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My trigonometry professor lisps the word "theta", and it has become intensely arousing to me. I love trigonometry now! I love math! I lust after math! I need help!
In an effort to not have yet another fragmented location for fans to find new music and articles, admins of synthetix (including myself) and /r/futuresynth have discussed having one centralized location. So I officially grabbed /r/synthetix to "park" it so someone unaffiliated wouldn't try and start something that we wouldn't be able to curate. Stay Retro! - - Who Ha
Hello, This sub-reddit has been quiet for a while. I wanted to drop a note asking if anyone is using Fantom in their current workflow? Are there any FOSS projects in Fantom that need contributors (I'll check the Fantom forums as well)? I am considering starting a new project in Fantom with F4 for fun and profit. I really like the syntax compared to other JVM languages. My daily language these days is C#, and even though .NET Core has arrived on *nix with first class support from Microsoft, I really enjoy the performance characteristics of a well-tuned JVM. I may not have a long love affair with Fantom, but I'm sure I'll have some fun while the getting is good. ~Lord_NShYH
Thank you everyone, and as I said before I will be donating a percentage to the next winner so this sub can change even more lives for the better. Any money received will be going to my student loans. I hope we can grow this sub to make things better for many deserving people. *** *** This part is written by the mods: All of the amounts below should result in /u/remainder_man receiving about $1 USD **Methods of payment:** **Tipbots** | Guide | Amount | Comment this to donate ---|---|---|--- **Changetip** | [Guide](/r/changetip/wiki) | $1 | "Congrats here is $1! /u/changetip" **Dogetip** | [Guide](/r/dogetipbot/w/gettingstarted) | 3100 Doge | "+/u/dogetipbot 3100 doge" **Litetip** | [Guide](/r/litetip/about/sidebar) |$1 | "+/u/litetip $1" **Cryptocurrency transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address | QR Code ---|---|---|---|--- **Bitcoin** | [Guide](| 0.0015 BTC | 3BB26VnTyDDxmtbVsVCxwePDQqimZt1Bj1 | **Dogecoin** | [Guide]( | 3100 Doge | 9wbrD9sW8Sq4E3vrb2Da4xJSwt5rp6G5iL | **Litecoin** | [Guide]( | 0.19 LTC | 3EGwaQpceiwbE35QifWH24a5KMQhdeVhJU | **Cash transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address ---|---|---|--- **PayPal** | [Guide]( | $1.40 | [email protected] **Google Wallet** | [Guide]( | $1 | [email protected]
I'll definitely donate whenever the July contest comes. Is there a schedule or something that I should be looking for? Edit: I checked the sidebar, 6:30pm EDT 7/15/16
###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) **TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. Don't forget to upvote this thread, subscribe to our twitter, and join our mailing list! [Reminder to donate]( and [reminder to enter the next drawing](** **What is this, anyway?** A year ago, a redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact that [If a million of us picked a certain redditor and all donated just $1, we would have the power to make someone a millionaire]( We are now an embodiment of that showerthought, and this is our next attempt to make it happen. We **need** your help to keep this running, which only amounts to a $1 a month to make someone's day. Now how does it work? Look below. **How to enter:** * REQUIRED: Leave **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. We highly recommend commenting `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"`, this will remind you via PM to donate. You can also follow [this link]( and click send to be reminded to donate. **Important Rules:** * Only ONE top level *(not a reply)* comment per person, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment. Delete any extra duplicates ASAP. * Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Obvious throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person. **How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?** * After **24 hours** this thread will close and the method of selection will begin. * The method can be read in detail [here]( * Method TL;DR: we assign number by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1. We then wait for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, and calculate the winner using the formula described in the post mentioned above. * The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for the chosen payment method (mods will help set this up if needed). * The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! * The lucky redditor posts a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking the community for their generosity. **Reminders** * Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal account and/or cryptocurrency wallets. For Bitcoin, we recommend using [Changetip]( to purchase bitcoin with your credit card. You can also use [Circle]( for instant credit card purchases or [Coinbase]( for purchases using your bank account. * Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it. * If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"` or check out our [IFTTT recipes](/r/jaysamuel/comments/2wnvrw/all_of_my_ifttt_recipes/). * Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a cool correlation between where we made it it in /r/all and donations. * Try to cross-post this post to relevant subs. (Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here) * **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.** At this point, Reddit, it's all up to you. Make us proud. Change the world. Prove the internet can do good. **MOST IMPORTANTLY** Remember, this is about generosity, about making history, and about coming together to make someone's life better. So take 3 minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a few bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few cents. Every cent counts. Note about legality: This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter. Also, WE are not giving any prizes away (the moderators will never even touch your donations). As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable. Think of what you could do with $1,000,000... You could pay off student loans, have lifesaving surgery, or even give $1 to a million people! So Reddit, thanks for sticking with us through that long post. It's finally time to change a life. Help us to the front page, so we can make history, and... **LET'S MAKE A MILLIONAIRE!**
**We are currently in the process of verifying the winner's account and contacting the winner. In the meantime, set a reminder to donate [here]([]%20RemindMe!%20July%2018%202016%2010:30%20PM%20%22Donate%20to%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20winner!%22).** The drawing is now live. We can make a millionaire, reddit, with your support. Please donate your dollar once the winner is chosen. [Reminder to donate]([]%20RemindMe!%20July%2018%202016%2010:30%20PM%20%22Donate%20to%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20winner!%22) For the drawing: You can view the bitcoin blockchain [here]( The winner is randomly calculated based on the block hash. If you would like to calculate the winner yourself, see [here]( **Commend ID's:** Block 1: 421140 Block 2: 421141 Block 3 (winning block): 421142 Good luck! **Update:** **Update as to not edit the main post:** Block 1 found: Block Found! Hash is: 00000000000000000402c34d9e57acaeaa3431fec4a8f966fea204ce971f93f2 Block 2 found: Block Found! Hash is: 000000000000000003df99531f532ca1ede6130a5d01adf32eff173b21fec3f9 Block 3 found: Block Found! Hash is: 0000000000000000000ee004c04146e675ca9030615d5be2cd04dc143b6f9fae Confirmations: Block Found! Hash is: 00000000000000000302e54866465830309be34e639611f92c4836c117934459 Block Found! Hash is: 0000000000000000041a6c176a1c4eebe36c296ae89c803a104ec1796528ad52 Block Found! Hash is: 00000000000000000440eb1284aaaa8e6709b0e46201fe6bb2f430e6bf15e3a5 Confirmation completed. Retrieving height 421142 Winning hash is: 0000000000000000000ee004c04146e675ca9030615d5be2cd04dc143b6f9fae Participants: 17368 Winner index: 151 Winner comment id: d5dx36z Winner is: whenthedayforms
Hi everyone this comes to me as such an incredible surprise I'm ecstatic beyond belief. I'm 27 years old and I live in Washington state and work as a caregiver for a residential services company. This couldn't have been bestowed upon me at a better time as I'm planning a trip with my girlfriend of 3 years this coming august! I'm very grateful and happy about this help that I'll be receiving from this great community. I want to say that I promise first and foremost that I'll return the kindness from all of you to the next winner of /r/millionairemakers and to use these donations in a progressing means to better the well being of my family and myself, thank you so much to everyone I really appreciate. Update: Thank you for all your pleasant comments and messages I greatly appreciate it. I understand that my account may look like an alternate which I agree I would question as well, but I would be more than willing to verify this username. Update #2: Good morning everyone, I wanted to update the status of the earnings up to this moment and the total is $491.60! I apologize for slacking on replying to everyone on here, my galaxy s4 runs out of battery pretty quick unfortunately. My girlfriend and I are in still such disbelief that this amazing thing has happened for us as I sincerely want to say thank you for this. Part of our trip is actually this coming Friday which we will be road tripping to Seattle for their Capitol Hill block party which is a three day festival where we finally get to experience our two favorite artists perform live for our first time which are Crystal Castles & Washed Out! While being there I will be able to take my girlfriend to the Seattle zoo where she's been wanting to go for some time being that she's never been able to experience visiting one, so with this opportunity given to me by you I'm ultimately grateful for this. Update #3: Let me weigh in on some of this conspiracy chatter. Since the third drawing of this contest I've had an aspiration of winning this drawing just like most of us in this subreddit, so I made sure to follow the rules and requirements every time I entered. Briefly looking at some of the other users accounts before they won this drawing and it doesn't look much different than mine and with other redditors commenting and messaging that they would be in the same boat as myself in regards to activity makes most of these complaints unnecessary. So to be assumed that I cheated or was in kahoots with the mods by entering multiple times with throwaways makes me that much happier and astonished knowing that I entered with my main account and won against 17,000 other users. Also as lame as this may sound I take pride on how original and creative my user handle is, especially with receiving a message from a redditor complimenting my username is very uplifting So with that said my upvotes are finally public so we can all judge accordingly for ourselves. Update #4: Our total after one day is $722.09! I can't believe what I've experienced today in any way, thank you so much for this. Update #5: Hey everyone we're at $876.65 as of almost three days now. I can't fathom any of this still. Thank you to everyone who has helped me I'm extremely grateful for this opportunity. Update #6: Hello everyone sorry for the lack of updates, our total is at $987.35! Thank you to everyone who made this weekend trip possible for us we're beyond grateful. Update #7: we're at $1,071 as of today thank you to everyone who has helped me it means everything! Best of luck to everyone this weekend. *** *** This part is written by the mods: All of the amounts below should result in /u/whenthedayforms receiving about $1 USD **Methods of payment:** **Tipbots** | Guide | Amount | Comment this to donate ---|---|---|--- **Changetip** | [Guide](/r/changetip/wiki) | $1 | "Congrats here is $1! /u/changetip" **Dogetip** | [Guide](/r/dogetipbot/w/gettingstarted) | 4000 Doge | "+/u/dogetipbot 4000 doge" **Litetip** | [Guide](/r/litetip/about/sidebar) |$1 | "+/u/litetip $1" **Cryptocurrency transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address | QR Code ---|---|---|---|--- **Bitcoin** | [Guide](| 0.0015 BTC | *3D59G3413MG6RDw8dKmPThes1k12wsNqUm* | ** **Dogecoin** | [Guide]( | 4000 Doge | *9yjb1GQABBGLUDdPKoueqmLdTW4CcQNvAu* | ** **Litecoin** | [Guide]( | 0.25 LTC | *3B3izMLuDHenhqcDBXjHbFyRsbepegphFC* | ** **Cash transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address ---|---|---|--- **PayPal** | [Guide]( | $1.40 | *[email protected]* **Google Wallet** | [Guide]( | $1 | *[email protected]*
This is an awesome idea and I would love to be apart of it! I stand by ready to donate if this sub is still alive!
Hi, Like many others I was driven here by a AskReddit post about which sub would most benefit by a large influx of subscribers. And like all of those before me, I admire the idea and what is trying to be achieved here. It resonates with me and my ambitions in life. I am a entrepreneur, and run a financial technology company. But that's not the important part. I want to know, from the existing community, what is it that you feel that we (anyone in the community, new/old) can do to further along the project? Example: I am a full stack developer, which specializes in web development. I would be willing to offer my time and skills to build something that could improve user engagement, and increase donations. I have some ideas on how to increase the probability of success, and would like to share them. Most would be obvious, and I am sure the existing members of the subreddit have discussed them, but with the influx of new users, I hope to get some more feedback/ideas. So let's break it down. **How do we make this a success?** 1. Increase subs 2. Increase donations **How does one do that?** **Increase subs** The most obvious means of increasing the subscriber count would be to increase awareness. However simple as that may sound, it is why people hold the title of marketing/advertising experts. If you are one of these please share an idea. I have a few ideas, they may not be the best, but I will share in the hopes it stimulates conversation. * Build a standalone website This is not to replace the subreddit, it would be a single landing page with all the important information that will act as a lead generator and traffic driver. The website can then make use of existing online advertising streams (Google AdWords eg.) It would also be an easy and convenient way to organize large amounts of information in an easy to consume fashion. The website could also appeal to a large user base of non redditors. It still amazes me that there are a very large number of gamers/techies that don't access Reddit because of whatever stigma that they may associate with it. * Social media influencers Whether it is Instagram, Twitter, or Youtube, a case could be made for the effectiveness of reaching a specific target audience through these. If you were to be featured by a "Success coach" or one of the many "make you rich" channels, their audience would immediately take an instant interest. People all over the world are looking for a way to become a millionaire, and hopefully some of those would be willing to participate in both sides to this project (entering/donating). * Media coverage Another method to increasing the subscriber count would be to be featured by a large blog or media outlet, like TechCrunch or something similar. This is not as difficult as one would think. Someone would need to gather all the pertinent information and make a story out of it. If it is well written, and packaged properly, all one is required to do is put it out as a Press Release on something like PRNewswire ( For those of you unfamiliar with what this is, its a database of press releases that media houses access to find stories. The more direct approach would be to get hold of a author/editors email/twitter handle and cold contact them. Please note: if you do decide to cold email/contact authors/editors, remember to be courteous. You want them to do something for you, there is no need to be rude or demanding. Be considerate of their time, and present everything in a very clear and concise way. They typically lose interest if they need to do more work than they should when looking into potential stories. I'm reaching the character limit on this post. And depending on the success of this post (engagement/discussion). I'll hold off and post the 2nd (How to increase donators) in a few days. Mod's, if i am overstepping any boundaries, feel free to remove this post.
Welcome to /r/millionairemakers! We hope you'll like it here (we do!). --- **What is this idea?** The idea is to make someone's day (or year!). Once a month, we hold a drawing and choose a winner. When someone is chosen, everyone is encouraged to donate a dollar to the winner! --- **How do I enter?** Our next drawing is August 19^th. [Click here]( to be reminded to enter. At 6:30 PM EST, we'll post an entry thread, where you can comment on to enter. --- **How can I donate to the winner?** /u/whenthedayforms won the last drawing! [Follow this link to donate]( --- **What are the requirements to enter?** You must have a reddit account over 30 days old to enter. If you win, the mods will look over your account for some activity. --- **Why don't people pay to enter?** People paying to enter would create a lottery, which is illegal in many countries. --- See [here]( for the full FAQ. [twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) | [Follow this link and click "send" to be reminded to enter.]( Please ask any other questions you have in the comments here, to reduce spam.
