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What Is Medicare Supplement Plan F? | To better understand the different Medicare Supplement PLan Types you should refer to the government Plan Selecter chart , Your insurance broker can supply you with one or you can find it on the website . Plan F is the plan with the highest level of coverage . It covers all co-pays and deductibles on Medicare covered services . It is the most popular Medicare Supplement Plan . | Annuities are a good safe way to save money for retirement . They have a very competitive interest rate , some even tied to stock indexes , they avoid probate , are tax deferred , they can guarantee an income for life , and can be set up to help provide long term care . While the upside would be less than a money market or stock , you do not have to worry about the downside of the market . While I would never suggest you put all your money in an annuity , it provides a good safe base for the rest of your portfolio . |
What Is Medicare Supplement Plan F? | Medicare supplement plan F is the most popular Medigap plan in any market . It also has the highest premium and highest commission . Once you understand there are better values than you receive from plan F you will realize there are better ways to spend your money . Roughly 90 % of my clients with a Medicare supplement plan pick something OTHER THAN plan F. | This is a great question . You should be able to get a replacement card by calling Medicare at 1-800-Medicare or you can go online to and there should be a link for you to click . You may also be able to apply at your local social security office or call 1-800-772-1213 . Hope this helps . |
What Renters Insurance Covers Pitbulls? | The major issue , of course is for possibly obtaining liability coverage for physical damage caused by these types of dogs . I had my doubts as to the availability of this coverage but was advised that there is a website for Pit Bulls owners that discusses some relative items . It actually lists several companies that may insure Pit Bulls and some other breeds of certain controversial nature . Other renters ' issues are also addressed . Check out saveabull . com The article is entitled ; ` Insurance for Pit Bulls ' . It is mentioned that the availability of coverage for these types of dogs may restricted by regions . | You can change from Medicare Advantage to original Medicare at any time . There is no open or annual enrollment . The catch is qualifying for a Medicare supplement plan . In most states once you get past your initial enrollment period -LRB- after turning 65 and enrolling in Part A and Part B -RRB- you will need to provide evidence of insurability if you want a Medigap plan . It is n't that difficult if you are in reasonably good shape . I can qualify my prospects in about 3 minutes and let them know if they will pass underwriting or not . |
What Renters Insurance Covers Pitbulls? | It is possible that pitbulls may be an excluded breed under the terms and conditions of your policy . The best way to determine that , of course , is to check with your insrance professional . Some companies who limit breeds may also allow them provided that you can show proof of the dog successfully compleeting a comprehensive training program . | what is a life insurance dividend ? Dividends are paid out to whole life policy holders of mutual companies . Mutual companies are policyholder owned , there are no stockholders . Dividends by IRS explaination are a return of unused premium and not subject to income tax . A dividend is made up of three things , investement returns . savings from operating expenses and savings from unused funds set aside for death claims . |
What Renters Insurance Covers Pitbulls? | Pitbulls are an excluded breed under many homeowners and renters policies . There are companies out there though that will had dog liability as a separate policy as long as you and the dog meet the carrier 's expectations for coverage . Contact a local agent to find out more about coverage availability and pricing within your geographic location . | In Minnesota , none of the standard insurers will write stand alone health coverage on a 17 year old . However , the Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association - which has long been in existencespecificallyto provide real health insurance coverage for those who can not obtain it in the standard market - would accept the 17 year old . |
How Old Should I Be To Get Long Term Care Insurance? | Most advisers begin addressing long term care insurance to their clients around age 50 . But the purchasing trend of long term care appears to be around age 60 . However , if youre family has a predisposition to disease , chronic hospitalization or nursing home confinement when theyre old , you may want to consider long term care insurance when youre young and healthy . | What is covered by Long Term Care Insurance depends on what type of policy you get . It is very important to review the features before you buy your policy , and to compare plans that have similar features when making your selection . Some Long Term Care Insurance plans cover everything from hiring a relative to help you in your home , to residing in a nursing home , and all the care options in between . |
How Old Should I Be To Get Long Term Care Insurance? | The majority of my clients who purchased long Term Insurance did so between the ages of 50 -55 ... Many times a family predisposition to disease or requiring numerous hospitalizations / nursing home confinement when older , prompted them to purchase at a younger age when healthier and could still qualify for the coverage . | Your auto insurance expires -LRB- technically -RRB- on the cancellation date of the contract . If you do not pay your bill , you will receive -LRB- at some point -RRB- a notice in writing that your policy will expire on a specific date . That date is your expiration date and coverage ends . So do n't drive on or beyond that date without either paying the premium or securing other coverage . |
When Do Insurance Companies Total A Car? | Great question ! Th insurance company will typically total the car when the cost of repairing it is close to , or exceeds the value of the car . Remember that the value is determined by it 's `` blue book '' value or estimated value after depreciation , and not what you paid for it . I hope that helps ! If you need more information , feel free to contact me , I 'm happy to help . Thanks for asking ! | Florida will be one of the states that have a federally-run health insurance Exchange in 2014 . Open Enrollment will begin in October of 2013 . Four types of medal plans will be available -LRB- Bronze , Silver , Gold and Platinum -RRB- and medical questions will not have to be answered . Federal tax subsidies will be available to consumers that qualify . Your local broker or reputable website can offer you specifics and free plan and price comparisons . |
Is Renters Insurance A Legal Requirement? | Renters Insurance is NOT a legal requirement however that does not mean it is not required to move into an apartment or house . The landlord can and usually does make this a requirement which protects you from loss of your material possessions in the event of a fire or other catastrophic event covered . Be sure to look at your options on the Renters Insurance . I recommend getting the replacement value type of coverage v. current value . Think about what it will cost to replace items like your TV -LRB- versus what it is currently worth -RRB- , your mattress and other bedroom furniture , etc. . | PPI , or payment protection insurance , pays a lender if the borrower is disabled , laid off or fired , or deceased . Critical illness insurance usually pays the insured person if they become seriously ill with a life threatening health condition . Sometimes the critical illness policy will go directly to medical bills . |
Does Health Insurance Cover Gynecomastia Surgery? | I recommend checking with your provider first . I believe most insurance providers would consider the procedure elective and not cover it . That said it may be covered if your doctor diagnoses the condition to be a physical and or a mental health risk . In that scenario it would be wise toconfirm the procedure would be covered by your provider before scheduling it . In the event it becomes an out of pocket expense you should still be able to take advantage of yourinsurance network discount provided the doctor is in network . | Long Term Care Insurance cost are calculated on the basis of your gender , age , health history , current medical condition and the state you live in . But as an example of the monthly cost , an average nonsmoking married couple , in good health , and both age 60 applying for long term care together on one contract should expect to pay around $ 300 a month for basic coverage . |
How To File A State Farm Renters Insurance Claim? | I used to work for State Farm before becoming an independent insurance broker . Here are your options in the order that I would recommend them . 1 -RRB- Call your State Farm Agent . He or she can take down the claim information and submit it to the claims department for you . Your agent might also be able to tell you what is likely and unlikely to be covered by your policy . He/She will also be able to explain the claims process and provide you with updates . 2 -RRB- Call the claims department directly at 800-782-8332 . They can take your call 24 hours a day 7 days per week . 3 -RRB- File your claim online at WEBSITELINK 4 -RRB- Download the State Farm App and file a claim with your mobile device . | Take your pick : To age 121 . Yep - the policy can be guaranteed for that long ! 10 , 15 , 30 , or 30 years . But - what happens after that ? The price can be ENORMOUS . Any time period you choose . Some policies can be that flexible . Kind of depends on how much you need , and for how long you need it . It can last as long as you do if you want to reap the benefit . After all , it is the only form of insurance for which you know a claim will definitely be paid . If you keep the policy in force . |
How Much Life Insurance Can I Qualify For? | The amount of life insurance that you qualify for depends on your age , income and assets . In some cases , the amount of coverage is also limited by health factors . So you need to visit with a life insurance agent to determine the amount of life insurance for which you can qualify . | No , but you can purchase a Named Non-owner policy . This type of policy typically provides liability only coverage . The cost of this type of coverage is typically more costly than if you did own a vehicle . Contact a local agent to find out more about availability and pricing of this type of coverage in your area . |
How Much Life Insurance Can I Qualify For? | There are several factors to consider when qualifying for a certain amount of life insurance . One do you have a beneficiary with an insurable interest ? Meaning , if you die does a family member , loved one or business suffer financially at your loss ? If so , then the insurance company underwriters will need to consider your age , build , health status and history , life style , income , assets , occupation and residence to determine the face amount of how much life insurance you may qualify for . The rule of thumb , based on age and life insurance carrier , can be 10 to 35 times your income plus your assets . I highly recommend using an experienced independent life insurance broker to help you navigate this maze of coverages as well as finding you the best rates . | A quick add on to the above : Having a baby or adopting is a Qualifying Event for the whole family . So if for some reason the mother was on a health insurance plan , but the husband was not he would now be part of the Qualifying Event and be able to choose a plan during the 60 day window . |
How Do I Switch My Homeowners Insurance? | In order to switch your Homeowner 's insurance , contact at least 3 local agents for quotes . You want to compare not just price , but coverages and if the agent is knowledgeable about the products they sell . Once you decide who you want to go with , they will ask you some questions for the applications and take some money down or bill your Mortgage company . If you do n't know who to call , ask family and friends who they use . | Health insurance is vital for everyone . Even a person that is young and healthy can be involved in an accident . The average ER visit is around $ 1,300 while the average cost per hospital stay is over $ 10,000 . While health insurance can be very expensive , the new tax credits can reduce the cost significantly . Additionally , those under 30 can qualify for catastrophic coverage . These policies have lower monthly premiums and cover only preventive care and any costs over $ 6,350 per individual . This provides the lowest monthly premium while limiting out-of-pocket costs . |
Who Needs Long Term Care Insurance? | The # 1 risk in retirement is living too long . Extended life expectancy will place additional pressure on retirement funds to last longer than previously expected . But complicating that financial exposure is the cost of long term care . The very real probability of needing at least some home care assistance and at the worst nursing home confinement is reason enough to but it . | Regardless of who your agent is , or which company you purchase LTCI through , it 's important to educate yourself on the product first . Here is an extensive glossary so you can familiarize yourself with the terms . WEBSITELINK 70 % of Americans who reach age 65 will need long term care , so it 's important to act sooner rather than later in regard to purchasing LTCI . |
Can You Switch Medigap Policies? | You can apply for a new Medigap plan at any point during the year . People often change their Medigap plans for a number of reasons , the most common being : You want to reduce your expenses by securing a lower premium from a policy with the same benefits -LRB- purchasing a Plan F with company B and dropping the existing Plan F with company A -RRB- . - this is the most common reason why people change their Medigap plans . Medigap plans are standardized so the coverage under a plan F is the same regardless of the company it 's through . So often people want to look at lowering their premiums when their policy gets hit with a rate increase . You may not need/want all of the benefits you 're paying for or you need/want more benefits than you have under your existing plan . Please note , if you do not have a guaranteed-issue right to purchase a Medigap plan without any medical underwriting , you would have to answer the health questions on the application . Medigap plans are guaranteed renewable . So in the event you could not medically qualify for coverage under a new Medigap plan , you always have the option of keeping what you have . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for assistance with your Medigap coverage , including quotes and plan comparisons , and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much . | PPO refers to apreferredprovider organization , which is simply a network of physicians , hospitals , treatment centers and other providers and facilities that have pre negotiated rates for servicesrendered . As the back bone of all Major Medical Health Insurance in our country a quality plan should also have a quality PPO Network attached to it . |
