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turn on your device . locate the book youd like to bookmark the location of . use the 5 - way controller to select your book . read the selection up until the pagelocation youd like to bookmark . press the menu button on your device . use the 5 - way selectors up and down arrows to select the add bookmark option . press the select button inside the 5 - way selector when the selector is highlighted above add bookmark . | how to add a bookmark to a location on a kindle keyboard | , |
navigate to the kindle cloud reader . sign in . consider enabling offline mode . select a book from your library . flip through the pages . change the appearance as desired . add notations and bookmarks . synchronize when finished . | how to access kindle books on computer 1 | the kindle cloud reader can be accessed from any computer with an internet connection . visit the kindle cloud reader at httpread . amazon . com note that the reader works best when using firefox , chrome , or safari . your internet connection will need to be active when you access the reader . you should be able to access the reader on a windows , mac , or linux computer . before beginning , you should already have an amazon account and at least one kindle book linked to that account . as soon as you get to the main page , you will be asked to sign into your amazon . com account using your e - mail address and password . click on the sign in button to send your details . if your information is correct , you should be redirected to your kindle library . the first time you launch the kindle cloud reader , youll be asked if you want to enable offline mode for future use . make your decision and follow the corresponding on - screen steps . if you choose to enable offline reading , kindle will install a browser plug - in or extension that allows you to read any e - book downloaded to your computer , even when youre offline . that e - book will only work on the computer youre currently working from , however . to enable offline reading , hit the enable offline button . to skip this step , hit the not now button . once your kindle library appears on the screen , find the e - book you want to read and double - click on the cover to open it . if youve never opened the book before , it should open to the first page . on the other hand , if you have read the book from another location that was synchronized to your account , the cloud reader should open to the last page you were on . any notes and bookmarks you made should be retained , as well . to advance forward one page , hit the right arrow key on your keyboard or hit the button on screen . to progress back one page , hit the left arrow key on your keyboard or the button on the screen . if you want to move to rapidly move to a different location in the book , select the top of the top of the screen , then slide the progress bar forward or backward to advance the pages . alternatively , you can select the top of the screen and click the book icon . different options will appear , allowing you to move to specific pages or sections of the book . you can search the content of the book by hovering your cursor over the top of the screen until a search box appears . type the search terms into the box and click enter to navigate to all matching locations in the book . select the top of the screen to show the reader toolbar , then hit the aa button to alter your viewing settings . from this area , you should be able to change the font size , background color , margins , columns , and reading location of the cloud reader . if you want to view the page number or location , click the bottom center of the page instead of selecting the top of the screen . this should toggle the page number and location on and off . the kindle cloud reader does allow you to leave bookmarks , make notations , and add highlights . click the toggle bookmark icon at the top of the page to leave a bookmark . to highlight or word or set of words , select the words and select the highlight option that appears . to add a notation , highlight the appropriate words and select the note option that appears . type the text of your note and select save . when youve finished reading , hover your cursor over the top of the screen to show the toolbar , then select the rotating arrow synchronize button . this synchronizes the last location you read with your other kindle devices and online reading apps . |
download the desktop app . open the application . sign in . download a book from your cloud . open the book . flip through the pages . mark up the book . change the appearance as needed . synchronize when finished . | how to access kindle books on computer 2 | if youd like to read your kindle books on one specific computer even when you dont have an active internet connection , you should download the kindle desktop app . note that youll need an active internet connection to download the app and any books you plan to read with it , but you do not need that connection once both pieces of data have been downloaded . download kindle for pc here httpwww . amazon . comgpkindlepcdownload download kindle for mac here httpwww . amazon . comgpkindlemacdownload follow the on - screen instructions to install the program . after you finish downloading the desktop app , find the program in your program list or on your desktop . click on the name once to open it from your program list . double - click on the program icon to open it from your desktop . note that you might also be prompted to open the app directly after installing it . before you can access your library , youll need to sign into your amazon account by typing in your e - mail address and password . hit the sign in button to send your details . if your sign - in information is correct , your kindle library should open . youll need to download each e - book you want to read from your kindle cloud library to your desktop app . make sure that youre still online while attempting to do this . look at the library panel on the left of your screen . any book that is archived is stored in the cloud and marked by a cloud icon in the bottom right corner . to download a book you want to read , simply double - click on the book cover . alternatively , you could right - click on a pc or ctrlclick on a mac and select download from the resulting menu . double - click on the title of an e - book in your desktop library to open that book . you do not need to be connected to the internet to read books on the desktop app . the e - book will open to the last known open page . if youre reading offline on your desktop app , that page will be the last page you read on that computer . if youre reading while connected to the internet , that page should be the last page you read on any device connected to your kindle cloud . turn to the next page by clicking on the right side arrow . turn to the previous page by clicking on the left side arrow . you can also use the right and left arrow keys on your keyboard . if you wan to go to different locations in the book , youll need to hover the cursor over the bottom of the screen until the toolbar appears . slide the progress bar back and forth to quickly scan through pages . alternatively , hover over the top of the page and click the go to icon . select different locations in the book or specific pages from there . you can add notes , highlights , and bookmarks as desired while reading the e - book . highlight a word or set of words with your cursor , then select either highlight or add note from the options that appear . add a bookmark by clicking on the add bookmark icon . you can also look up a word in the dictionary . select the word with your cursor , then click on the more option and choose dictionary . if you want to change the font size , words per line , brightness , or background color , click on the aa icon . theres also a zoom button at the top of the page . after exiting the app , the zoom will automatically reset to 100 percent . if youre connected to an active internet connection while using the app , you can synchronize your book with your other devices . to do this , click on tools and choose sync to the furthest page read . if your book has already synchronized or if the option is otherwise unavailable , it will be grayed out . |
purchase a large three ring binder , two or three notebooks , a memo book , and a warrior cats field guide . gather other willing players . plot out maps of your territory . divide the players into clans . give all your players positions and names . make a list of all of your players . begin training and hunting lessons for the apprentices . choose a simple url for your website . | how to start a warrior cats roleplay clan | these will be your essential role playing items . a large binder to keep papers in , notebooks to write up rules , names of members , whatever is needed , the memo book to keep track of the clans or positions of members , and the field guide as a rule book . they can be friends and family or people you dont know yet and want to get to know . you will need a hunting area , twolegplace , medicine cat , warrior , leader , and apprentice dens , nursery , elders den , and a fresh kill pile . place these all in one area which will become your camp . shadowclan , windclan , riverclan , thunderclan , and if you really want to get into it , a distantly connected starclan . even create your own clans ex . dustclan , stormclan , tabbyclan , forestclan , dawnclan , etc you can go to www . warriorcats . com and generate names or come up with them yourselves . decide on a leader , medicine cat , and deputy . place everyone else in places by age 0 - 5 moons kit . belongs in nursery . needs a mother and father 6 - 12 moons apprentice . belongs in apprentice den . needs a mentor . 13 - 60 moons warrior , can fight and hunt . 60 moons elder . fed before all other cats . at the top of the page write a clan name . below that write leader . below that deputy . below that medicine cat . below that queens . below that apprentices . below that kits . below that elders . next to leader write the name of that clans leader , next to deputy write that clans deputy and so forth . do this for the warriors , queens , kits , and apprentices and elders as well . also , do this for each clan . store these and the maps in your binder . see the articles how to hunt like a warrior cat and how to fight like a warrior cat . mentors are warriors with an apprentice to train . assign each apprentice a mentor in every clan except for starclan . dont do anything too complicated like warrior cats of the lake and forest together , instead , do something like warriorcats - roleplay . make your site title related to your url |
head to the websites homepage . read the registration agreements . if you are under the age of 13 , be sure to get parental permission . join the website . follow the instructions . head to your profile . change your profile appearance . create your profile . head to the forums . select a thread . read the thread owners first post . start roleplaying . start simple . use a variety of exciting words . describe your characters actions . describe your characters appearance . use dialogue . reveal your characters emotions . edit your posts . submit your post . | how to roleplay on feralfront warrior cats rpg | you should see a fixed bar at the bottom of the logo . head to the far right and click the word join at the end . the website will direct you to the registration page . although it may seem long , it contains important information that will become necessary for you to be aware of once you join . understand that there is an age requirement , as well as certain rules for all players to follow . the creators of feralfront legally cannot collect information from individuals under the age of 13 , according to american law . scroll to the top of the page , and enter a username and password into the login box . remember that you can change your screen name at any time . be sure to choose a strong password in order to prevent your account from being easily hacked . write it down in a safe place so you will not forget it . once you have chosen your username and password , follow the necessary instructions in order to continue your registration . move your mouse to the top toolbar on the website . click on the word profile . you will be lead to a page where you can see the current layout of your profile . although it may seem bare now , you will be able change its appearance . click on the option modify my profile . there will be a dropbox for each of your different profile features . customize it so that it boasts your unique personality and preferences . you have the ability to change your screen name , avatar picture , signature a certain set of words at the end of a post , as well as other features . check the grammar on your profile to be sure it is understandable . also , keep your personal information private and away from the internets eyes . click on the button forum . as you scroll down the page , you will see a list of clans with the board titled the main game . join one of these boards , or select fan clans , tribes , and loner lands . find a thread that has an appealing story and set of characters to you . often , it contains important facts about the plot , as well as additional rules for the roleplay . the owner may require you to sign up for the roleplay on a separate thread , or he may allow you to jump into the story . you will also be expected to create a character in order to participate . be sure that you meet all the necessary requirements for the roleplay . be sure that you follow the appropriate roleplaying rules . learn to get along with the other players . when you first begin roleplaying , your posts may not be as complex as those who have had more experience . your sentences may be short and to the point . although some people may ridicule you for your simple style , never be ashamed of it . as you roleplay more frequently , you will learn to adapt to the different writing styles . the harder you work on writing , the more you will improve until you too can write complicated posts . as a person new to roleplaying , your writing may sound like this burnshadow awoke and went out of his den to find his leader . his leader told him he needed to make a hunting patrol . burnshadow went out with riversky and bluepaw and hunted in his territory . he came back with a lot of prey and went back to his den to sleep . rather than repeating the same word in your post , use a thesaurus to find descriptive synonyms that add flavor to your writing . although you should avoid using too many big words , insert semi - advanced vocabulary words into your sentences for a colorful post . rather than simply stating them as they are , add more style and uniqueness to them by including detail . detail is the key to capturing attention of readers , as it helps draw people into your writing . although you should refrain from including too much , dont be afraid to lengthen simple actions . for example , if your character woke up and walked out of the den , you could say the sunlight pierced through the den . burnshadow jerked awake with a meow , squinting into the searing rays . he slowly stretched his paws out and winced at the ache from his stiff sleep . yawning , he rolled his neck before shooting out of his nest in search of his leader . instead of constantly using his name or pronouns , replace it with a short description of him . for example , replace burnshadow with the rowan - colored tom . this adds an interesting mix into your post , and it gives your readers an idea of your characters appearance . for example the rowan - colored tom padded into the warriors den . his eyes darted from nest to nest before focusing on his den - mate riversky . the black cat was stretched out on his belly , a white paw tucked against his nose . with a soft sigh , burnshadow padded over to the tom and nudged his head until his eyes blearily opened . showing rather than telling the scenes unfolds a new world for your readers . they will be able to see your characters come to life in front of them . you will also be able to weave your characters personalities into their words using different tones and speaking habits ex a shy cat might speak more hesitantly while a bold cat may have more to say . although descriptive sentences can be helpful when telling a story , you may need to break up your paragraphs with some dialogue to keep your readers interest going . for example , riversky , wake up could be an appropriate substitute for burnshadow asked riversky to awaken . beware of too much dialogue . use enough to keep the story flowing , but avoid dumping too much information into conversations . keep them short and to the point , writing them as naturally as a normal person would speak . an emotional character provides the opportunity for readers to bond with him . without feelings , a story would become uninteresting since people wont be able to empathize with its characters . describe your characters emotional reaction to major events , but beware of revealing too much at a time . learn to convey his feelings through his actions as well so that your story continues flowing . for example , a terrible scream shook the den . fear gripped burnshadows heart . he froze in his nest , claws sliding out as his heart leaped into his throat . delete unnecessary descriptions that distract readers from your story . learn to be moderate in what you type . remove extraneous details , and include additional descriptions where it is necessary . keep your grammar at a top - notch level by using spellcheck or running a careful eye over your posts . although it may take more time and effort , dont hesitate to stray from simple sentences and lengthen your posts . accept criticism . rather than allowing it to discourage you , take the opportunity to extract as many lessons from it as possible . learn to improve your posts as time goes on . the more constructive advice you accept , the better your writing will be . read the responses to your characters actions , and reply to them with an additional post . as time continues on , gather as much advice as you can in order to improve your writing . perhaps one day youll be able to start your own roleplay . |
read the books . make your clans . think of names for the cats of the clan you choose . draw out the territories for your clans . start roleplaying . pick your age and status . pretend to learn how to hunt , creep , swim , honour starclan , and others during training missions hunt . set up camp . type scripts , perform ceremonies , and refer to cars as monsters . believe in starclan , and your roleplaying experience will be a good one . | how to roleplay as a warrior cat | currently , there are six different parts to the warriors saga . they are warriors , the new prophecy , the power of three , omen of the stars , dawn of the clans and a vision of shadows . also , there are warriors mangas , and books like firestars quest , cats of the clans , bluestars prophecy and warriors field guide . only the first 6 books the new prophecy into the wild , fire and ice , forest of secrets , rising storm , a dangerous path and the darkest hour . are essential to start your own role play though , so at least read those to get a basic understanding of the warriors life . there should be at least four clans in the forest . choose names for your clans like mistclan , forestclan , darkclan , rippleclan , speedclan or lightclan . dont choose names like egyptianclan or bookclan . think of your roleplay name first , and then think of your leaders , deputys , and others . include things like fourtrees , twolegplace , or treecutplace . you could also make specific landmarks such as sunningrocks , moonpool , highrocks , and other things the cats would call something . enlist a friend , tell them to read the books , give them a name , age , and status , and explain to them their territory , landmarks , and any other important things . it is good to start off as a kit or apprentice so you can have experience through playing the game . if you are an apprentice , pick your mentor , and then go on training missions . , you should go outside and hunt then coming back in and drop something on your honorary fresh - kill pile and eat something , referring to it as fresh - kill . you can roleplay outside if its warm , or roleplay inside if its cold . get a box or a large pile of rocks and declare it as your highrocks . set up tents , or some other form of make - shift shelter and declare those as your dens . lastly , make a fresh - kill pile this can be a large plate or aluminum foil and set food on it . make people think youre just crazy as you go through these . |
many role plays construct their characters differently , but your warrior cats profile should include the following name age gender appearance personality clan when constructing your cats profile , refrain from using one of the names from the warrior cats series . avoid mary sues . | how to roleplay a warrior cat online 1 | the fun grows when you create your own name this rule also applies to your cats personality and appearance . avoid building your cat off one of the original warrior cats and from other peoples characters . be creative and original a mary sue is a character that is completely perfect . they are super strong , nice , smart , skilled , and beautiful . they never lose or get angry , and they usually have bad pasts . to avoid mary sues , think about your cat . if it is small , they can be fast and smart , but they will most likely be weak . make your characters a little dumb , or maybe a little mean . but remember that every cat has to have some flaws . |
ask your friends if they are interested in making a clan . if someone is new to the world of warriors , tell them the key things about the books . decide on the ranks . name your characters . tell all your friends about your character . choose a habitat for your clan . begin roleplay | how to make a warrior cats clan with your friends | if one of your friends says no , ask if they want to be a rogue , loner , kittypet or even another animal like a badger or a fox . this can be fun since not every cat is a warrior , but if they still refuse , dont force them to play . make sure they know about the clans , the warrior code , ranks , and traditions . when assigning a rank for that person , suggest them starting off as a kit or apprentice since they dont know much . every clan needs a leader - this must be an experienced reader whoever has read the most books or gained the most knowledge and somebody that will be a good roleplayer . next , the leader needs to choose a deputy . the deputy should have read at least a series of books . the leader should test a few willing people and then choose somebody reliable . if your clan is evil , the leader should make sure the deputy is evil unless the leader isnt actually evil and they want their clan to to be good . the medicine cat should be a sympathetic , kind and sweet person that doesnt fight much and is quite clever . they dont actually need to know about herbs , but suggest them searching up different plants and how they can be used . warriors are very important so you should have at least three of them . apprentices need good mentors , preferably ones that have been warriorsmedicine cat for a while . kits should be people that are quite cute , cheeky or dont know much about warriors . if you have kits , make sure you have queens . it is also fun to have elders . storytellers made wonderful elders . however , in the case that you dont have many members , suggest each person having more than one character . playing the same role in a small group becomes boring fast . also , make sure an apprentice receives their warrior name - dont stick with the same rank . names are very important . your members must have warrior names unless they were formerly a lonerroguekittypet . names for kits must end in - kit . apprentice names end in - paw . if your cat has a certain interesting feature , like a disfigurement , you can add that into the name . medicine cat nameswarrior names usually end in body parts , but it is more creative to think of suffixes other than - pelt , - fur , - leg , etc . be aware that medicine cat names dont usually end in claw , because medicine cats rarely fight . deputies keep their warrior names unless they become leader , in which they take - star as their leader name ending . elders keep their warrior names unless something has changed about them . for example , if a cat named maplefoot had twisted her paw , she may change her name to twistedleg . these names can be interesting , and describe your character well , but normal names are nice too . make sure all names are natural . unless they are kittypets house cats , you would hardly find a cat named mustangpaw , or a silly name like awesomepaw , cocopaw , or phonepaw that is why it is vital to have a nature - related names . for ideas , imagine things you would see out in nature - tvs and cars arent one of them . instead , think of plants , animals , clouds and water , among others . do not create mean names , or somebody can get hurt , refuse to join , or tell on you as bullies , which you dont want to be . they dont have to know everything , but make sure they know their personality , their aims in life , etc . make sure they also know what your cat looks like . pretend that they are blind and describe your cat to the best of your ability . for example , you dont want your friends to think that a cat named blackpelt has white fur . no matter where youre roleplaying , know that you can choose anywhere for your clan to live . you may be playing in your school playground , but your clan may whisk you away to a beautiful tropical island . territories usually have landmarks , and they always have a place for apprentices to train and a camp . there is often a dangerous area in one place in the territory , such as snakerocks in thunderclans forest territory . if you want , help draw a map of the territory with your friends , showing where everywhere is . this can help you be descriptive during your roleplay . always accept new members . |
dont spotlight . avoid power playing other peoples characters in other words , dont control them , read the warrior cats series to get a basic understanding of how their world works . your cat should act according to how the warrior cats normally act in the books . | how to roleplay a warrior cat online 2 | this means to make your character the center of attention . try to include yourself , but dont make your character annoyingly involved . try making more than one character , and have them take turns being involved in important events . give others a chance to shine people dislike it , and it removes all the fun and freedom from the roleplay . only powerplay someone elses characters if they ask you to . if you go into a roleplay and have no idea what youre doing , chances are that people will grow annoyed . perhaps you can be a little imaginative and tweak it a little , but dont go as far as to adding portals or non - existent monsters that cannot be found in the original warrior cats books . |
