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listen to a lot of jazz music . listen night and day . find out where you can see live jazz performed in your city , and go see performances often . jazz often have a triplet feel called swing . train your ears and brains try to follow the rhythm of a song throughout . only after this analytic approach , synthesize . compare a jazz track to a modern pop track or a classical piece . play a blues scale . play your chromatic scale in your left hand , and hold each note for two beats . choose a c note middle , high , etc . experiment with different rhythms . play c and e flat together or separately . learn the blues scale at least in the seven major keys . try to memorize solos on recordings that you like , and re - play them yourself . register at httpwww . learnjazzpiano . com and absorb it . try things out and find stuff that sounds good . practice as much as you can . assemble a small jazz combo or even big band to rehearse on a weekly basis . | how to be a jazz musician | charlie parker , thelonious monk , ella fitzgerald , miles davis , john coltrane , charles mingus , eric dolphy , pepper adams , louis armstrong , chet baker , mccoy tyner , art tatum , sidney bechet , oscar peterson al jarreau , ray brown , john scofield , david benoit , cannonball adderley , herbie hancock , bill evans , dave brubeck and peter white are all excellent and very different jazz artists . go for days without any other music . you will notice the difference . , it can be explained many different ways , but the best way to learn it is just to listen to jazz . however , be wary artists such as monk and mingus have distinctive styles of swing that may not sound good on all charts . start with a simple 4 measure beat , swinging track by art blakeys jazz messengers check the syncopation on moanin . move on to tracks and both . listen to the interaction of great tightly interacting jazz groups , like the ones of bill evans or dave holland , in live contexts . notice how they feel each other in the group , how they react to one another . the musical experience will be more and more rewarding and gain depth as you do so . try approaching more complex music . write down the differences you hear in how the notes are being played . there are many different blues scales . here is c c , e flat , f , f sharp , g , b flat , c . , and play it repeatedly with your right hand at the same time as you play the chromatic scale with your left . after a few times through , add e flat while playing . make your way up through all the notes in the blues scale above . , this takes a lot of patience , but will take you great steps ahead . , go to jam sessions to try out new ideas . , this will not only help your reading and improvisational skills , it will help you become a better ensemble player . i . e . learn to play in tune , balance with other players , etc . some of the best things you can learn are from other jazz musicians , so be sure to assemble the best players you can to perform in your group . ideally , they should be better and more experience than you . you wont learn anything by trying to be the star player in your ensemble . visit httpwww . pdfjazzmusic . com for some free downloadable big band and combo materials . |
obtain a fingering chart . read the key . look at the chart . interpret the information . warm up and start playing your instrument . | how to read a fingering chart | you may be able to get one from your band director , or you can find one in most method books . however , keep in mind that some very , very beginning books may not have a complete chart , as theyd leave out notes that you probably wouldnt be learning that early on mainly altissimo notes . if you dont mind this , go right ahead and find any chart that will do . otherwise , youll need to be more selective . you can also find charts on the internet see below . most charts come with a diagram of the instrument showing the symbols that correspond with each hole or key , sometimes as part of the chart , and sometimes as a separate page . especially if youre not very familiar with the system of the instrument , this is a very important thing to do . otherwise , youll take one look at the fingering chart and be instantly confused . while fingering charts can come in many formats , the most common , especially in less advanced method books , consists of little boxes for each note , containing either diagrams of the instrument or little circles and funny shapes used to represent the keys with some areas darkened out or colored . there are several things that youll need to keep in mind when actually reading the chart . unless otherwise indicated , the dark or colored symbols indicate a pressed key or covered hole . on some instruments that require half - hole fingerings where only half the hole is covered , this will be indicated by a half - filled circle instead of a completely colored one . when more than one fingering is listed , the first is usually the most common . the others are alternate fingerings , which may be useful for trills or correcting pitch . some charts will actually indicate this with a symbol or footnote under certain fingerings . for instance , if a note is known to be somewhat flat or sharp on most instruments , there may be an alternate fingering that can correct this . some more detailed fingering charts will give other advice to sharpen or flatten a note slightly . be sure to read the small print . they may also offer tips for sustaining tone when playing softer , such as covering half holes . if youre unsure where certain registers end and others begin , some charts will shade in or somehow separate the altissimo or lower registers from the normal range . this is also an indication of what notes might be harder than others . keep a fingering chart handy . you never know when youll need it |
use the major or minor scale in whatever key your prefer to find potential chords for your progression . use roman numerals to number the chords in your major scale , allowing you to make easy progressions . kick off your song with the root , or chord that matches you key . learn common chord progressions to get used to the flow of songs . change the type of chord minor , blues , minor seventh chords , etc . use the minor scale to create progressions , instead of the major . | how to create chord progression for a song | the c - major scale , for example , contains the following notes in the following order c , d , e , f , g , a , b , c . this means that the following chords can all be a part of a song in c - major , so you can and should use them to create a chord progression in the key of c . in this fashion , a pattern in any key can be represented generically . for example - - a common chord progression is i - iv - v . this just means that , no matter your key , you hit the 1st notechord in the major scale , then the 4th , then the 5th . for example in c - major , the i is a c , the iv is an f , and the v is a g . the i chord is called the root or tonic chord . it forms the base to which the other chords in a progression relate . many books and other websites go into great detail about music theory , and there are many terms that you should ultimately learn and understand , but basic chord progressions always start with this tonic . the first , the fourth , and the fifth i – iv – v are chords that sound good together in a progression for most genres of music . so , for the example in the key of e - major , your thumb i would be e , your ring finger iv would be a , and your pinky v would be b . in time , you will learn these chord sets , but for now you should feel free to experiment . other common progressions include i - v - vi - iv - - here , the sixth chord vi is played as a minor chord . this is why it is lowercase . it is sometimes switched up in the chorus , or bridge to vi–iv–i–v . vi - v - iv - v - - great over many genres . the 12 - bar blues . ii - v - i - - here , the iv chord is replaced by its submediant , ii . the ii chord is a very commonly used replacement for iv . ii - v - i also makes the foundation for descending fifths . iii - vi - ii - v - i to change the feel of the song without changing chord progression . when playing the blues , the v chord is often played as a 7th . sadder songs often use minor chords . you can adjust the type of chord while still following the root notes in your chord changes to make a great song in any genre , while still keeping the progression simple . so , to play the blues in c using the 3 - chord theory , strum c for four bars , f for two bars , a couple more c , then a bar of g7th , a bar of f , and back to c again… c , c , c , c , f , f , c , c , g7th , f , c… once you have chord progressions down with the major scale , how do they sound with a different one note , however , that the classic i - iv - v chord progression is the exact same in major and minor keys . the c - minor scale is c - d - e♭ - f - g - a♭ - b♭ - c . the i - iv - v chord progression is then c - f - g , just like before . but what happens with an i - v - vi - v progression how do the progressions sound different with just one changed chord |
make electronic music with a synthesizer . manipulate the synthesizer with the instrument controller . choose a computer system with enough power , and make sure youre familiar with the system . pair your computer with good sound equipment . install good music - making software . consider a midi controller . learn some music theory . learn the capabilities of your instrument or software . familiarize yourself with the musical genres you want to compose in . lay down the beats first . add the bass rhythm . add additional rhythms , if desired . layer in the melody and harmony . mix the sounds to the levels you want . know what your audience expects . | how to make electronic music | while synthesizer is used synonymously with electronic musical instrument , the synthesizer is the part of the electronic instrument that produces the actual music the beats , the rhythms , and the tones . early synthesizers , such as the moog minimoog , were capable of producing only one tone at a time monophonic . these synthesizers could not produce the secondary tones that other musical instruments could , although some synthesizers could produce two pitches at once if two keys were pressed . from the mid - 1970s on , synthesizers that can produce multiple tones at once polyphonic have been available , allowing you to produce chords as well as individual notes . most early synthesizers were separate from the means used to control the sounds they made . many electronic musical instruments , particularly those for casual home use , now feature the synthesizer physically integrated with its control unit . the earliest synthesizers were controlled by flipping switches , turning knobs , or in the case of the theremin what the etherophone was renamed , by where the operators hands were positioned over the instrument . modern controllers come in more musician - friendly varieties and control the synthesizer through the musical instrumental digital interface midi standard . some of the controllers are described below keyboard . this is the most common synthesizer controller . keyboards range in size from the full 88 - key 7 - octave keyboard found on digital pianos to as few as 25 keys 2 octaves on a toy - sized keyboard . keyboards for home use typically have 49 , 61 , or 76 keys 4 , 5 , or 6 octaves . some keyboards feature weighted keys to simulate the responsiveness of a piano , while others feature spring - loaded keys , and still others combine springs with lighter weights than fully weighted keys . many feature touch sensitivity , where the hardness of the keys how hard they are struck determines how loud the sound generated is . mouthpiecewind controller . this controller is found on a wind synthesizer , an electronic instrument designed similar to a soprano saxophone , clarinet , recorder , or trumpet . you blow into it to regulate the sound , which can be modified by using your thumb or jaw in certain ways . midi guitar . this is software that lets you use your acoustic or electric guitar , with a pickup , to control a synthesizer . midi guitars work by attempting to convert string vibrations into digital data . there is often a delay between the input and output because of the amount of sampling necessary to create the digitized sound . synthaxe no longer made , the synthaxe worked by dividing the fretboard into 6 diagonal zones and used the strings as sensors . how much bending the strings were subjected to determined the tone generated . keytar this controller is shaped like the body and neck of a guitar , but has a 3 - octave keyboard on the guitar body and other sound - manipulating controls on the neck . inspired by an 18th - century instrument called the orphica , it offers players the control of a keyboard and the mobility of a guitar . electronic drum pads introduced in 1971 , electronic drum pads are usually available in kits similar to that of acoustic drums , including cymbals . early versions played pre - recorded samples , while later versions create the sounds mathematically . used with headphones , it is possible to play an electronic drum kit so that only the player hears the sound it makes . radio drum . originally intended for use as a three - dimensional mouse , the radio drum senses the position of its two sticks in three dimensions , varying the sound produced according to where on the drum surface it is touching . bodysynth . this was a wearable controller that used muscle tension and body movement to control sound and lighting . it was intended for use by dancers and performance artists , but in many cases was too difficult to control . simpler forms of the bodysynth have used gloves or shoes to serve as control units . while standalone electronic musical instruments are enough to play electronic music , you will need a computer system if you want to produce electronic music . a desktop or laptop works well for creating music . if you plan on producing music at a fixed location , youll probably want a desktop . if you want to produce music at different locations , such as wherever your band rehearses , youll probably want a laptop . use the operating system youre most comfortable with . however , you should use the most recent version of windows or macos that you can get access to . your system should have a powerful enough cpu and enough memory to easily handle creating music with it . if you dont know what to look for , a custom - built system designed for audio or video game usage should give you an idea of what kind of specifications to look for . you can make perfectly good electronic music with the sound chip that came with your computer and inexpensive speakers . however , if you can afford it , you should consider one or more of the following upgrades sound card . using a sound card designed for making electronic music is recommended if you plan to do a lot of external recording . studio monitors . these are not computer monitors , but rather loudspeakers designed for studio recording . monitor in this sense means that the speaker accurately reproduces the source audio with no or minimal distortion . lower - cost quality studio monitors include those made by m - audio and krk systems , while higher - end monitors include those made by focal , genelec , and mackie . studio - grade headphones . listening through headphones instead of speakers lets you concentrate on individual parts of your song better , helping you track rhythms and sound levels . studio headphone manufacturers include beyerdynamic and sennheiser . youll need the following software applications for making electronic music digital audio workstation daw . the daw is the actual music - making software that enables all your other software components work together to make music . their interface usually simulates the mixer , track , and transport controls of analog music studios , as well as a waveform display of the recorded sound . various daws include ableton live , cakewalk sonar , cubase , fl studio , logic pro operates in macos only , pro tools , reaper , and reason . there are also freeware daws such as ardour and zynewave podium . audio editor program . an audio editor program provides greater musical editing capability than that found in daw software , including the ability to edit samples and to convert your composition to mp3 format . sound forge audio studio is an example of an inexpensive audio editor , while audacity is one of many freeware versions available . virtual studio technology vst synthesizersinstruments . these are software versions of the synthesizer components of the electronic musical instruments described in the previous section . you install them as plugins into your daw . many of these plugins can be found online for free by doing a search for free soft synths free software synthesizers or free vsti , or you can purchase vst synthesizers from providers such as artvera , h . g . fortune , ik multimedia , native instruments , or refx . vst effects . these plugins provide musical effects such as reverberation , choral sound , delay , and others . they are available from many of the same providers as vst synthesizer plugins , in either paid or freeware versions . samples . samples are snatches of musical sounds , beats , and rhythms you can use to enhance your compositions . they are usually organized in packs specific to a given musical genre such as blues , jazz , country , rap , or rock and include both individual sounds and sound loops . commercial sample packs usually offer their samples royalty - free you buy the license to use them in your own compositions when you buy the sample pack . some audio software companies include access to free samples online , and there are third - party sources of both free samples and samples you have to pay for . although you can compose music on your computer with its keyboard as a virtual piano keyboard and your mouse , youll likely find it more natural to connect a midi controller to your system . as with standalone electronic musical instruments , a keyboard is the most commonly used midi controller , but you can use any of the other types of controllers described under electronic musical instrument components that your software supports . while you can play an electronic musical instrument or compose music on computer without being able to read music , some knowledge of musical structure will help you understand how to make better arrangements and spot mistakes in the composition youre working on . some of the music theory that can help you is covered in the wikihow article how to make music . even if youve tried it before you bought it , spend some time experimenting with your equipment before you take on a serious project . youll have a better idea of what it can do and perhaps come up with a few ideas for projects to do with it . each musical genre has certain elements it is associated with . the easiest way to learn those elements is to listen to a number of songs in each genre youre interested in to see how they make use of these elements beats and rhythms . rap and hip - hop are noted for heavy , driving beats and rhythms , while big band jazz is noted for bouncy , syncopated rhythms and country music often features a shuffle beat . instrumentation . jazz is noted for its use of brass trumpet , trombone and woodwind instruments clarinet , saxophone , while heavy metal is noted for loud electric guitars , hawaiian music for steel guitars , folk music for acoustic guitars , mariachi for trumpets and guitars , and polka for tuba and accordion . however , many songs and artists in one genre have successfully incorporated instrument sounds from another genre , such as bob dylans adopting the electric guitar for folk music at the 1965 newport folk festival , the use of mariachi trumpets to open johnny cashs ring of fire , or ian andersons flute - playing as lead musician for the rock group jethro tull . song structure many songs with vocals played on the radio begin with an introduction , followed by a verse , then a chorus , another verse , repeat the chorus , a bridge often an abbreviated verse , the chorus , and a closing called an outro . in contrast , most of the instrumental trance music played in dance clubs begins with an introduction , followed by a melody hook that builds to a point where all the elements of the song are played together , concluding with a fading outro . the beats and rhythms are the backbone that the rest your song hangs on . here is where you use the drum sounds from your sample packs . the next thing to add is the bass rhythm , whether from a bass guitar or other low - pitched instrumental sound . be sure that your bass rhythm and drum beat work together before bringing in other instrumental sounds . not all songs have a single rhythm . some use multiple rhythms , with the additional rhythms coming into the song at places designed to catch the listeners attention or at key moments in the songs story . be sure the additional rhythms work with the main rhythm to produce the effect youre looking for . this is where your vst instruments come into play . you can use their preset sounds or experiment with their controls to find the sound you want . you want the sounds produced by the instruments that play the beat , rhythms , and melody to work together . to achieve this , pick one component to serve as the reference sound to adjust the other components against in most cases , this will be the beat sound . in some cases , youll be looking for a fatter richer sound instead of a louder sound . to do this , you can use multiple instruments on a given part or use the same instrument multiple times . the latter is often done with vocal recordings , either of background singers or sometimes the lead singer . this is how singer enya achieves her sound on her records . you may want to introduce some variety by using different instruments on different choruses of the song , particularly if youre trying to evoke different emotional responses from your listeners at different places . you may also want to vary the register , the pitch at which the song is being played , to keep the song lively . you dont have to fill every second of your composition with every trick at your disposal . sometimes , such as on the verses , you can leave out the chordal harmonies and let the beat , melody , and vocals carry your song . at other times , such as at the beginning and end , you may want to use only vocals . if youre making electronic music for someone other than yourself , you have to take your audiences expectations into account , such as in creating an intro that will grab them and make them listen to the rest of the song . you dont have to cater to their every whim , however if making a big production of the chorus doesnt seem right to you , dont do it . |
set the cup on the table . clap twice . tap the top of the cup three times . clap once . pick up the cup . move the cup to the right and set it down . clap once . grasp the cup with your right hand . rotate the cup . hit the rim of the cup . continue to rotate the cup about forty - five degrees . tap the edge of the cup on the table . pass the cup the your left hand . hit your right hand on the table . set the cup back down . repeat . | how to do the cup song | prepare to do the cup song by setting a cup down on a table . the cup should be rim down . give yourself some space on either side of the cup . a plastic cup is best . avoid using a glass or heavy cup until you have perfected the cup song . clap your hands together directly above the cup two times . your hands should be about six inches above the cup . if your hands are too far from the cup , it will be more difficult to increase your speed . alternate your hands during this step . start with your right hand , then left hand , the right hand . you will use primarily your fingertips to tap the cup . alternatively , you could tap the table on either side of the cup three times . you would still alternate right hand , left hand , right hand . clap above the cup again . make sure you are still about six inches above the cup . however , this time , just clap once . grasp the bottom of the cup with your right hand . pick the cup up to hover about two to three inches above the table . try to make an audible sound when grasping the cup . move the cup about three inches to the right . set the cup down , making another audible noise . the cup should still be rim down . clap once again above the cup . continue to keep your hands about six inches above the cup . turn your right hand so that your thumb is pointing down and your palm is facing the right . grasp the cup with your hand . naturally rotate the cup ninety degrees clockwise . the rim , or opening , of the cup should be facing the left . use the palm of your hand to hit the opening of the cup . be sure that your hand connects with the rim to make another audible noise . turn the cup a little further in a fluid motion . the cup just almost be straight up and down with the rim up . before the cup reaches the straight up and down position , tap the bottom edge of the cup to the table . continue to turn the cup clockwise . grasp the bottom of the cup with your left hand . try to make another audible noise when your left hand touches the cup . these noises maintain the beat of the cup song . cross your right arm to hit the table near the left side of your body . cross your left arm over you right and firmly place the cup back down on the table . the cup should land back down on its rim near the right side of your body . continue to practice the cup song until you get faster . once you feel comfortable with the movements , try putting it to the song when im gone . the movements repeat throughout the song . |
understand the different types of notes . familiarize yourself with time signatures . memorize key signatures . learn where each note falls on the staff . practice your scales . give your full attention to the music in front of you . divide music into large chunks . look for familiar rhythms . keep a practice journal . use drills to improve . read through the music . play through the piece in your head . breathe , and brush off mistakes . | how to sight read music | when sight reading music , you will see whole notes , half notes , quarter notes , eighth notes , and sixteenth notes . these notes are characterized by differing duration , or the length of time its played . the whole note is the longest , and they get shorter respectively . for example , a sixteenth note is 116 of a whole note . while you might think music and math have nothing in common , understanding the different types of music notes is as simple as understanding basic fractions . for example , a quarter note is 14 of a whole note . in other words , you can play four quarter notes in the time you would play one whole note . each note has a different symbol . the parts of the symbols are the head , the round part of the note , the stem , the line that extends from the head , and the flag , the curved line coming off the stem , like a flag . a whole note is denoted by just an open note head , without any stem or flag . a half note has an open note head and a stem . a quarter note has a closed filled in head and a stem . an eighth note has a closed head , a stem , and one flag . a sixteenth note has a closed head , a stem , and two flags . time signatures appear on all pieces of sheet music , and they tell you the amount and type of notes in each measure . to put it simply , time signatures tell you how fast or slow the song will be played . when it comes to sight reading , this is the very first thing you will note about a piece , so its extremely important that you understand time signatures thoroughly . practice different rhythm exercises to make yourself feel more comfortable working within different time signatures . if the time signature is 44 , that means that each measure contains four quarter notes . the top number refers to the amount of notes , and the bottom refers to the type of note . a time signature of 34 means there are three quarter notes , 68 means six eighth notes , 32 means three half notes , and so on . use a metronome to help keep track of tempo . the key signature is a grouping of signatures that instructs you to play a certain note a half - step higher or lower than you typically would . basically , the key signature tells you how to play the music however the composer intended , and therefore its a crucial component of sight reading . the key signature can be found right next to the staff , generally at the beginning of a line of musical notation . to read sharp major key signatures , look at the last sharp on the key signature and move a half - step above that . so if the last sharp is a c , the key would be in d major . to read flat minor key signatures , look at the second to last flat read the flats left to right . if the second to last flat is e , the song is in e - flat major . f major or d minor is the exception to this rule as this particular key signature only has one flat b - flat . there are two types of clefs treble and bass , and notes look different depending on which clef youre using . learn the location of every note on both sets of clefs and practice until you recognize the notes just by looking at them . on a treble clef , the line notes spell out egbdf from top to bottom . use the mnemonic device , every good boy deserves fudge . on a treble clef , the space notes spell out face from top to bottom . on a bass clef , the line notes spell out gbdfa from top to bottom . use the mnemonic device , good birds dont fly away . on a bass clef , the space notes spell out aceg from top to bottom . use the mnemonic device , all cows eat grass . practicing scales will help both vocalists and instrumentalists become more familiar with the names of each note and where each note falls on the staff . if youre an instrumentalist , practice the scales without looking at your hands . if youre looking at your hands , youre not able to let your eyes focus on reading the music . instrumentalists should also practice sight singing . this will help you work on phrasing , intonation and musicality . in other words , act as if every piece of music you are sight reading is the most important thing in the world at that moment , clearing your mind of other daily distractions and worries . sight reading involves a lot of moving parts – you have to keep track of notes , rhythms , key changes and one thousand other variables . its impossible to sight read perfectly without focusing your entire brain on the task at hand . challenge yourself to sight read an entire piece of music without making any mistakes . whenever your mind begins to wander , refocus and start the piece again . when you first begin sight - reading , you may attempt to count every beat , divide every rhythm , and tap maniacally to the beat . relax every piece of music has hundreds of notes and trying to count and identify every single one can be exhausting and impossible . instead , divide the piece into bigger chunks of music and try to read it that way . cut each measure into two parts , and note where the downbeats are . this is a method of interpreting the music in a more relaxed , musical way . now you can look at two beats , or even an entire measure , at a time . this is a lot less chaotic than attempting to count each and every beat . while each piece of music you encounter is beautifully unique , there are certainly repeating patterns that youll continuously encounter . purchase sight reading practice materials . children get better at reading words by reading multiple books . musicians get better at reading music by sight reading multiple pieces . try going online to sites like piano marvel to gain access to sight reading exercises and music pieces you can practice reading . also look online for free sheet music websites . ask your music teacher if they have extra music theyd be willing to let you copy . practice often . the best sight readers are musicians who are relaxed and confident in their skills . becoming an experienced sight reader can take years , but implementing good practice habits is something you can do right now . try to practice your sight reading for at least fifteen minutes every day . write down what you practiced and how long you practiced in your journal . practice sight reading slowly . you can always pick up the pace after you feel more comfortable with the music . not only will practice drills help you recognize certain patterns , memorize note types , key signatures , and time signatures , it will also help you become a more confident musician . websites like thesightreadingproject . com allows you to practice for free online . grab a cheap music book , flip to a random page , and start sight - reading something . just like with any skill , the more you sight read , the more confident and proficient you will become . as you feel more comfortable with the basics , you can start fine - tuning your skills . when you first see the piece , take a moment to look it over without your instrument . try tapping out the rhythm , reading the notes and looking over the structure to see which bars will be repeated . every time you encounter a new piece of music , you should go through a basic checklist in your head . memorize the key signature , divide the music into chunks like previously discussed , note any repeating rhythms and tricky spots , and tune out the days distractions . look for any markings that denote changes in speed , volume or accidentals . if you have permission , mark these changes on your sheet music using a pencil . take a moment to sound the piece out and look for patterns within the music . see if there are places where the melodies repeat themselves . study the piece as hard as you can before ever picking up your instrument . look for places in the music where there are scales or arpeggios . the more familiar you are with the music , the easier it will be to sight read when you actually have your instrument in hand . sight reading can be overwhelming , but breathing can help you remain focused and can even keep you on tempo . relax your body and your mind and try to concentrate on the work . keep going if you make a mistake , because freezing up can only make the problem worse . make a mental note to practice the part that caused you an issue , and then forget about it . there is more music to play , and youd be surprised how often an audience misses a small mistake . if you are a singer or if you play a wind instrument , use a pencil to mark where you should take a breath . dont beat yourself up if you dont read the music perfectly your first time out . sight reading is a skill that takes time to develop . |
drain the gasoline from the tank and allow it to dry . mix the 2 part epoxy together and apply all around the perimeter of the opening . place the fiberglass patch over the hole and press into the epoxy . allow to dry , sand the patched area smooth and spray paint with a plastic paint if desired . | how to seal a plastic gas tank 1 | sand the area around the hole or crack , and clean the area with a shop cloth saturated with rubbing alcohol . cut a fiberglass patch large enough to cover the opening and overlap it . apply more epoxy to the patch and surrounding area , pressing firmly to saturate the patch . |
buy or rent a plastic welder . remove the plastic gas tank from the vehicle , and set it up in a secure welding area . use a plastic welding rod made specially for this purpose , and fill in the crack or hole . allow the weld to set up , sand it smooth and , if desired , paint it with plastic spray paint . replace the repaired plastic fuel tank on the vehicle . | how to seal a plastic gas tank 2 | tell the salesperson what you are doing with it to ensure that you get the correct rods . drain the gasoline from the tank , and allow it to dry both inside and outside . don protective eye gear , a welding helmet and welding gloves . start at an edge and run the bead completely around the opening . then begin crossing over the hole , allowing the rod to fill in the hole completely . , |
drain the gas tank , and clean it inside and out with soapy water . cut a plastic patch , made of a similar material to the gas tank , slightly larger than the hole to be repaired . heat up an electric soldering gun , and drag it around the edge of the crack to create a trench . allow to cool and dry completely . | how to seal a plastic gas tank 3 | lightly sand the perimeter of the area to be repaired . , move the gun from side to side to push the plastic back into the trench . while the plastic is still soft from the soldering , lay the plastic patch over the area . continue moving the soldering gun over the area to smooth the plastic , and fuse them together . mix a 2 part epoxy glue , and cover the entire area of the patch . allow to set up , sand and spray on a coat of plastic paint if desired . |
securely attach the pwc lanyard to your life jacket which has to be approved by the coast guard insist that all operators and passengers wear coast guard - approved life jackets at all times . insist that all operators know and observe the navigation rules of the state . observe the age - limit rules for all operators to be at least 16 years old . make sure that there is nothing in the water that could clog the water intake grate and that the pwc is started or ran in water at least 3 feet 0 . 9 m deep . like any other boat , look around before starting and slowly leave the dock . observe and pay attention to your pwcs fuel level . idle in residential coves and slow - no - wake zones and do not exceed 5 mph 8 . 0 kmh . pay attention to changing weather conditions , such as thunderstorms that produce lightning , hailstorms , or winds that can produce huge waves and choppy waters . pay attention to submerged rocks , obstacles or hazards as well as currents and tide levels . know the rules . pay attention to your surroundings and be polite and courteous to other boats , giving them a wide operating gap to navigate . do not jump the wake of another boat or linger behind a boat similar to as if the boat was pulling a water skier . do not spray other boats or docks with water while underway . do not weave through congested boat traffic . when traveling with other pwcs , consolidate together as a small operating unit when navigating congested traffic with the intent of staying clear of other boats as a pack . do not harass or antagonize wildlife , such as duck or marine animals . be conscientious about how other users are using the reservoir , lake or park . be polite to other boaters everyone has the right to be on the water together . | how to ride a personal watercraft pwc | , pwc engines can suck rocks and debris from the bottom in shallow waters resulting in a damaged or clogged impeller . never operate a pwc in shallow water . , all boats which are underway and up on - plane are required to be at least 100 feet 30 . 5 m from other boats and at least 150 feet 45 . 7 m from shore or docks . the same rules apply to pwcs . boats generally travel in a consistent linear pattern whereas pwc operators often ride in impulsive , erratic freestyle patterns of s curves , circles and figure eights , which substantially increase the potential for collision with a boat and may run afoul of the rules of the road . spatial disorientation and inattention can quickly result by being lost in the moment but increase the risk of being hit by another boat after having quickly but unwittingly maneuvered the pwc directly into the path of another boats immediate strike zone . freestyle riding that includes radical maneuvers , high - speed spins , carves , jumps and tricks should be performed in a non - residential cove or remote area of the lake that is not subject to frequent boat traffic . , many other people came to the same place for peace and quiet . if it appears that pwc usage is infringing upon the rights of others to have solace , then ride to areas away from other people where no one will be disrupted . being a public nuisance puts the entire sport at risk for everyone to face pwc bans and heighten restrictions . respect begets respect . |
learn how to operate the segway before attempting to use it alone . wear appropriate clothing . keep a firm hold on the segway at all times . avoid abrupt maneuvers when riding a segway . although the segway is able to sense your movement and aims to re - balance you , this mechanism may not be able to rectify your balance if you move too abruptly forward or backward . avoid speeding . keep to solid , even ground . maintain a safe distance between you and the handlebar . avoid pedestrians . watch out for obstacles . think ahead . stop your segway before getting off it . | how to ride a segway safely | read the user manual thoroughly . it is strongly advised that you seek instruction from someone who is qualified and experienced in operating segways . practice with people who know segways before heading off on your own . at the very least , have a spotter when you first climb on and practice . see how to operate a segway for more details . at a minimum , wear a safety helmet . other protective gear to consider wearing includes knee and elbow padding , wrist guards . eye protection . if youre using the segway at night presuming it is legal to do so wherever you live , where a high visibility jacket so that people can see you easily . if riding at night , always add lights so that you can see and be seen . always have both feet firmly aboard , and both hands holding the handlebar . dont try carrying anything in one hand and maneuvering with only one hand . use a backpack or a cargo holder if you need to carry stuff . dont turn a segway too fast . fast turns can cause you to lose control always lean into a turn and take it slowly . dont stop or start a segway too fast . dont ride backward . this ability is meant only for maneuvering out of a tight spot or turning around , not for travel . the segway will warn you if youre going too fast , using a speed limiter it pushes the handlebar back as a way of slowing you down . heed this and stop leaning forward . heed the stick shake warning . this warning is set off when you ride too fast backward or you push the segway beyond its limits , such as going over rough terrain , down a slope , or speeding up or slowing down too rapidly . slow down . if it doesnt stop after slowing down , stop and get off as it could be telling you that your battery packs are low or that there are maintenance issues with the segway . indoors , keep to a slow walking pace , stay in the center of corridors as much as possible , give way to every person , and dont take the segway where its not permitted . outdoors , aim to keep to a fast walking pace , again giving way to pedestrians and being very careful when going around corners . segways are not designed for all - terrain moves . stick with the paved surfaces theyre meant for . any abrupt terrain change can cause problems for your safety , such as riding from grass to pavement , speed bump , etc . do this slowly and with care . step off a segway and use the power assist mode any time you are unsure of how to handle the terrain or area that youre crossing . dont ride on roads . not only is the segway not made to be a road vehicle , but its dangerous and may also be illegal . cross roads with care , use power assist to walk it across if safer . leaning on the handlebar can reduce your ability to control the segway properly . you are moving faster than pedestrians and some pedestrians wont even hear your approach . always be on the alert for avoiding them , and be ready to call out if anything goes wrong before you can brake . generally , keep to the right of the sidewalk in countries with right side drive and keep to the left of the footpath in countries with left side drive , unless your pedestrian traffic norms are different . heed all local rules about use of sidewalks . if there are things in the way of your segway , they have the potential to knock you off or create a collision . its up to you to see them , which can be difficult if youre distracted by sightseeing or chatting . common objects that cause problems include park benches , light poles , signposts , and trees . avoid holes , curbs , and steps when using the segway . a segway can easily trip up on such obstacles . dont take your segway down a steep slope . doing so will cause it to unbalance , and its very likely that youll be thrown out . dont ride a segway on any surface that is slippery , such as ice including black ice , be aware , snow , wet grass , oily or greasy areas , or wet floors . dont ride over loose items such as branches , pebbles , rocks , broken glass , etc . these can cause the segway to lose traction and tip you out . as with riding a bike , scooter , or any other wheeled transportation that interacts with traffic and pedestrians , stay alert all of the time and react ahead of things happening . slow down and stop if needed at crossings , intersections , groups of people , driveways , around corners , doorways or other low - hanging areas , etc . get out of the way of cars , cyclists , and other traffic . realize that often you cant be seen or heard , or people may not equate a segway with being something they need to stop for . avoid ipod oblivion or cell phone distractions . dont use mp3 players or cell phones while operating the segway . dont drink and ride . dont let go of a segway that is still in balance mode or it will continue to travel away from you and could potentially collide with someone or something . |
consult your vehicle insurance agency about your policys hurricane coverage , if applicable . check and replenish all fluids . fill your gas tank and any reserve canisters to their full capacity . put together an emergency kit for your vehicle . keep you vehicle in a sheltered location if possible . apply masking tape to your car windows in order to make cleanup easier in the event that your windows break . | how to ready your vehicle for a hurricane | you will need to inquire about what is covered , as well as what steps to take in the event that your vehicle is damaged and you need to make a claim . check your drive belts for tension and wear , and have them replaced if necessary . also ensure your tires are properly inflated this includes your spare tire . the following fluids typically should be checked oil , transmission , brake , battery , power steering , radiator coolant , and windshield wiper fluids . hurricanes can affect incoming supply routes , making gasoline a very important item . to avoid long lines at the gas station and frustration , you should make sure that you have enough fuel for your vehicle . must - have items include the following an automotive toolkit , a pocket knife , extra fuses , road flares , emergency tire sealant , extra quarts of motor oil , power steering fluid and antifreeze , a tire jack , jumper cables , a flashlight , extra batteries , a battery - powered radio , pen and paper , a blanket , a can opener , a first aid kit , and extra reserves of water and food . be sure to keep your vehicle parked on higher ground , away from any tall or loose structures such as light poles , stop lights , road signs , or trees that may fall and cause costly damage . also remember to apply your emergency brake , if applicable . |
read the instruction manual first if included . turn on the scooter . check it has full battery on the battery gauge . position the scooter next to something you can hold on to . holding on to the object step one foot on . carefully place your second foot on . once you have achieved your balance , carefully point your toes forwards to go forwards . once you can go forwards without help , start practicing turning . to turn clockwise , put your right toes down only . to turn anti - clockwise , put your left toes down . to go backwards , lean back . handle slopes with care . watch your speed . | how to ride a hoverboard two‐wheeled self‐balancing scooter | dont worry if it doesnt include one , many brands dont . the on button is normally a silver push kind , located on the back near the charge port . if it doesnt , then charge it using the cable provided . , there is often a light next to the battery gauge , if it turns green then it is safe to put your second foot on , if it is red then turn off the board and try again . if the problem persists contact the supplier . if the scooter moves its fine , just re - position and start again . keep going until you get it right . , you will turn . it is very important to keep your other foot horizontal , if you dont do this then it will counteract the turn and may unbalance you . , most mini self - balancing scooters can handle slopes of up to 15 degrees , although it does vary with brands . when you achieve top speed you will normally hear a beep . this tells you that you have maxed out the speed and should slow down . now you can start to do spins and go at decent speeds |
