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start out with pale powder or foundation . line the eyes at the top and bottom as well as the top of the eyelid with black or brown eyeliner , black will look more dramatic , but brown will look more natural . next put a circle of a light color on the center of the eyelid , and add a dark color before blending away at the harsh edges . sweep a rust color into the natural dark circle area . sweep lines of the same color on each side of the nose . blush is right out when it comes to being a zombie , but to create a dramatic effect , suck in the hollows of the cheeks and sweep bronzer into the hollows of the cheeks . now for the lips . now the fun part . optionally , add a final coat of light powder over the face for a finishing touch . as far as clothing goes , start with plain tee - shirts and pants in dark colors and rip them up as desired . | how to do zombie makeup and costume | spread it unevenly about the face and neck , and optionally spread it on the arms too . , optionally finish off the eyes by adding black or brown mascara . feel free to enlarge it a bit to make it look more like a zombies eyes . blend away the harsh edges a bit , but leave the color still looking strong and sharp . blend away . this gives the nose a sharp , pointy look . , lip liner is optional , but a good idea . i used red . having lined the lips , fill the lips in with black , blue , or purple lipstick or lip gloss . if using lipstick , feel free to add a dark color lip gloss over it to give it a glossy sheen . add random splotches of color over the face , especially in blue and green . also add red lip liner in crooked lines all over the face for marks of blood . have fun with your new look . i recommend generation t , a great book on how to take old tee - shirts and transform them into new clothes . have fun |
wear costumes to match the style of the times . dress as one of the street urchins . wear a glamorous costume . wear simple makeup or stage makeup . do your hair . | how to cosplay characters from little shop of horrors 1 | little shop of horrors is set in the 1950s1960s , where motown and soul artists were popular . look to aretha franklin , etta james and the supremes for inspiration , and wear suitable costumes to match this era and style . try googling for images of these soul artists for inspiration . ronnette , chiffon , and crystal are first seen in street urchin clothing that presents them as quite poor . to get this look , wear denim waistcoats , dirty - ish cut - off jeans , striped shirts , sneakers , and a bandana around the neck . if youre dressing up with a couple other people , make sure you each look similar but have a distinctive aspect . for instance , you could each wear a different color of bandana . so long as you dont go overboard , you can really go to town . however , bear in mind that , at this point in the 1960s , girls wouldnt have overly seductive , showy costumes , and remember that you arent meant to be overly sexual . a good plan is to do a google image search for costumes to see what takes your fancy . alternatively , a good costume guideline is a short sleeved or halter top dress with a relatively large , puffy knee length skirt petticoats are a good plan here to create the cute 1960s puffy skirt look . if youre going to be onstage , wear a general base of stage make - up so that you dont look too pale in the spotlight . a little face powder , foundation , concealer , mascara and eyeliner should suffice , along with a little bit of red lipstick . if youre not going to be onstage , use only minimal amounts of makeup , if any . for more glamorous characters , add red lipstick and eyeshadow to match your costume . pick one 1950s updo to wear with your costume . for instance , back - combing was very popular during the 1960s , so you can go for a nice beehive look or a back - combed french twist . however , this is a pain to do and takes ages , so an even easier idea is to tie the hair back in a huge , tight donut bun and add a nice colored bandana , tie it in a tight bow around the head , and allow bangs side bangs are best , but if you have a fringe , that is fine too to be let loose . if the bangs are a little bit tricky to manage , you can just pin them back a little and hairspray in place . |
have perfect skin . get a great , california beach - babe tan . be healthy and fit , have your own style . get a group of three or four friends . get some gadgets . be clean . keep up with your friends by texting , emailing , and video chatting . keep a diary about how you feel about everything . have some creativity | how to cosplay as poppy moore from wild child | absolutely no exceptions . poppy has the most flawless skin on her face , and you must have too . find a regular beauty regime for your face , and stick to it . deal with zits properly and make sure you are always fresh - faced . poppy also has amazingly smooth skin . wax or shave your legs and underarms , and shower once a day , with soap . moisturize as soon as you get up in the morning preferably with a scented lotion and after your shower at night . exfoliate once a week to get rid of yuck dead skin cells , and you should try out a body conditioner to give your skin a treat . it takes 21 days to develop a habit , and this is a habit you absolutely must have if you ever want a chance of being like poppy moore . you need the beautiful , i - just - came - back - from - hawaii glow . never ever use tanning lotion it is tacky and so not couture , but instead use expensive little self tanners like poppy has . you could try sunbathing on a sunny day , just sprawl out on a towel and rotate sides every 15 - 20 minutes . dont forget sunscreen poppy moore may have an amazing tan , but she is never , ever seen with a burn or skin cancer poppy has a generally great body . try to maintain a slim figure and a flat stomach . work out only at the gym 3 - 5 times a week and work on all you muscles to keep them toned and tight . run cardio for 20 - 40 minutes every daysecond day to build endurance , and instead of a malnourished slim body , you will have a lean lithe one that poppy has . poppy is a pescetarian from monday to wednesday this means are vegetarian except for fish , and in some cases , chicken and a vegan from thursday to sunday no animal products . also , poppy does a lot of sport at abbey mount , so you can do that instead of gym , but still keep the diet . she has a great style thats all hers . it is kitsch , new and totally her . only wear designer clothes . they will help you and you will help them . be able to tell if girls are just hanging out with you for money , status , etc . get true friends that you fit in with and who truly like you for you . poppy has little tanners , ipods , phones , laptops , and macs . try to get a phone and an ipod . most of these things are obtainable . you can get tanners anywhere online . poppy doesnt always have the cleanest room , but she hates regular peoples germs . always keep sanitizers with you on the go and big bottles at home . theyll always be able to keep in touch no matter what then . if youre having a bad day , write about it . if its a good day , write about it too . poppy can do anything when she sets her mind to it . be able to create the cutest outfits and create for others . but remember , dont change too fast people may think of you as a wannabe . |
lay some old newspapers on a flat surface in a well - ventilated area . lay the clothes out flat on the newspapers . hold the starch spray approximately 20 to 30 centimeter 7 . 9 to 11 . 8 in away from clothing . sprayed spots should be slightly damp to the touch , not soaking wet . spray spots in both the front and the back of the garment . crumple your garments randomly and chuck them into a ziplock bag . zip up the bag but leave a small gap . flatten the excess air out of the bag as much as possible . quickly close the bag entirely . leave it for at least 4 hours , or till the next day if you wish . remove garments from ziplock bag . lay the clothes flat onto newspaper once more . change into your unwanted clothing . squeeze a 11 ratio of acrylic paint onto your palm . clench your fingers and rub your hands to blend the paint together . smear the paint over your entire hand , up to your wrists . experiment on some newspaper to see what bloody textures you can create . abuse your clothing when you are ready . hang the clothing to dry . wash off acrylic paint with soap and warm water . it is ready for dirt application when the paint is fully dried . step on your garments with your shoes . tear off a palm - sized portion of sandpaper . press the sandpaper onto your garment . optional slash your clothing if your fight involves weapons . make a cut on the garment . distress the fabric by quickly rubbing the 2 cut edges together . store finished project in a garment bag . now for your body . take a very dark , deep blue or black eye shadow and lightly powder to your body . put on your clothes . now you look like a proper little bruiser | how to create realistic after fighting bloodstains and dirt | , spray 3 to 4 spots randomly . , do not close entirely . , this creates a mini vacuumed state that keeps the crumples . , lightly shake it out . it should be nicely creased . do not straighten out any creases . , work with a portion approximately the size of your thumbnail for starters . make sure it is more or less evenly mixed . , scratch with your nails , grab your shirt collar , violently tug and clench , punch with your knuckles , etc . the more spontaneous the better . , remember to clean under your fingernails . , this creates kick marks . do not overuse . rub it against asphalt or tarmac on sidewalks or roads . swipe hard in one smooth motion to create skid marks . rub furiously on knees of pants or elbows in sleeves for abrasion marks . , pull out some yarns from the cut if you have to . , carefully get some tomato soup and warm up until quite warm but cool enough to apply to skin . smarm across your legs , arms and any slashed in your clothing . , |
figure out your characters personality . develop the idiosyncrasies of your character . adopt an accents . | how to cosplay characters from little shop of horrors 2 | although several of the characters are quite similar , each has their own personality quirks and differences . for example , though ronnette , crystal , and chiffon seem very similar , ronnette is the leader , confident and smart , crystal is witty and flirtatious , and chiffon is the cute , funny , innocent baby . each character has her own personality and has little habits that can be played up and down at times . for example , chiffon can be a little nervy and will bite her nails , while ronnette is quite loud and rolls her eyes a lot . understand your characters personality and come up with little habits or tics to help you more fully embody the character . the characters can be played with plain american accents , but to make it a little more fun , you could even try doing a new york city accent and play that up to emphasize your characters personality . however , if you dont feel like you can do the accent particularly well , dont feel the need to do it a bad accent can break a performance and slipping back into your real accent will make your character seem unbelievable and flat . |
purchase a golden blonde wig that falls a little below the shoulders . braid your hair . wear some golden yellow contacts since edward has yellow eyes . clothing . automail . attitude . wear black leather boots . bring someone with you to cosplay as envy , izumi , winry , roy , al or any other character . | how to cosplay as edward elric | it should also be able to be braided . you can also cut your hair yourself and dye it a rich golden blonde . ed more or less always has his hair in a braid . leave two sections of hair out in the front as his bangs , and hair spray them up . you could try teasing them up and shaping the bangs . also , dont forget the antenna you can use hairspray or gel to let a small part of the hair stick up . , ed usually wears relatively tight , shiny black pants . try leather , or satin . both work , but satin is easier to move around in . he also wears a black tank top and a shiny jacket , as well as a large belt around the belly button area . its suggested you make his one of a kind red coat yourself since online shops can make them look cheesy . look up pictures of the coat and start drawing patterns to help you with the designing . also , if you feel like being particularly accurate , get white dress gloves . you can usually find such gloves at costume stores , dress clothing stores etc . and , when youre done , you can re - purpose them into normal wear gloves , or even with a bit of sewing , or even a red marker into gloves for cosplaying as mustang . if you are wearing the long red jacket , you might not need to have automail . however , if you do want the automail , there are some tutorials online , as well as some people who can do custom cosplay pieces . just be prepared to pay at least 100 for the arm itself , as cosplay takes a lot of time and work for a quality piece . if you dont want to , just say youre from the promised day chapter . whenever somebody refers to you as short , small andor minuscule , overreact and over - exaggerate what they called you . care for those close to you . dont give up . , its more fun cosplaying in groups . |
get her hair . get her make - up . buy or find some bright and silky red ribbon for the cute little bow she wears around her collar . buy or borrow a short - sleeved plain white shirt one with a collar . buy or borrow a navy blazer to go on top on your white t - shirt . get her schools patch . find the short plaid skirt . finish the outfit with knee - high white socks and some white tennis shoes . dont forget her weapon | how to cosplay as gogo yubari | gogo wears her hair medium - long , pin - straight and dark brown with bangs down to above her eye - brows . if you dont already have this style , go to the mall or online to find a cheap wig . or lack - thereof . she doesnt really wear any , but she does have a nice complexion the actress is a model in japan after all and nice eye - lashes , so you might want to put on some light cover - up and mascara . , its going under the blazer , so its not too important . this could be on the expensive side if you decide to buy it , so check closets , thrift stores , and relatively cheap stores like rue 21 or walmart before you look anywhere else . the one she wears has just two buttons in the front , but its not that serious unless youre a perfectionist . you have a few options here . you can a ignore it . really , whos going to notice a patch pay to have it made or make it yourself . you could just print it out in colour and tape it on , or do this . take the time to paint it on canvas , then cut it out and use clear thread to sew it on . its all up to you , and how serious you take your role - playing . this , believe it or not , can be the cheapest part of your outfit . one is found for only two dollars this is why its recommend finding the costume yourself , not buying it completed off of the internet - - if you know how to shop , then its much cheaper this way . the skirt she wears in the movie is shades of navy however , black should do just fine as well . in the movie , theyre nike , but if you dont feel like being a sell - out , theres always payless . try claires or hot topic for the socks - - you should be able to find them there . after spending hours and that means hours creating her meteor hammer the chain with the spike - y ball attached , its recommended to buy this rather than making it . however , if you are extremely craft - y , go for it . she also has a blade tanto that would be easier to createfindpurchase , but its not as fun as swinging the meteor hammer around |
observe how the character speaks , acts , and moves . make a list . practice the elements of your list . avoid being annoying . if you are cosplaying a vocaloid , or your character sings or does a certain dance , it would help to practice it just in case you win a costume competition . practice your personality in everyday life . have fun . | how to act like your cosplay character | watch your character in action . try to look at as many videos or episodes as you can so that you can get an idea of what to do . write the following questions down , then answer them after watching your character more closely how does my characters voice sound normal , breathy , loud , etc . what would my character say what mood is my character usually in is there a certain phrase that the character says that is popular among fans is there a certain movement that my character constantly does how does my character react to people practice what you wrote down in front of a mirror . practice it so often that once you get to the convention , being the character is like second nature . if you exaggerate your character too much , people will get irritated and lose interest in you . keep it vibrant , but subtle . although optional , it can give you an extra something to entertain people with . often in conventions , the winners of the costume contest are called onto a stage . you should give a good speech and entertain them . if your character doesnt sing or dance , practice a speech , and say it in the way that your character would . in the days leading up to the convention , practice your new personality in everyday life . this will make you feel more comfortable in adopting it . if anyone asks why youre suddenly acting so strange , be honest and tell them why . the whole point of cosplaying is to enjoy the experience and to meet others who are also enjoying it . |
dress like nora . sport noras makeup . have brown hair . own an authority pendant and wear it often . wear a cross necklace to show you worship your god . read the bible or other religious texts . pray often , and always be true to your godgoddess . if you want to , you can speak with an accent , preferably an english accent . nora is a politician . nora is intelligent , intimidating , and cool under pressure . love your brothersisterfamily very much , look up to them , and care for them deeply , but dedicate your life to something important politics , religion , or your career and life . have noras powers and weaknesses . wish that your governmentparliament was more egalitarian , especially towards women . be a stealthy fighter and be able to hold your own . | how to be like nora gainesborough from true blood | she is known to wear classy dresses in maroon and lavender colors . she also wears form fitting blue jeans with black , grey , or dark , solid colored tank tops underneath a red , black , or brown leather jacket . she seems to wear either brownblack high heeled boots , or no shoes at all when shes not out and about . try not to go overboard . you can wear brown tones with white or purple shades for eye shadow , brown or black mascara and eyeliner . make sure your mascara does not clump , and your eyeliner doesnt smear . your hair color can be any shade of medium brown , and it needs to fall just below your shoulders , or close to it . use a wig or get your hair styled if you wish . wash your hair every day or two to keep it clean and shiny . you can order one on the internet from the hbo website . , worship the godgoddess you choose to believe in . , you could take some classes on politics , or if you dont want to be a politician , just be cunning , ruthless , and talk very carefully . think about what you say and have an answer to everything . she is a very good liar . this goes back to the having an answer for everything . always have a plan b , c , and d . , avoid the sun when you can , never wear or touch anything silver , be faster than you should be , move your head quickly when someone surprises you , and always be secretive about some part of your life . be seen at night as well as during the day , be a night person . , |
go with the flow , have a lab . have the supplies . think and plan . make and present . | how to be a mad scientist as a kid | no need to be so organized , after all , the title reads mad scientist , right dress in outfits that you can get messy , because you will make a mess if you make experiments . this is a very important step , because every scientist has a scientific laboratory it could be in your backyard , a treehouse , could be anywhere in your house like your room , the bathroom , the basement , or even a secret room that no one but you knows about just make sure that it is big enough for doing experiments and research . look at things you will need . you will need different thing for different experiments , so make sure you have those things . making blueprints , for example , is good for when you are inventing something . or you could write a list of the things you want to invent , things you want to do research on , etc . if you think that they will work , make your inventions . test them out , just in case . after that present your new invention to someone . maybe your friend or your family this is one of the most fun parts of being a scientist . |
find reference pictures . locate the perfect box . stabilize your box . create the arm holes . make the mouth . prime your box . create the front features . create the side features . create the back features . paint all the craft foam parts . paint the box . hot glue all craft foam parts and the battery cover to the box . use a ruler to draw on the outline of the face with a marker and paint the teeth and tongue . paste bmos name onto each side of the box with the os covering your arm holes . line the inside of the mouth with black stockings . cover the exposed parts of your body . watch lots of episodes and video clips of adventure time that feature bmo . talk like bmo . wear your finished costume . | how to cosplay as bmo from adventure time | search for pictures that show bmos body from all sides and angles . accuracy is the key . find a large , rectangular cardboard box that gives you enough room inside to move around . refer to your reference pictures to estimate the dimensions of your ideal box and adjust the measurements to your body so the box will fit comfortably . find your box at local grocery stores , furniture stores , or in your own basement . close all flaps with hot glue . for further stabilization , apply duct tape inside the box at its weakest folds . grab a circular item such as duct tape or masking tape with an inner or outer circle large enough for your upper forearm . use a scrap piece of cardboard and test the size of the hole to determine comfort . trace the circle onto your box and cut it out with a utility knife . wear the box , look straight ahead , and mark where you are looking . use wax paper to sketch a mouth from the reference images . trace onto the box and cut out the blackdark part while leaving the teeth and tongue intact . use gesso or a primer spray paint such as flat gray to cover any words or slight blemishes . sketch the arrow pad , floppy disk slot , buttons and controller ports onto wax paper and cut out each separate piece . trace each part onto craft foam and cut out with scissors . use a toiler paper roll and trace the outer circle onto craft foam twice for the eyes print bmo twice in large , bold black letters use a toilet paper roll and trace the outer circle onto craft foam 14 times . cut out each hole . measure and cut out a large square to make the battery cover . sketch a single vent onto wax paper , trace onto craft foam 5 times and cut them out . you may need multiple coats to achieve a glossy coat . use spray paint in a ventilated area in clothes that you dont mind ruining . let the box dry completely before bringing the box indoors . apply the glue directly to the cardboard then attach the craft foam . applying hot glue directly to foam may burnwarp your craft foam pieces . , cut and stretch the stockings across the inside of the mouth and hot glue into place . make sure you can see out of the mouth . all clothes that you buy should be the color of bmos body . you will need a long - sleeve shirt for your arms , gloves for your hands , and pants for your legs . buy white canvas shoes and paint them the same color that you chose for bmos body . observe bmos mannerisms and catchphrases . memorize your favorite lines and practice them constantly . |
find a similar dress . copy her hair . complete the outfit with accessories . | how to cosplay bee from bee and puppycat 1 | make sure at the very least , its an a - line dress , in a light blue color . either dye your hair or find a long haired wig in a lavender color . wear a cherry red choker , or make one yourself by tying a red ribbon around your neck . put on a pair of white knee socks and purple flats . |
put together the first outfit . create the second outfit . make the third outfit . put together the fourth outfit . | how to cosplay bee from bee and puppycat 2 | buy a yellow sweater and pink shorts . create the bee . you could either make a bee out of felt or fabric then then sew or glue it onto the middle of your sweater , or you could use an iron - on bee decal . finish it off by tying a pair of thick pink ribbons around your ankles . this outfit is quite recognizable , but it may require you to get a bit creative . buy or make a pink dress with puffy sleeves . consider shopping around at thrift stores to find a similar dress . find a cat apron . if you cant find one , you can always buy a plain black apron and sew on the eyes , mouth , and pockets . make a bee hairclip and put it in your hair . finish it off by putting on knee - high pink socks and brown boots . this outfit is quite simple as it is made up of everyday clothing items you may already own . put on a white button - up shirt with a peter pan collar . wear pants with the cuffs rolled up like hers are . tie a thick pink ribbon in a bow around your hips , stringing it through the loops of your pants like a belt in order to keep it in place . finish it off by making a bee and gluing it or pinning it into the middle of the bow . this one is also fairly simple as it requires clothing you may already have . put on a white button - up shirt with a peter pan collar . wear a high - waisted pencil skirt , tucking your shirt into it . add a long - sleeved pink cardigan , thigh - high pink socks , and brown boots . make a bee pin and attach it to the left side of your cardigan . |
get creative with her helmet . buy a white spandex jumpsuit . finish off the outfit with accessories . | how to cosplay bee from bee and puppycat 3 | buy a white motorcycle helmet , cut ears out of felt and attach them to the top of the helmet . paint two styrofoam balls pink and glue them in the ears as shown . if youre really creative , add the pink visor , however your outfit will still be recognizable without it . dont forget to make the pink knee pads out of felt or fabric , then sew them onto your jumpsuit . put on brown boots and elbow - length brown gloves , and get creative to make the large bell around her neck and the big round pink shoulder pads . this is by far the hardest part , but it does bring the entire outfit together . you could try building a giant replica of the bell and then sewing on the shoulder pads , or simply tie a bell around your neck with a ribbon and forego the shoulder pads . |
create the hat . find a pair of pink overalls . finish off the outfit by wearing a short - sleeved shirt underneath your overalls , along with knee - high white socks and brown boots . | how to cosplay bee from bee and puppycat 4 | buy a white baseball cap , with or without a pink bill . if you can only find a plain white one , you could always colour the bill pink using fabric paint or markers . put a decal on the front , either iron on or paper . finally , cut large ears out of felt and glue them onto the top of your cap . you can make the envelope out of felt , fabric , or paper , and then sew or glue it onto the front of them . |
get familiar with the bishie style . menswear is a must , unlike the usual tomboy attire , colors like pink or purples are not out of the question . you dont have to stop wearing make - up . you may or may not want to bind your chest , but if you do keep in mind that you will probably be mistaken for male a lot more than if you didnt but it might be a good thing , your hair should be styled in some way if you want to be bifauxnen . dont say dude all the time or overuse slang . dont be rude | how to be bifauxnen | this will help you . remember they are what the bifauxnen style emulates . look for mens slacks , pants , ties , suits , cuff links , watches , shirts and jewelry . keep it classy and expensive looking . even if you just spend 12 . 99 on one shirt , nobody should be able to tell by looking at your outfit . be very careful that your clothes fit your body well . they shouldnt be too tight but the worst mistake would be to buy them too large . baggy jeans and tees may sound like a good idea but lack the sophistication bifauxnen girls are trademarked for . the trick is to wear it in ways that does not enhance your femininity but instead confuses people even more about your gender take a long look at annie lennox in the 80s and youll see why . just do like the last step and make sure your make - up obscures the fact youre female , not enhances it . dont be afraid that you look like you spent some time on your appearance - you dont have to look like you just rolled out of bed and out the door to be androgynous . it isnt classy and doesnt make you seem boyish - just annoying belching , bad table manners and bad hygiene are unacceptable . would a bishounen boy have these bad habits most certainly not a bifauxnen - like her male counterpart - wont tolerate ungentlemanly behavior . |
wear gloves that have faux snow on them . wear all blue and white . wear a simple necklace with a sophisticated charm . act the part . make the snow appear to come out of your hands . while youre making snow always look as if youre truly enjoying yourself . try this out on your friends before doing it at a fancy dress or cosplay event . | how to appear to have snow power | the artificial snow could be made from whitesilver glitter , small cotton ball puffs , white rolls or yarn , sparkling white sequins , etc . choose the one that works for you and either sew or glue the items in place . you may be able to get black gloves for a dollar with snow on them already from dollar stores . these are the colors a snow character would be likely to prefer , representing the cold ice and snow of the area she or he comes from . maybe a light blue dress with white stockings would look good . or light blue jeans and a white sweater . and , if you can , add a light blue sweatshirt with a white hoodie . also , when you make it snow , wearing a long sash on your sleeves will give it a great effect . if the sashes have glitter , even better . maybe a jeweled snowflake with simple white beads would be nice . try to make someone curious enough to watch you . when you have their attention , make the snow appear to come out of your hands . use white glitter or similar to make it seem like snow . if using real snow , this is best done during wintertime , to make it more believable the snow would melt in summer . when youre at your secret place , start to play around in the snow with your bare hands if you can bear it and throw it in the air . do this for a few times then look at your hands . smile and get ready to do your trick . if you have very large sleeves , you can try this neat trick . get two small fans and secretly put them down your sleeves . get some of the faux snow and put it on top of the fans . turn on the fans secretly and open your hands wide , so that it goes through your fingers and appears to come out of your hands . if you cant get the fans , dont worry , just stuff some of the fake in your sleeves and twirl around with your sleeves down , causing the snow to slip out of your sleeves . practice this a few times before the real deal , in a private place . laugh a lot , and twirl around . when you twirl , if youre tied sashes to your costume , they will spin and enhance the magical effect . if youre pretending to hide your snow powers , do the following after you run out of snow , toss the snow on the ground in the air , then seem to notice the person . start to look really worried , run up to the person and beg , please dont tell anyone . and youre done . listen to their suggestions for improving your performance . then enjoy your time as a snow princess or prince |
stand up for yourself . pick up a sport . be independent . hang out with people you like . be aware . | how to act like sif from the movie thor | remember , sif is the only female in her group , so she is always willing to prove that she is as good as all the boys warriors around her . meaning that you shouldnt be afraid to speak up your mind or take a challenge . you might as well earn more respect from other people like that . if you are too shy , then think to yourself hey , my ideas are as good as others so dont be afraid and show people what youve got as an asgardian , sif is tough , confident and proud , dont let people push you around sif is an asgardian , meaning she has supernatural strength and fighting skills . she is shown to excel at hand - to - hand combat and likes to use cold weapons such as swords . so you could pick taekwondo classes or karate classes . if you prefer weapons , kendo or fencing would do the trick . if you dont like combat sports , anything that increases your strength or agility is fine dont forget to exercise regularly . on the top of that , itll keep you in good health sif doesnt like to follow orders if she thinks theyre wrong . again , this matches step 1 . for example , if someone tells you to do something that you feel bad about , argue a little . listen to the persons opinion and dont always argue though what im saying is that you shouldnt be afraid to show the person that youre against the idea . one of the biggest problems in school is that there are a lot of clans , especially with girls . for example , students tend to judge you on how you look , and not on who you are . sif wouldnt care about that . she hangs out with boys and likes fighting more than talking makeup and clothes . it doesnt mean that you shouldnt befriend girls it means that you should wear clothes you feel comfortable in and dont pretend that you like fashion if you dont . but on special occasions , wear dresses and more feminine outfit , so that boys dont think of you as a complete tomboy , but as a cool and fun girl sif is the first person to suspect loki of treason , showing that she is very observant . look beneath the looks and see if someone is trustworthy or not . you might even have a new better vision of your surroundings . dont just burst out your crushs name or any secret its your private life . also , dont tell people that youre trying to act like sif , theyll look down on you for that . |
