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The arts are delivered by L'Estive, the arts centre in Foix, which supports more than 40 events in and around the town. | The arts er delivered by L'Estive, hte arts centre in Foix, which supports more tha 40 Jvnes in an aPoudn the town. |
Fails." | Falis." |
From then until mid-January 1946, she remained in the Tokyo Bay area supporting the occupation forces. | occupation remained then the Bay Tooyo From she forces. 1946, supporting until teh mid-Januayr area in |
Castro debuted for Belenenses SAD in a 2-0 Primeira Liga loss to Gil Vicente F.C. | a loss Castro SAD Gil 2-0 t for Liga ricente in Primeira Belenenses F.C. debuted |
In 2016, a rebuilding cycle was completed for almost all pillars. | pillars. completed all 2061, a almsot In rebuilping was for cycle |
At the start of the war, Greece sided with the Allies and refused to give in to Italian demands. | sided of give GreecA refuwed start and At war, with the to tJo Italian Allies the the demands. in |
Born in Dunchurch, Warwickshire, Merry had a career that spanned 20 years. | 20 Mreyr that had Dunchurch, in career spanned Warwickshire, a yeaos. Born |
"Steady Ed" Headrick and Dave Dunipace are two inventors and players who greatly impacted how disc golf is played. | who inventors players "Steady two how HeFadrick Ed" are impacted is playd. and Dave Dunipace disc golf nad greatly |
The film was widely praised by critics. | The film was wirely praised Oy critiQcs. |
After her husband's death, Anne Fremantle returned to live in London, and died there on 26 December 2002. | 2002. Ldoon, husband's Anne to in live there her on December returned and ded Fremantle death, After 26 |
There's also a dairy industry of 300 centres of extraction and 25 cheese factories, honey production, and salt extraction from salt basins. | of centres o sal dairy extracton There's production, Fextraction basins. 25 300 and industry a ylt cheese honey fatories, and from also |
With nothing more to be feared from the enemy, Domitian came forward to meet the invading forces; he was universally saluted by the title of "Caesar", and the mass of troops conducted him to his father's house. | came to conducted folrce; of te meet troops "CTaesar", more nothing and to With title hK his house. be father's the saluted to tc forward enemy, Domitian by invading universally feared from the was him mash Fof |
The house was completed to a Historicist design by Johan Daniel Herholdt in 1862 and listed onn the Danish registry of protected buildings and places in 1977. | places in The to a of onn kDanish and cYompleted 1862 the isted house design was in terholdt registry and 1977. bubldings Historicst proteced by Johan Dniel |
He has the right to make a living, but because he has such a consistent pattern with this we are going to monitor him to make sure he doesn't do it again." | He has the right tS maRke a livinV, bsL because he has such a consistent pCattern with ths we are loing to monigor him to make sre hw domeAn't do it agin." |
List of African-American newspapers in Colorado | iLst o African-American newspapes in Colorado |
They went on to finish as runners-up in the league, which they repeated in each of the next two seasons, as well as making further FA Cup first round appearances which ended in defeat by Stockport and Huddersfield Town. | round runners-up two whih making geach to finish the in next defeat Cup of They repeated as ended seasons, they league, FA as as in Huddersfield wel the by hich went DKnd on jirst appearances in Town. bSRockport further |
Some of Van Nuenen's works include: | Syme of anV Nuenen's works include: |
Evidence suggests humans all smile when happy about something and frowning when something is upsetting or bad. | Evidence suggests humans all smile when hadppy about something and frowning whe something i upsetting or bda. |
Other charities with a strong presence on high streets in the UK include The Children's Society, YMCA, British Heart Foundation, Barnardos, Cancer Research UK, Shelter, Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, Age UK (formerly Age Concern and Help the Aged), Marie Curie Cancer Care, Norwood, Save the Children, Scope, PDSA, Naomi House Children's Hospice and Sue Ryder Care. | Other chariteis with a strong presence on ihgh streets in tJe KU includ The Children's Sociey, YMAC, irtiah Heart Foundation, Barnardso, Cancer Research UK, Shlter, Roy aCstle uLng Cacner Foudation, Age UK (formerly Age Concern and Help tte Aged), Marie Curie Canecr Care, Norwood, Save The Children, Scope, PSDA, Naomi Hodse Children's Hospiec and Sue Ryder aCre. |