first , decide on your cats personality . what is your cats physical appearance , think about your cats abilities and habits . look at your cats history . look at a few different warrior books , and find two parts of a warrior name that havent been used yet . remember that the first part of your cats name usually stays the same throughout its life . know that the first part of a warrior name almost always starts out with something in nature . have the last part of a warrior name fit with the first part . take your cats appearance into account when naming himher . consider your cats personal details . realize that your name doesnt have to be a combination of those names . remember that when naming , they wont know the full character right away . do not use certain words in your warriors name . | how to make a warrior cat name | if your cat is silly and playful , you may want a name like squirrelleaf . but if your cat is a noble warrior , youd probably look for something more epic , like lionheart , or fireheart . please note that prefixes the lion - in lionheart dont usually determine a personality , suffixes the - heart in lionheart show traits like that . if they have unusual patterns or striking colors , go ahead and name them something like flameclaw or leopardpelt . if your cat loves to swim , for example , you could name them graysplash . if they were always lovestruck , you could name them larksong or goldenheart . if you like them , combine them examples ambertail . she - cat . warrior . thunderclan . dappled tortie with white paws and dark amber eyes . bright and sweet , a good hunter and kind . wants kits of her own . adores her leader . bluefang . she - cat . warrior . riverclan . bluish she - cat with amber eyes . a stern and uptight warrior , is hard to find kindness in her . aspenfur . tom . warrior . thunderclan . gray tom with green eyes , was trained under sandstorm . a quick and fast warrior , the fastest since runningwind . shadetail . deputy . tom . windclan . a black cat , has pale green eyes . was once a maltreated kit during the regime of brokenstar , was left to die in the woods during leaf - bare when he couldnt keep up with a raiding party , but found his way to windclan when they were driven out by shadowclan . has never trusted the cruel , hostile clan of riverclan . is a natural leader though , but does his best to be modest . is good friends with dustpelt and longtail , who are like him . , colors , types of trees or flowers or nature , animals , types of weather , etc . the name must never include star , spirit , or moon . moonflower was a mistake on erin hunters part , and she has admitted to it . star is the end of the leader , and it wouldnt be good if there was a starstar , now would it moon cannot be used as it is religious , and a large part of the clans lives . moonstone , moonhigh , fullmoon , there are many uses . spirit is also religious and therefore forbidden . it is also forbidden to use the clan names for other warriors thunder , wind , shadow and river . erin hunter has stated these themselves . examples lily , flower , pine , oak , willow , rose , flame , stone , fox , mouse , dove , hawk , lark for instance , if hisher first name is leopard , you may use leopardfur or leopardclaw . if it was hawk , maybe hawkflight or hawktail ex claw , fur , pelt , storm , tail if your cat has a color , plant , or other thing as the first part , things can be more flexible . you wouldnt want to name a sweet golden she - cat darkpelt or shadeclaw . youre better off naming her goldfur or dawnpelt . if your cat is black or a dark color , dont give it a name like cloudfur . stormcloud or ravenfeather would probably be better . give your cat a name that describes himher in the best way possible . does your cat have something characteristic about himherself for instance runningnose , from erin hunters books , was named for his running nose because he always seemed to have a cold . you should not name it based on the personality , eye color , or even the full coloring of that cat when it is named . however , you could have the queen wait a few days before naming the kits . eye is a very uncommon name , and most people refrain from using it blue eye is an example , but some use it for an elder as blue - eye . it is usually not used because of the e in the beginning and also there is usually a vowel in the last two letters of the prefix usually e , but it can be an a . if you do insist on having the eye suffix , swan eye a beautiful white she - cat with a black patch on her head that covers her baby blue eyes , fox eye a ginger tom with scars over his jade - green eyes , but does not harm his sight . he has black paws and a white underbelly , and brown eye extremely matted grey tom with white paws , black underbelly and brown eyes are a couple of suggestions . most cats dont have an obvious personality right away . the eye color for cats is always hidden for a while as their eyes are closed , and even when their eyes are open , they are blue and then fade into the final color . also many cats , like tabby cats , dont show their markings right away . dont name a nice golden she - cat sweet you might not know they are nice until after naming them . even the warriors books have made this mistake . for instance , dragon , drake , super , power , vampire , godgoddess names . anything mystical or make - believe should not be in a warriors name , as it doesnt exist in the warrior cat world and therefore doesnt make sense . |
get a blank notebook . write warrior cat notebook or warrior cat journal neatly on the front cover . come up with three to five clans . name your clans . try to come up with some territory that matches the clan name . draw out what the clan camp looks like - wheres the entrance , where is the nursery , write the title of the clan you just created on the next page . create a map for where all the clans live . make some outsiders . skip a couple pages and start writing a diary for the clans . make a list of all the cures of diseases , if you have any . | how to make a warrior cat journal | if you have a used one , remove the pages already written on . try to make the book unique so that you can identify it if you dont label it . however , if you are shy and dont want others to see , just dont label the book . write the warrior code inside the front cover if you want . make as many clans as you want - just dont make it too confusing come up with some names from nature - fireclan , swiftclan , treeclan , marshclan , and waterclan , or whatever you want . for example , adderclan for a clan that frequents a sandy , dusty area with lots of snakes . but you dont always have to , because these clans are what you are making , and they will be your unique one . make sure to set up the clan camp strategically . if you dont , the clan could easily be taken over . for example , if the nursery and elders den was right beside the entrance to the camp , the kits could be taken away and the elders would be injured first . these two positions of the clan are to be treated with respect , and making them bait is not honorable . write down its history . how was it created who was it made by make a summary of this clan . what does their territory look like how do they hunt what color are their pelts normally you might also want to write down the current leaders and cats in the clan , like the deputy , warriors , apprentices , queens , kits , leaders , and medicine cat . if you want , make a clan symbol for the clans , too where are the clans located are they near the ocean , or in the deep jungle where are the boundaries question yourself on these matters , and you will probably make a good section of the biome good clan territory try to make a gathering place , preferably in the center of all the clan territories . make a special mark to mark that specific spot , and a place for the leaders and deputies to sit . make a place where the medicine cats can communicate with starclan every half moon - they need the guidance for their clans . try to make it mysterious , like when the medicine cats pick a plant , the fragrance makes them fall asleep . you can have loners , rogues , kittypets , twolegs , and more . make a twoleg place - the clans can have some adventures with them and their kittypets . to do this , you might want to make a group of your own at your school or social media . talk about the clans , and write this down for the diary . you dont have to do it for all the clans - just one would be good enough . for the dates , write the following or make your own style for an ordinary day if it were january 2 , 2015 , the date in the diary would be first moon , leaf - bare 2015 second day . for a special occasion if it were half moon and it was time for the medicine cats to go communicate with starclan , the actual date would look somewhat like this february 14 , 2015 . for the clan style , it would be half moon , second moon . medicine cats names went to starclan meeting place , leaf - bare 2015 . if you are doing this for all the clans , put first moon , leaf - bare 2015 second day for whiteclan . heres an example of an entry tenth moon , leaf - fall 2015 . tenth day . put your clan name here next line today hunting was well . the leaves are beginning to fall . snowpaw had a thorn in her paw - at least shes patient if you are going to make up some medicines and diseases , make sure to pair them up properly so that you dont end up with a cough that cant be cured |
power on your kindle device . ensure that your kindle is at the page containing the list of available books to read . press the menu button to access the menu of available options . realize that some of the browsers features have changed , but most of the common tasks have stayed the same . use your 5 - way controller from your device to select the experimental option . use the select button in the center of the 5 - way controller to select this experimental option . use the select button on the remaining page . | how to access the experimental web browser on a kindle 2 | slide lever at the top of the device . if it isnt or youre not sure , press the home button on your device . , it should automatically be highlighting the launch browser link , once you open up this menu . |
name your clan . find other fans . decide on ranks . name your members . map out your territory . stage wars . if you prefer not to do it in real life , there are many online warrior cat sites for you to join | how to create a warrior cats clan | there are many names to choose from , just a few being stormclan , breezeclan , emberclan , iceclan or any others try not to choose an unrealistic name , or a man - made name . for example , cookieclan , steelclan , tvclan , anything like that . kitclan , warriorclan , deputyclan , catclan or anything like that is considered bad and are highly discouraged . these could be your friends , the kids in the corner , the ones with their noses in the books that you think need some active time or some friends . practically anyone ask them to join your clan , and if they say yes , youre all set once you get enough , choose the most responsible person to be leader or have an election for leader . the deputy is chosen before or at moonhighso , before nightfall and is responsible for patrols and such . somebody could volunteer to be medicine cat , or , if multiple apply , there could be an election , or have the leader choose . the rest will decide to be either warriors , apprentices , queens , kits , or elders . if youre feeling up for the challenge , write a list of prefixesrock - , shadow - , willow - and a list of suffixes - pelt , - claw , - fur . say , we have a kit that just joined , and they are named jaykit . - kits their suffix because they are a kit . then , when jaykit is apprenticed , she becomes jaypaw , suffixed - paw for being an apprentice . when she becomes a warrior , the whole clan shouts out jayfrost because her new suffix is now , - frost . when she becomes leader , she earns the name jaystar for being chosen by starclan . this includes landmarks , special training areas , hunting spots , etc . you can also create some other clans , for others to join and leadmaybe , stormclan and frostclan are neighbors . the world of warriors has never been peaceful and it will never be . you could declare wars on either another clan that another group made or an imaginary clan . you could either do it as play - fighting or talk - fighting . play - fighting would be just gently wrestling and pretend scratching . talk fighting is simply saying what youre doing , like rocktail backed against the tree and got ready to spring on nightstrike . he charged towards the black tom and pounced onto him . nightstrike rolled to the side , thus dodging rocktails attack . he pounced onto rocktail , attempting to pin him . look out for powerplaying , which is controlling the others character and is considered cheating by many . an example is falconshade saw whitestar give the signal . he charged down the slope with the sun behind him and pounced onto sleekfoot . he raked sleekfoot with his claws and killed him . here sleekfoots player doesnt have any say about if he couldve dodged or not . use stuffed toys if you dont have another clan near you . as an alternative you could allow people to double as enemy cats . |
ask yourself these questions what is the basic territory , now that you have the most basic of territory , get specific . now describe why all of these places are dangerous , filled with prey , apprentices are trained there . now that you have the basic territory filled out , draw a picture of it , and dont include the camp in your drawing . now that you have placed your camp , it is time to place the dens , the fresh - kill pile , the high rock , and anything else you want to add in your camp . | how to make a descriptive warrior cats territory | what do the clan cats look like what is the clan called what do they hunt you want to make sure that they all fit together . you should have all of these questions answered where do your cats hunt where do apprentices train where are all the herbs found where have battles been fought are there any dangerous areas where is bedding found where do they hunt include great hunting spots , lesser hunting spots , and places where prey is slightly scarce this isnt difficult . prey usually stays near food . you can say prey is there because there are fruits , nuts , berries , herbs , etc . you can say badgers are attracted to the nice dens , that snakes stay in the rocks , that there is quicksand , or that the rocks are slippery and a cat could fall . once you have the drawing , look at it . figure out where you might decide to make your camp if you lived there . pick somewhere that isnt too near a river , a dangerous area , or somewhere prey is abundant . if they stayed near water , there would be floods . if they stayed near a dangerous area , kits would sneak out and get hurt less than a fox - length out of camp . if they were too close to prey , the prey would be scared away . you should add a leaders den , a medicine den , a warriors den , an apprentices den , and elders den , and a nursery . |
develop the cats appearance . break down the description components . make up a name for your cat based on what you know about the cat . find or draw a picture of your cat . | how to create a warrior cats oc original character 1 | describe it in as much detail as possible . avoid being too brief with the description . for example , saying large pure black tom with amber eyes is too simplistic . instead , describe your warrior cat as pure black tom with dark amber eyes , the exact shade of fire . his glossy fur is long , and he sheds frequently . his tail is shorter than average and seems twice as thick due to his long , flowing fur . he is stocky and thick compared to his height , though he is taller than the average tom . choose only natural fur and eye colors , no purple , pink , green , yellow , or straight orange , red and blues on cats . if you want to have a blue cat , make sure they are a dark silver or pale gray , maybe even a blue - gray like bluestar , and red cats should be either orange , ginger , red - brown , or even a mixture of browns and ginger . orange fur is usually a lighter ginger colors . the cats eyes should either be blue , gray , yellow , amber , green , you could also look up natural eye colors for cats to see what possibilities there are . when describing your cat you need to include the name see next step , fur color , gender , eye color , clan , personality , and any kits or mates . for example rosestar cream colored she - cat with blue - green eyes . very stubborn but loyal . no kits or mate . silverthorn silver gray she - cat with amber eyes . mysterious and loyal . has a kit called yewkit . nobody knows her mate . lightningtail golden - yellow tom with a white stripe across its body , a zig - zagged tail , and gold eyes . brave and very kind . mate is icepool . no kits . owlpaw brown and white tom with green eyes . clever and brave . no kits or mate . think through the cats likely life story when coming up with a name . imagine your male cat as a kit , his eyes still closed . you are his mother and you must name him . for example , nightkit . he is large and dark , like the night sky , and the moon is occasionally orange , and its eyes would look like moons in the night sky . then , zoom to his warrior ceremony . he is a young cat , nightpaw . take into consideration his pelt color , length , his eye color , his personality , size , and everything about him . nightnose wouldnt make sense because there is nothing special about his nose or sense of smell . but nighttail , nightfur , nightheart , and nightshadow are good ideas . nighttail because of his bushy tail . nightfur because of his fuzzy pelt . nightshadow because he is very dark black . and nightheart because he is brave and tough , but kind - hearted . warrior cat names must be based on nature and must be things that cats know about or come into contact with . thus , names like dragonfang and princesspaw or marshmallow nose are not allowed because these arent things cats are familiar with . common pet names are not allowed unless the cat is a former kittypet . warrior cat names come in two parts . the first part stays constant throughout life , and the second part changes based on rank . cats younger than six moons months have the suffix kit . cats older than that are apprentices and have paw . after they become warriors , they get a warrior name . if they happen to become leader after that , the suffix changes to star . for example amberkit , amberpaw , amber gaze , amberstar . it doesnt have to be too detailed if you draw it . just get your point across |
develop your warrior cats personality . consider your cats other personality traits , likes , and dislikes , etc . think about the rank you choose for your oc . give your cat a special talent , or lack of talent . write a history for your cat . write a short story using your cat to get the feel of playing or writing in this cats character . add the cats family . | how to create a warrior cats oc original character 2 | take into consideration the cats size large cats will be tough , but somewhat clumsy , while long - legged cats will be swift , big - eared cats will be able to hear well . also , include some skills of theirs . for example , you might not want tough but kind , but instead want , he is tough in battle , and wary of enemy clans , but he is kind to his clan - mates . he is gentle with kits and is protective over his mate . he is brave , but not the smartest cat . he would take on a fox or even a badger before thinking if its really a good idea or not . see the difference the following list details some things to consider here what is your cats favorite food plump squirrel what is your cats favorite time of day dawn , because it is cool what is your cats biggest fear having his mate get an incurable disease . think of what if their biggest fear came true . what is your cats biggest dream answer the question what if their greatest dream came true . how would your cat react if lost and in enemy territory what would your cat do it if met a kittypet in your own cats territoryscare off the kittypet what if your warrior cat became a medicine cat or , vice versa a good method is to keep asking yourself why to every question you think of . keep doing this until you get back down to their backstory . tie it in . make your choices for this cat realistic . remember the cats personality , size , and looks . most of all , avoid making a mary - sue cat an all too perfect cat . dont use the same descriptive words too often––be adventurous in describing your warrior cat . use the cats personality as a basis for this aspect . for example is your cat mean and ruthless or kind and gentle motherly cold and cruel or honest and loyal readers are usually more interested in a story with a struggle , so special talents could hold you back , but try to make it work . something along the lines of a great fighter , super smart medicine cat , or amazing hunter are usually popular and easy to work with but can be way overused . if you want to add disability , be careful . its important to consider that people who read your story may have that disability or know someone who does , so be considerate . think about how the community supports the cat , and what strengths the cat has so that they dont exist purely as a burden . it is not a good idea to give cats powers . it works sometimes , but most of the time it makes things seem very unlikely . your history should be detailed and a bit lengthy . include past clans , past battles , and any important events . example silverthorn yawned as the first signs of dawn stretched across the sky . it was another day , and silverthorn had to do the dawn patrol . she was tired and didnt want to , but she had to do what was best for her clan . add how their family changes their personality , looks , or anything else about the cat . make each family member , clan - mate , rogue , or whoever , using the same method as above . |
choose a clan . see further the following articles for help with roleplaying or bringing to life your warrior cat how to roleplay a warrior cat online roleplay as a warrior cat how to make a warrior cats clan with your friends . | how to create a warrior cats oc original character 3 | think about what your cat can do––will he be able to swim put him in riverclan . will he prefer shadows and hunting at night put him in shadowclan . can he be loyal and trustworthy put him in thunderclan . is he close to starclan , and is he fast put him in windclan . choose any clan you want . you could also make up your own clan . |
think of a clan name . make your cat , your cats name , and figure out what rank to be . get clanmates . get other clans . grab pillows and blankets . make the leaders den . make the nests . put a blanket on top of the den . make the elders den . make the warriors den . make the apprentices den . make the medicine cats den . make the nursery . make the nests . | how to create a clan and camp for a warrior cats roleplay | you can use one of the clan names from the series if you want . first you need to figure out a clan name like oakclan , frostclan , flameclan etc . if you want too you can be a loner , rouge or kittypet , but its your choice . so draw a cat or design one online , then figure out what type of cat you want like a tabby or maybe a calico something like that . then figure out if you want to be elder , leader , warrior , medicine cat , queen , apprentice , or kit . try being a leader if you want . if youre a kit , it should be something like blackkit , mintkit , or firekit . say those three became apprentices they would go from kit to paw like this blackpaw , mintpaw , and firepaw . then they became warriors from paw to something else like the first part of their name then what there first part of theyre represents like blackclaw , mintleaf , and firepelt . then say they became leader , it would change from theyre last part of theyre name to star like this blackstar , mintstar , and firestar . ask your friends to be in your clan and if they want too but dont know what warriors is then make them a kit . let them choose their rank . unless they choose leader and you already have a leader . ask your friends if they want to make theyre own clan and let them make the name and do the rest . make a border with pillows . then make dens . make it with one pillow on one side then make it where the top has to fit 2 pillows to cover it . make it 2 pillows long so it can fit 2 people in it . the leaders mate or the leader and someone else . if building the camp outdoors , use sticks , stones and logs in place of these pillows instead . make it tall and put the highrock on top of the den . in the outdoors , youll have to use moss instead . make this one a medium den . make it 3 pillows long and 3 pillows wide . now add the nests in columns or just next to each other . put blankets next to the nests to cover the nest from the person next to them and pet a blanket on top of the den . make this one 6 pillows long and 3 pillows wide . now put blankets between the nests to cover the nests from the person next to them . also put a blanket on top of the den . make this one 4 pillows long and 3 pillows wide . make the nests and put blankets between the nests to cover the nests from the people beside them . now , put a blanket on top of the den . this den only needs to fit about 3 - 5 people in it so it should be 3 pillows long and 3 pillows wide . now place the nests and put the blankets between the nests and put a blanket on top of the den . this needs to fit four to five people in it . make it four pillows wide and four pillows long . put the nests down and put blankets between the nests and put a blanket on top of the den . get a soft blanket or just soft cloth . |
figure out how the cat learned about the prophecy . determine the cat or cats to whom the prophecy relates . determine the underlying meaning . word the prophecy . note that prophecies in warriors do not rhyme and do not sound like a poem . determine how the prophecy can be fulfilled . figure out how the prophecy will be shown to the cat youve figured out must receive it . | how to create a warrior cat prophecy | how did your cat find out about about the prophecy did heshe see it in a dream , go to the moonstonemoonpool and share tongues with starclan , receive an omen , or if they are a leader see it at their nine lives ceremony who are the cats mentioned in the prophecy which cat or cats must receive the prophecy also determine the cat or cats who give the prophecy . this will usually be a starclan cat , one whom was important to the cats in question . every prophecy needs a main message or meaning . for example , in the books , the prophecy fire alone will save the clan . erin hunter , serves a great purpose . say theres a cat named rosethorn , and she is destined to save the forest . this is a useful example to follow through with . just saying that rosethorn will save the forest is dull and lacks emphasis . make is seem more mysterious and cryptic . maybe you could try something like the flower will bloom , and become the light that shines from the stars and break through the darkness of shade . do not make the prophecy obvious . include twists that are not immediately apparent to the reader or the cat . they will include hints about their meaning but will be vague and open to interpretation . they are also usually highly symbolic . for example , if the characters are icetalon and whitefire , dont say the ice will beat the white , instead , say something like frozen talons may be strong enough to rip apart the white destruction . how will the cat fulfill the prophecy do they need to find , rescue or kill another cat locate the clans safely across unknown paths do they need to die themselves maybe go against the forces of nature or maybe even go against the warrior code and abandon their clans , say that rosethorn gets this prophecy . she could be told by her mother who died and went to starclan . |
create a warrior cat . make your own clan . name your clan . find some friends to be in your clan . use substitutes . decide which room will be for which part of the camp . make your room look like your clan camp . make a highrock . make the nursery . make a medicine den . make a warriors den . make an apprentice den . make a map . | how to make a warrior cat clan indoors | imagine you are a cat . choose your colour , markings , personality and eye colour create a warrior name for your cat . keep the name neutral however - dont use words that cats dont know , like plastic . something that is related to where they live would be good such as pinefur . or you can use a name based on an animal , crowcall their appearance , palepelt or their personality flameheart . name it something natural - names like metalclan are not natural . try something like treeclan or breezeclan , or you can use one of the original clan names thunderclan , riverclan , shadowclan , windclan , or skyclan . make sure the clan name makes sense too , and that it matches the warriors in the clan personality . make sure you name your clan so that the other clans know which clan you are . just put a name then the suffix - clan example fireclan . also make sure that when you name your clan you name it based off of your territory or clan specialty . find a few apprentices , warriors , kits , a medicine cat , deputy , and leader if you arent . you can talk about your new clan when your friends are around . they may want to join your clan if it seems fun enough . have some friends be apprentices , some warriors , one the deputy , and one the medicine cat . elders and queens arent really necessary since they dont do much in a clan often . if they dont know about warriors that much , make them apprentices . if you have too many apprentices , make young ones kits , and the ones who know more about the warrior cat series warriors , deputy , or medicine cat . if you dont have enough players , substitute with plush cats . theyll work , as long as you have 2 - 3 warriors and apprentices , a deputy , medicine cat . make sure to have a fresh - kill pile for them use other items for pretend fresh kill . the kitchen can have the fresh kill pile , the bathroom can be the dirtplace , etc . your house is the territory . make a pile of things and cover it with a large blanket . try using blue construction paper and put it near your door to make it look like water . a nice cardboard tree will help , too . you can use stickers on your walls to make your room seem more natural . the highrock is where the leader stands , and in the inside is the leaders den . make it out of soft , comfortable things such as pillows . stack a few pillows then put a blanket straight and put something strong then a pillow or two then another blanket on top of the pillows . make sure to hide it so if your camp gets attacked the kits and queens are safe and , make it out of strong pillows so if anyone aged six and under is inside if it falls , it wont fall and hurt them . make it with strong pillows , and make your own herbs with food you can eat . make it out of strong pillows , and put folded blankets as the nests . use strong pillows and put folded blankets as the nests . make a map so you know exactly were everything is and so you dont accidentally trespass another unknown clan territory |
