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contact the librarianand describe the storyline as best you can . select a few books that look like good candidates and check them out . do a search at an online bookstore . ask members of your family to help search for the book . go surfing . | how to find a book from your childhood | anything that you remember about it is worth detailing . the librarian may be able to assist with looking for the book using a card file or may now search using the library computer . sometimes the librarian knows the book . hopefully , one of the books will be the lost book . do a search by topic . a trip to a used bookstore is another way to search for a lost book . look through various book titles in the childrens section . they may remember the title which is all you need to know . your parents might remember too as they will have read stories to you , or might even have kept copies of your books . the internet is a great source . try using google and type in the part that you remember , or part of that , in double quotes . a correct return might just happen |
list possible genres for the work . look up similar books online . track these genres on amazon . compare genre advertising fees . ask for input . consider the target audience . choose two or three genres if reasonable . | how to determine the genre of a book 1 | assuming the book is already complete , you can narrow it down to a subset of possible genres . list anything that could plausibly describe a part of the book , even if you think that romance or action are relatively minor components . if youre not trying to market a book , or you need help with genre definitions , skip down to the next section . if you dont feel confident about your list of possible genres , look up works youve read that are similar to the book youre marketing . if several of them are listed under the same genre , chances are your book will fit under that category as well . conversely , if none of the books under mystery sound remotely similar to your book , its probably a bad fit . most fiction is sold through amazon , so its top seller lists provide important information . although publishers conduct more complex analysis , anyone can conduct one test quickly for each genre , compare the top seller lists each week for several weeks . if the same books stay in the top 10 for a long time , the genre is slow moving . this usually means theres less competition , but youll be fighting for a smaller readership . if the list changes rapidly , that genre is fast moving . it will take more effort to compete , but the rewards potential sales are higher . a roundabout but effective way to compare genre success is through advertising fees . web pages such as bookbub advertising prices and kindle nation sponsorship tell you how much various sites value different genres . genres with higher costs tend to have more competition , but larger readership for those who rise above the rest . bookbubs stats in particular give you excellent information if you plan to pay for advertising . compare the cost of a featured deal and the effect of the deal additional downloadssales to see which genre gives the best bang for your buck . you have some more information now , and may be able to narrow it down to a smaller list . ask an editor , publisher , agent , or close friend for their input on the decision . different genres have audiences with different demographics . most readers will assume a romance novel is written for adults , while fantasy novels are more attractive to young adults . when youre deciding between genres , choose one with a main audience you think will enjoy the book . if your target audience is not the same as a typical book in your genres , clarify with an additional description . for example , write young adult mystery or literary science fiction . most websites allow you to pick more than one genre to describe a book . its often best to allow your book to compete in multiple genres or subgenres , such as science fiction horror or war thriller . |
learn the main realist fiction genres . categorize speculative fiction . shelve nonfiction by subject . understand age descriptions . | how to determine the genre of a book 2 | genre is probably most important for fiction , as many readers use it to discover works they may enjoy . well start with realist fiction genres , or stories that are imaginary but theoretically possible crime has many overlapping subcategories , including mystery , suspense , and the action - oriented thrillers . romance focuses primarily on a love story , and may or may not be erotic as well . this can stand alone or be combined with other genres , usually historical or paranormal fiction . historical fiction can be set at any point in the past . large libraries categorize it further by specific times and places . the western is a popular subgenre with its own tropes . action or adventure describe fast - paced tales of danger and exploration . it often includes elements from non - realistic fiction , but this isnt fundamental to the genre . these stories could not happen in the real world in the present or past . the exact sub - categories are difficult to define , as there is a huge amount of overlap and experimentation . heres how theyre most commonly arranged , but dont be surprised if one book could fit into two or three of the following science fiction tends to focus more on ideas than plot . its often set in the future or in space , and attributes unusual phenomena to science which may or may not be plausible . fantasy includes magical or supernatural elements beyond the understanding of science . it tends to be plot - driven . horror seeks to terrify the reader . while usually grouped in speculative fiction , there are examples of realist horror as well . any book that covers a topic in the real world is nonfiction , from chemistry textbooks to a collection of political speeches . you can refer to them just by describing the specific topic , or shelve them in a library with the dewey decimal system . one popular nonfiction genre is the biography , which describes a historical figures life . if written by the subject , call it an autobiography . many libraries and bookstores have young adult or children sections with no other labels . this isnt technically a genre , but it tells you the subject matter and writing is appealing and appropriate for that age group . coming of age novels describe the transition from childhood to adulthood . theyre often aimed at young adults , but not always . |
determine your budget . determine how much space you have . decide what condition is acceptable for your collection . narrow your collection focus . | how to collect old rare books 1 | many a bibliophile would love nothing more than to have an entire librarys worth of old , rare books . unfortunately , such books are often costly . before jumping into the world of old , rare book collecting , develop a realistic understanding of your budget and how much you can spend on your new hobby . the amount of money you spend on old , rare books depends on your income . the more spending money you have , the more you will be able to spend on old , rare books . another restriction on the size of your collection is space . an old , rare book collection can quickly consume all your shelf space . limit your old , rare book collection only to books that you can adequately store and care for . sell books that no longer interest you or fit within the scope of your collection . some collectors of old , rare books will not collect books that have been restored . others will collect restored books only if they were produced in the postwar era . like your collection focus , the decision to obtain a book based on its condition andor restoration status is entirely up to you . unrestored books are typically favored over books that have been restored . the type of old , rare book that you decide to focus on depends upon your interests and personality . for instance , you could collect books only by a single author . there is no right or wrong way to narrow your collection focus . you might also collect old , rare books on a single topic or books from a single era for example , botany books from the 19th century . you could narrow your collection focus by concentrating on an aesthetic element for instance , you might decide to collect only books illustrated by edward gorey . |
get a mentor . familiarize yourself with collection terminology . research book prices . | how to collect old rare books 2 | becoming a competent collector often requires a deep knowledge of publication histories , preservation issues , and fair pricing . contact librarians , archivists , rare book societies , and other book experts to help you better understand how to collect old , rare books . ask your mentor questions about a particular volume , edition , or subject area . youll meet with more success if you can find a mentor to help you understand these and other fine points of book collection . there are many terms used to describe the overall state of a book , but some of the most important include those that describe the books condition , edition , binding , and inscription . consult a glossary of antique bookselling terms to better understand these ranking and description systems . book condition is rated as very fine , fine , very good , good , and poorfair , with very fine at the top and poorfair at the bottom . there are several ways to discern the appropriate price for an old , rare book . you could consult a book price or book value guide , many of which are available through large public or university libraries . alternately , you could consult an expert an antiquarian or bookdealer who specializes in the sort of book youre interested in . only consult the most current price guides , since prices fluctuate over time . knowing what you can expect to pay for a particular book will ease the shock of a high price later on . more importantly , knowing the ballpark price range of a particular book will prevent you from getting scammed by a bookseller trying to sell a book for more than it is worth . |
visit an antique bookstore . search online for old , rare books . visit an antique book fair . visit auctions or estate sales . get in touch with other book collectors . check flea markets , thrift stores , and garage sales . obtain the best copies possible . | how to collect old rare books 3 | look through a telephone book or through online directories to locate an antique bookseller in your area . depending on your location , such a store might be far away . however , these stores are treasure houses of old , rare books , and visiting them will give you the opportunity to discover books that could be perfect for your collection . if youre interested in a particular volume , you might be able to call the store to find out if they have it . some antique bookstores might even have an online catalog of their inventory . regular used bookstores might also have a rare book or two on hand , so give them a shot , too . find what youre looking for by using both digital marketplaces like ebay and auction sites or online stores devoted specifically to books . before committing to a purchase , make sure that the seller is reputable and , preferably , associated with a professional organization like the antiquarian booksellers association of america . visiting a store and examining old , rare books firsthand is the best way to evaluate whether a book is worth purchasing . however , if an old , rare book is too far away in another country , for instance , buying online might be the only option . rare or antique book fairs hosted by antique bookdealer associations are ripe with opportunities to obtain new books for your old , rare book collection . for information about such events in your area , consult the events calendar of your local or national antique book organization online . both large and small auction houses often deal in old , rare books . check the websites of local auction houses regularly for announcements about rare book auctions . additionally , check your newspaper for announcements regarding estate sales in which old , rare books might be listed . estate sales might advertise old , rare books for sale by listing their specific titles or by issuing a general announcement of the items for sale such as old books . dealers in rare books often produce catalogs to advertise their inventory . obtain and consult these catalogs by requesting one from the book collector or dealer in question . you might also be able to contact other booksellers by utilizing message boards , blogs , and other online communities . building a relationship with a particular book collector by becoming a regular customer could prove beneficial . such a dealer might keep an eye out for books of interest to you or give you the first shot at purchasing certain volumes . some book collectors might be willing to make a trade for one of your old , rare books . shopping for old , rare books at these shops and points of sale will rarely yield anything of interest . however , if you are a seasoned collector of old , rare books - - or just extremely lucky - - you might be able to obtain a volume that matches your collection interests . suppose youre shopping for a particular volume and know of two extant copies . if one volume is in tatters and falling apart while the other one looks as if it was printed yesterday , youre generally better off obtaining the edition that is in better condition . |
monitor the temperature and humidity of your storage location . keep the books away from strong light . protect your books from dust . handle the books with care . store most books on shelves . store heavy books on their sides . shelve your books securely , but leave a little wiggle room . | how to collect old rare books 4 | the ideal temperature for older books is below tween 65 and 72 degrees fahrenheit 18 to 22 degrees celsius . the ideal humidity level is around 35 . conditions that are too dry can cause your old , rare books to become brittle , but excessive moisture could lead to mold or foxing the specks , splotches , and other forms of discoloration that often afflict old books . ultraviolet light fades the inks and dyes used in many books , especially in older works . exposing a rare antique book to constant sunlight will cause considerable discoloration within a few short days . place your old , rare books in unsealed acid - free polyethylene bags . invest in a bookshelf with a glass door to further protect them from dust . remove a fragile book from the bookshelf by tilting it backwards and easing it out of place from the front or top sides of the book . do not remove the book from the top of its spine , since this is the most fragile part of any book . ease the book open rather than forcing it , since force will likely cause stiff pages to come unbound . even old , rare books can be stored on bookshelves and actually do well when stored this way as long as the humidity , temperature , and light conditions of the room are managed well . keeping the books in a vertical position not only saves space but ensures that each book does not have to support the weight of any other book . the weight of large , heavy books put pressure on the spine , causing pages to slowly pull away . avoid stacking too many of these larger , heavy books on top of one another , though , since stacking more than two or three such books puts too much pressure on the bottom book . the books should be packed securely enough to prevent them from tumbling over , but not so tightly that they are difficult to remove . leaving a small gap between books both allows you to remove them with ease when you wish to and allows for greater air circulation between the books . this will prevent unnecessary friction or stress caused by squeezing one book against another . |
scan the cover of potential books for a recommended age group . choose board books for babies or infants . get in a childrens book club . search for interactive books if your children are toddlers . review the educational content of the titles youre considering . choose familiar or favorite authors if you are purchasing a book for older children . look at the classics . look at bestsellers lists . purchase award - winning titles if you arent certain what might be most appealing . select books that deal with issues or situations that are relevant . buy books that mix imagination with historical or science themes for older children . | how to choose age appropriate books | this is particularly helpful for younger audiences , as most publishers of infant to preschool books will label their books with a suggested age group . these books are made from a hard cardboard or plastic material and can withstand chewing or rough play . look for books that are colorful and feature large pictures or faces . generally speaking , books with paper pages are suitable for children ages 3 and older . , these books will feature flaps to lift , buttons to push , or activities the children can perform while reading . all of these activities can further engage children in these books . books suitable for babies through toddlers should focus on core concepts such as the alphabet , basic rhyming , emotions , colors , and so on . books for older children should contain subjects or characters that are interesting to them , such as a favorite animal or character . many authors have books written in a series or similar subject matters or themes , and choosing another title from their collection may be a safe bet . look at classic authors . the wind in the willows by kenneth grahame . just william by richmal crompton . the adventures of tintin by hergé . the adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain . harry potter by j . k . rowling . little house on the prairie by laura - ingalls wilder . tracey beaker by jacqueline wilson . alice in wonderland by lewis carroll . jungle book by j . m . barrie . the famous five go adventuring again by enid blyton . allan ahlberg . roald dahl . the chronicles of narnia by c . s . lewis . alex rider by anthony horowitz . , books that have won awards or are noted as best sellers mean they have been recognized for their quality and content , and you can assume they are good choices . the red house childrens book awards . the guardian childrens fiction prize . the chicken house childrens fiction awards . if the recipients are dealing with divorce , new siblings , friends , or other issues , look for titles that discuss similar themes . consider any major milestones children may be near , such as potty training , teething , etiquette , school , and so on . find books that can relate to these situations . titles that start with a real concept , such as a historical event or a scientific fact , and build an imaginary story around it may engage older readers . the fictional story may spark interest in the concept . |
keep an open mind and expect to see many changes between the comic books of years back , and those of today . go to the comic shop with a friend . realize that its not all superheroes , spandex and capes out there , and admit that there may be more here than you originally supposed . start with identifying other pop culture things you like - comics , like movies and tv shows , now come in all shapes and sizes , and can be compared to a library or stand next to your favorite films , tv and video games . do not limit yourself to comics in color - some of the most interesting ones are produced very inexpensively by an independent creator or small company without the vast resources of the major comic companies . try out different shops . | how to enjoy comic books | be surprised at the new graphics and wordings , and artistic design . comic books as well as all graphic novels have drastically changed , and are no longer just for the young . it is a nice place to visit , have lunch before or after , and make a day of it . look at the shelves for the latest comics , as well as some of the older ones . ask a staff member to show you the latest comics , or to recommend the best ones , or the older versions as opposed to the latest to compare the changes made . instead of books on the shelf , expect to find an assortment of comic books and graphic novels . see the tips below for suggestions on matching your areas of interest with specific comics and graphic novels . in fact , if you have an idea for a story , you can go to the library , and find a book on how to make a comic book and try to make your own . each comic shop has a culture and feel all its own . if you feel like the shop you chose first is too small , too big , too dusty , too dark , try a different one . if the staff isnt helpful , realize that the culture of a different shops staff might suit you better . dont judge all comic shops on one experience , theyre all as different as the books they carry . |
make a list answering these questions what genre of books do you like , search your house . ask someone to recommend a good book . read book reviews in newspapers and magazines . join a book club . see if the library or bookstore has computers . ask the librarian or book seller about the location of the books youre looking for . skim through the shelves in the section youre interested in . find a place to sit , or stand if you must , and read the first chapter of each book . narrow down your stack . research reading lists of your favorite writers . go to websites such as gutenburg . org or gutenburg . ca . go random , gateway books like harry potter or the unfortunate events are great ways to keep your reading occupied while exploring other options . | how to choose a good book | sci - fi , adventure , mystery , non - fiction , fiction , realistic fiction what authors do you like research books by authors youve enjoyed in the past . chances are theyll have another publication that youll also enjoy , and by searching by authors , you can get more of the same types of books that the author wrote . is there a type of book , or a specific book you would like to try if there is , search the book up and read its summary . that will help you decide if the book is right for you . are there any books in a certain series you would like to read if you know the series then you can search the series online and you can find the books . you can also go to the library and see if they have the series that you are looking for . what are your interests insert your hobbies into your library catalog search and set it to , keyword . by doing this , you will find books that you can read that you might like . often times good books will be quietly collecting dust in your own house . maybe you forgot about one , or someone who is living with you has a couple good books . also by search your house , you can find books for yourself , that you can read , and it wont even cost you any money . you can ask your older sibling , your mom , your dad , your best friend , or even your english teacher . friends or family with whom you have things in common can often make excellent book recommendations . local , small bookstores often have wonderful recommendations , and when they get to know you , its even better you should ask people that like the same genre of books that they have read , so that you can match books that you read . read the bestseller lists published in most newspapers or weekly magazines . find out which new books are making headlines , and why . being a book club member is often a way to experience new books you might never have had the motivation to read otherwise . joining a book club or making a book club helps you know who else likes the same books as you , and you can read books that others have read and discuss them . get people that like to read books to join your book club . if it does , then look on the librarys search engine . you can use the search engine to find a certain book , books by a certain author , or anything as broad as just a certain genre . you can also do this at home . heshe will be happy to help you . if you see anything that looks appealing , pick it up and read the back of the book . skim over the back of the book or the inside flap , wherever the summary is . if that holds your attention , read the first page or so . if it still holds your attention , then its probably a good book for you . the subject might be interesting to you , but the writing style can be key to enjoying it . if it looks interesting , put it in your pile . keep doing this until you have a few books . of course , if you have many books , this can be time consuming . reading the first chapter of a book can help you know what books and genres of books that you like , and so that you wont have a hard time looking for books again . if you would rather have book 1 over book 2 , put book 2 back . keep doing this . if you would rather have book 3 then book 1 , put book 1 back , etc . chances are great that youll like what they recommend . make this list where you can see it , so that you can keep adding to this list as time goes on . this way you can see what books you have already read , and what books you really want to read . these two sites have loads of free e - books that you can download , print , or read on your computer . if your school or library has its own e - books then you can go see them too from there . grab anything vaguely interesting off the shelves , check it out , and read it youll be surprised at what you like . |
start documenting . interview your family and friends . travel and talk to long - lost relatives . go to the family archives . consider planning an exciting project to write into your autobiography . read other autobiographies . find the emotional truth of your story . name the way in which youve been changed . write a list of the important characters in your story . decide where most of the story will take place . limit the scope of the book . start with a rough outline . just start writing . write up a production schedule . consider recording your story and transcribing it later . let yourself remember incorrectly . tell off the cool police . incorporate as many other elements into your autobiography as possible . understand the difference between scene and summary . write small and write specifically . use dialog sparingly . be generous . stick with it . | how to begin an autobiography | its very important for a budding autobiographer to document their life regularly . journals , videos , photographs , and mementos of the past will be extremely helpful for you as you start walking down memory lane . we often remember things incorrectly , or struggle to remember specifics , but objects cant lie . photos will tell you the truth . your journal will always be honest . if you dont already , start keeping a detailed journal of your day - to - day life . the best way to give yourself a reliable record of what was going on in your world and in your head is to keep a journal every night before you go to bed . take lots of pictures . imagine what it would be like to have forgotten what your best friend from school looked like , and not have a picture of them . pictures will help jog memories later and provide a helpful record of places and events . theyre essential for autobiographers . video can be especially moving to look back on . seeing the way in which youve aged on camera , from youth to adulthood , or seeing an old family pet living and moving around can be a powerful experience . take lots of video over the course of your life . to start collecting notes and start working on an autobiography or memoir , it can be instructive to talk with other people . you may feel like youve got a good sense of yourself and your story , but other people may have a very different version of you than you think . ask them for their sincere impressions by conducting one - on - one interviews and recording them , or even writing up a survey and letting others fill it out anonymously . ask specific questions of your friends , family , and acquaintances what is your strongest memory of me that i cannot forget what is the most significant event , achievement , or moment of my life whats a time you remember me being difficult have i been a good friend lover person what object or place do you most associate with me what would you want to say at my funeral one excellent way of looking for meaning in a life and finding a motivation to start writing can be found in the past . get in touch with distant relatives you might not have previously related with , and visit locations in your past that you might not have visited in a long time , if at all . see whats become of your childhood home . go find the old park where you used to play , the church where you were baptized , the place your great - great - great - grandfather is buried . see it all . if youre the child of immigrants , it can be very moving for many people to visit the birthplace of your family , if you havent already . arrange a trip to the homeland of your ancestors and see if you identify with the place in a way you hadnt before . try to get a sense not only of the story of your life , but the story of your familys life . where did they come from who were they are you the child of cattle ranchers and steel workers , or the child of bankers and lawyers on what side did your ancestors fight in an important war has anyone in your family been to prison are you the descendant of knights royalty the answers to these questions can make for powerful discoveries . dont just look through your own documents and memorabilia , look through the leavings of your ancestors . read their letters back and forth , written during wartime . read their journals and diaries , making copies of everything to archive the objects safely , especially if youre dealing with delicate documents that are very old . at the very least , its a great idea to look through old photographs . nothing can jog stronger emotions and powerful nostalgia quicker than seeing your grandparents wedding day , or seeing your parents as children . spend time with old photographs . every family needs a reliable archivist , someone who takes charge of looking over the familys documents . if youve got an interest in digging around in the past , start taking on this responsibility . learn everything you can about your family , your history , and yourself . lots of nonfiction books are planned beforehand , plotting an exciting change in your life , travel , or project to document with a book . it can be a great way to generate material . if youre worried that not much exciting has happened to you in your life , consider making a big change and writing a proposal to get it funded . try being a fish out of water . if youre a city - dweller , see what would happen if you moved to the country for a year and decided to eat only food that you could grow . spend a year researching farming methods and homesteading skills , propose the project , and strap on your gardening gloves . you could also travel to a turbulent location , getting a gig teaching overseas , somewhere exciting and unfamiliar to you . write about your experience being there . try to give something up for a long period of time , like throwing away your garbage , or eating processed sugar , and document your experience of this experiment . if you have an exciting enough proposal , lots of publishers will advance you some money and a contract if youve got a good track record of publishing , or if youve gotten a really great idea for a non - fiction project . before you get started on your own , see how other writers have approached the task of recording their lives in print . some of the best writing comes from writers taking on the challenge of their own lives . some classic autobiographies and memoirs include townie by andre dubus iii i know why the caged bird sings by maya angelou the autobiography of malcolm x by malcolm x and alex haley persepolis the story of a childhood by marjane satrapi a heartbreaking work of staggering genius by dave eggers life by keith richards me by katherine hepburn another bullshit night in suck city by nick flynn the hardest thing about writing an autobiography or memoir is in finding the core of your story . at the worst , an autobiography can be a rambling series of boring details , flying by whole months and years without any interesting or specific details to hold up the story for itself . or , an autobiography can elevate mundane details to feel important , profound , and grave . its all got to do with finding the emotional core of your story and keeping it at the forefront of your story . what is your story what is the most significant part of your life that needs to be told picture your whole life , as youve lived it , like a beautiful mountain range off in the distance . if you want to give people a tour of your mountains , you could rent a helicopter and fly over it in 20 minutes , pointing to little things in the distance . or you could take them on a hiking trip through the mountains , showing them the nitty - gritty , the up - close , and the personal . thats what people will want to read . if youre struggling to find the relatable part of your life , start thinking of big changes in your life . whats the difference between the way you used to be and the way you are now how have you grown up what obstacles or struggles have you overcome quick exercise write up a short one - page portrait of yourself 5 years ago , 30 years ago , or even a couple of months ago , if necessary–however long you need to account for a significant change in yourself . what would you have been wearing what would have been your major goal in life what would you have been doing on an average saturday night in dubus townie , the author recounts what it was like growing up in a college town , where his estranged father worked as a successful and famous novelist and professor . he , though , lived with his mother , doing drugs , getting into fights , and struggling with his identity . his transformation from being an out - of - control , anger - obsessed townie to a successful writer like his father forms the core of the story . every good story needs a strong supporting cast of other characters to round out the narrative . although its your life that will form the main structure and focus of the autobiography , nobody wants to read a self - absorbed rant . who are the most important other characters in your story quick exercise write up a one - page character sketch of each member of your family , focusing on questions youve asked of yourself , or asked others about yourself for research . what is your brothers most crowning achievement is your mother a happy person is your father a good friend if your friends are more significant in your autobiography than your family , focus more on them . its important to keep your list of main characters as small as possible , and blend characters , if necessary . while all the boys you used to hang out with at the bar , or all the people you used to work with may be important at some point in the story , throwing 10 new names at us every two pages will quickly overwhelm your reader . its a common writers technique to blend them into a single character to avoid burdening the reader with too many different names . pick one main character per important setting . what will the setting of your autobiography be where do the most important dramatic shifts , or events , or changes take place in what way has that placed shaped you and your story think both in terms of the geography and in terms of the specifics–your country and your state might be just as important as your street , or your neighborhood . quick exercise write down everything you associate with your hometown , or the region youre from . do you identify as a midwesterner , if youre from iowa , or do you identify as an iowan when people ask you about where youre from , are you embarrassed to describe it proud if youve moved around a lot , consider focusing on the most distinctive , memorable , or critical - to - the - story locations . mikal gilmores shot in the heart , which chronicles a life on the move and his tumultuous relationship with his brother , the convicted murderer gary gilmore , involves dozens of moves and living spaces , but will often summarize them , rather than dramatizing them . the difference between a successful and unsuccessful autobiography is whether or not youll be able to limit the scope into a single , unifying idea , or whether the amount of different details will overwhelm the story . no one can include their entire life in a story . some things will have to be left out . deciding what those things will be can be just as important as deciding what will go in . an autobiography is a record of the entire life of the writer , while a memoir is a document that covers a very specific story , period of time , or aspect of the writers life . memoirs are more versatile , especially if youre young . an autobiography written at the age of 18 might be somewhat tedious , but a memoir could be great . if you want to write an autobiography , you need to pick a unifying theme to carry through the story . maybe your relationship with your father is the most important part of your story , or your military experience , or your struggle with addictions , or your rock - solid faith and the difficulty in holding onto it . when you start getting some sense of what you think your autobiography or memoir might include and where you might go with it , its helpful for many writers to write up a rough outline of where the story will go . unlike in fiction , where youve got to invent the plot , you already will have some sense of where your story might end , or what will come next . outlining can be a helpful way of looking at the major plot points all at once and deciding what to emphasize and what to summarize . chronological autobiographies work from birth to adulthood , following closely to the order of events as they occurred in your life , while thematic and anecdotal autobiographies will jump around , telling stories based around particular themes . some writers prefer to let whim drive the car , and not a complicated outlined plan for the plot . johnny cashs autobiography cash wanders around his story , starting at his home in jamaica , then going back in time , constantly shifting around like a good late - night conversation on the front porch with an old timer . its a wonderful and familiar way of structuring an autobiography , impossible to outline . the biggest secret that successful writers , novelists , and memoirists have about the process there is no secret . you just sit down and start working . every day , try to write some more of your autobiography . get some more out on the page . treat it like youre mining raw material out of the earth . get everything out , as much as possible . worry about whether or not its good later . try to surprise yourself before your work is done . ron carlson , a novelist and story writer , calls this commitment staying in the room . while you might want to get up and grab a cup of coffee , or fiddle with your record player , or take the dog for a walk , the writer stays in the room and sticks with the difficult part of the story . thats where the writing happens . stay in the room and write . many a writing project has faltered due to lack of production . its hard to sit down at the desk every day and actually get some words on the page , but it can be a lot easier for some people to write up a schedule and try to stick to it . decide how much youd like to produce on a daily basis and try to meet that level every day . 