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2025-03-05 00:00:00
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I'm far from an expert, but you say you're "up" on your investments. But have you sold any? Pretty sure taxes are only due if you realize your gains by selling. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxblJCNld3TDVFdlNyamJOSHJJQ29XNy15VVNGUGFyMlVFc0taWlZVMUY3MjRJbzVobnNTU001NkgwODV5NU01V2UtRFQ2SmhNeFhaOW1mZkVhMVZvRmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5N1JNaUZOOU5iam9zaWVNbVJpR3paaGxNTmZRcDhUOWIwWkpuRHFEajEtZzBHWldZVERkYnpTbGJtOTVreEVEZldTWHJZRFdaX1NOVGl3XzZGN2gzUENFUElmMjNHc3BJTHY4TWY3Z3REQ3NGQi1pZ2paWEhCcUx3aG1mZFE0OFdVanhkaU5Cb0I5MURvRThyNGg4TDYyMksxaHQ1NUlDVXBWTElPV19jODBjPQ== |
I can't shed light on pros/cons, but have been with Vanguard for years and love them. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-01-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxb2VhdGE3aGdnbEdkSXlnZkF5dXdLRTlxQkUzRkkyclZTRVNJc1ZMR2Q5MWZ3c2lwV05DUkEzTzVZLUtwRTR1QkpIdzhQT2IycTdkaUsxaTJWbTdGUGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5bVJVVGNJaWZnZUxiTlAxcXBNUjQtQnB1RTgxTEstaVhzb2poUzVIdVQ1TUJFUmxWUWt6ZG1qeGZOSkc1aDNVbmJHTDhBd1ZRZG1rcGFrWGI5bWF6a1o1QW5UbGZMWDNfZ2NoYklaOE0xSndEcXRBN1NLNEdRck85ekgxT085RDkxZDRLSmFSbUpoTnA4Tk9HczlqREVuU1ZLcm5KTFdlRXFWNVAwbXJmN0ZVR2htUzR5Q2cwUGppOHIwQ0RNWFdX |
Must read! | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-01-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxdUNBNVVTWGhDRGMxeHNFRFRiZDVkZFpieFNvWnhqUTlvUTM5Q2tQX2Z0RUdGUXNtb0NyWm9VTXladElZbzVGQTVPUng5dGhTQTFhcTcydHJuX213S2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5N2tnMi1qZE9yb0ZKS0piZGQ5bzNZVGRYS0EyXzFWbW1oTUt3Q2RQenlZV0E1bDlFVDd3TlVjdWcwb2NOX0JLem5NUUEwcDdkcjFfTnRMSnJhSTZyNDRuY0NuV294NmtaOWUzZ19jVm1qaUlMM3VtTTk1ZlJvc3lGbkd6RkdqQlNkSTJIbFRQODNBVTVGS3hCczh0cHVhenRTb1hzVUxBMExyWlY1S0V2LUlvM3c5dU5HUFhJVXFPWThzSF9qak5SSTFrRmRiWVFvSjdyNlFVVC1LZGVoZz09 |
It depends of the tax rules of each country, here in Australia the first $20000 of income are tax free, so if you sold your shares and worked and for the year you only made $8000. You don’t pay taxes but you need to lodge your tax declaration.
You shouldn’t sell your shares unless:
You really need the cash.
You can reduce your taxes using the capital loss deduction.
Sell it because you know for sure they will lose value, so you could sell them and buy them again at a cheaper price.
Remember, I’m some cases you can still get dividends and that is why you should keep your shares. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-01-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxYW11akswQzZCZnZ6TVRYX2VCNmhsbXNRWXg1R0QxYThwV2ZvTlhiSzhmaVhpUDNzNC1PaU9lRm1aeVRlbkcwY19DMm5hRk5JbzlHX044c2FublVTNVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5SGxnS0s0S1FIb1NpaU1zNzlMMkZuVHpJbGltZF80bFNITHMyaE1Fc0FRMWdnb0hPQlFIaUdoekZEN3NGa2RMVUI2OEd1M3NNdmU5S0xkYnVBTDgzOUJWeGFXbzZzRVE5Rm9YYzRVdVNDaHB6MXpVVGFadl9tT09uRzJfV0pDQzVWWHBLS3lfVXVhaElFSmR2N2tBU0JmWVRZRlJvNmFlNGNmck85QzhWb3RVPQ== |
Pick some stocks in companies you like | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-01-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxbVFYb1JzZ3hkNjFUMERIRFRtTWh5UzRVZ2tBQ1R3TDdoRktXVmxXUmljVjNzZGRBMk9DakVsZ1lkUnhPS3JhUWZZb1JzTl85NW8tbUxpOElGNGRRNE1fbnFsM3lzQWEzMk9fLTdCazdZWXc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5OTRNODlrRkcwZUt5OUo2MGhYU0Y4OWx4VUV0a1cxMWRyQ3lBVm50WU9JaHlrS1E2dW1HRVltcDhJMTY4NlRFc3AyX3otWW9tdE9qQmdxUHpQU1RJZ0tmaHVoa09CcDFGTE5lRkYxb0dmN1FxdGFhVWxZZUloc2k5Ujd3bDRicXdXUHpOZDlRT2gzUUVaLWR6VEptNTJta3U2c3N2OTRxUzJNLS1xX3NSQXoyNGtILVFFa0MzeU14U1R1R1BWb01uRUxETkJXdWZXUkVodTlyZWVzdllIUThyUTRLVUJhQkNMcG9xMTV3eXZraz0= |
The Gold (OANDA:XAUUSD) looks to be a good pick, we’re ahead of FOMC meeting with a weak dollar.
Louis Vuitton (CHXEUR:MCP) got spoiled by Euro’s climb on Friday, but we’re heading higher.
Adidas (CHXEUR:ADSD) is still targeting 20% of US market, Euro is still rallying, a bit more on the downside and we’re good to go.
Caterpillar (NYSE:CAT) sank, but with a new $192 PT we’re on to 6% gain!
General Motors (NYSE:GM) auto sales report this week, keep an eye on it!
**Click:** https://www.gtc.news/en/dt18029en/ | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2018-01-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVk5lX0c0UVZJN2JWdkE5bnB0NEtpX3NHekJwRDJtZlRpQ3BtcnliVktPXzByeGxmelQxaDdfblJ6bTJ5N0JQWm44MktvTnBVNlByUE9ZZjZyNHpUNlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5X2xUZ0V3Vi1YTkczaGc4MEx3RnFsUmRJXzM5VUFwT1lzT29jRm01Qy1HWVY0R2V5NVRIcGhfNUt1M21iQW9FYW1hT2JwX292T3hJRU9FdW83NFFRc1pkcGhMa3VCOVJhaXZycnZiaGhTeldOZHlfNFM3aEEycWJmT3puZkROY3ZaUnoxLVg5QWgwdTRRRzFZb2x2cFNvUW9LTFpPWi1Zd2RicDAwendIU3A0PQ== |
Here's $5. To smart saving and invest in your future and your kids future. The first step is to start so im here to help.
https://get.stashinvest.com/carlos0o9uq | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2018-02-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMlk2aEZGWndWTHhfbU5VUk9zYXZvbC1wZ21udUVmaTJaM25PdFV0cFlqd2lSdXVvbDRxZFFxVGtyUkxZMVY0Vm9MTGN0QWgxT2FXU2ZCN1FkaE10T3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5UjdSb21kbEVrQWk3bW54ZVlvdnJCMklxSjI5eC1CR1lLdVNFdjMwbFZENncxelplQ0JpeGpQZjFReC1Fa0t2dnduZ2JXWXQzaDY0VC1uUFVZMnJ1ZE1DNmhsMjhwTkdzREpaSzVYYzN1TFdPMThEa1V3bFpwQVQxTk1tVDl4Qm92Y1p2UWI4VjhsVjIwZkd2MlNrQkpMUUlaYzlYTENVS2Z4SDJiZ1hBbmx5V005T0hsZ3hKVGVyU2F2NWxCNy00SjZqa25ZZ1NSRWtLY2hhR1RPWjhPQT09 |
Ya if u got a few million dollars in ur account go for it XD | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-02-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxQXNXd0NrUUx4ckVJSE9qR2ZKeFlMckd1YS05NjJWVGVWZGhZM2U4eDEtd21Nc3VTcmVrM25sbU9kV2tBdDVySXdKb3dzNThhYTA5UVNrZkticU5PNVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5cm5VN1EtZjJSRDVGMWw1aGpCZ0xJcGZSU2lMczByckpkUTdUcG1CNTB6M0RoV2lfRG5lMkNXbF9UTlhyS1hVWlR5MW8zNWtISUUycUVtTExaeGxiRWpYR3FSVkhxZU1uSW9tVGJiTUh0M2psazl4Sk16akI2cVBtay1Za2VsNkJPdmp2Njc2eVBmMWUwRkN2X3d6ZmgzM3ZUUVhpOHRBU3ZpYlVMTVRmZW1qRGQ2bWJvdl9DM2hmTDRwb1NBVVRZMFZOTnpTM0lyRFBnR1dIa0xobURTWm9aTjFTNmNWWHdBelFrRnBOd0xzUT0= |
If I can't be bothered to enter this into a spreadsheet or even just take pictures.... Why would I do it for another company...
Or would they come in and inventory every thing and tell me I need to buy new stuff?
Hard to beat throwing all my appliance recepts/warranties in a drawer and digging when needed. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-03-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxdkU4RFNiMmJkekxac1g3RFpBb1YyTzVxS1NYNWg1cjBIRE9PQjhUNlhvdXNQck5JSXhjUFl2UFpDRGFWY3FnRE5yT1loVVhjd2tjV1h4dzFSWGJMeXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5dktEV21MbDNRQmdEMjFCaE0zVUVndnl2dkRKVHF0U21NV3JsOExKR216TkQ0eTVYaFBZQXRzNUdidTdrR3dpRDgzVDBYWFlsb2JWTFNJaV9rakw5Q2FTZk9pN1hrUXNRdm9xRHM3VW5GTS1Sekkwb2ptOVZ6dV9kNFEtRFpJUm9OZkJGN2xWMzJfTVNHR2tfSlN5bDc1M1VraXI0V1hQNEhnMGdFdmZrVnZQMnFobDNQQi1DYVBCY2JiMnVtcXR4QVJBa0RfYTBoSVdTYnJOaGhfaURXQT09 |
what about the ability to share in revenue? when somebody wants to buy your house they will pay for a report of the repairs that were done...and you will get some of the revenue | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-03-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxSW1pb0RxbXRuM1ZudjZTRjNkcVgwdTBJNlQ3SGtnUUxGMWotdGdlLW9tcEE1R3NkMHVCeVo4UFVnWWU3d3NPSXQ5aVZwLUxTaGVSX0pBb3BqMk82ZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5OTlMQkVvZmN4ZV9HaXN0d2xlN0xwbHVFVG1sYkYyT1VSWHdwb3pfX0c1SVpWcTBYYi15RTh6VzFIY1lsR3llWm9udERPODdxY0UwZmVxOWhtSmJ3LUlrb2MwMm81S08tMFpEVjFQcC1Sd25MeElNX243NkNHTnhZcGlySHlkckdqbFcxa0RtV2RuUVpvZmI5YjRvTDVXa2lFSEdtTVk3SVp6bjdrUkRvalNYM3NESWN1VWR6c2Q0bVUxaVVGMElKUmdOSmpOb2R6ODQ1WjJDTXllLUI3QT09 |
When you submit a moonshot claim, **quality** is expected. Provide any information of why you think it is a potential moonshot. What problem does it solve? Competitors? Go into both pros and cons. "Great team" does not provide any value what so ever. Again, READ THE SIDEBAR.
There are requirements to participate in this community.
* Your account needs to be at least **3 months old**.
* Your submission needs to be **1000 characters** or more in length.
* You need at least **50 karma** to comment.
* Editing a post after submission is not allowed, and causes the submission to be removed.
* A user can only make a new submission **every 24 hours.** (This might increase in the future).
**Tokens/coins are to be flaired correctly, or the post is removed and the user will be PERMANENTLY banned.**
**Any updates in regards to the community can always be found on** [**CryptoMoonShots.org**](https://CryptoMoonShots.org)
**Be extra critical towards submissions with high amount of awards/upvotes! Manipulation do happen, and you are to do your own research. THIS PLACE IS NOT FOR YOU IF YOU ARE NEW TO CRYPTO, OR INCAPABLE OF DOING YOUR OWN RESEARCH.** | r/cryptomoonshots | post | r/CryptoMoonShots | 2018-04-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxNE5PQlNSSGthYTI1d1ZabkRQTDNocmU4OGI0bWhad3JWZDBhUmNXR2tMRXJqQ3VYX29sRmNwVmN4czlMbHRYWTNKM0R6SER0MHFkNHhNdDkyZHlTZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5WlRwenZrRUJFZ1FydE1yaUdzLUNOZlFRUHpDVmdsWl9iQlVJMnlOdEtfUGxxY3B6alJ1MGJtd3dfaHMweVdYeW02aERJQ1F4bjRQb1lWNTFLTmdtczNzY3hFZklTVzNCcGU1N2dtY0szQ0RJQ0NaLXlCdXNkeERBYW5lejhFUndTZjdTQ0JJdG5acS1lVmtJTjNEUUthV3g2NTZRNkNCay1ObUNRU2dqam93LTNDaTRsN295WkVmZlFTTXlqaEhxSUNuYnAyMWZXclh1ZVhyZ0llWE5JUT09 |
##If you're looking for the winner, please check to see if there's a stickied comment on this post.
Hello, I'm your newest mod, /u/lilfruini, and I thought it's been a while since we did a drawing.
**Will you be doing drawings as they've been done before?** I'm not going to perform the drawing as before, but I have my reasons. First, I'm not able to use Amazon Web Services, which seems to be a prerequisite for using the drawing source code. Second, I am not a good coder at all, this subreddit was my first experience with using Python, which makes yet another obstacle.
To make up for my shortcomings, though, I want to share the files I used on Dropbox. You can see every comment ID indexed, the SHA-256 hash to confirm I haven't tampered with the list, and I included the Python file used to download the comments, with PRAW.
**How will you select a MakingMillionaire this time?** Well, instead of choosing a date and a time, instead, I'll be pre-selecting a block from the Bitcoin Cash blockchain. The block's hash will be used to determine the winner. I made an effort to have the hash come near the third of each Friday, and to make sure the blocks are a factor of 250, to ensure consistency. However, this means the time held for drawings will vary greatly.
Anyway, which block will we be using?
##BLOCK #539750
When the block is mined, you will be able to see the returning hash here: https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-cash/block/539750
**How will we know you aren't some deceiving scum?** Well, like before, I will still use the SHA-256 of the IDs combined. I also made sure to check if the list of IDs were consistent by checking the SHA-256 of each group of text, to ensure information is constant. You can see this for yourself in the Dropbox folder.
In addition, **I WILL NOT EDIT THIS POST!** (excluding ninja edits) That means, to check the winner of the drawing, see the future stickied comment. This is to ensure I do not change the SHA-256 hash of any texts.
**This means everything will run smoothly, right?** Well, not exactly. I have the entirety of the comment IDs of the 32nd Thread, but I said before that I'm not a good coder by any means. I will have to figure out how to use *hashlib* or *OpenSSL* in order to hash the numbers and retrieve the winning index. If you're investigative, you may also notice that the folder, "Files used for Hash", is incomplete. This is intentional, but once I figure out how to calculate a winning index, I will upload the necessary files to the folder.
On the subject of that, **if anyone knows how to replicate retrieving the winning index of past drawings through Python or any other means, please PM me.**
Also, I cannot guarantee this by any means, but I may, *MAY* livestream the release of Block #539750 on my Twitch channel, https://www.twitch.tv/nandinmaster/
This livestream, however, may be done through a phone, as I don't feel prepared to download screen-capturing software on my laptop.
**Thank you for your patience!** It's literally been a year since the last post was made, but now I feel prepared, despite some flaws. If you have any questions, or have the need to say something, please comment.
Also, I'd like to give special credit to /u/TyrSniper from /r/AskProgrammers for guiding me with using Python. This post may have not been made in the first place without his coding help.
**Information Used For Drawing #32:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0zqohzjdjrifo4j/AABnXjsBaaK0v875Be8d5Wewa?dl=0
SHA-256 (from movable-type.co.uk and passwordsgenerator.net): 95af6c340986b59dd40a8b597859c980f1b8710f5155d7b8a035f212d6093ef6
Word Document with every ID indexed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/83bmpx7guxwk14w/Drawing%20Thread%20%2332%20-%20Every%20Comment%20Indexed.docx?dl=0
Text File of Every Comment ID (Python actions removed): https://www.dropbox.com/s/1a2105yjj00vke4/MillionaireMaker%20Fixed%20Output%20Text%20%28July%2018%20-%2012%2052%20AM%29.txt?dl=0
Text File of Every Comment ID (revised, with repeats removed): https://www.dropbox.com/s/867p1fybwourgmf/MillionaireMaker%20Revised%20Output%20Text%20%28July%2018%20-%2012%2052%20AM%29.txt?dl=0
Block 539750: https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-cash/block/539750
Total Participants: 35,704
So, in a few days, we'll be making a millionaire. **Get excited!** ^^or ^^don't, ^^I ^^guess... | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-07-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxa0tEczVTNmVfVU8xR1BwUktuM25WU05vT3BqeFB0UXB0TmUwX3JmbjYwclJrMkJHaE5ET2U5WndsYXVZM1V4WnVwWldZMXFUSjZsUEpLRzBKRHFDT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5TUViRVdIWklEM19LVlE0OUUzRDFiQzJlTUd4anJSa2Y5WFZDMm1yWF9qcFg2T1dEdHZOTDFmVE5CSDNLUm1aODBkVzhDQ1pFTmNreXNvcnJEdjl2ZjZ4enlqcGlGWGljQVpleU92eDQzZG5vZExzT3NDUVNqN3otdzFKdU5GU1BtVFZnQXZQNno5UzY5VWF2dTBNNUtjU0U5S2dSVXA4MWtySkZpd01kcnpsMU9KcUlBUGtDNFhDclhvM3BCdTVMUzhSemo3MkNiLXJQb1FuYmdmZDdTQT09 |
Reddit removed my obligatory Gold edit. I am sorry for failing you, kind stranger.
