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always utilize library furniture for studying and reading never rearrange library furniture or use it for napping or sleeping . library restrooms should be never be used for showering or washing your clothes . always refrain from entering the library if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs . proper clothing should be worn at all times and you should never remove socks or shoes to make yourself more comfortable . be respectful of space in other words , be modest with desk and seating space without widely scattering your study materials or belongings . | how to act in a library 4 | , |
check the return date on borrowing . pace yourself . use the library receipt with the return date marked on it as a bookmark . get a calendar . borrow with a friend . leave the book where you absolutely know you can see and find it . check your library account like clockwork . get transport help . return the book on time to avoid the fine . | how to avoid library fines | if this isnt clear , ask the librarian . just taking notice of this is important , as it settles deep inside your subconscious as a reminder . you have to read at a pace thats good for you . even if you did pace yourself and still need some more time , just renew the book next time think about reading a little more each night . when youre too lazy to read one day , then make up those missed pages the next day , so you always are on track that will help you to remember when its return time . mark when the book is overdue , so that its impossible to miss the return date . if you have a cell phone , set a reminder there too , just to be extra safe . go with a friend to the library , if you want read the same book . or get a different book that has close to the same amount of pages . make sure that you both have the same overdue dates . you guys can read together and tell each other your point of view about the respective book . for example , on your bedside table , or in your schoolbag it depends if you need the book for school or if it is just for leisure . this way , you will always see the book . if you have it in your schoolbag or other bag , make sure you dont leave it at school in a classroom or at work on your desk . this could cause you to lose the book , and gain an even larger fine . set a regular weekly time to look up your library account online , to see what books you have checked out and when theyre due back . that way , youll always be across the due dates and know whats coming up for return shortly . if you dont have a ride , walk , ask a friend , or take a bus . the staff will remember you and you will start to like going there again . |
swipe down from the top of your kindle fire screen . tap the sync button . wait for your kindle fire to finish syncing . check for the synced files . | how to sync kindle fire 1 | this will bring up the quick settings toolbar . tapping this button will begin the syncing process . you do not need to be online to schedule a sync , but the kindle fire will not download any information while it is offline . a sync made offline will automatically be performed once the device connects to the internet . the sync icon will spin while it loads to indicate that its currently fetching data . when the process is complete , the sync icon will stop spinning . go back to your home screen and check for the ebooks , videos , or app downloads from amazon . |
go to the amazon manage your content and devices page . click the settings tab . select on in the dropdown menu under the device synchronization header . | how to sync kindle fire 2 | you will be prompted for your amazon login information . this will take you to a page of your digital purchases . you can remove , loan , clear the page - read data , or manually download a title by pressing the . button next to a purchase . manually transfer your purchases by connecting your kindle to your computer via usb . press . and select download and transfer via usb . select your device from the dropdown list and press download . you can use this to get your purchases if you do not have wifi but you do still need a working internet connection on your computer to access the site . this will take you to a list of your kindle account - specific settings . this will set all of your devices linked to your amazon account to sync to readingviewing progress of the last one in use . annotations , bookmarks , and highlights will also be synced across devices . you can also turn on automatic book update from the menu below to get the latest changes to the digital edition of your books . make sure whispersync is enabled first to ensure your annotations are not lost with the update . |
make a sign that has something that proves twilight sucks . complain about how the shape - shifters werewolves are in the books . realize what a terrible character bella is . admit that edward is a controlling , arrogant brat . discuss overuse of dictionaries . terrible character development . plot holes . also , note that all the women in these books depend on their boyfriends , or husbands , for everything . meyers descriptive appearance matches bellas perfectly . the werewolves are pedophiles . bella is unnaturally obsessed with edward . j . k rowlings books , theme is saving the world . also note , that the books , 1 . drugs , 2 . rape , 3 . dropping out of high school , to name a few things . | how to act like an anti twilighter | it can be a protest sign , or something that says how much twilight sucks . e . g . vampires dont sparkle in the sunlight , they die . this is the most popular protest they have about meyers books . but , go with your own , or write fan - fictions about how much it sucks . like , how they imprint on bellas baby in breaking dawn . and complain about how werewolves turn into wolves when there is a full moon , not when they become angry . also , complain about how dull and boring bella is . she is a one - faced character , and her life is boring . also , confront the book by also complaining about how much of a whiny , bratty , picky , clingy , brat she is . she mocks her own friends . when she first meets jacob , she uses his crush on her to coldly manipulate him for information . why does every boy like her on the first day of school he forced bella into having them get married , emotionally abuses her and makes her feel bad . he breaks the car down so she cant see jacob , or wont let her be around her friends . bella does not get a say in most decisions . she is nearly an adult , yet he and his family consult her no more often than one would consult a toddler . when edward leaves bella , she is devastated for months . why does nobody take her to a doctor for depression treatment , or question the health of the relationship if edward fears he cannot control himself around bella , why does he keep toying with her how much did he really value her life this is the most dangerous aspect of the twilight series it tells women and girls that abusive relationships are acceptable and desirable . meyers books always have big words in a sentence , but the outcome never makes sense at all . meyers books always somewhat have terrible character development . was she rushing to get the books done who knows . these books characters never have great behavior . this books are filled with plot holes . they never seem to make sense . this is yet another one of the biggest complaints about these books . meyer makes all the women in her books weak . even leah . is it really okay for her husband to hurt her so badly it leaves a scar if its true love , why didnt he control his temper more carefully , imprinting on a 3 year old , or even a newborn baby it isnt true love they love each other for their looks or smell . stephenie meyer teaches how important having a boyfriend is . |
check out a book . check out – lots of other stuff . get connected to the internet . join targeted reading groups . treat your local library as the place that expands your horizons and keeps you well informed . encourage your children spend time discovering the library on a regular basis . start a business using the help of your local library . consider volunteering at the library . | how to use a public library | sure , they still loan out books , albeit with a few twists . for example , youll find its easier to get a copy of what youre looking for through better systems that allow for inter - library borrowing from libraries elsewhere , broadening the opportunities for locating all titles . moreover , many public libraries are now providing access to books in electronic form . you may not even have to visit the library beyond an initial visit to join but can sit back at home and search for electronic books , key in your library number and password and enjoy the materials on your laptop , ipad or ereader . in the united states and some other jurisdictions , libraries are now tied in together , all the local county branches , as well as any community college or other libraries located in the county . just do a title search on the library computer for any titles not physically there , put in an e - request , and magic library gnomes deliver your request to your branch in a couple of days . genius . the library is now a multimedia zone , brimful of information in as many formats as formats have been created . if you think its all about books , you really havent been to the library in ages . you can borrow movies on dvds , music on cds , most popular magazines and some libraries even loan out toys and games . if the magazine you want isnt in stock , ask about the possibility of getting it in . if theyre keeping a list of requests , it may happen once there are enough requests for it . ask about online subscriptions to newspapers . this will get you around the subscription payments for a number of newspapers online and still ensure you access to your preferred reads . online subscriptions can include journals , articles , newspapers , magazines , reports , booklets , ebooks , legislation , local ordinances or regulations , property information , templates or precedents for legal and other documents and more . another source of library information includes readers advisories – these are created by librarians who will recommend new booksauthors for you based on what you tell them you enjoy reading . there will often be lists of subject areas that you can collect for free . it would be hard to find a library without a computer nowadays and most of them will provide some form of internet access , whether free or paid by time slots . you may need to use your library card for time on or simply purchase slots of time – ask the librarian for details . just be sure to heed the usual copyright rules and dont download anything that is illegal because that will just get your library into trouble and could lead to restricted or no internet access , which would be really sad . as well as surfing online , you may be able to take online classes through the library . the library may even run its own online classes in certain subject areas – ask them . and if youre skilled in some area , maybe you can teach one to help other library visitors learn something new . you can also access a local library system online now , from your home or smartphone , to check for availability of resources , and put them on hold , or to order titles from other libraries in that same system , and many other functions that might have previously required your physical presence at the library . libraries will often hold reading group sessions targeted to the very young through to the senior citizen . in particular , you might find it really helpful to drop off a toddler for a half hour reading group while you sit quietly in a corner with a good book or perhaps youre wanting to learn a language or improve your english esl , english as a second language and there are language groups happening that you could join . if you have difficulties reading or youre blind , ask about special reading opportunities for dyslexia , adult reading learners and braille as your library might be able to accommodate them . as well as reading groups , libraries often offer other groups including craft , art , bookmaking , computer classes , open source and wiki discussions , learning about other cultures , foods , etc . environmental awareness , games and more . the library is a place where you can amble along at your own pace and read in a quiet corner or study amid a busy hub of students . the library is like a place of refuge whatever stage your life is at – its a place to learn about anything at all whether youre going through a transition , finding a job , learning specific subjects , wanting to understand about your body and health , looking for new recipes and ways to keep house , getting diy answers , learning about pets , discovering volunteer opportunities abroad , sinking into fiction , flipping through the latest fashions , and so forth . the beauty of the library is that it can always help to open up your world and opportunities by providing you access to information that is quality , varied and comes with a friendly helper in the form of the librarian . ask about lunchtime or other seminars held or hosted by the library . many libraries invite speakers and authors to come and talk about a topic they know well and its usually for free . this can be a great way to catch up on the latest information about things that interest you . while the internet provides ample opportunities for exploration and retrieval of information , much of what is online is of dubious origin and accuracy . the library is the place where you can find a guide to your internet searches , including help on how to search online more effectively and finding ways to cut through the inexpert online advice to pinpoint which information online is trustworthy – its as easy as asking your librarian to help . children who grow up loving books , information and all the other things a library has to offer are children who will be reassured that they can find answers to the questions they have through life by researching it for themselves . the sooner they feel comfortable searching for and absorbing information , the more likely they will be to embrace lifelong learning and the benefits that this assures them for a solid future . and be sure to let them see you enjoying the library too – that will impact them positively . see how to teach your young child about the library and how to raise a child who loves to read for more ideas . if youre out of work or youre an already keen entrepreneur , your local library can become a launch space for your own business . you can find information on starting a small business or running a business in your library in the form of books and online information , plus many libraries will help you with locally supplied information about business management shared through chambers of commerce , business bureaus and government entities . some libraries will hold courses on small business matters , too and some libraries may even be able to rent out office space by the hour if you need somewhere to meet new clients . ask your local librarian to find out whats available to you . many libraries will offer printing , faxing and database services that can be helpful to a person just starting up a new business . if there are volunteer opportunities available and youre interested in library work , teaching or the sharing of information resources , a volunteer role might be just the thing youre looking for to become involved in library or information work . find out what opportunities are available and if there arent any , perhaps suggest some , such as teaching library clients how to start a wiki or how to write an ebook . |
press and hold the power button for 20 seconds . release after the 20 seconds has passed . press and hold the power button for two seconds to turn it back on . | how to reset a nook 1 | this action should turn the nook off . a soft reset is recommended when the device becomes unresponsive or refuses to charge . this is a way to essentially refresh your nook . upon start up of the nook , you should find it functioning properly again . br should the device continue to be unresponsive , you will need to consider other methods of troubleshooting , such as a factory reset . |
switch on your kobo . connect the kobo to a computer . view files in kobo . find the windows desktop installer . install the desktop installer . | how to set up kobo 1 | press and hold the power button located at the top - right corner of the reader to turn it on . once the reader is switched on , get the usb cable included in the package when you purchased it and connect the smaller end to the micro usb port located at the bottom of the reader . take the other end of the cable and plug it to any usb port on your computer . once the windows computer detects the kobo reader , an auto - run window will appear on the screen . select open folder to view files from the auto - run window to view the files inside the reader . inside kobos file folder , youll find a folder named desktop installer , which contains the installer for the kobo desktop application for computers . open desktop installer and inside youll see another folder named windows . open the windows folder and inside youll find the desktopinstaller . exe file . double - click on this file to launch the windows installation wizard , which will install the kobo desktop application on your windows computer . once the kobo desktop application has been installed , your kobo is all set and you can now start copying e - books and documents to your kobo reader using the desktop application . |
consider whether you want to complete the hard reset . press and hold the power button for 20 seconds . press and release the power button to restart your nook . allow it to start up completely before trying to use it . remove the nooks battery , as an alternative option to steps 2 and 3 above . leave the battery out of the device for 10 seconds . restart your nook . press and release the power button to restart it and allow it to boot up complete before trying to use it . | how to reset a nook 2 | a hard reset is different from a factory reset in that it does not completely wipe your nook of your content and data . it is only recommended in the following scenariosyour nook is not charging . your nook is unresponsive but powered on . you are asked to perform a hard reset by a customer service professional . use a watch , timer , or clock to help you track the time . when 20 seconds pass , release the power button . this is another way to do a hard reset on your nook 1st edition . after 10 seconds pass , replace the batter in the nook . |
consider whether you really need or want to do a factory reset . connect to a wi - fi network . tap settings from the home menu . from here , you will be able to access the settings that will allow you to begin the process of doing a factory reset on your nook 1st edition . go to devices , and then tap unregister your nook . once you confirm this step , your account and information will be unregistered from the nook . click confirm to unregister your nook . as of now , your nook has been cleared of your registration and account . tap reset to factory settings . register your nook again by following the on - screen prompts . this applies only if you are keeping your nook and had to do a factory reset to resolve a software issue . | how to reset a nook 3 | this process reverts your nook to factory settings , so you will lose all data saved to it . this is likely what you want to do if you are selling your nook , but if that is not your plan , only do this if you are advised by a professional that you have no other option . it is recommended that if you are keeping the device , you back up your files before resetting to factory settings . the easiest way to do this is to download the nook reading app to your pc . the app will then sync with your nook when you log into your account , thus storing your nook library on your pc . you can find the app in apples app store , in google play , and in windows store . you cannot complete a factory reset without being connected to a wi - fi network . it is best to connect to your own private network , but it can be done on a public network , as the information should be encrypted by barnes and nobles system . after this , you will have to confirm twice . once the process completes , your nook will be completely cleared of all of your content and settings . it will be as it was the day you purchased it . |
think about whether you truly need to do a factory reset . connect to a wi - fi network . select the home , or n , button on your nook . this will bring up the quick navigation menu from which you will navigate into your settings . push settings in the quick navigation bar . once you are in the settings menu , you will be able to start the process of performing the factory reset . tap device information in the settings menu . the option to reset your nook to factory settings is inside this sub - menu . click erase deregister device . register your nook again by following the prompts that appear after it resets . this applies only if you are keeping your nook and had to do a factory reset to resolve a software issue . | how to reset a nook 4 | doing so resets your nook to factory settings , so you will lose all data saved to it . this is a standard procedure if you are selling your nook , but if you are keeping your nook , only do this if you are advised by a professional that you have no other option . if you are keeping your nook , it is recommended that you back up your files before resetting to factory settings . the easiest way to do this is to download the nook reading app to your pc . the app will then sync with your nook when you log into your account , thus storing your nook library on your pc . you can find the app in apples app store , in google play , and in windows store . you cannot perform a factory reset without being connected to a wi - fi network . it is best to connect to a private network , but it can be done on a public network , as the information should be encrypted by barnes and nobles system . then , you will confirm this selection by tapping reset nook . at this point , your nook should go through the process of restoring to its original factory settings . all of your settings and content will be removed from the device . |
determine whether a factory reset is necessary . connect to a wi - fi network . pull down the notifications panel from the top of the tabs screen . this involves a simple swipe downward with your finger from the very top of the screen . tap the settings icon , which looks like a gear . select backup and restore in the left panel that appears . from here , you will be able to go on to the next step of officially beginning the process to factory reset your tab . click factory data reset in the right panel that appears next . | how to reset a nook 5 | doing so reverts your nook to factory settings , so you will lose all data you had saved to it . this is expected if you plan to sell your nook , but if you are not selling it , only do this if you are advised by a professional that you have no other option for fixing a problem . if you are keeping it , it is recommended that you back up your files before resetting to factory settings . the easiest way to do this is to download the nook reading app to your pc . the app will then sync with your nook when you log into your account , thus storing your nook library on your pc . you can find the app in apples app store , in google play , and in windows store . on the samsung galaxy tab 4 nook , doing a factory reset will reset the entire tablet , not just your nook account . this means that your samsung account and any other accounts , settings , and content on your galaxy tab will be lost when you factory reset . you cannot perform a factory reset without being connected to a wi - fi network . it is best to connect to your private network . once you have navigated into the settings menu , you then need to click on the general option . then , complete the process by tapping reset device . your device will go through the process of restoring to factory settings , erasing all of your content and settings from it . |
switch on your kobo . connect the kobo to a computer . open the kobo e - reader shortcut . find the mac desktop installer . create a kobo disc image . open the kobo desktop application . | how to set up kobo 2 | press and hold the power button located at the top - right corner of the reader to turn it on . once the reader is switched on , get the usb cable included in the package when you purchased it and connect the smaller end to the micro usb port located at the bottom of the reader . take the other end of the cable and plug it to any usb port on your computer . once your mac detects the kobo reader , a shortcut icon labeled koboereader will appear on your desktop . double - click on this icon to open and view its contents . inside kobos file folder , youll find the desktop installer folder , which contains the installer for the kobo desktop application for computers . open desktop installer and inside youll see another folder named mac os x . open the mac os x folder and inside youll find a mac installer file named desktop installer . double - click on the desktop installer file to create a kobo disc image on the desktop . click on the finder app from the application dock on the bottom part of the screen to open it . on the finder window , click on applications listed below places on the left menu panel , then click and drag the kobo disc image on the desktop inside the applications folder . you can now open the kobo desktop application on your mac computer by launching it from the applications folder . your kobo is all set , and you can now start copying e - books and documents to your kobo reader using the desktop application . |
to begin with , get one of the gadgets on which you can read e - books . get some e - books to read . the whole concept of ebooks is changing daily , so some of what is provided here might be out of date even as you read it . look for freeware . if you are an author , an e - book collection of your own work is easy to maintain , and is convenient . | how to start reading ebooks | if you already have a smartphone or tablet , youre set . all you need is a suitable app with which to read your e - books . you can also read e - books right on your desktop or laptop . there are programs that will allow you to read your e - book right on your old - time computer . in fact , if your browser is firefox by mozilla , there is a plugin you can download which lets you read certain types of e - books right in the browser . amazon sells thousands of e - books in their kindle store . if you own an android phone or tablet , they will usually have an android app for getting kindle books , and reading them if you dont , amazon certainly makes sure you have every opportunity for downloading one for free . you must establish an amazon account for which you only need an e - mail addressthe free kindle apps are perfectly good , but developers are constantly marketing improved apps which you have to buy for a very modest sum , in 2013 anyway that give you additional features . kindle apps are available essentially for free for iphones and ipads . your kindle book collection can be downloaded into your kindle reader , or your phone , or your tablet or your computer , but they maintain a copy for you on their website of every book you buy from them . these are available anywhere you can get an internet connection . your kindle library is in the cloud , as they say these days . barnes and nobles nook app is on verizon phones , and can be installed for free on android tablets . iphones and ipads too , have nook reader apps . on the barnes and noble website which we will abbreviate to bn there is a page dedicated to their nookable offerings , called the nook store . again , you have to set up an account with the website . when you buy an e - book from there , it is placed on a list they maintain for you called your nook library . on the plus side , your nook library is also maintained in the cloud , and you can get your book if youre visiting friends , if you can borrow a computer with an internet links , and a browser . at the moment , you can only read certain books on the browser , using bns proprietary cloud reader . the gutenberg project named for the inventor of movable type , johannes gutenberg is a non - profit organization that has begun the process of putting public domain books of all sorts on the internet . books in plain language are the easiest - - by which we mean books with only text , and no illustrations , and no complicated typography , like boxes or tables . these sorts of books are put on line in one of three different forms a plain text . this means there is only lowercase , uppercase and punctuation , and nothing like italics or boldface or anything . b html . this is the form of basic text which is found on the internet , and has in addition to plain text italics , boldface , underlining , numbered lists and bulleted lists , and hyperlinks . this enables you to click on one place in the text , and be instantly taken to another place in the text not always a good thing . c adobe pdf portable document format . this format has been around a long time , and permits very flexible formatting of a page , including graphics . the big drawback to pdf documents is that you must look at the whole page or a part of it you cannot repaginate , that is , you cannot change the size of the font , and be given a page in that font size you have to look at the page as if it were a photograph . finally , the gutenberg project provides , for some books , depub format . this is a format that is maintained by an international organization that allows essentially the same sorts of formatting as html bold , italics , etc , and allows the user to resize the font with which he or she is reading , but also permits some flexibility in formatting paragraphs and margins and so forth , which makes for a better - looking page on the screen . you can download any number of books from the gutenberg project , or indeed any organization that provides books in any of these formats , or even other formats which you can look up on wikipedia . unfortunately , you might not be able to read these e - books on either your kindle or your nook easily . but you certainly can read them on your droid , iphone , or tablet . you just have to get a general - purpose e - book reading app , of which there are many . fbreader , aldiko reader , and moon reader are three . but things change every day , and it might be possible very soon to read an e - book you got from any free source on any e - reader , including kindles and nooks . but the next few things you absolutely must do are manage your e - library , which means maintain a complete list of what you have , and ideally when and where you got them , and be able to filter your list by author , or sort it alphabetically , or by publisher , or chronologically . the kindle books by themselves , and the nook books by themselves , are managed by amazon and bn respectively , since they dont want you getting mad at them . the free books you might have got from gutenberg project or by making them yourself , you have to manage by yourself , because at least at time of writing , neither nook nor kindle are willing to host books from outside their systems in their book management . there is at least one piece of free software that focuses entirely on managing e - books , and functioning as an e - book reader , namely calibre , which is freely downloadable . it maintains your free library and even books you bought from vendors other than kindle and nook , and even helps you get your e - books into your nook , for instance , or your sony reader , or your tablet or phone . each piece of hardware reader , tablet or phone is different in how it connects with your central collection of free books on your computer , so a single method cant be provided here . there is a button you click on in the software that says device , but some work might be necessary before your device is recognized by your computer , and then by calibre . in addition , and most excitingly , calibre helps you actually make e - books from out of your very own materials . if you have a document in ms word , for instance , calibre will convert it into an e - book in epub format , which can be read practically on any device , and certainly on a smart phone , tablet , or even a nook . nook is more hospitable to side - loaded books than kindle , at this point in time . some organizations , notably smashwords , accept writing in e - book form which must satisfy certain style guides , maintained on the smashwords site , and will undertake to market your work for you , if you establish a contract with them . |
download the nook reading app to your computer . download a copy of the e - book you want to copy onto your sd card to your computer . archive the books on your nook you want to transfer to the sd card . plug your nook into your computers usb port . drag and drop files from your computer to your sd card . disconnect your nook from the computer . | how to put nook books on sd card 1 | install the nook software to your pc or mac computer . sign into your nook account using the same login information you use on your nook device . you cannot directly move files from the nook memory to the sd memory using your nook . you must use the computer as a proxy to transfer the files between the two storage partitions . after you have transferred the files you can delete the books from your computer so as not to take up unnecessary memory space . archiving the books will move them off of the memory of your nook . you will still have access to these books as a part of the cloud to download later if you wish . you should now have a downloaded copy of the book saved on your computers hard drive and not on the memory of the nook . this step prevents you from having two copies of the book on the nook memory and sd card memory . use the usb cable that came with the nook device to connect the nook to the computer . wait for the computer to recognize that the nook has been connected . open the documents folder on your computer where the downloaded e - books are stored . open the drive for your nook device . you should see two folders , one labeled nook for the nook memory and another for the sd card . click on the folder for the sd card in the nook drive window . select the digital files of the books you want to copy to your sd card and copy them onto the sd card memory . you can select multiple files at a time and have the computer copy them all to the sd card , or you can choose books one by one . after transferring the files , stop the link between the nook and the computer . when the link has been stopped , remove the usb cable connecting the devices . on a pc , click on the safely remove hardware option in the lower right corner of the screen . mac users should drag the nook drive to the trash to stop the connection . |