Can You Switch Medigap Policies? | The short answer is yes , you can switch your medicare supplement policy at any point in the year . The catch though is getting approved for the new plan . If you are over 65 and do not have a special enrollment condition you will need to pass a medical underwriting process for the new plan to accept you , this usually does not require a physical exam . If you are looking to change plans I highly recommend working with an expert licensed insurance agent who can help match you up with a company that will give you the best price for your situation . To search and compare plans and prices online please visit | If you ate adding a new car to an existing auto insurance policy , typically , you do not have to pay anything at that moment . Within about 7-10 days , you will receive an updated declarations page with a revised billing statement . Many insurers offer very low down payment options . Anexperiencedbroker can help you find the best options in your area by shopping for the best offers with the lowest down payments . |
What Does It Mean To Be Medicare Certified? | To be Medicare certified means that a provider of Medicare services has been approved and certified by Medicare , so thus are able to be reimbursed by Medicare for providing eligible services . They are able to become certified by applying for a National Provider Number -LRB- NPN -RRB- and for Medicare certification though a local Medicare carrier . | For most individuals , there is no charge for Medicare Part A . If you had at least 10 years of Social Security wages -LRB- 40 quarters -RRB- , are a US citizen or legal resident and have lived in the US for 5 years , there is no charge for Part A . If you do not qualify for `` free '' Part A you will pay a premium of $ 441 monthly -LRB- 2013 -RRB- . |
What Is The Best Homeowners Insurance In Arizona? | Home owners insurance is dependent on the needs of the homeowner . If your home is a full time residence , a rental , a seasonal home or vacation home your needs will be different . Your insurance needs will also be different dependent on your current family and financial situation . For instance you may want to add an umbrella liability policy to cover your family against potential excess liability . These are very cost effective to add to your home and auto policies . You will get the best rates when you combine your home and auto policies under the same insurance company . You should consult with an insurance professional and discuss your needs and current situation and define a plan that matches those needs . I would be glad to review your situation and help define an insurance plan that meets your needs . So give me a call or visit my website at | In Canada , variable annuities are usually called segregated funds or seg funds . They are similar to mutual funds , but since they are issued by insurance companies they have certain guarantees and features . If you are looking for an equity investment , then segregated funds should be considered . In today 's marketplace there are a wide variety of plans available with very competitive costs . Segregated funds are suitable for self-employed business owners and professionals . In addition , individuals who want to invest in equities , but would like maturity and death benefits guarantees . This is especially important if you are within 10 to 15 years of retirement or already retired . Segregated funds can offer : Death benefit guarantees of 100 % or 75 % Maturity guarantees of 100 % or 75 % Some plans offer the ability to reset or lock in market gains Potential creditor protection Estate planning advantages including avoiding probate which can save fees and provide privacy . If any of these are important to you then , you should consider segregated funds . More information is available at If you have further questions , would like a second opinion , or believe I could be of assistance , please do not hesitate to contact me . |
What Is The Best Homeowners Insurance In Arizona? | Homeowner 's insurance is basically comprised of three main things : dwelling coverage -LRB- the building itself -RRB- , personal property -LRB- your stuff inside it , from furniture to personal hygiene -RRB- , and liability -LRB- protects your family if something unfortunate happens and you get sued -RRB- . The best homeowner 's policy will cover you and your family adequately on all counts . Your first priority should be to talk with an agent to find out exactly what is most appropriate to your situation . Do you need higher limits on firearms ? Do you have expensive pieces of jewelry or fine art ? Is there an antique you 're especially proud of ? Did you redo your kitchen with all the latest gadgets ? If you 're talking with an independent agent , they 'll search multiple companies and find the best fit and/or price for you . If you 're talking with a captive agent , they 'll recommend something from their company . Our agency is independent and we pride ourselves on finding the best fit for our clients ' needs and budget . Visit us at and let us know what we can do for you . | Depending on your policy yes , most renters insurance covers robbery and theft . It is always a good idea to keep receipts or pictures of any expensive items you have in your home . Some companies will require proof that you actually had the articles you are claiming . Unfortunatelythis is an area where a great deal of insurance fraud takes place so by taking pictures and keeping receipts you are protecting yourself and the company . |
What Is The Best Homeowners Insurance In Arizona? | Hi , you have asked about homeowners insurance in AZ. . We have a local representative in Tucson who would be delighted to help in either English or Spanish . In addition we have contracts with several companies that can provide competitive quotes . The truly good thing is that you live in Arizona where the weather is not as problematic as it is elsewhere . So , give us a call or check out our website at , We would be delighted to give you a quote ! | There are many contributing factors in the discovery process to determine what life insurance company is best for any one potential insured . Is the planning goal indemnification , income or inheritance ? Is the period of coverage temporary or permanent ? What is the medical underwriting of the insured and what is their smoking status or secession ? Gathering this type of data can presort the life insurance companies that will be best suited for the potential insured and the recommendation from an insurance professional should be the final three based on this filtering methodology . |
Does Life Insurance Cover Terminal Illness? | If someone has a terminal illness at the time of applying for life insurance , there are a handful of guaranteed issue policies that will provide that person with coverage . However , this type of policy usually has a minimum age limit of 40 + , is for small face amounts -LRB- usually under $ 25,000 -RRB- and not all states offer them . In addition , this type of policy is graded and will not pay out the full face amount for death due to illness until 2 + years have passed . If someone has life insurance and then is diagnosed with a terminal illness , and if the life insurance application/interview was done truthfully , then the policy will pay for death due to that illness , even if it occurs shortly after the policy was taken out . Some policies even offer a rider that allows the terminally ill person to take part of the death benefit in cash prior to death . | There are several moving parts in a universal life insurance policy : cost of insurance , premium load , policy loans expense charges , administration and policy fee . There are two sets of rates for each of those moving parts : current company practice and contractual guarantees . The life insurance company can change the current charges to the maximum charges . This right to change could be extremely punitive if exercised by the company , which is the greatest drawback to owning a universal life policy . |
Does Life Insurance Cover Terminal Illness? | Many policies now have an accelerated death benefit . This allows a policy owner to start receiving payments that are actually advances on the death benefit . The amount that can be taken this way is limited but it provides the owner with flexibility to offset the expenses of a terminal illness . | Assuming you are referring to your homeowners insurance , the value of the home -LRB- although more importantly , the replacement cost of the home -RRB- and the value of contents inside the home are perhaps the two most important items . Your budget may dictate some of the other variables such as the deductible and type of policy and riders you choose . |
Does Life Insurance Cover Terminal Illness? | Life Insurance in itself is a mortality insurance product that pays death benefit proceeds to the beneficiary of the policy upon the death of the policy insured . If the life insurance policy has an embedded or an add on rider featuring a morbidity provision , in this case , critical illness it will pay out the benefits correlated to a critical illness event . | Something to consider when choosing a deductible is to ask yourself , what are you comfortable with paying if there is a loss vs. what you save . Here is a generic example . Say for example you want a $ 500.00 collision deductible for your car . Now you may be considering a $ 1000.00 deductible to save you a little money . And for example going to a $ 1000.00 deductible vs. a $ 500.00 deductible will save you $ 50.00 every six months . That is $ 100.00 in your pocket annually . It would take you 5 years to break even vs. what you save and what you could potentially pay out and then you are money ahead . This is one good way to weigh the options of what deductible to take and help you make an intelligent decision . |
Does A DUI Affect Life Insurance Rates? | A DUI can affect life insurance rates , or even cause a decline . But if the DUI happened years ago , it may not affect your rate at all . The key factor with a DUI is how long ago it occurred ; whether there was more than one DUI ; and , if alcohol treatment was ordered , whether you continue to drink alcohol . One DUI over 5 years ago will affect rates far less than repeat DUI 's within a few years , especially if alcohol abuse/addiction is present . | There are are number of different reasons a person might need life insurance , but a common use of life insurance is to provide money to replace the income a family loses if the breadwinner dies . Another use of life insurance would be to provide the cash necessary to settle an estate without disrupting existing assets like real estate and/or a small business . Yet another reason for needing life insurance is to provide cash at the time of death that can be used to pay for final expenses such as funeral costs . |
Does A DUI Affect Life Insurance Rates? | Yes , in under many carrier 's if you have had a DUI it is likely that you will pay more than someone that does not have a DUI . Every carrier has their own paramenter for the types of risks that they are currently willing to accept and also their own weighting method for the risks that they are willing to accept . Please contact a local agent to find out more about coverage availability and pricing in your area . | Great question ! One of great things about life insurance -LRB- as well as annuity contracts and IRA accounts -RRB- is the disposition is generally controlled by the beneficiary designation . Courts are very reluctant to interfere with a valid beneficiary designation . When do we see problems ? When the account is not periodically reviewed and the beneficiary designation -- for example a parent is named and they have passed away but no new beneficiary has been named . Of course life insurance proceeds will generally become part of the probated estate when the estate is named as the beneficiary . Easy fix ? Be sure to name primary and contingent beneficiaries and review them periodically ! Hope that helps ... |
How Can I Compare Medicare Part D Plans? | The key to comparing Medicare Part D plans is evaluating the drug formulary . It does n't matter if you have a Medicare Advantage plan that includes drugs or you are evaluating a separate Part D plan , you must compare the drugs on the formulary . has a drug formulary finder which is beneficial . | There are many types of life insurance policies to choose from . However , all polices have an effective date . Your coverage is bound and in force at 12:01 am on the effective date . It will remain in force until cancelled or the premiums are discontinued . As far as group life insurance , those policies end at the termination of employment . Unlike health insurance there is no provision to continue coverage unless the employee makes arrangements with HR prior to leaving the job . |
How Can I Compare Medicare Part D Plans? | The best way to compare Medicare Part D drug plans is to use the plan finder at . You start by entering your zip code , then your county -LRB- if the zip covers more than one county -RRB- . Next , make the appropriate selections for how you get your Medicare and if you receive assistance . Enter the name and dosage of each drug , select a pharmacy and review the results . | The term is the duration of time that the coverage lasts . If you have a 10 year term , that means that the coverage and premium are guaranteed for 10 years . Term insurance comes in 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 and 30 year terms . At the end of the term , you may be able to convert your policy to permanent insurance or continue the insurance , but at a much higher premium . |
How Can I Compare Medicare Part D Plans? | I believe is the most efficient way to compare plans . BTW - you should compare your plan every year during the Annual Enrollment Period , as plan 's formularies change and your medication may have changed - so always shop every year during the Annual Enrollment Period . Oct 15th - Dec 7th . -LRB- Plan will be effective Jan 1 of the following year -RRB- It may turn out - you are on the least out of pocket cost plan for you for the coming year as well - but better to always check . If you are on a Supplement and a RX plan - you compare the RX plans , if you are on a Medicare Advantage plan you compare the Advantage plans . -LRB- Because your RX is included within each Medicare Advantage plan - typically -RRB- . Hope that clarifies ! | Usually it effects the uber upper classifications when applying for a policy . Your parents health history is factored into the super preferred class . Why ? good question . For a short period of time the aspect of genetic testing in regards to the purchase of life insurance was kicked around . The thought that through a genetic sample an insurance company could questimate the risk of certain illness and price accordingly . While on the surface this seemed OK , the underlying problem was as simple as pricing somebody who has the genetic marker for cancer who has never had cancer . If they never get cancer , which is always a possibility , were they fairly underwritten ? Genetic testing quickly was banned from life insurance testing . The asking about parents health history I believe , is one the few ways an insurance carrier can get as close to genetic testing as the law allows . |