recognize and review the basics of the blues . experiment on the pentatonic blues scale to start adding lead licks . play your licks to fill in spaces left by the singer or other instruments , not on top of them . follow the chord changes when beginning riffs , matching your first note to the chord . | how to add licks to a blues riff 1 | playing guitar licks is not necessarily the first skill you need to pick up when playing the blues . before launching into the nitty - gritty of improvising your own licks , you should consider reviewing twelve bar blues blues guitar phrasing scales choosing notes in the pentatonic blues scale at the end of the day , anything played in the right key in the pentatonic blues scale , will sound good over a basic blues track . if youre first starting out , simply play a blues track and start fiddling around with your scale . what note combinations sound good to you where are good places for big , dramatic bends or slides remember - - the blues is about personal expression , so just be yourself and start playing . if youve never improvised before , try to erase the desire to make everything sound good . this process is about making mistakes and taking risks , then keeping the bits and licks that sounded great . a great guitar lick slides into the song and gets out without muddling other instruments or the singer . a good way to think about this is the classic call and response blues format , where you use your guitar to talk with the singer or other players . just like you would never talk over someone else , try not to play over them . in the twelve bar blues , you most frequently have space during the 4th , 8th , and 11th 12th bars , as they are the turnaround measures . take a standard 12 - bar blues in e , for example . the progression , through the twelve bars , is e - e - e - e - a - a - e - e - b - a - e - b . knowing this , you should try and hit the root notes whenever that measure begins , basing your riff around the chord in the measure . find all the root notes of your song before beginning , using them as a road map for the rest of the song . learn the rhythm guitar part for your song as well - - knowing the chord changes forwards and backwards will make you a much better player overall . |
use an abrasive blaster . use an ultrasonic cleaner . | how to remove chrome plating 1 | abrasive blasting e . g . sand blasting , bead blasting , etc . is a process by which materials are abraded with a spray of fine - grain powder or tiny pellets . often , auto body shops and construction companies will have access to such devices . prolonged abrasive blasting can remove an objects chrome finish , though touch - up work may need to be done on the objects hard - to - reach areas afterwords . you may want to use a relatively fine - grain medium for instance , 400 - grit sand when blasting your chrome to prevent damage to the underlying metal . note that the airborne dust and sediment produced by chipping off tiny pieces of chrome while using an abrasive blaster can be toxic , so use appropriate facemouth protection . ultrasonic cleaners are special devices that use sound waves to clean delicate , difficult - to - clean items like jewelry . ultrasonic cleaners can even remove chrome in some situations especially when the chrome has already been loosened with another method . place chrome items in the ultrasonic cleaners basket and submerge them in a cleaning solution often ordinary water , then allow the cleaner to run according to its instructions . using a solvent that can dissolve chrome for instance , bleach , as noted above rather than water can enhance the chrome - removing power of an ultrasonic cleaner . however , only do so if the solution you use will not corrode the cleaner or otherwise react with it in any way . for instance , as noted below , lye will react with aluminum containers . note that , while ultrasound machines come in a variety of sizes , most will only hold relatively small items , such as jewelry , lug - nuts , tools , ornaments , etc . |
review the basic blues riff to build the following riffs into your playing . use single - note lines in the last measure before a chord change . create excitement in your play by dropping to the high - pitched notes after deep power chords . try some hybrid picking to get extra notes and tones into your playing . use an arpeggiated seventh chord to get through the turnaround . focus on great note selection , not just fast playing , to really learn the blues . | how to add licks to a blues riff 2 | the riffs and notes below are all variations on an intermediate blues rhythm riff in the key of e . rather than reteach the entire rhythm section , youre encouraged to either review it yourself or simply use the licks below as a guide , fitting them into your play wherever you like . this lick basically uses power chords to mimic the chords in the blues . you can use these chords through the entire song . a single - note line is when you just play multiple individual notes one after the other - - it is not a solo made up of only one note . after hitting your few chords , or listening to the rhythm playersinger hit them , you can play 5 - 6 notes from the pentatonic scale , any notes , for a screaming mini solo . a good solid bend , ending on the next chord to get out of your lick and into the next measure is always welcome in the blues . this interplay between low and high creates tension and excitement in your licks . look at the following riff , for example , which uses a deep e power chord to jump into some squealing , bluesy notes . e - - - - - - - 0 - 0 - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b - - - - - - 5 - 5 - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - g - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2p0 - - - - - - - - - 2 - 3 - - - - - - d - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e - - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pick the 1st and 3rd strings with the pinky and ring finger of your strumming hand . it is a great way to alternate deep notes that you pick normally like the 6th and 5th string while juxtaposing higher pitched licks and notes into the solo . really talented players can hold power chords up top , then use hybrid picking to add licks to their own rhythm playing . to practice , try the lick above with hybrid picking . arpeggiated simply means you pick every note individually instead of strumming . hitting the v chord , right before the song comes around to the root , and picking each note slowly throughout this final measure , is a slick little lick out of the twelfth bar . in the key of e , this final chord is a b . make it a b7 for your final lick - - 2 - - - - 0 - - - - 2 - - - - 1 - - - - 2 - - - - x - - note you can do this with any turnaround in any key , as long as you know what the final chord is . a great blues lick is not necessarily the speediest playing , nor is it the most flashy . look , for example , at b . b . king - - he could play as fast as anyone , yet the crowds go the wildest over 1 - 2 well - bent , well - placed notes . the blues is about feel and emotion . so put some thought into every note to really improve . think about using bends bent notes are essential for blues playing , as they give the emotion and power needed to really make your notes stand out . vibrato bending a note back and forth , shaking it , gives it a warbly , bluesy tone that makes the note stand out . slides a slide up or down the neck is a great way to make the guitar whine getting high and emotional . it is also a good way to move quickly through the scale . |
use hydrochloric acid muriatic acid . use sodium hydroxide lye to strip chrome from ferrous metals and carbon steel . perform a reverse electroplating . | how to remove chrome plating 2 | hydrochloric , or muriatic , acid , is a strong , corrosive acid . in high concentrations , it can be used to remove chrome plating from metal objects . for removing chrome , an acid solution of about 30 - 40 concentration should suffice . proceed as below mix 13 part hydrochloric acid to 1 part water in a vat used for chemical mixtures like a heavy - duty plastic bucket , etc . to produce a 30 acid solution . alternatively , purchase a pre - mixed acid solution of sufficient concentration . submerge the chrome - plated object in the solution until chrome strips off . wash the object thoroughly in soap and water , and rinse before drying . sodium hydroxide , commonly called lye , is a caustic , highly basic chemical . it can dissolve several types of metal plating , including chrome , but reacts dangerously with water and aluminum , corroding the aluminum itself and producing flammable hydrogen gas . thus , it should only be used on items that do not use aluminum as a base material . proceed as below mix 8 to 12 fl ounces about 227 ml to 355 ml of sodium hydroxide with 1 gallon 3 . 785 l of water in a vat made of neutral material like a heavy - duty plastic bucket . soak the chrome - plated object in solution until chrome comes off . this may take a fairly long time , so frequently check on your items progress . wash the object thoroughly in soap and water , and rinse before drying . chrome is affixed to metal through the process of electroplating , in which electric current is used to bind chrome to the metal at a molecular level . by reversing this process , chrome plating can be removed extremely effectively . however , doing so can be extremely dangerous . not only does the process involve a live electric current , but also produces several toxic , carcinogenic chemicals as products of the reaction . hexavalent chromium , for instance , is one extremely dangerous product . thus , this process is best left to professionals - the steps below are for informative purposes only . mix chromic acid and sulfuric acid in water in an approximately 1001 ratio . for example , you may add 33 oz . 936 grams of chromic acid crystals and . 33 oz . 9 . 36 milliliter of sulfuric acid fluid to distilled water to make 1 gallon 3 . 79 liter . mix solution in a proper immersion tank used for electroplating , materials testing , andor chemical treatments . heat the solution . keep the temperature of the solution from 95 to 115 degrees fahrenheit 35 to 46 degrees celsius for decorative chrome . keep temperature from 120 to 150 degrees fahrenheit 49 to 66 degrees celsius for hard chrome . run a negative charge from a dc power source through the chromic plating solution via wire . attach the positive cathode to object intended for stripping and submerge the object into the solution . the positively charged exterior chrome metal will be pulled from the object . rinse object in agitating running water , then rinse again . have waste products professionally processed and disposed of . |
use a homemade abrasive to remove especially thin or weak chrome . use oven cleaner . soak the chromed item in household bleach . use brake fluid to remove chrome plating . | how to remove chrome plating 3 | one of the simplest , most beginner - friendly ways to remove chrome is via simple mechanical action - i . e . scrubbing with an abrasive . mix baking soda or a solid household cleanser with water to make an abrasive paste that can be rubbed onto the chrome with a soft cloth until the chrome begins to give way . this method may work best with especially thin , weak chrome plating or with fake chrome plating for example , plastic painted with a fake chrome material . even in these cases , considerable elbow grease may be required . check your progress frequently as you scrub . scrubbing for too long may scratch the underlying material . some types of chrome especially fake plastic variants like you may find on model cars , etc . can be removed with commercial - grade oven cleaners . these powerful de - greasing solutions usually come in an aerosol can as a foam or liquid spray . give your chrome part a generous coating of cleaner , then allow it to sit for 10 minutes . wipe the chrome off along with the spray - cleaner . note that some oven spray - cleaner may darken any underlying metal if left to sit too long , so you may want to apply the process repeatedly in short increments until you have the result you want . another favorite method of model car enthusiasts for removing chrome is the use of a bleach bath . in this method , chromed parts are simply submerged bleach and left to sit . after about a day , depending on its thickness , the chrome should be loosened if not stripped entirely . the primary benefit of this method compared to the others is that bleach should leave any primer below the outer chrome layer intact . after using bleach to remove chrome , it should be properly disposed of and never re - used for laundry , etc . standard automotive brake fluid works like paint thinner to remove chrome layers from plastic objects . however , this method can take several days to work . additionally , it requires the proper handling and disposal of the brake fluid , which is toxic . rub the chrome object with brake fluid and let it set about 10 minutes before rinsing it off . repeat as needed to completely strip the chrome . note that brake fluid can dissolve plastic , so be very cautious when using this method on chromed plastic parts or opt for another method . |
measure your damaged area . note resin cures best above 18 degrees celsius 65 fahrenheit and in moderate humidity . note polyester resin is porous and may not be suitable for use in areas which will be frequently underwater . select your glass reinforcement . clear loose pieces from the damaged area and clean the area with acetone . tape off the area to be repaired with masking tape . mix resin and hardener , in the proportion recommended on the packaging , for a total volume twice that of the area to be repaired . caution avoid contact with skin , use eye and breathing protection . if using fiberglass filler , mix the filler into the resin until the consistency is like peanut butter . if using fiberglass cloth , cut a segment which will completely cover your damaged area and apply the resin to both sides of the material until it is just barely saturated with the resin . if you are using resin without glass reinforcement or fiberglass filler , apply the resin until the entire damaged area is filled and just slightly overflowing with resin . if you are using woven roving , apply the material until it is covering the interior of the damaged area entirely . note if you have selected a hardening agent with a fast cure time , you may need to work quickly as you must properly apply the composite before it begins to harden . allow time for the repair to cure based on the recommendations from the resin manufacturer . caution curing composites are hot , once cured , you will remove the tape and sand the damaged area . caution eye protection , skin protection , and a breathing apparatus are needed for sanding . | how to repair fiberglass finishings on boats , cars and other objects | if it is larger than a quarter , you will use epoxy resin for this repair , otherwise , use polyester resin . slower - curing composites will have a greater strength . unless uv cured coatings are used . , if your damaged area is extensive or is in a structural area of the object you are repairing , you will need to use some form of glass in the repair itself . smaller repairs that require strength reinforcement may use fiberglass filler , otherwise use fiberglass cloth . , use the cup and stirring utensil . , if there are holes in the damaged area , these must later be filled with resin or resin mixed with filler as necessary see steps above . , do not touch curing composites . you may use course 40 - 60 grit paper in order to obtain the general shape you desire . once the general shape has been obtained , you will use a medium - grit 100 - 200 grit paper to smooth the area followed by fine grit 300 paper . you may use finer paper or polishing compounds until the desired finish is obtained . though cured epoxy may not smell noxious , particles created when sanding are still toxic . |
drive to the gas station . turn off your engine . pay for the gas before you pump it . put gas into your car or other vehicle or a gas can . check the oil . replace the gas nozzle and the cap on your tank if youre pumping the gas yourself . drive away . | how to pay for gas | park next to a gas pump with your gas tank filler facing the pump . , if youre using a credit card , hand it to the attendant . in some locations , you can pump your own gas . in that case , you would swipe the card yourself . in most places , an attendant will do it for you . tell the attendant how much gas you want . often people just ask for a fill up , meaning enough to fill the tank . again , in some locations , you can pump your own gas . this involves removing the nozzle from the pumps cradle , inserting it into your cars fuel - tank filler , selecting the grade of gas you want the octane level , triggering the nozzle , and either holding the nozzle while it the gas flows or setting the nozzle to flow by itself and turn off automatically when your tank is full . at a full - service station , the attendant may offer to check your cars oil level and wash your windshield . there is no charge for this service . at a self - service station , you can do these things yourself while the gas is pumping . dont drive off without your gas cap . youre done . |
get a book optional . understand what switchers are . get to know road - switchers . consider cab units . | how to identify spotting features among diesel locomotives | if you are entirely new to identifying diesel locomotives , pick up a good book one of the best to get started is brian solomons american diesel locomotive on the subject to get yourself familiar with the various locomotive manufacturers with the most common names being the american locomotive company alco , baldwin - lima - hamilton locomotive worksblh , fairbanks - morse f - m , general motors electro - motive division emd , and general electric ge . this type of book will usually provide descriptions , illustrations of locomotives and photographs . today , only the latter two companies still produce diesel locomotives , although at least a few models built by all of the companies listed above still operate in some capacity . in any event , for purposes of time this article will only highlight the general differing spotting features among different manufacturers and model types . diesel locomotives have three basic types switchers , road switchers , and cab units which usually feature some type of streamlining and a full - length hood with no porch or walkway alongside the locomotive . switchers are usually small locomotives built with one purpose in mind . that purpose is movement of cars in a specific area . however , this didnt limit them to just that . switchers are also used to run short freight in order to unload and load cargo from nearby industries . quite a handful still operate today , especially in industrial settings . among switchers , models built by emd , as are most of their locomotives in general , feature smooth , distinct lines and contours with the cab set to one end of the locomotive with a signature conical stacks protruding from the top of the hood . except for a few models , emds switchers were short , typically only around 45 or so feet in length . models included sw - 1 , nw - 2 , sw - 7 , sw - 9 , sw - 1200 , and sw - 1500 . ges switchers were distinct and very short . while their larger 70 - ton model featured an end - cab design , their switchers were commonly center - aligned . they were highly sought for industrial work since their very small dimensions allowed them to negotiate tight curves and clearances often found within plants and other industrial workplaces . models included the 44 - ton and 45 - ton . alcos switchers , as with most of their models , are defined aesthetically by rounded corners and roof lines . their s and t models featured end - cabs and one single stack protruding from the roof with the latter model featuring a notched nose for the number boards . while technically a road - switcher , alcos very popular rs series was often used by railroads in switching service . featuring a cab offset to one end and a long hood with its trademark rounded edges and lines , the rs series is still universally recognized today . blhs s - 12 featured an end - cab design with a very long sweeping front hood and extended front step leading out of the cab . never very popular , only a handful of these machines still operate today . f - ms switcher models included the h - 10 - 44 and the h - 12 - 44 , which featured an end - cab design that rose flush with the top of the long hood , with the edges rounded off . road - switchers are basically what the name suggests . they usually work freight trains , moving goods between yards . however , their general design allow them to be safely operated as switchers in those yards . in regards to the first and second - generation models , emd and ge locomotives are the most easily recognizable . emds designs , as usually found on first - and second - gen units , are typically very clean in look with an angled and pointed short front hoods with a finished angled - off appearance to the rear of the long hood . perhaps the most distinguishable feature is the angled protruding dynamic brake housing centered on top of the long hood and a smooth , semi - streamlined fuel tank . such models include the gp - 7 , gp - 9 , gp - 20 , gp - 30 , gp - 40 , and gp - 50 . more modern units have a much more drastic look compared to older units . one key difference between them is a stubby , short front hood that could be said to be streamlined . they look comparatively like ges newer models . ges older models were about the general shape as emds gp - 7 and gp - 9 boxy . the universal series exemplifies this description . however , like modern emd designs , newer ge units are vastly different from their predecessors , as they are very boxy in appearance with clean , crisp lines , sharp angles , stubby , short front hoods and often - winged radiator housings in appearance protruding from the rear of the long hood one of a modern freight diesels most distinguishing features . alco locomotives are typically easily identified by their rounded edges and notched features on the front and rear of the locomotive . common models included rs - 2 , rs - 3 , rsd - 45 , rs - 11 , and rs - 15 . their large century series road - switchers are very bulky and tall in appearance , but can usually be identified from ges and emds by their rounded cab roofs , short , stubby short front hood and protruding front number plates directly above the windshield . these models included c420 , c424 , c415 , and c628 . f - ms most popular road - switcher was the h - 24 - 66 , the train master . it was very tall , bulky and boxy featuring an offset cab that rose flush with the roof line . similar , but somewhat smaller locomotives included the h - 16 - 44 and the h - 16 - 66 models . in north american railroading , cab units are generally streamlined locomotives that have one cab at the extreme end , offering a great view of the road ahead and an extremely limited view behind . cab units are generally considered as road - only units due to the extreme lack of rearward visibility , and as so , are rarely seen switching a yard if they are even used as so . emds first - and second - gen cab units were easily the most popular as their e and f series diesels sold by the thousands . these models are easily recognizable by their clean , bull dog - like noses and portholes along their flanks . both models featured very streamlined car bodies making them all ideal for passenger service although the e series was particularly equipped for the purpose . their latest cab unit diesel appeared on the market not too long ago as the f125 , presumably numbered after its max speed . the shape is reminiscent of ges genesis series , with a beveled edge at the cab end of the locomotive . alcos cab units may not have been as popular but were striking nonetheless . their fa for freight service and pa for passenger service models featured very automobile - like styling with a long , sweeping front nose and rounded windshields . the pa was generally considered the most striking and has often been credited as the most beautiful diesel locomotive ever built . fms consolidation line was a short line of diesels which introduced the company to the cab unit world . the model , built to both freight and passenger specifications featured a short , almost stubby front nose that was somewhat rounded but also pointed . it only sold a few hundred units and was never very popular . another f - m cab unit was the erie - built , named as it was built in erie , pa . |
start your used bus search locally . move out to a regional search . switch to a more comprehensive web search for your used bus search . follow a few general rules about purchasing a used bus . make sure that you have a business plan in place to handle the cost of the bus . | how to find used buses | check out the newspaper classified section to see if there are any used buses for sale . also watch the newspaper for any local auctions that are selling used buses . check out the inventory of local automobile dealerships online . while most dealerships do not list their entire inventory in their print advertising , you can generally find it on the website . repeat the same steps as you would for a local search , but do so using online tools for the closest big city . review the online version of the newspaper of the closest large metropolitan area near you . watch the online newspaper for auctions . you might even be able to flag the key term to alert you , if the online newspaper has that feature . check out automobile websites in that area to search their entire inventories . , dont purchase a vehicle that is heavily rusted . make sure that you are aware of the status and origin of any replacement parts . try to not purchase a used bus that needs a lot of work done to it . you could invest more into repair than it is worth . determine the needs of your organization or your personal needs before settling on a bus type or model . have an inspection on any used bus that you are considering for purchase . verify that the bus you are looking at has a legitimate title before purchasing the vehicle . you want to include all of the numbers associated with bus ownership including cost of the vehicle , insurance , licensing fees , maintenance , repair figures andor cost for training of the driver . |
visit the american automobile association website . enter your zip code if prompted . to apply in person , find the address of a local branch . bring your information to that address , or call ahead and ask for details . to apply online instead , click the join button or link . compare plans . understand the cost . select a plan that covers your vehicles . enter your contact information . decide whether to enable automatic membership renewal . enter your payment information . | how to join aaa 1 | begin by visiting httpwww . aaa . com . the aaa is actually made up of many organizations , serving different areas . however , you can reach any of these regional organizations by visiting this website . note start with this step even if you plan to apply for membership in person , not online . the aaa website may automatically detect the general area you are located in , and send you to the correct web page for your area . if it does not , it will likely display a popup box and prompt you to enter your zip code . if you do not know your zip code , you may look it up by entering your address at the us postal service website . some local aaa organizations display their regional address prominently on the front page of their website , which you were just directed to . if you do not see one , or if the address is not nearby , look for a find another office link , or find a local branch , or similar . click this link to be taken to a map or a list of all aaa offices in your region , including their phone numbers and hours of operation . try using your browsers find command and enter office or branch . this is typically available with the ctrlf key combination in a windows operating system , or commandf on a mac . optionally , call the listed phone number and ask for information on membership plans . your local office may or may not be able to register you as a member over the phone . almost any aaa office should be able to register you in person , as long as you bring your drivers license and a method of payment . to save time before you show up , know what type of vehicles you operate , and whether other members of your household wish to apply as well . there are dozens of regional websites , organized in many different layouts . somewhere on the homepage , however , there should be a button or text link labeled join now or join aaa . when you click join , you will likely be taken to a chart comparing the benefits of different membership plans . the details of these vary between regional organizations , but the benefits are typically laid out clearly in a chart . usually , the organization offers classic or basic , plus , and premier membership . the plus and premier memberships cost more , but come with additional perks as described , such as additional free towing , or free travel insurance under certain conditions . if you do not understand a particular perk , the name of the perk may be a link that describes it in more detail . other aaa websites have a question mark to click next to it , or a view details link at the bottom of the chart . the primary member price indicates how much you would pay each year for that membership . there is typically an additional enrollment fee or new member fee , which is an additional charge applied once , when you join . finally , if you wish another member of your household to receive the same benefits , that may cost you an additional associate member fee each year , per additional member . the classic or basic plan typically only covers ordinary cars , not rvs , trailers , or motorcycles . your regional organization may display detailed information on this in a vehicle types chart at the bottom of the page , or include it somewhere in the perk list . after selecting join for a particular plan , you should be taken to a form . enter your full name , personal information , and contact information , as directed . when youre done , hit next . you may be prompted for additional information , such as associate member information . look for a convenience billing option . select no if you do not want your credit card to be automatically billed at the end of each year . keep it selected yes if you want to automatically renew your membership each year . if you disable convenience billing , you will need to manually pay your membership dues each year to retain membership benefits . enter your credit card information , or your personal checking account information . after confirming the order via email , your membership card should arrive in the mail within a few days . do not enter your credit card information over an unsecured internet network , especially a public one used by many people . |
register online . browse online services in the membership portion of the site . be prepared to call roadside assistance . use your aaa membership to receive discounts . use your aaa membership abroad . | how to join aaa 2 | once your membership card arrives in the mail , youll see your membership number printed on it in a prominent position . return to www . aaa . com and click register , then enter this number along with your personal information , as prompted . this gives you access to online resources as long as you retain your aaa membership . click the membership link on your regional organizations website . your organization may offer a variety of online services , such as ordering a replacement membership card , upgrading your membership plan , or requesting maps and automobile guides . this may be listed as member services , manage your membership , or another similar phrase . one of the most popular reasons for joining aaa is to receive towing , battery jumpstarting , or other emergency services when ones car breaks down . call 1 - 800 - aaa - help in this situation . receiving these services will be easier and faster if you are prepared to provide the following information your aaa membership card info , especially the member number and expiration date . the location of the vehicle . if calling from a cell phone , aaa may attempt to locate you automatically . turn on gps if available to increase the odds of success . a description of your car , including if possible the model , color , year , and license plate number . picture id once an aaa employee arrives , to confirm you own the membership card . many hotels , restaurants , and other business worldwide offer a discount or special deal to aaa members . look this up in advance in the discounts section of your regional aaa website , or ask for information at a participating business . you will likely be required to show your aaa membership card to receive the discount , and sometimes a picture id as well . although most of aaas services are only available to united states residents , your aaa membership can be used for many purposes abroad . details vary between membership plans , so contact your local aaa branch for more information . if your membership plan allows , you may be able to receive or purchase the following benefits travel insurance emergency transportation to a hospital while abroad an international driving permit , allowing you to drive in foreign countries |
lift the hood and check the battery , as well as all connected lines and cables , for rust , corrosion or bad connections . ensure you have the same gauges of terminals , terminal lugs , and cables . pick up the appropriate cable for your machine , in the gauge size determined above . purchase a non - acidic or active flux core roll of solder wire . grab some rosin flux paste of fluid for the connections , again ignoring acid or active flux pastes . alternatively , use the bad cables to purchase replacement parts from your local auto shop or hardware store . use a thick pair of cable cutters to smoothly clip the cables . cut away the final 1 or so of rubber housing to expose the cable . using your fingers , lightly pull off any loose or unwound strands from the cables before using . add two pieces of 4 - 5 shrink tubing to each cable , shuffling it out of the way until later . liberally apply flux paste to the inside of the terminals and the exposed cables . slide the terminal lug onto the expose cable end , pushing it as far on as you can . crimp the terminal lug onto the cable using a flat nail punch or a crimper . using a flame or other high - heat source such as from a butane torch , heat the lug until the rosin flux is boiling . still applying heat , solder around the connection between cable and terminal lug . slide the shrink tubing back up to cover the expose metal , then use the heat source to shrink it around the connection . clamp the terminals in a vice , open side up . liberally swab the inside of the terminal and the outside of the cable with rosin flux . using your torch , heat the terminal so that the rosin flux is boiling . preheat the end of the cable for 12 - 15 seconds , then push it into the terminal . solder the connection between terminal and wire . use some wire cutters to clean up any exposed strands of wiring . slide the sheathing to cover exposed metal , then heat it to shrink it on . | how to make battery cables | before making new cables , check which ones actually need to be replaced . remove any snapped , chipping , weak , crusty , or otherwise bad - looking cables so you know what needs to be replaced . on the cable should be a number with a slash in it , like 2 0 , followed by the letters awg . the terminals should have this slashed number too . this number is the gauge size . the terminal may not , however , say awg . make sure you purchase both a positive and negative terminal . if your cables dont match the battery , you can also get cable clamp adjusters , which tighten around any cable to ensure it fits well . non - adjustable terminals or universal terminals should only be used as a temporary fix . different cables need to be used for different machinery . while there are a lot of options out there , the general strategy is easy to remember dry machines cars , tractors , etc . need to use untreated copper wire . wet machines boats , jet skis , etc . need to use electroplated tinned strands to prevent rusting . rosin core solder wire is the safest to use on your battery connections . acidic connections or active core wires can cause issues and corrode the battery when exposed to electricity . like the solder wire , this paste is too corrosive to be useful with copper or tinned wired . some companies actually sell terminals pre - loaded with flux and solder . bring in the bad battery cables to ensure you get the right replacements for your car or boat if you dont know what to get . if in doubt , talk to a store clerk for help replacing parts . bring in your cars make , model , and year to help them understand your specific motor . youll need two cable , brass or tinned two terminal lugnuts two terminals solder rosin paste or fluid shrinkable sheathing , cut in four 6 parts . dont try saw at the cable with a knife of hacksaw , as this makes for jagged , uneven ends of cable that are hard to work with . use a heavy - duty set of cutters to get right through the cable in one short , smooth motion . cut lightly here , trying your best to only cut the rubber housing and not the strands of cable underneath . you can use your terminal lugs the piece that attached to the battery to estimate how much you should cut away . simply line it up with the cable and note how long the hole is , then cut away enough rubber so that the actual metal cable fits in snugly . dont worry if you cut too much away - - you will be re - sheathing the cables later . removing these stray bits will slow down corrosion and greatly increase the life of your cable . it is harder to get this sheathing on after the terminals are attached , so slide it onto the wire now and roll it out of the way , towards the center of the cable . each one of these sheathings will cover the exposed metal at the ends of your cable when done . this paste is heated up and creates a strong electrical connections between the two bits . apply the paste liberally with a cotton swab . some of the flux will squeeze out , but this is okay . get the lug snugly onto the exposed cable for now . if you have a crimping machine , now is the time to use it . otherwise , get a flat nail punch or angle iron , and a hammer . place the punch in the center of the nut , then hammer hard into it to crimp the terminal into the cabling . flip the cable and repeat on the other side . you want to get the entire piece nice and hot . you can stand a butane torch up , turn it on , and rotate the cable in front of the flame so the whole thing is evenly heated . heat until the rosin starts to bubble out of the terminal lug . this preheats everything to make soldering easier in the next step . use your non - acidic , non - reactive solder wire to solder the point where the terminal lug ends and the exposed cable begins . you can do this right after you have the rosin boiling . when done , let it cool for 1 - 2 minutes before proceeding . make sure you have enough heat to liquefy the solder . all that needs to be exposed is the flat terminal lug , which connects to the battery . the rest of the connection should be covered and snugly fit with the sheathing to prevent corrosion . the entire terminal is going to get very hot , and you cant attach it and crimp it down ahead of time like the terminal lugs . clamp it down so it wont move as you insert the hot cable and solder . the ingredients needed to attach the terminals are the exact same as those used for the lugs , though the process is a bit different . use a cotton swab to coat all parts of the terminal and wire that will connect . if you bought pre - soldered and pre - rosined terminals , you should skip this step . make sure you do this in a well - ventilated area . you want big , quick bubbles forming to know you have it boiling . if both the cable and the terminal are hot , the connection is going to be much faster and more secure . just like the terminal lug , solder the edge of the terminal to the expose wire beneath it . even if you have pre - soldered connections , this isnt a terrible idea for added security . if some of the strands of wire came loose when inserting the cable into the terminal , strip them off before moving on . these sheathings will greatly increase the usable life of your battery cables . |
be sarcastic . look at life realistically . be eccentric . act confident . hide your compassion behind a gruff exterior . | how to act like dr . gregory house 1 | one of dr . houses most defining characteristics is his sarcastic sense of humor . instead of telling side - splitting jokes , be humorous in a way that is understated and subtle . respond to situations that you are in with ironic comments and intelligent quips . for instance , at one point when another character is trying to have a serious conversation with dr . house about his emotions , dr . house says , did you come for my feelings because i left em in my other pants . dr . house often verges on rudeness when he makes sarcastic comments about other people . this is something you may want to avoid in your own life , as he often rubs people the wrong way . dr . house is a long way from an optimist . he sees the dark in the world as well as the light . though being a realist is a difficult thing to teach yourself , try not to be naïve about other people and the world at large . one quote that illustrates dr . houses life philosophy is welcome to the world . everyones different , everyone gets treated different . you try fighting that , you end up dying of tb . learn more about psychology to understand the underlining motivations behind people and society in general . if you ever start feeling too pessimistic , stop and remember that there are other aspects of dr . houses personality that you channel . dr . house isnt afraid of other people noticing him or thinking that hes strange . he often does odd and outlandish things , not caring how others see him and sometimes even relishing their confusion . if you ever get the urge to do or say something eccentric , dont hold yourself backfor instance , if you are standing in a very long line at the dmv , you could say loudly , do you think santa will let me sit on his lap smile exaggeratedly at anyone who looks around at you . no matter what situation youre in , be confident and outspoken . dr . house is tremendously confident in himself , even though he does acknowledge his flaws . he is assured of his intelligence and the fact that he often is the most learned person in the room . try to be quietly confident as opposed to being openly boastful . bragging about your skills and intelligence or acting like certain situations are below you can alienate others . as prickly as dr . house can sometimes be , he does genuinely want his patients to get better . in your daily life , even if you are sarcastic with those around you , try your best to help others , even if your help is behind the scenes rather than out in the open . |
dress like house . be the best at what you do . bend the rules every now and then . accept every challenge . dont let emotions cloud your judgment . have a trusted second in command . | how to act like dr . gregory house 2 | at work , dr . house usually dresses in blazer over a collared shirt with dark jeans . occasionally he wears a white lab coat over a collared shirt . start dressing like dr . house when you are in the public eye to give off a sense of authority . at home he usually wears a t - shirt and jeans . dr . house is the best in his field . he is the ultimate authority figure at the hospital and everyone looks to him for help and advice . in your work place , do your best to master all aspects of your field and be the one that people consult if they are faced with a tough problem . one thing that comes with being the boss is the ability to bend rules . even though he works in a hospital with rigidly structured regulations , dr . house often goes around established procedures and runs things his way . ultimately , skirting the rules helps dr . house figure out his medical problems faster , often saving his patient . his rule - breaking therefore improves the quality of his care and is not only for personal gain . its not worth getting in trouble just to emulate dr . house . carefully analyze the way your workplace is run before you break the rules , and only do so if it helps your company or business run better . dr . house never shrinks away from a challenge . in fact , he relishes a difficult problem and is bored by easy fixes . dr . houses enthusiasm for intellectual challenge is what contributes to his expertise as a doctor . at your own workplace , take on difficult or challenging projects that others dont want to do . these projects will help you grow professionally and will cement your status as an expert in your field . even though dr . house is often presented with emotional situations , such as terminal illness in his patients , he doesnt let his emotions get in the way of his judgment when trying to find a solution for their problems . in your own workplace , show empathy towards customers or clients , but dont let your feelings affect your analysis of the situation . dr . wilson is dr . houses sidekick and second in command at the hospital . dr . house approaches dr . wilson when he needs support and help with moral issues . at your own workplace , start friendship with someone who you like and is professionally competent . turn to them if you are in need of help or guidance . |
assemble a team . brainstorm before taking action . try the simplest solution first . stick to your ideas . use trial and error . | how to act like dr . gregory house 3 | though he is a brilliant doctor , dr . house needs his team around him to help him solve tough problems . even if he eventually solves the problem himself , he often arrives to his conclusion only after having a problem - solving session with his team of doctors , in which they talk about possible diagnoses of the patient and what could be done to improve their condition . even if your work environment isnt naturally structured with departments or teams , still try to get the input of your coworkers when working to solve a problem . assemble a group of people with different skills and expertise so that everyone has something useful to contribute . dr . house has a whiteboard he uses in many episodes to write out all the suggestions and ideas of himself and his team . he uses the whiteboard to make connections between different ideas and come up with creative solutions . start planning out projects or plans on a whiteboard to help you make connections and visualize your solution . list out all aspects of a project or a problem on one side , and all solutions on the other . then try to branch out or connect both sides . dr . house approaches problem solving using a concept called occams razor , which states that simplest theory is the best starting place for solving a problem . once you come up with a list of potential solutions , use the one that is most likely to fix the problem . dr . house always uses a practical approach and acts on the most likely diagnosis . dont forget about human error . as dr . house said , occams razor . the simplest explanation is almost always that somebody screwed up . dr . house is incredibly stubborn , almost to a fault . if you have a possible solution to a problem that you are sure of , stick to it and dont let others talk you down . still be open to the ideas and suggestions of others , but always keep your original idea in mind and dont compromise without first trying to win others over to your side . in season three , dr . house says to his colleague only somewhat jokingly , i thought id get your theories , mock them , then embrace my own . the usual . move on to a different solution if the first one doesnt work . because dr . house is always given the most difficult cases at the hospital , he often has to test out several solutions before finding the most successful one . dont be afraid to change your approach and try out different ways of tackling a problem . |
put on battle dress uniform . wear a high visibility vest over the uniform . take signaling tools . wear head wear as applicable . protect yourself . take communication tools with you . park an incoming aircraft . guide an outgoing aircraft . use the standard hand signals , accentuated by the wands or flashlights , to direct the pilot . | how to marshall a jet | use jackets or gloves if working in cold weather . battle dress uniform shirts may be removed if working under hot conditions . if battle dress uniform shirts are removed , they must be placed so that they will not be blown back onto the flight line . this vest must be international orange in color . in reduced visibility operations , this vest must have reflective material on it . for daylight operations , use high visibility wands . for nighttime operations , use flashlights with visibility cones attached . headgear may be worn to protect against cold or rain . any headgear must be secured on the head of the marshaller . headgear may not be worn when turbine powered engines are on the flight line . use ansi approved hearing protection . also use osha and ansi approved eye protection . use sunscreen of at least spf 15 when working under bright sunlight . a radio will be supplied by the flight line supervisor . the flight line supervisor will brief you on call signs and operation of the radio . stand at the spot that has been designated for the jet . do not try to go out and meet the jet . the jet will be brought to you or move to you . stay in front of the jet and in view of the pilot at all times . indicate yes , i will comply . raise your right arm . signify no , not clear or i will not comply . extend your right arm out and down . show come this way . raise both hands above your head pass control of the jet to another marshaller . point across your waist left or right towards the next marshaller . tell the pilot to slow down . move both arms up and down repeatedly while keeping your arms down and slightly away from your body . direct the pilot to turn left . keep your right arm down and slightly away from your body . motion to the pilots left with your left hand above your left shoulder . indicate to the pilot to turn right . keep your left arm down and slightly away from your body . motion to the pilots right with your right hand above your right shoulder . ask the pilot to move ahead . raise both arms to shoulder height and move both hands repeatedly upward and backwards . order the pilot to apply the brakes . hold both arms up . slowly move your hands towards each other . bring the hands together and hold them there to indicate a stop . indicate to the pilot to release the brakes . hold both arms up with hands near each other above your head . slowly move your hands apart and out . order the ground personnel to remove the wheel chocks . hold both arms down slightly spread from the body . move your hands apart and out from the body order the ground personnel to insert the wheel chocks . hold both arms down and slightly spread from the body . move your hands slowly into the body . ask the pilot to start the engines of the jet . raise your arms up with your hands spread . make a rotating motion with your right hand . tell the pilot to slow down the engines on 1 side of the jet only . hold your arms down . slightly extend the hand on the side of the engines that you want the pilot to slow , and make an up and down motion with that hand . direct the pilot to cut the engines . keep your left arm down . raise your right arm and make a slashing motion across your throat . warn the pilot that a fire has occurred . hold the arm on the side of the fire straight out . point to the side of the fire with your other arm across your waist . |
