanded their cancer wellness program to cover blood tests for cholesteral , chest xrays , EKG 's and other non cancer related tests . generally these reimbursements have maximum amounts that they will pay on an annual basis . |
What Is Covered By Medigap? | Original Medicare -LRB- Parts A & B -RRB- covers appoximately 80 % of your healthcare expenses . Medicare supplements -LRB- or commonly referred to as Medigap -RRB- plans help provide coverage for the other 20 % . There are 9 benefits available in Medigap plans : 1 -RRB- Medicare Part A coinsurance and hospital costs up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used up 2 -RRB- Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayment 3 -RRB- First 3 pints of blood 4 -RRB- Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment 5 -RRB- Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance 6 -RRB- Medicare Part A deductible 7 -RRB- Medicare Part B deductible 8 -RRB- Medicare Part B excess charges 9 -RRB- Foreign travel emergency -LRB- up to limits as cited in the plans -RRB- Each plan provides a percentage of coverage for the first 4 benefits . From there , each plan features some or all of the other 5 benefits . Plan F is the most comprehensive benefit as it covers all 9 benefits at 100 % . Plan G is almost identical as it covers 8 benefits at 100 % -LRB- the one it does n't cover is the Part B deductible . Plan N is also very competitive - as long as your primary care doctor accepts Medicare and assignment , your only other payment other than your premium would be the Part B deductible -LRB- $ 147 in 2014 -RRB- and a copay at the doctor 's office -LRB- up to $ 20 per visit -RRB- or hospital -LRB- up to $ 50 per visit -RRB- . I highly recommend downloading a copy of the Medigap guidebook on the website - the guidebook is titled `` Choosing a Medigap Policy : A Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare . '' Agents will have this on hand as well - it 's required to be given to the proposed insured if they decide to apply for a plan . You can send me a private message if you 'd like me to e-mail it to you . | Life insurance is not reported on credit reports , but if you pay your monthly life insurance premium with a credit card , it will show up on credit reports . As with other bills that are paid on time by credit card , paying your life insurance premium consistently and on time can improve your credit score . |
What Is Covered By Medigap? | Medigap plans -LRB- commonly referred to as Medicare supplement plans -RRB- are designed to help seniors who want high quality healthcare and are on Medicare , cover the gap between what hospitals and doctors charge for their services and what Medicare will pay . Health insurance is constantly changing , which can make finding the right plan for you very strenuous . Supplementing your Original Medicare coverage -LRB- Medicare Parts A & B -RRB- with a Medicare Supplement plan will help you create a very predictable expense structure for your healthcare and allow you to see any doctor you want that accepts Medicare . Any doctor that accepts Medicare will also accept your Medicare Supplement plan . There are 10 different Medicare supplement plans and they are all standardized , meaning a plan F from company A and a plan F from company B feature the EXACT same benefits . The 10 different plans available are plans A , B , C , D , F , G , K , L , M , and N -LRB- a high-deductible plan F is also available that features a $ 2,140 deductible in 2014 - the trade-off being a substantially reduced premium -RRB- . Each plan offers certain benefits some more comprehensive than others . Each plan must cover a core set of benefits -LRB- also known as the basic benefits -RRB- . The basic benefits are : 1 -RRB- Medicare Part A coinsurance plus coverage for 365 additional days after Medicare benefits are used up . 2 -RRB- Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayment 3 -RRB- First 3 pints of blood 4 -RRB- Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment There 's a total of 9 benefits that can be secured . The other 5 benefits available under a Medigap plan are : 1 -RRB- Skilled Nursing Facility Care coinsurance 2 -RRB- Medicare Part A deductible 3 -RRB- Medicare Part B deductible 4 -RRB- Medicare Part B excess charges 5 -RRB- Foreign travel emergency -LRB- up to plan limits -RRB- Each plan features a different structure , Each plan covers a different combination of these 9 benefits -LRB- some of the plans feature coinsurance or copayments for certain benefits -RRB- . If cost is not a major factor for you , Plan F will be the recommended choice because it covers all 9 benefits at 100 % - it 's the most popular plan by far . If you 're looking to keep your costs down , but still have very comprehensive coverage , you may want to look at plans C , G , and N as well . When you 're looking to buy a Medigap plan , you should consult with an independent Medigap insurance agent to review the plans in detail to see which one will best serve your needs , help you identify all of the carriers offering Medigap plans in your zip code , and which one will be able to offer the coverage to you at the lowest cost -LRB- the plans are standardized so the biggest difference between them is price - the benefits are exactly the same regardless of the carrier you have the Medigap plan through -RRB- . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medigap coverage needs , including quotes and plan comparisons , and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much . | There are several things to consider when looking for ways to lower your Home Insurance premiums . The first area I would call loss control . take a look at your home and property . Are there tree branches or shrubbery that should be trimmed to allow mor air flow around your home ? This cuts down on moisture build up that can cause damage . Are the steps and planking on your deck clean , secure and free from any damage ? Have you had your fireplace chimney cleaned regularly ? Things like these and more when managed , can reduce the chances of a claim which can increase your rates . The next area would be bundling . Many companies offer very nice discounts for those who insure their cars and have life insurance with the same company as your home . Next , talk to your insurance professional about increasing yuour deductible and while you are at it , what benefits you might earn from installing a monitored alarm system , putting on a new roof or upgrading your plumbing , electrical or HVAC sytems . There are discounts available , for sure . |
What Is A 403B Vs 401K? | The Internal Revenue Code allows an employer to establish a defined contribution pension plan under paragraph 401 -LRB- k. -RRB- Certain non-profit organizations can provide their employees access to a retirement savings plan under paragraph 403 -LRB- b. -RRB- The 403 -LRB- b -RRB- is usually in addition to the pension plan established by the school district or hospital concerned . | Is life insurance a good retirement investment ? Life insurance is part of a good retirement plan . It provides a safety net that allows an individual to assume more risk with other investments . If the question is geared towards one , single product , then any answer for anything would be no . Retirement planning is a combination of products , not a single one . |
What Is A 403B Vs 401K? | They are primarily the same thing -LRB- an employer sponsored retirement plan -RRB- but one is offered by a for profit employer and the other -LRB- 403b -RRB- is offered through a government entity such as a municipality or school district . The contribution rules are similar and allow employees to put money away pre tax for retirement . | Hail damage would be covered under the comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy minus your deductible . Every company and every policy is different . Please read over your policy completely to understand what is covered and what is excluded or contact your local agent to have them assist in explaining your policies coverage and exclusions . |
When Was Medicare Established? | People were first able to sign up for Medicare on July 1 , 1966 . President Johnson signed into law the Medicare Program on July 30 , 1965 . President Johnson enrolled former President Truman as the first person on Medicare at the bill-signing ceremony . Now there is original Medicare Part A & B plus people have the choice of a Medigap Plan -LRB- Medicare Supplement Plan -RRB- or a Medicare Advantage Plan . | Owning a home can be a big investment , in terms of money , time , and memories . You should make sure that you have enough homeowners insurance to protect that investment . I always tell my clients that homeowners insurance is n't meant to pay off your mortgage if something happens to it , it should be there to rebuild your dream if something happens . I use what is known as the Reconstruction Cost to calculate how much homeowners insurance you need . That coverage amount consists not only of how much it would cost to rebuild your home , but also includes some commonly overlooked things , like cost to demolish and remove debris , and possible changes in building codes and laws that could increase the cost to rebuild . Most of the other coverage , like other structures , personal property , and loss of use coverage are a percentage of the reconstruction cost . |
Does USAA Have Long Term Care Insurance? | USAA does not offer their own Long Term Care Insurance coverage underwritten by USAA Life Insurance Company . However , through their website they offer long term care insurance from John Hancock Life Insurance Company . You can contact a USAA agent , call their home office , or visit their website for more information . | Life insurance policy dividends can be found on policies which `` participate '' in policy holder dividends which is the divisible surplus of the carrier . These policy dividends are most often associated with participating whole life -LRB- par whole life -RRB- and can be issued by mutual or stock insurance companies . All mutuals have par policies but only a few stock companies have par whole life in their portfolios . This `` return of premium '' is made up of excess investment , mortality , expense and persistency . Dividends are never guaranteed and may be less than projected , especially in times like these where interest rates have fallen and stayed at historic lows . |
How Does Whole Life Life Insurance Work? | Very simply put , Whole Life Insurance has a death portion and a life portion . The death portion will pay the face amount of the policy to the beneficiary when the insured person dies . The life portion accumulates cash value for the insured person to use while they are still alive , if desired . They can take the cash as a loan and repay it back to their policy with interest , so that the death benefit stays intact . Or they can surrender the policy and collect the cash value at some point , at which time the death benefit ceases . Life insurance will eventually pay out if the policy is kept up correctly and if the owner keeps the policy long enough . It is a permanent policy to cover the insured person 's `` whole '' life . It may also pay the owner some dividends if it is a `` participating '' policy . Again , this is a very simple explanation , but gives you a general idea of how Whole Life Insurance works . | It depends on the type of annuity you have . Deferred Annuities will usually pass on the Actual Account Value to the beneficiaries listed on the policy . Immediate Annuities usually depend on the option selected upon starting the policy . Some have a fixed number of years that they will continue to pay out to a beneficiary listed on the policy . Others have no period listed and will discontinue all payments upon death of the annuity policy holder . Make sure to discuss all options with your Agent prior to deciding on a certain annuity . |
How Much Does Renters Insurance Cost In Massachusetts? | Renters insurance in Massachusetts can vary in price , depending on which carrier you are insured with and the limits of your policy . Typically , a rate of between $ 10 and $ 25 per month is common although the price could be much higher if you have scheduled property or other specialty items . | Credit history can be one of many factors that an insurance company uses in order to determine eligibility and pricing f a Homeowners Insurance policy . Any such factors and guidelines need to be filed and approved by your state Insurance Department and must be applied fairly and equitably every time a new business policy is being submitted and a renewal processed . |
What Is The Difference Between Critical Illness And Disability Insurance? | Critical illness policies make cash payments to the insured upon diagnosis and for treatment of a specific list of covered medical conditions : cancer , heart attack , stroke , major organ failure , etc. . The policies make payments regardless of whether the individual is able to work . Disability insurance policies make cash payments to the insured during the time the person is unable to work . Disability insurance covers accidents , and a broader range of illnesses . | In California you can insure a car that has been declared a total loss by an insurance company . The only requirement is that it meets the legal requirements of the state and is a licensed vehicle . Some insurers are reluctant to insure these cars for physical damage ; however , others are willing to accept that risk . |
What Is The Difference Between Critical Illness And Disability Insurance? | They are two totally different policies . Critical Illness pays if you are diagnosed with a critical illness such as heart attack or stroke or other critical illness . A disability policy covers you if you are unable to perform your job due to an accident or illness . It will pay a percentage of your income for a specified period . | You can also read more detail at this link : Information on SR22 Insurance Quotes and cheapest auto insurance WEBSITELINK |
What Is The Difference Between Critical Illness And Disability Insurance? | Critical illness insurance pays a lump to the person who is diagnosed with a serious , life threatening illness . The benefit received is set by the stipulations in the policy . Disability Insurance pays a percent of one 's income to them on a regular basis if they are unable to work due to a disabling illness or injury . The amount is based on the salary they received before becoming disabled and lasts for as many years as was stipulated when the policy was purchased . | Brenda Hanson 's answer is excellent in response to the one sentence question you posed . As she correctly suggested , you should send the cancellation request to both your agent and Travelers . It can be a simple `` Please cancel the following policy number , effective -LRB- date -RRB- . '' You do not have to give a reason . You should consider sending both notices by USPS Certified Mail and keep paper copies . Obviously you need to make sure that you have arranged for replacement coverage , to concur with your requested cancellation date . Your agent should be able to help you with all of this . You do not want a gap in coverage dates . Under any circumstances , make sure you are not without coverage , If you have a mortgage , you need continuous coverage . No gaps . |