200 words 1200 words 20 pages its up to you and your work habits . you might also decide on a set amount of time you can commit to the project every day and not worry about a number of words or pages . if youve got a solid 45 minutes of quiet after you get home from work , or before you go to bed at night , set aside that time to work on your autobiography undisturbed . stay focused and do as much as you can . if you want to write an autobiography but arent thrilled about the idea of actually writing , or if you struggle with things like vocabulary and grammar , it might be more appropriate to record yourself talking your story , and transcribe it later . get yourself a good drink , a quiet room , and a digital recorder and hit the green button . let the stories flow . it might be helpful to have someone to talk to , treating the recording process more like an interview . it can be weird to just talk into a microphone by yourself , but if youre a great raconteur with lots of hilarious stories to tell , it might put you in your own element to have a close friend or relative to talk with and lob questions at you . most rockstar autobiographies , or memoirs written by people who arent professional writers , are written this way . theyll record interviews , telling stories and anecdotes from their lives , and then put it together with a ghostwriter who oversees the actual writing of the book . it may seem like cheating , but it works . memories are unreliable . most real - life stories dont fit together with the simplicity and the elegance of fiction , but writers have a tendency to let narrative guidelines and rules affect memories , polishing them and fitting them into the story . dont worry so much about whether or not the story youre telling is 100 accurate , worry about whether or not it rings true in the emotional sense of the story . sometimes , you might remember two important conversations with your friend craig , both times over pizza at your favorite place . maybe they happened on two separate nights two years apart , but for the purposes of the story itd be a lot easier to make it all one conversation . is there any harm in doing so , if it tidies up the narrative probably not . theres a difference between cleaning up the messy details in your memory and straight - up making stuff up . dont invent people , places , or problems . no outright lies . every writer has an internal critic perched on their shoulder . that critic complains , finds everything too cliché , shouting insults into the writers ear . tell that critic to can it . when youre first getting started , its important to uncensor yourself as much as possible . just write . dont worry about whether or not what youre writing is perfect , whether each sentence is immaculate , whether or not people are going to be interested . just write . do the important work of cleaning it up in revision . at the end of each writing period , look back at what youve written and then make changes , or better yet let your writing sit on the shelf for a while before you do anything to make changes . if youre going along and writing your story , you might eventually get stuck and find yourself at a loss for where to go next . time to get creative . use all your research and the documents youve collected to wrestle something out of yourself onto the page . treat it like a collage , or an art project , more than a book . dig out a picture of your family from the era yore writing about and write about what you imagine each character was thinking at the moment the picture was taken write it . let someone else talk for a while . if youve done some interviews with family members , write in one of their voices for a while . transcribe an interview you conducted and get their input on the page . imagine the life of an important object . make your grandfathers brass knuckles he brought back from wwii be the point - of - view character for an argument between he and your father . sit with your fathers coin collection and imagine his collecting them , his feeling them , his looking through them . what did he see when youre writing narrative prose , its important to learn to distinguish between writing scenes and writing summaries . good writing is paced according to its ability to summarize periods of time in narration and at a distance , and to slow down certain important moments and display them in scenes . think of summary like montage in a movie , and scenes like particular exchanges of dialog . example of summary we moved around a lot that summer . it was all scraped knees and gas station hot dogs , the hot leather in the back of dads 88 suburban . we fished at raccoon lake , got leeches at diamond lake , and visited grandma in kankakee . she gave us kids a jar of pickles to split while dad got drunk in the backyard , fell asleep , and ended up with the god of all sunburns lobstering across his back . example of scene we heard the dog whine and grandma opened the screen door a crack to look out at him , but we could see she held her foot against the bottom of it , like she was scared of something she saw . her hands were still covered in globs of pie dough and her face was like a mask . she said , bill jr . you touch that dog again and im calling the police . we stopped eating pickles . the pickles seemed ridiculous , suddenly . we waited to hear what she would say next . good writing is made of luminous particulars and specific details . bad writing is made of abstractions . the more specific and detail - oriented you can make your writing , the better off your autobiography will be . try to make each important scene as long as possible , get everything out of it that you possibly can . if it ends up being too much , you can always cut it back later . if the emotional core of your story revolves around your relationship with your father , you could give us 50 pages of a systematic takedown of his worldview , railing against his small - mindedness , or misogyny , or tyrannical ranting , but you might lose a lot of us three pages in . instead , focus on things that we can see . describe his after - work routine . describe the way he said things to your mother . describe the way he ate his steak . give us particular details . most inexperienced writers over - use dialog , writing whole pages of exchanges between characters . writing dialog is very difficult , especially in an autobiographical project . only use dialog when characters absolutely need to speak , and summarize all other spoken language . aim for no more than one exchange of dialog for every 200 words of summary and narration . when youre writing a scene , the dialog should be used to move the scene forward , and should also be used to show us something about how the character is experiencing the scene . maybe its important for the grandmother character that she be the one to stand up to jay jr . and tell him to stop . maybe thats a big important change in the drama . there are no good guys and bad guys in real life , and they shouldnt show up in good writing . memory has a tendency to colonize our opinions , and it can be easy to erase the good qualities of an ex - girlfriend , or only remember the good parts of college friends . try to paint an even - handed portrait though , and your writing will be better off for it . there should be no straight - up evil characters that show up in autobiography , they need to have motivations and attributes all their own . if bill jr . is a drunken dog - beater , there needs to be a good reason why , not just because hes satan reincarnate . let good characters have moments of embarrassment , or failures of character . show them in failure so we can see them in success and appreciate them more for it . keep to your production schedule as much as possible . therell probably be days that you wont feel like writing much , but try to keep going . find the next scene , the next chapter , the next story . jump around if you need to , or go back to the research well to jog something else loose . if you have to put your writing aside for a while , so be it . you can always live a little more , gain some more perspective , and return to the book with fresh eyes . an autobiography can be an ever - changing thing . keep living your life and writing new chapters . |
decide on the topic you want to write about . come up with characters for your story . show , dont tell . make sure you are able to set the story in a setting . lay out your plot in an organized way . keep writing . | how to be able to create a story 1 | your work can be about whatever you want it to be . you could try a traditional genre , or you could make up your own , unique genre . youll want a main character or characters , people with whom they are friends and with whom they are enemies . if there is a main antagonist often considered a bad guy come with them too . authors find that actually planning the entire story , though it may take months , is beneficial to creating a smooth , connected story . developing your characters is important , and conveying them correctly in your work is even more so . when writing , dont tell your readers everything you planned abruptly although the occasional telling is fine . instead , show them . the readers can figure out your characters personalities better when they observe the characters to reactions to different situations . for example your main character , mary , is very smart according to your planning . dont write , mary was a very smart woman write , mary always stayed in the library for hours , picking through reference book after reference book , unable to decide what she was going to study today . the latter lets the reader pick up on the fact that mary is smart without you force feeding it to them . try to come up with a setting that the reader can find believable , and one that makes sense , even if its a fantastical setting , it should have elements that ground it in reality . try to make it sound like a place that someone would want to read about . make up your own town or state if you want . for example harry potter has a very fantastical setting , but the idea of school , politics , and the importance of friends and family are very real and very universal and make the fantastical elements feel more realistic . use an outline or some other form of organization to keep your plot straight . then , when you write , all you have to do is look at the outline . unless you plan on changing your story completely , dont touch what youve already written . once your story comes to a close , then you start at the beginning and work your way through the book , changing little segments , adding characters back stories , etc . |
people watch . talk to strangers . scour the phone book . read nonfiction . | how to be able to create a story 2 | spend time in public places , surreptitiously watching people and making up stories for them . write down descriptions of their appearance , their mannerisms , their voices , what they were saying and what they were doing . then take those stories and make them longer and more intricate . put people that you see into the same story , even if they arent interacting in real life . obviously be safe while doing this , but talk to random people . get insights into their lives and what theyre doing . even a simple discussion about the weather can give you insight into a person . do they mumble do they meet your eye or do they look anywhere but you how is their body language using what youve observed , write a story about them , using the mannerisms and descriptions that youve noticed about them . you will find the most amazing and bizarre names in the phone book . look through it and pick out the best ones . write stories with characters based on the names that youve discovered . the best stories do seem to come from real life events and experiences as they say truth is stranger than fiction so read lots of nonfiction , especially if youre a fiction writer . read histories of all different countries and time periods and build stories based on the things that happen . read science books and medical books . read about seafarers , and potential witches . pick out the facts and things that most interest you and build stories based on them . for instance , you could take something as simple as a decommissioned lighthouse in maine and turn it into an epic tale of good and evil . |
visit the library . look for library book sales . check second hand stores . consider charity retail stores . visit independent bookstores for a large selection . browse through warehouse clearances . learn about book kiosks . share books with friends and family . organize a book swap . order from used book sites . try flea markets and garage sales as last resorts . | how to be a bookworm on a budget 1 | if you live in a city , the library is a great source of books on loan . if youll only read the book once , or youre not sure whether youll enjoy it , always check the local library catalogue . many local libraries hold occasional book sales to clear out deacquisitioned books theyve decided to remove from the shelf . these books are usually sold cheap us 1–5 , and are usually kept in very good condition compared to other used books . depending on the store and region , second hand stores and pawn shops may sell a wide variety of books under 10 . always flick through the books to check for damage first , as condition varies greatly . also called opportunity shops or op shops , the selection and quality is similar to second hand stores . the books tend to be slightly more expensive , and prices are less negotiable , since the goal is charity fundraising . some hospital gift shops have a similar section to benefit the hospital . books sold here tend to be in the best condition , but are more expensive than other options . your best bet is stores that sell publisher overstock and other bargain books , although these tend to flood with non - fiction rather than bestsellers . check the stores website for upcoming sales and discounts . antiquarian bookstores are great for finding unexpected treasures and books on old - fashioned topics , often for low prices . and what bookworm doesnt enjoy wandering around a hoard of books older than he is you can find great deals here , depending on the store . however , 99 of the books sold here are unsorted . if you dont mind hours of searching through boxes , keep an eye out for these sales . take a book , leave a book boxes have been cropping up in many regions the last few years . if you dont see any in your neighborhood , consider setting one up in front of your home . in good weather , this is as simple as putting out an old bookcase stocked with old books , and a paper sign with instructions . this can be a great way to meet neighbors and start a little community as well . if you dont have a yard , ask your landlord if you can put a bookcase in the lobby . public or semi - public places such as libraries , college campuses , or churches are another possible opportunity . if possible , have the hosting organization advertise it on its website . for more information , look up the little free library project . if you know other people who share your reading tastes , dont waste money buying multiple copies of the same books . lend each other reading material instead , andor agree to split the price of new purchases between you . you can arrange this event at a community center , school , or even just among a large group of friends . each person drops off books they no longer want , and receives an equal number of tickets . you can then browse the books and talk to other attendees , then trade in each ticket for any one book . there are also online book swap sites such as bookmooch . thrift books , amazons abebooks , and similar sites offer many used books , often for less than us 2 . the cheapest ones are often dog - eared , frayed , or heavily marked , but they are rarely unreadable . keep in mind that its difficult to judge a book based on the cover image . dont spend too much money on an unknown book unless youre confident in the sites return policy . unless you can find a specific book market , these locations usually have relatively few books . keep an eye out if youre also looking for other cheap goods , but dont expect great results . the main advantage to these locales is the negotiable prices . most sellers expect to haggle . |
read free books in a web browser . connect to your local library on your phone . look for limited time offers . search for pdf versions of books you cant afford . consider an e - reader . | how to be a bookworm on a budget 2 | you can find many free books to download or read in your web browser . for self - published works mostly fiction , try rednovels . com , bookrix , wattpad , smashwords , or forum . ucweb . com . find classic books on gutenberg . org , or check out copyrighted works from the internet archives open library . gutenberg only hosts books that are legal to download in the united states . a few related projects such as gutenberg . ca for canada provide works focused on other countries in both cultural and copyright terms . youll need free adobe e - reader software or a similar alternative to read some books . the overdrive app for ios and android lets you check out items from your librarys digital collections . as long as you have a library account , this can be a great free source of audiobooks and video as well as ebooks . check ebook stores regularly for limited time deals . if you are a frequent purchaser , explore websites that collect deals and cheap books for you to browse , such as bookbub , paupers book club , booktastik , or bookhub . some publishers sell digital copies much cheaper than the physical version . legal free copies are sometimes available as well , if the copyright has expired . warning if the book is still under copyright , most free online pdfs are illegal to download . copyright laws vary by country . although it takes some initial investment , an e - reader can be cost - effective in the long run . some e - readers offer a subscription service , where you pay a certain amount each month to gain access to hundreds of titles . if youre an ebook fan , this could rapidly make up for the initial cost . you can often find used e - readers for under 30 online . paying for an amazon prime account may get you access to one free ebook each month . |
contact the author . review books online . befriend an independent bookstore owner . clear out attics and garages . start writing your own material . | how to be a bookworm on a budget 3 | if you are having trouble finding a specific work , try searching online for the authors email or snail mail address . many authors are delighted to hear from readers , and may send you a free or discount copy . this is especially true for lesser - known authors , or authors with specialized audiences . some publishers offer discounts or review copies to people in exchange for a review . your best bet is to start a blog or similar platform that allows you to reach a moderately large audience . if you spend all your free time in bookstores , get to know the people behind the counter . you may get freebies and discounts , or just the privilege of reading in the store without a purchase . you may even be able to work part - time to earn a sizable employees discount . volunteer to help relatives or neighbors clean out their storage spaces in exchange for unwanted books . if the writing bug catches you , youll be spending many hours with the written word for motivation and even more reading material , challenge your friends to writing projects and share your works with each other . |
launch bibliophilia . go to backup . export database via email . send email . | how to back up and sync data in bibliophilia 1 | locate the app on your mobile device . the app icon has a black background with the big letter b on it . tap on it . you will be brought to your main bookshelf , with all your books neatly displayed . tap backup from the main menu on the bottom toolbar . the button has an icon of a filing cabinet . in the backup menu , you will see possible backup options . the first option here is export data via email . tap this button , and another screen will appear with a list of further options . tap the for backup and restore button , and your current bookshelf will be processed for export . the other options are solely for exporting the data , and not really for backup . your mobile devices default email client will appear , with the backup data already attached . the filename of the backup is bibliophiliabackup . bpl . complete composing your email and input the recipients email addresses . when youre done , tap the send button . the recipients will now have a copy of your bibliophilia bookshelf , which can be used to restore data to the app . |
visit your local library often . once youve found your section , just browse through it and pick out a few books you think are interesting . buy , or acquire , a lot of books , carryread books wherever you go . find someone who loves books and literature as much as you do . keep it healthy . read thick books , if youre old enough for it . read series . if you find a book that you love and you know that you will read it over and over you should buy a copy to put on your shelf . if you want to start writing try reading the genre that you would write eg sci - fi , mystery , romance . keep it fun . | how to be a book worm | the library is the heart of a true bookworms soul spend your leisure time visiting the library and pick up some books that you find interesting or have been acclaimed online , on the grapevine or in book reviews . if you dont like the sound of the book , it doesnt matter you can always buy or borrow a different one . go take a seat and read the first couple pages . if you think its the perfect book , check it out and go home . ever heard the saying , never judge a book by its cover there are many online and retail book - stores , which hold mind - boggling selections of books . scan through a couple , and buy ones you think are interesting . sure , your friends might think this is pretty dumb , but if you love books , read them a lot without worrying about others disapproval . bookworms not only collect books that they are going to read in the future , but also keep books they have already read by their beds . in order for the book you chose to be a book you can snuggle up with you have to check these things over . is the book in my preferred genre style is it too hard easy do i like the first part of the chapter after you check these things over and theyre all answered positively you are now a bookworm with the book youve chosen not that you should stop with just this book , of course . try making or joining a book club . did you know that there are many online book clubs to join for free and make new friends and acquaintances try shelfari , a social bibliophile website . say you read for half an hour in the morning , half in the afternoon , and half at night . also read during your spare time . start chapter books at about six or seven years of age . theyll keep you busy if the first book is good . , reading shouldnt be a chore , it should be something you look forward to . read short version to know what is book about and then borrow it . |
launch bibliophilia . go to backup . select which cloud storage system to sync to . connect to your cloud account . sign into your cloud account . save your data to the cloud . | how to back up and sync data in bibliophilia 2 | locate the app on your mobile device . the app icon has a black background with the big letter b on it . tap on it . you will be brought to your main bookshelf , with all your books neatly displayed . tap backup from the main menu on the bottom toolbar . the possible backup options will be listed . there are two options available for syncing with a cloud storage system . tap on either sync with dropbox or sync with google drive buttons to sync your backup file with either dropbox or google drive , respectively . you can also do both if you want to have two backups . you will be brought to an empty screen with a button connect to dropbox or connect to google drive . tap on the button . the button that will appear will be dependent on the cloud storage youve chosen . you will be asked to sign into either dropbox or google drive , depending on which youve chosen . enter your email and password for the selected cloud account and tap the sign in button . this is to authenticate the connection between bibliophilia and your chosen cloud . once the app has successfully connected to your chosen cloud , a new folder named bibliophilia will be created there . tap the save data button to export your library database to the bibliophilia folder . the backup file will be named bibliophiliadb . sqlite . |
notice if the tone is solemn or gloomy . recognize a suspenseful tone . take note of a humorous tone . notice a sarcastic tone . be aware of the difference between mood and tone in literature . notice the word choice and language . look at the sentence structure . notice the imagery . read the work out loud . note that a work can have more than one tone . use adjectives . provide evidence from the text . compare different tones in the same work . link the tone to theme , mood , plot and style . | how to analyze tone in literature | one of the most common tones in literature is a solemn or gloomy tone , where the tone feels heavy or serious . often the tone comes across as bleak or dark if it is solemn . you may respond to a solemn literary work by feeling sad or unsettled . a good example of a solemn or gloomy tone is in the short story the school by donald barthelme . another common tone in literature is a suspenseful tone , often found in thriller novels or mystery stories . a suspenseful tone creates a sense of dread and anticipation in the reader . often , you may feel on the edge of your seat or full of anxiety as you read a literary work with a suspenseful tone . a good example of a suspenseful tone is in the short story the lottery by shirley jackson . a work of literature with a humorous tone will often make the reader laugh or smile . a humorous tone is often found in works of comedy and satire . it can come across as playful , witty , or ironic . sometimes writers use a humorous tone to counter a solemn tone in the same work , such as in a novel or a short story . a good example of a humorous tone is the poem snowball by shel silverstein . a sarcastic tone is often used to invoke laughter or amusement in the reader . it may come across as biting and critical . you can find a sarcastic tone in novels and short stories , particularly if they are told in the first person with a narrator who has a sarcastic or dry sense of humor . a good example of a sarcastic tone is in the novel the catcher in the rye by j . d . salinger . it can be tricky to distinguish between mood and tone in literature , especially because they are often connected or interrelated . mood is different from tone in that it describes the setting and atmosphere of a text . mood is created through the readers response to the tone in a work . however , both mood and tone are shaped by the writers ability to convey emotion in the reader . for example , if a story is set in an abandoned cabin the woods , it may have a creepy or unsettling mood . the author may then have a narrator or main character who uses a gloomy or depressing tone to describe the cabin in the woods to the reader . one way you can determine tone in a literary work is to pay attention to the words and language used by the author . consider why the author chose certain words or language to describe a scene . think about why certain words were used to discuss a character . think about how these choices create tone . for example , you may study a passage from the short story the school and the trees all died . i dont know why they died , they just died . something wrong with the soil possibly or maybe the stuff we got from the nursery wasnt the best . all these kids looking at these little brown sticks , it was depressing . in the passage , barthelme creates a solemn , gloomy tone by using words like depressing , dead , died , and wrong . read a few lines of the literary work and notice how the sentences are structured . you may notice the sentences are short and often do not vary in length , creating a certain tone . or you may notice sentences that are long and winding down the page . this could create a meditative or thoughtful tone . for example , in many thriller novels , the sentences are often short and to the point , with very few adjectives or adverbs . this can help to create a suspenseful tone , full of action and tension . another way you can determine the tone of a piece is to look at the imagery used by the author to describe a setting , scene , or character . certain imagery will create a certain tone to the piece . strong imagery can tip you off to the tone intended by the author . for example , if a persons face is described as glowing with happiness and excitement , this may create a joyful tone . or if a cabin in the woods is described as grimy with the fingerprints of the previous occupants , this may create a suspenseful tone . reading a work of literature out loud can help you get a better sense of the diction of the piece . diction refers to how words sound next to one another in a sentence . it is often more clear when a work is read out loud , as you can hear how each word sounds and pay attention to how this creates a certain tone to the piece . for example , you may read the following lines from the catcher in the rye out loud to determine the tone god damn money . it always ends up making you blue as hell . the use of god damn and blue as hell gives the line a sarcastic or bitter tone , with a hint of humor and sadness . it is common for an author to use more than one tone in a work of literature , especially a long work like a novel . you may notice that the tone shifts in the work from chapter to chapter , narrator to narrator , or scene to scene . the author may do this to get into the particular voice of a character or to signal a shift in the characters or the action in the piece . for example , a novel may begin with a humorous tone and shift into a more serious tone as the author delves deeper into a characters history or personal relationships . to describe the tone of the literary work , use specific adjectives that illustrate which tone the narrator is using , such as gloomy , solemn , humorous , or sarcastic . the more specific you are when describing the tone , the more insightful your analysis will be . for example , you may write , the tone of this work is solemn and serious . the author uses word choice , language , diction , and imagery to convey this tone . you can use more than one adjective if this will make your description more accurate . after describing the tone in detail , use a few quotes from the text to back up your argument . pick quotes that clearly illustrate tone based on word choice , language , diction , or imagery . for example , if you are writing about the great gatsby by f . scott fitzgerald , you may use the last line of the book as an example so we beat on , boats against the current , borne back ceaselessly into the past . you can then note that the imagery of a boat going against the current as well as the use of the words beat , borne , and past create a solemn , nostalgic tone to the ending . if there is more than one tone in the work , compare the different tones in your analysis . this often occurs when the literary work is long , such as a novel or an epic poem . identify when the shifts in tone occur in the literary work . discuss why you think the tone shifts and how it affected you as a reader . for example , you may note , the tone shifts in chapter 13 from a humorous tone to a more serious tone . this occurs when the narrator discusses their mothers illness and death . make sure your analysis of tone is always connected to other elements such as mood , plot , theme , and style . the tone of a work is often used to illustrate a larger theme or to create a distinct mood . linking tone to these other elements can sharpen your analysis and make it that much stronger . for example , you may link the nostalgic , solemn tone of the closing line in the great gatsby to the themes of remembrance , loss , and thwarted love in the novel . |
make time to read . select several books according to your interests and your reasons for reading them . sample each book . start reading each book while your attention for it is fresh . scatter books around . mix books of different types and formats . have a time line in mind , even if its not a firm or strict one . dont ignore any book so long that you lose the story or forget where you were . read an entire chapter or section at a time whenever possible , or at least find a good stopping place . let your focus and preferences guide you . get through a difficult book by using a fun book as a reward . take notes on key points as you go , or mark pages you will need to find again for a project . try to read endings in longer sittings and spend less time in other books . finish books . | how to read several books at once | if you cannot get through even one book at a time , starting several at once is only going to make the whole process slower . even if you can only spend a few minutes per day reading , you can still switch on and off between different books . the books may be related or unrelated , depending on your purpose . if you are researching a particular subject , they will probably be related . if you are reading for fun , the books may be any assortment you wish . choose books that draw you in . it will be easier to come back to a book you enjoy . you can read the beginnings one at a time , or you can pre - read . look at the table of contents , and read or skim the summaries , introductions , and prefaces . try to start the day you bring it home or the day you begin a project . use your fresh interest to read a larger portion of a new book in the first sitting or sittings . thoroughly engage with and commit to reading each book in turn . reading more the first time will also give you a good head start . you need not start several books at the same time to read them concurrently . instead , try laddering them , getting well into the first before starting the next . leave one on your nightstand , one by the breakfast table , and another in your bag . read whichever book is nearby when you are there . match the book to the focus or mood you usually have when you visit a certain place . place one in your home bathroom in easy reach of the toilet , especially if its nonfiction with a lot of short subtopics . youll be surprised at how often you read in the bathroom . dont put it where the shower will get it wet though and be careful if you read during soaking baths to have a towel handy to dry your hands while handling pages . you might want a short reading stand next to a bathtub . listen to an audio book in the car , keep a paperback or e - book in your purse , have e - books on your ipad , etc . depending on your purpose , choose books of different subjects and difficulties , so that youll have choices for different places and moods . reading about different topics will help you keep straight which book is which . your mind can cope well with associating different books being read within the same time period but in different places . so , have books for the bus or train to and from work , books for bedtime , books for the hammock afternoon , and books for moments when you need instructions , such as cookbooks . keep in mind that reading a politically charged tome at bedtime will be more effort than a lightweight genre read . another good reason for having several books on the go at once good bedtime choices include rereading old favorites - when you know how it ends , its easier to set it down when you finally drowse . if no library or project due date is built into your reading choices , notice when you begin each book and pay attention to your progress . use this awareness of time to keep yourself relatively focused . the books you read concurrently must compete for your attention . if a book interests you much less than others , change your approach . read that book separately . read that book alongside others of a similar interest level . or , consider dropping the book altogether . reading an entire section in a sitting will help you keep continuity when you skip from book to book . reading one or two shorter sections of a book per sitting can also help you understand difficult or complex writing better . if you find yourself drawn into a book and feel like continuing for longer , go ahead . read whichever book you are in the mood to read at a given moment . let yourself read the fun book for awhile when you get through part of the difficult book . endings in fiction are often the most intense part of the story . in nonfiction , they usually contain summaries , conclusions , and other important information . either way , try to read with more continuity near the end . however many books you choose to read at a time , make sure to continue to read the important ones until you finish with them . |
start with something short and fun . find a friend to read with . consider reading aloud . pick out as much as you can from context . use a fast access dictionary . pause and summarize . take notes if necessary . set yourself goals . switch books to match your interest . expose yourself to new types of writing . move away from translation . | how to read a book which isnt written in your native language | unless a specific book was assigned to you , always pick a book you enjoy . childrens picture books are great beginner choices , moving on to childrens chapter books and comic books . intermediate readers can try a young adult novel , pulp fiction , or interesting blogs and articles . classic literature tends to use old - fashioned language and difficult grammar . its best to save that for a later attempt . avoid books aimed at foreigners learning the language . these tend to be very boring . it can help if youre already familiar with the subject matter . classic fairy tales are a good choice for this reason , as are books youve already read in your own language . if childrens books bore you , find a book with side - by - side printings in two languages . try only to refer to your native language text when youre truly lost . if you can , do at least part of your reading together with a conversation partner , teacher , or native speaker . even someone at a similar level of language ability can help you unpack difficult sentences and stay motivated to continue . speaking and listening are important for learning a language as well . practice these skills by reading some passages aloud . if youre reading with a conversation partner , take turns reading aloud . dont rush to the dictionary every time you dont know a word . read the rest of the paragraph and see if you can figure out the general meaning from context . only look up a word if you cant make sense of the passage without it , or if you see the word appear many times in the story . while difficult at first , this active effort increases your understanding of the vocabulary and language . a pocket dictionary or electronic dictionary lets you look up words much faster than a comprehensive printed source . just dont give in to the temptation to look up every word . periodically stop and summarize what just happened . if youre not sure or it doesnt make sense , you may want to go back and try again . if youre serious about learning the language , keep a small notebook around as you read . jot down vocabulary and idioms youd like to remember , or unusual grammar youd like to ask someone about . this helps you expand your knowledge without much interruption of your reading . if you dont understand an idiom or informal phrase , an online search can be more helpful than a dictionary . even a fun book can be difficult to read . setting a daily goal is a great way to keep yourself on track . one or two pages per day is a very reasonable goal for a beginner . increase this as your skills improve . if a book is losing your interest , find something different . this may mean the book is too easy or too difficult to hold your attention , or just that youre not enjoying it . move on to a different author or genre if youre not excited by the subject matter or plot . if you want a broad understanding of the language , read at least two types of language formal writing and colloquial conversation . news articles are a good middle ground that can teach you contemporary speech with fairly formal grammar . everyone who learns a foreign language begins by translating every sentence back to their native tongue . as your language skills improve , youll start to bypass this and understand it without translation . keep this in mind as you become an experienced reader , and resist the urge to think in your native language . |