start reading the main books . read the super editions . read the guides . read any extra books . decide what kind of website you want to join . join a warrior cats roleplay . join a fanfiction site . | how to become a warrior cats fan | this is important , if you want to become a true warrior cats fan . there are seven series , each with six books - with the exception of the newest series , a vision of shadows , which only has three books because it is incomplete . you can buy the books of each series altogether in boxed sets , or buy them all together . a list of each of the seven main series follows below . you can look on the official warriors website for a list of all of the books within the series , but the very first book in the series is into the wild . it will take a while if you want to read them all , so be patient . there are a lot of books . the series the prophecies begin the new prophecy power of three omen of the stars a vision of shadows dawn of the clans prequel these books are biographies about some of the cats lives , uncovering details about their past . after you have read all of the main books , you dont necessarily have to read these , but they are still interesting . here are all of them yellowfangs secret tallstars revenge bluestars prophecy crookedstars promise firestars quest skyclans destiny moth flights vision bramblestars storm hawkwings journey these can help give you a better understanding of the warriors world . theyre also good to have around as reference , in case you forgot little details . these are all the books secrets of the clans battles of the clans cats of the clans enter the clans code of the clans the ultimate field guide reading these are totally optional , but you may still want to , so that you can brag about how youve read every single book . there are mangas , ebooks , and novellas . the mangas are just books written in a comic book - like style , telling extra stories like scourges childhood , and about tigerstar meeting a kittypet . the novellas are shorter stories about warriors , and ebooks are books that can be downloaded to your tablet or e reader . do you want to join a site to create your own cat , and roleplay with others maybe you want to write your own stories , and read others before you spread the fandom online , you need to first decide what you want from a website . there are many to choose from online , so be sure to do some browsing for the perfect one . when you join an rp , you need to create a warrior cats oc , or original character . we have many articles on that topic on wikihow , as well as how to roleplay as a warrior . the most popular one by far is fanfiction . net , but there are others . you can do more than just read others stories . dont be afraid to write your own fanfic , you might find that you love the hobby , and that other people love your writing . remember to always give credit to erin hunter for writing the original stories . you can also use your roleplay oc for your stories and ideas . just dont use anyone elses cats without their permission . |
create your clan . maintain your clan in the early stages . add another clan . defend the borders . do the hunting . choose the medicine cat . stop your clan from deteriorating . | how to create and maintain a warrior cats clan at school | a good time to start a clan , is when you are bored . then people will be more open to the idea . start with just a few friends at first . give yourselves warrior names , before you start adding kit or star to the end of them . choose who will be leader , deputy first . the leader should be the person who knows the series best . add star to the end of their warrior name . then they must chose a deputy . dont bother with a medicine cat yet . next , you need to choose a name for your clan . you can use a clan from the books , or invent you own . at school , the first thing you need to do , is decide on where the camp will be . it does not need individual dens , just a place for a medicine cat to mix herbs , and a place for the leader to address your clan . place the borders . it is not a good idea to include the entire school field in your borders , as you will want to add another clan later . at first your clan will be small . dont worry though . as you continue to play , interest will grow . when someone first joins , make them an apprentice the first break they play . give them a mentor . in that break , their mentor should tell them where the borders are , teach them to hunt and fight , covered below and tell them the basic rules of the warrior code . then , you should make them a warrior . when your clan is of substantial size , ask your clan if anyone would like to be leader of another clan . if so , see if any people would like to be part of that other clan . if at least five people want to , then set up another clan , and choose the starting borders . to fight , you want to come up with a rock paper scissors type system consider these simple examples bellyrake beats frontal paw blow frontal paw blow beats roll - and - kick roll - and - kick beats bellyrake if someone loses the rock paper scissors they have sustained a battle wound . if someone sustains three battle wounds , they must stop fighting . the fight goes on until all of one clan have stopped fighting . do not defend your borders from teachers or pupils who are not part of a clan . only defend them from people in the other clan . have one person in your clan pretend to be prey . they should run , and when the hunting patrol catch them , they have caught they prey . make sure people take fair turns at being the prey or arguments could happen . if you know someone who likes mushing up berries they find in the school grounds , ask them if they would like to be the medicine cat . if a person sustains a battle wound , the medicine cat can heal them , by naming the right herb , and pretending to mix a poultice . there are many ways for a clan to deteriorate , and sometimes it is impossible to stop . maybe there has been an argument and clan mates do not want to be near each other . one way of sorting this could be for one person to join the other clan . be careful if you suggest this , or you could cause offence and start another argument . another reason for the clan breaking up , could be simply because you have been away on summer holiday , and people have forgotten about it . one way of preventing this , is to now and again , remind them of it during the holiday . for example , on a postcard you could put loving it here , but i am looking forward to hunting with the clan again . |
find the eight people needed to create the clan . set up your camp site whether it is outside or inside . let everyone choose their positions . role - play time , what clan are you | how to create a warrior cats club | these friends of course will have to approve the idea themselves . a person can join even if they havent read the book not allowing people to join or earn a higher position just because they havent read the books is just plain mean . a warriors club can help introduce people to the series make sure it doesnt make too much mess or else your parents will complain and make you clean it up for high positions , you can either talk and make an agreement , have a quiz , or something else thats fair for everyone . woo - hoo have fun creating you can draw your cats or just describe them your characters what does your clan hunt where does your clan live how do your clan cats act fierce , kind , loyal . well you decide |
get the data cable and power adapter that came with your nook package . connect the adapter and the nook . charge the nook . connect your nook to a computer using its data cable . access the storage of the nook on your computer . start copying the book to the nook . disconnect the nook . unlock the nook . go to the library . open a book . turn pages . jump to a different page . bookmark a page . highlight notes . add notes . go back to the home screen . | how to use the nook | the nooks data cable looks very rather similar to the 30 - pin data cable of ios devices like ipads and iphones . attach the bigger end of the cable to the allocated port at the bottom of your nook . plug the smaller end of the cable , the one with the male usb head , to the power adapter . connect the power adapter to an active power outlet . check the led status light of your nook while charging . the led light should be orange while charging and will turn green once its battery is full . plug the larger end of the cable to the port on the nook and attach the usb end to a usb port on your pc . open my computer for windows or finder for mac and select the nook from the list of devices . click on its drive icon to view its content . once inside , navigate inside the nook and open the my documents folder . navigate to the location on your computer of the ebook you want to copy . click and drag the ebook file from its location on your pc to the my documents folder inside the nook . once all the ebook files have been copied to the my documents folder , safely eject nook from your computer . disconnect the data cable from the usb port once its safe to remove . press the n button at the bottom of your nooks screen to activate it . then , swipe across the bottom of the screen to the right to unlock the nook . its home section will appear right after you unlock it . press the n button again to display the navigation menu at the bottom of the screen and select library from the menu . this will take you to the list of books currently saved on your nook . swipe up or down across the screen to see the complete list of all the books in your library . once youve found the book you want to read , simply tap the book to open it . to navigate around the book while reading , simply swipe either left or right across the screen to turn pages . you can also use the previous and next button located on both the left and right side of the devices to change pages . at the the bottom of the screen , youll see the current page number of the book youre reading . if youd like to get to a specific page without having to turn each page one by one , simply tap the small triangle on top of the page number youre reading near the bottom of the screen , select go to , and enter the page number that you want to go to , to immediately jump on to that specific page . if you dont want to forget what page you left off , you can bookmark it . highlight some of the words on a page and select bookmark from the pop - up menu to bookmark that page . when you open this ebook again , youll immediately be taken back right to the page where you left . if you want to be more specific and get back on the same exact words where you left off , press , hold , and drag your fingers across the screen to select the word or group of words you want to highlight . a small menu will pop up . tap highlight from the menu and the words you selected will be highlighted . if youd like to make a short note about a particular word , sentence , or paragraph in a book , highlight the words just like in the step above , and tap add note from the pop - up menu . a text field will appear , and you can go ahead and type in the notes you want to add using the nooks keyboard . once youre finish , hit done on your keyboard to add the notes you typed in , and youll be back to the page of the book . the words you selected will now be highlighted , and youll notice a small notepad icon along the words . tap this icon to view the note you added . press the n button once more to show the navigation menu and tap home to go back to the nooks home screen . |
read up . have a strong connection with starclan . know your herbs very well . when someone gets sick , suggest using an appropriate herbs , if none , then just go the normal way . never mess up your herbs , and always fuss around with herbs . go outside and search for certain herbs when you have spare time . almost always be in your den , either tending to sick cats or fussing around with herbs . dont forget your duties . never be bored , make sure you have time to go to the moonpool , train your very own apprentice , last but not least , have fun being an herb obsessed medicine cat with everything you will need share medicine cat tips with medicine cats from other clans , since medicine cats from each clan are usually not rivals and are mostly friendly . dont act like a warrior . although hunting is typically a warrior duty , you are allowed to hunt once in a while to take a break from your medicine duties . | how to act like a medicine cat from warrior cats | to be a medicine cat you will need knowledge on herbs and how they work . you will also need a pretty strong connection with starclan . stick to the warrior code , and make up prophecies to tell to friends and have people fulfill . you have to know all of them , even the poisons that can kill you and the ones not used for cats or not generally used frequently . the main herbs are feverfew , for fever marigold , for infection poppy seeds for pain catmint , for greencough tansy , for coughs and cobwebs , for bleeding . , be sure you dont lose them . stow them in a box outside . when you are out in the yard and its not raining , open it to let the air come in . you can still hang out with friends though , because even medicine cats have fun once in a while . be as busy as you can , and rush around the house often searching for a certain herb that looks like parsley . you have to do lots of things being a medicine cat , and those are supposed to take up the bored time you have and make your life busier . being a medicine cat , you will have to set a time each month , if possible at night , to go to a certain pond , maybe lake , or a puddle , and if you arent able to do that , a set place . another idea is to make a moonstone , which would be easier to find . find someone interested in herbs , and let them be trained by you . , you can use catspeak , but dont fight or seem a bit too close to it , because medicine cats never fight unless they have to which means only if they are fighting a badger or fox . |
think of what your cat might look like . choose the eye color . develop your cats personality are they sweet , craft your cats past . make or join your clan . choose your rank . make your name . make a clan name . create a map of your clans territory . make up other cats for your clan and give them ranks . start your clan . if you assigned apprentices , eventually , they will become warriors . attend gatherings . do what your cat does . spend a lot of time outdoors . | how to act like a warrior cat | your cat can be blue like bluestar , tortoiseshell like spottedleaf , or even just white with black paws like blackstar . your coat can look like anything remember your cats pelt color , eye color , any markings such as tabby or calico , and his or her battle scars . examples are dapplefur - dappled tortie with a white muzzle and amber eyes . blueflower - blue - gray with a nick in her ear and green eyes . snowstorm - white with yellow eyes and feathered ears . your eyes can be blue , green , orange , amber , yellow or even violet but also make reasons why this particular cat has unique pelt colors or weird eye colors . try to be realistic shy rude bossy remember , try to avoid a mary - sue that means dont make your cat perfect . it will impact the story negatively . for example , nightflower was born to jayfrost and willowtail in a bitter leaf - bare . jayfrost died soon after her birth . as an apprentice , she excelled at hunting and was an ace in speed and agility . she became a warrior at an unusually young age , and so forth . you can be windclan , riverclan , shadowclan , thunderclan , skyclan , bloodclan , or even starclan . or you can try to make a clan like sunclan , boneclan , frostclan , etc . but you may choose whatever you like you can be a kit , apprentice , warrior , elder , queen , medicine cat , deputy , or leader . maybe even a rogue , loner , or kittypet you can make your name based on your rank , or you can make a random warrior name like back scratch or something like that . you can go on warriorcats . com and type in your name and hometown to get an individual name , or you can try the erin hunter way , by having one list of the first part of a name jay , bark , spotted , etc . and one with the second half paw , claw , feather , etc . dont make unrealistic names like electricbook or simply strange ones like fireflame . keep it realistic , thats what makes a good clan cat stick to nature , but dont call your clan natureclan . also , names like cookieclan , netflixclan and wiiclan arent good , because cats dont know what netflix is . names like dawnclan , iceclan , fireclan , and sunclan are just a few ideal ones . it can be anything , although it should relate to your clans name andor abilities . the territory for dustclan , for example , can be dusty and desert - like with dust storms . oakclan territory can be dense forest and undergrowth . make up a leader first , followed by a medicine cat and five to ten warriors . when you start to get comfortable , make apprentices and elders . queens and kits are a good idea , but theyre optional . finally , choose a loyal and dedicated warrior to be the deputy . if playing with friends , let them develop their own characters as wished . if there is a struggle over who is leader , etc . throw a coin for it , or take turns at different stages of your games . you must have a full clan to have things like meetings , patrols , training , etc . but you could also gather friends from different clans , so you can battle and have gatherings . this is probably the most important part of being a warrior , because the warrior code is for all four of the clans , which you must follow . to make it even more fun , ask a couple of friends to join your clan and assign apprentices to any warriors . you could show them hunting or battle skills have a warrior ceremony for them to make it even more realistic if there is more than one clan you are dealing with , have a battle sometimes . it would show , if you taught an apprentice battle moves , how well they are coming along with their training you will be able to feed information to another cat or get information from leaders . remember , dont spill too much . this doesnt mean you have to walk around on all fours but behave a bit catlike . climb trees , eat lots of meat , hunt , and , if you want , have a signature scent with your perfume or cologne . warriors live in the forest , so your backyard is a decent substitute . shallow out a small nest in the bushes . place specific flowers and plants in a medicine cat den . doing this may show that you are really dedicated to your clan yard . |
always be battle ready . thunderclan warriors hunt by stalking their prey . thunderclan is brave and loyal . use cat - speak . be disobedient sometimes , when given a command , wait a while before doing it , and complain while doing it . always , always follow the warrior code . | how to act like a thunderclan warrior cat | even if you are normally peaceful , act as if youre ready to battle . try to walk as quietly and stealthily as possible . search for articles on how to hunt like a warrior cat . they will show how to hunt for all four clans . be loyal to your friends and family , and defend them no matter what , a town or city is twolegplace . humans are twolegs , summer resorts and campsites are greenleaf twoleg places , summer is greenleaf , fall is leaf - fall , winter is leaf - bare , and spring is new - leaf . there are many more words , but you can see them on the official warrior cats website , warriorcats . com , and use them all the time there are no technical thunderclan words . you can also find that on the website . |
find the power button . press and hold the power button . release the power button . push the power button . | how to reset a nook hd 1 | the only button you will need to use when performing a soft reset is the power button . a soft reset will delete temporary information stored on the nook while leaving important information saved . find where the power button is located on the nook to get started with the soft reset . make sure the nook is plugged in or has enough battery charge to restart . after youve found the power button you will press it down and then hold it there . holding the power button down will trigger the soft reset process . press and hold the power button to get started . hold the button for around 20 seconds . the device will shutdown after youve held the power button long enough . your nook will begin to reset after holding the power button . once you see the screen go black you can release the power button . releasing the power button completes the reset and allows you to power the nook back up again . after the reset has been performed you can turn your nook on again to complete the process . when you push the power button your nook will power up and the reset process is completed , having deleted all temporary information and data . |
bring up the quick navigation menu . find the icon for settings . locate device info . find the erase deregister device icon . | how to reset a nook hd 2 | the first step in doing a hard reset with your nook hd will be to locate and bring up the navigation menu . the navigation menu will allow you to find the next series of icons that you will need to tap in order to complete the hard reset . tap ∩ to bring the navigation menu up . within the navigation menu on your nook hd you will need to locate the icon for settings . finding the settings icon will allow you to continue navigating towards finding the option to reset the device . finding device info will allow you to view all information regarding your nook hd . this menu will also include the option to erase and deregister the nook hd , wiping the device clean and restoring it to factory settings . find the icon for device info to continue the process . this may also be listed as device information tapping on the icon that is labeled erase deregister device will initiate the hard reset process . this is the last step in totally resetting your nook hd , erasing all personal data and settings . tap this button to begin the hard reset process . confirm the hard reset by tapping reset nook . you can cancel now by clicking the back button . doing a hard reset will not be reversible . |
turn your nook off . hold the power and home buttons . wait for the nook logo to appear . make sure the factory reset prompt has appeared . | how to reset a nook hd 3 | to perform a hard reset with this method you will need to confirm that your nook hd is fully powered down . you will be turning the nook hd on in a manner that will load the factory reset prompt rather than using the normal home screen . instead of pressing the power button as usual to turn on your nook you will need to hold both the power and home buttons down . turning your nook on in this manner will load the factory reset prompt and allow you to complete the hard reset process . hold the power and home buttons until you see the nook logo appear on the screen . after this logo appears you can release both the home and power buttons . this will bring up the factory reset prompt . once the factory reset prompt appears you can complete the reset process . completing the hard reset process will erase all personal data and will deregister your nook hd . make sure you are ready to continue as there is no way to undo a hard reset . press the home key to finish the hard reset process . if you want to exit , press the power button . |
turn on and login to your account on your computer . connect your nook to your computer . click the my music folder link . browse to the folder holding all the music youd like to upload , from within a newsecond window . copy or cut the files using the copy ctrlc or cut ctrlx , to move commands , to move these files between your computer and the device . click the window that represents your nook devices imaginary drive . right click anywhere on this window on your computer . click the paste command from the list that is displayed . allow a few moments , for the folders to update , and to either move or copy the files between the selected storage locations . disconnect the nooks cord from the computer , when the computer tells you that the process has been completed , whether that be with its own message , or the fact that there is no longer a box in plain sight . | how to upload music to a nook | upon first load , the nook will trigger the computer to install the correct drivers onto your computer , and then it will automatically load the top - level folder for your nook . , |
take out your nook device and obtain the screen youd like to screenshot . locate and press the nook n button at the bottom of your device along with the volume down button simultaneously on your device . watch for the screen to flicker . plug your nook into your device . look for a folder labeled screenshots from within the my media top - leveled folder . look for the file saved as a png file that is labeled in the format 2 digit year - 2 digit month - 2 digit day - random number but stored sequentially within the same date . download these files to your computer and use them at your discretion . | how to take a screenshot on a nook | , this flickering signals that the screenshot has been taken . , this is where the file is stored . , |
head to the registration page of barnes and noble . create an account . head to your account settings . set up your billing and credit card information . save changes . turn on your nook simple touch . set the time . connect to a wi - fi network . agree to the terms and conditions . register . | how to register nook simple touch | before you can register your nook simple touch , you need to create a bn . com account first . to create and account , simply go to httpswww . barnesandnoble . comregister . type in your personal information such as your full name , e - mail address , password for your account , and a security question which you can choose from the drop - down list on the page . once youve entered the necessary details , click on the create account button to create your bn . com account . after your account has been created , click on the account button at the upper part of the page and select account settings . under account settings , select manage account settings to open additional menu options , then select other account settings from the menu and click on manage credit cards . here , you need to enter your billing and credit card information . click on save to add the payment method to your account and complete the account creation . press the power button at the top side of the nook simple touch to switch it on . the welcome screen will be displayed at start . press the next button on the screen to proceed . set the device time by selecting your areas time zone from the drop - down list . if youre not sure what time zone you are in , you may look for your area in this site to confirm httpwww . timeanddate . comworldclock . on the next screen , youll be prompted to connect to a wi - fi network . registering your nook simple touch is done while its connected to the internet . choose the network you want to connect to from the list of available connections . if the wi - fi network youre about to connect to is password protected , simply type in the network password on the log - in prompt that will appear . next , the terms of service agreement will be displayed . tap on agree to proceed to the next screen . up next is the device registration screen . simply type your bn . com account e - mail address and password on text fields provided , and press sign in to complete the registration process . |
