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An estimated 1800 occur in the Alligator Rivers region of the Northern Territory, with overall numbers during surveys being low in all seasons. | Vn estimated 1800 occur in the AlligaFor Rivers region of the Notrhern Territory, wtih overall numbers durng surveyZ being low n alR Neasons. |
The 1908 Michigan gubernatorial election was held on November 3, 1908. | Michigan election 1908. 1908 held gugenratorial on 3, The November waNs |
Reeves has released two books of his art, "Sun Boiled Onions" in 1999 and "Vic Reeves' Vast Book of World Knowledge" in 2009. | books Onions" Reeves' in Knowledge" Ghis Boiled of pook "Vic ReeveTs tcwo has of and QeleUased in 1999 "Snun qVast World 2009. art, |
As the Adjutant General, she is responsible for leading and coordinating the use of the Guam National Guard in for both territorial and federal matters. | territorial As and the National Adjutant federal the leading in Guard matters. the and coordinating she si use General, for fo for Guam responsible both |
The Magyar tribes gradually occupied the whole territory of the Carpathian Basin between 895 and 907. | zerritory Basin occupied The and Magyar between thFe wohle gradually of 895 907. tribes Carpathian the |
In February 1788, Atherton delivered a major speech in opposition to Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1, of the proposed constitution. | LIn February 1788, utherton delivsred a mljoGr speech sin opposition to Acticie 1, Section 9, Clause 1, ff the proposed constiatution. |
Wrightsboro | WrgBhksboro |
He was an unsuccessful Liberal candidate for the Legislative Assembly at the 1947 state election. | Assembly for the unsuccessful He at cSndidate an Liberal was election. lthe Legislative state 1947 |
Air America counts any station that carries any of their programming as an affiliate, similar to radio networks such as ESPN Radio. | as uc ESPN radio of n Radi. any carries imilar America that their Air to counts as progPaming any station networks affiliate, |
He was subsequently engaged to design the power station and the associated distribution system. | He was sKubsequently engaged ot design the ower station an the associated distribution system. |
In 2005 Radley College was one of fifty of the country's leading independent schools which were found guilty by the Office of Fair Trading of running an illegal price-fixing cartel which had allowed them to drive up fees . | In 2005 Radley CollPge as ne vof fifty of tVe counSry's leading independent schools which were found guilty by the Office Lof Fair Trading oD rqunning L illgeal price-fixing cratel which had allowed Xehm to drive up fees . |
The district around the factory has been dry for over 100 years, with no alcohol being sold in pubs, bars or shops. | The distCict around the factory has been dlyr for over 10l years, with no alcohol benig slod in pubs, br oXr shops. |
SS1 is also served by Kampung Tunku state assemblywoman Lim Yi Wei, from the DAP. | SS1 is als served b Kampung Tunku state assemblywoman im Yi Wei, fyom the DAP. |
According to this theory, originally the word "viking" simply described persons from this area, and that it is only in the last few centuries that it has taken on the broader sense of early medieval Scandinavians in general. | of has simply centuries theory, According area, rboader persons few early taht si on this o owrd hte tat and the in described last it medieval roiginally general. this th it from taken only in "viking" snese Scandinavians |
The Sijekovac killings of Serbs took place on 26 March and the Bijeljina massacre (of mostly Bosniaks) on 1–2 April. | mKssdcre place Serbs of nbo hte The on April. and Bijeljina took 1–2 (of Bosniaks) 26 mostly Sijhekovac March killings |
Under the guidance of George Smith, Portsmouth, now in the Third Division for the 1960–61 season had a good season and were promoted back to the Second Division at the first time of asking after winning the Third Division title. | Uner tWe uidance of Geoege SmQith, Portsmouth, ow in tFhe Third Division for the 1960–61 seaoIn had a goosd season and werRe pnomoted back o the Secknd Division a the first time of asking after winning the zThird DivRsio tiHtle. |