What Can The Average Person Expect To Pay For Auto Insurance? | An Average person driving an average car living in an average neighborhood with an average driving record who wants average coverage 's and drives an average amount of miles and holds an average job with an average wife and average kids and an average income would surely pay an average price . However as an agent to be a little more specific I would need the answers to what is average . | Since I am an Independent agent , I should preface this by saying that I do not nor ever have represented USAA . They are a very large insurer that does a lot of things right . While I am not insured by USAA I have been previously and continue to use my membership advantages for banking and travel services . I suggest you simply call the company at 1800-531-8722 and find out . |
How Much Does Health Insurance Cost For One Person? | Good Question Health insurance cost is determined by many factors such as : insurance company , Your age , weight , medical history , gender , etc. . Keep in mind , normally the higher the deductible , the lower the premium . Tell your broker what you can afford and he/she should be able to help you with your options . | As Peggy said , you can get insurance from a number of places . I always recommend that you obtain life insurance from a local Insurance Adviser who can broker several different companies and help you to compare companies and policies . There is a lot that goes into making the right choice for the insurance that will meet your goals and needs . In my experience most people do n't have any idea of the various benefits that life insurance can offer ... if you make the right choice ! Find an Insurance Adviser that can educate you on the differences , advantages and drawbacks of the different policies available then help you to implement the right one for you . |
Which Health Insurance Covers Nuvaring? | Great question and one I just went through with one of our clients . Some carriers do not cover this at all while others cover it at 100 % . Not sure why the variance under the new ACA but it is there . Assurant Health 's plans cover this at 100 % . Coventry does not . Did you know when you use an insurance agent to help you with coverage that there is no additional cost to you ? None ! So please call to get help with this or any other issue with your health insurance . We look forward to helping people every day . You may reach us at 913-279-0077 | The biggest driver of home insurance costs are claims . As the frequency and severity of claims go , so go insurance costs . In addition , insurance premiums have to be adjusted to cover the increasing costs of labor and materials required to rebuild and repair homes . Insurance companies are for-profit organizations who in addition to earning a profit must bring in enough to pay claims or they cease to exist . However , there are many adjustments that can be made in home insurance coverage that will lower costs . You will want to review those options with your insurance professional on an ongoing basis with a regular review of your needs . |
Can You Take Out Life Insurance On An Employee? | You Can Take out Life Insurance on an Employee if there is insurable interest and with their acknowledgment via their signature as the policy insured . Many business owners purchase life insurance on their key personnel or business partners . Some businesses use life insurance in deferred compensation plans to fund executive compensation . | The amount of life insurance that each person feels is enough depends on what they want their life insurance to accomplish . E.g. Do you want it to pay off your house so that your spouse could handle the rest of their living expenses on their income ? Then you policy is enough if it lasts as long as your mortgage , and is of a sufficient face amount to pay your mortgage off . Or do you want your life insurance to enable your spouse to be able to live the rest of their lives without having to work outside the home ? That would take a substantially larger policy , and at least some of it would need to be in permanent coverage . It can be helpful to discuss this with an experienced life insurance agent who can help you determine what is most important , and be sure to get enough life insurance to cover that . |
How Is Xeloda Covered By Medicare? | Medicare may cover some cancer drugs taken by mouth IF the same drug is available in an injectable form or is a prodrug . Xeloda is included this list . However , you will typically see these drugs covered under a stand-alone Part D prescription drug plan - you would need to check your plan 's formulary to see if this specific drug is covered and at what tier it would fall under . You may want to check with Medicare directly to verify if your specific scenario would fall under the Part B coverage guidelines or if you would need to refer to your prescription drug coverage -LRB- i.e. Part D plan or MAPD plan -RRB- . | Most renters insurance policies , including those offered by Nationwide , include coverage for your personal property as well as liability protection in the event that you do something that either damages someone else 's property or causes injury to another person . The property coverage can include a full replacement guarantee which I recommend to my clients consistantly . |
What Is The Death Benefit Of A Life Insurance Policy? | The death benefit amount of a life insurance policy is the current face value of an in force policy . Most life insurance death benefit amounts remain the same from their date of issue . But some permanent cash value policies have options that can increase the death benefit amount beyond it 's original benefit . Some accumulating policies may increase in cash values enough to force an increase in the death benefit amount . | The type of life insurance you purchase should meet your purposes for your policy . If you have a temporary need -LRB- e.g. to raise your children if you passed away while they were young -RRB- , Term insurance has the lowest cost per thousand dollars of coverage . If you have a permanent need -LRB- e.g. want to pass an inheritance to your grandchildren -RRB- , Whole or Universal Life is needed so that it is assured to stay in effect until your death . |
What Is The Death Benefit Of A Life Insurance Policy? | The death benefit of a life insurance policy is the amount of money that the life insurer will pay the named beneficiary -LRB- ies -RRB- upon the death of the insured of the contract . For example , if the stated death benefit of a policy is $ 1,000,000 . The the insurer will pay the beneficiary -LRB- ies -RRB- $ 1,000,000 if the insured dies while the policy is in force . | Whenever you consider purchasing an investment or savings product , you need to consider if youre risk profile and financial goals are suitable for the product youre buying . Fixed annuities are no exception . But here are some guidelines . Annuities ultimately are for income purposes . Tax deferral fixed annuities can have an economic impact during accumulation and an additional feature of mortality credits when annuitized . If youre a long term conservative saver , looking for income fixed annuities could be for you . |
Does USAA Have Good Health Insurance? | USAA is a highly rated insurance company and I am sure anything they offer will be of high quality but you need to make sure that policy meets your needs . How do you do that ? Sit down with your significant other and write down what it is that you want the policy to provide . Then call the company and say , I want a health insurance plan that will pay 80 % of all charges in the event I am hosiptialized with a $ 500 deductible . I want the policy to allow each member of my family to go the doctor up to 4 times a year and only have to pay a $ 30 copay . I want that policy to pay 80 % of any prescriptions that I or my family memebers need to purchase . Do you have a policy that meets my expectations and if so what do it cost ? | Renters insurance much like homeowners insurance will typically exclude coverage for pests -LRB- vermin -RRB- . Remember every policy is different . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you . |
What Are Qualified Annuities? | Qualified retirement plans like 401 -LRB- k -RRB- s -LRB- under ERISA -RRB- may use tax deferred annuities as a funding product . Using tax deferred annuities in a qualified plan subjects the annuity to the rules of RMD distribution and the re-characterization of basis as taxable as ordinary income at the plan participants effective tax bracket rate . | How to rollover a retirement plan ? Probably the best way to accomplish this is via a `` trustee to trustee '' transfer . A trustee in this case would be a financial institution like a bank , insurance company or mutual fund company and others . The advantage to this type of transfer is it creates no potential taxable event as the account holder never touches the funds . |
Does An Annuity Go Through Probate? | No , an annuity does not usually go through probate . As a life insurance product , annuities designate a beneficiary on the policy , and if the annuitant dies , the money from the annuity goes to that person . Like life insurance , the money does not go through probate when left to a person as beneficiary . Contact a tax consultant for more information and different scenarios . | Death claims are handled quickly . The company needs a death certificate and in some cases a simple form . When the death is under investigation , or the body has not been recovered , the claim can take a long time . Ultimately a court will decide when the insurance company should honor the claim and to whom the proceeds should be paid . |
Does An Annuity Go Through Probate? | If the Annuity is owned by an individual and has an individual listed as the Beneficiary ; then it avoids probate and passes directly to the listed Beneficiary free of probate . But it is important to keep the Beneficiary for your Annuity updated on the contract . A Will does not override the Beneficiary designation on an Annuity contract . So make sure to review your Beneficiary designation upon any major life changes . Also , if the Beneficiary is not able to be found within a reasonable amount of time -LRB- or if they are deceased -RRB- , it can be reverted back to your Estate , thus being subject to Probate . This is why it is important to list a Contingent Beneficiary on your contract . You should also inform the Beneficiary that you listed them and give them contact info for the company . | There 's many different quality carriers out there that offer life insurance coverage . The biggest factor to determine first is what risk class you qualify for . Each carrier has their own underwriting guidelines . For example , you may qualify for a preferred risk class from company A , but may only qualify for standard for company B. From there , what type of coverage you need and how much - you want to make sure that you 're comfortable with the premiums for the coverage you 're applying for . You also do n't want to apply to a bunch of different companies at once as this can work against you in many cases . I highly recommend talking to an independent agent who can assist you step-by-step in figuring out which is the best for your specific needs . |
Will Renters Insurance Cover A Move? | A move has two stages , transportation on the open road , and relocation to the new residence . There is coverage for your personal property while it is away from the residence . This is usually limited to 10 % of the limit for personal property . Once the property has reached the new residence most policies will cover the property for up to 30 days . | You would need to review your own Long Term Care Insurance policy to find out what is not covered . E.g. . Some policies will cover Home Health Services and some will not . But some common things that may not be covered are : Care needed for pre-existing conditions -LRB- they may be excluded for a number of months -RRB- Care needed due to some nervous disorders Care needed for injury or illness causes by drug addiction , commission of a felony , etc. . |
Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Sinkholes? | Homeowners insurance does not typically cover sinkholes . However , if your policy does cover sinkholes , it will be indicated on the declarations page of the policy . In TN , the law requires that sinkhole coverage is quoted as an option . Check with your agent if it is covered if you live in an area that has had sinkholes in the past . | The best Medicare supplement plan in Florida is something only you can decide . All Medicare supplement plans with the same letter are identical in every way . The only difference is the price you pay . Medicare supplement rates will vary by age , zip code , tobacco use , plan design and -LRB- in some cases -RRB- your height and weight . Pick a plan that best suits you needs and budget . |
What Is The Best Car Insurance For A First Time Driver? | The best car insurance for any driver is the car insurance that provides for all the insured 's coverage needs at a price that they accept . Just as important as your coverages is the local agent that you are working with . This person in many cases with be your first point of contact when you have coverage questions or concerns about billing or claims . | To be specific about what health insurance does not cover , you would have to check your plan 's policy 's exclusions & limitations . However , if you 're asking a general question , I think the key term here is `` medically necessary '' . If your provider bills a service as medically necessary , then it would generally be covered . From a common sense standpoint , why would an insurance company cover something that 's not medically necessary . A good example of something that 's not medically necessary is cosmetic surgery . |
Is A Hyundai Tiburon Considered A Sports Car On Insurance? | That may vary by company , but I suspect not . Unless the car has been seriously modified for performance to the point where it is no longer `` street legal '' , it will more than likely be acceptable for coverage on a personal auto policy . It may be possible that one might pay more than if one owned a Sonata , for example , but that is probably not due to any identification of the car being a high performance vehicle . | The kind of life insurance you should get depends on the type of need you have . If you need temporary protection to pay off a mortgage , send your children to college , etc , Term insurance is the least expensive for a large face amount . If you want coverage for your funeral , you should get Permanent insurance , so that the policy will be in effect when you pass away . If you want to put accumulate a source of funds to use for expenses or retirement in the future , getting Permanent insurance with a potential for good cash value would be the way to go . |
