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yes for sure Robin hood. I also use Stash, it was my first investment app and its super simple. Probably should just stick with one but I like them both... | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxYzg1V3NPVGVzV25VMV9NcnR5dE5wY0laTE94SjNDSVM2VjlCSVN6Wk9pZDZQZkZsRFZobjU1MkJIeDJXdWRwb3FfWWJmTzMxZlBrZFlNVnJjWTVfRWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5eG1nWlpVa3dFYkxlWDlQNkhTZmdPT05PQjdmUmlSZ1ZyYmxaN3BTVDFmOXdIaUR5Ykx2ZTB1THRiT20wdFhMU0hrX2hrT0g0enR4bEJ0c2hKN3VNekNWTVdOLXlXUmdIWFJYZC1RQkhWM0trNzBIdEFsT242RmZiRVVWWkMwNmJxY2ViNGxha0EtR3dKcTdyRW9yakdjbFFXYmVoNW1Tb2FzQk1uaHB2cHo4PQ== |
Ha. What a joke bro. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxWFJCR0xyY0IwbDdIcm9ITzl2SGp1MTBsRnpaNEFLWDJhYVRibVRDdEs1d0JnSEd3eVY0bEdaWG5xeC1uY3ZRSTFhUnNidWNqM0NsQlUxUVViUlQ1MWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5aDJsRFZWam95OUVTRUN4NEEzWmgtcF93Z25qOE1wdGcwemdIckcweTBZcUNfVmM2NlowRDcwaThMNzVlT0RTY2otWGpjdERIMExhQnB1TFdmcFBha2VobjBOSkpyMy1uclFwZUVESU1hMzVNb2pON3VURkRnR3hVbGVYTW5lWUtwRXNmWHJxbWRuV1l2NVFTRmw0SDNzd1BaUDlxaUNqZFpTUzZQMzQyUXppY1dNOE1ncU1aRkE2RDhzVmFfNFY2 |
[https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sp-500-us-mexico-trade-tensions-now-off-table-kiss-indicator/](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sp-500-us-mexico-trade-tensions-now-off-table-kiss-indicator/) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZ3piNUNDUDdRcXc5MDBhc2I0SVI3ZldPWlQ1Z0JQQkUtdC1DMG5RUC04VXNiN05GUC1PcTlpUkpSQ04ybU5GZGdyYm5EN0RPU1JjXzloVmU4clRuTkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5anRpUGJ2a2x5MkVYa0F4dVJwWW9lSTJxd0dvZGwwQzFBRm1rMzUydDg4b3BmMC1tTlVYb2JBRktNYjZmQ3dQM045ejBBLWlHUV9qYkdrUVhYblF3WHZTWFFzWWloX01VR3NlRnd3VC0xdHUxSnhqY0oycUVTTjhNcV9WOTdtSW9URTgyS0lMMUM0bk9HNzlvTFhhcTViWWF2a1NRbnJfb214anEyMVhIQUdPOEFHTUg4dkFyU1d0eHpqRlZIM3dmQ3dLa3Y2VmRwWDBpRE9mNnlRMmxCZz09 |
I am 17 years old I have recently started saving pretty much all my money to invest it. However, I have no clue how to start pleas help me !! | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxb2FXdDZlMzktamJWakdfMXdWSExYYnlSbEVINzh6cHl3RnZhTGIwWEJFM2IxUmRyZTlCLTdBNDRKU2JLM3hDVHd6WjRfZUVXZnZ4b3podTMtSlQzX3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Y21Tc2c4dTZOcVJoaUNUNzlCMFk4Y2tsRm1aRTE2eVNUTURsWmpYaDNxUWpwd0s0cjZNZzNLdkN1TTZlelJpd0s5b2tuWU5oWkdPS1lKTWcyTDZoNkFzQlI2NmJNczdJMm9fS2dheHRiUDR5QWlzS3ZoLTc5Mk9TZk9ZWjBydzIzcEdzaWtJUWFTdkh5YTBMTzhYTWhfM3V2Z2MtTVpxNjlVLS11Q3BTQ2tZcmE3b1pTTUdOa0gwZ1VROS1WLWpP |
Read money master the game. And books on accounting to understand the language of business. Then read thr intelligent investor | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxX3FwX3NXZzEzWmRXbnlzN0xVdmRRcktjemNCSHZnczdmZHh3ckRxY0lfbTFFM1dFTVZnVGx4YjgzdDZVRmp4WUFBbTI1Mk0tYk1RS2hYRVZLNm54SEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5c1lTM1I3OFN1NjEwVmsxbVpHcnNKUEJQMElDZlQ3ME9QMGVxNGU5X3Q5Mzl5UmxDQ3lEYlNXWFhoU0VkTHZ4M2w1QWJ5empJdkVpSk1zaHZZVFZSbG1lWHIyV24ybGV0XzNudGEyb1g0WU9PUGEtSXE0cXZ5WWc3RnhCTGpqMklpY2dNWVhQS0pWeC1TX0p6UC14dzdmNm12QUlDZHZWSTFRa0JqaEpEUGUxcUp4ZmVhT2s4dFNJQllUeHAwMjBW |
I take economics at school do u think some of my skills from economics will translate well | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxTVNFMUlyWlEyZGZvbFVfZ09yMVlnbGZqaWNldkZsTEFCa0otdzA4LUtvZW5GdnZYVVlrbDZkZ2dUSWFOLUdQX0JVNGhtRXg0aVUzREd6VG5iSHFNN2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5WTNKY0ZaY2l5UDNranV4Z3VvSldDeHFLUThHVFZrdWJyNDJFV0dGSXQxaHpJbzFFaFd3eV9lVWNCQjdPVGxyTGhSSDl5WXZWYlJ2MmdjbS05ZVFCbkp1aWJyQm00Y2xHREhmTDRDLWRfd2RSUFZENm9IemFmWU9tYzlOQ2lpUzNYam9mZkxoV0ZENEVUTlRDOGNWdTdReDZoazVXLXI3WE5Hc21nZW5vYzcyLXF6a1Ntb3VfNUc2RVcyQ1dBSmpB |
Possibly. But Value investing doesn't rely on macroeconomics. A top down investing style is one in which you make macro economic forecasts and then make a security selection (ex. I think emerging markets in India will produce better than average returns so I'll look there for something.)
Value investing is a bottom up approach. Meaning they don't look at macroeconomic factors. They look at micro. They look at individual businesses and see if they are cheap on that basis.
Regardless of your understanding of economics, you need to understand accounting | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxb2lkVm5EU2JadW9fWWxtQ3RiT0E2Y1djN3MtTG9DajFXOVdYT3JVSmNkYkNQcUxWNkZGQ0VkZ09ULW43d0drMXhLY1VTN3ctRkxUcjdKNDlLS1RRMXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5RHBJam95blZ5UnJicEp5empUOTBZSmtqYm1kRzJOUFdicWJGbFQtSm9QQVlXanloOWg1elluaEVNZzZ0NzZaMW1qR1NtLWVLRktFdzRoN2hDV1N4SXp1QWpTaTR6QW8ySEtNR2VkRjl3eHFzb2tFRUdtNEUzOU1CVG9Ob1RnVjFlN0hibF9QRXk4Z0d6YjRoNm5jdXY0V0dWN2RIczU1WWRlSXdSVzdxZGJlNzF0XzJfOUU4b1BSWUtwVkszcGl3 |
Ok thank you I’ll take a look at those books | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxdWNrRUVRMkJQNUlmSmxTRWdIcThlZXRCWmJlUG1xUjFXckJXTDdNYUEzQU14YXhab0FvTEVHMk5wNTF3cHBQMnVsTFBLS2tDRjRVMWI1U3EyeTdsMnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5SHgwdGZ2bXhlYWhqTF9VY2JvclVwY2ZYbFRmb2xJdVJnYnRWVDhyM1BhVGZhM2Z1NFV3ZlN3TmhMU2dERF80dWM0WHltS0FmWGQxakhURmZDYlFfXzFJRngtN3p1ZU5UOW1TbW5pZmZtUXF0bkhWcm1TNGFjUjFOWl9oMlR6NjlmLUdXbmh2TXZnUWt4eUlVLWNVeVotdUdUOVBHb3ZyS1F2SVI3eFRNYXZ0WW9PdUdFVUo4SjNzb3ZuZ0p3S0wt |
What are some good and safe alternatives for Acorns? | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxQWRlUi1mUkxTVWRiVGkxZVp1VWRSZXRIOS1odmQ3NkRvUlpuSndtMlhRVjhzd0VfelZVWENEY1lnVWF4aUpZa2h4SlpJa19sUlZybXA2N1RidWpuYnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5TFN5NWlwVHVFRGFPcy00UEp2cFR3RndLa3h6YWpoUDVrOGItakZyWlBwREZMOFIybHFxNzZQekd1NTlnbVRKSXBMa3U1bDU0TzNfOWF2Sm5wczlMZmU4aGhtTThOSmhURlJ6eG1UVjdjTTRkRml4Q3BNc25FM1BSVFYxRHhQTURTdWxDeWdEb0poUkx1NllITU1jQnRDMS1iY2dBMDZLUXVkTUY1VVhyaDFqYTM5eThVNEdDNDVIXzlUamp5V1VGV2tzME93SmJ6WjMwdHUxQklYbElvZz09 |
#**School is over, summer is starting, and it’s hotter than ever!**
**In Case You Missed It:**
* The /r/millionairemakersmeta discussion thread is up. [If you have any comments or concerns, click here and ask your heart out!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/c3hr8y/surely_youve_seen_the_drawing_thread_theres_a_new/)
* The previous winner, /u/livo23, is currently accepting donations! Hailing from overseas, the cash would go to a pet fund or a nice trip out. [If you would like to help the cause, donate here!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/br2ni8/42/)
* This looks different. What happened to all of the questions? Well, they’ve been relocated to our neighbor sub, /r/millionairemakersmeta. Additionally, we’re having a fan art contest, submissions are open right now, and will end on July 19 at 3:59 UTC (11:59 PM ET). For more information, please check the **“MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENTS”** section of the thread.
* **REQUIRED:** Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! *(Replying to other comments will not count. You must be thirty days old or older to comment.)*
* **A random user who commented will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire.**
* **You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media!**
* **[If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner through PM via the RemindMeBot, click here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&%3Bsubject=Reminder&%3Bmessage=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe%21+June+24+2019+11%3A00+PM+%22Donate+to+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+winner%21%22)** You can also be reminded by commenting in the thread: "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* **That's it!** [If you would like to see the extended rules and FAQs, or if you have questions yourself, click here to be redirected to the thread!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/c2zaye/_/) Additionally, look out for the stickied post at /r/millionairemakersmeta.
#**Major Announcements**
**New Format:**
Avid readers may notice that the **[Drawing Thread]** is much more concise, because it is! Most of the content has been moved over to /r/millionairemakersmeta, and is the first thing you’ll see, stickied to the front page. This change gives two big benefits:
1) People who misunderstood a certain part of an answer can now ask for clarification without fear of wasting their entry comment or having said comment get lost in the void.
2) The **[Drawing Thread]** itself is less cluttered. Now, it is divided into five sections: “In Case You Missed It,” “Information,” “Major Announcements” (if any), “Timeline” (if fulfilled, will be performed in July), and “Conclusion.” Long gone are the days of looking through clutter, and taking its place are organized sections with information in each one, for both regulars and newcomers.
[If you would like to see the FAQs, click here](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/c2zaye/_/) or head to /r/millionairemakersmeta (it should be the first post you see).
**Fan Art Contest:**
Our Reddit redesign presence is non-existent, other than the green color. That’s why we’re holding the subreddit’s first **Fan Art Contest!** There will be one winner. Submissions start today, and will end on July 19 at 3:59 UTC (11:59 PM ET). Voting will officially begin July 19 at 23:00 UTC (although the thread may be posted earlier), and the highest upvoted post will be the banner
The rules are as follows:
1) The recommended file size is 4000x128 pixels, but can be adjusted.
2) The banner *MUST BE* related to /r/millionairemakers in order to qualify for the contest.
3) The banner must be submitted to /r/millionairemakersmeta with **[Contest]** in the title. Failure to do so may result in your submission not showing up in the search results and, as a result, the voting phase.
4) No low quality drawings or Microsoft Paint submissions.
5) Watermarks and username inclusions are acceptable, but do not make it too blatant. Your art will be presented as it was submitted during Reddit voting.
6) During voting, your art will be presented with your username, the link to the submission, and a direct link to the art itself. Additionally, you can choose to add a description by posting in the comments. The expectation is that it is around 300 characters, meaning if it is too long, the mods have the liberty to shorten it.
7) Voting will be done in a separate thread through Contest Mode and locked, meaning that votes will be hidden from the public to hinder vote brigading. Additionally, the thread will be locked so as only entries are present in the comments. Voting will end following a week from July’s Drawing, July 26 at 23:00 UTC (7 PM ET).
All rules are subject to change as time goes on, and will be made definite when voting begins.
If possible, I would like feedback on the event and rules, and [would love to hear it in the /r/millionairemakersmeta **[Discussion Thread]**](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/c3hr8y/surely_youve_seen_the_drawing_thread_theres_a_new/).
**Things to Come:**
By the way, I’ve been talking with some people on how to change the way we retrieve comments. There may be an experimental thread that utilizes one of the newer methods, as soon as July. Stay tuned!
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
If a lone $1 can get you a mint, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can go to a theme park, buy an 8K TV, or purchase an Apple Pro Stand!
A million dollars can help make someone’s summer. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
**Let's tan a millionaire!**
*It’s the time of change.*
*Summer’s fun has just begun.*
*Goodbye, dear spring time.* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-06-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxNndabTRvdnlEYUNPWmlvT1RnZUdOcnQ3Y25hRTFVZGhNZUpETkZYdG9RenNhcDd5SXNwUXhEekducTIwRlBYd2dVY3ZORHROQlVQazQ5RTZxX0VyUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5YlpiY0ZYNzl2X1p5dTdUZ1ZyT2ExQ1J2TkZ2NENxcG9FUllsRlJTZHlpbTlQUGNlU3IwczNIcWdMamxWV0hnbzRPMWpneGdWR2J4bS0tbEw1TjhXdmxMaVdUZENKX1hkdzBaTTlmcEcySHNHd0dLSmdkRXlkaXpjVVNsYVBUWW5vNDVscUFuRUpNVXNySUNzNllsekVlclh4Znl0TzVUc1AyQmFCVXMydEU3cEFnRUU0ajRjUWlIRUhTNmJyUXd4UFZEUm9KLTQ5TU1mN3RmbEpGa1pVQT09 |
#**No real changes are coming to [Draw] posts, at least not yet.**
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. If you commented in the [[Drawing Thread]](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/c3hu9z/were_changing_things_up_the_format_is_being/), you are entered in the drawing and don't need to do anything else. By 16:00 UTC (less than an hour as of posting this), the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, there will not be an asterisk near the time passed since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**DISCLAIMER:** *Some of the information may be unrevised, but procedures are the same as prior draws. Thank you.*
**Off Topic:**
If you’re wondering about the fan art contest, the **[Discussion]** Thread should have all of the information necessary. All comments are welcome there.
**[Discussion #43]:** https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/c3hr8y/surely_youve_seen_the_drawing_thread_theres_a_new/
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three blocks. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**Awareness for Fairness:**
*This post will not be edited!* This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators. To prove this, look for the lack of an asterisk near the time since creation.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #43, remove the first two lines, and upload the file to a SHA-256 generator. The hash you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, download Python 3 and follow the path to the text file here: *MillionaireMakers Drawing #43\Drawing\OfficialMM43IDs.txt*
**No Stream:**
There won't be a stream today. Frankly, I don’t know how to stream on an iPad.
Instead, I will be commenting on the progress of the drawing via a timeline, so other users can keep track of the progress. Additionally, I may use screen capture to record the video, and create an unlisted upload on YouTube that is of the winning draw.
**Information Used For Draw #43:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ks527mzeklenmpq/AAAg0bpDkB1IO6csZkRXPlK5a?dl=0
SHA-256 (hash.online-convert.com): d032e375e1367b72fd707a0edea5eb0620db3a22335b13e7d151b08ff3200f62
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yhoymy36lsr6fdz/%28ALTERED%29%20MM%20Comment%20IDs%20Retrieval%20via%20PRAW.py?dl=0
Python Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7yjzrnq74f253bh/MillionaireMakersDrawingCode.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d2c8uc3tm1ou5b6/OfficialMM43IDs.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Block After 23 June 2019 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 3,567
*** | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-06-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxN3JhTVZHd0s0SGxiNGVWcjZWcERFWHd5MThLYlhSbEFBQTNnOXFjQWMyVm5uU0J3d2M2MkEwQmxvejItT2tVSTNYUklLS0laVkVXNlI5LW45SG8wY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5YVFIOVZnNWJEeWJVZ2Z4VUthSHVTVHpfM0pVQmJPaUhSSWZWLXBJcW1jcjhrdFFsMUM0VHN1ZGU1Qkt4UGFTN3R3bTB2NE1TS01kdmZvbVdWQnFjcTZBSlhEdGtiUWxRa2ZsMmU3ZG55aFdHZnQ3V082WFVjbklZNE42dUQzR19tcjVFT2tkNkRBeWl6Q2h6NDJYRDRmMVh2Sjl2RnZNd29QT1N5di1nYXNvcnJTc2ZUTEcyVUdFaTdtaTdRTE81Z0YtQ1FxekpFTHBZc3dLZGNkaGJIUT09 |
I’m truly grateful and still a bit speechless. After a little bit of verification issues due to me deleting comments and post after a week or so, I’m verified!
So a little about me… I’m an early 30s dude, I live on the west coast of the USA, no kids, no significant other, I have worked mostly in sales my whole life. After realizing this is not what I want to do for the rest of my life I decided to sell everything I could, downgrade my lifestyle, move out of the city and into a tiny room in a shared house and work on becoming a commercial pilot. I figured it was now or never to do something I have always dreamed of becoming. I have met some truly fantastic people in the world of aviation and I would never be where I am today without their guidance. To help pay for this adventure I was fortunate enough to find a job at our airport as well as dipping seriously into my savings and unfortunately using credit cards. But in the end it will all be worth it.
It should go without saying every dollar I receive will help me continue my dream of flying and it will get me one step closer to becoming my profession.
I want to thank everyone that is choosing to donate as well as everyone telling me congratulations. Shout out to u/BlackHawk8100 for being the first to shoot me a PM and tell me I won. And of course u/lilfruini for helping me get verified and all the mods that run r/millionairemakers.
I’m truly grateful and I hope everyone has an awesome week ahead.
Everything listed should result in direct lines of payment to [/u/that-dude-overthere](https://www.reddit.com/u/that-dude-overthere). We ask all users to donate at least $1 USD. The Drawing Thread is also listed for users who want to see the results and confirm the validity of the winner, and Activity Proof is listed for those who would like to confirm that the owner of the account is as presented.
Drawing Thread: [https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/c3zqbo/draw\_43/](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/c3zqbo/draw_43/)
Activity Proof: [https://imgur.com/a/YMMd2Ch](https://imgur.com/a/YMMd2Ch)
PayPal and Google Pay: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Square Cash: $thatdudeoverthere121
Bitcoin: 1GAjX6z71QaeCQ8kAe9gKJZnQcZDcNW42r
Bitcoin Cash: qzgmxpmlydtas6yctp77zaeq5ua7ucume5sldrc4tq
Ethereum: 0x25Aa922fC60183C9B98f804756a1B2784b91FfBf
Litecoin: MUFF5o8w2CrGnSyxRXHKt4JsMwgbGCHMNj
Dogecoin: DNogm3eCHAf88jsLJnP3BmUdNoureuRiuF
Nano: nano\_346eeieoaae8359qhgjjbucit1pn5p7satk7czm15uc51yroxbsghnmduejt | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-06-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxc1RfNlVnemp5emJ1Z2JjVzlaa21FSDBOY19YVUNweWZIbE92aWtmM3o1Nzdma3RGRE5QQzhzS1RQYmZFZ1JERHlKZVpMamphUXpOYlRsRGNVUFhXYVFtVTA5cVJPbmdfWmtKVmtoLXFWR2s9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5NHlQT1pYR0VHNHlibllxcWVSM3pid25icFFrLVBoN0ZndXUzQl9mTnFFS0RTU0FDSVlzV2NLYkpMX1FEdFU0VU5aUDY4dHI5VkF3eFQ5MDJNd1ZSV0tFWXdMbkdBenJOWWNmLW9DNDZ0RURLOUdoU3BMdGNmZ0xxQk5iWW80d1FHcVo0djloLUxUcDZ1MlZ5N3ZtUnpqS1VPdEN2OHpoakJmUUNhdmxBeVNxc19VZXNRMjBQSnRQSExkV3JFVzFtaDJROW9JNUVBbjFtTHpLRThhakxHQT09 |
**General Mills**
Packaging General Mills’ packaged food, which includes mainly cereal, is getting more expensive. Concerned over tightening profit margins, investors in the consumer goods giant are banking on a top-line to make up for it. With fourth-quarter earnings results only hours away, market onlookers are hoping for 79 cents of earnings per share on revenue of $4.2 billion.