power off your nook tablet . this is an option that saves you the time of tapping through various screens and selecting different options , as you do in the methods above . hold the power button and the home button n simultaneously . release the power and home buttons . choose to continue or exit . decide again to continue or exit . complete the process of restoring your device to factory settings . | how to reset a nook 6 | this method will not work for the samsung galaxy tab 4 nook . together , these buttons will start to reboot your nook once it has powered down . wait to release the buttons until about 2 - 3 seconds after the following message appears on the screen n – contains reader® mobile technology by adobe systems incorporated . your nooks screen may blink before displaying a message asking whether you want to reset your device to the factory default settings . press power to exit , or press home to continue . a new message will appear on your screen asking if you are sure and explaining that you will lose all content on your device . press power to exit , or press home to continue . you can re - register and set up your device when you are done , if you are keeping it . |
open the settings option on your nook . choose the storage management option . change the default storage option to sd card . | how to put nook books on sd card 2 | from your nook device , access the settings by tapping the quick settings icon . select all settings to get access to the general settings for your device . from this tab you will be able to see the device storage capacity . if you have an sd card formatted to your nook it should appear in this tab as well . choose the storage type that you want to change and select sd card . your nook will now save files to your sd card instead of to your nook device . you will have to manually change the settings back if you want to save files directly to your nooks memory again . |
buy a microsd card . open the back of your nook . locate the microsd space . slide the microsd card into the slot . format the microsd card to your nook . | how to put nook books on sd card 3 | you need to buy a microsd card or a microsdhc card . these are the sd cards that will work with the nook . the sd card should be 16gb or 32gb for maximum memory storage . locate the usb port on your nook and carefully use a fingernail or thin tool to pop the grey back of your nook away from the usb port . then , gently slide your finger around the nook popping the entire back plate off of the nook . power off the nook before opening the back of the device . next to the nooks battery , there is a metal rectangle with the words microsd printed above it . this is the space you will install the microsd card into . use your fingernail to gently push the microsd card into the storage slot . do not force or bend the sd card to get it to go into place . if the card does not fit , make sure you have a microsd card and not a standard or minisd card . you may receive a message when you turn on your nook that the sd card is not formatted to the device . if so , you must format the card to be able to use it . tap the format now option to format the card . formatting an sd card will remove any files that were stored on it previously . |
get a library card . check materials out . ask a librarian . visit the library website . use online resources . go for a visit . explore the public art , galleries , or other displays that are part of many public libraries . use public computers . attend library events . boost your job search . volunteer . | how to make the most of your public library | this is the first and most important step , but its generally easy and free . you may need identification or proof of residence . if youre not sure , call the library or visit the library website ahead of time . while youre inquiring , be sure to check on library hours , too . if you live too far outside an area , you may not be eligible for a library card , but in most cases , you can still visit public libraries without one , and use materials and resources while on - site . many libraries offer kids their very own library cards , with a parents permission . its a great way to encourage kids to read . libraries have books , of course , but many have other media , including magazines and newspapers , cds , dvds , audio books , and e - books . some even lend such things as art prints , tools , and seeds . librarians are professionals trained at finding information . they can help you find resources , online and off , on just about any topic . youll find news , information , and announcements . many library websites let you check for books in the catalog , and even request or reserve them . many libraries subscribe to research databases , online repositories of magazine and journal articles , online lessons and classes , e - books , music services , and much more . a librarian can suggest resources for you and help get you started using any technology that is not familiar . many public libraries have places to sit and read , as well as group study or conference rooms . , some public libraries even circulate laptops or e - readers . or , use your own device with a public connection . find out if your library has classes , workshops , talks , author readings , concerts , story time for kids , or other events . pick out some that sound fun or useful , and show up . most cost nothing . research prospective companies , use library computers , attend library programs , find help writing resumes and cover letters and dont forget to network . librarians can help you find great resources . its not required , but youll learn more about your library . its also a great opportunity to meet other library users and supporters in your community . |
download calibre . install the program . launch calibre . add books . select books . view books . sort books . select a book . view details . open a book . read the book . select books . remove books . confirm deletion . | how to manage ebooks with calibre on windows | go to httpcalibre - ebook . com and click the download calibre button . you will be brought to a next page with all the available versions or platforms of the software . click the windows logo to download calibre for windows . double - click on the setup file and let the program install . after the installation , double - click on the program to launch it . the program can be accessed from the start menu or from the shortcut on your desktop . from the header menu , click the add books button from the far left . a dialog box will appear with your windows file directory . navigate through the folders and select the books you want to load with calibre . you can select various file types of ebooks . click the open button to add the selected books . all the added books will be listed and categorized in the middle section of the software . you can sort all the books by clicking on the column titles . you can choose from title , author , date , size , rating , tags , series , publisher , and published . from the list of books , click on the title you want to view . if the selected book has metadata , they will be displayed on the right panel . the book cover , if available , will also be displayed there . to read a book , you must open it first . double - click on a book title , and calibres e - book viewer will launch together with the selected book . you can now start reading the book . theres a toolbar on the left side for quick access to certain commands you may need when reading . if youre just doing a basic sequential read , simply scroll up and down to move through the pages . from the list of books , select the ones youd like to remove by clicking on them . from the header menu , click the remove books button . its the one with the recycle icon . a confirmation dialog box will appear to verify if you indeed want to delete the selected books . click the ok button . the selected books will immediately be removed from your calibre library . |
launch calibre . add books . select ebooks . view ebooks . start content server . confirm server status . get the server address . open the web browser . visit the ip address . view the list of books . get a book . | how to read ebooks from pc on ipad with calibre | double - click on the program to launch it . it can be accessed from the start menu or from the shortcut on your desktop . from the header menu , click the add books button from the far left . a dialog box will appear with your windows file directory . navigate through the folders and select the ebooks you want to load with calibre . click the open button to add the selected ebooks . you can select various file types or formats of ebooks . all the added ebooks will be listed and categorized in the middle section of the software . these are the ebooks that will be shared and made available with the content server . from the programs header menu , click the connectshare button , and then select start content server from the submenu . calibre will now run as a content server , with all the ebooks in your library being made available to anyone with access to the server . the three dots on the connectshare button on the header toolbar will turn green while the server is running . in order to connect to calibres server , you need to know its ip address . click the connectshare button from the header menu and note the ip address indicated beside the stop content server item from the submenu . write it down , both the ip address and the port . get your ipad and launch safari or some other web browser . use the ip address you got from step 3 of part 2 . put that in the url field in the format , without the brackets . your calibre content server will load . tap the newest or the all books link to see all the books loaded in your calibre library and shared via the content server . from the list of books , tap the get button below the book cover of the book you want to read . the selected book will be downloaded into your ipad and you can read it from there . |
know what ebook readers are . know what to look for in an ebook reader . read online product reviews . be careful about the ability to find ebooks and download them to your ebook reader . check the ebook providers breadth of published content access . visit the store to try the ebook reader . dont rush your decision . | how to choose an ebook reader | an ebook reader is a device for browsing electronic files representing books . an ebook reader typically has a low - resolution but low - glare black - and - white screen , often not backlit , the size of a paperback book page . compared to a general - purpose computer or smartphone which is often backlit , an ebook reader will be thin and light and have a long battery life . ebook readers typically read one or more of several proprietary ebook file formats . some ebook readers are also capable of reading documents in other forms , such as open - standard epub ebooks , plain text files , pdfs , word documents , and so forth , and some will also allow you to take notes , sync with other devices , etc . ebook readers dont have the feel of books , which some enjoy . but they have a few advantages such as being lightweight and portable , and being able to hold a lot more than a single paperback ever could . this makes them ideal for taking away on vacation , for reading in a favorite outdoor nook , or for reading on - the - go . a dedicated ebook reader may be the most convenient way to read ebook files , but it is not the only way . pc and smartphone software is available free of charge to read epub and various proprietary ebook formats such as those for nookand kindle . it would be good for infrequent use , for back lighting , for a big screen which props itself up on a computer , perfect for complicated material that requires glancing forward and back repeatedly , or for sampling the ebook concept before buying a reader device . an ebook reader can make a great gift for someone who is both a technology enthusiast and a reader of long books . because there are many specialized kinds , make sure the recipient can easily return it if it turns out not to suit his or her needs . not all ebook readers can handle the same formats . in addition to certain seller - specific proprietary formats , many readers support html , plain text , and jpg but not all support the open standard epub . this is an important distinction if you want to check out ebooks from your library , or to read the vast library of copyright - free in the united states at least ebooks at project gutenberg with nicer formatting than plain text files can provide . be aware that some ebook readers handle pdfs better than others this is important if you intend to use pdfs a lot . some of the most common dedicated ebook readers include barnes and noble nook , kobo ereader , amazon kindle , sony ereader , etc . with each electronic reader having its own features , feel , and capacity . non - dedicated ebook readers that is , items that are used for other purposes as well include your computer , smartphone with relevant apps installed , and the ipad . there are numerous things that you need to consider when choosing an ebook reader . one important thing to keep in mind is that choosing an ebook reader is fairly much like choosing many other electronic gadgets and even cars in on key respect – it all depends on what you want to do with it , and there is no one right ebook reader for every person , and different features can make all the difference to your choice . since the features count for everything , the following features are currently the ones to pay attention to memory how many ebooks or other documents does the ebook reader have the capacity for can this memory capacity be increased format type can the ebook reader handle a variety of file types or only one type see previous step is this ability or lack of it reflected in the price connectivity does the ebook reader have 3g and wifi connectivity most of the recent ones should by now . screen friendliness here you need to be concerned about viewability , color , size , and reflectiveness glare . viewability is it easy to read which ebook readers seem most like the pages of a book some have more of this feel than others . color black and white or color both have advantages and drawbacks . black and white is easy on the eye for novels and sun reading see viewability below , while books and other items such as magazines or comics which need color to transfer their beauty and photos such as art books , cookbooks , graphic novels , etc . wont appear so well on plain black and white ebook readers and should be experienced in color . size compare the ebook reader screen with the screen of non - dedicated ebook readers such as an ipad or your laptop to see which you prefer , and if youre happy to downsize your screen reading experience . reflectiveness one of the advantages of black and white ebook readers using e - ink technology is that they can be read in full sun without reflecting , glaring , or loss of image , unlike a laptop , color ebook , or an ipad . if youre planning on reading outdoors a lot , keep this consideration at the forefront . weight and comfort each persons impression of weight and feel is rightly different but there are some things to assess does it weigh less than your usual paperback it should . is it easy to carry and hold you dont want something thats bulky , awkward , or hard to hold . in particular , be sure to hold the ebook reader in the store to check its weight and to ascertain whether the weight is comfortable for you personally . you might spend hundreds of hours with your electronic book reader , and it is important that relationship on a physical level is comfortable . for example , one ebook reader might have buttons and screen that are easy to use for paging through content , but after five minutes you notice some eye strain . that product wouldnt work for you because you are going to need to be able to look at it for long periods without eye strain or headaches . battery life whats the battery life promised by the blurb you dont want an ebook reader that runs out after an hour of sitting on your hammock at the beach . you could have taken a paper novel along in that case can the battery be replaced by you or do you need to send the ereader to a technician for replacement ease of downloading is it easy to download ebooks do you have to connect to the computer or can it be done without a computer as the intermediary this can be important when choosing an ebook reader as a gift for an older person who isnt that keen on fiddling with technology . share ability the ability to transfer ebooks to another ebook reader is important , especially if you need to remove purchased books from an old ebook reader to a new one if you cant do this , you may lose the purchase when the ebook reader dies . does the ebook reader allow sharing with friends or not other features what other features does the ebook reader have for example , does it allow you to add notes how easy is the process some readers have keyboards that work well . others are difficult to use and can distract you from your reading . how easy is it to page back and find something are there dictionaries and is it possible to upload new ones although this is a time - consuming activity , its the most important part of choosing an expensive product , especially one liable to fast changes and updates . you want to be sure that youre getting the best value product for its kind at the time , as well as knowing that it will do absolutely everything you want it to do . the best research will be a combination of reading both professional reviews and user - submitted content because this provides a balance of viewpoints . where technology reviewers might be paid to focus on about certain features , the consumer points of view should help to inject some realism into the worth or otherwise of the ebook reader . ask others about their ebook experiences . friends and family members may have insights about what is important to know before buying one . for example , some readers only allow you to read down loadable books , but others provide internet access so you can also read blogs and websites . asking people who already have used ebook devices is faster than researching the information and most people are generally interested in ensuring you dont encounter the same pitfalls that they did while it may be tempting to purchase an ebook reader from overseas , double and triple check the compatibility for your home area . the problem may be that you cannot download books for it because you live in a different region from where you purchased the ebook reader and that would leave you with a less - than - bargain priced ebook reader moreover , check the method by which your ebook reader allows downloads . some provide wifi download compatibility and usb download , others only have usb download . what will be most convenient for you look into the breadth of options for getting ebooks that comes with your ebook reader . some ebook readers enable free reading with a bookstore and loan of items . if that appeals to you , realize that the extent of free reads and loans might be highly dependent on the particular bookstore . check your local librarys provision of ebooks . many libraries are now adding ebooks to their lending systems . talk to your local librarian about ebook reader compatibility issues , especially if you intend on relying a great deal on your library . some ebook readers are able to access more content than others , and the ideal is to get an ebook reader that has the largest content availability possible , to ensure that you can access ebooks that are relevant to your interests . however , the extent of access is changing rapidly and is becoming less of an issue . what is important is to check that the ebook reader that interests you can access the content that interests you . ask the retailer for more information if your research hasnt made this clear . once youve done the research , make a list of the features you want see the suggested things to consider above and take this list along to the store . you may need to visit a variety of stores to cover each ebook reader youre keen to trial . take a bit of time to play with the ebook readers and to ask the assistants questions about them . its important to do this manual checking because it gives you the opportunity to hold the item , page through the content , see how the screen appears to you , and to simply get a feel for each type of reader in your own hands . try to read at least one chapter of a book to see how the reading feels on each reader . as youre doing so , think about the ease of seeing the text , the ease of turning pages , the ease of finding the information , etc . its a good idea to go home after your trialing expedition and to think through the purchase . youve done the research and the testing , now allow a few days for the right one to surface in your thinking . dont be swayed by boredom , loneliness , stress , or the urgency of trends these gadgets are new and therefore subject to a lot of change and if youre going to fork out a lot of money for one , it needs to be the right one for now . while some ebook readers might have more bells and whistles than others , if you just want the basics at this stage , a cheaper , less fancy version could be a good initial solution , allowing you to upgrade to a fancier ebook reader as new versions are released down the track . note that in the short time since ebooks have been released , the prices have been dropping dramatically , so waiting does no harm . consider purchasing a reconditioned or used ebook reader . older models are often just as functional as those which replaced them and can be found for much lower prices . be sure to check the warranty information . new products can bring unknown problems with them and its reassuring to know you can return it without hassle if something goes wrong , as well as finding out what happens if you lose any ebooks due to technical malfunctions . |
launch the app store . search for the marvin app . select marvin from the results . download the app . launch marvin . select dropbox . authorize the link with dropbox . authorize within dropbox . view the confirmation . go to marvins home screen . go to dropbox in marvin . browse ebooks from dropbox . sort ebooks . search ebooks . load an ebook into marvin . load multiple ebooks into marvin . | how to load ebooks into marvin from dropbox | do this by tapping the app store icon on your device . type in marvin on the search field , and wait for the results . you will be brought to the apps information page . tap on the install button to download and install the app . locate marvin on your ios device . the app has a red background with a big m on it . tap on the icon to launch it . on marvins home screen , tap on the get books link at the bottom - right side of the app . the different methods of getting ebooks into marvin will pop up . tap on the dropbox icon . a confirmation message will appear to authorize the link with your dropbox account . tap the link button . a dropbox window will launch and get your confirmation to proceed with the integration . once permitted , marvin will be able to access all the files and folders in your dropbox while its searching for ebooks . tap the allow link , and the authorization process will start . once done , you will get a confirmation message . tap ok . dropbox is now integrated and linked with marvin . marvin wont ask for another authorization to access dropbox . all it takes is this one - time linkage . this is the starting point to get ebooks into marvin . on marvins home screen , tap on the get books link at the bottom - right side of the app then tap on the dropbox icon . since dropbox has been successfully linked , marvin will now be able to access and load the compatible files . a list of ebooks from your dropbox will be displayed . scroll up and down to view the all ebooks available . it is advisable that you also have the dropbox app installed on your ios device . this will make the loading faster and easier . you can also opt to save a local copy of the files within dropbox to eliminate the need for dropbox and marvin to download from the cloud . at the bottom of the my dropbox screen , you will see sorting options . you can either sort with new on top or sort alphabetically . tap on the respective sorting methods to sort the results . use the search field found at the middle part of the screen to search for specific titles from your ebooks . the results will immediately be filtered to match your search parameter . tap on the ebook youd like to load to marvin . a download confirmation message will appear . the ebook needs to be downloaded locally and loaded to marvin . tap the download button to begin . after the download is completed , you will see the ebook loaded into marvins library . if youd like to load multiple ebooks at once , tap on the check icon found at the upper - right side of the screen . this will allow multiple downloads . once enabled , the check icon will turn red . tap on all the ebooks youd like to be downloaded , and then tap the red check icon . you will be presented with a confirmation message . tap on the start button to begin the multiple downloads . after the download is completed , you will see the ebooks loaded into marvins library . |
dress all the children in the same color , it is easier to keep track of them . make sure everything is done before you leave for the park such as going to the bathroom and anything else that needs to be done . pack light . check out the rides . do the buddy system . develop a system to choose which ride you go on next . as you are going on the rides , dont force the kids to go on rides they dont want to . have a set time for eating so each child will know when it is time to eat and there will be no complaints and asking can we eat now , save souvenir shopping for the end of the trip so that you wont be stuck carrying souvenirs around . save the water rides for a certain time . have a plan for if any of the kids get lost . | how to take children to an amusement park | , you and the children will have to carry anything you bring . and only pack what you need . when you are at the park , you might want to walk around and see what rides and attractions there are so everyone will be able to see what interests them . have each child pick a buddy for the day and every so often do buddy checks . the children must stand with their buddy and if there is a child missing you will always be able to tell . once everyone is standing with their buddy , count all of the pairs to make sure there isnt a pair missing . such as , have each child take turns to choose which ride they would like to go on , or whatever way you think might work for you . do this so there isnt any fighting or arguing . see which kids would like to go on the ride and which kids dont want to go on the ride . whoever does not want to go on the ride wait with by the exit gate of the ride and send the other kids on the ride . if there is more than one adult in the group , send one adult on the ride and the other adult waiting with the kids that dont want to go on the ride . extra luggage is not fun if there are any water rides have a set time that you will go on the water rides so you will change into your bathing suits , go on any water rides , and change back into normal clothes so you wont keep having to change in and out of bathing suits . have a meeting place that is easy for the children to see and remember . walk them to the meeting place . remind them not to panic . tell the children to stay in the spot that they are in when they got lost and count to 100 . when they get to 100 , if they are still lost go to the meeting place . when you are looking for the lost child , retrace your steps for a short amount of time and if you have not found the child go to the meeting place . also , when you realize one child is missing that is a good time to do a quick buddy check . if the child still cant find anyone at the meeting place after waiting there for a few minutes , tell them to go to a security guard or another mother with children and ask for help . |
consider if the flash pass is worth the cost . decide what kind of flash pass you would like . purchase your six flags flash pass online . buy the pass at the park . pick up the flash pass . choose a roller coaster you want to ride . make a ride reservation . keep the flash pass in a safe spot . enjoy other attractions while you wait . locate the flash pass entrance . cancel ride reservations if you change your mind . | how to use a flash pass at six flags | a flash pass is great for skipping lines , but it can be quite costly if you are going to six flags with a larger group . a platinum flash pass the most expensive pass would cost 896 for a family of four , and thats not including parking and food . the flash pass would definitely be worth it on busy days , but it might not be if you visit the park when its not peak season . a regular pass is usually about 45 . you can go to the park and look at the screen that shows wait times to decide if the pass will be worth it . six flags theme parks may have different flash pass plans and prices , though many parks do offer the same plans . typically , three different flash passes are offered . there is a regular flash pass , gold flash pass , and platinum flash pass . the regular flash pass is the cheapest , and the platinum is the most expensive . determine which plan best meets your needs and fits your budget . the gold flash pass promises to reduce wait time by 50 . this pass usually costs about 70 . the platinum flash pas promises to reduce wait time by 90 . this type of pass can range from 100 to 145 . some parks also offer an all season flash pass . the simplest and easiest way to buy the flash pass is online . go to the six flags website for the location you will be visiting . find the section for flash passes and choose a pass . select how many people will be in your group . although up to six people can be on one device for the pass , you will need to purchase each pass separately . fill in your billing information and then you can pick up the pass when you arrive at the park . it is important that you make sure youre buying a flash pass for the right six flags theme park . you will need to bring your id with you . only one person per group will need to leave their id are the registration center . their id will be held while using the flash pass and will be given back when they return the device . its okay if you cant buy the pass online . you can buy a flash pass when you purchase your entry tickets at the gate of the park . keep in mind that the wait will probably be longer if you wait to purchase the tickets and flash pass at the park . when you purchase a flash pass , you will usually receive a q - bot , which is a device used to make ride reservations . one q - bot can be used for up to six people . the device resembles an oval - shaped beeper . the q - bot will have a screen that you can scroll through to make reservations for rides . individual six flags theme parks offer different rides , so your choices will vary from park to park . the easiest way to see which rides the flash pass works for is to check the list online at your specific parks website . you can also check with park operations for a complete list of which rides are eligible for the flash pass service . the pass will usually work for all of the major rides at the park . do this once youve identified the ride you want to go on . this is done by either scanning a pager - like device through the reservation stations in front of each flash pass compliant attraction , or by entering the information on your q - bot . the reservation system varies by park , so check with six flags officials about the reservation process at each park . once youve made your initial reservations , keep the q - bot in a safe place while you enjoy the park . most of the flash passes will come with a clip , so it is best to clip it to a belt loop or somewhere else that is secure . you can also keep it in a pocket , but dont carry it around in your hand if you dont have to . the pass could be dropped or lost if you carry it around in your hand . once youve filed your flash pass reservation , youre free to enjoy other attractions at six flags . your q - bot will notify you when its time to go to your reserved flash pass attraction . it will typically notify you by vibrating , so keep the flash pass close to you . each attraction offers a separate entrance for flash pass users . the entrance will either lead to a different line , or allow you to cut the regular line . an employee will scan the flash pass to confirm your reservation , and then you can enjoy your ride with little to no wait time . some rides will require to sit in flash pass rows . its okay if you want to take a break or change your mind about a ride . its simple to cancel reservations . the q - bot should give you an option to cancel ride reservations , but if not , you can ask an employee . |
log into your amazon account using your email address and password . point to your account and click on manage your kindle . navigate to the book in your digital library that you want to loan . click on the actions button located to the far right of the book title . select loan this title . if loan this title is not an option , then you will not have the ability to loan that particular book . type in the personal email address of the person youre lending the book to . click on send now . the person you are loaning the book to will receive an email notification informing them of the loan , along with instructions on how to access the book . | how to lend a kindle book 1 | , do not type the persons kindle email address , or they may experience problems with trying to claim the book . |
