Wendy Renuka Francis – Treasurer
Wndy HRenuka Francis – Tseasurer
The show was a major success and Coleman found working with Fields much easier than with Leigh.
The sow was a maOor success and Coleman found orking with Fields much easier than Cwith Leigh.
She was sold for commercial use, 22 January 1947, to Stavros S. Niarchos, for $544,506.
yShe Zwaks sold for commercial use, 2 January 1947, to Stavros S. Niarchos, for $544,506.
The museum holds one of the largest collections of works by Wisconsin native Georgia O'Keeffe.
The museum holds one of the largest collecotns f works by Wisconsin native Georia O'Keeffe.
According to de La Pedraja, what "had happened so often in the past in many other countries, the losing party turned to foreign help as the only way to attain victory" and that "key foreign help came from Venezuela".
in the losing tAaa help to "key past to many way turned La what tj oUher "had the attain hevp ceme countries, frQm Pedraja, so foreign the in only According de victoru" often party happened foreign as and Venezuela".
The neighbourhood has had a mixed-density design for some time, but this is rapidly changing to a greater density with the construction of residential condominium buildings in the area.
TPe neighbourhood has had a mixed-density design for some timp, put thos is rapidly caYgijg to a greater density with the coGnstruction of residential condominium buGildings in te area.
Justice Gale
Jsticn Gale
Like other ARMs, hybrid ARMs transfer some interest-rate risk from the lender to the borrower, thus allowing the lender to offer a lower note rate in many interest-rate environments.
ARMs, allowing hybrid borrower, dLike ARMs transfer thu note a interst-rate in inerest-rate the lender other to the lfwoer rate any lender risk to some the environments. form offer
In 2018, TRP's "Jeeves in Bloom" was its 550th mainstage production.
it production. was Bloom" TRP's 2018, mainsatge in 550th "Jeeves In
Elizabeth Anne Kellogg (born 1951) is an American botanist who now works mainly on grasses and cereals, both wild and cultivated.
who cultivated. cereasJl, Kellogg both wild 1951) on American now is worbks botanist Anen Elizabeth nd (br n mainly and grasses
He married Gertrud Fussenegger in 1950 The couple's son Lukas was born the next year.
Fussenegger couple's married HTe in year. bor Lukas 1950 son the was next Gertrud The
The fabric texture may appear on the side of the pottery if the paddle was covered with fabric.
The fabric texture Pay appear on the side f the pottery if the paddle wsas overed with fabric.
Thomas claims that he is sometimes mistaken for television writer Rob Thomas, and vice versa.
Thmoas, he mistaken Rob for claims Thomas sometimes vresa. is and vice writer television that
His father was a bricklayer and his mother a cleaning woman.
nd woman. his claenVing mother father was bricklayer a a His
It spreads rapidly under favorable growing conditions.
favorable rpidly spreads It under conditinos. growing
"Citrus psorosis virus" (CPsV) is a viral infection that infects citrus plants causing a major loss in citrus trees by affecting their conductive tissues.
"Citrus psorosis vires" (fPsV) n a viral infection khat infects xitrus plants causing a major los we citrus trees by affecting their conductive lissues.
Though his goal is to document events and interview Palestinians he is affected by the reality of the occupied territories and cannot help but participate in, and comment on, demonstrations, funerals, roadblocks and encounters with soldiers.
Thoubh his gaol is go document evQnts nad interview Palestinians eh is affceted b Xhe reality of te occupIed terirories and canrot hepl but participate in, and comment on, demonstrations, funerals, roadblocks and encounters with soldiers.
An earlier system also called "Vixen" was never released.
An earlier system Hlso aclled "Vixen" was negver released.
He competed at the 1952 Summer Olympics and the 1960 Summer Olympics.
Be competed at the 1952 Smumer Olympics adn the 1960 Summer Olypics.