determine what type of auto transporting business you want to start . investigate the competition in your area . obtain your commercial drivers license from the appropriate department in your state . draw up a business plan that includes your start - up costs , projected revenue , market , business strategy , and marketing plan . raise investment capital by presenting your business plan to private investors or your bank . get your motor carrier number and transportation license . buy cargo and liability insurance . choose a location for your auto transporting business . have a lawyer draw up auto transporting agreements , and employee contracts if you are planning to employ staff . purchase the necessary equipment . approach auto transporting brokers to be included on their subcontractors list . advertise your business in local media , as well as on the internet . open your auto transporting business . | how to start an auto transporting business | there are auto transporting businesses that provide open car transport for regular vehicles , specialized auto transporting businesses that offer enclosed car transport for vintage and exotic vehicles , and those that provide both types . open car transport utilizes car haulers on which the vehicles are exposed to the elements , while enclosed car transport makes use of special car haulers that are sealed on all sides to protect the cars inside . if a competitor already covers a large part of the market , consider specializing in one specific niche such as vintage car transport . , in most countries , these are issued by the department of transportation . when starting an auto transporting business , youre required to carry insurance on each cargo , though the amount will vary depending on your location . youll need good access to major routes as well as sufficient room to load and unload the car haulers . check with your city to make sure you comply with local zoning laws . , for a regular auto transporting business , purchase at least one open car hauler . for a specialized auto transporting business , purchase at least one enclosed car hauler , a winch , hydraulic liftgate , and high - strength tie - down straps . this means that they can hire you to transport cargo for them . , |
draw a circle around the damaged area . drill a pilot hole in the circle so a bigger unibit can easily drill into the aluminum . using a preferred method cut out the aluminum within the circle drawn around the damage . cut out a circular patch from a sheet of aluminum that is the same thickness and the original aircraft skin . center the patch over the hole in the aircraft skin and mark its outline . since the aluminum being used here is 0 . 040 thick , and the rivets are 432 in diameter . once the edge distance lines are drawn , its time to mark the location of each rivet . next , drill pilot holes where the rivet makings are located with a small drill bit so it is possible to drill the holes to full size , without deformation of the aluminum sheet . secure the patch on the aircraft skin and drill pilot holes in the patch . with the patch still secured to the aircraft skin , expand the holes to the proper diameter . remove the patch from the aircraft skin and deburr all the holes both on the patch and on the aircraft skin . once deburred , re - secure the patch on the skin using clecos . using the proper rivets , secure the patch to the aircraft skin . | how to repair minor aircraft skin damage | , debur the newly cut hole . the diameter will depend on the number of rows of rivets youre planning on installing . debur the outer edge of the patch . , the edge distance for riveting will be ¼ . the patch cut for this repair is big enough in diameter for 2 rows of rivets , so i will draw a line 14 from the small hole and ¼ inward from the outline of the patch i drew . the rule for rivet spacing is a minimum of 4 times the diameter of the rivet and a maximum of 12 times the diameter of the rivet . youll also want to keep the spacing between each rivet the same . just make sure youre within those limits . , use the holes previously drilled in the skin as a guide . use clecos to make sure the patch does not move while drilling . , |
pass a medical evaluation . get your medical certificate . sign up for flying lessons if necessary . get your pilots license . find an aircraft rental company in your area . read and sign a rental agreement . fill out any other required paperwork . provide proof of identification andor renters insurance if necessary . pay the necessary rental fees . | how to rent an aircraft | this should include a physical exam and ensure that you are healthy enough to fly . in the united states , find an aviation medical examiner ame designated by the federal aviation administration faa to conduct your evaluation . make sure it is current and valid . you should have your certificate with you when trying to rent an aircraft andor whenever you fly . the cost of renting an aircraft may be included in your flight schools lesson expenses . you may need to spend several hours flying with a flight instructor and flying solo . pass all necessary written and flight tests to become licensed . try searching online or find out if your flight school also rents aircraft . go over any questions you have about the agreement before signing it . a questionnaire demonstrating knowledge of piloting , a checklist for new pilots , and a form to authorize credit card charges are a few examples of other documents you may need to complete . you may need to show your passport , drivers license or other accepted photo identification . the rental rate may be charged by the hour . rental prices can vary depending on the rental companys fuel , maintenance and aircraft costs . |
decide whether you will sell new cars or used cars . take a pre - license class if you want to be a used car dealer . contact your local inspectors office . get the dealers handbook . undergo a criminal background investigation . file an application for a dealers license . pay all fees associated with licensure . decide on a physical location . pay the fees . wait about 120 days to hear back . the dmv has to examine your application , location , and other aspects of your business before they will approve your license . build your website . offer a live chat feature . post lots of photos of your vehicles . write detailed descriptions . include prices for all of your vehicles . | how to start an online car dealership in california | in california , you can either be a new car dealer or a used car dealer . in order to deal , sell , or broker you must be licensed as either a new car dealer or a used car dealer . think about the types of vehicles you will be selling . franchised , new car dealers are allowed to sell new and used cars , but used car dealerships are only allowed to sell used cars . new car dealerships must be franchised through a manufacturer . if you plan to sell new cars , then you will have to check with the manufacturer of the new cars that you plan to sell to make sure that you will meet their guidelines . new car dealership may also sell used cars . used car dealerships may only sell used cars and they are not allowed to sell new cars . keep in mind that selling cars online will still require some in - person paperwork . this is because the paperwork required to purchase a car must be done in ink . all used car dealers are required to take a six hour pre - license class with a licensed car dealer education provider . new car dealers must contact their franchising manufacturer to determine what the specific licensing requirements are for the manufacturer . manufacturers have their own educational standards for car dealers . to find a list of course providers for used car dealers , visit the dmv website httpswww . dmv . ca . govportaldmv1dmyurilewcmpathdmvcontentendmvvehindustryoldlreduprovider these are the people responsible for evaluating your application . they will be able to answer any questions you may have about the dealer licensure process . if you have questions about the dealer licensing process , then you can call 916 229 - 3126 . you can also visit the dmv website to find a list of inspectors who can evaluate your application httpwww . dmv . ca . govportaldmv1dmyurilewcmpathdmvcontentendmvfoinspectoroffice the dealers handbook contains lots of important information for anyone who wants to become a car dealer in california . obtain and read this handbook because it can help you to navigate the entire process . you can find the dealers handbook at httpwww . dmv . ca . govportaldmvdetailpubsreghdbkpdftoc in order to get a dealership license , all applicants must get a background check done , which may take up to four months to complete . this investigation is done to help avoid licensing people who may turn out to be unethical dealers . if you are concerned that you might not pass a background check due to a criminal record , then you can file what is called an abbreviated application . you will still have to pay a fee of 175 , but this option will allow you to wait and see if you pass the background check rather than paying all of the other costs involved up front . keep in mind that all dealers and salespersons are required to get fingerprinted . there are various forms you will need to file , depending on the kind of dealership you wish to run . make sure you file all of the appropriate paperwork . contact the inspectors office if you have questions regarding proper forms . the dmv recommends that youif you plan to open a new car dealership , then you can download the required forms at httpwww . dmv . ca . govportalwcmconnectaa0a7d1c - 8084 - 40d2 - 9266 - 7801a9f498e8ol248n . pdfmodajperes if you plan to open a used car dealership , then you can download the required forms at httpwww . dmv . ca . govportaldmv1dmyurilewcmpathdmvcontentendmvformsolol248u if you do not pay all the fees , you will not get your license to operate . manufacturer fees and government fees may differ . it may cost upwards of 800 to fully pay for your license . these include175 nonrefundable initial application fee 1 family support program fee 100 auto broker fee in addition to application fee 70 per each branch location 300 new motor vehicle board fee 71 per car dealer plate , plus county fees 73 per motorcycle dealer plate , plus county fees even though your will be selling your vehicles online , you will also need to have a physical location where people can come and see your cars . this is called your display area . the display area must be large enough to accommodate all of the vehicles that you have listed on your website , so you may need to find a commercial space to rent . keep in mind that your display area will need to be inspected before you can open your online dealership . these fees may total around 116 . check to make sure new fees have not been added . you can call your local inspectors office to make sure . these fees may includea 5 non - refundable application fee a 50 reinstatement fee a 15 duplicate or transfer license fee a 1 family support program fee if your application is approved , then you can begin selling cars . be aware that it is illegal to sell cars without your license . keep in mind that you will also need to renew your license and show proof of continuing dealer education once every two years . decide what type of online dealer you want to be . some online dealers find clients and sell them vehicles from dealer - only auctions . others may refurbish pre - owned vehicles . or you may use your website as a way to promote your new car dealership . think about how you will use the website sell your cars and then start building your website to serve that purpose . if you have never built a website before and you do not feel comfortable with the idea , then you can always hire someone to build it for you . professional website builders will talk to you to find out what you want and create a website that meets your needs and expectations . many online dealerships have a live chat feature that will allow potential customers to ask questions about the cars that you have for sale . if you include a live chat feature , then you or someone else will need to be available to respond to any messages that come in day or night . having a live chat feature can be a great way for you to connect with potential customers and close a sale , but it can also be a big time commitment depending on how may messages you get in a day . you may want to consider limiting your live chat hours to regular business hours , such as monday through friday from 8am - 5pm , or hiring someone to manage the live chat when you cannot . plenty of great , high - quality photos are essential for an online car dealership . your website visitors are going to expect to be able to look at many photos of a car before they decide to buy , so you may want to invest in a good camera . photograph your vehicles from many different angles and include interior photos as well . your website visitors should be able to see the vehicles on your website from every angle . clean your vehicles on the inside and the outside before photographing them . dust and dirt can make a car seem less appealing to your online visitors , to take the time to deep clean each of your cars before you photograph them . take photos of your vehicles outside as the sun is setting or rising to get the best light . natural light will help to make your photos look more professional and the details of the car will be easier to see . since you cannot show website visitors all of the features of your vehicles , you will need to include some detailed descriptions . make your descriptions as detailed as possible . include information about each vehicles features and any other information that website visitors might want to know . some things you may want to include are year , make , and model mileage details about how the vehicle runs basic features such as horsepower , whether it is automatic or manual , whether is it two - wheel or four - wheel drive , etc . special features such as power windows , power locks , sound system , etc . part of the reason people shop online for cars is to compare prices before they decide to buy . if you do not provide prices for your cars , then your website visitors may be less likely to consider your vehicles . |
get the shorts youll need a pair of plaid shorts that hit just at or below the knee . get the shirt a worn out t - shirt in any color preferably not a neutral to be more like link , have the shirt in an orange - ish peachy tone . get the vest a 90s style vest in any style will work . get the shoes converse chuck taylor hi - tops are a must , get the socks wear 2 pair layered in your shoes , in 2 different colors get a necklace some kind of long necklace with a rock pendant on it will work fine do the hair if you have dreadlocks , youre already set , but if you dont , you can tease your roots with a comb , and hairspray it to death , then pin it all up on top of your head , and twist the ends in as many wisps as you can . get a pair of shades that look like ray - bans . | how to dress like link from encino man | bright colors preferred , 90s grunge style recommended . , look at thrift stores . black is preferred , but any color will do . , look at at picture of him for ideas . |
determine what fuel grade is required for your aircraft . determine how much fuel is required . connect the ground wire to the aircraft for high wing aircraft put ladder in front of the fuel cap on the furthest fuel tank . drag out fuel hose , for as far as you need it . remove fuel cap . as you see in the video , this is not like fuelling your car . you must fill up the wing tanks before fuelling the centre tank . after fuelling reinstall fuel cap and close the panel correctly . wind up fuel hose . wind up ground wire . double check fuel caps are tight . | how to fuel a plane | , on larger aircraft , you must fill up the wings first , simply for the balance of the plane . while fuelling make sure all selected valves are correctly opened . if they are not check with the pilot or contact maintenance . , |
start off flying straight and level with no change of altitude or roll . push the throttle up to full and pitch slightly down . at about 120 knots , pull back hard on the stick . at the invert , gradually relax the pressure and pull back on the stick . carry on pulling back until you are once again straight and level . | how to learn aerobatics 1 | by doing this you are building up the speed to get you over the top . g - force will push you into your seat but dont worry about it just keep pulling back . , that is the procedure for a basic loop . |
fly straight and level . at about 120 knots , pull back on the stick until you are going vertically upwards . the plane will fall backwards and tilt to the way your rudder is . pull out until straight and level again . | how to learn aerobatics 3 | push the throttle up to full and pitch slightly down . by doing this you are building up the speed to get you up into the vertical . keep the plane heading up . when you are near to falling backwards , push the rudder either left or right . it will twist round and start to descend vertically . that is the procedure for a stall turn . |
fly straight and level , go to 34 throttle roll your wings to quarter roll , input opposite rudder to the roll and hold for exit level your wings and take the rudder out | how to learn aerobatics 4 | , |
make your throttle 12 to 34 throttle roll right to first quarter , add left rudder to steady the plane roll right another quarter to inverted , add down elevator to keep the nose up roll right another quarter , add right rudder to steady the plane roll right another quarter to level . fast four point rolls do not require as much rudder and elevator , slow 4 point rolls require a lot . | how to learn aerobatics 5 | , |
first step is to remove the carburetor from the vehicle and drain most if not all the fuel from it , you can also remove the fuel lines and vent lines at this time . next is to flip over the carburetor and remove the bowl . now that you are inside the carb , you can remove the float . now you can start cleaning out your jets one at a time . now you can remove the main jet to clean it . check now to make sure you choke lever and butterfly are working properly and not sticking or hesitant . you can now blow the compressed air through all passageways in the carb to make sure no more clogs are in there . now that the internals have been all cleaned out you can clean out the bowl and underside of the carburetor to make sure no more dirt gets back through your freshly cleaned carb . you can now re - install the float and pin . your almost done , you can re - install your bowl and fasten it with the three phillips screws , make sure not to over tighten and strip these . | how to clean an ultra lite carburetor | it is attached to the carb with usually 3 or 4 phillips screws on the bottom . once removed you can now see the internals of your carburetor . if the inside of the bowl is dirty , you know that you carburetor inside are likely to be as well . it is held in by the pin , that can be pushed through and the float will lift out . you can see at this point if the float isnt moving freely you could have a sticky float resulting in excessive flooding of the engine . make sure this is working freely on re - install . first you can remove the high speed jet the one with the slot on top . it is removed with a flat screwdriver . once removed you can look at it against a light and see if it is clogged or not . if this is you can soak it for a minute in engine degreaser and then hit it with compressed air to blast out the debris . this may need to be done a few times until fully clear of dirt . once clean , re - install make sure not to tighten excessively . it is usually the one sticking up higher , and usually a hex headed 14 brass jet . urn it out of the carb and inspect for a clogged passage . you can soak it in degreaser and blast it with compressed air as well . repeat that to make sure it is cleaned right out . look down the passage where the main jet came from and blast air down to clean it out as well . now you can re - install the main jet . remove linkage and lubricate to help in ease of operation . clean intake of carburetor so no debris gets into the engine . do all the jets , intake ports , idle ports , overflow ports and where ever you can blow the air . blow the hole carb out to loosen and remove all the tiny particles of debris . you can soak the bowl in some degreaser to loosen some stuck on dirt . be sure to wipe and clean all dirt at this stage so that no more gets inside . this will later help in less problems with clogged up internals . now you can make sure that your pin is lubed with wd or whichever you choose to make that float operation smoother . just a little spray on the pin and where it meets the float will help so much . push the pin through the post coming from the carburetor and through the float mount and back through the other side post . no need to fasten it there because once the bowl is installed it will hold it all together . once re - installed check final operation of the choke and blow last bits of dirt away . you can also hear the float moving if you shake it easily . once all clean you can install you fuel lines and vent hoses and its all ready for re - installation on the vehicle |
identify the right charter broker or operator . there are a number of charter brokers who appear to have many aircraft but in reality are serving in a capacity similar to a travel agent . charter brokers are not faa authorized and do not have any aircraft under their control . validate the charter company . visit the company this may not always be possible , but you will learn a tremendous amount of information about a company by meeting their people , seeing their facility , and touring a few aircraft . look for good customer service ideally , there should be a single person responsible for your trip . select an aircraft often , a charter company will provide pictures of an aircraft under consideration for a trip . check up on your pilot find out what the providers standards are for minimum pilot hours . find out how much it will cost as the details of your needs become more specific , you should be able to get a clear quote , not a vague estimate that leaves room for surprises on the final invoice . | how to choose a private jet charter company | yes , one could check the local yellow pages or a favorite search engine to locate charter companies . however , there wont be any information about the quality of individual companies there , other than what is written in advertisements created by the companies themselves . use the web to look for online directories of faa authorized charter operators , charter brokers and their locations , and the various aircraft they offer . this statement is true . brokers do not have operational control over any aircraft . they get quotes from operators , put their fee on top of that and retail it . if you like the idea of using a travel agent , keep in mind that a quality faa authorized operator can access a jet anywhere in the world just like a broker . now that you have a list of operators , their aircraft , and phone numbers , you need to ask a few basic questions . the next step is verifying the charter companys advertising claims through official documentation . in order to simplify this complicated task , one can break down the process into three categories federal aviation administration faa documentation , insurance and third - party audits . faa documentation – each charter company must have a valid part 135 air taxi certificate which authorizes it to fly for hire . obtaining a part 135 certificate requires the charter company to adhere to faa guidelines and is strictly enforced by the faa . ask for a copy of their air carrier certificate which is the official document granted by the faa . if a charter company does not have an air carrier certificate , they are not authorized by the faa to conduct charter operations . insurance – often overlooked , insurance can provide a great deal of information about a charter company . typical limits for a charter company are 50m - 100m for a small jet such as a cessna citation , lear 40 or hawker 400xp , 100m for a mid - sized jet such as a hawker 800xp , lear 60 or citation xl and 100m - 500m for a large jet such as a challenger , gulfstream or falcon . often , these higher insurance limits require an audit by the insurance company to assure that the pilots and mechanics have the appropriate experience to operate a safe flight . also , another free service most operators will offer is for the passenger to be named additional insured on the policy . this option is really a personal decision . it should be considered if the passenger flies private charter on an ongoing , regular basis . third party audits – there are several companies that specialize in auditing charter companies . the industrys most used services are aviation research group argus or wyvern . argus wyvern compile several databases , including faa , department of transportation dot and one on aircraft transactions , to determine the safety records of the operator , its pilots and its aircraft . in addition , these companies will perform on - site audits on safety procedures , aircraft log books and additional documentation . the only way to verify that an operator has been audited by one of these organizations is to contact argus or wyvern directly . viewing people and facilities will tell you a lot about the quality of aircraft and level of service you can expect from the charter company . also , live help should be available around the clock for if you must change your plans , make a special request , or ask a question . you will get a great sense of their level of service by how you are treated on the phone . does the agent take time with you , ask questions to ensure they understand what is important to you , are they polite , and most importantly , are they responsive . be warned , however , that pictures are deceiving and may not be current . the only way absolutely ensure the status of an aircraft is to view it personally . also , because insurance levels can change at any time and vary by aircraft within the same fleet , it is important to ask for a copy of the insurance policy before each and every flight . different jet types require different pilot hours . once you have chosen an aircraft , verify that the assigned pilot has the required number of pilot hours on that type of craft . generally , each captain should have at least 5000 total flight hours and 300 hours in the specific aircraft type . ask how often the pilots attend recurrent training in a full - motion simulator . once every six months is considered ideal . anything less , the pilot may not be as fresh as possible on the latest procedures . any always ask for a hard quote . yes , certain things such as catering , ground transportation , and flight phone usage are not known before the flight , but everything else should be a firm quote so you are not surprised by the final billing . |
choose the right airplane for you . shop around for the right aircraft . get the specifics on the plane you pick . take a test flight . put down a deposit . perform a pre - purchase inspection . order a title search . get insurance . make your final payment and schedule a pickup of your plane . | how to buy a used airplane | determine what your needs are now , not what you expect them to be in the future . are you going to use the airplane primarily for family trips , or will it be used for business also consider your budget . what you pay for an aircraft is only part of the cost of ownership . dont forget to include the cost of operation and maintenance . too many pilots dont have a definite amount set for what they are willing to spend . as a result , they keep increasing what they are willing to spend as they come across airplanes that are just beyond their financial reach . once you have picked out a specific aircraft type that will meet your needs and budget , start comparing individual craft . here are some factors that can affect your buying decision . total time the lower total time the more expensive the aircraft . aircraft blue book and the aircraft value reference , vref , have formulas to help you determine how total time affects the price of an aircraft . engine time aircraft engines have a life expectancy known as tbo time before overhaul established by the manufacturer . this number reflects when the average engine will need an overhaul . exteriorinterior condition what is the overall condition of the plane look for things like corrosion or the condition of the seats . avionics the condition of the avionics can make a difference in the value of a plane . aircraft blue book and vref have formulas for calculating the value of avionics . knowing the history of an aircraft is important . get as much information related to the aircraft as possible . this will include specifications , maintenance history , damage , etc . aircraft with damage may still be a good craft , but you might want to consult a broker to help you determine the true value . leave the window open and listen as you crank up the engine . check the gauges during takeoff and get a feel for the aircraft in flight . make sure to check that all the avionics are functioning properly . once you have chosen the airplane you want you will need to put down a deposit to take it off the market . this can be done through an escrow service if you are not comfortable with handing your money over directly to the seller . you should be agreeable to the terms of the sale and make sure your money is refundable in the event the deal falls apart . this is the responsibility of the buyer and a good investment . hire a trusted mechanic to give the aircraft a thorough inspection . provide the mechanic with a list of the crafts specifications along with a pre - purchase inspection checklist some financing companies require this . make certain there are no old liens on the aircraft before you purchase it . shop around for a good insurance policy . your experience level as a pilot plays a major role in the type of aircraft you can get insurance for . speaking with an insurance agent ahead of time will let you know if you are wasting your time looking at aircraft you wont be able to get insured . finally , enjoy your new aircraft . |
make sure that building your own airplane is legal in your area - in the us building your own aircraft , even before you have a pilots license , is completely legal . get a pilots license first is recommended . decide if you want to make a plane that has already been built or design your awesome one . decide if you want to build from a kit or plans . decide what you want to build . look at different designs and define goals for what you want minimum expenditure , good performance , utility , etc . attend an event like eaas oshkosh fly - in or sun n fun . call an aviation insurance broker and see if you can get insurance with your current flight experience and for what you think your experience level will be when the project is finished . get a ride in the kind of plane that you want to build to see if you like it more than others . find someone locally who is actively building what you want to build . find a place to build your plane after you are confident about a certain design . get tools . get your plans and begin construction . follow the instructions closely . have an eaa technical counselor look at the plane and verify your work . pay attention to how long your project took others to complete to monitor your own progress . keep the airplane at your house as long as humanly possibly . take the plane to the airport and do final assembly . verify you have sufficient fuel flow to support your power plant . finish your required registration process . go fly something preferably a similar type . get an eaa flight adviser to help you plan your first flight and test period . get your insurance in place . | how to build an airplane | you should know what kind of plane you want to make , so fly various types of aircraft beforehand . reading specifications can only tell you so much , but actually experiencing what those specifications mean is completely different , especially how the desired airplane will fit your body type . if you want to get it in the air more quickly , you should use a preexisting design . a well - developed kit will also speed along the process whereas only using plans may occasionally hinder you . there are three main types of construction fabric , aluminum and composite . fabric can be maintenance - intensive and offers slower airspeed , but is the lightest and for some may be the least difficult to build . aluminum is more difficult , but is somewhat maintenance - free and can make a very fast airplane . composite is the most difficult to build because of all the sanding to make a nice finish but generally yields the fastest airplanes . take note designs that are straightforward and have good utility once completed are the most abundant and may represent the best choice for success . the most popular kits manufactures will be there . spend most of your time there talking to owners about their experiences building and flying the plane you are interested in , rather than talking to manufacturers . some planes arent worth enough to insure for their intrinsic value , but you should still get a quote for liability . the amount they ask you to pay is their way of telling you how risky the airplane is . some manufactures give demonstrator flights . joining a local chapter of eaa could get you in contact with someone who has the plane you want to build . it doesnt have to be the same plane but will ideally be the same construction type , and even better the same manufacturer so you can learn the construction techniques and the quality of the kit . dont be intrusive , as successful airplane builders are almost always time - constrained and will not want you back if you waste their time . when you decide to build your own plane you can avoid all the mistakes many builders make because you will know what you are doing from the start . an attached garage or large workspace in your home are the best options . make sure you can keep the temp above 50 °f 10 °c you cant work well with your hands below 50f . now that you have your ideal workspace identified it is time to find tools . you can usually get tools from people in your local eaa chapter that have recently completed their planes . if not the kit manufacturer can point you in the right direction . most kit manufactures will have you start with the tail feathers or more formally the empennage . building the empennage will offer a microcosm of the project without committing the entire cost of the project . this is a fail safe for those that didnt get help from another builder before starting construction . you may consider looking in classified adds to get a good deal on the empennage of your choice from a builder who got in over their head . do not deviate unless you already have some building experience . deviations cost time , money and sometimes lives . generally its best to start with the tail , shown in step 13 but always defer to the plans . this can also save you insurance money . some items have lead times that could hurt your schedule . experience for your insurance , engines , propellers and hangars come to mind . find out the lead times for each of these and have these things ready when you need them . 3 - 6 months before you think you are going to fly your plane you need to get it registered . it is much easier to get 30 minutes of work done while dinner is cooking when you only have to walk 3 seconds to your workshop besides hangars cost a lot of money . this may vary because of your workspace but try to get as much done at home as possible engine and propeller mounted wiring complete , and perhaps even paint . although some prefer not to paint until after they have flown off their test time to keep the investment low and give a last chance to fix cracks in composite structures if they develop . , it is probable that youve been building so much that you have neglected your flying skills . this is a bad recipe . go fly . this is not the time to rush . practice unusual attitudes and engine outs . the unusual attitudes because builder pilots often get distracted in flight monkeying with some gadget that they installed when they forget to fly the plane and get into an unusual attitude . the other because you can never be too good at landing a plane with no engine . , |
know your market . develop a business and marketing plan . obtain the necessary paperwork . find a suitable location . identify supply sources . connect with existing businesses . buy scrap vehicles . advertise your business to the public . establish repeat business . manage and monitor your inventory . control your cash flow . | how to start a used auto parts business | used auto parts businesses usually operate on a local level , with a few companies providing this service in the form of a regional or national chain . as such , do some research on your local market to ensure that you are not wading into an overly - competitive market with many well - established used auto parts businesses . do an internet search , look in the local phone book , and pay close attention to advertisements on local television to identify similar businesses in your area . account for the size and population of your city and compare that to the geographic location of existing used auto parts businesses . used auto parts businesses are more likely to thrive in lower income areas , as wealthier segments of the society generally dont buy used auto parts as often . your business plan should list information about exactly how you are going to run the business , any specialty areas , how you will open and maintain your business , where you will get your car parts , and how you will price them to earn a profit . your marketing plan should contain information about your target audience and local competition as well as how you intend to draw in your target audience . your specialty areas may be in imports , exports , motors , or bodywork . do some research to determine what area can work for your business . a used auto parts business can be particularly lucrative if you provide rare or hard to find parts for more obscure vehicles . in your business plan , be sure to account for all costs and expenditures related to the business , project realistic sales goals , design a plan to reach new customers , identify potential demographic segments of the community who will utilize your services , and plan for the growth potential of your business . be sure outline where and how you expect to generate the necessary capital to get your business off the ground and to ensure that you can expand when needed . make sure you acquire all the required licensing , permits , and insurance to run a used car parts business in your area . pay attention to zoning regulations as well as state and federal guidelines . most states require a license for businesses that buy , restore , recycle , and resell used car parts . find a location for your used card parts business . as long as you have quality marketing and advertising strategies , you dont necessarily need a location that is easy for people to find . people may come looking for you because of the service you provide is so particular . you will need a location that is big enough to house and properly catalog a variety of used parts for all the makes and models of cars you cater to . hire employees . if you are looking to open a used auto parts business , chances are that you have at least rudimentary knowledge about cars and how they work . however , you will likely need a licensed mechanic in your business to help refurbish old parts and identify parts that have potential resale value . posting an add in local newspapers or on job search websites can help you find potential candidates for employment . the more you have on hand , the better . in the beginning , it may be hard to invest in the right parts . start small , and seek parts you know people are looking for . you can also invest money in parts you know are necessary and are expensive when purchased brand - new . this way , people will more often seek out the used parts you have . identifying the parts you need and where to find them depends largely on your business plan . your business may choose to focus on providing parts for rare vehicles not in production anymore , as these will be in high demand among a small segment of the population . alternatively , you may choose to specialize in providing parts for very common vehicles in an effort to expand your potential sales base . try finding these parts in junkyards , from cars sold at salvage auctions , or contact insurance agencies to try to purchase scrapped cars from them at a discounted price . as a used auto parts business owner , you will need to educate yourself on the mechanics of how a car operates in order to find the right parts . also , be prepared to test the parts you find to know if they are still operational or can be refurbished to become operational again . local businesses , such as tow truck companies , junkyards and insurance companies , can help you find used car parts . insurance companies may be willing to sell you parts of a vehicle to recoup some of their money , especially when selling the entire vehicle is not a practical option . when a car gets totaled , there may be many valuable working parts left on the vehicle . sometimes it may be worth it to buy an entire scrap vehicle so you can get a breakdown of motor and body parts for a specific make and model . advertise online , on the radio , and in local newspapers . if you can afford it , consider placing a commercial on a local tv channel . use flyers , business cards , and word - of - mouth advertising to inform people about your business . run special promotions to celebrate your grand opening . one of the main goals of any business to establish a reliable customer base who will bring in repeat business . this can be particularly difficult with used auto parts businesses because the needs of customers are intermittent and specific . however , you could offer a repeat customer discount , a frequent - buyer card , or other special offers to entice customers to come back . offer to take the old parts from your customers who purchase their used parts from you . you may be able to salvage car parts , refurbish them for a low cost , and place them back on your shelf . you could also consider offering a discount to customers who bring trade - in parts to your business . consider selling online . when you deal with very specific parts for specific vehicles , you may find that no one in your immediate area will need the parts you are offering . as a result , it is wise to consider listing your inventory online to reach a much wider customer base . if you do choose to sell parts online , you need to account for the cost of packaging , shipping and handling in your prices and business model . the success of your used auto parts business relies on managing your inventory . if customers dont find what they need at your business , they will happily shop elsewhere . staying profitable in the field of used auto parts requires you keep an extensive selection of parts for a wide variety of vehicles at all times . monitor the flow of cash in and out of your business . make sure you dont spend more acquiring the parts than you make selling them . make sure you account for the other costs your business incurs from day - to - day operations when pricing your products . such costs include paying employees and staff if necessarypaying rent or mortgage on your business propertypaying bills , like electric , water , and gas , that are necessary to your business operationspaying property taxes and insuranceadvertising costs |
align the wind direction under the true index mark by rotating the azimuth plate . align the grid so the center grommet is over one of the heavy lines . mark the wind speed by counting up from the center grommet . rotate the azimuth plate until your desired course true course is aligned under the true index mark . slide the grid until the wind dot is over your true airspeed . read ground speed under the grommet . find the wind correction angle wca by checking the number of degrees to the right or left between the center grommet and the wind dot . add or subtract the wind correction angle from the true course to find true heading . add or subtract magnetic variation and compass deviation to find the compass heading to be flown . | how to use a graphic flight computer to find ground speed and true heading | if the winds are from 330° at 20 knots , align 330 under the true index . it doesnt matter which line is used at this point . each light line represents two knots . mark a dot or an x in pencil on the 20 knot line two heavy lines above the center grommet . this is the wind dot . use 175° for this example . in this example , the true airspeed is 120 knots . ground speed is the speed of the aircraft over the ground and in this example is 138 knots . if the wind dot is to the right , the wca is positive . if it is to the left , the wca is negative . in the example , the wind correction angle is 4° . adding 4° to 175 equals 179° for the true heading . the variation is the difference between true north and magnetic north and can be found on a vfr or ifr chart . easterly variations are subtracted and westerly variations are added . compass deviation is printed on a placard under the magnetic compass in the airplane . |
open the disney job search tool in your web browser . enter the specifics you want to search for . browse the jobs your search reveals . click on a title to learn more about the position . fill out the application if you are interested in the job . | how to work at walt disney world 1 | hop onto the internet with a browser such as chrome or safari . type httpsjobs . disneycareers . com in the address bar to navigate to the disney world job site . the top of the site shows a cool disney graphic , and under that are boxes to enter information into . enter a job title or keywords , as well as a country , state , or city . to search for jobs at the main walt disney world parks , select united states in the country box , florida in the state box , and orlando in the city box . click search to submit the search request . if you are interested in working at other disney parks throughout the united states or other countries , select the location you want . if you want a seasonal job , enter seasonal into the keyword box . this is a great way to get your foot in the door if you arent ready for a full time job yet when the page loads , youll see another colorful graphic at the top . scroll down past the search boxes . notice the huge number of awesome jobs available look at the job titles that are currently open for applications . youll probably find all kinds of jobs that sound like your dream , the listings show the job title and the department or area that the job is in . click on a job with a fun title and see what its all about . it will load a page that shows you the various responsibilities and requirements of the job . get excited about the possibilities , at the top of the page for each job , youll see a purple button that says apply now . after you have carefully read through all of the qualifications and responsibilities , click the apply now button to navigate to the application . follow the instructions and enter the required information . before you fill out an application , its good to write a resume of your work and life experiences that are applicable to the job youre looking at . youll be asked to provide basic information like your birthdate and social security number . youll also be asked personal questions , like , what would you uniquely offer to disney other questions might include what was your favorite disney movie growing up and why how good are you at working with children can you agree to keeping a drug - free lifestyle and clean legal record |