sign in to your amazon account using your email address and password . click on the drop - down menu to the left of amazon search and select kindle store . type in the name of the book you want to loan and click on go . navigate to the book you want loaned and click on its product link . click on loan this book near the top of the books product details page . type in a personal email address that belongs to the person youre loaning the book to . click on send now . | how to lend a kindle book 2 | the product details page for that particular book will display on - screen . you can only loan a digital book to another reader if you already own that particular book . if the loan this book option is not displayed , then you will not have the ability to loan that particular book . make sure that you enter an email address other than the users kindle email address to prevent the reader from experiencing problems when trying to claim the book . the reader will then be emailed a notification that contains instructions for how to claim and read the book . |
launch calibre . add books . select ebooks . view ebooks . select an ebook . convert individually . define the output format . start the conversion . view the output file . get your ebook reader . connect ebook reader . detect the ebook reader . send to device . read from your ebook reader . | how to convert ebooks with calibre on windows | double - click on the program to launch it . it can be accessed from the start menu or from the shortcut on your desktop . from the header menu , click the add books button from the far left . a dialog box will appear with your windows file directory . navigate through the folders and select the ebooks you want to load with calibre . click the open button to add the selected ebooks . you can select various file types or formats of ebooks . all the added ebooks will be listed and categorized in the middle section of the software . from your calibre library on the middle section of the software , select an ebook by clicking on it . it will be highlighted . right - click on the selected ebook , select convert books , then select convert individually . a conversion screen will come out with your ebooks settings and data . before calibre can do the conversion , you have to define the file type or format of the output file . select the output format from the drop - down list defined by the output format field on the upper right corner . click the ok button on the lower right corner to start the ebook format conversion . when the conversion is done , you can now view and read the ebook in its new format . do note that layout and formatting may be different compared with the source ebook , as some features are lost during the conversion and some others arent fully supported or compatible with the new format . get your kindle , kobo , nook , or whatever device you use to read ebooks . use the appropriate cable to connect your ebook reader to your computer . calibre will detect and scan your ebook reader . it will be able to recognize the most common ebook readers available , like kindle , kobo , and nook . select the ebook youd like to send to your ebook reader . right - click on it , select send to device , and then select your ebook reader . calibre is smart enough to determine the file type or format supported by your ebook reader . it will convert the selected ebook into a compatible format and send it to your ebook reader . once the ebook is sent to your ebook reader in the supported or compatible format , you can now read the ebook from there . refer to your ebook readers user manual . |
launch the app store from the app tray of your ios device . type kindle into the search box of app store , then tap on kindle in search results . tap on install . the kindle app will download and install itself on your ios device , and display in the app tray when complete . tap on the kindle icon . sign in with your amazon account information , or select the option to create an amazon account . launch the internet browser on your ios device and navigate to the kindle store website . sign into the kindle store using your amazon account login credentials . browse and search for books you want to buy for the kindle reading app . tap on the book you want to purchase , then tap on buy now . follow the on - screen instructions to enter your payment information and complete your purchase . tap on read now . the book will open and display in your kindle reading app . | how to buy books on the kindle app 1 | , this will open the reading app on your device . you must have an amazon account to use the kindle reading app . ipad navigate to httpswww . amazon . comipadkindlestore . iphone or ipod touch navigate to httpswww . amazon . comkindlemobilestore . , you can browse bestsellers , daily deals , or new releases , or search for specific titles . , after the purchase is complete , amazon will deliver and sync the book to your kindle reading app . |
tap on the play store icon from the app tray of your android phone or tablet . type kindle into the search box of play store , then tap on kindle in search results . tap on install . the kindle app will download and install itself on your android , and display in the app tray when complete . tap on the kindle icon to launch the kindle reading app . tap on start reading , then sign into your amazon account . tap on the kindle store icon from the home screen of the kindle reading app . browse and search for books you want to buy for your android . tap on the book you want to purchase , then tap on buy now . follow the on - screen instructions to enter your payment information and complete your purchase . tap on the back button to return to the home screen of your kindle app . tap on the book title . | how to buy books on the kindle app 2 | , you must have an amazon account to use the kindle reading app . if you do not have an amazon account , select the option to create an account , then follow the on - screen instructions to set up an account . this will take you directly to the kindle store so you can browse and buy books . you can browse bestsellers , daily deals , or new releases , or search for specific titles . , after the purchase is complete , amazon will deliver and sync the book to your kindle reading app . the book you purchased will now be displayed on the home screen . the book will open and display in your kindle reading app . |
tap on the windows store icon from the home screen of your windows 8 device . type kindle into the search box of windows store , then tap on kindle in search results . tap on install . the kindle app will download and install itself on your phone , and display in the app tray when complete . tap on the kindle icon to launch the kindle reading app when installation is complete . sign in with your amazon account information , or select the option to create an amazon account . tap on the kindle store icon from the home screen of the kindle reading app . browse and search for books you want purchased for your windows phone . tap on the book you want to purchase , then tap on buy . follow the on - screen instructions to enter your payment information and complete your purchase . tap on the back button to return to the home screen of your kindle reading app . tap on the book title . | how to buy books on the kindle app 3 | , you must have an amazon account to use the kindle reading app . this will take you directly to the kindle store so you can browse and buy books . you can browse bestsellers , daily deals , or new releases , or search for specific titles . , after the purchase is complete , amazon will deliver and sync the book to your kindle reading app . the book you purchased will now be displayed on the home screen under the device tab . the book will open and display in your kindle reading app . |
tap on the blackberry world icon from the home screen of your blackberry 10 device . type kindle into the search box of blackberry world , then tap on kindle in search results . tap on download . the kindle app will download and install itself on your blackberry , and display in the app tray when complete . tap on the kindle icon to launch the application when installation is complete . sign in with your amazon account information , or select the option to create an amazon account . tap on the store icon from within the kindle reading app . browse and search for books you want downloaded to your blackberry . tap on the book you want to purchase , then tap on buy now . follow the on - screen instructions to enter your payment information and complete your purchase . tap on read it now . the book you purchased will open and display in your kindle reading app . | how to buy books on the kindle app 4 | , you must have an amazon account to use the kindle reading app . this will take you directly to the kindle store so you can browse and buy books . you can browse bestsellers , daily deals , or new releases , or search for specific titles . , after the purchase is complete , amazon will deliver and sync the book to your kindle reading app . |
get into shape . choose an act . find a good costume . make sure your makeup is pixel perfect . practice your smile . consider the realities of circus life . | how to run away with the circus | to be a part of any circus , you should be highly capable physically . before you join in the clowning about , practice your flexibility for a few months . if youre interested in trapeze or aerial silk , make sure to stretch every day and practice flexibility exercises . eat healthy foods , and stay as physically active as you can . circuses usually require auditions , and you should build a repertoire . look into things like acrobatics , diabolo , unicycle , and trampolining . once youve picked something to study , get equipment for it and begin practice . build a bit of a show , perhaps with a theme for entertainment value , to attract possible employers and for use in auditions . some performance attire can be revealing , tight - fitting , or simply wacky . make sure you have the right costume for you , and that it fits your act . for example , you wouldnt want long , flowing sleeves for fire dancing . in the circus , you have to do everything yourself with no help from a makeup attendant . so purchase and collect your own makeup . good things to use are shiny eyeshadow and diamond studs . if your show has a theme , play off of it . for example , a show based around fire might involve brightly colored makeup . yours may vary based on your act and your own personality . some performers may opt for a sexy , one - sided smile , but a friendly grin can also warm the hearts of your audience . the circus is a crowded environment by nature , and you may not have much time alone . if you cant stand the thought , consider performing in another setting . |
navigate to amazons website on your windows computer at httpwww . amazon . comgphelpcustomerdisplay . htmlnodeid201245960 and click on kindle for pc . if using mac os x , navigate to httpswww . amazon . comgpdigitalfionakcp - landing - pageieutf8refkcpmacmktlnd and click on download now . select the option to save the kindle app installation file to your desktop . double - click on the installation file , then follow the on - screen instructions to install the kindle app on your computer . launch the kindle app when installation is complete , then click on tools and select options . click on registration , then click on register . sign into the kindle app using your amazon account login credentials . click on shop in kindle store . the kindle reading app will take you directly to the kindle store so you can browse and purchase books . sign into the kindle store using your amazon login credentials . browse and search for books you want purchased for the kindle reading app . click on the book you want to purchase , select deliver to , then click on either kindle for pc or kindle for mac . follow the on - screen instructions to enter your payment information and complete your purchase . tap on the book title from the home screen of the kindle reading app . | how to buy books on the kindle app 5 | , you must have an amazon account to read books using the kindle app . if you do not have an amazon account , select the option to register for an account , then follow the on - screen instructions to set up an account . , you can browse bestsellers , daily deals , or new releases , or search for specific titles . , after the purchase is complete , amazon will deliver and sync the book to your kindle reading app . the book you purchased will open and display on - screen . |
try updating the os on your computer or device if you are unable to download and install the kindle reading app . verify that your device or computer is connected to a wireless or data network if you are unable to install apps or download books to your device . tap or click on menu and select sync from within the kindle reading app if books youve purchased do not show up in the kindle app . | how to buy books on the kindle app 6 | the kindle reading app may not be compatible with earlier versions of ios , android , windows , mac os x , and blackberry . an internet connection is required to purchase books for the kindle reading app . in some cases , the kindle reading app may fail to sync with amazon automatically after youve purchased new reading material . |
purchase your tickets in advance . see if your memberships offer special discounts . find coupons online and through the parks social media feeds . get multi - day or annual passes . schedule your visit at a lower - volume time . | how to save money at amusement parks 1 | the number one way to save money at amusement parks is to avoid buying your tickets the day of your trip . some amusement parks offer discounts on any tickets purchased online . by planning and purchasing in advance , youll be able to check for flash sales , special discounts , and you can schedule your trip at the most affordable time . organizations like the national education association nea , american automobile association aaa , and aarp formerly the american association of retired persons offer members special discounts . check with these and other organizations to see if youre eligible for any deals . deeper discounts are sometimes offered to members on specific days of the week . some credit card companies also partner with major amusement parks and offer their cardholders special offers when you purchase tickets with that card . online deals are easy to come by , so keep an eye on sites like groupon , livingsocial , undercover tourist , and retailmenot . some of the best deals can also be found on amusement parks social media feeds . if you have a specific park in mind , follow their twitter , facebook , and instagram , and download their mobile app . you can also look for coupons offered by an amusement parks partners , like fast food chains or beverage companies . if youre open to a weekend or week - long trip , research the parks multi - day pass options . many offer a third day free when you purchase a two day pass . typically , the more days the pass covers , the deeper the discounts . chain amusement parks , like six flags , usually honor season passes at all of their locations . season passes also typically come with extra perks , like parking deals and exclusive ride times , so splurging on them might be worth your while . amusement parks have become experts at increasing attendance through discounts and special events , so theres not really a true off season anymore . however , you can still find deals and smaller crowds during lower - volume times , which include mid - january through mid - february , late august through september , and early december . you can find reliable crowd calendars at touringplans . com to see how busy a major amusement park usually is on a given day of the year . if possible , book your trip on weekdays for the deepest discounts . |
determine whether you really want to do this . go with someone close to you . go in a group . stay close to reality . enjoy yourself . plan something afterwards . | how to survive a haunted house | if youre somebody who gets easily scared in horror moviesthemes , then you may just end up getting badly scared and not enjoying yourself at all . so check that you definitely want to do this . its okay not to - - it doesnt mean that youre a chicken . you just didnt want to do it . go with somebody youre comfortable around and are especially close to . that way , whenif you get scared , you can hold onto each other . plus , things dont seem as scary when youve got a friendly face by your side . things can be scarier when its just two or three people - - you feel more helpless . try going with a group of at least four - - things will be more fun and it wont be as scary . if you start to get really scared and are regretting going in , then calm down and remind yourself that this isnt real . tell yourself that its just pretend , and that its provided for your enjoyment . another good method is thinking about what will happen when you get out of the haunted house - - driving home , going to the park , lunch , etc . dont run around totally freaked out and screaming . calm down , and enjoy everything - - the suspense , the effects , etc . remember that the only reason the haunted house exists is so that people can have a fun time . so let yourself get spooked - - enjoy it plan something thats as not scary as possible , whether it be shopping , hanging out with friendsfamily , or going to a restaurant . try to make it so that youre surrounded by people and dont have too much time to start thinking about the haunted house again . |
carpool or take public transit . check for hotel deals and packages . look for a nearby hotel with a free shuttle . take advantage of your hotels amenities . | how to save money at amusement parks 2 | if you have lots of people joining your amusement park trip , try to fill up a van instead of taking two cars . that way , youll cut your parking costs in half . if theres a bus or rail line nearby , use public transit to get out of parking costs altogether . if youre planning a weekend or week - long vacation , look for packages and deals before you book a hotel . some on - site or nearby hotels will offer discounts on tickets , express passes , and other perks . while usually more expensive , an on - site hotel might offer perks worth the extra cost , plus save you money elsewhere , such as on car rental or parking fees . many hotels located near major amusement parks offer free shuttles to and from the park . if you can use a free shuttle , youll eliminate the need to rent a car and save a bundle on parking fees . check potential hotels websites or call their office to find out if they offer free shuttles . even if a shuttle is isnt free , see if using it will cost less than parking . water rides often cost extra at amusement parks . instead of paying for an extra pass , head to your hotels pool after going on all of the parks regular rides . if your hotel has a fridge , store inexpensive meals and snacks , like sandwiches and fruit , to cut your food budget . |
bring refillable water bottles . check the parks outside food policy in advance . purchase souvenirs online after your trip . | how to save money at amusement parks 3 | almost all amusement parks have water fountains or will fill a cup of water for free at concession stands . instead of forking over two or three dollars for a bottle of water , bring a refillable container to quench your thirst . to be on the safe side , check the parks policies to make sure they allow outside beverages . buying food at park concession stands will cost an arm and a leg if youre feeding an entire family . some parks allow guests to bring outside food , which you can either keep on hand or store in a locker . even if you cant bring food into the park , you can store food in a cooler in your car . just make sure you can re - enter the park preferably without waiting in line after you head to the car for a lunch break . one of the easiest ways to cut your amusement park budget is to skip the souvenirs altogether . if you or your kids really need a knick - knack or tee shirt , try to find your desired items on ebay instead of purchasing them at full retail price at the parks gift shop . if you do plan on buying souvenirs on - site , give your kids a firm souvenir budget before you enter the park . |
check and see if you can ride with no hands . convince yourself that you are secured enough without holding on . check to see that any seat belts or bars that go over your lap are tight and completely functional . push forward with your feet , if you are riding sitting down in something like a car , with your head sticking out . start out by doing a few rides or beginning only holding on with one hand . let go with 1 hand , and then the other one when you are comfortable . on some rides it may be awkward for everybody to hold their arms up due to small spacing between seats . | how to ride a roller coaster no handed | often there are signs at the beginning or end of the lines , sometimes even at the dropsturns of the roller coaster . follow the rules although rides are designed to have enough space for tall people to have their hands up and not hit anything but better safe than sorry they obviously made the roller coaster expecting other people to ride it no - handed . the restraints on roller coasters actually lock by default . this means that it requires either electric or mechanical power to release the restraints . maintenance check ride safety regularly . , if you dont know the person next to you make sure you put your hands up first or alternate hands . one hand will be on top and the other will be below somebody elses . |
research . plan your trip and invite friends . stay on - site if appropriate , or nearby . have a plan . have enough money on hand . have pills with you if you think youll need them . consider your attire . wear good shoes . dont wear loose clothing . tie up long hair . dont wear earrings . take plenty of sunscreen . dont take a ton of stuff . go on a weekday . arrive early . pace yourself . dont force people to go on a ride . if you want to play games and buy souvenirs , wait until you and whoever is with you have had enough of the other attractions . | how to prepare for and enjoy an amusement park | have you gone to this park before if not , research beforehand . if there doesnt seem to be any attractions that you like , dont force yourself . make sure you know how much tickets cost and buy them beforehand if necessary . if you are sure that you want to go multiple times , see if a season pass is worth the money . there are sometimes passes that are used up once you go on a certain number of rides . if you only want to ride a few , opt for these , but if not , make sure you are buying a pass that will let you ride all day . if youre making a multi - day vacation of it which is a good idea if you want to hit up the amusement park , staying on site or nearby will make it all much easier . while it may seem tempting , riding rides in whatever order you feel like can mean you travel from one end of the park to the other many more times than is necessary , and your feet will be very sore as a result . to avoid this , get a park map and use it . ride things in order , or at least ride everything you want to go on in one specific area of the park before moving on to another . depending on how long you will be at the park , make plans for what you will eat . keep in mind that park food is expensive . if you have nausea but otherwise enjoy park rides , there should be nausea - relieving pills at your local drugstore or pharmacy . take these beforehand . unless youre sure that you wont be nauseous , its best to have these with you . dress lightly but take a jacket if you need to and take only what you need . if you take your own food , check the park permits this and make sure your amusement park offers storage first . try to check the weather report for the area youre going visit . dress accordingly for the weather . try to avoid wearing dark colored clothes such as black or dark grey if it is during summer . wearing these colors could make you more warm and you may start sweating . also , if youre going on the water rides , have a swimsuit on underneath your clothes . flip flops arent really the best idea for an amusement park , especially rides that leave your feet dangling . wear supportive sneakers or walking shoes . if you want to wear a hat , always remember to put it in a secure pocket before going on a ride . keep your wallet or purse secure they can be easily lost in the hustle and bustle of an amusement park . hair past shoulder length can easily get tangled on a windy ride . braids are recommended , as they stay closer to the head and dont have loose hair like ponytails . many coasters can be rough , and you dont want holes poked into the back of your head . some earrings may get stuck in your hair or attire . however , if you really want to wear earrings , wear non - dangling ones such as studs or pearls . especially in the summertime . most of the ride lines will subject you to the elements , whatever they are . take a water bottle . its easy to get dehydrated out in the sun all day . unless youre visiting with someone who wont be riding most of the rides , dont take huge bags or purses with you if you can help it . you wont be able to take these on most of the rides . youll either have to leave them with a non - rider , pay for a locker , or stuff them into bins before getting onto a ride . this last option offers no guarantee that someone wont walk off with your brand new coach purse while youre on a coaster . wear something with big pockets that either zipper or button closed . all you really need is some cash , and maybe your phone . you can always leave a jacket in your car , and go get it later . always take medication with you or take it beforehand . who knows , you might need it . if possible , avoid weekends at any park during the summer months . once school is out , places like cedar point are packed , especially on the weekends . if you want to catch the shortest ride wait times and escape the heat of the day , get to the park as early as possible . and people do arrive earlier so they can dash to their favorite rides as soon as possible . take a break from the coasters every once in a while , perhaps throwing in a train or gondola ride these can also serve as great ways of getting around the park that dont wear out your sneakers . dont force yourself or a friend to go on a certain ride , especially if you or your friend does not fit the criteria for the ride . if you are too short , weigh too much , have medical conditions or are pregnant , be careful about what rides you decide to go on . by leaving it to the end , you wont have to be restricted by the giant stuffed animal youre carrying around . |
do not go on alone . get in line . talk to your friend about how fun the ride will be . pick the best seat for you . strap yourself in as fast as possible . do not panic . dont prepare yourself and hold your breath whilst it goes up , or when waiting , just relax and keep your breaths even . hold on tight , its over . | how to survive a freaky roller coaster | have a friend that is just as scared as you or someone who has been on before . once youre in line you can always turn back . ask people what they think about the ride . keep thinking i will not turn back . i can do this . try not to watch the ride moving . it will appear faster than it feels while riding . dont talk about how scared you are or how you think youre going to die . when you see the line is coming to an end you have to pick a seat . in most cases , the middle is the least scary because you cant see much of the drop like in the front and it doesnt feel super fast like in the back . once youre in its inconvenient to have the ride operators undo your restraint . now you can relax and close your eyes as you ascend up the hill . once you are in you cant get out but that shouldnt bother you . think of funny moments and everything youve accomplished in life . this will take your focus off going up the hill . if this ride is like the top thrill dragster where you dont go up a hill slowly then think of this stuff while waiting for it to shoot off . , hold on wherever it feels the safest or wherever youre instructed to hold on . if youre very scared , holding on is the best option . you either hated it or you loved it . if you hated it , at least you dont have to spend your life wondering what it could have been like . if you loved it , get back in line and go in the front row |
find someone you feel comfortable with to go on with you if possible . put all the seatbelts on and pull restraint down and find something youd feel comfortable holding onto during the ride . relax , take deep breaths before the ride begins . hold on tight when the ride begins or throw your hands up enjoy the ride of your life | how to ride kingda ka | if youre having trouble with the seatbelts , wait for the ride operators to help you . leave any loose items in the care of a friend back on the ground . a ride like this will shake loose hats , sandals , sunglasses , cellphones , etc . loose items can be dangerous to yourself and other riders . also , brace yourself . kingda ka is extremely fast . when you think about it too much , your stomach gets upset , therefore , you feel like you need to get out of line for nothing . , |
think about decorations . use one or two walls to show some episodes from famous movies and tv shows of 70s be aware of bloody and scary moments , it can ruin friendly atmosphere , if you cant find some parts of movies or tv shows , just make simple slideshow , use some hippie symbols and colors , for example , painted maquete of hippie - style - painted bus . use posters of first calculators , mobile phones and computers invented in that epoch . you may use some some pictures of video game pong , you might even find old automatic machine pong make a playlist , which will be filled by fast and fun music , but there should be a lot of slow - dance music , too . consider a dress code . think about snacks , too . organize some competitions and funny games , too . ask for help your friends | how to organize a 70s carnival as a school fundraiser | yeah , it sounds weird , but if there are not decorations your carnival will become epic fail for sure . decorations create a special atmosphere which let all people feel that 70 - s . talking about 70s , your possibilities are endless . it is a cute idea to use a lot of posters of movies that were super - popular in 70s . you can use pictures of actresses and actors , too . you can even choose only one movie and make all carnival dedicated to it . movies superman star wars jaws rocky godfather saturday night fever the exorcist annie hall and many others . actors robert de niro jack nicholson alain delon , using projector you can ask permission to use it from your headmaster or a teacher you like . some famous tv - shows are terry and june the brady bunch include there shots from movies , posters of that movies , portraits of actors and actresses , singers , some famous people , like isabel martínez de perón margaret thatcher gerald rudolph ford make a string , to which you can tie hippie - painted t - shirts . use real videocassettes , that is a lot of fun . , good scheme is , 31 - fastslow dances . you can use songs of cher john lennon abba eagles sex pistols elvis presley wings deep purple pink floyd queen blondie and so on . its better to use strict dress - code for school carnival . dont let kids to come without at least one or two cute details . everyone should be dressed up , tidy and clean , it shouldnt be a must for everyone , you can just make some zones to play . its better to have many little playgrounds and let people dance on whole rest territory . |