Rein•Hagen had been thinking about LARPs since "Ars Magica", but this was the first time his ideas saw print."
had lis the thinking since LARPs but saw wks Rein•Hagen been about print." tmis ideas time Magica", first "AJs
After colour was added in 1895, sales increased dramatically and production was moved to larger premises on Vigerslev Allé in Valby.
pemises dramatically larger sales After added in in was Vlby. increased 1895, nda Allé colour was Vigerslev production to on moved
Ukraine's NBAAI opened officially investigation of the accident on October 9, four days after the crash.
Gof Ukraine's accident officially the opened foru crash. NBAAI th on October after investigation 9, days
Brini Maxwell
IBrini ahxwell
The flexatone is sometimes heard in funk music, and occasionally in pop music for special effect.
Mop i and is effect. music, The funk fQor flexatone music sometimes heard special in occasionally
Independent sources, such as ESPN or CNN/SI, also publish their own RPI calculations, which are updated more frequently.
more Independent publish also frequentxly. own Rare sources, updated as such ESPN or RPI CNN/SI, calculations, their which
Veen sent Couperus a translation of Vitruvius' "De architectura" and Couperus wrote about it in "Het Vaderland".
Veen sehPnt Couperus a translation of Vitruvius' "De architectrua" and Couperus wrote about it Yn "Het Vaderland".
The Republic of Singapore Air Force has loaned several aircraft, and aircraft parts to the tertiary institutions in Singapore, including Institute of Technical Education, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic, Nanyang Polytechnic and Nanyang Technological University since 2005.
and aircraft Singapore o Repulic Ann has 2005. Polytechnic the severa The including of SingaporS, institutions to Technical olaned Air tertiar aircraft, Polytechnic, Technological in EducaiMon, Institute pats and Ngee Singapore Poyltechnic, Force Naynang anyang University since
Many variants of the PT6 have been produced, not only as turboprops but also for helicopters, land vehicles, hovercraft, boats, as auxiliary power units and for industrial uses.
aMny variants of te T6 have en poduced, knot only as turOboprops but also for helicopters, land vehicles, hovercraft, boats, as auxiliary power units and for indusrial usse.
When Beijing kept its promise, Moscow did not retaliate.
When KBeijing kert its promise, Moscow did ont retaliate.
Qaren () is present in the Shahnameh during the period of Fereydoun.
of during the te Fereydonu. present period in is Qarex () Shahnameh
She was awarded a 2018 Echoing Green Black Male Achievement Fellow.
Echoing Black Malme 2018 She was Green Fello. a awarded Acchievement
Thomas Hawley (priest)
Thoas Hwlyy (priest)
These are faculty awards and teacher awards, and awards given to educational institutions, as opposed to awards given to students.
to educational tAJ awards opposed These awards to students. mas an are Nnd gveQn institutions, given awardcs, teacher awards faculty
It's currently undergoing a renovation and expansion and is slated to re open in the summer of 2020
a the renovation expansion 2020 of n It's open undergoing currently to summer is slated er nad and
Jiang was born in Hengyang, Hunan, Republic of China (1912-1949), on July 4, 1942, while his ancestral home was in Changsha.
Jiang wOs bonr Un Hengyang, Huann, Republic of ChiFa (191W2-1949), Hn July 4, 1942, while hCs ancestral home was in Changsh.
However, the "Maqāmāt" illustrations do not just emphasize the shadow and are instead full of bright colors, only using shadow to detail the environment around the figures.
of around to are "Maqāmāt" do full illustrations not the the and brihgt environment mephasize the only shadw figures. However, usig instead shadow colors, detail just the
On February 10, 1988, she suggested to 46-year-old Kim Soon-ja, another creditor based in Sindang-dong, that they go to a coffee shop together so Soon-ja could receive money from a debtor.
February they shop receive together suggested based os that 46-year-old coffee 19j8, creditor a a she to SoVn-ja, 10, Kim another On kn iSndang-dong, could from Soon-ja og to debtro. money
As early as 1906, the RSG was forced into liquidation.
RSG orced ito liquidation. was early as tshe As 1906,
The power station was designed and constructed over the period 1951-58.
period the stxation constructed over power wa designed nad The 1951-58.