MORE: [https://invstr.com/26-june-watchlist/](https://invstr.com/26-june-watchlist/) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxcjlURGxMVGpNSThkdmhpM0pVRTgwb3VlT1Z4N3dlejN6V3FWR1hfTi1BcGpPMnVXTEs3RkZuaHMyb0hDWTVzOEU2d0ZNaFJuQ0p3M3Rxd0RWM1J0c3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5dm53R0txZklvQndFWnFHRnV4eC12Y1RsLVU4YnRZb2xsNnJwcEVHQWNNcEF1R1lQWlhHSmFqcDVOMjJvOTI2ZG5Od1dFamFUNU5uVzhjQUd2TElUS0h6UHdSVGNDZHktYVNjY0tqNW5ZTWc1bG5VallNWVdRMml4T2ZCOUhpTWg0YWZBN0s5Z1dUZ1R3WXpURmRXSXdtRHdJU0thODhIWkhucExCV0dLQVBrPQ== |
Invstr! Grow your confidence and your $1M virtual portfolio with our risk-free Fantasy Finance™ game. $1 million of virtual capital is allocated to you when you start out on Invstr to invest in the real market. You can also invest for real by opening a real brokerage account with our partners, DriveWealth, LLC. Simply tap "Invest" on the home screen to start investing as little as $1 of your own money. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us by email at [email protected]! | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxandoR0VEaDlwemFleTJYVkxZLWd4WUlCV3ZrREEyaG1FdFpKVTl2eXRCN3BpODlJOUh6VEozTi04VXV2ZS1xY3NIZHFGY3NwVVRNTVRhVzB3dW5OTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ZFZVVXJlbTd2NF9BSUo2ek96WTlnVmZWdHRGc2F6UFRldzZuVk1MZmdPZVZ6Slh0UjhGVV91TDkzbHYwUy1IMTRzYTFXQVBhX2lCcHR2ZUFQbWFGNVQyX2RMS3ljelE0ZG5IWnU1SU0zNURVYXUteHVFOEFLRTZ3RVVPRGtWeXN4TFU1ZHFsY0NldE13dGtZNEgxSS1yLWVXN0hTdUUzRGxWTXcwOXNrMkVwblh0VGQ1dmVZTXpBZlBXYkdHdk1fN1ZKTTBDSkIwdnNmdGhfOGlrQU1GUT09 |
Hi, the Invstr app is a great way to start learning how to invest! Grow your confidence and your $1M virtual portfolio with our risk-free Fantasy Finance™ game. $1 million of virtual capital is allocated to you when you start out on Invstr to invest in the real market. You can also invest for real by opening a real brokerage account with our partners, DriveWealth, LLC. Simply tap "Invest" on the home screen to start investing as little as $1 of your own money.
Check us out [here](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/invstr-investing-for-everyone/id881389278) | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxSFVGd0RkWERPVFpTX29wdUlLLVRrQ3JMNjd1ZHllOGtGVDdESzRoSDRsQ0dSSUZpYUtza21QbE5UZGdXRDRtQjUzTWgtdFA3dWVsa0k5VUJxcXVjbHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ZnpsTjVmLXV1Q3BTb2NiSFNfMTQ5REp1eVlpcWtHZnRKVlZoTWxBU0s3VXNPU09TZ0RDTk1Rc2hnTGZ1aTlyVXlQYWU0UUdra0xHS21CYWJOV3JuRm5ma1g4a0gzaVA5OUhUdmhTTVVXTGpSWVcyeTFLVlpyRkxnLUotYWUzYkhtNnVBeGdXY0stSmdBSk9vUW4xVkVIMXk4ZGVkcnVxR2hYQmZSLTUydzl2QjQ2RGRpa1cxNDI3Yk9pdXdLSWh1 |
[Top 3 Stocks for July 2019! (Small Cap Edition)](https://youtu.be/oGu6FK3zbJo) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVFBJR2l5V3lVVHRiVjBDbDgtYVhzWDUwdHp2eTctR0FjZHhreWtXVE12NVI3ME5KV0VtVkN4Uk43TlBsLTJkMGRqNmJ5UTBWV29JbFRieTZnTTA3eHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5bG5OalJqNjczWkRhNzR5UnFqbDFrSzNna1kycVVMWFdtbWtpX05rZ0tiMk9iQ3RPamR2ODV3dkV3Vi1vS0NDU1pEbnp4dVJqRC1ZaTlDUFRTbVRqcnNIYWp1NW11YWhnWS1YZkw4Mm1Cb3RjU2xXMUtoclB6aTBEcUtWaS16dWZ6anY3VGMtdDVta1FIdU52ai1USnZ4a3lfUTB5aUNoZ0N1VmJmY0pnU1NCc01lamE5UVpCWXVscHJncGVTVU44WW1Pc3oxWkJPOEQ5c01rVXFJcFZLZz09 |
I’ve been using Acorns for about a year. $25 - $50 a week recurring and 2x roundups. I don’t check it often since I’m doing investments long term. I wouldn’t make it my only and only buy part of the investment portfolio.
I’m looking at Robinhood for individual stocks.
Also new to investing and learning through research. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxSHY5UE5jc0pfMjJ6Rldia0N0Wm5EYzBKVlVTTEJMdEVkMEdMU3BVRVFjYm9GV05VT0NsdTVheWp0bnVkWDg0VnVMbW1KU0lkSDVlT1MtTHRPWmVlUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5RV9rTEl0N3VsSlBkajBQZTJGbFdZX05razBpZjdBX0tGb1FweTE4ckJIcVZqT05GbGplUXh4S2FmOWktUDNMWnlxTjdpeW01eFdxckhLaTRXVndGNF9tRXBwdEVUMGZhLTBRZ0FZY3E5cnJyYjRpSDZMS0xGZlFTcEVXRzdLZHhlbGYtdlJac2VtUFhBVzNMcWE2VGQ4eU9fYnR0OWFvNmxDc01aVE4zZnZST0FfNlJ2WkpqUUwxTUwya3oyZWpTUVhKR2pGX250eGpuTmdIYjFhUEJoZz09 |
I’m 18 and I don’t know anything about investing. Any tips on where I should start? I keep hearing about acorns and Robin Hood. | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-07-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxV1p3VGM1YVpGWERUT3JXU1ZDd0Vnd3gwOWN1VDQ0VzFMRXVSMVVuNEpSdy1uVE55aFdIWG9ibF9LQTFyUnlnN3hyUkx1ZlBPdXI0V2xXRllXNGt1c1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Q0ZCQlk5QXFuSUZ6NHFvZkRBYndPdUV6X3YzeFlncDlYX2dib1RndTNMeHhweHVfdlM5cmd3bkx2TlBqS3VZV3NDeW1GWWphUG5XeXBpTXdqUEdqS3UtVUx6X2FDX3hLVmp3WDMzakQ0ZGNTMmU3TVFfOGF6ZV9SZExHd0hoWjhyNkI4Yk5YVWxOS0dNVFNzWG9ZeTNnaDBjX0V4djQ0SDdFMUFYSWdBd3lJPQ== |
Anyone have any recommendations of lenders that deal with small mortgage loans? | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-07-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxRV9lSUJGUWdHLTdXeHdYazZjSFdIbFRhU05vdU5MUTJPRmZLVVI3Y1ZPVTk1NU94RTA4NUlZLTFncTZIOTViWDZoWDZLZ2J6WlFUeTRlc195d1VhNUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5YzFtS3NDeTRhek41YTFhUHloWnhVVXRSNWtBMl9tOFVQUmFHTDBOQmg5Um9oc2dkZE9VMHhBOTc3YWppelRRVGV1ZF9OOGlDYnEtOVpNekNqeFlVcHlWaE5GTGROajVnUFZNV0RpSlVfSmY3UEFpM29JMXh1VjN0aVB2M1VaN25KOUdoT2tlR0NCYUFfM185OWYwaEZncG5Td2haVVZlakJueU92TW5YZkpZcUJhQXR6bmVBVjV2N2Z3RmVia1RRbGk4ang4cHVCTDZ3dUpjTmR4VzhpZz09 |
Right now, tension can be felt in the market as participants continue to wait for the Federal Reserve’s upcoming rate cut which was announced to occur this month. But they are not the only ones who are on edge. Economists are also on the lookout for this cut as the likelihood of the United States falling into a recession may depend on the central bank’s decision. Meanwhile, U.S President Trump’s administration has been protesting how the bank has already reduced the growth of the country’s economy at a severe level, in spite of its current achievements. Market specialists say that this is not only about the Fed cutting rates, but also how much they are going to cut. A conclusion regarding the bank’s decision on their monetary policy is expected to arrive at the approaching FOMC meeting by the culmination of the month.
With the aim of normalizing their monetary policy, the Fed has been quite constant when it came to raising interest rates. However, their attitude regarding this policy shifted last March, when the bank indicated that there will be an absence of rate hikes for the rest of 2019 and assumed a track where they would sail to a September end without much effort towards the balance-sheet-reduction program. Not long ago, several Federal Reserve officials announced that reductions of rates have been realizable.
Nonetheless, there are essential factors that should be examined. A few of them questioned whether the rate cut will bring the necessary effect to the markets and what state the market should be before embarking on a reduction in rates. The big question is deciding what the long-term outcome that this rate cut may deliver. | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-07-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVEhva1l5NUNiem1hQ2V1LW1xX0pwYzlPRy1wT3dZanBVTXp4ZEVrZkk4T2FaTmFWd0k3YmJ4eDVDOXlTdEx6eHZOemNCUXZkZENwRFVPNEo5OEgtbUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5VFBOdVVHN0pRbTgxSUVCc0lDMmlONmRwVmF3c0F1NHpUOEE5amhHVzhLa2ZtcmsyZmY4WHZ0OHpQLU5iLVV1TnlqRVR1N0ZIRDdpc2ViUGstWFZiS2lFdjR5OENibU0yUUpMamRVQnNicUE2ODFUMlBfcTJXLTh2RFlpc1IwTGlUTUNNRW5xSWJ5aWdZTGFyQWo0d3dscXMxS0s4QnF6UTZkb3N4WlR5Z0EyY2FwY2lkaFlqazlhbVhiSS0yalpj |
#**It’s heating up!**
**In Case You Missed It:**
* The /r/millionairemakersmeta discussion thread is soon going to be up. [If you have any comments or concerns, click here to head over to the subreddit!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/)
* The previous winner, /u/that-dude-overthere, is currently accepting donations! A pilot in debt (and a bit of a struggle to verify), all donations go toward fulfilling that dream. [If you would like to help the cause, donate here!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/br2ni8/42/)
* **REQUIRED:** Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! *(Replying to other comments will not count. You must be thirty days old or older to comment.)*
* **A random user who commented will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire.**
* **You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media!**
* **[If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner through PM via the RemindMeBot, click here!](edited in later)** You can also be reminded by commenting in the thread: "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* **That's it!** [If you would like to see the extended rules and FAQs, or if you have questions yourself, click here to be redirected to the thread!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/c2zaye/_/) Additionally, look out for the stickied post at /r/millionairemakersmeta.
#**Major Announcements**
**New Format (as of June):**
Avid readers may notice that the **[Drawing Thread]** is much more concise, because it is! Most of the content has been moved over to /r/millionairemakersmeta, and is the first thing you’ll see, stickied to the front page. This change gives two big benefits:
1) People who misunderstood a certain part of an answer can now ask for clarification without fear of wasting their entry comment or having said comment get lost in the void.
2) The **[Drawing Thread]** itself is less cluttered. Now, it is divided into five sections: “In Case You Missed It,” “Information,” “Major Announcements” (if any), “Timeline,” and “Conclusion.” Long gone are the days of looking through clutter, and taking its place are organized sections with information in each one, for both regulars and newcomers.
[If you would like to see the FAQs, click here](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/c2zaye/_/) or head to /r/millionairemakersmeta (it should be the first post you see).
**Things to Come (as of June):**
By the way, I’ve been talking with some people on how to change the way we retrieve comments. There may be an experimental thread that utilizes one of the newer methods. Stay tuned! *(more notices will be added in)*
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
If a lone $1 can get you a mint, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can get a towel, an air conditioner, and maybe even bottled water, if you’re lucky!
A million dollars can help make someone’s summer. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
**Let's burn a millionaire!** *(Let’s not.)* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-07-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxWjRqUDNYRHUzZUZlWHhEYnh3eTNZZVpiQk1aaURyeUstOGoxMzRDbU1hTE1QRERPOGZZbUxBZ19tS3YtTVhDdHpTZ2ZlZWJfVGtOeElzSzJpUXQ2NGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Y3lXNVE3MmZLRFB5cTdPdzJFMzBycEFiUmJGOW5GcDNiVTNwdURqNEF0M2N2LXF2R3BWTGhCSTRpZVBfZWMzYkZ5VjdsRUNqREpkSnVIdlFQLTdTYTJkczN3ZGFKQS1rcXNxY0IzcW9iR09YUENHNmstbzkxQXBSdS1aY25LUVNjclc4dlU2MUtWVEFlS2FVeEpEX2E4MmZpSUM5MDktS2pveEhqLW9DZTdKTHZ5T0k2TG1HOUktcWFHZGxlczdBeVBvekxjc2F5RGtJZkkzQkVLZXQtdz09 |
Really love this asset class and highly recommend checking it out | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-07-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxYXRoN0s2bllkODZuWXFRYzZfVktpTFJSLVBsclpkTHg2RDZqQjRrcEs4MF9vN2c2dlhIM2JfYk1kaDRlZVlSdExMcUVzdXo5R01XcWlsalhwOFA4VFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Y2lJMVdESmYwMDBka1Nka0lKdVhabjlpUi1oRkJNMy1aTnFRc2hXZkJMLVRERWFvbTUtN2pHWWt3X1RzajFkV2x4bUwyM0Y3Z3FMSnNBTlpvV3kyTUgzSWNHRXlnalcwQTlUMzJCcGdLbW05blM1WVY0dnRRZVdnNUxaQjJNcUFCRUFSSFcwQkpGdUJnMlYzYUxPOHZ6RFd1SGJjS1AzcTZMQUxDTmtMNnZCVUM3MHFKalVJQmdaQkxXdWQzUkNjOHhhQ01zV2s0SDNHQVJiUDZuMm1UQT09 |
#**Summer really came this year.**
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. If you commented in the [[Drawing Thread]](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/cfekbw/its_about_to_get_even_cooler_in_here_now_that_a/), you are entered in the drawing and don't need to do anything else. By 16:00 UTC (less than an hour as of posting this), the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, there will not be an asterisk near the time passed since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**DISCLAIMER:** *Some of the information may be unrevised, but procedures are the same as prior draws. Thank you.*
**Off Topic:**
If you’re wondering about the fan art contest, the **[Discussion]** Thread should have all of the information necessary. All comments are welcome there. Sorry for the delay.
**[Discussion #44]:** https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/cg0dc7/wow_i_forgot_about_this_sorry_discussion_44/?
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three blocks. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**Awareness for Fairness:**
*This post will not be edited!* This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators. To prove this, look for the lack of an asterisk near the time since creation.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #44, remove the first two lines, and upload the file to a SHA-256 generator. The hash you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, download Python 3 and follow the path to the text file here: *MM44\Drawing\OfficialMM44IDs.txt*
*(Also, I changed the folder name to be much more concise. Less time spent writing the folder name is more time spent getting this post out to you.)*
**No Stream:**
There won't be a stream today. Frankly, I don’t know how to stream on an iPad.
Instead, I will be commenting on the progress of the drawing via the comments, so other users can keep track of the progress. Additionally, I may use screen capture to record the video, and create an unlisted upload on YouTube that is of the winning draw.
**Information Used For Draw #44:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r4ph4hz734xr6yr/AABbpDiKairx7GoOxnj6PvRSa?dl=0
SHA-256 (hash.online-convert.com): 9b8d8720467ff34fb99874944b8bb89bc87b57cdd4ee885a830c7f4356b2a7a4
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sh2p64i3c8z8jro/%28ALTERED%29%20MM%20Comment%20IDs%20Retrieval%20via%20PRAW.py?dl=0
Python Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qa1ypti0dgt6sfg/MillionaireMakersDrawingCode.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qyokmk8toi0eowg/OfficialMM44IDs.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Block After 21 July 2019 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 5,769
*** | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-07-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxNzU5UG50TklzbHVDSU0tREFhMGR5Z19WLTFmNlNGbjluUXJrOExSdEFsbktsWGFieTZSTTFrOFpmdUlERDRQc09lei1oVUpJYnJNTnlYQzZ0WHhqX2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5RVFNMDhRMTNfTjVpTDNZZWxhcFMxNy1DQnd4a29ORUlpTFYtN3BnOG9salBUM2hFUW8xMEpnQnpRdmxWSkc1YVY1WHNxYTJlSEF6M3ZVdUFSdWxDTm9Zel9ZRll3VVlYaG96eDRWaFF5Q0h5VVE1Y09hbkJTUDNBR1FBSTRuZnM3WDRmLWJNaWhfeW9HeHYxNzJZNUs1X1RkT1ZxdENWUkFIN1BiNEpfbjJkTG9la2NaVXRrOGd1N1NUQnB2clltYzBMdkZYYlNvY181eTg4SlZsVU9KZz09 |
Let me start by saying I cannot believe this.
I was browsing reddit yesterday morning when I got a message from u/BlackHawk8100 stating that he thought I won Millionairemakers.
I was incredibly excited and didn't know what to do with myself.
Then a few minutes later he responded again stating that he had miscalculated and it was actually someone else.
So I thought Eh just my luck and moved on with my afternoon. I was taking care of my girlfriend who was sick with a stomach bug, so I didn't look at reddit for a bit after that, but when I came
back, it was confirmed that I HAD won. It was a rollercoaster ride of emotions, and the perfect way for someone with my luck to win.
A little about me...
I am a law school graduate looking for a permanent job at the moment. I always wanted to use my law degree to help with sex trafficking prevention.
The money will be used to help me and my girlfriend afford an apartment together. She stuck with me through law school, so I figured she deserves the best.
We both love to play overwatch, csgo and rocket league, so if anyone here wants to play send me a PM and join us some time. If you are good at CSGO, definitely join us because we could
use the help!
Shout out to u/BlackHawk8100 for being the first to shoot me a PM and tell me I won and then that I didn’t win and then that I won again!
Thank you to u/lilfruini for helping me get verified and setting up accounts.
Thank you to all the mods that run r/millionairemakers.
Thank you to all the active people who make r/millionairemakers so great!
This means the absolute world to me!
Google Pay:[email protected]
paypal:[email protected]
Cash app: $storm345931
Bitcoin: 3Ghxc2YpWRhzE55gTQRBNuSHWSUj681LDs
BCH: qzvdxejdcmhgr0z5cdyhzmf90r7c3q6d2y3lp2xey7
ETH: 0x5d27C10bfC9C7b213983C84D371A84d2D0Ad478a
LTC: M9DPgGAgZhrFo55DgxcGH1nXu19wo54Acs
NANO: nano_3gichzfoc93wu7y7joyfmheik37gmh3x9efpwme416k84xrsdq59m7br31pc
Edit: Thank you everyone!!!!! I cant believe the amount of people sending a dollar or more!! We had a blackout in my area so I wasn't able to respond, but im going to do my best to respond now!!
Edit 2: So things have been crazy but thank you all so much!! I found an amazing job and everything has been working out really well!! Thank you all for the donations and well wishes. The total donations were:
76 on Coinbase
671 on PayPal
95 on cashapp
And around 30 in nano.
Thank you all again and good luck to everyone in future drawings!!! | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-07-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxRngwcHVqQnJhS09rQjhZenlRNmZHTWQ4bmMwaENFZGlUMnloLWtRcDdrd3ZMM0xBbWxOWUtNMTIxc3VjVks0MmFvUmdtYVdxdTA5c090VHhUU09sUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5dTFReFJUNGxTNkNHUUY1T0h3YW1EbXFYeXg1SVl0NlVEWEVQU0Q4THF4aUw0bWRCMVRyczRRWkVCRElCN0RwblZueDE2TEsyYkNSNnZvM3liVVpKLXRVbHNlNXM0aTBXUnNyQWtycGxoWTZuTU1Lb29iMlJvanNOT3QwZHY4OUZ3ck4yT1VJdzJTa3A4T05XVUgyUEVPSThEdEQyVVRsdllzRk8zblFaRktLb29OdkZuYVVLQkpnWkFsbjh4ZjNlU2J0TzhqM2pYenVud2h2dFJfZUlZUT09 |
[https://www.tradingview.com/chart/DE/nghcehSQ-Deere-poised-for-multi-year-breakout-above-170/](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/DE/nghcehSQ-Deere-poised-for-multi-year-breakout-above-170/) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-07-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxT29BN2ZjMmVZanRhbFNDeUJmRVl3ZmhVMXZ6cUJ5RXJyQmNNbzdzN1ZqZ3hYQS1nR21DWnpKVGNDdlB5d21WUzBpSE1hSktvUVItcTZuVmJCMU44bE5CM0VZMDRJRTRhSl8tSTByQk50alE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Q19JRjIwbGpDdkxWaEdnemdMVlhfMG5rZG40MDFEa1BvVmdkMjhDOXpKcHlXVWdHbkpoX0pwNFFwQlREbVc1WEk5MDNZZ2l0cXIteFZWUDhuSENmWmhicnl6dnRacnFzT041T0xSWlN5YmNpQTZPcm80U3VhQkt5RHZmdUg4alNWRHAwcVpnOFFERXpVMVd6WGNSWWNiUnZ1b09DbkdxblZFZ0dQbFVYQlUxOFBGQ3o1SDVQX0lrckp0NVdnalVYRnFwdzNaYWx0T3libUJnZ0hmWktaUT09 |
**What is** r/BitcoinCash **?**
The [r/BitcoinCash](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoincash/) subreddit is a forum dedicated to discussing the cryptocurrency Bitcoin Cash (BCH). The aim of this subreddit is to cultivate a space for constructive discussion about Bitcoin Cash. Intentionally disruptive behaviour and heavily off-topic discussion will be moderated accordingly. Please refer to the sidebar for the subreddit rules.
**What is Bitcoin Cash?**
Bitcoin Cash is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. It's a permissionless, decentralised cryptocurrency that requires no trusted third parties and no central bank. With Bitcoin Cash you can safely and securely send money anywhere in the world, nearly for free.
For more information about Bitcoin Cash, please visit[ bitcoincash.org](https://www.bitcoincash.org/).
**Is Bitcoin Cash different from “Bitcoin”?**
Yes! In 2017, the Bitcoin project and its community split into two. Perhaps the least controversial way to refer to each side is simply by their respective ticker symbols, BTC and BCH. While exchanges commonly refer to BTC as simply “Bitcoin”, Bitcoin Cash, usually represented by the BCH ticker symbol, is considered by its supporters to be a legitimate continuation of the Bitcoin project, and the version with the best chance of creating a globally adopted peer-to-peer electronic cash system.
**Why was it necessary to create Bitcoin Cash?**
The legacy Bitcoin code had a maximum limit of 1MB of data per block, or about 4 transactions per second. There was also a common sentiment among Bitcoin Core developers that non-backwards compatible upgrades, commonly known as “hard forks”, should be avoided at all cost. This mindset severely limited the potential to introduce beneficial changes to Bitcoin, which were needed to prepare the protocol for mass adoption.
Although technically simple, the Bitcoin community could not reach a consensus on raising the block size limit, even after years of debate. In 2017, capacity hit the 1MB-imposed wall, fees skyrocketed, and Bitcoin became unreliable, with some users unable to get their transactions confirmed even after days of waiting. An average transaction fee of $50 took place in December 2017. As a result, Bitcoin stopped growing, and companies such as Steam and Microsoft began *dropping* Bitcoin, because it was no longer a cheap and reliable payment method.