start honing a skill . be fit and in shape . think about what kind of gig you want . create the basics of an act . perfect your act . make a demo tape . consider going to circus school . start with corporate events , private parties , and halftime shows . consider doing long - term gigs , like on cruise ships . participate in circus festivals . apply to and join a circus troupe . live on the road . understand what youre getting yourself into . be determined . be ready for the physical demands . dont do it for the money . | how to join the circus | circuses have many different acts – and that opens up many different jobs . whats more , theres different types of circuses , creating even more opportunities . in order to join a circus , you will need one or more specific skills or talents that a circus would find valuable . this might be silk aerials , trapeze , acrobatics , juggling , trampolining , tightrope , diabolo , clowning , stilt walking , or anything else remarkable and unique . most circus work is very strenuous , and you will not be able to learn a skill overnight . it will take dedication , commitment , and practice to become stage ready . if performing isnt your thing but you still love the thrill a circus brings , there are lots of jobs in circuses that dont require acrobatics or strenuous physical activities . you could work backstage , with costumes , with animals , or set design and production . however , for the purpose of this article , we will be concentrating on circus performers . most circus acts , while they look easy and flawless , often need months of practicing and working out before getting it to look right and before it becomes physically safe to do . if youre doing acrobatics , aerials or anything similar , you will need to be very flexible and know how to rely on your body . for trapeze and similar acts , youll need a lot of upper body strength to keep yourself up and swinging . most acts will result in the performers getting injured at one point or another the stronger your body is , the more it can take it . if youre doing something like clowning or juggling , you wont need to be in marathon - running shape , but youll need to at least be fit enough to do things quickly , or , for example , to keep your arms up and juggling . there are circus performers that dont work for a single circus , but instead audition to be part of a show , like an actor does for different movies . they dont need to stick with just one company , but can be part of their shows anyway for a select period of time . alternatively , you might want to be part of an official circus . youll need to constantly be able to perform , and constantly be doing your best , so you can remain in your circus , too . there are ups and downs to every argument – itll come down to a matter of personal preference . do you want to work for something like cirque du soleil something more traditional , like barnum baileys would you rather do something on a smaller level , like performing at fairs and festivals ultimately , its up to you . just remember that with bigger gigs and more glory comes more responsibility and commitment , too . before attempting to find a circus that will take you on , youll need to have an act ready to pitch to your potential employers . having a background in dance , gymnastics , or something similar really helps , but isnt necessary . this way you have a developed routine that you can bust out at the drop of a hat . this will essentially be a job . youll need to find a coach , get the right equipment for safety , for example , and set aside time each day to be the best in your field . this has to be a priority to be on circus - level . in order to attract talent scouts and to get recruited onto a team , youll need an act to attract the right person . whether youre practicing with your brother in the backyard or with your coach at a first - glass gym , keep practicing . it should be something you can practically do in your sleep , where you know you wont hurt yourself and mistakes arent common . you want it perfect so when youre called up , you can audition or be a substitute on a seconds notice . when you get the circus they may change it as they see fit , but it has to get you there in the first place . to apply for worldwide gigs like cirque du soleil , youll probably need to make an audition tape , showing your skills . bigger companies often have online submission forms that you can submit during certain times of year . showcase the best of your act , follow the appropriate guidelines , and make sure your tape is as professional - looking as possible . many circus acts have agents and work through recruiters , too . the more time you spend in the field , the more networked youll be , making it easier to make and find connections . though they dont get a lot of press , there are legitimate , credible circus schools out there that are looking for students to teach with skills they can help hone . if theres one in your area or even if theres not , look into it – its a great way to meet people that are already established in the field . theres a great job outlook , too . most schools tout one of their biggest selling points as placing 100 or nearly 100 of their graduates in jobs . most people dont start out playing with the big boys – they do small gigs and then get noticed , breaking in through making a name for themselves . to do this , take whatever opportunities you can . your high school talent show , your dads business luncheon , or the halftime show at a local football game . if you build up your resume , more people will look at your act and take it seriously . tell your friends and family members to talk to their friends and family members about your act . you may get booked into private parties and local events just by word of mouth . this is one of the most reliable ways to market yourself and it can spread like wildfire . in addition to small , one - off gigs like private parties , think of less traditional semi - related gigs like on cruise ships . you work in a show put together by the cruise line for 6 - 9 months and then thats that . this is a great stepping stone to getting to one of the bigger , official circuses around . consider websites like workaway , too , where you can sign up for a period of time and be part of the circus in exchange for room and board . its not glamorous , but its a step in the right direction yep , those are a thing . the american youth circus organization holds the youth circus festival every year in august , just as one example . some people are asked to perform and others get lucky enough to nab a slot – but either way , youll be able to showcase your stuff and get seen . apply as early as you can , talk to your coach , agent , or recruiter , and get your name in the ring . it may , at least initially , cost you money for travel and what not , but its a small sacrifice to make to be showcased . now that youve built up your resume and have an act you can rely on , go for the big leagues . apply to the next variation of cirque du soleil or barnum baileys and get ready for the life of a circus performer . can you believe you made it happen sometimes youll apply and wont hear for months . if you dont hear back automatically , dont give up hope , but keep applying elsewhere . dont shy away from international gigs , too . the one brutal fact that most circus hopefuls dont really think about is the fact that theyll be away from home , constantly living out of a suitcase . life onstage will be glamorous , but life offstage means hotels , vending machines , and sleeping in cars . some people find this life rewarding , but others find it very challenging . to make it , youve gotta be the kind that thrives in this setting . it can be very lonely , too . youll develop a circus family definitely , but your real family may even be thousands of miles away . this , of course , depends on your contract . only sign up for a period of time you know you can handle . life in a circus isnt all glamorous as its made out to be . if youre working with a traveling circus , you might have to deal with moving around a lot , and you will probably have to do your own makeup and need to buy or make your own costumes . working with circuses requires a lot of dedication just to stay optimistic for shows . if youre working for a legitimate , big business circus , most odds and ends like costumes will be handled for you . but if youre working on a smaller circuit , you may need to take certain expenses on yourself . consider it the price to pay for doing something you love . you will , without a doubt , run across people that will say no . you will be told to give up , people wont hire you , and you will get injured or run the risk of being injured if you are a performer . its very important you be able to push through these walls – or perhaps trapeze your way over them . if you are dedicated and love performing , you will find a job that works for you , and you will be able to continue performing . no one makes it on their first try . you have to hear a chorus of rejections before you finally get your break . it could take months , it could take years , but youve got to trust that eventually itll happen . if you dont believe in you , no one else will . being a circus performer is almost like being an athlete – your career will be over well before you feel like youre old . and when you do near the end of your run , your body will have been rung through the wringer . you could be in tiptop shape or you could need two knee replacements . it wont be easy , but hopefully the physical stress is worth it . in fact , your body basically means your job . if you dont take care of it , you could be out of a gig in no time . its important to sleep , eat right , stay healthy , and , above all , stay safe . the last thing you want to do is compromise your career because you made poor decisions . how does circus work pay although it differs from circus to circus , it mostly depends on the job , the show , and the length of which youre working . for example , a circus might pay their performers at the end of each week , or although its less common after the show closes . if youre a performer that hires out to circuses , then youll mostly be paid after the job ends , although they can choose to pay you weekly , sometimes even after each show although that is highly uncommon , too . this aside , you should probably want to work in a circus for your love of the work first , the money second . whats more , every role gets paid differently , too . if youre at the bottom of the ladder , you may be getting 300 bucks a week if youre a featured performer like an acrobat or a contortionist , you could be making between 40 , 000 to 70 , 000 a year . dont forget – youre getting free room and board , too . the perks just keep on coming . |
consider how nausea resistant you are . think about your size . calculate how many people you have . consider the lines . if you dont want to seat in the middle area , choose the front or back seat . the front seat offers you a great view . | how to pick a roller coaster seat | if you arent very , you should consider the middle as your best option . if you are very high , then you should consider the front or back . if you are a smaller person , then you could use any of the seats you want . if you are larger , you should pick the biggest one , which is usually the last one . most roller coasters have a limit of two so give each person a good amount of space so you dont bump into each other . some roller coasters have lines in each seat . if you dont want to wait , choose the shortest . if you really want a car , choose that one . the back seat is rougher and jerkier , and you will feel the twists and turns more . |
place brake casing into a soft jawed vise with end plug 6 in a vertical position . remove bleeder screws 19 , using a 716 socket and ratchet or box end wrench . remove hex nut 1 from compensator assembly 9 , using a ½ socket , remove belleville spring 2 wedge ring 3 washer 4 and o - ring 5 from compensator assembly 9 . using a spanner wrench , remove end plug 6 from housing 18 , when removing the end plug 6 from the housing , the compensator assembly should remain in the piston . remove piston 10 and lining 11 assembly from housing bore . remove flat head screws 12 to separate lining 11 and piston 10 . notice that the right hand screw has been broken off . remove compensator assembly 9 from piston 10 , using an 1116 open end wrench . when the compensator assembly has been removed , carefully inspect the threads for damage , making sure that all old locktite material has been removed from the threads , remove o - ring 8 and backup ring 7 from end plug 6 , using a thin blade tool , or a pick tool , remove backup ring 14 , o - ring 13 , and seal 15 from housing bore . remove flat head screws 16 and lining 17 from housing bore . if the lining is in good shape , clean and set it aside as spare parts to be reused in the event that anther lining wears out . notice the white powdery substance along the perimeter of the threads . using a mild wire brush and brake parts cleaner , or any other solvent which does not contain petroleum distillates , such as electrical parts cleaner , naptha , or isopropyl alcohol , thoroughly clean the entire end plug assembly . using a rounded object in this instance a 6 ratchet extension , and 400 to 600 grit emery cloth , clean out the inside of the end plug . since usually one or more of the fastening screws for the lining will be sheared off , now the sheared off portion of the screw needs to be drilled out . run a tap through the holes to clean out the threads . before installing the new lining into the housing , first double check to make sure the mating surface of the housing is well cleaned of all rust and debris . mask off all the areas where paint will not be applied , and prime the area where the lining seats to protect it from corroding again . set the housing aside for the paint to dry while working on the piston and compensator assembly . carefully install new back - up ring 7 and o - ring 8 over non - threaded end of plug 6 and into groove . | how to rebuild zipper carnival ride brake calipers | note that clamping should be done at the sides of the caliper on the machined surfaces . if a combination wrench is used , do not use the open end of the wrench because it may strip the flats before loosening the bleeder screw . if it comes out with the end plug , this indicates that it had been assembled improperly . save the lining for future use for replacement of worn linings which does not require full disassembly . this lining is still reusable . however , notice the quantity of rust and exfoliation which has accumulated between the piston and the lining . this rust as it built up actually caused pressure and contributed to the shearing of the upper right hand screw . before this lining can be reused , it must be cleaned of all these oxide deposits , taking great care not to disrupt the ridge at the bottom where the lining seats into the piston . this area is where all of the braking force is exerted , and the aluminum screws will not shear if it is seated properly . any movement of the lining in the piston under braking pressure will result in the screws being sheared . notice as well the excessive amount of rust buildup under where the old lining had seated . this rust has allowed moisture to collect under the lining assembly , accelerating the corrosion process , weakening the aluminum screw due to galvanic effects , resulting in the screw having been sheared off . before the new lining is assembled to this piston , the rust must be thoroughly removed , sealant will be applied to the new lining to act as a seal and adhesive , and new screws will be installed . never reuse old screws . notice the use of a folded rag in the jaws of the vise to prevent damage to the piston . inspect the housing bore contact area for corrosion , and remove any which may be present . at this time , do not reuse the old linings because new ones are provided with the rebuild kit . this end plug is not reusable . notice in the photo to the left that the center hole has been crushed by impact with a hammer or other object , and in the photo to the right , the edge where the o - ring and backup ring installs has severe pitting corrosion . the new pressure compensator will no longer fit into the center hole , and the new o - ring and backup ring will not make a proper seal against the pits left from the corrosion . the end plug in the photos to the left is reusable , and if properly cleaned will provide long service . this is the anodizing which has been attacked by filiform corrosion . the anodizing or gold coloration was applied to act as a sacrificial anode , and the white powdery substance is the produce after corrosive attack . this is normal , and if the corrosion has not pitted the groove where the o - ring and backup ring seat , it will be all right . however , due to the fact that the protective anodizing has been compromised , the bare steel will now corrode under corrosive attack , and protective measures need to be undertaken . if using a flammable substance such as naphtha or isopropyl alcohol , be sure to work in a well - ventilated area , well away from sparks or flames , and for safetys sake , have a safety observer with a co2 fire extinguisher standing nearby . this area is where the pressure compensator makes its seal , and travel occurs within this area as the piston travels outward during normal liner wear . normally , there is a small area of wear , where the anodizing has been worn away , with rust or oxide deposits in this area . if there is deep pitting in the wear area , the end plug cannot be reused , or leakage will occur past the pits . use a folded rag to protect the machined surfaces from damage by the jaws of the vise . note that brake fluid eats paint if it is left on a painted surface too long , and if brake fluid comes into contact with a customers clothing made of polymers , it will destroy them just as well . when using a cylinder hone to clean out the bore of the housing , be careful not to hone down the threads inside the housing . also , use the finest possible grit stone that can be obtained , normally only glaze breakers are available from most auto parts stores . if a coarse glaze breaker has to be used , first smear grease onto the stones , so that the fine oxides removed from the inside of the housing will fill the pores of the stones , and make less abrasive . doing this means that in the future , these stones will only be good for polishing and honing , so keep them separate from other stones used for rougher abrasive work . the finished product should be as close to mirror - like as possible when done . if there are obvious signs of scratching from the hone , it is too rough , and should be used on something else to wear it down and smooth it more before final polishing of the housing . adding grease will close the pores of the stones with the materials removed . for quickly wearing down a glaze breaker to smoother polishing , a piece of pipe , a tin can , or other rounded steel item can be used . it is easier to just purchase the proper stones in the first place , because any scratches put into the housing will have to be removed before going on with reassembly . these are 10 - 24 screws , so use a 25 drill bit to drill these out , and follow with a 10 - 24 tap to clean the threads . if the proper size drill bit is not available , do not substitute for any other size these parts are expensive , and a 25 drill bit is very cheap . do not use a 532 drill bit just because it is close to the same size and do not go to a smaller size drill bit , because the likelihood that the tap will break is increased when tapping the holes out . when drilling the holes , put the housing , or piston in a vise so that it will not move , and make sure that you drill straight down through the hole , using both hands , and keeping the drill steady . if it is a piston which is being drilled , use folded rags to protect the outer surface , and test its stability in the vise before beginning to drill to make sure the vise is tight enough , and the piston will not swivel sideways in the jaws . it is much more preferable to use a drill press , but sometimes they are not available . use a 38 drill capable of at least 900 to 1000 rpm , do not use a ½ drill . most ½ drills are too slow in rpm , and have such high torque that they might break the drill bit off on breakthrough . use a sharp drill bit , start the drill at high speed , but with very little downward pressure so it can start its way through the aluminum of the screw , and very slowly let the drill bit do all the work . if drilling has been done , the old thread material needs to be removed . this thread material should be of aluminum , if someone in the past has not put steel screws into the part . aluminum has a tendency to clog up the tap , so a lot of back and forth tapping should be done . turn the tap in just a little , then back it almost all the way out again , never putting more than just the minimum of torque on it each time it is turned in . this is a long tedious process , but if performed in this manner , it will prevent the tap from binding in the steel and breaking . when running the tap through the housing , the tap is traveling through almost ¾ of steel , and there is a very high likelihood of binding . use the tee handle in the tap set for this , and use wrist action to twist , do not use both hands on either handle as some persons prefer to do . by using wrist action and one hand , it makes sure that too much torque is not applied , and helps keep the torque straight down the axis of the tap , reducing the chance of breakage . if the tap breaks off inside the piston or the housing , then you have just ruined a very expensive part . if necessary , scraping it will help , followed by a small wire brush and brake cleaner to remove all traces of oil and dirt . make sure they are installed in proper position in groove . |
when you get on the ride , choose your song immediately . in front of you , there will be a keypad . if you did it right , a keypad will come up . | how to get bonus tracks on the hollywood rip ride rockit | your song choosing time is limited . as soon as you leave the riding station , if a song isnt chosen , it will choose for you . so as soon as you get on , start typing it will give you different genres of music . there will also be a rip ride rockit logo also . hold it down for 10 seconds , and then continue to the next step . you then proceed to entering a three digit number . hopefully you entered correctly . for a list below , look in the tips . the songs are pretty good . if you didnt correctly enter , the keypad will make a clicking noise |
do some research of the park youll be visiting . go fully prepared . be sure to dress appropriately . have a plan . use the buddy system . stay hydrated . be sure to get out of the sun and take frequent breaks . | how to have a safe day at a theme park | find out what their hours are , what day the water park opens many dont open until the end of may . starting early in the morning when they first open is a good idea because it isnt as crowded and the lines are shorter . and buying tickets beforehand will save you time in line at the entrance gates . which means packing everything you might need including cell phones , sunblock , towels , swimsuits , sunglasses , comfortable shoes , camera , hats . cooler of ice , food and water if you dont plan on buying food inside the park . check their website and find out what the park allows to be brought in . some parks dont allow food or coolers . most water parks and many other amusement parks also prohibit glass containers of any kind . a fully stocked first aid kit . you never know when you might need a band - aid or aspirin . although there are first aid stations , they are few and far between . even large parks only have one or two first aid stations , so getting a band - aid can mean hiking a mile . all prescription medications that people in your group may need . this includes medications like epipens , inhalers , etc . and if youre taking a large group of kids , get all of their contact information in case of an emergency . also be informed of any preexisting medical conditions of anyone in your group . conditions like asthma , diabetes , hypoglycemia and epilepsy can be scary if you dont know whats going on . wear comfortable shoes that you can walk all day in . wearing loose clothing will help sweat evaporate and keep you cooler . wearing a hat and a full coverage shirt will save you from being sun burned . tell the children to look for a park staff member if they get lost and make sure they have your cell number . make sure to designate a meeting place and time to gather your group when the day is over . never let kids roam the park alone . sending kids in groups of 2 or more with at least one mature teenager or adult is usually a safe bet . make sure that each group has a cell phone or a two way radio to stay in contact . this wikihow article provides useful information on what you should do in this scenario . walking around all day in the summer sun can be a recipe for disaster if you dont drink enough fluids . you sweat out much more water than you might think up to a liter per hour of sun exposure . so keep those water bottles in hand and drink up this is especially important during the hottest part of the day 2 - 5 in the afternoon . its during this time that the pavement in the parks has absorbed all of the heat and it will start to radiate everywhere . this means even the shady spots will have heat coming up from the ground , so get into an air conditioned place to cool off . |
practice self calming techniques . tell yourself things that confirm the fun and safety of using the rollercoaster . praise yourself for getting on . go with someone you trust . | how to keep calm on a roller coaster 1 | breathe slowly and deeply and try to think positively , once you have done this it will all be worth it for example its not as bad as it looks . they have safety harnesses and the tracks are tested all the time to ensure theyre safe . the restraints fail - safe which means that the default position is locked , it takes more effort to open them perhaps even look up the statistics of injury on a rollercoaster , you will find that you are more likely to be struck by lightning of get hurt in a car accident people scream because its exciting scary , not bad scary . its only for a short time . then ill probably want to get back on and have another go because its over so quickly , even if the worst case scenario happens and you hate it , it will only last for about 2 12 minutes . then you have conquered it tell yourself well , ive made it now , its going to be all right now that im on here . or ive finally done it . this can help a lot to keep you calm and to have reassuring feedback from a person who is used to the rollercoaster or is able to deal with fears better . be careful not to choose someone as afraid as you . this can turn into a situation where you feed off each others fear and make things seem a whole lot worse |
look for cleanliness and good maintenance throughout the park . check rides for wear , surface cracks , and weld imperfections . watch the rides for repeated smooth operation . listen for signs of poor maintenance . notice if carnival workers are attentive . | how to evaluate the safety of pop‐up carnival rides 1 | if the carnivals staff is skipping out on basic maintenance , they might be cutting corners when it comes to safety . check the grounds for excessive litter and for unhealthy conditions at areas where they serve food . if you see a staff member pass by a piece of trash , they might not be concerned with ride maintenance or other safety issues . notice rusting and other signs of wear , especially at critical areas that seem to be load bearing or essential to the rides operation . avoid rides with cracks in any surfaces or improperly welded joints . steer clear if you notice anything that looks like a quick fix , like a patch of metal that doesnt match the rest of the rides structure . make sure the ride moves the same way every time it operates . look for both smooth , repetitive motions in addition to a particular section where it jumps , halts , or does something that seems wrong to you . keep in mind the differences between how rides are built . a wooden roller coaster is built with a bit of flexibility to account for the wood framework , so its okay for it to sway a bit . however , a steel coasters structure should never sway at all . typically , you shouldnt be able to hear grinding , screeching , or other signs of improper lubrication or poor maintenance . if you hear something that concerns you , try to pay attention to what the ride is doing at the time . does a screech seem to indicate bad brakes as a cart comes to a stop do you hear metal - on - metal wearing that might be compromising the rides integrity ask a ride operator about your concerns . ask them when the ride was last inspected . if they cant give you any adequate explanations , ask them to direct you to park management . pay attention to the ride operators , and try to evaluate their level of competency . do they seem professional , or are they reading a magazine while the ride is in motion if you bring any safety concerns to their attention , do they show concern or shake off your questiondo they thoroughly check that every rider is properly restrained before starting the ride if they seem uninterested in the safety aspects of their job or dont seem knowledgeable about the ride theyre operating , you might want to skip out on that ride or stick to the carnivals games and other amusements . |
research your options . show up to the show early . family matters . fit yourself to what they want . stand out . in picking - type shows if you know who picks the volunteers , start a conversation with them . in survey type shows stand up . enjoy doing whatever foolish thing youve just volunteered to do | how to get picked as a volunteer at a major theme park | find out which shows require volunteers because its usually shows , what type of volunteers theyre looking for male , female , over 18 or general , what youll be expected to do , and most importantly how and when volunteers are picked . for example , at the tarzan show a boy and a girl are picked as they walk in , without anyone raising hands well call this picking - type volunteering . at the indiana jones show , adult volunteers raise their hands well call this survey - type volunteering . if you cant figure out how people are picked , ask if its a picking - type show , they almost always pick people during the first few minutes . if its a survey type show , youll need to get a good seat where you can easily be seen by the person who chooses volunteers . its no fun having a volunteer without anyone to laugh at them . friends work just as well , if not better . if youre alone , find a small family to sit near , if not with . at the tarzan show , they need exactly two people , usually children . so if your party has four children , split up . if you only have one child , sit a single parent with them . at the flights of wonder show , have a dollar bill ready and wave it in the air . be memorable . wear funny hats and bright clothing . little girls dressed as princesses and little boys dressed as stitch are hilarious . look happy and bouncy - - no one wants a sad volunteer . laugh . if its your birthday or anything close , get a button from guest relations . if its your anniversary , get a button . if its your honeymoon , get a button and add those silly bridegroom mickey ears . trade pins . ask where theyre from . ask if the show is good . ask where the best place to sit is . do not ask if you can be a volunteer . in picking - type shows , you can sometimes get away with asking them to choose your child because its their birthday , but youd probably have better luck with just mentioning that its so and sos birthday and hes having so much fun today . be happy . dont be annoying . the moment they ask for volunteers , launch yourself out of your seat , jump up and down , wave your hand over your head , and shout me me me . you dont even have to wait for them to finish telling you what to do . dont sit down . dont stop hopping . dont stop waving your arms . encourage your family to point at you and shout him , him , him if needed . |
arrive at movieworld . have a walk around . watch other people on superman escape . line up to ride it . put all loose belongings in the boxes provided . walk through and choose where to sit . pull down your harness and clip the seat belt in . prepare yourself for the thrill and speed . enjoy it . | how to ride superman escape rollercoaster | find a good parking spot in the shade and check in . look at all the different rides and browse in the shops to get you relaxed . other cool rides include the batwing spaceshot , the wild west falls and the green lantern . you will be more prepared to ride it . it is a good idea to have a friend meet you in the line and ride it with you it will make the ride more enjoyable . , the doors will then open and you can sit down in your chosen seat . if youre nervous , then you may want to choose a seat in the back . , sit back and relax as the worlds most loved superhero shoots you up , up and away |
double check your harness , bar or other restraint . keep your eyes open , aim to breathe deeply . listen for the music . scream . talk to your buddies . stay at the front . praise yourself at the end . | how to keep calm on a roller coaster 2 | listen for the click or other sound it makes when it shut , several of the newer roller coasters dont have clicking restraints . this means you can have the restraint closer to your lap so you dont moved as much . these restraints are still perfectly safe and they wont unlock during the ride . it can be tempting to shut them but you can become disorientated making you feel nauseated . . this can help you to keep calm and can reduce the possibility of vomiting . count under your breath if it helps you to keep your breathing steady . there is often music accompanying the ride . this may help to calm you if you concentrate on listening to the words or tune . thats what the rides all about anyway when you scream going down from high drops , it helps to expel the air and helps you to breathe as well as releasing stress to help you have fun talking is a good way to distract yourself during the ride . however , if its hard to hear , you might end up yelling rather than talking , so be considerate of other people . the best time to talk is on the lift hill , this is the part where you have to wait to drop . this can help you to feel less scared . its not ideal to sit here if youre looking for more thrills though . however , if you aim to not see the biggest field of view , the cart behind will allow for that . you did it . and you know you can do it again . overcoming fear is a constant challenge in life and its a great thing that youre practicing this lifelong skill . |
check for proper safety signage . make sure the ride has proper safety restraints . speak up if you have any concerns before the ride starts . follow all posted safety instructions . | how to evaluate the safety of pop‐up carnival rides 2 | most jurisdictions require that carnivals post safety precautions , such as you must be this certain height to go on this ride . look for these postings , and for the carnivals operating permit . depending on your jurisdiction , the carnival may also be required to post permits and inspection certificates for each ride . you can search online to find out if your state or other locality requires individual ride permits . search your local governments public safety webpage using the keywords amusement park ride operating permit . while youre in line , check ahead to be sure other guests have no issues with safety harnesses and belts . if you observe any complaints of loose restraints or dissatisfaction , you should skip the ride . if it comes to be your turn and everything youve seen so far checks out , make sure your own restraints fit snugly and lock into place . when you harness yourself in , be sure you fit into the rides seat and the harness locks around you comfortably . pay particular attention if your proportions are especially large or small . if you have any trouble at all , be sure to shout out for assistance to the operator before they start the ride . avoid rides that specify proportions that arent right for your body . if there are height or age restrictions , dont sneak on or try to sneak your child . keep your arms inside the cart or other relevant ride capsule . make sure to read and understand any other safety precautions that the rides signage outlines . |