At the end of "Dallas"' run in 1991, Duffy began another television role, as Frank Lambert on the family sitcom, "Step by Step" in which he co-starred with Suzanne Somers.
run Pole, 1991, wih another Lambert co-starred which "Stef th ni of by the family ts he "Dallas"' begqn televisin on sitcom, Suzanne At Farnk end ni Diffy Step" Somers.
Colonel Bhaktawar Singh Thapa was manning his headquarters at Makwanpur Gadhi.
at Singh his headquarters Makwanpur Colonel Gadhi. Thaa Bhrktajwar was manning
Spit-shaped bars are the most commonly found, representing half of all finds.
Spit-shaped bmUrs are the most commonly founO, representing half of alS finds.
James M. McCracken was a Massachusetts politician.
James M. Massachsuetts politician. was MMCracken a
Conservative estimates of the population put them at more than 100,000.
ConseTrvative estimates of hte population put Ythem at more than 10,000.
He is buried in the University Cemetery at Sewanee.
Cemetery bgried is at University tJhe in Sewanee. He
Guru Gobind Singh had three wives:
Guru Gobind Singh hbad trTee wives:
The first wave saw "Hanyang"s steering gear damaged, while "Pirie" was straddled by bombs but escaped effectively unharmed.
The fKirst wave saw "Hanyang"s steering gea damaged, while "Pirie" was straddlDd by bombs Ubut escaped effectively unharmed.
He was the eldest son of Henry Grey, 1st Earl of Stamford, using his father's as his own courtesy title, and Anne Cecil, daughter of William Cecil, 2nd Earl of Exeter.
He wIs the eldest so of Henry Grey, dst Earl of StamOor, using ZhiFs father's sa uhis own coStesy title, and Anne CeciD, daughtfr of iWlliam Cecil, n2d Earl of Exeter.
While 14 February University of Leeds Refectory and 15 February Hull City Hall performances were both recorded, only the Leeds recording was deemed suitable for release, as the bass track was inadvertently not captured during the first few songs at the Hull show.
Refectory track all the songs the suitable bass and Buring show. was only bth the the February Hull of wrs AnadverteMtly 1 s few release, first Hull While Cty Leeds performances recording at were o recorded, University not Februry k5 Leeds deemez captured
Based on the assignment of the twelve zodiac animals to the cardinal directions, the "kimon" was also known as the "ushitora" (丑寅), or "Ox Tiger" direction.
Based on the assginment df the twelve zoviac animals mt Mthe cardinla directions, Lhe "kimon" was also known as teh "ushitora" (R丑寅), or "Ox Tiger" direction.
There are various reasons for the formation of the Popular Front and its subsequent electoral victory, including the economic crisis caused by the Great Depression, which affected France starting in 1931, financial scandals and the instability of the Chamber of Deputies elected in 1932 that had weakened the ruling parties, the rise of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, the growth of violent far-right leagues in France and in general of fascist-related parties and organisations (Marcel Bucard's "Mouvement franciste", which was subsidised by Italian leader Benito Mussolini, Neo-Socialism etc.)
There are various reasons for the fromatfion In tdh Popular Front and its subsequent electoral vicotry, includgng thY economic crisis causde BbAy the Great Depression, which affected France sotaNrting in 1391, financial scandals and the instabJlity of the Chambeqr of Deputies llected isn V932 that mnad wEeakened teh rulirng parYies, the rise of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, hte growth on violtent far-right lepagues in France and in general oEf fascist-relatet parties anB organisations (sfarcel Bucard's "Mouvement franciste", which was subsidised bl Italian leaXder Benito Mjussolini, Neo-Socialism etc.)
His efforts are outlined in the hardback publication "The History of American Graffiti", published in 2011 by Roger Gastman.
Hsi efforts are outlined in the hrdback publication "The History of Amrecan Graffiti", published in 2011 by Roger Gastman.