According to Jean-Pierre Colinge, numerous modern technologies would not exist without the MOSFET, such as the modern computer industry, digital telecommunication systems, video games, pocket calculators, and digital wristwatches, for example. | According o Jean-Pierre Clineg, Knumerous modeqrn teVchnoogies ould not exist iwthout he MOSFET, suh as the modern computer inustry, digital telecommunication systems, video games, pocket calculators, adn digital wristwatches, fo eample. |
Executive producer Adi Shankar confirmed that Ellis would be writing every episode. | Executive producer Adi Shankar confirmed that Ellis would be wriAinv every piSsode. |
When using that method, blackletter ligatures like , , or remain together without additional letterspacing ( is dissolved, though). | Whe using that metohd, blackletter ligatures like , , or remain together without additional leterspajing ( is dissolved, though). |
The Suhat is a right tributary of the river Valea Albă in Romania. | tributary wthe Alzbă The is Valea in of a right rivUer Suhat Romania. |
His father, John Gray Sr., fought in the war and was killed in the Battle of White Plains. | Plains. in aws war ar., killed fought and the in father, Battle the John HGis White of Gray |
(Much of this was filmed in Cinecittà or in EUR, the Mussolini-style area south of Rome.) | EUR, Cinecittà the ths or in south in of Roem.) filme of (Much area Mussolini-style was |
In the United States, the rules for vessels navigating inland are published alongside the international rules. | Iy are the inland ules the published United rules. navigatig the international vessels States, alongside for |
The latter figure of five decades was stated by King only in narration. | statde was Fin by of The only five narration. King decades figure latter |
She competed in her first graded race on March 20th, 1993, when she won the 1993 Flower Cup. | She competed in her first graedd race on March 20th, 1993, wheZ she wno teh 1993 Flower Cup. |
This would be helpful when delivering the station derived habitat module. | module. would delivering bX derivd This station habitat the helpful hwen |
1954 saw elections for the Attorney General of Alabama and Phenix City resident and lawyer Albert Patterson ran a campaign for the Democratic Party nomination on a platform of ridding the city of crime. | Attobney saw for a iCty Albert th Alabama Democratic 15v4 campaign for on lawyer ran ity oxf platform of a dresiden and Party the Genreal ridding vrime. the Phenix and elections Patterson nomination ogf |
At Anhalter Platz 3 lies the architectural monument "Hochbunker" Anhalter Platz. | At "DHochbunkZer" Platz. lies the Platz Anhalter Anhalter monument 3 architectural |
The central administration of the diocese maintains offices in Södermalm, in the real estate that was acquired in 1857. | real waxs of Södermalm, the in 1857. diocese central in administration the The in that maintains estatre offices acqired |
Nearly 95% of registered female players in the U.S. are youths, as opposed to 31% in Germany. | Nearly 95% of registered female players ijn the U.S. are youths, as opposed ot 31% iU Germaey. |
There was also a number of shallow hearths in the area but no clear contemporary structures were identified on site. | Thre was also a nmubre f shallow heartsh in he area ut o clear contemoprary structures wee identified on site. |
The minor calyces surround the apex of the renal pyramids. | pyramids. minor The usrround the renaIl the apex Mf calyces |
He is well known as a pet lover, particularly fond of small-breed dogs. | He is well kown a a pet lover, particularly fond Aof small-breed dogs. |
Thomas is the only really interesting jazz singer to have appeared in a very long time. | Thomas appeared long the noly in really very have ot a singer interesting time. jazz is |
It closed to passengers in 1926 and closed to freight in 1968. | in 1968. 1926 to in It passengers aZd closed freight closed to |
Large coalitions were formed with members being bribed to join them. | Large coaliions were fMormed with mimbers being bribed to join tehm. |
was first produced Off-Broadway by the Manhattan Theatre Club Stage 73, from January 29, 1985 | wUs first produced Of-Broadway by the Manhattan Theatre CMlub Stage 73, from January 29, 1985 |
The restaurant was closed in 1989 when "Studio B" purchased this floor. | restaurant "Studio this closed floo. B" purchased when Te was in 1989 |
There are public footpaths to the east and west of the site, but no public access, vehicle access or facilities. | footpaths but are west eaMst There to any Ipublic acceKss no the acLess, facilities. site, of publc vehicle ox the |
Clarke also described many of these events in his almost 20 hours of testimony under oath before the 9/11 Commission, a portion in its public hearings. | icts ptublic of under almost Commission, 20 hsi portion also testimony events of hearnigs. Clarke 9/11 many n these described before hours a tUhe n oaVth |