finish writing the book first and do not concern yourself with the title . recruit a friend or editor . decide the books main purpose . list favorite lines in the book . consider naming the book after the main character . use the setting to make a title . consider poetic or mysterious names . balance mystery and clarity . just like book covers , book titles need to give enough information about the books subject without giving away too much , in order to make the reader curious . draw people in with a short , punchy title . appeal to readers that have problems that can relate to the novel . look at other book titles in similar genres . consider come up with titles written in other codes . aim for a large number of titles . narrow it down . critique your title . say your title out loud . stay concise . if you are involved in cover art , try sketching a cover for your book . | how to come up with a good book title | some writers get stuck on the thought that an author must come up with the perfect title before starting . however , most authors do not find this a productive mindset . most writers will come up with a working title which is basically a rough draft edition of the title - - temporary and almost guaranteed to change . after you write the book , everything will become more clear . but be sure to write down any ideas that come to your head , even if theyre ridiculous . ask someone to join a brainstorming session . brainstorming with another person is faster , more effective , and more fun than thinking about it yourself . ask the other person to read your book . meet in a quiet , relaxed location so you can both focus on your work . put on unobtrusive music if it helps you think . sometimes music , especially if relevant to your book , can give you inspiration . dont be afraid to use a lyric or two as a potential title . read your book and think about its identity . think of titles related to the central message , or to the main emotion it inspires . talk to your friend about what inspired you to write the book , and how you felt as you wrote it . these conversations will guide you to a title that fits the story and your personality . different people may interpret your work in different ways let each person involved in the brainstorming session list their ideas . share the lists of ideas with each other . if stuck , brainstorm keywords that cover your books main themes and story . write down favorite phrases from your work . these may or may not work as book titles , but they can give raw material to play with . some books use titles from book quotations . like the beginning of everything . this books title is inspired by a quote from f . scott fitzgerald . do you have a quote that relates to your book this just might be the best title you come up with . many novels simply go with the name of the main character . think of titles that mention the main character of the book , or a group of characters . this tends to be especially true of books driven by one main character . for example jude the obscure anne of green gables harry potter the hobbit percy jackson this can be a good choice if the setting is a key part of your work , or if its an unusual setting that attracts attention . for example little house on the prairie through the looking glass the jungle book 50 , 000 leagues under the sea wuthering heights your title can address the books themes or inspiration rather than the exact content . mysterious titles intrigue readers who are looking for something poetic or unusual . for example the shadow of the wind midnight in the garden of good and evil the lion , the witch , and the wardrobe the way the author works with these two elements - clarity and mystery - really depends on the type of book . for non - fiction , clarity is more important especially for books that focus on a very specific topic . for fiction , mystery is more important . this is a popular approach for nonfiction books . the title should give the reader an idea of the books topic , but it doesnt need to be an exact description . for example thinking , fast and slow how not to be wrong good to great made to stick think of titles that relate to common life experiences , especially ones that promise solutions to the readers problems . books with these titles range from self - help books to literary novels . for example how to get happy the awkward age the dangerous book for girls if necessary , use a subtitle to expand and clarify any misconception . the title how to be a man may draw a different reader than how to be a man a memoir of the rocky mountains , versus how to be a man the autobiography of a tran - person or how to be a man a study of gender , adolescence , and media in 1950s america . browse book titles online or in bookstores and libraries . do not copy an existing title , but good titles spark ideas for other good titles . identify what appeals to you about the title , and brainstorm ideas for your book with similar characteristics . be original . your books title has to compete with many other similar novels , so have a title that will stand out from the crowd . titles are not protected by copyright , at least in the united states , but unique phrases may be trademarked . you are probably safe if you go with a well - known phrase , but you still risk confusion at the bookstore . in some cases , a unique title can be used for for example , readers who are interested and generally proficient in mathematics may be drawn to a book with a mathematical expression . example 4 - 10 try a foreign language . books with a title in a non - english title can help give your title an international feel . or , may tie into a character , place , idea , or event that may not be well described by the english language . keep your audience in mind . if you are writing for people interested and knowledgeable in astrophysics , this will likely be a very different target group than that of a christian romance novel . avoid confusing titles . there is a fine line between mysterious and confusing . if your title is hard to spell , it may be difficult for potential buyers to find your book online or in bookstores . titles in non - english languages may be confusing . to some , it can be hard to remember , spell , or be viewed as overly scholarly . some words , phrases , or the like may be relatively well understood by the public at large deja vu , et cetera , hasta la vista but be careful of the usage of these . in general , it is better to translate a title if possible . use all of the techniques above , until you have 25 possible titles or even 50 if the titles are not good , they can spark more ideas and discussions . you can combine more than one of the above techniques . for example , harry potter and the chamber of secrets mentions both a character and a setting , and foreshadows the climax of the novel . go through your list of ideas and pull out ten favorites . follow the steps below to evaluate each title . examine each title . if there is no clear winner , narrow it down to your favorite four or five and repeat the process . review the title with your editor , publisher , or a friend whose judgment and scrutiny you can trust . would it attract the attention of people who would enjoy your work does it make sense is it memorable does it relate to the contents of your book how does it sound does it have good flow and rhythm , making it easy and pleasant to say if the title sounds strange , or is difficult to say , clumsy or just somehow not right this is likely an indication that this is not a good title . keep your title as short as possible , no longer than a few words . long titles are difficult to remember , and rarely reach out and grab a passing reader . if you think more detail , is necessary , attach a subtitle . for example , the cover of wild swans shows off the short , punchy title , and adds the informative subtitle three daughters of china in much smaller text . authors may or may not have any involvement with cover art . but if you do , many find a little visualization helps . sketch a simple book cover just to get an idea of the titles impression . play with different arrangements of the title and your name . does it pop out at you from the shelf is there a drawing that would work particularly well with the title be careful of being overly hung up on details at this point . if you have an illustrator to do this part , keep in mind he or she will be working with the graphic elements . your title might look perfect with the right font , or a clever design . depending on your publisher , you may or may not have input on the design of the cover anyway . |
donate books to people all over the world . donate books to your local library or a friends of the library group . donate your books to a thrift shop . donate your books to a church . donate your books to another charity . release your books into the wild . set up a free books box . donate your books through a free online merchandise page . | how to get rid of old books 1 | you can make a big difference in the lives of people who are desperate for some books . you can look through a variety of international book donation program websites to find the one thats right for you . you can try this international book donations program web site . the page lists institutions , organizations , and town or village programs that have no other way of acquiring reading and educational materials . choose from the geographical index , or go to the international section , which lists very large agencies that collect and redistribute to many countries . subjects , language , and level of books requested are listed , along with contact information . be sure to get in touch with them first , to make sure they need your materials . for overseas shipments , you will need to get a customs form from the post office . most libraries have yearly book sales . theyll resell to raise money for the library , and youll get a tax write - off . make sure your donated books are in resale condition . if your books are moldy , stained , filled with personal information , or missing some pages , then they wont be accepted . most thrift stores have book departments , and they would be happy to take on your old books , as long as theyre in good condition . check out the thrift stores in your neighborhood and see if they have a need for your old books . they may be more likely to take them if you also have some clothes or other items to donate . many churches accept donations of books , which they give to the less fortunate or sell to raise profits for their establishment . check out the churches in your area and see if any of them are accepting used books . search the internet for charities in your area that are accepting book donations . there are a lot of countries trying to rebuild their libraries in africa , asia , and the middle east . bookcrossing is a website that allows you to register your books and to leave them somewhere for a person nearby to enjoy them . find a location where people wait - - a laundromat , hospital waiting room , bus stop , and the like . place a box saying free books on your street . at your work or school , place a box saying free book exchange in an alcove or eating area . just remember that you may need to get permission from the staff in the location first . there are a variety of pages that allow you to donate your books for free . visit freecycle or sharing is giving to find a group in your area . these groups list many sites tailored to your location where you can post listings of things you want to give away . people who want the books will come to your home or workplace to pick up the books . make sure youre comfortable with giving away your home or work address if youre using a web site with this particular feature . |
repair any damage done to the book . determine the price of your book . look into selling your books online . check for used bookstores in your area . try selling your books at a yard sale . | how to sell books 1 | if you have a pile of well - loved books that youre trying to resell , the first thing youll want to do is get them in tip - top shape . youll get a much higher price for a book that doesnt have rips , bent pages , writing , or frayed edges . although not all of these things can be fixed , do your best to repair any damage done to your books . unfold any ‘dog - ears and remove old bookmarks or sticky notes , tape the edges to prevent them from fraying further , and patch any tears that might be visible . for textbooks that are worth quite a bit of money , it may be in your best interest to purchase book - repair materials commonly used by librarians . if youve written in your book , erase marks if possible or use white - out to cover up ink . it may not always be easy to know how much a book is worth , but you should try to find a ballpark price range prior to selling it . that way , youll know what to charge or whether youre being offered a decent amount . check the price online of books in similar condition as your own if prices vary , take several that seem ‘normal and take the average to get the price for your book . if there are no other copies of your book on the market it is a vintage copy or textbook , look at books similar to your own to gauge your selling price . a damaged book will never be worth very much , no matter what the content is . if youre looking for ease and a quick sell , your best option for selling your used books is to try an online store . look for venuessellers specific to your type of book - textbooks , vintage , cookbooks , fiction , etc . - and go through the process of registering online with them . there are two general ways you can sell online sell directly to a large buyer , or create a posting for your book that people can search . the former gives you the fastest means of selling your books , but the latter gives you more control over price and where your books go . look on websites like amazon or ebay to see what their selling process is like . if you dont want to pay for shipping , look into possibly selling locally via a website like craigslist . although chain bookstores tend to be the go - to for many readers these days , there are plenty of used bookstores around for those of us on the more frugal side . used bookstores get their stock from people trying to sell books . you go in , drop off the books you want to get rid of , they searchprice the books they want , and give you a quote for the total . used bookstores are nice because they get books off your hands immediately , but they may not buy all your books from you . it is becoming more and more common for used bookstores to give store credit rather than hard cash for any books they decide to purchase from you . make sure you check on this policy before trading in your books . keep in mind that used bookstores can sell good - quality books for much more money , so if youre trying to get rid of books that are bent up and damaged , they probably wont buy them from you . if the weather isnt too bad and you have quite a load of books youre trying to get rid of , it might be in your best interest to host a garage or yard sale . here , youll be able to set up shop and sell tons of books , fast . yard sales are a favorite hunting grounds of book lovers , as there tends to be a large variety for little cost . put your books on display , price them cheaply , and people will be snatching them up off your hands quicker than you can put them out advertise your garageyard sale a few days in advance for the most traffic . place an ad in a local newspaper , or put up signs around your house so that people know where to come to . if you have a friend with lots to sell , you can draw in more people by doubling up and creating a big yard sale . bringing in more stock from a friend will get people much more interested than just a few books sitting out on a table . |
sell your books online . sell your college textbooks to the college book store . sell your textbooks to students who will need them . sell your books to a used book store . sell your books at a garage sale . | how to get rid of old books 2 | sell books yourself on a site such as ebay , half , and amazon . expect these sites to take a commission of at least 15 of the sales price . be willing to lower the price over time if the book isnt selling . to sell your books online , youll have to set up an account at a website , provide some basic information about the book , and wait for an interested customer to come along . if you used the textbooks recently , you may be able to sell them back for a fraction of their original cost . you can call the store in advance to see if this is an option . youll most likely have to sell the textbooks to the same campus bookstore where you got them , though you could get lucky and find that the textbook store of a different campus is also buying and selling those books . find college students who will be taking a class that youve just finished taking and see if you can sell them your books at a fraction of the cost - - both people will benefit from this exchange . you can ask your friends if they know anyone taking the course in the future , or even stand outside the course after the first day and approach some students who might not have had a chance to buy the books - - just dont be too aggressive . used bookstores typically buy back or give trade credit for selected books in good condition . most used bookstores will price current titles at around half the cover price and pay around 15 of the cover price in cash , or 20 in trade credit . the store will also look up book values , so if youve priced your book online , thats what a store would expect to sell it for , not what they would pay you for it . if you want the most money possible , sell the book yourself online for speed and convenience , offer the books to a used bookstore . you can hold a garage sale to sell these books as well as a few larger items to hook some customers . if youre selling some furniture and have some interested customers , you can direct them to your books . you can advertise for the sale through a sign or even by alerting your facebook friends or friends on other social media that youll be having a sale - - just make sure you only tell the friends who know well enough to tell your address to . |
host a book swap . host a books - only white elephant party . trade your old books for new books . trade books for video games , cds , or movies . | how to get rid of old books 3 | invite a few of your friends over and tell them to bring a box of old books . then sit around and look through each others books to find books that might appeal to you as you encourage your friends to take some of your books . just make sure you dont end up with even more books than you started with . during this fun type of gift exchange , all the wrapped books or gifts will be placed in the middle of the room . people will take turns selecting gifts and will compete to swap for more desirable gifts . make it clear that youll only be swapping old books . a minimum of six people will make this a fun gifting game . there are a variety of websites that allow you to trade your old books for new books that you are excited to read . visit bookmooch , green textbooks recycling , paperbackswap , ortitle trader . for every book you send to someone else , you get a credit towards getting a new book . swap is a web site that allows you to trade your books for other products that may interest you . this is a great way to build up your cd , movie , or video game collection while getting rid of your old books . |
give away your books at a party . give the books to friends who would like them . make a hollowed out book . recycle . | how to get rid of old books 4 | throw a party for a group of your favorite book - loving friends . after an hour or two have passed and a few drinks have been consumed , place a box of your old books in the middle of the room and tell your friends your books are up for grabs . your friends will rush toward the box and will furiously select a few of your books . youll be surprised by how quickly the box of books will be empty . go through your books and put post - its on the cover that mark the person who would most appreciate them . then distribute the books to the few friends you thought of . this will look like a thoughtful gift instead of an attempt to get rid of something . just tell your friends something like , this made me think of you or i know youll love this book , and theyll gladly take the books off your hands . if your book is so old and worn that you and anyone else can have no use for it , have fun by hollowing out the book and using it as a treasure chest to hide your secret things . heres how you can hollow a book find an old book with a relatively sturdy cover and glue the pages together with elmers glue . wait for them to dry for at least 15 minutes . use a pencil to mark the rectangular area at least 12 an inch 1 . 2 cm within the perimeter of the book . use an exacto knife or a box cutter to cut through a chunk of pages at a time . continue to cut through chunks of pages until youve hollowed out the book . enjoy storing your favorite items in the book . if your books are so decrepit that no one can have a good use for them , it may be time to throw them away . if you do want to throw your books away , recycling is the best and most environmentally - friendly option . some city recycling programs allow you to put paperbacks into your single - stream recycling bins , and other municipalities will recycle books if brought to a solid waste deposit . check with your local council website to find out if your books can be recycled . |
make sure your book is in perfect condition . advertise it on social media . do local events and book signings . create a mailing list . do plenty of marketing . | how to sell books 2 | the biggest mistake you can make in selling a self - published book is putting it out on the market while it still has mistakes and needs editing . make sure that your book has been well - edited , is formatted correctly , and has a matching cover and appearance with the story . a good - looking and clean book will sell many many more copies than a book that has numerous mistakes or an obviously hand - made cover design . it is worth your money to hire a professional editor or cover designer to help get your book ready for selling . dont rely on friends and family only for opinionsediting help on your book . it will be clear if you were lazy and took the easiest way out for getting your book prepared for selling . you need to make as many people aware of your novel as possible , which means using multiple social media platforms to get the word out . you should be posting regularly about your book on various platforms to get people other than your close friends and family involved . try using social media like blogstumblr facebook twitter goodreads like facebook but for booksauthors instagram if you make appearances in places where your book - buying audience is likely to be present , youll be sure to sell plenty of books . see if any local bookstores , radio stations , or libraries will host you for a public interview or book signing . if you make a public appearance and can use your charm and wit to lure people into reading your book , youll be able to get plenty more buyers than just sending your book off to be sold somewhere . if you can get a book deal at a local store and a book signing event , youll be golden . getting published in a blog or online magazine might be a great way to get word out about your book . look into blogsmagazines that tend towards your reading audience , and ask if you can be hosted on their page . if youre able to get a group of fans to sign up for a mailing list , youll be one step closer to getting your book into the hands of people who may not have heard of you before . have people sign up for either letters or emails the latter are more popular these days which you can send out any time you have an event or need their support . using this mailing list strategically will help build stronger relationships with your fans , while using it too frequently and not professionally will cause people to stop following you . do your best to stoke interest in these lists , and your fans will likely forward them on to other friends and family . marketing isnt easy theres a reason entire college degrees exist in the field . however , if you treat selling your book like a business and do tons of marketing , youll sell way more books than a self - publishing author who does not . hire a marketing agent to help you get your book out in the world , or do a bit of research in marketing on your own . in the end , it will be worth the money and time spent , as you earn it all back and open the eyes of hundreds of readers to your writing . |
look for brand names . search the trademark database . make note of any quotes . get contact information for creators of images . edit or write around what you can . make a list of questionable uses . format a letter seeking permission . identify the intellectual property used . explain your use and the rights you need . provide a deadline for response . mail your letter . evaluate your use of the copyrighted work . determine what kind of work youre using . compare the amount you used to the size of the work as a whole . consider how your use might affect the works potential market . consult an attorney . | how to avoid copyright or trademark violations in your self published book | read through your book carefully and make note of any brand names that youve used . generally , any brand name you use should be capitalized as a proper name . depending on your usage , you may need to include a disclaimer on the copyright page of your book . for example , if youve written a fictional account of a character who works at apple , you might want to include a disclaimer that your work is a work of fiction , and that various names used in your novel such as itunes are intellectual property of apple , and that apple does not sponsor or endorse your work . you can find general language for a disclaimer online , or by looking at the copyright page of a published book that makes liberal use of trademarked words or phrases . you also should watch out for words that have slipped into normal speech as generic words but actually are brand names that should be capitalized . for example , band - aid is a trademark , as is kleenex , even though people routinely use those terms instead of bandage or tissue . when in doubt , a style guide such as the chicago manual of style or the associated press stylebook can help you . just make sure you pick one and use it consistently . the u . s . patent and trademark office uspto has a searchable database of all trademarks with complete or pending registration available on its website . use it to your advantage when youre screening your book for possible trademark violations . in addition to searching brand names that you might have used in your text , you also want to search for the title of your book as well as character names . some established writers as well as film and television companies frequently trademark the names of potential characters for future use , as well as characters that are already well known to prevent other companies from exploiting them . generally , if you find your title or the name of a character in the trademark database , you should just change yours . thats the easiest way to avoid a potential trademark violation . if you quoted a song or another work anywhere in your book , you often must get permission from the copyright holder to use it in your work . this is especially true for quoting song lyrics . keep in mind you can always use song , movie , or book titles to reference those works . any title is considered fair game and you dont need permission to use it . however , if youre quoting the lyrics of a song or a couple lines of a poem , you typically must secure permission from the copyright owner . keep in mind that getting permission to use song lyrics in particular requires contacting the songwriter and his or her publisher , and typically is very expensive . unless you can afford to spend thousands of dollars to quote a line from a song , youre probably better to leave it out . you should have permission for any images youve used , including your cover art . even if youve purchased a stock photo , not all stock licenses cover the use of the photo for a book cover or anything that involves making copies and selling them . if youre using stock images , read the stock license very carefully . if you have questions regarding whether you can use the image in your book or on its cover , contact the company from which you licensed the photo . typically it will be cheaper and more efficient for you to work with an artist directly to create a book cover – but dont expect to get art for free . working directly with an artist gives you the opportunity to work out a deal in which you pay the artist a little up front and then a small percentage of sales . dont think you can use an image just because you found it on the internet . if you want to use a found image , do everything you can to find the original creator of the work . but keep in mind that just because you cant find the creator , that doesnt mean youre in the clear to use the image without getting permission . your better option , if youve found an image you want to use but cant find its creator , is to not use the image at all . if something is essential to your book , you will want to seek permission to use it . however , in most cases you can simply eliminate any language or trademarked terms that might cause problems . generally , you should reserve the use of brand names for instances in which you intend to specifically refer to the product or service offered by a particular company . dont use kleenex where the word tissue would do . often you can conjure up the idea of something , such as a song , without quoting it directly . for example , if you have a scene in which a character is singing along with a particular song on the radio , you dont necessarily need to quote the particular lyrics – you can simply name the title of the song and say the character is singing along with it , or that she knows all the words by heart . if you feel strongly that a certain trademarked word or phrase , or a copyrighted line , is essential to your book , ask yourself why . get to the bottom of the significance of that particular word or phrase , and dig into the reasons you need it . you also might want to ask yourself if using the trademarked or copyrighted material adds something to your story or description that couldnt be communicated if you used a substitute . if you have friends or colleagues who youre using as test readers , have them read two versions of the paragraph or section in which the problematic material appears – one with the copyrighted or trademarked verbiage included , and one with something else substituted . if your readers feel the text is stronger when it includes the material that potentially infringes on someones copyright or trademark , you should consider seeking permission to use that work . after youve screened your book and eliminated unnecessary words and phrases that potentially infringe someones copyright or trademark , you may be left with a few potentially infringing uses that you want to keep in your work . for these , you typically must ask permission . particularly if you have to send several letters , it may be easiest to create a basic spreadsheet . this way you can keep track of when you sent your letter seeking permission , when that letter was received , and your deadline for a response . if you need to seek permission from a copyright or trademark owner to use their work in your self - published book , send them a written letter . you can search online for templates to ensure youve covered everything necessary . sending a written letter the old - fashioned way , rather than sending an email , is crucial for maintaining your paper trail . potentially , an owner could simply claim they didnt get your letter and sue you for infringement the moment you released your book . before you send your letter , you have to know who owns the copyright or trademark in the work you want to use – and sometimes this is easier said than done . trademark is simpler , because if the trademark is registered you can find ownership information in the usptos database . if the trademark isnt registered , you dont need permission because there is no registered trademark to violate . copyright protection , however , exists regardless of whether the copyright is registered . searching the u . s . copyright offices database is a good place to start , but you wont find ownership information if the copyright isnt registered . if , for example , you found an image on the internet , start by contacting the owner of the website where you first found it . you also can conduct an image search to potentially locate its source . once you know to whom youre sending the letter , format it in traditional business letter format , and write in a succinct , professional tone . if the work you want to use has a title , use that . in the case of a trademark , describe it specifically and explain the context in which it is used . if youre quoting from copyrighted text , be specific about the portion you want to use and where and how it appears in your book . you also might consider including a copy of the page or pages in which the work appears as an attachment to your letter . this way the copyright owner can completely understand and evaluate the context within which youre using their work . keep in mind the interests of the copyright holder . theyre not going to give you permission if they believe your use will damage the market for their work , or if they feel it disparages their name or image . as succinctly as possible , tell the copyright owner what you are using , how you are using , and the scope of your project . this can be difficult with self - published books , particularly if you are using a print - on - demand service , but you need to make sure if the copyright owner grants you permission it will cover your actual use . if youre using a print - on - demand publishing service , you have no way of predicting how many copies of your book will be sold – so dont try . it may seem safe to say you wont sell more than 100 , 000 copies of your book , because youre thinking theres no way that will happen . but saying this limits the scope of your license . if you sell 100 , 001 copies , that last copy will include copyright or trademark violations . you also shouldnt offer limits that you cant enforce or control . in most cases , you need the right to distribute worldwide , since many print - on - demand services make the product available to anyone in the world with an internet connection . you dont necessarily need to use fancy legal jargon here . you can just say i would like your permission to use the lyrics from your song in my self - published book , which will be printed and distributed online by pod magic self - pub . this portion of your letter is key if you want it to be legally enforceable even if you never receive a response from the copyright or trademark owner . it also means you dont have to delay publishing over worry about the issue still being up in the air . state that unless you hear from them within a week from the date of receipt of the letter , you will assume that they have no problem with you using their work as stated . its important to put the ball in their court . if they dont want you to use their work , they must contact you . if you dont hear from them by your deadline , you can consider yourself in the clear . giving them a week should be fine , but you may want to give them longer . dont go more than two weeks , though – you dont want the question to be unresolved for too long . make sure you provide a preferred method of contact . if the copyright or trademark owner opts to call you , make sure any agreement you reach over the phone is memorialized in writing . you can send them a letter confirming the conversation . do not offer any money . with this initial letter , seek permission to use the trademarked or copyrighted material for free . if you offer money , the person may take it – or attempt to negotiate for more – when they would have given you permission for free if youd started there . once youve finished writing and proofread your letter , print it and sign it . make a copy of the signed letter for your own records and keep it in a safe place – ideally with any other legal information or contracts you have related to your book . use certified mail with returned receipt requested . this way you will get a notification when your letter is received and youll know when the clock starts ticking on that deadline . when you get your certified mail receipt back , keep it with your copy of the signed letter you sent . while you should always seek permission to use copyrighted work in your self - published book , some uses may qualify for fair use , a legal doctrine based on the first amendment . keep in mind that fair use only comes into play as a defense against infringement – meaning you would have to be sued first . for this reason , its dangerous to rely on fair use simply as an excuse not to get permission to use a work . fair use only applies to copyrighted works , not to trademarked words or phrases . a trademark protects commercial value and commercial uses , and is independent of creative or artistic value . the fair use doctrine is designed to protect uses for which the copyright owner would be unlikely to give permission , such as when you create a satire of a copyrighted work , or critique it . fair use also protects scholarly and research uses that have profound social value that overrides the copyright owners intellectual property interest . generally , your use has a strong likelihood of being considered fair use if it transforms the original copyrighted work or adds value to it by creating new understanding or meaning . certain types of work , such as non - fiction or factual works , have thinner protection against fair use than other types of work , such as purely creative works of fiction . no one can claim they hold a copyright in facts , so if the information youre using is factual information , fair use doesnt even come into play . you simply cite the source where you found the information , but you dont need permission to use it . if you want to quote from unpublished work , you always should have permission from the copyright holder . although publication is no longer required to enjoy full copyright protection , u . s . copyright law has a strong preference that the creator of a work should have the first opportunity to disseminate it to the public . your fair use claim typically is stronger if you only used a relatively small portion of the copyrighted work within your own . however , how much is too much may depend on how important the part you took is to the work as a whole . if a small portion constitutes the heart of the work , a fair use argument typically falls flat . depending on the work youre quoting or using , this could be a very small portion indeed . this is especially true with song lyrics . the line you quote may be a small portion of the overall song , but if it happens to be a refrain thats repeated a half a dozen times throughout the song , youre going to have a hard time getting away with a fair use argument . copyright is at its core an economic right , allowing creators to profit off of their creations . accordingly , uses that qualify as fair tend to have a relatively slight or marginal negative impact on the market for the original work . think about this factor in terms of whether your readers would be more or less likely to purchase the copyrighted work after reading your self - published book . if you have so blasted the original work that you turn readers away from it , you would potentially have a difficult time arguing your use was fair . if you have questions about fair use , or are concerned about a problematic passage in your self - published book that you fear may violate someones copyright or trademark , an intellectual property attorney may be able to answer your questions . although you may have to pay a few hundred dollars to get a full analysis of your potential intellectual property issues , keep in mind that this amount pales in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of dollars it would cost to raise a defense to an infringement lawsuit . |