What Are Fixed Annuities Invested In? | The dominate position of insurance portfolios of most annuity and/or life insurance companies are investment grade government bonds . Those portfolio bond positions have varying maturity durations that result in a generally conservative return . | Yes , annuities can be placed in a trust . There are various reasons why one might place an annuity into a trust and care should be taken to sort out the exact reason to place an annuity into a trust . Due to the costs and consequences of such actions , you should carefully consider the benefits and draw backs to placing an annuity into a trust . |
When Is Medicare Cost Report Due? | The Medicare cost report is normally available by the end of March of each year . Anyone can obtain a copy of the reports if they desire . Mostly it is health care actuaries and insurance carriers that use the data for comparing and setting initial health insurance rates . The report is published by CMS . | That depends on your definition of temporary . There are a few carriers out there that will allow you to secure coverage on a month to month basis , but most require you to commit to a six month or one year term . If you are looking for coverage because you do not own a vehicle then you should seek Named Non-owner coverage . |
Does Medicare Cover Care At Home? | Medicare can cover some care at home if it is considered medically necessary and the care is provided by Medicare certified employees . However , the patient must be considered homebound and is very restricted from leaving the home while under this type of care . Another time Medicare can cover care at home is for hospice care . | Group health insurance quotes are based on the size of your business , the industrys SIC code , age of employees , and average employee health -LRB- except in Maryland , which requires no medical underwriting -RRB- . There are no instant online quotes for group health insurance for these reasons . To get a quote for group coverage , you 'll need to contact a health insurance agent - working with an independent one will allow you to shop for quotes from multiple companies in one place . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help with your health insurance needs and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much . |
Does Life Insurance Cover Cancer Death? | Life insurance is designed by considering historical data that includes death by all causes . Once the issued policy has passed the incontestable period it pays a death benefit when a person dies . I have had two insureds murdered ; the policies paid the death benefit . Cancer is a natural condition that is a part of the statistical basis for the policy and is therefore a covered cause of loss . | Generally speaking , hybrid life insurance products combine two types of life insurance coverage into one product . When many people hear the word hybrid life insurance , they think of Term , Whole or Universal Life products combined with long term care type benefits . But there are other type of hybrid products that have gained popularity these days . Universal Life that is combined with Term is a hot seller due to its increased flexibility and ability to be offered to older ages . Also , a new Term product on the market offers Term life combined with Accidental Death benefits with no exam , at very reasonable prices and issued within days . Then after the exam is taken the entire policy can be changed to regular life insurance , if desired . For information about hybrid products , it is a good idea to call the agency selling them to get more details . |
Does Life Insurance Cover Cancer Death? | Life insurance does cover death by cancer . However , it is common for someone diagnosed with cancer to seek out a life insurance policy , and at that point in time it is very difficult to obtain coverage . It generally takes at least a couple of years to obtain a medically underwritten policy after a cancer diagnosis , especially if over stage 2 . Of course , it also depends on the type of cancer , treatment needed , and effectiveness of the treatment . If a policy is issued , it generally is graded for 1-3 years , so that only a small amount is paid out if death occurs during that time . If the policyholder outlives the graded period . the policy pays the full face amount . As with every health condition , it is best to get your life insurance before a serious diagnosis . But whereas some health conditions cause your rates to go up more the longer you have it , the good news with cancer is that the longer you are in remission , the lower your rates usually go . So get what you can , and then keep trying every few years to get something lower priced . You will find that there are life insurance agents rooting for you , and who will work hard to help you get the best rate possible . | Some things to consider are What are your objectives ? For instance if you have young children and want to provide for their college educations and well being in the event of your death while they are growing up ; a twenty year term would suffice . Speaking with a trusted advisor will help you determine the level of coverage that best suits your objectives . |
Does Life Insurance Cover Cancer Death? | Typically , yes . But lets cover some of the what ifs . What if you had no history of cancer , but then unfortunately come down with it after you take the policy ? Youre covered . What if you had a history of cancer , but didnt disclose it to the broker when you applied ? Nor did you tell him or the examiner about any doctors who treated you ? Thats a big no-no . Thats insurance fraud . The carrier could contest the claim in the first two years . To tell you the truth , they might even come after you after that . What if you just completed cancer treatment last year ? Carriers typically like to wait 2 to 5 years before making an offer . However , I have seen offers made sooner , under exceptional conditions . What if you are a woman , and you have no history of breast cancer , but it runs in your family ? With all other things being equal , you could certainly be eligible for coverage now . But the family history might preclude you from getting the rock-bottom rates -LRB- sorry - blame the actuaries :-RRB- What if you have an accident-only policy ? No coverage for illnesses such as cancer . But what if you had cancer , but tragically the cause of death was a plane crash ? Different story . | Why buy life insurance at a young age ? Psst . . cause you wo n't always be young . Locking in your cost at a early age that does n't increase as time goes by is a pretty good deal . Buying young allows you to use time to your advantage in both the cost and growth of your life policy . |
Does Life Insurance Cover Cancer Death? | Unless the policy was for accidental death only , it will cover death from cancer or any other illness . All true life insurance will . Accidental death policies should not be considered part of your life insurance coverage . You should count them more along the lines of your lottery tickets . They only pay off in the rare event that you die of an accident . The worst part of accidental policies are that they give people a false sense of security and prevent many people from ever getting around to buying the coverage they actually need . | The domestic riding of a motor cycle in itself should not affect your ability to secure life insurance coverage as any other potential insured . However , motor cycle racing is a hazardous recreation and vocation subject underwriting flat extras . Also multiple motor cycle moving violations or DUIs , a subject rarely addressed in questions life this , could actually cost the potential insured more money than a convention car owner with the same motor vehicle report . |
Does Life Insurance Cover Cancer Death? | True life insurance policies -LRB- not AD&D -RRB- pay a benefit regardless of the cause of death . In some cases the policy will refund premiums vs. paying the face amount , especially if death occurs during the contestable period . Suicide during the first 2 years the policy is in effect is a common situation where premiums paid will be refunded vs. paying the face amount . | Two years ago I featured a week long series on Women Against MS on my daily financial talk show , The Business Insurance Zone . On one of the episodes , we outlined the stages of MS. The stages of MS are important to life insurance underwriters to categorize theunderwritingoffer . A preliminary discussion with a life insurance professional can help determine whether to seekcoverageand receive a non binding estimation of the cost . |
Why Do So Many Insurance Agents Fail? | Many people get into the insurance business thinking of it as a job . It 's not a job . It 's a business . If you go into business without a solid business plan and money to invest in your business you will fail . You have to learn the products and benefits you are selling . You have to be a professional person and a great communicator . But most of all ... you need people who want to talk to you . And that takes a lot of work or a lot of marketing money . There are also a lot of sharks out there that want to grab new agents and chew them up . They sign agents up for the worst deal imaginable where they could never win . The biggest red flag are the `` free lead '' scammers . They will sign agents up with horrible commission levels to get to the FREE leads . The free leads are worthless junk . You may as well be working the phone book . But if an agent does all the work and makes a sale ... he makes a tiny fraction and the guy who signed him up makes all the real money . It 's a racket , not a career builder . Just look on Craig 's List or any other free advertising place to find these scammers . If you enter the insurance business , make certain that you choose a reputable company with a good manager that you feel good about . If they make it sound too easy to make big money quickly ... watch out ! If they advertise on Craig 's List or offer free leads ... hold on to your wallet ! | Thanks very much for your question . In addition to your age , health statuses , and non-smoking statuses , I would need to know your zip code to run the quotes for you . The rates will vary quite a bit depending on where in the country you 're located -LRB- as well as which Medigap plan is desired - the most popular being plans F & G -RRB- . For non-smokers , plans F and G can genearlly range from as low as $ 75 per month to over $ 150 per month depending Medigap plan letter , your zip code , male vs. female , and ages . If you 're a husband and wife applying together , you can also get a household discount of up to 12 % -LRB- again , depending on where you live and the carrier the coverage is through -RRB- when you apply together - different insurance companies feature different discount structures . Please send me an e-mail via the contact me button or call me at 703-665-9133 to go over the quotes directly . I do n't charge any fees for my services and there is no extra cost in premium to purchase coverage through an independent agent vs. going to the carrier directly . I 'm licensed with multiple insurance companies in a number of states and can compare each of them for you at the same time instantly . I hope my information is helpful . Thanks very much for your question . |
Why Do So Many Insurance Agents Fail? | I think there are several reasons for the high failure rate for insurance agents . Many come to the profession treating it like a sales job when in reality it is about building relationships with people and that takes time . It s not a job , but your own business and like any other business it takes a lot of hard work and determination . It is truly an investment of a persons time and money and I think many new agents do n't realize this . | The best car insurance company is the carrier that provides you the lowest rates , but is still able to give you the liability limits and physical coverage that meets your needs . So ... How do you find the best company for your needs ? An experienced broker -LRB- and our websites -RRB- will save you time , money and yes ... frustration . There are many solid companies that offer a combination of great rates and good coverage . Comparing the most important aspects of the policy , and determining how it impacts you are where a professional will help you the most . |
Why Do So Many Insurance Agents Fail? | So many insurance agents fail because this is a very hard business to be in . While from afar it looks easy , everybody looks wealthy and successful and people are just pounding upon the door demanding insurance . The reality is most people unwisely would forego carrying any insurance at all on themselves as it involves looking ahead and dealing with death . The purchase becomes `` another day , another time '' purchase . While it seems everybody needs coverage , very few pursue it , so it falls upon the insurance agent to make the case to the individual as to why they need coverage . The hard part about insurance is you ca n't taste it , drive it or feel it , at the end of the day , it is simply a promise to pay . It is a very hard thing to sell in reality . Agents fail because it is a difficult business and too many treat it like a sprint , rather than a marathon . A great amount of energy is expended quickly , along with resources with results that take a while . Most payments to agents take about 90 days after the application is taken . It 's a business that requires patience and a budget , the reason most agents fail is they lack either . | I am not quite certain what the question is , but most auto insurance claims are paid within a few days of the claim being made ; depending on the circumstances behind the incident . If the claim involves just damage to your vehicle your carrier may cut a check directly to the auto repair facility less your deductible . Please read your policy completely to understand the coverage provided and any exclusions that may be contained within or contact your local agent to have them go over the policy with you . |