decide what kind of mermaid you are . read up about mermaids . watch movies and tv shows about mermaids . grow your hair long . accessorize . wear ocean colors . paint your nails in ocean colors . coordinate your makeup . act alert when people talk about the ocean . change the subject when people talk about mermaids . act alert around water . practice your singing . get involved in marine life protection . keep a diary on your mermaid life . practice visualization exercises . go to the sea . dont go overboard . have fun with your double life . | how to act like a mermaid at school | there are all kinds of mermaids in folklore and fairy tales and their nature can range from tragically romantic to murderous . are you the kind of mermaid that falls in love with sailors or the kind that tries to drown them are fish your best friends or a floating feast getting your story straight ahead of time will make it much simpler for you to practice your role and helps in getting people to take you seriously . start with the ancient myths about mermaids . mermaid myths pop up all over the world , from russia to greece . then move on to the realms of mermaid fiction . hans christian andersens the little mermaid is widely considered to be the definitive mermaid tale . besides andersen , take a look at oscar wildes the fisherman and his soul , h . p . lovecrafts the shadow over innsmouth , donna jo napolis sirena and alice hoffmans aquamarine . begin with disneys version of the little mermaid . its the most famous version of the andersen story , and youll have to be familiar with it if you want to be accepted as a mermaid . splash is a live - action film that shows the trials of turning into a mermaid every time you get wet , making it a good how - to - guide . aquamarine is another good choice . consider checking out mr . peabody and the mermaid , peter pan , pirates of the caribbean on stranger tides , and she creature . mermaids are less common on television but the australian series h2o just add water provides a look at three young mermaids in high school trying to keep their magical powers secret . mermaids are famous for their long , beautiful tresses . consider adding hair extensions as well . extensions come in all colors and adding a dramatic streak of blue or purple to your hair will give you the proper otherworldly look . however , make sure you arent going against the school dress code when dyeing your hair . take good care of your hair by washing it at least three to four times a week . brush it every morning and night , for mermaids love brushing their hair . plus , its good for your scalp and causes your hair to become healthier . if your hair isnt already silky , try using a different shampoo type to get those desired results . also , conditioner can help soften and strengthen your hair if you use the right amount . try purchasing tropical scented shampoos and conditioners that will instantly remind people of the sea . start with some hair clips in the shape of sea creatures . starfish , dolphins , fish and seahorses are all very popular . look for necklaces , earrings , bracelets , and brooches with the same shapes . if you cant find anything appropriate in local stores , a simple shell necklace is easy to find and will give the same effect . make sure to always wear it over your clothing and not hide it underneath your shirt so people can easily see it . try to purchase a shell necklace that looks or is authentic . if this is impossible , go to the beach and find a small shell that you can hook a chain around it . sometimes , there are small holes in the shells - usually found in the smaller shells - that is big enough to let a chain through , but small enough so that it doesnt crack the shell . dont wear the shell necklace when you go to sleep , or you might accidentally crack it in your sleep take it off before bedtime and showering so that you will preserve it well . bright blues and greens are associated with the ocean , as well as anything turquoise or aqua . you dont have to stick to just those colors though a flash of purple or orange will give your outfit a tropical look . look at pictures of ocean life and try to copy some of those vivid colors and patterns . avoid wearing mermaid costumes to school because people will either think youre trying too hard or they wont take you seriously . however , do wear a mermaid costume if you go trick - or - treating on halloween night , but dont overdo the look blues , greens , and purples will match your clothes and draw peoples attention when you comb your fingers through your long hair . a subtle blue tint on your lips or in the outer corner of your eye will accentuate your outfit . try to avoid sparkly shades and glitter that could draw too much attention and make you look like youre trying too hard . mermaids sometimes are shy and dont like to draw attention to themselves . when the subject of underwater life and the ocean comes up in class , act interested but informed , as if you are already an expert . talk a little about fish , currents , and tidal waves . if your classroom has an aquarium , take it as an opportunity to be either mesmerized or insulted . be ready to point it out when others are mistaken but dont make a nuisance of yourself . a true mermaid would not be likely to enjoy having the secrets of her people discussed in public . your silence on the subject will make people all the more intrigued . although you might want to drop a subtle hint , along the lines of the little mermaid got it all wrong . you dont have to run through the hallways screaming , but it doesnt hurt to act a little nervous and quickly dry yourself off . if youre not walking around with a mermaid tail 247 then you are most likely a mermaid that transforms at the touch of water . it makes sense for you to avoid transforming at school and acting the part will make it more real . if you have to come into contact with water , wear a special charm on your necklace or in your hair that you never remove , and drop hints about how it prevents you from transforming without saying it outright . it may help if your charm is sterling silver . this will be explained later . if no one notices your nervousness at the touch of water , dont worry . gradually , they probably will start to notice it . however , if you add more drama to it , people will think youre a drama queen andor trying to get attention . mermaids are known for their beautiful voices . if your voice is naturally good , show it off when youre listening to the car radio or hanging out in the choir room . if not , get some lessons in private and in the meantime , let others know that youre afraid to sing in public and let them draw their own conclusions as to why . avoid singing too much or people will think youre only trying to show others how good you are . then , theyll start to ignore , avoid , andor dislike you . if worse comes to worse and you still cant develop your singing talent , dont worry . you dont have to sing to be a mermaid - just avoid singing and dont tell anyone about your voice . a true mermaid would be concerned at the destruction of her habitat . join an environmental protection club or a pollution awareness campaign . research the dangers of overfishing and oil spills . if you live near a beach , take part in clean - up projects . dont go overboard with this and lecture everyone about keeping marine life and the sea safe . otherwise , people will find you annoying and think that youre only trying to get attention . write down your experiences living underwater , transforming , and the trials of keeping your secret . you can choose to keep this book for yourself or take it to school and let others guess at the contents . if you do choose to take your diary to school , be very protective about it and always have it with you in your sight . this will enhance the mystery and make people wonder what is in your diary . if the students are desperate enough , they might try to steal it and peek inside , so you must keep it with you at all costs - unless your plan is to let them see it . however , this isnt recommended , as the other students might tease you about this and this could ruin your mermaid life . before you go to sleep , try imagining yourself as a mermaid in the ocean . listen for the sound of the waves . picture yourself surrounded by schools of fish or running your hands over a cluster of coral . feel your body swaying in the pull of the tides . these exercises will spill over into your dreams . dont be surprised if you wake up feeling like youve just been for a long swim visit the sea whenever you can and swim in it . act like you are at home and if you do feel at home , this should be easy for you linger in the water for as long as you can and run your hands through it to show how much you love it . when you have to leave , reluctantly pull away , but dont delay for too long or you could become annoying . if you live near the beach and you are allowed to visit it whenever you please , go visit it whenever you can the more often you hang out at it , the more likely people will think that you truly are a mermaid . if you dont live anywhere near the beach , visit the pool and swim in it as much as you can . avoid swimming in the pool when people - stranger or friends - are around and immediately leave . if you have no option but to swim with others , wear your charm in the pool with you . only do this if it is sterling silver , as it will not discolour or rust . when youre alone in the pool , practice swimming like a mermaid . then , show off your moves at the beach whenever you can visit it if you drop too many hints or act too self - important , people will start to get irritated . the point of this is to become a mermaid , not to alienate your friends . try sticking to a few subtle hints and some basic costuming every day , instead of going for the full effect all the time . if you start to feel bored or uncomfortable in your role , then maybe its time to take a break . remember that being a mermaid is about having fun . youre living in two worlds now , but dont let it become a chore . this is for your enjoyment only . |
for males , a werewolf look would be best at school with a flannel shirt unbuttoned , a tee shirt neutral colored and preferably not graphic , torn jeans , work boots , combat boots , or sneakers . for females , you can wear tee shirts same rules apply as they did to the males , a flannel shirt , torn jeans , torn shorts , sneakers , combat boots , or work boots maybe not . wear camo , leather , and neutral colors . dont forget the moon phases . look up a moon phase chart for the year . near the full moon , act antsy and nervous . near the new moon act frustrated and tired , because after all , you would have a lack of power at that time . find people to bond with . meet up with them in the hallway unexpectedly . stand up for them , dont let them be doormats . pay attention to your stride . dont let people that arent in your pack see you eat . wolves have a certain way of eating . learn different expressions and body language wolves do to greet different social positions . if someone is your enemy , slightly tilt your head towards the floor and look at them in they eye . if someone is of a lower position than you , prey then act slightly aggressive but do not act as if theyre your enemy , because thats not a fair fight . if someone is your friend , greet them very openly . if someone is your superior , look up to them slightly . have a close knit group of friends , and tend to stay away from outsiders . start working out . avoid makeup . | how to act like a modern day lycanthrope | you may want to wear a light jacket . a neutral color is also preferred . while not at school , you may want to go shirtless . , after a full moon , you may want to add a bit of mud to your shoes , hair , or clothes . also some rips and tears are good . do not overdo it or youll look cheap . , get a bit moody and somewhat aggressive . , these people will be your pack . you must be protective over them , and sometimes you just kinda sneak up on them to check on them . , your gait must be powerful , aggressive , and confident . look like you are ready to hunt your prey down . pretend you are on the lookout for your prey . try to walk quietly as well . , they like to eat with their pack and they usually stop eating for a few days , then feast and rest to let it digest . of course , dont follow these eating habits , but make it appear as if you do . pack a lunch and eat it somewhere hidden , smile with your mouth open and lean towards them slightly . make yourself appear taller . this will make you seem dominant and aggressive . , tilt back from them slightly , tilt your head to the left or right a bit , and smile with a closed mouth . this gives you an open , friendly air . bend your knees a bit , and lean back . become muscular and it will help give you the werewolf look . just imagine a wolf with fake eyelashes and lipstick . |
obtain takeoff clearance from the tower or announce your intentions on the common traffic advisory frequency ctaf , taxi onto the runway and align the plane with the center - line . if acceleration from the hold short line is not possible , taxi to the takeoff end . smoothly apply full power and release the brakes once the rpm is in the green arc . keep the plane centered with the rudder pedals . by the point of time you reach about 20 below rotation speed , set the flaps to the takeoff position . once rotation speed is reached gently pull back on the yoke . if the density altitude and gross weight are both climb at the best angle of climb speed , vx , which can also be found in the poh . enter the pattern as you would at any airport after contacting the tower or announcing your position on the ctaf . fly the standard traffic pattern , beginning your descent on the downwind leg abeam the touchdown point of the runway . turn final to align the plane with the runway and lower flaps completely 30° or 40° depending on the aircraft . dont forget to lower your gear if your aircraft has a retractable undercarriage fly the approach using a point just before the threshold as your reference . raise the flaps and apply maximum braking without locking the wheels . exit the runway to make room for other aircraft traffic . | how to takeoff and land on a short runway | taxi as close to the takeoff end of the runway as this allows you to use all the length of the runway . with some very short runways it may be helpful to start acceleration at the hold short line of the runway thus arriving speed at takeoff end of the runway with ten or fifteen knots of airspeed already developed . apply your toe brakes and leave the flaps in 0° position . , this speed , called vr , can be found in the pilots operating handbook poh . this speed will give you the most climb over distance only until energy airspeed bleeds off . at that point you must reduce the angle to maintain the vx speed that is in the poh , dont forget to lower 10° of flaps . when the runway is 45° over your shoulder , turn base and lower another 10° of flaps . , maintain awareness for power lines , trees , fences , or other obstructions with short field techniques . use power to maintain glide slope and elevator to maintain a speed that will not allow this point to appear to speed up or slow down . a couple feet before the edge of the runway , pull the power back to idle and gently flare to lose airspeed and touch down on the numbers . apply full back pressure on the yoke to keep the weight on the main gear . |
use a preflight checklist if you have one . begin your preflight in the cockpit , since before flying , you will need to make sure all cockpit equipment is operating , and the fuel tanks have sufficient fuel for your flight . exit the aircraft . walk around the aircraft , looking for damage cause by impacts or cracks and seams separating from airframe fatigue , hard landings , or other mishaps . begin at the right wing , after exiting the aircraft , and look at the forward wing surface for nicks , loose fasteners , dents , or other damage . remove the fuel cap for wing fuel tanks and visually confirm they have sufficient fuel to make your flight . check stall indicator depending on which wing it is mounted on , struts , if applicable , and other features on the right wing . move down the right side of the aircraft . move to the tail assembly . look at the antennae assembly , which is usually located at the tail , as well as the tail wheel , to be sure no lubricants or brake fluid is leaking , and that the tire is properly inflated . move to the opposite side of the aircraft , continuing to look over the aircraft skin to the wing . move to the front of the aircraft and look at the exhaust looking for oil blow - out and other damage . check the engine oil , the ignition wires , magneto electrical connections , and the fuel lines and other hoses to be sure they are seated properly and tightly clamped . move to the propeller . check for fuel or lubricant leaks around the engine compartment , cowling , and fuel tank locations . take a look at the wheels , landing gear , and landing gear compartment doors . remove the wing tie downs and wheel chocks , walk to the front of the aircraft , and take a long , careful look to make sure you have not overlooked anything . | how to pre flight an aircraft | many rental or fleet aircraft have one which may have all recent service , inspection , and maintenance information updated for each aircraft . here are some things you may see flight hours . because aircraft maintenance is usually scheduled at flight hour intervals , the actual hours flown are logged to accommodate scheduling service dates for these activities . pilot observations . when more than one pilot is likely to operate an aircraft , it is beneficial to have input from each pilot as to the flight characteristics of the plane . one pilot may notice a vibration , shudder , or other physical anomaly , or unusual readouts from gauges while in flight , that the next pilot should be aware of . service schedule . if a component airframe , engine , etc has a scheduled 100 hrs inspection due after 5 more flight hours , a longer flight could be postponed until the service is performed , or another aircraft utilized . make sure the aircraft registration , certification , and other paperwork is in the cabin and up to date . make sure the ignition switch is in the off position . turn on the master power switch . check the fuel gauges . if the fuel is low , call for the service truck to bring your fuel out while you continue to do the rest of your checks . listen to the sounds of equipment powering on . radio cooling fans , instrument gyros , and other equipment make noticeable sounds , and when unusual sounds are heard , it may be a warning an instrument or radio could fail in - flight . check flaps , landing gear lockdown levers , and other flight controllers for smooth , normal function . as you climb out of the cabin , take a look at the seat support rails on small aircraft to make sure the seat is anchored securely and all fasteners are in place . check the cabin door to be sure it operates smoothly and shuts securely . worn hinges or latches that do not secure properly can cause an inflight emergency . if the door does not move smoothly into open and closed positions , it may indicate the airframe and internal structure are damaged . , look at the flight control surfaces , flaps , and ailerons . make sure that items are secure and have no loose fasteners . replace the fuel cap securely . , continue looking at the aircraft surface . be particularly careful to observe defects or loose fasteners in the aircraft surface . while at the tail , you may remove the wheel chock or tail tie - down . look at the elevators and the rudder . as with all control surfaces , these should be tight , with no loose motion or free play . give the gear suspension a once - over , too , making sure any boots or covers are in place , and that all support cables are tight . remove the fuel cap and look into the tank to be sure it is fueled , replace the tank cap securely , and check out the control surfaces again , the ailerons and flaps . , look at the alternator belt to make sure it is tight , and the air intake to be sure it is not obstructed . never place your body in the swing radius of an airplane propeller . check the spinner for lubricant leaks , missing bolts and pins , or other problems . look at the propeller itself , to be sure the blades are not cracked , bent , delaminated , or damaged in other ways . any leaks or appearance of fluid on the aircraft skin should be inspected by a trained maintenance person prior to flight . look for loose fittings , tires which may have tread separation , low inflation pressure , and other defects . |
while taxiing , apply full back pressure on the yoke pull it towards you to relieve the pressure on the nose wheel . if you can , dont stop at the hold short line only if you have permission to do so and traffic conditions allow for it . once you have obtained clearance only at towered airports , taxi onto the runway and align on the center - line . do not stop . the nose will begin to rise . the plane will takeoff on its own . as the speed increases , you will need to apply even more forward pressure on the yoke . once you reach a safe airspeed usually the best rate of climb also known as vy , raise the nose and climb , maintaining vy . enter the pattern as you would at any airport after contacting the tower or announcing your position on the ctaf . fly the standard traffic pattern , beginning your descent on the downwind leg abeam the touchdown point of the runway . when the runway is 45° over your shoulder , turn base and lower another 10° of flaps . turn final to align the plane with the runway and lower flaps completely 30° or 40° depending on the aircraft . once you are a couple feet above the runway , gently flare and add a little bit of power . as soon as the main gear touches the runway , pull the power back to idle . apply full back pressure on the yoke to keep the nose wheel off the ground . holding full back pressure , taxi off the runway to make room for other traffic . | how to takeoff and land on a soft runway | keep the braking to a minimum as much as possible so you can keep your inertia . depending on conditions you may want to lower your flaps to 10° at this point . always obey the controller if at a towered airport . look for traffic approaching to land . lower the flaps to 10° if you havent already . when all is clear , radio the tower or announce your intentions on the common traffic advisory frequency ctaf . ctaf is used at non - towered airports or when the tower is closed . , as soon as you are lined up , smoothly apply full power and continue to hold the yoke back . continue to hold back pressure to keep the nose wheel off the ground . the cowling should be aligned with the horizon . quickly , but smoothly , apply forward pressure to lower the nose . the plane is off the ground but does not have enough lift to fly . this is called ground effect . it feels as if the plane is flying on a cushion of air between the wings and the ground although this is not really the case at all - - that feeling is caused by the ground interfering with the wingtip vorticesdown wash , reducing overall drag and therefore increasing airplane performance . if you go too high , you will lose this cushion , the drag will increase thus decreasing airplane performance and lift , and you may crash . try to keep you altitude above the runway approximately equal to your wingspan . you will feel like you are flying in a nose low pitch attitude - - and you are this information can be found in your pilots operating handbook poh . , dont forget to lower 10° of flaps . , once you have the runway made , pull the throttle to idle . adding a little power at this point allows you slow your decent rate , and keeps you from slamming into the ground and flipping the plane . it also allows you to touch down at a slower airspeed making for a softer landing . , allow it to settle on its own . you may need enough speed to avoid settling and getting stuck - use caution |
wear whimsical clothes . if you have to wear a school uniform . use natural makeup . draw people in . try to walk silently . love nature and the world . surprise your teachers with your knowledge of many subjects . if you are made fun of , dont give a hey . elves love music . | how to act elven at school | try wearing gypsy - style or bohemian clothing . for a forest elf , green , brown , blue , silver , white and beige are good colors to start with . make sure they fit on you . also , peasant tops and maxi skirts are a great choice . sandals in the summer and ankle or knee long boots are good for winter . animal prints like zebra and leopard are a bad idea . let your hair grow long and keep it down or in a bohemian style in a natural hair color not too far away from your own as this can look unnatural . this restricts you greatly in the clothes department but you can still work the look . wear if you can more floaty , lightweight skirts and not too short elves are modest and elegant . move away from chunky , stocky clothing and try to keep it as elegant as you can . accessories are helpful wear delicate silver necklaces , rings or bracelets but do not go overboard . clipping tiny flower clips or wearing a flower head circlet is perfect for this look so long as it doesnt clash with your uniform . shoes should not make noises as elves are known for being silent in their movement . an elf does not have cakey makeup . they are subtly beautiful . use eyeliner , light eyeshadow , loose powder , and lip balm . stick to light colors , like pale blues , greens , lavender , white , and silver . if you feel braver , use brown . go light . you want your classmates to flock to you . be mature , slightly withdrawn and quiet but friendly , walk , talk , breathe musically . be elegant and loyal to your friends . keep in control of your emotions , dont get angry easily , but if you do , let it be known . always be ready to help others give them kind and wise words but do not order them what to do and do not become a slave to others yourself . elves are always quiet . express it in art class . you may also want to give up meat as elves love and respect animals . elves are well educated , smart , and have a vast knowledge of various things and workings of the world . also , do not be angry . elves are beyond child - like bullies and do not give them the satisfaction of their anger . however , this does not mean you cannot stick up for yourself , but in doing so , remain calm and collected and if things persist , inform the powers that be . pick up an instrument and join a choir and or band and participate in musical events at school . great instruments to learn are the flute , piano , violin etc anything with a pretty sound , veer away from brass instruments . |
begin with locating a single radio source by looking first to the adf control panel figure 2 to select the proper setting push the button labeled adf . next , select the radio station you wish to locate based on those selected for your flight path in your previously determined flight plan , and utilize the tuning knob seen on panel in figure 2 in order to tune into that stations frequency . at this point , in aircraft where it is automated as it is in the majority of newer models , the aircrafts loop antenna figures 3 4 , contained in a casing often found on the underside of the aircraft , will receive the signal being projected from the station it is tuned into and produce an audio output for the you or your navigator to hear , in the form of morse code . the designation for the station being received comes through as a series of short and long beeps , representing the dots and dashes involved in morse code , which you or your navigator must interpret with the purpose of confirming the station . once this is confirmed , the one interpreting the signal must look to the rmi , which will at this point indicate on the compass the bearing of the station in degrees with regards to the aircrafts relative position figure 5 . once the bearing is read , record it on a navigation chart for further reference . in order to continue on to find the aircrafts position , you , the pilot , or your navigator must then select the frequency of a second station , using the same method as with the first . determine the bearing of the second station the thinnest needle will remain tuned into the first frequency , and the second and thickest needle on the rmi will indicate the new bearing , also in degrees . read the bearing , then be plot it onto the navigation chart with the first . with the bearings of both stations determined , you must now draw straight lines from both locations to indicate the headings of the radio signals . in order to track the positioning of the aircraft throughout flight , repeat the above steps in the same manner , accounting for the change in frequency with each new radio station . | how to navigate in flight using an automatic direction finder | , the setting needed to read both frequencies at the same time varies based on the system installed in a given cockpit . , the point in which they intersect will be the location of the aircraft in flight . |
check the type of flight . enter your aircraft identification . enter your aircraft type and special equipment . enter the aircrafts true airspeed tas in knots . enter the airport identifier code for your departure point . enter your proposed departure time in coordinated universal time utc or zulu . enter your cruising altitude . define your route of flight . enter the identifier for your destination airport . enter your estimated time en route ete in hours and minutes . enter any remarks to help atc or clarify other flight plan information . specify the amount of fuel on board in hours and minutes . specify any alternate airports if desired . enter your name , address , telephone number , and home base . enter the number of persons on board including yourself , passengers , and crew . enter the predominant colors of your aircraft . record a destination telephone number optional to assist search and rescue contact if you are more than half an hour late of your estimated time of arrival eta . call your flight service station fss and give them all the information above . vfr flights should activate their flight plan once airborne by contacting flight service on the radio . vfr flights should close their flight plan after arriving at your destination by calling fss . | how to file an faa flight plan | it will be vfr visual flight rules , ifr instrument flight rules , or dvfr defense visual flight rules . to file a composite flight plan a portion of the flight vfr and ifr check both boxes . this is your tail number or designated call sign . the equipment codes are as follow no dme x no transponder t transponder with no mode c u transponder with mode c dme d no transponder b transponder with no mode c a transponder with mode c tacan only m no transponder n transponder with no mode c p transponder with mode c area navigation rnav with loran , vordme , or ins y no transponder c transponder with no mode c i transponder with mode c advanced rnav with transponder and mode c e flight management system fms with dmedme and iru positioning update f fms with dmedme position updating g global navigation satellite system gnss r required navigational performance rnp reduced vertical separation minimum rvsm j e with rvsm k f with rvsm l g with rvsm q r with rvsm w rvsm , the name of the airport can be used if you do not know the identifier code . , if you plan on more than one cruising altitude , only list the initial altitude . use navaid codes , airport codes , and airways as applicable . you do not need to enter the departure airport or destination as those are included in separate blocks . start with the first checkpoint or instrument departure procedure followed by subsequent checkpoints . for example depart3 . abc - v 23 - v 104 - xyz direct ksfo direct xyz - v 84 - intsc , for example 1 30 min such as the registration number if using a designated call sign . if you are flying ifr and do not wish to use a published departure procedure , write no dp in this section . note you will still need to fly the obstacle departure procedure for the airport if the weather is below vmc visual meteorological conditions to ensure terrain clearance . , for ifr flights , you are required to list an alternate if , for your destination airport one hour before and after your estimated time of arrival , the ceiling is forecast below 2 , 000 feet 609 . 6 m or visibility less than 3 miles 4 . 8 km . remember the 1 - 2 - 3 rule ±1 hr , ceiling 2000 ft , visibility 3 mi . this information will help in the event of a search and rescue mission . , flight plans may also be filed on - line through a number of services including duats . the frequency can be found on a vfr or ifr chart and in the airport facility directory . ifr flights should contact departure or center on the appropriate frequency ifr flights are closed automatically upon arrival at airports with towers . |
the aircraft identification aircraft registration you will find this on the side of the aircraft flight rules select vfr by placing a v in the box i for ifr v for vfr y for ifr first , then vfr z for vfr first , then ifr type of flight place a g in the box s for scheduled air service n for non - scheduled air transport operation g for general aviation m for military x for other than the preceding categories number of aircraft select one unless you are completing a flight plan for more than one plane type of aircraft record the type of aircraft completing the flight ex . wake turbulence select the one which applies for a c150 select l h – heavy , to indicate an aircraft type with a maximum certified takeoff mass of 136 000 kg 300 000 lbs or more . equipment select all which apply you can find this information from the plane i ins r rnp type certification j data link t tacan c loran c k mls u uhf d dme l ils v vhf w rvsm certification f adf o vor x mnps certification g gnss y cmnps certification h hf rtf z other equipment carried departure aerodrome use location indicators for aerodrome found in the cfs canada flight supplement ex . time this is the time you are departing in utc cruising speed determine your cruising speed then enter it in knots or as a mach number altitude record in asl height above sea level route this is very important for search and rescue you must fill in the identifying letters for the aerodromes on your route . destination aerodrome this is your destination or were you want to end up total eet estimated elapsed time fill in using numbers deduced from your pre flight calculations sar this is the amount of time from when your eet expires to when you must close the flight plan . note must not be more than 24 hours from total eet , endurance is the amount of time the airplane can stay airborne found from fuel on board and the amount of fuel burn elt what kind of elt is on board a or ad automatic ejectable or automatic deployable f or af fixed or automatic fixed ap automatic portable p personal w or s water activated or survival aircraft colors and markings , what the plane looks like and any distinct markings ex . pilot in command and pilots licence number , who is flying the plane and their licence number call 1 866 992 7433 talk to person go flying | how to file a vfr flight plan in canada | , c150 cessna 150 m – medium , to indicate an aircraft type with a maximum certified takeoff mass of less than 136 000 kg 300 000 lbs , but more than 7 000 kg 15 500 lbs . l – light , to indicate an aircraft type with a maximum certified takeoff mass of 7 000 kg 15 500 lbs or less , cyow , this will let people know were you are going . , if the flight plan is not closed search and rescue will come looking for you . , pink tail , |
determine the holding fix . visualize the holding course . draw the holding pattern . determine the correct entry procedure . time the legs . watch your speed . | how to fly a holding pattern 1 | air traffic control atc will give you instructions to hold north of skier intersection as published or give you specific holding instructions such as hold south - east of falcon vor on victor 366 , left turns . the holding fix can be identified on an instrument flying chart and will usually be an intersection of victor airways pre - established flying routes between vor navigational aids , a vor very high frequency omnirange station , or an ndbnondirectional beacon . this is the position in relation to the holding fix that atc would like you to hold at . they may say hold west on victor 8 or hold on the kremmling 260° radial . you should be very familiar with vor and ndb radials and bearings before flying holding patterns . the holding course is the course to fly to the station . this will always be the reciprocal of the radial or bearing from the station eg the 260° radial would result in a 080° holding course . to quickly identify this , take a piece of paper and put a dot for the holding fix and draw a line in the direction of the radial or airway to hold on . place an arrow pointing to the station to identify the holding course . once you have the fix and course , mentally or physically draw a picture of the holding pattern . you will need to determine if it is standard or non - standard . a standard pattern turns are to the right , while non - standard turns are to the left . if the pattern is non - standard , it will be published on the chart as left turns or atc will say non - standard pattern or left turns . starting at the holding fix , draw a 180° turn in the direction specified left or right , continue the line paralleling the holding course , and draw another 180° turn to bring you back to the holding course . this is the famous racetrack or holding pattern . depending on where you enter the holding pattern , you will need to follow an entry procedure . if you are coming from 70° to the left right for non - standard patterns of the holding course , use a teardrop procedure . coming from 110° to the right or left if non - standard , use the parallel procedure . and from the remaining 180° , fly a direct entry . the entry procedures are outlined below parallel procedure . when approaching the holding fix from anywhere within sector a , turn to a heading to parallel the holding course outbound on the non - holding side for the appropriate time see step 5 , turn in the direction of the holding pattern through more than 180 degrees , and return to the holding fix or intercept the holding course inbound . teardrop procedure . when approaching the holding fix from anywhere in sector b , turn outbound to a heading 30° from the holding course on the holding side for the appropriate time , then turn in the direction of the holding pattern to intercept the inbound holding course . direct entry procedure . when approaching the holding fix from anywhere in sector c , fly directly to the fix and turn to follow the holding pattern . the pattern should be flown so the inbound leg is one minute long if you are flying at or below 14 , 000 feet 4 , 267 . 2 m mean sea level msl or one and a half minutes above 14 , 000 feet 4 , 267 . 2 m msl . at the holding fix , make a 180° standard rate turn 3°sec in the direction specified for the pattern standard or non - standard . when you are abeam the holding fix or after rolling out of the turn if you are unable to determine abeam the fix , start timing the outbound leg . after a minute 1½ minutes above 14 , 000ft , make another 180° turn in the same direction to intercept the holding course . time the inbound leg until reaching the holding fix . if there is little or no wind , it should be one or 1½ minutes as appropriate . if not , you will need to adjust the outbound leg to make the inbound leg the appropriate time . for example , if you are flying at 12 , 000 feet 3 , 657 . 6 m and find that it takes 45 seconds to fly the inbound leg after flying outbound for one minute , make your outbound leg 1 minute and 15 seconds next time . similarly , if the inbound leg comes out as 1 minute 30 seconds , shorten the outbound leg by the extra 30 seconds . remember not to start timing the outbound leg until you are directly abeam the holding fix . unless otherwise depicted on a chart or directed by atc , maximum holding airspeed between the minimum holding altitude and 6 , 000 feet 1 , 828 . 8 m is 200 knots indicated airspeed kias . between 6001 and 14 , 000 feet 0 . 0 m , dont fly faster than 230 kias and above 14 , 000 feet 4 , 267 . 2 m , maximum airspeed is 265 kias . |