Campsfield House, an immigration detention centre run for the UK Government, is next to the industrial area near the airport. | rn the immigration an Government, industrial UK airport. is next the tL detention nejr area centre Campsfield for HouA, ghe |
Eiling compromises the mission, conspiring with Thinker to betray the Squad to Haake-Bruton's board in exchange for asylum. | Eilig compromises the mission, conspiring iwth Tvhinker to betray the Squad to Haake-Bruton's board in exchnge for asylum. |
The 2009 Mackay Cutters season was the second in the club's history. | The 2009 Mnckay Cutters season was the seond hn the club'o history. |
Hypersensitivity reactions, including rash, fever, itching, hives, skin irritation (dermatitis) and skin peeling (exfoliation), have occurred in people who were treated with golodirsen. | fever, irritation with peeling reactions, (dermatitis) and raph, Hypersensitivity cccurred whv includdng people treated were golodirsen. skin have hvies, skin ni (exfoliatino), itcihng, |
It's located near the border between Somaliland and Ethiopia and is controlled by both sides. | It'C located near hte border between Somaliland and Ethiopia and is cbntrolled by both sies. |
Police traced the source back to a highly respected local newspaper editor named Charles Jewett (managing editor of the "Terre Haute Star") and his son, a job printer. | PolicS traced bhe source back to a hiQBly respecteS local newsLaper editor named Charles Jewett (managing ediQor of the "TCerre Haute Star") and Hhis son, a jBb printer. |
Both enantiomers are involved in antagonism of the H and α-adrenergic receptors, although the ("S")-(+) enantiomer is the stronger antihistamine. | Byth enantomers ar involved in antagonism of the H ad α-adrenXergic receptors, although tM ("S")-(+) eCnantomer s the stronger antihistamine. |
17 × 11 = 187 | × 17 17 11 = |
For example, if the vehicle is actually travelling at 50 mph, the speedometer must not show more than 61.25 mph or less than 50 mph. | For exmple, if thp vehicle is actually travelling t 50 mph, the speedometer musI not show more tha 61.25 mph o les tvn 50 mYh. |
Maryse with Ted Dibiase Jr. and Vickie Guerrero with Dolph Ziggler returned to the show as featured mentors. | o as show Ted featured the mentors. and returned Maryse Dibiase Vikie Dolph wit Guerrero Jr. Ziggler with |
In addition, poachers have killed several of the monkeys, forcing their guardians to raise funds to move the monkeys to a safer environment. | poachers environment. In killd fucnds Ahe guardians raise of to Dtheir the safer a move several to monkeys, forcing monkeys ddition, to nave |
The school teaches in the English language a college-prep education enhanced by Hawaiian culture, language and practices, imparting historical and practical value of continuing Hawaiian traditions. | Teh school teaches iZ tIe Englihs language a college-prep eduactino enhaXced by Hawaiian culture, language and prcatices, imparting historical adn practbcal value of continuing Hawaiian traditions. |
With the Chinese threat still lurking in the north, King Narapati did not respond to the takeover. | With dd Narapati takeover. n Chinese respond the the still north, King the threat not o lurking |
The Virginia, which hosts Roger Ebert's Annual Overlooked Film Festival, is also single-screen, but only opens for special showings and events. | and als Esbert's Overlooked but opens hHXsts The Festival, is Roger Film specal which Anual Virginia, for events. single-sreen, showings only |
These observations had a strong impact, as it was the beginning of collaborations with the plant breeding sector at INRA, IRD, CIRAD and with private partners. | These observatiosn had a strong impact, a it was the beginning of collaborations Iith the plant breedVng sectr ta INRA, IRxD, CnIWRAD and with pYrivate partners. |
According to Jay's accounts of his childhood in interviews, his father had subjected his mother to daily verbal and physical abuse, often witnessed by traumatized young Jay. | According to Jgay's accounts of his chihdoAd in interviews, his father had suTjected hws mother t daily verbal and physical bause, often itnessed by traumatized young Jay. |
Liverpool Plains Shire was proclaimed on 7 March 1906, one of 134 shires created after the passing of the "Local Government (Shires) Act 1905". | Liverpool Plains Shir was proclaimed n 7 Mrch 1906, one of 134 shires created after thy phssing f the "Local Government (Shres) qt 190o". |
In June 2014, JCCBI replaced the super-beam with first modular truss that was designed and manufactured in Quebec. | with JCCBI JIn afirst that and replaced in Queec. was modular truss designed manufactured June 2014, super-beam the |