locate the micro usb port . place your palm against the back of the nook . hook the notch over the usb port with your fingernail . pry the back cover off . | how to remove a nook cover 1 | hold the nook upside down and locate the micro usb port , which is located next to the speakers and the audio jack . it looks like a rectangular hole that you plug a cord into . it is about ¼ inch . 6 cm wide . hold the nook securely with the screen against your non - dominant hand . place the palm of your dominant hand in the middle of the back of the nook . use heel of your hand to create leverage when you pry the back off . youll find a small notch on the bottom of the back cover , right by the usb port . slide the fingernail of your middle finger over that notch . place your other fingernails in line with the notch along the bottom edge of the nook . gently pull at the notch with your middle finger and press against the back with the palm of your hand . as the cover starts to come loose , slide your fingers down along the edge to remove it completely . pull the cover off slowly so it does not bend or break . |
remove the screen frame . remove the screws around the edge of the nook . pull the cover off slowly . | how to remove a nook cover 2 | use the plastic prying tool provided for your device , or another a thin plastic tool . a credit card or plastic id will work . insert it along the side , between the frame and the body of the nook . move the tool around the nook hd to slowly remove the frame from the front of the device . go slowly and use care so you dont break the frame . a guitar pick is also a great option for prying the frame off . there may be some glue attaching the frame , which will require you to take a little more time prying it off . use a size t5 torx screwdriver to remove all of the screws . get a cup or bowl and place the screws in it for safekeeping as you remove them . there are seventeen screws around the edge of the nook . this type of screw can only be removed with a torx screwdriver , so buy or borrow one if you dont already have one . once the screws are removed , flip the nook facedown and gently pull the back away . it is attached to the motherboard by a cord , so dont yank on the back cover or you may damage the cord . |
lift the flap labeled nook . lay the nook facedown and with the bottom closest to you . remove the two screws . pry the corner of the back cover gently . separate the back cover completely . | how to remove a nook cover 3 | find the flap in the lower right corner that says nook on it . lift this flap to reveal a memory card if your nook has one . remove the memory card . youll also see the two screws under the flap . if your nook has never been worked on , there will be one or two pieces of tape covering the screws . remove the tape , but be wary that this voids your nooks warranty . use a size t5 torx screwdriver to remove both screws . set them somewhere you wont lose them . use the prying tool provided with your nook , or a flat plastic tool . do not use a metal tool as you could break the nook . carefully insert the tool between the back cover and the nook colors main body and begin prying the cover off . once the corner is pried off , slide the tool around one side to begin separating the back cover from the rest of the nook . when there is enough space in the gap , use your fingers to pry the back cover all the way off . go slowly and be careful to avoid breaking the cover . |
take the sd card out of the nook . pry off the power button carefully . take the screw out . slide the back cover off of the nooks body . | how to remove a nook cover 4 | if your nook has an sd card , it is located on the right side of the nook . remove the sd card before you do anything else because removing the back can potentially break the sd card . set it aside somewhere that you wont lose it . use the plastic tool that came with your nook or another thin plastic tool . dont use a metal tool or you might scratch something . locate the power button on top of the nook . insert the tool under the edge of the power button . gently pop the power button off . the screw has a tamper sticker over it , so remove the sticker . be wary that this voids your warranty . use a size t5 torx screwdriver to remove the screw . make sure that you set the screw aside somewhere that you wont lose it . place the nook face down on a non - scratch surface . gently press down on the back cover and push it toward the usb port . the back will slide off easily at this point . |
use an eligible device or application . double check that the book is eligible for lending . only certain books can be shared using the lendme program . locate the category pull - down menu in the top left corner of your nooks screen . make sure you want to lend the book . make sure that your friend has a barnes and noble account . you can only lend a nook book to someone who is a friend in your nook contacts . lend a nook book from your device . select a social media button to choose a method for sending a lendme offer . send a lendme offer to your friends email address . lend and recommend nook books using social media . send a lendme offer from your mynook account . determine which of your friends have eligible books . ask a friend to loan you a book . borrow a book via your mynook account . you can also browse books your friends have that are eligible for lending through your mynook account . return the book . buy a lent book , if desired . enter contacts to share nook books . request an invitation . once you have entered in a friends contact information , tap the invite as nook friend option . use the social settings feature to share books . you can advertise your lendable books by going to the social settings on your nook and selecting the option to do so . | how to lend nook books | you can lend nook books from an authorized , registered nook device . you can also manage the lending of your nook books through a web browser by using your mynook account mynook . com . tap this menu and select lendme to see the books in your library that are eligible for lending . when you download a book or periodical , you will see a lendme badge if it is eligible for the program . you will also see these badges when browsing for books to purchase from the nook store . eligible books must be part of your nook lifetime library those you have purchased . lent nook books can be read on any nook reader or application including nook devices as well as supported smart phones and laptops that have the barnes and noble ereader software installed . certain types of ebooks cannot be lent via a nook device , including audiobooks , magazines , newspapers , ebook samples , and google books . lendable nook books can only be lent once . you can also only lend one book at a time . in addition , you cannot read the book while it is being lent—you must wait until it is returned or until the 14 day lending period has ended whichever comes first . for these reasons , be cautious about lending books . make sure that your nook friend will be able to read the lent book within 14 days . if not , wait and only lend the book when your friend is ready to read it . make sure that you will not need the book while it is being lent . lending offers will last 7 days . the 14 day lending period begins on the day your friend accepts the offer . if your friend has not accepted the offer within 7 days , it will expire . you cannot cancel a lending offer once you have sent it . your friend must also have an active account including an email address registered with barnes and noble . hisher account must also be linked to a valid credit card number . there is no charge for lending eligible nook books . your friends credit card number is required only as part of having a valid and active barnes and noble account . you can send a lend offer to anyone anywhere , as long as you and the borrower have wireless internet capabilities . if you tap the share button on your nooks screen , a dialog box will open . you will see an option for lendme . tap the lendme button , and you will be prompted to send a lending offer . if you are trying to lend a book that is currently in your reading now panel , you can double click on the books cover to find the lendme option . if you want to lend a nook book that you have open at the moment , tap the center of the book . this will make the reading tools dialog box pop up . from there , you can select lendme . you can send a lending offer to a user in a number of ways . on your nook device , you will see several social media buttons , each associated with a different method for sending a lendme offer . you can send an offer by email to someone listed in your nook contacts . you can send an offer to a friends social media account , such as facebook or google . if you want to send an offer to someone not yet in your contacts list , you must first add that person to your list using the manage my contacts feature on your nook device . you can send an offer to any email address that your friend uses . however , your friend must have a barnes and noble account with an email address and valid credit card number in order to accept the offer . once you have selected the book you want to lend , and the contact you want to send the offer to , tap the next button . you can write a message to your friend , if you want , and send the offer . you can also send a lendme offer to a contact by clicking the appropriate social media button from the share menu . this will generate a lending offer and send it to the contact you choose , allowing that person to borrow the book . for instance , you can leave a lending offer and message if desired on a facebook wall by selecting the facebook button . all lendme services are now accessible through your mynook account . log into your nook account at mynook . com to see your lending - eligible books . you can select one of these , then choose the lendme option to send a lending offer to one of your nook friends . your friend can then access the nook book via hisher own mynook account . you can use the manage my nook friends feature to browse your friends lendable books . you can only borrow books that have a lendme badge . your friend must also currently have the book for instance , it must not already be out on loan to another friend . you can ask your friend directly if you want to borrow a nook book from hisher nook library . if the book has a lendme badge and has not been loaned previously , your friend can generate a lending offer and send it to your email address , social media account , or mynook account . when you see one that you would like to borrow , click to request it . if your friend accepts the request , a lendme offer will be generated and accessible to you via your mynook account . at the end of the 14 day lending period , the nook book will be automatically removed from the borrowers account returned to the lendera borrower can also return a book early , if desired , via a mynook account . its easy to purchase a lent book that you are reading if the lending period is about to expire , or if you would just like to have a copy for yourself . while reading the book , simply tap the buy button at the bottom of any page . this will take you to your barnes and noble account and to details for how to purchase the book . use the manage my contacts feature on your nook device or account to enter friends you are interested in sharing books with . follow the prompts to add new contacts by entering in their names , email addresses , and any other requested information . this will send a message to the friend to accept the friend request . the message will also share information about setting up a barnes and noble account , if your friend does not already have one . check the option to show all my lendable books to my nook friends . that way , your friends can browse the books you have that are eligible for the lendme program , and request them if desired . |
connect your nook to your computer . access your nooks file storage on your computer . select the epub , cbz , or pdf files you want to load into your nook . disconnect your nook from your computer . | how to load ebooks into your nook 1 | to do so , get your nooks data cable , connect it to the micro usb port on your nook , and plug the other end to a usb port on your computer . nook generally supports epub , cbz , and pdf ebook file types . loading such files to your reader requires only a basic copying process . the procedure for doing so will slightly vary depending on whether youre using windows or mac for windows computers , open my computer from your desktop . click on removable disk on the left menu panel of the my computer window to access your nooks contents and to open it on a separate window . for mac computers , a nook shortcut icon will appear on your desktop once your gadgets are connected . double - click on this icon to access your nook and to open its contents on a new window . afterwards , drag them to the open nook window . this will copy the files to the storage media of your nook . do so once the transfer is done , so you can start reading the ebooks youve just loaded . |
backup any files on your nook . press the home button . on the home menu , tap settings . unregister your nook . complete the factory reset . wait for device to reboot . | how to factory reset a nook 1 | resetting your nook deletes all barnes and noble content from your nook as well as any personal files from the devices internal memory . back up anything you want to have access to to your personal computer . the home button is the inverted u in the middle of the nook . it should be located at the bottom of the page . tap device and then unregister your nook . click the confirm button to unregister your nook . this is a separate step that you take prior to the factory reset . note that a hard reset to factory defaults does not delete whatever content is on a supplemental microsd card . delete content using a usb plug - in or remove the card . if the unregistration does not work , check that you have network connectivity . try again later or troubleshoot any network issues . select reset to factory settings . tap confirm twice . all of your data should be officially wiped from the device . await any instructions . |
download calibre . launch calibre . go to the location of the ebooks you want to copy to select the files . connect your nook to your computer . select the ebooks you want to load from the calibre library . | how to load ebooks into your nook 2 | you can use ebook - loading third - party software to load ebooks with file formats not supported by nook . calibre is one such application . it is a free ebook management program you can use to transfer and organize the ebooks on your reader . get calibre by heading to httpcalibre - ebook . com on the home page , click the blue download calibre button , and once the installer has finished downloading , double - click on the installer file to install it onto your computer . once its installed , launch calibre from your desktop , and click the add books button on the upper - left corner of the calibre window to start adding ebooks to the calibre library similar to the itunes library . after selecting the ebook files you want , click open , and the ebooks youve selected will automatically be added to the calibre library . to do so , get your nooks data cable , connect it to the micro usb port on your nook , and plug the other end to a usb port on your computer . wait for calibre to detect your nook . youll know that calibre has detected nook when you see the send to device button on the menu bar . afterwards , click the send to device button on the menu bar . calibre will begin copying , and once the process is done , the loading animation on the lower - right corner of the window will stop . once loading animation stops , you can disconnect your nook from the computer , and start reading the ebooks . |
turn on your nook color . enter your password or slide the bar using your finger . you will arrive at the home screen . your home page will show up . enter the terms you wish to search for and click search . browse the pictures until you find the perfect picture for your nook color home screen . after you click save , the downloads screen will come up . after the image is finished downloading , turn off your nook color . repeat steps one and two . click on gallery , find the picture you downloaded , and tap on it . after youve finished cropping it to perfection , tap save . | how to download a picture off of the internet and make it your nook color wallpaper | this step is pretty self - explanatory . , tap the center button at the bottom of the page if you have not turned on wifi , now is the time to do that , and select the button that says web . tap the url bar and enter the url of the search engine you wish to go to i used google . once the page loads , find the button that says images and click on it . examples waterfalls puppies etc . tap that picture and hold it for a few seconds . a small box will come up with two options , save or view . i find that the picture will look better if you click view , then repeat the tap and hold step , then click save . just exit out of this , if you wish to . the image will continue downloading . the image will transfer over to your gallery when your nook color is off . click on the center button at the bottom of the home page . select extras . the extras screen will come up . at the bottom , options will come up . select wallpaper . if the picture you selected does not match the nook color screen size , you will be asked to crop it . the picture will make itself your home screen background . click on the n button at the bottom of your nook color . the picture you selected should be your new wallpaper . |
make sure you are connected to wi - fi . backup any files on your nook . press the home button . tap the settings button in the navigation bar . tap erase deregister device on the device info page . tap reset nook . wait for the nook to reboot . | how to factory reset a nook 2 | you can only deregister and reset your nook over a internet connection . erasing , deregistering , and resetting deletes all files transferred from your computer to your nook . if you want to be able to access these after the factory reset and reboot , back them up before getting started . keep in mind that erasing and deregistering your nook doesnt delete content from your barnes and noble account , but from the nook itself . you can still access your account and reading material with other nook applications like nook for android and iphone . moreover , if you re - register your nook after the reset , you can once again have access to everything in your barnes and noble account . the home button is the inverted u in the middle of the nook . you will be brought to the devices settings page , where you then select device info . you will be prompted to make sure that you want to go through with this process . press confirm . , the data will then be wiped and the device set to its original factory settings . your nook will display a message letting you know that it is deregistering and then clearing all data . your nook will restart much the same way as when you first received it brand new . follow the instructions to get started . |
obtain the correct power kit for your nook . assemble the power kit . connect the power kit to your nook and a wall outlet . wait for your nook to charge . | how to charge a nook 1 | every barnes and noble nook is accompanied with a power kit , which includes a power adapter and usb power cord . together , these two parts comprise the wall charger . every version of the nook has a specific usb cord using a cord from a different make and model may damage your device . the power kit comes disassembled . unwind the usb power cord . insert the large end of the usb power cord into the slot on the face of the power adapter . the small end of the usb power cord is called a micro usb . insert the micro usb into the micro usb port on your nook—this is usually located on the bottom edge of the nook . plug the power adaptor into a wall outlet . some versions of the nook do not have a usb power cord with a micro usb . if this is the case , the part that is inserted into your nook will be larger than the traditional usb . a small led light will illuminate to confirm that your nook is indeed charging . if your nook is completely dead , it will take anywhere between 3 to 6 hours to fully charge your device . when your nook is fully charged , the indicator light will turn off . unplug your nook and remove the power kit from the wall . if you charging your nook for the first time or your battery is completely dead , it may take up to 30 min for your indicator light to turn orange . this is normal . |
charge your nook before turning it on . hold the power button to turn the nook on . follow the on - screen prompts to start setting up your nook . connect to a wi - fi network . agree to the terms of service . register a nook account or use an existing one . choose your interests and free samples . | how to set up a nook hd 1 | the official nook help site recommends charging the battery before you first use your new tablet . use the included charging cable to connect the nook hd to a wall outlet . the small light next to the charging port will turn green when the battery is fully charged . charging the battery completely usually takes about four or five hours . if you dont want to wait this long , you are unlikely to experience problems if you simply plug the nook in and proceed through next steps while its connected to the outlet . the power button is located on the top left edge of the nook hd and the top right edge of the nook hd . press and hold it for two seconds before releasing . your nook should power on . you should begin to see instructions appear on your screen . these may ask you to supply basic information about you and your nook like , for instance , your email address and your timezone . after finishing each step , press next or submit to proceed . next , select the wi - fi network that youd like to connect to . if youre at home , this will be your personal internet network . if youre out and about , many public locations like coffeehouses , libraries , and airports will offer free wi - fi . for networks that appear with a lock icon next to the name , youll need to supply a password to connect . if you dont know the password , ask the person who set up the network or , in a public location , one of the employees of the business that operates the network . note that all barnes and noble stores offer free , instant wi - fi to nook users . if youre having trouble connecting to the internet , see the connecting to the internet section below or see our nook wi - fi article . after connecting , youll be presented with the standard nook terms of service . simply check both boxes and hit agree to continue . next , youll be asked to log in to your nook account or register a new one . to register a new account click no , i need to create an account . enter your name and email . choose a password and confirm it by typing it again . input a security question that only you will know the answer to , then type in your answer . finally , set up your profile by selecting the genres that appeal to you out of choices like biography , comics , mystery , and more . on the next screen , youll be offered several free samples to start your nook library with . tap the ones you want and proceed by tapping next . youre all done your nook hd is now ready for use . keep reading to learn how to add to your library and solve common internet issues . |
determine if you can use your computer to charge your nook . turn on your computer and nook . plug in the usb power cord . wait for your nook to charge . | how to charge a nook 2 | while barnes and noble recommends charging your nook through an electrical wall outlet , it is possible to charge some nooks through your computer . the versions that have this feature include nook first edition , nook simple touch , nook glowlight , and nook glowlight plus . it is not possible to use a computer to charge the following nooks nook tablets , nook hd , nook hd plus , and nook color . in order for your nook to charge , your computer must recognize the device . the only way to guarantee that this occurs is if both devices are on . power up your personal computer and your nook . detach your cord from the power adapter . insert the cords usb into your computers usb port . plug the opposite end of the cord into your nook . wait for the led light to illuminate—this light indicates that your device has entered usb drive mode and is charging . when your nook is fully charged , the led indicator light will turn off . once this has occurred , you may eject or unmount the the nook drive from your personal computer . unplug the usb power cord from your nook and computer . it often takes longer to charge your nook with a computer than through an electrical wall outlet . while your nook is connected to the computer , you may continue to use it by ejecting or unmounting the nook drive from your computer . leave the nook plugged in as you use it . |
obtain a car charging kit . assemble the car charging kit . plug in your car charging kit . charge your nook . | how to charge a nook 3 | barnes and nobles sells car chargers for most of its models separately . you may purchase a car charging kit for the following models nook simple touch , nook glowlight , nook tablet , nook hd , nook hd plus , and nook color . barnes and noble currently does not sell car chargers for the nook first edition or the nook glowlight plus . alternatively , you can obtain a car adapter compatible with the nook , and use the usb cable you received with your tablet . the car charging kit includes a usb power cord and a plastic cigarette car charger . unwind the usb power cable . insert the usb into the face of the plastic charger . the plastic charger is inserted into your vehicles cigarette lighter socket . when youve found it , remove the cover and insert the plastic charger . plug the other end of the usb cable into your nooks charging port . turn on your car . the cigarette socketreceptacle is located in your car , and can act as an electrical outlet . it is usually found in the same area as your radio and air conditioner controls . the cover of the receptacle typically has an image of a cigarette on it . once your vehicle is on , the led light on the charger and your nook should illuminate—these lights indicate that your nook is charging . as you travel , your nook will charge . when you have arrived at your next stop , unplug your nook from the usb power cord . unplug the car charging kit from the cigarette socket and stow it away . |
buy content in the barnes and noble shop . buy content in the google play store . add files directly from a computer . borrow e - books from your local library . add a micro - sd card to increase your storage capacity . | how to set up a nook hd 2 | on the nook home screen , you should see a shop icon in the bottom right corner . tap this to visit the barnes and noble digital store , where youre able to buy books , videos , apps , and much more for your device . note that shopping requires an internet connection . on the nook home screen , you should also see an icon near the top of the screen that looks like a white shopping bag with a triangle logo on it . tap this to visit the google play store , which is the same store thats available to all modern android device . here , youll be able to browse and download a huge range of free and paid apps and other content . the google play store is one of the biggest digital stores designed for mobile devices in the world . thus , the variety of content especially apps that youll be able to access is typically greater than what youll get through the barnes and noble store . the nook hd isnt just about buying content from digital stores . to add files from your computer , use the following stepsfrom a pc connect the nook with the included usb cable . the first time you connect the nook , you will get a message on your computer that new drivers are installing . wait for this to finish before proceeding . choose open device to view files . from the list of options . move files into the bntv400 internal storage folder just like you would move them around your computer . you can further sort the files by type by moving them into the appropriate sub - folder . from a mac connect the nook with the included usb cable . you should see a mynook device appear on your desktop . run mynook setup from the provided link . after this process completes , you can transfer files into the mynook drive by simply dragging and dropping them . amazingly , some libraries allow you to put books on your nook just like if youd borrowed an actual copy of the book however , this feature isnt available everywhere . contact your local librarys staff or search an online database like the one at overdrive . com to see if your favorite library has a nook sharing program in place . if youre running out of space on your nook for more content , you can either delete old , unused content or add more storage to your device . for the latter option , youll need a micro - sd card , a special kind of peripheral memory card which is available at most electronics stores . to add the memory , simply open the slot in the bottom left of your nook hd and insert the micro - sd card . its possible to add up to 64 gb of extra storage this way . |