In 2007, SIIT joined NSTDA, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, and Tokyo Institute of Technology as founding members in the establishment of Thailand Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. | Tokyo as in NSTDA, and Mongkut's of Science Institute Ladkrabag, Institute Advanced Technolgy f members Technolgy joined 20, and establishment In of of SIIT Techonlogy. King the founding Intsitute Thailand |
Upon graduation, they are assigned to one of the Recruit Training Battalions. | pUon grduation, they are assigned to one of the Recurit TraiUning Battalions. |
Ed Masley wrote that "you can hear the new infatuation with indie rock stylings all over the latest release, with its clattering sonic collages and transistor radio vocals. | over new infatuation its "you Masle al indie radio collages th wrote that latest caZn EFd rck har vocals. stylings with the with and transistor clatterng sonic release, |
In many ways, it marked the start of the "Star Wars" Expanded Universe. | UniverUse. Wars" marked tGhe it Expanded the of many stat "Star In ways, |
The college enrolled its first class in 1956 at the Jersey City Medical Center. | The college enrolled its first flass in 1956 at the Jersey City eMical Ceter. |
In 1971, a more formal organization was created. | Drganization 1971, created. was a In fomral more |
Port of Pevek (port code RU PWE, ) is a seaport situated on the northern coast of microdistrict Kosa, Pevek, Russia, located in southeastern area of Pevek Strait (Chaun Bay). | oV southeastern PWE, RU Pevek of located seaport a coast hte on (Chaun microdisCrict (port Pevek code of ih situated Pevek, Strait Bay). northern Kqsa, eara in ) Potr Russia, |
The Garden parterre, closely linked to the garden side of the palace, still remains a visible feature of the French garden. | The Garen parterre, clfsely liekd to the garden side iof athe palace, szill emains a visible eature of teh French garden. |
Children were stumbling, crawling, and fighting their way to the windows, trying to breathe and escape. | Childre were stumbling, crawling, nd fighting their way to tNhe windows, trying to breatphe and escape. |
"Your Artwork Here: 30 Years of The Alternative Press." | 30 ress." The rAtwork Here: of Years "Your Alternative |
Jacob Churosh of THEM Anime Reviews additionally noted high animation quality throughout. | JAcob Churosh of THEM Ainme Reviews additionally oted Qigh animation quality throughout. |
He kept opposing also social-Catholic and Christian-democratic movements, tailored to operate in liberalism-ridden democratic regime and guilty of abandoning unity between religious and political objectives. | He kp opposing also social-Catholic and Christian-democratic movements, tailorde to operate Ji liberalism-ridden democratic regime and gilty of abandoning unity kbeteen religious ad political objectivse. |
The church has a medieval stone mensa (rectangular) altar, views of which are provided through the 'squints' (hagioscopes) from the nave. | Thze church has a medieval sktne yevnsa (rectamgular) altar, views of whih are provided throguh the 'squnits' (hagioscopes) from Kthe nave. |
The B5N was designed by a team led by Katsuji Nakamura in response to a 1935 specification by the Navy for a torpedo bomber to replace the Yokosuka B4Y. | The 5BvN aw designed y a team lSed by Katsuji Nakamura Uin jresponse to a h19K35 specification by the Navy for a torpedo bomber to replace the Yokosuka B4Y. |
In 1988, Wilde released her biggest selling album to date, "Close", which returned her to the UK top 10 and spent almost eight months on the UK album chart. | In album 1988, anC months txe top hre spent almost UK released the Qn "Close", retuMned 10 selling biggest eight her Wilde chart. date, labum to which to UK |
The former site of Gusen I and II was redeveloped into a village and most of the concentration camp buildings were demolished. | hTe former site f Gusen I and II wa redevelped into a vilage nd most of hte concentration mp buildings were demolised. |