decide if you truly want to visit the magic kingdom . drive and park at walt disney world . purchase your tickets at the ticket and transportation center that the magic kingdom s parking area thrusts you upon when you park . take the monorail or boat - line over to the park . enter through the turnstiles . walk underneath the walt disney railroad bridge and youll enter onto the concourse for the main magic kingdom portion of the park . look at the set up of the magic kingdom . take one lap around the park from main street usa through frontierland , fantasyland , and making its way back to main street usa on the walt disney world railroad . stop by the town square theater to meet and greet with mickey . walk through main street usa . walk around main street and see how many of the disney windows the disney corporation set up in the windows on the world exhibit . shop at some of the shops on main street . get a haircut from the harmony barber shop . visit with the dapper dans barbershop quartet near the barbershop on main street . travel along main street in other ways . stop in at the main street cinema . visit with walt at the storytellers statue . enter onto the hub of the park , but dont cross through cinderellas castle yet . play the sorcerers of the magic kingdom game with the spell cards in the fire station to become the apprentice to merlin who tries to take over the magic kingdom . eat down main street usa . watch the flag retreat ceremony , if you can catch it in time towards the end of the day . bear right and pass into tomorrowland . take a ride aboard buzz lightyears space ranger spin . watch one revolution of time at the carousel of progress . take a ride on the astro orbitor . take a ride aboard the peoplemover for those wishing to take things easy . ride space mountain , if you need thrill in your life , and for those who dont fear riding intense roller coasters . this is one of the wildest roller coasters in walt disney world , so brave it if you can , otherwise pass . take a ride in a disney - styled car at the tomorrowland indy speedway . take in a showing of the monsters inc laugh floor . consider going into stitchs great escape . walk into the area to the northwest of tomorrowland called fantasyland and the nearby new fantasyland or sometimes even referred to as storybook land . ride the mad tea party if you want to ride a tea - cup styled ride . take a right past the mad tea party and take a ride on the ever - popular dumbo the flying elephant . take a ride on the seven dwarfs mine train in fantasyland . take a ride on the barnstormer in fantasyland , if seven dwarfs mine train has a long line , or if you choose not to because it seems too rough . sit back and relax on either under the sea journey of the little mermaid or , if your kids are still quite young , the many adventures of winnie the pooh . ride the classic merry - go - round at the magic kingdom s prince charmings regal carousel , and travel back in time to your childhood again . get to know the its a small world song as you ride the its a small world ride . take in a 3d showing of mickeys philharmagic . take a ride in the sky at peter pans flight . take a ride at the haunted mansion , if youre up for a not - too - scary scare . pass into liberty square , which is nearby cinderellas castle and take a riverboat tour near liberty square on the liberty square riverboat . watch an informative viewing of the presidents including our most recent president , barack obama at the hall of presidents exhibit . take in a showing of the country bear jamboree , wedged in between liberty square and adventureland . take a ride into the pirates of the caribbean ride , where youll get to feel like a real pirate . dont miss the enchanted tiki room , if the hot humid air is panting down on you . take a ride on the jungle cruise if you wish . fly a magic carpet in magic carpets of aladdin . skip the swiss family treehouse if you can . ride splash mountain , if you want a thrill of a lifetime ride on a log - flume type of ride . take a ride on big thunder mountain railroad if you want to ride a roller coaster thats less intense than space mountain but more intense than the barnstormer or seven dwarfs mine train . take a walk back over to cinderella castle and walk through cinderella castle , if you can . catch a showing of once upon a time , the magic kingdoms unique projection show on select nights , which is projected to the front section of cinderellas castle . take a peak at wishes , the magic kingdom s nighttime show . walk back through main street usa and out the turnstiles . ride the monorail or boat again back to the parking lot for the transportation and ticket center and walk back over to your car . | how to visit walt disney worlds magic kingdom theme park | discuss some of your other options that exist for the other nearby walt disney world parks or local attractions in the area . with other major possibilities being the epcot , the disney hollywoodmgm studios , and disneys animal kingdom and the mess of water parks and other activities that disney sponsors , decide if this park is your best choice . the address to the magic kingdom is located at 3111 world dr , lake buena vista , fl 32830 . the cost to park your car at the magic kingdom will run you about 17 for cars and upwards from there depending on complexity of vehicle . depending on how far into the lots it took you to get to park , you could be located in either the aladdin , cruella , hook , jafar , mulan , peter pan , rapunzel , scar , simba , ursula , woody , or zurg parking lots that are located on campus . , the parking lot for the magic kingdom is at the ticket and transportation center nicknamed by disney enthusiasts as the ttc . the ride is about 10 minutesby boat and about 5 - 8 minutes by monorail . , youll see main street usa directly in front of you . the magic kingdom is formed into about 6 lands around one central hub areamonument called cinderellas castle . these lands include tomorrowland , fantasyland , liberty square , frontierland and adventureland . the train makes one complete trip in 20 minutes , but gives you a general idea of what to expect and where to go and can pick you up and bring you elsewhere most of the time , so your feet dont walk miles around and back , many times . they have three trains that are authentic steam engines found by disney from mexico but were completely overhauled . , main street usa is a long walkway that contains shops and a few desert - type bakeries . there arent any real rides or shows in this section . however , when the parade comes through in walt disney world , its nice to know the parade marches down main street usa on its way to its exitentrance gate nearby the railroad . walt decided to pay tribute to the famous disney park contributors to thank them for all their hard work . he gave all these contributors a decal on a window . some of them are rather hilarious some dont just say the name but they take a humorous approach and others are harder to spot . see how many you can spot and try to determine which designer they belong to . in the magic kingdom , theres a book out there that describes whos on these windows , but it hasnt been updated recently , so there could be more . although the emporium here just at the one corner nearest the train station supplies some really great souvenirs , there are others here such as the plaza ice cream shop where you can pick up an ice cream that isnt served from a cart . if youd like , you can pick up monogrammed mickey ears at the chapeau , or stop by crystal arts , kodak camera center for camera supplies , or disney clothiers for even more great souvenirs . but you have to judge what youll need from this street in terms of souvenirs . although with babies you can get a babies first haircut with a certificate to remember this special moment as disney says , magical moment you yourself can get ones from here too . these legendary performers have straw hats , colorful striped vests , bowties , spats and taps . they sing four - part harmony for a short while and can sometime interact with guests if they arent singing . disneys magic kingdom provides horse - drawn trolleys , an omnibus at times , a jitney or a horseless carriage . sometimes their fire engine runs and takes some passengers with them . most of them take you from the entrance near the fire station to the hub area located near cinderella castle at the center of the park . although this is a place to stop and spend a few minutes , watch a few minutes of an old time movie such as steamboat willie which tends to never close . storytellers depicts walt as he would have looked in 1923 standing with mickey as he was seen in the 1930s . this statue is engraved by two plaques on either side of the statue at ground level . cinderellas castle is at the hub of the park and will take you from the hub to fantasyland . , youll find several great places such as tonys town square and the plaza restaurant to satisfy most eating needs . for quick service , theres caseys corner and the main street confectionary and bakery bakery features starbucks coffee . , tomorrowland contains a futuristic view of what life might be like for most americans . buzz lightyears space ranger spin is a fun ride where you get to compete with the person sitting next to you you shoot at the z targets throughout the ride . the carousel of progress was once an exhibit at the 1964 worlds fair in new york , nyand was one of walts own ideas that he instilled in its creatorsbuilders . the astro orbitor will give you a spin that you will likely never forget though this spin is perfectly safe , since you ride a spaceship . this very slow moving ride can take a little while , but moves super slow and is nice and cool as it rides past and along the edge of some buildings . at one point , you can see inside of space mountain and when the lights are turned on in space mountain , you can see part of its track layout . , anyone whos driven a car can drive these things , but there is a height restriction to reach the pedal , so if you are a kid , ask your parents to help you . this is an interactive show that even involves the audience at certain points , and is sure to make you laugh . this is an attraction that is nice if you have stitch lovers in your party , and it has multiple stages , so plan ahead to spend a few minutes here if you want to do it . , dont ride dumbo , if the wait line is long . dumbo is very popular with the young and young - at - heart crowd . however , due to the 2012 addition of a second dumbo next door , that line may be shortened quite a bit , but sometimes still does grow to long lengths that are only half as long . you may receive a pager while you wait that will let you know when its time to ride . if you do , allow your kids to blow off steam in the play area that is located in the area where you wait . this ride is relatively new , and has been known to have long waits . if you want to avoid that , consider getting to the ride first thing when the park opens , and the line may not be as long . the barnstormer can be found near the railroad depot for fantasyland . , the its a small world ride is a staple of many familys vacation plans to the magic kingdom . , its neat to be able to see the town and areas that were once shown in the movie , up close . , not only will you learn some interesting facts about the presidency , but seeing some of these audio animatronics that look life - like of each of our last presidents is very amazing to all who visit . also take note of the official presidential seal in the waiting room . dont try to climb over the railing to get close to the seal . its closely - guarded and police will come and get you if you try to climb over the barricade and try to take a picture with it escorting you completely out of the building . , arrrgggh , matey ahoy lads its nice and cool inside and you can take a long load off your feet for a little while . the show lasts about 10 - 15 minutes depending on how long you must wait to exit standing in line . jungle cruise is a cruise along the walt - disney world river featuring several audio animatronic animals and even some audio animatronic native american indians join in the party . this is a good start for a cool , misty ride especially if its windy and rainy though each boat is covered in a top on top of you . dont worry if you dont get to experience the thrill its much like dumbo , but you fly on carpet - looking instruments . not only do you have to walk up many , many stairs , but also with no elevator to take you to the top , and on top of that , theres little to see and do once you reach the top your heart will be pounding from the thrill youll receive here , and youll be ready for more action . splash mountain is good on those days when its hot and humid , but the lines tend to be crazy long by noon , so get here first thing if youd like to ride . this ride always closes down the moment any lightning or thunder is observed in this region of the state . however , they do send down test cars as a just - in - case measure , to check when the area is safe and still keeps the car motors running smoothly . you should see empty cars while this ride is underway during a thunderstorm . , reach to go through it from the main street end of the hub in the park . it is quite immense when you walk through it . most people try to get a feel for its size , so be one of those visitors and try it out . especially in the holiday seasonincluding different ones for halloween and christmas - hence hallowishes and holiday wishes , wishes is very interesting and makes you want to feel like a kid again . almost any place in the magic kingdom is a good place to watch wishes , however , main street usa facing cinderella castle is by far the best and most - popular area to watch it so be there bright and early before people catch on to your viewing spot . try to get to your chosen viewing spot at least half an hour to an hour in advance , as viewing spots everywhere tend to fill up quickly . , though the monorail is quick and will get you past the hot sticky feeling when your feet are tired on the boat , but no matter what time of day the same two options are still available . |
know the requirements . practice your dancing and acting skills . be yourself , but also be fun loving , bubbly , and happy . dont show up to the audition in a costume . have a head - shot ready . you dont choose which disney princess youll play , disney does . if you dont get the part you want , you can audition again . | how to work as a princess at disney world or disneyland | to be a disney princess , you must be 18 - 27 years old and stand 53 - 57 tall . there have been princesses a little bit taller , so dont freak out if you are 6 . they may still let you in . if you are 5 or shorter , dont let this crush your dreams . you can play tinkerbell , or alice in wonderland or wendy darling . you must also speak english and be able to work in the united states . if youre from another country , youll need a passport and work visa . go to the website www . disneyauditions . com for the information you need . youll need a job resume and interview attire to prepare for the possibility of getting a job . at disney auditions , you will be asked to do an 8 - count dance . its very simple , and the purpose of it is to see how comfortable you are , so keep smiling the whole time and make it look like you know what youre doing . you will also be asked to do a charade . example pretend to be washing a truck . be as animated as you can , because remember youre bringing a character to life , you must wear comfortable clothes . if you have dancing shoes , wear them . dont wear heavy makeup , because disney wants to see your natural face , not a painting of it . having your hair in a ponytail makes it easier , too . if you have glasses , wear contact lenses . in your head - shot , wear simple makeup and smile . make sure the lighting is just right and there isnt anything going on in the background of your photo . when they ask what your name is , just say your name . dont say which disney princess you wish to play , since its possible you could play several different characters . it is typical for a prospective princess to audition multiple times before being hired . however , disney does not allow more than one audition every six months . |
be friendly and energetic . search your personal network for disney employees . solve problems creatively . look the part . apply for more than one role with the company . | how to work at walt disney world 2 | if disney is anything , its a company devoted to bringing joy to peoples lives . they do it through their upbeat employees who love the atmosphere disney brings to their parks . work on smiling more , talking to everyone you meet , and generally being a joyful person . all of the jobs at disney , even if they are not out and about with guests , are ultimately about creating a great experience for guests . always put the guests first and remember youre helping them make fun memories . disney is all about a family atmosphere , so they like to hire people who are connected to current employees . its not about favoritism , but they like strengthening connections . look for people you know who work for disney , or who have in the past , who could help you out . disney actually employs a referral card system so that current employees can recommend new people for open jobs . ask a friend to fill out a card so you can join in the fun disney is not the place to say , i dont know , or i cant do it . its a place to take initiative and solve problems dont be afraid to think outside of the box . on your application and in interviews , try to come across as someone who will do what it takes to get the job done . study up on common problems that arise in theme park settings and think about how youd handle them . youll likely get a scenario question like that along the way , so be ready . disney focuses seriously on appearances . keep your hair and nails well - groomed and clean . stick to natural hair colors over wild blues and pinks . stand up tall and always wear a smile . for interviews or meetings , always wear professional clothing . be positive and make sure you never swear , youve got to be a team player to work at disney . show them this by applying for more than one role , or asking about other positions that are available if you dont get the job youre interviewing for . show that you want to work there , no matter what placement they offer you . |
navigate to disneys audition website . click on audition calendar to see upcoming casting calls . choose a casting call that sounds interesting . attend the audition . take a recent headshot and a resume to the audition . practice for the specific job that you want . enter the audition room with confidence . | how to work at walt disney world 3 | in your web browser , type httpsdisneyauditions . com into the address bar . youll find lots of information there , which includes the audition calendar and an explanation about the audition experience . explore the site to find the information you want . youll see so many fun characters that you may not even be able to pick which one sounds the best the audition calendar shows a large number of performance roles that disney is currently looking to cast . select something specific in the id like to see and auditions for boxes to filter the results . even if youre busy most of the dates , youll want to clear your schedule for such an exciting experience as you look through the list , click on something that catches your eye . it will explain when the auditions are taking place and what is required and expected of you when you attend the audition . make sure you are available on the date listed for the audition . if you want to perform but dont like the spotlight , look for the various ensemble positions . youll still get to sing and dance , but you wont be doing it alone . even if you have to travel for the audition , think of it as a great reason to take a couple of vacation days write down or print out the specifics of the audition you select . if you currently have a job , make sure you schedule to be off work on the day of the audition . you may have to travel far from your home , so make travel plans ahead of time for that . make sure you plan well enough that you can be early to the audition . for open calls , its not necessary to fill out an application ahead of time . youll be given an application to fill out when you attend the audition . print the headshot in color on standard letter size paper . make sure it is of good quality and is representative of the way you really look . keep your resume to one page , and list recent and relevant experience . carry these in a folder to keep them clean and crease - free . disney offers tips on exactly what to expect for each type of job such as singer or actor . spend at least a few weeks working on your monologue , dance routine , or character portrayal . your best shot for the audition is to practice your performance carefully and repeatedly . it would suit you best to choose something from the disney catalogue or classic plays . sing your favorite broadway tune , perform choreography from a disney film , or do a well - known theater monologue . in a way , your audition starts as soon as the casting directors see you , so present yourself well from the start . put a smile on your face and hold your head up . walk with good posture and casual steps . greet the people youll be auditioning for . |
work hard and advance into higher positions . network with other disney employees . attend programming outside of your daily work . | how to work at walt disney world 4 | you may not get the star position at first . you may have to work your way up from the bottom . become an outstanding employee so youll be noticed . show your supervisors that you want to improve and move up in the company . always be on the lookout for open positions that may suit you better than where you start . since disney is one of the largest companies in the world , you may meet a number of important people . always be friendly and take the chance to talk with your supervisors and any other higher ups in the company . those connections may come in handy later on . disney and other companies may host events , give seminars , or offer skills building sessions . ask your supervisor about these opportunities . going above and beyond your specific job shows that you want to succeed and be noticed . working at disney is a lifestyle , not just a job . |
plan your vacation dates to avoid the crowds . check for any special events or special attractions . determine which attractions you would like to visit . go for five to seven days to get a full experience of the park . make a day to day itinerary . determine your budget . drive to orlando for a cheaper option . book a flight . stay at a disney world resort if you can afford it . choose an off - site accommodation if you are trying to save money . buy your park passes ahead of time . bring your own snacks and supplies . get to the park early . use the mydisneyexperience by disney or the linesby len testa apps to avoid long lines and crowds . take lots of photographs and bring them home as souvenirs . | how to visit walt disney world | as one of the largest and most popular theme parks in the united states , disney world is likely going to be crowded no matter what time of year you go . if you are trying to avoid crowds and you do not have to work around your childrens school schedule , you may want to avoid visiting disney world on school or national holidays . this will allow you to avoid crowds of families traveling to the park for the same school holidays and breaks . if you have to factor in your childrens school schedule , you may want to pick dates in the fall , winter , or spring months , as the park can be crowded and hot during the summer months . you can also use disney worlds crowd calendar tool to check the best times to visit the park . even if you end up with dates that may be on busy or crowded days , if you plan other factors of your trip correctly , you can still avoid long waits for attractions and save money on your trip by taking a few preparatory steps . you can check the disney world event program online to look up the special events and attractions going on for that year or season . quite often , new attractions and rides are being introduced to the public , and your family may be interested in visiting the park for these attractions . the biggest seasonal events at disney world occur in the fall and at christmas , so you may decide to visit the park for these special events . in september , the park hosts the food wine festival at epcot and in october , the park holds a halloween party in the magic kingdom . in november and december , the park holds mickeys very merry christmas party and so , going during christmas can be a good time to visit , as the weather is mild , the crowds can be lighter , and the park is lit up with lights and other special attractions . sit down with your family or your travel companions and look over the list of attractions at walt disney world that will be operating during the dates you picked . discuss and create a list of your top , must see attractions . use this list as your day - to - day itinerary . some of the major attractions at disney world includefour theme parks magic kingdom , epcot , animal kingdom , and disneys hollywood studios formerly disney - mgm studios two water parks blizzard beach and typhoon lagoon five golf courses two mini - golf courses two dinner shows boardwalk entertainment district disneyquest virtual theme park disney springs shopping and dining district a completely sortable list of the attractions at disney world can be found on the walt disney world interactive website . due to the scale of disney world , you should try to plan for at least five to seven full days at the park . this may mean that you set aside one to two days for travel time to and from orlando , for a total stay of seven to ten days . five full days will give you enough time to visit all four theme parks and experience many of the attractions , shows , and parades . if you want to have a more leisurely time to experience the park or try some of the extra activities , like the water parks or golfing , you may opt for seven full days at the park . keep in mind disney has made it more cost efficient to do longer trips , as seven day tickets do not cost much more than four day tickets . if possible , you should try to commit at least five days at the park to get the full experience . once you determine your top must see attractions , your travel dates , and the duration of your visit , you should create a day to day itinerary . this way , you can be sure to fit in everything you would like to see and stay organized once you get to the park . you may decide to spend at least one full day at each theme park , with breaks at specific restaurants for lunch in each of the parks . you may also factor in a specific show at the park that you would like to see or a parade . you should also account for time spent at other attractions , like the water park or the mini - golf course . certain restaurants at each of the park require reservations , and because of their heavier guest population , must be booked at least six to eight months before your trip . look at a dining guide for the park and add several dining options to your itinerary . disney also offers a dining plan as an add on , where you pay for access to dining spots in the park . you may decide to save money by bringing your own snacks and preparing your own meals to bring into the park . although expensive , the dining at disney world is known to be eclectic and worth trying , so you may decide to treat yourself to dining in the park one or two days during your visit , and brown bagging the other meals the other days . transportation and accommodations can be one of the more expensive aspects of your visit to disney world , especially if you are traveling far from home . you may want to consider your total budget for the trip and then break it down based on your planned budget for your transportation and your accommodations . this way , you will be able to stay within your budget and avoid overspending . you may also want to factor in how many people are going with you on your visit . if you are traveling with more than four people total , you may need to budget for two rooms or a suite that can fit four or more people . disney world resorts do not allow four or more people in a single room , unless you are traveling with children under the age of three . if you have a larger travel party , you may need to plan for cheaper transportation , like driving rather than flying . you should also consider a travel package through disney world resorts to save money , especially if you are traveling with a large group . if you are looking to save money and driving to orlando is feasible from your home base , you may go for the road trip option . this is a good option for a large travel party and if the available flights for your travel dates are expensive . having a car to get around orlando is also ideal , as it is not a great city for walking or public transit . the driving option is good if you are planning to stay at an off - site , budget hotel , as you can then drive to and from the park every day at your own designated times . paying for parking can be pricy , but it is likely more budget friendly than splurging for plane tickets for the entire family . you should also budget in the cost of gas to drive to orlando and back . if you live in the mountain or pacific time zones , keep in mind you are closer to disneyland than disney world . if you would prefer to fly to orlando , you may consider booking a flight to orlando online or through a travel agent . you may look for cheaper flights based on your travel dates and then stay off site at a hotel close to disney world . you should keep an eye on flight prices for your travel dates and book them in advance to get the best rates . another option is to book a flight package through disney resorts , where you get your flights and accommodations together . you should consult with a travel agent who specializes in disney world travel , as these experts will likely be able to get you the best rates . each disney resort is unique and offers a range of accommodation options . if you are planning to splurge a little for your visit , you may consider staying in an official disney resort to make your stay that much more luxurious . staying at a disney resort gets you free transportation from the airport to the resort via the disney magical express line as well as access to disney buses , boats , and park monorails . many disney resorts also offer larger pools and other recreational options that are family oriented . you can find more information on each disney resort on the disney world website . if you decide to stay at a disney resort , you should look at discount options on the disney website or speak to a travel agent that specializes in disney vacations about discounts for onsite accommodations . if you are traveling to disney world on a budget , you may decide to stay at an off - site hotel or resort . larger parties of four to five people tend to go for off - property resorts , which are often located very close to disney world . these resorts tend to feel more high end and less motel - like , with amenities for larger parties . talk to a travel agent about off - property resort options . you can also choose a quality off - site hotel that is close to disney world . its best to have a car or rent a car if you go for this option , as you will need to get to and from the park on your own . you can check rates online and use websites that allow you to bid on rooms at hotels close to disney world for your travel dates . avoid paying high fees for tickets by buying your park passes in advance . you can use the disney world website to check out the prices and select passes for the theme parks you are planning to visit . disney ticket prices drop with every extra day to your visit you add , so try to buy all your passes at once . passes can be very expensive when purchased through disneys website , so you may want to consider buying your passes from an authorized third party seller . you can do this through a third party seller like undercover tourist . you can also look for discounts through your local auto clubtriple a has discounts on these park tickets when you have an account with them , your student union , your human resources office at work , or through veteran affairs if you are in the military . do not buy passes on sites like craigslist , ebay , or other unauthorized online ticket brokers . you cannot use someone elses unused disney tickets , as disney will not accept tickets that are registered under someone elses name . you cannot take coolers into the parks but you can take backpacks and purses . load up your bag with supplies like sunscreen , toiletries , band aids , refillable water bottles , and snacks . food and supplies in the park are often expensive so avoid spending extra money on items you can bring with you . if you are a large party , you should each have a bag loaded with basic supplies , including non - perishable snacks and a refillable water bottle for every member who will be visiting the park that day . this will ensure that everyone in your party is prepared for a day of walking around outside and enjoying the park . a backpack is also useful for any leftovers you may have if you do decide to eat at a dining spot in the park . this way , you can snack on the leftovers later in the day . beat the crowds by arriving at the park right at opening time . the beginning of the day is often less crowded and cooler than the afternoon , and this way , you can take advantage of all the park has to offer . this will also allow you to take a break in the middle of the day , when the crowds and the heat are often at their worst , and then return to the park in the evening . most of the theme parks open at 9 am and have extra magic hours , where they stay open later in the evening as well . getting to the park early can also help you get a better parking spot at your chosen theme park . once you pay for parking for that day , you will be able to reuse that day to enter any other disney world theme park at no additional charge for the day . one of the biggest hurdles during a visit to disney world is the long lines for attractions and rides . you can download mydisneyexperience or thelines app to determine the wait time for each ride or attraction while you are at the park . you can then plan your visit around line times and avoid standing in long lines , which will eat up your chance to try other things at the park . the app works for iphone , android , and other smartphones . preserve your disney world experience by taking lots of photographs of the attractions , the shows , the rides , and of you posing with your favorite disney characters . you can then save money by framing these photos and keeping them as souvenirs of your trip . there are photographers hired by disney to help you capture your special moments at the park for which they can stick it on a card and you can print them out at home or for an additional charge , you can have them printed out at the park . make sure you are aware of the price of the photographs before you get have them printed . |
purchase your tickets well in advance from the online website . plan your flight and car reservations if needed , as well as your hotel accommodations . preview the attractions online . make sure you know the park hours . pack your belongings prior to leaving for the parks . dress to suit the weather . park onsite . take the tram from the parking structure to the park . prioritize your rides that are must - dos . take some downtime between riding attractions . specialize in riding attractions that are more commonplace to every american by riding the attractions at disneyland . visit the faster attractions and sometimes forgotten rides at disneys california adventure . do some shopping at downtown disney . | how to visit the disneyland resort | disneyland is large , so buy multiple - day tickets if you want to experience the whole park and resort area . however , if you dont plan to visit both parks , there are also options for just single - day visits . you can buy disneyland tickets from their official site at httpsdisneyland . disney . go . comtickets . hotel accommodations for onsite hotels such as the historic disneyland hotel , disneys grand californian hotel spa and the disneys paradise pier hotel can be made on disneys disneyland website when you sign in . any offsite accommodation bookings will need to be made separately , and there are many travel websites out there offering deals on air travel , car rental , and hotel stays . there are videos from the point of view of the rider available online for almost all disney rides . check youtube and other similar resources . you wont find quite the same video resources for hotels and all downtown disney attractions , but you can find descriptions and photographs . although this will vary by park and whether or not theres a early admission option , the parks are generally open from 9am to 10pm pacific time . however , some park events will force it to close much earlier or later than that on select nights . make sure you plan enough time to see it all . your exact trip will vary depending on your goals and the agesneeds of those traveling with you . however , planning enough time for everything is crucial , if you want to see it all . if possible , schedule at least one night at each park so that you can experience both of disneylands nighttime shows wonderful world of color at the disney california adventure park and remember . dreams come true fireworks spectacular at disneyland . if the nighttime fireworks arent being shown , there are still some good light parades twice per night these run between fantasyland and a location near the firehouse on main street , usa near the park entrance . park maps can be found in their entirety at httpsdisneyland . disney . go . commaps . besides your tickets , youll need some money . depending on the weather , you may want sunglasses , a hat , and sunscreen , or perhaps a light rain poncho . be sure that your belongings can be tucked away on rides . anaheim is generally warm , but can have most misty - foggy summer mornings . rain is rare but can be intense when it comes . if you are staying at an offsite hotel in anaheim , there is the anaheim resort transportation that is offered from many of hotel chains that is offered for more than half off the cost of parking near disneyland . however , if you are coming from elsewhere or just plan on parking with your own car , disneyland has their own parking structure just to the west of the disneyland resort and to the west of downtown disney . the address to the parking structure is 1313 s disneyland dr , anaheim , ca 92802 . the cost to park your car at this park is about 17 , and even more for different types of vehicles . the tram will take you from the west side parking lot entranceexit to the east entrance just before the bag check area nearest the walkway that connects the two parks . however , if youd like to walk to the park , you can take a walking path through downtown disney that will lead to this same entrance , or to the monorail which you can take you and your fellow guests from downtown disney into the park with at least a valid park ticket for first time entry and ticket with hand stamp for re - entry if you choose to leave and come - back . some rides offer fastpasses which at disneyland still come in the form of a paper ticket , but others dont , so plan and prioritize accordingly . some attractions will be more swamped than others , so if you really want to ride a crowded one that doesnt offer a fastpass , head there right away to beat the crowd and make sure you get in , or aim for a less busy time . some rides in disneyland come with warnings against riding them if you are pregnant or have health problems , but most are fairly safe and kid - friendly . at disney california adventure , however , attractions tend to be faster paced and induce more motion sickness . not all rides there are appropriate for young children . at intervals throughout the day , you may want to take a break from lining up and riding the fast rides . some of this downtime can be spent at some of the entertainment options around the parks . you can also enjoy the dining options , as well as shopping locations . if you are staying on site at a disneyland hotel , they can deliver your purchases to you at the hotel , later on . such attractions here include sleeping beauty castle , the enchanted tiki room with its incomparable dole whip stand and dumbo the flying elephant , splash mountain , space mountain , big thunder mountain railroad , pirates of the caribbean with its triple flumes that the florida attraction cant match and other special effects and the haunted mansion attractions among the many other rides here that almost line up to those found in disneys magic kingdom in florida . this park tends to be forgotten until you have seen some of the attractions they offer here . if youve ever visited the parks in florida and see that theres a wealth of rides that arent offered in disneyland , chances are a similar or comparable ride will be offered at disneys california adventure park here . in disneys california adventure park , youll find rides such as california screamin as well as mickeys fun wheel ferris wheel with some twists that make it unique , radiator springs racers , toy story midway mania , turtle talk with crush , soarin aroun the world and muppet vision 3d among the many excellent attractions here and even some unique rides near paradise pier that not even any other park would even plan to offer but shows the values of this beautiful state of california . this area is outside the disneyland parks and doesnt require a ticket for entry . it offers a wealth of shops , as well as an amc movie theatre and restaurants , including the popular wildlife - themed rainforest café . there are also lots of souvenir shops . |
determine the dates for your vacation . determine which of the two disneyland parks you could find you and your kids observing . determine which rides each person thinks about being fun . sample each ride on youtube , to know what to expect . get to know theme park prices for what things can cost . travel towards the anaheim area . walk up to the turnstiles with your kid or kids nearby probably tugging at your shirt or clothing saying when are we going to disneyland . grab a park map and times guide upon entry to the park . visit each land that the rides are in . meet up with some of the disneyland characters as the day progresses . plan to exit back out of the park using the appropriate park exit gates . | how to visit disneyland with kids | although any days of the year should work , most people travel to disneyland during the summer . not all tastes will be enjoyed by all . whether it be the whimsical world of disneyland park , or the wilder side known as disneylands california adventure park , theres something for every age group . whether its the its a small world ride , the pirates of the caribbean ride , the haunted mansion or whatever , find out a little about each of the rides existing there and explain what each ride will do . have several meetings with each family member . explain rides that may be able to be tailored to their age group . keep a list of what you expect to see written down along with their respective land they are featured in available nearby . get to know the ride and what your kids could expect to see . ask yourself the following questions about the pov ride experience is the ride an indoor ride , or will it go outdoors does the ride vehicle travel fast or does it travel rather slow if youre not into rides , this step might not be for you . not many character greetings on the walkway paths are ever taped for youtube itself . whether its from a food vendor or its a piece of clothing or other piece of merchandise , youll need to know exactly what your kids might be enticed into asking you to purchase . while some age kids are free with a paying adult , some are a smaller additional charge . know these things before you leave , and potentially even purchase your tickets or ticket package . plan this part at least one month before your intended arrival in the anaheim , california area . whether its by car , bus , airplane , train or if you are only a few blocks away by walking , its impossible not to be able to arrive in the area of disneyland . have them either hitch a ride in a stroller or have them walk if they are over the age of completely being immobilized by the stroller through the gate with their ticket . dont give your kids any water or juice jugs as you go through security , but as soon as you get through the turnstiles , its okay to give them the liquid to drink . make things easier on the checkpoint person , so they dont have to glance at the kid in an awkward way . youll find these just beyond the turnstile gates . if you dont speak much english , recognize that some of these maps come with additional language park map copies . while most people head right for fantasyland and its great classic rides dumbo and its a small world , you might want to work the opposite way from sleeping beauty castle starting at adventureland and working backwards and around the opposite way . there are some other really great rides that exist from adventureland going around to tomorrowland . make a pass into and out of toontown usa and eventually into and through sleeping beauty castle . |