determine whether the publication is a periodical or a single work . note how many stories are contained between the pages . count how many pages the comic contains . observe the dimensions of the comic . see how the comic is bound . note the quality of the paper used . look at the price . finished . | how to distinguish between a comic book and a graphic novel | although comics encompasses both comic books and graphic novels , a comic book is properly a magazine with volume and issue numbers . a graphic novel is properly a single publication , although some comic publishers have produced a line of graphic novels , as marvel comics did from 1982 to 1988 with its series of 35 works . the use of the word novel in the pages of a comic book does not automatically make it a graphic novel . the 4 - chapter novel - length stories of all - flash quarterly in the 1940s and the 3 - part superman novels in action comics and superman of the late 1950s and early 1960s are not themselves graphic novels , because they were part of an overall comic book series of stories . a novel adapted to graphic form may or may not be a graphic novel . the novel adaptations in classics illustrated are not themselves graphic novels , because classics illustrated was published as a periodical . an adaptation of a single novel across several volumes , such as jane fanchers 3 - volume adaptation of c . j . cherryhs gates of ivrel , although not covering the entire novel , may be considered a series of graphic novels by some and a graphic miniseries by others . some comics are designated one - shot comics , such as superman vs . muhammad ali , published as an oversize treasury edition in 1978 . these comics usually have their own volume and issue numbers , usually the number 1 . one - shots are not normally considered graphic novels . a comic book may contain a single story , 2 stories , or as many as 3 or 4 stories between its pages , which may or may not all have the same characters . a graphic novel normally contains only a single story with the same cast of characters . some bound reprint collections , such as the greatest superman stories ever told and the greatest batman stories ever told , are as thick as graphic novels . these are not properly graphic novels themselves , because they contain more than 1 story , even if the stories feature the same main character . they can be called graphic anthologies , as they follow the format of prose anthologies , which are collections of short stories within a single genre and often with a common theme . bound collections of single story arcs , such as frank millers 1986 the dark knight returns , which was originally published as a 4 - issue miniseries , or alan moore and dave gibbons 1987 watchmen , originally published as a 12 - issue limited series , are graphic novels because the comic book story arc constitutes a single story within its pages . each story from the original multiple - issue format constitutes a chapter within the graphic novel . there have been some exceptions to the one story definition for a graphic novel . will eisners a contract with god , and other tenement stories was a set of interrelated short stories bound in the same volume . it should be noted that the term graphic novel was used only on the trade paperback edition and not the earlier hardcover edition . comic books have a fixed length , which ranged from 64 to 96 pages during the early 1940s and today is around 32 pages . graphic novels typically run longer , ranging anywhere from 60 to 500 pages . archie goodwin and gil kanes 1971 blackmark ran 119 pages , and its sequel the following year ran 117 , while the graphic novel collections of dave sims cerebus are nicknamed phone books by their fans because of how thick they are . many comics series produce special longer issues once a year . while these annuals may publish longer stories than the monthly comics with the same title , these cannot usually be considered graphic novels , even if they contain only a single story , as the issue is often identified with the word annual and usually bears an issue number . comic books are typically published with a width of 6 58 inches 17 cm and a vertical length of 10 14 inches 26 cm . graphic novels may be published with this length and width , with the dimensions of a trade paperback , an oversize treasury edition , or a digest - size comic . trade paperbacks have a width of 5 . 32 inches 13 . 5 cm and a vertical length of 8 . 51 inches 21 . 6 cm . digest size has a width of 5 38 to 5 12 inches 13 . 65 to 13 . 97 cm and a vertical length of 7 12 to 8 38 inches 19 . 05 to 21 . 27 cm . comic books traditionally have been bound with staples , much like prose magazines of similar size . graphic novels , on the other hand , are usually bound the way thicker magazines and books are bound . note , however , that some higher - quality special comic books are bound like books . the individual volumes in the 3 - issue subterraneans elseworlds miniseries featuring batman feature high - quality paper and are not bound with staples , but the individual issues are not themselves graphic novels . the overall story , if bound in a single volume , would be a graphic novel . for most of the decades they have been published , comic books have been printed on lower - grade matte - finish paper . graphic novels and anthologies published from the 1980s onward typically are published on a higher grade of paper , either matte or glossy finish . however , many recent comic books have also been published on slick paper , even though they are still held together with staples . because of the limited scope of their stories , their being single publications , and the higher quality printing and binding , graphic novels usually cost more than comic books . |
dont panic . search the site for all versions of your work . make a record of the exact links where your files occur . find the copyright officer . collect and save the required information . visit the profile of the person who uploaded the file . send a note to the copyright officer . follow up . | how to combat book piracy | most of these sites have copyright compliance officers or other support staff that handle these issues , usually within a couple of days after your request . they may or may not care about the ethics of piracy , but they do want to avoid lawsuits . approach them in a matter of fact way , rather than accusatory , threatening , or demanding . take time to vent your emotions privately typically you may feel fear , rage , grief , and indignation , but do not approach the site itself in that tone . these sites have hundreds of files uploaded daily and do not have staff to verify the individual copyrights , only those that are reported to them . if one of your books is pirated , theres a chance others will be uploaded as well . look for the title as well as your name , and be aware that cagey pirates may shorten the title and misspell your name in order to fool the search engines . you will need it for the copyright officer and also your own records so that you can go back and check to see if the file has been removed . to have an exact link , send yourself an email with it and cut and paste the link . you can also send yourself a copy of the full page , with the date uploaded and number of copies . look at the top , bottom , or side of the page for the link often in very small print that says something like copyright policy , copyright protection , removal requests , report violations , or report abuse . read the policy carefully and collect all the needed information . cut and paste a record of all the information requested , or send yourself a blind copy of the email , including the date of the request . save it . you will need to return to the site in a few days and from time to time to make sure the file has been removed and that no other copies have been uploaded . pirates are tricky and very determined . this is usually on a link on the same page of the site as the file , though the name is usually a screen name . read the profile and consider sending a message to them . many are well - meaning but naive people who do not understand that they are passing along stolen material . they might be chagrined and promptly remove all the ebooks they arent sure are legitimate . others are defiant rebels who consider themselves heroes , and youre better off not triggering their alert system . if you see that the person has uploaded dozens or even hundreds of files , this is clearly a career pirate . most sites will ban them if you report them with proof of the piracy and will remove all of that offenders uploads . by reporting them , you arent just handling your own problem , youre doing a favor to other authors the thief has victimized . again , be reasoned and polite , not threatening legal action . they dont need or want to read about your emotions , and emoting does seem to slow down their response time . what they generally need is proof that youre the author and copyright owner and that you did not authorize the file . if it was actually copyrighted it through the government copyright office , say so and provide a number if possible . send yourself a copy of the note also . heres a format that generally works well for a hardcopy book i am , the author and copyright owner of published in hardcopy by in date . a pirated version has been uploaded to your site without my knowledge or permission by link to the member who uploaded the file . the book appears at this link on your site and i note that unauthorized free copies have already been downloaded . the book is for sale on my website at or the publishers website or on amazon . com . lets work together to get this file removed . you may write to me at . for an ebook i am , the author and copyright owner of the ebook published by . a pirated version has been uploaded to your site without my knowledge or permission by link to the member who uploaded the file . the ebook appears at this link on your site and i note that unauthorized free copies have already been downloaded . the book is for sale on my website at or other site where the book is sold on the web . lets work together to get this file removed . you may write to me at . go back to the site in a few days to see if the file has been removed , and also use the sites search engine to make sure it hasnt been reloaded by someone else or the same person with a new screen name . if it hasnt been removed in a week , write to the copyright officer again with the original date and information . ask if theres anything else they need from you as proof of your claim , and again , say , lets work together to remove this file . bookmark and revisit the site again periodically . |
examine the questions at the end of each section or chapter . read the chapter intro and final summary . look carefully at section headings and subheadings . read the first and last sentence of paragraphs . pay attention to important concepts and details only . break up the chapter with your classmates . | how to read textbooks faster 1 | use these questions as a guide to help you focus on the important and relevant material . as you are skimming the chapter , ask yourself if the material you are reading is answering these questions . if it is not , then skip it . look for key words like effects , results , causes , versus , and pros and cons , for example . these key words will clue you into the chapters thesis or main idea . knowing the main ideas beforehand will help you identify sections of the chapter that need careful reading . highlight and refer back to the main idea or thesis so you can stay on topic . rephrase section headings and subheadings into questions to help you focus on the important ideas being presented . if the section heading says , kramers three social laws , then rephrase it into a question by saying , what are kramers three social laws then read the information that answers this question . remember that bolded or italicized headings and subheadings contain clues to the most important information . if you understand these two sentences , then just skim or skip the paragraph . if you do not understand the first and last sentences , then read the entire paragraph . make sure to slow down when you encounter complex paragraphs and sentences . this way , you will be able to fully understand what the author is trying to articulate in the paragraph . skim the book for important concepts , people , places , and events . these are usually bolded or italicized . if you understand a concept , then you can skip the contextual information that explains it . read the supporting text and contextual information only if you do not fully understand a concept . ask some of your classmates if they are willing to do this . if they are , assign sections of the chapter amongst one to three other classmates . each classmate should be responsible for their section . make sure that you all can come to an agreement about each persons responsibilities . for example , devise a plan where each student in the group reads and writes a detailed outline for their respective section . then , have everyone complete their outline by a certain date like the end of the week . |
define a goal . take notes in the margins . summarize what you read in your own words . create a study environment that is free of distractions . | how to read textbooks faster 2 | you can do this by asking yourself pre - reading questions such as , what is the authors main idea what does my teacher want me to focus on in this chapter what have i already learned or not learned about this topicthese questions will help you focus on important and relevant content that will enhance your leaning while excluding information that is irrelevant or that you already understand . in addition to highlighting , write questions and comments in the margins of your textbook or on a sheet of paper if the book does not belong to you . this will help you engage with the material and retain the information better , and thus prevent you from having to read the section over again . make diagrams , flow charts , and outlines of the material when you can . make sure to focus on and define terms that you are unfamiliar with . write down the main points on a sheet of paper . use examples to clarify the main points . if you are not able to summarize key information , then you may need to go over relevant sections once more . limit your summary to one page . pick a quiet space in your house , for example your room , or the library to read . put away other sources of distraction like your phone , computer , and the internet . instead , read the chapter and write your notes by hand , and silence your phone or turn it off . additionally , make sure the the space you choose is well - lit and comfortable , but not too comfortable . if you choose to study at home , let your family or roommates know that you will be studying quietly in your room and that you would appreciate it if they kept the noise level down . |
give yourself a time - frame . use a pointer to focus on the material . try not to sub - vocalize . control the speed of your reading . | how to read textbooks faster 3 | tell yourself , i will read this chapter for one and a half hours . giving yourself a time - frame will help you stay on track as you read . if you begin to notice that you are reading a section for too long , get the main points and move on . mark the section and come back to it if it is a particularly difficult section . as you read , place your finger or an index card or pen below the first word of the sentence and move it as you read . your finger will help your eyes focus on the words you are reading , instead of other pictures and information . additionally , using a pointer can you help control how fast or slow you read something for example , the faster you move your finger the faster you will read and vice versa . sub - vocalization is reading aloud in your head andor moving your lips as you read . there is nothing inherently wrong with this , but it can slow down your reading rate . reduce your sub - vocalization by chewing gum or listening to music while you read . by forcing yourself to read faster you may also be able to reduce sub - vocalization . additionally , there are apps and programs that can help you reduce your sub - vocalization . reading faster isnt just about reading fast , but about controlling your speed . in other words , slow your reading when you encounter concepts that you are unfamiliar with or do not understand . then , increase your speed once you have gauged the meaning . |
understand what a spoiler is and why it occurs . start reading . expect to enjoy the book . be skeptical about the spoilers that you think you already know . keep in mind that movie plots and book plots frequently diverge and vary in depth . be someone who loves spoilers . avoid times when you might be confronted by spoilers . dont go looking for spoilers online . while there are many opportunities to find out what a books contents are , if you have the slightest peek at spoiler sites or reviews , you only have yourself to blame remember that no spoiler can ruin a truly great book . | how to enjoy a spoiled plot book | in terms of a book , a spoiler is something that reveals critical elements of the plot , and often includes the ending . it will usually be parts of a book that would otherwise be surprising for the reader . reasons for a spoiler might include reviewing the book and critiquing it . excitement of a reader who wants to share his or her appreciation of or annoyance with the book with others . naïveté of a reader who doesnt believe it will spoil another persons reading of the book , or doesnt realize that you havent yet read the book . a spoilsport who wants to ruin someone elses experience of the book perhaps someone showing off or just being mean - spirited . part of the problem may well be that you simply wont start the book because a voice in your head keeps insisting that its not worth the effort . stop listening to that voice , start reading , and let your reaction to the first chapter or so be the real test of whether or not you want to continue reading . chances are , if the book is good , you will be compelled to keep reading even though you know the plot or a key element . since its clearly already popular and well talked about , there will be a lot to enjoy throughout the book , and its important to keep in mind that books can still be enjoyed even if you know how it ends or know the big twist . you already know what happened , but you can still probably read to figure out why and how it happened . and no matter how much you have already heard , it wont ever be possible to truly grasp the manner in which the book is written and how it comes across in tone and narrative until you are personally reading it . there will be plenty of parts of the book that you wont yet know . spoilers are about the most popular , surprising parts of the book . they arent the whole book and indeed , there may be parts that resonate a great deal more with you than the spoiled parts . but you wont know until youve read it for yourself expect the funny parts to be original . spoilers often dont convey the funnier parts of a book well because these are not the surprising twists in the book . and its actually very hard to convey the precise humor out of a book in a review or by recounting – you kind of have to be there to get it try not to overthink what youve already been told or your expected reading experience . you might have heard or read a lot of opinions about the plot but that doesnt mean they are either right or representative of what will be your own experience . in fact , you can have a lot of fun reading and thinking about other peoples takes on the plot . you might find yourself scoffing , whoa joe was so wrong about that interpretation of what character x does in this scene what a load of rot what really happens is x , y , and z . consider these points its possible the person retelling the story doesnt understand the narrative elements or misunderstands the psychological underpinnings and misconstrues what really is going on . narrative devices are not always clearly conveyed by spoilers . for example , you might know about the ending precisely because the author begins at the end and then unfolds the plot as to how the story reaches that ending a reverse chronology . or , it might be a case that the story begins in the middle in media res and the flashbacks leading up to that point are poorly conveyed by the spoiler . and the spoilers may not have revealed the delightful red herrings strewn throughout the book . there are many narrative devices that wont be fully appreciable until you delve into the book yourself , in spite of spoilers . savor surprises . there still might be something not major in the plot that surprises you , that hasnt been discussed or reviewed . focus on the subjective elements that are in the realm of the readers interpretation , not that of the reviewer . for this , you would do well to look for such narrative devices as macguffins a prime motivation for a reader that is never adequately explained to the reader , flashbacks and flash - forwards , prophecies , foreshadowing , etc . all of these elements are for your own exploration for a deeper understanding , to be interpreted through your own experience of life and feelings for the characters . you might be pleasantly surprised at how much you differ in opinion about the rationales and outcomes of the book that other people have presumed to be a certain way . dont anticipate the spoiled element coming up , or try to predict when it will happen maybe the spoiler wasnt even true then you will be twice as surprised relish the fact you know the ending but not the how , a common narrative device in plays such as those by shakespeare , or movies that begin with the end . you know the ending but youre a lot less certain of how the characters and story get to that ending . if you have seen a movie version of a book before reading the book , there is even less reason to fret about a spoiled plot . movies simply do not have the luxury of being able to go into the same level of depth as a book . so , while you may have the general gist from a movie , there are likely to be a lot of surprises and revelations for you when reading the book . some of the things that might happen include a deeper understanding of what has motivated characters - perhaps you have wondered why a movie character has been so one - dimensional the book read might prove otherwise . a different ending from what you expected movies often change endings for hollywood preferences . additional characters , scenes , action , etc . that the movie didnt have room for . of especial interest are those characters that get the chop in the movie but are of added interest in the book . there are people who thrive on spoilers as a way to inform them before they start reading , as a form of incentiveknowing what the ending is and how the plot unfurls can sometimes be a way of avoiding unpleasant surprises , or be a form of motivating your reading . there are various websites devoted to spoilers , which provide a discussion point for people who like spoilers , which can be a reason of itself to enjoy spoilers as you get to argue the finer points or even veracity of spoilers with others online . there are some occasions when youre more likely to be exposed to spoilers than normal book club meet ups – always expect at least one person to have already read the book and to be ready to spill the beans . book reviews – whether or not a book review will reveal the plot will depend on the purpose for which it is being written . if it is for promoting the books sales and readership , it is unlikely to give away the plot and ending if , however , it is for the purpose of critiquing the book often the case in blogs , it may well reveal the ending and major plot elements . you will need to judge according to the context of the review before reading further . many reviewers will use the phrase spoiler alert if they are about to reveal major elements of the plot or ending . you have been warned websites – reader reviews , forums , blog posts . you see someone with a copy of the book and theyre talking about just having finished it – let them know quickly that you dont want to know the ending , many avid readers will confess that they have read a number of books over and over , and enjoyed them more with each subsequent reading . books are stories , and sometimes you need time to ruminate or meditate on the story , the way it was told , how it ties in to other stories . think titanic - the movie was based on an event almost a century prior to when the movie was made . everyone knew how it had to end , and yet it was one of the most popular movies of all time . no spoiler will ever make reading a great story pointless . another recent example an episode of doctor who featured vincent van gogh . everyone knows who van gogh was , and most know that he took his own life at a young age . yet the story was widely considered one of the best of this series ever , because it wasnt about van goghs death . it was about his life , and it tied into a previous episode in which a regular character leaves the earthly plane it was about seeing beauty and feeling inadequate despite having tremendous talent , and also about the importance in each of our lives of leaving a legacy and being remembered after we die . a great story is a great story , whether you know what happens in the end or not . old yeller . most people know possible spoiler alert that old yeller , the dog , dies , but that doesnt mean its not beautifully written classic |
walk into a bookstore or librarywith a specific ideal in mind . do a keyword search of your librarys online public access catalog opac andor a website such as amazon . com to see if you can find a resource that matches your needs . perform foot patrol of the reference shelves . begin from the end . think up a few questions that you know the answer to . read the passages and decide for yourself whether it seems knowledgeable or if its too vague on the topics . | how to choose a good reference book | this ideal should be based around exactly how detailed you want the book to be . do you want it general and simple a general overview of globalization , a definition of a computer term etc . or are you searching for a more verbose manuscript the encyclopedia of internal medicine , complete history of china , etc . once youve decided on the level of detail you are looking for , you may move on to the next step . additionally , the online computer library consortiums worldcatcan help you search for books at a library near you including reference sources . browse around and see if you can find what you want . in libraries , it helps to have a general idea of the classification systems used library of congress , dewey decimal etc . if you cant find what you want during your foot patrol , ask a librarian or bookstore employee . go directly to the index of a book that looks sufficient along the lines of the topic youre interested in - - ignore the fancy cover and how many pretty pictures it might have . what truly defines a good reference book is its rear . ask the book these questions . not literally or youll get some strange looks from other customers and possibly be asked to leave when you get angry because the book wont answer you directly . scan the index for the answers and follow it through the book . ideally , chances are if it couldnt answer something you already knew , it wont be able to answer any of the other questions you will eventually have . |
know what general sort of dictionary you need . look for newer words . look for proper nouns . look for slang and vulgar words . check for regional words , if you know them in the languages your dictionary treats . examine the reference matter at the front and back . find out how the dictionary handles terms with multiple meanings . notice whether the dictionary includes phrases and idioms and see how it handles them . read a few sample definitions . | how to choose a dictionary | here are the basics you should decide before you begin looking languages . are you looking for a dictionary in english , with definitions in english are you looking for a translating dictionary , a book that will allow you to look up words in your language and find words in another language size . for print dictionaries , will you be carrying this dictionary with you in a pocket , purse , or briefcase or will it remain on a desk or bookshelf somewhere scope . do you want a general dictionary do you want a dictionary that includes technical terms or terms relating to a particular field or specialty some dictionaries specialize in words pertaining to certain subjects , such as music or law . binding . do you care if your dictionary is hardcover or paperback do you prefer a book that will stay open by itself , or do you mind holding the pages open while you use it print or digital format . printed dictionaries require no electricity to operate . on the other hand , they are updated only by purchasing a new one . new words enter the language all the time . ask yourself , does the dictionary include current technology and computer terms does the dictionary mention arizona does it mention important people even if you think you already know these words in your own language or you dont wish to use them , you may not want to neglect them in another language , simply to understand what others are saying . for example , the words biscuit , cookie , chips , and crisps mean slightly different things depending on where in the english - speaking world you hear them . if your dictionary is written for a certain region , be sure you know which region it is before you buy it . does it have a pronunciation key do you understand it and know how to use it did you have to read the pronunciation key , or could you make a pretty good guess if it is a translating dictionary , does it include a usage section or a phrasebook section are these features that you will use when using this dictionary this is particularly important in a translating dictionary . in english word board can mean a piece of wood , and it can mean a committee . in most other languages , you will need a bit of guidance to choose the correct translation according to your meaning . again , these can vary between regions , so be sure to note if regional differences are mentioned . try to choose both familiar and unfamiliar entries . are they clear do you understand them in an english dictionary , are etymologies listed and are they clear does the dictionary give examples of the word in use are they citations from published works does the dictionary include synonyms or other information about the word |
hold the books . consider the purpose of the book . consider the price . consider the time delay , if any . take into account the difference in durability . consider the long - term environmental impact . decide if you want the book now or later . note that sometimes there is no choice . throw non - print books into the equation . dont be a slave to preferring one type over another . view the publication of your own book in a similar light to the readers decisions for purchasing one type of book over another is your book likely to be popular and used as a reference work or become a bestseller , consider whether it is either viable or possible for you to print a run of both hardcover and softcover books . consider producing ebooks and books for ereaders and the ipad . | how to choose between paperback and hardback books | feel sense is a very important part of whether to choose a paperback or a hardback book . for many people , there is an obvious and immediate reaction of texture , weight , and strength . even the odor of the book can captivate or disturb the reader . however , whether you prefer a hardcover or a paperback may vary between books depending on the size and amount of pages , so it isnt always a given that just because you prefer one type of book over another that this will always be the case for all of your books . be honest with yourself . some people love hardcovers because theyre pretty . really . it can be as simple as that hardcover books are made for durability . as such , they are an excellent choice when it comes to reference texts that you will be using often , such as dictionaries and thesauruses , quote books , professional texts such as case law and medical or veterinary manuals , great literary works , and so forth . in addition , hardcover is best for larger sized books such as atlases , coffee table books paintings , scenery , photography , etc . and similar large sized books . on the other hand , softcover or paperback books are great when you take them with you on public transportation , when youre traveling , or when youre reading in bed at night because theyre not as heavy or cumbersome to carry or hold . do you enjoy reading a heavy or a light book in bed everyone has their own preferred method for snuggling up with a book and for some , the hardback versions are just too heavy while for others , they offer the required stability amid the marshmallow crevices of pillows and mattress most bookstores , chain or not , sell the paperback for a cheaper price than the hardback . this is because paperbacks are easier to manufacture . hardbacks have a longer printing and production process that can be quite costly better quality paper , harder cover , more paper used , etc . printers set the prices on them higher so that they can get their money back . hardbacks are usually the first version of the book . a couple of months after the publication of the hardcover , the paperback comes out – possibly with new information , such as an excerpt for the sequel , extended endings , or q as from the author . if youre a book collector or youre collecting books of a particular author or series , the hardback first edition book is usually the preferred edition and is usually the book youd buy for collection purposes . high value books , such as those from the harry potter series , tend to come out in hardback form first because they already have a high known value . a hardback would be better in terms of durability . hardback books tend to have higher quality printing standards . theyre usually made with acid - free paper a ph of 7 , neutral , which ensures their durability long - term . the paper is usually stitched and glued to the spine . paperbacks are made less for durability and more for mass consumption . they have easy portability but also lack the durability of a hardcover and they may also suffer from foxing yellowing and spotting , marking , lose pages , etc . much sooner than youd find with a hardback . hardback books are protected by their binding in a way that paperback books are not and may be less prone to tear and wear as a result and are less likely to get dog ears . although , be aware that libraries will often request that you do not return large hardcover books through the after hours chute , as these books can be easily damaged if they land awkwardly when dropped from a height . and while a paperback can be easily bent out of shape , the flexibility of a paperback can be its saving grace when carrying it about as it can squish into small bags and provided you take care , still come out okay for a good read like everything else , books wear out eventually and are no longer worth selling or even donating . while many single - stream city recycling programs accept paperback books along with newspapers , cardboard , etc . the glue in the binding of hardcover books makes them ineligible for some city recycling programs . if this is important to you , ask your local recycling service their policy on recycling worn - out books . your desired book may be released in hardback first . if a book is released in hardback form first as most books are , they are most likely destined to be successful and youll have to wait awhile before its published in paperback version . it all depends on how up - to - date you want to be or if you have the patience to wait . even if it isnt released as a hardback first , that paperback shouldnt be shunned it might just pleasantly surprise you . you can circumvent the waiting period and the cost by placing a hold on hardcover bestsellers at your local library . free and hardcover now thats a perfect combination sometimes the book is only ever published in one or other format for reasons of cost , durability , marketing promotion , and so forth . in that case , the choice has been removed from you and youll just have to go with whatever is provided . with the advent of ereaders and ipads , the avid reader has yet another type of book to consider . while not printed on paper , many ereaders have been formulated to look just like the pages of a printed book and the ipad has some very fun interactive features for books . the benefit of these electronic gadgets over books is that theyre lightweight and can hold more than one book indeed many of the ereaders can hold hundreds of books . on the other hand , they dont look , smell , or handle like a book and theyre probably not as convenient when researching or writing an article as you cant have several of them open at once unless you happen to be wealthy enough to own several of them at once but thats sort of wasteful in comparison to books . and they need juice , so when their battery is flat and youre in the middle of nowhere without electricity , your trusty book will still give you the satisfaction of a good read . finally but importantly , dont lock yourself into only ever choosing one type and not the other . each book or ebook has its benefits and its disadvantages dependent on all of the factors above and dependent on your intended end use . give yourself the flexibility to chop and change between formats as needed . if so , choose hardback first . is your book testing the waters , a first off print run , a novelty or specialist topic , or just a big unknown if so , choose softcover first . are you trying to keep down the costs of your print run if so , choose softcover first . what are your readers likely to prefer youre going to have to stand in their shoes a bit for this one . this might enable you to meet the needs of each type of reader . however , its likely that your budget will be the ultimate deciding factor here as this will definitely be a more costly way to produce the book . these are increasingly popular formats for publishing in and you might not even need to publish in print form |