research the safety histories of a ride and a carnival company . check your local jurisdictions laws . look up a ride or carnivals inspection history . | how to evaluate the safety of pop‐up carnival rides 3 | if you want to stay informed about a carnival stopping in your area , you can always search online to find out more about its history . enter the carnival companys name into a search engine and combine it with search terms like safety or accidents . theres also a non - profit organization that keeps a detailed record of all international amusement park mishaps httpwww . rideaccidents . com try not to be suspicious or afraid of all amusement park rides , since the vast majority are safe , well - maintained , and issue - free . however , if youre curious or concerned , you can find out if a particular ride or company has a history of issues . you can also check to see how those issues were resolved . local regulations vary widely , so if you want to evaluate a rides safety or inspection history , its wise to stay informed about your local laws . for example , in the united states , some states have essentially no inspection regulations whatsoever for traveling carnival rides . the best way to check your local laws is to go to your state or other local governments website . look to see if they have a public safety section , or run a general search for amusement park safety regulations . check your local regulations to see how often rides must be inspected , who the inspecting body is , and what kind of insurance companies are required to hold . if you live in a jurisdiction without any regulations , consider doing more research about a particular carnival companys safety history . in the us , alabama , colorado , mississippi , nevada , south dakota , and utah have no government oversight or inspection of traveling carnival rides . in the us , many states dont require carnival rides to be inspected by government employees , but do require some oversight . these states allow companies to be annually inspected by private third - party inspectors . if you have any concerns , you can call the carnival ahead of time and ask who they hire to conduct inspections . you can then contact the inspecting company and request more information about the carnivals safety history or more information about a particular ride . |
choose a time of year when you can enjoy being outdoors without worrying about cold temperatures , repressive heat and humidity , insects , or other discomforts . if your schedule permits , choose a day during the week to plan your visit - avoid weekends or holidays when zoos are typically most crowded . plan your visit to begin early in the day if the weather permits . pick up a zoo brochure or guidebook to help you find your way around the zoo . follow the signs that direct you to different animal exhibits and other zoo features . find the largest animals that inhabit the zoo you are visiting . look for the most dangerous animals the zoo has on exhibit . see for yourself how some animals use camouflage to blend with their surroundings . see how some animals are much easier to spot , take your visit as an opportunity to see rare , exotic , and even threatened species . see local animals you may not get to catch a glimpse of in the wild very often . enjoy the way the zoo designer uses architecture from a species native land to add an authentic atmosphere to viewing it . visit areas of the zoo where kids can play . take time to appreciate artwork that has been incorporated in the zoos design . take time to read information posted at each exhibit to learn more about the animal you are looking at . enjoy the zoos flora , as well as its fauna . dont walk around too much at once . | how to enjoy the zoo | quite simply , a zoo experience involves spending some time walking and viewing outdoors . , finding a parking space will be simpler , and there shouldnt be long lines at the admissions booths . for a large zoo , realize it takes a lot of time to visit every exhibit , so coming early will allow more time to see what the zoo has to offer . often , these will have information about different animals , locations of rest rooms and water fountains , and other information to help you enjoy your visit . most zoos are designed with exhibit areas set up along pathways or sidewalks , and the signs at path intersections will guide you to the animals that you are most interested in . you may be surprised just how large some animals are when you get close to them . elephants , hippos , and rhinos are some large species you may see . many zoos have venomous snakes , carnivorous cats , and large reptiles like alligators you can enjoy observing safely . predators use this to ambush prey , and prey also are adapted , to hide from the predators . nature gives some of its creatures bright fur or feathers to attract attention , often to help them find a mate . some species futures may actually depend on the efforts of zoos to maintain breeding and animal health programs , as well as the research that may enhance the animals survival . zoos are home to many native and exotic species , from local rodents and birds who come and go as they please , to wild mammals , reptiles , and amphibians . some larger , well - funded zoos build realistic display enclosures for some of the animals there . this zoo has a special jungle trail where kids can climb and explore , burning off energy and having fun . many zoos have art themes around exhibits to enhance the visitors experience and to add dimension to the understanding of the subject you are looking at . , many zoos are combined with gardens , and in fact , are often call zoological gardens , to help illuminate the public that they are a combined display of animals and plants . stop and sit on the benches occasionally . if you dont , you will get tired , and you wont have fun . |
choose a theme park you might want to go to . print out a direction map for the theme park . you can plan ahead , bring coolers packed with frozen water to keep your food cold and you can have a cold drink too , get things to make you comfortable . drive all the way to the theme park . find a parking space . stand in line and wait to get your tickets . decide on the rides you might want to go on . enjoy the rides . | how to enjoy a theme park | there are roller coasters in six flags if you like intensity . another theme park is hershey park , which isnt that crazy . disney world is popular you may want to go there . choose your parks carefully . you may want to see if it has restaurants , the rides that suit you , souvenir stands , etc . you dont want to be bored at an amusement park , because usually if youre happy at a theme park then you will have the best time ever . you may want to ask your friends opinion and facts about the park . tell them to list the pros and cons of the park . be sure to write it down . if you know where it is , you might not need a map . but the benefit of getting a map is that if it shows a busy route , you can find another route to go to so you can get there earlier . some sites that can help are mapquest , yahoo maps , and maps . com . eat a good breakfast but not heavy as you want to be light on your feet . this way you will spend less time in lines in the park . other things to bring are cameras , sunglasses , and extra towels . most corporate parks , such as six flags , cedar fair , and disney , do not allow outside food and drink , unless its water . always check signs outside the park , or the parks website before you go . however , those with diabetes are allowed to bring juice in case their blood sugar gets low . pack up stuff you might need on your trip like money to spend on food . also you might want suntan lotion if it gets too sunny . if the kids want to go to a little kids ride you dont like , you can read a book while they are riding . make sure you have shoes that are comfortable . theme parks are usually spread out all over the place , and they are huge . use the map . if the park is far away then you should bring things to keep you and your kids and friends satisfied if you have them . it is best to get to the theme park early . if you do , you can find a nice parking space before everyone else takes up all the other spaces . if youre late , parking spaces are usually hard to find so you may have to wait around 40 minutes during busy times . make sure you have something that wont make you bored while waiting . or buy tickets in advance , you can save up to 25 off ticket prices if you buy ahead of time and you do not have to wait in line . pick rides that you think are reliable . you may want to get a map of the park ahead of time so you can know your way around the park and avoid getting lost . have fun . make sure you stop and eat for a while , sit down if you are tired etc . make sure you take bathroom breaks when you are around a bathroom . you need to stay happy in the park , not just enjoy the rides . |
dress comfortably . be prepared for any and all weather conditions . avoid valuable clothes . wear clothes that breathe . wear comfortable shoes and socks . | how to dress for the zoo | likely , you will spend most of the day walking around to view the exhibits , so avoid wearing anything too tight or uncomfortable . if the day is going to be warm , consider wearing loose capri pants or shorts . this way , you will not be sweating all day , and you are free to walk and run around as needed . if the day is going to be cool , consider wearing sweatpants or loose jeans . avoid restrictive pants , as these do not allow you to comfortably walk around , lean , and crouch to view the exhibits . a summer day in texas promises triple digits , but many zoos have air - conditioned inside portions aquariums , reptile exhibits , etc . for which you may want to bring a sweater or jacket , just in case . likewise , if you visit the franklin park zoo over winter break , youll want to walk in with a coat , but after walking around in the sun for a few hours , you may want something cooler to wear . this is not to suggest that you should be changing clothes every few hours only that since visiting the zoo is an active experience that primarily takes place outdoors , you should take caution and dress in layers . dont wear anything you would mind getting splashed , dirty , or sweaty . be prepared to perspire , whether or not its going to be warm outside . you will be walking around enough to sweat a fair amount , so dress accordingly . aim for light , breathable fabrics , such as linen , rayon , and cotton . avoid heavy fabrics that will trap heat and sweat against your skin , such as wool , cashmere , and fleece . most zoo visits include miles of walking , and you dont want to be caught with blisters and achy feet at the end of the day . |
start out small . watch the coaster and the riders . sit in the test seat . sit in the middle of the train . appreciate being back on the ground . | how to enjoy a roller coaster 1 | if this is your first time riding a coaster , or if your first few times terrified you , seek out the smaller coasters . either look at the park website ahead of time to see what they offer , look at the park map to find out the sizes , and dont be afraid to ask someone who works at the park which roller coaster would be best for a beginner . for young riders , amusement parks often have kid - oriented coasters that give you thrill but are designed especially with kids in mind . even if riding the child coasters isnt an option , most parks have a range of coaster sizes so you can find one that fits you . you can get a good idea of what the ride will be like by looking at the coasters structure , watching a couple trains go through the circuit , and watching and listening to the riders . if the track has multiple big drops , loops , corkscrews , or other features that scare you , maybe pass on that particular coaster for now . try to find one that seems like the right intensity for you . if you are with friends , ask if they have ridden specific coasters and can tell you about them . you can also ask people coming off of the ride what the experience was like for them . at the entrance to many roller coasters is a model of the seat featured on the ride . before going on the coaster for the first time , try out the test seat to make sure you will be comfortable with the seat itself and the straps , pull down bars , and harnesses the seat has . if you arent comfortable in the test seat , you will most likely not be comfortable once the ride is fully in motion . once you have decided to ride a specific roller coaster , you have to pick what part of the train you want to sit in . each portion of the train will experience the ride a little bit differently , and even if the coaster itself is a good fit , certain parts of the train may not be right for you . for first time or inexperienced riders , the middle is the best spot to sit in because it offers the mildest ride . sitting in the front gives you a view of exactly where you are headed , which may seem comforting in theory but can actually be scary for first time riders . the back of the train experiences the highest speed going down hills and tends to have the roughest ride around curves . once you have completed the ride , your body will most likely need some time to adjust to the change of being back on solid , stable ground . to finish your ride well , take a moment to appreciate the calm of walking slowly again . you can also purposefully take some slow breaths to calm your heart down if it is still racing from the ride . another way to calm down is to talk to a friend about what the experience was like . |
seek new coasters . change how you ride . sit in new locations . find new styles . take one step at a time . | how to enjoy a roller coaster 2 | if you have already ridden coasters for a while , think about what coasters you have ridden before and seek out ones similar to that . rather than riding the same coasters you have been on many times before , new ones of similar intensity will increase your enjoyment . if you started out with a few wooden coasters and low - key steel coasters , try moving up to a more intense steel coaster . you can even use a coaster directory to explore . one thing to pay attention to is what type of seat the coaster has . are your feet dangling are you standing up in the harness you can tell a lot by the track and seats of the coaster . if you can tell for sure it goes upside down , goes super fast or you can see huge drops , consider whether you are ready for these aspects . most mid - size to large parks have steel coasters that are more moderate and may be fast and high but dont go upside down . if you have only been riding for a while , maybe you have spent most of that time holding onto the lap bar or harness . take the step of letting go and raise those hands up for the whole ride , as long as this is an option . if you have ever kept your eyes closed before , try keeping them open and seeing all the different views along the way . you may have noticed people tend to scream on roller coasters . this can be a fun way to release any lingering fear you may have during the ride . inexperienced riders may take a seat wherever there is one open , but when you want to try some new , try choosing a seat youve never sat in before . even if you have ridden the coaster many times , sitting in a new spot can change the ride . sit in the very front and see things before everyone else . sit in the very back for a faster and rougher ride . some coasters may have forward and backward facing seats , so pick a direction you havent faced before . one of the most exciting aspects of roller coasters is that there are almost endless ways they are designed , specifically regarding the types of seats and how you are positioned during the ride . trying types of coasters youve never experienced is kind of like riding one for the first time . if you have never ridden a standing coaster , find a park that has one and go ride it . never ridden one where you are hanging from the seat and facing the ground youll feel just like you are flying . how about riding one that launches you at top speed or one that faces backwards you might still be near the beginning of your roller coaster riding career , so you dont have to become an all out adrenaline junkie in one trip . try one new coaster that you were too scared of at first , or one new seat location . dont think that you have to tackle the whole park at once . |
reassure yourself by learning about safety standards . read about how roller coasters work . learn about the history of roller coasters . | how to enjoy a roller coaster 3 | while it is true that people have been killed and injured on roller coasters , these are most commonly due to people breaking riding rules set by the park . the international association of amusement parks and attractions calculates the odds of experiencing a fatal injury on a ride at fixed - site amusement parks such as disney , six flags , etc . to be one in 750 million . learn about what kind of safety standards parks have to follow . far more people are affected by car accidents than by roller coasters , but people are rarely afraid of riding in cars . you could plan which coasters to ride before you go to the amusement park and you could specifically research those coasters to find out the safety features and what their track record is like . park websites should include safety information . understanding the design of the structure and the physics at work can reassure you of their safety . you can learn how potential and kinetic energy are at work during the ride , or about how the train is attached to and slides along the track . for example , most roller coasters are attached to the track by rollers both on top of the track and on the bottom side of the track , which makes the ride safer . the main benefit of learning about coasters is that once you know some of the physical aspects , it wont be as mysterious to you . besides the scientific aspects of roller coasters , you could also reassure yourself by learning about their long history , such as when the first one in american was built 1884 . learn about how the earliest coasters were constructed versus new techniques used today . one of the greatest safety advancements was the implementation of computers systems that control and monitor roller coasters from the start of the ride to the finish . other improvements to safety features include padded headrests , ratcheting safety restraints , and magnetic braking systems , all of which were designed with rider safety in mind . visit the website of the international association of amusement parks and attractions iaapa at www . iaapa . org for lots more information on safety features , regulations , and advancements . |
do not feed animals or birds . let the animals stay calm . be careful , obey all signage and directions from staff . do not ask the zoo employees unnecessary , silly or inappropriate questions . use a map or guide book to plan your route around the zoo . dont push to the front of a crowd to see whats going on , be aware of others taking photographs . respect the animals and workers , and they will respect you in return . | how to behave in a zoo | animals can become ill after they eat unsuitable food . remember that each animal has its own ration , fed to it by the zoo workers . do not feed the animals even if the animals seem hungry . sometimes , for example at petting zoos , food for some of the animals can be purchased so visitors can interact with the animals . this is the one time its okay to feed zoo animals . do not make loud noises , clap your hands or attempt to scare them to get a reaction . many animals are afraid of noise , timid and shy even though they are captive . you dont know how long some animals have been at a particular zoo or in an enclosure or they may be recovering from a injury or have a new animal in their midst . any zoo bird or animal may be feeling uncomfortable on display on any given day so be reasonable and dont expect animals to perform for your entertainment . they are all just doing what theyd do in the wild as far as possible . some visitors think that if they paid money for tickets , they are allowed to do anything and see every exhibit at its peak performance . its not the case . a ticket only allows you to enter the zoo and look at the animals . no animal is obligated to perform tricks for you . zoos can be risky if you dont follow the rules . do not climb over fences . dont try to hug animals unless a keeper says its okay and dont try to take photos of yourself or your children with the animals from anywhere other than behind the barriers and fences . they are busy with their work they are not guides . information about animals is usually provide by their enclosure . read about the zoo and any animals youre especially interested in before visiting the zoo . if a zoo keeper or other expert is giving a talk or demonstration at any of the enclosures , listen quietly and ask questions when invited to do so . any joke you think of they will of heard at least 100 times so dont make any if there are exhibits you dont want to miss , visit them first . plan your route around the zoo so you dont have to rush around and so you dont find yourself heading in the opposite direction as everyone else at a peak time . wait your turn , others will step back when theyve seen what they want to . everyone has paid the same entry fee so everyones entitled to look at everything as long as they like . if you dont get to the lions den at feeding time , for example , you cant expect all the people that did to step back and make room for you , or your children . many zoo visitors like to record their trip with photos of the animals and birds . they may wait many minutes for the perfect shot just for some other oblivious visitor to walk right through their shot or , worse , allow their child to run shrieking up to the animals enclosure for it never to be seen again that day . enjoy your visit to the zoo |
try not to look at a ride beforehand . think positive thoughts . dont hesitate when getting on . dont cry or mention your fear . sit by your familyfriends if possible . relax when the ride begins to move unless it is an extremely fast roller coaster , such as stealth , speed , rita , formula rossa , etc where it may be impossible to do so . keep your eyes open . take your time to appreciate things . dont try to hate every second , try to love it . if the ride ends and you didnt enjoy it , you dont have to go back on . | how to endure roller coasters if you hate them | dont watch any on - ride or off - ride videos on youtube and attempt not to watch the ride in motion before you get on , if at all possible . it may make you think negative thoughts such as im going to hate this and can i get on or even what happens if there is an accident . you may decide not to get on . just keep your eyes on the queue ahead . think things like i might love this and ill be proud of myself . it will help you immensely , even if you dont realise it . avoid all negative thoughts . just lock yourself in and dont be inclined to move until the ride is in motion , as you might want to unlock yourself and get off . try to ignore comments by your family or friends like this is going to be scary or youre scared arent you . they may discourage you . it could result in you acknowledging how much you actually are scared of roller coasters and how much you dont want to get on . sitting next to a complete stranger my be unnerving , especially if they are a roller coaster fanatic , as it is not uncommon for them to make fun of and scare inexperienced riders with untrue stories and startling comments . even if the ride is fast , or begins with a burst of extreme speed , remember to keep your head back and breathe normally . try your best to keep them open it will help you endure the experience and see what is coming . keeping your eyes open will reduce nausea and make your experience less terrifying . you might have never experienced anything this powerful or fast . this may be your only opportunity to appreciate the true speed and power of gravity , and natures forces , and of course , the ride itself . if you cant , then keep your mind blank and take your mind off what youre doing , and dont think about what youre actually riding or where you are . think about what appeals to you . however , you will most likely be having an adrenaline rush and have a big smile on your face |
pick the best day to visit thorpe park . plan how youll get to the park . consider pre - ordering a fastrack package online . | how to avoid queues at thorpe park 1 | when planning your visit , youll want to consider both the month and the day of the week in order to reduce the time spent in queues as much as possible . go during the off - season months . the least busy months are from april to may , and from september to november . these months have reduced wait times as they are when the park has just openedclosed , schools have gone back , and there are no special events on . avoid going to the park in peak summer months . every day in the summer is busy , leading to queues of up to 4 hours per ride . visit the park during the week if possible . the best days to go are tuesdays , wednesdays or thursdays , as on these days the queues are up to four times shorter since most people are in school or at work . its important to bare travel time in mind so that youll ensure you get to the gate on time and avoid waiting in long queues there . you can get most of the way to thorpe park using public transit by taking a train or another form of transportation to waterloo , then hopping on a train to reading they leave every 20 minutes , and getting off at staines . its about 30 - 40 minutes if you take the slow train . once at staines , you have a few different options take the thorpe park bus , which is faster than the local bus but more expensive £3 . 70 for a return . take the local bus , which is a bit slower , but the tickets are cheaper £2 . 40 return . walk , but keep in mind that the park is 4 . 8 km 3 miles away , so it could take up to an hour to get there . fastracks enable you to skip the normal queue and enter a special , shorter queue reserved for fastrack pass holders . if you would like to purchase a fastrack , its a good idea to pre - order them online before you go , as the park only sells a limited amount of them each day and they often get sold out . |
arrive early . ride your favourite rides first . start at the left side of the park and work your way to the right side . eat lunch very early or very late . wait until later to ride the bigger rides once their queues have peaked . | how to avoid queues at thorpe park 2 | whether you have pre - ordered tickets , or are getting them at the gate with or without vouchers make sure you get to the gate at least half an hour early . generally queues build up about a half hour before the park opens and it remains busy until 3pm , and then they die down in the parks final opening hours of the day . if you have an annual pass , aim to get there up to 40 minutes early . you get prioritized entrance , meaning you get to enter the park earlier then the general public , so you can be let in 15 - 30 minutes early . make sure youre there right when they let you in to make the most of this time with short queues . be reasonable , and imagine the park will be really busy , so choose 4 - 6 rides you really really want to do , and get them out of the way before the queues get too long . after youve ridden your favourite ones , you can then be more systematic in your choices in order to avoid queues . the public tend to swarm to the right hand side of the park , near stealth , the swarm and nemesis inferno , so do these later in the day . try to start off over as far left as you can - the rides like rush , vortex , quantum , and even saw , colossus or samurai . saw and colossus both get queues of over 60 minutes in peak times afternoons and weekends , so do these early . most restaurants are open by 1130 , and the queues peak from 1230 - 100 , especially for popular ones such as kfc or pizza pasta . its recommended to either get to the restaurant as the doors open , or wait to eat until around 230pm , when people are doing their final rides and starting to leave . this will pay off two - fold - you wont have to wait in long queues to get your food , and if youre on the rides while everyone else is eating lunch , the ride queues will be smaller . once you see on the billboards of ride times dotted round the park that the big rides have reached queues of up and over 40 minutes , stop joining these big queues and head for the ones with smaller queues instead . wait until later on in the day , when people are starting to go home and the queues are dying down , to ride these big rides . |
learn about the different styles of roller coasters . check out the different kinds of seats on coasters . start with a smaller coaster . make sure that you meet the height and weight requirements . pick a roller coaster with a manageable line . pick your seat . ride on an empty stomach . step inside the roller coaster train and sit down . stow any loose items of clothing . relax . always ride with friends . get over the first hill . yell . find out if some coasters run forward and backward . try a launched roller coasters . try a coaster that goes upside down . try to ride every roller coaster in the park . check out the most intense coasters . | how to ride a roller coaster | there are loads of different varieties , intensities , and styles of roller coasters , and deciding what kind of experience you want out of riding a roller coaster is an important first step . some riders prefer old - school wooden coasters for a vintage feel , while others will prefer newer , super - fast , upside - down behemoths to test their mettle . the choice is completely up to you , but its good to get some sense of what to expect from different kinds of coasters . wooden roller coasters are the oldest and most classic types of coasters , and usually the kind youll want to start on . theyre operated with a traditional chain - lift mechanism , in which the cars are lifted to a peak and dropped to allow gravity to force the cars through the rest of the turns and valleys at high speed . its also a fun and bumpy ride . these usually wont go upside down . the texas giant , the american eagle at six flags america , and the beast at kings island are all examples of classic wooden coasters . also , thunderbolt is a common name for wooden coasters . steel roller coasters feature complex steel tracks , offering somewhat smoother rides and more maneuverability , as well as the ability to invert the riders , incorporating loops , corkscrews , and all kinds of other exciting motions . most modern roller coasters , including the classic kingda ka , the millennium force , steel dragon 2000 and the storm coaster are steel coasters . not all roller coasters are designed the same way , and some are a bit more comfortable for first - time riders than others . knowing a bit about the different types will help you pick the right one . for the beginner , traditional seated car roller coasters are typically the best way to get an introduction to the ride . theyre comfortable , safe , and relatively simple . floorless coasters , for example , allow the riders legs to hang free , simulating an intense falling experience , while standing coasters lock the riders in place in an upright position . wing coasters feature two cars that extend on either side of the track , giving your individual car the impression of floating , while suspended coasters are able to swing back and forth freely as the coaster goes around bends . if youre inexperienced at riding roller coasters , the best way to get your sea legs is to ride a smaller version of a coaster . most parks have a variety of different types of roller coasters , and theyre all fun . smaller coasters will usually have less - intense drops , no loops , and will still give you a good thrill , going at high speeds . often , theyll have shorter lines , too , which gives you less time to get nervous while you wait . alternatively , depending on your temperament , it might be better to jump in the deep end and ride an intense roller coaster to get it over with . that way , youll know youve been through the wildest of the wild and you dont need to be scared anymore . at the beginning of most roller coasters should be a measuring stick with a minimum height requirement for all riders . this isnt to punish enthusiastic kids who want to ride the big rides , but to ensure the safety of all the riders . the seats and safety harnesses need to be big enough to fit everyone , so kids and especially short people run the risk of slipping through the harness . dont sneak past the height requirement and then wait in line . typically , before you jump in the car , the park employees will measure you with a height stick and send off anyone who doesnt meet the mark . it would be too bad to have waited around for two hours just to get rejected at the last second . most roller coasters feature warnings that pregnant rides , riders with heart conditions , and other physical ailments should not ride certain roller coasters . most of these warnings will be featured at the beginning of the line , next to the height requirement . dont ride if you have any concerns about your physical health . one great way to pick a roller coaster is to pick one that doesnt have an insanely long line . very popular roller coasters will often have waits for up to two or three hours , depending on the ride and the park , so its important to manage your time if you want to ride some roller coasters . it might be worth it to wait several hours for one big one , or you might rather spend your time riding other rides . bring something to do in line , or some friends to talk with . waiting that long can be awfully boring , and might be a lot more fun with a book or some buddies to goof off with . be respectful and polite to everyone else in line whos waiting with you . some theme parks also have fast passes , which allow you to show up to a ride at a designated time , skip the line , and hop right on the ride . this allows you to more efficiently use your time at the park , though these passes are more expensive than a regular ticket . on lots of roller coasters , the line will split once you get toward the end of it , to line up for different seats along the car . once in the loading zone , pick the row you wish to ride in , and get in that line . any of the cars are great choices for your first rides . some people love the front for the view , while others love the back for what is called the goat effect , a phenomenon named after the thunder mountain roller coaster at disneyland . toward the back of the cars , the g - forces exerted on the riders are stronger , making the experience more intense , making up for the lack of view . if you dont have much of an opinion or preference , head to the shortest line to get on the ride the quickest . less waiting , less nerves , more fun . it should be common sense , but all the excitement of the park and the availability of giant elephant ears and turkey legs can cause some riders to forget roller coasters can make some people puke . the g - forces on certain coasters are strong , and the feeling of weightlessness can cause stomach butterflies and sometimes nausea in certain riders . for most of us , that feeling will subside and will actually be part of the fun , but if youve got a belly full of dip - in - dots , it might end up all over the car behind you . dont eat right before going on a coaster . treat yourself to something after you ride , to reward yourself for your bravery . its also a good idea to make sure you go to the bathroom before getting in line . you dont want to wait