adjust for wind to make the inbound leg the appropriate time . triple your crosswind correction on the outbound leg . | how to fly a holding pattern 2 | if the inbound leg is shorter than it should be , lengthen the outbound leg by the difference . if the inbound leg is too long , shorten the outbound leg by the excess time . for example , flying below 14 , 000 feet 4 , 267 . 2 m , if the inbound leg takes one minute , 45 seconds to complete , time the outbound leg for 15 seconds one minute minus the extra 45 seconds from the inbound leg . if you have a 10° crosswind correction to hold your track on the inbound leg , fly the outbound leg with 30° correction . maintain standard rate turns . |
some holding patterns require the use of distance measuring equipment dme or gps along - track distance atd . enter the pattern as appropriate teardrop , parallel , or direct . start the turn to the outbound leg at the specified dmeatd fix . end the outbound leg and turn to the inbound leg at the required distance instead of timing the leg . | how to fly a holding pattern 3 | the basics are the same as above except a dme distance is used as the holding fix . for example , if you are holding on the 10dme fix to the navaid and flying 5 mile 8 . 0 km legs as directed by atc , you would end the outbound leg at 15 miles 24 km dme see diagram above . if you are holding away from the navaid , subtract the length of the legs from the holding fix . for example , if you are holding on the 20dme fix and flying away from the navaid , end your outbound leg at 25dme . |
tune and identify . get your bearing . | how to navigate using a vor 1 | tune the vor frequency in the navigation radio . it will be listed on vfr and ifr charts as well as instrument approaches if it is a part of the approach . identify that you have the correct station and the signal is reliable by listening to the morse code identifier . if you see a red nav or vor flag , barber pole , or off instead of a tofr indication , the signal is unreliable , you are overhead , or roughly 90º from the selected radial . the signal is unreliable when you cannot hear the morse code identifier . a red gs flag is not a vor indication . determine which radial you are on by turning the obs omni bearing selector knob until the cdi course deviation indicator needle is centered and you have a from indication . looking at the picture above , you can see that the needle is centered and the instrument gives a from indication as a small white triangle is showing and pointing down so the aircraft is on the 254 degree radial . it doesnt matter what the heading of the aircraft is it is located somewhere along a line 254° from the vor station . in order to fly to the vor station , you would first twist the obs knob until the needle is centered and the white triangle appears , next to the to designator in the opposite direction , or up , from the fr designator . note that this will be 074 degrees , exactly 180° from the current radial . now turn the aircraft to this new heading and keep the needle centered - - this will take you to the vor station . |
fly the direction of the desired radial . intercept the course . track the radial . adjust for wind . | how to navigate using a vor 2 | you can find the direction of an airway on either a vfr or ifr chart . set the radials direction into the obs and turn the aircraft to fly that heading . once established on the heading , note the position of the cdi . if it is to the right , your radial is to the right . likewise , if it is left , the radial is left . turn 30 degrees in the direction of the cdi to intercept the course . although 30° is most common and easy to use , you can use any intercept angle . for instance , if you are far enough from the desired course , it may take more than 30° to intercept the course before reaching your destination . as the cdi moves close to the center , turn your heading to match the radial . keep the needle centered to stay on the radial . if the needle starts drifting left , turn left to get back on course . tracking inbound towards the station and outbound away from the station radials is exactly the same , except you should get a to indication when flying inbound and a from indication when flying outbound on a radial . aircraft heading opposite the direction of the radial will experience reverse sensing which is the cdi indicating right when the radial is to the left , and indicating left when the radial is to the right . if you find yourself blown off the radial by the wind , note the amount of deflection , then intercept the radial by turning the aircraft towards the radial twice as many degrees as the deflection . when the needle centers , turn only halfway back to the original heading to provide a wind correction angle wca . |
tune and identify both vors just as before . set the obs . wait for both cdi needles to center . | how to navigate using a vor 3 | two vor receivers are best , but you can still identify an intersection with one vor by switching the frequency and comparing the radials of both vors . use the obs to set the correct radials from each vor . the radials will be displayed on vfr and ifr charts if they are victor airways , but any two intersecting radials may be used . on vfr charts , the arrows identifying the intersection point to the vor , while the arrows on an ifr chart point from the vor toward the intersection . while tracking the course on one vor , watch the other vor to see when the cdi centers . when both needles are centered , you are on the intersection . if dme equipped and using a vordme or vortac , use dme to eliminate the need for a second vor . while tracking the vor radial , use the dme to find your distance from the station . dme distances will be displayed on ifr charts when it can be used to identify an intersection . for example , waric intersection is defined by the 238 radial from the vor and the 21 nm dme fix . |
mentally go over exactly what you will say before touching the radio and keep it in mind . determine your position . acquire necessary information . communicate your request in a professional and organized manner . read back any important information to ensure you received the correct message . | how to communicate with an air traffic control tower | if you are on the ground , you will need to tell the controller exactly where you are eg . alpha taxiway , general aviation ramp , gate 5 , runway 20 , parking spot 2 . look for the black and yellow position signs . if you are in the air and approaching the airport , determine the distance , msl altitude and bearing east , north , southeast , northwest , etc . from the field . make sure you contact the tower and establish two - way communications before entering class d or c airspace and obtain a clearance before entering class b airspace . if you are calling tower approaching the field or talking to ground control with a request to taxi , you will need the current atis information if available . also , prepare the frequencies you will need ahead of time atisawos , clearance delivery , ground , tower , approach control , departure . set the next frequencies in the standby radio or write them on a paper easily accessible to you in the cockpit . the standard format is who youre calling , who you are callsign , where you are , and what you want . for example , heathrow ground , cessna golf echo golf november romeo , on west apron , with information tango , request taxi for v - f - r flight departing to the south . this includes all hold - short instructions , takeofflanding clearance include specific runway , frequency changes , ifr clearances , etc . for example , los angeles tower , mooney niner one seven victor , cleared to land runway two five left . remember this . |
research information about your convention . know the location of your convention . know the length of the convention . register for the convention . have a planned out budget . determine your clothing choice . pack a survival kit and supplies . arrive early . establish a strategy to navigate the bazaar . plan your panels and parties . communicate with the cosplayers . plan to leave early . contact your ride . collect your group . shower , rest and repeat . | how to survive a nerd convention | it is important that the primary topic of your convention is something that you are interested in . knowing the subject of your convention will enable you to enjoy yourself more with people who share the same interests as you . you should know how far and how long you have to drive in advance . you should know how many days your convention is and if it runs 24 hours or if it closes at a specific time . the cost of your pass will vary depending on the convention and its duration . you may preorder your pass online or you also have the option for you to purchase your pass at the door . you should already have a budget that accounts for your convention pass , emergencies , food , transportation , and if applicable lodging . keep additional funds for purchases at bazaars and vendors . that sell an array of items , clothes , and paraphernalia for your fandom . , to attend a convention you should always wear comfortable walking shoes and layers . you will want to be able to adjust your outfit accordingly to both very cool and very warm situations , given that you will be in both open and enclosed spaces with mixtures of large crowds of people . plan out your cosplay you want to completely embody a character of your choosing plan your cosplay well in advance . this may require wigs or hair dye , prosthetics , heels or bare feet , masks , full body suits , large props depending on your character , and outfits made out of a large amount of material or little to no material at all . be sure to have comfortable clothes with you in case you wish to change at any time . make sure that all your props can fit within your mode of transport . you can be at conventions for hours without returning home or to your hotel room . your convention survival kit will have specific items that go beyond general necessities , but will increase the comfort and ease in which you attend the convention . a convention survival kit should contain a small backpack . a small backpack will be able to hold personal supplies that you bring , your schedules and maps , in addition to most items you purchase while at the convention . convention pass . place your pass in a lanyard that you can wear around your neck to limit your chances of losing it . insure you have this before you arrive at the convention , as you cannot even attempt to enjoy the festivities if you dont have the pass to allow you entrance . schedules and maps . maps are especially important when attending a convention in an unfamiliar place or location . you will want schedules so that you know what and when things are happening around you in the convention . refillable water bottle and snacks . keep your own water in preparation for when you are tired and exhausted . convention food will always be expensive . carry your own convenient preferably resealable personal snacks . you may also want to map out alternative food areas as an alternative . portable phone charger . have a portable phone charger that you can plug into your phone so that you are allowed to charge your device without being immobilized by a wall outlet . deodorant . even if you apply before it before you leave , carry it with you always . do yourself and the people in your immediate area a favor and be prepared . you will understand the necessity when you encounter others who have forgotten to bring theirs , or to put any on to begin with . your schedule . your specific schedule should be pre - planned by you to see what events and what times you want to attend . your schedule can maximize the experience that you get out of your convention by letting you participate in things that interest you . make an effort to arrive to the convention 30 minutes or more before it begins . recall that there will be a large amount of people attending the convention . even if you purchase your pass in advance , you want to cut down on the amount of time that you wait in line . it will enable you to be the first at certain quality vendors that may sell out , events that may fill up , or games that they have early that will be gone later in the day . if you dont purchase your pass in advance , definitely arrive no less than an hour before the convention begins so that you can be one of the first to receive your pass without waiting for hours in line . in the bazaar there will be a vast amount of people , cosplayers , venders , and props everywhere and it may seem overwhelming . decipher the way venders are arranged . they will most likely be in rows and columns , or specifically squared of sections with venders of similar materials located in the same area . if arranged in columns and rows , venture down one the row closest to the door you enter . once you reach the end , turn around and travel down the same row in the opposite direction . this will allow you to see all the vendors have to offer without tearing your attention between the two sides . once you reach the end , you can turn and go down the next row . looking at the schedule you planned out before the convention , you should have developed priorities for what you want most out of your convention experience . among the many panels , parties and events , you will have picked out ahead of time the few that you wish to attend and participate in . these are the parts of the convention where you can actively participate in things tailored specifically to your fandoms and interests . plan them out accordingly . engaging with anyone is absolutely your choice . however , some cosplayers put a great amount of time , effort , and money , into their costumes and outfits so that you will interact with them . cosplayers can be solo , or travel in a pack with other cosplayers for a full cast affect . it is one of the most intricate and interesting parts of conventions . ask permission . the more accurate , intricate , or expensive a cosplay seems to be , the more likely that person would be open and willing to take a photo for or with you . however , they also cosplay for their own enjoyment . make sure that you gain consent before you assume that someone would be willing to pose for you . you will have arrived at your convention early and remained all day with little to no breaks - its okay to leave an hour or two early . with the schedule that you developed , you should have managed to visit , experience , and purchase a majority of everything that you wanted from the convention . leave early to avoid crowds on the way home . if you were dropped off , call the person to come you pick you up a half an hour or so in advance . be mindful that they have to navigate the traffic with hundreds of people coming and going from the convention . give them time to navigate safely and still come pick you up when youre ready to go . before you leave , make sure that everyone you came with is also ready to go . you dont want anyone to be left behind and you also want to make sure that the rest of the group has managed to complete their convention tasks as well . by the time you return home , you will have the strong smell of victorious convention survival . as great as it may seem , immediately take a show and wash it away there will be other conventions and smells for you to encounter . at the end of the day , the convention adrenaline that you have should be fading and you will be completely exhausted . get a good nights rest youve earned it by surviving your first nerd convention . get up the next day and do it again . |
choose this method if you dont have much graphic design experience . save your png , bmp , jpeg or gif file to your computer desktop . navigate to popular vectorization websites . click the button that says upload image or use the browser button to find the image on your computer . select the new file format you want to use . wait for the program to trace the image . try the settings that are suggested to change the colors , the detail level and other parts of the image . click the download button to download the result . | how to vectorize an image 1 | there are several websites that vectorize a png , bmp , jpeg or gif image for free . , search for sites like vectorization . org , vectormagic . com or autotracer . org , or type vectorization website into a search engine . , the most versatile option is to use a pdf however you can also save it for adobe programs as an eps or ai file . this will take a few moments or minutes , depending upon the complexity of the file . you may notice that your image now looks like a computer - generated image . the effect is especially noticeable with photographs . different online vectorization programs have different options for changing the look of your vector image before you download it . you may want to try a few different programs if you dont like the result . save the image to your downloads folder or desktop . use this image as you would a vector image . |
find an image that you want to vectorize . open adobe illustrator . go to the file menu and select place . find your image on your computer and place it on top of the document . click on the image . click save preset . it will allow you to return to these settings later on to tweak them . ungroup elements of the image that have been placed together and should be separated . use the smooth tool to reduce the number of anchor points in your vector image . save your image again . | how to vectorize an image 2 | use png , bmp , jpeg or gif formats . open a new document and save it to your computer in ai format . , click on the object menu and select tracing options . the following are settings that you may want to change before you trace your object choose your threshold . a higher threshold will mean more of the darker areas will be turned to black and lighter areas will be turned to white . when you trace an object , it will be changed into a black and white image . add blur if you need to help smooth out the edges of the image . choose your path fitting . the lower the number , the tighter the image will be traced along the lines . it may become jagged if it is too low . too high and you will lose detail in your image . set the minimum area . this allows you to remove parts of the image that wont be part of your final vector image . set the corner angle . the lower the number , the sharper the traced corners will be . , right click on the group and select ungroup . use the knife tool to cut grouped anchor points apart . add elements , colors or textures as you normally would with a vector image . you should be able to convert it to another file type and use it as a vector image . |
find an image that you want to vectorize . download that image to your computer desktop or into an image folder . open a new adobe illustrator file . add a new layer on top of your image using the layers palette . return to your top layer . choose a starting point to begin drawing or outlining your image . click the starting point with your cursor . press shift to remove the bezier handle when you are ready to continue your outlining or drawing . continue in the same clicking and adjusting until your outline is complete . make each separate section into a different element . return to the first layer , unlock it and delete it when you are finished making changes . | how to vectorize an image 3 | usually , this is an image that you want to enlarge , but it is too pixelated or low - resolution to use in its current form . you can also scan an image or drawing onto the computer using a scanner . if you are scanning an image into your computer , increase the contrast , so that it will be easier to trace . , select file and place to bring your photo or image into the program . make sure your image covers a majority of your screen , so that you can work on it in detail . lock the first image layer by clicking the little square lock . the image will stay in one place while you work on it . click on your pen tool . you are going to trace your image , so that it will create a sharp , vector image . choose the weight of the line that fits the line you are going to draw . lines that are in the foreground should be thicker , while lines in the background should be thinner . always use black outlines and white backgrounds during this process . you can change the colors later . click the second point at the end of a straight section to create a straight line . create curved lines by clicking a second point and dragging the line until it matches the smooth curve of the image . use the handles to adjust the bezier curve . they can be adjusted indefinitely . , remember that you want to create as few points as possible , while remaining as true to the shape as possible . this is a skill that will improve with practice . you can group these elements together later on . fill in the colors when you are finished . you can add colors on the same layer or different layers . save your file as a vector image , such as ai or eps . use this new vector image for scaling . |
organize your books alphabetically . sort your books by genre . sort your books by color or height . put your books in chronological order . combine multiple organizational methods . | how to organize books 1 | an alphabetical organization system makes it relatively easy to find books . you may alphabetize the books by the authors last name . if you prefer a less traditional system , you may alphabetize the books by title . depending on the size and scope of your collection , it may make sense to sort your collection into very specific categories . these may include fantasy , mystery , cookbooks , history , anthropology , art and art history , and or science . alternatively , you could sort the books by reading level children , young adult , adult . if your top priority is to create an aesthetically pleasing display with your books , consider sorting them by color or height . group the books by black , white , reds , oranges , yellows , greens , blues , indigos , and violets . when you are ready to stage your shelves , you can color block your books . line your books up from tallest to shortest or group books of similar heights together . use your books to create a timeline of literature andor civilization . you may place the books in order of their publication date or you may organize the books by order of when the subjects lived , events occurred , or ideas originated . while you may choose to rely on only one method of organization , most collections are sorted by two or more methods . for example , you may choose to sort your books by genre and then place each genre in alphabetical order . alternatively , you could sort your books by color and then place them on the shelf by order of height . |
select a cataloging system . learn about the dewey decimal classification system . learn about the library of congress classification system . | how to organize books 2 | there are two primary cataloging systems the dewey decimal classification system ddc and the library of congress classification system lcc . in 1876 , melvil dewey developed the ddc system . today , it is the most common cataloging system in the world . this system provides the perfect amount of details for small libraries and book collections . if you are looking for a system that generates a more detailed call number , consider using the lcc system . in 1891 , the library of congress developed its own system of classification . in order to keep track of its enormous collection , it needed a system that was more specific than deweys . the llc system is used by major research libraries . the ddc system organizes books by main class , division , and section . every call number also includes a cutter number to identify the author and the edition date . main class 800 literature division 10 american literature in english section 3 . 54 american fiction in english to get the call number , add up the three numbers 800103 . 54813 . following this number , you may add a cutter number to identify the author the first letter of the authors last name and the edition date . when this information is added , the call number becomes 813 . 54 m 2007 . the lcc system catalogues books by class , subclass , and topic area . every call number also includes a cutter number to identify the author , a cutter number to identify the title , the edition date . class p language and literature subclass r english literature topic area 9199 . 3 provincial , local , etc . cutter number , author m3855 cutter number , title l54 edition date 2007 additional information c . 2 to construct the call number , list the components sequentially like so pr9199 . 3 . m3855 . l54 . 2007 . c . 2 . |
set aside books to donate or sell . box up the books you want to donate or sell . complete an initial sort of your keep pile . finalize the order of your books . | how to organize books 3 | pull your books off the shelves and out of storage . as you sort through your entire collection , divide the items into three piles a keep pile , a donate pile , and a sell pile . reasons to keep a book it is rare or collectable it is by your favorite author it is a book you have not read yet it is a good fit for your personal collection you have space to keep the book reasons to donate or sell a book it is old or damaged you will not read it again it contains outdated information you do not have room to keep it it is a textbook that you will not use again , bring the books you want to donate to a secondhand store , a local library , a daycare , or a near by school . contact your local used bookstore to inquire about the books you want to sell . alternatively , you could try to sell the books online . if you donate your books , dont forget to ask for a receipt to file for a tax deduction . you may also recycle paperback books . sort the books you want to keep into stacks , piles , or rows that correspond with your organizational method . for example , if you want to alphabetize your books by authors last name , place all of the as , bs , cs , etc . into their own pile . if you want to sort the books by genre , create a pile for history , literature , etc . after you have sorted your entire collection once , systematically organize each pile . for example , if you sorted your books by authors last name , grab the a pile and put the stack in alphabetical order . if you separated the books by genre , grab the history pile and organize the books into sub - genres american history , womens history , etc . or by authors last name . |
choose a location for your collection . settle on a storage method . stack or shelve your books . make books you use often accessible . box and label excess books you want to keep . protect rare , delicate , or important books . | how to organize books 4 | if you dont have an office or a study , dont worry . you dont need to store all of your books in one room . feel free to spread your collection throughout your house . for example , keep all of your cookbooks in the kitchen . , you can display your organized book collection in a variety of ways . you may store your books on shelves or ledges . you can also stack your books in storage cubes . for a more eclectic look , consider stacking your books on the floor , in a dormant fireplace , or down the edge of your staircase . once youve settled on a location and storage method , you can finally put away your collection . place the books on your bookshelves or stack the books in a storage cube . before you shelve or stack your books , you may want to clean and dust your storage unit . for convenience , frequently used books should be readily accessible . this is especially important if children will be using the books . if children are using the collection , store the books at their level . instead of a traditional shelf , consider a storage system that would allow them to stack the books . lastly , you may also want to store the books in the places they will use them the most , such as a playroom or bedroom . if you dont have the space to display your entire collection , you may need to put some of your books in storage . to protect your books while theyre in boxes , follow these tips stack your books horizontally with the heaviest books on the bottom . to fill in gaps , insert books vertically . never place a book spine down . if possible , try not to stack more than three boxes of books on top of each other . if your collection contains rare books , you may wish to take extra steps to protect these special items . it is good practice to apply all of these suggestions to your entire collection . store your rare books out of direct sunlight . in addition to fading the book jacket , the sunlight will slowly deteriorate the book . keep your books in their dust jackets . before shelving or storing a book , always remove bookmarks and scraps of paper . try to store your books at a consistent temperature . too much humidity will generate mold in your books too little humidity will leave your books brittle . |
research the artists output . find out if there are duplicates . pinpoint when in the artists career the work was completed . ask yourself if the work epitomizes the artists style . investigate whether the artist is well - known or has a reputation . know that size matters . find out if the piece of art has ever been owned by someone renowned . investigate market demand . look at liquidity . look at market trends . place the art in a primary or secondary market . look at what other , similar pieces of art have sold for . know that one - of - a - kind artworks are difficult to price , and somewhat more subject to change . look at scale , intensity , and medium . | how to value your art | how many works of art did the artist complete the output of the artist in general greatly affects price . prolific artists pieces of work tend to be less valuable than those of artists who simply produced less , all things being equal . is the work one - of - a - kind because of supply and demand , works that are singular are worth more than replicated works . for this reason , a paintings is usually worth more than a print or a lithograph — there are simply fewer of them out on the market . was the work completed early on or toward the twilight of their career interestingly enough , works of art completed early in artists careers are usually valued higher than those completed later on . why is this although its not true in all cases , early work tends to be more daring , passionate , and unpredictable , sometimes owing to the artists desire to establish a reputation for him or herself . many appraisers believe that as an artist becomes more established in their career , their art loses some of its derring - do and boldness . this artistic predictability is sometimes factored into the valuation . works of art that epitomize an artists aesthetic are usually appraised higher than works of art that are tangential or not representative of the artists oeuvre . pablo picassos art is indelibly linked to an artistic movement called cubism . currently , picassos most expensive painting , le rêve , which was sold in early 2013 for 155 million , falls firmly in that aesthetic . it is very emblematic of picassos style in general . artists generally fall into three categories of renown well - known , up - and - coming , and unknown . artists who are well - known and have a rich history of collection can almost always command more value more than artists who are unknown . how much buzz is the artist attracting the more mentions they get in significant publications , the better . does the artist have any significant showings in galleries , or did they in the past has the artist received acclaim from other art institutions , such an prizes , awards , or achievement recognition do any museums own the artists work artists who find homes for their art in museums can expect a significant uptick in the value of their work . generally , bigger works of art are appraised higher than smaller ones , usually because of the degree of difficulty involved . barring the artist themselves , works of art that were formerly owned by someone famous or well - known can command much higher prices than those pieces who dont ha or condition issues . an item that is ripped , water - damaged , discolored , or otherwise damaged can return significantly less than an item that is in perfect shape . note that an item that isnt technically damaged but isnt as vibrant as it was when first completed will qualify as having a condition issue . cleaning up an artwork or fixing condition issues can have a significant impact on its value . cleaning up and fixing condition issues on an artwork can improve its bottom line up to 20 . in short , how many people want to buy the piece of art art is sold in a market . this means that the value of items offered in the market fluctuates depending on how much buyers want the piece , as well as how much they are willing to pay . ask yourself if the market is in a peak , where demand is usually high , or a trough , where demand is depressed . if a glut of pieces enter the market , the market price tends to go down if pieces are sold off or if a new group of buyers suddenly becomes active , the market price tends to go up . this is often referred to as supply and demand . liquidity , also called marketability , is the reliability with which an asset or security can be sold without affecting its asking price . in the art world , high liquidity means that its relatively easy to sell an item quickly and thus convert its value into cash . low liquidity means that its harder to do this , creating a barrier to converting an asset into cash . related to demand , pricing trends are usually the result of changes in peoples perceptions of art or changes in their material circumstances . in the early 2010s , chinese billionaires , flush with money , began buying asian art , sending demand significantly higher and signalling a new trend in the market . as a result of this trend , indian and asian art became a hot commodity in the art world . collectors are willing to pay more of a premium for art in this market . has the work of art been sold before the primary market is what the work of art is valued at when it is first sold . the secondary market is what the work of art is valued at after it has been sold at least once . the secondary market value has a direct relation to what the item was sold for in the primary market . one of the things you want to look out for is a certificate of sale , especially if your item has been purchased at an auction . referencing this document will make your ultimate appraisal much less subjective . if youve just bough an impressionist painting in the vein of a painting that was just sold for 12 , 000 — all other things being equal — that should give you a good benchmark for what your painting may be worth . when looking at comparables , use a price range instead of a single price . art appraisers generally say , for example , that a sculpture is worth in the 800 - 1 , 200 range instead of saying its worth 1 , 000 . an artwork that is truly unique and doesnt have any other analogues against which to compare it is difficult to value . the appraisal arrived at is considered to be especially volatile . scale is the size of the artwork and the level of detail . intensity is the level of effort put into the artwork . medium is the quality of the materials used . combine these three aspects together and you should have a better idea of what your artwork is worth . |