Why Do So Many Insurance Agents Fail? | I concur with everything my colleagues have said above , but there is an additional factor . The failure rate is high because the hiring practices of most of the large companies are innately flawed . The large company agencies go a bad job of screening applicants to cull out the ones who are not likely to succeed . Their theory is that more bodies selling means more business , knowing full well that most of those people will not succeed . This flawed hiring practice compounds the training problems described above by dmrozek . The trainers are forced to train only the very basics . If a better job were done in the hiring process , there would be fewer new hires but they would be those with true potential . Because there would be fewer new hires , the trainers would have the time to provide more in depth training . | A fence is normally covered under a homeowners policy . Please contact your agent before filing a claim as a fence claim may not exceed your deductible and if it does there might be premium adjustments that would make filing the claim questionable . There are claims that you should not file . |
Why Do So Many Insurance Agents Fail? | I have a bit of a different opinion about this . I believe most agents fail because they are n't trained correctly . I 've been doing this since 1991 and explored many company 's training programs . In that time , I have n't seen them change . Do you think the market has ? Insurance companies spend thousands of hours and millions of dollars training their agents on products , business plans , and sales skills . I 've consulted with new agents from some of the biggest companies in the country that were on the verge of failure . They did exactly what they were trained to do and they were failing miserably . These are some bright , knowledgeable sales professionals . You know what their companies told them to do ? Buy leads and call them , buy more leads and call them . If that does n't work , you 're not calling enough . Can you believe it ? When you find something that 's not working enough , do it more . I believe that the reason agents fail is that they are n't good prospectors . They 've never been trained in how to prospect or market themselves or their business . Try this , go to 10 agents , any age , any experience , and ask them what their biggest challenge is . I 've asked a lot more than that and I can tell you what the overwhelming answer is : `` I do n't have enough prospects to sell to '' . It 's the same with everyone . If you find someone who says they have enough or too many , they 're service providers , not agents . I watch really smart , professional salespeople struggle at the same time I look at a guy who looks awful , sounds worse , and does n't know anything about insurance succeed almost effortlessly . You know the difference ? That last guy knows how to talk to people . Watch him , he 's always talking to people and he actually listens to them and cares . Bottom line , the best prospectors are the most successful agents . As an industry , we have to begin training prospectors , not salespeople . We have to show new agents how to connect with more people and market themselves . We should spend more time training people on how to find new prospects than we do on how to sell to the prospects they do n't have . I believe there 's a shift coming from price driven , transactional selling back to a relationship based insurance practice . If we treat our products and services as a commodity , so will the consumer . So , let 's take the first step and change the way we train new agents . Let 's first find agents motivated by the profession , not the money -LRB- not that the money 's bad -RRB- . Then , let 's train them on finding good prospects . As I see it , that 's the future of our profession and the companies and agencies that start doing this will be on the front of that wave while the rest try to figure out why their 50 year old training program is n't working . | People who have very few assets and/or income should probably not get long term care insurance . If there are immediate needs that will go unmet because you are concerned about a possible long term care stay in the future , then the cost of long term care insurance may not be worth it . Also , if you may perhaps go on Medicaid in the future , even without needing long term care services , you should not purchase long term care insurance , in most situations . |
Can An Illegal Immigrant Get Car Insurance? | The short answer is it depends upon the state . One of the most basic principles of insurance is a person/company must have an insurable interest in the property . In order to have an insurable interest in an automobile a person must have a valid drivers license and sometimes a registration . If a state allows an illegal immigrant to obtain a drivers license , then that person can obtain auto insurance . If the person can not obtain a drivers license from that state , he can not obtain auto insurance and even being behind wheel is illegal . Political debates aside , an illegal immigrant should find a state where he/she can register for a drivers license and get auto insurance . This not only benefits them because they will get property and liability coverage , but it will also benefit other drivers because it provides them something to recover from in the case of an accident . | There are several of the `` A '' rated insurance carriers that offer Medigap Insurance such as Mutual of Omaha , AARP United Healthcare , Humana and Aetna to name a few . However , the best place to buy Medigap Insurance is through an independent agent that specializes in Medigap . The agent will be able to show you plans from all the major carriers and help match your needs to the plan that will best fit your situation . It will make the process so much easier for you plus it is much easier to get in touch with the agent if there is an issue rather than sitting on a customer service line all day . There is no fee to you to use an independent agent . I would be happy to answer any other questions you have . |
Does Health Insurance Work In Mexico? | US based health insurance includes most medical expenses incurred outside the country . This would include trips to Mexico . However some expenses are not covered . These include med evac , translation of medical records and return of mortal remains . It is always a good idea to supplement your major medical coverage with an international travel medical plan . | It would be based on your family size , income andtobacco use . Base on yourpersonal family composition , that wouldbe use todetermine if you qualify forsubsidy or not.If you doqualify for subsidy you would subtract the amount of subsidy you are awardedfrom the total monthlypremium , what 's left iswhat you would berequired to pay . |
Is Critical Illness Insurance A Benefit In Kind? | Critical Illness Insurance is offered in the UK , South Africa , Canada , Australia and Southeast Asia . The type of products offered in these countries has some differences from that offered in the US . `` Benefit in kind '' is a term used to apply to critical illness insurance in countries other than the US . From what I can tell , this type of policy is usually considered a benefit in kind , but you would need to check with a tax consultant to be sure . | This is a great question . Medicare covers a lot of medical services however , cosmetic services , they typically do not cover . You can contact medicare directly or your insurance company -LRB- if you have a medicare advantage plan -RRB- to see if you can get an exception based on your personal situation . |
Is Critical Illness Insurance A Benefit In Kind? | Critical Illness insurance is a great benefit of any kind . 1 in 4 will contract any of the covered illnesses . In regards to that the coverages will pay cash indemnity lump sum and tax free like a life insurance policy . The policy was created by a heart surgeon who had seen patients stricken with the illnesses then due to being sick was not able to work or continue with daily normal life . They also needed financial resources to pay for treatments and to assist in paying for the accumulating financial obligations at home . | You can get health insurance quite fast - especially right now while the annual enrollment period is still open -LRB- it 's open til February 15 -RRB- . The application process only takes a few minutes and acceptance into a qualifying health plan is guaranteed with no medical underwriting - the underwriting and issuance of your health policy typically may take a week or two to get mailed out to you . When the coverage starts -LRB- the effective date -RRB- is a very important factor to keep in mind as that tells you when your coverage will actually be active . So even if you apply let 's say today -LRB- January 12 -RRB- , your effective date would n't be until February 1 . I hope the information helps . If you need help with your coverage , please feel free to send me an e-mail or call me via my profile page . Thanks very much . |
Is Critical Illness Insurance A Benefit In Kind? | Critical Illness Insurance can be a benefit in kind , but it does not have to be . If the employer pays the premiums for the critical illness policy , the policy could be considered a benefit in kind . If the employee pays their own premiums , then the coverage is owned by the employee . | While it 's great to purchase disability insurance through your employer , make sure you think about a private short term disability insurance policy if you 're going to leave your work . You ca n't always take your policy with you . I would recommend Mutual of Omaha , as mentioned before by David . |
When You Lease A Car Who Pays For Insurance? | You do . If you decide to lease a car , part of the leasing agreement will be that you obtain and maintain full coverage , namely both Comprehensive and Collision coverage for any covered physical damage to the car itself , as well as Liability coverage . Remember that the Leasing Company owns the car so they want to make sure that their interest is protected and they do that by requiring that you show proof that you have your own car insurance policy . | If you live in a state that requires auto insurance typically the coverages that would be required are bodily injury , property damage , and uninsured motorist at minimum . Regulations are different from state to state . The amounts and types of coverage can vary greatly . Contact a local agent to know what the coverage requirements are for the state that you reside in . |
Can I Deduct My Long Term Care Insurance Premiums? | If you are self employed , you can deduct 100 % of your tax qualified long term care insurance premiums as a medical expense . There are federal tax deductible limits on how much premium can be deducted at each age , ranging from $ 360/year at under age 40 to $ 4,55 / year at over age 70 . An individual can add LTC premiums with medical expenses , and the amount of that total that exceeds 10 % over adjusted gross income is tax deductible . After age 65 , the amount that exceeds 7.5 % over AGI is deductible . | This is the amount your home itself is covered for . Generally you must be insured for at least 80 % of the replacement cost of your home . This is determined by calculations that insurance companies use based upon construction costs in your area . Most companies require you to be insured for 100 % of replacement cost . This allows the company to completely rebuild your home in the event of a total loss . |
Does Health Insurance Cover Yoga? | Yoga is a `` spiritual exerices combined with some physical exercises '' . What `` medically required '' treatment is being provided ? What medical tests are being performed that the doctor and nurse can use to `` treat you '' and how often is the doctor and nurse involved in the yoga exercise ? It would appear that yoga is much like `` cosmetic '' surgery - perhaps you will feel better or look better but there seems to questionable grounds for a `` medical insurance '' policy to provide coverage for | There are three basic types of crediting methods for non-qualified deferred annuities : fixed interest rate crediting , indices crediting and separate sub accounts using equities and bonds investments . The fixed interest rate crediting and indices crediting methods are used in non-security savings products . Separate sub accounts using equities and bonds investments may credit or debit from a variable annuity , which is a security investment product , based on its market performance . Variable annuities can lose money . |
Is Whole Life Insurance Bad? | The death rate is 100 % . The question then is , when will it occur ? Term insurance will provide coverage for a limited period to time . Whole life insurance will provide the same coverage for the lifetime of the insured . Unless you die within the period of coverage of the term policy , the whole life policy will always be a superior buy . Unlike the term policy , the whole life policy premium remains constant and the policy develops cash values that can be used for other purposes . The whole life policy doesnt increase in cost just at the time that you need it . | Medicare covers testing for eye conditions if suspected -LRB- not as part of a routine exam -RRB- , treatment for eye conditions that are a result of illness or injury , intraocular lenses following cataract surgery , one pair of glasses after cataract surgery , glaucoma screening for those with risk factors , and eye prosthesis for absent or shrinking eye . For Medicare covered eye surgery stipulations , see WEBSITELINK . Medicare does not normally cover routine eye exams , testing or eyeglasses . |
Is Whole Life Insurance Bad? | Is Whole Life Insurance Bad ? Well , it 's bad only if you believe that the person telling you this is doing so for your benefit and not to sell you something else . What you have to decide is what ever type of insurance the best choice for your needs . For a long term need , it is really hard to beat a whole life policy . Short term needs , different story . | According to , Obamacare cuts $ 716 billion from Medicare from 2013 - 2022 . Most of the cuts come in the form of reduced payment for hospital services -LRB- $ 260 billion -RRB- , reduced funding for Medicare Advantage -LRB- $ 156 billion -RRB- and reduced payment to charity hospitals -LRB- $ 145 billion -RRB- . All of these cuts combined mean limited access to medical providers , fewer Advantage choices , higher Part D premiums and higher Part D out of pocket . |
How Much Will Car Insurance Cost For A 19 Year Old? | Car insurance rates on a 19 year-old will vary , depending on where you live , your driving record , the type of car you own and your coverage . It could be quite cheap or fairly expensive , if there are multiple violations . As an experienced broker , our job is to shop all of the top companies for customers and utilize our websites to research and compare the best choices . | Besides current assumption Universal Life as explained by others on this page , current assumption Whole Life insurance also pays policyholders an added benefit if the policy performs according to , or better than , the assumptions upon which the policy was based . The benefit can be in the form of increased cash value or a decrease in premiums . If the policy does not perform up to current assumptions , the premiums can increase . |