In August 2017, a subset of the Bitcoin community decided to move forward with a proposed protocol upgrade, forking Bitcoin, and creating Bitcoin Cash by lifting the block size limit as a step towards massive on-chain scaling. There is now ample capacity for everyone's transactions on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain; low fees and fast confirmations are standard, and the network has been allowed to grow again.
**Isn’t** r/btc **“the Bitcoin Cash subreddit”?**
It is worth noting that the r/btc subreddit came into use before Bitcoin Cash existed. It was originally created as a forum for open discussion about Bitcoin. After August 2015, r/btc gained a large user-base when the[ r/bitcoin](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoin/) subreddit[ began censoring](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3h9cq4/its_time_for_a_break_about_the_recent_mess/) discussion about raising Bitcoin’s block size limit. After the Bitcoin community split over the Bitcoin Cash fork in August 2017, the [r/btc](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/) Bitcoin community naturally became the Bitcoin Cash community, as that’s where its proponents already resided, having been ousted from r/bitcoin by censorship.
To this day, [r/btc](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/) continues to offer a place for open and censorship-free discussion about all Bitcoin forks, with minimal interference by moderators.
**So how does** r/BitcoinCash **differ from** r/btc **?**
In July 2019, the [r/BitcoinCash](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoincash/) subreddit [introduced](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoincash/comments/cckje4/rbitcoincash_subreddit_change_of_moderation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) a stricter moderation policy, following requests from the Bitcoin Cash community for an alternative and specific forum for discussing Bitcoin Cash. The intention is to offer a space that is more focused on specifically discussing Bitcoin Cash, as well as one that is free of the ongoing low-effort trolling that frequently takes advantage of [r/btc](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/)’s principled commitment to free speech.
This subreddit now offers all users a choice about the kind of forum that they wish to participate in. The hope is that, without the distractions that threaten to derail discussion on [r/btc](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/), [r/BitcoinCash](https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoincash/) may be able to foster a more focused, inclusive, and involved conversation.
The moderation logs for r/BitcoinCash are public. | r/bitcoincash | post | r/Bitcoincash | 2019-07-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxYUVsMkI1VlBKYklYblBrNG1IdHVWWkJQbS1aeEVEVGlaU1B0RExDS0tEbXIzUHE5ekp2WDZHSkZaeTNhd2ViR3l1ZWpqb21zTWIzRUxyaWVhVUtyQl82RDV5cDJEV3JkSlYtWFB0YUNxNVE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5cWFjOHVxWEpZdmlDS3ZMemNicWRncWYtamlLX2plVGlCQVhFdE13YkhZbHVzenJvWkVNTDE5djExUVlXVzFrN3dqMU95QXMyeW94cGd3X1JTaDR6WlRPTFZQTDJEbkRmc1RhM29oMnZlRHRvSnVKa2gzM2hDR0NVR2Zna25VYmpBOTBpRkhMTTcxbkhuRTFVRnZ1d0JWanVYVnlnbkYzeHRVTWE5UUI5UU9HS0Y5ZjRBOTZjWFp2d09hc2ctcUxuY3dwdjJabWdVbHlTQWs2UnRTWklSUT09 |
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⚠️ RULES ⚠️
❌ Spam
❌ Repeat posts
❌ Personal attacks
❌ Swearing
❌ Baseless claims
❌ Misleading distortion of facts or news
❌ Targeted harassment
❌ Slander
This subreddit is used for informational purposes only. Applicable laws vary by jurisdiction and may limit or prohibit you from accessing or using various platforms or products discussed in this subreddit. Discussion of any project or product ≠ endorsement.
➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ | r/solana | post | r/solana | 2019-07-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVFo1ZlJ0amIwb1p6TC1WV2ZFeVZaaHJ1TlZOWkphendvWmVTVm44RmlraXFJWFRZT2NfdGZSbnZxX3J4cmRCWkxiQi1McGd3M01Paldsb05nZjBNUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5eGczRzcxc3AwU3kwUUNMZ0RBX2QzZ3laenVtRDRWM0RKU3R1MEdjVzg2ODRZWFBIWW13UHJReWEyMGtIeGZnZzNFSkxjZkRXbERzZkoyeUthRFl2V2ljTXRtSVB4dmVrRzVqSVhYN29Ra0JWSW5QMTgzX2R4LUdnZWh2Q1RFMjFBTmRKRURqbzdtR1RnNUFFOTMzVFpSWE9wWmRwLVRXR082SmVTcnZPOUgybDg5MGdOaTVyWkZ0UFVOU2lVRTRS |
[https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AAPL/1Ht2ZHCc-Apple-has-defied-naysayers-can-it-breakout-on-earnings/](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AAPL/1Ht2ZHCc-Apple-has-defied-naysayers-can-it-breakout-on-earnings/) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxUGwwM2tXaEdLSUNfczloZnJ0MkhoOGg0enBncF9fRkpFbFRjekNhOWlnOU9xeWNzekphT2ZnS0pDR2NvNjMwYmM0QjFWZFJQR2RKX0xuOGpmNTRFS2NxRGdGNDFjQnVnTFkwMDZUZFVPVkU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5dldDUmY2c0JzNjlKOHlRbXQ4ODFKSDM3XzdfNU1fMVJzakF6eHF3SkNvYjhmU3c5V09iUHpucDFWLUUwWmNiYUREYjZUZUYzQUNlX2VsNVFYZE01bzItdjNadEpMMWJHYUg0akJMWjlaTkZGbHJaTTIxOVNvMDdpanhEdUp3ODcyUFVIcFV5X1ZWWktjZ2daVnRPOExYdGg5ZlZ3VE92Z1pYWE9Zb1ctaHc3UWhRaGlxSVhTYzkzYjRGRXhIZkt0WTZyUzlKSVV3ejhlcl9sVHpjUHlpdz09 |
winner winner chicken dinner | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-08-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZlk4QmdNenV3aWpuRzhiT0YydEVtc3BXcjFsU1ZhR09raHB3RmFQVGdFeFJrRHlTU2s4UXhOeFhzYnV4TFR2VXRiblFGWDRrMmJ6RmlVVnlPV2dVZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5RzZpUW5xTXpMQ0lQcjF2UURDNFRsS1h2ZlVkeVRuOWFVUFprdk9lUW4yaXpaVzBiVWNnYWlqM3dZcXRselJyckY3azAwRlhnQzZhZkJBTDJIY212Z1c0UGQxbUlYOGhaWVRLZDA4cTRSMG1tN1NkOHpuTERPZEJhN2VlTEZkRkwxU1lWWHF4Y2o1T3p4RU5feHo0ZXdtZEpvSjh0ckVCeEVWZjR0OGxnR3NsNzFXem1xZkVWZ0Q1U3IxeWMwelVYc3lKZWJsVndHLXhTYlliQjZwQzlJQT09 |
Great call !! | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-08-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxR2g4WmRxNzNBekFCbExnUk5XTW9CNHVmSEJISTZ3NW9xZklfZGZjbGlVbW1QQWFJX2p6SnNrbmJiOGswM3V6eEdaWU9NMFB6NGxTSk5GUXRHbGtxZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5TnJSMDhZdEpiSzZ0TC1pVkppeEdPRnJ2d2szMEozdEFfQ2t0MTN6U0FsTzVld2NWcWtSVkkwYWRhX1lLbldFWmZGNFVmdGJNVjR4T2ppSWdZdnFsTVN6M3RWVDJ0U0VLY2Y5Q2swOFhUZmFEcmFtcnI5RWFuT2dxWDlGeHRUSVE1cUZQRjZEQllqV0VmbnIwV2d3R1QyamdhRWFjWXp3MTBteUVfamtiVDRtaWx2SmtHSm9VTHUzUFgxVlJuN0VmSzFldEpPRTFiOWphb2lMdWtyTHFXZz09 |
I am choosing long term stock picks (20-30 years)
Option 1: Hargreaves and Landsdown- I wont pay tax when I withdraw which is great! However I will pay £11.95 per trade & 0.45% management fee per year.
Option 2: Degiro- £1-£6 per trade with no management fee.
But will pay tax when I withdraw - (unsure how much) does anyone know this?
Any thoughts/advice on these options would be great! | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-08-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZjVsMUtabUVWbjZXWTZTdk5sek4tbXdpdnRUWkhYc0x4UThpUmlTNlVQNGJpeXVKQTVIMmk5dkc5eHBTNUNFZE5WdzllOU5LaUNfeEl0cC0zb0lkRWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Nng4dDFJZnZiSHNCSUlJUzhrWUFfWlNQZDBsbUNLOUNMa2dZdWZEZFY2YTR1bTB2R3dLdV91LThFR0gwYmVwRVFhZUY4TXhUWWFVSkd6Qk80bkJxWDIwemliMTM2YVkxUVJFR0tHTEhQTUZLMktid3RFZ2NFT29YdDFFSUdrUjlWZU5GYkZWUlBNRGQ3R2lOTmRFU2p6QndjTG5DVl9xaFBQM0owNVdtcDZQN3I4aTdaNlUzTlZuNjlKaWMydEFCYWVkRlgxUGpQVS1CSTZscWJuRzFIQT09 |
Up 14% PreMarket, Good call !! | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-08-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxbGtHUHVCbHZMWGZXaFVkSkxrQ2RRVWJxWlFhZUNCNWY1OFVxbm80am9PeXZZNVpBNWlGQzVaa0dNYXVXN29LUHJCYUZ1U1k5QThSdjd3N090ZUFOUHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5a0lXZ0p3YUJRTzMwbHY5VnlLNkYxN1I1cjN5dmJJNWFmUHJFSlFJM19OSDNkVmxYaXRpbVFWem40V2c1cmtBQmQ0aU1PUHZZcDU3MGN1WmJqS1d4T1ZYeWF1Qmsya2dsMlFCMjVidTBab3FIUWRkcnVzWnRDRVhZemFFcEdGcTBQbFI4S0FWdXJaOGhlXzk3LUF4a0dsNlZ0a1Q0cXpHalBHai1nanVpczNVb0h3cUhDaFU2NV9LU1RSNzdjWDdhMFZQVWh2dUtwT3J0SW5SemdyOFRSS2oyalVLZ01vdFp5SG5DSDRlWlJDYz0= |
We've put together a database of explainer videos of popular projects with [https://dAppXplorer.com/Compound.Finance](https://dAppXplorer.com/Compound.Finance) being one of them. We're transcribing them all and hope to translate them all into a few different languages this week. Any volunteers that can help to translate into their native language would be greatly appreciated! | r/compoundfinance | comment | r/compoundfinance | 2019-08-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxOUdNV0pHN3N2YlNmNWVoVHpRUHcwbzJYSEcyLXBSUWM4UWZsUFVMOEpDMzNfdjZJa21pd2d1MWFZZExnTzhqMjFfYndLVEs2SGl5d3ZNSXhTZmhFWGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ZERUQTdVVlRoVklnMFFOWkpQQmM3UE9HRThacVBwalF1NnBCOG92VjRObXFlT05udFVtaU5JSHFLZWVBaHpUM0RrWWdpZ0ZKV3hhRDRIT2lIeTlYblQwMi1XX2ZGRnVJZWlvY3ZHRGFnSHBwX2VLVlRNTHFZZThON0l1cFptZFZYbHNOdEFVVEs5cjdvUkE5U2VVdWVqaDMyZlNnRlBXZkhNSThMUU1qWWRYUlIyS3dLZlZOYXEzQ1hqWktJenEzNkpFOVRjelhfZTJyVUJ5dlVxZTUyQT09 |
Transaction times.... | r/compoundfinance | comment | r/compoundfinance | 2019-08-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxUHZjbjMyNUlmYXJ5SFBWXzFIWVN6UVVFOU1TX1JhQnR3d0c0c2g4ai0tc0IwM1VrYk92MU5La1c2anpVQzFrMk83MDQyY0Y4aUtINTdSNi1JZ1lXYUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5QnpGNmFnNVlRNlhzdFJteFV6QlhYblV4ZmNaOHMzb1dXZWJRTGg4R0ZYM3ZIQi1LSW1yVVE5YXc1ajEyczhzWmJHSU9PMlZNTDJTeWZodmlUeFkzaDNwRk5iR2p5N185bi11RVVUOHlZU3EySVVMX2Rla2ZKSzhUSUk0QjJ0ems2UXVKYmVsSnNTd05FS2wtcWRIc29GTzBwdjZyR0N5T1ByNGVlRDNNbEkyWm9oN0pJNkIzQzZoTTZITDNrakU0 |
He is trying to close his position | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-08-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMy1JNVkzaHFQZzYyMWMtdGJUeHV5dkdZNEU5OE1XR3lMSG5Rc3c0bnJ4Z0FmNTlUVklMNTFOU1VRaFRZVFEzeExXd3VRcllDN1lvSXdvbXJZNkRrTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5QkV0NE9ndUJHYTJyYVlrQjlLcXhUTkxOTDJUd3NDNmFNRFlpR1BMQjM2UmhMc1hybW5FU2NPM3RFZDFWODRrUzJWWHRBWGZrX011NTZhbUdFWFphOFdtZHB2QVdRS3c5OE9hZFktajBUZzB5MXcxVUdibWl1dnhqbHJaWHdVOWR4R1QwdE02bGtZRVlFUmNhUkdzQjFEbG1GNHVyQ2kyVjFaRy1DS182SUZjPQ== |
#**Alright, say it with me: “Leave a comment to enter!”**
**In Case You Missed It:**
* The /r/millionairemakersmeta discussion thread is up. [If you have any comments or concerns, click here to head over to the subreddit!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/)
* The previous winner, /u/storm345931, is currently accepting donations! Soon to be a member of the law, the money will go towards an apartment. [If you would like to help the cause, donate here!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/cgdmfv/44)
* **PSA:** I want to apologize to all the mailing list subscribers in advance. I currently can’t access admin controls, and the person in charge of the e-mails has been AFK for about a week. Sorry...
* **REQUIRED:** Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! *(Replying to other comments will not qualify. You must be thirty days old or older to comment.)*
* **A random user who commented will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire.**
* **You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media!**
* **[If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner through PM via the RemindMeBot, click here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&%3Bsubject=Reminder&%3Bmessage=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe%21+August+19+2019+11%3A00+PM+%22Donate+to+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+winner%21%22)** You can also be reminded by commenting in the thread: "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* **That's it!** [If you would like to see the extended rules and FAQs, or if you have questions yourself, click here to be redirected to the thread!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/c2zaye/_/) Additionally, look out for the stickied post at /r/millionairemakersmeta.
#**Major Announcements**
**New Account:**
This will be my last **[Drawing Thread]** posted on this account, but only because I’m transferring all official posts to a new one:
Starting September, he will be responsible for all official /r/MillionaireMakers posts, primarily the **[Drawing Thread]** and **[Drawing]** posts. If you’re also using the new version of Reddit, you can follow his account and you will (should) be getting posts from said account directly in your home page!
Additionally, in the event we program a bot, it should be easier to do it through a separate account. Thank you so much!
**Looking for Web Developers:**
Alright, my license to use **redditmm.com** is expiring (I want to give a final thank you to the *Bitcoin Cash Association* for gifting me the domain several months ago), and spending money makes for a really good incentive to put it to proper use.
In other words, I’m looking for web developers willing to volunteer their time. If you have the knowledge, please use our interest form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSei_V6_7VxXjLou3yaLzqILtJfHRPLr69YubxcnJ9WiuxPFhQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
I am willing to write the pages and other things I can put in effort from my end. However, I can only do so much. If you do volunteer, know that you will not be paid (I’m already going to spend $13-ish bucks on renewing the domain), but it will really mean a lot for offering your skills and time to us. There’s no deadline, and your consideration means a lot.
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
If a lone $1 can get you a bag of ice, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can buy Dixon Ticonderoga pencils, G-2 Pilots, and other necessities!
A million dollars can help make someone’s school year. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
**Let's make a millionaire!**
*Welcome back, Mr. School.*
*We’ve had fun since you were gone.*
*Still, you’re just as cool.* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-08-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxQWdjN25uTnZMM2xvbEJ3TW42RWN4ZWxpeU1hWVdDeXJqNHVPMVdGWHdOeVliZ2Zpdk5ONVkwRERUT0VyY0lpUHN2VGxGeUwxTWk5Z0p6WGhUM3Mwb2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5bHMzOTl1X0lnb2FvTnZTREN2X3ZFczJyRlFHQlFkcU1EX0s5VHNUeDltWjYycUFLLXE2MWQzR05TcDFkTTJGS1JsOTNFZjVUWmRqX0d1bDZ2b2o0RHhYMmw3TEFoUTR0VkNhMTFpQlo1b1ZxaEMtUEZvQmhnU2lEbkt4TGJ6d2F6NmRmSDJMcV9lMkpTUUtrekRwdlo1ODNVVXBlT0t3WTJZUm1KX2VRUWtveUFUUnJFTllhS21ldWl3VzBDa2V6cnNLeFhoR0JXWUt2VzQ5N214ODBrZz09 |
No | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-08-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZ2VxQjFubmROTjFHUi1lSkoxU3dIWm1BYURnUXMzZXk1UjAyRjhQaUpCYnJHMG1HRnBGT1RvVjZRckNPbTg4QkM3N2Q3ejhDVC1aaDNGM2hJWEZHRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5TWltRi1scjlEc0NqazcxZGN1ZHN6czVMc3VUbTZBQS1SQkhvR05ZUUc4cTBoZ3h5Vl92MmtjQnZNRFJNWmlBMVVLTTYwTzdEM1BlNWpVUEt1NUE3dnNpTms2QVl1UjNxUVg2SmlEQXV3dldoX3Boc2dzNzZBMjAtek9jOHRodFd5QW1QYWJCVVVuUEs4N2kwVGduYUIzZXptTEFMNE9Iazh1cUFGcmhoYXJnd1p4SEFTcWFEeXhhNmc5U2w2alA1NzQ4bW81NzRrZG9MaWpZelZPSll0dz09 |
#**We’re back with the millionaire news.**
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. If you commented in the [[Drawing Thread]](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/cfekbw/its_about_to_get_even_cooler_in_here_now_that_a/), you are entered in the drawing and don't need to do anything else. By 16:00 UTC (less than an hour as of posting this), the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, there will not be an asterisk near the time passed since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**DISCLAIMER:** *Some of the information may be unrevised, but procedures are the same as prior draws. Thank you.*
**Off Topic:**
If you’re still interested in becoming a web developer or designer for *redditmm.com*, the **[Discussion]** Thread at /r/millionairemakersmeta should have all of the information necessary. All comments are welcome there for any inquiries.
**[Discussion #45]:** https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/crevfi/its_been_a_year_since_i_started_doing_this_feel/
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three blocks. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**Awareness for Fairness:**
*This post will not be edited!* This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators. To prove this, look for the lack of an asterisk near the time since creation.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #45, remove the first two lines, and upload the file to a SHA-256 generator, or upload one of the three trial runs. The output you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, download Python 3 and follow the path to the text file here: *MM45\Drawing\OfficialMM45IDs.txt*
**Status Reports:**
I will be commenting on the progress of the drawing via the comments, so other users can keep track of the progress. These comments will be pinned at the top of the post and be distinguished.
If you can run Python yourself and follow the instructions, you should also be able to find the winner. Make sure the hash released from the blockchain and the total number of participants match with what is described below.
**Information Used For Draw #45:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/icghzj8o0z4k7ur/AAD5sQOJ8NyFmMr_UzWceVfda?dl=0
SHA-256 (hash.online-convert.com): d99628c0b610743fc5e2818ddc4f3058a34e5b72ba55593c8ee9cfbab5d2432a
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/btkq3h8oiy7gxgg/%28ALTERED%29%20MM%20Comment%20IDs%20Retrieval%20via%20PRAW.py?dl=0
Python Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ygpi5qo8an24m6/MillionaireMakersDrawingCode.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f0bup769aupkwd7/OfficialMM45IDs.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Bitcoin Block After 18 August 2019 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 4,376
*** | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-08-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxOHZVSFRIWFZNS3R3S00yalY3MGlnajR6S1NTSXZkM0k5TTFxaGtxUHVOYVpja1FEY1pwWE9KTlFiYkxCUTFhbmN6TllhRjd2NWxKMzRRbHB5ZEpodUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5WUlJQkZNWFFQam5wNFJPbmU4cEgtLVh1TlI2aVZ3TU1HRDRLVTVMV0Qwejdtclc4WE5DVVhVOFBNeW1UTnByZElCUzRxdy1OTS1fdm9IZjZkUkJYczFYRGdxWHJyVGdsYUxxOUd2M2NKMFFyWjdiT19HSG9IN3FNZHYtS0hoaWR1aWI3YjROQjBpcV8wN2hZUVNDTGJUUkdGeVNWVTdvbXNwa3h3SVExc0c3XzRYNFR5RFRxMTM0Mk9MbTNmS29DLVNHMndhTG9UT3FGcU5sdDBnSnY0UT09 |
nice | r/compoundfinance | comment | r/compoundfinance | 2019-08-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVFRCR3lmbWdsMEIyUUROYVA1ZnBLQzc2NTJGU3ozNFNFdU1qZXNVbFFtbllYNkRjbjU2a3RSYTF4MlpSamh3WjBGbGFhUS1JcXBxc3BzWE9xczA4OGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5SXVuNENvaXBnMm0yWXYwYXhLZUN4Q1RhUFJDME5rM3A2WEdRY2JjSFY5elpDZGZzamlmSlEzSUk0OHFUUktHYnJTZ1prMTg2cWthcF9ud1VpTUdRRnd4UXVZYkZmcmFEcFdZVndJNnVhclBSTGI4cTVYR3J2R05JNzNIS1VLYmVKMWlZNjFNODhFelNNSnI2dlE0T3ZBWm9MWmp2OWEtTTRzY2NuYmozLWhoNHR5RkxLRDhYU2JiWEdfVTJ4UG9QQkljVi1YeXo2WjROVFhPUDdmc2Zadz09 |
Hey everyone. I'll start by saying I still cant believe I won. Thank you so much to anyone who donates. I wont be wasting it.