Is Life Insurance Paid Out In A Lump Sum? | Actually , on most all life insurance policies , benefits can be paid at the request of the beneficiary in a lump sum or over a payment plan agreed upon by the primary beneficiary . Even though the insurance company will pay a fair interest rate on the money held back for future payments , it usually is better to take the lump sum option and work with your advisor on a more suited distribution plan . | A Personal Injury Endorsement is an amendment that can be applied to your Homeowners , Condo Unit owners or Renter 's insurance policy . The basic Liability coverage provided in these forms protect you in the event that you are responsible for the physical injury of another or damage somone else ' property . Personal injury is different in that it does not refer to physical injury of another or property damage , but extends protection for you in the event you are accused of slander , false arrest , defamation and the like . In other words , injuries that you are accused of causing that do not affect the body of another opr their property . |
Is Life Insurance Paid Out In A Lump Sum? | Life Insurance can be paid out in a lump sum , or it can be paid out in payments , or a combination of the two . If the life insurance proceeds are paid to the beneficiary over time , the insurance company pays interest on the portion that they have in their possession . | Yes , Nationwide does offer life insurance . They offer Term , Whole Life , Universal Life , Survivor Universal Life , Indexed Universal Life , and Variable Universal Life . Some websites show Nationwide Life Insurance quotes so that you can compare the rates of their products with other companies out there . Or , you can visit their website for a quote . |
How Much Do Medicare Supplements Cost? | The cost of a medicare supplement plan is determined by several factors : your age , your zip code , the plan you want -LRB- e.g. plan f , plan n , etc. -RRB- , and whether you use tobacco products . Rates will vary by insurance company and not every company offers every plan . If you 're being medically underwritten , you may be assigned level 2 rates instead of the standard rate/level 1 if you have certain medical conditions . Medicare supplement plans -LRB- commonly referred to as Medigap plans -RRB- are designed to help seniors who want high quality healthcare and are on Medicare , cover the gap between what hospitals and doctors charge for their services and what Medicare will pay . Supplementing your Original Medicare coverage -LRB- Medicare Parts A & B -RRB- with a Medicare Supplement plan will help you create a very predictable expense structure for your healthcare and allow you to see any doctor you want that accepts Medicare -LRB- meaning no networks ! -RRB- . Any doctor that accepts Medicare will also accept your Medicare Supplement plan . There are 10 different Medicare supplement plans and they are all standardized , meaning a plan F from company A and a plan F from company B feature the EXACT the same benefits . The 10 different plans available are plans A , B , C , D , F , G , K , L , M , and N. Each plan offers certain benefits some more comprehensive than others . For example , Plan A offers coverage of only the basic benefits of Medicare Supplement Insurance , while Plan F is the most comprehensive . Plan F also offers a high-deductible version of the plan it is the only plan that offers this feature . Under a high-deductible plan F -LRB- also referred to as Hi-F -RRB- , the insured must pay for Medicare-covered costs up to the years deductible amount $ 2,140 in 2014 before the supplement plan pays anything . The benefit of the high-deductible plan F is that it offers the insured a much lower monthly premium . I would recommend consulting with an experienced Medicare supplement broker to determine which supplement plan is most suitable to your needs and your budget . Please feel free to contact me for help . Thanks very much . | Always . You do n't have to wait for your renewal date , either . Whatever happened that makes you want to switch does n't matter . It 's your home and your choice as to whom you choose to insure it . Just be sure to go about it in the correct manner . The first step is to find a new agent , one you can trust . It does n't really matter if it 's an independent agent or an agent that only writes through one company . Most good companies wo n't be that far apart so choose your agent first . Find one that cares and can explain everything to you and take their advice . Then you can cancel your current policy . The correct way to do this is to write them a letter requesting the policy to be cancelled and choose the effective date of the new policy . They 'll cancel your policy and send you back any unused premium . This will usually take a week or so before you receive your refund check . |
I Can't Get Car Insurance What Do I Do? | If you have a valid drivers license , then you should be able to secure coverage with a carrier directly or through your states insurance pool . Securing coverage through you state 's insurance pool program is typically much more costly than a regular carrier . After you have gone at least three years with a clean motor vehicle record you should be able to get placed with a regular carrier rather than the high risk carrier . | Life insurance premiums have too many variables to price out a premium . However , you will find that most life insurance companies do discount their rates 3 % -5 % when paid annually over a monthly bank draft . This can add up over a life of a policy . The premiums are dictated by numerous factors such as age , build , life style , occupation , geography and health to name a few . I would recommend the assistance of an experienced life insurance broker to navigate this venture . |
Why Do They Take Blood For Life Insurance? | They take blood for life insurance so that they can detect evidence of tobacco use , drug use , or signs of illness or predisposition to illness . These are all factors that would cause the insurance company to rate you higher due to the increased risk . Partly , they do not trust all applicants to be honest about their vices or health , so use this concrete assessment . Partly , applicants are often unaware of their own health condition . | There are 10 standardized Medigap Plans available to Medicare Beneficiaries . They include Plan A , B , C , D , F , G , K , L , M , N with Plan F also offering a high-deductible plan . The most popular standardized Medigap Plans are F , G , and N. Plan F will cover all your Medicare approved charges . You do not have to pay any co-pays , co-insurance or deductibles for Medicare covered costs . If you choose the high-deductible Plan F , you must pay for Medicare covered costs up to the deductible amount of $ 2,140 -LRB- 2014 -RRB- before your Medigap Plan F will pay anything . Plan G will cover all your Medicare approved charges after you have satisfied the annual Part B deductible of $ 147 -LRB- 2014 -RRB- . Once the small deductible is met , Medigap Plan G acts like Plan F and covers the co-pays , co-insurance and deductibles that Original Medicare does not cover . Plan N covers 100 % of the Part B co-insurance , except for a small co-pay for some office visits -LRB- never more than $ 20 per visit -RRB- and up to a co-pay of $ 50 for emergency room visits -LRB- waived if admitted as an inpatient -RRB- . You are also responsible for satisfying the annual Part B deductible of $ 147 -LRB- 2014 -RRB- and any Medicare Part B Excess Charges . If you have further questions regarding your specific situation , please feel free to contact me . |
Does Obama Want To Cap Retirement Savings? | That is an excellent question ! Unless you have more than $ 3 million in your annuity , you wo n't have to worry about it . -LRB- if you are , you own one or more of the .03 % of the nearly 21 million accounts that do , according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute -RRB- The idea presented in the latest budget proposal was meant to keep the super rich from being able to put huge sums into tax sheltered vehicles -LRB- Romney 's $ 100 million account was mentioned , as I recall -RRB- . President Obama is trying to narrow the gap between the haves and the have nots , by closing or narrowing the loopholes that are being used . Will he succeed ? Most likely not , since the majority of politicians are millionaires , and wo n't vote to cut their own profit generating schemes . According to the ERBI , only slightly over 1 % of Americans over 60 possess this kind of wealth , so I feel safe in saying that you wo n't have your retirement fund capped . -LRB- Even if it were to pass -RRB- Thanks for asking ! | Unless something has changed recently with their testing protocol , no State Farm does not test for THC . |
How Do You Invest In Annuities? | Some advisers use invest for securities and save for non-securities . You can invest or save from your cash flow on a monthly basis or pay a lump sum deposit into an annuity . For investors : variable annuities , a security , are a mid to long term investment when utilizing market equities and bonds via the separate sub accounts . Know your liquidity needs before investing and risk tolerance profile because you can lose money with variable annuities . For savers : fixed interest rate or indexed annuities , both non-securities , are short to midterm savings options . Know your liquidity needs before making a product purchase . | The life insurance industry is a huge segment of the financial sector with hundreds of companies that compete for business . A declination from one carrier may not be a declination for another . After a declination It 's prudent to shop for life insurance companies that are known impaired risk carriers . And keep in mind that you can always shop simplified or guaranteed issue if conventional underwriting fails . |
Can Annuities Be Pledged As Collateral? | Deferred annuities are personal property and somewhat of a liquid asset that can be pledged as collateral for bank loans . The somewhat is the surrender charges and ordinary income tax due upon the termination of the annuity . The surrender charges affect the collateral holder , the taxes affect the annuity owner . | You can sign up for Medicare Part B late , but there may be penalties . If you do not enroll in Medicare Part B when you first become eligible , you can enroll during the open enrollment period from January 1 and March 31 each year . If you sign up during this period , your plan will become effective July 1 . You will be charged an additional 10 % on your premium for every 12 months you went without coverage . However , if you did n't enroll because you were covered by a different insurance plan , you can sign up during the eight months following the end of that plan without a penalty . |
How Expensive Is Private Health Insurance? | With the passage of the Affordable Care Act , the cost of Private Health Insurance depends on your age , where you live , and the level of coverage that you want . If you purchase a policy on the new Health Exchange then your income may qualify you for a subsidy to defray some of the cost . | No . You generally can only put either your spouse or your child on your health insurance plan . If you are the legal guardian of your nephew -LRB- with proper documentation -RRB- , you may be able to add them to your plan . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much . |
Can a title be in my name and my mother puts me on the insurance policy? | If the title of the car is placed in your name , then you must carrier your own insurance , normally . Some insurance companies , for example Safeco and others , will not allow you to be on another policy if you live in the same home . If you live in the same home as your mother , you might be able to have both your own policy and still receive the discounts that come with your mom 's policy . For example , Allied allows all household members to be listed on separate policies -LRB- like your mom and you since you have your own titled auto -RRB- , but gives you a multi-car discount , etc. . What is so important is that you tell your insurance company up-front know that she does n't `` own '' the car , some companies can just reference her name as having an insurable interest in the car . Just tell your agent up-front . If something happens , and you discussed it with him/her it is his/her responsibility to insure it correctly/accurately . | No , you can generally only take out life insurance on yourself or someone who you have a `` vested interest '' in . This means that you can take out a policy on members of your immediate family members such as your wife , child , or parent . There are ways to structure a life insurance policy to protect ones business interests , although such options are to numerous to discuss in depth without writing a small book here . |
How To Know If Someone Had Life Insurance? | To find out if someone had life insurance you will have to do some digging and asking . Most people respect making that purchase and keep a record of it somewhere . Relatives may know . You could contact a local insurance agency where that person did business . If all else fails , unclaimed life insurance will eventually be turned over to the unclaimed property files in the state where the policy was purchased . | What people pay for their health insurance increases as they get older . The reason for this is that as you get older , the average person typically needs/uses more health care resources . For example , when you 're young and healthy , most people only go see the doctor when they have an injury . When you 're in your 50 's and 60 's , the body changes and needs more maintenance and observation . Older persons generally go to the doctor on a routine basis every year . Carriers also change their rates periodically because they have to have the funds available to pay claims . If they have an increase in claims one year , they will likely have a premium increase on their policies the next . I always recommend people consult with an experienced health insurance broker - we have an in-depth knowledge of a wide range of products available in the marketplace and can help you find the health plan that 's going to be most suitable to your needs and your budget . Please feel free to contact me for help . Thanks very much . |
How To Know If Someone Had Life Insurance? | If you are a direct beneficiary of the decedent , especially if youre the spouse , review bank records for checks made out to insurance companies . Believe it or not it is the easy avenue to discovery , if you dont know for sure . And while youre at the bank check safety deposit boxes and any safes at home . If the decedent was taking social security benefits , the death should be reported . Life insurance companies are supposed to scan the Social Security Master file on a monthly basis -LRB- depending upon each state . -RRB- | There are literally hundreds of insurance companies licensed to write insurance in every state . Some smaller insurance companies are owned by larger ones . if you are in the market to purchase home insurance , you can check your State Department of Insurance , or simply go to , type insurance , put your city , state for location . This will give you a plethora of options in your area . |