*It's past 11 PM here, hopefully people are still up on Reddit.*
#**Update on the Winner:**
If you don't already know, the chosen user of the 32^nd Draw is /u/CaughtInTheUndertoe.
On the winning draw, however, the user at the time of posting violated Rule III of the subreddit: **Accounts must be 1 week old to post.** More strict rules can be found in the FAQ, where accounts have to be 30 days old to comment.
[Here are the user's Cake Day stats](https://imgur.com/6Mw3XLv) (https://imgur.com/6Mw3XLv), and [here is Drawing Thread #32's creation date](https://imgur.com/BFgW5VK) (https://imgur.com/BFgW5VK).
If you'd like to verify the winner yourself, follow the instructions here, as the code isn't ready yet (thank you, /u/lolonaut): https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/3xwemd/_/cy9gr8s
> For those willing to check:
> a) Hash, [000000000000000001da5ace2b70175a12355a6189f39b38c1b26c85b027ff59](https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-cash/block/539750);
> b) Participants, [35,704](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/8zydyo/its_been_a_while_so_lets_do_things_a_bit/)
Because of this unexpected turn of events, I will be hosting multiple polls in order to dictate the future of this subreddit. You do not have to answer all of them, but only the ones you feel comfortable answering. Additionally, I will also open a Google Forms if anyone wants to contribute extended answers.
#**Polls (CLOSED):**
**[Should /u/CaughtInTheUndertoe be declared the 32nd Winner?](https://www.strawpoll.me/16124317/r)**
Winner: **No, and a redraw must be done soon**, with 487 votes out of a total of 865 participants (56.3% of the votes).
**[How frequently should /r/MillionaireMakers drawings be done?](https://www.strawpoll.me/16124318/r)**
Winner: **Monthly drawings**, with 494 votes out of a total of 629 participants (78.54% of the votes).
**[How should a block be selected to determine the winner?](https://www.strawpoll.me/16124319/r)**
Winner: **Blocks should be associated with a date and time**, with 151 votes out of a total of 250 participants (60.4% of the votes). ^Okay, ^who ^was ^the ^rebel?!
**[Which blockchain should be used to select the winners of future draws?](https://www.strawpoll.me/16124320/r)**
Winner: **Bitcoin (BTC)**, with 1,737 votes out of a total of 3,336 participants (52.07% of the votes).
**[What are your thoughts on how the newest moderator is handling drawings?](https://www.strawpoll.me/16124321/r)**
Winner: **Draws are performed fairly, with information accessible to the public**, with 120 votes out of a total of 216 participants (55.56% of the votes).
~~**[Google Forms Extended Response](https://goo.gl/forms/snGPtRghx1hPzXc43)** for any question.~~
I will upload a Dropbox of the saved pages, as Strawpoll polls cannot be closed. However, the results page from the actual website will continue to be displayed.
**[The Dropbox folder of the archived poll results](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gwiygxwhg0m6hhm/AADJAvIM15sn2KgvJYuzasOna?dl=0)** can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gwiygxwhg0m6hhm/AADJAvIM15sn2KgvJYuzasOna?dl=0
*(Programming experience may be necessary to properly see the results; this is for validation purposes only.)*
**EDIT:** Voting has ended on Wednesday, July 25 at 4:00 UTC. **[Redraw #32]** will be done the following Thursday.
**ALSO EDIT:** In addition, I am also getting PMs from people willing to help moderate or assist the subreddit. ~~If you are interested, please PM me.~~ Thanks for the PMs!
**ADDITIONALLY:** In addition, I will have a major announcement I'm excited to share with this subreddit on Wednesday.
The Gold edit is in the top of the submission page.
Thank you for your patience. I really do appreciate it.
**NOTE:** /u/CaughtInTheUndertoe, please reply to [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/8zydyo/its_been_a_while_so_lets_do_things_a_bit/e2pnl1x/) (https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/8zydyo/its_been_a_while_so_lets_do_things_a_bit/e2pnl1x/) or post **by August 17**. **This does not mean you are the winner**. This is to simply establish any future communications with you. | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-07-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxbnhRTXR3bG12c2FIcHl5QW5GZzJleU1QTHVuZGdKYnE2c0tUbmcwWnZIeGhmVldqRDVkbDJWX25IYUdRQmJpSUszOVpDNWpVekhGN005LUZpNXlFTnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5UTk3WWVha3JSWWd0NWR5RWQ4cHVtSDNFeXpWemxEbTA3d0xrYnZhN3lRdXlrOWtGbjkxRWtaUDRHeUF4aG4zbWZNSmplQUtNc2VUd25PQnlfODkyMWV1ejR2ZHgzamdwWTJYLXRfLTVHYVpIYjhRaVllYUNRdDBLaDItaE80emhyYnNQTTBsMEhDNDBJeDZ0bkoxV2tmck8yUnJNcS01cWlMeWFXYXlGZXE3LWR6TUZhZlZTOVZ6SkQ1dGt2dEVVZHduZ3FlM3FpM1BOTE11bWdYbm1EUT09 |
#We have exciting news for /r/MillionaireMakers! ^or ^boring, ^depending ^on ^what ^you ^know...
#**Minor Announcements:**
* **[Redraw #32]** will take place this Thursday, July *26*, at 16:00 UTC. Of course, there’ll be a post earlier in the day to signify it, so be prepared to crown a new winner (one who hopefully follows the rules)!
* The rules have been updated to reflect the prerequisites illustrated in the FAQs. Rule III now say, “*Accounts must be 1 week old to post, and 30 days old to participate in drawings, with minimal account activity.*”
* Please welcome /u/GuacamoleFanatic to the mod team. He moderates /r/WatchPeopleDieInside, /r/MurderedByWords, and /r/Whatcouldgowrong, among many more. He was one of the first people to fill out the form looking to moderate this subreddit, and is no stranger to how moderation is handled, so let me personally thank you for offering your time here.
* **The votes are in!** Results have been edited in [the Status here](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/90v374/the_state_of_rmillionairemakers_and_the_draw_32/), but I will repeat them once again:
* Future winners who are shown to violate the rules will be withdrawn as soon as possible, and the fifth block following it will be used to determine the next winner. The same index will be used. This came to be thanks to a demand of **487 votes**, dominating **56.3% of the poll**.
* Drawings will continue to be monthly, thanks to **494 votes**, dominating **78.54% of the poll**.
* Blocks will be associated with a date and time when selecting a drawer, as **voted by 151 people**, with **60.4% dominance**. This’ll be performed in **[Redraw #32]**, and will continue starting in **[Drawing Thread #33]** this August.
* Finally, future drawings will now use the Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain. This came in by a whopping **1,737 votes**, dominating **52.07% of the poll** out of a total **3,336 participants**, more than the other four polls *combined*! The amount of participants is the equivalent of **3% of the entire subreddit**!
* **[The Dropbox folder of the archived poll results](https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gwiygxwhg0m6hhm/AADJAvIM15sn2KgvJYuzasOna?dl=0)** can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gwiygxwhg0m6hhm/AADJAvIM15sn2KgvJYuzasOna?dl=0
*(Programming experience may be necessary to properly see the results; this is for validation purposes only.)*
* Let me remind everyone that these results are only to dictate protocols of this subreddit, and **are subject to change**, given if there is a need to change them by the mod team or if public demand warrants it.
**These announcements are to inform everyone of what’s going on at /r/MillionaireMakers.** These announcements are made for the purpose of making the selection process much smoother, and to show as much transparency as possible. The subreddit will continue its best efforts to spread generosity, and perhaps one day, make someone a millionaire.
**In addition, I’d like to personally make one major announcement.**
This partnership will help /r/MillionaireMakers prosper, so without further ado, let me be the one to introduce you to...
##**Bitcoin Cash Fund:**
###### **Who are the Bitcoin Cash Fund?**
The **Bitcoin Cash Fund** (BCF) is a non-profit organization composed of a team of individuals taking on the role as marketing dedicated to spreading Bitcoin Cash. Their efforts include [inviting users to **purse.io**, a website that offers Amazon orders in exchange for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash](https://blog.purse.io/from-one-to-two-bitcoin-cash-bad5ec8539f4), the [Bitcoin Cash Truck](https://twitter.com/BitcoinCashFund/status/1014515659403907072) that was in Toronto, Canada, and a [promotional video featuring the narrator of The Stanley Parable](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciLa56nMf3U).
###### **What are their plans for /r/MillionaireMakers?**
In exchange for spreading awareness of Bitcoin Cash by adding information on the sidebar and featuring it as a prominent cryptocurrency alongside Bitcoin and Litecoin, the BCF will help advertise subsequent drawings, offer programming work to make running this subreddit a lot smoother, and provide future winners with additional Bitcoin Cash.
###### **How are you benefitting from this partnership?**
The partnership allows this subreddit to be capable of doing things that I can’t do alone, including promoting this subreddit beyond its 100,000 subscribers. Also, I can work with other much more informed and talented individuals more closely on enforcing rules and making processes much more automated, thanks to programmers offering their time to make running /r/MillionaireMakers smoother. *I am not being funded for promoting the Bitcoin Cash Fund*, be it directly nor indirectly. This collaboration is directly for the benefit of the winners, this subreddit and to spread awareness of Bitcoin Cash.
###### **What does this mean for the winners?**
The BCF vows to donate $200 to the winner, and encourages the low fees incentivized by Bitcoin Cash. In addition, their marketing will bring in more people, which correlates to more donors for the winner.
###### **Wait, does this mean that Bitcoin Cash will now replace Bitcoin in choosing a winning hash?**
Bitcoin will continue to be the providing blockchain used for selecting the winning hash, and the address will continue to be listed as another method of sending donations to the winner. However, more information will be provided on Bitcoin Cash, including its tipping bots (/u/tippr, /u/chaintip, and /u/BCHTips).
As always, the type of donations sent are all determined by the donors. Of course, people are welcome to use tipping bots listed and any others that I have not been made aware of, but other cryptocurrency addresses for donors will continue to be present (at the choice of the winner), such as Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and Litecoin, among more. Additionally, cash transfers will continue to be in use, including Google Wallet, PayPal, and now, Square Cash. The winner is welcome to exclude certain forms of payment themselves in what they accept, should they be chosen.
Hopefully, this partnership will please people on both sides of the Bitcoin community, and is met with content from the subscribers of /r/MillionaireMakers. This collaboration will help make this subreddit bigger than what it already is thanks to the efforts of many people.
The **Bitcoin Cash Fund** have made a respective post on **[yours.org](https://yours.org)** detailing what this partnership signifies and their goals. The link is provided below, so check it out.
**Yours.org Post:** https://www.yours.org/content/the-bcf-and-lottery-style-subreddit-r-millionairemakers-have-made-a-pa-2aee0a5b047e
#Thank you for your time here, and once again, on this Thursday at 16:00 UTC, this subreddit will be performing **[Redraw #32]**! | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-07-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxaWNfQUZhb0pxelhsbWNBLUppSkZ2X2tmaTN0eUV1RWVaeE9faVpwRllRZ3ItUEE2VXZGTGFHdmFoNGRjLUJJSnVwdmdVMjZyTEZUZnAyVDVjd0tpVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5TlpMenRxOWI0Nmoyb1FQc2lKaEhCMHd5QlFkLVRzamZoaWJMXzZiRF9TM1BWcEJ4NUFTU2hRV3F2TG9NOVBWR0o2OGFHcnFfWWswclpQU1d3S2gyZktJSVNwblJVWXZVS1hpZ29Xa2dOMkpTZ2REOUw5ay1ZT0o2ZGg4WGVzcFdTS3JqdDVIdTRQazBDa0JtcE1pTjlGbGY3TS1jMHBKMFBFZXVuS2JiTUNTemhrN3NGcGp5WXZpMThGRzlsMko2RUFsRF9zbkRGUGxPQzBlZTIwbVdQUT09 |
#**The winner will be announced in the stickied comment.**
**Let's make this quick and simple:**
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once forty-eight minutes have passed since this post was submitted, there will be an active check on the time listed. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
To verify the winner, I'm gonna use two ways:
a) The code listed here (sorry you were deleted, /u/[deleted]): https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/3xwemd/_/cy97w51/
b) The website listed here (thanks and apologies for what I got you into, /u/lolonaut): https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/3xwemd/_/cy9gr8s/
Both contain instructions on how to use their websites.
**Additional Information:**
Because of the nature of the code, I must remove the first two lines of the text, which include the SHA-256 within the text, as the code believes this line to be a participant. However, the SHA-256 itself has not changed. You can always verify this for yourself by clicking on *"Select All"*, pasting it to a SHA-256 generator, and verifying if the hash is the same. You can find this version of the text here: *MillionaireMakers Drawing #32\Files used for Hash\Redraw #32\MillionaireMaker_July_2018*
**May Stream:**
Additionally, I might stream on my Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/nandinmaster
You should expect potato phone quality.
Okay, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting tired of writing.
**Information Used For Redraw #32:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0zqohzjdjrifo4j/AABnXjsBaaK0v875Be8d5Wewa?dl=0
SHA-256 (from movable-type.co.uk and passwordsgenerator.net): 95af6c340986b59dd40a8b597859c980f1b8710f5155d7b8a035f212d6093ef6
Word Document with every ID indexed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/83bmpx7guxwk14w/Drawing%20Thread%20%2332%20-%20Every%20Comment%20Indexed.docx?dl=0
Text File of Every Comment ID (Python actions removed): https://www.dropbox.com/s/1a2105yjj00vke4/MillionaireMaker%20Fixed%20Output%20Text%20%28July%2018%20-%2012%2052%20AM%29.txt?dl=0
Text File of Every Comment ID (revised, with repeats removed): https://www.dropbox.com/s/867p1fybwourgmf/MillionaireMaker%20Revised%20Output%20Text%20%28July%2018%20-%2012%2052%20AM%29.txt?dl=0
Text File of Every Comment ID (revised, first two lines removed): https://www.dropbox.com/home/MillionaireMakers%20Drawing%20%2332%20Files/Files%20used%20for%20Hash/Redraw%20%2332?preview=MillionaireMaker_July_2018.txt
Block Selection: The 3rd Block after 26 July 2018 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 35,704
Let's pick a **REAL** millionaire this time, shall we? | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-07-26 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxamh0UlVqMndKOVhwbmVrRU9KTGdoWk9Ob3pZang5S3hrSHc0Z1Fpcl9Jb0NfeWdYR2w2cGJwUFNIMWk5RHhIN1VYbnh1RDZRa0Y4QVlCZ0hrNlROVFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5NEVNaWk0SjlUTlliVExQUm5QRTFSX3ctRk0tMTNKdnc2YVY0T0pZOWlraS1SYVVINVBacE1BcEFRRzZiWDNPd3NfN1VsUzcweTJieUNaaWlXVFVSLUlUb0VITVJxOG9JcTR4dURLWWw2QVRuU3JOUGhGY1RZSzl1QmxoRWNmSjNkQkNnbjhUcGZaZjBYTE02QkpYeTRHb095S1JIX1JhQzZKcHJSbUJuTE5FQVlrRVJ6MS1VSmdxRTVxX2hmTE5r |
So I got home from work and opened Reddit to see the little red button telling me I had notifications. Having just posted a dumb picture in r/weddingplanning, I assumed it was fellow brides commenting on it, but was blown away when it was people congratulating me for being the 32nd winner. It literally could not have come at a better time.
I am getting married two weeks today! Our final payments are due next week and things were looking tight.
A little bit about me: I am a 28 year-old female, and my fiance is 30. We have two cats and a dog, and just moved into our first home this past February. It is a big year of change and a big year of expenses, so I am beyond grateful for winning!
This money will go towards our wedding, to be able to splurge on things that were out of our budget, and go towards our honeymoon.
Thank you guys so so much!
EDIT 1: Guys thank you so much! I know my paypal was international and being an asshole with its fees, but I still have $315.00 CAD in there now thanks to the generosity of this sub, which goes a long way when it comes to my vendor payments!
EDIT 2: I just figured out my bitcoin donations and it brings me to about $802!! Thank you so much!!
This part is written by the mods:
All of the amounts below should result in /u/Elatedonion receiving about $1 USD.