Are you supposed to tell your story or just comment something clever?
Hey everyone. Just another hopeful entry here. I'll donate to the winner anyways, if I don't get it. I was wondering what kind of accounts I would need to set up in case I were to win? Do my accounts need to be set up before, or after the draw? Thanks everyone!
###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) **TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. Don't forget to upvote this thread, subscribe to our twitter, and join our mailing list! [Reminder to donate]( and [reminder to enter the next drawing](** **What is this, anyway?** A year ago, a redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact that [If a million of us picked a certain redditor and all donated just $1, we would have the power to make someone a millionaire]( We are now an embodiment of that showerthought, and this is our next attempt to make it happen. We **need** your help to keep this running, which only amounts to a $1 a month to make someone's day. Now how does it work? Look below. **How to enter:** * REQUIRED: Leave **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. We highly recommend commenting `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"`, this will remind you via PM to donate. You can also follow [this link]( and click send to be reminded to donate. **Important Rules:** * Only ONE top level *(not a reply)* comment per person, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment. Delete any extra duplicates ASAP. * Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Obvious throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person. **How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?** * After **24 hours** this thread will close and the method of selection will begin. * The method can be read in detail [here]( * Method TL;DR: we assign number by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1. We then wait for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, and calculate the winner using the formula described in the post mentioned above. * The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for the chosen payment method (mods will help set this up if needed). * The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! * The lucky redditor posts a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking the community for their generosity. **Reminders** * Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal account and/or cryptocurrency wallets. For Bitcoin, we recommend using [Changetip]( to purchase bitcoin with your credit card. You can also use [Circle]( for instant credit card purchases or [Coinbase]( for purchases using your bank account. * Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it. * If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"` or check out our [IFTTT recipes](/r/jaysamuel/comments/2wnvrw/all_of_my_ifttt_recipes/). * Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a cool correlation between where we made it it in /r/all and donations. * Try to cross-post this post to relevant subs. (Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here) * **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.** At this point, Reddit, it's all up to you. Make us proud. Change the world. Prove the internet can do good. **MOST IMPORTANTLY** Remember, this is about generosity, about making history, and about coming together to make someone's life better. So take 3 minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a few bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few cents. Every cent counts. Note about legality: This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter. Also, WE are not giving any prizes away (the moderators will never even touch your donations). As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable. Think of what you could do with $1,000,000... You could pay off student loans, have lifesaving surgery, or even give $1 to a million people! So Reddit, thanks for sticking with us through that long post. It's finally time to change a life. Help us to the front page, so we can make history, and... **LET'S MAKE A MILLIONAIRE!**
**Edit: there seems to have been an error with the drawing, we will draw tomorrow!** *Cue jazz music* Hey, millionairemakers! The 22nd drawing is now in progress. We'll be updating this post with the drawing log to reduce traffic. Feel free to post any recipes in the comments, in the meantime! Log: Getting comment ids... If you must, the link is ^^^[here]( [Reminder to donate]( and [enter the next drawing]( Good luck, and may the best millionaire win!
*Cue jazz music a second time* Hey, millionairemakers! The 22nd drawing is (really) now in progress. We're livestreaming the drawing to reduce traffic. Come join us! Livestream: ##### If you must, the link is ^^^[here]( Reminder to [enter the next drawing]( Good luck, and may the best millionaire win!
**This is absolutely crazy.. Thank you all so much.** I am so incredibly grateful to all you lovelies for this. Late last night my phone started exploding so I got up and checked reddit and when I realized what happened I felt like my heart was going to pop out of my chest. It's an incredible feeling and I hope the community continues to support this project so more people can experience this. A little about me: My name is Nick, I'm 19, and I live in Pennsylvania. I want to go to school for graphic design but haven't yet because I wanted to be sure graphic design is what I want to do, and because I didn't want to be in debt. So a large portion of this money will most decidedly be used to help me attend college. The rest of the money will no doubt be spent on only the finest of pizza pies. Again thank you all so much for this, please continue to participate in this contest and continue to donate to make some very lucky person's life better. I will try to answer as many questions as possible if there are any! **Edit:** Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all the donations, I'm trying respond to everyone and answer all the questions. But to most of you I just want to say thank you for your donation, you're awesome. I just broke $500 a few minutes ago which is crazy. I'll try to keep this updated incrementally. Thank you again! **Update:** Hi again! Just broke $750 from what I can tell. Again thank you all so much for your donations, much love. Papa Bless. **Edit 2:** Thanky thanky for the gold stranger :) **Update 2:** And there it is! If I counted everything correctly I just broke $1000!! Thank you all so much, this is incredible! **Update 3:** Good morning, and wow. I think the donations have exceeded **$1750** at this point and I couldn't be more grateful. I know I've said it a thousand times, but thank you all so much, this is absolutely tops. **Update 4:** **$2000.** You all are absolutely amazing, and to all of those who donated more than a dollar, you are incredibly generous and you have my most sincere of thanks. I love you all. *** *** This part is written by the mods: All of the amounts below should result in /u/nickfoose receiving about $1 USD **Methods of payment:** **Tipbots** | Guide | Amount | Comment this to donate ---|---|---|--- **Changetip** | [Guide](/r/changetip/wiki) | $1 | "Congrats here is $1! /u/changetip" **Dogetip** | [Guide](/r/dogetipbot/w/gettingstarted) | 5000 Doge | "+/u/dogetipbot 5000 doge" **Litetip** | [Guide](/r/litetip/about/sidebar) |$1 | "+/u/litetip $1" **Cryptocurrency transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address | QR Code ---|---|---|---|--- **Bitcoin** | [Guide](| 0.0018 BTC | 36GBvkRkA4SbsSiCLped6hXww6KPBLPr94 | **Dogecoin** | [Guide]( | 5000 Doge | 9thrNHkKH6iWPugDe66BDics8xn2qx4VHm | **Litecoin** | [Guide]( | 0.28 LTC | 3HhQDoTXoNjSuEN21gtLyJGRXwG9aL3ix9 | **Cash transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address ---|---|---|--- **PayPal** | [Guide]( | $1.40 | [email protected] **Google Wallet** | [Guide]( | $1 | [email protected]
/r/beermoney (Ways to make money to pay for beer. Supposedly.) There are tons of posts about making money (mostly paypal) for beer in /r/beermoney. Survey apps, the like. However, a beer costs maybe 3.99, and I reckon that will cover you for 3 months on this subreddit. /r/slavelabour (Get paid to complete tasks for other redditors.) Smaller than /r/beermoney, but can sometimes pay out more. More skill is required, but the payouts are typically higher. (Saw one guy selling a service for $100. That'd cover 8 years, and 4 months of donations. Just think about that.) /r/sexsells (NSFW). If your really desperate with a burning desire to donate to the current winner. (Bing Rewards bot) So, basically, what this does is your bing rewards searches in the background for you, while your free to do whatever you like. Various rewards, the $5 amazon will sell on /r/giftcardexchange for about %80. 4 months.
###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) **TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. Don't forget to upvote this thread, subscribe to our twitter, and join our mailing list! [Reminder to donate]( and [reminder to enter the next drawing](** **What is this, anyway?** A year ago, a redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact that [If a million of us picked a certain redditor and all donated just $1, we would have the power to make someone a millionaire]( We are now an embodiment of that showerthought, and this is our next attempt to make it happen. We **need** your help to keep this running, which only amounts to a $1 a month to make someone's day. Now how does it work? Look below. **How to enter:** * REQUIRED: Leave **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. We highly recommend commenting `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"`, this will remind you via PM to donate. You can also follow [this link]( and click send to be reminded to donate. **Important Rules:** * Only ONE top level *(not a reply)* comment per person, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment. Delete any extra duplicates ASAP. * Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Obvious throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person. **How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?** * After **24 hours** this thread will close and the method of selection will begin. * The method can be read in detail [here]( * Method TL;DR: we assign number by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1. We then wait for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, and calculate the winner using the formula described in the post mentioned above. * The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for the chosen payment method (mods will help set this up if needed). * The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! * The lucky redditor posts a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking the community for their generosity. **Reminders** * Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal account and/or cryptocurrency wallets. For Bitcoin, we recommend using [Changetip]( to purchase bitcoin with your credit card. You can also use [Circle]( for instant credit card purchases or [Coinbase]( for purchases using your bank account. * Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it. * If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"` or check out our [IFTTT recipes](/r/jaysamuel/comments/2wnvrw/all_of_my_ifttt_recipes/). * Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a cool correlation between where we made it it in /r/all and donations. * Try to cross-post this post to relevant subs. (Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here) * **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.** At this point, Reddit, it's all up to you. Make us proud. Change the world. Prove the internet can do good. **MOST IMPORTANTLY** Remember, this is about generosity, about making history, and about coming together to make someone's life better. So take 3 minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a few bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few cents. Every cent counts. Note about legality: This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter. Also, WE are not giving any prizes away (the moderators will never even touch your donations). As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable. Think of what you could do with $1,000,000... You could pay off student loans, have lifesaving surgery, or even give $1 to a million people! So Reddit, thanks for sticking with us through that long post. It's finally time to change a life. Help us to the front page, so we can make history, and... **LET'S MAKE A MILLIONAIRE!**
**Edit: That was a quick draw! We're just verifying the chosen user. Come back in 24 hours for the winner's post, and [click here](!%20%202%20days%20Donation%20for%20/r/millionairemakers) for a reminder to contribute :)** ---------------------------------- *Start up the elevator music!* Hey, millionairemakers! The 23rd drawing is now in progress. We're livestreaming the drawing to reduce traffic. Come join us! ~~Livestream:~~ ~~ (It's over - possibly a record time finishing in less than an hour!) If you must, the link is ^^^[here]( Reminder to [enter the next drawing]([]%20RemindMe!%20October%2021%202016%2010:30%20PM%20%22Enter%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20drawing!%22). Good luck, and may the best millionaire win! [Selection Method]( | [23rd Drawing Thread]( | [FAQ](
Hi there! :) I'm beyond grateful for this contest, and I've been nothing but all smiles and tears today. I don't think I've smiled this hard for this long in my entire life! I can't thank you all enough for being so kind and generous. You are changing my life in so many ways. A little about me - I'm a pretty simple gal. I like musicals, and I have a slight obsession with The Office and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I love my family and I would do anything for them. Winning this drawing means the world to me. The past couple months have been a bit of a roller coaster since life decided to pull a wild card on me. It's so hard to put in to words to explain exactly what I'm feeling today, being on this insane level of happiness, but I am so thankful for the people that started these drawings and also all of you. I can't wait to donate to the next winner!! **Update:** It's 8:30PM CST and I will never forget this day. I really want to hug every single person involved with this. You are all seriously wonderful people. I am at around $1,100 and at a loss for words. This is the best group, and you are changing lives. I want you all to know that - every single one of you is helping to change someone's life. I'm going to get some rest for the night, the last 24 hours have been a whirlwind of emotions!! Good night to everyone, and I will update you all again tomorrow! Tons of hugs all around :) **Update:** At 5PM CST all of your donations total $1929.23!! You are all *seriously amazing*. I want to say thank you over and over again. This is one very, very special group of people :) There are no words for what I've been feeling the past 48 hours, but I know that it won't go away any time soon! :) You have helped me get my life back!! **Update:** $2268.91!!! <3 **Update:** I just hit a little over $2400, I'm trying so hard to not be annoying, but I just can't help it, thank you thank you thank you thank you. I want to try my hardest to reply to each of you, and it will take some time, but I am definitely going to try :) <3 *** *** This part is written by the mods: All of the amounts below should result in /u/freepieces receiving about $1 USD **Methods of payment:** **Tipbots** | Guide | Amount | Comment this to donate ---|---|---|--- **Changetip** | [Guide](/r/changetip/wiki) | $1 | "Congrats here is $1! /u/changetip" **Dogetip** | [Guide](/r/dogetipbot/w/gettingstarted) | 5000 Doge | "+/u/dogetipbot 5000 doge" **Litetip** | [Guide](/r/litetip/about/sidebar) |$1 | "+/u/litetip $1" **Cryptocurrency transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address | QR Code ---|---|---|---|--- **Bitcoin** | [Guide](| 0.0017 BTC | 3KczFWvm6vuzMKg9tRYWgeSe8LGjo7AvFr | **Dogecoin** | [Guide]( | 5000 Doge | 9yFMc3a5wZow1uEA8JrdgL3TK8FHxEjVuu | **Litecoin** | [Guide]( | 0.3 LTC | 3EALxtP2t7HaKuzkddV9KnC47zYGp6wjRg | **Cash transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address ---|---|---|--- **PayPal** | [Guide]( | $1.40 | [email protected] **Google Wallet** | [Guide]( | $1 | [email protected]
If only there was a way to get even *half* of everyone to join and take part, that'd be crazy!