recognize what is free to all guests at all times . plan the trip ahead of time . plan around your schedule . get a fast pass for some rides . make sure your plans are all set . get to recognize the differences in some rides between the summer season and christmas season at most disney parks . plan on purchasing tickets to the christmas festivities which disney world calls mickeys very merry christmas party . plan on leaving the park at dusk if you arent ticketed for the event . recognize the different aspects of this parks christmas services that you can get when you pay for this portion of the extra ticket . | how to visit the disney parks during the christmas season | the sight of trees and decorations streamed all around the magic kingdom , epcot , disney hollywood studios and even the one at disneys animal kingdom is always free to all guests to enjoy . recognize that some of the walt disney world resorts including the boardwalk , contemporary and grand floridian resorts get all decked out in holiday motif that they have a large gingerbread house on display in their atrium near their front entrance ways . get used to the holiday performances of the dapper dans orchestra . this group may sing and perform comedy during the rest of the day , but during christmas , youll get tunes inspired by the season in what appears to be spontaneous but tends to not be so spontaneous times . look for this show at least 9 times a day and most often this will be before 2pm along the boundaries of main street usa . if you can catch a performance of the holly jolly trolley show , watch it . most people might say its cheesy , but when the tunes are holiday - based , your opinions definitely matter . watch the parade called mickeys once upon a christmastime . this choreographed parade will definitely get you set into the holiday spirit and ready to end your day . not only will the parade astound you , but its additional falling snow caused by a soap - bubble solution and additional christmas lights along most of the buildings , will definitely set you all aglow and ready for the parade . with show times twice per day and once per party nightseparate ticket event as youll read later , this will surely astound most guests who come to visit it . visit with santa claus goofy within the confines of magic kingdoms main street usa . go right towards santa goofy as the park gates open at 10am or right before park guests are escorted out at 5pm for the shortest wait times . pass on the a totally tomorrowland christmas stag show near rocket tower plaza innear tomorrowland . not only does it have no official seating , but its also not shown for a very long time , with performances every day between december 21st and december 31st and at all separately - ticketed mickeys very merry christmas party . look for santas at some of the country building attractions near world showcase in epcot to entertain guests with christmas shows after about 1130am and duskduring the separately - ticketed mickeys very merry christmas party . santas from their respective country are on hand to speak to guests about their traditions in their country in the holidays around the world storytellers attractions in the english language . catch these santas at canada , china , france , germany , italy , japan , mexico , morocco , norway , inside the american adventure and united kingdom pavilion areas . catch the candlelight processional in epcot , even if you arent a religious person . its beautiful and inspiring , though the tale it tells is about the story of the birth of jesus with a 50 piece orchestra to go along with it . it is shown several times every evening though one of its times is during each of its parties . look for santa and mrs . claus intermittently in the american adventure in epcots world showcase pavilion between november 29th and december 24th from 11am to park closing time . catch the voices of liberty singing christmas carols with their various performances for 20 minutes each day inside the lobby of the american adventure pavilion the times for new years eve differ so check your times guide accordingly . get involved with the performance of the citizens of hollywood skit over at the disney studios . this improvisational skit will sometimes base it off of crowd answers . if they ask for volunteers , make yourself look like youd like to be chosen make eye contact and wear something colorful , stand in front of the crowd and smile . look for this group along sunset boulevard often in front of the beverly sunset theater and hollywood boulevard . ask a disney employee inside the disney studios when you enter when and where a showtime for the comedy warehouse holiday special will be held . it doesnt appear too often , but is definitely worth seeing at least once in your life . songs based off of completely improvisational peoples few questions . most often times its at the premier theater along the streets of america , but check with employees when and where the showing will be shown . as times and dates of availability vary . watch the 1983 theatrical holiday film called mickeys christmas carol from inside the abc sound studio at the disney studios . take a break and watch it , if you feel you need to take a break during the day . watch the mulch , sweat and shears show that has holiday performance from mid november through december . most often times , this group will choose a female from the audience to join them in their musical skit . watch mickeys jingle jungle parade in disneys animal kingdom . this parade , besides the decorations inside the park is the only real holiday festivity to check out that is disney parks inspired inside this park due to the animals issues with other nighttime festivities . holiday lyrics of a now - former disneys animal kingdom parade adorn all viewers . if youd like to be selected to ride in a rickshaw , there are even people who are able to sit in these spots . this parade is shown twice per day to and from its african village in the africa section of the park . if you plan late , the quality of your disney vacation is on the line . procrastination is not the best way to go . if you book the night before , you could be sleeping in the hotels basement the earlier in the christmas season you plan for , the better the crowds will be once you arrive during the season . disney world seems to set up their christmas activities starting around november 8and continuing through christmas and new years . if unwrapping presents on that cold christmas morning or other christmas traditions are that important to you , you can always plan around those traditions dont go changing any of your other christmas activities around if you really dont have to . much like during disney worlds summer peak season , christmas is the second peak season during the year . many people visit the disney parks during christmas . if you get a fast pass , you will sail through the lines with ease with the holiday coming and goings , you will need to firm up all your plans for the holidays . there are several rides and attractions that change their attraction for the christmas season . some of them include the haunted mansion , its a small world , and several other decorations and parades all over most of the parks . theres even a place in disneys mgm studios that has its own separate christmas themed area thats been there for close to 3 decades . as of 2013 , even the jungle cruise dresses up for the occasion . they become the jingle cruise and even their boat names become names of the famous christmas stars . this special ticket isnt included in the cost of your park ticket and must be purchased separately . you can purchase these at the walt disney world ticketing and guest services locations , over the phone at 407 - 939 - 5277 or from disneys website tickets can be mailed to you , printed out on a printer or can be picked up later at the magic kingdom will call window . they can also be mailed to you for a separate fee . recognize that this special party doesnt happen every day of the season , though there are a great majority of days that are generally planned each year for the party , throughout november and december and even into the first few days of january . for those guests , expect to see a few disney employees holding up a sign with letters that spell out see ya or see ya soon on items that look like candy corn . all other non - ticketed park guests will be escorted out of the park and a second trip around the park by a disney employee will be made looking for those trying to escape not paying for the service 15 minutes later . each individual park has its own services that it gives guests after dusk . magic kingdom look for a stage show called celebrate the season in front of cinderella castle at magic kingdom . this 20 minute show , shown 4 - 5 times a day is filled with lots of holiday music and serenading to get the holiday spirit back into the guest . watch cinderella castle get lit up in its holiday icicles every night of the party in an event the disney parks call cinderellas holiday wish . plan to be in the viewing area in front of cinderella castle at least 15 minutes before viewing time one time per night viewing time generally will be about 615 , though this can change should storms be impacting the area . watch the holiday wishes show from main street usa . although all the wishes shows definitely astounds its guests for its 12 minute performance , this holiday wishes show will definitely top the cake almost literally , but youll have to see this for yourself to understand what this literal definition means . epcot catch the candlelight processional in epcot , even if you arent a religious person . its beautiful and inspiring , though the tale it tells is about the story of the birth of jesus with a 50 piece orchestra to go along with it . get the party started with watching the nighttime fireworks called illuminationsreflections of earth with an additional christmasholiday addendum performance narrated by walter cronkite and featuring the song let there be peace on earth . catch this at about 845pmthough the fireworks dont generally start until 9pm . try to catch this in world showcase plaza on top of being the closest exit point out for the hordes of people who will try to trample you down , its the closest and easiest to see vantage point to see the show . disney studios catch the osbourne familys spectacle of dancing lights at least one time in your life . typically along both the new york street and san francisco street and even some in the plaza in front of the lights , motors , action attraction , a canopy of lights overhead of guests are synchronized to the music . between the lights on the sides of the buildings along with the canopy of lights and a lot more christmastime favorite sets of lights , this spectacle features over 5 million led lights which had previously been created by the parents of jennings osborne , but were legally asked not be hung there in the 1980s . only those whove seen this spectacle live , know just how astounding this display of lights really are . the lights get turned on at about 6pm , but arrive a half hour early for the best entry time . |
decide if you truly want to visit epcot . realize that epcot mostly tries to give people information they would not have known of otherwise . drive and park at walt disney world . purchase your tickets and enter through the turnstiles . pick up a map and realize that epcot is spread into two main lands . see what its like to be a car design tester . soar to outer space . see the history of energy and where energy will make us soar to new heights in decades to come . visit spaceship earth , which is the theme building for epcot . visit the the seas with nemo and friends exhibit , if youd like to learn about the interesting stuff that goes on with the ocean floor . visit the land building . dont plan on visiting the former attraction called wonders of life unless an annual seasonal exhibit has come to the park that exists within this building . visit journey into the imagination with figment if you would like to learn about the way our sense of sight is communicated to our minds . interact in the innoventions area found inside the center of all the future world attractions . cross the pathway as you walk over to the area to world showcase . get a history of mexico at the mexico pavilion , or shop for mexican gifts in the mexico pavillion . ride the frozen ever after ride that is located inside the norway pavilion at the former site of maelstrom . be passionate when you watch the culturally - rich historymovie called reflections of china in the china exhibit in epcot . visit what would have been an east african village exhibit at the outpost . have an oktoberfest right at the germany pavilion . spice up some information about italy inside the italy pavilion . learn a little more about our own heritage and culture in the american adventure pavilion . learn a little more about japanese culture when you visit the japan pavilion . learn about moroccos culturally rich history through shopping and some dining in the morocco pavilion . get your french passion on to learn a little of the history at the france pavilion . learn about the english heritage in the united kingdom pavillion . watch the really enticing 3d movie called oh canada in the canada pavilion of the epcot park . take a trip on the boats that can take you around the world showcase . watch epcots nighttime illuminated show called illuminationsreflections of earth . look for showings of jammitors at future world east . look to meet with several characters including anna and elsa , belle and many more characters in such places as in norway , united kingdom , france , mexico , china , morocco , germany and in the epcot - special place called the epcot character spot . view a mariachi band near the norway pavilion in the mariachi cobre . | how to visit epcot | discuss some of your other options that exist for the other nearby walt disney world parks or local attractions in the area . with other major possibilities being the magic kingdom , the disney hollywoodmgm studios , and disneys animal kingdom and the 2 of disney - owned water parks and few other non - disney operated water parks including typhoon lagoon and blizzard beach and other activities that disney sponsors , decide if epcot is your best choice . if you want thrill rides , the magic kingdom and the disney hollywood studios have a handful of them , but not many thrill rides exist at epcot . if you want to go for information with not much thrill , head to epcot . alternatively , you could take the monorail from your hotel or the ticket and transportation center ttc to the epcot station . the address to epcot is located at 1200 epcot resort blvd , lake buena vista , fl 32830 . the cost to park your car at the magic kingdom will run you about 17 for cars and upwards from there depending on complexity of vehicle . dependent on the row , you could be parked in one of 7 areas of the parking lot system at epcot . these areas include the journey , discover , amaze , create , imagine , explore or wonders lotyou can alternatively take a disneys magical express disney - operated bus that is free to guests staying on disney property from orlando international airport to this park . if you are staying at one of the hotels that has the monorail stopping at their resort including disneys contemporary resort , grand floridian resort or polynesian resort , you can take the monorail to this area . there is no cost to ride the monorail at any time in your vacation . , at the entrance youll find one of 2 racks holding an english version of the map , along with maps of other subsequent languages . the languages they have include spanish , french , german , chinese , italian . its two lands are essentially called future world and world showcase . future world is composed of several rides and attractions that are primarily an informational - only experience . world showcase features some informative information about the cultures of countries worldwide . visit test track as the first thing you do when you arrive . besides being the attraction the farthest back on the one side , this one gets very crowded well before noon on most weekdays and weekends . ever wanted to experience what its like to test a car during its production this attraction is where to try it out and see what its like . try out the missionspace exhibit if you have ever wanted to know how it feels to become an astronaut who journeys into space . it is located one pavilion to the north of test track , and much like test track , does tend to be crowded at times . tour the ellens energy adventures building . do this if youd like to learn about the history of the energy sources you very commonly use in todays world . if you cant seem to find the geodesic dome , ask one of the disneys cast members for assistance , however finding it shouldnt be hard as its the biggest and iconic theme building there is on the epcot property . unless youve been there before , most people dont know that the glass golf - ball shaped building actually has a ride inside it this ride presents an informative view of the history of telecommunications . although this exhibit changed from being informative to a more comical take on the ocean floor , it has actually gotten an upgrade with its 2006 upgrade . it now contains a very fun attraction that kids love to come back and try time and time again to ride . whether its the turtle talk with crush exhibit or the nemo from finding nemo movie ride , they will both take you on a journey to see aquatic wildlife to see and explain those viewpoints of the marine wildlife here . although it is one of this pavilions most - often visited attraction in the park soarin , it also has some information booths and another ride called living with the land . there are a few tours that step through this pavilionwhich might be rather cheap but worth the money tour called behind the seeds , and you can even eat some of the crops that are forested here , inside this pavilions one restaurant . however , everything that this building was once known for , has been removed including the dna helix that once stood in front of the building . if you end up walking into a building that has no people inside it and it has a yellow domed roof , chances are that youve arrived into the former wonders of life pavilion . its actually rather comical and definitely a relief in the hot and humid florida heat to ride this ride . look for the upside - down house here . this will keep your kids minds from going blank and keep asking you how did they do that no matter how many times youll ride it . your mind will be amazed at what your eyes are turning around and showing you what it in - turn interprets . and whats really interesting about this exhibitattraction , is that they have two entrances from both the east and west sides of future world . its breathtaking looking at bay lake , its boats that depart and arrive from epcot . its so peaceful , that sometimes doves and seagulls can be seen and heard in the area . there are benches near the monorail track before in the center area before crossing the bridge to world showcase , but its more interesting and more invigorating when you actually partake to walk into the area called world showcase . ride the grand fiesta tour or eat at the restaurant that overlooks the beginning portion of the rides area out the back of the restaurant . take in a few of its shopping possibilities here . whats even better is if you are able to get a seat inside the building which overlooks the entryway for the remainder of the shopping portion of the pavilion . the building itself will sometimes even make people stop and think am i really in america now however , be careful the first several days the attraction was open they experienced several evacuations as per several videos on youtube already and your ride could be a thud as well . it opened on june 22 , 2016 . if you choose not to ride , there is at least one shopping location and several restaurants associated to the norwegian pavilion . maelstrom closed in 2014 and a complete rebuild opened in 2016 . what makes this experience even more fun , is that they also have other norwegian - inspired things that show you the other side of this cold country called norway . be careful of akershus royal banquet hall . on top of dining , this is also a very popular place to meetup with a few of your disney royalty character friends . eat chinese food and drink green tea from a chinese tea garden called joy of tea and lotus blossom café here . however , no shopping locations exist in the chinese pavilions . although the outpost was never fully finished , a portion of that land still exists inside epcot . youll find the outpost situated conveniently between the china and germany pavilions in the world showcase side of the park . it contains mostly shopping locations such as bead outpost but theres also village traders nearby in the same area . if you want refreshments , they sell coca cola products in this area , but youll have to ask to receive what product you want . visit the germany pavilions , if youd like to learn a little more about the food and culture of germany . or take a breather near the fountain just outside the town square which was featured on the florida episodes of full house in 1994 when bob saget stage named danny tried to propose to gail edwards stage named vicky but got interrupted by a german lederhosen band there are several shopping locations that sell german trinkets as well as beer and wine here one of the few places on disney property that does so , so savor the moment if you choose to buy some . learn a little something about italy and their rich culture in the italian exhibit with their food and shopping options . with many italian pizzerias and italian cuisine here , theres no way you can leave empty - stomached . if you want , theres a cool stage act that goes by the same name as the pavilion itself which can surely take the heat off tired feed on a hot summer day . if stage plays arent your thing , the voices of liberty perform inside the entrance several times a day , or you can eat at the liberty inn or fife and drum tavern or shop at a trinket shop called heritage manor gifts or at a bookseller called my heritage books . take a look at some of the painted portraits on the walls inside the building for the full experience of what united states really is you might even see something you might not even be expecting in them . with their japanese inspired dancers in jeweled dragon acrobats and matsuriza on the outside ring that occasionally perform , these performances are very inspiring . however , watch out for these times on your times guides , as this doesnt happen all that often every day . you can either eat fish dishes at teppan edo or eat at tokyo dining . for those with shopping on their minds , they have gift shops here too called good fortune gifts as well as the house of good fortune . if grilled dishes and other japanese - inspired dishes more casually suit your taste buds , try out either kabuki café or katsura grill in and around japans pavilions . let morocco rule out when you need to learn a little about african culture . there are a few shopping opportunities here that present the moroccan culture to the everyday person . as far as moroccan shopping prevails here , they mostly sell leather goods including pocketbooks at a higher price as well as brass trinkets . take a look at the décor around these shops and areas they will remind you of moroccan architecture and almost become aladdin - like . try out frances 3d movie available called impressions de france , interpreted into english as impressions of france . from a shopping and dining presence , there are a few shopping and dining establishments here but few are well - known at this time . visit an english bar andor pub in this area with rose and crown dining roompub . listen to some music from a british group who call themselves the british revolution who perform nearby which is no longer a group who look like those from the beatles . walk down the fake abbey road strip as you enter the area or shop around this area including into shops called crown and crest as well as tea cady or sportsmans shoppe to get a rich feel for the culture of england . if youd like , you can even head into queens table shopping , if all these other choices arent quite enough . make a quick photograph moment in a former british payphone booth that used to have a working payphone but no longer does . it may be one of the last places youd think to be able to keep yourself cool , but it surely will . if 3d movies arent your thing , you can shop at northwest mercantile a canadian - like gift shop or trading post or you can eat at the rather small steakhouse onsite . the amount of work the designers put into this land here is really spectacular . whether its the canadian house of parliament or its the totem poles , design here is very immense and spectacular . if they are performing , there may even be a band at the entrance performing on bagpipes , but youll have to ask around to see whats going on when you are there to ensure that you wont miss them it is all just that good . with a few stops inside world showcase along with the few stops outside the park at a few of their resorts and even one close to disneys hollywood studios around the corner , the boats are actually becoming a valuable option to choose to use when coming to the park , or for those who wish to transfer between parks midday if they dont wish to head into world showcase for very long . there are two docks near the center of the entrance near the bridge near the monorail loop as well as near the morocco and germany pavilions , getting around world showcase by way of water is actually rather sweet . however , in preparation for all nightly activities to come out , setup and run these boats dont run the entire day long . their show better known just as illuminations is grandiose in action and features many synchronously - timed fireworks and laser beams that shoot high into the sky . its shown on most nights at around 9 pm , and is rarely cancelled due to rain or other inclement weather . they even have some seasonal variations including a christmas and new years eve and independence day special illuminations . this band plays on the most unlikely of instruments including garbage cans , garbage can lids and other clanging instruments . |
decide if you truly want to visit disneys california adventure theme park . drive and park at the parking structure nearby to the resort . take a tram from the parking structure to the outside of the park , if you have to park and if you dont have the luxury of riding the trolley . purchase your tickets at the booths outside of the disneys california adventure park . enter through the turnstiles . look at the set up from the map of disneys california adventure theme park . walk into the park . take the buena vista street walkway to the right and notice the waterfall on your right as you turn and walk down the path , well before reaching near the soarin exhibit . cool off under the fake jet propeller cooling station in front ofnear the soarin ride , if the day is extremely hot . take a ride on soarin here . take a ride on the grizzly river rapids ride , if you like rides that are dedicated to white - water rapids rafting and the thrill that goes along with it . challenge yourself to a take a walk on the wild side in the redwood creek challenge trail , if you dont like white - water rapids rides . turn the corner and continue on the walking pathtrail towards the little mermaidariels undersea ride attraction at the corner . get to know the placement of the seats that are used for world of color later in the day . walk around till you meet up with the golden zephyr ride . take the easy way out , if you dont want to ride golden zephyr and ride the jumpin jellyfish ride instead , if you want to be flown around less or take it even slower than molasses . take a ride on the goofys sky school ride , if youd like to ride a ride similar to gadgets go coaster from disneyland across the alley - way . pass underneath the overhang for part of the track of california screamin . test your ferris - wheel styled thrills on the swinging swings of mickeys fun wheel , or if you want the static ones , they have a slightly different entrance around the other side of it , so be careful which ride entrance you are entering through at the main entrance to this ride along the back edge of the california adventure walking path . ride the california screamin roller coaster if you love roller coasters . test your skills at toy story midway mania in a shooter - type of game that is sure to thrill everyone in your family . ride king tritons carousel sometimes called king tritons carousel of the sea , the only carousel in disneys california adventure park . look at the bridge that you cross over . look over to the left just before you cross the bridge . follow the signs that lead you to hollywood land . look for and watch a showing at the disney animation studios animation academy . look out for the muppet vision 3d movie . take a peek in at the monsters , inc mike and sulley to the rescue ride . ride the drop - elevator stationed at the twilight zone tower of terror . its scary on the ride , and with a mystery drop - pattern that is determined by the computer for every ride every ride pattern is different , this ride is super scary for some and almost all who visit , but most who ride it do come out laughing at the end . walk over to the a bugs land section of the park . get your fill of 3d movies at its tough to be a bug , look for fliks fun fair , and interactive area containing mostly kid - sized rides . look out for look for maters junkyard jamboree just a short walk into cars land a land nearby a bugs land and take a ride on it . look around for radiator springs racers . look at your times guide for showings of the pixar play parade . look for the nighttime spectacular world of color to appear over the lagoon facing paradise pier . | how to visit disneys california adventure | discuss some of your other options that exist for the other nearby disney - themed areas . with the other major possibilities being the disneyland , and downtown disney though no real rides exist in downtown disney and the wealth of other parks within the vicinity include universal studios of hollywood and six flags magic mountain , the southern california landscape isnt without its wealth of rides . disneyland and disneys california adventure park have their drawbacks . one of these drawbacks is that in order to visit , youll either have to park in the mickey and friends parking structure , or ride the artanaheim resort transit tram to the park . although the address to the parking structure is 1313 s disneyland dr , anaheim , ca 92802 . the cost to park your car at this park will run you about 17 for cars and upwards from there depending on complexity of vehicle . due to the cost , its often advised to ride the art tramtrolley to get to the park , though if you are coming from out of the anaheim area , you may end up taking a car and parking in the parking lot nearby these disneyland parks . , this park is formed into 8 lands without a central hub area . these lands include buena vista street , hollywood land , a bugs land , cars land , pacific wharf , paradise pier , grizzly peak and condor flats . the first thing youll notice is buena vista street . although buena vista street once held a few famous attractions that could later have became the center piece by some , it has few to no rides today , and truly exists as the true dining place in the park . this waterfall is a famous spot used for picture taking , though this isnt the most famous exhibit in the park . dont get too enthused at waiting around for a long period of time , as everybody needs to take turns here . if you dont mind motion simulators , youll fair very well here . the building looks like an oversized orange - colored airplane hangar . , this attraction features a normal ride for those daring small princesses wishing to fulfill a few wishes . these seats are available right across from the little mermaid ride . they are formed in layers with deep long steps . this spot is also a famous spot to check out the prime candidate of the viewpoint of paradise pier making it a famous picture - taking spot . although a few rides in disneyland and walt disney world can match that of the experience on golden zephyr , not many are comparable . youll need to be able to walk up a short flight of stairs , but once up the stairs , youll as disney calls it rocket around a central pivot point in a spaceship type of seat without even lifting a finger or touching a button . , it is considered to be a training roller coaster for those who havent ridden a roller coaster yet and would like to experience what its like . the ride entrance is nearby , but isnt right there when you see the track . , this roller coaster is the fastest roller coaster throughout all the disney parks , and is also one of the newest coasters within the disney parks system worldwide . so hang on tight and with the special effect of 3d and sometimes 4d effects , theres no reason no one could come out of this place unhappy . , it will definitely remind you of a boardwalk styled bridge on or near the pacific ocean . although the restaurant has changed hands from ariels grotto to another place , it still is a very popular restaurant at this theme park . hollywood land cant be accessed from any other area but the hub area of the park . look for the turtle talk with crush showing . if you want to see this classic show where crush interacts with kids and tries to answer some kids questions , this is sure to please . crush sometimes looks around for the childrens parents , so be on the lookout , if you hear your child scream , giggle or look back to see where hisher parents are in the audience yes , the spotlight turns to you too . its a very interesting movie that is sure to please any muppet fan in all of its audiences . any and all kids will surely get a kick out of seeing their favorite muppet show character here . if you watch closely , you might even see some real characters appearing before your very eyes . if you are a fan of monsters , inc , youre sure to relive the story of monsters inc on this ride . , if muppet vision 3d didnt overdo your adventure . if you dont get very scared too easily , watch a show of it here , and youll soon be seeing the life of a bug through the eyes of the bug . this area includes a bumper - cars styled ride tuck and rolls drive em buggies , francis ladybug boogie fliks flyers heimlichs chew chew train also , look out for princess dot puddle park . this area is an awesome way to get wet as you or your kids tromp through the watery area . although similar to some mild scrambler rides , this one is surely to impress almost everyone who arrives on it . based on the action of test track at the walt disney world disney park epcot , you will surely not be sorry that you rode it . if you stand just right , everyone along the route can get wet , and everyone has a blast . whatever you decide to take in in this park , do not miss this parade if you are in the park on a hot summer day - make it a plan to be along the parade route and have some relaxing fun , all while getting cooled off in turn . if you see a person carrying a water thrower and you see them looking at you , you can tell them to spray elsewhere , or if you choose to want to get sprayed but fear them spraying at a particular area mention where else youd like to spray such as at your arms , hands , chin or neck but you shouldnt need to tell them why unless they look at you funny and request more information . be prepared to be on the benches on the side of the walking path near the bridge to pacific wharf up to two hours before the parade passes through the area , as spots on benches fill up fast this wonderful watery nighttime spectacular features some dazzling colors , and especially being nearby can give you a cool mist coming off the water when it is shot up into the air from the jets in the lagoon . |
walk between disneyland park and disneyland california adventure park at disneyland in california , as these parks are literally right next door to each other . ride the monorail between the downtown disney district and disneyland park , if you prefer not to walk . | how to travel between disney parks 1 | the 3 hotels on disneyland property are all within walking distance of both theme parks . these hotels are disneys grand californian hotel and spa , the disneyland hotel and disneys paradise pier hotel . disneyland park is within a 10 - minute walk of downtown disney , so the monorail is only for speedier transportation and novelty . |
be ready to research the subject matter that the ride depicts . research what rides at each of the parks youll be visiting have any educational value . keep an open mind and be willing to accept that rides do change over time , and that you might be having to add or subtract rides from your must teach list . preview the rides in real - time yourself . ride the ride one more time with your kids in tow . give the kids a wide variety of places that they can get taught the values in an educational standpoint . let your kids have a say , and make them explain how one ride educational concept can compare to another rides same educational concept without much help . | how to teach educational concepts when visiting the disney parks | look into the various concepts of math and science almost always physics - based concepts along with especially in the case of animal kingdom park biology and evolution along with other educational values in various areas of the parks . almost most rides actually have some educational value , there are some that dont seem like it . and to avoid the disappointment of showing one that doesnt , research what values it tries to teach yourself . preview the newest copies of the rides youll be wanting to teach , from youtube . research on the internet places where educational values can and will be taught . call the disney parks on a phone . ask them what values the specific ride will teach this kids . be willing to provide the age groupings of each of the kids if they vary in ages , and make it sound like you are planning an educational trip for a class of x age - year old kids for an anonymous group of kids . , try to see the ride from the viewpoint of the kid . although almost all rides in epcots future world are devoted to educational concepts , there are some who can turn wild and be at disappointment for some . realize you may have to tone the ride down to suit the age group . point out each issue youd like to mention , as you ride , unless the ride is so loud and fast you cant even feel your brain thinking . if the latter is apparent , point these points out after riding and note the exact points using landmark areas of information . , |
ride the monorail at disney world resort to travel between the magic kingdom and epcot . board a boat to travel to the magic kingdom from the transportation and ticket center . travel by bus between all disney world parks , resorts and the downtown disney district . drive a vehicle between parks , and anywhere else you would like to go on disney property . take a taxi from park to park . | how to travel between disney parks 2 | separate resort monorails also connect these parks and the contemporary , polynesian and grand floridian resorts . monorail boarding locations are located outside the turnstiles at the magic kingdom and epcot parks . travel time between the two parks is about five minutes . you must take a bus or a monorail from any other disney world park to the transportation and ticket center , where the boats launch . the boat ride from the transportation and ticket center takes about five minutes . the docks are located toward the back of the transportation and ticket center , and directly across from the magic kingdom entrance area . guests may also travel to the magic kingdom by boat from docks located at the following resorts disneys grand floridian resort and spa , disneys polynesian resort , disneys fort wilderness resort and campground and disneys wilderness lodge . epcot and disneys hollywood studios are accessible by boat from the following resorts disneys boardwalk inn , disneys beach club resort , disneys yacht club resort walt disney world swan hotel and walt disney world dolphin hotel . travel times vary slightly by resort , but are usually about five minutes . buses depart every 10 to 30 minutes depending on crowd levels at the parks . bus stops are located between the parking lots and entrances at each park . travel times from the magic kingdom are about five minutes to epcot , 10 minutes to hollywood studios and 15 minutes to animal kingdom . travel time between epcot and hollywood studios is about five minutes . travel time between epcot and animal kingdom is about 10 minutes . travel time between animal kingdom and hollywood studios is about five minutes . , it may cost you some dollars , but if youre not willing to splurge for a vehicle , a taxi is youre only other option . |
decide if you truly want to visit disneys hollywood studios . drive and park at walt disney world . purchase your tickets and enter through the turnstiles . realize that disneys hollywood studios is spread into several lands placed sporadically throughout the park . recognize that the first section youll enter into as you enter the park is called hollywood boulevard and but that this land only gives you options for dining and shopping choices - there are no rides or attractions in this area . walk down the walkway and recognize what choices of attractions you have in this section . walk towards rock n roller coaster if you like roller coasters and aerosmith is wild enough for you to try to mess with it . take the up and down plunge at the hollywood tower of terror hotel building around the corner . watch the beauty and the beast stage show just after passing the shops on the long walkway down another short walkway on the opposite side of rock n roller coaster . note the placement of the fantasmic show if you have arrived during the daytime . walk back to the hub of the park and take a breather , if you want . take in a showing of the frozen sing - along celebration if you have fans of frozen in your party . visit olaf at celebrity spotlight following a showing of frozen sing - along celebration . be sure not to pass up a showing of indiana jones epic stunt spectacular if youd like to know how some stunts on movies and tv shows are performed . pass into the great movie ride right around the corner from frozen sing - along celebration . pass back up into echo lake and continue walking towards the next section of park called commissary lane . take a right when you see echo lake on your left and follow the long walkway down and around . watch the 3 - d motion simulator show star tours® - the adventures continue , if you dont mind the simulator . continue down the pathway . watch the really funny muppet vision 3d show , just on your left as you walk down the street heading towards the lights , action , super stunt show . watch at least one showing of lights , walk back over to the area in back of the great movie ride . walk down mickey ave . youll come up to a building that talks about walt disneys life . take in the honey , i shrunk the kids movie set adventure , a place where kids can use up that last bit of excitement and play on safe things where your kids can control the action . walk back past echo lake into hollywood boulevard and out the exit gate . walk back to your car and drive back to your hotel or home dependent on where you live at the moment . | how to visit disneys hollywood studios | discuss some of your other options that exist for the other nearby walt disney world parks or local attractions in the area . with other major possibilities being the magic kingdom , epcot , and disneys animal kingdom and the mess of water parks and other activities that disney sponsors , decide if disneys hollywood studios is your best choice . realize that disneys hollywood studios mostly tries to give people the lowdown on how certain things of the movie industry are produced for use on the big screen . they do have a few thrill rides here , but the thrill ride sector is still in its infancy here . disneys hollywood studios doesnt have a monorail station to this park , so youll either have to take a car or disneys magical express bus to this park . the address to the disney hollywood studios is located at 351 south studio dr , lake buena vista , fl 32830 . the cost to park your car at the magic kingdom will run you about 17 for cars and upwards from there depending on complexity of vehicle . depending on how far into the lots it took you to get to park , you could be located in either the film , music , stage , or television parking lots that are located on campus . , take a map and review your options in each area . pass through and to the right at the first corner , as the hub of the park will be slightly straight ahead after this section has come and gone . this section is filled with two major wild thrill rides this park carries . brave it , and entice yourself into riding . both of these two buildings are at the farthest edge of this section of the park . , fantasmic , the disney hollywood studios nighttime spectacular show down along another long stretch of walkway here can be seen on most nights even further out than the tower of terror . near the hub you will find this area called echo lake . it has a marsh - like lake with a green dinosaur named gertie , which houses an ice cream shop . he was added here as a tribute to a lesser known animation , but was one of walt disneys primary influencing sketches . youll hear and get to sing along with a few favorites from the frozen movie . , this building is located right next to the building for frozen sing - along celebration . after the show , usually you will hear an announcement inviting you to go meet the snowman . but be careful , as there are two separate rides nearby to one another - one is more thrilling than the other rather tame line ride . dont try to scare your little ones if and when you go on the scary line . warn the disney cast member , otherwise youll be put on the wrong one and end up scaring those young ones who shouldnt have been scared to begin with . the two lines do come together past the point of the scare to present the history of movie - making . , youll see a limited number of attractions there . if you do mind , you can pass this and continue on walking towards streets of america . youll come to a section of the park called streets of america . muppet vision 3d , while well inspired by the antics of the muppets from the muppet show is very funny , it is well liked by all who come for a visit . action super stunt show that features several takes of cars and dangerous activities you wouldnt traditionally see . all people portrayed are actors who know their skitroutine well and know just how to perform these tricks without injuring themselves , and have protectant on as a just in case measure for the scenes involving fire . in one area youll see the next and last of two more sections . youll watch commentaries on walt in walt disney one mans dream . , |
gather as many sources as humanely possible of information regarding the locations of hidden mickeys around the park youll be visiting . plan your trip to the disney park of your choice . look high and low and with a careful eye to detail , to spot those hidden mickeys that no one else has ever mentioned before . look even into the entrances and back - alleys in some of the resorts , as some may be in places you wouldnt have thought to have even checked otherwise . walk around each park jotting down exactly how the hidden mickey was formed , and try to be as descriptive as possible . | how to visit a disney park in search of only hidden mickeys | although some books directly relating to the subject appear on store shelves at most barnes and noble retailers , there are several lists online that prevail in listing locations however , these are sometimes seldom updated so be careful . with destinations in florida and california , as well as france , hong kong and a few other places , youll find plenty of disney - inspired hidden mickeys to discover all over the disney parks and resort locations . , although you may come off as some weirdo , make sure to check around in some places most people wouldnt have even thought about looking for them . just dont enter anyones room without asking the guests permission to look around in . these lists can be parts of your mementos from your trip . |
know that youre allowed to bring your own stroller . tie a unique item on the handle . get a stroller , no matter how old your child is . try to think of strollers as child rest areas . acknowledge of the material of the rental strollers . learn the locations of the stroller rentals . know the rental prices ahead of time . hold onto your receipts at all times during your stay . | how to use strollers at walt disney world | as any other public place , especially theme parks , caution and security are very much needed when the stroller is unattended . if you fear of it being stolen while youre on a ride , you may find yourself having an adult stay with the stroller . this wont allow two adults to enjoy the same ride together with kids , so you may need to figure out which rides each adult will go on throughout the theme park . only collapsible strollers commonly the single umbrella ones are allowed on buses , parking lot trams , and monorails . plan accordingly if you dont have a collapsible stroller and wanting to visit different sections . also , during peak hours of the park , you will always have to perform stroller etiquette , so that everyone around you can enjoy the park as well . its not fun at all when theres a stroller in your scenic view while traveling . like trying to find your baggage at the airport , it will be a hassle to search for your stroller , especially if a cast member has moved it to a designated area while youre on a ride . examples to use are balloons , a strip of a plastic bag , or tied yarn . disney parks are huge , and may look even bigger in a childs eye when it comes to walking . the disney stroller rentals are not recommended for infants nor toddlers , so you may want to bring your own for smaller kids . the rentals are perfect for elementary school children and even extra storage for bags . it may be a good thought of parking yourselves somewhere for a rest , but time doesnt stop when you have a tight schedule . allow kids to walk by themselves and be in the stroller whenever they get tired . this way , youre always moving and allowing them to rest their feet at the same time . the material of the stroller is a huge factor when visiting the theme park , as they are hard plastic , which can either be a make or break decision when putting temperatures and weather conditions into your plans . on hot days , its essential to have a towel to relieve the heat from the plastic . on the other hand , if it drizzles or rains that day , you will need a towel or napkins available to wipe the water off . as soon as you enter the magic kingdom , they are located at the entrance under the train station . if you wish to explore the other areas of the park , you must return it at the same location . although , if you present a receipt at the different park , you can get a stroller at no extra charge . epcot at the main entrance and international gateway animal kingdom at the garden gate gifts downtown disney marketplace strollers wheelchairs and disneyquest emporium disneys hollywood studios at the oscars super service a typical family vacation tends to be a few days to a week , so putting any stroller rental prices might be a good thing when visiting on a budget . know that the downtown disney park does ask for a 100 usd credit card deposit for a single stroller . you will need to return the stroller to the same location in order to receive the deposit back . double strollers are not rented at the downtown park . single strollers are 15 each day or can be rented for 13 on a multi - day visit . these are recommended for kids whom are 50 pounds or less . double strollers are 31 each day or can be rented for 27 on a multi - day visit . these are recommended for kids whom are 100 pounds or less . if you have misplaced a rented stroller or found out that it has been taken , you can get a replacement at no charge at certain stroller locations . just be advised , that these are based on availability , so you may have to do location searching if needed . |