make a list of themes central to the artwork . identify your motivation behind the artwork . pinpoint the artworks focal point . consider what audiences need to know . make the title meaningful for yourself . look for inspiration in poems or quotes . ask for suggestions . pay homage to an artistic influence . look at titles of other works of art . look for synonyms of words . add descriptive words . try different combinations . choose a purely descriptive title . translate a title into another language . see if there are other works of art with the same name . ask others for their impression of your title . check your spelling . make the title work for you . make sure the title accompanies your artwork . | how to title your work of art | brainstorm a list of ideas that reflect what your artwork is about . it can be simple , such as trees or girl , but it can also be thematic or subconscious , such as friendship or childhood . think about what the meaning of the artwork is , and how the title can convey that meaning . what drove you to create this piece of art reflect on your feelings about this artwork and what youd like to share with your audience . how does the artwork make you feel identify the story you want to tell . with artwork , there are certain areas of the piece that the artist wants the audience to see first or to pay the most attention to . think about the focal point of your artwork . what do you want people to focus on when they observe your artwork naming your artwork after the focal point can help people understand your artwork better . johannes vermeers girl with a pearl earring draws attention to the small jewel in the ear of the subject . oftentimes , titles help audiences understand what theyre looking at . titles can give tools to the audience to know how to interpret the piece . what do you want audiences to know about your artworkdo you want your title to direct the viewer towards a particular interpretation for example , a work of art of a dog sitting on a beach can be interpreted in a number of ways . but if you title the picture , abandoned , the viewer will assume that the dog has been abandoned on the beach . if you title the picture , best friend , people will react differently to the dogs presence . some artists prefer not to tell the meaning of their artwork , deliberately leaving the title ambiguous . no matter your reasoning for choosing a particular title , make it meaningful for you . you are , after all , the artist , and the artwork is made primarily for yourself . some artists like to have titles that convey certain meanings so that they remember certain details about the process of making the artwork , what inspired the artwork , and so on . frida kahlo titled one painting , i belong to my owner , during a tumultuous affair with exiled communist leo trotsky . the painting of wild flowers in a vase symbolizes her overwhelming love for trotsky coupled with her need to remove herself from this affair . using parts of your favorite poem or quote can be an interesting and suitable title for your artwork . similarly , you could choose a passage from a book . these should not , however , be too lengthy . choose something that is a short phrase . also , choose something that adds to the artworks meaning , not something completely random that doesnt mean anything . there shouldnt be copyright issues with this approach unless you are using a lengthy quote . if you have just a few words from a poem or book and you are appropriating it in a new way , this would likely be protected by fair use guidelines . pam farrell titled her painting , seasick sailor , which were words that she heard in song by both beck and bob dylan . david white used titles of books and movies such as the man who knew too much and the man who would be king and repurposed them into titles for a series of paintings . one of his paintings is , the man who was tired of perpetual war , naming the action after the character in his painting . talk with family , friends , or other artists to get suggestions on a good title . they may have some interesting or inspirational ideas that you hadnt thought of . alternately , throw a titling party with other artists or friends . throw a party and display the artwork . ask everyone to give suggestions for a title . some titling parties demand that all guests stay until suggestions are made and a title is chosen . painter jackson pollock would often only number his paintings , such as number 27 , 1950 , but the art critic clement greenberg would give the paintings poetic names , such as lavender mist or alchemy , in order to differentiate among them . if your artwork or artistic style is particularly influenced by a certain piece of art or artist , you could consider naming your work after that . paying homage to your influences can be a good source for artwork titles . andy warhol created a series of pop culture - infused paintings called , the last supper , as reinterpretations of leonardo da vincis the last supper . observe how other artists name their works of art . read the story behind why a particular artwork was given its name . read titles for different types of artwork , from classical paintings and modern drawings to sculptures and video art . your title might revolve around a particular theme or topic , but you might not like the word choices . look up key words in a thesaurus to come up with alternate words that mean the same thing . you might have a few key words that describe the theme you want to convey . adding descriptive words can give more dimension to your title . think of adjectives or adverbs that might work to enhance your title . georgia okeeffe titled one painting , calla lily turned away , giving more description to the floral subject of her work . mary cassatt named one painting , mrs . duffee seated on a striped sofa , reading , expanding on the most obvious subject to include more details of the painting . switch around the words that youve chosen to see how they flow together . putting the words in a different order can shift the meaning slightly , or it can make it easier to say . say the words out loud to hear how they sound together . instead of delving into a complex naming process , consider giving your artwork a very simple title that describes exactly what is in the artwork . this could be something like wooden table with fruit bowl , red ball , or girl swinging . emily carr titled many of her paintings simply , such as breton church and big raven . claude monets still life apples and grapes is a still life painting of a table with fruit . key words that reflect the topic or theme of your artwork might resonate better in another language . choose a few words and try them in another language . make sure you spell the words right in the other language . double check any accents or other required markings for your words . missing these markings can potentially mean altering the entire meaning of a given word . try to find someone who speaks that language . run your title by them to make sure it doesnt carry unwanted connotations . the goal with titling your artwork is to make sure it stands apart from other works of art . if it has the same name as another piece of artwork – especially something well - known – that can unintentionally link your art to someone elses , risking confusion , misinterpretation or just basic lack of originality . search online for your title and see what you find . your title might mean one thing to you but something entirely different to another person . getting first reactions and feedback on your title can be a good way to understand how it will be received . consider if your title is ambiguous or if it can be interpreted in different ways . unless its deliberate , dont send your artwork out into the world with any misspelled word in the title . your error can make you look less professional or serious as an artist . similarly , double check grammar , especially if your title is longer than a phrase . while you might title a piece of art to give it additional meaning , you may also title a piece of art so that you can promote yourself as an artist . forgo the untitled title , and instead strive to have a distinguishable work of art . this can potentially even add value to your artwork . for paintings in a series , you might name them sequentially such as blue fence 1 , blue fence 2 , and so on . they may be hard to keep track of , however . go for different titles and help yourself keep track of individual works . reviewers , critics and collectors can reference your work more accurately with a specific title . if you call all your pieces untitled , it will quickly get confusing as to which piece is being referred to . having a unique title will make it easier for people searching online for your work to find you . if you plan to circulate your artwork at all , make sure the title of the piece goes with the artwork . write it on the back of the actual piece of art . if you post your artwork online , make sure your title appears with the artwork . this can improve your online profile by making your artwork easier to find . |
research your theme park topic on wikihow , to ensure the article wont be a duplicate of a pre - existing article . decide on a title for the article and begin a new article with this title , if the article hasnt been written yet . establish whether or not this article will contain the necessary information that the article will require to become an excellent article for the reader to read and digest . get the article up and running in creation mode . get comfortable using one of the editors that are provided for the article to be written . start the article with an introduction . have the ability to keep a current map of the park along with ride names nearby when you type out your article . research in the background in another tab or window each attraction if you havent seen most of the ride yet from different angles and write down some notes to remind yourself of what you saw along with the rides name on a scrap piece of paper . develop a list of action verbs that correspond to type of rides that exist in the park . set the scene for the reader in the steps section . pass on writing the blasé steps of bringing water and printing tickets or purchasing tickets and taking them to the park and get right to the bottom of the reason the reader will have arrived at the article from parking their car or entering the parking gates of the park if any exist and walking up the path to get to the main entrance and turnstiles . write about each item from your map and notes list as if you were to walk from place to place on them . give the reader the information they really require in the remainder of the steps section . encourage the reader to stay in the parks to observe any special parades or nighttime fireworks that exist if any are shown in the park . give the reader some tips and warnings about the park . categorize your article . set up a sources and citations section for the article . provide step - by - step pictures of each step in the article . fill in the edit summary , if it doesnt fill in automatically . publish your article . | how to write a new article about visiting a theme park on wikihow | although few articles do exist of some theme parks , if you type in the theme parks name into the green search bar at the top of any wikihow page , you can generally get to see if your given topic has already been written or not . if the search results come up with a list of articles , youll need to compare your topic idea to the articles there to see if any of them meet the requirements for a duplicate title as the one you are proposing and to ensure your topic you began isnt deemed to be something that will one day need to be merged to prevent duplicate information in two different articles according to our merge policy . make sure to use the term visit as part of the how - to title as written on this site at the very front of the title followed by the theme park name . if the theme park has more than one branch such as six flags and similar , youll need to add in its name after the theme park name . if there are still several notable differences of multiple choices , youll need to finish this title off with in and the city name in which this theme park itself is based . youll need to know whether or not the park has several sections or lands throughout the park , the park has lands that are untitled but tend to be split into their own groups , or if the park is spread sporadically around a bunch of ungrouped lands focused around one or two soul footpaths with buildings on either side . if the park has titled lands , youll more likely to need to use the wikihow advanced editor or article creation tool so you can establish the subsections of steps , so that each land can be portrayed accurately , and so that the reader doesnt lose their focus because it looked confusing to read to them . this will be described more in a few steps from here , so be prepared . if the park has untitled lands , youll more than likely need to designate some type of system to explain to the reader the direction of travel when the reader would be walking and how theyd come upon it . if the attraction is at the borderline between two untitled lands , youll need to mention something along the lines of if youve reached attraction name in second title , youve walked too far or reached into the next land upon the last attraction in the lands section . if you do not like or do not understand wiki - text languages , you can use the article creation tool . however , using this will make the flow seem to go awful slow and youll end up giving up a whole lot sooner . if the park doesnt have titled lands or has no visible lands but a few soul footpaths , you can use the guided editor to begin your article , but youll still have some work to do to establish a great article otherwise . guided editor will help form some of the wiki - text to form the items you talk about into steps . for most of these articles , you wont need to add substeps of your main steps and many sub - tips of tips which some users find difficult to understand the syntax of . although this will depend on how you want to get into the article and how your settings run , most users will want to click the write an article button from any page of wikihow which will send you to this page where youll have to input your proposed title . this is a double - check step to ensure none of the top five 5 articles match what the article calls for as a duplicate . type your title based on our title policy and click get started then click the none of these are exactly the same as how to title and click write my article . the article creation tool , as was stated earlier can help , but you can also send the article to be written in the advanced editor from there , or you can deselect this option in the preferences page and write them from guided editor and switch between advanced and guided on the fly . for those who know front - end wiki syntax very well , you can and should use the advanced editor and go from there , but each articles information will vary widely . the introduction of the article is the first place that will establish the first form of communication to get your reader psyched into visiting the park . however , it isnt there to spoil the users vacation to the park or describe just what the article is bound to do . shoot for three to four sentences for an introduction , as part of a paragraph to psych the reader to get them ready to read the remainder of the article . although park maps will differ , park maps with all rides and attractions should be enough to formulate a good article that is ready to be researched . experience in the particular park you are planning to write about is definitely a plus , but giving the reader the ability to see just how much there is to do in the park , makes for one excellent article - even if you feel that the ride was rather lame , let the others know that when they arrive at the step that they might want to either not ride or take things in stride or to skip the ride at all . even other shows and attractions should be written as their own step . anything that makes this attraction unique is a strong point to write down about the attraction and include in the step inside the article . either research the ride on flickr for static images or youtube most widely - used researching choice for videos to see just what each ride is like . with so many users on youtube filming their on - ride pov videos and even some with off - ride videos , youll need to know just what the user should expect to encounter on their ride . even if youve been to the park before , make sure you see spots where others might have recorded that show things others were thinking to see where your reader might not understand if given the article inside the park . try to expand on others mistakes from their filming and explain their wrongdoings . search using the exact ride name along with the theme parks name as well as a trigger word using on - ride or off - ride or sometimes even the trigger abbreviation pov as these videos can take either of these two forms when searching . if the search returns no results or fewunrelated results , omit these trigger words altogether and try again . if this still produces none , youll need to rely on other sources of information such as from this theme parks website which could list information about their rides . for show attractions however , neither terms on - rideoff - ride nor pov are ever used , so do your research without these triggers behind as your search term . i . e . scrambler rides can be formed into scramble , as well as shows being either watch or take in . try not to use the action verbs go or ride as they can be considered vague and the reader might not be in an understanding with those steps set that way or need to further question what to expect when they get there and will tend to venture away to find more information that you should have researched already . as you work through the park , focus on gathering an action verb to describe what the ride does , what types of scenery it provides and how the two elements interact to provide for a great ride experience and describe . even if you have never ridden the ride or watched the attraction before , get to know exactly what all attractions are like . make sure the reader understands some of the other theme park options of nearby theme parks that could be around or within a comfortable 30 - 90 minute driving distance or in case they dont want to go to this park once they arrive , as well as noting the address of the park which youll need to cite where you reputably obtained the park addresscontact info from . google has information , but youll have to really deep - down delve to really understand where its getting its information . bing has it set up so that once asked , the engine will give you your answers then relay you to the website it found the information from then send you to other possible search results if you still didnt find the information you were looking for . but , please read on , as its not all about those few steps to visit the park . discuss the parking situation . although you dont need to grab directions from a nearby landmark like most websites mention since everyone is coming from different places , you might want to discuss whether the parks parking options include an open lot or some sort of enclosed parking garage . if you can find the parking spots exact address located online somewhere , provide an address as close as you can to the parking garage as well as its price for a general 2 - to - 4 axle car . if you cant , provide its nearest cross - streets nearest the entrance to the parking area . although this should really be written by typing from a real - life perspective of what youd find as if you were the reader looking for these answers yourself , if you do enough research on your topic , this will take you a small amount of time - if you know just where to look for your answers . if you have enough citable information as to the parking lot section names few theme parks websites and apps list this information , provide these names and cite your source as to where you found these names . dont just say that you found the list on name major website here and send the reader searching for answers or looking to prove your information to be inaccurate - no - that doesnt tell the reader exactly where this information can be found and will more than likely send your reader looking elsewhere to gather the information they need on another website or competitors website if one exists . explain the entrance , or if the walkway to the entrance has something memorable that all readers will encounter when entering that sets this park separate from the others , mention it again , best done by real - life instances that people know of , but could be done sometimes via looking at youtube videos and flickr images . explain to your reader what the turnstile entrance entails - but not to the point where youll be describing how the crank gets turned or the direction your entrance card gets you in readers can already assume how these items work or can ask for help if needed when they arrive to that point . you can explain some of the signage on top of the entrance gates or even the theming of the paint scheme surrounding the turnstiles or similar ticket booths to let them know what they should be looking for to get them in . go the extra mile to get the reader psyched to know just what to expect when they get to the park . even if the entrance of one ride and another is on opposite sides , as long as you group them together of nearby attractions , you can easily keep your reader thrilled and want to understand the step well enough . establish subsections of where the lands begin and end as the reader would walk through them . set steps up by themed land as with each land set as its own subsection of the steps top - level section of the article even if you cant read it or cant understand the best pattern of where the exits and entrances are - at least the readers can get a general idea of where the attractions are for themselves and can easily look to find the exact entrance pattern as they enter the park of if they still cant find the items entrance , can ask a nearby employee for help who should be able to give them better directions . if you have an article that needs to be written that you have subsections for and dont know wiki - formatting all that well , rather write the article as is and leave out the subsection title headers and go back and add the subsections following these guidelines later using guided or advanced editor formatting . parks not divided into individual lands can be set up as if the reader walks from one end of the park on one side to the back end of the park then coming back around and back to the main intersection where the turnstiles are . for each remaining step that you set up , make sure they have information for each attraction - ride or show - that the park has . although you want to avoid spoilers as much as genuinely possible , you can mention that there are certain areas that cant be missed and describe areas nearby the area that these rides show that this information could almost spoilers of , so the people dont miss them . describe the ride or attraction using an action verb at the front . remember , some nouns can become verbs , but youll want to catch yourself from using the better action verbs by doing researching on the potential verb alone at first to ensure the word can become a verb on its own . just because some attractions arent too famous , doesnt mean that it shouldnt be included . outside of food vendors all attractions should be explained in some respect inside the article . i . e . in seaworld parks , although roller coasters similar to manta and the like are very popular , there are also rather minor attractions such as dolphin shows and the famous shamu show along with otter shows and tanks where different types of fish can be watched by the visitors that most people who write these types of articles often miss that really make the article informative . if you still need help describing the attraction , inside some theme parks , you can sometimes find theme - park fanatics who will go out and record rides and post them on youtube as front - seaton - ride pov videos as was described before . if the park has any special fireworks or special daytime or nighttime parades , give them details into some of the parks parades . provide the location of the entrance point of the park and exit point and general parade route , if you have that information easily accessible . if you have watched a recent showing of the parade and noticed a really great spot that was never crowded , provide this viewing spot referencing nearby attractions and from what side of the walking path you were on . dont concern yourself on special fireworks or activities that only happen on select days . i . e . while most readers will want information on the fireworks shows at the disney parks but these articles have been covered already , once you get into talking about the slight variations of christmas and halloween versions of the shows and their tweaks , youll have lost your audience . at the very least , some great tips that fly well include well - sourced tips about the date which this particular park opened grand opening . some of this information can be found and sourced from wikipedias information for the park . other ideas to include can include these ideas . tips when 4 - 8 year old kids get antsy in this park and it seems like your day is lagging behind , give these kids some options . even though this park has a few areas where kids can explore and run out all their excitement , this may sometimes not be enough . if you haul around a double - seat stroller , and warnings just dont work , give them time in the stroller . if they dont fit , youll need to find some other way to draw out their energy . they will thank you for helping them take a load off their feet . these youngsters tend to draw energy out more quickly , and become cranky quicker . keep kids under age 5 on leashes arm straps at all times . dont allow your kids to remove them at any time . its hard to see your kids leashed up like a pet , but with the large amounts of guests in the park at any time , security is of utmost importance , and their leashes will help immensely . dont even remove them , when your kids are in their stroller , as it can take only a few seconds for the kid to get out and become missing the leashes only would allow the child to go so far as youd allow them to go . warnings always ride the ride with safety in mind . use all safety devices the ride operator provided for you and your family . rides occasionally close and change at this park . dont fear if your favorite ride has changed or has become defunct . something will be there to replace it over time . their replacements might be just as good as the ride you once loved . everybodys tastes are different . you can skip some rides if you dont have time or if the kids act up . some kids might be too churlish to some rides , while other rides might be too intense for the younger crowd , so you may want to skip these rides . although all disneyland and disney world usa - based park visit guides here have already been started as well as a few of the other named parks , categorize most of the visit articles in categorycarnivals circuses and theme parks via either of these methods dependant on your wiki - editor you are using . if you are using the article creation tool , you will have to publish without a category and add it using the guided editor that is just as easy to use as the article creation tool when editing an article and which youll find towards the bottom of the tool . turn on the sources and citations section for those who have had to cite their sources in guided editor check the sources and citations section towards the bottom of the page and publish or if you are able to use the advanced editor , set up the sources and citations section and place the reflist template on the article in this section . if you are working from the article creation tool , you must skip this and add this steps publication information manually from the guided or advanced editors . not doing so at any point of citing , will create cite citation errors which cause reader confusion . if you have other researchreference sources that are citable based on wikihows external links policy , provide those in this section as well . forego any ehow or about . com links as these are competitors websites which have been known to be from farm systems that can sometimes be unsuitable to be referenced on articles here due to those editors being paid to write their articles which can sometimes cause major gaps or inaccuracies dont just say that the information is from a personal experience if there was a webpage that gave you the idea to create it besides this article and this link doesnt violate this policy , provide it in this section with the notable words ideas from provided in the same line along with the website that gave you the ideas . i . e . ideas from link url here if you are using the article creation tool , you wont have this feature , however , once you publish and use the guided or advanced editor , you can add step - by - step pictures in the article . the flickr tab in the guided or advanced editor can be a lifesaver for most of people when they are in trouble , it can sometimes run you into trouble if the theme park isnt well - known or well photographed such as theme parks outside of the united statescanada and some theme parks in europe . flickr tends to see people photographing rides from the outside and sometimes inside of famous or can become famous later rides . include photos that have the main entrance or close to main entrance as the photo youll use , but make sure the photo is specific to that specific parks entrance . use the local file tab to use pictures you yourself took of the ride . click the add image to steps button in guided editor or by clicking the add pictures button which looks like a portrait of a mountain with a plus sign in the right hand corner of the portrait on the tiny toolbar of icons at the top of the advanced editor if youve chosen to utilize it for subsections and utilizing the pictures under the flickr tab and add the photo that way . although the article creation tool wont give you a place to explain what you are doing and will automatically populate a field inside of the edits that need to be patrolled with this information , with the guided and advanced editors , youll need to add in an edit summary such as created new article or similar . sometimes there will be another box that will help you populate these fields once you begin typing , but this helper object wont display unless you create them in the guided editor . scroll down the page until you see the line of buttons and click the publish button . it may take a few extra seconds for the article to compile and ask if you like what you see , but you can easily select publish if you have all the necessary things this article has described here . if you arent done with the initial publishing edit during this session , you can click the save draft button . |
prepare yourself in advance . pick out the ride you want to go on . get in the line . stand in the line . relax while you wait . | how to wait in line for an amusement park ride | if you already know youre going to a theme park that is known to have long lines , or if youre going there during the peak season school breaks , summer , etc . then you should prepare yourself by bringing things for the wait such as a book , mp3 player , magazine , cell phone , etc . you may see a roller - coaster from a distance that you may think you really want to go on , but you should really get closer to it and take a look at the rules and what it is about . choose carefully , because you might regret waiting a long time for a ride you found boring . in outdoor rides , if you are unsure whether you should ride the ride , watch it go a couple times . while the entire ride may not be visible to you , parts of it will most likely be . this will aid you in your decision . before you get in the line , take a look at the wait time sign if they have one , and ask yourself is it really worth the wait if it is , go ahead and go in the line . if not , leave and find other ride that suits your interests . the amount of time you should wait for a ride really depends on you and anyone else in your group . if you have people with you that you know simply cannot stand waiting , then if the wait seems a bit long , it may be best to skip the ride and come back to it later . if the sun is blazing , do your best to cover your head . this is because if youre way to hot , youre more likely to realize if the line is moving slowly or not . your best bet is to check the weather before you leave . if you see its going to be 100 degrees , then dress lightly and bring a hat . if its going to rain , bring an umbrella . weather may not always be correct , but it is better to be safe than sorry . if youre over - excited about the ride and want the line to move faster , slip on your headphones and listen to either a slow song , or one of your favorites . doing this will likely distract you in a good way , because youll be hearing music instead of focusing on all the people in the line . |
purchase your sesame place tickets online or over the phone before visiting the park , particularly if you are visiting from outside the us . preview the attractions in the park before your visit . pack water , snacks , money and most importantly your park tickets before you leave for the park that day plan to arrive at the park before it opens . | how to visit sesame place 1 | this will save you time when you arrive at the park - you wont have to wait in any queues at the ticket offices try previewing each ride on youtube , or take a peak at the ride through photos from others . learn from what others see . although some of the bigger rides have on - ride footage , there may be a few short snippets of others that exist that may just give you enough of a glimpse of the attraction more - so plays as the entertainment option than the rides that this happens for . this can help decide which rides and attractions will take priority during your visit . , you are usually allowed in through the barriers before opening , however you wont have access to most rides . getting through the barriers early will give you time to pick up a park map and plan your route to the first ride of the day . |
decide if you truly want to visit the sesame place . drive and park at the parking lot for sesame place . enter through the turnstiles at the entry plaza . look at the set up of sesame place . skip the walkway down the middle for now . enter the park and take the first left into the left side of the u just past the anniversary birthday cake centerpiece . | how to visit sesame place 2 | with the availability of the whole city of philadelphia , pennsylvania and the historic importance of gettysburg , pennsylvania a few hours away 2 to 3 hours away , but still drivable , there are a wealth of other options you can attend . the address to the sesame place is located at 100 sesame road , langhorne , pa 19047 . the cost to park your car at the sesame place resort will run you about 17 for cars and upwards from there depending on complexity of vehicle . the entry plaza has a big sesame place logo with big birds face above itemblazoned on it this park is shaped in the form of a u containing most of the games and attractions but also contains a long street down the center that most guests conglomerate on . except for a nice gathering place for characters to meet their fans towards the end of the street furthest inside the park , this has few to no actual attractions that need to be watchedridden . most of the walkway around the u - shaped portion of the park containing the park attractions is a one - way so you must be willing to enter one area and walk around while all walking the same direction . |