###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) **TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. Don't forget to upvote this thread, subscribe to our twitter, and join our mailing list! [Reminder to donate]( and [reminder to enter the next drawing](** **What is this, anyway?** Two years ago, a redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact that [If a million of us picked a certain redditor and all donated just $1, we would have the power to make someone a millionaire]( We are now an embodiment of that showerthought, and this is our next attempt to make it happen. We **need** your help to keep this running, which only amounts to a $1 a month to make someone's day. Now how does it work? Look below. **How to enter:** * REQUIRED: Leave **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. We highly recommend commenting `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"`, this will remind you via PM to donate. You can also follow [this link]( and click send to be reminded to donate. **Important Rules:** * Only ONE top level *(not a reply)* comment per person, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment. Delete any extra duplicates ASAP. * Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Obvious throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person. **How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?** * After **24 hours** this thread will close and the method of selection will begin. * The method can be read in detail [here]( * Method TL;DR: we assign number by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1. We then wait for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, and calculate the winner using the formula described in the post mentioned above. * The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for the chosen payment method (mods will help set this up if needed). * The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! * The lucky redditor posts a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking the community for their generosity. **Reminders** * Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal account and/or cryptocurrency wallets. For Bitcoin, we recommend using [Changetip]( to purchase bitcoin with your credit card. You can also use [Circle]( for instant credit card purchases or [Coinbase]( for purchases using your bank account. * Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it. * If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"` or check out our [IFTTT recipes](/r/jaysamuel/comments/2wnvrw/all_of_my_ifttt_recipes/). * Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a cool correlation between where we made it it in /r/all and donations. * Try to cross-post this post to relevant subs. (Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here) * **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.** At this point, Reddit, it's all up to you. Make us proud. Change the world. Prove the internet can do good. **MOST IMPORTANTLY** Remember, this is about generosity, about making history, and about coming together to make someone's life better. So take 3 minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a few bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few cents. Every cent counts. Note about legality: This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter. Also, WE are not giving any prizes away (the moderators will never even touch your donations). As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable. Think of what you could do with $1,000,000... You could pay off student loans, have lifesaving surgery, or even give $1 to a million people! So Reddit, thanks for sticking with us through that long post. It's finally time to change a life. Help us to the front page, so we can make history, and... **LET'S MAKE A MILLIONAIRE!**
# Edit: the winner has been chosen as /u/oh_bother! Please wait as we contact the winner. *Spooky drawing music...* Hey, millionairemakers! The 23rd drawing is now in progress. We're livestreaming the drawing as we speak (or write)! Come join us! ~~Livestream:~~ ~~# ~~If you must, the link is ^^^[here]( Reminder to [donate]( and [enter the next drawing]( Good luck, and may the best millionaire win! [Selection Method]( | [24th Drawing Thread]( | [FAQ](
**This is #24, the 25th winner has been found!!! [Donate here](** A WEEK FROM MY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm astounded by the generosity of this community and happy to be a part of it. This is one of those things reddit does (really credit goes to the creator/mods for organizing all this so amazingly) that absolutely warms the cockles of my heart. As soon as I stop shaking I'll try to get some thoughts down here. This is completely unreal. I'm an unemployed electrical engineer who recently moved back home with his folks, my unexpected unemployment sort of put the brakes on my life. Dream job out of the picture I am just now embarking on the path to create a company. This money will help me wade through the path I've chosen, and goes a long way to ease the worries of unemployment (re:health insurance)! I can not be more thankful for all the help. This is just incredible, thank you you generous generous bastards. **First Edit:** I got a late start but I think I've set up the tip bots properly now? Litecoin won't return my PMS ;_; I'll have that sorted soon. In the meantime you guys are amazing, $98 (ish) bucks! I'll update in a few hours. **Edit 2:** Total is at: $217.50!!! I have to throw a special thanks out to /u/the_real_octojay (his BTC: 19v9SLayJtFvLgVvRwcZNhRtisNetXNcUa) who has been helping me out with this crypto currency stuff. We can't seem to figure out what is going on with the dogecoin tips. Either way he has ushered me into this crazy world of crazy internet crazy money. I feel like party cat every time I check reddit, you guys are the best. **Edit 3:** 5pm: $300.33!! **Edit 4:** 8pm: $454.04! Watching this arrive has made this day incredible, I have to get to sleep soon (as I was up till about 4:30am last night in a complete tizzy). I'll update again tomorrow AM. THANK YOU thank you thank you thank you. **Edit 5:** 7am: 814.21!! I'd say this is the best thing I've done first thing Monday in recent memory. **Edit VI:** 11am: $979.30!! Looks like dogecoin is working! So excite, much doge. Also Paypal was at 666.41, sppppooooky! **Edit G:** 4pm: $1082.32! More updates to come as donations from you awesome crazy people slowly trickle in. **Edit 8:** 7pm: 1109.88**!** You all deserve special adult hugs, or whatever your comfort level is. I don't judge. **Edit 9:** 8am: 1174.71!! Paypal limited account because some donations were for exchange of services. When both $20,000 is received and 200 "exchange for goods/services" transactions occur Paypal needs to fill out tax information. WELL before this limit is reached Paypal will make you enter one of three tax IDs (ss EIN and, I think business tax number?). I've punched my info in and the account is unlocked. I had given them my info over the phone, but they didn't pu it in (I think it was just included as a note on the account). I just wanted to type all that out so future winners can see it and clear up any confusion! **Edit 1e+1 :** 4pm: 1234.64! So close to 1234.56. Some change tip stuff still has to register in the comments so its just a touch over that. I've edited down some of the early updates to save on text, make it easier to read. Trust me when I say they are full of excitement! I've thought about this a lot over the past couple days, and I think I really want a physical thing to comemorate this. Something I can look at and say "the internet bought me X in 2016". A pile of cocaine is a transient thing after all. With all the light milling/drilling work I do I've decided to go with a Grizzly mill/drill: My lab is cleaner than a metal shop, so buying new will help me keep it that way. I should be able to leave a tool like that to future generations. Can't afford a plaque, but I have a few reddit stickers kicking around. More updates to come, all those that are donating late I'm really happy you remembered and it means a ton to me. THANK YOU MILLINOARE MAKERS! **Edit 11:** 4pm: 1301.60!! [:D]( Changetip caught up finally. **3d17 12:** 1pm: 1334.45!! Guess I'm leea...t? The tap has just about stopped so it may be awhile before another update. I changed the model of mill/drill after some advice from a good friend. still has space for a sticker or two :D **Edit 13:** 1:30p (10/29): 1447.70 Spooky! Happy Halloween party night! **Edit 14:** Bday time it's the 3rd, 3:33PM. I'm 33 **Total: 1472.92** google changed the way wallet is displayed so I have to add everything by hand. Donations are sparse now so I think this is basically the grand total!! Thanks so much everyone, I'll update this post when I can share the actual physical THING that reddit bough :D :D :D :D D: :D **Edit 15:** 11/22 total: 1532.38!! I'm going to keep the changetip account open till the bitter end, so if you feel like liquidating toss it my way... oh boy that could sound wrong in so many ways. This part is written by the mods: All of the amounts below should result in /u/oh_bother receiving about $1 USD **Methods of payment:** **Tipbots** | Guide | Amount | Comment this to donate ---|---|---|--- **Dogetip** | [Guide](/r/dogetipbot/w/gettingstarted) | 5000 Doge | "+/u/dogetipbot 5000 doge" **Litetip** | [Guide](/r/litetip/about/sidebar) |$1 | "+/u/litetip $1" **Cryptocurrency transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address | QR Code ---|---|---|---|--- **Bitcoin** | [Guide](| 0.0017 BTC | 3Mum52v9gnY7jagvFDu1Go1taVRWHYspgx | **Dogecoin** | [Guide]( | 5000 Doge | A3gfDHhgsqKqgZ79Pu6ypmTf2hdtDXheBJ | **Litecoin** | [Guide]( | 0.3 LTC | 3LfM98THQujzifEXZ3wFEMa5vSRTepu5C8 | **Cash transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address ---|---|---|--- **PayPal** | [Guide]( | $1.40 | [email protected] **Google Wallet** | [Guide]( | $1 | [email protected]
I understand why it's not a lottery, but I don't see any explanation for why it's not a charity. After all, people are volunteering their money with no expectation of getting something in return. Does the recipient need to qualify as "needy" maybe?
ChangeTip is [shutting down]( at the end of the month. They are asking everyone to start emptying their accounts. You may transfer your Bitcoin balances to a traditional Bitcoin wallet or donate your balance to charity as you go through the closeout process. I know many folks in here learned about Bitcoin through ChangeTip and many of us have accounts with balances. This is especially true for past winners who never merged their ChangeTip winnings into their traditional Bitcoin wallet. To do that, log into ChangeTip with your Reddit account, click the Withdraw menu up top and choose Bitcoin. Scroll down to the second section (Withdraw). Copy and paste your standard Bitcoin receiving address into the Wallet Address field, click Select All Funds, and click Send. If you don't know your current receiving address, keep the withdraw page up in another tab and keep reading below. Previous winners will already know their Wallet Address -- it's the one where they asked us to send our donations. For anyone else who is not familiar with setting up a traditional Bitcoin wallet, there are several ways to achieve that. You may install apps such as Bread Wallet on iOS, Mycelium on Android or Coinbase or Circle. Once you are able to display a "receive address", copy the address into the clipboard and send it to yourself so that you may copy and paste it into the Wallet Address field on the ChangeTip Withdrawal page. Don't worry, it is perfectly safe to send your Receive address in the clear. You could even print it on a highway billboard and it would not matter from a security perspective. If this is your first time setting up a traditional wallet, make SURE that you follow the steps to protect your access to your funds once you finish setting it up. This typically involves writing down 12 words. If anything happens to your device rendering it gone or unable to boot, the only way to regain control of your funds on a replacement device is by installing the same app and entering the 12 words you will write down as part of the backup procedure. If you have very little BTC left in ChangeTip and just want to stick it somewhere without installing and setting up a wallet, go to Wiggle your mouse until the percentage counts to 100 and the screen updates. Once you see your Share and Secret addresses, take a screenshot and save the image somewhere, just don't store it in the cloud. Copy and paste the "Share" address into the Wallet Address field on the ChangeTip Withdrawal page and click Send. **Note**: this last method is not to be considered safe for balances more than a few dollars, but it is just fine for this situation, especially if you're not willing or able to set up a real mobile wallet at this time. If you go this route, don't empty your ChangeTip balance into this address before this month's drawing, though, because you will need to setup a real wallet to send any Bitcoin you park in this address, including what you'll send to the winner. Please know there are many of us out here who are perfectly comfortable with using traditional Bitcoin wallets, and I'm sure you will find us more than happy to help. tl;dr install a regular wallet like Bread Wallet on iOS or Mycelium on Android, send your Receive address to yourself and initiate a withdrawal on ChangeTip to that address. Once the Bitcoin arrives, shut down your account to properly close it out. **Final note:** Do not EVER, EVER try to type in your Receive address at any time. It is very easy to mess it up, and if you're off by one letter or number you could easily send your balance to an address that no one controls (i.e. your money is gone, forever). Always pull up your receive address your mobile app and copy and paste it somewhere so that you can pick it up on the PC or laptop where you're executing the ChangeTip withdrawal.
###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) **TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. Don't forget to upvote this thread, subscribe to our twitter, and join our mailing list! [Reminder to donate]( and [reminder to enter the next drawing](** **What is this, anyway?** Two years ago, a redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact that [If a million of us picked a certain redditor and all donated just $1, we would have the power to make someone a millionaire]( We are now an embodiment of that showerthought, and this is our next attempt to make it happen. We **need** your help to keep this running, which only amounts to a $1 a month to make someone's day. Now how does it work? Look below. **How to enter:** * REQUIRED: Leave **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. We highly recommend commenting `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"`, this will remind you via PM to donate. You can also follow [this link]( and click send to be reminded to donate. **Important Rules:** * Only ONE top level *(not a reply)* comment per person, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment. Delete any extra duplicates ASAP. * Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Obvious throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person. **How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?** * After **24 hours** this thread will close and the method of selection will begin. * The method can be read in detail [here]( * Method TL;DR: we assign number by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1. We then wait for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, and calculate the winner using the formula described in the post mentioned above. * The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for the chosen payment method (mods will help set this up if needed). * The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! * The lucky redditor posts a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking the community for their generosity. **Reminders** * Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal account and/or cryptocurrency wallets. For Bitcoin, we recommend using [Changetip]( to purchase bitcoin with your credit card. You can also use [Circle]( for instant credit card purchases or [Coinbase]( for purchases using your bank account. **Note:** Changetip is closing in a few months. You can still donate via Changetip for this drawing, and will have a few months to withdraw your funds. * Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it. * If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"` or check out our [IFTTT recipes](/r/jaysamuel/comments/2wnvrw/all_of_my_ifttt_recipes/). * Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a cool correlation between where we made it it in /r/all and donations. * Try to cross-post this post to relevant subs. (Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here) * **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.** At this point, Reddit, it's all up to you. Make us proud. Change the world. Prove the internet can do good. **MOST IMPORTANTLY** Remember, this is about generosity, about making history, and about coming together to make someone's life better. So take 3 minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a few bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few cents. Every cent counts. Note about legality: This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter. Also, WE are not giving any prizes away (the moderators will never even touch your donations). As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable. Think of what you could do with $1,000,000... You could pay off student loans, have lifesaving surgery, or even give $1 to a million people! So Reddit, thanks for sticking with us through that long post. It's finally time to change a life. Help us to the front page, so we can make history, and... **LET'S MAKE A MILLIONAIRE!**
We've had many posts and comments asking how they can be notified when a draw is up and also when the winner is announced and available for donations. We have always had options for these, and you can be up to date by choosing one of these options (or all of them!): * **(Reminder to enter the draw and to donate)** Sign up to our [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion). * **(Reminder to donate)** When commenting on a drawing thread, you can comment; "RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers". *This method will send a message to your reddit account 2 days from when the drawing thread is up.* * **(Reminder to enter the draw)** [Click here]([]%20RemindMe!%20December%2016%202016%2010:30%20PM%20%22Enter%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20drawing!%22) to be reminded by /u/RemindMeBot when the drawing thread is live. * **(Stay up to date!)** Follow us on [twitter!]( If you have any questions about ways to be notified of draws/donations, then don't hesitate to [message the moderators]( and we will get back to you.