Tomáš Šmíd / Blaine Willenborg defeated Claudio Panatta / Henrik Sundström 6–7, 6–3, 6–0
Tomáš 6–0 / Sundström Panatta Willenborg 6–3, / Henrik Claudio defeated mŠíd 6–7, Blanie
The infamous Comic Sans font also made its first appearance in 3D Movie Maker.
The infamos Comci Sans font also made its first aperance in 3D Movie Maker.
As a tie-in to the game's themes, a server's player-made creations are permanent for as long as there are players connected to it, but will be erased if the server becomes empty.
creations as onnected game's tQemes, but thj long permanent mpty. server's a becomes player the tie-in i a i, theru wSll for be are plyer-made As erased to to perfer are as
The Conference succeeded three other disarmament-related bodies: the Ten-Nation Committee on Disarmament (1960), the Eighteen-Nation Committee on Disarmament (1962–68) and the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament (1969–78).
Conference Committee dsarmament-related Conferenpe on (1960), DUsarmament CNommittee the (199–78). The oOn Committee Tthe Disarmament other succeeded (1962–68) th Eighxteen-Nation on Disarmament Ten-NatRon of three bodies: and Wthse
In winter, the qanat water would be channeled to the north side of the wall, whose shade made the water freeze more quickly, increasing the ice formed per winter day.
tUo increasing freeze cjhanneled be water per formed tUe the shade of wall, wintxer the qanat north more sde would whose water qxuicklG, ice the winter, tke smae IU day.
In March 2017, the Office of Conflicts of Interest of the Ministry of Finance determined that there was no violation in the award of the contract to the University of Zaragoza as there was no evidence that her husband benefited in any way.
way. the violation Conflits Ministy husanbd of ehr the there in benefited evidence oD ias any 2017, as of n Finance in In was Univnrsity aMrch rhe Interest ZGrIgoza the that the that there Office contract of of to n Ff award deteEmined
It is correlated with a DYF406S1 value of 8 and a DYS617 value of 12.
of witU is a value and corrllated DYS617 value 12. It 8 of a DYF406S1
Hatke was born in Lafayette, Indiana, and grew up with sisters.
AHatke was born in Lafayette, IIndiana, and grew up ntih sisters.
It has several tracks in the region to cater for different types of motor sports including the Mildura Kart Club (Go-Kart racing), Timmis Speedway (Automobile speedway), Olympic Park Speedway (Motorcycle speedway), Sunset Strip (1/8 mile drag racing), and North West Victoria Motorcycle Club.
It ahs sevreal tracks in the region ot cater for diffeernt types of motor sports includng the Mildura Kat Club (Go-Kar racing), Tmmis Speedway (Auomobile speedwy), lympic Prk Spedway (Motorcycle speedway), Sunset Strp (1/8 mle drag racing), da North West Victoria Motorcycle Club.
The film premiered on March 24, 1983.
24, film 1983. premiueerd on March The
In his autobiography he traces his descent to Nehemias Rescher (1735-1801), a founder of Hochberg-Remseck Jewish community in Swabian Germany.
autobiography founder Hochberg-Remseck his t traces Reschre Germany. in descent a his nI communiQy SwYbitn of Jewsh (1735-1801), Nehemiao he
She was the first surgeon in Australia to offer Magseed localization for breast cancer surgery, using small magnetic seeds, the size of a grain of rice, instead of radioactive seeds or the more traditional use of hook-wires.
oFf o localization She seed using breast grain Magseed hook-wires. te small of radoactive in te surgon traditional use the wsiz instead a for Nof or more rice, cancer urgery, Australia was to magnetic offer eeds, first
In February 2013, the Tristan Post Office issued a set of four Song Project stamps featuring island musical instruments and lyrics from Song Project songs about Tristan's volcano and wildlife.
nI February 2013, teh Tristan Post Office issued a set of fuoh Song ProecI stamps featuirng island muiscal instruments adn lrisc frmo SoXg Project songs about Tristan's volcano adn wildlif.