\#\*\*Methods of payment:\*\*
| Guide | Amount | Comment this to donate
:- | :- | :- | :-
\*\*Tippr\*\* | \[Guide\](r/[https://old.reddit.com/r/tippr/wiki/index](https://old.reddit.com/r/tippr/wiki/index)) | $1 | “+/u/tippr $1”
\*\*ChainTip\*\* | \[Guide\](r/[https://www.chaintip.org/](https://www.chaintip.org/)) | $1 | “+/u/chaintip”, then send $1 to the address
\*\*BCHTips\*\* | \[Guide\](r/[https://old.reddit.com/r/bchtips/comments/7xwnqq/bch\_tips\_is\_the\_easiest\_and\_most\_secure\_bitcoin/](https://old.reddit.com/r/bchtips/comments/7xwnqq/bch_tips_is_the_easiest_and_most_secure_bitcoin/)) | $1 | use the Chrome browser extension
\*\*Cryptocurrency transfer\*\*
| Guide | Amount | Address | QR Code
:- | :- | :- | :- | :-
\*\*Bitcoin Cash\*\* | \[Guide\](r/[https://bitcoincashers.org/intro/get-started/](https://bitcoincashers.org/intro/get-started/)) | 0.0012 BCH | bitcoincash:qzwalmvz0xaakv3s907zqjkrsr6skswxmc68aqpf0z | r/[https://i.imgur.com/UMoOawE.png](https://i.imgur.com/UMoOawE.png)
\*\*Bitcoin\*\* | \[Guide\](r/[https://bitcoin.org/en/getting-started](https://bitcoin.org/en/getting-started)) | 0.00013 BTC | 1FPmLtiqpAN4Ci7nimkyToWk3L4sygvxco | r/[https://i.imgur.com/FXcj8HY.png](https://i.imgur.com/FXcj8HY.png)
\*\*Litecoin\*\* | \[Guide\](r/[https://litecoin.com/#guide](https://litecoin.com/#guide)) | 0.012 LTC | LgYwSH9WQaoNMrQPyQo8qCQ52EosebHfRs | r/[https://i.imgur.com/OAnLwnR.png](https://i.imgur.com/OAnLwnR.png)
\*\*Dogecoin\*\* | \[Guide\](r/[http://dogecoin.so/send-dogecoin/](http://dogecoin.so/send-dogecoin/)) | 285 Doge | DKyyJCyy5PB5KQQVSZHzM1n4z379ix3ufn | r/[https://i.imgur.com/pRRuoIh.png](https://i.imgur.com/pRRuoIh.png)
\*\*Cash transfer\*\*
| Guide | Amount | Address
:- | :- | :- | :-
\*\*PayPal\*\* | \[Guide\](r/[https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/account-setup](https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/account-setup)) | $1.40 | \[paypal.me/emmamcisaac\](r/[https://paypal.me/emmamcisaac](https://paypal.me/emmamcisaac)) | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-07-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxM1dvSTR6bVNNX1N6Q3NhV2xoZ1hjQVZJUC11ZzNpS1N2T1VqQi1KbXJYdzkwV284STJRdnhvWXZ6SkRTQ2QyN0tfZlphZXBvVzExSkNielFZWngwNEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5bG1yVDJzeVl6QVlYZk9GMHR5QVd4bHpYREJBM093MkhXUERMVkhVZUVYVnBOZjMtWmlNeHJMMWNLQjc4Yy1sMUFhWTJuVl9DcVF1cHR1UnliV3kxekpGb2xWeDE3bXJRUkotV1dRSTlsLUg5UGJ1YjUyekNuTkdkQTJXSk5nYjF5VG96U1ZGc2wwS3J3VHBzc3JEM19ZRFNvRW5sWFlwTVNwS3h0T1RJTGpVPQ== |
Here is a quick rundown...I'm 33. I am Mom of 4 and wife first and foremost. I receive 10k per month tax free, long story but it is what it is, a bitter sweet situation. Two of my children, (the oldest) will start receive lump sum payments, totaling several hundred thousand when they turn 18 and over the course of ten years. The only debt I have is my mortgage, and monthly utilities. I do own a business so living expenses are not an issue. I need to know how to most effectively invest this. I am clueless, and would like some advice on how to secure my future. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2018-07-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxQVBEemtHdEJIQmhlNWJEd0xCMG8xVHRwRVp0ckdsUTB6Zkh2S19GbDM2UWVHT1d4czd0SFlhMmxDYzdncFNjbGNMektXMVdtSzlzLTBhdjE1ek1tQnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5aWMxLThQU0lzSng4ZUh6b0RodUNxLVVmR05JellkMGg4NFVCVU9vYjdRZ0xfeVhDQ2g5V1BFVG9taS11UGtlZDdRUFVLZ0lyTEhYdGRVd05KdEJaUndvQmhCS0w0ZEZiZnE1MkNYTm9oeE94N2hiY0gxaFVvUDhUUkpPYjYtZFZyS2ZEV0FHS1JRUUVfbXIzM0lKa0xJMUdQeGZyRGwtRVNjLXRPZFV1WlUxSWhXaVZrNUltYldUTl9XRFZKS3ZjWElDOFZmQ2FTazhmTTZ0YzNfUXNLQT09 |
Would investing in your own business and growing your business be an option. If not then if you are investing for long term and do not need the money right away, investing in stocks or mutual funds could be a good option. You can go to your bank for that as a lot of bigger banks like Bank of America and Wells Fargo have investment advisors. You can do it on your own and open a brokerage account and invest in companies that you believe in. If I was in your situation, I would also look into buying investment properties for rent or use as Airbnb depending on which area you are in. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxQzdjb005bDFxSU12QWFHVVRfRzZLUG9IenRadUhJV1gzSmJqb3E3RndPc2s2N01KMko1OE5MMWxEMHcyV1FpLXNXRnBwa1RZcDJCYzhfOWNYakdIZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5VTVPRGxGazl1NGdtV2dUWWwwNnZ6NC1vNGxHbXY4amdBWUtkTTFOeFRaUUdOcWQwM2RZbXJJYUpENTBGMWhlUGNLRTVhT1Y0XzhZd2V3ZW5YbF8yeUpiY2NUZDRMVXpNTEdBdGhndG4wM3QzWTJnOUVJQWdUUGYtVzRSZnVXYk44NHBLRnBua29lOTVfc1pKS09KRDRlZXdPSFNqVW4yV2hhaDN6dFBRekdEYjgyR2lFX1RHWjdERlR1dFcxOTA4UVpGVC1fX3FNOHlzUkdEMFdkRVZPNVAxUmhLcFlHbU5UbEhFODJYYVIxWT0= |
Would there be any benefit to setting a higher par value than $0.01 per share? For example, what if a stock had a par value of $10. How would that change things?
Thank you | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2018-07-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxb1F1VzhOMzZzQzFiN2NFLXgwRXp0UzlYSjRaa0ZZazlfQ2xuTW9iRm9MXzlZbG9kNThFTzE4ZDdDVGNTczloTlVQWlJENnVNa3NVaUg1MDVNajQxYmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5cS1DYldwa3otcXFQWG5taFBzZ0hCUmxTWXlhOHAxaUV1b3MzZWdNb21CV2NBTUgyd0lmZ1RoU1poODJfRV9DSDBZZXg4TEVEaFJma1h5OUtfekg0UnB6cGY2MDRVVC1POVV6YUVBSUFNOTFyaFJXM0dDcktYc3JreWFnTXZSOTFkcUpQdl9zcXdzWk0zQXMxcmtpX1FoZ3huWnM5c0RBeTVBb1ZPRUpDaWdnUEs0ZFJjaVNhZFdJVWoyMmlxeVJrcUJlVDVPcTdsYVBjV3FEalZVOUhwUT09 |
First and foremost, what is your investment objective? What are you saving for?
For long term savings, you really can’t go wrong with Mutual Funds. Stocks can be extremely volatile and expensive depending what you are looking at. A mutual fund is great for starting out and allowing easy diversification. It can also help insulate yourself from volatility although one can’t escape market risk entirely. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-08-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxbVF6QWc3N1ljaHdyb0ptYjVoTFd0eXJRVDgtaDZja21GX3c3bTZieWRGVlU3cnFwdUdNc1dFQl9FaFBHQ3ZYZU50MFBBdm5iUUxJVU41YUNPVjVFTkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5WHZ4VTBQZzl4dUg3a3FFcTlGU0tLRDJvYVZ0TGdoNVJ2a1U3N0NGWXJWOEx3ZjZQVk5jenZnNFd1bkxLUW4xLUxPak9YOUlwUDBYZWYyZkVjOW5zeVBzbEpvc0d2bDc5NG4yZ1VaczlhS3ktVkNNU1hRZlo3UGh2dXBadjF5NVZvdEZjTVBYMl9FTnEyb1ZCbmVjNnRhRzR3OWRJUS1uQllYOUFZVzZ0cVJNZ2pnTW15ckNkRWMyTkUydnM5U2V2UndzTE8zZlFMYTZWRXc2MjF6cHI2WFhZSXZLMGNnTFBrb21DMUd0ZF80RT0= |
Thanks fot the comment! A part of me REALLY wants to invest in my own business. Iv'e done this already so I don't want all of my eggs in one basket, and honestly I am in a tough business to establish. My ultimate goal with my business is to grow enough to sell.
I haven't looked into stocks or mutual funds but i think this could be an option.
I have had investment properties before, have sold both of them. Market where I am is developing largely with new homes, and fast. Air bnb wouldn't work here, but I feel thats an area to look into! | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-08-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxcTkzbUlaSTJpVnk3VGJBOXNvaFJWZk1FZlZiRlctb3JDS1BFOHpQQXZLSzZVaVp5WjIyZzlmcnFfcDdFWUg3NFktX3hMVTdOMWx3U0NuZk9INWUzeHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5UFhjRlV0aW5FcXJ1bkhxMVg1UDM4QTNiTlY4eHFhLTZ4TnlqdEZQTzNoS2xTMmhEYXpKcmFrbXFlcDRndDFiSHB3bFUyM1hqZVlzMkNZTExacnVJYXVTS00tTUQxYUY2eW1CeXJXUEM4NGgzQ010cVZ3RU5wVzg3UXlua3hTRXlCVnBVaXkxdnUwYW1SQ0RueTdFa0NxZm9CSGJOQWZudFRPVXlxZTZKcVpxY29id3JYRXFPODBFTUNwM2phVnFkMVVmS2NiSFVyMEk5V0J3NERlc1EzYTdyVHRURG54RUROWkYtaFZnYndwZz0= |
I am saving for retirement. Goal is to retire by 45 -ish...so 10-15 years...
The expense of stocks and loss associated with them is something that has always scared me..you only hear about the people that either made it big or lost everything and never about persons who did just fine. I don't know alot about mutual funds, but I definitely appreciate a little insulation if I can get it. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-08-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxdUQ4cTN2Y1MzRWp6LU9EZTM5MjdDMmoybkZoZUNsRkppS1NqRUZOMXE2Q3hNSUZKTk1YbWszdERMRnRGV0NVcXFXeVFLa3MwQmpIUmlscEprZkJ2cVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5c1BfTkljQWVhQzA2NFJuNFZVbWpiWVhzcEJBN2M5NUlHVnRNc0xFZDh2d0NLMFU3R3k1Z2pSQlVjalJLY2d5TWJBSDczWk5uTmlBdmtGcEJlYUpjOV9xUzdabTBOckQtZWJRQi1YS1pQNGtUd04yQVhjYlhkVHN6RXVVQVRQc2lVdkpqY1VGSkxkRHYwZ1RZeTNGRDlSSWhOZlFUdEdsQ3BULUVMaGMtdUx0eDVRcXpDUGhnWWtGdW1Walo5enA0NHVEZTMzclhrVlNYaWVGcWVudzVwTmdTdVJZQVc1ZnplU0NQZXJ2bmhNQT0= |
Hey, ybearausername, just a quick heads-up:
**alot** is actually spelled **a lot**. You can remember it by **it is one lot, 'a lot'**.
Have a nice day!
^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-08-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVkVJV0JMNFlKcWxUU2xTX19hVzdUaktzRTJfYlpoR0tZOEpmOXBfVlFHR2JGWFpuRzJTN2Q5cXRfM08tZFVlcW1FeDFSUFpRdVlrZGNtSE1EWFFobXVVc21vYmJfWG03dGtMMVhyeE1hckU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5aWZGbkdKekZBOEhYb20xakVCR0tOWjlpQno2SUpuMUtKVGp3ZUVTT2FMaGtOS3h5YUtPM2xIcUozZUZxbDkycUFUWnpEZUctTDVXbndBV0xaREdSMnUtbWk1eG1YTGtVdUl3bV8yWE41NzVlUEV1RGZ3bmg2cnZSSERPZXRhLTlYbWwyRjBwenBqU3RON090c3Jackt2LTAxQzFpRkJwMmppZEdONml6Q3o3eGprWFllRmRLemZTSFVyV29FakdROGdTaUc0S2txU0FfbjZkTzRMeWRyQ0pzN19Hb2p6Yjdjd21SUEliZjBZcz0= |
'delete' | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-08-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVFpraUdLQzNQUGlpRUFzekwwbS16OEdBSFlHbXN4UUVieUZjMmg3OEJKdW01a2FGUzBDZzB2bFRtQnhUOHB5d0QtSDJqc2ZGQVU3MXpNT01Wb1AxVVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ZVQxZ0pwcTJXUUZyVlNCa01BY3p1c3VHbEV1Rkk1d2kta2pFWmlBWTlMNl9KNTdZOGQ5dWtqeVJLWDByelpjbU9tWV9jejZRWDZfbEoyMWxpRmU0Um1wLUlTM0JLdGtnaU5kSXVNeDBOOVN6NXJGX05vVGNWQThZNXFsdF83VFJ4X1RRa2xVT1FuM1hzb0x0VHUwUlo2UDhLTV9xZUhWbGhQM3FWQ3ZSNm1FbzdWSTVBM25Ia0RTU2pOMDFUZVFvNG5VLUdYdVpGdzhsaEpGVFhJeFZDZTVWdjZBWmlhWERJdHV5NXA0RjdFVT0= |
Unfortunately, bad news gets more press than good news. Investing for retirement is perfectly fine and safe. That being said, doing the research and being proactive is the key. If you are concerned about stocks I would definitely suggest looking into mutual funds.
You can think of mutual funds as kind of like a buffet lunch. A firm goes around and picks out some items from a long table of food. Each item is a stock, or bond, etc. they bring you the plate and say “you can have this for $20.”
You get a little bit of everything this way and really helps newer or more modest investors. Not everyone can afford $1800+ for 1 share of amazon, but in a mutual fund you get a piece of it. Yes, it won’t be a whole share, but you still get a piece of the pie. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-08-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxa3VwcGk5MVFQOEp4M24zUXlUdGlIZWRVZjdXaTJ4RklrREhELXI3bS12MXg2MzhXZW1Ydk8yYnp1dktTT0pTaEdmSGdHN0NEcmZWX3UwOHlGMG1aclE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5VF9DZXV2QjRDbjd4cy0yNFlwRTB0cVMtdmpmanVJY1BjbEY5RUJoLVpOaTRXekdhSFdzZ2EySUowd0UyM1UwYjd6WER3ckNabUhQdE1lMWQzZURNaG5kR2VoUERSWmRYNDdsaHdoZnFmYWwzUGJVT0hxVDAtYmctblhrank3TDF4V3FMNk5icHRvejZJdVZMY1daMXpxU0ZaOXFaMjZRNHlDT01BeHU4TjdKZk1hcWNPa0JBYVVtSmpuc1ZUWXpoZnV6WXYxUlhlRkExNEl2bEpWU01lY0MwS3FyZzZzcktJdjVMeUVHZkd6TT0= |
Ahhh...okay, that is making a lot more sense. Thank you! | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-08-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxd2hVeGVCQlNGT2VSOUFVNFRYcUJPSVVkZi04MjBEZGN4M0RTa09zZXpOTGFGQnZuQm1IR1ZFamhpWW9zRjRWWTBhWkxPYjlYazRROEZ2em92TkFYNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5RlB3b1A5LUt0TUhxeWc4SVg2bmczcVZEWjZqdUJKbVBqX0dteDIteDBUWm1DRUNfUlU1T2JWOUpfSzJXNDBrVV9fcFZHNWYtMlgzWmotY3pfdnc0YjdBSGJfN1VKSEY2aTVYR2RHNU14c2tGMUZSVUlZaXQ1NUdYaWNidE1GNmZpV242NWNDVlVIRWZsUFp5aUlETDhLbTdoQXQwU2ZCVmpCVDYyc1ZDVEloWDB0X1IwTWhyMTliUTJkQVctSUFDNGJuMFVZel9ZZlFweEYwWjJIVWw2Vmo2bWEzcGxQNW81QktIWVJiblRDVT0= |
#**Commenting is just as easy as saying, “Peanuts on a bagel!” ^^Please ^^don’t ^^say ^^that.**
**Thanks for the gold, kind stranger: OBLIGATORY GOLD EDIT!**
**TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. You are welcome to spread this thread to friends and family, and on social media! [Reminder to donate](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[http%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky]+RemindMe!+August+20+2018+23%3A00+UTC+"Enter+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+drawing!") and [reminder to enter the next drawing](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe!+September+21+2018+23%3A00+UTC+%22Enter+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+drawing!%22)**
**What is this, anyway?**
Three years ago, a Redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact, [if a million people picked a certain Redditor and all donated just $1, they would have the power to make someone a millionaire](https://redd.it/2mq94c).
This subreddit is an embodiment of that showerthought, and the monthly drawings are the attempts to make it happen.
We **need** your help to keep this running, which amounts to only $1 a month to make someone's day. In the long term, that’s $120 every **decade**, which is a much more affordable price than differing expenses. How does it work? Below, you will find an explanation on entering, rules to keep in mind, the selection, and other important things to note.
**How to enter:**
* REQUIRED: Leave **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. It is highly recommended to comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`", which will remind you via PM to donate. You can also click [this link](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[http%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky]+RemindMe!+August+20+2018+23%3A00+UTC+"Enter+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+drawing!") and *Send* to be reminded to donate.
**Important Rules:**
* Only **ONE** top level comment per person *(replies and subsequent-level comments aren't included)*, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment.
* If, by any chance, you do double comment, **delete any extra duplicates ASAP, as any winning draws found to violate this will not be eligible to win, and will be banned from the subreddit.**
* Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person.
**How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?**
* After ~~24 hours~~ ~~25 hours~~ **30 hours** *(edit: due to ~~posting~~ technical errors)*, this thread will close, and the method of selection will begin.
* While attempts to make the selection method similar to 2017’s have been performed, it still varies from the original. For an example from the newest drawing, see **[[Redraw #32]](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/9233ev/lets_try_again_shall_we_redraw_32/)**. For archival purposes, please [click here](http://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/2ournt/explanation_of_our_new_drawing_system_inspired_by/) for the original selection method.
* **Method's TL;DR:** Your number is assigned by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1, and the list of comments will be publicly released. The subreddit then waits for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, after a preselected date and time, and calculates the winner using a formula described in the posts mentioned above.
* To determine if you are on the list, please go to your comment and save it. The comment ID is what gets recorded and selected, which looks like this: `e3yxpj4`.
* The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for their chosen payment methods (mods will help set this up if needed).
* The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! A donation table will be stickied to the winner’s post, giving users the freedom in how they donate.
* The lucky Redditor follows up with a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking their generosity.
* Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal, Square Cash, and Google Wallet account, and/or cryptocurrency wallets. *(Note: Some services may not be available depending on where you reside.)*
* To buy any cryptocurrencies, you may use [Coinbase](https://www.coinbase.com/) for purchases using your bank account.
* To store cryptocurrencies, there are many accessible wallets, and if you win, you will be guided on which ones to download. For Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, it’s recommended to use the Bitcoin.com wallet for [iOS](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bitcoin-wallet-by-bitcoin-com/id1252903728?mt=8) and [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bitcoin.mwallet&hl=en_US), or the [Electrum](https://electrum.org/#home) and [Electron Cash](https://electroncash.org/index.html) wallet for Mac, Linux, and PC.
* Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it.
* If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a correlation between this subreddit making it in /r/all and an increase in donations.
* Try to cross-post to relevant subs. *(Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here.)*
* **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.**
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple buckeroos, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
Note about legality: **This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter.** No prizes are given away directly by the moderators of this subreddit *(the moderators will never even touch your donations; this is done voluntarily)*. As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable.