visit a textbook buyback price comparison website . look for the textbooks original list price . look at the textbooks condition . determine the price of your textbook . | how to price used textbooks for sale | you may want to visit a web site that buys and sells used books before you try to sell your own used textbook . after going to a used textbook sell back web site , you can search for the value of the used textbook in question by using that books isbn number . this gives you an idea of how much the used textbook pricing is selling for to book buyback companies which is sometimes more than the price on amazon , especially when you consider the commission you have to pay amazon which is 15 . you should also look for the original value of the textbook you are trying to sell . you can do this by looking on the back of the book . if the original value is not found on the back of the textbook , you can visit an online bookseller for more information about the book . for example , you can find out the original value of a specific textbook at amazon and other online web sites . all you need to do is type in the isbn number of the textbook and look at the list price of the book . now you need to look at the condition of the textbook . check out the cover and look for any tears , bends , or markings on the cover of the book . once you have taken note of any changes to the book , you should flip through it to make sure that there are not too many notes , highlights , or underlined information . although a little bit of notes and highlights will not harm the price of the book , a very beat up textbook will not be sold at a very decent price . if you bought the book brand new and it is still in good condition , you should take around 25 percent off the original list value . if you bought the book used , you can take 25 percent off the price that you paid for the book . make sure that you take more money off if the book is in bad condition . |
search for your book in the librarys card catalog . obtain the call number contained in a books entry . go to the shelves . look for a label matching both the call number and the authors last name . | how to use the dewey decimal system 1 | this system is likely computerized . if you are having trouble , ask a librarian for help or have her simply look it up for you . the dewey decimal system applies only to nonfiction books . this system organizes the books by topic , ranging from genetics to victorian england to astrology . the call number will contain three digits or more . record both the number and the authors last name before you begin your search . skim the spines of the books you pass to find the ones with the same first digit as your desired book . then search those books for ones with the same second digit , and so on . heres an example lets say you are looking for a book with dewey decimal number 319 . 21 . find the aisle that 319 would fall under , ignoring the decimals for now . for example , 300 . 2–340 . 99 would be the correct aisle , since 319 falls between 300 and 340 . walk down the shelf looking at the spines until you find the books beginning with 319 . search within the books beginning 319 to find the one youre looking for . these are arranged by the value of the decimal , so 319 . 21 falls between 319 . 20 and 319 . 22 . there may be multiple books with the same call number , so check the authors name to confirm that youve found the one you selected in the card catalog . |
know the ten general areas of content . understand divisions and sections . browse using the system . look online to learn the categories . | how to use the dewey decimal system 2 | melvil dewey originally created ten general categories that most books could be sorted into . the ten areas are listed below with their corresponding numbers . 000 - generalities , computer science , and information 100 - philosophy and psychology 200 - religion 300 - social sciences anthropology , archeology , sociology 400 - language 500 - natural sciences biology , astronomy , etc . and mathematics 600 - technology applied sciences 700 - the arts 800 - literature and rhetoric 900 - geography and history each of the ten areas contain 99 divisions - more specific categories that fall under the larger areas . additional decimals indicate the even even smaller sections , which are even more specific . decimals are added if the topic is even more specific . an example of this specification process is below 500 natural sciences and mathematics 590 zoology 595 arthropods 595 . 7 insects 595 . 78 lepidoptera 595 . 789 butterflies the dewey decimal system is great when youre browsing . if you wanted a book on ethics , for example , you would go to 170 . once you were there you could scan the shelves for a book on an area of ethics that interested you . this is infinitely more convenient than alphabetical arrangement , in which you might find a book on turtles next to one about turbulence in politics . if your library is large and you would rather not spend a whole day browsing books on the arts , you could go online for a guide to the various general categories , divisions , and sections . websites with dewey decimal system guides include oclc , the university of illinois , ipl . |
spot waldos clothes . focus on landmarks . know where else waldo is not . | how to find waldo 1 | in the beloved wheres waldo books by martin handford , readers are supposed to look for a cartoon man named waldo . knowing what to look for is where you must start . waldo wears a red - striped shirt and a red - striped hat . be careful , though , because the illustrator has planted other people with red stripes in an attempt to fool you . there should be a picture of waldo on the cover of the books . create a picture of waldo in your minds eye by studying his picture for a few minutes . this helps your brain seek out similar colors and images in the pages . waldo also has round black glasses , and a walking stickbrown wooden cane with a curved top . waldo wears brown work boots . waldo wears blue jeans with pockets . he has short brown hair with longer bangs that are swept to the right . he usually has a smile on his face . one technique that can be effective is to focus on landmarks where waldo might be hiding out , rather than just wildly looking around . look around landmarks like a castle moat or a blimp or other central elements to the scene . waldo often carries objects with him . this could be a camera , camping gear , a teacup , or any other relevant accessory . sometimes , looking for these things on the page will lead you right to waldo handford has said that he didnt strive to be purely random when choosing where to put waldo . instead , he said that he puts wally when i come to what i feel is a good place to hide him . most of the waldo books also contain a postcard from waldo in the top left - hand corner of the left page when you open a two - page spread . waldo is never hidden here . various studies have found that there are some places waldo almost never appears on the page . waldo is almost never spotted in the pages top left - hand corner . he is rarely located on the edges of pages , and he is never found on the bottom of the right page . waldo is called different names around the world . he is ubaldo in italy , jonas in lithuania , walter in germany , wally in the uk and australia , and van lang in vietnam . have fun with it challenge yourself by scanning the page , and seeing how long it takes you to find waldo without extra help . |
look near the middle area of the page . look in the middle bands of the page . find other characters . | how to find waldo 2 | a graduate student named randal s . olson used computer science to create a way to find waldo in each of the seven books in the wheres waldo series . olson charted where waldo appears in each of the books . he found that waldo is usually not found in the left corner or around the edges of pages . the bottom part of the right page is somewhere waldo never appears . olson even created a heat map that included a line for you to follow if you want to increase your chances of finding waldo . its rather complex , but you can find it online . olson claimed he could find waldo in 10 seconds , and sometimes even less than that . start at the bottom half of the left page . then move your way up to the middle and then down the right side of the page . others have also tried to study waldos hiding spots looking for patterns to help readers . they too have found that waldo is often found near , although not exactly at , the pages middle . waldo is not hiding all of the time in any single one corner of a page . he found that waldo is rarely in the right - hand corner at the top of the right page . in general , waldo is not found as often near the bottom or top of a page . however , more than half of the time , waldo is hiding within one of two 1 . 5 - inch tall bands . the first one is located three inches from the pages bottom . the other one is seven inches from the bottom . waldo is also not likely to be found in the middle of the page , but just above or below it in one of these two bands . both of these bands stretch from one end of the page to the other when the book is open wide . start by studying these areas to increase your chances of finding waldo quickly . he is not always located there he is just located there more often . initially , waldo was the only character to find in each scene , but as more books have been created , other characters were added . wally or waldo has a friend named wilma who appeared in the ultimate fun book . her twin sister replaced her in wheres wally the magnificent poster book . odlaw opposes wally . he looks a lot like wally , but he wears yellow and black striped clothes . his glasses are blue tinted , and he has a mustache . wally has a dog named woof , who shows up in the ultimate fun book . the wizard whitebeard is a background character who often goes along on wallys travels . you might find waldo located near these characters . |
look online . download a waldo app . use tricks to find waldo in the app . look at the scenery in which waldo appears . | how to find waldo 3 | waldo is a cottage industry of his own . in addition to puzzles and the books , you can find online waldo riddles and games . it works the same way you are given a complicated photo that includes a sea of people and youre tasked with spotting waldo . sometimes you will be given a multiple sentence riddle containing clues as to his location . waldo is often harder to spot because the illustrator uses colors to fool you . for example , dont assume hes in the seas of red you see . there are waldo apps you can download on the android and ios smartphones . the newest apps are free . the plot involves a twister that has torn through the countryside , and you must locate waldo and other hidden objects that the twister has scattered about , or they will be lost in the sea . unusual stories accompany each new land . you will use a map to visit each of the lands , and will earn coins as you find the objects in them . the coins are used to unlock new lands . the game is called waldo friends . one downside of it is that it contains ads . the positive is that if you are done with all of the waldo books , there are plenty of other places you can find waldo you can increase your chances of finding waldo in the app with a few quick strategies . try playing the same scene again and again so you figure out where objects are placed , and you will be able to find them when you play again . when you find an object , dont tap it right away . if you find more objects nearby and tap them to get combos , you will end up with a higher final score . save bones for really tough scenarios because you can use them to instantly find an item . wait until the final star of the game because theyre hard to get . look for the colors that stand out in waldos clothes , or look for the hat . these items will either be differently colored from the surrounding scenery or will stand out as something out of context . watch out for waldo lookalikes often , there will be waldo impostors in red - and - white striped shirts or glasses , there to trick you into thinking youve found waldo . be sure to look closely at the image you find to make sure its the true waldo . look for extras . often , scanning for the bonus items on each page , youll uncover waldo along the way its a two - for - one that can save many valuable minutes in your day . |
read the seven novels which make up the chronicles of narnia . watch the movie versions of the lion , the witch and the wardrobe and prince caspian and the voyage of the dawn treader . after reading the books and watching the movies , decide on your favourite character . let people know you love narnia by putting up narnia posters on your bedroom wall , or setting your background image to a narnia picture . search the internet for narnia costumes and props . behave like a narnian would . take online narnia quizzes to test your knowledge and see how big of a fan you truly are . decide on a royal title for yourself . | how to be a true narnia fan | the order in which the books were published is not the chronological order they should be read in . the chronological order begins with the magicians nephew . the sequel is the lion , the witch , and the wardrobe , followed by the horse and his boy . the next book in the series is prince caspian , after that it is voyage of the dawn treader , followed by the silver chair . the final book in the series is the last battle . the movies star william moseley as peter pevensie , anna popplewell as susan pevensie , skandar keynes as edmund pevensie and georgie henley as lucy pevensie . and ben barnes as caspian in the latter two . research them to find out as much as you can about them , and maybe you could even take on some of their characteristics , too . anything to show your appreciation . some websites sell mocks of the characters armour , swords , shields and bows etc . narnians always use their powers for good , not for evil . keep that in mind . , at the end of the lion , the witch and the wardrobe , the pevensies are crowned kings and queens of narnia - queen lucy the valiant , king edmund the just , queen susan the gentle and king peter the magnificent . think of an adjective that describes you , and secretly call yourself king queen your name the your chosen adjective . and remember - once a king or queen of narnia . always a king or queen of narnia . |
take advantage of the numerous resources at your local library . learn a new skill . find information in a library search the librarys catalog . join a special interest group . make use of the librarys childrens resources take the children to story time . | how to use a library to supplement learning 1 | libraries are known for their book collections , but many of them also own these materials electronic books downloadable to your e - reader or mobile device free internet access and computer usage toys and board games specialized collections such as hand tools 3d printers and other makerspace tools whether youre interested in learning to fix a flat tire or how to create a spreadsheet , libraries offer programming on a variety of subjects for all ages . studies indicate that adults prefer to learn in a classroom environment to online learning . public libraries offer a setting similar to the classroom . interested in a program the library doesnt offer feel free to make a suggestion to the staff . do you have a skill or interest you would like to share volunteer to give a presentation . public libraries are geared to serve the community , and participation by their patrons is an effective way to assess the communitys needs . most libraries have an online database , although a few small libraries may still use a card catalog . the collection can be accessed through the title , author , subject , and other criteria . search online . many libraries have computers available for searching , and have access to online databases not readily accessible to popular search engines . if the library doesnt have what youre looking for , you can request it through inter - library loan . some inter - library loan requests may require a fee . ask in advance if there is any cost involved . ask the librarians . the most frequent request librarians receive is an answer to a question , rather than looking for a resource . most libraries have book discussion groups for a variety of ages and interests . like to travel but dont have the time read about and discuss where you would like to go . if your library doesnt have a group sharing your interests , consider starting one . studies show that reading to children helps them to develop language and literacy skills . have your children read to a dog . libraries provide a quiet , non - judgemental environment where reluctant readers can hone their skills by reading to a therapy dog . these programs have proven to be popular with children and parents alike . |
encourage school and public libraries to collaborate to provide materials and programs that would otherwise be unavailable to students . partner with local cultural and civic organizations . keep the community apprised of your librarys activities . communicate with public officials at all levels attend local council and school board meetings to keep officials informed of school and public library activities . | how to use a library to supplement learning 2 | share summer programming . many schools have summer reading lists for their students . by coordinating with public libraries , students have access to the materials they need . share stem programming resources . as the teaching of science , technology , engineering , and math skills becomes an increasing priority in education , public and school libraries can provide resources to help acquire those skills . many communities have musical , theater , or other cultural groups . arrange for students to attend a performance or have a behind - the - scenes tour . partner with a community service organization . service organizations like kiwanis and rotary are always interested in promoting literacy programs in their local community . post upcoming events online on your communitys web page and social media pages , as well as your newspapers community events page . be sure to contact media outlets to find out how far in advance you should submit your event information . invite reporters from your local newspaper to your event . take advantage of opportunities to speak on your local radio station . prepare talking points in advance of a meeting . provide documentation for talking points . plan library events that includes both the public and elected officials . take advantage of opportunities to contact your state and federal legislators . learn about the issues potentially affecting libraries . |
use good note taking , and study skills to improve your reading comprehension . write someplace else . write your notes on index cards or slips of paper . use sticky notes , paper clips , or tape flags to mark key pages and passages without damage . photocopy or scan a key page or passage if you wish to mark it up or refer to it after you return the book . | how to take key notes from library books | reading well in the first place will help keep your reading and your notes about it relevant . keep a notebook . take notes on your computer or phone only if you can use it without being distracted . start notes about a particular passage with a page number , and perhaps the heading or opening words of the passage , so you can find the passage again quickly . insert your notes between pages , to mark relevant passages . make sure your notes or tags can be removed . try them first on a piece of scrap paper if youre not sure . write on the sticky notes if you choose to . let the ink dry before attaching them . be selective dont overdo it and copy the whole book . remember , you can use most digital cameras , including the ones on smartphones , to scan a page . |
clarify your personal mission statement . develop a reasonable monthly or yearly budget . develop a time line to acquire books . determine a specialization . create a library environment that is spacious enough to hold books , computers and a study area . | how to set up your own reference library 1 | most libraries have a mission statement that helps to identify their goals , acquisitions , funding , organization and more . although this need not be a formal document , it is a good idea to clarify your goals before starting to build a personal library . unlike city or school libraries that are at least partially publicly funded , a personal reference library relies on your own funds . if you have a small budget , you may want to look into acquiring used books , rather than new books . unless you have a very large budget from the outset , you should follow the general rules of all libraries and create an acquisition plan . for example , if you have 100 per month , you may plan to acquire at least 3 new books per month , every month for 2 years . you will have 72 books after 2 years , if you follow this plan . if you plan to buy used books because you have a budget of 50 , you may be able to find 4 books per month , resulting in 98 books in your reference library after 2 years . most reference libraries are somewhat defined by the personal interests of the people creating it . after plans are made to acquire the staples of a reference library , such as an encyclopedia and an atlas , you may want to start collecting based on your interests . for example , possible specialized topics include biblical studies , natural science , psychology , music , travel or art . this may be a room , or a large corner of a room , but it should be dedicated to the reference library , in order to preserve organization and provide a quiet study space . include the following items in your library find sturdy bookcases with adjustable shelves . many reference books are larger and heavier than fiction books . you can hire someone to build in your bookcases , or you can buy freestanding bookcases at most furniture stores . if you have freestanding bookcases , make sure they are anchored to the walls . add a computer and computer desk . an online database is the best way to catalog your books . an online research center is also a necessary part of any reference library . the computer desk should be set up with a chair . make room for a library table . these tables are long and flat , so that you can lay out more than 1 book at a time when you are doing research . the table should be large enough so you can lay out large atlases , with room to spare for a notebook . find a comfortable reading chair , if you plan to do extensive reading in your library . many people prefer to have a well - upholstered chair where they feel comfortable sitting for a couple of hours . add incandescent lighting to limit eyestrain . your room should have task lighting above work stations and the reading chair , so that you can see your pen , paper and book pages . task lighting can be provided by pendant lamps or standing lamps . it should also include ambient lighting that fills the room with enough light to see the book spines on the shelves . this is usually provided by overhead lights or fixtures near the ceiling . choose ambient lighting that is separate from task lighting . it is not a good idea to place lighting directly on the books themselves for long periods of time . over time the books will be damaged by harsh lighting or sunlight . turn off the ambient lighting when you have collected your books and you are under your task lighting . buy a library ladder or stool , if you have tall , custom built shelves . this will help to avoid falls and allow you to access your entire library . |
buy an up - to - date dictionary . collect atlases of the world and your local area . go to library auctions . choose a reputable encyclopedia collection . subscribe to magazines in your area of interest . include other media , such as classical music , documentaries , photographs and newspaper clippings . visit antique and rare book sellers . search textbook and reference publishers websites for remaindered books . develop a relationship with a book store or book seller . read book award lists to find possible acquisitions . go to a large public library and peruse their reference section . buy a book repair guide , such as a simple book repair manual by dartmouth college . | how to set up your own reference library 2 | choose 1 that is extensive , such as a version of the oxford english dictionary . this may be the most expensive acquisition at the beginning of your reference library , because it is necessary for research . these should also be fairly new because countries and cities change regularly . collect detailed atlases of any specific areas you plan to study . public and school libraries must regularly update their collections in order to stay current . you can get the last edition of many common library books for a low price , because they may be sold for a few dollars a piece . you may be able to get a full collection for less , if you research bulk book sales on the internet or through local estate sales . you can also choose to invest in an online encyclopedia that you store on a disk , on your library computer hard drive , or on the internet . popular encyclopedias like encyclopedia britannica offer online subscriptions to their content . you can find discount subscriptions of many publications on the internet . national geographic , scientific american or the smithsonian include articles that are valuable to a reference library . if you do not have room to store these magazines , then opt for an online subscription to their archives . these are part of a complete reference library . visit your local library and make photocopies to develop your collection . this is a great place to look for primary sources , such as journals . pay extra attention to editions , modifications and the fragility of the book . often these books are not selling quickly enough , so the publisher sells them at a deep discount to make space in the warehouse . non - fiction books are often remaindered by publishers . they can keep you up to date about new reference book editions or rare books . most genres have a yearly award , such as the pulitzer price for history , the george washington book prize or the phi beta kappa award in science . make a list of books you want to acquire and place them on your acquisition schedule . ask them how often they replace the books , in case you can get them at library sales . they can instruct you on how to condition leather , repair spines and more . this can save you from needing to ship a book to a professional book binder . |
organize your books by subject . record your library electronically as you acquire books . use acid - free bookplates or a library stamp on each book , if you plan to allow lending . stack large and heavy books horizontally . | how to set up your own reference library 3 | unlike a fiction library , searching by author is difficult because many reference books are written by more than 1 person . research the dewey decimal system , the library of congress system , or reserve a shelf for each subject . there are a number of programs that are made for this function and offer you the ability to search by subject , author , bar code and more . electronic databases allow you to create your own card catalog . good programs include librarything , gurulib , bookcat , reader2 and shelfari . some programs have both a free and a paid option . the free account may allow you to catalog a few hundred items , but you would need a paid account to add more . if you own an apple computer , then delicious monster may be the best program for you . it includes a bar code scanning process and a media cataloging function . many online stamp makers provide personalized library stamps . lay them flat to avoid excess damage to the spines . place other books 1 inch 2 . 5 cm from the back of the shelves for better air circulation . |
keep the temperature of your library between 60 and 70 degrees fahrenheit 16 to 21 degrees celsius . dust the tops and spines of the books regularly . look out for infestations of silverfish , cockroaches , bookworms and book lice . | how to set up your own reference library 4 | you should also aim to keep the books in an environment that is not too humid or too dry to discourage mold , fungus and infestation . use a dehumidifier in the summer and a humidifier in the winter to keep books from molding or drying out . as well as an aesthetic problem , dust attracts moisture , mildew and book lice . many of these animals are attracted to dust , glue and paper . they eat through the books , spines and often leave their waste on the pages . if you find an infestation , consult a professional exterminator before they destroy too many books . if you believe the pest problem only extends to 1 or 2 books , place each 1 in a plastic freezer bag . remove as much air as possible and seal it well . leave them in the freezer for a day to kill the insects . then clean out the book as thoroughly as possible . |
get a library card . ask about fees . find out where the bookmobile goes . learn the bookmobiles schedule . get the bookmobile to come to your neighborhood . ask about home - bound service . familiarize yourself with the bookmobiles selection . ask about reserving books . if your bookmobile is connected to a larger district library , there is a good chance that you can reserve a book through your library system and schedule the pick - up to coincide with a bookmobile stop . follow the bookmobile librarys borrowing procedures . like any library , a bookmobile library has certain requirements and rules regarding the borrowing of materials . pay off any fines . | how to use a bookmobile library | most bookmobiles are part of a larger library district . as such , many bookmobiles only require patrons to have a library card to their parent district . other bookmobiles may require patrons to have a special card before being permitted to use the bookmobile library , even if they are attached to larger districts . find out if you have a working library card or if you need to apply for a new one before you do anything else . for most bookmobiles , the service is free to residents who live within the area of the bookmobiles parent library district . some bookmobile libraries are closed to people living outside of this region , but others will allow citizens from neighboring cities or counties to take advantage of the bookmobile service for a small fee . if your library district does not have its own bookmobile , find out if a neighboring one does and if you can obtain access . the typical bookmobile library makes a range of stops . these stops often include neighborhood stops , nursing homes , and daycare centers . some bookmobiles accept suggestions for new stops , while others determine their stops without community input . before you can use the bookmobile , you need to know where to find it and when . most bookmobile libraries will put out a yearly , bi - yearly , or quarterly schedule of bookmobile stops . you can usually obtain a copy of the bookmobiles schedule by asking the bookmobile workers , library workers from a branch in the district , or by accessing it online . many bookmobile libraries are willing to take requests , but you may need to wait until the next schedule is drafted before it will be put into effect . moreover , even bookmobiles that are willing to add a new stop or neighborhood to their route may have specific requirements . for instance , you may need to guarantee that a minimum number of books will be checked out each month or that road and traffic conditions can accommodate a bookmobile stop . many bookmobile libraries are willing to provide a special service to individual patrons who are physically unable to visit one of the districts branches due to disabilities , age , illness , or loss of mobility . depending on the circumstances and the bookmobile librarys policies , these home - bound individuals might be able to arrange a brief visit from the bookmobile once or twice a month . bookmobile libraries can carry thousands of titles that may include not only print books , but audio books , dvds , videos , and compact discs , as well . additionally , your library on wheels may have a selection of materials from many genres . the selection may be heavy in one area depending on whom the bookmobile caters to , though . for instance , bookmobiles primarily aimed at serving a day care may have a large selection of childrens books , while bookmobiles mainly aimed at senior citizens may have a larger selection of large print books . many libraries allow you to reserve books online or in person and are willing to send the reserved materials to your branch of choice . for library systems that have a bookmobile , the bookmobile may serve as one such choice . obey the check - out period . oftentimes , the check - out period for bookmobile materials depends on how often the bookmobile comes around . if the bookmobile comes around once a month , for instance , then you may be allowed to keep the materials that long . in other cases , especially for bookmobiles that come around on a more frequent basis , the check - out periods may only be as long as they are for books and materials checked out from the library district as a whole . know the check - out limits . since a bookmobile library has a limited supply of materials as compared to a standard library branch , the check - out limits may be a little more rigid . you will probably only be allowed to check out so many books , dvds , compact discs , or other materials at once . learn about the renewal policy . bookmobiles associated with parent library branches may allow you to renew bookmobile materials as long as the renewal happens before the check - out period expires . not all bookmobile libraries will allow this , however , due to the limited supply of materials they carry . as with any library , keeping library materials past their due date will result in a fine . pay fines as you get them . strict bookmobiles may restrict you from borrowing further materials until your current fines are paid . others may not restrict you immediately but will do so if too much time passes with unpaid fines . |
figure out where your local library is located . determine what type of identification you will need to bring to get a card . visit your local library branch . find an employee to talk to . ask to apply for a library card . fill out all necessary paper work . sign your library card . start off small . get to know the librarians . visit on a regular basis if you can . | how to get a library card | if you have never been to your local library before , you may need to search online to figure out where the closest one is . you can just put in the word library and your town name in the search bar , and the local library branch should pop up . there are even some websites that list all public libraries in a given country . if you want a list of all of the libraries in your state , go to one of these sites . you will need to bring in some form of official identification , such as a passport or drivers license . you may also need to prove your address , which is usually done by bringing in a piece of official mail a utility bill for instance that has your name and address on it . if you are too young to have an official piece of identification , then you will most likely need to go to the library with an adult who has this type of identification . you can get your own library card , but the adult will need to vouch for you . some libraries want you to fill out a form online , and then go in to a branch to show your identification and pick up your card . this is why it is a good idea to check online about the application process before going into the library . bring your identification documents with you to the library . be sure to check that the library is open before trying to go there . some libraries are open at unexpected times , so double check online for hours and days open . once at the library , find a person who works there to ask about library accounts . in many cases , you will want to go up to a desk that has a sign that says something like , new accounts . if it is unclear where to go once you enter the library , feel free to ask any employee you see about getting a library card . at the very least , that employee should be able to steer you towards a person who can actually help you . this should be a common request at the library , so the employee should understand what you are asking for . they will then walk you through the process and review the documents that you brought with you . this process will vary drastically from library to library . some libraries will ask you to fill out a form , while at others you will just give your identification to an employee and they will put your information straight into a computer . whatever information your library requires , such as your address or date of birth , provide it if the request seems reasonable and you are comfortable giving the information . depending on your specific library , you may get your card right away or it may be sent to you . when you get it , sign it to make it official . you now have access to all the amazing resources provided by your local library . when you come to the library , remember to bring your library card so you can check items out . if youre not used to borrowing books from the library , take out one at a time . then , as you grow more comfortable and you return your books on time , you can get a few out at a time . most libraries have a limit on the number of items you can have out at one time . ask your librarian how many items you can have out at your specific library . the librarians in your library are a really great resource for you . they can give you all kinds of information , such as recommending good books on your specific interests or helping you research topics you find interesting . the more you visit , the more enjoyable it can become . the library can be a wonderful space where you can learn new things and where you have free access to a wide variety of ideas from all over the world . they are a valuable resource that you can use any time they are open . explore your local library . peruse the stacks of books and learn where different types of books are housed . this may lead to you finding books on a topic you didnt even know you were interested in . |