have your children ride the mix and match twiddle tracks . skip over the silly sand slides attraction . enter the seasonal attraction that is open most of the year including halloween . walk around the halloween area nearby the maze . avoid going the wrong direction from the flow of people if you should want to pass up the halloween featured attractions , exit to the right of the hayride attraction to the right of the sesame neighborhood attraction and continue walking past the neighborhood towards the rear of the park . fly in the swings on the limited time the counts fly by attraction . utilize the differently shaped ferris wheel composed of hot - air balloon - looking seat areas on the other limited time ferris wheel on the counts around attraction . experience the drop - ride blast off which some people tend to call elmos blast off due to the theming of the ride being devoted to elmo . ride the flying fish . visit peak a bug across from flying fish if you like a sliding a spinning ride . ride the sunny day carousel . ride the flying swings ride called elmos cloud chaser . skip the snuffys slides . ride the tea - cup ride called monster mix up . ride oscars rotten rusty rockets , in a garbage - can like vehicle on a curvy shaped track above the riders head . ride the hub and spoke ride called captain cookies high cs adventure . have your kids play in monster clubhouse or mini monster clubhouse . ride the honker dinger derby ride for a thrill youll never forget . visit , laugh and play inside of the flying cookie jars attraction . ride vapor trail , sesame places only roller coaster . take a walk down the center corridor if you havent before . | how to visit sesame place 3 | this silly one - person car goes around a guided track using arm - power . using a row - like motion in front of the child , this fun little ride is definitely something to get the children motivated for the rest of the park . however , some of the cars need a little grease on its track , as is apparent by the squeakiness of most of the cars when the child powers the car . the child may become confused later on in this ride and the length is quite large and long for its current theming . although its got a neat and interesting - looking name , theres nothing real special about this area other than thats it a slide like most found at most elementary school playgrounds nationwide with a yellow theme . in 2015 , this area started with a halloween maze utilizing a story - like read on attraction barricades featuring the sesame street characters . something or someone is missing in the sesame street group you read to find what it is they are missing and also where it can be found and where it ended up at the end . this is seasonal , and during the summer months include the water attractions . the walking tracks area eventually come back out to the area where you started allowing you to continue walking around the path . in 2015 , this area includes the not so spooky hayride that takes guests around a track on a slow - moving journey into the counts world . , although this ride doesnt go very high or very fast , it can give your children their very first drop - ride experience . with a warning that its about to launch you up , it will seconds before drop you down again and then gradually build you up and drop - you back down again until it doesnt drop you very far . this ride will generally take about 5 minutes , but can be shorter due to other line lengths of waiting riders . adults are permitted on this ride and actually are encouraged to ride even if they have no other children in tow . styled after the dumbo rides at the disney parks , this ride will have you flying around in fish - like vehicles . press the red button in the front seat to move you up and down in the fish for several minutes worth of flying fun . it takes several moments for the fish to get up in the air from the beginning , so keep the button pushed in if youd like to get raised from the beginning . depress the button later , if youd like to decrease your height . all riders will later be decreased to the standing point on the ground for a later debunking . , themed on the sesame street characters , this carousel will have you wishing you could spend every day with the characters . although some children are afraid of a ride that swings as quickly as this one , this one can please some of its riders on a daily basis and some actually come out liking the ride towards the end . other than having your kids be able to race each other on double - slides , its got little to no attractable value anymore . most viewers want tea - cup rides in parks , and heres this one in sesame place thats fun for all ages alike . much like olden days curve rides on some midways , this ride takes oscars best ideas and reaches out to show its guests his idea of things and pokes fun into every rider . this ride is much like the flying fish nearby but with theming towards blue , furry cookie monster , in yellow ahoy matey - like ships . this is one of the few places where you can actively let your kids roam free and play , but do keep an eye on them . similar to some scrambler - like rides , this ride will give you that same thrill . this ride might not be suitable for all ages , though some ages are more easily enthused into riding it . although styled in the manner of the tea cups ride , when you couple those types of rides with the ride soaring you a few yards above the top of people heads - high , spin your cookie jar vehicle around as fast or as slow as you want and youll have some fun on this ride . although this roller coaster is short and features no flying and high - intensity features most roller coasters do , if you are thinking theres nothing in it for you , you must be kidding yourself . it is pure fun and could potentially be a childs first roller coaster experience thats more for later elementary school and tweens than for early elementary school and younger children . like the elmo says wave to your mommy at the top of the first lift hill . meet with friends near the sesame neighborhood . |
plan your visit . understand that whilst ranbows end is new zealands premier theme park , its also nzs only theme park and nothing like internationally recognised parks such disney world . check the parks website or local media to find out about special events . decide which attractions you most want to visit . ride stratosfear . take a turn on invader . try fearfall . ride power surge . roll and coast , try out the exciting and slightly less extreme rides . drive the bumper boats or family karts , see a show in the motion master or see if you can get lucky at the future - tainment arcade or crazy sideshows . remember if youve got under the age of eight to entertain , theyll likely love the space shuttles , carwash convoy , carousel and other kiddie rides and attractions . determine your budget . look for advanced deals . take your own food and drinks if you wish . keep in mind the park offers birthday party packages , conferences and meeting options , team building packages as well as both night and day packages . | how to visit rainbows end in auckland , new zealand | like many theme parks , rainbows end is busy during the school holidays . christmas day is the one day the park is closed but you can expect it to be busy throughout the summer months . located at 2 clist crescent , manukau , auckland , some of the parks attractions are weather dependent so if you want to visit in july or august , remember some rides may not be running due to snow , rain or high winds . the park is open from 1000am to 500pm daily . the rides and are within the park as a whole or in kidz kingdom . events occur frequently , if not regularly . matariki is recognised , sometimes with celebratory family tickets . youll enjoy your day more if you dont feel like youve missed out . if youre keen to go on rides that dont have lots of seats , like the karts and the log flume , get to those early in the day and work your way toward the rides with more capacity such as invader or stratosfear . publicised as the parks scariest ride it is 30 metres high at the highest point , has a 360 degree swing angle and will get the blood rushing to your head as you spin upside down with your fellow 29 riders . this ride is a combination of a roundabout , and roller coaster youll spin around whilst travelling along a 80 metre track at up to 70 kmh 43 . 5 mph . at 18 stories to the top , you will have plenty of time to think about how theres only one way down you may of seen this ride on the popular comedy show jono and ben . they often attempt to interview celebrities , with varying success , on this ride . 18 metres high with three types of rotation , this will put you in a spin . pick your partner carefully as youll be sitting side by side , isolated from the other 22 riders . try the corkscrew roller coaster . at a maximum of 45 kilometres per hour youll drop , loop and go thorough not one but two corkscrews at rainbows end these are log flume gold rush roller coaster ride pirate ship dodgems scorpion cars go karts , theres comfy land and tiny tots for those who like to just play not ride and check out the dixie chickens show if you just want to relax and watch something for a while . factor in transport costs , eating at the park , purchasing souvenirs and accommodation if you dont live nearby or need to travel home more than a few hours . check the website for family and group deals . often , you can save money not paying for tickets at the gate and you will save buying online . remember branded food , packets of chips for example , are not permitted , unless they are for park guests with special dietary requirements . make your own sandwiches , pies , sausage rolls etc or take your favourite brands out of the original packaging . |
purchase your busch gardens williamsburg tickets online or over the phone before visiting the park , particularly if you are visiting from outside the us . preview the attractions in the park before your visit . pack water , snacks , money and most importantly your park tickets before you leave for the park that day , decide if you truly want to visit the busch gardens williamsburg . drive and park at busch gardens williamsburg . enter the park . look at the set up of busch gardens williamsburg . turn the corner to your left and walk towards either the train station or skyride . take a trip on the skyride from the england station . take a very slow trip along the outer route of the park on the busch gardens train . ride escape from pompeii , the one and only extreme log flume in this park . take in the sesame street forest of fun set of attractions , if you have kids . walk into the italy section of the park and ride any or all of the three attractions that are available to you . ride the swinging ship ride called the battering ram . get scrambled on the low - powered scrambler - like flying ride called the flying machine . ride the circular magic carpet - like roller coaster ride called da vincis cradle . ride the mad tea party - like attraction called turkish delight if you like lower - powered rides that still have a bit of flair . ride the music express ride that busch gardens williamsburg calls the trade winds . ride the roman rapids ride , busch gardens version of a rapid rafting ride . ride the tempesto roller coaster . ride the apollos chariot roller coaster if you didnt ride tempesto . jump aboard the busch gardens train at the festa train station nearby , and depending on what you did earlier in the day , take a ride aboard or skip it and continue the circular walk of the park towards the oktoberfest area across the archway bridge past the il teatro di san marco and gelato di san marco marketplace areas . drop in on the freefall ride that busch gardens calls mach tower . roller - coast through on verbolten just after walking through the arch bridge from italy . bump some cars in the bumper cars ride that this park calls its der autobahn ride . take a ride on the yo - yo swings ride that the park calls der wirbelwind . try and eat in the food establishment in oktoberfest called das festhaus , which loosely translates out to be the meeting house , but it has both german and american food served cafeteria style , and lots of tables styled in the theme of a german oktoberfest location . ride the curse of darkastle after digesting your food . take in kinder karussel for the one and only real ride in this area besides the skyride and rhine river cruise . make your way to the skyride and take this ride around the park to its other two locations in england and france . ride the rhine river cruise boats . have your kids climb around in the land of the dragons play area . swing by the alpengeist inverted roller coaster . ride the one and only true log flume in the park called le scoot . board the train from this area of the park towards the back of the marketplace area , if you havent yet boarded for a trip around the park . ride busch gardens official scrambler ride called le catapult which is directly next to the train station to its left as you come out from the train station . watch a showing of all for one at the royal palace theatre . ride the griffon . ride the skyride if you havent already passed through the other areas of the park , including at the germany and england stations . rest for a few moments to observe a moment of pure peace at the lorikeet glen . learn a little about wolves in the wild in the wolf haven and wolf valley attractions . watch the bald eagles at eagle ridge attraction . watch a showing of the castle osullivan playattraction . fly on the europe in the air attraction . visit with the clydesdale horses , owls , border collie dogs , and owls and other animals just after you pass over the bridge from ireland to scotland . ride the loch ness monster . | how to visit busch gardens williamsburg | this will save you time when you arrive at the park - you wont have to wait in any queues at the ticket offices try previewing each attraction ride or show on youtube , or take a peek at the ride through photos from others . learn from what others see . this can help decide which rides and attractions will take priority during your visit or which attractions youll feel you or your family will want to miss . busch gardens doesnt allow video taping on any ride without prior approval by park staff . ask them for permission , they potentially will . for most rides on youtube , youll need to include a true statement that says that you received permission before riding - as anything that doesnt will get taken down if found by busch gardens staff . this is to ward off those who post their journey for others so others dont have to ride if they dont want to they want these videos to be only a preview of the parks attractions and nothing more . , discuss some of your other options that exist for the other nearby area including colonial williamsburg and the navy base in the nearby city of newport newsand hampton roads , virginia and the many options in virginia beach such as aquariums and other relaxation areas on the beach . the address to busch gardens williamsburg is 1 busch gardens blvd , williamsburg , va 23185 the cost to park at this parks parking lot is 15 per day , though there are multi - day options for 25 instead if purchased at once . walk up the path that leads from the parking lot to the park entrance gate . busch gardens williamsburg only has one gate near the england land in the park . along the path , youll see other houses for rental equipment such as toddler strollers , wheelchairs , and the like and even a few guest relations counters that can help give you information about the park , along with several service counters that can help steer you in the right direction during the day . stop by the sign outside the gate along the path that says welcome to busch gardens williamsburg . this is a highly - photographed spot by visitors who think this is the best thing in or around the park is that they actually got to this spot . this park is divided into about ten different lands themed onto european - named countries . these lands include england , italy , festa italia , oktoberfest and nearby germany , new france , ireland , scotland and jack hannas wild reserve . these will be discussed in a few moments . the slow - moving bucket - styled skyride will take you to three stations set apart in a triangular path at both france and germany and then back to england . however , at each leg of the journey you must debunk your bucket and reboard if you are continuing on to each of the other locations on the skyride route . sometimes youll hear this stations skyride building referred to as the aeronaut skyride station . dont worry although its not marked on the station entrance , some visitors still use its much older name to designate this skyride building instead . although this station is called the tweedside train station in the english portion of the park , it also travels to the festa train station in festa italia , and also towards the caribou train station in new france . at times , youll pass by some of the more famous rides such as the loch ness monster roller coaster and even past escape from pompeii , along with many others along the route . at one point , youll even go by an intersection , where the train waltzes past a route that walkers can take , which is guarded by a railroadtransportation gatelatch bar like that of a gate of a crossing near a automobile - car transportation stop area , and is controlled by a traffic light . although much similar to universal studios jurassic park ride and along with seaworlds journey to atlantis , this extreme log flume is just as extreme and has a surprise at the end that will indeed get you soaked . with various options themed to those furry muppets from sesame street , theres something every child can partake in , in this area of the park . this area features a flat flume ride called the bert and ernies loch adventure , a rocking pirate ship ride called oscars whirly worms , a family - friendly drop tower ride called prince elmos spire and a kid - friendly roller coaster called grovers alpine express . you may also go overtop of the train tracks with the trestle bridge that leads you to festa italia for a few more choices this will be discussed later in this article . this one will have your heart pounding for about three to four minutes . however , note that this rides official ride time is far too short for most , lasting on average all of about less than two minutes long . this ride is actually rather stomach - churning and worth the wait in line to ride . although this ride isnt as bad as many other rapid rafting rides in the united states , this is one ride that rather mean for the area on which it is stationed shouldnt be missed . you can find this ride to the opposite side of apollos chariot way past the turkish delight attraction and even past the festa train station in this area it is next to rapids gifts . this ride is closer to the entrance of festa italia than apollos chariot once was . watch for the blue - colored track . if you dont visit any other roller coaster and love roller coasters , this is one that cant be missed on any busch gardens williamsburg visit . find the purple - colored track roller coaster in back of tempesto along a separate path in the festa italia area of the park . however , take note that this ride is older than tempesto , so its mechanics are based on older - styled mechanics . apollos chariot was one of the major highlights of a busch gardens trip in the 1990s , but has become a little less popular now with tempesto nearby . , with some of the ride being indoors and covered and some of it being in a steep decline outdoors , this one is rather scary but if you are in for extreme thrills , youll definitely love this one . if you are planning to ride , take a longer look at the interior ride queue - this is one queue that is not to be missed . they also have a junior bumper cars ride that is meant for smaller children who cant quite reach the peddles yet , but understand that this ride is fun . much like the bumper cars , this also has a younger generation ride of the same type that they call wirbelwindchen . the building is also air conditioned , so this is the perfect place to go and sit down if it is a hot day outside . das festhaus is the one and only place in busch gardens williamsburg where beer is served , but you dont have to get beer if you dont want it . although there is no stop of the train in this area , you can literally see this building from the train ride around the park . at various times throughout the day , there is a german themed show that is performed here . so if youre hungry , and want to take a break or enjoy a show , check the board outside for show times , and enjoy your meal during that time period . although the ride is slow , its inside is very dark and intense for those who cant stand the darkness and loud and unappealing sound effects for many who dare enter . and to add to that , this ride features 3d graphics that make this ride rather scary for most who visit . but it does have some great taste to those who can stomach all the previous information . however , note that this ride is a carousel ride with some german theming . although slow and steady wins the race , this attraction isnt very handicapped accessible - it has several stairs , that - though wide - have no other way to get down to the boats without wheeling down bumpety bumpety bump they have no elevator down nor are there any escalators either and the only way down is to push the chair or handicap furniture down these stairs stair - by - stair . not only does it have rope bridges to climb across and lots of other neat childrens energy play areas , itll drain your kids of their extra energy that might become built up in the remainder of the park . this area includes a dragon - egg cart ferris wheel called the eggery deggery , a flying dragon ride called flutter splutter , a kid - themed boat ride called chug - a - tug , a family - friendly music express ride called bug - a - dug , a treehouse , and a water play area called brook . although on alpengeist you dont have a foot plate under your feet when you ride , the few helixes you take in on this ride , make this ride one that is not to be beat if you love roller coasters . , look for the caribou train station in the back of the new france area . this show is only performing until september 4th , so be sure to check it out before then if youre there . this very long , dive - roller coaster is rather new but very intense . most people come out saying this roller coaster is amazing or stunning all in itself . , watch the birds and take a few moments out to cool off from some of the intense rides youve visited today . catch a one - on - one question and answer session at the gate with a trainer . remember that the bald eagle is the united states national symbol , and so its nice to see these birds in a habit close to their own without them wandering too far away from being seen . although its nothing but a stage play , this is a great theater to rest tired feet after a long day of walking and riding other rides and attractions in this park . you arent too far from the entrance exit , but youre not cant possibly be quite finished just yet . styled after the attraction soarin at walt disney world and soarin over california at disneyland , this attraction is one not to be missed . however , they do warn that some people may want to miss this attraction whove had certain ailments such as recent pregnancies and surgeries and a few other reasons . you have to save the best and oldest remaining ride for last , but be careful if you dont like roller coasters that take you to unknown places in the dark at one point but for several minutes . the loch ness monster is busch gardens oldest steel roller coaster that is still in operation today , and is also the only remaining ride in the scotland area of the park . |
make sure you have a print out of your college classes , if not you can always ask a clerk in the bookstore to print one out . look at your college class list , find your first class and look for its category in the bookstore . after finding the category of your class , you will then look for your class on pieces of paper located on the bookshelf example history 101 the piece of paper located on the bookshelf will have the class , professor of the class and the author of the book . find your remaining books . head over to the register , the clerk will then scan your books , give you the total amount . | how to purchase a textbook 1 | each of your classes are categorized in a course for example history will be hist . , the piece of paper will also have two amounts of the book new and used . it will be your choice to decide if you would like to purchase a new book or a used book . when done finding books you will now be ready to check out . after paying the clerk will go over the return policy after that you will be done purchasing your textbooks . |
ship books from the united states to another country through the airmail bag system . wrap each book individually . address each box to the single addressee and include a return address . place all of your books inside the m - bag . complete the m - bag tag and the customs form . ship a large amount of books by crate or cargo . weigh and measure your book boxes in advance , in order to get an idea of the dimensions of the boxes . | how to ship books overseas 1 | using this option , you would be able to send printed matter overseas as long as they weighed between 11 and 66 lbs . 5 to 30 kg . the price would be significantly cheaper than standard overseas mail however , the price does depend upon the country of receipt . call your local post office to ensure that they carry m - bags . if not , you may be able to request an m - bag at another post office or through the usps website . wrap it in a waterproof plastic sack , then in bubble wrap , and , finally , in an individual box . extra care should be taken with hardcover books to ensure that they dont move around in the box . each book that you send via the m - bag cannot be more than 4 lbs . 1 . 8 kg . the m - bag can only be used to send books to 1 addressee . make sure the address is clearly written . the post office will later mark postage paid on each individual box . weigh the bag to ensure they are no more than 66 lbs . 30 kg , including the weight of the sack . you can send more than 1 m - bag , and they will be marked as a fraction . for example , the first m - bag would be 12 and the second would be 22 . affix the m - bag tag to the sack . bring your m - bag to a usps office . it will be weighed and you will be given the option of international priority airmail or international surface air . surface air will be the slower and less expensive option . the price will depend upon the usps zone number of the addressees country . delivery will take 4 to 6 weeks . the international priority mail ipa m - bag and the international surface air lift isal m - bags are commercial services , meaning individuals cant use those service . for an individual , airmail m - bag is the only option and more expensive than ipa and isal m - bags . a number of ships offer less than container loads lcl inside cargo containers . find companies in the phone book or online . you will need these numbers in order to get accurate quotes from companies . |
locate your college website onto the internet for example www . csn . edu go to the bookstore on your colleges website . scroll down to websites and click your campus website for example cheyenne bookstore website . look at the next page that comes up and make sure that it says your campus that for example cheyenne bookstore . after selecting your division you will then select your department also known for your class example history will be hist then your will select your course and finally your selection . after submitting all your information the next page that appears will be the a picture of the book , title , author , price of a new book or used book and if they have the book in stock . click on the add to cart and add another course . after you register you will be back to the checkout page you will then follow instructions on how to pay and then you will have finished the process of purchasing a textbook online . | how to purchase a textbook 2 | , click the link that says textbooks and course materials . you will then select your program , term , and your division . by doing this correctly make sure you have a print out of your classes beside you . , continue adding text books . you are now ready to check out make sure to look over all your information and read the instructions click on the checkout button if you are not a member make sure to register to continue checking out . |
get a number of quotes from different shippers . wrap your books in plastic sacks and bubble wrap . | how to ship books overseas 2 | depending upon the country that you are shipping to , the prices may differ . seven seas worldwide and ablecargo . com are companies that provide online quotes . go to the better business bureau website to make sure the company is reputable , before choosing a carrier . large numbers of boxes will qualify for a crate or a pallet . a pallet is cheaper , because it is large and consists of boxes wrapped in plastic . a crate is smaller , can be more expensive and provides more protection for your belongings . place them in sturdy cardboard boxes with plenty of padding . take them to the drop off center , unless the company includes pick up services . the load will be weighed and the price may change depending upon the accuracy of your original quoted dimensions . delivery will depend upon the country and company . in general , it will take more than 1 month . an lcl may be the best option if you intend to send more than just books . |
read the title - dead giveaway . read the subtitle - some titles are ambiguous , but subtitles tend to shed more light . read the preface - usually the writers explain exactly what the book is about . look at the table of contents - this will give you further information on the books subject structure and components . read the publishers blurb - usually located in the back , some are found in the books dust cover . identify important chapters to read and less important chapters . read the first and last lines of each paragraph to get a feel for the flow of argument and the topics of the chapter . | how to skim through a book | , this too is an excellent way to discover the gist of a book . , |
settle on a time to meet . decide how often to meet . choose the right atmosphere . offer snacks . keep things casual , but maintain a few rules . give your members an idea of how long the meetings should last . consider scheduling in a bit of extra time for socializing . | how to start a womens book club 1 | as a general rule , weeknights are better than weekends . narrowing down the best possible time can be a challenge in itself , though . a meeting that starts at 700 to 730 pm gives your members just enough time to eat dinner with their families and may make it possible for them to get back home before bedtime if they have children . meetings can start anytime between 630 pm and 800 pm if your target membership consists of single women or women without children . if you want members who are stay - at - home moms , you can also meet during the late morning or early afternoon when kids are at school . think of a meeting that starts sometime between 1000 am and 100 pm . most book clubs meet about once per month , since a monthly meeting gives each member ample time to read each book . if you want your book club to be a little closer knit , you can also meet on a weekly or bi - weekly basis to discuss each book as you read it . setting up checkpoints , such as having the first half of the book read within two weeks , can help keep members at the same pace . if you do opt to meet on a monthly basis , you can stay in touch in between meetings via e - mail . staying in touch with one another can be just as effective at building a stronger connection amongst your members as meeting in person each week . many womens book clubs are meant to be a little personal , so meeting in one anothers homes can work wonderfully . if you or your members feel uncomfortable with this idea , you can opt to meet at a coffee shop or library . take turns hosting . if you do meet at one anothers homes , ask each member who feels comfortable or who has the space to hold a few meetings in her home . this prevents the stress from resting squarely on the shoulders of one or two people . whether buying bottled water and commercially packaged cookies or baking a fancy layer cake and brewing homemade iced tea , refreshments are a good way to get people to relax and open up . the snacks can be as elaborate or simple as youd prefer , and you can also ask other members to contribute once your group gets established . a womens book club is a good way to make new friends , but if you keep the structure too loose , your club may lose its purpose . make it a rule that each member must read the book before coming to club . you should also have some rule or guideline about how often each member must show up , and you should strongly encourage members to let you or someone else know when they cannot come . the modern woman is a busy person , and knowing just how long a meeting will last can go a long way in encouraging her to come in the first place . many book clubs meet for about 60 minutes , but you can trim that down to 30 minutes if your members are exceptionally busy or if you meet on a weekly or bi - weekly basis . as your club members get closer , the temptation to talk about off - topic matters will almost certainly increase . you may want to schedule an extra 15 to 30 minutes before or after official book club business for members to chat and socialize about non - club matters . |
dont try to reinvent the wheel . think about how you would like the discussions to flow . make your website inviting . start with what you know . offer more to your readers than a book discussion . keep it fresh . market your new online group . make people feel welcome . | how to start an online book group | before you even think about the first book you want to offer for discussion , take some time to peruse existing online book clubs and check out what kind of software they are using . you dont have to be a software engineer in order to create a website . you might want to use a message board system , an email system or a blog . there are advantages and disadvantage to each option , and your choice should reflect the amount of time you have to devote to interaction . again , look at a variety of online book club websites and think about which type of discussion forum appeals to you . like it or not , first impressions still count . people see the graphics before they start to read the content . experiment with colors and different fonts . ask your family and close friends to look at your website , and ask them to navigate through it before it goes live . listen to the feedback and work on making your online book group site an enticing stop for book lovers . make your first book choice one that you are passionate about . be prepared to keep the discussion going . if you cant think of a list of questions , check out some reading group guides on the internet . here are some standard discussion questions you might want to use what do you think of the books title how deep into the book did you get before you understood the relevance of the title did the title reflect the main themes of the book what are the key characteristics of the protagonist how did the personality and life experience of the protagonist shape the direction of the novel did the action in the novel parallel important events in history did reading the book evoke any strong emotion in you did you cry did you laugh why was there one event in the novel that resonated with you deeply do some research on the author or the setting in the book . add links to book reviews , positive and negative , and ask your members to comment on those reviews . it takes time to build up a membership , and your members will grow if you keep the content fresh and interesting . keep all discussions active . ideally , you will want to check in with your website multiple times during each day . always provide new information so that your site doesnt appear to be stagnant . ask your family and friends to drop in and join in the discussion . invite all your facebook friends and all of your email contacts . print your own business cards with the name of your website ask the local book stores , coffee shops and libraries if you may leave your cards there . you can do this by following up on every comment so that your visitors dont feel like they are being ignored . its up to you to keep the conversation flowing . |
start small . ask friends and relatives . move on to acquaintances . advertise with caution . | how to start a womens book club 2 | a group of five to eight members can be cozy and may offer a diverse enough range of ideas to get things going . as your club gains momentum , you can consider picking up a few extra members—as long as your meeting space permits it , of course . you generally do not want to exceed 12 to 15 members , however , since larger numbers make it harder for everyone to speak . start with the women , especially those who you know love to read . if you cannot find enough women to join among your loved ones , you can ask the men in your life to pass word of your book club onto other women they know . women who you have a working relationship with or neighbors who you know but rarely speak to are good places to start . you can also extend the invitation to women you see all the time , like your favorite coffee shop clerk , as long as they are familiar enough with you to know your name and face . you can hang flyers up at the local library or post an ad in your citys newspaper , but you may not want to accept anyone and everyone who contacts you for further information . make sure that each woman who calls is really serious about attending , and ask a few questions over the phone to get to know her a bit before inviting her over to your house for the first meeting . if you invite too many women who you do not know , you may want to consider holding the first meeting in a public place . |
look for books that cover womens issues . search out books with strong female protagonists . study the works of female authors . start with books youve been dying to read . allow other members to make suggestions . come with discussion questions . ask the other members to come with questions . nudge the group back on track if the discussion gets derailed . | how to start a womens book club 3 | both historical and contemporary issues are up for grabs . just remember that not every woman will share the same opinion , especially concerning contemporary , political issues . keep an open mind and use the experience to learn from each other rather than arguing . women are generally more avid readers than men , so plenty of modern books follow the lives of savvy businesswomen or strong mothers . fill your book roster with these books to inspire and encourage your members . you can choose historically significant writers , like jane austen or the brontë sisters , or contemporary authors like p . d . james or nora roberts . you can also mix and match , and spend time comparing the ways that female writers of the past wrote versus female writers of the present . while your book club is just starting up , you may need to take the initiative and decide the first few books . if there are any you have in mind that might be a good fit for your womens book club , add them to the list . otherwise , you can look up a few bestseller lists to get ideas . after your club establishes itself , the other member will probably appreciate having the chance to offer their own input about the book selection . you can have each woman take turns choosing a book . alternatively , you could also have each member bring up a possible title whenever she thinks of one and have the book voted on as a group before adding it to the roster . as the founder of the group , you may need to kick off each meeting by getting the discussion going . ask questions that invite the other members to analyze themes , characters , or implications . stay away from questions that can be answered by sharing ones unfounded opinion or by stating a simple yes or no . if each member comes to the meeting with a question or unique insight , a broader range of perspectives can be covered . the conversation will last longer and be twice as thought - provoking . if your members stray too far away from discussing the book and start talking about other matters , politely step in and ask a question to get the conversation back to the book . |