Also thanks to r/lilfruini and everyone involved with this sub for the help and opportunity. I came across this sub a few months ago and subscribed for the hell of it thinking I'd get some good IRL karma by giving a dollar here and there. Never thought I'd win though! Waking up to a bunch of notifications was suprising enough cuz I dont post a ton but when I saw they all said congrats, etc and saw that I won I jumped out of bed and freaked out lol.
A little about me, I'm 27 and work at a burger joint, I love music, play guitar and drums, and video games. I've been working towards saving enough to go back to college and get a degree for a few months now but its been tough saving much because of bills and rent. Im looking to get a degree in cybersecurity or general software engineering to make music apps or games.
Once again, Thank you to everyone donating and everyone involved. I'm blessed to have this opportunity and will be donating in the coming millionaire maker drawings to pay back hopefully one of you next.
*** Everything listed should result in direct lines of payment to /u/survivor256. We ask all users to donate at least $1 USD. The Drawing Thread is also listed for users who want to see the results and confirm the validity of the winner. Drawing: https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/cs2fcz/draw_45/
PayPal: paypal.me/Survivor256 ([email protected]) if paypal.me doesnt work
Bitcoin: 3Cj9xoJ4wFKS77teKWJr2xSahLdSsDtgmb
Bitcoin Cash: qr2z59xunv6ums2w7m4phh2z4sahea5megnsw3n6qv
Ethereum: 0x68FB55FaFC1396A5E62d2e26c6bC1CdA4FeDeb55
Litecoin: MSkrWtqorTUKyqZSzxxcpucqYL6GhNqpSp
Dogecoin: DCyUdDUcwQhzcfsTQsNsdxGttBaD1m5sBT
Nano: nano_1jq6aoksycmpocbcz77h8turc73ddurd6knwnsmoamk3ogo5qqdx3sfz38ky
Edit: 3 days later and still getting donations. Yall are crazy. My totals as of now are
Paypal: $507.63
Btc: $37.03
Bch: $7.98
ETH: $7.73
LTC: $3.84
Nano: $15.30
So over $550 as of now. I'm dumbfounded guys. This has been the best week I've had in a while. Thank you again.
edit 2: its Sept 8th now and a few more people have donated in the past couple days. All in all I received about $650! Thank you to everyone who donated again. This has been a great month and it's all because of you guys :D
Edit 3: So the next drawing thread is up and it mentioned my post. A few more people are donating so maybe I'll make it to a million before the next drawing in 3 days XD lol. Seriously tho this has been a great experience and I'm thankful for every dollar. Good luck to the next winner! | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-08-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxaEFCc2RxbnpoelV3U3V0V05vdEhyWEVJSkd0Y3ZfU2RWaWc3ZFVWeVB2ZU5IbTZ4NFhRT29LczRSTFB6Q1BSWlFybWZNTkZTRmU5d2VXanJhOFRXeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5NzM3UmE2OW5aa0hHUG1DUmU5bDFRLWJYQ2NvRnp5VndvaUl1MWhxUW1qVmo4WFYxcGZvVERNaS01dEV6Mjdfcy1lRE1xRVJ5QndZLS04U2lUeTF4OEUzT1ZJdFF1SE1udHFuUGNrbDlyQ1pJM0hOeWhRc1kzanJDVzdZRlJyS2ZreGZndEctSlJQV3NBWm5IOGJEVzRpdVBDUkg4MDFCb1haSm5uWEVNOW05QlFOVUM0UFZVempwVWhYa3czZzJZd0xwdEpyTTljaVJyZVZCSk1MRzZUdz09 |
3) isn't it launching in a couple of weeks? at least for ios | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-08-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxUDBjQmJ5bUxRN3RIZ2FkRW5JZG1aVUFiS3N1LU80WGxESTFkdmRpemw5Q1BUVVJLRWdTWS1hck9YdUU1d3NGOVY0OEIxVUZ6VlV0NXNwaXFLME90LWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5TlhqekdzdEpzV1V4OTB5dkFBTk9QdllIMjVvczRRSnpld3hOcnZRdlAwWHQ1VU9VcFMtVVg1Wnp1Qk1WaHpXVlllOFVPOER5Vzh2MG9YNGR1cUdtZVJYaVphanI5cGQ2ZFNHOHFPcTBGUmM5ZHYtelFaR29oeEY4ZXQwSzFQNTc4d3Zfbm40SndCVVRJZV9waERMUTRuUlJzVTNhVUhyZHpZZ0Y5ODVEZU9yWElJVmx3NW96dG1kMmNMeEVYd29fNmZHSzFWeWtIV2RhQThhcG5sYURUaXczREpxZHFqM28zVXJ0bFJ6ZFRGQT0= |
People have different perceptions of market timing. Virtually every investor "times" the market. Market timing is the most common strategy in use today, even by the "experts."
Read more--> [What is Market Timing?](http://www.timertrac.com/public/markettiming.asp)
Hope this may shed some light. | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-08-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxQnI1d2RfSWRnVmIxeFFxRG56bjNiNFpNMlhqY2ZFSkNWX0xEZEFGZ1h1VzVqcmdEYWpjZ3BuSVl3VWFya0V2STJQdS1WWW9iem9ScmN1MER1WE1tU1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Y1JHR05pVm5ZaXdJR0VVQXc4OWFOajF1TVVJOWVPSU5TZjFfZWVDQjdBX1VkWFBPVUFhY2h3Z1FjLU5HZ2lwVWxNZkZ1cVlhOEdFUW9HdGNLMmdWWjIyc3pNOEQ0Z3Bsd3VGdk9GN3RadDdzTzZNUC1LclZTLU41ODM1SG9PSGM0Zm9OX2dmYjRXZHNqUmFtcUpxMVE0UHZJM0JZb3NnLU93MWtHVURQa29zPQ== |
Practical Information that's useful in being profitable in today's market.
[Easy to Learn Trading Options](https://youtu.be/2w6vkSkNlJo) | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-09-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxNWMwVW12bzBQLXpSZ1NOSjNQVzd3M3JUZldmQkU3bFBMaWxxQ1hCSzJxRWRGLUV5eFhhaElUelg5VEQyRm1XUjlGdkxJdHRrbGhCYmxfYlhVWWpVYVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5a2pnYlpqc1E4WXpkenV2emcyVzRnamJsQ1Z6c0FpYl9qZGJ6VlVQc18zSm9MRVIxNGZlRGVEaUhIOU52OG42NXNvN1ROU01acmpnOENzcHNsTVg0MXBlYW01eFU0SnhsN3JmWUtaMnlIU3RaRTZqTjJ6R0JFQlVBQWppOHcxZ0pYbXowNXhCUGhyVjZ4QVFsNVBYNHRKbmNjdENsQ0pNRG9fX0lNRkNSbDByUkhSUTd4XzRaQWRQdTFIeHJXZTZk |
I have looked at PE ratio and price to book value ratio to pick a few stocks. How can I fine tune the analysis? | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-09-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxV1ZnaExSc3lKZHJ5QVF1aEk1c0dRLUtzbXVWU3k4VktzREZLNHo4elQ4dXpoVnBjdTJfQ21EOF9kUzdXMHZKQjZYZEFHVHZDcU03ZHM3U2N5dU1jSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5QTljeTJ1eUF3c0NuTkFPaWxKY0Nva0pPTUJET290VG5rZzdPYU1MU3RESHpKYlVaNXJrMk5POWNkX1pWY0ZOUFIxcFVrTm5GU0hfT0pPeTA0OTljbnc0eUxoUlVrbkNjY2pmanM3VVJjOUMxZV9DZ2kwN21ZeEUwenBFZkNHaG5FU1VtWVNZRXNBcThfbjNZUi1OMThQVzJXUVg1cXNocGdMY1M5eDdPN1UyY2hNLTRwMzIweHFTZTlMSjdUWFVtdWNNMFRia2VXUUVyY1Q3X3dBWjEzdz09 |
On point! May we know what market timer you are using? | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-09-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZFV1Smt1YjZ1Q0ExSFNnbEs4TjFtdFNiTVkxbnZ6Y0FSOEh0WDVkSTJPaGQycEc4aHQyQnZJRTc0OTNjS2VGZDdleGpaWDZlVW54WS13MmVvaVViREE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5REhJQjlzNjR4dnc5WUJpbWlpUHMtVVEzQnR0YWI2by1NMVVHUDQ2dUpOZ21Eb1dVUlNRUnk4NnBUNHpGMXJDZ1E1anN4ZVg4TDMyZzZYYTVxbVdNZFZ4S0FLUHhtQ3Q2YmRNbHE0OHQzaE1hcm1HeTZ0eDJzaE5kQzlJSlFoRmdyb3ZzblR5N0dPdG4wU0xRb1RBekgzRkNPS3A1NG1OUGpMSFd2QkVHNkRMMjN2VENhZ3NwY2oySHdKZHZvSEtw |
US stock market risk declines to a low-risk level of 23% (last week: 37%, new low-risk). US tech stock risk closes lower at a low-risk reading of 23% (last week: 35%, new low-risk).
Read more --> [Broadcast](https://broadcast.timertrac.com/) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-09-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxeXRzU21zcGJuanZpSkFPbXZ1UHM1VlI0RlJ1S0t4MzVEWTllcXY3alRpS2tuTHdHR1lSVzB4ZmxJYVVlYlBkNVB2OTJYLUx0STJfTmdWd0MwaGk1Vmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5cEg4ZzV1YWlsWmhwaWVMSW1TSmlQTFRZRlZPMGlIRThoalFVNU50dmdpaXp3aF9WZ0lzazJaUU5YT3R1djRHbzA4cXY5Y2JFcWtHSzk4aWNlTmhyRmV1UkdfdUxZQU0tSFk3UEVHQjltbEpLazYwbWMwR0VkWl80amE2cFpKTGRuMkxrWUN6MGFUSlVPeUxUUWZITTl3PT0= |
Holy crap....
You blatantly lie about stuff, you treat a very small sample size as 100%, use a bird as an example of how humans interact ( when there is another bird species that works the same way but the females do everything.)
And no, not everyone has heard of mgtow, thankfully. I was only heard about it recently and it really just looks like a bunch of complaining or people bragging that nobody wants to associate with them.
Pay less shoes isn’t going out of business because if MGTOW, it’s going out of business because they weren’t well run. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-09-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxQ2Z5a0ZyZjVYTzY3cUtXbmV6Yi1YWlkyVkpwZEV6RG0zbUl0MFQwRlY5WFBkMGtrWHFSSWdkdm9lV01faGM2dW1QQ0R4TVdKRS14dmx4alRGbVVnb2xmLUhqeG4tdEhOYjlqZVpObk9IQkE9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5dEgxT25DLUpaZ3ppQl81THpScFVEdVJFMWp2SkxoNDdESkJsSjRmLTlFN0tDZTY1aXBpYlVSNER0b181dVQ4VkFYQVR5d2Z6dEFYMXhaVmZTRTBHQ1RUemJTSEVCYTdXNDlSMWY4OWtRTmFBNGxERkd3VVVHenV5WXROY2x4MDBtYUM4bUY4dzI3VVFnTWsxVmpPUjBKeGFFZUIwNzUyNHlubm9kekVpaGJSQ3ZINkpyMFBydmxCeVAxY0lsNGY0eTBkWVJWX2lDZkVCTGVXV3RSOE1QZz09 |
The other partnerships sticky post has been out of date for a while so this is the updated one. I've tried to roughly categorise the "partnerships" to provide a more accurate reflection of their relationship with Chainlink.
For those not familiar, the standard announcement of a new relationship is via the other party making a medium post and then Chainlink tweeting the link. I've tried to include all of them, but I'm only human so let me know if I've missed anything.
Updated: 13/11/2019 - Having issues inserting hyperlinks so will update with links later.
# Acquisitions
|Company|Date|Link to announcement|
|Town Crier|01/11/2018|[Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/darrynpollock/2018/11/01/cornells-town-crier-acquired-by-chainlink-to-expand-decentralized-oracle-network/#6eed6afb2854) [Chainlink Post](https://medium.com/chainlink/cnbc-features-chainlinks-town-crier-announcement-402ff441425)|
# Integrations
I can't confirm if some of the older announcements are still valid. Times change, projects fail etc. so some of these integrations may have ceased.
|Company|Date|Blog Post|Tweet|
|FCLA Flying Carpet|07/11/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/flyingcarpet/chainlink-fcla-powering-geospatial-carbon-offsets-48eb319749c2)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1192478971805327361)|
|Cere Network|26/09/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/@cere_network/cere-network-integrates-with-chainlink-to-enhances-its-blockchain-crm-platform-3b5c7594faec)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1177425170836770816)|
|Poseidon Network|06/09/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/poseidonnetwork/poseidon-network-to-integrate-with-chainlink-for-off-chain-connectivity-fee7e7fe1e2)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1169967400755826690)|
|High Performance Blockchain|27/08/2019|[Post](https://www.hpb.io/post-328)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1166163377862905857)|
|Morpheus Labs|14/08/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/@morpheuslabs_io/morpheus-labs-to-deploy-chainlink-on-its-bpaas-platform-3f1d23f25f25)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1161626359837483008)|
|Standard Tokenization Protocol (STP)|30/07/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/@StandardTokenizationProtocol/stp-network-and-chainlink-announce-collaboration-cec9fc7f7c52)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1156059897710166016)|
|INT Chain|23/07/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/int-chain/int-chain-officially-collaborated-with-chainlink-bb4fe54126b2)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1153688711407788035)|
|V Systems|20/06/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/vsystems/v-systems-and-chainlink-announce-collaboration-912122717307)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1141531537269297152)|
|Dapps Inc|17/06/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/@dominic_60828/dapps-inc-collaborates-with-chainlink-to-enable-salesforce-users-with-accurate-real-time-data-907defcba2bd?_referrer=twitter)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1140629674046971904)|
|Google Cloud|13/06/2019|[Post](https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/data-analytics/building-hybrid-blockchain-cloud-applications-with-ethereum-and-google-cloud)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1139217022477361152)|
|Reserve Protocol|10/06/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/reserve-currency/reserve-partners-with-chainlink-to-bolster-the-future-of-decentralized-stablecoins-5d486f37e92b)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1138137166641532930)|
|Harmony Protocol|05/06/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/harmony-one/harmony-to-partner-with-chainlink-for-off-chain-connectivity-fc0372819aca)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1136373768794906624)|
|***Mainnet Release***|***30/05/2019***|[***Mainnet Release***](https://blog.chain.link/chainlink-live-ethereum-mainnet-connected-consensus/)||
|Hedera Hashgraph|09/05/2019|[Post](https://www.hedera.com/blog/hedera-hashgraph-and-chainlink-collaborate-to-provide-a-decentralized-oracle-network-for-hederas-enterprise-grade-distributed-public-ledger)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1126519590425468928)|
|Ocean Protocol|29/04/2019|[Post](https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-protocol-chainlink-integration-e7335f880ea3)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/oceanprotocol/status/1122767501220356096)|
|Data Sports Group|21/03/2019|[Post](http://datasportsgroup.com/latestnews/dsg-teams-up-with-chainlink-to-bring-live-sports-data-to-smart-contracts/)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1108724011117228032)|
|Provable (Oracalize)|07/03/2019|\-|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1103729595218579456)|
|Bodhi and Naka Chain|06/02/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/@NakaChain/bodhi-and-naka-chain-integrate-chainlink-to-bring-dapp-development-to-the-next-stage-27fbfd1a8b75)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1093244722599153664)|
|Olympus Labs|29/11/2018|[Post](https://medium.com/olympuslabsbc/olympus-labs-and-chainlink-integrate-decentralized-oracles-into-financial-products-for-reliable-17ad07bc5c80)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1068166744542449664)|
|RTrade Technologies Ltd|29/11/2018|[Post](https://medium.com/@rtradetech/rtrade-technologies-to-use-chainlink-to-provide-oracles-for-high-quality-off-chain-data-storage-55fffbd75082)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1068009216655405056)|
|Morpheus Network|31/10/2018|[Post](https://medium.com/morpheus-network/morpheus-network-partners-with-leading-decentralized-oracle-network-provider-chainlink-for-b6d197637ce1)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1057659385835671552)|
|Market Protocol|22/08/2018|[Post](https://medium.com/market-protocol/market-protocol-and-chainlink-team-up-to-enable-off-chain-asset-trading-on-the-ethereum-network-72c3ff4a3e1c)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1032276973886873600)|
|Accord Project|19/08/2018|[Post](https://medium.com/@accordhq/smart-legal-contracts-and-oracles-36d4eb538a92)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1031163258114387970)|
# Data Providers
|Company|Date|Blog Post|Tweet|Type of data being provided|
|Parallell Markets|01/10/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/@ParallelMarkets/parallel-and-chainlink-announce-integration-to-provide-blockchain-investor-identity-4686d8ed3cf)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1179071926154731527)|Investor identity data|
|[CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com)|18/09/2019|[Post](https://blog.coingecko.com/coingecko-to-provide-cryptocurrency-market-data-for-chainlink/)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1174307874492833792)|Cryptocurrency market data (e.g. price, trading volume, market capitalisation)|
|Crypto APIs|28/08/2019|[Post](https://cryptoapis.io/blog/crypto-apis-to-offer-data-oracles-on-chainlink/)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1166705750686785536)|Will provide market data and blockchain data.|
|High Performance Blockchain|27/08/2019|[Post](https://www.hpb.io/post-328)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1166163377862905857)|Random number generator|
|eth.events|19/08/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/@eth.events/integration-of-chainlink-with-eth-events-17e7a9dc2dbc)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1163453719209500673)|Real-time data from 17 blockchains|
|Simply VC|13/08/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/simply-vc/simply-vc-now-an-official-chainlink-node-operator-and-trusted-data-provider-6fce5331235)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/Simply_VC/status/1161170081960906752)|"Stay tuned for more information regarding additional valuable data feeds and APIs Simply VC will be adding to its Chainlink oracle as we research the current off-chain data needs of Ethereum smart contract creators."|
|Kaiko|17/06/2019|[Post](https://blog.kaiko.com/kaiko-becomes-official-node-operator-and-data-provider-for-chainlinks-network-of-decentralized-78781786fee0)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1140628590435979264)|Cryptocurrency Market Data|
|***Mainnet Release***|***30/05/2019***|[***Mainnet Release***](https://blog.chain.link/chainlink-live-ethereum-mainnet-connected-consensus/)|||
# Node Operators
Below are the node operators announced via Chainlink's Twitter. For a more complete list, the [Chainlink Marketplace](https://market.link/), operated by LinkPool is a good resource.
|Company|Date|Blog Post|Tweet|
|Figment Network|18/10/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/figment-networks/figment-networks-is-running-a-chainlink-node-bf49f39b8a0)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1185231581876764677)|
|Validation Capital|19/09/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/@validation.capital/introducing-validation-capitals-oracle-node-on-chainlink-26c465602334)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1174783082320318467)|
|Newroad Capital|09/09/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/@newroad.capital/newroad-capital-running-a-chainlink-node-f762e4752657)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1171088136593715200)|
|Crypto APIs|28/08/2019|[Post](https://cryptoapis.io/blog/crypto-apis-to-offer-data-oracles-on-chainlink/)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1166705750686785536)|
|Simply VC|13/08/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/simply-vc/simply-vc-now-an-official-chainlink-node-operator-and-trusted-data-provider-6fce5331235)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/Simply_VC/status/1161170081960906752)|
|Certus One|17/07/2019|[Post](https://medium.com/certus-one/certus-one-announces-launch-of-chainlink-node-f115f0c63de5)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1151520404604903424)|
|Brave New Coin|16/07/2019|[Post](https://bravenewcoin.com/insights/brave-new-coin-now-a-chainlink-node-operator)|[Tweet](https://twitter.com/chainlink/status/1150991665106247681)|
|***Mainnet Release***|***30/05/2019***|[***Mainnet Release***](https://blog.chain.link/chainlink-live-ethereum-mainnet-connected-consensus/)||
# Other
|Oracle|At Cloud Expo 2019, it was announced that Oracle for Startups is going co-develop Chainlinks with 50 startup companies.|
|SWIFT|Chainlink developed an automated bond coupon payment and demonstrated the proof of concept at SIBOS 2017. The Chainlink website states " We work with Banking Technology Leaders like SWIFT, helping connect banks to smart contracts with [Enterprise Grade Oracles](https://create.smartcontract.com/sibos17)."| | r/linktrader | post | r/LINKTrader | 2019-09-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxcWJBY3c2OGlZVlg0ckNlQmpiMElONmhCTEtYazlXLXRoM2lPREFZRms5MTdCMktEZktfTG5oMUl2dzFCd3h1SnkxX3ZFa25hTk1iSXd3V3BONGNCVEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5dTdlS0ZKdExxNHMyRXlhMXBIMng5MFJ6UVZMNzBJa2lxa0VDT3l1WGpyelJfWk5WRnZqRFVQZ0FaUjhWNjBzSXdaZ2wwRTM1UEoxSVllem54WG4xQW1mc1laVEw0NDY4NEpiVE9BQ3dfTnRwSjhXN25NN3d1S3Nqck1FQkE5OUZ3WTBHdGZyWWVET1BtV2tnaXpSSFVCbXpULWpzOWJVT0ctNmNnM2Z3d2xiVXJiX1RZTlBiNkktQXF6R0JQSlF0R3Nuek1ja0VHVWxLeXVYVTN1a0VrUT09 |
#**Aliens can’t stop anyone from potentially winning free money!**
**In Case You Missed It:**
* The /r/millionairemakersmeta discussion thread is up. [If you have any comments or concerns, click here to head over to the subreddit!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/)
* The previous winner, /u/Survivor256, is currently accepting donations! Donations will go towards hobbies and pursuing his career. [If you would like to help the cause, donate here!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/csm8w5/45)
* **REQUIRED:** Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! *(Replying to other comments will not qualify. You must be thirty days old or older to comment.)*
* **A random user who commented will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire.**
* **You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media!**
* **[If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner through PM via the RemindMeBot, click here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&%3Bsubject=Reminder&%3Bmessage=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe%21+September+22+2019+11%3A00+PM+%22Donate+to+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+winner%21%22)** You can also be reminded by commenting in the thread: "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* **That's it!** [If you would like to see the extended rules and FAQs, or if you have questions yourself, click here to be redirected to the thread!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/c2zaye/_/) Additionally, look out for the stickied post at /r/millionairemakersmeta.