find a computer in the library . do a title search . search by the author . do a subject search . click on the books title . write down the books location , call number and status . use the call number guide . look at the librarys map . look at the labels at the end of the bookshelf . look at the numbers on the books spine . ask a staff member . request an interlibrary loan . | how to locate a book in a library | today , most libraries have electronic catalogues available on computer terminals throughout the library . find a computer and access the librarys homepage . on the homepage there should be a search option for books , articles , magazines , newspapers and editorials . it is usually located at the top of the web page . the computers should have the librarys homepage set as the computers homepage . if not , type the librarys web address into the computers internet browser . do this if you know the title of the book you are looking for . type the title of the book into the search box . omit any as or thes at the beginning of the title when you type it into the search box . for example , if the title of the book is the fall of the roman empire , then type in fall of the roman empire . do this if you cannot remember the books exact title , but you know the authors name . authors are usually listed by their last names , so either type in the authors whole name , or just the last name . all of the works written by the author that the library has available will be listed . in addition to books , newspaper articles , conferences , and other books associated with the author will be listed . you can narrow down the search results by filtering the list . filter the results by clicking on books . you can also use this method if you are interested in other books by a specific author . type in the authors name and look through the books that come up in the search engine . do this if you do not have a specific book or author in mind , but you are interested in a particular subject . when searching by subject , use key words to narrow down your search . for example , if you are interested in immigration , then type in the search box u . s . immigration , european immigration , or mexican immigrants . do this once you have found a book . you will be redirected to a new page that contains specific information about your book , like the books status and where it is located . to access this information , you may need to input an id and password if you are at a private library , like a university library . if you are a student of the university or member of the library , then input your information . if you are at a public library , then you may not need to input an id and password . if you do , then ask the librarian for this information . these are the three most important pieces of information that you need to write down . this information tells you where the book is located in the library and if it is available . for example , write down , location anderson library stacks , call number qa 600 . k57 2009 , and status availableunavailable . if your book is located in the stacks , then it is a circulating book that can be checked out for a certain period of time like four weeks . if your book is in the reserves , a reference book , or in the special collections , then it can be checked out , however , it cannot be taken outside of the library . do this if your book is available not checked out or missing . identify the first two letters of the call number . then find them on the guide . the guide will tell you which wing of the library the book is in and on what floor . for example , a book starting with qa may be in the blue wing on the fourth floor . look for call number guides around the computers , or at the librarys main desk . do this if you are unsure where the blue wing is , for example . you can find maps at the main desk of the library . the map will outline how to get to the different wings of the library , using the main desk as the reference point . alternatively , you can ask a staff member to direct you to the wing . the bookshelf labels are organized alphabetically . use these labels to locate which bookshelf your book is on . the labels typically contain a range of letters and numbers , for example , qa 100 . 74 . b50 to qa 300 . 70 . a30 . if your books call number falls within the range , then begin looking through that bookshelf . for example , if your books call number is qa 200 . 86 . s50 , then it falls within the range and your book is located on that shelf . the books are also organized alphabetically , so use the call number to locate the book . the call number is typically located at the bottom of the books spine . the books call number should match the call number in the system identically . since books are organized by topic using the library of congress classification system , try browsing the other books in the section you found your book in if you want more books on your topic . do this if you cannot find the book , but the system says it is available . the book may be misplaced , or perhaps you are looking in the wrong place . after all , most libraries are huge and it is easy to get confused . the staff member will go and look for the book for you . tell the staff member , i went to look for a book in the blue wing , but i could not find it . the system said it was available , but it was not there when i went to go look for it . could you check for me if the librarian confirms that the book is missing or unavailable , then request an interlibrary loan . you or the librarian will need to fill out a request form detailing the name of the book , author and year it was published , as well as your contact information . it usually takes five to seven days for a book to arrive . an interlibrary loan allows you to check out a book from another library where the book is available . |
remove all furniture , movable shelves and books from your nook . decide on a color scheme for your nook and paint the walls or shelves . buy book shelves if you dont have any . | how to turn a nook into a home library 1 | give the area a deep cleaning with soap and water . this can serve as preparation before you paint or as a way to protect your books from dust , sunlight or insect damage . if the rest of your house has white walls , you may choose to leave the area white . however , some nooks benefit from having soothing colors , such as earth tones or pastels , on the walls and book shelves . if you are renting your house or apartment , you should not paint your walls . however , you can paint your book shelves to add color to the area . make sure all shelves cure for 1 to 2 weeks before you put books on them , so that wet paint doesnt ruin your collection . estimate how many books you will have in your library and count how many books your shelves can hold . not all the shelves need to be large or built in , because you can find many freestanding book shelves that allow you to stack books in tight spaces or on the walls themselves . make sure to choose bookshelves that either have adjustable shelf height or that have shelves of varying heights . many reference books are taller than normal shelves . |
place your bookshelves where you want them to be , and anchor them to the wall , if possible . dust all of the books individually , and then decide how you want to stack them on your shelves . choose furniture for your home library . set up your lighting . place plants away from book shelves . decorate a childs reading nook with bright colors , a comfortable rug , stuffed animals , comfortable chairs and low book shelves . | how to turn a nook into a home library 2 | decorate any open wall space with art . you can choose a print or poster with a literary influence , but it should be a calming or thought - provoking image . many people choose alphabetizing by author , but you can also choose to stack books by color or subject matter . place the books on your shelves , about an inch away from the back of the shelf , so the books can be kept dry through ventilation . most people need a comfortable chair , such as a small sofa , recliner , chaise lounge or plush chair . also , consider setting up a desk for research , an ottoman , baskets or boxes for magazines and a small table to keep drinks away from the book shelves . natural light should not stream directly onto your books , or they will be damaged by sunlight . hang a pendant lamp that casts light directly from above or choose a standing lamp that reaches throughout the whole nook . place light - filtering shades over windows that direct light onto your books . if possible , place your books so that sunlight isnt cast directly onto them . insects can damage books , so you want to put any plants on the outskirts of your nook , and check regularly for infestations . water the plants in the sink so they dont ruin furniture . keep this area separate from televisions and other stimuli that could disrupt your child from reading . |
dust your home library once every week . vacuum your home library once every week . keep your home temperature below 70 degrees fahrenheit 21 degrees celsius to control mildew and moisture . update your library with new books . | how to turn a nook into a home library 3 | book lice are attracted to dust filled corners and termites are attracted to dirty bookshelves . silverfish and mice are also attracted to the glue and other materials in books . this will keep your books free of dust bunnies and other dirt . cleaning your library should be a priority to ensure that you do not cause any damage to your books . if you find an infestation in your books , you can place your books in a sealed plastic bag and stick them in the freezer to kill the insects . if that is not possible , you can use an air conditioner or a dehumidifier to control the moisture in the air . try to keep your books organized according to your chosen filing system . keep track of books that are borrowed in a small register on your library desk or table . |
get a library card . choose your books . be aware of lending limits . take your books to the circulation desk for check - out . use the self - checkout as an alternative . set up your online account . renew your books if you need more time . learn to place holds on books . download the right app . log in to your library account . borrow the book . connect your device . know when your due date is . take books back when they are recalled . return books to the circulation desk . use the drop box . return e - books . | how to check out a library book | most libraries will let you get a library card and take out books on your own if youre at least 13 years old . if youre younger than that , ask an older sibling , parent , guardian , or baby sitter to take you . find the circulation desk sometimes called the front desk , and tell the librarian that you would like a library card . to get your card , you or your guardian will have to provideyour name your address they need to make sure you live in the area your phone number the names of other people you want on the account theyll get their own card thats linked to your account photo identification with your name and address on it books in libraries are often organized by genre , which means a particular style or type . this means , for instance , that all the mystery books will be grouped together , and all the science books will be together , and all the cooking books will be together . within these sections , books will also be organized alphabetically by the last names of the authors . to find books , you can browse through the different sections until you find something that catches your eye , or until you find what youre looking for . you can also use the librarys computer to look through the catalogue and locate specific books or books about a particular subject . the computer will tell you what section the book is in . when in doubt , you can always ask the librarian where you can find certain books , particular authors , or specific genres . some libraries have limits on how many books you can check out at a time , and others also limit the number of books you can take out on a certain subject at one time . while you may be able to take out a large number of books at any given time , you may be limited when it comes to checking out multiple dvds , cds , magazines , and other materials . when youve looked through and decided on the books you want to take home , take them to the circulation desk . most modern libraries will have two options either take your books right to the desk for the librarian to check out , or take them to the nearby self - checkout machine . to have the librarian check out your books when its your turn , go up to the desk and place your books and your card on the desk . always have your library card when youre taking out books . the librarian will scan your card , scan the books , tell you your due date , and run the book through a machine so it doesnt set off the alarm . the librarian may also give you a slip of paper that says your due date on it . try not to lose this if youre going away on a family holiday and need the book for longer , ask about being able to keep the book for longer . instead of waiting in line at the circulation desk , you can also check out books yourself using the self - checkout machine , if your library has one . these machines will often be close to the circulation desk , but you will have to be tall enough to reach the touch screen or button . tap the button on the screen or use the laser on the machine to scan the barcode on your library card . when the machine tells you to , scan the barcode on your first book . make sure you scan the library bar code on the front cover or inside cover , and not the publishers barcode on the back . to turn off the alarm device in the book , place the spine of the book into the reader and wait until the screen prompts you to remove it . these days , many libraries have online sites you can use to renew books , place holds , check out e - books , add books to a list of ones you want to read , see your borrowing history , and browse the librarys catalogue . when youre at the library checking out your books , ask if the library has an online portal where you can access your account online . ask the librarian to write down the website and the information youll need to make an account . if you can use the computer on your own , go ahead and set up your account at a time when youre allowed to be on the computer . otherwise , ask a parent , teacher , or older sibling to help you out . libraries allow borrowers to extend the amount of time they can keep a book through the renewal process . usually you can renew a book two or three times , as long as its not a brand new book and as long as nobody else has placed a hold on it . you can renew bylogging in to the online site . find the book in your list , select the box beside it , and click renew . calling the library . be sure to have your library card number handy and the name of the book . visiting the circulation desk directly . again , be sure to have your library card with you . sometimes a book you want to check out wont be available , and this is usually because somebody else already has it checked out . when this happens , you can place a hold on the book to ensure that when the book is returned , it will be held for you . like renewals , most libraries allow you to place holds in person or through the portal . if youre on the portal , find the book you want to borrow and look for the place a hold option . to borrow e - books from libraries , you need access to your own or a parents mobile device , like an e - reader or tablet . if you arent allowed to do this on your own , ask if a parent or guardian will download overdrive onto the device . go to the applications store on your mobile device , such as the app store , amazon appstore , or google play , and search for overdrive . when you find it , select install . overdrive is like an online bookshelf that links public library accounts to e - reader and mobile device accounts . once the app is installed , launch it so you can put in your information and find your local library from the dropdown menu . from a desktop computer or with the browser on your mobile device , log in to your librarys online portal using your account information . browse through until you find an e - book you want to borrow . to do this , find the title of the book and the link that says borrow or download . once youve done this , it will ask you for the delivery method . you may need to select the type of device such as a kindle or the specific app youre using such as overdrive . if prompted , select checkout to initiate the transfer to your overdrive account . if the device you want to use to read your e - book isnt connected to a network , connect it to wi - fi so it can receive the e - book . if youre using an amazon device , you will need to sign in to your amazon account to receive the transfer and download the book . if youre using a mobile phone or tablet to read your book , log on to your library account from the device , and then select download to overdrive . make sure you already have overdrive installed on your device to open the book . materials that you can take out from the library , including books , magazines , and dvds , always have a due date , which is the date by which your items are due back to the library . this allows other people to check out and enjoy the materials as well . libraries have individual policies about loan periods , and different items usually have different loan periods as well . for instance , whereas you may be able to keep a book for 14 to 21 days , you may have to return a dvd after seven days . if you lose the slip of paper that tells you when your materials are due back , you can either call the library to ask , drop by the circulation desk to find out , or check in to your online account , which will give you a list of the materials you have checked out and their due dates . sometimes books are recalled , which means you have to bring the book back sooner . if this happens , you will usually receive a notification by email or phone . when you do this , you return books directly to a library staff member . this method is good if you want to say hi and chat , or if you want the books returned right away so that you can take out more . some larger libraries have check - incheck - out desks and help desks where you may be able to return books as well . many libraries have drop boxes that can be used to return books . for most libraries , there will be a drop box inside at the circulation desk , and there will also be one outside so that you can still return books after the library is closed . simply open the door to the box for external boxes , place your books inside the compartment , and close the door again to drop your books into the box . e - books are generally returned automatically when they are due , but if you have an e - reader and want to return the item early , go to manage your content , then find the title you want to return . select actions beside the title , then return , then yes . |
inquire about the librarys book buying process . arrange to buy books according to the librarys fiscal year . contact the friends of the library organization . ask for a current list of books the library needs to acquire . consult the library on whether they prefer hardcover , paperback or library bound books . understand that library books are often more expensive than privately bought books . inquire where the library buys their books . ask the publishing company if they can send the library the book before receiving payment . buy the books that fit within your librarys criteria . | how to buy books for the library | many libraries subscribe to lists that automatically send them books from certain publishers . you will want to avoid doubling up on books , or buying something that the library doesnt need . many libraries make the majority of their acquisitions at the beginning of their fiscal year . this is a good time to buy books , if you are part of library staff , but if you want to donate , you may want to help out later in the year . ask if the library needs a purchase order for every book it purchases . many libraries are publicly funded , and a purchase order , or po , helps them keep track of their budget . friends of the library is a common non - profit organization that helps to support library collections and presentations . they often have a fund to help the library receive books or collections they need most . most libraries put an emphasis on acquiring very new books however , they may also be in need of replacements for lost or stolen copies . most libraries prefer library - bound or hardcover books because they stand up to more circulation than paperback books . library bound books are bound with extra stitching and a hardcover , but are often less decorative than the original covers . most library bindings are made through a special service , although some publishers have started to provide library bindings . libraries aim to keep copies of new books on hand for patron use , so they often pay the full price from the publisher . library binding also adds money onto the process , which the library hopes will add value with further readings . few new releases are acquired for less than 25 18 euros , 16 pounds . book stores and even amazon . com often give a discount to libraries and schools . some small to mid - sized libraries have amazon accounts that receive an extra discount . if you go onto this site , you can buy books from their wish list . unlike other book purchases , sometimes payment is required within 30 days of receipt of the books . this allows the library to put it into the system . if the book is not library bound , ask if you should arrange for a library binding to complete your library book purchase . |
download adobe digital editions to your computer . create an ade account . connect your nook to your computer . open the book using adobe . select the library button . click and drag the book . click return book on your nook . click return book in adobe . | how to borrow books from the library for a nook 1 | adobe digital editions is paired with your nook , and is required for older nook models without the option of downloading apps . your computer will function as a mediator between your nook and online library account . if you do not have a computer of your own , you may be able to use a library computer to complete this process . using the same email address you used to activate your nook , create an account with adobe digital editions . creating an account will help you keep track of your downloads , and will facilitate the transfer of books from your computer to your e - reader . using an email different from your nook email may create some difficulty in the download and transfer process . pause at this point in the process and connect your nook to your computer using a usb cable . turn your nook on to make sure it registers with adobe . when you select the format you wish to download in on overdrive the program most libraries use to lend books digitally , a window will appear giving you the option of opening the file or downloading it . select open the file with adobe , which will automatically pull the book open in your adobe library . once you have opened adobe , select the library button in the top left hand corner , which should bring up a list of books you have downloaded or borrowed . having your library open will allow you to identify and highlight the book you are trying to transfer . highlight the book you want to place on your nook , and drag it to the middle of the page on the left - hand side , where a small icon reading nook will appear . this will complete the process of transferring the book to your nook . check your nook before disconnecting to make sure the book has appeared in your nook library . when you have finished your digital library book , plug your nook into your computer once more , and open adobe . from your library on your nook , click return book . open adobe and complete the return by also clicking return book inside of the adobe program . to verify your return has gone through , you can minimize adobe and check your overdrive or library account . if your book does not return , you may need to contact nook customer service or your library for assistance . |
download the overdrive app to your nook . find your local library in the overdrive app . select the book you wish to borrow . read your book before the expiration date . | how to borrow books from the library for a nook 2 | newer nook models have the ability to download apps directly to the device . overdrive , the company most libraries use for digital lending , has a nook - compatible app you can download to simplify use . to borrow from your library , you will need your library card and the name of your library . find your specific library in the search tab in the overdrive app and select it to get a list of the available titles . once youve selected the book you wish to borrow , you will hit download , and check it out using your library card . it will be stored in your overdrive app under bookshelf . you will read your book through the app . through overdrive , the library book will have a lending period automatically placed on it . once this lending period has expired , the book will be removed from your overdrive bookshelf by default , and will no longer be available to read until it has been checked out again . |
gather two pieces of mail with your name and address . take your state - issued id . visit your local library . set up your online library profile . | how to borrow books from the library for a nook 3 | many libraries require you to present proof of residency in order to get a library card . before you head to the library , gather two pieces of mail with your given name and address on them , such as a bank statement or utility bill . for children or teenagers , a parents proof of residency is usually requested . once youve proven residency , you need to prove you are who you say you are . your library branch will require some form of id . although this is typically a state - issued license or id , students may be able to use their school id cards , as well . libraries do not issue library cards online , so make sure you locate and visit your local library in person with the required documents . if you live outside of the area , you may also be required to pay a yearly fee . although using online catalogs is possible , you have to have a library card before you can use library resources . while at the library , set up your online library profile . this typically uses your library card barcode and a password of your choosing . creating an online library profile is required to check out items digitally . the way to set up your online account varies from library to library . some will have simple instructions , while others will require a librarian to complete the process for you . |
select the book you want to borrow . choose the length of time you wish to borrow the book for . choose the correct format for download . | how to borrow books from the library for a nook 4 | search your librarys online catalog for the book you want to borrow . to narrow your search , you can filter search results to include digital download books only . although the standard borrowing window is 21 days , some overdrive accounts give you the option of choosing a shorter time period , such as seven or fourteen days . select the time period that best fits your needs . if you know you are a slow reader , only check out one digital book at a time so you dont keep other patrons waiting . overdrive offers a few downloading options , depending on the reader you are using . options should include a computer pdf format , a kindle format , and a nook format . the nook format might also read epub or something similar . |
complete a web search using the name of your library to find the link to the website . click the link to connect to your library home page . search the home page for a heading that reads contact us and click on this button . review the contact us page for a box titled chat or message . look for an indicator as to whether the librarian is available . begin typing your question to the librarian in the box and press enter to submit your question . wait for the librarian to respond . type into the box your library card number . wait for the librarian to respond with what is available to you as a library patron . continue your dialog until all questions are answered . thank the librarian for their help when finished . close your web browser . finished . | how to electronically chat with a librarian | , there should be a box which says type here . it might say something like available or offline with a green or red box . , their response will show up under your question in the text box . they will usually begin by asking for your library card number . , this may be material that is available at the library , or online through the internet . , |
learn the basics . learn the commonly used acronyms . learn the acronyms used in the books andor films are as follows da dumbledores army hb head boy or humongous bighead , you decide mom ministry of magic or minister of magic s . p . e . w . learn the acronyms commonly used in the harry potter fandom dada defense against the dark arts ak avada kedavra the killing curse dp the daily prophet de death eater mwpp moony , wormtail , padfoot , and prongs nicknames for the marauders twt triwizard tournament learn some of the extra terms used in many fandoms , including harry potter fandom a community consisting of the fans of a particular person , book , tv series , etc . | how to understand harry potter internet acronyms | the most basic acronym you should be aware of , is hp , which stands for harry potter . this could mean the character the protagonist of the books , the series , or the fandom . these are the ones for each of the books . for conjunctions such as of or the , the letter may or may not be lowercase . ps or ss harry potter and the philosophers stone british version or harry potter and the sorcerers stone american version - 1st book cos harry potter and the chamber of secrets - 2nd book poa harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban - 3rd book gof harry potter and the goblet of fire - 4th book ootp , otp , op harry potter and the order of the phoenix - 5th book hbp harry potter and the half - blood prince - 6th book dh harry potter and the deathly hallows - 7th book fb or fbawtft fantastic beasts and where to find them - textbook derived from the hp books qta or qtta quidditch through the ages - textbook derived from the hp books the society for the promotion of elfish welfare wwn wizarding wireless network , ship abbreviation of relationship otp one true pairing - a pairing of characters that a person believes is the only possible end result for both characters , or , simply , someones favorite ship |
relive it all . share with others online . deck out your living space with harry potter merch . stay in touch with the magic . use writing to connect . watch and listen to all you can thats related to harry potter . do harry potter things in your real life . get harry potter crafty or creative . host a harry potter theme party . keep faith | how to survive without harry potter | reread the books . keep watching the movies . watch them separate , out of order , or as a marathon . get the extra books . these include fantastic beasts and where to find them , quidditch through the ages , and tales of beedle the bard . however , there are many fanmade books that have been published . go on pottermore and other harry potter related sites . go on forums and chat rooms . get all the merchandise and clothes . eat the food . you can get it from the online shop called honeydukes on the universal studios site , or you can get it from the wizarding world when you visit . a third option would be to make it yourself . decorate your room . make it obvious that youre still into harry potter . go to harry potter world wizarding world of harry potter . its at universal studios in orlando , florida , and since the summer 2014 , they have completed the diagon alley addition role play . find out what happened to the actors . you can also write to them if you want . visit conventions . yes , they exist some are pottercon and leakycon . write and read fanfiction . write backgrounds for the characters , and write their futures . write to j . k . rowling . create your own character . listen to wizard rock . this is a new music genre that has come out of the series . listen to mugglecast , pottercast , and other harry potter podcasts . watch the parodies . some famous ones are a very potter musical and potter puppet pals , but there are so many others on youtube . make your own . watch harry potter videos on youtube . watch finding hogwarts . its a fan documentary . you can also try doing something like this and travel around , looking for famous locations . get hyped for the new movie . its based off of fantastic beasts and where to find them . it takes place in 1920s new york , and its about all of newt scamanders adventures . to make it better , rowling is writing the script get psyched play muggle quidditch . there are many official teams worldwide , and there is a quidditch world cup every year in the us . reference harry potter regularly . this makes sure that the series is still in your daily life . hang out with fans . talk like a wizard . say spells , and use wizard language , like muggle and quidditch . stick up for harry potter . you need to be there for the series when in situations like being in a room full of haters . dress up like your favorite character on halloween . send you and your friends hogwarts letters . read this article for more information . participate in contests . you can create them yourself and invite friends , if you want . talk in a british accent . just make sure its good . if it isnt it may be offensive . join a club . find one or start one yourself . make harry potter puppets . they can be modeled after potter puppet pals or be original . make harry potter - related videos . upload them to youtube or another video sharing site if you want . make your own fan website . look up other fan websites for inspiration . , harry potter is a legend , and will live on forever |
apply basic primer and foundation . define your eyebrows . use bronzer lightly . apply eye liner . apply basic eye shadow . try a fancy eye shadow . fix up your eyelashes . take a chunk of hair and split it into three smaller chunks . french braid your hair . secure your braid . get boots . pick the right jeans . choose a black vest or shirt . buy a sparkly dress if youre portraying katniss in a chariot or performance scene . | how to look like katniss everdeen | if you want to look like katniss everdeen , one of the first steps is getting your make - up down . to start , apply a basic primer and foundation . this will lay the groundwork for the make - up that follows . if youre going to a party or convention dressed as katniss , keep in mind youll want your make - up to last for awhile . try using heavy amounts of foundation and primer to keep your make - up solid . find a type of primer and foundation that matches your skin tone . you might have to try a few different shades until you find one that matches . apply the primer first . you can use a make - up brush or sponge . if you use a sponge , use a gentle dabbing motion . you can also simply use your fingers . if you do choose to use your hands , however , wash your hands thoroughly first and you do not want to expose your skin to bacteria . when you finish applying the primer , add a layer of foundation across your face . when youre done , your face should look smooth and your skin tone should look even . from here , you can apply your other make - up . in the movie , katniss seems to have very defined eyebrows . therefore , you should look into altering your eyebrows to match . in the film , katnisss eyebrows do not have much of an arch . you can use concealer to create a flatter , thinner effect if your eyebrows dont match her appearance . if youre having difficulty getting your eyebrows right with make - up , consider shaving them off and then drawing them on with a brow brush . once youve done your eyebrows , move on to a basic bronzer . pick the shade that best matches your skin tone . from there , bronze your cheekbones , the bridge of your nose , and gently outline your face in bronzer . you should use a make - up brush to apply bronzer . blend the bronzer into your other make - up using your fingers if you see make - up lines . once again , wash your hands first . eye liner is important to the katniss everdeen look . katniss does not wear much make - up in the books or movie . she seems to rely on mostly natural beauty unless shes at a ball or chariot scene . therefore , basic foundational eye liner is your best option for portraying katniss . use a black eye - liner , as it seems to be katnisss choice in the movies and books . simply outline your eye using the pencil or brush . focus first on your eyelid , drawing a thin black line just underneath your bottom eyelashes . theres no need to draw a thick line , as katniss does not wear much make - up . just add the eye - liner necessary to highlight your natural beauty . when you finish with the lower lid , move on to the upper lid . draw a thin line on your eye lid , just above your eyelid . once again , a thin line is best as youre just trying to highlight your natural looks . if you slip up when applying eye liner , you can always use baby wipes to dab off any smearing . if you dont have baby wipes , just wet a paper towel or tissue and add a small bit of soap . work slowly to avoid getting soap in your eyes . if youre doing a battle scene , you might want to pick an eye shadow that matches your regular skin tone . neutral shades like browns , peaches , and tans are your best option if youre doing battle - ready katniss . apply slowly with a make - up brush and blend excess make - up into your existing foundation and bronzer . as with the eye shadow , the aim here is to highlight your natural beauty so you dont want to look like youre wearing a lot of make - up . however , in some scenes katniss has more dramatic eye make - up . in chariot scenes , and when shes performing , her eye make - up is generally very defined . if youre portraying katniss from one of these scenes , you can try a smokey eye or make a design using your eye shadow . to do chariot scene make - up , use eye - liner to outline a curved shape around your eye . add little tipped arches on the edge of each eye , pointing outwards towards your temples . fill this space in with black eye shadow . then , take the black eye liner again . draw small gold wings stemming from the bend of the tipped arches . fill in the outlined wings with gold eye shadow . if this feels too elaborate , consider a basic smokey eye . katniss wears this a lot in scenes where shes dressed up . a smokey eye is made using various shades of gray and black eye shadow . apply lighter shades of gray around the inner corners of your eye , swiping upwards slightly . then , use your darkest shade to fill in the remainder of your eyelid . once youve done the rest of your make - up , start working on your lashes . depending on how dramatic you want your look , you can use mascara or purchase fake eyelashes from a make up or department storea light coat of basic mascara is best if youre doing a battle scene katniss . the goal here is to make your make - up less noticeable , so simply go over your eye lashes once with regular mascara . if youre doing a chariot or performance scene , consider fake eyelashes . you can purchase fake eyelashes at a department or grocery store . the container should provide instructions on how to put the eyelashes on . katniss wears her hair in a french braid for much of the movie . if you want to look like katniss , the first thing youll want to do is work on braiding your hair appropriately . to start , grab a chunk of your hair . from there , separate this chunk into three smaller chunks , roughly equal in size . once you have your hair ready , begin the process of french braiding . french braiding can be tricky , so if youre new to it consider having someone help . if youre unsure of the process , there are many videos online that walk you through how to french braid . for simplicitys sake , lets refer to your chunks of hair as group 1 , 2 , and 3 . to start , take group 1 and pull it under group 2 . then , take group 3 . dip it below both group 1 and group 2 . add a small amount of your remaining hair into group 2 . then , bring group 2 under group 3 . add hair to group 1 and then bring group 1 under your braid . continue all the way down your hair and pull it tightly so it remains in place . continue to add hair to the different groups , tucking them under the braided group as you go . do this until you reach the end of your hair . pull your hair tightly and , if necessary , wrap the end in a rubber band . this will help your hair stay in place . for much of the movie , katniss wears knee - high black boots . consider buying a pair of your own if you want to look like katniss . you should also look into lace - up boots , as these are the type katniss is most often seen wearing . if youre unsure of your shoe size , you can measure your size when you go to the shoe store . make sure you take time to walk around in any boots before purchasing them . your toes should have some wiggle room and the boots should be comfortable , especially if youll be walking around a lot . if youre going to be portraying katniss in jeans , choose the right kind . look into black jeans , as katniss is frequently seen in black . if you plan on wearing jeans with boots , consider bootcut jeans or at least jeans than can be easily stretched or tucked into your boot . keep in mind sizes often vary in womens jeans . if youre getting skinny jeans or a different cut than normal , your size may be smaller or bigger depending on your body frame . always try jeans on in the store before making a purchase . if katniss is going into battle , she is frequently portrayed in black . she often wears a black leather vest over a black shirt . consider this basic ensemble to aid in your katniss costume . in many movie scenes , especially when katniss is on tv , she is portrayed in elaborate , sparkly dresses . make a trip to your favorite store and look into purchasing sparkly , fun outfits for your katniss costume . katniss is usually styled professionally before chariot and performance scenes . therefore , go for a higher quality dress if you can afford one . katnisss dresses are rarely simple . even if you would not normally wear a flashy dress , make an exception if you want to portray katniss . |