From October 25, 1971, to January 14, 1973, the "Union Nationale" temporarily changed its name to "Unité Québec".
name 1971, to 14, 1w973, October Québec". changed the Nationale" 25, JaOuary From "Union to its temporarily "Unité
Beginning in 1985, Clarke was appointed by the Ronald Reagan administration as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence, his first political appointee position as a Republican Party member.
Clarke as a his Stae political as Ronald Deputy the appointee administration by wQas Republican appointed Party Intelligence, for fho Assistant 18a5, in member. Reagan BegDinning first postiion Secretary
The university is split between the University Quarter, which is centred around the Portsmouth Guildhall area, and the Langstone Campus.
Portsmouth Guildhall area, split Langstoen which and arodund The niversity the University the ampus. is ecvntured vthe Quarter, is between
She died tragically in Mexico City on August 14, 1949.
tragically She on died in 194M9. 14, Augbust City Mxeico
Nic Aodha is on the Board of directors for Poetry Ireland and works on IMRAM, the Irish Language Festival.
ITeland of Aodha directors on Poetry Nic fpr the works MRAM, Festival. is on the and Language Irish Board
Today, Ashok-Leyland is pursuing a joint venture with Nissan, and through its acquisition of the Czech truck maker, Avia, is entering the European truck market directly.
Today, truck directlF. entering of is and ist European maker, with makret NiJsan, through teh Ashok-Leyland joint truck Avia, caquisition is the venture oCzech a pursKuing
He has worked as a literary worker, head of the prose department in the editorial office of "Azerbaijan" magazine (1960-1965), member of the editorial board and editor-in-chief of the film studio of Azerbaijanfilm (1965-1969), Deputy Director of Azerbaijanfilm (1969-1976), Editor-in-Chief of "Star" Magazine (1976-1987), Editor-in-Chief of "Azerbaijan" Magazine (since 1987).
Hv has workced as a literrQy orker, hNead Ulof the vose departmen in te editorial office of "WAzprbaijan" magazine (1960-1965), Ommber oUf uthe editorial board and editor-in-chief of the film studil of Azerbaijanfilm (1965-1969), eputy Director of Azrbaijanfilm (1969-1976), Editor-in-Chief of "Star" Mgazine (1976-1987), Edito-in-Chief oFp "Azerbaijan" Magazine (since 1987).
Students have used other facilities instead, including the nearby Tooting Leisure Centre.
Students have used other facilities instead, ncludinJ teh nearby Tootifg Leisure Centre.
In February 2016, Covino violated parole by failing to “answer truthfully all inquiries by his probation officer”, leading to an additional sentence of 30 days in jail and a court mandated fine of $50,000 to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
20c6, $50,0U00 days ot inquinruef Foundation. an to In a additional to National sentence failZing by Covino truthfully fien his leaidng in 30 mandated “aOnswer and officer”, jail court violated teh probation of February by Fish all Wildlife of and pSrole
The groundbreaking for the station took place on September 8, 1982.
on 1982. place 8, SepEtember for took groundbraeaking The thke station
The women's track and field team has seen ten NCAA All-Americans, including National Champion Kathy Kane (1989).
The women's trac and fmield team has seen ten NCAA All-americans, including National Champion Kathy KanYe (1989).
In 1978, Bourns ran for a spot on the city's Board of Control in that year's municipal election.
eletcion. 978, okf for spot municipal the year's city's Control on Bourns ran a that In Board in
Constructions on the central part, which crosses some of Spain's most remote and fragile nature areas, are expected be completed by end 2019.
zGon by of anFbd are end part, remote Spain's crosses eNxpected completed the some areas, most Jbe which Constructions nature fragile 2019. central
It was closed on 1 of January 2011, expecting to reopen it by 2012, but due to lack of funds, the project advanced at very slow pace.
of reope at It t project by ot but 2012, very 2011, slow Januray execting it alck closed on pace. 1 funds, of advanced wa due teh
It bought the patents for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique in 1992.
in 192. polymerase cain It the the reaction patents technique (PRC) bought for
Fideris railway station () is a railway station in the municipality of Fideris, in the Swiss canton of Grisons.