#**Major Announcements**
This new account will be responsible for all official /r/MillionaireMakers posts, primarily the **[Drawing Thread]** and **[Drawing]** posts. If you’re also using the new version of Reddit, you can follow his account and you will (should) be getting posts from said account directly in your home page! This account should make it easier to program a bot in the event we need one, make it more concise in that Redditors can follow the account, and most importantly, save my inbox.
**Web Developers Update:**
I have purchased a license to use **redditmm.com** last month, and at the same time, I asked potential web developers interested in developing a website to sign up. I am proud to say we had over thirty people fill out their interests, so I want to thank everyone who signed up.
I will begin contacting people under /u/lilfruini through Reddit PMs this weekend. Ideally, this should consist of two front-end programmers (one primary and one back-up), two back-end programmers (likewise), and a graphic designer. This is subject to change.
If you have any comments, please place them here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1z2t42WNsMkt3-kphAZYDBG6OdAVO5fuUBVYFcr5ISba3nA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
If a lone $1 can get you a finger-popping alien, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can, if you’re smart, start an industry, become stupid rich, and bribe the government to release the aliens! ^For ^all ^intents ^and ^purposes, ^we ^do ^not ^endorse ^such ^activities.
A million dollars can do wonders. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
**Let's abduct a millionaire!**
*The power of cash.*
*It’s nice, makes serious dough.*
*Though, I’m getting rash.* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-09-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxSmF3VU5jM2ZRSnpFeUw5SkpNWlB5RUpuNmQ4TUstZU9fWGRaYktrOHpjS3g4VDhjUDQ1dHRBYXR0VEx6aUZOR19LT3hjQ0ttSUtMclBuQnJmVVZXZXUyM1dINVduWGhsRTRMMjM0VkJuMGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5aGxEbERIRGNJMXk1b3JiZGFlWDJ1OHJRTlBQcDk3M3RMejRqNTdXYkN2U19SVS1sanZyc0hsQnNtUTdfd3ZETS1fTE94ZTlDbGZidzB6VTNrSXBKQkdpaWhySmVFQzZ2aUtzV292M1RDS28zYS01LUJwMzNzUjRQbDFtNnEzRHRoWnd6NmpwUzhndkp0dldlSkx5UTV2S1dCZ19DcXZKdEFZOUQxcF9VNlF0b2hYaXNrSGl4Q3JzRkRHUkMxVjlWeWlkcGc2cTBRemZoQ1RjWW1Md2NUUT09 |
#**Alright, one of you guys is about to be a winner.**
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. If you commented in the [[Drawing Thread]](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/d72jrz/dont_let_the_area_51_raid_distract_you_of_the/), you are entered in the drawing and don't need to do anything else. By 16:00 UTC (less than an hour as of posting this), the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, there will not be an asterisk near the time passed since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**DISCLAIMER:** *Some of the information may be unrevised, but procedures are the same as prior draws. Thank you.*
**Off Topic:**
The **[Discussion]** Thread at /r/millionairemakersmeta is open. All comments are welcome there for any inquiries.
**[Discussion #46]:** https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/d7rk5b/another_discussion_for_all_your_meta_needs/
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three blocks. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**Awareness for Fairness:**
*This post will not be edited!* This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators. To prove this, look for the lack of an asterisk near the time since creation.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #46, remove the first two lines, and upload the file to a SHA-256 generator, or upload one of the three trial runs. The output you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, download Python 3 and follow the path to the text file here: *MM46\Drawing\OfficialMM46IDs.txt*
**Status Reports:**
I will be commenting on the progress of the drawing via the comments, so other users can keep track of the progress. These comments will be pinned at the top of the post and be distinguished.
If you can run Python yourself and follow the instructions, you should also be able to find the winner. Make sure the hash released from the blockchain and the total number of participants match with what is described below.
I will add, after 12:30 PM, I will be temporarily unavailable, and the hash could be released by then. Please be patient, and thank you.
**Information Used For Draw #46:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v0763t12631q3lp/AACafhWBkmWexKAWU4ZEiFrCa?dl=0
SHA-256 (hash.online-convert.com): 3d8aed7dad18d0c096b505c45eecc83b4a13e84c5b59d25037159f45df971214
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3tmnduko3loedsj/%28ALTERED%29%20MM%20Comment%20IDs%20Retrieval%20via%20PRAW.py?dl=0
Python Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dh9j1b4htg38enz/MillionaireMakersDrawingCode.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8rwz3a79ywilkdc/OfficialMM46IDs.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Bitcoin Block After 22 September 2019 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 5,304
*** | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-09-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxWnd6SDU1OW9MY3BfSlZEOEs0ZjVpU183cFlscUFsR1Z1aDJsanc4bUZfZzc0TmZORXpzRTdHS3JYVXFJenB0YWktVFhNbkNHaDQtenhmZXpvSFFFSUNyZGRWYnJ5WmozalVHNlBHTmVfc2M9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ZUFYcU9DZk5PZ0ZNRmV0TGFuRTEzLTBJRG4yVVp4dWMtM0ZIeVRZLUE2VXpkTzJ6NDVBNXNqZXdTS1VCRlY0cnYteTRxNkdEYnVzT0N2YV9XOHhvQ2o0Z3lsNVdWNmhTSmZ6OEdtLURTVl9MX0gxYWdNdE5hUi1CVzcyY3d1UW1FRnVsLTd5aHZrYlZhcHFrVWk5VnlvY1hLdXVHalpjSGpKdXNvQk9JOTdfb3BlLVhhOV9UZ2ZHUi1YY0VMTzdwdjN5aDkwWWdKZGkxSkJGVTJYUmMzZz09 |
**For Draw #46, our recent pick was /u/dubbois.**
Within the comments came debates about the legitimacy of the process. Some contested whether the winner was considered an alternate account. Others stated that the subreddit’s rules were too vague on what constitutes considerable activity.
I have privately contacted /u/dubbois, and gave him two methods to verify himself:
* Using Credo360 to establish credibility, or...
* Providing IP logins, upvote history, and deleted comments.
/u/dubbois chose the former, which you can see here: https://www.credo360.com/reddit/dubbois
He has also told me the funds would be donated to charity and towards his local SPCA. Currently, he is offering to surrender his status to the runner-up.
Despite that, it’s still a difficult position. As stated, there were few comments at the time of being picked. If this doesn’t qualify as “minimal account activity”, then a new winner should be redrawn. However, he still beat the odds, consisting of 1/3,304, and to rob a user of that because they don’t make enough comments creates a weird gray area, one that I believe I can’t make the judgement for correctly.
Even then, another winner could always be picked, which according to the FAQ, is block 596109. This winner could possibly be more deserving of the subreddit, but the same argument to not pick /u/dubbois applies: someone more deserving of winning could be robbed of it.
There is a third option: have two winners. While this means both parties are satisfied, it also establishes something unprecedented for /r/MillionaireMakers, as well as divide donations between the two users.
This conflict is what led me to you, the noble Redditor, to stand tall and cast a vote. **Should /u/dubbois be crowned a winner? Should a new one be redrawn? Should we create a first and have two winners?**
The fate of the would-be champion rests on your shoulders: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSemH1QdLa1fE5jihG8byK5JlD36pRKTITFxQOtlRpy_lois8A/viewform?usp=sf_link
**Please vote! You have until 3:00 UTC September 23 (11:00 PM ET)!**
*Google Account required to vote.*
*High and low lie waves,*
*The tides, ever-so changing.*
*Where must they head to?*
P.S. After this, minimal account activity will be given a quantitative value. The verified email trophy will also be required for further entrants. | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-09-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMU90Tzc5cHdwMzNPQ2QwSk5MZlgxRXBieTJ4anllSTRlaEVlbkxNZGJjczVrX29ubGFjWUFwdDJVYWd3VnhNeV9pYjZXZ0FOQjViR0ZVVXAyeE9qRlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5OFpZZEdtNzRWNDhpaXk0ODEyNW9QRnpVUkVWOXdENnFvX0drdTkwbEhIcjVSMVpwT0tiMS1vM19JQVFrWXZrWHVIeXBrV2xyTnEwZUk0aWM4VlotWjExeDlmaDN3MWpBZENFMC1sUnB4elQtSkk5aWVaMGg2TEF4M2I1ZzRoWkRhbk12cF9UQVJaN1h6aEZSZG5EVFRMSERYOEtBblcwbEJfcFltbDdwbkt2b3ZCZHpzWW11VHl3ZEhhNS1MVXJhekMxbHZfYTJLS25LRlF5NHk4eGt6UT09 |
Keep it simple. Invest it a a diversified portfolio of ETF’s. Spend no more than 3% of total in any given year. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-09-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxd1dyU3FYYmV3a2NJZFJZbXF4cV9KbWpGcjN5NUxsR3dONWZiR2xDYjFrbFZOZ3FuVXBGc2x1ZlVQbjNtaFkzMFNPcWxjU0FNRGxTOG44ZmEybndWNXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5YVJlbjJrTTJlMVlwNXI4QnVocDNjX1MxSjNPT3JZMTV2ZnVONGM4ZlgzcmF3TERSRlU0NXJvU3pYOGJfcDRyMEhUbjY1RTVZZHA3R0FQcXpwdEVrUVdaY0lHczBBVmItX1FMbkxFZ1Mwd2JXSTRKUzBsbjFFVElBWGREelU0ejhLYjJMN29JRno2X3NvVkVkajJfMHM5VGhZdFo3LTZ2Z3hiMHZ0WWJrMk5RPQ== |
This is the first time I have ever won something similar to this in life, this came to me as a great surprise.Against all the odds I sent this good luck message on the thread not hoping for anything, like when I play pocket change to lottery or those car deals we get in the mail thinking that we won anything but just those 3 gold coins.
Anyways, thanks for those who voted to keep the drawing as is. I understand those of you who think I bought this account or whatever. I created this account and I don't really comment much, and when I do I like to delete it every so often. I know there are some websites people can see past posts, if you know, look me up and let me know what's in there, I don't remember lol.
Thanks again for those votes and I hope every and each one of you have a blessed day.
As the mod asked me, below is the usual yada yada yada.
Everything listed should result in direct lines of payment to /u/dubbois. We ask all users to donate at least $1 USD.
The Drawing is also listed for users who want to see the results and confirm the validity of the winner.
Drawing: [https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/d7rylo/draw\_46/](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/d7rylo/draw_46/)
PayPal: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Bitcoin: 3Et851mXns79uzUEQxN55t3qwha2J2TWh1
Bitcoin Cash: qq6awdwuqmmuncmxjwa7y2qud7ep87dxrgdtv8kjad
Ethereum: 0xb26b86e9F8cC9dDc8336D3df4E7a0156C8993F1E
Litecoin: M7yKvRVnvYA1Wv1Loo8fpwNV4ZYwoHHRSs
Nano: nano\_31wfippx83dgg8yhy67e9ptngazde9kts6fziy4qx533hjatpuqn9r7apsq6
If any of you would like to donate the proceedings to SPCA, this is where I will designate the proceedings.
Thank you everyone. | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-09-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZ1RjQkdpdTBEbDkwODVDSkMyMkJRY24xVkVQVmdQeG9GS1pra3M1MUFjS2ZQZ0JGZ2hlNURKTVVrYXRBcXlGZkg2RFh0NkIwOW0wdU1yNXB5MHFiNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5amJVLXpTTHBrcXo3VVF6OXpBamJ6ZkJLV1Z0aXMwVU9DNV9yT2xzbmdUbE5yVElBdk5uOXU1aDRHUVJTOTBhYjZvdzJLNUxtd0RiRVZXQ1E5dmh3dmppbTlHQXFoX0ViZi02bHQwWUdTUmR2RTYxa25pM2RrMFNhWVdWRS1oUkNXMHB0UEFacmMxOVdzM3NvQ0ROeTNnM0M2OTNabUVVcHV3cmhNNVl5QjdaZWt1OUVNWXFtMTZKWExZYzZvX2ZV |
Greetings from the Philippines btw! | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-09-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMGpLeUVkSVNmT3ZXTzNiWU4zZmZGVHRaRGFyZG4zWEtyUGw5SHdBeDlmQUFfRm05SjNKcjFuZXc5MWNOM2Z0LUU2Y3NTVWVFUGxjUnJBZU5wSUNaZkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5WVE2OGhnY2E0aUFrZUU2Y3MwNUpFRVpzaEU5YktlXzI4cXFPVWRuTnF0SjM3ZU4tRUZPaHgxYmVUaHBZbnFtZm9xdGI5WWRPTWt6UmQ3SzdwWHFLYmduWWFXNURzcGFSV2M5SjhoTnVabzZPRE9wYzRRSTVmSFVaX1hNdTBUVTBtV3Y5c2RFZWdLWnM2bUw3Y1V6Qi1GWHprSUdwSzlad1c3d3hmVHZGalM1cmVJQWwtY1REQkQ3WEFNOXBaUndEWEZ1ZFVxMUhVbFFmUjYxOWo0aE5EQT09 |
Greetings from the Philippines btw! | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-09-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxQ3BGSmlsUVhudU1yTEFFOWJTaTVnT205SUIwRGFlLVVEeU13cnN5VkNMM3dIUndObEtMVHd4dy1xSzE5bWhMVUprN2NKc0h0dndZZFh0MmpVSHpmaUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5TEREdENuZkhvZDlaa1JwYi1rM003SGJ0Z1Q5cnJURVVCMjdZY091QXAtNWpsRVBGY2pmM2Q0UGthR1l4ZjRmYXZ0SzROX1F5LVNPQjRJbWtRajVuVHlpSDNRTEtSVFRjUGNmNHlOY0pIN0RoTUxJb0MxdndUN1A1Q3dRazBCa0Z0WEVBX3g2OXBMX19OdUdWd3FtSkdOUFE3NHNYVHNOMW80V0d4U29aTFBDaWtDZGFMaFNvRTU0VDRZSTRJT3RlbkFuV2tLRmttdUFkWlU0MDdjbHp5Zz09 |
I have basical knowledge of python, matLAB, C and Mechanical Engineering.
What I have been doing is finding channels on youtube that talk about the topics(Phil Town's Rule #1 Investing/Warrior trading... Guy Spier The Education of a Value Investor My Transformative Quest for Wealth).
I've heard that reddit has some helpfull people, maybe you can hlp me find my true north on this task. | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-09-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxd29rNnpzVU9UbGpYRTVVLVRhQUpxdFV2T2V0MnUzZFVPdXJhZ2RSN2V5OFpFN1ZOZEU4VjdINjlScGQ1MGxLeS1oNDJvSkNMSGJhQk00MWNSdDVzUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5NzhYZldISGZxbWdyN2szaHk3N182eHRvWGo2NWd3WWlMX1kwOFNYdXNFdmJkMFdwSnVNaDh4bW9Rb1pWOWsxOVVRRWJqbkNsT1Q4RDQ4Y0l1RkhkSDFQbENuaU9WcmxCZnpUblZxU3c3bE1ILUxvQjRkZFpwX3l0eVFLR2JVSkxXeEdJQ0VLN1loSDlPM1dLcXdHMEkzSURrTktzQTh3S1NVamFpNi11c01uRm15UjZtMHBzX1FLOG5RVXQ0OUNROVVNc3BDMHFTNGlDVG5mV2hYNG1Mdz09 |
#**Anyway, do you want to see terrifying?**
#*^I ^haven't ^even ^contacted ^the ^web ^developers.*
**In Case You Missed It:**
* The /r/millionairemakersmeta discussion thread is up. [If you have any comments or concerns, click here to head over to the subreddit!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/)
* The previous winner, /u/dubbois, is currently accepting donations! Putting aside the controversy (mainly out of my fault), proceedings will go primarily towards SPCA. [If you would like to help the cause, donate here!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/d8vc37/_/)
* **REQUIRED:** Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! *(Replying to other comments will not qualify. You must be thirty days old or older to comment.)*
* **A random user who commented will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire.**
* **You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media!**
* **[If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner through PM via the RemindMeBot, click here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&%3Bsubject=Reminder&%3Bmessage=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe%21+October+21+2019+11%3A00+PM+%22Donate+to+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+winner%21%22)** You can also be reminded by commenting in the thread: "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* **That's it!** [If you would like to see the extended rules and FAQs, or if you have questions yourself, click here to be redirected to the thread!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/c2zaye/_/) Additionally, look out for the stickied post at /r/millionairemakersmeta.
#**Minor Announcements**
**Web Developers Update:**
I suppose I'll take this time to formally declare I haven't contacted anybody yet. I still have yet to contact developers, but I have a complete spreadsheet I can use to analyse the best people.
The problem with the candidates is there are people of varying skill levels and free time, so striking a balance is difficult, especially since I'm already saying it's volunteer service.
If you have any comments, please place them here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1z2t42WNsMkt3-kphAZYDBG6OdAVO5fuUBVYFcr5ISba3nA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
If a lone $1 can get you a candy from the shelf, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can probably get away with a lot of stuff (referring to pranks, of course)! However, please don't use it to summon actual werewolves and demons.
A million dollars can do wonders. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
**Let's scare a millionaire!**
*Unsure and untrue.*
*Feeling unoriginal.*
*Boo boo boo boo boo.*
Crud, I did it on my main account. | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-10-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxWGhhOGh0WGhjX19fSTA1djd4cTJfQjhVUkZCZlItUDIyejNGeHNyTmltR09odjlOZGdlT21EdFlVSWRqNXg1SzBpTGtaM2dQRV9TNUhXVlB2c3pqYnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Nl9iY29vQTRoUFhQcElERVdTZkg1Z0M3WERsZnJDLVRKUU5xM203M2hiU2Yta2xMTkVuejladUJ0RTJWcE83Yk9ocTB1b2ZRUGFaMmNOQVpHVGNFQTdPbl9XcHpTSGM0LVpDcWdLT2sxbk9BZlZiaGJHOUZEczZQemozUDMxbnA2RkRIcUxJZi1oRmdrd2VzcXdPbktFZmY3VERleFNqdkp6WkhqeVJLRUZvNEJWS0NTVzM5SXJxUG1FMUtPTzNiMjVLOVdMR0NSY196Tmx4cVpxeG9nQT09 |
#**Let’s get straight to the point.**
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. If you commented in the [[Drawing Thread]](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/djvcpb/what_is_the_most_terrifying_thing_that_could/), you are entered in the drawing and don't need to do anything else. By 16:00 UTC, the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, there will not be an asterisk near the time passed since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**DISCLAIMER:** *Some of the information may be unrevised, but procedures are the same as prior draws. Thank you.*
**Off Topic:**
The **[Discussion]** Thread at /r/millionairemakersmeta is open. All comments are welcome there for any inquiries.
**[Discussion #47]:** https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/dkjn4n/the_holiday_season_is_about_to_start_halloween/
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three blocks. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**Awareness for Fairness:**
*This post will not be edited!* This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators. To prove this, look for the lack of an asterisk near the time since creation.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #47, remove the first two lines, and upload the file to a SHA-256 generator, or upload one of the three trial runs. The output you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, download Python 3 and follow the path to the text file here: *MM47\Drawing\OfficialMM47IDs.txt*
**Status Reports:**
I will be commenting on the progress of the drawing via the comments, so other users can keep track of the progress. These comments will be pinned at the top of the post and be distinguished. Most likely, after 2:00 PM ET, the pinned comment will be announcing the winner.
If you can run Python yourself and follow the instructions, you should also be able to find the winner. Make sure the hash released from the blockchain and the total number of participants match with what is described below.
I will add, after 12:30 PM ET, I will be temporarily unavailable, and the hash could be released by then. Please be patient, and thank you.
**Information Used For Draw #47:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xcn9jsh93hnh2gi/AADqh7n62O3np1voZ8Hxfd7Ya?dl=0
SHA-256 (hash.online-convert.com): 1a4ae062f97f45093f0c682bd81bd2aaf4a484e524ea70e9e41dd500b0976684
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3c4zqqkigjfg5x8/%28ALTERED%29%20MM%20Comment%20IDs%20Retrieval%20via%20PRAW.py?dl=0
Python Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7rvpdbz0i8fggbv/MillionaireMakersDrawingCode.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmt736tznklw3xm/OfficialMM47IDs.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Bitcoin Block After 20 September 2019 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 3,952
*** | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-10-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZThBWDdETXA2XzBJUUEwUTExbHo0cXdLTDlOYkRrUzI4QXhRT1A0T01WOEIzZVRpNmdITXhKMVB6MWxTZjdMblVOTnEwM2dUZWhweEZBYWJaMFhvTzBXTzQzUFVRNXFrcWx5a3lPRlF5SzQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5S0dVamg1dzM5ZVV4ckFtZXlvemZncGJzTVlGTWYyb2kwXzR4UXRUbHZoRUdYRTJDSkRKWkVPSkVPQkRiMTBhRVBkVjVaLXhqSUQwRll6NEhMLVVTLWtBRVhSUzhGNzg2VXBUZzFKNTZxOXNhSl9CUGtsb1JCX0NpbzY2YU15RUtEYTVyWUFTSUM4UFpMTy1QRVhqb3VBR08ydE5xbTl0LXJoZWdoeXJLQ1p2cnFaQ3owZEVjMHhBNnBkc1RVNnNHM2xVNnRscmlvZ3dHWkZlTmxVajBudz09 |
Wall Street does not like justice. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-10-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxanVJdGJUSkVwWlNPOUkxTnJhVHhxeDFwaU9fbDMxSmtpLWtEUUNQU0J6dVJXMVo0MTZtWnBYd29rUm84V3BsTnNFS2pfT2oxRU9faVF5c284TFoxUnRBald0eXZlUVB1Zkpta1B3QnVDSkk9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5cHRsNm1qLXRWLWtoR1ZKclllWlJtRk13V3ZJRmJFMlJZdGF0dnFpRHhycTducl9qUjg2ZFRUQ2wyR2N4eTY5d2RYV2ZabVRJRl92YzIzSTJkMmJ2VDRDb1JLVHJ0WHYtVGQyM2RpenVuRVRGTmJUSmpweUZ3UkJZTGRGNkttREVyOEx2cERJbnIzQ3FjcWlOa3ZOSXYtY2VGQ2g4VFVFU244cEVNUE0wOWtFZVVHS01pZHJGQkZ6Tm9DRDIzUV9yTE9xQ3preDBCdWxJVzJRS0Ita29FUkJFbUpRbzJTbXZsRGpDQ1YwNlI1OD0= |
Start investing with Acorns today! Get $5 when you use my invite link: https://acorns.com/invite/EBGQ3J
Not only do you get $5 when you use my link but once you are signed up then invite 5 people to sign up as well & you receive $250.