Is Medicare More Efficient Than Private? | Medicare Advantage is Private insurance companies administering medicare claims . The underwriters with private insurance companies appear to be better trained and above all the political posturing that goes on in Medicare . You either have a covered claim or you have an uncovered claim and they will not be coerced . I suspect that is the reason Medicare Advantage has proven to be profitable whereas Medicare is constantly victimized by those that will present false claims | The face value of a life insurance policy is the amount of money paid to the designated beneficiary after proving the death occurred with a valid death certificate . In most cases these proceeds paid to your beneficiary are tax free . The face amount is paid only if premiums are current and no exclusions apply at time of death . |
Does Job Affect Car Insurance? | That is a great question ! What you do for a living can have an effect on the price of your auto insurance , especially if you use the vehicle in a business capacity . If you drive long distances in your car , the annual mileage is a determining factor in your rate , and can cause it to be higher than if you only drive a short commute . Certain occupations can increase your rate , if the car is insured as a work vehicle . Contact your agent for the specifics . Thanks for asking ! | No one that rents should be without this coverage . It is normally very inexpensive and if you combine it with your auto coverage you will typically receive discounts for both policies . Landlords protect their property . Why should n't you do the same . Do n't leave yourself exposed to a financial hardship in case of a fire , or leave yourself exposed to a liability from an accident occuring with in your residence . To find out more about the coverages and limitations of renters insurance contact your local agent . |
Does Job Affect Car Insurance? | Insurance companies work with an amazing number of statistics . If they feel , for example , that plumbers are better than average risks , they can ask the state to allow them to discount auto insurance for plumbers . This has been applied to a variety of occupations by different insurance companies . On the other side if a company discovered that sheet metal workers have a worse than average record they could surcharge that group , if the state commissioner agrees . | Yes , life insurance works for kids . Some policies do have a minimum age limit of 18 to 20 years old , but many will work for children as young as 15 days old . You can also add children to their parent 's policy as a `` child rider '' . Although they do n't have to take an exam , a child will need to have relatively good health to get life insurance . |
Where To Buy Fixed Annuities? | As an independent agent , I work with several A + rated insurance companies that offer a wide range of annuities . I also have surrounded myself with a very knowledgeable and professional team . Plus , I do extensive research on these products . This allows me to provide a product that is customized for the person wanting to purchase an annuity . That being said , when you are ready to purchase an annuity make sure you are dealing with somebody that you trust and that is knowledgeable in this area , as there are many annuities from which to choose . | When you first become covered by Medicare you are entitled to a routine physical exam , usually at no charge to you . This is your `` Welcome to Medicare '' exam . Every year thereafter you may receive a physical exam , usually at no charge to you . Your doctor can advise you if there might be additional charges for some tests . |
Where To Buy Fixed Annuities? | Fixed annuities are offered by many major insurance companies . You can purchase these contracts through experienced brokers that understand the complexities of an annuity and can use their expertise to determine which type of contract is best for you . There are many variations of annuity contracts , including the initial interest rate . Also , surrender periods and length of the guaranteed rate -LRB- initial rate -RRB- must be taken into consideration while comparing and shopping for the most suitable contract . They can be a valuable tool when planning for retirement . | Many factors come into play . If your spouse is a working spouse , she should consider enough life insurance to cover her outstanding debts and a multiple of her income to replace lost earnings on her death . If she is a non-working spouse it is a bit more complicated . Estimate the cost of replacing her services as a homemaker and mother and factor that in . |
Where To Buy Fixed Annuities? | The first rule of thumb is not to purchase them from a proprietary career agent who generally offers the companys product line personally benefiting from their close relationship . Independent agents or registered representatives that have access to the majority of annuity product inventory through annuity brokerage outlets . | Auto insurance quotes are available on line , through the mail or by phone . However , insurance is a complex issue and your individual needs are probably best met by an insurance agent . If you dont have an agent get recommendations from your friends , colleagues or neighbors . A good agent will listen to you , provide solid financial advice and communicate clearly with you and the insurance company . Setting the limits of your coverage is critical and should be done with care . |
Do Medigap Plans Cover Drugs? | Some Medigap Plans sold in the past did cover prescription drugs ; however , Medigap Policies sold after January 1 , 2006 are not allowed to include coverage for prescription drugs . Medigap Plans fill in the `` gaps '' that original Medicare does not cover . So it will pay for approved Medicare items . With that said , Medicare only covers a limited amount of drugs . Examples include : injections recieved in the doctor 's office , certain oral anti-cancer drugs , some types of drugs used with various durable medical equipment -LRB- ex : nebulizer or external infusion pump -RRB- , and under extremely limited circumstances , certain drugs you receive in a outpatient hospital setting . Some drugs in a hospital setting are known as `` self-administered drugs '' -LRB- drugs you normally take on your own -RRB- . These are not covered by Part B and , therefore , not paid for by your Medigap Plan . | Who sells the best whole life insurance ? Well in my many years as both a captive and independent I can answer truthfully , a lot of companies . The best thing about life insurance is that there are many companies that occupy that top of the table where best could apply to any of them . You may see from time to time , advertisements from companies showing they 're best for 250k coverage . What they put in small print would be male age 35 best possible class . Why ? because they may not be best for females age 30 standard plus class . The best place to be company wise will simply depend on who you are , how your health is , how much coverage you buy and do you smoke ? Your answers may make the best company be entirely different than somebody else like your spouse for example . |
Do Medigap Plans Cover Drugs? | Medigap plans do not cover drugs . They use to until a few years ago when Medigap plans E , H , I , and J were taken off of the marketplace due to changes in the Medicare laws . If you have a Medigap plan and want to have coverage for prescription drugs , you would need to secure a standalone Part D prescription drug plan . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your coverage and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much . | If you had your homeowners insurance set up with your mortgage carrier then I would contact them about the name of your homeowners insurance coverage . Regardless of how you initially secured your coverage you should have received some sort of documentation -LRB- digital or paper -RRB- that identifies the name of the carrier along with the details of your coverage . |
How Much Can You Borrow On A Life Insurance Policy? | Cash value permanent life insurance has the potential to accumulate cash . Depending on what life insurance product you purchased , the policy expenses and the policys performance will determine if you have money to borrow . Keep in mind that the early years of a cash value permanent life insurance policy have surrender charges that may restrict access to the cash value accounts and there are policy loan charges as well . | Yes , you can get life insurance if you have kidney disease , but the type of policy you get will depend on what stage of kidney disease you have . If it is over stage 1 , you most likely will need to get a simplified issue or guaranteed issue policy , which will have a limit on the face amount . |
How Much Renters Insurance Should I Have? | At minimum you should have enough coverage to be able to replace most if not all of your personal items in your rented premise . Take an inventory of all your clothing , ectronics , appliances , jewelry , and other valuables calculate the value of these items if you were to have to replace them . Please contact a local agent to discuss your coverage needs and desires so that they can provide you with the coverage options that are avaiable in your area . | No , personal auto insurance is not federally mandated . Most States , however do have laws on the books that require proof of insurance in order to register and maintain registration on a car . In these states , the law usually includes a stipulated `` minimum '' amount of coverage . Though the state minimums may be different , the required coveagewould include Bodily Injury and Property Damage as well as Uninsured/Underinsured coverage . Some states also have a `` No Fault '' provision which requiers a policy to include coverage for primary medical benefits . States do n't usually include Comprehensive or Collision Coverage under the requirements . . but your lienholder will . |
How Much Renters Insurance Should I Have? | Put a dollar amount on what it would take to replace all of your personal belongings -LRB- so if you take the house , flip it upside down ... everything that falls out is your stuff -RRB- and that is how much your personal property should be . Everything else that is covered is just a percentage of that . Most people choose a minimum of $ 25,000 . | A homeonwers insurance policy is typically an agreement between the insured and the carrier and in some cases a third party intrest -LRB- such as a mortgage company -RRB- . This information to the best of my knowledge is not shared with the general public , in fact I believe in most cases can not be divulged to outside parties without the consent of the homeowner and possibly the other parties covered by the agreement . Each state has its own insurance regulations . To find out the regulations within your state contact your states insurance commisioner . |
Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Flooring? | If the peril -LRB- the cause of the damage -RRB- is coveredby your insurance policy , then the policy will pay to replace the flooring . The value of the house 's flooring is included in the Coverage A -LRB- dwelling -RRB- limit of your policy becauseit is considered a permanently installed furnishing of the house . So , then the question becomes , `` Does my homeowners policy provide coverage for damage resulting from -LRB- fill in the blank with your peril -RRB- ? '' You can read your insurance policy to find this information . The homeowners policy will have a list of covered perils included in the coverage form . If , after reading that , you still have a question as to whether the specific cause of your damaged floor is covered , you should contact your local agent and discuss it with him . | Typically , cigarette smokers will pay about 3 times the premium of a nonsmoker . If table rated , the difference could be higher , partly because of the pricing structure , partly because the insurance company may determine that smoking makes that person much more of a risk due to his/her health condition . If regularly using tobacco other than cigarettes , there are a handful of companies that will charge nonsmoker rates -LRB- but not preferred nonsmoker -RRB- . These run about half of smoker rates . If an occasional cigar user , some companies will rate preferred nonsmoker . |
Will Homeowners Insurance Cover Flooring? | It depends what happened to your floor . For example , flooding from tidal water would be excluded under a standard Ho-3 homeowners insurance policy in NY . Wear & Tear is also excluded as well as intentional damage to the floor . Covered perils would include fire , wind , hail , vandalism , damage from a pipe burst and many other perils . If you have an HO-3 policy it would be covered under the dwelling portion of the homeowners insurance policy . Keep in mind you probably have a deductible that will come into play . Always check with your independent insurance agent for coverages that are specific to your policy . Hope this answer has helped you . | That is an excellent question ! These days , everybody searches on the internet for things , and you could do that for insurance , but I would n't , and here 's why . Most internet sites are going to give you a `` quick quote '' , based upon the best case scenario . In a great many cases , that `` best rate '' wo n't in truth apply . It 's legal , because it COULD apply , but misleads many people to believe that would be their price . I seriously recommend that you search the internet for local independent agents , and then talk to a couple of them personally . Once they know a little bit about you , they can give you pretty accurate quotes from several companies , and let you see the differences between them . You want this person to be someone that you form a relationship with , to be there for you when there is trouble , and I 'm not sure an internet site can do that as well as a live body can . Give that a try , okay ? Thanks for asking ! |
Will Home Insurance Cover Broken TV Screen? | A broken TV Screen would be covered by home owner insurance only in the event of a covered loss such as burglary , fire , hail , or wind . Otherwise , the broken tv screen is not a covered repair to be filed on a homeowner 's policy . Most home owner policies have at least a $ 500 deductible . therefore , in the event it is covered , you may want to find out the cost of the repair before making a claim on your insurance . | No , the State of CT does not make it mandatory to have Homeowners ' Insurance , but if you have a Mortgage , then your lender does . When you are buying a home or otherwise obtaining a mortgage or home equity on a home , your lender , among other things will ask you to provide a copy of a binder or amended Homeowners Declaration Sheet showing them listed as an interested party on your property . They do this to protect their own interest , which makes perfect sense . However , if you have property , mortgage or not , this can be one of the most important investments you will make in your lifetime . Frankly , mandatrory or not , you owe it to yourself to protect your own interest and your family 's home . |