check to ensure your wi - fi is on . turn the wi - fi on and off . move closer to the source of your wi - fi . enter your networks information manually . make sure your nook has the latest firmware . call customer service for more help . | how to set up a nook hd 3 | if you cant seem to connect your nook to the internet , your very first step should be to make sure your devices wi - fi is on with the following stepstap the settings button in the top right it looks like a small gear look at the wi - fi option . if the slider next to it is in the off position , move it to the on position . look at the airplane modeoption . if the slider next to it is in the on position , move it to the off position . to recap , you want wi - fi on and airplane mode off to connect to the internet . if you cant find your preferred network out of the list of available ones , one potential quick fix is to simply reset your wi - fi connection with the following steps tap the settings button in the top right it looks like a small gear move the slider next to wi - fi from on to off , wait a few seconds , and switch it back . one reason you may not be getting a good wi - fi connection is that youre simply too far away from the source of the signal . try moving right next to your wi - fi router and connecting again . if you know that your home network is operating but you cant see it on your nook , it may be set to run as a hidden network . to add it manually , use these stepstap the settings button in the top right . tap all settings . tap wireless bluetooth . tap on find other networks . tap add network . enter your networks information and finish by pressing save . sometimes , if you dont have the most current software on your device , you may run into connectivity problems . luckily , this is easy to find out — just use the following steps tap the settings button , then go to all settings . tap device information . tap software version . use the software update pages on the nook hd support site to determine whether you have the latest software version . if you do not , follow the instructions on the page to get the latest version — youll need to download it to your computer , then transfer it to your nook . alternatively , if you can get internet access somewhere else , go there and tap check for updates . some problems may require more assistance than can be provided online . if youve tried everything else , call 1 - 800 - the - book 1 - 800 - 843 - 2665 to talk to a support specialist . |
locate the back of the device . pull back the cover . locate the battery . remove the screw securing the battery . pull the battery out . put the new battery into the slot . secure the battery with the screw . take the cover and adjust it on the back of the ereader . double check . | how to change the battery of a barnes and noble nook ereader | place your fingers onto the rear side of your ereader . , it is right next to the micro sd slot , noticeable because of the barnesnoble logo on it . use the phillips - head screwdriver to do this . , remember to align the top part of the battery with the screw slot and the bottom part with the connectors . , you should hear several clicks , which mean that you have placed it properly . make sure everything fits together . |
purchase tickets to autograph signings . attend a book signing . take advantage of speaking engagements where celebrities are keynote speakers . capitalize on live music events . get autographs from your favorite athletes . | how to get autographs 1 | autograph signings often require you pay a fee to attend . on a positive note , paying a fee guarantees you a high quality autograph for the celebrity youre trying to get an autograph from . keep tabs on autograph signings happening near you by signing up for the deluxe membership offered at signingshotline . com . be prepared to wait in a long line for a lengthy amount of time . bring your smartphone to help you pass the time . its the less expensive alternative to autograph signings . just purchase a book to earn your spot in line and get an autograph . its a more controlled environment and allows you to connect with famous authors actors , online influencers , politicians , television personalities about something personal that touches on the subject matter of their book project . you will usually have a much more authentic and engaged encounter than you would if the famous person in question was promoting a film . get more from your autograph encounter at the signing by asking the famous person for advice based on the subject matter of the book they wrote . famous people sometimes go on press circuits , especially at popular public universities . check your area for upcoming conferences and learn about their keynote speakers . stand at the entrance or exit of the venue and ask for the speakers autograph in passing . ask questions and appear genuinely interested during discussions to stand out in the crowd of people while the famous person is making their speech . you will be a familiar face to them if you choose to approach them after the speech . concerts tend to be the best opportunities to get autographs from musicians . sometimes artists offer paid opportunities to receive an autograph . other times , you just have to catch them at the right moment . consider purchasing a vip package to get some one on one time with musicians backstage , often times with the accompaniment of an autograph signing . stand outside the concert venue near the artists tour bus and wait an hour or two to greet the celebrity as they walk to their bus after the show . they are typically kind enough to sign things for fans as they make their way to their bus to head to the next location . stake out the ballpark or stadium during the season before and after games to see what athletes you might encounter . during the off - season , look into special sporting events like baseball card shows to meet players and get cards signed in person . try your luck at catching a baseball during a game . you might be able to get that ball signed after the game by a player . keep your eyes peeled for retired players who might be in the crowd with you during games and try going up to them to ask for an autograph . they are often very humbled by requests so dont be shy . |
craft your letter with a personal touch . show your knowledge of the celebrity youre writing to . prepare your letter to be sent . | how to get autographs 2 | when writing letters to celebrities , you have to make sure that your letter stands out and shows them that it is worth replying to . skip the formality of typing your letters and sit down to handwrite one instead . flesh your letter out by sharing ways you appreciate the celebrity and how their career influences you personally . choose two or three different moments in their career that you admire and make sure youre genuine in your praise and enthusiasm . format your letter , starting it off with dear . structure your letter into three paragraphs . in the first paragraph , you will compliment their talent and achievements . celebrities can tell when youre being insincere so make sure its a celebrity whose career you follow and admire so that you have a lot to talk about . in the second paragraph , you will list your favorite work of theirs or something that really strikes you about their career . showing them how much you know about their films and that youve followed the characters theyve played will speak volumes of how much of a fan you are . in the third , you will request to be sent an autograph or to have an item autographed . tell them how appreciative you would be if they were to give you your autograph and make sure you thank them . give them best wishes and close with your signature . place your signed letter into a 9x12 envelope so that the celebrity can send an 8x10 signed photo if they choose to do so . also include a self addressed 9x12 envelope in the packaging with your letter . take things a step further by making things even more convenient for the celeb in question . include the photo or item you want them to sign in the package . if you are looking to collect autographs , include another item a photo , a paper , a book , a card in your package for the celebrity to sign . this will make authenticating the signature easier because you will have a reference to compare the signature to . |
search for celebrity addresses by finding their agents online . locate celebrity addresses on other parts of the web . send autograph requests directly to home stadiums . wait for a reply . | how to get autographs 3 | an online alternative to magazine searches is the use of imdb and their subscription service imdbpro which lists the agents of many actors , providing you with information to help you direct your letters to the right agent . although sending autograph requests to agents and firms come at a 50 - 60 response rate , sending your letter to those places prove no good if the celebrity is no longer with the agent or agency . there are a handful of other websites that help you keep your celebrity addresses current . as previously mentioned , the internet movie database is a great credible resource for information on people working in television and film . find your celebrity by searching their name in the search engine provided . other sites like fanmail . biz and celebrity fans are other free online resources that offer some success with locating celebrity address information . on fanmail . biz , read the forums to check out the success and failure rates other fans have had with writing to celebrities for autographs . athletes can be reached by contacting them directly through the team they play for . send the letter at the players attention , co the team they play for underneath , and include the name of the stadium , and the address on the recipient portion of the envelope . look at the official websites for the leagues to get a rundown of the teams and the official venues they call home . for example , for a roundup of baseball teams in the league , find it here httpmlb . mlb . comteam spring training facilities , tv studios , and minor league affiliates might be an effective way to get a reply to sent autograph requests as well . celebrities are very busy people with hectic and demanding schedules . have patience for the length of time it takes to hear back from an autograph request youve sent . sometimes it takes weeks , sometimes it takes months . it can even take up to a year to hear back from a celebrity , so be patient . |
write him a letter . e - mail him . know what to expect . know what to write . note the missing pieces . | how to contact warren buffett 1 | the only mailing address available to the public is the address of his company , berkshire hathaway inc . he is the companys chairman , president , and ceo . mail your letter toberkshire hathaway inc . 3555 farnam street suite 1440 omaha , ne 68131 address warren buffett in the greeting of your actual letter . he will not open the letter directly , but staff members who may open and read your letter first will at least know that you intend to reach mr . buffett directly . while warren buffett does not have a personal e - mail address and reportedly does not check the e - mail address provided for berkshire hathaway , there is some chance that a message sent to the berkshire hathaway e - mail address may reach him if the content is significant enough . the e - mail address is berkshireberkshirehathaway . com note that there is a disclaimer on the website directly stating that the personnel at the corporate office is unable to provide a direct response to e - mail messages . the e - mail address should be used primarily for inquiries or comments related to the berkshire hathaway inc . website . only use it as a means of contacting warren buffett as a last resort try sending a letter via regular mail first , if at all possible . when you write to mr . buffett using the berkshire hathaway contact information , your letter may not actually reach him . he receives approximately 250 to 300 letters each day , all of which must go through various staff members before they arrive at his desk . unsolicited mail rarely receives a reply . this includes personal mail , charitable gift requests , and most investment proposals . if you are making a charitable gift request , contact buffett through the bill and melinda gates foundation . he is a primary trustee for the foundation and works with the gates to develop charitable giving strategies . the only way you might have your letter read and replied to is if you write an investment proposal that meets all the investment criteria set by warren buffett in his annual letter to shareholders . you can find the letter to shareholders here httpwww . berkshirehathaway . comlettersletters . html while the acquisition criteria can change from year to year , oftentimes , business representatives must adhere to the following standards when they writethe acquisition must be a large purchase . the business must have demonstrated consistent earning power . the business must earn good returns on equity with little to no debt . the management must already be in place . the business must be simple . the proposal must come with an offering price . there is no public phone number or fax number for either warren buffett or berkshire hathaway inc . |
contact the bill and melinda gates foundation for charitable gift requests . send an e - mail . you can contact the foundation at infogatesfoundation . org note that this e - mail address is one of the recommended ways of contacting the foundation about grant inquiries . call with a grant inquiry . contact the main office . get in touch with the east coast office . use the europe and middle east office . contact one of the other offices . | how to contact warren buffett 2 | warren buffett is a trustee of the foundation and has considerable influence within the organization . moreover , most of his charitable donations are made through the foundation , as well . note that most unsolicited mail does not receive a reply , so you may not get a letter back . when writing to the foundation , you should use the generic to whom it may concern heading . warren buffett does not directly check mail sent to the foundation , nor do bill or melinda gates . in the body of your message , within the first few paragraphs , mention that you would like the letter to be forwarded to warren buffett . , if you do not have an e - mail address to use , you could call the foundation directly about a grant inquiry at 206 - 709 - 3140 before calling or e - mailing with a grant inquiry , it is strongly recommended that you review the foundations grantseeker faq httpwww . gatesfoundation . orghow - we - workgeneral - informationgrantseeker - faq you can do so by mail or by phone . the mailing address for the main office is 500 fifth avenue north seattle , wa 98109 the phone number for the main office is 206 - 709 - 3100 you can write or call . the mailing address for this office is po box 6176 ben franklin station washington , d . c . 20044 use the following phone number 202 - 662 - 8130 you can send a letter or make a phone call for this office , as well . the mailing address is 80 - 100 victoria street london sw1e 5jl the phone number is 44 0 207 798 6500 the foundation also has a china office and an india office , both of which can only be contacted via telephone . the phone number for the china office is 011 - 86 - 10 - 8454 - 7500 the phone number for the india office is 011 - 91 - 11 - 4713 - 880 0 |
tweet him . | how to contact warren buffett 3 | you can find warren buffetts twitter account at httpstwitter . comwarrenbuffett note that his twitter page is not updated frequently and it may take some time before he sees your tweet . even after he does see it , do not expect him to reply to it . this method of contact is best used if you only intend to send a quick comment that does not require a response . |
enroll in an mba program . attend his annual meeting . | how to contact warren buffett 4 | while there is no guarantee that pursuing a master of business administration degree will allow you to meet warren buffett , this is actually the best method to pursue if you hope to speak with him in person . six times each year , mr . buffett invites graduate level business students from 45 universities to come to his office in omaha , nebraska . during these visits , the students interact with him during a 90 - minute question and answer session . afterward , he treats the students to lunch . each college can only send 20 students , and of those students , 30 percent or more must be women . warren buffett has a shareholder meeting once every year . you can hear him speak , but the odds are low that you will actually be able to meet him or speak to him in return . the meeting is usually on the first saturday of may . for more information , go to httpwww . berkshirehathaway . comsharehold . html |
go to your library . tap and hold the book you would like to archive . tap on archive . the archive option should be at the bottom of the menu . repeat as needed . if you experience problems , check your wi - fi connection . | how to archive books on nook 1 | the process of archiving a book on your nook is basically the same no matter whether youre using a nook tablet or youre using the nook app on your mobile device . to start , open your nook library — the menu where your books and other documents are displayed . on a nook tablet , you can press the button that looks like an upside down u at any time to access the navigation bar . once you do this , click library to access your library . on smartphones , the quickest way to get to your library can vary . for instance , on ios , if youre reading a book , you can tap the middle of the screen to display the tools menu , then tap the option in the top left to get to your library . on android , you can use the same approach or simply hit the back button . next , scroll through the list of books and find the first book in your library that youd like to archive . tap on it and hold down . a menu of options should appear . you may release your hold when this list shows up . clicking this will remove the selected book from your device , freeing up space for different books . to be clear , you will still own the book after archiving it — archiving the book stores it in the cloud , rather than deleting it entirely . you can easily get your books back after archiving them see below for more information . repeat the sequence above for every book that youd like to archive . when youve archived your last book , congratulations — youre done if youd like , you can now fill the space youve just freed up with new books . the archival process requires a valid wi - fi connection to work . since the archived books are stored in a remote server until you want to access them again , the nook needs access to the internet to be able to transmit these books to the server . thus , if youre unable to archive your books , the most likely culprit is your wi - fi connection . double - check your devices wi - fi settings and , if youre at home , consider resetting your router . |
like dyrdek on facebook . tweet dyrdek . interact on myspace . | how to contact rob dyrdek 1 | you can visit rob dyrdeks official facebook fan page and like it to receive updates . robs events and posts will appear on your feed once you start following . robs page can be found here httpswww . facebook . comrobdyrdek . note that this option only works if you have your own facebook account . to contact dyrdek through this page , write a quick note on his timeline or send him a private message by clicking on the blue message button near the top of the page . if you have a twitter account , you can send dyrdek tweets by tagging your comments with robdyrdek . to increase your chances of a response , add a joke relating to one of his posts or a recent role . another way to get through to rob is by sending a heartfelt tweet of how he has inspired you . to visit his full twitter profile , read his treats , and become his follower httpstwitter . comrobdyrdek if you have a myspace account and would like to leave him a quick note . look at the type of comments he receives on a daily basis . try to send him something that stands out . if it gets enough attention , robs moderators might respond to you . in addition to leaving your own miscellaneous remarks , you can also comment on videos , photos , and other content that dyrdek posts to myspace . find his myspace page here httpsmyspace . comrobdyrdek |
go to your library . access the archived shelf . find the book you want to unarchive . select unarchive from the tap menu . | how to archive books on nook 2 | as noted above , archived content isnt gone for good - you can get it back with just a few quick taps . to unarchive books , start by going to your nook library . this is the same as the very first step you took to archive the content in the first place . when youve accessed the library , tap the my shelves button . this will display a list of your shelves — that is , different categories of nook content on your device . scroll through the list until you find the archived shelf . tap this to continue . in the archived shelf , youll find a list that contains all the books you currently have archived . scroll through the list and find the title youd like to unarchive . tap on it and hold down — a menu with a list of options should appear . tapping the unarchive option from this drop down menu takes the book out of archive status and returns it to your device . youll be able to read it once again , but it will also take up storage space on your device . to find your unarchived book , look for it in the nook library . note that if your device has insufficient space , you may not be able to unarchive all of your books until you free up more space . |
send a press e - mail . submit an idea form . understand submitting ideas . | how to contact rob dyrdek 2 | if you need to contact rob dyrdek or dyrdex enterprises for press or media related matters , you can email his press coordinators at pressdyrdek . com you should only use this e - mail address if you are a member of the press a journalist , the owner of a newspaper , etc . do not use this form of contact for fan mail or non - press matters . on rob dyrdeks website , there is an online form for getting in touch for serious business . youll be required to provide your name , email , topic , and an explanation . choose a topic from the topic selector . the appropriate topics you can choose from are presspublic relations new businesspartnership skate plaza request general question you can find the form here , httprobdyrdek . comcontact . rob dyrdeks company does not accept any ideas for an advertising campaign , new promotions , new productproduct names , and marketing plans . they are actively seeking creative and fresh ideas to be submitted . rob dyrdek cares about local communities and the quality of life for the children in that area . if you propose a genuine , well thought out idea concerning your local communitys quality of life , you have a chance of getting a response . if you include a community - based issue and present the solution as skateboarding or encouraged shenanigans , you have a good chance of receiving a response . |
sign up for his newsletter . contact the rob dyrdek foundation . contact dyrdek through ridiculousness . write a letter . | how to contact rob dyrdek 3 | the simplest way to stay in touch with rob dyrdek is by joining his newsletter . the newsletter only requires you provide your name and email . you can find that form here httpdyrdek . comconnect . the rob dyrdek foundation is an organization setup to construct skateboarding plazas and educational programs . the program works within various municipalities in efforts to create healthier communities . recently the foundation joined street league skateboarding . complete a contact form at this address httpstreetleaguefoundation . orgcontact visit the facebook page here httpswww . facebook . comstreetleague direct your tweet to dyrdeks street league by tagging it with streetleague to view and comment on photos left by dyrdeks street league , visit their instagram page , located here httpinstagram . comstreetleaguenowiki if you want to obtain tickets to the street leagues world tour events , check the tickets page on the official website nowikihttpstreetleague . comtickets ridiculousness is dyrdeks current mtv show that has been on the air since 2011 . as the shows host , dyrdek showcases viral internet videos and offers his own unique take on them . you can reach out to dyrdek through this show by sending a comment or message to the ridiculousness facebook page or by tweeting to the ridiculousness twitter account . comment or message the facebook page by going to httpswww . facebook . comridiculousness send a tweet to rob dyrdek at ridiculousness by tagging the tweet with ridiculousness you can also contact ridiculousness press contacts through viacoms website httpthepub . viacom . comsitesmtvpressshowsridiculousness . relate the content of the tv show towards your comments . go above the normal fan by explaining how the shows content affected your day . be specific if its appropriate and you feel comfortable . if you want to send general fanmail or ask for an autograph , you can send your request through the united states postal service . address your letter torob dyrdek dyrdex enterprises 777 s . mission rd los angeles , ca 90023 - 1012 if you request an autograph , make sure that you also include a self - addressed stamped envelope along with your letter and your request . you should also include the photograph you want autographed . |
turn on your nook device . open the book youd like to read . tap anywhere on the screen . tap the text tool . tap the checkmark that should be next to publisher defaults in the bottom right - corner of the page . look on the reading tools menu . tap the desired font size . set the margins to your desired widths . set the line spacing to increase the space between each line of text . get to know how to change the font - type , although this feature is rarely used by the majority of nook owners . tap the x button in the top right corner of the menu to close and save your settings . | how to adjust the text on a nook | , this should open up the reading tools menu at the bottom of the screen . , on it , youll see several different capital letter as . each one displayed is a different size . , youll find some options located in the section called margins that can help you with this . these settings can be found in the line spacing menu . , |