research the locations the monorail can be boarded from . realize that some hotels have easy access to the monorail nearby their hotel . prepare to board the monorail . be prepared for a long wait . walk up the incline that leads to the safety gate . wait until the train arrives at the station . wait for the train to come to a complete halt . walk up the train in an orderly fashion . cross the platform onto the train itself . prepare to immediately take a seat . listen for all announcements , as they are being made . watch the monorail doors as they close . listen to the overhead narration in the pa system . look down if it isnt too dark . wait for the train to stop , when it arrives at the station . get up out of your seat and walk yourself over to the exit gate , when you find youve ridden the monorail for long enough , or found the exit point youll need to debunk at . | how to ride the walt disney world monorail | along with the route that takes you from the magic kingdom sometimes nicknamed disneyland , though these are two separate distinct parks , other locations can be found outside the epcot gate and near the transportation and ticket center sometimes nicknamed by its separate initials ttc . the most famous one can be found at the contemporary resort directly inside the hotel along with others outside at the grand floridian and polynesian resorts . gather all your belongings and all members of your party who will need to be transported via the monorail . approach the applicable area that takes you to the monorail . there is a purple overhang with the title to location directly on the sign . realize that you cant go straight from the magic kingdom to epcot without heading to the transportation and ticket center location first . however , you can go from the magic kingdom to the resort locations on the same line . be careful to board the resort monorail and not the express , as taking the express will bring you to the ttc instead . the area that contains the passengers who are also waiting , tend to become long . if you just missed the last train , chances are that other people may already be at the station waiting for the next one . wait on the line for the next train to arrive . its not too long , in most cases . , moving trains may injure people . the monorail will keep the gates closed until they are ready to have members board . but just in case their safety systems fail for some reason , just keep away from the train until the doors open and the exiting people stop exiting . never run , and dont walk too slow either . besides , youre probably tired from walking the park anyway , if this boarding is at nightfall after a long day of riding the rides . , if there are no seats available , keep standing and hold onto the top handrail . the announcements will signal safety concerns in both english and spanish . the train will then begin moving slowly onward forward . itll explain what part of the journey youre seeing underneath the monorail car . youll be surprised , especially if you are traveling from the ttc to the epcot station . youll see most of the exterior portions of the attractions leading up to the station as it circles around the inner portions of the park . if it isnt too crowded , consider looking at the opposite sides window . you may need to say on board , to find your intended target location . |
decide if you truly want to visit the disneys animal kingdom . drive and park at walt disney world . purchase your tickets at the gated entry just before you enter the park . enter through the turnstiles and into this parks first section called the oasis . look at the set up of disneys animal kingdom . look around the oasis as you enter the park . notice that there are two paths , and each path includes different animals . let the kids explore around here . walk across the bridge till you meet up at the tree of life . look directly at the tree of life , and find all of its little carvings located on the tree . look for discovery island trails . circle to the right of the tree , and youll notice another landmark . have the kids explore and play in the boneyard . take a spin around triceratop spin . make a beeline for primeval whirl if you want to ride a rather mild roller coaster that is combined with the action of a tea cup - styled ride . rev over on dinosaur if you love time rover expeditions . watch a performance of finding nemo - the musical if your kids still havent gotten enough theatrical performances so far . march back out to discovery island and take a right . take a ride on expedition everest , if you want some high - volume roller coaster action . whitewater - raft down kali river rapids . walk through the maharajah jungle trek if you havent done enough walking yet . turn the corner that would lead you back into discovery island onto the hub . watch the flights of wonder show . take a ride on kilimanjaro safaris . take the wildlife express train out to rafikis planet watch , if you would like . watch the exciting stage play called the festival of the lion king in the harambe theater . become a wildlife expert , and see the park from the eye of one of its experts in the parks . take the train back to the africa depot , once you are done exploring in planet watch . walk back through the oasis and out the exit gates . | how to visit disneys animal kingdom | discuss some of your other options that exist for the other nearby walt disney world parks or local attractions in the area . with other major possibilities being the epcot , the disney hollywoodmgm studios , and the magic kingdom and the mess of water parks and other activities that disney sponsors , decide if this park is your best choice . the address to the disneys animal kingdom is located at 551 rainforest rd , lake buena vista , fl 32830 . the cost to park your car at the magic kingdom will run you about 17 for cars and upwards from there depending on complexity of vehicle . depending on how far into the lots it took you to get to park , you could be located in either the butterfly , dinosaur , giraffe , peacock , or unicorn parking lots that are located on campus . , this park is divided into about six lands around one central hub areamonument called the tree of life . these lands include the oasis , dinoland usa , discovery island , asia , africa and rafikis planet watch . due to construction issues in camp minnie - mickey , this land isnt included anymore in the park . notice that there are no rides or real attractions in the oasis except a few animals . the oasis houses only a few different kinds of animals . the oasis is an estuary per se . disneys animal kingdom is an animal sanctuary and disney wants to invite you to view some of its lovely animals it houses here , that it couldnt find housing for otherwise . there is one path on the west side and another path on the east side both joining at the same access point . keep your eye on them as you help them understand these animals . be the narrator of what these animals names are . there are placards on or near the railings near the animals enclosure if you need help . some kids like it if you use the animals real name . this tree is the landmark item that disney wanted to treat its guests to in this park . disney imagineers added these little carvings to the tree to give that tree its own special spark . the trails can provide you an up - close look at the carvings inside the tree . if you enter through its tough to be a bugs entrance , you will find that there is a 3d movie theater under the tree . yes there actually is a theater under the tree itself , and a very tall theater for that reason too . at the end of the movie , when you come out of the movie , youll still be underneath the tree , but youll be right in line for heading towards the next land , dinoland usa . no school age children ever not dreams of playing with the bones they dig up here . but wait a little while to retrieve your kids . make sure they can be comfortably within walking with you once again for security reasons . if youve ever been on dumbo at the magic kingdom , triceratop spin is almost the same , though the ride vehicles you ride on are different . the ride sequence though is a few minutes longer , but is still definitely bearable for many adults and children alike . this ride surely will make your head spin , this will lead you over a bridge and into the asia sector of the park . expedition everest is especially popular for most adults who come to this park , so try to be the first one in line if you arrive at the park gates at opening time . kali river rapids is an exciting whitewater - rapid riding ride that thrills almost everyone who rides it . though youve put on many miles in your shoes , maharajah jungle trek is a walking path which talks about various animal - based information . walk yourself in the direction of africa . though youll find the next attraction still technically in asia , its around the corner inside the hub . with all the different birds and prey information they present , this is a popular show for some people looking for informative information about birds . many people just bypass it in hopes of finding other better items to do at the park . if this is your first safari , youre in for a treat . although this safari ride is kicked up a notch , its not much faster than an average car ride over an average two lane road through an african safari village . , formerly in the asian area , this stage play has moved around and has now been relocated to this area of the park . rafikis planet watch is primarily a conservation station . , |
prepare yourself for several methods . gather your children . sit your children down on a soft surface such as a sofalove seat or soft chair . have them try to explain the meaning of some of the special disney - esque pieces you should have nearby . have them go on a scavenger hunt around the house . tell your children a few fibs about their next plane ride , if you know they cant read that well yet . use alphabetical refrigerator magnets to post a quick message on your refrigerator spelling were going to disney world . purchase a customizablepersonalized create - your - own jigsaw puzzle . fill your home with items set in a hidden mickey type of stylepattern . have the kids pre - program your gps device by the digital location to the walt disney world park . have your children check the gate assignment on your most recent tickets . | how to surprise your kids with a trip to walt disney world | whether its a scavenger hunt in your house or its gathering disney parks - esque clues , or one of the many other ideas , prepare everything youll need and bring it with you . in the case of the scavenger hunt however , youll need to pre - load the locations with the proper next clue card along with the clue itself . whether these children are super young or teenage or slightly older , they all need to be nearby to gather the same information at the same time . children will tend to leave the area before the big reveal if the surface is too hard . these items should include both the classic disney - ears hat and disney parks map . tell them you have a map , and they must reveal what it saysmeansmake sure the walt disney world text at the top of the front of the map is scribbled out so they cant read it at a quick glance . as the first step initially stated , make sure the items are placed in the order you want your kids to go around to and from them . for them to end up at the right place each time , you too need to place them in the same corners that you want , for them to be able to decipher them well enough . make sure there is also a disney - esque prize waiting at each location . make sure the last stop will end with the most - popular now , guess where youre going and tell them either out loud , or on the paper . whether its to fly to an unmarked location elsewhere in the us when in real life its really to orlando international airportwalt disney world , itll become apparent when you get there . you may need several packages of these magnets , but youll get the word out soon enough . the main attraction on the puzzle should be the reveal . for most older children , this is often fun for them to do , and shouldnt take them too long to complete . set the glasses or plates , or even set pancakes on a plate in the style of a hidden mickey , and see if they can decipher what these styles of writing are . if you cant , youll have break the news to them what they are . but use that type of reveal at last resort . although their street address has their name in them , their ddmmss location or decimal location of the park wont give this information out too quickly . theyll have to zoom out of the device , to see more clearly what place they are going to . touch - screen cellphone maps work better at showing the kids this . however , if you dont have one , a gps or the like will have to do . when they discover the destination being orlando , theyll realize that they are going to disney world . the only thing kids think about when they hear orlando is walt disney world unless they live down in orlando , in which case , theyll be puzzled . when most parents plan a trip to walt disney world , they tend to choose to fly into orlandos main airport hub orlando international airport . make sure you know its three - letter airport code that all airline companies use mco . this three letter code can be quite confusing to a child , if they dont see the name of the city spelled out on the ticket . |
plan your trip . buy your tickets . confirm dining reservations and hotel reservations 180 days in advance . announce the trip , pack for your trip . check off everything you have packed . go grocery shopping for water , crackers , or anything else you might need in the car or on the trip . if flying , make sure you have the tickets on hand . if driving , fill up your cars gas tank . eat a healthy dinner at 400pm . load up the car after dinner with luggage snacks and other stuff too , if driving . go to bed . wake up . wake everyone else up , make everyone get dressed . try to get everyone to do their business and brush their teeth beforehand . get everyone to eat breakfast , and try to eat it in the car . drive , find your hotel once you are in lake buena vista . check in , eat dinner . go to the pool , come back to the hotel room . drive around the walt disney world property , come back to your hotel room . sleep . wake up . wake everyone else up . pack a lightweight cooler with water bottles . drive to the magic kingdom . take the monorail or the ferry . go through the ticket lines . you are now at the park , go to the hotel room . go back to the magic kingdom at 3pm . go to your hotel room . sleep . do the same as yesterday , only at epcot . do the same as yesterday , only at hollywood studios . do the same as yesterday , only at animal kingdom . wake up . do the morning routine . go to any dining reservations you may have made . go to your favourite park , or to the disney water parks . come back to the hotel room . eat some dinner . pack . sleep . wake up at around 6am or two hours before your flight . eat , shower , do your business . load up the car . check out of your hotel . drive or fly home . when you are home , eat dinner while you watch a slide show of all your disney pictures . | how to spend a week at walt disney world | decide what hotel you will be staying at , how much gas you will need for the trip , etc . buy them directly at aaa or the disney store . other sellers can sell you fake or expired tickets . it also helps to buy your tickets ahead of time , to avoid waiting in a line in the hot florida sun with a screaming child . nothing is worse than to finally get to your hotel and they dont know you reserved something . tell everyone who is going your children should be happy if not , buy them a book about disney world or walt disney . they might learn to appreciate the park . see things youll need for more information . keep in mind it can get very hot , especially during the months of june - august . see things youll need for more information on what to pack . also , clean it up . vacuum the seats and floor , pick up trash , etc . some people dont like travelling for long distances in a trash pit . it sounds early , but you need all of the sleep you can get , sleep in this case , curfew is 515pm . if you wake up any earlier than 600am or 2 hours before your flight , nap until then . this is a fun part run up and down the hallway and scream were going to disney world then , make some loud noises . wear comfy clothing , you will be in the car for a bit . this will avoid any extra stops . eat quick meals , like oatmeal , cereal cheerios brands recommended , grits , bagels , leftover waffles or pancakes , pop tarts or any other toaster tart brand or some fruit . or go to the airport and do the airport check - in , security , and get on the plane . this might take a while , so be prepared for kid tantrums and complaining . lake buena vista is the real town walt disney world is in , not orlando . go to your room , unpack , and take a cold , short shower . try microwaving mac cheese , eating a sandwich , or anything else that suits your fancy . this will be loads of fun it is the best way to cool off . by now it should be 800 if you enjoyed yourself at the pool . put on your pajamas and get in the car with everyone else . make sure to rest well because you have big days ahead of you , take a cold shower . eat breakfast . do everything you would normally do in the morning . there are many signs to get you there , so dont worry . they might even tell you where to park , enjoy stay until 12 noon or until your kid starts screaming . eat something , do your business , go for a little swim , etc . see the parades and fireworks . there is a lot to do at epcot , so plan ahead for your day . hollywood studios is made up of more shows than rides , so make sure you plan ahead for any shows . animal kingdom tends to close earlier than most parks , so when you get back to the hotel , take the opportunity to relax and maybe watch tv or swim again . also , go back to the hotel room and check everywhere to make sure you didnt leave anything . |
decide if you truly want to visit disneyland . pack everything youll need . drive and park at the parking structure near the resort . take a tram from the parking structure to the park entrance . purchase your tickets . enter through the turnstiles . try not to stop and linger at the floral arrangement that gleans near the turnstiles . walk underneath the archway that takes you underneath the disneyland railroad . study the map of disneyland . look around here . stop by the great moments with mister lincoln theater show . watch a showing of the classic steamboat willie movie in the main street cinema . take a spin around the park on the disneyland railroad . check out some of the names of some of the creators who made disneyland possible up and down main street in the main street windows decals . ride in other transportation vehicles . take in at least part of a show at the main street cinema . shop in the stores along main street . get a bite to eat here . stop by the main street opera house in town square . look at the sculpture called partners . take the circle to the right , as you come up to the hub featuring the sleeping beauty castle and enter into tomorrowlands finding nemos submarine voyage attraction first . check out star wars launch bay near space mountain . skip autopia , if you dont have kids in tow . tour outer space on space mountain . blast your way through the galaxy on buzz lightyear astro blasters . maneuver between disneyland and downtown disney on the disneyland monorail . enjoy the fountains and the large , wet ball . leave tomorrowland and walk around the hub and enter into fantasyland to check out some of rides that disneyland calls dark rides . ride pinocchios daring journey . preview the snow whites scary adventures ride before showing it to your kids . visit with alice and her friends at the alice in wonderland attraction . take a spin on mr . toads wild ride . soar on the dark ride called peter pans flight . ride the casey jr circus train . sail your way into and through storybook land on the storybook land canal boats . spin on the mad tea party tea - cup ride . slip into the queue for the king arthur carousel . ride the dumbo ride . this one is a classic that everyone wants to ride once they even hear the name . cap off your fill for fantasy with the its a small world ride . ride the matterhorn bobsleds ride , a roller coaster that is now available to be boarded from this area of the parkin the past , its been boarded from tomorrowland . walk through sleeping beauty castle . walk into several of the whimsical houses of mickey , minnie , dumbo , goofy , donald , and all his friends . spin on roger rabbits car toon spin . save your breath on gadgets go coaster , unless you are in the need for a relatively calm roller coaster . take the easy cruise on the mark twain riverboat or the sailing ship columbia . ride big thunder mountain railroad . decide where to go next . sail the seas on the pirates of the caribbean ride . catch a ghost or two in the haunted mansion . walk towards critter country . splash down the several - story drop on splash mountain . meet up with winnie the pooh while going to one of his parties at the many adventures of winnie the pooh ride . take in a few showings of the enchanted tiki room . look out for the indiana jones adventure . ride the jungle cruise last . watch mickeys soundsational parade . look for either the paint the night electrical parade to take place almost every night whenever no holiday parade is being shown . watch out for the main street electrical parade which airs on the nights that paint the night doesnt . look out for the nightly fireworks . | how to visit disneyland | discuss some of your other options if youre unsure . for example , get the same taste of disney magic with other nearby disney - themed areas like disneys california adventure , a sister theme park , and downtown disney , for dining and shopping . other amusement parks within the vicinity include universal studios of hollywood , knotts berry farm , and six flags magic mountain . the southern california landscape isnt without its wealth of rides . bring plenty of water and sunscreen , wear a hat and comfortable shoes , and bring a warm layer or raincoat in case of bad weather . bring snacks or even a sack lunch so that you can save some money throughout the day , if you want . make sure you have enough money for your ticket , parking , food , and any souvenirs youll want to buy , and bring a backpack or other bag that you can firmly close to carry everything without losing it to the winds while on a roller coaster . disneyland and disneys california adventure have their drawbacks . one of these drawbacks is that in order to visit , youll either have to park in the mickey and friends parking structure or ride the art anaheim resort transit tram to the park . the address to the parking structure is 1313 s disneyland dr , anaheim , ca 92802 . the cost to park your car at this park will run you about 17 for cars , and even more for different types of vehicles . due to the cost , its often advised to ride the art tramtrolley to get to the park . if you have to park in the structure rather than ride the art trolley , take the free , park - operated tram to get to the park entrance . the tram ride is about five minutes long , and trams operate from just before the park opens to just after it closes , allowing you to spend as much time as you want in the park . the tram also offers access to downtown disney and its wealth of shopping and dining options . do this online before you arrive at disneyland to avoid having to wait in a long line before even entering the park . if you havent purchased tickets online , you can do so at the booths outside the park once you get off the tram . present your ticket to the people monitoring the entrance , and present any backpacks or large bags to be briefly checked by security . you can also pick up a map or list of shows and other attractions at the entrance . make sure to retrieve your entrance ticket and keep it safe . you will need it later to obtain fast passes for various rides . this is a popular picture - taking spot , since it is the first place people see that makes people remark that they were there when asked by others walk onwards . this archway has a plaque memorialized with the words here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday , tomorrow and fantasy . this live steam railroad circles the entire park and is one of the oldest attractions at disneyland , having been a part of the park since its conception . this park is formed into 8 lands centered around a hub called sleeping beauty castle . these lands include critter country , new orleans square , adventureland , main street usa , frontierland , fantasyland , tommorowland , and mickeys toontown . the map lists the main attractions in each land . study the map to learn about your options and decide what you might want to do and see . this is the large street , lined with shops , restaurants , and theaters , that leads from the entrance to the rest of the park . although a few rides exist in this section , these are not the main attractions . there are several stage plays and theaters that exist here , along with several food establishments that glean in on this area . walt disneys private residential window still exists with a candle inside the building above the firehouse on main street usa . youll be delighted in the facts that honest abe tells you about himself in his stage show . if the film is playing when you walk in , you may watch it otherwise , look for a schedule and come back alter . it is rarely ever crowded here , as not many people come in for very long . the viewing area inside isnt handicap - accessible , so people dont tend to linger around there much . the train makes several stops on its tour around the park and returns to the main street usa station in about 20 - 30 minutes sometimes it may go on for 30 - 40 minutes and depends on how many people get on and off the train during the trip around the park . this tour is also called the grand circle tour . it has stops in new orleans squarecritter country , mickeys toontownfantasyland , and tomorrowland , and itll take you through scenes of the grand canyon , splash mountain , and various jungle wildlife . it also stops by two dioramas including the grand canyon and primeval world . there are generally three trains running concurrently . folks who made a lasting impact on the park got their own window decal to prominently display their name . while some are true with their last and first , some arent as easily recognizable and youll need to try and decipher exactly who they mean . see how many you can find on the windows up and down main street . these include the names ken anderson , marvin davis , claude coats and richard irvine amongst the many others . while there is a fire engine that sometimes cruises the park from main streets central plaza , there are other items such as a horse - drawn streetcar , a trolley , horseless carriage and omnibus that run through this area stopping in front of sleeping beauty castle in the park . although the sign out front says just featuring steamboat willie , there are others that play here including plane crazy and many others . however , the entrance is a little dark upon entering , so watch out raise your sunglasses if you have them on . although the emporium shop holds many great souvenirs , there are others here as well that handle other great items as well as much - coveted items at the main street photo supply co , disney clothiers , and disney showcase , newsstand , as well as the silhouette studio . if youd like a hat , check out the mad hatter . although the candy palace will serve you a specialty confectionary , there are more than enough choices to pass the time that you could eat here and never get bored . theres also a café , and an ice cream parlor called gibson girl ice cream parlor and a bakery and a market house which has starbucks in it . for refreshing drinks , try the refreshment corner . it is the oldest building in disneyland . this iconic statue stands in this park . it is a bronze statue of walt standing next to and holding the hands of mickey mouse . there are plaques explaining this statue directly below it . this ride offers a fun submarine voyage populated by all your favorite characters from finding nemo . the line gets crowded by mid - day , so your best bet is to come early , or on a day when your ticket allows if these privileges are on your ticket the extra magic hour . this is a great place to meet chewbacca and darth vader . if you have star wars fans with you , this is a must - see , much like the driving experiences at some theme parks , this one has fairly outlived its life , and the lines tend to be much longer than the ride merits per the time you spend going around the track or area of travel . although this roller - coaster shoots you into space or the way disney looks at it , youll soon be back at the starting gate all in one piece . this is a fast , thrilling ride through the pitch black of outer space , tons of fun for older kids and adults but potentially scary or uncomfortable for small children or those prone to motion sickness . the line for space mountain is almost always over an hour , so think about using a fast pass to bypass the line on this popular ride . currently , space mountain has a star wars theme to promote season of the force . lines will be longer than usual . shoot at targets within the ride with your green and purple blaster . you can challenge yourself or the person in the seat next to you . the line for this ride moves quickly and is almost never more than ten minutes , so ride this several times and try to beat your own scores from each previous round . the ride between the two areas takes about 8 minutes , but with breezes that run through the monorail windows since theres no air conditioning in the cars , this may still be a decent place to cool down during the day and keeps you out of the sun . keep your ticket available if you get off at downtown disney , as youll need your ticket and current handstamp theyll stamp your hand at the exit for reboarding at that stations entry . near innoventions and the monorail near space mountain , spin the ball and run around in the fountains surrounding it . the ball will moisten and thereby cool down any persons hands in its path . a dark ride according to disney park officials , just means that the ride takes place completely indoors and disneylands fantasyland has five of them . these are rides where you sit in a car , ship , or other vehicle and proceed through several rooms that recount a story . great for young kids , these rides include pinocchios daring journey , snow whites scary adventures , alice in wonderland , mr . toads wild ride and peter pans flight . visit with pinocchio and his friends as you ride through some of the scenes depicting the storyline from the movie made many , many years ago . some kids may be scared to go in . its dark in spots , its dreary and the witch looks scary and may intimidate some kids . you may end up riding the ride alone one time through and thinking if your kids might appreciate and understand the storyline thats told here . however , although most of this ride takes place inside a building , at one point you exit outdoors and then back in a few seconds later . although its name says wild when you deal with this disney attraction , the wild is disney - controlled from within the ride vehicles ride systems operation . youll take a journey with peter pan off to never never land in a journey youll never , never pun definitely intended . sorry forget . this slow - moving ride makes its way around fantasyland , and its a great way to keep small kids enticed and your mind a little bit active if you decide to ride it with them . let the skipper take charge of the boat and learn about some of the stories disney has shown to you in the past and you can relive this light . hear your guide recount classic stories and witness the scenes where they take place . turn the steering - wheel shaped center wheel fast to make the ride spin fast , or spin it less for less of a spin . but no matter what you do , be careful not to make yourself too dizzy that you cant stand up and walk straight after the ride is over one of the most popular places in the park , the carousel gets busy , but the line tends to move quickly , and kids tend to love a ride on a horse , unicorn , or even lion , bird , or one of the other animals that the carousel offers . fly sky - high on an elephant , and soar through the air before making a safe landing to complete the ride . press the switch up to make the dumbo character vehicle fly high or press the switch down to make it fly lower . although the ride has been dazzling riders for more than 50 years as of 2014 , it can dazzle you too . filled with scenes of 297 dolls and 256 toys singing and dancing the famous song by its title name together over five languages and in six continent themes . of the world , the ride represents a hope of peace and unity for all humanity . beware , though - just one ride can keep that silly song stuck in your head for days on end . take a ride in a bobsled through the matterhorn mountain , through caves and past yetis that make the ride that much more exhilarating . see scenes from the classic tale and relive the story before returning to fantasyland . there is a walk through exhibit that can only be experienced when passing through the castles center area . toontown offers clever architecture and access to all your favorite cartoon characters . if you want to wow a kids eyes , this land is definitely the place to do it . a staple attraction for mickeys toontown , this ride impresses everyone who rides it . plus , this one is the only one of its kind within the disney park system , so ride it if you are near it . whether you are willing to try a roller coaster for the first time , or you want a little thrill after woofing down that piece of pizza from a nearby dining location , this may be an intermediate compromise . it is rather tame , but can be great for small children , however it is out in the sun , so make sure to come prepared with sunscreen and plenty of water . these cruise boats offer calm , leisurely cruises on the river with plenty of exciting sightseeing . ride a runaway mine car through the caves and bedrock in the early days of the california gold rush . a small but exhilarating roller coaster , this is a hit with kids who are up to conquering thrill rides and adults alike . take the pathway to new orleans square and critter country , or head in the opposite direction towards adventureland . sing pirate shanties and sail through scenes from the pirates movie , looking out for all your favorite characters . with over a thousand and one happy haunts , they all hope to keep you awake and to keep you out of their mansion , though few actually are able to keep you out . , this classic , super - duper , mega log flume ride with its five - story drop is definitely not for the faint - of - heart , but its scenes of animals dancing and singing together make it a great ride for all ages . the potential to be drenched makes it perfect on a hot southern california afternoon , due to its strength of lines in the afternoon , head straight for it on a day when your ticket provides extra morning hours privileges before the park opens to most other guests as it gets crowded after the first hour that it is open , or come back near the parks closing time for the shortest lines . if you dont or cant come during these times , pick up a fastpass if one is available . if not , be prepared to wait for over an hour for this popular ride . this one is a staple attraction for most children . try to take it in during the afternoon , right around most peoples supper time , when the sun tends to scorch down on people . this show is an amusement you wont want to miss , and is definitely a retreat from the heat of summer . beware of waiting in line for this attraction on rainy days . the waiting area is out in the direct elements of weather . you can get rained on , if you arent wise enough to sit underneath the talking tree bark near the payment desk for the hawaiian luau foods booth . ride a motion simulator ride through one of indiana jones adventures , pulling daring moves and narrow escapes to make it out alive . relax in a shaded boat and enjoy the commentary filled with puns of your guide as you explore the joys and dangers of the river . if you ride it at night , youll get the added benefit of a colorful array of other fantastic colors . the parade travels from near the small world ride through fantasyland , around the hub down main street usa , and out through another gate only cast members use , and it happens at least twice per day . daytime parades vary . check your guide map as you enter the park through the turnstiles , to see what parade youre likely to see and when . the paint the night parade is remixed soundtrack from owl citys hit song , when can i see you again , and spectacle of tons of colors and lights galore , its just a blast to watch from beginning to end . although for a month , the lights and spectacular music of the disneyland paint the night parade took a short siesta of about a month between september 6 and november 2016 , this parade had made a comeback and will probably continue for a long time to come - as it is very popular with its audience that line the streets where it runs along with up and down main street usa here . its the everlasting history of the main street electrical parade which draws visitors from around the park to arrive to watch the floats float past that makes this another popular nighttime parade . these take place overtop of sleeping beauty castle , though they can be seen from almost anywhere in disneyland itself . some of the fireworks can be seen at some of the good neighbor hotelsresorts nearby , though no music is heard from that far away . |
research the locations the monorail can be boarded from . prepare to complete a bag check . have your ticket ready . be prepared for a long wait . walk up to the gates in the waiting area . wait for the train to arrive at the station . wait for the train to come to a complete halt . walk up the train in an orderly fashion . cross the platform onto the train itself . prepare to immediately take a seat . listen for all announcements , as they are being made . watch the monorail doors as they close . listen to the overhead narration in the pa system . look down if it isnt too dark . allow the train to come to a complete stop when it arrives at the station . | how to ride the disneyland california monorail | the monorail has two stops , downtown disney across from the lego store , near rainforest cafe and tomorrowland station inside the disneyland park , between the finding nemo submarine voyage and autopias tracks . at downtown disney , a bag check is performed . selfie sticks , used for cameras , or long stick attachments are prohibited from the park . however , camera handles that you can cover with your palm are acceptable . the downtown disney entrance is treated as the main entrance , and you will be required to show an admission ticket or card . if you are experiencing the extra magic hour or magic morning , you will also need to show your hotel room key if applicable to use the monorail . if you have entered the park earlier that same day , you will need to show your ticket along with a hand stamp . the normal wait can be anywhere between 10 and 25 minutes , as peak traffic hours and two hours before closing can result in a longer wait , depending where you are at . please be advised the monorail may shut down during special events , such as parades and fireworks , so plan your time accordingly . like the park rides , there will be park employees to control the amount of people riding each monorail . each depot will have a waiting area and a queue line . remember these are two separate groups , so the people in the waiting area will be allowed to board the monorail , and thereafter people in the queue line will be able to enter the waiting area after the monorail leaves the station . theres about five to six sections at each depot . the typical wait for a monorail is about five minutes . moving trains may injure people . the monorail will keep the gates closed until they are ready to have members board . but just in case their safety systems fail for some reason , just keep away from the train until the doors open and the exiting people stop exiting . never run into the monorail . , all passengers must be seated and stay seated for the entire trip duration . the announcements will signal safety concerns in both english and spanish . the train will then begin moving slowly onward forward . itll explain what part of the journey youre seeing underneath the monorail car . youll be surprised at what you see out the window . youll see most of the exterior portions of the attractions leading up to the station as it circles around the inner portions of the park , and even includes a trip through disneyland california adventure park . wait for the instructions and exit the monorail . |
determine where in the disney parks system you want to go . make sure you can get to your destination from your current location using a bus . proceed to the bus stop at your current resort park attraction . search for the stop at your next destination or attraction . wait patiently for your bus . stand behind the yellow line until the doors open and everyone has debunked . find and take a seat . sit back and relax . wait until the doors have opened upon arrival , then stand up . exit the bus , once the bus has arrived at its destination . | how to ride a disney express shuttle bus | although both disney parks florida and california contain many parks , walt disney world is sprawled out over several miles . most of the theme parks can be arrived at by the disney shuttles . not all locations have disney express shuttle stops . sometimes you will need another mode of free transportation - - a boat or monorail - - where the shuttle can become your main contact point . , at the park , there are big boards that show designated bus stops . in some of the resort locations there is just one stop for everything . busses arrive and depart about every twenty minutes . so , be patient . wait times after the parks close can be slightly longer although disney does send more busses out . take small children by the hand , watch your head , and step aboard . allow elderly people or those traveling in wheelchairs to board first and to let them pick a better location for their seat most often near or with their family . you may stand , as long as you dont lean on the shuttle doors , stay behind any yellow lines , and hold a handrail or strap . , while waiting for the bus to come to a complete stop , gather your belongings . take small children by the hand , watch your head and step as you exit . |
begin planning your vacation . realize that its easy to forget small things . research some of the most busiest places in some of the tour guide books available . determine which parks youll be visiting , and which dining experiences youre thinking about using the restaurant for . think in terms of the time youll need to spend determining the approximate time youd like to arrive at the location . call the number for the walt disney world company . mention to the clerk that you were going through a book that mentioned youd need to book a reservation this far in advance and youd like to book one now . have the clerk initiate the rest of the conversation . give her the details to which restaurants , on what days , and at approximately what time you are planning to be there . realize that you can also set up these reservations at either the disneyland website or the walt disney world website , so no hope is lost , if some worst thing ever happens . plan on arriving to the location approximately 15 minutes earlier than your expected time . be sure to bring information in regards to proof of exact time of your restaurant reservation . | how to reserve seats at a heavily populated disney park restaurant | between planning airline , car rental and hotel accommodations and even booking some park tickets . try to plan on a piece of paper and write down everything youll ever potentially need to solve for your trip . even try to make a list of restaurants that are located near the hotel if staying off disney property or restaurants in the hotel if staying on disney property and park . youll need to know what restaurants are super - busy and heavily populated when the guidebook tells you to order a seat in advance . generally , a walt disney world restaurant is heavily populated because of an underlying theme is well - played out to every park visitor at every visit . others have a theme , but its not played out as well . is it going to be breakfast , lunch , dinner , a snack during the day is this for a whole meal or is this a fast - take out experience generally , the number , no matter where you are calling from , is 407 939 - 1936 for disney worldor 714 781 - dineat disneyland . , sometimes , even those holding reservations , tend to get pushed to the side for a few minutes past their reservation time . |
look towards the times guide you can pick up at the parks entrance . try to plan your day around a schedule that is set up to meet with the characters . try to determine well in advance where the characters you are intending to meet can be found , so that you waddle over to the area with your kids , so they can meet with the characters in a way they feel most comfortable meeting with them . know when and where they make special appearances . know the difference between the classic characters and those of the special characters that may have been jazzed up for other occasions . dont look to meet many characters in some areas of disneylands california adventure theme park . walk with your kids around the park in the direction of the area the character is to be expected to meet with guests on the given day . realize that some characters may not even be staged in any of the areas , and some may be walking the park much like you , the guest , do . have an autograph book , camera and pen ready if you find this situation to be happening with the character nearby . have the child interact with the character , if the character doesnt have other children nearby . | how to meet characters at disneyland | this will help you find out which character will be found on hand at which time on any given day of the year . while a few characters can be found on premises each day , not all characters make an appearance , and the times guide will be able to tell you which ones you can see . plan your times ahead of schedule , if there is a special character youd like to see . try to prevent meltdowns from beginning just by reading this schedule . , at some points of the day , characters can be found in their house in toontown usa near fantasyland . some characters , especially classic mickey and even sometimes minnie , make special appearances around hundreds of thousands of fans in front of sleeping beauty castle . these other characters may meet and sign kids books with the same name , but some kids become reluctant to see these characters when they dont look the same as what they are shown in movies and television . while some may make a few special appearances , this park is meant for the older crowd and adults , and few times characters dont think they may interact with kids in that specific park . , some will walk and hope to catch your gleaming eye . however , when one child finds a character , most children speak up loud enough that other kids nearby will visit and character meets become scenes . some are more than willing to talk with the children than others . dont let your child or the child inside you be discouraged if the character isnt allowed to say anything back . some non - face characters are told not to speak with children for obvious reasons of breaking character , while most face characters as disney calls them are more than willing to talk with most guests they encounter during the day . non - face characters talk using hand actions and body language . they can still talk in their own way . however , dont plan to take up the characters entire time , if the character is able to speak with your child . they can answer a question or two , but theyll need to consult with other fans too . dont let your children feel insulted if the character answers a question and then walks off or talks with other children . |
figure out what time of year you will be going , because this will affect what you pack . bring long pants such as jeans , any kind of shirt , with an extra jacket or hoodie for when it gets extra cold . bring shorts and thin tops if it is hot , because it can become extremely warm in orlando . pack your sun protection . bring a source of water so that you stay hydrated throughout the parks . pack a bathing suit . always be sure to bring some extra clothing . bring some cash and have money orders or a creditdebit card . bring a camera . | how to pack for walt disney world | for example , if you go in january , temperatures range from 70 °f 21 °c to 49 °f 9 °c , while in july , it is normally 93 °f 34 °c to 73 °f 23 °c . , this includes sunglasses , hats , facial sun screen , and body sun screen . all of these are needed to protect you from the harmful rays of the florida sun . , you will need it . you cant wear it throughout the park , but if you decide to swim in your resort pool or go to one of disneys water parks , it is necessary . include a comfy cover - up as well for when you are out of the water . pack one outfit for each day and one or two extras , depending on the length of your trip . , you will want to take pictures of the fun you will have . |
understand the tiers of the fastpass system . book your disney vacation and fastpass selections well ahead of time . | how to reserve a fastpass at walt disney world 1 | you can only select three fastpasses to start with , and they have to be in the same park and on the same day . some parks also have a tiered system , so know ahead of time what you want to use your fastpass options on . you initially get three fastpass selections in one theme park . if you want more , youll need to switch into a different disney parks theme park to obtain others that day . apparently , an attempt by disney to get you to buy the park hopper option onto your theme park tickets . your choices will reset after the parks completely close off to guests that night , so the next day will start fresh . after you have used your first three fast passes you can book one more in any other park . once you have used your fourth fastpass you can get another and so on , but this is based on availability . guests staying in disney hotels can book fastpasses up to 60 days in advance . however , non - hotel guests cannot book any of these selections until they get to the kiosk in the park . non - hotel guests however can read about how the tier systems work and which rides are paired on which pairs ahead of time on the walt disney world system website . |