figure out where to meet . set a meeting time . determine how often to gather . set a few ground rules to get running . be prepared to lead . | how to start an african american book club 1 | the meeting place you choose will determine the tone and size of your group . if you plan on keeping it in your home , or among the homes of your members , you should try to keep it a more intimate group consisting of no more than eight people . if you decide to use public space , like a library or a restaurant with a meeting room , you can open membership up to 12 or more members . the meeting time may need to be altered depending on what is most convenient for your members , but having a meeting time pre - determined can give prospective members an idea of whether or not they can fit the club into their schedules . meeting at night will open up club membership to working parents . weekends are generally out , though , since most people prefer to have weekends to themselves . if you do choose a weekend day , opt for sunday over saturday . giving your members a month to read a book makes it easier for busy members to finish the reading , but if you do not mind meeting to talk about the book as you read it , you could try meeting every week or every other week . just realize that busier members may not be able to make a weekly meeting . make sure to meet at roughly the same time each week or month . for instance , if you only meet once a month , you could hold your meetings on the second thursday of every month . if you meet twice a month , you could choose the first and third tuesday of every month . this consistency makes it easier for members to plan around the meeting . you do not need anything too elaborate or strict . you should consider setting rules about how many meetings members can miss or how often members can show up to meetings without doing the reading first . exceptions can always be made , of course , but having ground rules will help your members treat the club seriously . as the founder of the book club , it will likely fall to you to moderate discussions . make sure that the members stay on track and that conversation does not stray too far from topic . also be prepared to ask insightful questions to spur discussion . |
ask the people you know . post messages around town . put in a request with the venue . talk to other book clubs . | how to sustain book club membership 1 | many friends gravitate toward one another due to shared interests , making your circle of friends an ideal place to start . friends , family , and acquaintances are all up for grabs , though . you should only ask people who you think might be interested in joining for the sake of being part of a book club , rather than those who may agree to join just to please you . otherwise , the likelihood of you being able to keep them committed will not be as high . you can also ask the people you know to spread the word . your great aunt sally may not be interested in joining , but her best friends niece might be . mentioning your book club to non - interested parties and asking them to pass the word along is a simple way to advertise to people you do not know . look for community bulletin boards located in churches , libraries , or gyms . similarly , if your office has a bulletin board , feel free to post an advertisement for your book club there—as long as doing so does not violate office policy , of course . you could also try posting an invite to boards online , but you will need to find a website that tailors to your local community . a message board for your community will work , as will a free online classifieds service . if your book club meets a library or book store , ask the venue for help recruiting new members . a librarian or book store manager is likely to know many people who love books . if the person in charge has already allowed your book club to meet there , that person may also be willing to help you find interested members . book clubs are not necessarily competitive about membership . a book club that has grown too large for itself might be willing to give you the contact information for anyone who they needed to turn away due to size constraints . additionally , another book club may have a few members that might be interested in joining your club in addition to their original club if the focus is different . |
determine how exclusive membership should be . ask yourself if you want to limit membership on gender . figure out how many members you want . alert your family , friends , and acquaintances . even if no one you know wants to join your book club , someone may know someone who would . advertise your new book club . | how to start an african american book club 2 | as an african american book club , you have the option of limiting membership to african americans or opening it to anyone who is interested in studying african american literature . limiting membership may make everyone feel more comfortable and open about their remarks , but opening membership can ultimately provide a greater number of different perspectives . having a mixed - sex book club can lead to more interesting discussions , but limiting the membership by male or female can make your members feel more comfortable and may make it easier to choose books that appeal to the entire group . even if you do not put a limit on the gender , book clubs tend to be predominantly composed of females , so you may find yourself being part of an all - female book club without intending to be . a group that is too small will not be very lively , but a group that is too large may make it impossible for everyone who wants to speak to get a chance to do so . typically , book clubs have between 5 and 15 members . smaller groups have a more personal feeling to them , but larger groups invite a greater diversity in opinion . the more people you talk to about your book club , the greater your odds of spreading the word around your community are . ask your library , church , or local community center if you can post a flyer on their bulletin board . you can also post an ad on a free online classifieds for your city or community . in your advertisements , specify that you are starting an african american book club and provide an email address or phone number for interested parties to contact you at . |
narrow down your field of interest . set the tone . search african american book lists online . you can go to online african american book clubs and search their selection , or you can look at blogs , message boards , social network communities , online book lists , and other websites aimed at appealing to an african american demographic . contact online african american book clubs for suggestions . there are several notable online african american book clubs . | how to start an african american book club 3 | african american literature is a broad category . determine if you are want to cover fiction books , non - fiction books , or both . for fiction books , ask yourself if there are certain genres you want to cover or if any genre is fine . similarly , for non - fiction books , ask yourself if there are specific categories or topics that you want to include on your book list . if you want to start an african american book club that promotes books written by african americans , you can have a light - hearted tone and compile a list of contemporary novels . on the other hand , if you want to use the club to take a serious look at issues affecting african americans of both the past and present , the books you choose should be more literary , inspiration , or serious in tone . if opting for a book club that focuses on african american issues , you may also want to consider whether or not your club should only read books written by african americans . authors of other races have also written books dealing with african american issues , and these can be especially useful if you are interested in gauging perspectives of the past . , you might be able to contact the person running one of these clubs and ask him or her for book recommendations . if you explain that you are setting up an african american book club in your community , the online club might be more accommodating and helpful . |
keep the discussions lively . maintain a comfortable atmosphere . let everyone have their say . within any group of people , you will find talkers and listeners . make sure to read books that people want . set some rules about attendance . bribe members with food . simple refreshments , like coffee and cookies , can work for nearly any meeting . meet for a related event . keep everyone in the loop . | how to sustain book club membership 2 | one of the fastest ways to lose interest is to have meeting after meeting of awkward silence . people come to a book club to talk about books , and if the talking stops , so does the coming . come to each meeting with a list of open - ended questions to ask about each book . if you are the facilitator of the group , it is your responsibility to keep things on track when people start to get quiet or begin talking about too many off - topic matters . if you are only an ordinary member , you hold just as much responsibility as anyone else to speak up . anyone interested in generating further interest among the members of a book club must first go the extra length to show his or her own intense interest . a book club is nothing more than a social group that meets for a specific purpose . a good book club needs structure , but if you have too much structure , members may start to feel uncomfortable . a simple way to nurture a comfortable environment is to show interest in the other members . a simple greeting of its good to see you can go a long way in making someone feel welcome . that does not mean that the listeners have nothing of their own to add , though . pay close attention to the groups dynamics . if one or two people seem to control the entire conversation while someone else keeps getting interrupted , politely stop the talkers and casually ask for the oppressed listeners thoughts . another important thing to remember is that everyones opinion should be treated with respect . you may not agree with an interpretation that one of your clubs members brings up , but that is no reason for you or any other club member to be offensive . club members should discuss their different opinions civilly and be stopped once the conversation starts turning nasty . instead of letting one person have complete control over the reading list , your clubs membership will thrive longer if more people have a say . you can either take turns picking books or have the members vote on options brought up by everyone . whatever you choose to do , make sure that all the members feel as though their likes and dislikes are being addressed . book clubs only work if the members are willing to show up . everyone will inevitably miss a meeting here or there , but if someone consistently demonstrates a lack of interest by never showing up , it can be discouraging to the other members . it is better to cut that person loose and find a new member . forbidding members from attending if they are not up - to - date in their reading may turn some people away . on the other hand , being too lax about the reading requirement can lead to a room of people who have yet to make it past chapter five in the same book for the last three months . have a reading requirement , but enforce it loosely enough to keep people comfortable . you could also try enhancing the reading by making a related food selection . for instance , if a character talks about a certain dish in the book , try preparing that dish to bring to the club . similarly , if your club is reading an 18th century british classic , consider a snack that calls that era to mind . field trips and other fun events help the members bond as a group and may increase each members sense of attachment or belonging . if the book your club is reading was ever made into a film adaptation , meet separately one night for a showing of the movie . invite an expert to talk to your group . you can talk to a literature professor or local writer for generic books . if you are reading a book about a specific topic , you could also have an expert from that field come to your group and talk . read something local and visit the places mentioned in the book . oftentimes , you can find a book that centers around your hometown or a nearby area . read that book and take a field trip to the places mentioned in it . have a contact list with addresses , phone numbers , and email addresses . whenever there is a change , make sure to personally speak with each member to inform him or her of the change . if possible , you may even want to set up an email group or online community to make communication between members easier . |
stick with space - oriented sub - genres . make time for time . think of the future . escape to an alternate reality . be a punk . focus on technology . determine whether you want hard sci - fi or soft sci - fi . mix and match sub - genres . branch into other speculative fiction . compile a list of classics . pull books off the bestseller list . | how to start a science fiction book club 1 | space is one of the most commonly explored themes in science fiction , but within the broad category of space , there are a number of different sub - genres for you to build your book list from . these sub - genres include alien invasions , the colonization of different worlds , first contact , galactic empires , space exploration , and space operas . time travel is nearly as popular as space travel . it may be a little more difficult to find a plethora of time travel books , but you can weave one into your book list on occasion to mix things up . the majority of science fiction books take place at some point in the future , even those books that are oriented with space or technology . for some sci - fi sub - genres , however , thinking about the future is the main point rather than merely a setting detail . books that fall within the dystopian , human development , and pos - apocalyptic sub - genres are especially future - oriented . books are a sort of escape in and of themselves , but you can offer the members of your book group an even greater sense of escape by filling your book roster with alternate reality sub - genres . alternate realities include alternate histories and timelines , parallel dimensions , and virtual reality . the punk sub - genres are fairly recent , but growing in popularity . steampunk is the most notable punk sub - genre , but others , like cyberpunk , have since come into creation as well . steampunk takes place in victorian - esque settings but weaves fantastical steam and gear powered inventions into the story . cyberpunk pairs cybernetic technology with a breakdown of social order . technological feats are probably just as popular a theme in science fiction as space exploration . a book club focused on technology - based science fiction has a wide range of sub - genres to choose from , including artificial intelligence , nano - technology , mind uploading , and singularity—the idea of a major but short - live technological boom . hard sci - fi focuses on scientific accuracy , and most hard sci - fi deals with technology . soft sci - fi relies more heavily on sciences that are less precise , such as psychology and anthropology . if you only have an interest in certain types of science fiction , then you should build your club and its book roster around that interest . if , however , you have an interest in science fiction no matter what the genre is , you can spice things up by planning a book club that will cover a range of topics . sometimes the boundaries between science fiction , fantasy , and horror get blurred . for instance , some science fiction takes place in a future that has , for whatever reason , reverted back into fantasy - like sword - and - sorcery state . similarly , some post - apocalyptic books portray a world filled with the grotesque mutants and violence common to the horror genre . you can really push the envelop by including a few books that could be classified within these other genres . if you do not know where to start , consider paying homage to the classics that helped build the science fiction genre into what it is today . the list of science fiction classics includes , but is certainly not limited to , h . g . wellss the time machine and war of the worlds , philip k . dicks do androids dream of electric sheep , isaac asimovs i , robot , aldous huxleys brave new world , orson scott cards enders game , george orwells 1984 , and ray bradburys fahrenheit 451 . when all else fails , pull titles off bestselling science fiction lists . science fiction bestsellers usually consist of both recent titles and classics being turned into movies . |
settle on a number . contact friends and family . advertise . | how to start a science fiction book club 2 | a group that is too small may not have much to say , but a group that is too large may prevent some people from participating . usually , groups that range between 5 and 15 people are a good size . smaller groups will create a more personal atmosphere , but slightly larger groups will allow for a greater exchange of ideas and may be ideal for science fiction book clubs . ask anyone you know who likes science fiction to join your group . you can also bring it up to people who do not like sci - fi and ask them to pass word along to anyone they know who might be interested . put posters up in your local library or create ads on free online classifieds . you can also advertise in science fiction forums online . even though these forums already offer members the chance to discuss their favorite stories , some members may also be interested in participating in an actual book club , especially if they want to meet with local sci - fi fanatics in person . |
find a good meeting place . settle on a convenient meeting time . figure out how often to meet . make use of technology . cover the ground rules . learn how to lead . | how to start a science fiction book club 3 | the size of your group will likely impact the space you need in a meeting place . homes tend to work well for smaller groups , but library conference rooms and restaurants with secluded sections tend to work better for larger groups . alternatively , you can also meet online . if your members are scattered across a broad distance or simply prefer to interact via the computer , you can set up your own blog , e - mail list , or forum to facilitate discussion . in order to set up a time , you need to balance your members schedules . after dinner tends to be a popular choice , since most people work during the morning and afternoon , and participants with young children can put their kids down for the night before attending . meeting well after dinner also means that you do not need to provide a meal . if you want to discuss your books as you read them , then you may consider meeting every one or two weeks . if you prefer to discuss the books only after you finish them , however , you may opt for meeting on a monthly basis , especially since many science fiction books are fairly long and may take that long to finish if your members have busy schedules . this is a science fiction book club , after all , so the odds or running into a member with a technology phobia is rare . even if you meet offline and in person , you can still set up a blog or online forum to facilitate discussion in between meetings . you should also keep contact with your group via e - mail to inform them of any changes or other pertinent information . stress the importance of reading the books and making the meetings . without these two elements , your book club will completely fall apart . you should also make sure that each member knows when your club meets , how long meetings will last , and any rules surrounding the discussion of books in your club . you will need to decide whether you will moderate each session or if you will take turns with other members . you should also determine whether to follow a formal set of discussion questions or if you would rather have a loose , casual conversation about the books . |
find your celebrities fanmail address . write an autograph request letter to your celebrity . slip your piece of cardboard , letter , and photo into your small envelope . seal your smaller envelope and slip it inside your larger envelope . take your envelopes to the post office and have them weigh and stamp the smaller sealed envelop by itself . send your autograph request envelope . | how to send an autograph request | a good database for fanmail addresses is fanmail . biz . if their address isnt on fanmail , try googling the celebritys address . or check their twitter . a lot of celebrities give out their fanmail address via twitter . make sure you say why you are writing and politely request an autograph from them . as a general guideline , handwritten is best , your letter should be no more than a page long , and its best to keep it semi professional . some celebrities are a little put off by letters that are overly fan girly . make sure you sign the letter with your name , some celebrities will look at how you sign it to personalize their autograph to you . make sure everything lays flat . if you are sending the request from another country , to the us , put in several ircs international reply coupons , which will allow the celebrity to get the correct postage to return your photo after they have signed it . you can only get ircs at your post officefedexetc . do not seal the larger envelope . then put the already stamped smaller envelope inside the larger one . seal the larger envelope with the smaller inside it . have them weigh and stamp the larger envelope now . |
follow your idol on social media sites . post thoughtful comments . respond to your idols social media messages . share your idols social media messages . contact your idol directly through social media sites . | how to meet your idol 1 | social media has made the world a smaller place , making people like celebrities who were previously inaccessible to us much more so . it also benefits celebrities to have followers because the more fans they have , the more endorsements they get and products they sell . it also influences their pay scale and opportunities for more work . the two primary sites for connecting with your idol are facebook and twitter . with facebook , you can follow someone even if you are not friends , as long as the person has made his or her profile available to the public . for many high - profile public figures , facebook verifies the person is who he or she claims to be , placing a blue badge , or check mark , next to the persons name . with twitter , you can follow whomever you want . however , you cannot directly message someone who does not also follow you , nor will your tweets appear in the other persons feed . finally , while you cannot follow your idol on linkedin , you can connect with other linkedin members by sending them requests . if youre able to post comments , based upon how the person has set up his or her account , comment upon what you like about his or her work , how it inspires you , ways in which you may have used it for charitable purposes and the like . avoid overdoing it . you should not post multiple times per day , let alone multiple times per week . that begins to look like stalking and will not get you what you want – contact with your idol . you could also find yourself blocked . if your postings goes unnoticed or if it takes a long time to get a response , dont get upset . celebrities are inundated with requests for their time , along with messages and a steady stream of social media chatter . and never leave a snarky remark in response to feeling rejected or for any other reason . doing so will drastically decrease your chances of meeting your idol . additionally , keep in mind that while some celebrities work on all aspects of their social media sites themselves , others do not . instead , they hire agencies to do this for them . this is another way to get on your idols radar . again , you want to be thoughtful in your replies . demonstrate that youre not only articulate but that you also know about what youre writing . opinions are great , but opinions backed by facts , including references to things demonstrating to your idol youve been a longtime fan , are better . also consider sharing something youve created that relates to what your idol is discussing . on facebook , you simply comment on the persons post if public comments are allowed . on twitter , you can reply to your idols tweet however , replies will not show up on his or her home timeline if your idol doesnt follow you . one way to get your idol to notice you , and hopefully to respond , is by sharing their messages and content , particularly those they ask fans to share . for example , if your idol asks followers to repost or retweet information pertaining to his or her favorite charity , an upcoming performance or event , a personal statement contradicting tabloid rumors or a statement supporting another in the industry , do so . send your idol a message a explaining who you are and b either asking him or her a question or explaining why youd like to talk or meet . be polite and professional . dont start off by telling your idol how youre his or her biggest fan ever or that youve listened to every album ever recorded . a lot of people have . you need to stand out , and to do that you should do the opposite of what most fans do when writing letters and messaging their idols . in other words , dont gush , blabber , use too many exclamation points , include hearts or other emoticons , express your undying devotion and love , etc . write to your idol politely , in a clear and concise manner and using a standard letter format . quickly get to the point , which is to either ask a question or explain why you want to talk or meet . next give your idol a compelling reason to want to respond . except under certain circumstances hes your professor or there are serious time constraints , for example , it could be in your best interests to start a dialog before diving right in and asking to meet your idol first . you might consider creating a video or slideshow instead of a letter , as long as it is short , professional and to the point . skip the singing and dancing . dont be afraid to contact your idol again in a few weeks . remember , he or she is likely a very busy person . when doing so , begin by referring back to your previous message and include it below the second . |
go to book signings . buy vip tickets . pay for fan clubs or upgraded fan - club levels . attend movie premieres , awards programs , film festivals and other ticketed events . do what your idol does . | how to meet your idol 2 | your idol may be a relatively unknown but up - and - coming author whos set to sign books at barnes nobles next month in your city . heres your change to meet her book signings are also a great way to meet both world figures and celebrities . increasingly , celebrities are writing memoirs and actresses and actors are appearing at signings that coincide with the openings of the movies they starred in from that particular book series . in almost all cases , you are required to buy the book from the bookstore hosting the signing , so make sure you bring along enough money to buy one . consider buying more than one book , so you have extra time with your idol . to find out if your idol is having a book signing for a recently published book , look for a social media announcement from your idol go to the publishers website and its social media sites look on major retailers websites like barnes noble and talk with local bookstores , particularly if you live in a major metropolitan area . in case youve always wondered but never thought to ask , vip means very important person . you can be one , too , for the right price . usually , that price is high . yet purchasing vip tickets to concerts , plays , comedy shows , the ballet and sporting events come with a variety of perks . one of those perks is often a meet and greet pass . depending upon the event , this could mean you meet your idol or that you meet someone or several people that are part of , for example , a ballet troupe or a baseball team . this could include your idol . you also often get a photograph as a part of vip packages , and , in some cases , much more , such as invites to pre - or post - event parties . make sure that you read the details carefully . you can get vip tickets in a number of ways – from ticketing services like vipnation . com , ticketmaster . com , viptickets . com , premiumseatsusa . com and from the venues and organizations themselves . not all events will have vip tickets , and youll want to buy them either through pre - sales offers or within minutes of tickets going on sale for many events . often , joining an official fan club is free , and with some you can get one of the most coveted perks of belonging to a fan club – being included in a lottery or drawing to win a meet and greet pass after you buy a ticket to a show or event . frequently , however , this opportunity is only available when you upgrade your membership , or pay for a higher level . plenty of fan clubs , however , are not free for even basic membership . many of these , such as certain major league sports team fan clubs , will go beyond basic meet and greets and include invitations to dinners and other events . some of the other benefits of upgrading and paying for fan clubs include access to dress rehearsals and practices where you might get more than a handshake and a photo , online chats and conference calls and dibs on pre - sales tickets which can help get vip tickets . while major movie awards programs like the golden globes and the oscars are virtually impossible to get tickets to , even for those in the industry , others such as the bet music awards are possible . these , along with movie premieres and film festivals , give you an opportunity to potentially meet countless celebrities . if your idol is less well known , see if he or she has a website that lists upcoming speaking events or performances nearby or in your area . some may even be free . heres a good site for finding tickets for movie premieres , film festivals and awards shows thevipconcierge . com . this might be leaning to the stalker side , but if you know that your idol works out a particular gym , for instance , you might consider joining the same gym . if you know that your idol always attends lakers games and sits in a specific spot , you might try to get seats nearby . if , for example , your idol is your towns former mayor , and she eats at the same diner every wednesday for lunch , you might eat there as well . strike up a conversation and offer to pay for her lunch |
get a press pass . attend free speeches , lectures , demonstrations and gallery openings . use your connections and network . obtain tickets to talk shows . wait by theater stage doors . go to filmings . be a seat filler at awards shows . enter and hopefully win a contest . get a job where your idol goes . find a way backstage . determine where your idol is staying . | how to meet your idol 3 | optimally , you would already be a legitimate member of the media and , therefore , have an opportunity to get a press pass allowing you backstage for a variety of events . press passes arent , however , given to all media outlets for all events as theyre limited in number . if youre not a working member of the media , consider joining your student newspaper getting an internship at a local newspaper , radio or tv station or offering to cover the event for free for a local publication . however you go about it , the rewards could be substantial – time spent interviewing your idol , hanging around after the event and even perhaps striking up a friendship . if youre an indie blogger or journalist , email the event organizer or press contact person several weeks before the event , explain who you are and what you do , provide links to work samples and request a press pass for the event . call in one week if you didnt receive a reply to your email . additionally , it might be helpful to become a member of the international association of freelance journalists , which can help bloggers and freelancers get press credentials . for many , their idols arent seemingly untouchable multi - millionaires that appear to exist in an alternate universe . they are emerging or just really good local artists and musicians , retired academics or nasa engineers , activists from the 1960s civil rights movement or small - city gardening experts . going to these types of events provide excellent opportunities to meet your idol and likely walk away with more than an autograph or photo . to find out about these events , read your local newspapers and magazines look for fliers posted at public libraries and in other public places visit college , university and local tourist websites and the like . you know someone who knows someone whose cousin went to school with your idol . sometimes all it takes to hit pay dirt is to look through your all your contacts and start making calls to people you think might know someone to get you to the person with direct access to your idol . as they say , theres only six degrees of separation between any two people . also , social networking sites can be very useful tools in this endeavor , so dont overlook themif it doesnt happen immediately , create new relationships and cultivate the old to get you closer . you never know when someone you might have scratched off your list is suddenly back in touch with a missing link . celebrities and public figures frequently appear on talk shows , in large part to promote their latest ventures or agendas – new movies , tv shows , clothing lines , albums , books , causes , charities and so forth . most daytime and evening talk shows are free , though you often have to wait a long time to get tickets , if you ever do . nonetheless , if you do manage to get a ticket , you might just meet your idol either during the show , if youre very lucky , or before if you play your cards right . heres how it works and what you need to do . often celebrity guests will arrive about an hour before the taping through a side door . in many cases , like with major stars or public figures , some type of barrier is erected . youll a need to know if and when your idol is appearing on a talk show , b where the stage door is located prior to the day of taping and c ensure youre there about 2 hours early . bring whatever you want signed , something easy to write with like a felt - tip pen , your camera fully charged and ready , a smile and good manners . taping schedules and guest lists are on each shows website , or you can look here , too onlocationvacations . comtalk - show - guest - schedule . waiting outside theater stage doors is a bit different from talk shows in that theatre productions have both matinee and evening shows , sometimes require actors spending a long time in make - up and often travel from one city to another . its often best to avoid the matinee shows as actors may not leave before the evening performance . friday and saturday nights arent the best times either because youll be one amongst so many fighting for your idols attention . finally , dont go to the last night of the show because the crew will often be packing up to leave . here are some more tips . try to stand near the theater wall just to the left or to the right of the stage door to , essentially , block your idols way before he or she can get too far . if theres a large crowd , stand back , directly opposite from the door and wait until the crowd breaks before approaching . you may even have more time with your idol this way . always be polite , congratulate your idol on a great performance , have your paper or playbill , pen and camera ready and say thank you . television shows and movies film in cities around the world , though many are filmed in los angeles and new york city . if you happen to live where a show or movie is being filmed , you might randomly stumble upon a filming . but if youre focusing on meeting your idol , you need to know where to look . research what your idol is next starring in and then find out where the show or movie will be shot . heres a site to help determine this onlocationvacations . com . once there , find your idols trailer and navigate around security so you can wait outside of it . its certainly not subtle , but if you are polite and dont behave in a way to frighten your idol , you might get a quick chat and a photo . because producers dont want viewers to see empty seats when the cameras are directed at the audience , they hire people to wait in the proverbial wings to slide into these seats when people go to the stage or take inevitable bathroom breaks . being a seat filler wont be glamorous , and you likely wont be paid . you may not fill your idols seat , but you might . or , perhaps , your idol could be sitting nearby and whomever left the seat never returns you may even get lucky while youre standing in the periphery before , during or after the show . oftentimes radio stations put on contests for tickets , backstage passes and meet and greets for upcoming concerts . it often goes like this , be the 6th lucky caller , and youll win two vip tickets and backstage passes to see acdc friday night at alltel arena other times the djs will ask the caller to answer an odd quiz and , increasingly , you simply fill out a form on the stations website to enter a drawing . a variety of other companies and organizations participate in contests for free tickets and sometimes amazing winnings , not only to concerts but also to sporting , cultural and theatrical events . this might take some semi - stalking , but if you can find out where your idol regularly eats or shops , try to get a job there . this might provide more interaction with your idol than most of the other means discussed . after all , if youre helping your idol find the perfect book for his mothers birthday , youll likely end up talking a good bit . or , if youre doing a good job as a waitress or waiter , you wont only list the specials , take his or her order and deliver your idols drink and food . unless you have a press pass , are a crew member , special to a member of the band or other group performing , affiliated with the band or group or bought a special vip package , itll be tough getting a backstage pass . with that said , it can be done in one of three primary ways . the first relates to bands and involves joining or creating a street team , or a group of people who promote a band , both on the streets and now online . the second is by getting a job working at the venue where the event will be held . and the third requires a lot of schmoozing . heres how it works . first , if you didnt get a job working at the venue , go to the venue and start chatting up the venue workers prior to the event . be very friendly and offer to help . if this doesnt work , try to make friends with the opening acts when they arrive and see if you can get a pass that way . express a sincere interest in their music and in your desire to meet more people involved in the tour . if this fails , move on to the concert crew theyll typically be the ones dressed in black . offer to help move things and set up equipment , talk about the tour , throw out hints and see if anyone bites . and if all of this fails , and youre still dying to meet your idol , the tour bus will be in the parking lot near the back entrance or by the loading dock . but be warned , roadies may be around with hopes of their own . and for the final , and perhaps most creepy , means of meeting your idol , find out the hotel in which he or she is staying and then wait outside . the best way to do this is to check out paparazzi photos online to determine his or her location . or , spend a couple of evenings in the hotel bar in hopes of meeting your idol . another option is nefarious , and not particularly wise , but possibly successful . follow the band or other group of which your idol belongs and its entourage to the hotel , walk in with them as if obviously a guest , grab a drink and mingle . but not with the band or security , at least not at first . |