Who Needs Long Term Disability Insurance? | Any person who is dependent on an income needs disability insurance . DI protects your income in case you can no longer work due to a sickness or injury . It allows you to stay financially afloat by covering whatever you need , from bills , your mortgage , co-pays , etc. . The average person only has 90 days of cash reserves , yet the average long term disability claim is 31.2 months ... a lot more than what the average person has on hand ! | There could be many factors as to why it would increase . Its best to have your Agent or Broker contact underwriting for a full review of your policy . Reasons could be from credit to replacement cost , company rate increase . Again best thing to do is speak to your agent . Thanks for asking , |
Who Needs Long Term Disability Insurance? | Who needs long term disability insurance ? Anyone who has an income that is relied upon for life 's essentials . In my work as impaired risk specialist for insurance products , I hear from many , many persons who have had to go on Social Security Disability due to a chronic illness or injury . What is shocking is the broad range of former occupations they held . Doctors and farm owners end up in the same financial situation as dishwashers and field workers . The chances of becoming disabled are too high and the consequences of becoming disabled are too harsh . For that reason , most people need Long Term Disability Insurance . | With simplified issue life insurance you get your approval right when you do the application with many companies . This is the type of whole-life insurance that many seniors over age 50 purchase on amounts of $ 25,000 or less . The agent that you meet with will do the initial screening and then you call in to the life insurance company for a phone interview . At the end of the phone interview you are approved or declined and if you want to write a check for your first premium , you are covered right then . For life insurance in larger amounts , they will do much more extensive underwriting . Your application will have many more health questions and you will likely have to take a physical exam . The insurance company may order records from your doctor 's office and that can take over a month depending on fast your doctor 's office responds . So one to two months would be average for fully-underwritten life insurance . And for simplified issue it could be right within the meeting with your insurance agent . The more extensive underwriting will usually get you a better rate per thousand if you are healthy and buying more than $ 25,000 of coverage . |
What Does It Mean To Have Disability Insurance? | To have private Disability Insurance means that you have an insurance policy that will pay you a percent of your normal wages in cash if you were to become disabled and unable to work . There are short and long term disability policies , with the former providing coverage for a maximum of approximately 6 months . Long term disability can provide income replacement for years . Both are purchased with variables that you choose , and the price depends partly on those features . Some companies provide Group Disability Insurance , which operates the same but your employer may pay it for you . | Life insurance is considered intangible personal property , in that a life insurance policy is evidence of a value of money . However , if the beneficiary of a life insurance policy is a person , the life insurance proceeds do not go through probate . Thus , the life insurance benefit is considered non-probate property . |
What Health Insurance Can I Get While Pregnant? | I am not aware of any company that will add maternity coverage after you become pregant . You can still get health insurance for yourself now , but the pregnancey would be classified a pre existing condition . In other words any pregnacy related costs or complications for you or the baby would be an out of pocket expense for you . Beginning October 1st of this year you will be able to get coverage through an exchange under `` Obamacare '' with any kind of pre existing condition including pregnancy but be prepared to pay extra on your premium . . | Whether the critical illness insurance policy will cover thyroid cancer depends on the wording of the policy . But criticall illness insurance certainly can and does pay for thyroid cancer in some situations . Policies will list the type and stage of cancers excluded , which are normally low risk cancers that can be treated with non-aggressive treatment plans . Thyroid cancer is considered serious enough to be covered by at least some critical illness policies . |
Can You Get A Car Insurance Quote At 16? | In Montana you able to purchase insurance at that age but you are not allowed to own a car in only your name till your 18 . so If you were to purchase insurance you would have to have your parents or parent listed as a driver which also would make the insurance much cheaper . Or you could purchase what is called a non-owned auto policy that would cover you for liability to others but would not repair the car you were driving . I recommend you check your states laws which you can find on your states website . Or talk to a local agent in your area . | Yes , Teachers can have a 401 -LRB- k -RRB- if their place of employment is a for profit school . Most Teachers have a 403 -LRB- b -RRB- available to them for retirement planning . 401 -LRB- k -RRB- and 403 -LRB- b -RRB- are sections in the IRS code which define what retirement plans are available for different groups . I would recommend looking up the code and/or talking to your HR administrator for more information . If they are not available , please contact your agent or broker who can help answer any specific questions you have . |
Is Safeco A Good Homeowners Insurance Company? | Safeco is an excellent homeowners insurance company ! Safeco writes preferred middle market homes ; has many discount options available inclusive but not limited to Central Alarm Monitoring , Marital Status , Annual Prepay Credit , Fire Sprinkler , Gas Shut Off Valve , Age of Home , Type of Roof , etc. ... Discounts vary from program to program and are not all available in every State . Safeco is a member of the Liberty Mutual Group , is admitted in all 50 States , offers 24 Hour Customer Service if written through a contracted Gold Service agency , offers registration and access to policies for clients online , excellent claims service as well as multi policy discounts . If you desire , Safeco will package your Home , rental Homes -LRB- Landlords Policies -RRB- , Auto and Personal Umbrella coverage . The greatest multi line discount is the Home/Auto discount . Please note : multi policy discounts are only available if the Named Insured is listed the same on each policy and all policies are Personal Lines Policies . Commercial Policies and Personal Lines Policies are not affiliated when it comes to multi policy discounts . For an instant Safeco quote online , you may select your quote now at : WEBSITELINK Pleasecontact a licensed professional with any questions regarding coverage before buying a policy . | That is a great question ! Depending upon what your desired goal is , a deferred annuity can be an excellent investment . What makes this a good investment ? Deferred annuities can provide a lifelong income stream , making it impossible to outlive . They can also be structured to continue to provide a surviving spouse an income stream . They are low risk , and have a payout amount that is easily determined . If you are someone who is looking for stability , safety and a guaranteed payout , this is a great way to go . If you are looking for a liquid or high yield investment , not so much . Thank you for asking ! |
What Is Wrong With Universal Life Insurance? | I have a universal life insurance policy . The idea is great . The problem is that with all the flexibility that is a part of the universal life policy , there is a temptation to get too flexible , skip payments , decrease payments etc. . I have seen universal life policies that self-destruct . There are some laws of economics that can not be violated without paying the price and paying too little , particularly in the early years , can leave the insured with a very expensive term policy that expires while they are still alive . | You should look for an agent who will visit the property before doing an application . This is necessary so they can tell you if there is things the insurance company will require that could affect your rate or could cost you a lot of money to repair/replace . The agent should go through the included coverage in detail and give you an expection of how to contact them - even after hours - or the insurance company directly . They should also walk you through the claims process and what to expect if something bad happens . |
What Is Wrong With Universal Life Insurance? | What 's wrong with universal life ? Nothing really , but ... Universal life is a flexible premium policy that provides a lot of leeway to the insured . This freedom can come back and haunt the insured as an underfunded UL can blow up down the road and leave the insured with nothing . Also in the past agents sold minimum premium plans during an up interest rate market . If nothing changed , these policies did fine , but how often in history does nothing change ? | Most commonly , employers pay for short term disability insurance . If employers do not pay for the premiums themselves , they sometimes offer the policy to employees to pay for out of employees ' pockets . If short term disability insurance is not offered through the employer , some people purchase short term disability insurance individually , from private companies . |
What Is Wrong With Universal Life Insurance? | Universal Life Insurance is a product with no inherent moral component to it except for client suitability , i.e. some savers or investor may not be suitable for the product . Universal life -LRB- UL -RRB- insurance has four policies : guaranteed UL -LRB- generally for indemnification -RRB- , current assumption UL , indexed UL and variable UL -LRB- should be for supplemental income . -RRB- | EE life insurance probably stands for `` Eligible Employee '' life insurance . It would be the group life insurance offered to those working at a business who are qualified to receive it , based on the number of hours they work or some other factor set up by their employer for eligibility . |
Does Health Insurance Cover Tubal Ligation Reversal? | Most frequently health insurance will not cover reversals of elective sterilizations . Carriers tend to approve procedures that either result in a cure , or lower subsequent claims . In this case future claims are likely to be much higher once the ability to conceive is restored . Fifteen states have mandates requiring certain health insurance plans to cover specified infertility treatments . Every single mandate excludes tubal ligation and vasectomy reversal surgery from the requirement . Your best option is purchasing coverage optimized for the resulting pregnancy , and utilizing the un-reimbursed tax deductions to reduce expenses . | A good life insurance agent is an independent representative of many product lines and works for the client and not for a company . They need to be knowledgeable and well versed in the various product lines and underwriting protocols of recognized impaired risk companies . They also need to be well acquainted with simplified and guaranteed issue life insurance . |
Does Health Insurance Cover Tubal Ligation Reversal? | As long as it 's deemed medically necessary by the attending physician , then it should be . The bad news is that most times a tubal ligation is considered an elective procedure , so getting it or getting it reversed wo n't fall under covered services . An easy way to find out is to contact the benefits verification department of your insurance carrier -LRB- the phone number is usually on the insurance cards -RRB- and ask specifically if it is a covered service . Please click the `` Contact Me '' button on the left or run a personalized quote at : WEBSITELINK Also , you can call me anytime at : 561-320-2978 ... I would love to hear from you . | Medicare and Medicaid was created by congress in 1965 under the social security act and signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson . It was created to help provide health insurance to people age 65 and up , regardless of their income or health status . Several major changes have been made to the programs over the years such as the Medicare modernization act , signed in 2003 , that added outpatient prescription drug coverage -LRB- as well as a number of other benefits -RRB- . |
Does Term Life Insurance Decrease Over Time? | No , the Term life insurance policies sold now nearly all stay level for the entire term . Decreasing Term was more popular in the past , but now the most competitive prices are for level term and you get the added bonus of the death benefit staying consistent for the full term . | When plans renew or are effective on or after August 1 , 2012 , all of the following womens health services will be considered preventive -LRB- some were already covered -RRB- . These services generally will be covered at no cost share , when provided in network : Well-woman visits -LRB- annually and now including prenatal visits -RRB- Screening for gestational diabetes Human papillomavirus -LRB- HPV -RRB- DNA testing Counseling for sexually transmitted infections Counseling and screening for human immunodeficiency virus -LRB- HIV -RRB- Screening and counseling for interpersonal and domestic violence Breastfeeding support , supplies and counseling Generic formulary contraceptives are covered without member cost-share -LRB- for example , no copayment -RRB- . Certain religious organizations or religious employers may be exempt from offering contraceptive services . So unless youremployertakes arighteous moral stand then yes AETNA HEALTH PLANS WITHPRESCRIPTIONPLANS will . |
Does Term Life Insurance Decrease Over Time? | I have searched high and low and have not been able to locate a decreasing Term life insurance policy for the past couple of years . The only way I know how to get actual life insurance to have a lower face amount each year is to get an annually renewable policy and take out a smaller amount the next year . All the Term policies I know of are level benefit , meaning that the death benefit stays the same for a set number of years . | The best life insurance plans are different for different people , because no two people have exactly the same financial scenario or personal details . One 40 year old male may own a home , be raising three teenagers soon to go to college , and have no health problems . He is certainly going to want a large policy to cover his family if he should pass away , and to be able to afford that much , he is probably going to want to take it in term insurance . Another 40 year old male may have finished treatments for stage 4 colon cancer a year ago . The policy he gets it going to be much smaller , will probably be whole life , and will be graded for at least two years . While the best plan for his family would be more like what the first man got , the best plan for him , in reality , will be one he can get . He can then replace it with one that has a larger face amount after his cancer has been in remission for a number of years . PS The ironic thing is , most people who can get the best plans for everyone , put it off until they can no longer get them . |