look for the kiosk signs . scan your tickets or magicbands once you are at the kiosk . select the fastpasses you want and the times . focus on reading the screen . confirm your choices . dont wait around for a print out or separate confirmation of making your choices . log out of kiosk . | how to reserve a fastpass at walt disney world 2 | some can be footpath signs and others are those mounted on light poles . although the term kiosk is located underneath the icon which says fp in a navy - blue filled circle , the way these are constructed and exact placement in the park will vary . the scanning location is an rfid reader next to the computer system kiosk that has a front - face view of mickeys head on it . it initially will light up red , but once scanned successfully , this red will change to green and will remain green until the end of your selection time . scanning your ticket or magicband will pull up your reservations including your park ticket reservations that make your fastpass choices more personalized than the former system fastpass ever allowed . if you need help , there should be a guest relations employee standing nearby to help assist you . reservants need to recognize that they need to have a disney id with the disney company prior to scanning , and for that , if you havent reserved or set up your account online , these relations employees can help set one up for you - look for a person with a tablet who will be wearing the disney nametag and disney employee guest relations apparel . the screen is initially a duplicate copy of the walt disney world website . , you wont receive any paper passes anymore . your fastpasses will automatically be on your tickets or bands . just scan them at the fastpass kiosk , every time you enter . if you need a list of when the fastpasses are valid , consider bringing along a pencil and paper when you make your choices , or make your choices on your mobile app or through the walt disney website if you linked your park ticket to your id online . look around for an all done button . tap yes if it asks if you are sure . |
recognize that only disney hotel guests can reserve their fastpass selections from this method . sign in to your account on the official mydisneyexperience app , using the disneyid that was created when you initially reserved your disneyexperience from the official mydisneyexperience app or through page 2 of your emailed confirmation page if done through a telephone operator for walt disney world . select your theme park ticket from the list of items that make the headline page of the app a part of your selection . select your fast passes and the return time . use your pass . | how to reserve a fastpass at walt disney world 3 | , to run the fastpasses on an app , only the original app holder can modify and add selections . if you ticket hasnt been included in the group , youll need to have the head of the group merge your ticket into the group . the tiered rule still exists , but the return time will depend on the exact time of day you are running this reservation and the amount of fastpass reservations still left for the tier . you can also cancel and modify your fastpasses as well as have maps and other useful features on your phone . scan your ticket or wrist - band at the rfid terminal to be able to proceed into the attraction at the designated time or within a set period of time shortly thereafter . your fastpasses will automatically be on your tickets or bands . just scan them at the fastpass line . |
open up the walt disney world official web page . click the mydisneyexperience button up near the top of the screen . create your own personal disney . com account , which you can use to sign into the official disney worlddisneyland web pagesif you havent already done so . try to create an estimate of price to stay in a walt disney world hotel , with the wide variety of walt disney world hotels that exist on disney world premises . hover over the parks and tickets menu . click theme park tickets and supply yourself with the needed information to find out how much your theme park tickets will cost you . know what each parks overall design is to feature . plan out your ride choices . click the attractions button from the menu for the theme park , and wait for the list of rides to be created . click the rides name to see a description of the ride , or , if you know youd like to experience it thanks to others telling you about it , click the add to wish list heart that exists just to the right hand side of the line that contains the rides name . get back to the page listing attractions and entertainment and dining and events and tours . repeat for all other parks you wish to attend . realize that the four disney theme parks arent the only ones that give information . look through the things to do list too . know that you can also check out the disney world hours for any given day of the year . look at the cart price for your grand - total of vacation money youll need to spend , as you walk through your visit piece - by - piece . check out with all your intended trip - items . | how to plan a walt disney world trip online with the mydisneyexperience official disney website | , make sure to verify the account with the email they will send you . these hotel estimate boxes exist on the homepage . fill out this form including the check - in date , check out date , quantity of adultschildren , and use the drop - down box to select from one of the many hotels that exist . click the find prices button when you are completely settled on a decision . this will expose a variety of ticket types and a list of theme park attractions , for when you want to design the ultimate trip and even give yourself an idea of what areasrides to include in your visit . youll be surprised how much youll really spend on just the hotel booking and tickets themselves together . while the magic kingdom features a fairy - tale like experience , the most educational rides can be found at epcot , and the theme park that doesnt have a lot of rides but plenty of other experiences is disneys animal kingdom . hover over the parks and tickets menu again , and choose the theme park youd like to choose the rides from . , plan those out too at least the dining as dining choices at popular restaurants get reserved well in advanced they tend to be sell - out crowds at some . , disneys water park and other attractions give information too . such parks include disneys blizzard beach and typhoon lagoon as of november 12 , 2013 . these contain critical character meet and greet information , along with other disney world destinations that you might have forgotten actually exist in walt disney world property . these include downtown disney soon to have a new name and a brand new look - itll be a construction zone , so be careful when planning this portion of the trip not to overbook yourself on ideas , disneys board , and wide world of sports building . hover over parks and tickets . look over to the right hand side of that drop - down . look down to the bottom . click more park hours and follow the directions on screen to find these hours . , |
drive your car from your hotel . follow all signage to get to the appropriate theme park . pay the parking attendant the parking admission money . place the parking ticket inside the windshield with the numbers and information facing outward . continue to follow all signage until you see men in yellow vests who are flagging you in the direction you are supposed to follow them . make nice wide turns . turn off your car once the last attendant tells you that youve pulled into the spot far enough . look around for signage . be sure to remove your keys from the car , as you lock the vehicle and step away onto the pathway that leads to the park . | how to park your car at the disney parks and resorts locations | use the interstate i - 4 , if you need to , since i - 4 has exits for each of the four theme parks . another common street that can get you there , or that most users know to use is w irlo bronson memorial highway which will lead you to an intersection with world drive that will lead you to all four parks in fl . users of the california parks should follow signs for the disneyland park from i - 5 in anaheim , ca . those traveling to the parks in other continents outside of the us , should follow the directions according to the cities or hotel employees directions or that of their locals . , theyll try to get you into the spot as smoothly as possible . once you see the first guy , look around for the second attendant , until you see the last attendant ask you to stop pulling forward . the sign will tell you which part of the parking lot you are parked in . each theme parks lots are themed into something different . one theme park lots are themed into disney charactersmagic kingdom , another is into things having to do with moviesdisney studios , the third has something yet to do with the worldepcot . write this information down on your slip of paper for your own information . with over 10 , 000 cars in any given day , this paper will be an invaluable piece of information when your feet are tired andor theres no one else nearby to help you find your particular car . try to memorize andor write down your license plate to the car youve driven if you have rented the car . also , write down the make , model and color of the car , which can also be helpful in some times . youll see a stream full of people walking in the same direction . |
consult your calendar . consider your budget . consider park hours and events . consider staying at a disney resort . consider off - site lodgings . consider driving . consider flying . rent a car . consider disney vacation packages . search for discounts . research the disney parks . buy park tickets . make meal reservations 7 months in advance . create an agenda . | how to plan a disney vacation | when planning a family vacation , the first step is selecting a date for your magical experience . consult your calendar to select dates that work with everyones schedule . for families with children , this often means scheduling the vacation to coordinate with school vacations and activities . for couples or adults , this often requires finding a time that everyone in attendance can take off of work or school . disney vacations are magical and expensive . during holidays and school vacations , park tickets , flights , and hotel prices spike . save money by scheduling your disney world or disneyland vacation during the offseason . the disney offseason is between mid - january to mid - march , excluding presidents day weekend mid - april to mid - may , excluding spring break mid - september to mid - november , excluding halloween weekend the parks are also less busy tuesday through thursday . consult a disney crowd level chart for information on how different special events and holidays impact crowd levels . while there is not an official disney crowd level chart , a quick internet search will provide you with several alternative sources . disney events and hours vary from season to season and day to day . planning your trip around special events and extended hours is an excellent way to enhance your magical experience . before booking your vacation , devote time to studying the disney world or disneyland calendar . check the calendar for special events , like parades and firework shows . make note of any events that are must sees and dos for you and your crew . highlight any days that a park will close early for special events . if you are staying at a disney resort , take advantage of extra magic hours emh . every day a different disney park offers emh for guest of their resorts . a park will either opens 1 hour early or stays open 2 hours later than normal . visiting a park on an emh day ensures that you will have additional time to explore and enjoy the magic of disney . do you want to experience the magic of disney 247 when you stay at a disney resort , you are ensured valuable perks and an unforgettable experience . disney resorts packages are available at multiple price points . you may stay at the campground or book a deluxe villa . there are options for at every price point . staying at a disney resort also grants you several privileges disney resorts guests receive free transportation to and from the airport . if you drive in , you will have the luxury of parking for free . you will also have the ability to enter the park early and stay after regular hours . if you prefer to get away from the park in the evenings , there are several off - site lodging options available . off - site hotels are inexpensive alternatives to the disney resorts . they are ideal for couples and families vacationing on a budget . if you are vacationing at disney with a large group , consider booking a local timeshare or vacation home . the rental cost of a timeshare or vacation home is easily split between multiple parities . for budget - conscious disney vacationers , driving is the most cost - effective option . in addition to saving money , road - tripping to disney is an excellent way to see america . instead of buying multiple plane tickets , you will only need to cover the cost of gas . you will not incur the additional expense of renting a vehicle . you can easily pack essentials , like food and toiletries . in order to snag an excellent deal on airfare , you must search for flights early and remain persistent . begin your search for flights 6 months in advance . if you intend to visit disney over a school vacation or holiday , it is especially important that you book your flights early . search for flights every day . use online tools to find deals on flights . consider flying in or out on a tuesday , wednesday , or a saturday . anaheim and orlando are not walking - friendly cities , nor do they have spectacular public transit systems . if you are staying at a disney resort , you will not need to rent a vehicle unless you plan to leave the park for excursions . if you are flying and not staying at a disney resort , you will need to rent a vehicle . you could also call a cab for day trips into the city . travel groups and the disney company offer packages that include park tickets , hotel accommodations , and airfare . purchasing a vacation package can ease the stress of planning a vacation . compare the costs and perks of a variety of packages in your price range . disney employs travel agents that are available to assist you . the phone number for this service is 407 - 939 - 5277 . many organizations and foundations offer disney discounts to their members . if you are a member of aaa , you may have access to discounted disney resort accommodations . check with your local aaa branch for additional information . united states military members are eligible for discounts through the shades of green foundation . disney also offers group rates . before you set an agenda for your disney vacation , inform yourself about the different parks and features . disney world has six parks magic kingdom , epcot , disney hollywood studios , animal kingdom , typhoon lagoon , and blizzard beach . disneyland has two parks disneyland park and disneyland california adventure park . as you research , keep a prioritized list of must - see disney attractions . note the shows and exhibits you want to see while you are in each park . disney provides its guests with the ability to customize their ticket package . once you have decided which parks to visit , create your custom ticket package . guests may chose to buy a one day or multi - day ticket—the cost of tickets becomes considerably cheaper the more days you plan to visit . for an additional fee , you may add a park hopper option to each ticket . this allows you to visit multiple disney theme parks in one day . fans of water parks can select the water park fun more option . save money by combining the park hopper option and the water park fun more option . ref . https experiencing the magic of disney in its themed dining rooms and restaurants requires planning . restaurants , even quick - service restaurants , take reservations 180 days in advance . to secure your table at disneys hottest restaurants , you must book early . once you have made all of your travel arrangements , purchased your park tickets , and made your restaurant reservations , create a detailed disney vacation agenda . make note of any shows or special events you plan to attend too . use your itinerary to structure your trip or just as a casual reminder of what you have planned for any particular day . create your itinerary with the my disney experience planner , which is available on the disney website . |
plan ahead . take pictures with the characters and get their autograph . go on rides that you like . visit several parks . wake up early . try something new . make sure to watch the parades and fireworks . smell the roses . meaning slow down and notice the details around you . | how to have fun at disney world | although you may be an impulsive person who is willing to leave your experience up to fate , disney world is not the place to avoid planning for . dont worry , there will not be any magic spoiled by taking some time before your vacation and select some interesting attractions . planning tips can be found in many travel guide books and websites . you dont have to go up to every character , though . try it at least once to see if you like it . if theres someone else with you who wants to go on rides that you dont like , try to make an agreement . take turns in choosing what to go on so both of you will enjoy your experience . if you have the chance to go , then why not you dont have to go to all of them , but try to visit as many as you can . its fine to skip one or to miss some rides . remember that its about the quality , not the quantity . dont sleep in . by the time you wake up , the whole world will be on its feet at the line - up of your favorite ride . go to sleep early and wake up early to have lots of time and avoid stress . however it is okay to have one night of late partying , but try to get to bed by at least 11 pm or midnight . note some parks allow one hour early entry for guests staying at walt disney world resorts . try new rides , activities , food , etc . let the experience be unique and refreshing . find out when it starts and arrive a few minutes early . disney world is known for its great fireworks , so make it a family activity . if your hotel is near the magic kingdom , you may be able to see the fireworks from your hotel room , especially if you have a balcony . dont always jump from ride to ride to ride . the imagineers have worked on details in every corner . some of these are missed if you spend your time running from one attraction to another . from talking trees and trashcans to hilarious tombstones , you will find beauty and humor all over the world . this is very important to a good vacation . a fun thing for kids to do is try to find hidden mickeys . there are hundreds of mickey heads around the world , try to find them all |
visit the disney park that the parade will be shown in . pick up a brochure that contains the park map of your language upon entry . look for the parade route on the park map . look at the times guide brochure for the parade times . stake out some of the viewing locations for the one parade . look for key signs that a parade might be taking place within the right area . look for spaces to the left and right of the park benches , if the benches themselves are filled up seconds after the last parade moves forward from the point of the pole - bearer the end bar and sign forward . try to always arrive at these benches at least two hours before the second parade comes through , and dont ever leave the space unmanned unless another credible person in your party can honestly save you your seat . | how to get an empty and great seat at a disney parks parade | disney parks park maps arent just written in english and spanish . they also have a variety of other languages to choose from , but youll have to scout out additional languages that the brochure is written in , to find out the information youll need later . the parade route will be marked on the map by some type of dotted or broken line . parade routes differ between the different parks . whether its the magic kingdom in florida to disneyland in california to california adventure across the walkway , or if any of these compared to disneys disney - studiosmgm or disneys animal kingdom they all contain different routes , and you should be aware of these routes . most disney parks parades are given twice a day . it will likely list the two parade times when the parades will be given . generally , if the parade marchers march one way , theyll tend to march the other way come later in the day to return to home - base . look for benches that seem to be crowded with people , and even where people tend to sit at least 30 minutes before . not only will you tend to see people sitting on benches , but in some places there may be places where people tend to sit near the edge of the sidewalk . look for those tape markings can give you signs that a parade will soon be marching along the area where you are presently walking . disney park cast members dont want anyone to sit on the edge of a sidewalk near the parade and will usher you back from it . they will mark it with a special special event ongoing tape to mark the parade route . another key aspect to look for is the possibility of seeing street - car like rails tucked into the streets . these are regularly used for each of the floats that most of the disney parades carry . , |
count your vacation money . call the grown - ups and fix up a time suitable for everyone . be sure that the members in the family who have children , whom are at a reasonable age for disney world , to promise to not say a word to the little ones . the night before the last day of school , after the kids are asleep , you creep into their room and pack their clothes . at late night or early morning , squeeze the suitcases into your car . on the last day of school , make sure to stall the entire day until about twenty minutes before you plan to leave for the airport . after thinking of a surprise , book your disney world tickets . after booking , just be patient . when the day comes , carry out your plan . when you reach orlando , get a couple of taxis or use the holiday rentals transport to pick you up . maybe wait a day before going to disney world . if you are at a hotel , take the free disney transport or use the free parking . have fun | how to make your disney trip announcement an event | remember that this is a huge group , going on a visit . it will cost thousands of dollars . summer would be a good time , but if you , or someone in the group , are bad with crowds , consider a less busy season . this is because youll want to surprise them . pack light clothes as it is usually very warm in orlando . , if you are eating dinner at home , great dig out a progress report of each childs , while the other parent parks the car in front of the house . at dinner time , you can say because of this lovely report card , i have a surprise for you . tell them to go out and see what . if you can afford it , hire a limousine . if you cant , one of the parents dress as a chauffeur with a sign shaped as mickey mouse saying next stop , disney - world . give the kids a moment to scream in delight before you hurry to the airport . dont forget to find a holiday rental that you can all sleep in . if you can afford it , go ahead book a disney hotel but if you find the perfect rental nearby , why bother , if you and all the family arrive at different timings , dont fret its better that way so your children can meet their aunties , uncles , grandmas , grandpas , cousins . just relax and maybe tour beautiful orlando . if in the holiday rental , request for a couple of vans to drop and pick you up from disney world . last step is easy . after all your hard work , time to ride splash mountain |
walk slowly to your seat . fasten your seat belt on all rides . have the child sit where the ride attendant tells you to ask them to sit . stay seated in your seat , while on the ride . listen and follow all the rules the ride - attendant may say . allow the safety - bar to lower itself onto you , dependent on the ride . dont try to eat anything while sitting on the ride . | how to keep safe when riding the rides in a disney park | disney follows strict safety rules , and will only begin the ride once every person is seated . there is no need to run to get to a particular seat . every seat on most rides have the same vantage points . make sure to do this , right after getting in . listen to them some seats have more harder - enforced sides , as well as a better center of gravity . , on some rides , the ride attendant will ask you to lower it yourself , while some may automatically lower without any single force exerted . do not block the bar from coming down onto you by any means , by putting any item on your lap including children or other items . dont allow smaller children to sit on a bigger childs laps . unless told to do differently by the station attendant otherwise , only keep one person per seating area . failure to do so , could cause the safety - bar to malfunction and the ride to completely not leave the station entrance not only do some rides have turns that could could cause the rider to not experience a sudden change that could confusingly cause your brain to misinterpret this change , but doing so could cause you to choke . |
buy tickets early . get to the park early . use fastpasses , eat wisely and well . bring food and games for long waits and to save money . decide when to buy souvenirs . know where to find characters . find good seating for shows and parades . dont force people to go on rides . know when areas close . exit wisely . | how to have the perfect day at disneyland 1 | instead of waiting in line to buy tickets at the park , buy them in advance online via disneys official tickets website . if you order early enough , you can have your tickets shipped to your house before your trip . or , you can download e - tickets and print them directly from your email . you can get tickets cheaper on various different websites too . keep an eye out for deals . disney will occasionally run promotions that add an extra day to a multi - day ticket at no cost . know what youre buying . if you only want to go to disneyland park , not california adventure , theres no need to buy a parkhopper ticket . simply purchase a one - park ticket . if you plan on parking at disneyland , you can buy your parking pass online as well . early morning is the perfect time of day at the park its mostly empty , temperatures are cool , and the kids are still happy . you can get fastpasses and knock out a few of the popular rides before the crowds get crazy . people start to queue up at the park gates about an hour before opening . if you want to do the fantasyland rides , do them in the morning before all the families show up — the lines will never be shorter . the system can seem a little intimidating at first , but its easier than it looks — and worth skipping the standby lines . heres a quick rundown on how the system works you can get new fastpasses every 90 minutes . dispatch someone to get your first round as soon as you walk into the park . he or she will need to take everyones park tickets along . if youre not sure when 90 minutes is up , the next time you can get fastpasses will be printed at the bottom of your most recent ones . each ride that allows fastpass use will have a little fastpass station with four to eight fastpass machines . you stick one ticket at a time into the machine , and it will spit out a paper fastpass below that has a one - hour window of time printed on it . they have to be used on the day you got them . once you have your fastpasses and the first time printed has passed , you walk up to the fastpass line instead of the standby line , which should be clearly marked for each ride . the person at the front will check your passes to make sure they are valid , then you hang onto them and give them to a second person at the end of the line . fastpass times are now being enforced if your ticket says 145 to 245 , you must show up between those times . some popular rides will run out of fastpasses . if you really want to fastpass space mountain , indiana jones , the haunted mansion during halloweenchristmas or astroblasters , do it early in the day . some of the other rides that utilize the fastpass service like big thunder mountain railroad or splash mountain will have short lines at the end of the day anyway , and you wont need fastpasses . food inside the park can be expensive , especially if youre feeding a family , though there are some unique dining experiences you can try . heres a rundown of what might work for you eat meals earlier than usual , or after the mad lunch rush of 11am - 2pm and the equally mad dinner rush between 630 - 800pm . this way , you can go on rides while everyone is eating and avoid lines when youre ready to eat . be warned that new orleans square eateries have the worst lines . head over to frontierland or critter country for shorter lines . if youre eating cheaply pack lunch and dinner , and stash your meals inside a locker near the park entrance . there are plenty of tables around the park for you to sit and eat , and picnicking on tom sawyer island can be a good way to cool off in the afternoon . if you do need to buy food in the park , fruit is generally cheap and portions at the fast - casual eateries are large enough to split between two people . make advance reservations for any full - service dining . there are only a few sit - down restaurants inside disneyland , such as the blue bayou and cafe orleans , but they fill up quickly . if its really important to you to eat at these places , make an advance reservation with disney dining at 714 781 - 3463 . plan ahead with character dining . character dining is offered at the plaza inn — where costumed characters will roam the restaurant to take pictures and interact with guests as they eat . this is an easy way to get some character time if you have kids , but it tends to be expensive and fill up quickly . your best bet is to make reservations in advance at 714 781 - 3463 . not all rides have fastpasses and waiting is inevitable , and it will save you a bunch of money bags of cereal , popcorn , granola bars , grapes , and peanut butter jelly sandwiches are great to pack , along with a ds or ipod . as with eating , there are a few different ways to manage souvenir shopping depending on your needs . here are a few possible game plans if you want to wear the famous mouse ears or any other headgear , consider buying them at the beginning of the day so theyll be in all your photos . if youre not sure what you want , pass through a few souvenir shops during the heat of the day or when you need a break . if something catches your eye , return to buy it as you walk out of the park , so that you dont need to carry it around all day . if you have little ones and youre concerned about souvenir whining , try this trick . buy disney souvenirs less expensively online and pack them with you . the night before you go to disneyland , arrange your kids souvenirs as if mickey came and left them overnight , like santa . they already have new fun things to play with , and you dont have to worry about shopping at the park . problem solved if you have kids , seeing costumed characters is probably high on your list of things to do . though characters used to roam freely around the park , theyre now found at designated areas if you want to get character autographs , make sure you have a pen big enough for the characters to grasp — they wont be able to maneuver a small ballpoint pen as easily as a large marker . visit toontown . for an audience with mickey or minnie , visit their houses inside toontown . be prepared to wait in lines , though . other costumed characters should be wandering around toontown as well . visit the princess fantasy faire if you want a picture with a princess , this is pretty much the only place to get one . try to go early , since the wait can be up to 2 hours on peak days . to get to the faire , walk toward its a small world , turn left , and keep walking past the toontown gate . or , you can simply take the disneyland railroad to the toontown stop . visit pixie hollow pixie hollow is another area with specialized characters , located between the astro orbiter and the matterhorn . as with the princess faire , the lines can be long . wait at the secret character gate . to snag characters as they enter the park from backstage , wait at the gate in the northeast corner of main street , between the main street cinema and great moments with mr . lincoln . characters will periodically appear here to pose for photos and sign autographs . there is also one between the main street camera shop and the plaza inn , and one next to the bathroom that is off the hub and outside of tomorrowland . go to alice and the mad hatters musical chairs at refreshment corner at the end of main street . although only little ones can play , this is a fun event to watch for all because of alice and hatters antics . the times guide does not publish the time . so ask the piano player as early as possible what time this will be at disneyland hosts a few parades throughout the day , depending on the season , as well as night - time showings of fantasmic and fireworks . check the park schedule to see what will be happening when youre there . most shows are crowded , but you can manage to get good seats with some clever planning . for parades head toward tomorrowland , and right before you enter turn left and follow the path to the king triton statue . this is a great spot to see the parade without all the people . for fantasmic fantasmic seating is tricky , but doable . if you really want prime seating right by the waterfront directly in front of cafe orleans , by where people board boats to tom sawyer island , your safest bet is to set out a blanket a few hours before the show and rotate who gets to sit and hold the spot . if there are two shows that night , your best bet is to be hovering in the area just as the first show wraps up . as soon as people start to get up and exit the area , swoop in and grab a seat . fireworks most people crowd to watch fireworks in main street , so they can see them going off behind sleeping beautys castle . if this is what you want to do , try staking out a a bench in the central square , by the statue of mickey and walt , or snag an outdoor table at the north end of the gibson girl ice cream parlor . alternate fireworks if you dont mind missing the castle panorama , the fireworks are also visible from the path that connects frontierland and fantasyland , behind big thunder mountain . or , if you like roller coasters , riding on big thunder offers a spectacular view of the show — and the line for the ride is usually short enough that you can go multiple times throughout the fireworks . if you dont want to see any of the shows , then its a great time to hit the rides while everyone else is preoccupied . attractions like splash mountain and space mountain are usually easier to get on during fantasmic and fireworks . enjoy smaller shows like the dapper dans or mickey and the magical map . no one wants to feel pressured on going something they dont want to . maybe theyll want to go after they see how much fun you had on the ride . in the meantime , jump in the single rider line and get on the ride much faster . the park generally stays open later during the summer and on the weekends , closing earlier during the colder months and on weekdays . however , certain areas will close down sooner if shows are happening . heres a quick rundown if fantasmic is showing , tom sawyer island will shut down around sunset . if there will be fireworks , toontown will close early . fantasyland is one of the first areas of the park to shut down at the end of the night , so dont assume youll just go on the rides there once the crowds clear out . specific closing times are posted on most rides . there will be a mass exodus out of the park right after fireworks or about an hour before closing if there are no fireworks . the walk will be slow , and the lines for the tram back to the parking structure will be long . if you want to avoid the rush , you can leave halfway through fireworks or stick around until the park closes . |
find an audition . make sure you meet the requirements . assemble your headshot and resume . prepare your necessary pieces . work on your flexibility and dance skills . get a good nights sleep . check in early . bring comfortable gear and water . wait . rock it . and then wait some more . start your training . be your character at all times . play by the rules . be magical . | how to get a job as a character at disney | go to the website www . disneyauditions . com to see a list of upcoming auditions . theyre held all over the place , though youll have the most luck in california or florida . each one is different , so think carefully about what youd like to do look carefully because each audition is looking for something in particular - - parade performers , male comedic actors , look - alikes , etc . you may need to travel to find the audition youre really looking for . you shouldnt show up to a mad tea party audition even if youre jasmines doppelganger unless you want to sip tea with alice each audition is open . you simply need to check - in early the day of the audition . they may fill up however , so the only thing you absolutely need to do is be prompt . most disney characters have a specific look , even if youre not one of the faces . you gotta fit the suit , after all . mickey , minnie , and other fully outfitted characters have less strict guidelines , but guidelines nonetheless . for example , princesses cant be above 57 . and you gotta be at least 18 - - and under 27 , though that rule is technically unwritten . theres a physique look too , obviously . characters without full suits must look like their character those in suits must fit in it comfortably . it all depends on who youre playing and you may be assigned to play several . in general , disney prefers their faces not to have distinguishable features . for example , if cinderella has a huge mole on her face one day and then it is gone the next , children may get suspicious . thats just how it is . its best to have your headshot prepared on normal letter paper , with either your resume directly printed on back or attached . make sure its crisp and new and everything is up to date . if you have blonde hair in your headshot but blue hair in real life , they may consider it all out - of - date you want to give the best first impression possible . if you dont already have a headshot and resume , get on that find a friend thats a blooming photographer and ask them if you can be a free guinea pig . then get on a quick internet search to see what your resume should look like . its not that daunting of a process if you get on it now for each type of audition , youll need a way to prove your chops . its all fairly logical for a singing audition , prepare 16 bars of a song . acting a monologue . comedy brush up on your improv . musician a selection of three pieces to show your versatility . basically bring your a game for whatever the audition calls for . its always good to have a back up , too . you dont want to see the three girls in front of you all singing , good morning baltimore , knowing thats your song , too . always , always , always have a back up . if youre looking to be a specific character , study the movie . if you can bust out snow white at a moments notice , the judges are bound to be impressed . you dont need to be a professional dancer , but a background and experience in choreography helps . so get to work on those split stretches and have your dancer friend teach you a few bits beyond that jazz square youve been whipping out at all those weddings . every little bit helps be careful in stretching . if you over stretch especially when your muscles are cold , you could hurt yourself and have less flexibility for the day of the audition . always exercise caution when it comes to your body you want to be fully rested and raring to go for the morning of the audition . your nerves will probably be on high alert , so do your body as many favors as you can by getting a full 8 hours of sleep . if youre lacking any energy , itll be tough to give it your all . while youre at it , eat a decent , normal breakfast . you dont want to eat anything too different in case it upsets your stomach , but do eat something substantial enough to get you through the morning . you could be waiting a long time . registration will open up an hour or two beforehand just to be safe youll want to get there on the early side of that . you can then take time to stretch , calm down , and size up your competition . theyll ask you for your headshot and resume and direct you to a place where you can wait , wait , and then wait some more . once you get there , only auditioners will be allowed in . so your familycheerleaders may have to go on their merry way once youre in . hey , this way you can make friends youll probably be doing some sort of movement even if it isnt technically dance though it could be dance , so make sure youre wearing something comfortable . do not dress as the character you are auditioning for - - auditioning for ariel wearing a mermaids tail can only lose you points . if youre not looking to be any type of dancer , theyll probably have you doing improvised scenes . this is where you mime anything from packing a suitcase to experiencing ice cream the first time to chasing after the guy who stole your hat . you could be running around quite ferociously it may take a while and you may get a little thirsty , so bring your own bottle of water . and whatever else you may need chapstick , anyone sometimes these things take ages , especially if theres hundreds of you . they can only take so many people at once , so you may siphoned off into a waiting room more than once . be friendly and positive - - you never know who might have some pull whatever your audition is - - be it busting out a song or doing pirouettes down the hallway , rock it . be confident and remember to smile you got this . youre prepared . youre just as good as everyone else here . if youre in auditions for a specific character , just be conscious of not dropping it . theyre looking for someone whos this person in mind , body , and spirit . every little quirk , every little movement , has to be this character . its no longer you - - its how cinderella would pack a suitcase , its how goofy would pirouette down the hallway . from the tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes , you are this character . the first part of the audition will be the dance , unless youre in a musicians audition . although it is not very complicated , if you are unable to master the dance you will not be able to continue to the second part of the audition . after the dance , the judges will give you a scene they would like you to act out eg . goofy gettingdecorating a christmas tree , you getting your favorite dessert . judging can take a while . after the audition it is pretty much a waiting game and thats about it . trust that theyll get a hold of you , that you wrote down your phone number and email correctly , and that youll know the verdict in time . congratulations you made it . now its time to start training this will probably be around a weeks time . youll have different expectations depending on your role or roles received . if youre a prominent character from a movie , theyll ask you to know the movie and your character like the back of your hand . were talking quoting - the - entire - thing - from - memory back of your hand . how they move and interact , too if youre a suited character , theyll have you concentrating more on mannerisms and the handwriting . after all , if a child gets two goofy autographs , they gotta look the same all times . they have to be animated and brought to life even when it seems like no ones looking though someone is always looking . that means when a child asks you , pocahontas , what your opinion on the internet is , you must respond with , . inter . net what is this internet of which you speak , young one even if they say , hey , look goofy goofy is not in your world . thats a talking dog woah disney can get pretty serious about this . from your words to frowning too much , they can get on you about it . of all the rules , this is the most important . and it makes sense if you dont keep up the magic , youll ruin it for the kids who have been waiting their entire lives to experience the disney magic . apart from the above golden rule , there are a whole bunch of other ones , too . no sitting , strict break times , no saying no to pictures or autographs , etc . and so forth . so play nice and listen to em most of them are there for a reason . unfortunately , being a disney character isnt all fun and games no job is . the pay isnt phenomenal you get to dress up , isnt that incentive enough and theres a definite pecking order a la mean girls faces before furs . but many workers say that even after months or years of working there , they still feel the disney magic . at the end of the day , you are creating something beautiful for the people at the park . the children there truly believe theyre in a magical , wonderful place and they are . it can be the happiest place on earth . relish the moments you have being a part of it . you probably wont ever have another job like it |
follow the signs to the downtown disney parking areas . walk toward espn zone . | how to get to downtown disney 1 | dont park in the mickey and friends lot because it is pay and enter . the downtown disney area gives you three hours free and another few hours if you dine in a downtown disney restaurant or go to the amc movie theater there . espn zone is in the middle of downtown disney . |
plan on seeing the show in advance . do your research . consider a dining package . be prepared for crowds if youre going to a well - known spot . arrive to the event early . stay in the same area . | how to get a great seat for a disney parks evening event | usually , if you decide an hour beforehand that youre going to see a show , you will likely end up not getting a good seat , unless the park is not very busy . therefore , try to look at the schedule before your trip , or at least the day before , and decide that youre going to see the show . whether you are going to disneyland , walt disney world , or one of the other parks , research online the best places to view the name of what event youre seeing . most of the time , you will see a list of areas pop up around the park that are the best places for viewing that event . some of them may even be lesser known , so you may not deal with as big of a crowd . at some parks , some of the shows may offer a dining package , which allows you to eat at a select restaurant , and get a guaranteed seat for the event . they may be a bit more pricey , but if youre willing to spend , then do it . this is especially important if you arrive closer to the event time . you may get taller people in front of you , unfortunately , or you may have parents who put their kids on their shoulders . therefore , try to pick a good spot that has little chance of getting an obstructed view , and youll have one of the best seats . if you want the best chance of getting a good spot , plan on arriving an hour before the event , possibly even earlier if the park is more crowded on that day . if you arrive ten minutes before the event is due to start , youre a lot less likely to get a good spot . if you must leave to do something , make sure that its extremely quick , and try to have another member of your party stay in your spot while you go . |