If a lone $1 can get you a hamburger, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can go enjoy yourself by participating in concerts, travel through Europe, or even plan a wedding!
One million dollars can be enough to change someone’s life. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
So, you know how this goes: **LET'S MAKE A MILLIONAIRE!**
Now, a haiku for those into literary works:
*Make millionaires,*
*I didn’t plan this ahead...*
**NOT-SO-NINJA EDIT:** Apparently, I did it an hour too early. Well, let it be known: **22:00 UTC is the new 23:00 UTC!** I will also leave this open for ~~*25 hours*~~, as some people may have scheduled their plan, and may have not anticipated an early post.
**NOT EVEN A NINJA EDIT:** So... plans changed. This post has been open for *30 hours*, five more hours than I have anticipated. Due to fairness, I will not delete the delayed comments. Thank you for your support! | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-08-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxejlKVk5Da05laTdsNVVBVldDb255WUhLNmhfVDByTXJGTHFKcHpGUDB6XzMxck10ZTFjMTQycWp0SDdYVWwxNEd1NlRYOFFOekhOZ1BUX20wLWNqV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5VDZYNHNmdTJNTzJFMjZRU1BDeV9hcGNRTW9PYlY0V0dTX1pLdXhmRWRCNUdENktlQXFpQkZYVGduUGNHTV9wTUZzaFVyWV92X0R6Mzljd09CNHZZaHJ5S1BjNmVGcDZmTUZOXy1xajc3a0hYZDk3R3JkVlowX09iaWJ3Nk9GMmFzMTl3UVpTc0pQSldGaWRSLUk5UEJ5X055cms5bnJ2MHJweVUycE42WUtjc2FJRmlqeXJtWGpoUkZVLXFWVkZpNWd5dFNGc1NDWlBuRW01ZW8zdmxYdz09 |
#**Shoot, I have to make a tagline every time I post now. I think that's how it works. Check to see if there's a stickied comment on this post.**
**I'm sleepy, so don't tell anyone I mostly copy and pasted:**
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**For Your Awareness:**
*This post will not be edited,* aside from ninja edits for formatting. This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #33, go to the Comment IDs' text, and select all, excluding the beginning two lines. Afterwards, paste it into a SHA-256 generator. The hash you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, follow the path to the text file here: *MillionaireMakers Drawing #33\Files used for Drawing\MillionaireMakers_#33_Comment_IDs.txt*
**Potential Stream:**
Similar to last time's drawing, there may be a stream on my Twitch channel: https://twitch.tv/nandinmaster
This stream will happen at 16:00 UTC, which in my time-zone, translates to 12:00 PM ET (noon).
Keep in mind, it's a possibility, so don't count on it.
**Information Used For Draw #33:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pcggiy7fhandoe5/AAAfKp4I9ZqdLxOUBNh5CfHQa?dl=0
SHA-256 (movable-type.co.uk and passwordsgenerator.net): b650a703cb89924324fe88272522003f9170a4f08ea6cf3c4b08ae2990d9c59d
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6pi1ef96nn7d0vu/MillionaireMakers%20PRAW%20Code%20for%20Comment%20IDs%20%28ALTERED%20FOR%20PUBLIC%20RELEASE%29.py?dl=0
Python Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/li7edjlmthsilq7/MillionaireMakers%20Drawing%20Code.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0xy390lw96a0yk7/MillionaireMakers_%2333_Comment_IDs.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Block After 19 August 2018 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 7,580
Ladies and gentlemen, **LET'S BAKE A BILLIONAIRE!** ^^I'm ^^tired, ^^but ^^maybe ^^you ^^can't ^^tell... | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-08-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxNl9BUE9sd3d2T0Voc21Td0E2dmUxLWlhaER0Vi1VYVJLNW9mSXJMX3VpQm5QekU4ZVQ2bGNzbUVQNzBCcGltZTFybkNOVEdsM1l1OElSVWxNb2l6b3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5X0dYZFdCWmppSGMxSjg4TXI1UjFObzhBOG9JUXdOd2JCSnFTNkRzOFBOWGVaZU5PYXktT2M5ekNTQ21pTGxzRlVOazZRQ3lEcWlOQUJIR1ZwdFh3UHV0NnNEZDRUVHZMY01vQ2w3M1h3WGRWYnFTZFpUczg2dlB0Nno1MGsyTVJWOUthUjFVbTNrYWVEYm9FX0hFUmVucVg2ZHhadFpYQ0lPckdBbEdsWTB3QWFsZ0R1Vm54LUtHSllNVjNFWFpDX3d4SUk3TVRmQVY3SWNHZUI0eW9PZz09 |
I figured Lebron James could word my excitement better than I can. Sometime earlier today I was changing my nearly 1 year old’s diaper when he started peeing in the floor. While he was squealing in excitement my phone started going off from reddit notifications. My first thought was “Jesus Christ reddit, I already know Steve Buscemi was a firefighter, I REALLY don’t need you to send it to me as a trending thread.” Once I checked my phone I was completely floored with the news. Trying to find the right way to say thank you has proven tough but I will do my very best.
First off I want to thank Taco Bell. I don’t comment as much as I used to on reddit, back in the day I spent waaayyy too much time arguing with people on r/NBA or r/NFL. Then I had a kid and became one of those creepy lurkers. But the other day my stomach decided to throw hands with Taco Bell, and that gave me a few extra minutes to lurk, which is when I saw r/MM was back to drawing again. So in the words of Kawhi Leonard, THANK YOU.
In all seriousness though I have spent the better part of the last day trying to figure out the best way to let you know about me, and what I’ll be doing with anything sent my way. I’m 28 years old. My wife and I have been together since we were 20, and a little under a year ago we had our first child, and it has without a doubt been the most incredible experience I’ve had in my life. He doesn’t like to sleep much, and HATES when you do, and he won’t stop crying until you play Purple Rain for him, but we love him so much that my wife is actually due with #2 here in the next few weeks. Which leads me to what I plan on doing with it.
We never planned to have any kids, much less two. I actually think it’s because of the milk. We started having milk delivered and she started getting pregnant. Honestly though when you finally get a date night, the grandparents have the kid, and you’re having your first Corona in almost a year, sometimes you forget to take necessary precautions and bam, you’re a few weeks away from having TWO kids under 1. Losing half of your income for what looks like is going to be at least two months after C-section is hard. Fortunately we planned accordingly and saved for it. Unfortunately, life…uhh…..uhh…finds a way to not give a damn lol. So that’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to fix her car and try to make it through the birth of our baby girl! And if we get a kitchen table in the process then that wouldn’t be the worst thing!
With all of that said I want to give thanks to all of you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks to those who are planning to contribute, thanks to those that have in the past, and thanks to those that are running this awesome sub. This doesn’t happen without each and every one of you, and I can personally say that it is impossible to describe just how incredible this is, and there aren’t enough words to show how grateful I am. My wife jokingly (I think) said I should let this sub name our baby, but I said no because “Jolly Rancher” isn’t going to look good on any job or college application. The best I can do is pass along something from my mother. I asked her once how she was able to go through rough patches in life with the same happiness that she has during the good times. She said that every night when she goes to bed, she asks herself “If I were to wake up tomorrow, and only had the things that I was thankful for today, what would I have when I woke up?”.
I can say without a doubt that when I go through my list of things I’m thankful for tonight, I will be adding each and every one of you.
Ascultone Winner #33
TL;Dr THANK YOU (Shoutout to Kawhi)
UPDATE 1: Holy crap! The past 24 hours has been amazing. There are so many incredible people here that have sent donations, kind words, and great advice! The generosity of this entire experience will be something that gets me through for a very very long time. I tried for a long time to keep up with the comments and reply to each individual one but they came so fast I lost the battle lol. So if you haven't gotten a reply from me yet don't worry, I will get there as quick as I can. To all of the people sending such kind messages along with the donations on their respective sites/app I just want to say thank you. I have read each one so far and have yet to read one that didn't make me smile. So many people were asking for totals and stats so I'll update these as I go:
There were a handful of people that asked me to post a Nano address so I'll do that here:
And last but not least Paypal: $1033.46.
So the grand total as of right now is: $2,277.06!! I cannot believe there have been so many people to donate. You guys are so awesome. There were so many who sent extra dollars for taco bell, kids, Corona etc. We had an anonymous bitcoin donation of about $510, and then the bitcoin cash guys sent $200. Both times I thought it was a glitch when I saw it. My wife has been in tears all morning, at one point she texted me "We're gonna name our girl Baby Mcbabyface and you're gonna have to get over it!" Obviously she was joking....right?
Anyway, I'll continue to update as anything comes in. Again, I really can't say how thankful we are enough. Later tonight I'm gonna start getting into the comments I haven't hit yet, so keep your eyes out! And if anyone has baby girl names other than Baby Mcbabyface then I'll pass them along to the head of the naming department lol.
Edit 2: We decided to take down my pay pal since it had my name in it. | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-08-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxYm9xdmtkTGozRi1rWTBveUxxOWstX0thWC1BS2dWbURIb1dPMXR6cFZnelJrdUY0VU00djlJNUNBX0w2WlR1dE9TX0d4Q05XTVdqTTBTeDFRcUJPSGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5WUVyQktDVWtaUjV2b29PaWJMaHRLWXI0VFdrVmVJOUhoVk9UbTVoR1ZLYkdpeGlfdXkyN3RCMmpxU1o2ZzhYZzZPcWl1MmpWbm5TeElLUWNBZVNCa1VDR05vVDNwWjZhN3pvdmFHbGJCcWk0R3dDWVVLa3diYVRTdllLRjFRdGhjdDVfM2ZWV3VuSTE0cnZWYkNzaFJOR1g5bHJOOHpLWUdxWmRCUkI0UW42WmM2bTlZRVcwNl9FVDRpQjJWZ1pSa1c3SnRJTlVfQ19JVjNob2Q2d0lhZz09 |
Rich dad, poor dad
Its a good start | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-08-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxbzVvemdkQnF2UENjNGZQUEhtVjRVRlRHX1dKZkdSUng4cW5HS1paWmVfaE0tWXRoekY2YkxiYTZ4UlRGUTh3TWtJTGRjaW5FQVZMWWhkMk1tTWd0amc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5RmVsbnIzUnFrX2NJdnlteExrS19sNlZKTDJscTZDUUJ0czJ1RnduM0RYRmtfcmhOSmdTc3FGTmxQbDhyaS1zWGg1c0Jxcl83V1pvVllOeWNCZkJGTWFQUHoydE9QOFpDWVlIakh6cVhuX0hxZUZtdHdlSXY2RlhENnM5c0VQbnFMSnZWSEgyUkppWmlOSHYtS2hmaVRIbU5iWEFSWFQ0V3dHaUJka25VbHRkR0ZpcE9JSDdNLXdhUzZrSkhUWWhKWXNiWkRJclBPZENYZlNiOGJIM2syT2ZwVkNuWlIwLWZvMGRkMW1UdENyST0= |
Seconded. I gave my nephew this book when he was 15 | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-08-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxaWlDSkk4NXJkYmhyUEY2MUZjcUgzV3RNaHdSRGJRVEI3enV0SXk3RmxjWFZOSldSRk9Bc043Vm5QX2xtRUVOb1UtT3BoNnF2V2VYM1ptbWd0X3VpbDVnUVAwUWg1WkpjVC1Pd0Y3eXM4c0k9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5QlFGeUV0WFVKLTdobmhESXJZUFJGSHpCWThCNDJaWEs1MjEyYVIyT3U0YTNxaXdkcFJzNzdhOVFMdmdhN0V0WDVUOGtXVEFGTkRIZ1JSYmZnczNFVHU4N1htSHdDaTBqOS1FWE1GRVZQV0lCcWI0Ti1HM3FKejI5N3J2LV9tSHRCcEMyUHJ0bjZpNko3ZDZpelh5X1NYYWpFa1lwNFd5M0FHTVhDelhBLW9PU2lZQ2IyS3IyUzdXcjNKQUM2UjJ6YTNrVmtic1pUbXVhTTkySEx0X3NvRzVURTN3ZXFjVV81MVU0dWxUbGdNOD0= |
Play Cashflow game. Better than reading books | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-09-03 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxbTd0U2hLNW0xSGVCRktTb0JlSld5dldoSmtpUFlCV3NKWGYxSXRGU3ZOUEQ2SlFPRkpfSDFYTkVwU1ZSa3oyTTllQU16OUlWTS1IOEVWWE8xQjZ0SVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5cm1Tdm13d0JBc21nR3JOSnAtdGtBQXk1QllycjNWYXNTZDFTT3NmcS13TnF0dEhCU2lWVHBIeE9TY2tyajM2bHl1d3pZdzFDOEoza1psUjZlZV9KR3RtalFZbm9aejgyRV82WnhDQ09nUVBDNHd0WGNSZERyeFdneGV6bUxhZ1FSY1JkcU1HcGJobDJqRVNOQWpfUlNtN1NKWXlSdjRwUUZScFkyb3VIYWJkZHJOVi1VZ1VnUFo5ZVJnNkF0d2NuSnZCazAzZmxhdTNLdzFXREY2YTNCQUdybXhBYXN5dlQyOFExbVVhRzdPRT0= |
I was able to immdiately liquidate if needed on M1 and I am still waiting for my $2500 to be available on Robinhood.
Anyone else have any insights on these two or other free stock trading sites?
trying to raise money for my wife's 2 knee replacements in CA while we wait for her Medicare 2 years from onset of disablility.
​ | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2018-09-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxU2J1U1pkUndZTjc4Z1lSeXFLV1RUMjQ0WjNPak53LUU0czk4V2hNdlp0NGNleE5IeWRsTV92Q1RBTGFrSllCYkkxNHp2UlRLZWtwWUlwSE1lM3FxLWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5OTNEZkVvNWUtV0VEMUZySXhBMGl3LWV2bjFiOFNZc01aWURORC05djZ4STVJN3VCNlB1RGowbDU2OUFhZ3kyZktCbVlDb2ZTLXMyTVRNbVFqR0hDd05vMzJxcDh6R1J4N2RZaGRKc1ZjMnFqalRtX0FXOFFwQXQwSnhDWTlFOXBUSG9xekdBMXItWmU2OGxMdFB3cVVtSlRuOS0zM0Nxbk9KeVRleUkwenVkRW80SzhpTDIxOGlNZzZERWs0bExNZnROTGd3QzYxbm1QWDdvY1JsRzR4UT09 |
#**Love changes the mind of pretenders this 21^st night of September!**
**TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media! RemindMeBot links may be edited in within several hours.**
**What is this, anyway?**
Three years ago, a Redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact, [if a million people picked a certain Redditor and all donated just $1, they would have the power to make someone a millionaire](https://redd.it/2mq94c).
This subreddit is an embodiment of that showerthought, and the monthly drawings are the attempts to make it happen.
We **need** your help to keep this running, which amounts to only $1 a month to make someone's day. In the long term, that’s $120 every **decade**, which is a much more affordable price than other expenses. How does it work? Below, you will find an explanation on entering, rules to keep in mind, the selection, and other important things to note.
**How to enter:**
* REQUIRED: Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. It is highly recommended to comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`", which will remind you via PM to donate.
**Important Rules:**
* Only **ONE** top level comment per person *(replies and subsequent-level comments aren't included)*, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment.
* If, by any chance, you do double comment, **delete any extra duplicates ASAP, ideally before the thread is locked in 24 hours, as any winning draws found to violate this will not be eligible to win, and will be banned from the subreddit.**
* Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person.
**How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?**
* After 24 hours, this thread will close, and the method of selection will begin.
* While attempts to make the selection method similar to 2017’s have been performed, it still varies from the original. For an example from the newest drawing, see **[[Draw #33]](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/98ifef/were_coming_to_a_draw_as_a_millionaires_about_to/)**. For archival purposes, please [click here](http://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/2ournt/explanation_of_our_new_drawing_system_inspired_by/) for the original selection method.
* **Method's TL;DR:** Your number is assigned by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1, and the list of comments will be publicly released. The subreddit then waits for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, after a preselected date and time, and calculates the winner using a formula described in the posts mentioned above.
* To determine if you are on the list, please go to your comment and save it. The comment ID is what gets recorded and selected, which looks like this: `e3yxpj4`.
* The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for their chosen payment methods (mods will help set this up if needed).
* The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! A donation table will be stickied to the winner’s post, giving users the freedom in how they donate.
* The lucky Redditor follows up with a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking their generosity.
* Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal, Square Cash, and Google Wallet account, and/or cryptocurrency wallets. *(Note: Some services may not be available depending on where you reside.)*
* To buy any cryptocurrencies, you may use [Coinbase](https://www.coinbase.com/) for purchases using your bank account.
* To store cryptocurrencies, there are many accessible wallets, and if you win, you will be guided on which ones to download. For Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, it’s recommended to use the Bitcoin.com wallet for [iOS](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bitcoin-wallet-by-bitcoin-com/id1252903728?mt=8) and [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bitcoin.mwallet&hl=en_US), or the [Electrum](https://electrum.org/#home) and [Electron Cash](https://electroncash.org/index.html) wallet for Mac, Linux, and PC.
* Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it.
* If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a correlation between this subreddit making it in /r/all and an increase in donations.
* Try to cross-post to relevant subs, and upvote. There is a correlation between reaching /r/all and the amount of donations for the winner. *(Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here.)*
* **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.**
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple buckeroos, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
Note about legality: **This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter.** No prizes are given away directly by the moderators of this subreddit *(the moderators will never even touch your donations; this is done voluntarily)*. As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable.
If a lone $1 can get you a hamburger, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can go enjoy yourself by participating in concerts, travel through Europe, or even plan a wedding!
One million dollars can be enough to change someone’s life. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
So, you know how this goes: **LET'S MAKE A MILLIONAIRE!**
Last time, I failed to make a proper haiku, so redemption!
*A dollar I say,*
*Can be millions some way,*
*A beautiful day.*
**NOTE:** ~~Expect an edit with the RemindMeBot links in several hours.~~ Additionally, you can comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`" to be automatically reminded without the need to send a PM.