Start investing with Acorns today! Get $5 when you use my invite link: https://acorns.com/invite/EBGQ3J | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxamJYN2NyT0JRMXlvb19mYjlRZG1EX21GSndOUE9jN3U3UjBUb0pkU3JlSTNlU1JNeHBLQXpyQkhUU2xoV0U4cXNBT2FHblFuSmJmRUNxZmxnblFPZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ajNrQ1liZW0za0loWFBaYWRRdVQ0a2dEdGpuWWM3T2NUQmRZVTVFZlJFak1EODQwUTMzMWMwcTJ2ZFRrYVBPaFN1bURka1otbHBmY2VWNXU4d2gzVDAyY0xMYndUM3B6MFNMY1NGZVR1X3F6Q3p4VUd5bDZPdmZ0VFJiaVNaWmhrc3VrQWFNTTVrYVBXNkFhMnNkeEVvTUtqamI2VzdobHh2YXk3THkzdmk4PQ== |
In this video learn how to improve stock market entry. You can day trade or swing trade. In swing trading you usually open a trade and remain in it for two days or longer. How much money do you need to trade? Can you make time to study and research your stock after working a full time job when you get home in the evening? Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/jane.vander.50](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=WP_q1wcjytEjFIV-oJmXx7nHGJd8MTU3MjkyMDgwN0AxNTcyODM0NDA3&v=Cj3Sz5_6_TA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fjane.vander.50&event=video_description) Pinterest: [https://www.pinterest.com/buyertrades](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=WP_q1wcjytEjFIV-oJmXx7nHGJd8MTU3MjkyMDgwN0AxNTcyODM0NDA3&v=Cj3Sz5_6_TA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fbuyertrades&event=video_description) Twitter: [https://twitter.com/premiumpage](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=WP_q1wcjytEjFIV-oJmXx7nHGJd8MTU3MjkyMDgwN0AxNTcyODM0NDA3&v=Cj3Sz5_6_TA&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fpremiumpage&event=video_description) Blog: [http://spiffyhour.blogspot.com/](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=WP_q1wcjytEjFIV-oJmXx7nHGJd8MTU3MjkyMDgwN0AxNTcyODM0NDA3&v=Cj3Sz5_6_TA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fspiffyhour.blogspot.com%2F&event=video_description) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVmlOWjU0VWhMRHVvU3ItaTZObTFVd2RBQXBDZGUwRXpIcC1nbFhta1FYVkpoaEFtQ2Q4Ny1hc29HYWlKbHpyX0dFUWlvRnRoY3BNaHhPSGtFZjM5aXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5TmhOVFhMMUg1MVlNZ3dWNHUycEM2NnVjY0pob2dLc1VtVWhrZ2c1UjFSZjBtM0VZQkN1Ql9WcEUzZmg5OGh3Z2lyQWlXdGI2S2NBZE1NZU40eXczSXVjVE04V2hfRW1JTmRuWDdGR3ZhLTBIYTI2Y01BZ21qN2x4ZlJzYm51aFFTTkFIZVRkakh6bDczbTFaUDJuZWNldUoySVVNanJNWDY2cWNQVGdRTXBsTWRqdmhYUGpHNXNVc3E2VENiUmhXeURuVmhXSFlteGxRdXdYbEd6NHBnUT09 |
One of the books that got me to transition from stock investing to real estate investing.
## The Book in Three Sentences
1. Rich Dad Poor Dad is about Robert Kiyosaki and his two dads—his real father (poor dad) and the father of his best friend (rich dad)—and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing.
2. You don’t need to earn a high income to be rich.
3. Rich people make money work *for* them.
## The Five Big Ideas
1. The poor and the middle-class work for money. The rich have money work for them.
2. It’s not how much money you make that matters. It’s how much money you keep.
3. Rich people acquire assets. The poor and middle class acquire liabilities that they think are assets.
4. Financial aptitude is what you do with money once you make it, how you keep people from taking it from you, how to keep it longer, and how you make money work hard for you.
5. The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind.
## Rich Dad Poor Dad Lessons
1. Lesson 1: The Rich Don’t Work for Money
2. Lesson 2: Why Teach Financial Literacy?
3. Lesson 3: Mind Your Own Business
4. Lesson 4: The History of Taxes and The Power of Corporations
5. Lesson 5: The Rich Invent Money
6. Lesson 6: Work to Learn—Don’t Work for Money
[**Here's a link for a 10 minute animated summary.**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpuqCTIAcbw) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxSURwdUVHdFJZaDBzOGowWDJubGZCdXl1aDdraXB1Nm1yNmVZU3Q0eThhUC01LTRON1h0SkdCTnNVb25ZRkNYSkJvbThsQWhFSDJCdklXRkRPTi15elE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5N1U0NnJhMGZhQzR5WWlsWGNNbnBEVkhUdzdUWHJCN2EzNlUwNUtxTm9hOW1uRE9sODl1Smh2MzhObVBVdmdqM3RpM29oMDEwb2tRYzVNb3dWbnVEQUJFTjluelZWelJ0S2d1R1haOVlRN3BPWGhWMDVfeW1WVFB0MWlLXzBZQm1kNlZHNGpYTkliWWFpOUZfZkdkRGpIeHBBQkxJb215YUp6MWVhamVXcmk3YmEwUi1hMXdmOS12YVRMUFFSWU9s |
Cool post here
https://www.reddit.com/r/StockTradingvideos/ | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxaVZKRExKZFpQNnk4LWZCTVlJN0NhVWRQWGNPX0VPRG53c3NzYzVnRU14MW1RSmZTb2dHdzQyY3NuRlZNQlVWRXUtTndwZi1JOHRxV3dBTmdIb1ExcWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5UGRINnRVUzNJUjlrMHJTU3Q3aGxQWllkQmEtSEk4di1xQjJjcWpjbFM0Z2sxdkhQYUU4LXdQRThQREtvQlg0WHNHeGkzTDFyRXpROENxTVNSQVFfUThqc3J6RDQ2TGJaZF85cC1LN0RjZjNMQmhESUM3OHRuY1ZLdWUzQVFMZzNCdGNya3ZGRVRMd3lFM2FGamplcmVTNnY4SWJ2emNraWpHT1ZHdnNYOXFWNjhKclNiUHEteFM2VGVQbmpicDNLRGpfZE53V3pvSGg1NVEwTklMTTJjZz09 |
There are different opportunies to trend against the trend using sma indicators and price action, etc. In this video you'll learn several strategies that work. | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxV3htbzl1a2pzcVpySkRPY3pTcHhYVURCVmdOanl4Zk5LRi1jZlVhWTRRVHRHeEZwNWdEN09ZekYwR19HN25RNGt3OE1EdFlIa3dFajRfVl9iNk5zcWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5eDRDZnBFZmhwNVU3dHFfQWRNS043cVpuRjZKb2VPNURwUkpVWUo5S05RMkpzYmlxblBOVExwamtRaDdmVFRaaHBQekdVaU1QVTBQaUhEY0NiSzNEWWJPM0g4eUZXOGhvSC0xS0kzTTZtZGpyS1VZeWloRTRTQkwyaEkzY1V0cHVKbTFlS0thY0VLSzRSMFpSd3RoUUdrM1lVakZOT01LaEdvcWpGZTRkSVphTE80X3NPU1ZFRm81UEFOb2dCMmd0cVdNQndkd0V3MmlCeDZjMFVHYmkzUT09 |
👍🏻 | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxYUMtZUVvSnVkamtyaThzcEh4ekUxU0VxSzgwNVZldUI1TVNuTVBNWmFmTVBSQ1dCeTVDNVF6Q3o2X3BUbTd6bzBUQzdaU040RVFianUwWE16WUNTTmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5OE9wUXlGTjRiZ0NVQVBJNWp4RkhzUFZiZktudk5hbXdPZXdObUxMcXZzVUJVci1qYjlKcTJHaS1HTVFzN3dJcEd3Y0VMdXJJU2I4dkVkRE1Md0o4bDRqdC10bC1oR0lFQ05CN1ZtRFRkRGxKWHZqQmlyOHVfcnJMcG5LNWUwRlN3VUVSeEthR0Fka1RoZHhMU2Z1eUhCaVJXMHV0UGZHaFRGcWNPZFRfdUF0MVN5bG05U2NsWTBYa1JJT2ZRcEpU |
I'm 23 and most advice ask me to invest from an early age ( I'm not that early). How do I go about it ?
What are the ways to invest bonds, stocks, index funds ( I don't even know the meaning of these words). I'm ready and willing to learn but I don't know how to go about it. | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxTWY0eGp3REhhQ1U1TEItUW5JTllWNmMxMndhcHJtVmc4Sy0tX1BsOTRfY25wRWVTVDNsdElON1piVm5zU21NWjNSRUFXZjBhQVc0ZzdwZXlFYWRRLUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5M1JfTFBwTkZRaVN6SWlNMUpLM1dMWWpOM1dpZlVBRklyU0o1R3VQdktCVzBYWG1oaDlVYVp4Z0lMZlYzcnhhUEI2RmNUcjVvcngyUVc4clR6MXQ5dk1Ca2hoOE9QUERVallmSE83TzNYb0d1T0xhZXJNbW1PQ1JyV0tsMnhrZ2pkY2Y1TmcyUzUyUmdJNmx6UGR1TEFqOU1XbXI4LWhCaWFGRHBMZmZKb2ZHV0ZSRXJaUUY4Q2hueVNqWHVIb3pnZXYtaUFQNTk0OEtZZ3RxbHJxaTZVUT09 |
I too am learning about this, what I know so far is that read, learn and asses your goals. Dont follow "experts" come up with your own plan and stick to it. Somewhere I read: spend as much time researching a purchase as it takes to make that money. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxeWxpQ29fbWc2Q2N6Szl1b1lmZUlheU8wbXZjVzZkOGtwUTJHTjJIYkNiVlN1RDV1dGx5OFZyM3N1ZWdpWW4tZTB1enZHRlVzSEF2aUJuSTg3TGRET3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ajE2bFBXaFh4ZE5JanVaeUFDZDJMLUxIQ3R1ZWFEa0l1cTQ2QW9kRkVsUTM4Tk5TOEpDTXg1akt5YzJlNWVfVGJXMzdMMF90cnR6SmVuYUhSWnZKMjRFS2V5Z1FvMVJwWll0UE1VSmxqUVl3QUtTRnp5a2U5ellqcHo4NlJNWWlMX0hhT3M3SmtQaE5pYVpfYVB1eV9CLTVYa2JpTFZ2dWR5OXVHUlNIOWZNbVJ3QlY3OV9LSTVmUG5Kbl9nVUVxLXFUbjM5bGw4MV9kV05VRTZ1akIzZz09 |
Really grateful 👍 | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMXJfSlBLcHREME1td296d0FIbnRXM01xS0pCb2tYaEpJTHpCbTl0T2JNcXRrX0hTM1NRS0V3ajhQOWlacXZJWGpoNmt0d0M4dllHRThJVXBFbmFFbVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5SU1kakJfRzNja09oMEZvTVcxNGpZdDc3dWZkdFdtRFo3amxIVXlYZUlQQnRiREphOW5rLUxRTUx6N0hPMlhCTmllYlA4R1RzbnZXZE1YSTBidEd6NVVsSFlJOHNSbl9oekNBOXZjRTF2VDI5cWFiZnJyQkJHWW1HbUx4LTV4WEdPSC1wTHJnREo5NGFfLTNXZGlBT1BLRk9FSGJLc3VtNjA4WUlZSld5QUlkOUhtRzktaENGZlZwbTNhbUQ3X044b0dIdnlIbEVrUER2ei1zcnZYME9kQT09 |
Read money master the game. And watch investopedia videos | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxWWJ2QkNtSGhPekRTNDBrR0E3UmNTZVdkYVJhNjNqS1NnZjdiWXJlLTItenpsamtIUnZMNTZLMUE0a1FjbmY5UzEtOTZVVldETzlSckxlemVDcV9HbXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5cVlSVkJCWVoxeWxMNF83UTlnbDBkdGJoUEd6VlFjSTlxdU5ELXhtSVNIaHZyU2tVXzE1WlRneHFzWHJqMHRLSjFJV1kzcFpic2RxcTJ1emxDSE9NWXVXYjZXQzdRMEV2TjRxZHRHY29Hd2R4QkFVb25BTWNRTHVNVGUwOFdiTGpEdDhjN2FOWnZSdjRBRWdBWXhXTi1mXzI5a1dsOXNDaVJYeWNuMGs3ZVVCNnBMdDRNMGZvN1lFcUxGTTRIemNZdnMzTHBMZXV4Nmw3bWVoZWsxaVFDdz09 |
I'm grateful. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxX0FYcFIwd09aM0haU1lOS1BZLXpzNk1ZemtqMVhUUFppZl83bVhMeUxja1VXUl9DNklSMklKMnZvQ2l4bzhaaW8zalFTdUdpZnRZNEJwUGtpWUI5cVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5VVlzZVpQWkNWZVVBTmg3LUhQMGN1WS1wN2VVVHNTSE9DczMtNTZPVzhaMlM1a0FLR2hTc2gtNXFMUjgwbWhtX3hGUEVDelNTLVV3bVFnc0dZRldFSlAxMjdBOFN5LUgtN1VVU3JIMWJPNkV2NW5FeHRLRmN1bXNYTGJfRGppNy1zdk9wZlh6X2dRWG1wTXQ0S2NrcnBfWi1lY3FqcFZ5bFFoZE9Qa3oyZzdaa2pCY253bnRHa2ZpbHhuQm9GXzllcTRYNzdZNkJFYjJrWWxyZE1pMnZuUT09 |
Tip #1 don’t be scared
Tip #2 think of the money you invested gone
Tip#3 If you buy to grow money slowly, buy and forget
Tip#4 make sure you factor in trading fees.
Some basic tips but honestly a couple of those maybe the most important tips | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxeTMzV29QY0ZwQzZKd0s0dzZBOWM2NklmdkQyaUx0ajNwdUV1TFlPN2twMTdobDNycW1wZ2c0Qm5jN3VNdlloU0tpRjJ1TTl0QlJDRkNyaUNVRVNmWEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5cFZ6ejRnOFo0bkgzOV9YTF84d092LVVYbG14YjlsdHEwTG42UXBxUlE1d3IwOWNKZlBZTjM1a1I2ZmQ0dHlWZEFjeEEzZmdBMThkcVAzUVlZMFBKZWdvRUZLeXhwVGNEYmFDaDZzZlRRU0F2dnJMQUZ2Mmg4Y3FSU0lMVGdRVG12azlxV0lldXltYTJENkV0blUyTzk3RldnRHN4STE2YkVyczRnanVSZ0JBSE9hcGROaTV0TGpCRGl0Q3ltXzVvQ21JMHFXVmh5b1lBRFJXNWNkWWJDdz09 |
#**Before we give our thanks, let me remind you that next month is when this subreddit gets the most traffic, if last year is any indication. That means that more people are willing to donate to the winner! [If you don’t want to miss it, click here to be reminded!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe!+December+20+2019+11%3A00+PM+%22Enter+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+drawing!%22&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=millionairemakers&utm_content=t5_34njs)**
If you are following along, I started gathering comments a bit late. All you need to know is I am doing three sessions, one at 5:55 UTC, one at 6:00 UTC, and another at 6:15 UTC, spanning twenty minutes worth of time if any of you wonderful people want to download comments using a prior script.
If any technical difficulties occur, I will add to this section.
**In Case You Missed It:**
* The /r/millionairemakersmeta discussion thread is up. [If you have any comments or concerns, click here to head over to the subreddit!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/)
* The previous winner, /u/slavren, is currently accepting donations! Pursuing a counseling career, donations will be going primarily to his goal, and 25% to the National Alliance for Mental Health. [If you would like to help, donate here!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/dl4hf9/winners_thread_47_happy_early_halloween/)
* **REQUIRED:** Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! *(Replying to other comments will not qualify. You must be thirty days old or older to comment.)*
* **A random user who commented will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire.**
* **You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media!**
* **[If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner through PM via the RemindMeBot, click here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&%3Bsubject=Reminder&%3Bmessage=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe%21+November+18+2019+11%3A00+PM+%22Donate+to+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+winner%21%22)** You can also be reminded by commenting in the thread: "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* **That's it!** [If you would like to see the extended rules and FAQs, or if you have questions yourself, click here to be redirected to the thread!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/) Additionally, look out for the stickied post at /r/millionairemakersmeta.
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few coins. Every cent counts.
If a lone $1 can get you gum from the store, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can prepare a meal, pay for your grandparents’ flight, and bribe that one annoying sibling that you *just know* will ruin the whole dinner.
A million dollars can save relationships this Thanksgiving. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
**Let's thank a millionaire!**
*You pull up a chair.*
*Tense, until you realize.*
*Your aunt Karen’s there...*
*^I ^want ^to ^apologize ^to ^all ^the ^Karens ^I ^may ^have ^offended.* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-11-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVWFBMTNNZ3ZTV2hMVXQ2RlhyeGVFZjRKQ01lQmp6Z0lkU1AwaHE2eXdkdE80Z2NvQzRYTGRXbFM1QXUzX0JLd0JVZUY2MXI2Y2wxMjQ5cHExd0JjSDNjV0dDUUZ0dW5XaDliUkRZczJCODQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5cWd4NnNhOWxheE9NeUZWYk40MDlwT1JzRmg3bHVVSWdSREhLR0JueVYxdlNnYUJneTB4WW9pN0pYRGxoanJISjF5ZmhKWnJES1Q1QTBuaUo3eDJXOGNnVHlwVkhfelI1c0VLemhiLUR3WlNTV0Vha3Y5YjFYOVVSdVJiSUVsdW1vN2s5a09IWGxuVmxKOWpBTFY1TVo0SkswZUEwbzNHTG9IRmxHdlZmLTFITmM3MnhYN2V6U1hLbGk0Ykw2d1dDN3hjTFN3VC13bVY2SFBLY1lRZjdhQT09 |
Hello, I read a lot about investing and advice is mostly from united states. Can someone please guide me where to start if you are in Canada? Is going to a financial advisor in a bank any beneficial or should i go to an investment company? Any other advice is also welcome regarding investing:) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxX3g2VW54eHpoekdhRWptWnZKekhMbzJyYVJUaENYZHdyWWViOTZMd2w0T0pnVVFiTVdEZHg4ZXlrYVFxd1B4VEhUMjRnaUJlSHZlZ01oODloTGs0S1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5UG5tYWRyYVVoaXNFZEpfNWdCcUJWTlFEZDNiY1VmV3JxamhnbVdiUy1ERW5yUURtaFdDbU5oWHREVExuN3ZWUW1aLXlTejlhYTRxWXYwM1IyVHpDdnJ1T0g4SlJWWjlOMUl6YjRjbmdaOHdNeFdVeDd3Y2F4UlBrV0k5bVBTY1J2OWM4aHFmS3ZiQ1hTWW9WMjZGa0YtM1k4Q3FNNktvVHBCVGlRdWtQc0tYRUtvYXhSaWNtUk81SzE5ZXZiUzJv |
#**Thanks to everyone for being so patient.**
Before we begin with the usual, I want to remind everyone to be reminded to enter December’s Drawing Thread (redundant, I know). If last year is any indication, December was when this subreddit has received the highest traffic, and as a result, more donations were given than normal!
**[There is a RemindMe link for the day of December 20 at 23:00 UTC,](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe!+December+20+2019+11%3A00+PM+%22Enter+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+drawing!%22&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=millionairemakers&utm_content=t3_dwyfsj)** and I’m sure none of the subreddit regulars will want to miss this one to kickstart 2020!
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. If you commented in the [[Drawing Thread]](), you are entered in the drawing and don't need to do anything else. By 16:00 UTC, the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, there will not be an asterisk near the time passed since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**DISCLAIMER:** *Some of the information may be unrevised, but procedures are the same as prior draws. Thank you.*
**Off Topic:**
The **[Discussion]** Thread at /r/millionairemakersmeta is open. All comments are welcome there for any inquiries.
**[Discussion #48]:** https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/dxna2c/happy_early_thanksgiving_here_is_a_meta_post_for/
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three blocks. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**Awareness for Fairness:**
*This post will not be edited!* This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators. To prove this, look for the lack of an asterisk near the time since creation.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #48, remove the first two lines, and upload the file to a SHA-256 generator, or upload one of the three trial runs. The output you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, download Python 3 and follow the path to the text file here: *MM48\Drawing\OfficialMM48IDs.txt*
**Status Reports:**
I will be commenting on the progress of the drawing via the comments, so other users can keep track of the progress. These comments will be pinned at the top of the post and be distinguished. Most likely, after 2:00 PM ET, the pinned comment will be announcing the winner.
If you can run Python yourself and follow the instructions, you should also be able to find the winner. Make sure the hash released from the blockchain and the total number of participants match with what is described below.
**Information Used For Draw #48:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jbv48uvdkwgc0ur/AAA5pHLtHdvksnsgZIdx8WS0a?dl=0
SHA-256 (hash.online-convert.com): edd3d0c462e37ec609c22879a6436427fbd32db8a99ad4e9e2d27382918e30ab
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/21vmoyvomyygmof/%28ALTERED%29%20MM%20Comment%20IDs%20Retrieval%20via%20PRAW.py?dl=0
Python Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/09krpkfvj84zqmi/MillionaireMakersDrawingCode.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yq8yrla8kn3ye4y/OfficialMM48IDs.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Bitcoin Block After 17 November 2019 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 3,716
*** | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-11-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMXpaTXAxaW9QSHVGeWQtN2xYdDJPSXlOek9lSXVuY3d1d0NUaFhFQkZoTmNZVzlpWFA0XzJMRmJZLXRKVEZaNndmSUVJbU5rS2g5OHQ1OVJkYnU0R3RqZzZRMHZSRVplMjVnZGZDM2FYWTg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5bzVoaW42eTVGMVBYdkZTbUxyU2N4MGI0NHE4WUJzS3hKRzllWkVfaENuNFNSUXBqbFItX0ZRRDM2ZHFYb2FUYVRzZEE3NUgyRzE1bTQzcmtsN0p0d1o0bzRGZmlaLW1MY1A5emJuNXluZXhZQzIzVVZaengwYi1RWWNLZTNLaHM0TEJWSnk5MUpXRGo5bGV1NUVqMlNBM0U3QWw5dEJNMGhHSl9vdXVyYzkxZHd5T254NW9OR3gzdVZGcFFQenJpTUl0eWQyQk9RWkpVbUY0amtNV1drZz09 |
Well this is extremely surprising to say the least. From the moment I came across it, I have been participating in Millionaire Makers. It has been about a year now(may have missed a month or two somewhere in there) and I have really enjoyed that we have been able to make impacts on people's lives all based around people donating out of good faith. I woke up Sunday morning and was playing some Destiny 2 with a buddy. During some downtime between missions I decided to open Reddit and what do you know, I have a message. It is such an overwhelming feeling to be selected and it was certainly unexpected.