send a letter . make a phone call . write an e - mail . use the form on nancy graces website . send a comment via cnn . as a cnn personality , you can contact nancy grace through the cnn website . send a question via cnn . use the generic cnn form for nancy grace . tweet nancy grace . go to her facebook page . connect on pinterest . check out her instagram . | how to contact nancy grace | you can contact nancy grace with fan mail , questions , or general comments by sending her a letter through the postal system . there are two separate mailing addresses you can use . one directs mail to her cnn show , and the other directs mail to her show on court tv . note that these are her professional mailing addresses . there are no private or personal mailing addresses available to the general public . to contact nancy grace via cnn , send your letter to the nancy grace show cnn 1 time warner center new york , ny 10019 to contact nancy grace via court tv , send your mail to court tv 600 third avenue 2nd floor new york , ny 10016 if you have comments or questions that you want to convey quickly , you can contact nancy graces staff by phone . do so by calling 1 - 212 - 973 - 2800 understand that you will likely speak with staff members only . you may not be able to speak directly to nancy grace , even if you call her . the public phone number provided for nancy grace is linked to her court tv show . sending an e - mail can get your comments to nancy grace as fast as quickly as placing a phone call can , and you can deliver your comments with as much detail in an e - mail as you can with a traditional letter . when writing her an e - mail , send it to nancy . graceturner . com note that this e - mail address is linked to nancy graces show on cnn . this is a professional e - mail address . there are no private e - mail addresses for nancy grace that are available to the general public . as a general rule , if you find a private e - mail address for a public figure like nancy grace online , that address will typically be a fraud . the contact form on her official website can be used for both comments and questions . you can find the form here httpwww . nancygrace . comcontact . html youll need to provide your first name , last name , and e - mail address . you will also need to type in a security code to verify that you are a real person and not a robot . type in an appropriate subject line in the subject field , and write your comments and questions in the message box . when finished , hit the send button . note that nancy graces website primarily serves as a victims rights resource . keep that in mind when opting to use this form . there is a separate form for you to use for comments , and that form can be found here httpwww . cnn . comfeedbackshowsnancygracehdln2 do not send questions using this form . you must provide your name and e - mail address when sending in your comments . you can also provide a phone number , but that information is optional . if you have a question for nancy grace , do not use the cnn comments form noted in the previous step . cnn has a separate questions form for you to use , and that can be found here httpwww . cnn . comfeedbackshowsnancygracehdln1 do not send general comments using this form . as with the comments form , you must provide your name and e - mail address when using this form . you also have the option of including a phone number with your comments . if you do not know whether to direct your message to the questions form or the comments form , cnn also has a generic form you can use for either option . you can find that form here httpwww . cnn . comfeedbackformsform5 . html81 when using this form , you will need to provide your name , city , stateprovince , zip code , country , and e - mail address . you will also need to indicate whether your comment is positive or negative , and you have the option of including a phone number . nancy grace has a notably active presence on twitter . you can send her a quick tweet with comments , questions , or information pertaining to the news she covers by typing out your comments and directing them to nancygracehln to view her twitter page , visit httpstwitter . comnancygracehln even though she does have an active twitter presence , nancy grace may not be able to reply to your comments or questions . due to the nature of twitter , this option is best used if you have short comments , brief questions , or a link you would like to share . you must have a twitter account to use this option . in addition to being active on twitter , nancy grace is also fairly active on facebook . you can view her facebook page by visiting httpswww . facebook . comnancygracehln interact with others on her page by commenting on the articles she posts , or leave a direct comment directed at her on her pages timeline . if you want to write a longer comment or question , or otherwise do not want your comments to appear publicly , you can send her a private message by clicking on the blue message button at the top of her fan page . you will need to have your own facebook account to make use of this option . if you have a pinterest account , you can follow nancy grace on her own account and interact with her there . navigate to her pinterest page by checking out the following link httpswww . pinterest . comthenancygrace note that you cannot send private messages to nancy grace via pinterest , nor is there any option that would allow you to send generic comments or questions . you can contact her via pinterest by commenting on the pins she posts . if you prefer interacting with others on instagram , you should consider checking out nancy graces instagram page . take a look at it here httpinstagram . comthenancygrace as with pinterest , you can interact with her on instagram by commenting on photos she posts . there is no place to post generic comments or questions , though , nor is there a way to send a private message . |
follow her on linkedin . comment on her instagram . tweet oprah . send her a facebook message . keep it positive . | how to contact oprah winfrey 1 | linkedin is a professional platform where you can create a free profile to outline your professional achievements and goals . oprah has over 100 , 000 followers and regularly updates her work . after creating a profile , search for her name using the search bar and then you may message her by pressing the down arrow next to the follow button . a drop down menu will appear . click send oprah an inmail and send your message . linkedin is mainly used for professional purposes . make sure you fill out your profile so that whoever sees it will know who you are . it also works on connections so the more people you connect with , the better chance you have of seeing if someone in your network knows oprah . oprahs username on linkedin is simply oprah winfrey . instagram is a platform mainly used for posting and commenting on pictures . oprah has over 4 . 6 million followers and has posted over 500 pictures . create a free profile , search for her name using the search bar and you can both like and comment on any of her pictures . you may also simply go directly to httpswww . instagram . comoprahif you comment enough and your comments are smart , meaningful , or moving in someway , you may get a response back . twitter is a platform that allows people to give quick blurbs about anything . oprah has over 30 million followers and has sent over 10 , 000 tweets . create a free profile , search for oprah using the search bar , and click follow . you may like her tweet by pressing the heart icon , comment , on her tweet , or tweet directly at her by including her name oprah in your tweet . oprahs username is oprahhashtags are very popular in both social media and twitter . if something you hashtag becomes viral , you may be able to get the attention of oprah , especially if it is something meaningful or promotes positive social change . oprah has over 11 million followers on her facebook page . create a free profile and search for oprah using the search tool . her username is oprah winfrey . like her page and you may like or comment on any of her posts . there is a comment icon underneath each post that you can simply press to share your thoughts . if you comment enough and your ideas are meaningful , someone may comment back . unlike other platforms , facebook doesnt put a limit on the length of your comment or restrict video or links associated to a comment . take advantage by writing a thoughtful comments with appropriate links , images , or videos . the more your comments stand out , the more you have a chance of getting her attention and making contact with her . oprah is known for her philanthropy and over all positive influence in society . any negative or disrespectful comments will most likely get ignored or get you into trouble . be sure to have something meaningful to say before trying to contact her through social media especially since all her followers will most likely see your public comments . |
contact rihannas label . contact rihannas publicist . contact her barbados address . | how to contact rihanna 1 | rihanna is managed through roc nation management , which is owned by roc nation . roc nation is headed by rihannas mentor , jay - z . her label handles business requests but you can also send her fan mail at this address . you can address the letter to rihanna in care of roc nation . the address for roc nation management is 1411 broadway , 38th floor , new york , ny 10018 . rihanna is a client of 42 west , a public relations firm in new york city . her publicist is amanda silverman , who heads the east coast talent team for 42 west . she handles rihannas scheduling , booking , and media requests . you can send fan mail to either the primary address in new york , or to their los angeles address . you can address your letter to rihanna in care of amanda silverman . the primary address for 42 west is 220 west 42nd street , 12th floor , new york , ny 10036 . the west coast address for 42 west is 1840 century park east , suite 700 , los angeles ca , 90067 . rihanna recently purchased an estate in barbados and uses it as her home base when she is not touring . while letters sent to this address may not be read directly by rihanna , it is an option . here , you can directly address the letter to rihanna fenty . this address is one sandy lane , paynes bay , saint james , bb24009 barbados . |
be a part of an own show . contact o magazine . purchase tickets for the life you want weekend . follow her speaking engagements . | how to contact oprah winfrey 2 | oprah is a media mogul and owns several different media outlets but her largest is the own network . there are a number of television shows that are on this network and you can apply to be part of the cast . visit oprah . com and scroll down to the contact us button . click it and a new screen appears with be a part of an own show . follow the prompt and submit your application . if you have an interesting story to tell and it fits the mandate of own tv , you have a great chance at making it to television and contacting oprah as she will be the voice of creative content in all shows produced for her network . oprahs magazine is always looking for feedback and articles . if you have an interesting story or want to share your personal thoughts , go to oprah . com and click on contact us at the bottom of the screen . a new screen pops up with whats your opinion about o , the oprah magazine click on share your personal thoughts and stories . follow the prompts . like her other media outlets , oprah is looking for compelling or thought - provoking content . if your story stands out , you have a good chance of contacting oprah herself . oprah is famous for an event called the life you want weekend . go to oprah . com and click on contact us at the bottom of the screen . a new screen appears with oprahs the life you want weekend . click on contact us oprahweekend . com and submit your questions or request to purchase tickets . if you are at an event where oprah is at , you may attempt to contact her to share your story . if the event does not take place near you , you may have to wait for something closer . follow oprahs social media profiles and keep updated on oprah . com to find out about speaking engagements and appearances . while her studio is in chicago , she is constantly travelling the world for events and interviews . find an event thats both suitable for your schedule and purpose . if you want to contact oprah about her magazine , go to an event associated with it . if you want to talk to her about philanthropy , go to a charity event . |
take up a good cause . excel in arts and entertainment . excel in business and politics . | how to contact oprah winfrey 3 | oprah has become renowned for her positive impact in the world . if you are passionate about creating a better society and have made notable strides , oprah may reach out to you to help with your cause . while she is a famous philanthropist she also mobilizes organizations to create a positive impact around the world . follow her lead and join one of her many charitable causes . oprah both interviews and interacts with many people who affect positive change in the world . while contacting oprah shouldnt be the sole reason you do your work , it could be a great bonus . oprah is known for interviewing celebrities , athletes , actors and actresses . if you are interested in pursuing a career in film or sports or have garnered fame some other way , you have a very good chance of contacting oprah . oprah is famous for her book club so if you become a famous author , you may have a chance of contacting her to discuss your work . oprah not only interviews titans of industry and politicians but also often partners up to bring about change in the community . she also is a savvy business person and understands how to partner with good brands . |
stamp and address an envelope . include something you want autographed . explain your request . be gracious . | how to contact rihanna 2 | be sure to write the address legibly in a dark ink . you will need to include your home address as well if you would like to receive anything back . you will need to check with your local post office to see how much postage will cost if you are outside of the united states . when you send fan mail to rihanna , you can include something that you would like for her to autograph . while there is no guarantee that you will receive an autograph in return , it doesnt hurt to send something along . you should include something rihanna specific , like a photograph or a postcard with her image on it . do not send something that is irreplaceable , like ticket stubs to one of her concerts , since you may not receive it back . this is your opportunity to address rihanna and her staff with the reason why you wanted to send her fan mail . you should include whether youve ever met her before or attended one of her tours or publicity appearances . ask her a question about her upcoming tours or her charities , like the clara lionel foundation . you can send either a hand written or typed letter . you should always sign your name in ink even if you did type the letter . this makes it more personal and is professional . your letter to rihanna should be kind , and you should thank her for spending time reading your letter to her . if you have included something for her to sign , you should thank her in advance for her autograph . for example , you could say something like thank you for taking the time to read this . i know you receive a lot of fan mail and it means a lot to me to know that youve taken time out of your busy life to read a letter from your fan . if youve included something for her to sign you could add , thank you in advance for signing this photograph for me . i took this photo at your concert and i have copies of it hanging in my room . having an autographed copy of this photograph would mean to world to me , so thank you |
contact rihanna on instagram . contact rihanna on twitter . contact rihanna on facebook . contact rhianna on myspace . contact rihanna on her official website . | how to contact rihanna 3 | rihannas instagram account is badgalriri . she uses instagram frequently and interacts with fans on the site daily . you can either send her a direct message or comment on her pictures . a direct message is private and fans have reported having conversations with her this way . based on her past interactions with fans , instagram seems to be the best way to contact her over social media if you want a response . you could say something like this in a direct message , hi rihanna , my name is amy and i loved your song umbrella . what was your favorite song on good girl gone bad to record rihannas twitter account is rihanna . her twitter account is updated usually every day and is most likely run by one of rihannas assistants as well as rihanna herself . you can send her a private message through the site or tweet directly to her . rihanna retweets a lot of fan posts that contain a photograph of her . you could tweet a picture of rihanna at a recent award show congratulating her on her awards . rihannas official facebook account is rihanna . you can use facebook to write on rihannas facebook wall or to send her a private message over facebook messenger . it is unlikely that rihanna herself runs her facebook page but there is always the chance that one of her assistants will see your message and pass it along to rihanna . in a private message to rihannas page , you could write something like , hi rihanna , my name is amy and i wanted to say hi since i didnt have a chance to during the meet and greet at your concert in miami . youve been my favorite artist for years now , and i love your work rihannas myspace account is rihanna . this is probably the least effective way to contact rihanna since her myspace is updated infrequently and is not as popular as her other social media accounts . the message you send on myspace could be similar to the one that you send on facebook . it should contain your name and why youre reaching out . you could congratulate her the success of her recent album or an award she won at a music awards show . rihannas official website is rihannanow . com . her official website lists her tour dates and her appearances . if you can afford to go to one of her concerts or if you live near one of scheduled appearances , this is your best chance to meet rihanna in person . if you have a philanthropic request , you can contact her charity . rihanna founded the clara lionel foundation in 2012 to help students in underprivileged areas receive college scholarships and to fight for education rights . you can send an email to the organization at infoclaralionelfoundation . org . when you contact her charity , you should write a formal request that contains information about why you are requesting her presence at your event and the details about the event . |
tap and hold down your finger on the nook home screen . tap on the option that reads change wallpaper . tap on the wallpaper that you wish to set as the home screen wallpaper . if necessary , re - size the picture . allow the wallpaper to finish loading and return to the home screen . | how to change the wallpaper on a nook color 1 | this will reveal a dialog allowing for the changing of the wallpaper as well as the cleaning of the home screen . this will bring up a dialog allowing you to choose your new wallpaper . take note of the tab labeled photo gallery , as this contains more photos that may be set as the wallpaper . this may not be necessary for the photos under the wallpaper tab as they are optimized for the screen size . take note of your ability to pinch and stretch your fingers apart to re - size the frame that represents your screen . |
use one of mark cubans public email addresses . provide a direct subject line . structure the body of the email formally . explain your business . in a few lines , explain what it is that your company does , what you hope to do with it in the future , and why you are doing what you are doing with it . let him know how you are or hope to build it . tell mark cuban what you are presently doing to build your business and what successes you have already had with it . show some value . wrap up the pitch by offering a glimpse of your revenue projections . be creative and confident . keep it brief . give it a day or two . | how to contact mark cuban 1 | cubans personal email addresses are kept fairly private , so it can be difficult to track these down unless you have an inside source . thankfully , he does have a couple of email addresses that are known publicly , and you can still use one of these to contact him with your ideas and questions . the first email address you should try is mcubanoutlook . com note 1112015 - this email no longer exists cuban is also the chairman , ceo , and president of axs tv . you can use his company email address to get in touch with him mcubanaxs . tvas owner of the dallas mavericks , cuban has an email address associated with the team , as well mark . cubandallasmavs . comsupposedly , cubans investment email address is an open secret within the tech community , but that email address is difficult to find for those outside of the community . if you have a tech product and contacts within that community , though , you might be able to ask around and eventually stumble across it . before you get to work on the body of the email , you need to make sure that your message has an informative subject line that will let mark cuban know what your email is about before he even opens it . try to keep your subject to 20 characters or less . this character count makes it easy to see the full subject if the email is checked via a smart phone . an option worth considering would be to quickly summarize the type of business you are trying to promote . for example , social app start - up . the tone and structure of your email should be polite , respectful , and professional . address him as mr . cuban . use proper english . stay away from internet abbreviations u instead of you , r instead of are , and so on . your email should have a greeting , followed by a well - structured body , a business - appropriate closing , and your name and contact information . your company should have a name and a product . having nothing more than an idea probably wont get you very far . instead , you should wait until you have made as much progress as you can with it on your own before sending an email to cuban . describe products that you have already put out , promotions you have already engaged in , awards you may have won , prominent people in the industry you have hired or contracted , and other similar information . the more impressive you can make your current progress sound , the more promising your odds of success will seem to him . the idea is to show cuban what value your business could bring to him , as well as what value you , as an entrepreneur , also have to offer . explain how your business or product fits the profile of the type of company cuban usually invests in . also describe what your company can offer that others are unable to offer . as you pitch your business , you need to be creative enough to catch cubans attention and confident enough to make him believe in you . if you show a lack of confidence in yourself , he will likely lack confidence in you , as well . cuban is a busy individual who receives a large quantity of emails per day . if you send him a long email right from the start , he might skip over it . giving him a short email packed with only vital information is far better option . if he likes your idea , he will reply asking for additional detail . provide that detail after he asks for it , not before . people who have successfully heard back from cuban typically say that the investor replies within 24 hours , so if he will respond to your email , you will probably get that response within a day or two . |
tap the upward - facing white arrow on the bottom of the screen . tap home under the app settings heading . tap change wallpaper . if prompted , re - size the wallpaper by manipulating the frame representing your home screen . allow the wallpaper to load and return to your home screen . | how to change the wallpaper on a nook color 2 | this will reveal the quick launch bar . tap settings on the bar . this will open a screen that allows you to change the wallpaper or clear the keep reading list . this will reveal a dialog identical to the one described in method 1 . tap on the wallpaper that you wish to set as the home screen wallpaper . again , take note of your ability to navigate the photo gallery tab for available wallpapers . again , take note of your ability to pinch and stretch your fingers to re - size the frame as described in method 1 . |
send him a message on facebook . you can send cuban a private message via facebook without even becoming a fan of his page . talk to him on google plus . tweet cuban . comment on his pinterest page . leave a comment on his blog . | how to contact mark cuban 2 | alternatively , you can also like his page and leave him a comment directly on his timeline . check out mark cubans facebook page at httpswww . facebook . commarkcuban if you decide to use facebook as an alternative to email , you would be better off sending him a private message instead of posting a public comment . private messages are better for lengthier remarks , including idea pitches , while public comments are more suited to general remarks or quick fan mail . if you have a google plus account , you can add mark cuban to your circles and direct posts at him through that . go directly to his google plus page by navigating to httpsplus . google . com106318111152683661692 you can add cuban to your circles , but do not expect his to add you in return . as of early january 2014 , he appeared in 1 , 376 , 657 other circles but only had 156 people in his own circles . contacting him through google plus is a good option if you only have fan comments or other types of quick fan mail , but it is less practical if you hope to pitch an idea to him or enlist his help as an investor . he also has a regularly updated twitter account , so if you want to send him a quick note , you can do so by directing your tweet to mcuban . visit his twitter page at httpstwitter . commcuban use this as an option for short comments and questions . in addition to tweeting cuban , you can also follow him to receive updates on his activity . note , of course , that he probably wont follow you in return . as of early january 2014 , he had 1 , 981 , 654 followers but only followed 963 people . while cubans pinterest page does not receive a whole lot of love , it does get updated occasionally , and you can send him comments related to his pins as long as you have a pinterest account of your own . find his pinterest page at httpswww . pinterest . commarkcuban cubans pins generally relate to his current companies . in addition to commenting on one of his pins , you can also make a pin advertising your own company and send that pin to cuban through the website . include a quick description of it in your comments as you send it so that it will have a better chance of grabbing his attention . mark cuban frequently updates his professional blog , which is full of his thoughts and bits of advice . read through the posts and determine if you have any comments to say in response to any of them . if so , you can leave a comment on any individual entry . go to his blog directly at httpblogmaverick . com |
email the casting team or apply online . attend a live casting call . | how to contact mark cuban 3 | if your attempts to contact mark cuban through other means have not offered any success , you can do what many hopeful investors do and audition for shark tank . one of the easiest ways to apply for the show is to send an email pitching your idea to the casting team or to submit an online application through the shark tank website . send your email to sharktankcastingyahoo . com apply online with an application and submission video by going to httpabc . go . comshowsshark - tankapply when you apply through electronically , you need to provide information about yourself , including your name , age , contact information , and a recent photograph . you also need to include information about your business or product . pitch the dream , rather than the figures , so that the casting directors can really pick up on your passion . also include a bit of brief background information about this history of your product or business , as well as an outline of how you plan to make your business thrive . while cuban may not appear at every live casting call , he does show up to some , and you might have a chance to talk to him directly if you go to one . make sure that you come prepared , though , so that you can leave a good impression on him . check the open casting call schedule online at httpabc . go . comshowsshark - tankopen - call fill out the application questionnaire as fully as possible httpa . abc . commediaprimetimesharktanksharktank4opencallapplication . pdf show up to your audition early . make a one - minute pitch . sell the dream and show your passion . |