How Much Is It To Cobra Health Insurance? | That is a great question ! The unfortunate answer is that it is much more expensive than what you are paying now . The rule is that you pay the full price for your coverage , your part plus what your employer had paid , and then another 2 % on top of that . If you were on a family plan , each person looking to extend on the plan will also pay their own 102 % . It gets pretty steep pretty fast . I hope that you are just asking , and do n't have to find out for yourself . Thanks for asking ! | How much life insurance you should buy depends on what you want the life insurance to do . If your need is to cover a specific purpose , for example to leave your family well positioned in the event of your death , then the amount of insurance should include enough funds to replace your income -LRB- human life value -RRB- , cover your debts , estate costs , establish an emergency fund and more . If family protection is your objective , your insurance agent can help you with the calculations . Many insurance companies offer online calculators to give you a point of reference . Life insurance can play an important role in your financial and retirement planning . An independent life insurance broker can help you find the right policy at the right price . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . If you would like to work with a local life insurance broker , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : life insurance broker Halifax or life insurance agent Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find a life insurance broker in your community . |
How Much Is It To Cobra Health Insurance? | In short , COBRA is an extension of the current group health insurance plan offered to employees after they have left the company . This coverage can be kept for up to 18 months and is only available to individuals and families covered under a plan with more than 20 employees enrolled . Premiums for COBRA coverage are 102 % of the total cost of insurance this is important because many employers pay for part of the cost while the employee is still working . If you were only paying half of the premium before and your employer paid the other half , you would now be paying the entire thing yourself plus 2 % . Please note , COBRA election applies to each person individually that is covered under a given policy . If five family members are covered under a COBRA policy , they can all accept the coverage or accept it on an individual basis -LRB- for example , one or two family members accepting and three or four rejecting -RRB- . This is important because individual market health insurance can often be much less expensive than a COBRA policy , which can average $ 1,200-1 ,500 for a family and upwards of $ 2,500 per month for Cadillac plans at some companies . If you are in good health and offered COBRA coverage , do n't wait until it expires to look for a new policy . Please let me know if I can be of further assistance . Thanks very much . | If by cashing out you mean surrendering the policy -LRB- a permanent policy which has cash value -RRB- , the owner of the life Insurance policy has the only authority to do so . If the policy is lapsed by not paying any premium , then there really is nothing to surrender . A word of warning ... if you do cash out or surrender the policy be aware this may cause a taxable event . |
Can Nursing Homes Take Annuities? | There are some annuities that people take out in order to protect assets when they go on Medicaid . They are commonly called `` Medicaid annuities '' . If set up with expert advice and attention to every detail , this type of annuity may be protected from having to be spent down on nursing home care , if other funds run out . There are challenges , so it is important to talk to a trusted advisor . | Life insurance in most cases is an underwritten product for risk . There are numerous factors that are considered . Some include age , build , health conditions , lifestyle and even occupation can factor in to calculating the risk when one may die . If the actuary feels the risk of claim is higher than an affordable premium can be charged then the policy is denied . There are guaranteed issue plans available for a lot of situations but benefits are usually limited . |
How Can I Get Health Insurance If I'M Unemployed? | If you do n't have access to a Group/Employer sponsored health insurance plan than you would have to apply for a policy on the Individual market . Based on what you qualify for and what what your budget is will directly reflect the type of policy you will get . The only other option would be government sponsored plans , however , many times these are difficult to qualify for . | The types of life insurance policies you may borrow from are cash value or permanent life insurance policies . These polices are commonly named whole life insurance , variable life insurance , universal life insurance or indexed universal life insurance . The cash value builds over time and will typically take about 5 years to accumulate enough cash value to begin taking loans . The first few years of premiums are used to fund the death benefit . The money is taken in the form of a loan in order to avoid paying taxes . If the money is withdrawn from the plan and not in the form of a loan , the coverage can lapse and the funds are subject to income tax . It is always a good idea to consult your agent or insurance company to avoid a costly mistake when taking money from a cash value life insurance plan . |
Is Medicare Advantage A Supplement To Medicare? | No , Medicare Advantage is different than a Medicare Supplement . A Medicare Advantage Plan is a program set up by the government utilizing private insurance companies to administer claims and benefits under the supervision of the Center for Medicare Services . While you are still in the Medicare System and have all the rights of Original Medicare , a Medicare Advantage Plan takes the place of Original Medicare . The plan would pay the claims and offer the benefits based on an allowance that Medicare provides the insurance company for each member they have enrolled . Medicare Advantage has less potential out of pocket and richer benefits than Original Medicare but most require you stay in network . Original Medicare does not have networks . | Can you sue a health insurance company ? Absolutely , you can file suit against any person or entity . It 's just a question of money and time , as it can take both . Realizing this situation , most states have a remedy that you should try first . The Office of the Insurance Commissioner . You can file a complaint with the OIC and they will take it up if it 's worthy and go to bat for you . Always approach a problem with the least expensive solutions first . |
Is Medicare Advantage A Supplement To Medicare? | Medicare Advantage is a private form of Medicare run by insurance companies . When you enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan you are no longer participating in original Medicare . Your doctor and other providers file claims with your Advantage insurance carrier , not with Medicare . Your Advantage carrier adjudicates the claim and pays it if approved . Advantage plans are not a supplement to Medicare , they replace Medicare . Amplification . Some people are confused about this since Advantage plans are often referred to as Medicare Part C . When you enroll in an Advantage plan your benefits are provided by an insurance carrier that is a sub-contractor of Medicare . Other than your Medicare Part B premium -LRB- which is still paid to Medicare , or deducted from your Social Security check -RRB- premiums -LRB- if any -RRB- for your benefits are paid to the Advantage carrier . Medicare does not review or adjudicate claims . Medicare does not resolve claim disputes you may have with your Advantage carrier . All of your benefits are covered and provided by your Advantage policy . If you decide to drop your Advantage coverage you have a right to switch to original Medicare . Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage are two separate and distinct systems of providing health insurance . Advantage plans cover the same medical conditions as Medicare -LRB- except Advantage carriers will not issue a policy if you have ESRD -RRB- but the benefits and administration are completely separate . Consider this . Medicare Part D is an insured benefit you purchase from an insurance carrier . The drug plans are not offered direct by Medicare and your claims are handled by the insurance carrier or the PBM that manages the coverage for them . Medicare Part C and D are completely independent from Medicare . | I agree with Peggy 's statement above . The internet is a resourceful tool when trying to find an agent in your area ! Also , if you have a company in mind , they can recommend an agent in your area who is already contracted with their company . Regardless , when you find an agent , whether it be via the internet or a life agent in your area , make sure you ask for multiple quotes from various carriers . Your agent should be able to show you several options . Do n't be too fixated on cost , but instead have your agent thoroughly explain the provisions of the policy . Cheaper does n't mean better , nor does the most expensive mean the best ! |
What Is A Critical Illness For Insurance? | Experiencing a critical illness is generally understood as a related medical insurance item . But more people today are adding critical illness insurance to supplement their high medical deductibles or because they have health history in the family line as an example , heart disorders that end in surgery and convalescence care . Critical illness can fill the gap with lump sum cash . | Before you cash in your whole life policy , you should discuss with your agent / broker to be sure you are aware of any other options and any consequences . All companies require notification in writing that you wish to surrender your policy . Some accept letters other require surrender forms . Simply contact your agent/broker and indicate that you would like to surrender your policy and you will be advised what is needed . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . |
What Is A Critical Illness For Insurance? | The critical illness definitions for this type of insurance vary from policy to policy . Nearly all cover serious cancer , heart attack and stroke . Some cover Alzheimer 's , blindness , deafness , MS , Parkinson 's , brain tumors , and organ transplants . In order to see what the definition of critical insurance is for each policy , review the contract carefully . | State Disability Insurance is an income replacement program administered through the State of California through the Economic Development Department . You must be an eligible worker to apply for it -LRB- e.g. most government workers are not eligible -RRB- , must have worked a minimum number of hours , and be deemed disabled in order to receive the State Disability income benefits . |
Why Are Variable Annuities Good Investments? | Product suitability determined by a personal financial profile that establishes risk tolerance and tax deferral as a priority , must first be developed . A non-qualified variable annuity not invested in the guaranteed interest account has market risk to principle deposited . The allocation of separate sub accounts may have greater or lesser risk determined by the asset mix . The economic goals of the investor must correlate to the variable annuity and its asset allocation mix and the length of holding period needs to match up to the investors economic timeline . A variable annuity is neither good nor bad ; however the recent variable annuity designs may not be as consumer centric as they were before 2007 . | Yes , it is common for someone to have a short term disability policy and a separate long term disability policy . However , it may not make sense to have 2 short terms or 2 long terms . Disability insurance plans will coordinate benefits and will not pay over their maximum amounts , usually no more than 70 % of one 's current income at time of claim . |
Where Can I Find Health Insurance? | Enrollment for the PPACA , or Obamacare as it 's known to most Americans , begins October 1 , 2013 , but not for everyone . Recent delays have pushed off implementation for some businesses and other exempt organizations . Each state either created a health exchange or is creating an alternative to it . Online health care vendors will also be offering health insurance . | Yes , Lyrica is covered by at least some Medicare Part D plans . Check your Part D formulary to see if Lyrica is covered by your plan . Lyrica is used to treat pain from conditions such as fibromyalgia , diabetic neuropathy , and shingles . It can also be used to treat some types of seizures . |
Can Annuities Go Bankrupt? | Insurance companies that issue annuities can go bankrupt . This is an extremely rare event given the regulatory overview that exists in the insurance industry , but it is possible . Insurers are required to hold , at a minimum , two times the amount of capital vs. the amount of anticipated claims they could incur in any given year . Any insurer who falls near or below this level is subject to serious regulatory oversight to correct and improve their capital position . | Double Indemnity usually means that if a person dies by accidental means then the plan pays double the face amount of the policy . It is essentially an accidental death rider attached to your policy . These used to be very popular but I do n't see them as much any more . |
What Is The Medicare Drug Benefit? | Medicare drug benefit in most cases refers to Part D. Your Part D plan is offered by insurance carriers and is available to anyone on Medicare that does not have drug coverage through a Medicare Advantage plan . Drugs administered as a hospital inpatient are covered under Part A. Outpatient drugs administered in a doctors office or clinic are often covered under Part B. | There are several online brokerage outlets that represent multiple disability insurance companies . And because they represent multiple companies , they can spreadsheet several of the best disability carries to see which one is best suitable for your needs . The are many great companies in the brokerage market , The Standard is one of the top disability companies . |
What Is A Joint Life Insurance Policy? | A joint life insurance policy -LRB- also called a survivorship policy or second-to-die policy -RRB- is coverage on two lives . This is often used in estate planning when a policy will cover both the husband and the wife . At the death of the second person , the death benefit is paid to the heirs . The cost for the policy can be significantly less , because the insurance company knows that with a survivorship policy , the death benefit will most likely pay off years later than a non-survivorship policy . Another advantage of survivorship policies is that one person can be uninsurable . Some survivorship policies offer a first-to-die rider which pays out a portion of the death benefit at the first death . | Certainly , there are a few ways to use a good whole life policy in retirement . The most common is to `` borrow '' a monthly payment from your cash value . The loan will be at a very low interest rate . But , because it is a loan it is free of income tax . Second by using the loan provision you keep your death benefit intact for your loved ones . I suggest sitting down with your agent and running the different options before deciding on how to proceed . |