Does Term Life Insurance Decrease Over Time? | Interesting question ! Most Term policies have a `` level '' guaranteed death benefit up to the time of the end of the term for the policy . However if you take in to account inflation , which has averaged about 4 % per year over the past 40 years , then the value of the death benefit definitely does decrease over time ! This is an important consideration when weighing whether to purchase Term or Whole Life , because while the premiums increase with age of the insured , the value of the death benefit decrease due to inflation . For this reason Term insurance can be much more expensive than Whole Life when you consider benefits vs cost . | I contacted an underwriter for a large , popular life insurance company to get the answer to this question . If all other health is excellent , the celiac disease is not causing symptom and is stable with adherence to diet , it is possible to get the best rating in life insurance while having celiac disease . |
Does Term Life Insurance Decrease Over Time? | Most term life insurance companies have guaranteed level death benefits and premiums for a specified number of years . For example , 10 , 15 , 20 and 30 years are the most popular plans . There are some carriers that issue reducing term plans -LRB- often purchased to cover a mortgage -RRB- although they are not as popular as they were in the 80s and 90s . | That is a great question ! Any time that you see the word ` rider ' in insurance speak , it will mean ` something added to , or riding on ' , the policy . So you will have the original body of the policy , and then a clause , provision , or additional coverage that is added to it called a rider . You may have a rider added to your policy that adds some extra coverage not offered in your homeowners policy . Some riders are free , most are not . Thanks for asking ! |
Which Pension Plan Is Best? | The best pension plan in my humble opinion is an employer sponsored 401 -LRB- k -RRB- defined contribution plan under ERISA -LRB- Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 -RRB- But the real value of a 401 -LRB- K -RRB- retirement plan is the optional employer contribution match which can be as high as 6 % of your base salary.The pretax contributions save taxes today . The accounts accumulate tax deferred . And at distributions are taxed as ordinary income . | The best Medicare supplemental insurance plan in your state is one that matches your needs and budget . Seniors at older ages will pay more than those just turning age 65 If you use tobacco you can expect to pay at least 20 % more for the same coverage as a non-tobacco user . Medicare supplemental insurance Plan F is the most expensive and pays the highest commission . You can generally find a site that offers `` instant Medigap quotes '' but keep in mind the most competitive rates are usually not illustrated online . You can pay more but that does not mean you get more . It simply means you paid more than you need to . #GeorgiaMedicarePlans |
Which Pension Plan Is Best? | Which pension plan is best ? The best pension plan is the one you PARTICIPATE in . There are different plans used in both individual and business situation . The best really comes down to you choosing to set money aside in one of them for later retirement use . There is n't a best one , there is yours , be it an IRA or a 401k or if you 're lucky enough a defined benefit plan . The best is the one your actively in . Matching , vesting and such , do n't matter if you are n't participating . | The short answer is yes . An insurance carrier will provide notification of cancellation normally at least 10 days in advance of cancellation or non-renewal . If you have not paid your premiums or have been late paying your premiums , or have numerous or high dollar claims your carrier may decide that the risk you present is too great for them . |
Can You Be Denied Health Insurance For Being Overweight? | You can not be denied health insurance for being overweight . Whether you weigh 100 pounds , or 600 pounds , you will not be turned down for coverage for an Exchange -LRB- Marketplace -RRB- plan . The ACA -LRB- Affordable Care Act -RRB- legislation provides guarantee-issue for qualified health insurance plans , and pre-existing conditions , including obesity , are covered . | Some companies might issue a back dated renters policy . They would require assurance that there wont be any claims arising from that period of time . The only reason you might want this is to stop a landlord from exercising their right to put coverage in force if you havent . The property insurance companies that I know of would be very reluctant to back date a policy . |
What Is Medicare Local Coverage Determination? | Medicare Local Coverage Determinations -LRB- LCD 's -RRB- are guides that assist Medicare providers in submitting correct claims for payment . It also explains what criteria must be met for the service to be covered . Since Medicare services must be reasonable and medically necessary , LCD 's detail that criteria in three different types of LCD documents . | Yes , annuities can have beneficiaries , and most do . They are similar to the beneficiaries on a life insurance policy in that the value of the annuity goes to the beneficiary without passing through probate . If the annuity has already been annuitized , the remaining annuity payments will be made to the beneficiary . Life income annuities payments do end with the death of the annuitant , unless they are life income with term certain , or provide a cash refund if the amount put in to the annuity has not yet been paid out . |
Why Does My Landlord Want Me To Get Renters Insurance? | A landlord will require a tenant to have renters insurance to help protect them and you and your family . Renter insurance provides liability coverage and personal property coverage for the insured . The liability coverage will provide for a covered loss occuring that the insured is deemed responsible for and the personal property coverage provides for personal property due to acovered loss . If you would like to discuss details of renters insurance coverage , please contact a a local agent to have them go over it with you . | It used to be a fairly common practice to `` overlap '' policies when coverage was replaced so as to avoid any gap in coverage . These days , however , that practice has become unnecessary with the advances in technology used by most insureres and thier agents . In most cases , agents have direct binding authority granted to them by the companies they represent which means that once the application is signed , the initial premium paid and the new business is released , your new coverage has been bound . If it is replacing coverage provided by a former carrier , your new insurance professional can also prepare a formal cancellation request form for your signature and forward that to your previous company for their handling . |
How To Get Car Insurance With A DUI? | Hey , it happens . Sometimes we make a mistake and end up in a situation we did n't intend . It does n't mean you ca n't get car insurance , it just changes the finances . Now , I can only speak for the State of Michigan , but I do n't imagine it 's very different in other states . When your insurance company finds out you got a DUI -LRB- and they will -RRB- , they will , most likely , cancel your policy as you 're no longer eligible to be covered under a standard company . There are , however , other nonstandard companies that will be happy to insure you , at a price . Companies such as Titan/Victoria , Progressive , Bristol West , and others will still insure you . Now , I 'm assuming you still have a valid license -LRB- If not , it 'll be more difficult -RRB- . It would n't surprise me if your premiums tripled or more with these companies but there are ways to help manage your costs . If you look at the quotes from these companies , you 'll probably see that more than half the premium is in the physical damage coverages -LRB- comprehensive and collision -RRB- . If you can live without these coverages , you can save a lot of money , but be aware that they will not fix your car if you have damage . Also , if your car is leased or financed , you 're bound by contract to carry these coverages . In this case , you can raise deductibles but it wo n't make a huge difference . Do n't skimp on the liability coverages , these are much more important . Now the bad news . You may not be eligible to be insured with a standard carrier for up to 5 years . And you thought the fines and court costs were high . This is where it really hurts . I hope you have a good agent , he/she is your best friend right now . Work with them and see what you can do to minimize your costs without sacrificing the most important coverages | Of course an irrevocable life insurance trust `` works '' for some things but not for other things . It depends what you are setting the trust up to do . One use is to pass money to beneficiaries and protect the funds from Medicaid or other creditors . If the trust is set up 5-years or more in advance , the money is protected by the trust and will pay to the beneficiaries upon your death . |
Do I Need Supplemental Insurance With Medicare Advantage? | There are different kinds of supplemental plans that are sometimes coupled with a Medicare Advantage plan . As others have pointed out , you do not need a traditional Medicare supplement -LRB- Medigap -RRB- plan in addition to your Advantage plan . Some carriers offer cancer plans , hospital indemnity plans and other single purpose plans . You will be told you need these plans to fill the gaps in Medicare Advantage plans and cover your out of pocket expenses in the event of a hospitalization or severe illness . Truth is , you do n't need these add on plans . Just a waste of your money and a way for the agent pushing them to pad his or her wallet at your expense . If you feel you will have difficulty paying your out of pocket expenses which can be several thousand dollars under a Medicare Advantage plan , you should consider switching to traditional Medicare and buying a Medicare supplement -LRB- Medigap -RRB- plan . Medigap plan N is a good transition product or for those on a tight budget , Medicare supplement plan Hi F. #GeorgiaMedigapPlanRates #GeorgiaMedicarePlans #GaMedigapQuotes | The car must be roadworthy to be registered . When an insurance company declares that a car is a total loss , its registration turns to Cat C . It means that the cost of repairs exceeds the value of the car . Cat C registration does not make the car uninsurable . In California an insurer may not deny coverage based upon the vehicles category . However , some companies will not provide physical damage coverage for a Cat C vehicle . |
Do I Need Supplemental Insurance With Medicare Advantage? | You do not need and it is actually unethical and against Medicare guidelines to sell you a Medicare Supplement with a Medicare Advantage Plan . There are some policies that will help pay some of the out of pocket costs of a Medicare Advantage and in some cases they may be a good option . These are not Medicare Supplements . If however the premium gets too high you are better off in a Medicare Supplement plan rather than a Medicare Advantage rather than pay a premium for the supplemental hospital coverage , Make sure you have a good agent who can help you decide your best options based on your individual situation . | why do doctors hate Medicare ? Mainly because Medicare payment rates to doctors are below what it costs them to run their office and procedures . So seeing too many Medicare patients can hurt a doctor 's practice . That is why so many limit how many Medicare patients they will see without supplement plans to accompany the Medicare coverage . |
Do I Need Supplemental Insurance With Medicare Advantage? | No you do not need supplemental insurance when you are on Medicare Part C aka : Medicare Advantage . In fact if you keep your Medicare Supplement while you are on Medicare Advantage it will not pay anything . Medicare Supplements only pay the gaps after Medicare A&B pay their part . When you are on Medicare Advantage , A&B do not pay at all . | Life insurance typically will not pay a death claim if the cause of death is suicide within 2 years upon issue of the policy . After the 2 year contestability clause has passed , life insurance companies will pay the death benefit . If suicide occurred within the contestability clause , the beneficiary should receive back the premiums that were already paid -LRB- not the death benefit -RRB- . |
Can You Keep Insurance Money From Car Accident? | Your not supposed to keep the money the insurance company paid out for a repair . In most cases the insurance company will write a check either directly to the body shop or to both parties to guarantee the repairs are done . If the claim is minor the Insurance company may write a check directly to the insurance who then has the car repaired . If you chose not to repair the damages and keep the money I can pretty much guarantee if the damage occurs again in the same area you will be denied coverage for not fixing the damage in the first place . The insurance company will say the damage was pre-existing . | Disability insurance is paycheck protection . Purchasing the maximum benefits is dependent on your annual compensation . Long term disability is the preferred form of paycheck protection , but not everyone can afford it . So , short term disability insurance can provide some income if yo ca n't work . The elimination period defined when benefits start . Your cash reserves can help you determine how long the waiting period should be . If you have vocational specialty , the `` Own Occ '' provision can coverage your skill set . |
How To Read A Home Insurance Quote? | I would just like to elaborate on the above answer : Coverage is designated by letters and sections , where section one covers property and section two covers liability . SECTION 1 : A - Dwelling B - Other Structures C - Personal Property D - Loss of use SECTION 2 : E - Liability -LRB- negligence must be proven -RRB- F - Medical Payments to others -LRB- no negligence has to be proven -RRB- In later sections will be the additional coverage such as scheduled property , additional causes of loss -LRB- flood , earthquake -RRB- and any scheduled exclusions . I hope this puts the above answer in context of your policy . | This is a very hard questions to answer since each carrier from the next can vary so much . I have seen between different carriers as much as $ 1,000 difference for the same coverage . A classic example I will give one of my carriers that is a mutual carriers was only $ 1,000 a year with a $ 500 deductible based on a value of the home at $ 200,000 but the other national carrier was $ 1,400 with a $ 1,000 deductible based off of the same value . Also you have to consider are they rating the home with replacement cost or actual cash value both can make a HUGE difference in the rating factor . There are several ways carriers base rates not only the value of the home but what is your home built from is it a log home or stick frame home . Are you in a fire area or how far are you away from fire department . The best thing you can do is shop with a independent agent they can rate it with many carriers . Also Bundling is not always the route either many time the home can be an excellent rate but the autos are high even with the discount of having both policies with the same carrier . Example I have found in our agency is that I have a carrier that gives you a discount on your auto because you own a home but the home rate is outrageous but then I have a different carrier for the home that does n't sell auto insurance but they give you a discount on the home if you insure the auto in the same agency and the rate is much lower then if you placed them with the same carrier all in one package . the key is talk to an agent who can compare rates with many carriers and make sure your home is valued correctly . |