contact scooter braun online . write to justin biebers manager , scooter braun . email the fan club . write the fan club admin . if you have a question or comment about justin bieber that can be addressed by the official fan club , you can contact the admin of the club by mailing a letter to the following address artist arena , co bieber fever admin , 853 broadway , 3rd floor , new york , ny 10003 note that the fan club is maintained by artist arena , a professional company that provides musical artists with fan clubs and other resources that allow them to connect with their fans . become a member of the justin bieber fan club . | how to contact justin bieber 1 | scooter braun is biebers talent manager and founder of the record label hes signed to . if you want to contact this record label , you can do so online using the online form httpscooterbraun . comabout . include your name and email on the form . keep your comments to 150 words or less . also , dont bombard him with comments remember he has a busy life , too . you will need to specify a topic of discussion on the form . the options are potential corporate partnerships potential technology or consumer product ventures potential new clients for sb projects artists , producers , writers potential involvement of sb projects with charitiesnon - profits potential job opportunities with the company other this option is better to use if you are trying to contact the record label concerning justin bieber for professional reasons . fan letters may not be delivered to justin bieber if submitted via this method . you can also contact the record label that justin bieber is signed to by mail at the following address scooter braun , co island def jam group , worldwide plaza 825 8th avenue , 28th floor , new york , ny 10019 justin bieber is signed under both the raymond braun media group rbmg and school boy records labels . these record labels are both divisions of scooter braun , which is smaller label under the island def jam group . as with the digital form , this option is better to use if you are trying to contact the record label concerning justin bieber for professional reasons . fan letters may or may not be delivered to justin bieber if submitted to the record company , but if you plan to go through the record label , writing by mail is a better bet than writing via the internet . if you have a general question or an inquiry related to membership with the justin bieber fan club , you can email them at membershipsbieberfever . com . you can email the admin about include questions on membership packages and membership benefits , as well as problems you might have while logging into your account , while renewing your membership , or with recurring billing . also contact this email address if it has been eight weeks or longer since you joined the fan club and you have not yet received your membership packet . when contacting them , include your full name , the date you joined , and your shipping address . also explain the problem to them within the body of the email . you will not be able to contact justin bieber through this email address , but you can find out more about how to keep track of all the latest news and opportunities through the fan club . learn more about artist arena at the companys website httpwww . artistarena . com . you will not be able to contact justin bieber through the fan club address , but you can find out more about how to keep track of all the latest news and opportunities through the fan club . to become a member of the official justin bieber fan club , you must do so through the app fahlo . it is available for both iphones and android devices . its an app that lets you get exclusive access and information to things related to a list of artists whove collaborated with the app . justin biebers official fan club has recently moved off their own website and onto fahlo . |
write your letter . prepare the letter for mailing . mail the letter . try her twitter if its a short question . make your letter stand out . make your letter personal . ask questions . add something creative to your mail . keep it short . | how to contact jk rowling | youll need an envelope to mail any plain letter envelope will do . after you finish the letter put it in the envelope . write the receiver and return address on the envelope . on the front of the envelope , write both addresses , with the receiver address in the middle , and the return address in the top left corner . add a stamp to the top right corner . if you live in the us , address the letter to her us publisher as follows j . k . rowling co arthur a levine books 557 broadway new york , ny 10012 if you live in the uk , address the letter to her uk publisher as follows j . k . rowling co bloomsbury publishing plc 50 bedford square london wc1b 3dp uk if you live in a country other than the us or the uk , address your letter to whichever address is cheaper to mail to . either find an outgoing mail box and drop your envelope in , or go to your local post office . the post office might have a chute for outgoing mail or you might have to wait in line . if only have a question to ask jk rowling , and you dont want to send a whole fan letter , you can try asking your question through twitter . write your question and add jkrowling to the beginning of your tweet . because jk rowling gets so much fan mail , anything that stands out is going to be more likely to get a response . try decorating your envelop a little with colors and artwork . handwriting your letter will also stand out , as most letters are typed . just make sure you write very clearly and legibly if you choose to handwrite . this is your fan mail , so dont forget to put a little of yourself in it . start by introducing yourself . then write a little bit about yourself . just dont make it a novel write about what harry potter means to you . mention a few specific parts or details in harry potter that you liked in particular and explain why . youre much more likely to get a response if you give rowling a question or two to answer . at this point shes likely heard pretty much every question imaginable about harry potter . but regardless , try to think of something somewhat original to ask . something vague and unoriginal like what inspired you to write harry potter isnt going to pique much interest . , if you have any creative interests , like writing or drawing , put them to use to make your letter to jk rowling unique . add a drawing or a poem along with your letter . it can be inspired by harry potter but it doesnt have to be . dont go on and on in your letter . keep in mind how many of these rowling has to read on a regular basis . it might be wise to go back through your letter after writing it and edit it , cutting it down until its concise . |
create a twitter account . follow miley cyrus on twitter . tweet at miley cyrus . type your message to miley cyrus , then click on tweet . | how to contact miley cyrus 1 | visit twitter . com and press the sign up tab in the top left corner of the screen . if youre accessing twitter using a mobile device , you need to download the free app first . enter your full name , your email address , and a password to create your account . youll have to visit your email address after you sign up to validate your account . miley cyruss official twitter handle is mileycyrus . navigate to miley cyrus official twitter account . you can also search for miley cyrus in the search box on the top right hand corner of your webpage . however , there may be fake miley cyrus twitter pages . you can ensure that youre following the correct miley cyrus by checking to see if the user page is authenticated . if this is the real miley cyrus , there will be a blue check mark next to her name on the left - hand side of the page . look for the check mark below her picture . click on tweet to miley ray cyrus located to the left of mileys twitter timeline . this allows you to write any message you want that will show up directly on her twitter page . keep in mind that many people will be messaging her and that everyone will be able to see your message . you cannot send a direct private message to miley cyrus . that function is reserved for people who follow you . miley cyrus has not chosen to receive direct messages from other people on twitter . your message will be sent to miley cyrus and displayed in her notifications timeline . understand that miley cyrus gets many messages from people . dont feel offended if she doesnt get back to you immediately or at all . theres no way to know for sure if she reads her tweets or if she has someone read them for her . |
tweet him . you can contact justin bieber via twitter by sending tweets to justinbieber . view justin biebers tweets by going to his twitter page httpstwitter . comjustinbieber to tweet justin bieber , youll need a twitter account . contact him through instagram . follow him on facebook . comment on his youtube page . send a message on his myspace . | how to contact justin bieber 2 | if you need help with this , visit our article on signing up for twitter . then just use the text box in the top middle section of the screen to write your question , add justinbieber , and hit send . twitter is one of the best ways to contact justin directly since he actually monitors and updates his twitter account personally . justin bieber also has an instagram account . you can like and comment on the pictures hes posted there as long as you have an instagram account of your own . if you dont have an instagram account , sign up for instagram first . if you need help , visit our article on signing up for instagram . go to justin biebers instagram httpinstagram . comjustinbieber . leave a comment with your question or statement on one of his recent photos . instagram is also one of the most effective ways to contact justin directly since he actually monitors and updates his account personally . while you cannot be friends with justin bieber on a personal facebook page , you can like his artist page on facebook . after doing so , you can write on his facebook timeline and comment on his posts . note that you cannot send him a private message through his facebook . visit his facebook page httpswww . facebook . comjustinbieber . do not expect a response from justin if you send him a comment via facebook . he might see the comment , but he probably wont reply to it . you can leave a comment for justin bieber via youtube by going to any of the videos posted to his page and leaving a comment with your youtube or google username . first youll need a youtube account if you dont have one already . if you need help , visit our article on signing up for youtube . check out justin biebers youtube page at httpwww . youtube . comuserjustinbiebervevo . leave a comment on one of justin biebers videos with a question or whatever it is you wish to say to him . do not expect a response from justin if you send him a comment via youtube . he might see the comment , but he probably wont reply to it . if you have a myspace account , you can become a fan of justin biebers page and send him messages through the website . first , make a myspace account if you dont have one already . if you need help , visit our article on signing up for myspace . find his myspace at httpsmyspace . comjustinbieber . mouse over his avatar picture in the upper left corner . mouse over the icon with two circles overlapping each other . click send message . then write and send your message . do not expect a response from justin if you send him a message via myspace . he might see the comment , but he probably wont reply to it . |
introduce yourself and explain why you are a bieber fan . note any bieber shows or live performances you have been to . include drawings , a collage , or other visual depictions of bieber . | how to contact justin bieber 3 | start your message to bieber by telling him your name and explaining why you are such a big bieber fan . you may love him for his looks , his music , or his ability to pose really well in underwear ads . highlight what draws you to him and why you felt the need to contact him . you may also be contacting him with the hopes of sharing your own music with him or your artwork . you should note this in the introductory section of the message so he knows right away why you are contacting him . musicians and celebrities often like to hear from fans who have supported them in tangible ways , such as attending several live performances over the years or buying every copy of their album . let bieber know how loyal of a fan you really are by noting any bieber shows you have attended and how many of his albums you own . you want to let him know that you are a loyal fan and are willing to support his music . many celebrities like to receive fan drawn art like sketches , a collage , or a drawing created with online tools . show bieber how much you love him by including a personal touch in the form of a visual image of bieber , singing on stage or hanging out with you in your hometown . this can help to catch his attention and let him know that you are the ultimate fan . |
make a facebook account . visit miley cyruss facebook page . comment on mileys facebook page . | how to contact miley cyrus 2 | if you do not already have a facebook account , navigate to facebook . com and create an account by pressing ‘sign up on the right hand corner of the screen . type in your name and email and youll be able to set up your profile very quickly . log in to your facebook account using your email address and password . once youre logged into facebook youll have to find miley cyruss facebook page . search for miley cyrus in the search toolbar at the top of the page . you can also navigate to miley cyruss official facebook account at httpswww . facebook . commileycyrus . if the miley cyrus page has a blue check mark beside it youll know it is the real miley cyrus . press the like button on the right hand side of the page to follow her page and be able to write a comment . click on the comment link below any post on mileys facebook page . type your message into the comment field , then press enter . your message will now be posted to mileys facebook page . consider how public you want your message to be before you send it . if you are writing a personal story about how miley inspired you and you dont feel comfortable sharing it with other people , maybe you should contact her in a different way . written fan mail is a more private way of contacting miley cyrus . remember to keep profanity and other objectionable content out of your message . facebook may delete offensive messages . |
download and open instagram . find miley cyruss instagram page . comment on a photo . | how to contact miley cyrus 3 | most people use instagram on their smart phone . download the free instagram app for your phone or tablet . its free , so this should be no problem . launch the instagram application on your mobile device . youll also need to make an account to be able to contact miley . choose an instagram handle and verify your account using email . you can also use instagram through any web browser . navigate to miley cyruss official instagram page at httpsinstagram . commileycyrus . tap on any photo on mileys instagram page . at the bottom of the photo youll see a comment field . there probably will be a number of other people who have already commented on the photo . this is not the most direct way to contact miley , but it is a good way to interact with her as a fan . type your message into the comment field , then select the option to post your message . your comment will now be posted and attached to mileys instagram photo . |
write your letter . send your letter to miley . include a self addressed stamped envelope sase if you want an autograph . wait patiently . | how to contact miley cyrus 4 | draft your letter to miley cyrus on a piece of stationery . consider telling her how big a fan you are , or how much you appreciate the work she is doing , or that youre excited to see her in concert soon . if you write a really nice letter you might be lucky enough to get a personalized letter back . avoid writing anything mean or inflammatory – after all , you would hate to get a letter like that . celebrities are human too . carefully address your letter to miley cyrus in care of reigndeer entertainment , 9220 sunset blvd . suite 210 , west hollywood , ca 90069 . your letter will be delivered to miley cyrus by her management team . make sure you write the address on the front of the envelope and add postage if youre writing to miley cyrus requesting an autograph , you need to include an sase so that shell be able to send the autograph to you . miley cyrus most likely gets many autograph requests so you are increasing the chances of her responding by including an envelope that has already been stamped . write your name and address on a separate envelope than the one you are sending to miley cyrus . write on this envelope as if you were addressing a letter to yourself . put a stamp on it and then slip this envelope inside the larger envelope you are sending to miley cyrus . make sure you dont close the smaller envelope . miley cyrus is a very popular celebrity and its likely that she gets a lot of fan mail . there is no guarantee that she will respond , but be patient and hope for the best |
introduce yourself . be specific . ask questions . include your contact information . proofread . contact the carter center . contact the jimmy carter presidential library museum . contact emory university . contact the rosalynn carter butterfly trail . contact the carter house . | how to contact jimmy carter | this is your opportunity to introduce yourself and explain why you wanted to reach out to president carter . this doesnt have to be an extensive introduction . your name , where youre from , and whether youre a student or a professional should all be included . in an email , you have less space for introductions so you can keep it short . if you are a student who is contacting president carter because of a school project you could say something like , hello president carter , my name is sarah and i am a 6th grade student at monroe elementary . we learned about you during class and i was really interested in the work that you have done to receive the nobel peace prize . once youve introduced yourself , you can get to the main point of your message . this section should describe why youre reaching out to president carter and for what reason . this makes your letter more personal and gives you an opportunity to connect with your reader . it can also help to increase your chances of receiving a response . some reasons you might reach out would be to congratulate him on a recent achievement , to thank him for his work , to share how his work has impacted your life , or to request an interview or meeting . if youve ever attended any event where president carter spoke , or youve met him before , include that information . for example , you could say i attended a lecture at emory university on july 16th where you spoke about your work with the carter center . i wasnt able to attend the meet and greet session after the lecture so i wanted to reach out to you via letter . making your letter personal also helps to reduce the possibility that a staffer thinks it is spam . since president carter receives fan mail frequently , his staff have to filter out spam messages and you dont want that to happen to your thoughtful letter . asking a specific question that you would like president carter to answer is one way that you could receive a personalized response in return . your questions should be relevant to the rest of your letter . for example , if you are writing to thank him for his work with the carter center in establishing health care delivery systems in africa you could ask him about how the center plans to expand the program in the next year . whether you reach out through email or in a letter , you should include your address and contact information . since president carter does not respond by email , he will need your postal address to be able to respond to you . you can include either your home or business address , as long as youre able to receive mail there . include a return envelope that has your address on it along with the appropriate postage . this will help to increase your chances of receiving a reply and is a courteous gesture . once you have written your letter , you should take some time to read through it again to check for any grammatical errors and to make sure your message is clear . even though your letter is personal , you should treat it as a piece of professional communication . you dont want to have any spelling or grammatical errors that would distract from your message to the president . double check that you have correctly written the address on the envelope and that your contact information is accurate . the carter center is a global foundation that president carter and his wife , rosalynn , operate with emory university . contacting president carter through the carter center is your best option to receive a response . their address is the carter center , 432 freedom parkway , atlanta , ga 30307 their email address is infocartercenter . org . president and mrs . carter do not respond by email . if you would like to receive a response from the carters , please include your full postal address . if you have scheduling or interview requests you can mail a formal request to the centers address . the presidential library is adjacent to the carter center and is part of the presidential library system . staffers at the library may be able to direct your communication to president carter personally . their address is 441 freedom parkway northeast , atlanta , ga 30307 you can send a message through their website . you will receive a response from a staffer who can then help direct you to president carter . president carter has been teaching at emory university since 1982 , after he finished his term as president . he currently hosts an annual town hall meeting with first year students at emory . if you attend emory , this is a great opportunity to meet president carter . president carters emory email is carterwebemory . edu . it is unclear how frequently this email is checked by president carter himself but it is likely checked by staffers . this is a good address to use if you are looking for educational resources from the carter family . if you are a teacher or student who wants to reach out to former presidents as part of a class project , this is the address you should contact first . you can send mail to rosalynn carter butterfly trail , po box 17 , plains , georgia 31780 . email can be sent to plainsedjimmycarter . info . the carter house is the first and only home the carters have ever owned and has been the familys permanent residence since 1961 . the mailing address is 209 woodland drive , plains , sumter county ga 31780 . |
follow him on facebook . comment on his post . send walsh a private message via facebook . follow walsh on twitter . tweet at walsh . | how to contact john walsh of americas most wanted 1 | john walsh provides updates and alerts about missing persons and fugitives on his official facebook page . if you wish to stay abreast of the latest news or think you may have a need to contact him in the near future , follow him on facebook . log on to facebook and type john walsh official in the search bar at the top of the website . hit enter . under the heading pages you will see a picture of walsh and the name of his page john walsh official in bold . click on the image or the title of his page . locate the banner at the top of his facebook page . in the lower right corner of the banner , find the button that says like . click on the button . your newsfeed will now include walshs latest posts . if you dont have a tip for walsh , you may still comment on his latest cases . when you comment on one of his posts , you will become an active participant in the conversation with other interested parties . walsh may or may not read your comment . also , note that there is no comment box on the john walsh page , though , so you cannot post a comment directly to his wall . go to walshs official facebook page . scroll through his post until you see one of interest to you . directly under the content of the post , you will see three buttons like , comment , and share . click on comment . type your comment in the activated text box next to your profile picture . once your comment is complete , press the enter key on your keyboard or the post button on your phone or tablet screen to post it to walshs wall . if the content of your message is of a personal nature or you wish to contact walsh directly , you may send him a private message through facebook . facebook is the only social media platform that allows you to contact walsh directly . remember , however , that he may or may not respond . locate the banner at the top of his facebook page . in the lower right corner of the banner , find the button that says message and click on the button . a direct message window will appear . type your private message into the active text box . when you have finished typing , press the enter key on your keyboard or the send button on your tablet or phone screen to send the message . in addition to facebook , walsh is also active on twitter . if you wish to stay up to date on the his latest cases and breakthroughs , follow him on twitter . as a follower , all of walshs latest tweets will appear on your feed . locate the search bar at the top of your twitter home timeline . type his twitter handle johnwalsh into the search bar . use the arrow keys and strike the enter key or your mouse and click on the correct page . locate and click on the follow button . it is on the right side of the screen directly under the banner at the top of the page . you will now see all of his latest tweets on your feed . , the best way to contact walsh directly on twitter is to tweet at him . you may also reply to one of his tweets . you may only send walsh a direct message if he is one of your followers . tweet at him . locate and click the tweet button at the top right corner of your screen or find the tweet text box at the top of your twitter home timeline . type your tweet , which must be 140 characters or less , into the text box and include walshs twitter handle , johnwalsh . once complete , click the tweet button to send it . reply to his tweet . scroll through walshs tweets until you find one of interest to you . locate and click on the small left - pointing arrow directly under the content of the tweet . a tweet box will automatically pop up on your screen . it will contain the appropriate twitter handles for the reply . use your remaining characters to reply to walshs tweet . once finished , click the tweet button to send it . |
call in a tip from the united states . call in a tip from mexico . report a tip online . | how to contact john walsh of americas most wanted 2 | walsh currently hosts the cnn show , the hunt with john walsh . if you have a tip , contact walsh and his staff directly through his shows tip line . residents in the united states may call 1 - 866 - the - hunt or 1 - 866 - 843 - 4868 . the tip line phone number should only be used to report tips on fugitives featured on the hunt with john walsh . do not use it for fan mail or any other purpose . when calling the tip line , state the name of the fugitive or missing person the tip pertains to . provide as much additional information as possible . you can leave an anonymous tip , if desired . the information you provide will then be passed along to the proper authorities . note that john walsh will not be the one actually answering the tip line . u . s . fugitives have fled and will continue to flee to mexico . residents of mexico may also call in tips . if you have a lead for walsh , call the number 0188000990546 . instead of calling in a tip , you may submit your information about fugitives or missing persons through an online form . you may only leave tips that pertain to fugitives or missing persons showcased on the hunt with john walsh . you may find the form through his shows site . type the hunt with john walsh in your web browsers search bar . click on the result that contains cnn in the title and web address . locate and click on the graphic that is titled got a tip you will automatically be redirected to a form . locate the section titled fugitivemissing person . select the fugitive or missing person your tip pertains to from a drop - down menu . locate the section labeled any information you know about this person . type any pertinent information into the text box . find the section titled your name optional . if you would like to leave your name , type it into the text box if you wish to leave an anonymous tip , skip this step . find the section titled your email optional . if you would like to leave your email address , type it into the text box if you wish to leave an anonymous tip , skip this step . scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and locate the submit button . click on the submit button to send in your form . |