What Is A Joint Life Insurance Policy? | What is a joint life policy ? This is usually a policy on a husband and wife that pays on the second death . More often than not , these policies are used to create a money pool for the payment of estate taxes . I think there are also some joint policies that have been adapted for business partnerships as well . | A variable universal life insurance policy is a permanent life insurance policy designed to grow cash value similar to the growth of mutual funds . You will see the growth and the loss in these type of policies . Please talk to a Registered Representative who is able to design these type of policies to get an illustration for your review . |
What Is A Joint Life Insurance Policy? | The marital deduction act was the basis for creating joint life insurance or survivorship insurance . The marital deduction act allowed married couples to pass assets between them at the death of the first spouse . Survivorship was created to pay the federal estate tax at the second death of a married couple , coinciding with the marital deduction act . Survivorship policies have several actuarial formats like participating whole life , variable universal life , indexed universal life , current assumptions universal life . | I recommend at least enough to pay final expenses and possible medical bills . Keep in mind , the loss of a child is an extremely emotional and stressful time . The last thing a grieving parent needs is to try to figure out where to come up with the money to pay for burial and medical bills . Life insurance on a child is not expensive . My personal opinion is a base of $ 25000 . If the child does n't die , it puts the child in a good inexpensive plan until he can afford additional insurance when he is older . |
How Much Can You Borrow From Your Life Insurance Policy? | The amount that you can borrow from your cash value of your life insurance policy will possibly be different from carrier to carrier . Most carriers will allow you to borrow up to a set percentage of you life insurance policy 's cash value . Contact your local agent to discuss the availability of money to borrow from your policy and your carriers requirements . Remember every policy is different . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that there may be or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you . | Critical Illness Insurance varies according to how much coverage is purchased and the age of the person buying the policy , among other things . At age 20 , the premium is about $ 20/mo for $ 50,000 of critical illness insurance . At age 40 , the price is about $ 50/mo . at age 60 , the price is about $ 150/mo for that same policy . |
What Is The Number One Life Insurance Company? | MetLife and its related companies have the most assets and life insurance in force than any other U.S. Company . John Hancock has the best five year net investment yield of U.S. carriers.There are life insurance companies who are the number one in several critical balance sheet items . | Critical illness insurance represents an excellent , cost effective way to alleviate the added strain on one 's finances if a named illness strikes . With a surprisingly high number of people being diagnosed with cancer and heart disease , for instance , having protection against these occurrences could help in several ways . As your health insurance coverage is moving to a higher deductible , the coverage can be used for deductibles and co-insurance responsibilities . In addition , with the likelihood of there being lost work time , the funds can be used for income replacement . Finally , If treatment is needed at a special clinic or facility , then having the funds to cover travel and lodging costs is important . Remember , insurance creates peace of mind ! |
What Is The Number One Life Insurance Company? | In addition to what Steve mentioned , there are not only different categories of sales volume , total assets or number of policies in force , but also different leaders by type of life insurance . Some providers are better with Term policies , while others are more specialized in Whole or Universal life policies . | If are the insured person on a Term Life insurance policy , it is only worth something if you pass away . Then the face amount of the policy will be paid to your beneficiary . If you own a Whole Life or Universal Life policy , the proceeds will be paid to your beneficiary if the insured person passes away . But there is also a cash value component to these policies . If you cashed your policy in before death , the surrender value -LRB- cash accumulation minus surrender charge and fees -RRB- would be the worth of your policy to you . |
What Insurance Should I Get When I Rent A Car? | That 's a great question ! If you have auto insurance of your own , and your coverage is enough , you are fine using it . Check with your agent to be certain . If you do n't , the rental car company will have policies you can purchase . You may already have coverage as a perk from your credit card company , many companies will throw in rental car discounts and insurance when you use their card . Call them and see ! Thanks for asking ! | One of the most common ways to explain ` replacement cost ' in a homeowner insurance policy is to compare it to ` actual cash value ' or ` fair market value ' . Using these common insurance terms , in a homeowner policy , actual cash value is the replacement cost of a home or personal property less depreciation . In the event of a covered homeowner policy loss , ideally you would rather have the loss amount covered in full and not subject to depreciation . This is especially important since , in the event of significant damages to the dwelling , construction cost are always escalating and could render your loss payment to a very low amount , compared to what will be the actual cost to repair the damages . |
Who To Talk To About Life Insurance? | The purchase of life insurance is a personal matter . My suggestion is to ask your colleagues , neighbors and friends for a recommendation . Make sure you are comfortable with the agent . Make sure the agent is honest with you and with the company that is represented . Listen carefully to the advice the agent gives . | There is a specialized form used for condominiums . Lenders require that the condo be insured to protect their interests . The trick is to coordinate the association policy , which covers the building and the condo policy which covers everything inside the external walls . So if a mortgage company loans $ 400,000 on a condominium they want to know that the building will be replace in the event of a covered loss and that the interior of the condominium will also be replaced . |
Who To Talk To About Life Insurance? | You should work with an independent life insurance agent/broker to help you secure a policy . There are many moving parts to life insurance and many companies to compare . We can work with you to determine how much coverage is suitable to your needs and how long you should have the premium guarantees for -LRB- e.g. term vs. permanent -RRB- . Identifying which carrier will work best for your program can be a difficult path to navigate . The risk class a carrier assigns to your program is one of the most critical parts of life insurance -LRB- the risk class determines the premiums - the better the risk class , the lower the premiums and vice versa -RRB- . The risk class is determined by your medical history -LRB- and an exam for most programs -RRB- . It 's important to remember that every carrier has their own underwriting guidelines . Therefore , company ABC may offer you preferred plus , while company XYZ may offer you preferred -LRB- requiring higher premiums -RRB- . If you would like assistance with your life insurance needs , send me a private message by clicking on the `` contact me '' button under my profile picture or visit my website , , for information -LRB- you can run instant quotes as well - we 're licensed in many states across the country -RRB- . | This truly depends on your zipcode as well . Medicare Advantage plans include Hmo , Hmo-Pos , PPO and PFFS plans . Hmo-pos plans work like a ppo in the sense that you have in and out of network benefits -LRB- out of network benefit co pays are normally a little higher -RRB- . Here in Chicago we have many awesome Hmo-Pos plans that not only allow in and out of network benefits but also can include part D , Dental , Vision and other benefits . |
Who To Talk To About Life Insurance? | Who to talk to about life insurance will partially depend on your age , health , and the type of policy you need . If you have a health condition such as diabetes or heart disease , it is helpful to contact an agency that specializes in impaired risk . If you are over the age of 60 , you may want to contact an agency that carries many choices for seniors . And if you need permanent coverage , you will want to avoid agencies that only sell term insurance . All of us answering this question have websites where you can go to read about us and what we offer . And you can see by our answers that we are willing and able to assist you . So that is a good place to start . | One reason that life insurance can be a good investment is because it is safe . Life insurance that has been tucked away can be a source of great comfort and surprise to survivors . Unlike other investments that have strict tax guidelines to follow , a forest of paperwork arriving in the mail , and the constant need of evaluation , most life insurance policies are pretty steady and low maintenance . And sometimes slow but sure is a good type of investment to have . |
Who To Talk To About Life Insurance? | You need to understand the difference between an agent and the broker . An agent typically works for one company , therefore can only quote the products that company has available . On the other hand , the broker has the ability to `` shop '' around to find the right fit for the coverage you are looking for . Once you decide who you want to work with , then you can start the process to find the right company , the right product with the right premium to fit your budget . | It depends on a lot of factors . If it a simple annuity then the guaranteed interest rate will be spelled out in the policy . An indexed annuity will depend on the stock index environment . If the market is up , you benefit from higher interest rates based on the formula in your policy . |
Does Long Term Care Insurance Cover Hospice? | Hospice care is the service provided for terminal ill patients or those in the last stages of life . Long term care insurance providers are a limited list of companies that address hospice in their extended care provisions in their policies . Their coverage and definitions of coverage will vary from company to company , so if hospice is a value consideration make sure the policy addresses it . | Life insurance can help make one 's passing a less traumatic experience for survivors , and this includes those with no dependents . Life is unpredictable , and medical costs or other misfortune can eat up savings and investments intended to pay for funeral costs . Because life insurance pays at one 's death , it will be there when the need arises . The death benefit is paid quickly , it is usually nontaxable , it goes to the beneficiary you most trust to handle it well , and it can take care of final expenses and debts much more simply than having to wait for probate . Also , a single person may be the owner of a business or wish to leave money to charity , in which case life insurance can help create a business succession plan , or give to the charity in an organized and cost effective manner . |
Is Medigap Worth Getting? | Medigap or sometimes called medical supplement is insurance for people turning 65 years of age . Once you are eligible for Medicare Insurance Medigap comes into play . Medicare covers 80 percent of your medical bills and the Medigap Insurance covers the other 20 percent for the most part based on what the medicare covers . In many policies of Medigap it also covers some amounts outside the US . Medicare would not cover anything outside the US . Generally Medigap covers $ 50000 outside the US border . This amount is subject to the Individual insurance companies . | Only group Short Term Disability Insurance pays time taken off for a normal pregnancy . When you start a job that offers Short Term Disability , or choose to purchase such a plan from a place where you have worked for a long time , you will want to make sure that you do not become pregnant for at least a year after obtaining the policy in order to collect the benefit . If there are complications from the pregnancy , childbirth , or recovery , private or group Long or Short Term plans will pay after the elimination period is satisfied . |
Who Needs A Medigap Policy? | Anyone who is 65 or older and has Medicare Part A and Part B , also known as Original Medicare . Original Medicare only covers approximately 80 % of your healthcare . A Medigap plan -LRB- a.k.a. Medicare supplement plan -RRB- is designed to help cover the gaps in Original Medicare -LRB- the other 20 % -RRB- . There are 10 plans - A , B , C , D , F , G , K , L , M , and N. Plans F is the most comprehensive plan , but is generally also the most expensive plan - plans G and N provide very similar benefits but at a lower cost and can be much more suitable to certain individuals . If you 're trying to keep your premiums to a much lower level , there 's also what 's called a `` high-deductible '' plan F that provides the same benefits as the regular plan F , but requires a deductible to be paid first -LRB- $ 2,140 in 2014 -RRB- . | How much you need to save for retirement by the time you are 40 depends of course on your desired retirement lifestyle and the amount needed to fund it . Without those details , I unable to offer you an opinion . There are online calculators available of course . However , here is a retirement worksheet to help you understand the process . I have used 6 % for illustration purposes only , it could be higher or lower and is only to give you a point of reference . Age 65 was used as the retirement age -LRB- 25 years in the future -RRB- , Again . this is for information purposes only . 1 . Annual retirement income which must be provided by savings $ _____ 2 . Amount you must save to generate income $ _____ -LRB- line 1 . X 11.55 -RRB- 3 . Amount you have already saved $ _____ 4 . Amount these savings will have grown $ _____ by the time you retire -LRB- line 3 X 4.2919 -RRB- 5 . Amount of savings still needed $ _____ -LRB- line 4 minus line 2 -RRB- 6 . Amount you need to save each year $ _____ -LRB- line 5 X .01720 -RRB- If you would like to work with a local Retirement Planner , you could start with a Google search . For example , if you search for : retirement planner Halifax or retirement planning Halifax , my name , along with several others , will come up . You can use the same method to find Retirement Planners in your community . If you have further questions , or feel that I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . |
Is Life Insurance Tax Deductible For Self Employed? | A sole proprietor or partner can not deduct the premiums for life insurance on the owner or partner . You shouldnt want to deduct the premiums . You want to receive death benefits income tax free . If your business is a corporation , the corporation can deduct the premiums just the same way they can deduct any payment made to you as either salary or benefits , but the corporation can not have any ownership rights . You would then pay personal income tax on the premiums paid by the corporation . | There are similar eligibility requirements for Long Term Care Insurance as there are for Life Insurance . The applicant must meet a certain age requirement -LRB- usually , under 84 years old for LTC insurance -RRB- , must have sufficient income to afford premium payments , and must meet the health guidelines . The health guidelines for Long Term Care insurance do differ from Life Insurance guidelines because LTC insurance is more concerned more about your chances of becoming disabled than it is about your chances of dying . E.g. Someone with polio would have a hard time getting Long Term Care insurance , even if the disease had little effect on their life , whereas that person would have little problem getting Life insurance . |
Where Can I Get Insurance Without A Car? | There are many folks out there that have a company vehicle or other transportation provided to them . While the exposure is different it is still you driving a car or truck . so , you need coverage too . Do n't be confused by the fact the company that owns the vehicle -LRB- typically your employer has liability insurance -RRB- . Liability will generally be something you might have in Excess of their coverage . However it is not unusual for you to need coverages such as Medical Payments and Uninsured Motorist . Especially with large employers you might think the employer has a heavy protection for their employees , that may be true for liability but ask your employer about Uninsured or Under insured Motorist Coverage The way to approach securing non owned coverage is the same way we would recommend you obtain any insurance need . Call or visit an agent on line and ask for a quote . If you live in AZ , CA , GA , MO or TX we would be glad to assist you further . | Absolutley ! But think of FUneral Life Insrance for this Part . Life insurnace is ment to be used for the loved ones left behind , But what alot of people dont know you can pre-arrange your funeral and lock in todays prices with low monthly payments with a Fuenral life insarance and keep the other life insurance for your loved ones . This way you have purchases your funeral arrangements and your family wont have to guess what you want and when the time comes its less stress on the family and the Fuenral Home has all the information that is need . Victoria Reed , Mills & Mills Funeral Home and Memorial Park Tumwater , WA 360-791-0403 . Thanks |
How To Decide How Much Life Insurance To Buy? | This is one of the most commonly asked questions about life insurance . While there is no specific answer , there are methods we can use to determine what 's right for you and your family . Most studies suggest many have no life insurance at all and of those who do , many are underinsured . We often meet with clients who have coverage of less than one times their current annual income . Insurance companies generally approve coverage amounts up to 25X income -LRB- under age 45 -RRB- . There are many calculators online which can help such as this one : WEBSITELINK But there is no substitute for an experienced life insurance professional who can help you plan to have the right amount based on need and budget and can adjust the plan over time to meet changing needs . | Like most insurance , it 's smart if you need it - and perhaps not so smart if you do n't need it . Unfortunately , we do n't have a crystal ball . So the question becomes ... would you rather pay a monthly premium or risk everything you own as well as possibly receiving lousy care ? Without long term care , you drag your family & friends into the equasion since somebody has to take care of you . We are a society that is living longer . I personally believe that long term care is perhaps the most needed , yet least purchased insurance . You 're on the right track by inquiring . |
How Much Should Life Insurance Cost Per Month? | There 's many factors that go into the premium calculations for life insurance to say what an average plan costs per month - it will be different for every person due to a number of factors including their age , gender , amount of coverage they want , how long they want the coverage for , their riskclassification -LRB- determined by the medical history -RRB- , and whether they 're applying with full underwriting or non-medical underwriting . The risk classification is the MOST critical factor in determining the cost -LRB- premium -RRB- of a life insurance policy . The risk class depends ona number of factors including whether you 're male or female , your medical history , height/weight profile , any tobacco usage , and other factors . Please keep in mind - every carrier has their own set of underwriting guidelines and mortality tables , and each may offer a different risk class for a given medical profile - e.g. company A may offer preferred -LRB- featuring lower rates -RRB- and company B may only offer standard -LRB- featuring higher rates -RRB- . Non-medical term life insurance policies will almost always cost much more than fully underwritten policies that require an exam because an insurance company is taking on more risk without having a full medical picture of you . I would suggest consulting with an experienced life insurance broker who can work with you on a personal level and help determine what coverage is appropriate/suitable for your needs and budget and which carrier will work best for your program . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help or if you have any other questions . Thanks very much . | Term life insurance is life insurance that will end after a certain length of time . Some Term Life Insurance policies will automatically renew at the end of the term at a much higher price than before , and can then go up in price every year . With other Term policies , you must elect to pay the new , higher premium when the level period ends . Either way , the time of level premium ends at the end of the term . |
Do I Need Home Insurance At Mortgage Closing? | Good question If you buy a house with a morgage you must get property insurance or the bank will not finance it . It usally cost between $ 500 - $ 1200 a year for home insurance . Also you can get a good discount if you bundle your home and auto with the same compay . Good Luck | Selling financial products can be a very rewarding career and tax deferred annuities can be a significant part of your practice . Fixed interest rate and indexed annuities require licensing form your state 's department of insurance . If you desire to sell variable annuities , you 'll also need to be security licensed through FINRA with a series 6 and 63 . |
When Is Medicare The Primary? | If Medicare is your only form of health insurance , Medicare is always primary . If you have coverage through an employer group health insurance plan Medicare can be primary or secondary . If the employer has 20 or more employees , the plan is primary . If fewer than 20 employees , Medicare is primary . | Persons eligible for coverage and who were covered under the employer 's group health plan as of the date of the termination of employment of the employee are eligible for COBRA continuation . Generally this means the employee themselves and possiblytheir spouse and/or children . The COBRA Federal continuation requirements apply to companies with more than 20 employees , groups smaller than this operate under guidelines from their state insurance commissions that vary from state to state and are often not totally consistent with COBRA legal requirements . The most notable area of difference usually being the period of time a person can continue their coverage through the group . As such , the size of the employer group a person is leaving can also determine whether or not COBRA applies to them at all . One of the reasons COBRA was originally implemented was to keep people with pre-existing medical conditions from immediately losing their health insurance coverage when they lost a job . Since January 1 , 2014 pre-existing condition exclusions and underwriting have been eliminated and all individual policies have become guaranteed to be issued . In addition , for individual health insurance plans bought through the government health insurance marketplaces people can be eligible for premium subsidies with income levels up to 400 % of the Federal Poverty Level . For these reasons , while COBRA continuation continues to exist , it is now only an option to be considered for an ex-employee and COBRA continuation is now often not the most cost effective option available . Exploring your options in the individual marketplace definitely makes sense and you should seek out the services of a health insurance broker who represents multiple carriers with products both inside and outside of the government marketplaces . |
Can Firefighters Get Life Insurance? | Yes , firefighters can get life insurance , as can police officers and other public safety officials . While there are questions asked on most applications about dangerous hobbies -LRB- such as parachuting or motorcycle racing -RRB- , and those answers could cause the policy to be rated up , the occupation of the insured person does not usually enter into the rating . Being a firefighter may restrict their ability to get a waiver of premium due to disability , but not life insurance . | Your GYN will bill Medicare for the cost of their services as part of your office visit . If the pap smear was done during a preventive care visit , there should be no out of pocket expense to you . Office visits , including preventive care and sick visits are covered under Medicare Part B |
How To Buy Medigap Insurance? | The best way to buy a Medigap Policy is through a licensed independent agent who specializes in Medicare Supplement insurance . We work closely with you to make sure you understand the benefits associated with Medigap Plans and how they work for you . Independent agents are not employed by insurance companies . Instead , we have contracts with multiple carriers that allow us to shop the Medigap market and find you the best price for the Medigap Plan you desire . Some people like to avoid insurance agents and do the work themselves , but with Medigap insurance that is not going to save you time or money . Most insurance companies will not provide their insurance premium information to the public . The carriers who do share their premiums with you will , often times , be much more expensive . I have done a fair share of helping people move from their expensive Medigap premium to a lower one while still keeping their same exact benefits . Most of the time they had no idea there were other insurance companies available to them . If I can help you with your Medigap insurance needs , please feel free to call me at 1-888-411-1329 or visit . | Medicare does not offer long term care insurance or pay for assisted living long term care needs . Medicare may cover treatment in a SNF -LRB- skilled nursing facility -RRB- if you meet the qualifications . Normally you must be admitted to the SNF following a qualified stay in a hospital -LRB- usually 3 days or longer -RRB- and must be discharged to the care of the SNF . |
How To Buy Medigap Insurance? | Buying Medigap Insurance can be a lot easier than it looks . You can get immediate information and quotes by going to a website like ours . You type in basic information and can be reviewing quotes from the top rated carriers in about one minute . You can follow up with one of our licensed staff to get all of your questions answered . I would suggest the following to make things easier on you : Contact an independent agent that specializes in Medigap Insurance -LRB- Medicare Supplement Insurance -RRB- . Look at what plans are available . Learn what each of those plans will cover and not cover . Have that agent help you pick the the Medigap plan that best fits your needs and budget . Have the agent sign you up with the plan and the top `` A '' rated carrier that fits best for you . Good luck ! | Additions to your health insurance policy are usually limited to family members such as spouses or children . Therefore , you would not be able to put your girlfriend on your health insurance . She could get an individual health insurance policy on her own that would help to cover her medical expenses . |
How To Buy Medigap Insurance? | I am going to say for your best interest you need to contact an insurance agent that you know and trust . You say Medigap policy and that term could refer to one of the high deductible plans-L , M. N - if you were to reside in South Carolina . There are some important decisions you need to make . If you need to go to Medicare Advantage due to budgetary restraints then you need to understand if you fail to enroll in original Medicare on your `` initial enrollment period ' you will have to pass underwriting issues to ever return to original medicare . While the Medicare Advantage plans are Part C and includes your coverages for Part A , B , & D in Part C , they all are not designed to pay all of your costs and you need to understand what the copays and deductibles are so you can make an informed decision , | Critical illness insurance pays a lump sum upon first diagnosis of a covered condition . Those conditions do includeas mmentioned heart attack -LRB- proof of muscle damage will constitute a valid claim -RRB- , cancer bith invasive and in situ or localized spot , stroke ... up to 21 covered conditions . The amount of coverage starts as low as $ 5,000 up to $ 500,000 . Underwriting is simplified up to full underwriting . |