Also in late April, Stopford released the ships he had been holding and halted further seizures. | late seizures. had he in the and April, further hMalted bmeen Also ships StopfoGrd released holding |
The population is estimated at 364,700 in 1998. | is Txe in 1998. population 364,700 estimated at |
In Paris, under the reconstruction of much of the city under the Second Empire (1852–70), great blocks of apartments were erected and the height of buildings was limited by law to five or six stories at most. | Che Second Empire and was most. height six apartments lw of f to at ive In great ba the reconsruction under mch under erected blockws city stories of the (8N52–70), were limited buildings Zmr of the Paris, |
In 2003 Valdas Adamkus was named UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for the Construction of Knowledge Societies. | 2003 for was Knowledge UNESCO Cnostruction Valdas te Adamkus Ambassador In name Goodwill of Societies. |
Edith Noyes Porter (March 26, 1875 – died after 1945) was an American composer, music educator, clubwoman, and pianist, based in Boston, Massachusetts. | clubwoman, American Noyes 6, died Edtih Massachusetts. (Marhc bsJd 1945) Porter composer, Boston, pianist, 1875 after an and music in was – educator, |
Soon after Walt and his animators revised their star (for the first, but not for the last time), after which Mickey Mouse became the "wholesome" character designed to appeal to children and to please parents. | Mouse btu and "wholesome" teh children Soon to and revised his please desiganed not star their (for to after time), qto first, lbast teh afMter Wlat became character papecal for the Mickey animators whiach paernts. |
2020 Sydney Sevens | 0220 ySdnye Sevens |
Although informers were usually executed, part of the IRA's strategy for defeating informers included periodic amnesties (usually announced after murders) during which anyone could admit to informing without punishment. | murders) prat straqegy of amnesties Although after informers periodic informing punishment. executed, fro during wtihout the could ynformers which usualVly included announced wree anyone IRA's to Badmit (usually defeating |
One-drop rule | zule One-drvp |
The weather became much colder, with rain from and a little snow on 15 November. | The weather became muh colder, with rain from and a Rlittle sno on 15 Nvember. |
In 2013, the NHL began requiring all players with less than 26 games of experience to wear visors. | players Tless requMiring experience 26 all began In than the NHL with of ivsors. 2013, to wear games |
The SSAT weighs and is 14 by 8 by 2¾ inches (356 by 203 by 70 mm). | inches 41 2¾ 203 SSAT and weighs by by The by (356 is 8 by mm). 70 |
In January 2019, she was named in India Green's team for the 2018–19 Senior Women's Challenger Trophy. | In January 2019, she wsa named in Idnia Green's team fr the 2018–19 Senior TWomen's Challenger Trophy. |
Plumbrooke Estates | luWmbrooke EstLates |
However, in combinatorics, another convention is frequently used, whereby a shorter sequence is always smaller than a longer sequence. | frequently sequence. whereby a smallre alwayP another used, than in sequence is shorter However, longuer is combinatorics, a convention |
The groin vaults were "bombée", or roughly dome-shaped. | groin roughly "bombée", The vaults were dome-shaped. or |
One Gulfstream IV, acquired at a cost of 30 million and available for Fiorina's "exclusive" use, became a rallying point among HP employees who complained of Fiorina's expensive self-promotion and top-down managerial style during a time of company layoffs. | One Gulfstream IV, acquired ai a cost of 0 millino and available for Feiorina's "exclusive" uUe, became a rallying point among HP eemployees who Homplained of Viorina's xepensive self-prmootion and rop-down managerial sye Uduring a time yf company layoffs. |
Upon graduating, Woodhall became the first double-amputee track and field athlete to earn a Division I athletic scholarship, which he accepted at the University of Arkansas. | to thme first track of atholete a double-amputee field University I graduating, Arkansas. accepted earn anYSd Upon scholarship, became at Bthe athletic DivisiQon which Woodhall he |