read the whole saga at least twice . own at least one of the books . memorize the hanging tree and rues lullaby . get a mockingjay pin . make a countdown calendar for how many days are left till the movie drops . decide who your favorite character is and support them . cut out or print any hunger game related article you see in a newspaper or online and tape it next your countdown calendar . get a movie poster . get to know the characters as if they are your real friends . know the people who portray the characters in the movie , especially important characters e . g . be able to explain the books to anyone at any given moment . if possible , learn to play either rues farewell or rues whistle song on the violin rues farewell or piano rues whistle song . when saying good luck , say - - with a serious face - - may the odds be ever in your favour . find a way to apply the hunger games into everyday life e . g . | how to be a hunger games fan | that way , youll know pretty much all the details . now you can have one with you at all times . be ready to recite them in under a minute . wear it every day . tape it to your wall and cross out every day until march 23 2012 . when that day arrives , start another one for the catching fire sequel . it will be released on november 22 , 2013 . for example , if its peeta , get a team peeta t - shirt . , put it on your ceiling above your bed . , rue amanda steinberg , katniss jennifer lawrence , peeta josh hutcherson , etc , you see a girl with a bow and arrow , say hey , katniss . or if a bunch of kids are fighting , break it up by saying - - with a serious face - - hey we do not want a 77th hunger games now , stop , or ill put some tribute mutts on all of you just dont do this too much , or others might find it extremely irritating , and be turned off to thg . |
invite 12 to 24 people to the games your party . make the invitation yourself . prepare the backpacks . set up the cornucopia . make the rules . , designate an older person to be an observer and referee of the games . organize a viewing area for players to sit once out of the games . prepare party food . prepare goody bags for the guests to take home . greet your guests . begin training . get ready . reward the winner at the end . | how to hold a hunger games party | it is preferred that you have 24 people , as this imitates the games in the novel but if you have 12 , itll work too . no more than 24 . 24 2 per district . no less than 12 . 12 1 per district . its more fun to have an even number of people , as then no one will represent a district alone . do the draw - the - card - out - of - the - hat technique or put the district number on the invitation . design it , then print out the invitations . add the date , time , place and clarify what your guests will need to bring with them . also let them know the district number assigned to the guest . find or buy backpacks look in your local charity , thrift or bargain store for cheap ones . add the following items to each backpack one bottle without any water , so theyll have to fill it at the cornucopia snacks like fruit , candies lollies and anything else you have a jump rope to help climb trees a poncho , in case it starts to rain a fake knife , in case they dont grab one at the cornucopia . select a suitable area to hold the games , such as your backyard or a very large room with hiding areas youll need to create the hiding areas , especially if played indoors . arrange the following items at this point put fake weapons out . for example , weapons such as nerf guns , fake swords , fake bow and arrows , fake throwing knives , fake crossbows and anything else youd like to add . all weapons must be safe for play and fake . add a water bucket or water to the cornucopia add the backpacks mark the area where you want the contestants to stand at the start with chalk , spray paint , or stepping stones . after three hits to the arm or leg you are dead . one hit to the head and youre dead . 2 hits to the stomach youre dead . 1 hit with a bow and arrow you are automatically dead . they , or another person , could also commentate the games , so that everyone knows how the games are proceeding . if possible , use a microphone if playing in the backyard or over a large area . things will get noisy . they can continue to watch the action until the games are over . an alternative is to provide something else for them to do if they dont wish to watch the games anymore , such as a dvd or video game . hopefully most people will want to keep watching what is happening , especially if youve organized someone to keep commentating . have a table set up with a cake if its a birthday event , cookies , chips and other foods for after the games . your guests will likely be hungry and thirsty , so dont neglect this important part of the party . if its a birthday party , you could open your gifts at this more restful stage of the party . base these on the hunger games theme as much as possible , including small merchandise such as stickers or books and bits and pieces that are hunger games related , such as a fake weapon , a mockingjay brooch , and so on . put their coats and anything else to one side so that theyre ready to play . if someone needs a glass of water now , offer them a drink . as soon as your guests arrive take them to the training center and explain the rules . now its time to be in the hunger games may the odds be ever in your favor follow the rules . have a parent or older sibling observe the play and keep a note of everything happening . this person should also be responsible for asking players to leave once theyre no longer in the game . the person left standing receives the prize of your choosing . once done , have everyone return to the party for a feast and some quiet time . |
imagine that you have a furball in your throat . wobble your neck . constrict your voice . talk through your constricted voice . | how to talk like gollum 1 | , |
make a schedule if you are reading the book to write a report on it . start with the first book , since its less than 400 pages , if you are a beginning reader . take it slowly and build up your reading speed if you are trying to increase your reading speed , read for pleasure . find a place where you can have peace and quiet to do your reading . find yourself a comfortable seat . get in a bright location . dont make a contest about your reading . take every opportunity to read that you have . | how to read a whole harry potter book in a week | the longest harry potter book is more than 850 pages , so spread out the number of pages throughout the 7 days . for a huge harry potter book , try reading between 100 - 150 pages a day . the first two harry potter books are about 300 - 400 pages , so try reading 50 - 100 pages per day . the harry potter books can be very enjoyable . before you know it , youll be all done with your self - assigned reading . if the number of pages just seems like too many , try dividing the number of chapters , instead . you will be doing the same amount of reading , but it will seem less intimidating . the harry potter books dont have a lot of difficult words in them , but if you come across a word you do not understand or know , highlight or write it down and look it up in the dictionary . you dont want to speed through a harry potter book and miss all the good , juicy material do you harry potter is not very complicated to read , so dont fret . just as in step 1 , make a reading schedule , but either read more pages each subsequent day , or read for less time to cover the same number of pages . this is probably the easiest method , especially for all you harry potter fans out there get all your chores , homework , or whatever you need to get done first before you start reading so you wont have any distractions or a self - nag in the back of your mind telling you to do what you have to . distractions like noises , interruptions , and household activities will slow you down . if you have a place to prop your feet , that is even better . if the weather is nice , and there is a quiet space in your yard or park , you can find a shady spot to sit and read , and pass a whole afternoon with the characters in your book . if you are reading indoors , make sure you have lots of light . some people suggest fluorescent lights , since the light is easier on your eyes . some people will read through the whole book in a few hours , and that is fine , but you should pick your own speed , and read without putting pressure on yourself to finish . if you have a wait for the bus , a free period at school , or some other time when you get a chance , have the book with you , and dive in . even if you only have a few minutes , you will read some pages , and if you have a long wait , the time will seem like it flew by . |
bring the very back of your tongue to touch the roof of your mouth . talk with this form . | how to talk like gollum 2 | null |
do a lot of hissing . breathe in rasps , as if the air is choking you . say gollum like a cough you cannot control . | how to talk like gollum 3 | , |
change personalities between gollum and sméagol quite often . have conversations arguments about what course to take between the two personalities . refer to yourself in plural , third - person . randomly add es or ses at the end of words we kills the hobbitses randomly add a hissing ssss between words and in words we hate the nasty hobbitses . | how to talk like gollum 4 | gollum personality kill them . we hates them sméagol personality we mustnt hurt master we mustnt , sssssss . |
read all of the lord of the rings novels . see all of the lord of the rings movies . if this is something you like , get posters and display them on your walls andor get figures that you can display inon cupboards and shelves . choose your favorite character or characters . talk about lord of the rings regularly . treasure the movies . reread the books after viewing the movies . optional play the massive online game lord of the rings online the shadows of angmar . | how to love lord of the rings | purchase the volumes as a boxed set or individually and , if this is something you like , display them prominently in your bedroom or living room . to beef up your knowledge of the tolkien legendarium , read the hobbit and the silmarillion as well . the hobbit is the story of frodos uncle bilbo 60 years before lord of the rings and the silmarillion is a history of the first three ages of middle - earth , written by j . r . r . tolkien and his son christopher tolkien . get a couple of behind - the - scenes books from your library if they have them , or buy the books , and read about the making of the movies , the actors , the sets , and the costumes . you may also want to read sean astin or peter jacksons autobiographies . go see the film versions of the hobbit as well when they come out . these are available at some stores and online . if youve read the books and seen the movies , this shouldnt be hard . share obscure facts about lord of the rings with your friends and see if they are interested as well . if theyre not , dont keep annoying them but keep the fun to yourself instead . buy a commemorative set and throw lotr marathon parties two or three times a year . stay up all night watching the movies , and ask your friends to come in costume . , it helps you love it a ton more . |
read the books its best to read them in order . watch the films . join some harry potter - related websites . re - read and re - watch . choose your favourite characters . | how to get into the harry potter series | they are harry potter and the philosophers stone , harry potter and the chamber of secrets , harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban , harry potter and the goblet of fire , harry potter and the order of the phoenix , harry potter and the half - blood prince and harry potter and the deathly hallows . you could probably borrow these from your local library or buy them from ebay . they go in the same order as the book series , except there is harry potter and the deathly hallows part one and harry potter and the deathly hallows part two . this way , itll open your mind a little more to the facts as said by xenophilius lovegood , lunas father and make new friends . some good ones are httpwww . pottermore . com , httpwww . harrypotter . wikia . comwikimainpage and httpwww . mugglenet . com you should be getting interested in harry potter by now . did you know that there are also songs to do with the series theyre really fun . go to youtube and type in harry potter in 99 seconds . it gives you a rough overview of the series . repeat as often as desired . luna , ginny , hermione draco , ron , harry what house are you in gryffindor , hufflepuff , slytherin or ravenclaw research a little about them and youll know tons about harry potter |
read all four books . watch all the movies and preferably the extended editions . get into an aspect of the lotr merchandise - action figures , miniatures , prop replicas , costumes , video games , etc . join one of the many online lotr fan clubs and forums . read the book that brought middle earth to life the hobbit . read the silmarillion . read the history of middle - earth . read other books by j . r . r tolkien and or christopher tolkien that are related to middle - earth . begin to read the other , not lord of the rings - related , books by john ronald reuel tolkien and his son , christopher reuel tolkien . make sure to know the characters names . | how to become a lord of the rings fan | you really need to know whats going on before you start telling everyone you are a lord of the rings fan . the books are long , but its worth it . the books are the hobbit the fellowship of the ring the two towers the return of the king take notes - - on paper or in your head - - of the similarities and differences of the books and movies . ask yourself why they may have left certain parts out or embellished upon an aspect of the story , such as liv tylers character arwen . this is an optional step since some people view it as creepy . its up to you to decide if merch collecting is a big part of fandom . a forum is an excellent way to communicate with others about your feelings on a particular the book . discuss them and try to get inside j . r . r . tolkiens head as you read . if it helps , draw a simple map after reading through the book a second time . try to follow frodos journey to rid the middle earth of the one ring . it is bilbo baggins story 60 years before the lord of the rings takes place . it is in the hobbit that bilbo acquires the ring . it is the history of middle - earth , written by j . r . r . and christopher tolkien . it is a twelve volume series of the history of the development of the world of middle - earth , written by j . r . r . tolkien . these books include the adventures of tom bombadil the road goes ever on pictures by j . r . r tolkien unfinished tales bilbos last song the children of húrin , all the characters names are exotic . you may not be able to keep up . try searching online for characters names and dig into the character and its history . this is helpful because people will be convinced you know more than frodo and gandalf . |
realize that all good things come to an end - as hard as this may be it will help in the long run because you dont want to be hopelessly depressed all the time . hey , enjoy it with other fans on forums , other people will be upset too so support each other . be prepared for the last movie with a box of tissues . acknowledge all the fun you have had with harry potter so far . if you become seriously depressed hey , enjoy it while it lasts and go crazy with your harry potter merchandise dress up for the premiere or the midnight screening according to the country you live in . enjoy the movie and have a marathon beforehand . | how to survive the end of the harry potter series | remember pottermore if you dont know what pottermore is click this link - httpwww . pottermore . com , it can happen talk to someone you trust . , |
get up . get ready . relax . take hp quizzes . doodle some fan art . browse , cook something from harry potter , butterbeer , make your schedule . do things like your favorite character . be quirky in your own way . again , eat something like molly weasleys casserole or petunias garden salad healthy as well , even if it isnt directly hp related , try to eat it , this is where you get to be the most creative . never forget the unspoken rules of all potterheads . never like twilight search twilight vs . harry potter for more info . never say anything bad about hp . take every opportunity you can to do something geeky | how to enjoy your day as a potterhead | stretch a little , do some yoga , or even do the hippogriff random dancing . if its the weekend or some other holiday for any reason , you can skip this step . brush your teeth with your harry potter toothbrush print an image off and cut it to fit your toothbrushs handle , then tape it on , get dressed in harry potter related clothes , brush your hair , grab your wand , and head out the door . since youre past the last step , that means its probably an off day for you - great job . you can do the following activities to entertain yourself in the morning . pretty much any quiz site will do . something like manga and anime . but other types are great too . choose what suits you best . recommended things to draw the golden snitch , characters , quidditch , etc . there are huge fan sites to explore , so why not check them out mugglenet www . mugglenet . com and the harry potter wiki www . harrypotter . wikia . com are two great resources . you can also wishlist some shopping at the harry potter shop www . harrypottershop . com , approved by jk rowling herself , or choose your wand at alivans www . alivans . com . theres nothing better than molly weasleys bacon sandwiches or some pumpkin pancakes to start your day . probably the most famous hp food of all , its great as a latte from starbucks search butterbeer latte starbucks secret menu or served cold from home or universal studios . or , you can make your own . for example , if you had plants science , history , and math , your schedule would say herbology , history of magic , and arithmancy . test coming up study like hermione take whatever opportunity that comes up to do something related to hp - wear a house scarf , say lumos when turning on a light , whenever someone says jk think rowling , etc . this is a great hidden easter egg for potterheads at restaurants who want to keep their geekdom but not scream it out to the world . knickerbocker glory , frozen butterbeer , petunias chocolate cake , hagrids treacle toffee are great choices . we dont have a code , but it is like a silent agreement to follow our own little rules , |
create your character . start by writing your characters full name and their feelings about their name . name your character . what house will your character be in , write your characters best friends names and five words or more - you can do however many you like - describing them - not physically , but what they are like . write your characters enemy or enemies . write many other things about your character as well . draw a picture of your character . determine your characters boggart . determine your characters wand . every witchwizard has a pet at hogwarts . pick the school your character goes to , the most common one is hogwarts . determine your characters special abilities or features . | how to create your own harry potter character | to create your own harry potter character , you really need to know your character . if you know himher like the back of your hand , there character will come to life in your story and really make it a whole lot better . so , to start off with learning the inside out of your character , simply get to your computer and open a new word document . you can write how they got their name and what that name means . next , write all of your characters familys full names . grandparents , cousins , uncles , aunts , sisters , brothers , parents , everyone . you can write your main characters feelings about all of her family and what they are like . if you want you can go online and look up the sorting hat quiz . answer all the questions the way that your character would . then submit , and see what house your character would be in . be sure when you draw your character to make them look like a person from their house . for example if your character is a ravenclaw draw their school uniform to be a ravenclaw . you can describe their physical traits if you like . do the same thing you did for your characters friends and make sure to write why your character and thisthese persons are enemies . if your character is in any house other than slytherin , you might want to make their enemy or enemies a certain slytherin or all slytherins . you can write things like how they appear like , their customs , their familys traditions , their neighbors and their neighborhood basically every little thing about your character . you should draw your character or find a picture online that you think describes your character . the drawing doesnt have to be the best , its only for you to see what your character looks like . this might seem like a lot of things to do for one character , but if your character is interesting - which is necessary for a good story - then making up all of these things about your character will be fun . - - what is their biggest fear shorter wands generally go for shorter people , or whose character is somewhat lacking , and less flexible wands go for wizards with less adaptability . go to pottermore to read about wand woods and cores . you can a pick a toad , cat or an owl . if your character is in the ravenclaw house or hufflepuff house , it will prefer a cat . if your character is poor , itll have a toad . something common would be an owl . students in beauxbatons and durmstrang can also be male or female . is she a parseltongue is he an expert on non verbal magic try adding things like this to make your wizard truly unique . |
ask your librarian for titles heshe recommends that are fantasy or like harry potter . ask a friend if they or their child has read the potter series . look for fantasy novellas . join a book sharing site , like movella and wattpad , and find suitable books for your child to read . see if any fantasy book clubs are open for members . read a rival book series , and then choose your favorite booklet your child choose their favorite book from the rival series and harry potter . be on the lookout for books by j . k . rowling . | how to choose kids books for harry potter fans | you never know what your librarian can help you find . a public librarian or a school librarian could help you . give them to the child and see if they like them . if they dont , then ask them why they didnt like them and try again , trying to avoid the books that the child has said that they dont like . if so , they can be a big help in finding something else for a harry potter fan to read . make sure that their child is around the same age as your childthey are around the same age as you , so you read books around the same difficulty . there are lots of them , but voracious readers can be picky about their books , so put some thought into it . some good books to try for 8 - 13 year olds are whispering to witches - anna dale pure dead series - debi gliori molly moon series - younger end of the scale georgia byng inkheart trilogy - cornelia funke his dark materials series - older end of the scale , for keen readers philip pullman for older readers 13 try the mortal instruments series cassandra clare or the twilight saga stephanie meyer . however , keep in mind that there are some parts of the books in these series that are inappropriate for readers in the younger end of the scale . keep in mind that these books have been written by non - authors and some are not quite suitable for young children . these clubs read books like harry potter and can be a lot of fun they can also recommend good books for your child to read . if there are no clubs in your area , join online forums on book review sites like goodreads to ask about good books for your child to read . you can try percy jackson and the olympians the main competition . be aware that her adult book , the casual vacancy , could be considered inappropriate for young children . try her harry potter linked books , the tales of beedle the bard and fantastic beasts and where to find them instead . |
in the middle of the broken part of the wand , drill an inch down inside the wand with a 2mm drill bit . now do it with the other broken piece as well . find an old metal coat hanger and cut a 2 inch 5 . 1 cm piece from the hanger . put wood glue in both holes . now force the 2 inch 5 . 1 cm wire halfway down both holes wile squeezing out the glue . now smear the squeezed out glue everywhere around the hole and on the piece of metal . now align the two pieces like a puzzle and stick them together give force to both sides of the wand together as hard as you can to squeeze out the extra glue . wipe away the extra glue there must be force from both parts of the wand when you leave it to dry | how to fix a homemade harry potter wand | , make sure it is full . , |
read all of the books multiple times . buy the movies . pick a favourite movie and book , remember key details of that book or movie . join a fan site , watch avpm a very potter musical , avps a very potter sequel and avpsy a very potter senior year on youtube . remember the names of all the characters . purchase the merchandise , and share the love , write to the stars of the movies . research . compare the books to the movies constantly while watching . write some fanfiction . imitate your favorite characters . visit the wizarding world of harry potter , at universal studios orlando or the harry potter studio tour . stay dedicated | how to be a harry potter fan | dont borrow them from a library - buy them . it is essential to own the series . read all of the books from 1 to 7 cursed child and the textbooks . be sure not to skip paragraphs , this is a common method of reading , but with harry potter , you might miss out on major plot details , or just interesting pieces . make sure you read the information on the cover , as youll learn all sorts of interesting facts by doing so . get autographs from j . k . rowling or the cast of harry potter . the series is usually sold in special packs , but you can also purchase the movies individually . try to get your hands on the special editions - they have extra discs in which you can view cast interviews and other exciting features . make sure you are comfortably familiar with all of the movies . , this is a great place to talk with other people about harry potter you could join and read mugglenet , the harry potter wiki , or even attend leakycon j . k . rowling has also , with the help of sony , created an official harry potter fangame site for harry potter called pottermore . they are both musicals performed by a very funny and extremely talented acting troupe , called team starkid . though they do combine many plot details together , they are extremely funny and popular among potterheads . this is extremely important . you cant call yourself a harry potter fan if you dont remember their names , even if they only appeared once in the books or the movies . stick harry potter posters up in your room - they arent hard to find . you can also cut magazine and newspaper clippings out and make a collage . try to get a harry potter desktop wallpaper , and as many harry potter products as you can - though pricey , theres a wide range and they are very worth it . you can also collect pop vinyls , since there are heaps of hp pop vinyls get your hands on the actors addresses and write them fan mail - tell them how much you love them and how awesome you think they are . try to be charming and polite , and you may be lucky enough to get a reply . remember that your letter will probably go through the actoresss agents , get all the information you can the harry potter series is hugely famous , so you wont have too much trouble . look it up on wikipedia , or , better yet , go to the harry potter wiki , a wiki that literally has everything about harry potter . httpharrypotter . wikia . comwikimainpage and spend some quality time on the the official movie site , jk rowlings website , and fansites . try listening to podcasts or reading other books about harry potter , such as fantastic beasts and where to find them , quidditch through the ages , or the tales of beedle the bard . now that all the books have come out learn how to survive . the movies may not be as good as the books , but they are important to harry potter culture . you should watch them all , again , preferably in order . try to watch them more than once , as to really take in all the information . avidly follow the progress of each movie . if you you were just a tad bit disappointed with how any of the the books or movies ended , create your own happy ever after the possibilities are endless . join popular fanfiction websites and read , and try a dab hand at writing your own unique ending . you can choose one , acting like them and quoting them randomly , or adopt multiple characteristics . harry potter ronald weasley hermione granger luna lovegood fleur delacour rita skeeter ginny weasley fred and george it is a great experience , and you can see inside the castle and really feel like you are in hogwarts . stick up for harry potter when no one else will . defend the books and movies , as there will people who oppose them . do so respectfully , however . never stop being involved in the harry potter fandom , and never be ashamed to call yourself a potterhead |
value intelligence above all . pursue your interests . embrace the unknown . prioritize the future . do well in school . create | how to act like a ravenclaw 1 | one of the defining characteristics of ravenclaw members–if not the defining characteristic–is their love of acquiring new knowledge . expand your understanding of the natural and supernatural world . watch documentaries . read non - fiction books and online content . increase your vocabulary with a word of the day calendar . make a point each day of learning something that you didnt know the day before . one of the best ways to fall in love with learning is by studying things that already intrigue you , whether it is school - related or not . if you like to read , go to the library every chance you get . if you love to write , carry your notebook everywhere . if you like outer space , go to space camp stoke your desire to learn by seizing every opportunity to increase your knowledge and know - how about topics and interests that you hold dear . you dont necessarily have to become the top expert or practitioner in your chosen field of study . consider sybil trelawney , whose inability to make more than one or two accurate prophecies did not dissuade her from pursuing a thorough knowledge of the art . never be content with what has already been studied , defined , and proven . tackle new subjects that promise to be difficult in order to expand your overall knowledge . challenge accepted views from authoritative sources by always asking , why aim to not only collect well established facts and concepts , but to discover brand new info so you can contribute to everyones understanding of the world . although ravenclaws love to learn , their obsession with the unknown can make researching the past boring since there is less opportunity for new discoveries . so when you study subjects like history , focus on how past events have shaped the modern world–and how they may continue to shape tomorrow–to make things more interesting and immediate . glean those tidbits of knowledge that can be applied directly to the here and now and beyond . for instance , learning ancient runes may seem like a waste of time if all you ever do with that skill is read original texts that have already been translated . but if you happen to unearth a previously undiscovered text containing long forgotten spells , that skill will suddenly come in very handy even though ravenclaws love to gain knowledge , gaining knowledge doesnt automatically equate to getting good grades . but remember ravenclaws are forward - thinking , so strategize even if you feel a particular class is dull or pointless like , say , phys ed , think about the future . strive for good grades to improve your overall average . increase your eligibility for gifted and talented programs , advanced placement , and the college of your choice , where your intellect will be challenged much more than it may be at present ravenclaws love applying knowledge as much as acquiring it . use what you have learned to develop something that is totally new . if you devour literature , write your own stories and poems . if you are fascinated by technology , build your own gadgets . if you love solving puzzles , construct your own for others to tackle . whatever your skills and interests are , utilize them to produce brand new works |
question yourself . be open - minded . think before you act . stay true to yourself . enjoy time alone . | how to act like a ravenclaw 2 | gain more confidence in your own judgments by constantly debating them . reject the idea that something is right just because you happen to think so . explore the merits and pitfalls of your moral beliefs . reaffirm those that you still consider to be true after review . reconsider those that now seem to have been founded more on impulse than sound reason . never assume that you or anyone else knows everything . if someone suggests a way of thinking that strikes you or your friends as too incredible to believe , give them the benefit of the doubt at first . embrace new ideas or ways of life as a challenge for you to either accept or discount . correct people when they are definitely wrong about something , but be sure to consider their argument from all angles before passing any judgment . the one exception would be when you are confronted by willful ignorance . forgive people for simply being uninformed , but do not tolerate their refusal to accept what is undeniably true even after they have been presented with all the facts . ravenclaws may be captivated by the unknown , but they sure hate being unprepared for it . when presented with a new situation , dont just charge in like those gryffindors . consider all of your options before taking any action . consider the possible consequences of each one and write pros - and - cons lists for them all . then come up with a plan a as well as a plan b and a plan c , d , e … to reduce the risk of having to act impulsively should the unforeseen happen . this aversion to leaping straight into action can sometimes lead to inaction or even cowardice if the chance of success appears especially slim , as best exemplified by gilderoy lockhart , who would rather hypothesize about all the heroic things that he would do in the face of danger , instead of actually doing them . be an individual . form your own opinions and theories . as long as they havent been outright disproven , be confident in your convictions . rest assured that anyone who has thought about and cross - examined their own beliefs as much as a ravenclaw does clearly doesnt adopt opinions lightly , no matter how crazy other people might find them . believe in ufos , the bermuda triangle , atlantis , telepathy , or whatever else is within the realm of possibility . luna lovegood is a perfect example of a ravenclaw who does what she likes and thinks what she thinks without letting anyone else dictate her beliefs . remember , though ravenclaws detest ignorance , so if something you believe in has been utterly disproven , accept it socialize when the mood strikes you , but value time spent apart from other people as well . appreciate solitude as a chance to read , create , or contemplate without interruption . content yourself with your inner life and achievements rather than put too much emphasis on surrounding yourself with others at all times . |
dress neatly . be quirky . show your individualistic streak by incorporating some unique element to your outfit . wear house colors . incorporate symbols . | how to act like a ravenclaw 3 | tuck in that shirt . straighten your tie . ravenclaws founder , rowena ravenclaw , was known for her beauty , and while not every ravenclaw can hope to match hers , aspire to achieve an elegance in how you dress . take pride in your appearance . give yourself a glance in the mirror before heading out to make sure you dont look sloppy or disheveled . contrast harry potter of gryffindor to his brief love interest cho chang of ravenclaw . harry often looks like he rolled out of bed already wearing his robe and clothes , while cho always seems to have taken the time to comb her hair and adjust her clothing so that she appears perfectly presentable time and time again . whether you choose a striking accessory or clothing whose cut , color , or design sets it apart from the norm , set yourself apart from the crowd with a sense of fashion that is clearly your own and no one elses . keep it tasteful , though . remember that ravenclaws value elegance . choose blue as your primary color for outfits , since this color is a constant for ravenclaw in both books and films . if you are a purist , accent your outfits with bronze , which complements the color blue in the books . if you love the movies aesthetics , go with silver instead . or be the open - minded ravenclaw that you are and work with both silver and bronze , look for items that use the letter r as an emblem . use the ravenclaw common rooms ceiling as inspiration and pick clothing andor jewelry that includes stars in their design . if you favor the books , look for items that feature an eagle , since this is ravenclaws mascot in the original works . if you are a bigger fan of ravenclaws mascot in the movies , go with ravens instead . |