call the tip hotline . file a report with the cybertipline . call ncmec . write or fax a letter . fill out the online contact form . | how to contact john walsh of americas most wanted 3 | the national center for missing and exploited children , or ncmec , was established in 1984 to manage all issues in the united states pertaining to missing and exploited children . ncmec operates a 24 - hour hotline seven days a week . if you believe that you have spotted a missing child , come across an exploited child , or have relevant information for the authorities , call the 24 - hour hotline at 1 - 800 - the - lost or 1 - 800 - 843 - 5678 . every tip you report will be passed along to the proper authorities . tip categories include possession , manufacture and distribution of child pornography online enticement of children for sexual acts child sex trafficking child sex tourism extra - familial child sexual molestation unsolicited obscene material sent to a child misleading domain name and misleading words or digital images online . in addition to its 24 - hour hotline , the ncmec also has an online form for reporting relevant tips . the online form is used exclusively to submit information regarding exploited children . if you have a possible lead or tip regarding the sexual exploitation of a child or children , you can report that tip using the centers cybertipline . type ncmec cybertipline into the search bar of your web browser and press enter or click search . click on the entry titled cybertipline of the national center for missing and exploited children . the information you are required to fill out is dependent upon the type of crime you are reporting . do your best to fill in all of the required fields . when you have finished filling out the form , click submit . your tip will be passed along to the proper authorities after you submit it . ncmecs 24 - hour hotline is only to be used for tips . if you have general questions or concerns , use the organizations alternative phone number . you can call the center at 1 - 703 - 224 - 2150this is not a private number for john walsh . if you do not have an urgent tip , consider mailing or faxing a letter to the ncemc . your letter may include general questions , comments , or praise . you can address your comments specifically to john walsh , but he may or may not read them . address your letter to national center for missing exploited children , charles b . wang international childrens building , 699 prince street , alexandria , virginia 22314 - 3175 , usa . fax your letter to 1 - 703 - 224 - 2122 . the fax line is not open 24 hours a day or seven days a week . any information you send will not be received until normal business hours . instead of writing or faxing a letter to the ncmec , you may submit your questions and comments through an online contact form . this form should not be used for urgent tips . while you may address your comments and questions directly to walsh , he may not read or respond . type contact ncmec into the search bar of your web browser and press enter or click search . click on the first result . it should be titled contact us . provide your name , email address , and comments or questions into the correct text boxes . after filling out the necessary fields , click the submit button at the bottom of the form . |
check out your favorite celebritys twitter . contact a celebrity through facebook . get your celebritys attention on instagram . contact celebrities through their official websites . investigate the platforms your celebrity uses . message the celebrity persistently but respectfully . write clearly and concisely in messages . message through several different platforms . participate in fan community events . wait patiently for a response . | how to contact famous celebrities 1 | make a twitter account and follow your favorite celeb . tweet at them directly by using the symbol followed by their account name . use tags that your celebrity is using to improve the chances of them seeing your posts . follow twitter accounts that your celebrity follows . doing this may make your tweets more visible . try to connect with these accounts as well . they might put in a good word with the celebrity . make sure youre following the verified account for your celebrity . this is indicated by a blue checkmark beside the account name . if you can , add the celebrity as a friend on facebook . otherwise , like their page . many celebrities turn off private messaging on this platform , but in many cases you can still communicate with them by posting on their wall . if you can send private messages , do so with a friendly , polite request for contact . respectfully tell the celebrity in your message how you feel about them and why they are important to you . making your message personal may improve your chances of being contacted . although some celebrities may disable private messaging , it never hurts to try sending a direct message . comment on photos and posts made by your celebrity . you never know when a celebrity will respond to a comment . upload photos similar to the ones you see on the celebritys instagram . connect with the celebrity through pictures of shared interests . hashtag the celebrity in your uploaded photos or use the same hashtags as the celebrity . avoid hashtagging too much , though , as you may come across as over assertive or obnoxious . official fan or celebrity websites may have message boards your celebrity reads and comments on . post on community online spaces like these to increase the chances of reaching your celebrity and getting a response . look for recent posts or responses by the celebrity to other website members on the site . inactivity is a good sign that your chances of contact are slim . in these cases , contact the celebrity through other platforms . target the platforms on which your celebrity is most active . check their usage history to see if they have responded to other users . twitter , especially , is a common platform users often get a shout out from favorite celebrities . if you notice that your celebrity rarely or never uses a certain platform to interact with fans , focus your efforts on one where theyre more active . write a thoughtful message expressing your feelings to the celebrity . request a personalized response in your message . send follow up messages after some time has passed . try to respect the fact that this person really doesnt know you , even though you may feel like you already know them well . send a follow up messages two weeks to a month after messaging . summarize your previous message . reiterate that youd appreciate a response . limit your follow up messages to two or three per month . send more messages than this might be interpreted as coming on too strong , though it may also be taken humorously . use your best judgement . messages that are too long or that ramble without a point might be overlooked . focus on specific experiences , like the moment you recognized how much you appreciated the celebritys work or the first time you saw them live . write a unique and engaging message to your celebrity . talk about the impact theyve had on your life . include a related childhood story . this will help you stand out from all the other fans . remember to include a brief request for a response , like , if you could write me a short , personal message with your signature , id really appreciate it . you should be sensitive when attempting this . in some cases , flooding a celebrity with messages through all their electronic accounts might be interpreted as coming on too strong . you might try two different platforms at first , then two others , and alternate between these . fan communities often put together gifts for their celebrity on special dates , like their birthday or the day of their first big release . joining in activities like this could put you in closer contact with your celebrity . some gift ideas you might suggest as a present for your celebrity include things like collages , gift baskets , handmade crafts , and more . question and answer qa events . think up engaging questions and follow the directions of the event to submit these . kick off gift giving or the celebration of a special event by posting something like , hey guys , i realized that so - and - sos birthday is coming up and i thought we could do something nice for it . depending on the celebrity , they may be getting dozens or even thousands of messages a day . it may take some time for the celebrity or their publicists to sift through all these message and find yours . while youre waiting , join fan community activities . through these , you might hear about meet - and - greets or other contact opportunities . |
use speakers corner . try speakers bureau . contact clarkson only for relevant speaking engagements . have a backup plan . | how to contact jeremy clarkson 1 | speakers corner is an agency , located out of the uk , that facilitates communication between public speakers and event organizers looking for guests . jeremy clarkson is one of the speakers represented by speakers corner . if you want to book jeremy clarkson for an event , try going through speakers corner . if youre interested in booking jeremy clarkson , you can fill out whats called an enquiry form through the website . you should find this form on the righthand corner of the screen . you enter your name , e - mail , telephone number , and a brief message . in the message , explain where and when your event takes place , as well as the type of event youre hosting . after you fill out the form , a representative will get back to you within 24 hours . you can also e - mail speakers corner at infospeakerscorner . co . uk . you can also try calling the number 44 020 7607 7070 . speakers corner is located out of the uk . be sure to check with your phone provider for any associated long distance charges before calling . a booking agent from speakers corner will return your message within 24 hours . dont wait until the last minute to try and book jeremy as his schedule is usually booked months in advance . speakers bureau is another booking agency that works with jeremy clarkson . if you dont hear back from speakers corner , try booking jeremy via speakers bureau . on the speakers bureaus website , you can browse speakers from a to z and scroll through until you find jeremy . you can also locate his page via the search bar . once you locate jeremy clarksons speakers bureau profile , click on the button that says make a booking . you will be taken to a page that asks for a variety of information . you will be asked to include your name , phone number , company name , and e - mail address . you will also be asked to include a brief message , overviewing the event you want clarkson to speak at , as well as the event time and date . as soon as you submit your form , someone from speakers bureau should contact you to let you know further details . as with speakers corner , book well in advance . jeremy clarkson is very busy and generally books months in advance . clarkson will not host just any event . he frequently hosts corporate awards events , and may show up at charity events relevant to his interests . keep clarksons expertise in mind when trying to book him for an event . clarkson is an avid fan of cars and motor vehicles . he may be a good host for an event regarding cars . corporate fundraisers and award shows are clarksons specialty . clarkson is a longtime journalist , so any event that discusses journalism may benefit from having clarkson as a speaker . jeremy clarkson is a well - known journalist and celebrity . he must be booked months in advance and the cost of booking him may be steep . its very likely you will be unable to book clarkson for your event , so make sure to have a backup speaker in mind when attempting to contact clarkson . |
find their address . write a letter . send the letter . stay abreast of news about your celebrity while waiting . | how to contact famous celebrities 2 | addresses for fan mail are frequently available on a celebritys official website . there are also special , pay - to - use directories that contain the contact information for famous people . this information oftentimes also includes representing management , like publicists , representing companies , and more . you may be able to find a suitable mailing address for a celebrity through a simple online keyword search for fan mail for john doe . pay - to - use celebrity directories are , in many cases , affordable and can greatly increase your chances of getting a response . find these with a keyword search for celebrity contact directoriesservice . one that is written by hand will likely have more impact . use your best handwriting . try to write the letter without making any mistakes to improve its overall appearance . mention specifics , like what you enjoy most about the celebrity . ask the celebrity to send a brief response . you may want to include something to autograph , like a photo of the celebrity or yourself , a clipping from a magazine interview of the celebrity , and so on . make things as easy as possible for the celebrity . include a pre - paid and pre - addressed return envelope . address the letter and attach the postage necessary to send it . if you dont know how much postage is required for your letter , take it to your local post office and have them evaluate postage for you . send your letter as soon as possible so your celebrity receives it and can respond . you never know when the celebrity youre interested in contacting will hold an online question and answer session . they might respond to a valid point youve made on a message board on their official website . stay engaged with fan communities to improve your chances of contact while you wait for a reply to your letter . |
reach out to celebrities through their agent or publicist . craft a suitable message . send your message . | how to contact famous celebrities 3 | typically , agents are used for booking celebrities for an appearance , concert , endorsement , movie , or similar activities . publicists deal with anything related to the public , like magazines articles , blogs , and interviews . agents , managers , and publicists each have their own parts that they represent for a celebrity . they handle the business and image aspects of the celebrity . there are a few different ways of getting in touch with these representatives . the best way is through email , and it is how most business deals are done with celebrities . email allows for a paper trail , and it is the preferred method of contact for representatives . phone is another route to take , but it is not the preferred route . also its important to keep in mind that many representatives have assistants and gatekeepers , so you will likely be unable to reach the representative by phone . by snail mail isnt a feasible option unless you are sending free product to someone . even doing this , you want to have spoken through the representative through email or by phone . please note that representatives are only to be reached out to for business and publicity inquiries , not for fan mail . celebrities change representatives frequently . you can monitor these changes through booking agent info databases . a celebritys manager is involved in all aspects of their career . less known celebrities may only have a manager . these people are generally very busy , but can help you contact your celebrity . you may be able to find manager , agent , or publicist information through your celebritys facebook page . look on your celebritys internet movie database imdb or wikipedia page . you can often find publicist or management company information in these places . then look up the publicist or management company contact information . , depending on the contact information youve found , this could be a written letter or email . you might want to break the letter into two parts , one for the publicist and one for the celebrity . be clear and to the point . be straightforward in your request for a return message to prove your contact . when addressing a publicist , manager , etc . you might want to say something like , thank you for helping us fans get in touch with so - and - so . include a request with your message when appropriate . it would be natural to ask a concert promoter , for example , for a ticket to a concert and a chance to meet the celebrity . some celebrities have a considerable number of staff managing their public relations . if you have the contact information for a few of these , try them all . its unlikely these people will discuss amongst themselves fan mail theyve read . it may take some time before you receive a response to your message . in some cases , you may get a canned response , where you receive a pre - made message that says something to the effect of , the celebrity is too busy to respond to your message now . after a reasonable period of time has passed , like a few weeks to a month , try another means of contact . aim to make yourself noticeable among other fans , but not overbearing . |
send clarkson a personal message on linkedin . tweet to jeremy clarkson . send jeremy clarkson a facebook message . follow the terms and services of all social media you use . | how to contact jeremy clarkson 2 | although jeremy clarkson is a celebrity , he does maintain a linkedin page . linkedin is a social media site that functions like a virtual resume . you include details of your work - related experience on your portfolio . if you want to contact clarkson more directly , consider sending him a private message on linkedin . if you dont have a linkedin profile , you can easily create one . you just need a relevant e - mail address . remember , linkedin is a professional tool . prospective employers may look you up on linkedin . if you choose to create a profile , keep your profile professional . include all your work experience in your profile and avoid using profanity , slang , or negative language about past employers . keep in mind clarkson likely gets many messages on linkedin each day . you may not hear back from clarkson if you do message him . twitter is a fun social media site in which you can post messages of 140 characters . you can use twitter to tweet a short message to a celebrity . jeremy clarkson is on twitter , using the handle jeremyclarkson . if you dont have a twitter account , you can create one using your e - mail address . to contact jeremy clarkson on twitter , simply search for his twitter in the search bar on the top righthand corner of the page . then , type in jeremyclarkson . when you reach clarksons page , there should be a button that says tweet to jeremy clarkson under his picture . click this button and compose your message . twitter messages are usually short and celebrities get thousands of messages on twitter each day . do not attempt to contact clarkson for a professional speaking engagement through twitter , as its unlikely hell respond . you also will not be able to fit in all the necessary details when contacting clarkson through twitter alone . jeremy clarkson does have a facebook account . even if you are not friends with him , you can still send him a message . keep in mind twitter and linkedin may be better options . facebook usually filters messages that come from unknown users . clarkson may easily miss a facebook message . all social media comes with certain terms and services . when using social media to contact jeremy clarkson , make sure to follow the rules to avoid getting banned . do not create a fake linkedin profile to contact jeremy clarkson . linkedin bans the creation of fake profiles . if your profile is for a fake person , or if you create a fake profile for a celebrity , linkedin will remove your profile quickly . facebook also bans fake profiles . facebook users are encouraged to report profiles they believe are fake . posting threatening or abusive messages on twitter or facebook is against the rules . if you post any contact that could be deemed threatening or hateful , this may result in your account getting suspended . you should also avoid sending threatening or hostile private messages on these sites . spam is also not allowed on twitter , facebook , or linkedin . posting links to websites that contain malware , information about pyramid schemes , or using multiple accounts to post spam will result in your account getting terminated . |
include all the key details about an event . have enthusiasm . use social media for less important messages . expect it will take awhile to hear back . | how to contact jeremy clarkson 3 | when contacting jeremy clarkson for an event , make sure to include all the important details . clarkson and his team get many messages each day about speaking events . messages that leave out details may be ignored . include the date and location of the event . double - check to make sure these details are accurate . if you usually pay speakers , include information about pay rates for your company or organization . you should also include information about where clarkson will stay for the event . for example , maybe your company usually puts speakers up in a specific hotel . add some details about your event . clarkson and his team will want to know a little about your organization and its mission . you should also include a link to your company website so clarkson can learn more about your organization if hes interested . youre more likely to hear back from clarkson if you have enthusiasm in your messages . if youre trying to book clarkson for a charity event , enthusiasm about your cause is particularly important . remember , clarkson gets many requests each day . you have to sell your company if you want clarkson to agree to speak . include an interesting opening line . for example , if youre booking clarkson for a charity event , you can start with a fact or a quote relevant to your cause . something like , did you know over 20 of chicago elementary school students are illiterate convey why your speaking event is important . what does clarkson have to gain by coming to your company or organization talk about your culture . is it particularly welcoming are your employees a lot of fun however , try to keep it brief . try to condense enthusiasm to a short paragraph . clarkson and his officials get a lot of requests each day and may not read an e - mail if its too long . social media is usually not meant for professional contact . if you want to mention to clarkson that you loved his appearance on a talk show last night , this would be appropriate to post on twitter . however , if you want to ask clarkson to appear at your charity event , contact him through a professional organization like speakers corner . clarkson is very busy . if you want to book him for an event , it may take awhile to hear back . you should aim to book clarkson months before the event if you expect him to attend . on social media , it may be unlikely that you hear back . clarkson may not respond to all tweets and linkedin messages as he simply does not have the time . |
go to iyanla vanzants official contact page at httpiyanlavanzant . comcontact . enter your first and last name , email address , and your reason for wanting to contact iyanla vanzant . click on next . type your question or comment to iyanla vanzant into the field provided . click on next , then on submit . your message will be forwarded directly to iyanla vanzant . | how to contact iyanla vanzant 1 | , your message must exceed no more than 250 words . |
comment on a youtube video of his . tweet gabriel . follow gabriels facebook page . comment on one of gabriels instagram posts . follow gabriel on deviantart . visit his official website . | how to contact gabriel brown | before he was widely known for his music , gabriel brown posted content on his youtube channel dubbed blackgryph0n . he now posts some of his music there which he often makes collaborating with his brother nate , also known as baasik . gabriel often responds to comments directly addressed to him . gabriel tends to check his mentions on his twitter handle blackgryph0n . gabriel posts there about updates and other things , and may recieve comments posted under any updates . he mostly posts random and personal things there , but he may respond to any questions . though not a conventional form of communication , you can send him a private message on the site if the need arises . his social media is mostly what gabriel uses to keep in touch with his fans . professional business should be addressed at gabrielcbrown . com . |
write a letter . if you need to send a hard copy of something to dr . phil , or if you simply prefer to do most of your communicating through the traditional mail system , you can send any comments , concerns , or questions to him using the public mailing address for his show . use the online question form . leave a comment with the online comment form . if you want to send dr . phil a basic comment or two , you can do so quickly and easily with the online comment form . this comment form is different from the form that you use to ask dr . phil a question . contact the dr . phil foundation . remark on a guest . | how to contact dr . phil 1 | the mailing address is dr . phil show , 5482 wilshire boulevard 1902 , los angeles , ca 90036 note that nothing you send will be sent back to you since the show receives so much mail . as such , you should not send originals of photographs , legal documents , medical documents , manuscripts , or any other personal items . only send copies . you should only send letters . most other items are not typically reviewed . do not send money or checks . if you need to ask dr . phil a question or want to seek his advice , the quickest and simplest way to do so is by sending him a question via the online form . the form can be found on his website . keep your questions short . you are only allowed to enter 250 words or less . along with your question , you must provide your first name , last name , birthday , e - mail address , street address , city , state , zip code , country , and daytime phone number . depending on the nature of your question , the shows producers may want to use it on air . as a result , you also need to indicate whether or not you are willing to appear on the show . when you visit the website , click on the section that says ask dr . phil . if you have a question for dr . phil , do not use this method to contact him . when you visit the website , click on the section that says email the show . this form can be used for any non - question comment , including fan mail , critiques on the show , or general thoughts on dr . phils work . you could also use this form for topic suggestions . along with your message , you must provide your first name , last name , birthday , e - mail address , street address , city , state , zip code , country name , and daytime phone number . you will also need to indicate whether or not you would be willing to appear on the show . you probably wont need to , but you might be asked to do so depending on the nature of your comments . keep your comments short . you can only write 250 words or less . the dr . phil foundation is dedicated to helping disadvantaged children and youths . to make a general comment or inquiry regarding the foundation , you can use the online contact form or send a letter . when using this form , you will need to provide your first name , last name , and e - mail address . you also have the option of including a phone number . the mailing address for the foundation is 137 n . larchmont blvd . 705 , los angeles , ca 90004 the dr . phil foundation can be contacted through twitter and facebook as well . you can also make a donation to the foundation or one of its causes . you will need to indicate the cause you are donating to and the amount you wish to donate . you can either pay by using a credit card or by using paypal . if you know someone who appeared on the show and have additional information that might benefit viewers , you can let dr . phil know though the use of a special online form . you should only use this form if you are a relative , friend , or colleague of the guest you are referring to . do not use it if you have no connection to that guest . this form should be used if you have a personal comment or if you have a unique perspective about the guest in question . you can also use it if you feel like your side of the story has been ignored . in addition to your message , you will also be required to provide your full name , birthday , e - mail address , mailing address , and phone number . you also need to indicate whether or not you will be willing to appear on the show . your comment must be 250 words or less . |
sign in to your facebook account . go to iyanla vanzants official facebook profile at httpswww . facebook . comdriyanlavanzant . type your message to iyanla vanzant into the post field . click on post . your message will be posted directly to iyanla vanzants facebook wall . | how to contact iyanla vanzant 2 | , alternately , you can scroll through iyanla vanzants facebook posts and comment on the post of your choice . |
log in to your twitter account . go to iyanla vanzants official twitter profile at httpstwitter . comiyanlavanzant . click on tweet to iyanla vanzant . type your message to iyanla vanzant into the field provided . click on tweet . your message will be sent to iyanla vanzant and show up in her notifications timeline . | how to contact iyanla vanzant 3 | , your message must contain no more than 140 characters . |
log in to your google plus profile . go to iyanla vanzants official google plus profile at httpsplus . google . com109157103116675836329posts . click on the hangout icon at the top of iyanla vanzants google plus profile . wait for iyanla vanzant to reply to your request for a text or video chat . | how to contact iyanla vanzant 4 | , the hangout feature will allow you to send a request for a text conversation or video chat with iyanla vanzant . |
sign in to your youtube account . go to iyanla vanzants official youtube profile at httpswww . youtube . comuseriyanlavanzant . click on the about tab . click on send message . type your private message to iyanla vanzant into the field provided . click on send . your message will be sent to iyanla vanzant . | how to contact iyanla vanzant 5 | , |
Subsets and Splits