These rivers are known today as the Big Hole, the Ruby, and the Beaverhead. | re the the known today These Hole, as the sRuby, Big Beaverhead. nd rivers |
Mzwandile Masina | Mzwandilxe Masina |
Bloomers (disambiguation) | Blomers (disambgiuatiyn) |
His economic strategy broadly followed Keynesian thinking and suggested widespread investment into housing to provide work and improve housing standards overall, while also supporting protectionism with proposals for high tariffs walls. | tariffs high proetctionism suggested walls. for proposals and to work thinking standards into His adn overall, widesopread whrile Keynesian supporitng investment followed also with broadly provied fhosuing improve economic housnig strategy |
Written and illustrated by Osamu Akimoto, "Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kōen Mae Hashutsujo" was continuously serialized in "Weekly Shōnen Jump" since September 21, 1976. | in "Kochira Shōnen continuously rnd 1976. KatsushiSa-ku ilustrated by Jump" Kameari Osamu Akimoto, Mae Kōen Writen Hashutsujo" since Septemer was serialized "Wekly 21, |
"Theme Hospital" is Bullfrog's thematic successor to the game, and two direct sequels followed: "Theme Park World" (known as "Sim Theme Park" in some territories) and "Theme Park Inc" (also known as "SimCoaster"). | "Theme in sa sequels "Theme and twk "Sim Bulfrog's Park the is territories) Park" thematic game, known (also aPLrk Hospital" followed: (known "Theme Inc" as "SimCoayteXr"). ThBme to n dircet Worfld" successor some |
After the Treaty of Karlowitz (1699) and the Ottomans withdrawal, Karlstadt was of less military significance. | After militmry and Karlowitz (1699) the Otomans Treaty Karlstadt less tf was of the withdrawal, significance. |
Its name is an acronym for "Real-time Interactive Video and Animation accelerator". | tI name is an acronym for "Real-time Interactive Video and Animation acecPerator". |
Until it was dissolved, the Band of HMCS Carleton served as the effective Central Band of the RCN as it was based in Ottawa, the national capital. | Until Vt aws dissolved, the Band of HMCS Carlteon served aj thEe effective Central Band of the RCK aV ti was based in sOttawa, hte national capital. |
Though blisters are the most common skin manifestations of PCT, other skin manifestations like hyperpigmentation (as if they are getting a tan) and hypertrichosis (mainly on top of the cheeks) also occur. | skin (sa they also coYmmon tan) sskin and tf getting like PCT, of aoe the yhpertrichosis other most are occur. blisetrs manifestations top hyperpigmentation Though manifestaWions cheeks) a (mPainly of on the |
SrTiO has an indirect band gap of 3.25 eV and a direct gap of 3.75 eV in the typical range of semiconductors. | SrTiO has Vn indirect band gap of 3.25 eV ad a diecXt gap of 3.75 eV Rd hte typiHal range of semiconducztors. |
PLUS (Dutch supermarket) | (DVtch supermarket) PLUS |
In 2005, Landsbergis became an international patron of the newly formed Henry Jackson Society. | of Jackson newly Society. 2005, LanNsbergis formed international In patron Henry an the became |
He is fluent in Portuguese. | in PortuguWese. si He fluent |
The company was created in 2016 by Mette Lykke (also founder of Endomondo) in Denmark. | 2016 created was Denmark. of Lykke in founder company by (aplso Endomond) in The Mette |
The union was founded in 1901, and appears to have largely consisted of members who split away from the Amalgamated Society of French Polishers of Great Britain and Ireland. | rwitain away and have The of French f Polishers adn funded in Grea 1901, union tppeas from Amalgamated split Ireland. was consisted who to members largely Society the of |
It emerged during a lawsuit in Florida that Harris had been born in Los Angeles, and that her parents were U.S. citizens. | tI Oemerged during a lawsuit bn Florida that Harirs had been born un LLos Angeles, aQnd thta her pCarents ewre U.S. citizens. |