around for 2 hours to ride the vortex and then find out youve got to go right before getting on and strapping in . that could get ugly . on most roller coasters , a metal harness should be raised above your seat , which you can pull down and lock into place . if you cant figure it out , dont worry too much , because a ride employee walk down the cars and check every rider by tugging on your harness before the ride takes off . listen carefully to any instructions given over pa speakers or by the employees . theres no way theyll let you leave without checking your safety buckle , so relax and remain calm . all seats and safety locks are different , so if you have trouble figuring yours out , just wait until the employee comes along and ask for assistance . more elaborate safety harnesses will usually be locked in by the park employees . if you suspect something might be wrong with your safety harness , tell a park employee immediately . make sure you feel comfortable . roller coasters are bumpy and youll likely be jostled around in your seat , which is part of the fun . if you dont feel comfortable in the seat , though , that can make the bumps pretty irritating . it might be a rough ride . if something about your seat is uncomfortable , communicate with a ride employee , or restate yourself before the harness is locked in . before the ride takes off , its important to stow anything you might lose while going very fast in an open - top roller coaster . sandals , hats , glasses , and necklaces in particular are often sacrificed to the roller coaster , and it can be very difficult to retrieve these items if you lose them somewhere along the way . always remove your glasses and keep them in your pocket . its a good idea to give this some thought before you get all the way into the seat and are about to blast off . if youre wearing a baseball cap , its sometimes enough to turn it backwards if it fits snugly enough , but sometimes its a safer idea to remove it and hold it , stuff it in a cargo pocket , or leave it with someone on the ground . as youre sitting and waiting for things to get moving , the nerves will probably start to kick in . if youve never ridden before , its common to start suspecting that something is wrong , getting paranoid about every noise you hear and every little jostle . everything youre experiencing is perfectly normal . try your best to remain calm and enjoy the fun of the adrenaline . roller coasters are very safe and reliable structures . hold on tight and dont let go unless you feel comfortable . most roller coasters provide little hand - grips that can help to relieve some of the stress and allow you to feel like youre in more control of the situation . grab on and have fun dont wiggle around or struggle with the harness after the ride starts . in a given year , several people will be injured on roller coasters , its true . but roughly 300 million people ride roller coasters safely each year without incident . the overwhelming majority of injuries are the result of rider error and rule breaking , messing with the harnesses , or sneaking onto the ride against the rules . if you follow the rules and sit calmly , youll be fine . roller coasters are a great communal experience . going alone on an empty car would be a dull ride . one of the most fun things about the roller coaster is listening to everyone laugh , scream , shout funny comments , and go through the whole ride together . if youre with close friends on a beautiful day at the park , riding a roller coasters can be extremely fun . friends can also help keep the experience light and distracting . if youre too busy goofing off with your friends , you wont have to spend time being worried about whats to come while youre waiting in line . just focus on having fun . dont get goaded into riding roller coasters youre not ready for by ambitious friends . if all your friends want to ride on the super - scary looking seven - looper and youre not into it , go on other rides in the meantime and meet up later . most roller coasters have one thing in common , a long , slow build up to the first massive hill and the first big drop . classic roller coasters all have the opening drop , and once you get that out of the way , the rest of the ride is just fast and fun . if youre feeling nervous , just get that out of the way and youll be in for a treat . the long , slow pull up to the first drop is one of the scariest parts of the ride , because nothing is actually happening and its painfully slow . try to enjoy it for the anticipation it builds . itll all be over soon . some riders who get really scared like to close their eyes , but that actually make it a little more nauseating if you cant see whats coming up . if you can , try to keep your eyes open to stay aware of your surroundings . itll be more fun that way . when you coast over that first big hill , a lot of people will probably start shouting with glee . join them there are few times in life you get the chance to really let loose with a howl of total delight like when you ride a roller coaster . your adrenaline will be pumping and its a great time to let out a primal scream . its also true that screaming in a group can trigger the release of oxytocin , a hormone that soothes and calms the body , in certain conditions . this means that screaming can actually help calm you down and produce feelings of euphoria . if youve gotten over your first coaster , congratulations now the real fun begins . more often than not , most people who start to ride coasters want to get right back in line immediately . the rush from a good roller coaster is like nothing else in the world . and whats better riding the same roller coaster you just rode , but backwards . if you find one you really like , you can experience it for the first time all over again , going backwards . many roller coasters will be run forward for most of the day and run backward at a certain hour . find out at the park near the front of the line what the schedule for running is , or just look at the track closely to see if theyre running it backward . some roller coasters always run forward and backward , using two tracks that run simultaneously . the racer at kings island is a classic example of a backward - running roller coaster classic . launched coasters start off with a bang , using hydraulic pressure to immediately launch the cars from a standing position into a fast speed , sometimes as high as 60 or 80 mph 97 or 129 kmh , giving you little time to brace yourself , but it also helps to get it over with quickly . these will often go upside down , corkscrew , and do other fun twists and turns . space mountain at disney world is possibly the most famous example of this variety of coaster . next challenge doing a loop . the first time you go upside down on a roller coaster is a big moment for a lot of people , but it seems way more intimidating than it turns out to be , and twice as fun . youll be weightless for a quick second and itll be over with . roller coasters that feature loops are often long and elaborate , or fast and intense , with lots of crazy maneuvers . if youve braved a traditional roller coaster , start upping the ante . what rattles most people during their initial rides isnt actually the drops or the nausea , but being jostled around . doing loops is one of the smoother parts of riding a roller coaster , most times , so its not something that should scare you off of taking a ride on one . the olympics of the theme park riding every coaster in one day . its possible , if you break up your time effectively and are willing to wait in long lines . going about your mission with some planning will also likely help . by the end , you might be a full - blown coaster addict . to make it , try to hit the longer lines earlier in the day , when theyll likely be shorter , and to make sure youll have enough time . then , the less popular rides will be open to you in the afternoon . if youre on your way to becoming a full - blown adrenaline junkie and roller coaster addict , its time to start checking out the biggest and the baddest coasters in the world and seeking them out . some of the most intense , fastest , highest , and longest roller coasters include formula rossa in abu dhabi takabisha at the fuji - q highland kingda ka at six flags great adventure el toro and nitro at six flags great adventure the colossus at heide park full throttle and x2 at six flags magic mountain superman formerly bizarro and goliath at six flags new england boulder dash and phobia at lake compounce |
acquire something which has pages . examine the layout of the pages . open the book . place the book on its spine , either in your hand , on a flat surface or other area so that the cover is facing downwards and the open pages upwards . grip the edge of the right page or left if youre reading some foreign texts with your thumb slipped under the page and index finger on top if youre using your left hand , or your thumb on top and your index finger slipped underneath if youre using your right , grasping it from either side . push off the side of the book with your thumb so that the page you are grasping is slightly raised from the other pages . move your hand , with the page still firmly between your thumb and finger , towards the left side . drop the page by releasing the grip your thumb and index finger have on the page . repeat the process if you wish this is usually done when you are actually reading the book in order to continue the story on multiple pages . congratulations | how to turn a page | it doesnt matter what type if it has pages , you can turn them not just books have pages magazines , leaflets , calendars , they all have pages to turn . once you have a book , youre ready to begin . with most books , the pages turn over to the left side . however , some books and indeed calendars have pages the turn upwards and some foreign texts write right to left , so the pages may turn to the right , opposite to those of the western world . making sure you have the book the right way up is also a good idea . to do this , put your hands on either side of the book , place your thumbs roughly in the middle of the side thats facing towards you and separate them , gripping the book as you go this will cause the book to part and the book to be now open . normally you would want to start from the beginning of the book , where the story often begins , but to learn how to turn a page , you can start anywhere in the book . this makes it much easier to turn pages because of gravity and hold your position in the book . you now have the page in your control and can move it with ease . this is the precursor to turning the page . , do this far enough so the you can see the reverse side and can no longer see the front . if you have moved the page over far enough , gravity should take hold and drop the page down on the left side of the book . this can only be done so many times before the book ends with the back cover you can turn this as well which will mean that you have closed the book . youve successfully turned a page if you want to close the book you can either follow step 3 in reverse by gripping the edges of the book covers and moving your hands together so that the two sides meet . when there is no space in the middle , the book has been closed . similarly , you can continue to turn pages until the back cover has been turned to the left , therefore closing the book . |
store books long - term in plastic bins . find an appropriate space for storing your bins of books . keep books in rooms with relatively low humidity . keep books away from direct heat . reduce exposure to direct light . store books upright or flat . protect books from bookworms . store rare books in custom sleeves . consider finding a conservator for very rare items . | how to store books 1 | if youve got more books than you know what to do with , the best place to store them is in opaque plastic tubs that you can seal and store in a cool location . plastic tubs help to protect books from sunlight , rodents , and other conditions , and are easy to stack in out - of - the - way locations . if you dont need to access your books regularly , plastic tubs are a good choice . most retailers sell a variety of storage bins , in various sizes . try to get relatively small boxes , no bigger than 12 x 12 in . or the bins will become quite heavy . its fine to store these books anywhere the temperature will be consistent and cool . attics and garages will be fine in certain climates . polyurethane plastic tubs should protect books adequately from insects and rodents who might chew up books . got more books than youve got shelves finding a spot for all those old paperbacks can be tough . but with the right storage techniques , you can find places for them . store book bins underneath the bed , at the backs of closets , or in the basement . try to store books indoors , if you can . exposed attic spaces , sheds , and garages can have drastic temperature swings , which can be rough on the binding and paper . consider renting a storage space in your town for storing books . if you have a lot of books , an indoor storage facility might be temperature - controlled and appropriate for some old boxes of books , while outdoor garages might be fine for your old paperbacks . in very hot climates , books can start to warp . ideally , you should keep the relative humidity around 35 . humidity causes binding to warp , paper to curl , and books to suffer . ideally , you want to keep your books stored long - term in a climate - controlled room , kept around 35 humidity . good dry air circulation is good for books . anything lower than 50 - 60 should be ok for most books , but rare or valuable books should always be stored around 35 , indoors . if youre really particular about keeping your books safe , though , try to keep it even lower if possible . books stored close to heat ducts , hot appliances , and other sources of direct heat can become warped . to protect the binding of your books , keep them stored in relatively cool temperatures . in most climates , a room temperature of 60 - 75 degrees is perfectly fine . if youre concerned about the distribution of heat in a particular room and the safety of your books , rotate them regularly to make sure a handful of books arent getting more exposed than others . soft room lighting wont affect the quality of books much . but hard , direct sunlight will always serve to bleach out and damage the binding and the page - quality of books . rooms in which books are kept should be shady , with drapes over the windows to protect the books . the best way to store books flat on their back , or standing up on their tail , the bottom edge of the book . this means the books is stored standing upright , so you can read the spine correctly . books are designed to be stored in this way , and can be supported by other books , helping to keep them stable and safe . never store books with the binding or spine pointing up . this will always crack the hinge , which will affect the life of the book . certain types of book binding glue and paper are often an attractive snack for cockroaches , silverfish , various beetles and other insects . in most conditions , you wont have to worry much about protecting your books from infestation , but its still a good idea to keep food and crumbs out of the book room to keep insects from coming in . very rare books , or books that youre concerned about keeping safe from infestation should be stored in plastic sleeves . custom enclosures are also available at most rare book stores , made to fit the specific volumes youve got . if you find that some of your books have been infested with insects , the best way to clean them out is to place them in plastic bags and put them in the freezer for several hours to kill the bugs , then clean them thoroughly . read the next section for more information about cleaning books properly . if you have some first editions or especially rare books that youre concerned bout taking care of yourself , consider enlisting a professional to care for your books for you . museums , libraries , and private rare book collectors may be a better place for those items than the garage . the american institute for conservation aiccollects rare artistic and historical works , and offers a variety of conservators you can enlist to guide you through the process of caring for them . |
wash and dry your hands before handling books . dust rooms with books regularly . wipe books down with a clean magnetic or lint - free cloth . start cleaning from the head to the tail of the book . use a small hand - vac in the hinges . vacuum the room regularly . | how to store books 2 | the number one enemy of books dirt and natural oils from your hands as you handle them . when youre handling your books , make sure to wash your hands with warm , soapy water , and thoroughly dry them before picking up and thumbing through your books , or cleaning them . very old , leather - bound , or rare books should be handled while wearing latex gloves . never eat or drink around old books that you want to protect . books need to be cleaned regularly to keep dust from accumulating on them . generally , unless books become very soiled , basic dusting and proper temperature and environment control should be enough to keep them clean long - term . start dusting by removing all the books from your shelves and cleaning the shelves thoroughly , dusting them and wiping them down before reshelving the books . the best way to clean old books is with a microfiber cloth that traps dust inside . instead of just blowing the dust around , as with a feather duster , these types of cloths will trap the dust and remove it completely . theyve commonly sold at most home retail stores . dont use water or other solvents to try to clean books . if you have a very rare book thats gotten dirty , take it to a book dealer in your area and talk about restoration methods . most books should not need to be cleaned in any way other than gentle dusting . if youre storing books upright on the shelf , most books will only be dusty or dirty at the top of the cover , and on the top binding of the book . the bottoms will usually be mostly clean . when youre cleaning then , start at the top , wiping down gently with the cling - cloth and wiping dust from the book . if your books are very dusty , it may be good to use a small hand - vac , or the tube function on your regular vacuum cleaner to gently suck the dust out of the hinge in the binding . run the vacuum over the top of the books while theyre still stacked to get the most dust out of there , before you go back over them individually with a cloth . this can be a good way to get the worst out of the way first . most of the dust in a book room will be tracked in from the floor , actually . while dusting the shelves themselves is important , paying attention to cleaning the room regularly will help to keep your books in their prime condition . vacuum and sweep the floors at least once a week , if your books are in a high - traffic area , to keep your books from needing more substantial cleaning . |
pick an appropriate book shelf . display books in stacked crates . store your childrens books in wall - mounted theme bins . shelve books according to genre . arrange your books by size and shape . arrange your books alphabetically . arrange books by color . | how to store books 3 | the best , most organized , and most secure way to store books is on shelves designed for the purpose . its clean , accessible , and allows you to easily peruse the books that you have quickly . theyre available at most home retailers and are always a good choice . natural , pre - treated wood and sheet metal are the best surfaces on which to store books . storing books on shelves with synthetic paint or other chemicals can leech into the binding and paper , affecting the quality of the items . one more quirky and off - kilter way to store and access your books is to line them up in a series of stacked wooden crates . old milk crates or other boxes of various sizes can be reclaimed , then stacked in various patterns to fit the space that you have . stack book crates on the side , rather than bottom - up , so you can stack your books as if they were in a bookshelf . this makes them easy to access and peruse . think of it as a diy bookshelf . crates allow you to organize your books into micro genres , keeping your cookbooks in one crate and your novels in another , putting them in adjacent spaces and rooms if necessary . theyre also movable . one creative idea with your stacks of children books is to purchase or fashion a wooden cut of an animal , dinosaur , or other kids - themed shape , and mount it on the wall . to it , affix small shelves or baskets in which you can store books at a child - appropriate height . this is a great way to lively up your kids room and organize all their books . if youve got a lot of books , one of the most user - friendly ways to organize them is by genre . keep your novels with your novels , your non - fiction with your non - fiction , and other genres together . get as specific as you want , for the books that you have . within genre , you can specialize even further if you want to . in the history section , store your military history books together , but differentiate them from your natural history books , european history , and other sub - genres . if you dont have a lot of different genres , just split them into two big categories fun books and learning books . put all novels , stories , and sci - fi in the first section . put all your old school stuff in the other . want to make sure your books look nice on the shelf group them according to their relative size and shape , to keep your shelves , stacks , or crates looking organized . keep very tall and thin books with other very tall and thin books , and keep very squat and short books with other like books . aside from looking nice and organized , books can be supported better if theyre stacked next to books of a similar size . this helps to stabilize the covers and the binding . if youve got more of a linear mind , it might make more sense to you to categorize your books alphabetically , for easy reference . this may look a little more chaotic on the shelf , and youll end up with some weird stuff next to one another , but youll always know where everything is in the alphabet . go by title , or go by the last name of the author when youre alphabetizing your books . generally , titles are easier to remember , but youll also end up with a lot of titles that start with the and a , which might be confusing . if youve got an eye for design , organizing your books according to the color of the binding can be an excellent way to give your room a pop of particular color , and make your book shelves really stand out . group them according to specific colors and put them on the shelf in subtle gradations , moving from one color to the next . consult the color wheel to learn more about how to pick the right colors for interior decorating , books included . |
once you buy a new book or pick it out of your library , make sure you hold it backwards , from the side you open the book and not from the side you hold while reading . open your book gently and avoid opening it more than 100 geometrical degrees . dont use a highlighter or any kind or pens for bookmarking . eat or drink after reading your book . your book is your book dont give it to someone who simply asked you to borrow it . the best way to keep the book better in its shape is in sleeping position on a horizontal surface . open your book and dust it every month , every two months if youre lazy . after dusting it keep it on a safe and high table for more than an hour . place your book gently back in your library and not in a hurry and brutal , fast squeezing way . if you saw photocopy points and black drops , know that they will permanently stay on the page . make sure the library , the room or the place you put your book isnt humid . if youre reading your book outside of your house , read it while sitting and not while youre passing the street , the parking or anywhere while walking or pretending youre reading in front of the public . wait until you come out if your bathroom or toilet to continue reading it . place the book in whenever it was and dont leave it on the table . enjoy your forever new book . | how to take care of your book | , instead of that , use a simple bookmark . you dont need to buy a fancy bookmark , an old piece of carton or anything thin clean and solid helps . or take a break eat and drink then wash your hands . this doesnt mean you cant eat before reading , just remember to wash your hands before even touching your book . only allow someone you trust very well to read the book next to you . even if you trust someone you cant just give your book to himher to read it in hisher place . there are other people in his place too , do you know or trust them standing position seems more practical and logical to you . in fact by time if your book was in standing position , the glue on your book will be tiered and its papers will come off . only if your book is squeezed in the library your glue can last for a longer time . remember sleeping position can keep the book the way it was forever . , youre not mr . muscle or windex and you cant use tip - ex or any kind of cleaning product or pen from your school pencil - bag . or else your book will be wavy . youll end up crashing a car a street light , an old lady or anyone . reading on the toilet can cause serious bottom problems and the bathrooms are usually humid . otherwise youll forget it was there , your sibling , little cousin or anyone can harm it . |
get some friends to go on with you . dont look down . hold onto the bar . arms up | how to be brave on rush at thorpe park 1 | its very helpful to have friends with you because its likely theyll be a little nervous too but if theyve been on it before they can tell you how fun it is and how youd be missing out if you didnt go on it . it really helps to look sideways when youre very high because you can still see where you are and you get to see your friends hilarious facial expressions after being on it a few times you can try looking down . theres only a lap bar holding you in this ride but its perfectly safe and if it had shoulder bars it would be boring when the staff are locking the bars in place make sure you push your bar down nice and tight so you dont slip about in the seat , you will feel safe and less scared . never trust the staff to do it for you , they dont always push it down far enough . ignore what people say about how you feel like youre going to fall out , you dont . when it starts it doesnt go very high , its fun if you put your arms up but grab on as soon as it gets higher . |
learn how the dewey decimal system works . remember that the purpose of call numbers is to group books of the same subject together , and is comprised of at least two parts the class number 000 through 900 and the cutter number . get a feel for how a classification is broken down . | how to shelve books in a library 1 | learning the system is not difficult because it is logically organized and built on a decimal base . essentially , every class of book is assigned a category number a whole number , such as 800 and a cutter number or numbers numbers to the right of the decimal point . these are the numbers you see on the spine of a library book , and they are referred to as the call number . the system is comprised of ten classes , which are further divided into 10 more subcategories , and each of those subcategories contains 10 subdivisions . the 10 main classes of the dewey decimal system are 000—computer science , information and general works 100—philosophy and psychology 200—religion 300—social sciences 400—language 500—science 600—technology and applied science 700—arts and recreation 800—literature 900—history and geography the class number is a whole number and the cutter numbers are placed after the decimal point . here is a short example of how you would find or shelve a book about american fiction literature written between 1861 and 1900 . the broad classification for literature is 800 . look at the second number after the 8 . the number 1 indicates that the book is further classified as american literature in general . the second number after the 8 further defines the division 811 is american poetry , 812 is american drama , 813 is american fiction , 814 is american essays and so on . look at the first number after the decimal point this number refines the classification even further . thus , a book with a call number of 813 . 4 , tells you that the book is american fiction written between 1861 and 1900 . obviously , the more numbers , the more specific the subject . |
learn what to expect . talk to other people about their experiences . understand that roller coasters are supposed to be scary . go with friends . look at your watch . read the regulations and restrictions before getting in line . start small . dont watch . sit somewhere in the middle . follow the instructions of the park employees and the ride guidelines . look straight ahead . breathe deeply . flex your stomach and your arm muscles . ignore the spooky decorations . yell loudly , use your imagination to your advantage . always use your own judgment . | how to overcome your fear of roller coasters | its a good idea to learn a little about roller coasters before you ride your first ones . specific parks will usually rank the roller coasters on intensity , so you can learn more about the particular roller coasters youre going to visit when you get there and get the park map , or you can check out the specific coasters online . wooden roller coasters are the oldest and most classic coasters . usually operated on chain - lifts , theyll go very fast , but never go upside down or in complicated loops , for the most part . steel - track roller coasters are much more complex , featuring lots of twists and turns , often upside down . but some steel coasters are good because they will have more turns and not as many drops . they will also be less rickety and smoother than wooden ones . there are some small steel coasters which are great for first time as wooden coasters are very bumpy . if youre scared of the big drops , look for a roller coaster with a curved drop instead of a straight drop , so youll get a gradual ride and wont feel as if youre plunging . you can also choose a launched ride , which accelerates you at high speeds instead of dropping you off of a large hill , though these are just as intense in some cases . it may seem silly , but most kid rides allow anyone to ride , and can be a great start . try not to find out specific things like how tall the coaster is , how fast it goes , and other specific scary numbers . it is a good idea , though , to check out the twists and turns so you can brace your body and know what to expect from the ride and avoid rides that do stuff youre intimidated by . find these things out after you ride so you can tell others and be proud of yourself . millions of people ride roller coasters every year and have a blast doing it . theres little to fear from the roller coaster , and lots of fun to be had . talking about it with enthusiasts is a great way to get interested and excited in roller coasters for yourself . also talk to people who were scared but now love them as it will help you see what you should ride . talk to family and friends , as well as park employees at the gate who enjoy roller coasters . ask them what rides at the park are the smoothest or the tamest , and which ones to avoid . another good idea is to ask people what their first roller coaster experience was . you can get a good idea of what to avoid on your first ride . read online about the good coasters at the park youre going to visit . try to watch youtube videos on anything you think you may go on to see if they seem tame enough for you . if youre feeling scared by the idea of a 12 - story drop going 60 mph 97 kmh , thats perfectly normal . that means the theme park is doing its job roller coasters are made to be scary to give riders fun thrills and chills , but they arent actually dangerous as long as you follow the safety precautions and listen to instructions . a coaster is thoroughly tested before being cleared for public use , and all the rides receive regular maintenance to keep them in top working order . you neednt fear malfunction at professional parks . some injuries are reported each year from riding a roller coaster , but the vast majority of those injuries are the result of rider error and rule - breaking . if you listen to instructions and stay seated , youll be fine . statistically - speaking , youve run a greater risk of injury by driving to the theme park than riding the roller coaster . the chance of fatal injury on a roller coaster is 1 in 1 . 