use your ambition to reach your goals . stretch your intelligence and your creativity . respect and honor tradition . prepare yourself for every situation . re - read or re - watch the series and focus on slytherin characters . choose a slytherin to emulate . model the best traits of your slytherin role model . use your slytherin role model to become the best version of yourself . avoid wizards associated with the dark arts . echo ravenclaw wisdom . mirror hufflepuff loyalty . imitate gryffindor bravery . respect all houses and all people . | how to act like a slytherin | ambition is a core characteristic of the slytherin house . if you were sorted into slytherin , then you likely have bright hopes for the future . harness your natural motivation into action , and take steps towards your goals every day . little achievements make for long - term success down the road . dont burn yourself out working towards your goals . sometimes slytherins neglect self - care in pursuit of their interests . slytherins are naturally cunning and inquisitive about the world around them . if they think a certain subject will help them in their pursuits , they soak up knowledge like a sponge . do something every day to expand your mind complete a puzzle , read thought - provoking books , and question how the world works . work hard in school slytherins know that a good education is often the gateway to achieving their goals . slytherins value order and tradition . study the past , and research historical figures who made society what it is today . honor their contributions by showing gratitude and preserving the good they did . although this may not come natural to slytherins , dont be afraid to ask questions about tradition . even things that have always been done arent necessarily the best or right thing . slytherins are the best house at self - preservation . in a dangerous situation , you want a slytherin nearby to brainstorm a clever escape . when in a stressful situation , imagine the worst - case scenario and think of a solution . practice quick - thinking skills to keep your mind sharp in case of emergencies . as impossible as a situation may seem , there is almost always a solution to bring you peace of mind . look for slytherins who have developed the best of their house traits . perhaps you need to improve your ambition or gain greater respect for tradition . look for characters who have whatever youre lacking . because the books are more detailed and offer a three - dimensional view of the characters , you might have better luck re - reading the series . perhaps youre drawn to severus snapes sardonic wit , or draco malfoys eventual good nature . maybe your heart belongs to regulus black for his bravery in the face of danger . whoever you pick as your role model , write down which traits of theirs you admire . set goals to achieve those traits . not all slytherins are evil , despite what some houses claim remember the greatest wizard of all time merlin himself was a slytherin . choose a role model who inspires you to overcome difficulty in your own life . you may not be fighting dark lords at hogwarts , but you can use their example to face challenges in your own life . after youve narrowed down a slytherin and why you admire them , work towards achieving that character trait . suppose your favorite harry potter character is draco malfoy . some traits of draco malfoys are negative , like his rudeness and prejudice against others , but other traits are positive . he is , for example , a charismatic individual who cares for his family . focus on developing his charisma but not his cruelty . for example , maybe you want to be like salazar slytherin because of his cunning . you might read a new book every week and study hard to ace your classes . you might avoid mirroring salazar slytherins prejudice against muggle - borns or people he doesnt understand . the point of having a role model is not to mimic that person entirely . use your slytherin role model to develop positive traits in your own way . you are not snape , for example , but you can learn from his devotion to love and apply it to your own life . you can learn from albus potters curiosity and natural intellect , but eventually you must become your own person . some people use role models as a way to hide from their insecurities . avoid this temptation . if youre trying too hard to become your slytherin role model , work on becoming comfortable in your own skin . every hogwarts house even gryffindor has their fair share of dark wizards . do not choose one as your role model , even if they have positive traits . young tom riddle , for example , had admirable ambition but he had a cruel heart . choose someone who used their slytherin traits for good , instead . if you ever feel like slytherins have no positive traits , remember slytherins are resourceful , clever , ambitious , loyal to those they care about , cerebral , and daring . ravenclaws are curious souls who deeply value and respect wisdom . intellect comes easy to slytherin , but that is different from being wise one is raw intelligence while the other is knowledge gained through experience . channel your cunning into positive outlets , like schoolwork and personal passions , to turn your wit into wisdom like a ravenclaw . pick a few ravenclaw heroes to learn from , too luna lovegood , rowena ravenclaw , and filius flitwick are all great choices . hufflepuffs are compassionate and loyal to those they call friends . given the right conditions , slytherins can be fiercely loyal . to bring out this trait , observe the hufflepuffs trusting nature and willingness to connect with others . stay true to your friendships and protect those you love with your intelligence and ambition . a hufflepuffs loyal nature can bring out the best in a slytherin . at first glance , hufflepuffs and slytherins may seem like water and oil . but both are passionate and hardworking the difference is just how they reach their goals . look to notable hufflepuffs for inspiration nymphadora tonks , newt scamander , and cedric diggory are shining hufflepuff role models . traditionally , gryffindors and slytherins have not always been on good terms with each other . but a slytherins self - preservation pairs well with gryffindor courage . slytherins have the intelligence to protect themselves in times of danger while gryffindors take great risks for those they love . if you can develop bravery like a gryffindor , you can face almost any challenge with strength . remember the brightest and bravest of gryffindor alumni hermione granger , albus dumbledore , and ron weasley all make excellent inspirational figures . try to overcome the inherent slytherin bias against gryffindor . when enemies , slytherins and gryffindors are formidable foes . but when they work together for the greater good , they can accomplish almost anything . never insult or otherwise disrespect a friend who identifies with another house . all houses have positive traits , and no house is better than the rest . if everyone was a slytherin , our world would be lacking in so many important character traits . appreciate differences between people and houses , and never make someone feel less than you . |
gather the needed materials . choose a suitable font . start writing the letter . print out the letter . deliver the letter . you now know how to write a harry potter acceptance letter | how to write a harry potter acceptance letter | these are listed below under things youll need . the font needs to be realistic , one that would appear to come from hogwarts . you can download such fonts online––just do a quick search for harry potter font and see what works for your operating system . as well , look for a suitable image of the hogwarts crest . this can also be found using an internet search , then saving the image to your computer . if you dont know what to write , find a copy of the first book and copy out the letter or look for a copy of the text online . use emerald green ink . the letter that came to harry was written in emerald green ink on parchment paper . replace harrys address with your friends , and in place of the cupboard under the stairs put a description of their room , such as messy , messy room or corner with no windows . you can also edit the envelope its recommended that you print the crest onto the envelope in the left hand top corner or print the crest and glue it in place . then , write your friends address on the envelope . make sure it is your best penmanship , or have someone with good handwriting write it . if you know calligraphy , nows the time to use it . also add hogwarts return address below the crest or on the back of the envelope , which is more commonplace in britain . if you want , you can make the paper look old before you fold the letter and put it in an envelope . see how to make paper look old or how to age paper using tea for more ideas . think of creative ways to deliver the letter . you could slip it in with a bundle of birthday cards , slip it into a friends locker or have it dangling mid - air in a room . one creative way is to make an origami owl . you can find a clever design by searching origami owl bookmark and clicking on the result by activity tv . put the letter in the owls beak , where you would normally put the page . then you can put the owl in the witchwizards desk or backpack , etc . another way is , when you go to your friends house , offer to grab the mail and secretly put the letter in the pile . if youre a good actor , then feign shock when you see the letter , or do an oblivious whats this for and hand your friend the letter . you can also just mail it to them using the postal service . its less magical , but people love getting mail . |
become one with the inner gryffindor . on the harry potter and the philosophersorcerers stone dvd , you may find that if you insert it into your computer , you can be sorted by the one and only sorting hat . sign up for pottermore httpwww . pottermore . com and move through to chapter seven where you try on the sorting hat and answer some simple questions to find your house . correct anyone who spells gryffindor wrong . research godric gryffindor , founder of gryffindor house . remember scarlet and gold all the way , speak like a gryffindor . keep in mind of your manners . remember your courage , too . call different groups of people different names . show your pride by decorating your room with gryffindor furniture , youre done | how to be a gryffindor | if you want to be a gryffindor then you have to think about their qualities , brave , loyal and loving . you have to be a gryffindor in and out . cross your fingers it says gryffindor . again , cross your fingers its a disgrace to gryffindors everywhere . most hp non - fans will spell it griffendor , griffindoer , or the common mistake , griffindor . politely correct them , and for hp fans , add i thought you ought to know that . look him up on wikipedia and the harry potter wiki . you will find interesting facts which will help you on your way to gryffindor life . you can substitute gold for yellow , but you may look half - hufflepuff then . yes , theyre sweet , but were talking gryffindor here . find scarlet and gold scarves , gloves , hats and shoes . just use a black robe for your uniform , and for the finishing touch , add a gryffindor badge which you can find from the hp website to your uniform . since its hogwarts , most of the gryffindors have a british accent , so try to practice that . unless youre trying to be seamus , in which case , speak like youre from ireland . use a few slang words most gryffindors are polite , dignified , and a bit modest . have you seen harry open doors for people , help old ladies cross the street . you may be a bit of a sissy , but thats better than being a bully . most gryffindors are brave pardon peter pettigrew and love adventure . discover a plan from your school . see in advance which teacher your crazy old professors going to marry . dig for treasure . discover a secret artifact . anythings possible , as long as you think you can do it . you can just think it if it might offend them . ravenclaws smarties . people you get along well with . people who are a bit shy and bookish . hufflepuffs crazy , unexpected people . people with a love of cooking . preferably a little bubbly around the waist . slytherins people you cant really work with . nope . people who you think are loony . snape the professor you know who hates you , but has a soft spot deep , deep down for you . death eaters natural enemies . voldemort your one and only mortal enemy . add scarlet and goldyellow beanbags , flags of gryffindor usually red and gold striped , red bedsheets , yellow cabinets , and an owl for the hp look . keep repeating these steps until you are a true gryffindor . |
ask the other person why he or she has not read the books or doesnt like them . if they just dont like them , perhaps because they find them boring , or maybe because they dont like all the mary sue type characters in the book ex harry potter , dumbledore or maybe they prefer other genres less focused on action , leave it at that . explain to people who say the harry potter books are promoting satanismwitchcraft that they are all in good fun . do not advertise your appreciation of harry potter if you run in many christianconservative circles . dont assume that all christianreligious people would love to see harry potter burnt at the stake . ask people who had only watched the movies why they never read the books . keep your cool . | how to avoid getting into an argument over harry potter | if the reason is the books are too long , suggest ways to read the book in portions or by chapter to make it seem shorter . also , the books are available on tape and cd and listening to them can be a great way to pass time on car trips if someone doesnt have the time to sit and read the books . if they still say no , its okay . not everyone has to like harry potter . dont persist if they tell you to back off , as this could get you exactly what youre trying to avoid . tell them that it is all make - believe and that its not scary to you . dont be untrue to yourself , but theres no need to bring it up on uncalled for situations . many mistakenly consider an interest in harry potter to be an interest in the demonic or witchcraft , and may have a lesser opinion of you if you seem obsessed with something they consider against their religion . some will be very offended if you do . relay to them that the books are actually easier to understand , and that they illustrate the entire story of harry potter instead of just the interesting parts that the movies portray . also explain that reading will make you understand better and make you more intelligent . dont try to shove the series down other peoples throats if theyre not prepared to swallow it . not everyone can appreciate harry potter , or any book at that , controversial or not . keep in mind that lots of books have had people completely for and completely against them , and that , in time , most haters learn to appreciate the works . |
watch twilight and read the books . pick a twilight character off whom you can base your vampire persona . master skills in your free time . move with grace . practice restraint . imitate twilight vampire styles hair and makeup . choose your style of clothing carefully . avoid eating any human food in sight of others . scent yourself enticingly . refer to things in the distant past as though you were there . claim that you have a mystic power . convince your friends youre clairvoyant . move objects with your mind . act like you can read minds through cold reading . | how to act like a vampire from twilight | watching the movie will help you gain a better visual understanding of what vampires in the twilight universe look like . however , more detailed information will be available in the twilight novels , written by author stephenie meyer . you might want to take notes on a blank sheet of paper to list notable characteristics of vampires in twilight so you can imitate them more accurately . youll likely find the extra details provided in the twilight novels offer you a more complete understanding of vampires in the twilight universe . to build the scene and tone in text , a novel cannot rely on images the same way film does . because of this fact , extra information is included in the written novel to communicate a sense of depth , reality , and setting . jot down notes about the physical characteristics of vampires in the movies as well . especially when it comes to makeup and the physical elements of style , like clothing and accessories , the movies will be one of your best resources . by watching the movies , you can see firsthand how expert costumers choose to visually portray the vampires in twilight . borrow from the appearances of characters in the series . you may not want to look exactly like main character edward cullen , but you could attempt his windswept hairstyle in place of your own . you can pick and choose from the costumes of various characters to come up with a design completely unique to you . this will be far easier than coming up with your own . inventing your own character will require you to imagine various details , like motivation , backstory , personality , tastes , hobbies , and more . by choosing a character from the books to base your vampire identity around , you can get right into acting like a vampire without getting bogged down in creating one from scratch . as you play your character , you should start developing hisher backstory along with other details . this will allow you to identify with your false persona on a deeper level . little by little , as you tailor your imaginary vampire persona to your vision , the character will become more real to you . this will make getting into your vampire persona easier . while there are many characters throughout the series you might choose to base your vampire persona off of , a short list of noteworthy cast members includes bella swan , edward cullen , rosalie hale , emmett cullen , alice cullen , jasper hale , esme or carlisle cullen . you might even mix and match features from two different characters you adore to create your new vampire persona , as a vampire , youve have plenty of time to master many skills , like sports , feats of dexterity , and precision tasks . and youll need to develop your skill in this area so you can pull off the most difficult moves while making it look easy . this way people will take you seriously when you say , ah , yes . i played much soccer when i was a young vampire . its been about 20 years since i played last , so im a little rusty . spend some time honing your situational awareness . vampires have supernatural senses , which mean they read their surrounding environment better and react faster to things in it . by improving your situational awareness , you will become more conscious of whats happening around you , making it seem like you have supernatural senses like a vampire . you should also have some hobbies that youve mastered in the hundreds of years youve lived as a vampire . you could actually master a hobby , like chess or painting , to lead people to believe youve had decades of practice , but this might be difficult . feel free to get creative with your character to solve this problem . you might point to an elegant painting of art on the wall of your home and claim to your friends that you painted it yourself , decades ago when you were a younger vampire . when they ask you to prove you can paint , simply look at the paintbrush with a distraught look on your face and say , oh no . i dont paint anymore . not since that day… no , id rather not talk about it . your supernatural strength , senses , and the physical mastery over your body should translate to graceful , controlled motion in everything you do . a vampire has lived to see it all , and is surprised by virtually nothing . be confident in your character and always carry an air of mystery around you . this will give people the impression that you are more than you seem . maybe even supernaturally more than you seem . to improve your sense of grace , you might learn to dance improve your balance improve your agility as a vampire , youll be surrounded by the temptation of human blood constantly . it is only through a supreme act of self - control that you prevent yourself from sinking your teeth into a nice human meal , and this should reflect itself in your behavior . however , just like humans have different personalities , so too do vampires . you might be a seductive vampire , you might be more aggressive , you might be serious and scholarly , or something else entirely . whatever you decide , you should be refined and controlled in all you do . remember , as a vampire you have improved senses and likely have lived many years . these qualities will certainly make human affairs seem more trivial , giving you an air of aloofness . in most vampire mythologies , due to the fact that vampires are already dead , they cannot cry . be sure you keep your emotions in check during the sad parts of movies if you want to preserve your vampire persona . one of the most notable features of twilight vampires is their eyes . to simulate this look , you might have your eye doctor prescribe gold contact lenses if you plan to be a vegetarian vampire or red lenses if you plan to be a human blood drinker . you could also order your contacts online . for hair you might want to choose elegant styles , like a classic updo or a stylishly tousled look for men . the vampires in the twilight series are fair skinned and nearly perfect in appearance . men and women can both achieve this look by using foundation and concealer to create a flawless , light skinned complexion . add glitter to your visible skin . a remarkable feature of twilight vampires is that they sparkle in the sunlight . you should add a light dusting of glitter to give yourself a supernatural sparkle . apply some eyeliner to give your features a more supernatural , sharper , and sexier appeal to those who see you . you might even try a smokey eye with your makeup . try not to overdo it – the look youre aiming for might be described darkly enticing . if youre not a fan of wearing contact lenses , you could always claim that your natural eye color is a contact lens . tell your friends that you feel like your natural eye color attracts too much attention . or you could claim that your superior vampires have commanded you not to reveal your true form to humans without permission . take liberties with your character and have fun , your style of clothing should be elegant and classic . as a vampire whos been around for a century or two , youve had time to accumulate a wardrobe thats refined to your tastes and personality . youve also seen fads come and go , and youre too smart to be swayed from tried - and - true , classic outfits . this is why your species tends to buy clothing that is described as classically beautiful . a good way to gather classic clothing on an affordable budget is to shop at secondhand stores and thrift stores . these shops will often have retro outfits sold at a fraction of the original cost . meyers twilight vampires are allowed to eat human food , but due to the fact that the bodies of vampires cannot digest food , they must cough up any food they consume . however , as a classic vampiric trait is abstaining from food and surviving solely from blood , you utilize this superstition to your advantage while acting like a vampire from twilight . make yourself small , energy and nutrient rich snacks . food similar to meal replacement bars will have many of the nutrients you need to keep healthy , but will be small and easy to hide from others . this way , when you do get hungry , you can find a hiding place to eat your meal replacement bar , or other healthy snack , in secret . another characteristic of vampires in the twilight series is that their breath and scent are irresistibly attractive . a sweet , pungent aroma to your breath will give people the sense that you have the same naturally sweet smelling aroma as a vampire from twilight you might also want to wear a cologne or perfume that you find to be primal and attractive to others . which perfume or cologne works best for you will depend on a lot of personal factors , so you might want explore fragrances that suit you at your local department store . wear essential oils to give yourself a refreshing , alluring atmosphere , or consider making a perfume with essential oils . these concentrated herbal oils carry a powerful scent , but by diluting or preparing the oil in certain ways , you can create a powerfully attractive body scent unique to you . there are many combinations of essential oils you might use , but to get that sweet elusive scent , you might use fragrances like musk , leather , cinnamon , and honey . combine these scents in the ratio of one part essential oil , six parts perfume diluent or rubbing alcohol , and one part fixative like liquid benzoin . you might want to spend some time memorizing your history lessons . a general knowledge of world history will help you to claim outdated technology or ancient events as something you experienced . for example , if you were to see a buggy and carriage , you could claim , i remember when buggy and carriage was the only means of travel . though i was quite fond of trains when they finally came around . to better understand the spirit of the times you learn about in your historical studies , you should also read some literature from these periods . literature is a reflection of the ideals and issues of the period of time in which it was written . by reading books from the historical times you study , youll have a better feel for the language and spirit of the times . for example , you might say in english class , everyone romanticizes about shakespeares time , but it was awful back then . it was easier for me because i was a vampire . the worst part about it was the smell… plumbing has improved a lot in the last 60 years . the vampires in meyers twilight series have special abilities they make use of in both the movies and books . from exerting psychic power to cloud minds or convince people to perform tasks , to their keen sense of danger before it happens , there are many mystic traits you could choose . however , it will be difficult to prove many of these mystic powers . decide what kind of mystic power youd like to have . some common vampiric powers include mind control , changing forms to nocturnal animals or fog , moving objects with mental power , the ability to predict the future , heightened senses , increased speedreflexes , and many more . choosing to have a mystic power like the ability to see the future might be your best bet for convincing others you actually possess this ability . say vague and metaphorical things about future events , and then after things come to pass , interpret the things you have said to describe whats already happened . keep doing this until everyone believes you really can predict the future . or you could become clairvoyant . you can give your predictions an air of mystery if you do some set up beforehand . a classic séance generally involves you and others sitting around a table in a dimly lit room , with a mystic object , like a crystal ball , at the center of your group . this kind of setup may make your friends take you more seriously than if you had only claimed you could see the future . if you plan to choose the ability of telekinesis , which is a fancy name for the ability to move objects with your mind , you might benefit from learning lots of levitation tricks . once you master many levitation tricks , perform these on various occasions to leave your friends bewildered . when they ask , how did you do that simply tell them , im a vampire . i moved it with my mind . particularly you might want to learn how tolevitate levitate a card levitate a coin levitate an object if you want to appear psychic , train yourself in the art of cold reading people so that you can discern information from them at a glance . youll want to observe things like mannerisms , accessories , fashion sense , politeness , and so on . then youll use this information to make predictions about the person whose mind you are reading . once you are practiced at cold reading , youll be able to seem like you are psychic by saying things like , ah , mr . smith . how did you like the panda exhibition hell think youre psychic that you knew he was at the zoo earlier , but whats really happened is that , while cold reading him you noticed a pamphlet from the zoo sticking out of his pocket . |
read every book in the series at least twice . buy a twilight shirt . learn about the author , stephenie meyer . pick a favorite cullen vampire or werewolf , whether its edward , alice , sam , jacob , rosalie , jasper , esme , carlisle , bella , or another vampire or werewolf . put up posters of the actors who play bella , edward , jacob , or a different actor on the wall in your bedroom . join a twilight fan website . watch the movies . always talk about twilight . always carry one of the books with you and act mortally offended if anyone hates the books . go onto stephenie meyers website and read midnight sun , which is twilight from edwards point of view . | how to be a twilight addict | you have to know everything about the cullen vampires , bella and even jacob and the la push werewolves , because if anyone tries to quiz you , you need to know all the details . preferably , one that says team edward or team jacob , but any shirt with a twilight reference will do . twilight shirts can be found at places like hot topic , cafepress and spencers . you can also find less expensive t - shirts of twilight at stores like walmart or target . go to stephenie meyers website , and read the backstory to twilight , new moon , eclipse and breaking dawn . try to learn about stephanie meyer also . here is the link . httpwww . stepheniemeyer . com while you are on stephenie meyers site , look at the playlist for each book , learn the songs and put them on your ipod . it is important to have a favorite . it will show others how addicted you are to twilight . they will also remind you how much you love and adore twilight . try hanging them somewhere is the open - somewhere everybody can see . it can be the official one , the twilight saga , or any other website that is dedicated to the series . there is a list of fan websites on stephenie meyers page . be sure to watch them at least once . try to compare the books from the movies . be prepared , some people get disappointed that the movie wasnt as good as the books . try explaining twilight to other people who have never heard of it . if you come across a twilight hater , try to explain to them why they should love twilight . another twilight addict is a great person to talk to about twilight . be careful though , people who dont enjoy twilight might get annoyed by you . if you are ever bored , reading a twilight book is the first this a twilight addict should do . did somebody insult you , because they dislike twilight act offended . you are addicted to twilight , after all . understand that this was only a draft , and it is not even close to being finished . try to see what twilight is like from edwards point of view . here is the link . httpwww . stepheniemeyer . commidnightsun . html |
ask about volunteer work at your local public library . consider becoming a library page . inquire about other jobs at the library . look for opportunities at your college or university . compare library assistant job requirements . | how to work at a library 1 | the staff member at the reference desk can give you more information on volunteering , or direct you to someone who can . public libraries often have volunteer opportunities for people without any library - related experience or education . your volunteer work might include shelving books , repairing damaged books , helping patrons at the circulation desk , or assisting the childrens librarian . library pages are usually paid , but may be temporary or part - time employees . the work is similar to what a volunteer would do , typically shelving books . this may be your best bet at paid library employment if you are not a college student , and do not have a college degree . the librarian at the reference desk should be able to tell you about this program as well . its important to note that not every library job role involves being a librarian or requires a library science degree . almost all libraries need a janitor , and the larger ones need security guards as well . if you are a college or university student , visit your schools library . it may hire students as library assistants . these positions can often be scheduled around the students class schedule and may or may not be connected to the students financial aid package . a library assistant position is an entry - level job opening that handles the day - to - day work in the library . requirements vary greatly between libraries . small libraries are more likely to have low requirements , and may even train high school students . more commonly , youll need a high - school diploma , and sometimes college - level coursework in library science . some libraries use the term library technician interchangeably with library assistant . at others , technicians are at a higher rank and have higher educational requirements . |
as a place of study , many people find libraries the ideal location for studying or completing business or academic work . if you run into somebody you know , take your conversation into the lobby or outside of the library to avoid disrupting others . turn your cell phone off or put it on a silent or vibration setting . if you are listening to music or audio through headphones , make sure the volume is low enough to where it is inaudible to others . | how to act in a library 1 | make sure to whisper or speak in extremely low tones at all times . , under no circumstances should you ever have a cell phone conversation inside the library . |
check the bulletin board or website . visit the library before applying . send in your resume . research local politics . network . | how to work at a library 2 | most libraries have a bulletin board where they display notices of special events and , occasionally , open positions . check this occasionally so you can apply for jobs youre qualified for , or to find out what requirements you can work toward . the library may also advertise job openings on its website , or on local government websites . most libraries are non - profit institutions supervised by a board . compared to most employers , this gives them less leeway for discretionary hiring . youre unlikely to be hired based on personal connections , and meeting the stated requirements is usually mandatory . when you see a job opening that fits your level of experience , visit the library in person . evaluate the service you receive and the experience of visiting the library . ask questions of the library staff . look at the program schedules , the technology available , and other library resources . all these things give you material to talk about in your interview , both for showing that youve done your homework , and for offering suggestions of things you could contribute . for example , if you visited a library program , come up with ideas to improve it . if a kids gardening program is popular , suggest starting a seed library . gather as much information as possible about the library where you are applying for a job the domains the library covers the classification system used the database used whether the library has digitized versions of books many public library jobs , especially in large cities , have a computer scan the resumes rather than a human being . these resumes must include certain key words from the job description , or the applicant will not be considered for an interview . in your cover letter and during the interview , highlight the qualities that would make you a good librarian organizational skills , attention to detail , social skills , as well as your interest in the library and the domains it covers . find out everything you can on politics which might affect the library , before you interview there . has its funding been in jeopardy , or have hours or services cut consider a role as an advocate or supporter of the library . look into a friends of the library group which may be serving this function . if possible , get acquainted not only with the librarians on staff , but with the board members who do the hiring . if , after applying , the library invites you to meet the board , the friends of the library , or another citizens group , treat it as an extension of the interview . be professional and engaged . |
look for jobs that require a college degree . study for a masters in library science . specialize . train for an academic library . consider working in a special library . | how to work at a library 3 | some librarian positions in public libraries require only an associates or bachelors degree . these types of positions are often for teen and childrens librarians . almost all intermediate and advanced level library jobs require a masters in library science mlis . these professional librarians have more advanced duties , such as overseeing the assistants or updating the librarys collections . librarians fill many roles , including reference librarian , corporate librarian , cataloguer , library manager , collections manager deciding which books are added and removed , childrens librarian , teen librarian , school librarian k - 12 , academic librarian , systems librarian involves it work , or running the circulation desk . research the roles that sound interesting to you , and focus your education towards these positions . many library science programs also offer a specialization in archives . archivists handle historic texts , preserving them physically and granting access to them for research . many academic librarians also hold an additional masters degree in a specific subject . if youre passionate about an academic subject , such as art , law , music , business , or psychology , this path can combine it with your interest in libraries . special libraries are usually private , company libraries that hold collections centered on legal , business , medical , or government resources . most librarian positions in special libraries require a minimum of a masters degree in library science . a librarian may also need to have degrees or experience in the special librarys specific subject area . example subjects include law , business , science , and government . |
eating can be a noisy process , especially if you are chewing loudly or eating from bags that crinkle or rustle . eating and drinking in the library is also potentially risky because it may harm materials , especially books and computers . | how to act in a library 2 | make sure you eat snacks in a designated section of the library away from others who are studying or reading . food can also attract unwanted pests . |
refrain from highlighting passages in books or materials because not only is it considered defacing property , but highlighting passages also makes text hard to read when making copies . do not damage or deface library materials by writing on them with pen or pencil or tearing covers or pages out of books . | how to act in a library 3 | null |
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