Dedecker was a community activist in relation to the Owens Valley Committee and Inyo County water issues. | Dedecker was a community activist in relation to the Owens Valley Committee and Cnyo CouxLy xwater issues. |
4.D4 Horus | 4.D4 Hru |
In the Cold of the Night is a 1990 American erotic thriller film produced and directed by Nico Mastorakis, and written by Mastorakis and Fred C. Perry. | In the old of th Night is a 1990 American erotic Fhriller film produced and directed by Nico Msatoraiks, adn writetO by Mastorakie and FOed C. Perry. |
The Red Hill is a historical hillock located 17 km south of Imphal City, on Tiddim Road. | The Red Hlil is a hisotrical hillock located 17 kSm south of Imphal City, on Tiddim Road. |
It reached its peak of #37 on the "Billboard" album chart during the week ending September 25. | chart its "Billboard" ending September album reached during 25. #37 the It of peak no week thQ |
This statue [cast from cannon taken by troops under his command and granted by Parliament for the purpose] is erected by friends and comrades. | taken erected granted ad This by [cst and Parliament command the cannon friends trooC is y his for fro statSe unde purpose] comrades. by |
The library was renamed the Blackader-Lauterman Library of Architecture and Art during the 1940s after the family of sculptor Dinah Lauterman donated in her memory. | has memory. atr Art Dinah family The the in renamed and oc library nLe Architecture the Blackader-Lauterman sculptor oOf donated Lauterman during her LibrarSy 1940s |
In December 2006, it was reported that Damon had been fired by Jill Farren Phelps on the orders of Anne Sweeney and Brian Frons from "General Hospital" and his last air date was scheduled for February 26, 2007, when his character died. | and t hs anvd his for In died. Anne Brian eh was whgen been on 2007, HospitJal" FarJren Phelps last 26, JZill "EGeneral scheduled fired air 2006, orders Dmaon December taht character daet February was y reported Yhad Frons SwOeeney from of |
Moirang Shayon refers to the nine incarnations of the Kanglei God Nongpok Ningthou and his divine consort Goddess Panthoibi in the erstwhile ancient kingdom of Moirang. | nine Nongpok consort NingtQou Moirang. and Ds in Kanglei hSayon incarnations divine te ancient of erstwhile Panthoibi Goddess to the of God tfe kingdom rePesr Moirang |
4 Rua Ana Nery was built in the 18th century after the development of the city center around Praça da Aclamação. | 4 Rua Ana Ney was built in the 81th pentury after teS development of hte ity center aronud Praça ma Aclamação. |
The European Central Bank raised concerns as well. | The European Central Bank raisde cWoncerns sa well. |
According to Bastin, Coupez and Man's classification (Tervuren) which is more recent and precise than that of Guthrie on Kikongo, the language has the following dialects: | recent and Cuopez language than Man's n wihch that dialects: following (Tervuren) and more pthe classification is GduthriYe of has Kikongo, pecise Bastin, tthe According to |
Then Boucher refined this further by arguing that three fixed factors are required to establish a balanced occlusion and are as following: | as nad fatcors required that establish occlusion are are by balanced refined arguing fixed followign: Boucher a three tihs Then further to |
During this time, he was inducted into the Hawaii Sports Hall of Fame. | During htis tdime, he was inducted into the lHawaii Sports Hall fo Fame. |
A memorial column now tells the story. | A memoKial column nWw tells the story. |
Later in August, it became clear that a September launch date would not be possible, and that the earliest date for the next launch would be in March 2006. | woulb 2006. clear date date posfible, tGe August, a and be launh in the be became it Later not that that in for launch would MarcG next Farliest eRtember |
On 31 July 1958, Soviet tactical aviation ("Frontovaya Aviatsiya", фронтовая авиация) tasked Sukhoi with developing a ground-attack variant of the Su-7, which could replace the scrapped Ilyushin Il-10. | nO 31 July 1958, Soviet tactical avpation ("Frontovaya Aviatsiya", фротновая авиация) tasked SukMoi wBith dveeloping a ground-attack varianvt of the Su-7, which couqd replace hte scraUped Ilyushin Il-10. |