5 billion . riding roller coasters should be fun , and itll always be a lot easier with friends to cheer you on , scream together , and support each other through it . some people find it more comfortable with a person who is also scared so you both can scream your guts out , and you wont feel left out . others like going with someone who has already been on the coaster , and could reassure youll be okay . dont go with people who will push you to do things you dont want to do . when you find your limit , dont ride anything bigger unless you are ready to push your limits . it doesnt matter what everyone thinks of you if youve found your comfort zone and want to stay in it . dont let anybody try to push you around or pressure you into riding rides you arent comfortable with yet . the average roller coaster is usually shorter than a television commercial . in some cases , youll wait in line for 2 , 000 more time than youll be on the ride . the drops , although very big , will be over in the time it takes you to take a breath . try to remember that the whole thing , for better or worse , will be over extremely quickly . the wait is the big source of fear and anticipation , and the ride is the fun part . before you wait in line , make sure you meet the height requirements listed at the start of the ride and that youre not physically unfit to ride . typically , people with heart disorders , people who are pregnant , and people with other physical disabilities are not permitted to ride roller coasters . its probably not a good idea to jump straight onto kingda ka or smiler . older wooden coasters with small - medium drops and no loops are usually a good bet for first - timers and those who want to try out coasters without getting scared . spend time looking around the park , checking out a couple of roller coasters to find the less - scary ones . ride some other exciting rides first to get your adrenaline up and to get used to the sensations . while roller coasters might seem like a big deal , theyre not usually much more scary than other types of rides . if you can handle the scrambler , youve got a roller coaster on lockdown . as youre walking around the park , as youre waiting in line , as youre getting ready to get on , try to resist the urge to look up at the big drop or the scariest part of the ride . focus on talking to your friends and distracting yourself from whats about to happen . theres no sense in getting worked up looking at the big drops now when youre on the ground . think about other things and keep your mind off it . when youre waiting in line , focus on looking at all the people getting off the ride at the end , not on the scary drops and loops . they all look , probably , like they had a blast , and they all came out just fine . so will you . if it is your first time on a pretty scary one , the best place to sit is in the middle , so you can focus on the back of the seat in front of you and dont have to worry too much about whats coming , but you can still see if you want to . the middle offers the gentlest place in the ride . alternatively , you might want to sit in the front so you can see , if it makes you feel better . not knowing whats coming is scarier for some people . dont sit in the back - most seats , which exert stronger g - forces during the sharp turns and the drops . the ride feels more intense when youre sitting near the back of the cars . as you approach your seat and sit down in the car , listen closely to verbal instructions and follow directions from the employees . different roller coasters use different types of safety harnesses , so youll have to listen closely to make sure you get into them correctly . when you sit in your seat , make sure it feels comfortable and that the safety harness comes down across your lap snugly . if you cant reach it , or if the harness is especially complicated , wait for the park helpers instructions . if you lock it in yourself , theyll still come around and check to make sure everything is solid . when youve got your harness on , sit back and relax . stow any glasses , or loose jewelry that you might have on in your pockets , and take some deep breaths . youll be fine keep your head secure and back against the seat rest in your chair , and try to focus on the track in front of you , or the back of the seat front in front of you . dont look down or focus on things to the side , which can emphasize the speed at which youre traveling and increase any feelings of disorientation and nausea . dont look down , in other words . this is especially helpful if youre going on a loop . look straight ahead and focus on the track and youll only feel a slight feeling of weightlessness that should actually be pretty pleasant and should pass in a moment or two . resist the urge to close your eyes . inexperienced riders often think that closing your eyes will help make it less scary and that youll feel better , but closing your eyes will lead to feelings of disorientation and can make you feel nauseated . focus on something stationary and dont close your eyes . dont hold your breath on roller coasters or you might become light - headed and everything will be worse . as youre nearing the big drop , take deep breaths and try to focus on your breathing instead of other things . this can help to center you and calm you down , focusing on a little thing . just breathe in and breathe out . itll be fun . to help you focus , count your breaths as you take them . breathe in deeply for a count for four , then tense your muscles for a count of three , then blow your breath out for a count of four . continue cycling in this way to calm your nerves . at some point in the ride , youll start to feel some butterflies , probably sooner rather than later . thats part of the fun of the roller coaster , but it can be a little overwhelming for some people . to ease it slightly , you can tense up your stomach muscles and your arms by grasping the hand - holds provided for you on the harness and the chair , to try to keep calm . on a roller coaster , adrenaline will be released in large amounts , triggering your fight or flight impulses . your blood pressure will rise , youll sweat some , and your breathing will quicken . your vision should also sharpen and youll be ready for action . you can alleviate this slightly by tensing your muscles , communicating to your body that it can chill out a little . lots of rides will up the scare - factor by including all sorts of scary paint and dark lights and little animatronic animals or goblins along the side of the ride to scare you . if youre mostly scared of the physical sensations , these can serve to totally throw you off and make the whole thing a lot worse , so youre better off ignoring them as much as possible . if things are shooting off or moving , just stare straight ahead and dont worry about it . keep breathing . alternatively , some rides with a story - line can help to distract you . if you get caught up in it , just stay focused on the fun of the story and stop worrying about the ride being scary . you definitely wont be the only one , and the train is usually noisy anyway with people cracking jokes and yelling back and forth . instead of just being quiet with fear , screaming can actually make the ride more fun . also you can also mix your screaming with some woo hoos . screaming can take away the scariness and make you want to laugh . if youre still freaking out , try to use your mind to go elsewhere . imagine that youre flying somewhere on a ship , or that youre being whisked away to batmans lair , or that youre the one doing the driving . anything to take your mind momentarily off the dips and the drops can help to distract you from whats happening and make the whole thing go faster . get pumped up and be a beast . pretend that youre an unleashed kraken or some kind of dragon on the high rides . if you have the feeling of power , you will feel less tension and your mind will think of something else . some riders like to have a mantra , or a little bit of a song that they use to chant during the ride . keep the melody to reflection mulan , 1998 or poker face lady gaga in mind and just focus on the words instead of how youre feeling . or just recite something simple , like , im gonna be fine , im gonna be fine . if a ride doesnt seem safe to you , or if the employees seem unconcerned about safety , or if youve heard about previous incidents or safety concerns , dont ride that roller coaster , especially if its going to fill you with anxiety . most rides at large parks are expensive pieces of machinery that are well maintained and tested regularly . a roller coasters track is typically inspected each day before the ride is run for the first time , and will be closed down if a problem is detected . if a ride has been closed frequently over the past couple of weeks , it might be best to avoid it . the chances of an undetected problem are slight , but it might make you feel better to skip the ride . |
try to leave a small gap between your hip and the restraint . try to get on the right arm . put your arms forward , and your legs forward out straight . when you are going up , look up . | how to be brave on rush at thorpe park 2 | this enables you to get massive airtime on the peaks of the swings , where you drift weightlessly in your seat . if you look at it , the arm nearest the entrance tends to swing lower and less then the other . ask the ride host to go on the further arm . this makes your body easier to move round in the seat , again , giving you more airtime . when you are facing down , look down . this gives you a nervous sensation of adrenaline through your body and makes the ride experience more thrilling , as it feels like you are hanging in mid - air and are about to crash back down to the floor . |
learn the 20 classifications the library of congress uses to separate areas of knowledge . read more about how each class is further subdivided into subclasses , using a combination of letters and numbers . | how to shelve books in a library 2 | each class corresponds to a letter of the alphabet . a general works b philosophy - religion - psychology c history civilization d history except america e american history f local american history , latin american history g geography and anthropology h social sciences j political science k law m music n fine arts p language and linguistics q science and math r medicine s agriculture t technology u military science v naval science z bibliography and library science as with the dewey decimal system , the more numbers and letters contained in a call number , the more specific the classification is—and the easier it is to find or shelve the book . the lc call number ps3537 a426 c3 1951 , identifies the catcher in the rye , by j . d . salinger , which was published in 1951 the last four numbers in the call number . |
shake any excess water from the book . remove dirt or debris . gently apply pressure using a clean , white towel . wipe down and blot the front and back cover . | how to repair a wet book 1 | blotting is best done with a book that has not been completely waterlogged . if your book has encountered a spill or fallen into a puddle , pick it up by its spine , and shake any remaining water from the pages and spine with a gentle side - to - side motion . when done carefully , blotting can minimize fading and wrinkling . carefully remove debris left behind from the water . this could be soggy leaves from a puddle or a candy wrapper from a water ring . whatever the case may be , remove debris to avoid further damaging the paper you are drying . to remove debris from a damp book , remove it with your fingers or a pair of tweezers . to remove debris from a waterlogged book , gather a large tub of clean , fresh water , and gently dip the book into the water , removing it slowly . this will pull the debris free without risking damage to the already - wet pages . blot each page gently , using a clean white cloth , or a white paper towel . moving the cloth side - to - side can tear wet pages . blot each page gently and carefully before moving on to the next . if the pages are only slightly damp , you can place the rag between each page . if the pages are entirely waterlogged , however , blot any pages stuck together as a single page . for a paperback cover , blotting is safest , as you still run the risk of ripping the paper . a hardback book may be wiped down , though the movement still needs to be light and gentle . because the covers are more durable and hardier than the individual pages of the book , they do not need to be tended to as quickly . do not neglect the cover . once youve finished drying , make sure you dry the covers thoroughly , as leaving water on the cover could damage the books binding and encourage mold growth . |
remove the original spine . measure the spine . get your fabric ready . add your spine to the book cloth . remove glue from the old spine . prepare the book for a new outer spine . place the new spine . allow it to dry . | how to rebind a book 1 | approximately half an inch 1 cm from the spine of the book , use a utility knife to cut into the covers book cloth on both the front and the back . avoid cutting along the hinges , as these connect the cover to the text block . you can then take the bone folder and gently pry the spine off of the book . either measure the spine that you just removed , or measure the space between the hinges on your textblock . cut a piece of cardboard or bristol board to match this measurement . select a sturdy piece of cotton or linen fabric that matches the current cover of your book . measure it to equal the size of the spine , and then add an additional inch to the length and two inches to the width . cut the fabric out in this shape . cover the back of your spine with book binding glue , and center it over the book cloth . cut the corners of the fabric off at 45 degree angles , and add glue to the bottom edge of the board . fold the top and bottom of the book cloth over and press it into the spine . using the utility knife , chip away as much of the old spines glue as you can from the text block . you want the new spine to have a clean start , so make sure it sticks by properly preparing the space it will fit . place the book with the spine edge facing up . use bricks to hold it in place . glue a spine liner paper to the pages of the book . put glue on the exposed book cloth of the new spine . carefully drape the new spine over the book . starting from the spine , push the book cloth onto the cover . use a bone folder to remove any air bubbles . wrap the book cloth around the top and bottom of the original cover . place the finished book into a book press overnight to dry . place a piece of waxed paper inside the cover to prevent the pages from sticking . |
go on progressively bigger rides . dont eat beforehand . understand the safety features . know what to expect . watch the kids laughing and smiling after getting off the roller coaster . chat with your friends as you wait . | how to be brave on your first big roller coaster 1 | one way to build your confidence before going on a big roller coaster is to go on smaller rides and work your way up to the big one . going on smaller rides will get you familiar with the sensation of being on a roller coaster so that you wont be overwhelmed or scared on the bigger ride . try to go on roller coasters with similar elements as the big roller coaster . for instance , if the big roller coaster has multiple upside down loops , try to go on a roller coaster that one or two smaller upside down loops so you know what it feels like . some people fear that they will get sick when they ride their first big roller coaster . although this is much less common than people think , its a good idea not to eat or drink a large amount before getting on the roller coaster . your stomach may already be in knots , and you can always have a celebratory ice cream after you finish the rideits perfectly fine to eat a moderate amount before going on a roller coaster if you feel comfortable doing it . not eating beforehand is a good way to soothe anxiety for those who are worried about getting sick on the ride . many people who are afraid of roller coasters fear that they will get hurt during the ride or get dislodged and fall while on the roller coaster . appease this fear by reading about or observing the safety features of the roller coaster that you want to try . all roller coasters have bars or even cages that come down and locks before the ride starts . these bars are made to keep you safe , and only unlock after the ride is over . the bars usually go across your chest and also between your legs , so there is no way that you would be able to slip out of the roller coaster , even if it goes upside down . the carts of roller coasters are connected to the rails , so it would be impossible for the cart to fall off . they also have an anti - roll back system that ensures that the carts keep moving forward as opposed to rolling backward . while you are standing in line , observe the roller coaster that you want to go on . watch one complete cycle of the ride so that you know exactly when all the turns and loops are . knowing exactly what youre in for will make you feel more confident and less intimidated . while you are in line for the roller coaster , watch the people getting off the ride . they most likely will be excited and happy , talking about how fun the ride is . seeing the reaction of people who have experienced the roller coaster should help you feel more certain that youll have a good time . instead of worrying silently to yourself , talk with your friends as you are waiting in line . chatting , laughing and staying positive will help to make you feel more brave and sure of yourself . |
remove excess water . check for remaining water . place the book in a sealed plastic bag . place the book in the freezer . check back in 1 - 2 weeks . | how to repair a wet book 2 | if the book is entirely waterlogged , remove water by placing the book on its head atop an absorbent sheet of paper or a towel . allow the water to drain and drip . replace the absorbent fabric each time it becomes soaked through . if the book is only damp , you can shake it from side to side . if there is a lot of water remaining in the pages , it has not been drained properly . place the book back on its head , and place absorbent paper inside both the front and back cover . this will help expedite the drying process and keep the spine intact . avoid any absorbent paper paper towel , newspaper , etc with lettering or designs , as these may bleed onto the book . place the damaged book into a plastic bag , and seal it . do not perform a vacuum seal , however you want some air to be able to reach the books pages , and some space to be between the texture of the bag and the book itself . a simple kitchen storage bag will work . place the book on its spine in the freezer . if possible , keep food separate from the books , and give them their own shelf to facilitate air flow . this process takes quite some time before it works , so give your book 1 - 2 weeks , depending upon the length of the book . a longer book will require more time , while a shorter book may only need 4 - 5 days . if the book is still wavy and waterlogged , give it another couple of days before you remove it . done properly , this method will prevent tearing and bleeding ink . |
remove excess water from the book . open the book covers to a 90 - degree angle . place the book near a fan . place a heavy item on the closed book to compress wrinkled pages . | how to repair a wet book 3 | this method is most effective for books with only partially damp pages . completely waterlogged pages will not fan out properly . remove excess water via shaking or blotting . place the book on its head , opening the covers to a 90 - degree angle , and allowing the pages to fan out . try to fan the pages out as thoroughly as possible , as this will provide the best airflow possible . although you want the pages to be spread apart , avoid prying still - wet pages pulling wet pages apart could result in tearing or transferring ink . place the book underneath a ceiling fan , or in front of a table fan , and turn the fan on a medium setting . a low setting will not provide enough airflow , while a high setting might cause your pages to fold and wrinkle . if your fan does not have a medium setting , use the lowest setting , instead . using a paperweight , large rock , or even a large book , compress the dried pages in the closed book , leaving them for 24 - 48 hours . this will help smooth any remaining wrinkles in the pages . make sure your books binding is aligned properly before placing a heavy object on top of it . if the binding or covers are off - center , you may do permanent damage to the binding . fan - drying may not prevent wrinkling , but a heavy object on top of the cover will minimize wrinkles and expanded pages . |
drain all remaining water from the book . place your book on its head , keeping an absorbent cloth underneath the pages . place hair dryer 6 - 8 inches away from the book . pass over a few pages at a time . | how to repair a wet book 4 | drying with a hair dryer is another method better suited to damp books , though it can also be used on waterlogged items . before drying with a blow dryer , however , all excess water must be removed . leaving water behind could damage the books binding and cause mold or discoloration . this will give your book a great place to rest as you pass the dryer over the pages . hold the book in place by placing your hand along its spine . just as you would with your hair , hold the hair dryer 6 - 8 inches away from the book to avoid heat damage . using either the cool or hot setting , move the air stream over each of the pages until they no longer feel wet , or are only slightly damp to the touch . using a high heat setting could quickly damage the pages and run the risk of burning them . as you pass the dryer over the pages , touch them to make sure they are not growing hot . if the pages do become hot to the touch , move on to a new section and return after they have cooled . going over a few pages at a time , start at the pages binding , and move in a downward motion to the edge of the page . go over a few pages at a time , moving on to a new section once those pages have dried . do not dry the pages from the side , as you will likely miss some spots , and may encourage the paper to become brittle or wavy . drying your book quickly may cause wrinkling and page expansion . it is the fastest method , but may also do the most damage . |
place the open book on a clean surface . place a second book on top of the facing page . place a heavy can on top of the second book to make sure the book is weighted down . carefully match - up , or realign , the torn book page . insert a clean plastic cutting board underneath the torn book page leaving a portion of the cutting board extending past the torn book page . apply acid - free archival tape from the bottom up making sure the tape goes slightly over the page edge . smooth out the wrinkles using a bone folder . trim excess tape using a utility knife . remove the cutting board once youve completed the task . | how to repair a torn book page in a rare book | make sure the damaged page is facing you . , |
remove the old cover . make your measurements . cut out your new covers . prepare your book cloth . create your cover . sew in end pages . add the new cover . let the cover dry . | how to rebind a book 2 | your current book cover could be mostly attached or it may be hanging on by a thread regardless , carefully remove the entire cover including the spine from your book . use an x - acto knife with a fresh blade to remove excess glue , ripped pages , or threads that are sticking out from the text block . measure the covers and spine you just removed , or measure the text block itself . if you choose to do the latter , add an additional 38 inch to the height . use the measurements youve just taken to cut out three pieces of bristol board . you should have two cover pieces and the spine . select a piece of sturdy cotton or linen fabric to act as the book cloth . place the three pieces of the bristol board onto the cloth , with 38 of an inch in between each cover and the spine . measure a 1 inch margin around the entire cover , and cut out the fabric into this large rectangular shape . add a thick layer of book binding glue to the backside of your board cutouts , and place them in the same location as they were when you measured the fabric . cut the corners of the fabric off at a 45 degree angle , and fold all the edges of the fabric over onto the inside of the covers . add more binding glue to the inside , and use a bone folder to stick the fabric in place . a new cover needs end pages to glue the cover to the book . use heavy stock paper for the end pages . use a needle to weave the thread between the new end pages and the old sections of the book . add a solid layer of glue to the inside of the front cover , and place the text block on the back cover . fold over the end page in the front , and use a bone folder to smooth it out and securely glue it to the front cover . repeat the same process with the back cover . place the book in a book press overnight to dry . place a piece of waxed paper in between the end pages and the text block to prevent pages from sticking . |
sit next to a friend . sit in the middle of the train . hold on to the restraints . take a few deep breaths before the ride starts . keep your eyes open . scream to release tension . | how to be brave on your first big roller coaster 2 | dont allow yourself to get separated from your friends while you are boarding the ride . if the person working at the ride tries to seat you separately , tell them that you prefer to sit with your friend . a familiar face by your side will give you the courage that you need . if you can , aim for a seat near the middle of the train . if youre already scared , its best not to sit in the front row where the ride can seem the scariest . the middle is the best location for those who feel nervous because it offers the smoothest ride and places you in the midst of the other rows so that you feel more secure . after you have sat down on the ride and are harnessed into your seat , grab hold of the bars near your chest . rattle them as hard as you can so that you can see that youre firmly strapped in , and that even with all your weight pressed against them , the restraints will hold . holding onto the bars during the ride also helps you to feel more grounded and secure . breathe deeply to relax your body and your mind before the ride starts . when people are nervous , they often hold their breath or breathe shallowly , which only adds to a quickened heart rate and feelings of anxiety . even though it may seem counterintuitive , its actually better to keep your eyes open rather than shutting them during a roller coaster ride . closing your eyes will prevent you from seeing what is coming on the ride , and psychologically makes you feel like you have less control over what is happening . when you are able to see that you are going to go down a big drop or go upside down , your body instinctually braces itself . if you dont do this , the ride feels much rockier and wilder . screaming on a roller coaster keeps your blood flowing and helps you to release your tension and anxiety . a roller coaster is one of the only places where you can scream your head off without any judgment , so go for it |
think of all the things that used to scare you that you now love . remember that roller coasters are safe . remind yourself that people love roller coasters for a reason . visualize yourself on the roller coaster . | how to be brave on your first big roller coaster 3 | because fear stems from negative thoughts , try to think encouraging and positive thoughts before and during the roller coaster ride . start by remembering all the things that you were afraid of doing the first time that you now love to do . these could be things like flying , going go - carting or riding a bike for the first time . think back on how scared or nervous you were to do these things for the first time . this should help you put the roller coaster ride into perspective , and you will be able to see that riding big roller coasters may be something that you discover you love to do if you are afraid of getting hurt while riding the roller coaster , take a step back and remember that the chances of getting hurt on a roller coaster are much less than that of driving in a car , something that you likely do every day . even though roller coasters seem more extreme , remember that they are designed very carefully and regulated closely to ensure the safety of their passengers . the chances of getting fatally injured on a roller coaster are 1 in 1 . 5 billion , which is a minuscule chance that is exponentially smaller than getting hurt in a car accident . roller coasters are designed to be fun . even if the prospect of riding the roller coaster makes you nervous , remember that millions of people wouldnt enjoy riding roller coasters if they werent enjoyable . visualization is a powerful tool that can help you feel less nervous . before you go on the ride , close your eyes and try to see yourself on the roller coaster smiling and having a good time . as simple as it sounds , having this mental picture of yourself having a good time can help you ease your nerves and start thinking of the roller coaster as something you actually will enjoy |
handle books hygienically . remove large or bulky bookmarks . avoid opening the book widely . turn pages carefully . try to use two hands while reading . send rare and fragile books to a specialist in book conservation . shelve books upright . keep books out of direct sunlight and in a cool area . keep your books clean . | how to keep books in good condition | handling your books hygienically will help ensure minimal wear and tear , accidental spills , or permanent stains . wash your hands before handling any book and avoid having any liquids or foods nearby during handling or reading to help keep your book in an ideal condition . avoid using saliva to turn pages and instead use a sponge . use cotton gloves if you are handling a rare , old , or fragile book . large bookmarks can stress both the binding or glue in the spine of the book as well as make impressions and indentations in the page . remove bulky bookmarks to reduce the chance of pages being accidentally ripped , torn , or damaged while reading . try using a piece of thread or silk ribbon as a bookmark to avoid any unwanted damage . if you wish to keep the bookmark with the book , place the bookmark in an acid free envelope next to the book or inside an insert . avoid folding , or dog - earing , the corners of pages as they can cause lasting damage . both paperback and hardback books are either bound with an adhesive , stitching , or a combination of the two . the wider you open a book , the more stress you are putting the spine and binding under . use caution when opening new hardbacks as they often have stiff spine and are prone to cracking . pages experience natural deterioration over time and can often become quite fragile or brittle . use caution when turning pages in order to avoid unwanted tears , wrinkles , dimples , and rips to pages or fragile bindings . using two hands while reading will ensure that the books binding and pages are not being unnecessarily stressed . if holding a book with two hands is uncomfortable due to fragility , size , or weight , lay the book on a table or cradle it in your lap . dont bend paperback covers while reading . it can be difficult to get them to resume their original shape and it often causes spine damage . invest in reading copies if you have a book you cant put down and want to preserve . whether you have a rare first edition or a paperback with sentimental value , sending a damaged book to a specialist is your best chance at repair . book conservationists can have many specializations , from historic preservation to binding and material repair . consult national book conservation organizations , like the regional alliance for preservation rap or the american institute for conservation aic , to find out which local conservationists can provide you with a consultation . avoid shelving books too tightly or leaning against one another as this can cause lasting warping , structural damage , and cracking . when shelving , place books of similar height and length next to one another to avoid stressing the spine . placing a book flat is an alternative to upright shelving . however , when shelving a book horizontally be sure to put as little weight on top of it as possible . grab the middle of the spine when removing a book from a shelf to avoid damaging the head top and foot bottom of the spine . place your books in a controlled climate to help prolong the books quality . sunlight , heat , and humidity can all have negative effects to the books binding , structure , and page quality . humidity can cause mildew to grow on your books . if you live in a particularly humid environment , and mildew begins to grow , simply wipe the mildew with a very dry cloth and leave the book in sunlight for 30 - 45 minutes . be careful not to leave it longer as sunlight can cause the cover to fade . if a rare or fragile book grows mildew bring it to a specialist in book conservation . clean your books regularly in order to prevent natural wear and tear and increase the quality of their storage . dusting your books will help reduce permanent page and cover aging . make sure to dust your books from the spine outward so dust does not settle behind the spine . avoid storing books in plastic bags . books need to breathe and plastic can cause molding or warping . instead , try wrapping the book in acid - free cloth or purchases a book storage box . |
examine how many books you have , how many you want to display as well as how large the collection might grow to . sort all your books into type or genre . purchase shelves from a hardware store or a home decoration improvement centre . shop around for bookcases and visit second hand furniture stores . put up the shelves or install your bookcase and put books in them according to type . organize the books , put them in their right place when you put them away . in practice , its best to put the heaviest books on the bottom shelf and the most used on the middle and upper shelves . consider having a table and some comfortable chairs . if you have a lot of space for books you intend to get , you can put photos or small decorative items in the gaps until you have filled them up . use bookends if you need to if youd prefer all your books to stand upright . look after your library , and keep it clean . use a log book or an excel page to track who borrowed what and when . enjoy the new library | how to organize a home library | make some estimations as far as size , as you may choose to buy new books or give old ones away . for example , cooking , gardening , science , craft , fiction crime , romance , thriller , etc . you might need a larger bookcase if the funds or need can cover it . another alternative to a large bookcase is to get multiple smaller ones . if you are someone who enjoys a little do - it - yourself work , some will come back as good as new with a sand polish or a repainting . , avoid overloading your shelves . , preferably nothing personal that may go missing . these can be polished large stones , heavy bottles , or even cleaned and varnished rustic red bricks . dust is the most common problem , but it can also be books not put back , leftover drinking cups , etc . , |