get ready for a packed day . buy tickets early . get to the park early . take advantage of fastpasses throughout the disneyland parks , eat wisely and well . decide when to buy souvenirs . know where to find characters . plan way ahead for world of color . know when areas close . exit wisely . take breaks , only use your cell for calling , make a priority list . dont stress about money . have kids who cant go on rides | how to have the perfect day at disneyland 2 | if the crowds are thin and your energy is high , its possible to do both parks in the same day . try to arrange your schedule so that youre not constantly criss - crossing between the parks , or youll end it with some sore feet . instead of waiting in line to buy tickets at the park , buy them in advance online via disneys official tickets website . if you order early enough , you can have your tickets shipped to your house before your trip . or , you can download e - tickets and print them directly from your email . keep an eye out for deals . disney will occasionally run promotions that add an extra day to a multi - day ticket at no cost . know what youre buying . if you only want to do both parks in the same day , buy a parkhopper ticket . if you plan on parking at disneyland , you can buy your parking pass online as well . early morning is the perfect time of day at disneyland its mostly empty , temperatures are cool , and the kids are still happy . you can get fastpasses and knock out a few of the popular rides before the crowds get crazy . people start to queue up at the park gates about an hour before opening . both disneyland park and california adventure open at the same time , so pick which one youd rather do first . california adventure used to be the emptier of the two early in the day , but that might not be the case anymore with the popularity of the new cars land area . your best bet is to pick the park that has the rides you really want to go on first . california adventure does close earlier than disneyland park . if you want world of color seats , its probably a good idea to do california adventure first . more information below . the system can seem a little intimidating at first , but its easier than it looks — and worth skipping the standby lines . heres a quick discussion of how the system works you can get new fastpasses every 90 minutes . fast passes are a completely free way to get the most of your time at disneyland . dispatch someone to get your first round as soon as you walk into the park . he or she will need to take everyones park tickets along . if youre not sure when 90 minutes is up , the next time you can get fastpasses will be printed at the bottom of your most recent ones . each ride that allows fastpasses will have a little fastpass station with 4 to 8 fastpass machines to dispense the necessary fastpass ticket . you stick one ticket at a time into the machine , and it will spit out a paper fastpass below that has a one - hour window of time printed on it . they have to be used on the day you got them . once you have your fastpasses and the first time printed has passed , you walk up to the fastpass line instead of the standby line , which should be clearly marked for each ride . the person at the front will check your passes to make sure they are valid , then you hang onto them and give them to a second person at the end of the line . fastpass times are now being enforced if your ticket says 145 to 245 , you must show up between those times . some popular rides will run out of fastpasses . if you really want to fastpass a certain ride such as radiator springs , soarin over california , california screamin , or midway mania or tower of terror , do it early in the day . some of the other rides that use fastpasses will have short lines at the end of the day anyway , and you wont need fastpasses . food inside the park can be expensive , especially if youre feeding a family , though there are some unique dining experiences you can try . heres a rundown of what might work for you eat meals earlier than usual , or after the mad lunch rush of 11 a . m . to 2 p . m . and the equally mad dinner rush between 630 to 800 p . m . this way , you can go on rides while everyone is eating and avoid lines when youre ready to eat . be warned that , for california adventure , the fishermans wharf and cars land eateries have the worst lines . head over to hollywood land or paradise pier for shorter lines . for disneyland , new orleans square is the busiest hit critter country or frontierland instead . if youre eating cheaply pack lunch and dinner , and stash your meals inside a locker near the park entrance . there are plenty of tables around the park for you to sit and eat . if you do need to buy food in the park , fruit is generally cheap and portions at the fast - casual eateries are large enough to split between two people . make advance reservations for any full - service dining . there are only a few sit - down restaurants inside disneyland , such as the blue bayou and cafe orleans , but they fill up quickly . there are several more in california adventure , such as carthay circle and the wine country trattoria . if its really important to you to eat at these places , make an advance reservation with disney dining at 714 781 - 3463 . plan ahead with character dining . character dining is offered at the plaza inn disneyland , as well as ariels grotto california adventure — where costumed characters will roam the restaurant to take pictures and interact with guests as they eat . this is an easy way to get some character time if you have kids , but it tends to be expensive and fill up quickly . your best bet is to make reservations in advance at 714 781 - 3463 . as with eating , there are a few different ways to manage souvenir shopping depending on your needs . here are a few possible game plans if you want to wear the famous mouse ears or any other headgear , consider buying them at the beginning of the day so theyll be in all your photos . if youre not sure what you want , pass through a few souvenir shops during the heat of the day or when you need a break . if something catches your eye , return to buy it as you walk out of the park , so that you dont need to carry it around all day . if you have little ones and youre concerned about souvenir whining , try this trick . buy disney souvenirs less expensively online and pack them with you . the night before you go to disneyland , arrange your kids souvenirs as if mickey came and left them overnight , like santa . they already have new fun things to play with , and you dont have to worry about shopping at the park . problem solved if you have kids , seeing costumed characters is probably high on your list of things to do . though characters used to roam freely around the park , theyre now found at designated areas . heres what you need to know if you want to get character autographs , make sure you have a pen big enough for the characters to grasp — they wont be able to maneuver a small ballpoint pen as easily as a large marker . characters do still wander around california adventure , most notably in a bugs land . if you want to up your odds of running into costumed characters , though , your best bet is disneyland . see the section above for more information . if youd rather see fantasmic or the fireworks , see the shows section above for how to do so in disneyland . world of color shows exclusively in california adventure , with two shows a night during peak season and only one during the off season . if youd like to see world of color , though , heres a guide to both general seating and dining passes get a fastpass for general seating . world of color seating is divided into different areas by you guessed it colors , and the color for your area will be printed on your fastpass . grab everyones park tickets , head over to grizzly river rapids to the world of color fastpass machines , and get a ticket for each separate person . if the same color is on each fastpass , youre good to go . about an hour before world of color starts , head to the general seating area on paradise pier , where a cast member will direct you to your seating area . general admission is standing room only , so if you want to be up - close and sit down , arrive extra early . though be prepared for some splashing in the front seats do world of color dining . if you want a meal and a sure ticket for the show , you have two world of color dining options . you can pick up a picnic meal at any time during the day and get a guaranteed general seating pass with it , or eat a full - service prix fix meal with prime seating and viewing . see disneys world of color dining page for more information . the parks generally stay open later during the summer and on the weekends , closing earlier during the colder months and on weekdays . however , certain areas will close down sooner if shows are happening . heres a quick rundown on the weekends and during peak season , california adventure will close an hour before disneyland . if fantasmic is showing , tom sawyer island will shut down around sunset . if there will be fireworks , toontown will close early . fantasyland is one of the first areas of the park to shut down at the end of the night , so dont assume youll just go on the rides there once the crowds clear out . specific closing times are posted on most rides . there will be a mass exodus out of the park right after fireworks or about an hour before closing if there are no fireworks . the walk will be slow , and the lines for the tram back to the parking structure will be long . if you want to avoid the rush , you can leave halfway through fireworks or stick around until the park closes . if youre leaving through california adventure and youre at paradise pier or grizzly peak , consider taking a shortcut through the grand californian hotel . exit the park at the hotel , directly across from grizzly river rapids , walk through to the lobby , hang a right , and walk past the convention center , following the signs to downtown disney . once youre outside , turn right again to walk toward the parking tram . go back to your hotel and rest a bit . the crowds and heat can be overwhelming so its important to cool off and have a chance to get out of the park . you dont want anyone getting grumpy . using your cellphone for apps and picture taking , will burn down the battery . its important to have a working cellphone in case you and a family member or friend get separated . if youve never been to disneyland , gather everyone in your party and ask them one thing they want to accomplish while at disneyland . maybe its seeing all the character houses in toontown or going on splash mountain . that way everyone feels accomplished . while its necessary to get a little bit stressed about costs , carrying around a notepad and a calculator is not the way to go . bring your own water and food , or bring a notebook instead of buying an autograph book . if youre stressed about money all the time , no ones really focusing on fun , but how much money they can save . ask for rider switch pass while one rider waits in line , the other rider stays back and watches the kiddos . then when the rider has finished enjoying their ride . the other rider takes the past and zooms to the front of the line . |
park in the disneyland lot . take the tram to disneyland . walk toward and past the california adventure park entrance . | how to get to downtown disney 2 | , |
walk over to the tomorrowland section of the park . take the disneyland monorail from the park over to the one and only other stop on the monorail line based at downtown disney . get out and have your hand stamped at the bottom of the walkway . walk a little further out and youll be right there in the center of it all . | how to get to downtown disney 3 | , |
take a disney express bus from your resort to downtown disney . | how to get to downtown disney 4 | for resort guests , it is complimentary . for all others , it isnt , but the fee is rather minimal . |
plan ahead . arrive at disneyland . get tickets if you dont already have them . know the popular rides . find in - park transportation . get food . go shopping . be safe . watch the fantasmic show , stay for the evening . | how to enjoy a trip to disneyland | several days before you go to disneyland plan your trip , especially if you want to stay for more than a day . disneyland is a big place , but in one day you should be able to enjoy most of the parks rides and shows . nevertheless , a disney visit lasting at least two days will allow you to take a more leisurely pace , rest more when you feel like it , and enjoy your favorite attractions more than once . in any event , one day or many , a trip to disneyland will involve some planning ahead . how are you going to get to the park are you driving flying and then renting a car going with a charter tour the options are many , and you can consider them online with a vacation travel site . youll need lodging for a multi - day visit . book a hotel or motel room in advance , just to be sure youll have a place to stay . this , too , can be handled online . you can buy disneyland tickets at the gate , but you may be able to find them cheaper online , especially group and multi - day packages . airfare , car rentals and lodging can often be bundled with tickets online . even if youre going for just a day , youll want to pack up a few things the night before to bring along . this might include light jackets because most of the year southern california can be a bit chilly early in the day and in the evenings . consider bringing food , too , if you expect to bypass disneylands many wonderful eating spots . if you will have young children with you , water bottles might be a good idea . dont forget to check the disneyland website for information on seasonal hours , promotional ticket sales and special events . as you near the park , you will drive past a number of hotels and places to eat . treat yourself to breakfast before entering the park , because many eateries in disneyland dont open until lunchtime . after you park , a tram will take you to the main entrance . across from disneyland is the california adventure theme park , which is suggested for older children and adults , since most rides there require a certain height . you can buy a park - hopper ticket and visit both parks in the same day more than once if you like . grab a couple of park maps at the entrance . these will prove invaluable as you navigate through the park . if you forget to get a map at the entrance , theyre available in other locations . the map will help you find your way to disneylands most popular rides , including the matterhorn , space mountain , splash mountain , finding nemo submarine voyage , and big thunder mountain railroad . these attractions are spread out through the park , and it may be a good idea to ride on them early in the day before the lines get really long . thats where the map comes in handy , allowing you to find those rides quickly and systematically rather than wasting time wandering haphazardly through the park . most of the popular rides permit use of fastpasses . these will help you avoid long waits in line , but you need to be pretty organized to make full use of them . whether you use fastpasses or not , the earlier in the day you make it to the most popular rides , the shorter and less frustrating the lines will be . the one exception is after the evening fireworks . more on that later . if you dont want to do a lot of walking or if you have younger children with you , there are many modes of transportation you can use to get around the park faster . one of them is the disneyland railroad . this steam - powered train travels around the perimeter of the park , stopping at stations in or near each of the parks main sections . it also passes through the primeval world diorama , a special hit with dinosaur - loving youngsters . there are other public conveyances , particularly the buses , trolleys and horse - drawn wagons traversing main street . disneyland offers a wide variety of places to eat . try to have lunch before noon because after that , hordes of hungry people will descend on every restaurant , cafe and snack wagon . as for the evening meal , eat before six because the dinner hour can also be very crowded . if youre just looking for a small snack , there are food stands located throughout the park offering popcorn , cotton candy , french fries and lots more . youll find it hard to leave disneyland without buying a few souvenirs . youll notice many of the same items in different stores , so if you missed something you liked in adventureland , you can just buy it later on main street . in fact , its a good idea to buy your souvenirs at the end of the day while leaving the park via main street so you dont have to lug them around all day . main street has a lot of brand - name stores with everything from hats and clothing to jewelry and toys . if youre looking for an item related to a specific attraction , try the shops nearest that attraction . for example , if youre looking for a captain jack sparrow pirate hat , try looking in a shop near the pirates of the caribbean ride in new orleans square . throughout the park youll find shops that carry sundries such as camera batteries , sunscreen and over - the - counter medications . while disneyland is a safe place for the whole family , a few common - sense precautions are in order . when you first enter the park , choose a meeting spot for your whole party to re - assemble in the event of separation . make sure any children in your group know how to find that meeting place . since the park is big , its not hard to get a bit lost . you can always ask a park employee including the disney characters for help in getting your bearings . one especially tricky time is right after the fantastic fireworks show in the evening . many folks will be heading for the exit , and it may feel a little like a stampede . this is a good time to secure your kids and stand aside . or just go on a ride and let the crowds move out of the park before you do the same . of course , youll want to keep an eye on your younger kids all day long dont let them go anywhere alone , whether its bathrooms , shops or rides . its really not hard to get lost even if youre in a big party . this is particularly true after the fireworks when so many people leave at once . this may be the best part of the whole day the hour - long show takes place at the great rivers of america in new orleans square and is designed so that you can sit anywhere and still have a great view . the show usually starts at 8 pm and ends at 9 . many people grab seats at the last minute , but thats not recommended . youll have to climb over people and squeeze into tight spots if you do . grab a seat before 730 pm . if you wait too long you may find yourself standing for the whole performance . a good spot to see the show is right across from the pirates of the caribbean ride , which will put you right in front of the action . if you have children in strollers , the strollers must be folded down by 8 pm so other guests can see the show . remember to bring picnic blankets , quilts and small pillows , as it may get chilly at night , and you may want to avoid sitting on the ground . you can store these items during the day in public lockers on main street . after the first fantastic fireworks show , which ends at 9 pm , most guests will be leaving the tidal wave of people mentioned earlier . instead of joining them in the slow walk and drive away from the park , stick around . disneyland at night is really fun , mainly because the lines are shorter this is your chance to go on the rides you missed or want to ride again . keep in mind , however , that most restaurants and shops close by 9 pm , so do your eating and shopping before then . if you go to disneyland during the fall , winter or early spring , make sure to bring warm clothing if youre planning to spend the evening , as the weather will be chilly . if you still have shopping to do , head for main streets brand - name stores , which will be open until the park closes . also , if youre not ready for the day to end and you have park - hopper tickets , head next door to california adventure for more fun . there are also plenty of places to shop , eat and be entertained in the nearby downtown disney district . |
view as many on - ride videos exist on youtube already . make sure to denote the average length of time it takes the user to travel from the entrance to the exit points , which will be different depending on how far from the entrance doors the ride starts from and stops at . search the youtube website for each individual rides name , along with the park name and the term on - ride , and youll see some of these results be returned . think in terms of the way the ride vehicle is formed . make sure to never include people talking in the background or to over - narrate the pov on - ride track video narration . visit the park with the video camera . cameras that store their videos as hard - drive files are always preferable over any other way . position the video recorder in the position youd like to record it in , while making sure to never obstruct the use of the lap - bar or safety harness in any way . begin recording once you step inside the ride vehicle and dont stop recording until your ride vehicle has come to a complete stop at the end position of the ride and the lap bar has been fully raised andor they ask you to step out onto the moving platform which most rides have . | how to get a disney park on‐ride video from a different perspective for youtube | from plain - regular rides with over the shoulder viewpoints and for those dark rides with night vision turned on , and many other differences , they all exist some place on the site . try to get a feel for whats already out there , so your video wont repeat the same information from the same viewpoint as that of all others videos . , sometimes they can also be called a pov perspective . if you should see this version , get to know that this is the type you are looking for . some of the disney rides have high backs where you cant film out back of you , meanwhile others are open air towards your back . look into taking videos from lap - level as well as other differences , that can make your video unique . put a different spin on the perspective , that other videos existent on the site yet dont contain . in essence , its a small world or the classic pirates of the caribbean ride is open air because it doesnt have something that will block the cameras view in the back , meaning you can take videos looking out back of your point of view . however , the haunted mansion has a high back , meaning it wont show anything out back of your current point of view and all the viewer would see is the back of the ride vehicle and nothing else . its always best to keep the voice as low as possible , to ensure that the viewer gets the correct relationship out of it from the narration . however , if all you have is a dvd - creation type , make sure its got enough track space to fit the complete ride on it which you should have already obtained the time - restriction information from the previewed movies before . make sure you can still get to the record and pausestop button easily . |
visit the disneyland website in your web browser . scroll down until you see a very large sitemap on the site come up . look over and click the email link in the contact us section of the page . provide your first and last name in the text - boxes that ask for them . provide a contact phone number that you can be reached at . provide your email address . skip over the reservation number if the reservation isnt related to a disney hotel . categorize your message you will be typing from the drop - down list provided . type in your question or feedback into the box labeled your question . click the send button at the bottom right corner of the page . | how to contact disneyland thru the disneyland website | , both of these boxes are mandatory although disneyland will try their hardest to try to contact you by the same form method you used to send the message originally , it is suggested to provide an alternate form of contact in case they have problems trying to get in touch with you . this step is mandatory . this is another box that is mandatory otherwise , input your reservation number in the box labeled reservation number . find this drop - down list located underneath the subject label . there are many provided , so will find a way to categorize it . be as descriptive as possible , but try to keep it succinct as not to bore the disneyland employee with too much detail - unless there was a problem in which case , feel super - free to provide lots of detail . as you scroll up , youll notice that this line stays in a static position on the page . |
understand your parents situation . determine your familys schedule . research how much it will cost for your family to go to disney world . look for discounts . make a list of arguments . prepare for your parents responses . be on your best behavior before you ask . be subtle . pick a good time to talk with them about it . ask nicely . explain why you want to go . lay out your proposed budget and schedule . discuss things about disney world that they might like . bargain with them . give them time to decide . keep your cool . keep working hard . be good . try a different strategy . accept that you might not go to disney world . | how to convince your parents to take you to disney world | before you ask your parents about taking a family vacation to disney world , you need to think about their situation and how best to approach it . you need to think about a number of different factors , including how much money your parents make and what their schedules are like . understanding your familys resources will make it much easier to develop a strong case for going to disney world . it would probably be awkward asking your parents how much money they make , so try to subtly ask them . ask them how much money they make in a month and then multiply that by twelve . it is important to understand when your family might be able to visit disney world . you will need to figure out your parents work schedules and determine the best time to plan your trip . ask your parents how much vacation time they get from their work and then calculate a time that would work for everyone . find a time that works and make sure there are no conflicts . find a time that does not conflict with any other family events like weddings or birthdays . it is unlikely that your parents would skip a family gathering over a trip to disney world . go online and try to figure out how much a trip to disney world would cost . visit the disney world website and calculate how much it would cost to book a trip through them . you can also use other websites , like hotels . com and priceline , to find places that might be cheaper . having a rough budget will make it easier for you to sell the trip to your parents . how much will it cost for everyone to travel there how much will hotel rooms for everyone cost how much will it cost to feed everyone each day what is the entrance fee for disney world and how much will that cost your family be sure that you do not actually book a trip to disney world . your parents will be very upset and it will likely end your efforts to go there . there are ways to visit disney world that are cheaper than others . you can stay at off - site hotels that are much cheaper than those at the resort . try to find cheap flights to orlando and plan out meals that are not expensive . planning a budget trip will likely impress your parents and make them more inclined to say yes to the trip . be sure to buy your disney world tickets before you get to the park . they are much cheaper if you buy them in advance . look for discounted tickets online . there are many ways to buy cheap disney world tickets . lay out all of the reasons why you think your family should visit disney world . be specific about what attractions you want to see while you are in orlando . try to think about reasons for going that your parents might approve of . if you are honest with your parents about why you want to go they will be more likely to see your point of view . think about any reasons , besides the attractions , for why you want to visit disney world . do you want to spend more time with your family include that in your list . are your siblings interested in going to disney world as well include why that might want to go . does your family have a special attachment to a certain disney character or film if so , explain how important seeing a character or an attraction related to the film will be for your family . mentally prepare yourself for your parents response and understand that there is a strong likelihood that they will say no . disney world is extremely expense , even if you take the trip on the cheap , and their initial reaction will likely be negative . do not let this discourage you , be positive and sell you argument positively . in the time before you decide to talk to your parents about going to disney world , be on your absolute best behavior . do all of your chores , get good grades , and be nice to your siblings . do extra work around the house by helping out your parents with things like mowing the lawn and shoveling snow . when it comes time to ask about going to disney world you want to be in your parents good graces . this will make them more likely to see your proposal favorably . this strategy will likely take some time . start helping out more months before you ask . if you are only on your best behavior for one day before you talk to your parents , it is unlikely that they will be much influenced . ask your parents how you can help out more around the house or what chores you can perform . try to indirectly let your parents know that you want to go to disney world . subtlety can be an excellent way to get your parents thinking about the trip . try wearing a disney shirt once a week or watch disney cartoons more regularly . play your favorite disney music and quote lines from your favorite films . this will not only get the idea in your parents heads , but it will also make it easier to pitch your idea to them because they will already be thinking about it . you could also drop little comments like , it sure would be nice to see goofy in person or i wonder what it would be like to be in the jungle book . try not to overdo the disney stuff . you do not want to burn out your parents on it . think about your parents schedule and find a time that they will be in a good mood to hear your vacation pitch . catching your parents in a good mood will be key to getting them onboard with your trip . avoid times when your parents are tired or stressed . instead ask them when they are relaxed and in a good mood . wait until after the next major holiday to ask your parents about the trip . they may surprise you with a trip and you will not have to ask them for one . avoid asking them immediately before or after they get home from work . they will likely be tired and stressed out . try asking them on the weekend when they will be relaxing and more open to your suggestion . if you want your parents to take your proposal seriously , you need to be polite when you talk to them . do not be pushy or demanding about going on the trip . if you throw a fit and act kind of bratty it is unlikely that your parents are going to say yes . be on your absolute best behavior when proposing you disney world trip . try saying things like , can we please go to disney world and i would be very grateful if we visited disney world . remember the old saying that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar . lay out the list of reasons why you want to go to disney world . explain what attractions you are really interested in and why you think the family should take the trip . be specific and try to highlight things that will appeal to the whole family and not just you . although there are some things you are excited to see , you need to remember that this is a family trip and needs to appeal to everyone . if you have them , bring in your siblings to help you sell the trip . there people supporting the trip the better . play to their sentimentality and talk about the priceless memories that you can make as a family . say something like , it has always been my dream to see mickey mouse and goofy or that you think a family vacation would help you create memories that you would have for the rest of your life . demonstrate to your parents that you are responsible by laying out the research you conducted on how much a trip might cost . it does not have to be an exact budget but have something prepared that will give your parents an idea of what the expenses are of going to disney world . be sure to have an estimate of all of the expenses , including travel , hotel , food , and tickets . point out attractions at disney world that might appeal to your parents interests . if one of your parents is a sports fan , talk about the espn wide world of sports . emphasize that there is disney childcare if they would like a night to themselves . find something to hook your parents and bring it up . figure out your parents interests before you propose the trip . if your parents like horses , you propose a trip to disney world by saying something like , i know that you love horses , and guess what at disney world , you can ride horses on the beach offer to do more chores or improve your grades if they take you on a trip to disney world . your parents might more open to taking a trip to disney world if they know that you are willing to work for it . find out if there is something that your parents would really like you to do for the trip , and agree to do it . you can also try to do better in school . this might convince your parents that you deserve to go to disney world . if you have not been doing well in school , you can tell your parents that you will try especially hard for a trip to disney world . it is unlikely that your parents will say yes to your proposal right away . they are going to need some time to decide whether or not they have the time and money for a trip to disney world . do not constantly pester your parents about their decision . if they get annoyed with you it will be easier for them to say no . mark a date on your calendar that is a few weeks to a month after you talk to them and do not revisit the subject until then . keep being on your best behavior in the meantime . its only going to help your cause . if your parents shoot down your proposal try to stay calm and not get too emotional . although it is extremely disappointing , its important to not get upset . talk with your parents about why they said no and try to see things from their point of view . this will help you deal with the disappointment and move on . keeping clam will tell your parents that you are mature enough for a trip like this in the future . just because you are not going to disney world does not mean you should quit doing well at school and at home . you need to understand that you are playing the long game and , by being good , you are setting yourself up for a future trip . keep demonstrating how mature you are and your parents will reward you . keep doing well in school . you might be able to go to disney world as part of a school trip . if you get upset about your parents shooting you down , it might be tempting to lash out against them and your siblings . resist the urge to be mean to your parents and other family members . this will only show them that you are not mature enough for a trip to disney world and shut down the possibility of a future trip . if you are mad about your parents decision , talk to them about it . it is important to remember that your parents are not trying to be mean . they just want to do what is best for your family . if your strategy to convince your parents fails , try another one . if you only tried to sell them on cool attractions , mention things that they might like next time . keep thinking of new ways to sell them on disney world . be persistent but do not bug your parents . if they get annoyed with your constant pestering they will keep saying no . one of lifes many constants is disappointment and it is important that you learn how to deal with it . if your parents tell you that you are not going to disney world , you need to accept that fact . think about why you wanted to go to disney world and what that means . you might find that you never really wanted to go to disney world in the first place . maybe your parents will take you to six flags instead |
look at the parks from an educational standpoint . look at the parks from a fun - like perspective . try to compare the crowds . look for excitement in roller coasters in some parks more than others . look at the setup of each park . look towards the travel arrangements between the ticket and transportation center parking lot for the magic kingdom and the magic kingdom itself to be a comparison . look for kid - like bright cheery colors at the entrance to magic kingdom , whereas all the others tend to be less bright and more adult - like in taste . look towards the history of the parks . look for classic theme rides to exist at the magic kingdom . think in terms of parades . look towards the differences in the lot names of each theme park . dont think that by going to any one park the parking info will be any cheaper . | how to compare disney world theme parks | while both epcot is educating the viewer with real - life situations and about a persons normal environment , both disneys hollywood studios and animal kingdom both have standpoints much the same though one is focused on the movies and the other on animals . the magic kingdom is focused on educational views , but in a fantasy - faire way . while magic kingdom tends to be more fun than any of the other parks for those willing to stand the crowds , other parks can have just the same amount of fun if you know where good clean fun exists . while early magic hours takes people away from certain parks when disney expects to see massive hordes of people , it draws that out on other parks . crowds will be focused more around the younger set at both magic kingdom and animal kingdom and the older crowds at disneys hollywood studios and epcot . while each park except epcot has at least one , the park with the most thrill in their roller coaster is space mountain in the magic kingdom though some people may beg to differ . reports have been shown throughout websites and in many books including the unofficial guides books that space mountain trumps the others any day of the year and in some can sometimes be too much excitement . while epcot is set up in two moon - like circles around two famous circular shapes world showcase lagoon and the epcotspaceship earth ball , each of the other 3 theme parks have only one real central locale and has several lands traveling around the hub location . none of the others have this setup once youre through the gates , the whole park is at your fingertips just by walking no alternate forms are needed to get from the parking lot and entrance to the park itself . , while the magic kingdom is by far the oldestfirst opened in 1971 , animal kingdom opened in 1998 is by far the youngest of the 4 parks . between the haunted mansion and pirates of the caribbean and its a small world and the enchanted tiki room , theres no way to resist not going to this park on any disney world vacation . while at any given time and day parades could be yanked from the lineup , the two theme parks that dont have parades include epcot and animal kingdom one was the result of the parade being retired as of earlier 2014 and the other being the result of a retiring and non - replacement in the early 2000s . most other parks contain at least 1 parade showing , if not 2 per day . each theme park is different , but each theme parks lots are based on what the visitor is intending to see . no matter what park you use , you still have to pay the same admission fee . however , if you exit one parking lot and try to reenter another on the same day , keep your ticket and show it to the nice parking lot attendant and theyll gladly admit you to the parking lots with no additional charge show your parking lot ticket and youll be scott free to get in to two different parks on the same day . |
get out several sheets of paper and a colorful writing utensil . prepare yourself several disney parks type items . think up several rhymes that will help guide your kids to their next intended location . mention on the first clue that there is an intended special trip coming up , and that to decipher the next location , theyll have to solve a riddle that will take them all over your house . use your imagination when thinking up ideas . spread the clues from all the clue - papers all around the house . make sure you second - guess your own kids intended route - markings , after you place the clues in their intended spots . dont try to place your clues in spots where you dont want your children to be . make sure the final clue says something like what do all these clues have in common , gather your children and let them try out your scavenger hunt . | how to create a disney parks surprise scavenger hunt | youll need to create several clues to the finder to alert them to the next place where theyll find the next clue . these can include disney hats , disney park maps , disney character hats , those flashy night - lights they sell in the parks . only use stuff that is associated to the disney parks . , the key is to keep your kids minds thinking , yet still keeping them uninformed until the very end . make sure to disperse them into several rooms over long distances . if you have more than one floor , you can even have them chase up and down the stairs at times . criss - cross the notes . if you can , have the clues hit into every room of your house . check to make sure your route your kids can safely get there , without crossing into a former locations answer . a light mark of a pencil can help make sure you havent crossed into a previous locations clue a second time around . clues that are in a room , can be placed in two different spots , but make sure they are easy to get access to . this could probably be inside cabinets in the bathroom or inside a master bedroom , or wherever you decide it imperative for them not to look . that means that you are going to walt disney world you can always speak these words , if your children cant read well , or there isnt enough lighting to cover the area . youll be doing the reveal of the special trip after only a few seconds . |
plan ahead . open the disney world website in your web browser and log in with your disney id credentials . enter your resort reservation number into the website , if you are staying on disney property . link your valid disney theme park pass to your walt disney world mydisneyexperience account . click on the fastpass button on the website which is prominently displayed under the mydisneyexperience button on all disney world web pages . choose a date for which youd like to make your selections . choose the exact date youd like to make your reservations for by clicking the select button below the day header youd like to schedule tickets for . choose which family members youd like to make the arrangements for . choose a park that youd like to visit that day . recognize the types of reservations you can make at certain parks such as epcot and disneys hollywood studios . choose your 3 selections . look over each of the 4 options it gives you . click the next button when you see a schedule that look like the reservation schedule youd like to follow that day . tweak out problems on the following page . make your selections and save your selections with the save button . order a magicband disney world no longer gives out paper fastpasses using your account . use the magicband as your ticket into using this new version of fastpass called fastpass . | how to get a fastpass reservation on the mydisneyexperience website | if you are staying within the walt disney world resorts , the system will accept your reservations up to 60 days from the date of travel . if you are staying off - property in a good neighbor hotel , youll have no more than 30 days before you come , to select your fastpasses on the website . , you may also link other rooms if you need . for the correct buttons to be seen , the system wont let you add fastpass nominations until this has been entered . open up the my reservations page and click link tickets from the page that results . the will call ticket codes can be added through this method only . add in any other members of your visiting party who have valid theme park tickets for that specific day who will be traveling with you . you can order these tickets for each member of the family all at the same time click on add friends and family members to your account to add them and follow the directions on the associated page to add them from there . edit each linked users name in the list , so that the top - level user knows who has what passes on their account for that day . you can also choose to add their birthday and several other options , including adding a customizable character icon . , depending on your ticket youve linked , this date range can fall anywhere between one day to several days . click the left and right triangular arrows above the days of the week icons below . , the most popular choices are for the entire group , however , you can make individual reservations for each guest ticket holder individually . with fastpass , you can only choose reservations at one park per day . at the current time , the 4 main theme parks that disney has , have at least 1 ride that has fastpass . click the select button to select the park on the page . some parks have tiers of levels for which you must only choose one fastpass reservation and hope the line at the others are short enough if you are encouraged to take a trip on the other rides on the list . with fastpass , you can only make 3 fastpass selections at once . if you are in a park that has a tiered system of reservations for fastpass , generally , the top 3 in the first tier will be the most popular choices for which youll pick only one and then you must pick the other two . make sure the choice has a green select button to checkmark it and click the next button in the bottom left corner of the screen . each one will be different and will be based on the time slots they have available . best match will rarely work into most peoples schedule when you include naps and breaks , but it is possible in some peoples schedule . click the tab above the choices until you see the choice that potentially fits your schedule the best . look for the reservation times to ride these rides to the left of the rides iconthe rides icon tends to be represent the ride and wont ever look like a placemark symbol . , click the make changes button for each ride youd like to tweak out for that day or select the done button from the bottom left corner , if you dont need to make any other changes . you can change the attraction called the change the experience or modify the time to better suit your times . select the select button on the page underneath the select your party members label . adjust the time or change the attraction for the fastpass option . make sure the box is checked during that timeframe . click the next button to confirm your changes , from the bottom of that page . verify the changes and click the done button . , you can order other things to customize the band , but this is purely up to your taste . if you are staying offsite , enter your magic your way ticket number into the mydisneyexperience website , and enter into your account . disneyworld no longer gives out any paper tickets and only allows guests with magicbands and fastpass reservations to access their rides the same general way as the fastpass once was utilized . |
recognize that at first you can only get three fastpasses per park , per day . download and open the mydisneyexperience app from your phone . search and open the icon to the mydisneyexperience app . allow the app to access your location . sign in or create an account . tap the three bars icon from the top left - hand side of the screen . tap the fastpass button . choose choose new fastpass experiences from the dialog box unless youve chosen some for the day from the webpage or from your phone . tell disney whether or not youve bought the tickets as part of a room - package at a disney resort hotel . provide all information to link the printed ticket to your account . choose which theme park you want fastpasses for . recognize that epcot and disneys hollywood studios give fastpasses on tiers . tap the checkbox to the left of the ride youd like the fastpasses for . tap the submit button from the top right corner of the app . go on the ride at the designated time using your magicband . | how to get a fastpass reservation on the mydisneyexperience for iphone app | after you have used your first three you can book another one and then another after you have used your 4th one and so on . each new fastpass will be awarded the minute after the hour block has finished not until your window was supposed to expire . the direct link to the download page can be found at httpsitunes . apple . comusappmy - disney - experience - waltid547436543mt8 . , if you have already an account , enter your email address and your password then tap sign in . , choose either yes , i have a package with tickets or no , my tickets were purchased separately . , use the scrollbar to select the date youd like the reservations for . if you are in the park for that specific day , you might want to leave the scrollbar alone , verify the park and move to the next step on their app by hitting the next button in the top right corner . you can scan in the paper cardticket to link the tickets to your account or type in the provided information . youll only be able to receive certain amounts of rides in each tier . watch over on the right hand side the times the fastpass reservation is blocked - out for . this time gives you a one - hour window of time in which to come back to ride the ride . this window of time has never changed , and potentially wont change in the future , though you never know what disney is planning behind the scenes . , this object can be bought at a walt disney world store . magicbands are the only way to access your fastpass reservations nowadays within the parks themselves , and are definitely a useful tool when it comes to walt disney world vacations . |
call disneyland s guest services line at 714 781 - info . email the disneyland resort employees team with your questions or feedback . send a piece of mail to disneyland . | how to contact disneyland | for guests who can communicate their questions in an orderly tone , people with issues are generally asked to call this number to talk to a person to give them this questioninformation . there are other phone numbers you can use to contact them located here , but each one corresponds to a different type of response and if you dont select wisely , you could be asking for problems . theyll enjoy hearing from you . the address to disneyland that you can use to contact the team is disneyland resort , p . o . box 3232 , 1313 s . harbor blvd , anaheim , ca 92803 - 3232 . . |
Subsets and Splits