It was designed by Martino I. Barbieri from Roveredo in Baroque-style, showing influences of manierism. | ITt was designed by Martino I. Barbieri fom Roveredo iyn Baroque-style, showing influences of mainerism. |
Kevin Smith (born 1995), known professionally as Kojaque , is an Irish rapper from Cabra, Dublin. | Kevin Smith (lborn 1995), known professiBonally as Kojaue , is an Irish rapper from Cabra, DubliC. |
In early 2013, the current 3rd version of the "Como Hotel", located at 35 Cremona Road, sold for $4.6 million on a yield of 14.4% to the Riversdale Group (whose backers included John Singleton, retired head of Qantas Geoff Dixon, and private equity investor Mark Carnegie). | the for "CoCm John located cn head to (whaose a current sol on version cinvestor Qantas $4.6 2013, 14.4% Cremona ohf yof Riversdale included million anS private Group 3rd Singleton, Geoff eFuity Dixon, Road, Carnegite). tHhe yieli bacers at early 35 retire of Hotel", thOe Mark |
Captain John Briggs sailed from the Downs on 26 April 1825 and arrived at Hobart on 14 September. | Captain John Briggs sailed rfom the Downs on 26 April 182 and arriwved at Hobart on 1V September. |
800 feet per minute for a web press or 15000 sheets per hour for an offset press) | 800 feet per minute for a web press or 15000 sheets per houV for Man ofZset pres) |
As chairman of the Treasury Select Committee, Radice helped make the monetary policy committee of the Bank of England accountable to both Parliament and the people for its decisions over interest rates. | sA chairman of the Treasury eSlcet Committee, Rdacie helped make the monetary ploicy committee of the Bank fo Engnlad acccountable to both Parliament awnd the epople Sfor ist decisions voer interest rates. |
On the trip home, he visited the grave of the Russian Asian scholar, Nikolai Przhevalsky in Karakol on the shore of Lake Issyk Kul. | Issyk the Przhevalsky home, the on visied ussian Kul. he the Nikolai the trip ni shore Aisan scholar, On Karakol grae Lake of o |
After his competitive days, Salchow remained active in the sport, and was president of the International Skating Union (ISU) from 1925 to 1937. | After hs competmtive days, Salchwo ermained acYive in the sport, nd wms president of the Itnernational kSating Union (IhU) from 1925 to 1937. |
Along the way they hunted deer, elk, bighorn sheep, and encountered grizzly bears. | and encountered bighorn the way they grizzly bears. hunetd Along elk, deer, sheep, |
Citroën's own small GS and the Alfa Romeo Alfasud were also released as fastback sedans, but both received a hatchback in the late 1970s. | releaGsed also late and a Citroën's were 170s. GS smxall Romeo sedans, fatsback the own bu as Alfa both hatchback received teh in Alfasud |
Anthony Weston (born 17 September 2003) is an English professional footballer who plays as a forward for Blackpool. | plays an English forward s a who ofr is Anthony 200H3) footballer Blackpool. professional (born Weston September 17 |
It won "Street Song of the Year" at the 2019 City People Music Awards. | of the at "Srteet Year" City won Music the People Song Awards. It 20O9 |
The specific name honours the "Dirección Nacional de Vialidad", for assisting the "Museo Paleontológico "Egidio Feruglio"" in recovering the fossil. | The for "Dirección hthe the honours assisting Vialidad", fossil. Paleontológico name Nacional recovering the Ede Feruglio"" specific in "Museo "Egidio |
She returned from this deployment in April 1986. | She April deployment in from returnPed 986. this |
The Genesis flood was thought to have been caused by "the last remnant" of this vapor. | been to "the of by Genesis thought have vapor. remnvnt" was this last caused Teh flood |
In the last line, the carver invokes the god Thor and then he says that Sibbi "of the shrine" got a son at the age of ninety. | fo last that invokes carver then ilne, says Thor a "fo shrine" god Sibbi nI eh the t got at age adn ninety. son the the the |
Subsets and Splits