How To Read A Home Insurance Quote? | Homeowners insurance is comprised of several variables but I 'll discuss some of the major components . First and foremost you want a Replacement Cost policy . Second , you need to work with your agent to determine the proper amount of Replacement Cost coverage -LRB- the cost to rebuild your home -RRB- . Once this amount is determined the other coverage lines are a percentage of the dwelling coverage . Here 's an example of the major components : Dwelling - $ 500,000 Other Structures - $ 50,000 -LRB- 10 % -RRB- Personal Property - $ 350,000 -LRB- 70 % -RRB- Next , you need to select your deductible . Deductibles typically range from $ 500 - % of your dwelling coverage . I recommend at least a $ 1,000 deductible because you do not want to file small claims on a home policy . There are other optional coverages that are very important such as Water/Sewer Backup and Law and Ordinance coverage . Identity Theft and scheduled items can also be added . As always it 's best to discuss your options with an independent agent who can present several options specific to your needs . | Whole life insurance is a form of `` permanent life insurance '' . Any good life insurance agent should be able to sell you whole life insurance . There have been a lot of innovations in the life insurance industry over the past few years and not every agent knows the benefits of the various types of permanent life insurance . It is important to find an agent who can explain the various benefits for different types of permanent life including whole life and indexed universal life . |
Does Health Insurance Cover A Dermatologist? | Generally speaking , yes . This would be a specialist visit . Depending on the type of insurance that you have you may need a referral to see the dermatologist and have the visit covered by your health insurance . You would get the referral from your primary care physician . | Annuities are written by life insurance companies . Life insurance companies also issue life insurance policies . When people live a long time , death claims are delayed and the company continues to get premiums . If those same people also have an annuity , the extension of the death claim helps finance the annuity . Since there is rarely a one to one example like this , you know that in a group of 100 people age 65 , someone is likely to die in the first year while four or five will make it to 100 . The money paid for the short benefit offsets the expense of the longer benefit . This is all actuarial science . |
Does Health Insurance Cover A Dermatologist? | Most plans will cover a dermatologist as a specialist visit . Refer to your policy to see what your specialists visits will cost . If you do n't have your policy , call your provider . If you have your insurance card , check for a customer service number and give them a call . Specialist rates are often twice what a primary care physician co-pay will be . | Whole Life or Universal Life Insurance that has a cash value can be considered an asset for Medicaid purposes . You are allowed a final expense policy when going through a Medicaid spend down , so the policy might be able to be designated for that . You have a legal right to convert your Life Insurance into a Long Term Care Benefit Plan , allowing you to keep a reduced face amount and using the cash value to pay for Long Term Care needs . To find out the best way to handle your life insurance policy , be sure to know the Medicaid guidelines for your state and contact a knowledgeable agent to assist you . |
How Soon Does Health Insurance Start? | Health insurance can start in one of three ways : 1 . If it is short term health insurance , the policy can start as quickly as the next day after you submit the application electronically or have it post marked by most short term insurance carriers . It many cases you can select the effective date of coverage if you do not want it to start the very next day . 2 . The new Affordable Care Act plans aka Obamacare plans can start the first of the next month , if you apply by the 15th of the preceding month ... otherwise if you submit after the 15th of the month , it will start the first of the month of the month following the next month ... in other words if you submit the application on July 17th , the policy will start September 1 . 3 . If it is group or employer based health insurance you should check with the HR department , because dates can vary . Hop that helps . Tracy McManamon | While the state doesnt require it , your landlord might . The landlord wants to know that you can take care of a lawsuit that comes from your living in his unit . He also wants you to know that your personal property isnt his responsibility . Even if his building burns and in the process your property is destroyed , he isnt responsible for your property . |
How Soon Does Health Insurance Start? | The answer to your question depends upon the context of where you are getting your health insurance and the type of health insurance you are getting . If your health insurance is being provided by your employer the answer will vary depending upon that company 's personnel policies and can even very for classes of employees -LRB- e.g. - hourly versus salaried -RRB- . As such your coverage could effective date could range from your date of hire to some date after you have completed a probationary/waiting period with that employer . The business owner , their Human Resources person or their insurance broker should be able to provide you with this group specific information . In 2014 and after , the Affordable Care Act -LRB- ACA -RRB- requires that an employer can not impose a waiting period of more than 90 calendar days from the date of hire for a new hire to be enrolled or to waive participation in the company 's group health plan . For practical purposes many employers are moving to a personnel policy of a new hire being covered on the first of the month following 60-days after being hired . Individual major medical insurance will go into effect on a first of the month basis . Though the first of what month will depend upon when you apply for coverage . The ACA require that enrollments received on or before the 15th of the month become effective the first of the next month . Applications received after the 15th of the month will become effective the first day of the following month . Bear in mind that as of April 1 , 2014 you are essentially unable to enroll in individual major medical insurance for the rest of 2014 unless you experience a change of life status event -LRB- marriage , divorce , loss of other coverage are common examples -RRB- . Short Term Major Medical insurance is not subject to the ACA restrictions and applicants have much greater flexibility in choosing the effective date of their coverage which can range from starting at midnight of the day they apply to some other date the applicant indicates they want their coverage to go into effect . Marlin McKelvy Consumer Directed Benefit Solutions | There is no part of Medicare titled Part T. Medicare consists of 4 main parts - A , B , C , and D . There are also 10 Medigap plans -LRB- a.k.a. Medicare supplement plans -RRB- - A , B , C , D , F , G , K , L , M , and N. Are you perhaps referring to your Medicare claim number ? Your claim number is your social security number plus a letter . The letter T is one of the common ending characters to a claim number . If you have a claim number ending in `` T '' , it designates that you are either uninsured , but entitled to Part A or are fully insured and have elected to only take Part A. I hope that answers your question . Please let me know if I can be of further assistance . Thanks very much . |
How Soon Does Health Insurance Start? | Two conditions have to be met for any health insurance plan to start providing coverage : 1 -RRB- Have an established effective date for the coverage 2 -RRB- Submit your initial premium payment to place the coverage in force . An effective date for health insurance coverage is generally the first of a given month . Even if you sign up for a plan and set up an effective date , the coverage will not start providing benefits until you pay your initial premium -LRB- and pay continuing premiums each month -RRB- . | If you have family health history that includes chronic illness or a genetic disposition to disease , then critical illness insurance is a good defensive posture for future medical bills . When youre young and generally healthy , the premiums are relatively inexpensive . Critical illness can also be a supplement to high deductible medical insurance . |
Where Can I Get Auto Insurance Without A License? | This is normally something an Independent Agent will be able to do for you quite easily . We handle these types of policies all the time without any issue whatsoever for drivers throughout California . If your outside of California , you would want to look up an Independent Agent who contracts with multiple carriers so that they can offer you the most options with the least amount of work on your part . | The rate depends on many factors including your age , where you live , your health and whether you smoke . Monthly rates could vary between $ 25 per month to $ 250 per month -LRB- or much higher -RRB- depending on these factors . And of course , different carriers such as Anthem , Aetna , Cigna , UnitedHealthcare etc. . . will charge different premiums . To view rates , you can visit a reputable website that offers free online quotes . There is no obligation and you can easily apply online for coverage after viewing your best options . You may also receive a federal tax subsidy when State Exchanges are operational . Naturally , an experienced broker can also assist you . |
Where Can I Get Auto Insurance Without A License? | Not sure where this question is going but I 'll do my best . Insurance without a license is a possibility but not a certainty . It depends on your state and the companies that are available there . Most states require certain mandatory coverages to legally drive a car . You can not get these coverages without a valid license . However , you may be able to get physical damage coverage for a car you own , even if you do n't have a license . If you ca n't find out from your state 's website , call a local agent and ask . Some companies will write a comprehensive only policy that does not provide mandatory coverages to legally drive a car . If this is available , be aware that they will not provide a certificate of insurance . It will cover damage to the car ONLY with a deductible applied . They will also , most likely , require photos to verify that there is no existing damage to the car . I do n't know if this answered your question or not . If the question is about getting liability coverage without a license , I can be pretty confident in saying no . Prab , i believe , brings up a different view of the question . I approached it from the view that you 're not eligible for a license because of past violations . If you are eligible for a license and just do n't have one , such as moving to the US and you just have n't gotten a US license , then he 's correct . We will write the insurance with the requirement that you get a valid Michigan license within 30 days . | No clear answer to this question . It depends on what a person can afford . I prefer Medigap or Medicare Supplements , because insured can use any doctor , while in Advantage Plans insured is mostly restricted to a network of doctors he/she must use . But insured pays a premium price for this , supplements are expensive and not everyone can afford it . If you ca n't afford a supplement , then the Advantage Plans are very good and useful , but they have many limitations . So it 's the insured 's pocketthat will determine which plan is better . |
Does Health Insurance Cover An IUD? | Most health insurance plans will cover the cost of an IUD . As part of Obamacare , covered participants are supposed to provide contraceptives at no out of pocket costs to the individual . Covered contraceptives generally include birth control pills , the birth control patch -LRB- such as Ortho Evra -RRB- , a diaphragm , contraceptive gel and an IUD . | Disability insurance could just as easily be called income replacement insurance . Disability insurance is a policy that will replace up to 70 % of your current income due to an illness or injury so severe you can no longer perform the duties of your occupation . There are two basic types of plans . Short term disability is designed to start paying in days or weeks after becoming disabled for usually up to one year . Long term disability has a longer elimination period such as 30-60-90-180-360 days but pays for years and can pay up to age 67 years old . |
What Qualifies As A Life Changing Event For Health Insurance? | A qualifying life changing event for your health insurance allows you to enroll for coverage at any time . The federal subsidy will apply -LRB- if applicable -RRB- and no medical questions will be asked . The link below is the official list of `` events '' and is 100 % accurate . Beware of any other `` lists '' that are posted online or elsewhere since they may not be accurate . WEBSITELINK LIVE answer provided by : Ed Harris - Premier health insurance broker for 33 years and owner of several top-rated consumer health insurance websites that offer the lowest available rates and updated information and tips . | Children can be beneficiaries of life insurance , but if they are minors when the death of the insured person passes , the court may name a guardian to handle the funds . It is better to leave the life insurance death benefit to a trusted adult to manage on behalf of your children , or to set up a trust that dictates how and when to distribute the money to your children . |