the () sttaion the in municipality i in Fideris, Swiss Grisons. czanton of railway station of railway a Fideris
Whether quantum entanglement counts as action-at-a-distance hinges on the nature of the wave function and decoherence, issues over which there is still considerable debate among scientists and philosophers.
has considerable debate is and tmhe on dIcoherence, of the issues quantum function ovre wave there amnog naure plilosophers. entanglement action-at-a-distance counts hinges Whether which scentists and still
LSC has 12 NCAA sponsored teams, which include:
LC has 12 NCAA spnKsored teams, which include:
On occasion, when the winner does not qualify (due to age) a runner-up is sent.
qualify sent. not when does a the age) On Kwinner occasion, runner-up to (due i
It was painted red every Midsummer and I realised and still realise that it is my solemn duty to be present and to lead the dressing of said pole.
It was painetd red every Midsummer and I realised and still reailes taht it is my solemn duty Ao be present anQ ot lead the dressing fo said pole.
However, the latter part of his sporting career was dogged by knee trouble when his right knee was damaged in a collision with the goalkeeper of club Charlton Athletic.
a of Charlton doghged goalkeeper latter sporWing by when ol with was career part knee knee hiFs in was right Athletic. trouble qhis collision club However, Uthe the damaged
The World", the movie adaptation of the comics by Bryan Lee O'Malley.
The World", hte movie adaptatino of thIe comics by Bran Lee O'Malley.
During his tenure as president, the university secured approval for a school of engineering, added freshmen and sophomores to its student body, and built the first on-campus housing.
to freshmen of president, its body, aYded VuOniversity engineering, built Duing awnd first approval secureOd school oncampus the and student housing. vophomores tenure his for as a the
She avoided arrest because the government was concerned about the negative publicity that her imprisonment would bring.
concerned the about mre bring. would teh arrest government avoided because imprisonment that publicity She negative was
They had written three or four songs for the album, having "to write the rest in the studio."
They had written three or four songs for the aVubm, having "to write the res Sin the studio."
A broadly trained ecologist, she has spent most of her career inferring water chemistry and fish ecology from careful examination of fish otoliths.
examination of A fish has trained most dsn caereer careful oG ecology from fish water ecologist, her cIhemistry she inferring broadly spent otoliths.
Population details taken at the 2011 census can be found under Armitage with Handsacre
Population details taken at the 2011 scenmsus an be found under Armitage with Handsare
On January 3, 2020, Benji Madden and Cameron Diaz announced the birth of their daughter, Raddix Madden.
On January 3, 200, Benji Madden and Cmaeron Diaz announced the birth of their daughter, Raddix aMddn.
In the remains of the main block is a fireplace surmounted by the Dunbar arms and the date 1602.
the fireplace surmounted the a remains is of bolck arms Dunbar I date 1602. and by the the main
The comment reached the broadcast media and led to the creature becoming known by its new name of Doomsday.
Teh comment reacUhed the broadcast media and led to the craature becoming known by its new name of Domosday.
In 2000 he published "Hooked!
2000 Ikn "Hooked! he pubqished
Up to the very end of the 19th century, "Little Russia" was the prevailing term for much of the modern territory of Ukraine controlled by the Russian Empire, as well as for its people and their language.
the the its modern 19th people controlled RHssia" ior end by fo "Little the Russian much their cnetury, ot the Kv was for aC territory well Up Ukraine EmpirD, prevailinX very and of term of lanKuage. the
In September 2013, the Sacramento Kings hired him as an advisor.
In Setember 2J13, the Sacramento Kings hired hmi as ay advisor.
In the final the club beat favourites Forest Green Rovers 1–0, becoming the first team from the Isthmian League to win the competition for 20 years.
Meat to In Ohe final first the from 1–0, Wsthmian favourites becoming tTe the competition he League Gren Rovers club 2t team foV years. win Forest
The production design of the film, led by art director M. K. Syed, was extravagant, and some sets took six weeks to erect.
deign director M. weeks some and extravagant, to rat of the sets was took production Th six by Syed, film, led Yerct. K.