wait for an official meet and greet . selena gomez will have occasional meet - and - greet events . monitor her other tours and events . listen to the radio . checking her website for public events will only provide you with the same chance of meeting her that any other fan has . watch the disney channel . | how to meet selena gomez 1 | these events are specifically planned out for the purpose of bringing her together with her fans . if you want to meet her in a setting that will allow you to talk to her for a few minutes , this might be your best option . you can check on currently scheduled events by visiting the events or tour section of her official website . while these events are often listed on her website , other sources disney , various radio stations , etc . may sponsor such events as well . the most common way to see selena gomez in person is to go to one of her concerts when her tour stops in a nearby city . while there is no guarantee that you will be able to meet her face - to - face , there might be a brief period after the concert ends during which she can meet a few fans from the audience . the odds are against you when you attempt this method . if you go to one of her concerts , do so with the primary objective of attending the concert and watching her perform . meeting her can be a secondary goal but you should not count on it . a list of her current tour dates can be found under the events page of her website . radio stations that play her music may occasionally sponsor contests that would allow the winner to meet her . make sure that youre listening to radio stations that play her music . stations that play a different genre of music will not offer such contests because they would not appeal to their general audience . listen to the contest rules before you call in . some contests require contestants to be 18 years of age or older . if you are not 18 years old you may need an adult to enter on your behalf . every so often the disney channel will announce a contest through which you can meet one of your favorite affiliated stars . given the rarity and unpredictability of these contests , it could take a long time before there is a contest that would allow you to meet selena gomez . you can also monitor current disney channel events by following its social media accounts . facebook httpswww . facebook . comdisneychannel twitter httpstwitter . comdisneychannel |
send her a note . get involved in charity work . use the make - a - wish foundation . attend other events she might go to . | how to meet selena gomez 2 | selena gomez receives a large volume of fan letters and notes each day . she does not have time to respond to them all and cannot meet every fan who makes a request . however , if your circumstances are peculiar enough there is some chance that you might be invited to one of her events free of charge . the easiest way to send selena gomez a written note is through one of her social media pages . facebook httpswww . facebook . comselena twitter httpstwitter . comselenagomez google plus httpsplus . google . comselenagomezposts youtube httpwww . youtube . comselenagomez selena gomez is involved with many well - known charities , including unicef . if you get involved with some of the causes and charities that shes involved in your paths may cross during a charity event . your contribution or involvement will usually need to be somewhat significant if you hope to get invited to the same events . for example , you could join her cause by volunteering with unicef or starting a unicef club at your high school . if you do other charity work , you may also be nominated as a unicef do - gooder , which would draw attention to you and your efforts . if you are a terminally ill child and your biggest wish is to meet with selena gomez , you can make a request through the make - a - wish foundation . this organization is dedicated to granting the wishes of children who face serious illnesses and this sort of request is not especially unusual . in fact , selena gomez has even been known to respond to wishes made through the make - a - wish - foundation in the past . to have your wish granted by the foundation , you must have a referral . the referral can come from yourself , a parent , or a medical professional . you must be between the ages of 2 - 12 and 18 at the time of referral , and you must have a life - threatening medical condition . she may show up to some events that involve a variety of stars without focusing specifically on her . the crowds at these events tend to be large so meeting her there might be difficult . however , it isnt impossible if you want to have a chance at meeting her , make sure you show up to these events early so you can get in . for example , selena gomez may attend events put on by the disney channel even if that event is not described as a meet - and - greet contest . if she has been nominated for something , she may even show up at the nick choice awards . you can check on whether or not she is a nominee by visiting the official award show website httpwww . nick . comkids - choice - awards |
dress to impress . express your excitement . ask for an autograph or photograph . be polite . | how to meet selena gomez 3 | meeting selena gomez could be a once - in - a - lifetime opportunity . you do not need to wear anything formal but try to put your best foot forward regarding your clothes and appearance . doing so could make you stand out from the rest of the crowd and improve your chances of being noticed . consider wearing a fan shirt . you can buy an official concert tour shirt or you could make your own shirt that has text or images expressing how big of a fan you are . consider putting together an outfit together with garments from her clothing line , dream out loud . show excitement when you see her to make yourself stand out in the crowd . if you actually get to meet her one - on - one , express your enthusiasm in your words , tone of voice , and body language to leave the strongest impression possible and to make the occasion memorable for everyone . most celebrities will enjoy hearing how much you love their work . consider saying something along the lines of , i love your new album . ‘revival is my favorite song avoid touching her without permission . if youd like a hug be sure to ask her first . never grab her arms or reach for her – thats the quickest way to lose her attention . dont be pushy . these mementos are great ways to remember meeting her and depending on the circumstances she might oblige . however , there could be some situations in which such actions are not feasible . if your request is denied , accept that fact and move on . for example , if you ask her for her autograph while shes trying to get to an event she may not have time to stop for you . courtesy is always important no matter what but you should be especially courteous during a moment like this . after all , being remembered as someone who caused a disruption or created a problem could have serious long - lasting consequences . besides , who would want their idol to remember them as a rude person be courteous when approaching her . if you spot her by chance while she is clearly in the middle of a date , meal , or casual evening out , it would be polite to leave her alone . |
act and dress the part as with a job interview , a date , or any other important event you need to dress and act appropriately . be cool . dress gangster , but not too gangster . wear biker style sunglasses . relate culturally people are naturally attracted and feel comfortable around others with similar interests , life styles , language , etc . date a stripper . get tattoos like jesse james . drive a cool car with lots of power and individualism . be in the right place at the right time jesse james often attends or participates in motor sports events in the los angeles area . attend low key events in the los angeles area , such as the octo vw bus show . | how to meet jesse james | this is true for meeting jesse james as well , while it would be difficult to duplicate jesses success and fame , there are some things you do that may help you relate jesse james last wife was an exotic dancer , aka stripper . by dating a stripper you will have something in common . jesse has many tattoos including one on the palm of his hand that says pay up sucker . you probably dont want to duplicate his ink , but tattoos will give you something to talk about . jesse has a fleet of vehicles and shows interest in all types of modified and powerful cars , trucks and motorcycles . pick events where there are not likely to be huge crowds to increase your chances of making contact with him jesse and other celebrities have been seen at vw and porsche events in la , chatting with vehicle owners . the photo above shows jesse and an average guy hanging out . jesse doesnt seem to mind that he has a dirty shirt and dirty hands . |
consider your location . get involved in something that brings you close to celebrities . attend a meet n greet . send your celebrity mail . meet a celebrity through a mutual acquaintance . maintain your composure . treat the celebrity as you would anyone else . although it depends on their level of fame , famous people tend to be used to people sucking up to them or going nuts at their mere presence . remember to be polite . add your two cents to the conversation . most people approach meeting a celebrity as a one - sided ordeal . know when to say goodbye . | how to meet a famous person | location is everything . if you want to maximize your chances of running into celebrities , its important to consider where you live and how likely famous people are to frequent your neighbourhood . cultural hubs like los angeles , new york and london are far better - suited to meeting celebrities than any small town . check online to see if there are any places in your city where celebrities are known to hang out . even if youre already living in a right city to meet somebody famous , you should consider the spots you frequent . different environments will attract different kinds of famous people , but ritzy environments like nightclubs and fancy restaurants are the most likely place to run into celebrities . think of the kinds of people that brush shoulders with famous people on a regular basis . media and field - specific professionals like film set crew etc . are used to dealing with celebrities because its part of their job to do so . if youre interested in meeting a famous person , you might try getting involved in something that will put you on the front lines . start a webzine , and try to get press passes into media events . send requests to press agents to interview celebrities . depending on the level of fame the person has , your chances of getting a response may be low . doing something like this will make your interaction with a celebrity much more fluid and natural than if you were approaching them purely as a fan . many celebrities use their fame to advance pet causes they are personally passionate about . for instance , you might show an interest in the vips charity of choice and volunteer time into it . this will immediately offer common ground between the two of you with which to build a mutually respectful relationship . meet n greets are specifically there for fans to meet their idols , and vice - versa . although you wont likely have a lot of time to talk to the celebrity in question , its still a controlled and relatively certain way of meeting a famous person you respect . if you do end up chatting , make sure its convenient for the celebrity . check online for scheduled appearances . most celebrities have a webpage that will catalogue or list all of their public appearances . if your availability permits , you might try going to one of them . touring bands often have meet n greets prior to going on stage . n the case of bands , you can sometimes purchase vip ticket packages to meet the musicians before the performance as well . vip packages tend to be significantly more expensive than regular tickets , so weigh the benefits and whether or not the cost is worth it to you . even if meeting the celebrity in person is out of the question at the moment , you can still send an email letting him know you respect his work and achievements . given that the schedules of famous people dont allow much time for dawdling , its important to keep your email relatively brief . state briefly who you are and what you do , followed by a short body of the message where youll speak your piece . dont get bogged down in detail . an excessively long email will probably be deleted before its ever read . if your email leaves room for the possibility of a response , dont hold your breath . even if the person gets around to responding , it may be weeks or even months before a proper response gets through . just like anyone else , the best way to meet a famous person is via a mutual friend . if youre meeting the vip through someone they already respect , it will bode well for the way they react towards you . more importantly , youll be meeting the celebrity on relatively equal grounds compared to the imbalanced fan interaction he is probably used to . most famous people will react in a fairly predictable manner if someone is going nuts over them . unless the celebrity in question is a total diva , chances are she isnt going to want to have a fuss made over her . if you are talking to a famous person , your best bet is to interact with them much as you would with a regular person you have respect for if you dont think you can meet this person without bursting into hysterics , its probably best to hold off on meeting the person altogether . if you stay calm and act towards them like you would anyone else , they will feel soothed by your presence . act as you regularly would . if youre not focused so much on the fact that youre in the presence of a celebrity , the interaction will turn out much more fluidly . if the famous person you are talking to has been featured in tabloids lately , its probably not a good idea to bring that up . in fact , it is best that you try to steer clear of anything of a potentially inflammatory nature . although it may be celebrity gossip to everyone else , this person has a life , and he may not want to talk about it , especially with someone hes just met . on the topic of politeness , you should ask before taking pictures . while it might feel very important for you to get a souvenir of the occasion , snapping a photograph is really inconsiderate . politeness includes not interrupting a conversation between the celebrity and someone else . while you may be desperate to get an inch in , its not gong to do anything to get you in the vips good graces . while it indeed may be more special to meet someone youve only seen before in newspapers or films , that doesnt mean the conversation should be all about the celebrity . dont be afraid to give your opinions . comment on things that have nothing to do with the fact that the person youre talking to happens to be famous . not only will you feel empowered by sharing your opinions with a celebrity the celebrity himself is also bound to get a lot more out of the conversation . if you want to have some kind of lasting relationship with this person , there needs to be mutual respect . that means you have to take your interactions to a higher level than simple fandom . keeping celebrities tight schedules in mind , the last thing you want to do is hog up their time . in some cases , a celebrity may be too polite than to tell you he needs to get out of there . you should bear their time in mind , and dont keep them occupied more than would seem appropriate . when it comes time to say goodbye , extend your hand and give them a warm greeting as you would with anyone else . treating someone with warmth and compassion will leave a big impression . that rings true regardless whether someone is famous or not . |
make plans to attend an r5 concert . get a backstage pass to the concert . join the r5 fan club . | how to meet ross lynch 1 | this improves your chances of meeting ross lynch as he performs on - stage , and as he enters and leaves the concert venue . go to the r5 website at httpr5rocks . comtour to view tour dates and purchase tickets . this allows you to mingle backstage before , during , and after the concert , where you have a chance to meet ross lynch . go as a member of the press , work at the venue , or participate in contests for a chance to win a backstage pass . this grants you meet - and - greet eligibility with r5 , which means you can meet ross lynch and the band in person when opportunities arise . club membership also includes access to r5 ticket pre - sales and merchandise discounts . go to the r5 website at httpr5rocks . comjoin and click join now to purchase a fan club membership . |
follow ross lynch on social media . read all posts and updates from ross lynch . contact ross using social media . | how to meet ross lynch 2 | ross has official social media accounts on facebook , twitter , instagram , and snapchat . this allows you to receive real - time updates from ross lynch , which is helpful if you want to know where he is . facebook httpswww . facebook . comrossr5 twitter httpstwitter . comrossr5 instagram httpswww . instagram . comrossr5 snapchat username ledcorsair this allows you to stay on top of how ross lynch spends his time , even when r5 performs nearby . ross may be visiting a nearby venue , improving your odds of meeting him in person . though ross has millions of followers , theres a chance hell reply to your post if it catches his eye . use the opportunity to learn about the best ways to meet him . |
attend a live taping of a show featuring ross lynch . contact local radio stations to find out if theyre offering promotions or backstage passes to the next ross lynch event . use a booking agency to book an event or meeting with ross lynch . spend time at ross lynchs favorite venues . talk to people who work at r5 concert venues . | how to meet ross lynch 3 | just like a concert , a live taping improves your odds of meeting ross lynch before , during , and after the taping , especially if you have a backstage pass . visit ross lynchs social media profiles regularly to stay updated about his latest movie and television projects . radio stations often host contests and giveaways for free backstage passes and tickets . booking agencies work directly with ross agent , manager , and public relations team to schedule events for ross . type booking ross lynch into your search engine to identify booking agencies that have a relationship with ross lynchs management team . this improves your odds of running into him when he visits these places . visit fan sites , forums , and celebrity gossip sites to find out where ross lynch spends his time when hes not working . employees at concert venues such as vendors , security guards , and maintenance staff can offer inside information about ross lynch , such as where he likes to eat when hes in town or how he enters the venue . |
switch to a different mode on your kindle . make sure you are back at the first page of non - archived books , or the page that contains the collection youd like to remove . make sure the selection bar is highlighting the collection youd like to remove . press the left arrow key on the 5 - way controller until a new option that is displayed at the center of the device shows a delete button . press the select key that is found in the center of the devices 5 - way controller , to remove the collection . | how to remove a collection from a kindle 2 1 | use the by collections mode to organize your books . , the bar will be slightly underneath the collections name . youll also see two arrows pointing to the left and right of this black bar . , |
switch to a different mode on your kindle . make sure you are back at the first page of non - archived books , or the page that contains the collection youd like to remove . make sure the selection bar is highlighting the collection youd like to remove . press the right arrow key on the 5 - way controller . move the cursorhighlighter around the screen until you get to the remove collection or delete collection choice , which should be the third item from the top of the list . press the select key that is found in the center of the devices 5 - way controller , to remove the collection . | how to remove a collection from a kindle 2 2 | use the by collections mode to organize your books . , the bar will be slightly underneath the collections name . youll also see two arrows pointing to the left and right of this black bar . this should bring up another menu of options . , |
switch to a different mode on your kindle . make sure you are back at the first page of non - archived books , or the page that contains the collection youd like to remove . make sure the selection bar is highlighting the collection youd like to remove . press the right arrow key on the 5 - way controller . move the cursorhighlighter around the screen until you get to the remove collection or delete collection choice , which should be the third item from the top of the list . press the select key that is found in the center of the devices 5 - way controller . press the select button at the center of the 5 - way controller , since the device automatically sends the default action to the ok button in the message . | how to remove a collection from a kindle 2 3 | use the by collections mode to organize your books . , the bar will be slightly underneath the collections name . youll also see two arrows pointing to the left and right of this black bar . this should bring up another menu of options . , this will send back a message to you reminding you that there are still books in this collection , and that it will delete the collection , and move the books back into the non - collectionsnon - archived group of books . |
locate your customized send - to - kindle email address from your settings in amazons page - settings . if you find that you dont have one yet , create your send - to - kindle email address . open a new email message on your pc or macintosh computer . enter your send - to - kindle email address into the to box . type convert in the subject box . attach the document as a downloadable attachment to your email . send the file on its merry - way . locate a place where wi - fi is accessible . turn on the kindle device . connect to the wi - fi network on your kindle device , if it isnt already on . give the device a few moments to initialize , convert and receive the entire document to your kindle . look for the document on the home screen of the device , or if the kindle is one of the kindle fire tablets , as a document title on the carousel home screen . | how to wirelessly transfer a document to an amazon kindle device | if youve already created one but forgot what it was and you have your device handy , this information can be found on any kindle on the second page of your kindles settings . , if this place is your house , go to a place in your house that wi - fi has the best reception , along with a time when the wi - fi network has the highest bandwidth time by other users . if not , your library may have a wi - fi network , but check with your library before spontaneously going there , to see if they do or not . , even if your device has 3g capabilities , amazon will only transfer files over whispernet when wi - fi itself is on . if you dont have wi - fi turned on , youll receive a reminder document onto your device telling you that your documents are queued and ready to be transferred and that the documents will be transferred once you turn on wi - fi . , |
find a convention nearby . buy your ticket ahead of time . have plenty of money ready . plan your trip in advance . choose the right people to go with . make sure you know the schedule of the expo . expect protestors , and over - enthusiasts . get to the convention hall early . meet and greet with your favorite porn star . see your favorite porn star dancing and swinging . ask questions of them at forums . find a model online . talk like you would on a date . pay the cam girlguy tips . use a credit card on the site . set up terms and conditions for a meeting . know the risks for potential scams . get to know the person . introduce yourself . ask the star on a date . compliment them on something non - porn related . look at himher as more than a sexual object . support their work in the porn industry . | how to meet a porn star in your area | porn conventions usually take place in large facilities like convention halls . some porn star conventions travel around , while others are stationary annually . check newspapers , magazines , or online to find out when and where shows are . they will list them in events or news . make sure to write down the location and time on a piece of paper so you do not forget . this is critical because porn conventions are usually packed . people reserve their tickets months ahead of time . therefore , the conventions will be almost impossible to get into the day of . use the online site of the porn convention , or use the phone number you find in the newspapermagazine to preorder tickets . each picture andor signature of a porn star costs money , as does the initial entry fee . there are also plenty of sex toys , novelties , and food to purchase . carry some extra money in your walletpurse . make sure that you carry cash , in case some booths do not accept credit cards . while you are seeking a porn star nearby , the convention hall is likely not to be next door to your house . that means you will need to schedule ahead how long you need to drive , how much gas you will need , a hotel to stay inif overnight , and bus tickets to get to the hall itself . use an online hotel website to find the perfect place to stay . use sites like google maps to find nearby busingpublic transportation near the convention center . a trip to a porn convention is not for everyone . choose friends who are open minded . ask them what they think about porn . whether they have any favorite porn actressesactors . a group of close girlsguys almost always works best . if you are an open - minded couple , this might be something you are interested in as well . your porn stars only appear at certain times , at certain locations within the convention hall . print out a copy of the event schedule , usually found on their online website . map out when and where you need to be , and estimate how long it will take you to walk to each location . you can also pick up a schedule when you enter the convention hall , but you wont be able to plan ahead . outside porn conventions are usually a set of protestors , of a religiousmoral nature . these are to be expected . there are also those who flash throughout the convention hall . this is also to be expected . porn conventions are a mixed bag , full of surprises , so go into it with an open mind . people start camping out to these events , sometimes days in advance . while it is not necessary to get there that early , you should try to get there when it opens . this will alleviate some of the more heavy traffic you might experience in the convention hall during primetime hours . you can also get some of your desired visits out of the way , and just relax the rest of the time there . find the location of your favorite porn star to get your movies , posters , and pictures signed . you will also want to bring a camera so that you can get your picture taken with him or her . spend time chatting , whether it be small talk , or how much you appreciate their work . this is your chance to meet and interact , so take advantage of your time . while nudity is prohibited at these conventions , there are usually porn stars or strippers dancing . they might be doing this on a pole or on stage . feel free to watch and have a good time . while you can certainly ask porn stars questions at their individual booths , there tend to be lines . this means you have to get in and out in an timely manner . however , often times porn stars conduct forums at these conventions . these are times where porn stars open up on stage about their personal and professional life . feel free to ask them questions you have about them , or the industry as a whole . while meeting a porn star in the flesh can be difficult , you can always find them online . plenty of sites showcase professional and amateur porn stars who cam . this is where they interact through textchat while they strip . because a lot of these stars are amateurs , you might even be able to meet up with one of them for one - on - one time . the first major step is to search for cam girlsguys online , and find some that you are interested in . whether you are in a public chatroom , or in private one - on - one time , it is important that you are serious in your dialogue . do not use slang , or be rude to the model . be respectful , and have a decent conversation , whether it be small talk or sexual in nature . ask them questions about their life , what they like to do in bed , or fun hobbies they have . these are not objects , but human beings with real emotions . even if you are just joining a cam site to say hi and talk , it is important that you pay the star tips . tips are usually a small dollar amount that you give them to show you appreciate them . this is often times how many of these stars make a living . it is rude to simply take advantage of them and not pay . you will need a credit card in order to pay the girlsguys tips . these sites are protected by security and privacy measures . however , if you do not feel comfortable giving out your credit number , these sites are probably not for you . make sure that when you are charged , it is written down discretely on your credit card bill if you do not want to raise suspicion . sometimes you might meet someone on a camming website and really hit it off . you might even want to meet the person in real life . in that case , it is important to set up the parameters beforehand . what time you are meeting , where you are meeting , and what you plan to do on that date . is it purely sexual , a date , or simply a chance to have fun with another person it is probably best to bring a friend along to bail you out , just in case you meet someone a little sketchy . there are plenty of people on the internet looking to make a fool out of someone . whether it be standing them up on a date , or stealing their identity . it is always best to double and triple check information . never meet someone outside of your home that you have not seen at least on a cam before . never give out personal identity information online , or to someone you barely know . if you decide to go out on a date with the cam star it is best to treat it as a real date . do not view the person as a sexual object . ask them normal questions , like how your day is going , or what do you like to do . focusing on hisher cam work can be nauseating and a turn - off . instead , relax , and spend time getting familiar with the cam star . unless you live in los angeles , it is very unlikely you will simply run into a porn star . however , you may meet someone online , like a cam star , whom you wish to meet up with . you may have also been introduced to a porncam star through a friendacquaintance . in that case , it is best to treat the situationmeet - up professionally . shake the persons hand , and tell them your name . let them know what you do for a living . share some background about your family , and origin . after you have introduced yourself , ask the person where heshe would like to go on a date . if you have ideas in mind for a restaurant , or movie this is even better . be confident when you ask the person for the date , otherwise they might view you as being intimidated . whether it be hisher eyes , hair , demeanor , dimples , laugh , sense of humor , or clothing style . especially in the first couple of dates , it is best to stay away from talking porn too much . obviously a little is necessary in order to understand their professional work , but dont overdo it . focus on what makes the person an individual . while the person might have a higher sex drive , it is not up to you to judge simply because of the persons work . a date with a porn star is just like any other date . it is not a free chance at easy sex . porn stars are people with feelings , and real human experiences . focus on emotions , common goals in life , and passions . look at the person as a soon wifehusband to be . ask yourself , what good and bad qualities do you see in them do they reflect your own , if you plan on dating a porn star , you are going to need to be accepting of their work . each person chooses their own destiny in life . a few dates in , talk about some parameters . maybe when and where they will be filming the pornographic movies . discuss with them how their work conflicts andor agrees with your own goals and beliefs . |