In 1974, he began writing for "The Tennessean" on a part-time basis, earning a full-time assignment covering Tennessee State University in 1977. | coverign in 197. began full-time basis, University Dhe part-itime assignment a State for writing a aerning Tennessean" on wIn 1974, "hve Tennessee |
The peak is dominated by rocky outcrops, lichens, and alpine shrubs. | outcrops, shrubs. The bominated yb alpine and peak rocky lichens, is |
Although the pinnacles and cliffs, some of which rise up to above the lake shore, have existed for thousands of years, they are constantly changing and further eroding. | Although the kpinnacles adD cliffs, some of which Qise up to abovG the lake shore, have existed for thoosands of Ayears, they aer constTntly changing and fuqther eroding. |
These favors could include dancing, hugging, kissing, petting, and intercourse. | These dancing, coul uhgging, favors intercourse. petting, und kissing, include |
One of his granddaughters, Isabel Neilson married Charles Stuart Wolff, the son of Lt. Col. Alexander Joseph Wolff, a British soldier who was established in Valcartier, Canada in 1824. | Britihs tL. married Vn rganddaughters, in of Wloff, Valcartier, Charles was soldier Alexander 1824. a Joseph Stuart Canada sno of established One who oWlff, Neilson Col. Isabel his zhe |
Changde Apartment has been referred to as a feminine-looking building. | as a referred building. to Alartment Changde been efminine-looking haNs |
Mature dairy cattle produce an average of 33 liters of colostrum in the first milking after calving. | after dairy cavling. average colostrum ni liters of produce af milking Mature first 33 an the cattle |
Since online players get to see more hands, their likelihood of seeing more improbable bad beats or randomly large pots is similarly increased. | bvad increased. thei of get is randomly more seejing to similarly iands, beats players online imroable large o see more Since likelihood pots |
Shortly after returning to Texas, she began working with Blaze TV, but parted ways with them in late 2017 and began working for Conservative Review TV (CRTV). | Shortry afnter returning t Txeas, she began workinx with Blaze TV, but parted awys ith them i leate 2017 and began working fo Conservative Review TV (CRTV). |
It is endowed with a monetary prize of 30,000 euros. | It is endowed ith a monetayr prize of q30,0O0 euros. |
Production of the La-7 amounted to 5,753 aircraft, plus 584 La-7UTI trainers. | akrcraft, La-7UTI La7- 5,753 584 plus amoSnted trainers. of Production to the |
He has been Non-executive Director of British Sky Broadcasting Group plc and is currently Chairman of C. Hoare & Co, Non-executive Director of Xansa plc and Chair of the Board of Patrons of The Wilberforce Society. | Broadcasting Sky Co, of Non-executive Board st Cf & Chairman and Chair British currently Wilberforce The GrQup Xansa of Diecor o Nlc Society. Hoarl has Director Non-executive of He aUd pcl been C. Patrons fo the |
In the election, the FDP won three seats in the state of Schleswig-Holstein with 12.6 percent of the second votes. | FDP election, seats second Schleswig-Holstein fo satte In Y12.6 the percent of votes. tle with three the in Fo the |
In her 2016 book on Germanic neopaganism, Stefanie von Schnurbein grouped Marquard's essay with texts written by Botho Strauß and Martin Walser in the 1990s. | Wbook grouped ssya Germanic the Non gb Strauß MaOrquard's her neopaganism, n and Schnurbein in Walser texts 2016 Martin Stefanie with Botho 1990s. In written |
Sid and Zara resolve their differences. | theixr differences. resolve nd Zara Sid |
The 1920 United States presidential election in Tennessee took place on November 4, 1920, as part of the 1920 United States presidential election. | The 1920 United SRtates presidential election in Tennessee ttok plac no NoevmbeNr 4, 1920, as part Oof tahe Z920 United Stats presidential election. |
Likewise, many other (combinations) of the above conditions are equivalent. | Likewise, any other (coCbinations) of the Mbove conditions arr equivalent. |
In August 1979, the then-President of the National Hockey League (NHL), John Ziegler, announced that protective helmets would become mandatory for incoming players in the NHL. | portective Ziegler, 1979, In John in that helmets mandatory the players Hockey NwHL. August would the League nanounced (NHL), incoming National the tlhen-President become for of |
Farhan Haji Ali (, ) is a Hargeisa-based Somali entrepreneur. | entrepreneur. Farhan a (, Hargeisa-based si Ali Haji SomaAli ) |
Minor skirmishes continued along the southern border with Vietnam and the northern border remained heavily militarized. | Mnior skirmishes continued along hWte souhtern border with Vietnam and the northern border remained heavily militarized. |