#**EDIT: The winner is /u/SeamusMichael! Congratulations! Please check back later after we've made contact with the them for their donation post, thank you!** --- &nbsp; *Start up the elevator music!* Hey, millionairemakers! The 25th drawing is now in progress. We're livestreaming the drawing to reduce traffic. Come join us! ~~Livestream: ~~If you must, the link is ^^[here]( Reminder to [donate]([]%20RemindMe!%20November%2020%202016%2010:30%20PM%20%22Donate%20to%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20winner!%22) and [enter]([]%20RemindMe!%20December%2016%202016%2010:30%20PM%20%22Enter%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20drawing!%22) the next drawing. Good luck, and may the best millionaire win! [Selection Method]( | [25th Drawing Thread]( | [FAQ](
I literally don't believe it. I don't play the lottery nor do i gamble, maybe its the irish in me playing some ironic joke, but im not generally lucky. SHOUT OUT TO U/LITTLE_FOXES!! SHE FOUND ME ON FACEBOOK, AND MESSAGED ME, AND WHEN I DIDNT SEE THAT SHE COMMENTED ON MY POST AND MESSAGED ME AGAIN WHEN I FINALLY ADDED HER!! THE TRUE MVP. Ive been so caught up making accounts and trying to remember new passwords i dont even think i thanked her yet. I just found out as i was driving to my buddies house to hang out, and ive been on my computer the whole time in disbelief as i try to get my formatting correct. I said in my original post that i was going to take my family to ireland, but in all honesty itll go to christmas presents. Maybe this is the year i get my mom SOMETHING THAT SHE ACTUALLY USES MOM. Ill revisit this tomorrow but i really should get off my computer now cuz ive been the worst house guest ever for the last 2 hours. Thank you all so very much, and IM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO FIND ME! Anyway, my parents still dont believe me or understand whats going on, which is fun, but this is an amazing community and you definitely have a lifelong member here. Thank you all again Shea *** *** This part is written by the mods: All of the amounts below should result in /u/seamusmichael receiving about $1 USD **Methods of payment:** **Tipbots** | Guide | Amount | Comment this to donate ---|---|---|--- **Changetip** | [Guide](/r/changetip/wiki) | $1 | "Congrats here is $1! /u/changetip" **Dogetip** | [Guide](/r/dogetipbot/w/gettingstarted) | 5000 Doge | "+/u/dogetipbot 5000 doge" **Litetip** | [Guide](/r/litetip/about/sidebar) |$1 | "+/u/litetip $1" **Cryptocurrency transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address | QR Code ---|---|---|---|--- **Bitcoin** | [Guide](| 0.0015 BTC | 38ikdNRquujCPDeLmyyCYxRxtZnDcbsS62 | **Dogecoin** | [Guide]( | 5000 Doge | A5edQu96XPsVntYXR6vdmnGo5V8p2zezLH | **Litecoin** | [Guide]( | 0.26 LTC | 34sfDrnCusMR2QpTnJoGYG6s9uso29L7qH | **Cash transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address ---|---|---|--- **PayPal** | [Guide]( | $1.40 | [email protected] **Google Wallet** | [Guide]( | $1 | [email protected] [Paypal.Me] ( EDIT#3: My mom has told me to put a watermark on the photos that I take, probably 85 thousand times now. Im thinking that for Christmas I'll get a print of one of those framed and matted, and surprise her with a watermark. Thanks for allowing me to make that happen you bunch of generous guys and girls from all over the world. The total is around $1500! This was thanks, in part, to changetip shutting down, because a lot of you just gave me whatever you had left in your accounts! The biggest surprise is how spread out everyone is, and how many different currencies were represented, this sub is worldwide. I can't thank you all enough, and I'm glad to do an ama if you all wanna chat :) Much love, Shea.
**This post was approved by the Mods of this sub** Christmas is coming which means the stress of the holidays is setting in, some of us not only have to deal with our SO's stressing us out because they act like children sometimes themselves but have to worry how we will provide gifts for our kids. Maybe your hours were cut, one parent lost their job, you are expecting another child, recently become a single mother, etc we are here to help. If you are going through a rough patch at the moment and aren't sure where to turn for the holidays please stop by //r/SantasLittleHelpers We are a Christmas based assistance sub that helps provide families struggling during the holidays with Christmas gifts for their kids. Users can post a request with a link to their amazon wishlist and include how many children they have, other users who wish to play Santa will stop by and can read your story and help out by buying a gift or two from your wishlist. It works similar to a Christmas Angel tree at the mall expect for it is all done by reddit members! We have a "cards" tab where you can offer holiday cards and stickers because we all know getting cards in the mail with your name on it means just as much as a gift. Last year we helped provide over $60,000 worth of gifts to families in need all over the US,Canada, Australia & Europe. We currently have a dozen offers, contests and more up with lots more to come for you to enter there will be contests for books, clothing, shoes, toys & more. If you don't need help but would like to help by buying a gift or two for a family in need or even just sending some Christmas cards please stop by and visit us. We opened this last Saturday and generally really take off right after Thanksgiving, we have several requests up along with some other fun things like contests, recipes, etc. To see offers, contests or requests please see the right hand side of the sub, this will sort everything for you. If you set your reddit sorted by to "new" you can see the newest posts. [This]( is a helpful post to read before posting a request post it will help you with some questions you may have. If you have any questions feel free to ask. * The Littlest Elf
ChangeTip recently announced that they are shutting down, and will have a window of a few months to withdraw funds. As ChangeTip is one of our primary donation methods, we wanted to reach out to make sure everyone can take out their money. To check if you have money in your ChangeTip account, visit [ChangeTip]( and login with your reddit account. You can continue donating with bitcoin if you download a bitcoin wallet. More information below. # If you would like to keep your bitcoin: There are various apps that store bitcoin securely on your phone or computer. We recommend the Mycelium wallet for [iOS]( and [Android]( or the [Electrum]( wallet for Android, Mac, Linux, and PC. Once you have downloaded a wallet, the wallet will provide you with an address where you can receive bitcoin. Copy this address. Visit your [ChangeTip account]( You may have money in both USD and bitcoin. As bitcoin is the only currency you can withdraw, please click on the USD amount in the top right or visit [here]( and transfer your remaining USD balance to bitcoin. Click on your bitcoin balance in Changetip or visit [here]( and find the Withdraw section. Paste in your bitcoin address from your wallet and click 'Select all funds'. Verify that you have entered the correct address, and click send. The bitcoin should arrive in your account within 24 hours. If it does not, please contact [email protected] # If you would like to convert your bitcoin to cash: There are various methods to sell bitcoin to USD. [Coinbase]( allows you to sell bitcoin and withdraw it to a bank account. [LocalBitcoins]( facilitates selling between verified buyers of bitcoin, which you can choose different payment methods for. Visit [here]( for more ways to sell bitcoin. Once you've decided on a platform, you will be presented with a bitcoin address to deposit. Copy this address. Visit your [ChangeTip account]( You may have money in both USD and bitcoin. As bitcoin is the only currency you can withdraw, please click on the USD amount in the top right or visit [here]( and transfer your remaining USD balance to bitcoin. Click on your bitcoin balance in Changetip or visit [here]( and find the Withdraw section. Paste in your bitcoin address from your exchange and click 'Select all funds'. Verify that you have entered the correct address, and click send. The bitcoin should arrive in your account within 24 hours. If it does not, please contact [email protected]
Hey everyone. I have been able to play this game for the past 5 months on the love of other redditors. I was given 6$ in changetip one day at random for a comment and I used that to open the account and found this subreddit. At that point I partook. Now that i've spent my 6$ and changetip is also shutting down. I was wondering what other forms of payment are out there? Thanks!
Hey guys this may seem silly. But can someone explain to me how this all works? I've read over a couple of posts and it seems pretty awesome what you guys do here. I'm just kind of lost on how it all works. If anybody can explain that would be awesome thanks guys
I wish you all the best of luck. For those who it isn't obvious to, **this isn't the entry post.** It's literally just a "Good luck, odds in my favor"...jk! ^~^
###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) **TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. Don't forget to upvote this thread, subscribe to our twitter, and join our mailing list! [Reminder to donate](!%20December%2019%202016%2010:30%20PM%20"Donate%20to%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20winner!") and [reminder to enter the next drawing]([]%20RemindMe!%20January%2020%202017%2010:30%20PM%20%22Enter%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20drawing!%22)** **What is this, anyway?** Two years ago, a redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact that [If a million of us picked a certain redditor and all donated just $1, we would have the power to make someone a millionaire]( We are now an embodiment of that showerthought, and this is our next attempt to make it happen. We **need** your help to keep this running, which only amounts to a $1 a month to make someone's day. Now how does it work? Look below. **How to enter:** * REQUIRED: Leave **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. We highly recommend commenting `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"`, this will remind you via PM to donate. You can also follow [this link]([]%20RemindMe!%20December%2019%202016%2010:30%20PM%20%22Donate%20to%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20winner!%22) and click send to be reminded to donate. **Important Rules:** * Only ONE top level *(not a reply)* comment per person, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment. Delete any extra duplicates ASAP. * Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Obvious throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person. **How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?** * After **24 hours** this thread will close and the method of selection will begin. * The method can be read in detail [here]( * Method TL;DR: we assign number by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1. We then wait for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, and calculate the winner using the formula described in the post mentioned above. * The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for the chosen payment method (mods will help set this up if needed). * The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! * The lucky redditor posts a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking the community for their generosity. **Reminders** * Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal account and/or cryptocurrency wallets. For Bitcoin, ~~we recommend using [Changetip]( to purchase bitcoin with your credit card.~~ **(Changetip is now closing).** You can also use [Circle]( for instant credit card purchases or [Coinbase]( for purchases using your bank account. **Note:** Changetip is closing in a few months. You can still donate via Changetip for this drawing, and will have a few months to withdraw your funds. * Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it. * If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"` or check out our [IFTTT recipes](/r/jaysamuel/comments/2wnvrw/all_of_my_ifttt_recipes/). * Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a cool correlation between where we made it it in /r/all and donations. * Try to cross-post this post to relevant subs. (Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here) * **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.** At this point, Reddit, it's all up to you. Make us proud. Change the world. Prove the internet can do good. **MOST IMPORTANTLY** Remember, this is about generosity, about making history, and about coming together to make someone's life better. So take 3 minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a few bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few cents. Every cent counts. Note about legality: This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter. Also, WE are not giving any prizes away (the moderators will never even touch your donations). As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable. Think of what you could do with $1,000,000... You could pay off student loans, have lifesaving surgery, or even give $1 to a million people! So Reddit, thanks for sticking with us through that long post. It's finally time to change a life. Help us to the front page, so we can make history, and... **LET'S MAKE A MILLIONAIRE!**
We will be starting our 26th drawing very soon! I will update this post as the drawing progresses, but as always, you can check out our [website]( for the log! Let's do this! **17:10:04 GMT-0800 (PST)** Kick off! **17:11:45 GMT-0800 (PST)** User list generated: SHA-256: 9403c675b7f9b8e0a401d2edcab0c56ba50686a29dee6e9800b931f83ce55a3b **17:14:35 GMT-0800 (PST)** Block #1 Found. Hash: 000000000000000000186e6f8f7cbecdfc6ede96db30a358bdff88d5a56b64cd **17:22:24 GMT-0800 (PST)** Block #2 Found. Hash: 000000000000000001470795239430bf5e01650b072f00a954a33fbed26a7520 **17:28:06 GMT-0800 (PST)** Block #3 Found. Hash: 0000000000000000011b6dbd226a49fffb7ae1d7076a5104be736d02ba70115d **17:31:03 GMT-0800 (PST)** Confirmation Block #1 Found: Hash: 00000000000000000375a6201c0e2306feff45267143990f1824f47847272714 **17:33:04 GMT-0800 (PST)** Confirmation Block #2 Found. Hash: 0000000000000000006f2bcc4063c191d5d81106d6d2d7fcb145f29cc1696057 **17:35:02 GMT-0800 (PST)** Confirmation Block #3 Found. Hash: 000000000000000000387739632834fb4129cd7b92bff45d2f12043b0f54117f **17:37:52 GMT-0800 (PST) Winner is /u/iamchangalang. As always please wait for the mods to verify and contact the winner. Thanks!**
*Well, it seems that I’ve found myself in the spotlight and have quite a few people as an audience. I guess I’m obligated to address a few things, considering my comment that won the drawing has sparked some controversy. For those out of the loop, this is the comment: “NIGGA Nigga nigga pay for my lunch tomorrow Oh and merry christmas” Honestly, I wrote it for fun, not really contemplating the repercussions nor its potential to offend were it to be chosen as the winning comment because I simply did not think it would win. I will admit what I wrote was rude and disrespectful. For my lack of consideration, I sincerely apologize. Where I live, the term is part of our vernacular. It’s colloquial, and inappropriate slang sometimes at worst. No one bats an eye if you use it, regardless of your race. I also understand many folks are not deciding to donate because of this, that is fine too. Again, I am apologizing to everyone I offended. (I had this song in my head as I wrote the “racist” comment for those curious i think it’s hilarious) HOWEVER, some of you people are blowing it waaay out of proportion, and I’ll take any downvotes gracefully because knowing they came from people whose jimmies got rustled from a term widely used in songs, online, in media, and frankly large portions of society doesn’t sting all that bad. For fuck sakes, it’s 2016, not 1860, and had I said “nigger” instead of “nigga”, then the outlash would be warranted. There’s a reason you don't hear the former being used. Don’t have such strong opinions on things you don’t know much about. I triple dog dare someone to go into my profile overview and find one instance of me being actually racist, by the word’s actual definition. In other words, find me actually bigoted, biased, and discriminatory towards any ethnicity. I promise I haven’t deleted anything besides a few cringe posts that showed my face or were from my high school blunder years. Get back to me on that if you do. On the topic of my profile, I would also like to point out that some of you made me chuckle when you think this account is actually a porn alt account. That’s really funny. You bunch are some real talented sleuths. Yes, I use reddit to find porn, almost exclusively. If you check, it is apparent that I’ve commented on a litany of nsfw subreddits. But the thing a lot of you people who think I’m a porn fanatic failed to also see (or ignored) was that I’ve also commented on various video game, computer, skincare, media, and r/all subreddits. For the past four years no less. Who uses a porn alt for all that? Quit nit picking to find the bits that you find convenient to use as evidence, because people with actual sense will look at the whole picture. Stop trying to comb through