**EDIT:** So, I believe I'm not capable of retrieving the proper PM links for the RemindMeBot. It's an endeavor that takes a small amount of time, but I prioritized other things. Additionally, there will be a three-hour gap between this post being closed and the comment IDs being downloaded, which will take place at 2:00 UTC. There will be two checks performed near said time to determine if comments won't be deleted. Any inconsistencies between the checks and the retrieval itself will delay the retrieval of the IDs by an hour. If you need to delete any comments, **DO IT NOW!** Thank you for your efforts in making a millionaire! | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-09-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZ1BHSnBpeTlNVHoyWTRSUWxjb1VNdWFXSmctNEpjVWVCZ3BkSG9EZFJSSDVKSDJiTzdtdkFsRXVicGM1Nm81bmlpMTBRNVlTSEVuSm1FeHp0UjllUUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5VGtqYkVwcXZQenI4aXhSclB1Y2k4dllfY3FlbjJWZ0FtclRyS1JHMVhMN1laVVIzeUctcTRLREpORTExRld6MU9SbnhuZzQ1TnVJTUZxYTVRbVpfZGVHa2JNTkNfS0F4MlZkTnJVb1dkRUszalZObU5mSzBjam5XXzVRbzd2OWFyVmVoSWlMdlFXb1dKTW0zZVEtSHV3YzhqX1RGR1VvdmVuaXJyR0NleE9LOHdFSWM1YmlhS1RvNTRDaTFCX3FONWNqT2lubGxTTXlNdWpQWmxEcC1HUT09 |
Hi good books would be:
* rich dad, poor dad
* Eat that frog
* Harv Eker books
Those would be good for starters
| r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-09-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxazdHb0NDOG1KZzE0MWpBX2MtTGg4cHY1ZjVNNlFCaVpVX3BvYmtaZlNfZGU2WTlnd0NVLWN4Yl9aWDJvMDl3dkdhWnRST0pSaHdXd0g4MGM3Vkw2UEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5dXRvUm83TjI1R0lTMFE0WE5oUFh6MEg5MXVhOVFqT2lkdG1leWZrNkZLWVVxWXFMSlRVUjJMR212R3BFUndzQThLSmJXbEpxWlBfWk15ZFUwOTRYU3dzeE9oMFNZTlFEOUgzMlVMR1dJRFpPQW5tQldmVVhfLUcxNkx2TkZ1eUd4RktoZDRGOFltUWVCWFVIdzNyQnlyeDNZOWpTUm4tSmdhaHNhSjQwQk9PaFB5M3AzWlpsbmdPVC1MVXp6anFidW9XUEstTG4yeGQ1b0lGOGtwRklXN3kzd1AteHlKMHhhR3NWY2xPMjVfTT0= |
#**If you win, hopefully you'll remember the 21st night of September.**
In twenty minutes, or precisely 16:00 UTC, the drawing will commence. The drawing **may** be streamed on https://twitch.tv/nandinmaster *^You ^call ^it ^"Waiting ^until ^the ^last ^minute," ^I ^call ^it ^"Getting ^right ^to ^the ^point."*
**I joked about copying and pasting, but what else can I say?**
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. This subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**For Your Awareness:**
*This post will not be edited,* aside from ninja edits for formatting. This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #34, go to the Comment IDs' text, and select all, excluding the beginning two lines. Afterwards, paste it into a SHA-256 generator. The hash you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, ideally download Python 3, then follow the path to the text file here: *MillionaireMakers Drawing #34\Outputs\MillionaireMakers_Comment_IDs_34.txt*
**Potential Stream:**
Similar to last time's drawing, there may be a stream on my Twitch channel: https://twitch.tv/nandinmaster
This stream will happen at 16:00 UTC, which in my time-zone, translates to 12:00 PM ET (noon).
Don't count on it, however. My laptop had its hard drive broken, so if this could be possible, I may need to use screen-streaming software for Android devices.
**NOTE:** Before we blow this topsicle land, I'd like to inform anyone that at the time of writing this post, the Dropbox folder is missing its "Information" text file. Following the time the drawing has finished, it is my hope to post both that file and the output results from the Selection Code.
Due to the nature of this post, I will not edit this information out. Thank you for your understanding!
**Information Used For Draw #34:**
`Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/80z0knokhoa58aq/AAAC0YldEpNEkE6F2NLvNsS8a?dl=0`
`SHA-256 (movable-type.co.uk and passwordsgenerator.net): 1b0a65f75435e6ec5a4ec17ca6c77bbf2ee2d5e814e54aed60d1e61d778a45ba`
`PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c4gizjdxbvsk9ym/%28ALTERED%29%20MM%20Comment%20IDs%20Retrieval%20via%20PRAW.py?dl=0`
`Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nbglj2ksq2wjiv7/MillionaireMakers%20%2334%20Drawing%20Code.py?dl=0`
`Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4dmwzc0iinof18r/MillionaireMakers_Comment_IDs_34.txt?dl=0`
`Block Selection: The Third Block After 23 September 2018 - 16:00:00 UTC`
`Total Participants: 5,961`
**Making a millionaire is the goal, but random hash outputs are the toll!** | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-09-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxd3VkV0RJblptV3lhWldkdEVmOTBLTEJXYkd1SUp2dmswS3hnRWhYWUZKc2RKdWtUeHhFOWRCcDNheHpjY3RyVVo1ZkV0LU5WREx0VWVoX21hVTNXTnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5RkR6TkR2TG9uc3FkRUhIWDBYVjZ3VGd4anBDYWk0N2QtQlFqemNBMlpuVkN1YzV5alJnSFNQM2tZdDJYY3BzMDZRV1B2alprY3pJX3M2REl4QjFDWGM1WlBQSGN0Sm5tT2NYQzhtNnBTaW5TcFVwNHBVUUYtRGNvT3drRTVxa3BLTUhOd0dUVnU0MzVpWmVHcWlEVUx2MUdzNl94ZTlxc3hPZ1ZJUVFRdW5VcjdibmtNQkZ0U0t5S0NEQ0VWZzhWRDA3Unc2Z2kxemFjZTlrY2ZkZFRmUT09 |
Hi everyone! I’m still in a state of complete disbelief that this is even happening right now. I never ever expected to win this! I woke up to a bunch of Reddit notifications and just thought.. “there’s no way I could’ve won, there’s no way”
I don’t think I can express in words just how thankful I am to all the mods and everyone who has helped put this contest together! Thank you to everyone who donates to me. Here’s a little bit about me:
I’m an 18 year old girl currently in college. I haven’t been active on Reddit for a long time and a lot of that was just spent lurking. Mostly because I’ve never been a particularly extroverted person (even on social media lol). As I’m sure a lot of you know, college costs a lot of money. Even living at home and with student loans and scholarships it is still going to be a lot. So pretty much any money that gets donated to me will be going towards trying to minimize the amount of debt I’ll have in the future! (Okay and maybe a tiny bit on video games.. the last of us part 2 (probably my most favorite game of all time) is coming out next year and new merchandise is coming out in a few days that I don’t know how I could’ve afforded a couple days ago is now possible).
Anyway thank you again to everyone involved! I can’t even describe how much this means to me!
UPDATE 1: Hey again! Let me start off by saying the last 24 hours have been some of the craziest of my life! Thank you so much to every single person who donated, who congratulated me, and once again to the mods for all the hard work they did to put all this together! I've been smiling almost constantly for 24 hours now and I don't think i'll be stopping anytime soon. I've gotten some amazing, kind messages on reddit, paypal, and google pay! Thank you for those as well, i've been reading every single one! A few people have asked for totals amounts so far so here are those:
Paypal- $ 850.41
Google Pay- $100
Bitcoin- $52.68
Bitcoin cash- $395.46
Litecoin- $8.35
Ethereum- $47.05
So the grand total (as of 9/24) is 770.32!!
UPDATE 2: Just updated the totals again and the new grand total (as of 9/25) is $1020.42!!
UPDATE 3: (9/26) new total is 1117.02!!
Update 4: Just wanted to update the numbers one last time and thank everyone again for all the donations! New total (9/29) is 1265.59!
Update 5: I wanted to update again to say thank you to the bitcoin cash association for donating $200! Thank you so much! I've also updated the numbers again and here is the newest total: $1453.95!
| r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-09-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxb1ExYkpuQVh3Mi1XUUR3bm5KTW5MQ0RJaHhmdFNHSnhhQzhLRDRRRFhvRGNtZ2NrajBEUi03ZGJmQjJqTmtmUjlQYTJST1A4NVZKbF9YV0FfNkg4eFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5MllhdW14Zlh1eDBSbW10TlYxdjU2ci1DLTlJRHp2UjF3dXg4cGNoUnp1OHFTVk9vMFU0S3JXM080M2l6anhPN2VyWDVQc0twSVg0cDNhU2ZmLVpGYzZYc3FsTW4tM240WmJQalJ2cnJjQS1JQURzTV9FR3B0NjV5TGFjRzhZSXlCdk9CUUVac3BXUXdOUzRjUWtLODJxaVZxQmZySDJ6b1h2VEtDQzgzMFNjV19fTG5YZ3BaTnRuSjdNY0dMYXNnekdGZmYwYVREU1Fwak9iTk94R1FMZz09 |
Why is it not a good idea to invest mostly, like 90% or so, in only VOO or another S&P500 fund? Isn't it already well diversified enough. Sorry if this is a silly question I'm new to investing. | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2018-10-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxWWN1MUVQRDdISzZ0T1RDTmFyd213YmRCcTN0TWJvQjI1QmxJdEhMTHNzWjY3c3NFeG9CUU9oM2F2MDJrU0UwVnNvSWMxR3Nwb0hzNW0tT0xPQlp2dEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5dzNyNkNibzMwY2p1M0VsOUhjaXBFVDNGaG9IUnNyck05cnhuR0ZpbjBmY3IxNWoyT000bnpEM1BuWFY1YkgzQ01oN0QzdmdxRlhIdC1rbkFXRjhMaHAwUERYanhVa3djTjVBejIwdHZ0V3ktX1ktWWR3RUxvNjhiWUEzdlAtaHVrQi1wVTQ1MnBVUTJvcEZtMHJrTHBHbkh2dGlJVmlZWDhjbkVCQzBaNjBCQ1Y3ckVRUXJkbGtXV2hSLWhhZGptZ0c3VjRNcFh4Z25SVXNHdnRJVG8ydz09 |
It is true that it is well-diversified, but you are also exposed to companies that might not have a bright future. A different approach is to invest in individual stocks that you believe will have greater value for specific reasons rather than relying on the overall health of the U.S. stock market. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-10-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxeXFYaG11Q1B5cnEzU2x3VTRUQ2pBMHRJU1Y1aWt5V0RaRzVrUm01LVpDRjRkaVdEYktDQ2JSSnlZQVBwWXdxZlZRSk1uSlQzbjU0clhLSzlPRmc2V1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5aHpwUVBFR09VX0NhX0pEMlJfVGV2bkFYTVRjdU1tdURjYzdqdFl3UU9aMlh6YWQ5VWhQMmtkclMtVjFRLTVqMng5NXVPb2YwMW8xdnYzQkFDaWpvU2FzLThFeklkbW9Wb0lUbkhLM0dseEktTU03MHRGUkxPVkRsdzFGVV9vTVNpREJDeFZvSjl2WWJUcjg0WUFBOGU0cDl6RjVZY3c2U1Z3VW5HZ3p5d1J4b0EwMmFmVXNxOEFSNWtLZ0IyR2hSUzVfYlNGajhuX1QwQUhiUkNGYUV2UT09 |
*Edit:* I am currently having difficulties sending the emails. **Because of this, the first email campaigns will be sent in November.**
Thank you for your patience!
#We are coming soon, to the worldwide web near you!
#**Minor Announcements:**
* **[Drawing Thread #35]** will take place this Friday, October 19, at 23:00 UTC, ten hours following this post (blame me for not making it a full day). If you aren't interested in what we're about to announce, we have also updated our [RemindMeBot messages, which you can send here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe!+October+19+2018+11%3A00+PM+%22Enter+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+drawing!%22)
* Please welcome /u/anarcist69 to the mod team. He has participated in the drawings following this subreddit's inception, and will help /r/MillionaireMakers experiment with ambitious ideas, two of which will be presented here.
* Additionally, thanks to /u/anarcist69, **we are now on Steem!** For those who don't know, Steem is a unique social media platform that is reliant on blockchain technology, in that it pays its users for creating content. For future /r/MillionaireMakers winners, Steem is converted to their ideal method of payment, and like last time, it is another method of payment to the winner. [You can find us on Steem at @millmakers!](https://steemit.com/@millmakers)
* **On December 28th, a week following [Drawing Thread #37], there will be another survey.** Please stay tuned for further information.
**These announcements are to inform everyone of what’s going on at /r/MillionaireMakers.** These announcements are made for the purpose of showing as much transparency as possible. The subreddit will continue its best efforts to spread generosity, and perhaps one day, make someone a millionaire.
**With the help of /u/anarcist69, we have another major announcement coming, and we hope the community is as excited as we are.**
##**Mailing List:**
**You asked, and we listened! We're bringing a new mailing list in the form of a website, [send.redditmm.com](https://send.redditmm.com)!**
###### **So... a website?**
As of writing this post, this website only directs to the mailing list. Since people have requested for a mailing list since I took over, our hope is that people receive reminders when the front page of Reddit fails them.
It is also convenient; imagine talking to a friend telling them about the subreddit in casual conversation. Instead of telling them to send a reminder to the RemindMeBot, you can tell them to get reminded by going to [redditmm.com](https://send.redditmm.com), avoiding all the hassle that comes with logging in to an account.
###### **I don't want to deal with junk mail. How often will I receive emails?**
For those worried of inbox clutter, don't worry! The mod team will only send two emails: the reminder to enter the **[Drawing Thread]**, and the **[Winner's Thread]**, to donate the dollar. Additionally, any further announcements will be shared in either (or both) of the **[Drawing Thread]** or **[Winner's Thread]** emails.
###### **What are your plans for the [send.redditmm.com](https://send.redditmm.com) domain?**
Of course, it's also a waste to have a website be used just for the sole purpose of sending emails. Hopefully by 2019, the mod team can make it a full-fledged website, mailing list and all. As of now, however, we have no plans to announce at this time.
I'd once again, like to thank everyone for their support and patience. I'd also like to add, the mod team is fully expecting the traffic to overwhelm the website. Words can't express it, but I'm serious when I say all of the help I get from users is truly appreciated. My life managing this subreddit has gotten easier because of all the help.
*Edit:* Told by some people the mailing list isn't working. I changed the link, so try again.
**If you are excited to participate, please sign up for the mailing list at [send.redditmm.com](https://send.redditmm.com)!**
#This Friday at 23:00 UTC, this subreddit will be performing **[Drawing Thread #35]**!
*insert catchy monthly slogan* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-10-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZXdHMnN5OGNZTUtGdmhjcWZrQ1FLVVlmSFB6WElBUEViT2xrSm13Q2QtZ1VLQXpPY2R4WlpMTU01SGZmTU5fc1kwM25TNFhLT1pGQXhDVVdveHFBUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5clpxU2dYSVYxNzBoRkJqZUlIbnhXMG5wVjEyQXNuYzJFTHhSc28tQVozUFJ3X2Q5cUFlYm5FVjFKNDk4VENHLWRzcV9LeGN2Q1V1bnMwT3VoWWhURUVVZTdQczEwOEU4MHB1M0Y1YklmMUg0bzdqQkNuX1hLQ3VXRVBsSlJEV21pZ0JCRWYxQy14dXI2alBHVXA4RWpRRVZJaTdHLXU2UHNRYmRjMHJ1U2pnTTJZNnJ2WF9iY2tvZ2NuSHlBT2FEWTBMVEMyXzRhMlg2YWU3MTlQUWVfdz09 |
*Edit:* Thanks for the gold, kind stranger. I actually didn't notice because my inbox self-imploded with over 10,000 messages.
Also, reports go to the mod team. If you really, **REALLY**, have an issue with this subreddit, please message the admins.
I also added a bullet point on downloading the IDs of comments.
#**Holidays are coming, the first of which is Halloween. As a side note, don't enter a stranger's home.** *^I'm ^not ^your ^mom, ^though.*
**TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media! [Reminder to enter the next drawing by RemindMeBot.](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe!+November+16+2018+11%3A00+PM+%22Enter+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+drawing!%22)**
**What is this, anyway?**
Three years ago, a Redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact, [if a million people picked a certain Redditor and all donated just $1, they would have the power to make someone a millionaire](https://redd.it/2mq94c).
This subreddit is an embodiment of that showerthought, and the monthly drawings are the attempts to make it happen.
We **need** your help to keep this running, which amounts to only $1 a month to make someone's day. In the long term, that’s $120 every **decade**, which is a much more affordable price than other expenses. How does it work? Below, you will find an explanation on entering, rules to keep in mind, the selection, and other important things to note.
**How to enter:**
* REQUIRED: Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. It is highly recommended to comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`", which will remind you via PM to donate.
**Important Rules:**
* Only **ONE** top level comment per person *(replies and subsequent-level comments aren't included)*, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment.
* If, by any chance, you do double comment, **delete any extra duplicates ASAP, ideally before the thread is locked in 24 hours, as any winning draws found to violate this will not be eligible to win, and will be banned from the subreddit.**
* Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person.
**How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?**
* After 24 hours, this thread will close, and the method of selection will begin.
* While attempts to make the selection method similar to 2017’s have been performed, it still varies from the original. For an example from the newest drawing, see **[[Draw #33]](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/98ifef/were_coming_to_a_draw_as_a_millionaires_about_to/)**. For archival purposes, please [click here](http://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/2ournt/explanation_of_our_new_drawing_system_inspired_by/) for the original selection method.
* **Method's TL;DR:** Your number is assigned by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1, and the list of comments will be publicly released. The subreddit then waits for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, after a preselected date and time, and calculates the winner using a formula described in the posts mentioned above.
* (*DOUBLE EDIT*) Comment IDs are downloaded at 2:00 UTC, three hours following the thread being locked. There will be two trial runs prior to 2:00 UTC, and one trial run thirty minutes after. If it is shown that deletion of comments are occurring between any of the trial runs, (*EDIT:*) or technical difficulties, the retrieval of the comments will be delayed by an hour, following the same procedures. (This has been the case. Comments have been downloaded at 4:00 UTC, with three trial runs.)
* To determine if you are on the list, please go to your comment and save it. The comment ID is what gets recorded and selected, which looks like this: `e3yxpj4`.
* The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for their chosen payment methods (mods will help set this up if needed).