A little about me! I’m a full-time college student who is beginning to study computer science. I work two part-time jobs and love to game in my downtime. This winter I am starting some training to be a volunteer ski patrol member with my local ski resort and I couldn’t be more excited for that. I intend to save all winnings and will be putting them towards paying for my next home when January rolls around. I have been fortunate enough to live in a place rent-free besides utilities for the past few months. This has really come at an important time when money is becoming tighter. Any leftover funds will sit in savings until I need them and of course my monthly Millionaire Maker donations. Thank you all so much!
I am limited on hard drive space to store chains for all the different bitcoin forks. I apologize if I am not using one you would prefer and understand if you are unable to contribute because of it.
Drawing: https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/dxngy4/draw_48/
Thank you to all who are able to contribute!
Edit: Busy day for me today but I just want to thank you all so much again! I will update with numbers for the curious tomorrow!
Edit2: This has been an amazing past 24 hours. I am so grateful for everyone involved here! Here are the numbers so far:
Google Pay|$50
Bitcoin Cash|$21
Reddit Tips|$7
Edit3(11/25): Numbers update:
Source | Money
Google Pay|$53
Bitcoin Cash|$23
Reddit Tips|$7
Edit4(12/21): Thank you to all who have contributed again since the December drawing thread went live. I have received nearly another $600 via paypal alone over the past 18 hours. You are all amazing! | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMnpXeVZZaVMwVkU2d1kyTEU0Y2xKNW5ON0hXeXpRb0I1eE5qWFF2ZTV3dGdrSk1hZjNHemdrYm5ZWnktOVZNNWJXVHZTS1VhcV92c0ZxX3YwV3g3QkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Y1dxVXJxdXVFTDBkWnBEUFlWRkxzSWtfV2NWZFFlZGJkWlQ5MjRralVoUk4zSXo4SGdaWVRmSE9XV0ZDZEtmajlPLVk0aVN1SGxKRWhmNUlSSDFBVXdOeTUtTDhlNTFadUNBX0VUaTNwNXg4SUtqdzR4UG5Jd2lXLW5TTXZ3SE9FWFA0SFR3R2Nta0s4XzZoVlVEcUZyUUtHcHAxbTVLVFIwZmdfZ0JNdFVSOFJjRWs2emVZVl84dDJuNWIxbU96a0pHSXBoNzRWdEJSUVpjR0tDQ3JfQT09 |
Everyone’s been predicting a recession for the last 10 years.
If everyone knew an investment was going to go bad then nobody would invest now but that’s not the case. If you expect markets to go up in the future then by waiting you are losing value. This is a pretty common question that’s answered millions of times. Just google or something.
If it makes you feel better dollar cost average. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZUl2RlBqWXNVdnRKNUpfRFFSTW0wY29fM1RKelh6RXBxRWczMUtUODlMSHI4MHhJTEpWLUQxLXZTcHVjMU1WOWgyT3h0QjBXVHl3dW9JQjZRLW1rS1luV0lWVThrMW5CSjUwaklQU1pJQjA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5b0dib3pLcmhxYVkwUnpnWTdLYVQ1NGlZVDVVQ1RsRXhPUXRFZjl3U1lfQm9RZm5mMkxsSVhJd2FrU1R5U0loQTc0VGdZa2ZVQ2xrMWZVYjJxdkdPM3FEZE4weWNlNmUwbGhtZGdYcG40cUFPNWhLd1RRS0NRYVpmZzhiSkhseFEtV3ZJckFTZll1LWpWSjFoUGVEMUNpZTlPSnRCelltOGM2Z1lvQzNER3RaV3l4WmFXWFFMSHloU3hjQjZOd2JxQnF1N3l6QmoyV3RVdWhtMjNmdWlCSEdsUXVFU0xjbllRNzJXMHo4UGFGTT0= |
After you sell shares for a profit, the cash will sit in your brokerage account. To spend this money on anything other than market securities you would need to transfer/wire the money from your brokerage account to a bank account. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZi1mcm5oMmJ4ZWx4cGhFckZ1QWdjd3BaSmlQRzI4R1BKd3ZGOTVBX1ltV3ViTmJRb1A1dXV5a2xGRlNJSXVTVndFQzJSMFgxYV9YdnJ5QzBzSHlLV0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5VGRSSFhsSGRvcjlFRi1YWTFXZ1RFX3pHLWQ1WnJ6eDdFU2JOSk1hUUo4X3JFdkg0N09vUlFpdEJESnNwaXNhM1M4MVVvUzE0aTAtTHROZXc5amRZc3N3UjYyNS0tNmFUWDhlZHdJMTd6ZnYxOXktdzBRMlk1ckJNNGhzcjkxZTIwSjF3MEE1eS1xeEF3RkVkSmF2a09aMmVmNDNobTBXLXRDYUxfVmtmUjhGM3k2YTZfcmpZWnRLMXFTcXFwZURISUVDd0JmcDdHRUkxeTNwdUxPMzBkUT09 |
The Investing for Beginners Podcast, Hosted by Andrew Sather and Dave Ahern has been an amazing tool for me when I was learning about the basics of investing. The podcast has lead me to all sorts of books and understanding of how the market works. Also, many strategies/philosophies are touched upon. I hope this points you in a right direction. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVHZzbFhnX3pabmU1Y0NHRWpyN0tlemx1V3I3LV9BWVhUNmpiZFhXZE9XRkdqUjNkMEFuMmNQRlVNUVk4TGxTcGtHZ1JGd1lFdmVER1ZYR2lfemZTV3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5UTlmN3RWcExMR240SUVXa2pwU0tRcFdtYU5pbUFWWHJFVXV0UDlSNzYwMm5vWjVudWg2d2JCZDRReVFGSFlVR0lrWUd5aG56a1ZMazlPZ1V6VFZGeTdnNF9zdDF5QW4tRVhzN1p3YlFHbEVsajJ5UUlFbE9Ed3BIdVdRX0dwYkg3VUpfQmdORDNKMEVhb0h1RlBpRFVfRzhFMkNIbWtkRnlIWFRGQmgyeXE4S2pDODlHQmQ5Znk4azJHemktX2dxRmFNdTVLcnZsb2NPUzV4UFFPcks4UT09 |
I am coming into a little money next month and aim to put £1k into an investment. The rest I will use to pay off a car and put into my savings account for emergencies.
I had thought I'd put this 1k into a managed fund, but have head now about index trackers. Which would you recommend? I'd be lookin | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxeDBlSk81VjByY2Y2VnZfQ0JDLWVnNUxlNFZ3a01HbkhxbG5DMGY0R3BWakpzNVFNWHdwM1VwenZMRzhiN013SUh3b2Z1Smk2R3AxQnNWZWFHaTU5VGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5V2QybzF3YVFuM3ZMY2FULTNaUURNZTY1c3ZIZ2dPVkFBUzRoNGhaVGh5d2l3TjZvR3dPSEs4SmFOYWFXdHZGRXdYTmh6NEhTX3k2TEZSeS10WF96ZXp0MWdLaDNwU0lJVXJCSHFDSnRmdDJreUNQM1prNTluMmtmRHpKY0Y2eElCMFQtU0h6UUdCVldlSm9aSGVjNVlWWVRNWjUtdjhid1ZYU3BMUWNPNDBfdnNNQ1MwTWhYSFk5a1E3SGJ5MXhf |
Oh now it makes a lot more sense. Thank you | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxd3pyMmllZlREbks1bWZJTm13VW8xLUhRTHEtY2laTmhwWFJPcW12ZDktTWwxd2tuajBTMmNwWVUtdnFsUXRTZUc2Ym4tZHRkNjVoUjdmS0Q1a3c5Ync9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ZTFoT0IwcWl5WHNmVUV5bEFuR1ByNjJjNGktZVBQTVNKVkw1R2dzQ2R4Ung0Sl9DVmdpVjJsRGVTQXh5QWh1eXVPSjVjazBBa3o3QlNJM0Rob0laYkt1M0YxY290eDFHWVFhQUVzYXhKdmFDcktlcXhkSE93M0dlQVZhRGRtSktvU1dKemhSODFHajlEYU5qT0RjVWFsSWxpcGppMXRfeTdKT1llUEEwcEJLSGw1cFlDb09ia2VNcFZNUWwzVlczY25taGNxbGxULTNZeW5xVlZCYXFHZz09 |
Also if the shares you purchase pay out a dividend that cash can be transferred over and over as long as it pays a dividend. Most stocks pay quarterly (4x per year). | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-11-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxQVgtMzQ2bnhvaUhOM1RibFFGZHRfYjdyY3UzS2VRbEttbTkzLUowNk9pd2xaWi1SdHBIMkdGRVZnNFJhMFdrVFBkYjVIbUdJVjkzM0xNQlJsV09SNHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5WGduU0tYd2VzdTU3S1NTY3JHcVYxYTJDa3BrTF8ydHNxd2VzR1dlczJ1XzRET1V1SXdpbzJEYXgtcXc0cC1zbmMtQjFaLWJydlNEckdSZEZmaU9iVW8zeFlUVWtYYVFJbVhVZ29xRk92b08xZkVzTXQyeVltZGlBLTFHbi1DcDRjV1pOalVSS1BXLXZwWHdqSWtIbi02VDhWR3ZTVmZMMk9XelBRVk5mQldITE9BN3lmNmVHWTZQRGRnTUpBOEpRNi05OXprVEpqbWoxb1I3TTlZMHpSZz09 |
Growth is the norm, not the exception. If you have a long-enough investment horizon, you will almost always benefit from a diversified portfolio.
That being said, I'm a hypocrite and am waiting for a crash to come along (I also don't have enough excess funds to make an investment worthwhile). | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-12-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxV3JSLTJ4dzl2VC0zNUw1LVBXZHR2VThhbElpNXdNRHIwV1VvaXhudlhxN3IyQkp0UU93NU5lekFWRFQ1Q3EzT1diOEtCZ3llZkZ0LVdDZzYtX0tmTFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ZVFmZTJEY3FxMEtnMUJTay1sN1RSLVl0R1VIREtvZlkwWnRlQVVOaS0xejFEaDFfamtEY2JGQV9ibnZoOHRwTjRnN1ZRWV8xMVZfcmJwcDhCLXFNUXZLcU1LNE05dUdpZ3ZYU0RaOVFQZTh0dXhJS2NYN3BhUlZFeWxSaXFwMFJWZ0R4NWVMMV9vQl9iX0stdkZJenhYaTB5QlRjX3FPQmRpSjFZZW5ubzN6aEZmbXdFTkwzQ0syVmdkbXBTMTRibmlmeENwS3I2aWR0ZGVNcDhYTFZQdi1QeS1PcGNRVG4zS3g1R2liYzRfUT0= |
must watch | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-12-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxendDcjRLeTYzY0JHeHY5Ui1MREdFVm1KdUZaMVNkVVJjZEQ4LVpYNWVJODU0cTBvcmszRHY0RVlFZWd4MGJ3cDRia01nTmNCWXV3dW53QmZMbVpDSWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5RGU2TkVhVUZieV9wRGtQSkVYQjJrWk5SbGlNOEZhNjBsUnR1di1PY0E0cWR5ekpDRmM3OWNHa0x4M0VsTEtLRGgtWGJaSDZLQzI4WWVZdVBNMGFkM2pVT2I1WUFSM09FQzJaT3pPVXJQd21fV3g2WGptczNGRENFZkdoYnNGRWFhZ2RDZWhwRGJmVFg2Q0xJTUd3d2ZRbXdlVkJzMlV3WUpHSXljeThLZE1UMFRHaE5OVHY3dThkbG5qMFhDVVVpRkxyZ3lHTEI2UTVlaHMxdUVmMWlIUT09 |
You now have a claim to a stock like Apple, Ford, or Facebook. In order to keep this claim to your stock, sign up and join Robinhood using my link. https://join.robinhood.com/justicf14
This link will get you started with a free stock and help you and your investing portfolio grow! | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-12-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxX3VqSDFrT3NYUjFDS2RNQjd1bUV5SFdiS0JFajVJbVhKR1FPVW1TMnE0OXV6MkRDU0trMU1xRDRzbmthUDdpek5MRDRGR3J2V1VJWnc5Q0VPTUpqeFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5NV9rYkwzUTI5bTZRc2M4TG1xdEFGU1pJVkRWNWVsN0JVVGY4OUNoWlhvZlRHVlhEeHR1UTd4VUgxbU1OeDhpeXNUbENzZVgtZWtDQnJvLU8xb1VVaEVpOHVUZDFvLWQwdWR6REtIT3ZTNkh4Qi1SMzd0MUtlOGdRX3o5ZUtSRW4wV0V2YUlINHoxM3N2MGZjY25VZE13N0tXc1RsdUhXcG1EMlg5NXN0MnRmUGIyWWZhd2RJZmlzSE9yN184M0Iy |
Your free stock is waiting for you! Join Robinhood and we'll both get a stock like Apple, Ford, or Facebook for free. Sign up with my link. https://join.robinhood.com/jessich582 | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-12-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxSkdNY0Yta1pnaE9NZzNNa0ViZjByRjVZVm80VHV1V3l0ZTFxNEdtcXFRVGZ0VlpreVhVSENrLU1NTFJHZHVrQlZTWVA4MTk4YmdQVDgzUDBvaW9TTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5MVllN290Njdya0ZZQjhKY0tNSmI0bWt4X2F6MmNUeXRPSEFyem5XMng5bjB6S1NGNDFXSGlfazJKUFlGUVJGQWxlM2drTTdyRUtCNngwWnBOeW82Tk1IY2UtOS1abDdISTVEZG9YS1dLVFYtc01fWnY0dF9CeUpMTDA2LWc0bEc3ZmRteWNmX2RjaDF0YU4xNmhRMkZKVHZIUm1Fa0NfWDUxa0dXMlhxSGk4MWw0cGtWSmVQQW1iZ29aYnNGc1lxNnJyNzhRWGdCM2luUTFISVVNbkMtdz09 |
You spam every trading subreddit with these shit videos every week. Just stop. No one gives a fuck about this garbage. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-12-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMEI4c29lWUg4ZENDcmhma0tYY01BUW5SdFVSbnFhZ0R0b3pXVnhQV25JNEwyekVHankzdmNpdHZVVDJCTUNUNGhjYVMxaURKcnViMThVRk1jQm92ckE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Wnp0YXVMOG9XMzB6cUY2ZVBLeE1SQ1dxRV9CRlRma2NxRkdYaFdndjd4ZTVyZEt1R2hlbm5XbU9ZY00xWUEybXM2Qy01dF9kR2NLTm4zSXh0VjA2d2RmRFkzcGFzMWQ0SjVULTdZWmRaTzUwY1hOMTNJRWdFSXhBWmNqWWxVU284Vk15VGl4OFcwWENuWEZRR0RSVENZSXFVQmFwNGRTUTRCLXZlZUo2NkxKZXR6YlZ6aHhqb2cyczRKMzZNRmNOdnducW1rdXVlcFFCZlZ6d3huYnJFUT09 |
Jesus he sounds about 10 | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-12-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMnNSOGJyeGVxZ3BILVllenlEd1ZKMzY4UTItcy1ZOU1qLURYZGgzdnVQQW9weTdGLUlicnFKVk5SLVA2b0pZbzBKcEx6VU1hSU1fd1lqZ0FUUlMwOHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5elhXUUVvbnVRM0ZzUXFfQllQazBjX3pRZkdkcDIzb0RrUGR2Zzd4VFN4Ymg5UGtXdUpoNWlZMVUxUUxoU3hqd0pLRzJtU21QSzNEQXVCOS1lOHlSbGp5Y213X1llTzZ2cVRWMUZMSXhsMk82a1FvVXdQWTIyYkxXcWtIQkdzR2RoLUkydWtzcnMxYU1MU1k1S1l4Y0tXVzlMNE5LaGNBTUIzUW50aUh4TTFSLXZUTVJFMTdlbXhEckRqYU5zaTBUWWpzc1YwNENTcy1iY3psY2hCWE9qQT09 |
Yikes | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-12-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxRi12YnVqaXdNY2VKMXMxUGFEQjlNdkpyeVlaa3dtYkYxSDJ4QmdPV0NVNVpCOUlkdVV6UGlLcjR5VmJRUVJ6Q0Z0QzZkU3Y1MjJIUXR2YVN5N1AyVnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5bnk5VnBqNy02SVk0LTZfSHNnS3BibHpiWGd0YmozYlFtNmcwUmRZU1lxc00zeEhQNzRkV3dWcjBlRGhaT2p0NEhhTWljdEVDaHZOdXlZZ0h5bFdmREJ3anpEaGczY1pLUTdzdUtCYS1uRmJubjJvR0hqNkZzMXhXV1B4YW5vX0l0U1BucFJNYkFvN3NtSUptbHNQbnE1anVHU0NlR0xEVk42X01tY2ViTGR6T2JQT0Ruc1Z1RTBFV1dtalFFVzJvOEtBckZyeGR1cDlxanRxQkVPQ1Jndz09 |
Hmmm | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-12-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxNDR6WW5leVBDSDVsQnBoWFpWcG5LaklVekY5ZUFRN3FkYU9SbllxcWlzb1BvMzFacFhQY1FVSFNrbTJrN1hNV3g5RGtqc3htaDVfeWtOdFpISzRQdXlvV2pFUnBtWUYzak9aM2l4UThmS2c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5bWlic2ozUEI4VUZxZVhJR1l4OFc5aE5qTGpVMVl5Q2xZcEVieVUxaF9JTWJRZlB0ZzVQRHFzeTlITndjR3RNVnd0Rmx0MGdEcHhIT2lVYl8tdmFUYWVSSm45WXllOVFXUXNHV1NTaDZvMW84RVViemJWaGdmaGpESExpWEtTN0x4V3dHM2xlbm16TWhlUkVUTUxINEhlVnVNZEc3bTVXSHRXbU9nWTdZaVNTdHJVTzVSVE1WSXlRT29RQ0lDd1BWcnBkVFRLbE1vd3FRT3dMQzMybXIzQT09 |
wort h a try. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-12-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVFlDanBMU2VTZWxreFpUendma0JDaFphYmFrVkc5ZHpza1daUHR0bmUyZnJvR0VRQkppSXF3MDRNbkprcEJrbW1XQUV2VC14b3JkMnp3aTNaYjU3d2FoczdFT0pVblpOd1JnYUVxYTNoNGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5dzRVeW9fVVYyZzUzZ2NuN1loR3B4c3VmU19abzk3YTZ1eDBiaF9TblRidWtfMkdRaWxjaE9ncC1tNnFuWUU0WkpZYnowVTZ4MGRRQXVtRWdhM2lKbEFoQnpwOTd0OXRhRl90NWo5ZFA3Y0tqN0VROHJlMmx5ZzBCNHcxS0hPM1VHT0dnUmJyQm05aXRQNW9kM0dhcHoxUzREZjVGb21talNKYnlJWU9ud3VWQ2pnYmY1QW5ESkZUT2w3RFhSVDljaVVWTmhveldSQmpKSUQyV3NOOEMtQT09 |
#**Make sure you upvote!** There is a correlation between more participants and the amount of donations the winner will receive!
#**PART 2: https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/edq7ov/apparently_users_came_by_so_fast_that_reddits_hug/**
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final **[Drawing Thread]** of the 2010s. It’s been a wonderful decade with you all, but now we must look forward, into the future! For 24 hours, we will be gathering comments. Do you have a Reddit account that has an amount of organic activity and is at least a month old? Then you already qualify! Leave a comment in here and our selection process will randomly pick a winner! To go along with the holiday spirits, may you have a happy new year!
Also, welcome to anybody and everybody coming from /r/popular and /r/all! The holiday season is when this subreddit gets the most traffic, and we are beyond welcome to have you here! Like the regulars who have entered the drawings every month, you are welcome to leave a comment and enter the drawing. Your odds of winning this are much higher than that of a televised lottery, and even better, it’s free! Take the time to explore the subreddit and stay tuned this Sunday at 11 AM ET (23 UTC) when we pick our winner!
**In Case You Missed It:**
* This is done every month, we will be doing this again starting with January for our 50th Drawing and the first **[Drawing Thread]** of 2020! If you would like to be reminded, set a calendar reminder for January 17 at 6 PM ET, or [click here to be reminded through the RemindMe bot via PM!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe!+January+17+2020+11%3A00+PM+%22Enter+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+drawing!%22&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=millionairemakers&utm_content=t5_34njs)
* I (the writer) am currently on winter break and will take the free time I have now to future-proof this subreddit. I will add a Dropbox text file with all of the dates for 2020 in the upcoming hours, and will update the list of past winners in the subreddit sidebar (if you can’t see it, use [old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com)).
* Our last winner, /u/Phantom_Viper, is currently accepting donations! A college student and a hard worker, donations will go towards savings and to future winners. [If you would like to contribute, donate here!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/dyn0km/winners_thread_48_truly_giving_thanks_this/)
* The /r/millionairemakersmeta discussion thread is now up! This is for users who have any questions to the moderators, or for those wanting to commentate on the environment here. [If you have any comments or concerns, click here to head over to the post at the subreddit!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/edkff5/theres_plenty_of_traffic_at_the_christmas_party/)
* **REQUIRED:** Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! *(Replying to other comments will not qualify. You must be thirty days old or older to comment.)*
* **A random user who commented will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire.**
* **You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media!**
* **[If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner through PM via the RemindMeBot, click here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&%3Bsubject=Reminder&%3Bmessage=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe%21+December+23+2019+11%3A00+PM+%22Donate+to+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+winner%21%22)** You can also be reminded by commenting in the thread: "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* **That's it!** [If you would like to see the extended rules and FAQs, or if you have questions yourself, click here to be redirected to the meta subreddit!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/) Additionally, look out for the stickied post at /r/millionairemakersmeta if you have any questions.