my profile to find substance that you can twist to make me look bad, because that’s plain pathetic and petty. As for the claims that I’m undeserving, an asshole, or an idiot, I’ll just say that people are entitled to their own opinions. It’s just that if you form that opinion based off one edgy comment without actually explaining why, it’d be wise to maybe not have such strong opinions on things you know nothing about, as I’ve stated earlier. Ironically enough, some of you people are withholding on your gentlemen’s agreement to pitch in when you’ve clearly stated you would in your entry comment. That’s more than enough information for people to form well based opinions off of. Just saying. For insight into who I am, I’ll make it short. I am 18, heading into college, enjoy memes, enjoy video games like Red Dead Redemption. I’ve loved poetry since my ap lit class in senior year, god bless you Mrs.Lim(Traveling through the Dark is one of my faves, look it up if ya want). Portrait photography is great, and I love drawn art. My instagram feed is basically artists who use photoshop and draw sketches. In high school I spent time as part of a youth group that hosted youth led festivals for the community. I hope to major in computer science or engineering. I’m including this in case some of you forgot I’m an actual person, and not the embodiment of an edgy comment lol I also want to thank everyone who supported me since the controversy sparked, you da real mvps I know much of the community will not donate because of this ordeal because somehow that would support racism(??? As if the rules, spirit, and idea of this sub didn’t matter, and any money donated will go directly to kkk rally funding lol) but regardless, I still hope you all a very, very, merry christmas. Cheers, with a little salt and love, iamchangalang* **EDIT: As of 2pm EST, donations have reached:** $617.28 This is already more than I could ever ask, I'll be tallying up the totals every few hours to keep you guys updated though!!! Also, upvote your fellow redditors, spread some points around folks c: I'd also like to thank /u/JungleSumTimes as his generous donation of $20 just completely blew my mind, and to anyone who decided to go out of their way to donate more than a dollar, it's craaazy how generous some of you are Big shout out to /u/RunAMuckGirl as well for their extreme kindness and support during the height of the controversy, the reassurance was definitely invaluable to me I'll be back on soon folks c: **EDIT2: As of midnight EST, donations have reached:** $852.35 This is amazing, I honestly do not know what to say, other than thank you all so much! I wasn't expecting anywhere near this much because of the controversy, but you guys are proving me wrong with the generosity! Also, let me know if there's a better way to keep you guys updated on the numbers! I'd be really psyched if we surpassed the 1k mark and want to let you all know if that happens! **EDIT3: As of 3:30 AM EST, donations have reached:** $1016.36 IM SO PSYCHED YOU FOLKS MADE IT POSSIBLE TO REACH THE 1K MARK. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH THANK YOU AGAIN *** *** This part is written by the mods: All of the amounts below should result in /u/iamchangalang receiving about $1 USD **Methods of payment:** **Tipbots** | Guide | Amount | Comment this to donate ---|---|---|--- **Dogetip** | [Guide](/r/dogetipbot/w/gettingstarted) | 5000 Doge | "+/u/dogetipbot 5000 doge" **Litetip** | [Guide](/r/litetip/about/sidebar) |$1 | "+/u/litetip $1" **Cryptocurrency transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address | QR Code ---|---|---|---|--- **Bitcoin** | [Guide](| 0.0013 BTC | *34BJ6SYvht2gtUFph6EP82e1uUZKMhwvC6* | ** **Dogecoin** | [Guide]( | 5000 Doge | *9z4Fm4nwseMHfkbTNogSEZBE9hzcTQdf5q* | ** **Litecoin** | [Guide]( | 0.3 LTC | *3CDCZ1iqk2kHTcMX77AMRJv3sv9bco7J2i* | ** **Cash transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address ---|---|---|--- **PayPal** | [Guide]( | $1.40 | *[](* **Google Wallet** | [Guide]( | $1 | *[email protected]*
Under what conditions have redraws happened and is it made public who the original winner was? Edit: For example, I know paypal won't work for any winner who happens to be from: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Monaco, Moldova, Montenegro, Myanmar, Pakistan, Paraguay, Saint Lucia, South Sudan, Sudan...
This is not a drill. Or the drawing thread. This is NOT the drawing thread. Everytime someone asks me this, a brain cell dies. At this rate I'll be brain dead soon.
Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5bVdaNjJKaFUzcFZ1NUlNX1dhQmRxWmJlRk9qMHg3WVVSdDVDUmVGdHhNaHFwbGFPYUxhM3BkOFItajVfVUlDcnpyRE9PWHpzTHNjUzd2cnQyVXltUzhIUGpSNUFRM1JZd0ZRTklIb0dwOEJUdUlzeXNWOHZiTEZ4WFhDcTVPeUxSNlB3Ym5jMUREZ1FyeW9qWHJHZkpoSjFMRVdsVDN2UHNYUVpiTTVrNVF5Q3UzNm9UUWx5cVBLS2ZYM1NNUW9FMy1lMDgxaTdXNGt3X3Q5RWdYbUNmQT09 And of course a big thank you to everyone who donated. I'm going to try to get this thing to work for me, maybe figure out a project or two I can video/stream. EDIT: I actually made something with this stuff today, it was a dry run and I think every face has an issue on it but hell, [20 sided dice]( If I get this down to a reasonable technique maybe I can do a twich stream.
What about using squarecash? I've used it before and I had no problems with it honestly. I've squarecash to buy basketball tickets actually. Outside of PayPal I've never heard of anything else.
Edit : Someone had to ask, so...DISCLAIMER : This is not the drawing thread. Second edit edited : Rip my inbox.
Out with it, redditors? What are you going to do with the money if you win? That way, if someone comments on here, wins, and doesn't follow through, we can shame him/her.
###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) **TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. Don't forget to upvote this thread, subscribe to our twitter, and join our mailing list! [Reminder to donate]( and [reminder to enter the next drawing](** **What is this, anyway?** Two years ago, a redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact that [If a million of us picked a certain redditor and all donated just $1, we would have the power to make someone a millionaire]( We are now an embodiment of that showerthought, and this is our next attempt to make it happen. We **need** your help to keep this running, which only amounts to a $1 a month to make someone's day. Now how does it work? Look below. **How to enter:** * REQUIRED: Leave **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. We highly recommend commenting `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"`, this will remind you via PM to donate. You can also follow [this link]( and click send to be reminded to donate. **Important Rules:** * Only ONE top level *(not a reply)* comment per person, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment. Delete any extra duplicates ASAP. * Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Obvious throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person. **How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?** * After **24 hours** this thread will close and the method of selection will begin. * The method can be read in detail [here]( * Method TL;DR: we assign number by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1. We then wait for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, and calculate the winner using the formula described in the post mentioned above. * The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for the chosen payment method (mods will help set this up if needed). * The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! * The lucky redditor posts a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking the community for their generosity. **Reminders** * Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal account and/or cryptocurrency wallets. To buy bitcoin, you may use [Circle]( for instant credit card purchases or [Coinbase]( for purchases using your bank account. To store bitcoin, we recommend the Mycelium wallet for [iOS]( and [Android]( or the [Electrum]( wallet for Android, Mac, Linux, and PC. * Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it. * If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"` or check out our [IFTTT recipes](/r/jaysamuel/comments/2wnvrw/all_of_my_ifttt_recipes/). * Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a cool correlation between where we made it it in /r/all and donations. * Try to cross-post this post to relevant subs. (Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here) * **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.** At this point, Reddit, it's all up to you. Make us proud. Change the world. Prove the internet can do good. **MOST IMPORTANTLY** Remember, this is about generosity, about making history, and about coming together to make someone's life better. So take 3 minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a few bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few cents. Every cent counts. Note about legality: This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter. Also, WE are not giving any prizes away (the moderators will never even touch your donations). As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable. Think of what you could do with $1,000,000... You could pay off student loans, have lifesaving surgery, or even give $1 to a million people! So Reddit, thanks for sticking with us through that long post. It's finally time to change a life. Help us to the front page, so we can make history, and... **LET'S MAKE A MILLIONAIRE!**
###The winner, /u/cobaltcollapse, has been chosen! Pitch in with your donation [here.]( ------- Hey millionairemakers! We're starting the 27th drawing to make another millionaire. ~~Watch here:~~ ##~~[]( Good luck, and remember to come back and donate to the winner (assuming you don't win!) [Reminder to donate]( and [Reminder to enter next drawing]( ###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) Drawing log: Getting comment ids... Participants: 15382 Comment IDs: comment_ids-22-Jan-2017-01-30-12.txt?dl=0 Expires at: Tue, 01 Jan 2030 00:00:00 +0000 Comment IDs SHA-256: f9d7c11211df85872040a1da8bfe2202da303e5218efc9d756f8af20e97152c2 Subscribing to the bitcoin blockchain... Waiting for block #1 Block Found! Hash is: 00000000000000000142a0801d3610b2ff9da7ff22d4292796133ead1e2999dd Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Waiting for block #2 Block Found! Hash is: 000000000000000000c71ae4bf61bc379faeb21b8238634618f59be46c994d16 Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Waiting for block #3 Block Found! Hash is: 000000000000000002ab3da6d104fdb48d3ec88e37da103e3fdad0798325b48c Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Winner height is 449416 Waiting for 3 confirmations... Waiting for block #1 Block Found! Hash is: 000000000000000001e25298961041c359cfd555e47f44a69762b5ef96ec415f Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Waiting for block #2 Block Found! Hash is: 000000000000000001f3bc66ea32ffbe7d3daf4b81177eee61285e67b039064d Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Waiting for block #3 Block Found! Hash is: 0000000000000000017525da61aab235399409c92a6bf3057c9af9e128d9e9f1 Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Confirmation completed. Retrieving height 449416 Winning hash is: 000000000000000002ab3da6d104fdb48d3ec88e37da103e3fdad0798325b48c Participants: 15382 Winner index: 8543 Winner comment id: dcp8i3e Winner is: cobaltcollapse ###Donate your dollar to this month's winner here:
Imagine getting off work and seeing that you won an internet contest to pay you more money than you make in a month, it's a really fun feeling. I'm moving in a few months, so this cash will help with deposits and whatnot, I might even get a cat or two with it. I'm a twenty-something dude that will soon work at Starbucks to help out while I'm in college for accounting (that means I know how to dodge taxes on this). I'm in a two-person book club with my girlfriend and we're now reading Blood Meridian. I enjoy watching pro wrestling (Jericho is winning the Rumble). I send my girlfriend a picture of a cat every day, so thank you to everyone that posts cat pictures on Reddit. Thank you to everyone involved with this. I get shoutouts, yeah? Matt Farley is amazing, everyone should listen to him. [Poop]( Uhh Yeah Dude, building things up, not tearing them down. [BDP]( Support your local libraries and read more books. **EDIT: MY TOTAL IS APPROXIMATELY $1977.47. I want to thank everyone for this. Not just the donations, but constantly seeing an orange envelope, and all of the good wishes and cat pictures. This, without a doubt, is a fantastic start to what will turn out to be a phenomenal year for me. You're all great people.** *** *** This part is written by the mods: All of the amounts below should result in /u/cobaltcollapse receiving about $1 USD **Methods of payment:** **Tipbots** | Guide | Amount | Comment this to donate ---|---|---|--- **Dogetip** | [Guide](/r/dogetipbot/w/gettingstarted) | 5000 Doge | "+/u/dogetipbot 5000 doge" **Litetip** | [Guide](/r/litetip/about/sidebar) |$1 | "+/u/litetip $1" **Cryptocurrency transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address | QR Code ---|---|---|---|--- **Bitcoin** | [Guide](| 0.0011 BTC | 3DSguXKn3RpuRguFeTfCGbKFbMcBY76c7i | ** **Dogecoin** | [Guide]( | 5000 Doge | AAWN4gHXQz2AsUiBTbnUyUV1uYFEyip69u | **Litecoin** | [Guide]( | 0.27 LTC | 334wTGr2w7zzNLUaj27wb6aaBrSKqm9SCx | **Cash transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address ---|---|---|--- **PayPal** | [Guide]( | $1.40 | *[email protected]* **Google Wallet** | [Guide]( | $1 | *[email protected]*
#/u/Liagala has sent the mod team three months worth of Humble Monthly keys in order for us to give them away to you! In order to enter, you must leave **one** top-level comment, replies will not be counted. &nbsp; --- &nbsp; ###***Prizes (winners will choose one each)*** ~~HoPiKo~~ (Claimed by /u/Rhythmdvl) ~~Jotun~~ (Claimed by /u/marcthedrifter) ~~Mother Russia Bleeds~~ (Claimed by /u/xsnowfoxx) ~~Neon Chrome~~ (Claimed by /u/Ergo-jd) ~~Project CARS~~ (Claimed by /u/BasedPolarBear) ~~Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide~~ (Claimed by /u/Afford) Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Schluesselschloss DLC Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide The Outsider DLC The Escapists - Alcatraz The Escapists - Base Game D The Escapists - Duct Tapes are Forever The Escapists - Escape Team The Escapists - Fhurst Peak The Flame in the Flood ~~Hacknet~~ (Claimed by /u/ThatYellowCard) Minion Masters Western Press Western Press Mk Cans II Character DLC ~~Beyond Eyes~~ (Claimed by /u/his_angel) ~~BROFORCE~~ (Claimed by /u/Baelix) Kathy Rain Pirate Pop Plus ~~Rebel Galaxy~~ (Claimed by /u/ThePopesFace) &nbsp; --- &nbsp; EDIT: The drawing is over. Winners who haven't claimed a key please choose from the list above and PM me.
What are you gonna do with your winnings if you win?
###/u/underthebug is the winner! Come back soon for the donation post. --- Hey millionairemakers! We're starting the 28th drawing to make another millionaire. ~~Watch here:~~ ~~ Good luck, and remember to come back and donate to the winner (assuming you don't win!) ###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion)
This is an edit for 02/27/2017 at 3:35 pm eastern time USA. The total amount between Google wallet $470.88, PayPal $1,655.46 , Bitcoin 0.25314 or $301.76 usd, Doge-coin 45,001.00 or $9.67 usd and Lite-coin 0.300 I did not do the math for this one. The total so far is $2447.77 usd. Thank you so much this will really help. I was watching the drawing for a minute or two then I got board so I started looking at YouTube Aquachigger videos he is a good guy and then I got an orange envelope. My eyes have been messing with me for a few months so I haven't been as active as I like to be but I still scan r/all and my front page everyday. I didn't think I would win the MillionaireMakers drawing but I have watched it from the beginning and thought it is an ingenious concept that has turned into a reality. I abandoned Diggdotcom about 8 years ago and have seen some of the bad thing that were happening over at digg come to reddit but I don't think MillionaireMakers could have happened over there. About me and the things I will do with the funding from this drawing. So at this point in my life I have become a burden to my S/O and unable to work. I will be paying medical bills and helping with the grocery's. If you don't or can't donate to me try to do something of value locally to make it a little nicer where you live. Thank you. *** *** This part is written by the mods: All of the amounts below should result in /u/underthebug receiving about $1 USD **Methods of payment:** **Tipbots** | Guide | Amount | Comment this to donate ---|---|---|--- **Dogetip** | [Guide](/r/dogetipbot/w/gettingstarted) | 5000 Doge | "+/u/dogetipbot 5000 doge" **Litetip** | [Guide](/r/litetip/about/sidebar) |$1 | "+/u/litetip $1" **Cryptocurrency transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address | QR Code ---|---|---|---|--- **Bitcoin** | [Guide](| 0.001 BTC | *37pmpPQAQsCnaM1eunxFHZb7vykvip44Dr* | ** **Dogecoin** | [Guide]( | 5000 Doge | *9u7adZj7gDQJ2coTz4D5qPb9ipewdCusq7* | ** **Litecoin** | [Guide]( | 0.3 LTC | *3QBjoGdHMnWPk3Dih3kxbXvhGofSURb3Hz* | ** **Cash transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address ---|---|---|--- **PayPal** | [Guide]( | $1.40 | *[email protected]* **Google Wallet** | [Guide]( | $1 | *[email protected]*