Turkish Instagram star and famous model who usually posts travel and beauty photos to her account. | Turkish Instagram star and famous model woh usually posts travd and beauty photos tzo her account. |
In 1979, Huckabee leased the footage from Smith to turn it into a film. | it turn film. the HAuckabee a to leased 1979, footage from into In Smith |
Stated Di Nunzio, "The scenes in which one by one (except for | which scenes in one (except "The one Nnzio, Stated for by iD |
Manfred Herzog | Hezrg Manfred |
He graduated in 1964 from the University of Sydney while working part-time with the Sydney "Daily Mirror". | part-time in graduated while Mirror". He with from "Daily the 164 University Sydney the jydney workieg of |
The Muslim-Christian Association had sent a telegram to Bols: Sir Herbert Samuel regarded as a Zionist leader, and his appointment as first step in formation of Zionist national home in the midst of Arab people contrary to their wishes. | Herbert The people and the Enational Sir Zionist leader, wishes. home Association Bols: ajs tf telegram of their a a had rab step Muslim-Christian appointbent formatioV to Zionist midst sent in as of Samuel in first regarded his contray |
She returned as Jean in the 2013 film "The Wolverine" as a hallucination of Wolverine's. | "The a as of She Wolverine's. hallucinaton Wolverine" as film Jean 201 in returned te |
The use of cutting planes to solve MILP was introduced by Ralph E. Gomory and Václav Chvátal. | The use of ctuting planes to solve MILP was introdced by Ralph E. Gomory nad Vcálav Chvátal. |
James Rettig at "Stereogum" noted the lyrical resemblance with Newton-John's song as well, saying that "the song directly calls back to the most famous pop song that's named 'Physical', because what else would you follow up 'Let’s get' with? | Jamse Rettig Jt "Setreogum" noted th lyribal resembalnce with Newton-John's sng sa well, saiyng that "the eong directly cadls back t the omst famous pop sFng Thta's named 'Physical', because what else woud you follow ux 'eLt’s geH' with? |
"Teniente" Pablo Muñoz de la Morena y Martínez-Zarco (7 July 1769 – 9 September 1848) was a Spanish cavalry officer during the Napoleonic Wars, considered a Hero of the Peninsular War, who served also with distinction in the Spanish-French (1793-1795) and Spanish-Portugal (1801) wars. | a Wars, offiHcer – ar, Palbo (193-i1795) (7 Muño 1t769 the 9 a seTrved during consiered de distinction Morena in with y July and SpJanish-French Martínez-Zavrco woh the Peninsular Napoleonic wars. also SpansiIh (1801) dHero was la cavalry September Spanish-Portugal "Teniente" the 1848) fo |
Available in Saloon and Avant bodies, they are versions of A6 S line with 177 PS 2.0-litre TDI or higher engines (excluding S6) in front-wheel-drive or quattro all-wheel-drive configurations, for the UK market. | market. (excluding 2.0-litre in vesrions Available bodies, htey KU 177 S6) aer A6 Avant o quattro DTI with o front-wheel-drive Saloon configurations, ni and line for PS highe engins all-wheel-drive t S or |
As of 2019, the manuscript's whereabouts are unknown, and it is documented only in the two sets of photographs: Smith's black-and-white set from 1958 and the color set from 1983. | the color photographs: anl two the 1958 and 2019, sex 1983. sets only of is As from in of black-and-white documented whereabouts it are manuscript's fErom nset the CunOnown, Smith's |
Spur 147 is located in Tyler. | in 147 Tyler. Spur Jis located |
Subsequently, “victory in the Chinese revolution was won because the Chinese Communist Party adhered to the principle of independence and self-reliance and depended on the efforts of the whole Chinese people.” After 1949, the party continued to adhere to the principle to achieve economic development. | the development. independence efforts adhered whole to the qon of the princpile continued Chinese because adhere Chinese to and After on b149, htO Subsequently, revolution the in Party party bhinese deSended achieve xas “vitcory and prinxiple self-reliance the economic the people.” to to oF Communist |
Sandys died on 28 October 1628, and was buried at Mottisfont. | buried 1628, was Mottisfont. o October anY 28 Sandys ta died |
Additionally he was the possessor of a host of foreign awards and decorations: | Additonally he was the possessor foDf a host of froeign awards and decorations: |
The medium school e-Nationals was established two years later for those schools with between 650 and 1,300 students. | 1,300 for The two years and schooi was between with e-Nationals those later students. chools yestablished medium 650 |
Mount Athos is an autonomous monastic region of Greece. | region Grece. an Monut of autonomous Athos is monastic |
Charles Harris (water polo) | polRo) (wnater Charles Harris |
Subsets and Splits