* The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! A donation table will be stickied to the winner’s post, giving users the freedom in how they donate.
* The lucky Redditor follows up with a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking their generosity.
* Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal, Square Cash, and Google Wallet account, and/or cryptocurrency wallets. *(Note: Some services may not be available depending on where you reside.)*
* To buy any cryptocurrencies, you may use [Coinbase](https://www.coinbase.com/) for purchases using your bank account.
* To store cryptocurrencies, there are many accessible wallets, and if you win, you will be guided on which ones to download. For Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, it’s recommended to use the Bitcoin.com wallet for [iOS](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bitcoin-wallet-by-bitcoin-com/id1252903728?mt=8) and [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bitcoin.mwallet&hl=en_US), or the [Electrum](https://electrum.org/#home) and [Electron Cash](https://electroncash.org/index.html) wallet for Mac, Linux, and PC.
* Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it.
* If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a correlation between this subreddit making it in /r/all and an increase in donations.
* Try to cross-post to relevant subs, and upvote. There is a correlation between reaching /r/all and the amount of donations for the winner. *(Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here.)*
* **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.**
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple buckeroos, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
Note about legality: **This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter.** No prizes are given away directly by the moderators of this subreddit *(the moderators will never even touch your donations; this is done voluntarily)*. As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable.
If a lone $1 can get you a candy bar, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can go enjoy yourself by traveling to theme parks, setting up an elaborate prank, or get a budget to make that fabulous film!
One million dollars can be enough to change someone’s life. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
Apparently, I'm now obligated to make haikus. Do you think people will notice if they disappear without warning?
*The horrors that speak,*
*Are nothing compared to weak,*
*Tricks ^and ^^treats ^^^of ^^^^meek.* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-10-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxU1pLT0Y4LTBJdjNQLXdIS2RlUTR1aWQ2c25lOUtxSVc3Vnhuc192WlgwS1Jna1dIa3pJUXFmU2JTQVEtdWlqc0VDeXRTT3VCYkllUHJwMk9ibkV1UFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5V0JMVmZyMURsQkhWcy1OUVNuVVBOaDd5OFp2Z2lIaHZCVENrcUtIV1ZiWGEzcW02VTRCVE5CZk5zX1loWjdqcmo4djlrZkhhcjEwQVh0RFFrUHFQQThDWTJ4UXh6ZTlHUnNmZGVCMFJkU0lZR2tpQ24tTUdKY3NUY1BqRnNvNXd5RWh3U3lXYnozQ29fTVM3ZVpET2Yta29udFBjMnI1cFkwa0dlQndPeTlMTnNGcHA4cTlKOVJOU203TXpnZk5JLVZTTXg2QkREenFNaW11UFpjWmM1QT09 |
#**Since the witches, wolves, and ghouls are upon us, what are your biggest fears? Mines is the thought of being alone for the rest of my life.**
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. By 16:00 UTC (less than an hour as of posting this), the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, look for a star near the period since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**If you would like to watch the winner being picked live, head here: https://twitch.tv/nandinmaster**
**Copying and pasting is boring, but I'd rather do that than rewrite the complete explanation:**
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three blocks. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**For Your Awareness:**
*This post will not be edited,* aside from ninja edits for formatting. This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #35, go to the Comment IDs' text, and select all, excluding the beginning two lines. Afterwards, paste it into a SHA-256 generator. The hash you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, download Python 3 and follow the path to the text file here: *MillionaireMakers Drawing #35\Drawing\MillionaireMakers_#35_Comment_IDs.txt*
**Inevitable Stream:**
Similar to last time's drawing, there will be a stream on my Twitch channel: https://twitch.tv/nandinmaster
This stream, while it may start earlier, will happen at 16:00 UTC, which in my time-zone, translates to 12:00 PM ET (noon).
This stream will occur on Android via screen recording, and most likely under a cellular service's umbrella. Thank you for reading this.
**Information Used For Draw #35:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1o98cnzl3wacp17/AADs171b_ZXvvHqeXCVI8Xdua?dl=0
SHA-256 (hash.online-convert.com): 9139a796d9a31b6196ea2583c96e5ac5073dd866bea8eb25444d0fcd8d36863a
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8aqwy90b7a307ja/%28ALTERED%29%20MM%20Comment%20IDs%20Retrieval%20via%20PRAW.py?dl=0
Python Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5vilkcidzwha69k/MillionaireMakers%20%2335%20Drawing%20Code.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xeoby8mdzkbmrnf/MillionaireMakers_Comment_IDs_35.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Block After 21 October 2018 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 16,916
Bonus haiku!
*It's lonely down here.*
*I don't want to live in fear.*
*Yet, I must be near.* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-10-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxdnU3VXRBQm4tTkRuaUxCcFhDWF9fLXpVRHpXbW1pSTc1MHBCd0VYQ0p4SHpZY2h6a0pXSzg4SnF1TXZUb1FLNTVxbjlhTlh3UW9iYzQ0STlyN3ZmWFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5SXFkTmcxRmgybUFrbTJHc0pxVkZURDVCcXBqU3ZLX29DSkVzeWNxVmFUQlFFMUNqbDcwU0hFVHB4cElOZUZEY1Mzb1hNbGpNdlVNLWVweHNoRm95aDB6cmdmLUZlOHpobjFsWTItMlptQ0QtMXlLZUFaZGhrRUFYSnNTczhwQV9iWmpwMG9INzk2MmstYWNBc0pJS2g1b29pekczSEJnZnRidHlJR3JHVXdITnhqTm1PRURIc3RzUGJZLURXY3Br |
Hope you enjoy my lastest video...thanks for watching.
Jeff | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-10-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxQmJlZ2lId0Y1eW9hTUFwc0RpRlBlTGVfT25jaTd0UkJIRVhlb0FqdjdEVVF5Y1JDRlRmaHV1RXBDRnpoUVQ1TkxESy1WU2NXUXg4MmI2VjhzWXVOdkdTZmZ1U3F6WXcxU3VIQ0FobFdmSWs9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5WGhFQkE5S3htVmNaNnlYTmFQckNWVHBHeFBwaTFpVlNUbzNhV3Q3VVdaeXpKaEVhNUtwY21FU3VWbjV1bEgyYUFoWXJ3S3c5Y21SdkdMb0hhQjJBM0JjUE81ZDdlc1A2ZmVhc3VrZjFncllKTVdhREZiOWZSbC05R2stQ1hSaVBaUG54VkgxZTZzVG94VzBrT2x1Y1BEdm5mbnRFZ3gxWi1KQVd1b0dtLWtFV1gyTFlOY1FIcnduMXJFUDlUZzlFNm5vaWNnYmN6NDR5VUd1U0pFcWdmd2k0d1V6UTBHU1A0NTJ1NTFTbVFHWT0= |
Where to start? I think [my first post-realization post](https://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/9q44zr/_/e86tnfy) pretty much sums it up.
I guess it's a tasteful combination of surprised shock - because I'm the unluckiest fool on Earth when it comes to these things, I've never so much as won a sticker in a tombola -, guilt - I used to participate pretty regularly in this sub, but the last couple months I kinda lost track of it. I almost didn't participate actually, as I think the last winner or two probably didn't get the usual couple $ from me (I'll make up for it!), and only really commented because I thought [the rake thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/9powr6/_/e842g2v) was funny -, and elation - as this couldn't have come at a better time. Winning is the kind of thing that I daydream about, and I love the idea of the community participating in making others' lives easier. This sub and its concept is awesome, and I love being a part of it (even when I don't win)!
I don't usually like to talk much about myself online, but y'all deserve to know a bit about who you're helping out :-) So, I'm 33, I live in Belgium. I'm a biologist, I have a cat, 4 birds, and a husband. My username is actually partially based off the name of one of my pets, Kiwi, a little conure that I helped save when she was a baby birb. Love of my life (sorry, hubby!). Life has been overall good, I know I'm lucky compared to many people, despite things being a bit rough and complicated recently, having a hard time finding work and such. We're not rich, but we have a roof over our heads and food on the table, and we've even been able to splurge a bit for our wedding this summer (well, more the honeymoon than the wedding itself, tbh), thanks to our friends who helped out. I might not have much, but I try to be generous with what I do have, and to be a positive addition to the lives of people I cross.
So what am I going to do with all these sudden riches? Well there was a nice little luxury villa in the Bahamas I had my eye on... More seriously, a good part will probably go to helping pay some bills that just popped up, like my kitty's recent vet visit, and rent which has just gone up. Then according to what's left, I would love to be able to take my husband out to a nice restaurant or a concert he's been eyeing, because he's a good man and I can't gift him these things as often as I'd like. Then, if it's possible, I'd love to fly over to see my brother, who lives in another country, and get to see my nephew for his birthday. We'll see what's possible :-) either way, I'm so grateful to all of you!
I just want to end with a big shout-out: to the mods, who are really friendly and do a great job a running this sub, and and u/lilfruini in particular who so patiently helped work through timezone and technical issues; to the community as a whole, for making this kind of thing possible, and restoring faith in humanity's ability to share and care about others; and of course, last but not least, to all of you, whether you donate or just leave a friendly comment, for bringing a smile to my face today and whenever I'll be raking my leaves :-)
Cheers to all of you!!
***PS:*** Haiku!
It seems I have won
Amazing rakes incoming!
Leaves on lawn no more.
***Edit:*** I'm blown away by the generosity. Every single one of you are amazing people! I hope you have a fantastic day <3
***Edit 2: [Updated again!]*** As per request, here are the winnings so far :-)
* PayPal: $1536.89
* Bitcoin: $102.71
* Bitcoin cash: $31.18
* Dai: $5
* Ethereum: $56.51
* ETH classic: $1.22
* Litecoin: $29.61
* Dogecoin: $5.11
* Tippr: $19.03
* Steem: $1.19
* Handcash: $87.73
***Total = $1876.18***
Thank you so much everyone, you're amazing!! I'm trying to answer and thank all of you personally ❤
I'm sending out big hugs also to those who have donated without leaving comments below, thank you so much!
And also, a special high-five to one of you who sent me a PayPal *request* for a 1$ payment :-D don't worry about it, happens to the best of us and I had a good laugh :-D
Cheers everyone! ❤
***Edit 3 & 4:*** [Kitty tax! ](https://i.imgur.com/Nd46G6K.jpg) and some [birdy](https://i.imgur.com/0tXUak4.jpg) [pics](https://i.imgur.com/VprxmPL.jpg)
This part is written by the mods:
All of the amounts below should result in /u/lilikiwi receiving about $1 USD.
#**Methods of payment:**
| Guide | Amount | Comment this to donate
:- | :- | :- | :-
**Tippr** | [Guide](https://old.reddit.com/r/tippr/wiki/index) | $1 | “\/u/tippr $1”
**ChainTip** | [Guide](https://www.chaintip.org/) | $1 | “\/u/chaintip”, then send $1 to the address
**Cryptocurrency transfer**
| Guide | Amount | Address (click for QR Code)
:- | :- | :- | :- | :-
**Bitcoin Cash** | [Guide](https://bitcoincashers.org/intro/get-started/) | 0.0023 BCH | [bitcoincash:qqhycmf72aej5vrt79ttr2p6wsapf4cyuyv4t559dr](https://i.imgur.com/zhHV2iu.png)
**Handcash** | [Guide](https://handcash.io) | $1 | $LILIWIKI2018 *(for QR code, see Bitcoin Cash)*
**Bitcoin** | [Guide](https://bitcoin.org/en/getting-started) | 0.00016 BTC | [12GNZdCJCd5pummCSLfFs6D3TtAzNPQjQ3](https://i.imgur.com/OCM3Fwp.png)
**Litecoin** | [Guide](https://litecoin.com/#guide) | 0.019 LTC | [LKQrVGmJgMYPyxWT2vGNjSJXwKUgLojvQM](https://i.imgur.com/s1SR0Td.png)
**Ethereum** | [Guide](https://www.ethereum.org/) | 0.0050 Ether | [0x55CDd28c2847b457Be8bc98C285fd945574BF9B7](https://i.imgur.com/o8ijtjX.png)
**Dogecoin** | [Guide](https://dogecoin.com/getting-started/) | 225 Doge | [DPn8m1Gfo1waFaaBuCHAe7UmrPMLcbA96i](https://i.imgur.com/o9GNCgy.png)
**Steem** | [Guide](https://steem.io/) | 1.23 Steem | [@millmakers](https://steemit.com/@millmakers)
**Cash transfer**
| Guide | Amount | Address
:- | :- | :- | :-
**PayPal** | [Guide](https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/account-setup) | $1* | [email protected]
\* - *Transfer fee from U.S. to Europe varies depending on the amount, [see this link](https://www.paypal.com/en/webapps/mpp/paypal-fees)*
| r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-10-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxODlJRlVqSi1kMjM3RUxBUW1KVmtiY0xJcWdUdTdFbUJHdzA3aDgwNFlLaHVCaVp4eXVoc3hhY1lqQjZIbXZyX3dYLUlLQ3JRTGM0bjR4cWV4VDBCZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5VUxxYmZicEtGMDVFNGFaZ0ZtOVp5dlNvWS1wVmNaOWhEUmNYWElfUWtKZzY5aE44eFAwWVFUNWltamFFUU1TYlpTZ2wyOU4teTRjLTQ1Qm1ELVdMY0wxNnVtQUFtODJ2a0pEZlFsZUVBQWFER0Z2UTMydXdXUGxpOFkxemZqb3FISXR3NDN4eVExLVVla0wzRmd2dFZjUGdjanlSekY5QzY3VWdreXRXU1pyTDRvLVVWR0p3UmtaaHJTRV9pQUk0Y0YxSlJNUlZhZWZ0cDNwdTRISzIydz09 |
My strategy is to own a portfolio of Dividend growth stocks that have growth potential and have a consistent history of paying dividends. I will balance in some blue chip dividend stocks in four categories to diversify my risk:
1. Healthcare and Pharmaceutical
2. Food and Beverage (non-cyclical)
3. Consumable Basic Needs (non-cyclical)
4. Industrials
These industries have been around for a long time and won’t be going anywhere soon. Dividends are generally paid by companies who are stable and have good cash flow.
What do you guys think about this strategy with a looming recession on the horizon?
I wrote a blog post here about it [https://layupforlife.com/2018/09/30/why-i-love-dividend-investing/](https://layupforlife.com/2018/09/30/why-i-love-dividend-investing/) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2018-11-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxOFRCV005ZC1QUFl6WGp4ZTlmNXV6YzR6T0xXcDJMYXJ6MFRMajk2eGdJN2RreVAySHUtaC04M0JBOXgwclJEY3VndHBQRVV3SHNUX0gxZXBDUjdEblE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ZmZPQzB2NG9nR3RlWDhPNU5KbG9TTDIwdXZhWlh5emFWaHI3WHE4a2JtYmMtbWJzZjBISk1jMmRvNHVHMlhBM1R1Q3hIRHZESGt0aGtQSHg1TFBSWUp1elNFMXFycFp0V201MVp3R1RWajIxdXJBQTQxU25LZ0piemczWFpFN2RKckREdXdmTEJWSmItS2NhN3ZWd1R3OU5xSTlqeWtNV2t3Nm9KNDBKdloxWm9xY2ZnX21zT1BVRnl0NGo2eFpUajVveU50dkJ1V3RROVFmUTk4WW9Wdz09 |
There is a paper out there by Vilet & Blitz titled "The Conservative Formula" Backtested to 1929 with an annualized 15.1 return. Clocks in with 0.94 Sharpe and only 16.5% volatility. Never lost a decade either.
It's simple. Scan top blue chips, sort by volatility, from bottom quartile sort by momentum and Div.
You end up with super sleepy, very strong, high quality companies.
The portfolio crushes a lot of other factor based models so check it out. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-11-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxbHdRV1A4YzVCcDdGbW1kdkpiRWRVaVVkVDc1VGRtcTRRTUROYTRiVEZqMjFacFVoZV9kX2UtS0QxUWNQOWRseEtiNHFUOGhGRTY2UnFfX0ZDRHgyQmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5SUNxVktxZURSNkczT2VnaERPclQzSVF4T2M1azJLdWFhOTBxWW4zTDZzeV9vM3E0WU1lanF0N19oSWFQdjFPSzZpSmRmSEdhQmVLWGFMaFhKNzlPRkdzUW1lV2U5ZWZ5Z0psNnJhQ3hxa3VTRURHYzBLampsLTJKRXJhT3RnN3FISnpwM0Uyem1iWU10MFdXdEVwa2VCTHpRWDNQazNGb3dza21jc3F1bDRjczV4YUU5WHU3UF93bk1jUktuUmlwRDhOV0N0RHlfTVFNMjhocjZlTDRfUT09 |
Thanks for the info. Will check out the paper and re adjust my strategy accordingly. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-11-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxTHFxbFZNYV8zWklZZ1BnTm90YnVXNElCc3g4WWdzTUN1WkVFN1hVQnJvWlk0c0sydl81NUtRaVBpVC1vYU13cnBVZTRDMVAtdEwzNkxOYjBDVEtHNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Q2tiOXVvNUFXQUJVYzc4TG5VSWNEbHNEQU80aXMtUWdiVVc3VG5scVdzV3doVUZCNVJ3Y2twY090R2dwMGF2WmpFZHF3QndDbmFZSURqMmZXdWphM2kyUGQtMU1pTFRNckhPQUpXTi1RRFRyOEVNVWVXZzFXT05fNXNSRHhJV3ZQbk5sZF9vWUNLQjNick0zNzhXRWtDanJ0RVVmMmstNEl0dFJvUHREWEl6MGhMWV8zbEl0TlYzQjU2dkdyUmpaTWF0OEVPWEExNEY1ZXFFVXAyUEc3QT09 |
**OBLIGATORY REDDIT GOLD AND PLATINUM EDIT:** Please stop. You keep making me lose my editing virginity. Thanks though, kind strangers, but still stop. I don't deserve this.
**SECOND EDIT:** I also added a bullet point on downloading the list of comment IDs. For a quick rundown, **I rescheduled it to 5:00 UTC,** if you would like to replicate this for yourself.