###/u/kep700 is the winner! Make your dollar donation here: ------ ###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) **TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. Don't forget to upvote this thread, subscribe to our twitter, and join our mailing list! [Reminder to donate]([]%20RemindMe!%20March%2020%202017%2010:30%20PM%20%22Donate%20to%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20winner!%22) and [reminder to enter the next drawing]([]%20RemindMe!%20April%2021%202017%2010:30%20PM%20"Enter%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20drawing!")** **What is this, anyway?** Two years ago, a redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact that [If a million of us picked a certain redditor and all donated just $1, we would have the power to make someone a millionaire]( We are now an embodiment of that showerthought, and this is our next attempt to make it happen. We **need** your help to keep this running, which only amounts to a $1 a month to make someone's day. Now how does it work? Look below. **How to enter:** * REQUIRED: Leave **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. We highly recommend commenting `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"`, this will remind you via PM to donate. You can also follow [this link]( and click send to be reminded to donate. **Important Rules:** * Only ONE top level *(not a reply)* comment per person, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment. Delete any extra duplicates ASAP. * Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Obvious throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person. **How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?** * After **24 hours** this thread will close and the method of selection will begin. * The method can be read in detail [here]( * Method TL;DR: we assign number by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1. We then wait for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, and calculate the winner using the formula described in the post mentioned above. * The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for the chosen payment method (mods will help set this up if needed). * The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! * The lucky redditor posts a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking the community for their generosity. **Reminders** * Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal account and/or cryptocurrency wallets. To buy bitcoin, you may use [Circle]( for instant credit card purchases or [Coinbase]( for purchases using your bank account. To store bitcoin, we recommend the Mycelium wallet for [iOS]( and [Android]( or the [Electrum]( wallet for Android, Mac, Linux, and PC. * Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it. * If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"` or check out our [IFTTT recipes](/r/jaysamuel/comments/2wnvrw/all_of_my_ifttt_recipes/). * Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a cool correlation between where we made it it in /r/all and donations. * Try to cross-post this post to relevant subs. (Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here) * **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.** At this point, Reddit, it's all up to you. Make us proud. Change the world. Prove the internet can do good. **MOST IMPORTANTLY** Remember, this is about generosity, about making history, and about coming together to make someone's life better. So take 3 minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a few bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few cents. Every cent counts. Note about legality: This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter. Also, WE are not giving any prizes away (the moderators will never even touch your donations). As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable. Think of what you could do with $1,000,000... You could pay off student loans, have lifesaving surgery, or even give $1 to a million people! So Reddit, thanks for sticking with us through that long post. It's finally time to change a life. Help us to the front page, so we can make history, and... **LET'S MAKE A MILLIONAIRE!**
###/u/kep700 is the winner! Make your donation here: --- Hey millionairemakers! We're starting the 29th drawing to make another millionaire. ~~Watch here:~~ ##~~[]( Good luck, and remember to come back and donate to the winner (assuming you don't win!) [Reminder to donate]( and [Reminder to enter next drawing](!%20April%2021%202017%2010:30%20PM%20%22Enter%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20drawing!%22) ###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) Drawing log: Participants: 15059 Comment IDs: Expires at: Tue, 01 Jan 2030 00:00:00 +0000 Comment IDs SHA-256: da189283101a427ab54af105c5438c55a9992787ff1c9fb7798e83a22e4f9a92 Subscribing to the bitcoin blockchain... Waiting for block #1 Block Found! Hash is: 0000000000000000004ca539bced3a5c31643fba5e9f41fae9aeb8b0415def91 Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Waiting for block #2 Block Found! Hash is: 00000000000000000061d9078b6c9fff80384fa0b8ee51172febaecc479414e9 Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Waiting for block #3 Block Found! Hash is: 000000000000000001aaff487ead7a8fb1d30da4f83b7f8ebfd10e1733be604f Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Winner height is 458060 Waiting for 3 confirmations... Waiting for block #1 Block Found! Hash is: 0000000000000000000b61c6ac25abe199136d42380cabca0267b55a4491e9f2 Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Waiting for block #2 Block Found! Hash is: 000000000000000001fcf8d3e84b9d34552c6841bed01b092ba7ad0cf8bb5120 Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Waiting for block #3 Block Found! Hash is: 0000000000000000018e4b187b23a1dea61d99d703eabf6bfe7d703e5e4fb99a Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Confirmation completed. Retrieving height 458060 Winning hash is: 000000000000000001aaff487ead7a8fb1d30da4f83b7f8ebfd10e1733be604f Participants: 15059 Winner index: 7068 Winner comment id: df2n915 Winner is: kep700
Hello r/millionairemakers! I was sitting home on a Sunday night watching Girls when some PMs started to come in congratulating me for winning. I could not believe it and thought surely there was some mistake. I feel so lucky right now! A little bit about me: late 20s gal who put herself through an expensive for-profit college and many years later am still chipping away at the student loan "rock" that seems to barely be moving. Changing jobs in a week so this is fantastic timing as there will most likely be a gap in pay. Hoping I have found somewhere I can double my current salary within the next 6-9 months so I am feeling very excited about the change. I love going to concerts and wrestling shows and plan on using some of the winnings for fun and not just bills. Thinking of grabbing Summerslam tickets for August as I went last year and had a blast but was not thinking I could afford it this year. I also have 2 cats that I plan to get special treats/toys for too. I just wanted to thank everyone who has already reached out to me to congratulate me. It feels like a dream and I love waking up to my envelope colored orange! **EDIT 1**: 3-20 9:45PM EST - Paypal: $474.68 - GW: $103.23- BTC: $83.18 - Doge: $2.30 = $663.39! I can't believe all the support, well wishes, and donations. I am so grateful to everyone for making this sub work!! Kitty pics to follow :) **EDIT 2**: kitty pics! Just what I had on my phone I will get better ones in the next few days when I get them some toys! Tiger is Lily and grey fellow is Pogo **EDIT 3**: I was going to wait to update again on Friday but I'm just blown away by the kindness and generosity so I wanted to come on and update the new totals after about 29 hours. Paypal: $748.99 - GW: $23.77- BTC: $72.45 - Doge: $3.75 Lite: $1.52 = $850.48 for the day and a grand total over all of $1513.87!! Thank you to everyone who donated to me and I will have updates over the next couple of weeks because I know everyone is interested to know the numbers! More kitty pictures to come as well!! **EDIT 4**: 3-24 11:45PM EST - As promised I wanted to give a quick end-of-week update! Grand total so far is **$1843.51** (roughly since the price of cryptocurrency has been all over the place this week). I just want to thank everyone again for all the well wishes and donations. I am a bit busy this weekend setting up my office for my first day of work Monday but I will try and come back with kitty pictures before the weekend is up. Donations seem to be slowing down a bit, so I will update again next Friday unless anything major happens. THANK YOU!!! **EDIT 5**: 4-3 just wanted to hop on and give you an updated total. I am now up to **$2099.27** total. Things have slowed down a it since the first week but I am still getting multiple messages everyday and really appreciate everything! I have paid bills including throwing a little extra on my highest interest student loan and made a donation towards the Congenital Heart Walk I am doing for a friend's baby in May. Also got the furry kids some items as well. Included pictures below of pogo in his new "watermelon" bed and kitty condo - lily didn't want to corporate for picture time :) **EDIT 6**: 4-7 updated total thus far is **$2117** - Have a great weekend everyone!!! **Final Edit** 4-25 hello all wanted to give you the most final total I think I will have it looks like I ended up at **$2213.88**. I appreciate everyone's kindness and donations and I can't say enough how amazing this community is and how encouraged I feel. I wish I had something more glamorous to show you guys that I got with the winnings but really I just got caught up on bills which is an amazing feeling and came at a great time because I have found out I need to move in the next two months so being caught up is so helpful. If anything major happens I'll come back and update otherwise, once again, **THANK YOU** *** *** This part is written by the mods: All of the amounts below should result in /u/kep700 receiving about $1 USD **Methods of payment:** **Tipbots** | Guide | Amount | Comment this to donate ---|---|---|--- **Dogetip** | [Guide](/r/dogetipbot/w/gettingstarted) | 5000 Doge | "+/u/dogetipbot 5000 doge" **Litetip** | [Guide](/r/litetip/about/sidebar) |$1 | "+/u/litetip $1" **Cryptocurrency transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address | QR Code ---|---|---|---|--- **Bitcoin** | [Guide](| 0.001 BTC | *3JpADVAWVbpg9tFtGAmk1foUbjL8Eszb3j* | ** **Dogecoin** | [Guide]( | 5000 Doge | *AAqiWidAJpQ1QuKLpBLDS2GVMbZxbfDjHw* | ** **Litecoin** | [Guide]( | 0.38 LTC | *33txQQb9fPtzytpgwgNUPigXjEGPFG7QEU* | ** **Cash transfer** | Guide | Amount | Address ---|---|---|--- **PayPal** | [Guide]( | $1.40 | *[email protected]* **Google Wallet** | [Guide]( | $1 | *[email protected]*
The reminder to enter in the sidebar actually has a link, so I went ahead and made a link without the bitly. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I thought there was going to be a drawing today? But I don't even see an entry thread. Anybody know anything?
#/u/rocketblitz is the winner! Make your dollar donation here: --------------------- ###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) **TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. Don't forget to upvote this thread, subscribe to our twitter, and join our mailing list! [Reminder to donate](!%20April%2024%202017%2010:30%20PM%20"Donate%20to%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20winner!") and [reminder to enter the next drawing]([]%20RemindMe!%20May%2019%202017%2010:30%20PM%20"Enter%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20drawing!")** **What is this, anyway?** Two years ago, a redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact that [If a million of us picked a certain redditor and all donated just $1, we would have the power to make someone a millionaire]( We are now an embodiment of that showerthought, and this is our next attempt to make it happen. We **need** your help to keep this running, which only amounts to a $1 a month to make someone's day. Now how does it work? Look below. **How to enter:** * REQUIRED: Leave **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. We highly recommend commenting `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"`, this will remind you via PM to donate. You can also follow [this link](!%20April%2024%202017%2010:30%20PM%20%22Donate%20to%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20winner!%22) and click send to be reminded to donate. **Important Rules:** * Only ONE top level *(not a reply)* comment per person, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment. Delete any extra duplicates ASAP. * Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Obvious throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person. **How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?** * After **24 hours** this thread will close and the method of selection will begin. * The method can be read in detail [here]( * Method TL;DR: we assign number by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1. We then wait for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, and calculate the winner using the formula described in the post mentioned above. * The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for the chosen payment method (mods will help set this up if needed). * The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! * The lucky redditor posts a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking the community for their generosity. **Reminders** * Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal account and/or cryptocurrency wallets. To buy bitcoin, you may use [Coinbase]( for purchases using your bank account. To store bitcoin, we recommend the Mycelium wallet for [iOS]( and [Android]( or the [Electrum]( wallet for Android, Mac, Linux, and PC. * Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it. * If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"` or check out our [IFTTT recipes](/r/jaysamuel/comments/2wnvrw/all_of_my_ifttt_recipes/). * Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a cool correlation between where we made it it in /r/all and donations. * Try to cross-post this post to relevant subs. (Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here) * **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.** At this point, Reddit, it's all up to you. Make us proud. Change the world. Prove the internet can do good. **MOST IMPORTANTLY** Remember, this is about generosity, about making history, and about coming together to make someone's life better. So take 3 minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a few bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few cents. Every cent counts. Note about legality: This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter. Also, WE are not giving any prizes away (the moderators will never even touch your donations). As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable. Think of what you could do with $1,000,000... You could pay off student loans, have lifesaving surgery, or even give $1 to a million people! So Reddit, thanks for sticking with us through that long post. It's finally time to change a life. Help us to the front page, so we can make history, and... **LET'S MAKE A MILLIONAIRE!**
#/u/rocketblitz is the winner! Make your donation here: --------- Hey millionairemakers! We're starting the 30th drawing to make another millionaire. ~~Watch here:~~ ##[Archive of livestream]( Good luck, and remember to come back and donate to the winner (assuming you don't win!) [Reminder to donate](!%20April%2024%202017%2010:30%20PM%20%22Donate%20to%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20winner!%22) and [Reminder to enter next drawing](!%20May%2019%202017%2010:30%20PM%20%22Enter%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20drawing!%22) ###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) Drawing log: Participants: 29109 Comment IDs: dl=0 Expires at: Tue, 01 Jan 2030 00:00:00 +0000 Comment IDs SHA-256: adceeee0767d799973e5c5de744c85f311f948ad0a7f0c39abc612ab29247eee Subscribing to the bitcoin blockchain... Waiting for block #1 Block Found! Hash is: 000000000000000000972ae06b992ae08f7f2d4a25565b408d2c4fac9fe9442d Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Waiting for block #2 Block Found! Hash is: 000000000000000001d784bc540435d98fc4d4ed47c63ff2e8060cb2e044bb94 Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Waiting for block #3 Block Found! Hash is: 0000000000000000009d0d345cce13bc3271c75c50a553649fd762672f6bbb79 Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Winner height is 463087 Waiting for 3 confirmations... Waiting for block #1 Block Found! Hash is: 000000000000000001fbd54b416e7d6f00547d605c9ad422946dbd84bb910d86 Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Waiting for block #2 Block Found! Hash is: 000000000000000000a233031180d94e3bcab83acb751b8b48b6cf3a35ec3a39 Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Waiting for block #3 Block Found! Hash is: 00000000000000000085cae570cd40cd0984780e65e07e9b98e236f15b379f5f Waiting 10 seconds for the block to settle... Confirmation completed. Retrieving height 463087 Winning hash is: 0000000000000000009d0d345cce13bc3271c75c50a553649fd762672f6bbb79 Participants: 29109 Winner index: 16423 Winner comment id: dglnarp Winner is: rocketblitz