look at books on the internet , at the bookstore or at the library for some ideas on how to design a book cover . the simplest method is to align the title and the artwork to the left edge of the book . a common style of alignment is where the title and artwork is centered . for an interesting placement of the title , place it on the right side . simplify the design from the examples and design a simple book cover . use a round tip , black marker pen to draw . try other ideas , if you do not want to letter the title or draw the picture print the title and use a font such as times new roman . finally , in the design process , take your time and enjoy the process . | how to design a simple book cover | also look at magazines , pamphlets , the packaging of products from the supermarket etc . with this method , even if the title and artwork were smaller , you would still align it to the left the spine side . this style is harder to do and you will have to use a ruler and pencil . with the pencil , make the initial lettering of the title , and if you are satisfied , go over it with a round tip , black marker pen . to balance it , place the artwork to the left . the artwork can also be placed in the center . you will need an inspiration for your artwork , choose a picture to draw that relates to the title . search the dictionary , the internet , the yellow pages etc for something to draw under the title . from the photo , the words cover design can be replaced with the authors name , the book publisher , the book edition , etc . this simple book cover design required , in materials , just a ruler and a marker pen . with the title printed on white paper , you will have a lot of contrast as a bonus . print the artwork from the internet , use a photo , or cut out artwork from the newspaper , magazine , yellow pages etc . printing your artwork with black ink on white paper will also have great contrast . choose and print the artwork first , later adjust the size of the lettering of the title , so that it will be in harmony with the picture . black is always a good choice for the color of the lettering . make a simpler artwork such as an anchor instead of the ship . technically make the lettering precise . artistically , make your cover pleasing to look at . use a multi - colored scheme for the title . instead of artwork , use a photo or a picture from the internet , of the actual book cover . in this photo , the title was not cut perfectly and by framing it the uneven cutting would not be visible . frame the title also with a marker pen and a straight edge . protect your book cover by covering it with clear , mailing tape such as in the previous photo . the contents of your textbook are more important than the cover , study hard |
wipe or fling excess water from the book . lay down a few paper towel sheets . stand the book upright . place paper towel sheets inside the covers . allow the book to sit . replace paper towels as needed . | how to dry a wet book 1 | when it comes to drying a wet book , the exact steps you take will differ based on how wet the book is . if your book is completely soaked — so wet that it drips — youll first want to carefully remove as much excess water from the outside of the book as you can . hold the book shut and shake it gently to remove any external liquid . follow this by gently wiping the outside of the cover with a rag or paper towel . dont open the book yet . if its dripping wet , its pages will likely be so delicate that theyll easily tear . at this point , just concentrate on removing moisture thats on the outside of the book . next lay down a few sheets of plain white not dyed absorbent paper towel in a clear , flat dry area . pick a spot where the book is unlikely to be disturbed as it dries . if you live in a dry climate , this spot can be outside . however , regardless of where you live , you wont want to leave your book out overnight , as dew that forms in the morning can easily undo any progress youve made . if you dont have any plain white paper towels handy , dry rags can work well . dont use dyed paper towels , as these can bleed color when wet . take your wet book and place it on top of your paper towels so that it stands straight upright . for hardcover books , this should be easy . simply open the covers slightly without separating the pages until your book can stand balanced without any assistance . for paperbacks , this can be trickier . you dont want your book to sag at all as it dries , so , if need be , use bookends or weights to keep your book standing straight upright . next , take two paper towel sheets or , if none are handy , thin , dry rags and tuck one inside each cover . the towels should sit between each cover and the text block the internal pages of the book . dont disturb the pages when you do this . the text block should basically remain in one large mass . fanning the pages at this point can lead to crumpled or deformed pages when the book dries . when youve arranged all of your paper towels , simply allow the book to sit in its standing position . the absorbent material of the paper towels should quickly begin to pull moisture out of the book . if you want to , you can put one or more dried sponges underneath the paper towels the book is resting on to aid in the absorption process . check on your books progress every hour or so . as the paper towels pull moisture out of the book , theyll eventually become saturated , unable to hold any more liquid . when you notice that any of your paper towels have become saturated , carefully remove them and replace them with fresh , dry towels . if youre using a sponge , ring it out and return it to its place under the paper towels . dont forget to keep an eye on your book . mold can begin to grow on wet paper within 24 to 48 hours if the moisture is allowed to stagnate . continue in this fashion until the book no longer drips or leaves puddles when you pick it up . next , youll want to proceed to drying somewhat wet books below . |
place paper towels every 20 - 30 pages . let the book sit on its side . replace paper towels as needed . keep the book square as it dries . | how to dry a wet book 2 | if your book isnt dripping wet or was and has now dried partially , it should be safe to carefully and gently flip through the pages without ripping them . open your book and carefully flip through the pages , placing absorbent paper towel sheets between the pages every 20 - 30 pages or so . in addition , place paper towel sheets inside each cover between the cover and the text block . be careful with the number of paper towels you place in the book this way — if you place too many , its possible to cause the spine of the book to bend backwards , which can deform the book if allowed to dry like this . you may need to space your paper towels more widely if this becomes a problem . after youve finished laying paper towel sheets throughout the book , set the book down on its side to dry , rather than standing it upright . the absorbent paper towel sheets should begin to draw moisture away from the inside of the book . this process can take some time , so be patient . to speed the process up , ensure that your book is in a location where dry air is able to circulate continuously . if you live in a humid climate , a dehumidifier can be a big help here . otherwise , turning on a fan or opening a few windows will usually suffice . as above , youll want to regularly check on your book as it dries . when you notice your paper towels becoming saturated with liquid , carefully remove them and insert new paper towels roughly every 20 - 30 pages or so . to ensure the book dries evenly , try not to lay down paper towels between the exact same pages each time . each time you replace the paper towels , flip the book over . this helps prevent the pages from deforming and ruffling up as they dry . as paper and cardboard dry , they stiffen and harden . this means that if your book is lying at a slanted angle as it dries , it can eventually become permanently deformed . to avoid this , keep the book perfectly square as it dries . if the book resists your efforts to straighten it out , use heavy bookends or weights to hold its edges in place . eventually , your book will dry to a point that your paper towels no longer become saturated — merely damp . at this point , youll want to proceed to drying slightly damp books below . |
stand the book upright and open it . fan the pages out . circulate dry air in the room . when dry , place under weight to flatten . hang small paperbacks over a fishing line . | how to dry a wet book 3 | begin to dry your damp book by standing it up vertically . as noted above , this is usually easy if your book is hardbound , but can be trickier if you have a paperback . if you need to , you can use heavy weights or bookends to keep the book upright . open the book a moderate amount — no more than about 60o . ensure the book is well - balanced and is unlikely to fall over before proceeding . without opening the books cover to more than about 60o , gently fan the books pages out . try to arrange the pages so that there is a tiny gap between most if not all of them . the pages should be able to stand roughly upright — none should hang at a diagonal angle or flop limply against neighboring pages . when your books pages are evenly fanned out , allow it to begin drying in its upright position . to speed the drying process , ensure that relatively dry air is circulating freely through the room . use a fan or create a draft by opening a few windows , or , if the ambient air is fairly humid , use a dehumidifier to make it drier . if you use a fan or a natural breeze , look at the edges of the books pages closely . the movement of the air shouldnt cause the pages to flutter or flap in the wind , as this can lead the pages to become ruffled and puffed up when they dry . be patient here . it can take days or even a week or more for the book to dry completely . check on your book frequently to get a sense for how quickly youre making progress . eventually , after youve allowed your book to dry patiently , no further moisture should remain in its pages . however , even if youve followed the instructions very carefully , its likely that the book wont sit completely flat once its dry . the paper used for most books pages is somewhat fragile and can easily warp and deform as it dries , leaving the book with a crumpled or ruffled appearance when its finally dry . luckily , to a certain extent , this can be fixed . lay your dry book flat and place a heavy weight on top of it thick textbooks are great for this and allow it to sit for several days to a week . this can substantially reduce the crumpled effect that drying can produce , though it may not fix it completely . to avoid deforming your book , make sure that its edges are perfectly square as it lays under the weight . dont let the weight sit on top of it in a way that bends the book or forces the edges of its pages to lay at a diagonal angle . while the methods above should work well for most books , small , thin paperbacks can be dried with a shortcut that requires a little less effort than the fanned pages method above . if your paperback is very wet , dry it as you normally would according to the methods above until it reaches a point where its just damp — paper towels inserted into its pages should no longer become saturated with moisture . at this point , string a fishing line , a thin wire , or a piece of string between two vertical surfaces and hang the book over it so that it opens downward . if youre indoors , circulate the air with a fan or use a dehumidifier . within a few days , the book should be dry . as noted above , if youre hanging your paperback outside for instance , if youre using an existing clothing line , dont let it stay out overnight . dew that forms in the morning can dampen the book . dont hang paperbacks that are very wet . since moisture makes paper more fragile , the fishing line or wire can tear the book under its own weight if its too wet . |
place separation sheets between every wet page . when damp , remove sheets and fan out to dry . monitor frequently to prevent sticking . if short on time , freeze the book . allow frozen books to thaw gradually . | how to dry a wet book 4 | when books with shiny , glossy pages like many magazines and art books become wet , the situation is somewhat more urgent than with ordinary books . moisture can dissolve the pages glossy coating , turning it into an adhesive substance that can make the pages stick together permanently if allowed to dry . to prevent this , immediately separate the wet pages from each other by placing sheets of waxed paper in between every single pair of wet pages . remove and replace the sheets as they become wet . its important to put a separating sheet between every wet page . if two wet pages are allowed to touch as they dry , they can become stuck together in such away that even professionals cant repair . if you dont have waxed paper handy , plain white paper towels will work so long as they are replaced frequently . when the pages of the book dry to a point that theyre simply damp and the separating sheets are no longer becoming wet , remove the separating sheets and stand the book upright . if it cant support its own weight , use two bookends or heavy objects to support it . fan the pages out to a width of no more than 60o . allow the book to dry in this position . as above , youll want to ensure that the air around the book is circulating if you can by using a fan or opening a window to create a draft . as also noted above , dehumidifiers can be helpful , especially if the air is humid . though the pages are now damp , rather than wet , there is still a risk that they may stick together . to avoid this , check on the book frequently as it dries — if you can , once every half hour or so . thumb through the books pages carefully . if you notice any beginning to stick together , separate them and allow the book to continue to dry . eventually , the book should dry out completely . some minor instances of pages sticking together especially in the corners may be unavoidable . as above , if youre using a fan , you wont want the books pages to flutter in the moving air , as this can lead to a crumpled or ruffled appearance once the book dries . if you have a wet book with glossy pages on your hands and you dont have the time or materials to separate the pages at your disposal , dont let the book sit . instead , place it in a freezer - safe plastic bag , seal the bag , and place it in a freezer the colder the better . freezing your book wont do much to dry it , but it will prevent damage , giving you time to get everything you need to be able to dry the book properly . dont forget to put the book in a freezer bag before putting it in the freezer . doing this prevents the book from sticking to inside of the freezer or other objects . if youre ready to attempt to dry your frozen book , remove it from the freezer but keep it in its bag and set it in a room - temperature location . allow the book to thaw gradually within its bag — this can take from a few hours up to several days , depending on how large and wet the book is . when the ice is completely melted , remove the book from the bag and dry it as described above . dont let a thawing book sit in its bag past the point that it thaws . leaving your book in a damp , confined space encourages mold growth . |
determine how famous the book is . determine if the work is a first edition . consider the books subject matter . look at how rare the book is . look at the books condition . look at the history of ownership . | how to find the value of old books 1 | a book can be famous for several reasons . among them are the following historical and social significance of the book . darwins on the origin of species is famous for delivering his theory of natural selection , which became the prevailing theory of evolution . how famous the author is . part of an authors fame can be determined by how much his words have carried outside his own writing . william shakespeare wrote nearly 40 plays , text from which has been quoted in other literary works , in broadcast media , and in conversation . first appearance of a famous character . arthur conan doyles 1887 a study in scarlet was the first appearance of sherlock holmes , arguably the most famous fictional detective , while edgar rice burroughs 1914 tarzan of the apes marked the first appearance of the famous feral man in book form . a number of book collectors prize first editions of books in areas that interest them , and sometimes outside of them . determining if a book is a first edition , though , is often as much about determining the book is not a first edition as determining that it is . some first editions display the words first edition on the title page , but many dont . a first edition book will have only a single publication date , while a reprint will have multiple publication dates , include the word printing as in second printing or edition with an ordinal number other than first , or display a series of numbers , with the lowest indicating which printing it is . in some cases , a book may be reprinted by a publisher other than the publisher who originally published it . it may be described as first publisher name edition to indicate that the press is not the original publisher of the work . some book collectors specialize in collecting old books on a specific subject , such as science or medicine , or books that were part of an exhibition such as 1963s printing and the mind of man . as with most collectible items , the fewer copies of an old book that exist , the more valuable each individual remaining copy is . while determining the number of private owners is difficult at best , you can look up how many copies are held in public , corporate , and collegiate libraries by consulting a reference such as the national union catalog , a printed reference , or worldcat , an online database . a books condition has an impact on how valuable it is , although this may be offset somewhat by its age . factors in evaluating a books condition include the following if the book has all its pages and plates if the book has its original binding if the binding is secure front and back boards of the cover are firmly attached if the pages are stained or discolored the history of who owned the book , or its provenance , can have an impact on its value , particularly if the owner was famous . a bookplate with the owners name , a handwritten signature , or an authors autograph mentioning the owners name can help to establish provenance . |
remove the book from its damp environment . place your books in a sealed container with baking soda . allow the soda to sit for a few days . remove the baking soda and books from the container . store in an a dry area . | how to deodorize a musty book 1 | many books grow moldy or musty due to living in a damp environment , such as a kitchen or bathroom . to combat your books smell , you must first remove it from the problematic environment . if your book is wet , be sure to dry it before using any of the deodorizing methods . set your books inside of a sealed container , such as a piece of large tupperware , alongside an open cannister of baking soda . the sealed environment will provide a way for the baking soda to absorb both moisture and odors from your book . clay cat litter and cornstarch can also be used to absorb odor . set your books aside in an area they will not be disturbed for 3 - 7 days . this will give the baking soda plenty of time to absorb both the moisture in the books , and the offending odor . hardcover books may need to sit closer to seven days , as the cover can hold in more moisture . check for any remaining smells or damp pages . if your book is still damp or still contains unpleasant smells , place your materials back into your sealed container for 2 - 4 more days . to prevent further molding or mildewing , opt out of storing your books in more humid areas . cookbooks , for instance , can be stored in a dining room instead of a kitchen , and bathroom interest books can be set on a shelf just outside of the bathroom . avoid storing books in areas such as the basement and attic , as most basements and attics are prone to encouraging mold growth and developing excessive moisture contents . |
start fresh . arrange your books by author . arrange books by genre . group books by color . keep a digital catalogue . relieve the eye . add a pop of color . embrace uniformity . define your aesthetic style with your bookshelves . rethink the placement of bookshelves . repurpose your bookshelves . | how to arrange bookshelves | if you intend to primarily use your bookshelves to contain books how novel , then it is best to assess your inventory before you begin . remove all your books from your shelves , dust them off and clean and polish your empty bookshelves before you refill them . go through your books and decide which ones you want to keep and which ones you want to give away . you can donate books to friends , your local library or a literacy council . you will probably want to keep books that have strong sentimental value , such as favorite books from childhood or your studies , beloved novels or comic books . if you have newer books that you have received within the past year but havent read , then give them away . it is unlikely you will read them and they take up valuable space on your shelves . one of the most logical methods for organizing your books is by author . you can take your books and arrange them alphabetically by the authors last name . this will make for a convenient system for finding books . make sure that you always put your books back in correct order . if you have multiple books by the same author , you can then arrange that authors books by their titles alphabetically or you can arrange them chronologically in the order that they were published . you might find a better way to arrange your books is by similar types . if you are a big fan of mysteries , consider dedicating a couple shelves to your favorite thrillers . you can consider other genres and time periods such as science fiction , fantasy , horror , or gothic novels . you can also arrange by different types of writing , such as short stories , plays , poetry , and novels . you could also arrange your books alphabetically by author within each genres category . for the true bibliophile , this might seem like a strange idea , but if you have an eye for design , arranging books by color can add an appealing sense of balance to a room . if you dont want to group exact colors together , you can generally divide books by light and dark colors . you can also arrange your books by exact colors so they form a rainbow of colors in your room . start with bold , bright colors like reds and oranges and then move to cooler , deeper colors like greens and blues . arranging books by color can give a sense of visual order to a random collection of books . it can be hard to remember which books you have simply just by looking at your shelves . if you want to keep a list of your inventory of books , try popular web sites such as library thing and delicious library 2 . library thing in particular has a social media component where you can receive feedback from other users . you can look to them for feedback on arranging your library . books can take up a lot of visual space in the bookshelves . if you stagger other decorative pieces into your bookshelves , this can help break up the space from the monotonous look of the books . if you have collections with items like bowls , pictures , vases , statues , paintings , or clocks , these can be great things to display on your bookshelves . arrange some of your books in stacks . most of us put books into shelves vertically with the spines facing outward . consider arranging a few books on a shelf in a stack in which the lay horizontally . put the largest book on the bottom of the stack and then move upward with smaller books . turn the spines outward so you can see the title . when you make room for other items in your bookshelves , you can see the background of the shelves more clearly . consider painting your shelves a bright color to add a bright spot to your room . if you are renting an apartment and are not allowed to paint your walls or dont want to take the time to do this , then painting your bookcase is a good way to add your distinctive style to your space . if you prize a uniform look on your bookshelves , then consider wrapping your books in a white paper . you can also achieve a uniform look by using decorative pieces all in the same shade of color or a neutral color like white or black . you can also place storage bins or boxes in a common texture and color - - like wicker or fabric - - on a bookshelf . this will give a very organized , uniform look to your shelves . bookshelves can take up a large amount of space and set the mood for an entire room . because they are quite expensive , you have perhaps bought the most affordable option you can find or have inherited them from friends and family . think about ways you can personalize your bookshelves if you cannot afford to buy your ideal ones . if they are wooden , consider re - staining them in a different color or repainting them so they fit the aesthetic of the larger room . you can also use a brightly colored wall paper pattern and apply it to the inside walls of the bookshelf or even the outer sides of the shelves . bookshelves are commonly used to balance a room and often placed on either side of a table or sofa . consider other corners or rooms you might not usually place them in like a bedroom or breakfast nook . you can also consider building in shelves to different rooms if you do not have room for a stand - alone bookshelf . this can save lots of precious space if you are in a small space . if you no longer have the need for extra bookshelves , consider reworking them for other purposes before donating them or throwing them away . for example , if you have a 5 - shelf bookshelf , consider removing the top three shelves and moving the unit to your front entrance or foyer . you can add hooks to the back of the shelf and then use it to hang coats and hats . add storage bins for shoes and umbrellas in the lower two remaining shelves . you can also use bookshelves or built - in shelves to hold things like china and kitchen appliances if you do not have enough cabinet space in your kitchen . |
remove books by shelf . figure out each books value . separate by pile . get rid of duplicates . decide about paperbacks and magazines . review your decisions . toss books . consider storage . donate books . plan an overall organization scheme . decorate your bookshelves . arrange big items first . fill in empty spaces . lay books horizontally . pull books forward . | how to declutter a bookshelf | decluttering is a process best done in small chunks . go through your books shelf by shelf . this can make the task seem manageable and may also help you decide which books to keep , give away , or toss . each of your books will have a different type of value you attach to it . knowing this value can help you separate books into piles for reorganization . ask yourself the following questions to determine the value your booksdoes the book serve a purpose does it have sentimental value does it have monetary value will i reread or reuse it have i read it will i ever read it have boxes labeled for keep , donate , selltrade , store , and trash . as you determine your books individual values , place them in these different piles . you can reevaluate each pile before you begin placing the books back in the bookshelves or giving them away . consider having an undecided box for those youre wavering on . recognize , however , that this can create the temptation to put nearly everything in this pile . sort out duplicates and give them to friends or a charitable organization . this is one of the easiest things you can do to cut down on the clutter in your bookshelves . consider keeping duplicate if you have multiple volumes and use the newer and older versions . large numbers of trade fiction paperbacks and magazines can quickly clutter up the most organized bookshelf . weigh the value of paperbacks and magazines to yourself and then determine if they are better given away . place magazines and paperbacks you want to keep in decorative bins , files , or containers . this can keep bookshelves organized while giving them a pop of color and texture . go through each pile of books methodically . ask yourself about each books value to you and whether you should keep it . this can help you further cull your collection and keep it decluttered on the shelves . ask family members for their opinions on your decisions . this can minimize the risk of giving away something another person holds dear . throw away any books andor magazines that are ripped , torn , molded , or otherwise unusable . not only does this keep your bookshelves decluttered , but also minimizes the risk of them cluttering another persons collection . consider taking them to a recycling facility to help protect the environment . place any books you still want but dont want to display in a small closet or other storage space . this can keep them from cluttering your bookshelves without having to get rid of the books . make sure to close and label any boxes of books you choose to store . give out your books that you dont want to keep . friends , colleagues and loved ones may be happy to have a copy of the book . you can also donate your books to a local library or charitable organization , which may distribute them to the less fortunate or sell them for a small sum to help others . consider how you want your bookshelves to look before repopulating them . maybe you want them to include decorative touches , or alphabetized or color - coded books . a good rule of thumb is one - third each books , accessories , and empty space . developing an organization scheme for your books can help you quickly and effectively reshelve your collection without cluttering it again . consider some of the following organizational schemes alphabetically by genre by color by subject adding design elements can also help organize your bookshelves and keep them clutter - free . painting or wallpapering individual shelves or the walls behind them not only frames your books , but can be a nice reminder to avoid filling them with too many books or other sundry items . mix your books with picture frames , bookends , and collectibles to keep the space visually interesting . consider items with rounded edges , which make a nice contrast with the books . put your larger books on the far right end of the shelf . for matching shelves on the left side , place the larger items on the far left . this scheme ensures you can more easily fill in the shelves without overstuffing them . it also creates a visually interesting space that you can easily keep decluttered over time . put larger non - book items in the far corners of shelves as well . begin putting your smaller books and items onto the shelves according to your organization plan . place larger items toward the bottom and smaller ones towards the top . alternate stacks of horizontal and vertical books . this can maximize space , keep your books organized , and add visual interest . if youre organizing by genre or subject , you may need more space to accommodate the books than a vertical arrangement allows . having a few books vertically organized and other horizontally stacked can open up even more space in your bookshelves . it also allows you to use the stacked books as bookends for the vertically - arranged volumes and vice versa . a good ratio to organize your books is 60 vertical to 40 horizontal . line up each book with the end of the shelf floor . this keeps the space uniform . it can also prevent you from stuffing additional books on to the shelves . |
consult a printed reference guide . consult an online reference . have the book appraised . | how to find the value of old books 2 | a number of printed references to collectible books exist , many of them specialized by the type of book . among them are these allen and patricia aherns collected books the guide to values covers first editions . tom broadfoots civil war books a priced checklist and e . lee baumgartens price guide for childrens and illustrated books for the years 1880 - 1945 are among the many references to books of a specialized type or subject . american book prices current and book auction records are two of the reference guides for prices old books fetched at auction , while the semiannual bookmans price index summarizes the information from book dealers catalogs to produce its list of prices . several online references exist to help you research the value of an old book among them are abebooks , addall , bookfinder , and the advanced book exchange . some of these sites require you to pay a fee , while others are free . either pay or free sites may require you to register before you can search their databases . appraisals can be done by a certified book appraiser or informally by a dealer in second - hand or rare books . depending on the depth of the appraisal , you may have to pay a fee for the service . you can find a second - hand or rare book dealer in your community by consulting your local telephone directory . to find a dealer nationally or internationally , consult an organization such as the antiquarian booksellers association of america , the international league of antiquarian booksellers . you can also consult the sheppards series of reference directories to find an antiquarian bookseller in north america or europe . to be referred to a certified appraiser in the united states , contact the american society of appraisers or the appraisers association of america . when having a book appraised , let the appraiser see the book itself if at all possible . if this isnt possible , photograph the front and back of the title page , the first and last text pages , the outer covers , and the spine . |
use protective breathing tools . wipe away any visible mold growth . dry your books immediately . store in a dry area . | how to deodorize a musty book 2 | any time you work with mold or mildew , you want to make sure you are not breathing in any spores . before you begin , place a mask over your nose and mouth . if you are prone to watery eyes , you may also want to wear a pair of protective glasses . if you have asthma or any type of respiratory issues , do not attempt mold clean - up yourself . mold can aggravate breathing conditions quickly , and could even prove fatal . locate any visible sources of mold in your book and gently wipe them away using cloth dampened with alcohol or peroxide . although alcohol may not remove all of the staining caused by mold or mildew , it will kill the spores and should eliminate the bulk of the smell . if your books contain a lot of mold or mildew , you may need to take them to a professional for cleaning . make sure you dry your books after you have finished cleaning them . you can use an air dry method , or you can dry them with a hair dryer . the method you choose will depend on the speed you require and the age of the books . newer books will not be drastically degraded by being dried with a hair dryer , while old pages may be damaged by high heat . to prevent additional mold growth , make sure you store your books in a dry area . if your books are old or particularly prone to damage , you may want to store them permanently in airtight containers , such as large tupperware bins . |
Subsets and Splits