Sunday at 11 AM ET (23 UTC), we will be picking our winner, and you won’t want to miss it. The post will be labeled **[Draw]**, and one comment will be selected out of the many made here to make a winner!
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few coins. Every cent makes cents, and counts!
If a lone $1 can get you a stocking stuffer, even if it is a bag of candy or something small, then imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. Christmas will already be better, you can get the 4K television you always wanted, plan a family night to get out of the house, or make a flight to the significant other you’ve been meaning to for a while.
A million dollars can make someone’s holidays. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
Finally, for one last time this decade:
#**Let’s make a millionaire!**
*Lights filled with delight.*
*Christmas tree to make one see.*
*The joy here tonight.* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-12-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxN1k1Z3RMYTlER3h2eGJ0NzFvSEpRSnBoRDkyd3hnS2d3UUE2ODl2aVdhSURUMElQeFlBRW5jZjdIZm1CWHkySHBSM0s1TkpadFdhWk9lWG9idDNDOWRPWTA4UllQMWtDbkVzX1ZiVUM5RWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5T0dGa2JyZHdZb0lHWS1UMEZPcjFOUThqbl9pZjBzMl9BeFpudlFMbFNjaVpUNXBhcXJSZl9XdGZ4VVZtUWx3TExiLUx2eWREa2ZObjAtdFJaRlFieWFfMjB1TFJDQ0g4YXhzUXhfclN5a3JtQURMMUJiRUs0aXpHMUpkUG9vSVdndGxNYkpsZ3FWeFcwanR3TkpqNmI4ek80M240dTRoa192dl9IQTdWQVNKRGt1VFBjWVJQRDlWemtYclBwY2VaLTVmU0J0RzNTeXlxNnNFUE9WSGstQT09 |
#**This is the season finale! The end of a series! If you haven’t made a comment before, make sure you leave it before the clocks turn ~~6~~ 9 PM ET! Also, make sure this is upvoted to get as much visibility as on the original thread!**
#**This is a follow-up from the original post! If you have already made a comment, DO NOT MAKE ANOTHER ONE! Doing so will disqualify you from the [Drawing] if picked as a winner.**
#**PART 1: https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/edhj2m/not_only_is_it_about_to_be_christmas_but_today/**
I’ve moved the sections, “Clarification” and “What’s next?” to the meta post. Fun fact, Reddit posts have character limits!
Also, there’s been a brief problem with comment collection: https://youtu.be/7UBLBU92dmI
I will by trying again in thirty-minute intervals, starting with 1 AM ET, then 1:30 AM ET, and will go on continuously until I found a solution that works. I will write this down in the **[Draw]** post for full transparency.
I also forgot to initially delete my comment in the Part 1 post. I have just removed it.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the final **[Drawing Thread]** of the 2010s. It’s been a wonderful decade with you all, but now we must look forward, into the future! For 24 hours, we will be gathering comments. Do you have a Reddit account that has an amount of organic activity and is at least a month old? Then you already qualify! Leave a comment in here and our selection process will randomly pick a winner! To go along with the holiday spirits, may you have a happy new year!
Also, welcome to anybody and everybody coming from /r/popular and /r/all! The holiday season is when this subreddit gets the most traffic, and we are beyond welcome to have you here! Like the regulars who have entered the drawings every month, you are welcome to leave a comment and enter the drawing. Your odds of winning this are much higher than that of a televised lottery, and even better, it’s free! Take the time to explore the subreddit and stay tuned this Sunday at 11 AM ET (16 UTC, typo originally here) when we pick our winner!
**In Case You Missed It:**
* This is done every month, we will be doing this again starting with January for our 50th Drawing and the first **[Drawing Thread]** of 2020! If you would like to be reminded, set a calendar reminder for January 17 at 6 PM ET, or [click here to be reminded through the RemindMe bot via PM!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe!+January+17+2020+11%3A00+PM+%22Enter+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+drawing!%22&utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=millionairemakers&utm_content=t5_34njs)
* I (the writer) am currently on winter break and will take the free time I have now to future-proof this subreddit. I will add a Dropbox text file with all of the dates for 2020 in the upcoming hours, and will update the list of past winners in the subreddit sidebar (if you can’t see it, use [old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com)).
* Our last winner, /u/Phantom_Viper, is currently accepting donations! A college student and a hard worker, donations will go towards savings and to future winners. [If you would like to contribute, donate here!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/dyn0km/winners_thread_48_truly_giving_thanks_this/)
* The /r/millionairemakersmeta discussion thread is now up! This is for users who have any questions to the moderators, or for those wanting to commentate on the environment here. [If you have any comments or concerns, click here to head over to the post at the subreddit!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/comments/edkff5/theres_plenty_of_traffic_at_the_christmas_party/)
* **REQUIRED:** Leave only **one** (1) top level comment to this thread OR the original thread! *(Replying to other comments will not qualify. You must be thirty days old or older to comment.)*
* **A random user who commented will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire.**
* **You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media!**
* **[If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner through PM via the RemindMeBot, click here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&%3Bsubject=Reminder&%3Bmessage=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe%21+December+23+2019+11%3A00+PM+%22Donate+to+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+winner%21%22)** You can also be reminded by commenting in the thread: "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* **That's it!** [If you would like to see the extended rules and FAQs, or if you have questions yourself, click here to be redirected to the meta subreddit!](https://reddit.com/r/millionairemakersmeta/) Additionally, look out for the stickied post at /r/millionairemakersmeta if you have any questions.
Sunday at 11 AM ET (23 UTC), we will be picking our winner, and you won’t want to miss it. The post will be labeled **[Draw]**, and one comment will be selected out of the many made here to make a winner!
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few coins. Every cent makes cents, and counts!
If a lone $1 can get you a stocking stuffer, even if it is a bag of candy or something small, then imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. Christmas will already be better, you can get the 4K television you always wanted, plan a family night to get out of the house, or make a flight to the significant other you’ve been meaning to for a while.
A million dollars can make someone’s holidays. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
Finally, for one last time this decade:
#**Let’s make a millionaire!**
*Lights filled with delight.*
*Christmas tree to make one see.*
*The joy here tonight.* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-12-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxenI4aDhkRWNyMlV1bTdDZ3VMY2JtREJCRGdXamZhdm03V1NMYXk1ZHZMb3BZdjZlbXhnX3ZlUkJDNEU5bFhsR01RVE5rOEx0Smo1VUFLNXhfLUV1ZkRSb3lYb3ZlVmRkZ2k3c3UzRWlhWG89 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5eFZyNGJnTGw5eGY1WFc3ZEdaQ2RDUU1fdWJiUTZUbU8wNTF0YzVsY1YzS2RSczJzbGxDaVZFb3hRZzAtNzdSWVh4V0laYkxjNWxxemZUZWRhZWE3VnAxdER6cW42SWtiR29zQTdfUUhNVG5tbUxCQnNFN1E5Qk00WEFVa0czYU42U0tqNk9yVy1ZSWNKME5JeVRnMWIwUmlxMkZzVDdkbnAwTE92NWowdjlBSWVXdjhtQTdrNmw5QXZXaC1xQ3dhVE9qcFdFVFZvS0pSeVdaWUFqd2lIUT09 |
#**Honestly, you all are amazing.**
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. If you commented in either [Drawing Thread] posts, you are entered in the drawing and don't need to do anything else. By 22:00 UTC, the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, there will not be an asterisk near the time passed since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**The Problem:**
So, there were so many comments that our script broke! In case you haven't seen the original thread, the comments overwhelmed the PRAW package that it just stopped both times.
Here's the video for your interest: https://youtu.be/7UBLBU92dmI
**The Solution:**
Alright, so I'm no programmer. The most I've ever done to a piece of code is adding "/nHash: 'Hash'", and that's nothing.
If you're a programmer, your help will be greatly appreciated. Please leave a comment or directly PM /u/lilfruini. Thanks to \/u/TyrSniper for the help in letting me know what to do.
**The Schedule:**
19:00 UTC (2:00 PM ET) - Comment retrieval will be done as through Draw #38, and the two different post retrievals will attempt to be performed at the same time.
19:30 UTC (2:30 PM ET) - If they weren't able to be performed simultaneously, a retrieval of Part 2 will be performed.
20:00 UTC (3:00 PM ET) - A different version of the comment ID text will be created, with the SHA-256 hash inserted in the first line. These will combine Part 1 and Part 2.
22:00 UTC (5:00 PM ET) - **Drawing Information** will be stickied in the comments (most likely before), and the wait for the Bitcoin hash begins
Thank you. | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-12-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxYWtieHlBQnNZRmJKdy0tT1RfXzFWdFEzbGZ2bGpSZnpuZm5MR29GcEQtNFFLaFlYaHdQM3dYR0tDVkdvdHR5dWNjb1RZaVBqM2xVeU90cW9BSlZCbU5KTG9pSTdqVVg0ZjVid0lvQi1iVE09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5M29JMFFVaWg4LWdWYllyQU1WaW9NZU5VN1JoOVAxcFFfQWpLdGRrbGpHVnZGblpWbUpLbVJqUW5EWjBCeVROQ3RZWmMyQUtoVy1xN3gyOXVQUHZjOFFwd2xTM3drR2hSSXdqc1JERVBVek45cXNRWTVEdlFrQ2w4dlJBMnVkaHNiNEFVaHpHNFVUNzg5Tmt6SU1hRHBWM3hteUV5Sjd0VDRFUldydWFjLWpMR3FUMVRMRjlJYVJoVEZSWXNYbUVJRTZaSjBEQnI0c1hYTHRpZm1vZ1l0UT09 |
This has honestly been an amazing experience, just seeing the notifications pop up made me feel fuzzy inside. Never expected to be the winner of a drawing that had so many participants (hence the ampersand comment lol), and I’m still in disbelief at my luck and all the kind messages that I’ve received from all of you.
I’m currently a student studying political science while doing some freelance work on the side when I have the time. I’m planning on putting this money towards new cushions for my cat to file her nails on, and maybe a little towards student loans if there’s anything left after that. I still live with my parents and grandparents, but I am in Southern California, so I don’t think it’s that unexpected. I spend most of my free time playing video games (xbox and pc), basketball, and noodling around on my guitar.
Can’t wait to pay it forward as this sub goes on, think it would be amazing to crowdfund a millionaire one day. Thank you for all your donations, it means a lot to me, more than I could write up in this post just so I don’t reveal too much personal info. Wish I could message you all individually but that probably isn’t realistic, so thank you for your contributions and I hope you all have a happy holiday season, I know I’m going to thanks to your generosity.
Everything listed should result in direct lines of payment to /u/ahyeg. We ask all users to donate at least $1 USD. The Drawing is also listed for users who want to see the results and confirm the validity of the winner.
Drawing: https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/ee6mzd/draw_49/
PayPal: paypal.me/ahyeg
Google Pay: [email protected]
Square Cash: $ahyeg
Bitcoin: 1MTHhAxfHuDnHujU1SDiUgK3vvzHNQkSse
Bitcoin Cash: bitcoincash:qq44mjry0er660z93dvcwmy6qhtrum83lg4nyaqagm
Litecoin: LdAejKxk9mWShfTBTJUzikXuTYWzRYpTqY
Nano: nano_18jqjbtjn6i1gtd13t9jrh5ob3sax4gonqonqdhnskwcj5rff3m9crsa8hga
Ethereum: 0x42A9ebBb7940F1c35DA2445c96F140788fF3981D
Venmo: @ahyeg
Its been less than 24 hours but I still can't get the goofy smile off of my face, all of you are absolutely amazing. Everyone giving what they can adds up so quickly that what may seem like an insignificant contribution can make a big difference at the end. The best part of this has been seeing how kind so many people are, it really helps to reinforce that idea of "faith in humanity", that we can all put a little effort towards making a difference because you've all certainly helped make a difference in my life. My entire family's been blown away by this, my cat is still none the wiser, but I assure you she's been getting many scratches on your behalf. I've attached a total so far (hopefully my formatting is correct), it's not quite a million yet but it's certainly insane to think about. Hope you all enjoy the holidays and I'll try to post updated totals when I can. Thank you all again!!
|Square Cash|99|
12/24/19 5:00am pst
|Square Cash|265|
Update 12/26/19 8:32pm pst
|Google Pay|380|
|Square Cash|369|
Update 12/29/19 4:04 pm pst
|Google Pay|411|
|Square Cash|376|
Highly Requested Cat Pic:
https://imgur.com/gallery/4rGx1k6 | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-12-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxekRNRjFtQkN2blR1bzRxVU5sUW5WMUdkakdfMjRUcWhfZl9PNGFCN2RyNVp6UmhXVS04a0lhanoxcmhGbzFLbnFzamVOV2YwX3M0aWxTYkNFNU01RHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5U2RCb2dyV29RRmhVZVFxRUpLWFE3VWN3MVpHbk9PT2p4YVZiUmpDTnhkS3cydlIwbXdUTkJZZW9QWGpHN2g5UEs1SUt2OFE2dGlkbjRMNlVYWVA2a0NUdzZWM1ByZTJSSjhlNHlQXzhYaHd2VWt3ejFwTDFyb2Exb2ZEcVdqQlBKeUl5NlZoUTdaczNUbjBNMDZ1MldGT0ZTVzBldDhYRHAwZnZ2ckJLRzViTG9MUUlIQWZUQ3hySmFNZGhleEhRdERpeGlfYXNOWVpKbS1HX0dXdXlGUT09 |
Hello everyone,
I've been an active investor all along and recently embarked on oversee investing, since my family and I would love to have a holiday’s home somewhere in Southeast Asia: No country in particular but intrigued by indonesia, Bali, I started looking at that first. I looked at this site Invest Islands which has sponsors promoting Lombok Island and Sumba island as their main markets. Anyone has experience with Invest Islands deals, or Indonesia in general? They’re not focusing on Bali tho, which is my first choice TBH. | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-12-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxckJJTzZJN0tHNEQ5amFUTmE3aFQ5WEhWR0dxT2w1ZHFzU25sak5tWE0zUXppQnFNVEVnWklxbmdiU3JnQUx1TXo4dGdfcTZaOWJTOU9MeHRnbV9jZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5UDBtNVJwaHdJakxQWTVYR3RWNnNsRnJ5SHdwWWlEcUhkbl9FbmVCekY2RjFYNTNNTG9pcTdsXzVqYTJBUUVacmJnN3gzUXhwZjJiRE1RQnRqbFFRbHo1RHhzWUpRbFhWMEs0SFFwVjBsM21Oa213aFZxUXV2bEdOUF9uNktJMkt0b3lpemQ0LTFDcVJDcktHZW9PUEV6OVRqWkV0YTk3WHJXZUsyaVJ0VnRkdFVuYzNodUZfRGV1N09Ed0tQam5RMU5BZUpYOTV6ODljQktVYzd1dlZ5UT09 |
**EDIT: Discord link has been fixed!**
We are looking to add new members to our /r/FinancialCareers Discord server!
##[> Join here! - Discord link](https://discord.gg/NAwT4GBnWB)
Our professionals here are looking to network and support each other as we all go through our career journey. We have full-time professionals from IB, PE, HF, Prop trading, Corporate Banking, Corp Dev, FP&A, and more. There are also students who are returning full-time Analysts after receiving return offers, as well as veterans who have transitioned into finance/banking after their military service.
Both undergraduates and graduate students are also more than welcome to join to prepare for internship/full-time recruiting. We can help you navigate through the recruiting process and answer any questions that you may have.
~~As of right now, to ensure the server caters to full-time career discussions, we cannot accept any high school students (though this may be changed in the future).~~ We are now once again accepting current high school students.
As a Discord member, you can request free resume reviews/advice from people in the industry, and our professionals can conduct mock interviews to prepare you for a role. In addition, active (and friendly) members are provided access to a resource vault that contains more than 15 interview study guides for IB and other FO roles, and other useful financial-related content is posted to the server on a regular basis.
Some Benefits
* Mock interviews
* Resume feedback
* Job postings
* LinkedIn group for selected members
* Vault for interview guides for selected members
* Meet ups for networking
* Recruiting support group
* Potential referrals at work for open positions and internships for selected members
Not from the US? That's ok, we have members spanning regions across Europe, Singapore, India, and Australia.
##[> Join here! - Discord link](https://discord.gg/NAwT4GBnWB)
When you join the server, please read through the rules, announcements, and properly set your region/role. You may not have access to most of the server until you select an appropriate region/role for yourself.
We now have nearly 6,000 members as of January 2022! | r/financialcareers | post | r/FinancialCareers | 2019-12-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxcGsyNVdpOGVhNndqNnZyRVB0RUdFT3BKbWJDYi04eEFZbGwyR1BKWDh3YzRReFpYcm1ZRTlBMDVGV250ZnhvTmZvMXZ5eDJPWkJIaG5JdlQtOFplVVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5WGVKOEtDVk9jX3Q5TXZaeXJJWVZibDNMLTVaV1g3UDM0VnJKWDAwc0MzQUNhLWptU0ZrOXNueEdtNTltS19lUGZqMWNyMUpSYU5wSGRVVGtsR2p6SmxYdTJIVWx6Mi1aQWJXNkh0MHNUVU5hV0FLQzdSVk9tdkZ2TjFrSGxNMVNpbFl1STV3eFM2U281OFhDcnBlSXpScUpMQWJ1RkxFbGxLbHR4NmJ3T3ZjTk4tUzFGQXh4c0JTdURWT0ZqUG9kdG9xYjN0Y0VCZ3VHVjZpNUV1UE5vUT09 |
Ask your brokerage. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-12-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMGNzS0ZPVzRYWS1sQWt6LWtBT3huOXBvdkZTY3BRWktHU0x3d293ZjhqdnJqdzdac1VRWEZXRDNtYnotMjBWanRzdFNFSmktUjZZcmZCWFlqWTdYdWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5V1hHaTEwalBtQjRMNG1MOTdubFhwR2IzWWNkeVJLYnUzdDJkR1pza0tuc1VzWElvNWRuYnpPcjUteWc1ZnVrZ1FENUU3bGVieWNNaVI5aHhTOWJyNFFmV3d4ZXVBT3otcmREYVFVUmhka3dxWlYyTkpJeEEyNmNZeXFsQVI3dU5BUFVFYVppMUZxRjVPY2FIS0lPcUVTaWhVdGVnUmlTUk5EcUVmYzcwcXM1ck9rZlpPbHUzS0VVcnJDX3FabFlCNlY4aUhLenU5RThfTWd2UmstbXMzdz09 |
What brokerage? What type of order? Have you called your broker or are you trying to find out how to not sound like an idiot before you do (not saying you sound like an idiot I just also do this type of thing) | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-12-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxRlprUExIdzI4WEhleGRzM00tclVGLU43ZDZxRG5RUHRBdzRLUEc1cnZESDVKcHhBY3hKclJ4U1RKeHpsbUpIdFkyZ185UThuNE9vTmdiOEZRNmN4b2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5clVPc3pLdXhZZjVrUDUzckJxeWFQOWVmYzBCNHlUZU4zUFNlY3hMazJ5WVpTTFhaQk40OWotRDBrcW5nZUJHWVVmVlpsbFNKMjV1ZFdKb25iam5IRlI3ZkJISUpuMEoycm14Y19NU1R3VUh0MmNEUjMxb0VkMVJVNFFfbkdEUWI2ckdkeHNxZDNHWnZvSVpZUnZON0daMUNpT1FpZnIzV2h0YURmdDQxTkRENXdrRzlLaU40R0NrcTY0Y0wtZEdmRGpWbmNWZ0Q4SDBnN09BTXRQSzVBZz09 |
Nope, not at all. I don’t mind ever sounding like an idiot because that’s just sometimes what a person has to do to learn. I figured by posting this. Someone would explain to me maybe I simply didn’t have a buyer due to XYZ. Another person on another subreddit told me I needed to call my brokerage account after giving me suggestions of if I’m even selling right because they made sure to first check I was using my brokerage account correctly. Which my brokerage account is fairly simple to understand. So that’s why I made the post. I figured it was something to do with the market and I was just misunderstanding something about the market and how it worked. Since this is my first ever sell. Since then I have figured out why I could not sell. I was selling through my mobile app and I guess it is simply not working. After calling my broker they suggested to try my desktop. When I did the same thing through my desktop everything worked out fine. Thank you for your feedback. I’ll be leaving my post up on reddit because you never know who may learn from a noob like me. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-12-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxcWZybGpYbW5tWFFRNFVxblhUeDJnZXlYTmdJZEU0Z3RGdlItUk9GbGRJTVZnZzBvdnB4X3ZrYWUzc0tlU3hQUTJTTHh6QjdDeWV3bzMtLWd6X0xaaHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5U28wN1ZKQWl4aTB4bnFqRVNfcTlYU3FHaFVLX0E1RnRrTlBfajN2NW9hdVFsZ0VzQ2dXWk5YT25VaDRHZktPUUNsaERpSnVWMmRYTVFwUnd0c210UE9VM3RBOF9zUXROMFY1ZTRGNjYyUmNybHg4LXJHaVNyMk4xd1BreENiNTQ1OHl1U2l3c29TaUNhTGNTbjZwckx1ODVpT3RtVGxGVkJWTGZmd21vbHUxTXFmSEt5NXR1WEdncGlFaVdUd0dLMHV6T1MtTFV5UHpoNG9Vd2RKaDJFZz09 |
"The best stocks to buy for 2020 include hidden gems, growth stocks, dividend payers and defensive plays." | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2020-01-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMXRRR1FDOVE5QVlIVjgwUHJWeVR0R2tqbmI5ZlRoU01XYW9EdWJWejFZNC1TRk5QcFY2UjVMZllhb2FHOVhNNndBYzF6d25panpFWmk1LUhkSEFaMUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5UlFEQ25WakFkWmZWbVRYUkM1NW9tQ1Y0dE00bzBGckhEVzVKaXdUYndVeHFSS3JrWWlockxHd2t0M3VEX1p6OEVvdkZob2JmazZjMFg0VmhMWlRyaFFXUlc1RmhmNnFHSXpyMl9FS3o5RXVBR1p5NGlycE43NHFxNUF4Rk5xRkNFSkxnSVdKUUpXbVVEc2pnRW1yR3I2NXh4WGRZb0NwbEs4aXNHa1V5U3MwM3ZySzF3UXdTcGwtcEwxYTF6dUNHUWIzTlR4MTdaekNHMHFEWDNrd3RIQT09 |
Subsets and Splits