Wow. Hello, /r/millionairemakers. First things first: thank you all so much for your kind messages and congratulations! It's been positively overwhelming to read through all your comments and messages. It's making this situation even more unbelievable than it already is. As I was trying to keep myself from falling asleep at three in the morning last night, I suddenly received a Reddit message out of nowhere, and slowly it dawned on me that I was the lucky soul who won the 30th drawing. I can barely even begin to attempt to describe how absurdly lucky I feel. Again, from the bottom of my heart: **thank you**! As for me: I'm a college student from the Netherlands whose interests mainly consist of music, art, entertainment, and travel - which is something I haven't been able to do as much as I'd like to lately. I'm not going to share some superficial sob story, but winning this drawing means incredibly much to me. So what will I be spending the money on? I'd like to spend a few days at most abroad and see some of the amazing sights that Europe has to offer. However, I'll also save up a fair chunk of it so I have less student debt to pay off when I graduate. Chances are I'll also invest some of it into paying for study-related materials - textbooks and other essentials. Anyway... I'm completely overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. You are all such compassionate people and you've made me a very, very happy human being. This is an amazing community and I still can't believe my luck. Once again: ***thank you all so, so much. <3*** **EDIT 1**: It's 01:23 AM (GMT+2) here right now, and we've already surpassed 200$ USD!! I can't thank you all enough, I'm speechless! **EDIT 2**: 12:45 PM (GMT+2), and I just woke up to find out that this incredible community has already donated over $900 USD. This is unbelievable. :') Thank you all for your support! <3 (On a sidenote: I'm currently having some trouble with Google Wallet as I don't live in the US/UK, so I'd personally prefer PayPal/BTC-donations right now - I'm working on it, though!) **EDIT 3**: Almost 24 hours in, and this community has raised over *1500$ USD* already. I'm completely blown away. I appreciate your donations and heartwarming messages and comments so much! **EDIT 4**: 01:10 PM (GMT+2) (25/04). This is just bizarre - over 2000$ USD has been raised already. I'm feeling so incredibly fortunate, thank you all so much! <3 **EDIT 5**: 02:33 AM (GMT+2) (27/04). This is insane - we've gone past 2500$ USD now. I'm stunned at all the support this community has given me. You are incredible. **EDIT 6** 06:17 PM (GMT+2) (30/04). Hey everyone! This has been an unbelievable week. Just a quick update: as it turns out, **I can't accept USD on Google Wallet** since I don't live in the US. Your USD will probably be refunded in a week or so. In case you'd still like to donate, I strongly suggest using PayPal instead. Thank you all! <3 *** ***
This would make them really rich now when Bitcoin is going to $2000.
I mean, this is *awesome*, I haven't won (yet) but I don't really mind, this is such a cool thing to be a part of and everyone who takes part and actually donates or helps set up the donations is awesome!
~~You may have noticed that the drawing wasn't put up yesterday.~~ ~~We'd like to thank you on your patience; we are working on providing an actual update as to what is going to be happening.~~ ~~Whether or not this month's drawing will happen is still in the air.~~ ~~Some events have occured and conflictions have happened and it has created an obstacle for the mod team, we are working hard now to get a plan in place for future drawings.~~ ~~Please stay tuned.~~ &nbsp; ~~Thank you.~~ --- EDIT: Lack of moderator activity and time has made it so we're looking into options to prevent this from happening to future drawings. Basically, we want to work to automate the subreddit. Thank you.
Just saw this post by Altairego and I think it's pretty cool how much diversity there was. I'm currently 23 years old getting ready to separate from the military. Do you guys know how much value lean six sigma certifications hold in civilian jobs ?
Hey millionairemakers, As you may have observed, we haven't been the most active recently. There isn't any particular reason for this, just that it's difficult for a group of volunteer mods to maintain a consistent schedule of drawings and livestreams. But that doesn't change that millionairemakers has been a wonderful community, and we want to keep it that way. In order to continue, I've outlined of what we plan to do. Let's schedule the drawing for next Friday, June 23 at 6:30 PM EST. Click [here]([]%20RemindMe!%20June%2023%202017%2010:30%20PM%20%22Enter%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20drawing!%22) to be reminded to enter. ### Taking Action 1. Start applications for some additional mods to help facilitate drawings. 2. Formalize the drawing process for mods, making it easier to run drawings. Thanks for reading, and I hope we can maintain the great community we've built. Please leave any feedback in the comments, and I'll be happy to answer.
# /u/tyromaniac has been chosen as the winner! [Donate here]( ###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) **TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. Don't forget to upvote this thread and join our mailing list! [Reminder to donate]( and [reminder to enter the next drawing](** **What is this, anyway?** Two years ago, a redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact that [If a million of us picked a certain redditor and all donated just $1, we would have the power to make someone a millionaire]( We are now an embodiment of that showerthought, and this is our next attempt to make it happen. We **need** your help to keep this running, which only amounts to a $1 a month to make someone's day. Now how does it work? Look below. **How to enter:** * REQUIRED: Leave **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. We highly recommend commenting `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"`, this will remind you via PM to donate. You can also follow [this link]( and click send to be reminded to donate. **Important Rules:** * Only ONE top level *(not a reply)* comment per person, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment. Delete any extra duplicates ASAP. * Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Obvious throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person. **How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?** * After **24 hours** this thread will close and the method of selection will begin. * The method can be read in detail [here]( * Method TL;DR: we assign number by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1. We then wait for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, and calculate the winner using the formula described in the post mentioned above. * The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for the chosen payment method (mods will help set this up if needed). * The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! * The lucky redditor posts a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking the community for their generosity. **Reminders** * Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal account and/or cryptocurrency wallets. To buy bitcoin, you may use [Coinbase]( for purchases using your bank account. To store bitcoin, we recommend the Mycelium wallet for [iOS]( and [Android]( or the [Electrum]( wallet for Android, Mac, Linux, and PC. * Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it. * If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"` or check out our [IFTTT recipes](/r/jaysamuel/comments/2wnvrw/all_of_my_ifttt_recipes/). * Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a cool correlation between where we made it it in /r/all and donations. * Try to cross-post this post to relevant subs. (Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here) * **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.** At this point, Reddit, it's all up to you. Make us proud. Change the world. Prove the internet can do good. **MOST IMPORTANTLY** Remember, this is about generosity, about making history, and about coming together to make someone's life better. So take 3 minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a few bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few cents. Every cent counts. Note about legality: This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter. Also, WE are not giving any prizes away (the moderators will never even touch your donations). As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable. Think of what you could do with $1,000,000... You could pay off student loans, have lifesaving surgery, or even give $1 to a million people! So Reddit, thanks for sticking with us through that long post. It's finally time to change a life. Help us to the front page, so we can make history, and... **LET'S MAKE A MILLIONAIRE!**
If you're coming from the trending subreddits, welcome! Here's an FAQ to answer some questions you might have. # /u/tyromaniac has been chosen as the winner! [Donate here]( --- **What is this idea?** The idea is to make someone's day (or year!). Once a month, we hold a drawing and choose a winner. When someone is chosen, everyone is encouraged to donate a dollar to the winner! --- **How do I enter?** We just had a drawing, and a winner will be chosen tonight. Our next drawing is July 21^st. [Reminder to enter]( --- **How can I donate to the winner?** /u/tyromaniac has been chosen as the winner! [Donate here]( --- **What are the requirements to enter?** You must have a reddit account over 30 days old to enter. If you win, the mods will look over your account for some activity. --- **Why don't people pay to enter?** People paying to enter would create a lottery, which is illegal in many countries. This way, all donations are completely optional and directly to the winner. --- See [here]( for the full FAQ. Please ask any other questions you have in the comments here, to reduce spam. [twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion)
# /u/tyromaniac has been chosen as the winner! [Donate here]( Hey millionairemakers! We're starting the 31^st drawing to make another millionaire. Watch here: ~~## Good luck, and remember to come back and donate to the winner (assuming you don't win!) [Reminder to donate]( and [Reminder to enter next drawing]( ###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) Drawing log: Version 3.6.0 of praw is outdated. Version 4.5.1 was released Monday May 08, 2017. Getting comment ids... Participants: 62147 Comment IDs: Comment IDs SHA-256: 9f35c4abd9ce2f26ceae55a6235c6f1e05619a9c9ed3c420bfd0875b50fea04f Subscribing to the bitcoin blockchain... Waiting for block #1 Block Found! Hash is: 000000000000000001215d14eadd949f8a1148425904cecef1e478f9a59ec3df Waiting for block #2 Block Found! Hash is: 0000000000000000010145367197c21681d360a116f980a4e36f2e6c57101bb7 Waiting for block #3 Block Found! Hash is: 00000000000000000070303088c0626fec56fc0322dd44d6338c60415cbadf64 Waiting for 3 confirmations... Waiting for block #1 Block Found! Hash is: 0000000000000000003897cc36963382b7eea82388fff01a8800463cf4c24297 Waiting for block #2 Block Found! Hash is: 000000000000000000636df93cf3c43b1eaf6688b090bf0f2fc7f94fbeb6033c Waiting for block #3 Block Found! Hash is: 00000000000000000159c6d590497c65281934c9b3d530c5fb812f1beb96d15a Winner height is 472886 Retrieving height 472886 Winning hash is: 00000000000000000070303088c0626fec56fc0322dd44d6338c60415cbadf64 Participants: 62147 Winner index: 27343 Winner comment id: djbuc7c Winner is: tyromaniac
I'll keep this short and sweet: In case you were wondering : Yes, this is all rigged. /s And yes, I'm not worthy. I commented "Easy win" because I'm a troll. It was a joke. I saw it on the front page and I liked the concept. This wasn't supposed to happen. On that note, I'd like to thank all of you who gave me a heart attack this morning when I opened my inbox. It means a lot to me that you tried to kill me. I hope to learn more about all of this community in the coming days/months/years. If you don't feel like donating (or whatever this is called because I'm not donation-worthy), just give back to yourself or something you care about. Maybe give to charity, or maybe just put that dollar back in your pocket and spend it on you. A dollar saved is a dollar earned. If you break down a million dollars into smaller pieces, owning a million dollars some day suddenly doesn't seem so impossible any more. **EDIT**: I'm currently at work and I'll be giving everyone an update later tonight. All of you who have sent or are planning on sending money my way, I thank all of you. **EDIT2**: Everyone here is far too kind! As you can tell by glancing over some of the comments, a lot of you are actually donating over a dollar which is way more than is necessary but appreciated nonetheless! Thanks to all of you have contributed so far! **EDIT3**: In case anyone was wondering, probably going to buy a kayak so I can get drunk on an island! **EDIT4**: Any crypto I receive will stay in the currency I received it in! HODL (ok I just realized I broke this rule of mine, except for litecoin because someone asked me to hodl it :') ) **UPDATE**: For those interested, this is the current (approximate) tally (06/29/2017 PM): $2,852 paypal $523 google wallet .16810 Bitcoin = $425.36 13,600.16 Dogecoin = $36.35 1.809 Litecoin = $71.33 .298 Ether = $90.11 Which is somewhere around **$4000**! [MeIRL]( [Waking Up This Morning]( [Me Confused But Happy People Are Still Donating]( Thank you everyone!
#The selection process for this winner will be delayed. Thank you for your patience. Please view this update: ------ ###[twitter]( | [mailing list](!forum/redditmillion) **TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. Don't forget to upvote this thread, subscribe to our twitter, and join our mailing list! [Reminder to donate](!%20July%2023%202017%2010:30%20PM%20%22Donate%20to%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20winner!%22) and [reminder to enter the next drawing]([]%20RemindMe!%20August%2018%202017%2010:30%20PM%20%22Enter%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20drawing!%22)** **What is this, anyway?** Two years ago, a redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact that [If a million of us picked a certain redditor and all donated just $1, we would have the power to make someone a millionaire]( We are now an embodiment of that showerthought, and this is our next attempt to make it happen. We **need** your help to keep this running, which only amounts to a $1 a month to make someone's day. Now how does it work? Look below. **How to enter:** * REQUIRED: Leave **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. We highly recommend commenting `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"`, this will remind you via PM to donate. You can also follow [this link](!%20July%2023%202017%2010:30%20PM%20%22Donate%20to%20the%20/r/MillionaireMakers%20winner!%22) and click send to be reminded to donate. **Important Rules:** * Only ONE top level *(not a reply)* comment per person, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment. Delete any extra duplicates ASAP. * Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Obvious throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person. **How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?** * After **24 hours** this thread will close and the method of selection will begin. * The method can be read in detail [here]( * Method TL;DR: we assign number by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1. We then wait for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, and calculate the winner using the formula described in the post mentioned above. * The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for the chosen payment method (mods will help set this up if needed). * The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! * The lucky redditor posts a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking the community for their generosity. **Reminders** * Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal account and/or cryptocurrency wallets. To buy bitcoin, you may use [Coinbase]( for purchases using your bank account. To store bitcoin, we recommend the Mycelium wallet for [iOS]( and [Android]( or the [Electrum]( wallet for Android, Mac, Linux, and PC. * Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it. * If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment `"RemindMe! 2 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers"` or check out our [IFTTT recipes](/r/jaysamuel/comments/2wnvrw/all_of_my_ifttt_recipes/). * Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a cool correlation between where we made it it in /r/all and donations. * Try to cross-post this post to relevant subs. (Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here) * **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.** At this point, Reddit, it's all up to you. Make us proud. Change the world. Prove the internet can do good. **MOST IMPORTANTLY** Remember, this is about generosity, about making history, and about coming together to make someone's life better. So take 3 minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a few bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few cents. Every cent counts. Note about legality: This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter. Also, WE are not giving any prizes away (the moderators will never even touch your donations). As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable. Think of what you could do with $1,000,000... You could pay off student loans, have lifesaving surgery, or even give $1 to a million people! So Reddit, thanks for sticking with us through that long post. It's finally time to change a life. Help us to the front page, so we can make history, and... **LET'S MAKE A MILLIONAIRE!**
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Bittensor Subnet 13 Reddit Dataset