What Qualifies As A Life Changing Event For Health Insurance? | To qualify for a special enrollment period , you must have a `` life-changing event . '' Qualifying events include : 1 -RRB- Getting married 2 -RRB- Having a child 3 -RRB- Adopting a child 4 -RRB- Fostering a child 5 -RRB- Moving out of your current coverage 's service area 6 -RRB- Losing your existing health insurance under certain conditions including : 7 -RRB- Loss of group coverage through your employer 8 -RRB- Your COBRA coverage expired 9 -RRB- You get divorced 10 -RRB- You come off your parent 's group coverage 11 -RRB- Your plan was terminated by the carrier 12 -RRB- You lose your Medicaid eligibility , CHIP eligibility , or similar situation 13 -RRB- Becoming a U.S. citizen 14 -RRB- Leaving incarceration 15 -RRB- Becoming a member of an indian tribe : those in a federally recognized tribe can apply for new coverage/make changes to their existing coverage once a month throughout the year Please note , voluntarily terminating your existing coverage or your coverage was terminated by the carrier because you did n't pay your premiums are NOT considered qualifying events for a special enrollment period . I hope the information is helpful - please feel free to contact me for help and if you have any other questions . Thanks very much . Thanks very much . | Roughly sixty percent of Americans will require long term care services sometime during their lifetime . This is not exclusively a problem for the elderly as younger people can require this type of care some times . This level of care includes a range of services including skilled and custodial care that is provided over a long period of time . These requirements come from chronic sickness or injury , cognitive impairment and physical disability . Hospitals provide acute care . Medical care given over a long period of time for chronic conditions is where the need for long term care arises . Sometimes custodial care is required because the patient has lost the ability to do one of the recognized activities of daily living or instrumental activities of daily living . Most of the long term care given in the US is given by family members . However , there are many situations where family members can not provide necessary care . Professional and non-professionals can provide aid and assistance to these people . This long term care can be given in the home of the patient or in a variety of institutional settings . Long term care can be given in day-care facilities , nursing homes , and assisted living facilities . On average men need more than two years of long term care while women need almost four years on average ? The leading causes for patients requiring long term care are dementia , arthritis , cancer , stroke and nervous conditions . Caring for a patient in a home setting can cost up to $ 150,000 per year . The cost for a nursing home bed is about $ 75,000 per year -LRB- this varies by location . -RRB- There are basically four ways to finance long term care . The family can take the expense out of their own pocket , they can look to government programs -LRB- if they qualify , -RRB- they can use long term care insurance or they can rely upon charity . For a variety of reasons long term care insurance has provided a solution for many people . LTC insurance provides predictability for an otherwise unpredictable risk . It has become such popular coverage and policyholders have been so reluctant to drop their coverage that the benefits have started exceeding the premiums . It is quite popular among wealthy policyholders . Many companies that offered coverage have withdrawn and others have been forced to raise their premiums . This adjustment seems to be complete now . There are various forms of LTC coverage . Policies different widely . It is rather difficult to compare but is worth the effort . When deciding on a policy the first thing to establish is the amount of coverage you want and the period of time you want coverage . The second consideration is how soon after the start of long term care will you want the policy to start paying . This waiting period is computed in several ways so care must be exercised to make sure you are making a fair comparison . Not all policies use the same events to trigger benefits so care should be taken in this area as well . This can be a very technical area so compare your situation with the policy requirements . How a policy pays out will vary according to the policy . Some policies provide for reimbursement of expenses , others use an indemnity form which pays up to a specific limit of expenses incurred on each specific day , and some are on a cash model which pays a maximum benefit regardless of the actual cost of the care that is being given . Long term care insurance is a way to protect assets . The alternatives deplete assets with the government programs requiring a person to be in poverty . |
What Qualifies As A Life Changing Event For Health Insurance? | The following are considered to be Life Changing Events : Lost or will be losing health coverage Welcomed a child Moved permanently to a new county or state Got married Became a U.S. Citizen Released from prison A family member died I gained or lost a dependent There was a change in my disability status There were changes to my income | To buy life insurance in New York , you can go to a website that offers it , look through your Yellow Pages and call an agency , or ask friends , relatives or co-workers for a referral . When purchasing online , you can use the quote engines and put in New York to see if they offer policies there . New York has its own companies so not every agency does business there . |
What Qualifies As A Life Changing Event For Health Insurance? | Life changing events are marriage , birth , adoption , death , or change of coverage status for someone eligible for the plan . For example , if a spouse lost their job and their health coverage , or became eligible for other coverage through an employer , that would be a qualifying event . Moving could be a qualifying event on some coverage if you move outside of the coverage area of your current insurance provider . | Its really no different then insurance your first home other then the coverage 's are slightly different and how the risk is rated . Best to contact your existing agent to see if they have the ability to quote the second home as often times the liability from your primary will extend to your secondary home . |
Are Medigap plans D and N identical? | There is one major difference from plan D and N. Plan N has a $ 20 Copay when you go to the doctors office and a $ 50 Copay when you go to the emergency room . Plan N would be better suited for someone that has more office visits in a year . | No American employer is required to provide health insurance to their employees . What the Affordable Care Act -LRB- ObamaCare -RRB- imposes is an employer mandate that employers of certain sizes must offer their employees health insurance that meets certain minimum essential benefit coverage requirements and an affordability level to the employee . If such an employer chooses not to offer group health insurance to their employees the employer will be subject to an employer mandate tax penalty charged on a per employee basis . In 2015 employers with 100 + employees will be subject to this requirement with the size threshold dropping to 50 + employees in 2016 . Employers with less than 50 employees are not required to offer coverage . While on the face of it the employer mandate would seem to be an incentive for larger employers to offer health insurance to their employees it 's true effects are yet to be seen and are quite debatable . For example , the cost of the tax penalty is generally far less than the cost of insuring an employee thus perhaps creating an incentive to take the lower cost of the tax penalty and to send your employees to the health insurance marketplaces to buy their own coverage . |
What Is Disability Income Insurance? | Disability insurance could just as easily be called income replacement insurance . A disability plan will pay you up to 70 % of your monthly income in case of an injury or illness so severe that you can no longer perform the duties of your current occupation . The benefits can be used to pay your living expenses or anything else you may want or need . | Medigap Plan G is a standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plan designed to fill in the ` gaps ' that Medicare does n't pay . Medigap Plan G covers 100 % of the following after meeting the Part B deductible $ 147 -LRB- 2014 -RRB- : 1 . Medicare Part A Coinsurance and Medicare approved hospital costs 2 . Medicare Part B Coinsurance or Copayment 3 . Blood -LRB- First 3 Pints -RRB- 4 . Part A Hospice Care Coinsurance or Copayment 5 . Skilled Nursing Facility Care Coinsurance 6 . Medicare Part A Deductible 7 . Medicare Part B Excess Charges 8 . Foreign Travel Emergency -LRB- Up to Plan Limits -RRB- While Medigap Plan G benefits are standardized , it is sold through private health insurance companies . This means any insurance company that offers Medigap Plan G is required by law to provide Medigap Plan G benefits . The only difference is price . ABC insurance company can charge a completely different premium than XYZ insurance company for the same exact Medigap Plan G. It 's best to work with an independent agent specializing in Medicare Supplement insurance . We can shop the market for you . We have contracts with insurance companies that you do not see online . This is how we help our clients find low Medigap Plan G premiums . Afterall , Plan G is Plan G -- you might as well find the the plan with the best rate . Please feel free to contact me if I can assist you with your specific situation . In just a matter of minutes , I can provide you with quotes for Medigap Plan G in your area . |
What Is Disability Income Insurance? | Disability Income Insurance , also known as `` Paycheck Protection , '' does just that -- it protects your paycheck ! If you can no longer work due to sickness or an injury , it will pay a portion of your income each month for a pre-determined amount of time . We 're quick to protect our homes , our health and our lives , but we forget how easily we could become disabled ! | When a licensed driver operates the insured car you own you are insuring the damage or injuries they cause in most places in this country . Insurance follows the car in Ohio . The driver has the financial responsibility for the injuries or damage in Ohio too if the car is not insured . The unfortunate answer is that permissive use by non-rated drivers is something insurance companies hate paying for and would love to avoid . It is something to ponder before loaning out your car because if it happens to you you wo n't be happy having the loss tagged to your record . I suggest you check with an agent in your state of domicile for the most accurate answer . |
What Is Disability Income Insurance? | Disability Income Insurance is insurance that pays you cash in the event that you are unable to work due to illness or injury . It is called income because the benefit is a percentage of what your normal income is , and it is paid to you as a replacement to your paycheck . | We insure and protect our homes , our automobiles & our other personal property . One of the greatest assets that we sometime fail to protect is our ability to earn a living or our income . The purpose of disability is to protect your income in the event of an unexpected and unforeseen accident or sickness . The question should be asked , if we have a sickness or accident will I still be able to live comfortably without my income ? |
What Is Disability Income Insurance? | Disability income insurance is insurance that will pay you some of the income that you lost if you were to become disabled . While it can not replace 100 % of your salary , it can replace up to approx 75 % of your income , depending on the terms of the disability income policy . You can get a separate disability policy or get a disability income rider on some life insurance policies . | An annuity is an insurance product with features differing crediting methods using interest rates , index returns or separate sub account performance . Annuities are non-qualified by design and are highlighted as a product because the earrings accumulate tax deferred and the gains are taxed as ordinary income , but your basis is returned to you tax free . If you purchase an annuity for a qualified plan like an IRA , you can deduct the contribution to the plan , it accumulates tax deferred and is distributed as ordinary income , including basis . So your effective tax bracket is one of the determining factors in whether you qualify or non-qualify your annuity . |
Can You Transfer Renters Insurance? | Renters insurance can not be transferred , because the rates are based on the individual and the property covered . Renters insurance covers onlythe nameed insured and direct family membersresiding with the named insured.If you have a room mate situation then each room mate should have their own renters insurance policy . When you get a rate for insurance coverage it takes into account many factors which make insurance coverage non transferable . | The surrender value of life insurance is the amount of cash you can take from the policy if you let it lapse , or `` surrender '' it . It will be the cash value of your policy , minus any fees or surrender charges . During the first years of your policy , there may be no surrender value due to these charges , and the fact that it takes time to accumulate cash value in most life insurance policies . |
Does Health Insurance Cover Cialis? | As long as the physician writing your prescribing deems your need to be medically necessary , most insurance companies will cover this medication . Several other erectile dysfunction drugs are also covered by most plans , as are vacuum devices and implants , as long as they are medically necessary , something that would normally be the result of a disease or side effect of surgery . | The best auto insurance is the one that provides for all of your coverage needs at the price that you are comfortable with . The company providing the coverage is only half of the equation . The other half of the equation is the agent that you will deal with when you have questions or concerns . Price is not everything make certain that you deal with a local agent that you are comfortable with and they will help keep your life less stressful during a loss situation . |
Is Universal Life Insurance Taxable? | In general , life insurance death benefits are not subject to income tax . That is also true with universal life policies . If the policy is surrendered prior to death any amount that exceeds the sum of the premiums paid into the policy is subject to tax . The same is true if an amount greater than the sum of payments is taken as a loan from the policy . | Companies do cover mold damage , in many cases , yes , but more likely than not , there will be a specific limit on the coverage provided , usually about $ 10,000.00 . The mold must be of course the result of a covered peril in your Homeowners policy . In other words , if your home develops mold as a result of a flood , there will be no coverage because the cause of loos was the flood which is excluded under a Homeowners policy . You would need Flood Insurance for that . |
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