**THIRD EDIT:** There has been a discrepency. Comments will be retrieved again at 6:00 UTC.
**FOURTH EDIT:** I overslept and now I am depressed. Comments will be retrieved again at 13:00 UTC.
#**Merry Giving of Thankfulness!**
**TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media! [If you'd like to be reminded to enter the next drawing by RemindMeBot, click here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe!+December+21+2018+11%3A00+PM+%22Enter+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+drawing!%22)**
**What is this, anyway?**
Three years ago, a Redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact, [if a million people picked a certain Redditor and all donated just $1, they would have the power to make someone a millionaire](https://redd.it/2mq94c).
This subreddit is an embodiment of that showerthought, and the monthly drawings are the attempts to make it happen.
We **need** your help to keep this running, which amounts to only $1 a month to make someone's day. In the long term, that’s $120 every **decade**, which is a much more affordable price than other expenses. How does it work? Below, you will find an explanation on entering, rules to keep in mind, the selection, and other important things to note.
**How to enter:**
* REQUIRED: Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. It is highly recommended to comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`", which will remind you via PM to donate.
**Important Rules:**
* Only **ONE** top level comment per person *(replies and subsequent-level comments aren't included)*, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment.
* If, by any chance, you do double comment, **delete any extra duplicates ASAP, ideally before the thread is locked in 24 hours, as any chosen draws found to violate this will not be eligible to win, and will be banned from the subreddit.**
* Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person.
**How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?**
* After 24 hours, this thread will close, and the method of selection will begin.
* While attempts to make the selection method similar to 2017’s have been performed, it still varies from the original. For an example from a prior drawing, see **[[Draw #33]](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/98ifef/were_coming_to_a_draw_as_a_millionaires_about_to/)**. For archival purposes, please [click here](http://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/2ournt/explanation_of_our_new_drawing_system_inspired_by/) for the original selection method.
* **Method's TL;DR:** Your number is assigned by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1, and the list of comments will be publicly released. The subreddit then waits for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, after a preselected date and time, and calculates the winner using a formula described in the posts mentioned above.
* Comment IDs are downloaded at ~~2:00 UTC~~ 5:00 UTC, ~~three~~ six hours following the thread being locked. There will be two trial runs prior to ~~2:00 UTC~~ 5:00 UTC, and one trial run thirty minutes after. If it is shown that deletion of comments are occurring between any of the trial runs, or technical difficulties, the retrieval of the comments will be delayed by an hour, following the same procedures.
* To determine if you are on the list, please go to your comment and save it. The comment ID is what gets recorded and selected, which looks like this: `e3yxpj4`.
* The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for their chosen payment methods (mods will help set this up if needed).
* The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! A donation table will be stickied to the winner’s post, giving users the freedom in how they donate.
* The lucky Redditor follows up with a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking their generosity.
* Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal, Square Cash, and Google Wallet account, and/or cryptocurrency wallets. *(Note: Some services may not be available depending on where you reside.)*
* To buy any cryptocurrencies, you may use [Coinbase](https://www.coinbase.com/) for purchases using your bank account.
* To store cryptocurrencies, there are many accessible wallets, and if you win, you will be guided on which ones to download. For Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, it’s recommended to use the [Electrum](https://electrum.org/#home) and [Electron Cash](https://electroncash.org/index.html) wallet for Mac, Linux, and PC.
* Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it.
* If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a correlation between this subreddit making it in /r/all and an increase in donations.
* Try to cross-post to relevant subs, and upvote. There is a correlation between reaching /r/all and the amount of donations for the winner. *(Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here.)*
* **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.**
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple buckeroos, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
Note about legality: **This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter.** No prizes are given away directly by the moderators of this subreddit *(the moderators will never even touch your donations; this is done voluntarily)*. As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donation under $14,000 is not taxable.
If a lone $1 can get you good feelings, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can go invite your family to the Thwnksgiving table, take them out, or prepare for the winter season!
One million dollars can be enough to change someone’s life. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
*Thanks for your patience.*
*I'm thankful for all of you.*
*Now give your dollar!* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-11-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxbFBYVzlKSnVCRnFqeUstbG1nbk1uTjJaR0NqOWlyTDdLN1RNSHN6ck03cUVpNWt1WkFyOUw2ODVuZmxJYlVMUzZzZTk0VnlCQVRVdnUtaklfWmVLclE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5M2NTZlJZSGhucldiRUpKTHROQzlibE91LWQ3ZnkxaE1yS0g4NWJteUE0YlNWOVVfcmRQdE5UNlI1by1fYnhRQ1Rla0d0QVZ1UUxyLWpIeUpTX3ZIbFlLS0tpNjhHcXp5cUx3UUF5QlpvcHY2NV9lV1VoUTFza3dFVTlGeTFBRVJvcFY1dTRIU1c5QVNGY1FiR0VnNjcxekxuXzRkVWk1Y04xZ2dPQ0p5Sm9JZTQzV3JpWnpteUw3V3NMZ1lkb0Qzdk1UZGNHOGJ1ODZsODgxemJTTnM1QT09 |
#**Cutting it close, like a trip to a grocery store on Thanksgiving Eve.**
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. By 16:00 UTC (less than an hour as of posting this), the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, look for a star (primarily lack-of) near the period since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**If you would like to watch the winner being picked live, head here: https://twitch.tv/nandinmaster**
**DISCLAIMER:** *Some of the information may be unrevised, but procedures are the same as prior draws. Thank you.*
**Mailing List Subscribers:**
First and foremost, I must apologize to all subscribers counting on me to send an email. I take full responsibility for not sending it, and for failing to give an entry.
If it interests users, though, behind the scenes, we are working on more ways to remind our users, one of which being Discord, which we plan to unveil in December. Stay tuned, and apologies for the troubles I have caused!
**Explanatory Explanation:**
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three blocks. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**For Your Awareness:**
*This post will not be edited,* aside from ninja edits for formatting. This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #36, remove the first two lines, and upload the file to a SHA-256 generator. The hash you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, download Python 3 and follow the path to the text file here: *MillionaireMakers Drawing #36\Drawing\OfficialMM36IDs.txt*
**Consistent Stream:**
There will likely be a stream on my Twitch channel: https://twitch.tv/nandinmaster
This stream, while it may start earlier, will happen at 16:00 UTC, which in my time-zone, translates to 11:00 PM ET (hour before high noon).
This stream will occur on Android via screen recording, and most likely under a cellular service's umbrella. Thank you for reading this.
**Information Used For Draw #36:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/88ockcr7uejnr0y/AAC-6lkBpFxV4qOVwIhOAB9ua?dl=0
SHA-256 (md5file.com): 9eb62fa3b3c86b08771d9aafe1f4ecce1854a6e140e29a2cbe0f312bf09e0259
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nd6oql2jmvt4mky/%28ALTERED%29%20MM%20Comment%20IDs%20Retrieval%20via%20PRAW.py?dl=0
Python Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psajo5w8gzixk7g/MillionaireMakers%20%2335%20Drawing%20Code.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z9kihitvcvdo2kx/OfficialMM36IDs.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Block After 18 November 2018 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 21,847
**Dear Haiku lovers,**
**I'm sorry but no bonus.**
**I have to focus.** | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-11-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxU2Jfc0xscUxGLWk5bXFISTI2VVpmRnZXX3JkSU9FNk8wOGhMV1RtcWJHV0p0YkJDODh4ZGJ5dk9zUE1VYXdlRWQ4UjFoLU1tbU1UWlJJR2NSeTJZc3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5VFlGRVQzMU9EXzY5cG9oZVd1TjhGSXNYNG1vYUxRM2JZekFMazhwQ2NWd1NyNUVmSHV2NlFiYWhYejRidW5qT2VGUHFfMjUyZ0t3LV9wRWgwcE5PN0VfV3Q5M1NpbGxRS3doX1p6R2tvM1hvWThXX3czZE5nUUhQVktXZkdFYUkxZnZ1a2NsMWIzanQxTDhGQVhvQTUzNXdLSmE4Y0NuZFhEUDk2b3dNaTd0UEZHYVF1TUdiZFBGLTBGbk9XM1pXZU01NEdoQWlnS2hRQ1B1MFpuc193dz09 |
Thanks to everyone! Honestly I just stumbled onto this and thought I'd put my name in the hat. This was completely out of left field and I am stunned. I recently exited my relationship of the past two years so this was a nice lift me up!
I am in my 30's and these funds will go towards building my emergency fund for when things hit the fan which seems more and more likely to come in the next year or two. I graduated in 2008 and started my career in the recession and learned the hard way on how important it is to have some rounds in the chamber. My car got totalled when I hit a deer on halloween night and I just picked up a cheapo lien car from the tow yard so I need some reserves to cover what breaks next haha.
I also want a portion of the funds to go back into my community. I will tally the votes and will make a donation in the amount of 25% of the funds received to the cause with the top choice. Public trails or homeless resources or the local humane society. Please vote on the following poll: (https://goo.gl/forms/Qi2fqwpwVCG2eGL83)
Edit 1 - Current Standings
Paypal - $1200 USD
Cash App - $69
Cryptos - ~$125
Edit 2 - Charity Donation Status
A $300 check has been sent to the Betty Kwan Chinn Homeless Foundation as the majority vote was to support homeless resources. This charity operates a halfway house, mobile food truck, a day center and other homeless support services for my community. This donation is dedicated towards the replacement of a meals on wheels truck that served over 150 homeless and 20 elderly individuals per day as the charity's catering vehicle was totaled a few days ago. A local business is matching the donation. Thanks to everyone for voting on a cause and contributing! I will be making a final donation at the end of this month to the local food bank.
Edit 3 - Charity Donation Status
Paypal - ~$1380 USD
Cash App - $75
Cryptos - ~$125
25% of the funds is approximately $400.
$300 already donated to the cause above. A local group is raising $500K to build a trail around a redwood grove and has secured matching donations. I donated an additional $125 to this cause.
This part is written by the mods (except the ethereum link I added per request):
All of the amounts below should result in /u/rayout receiving about $1 USD.
#**Methods of payment:**
**Tipbots (may not be running)**
Service and Guide | Amount | Comment this to donate
:- | :- | :-
**[Tippr](https://old.reddit.com/r/tippr/wiki/index)** | $1 | “/u/tippr $1”
**[ChainTip](https://www.chaintip.org/)** | $1 | “/u/chaintip”, then send $1 to the address
Cryptocurrency transfer
Service and Guide | Amount | Address (click for QR Code)
:- | :- | :- | :- | :-
**[Bitcoin Cash](https://bitcoincashers.org/intro/get-started/)** | 0.0042 BCH | *Unavailable*
**[Bitcoin](https://bitcoin.org/en/getting-started)** | 0.00021 BTC | [3L9QYZq6n4Zs7UDtcsyUmL8oPtHSFXi5Mz](https://i.imgur.com/K1JC3lZ.png)
**[Litecoin](https://litecoin.com/#guide)** | 0.029 LTC | [MCXR4qXNRBRAcUVia2taW4pJpKqrCnQQgY](https://i.imgur.com/3a7jCsz.png)
**[Dogecoin](https://dogecoin.com/getting-started/)** | 446 Doge | [DS1DEhX7z3TbdHwoo6Dgf2reNcAiyB54bj](https://i.imgur.com/TsuFwwe.png)
**[Ethereum](https://www.ethereum.org/)** | 0.0074 Ether | [0x091B8848Df48d790Ad9a385d7F5A980b74D61790]
**[Steem](https://steem.io/)** | 2.38 Steem | [@millmakers](https://steemit.com/@millmakers)
Cash transfer
Service and Guide | Amount | Address
:- | :- | :-
**[PayPal](https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/account-setup)** | $1 | https://paypal.me/rayoutx or [email protected]
**[Square Cash](https://cash.app/)** | $1 | $rayoutx | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-11-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxTTdYckZUcUxxWXAweEF2cG02bXp2ZUdla2lwSGViVFd5VWktTHRqd0pMUkJRd2t5cnYxYndpOWRmWml4d1FmZjRPVlNHMWU5UTlMb20wZk9EN1k2U0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5enlWRXFLQjQyZWxDQjdoWVRxVDV2ODdIM0NhT0JMYTAzVUhCRjg2Yno2dk9ub3dDS3JHSDFYejhBSDhlYUFVclVnS29ncC03NGM0WWx2eFg4NnFBRXY1U0dWQlNnekZobVBKRFRENUN6NUUxWmNDYTQ2WmFEVFdzblJMZnJKelNRYl9iT0ZYT2NiMlZtWDVISkwxb0E1eUY0Z182ajRXa203SnpsT3JBeTRDVDFOcEVoTTVlYndZV2JFOEdYblRCSFR4ZE5QOURkQjktbFVwV3I2U1dSZz09 |
For a every long time now I've wanted to get into investing, but I don't know what platform or anything like that to use. I don't really have that much money to work with, so is there any real low cost way for me to enter into the market? I'm looking for something with a rather small account minimum. I looked at Ally invest but I didn't really see anything on BBB website about them, and what complaints people have left on there about them can't be read. | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2018-12-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxbEkzWVI4QUJKWmFibC03UnRDaWFDZ2lSR3JlN3pGZkJGdHBCYWdvVXdkbU92bjdTTmwwOWlkbFRFZ1hFakJtR0ZyMEw0NWF4NElvNHJBTUstQnRmSHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5MlQ3bU1tVmZVQVVqa0xtR0lSMzh6NEcyaGlFdFd6SmZiV3JGUVBEZlVEOF82MGV5NmdpV3JmaG1BQkMtQnRRTjdIc3pGZTA5cEgwYnVNRzVYZkFsd3JMYlE5NlplYmpRcWpZNG8tOFdZSmJ1OFlpTTkyQUp4QWNFZE1oa1Z3ZkdSbFB6MWREdTR1SWRrbWV6RGFOSDJ5YnBiczd2UDNYTE5TZFhmSFJmODc0PQ== |
**OBLIGATORY EDIT:** Thanks for the Silv'a, kind and generous stranger. For your generosity, [have a video of Silver, from the hit video-game, *Sonic the Hedgehog 2006*, detailing the glorious benefits silver has on the Reddit culture!](https://youtu.be/Oq8AgIS3ZgU) Thank you. *(I hope you liked the joke.)*
#**Santa Claus is coming! …and apparently it’s a 100,000 people in a red trench coat.**
**Edit:** There are three deleted comments. The drill is to run the code again at 3:00 UTC, with a trial run before and after.
**Quick Announcement:**
On December 28, 2018, one week after this drawing, I will conduct a survey to help determine this subreddit’s direction. Additionally, the moderation team will unveil a new Discord server at the same time for our subscribers to discuss the subreddit and the drawing. Here are some questions you can expect *(updated)*:
* *What day of the month would you like the /r/MillionaireMakers drawing to be held?*
* *Should the code be further streamlined to acquire comment IDs at a faster and just pace?* (Context: There's new code that can be used to prevent further cases of cheating, but it also changes the process.)
* *What is the best cryptocurrency blockchain to choose the winner from?*
* *Should the [Drawing Thread] post's format be revamped in the future?*
* *Should there be monthly or seasonal announcements the Monday of the [Drawing Thread]'s week?*
**[If you would like to see something specific change over here at /r/MillionaireMakers, please click here!](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeX-h3npIpPjrz0fZoel5E7zpXHj40yo4d_U_OwgDY2WrsQxQ/viewform?usp=sf_link)** Your comments will help determine any additional questions the moderation team should ask the subscribers.
**TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media! [If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner by RemindMeBot, click here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[http%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky]+RemindMe!+December+24+2018+11%3A00+PM+"Donate+to+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+winner!")**
**What is this, anyway?**
Three years ago, a Redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact, [if a million people picked a certain Redditor and all donated just $1, they would have the power to make someone a millionaire](https://redd.it/2mq94c).
This subreddit is an embodiment of that showerthought, and the monthly drawings are the attempts to make it happen.
We **need** your help to keep this running, which amounts to only $1 a month to make someone's day. In the long term, that’s $120 every **decade**, which is a much more affordable price than other expenses. How does it work? Below, you will find an explanation on entering, rules to keep in mind, the selection, and other important things to note.
**How to enter:**
* REQUIRED: Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. It is highly recommended to comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`", which will remind you via PM to donate.
**Important Rules:**
* Only **ONE** top level comment per person *(replies and subsequent-level comments aren't included)*, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment.
* If, by any chance, you do double comment, **delete any extra duplicates ASAP, ideally before the thread is locked in 24 hours, as any chosen draws found to violate this will not be eligible to win, and will be banned from the subreddit.**
* Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person.
**How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?**
* After 24 hours, this thread will close, and the method of selection will begin.
* While attempts to make the selection method similar to 2017’s have been performed, it still varies from the original. For an example from a prior drawing, see **[[Draw #36]]( https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/9y71hn/i_would_make_a_thanksgiving_joke_but_im_not/)**. For archival purposes, please [click here](http://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/2ournt/explanation_of_our_new_drawing_system_inspired_by/) for the original selection method.
* **Method's TL;DR:** Your number is assigned by sorting the comments by old, so the first commenter will be 1, and the list of comments will be publicly released. The subreddit then waits for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, after a preselected date and time, and calculates the winner using a formula described in the posts mentioned above.
* Comment IDs are downloaded at 2:00 UTC, three hours following the thread being locked. There will be a trial run prior to the time listed, one at the time listed, and one trial run thirty minutes after. **If it is shown that the deletion of comments has occurred between any of the trial runs, or technical difficulties, the retrieval of the comments will be delayed by an hour, following the same procedures.** For **[Drawing Thread #37]**, this has occurred, and retrieval of comments will be delayed to 3:00 UTC.
* While not necessary, to determine if you are on the list, please go to your comment and save it. The comment ID is what gets recorded and selected, which looks like this: `e3yxpj4`.
* The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for their chosen payment methods (mods will help set this up if needed).
* The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! A donation table will be stickied to the winner’s post, giving users the freedom in how they donate.
* The lucky Redditor follows up with a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking their generosity.
* Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal, Square Cash, and Google Wallet account, and/or cryptocurrency wallets. *(Note: Some services may not be available depending on where you reside.)*
* To buy any cryptocurrencies, you may use [Coinbase](https://www.coinbase.com/) for purchases using your bank account.
* To store cryptocurrencies, there are many accessible wallets, and if you win, you will be guided on which ones to download. For Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, it’s recommended to use the [Electrum](https://electrum.org/#home) and [Electron Cash](https://electroncash.org/index.html) wallet for Mac, Linux, and PC.
* Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it.
* If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a correlation between this subreddit making it in /r/all and an increase in donations.