Data-universe: The finest collection of social media data the web has to offer
Data-universe: The finest collection of social media data the web has to offer

Dataset Summary

This dataset is part of the Bittensor Subnet 13 decentralized network, containing preprocessed Reddit data. The data is continuously updated by network miners, providing a real-time stream of Reddit content for various analytical and machine learning tasks. For more information about the dataset, please visit the official repository.

Supported Tasks

The versatility of this dataset allows researchers and data scientists to explore various aspects of social media dynamics and develop innovative applications. Users are encouraged to leverage this data creatively for their specific research or business needs. For example:

  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Topic Modeling
  • Community Analysis
  • Content Categorization


Primary language: Datasets are mostly English, but can be multilingual due to decentralized ways of creation.

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

Each instance represents a single Reddit post or comment with the following fields:

Data Fields

  • text (string): The main content of the Reddit post or comment.
  • label (string): Sentiment or topic category of the content.
  • dataType (string): Indicates whether the entry is a post or a comment.
  • communityName (string): The name of the subreddit where the content was posted.
  • datetime (string): The date when the content was posted or commented.
  • username_encoded (string): An encoded version of the username to maintain user privacy.
  • url_encoded (string): An encoded version of any URLs included in the content.

Data Splits

This dataset is continuously updated and does not have fixed splits. Users should create their own splits based on their requirements and the data's timestamp.

Dataset Creation

Source Data

Data is collected from public posts and comments on Reddit, adhering to the platform's terms of service and API usage guidelines.

Personal and Sensitive Information

All usernames and URLs are encoded to protect user privacy. The dataset does not intentionally include personal or sensitive information.

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact and Biases

Users should be aware of potential biases inherent in Reddit data, including demographic and content biases. This dataset reflects the content and opinions expressed on Reddit and should not be considered a representative sample of the general population.


  • Data quality may vary due to the nature of media sources.
  • The dataset may contain noise, spam, or irrelevant content typical of social media platforms.
  • Temporal biases may exist due to real-time collection methods.
  • The dataset is limited to public subreddits and does not include private or restricted communities.

Additional Information

Licensing Information

The dataset is released under the MIT license. The use of this dataset is also subject to Reddit Terms of Use.

Citation Information

If you use this dataset in your research, please cite it as follows:

        title={The Data Universe Datasets: The finest collection of social media data the web has to offer},


To report issues or contribute to the dataset, please contact the miner or use the Bittensor Subnet 13 governance mechanisms.

Dataset Statistics

[This section is automatically updated]

  • Total Instances: 15716049
  • Date Range: 2013-12-04T00:00:00Z to 2025-03-25T00:00:00Z
  • Last Updated: 2025-03-25T20:06:51Z

Data Distribution

  • Posts: 11.29%
  • Comments: 88.71%

Top 10 Subreddits

For full statistics, please refer to the stats.json file in the repository.

Rank Topic Total Count Percentage
1 r/wallstreetbets 494693 3.15%
2 r/politics 478232 3.04%
3 r/worldnews 362287 2.31%
4 r/CryptoCurrency 170371 1.08%
5 r/Bitcoin 162171 1.03%
6 r/CryptoMarkets 63173 0.40%
7 r/solana 48577 0.31%
8 r/trump 39208 0.25%
9 r/ethtrader 32281 0.21%
10 r/teenagers 22455 0.14%

Update History

Date New Instances Total Instances
2025-02-15T09:49:18Z 8474848 8474848
2025-02-18T22:16:18Z 1078051 9552899
2025-02-22T10:39:38Z 1037160 10590059
2025-02-24T14:05:32Z 536637 11126696
2025-02-25T08:06:07Z 135821 11262517
2025-02-26T02:06:38Z 117694 11380211
2025-02-26T20:15:38Z 98188 11478399
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