find out which celeb you want to meet , use the web . be careful . find the contact me button . contact them , if it doesnt work , go to youtube , find them on youtube . their youtube channel . start the message . write a message | how to meet a disney star | choose wisely because you may only get the chance to meet or contact one . the celebrity you have chosen will probably have their own website or the fan website , most have both . try typing in the celebrities name , for example , if you chose hannah montana , not saying she is real type in hannahmontana . com . try this with your celebritys name . no matter if there is a site or not , go to the regular google search bar . type in the celebritys name then fan website . their fan website will most likely be in the first few search results . visit both of those websites if they both come up . there is a pretty good chance that this website will not be their official website . look for the title or the url of the website . there will be names that include the word official in them . check out lots of the website to be sure it is the real stars . they may say things about them , their schedule for tours and more , or have videos , pictures , and say things about their friends and family . here is the part you need to read . just like the other parts . anyway , there will or definitely should be something on their site that says contact me . if they do not have that , keep searching . once you have searched the whole entire website as much as possible and as thoroughly as possible , give up . on that certain website url . if they had a fan website , go to that one and you should see that same contact me button . contact me button . if you have finally gotten to that magical button , it will most likely give you an address for you to send any letter to . they will probably also tell you how long it may take for a returning letter . write the letter this is your exciting moment so write everything you want to writing this may take weeks or even months , but dont forget anything . remember not to talk too much about yourself , ask them questions , tell them why you chose them , and what you love about them . also tell them a little bit about you , your life , and your personality . do not give too much information for someone else may look over this letter . go on youtube there is a huge chance they have a youtube channel . to start out , in the youtube search bar , try typing in the celebritys first and last name unless they go by one name only and type in an apostrophe then the letter s . for example , if you are searching for jennifer lawrence , you should type in jennifer lawrences channel in the youtube search bar . if they go by one name , such as zendaya , type in zendayas channel . most stars with a channel have more than one , so if you think you have more than one that is really them , dont be totally shocked , but be sure it is them , because some people have almost identical usernames to them but one little number or letter different . you know this is a fake channel that is posing to be them . it could take hours to find them . this is very rare because most likely , unless they just created one , their channel is very well known . once you have finally reached their youtube channel , well . good job now . you must be a youtube member to do the next steps . if you are not , create an account . you will see how to do this in the right top hand corner of the youtube home page . if you dont want to create an account , your parents dont have to know because you dont need personal information and you dont even need videos on youtube congrats . you are able to write a message once you know their youtube channel and have a youtube account . once you are logged into your account , go to the youtube home page . you will see somewhere if you click on something like your username or my channel , it will say inbox . it may take a while , but you need to find the word inbox . it will be in the right , top hand corner . click on inbox . click something like create new message or compose new message . write what you want tell about how you got to writing a message , how you found them , a little bit about your personality , some stuff about you that is not personal , and ask them questions ask them stuff and dont leave out anything . |
access the experimental web browser on a kindle 2 . press the menu button , once you have entered onto your web browser . press the down arrow from the 5 - way controller twice , so the bookmarks feature is selectedhighlighted . locate the bookmark youd like to rename . press the right arrow from the 5 - way controller once . press the select button again , from the middle of the 5 - way controller . type the new name for your bookmark . use the down arrow to move the selection down to the cancel and ok buttons . | how to rename a web browser bookmark on a kindle 2 | this should open the web browser . , press the select button in the center of the controller when this option is highlighted . use the 5 - way controller to move up and down the list , and the page flip buttons on either side of the device to move back and forward a page , if you list has gotten that long . this should bring up the edit bookmark optionselection button . , if you press the down arrow key once , itll bring you to the ok button quickly . |
open up the collection your book has been moved to . highlight the name of the book with your kindles up and down arrow keys on the 5 - way controller . tap the right arrow key on the 5 - way controller . use the 5 - way controllers select button in the center to select the add to collection option . select the collection youd like to remove it from . press the back button twice , to get you back to the home screen . | how to remove a book from a collection on a kindle 2 | you can also search for the book on your device . , this will bring up a menu . it should automatically default to this option . the collections its been previously placed in , have checkmarks on them , over on the right hand side of the page on the device . you can also use the arrow keys to bring you down to the close button at the bottom , and move backward one page with the back button later . |
get your wi - fi hooked up and set . go to wikihow or httpm . wikihow . commain - page . explore the community dashboard tools . start editing . remember that the touch screen takes up three quarters of the screen so it can be hard to see the whole edit screen . tap and held keys for symbols and accented letters such as š , ç , ½ and ù . cope with the inconvenience of not being able to easily have multiple windows open at the same time . access the forums . | how to use wikihow on an amazon kindle fire | if youre at a wi - fi hotspot , just touch the little gear shape thing at the top of the screen in your notification area . next , choose wi - fi and set your wi - fi upconnect . , your kindle may have the site on mobile mode . scroll down and youll see a full site button - click that and itll be the desktop site . youll be typing from a touchscreen buy a cloth to wipe off fingerprints so be aware if you type the wrong letter or click the wrong link . any experienced kindle fire wikihow contributor will advise you hold the device portrait style to try to elevate this . , take advantage of the quick note when patrolling recent changes . its a lot easier to use the templates there and then , such as than to go round the houses to get to the initial editors talk page after youve done a roll back or quick edit . just like the regular site on your computer , youll have access to the wikihow forums also . |
start here if you havent already opened your kindle fire . open the box . power up . sign in . access content . browse and search for titles . take delivery . titles galore , read the kindle version of many newspapers and magazines from the newsstand tab . read the kindle ebook version from the books library tab . listen to the amazon mp3 collectionamazon instant music collection from the music tab . watch a video that youve rented or purchased from the video tab . read some of your personal documents youve added to your device from the docs library tab . check out some of your kindles interesting apps with the apps library tab . check out some of the innovative audible audiobook titles that are available on your kindle . check your email from the email app . search the entire world wide web with the silk app . shop on amazon with the shop tab on your device . download from the cloud . import your content . remove content . | how to use a kindle fire | if you already have your kindle fire in your hands , feel free to jump to the next section . take your kindle fire out , then take off the plastic wrap . you may want to charge your kindle fire while setting it up . to turn your kindle fire on , press the small circular button at the bottom . press and hold the button again to turn it off . to fully use all the features of the kindle fire , you must register it to your amazon account . before you register , you can connect to a wi - fi network by tapping the quick settings icon the little gear icon at the top of the screen , then selecting wi - fi . choose your network , then tap the quick settings icon again , tap more , and choose the my account option to register . amazon offers a wide selection of books , newspapers , magazines , applications , music , movies , and tv shows for your kindle fire . to go to the store , tap the store link in the top right corner of any content library . to leave the store and return to your content library , tap library . within each store you can search for a title , browse by category , check out best sellers , or view recommendations . you can even try before you buy with free book samples , song previews , and movie trailers . all newspaper and magazine subscriptions start with a risk - free trial . titles are delivered directly to your kindle fire via your wi - fi connection . newspapers and magazines are sent to your device as soon as they are published—often before theyre available in print . if your kindle fire is not connected to a wi - fi network when a new issue of a subscription becomes available , that issue will be delivered automatically the next time you connect . heres a quick rundown of the content libraries available from the amazon store for the kindle fire regular magazines and newspapers purchased from the newsstand store are stored in the newsstand library . there are also interactive periodicals that are available , and those are stored in the apps library . magazines . most magazines include two different views page view , and text view . page view are visually similar to the printed version of the periodical , while the text view removes the custom formatting of the printed version . newspapers . access newspapers by tapping newsstand on the home screen . to open a newspaper , tap on its cover . when you first open a newspaper , it displays a list of all the articles in it . you can swipe up and down to move through the article list , then tap on the article you want to read . you can view your books by tapping books on the home screen . tap a book on the shelf to read it . to go to the next page in a book , tap the right side of the screen . to go to the previous page , tap the left side of the screen . enjoy these types of books childrens books . childrens books on kindle fire now feature kindle text pop - up for reading text over full - color images . just double - tap any text region and it will expand for easy reading . graphic novels use kindles panel view . double tap on any region to see it magnified . you can also swipe forward or backward to be guided through the panels in the authors own sequence for an immersive reading experience . tap the name of the song to play it . you can also create a playlist from the playlists tab . to play a group of songs—such as an album , all songs by an artist , or a playlist—tap any song in the group . the entire group will begin playing from the song name you selected . adjust the volume by using the music player controls or by tapping the quick settings icon in the status bar . you can add music to the music library in 3 ways purchase it from the music store . upload music from itunes to the amazon cloud drive via amazons cloud player website www . amazon . comcloudplayer . transfer music directly from your computer to the kindle fire over usb . note only mp3 . mp3 and aac . m4a files are supported . the video store on your kindle fire provides access to more than 100 , 000 movies and tv shows . amazon prime members get streaming access to over 10 , 000 movies and tv shows at no additional cost . during video playback , tap the screen to access movie controls such as volume and pause . you and your approved contacts can send documents to your kindle fire by using your send - to - kindle e - mail address , which can be found in your docs library under the sort options . to access personal documents that you transfer to your kindle fire , tap docs on the home screen . you can send microsoft word doc , docx , pdf , html , txt , rtf , jpeg , gif , png , bmp , prc , and mobi files to your kindle and read them in kindle format . you can also read documents in pdf format natively . apps can be purchased directly from your kindle fire by tapping store in the top right corner of the apps library screen to go to the amazon appstore . you can get a great paid app for free every day , browse the top paid and free apps , search for apps , or explore content categories such as new , games , entertainment , and lifestyle . once youve chosen an app , tap the orange price button and confirm your purchase by pressing the green getbuy app button . the app will be downloaded , installed , and placed in your apps library . to uninstall an app , press and hold its icon , select remove from device , and follow the directions on the screen . if you want to install it again at a later time , you can find it in your apps library under cloud . whether the title is an immersion reading professional narration edition of a book or its a full edition of the book in audible , theres no telling what your device can give you , when it comes to reading books on this device . the kindle fire contains an email app that allows you to view multiple email accounts from one unified inbox or view one account at a time . to launch the app , tap the email icon in the apps library . kindle fire email supports google gmail , yahoo mail , hotmail , and aol along with most industry - standard imap and pop email systems . tap the email icon in the apps library to launch the setup wizard and configure your account . note the integrated email app does not support corporate e - mail from microsoft exchange server . kindle fire features amazon silk . silk resides on both your kindle fire and on the amazon cloud . to access silk , tap web on the home screen . silk supports bookmarks , history , and searches . when you open a new tab , a list of your most visited pages will display as thumbnails . simply tap a thumbnail to return to that page . to visit a new page , type the url in the field at the top of the page and tap the go button . you can clear your visited pages at any time by opening the settings menu and choosing the clear history option . to search , type in your search criteria and tap go to open another browser tab , tap the symbol in the upper right of the browser . the options bar at the bottom of the screen contains the home button , forward and back arrows , a menu icon , and a bookmark icon . to view or add bookmarks , tap the bookmark icon in the options bar . you can display your bookmarks in a list or grid view by clicking the sort icons at the top of the screen . this app gives you a convenient mobile - ready place to shop the entire amazon catalog . when you purchase content from amazon , it is stored in the cloud where it can be accessed anywhere . if you are planning on being offline—for example , a long flight—download any content you wish to view offline . click the cloud button at the top of the screen , and download your cloud - based content . you can transfer a variety of content types to your kindle fire via its micro - usb connector , including music , videos , photos , and documents . to transfer content from your computer to your kindle fire , do the following connect your kindle fire to your computer with a micro - usb cable . slide the on - screen arrow from right to left to unlock your kindle . open the kindle fire drive on your computer . your kindle fire will appear as an external storage drive or volume on the computers desktop . note that kindle fire is not usable as a device while connected to your computer as a storage drive or volume . drag and drop your content into the applicable content folder , such as music or pictures . when you are done transferring files , press the disconnect button at the bottom of the kindle fire screen and eject it from your computer , then unplug the usb cable . note that usb transfers to the kindle fire can be slow , so patience is recommended . to delete a title from your kindle fire , press and hold the icon to display a contextual menu , and select remove from device . personal content will be completely deleted . content purchased from amazon will remain in the amazon cloud , should you later wish to retrieve it . |
make sure the kindle fire is fully charged . connect to a wi - fi connection . select wi - fi . select the name of the network you are going to use . head to settings . select sync . visit the software updates website . download your software . connect your kindle fire to your computer . transfer the software update . disconnect your kindle fire . update your kindle . | how to update kindle fire | to charge your kindle fire , simply connect your charger to a power outlet , and then connect the other end to your kindle fire . a connection is required to update software . tap on the settings icon at the top - right corner of the home screen . toggle the wireless network switch on . a window where all networks available will appear . enter password of the network if required . if no password is required , youll be automatically connected to the internet . tap on the settings icon at the top - right corner of the home screen . any updates will be automatically downloaded in the background . once download is complete , the update will be automatically applied . you can also update your kindle fire manually , see the following steps to do so . navigate to httpwww . amazon . comgphelpcustomerdisplay . htmlnodeid200790620 . locate the download link and click on it . follow the prompts to fully download the software . make sure your kindle fire is on and unlocked . use a usb cable - the one that came with it - to plug the device into your computer . open the kindle fire drive , titled kindle . locate the software update file , and drag and drop it into the kindleupdates folder . once the transfer is complete , tap disconnect on the screen of your kindle fire . you can now disconnect the usb cable from your device . navigate to quick settings and tap more . tap on device , then tap on update your kindle . let the software update run its course . |
access the browser on your kindle device . move the mouse cursor around the screen using the 5 - way controller keys . look on the screen for the back and forward buttons . recognize the placement of the reload button . realize that there is no stop button . navigate to the url location of the page youd like to view . recognize the formats that best load on the device . realize that there are several other common commands listed , when you press the menu button in this browser . find the quick enter url button which will help you arrive at the address bar for quicker entry of the url without a lot of navigation . | how to use the experimental web browser on a kindle keyboard | the steps for your device are the same , though the device name on this article is different . get the feel of what its like and how to select buttons and stuff . they will be located at the top left corner of the devices screen . wait for the appropriate button to be highlighted using the 5 - way controller . it is located to the right of the address in the url bar at the top of the screen . this button is your refresh button . realize that there is no way to force - refresh a page on a browser of this type . reset the device hold the power switch in to force - refresh the device . the stop button will only display in the same place where reload is located during the time the page is loading . the url box is located at the top of the backforward buttons . although some sites load with their respective mobile sites when available , some sites that have mobile sites arent triggered on the device . other sites that dont have mobile websites will only open up to their respective full sites however , the page will ask you to zoom in on a section of the page , to select the linksbuttons . these include bookmarking bookmarks and bookmark this page options exists , a way to view history exists , along with a way to view browser settings exists too . use the 5 - way controller and select button at its center to select the appropriate action you want to use . this button will be disabled if youre at the farthest known page in your browser history such as when youve gone back a page from a farther off other page . |
turn on the device and look for and tap the web tab in the top scrollable bar at the top of the screen . tap the apps item from the top scrollable bar . tap the icon for the silk browser . access the browser by tapping external html links from many books or apps leading to websites . recognize what the opening page the browser should open you to is supposed to do . flick through the screen by moving your finger up and down , or even sideways . use the two finger expand method you normally use for another touchscreen device to zoom in and out on the screen . look for the address bar on the screen . recognize the placement of the reload button . tap a link on the page to access pages . look on the screen for the back and forward buttons . open the browser menu at the top of the device . note what the magnifying glass option does . find your bookmarks . | how to use the silk web browser on an amazon kindle fire | it could be a little farther over to the right , if held in portrait mode . , the app looks mostly like the bluish globe with a rainbow - colored silk on top of it . itll lead you right to the silk browser . this page will show you the 8 most often visited pages youve visited since you last cleared your device apps history . , just move your thumb and index finger away from each other to expand the screen and move them closer together to contract it . notice that it is at the top of every browser screen , though it may not be completely filled from side - to - side at times due to another button . it is located inside the address bar , and can change to a stop button while the page is loading forcing you to wait for the page to load before reloading . realize that there is no way to force - refresh a page on a browser of this type . reset the device by turning it off . hold the button in for a few seconds and press shut down , then restart the device . hold the link down for a few minutes and youll get options to display it in another tab or in a few other options . you can also have the device copy the links url address to the clipboard for future retrieval . they will be located at the bottom of the screen to the right of the home button . wait for the appropriate button to be highlighted . it has three horizontal bars , like a ladder . there youll find options to bookmark or share the page . youll also find the find option there . it will take you directly to the address bar . however , tapping this button is an additional step , if you know that you can tap the address bar itself to get to a site faster . the browser is supposed to take you to a search engine using that , but based on recent versions of the browser , it no longer does that . tap the three barred icon in the top left corner of the browser and tap bookmarks to find all your bookmarks . |
power on the device . select the language of your preference . tap get started to begin using the tablet . tap on connect to wi - fi to begin the setup . choose a network . associate an amazon account with the paperwhite . log into your account to register your kindle . access your kindles storage . select a book . turn pages . bookmark a page . access other options . use x - ray . adjust the brightness . adjust the font . use the search function . go shopping . | how to use a kindle paperwhite | do this by pressing the power button found beside the usb port , where you can charge the tablet and transfer data . you will then be greeted by the welcome screen , followed by the registration and account setup . there should be a list of languages the paperwhite is compatible with , select the language you want . confirm the language by tapping ok in the confirmation window that pops up . a loading screen will come up , as well as a progress bar . after loading , you should see the kindle paperwhite logo and some of the features that the paperwhite has . the next screen will take you to the network connection settings . this is where you connect to a wireless network in your home or surroundings to be able to get internet access to browse the internet or purchase books . it will then bring up a list of networks it detected . tap on a network that you can access , enter the networks password if necessary , and tap connect . your kindle should now be connected to the network . if you have an amazon account already , choose use an existing amazon account . if you dont have one yet , choose create a new account . this will require you to enter your email address , a password for the account , and your credit card details for payment of online purchases . type in the necessary information on the fields provided and tap on register when youre done . you will be notified that your facebook and twitter accounts are synced with the tablet , so you can post and share quotes on your social accounts through the tablet . tap on next to proceed . tap either cloud or device in the upper - left corner to access the content in those respective storage mediums . if youre using the kindle for the first time , there should be a getting started guide telling you that your books are archived in the cloud for free . tap on a book from the main menu to begin reading it . the guide should then show you the areas on the screen surface that you can tap for different actions with the tablet . tap on the larger , center area to turn to the next page tap the leftmost area to go back a page . on a page you want to bookmark , tap the top of the screen to access the menu button , and tap the bookmark icon at the rightmost side . it will then let you choose to add a bookmark , or view the existing bookmarks youve previously made . tap on the top area of the screen to access the navigation buttons and various options . the x - ray feature allows you to see the general details about characters or the plot from a book . it displays items , names , and terms that appear constantly in the book , allowing you to see the frequency with which they are mentioned and how involved these characters or items are in the story . access x - ray by opening a book and tapping the top section of your screen to access the menu bar , where you then tap x - ray . tap on the top section of the screen to get the menu bar , and tap on the light bulb next to the shopping cart icon . a slider will appear , allowing you to change the brightness by sliding the bar up and down . access the menu bar , and tap the aa icon . here , you will see a bunch of options involving font adjustment , like font size , indicated by the fonts of ascending sizes . simply tap the font size you want , and the system will adjust the font accordingly . the same goes for margins , spacing , and font style . in the menu bar , tap the magnifying glass icon to enter search mode , where you input the words you want to search , and press the search button to begin looking for instances of the word . when searching from the home screen , the system will look for book titles or authors , while in a book , the search function will look for items in the book or document itself . in the menu bar , tap the shopping cart icon , and you will be taken to the kindle store , where you can purchase books with a few taps . if you set your payment methods up earlier , you will have a much quicker time purchasing books . |
turn on and login to your account on your computer . use the wire that is supplied with your kindle , to connect your kindle to your computer . locate your my documents folder , or the storage place of the document youd like to transfer . select the files youd like to copy over to your kindle device . copy or cut the files using the copy ctrlc or cut ctrlx , to move commands , to move these files between your computer and the device . click the window that represents your kindle devices imaginary drive . right click anywhere on this window on your computer . click the paste command from the list that is displayed . allow a few moments , for the folders to update , and to either move or copy the files between the selected storage locations . disconnect the kindles cord from the computer , when the computer tells you that the process has been completed , whether that be with its own message , or the fact that there is no longer a box in plain sight . | how to transfer a document to an amazon kindle device through a usb cable | along with the normal autostart options and driver - loading your pc will do , when it sees your device , it will load the top - level folder . most pdfs along with txt microsoft word documents will transfer easily and correctly without the need to convert to kindle format as long as you dont mind the inability to highlight and select single words to take notes or create highlights in the bookdocument . open this folder as a separate process , in its own window on the screen , so you can later drag files between these two places . , |
tap the apps tab . tap the store option . tap the menu icon at the bottom of the store screen . tap my apps in the menu . tap the update available tab . review your apps update status . tap the update button next to each available app . | how to update apps on the kindle fire 1 | youll find apps at the top of the screen if it isnt currently selected , it will appear transparent . this should be at the top right of your screen . the menu icon resembles a box with three horizontal lines running through it . this will open your apps page . on some kindle fire models , this option may be entitled app updates . this is located directly beneath the my apps section . each app with an update waiting will have an update button next to it . your app should now be updated repeat this process for every app with an update ready to update all of your apps . |
tap the settings option to open the kindle settings menu . tap the apps and games option . tap the amazon application settings option . tap the app store menu . tap automatic updates . check the box labelled enable automatic updates . | how to update apps on the kindle fire 2 | the settings icon should be on the home screen it resembles a grey gear . enabling automatic updates will remove the need for you to update your apps manually , so your apps should always be up to date . youll have to scroll down through the settings menu to find this option . this will redirect you to the app store preferences . this will open the app store preferences menu . this opens the automatic updates preference menu . if its already checked , your apps should be updating automatically . if not , you have successfully enabled automatic updates |
connect your camera to your computer . access the cameras memory . copy the photos you want to transfer over to your kindle fire . locate a folder in your computer where you want to transfer the photos . paste the photos . copy the photos in your computer . connect the kindle fire to your pc . unlock your kindle fire to enable the connection via usb . access the kindle fires internal storage . paste the pictures into the photos folder . disconnect your kindle fire from the computer . head for the gallery . tap the album where you saved the photos . | how to transfer photos from a camera to a kindle fire | plug the usb cable into the cameras usb port . then plug the larger usb 2 . 0 end of the cable to a vacant usb slot on your computer . if youre using a usb card reader , remove the memory card from the camera consult your cameras manual for the card slots location then insert the memory card into a compatible slot in a usb card reader . afterwards , plug the card reader into a vacant usb port on your computer . on windows , go to my computer and access the cameras memory from there . click on the removable disk , or camera , that comes up in the list of accessible storage devices . select the dcim folder , which is where all the videos and pictures taken by the camera are stored . on mac , the cameras storage will appear on the desktop automatically . simply click the hard drive icon that comes up to access it . click on the dcim folder to access the photos . copy photos by highlighting the ones you want to copy and pressing ctrl c windows or cmd c mac . if you want , you can create a new folder by right - clicking an empty area of any directory in your computer then selecting new and folder . make sure that the folder can be easily located and accessed . in the folder of your choice , or the one you created , hit ctrl v or cmd v on your keyboard to copy the photos there . head to the folder where you transferred the photos from your camera then highlight the photos you want to copy into your kindle fire by pressing ctrl or cmd c . do this by plugging the micro - usb jack into the kindles charging port , and plugging the usb 2 . 0 jack into a vacant usb port on your computer . it will detect the connection and notify you on its screen . on windows , you can go to my computer to see your kindle in the list of accessible storage devices . click on the photos folder to gain access to where photos are stored in your kindles internal memory . on mac , the kindle should appear on the desktop as a hard disk icon . click it to access the kindles internal memory , then head to the photos folder . once you are in the photos folder , you are free to paste the photos into it by pressing ctrl or cmd v . if you want , you can also organize the photos by folder , which will be displayed as different albums in the kindle fire gallery . create a new folder and rename it to what you want the album to be called , and then transfer the photos to that specific album . after all the photos has been transferred , just tap on the disconnect button on your kindles screen . you will hear a sound notification from your computer , letting you know that disconnection was successful . after hearing the notification , remove the cable both from the kindle fire and the pc . on your kindle fires home screen , tap the gallery to open it . youll see albums indicating the folders that the photos are in . if you copied the pictures directly into the photos folder , then select the photos album from the gallery to view the pictures you transferred . if you created a new folder , locate the album with the same name as the folder you created , and select that . |
press the home button to ensure you are at the list of downloaded books . press the menu button . use the 5 - way controller to select settings . press the right page turn button twice , to bring you to a page containing additional options . press the down arrow key on the 5 - way controller twice , until the cursor is sitting over - top of the turn off button to the right of the line labelled annotations backup . press the select button once on the 5 - way controller to turn on this feature . press it one additional time to turn it back off . | how to turn on annotations backup on a kindle keyboard | this will bring up a drop - down box in the upper - right corner of the device . youll arrive at a page that more - likely says that youre signed in . , |
make sure the back of the device is facing you . wedge a pry tool in the edge creases . hold the gap open . continue wedging around the edges . disconnect the power connector . remove the battery . set the battery aside . remove the connectors . remove the touchscreen controller . take out the motherboard . remove the power button board . remove the speaker assembly . remove the screen protector . remove the screen . | how to take apart a kindle fire | the kindle fire is designed with simplicity in mind , and as a consequence , there are no grooves for you to remove the backing with just your hands youll need some tools . to begin , flip the tablet over so the backing is facing you . grab a plastic pry tool and begin wedging the back cover off , starting from the sides of the usb charging and data port . once you have a considerable gap between the backing and the front portion of the device , insert a guitar pick or any other thin plastic object you can use to hold the gap open . work your way around the sides of the tablet with the wedge tool until the back plate eventually gives way . once the back cover is off , you must remove the battery to be able to take everything else out . use a plastic pry tool to unhinge the power connector . this is the white plastic part with multicolored wires attached to it . the connector is located at the bottom of the motherboard and should be noticeable when you first see the internals of the device . take the battery out by gently prying it out from the sides . keep it in a safe , cool , and dry place . the touchscreen controller is located in the upper - right corner it has a brown chip and a thin connector that attaches to the green motherboard . gently flip the connector by prying open the thin black plastic hinge securing the connector to the motherboard . be very careful when doing this , as the hinge can damage easily . unscrew the touchscreen controller with a small philips head screwdriver , and remove the controller . set the touchscreen controller aside . do this by removing the remaining six screws . the holes are ringed with copper so you can easily locate them . you can then take out the motherboard after removing these screws . do this by unscrewing a single screw at the top of the internal assembly . it should be a small green circuit board with a copper ring surrounding the screw . this is located at the bottom of the device and is secured with two screws on either side . take out the metallic plate that protects the screen assembly by unscrewing the screws located at all four corners of the metal plate . the screen is secured by four screws , easily visible from the small metallic portions , which help the screws secure the screen in place . unscrew them , and the screen should pop right off you have successfully taken apart your kindle fire . |
Subsets and Splits