How To Buy Medigap Insurance? | You can buy a Medigap policy through a Medigap insurance agent - I highly recommend doing it through an independent agent who can shop your case among many carriers instead of just 1 or 2 through a captive agent -LRB- agents who are basically employees of a specific company -RRB- . You can apply for a Medigap plan up to 3 months before your Medicare Part B effective date - you must have both Medicare Part A & Medicare Part B to buy a Medigap plan . Once you have an established Medicare Part B effective date , you will have a 6-month open enrollment period to buy any Medigap plan from any carrier with NO medical underwriting - this is THE BEST time to buy a Medigap plan . After this point , you can buy a new Medigap plan whenever you would like -LRB- there are no annual enrollment periods for Medigap plans -RRB- , however , you would have to go through medical underwriting if you do n't qualify for a special enrollment period or a guaranteed-issue right . Determining which Medigap plan is right from you and which carrier to apply for the plan through can be a bit more involved than some may realize . It 's not all about price as some may believe . You need to look at the carriers ' premium rating methods -LRB- community , attained , or issue age rated -RRB- , their rates , their rate increase history , their service history , and other factors . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medigap coverage needs , including providing quotes and plan comparisons , and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much . | I would need to know what you mean by best . If you mean best when it comes to service and claims handling my top two -LRB- personal opinion from experience -RRB- would be Travelers and Hartford . If you mean best by pricing , well since no one company has the best rates at any given time , I as an agent would gather your information and run the rates with many carriers to see who has the best premium . Most people shopping insurance rarely consider the service and claims and usually just look for cheap assuming all companies are the same . So not true . |
Why Do You Have To Enroll In Medicare? | Technically , you do n't have to enroll in Medicare . It 's just very cost advantageous for healthcare expenses . Original Medicare -LRB- Parts A & B -RRB- pay for about 80 % of your healthcare expenses and you can have the other 20 % covered by adding a Medigap plan - a Part D plan can cover prescription costs -LRB- you would have cost-sharing for prescriptions -RRB- . If you 're not on group coverage through your employer -LRB- if you 're still working -RRB- and still have a traditional under 65 health plan , you will likely be spending a lot more on your health insurance compared to your Medicare coverage . Please feel free to contact me for further assistance . Thanks very much . | Medigap plans are standardized - so a plan F from company ABC is the exact same plan F from company XYZ . The only difference between them is price - it 's how carriers differentiate themselves . You 'll need to determine which plan you would ideally like to secure . There are a total of 9 benefits under a Medigap plan - plan F is the most comprehensive -LRB- covers all 9 benefits at 100 % -RRB- , plan G is the second-most -LRB- covers everything at 100 % except for the Medicare Part B deductible of $ 147 -RRB- . Plans F & G are the two most popular plans . Then compare plans from multiple companies that offer Medigap plans to find out who will offer it to you at the lowest price -LRB- assuming you either are eligible for guaranteed-issue coverage or qualify if medically underwritten -RRB- . It 's best to do this through an independent Medigap insurance broker . If you go to a captive agent , you 'll only see numbers from one company - the one they work for . If you go to an independent agent , you can see numbers from multiple companies to make sure you 're getting the lowest rate . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help , including quotes and plan comparisons , and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much . |
What Is Covered Under Medicare Part D? | Medicare Part D is a prescription drug plan offered by private insurance carriers . Part D covers a number of outpatient prescription drugs . Each plan has a formulary that lists the covered medications and the copay . Some Part D plans have a deductible , some do not . In reviewing the plan look at total cost and covered formulary meds . | Home Warranty is not required but I highly recommend it . Home Warranty is different from homeowners in that it can cover to fix or replace equipment in your home such as your HVAC Systems or pool equipment . In most cases the warranty company will continue to fix the item before replacing and this process can be extremely time consuming and frustrating . Be sure to research the companies so that you can get a good idea of how they treat these claims |
What Health Insurance Covers Plastic Surgery? | Medical treatment to enhance the appearance is generally not covered by any medical insurance . Treatment to correct damaged skin is generally covered , particularly when it is medically required . In an interview with a plastic surgeon , I was told that it is difficult for them to draw the line as some repairs lapse into cosmetic surgery . For example , surgery on the eyelid can increase the beauty of the eye but it can also help a person from having strikes to their head from low objects such as cabinets . | Some carriers do have this type of coverage . Depending on the damage . The structure usually is covered but your electronics that might of been damaged because the lightning surge fried your tv computers and ect may not be covered . That would fall under equipment breakdown coverage . many carriers offer this and or have it included in the policy . It is very important to read through your policy there are some that have exclusions for this type of coverage . I recommend you talk to your agent or carrier direct to see what is the definitions that are in your policy your agent should of explained your coverage 's . Hope this helps |
What Health Insurance Covers Plastic Surgery? | Essentially all health insurance plans will cover some forms of plastic surgery . The crucial distinction that the consumer must understand is the difference between reconstructive plastic surgery and cosmetic plastic surgery . For example , accidents , burns from fires or chemicals , and some cancer treatments trigger the medical necessity criteria necessary for restoring or at least improving the normal functions of an individual . This is totally different than you deciding you would feel better about yourself if you had your favorite movie star 's nose or breasts . That would be a purely cosmetic procedure with no bearing on your physical health -LRB- if fact , you are actually putting your physical health at risk -RRB- . If you want to pay to look like a real life Barbie Doll then go for it but your health insurance company loves you just the way you are . | The literal definition of investment is `` the action or process of investing money for profit or material result . '' The basic categories of financial investments are ownership -LRB- stock , real estate , etc -RRB- , lending -LRB- bonds , CD 's , etc -RRB- , and cash equivalents -LRB- money market fund , CD , etc -RRB- . Disability insurance does not fit that definition and does not fit into any of those categories . However , informally , people often use this phrase as a way of asking : `` Which is a better way of spending my money ? This or that ? '' I imagine you are looking at your paycheck and wondering what is the most responsible way to spend it , considering all the things that could happen in the future . Well , based on that , Disability Insurance is a usually a good investment , because the chances of you becoming disabled are much higher than you dying , or going to a nursing home , or many of the other types of insurance out there . Also , losing one 's paycheck has a great impact on most families . If your paycheck is not crucial to your family , getting life insurance or other types of insurance may be a better investment . |
What Is The Average Cost Of Medicare Supp Insurance? | The cost of a Medigap policy depends on which Medigap policy you want to apply for , your age , gender , tobacco usage -LRB- if any -RRB- , your zip code , and whether you 're married and applying together -LRB- for household discounts - available from some carriers -RRB- . In short , an average cost figure does n't mean much to the individual as the premiums can differ widely depending on where you are around the country and the other aforementioned factors . You want to compare prices from multiple companies when you 're shopping because Medigap plans are standardized , meaning the benefits are the exactly the same regardless of who you buy it from - the price is the only difference . You should consult with an independent agent who can shop your case among multiple companies and offer you the desired Medigap plan at the lowest possible cost . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help , including quotes and plan comparisons , and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much . | When buying Disability Insurance , ask if it will pay you a benefit if you are unable to perform your own job , or any job . The feature is called `` own occupation '' . Purchase the policy that will allow you to collect if unable to perform your own occupation , if you can afford to do so . Ask if it will pay for `` partial '' or `` residual '' disability . Residual benefits are more comprehensive than partial . Ask if it is guaranteed renewable or non-cancellable . Only non-cancellable locks in premiums . Ask how long the coverage will last . You want it to last to age 65 , if you can afford it . Ask how long the elimination period is . You will need to have that much in reserves to get you through that waiting period until your benefit kicks in . Ask about the rating of the company . You want a secure company to make sure your benefit is paid if needed . Ask if it includes a cost of living rider and/or a rider that will allow you to get an increase in coverage in the future . Both will help your policy keep up with your career and inflation . Ask if there are any exclusions . There are other questions you could ask , but those cover some important things to look at when buying Disability Insurance . |
Is All Term Life Insurance The Same? | The basics of a term policy are similar . Companies sometimes offer incentives that might make a difference to you . Some companies include a small amount of cash value to ease the time when the policy expires , other companies offer dividends and some have offered large cash incentives at the end of the term . | Great question ! Yes , hitting an animal is covered under your insurance , assuming that you have comprehensive coverage . You might have to pay a deductible , you may not , depending upon your policy . Call your agent , and have them tell you exactly what it will cost you . Good luck ! Thanks for asking ! |
Is All Term Life Insurance The Same? | For the most part , yes , but there are differences . Some term plans pay participating dividends to reduce the total cost of your coverage . Others have conversion options which can be helpful if you need coverage beyond the expiring term and are no longer insurable . Waiver of premium provisions should also be considered especially in light of conversion . | In adjusting a claim the adjuster will want to get you back into your residence with the minimum amount of disruption . If having you stay in a hotel is the best solution that is what the adjuster will do . Because there isnt a one-size-fits-all solution , you should discuss this with your agent and the adjuster . |
Is All Term Life Insurance The Same? | That is a great question ! I 'd say yes , in the same way that white and wheat breads are the same - they are both bread in function , but not in form . Term policies are the same way . They are the same in that they all end , and have no cash value , but there are several forms of them . If you would like more detail , please feel free to contact me , okay ? Thanks for asking ! | The world is full of places to buy life insurance . Take a walk from your home down to your local business district . You will probably pass your landscaper . There are some companies that employ laborers , clergymen , and folks in all walks of life as part-time insurance agents . Drop into your bank . In all likelihood they have somebody trained to sell the product . Stop off by your stockbroker . Same thing . Want to have a cup of coffee with your accountant ? She could very well be licensed to sell life insurance , or affiliated with a brokerage that does . Perhaps you want to drop into your local retail chain . They could be hawking policies . Come back and check your mail . Probably some offers there . Log onto the Internet . You could choose from hundreds of websites from dozens of marketing companies . It seems rather far-fetched , doesnt it , that all these various people could really have the product knowledge , underwriting expertise , industry contacts , marketplace experience , and professionalism needed to satisfy their clients ? The good news is that the life insurance salesperson is available to work with you . This person has the special skills needed to help you make an intelligent choice about this very special product . When you make the right choice , your entire financial portfolio has a firm foundation . When you make the wrong choice , the whole portfolio can collapse . Theres a lot at stake when you buy this product . That is why you need the best possible advice and counsel you can get . The people in my profession provide it . |
Is All Term Life Insurance The Same? | No . Term life insurance can be purchased with simplified or full underwriting . It can offer annual renewable or guaranteed level coverage periods like 5 , 10 , 15 , 20 , 30 and a few at 40 year . -LRB- The longer the coverage period the more age becomes a factor and based on age , companies limit the length of coverage . -RRB- Some term life insurance includes convertibility clauses to extend coverage and offer living benefits either embedded in the policy or as an additional rider . | Depending on your age , guaranteed level term life insurance can be purchased up to 5 to 30 , sometimes even 40 years . If you purchase a term contract with a conversion clause , you have the option to extend term coverage to permanent coverage within the window of convertibility . Strictly on the basis of your question this is the economic way to go . However , if you have permanent financial liabilities and your beneficiaries would suffer economic loss at your demise , then you should purchase guaranteed universal life . |
Is Life Insurance Vatable? | Most countries exempt life insurance and other financial services from paying VAT -LRB- value added tax -RRB- n . If the invoice from the life insurance company shows IPT -LRB- insurance premium tax -RRB- listed , the policy is probably exempt from VAT . However , there can be exceptions . Talk to your tax consultant to get your answer . | Full coverage is base a lot of different factors . Year , Make , Model your personal info as to where you live -LRB- zip code -RRB- , age how long you been licensed , tickets or accidents within the last 40 months , any other additional house hold members with licenses or permits . The biggest one specially in NY is credit . I would advice you to go to your local DMV ask for your drivng record and bring it to a couple of different agent and make sure you have a Vin number for the vehicle your looking to insure . If your looking at different vehicle 's remember all vehicles have different symbols . The price for full coverage on a 2014 Camaro is not the same for 2014 Honda Accord . Thank you and good luck . |
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