* Try to cross-post to relevant subs, and upvote. There is a correlation between reaching /r/all and the amount of donations for the winner. *(Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here.)*
* **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.**
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
Note about legality: **This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter.** No prizes are given away directly by the moderators of this subreddit *(the moderators will never even touch your donations; this is done voluntarily)*. As for gift taxes, according to the IRS they're generally paid by the donor, and any donations under $14,000 is not taxable.
If a lone $1 can get you a Dollar Tree-worthy present, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can go invite your family to a Disney World vacation, invite friends without hesitation, or put up Christmas decorations!
One million dollars can be enough to make someone’s Christmas. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
*A Christmas delight,*
*With people dear, near, and cheer.*
*The winner’s tonight!* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-12-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxRUpWRTBrTFllMzVRTHB4VEd2UjRYTi1nM0MxNEtfd0QtSmZ5OHZiZVRVTmJlQk9JQTFxYXJDcS1jTlJpVnYzY01nTlpfMHVkaU1MMjFING9nTVlJeEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5LUt5ZVBiaVFldVJfdnZyUkRIcmtUdzFfWGRLdDkyejd1clNjUWpsZDF5bHNwSE1nc19CdU9OSmJpSFRYYXZOLUlNaEQwb3BmLVBibnY0S1JuQU1xSzdMVzI3cEtQRGJMZVBZVTlkRUstdkJFLWtSdXVlTE9NYWU3S2l3d2kxeHg5SHJLMEFJN1Rxbl9vOTBqbXhvMnRjOFNwVVltcjdhcEdRcjhPM0lVbENpeTlMYndXV0E0bzVtb2NYQ3ZSNmxaVDZNYmtVaVd0cF9DdFlUOFRfdGMwQT09 |
seems like referral link spam to me | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-12-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZ1VzclZreWFZUzFvNGpLaGt6MkJsbXRLX1hYb2dpYjhBeUY1RWM3UjZka09WZFNha09LaWUtU1hBSlVSeW1RMlA0Z0dDdHQ2VWNsWHhHTEdMTERPRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5RmNWT2U0R2NMZS1QSkFRZ0FZa2NQRk83VDl5V0k3Wi1fMVd5MjR5cndUaFlGaF9RUnhXWlk5YllPRm9JRWZGV1pCeWR3X3FBcEU2RU5DdkhndXBMLU83M3llclBsS3BNY1RiNWtDMmRPbTJmSldsUWo0d3BqYWU2NVFKcVpSR053MGFzSG90MnRWdDlEbFJoX1RmMGRsTTRtTmRhNjJXVy04UXA1YnJSb2VZalhPTVZsV0xRdkJ4TVpHa29UQllPdkp2cXJINlJIWHVxMFllbVBwajFuZz09 |
#**Past mods made it snow in this subreddit, and thanks to revision-history, I was able to, too.** *(If you would like to see it, access this subreddit on [old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers).)*
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. By 16:00 UTC (less than an hour as of posting this), the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, look for the lack-of a star near the time passed since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**If you would like to watch the winner being picked live, head here: https://twitch.tv/nandinmaster**
**DISCLAIMER:** *Some of the information may be unrevised, but procedures are the same as prior draws. Thank you.*
**Mailing List Subscribers:**
I want to work on automating this feature with /u/anarcist69. Thank you for your patience.
**Explain This!**
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three blocks. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**Awareness for Fairness:**
*This post will not be edited,* aside from potential ninja edits for formatting. This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators. To prove this, look for the lack of an asterisk near the time since creation.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #37, remove the first two lines, and upload the file to a SHA-256 generator. The hash you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, download Python 3 and follow the path to the text file here: *MillionaireMakers Drawing #36\Drawing\OfficialMM36IDs.txt*
**Mostly Consistent Stream:**
There will likely be a stream on my Twitch channel: https://twitch.tv/nandinmaster
This stream, while it may start earlier, will happen at 16:00 UTC, which in my time-zone, translates to 11:00 PM ET (hour before high noon).
This stream will occur on Android via screen recording, and most likely under a cellular service's umbrella. Thank you for reading this.
**Information Used For Draw #37:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gd6mt0wn4l36ol9/AAAChM-tZYxNpeCPUnR6PQ5La?dl=0
SHA-256 (hash.online-convert.com): 693a54ad28162b58cb43c4a0cdeb67064f49f151cb765267cb4d54efd7c8d0b6
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k9mrtyb8w6hyzej/%28ALTERED%29%20MM%20Comment%20IDs%20Retrieval%20via%20PRAW.py?dl=0
Python Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vwar2fk5k6zt0n2/MillionaireMakers%20%2337%20Drawing%20Code.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/42qr2i4fne7am9d/Official37RunIDs.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Block After 23 December 2018 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 34,971
**T'ah joyful season,**
**Decorate, don't hesitate!**
**Unite with reason.** | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-12-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZU50TTEwNjJ1Ymdrb1dmUW9pNWhWNmR0NjNIMFFiUzZqRTVYWG1zU01POHdudTBLYW84TFZkVmxXOF9KTjhycjZqUTl4WE9wZUhiQnV4MTJMd2EzQ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5SV9RNE41enQ1Qjl5RFkzVHFFTUtkUWFnSTJmeDhXa2ozSHIwZnJsVDFiUTg1RzVnbm8wYmdjaF95V1B6bEp4bHZidHhyZW5aOUVmZHk0NW1UU2NuQ21NcG1mcWtfX3IwMjg0Skl2UUxVZlgtRGJSdDEwa0dWWC1Xa3NzVUZQN0hXTjRhSUlPMlo2T2dMOVpDcHNacGhHRm9aNncxSnpxSHc0REh0UjZTbFE5OGZWeGp1UHdtTmN3YnBwVWx0OVVMVldXWWYtOHk4Y2JKT1lPRHY2SDBQdz09 |
We are still navigating within the post-2016 move and have just today completed 50% retracement of the move up from 2016 beginning - 2370 level on S&P 500 Index on the weekly chart.
Next major level is 2233 (the 61.80% retracement level). If we test that level in the next week or two, there might be a short term bounce before the next leg down (IF market finds strong support there).
https://preview.redd.it/59smvj26wb621.jpg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28c9404d23a525ae0e451a5d5c4a0573328af039 | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2018-12-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMHpLTGtvQjI4YzZlOEtMUnZmZGVySFFCTHlmUmVFREJmWFdnWGNxb09IWkJFd1djNVE5ak85SWVfaHYwY2ZfVkVuNjVaTW1kbHMwMW9vZnNvakFGc1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5VV9CQW9URkd1VGpvSHRKTkFlYm5zT09yTUxKalRsNWdmdXRWU3NXdDBSczRyeUtRek9NSS1jV1JsSmtfSHkzSEhNS1pQUHJCTWtFZG9ZWWhnaFB6Sms1NXBnUWw3QVI4NVNVS0JNR0pNTUZiUjBWZk9uM2xYNmZTQ1F4d0VpSkV6anlDd0ZHdU9rbFQxVkczU1pxZjhhMmcyaE1WMXVleUZvUWUzVFA4Nndjb0kzaDJXWmFDdFF4WjNvM2xETENQaFI3V192YmE0N190cUdaTnVyeTRsQT09 |
I would suggest Robinhood, which has no account minimum or commission fees. The platform has a wide variety of stocks and ETFs. Most people I know really like Roobinhood. If you can, try to find someone who can refer you to Roobinhood so that you and the person who refers you can get a free stock. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-12-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxN1FSWWR1U3dOMjFIZ0I5NldKQjV1a2lxbmxGTXR2bVVxcHBJeldaZTJIUzZkMU9fcGFXYm43WFlmOFUtc0Q4NzF2bnRkNEE0RkpTOUQxZjI0bkhYM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ZGJKeXdzRnUwTGdfc0lSV2k5NGRhaWhfNmRaTFJkSEpwOTRfN2ROZzhVT2Q1aDdOT1NZeEY5ZEtvNUJ2anhiMjNHUlg4N1gxODI4OHY2M3NXdkRkMDY3TkRsX3B2bG1ycmR4bng0Q3IyanRHS05GVlN3cFNzZUoxcGdKNnl1X1FsUW1iVjUxeDFqX21DTmhrQU9pOW9ZdzBHMkhLbXVlakU1ckdibnlIWEUwPQ== |
You are correct that index funds like the S&P 500 are diversified. However, unless you are young and/or willing to accept a lot of risk, it is good to balance your protfolio with bonds. The all time great Investor Benjamin Gram suggested that bonds should be at least 25% of your portfolio. A general rule of thumb is that 110-age=percentage of portfolio devoted to stocks. As an aside, an index fund may not give you expose to different international markets. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-12-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxbEYweVpxLVdERnBxdFNkNGs4YTdQaU5pN1hfMUptRE1wQUdQeUFYbGw0ZWJ0alJ2Tm9PNmE2OWV3emZyeHI5Snp4NUxYM2NVQTF3Vm1RaDhPMXFBQUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ZGF3WlVYNzR6Sjk2REZ2MWI5UzdKUnhFMTl6dVNwUkp3c0tzTjEtMWg3U2JsSjJJUWZRTlVaajBNb21OVzNuYllCWTRSaFhlNktuYkpOSUQ5ZTFCT1RSa0E3SzlGMm5kU0lfYWJ2V2FkbS1YbzBjeHlpOGR6MW1tQ19zby1Yd0U2QkxUYWVvNmV1TmJIZ0VXd0J2VGYzWk0tMzU5XzhwSkVSWDZFT3JWOTdpTE0wV3JQUXVFUFV1SlYwLTdSdk5Bc0hqbnRGcXFsbGszSkJiQUZtR1E3dz09 |
Ive thought about using Robinhood but for some reason it just gives me a weird gut feeling. I guess I just need to talk to more people about it. Thanks for your recommendation. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2018-12-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxNUp3UmdXQXFJQ01WQXdYTjEwZzhsdExEdk80Q3dveTFsbEpuUC00T0Y0Z2c1S0k1U3ZHRG5OSlZjaTVJb01fWU85YkhqdjlzeUExWnFUMzNOX01jSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5WmNFaW5HWUNrcFlkazdIZWV5SUtwZVBJRXhHaFVlQ3g1M1VXeW9hUzZxek1ZMXN2Q0VZYlZmWDhCWmtJUlFaYXFZSDhscmpEc2d0ekswNTZ1cEZ3QWF4c01HeFhCUTU4Q2REeWNuNWVYMnZuV0NvSEhERkxfeXotOE1PX2JIMWJPYVluTU1JWjQ5aXRlZ05LNVFXMVAyYjhMa0tUNWUyZ0lOU2oxeHlwZGlZPQ== |
Wow. I don't know where to begin. I was in shock when I finally logged into reddit after getting home from Christmas. I am a just your typical redditor, or at least what I assume to be a typical redditor until I am told differently, a white male age 20-35. I mostly type thoughtful responses and retorts that I promptly delete before sending. I am kinda nerdy. I've been to 3 or 4 meetups where I sit awkwardly trying to put screen names to faces.
Now what you all came here for, the part where I say what I will do with the money. 75% of the money is going towards my student loan debt the other 25% will be donated to the American Cancer Society and to Feeding America. My father lost his battle with lung cancer last Christmas. I like to think that he was looking out for me this Christmas. After he retired he devoted his time to Feeding America. He was proud of how efficiently they collected and distributed food, and the difference he was able to provide the community. I know you don't believe this but I have sent verification to the mods. Finally Please don't start smoking and if you are a smoker quit.
Edit 1st update 1:28 EST:
I am going to bed or at least I am going to try to. Here are the totals as of now
Google Pay|33.00
Square Cash|23.69
Bitcoin Cash|0.99
2nd update 7:57 a.m. EST:
I am going to run, shower, and then go to work but before all that an update
Google Pay|36.00
Square Cash|34.98
Bitcoin Cash|0.98
3rd Update 12:36 p.m. EST:
I went home for lunch to update the table. There are some pending coin donations that I didn't include as well as a few made by other means I may have missed. Thank you everyone.
Google Pay|108.00
Square Cash|52.98
Bitcoin Cash|10.35
Donations made to charity because of technical problems|15.00
4th update 6:02 p.m. EST:
I just got home from work and busted out the microsoft excel to get some nifty averages. I didn't include Doge and other because I couldn't figure out an easy way to see how many people donated. If anyone can tell me a good way to do it I am all ears.
Method|Amount|Number of Donations|Average Donation
Google Pay|$162.25|40|$4.06
Square Cash|$71.98|36|$2.00
Bitcoin Cash|$15.59|12|$1.30
5th Update:
Method|Amount|Number of Donations|Average Donation
Google Pay|176.45|47|3.75
Square Cash|92.98|45|2.07
Bitcoin Cash|32.39|17|1.91
Edit 6 pics or get the fuck out:
Donated $400 to the two charities http://imgur.com/gallery/UHYT6Li
Edit 7 12/19/2018 6:40 p.m. EST:
Thank you to everyone who donated, except the person who donated .02 cents 4 or 5 times in a row then requested that I give him $50.00. You guys are amazing.
Method|Amount|Number of Donations|Average Donation
Google Pay|207.25|58|3.57
Cash App|118.61|54|2.20
Bitcoin Cash|40.74|19|2.14
Lite Coin|26.83|9|2.98
Doge Coin|9.67|6|1.61
This part is written by the mods:
All of the addresses listed should result in direct lines of payment to /u/ltrain430. We ask all users to donate at least $1 USD.
**Bitcoin Cash (BCH):** qph5s3pfuv6krnk5kvkv5w4tr05gq38ya55p2x68jf
**Bitcoin:** 3HQC2LT9gLL7Zu4aamGC7vrXY3TMmY96EW
**Ethereum:** 0x3ac822FA4e30B819eC2B5FE48c9b14B7471c7B51
**Litecoin:** MKvykEcEkBAKZpmW2G7JytZUjZb7WGwNZi
**Dogecoin:** D76sVEw1C4wyyBVzsdZK5M13N2LPLHvDo3
**PayPal and Google Pay:** [email protected]
**Square Cash:** $JabarJabroni | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-12-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMTlIallzaXAxbUtHbWdaTWtBM1dKcUN0X0kwR09aX3FRUmtOZnVLOGlxdnBndlc2SllhZERLRFh1ZVlENE9ibXNHcEZtZ2FhRlJlZnRadlpfQ1dMcHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5VWJXVGQ0YXZFdlU2MEJLWkh3VEluWUVYZ2RubmkwelNVcU13S2VaaE5TN09wcWNKQ0dUa1hhblR1MUo3MWphNkhCWmV1UUItWHZPaUl3Z0JIUEs3TDV3THJWVUtJWVN0Q0lVZlN0YW9PS3JqMDVlTkVoUlJ2MHZBUUE4b0g4eHZJWTRjMXVPUWRZcTRudFVQT2N3ZGVGdk9MQlpTT1NUaDVyOF83Y3Z3b2NtUlFMcDFSQU9ZaEVMN3NoeDdzeXExMFY3dkxJSU4ybnhmLXFWX1A2S2p1Zz09 |
We now have a Discord server where you can chat in real time about /r/millionairemakers
Join Us: [https://discord.gg/eQPW33F](https://discord.gg/eQPW33F) | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2018-12-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxbkh5NlFUbExjMktObWJDTk1UVkdRNERfR05fSGtxN1hPa3F5dmdJSEZrRXVINWloZ09aQmt0VUxnckVTZ2U0dnhwZS1IWkl4dHJhMzBVVjRKMEtkUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Vkl3THp3b1JBZG1JdjFqcFV3THFWdDZKSm9jTFZBMG5ZTlJVOEVBY0FqcU5UdklyR0RVQ3QxaXlRNER6b1dmWFVWYzZBY0YyNmRQNzBEdms4Qld5RE92bnozci1NQzVvdjF0ZUtvZ05xRXl3QklHTFF4M1gzbmZUQ01WV1NnS2t1OWlJbmYxQUQtQU5NX3lzeDBpYVJkSUNZakdVaGVnd1NvT1gxMDZ0ZzVFWUNWQ25TUUQ4OXVOWlc5RFlVdHp5 |
Hey, I am 15 y/o and want to start investing idk anything about anything..(as you can imagine from my age) where should I start? What should I keep in mind? Should I do any classes? (BTW I do know something about it but not in detail to get me started) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-01-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxczJYakFXMjFpT2owdTdKeElpclE2WVVZdEVEWjc4bGhnRm1ldE5SQlU3SElMMDNyNGRITlpydUQ1NTExQkhtbDlVY0thR2xCS3ZkTEQzczNfandYeGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5TVZOR0szY29mUk5VamtlWnVxYlZIMXFwMXh2RncwczNkNHhwUHU0dTZuRWF5SXBNNmxaTm5iV3lZZUpBSlB0bzV3a1FBRU9wYkVtY3ZUMk4wb1R2eFJFcDlhSVk0S0gxSnplTkVDZUNkWjJFcEhqTlZLX0xaUmxmdkRVRXRFeG4xUk1TSHJjX290bXhFOURDa196cFBvX0Vkdk94YTN5WXdtLUpBQjVicUhnPQ== |
I found the best way to learn was to try.
When you are just starting out, buy one stock of a company you like and just watch it. Don't do anything else. You'll learn what stocks do just by owning one. You can do this free in Robinhood and buy a cheap stock like Ford for $7.
Any terms you don't understand, just Google it. Investopedia has good info.
While watching your fun stock, put a bunch of money in a market fund, a stock that just moves up with the economy as a whole. This is like what you will get when you have a job with a retirement plan. At your age, you can try this free in Wisebanyan with a small amount like $60.
Years from now you'll either want to be more involved and learn more about stocks and upgrade to a better platform than Robinhood.
You'll hate it and just want someone else to manage your money in a real retirement account like Vanguard.
If you want to invest as a career, do all these same steps even before you be pickup the book Investing for Dummies. You'll be able to follow your little stock as you read. If after all that you're still interested there are college courses you can take. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-01-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxd1VfZUJzVWxWbjZwbHZDdEVFNmpkS2psc21uNlRaejVvOFFpU2R1azRGaXJOS3VKUU0tOUl1YmFpOU1JaDM1d2t2M3R6UlFZdFlIN3VjY3dwMXRBM3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5R3hnSGpkenQwWXIwbHU4clFVcEdWZVdpRDNpMXhLcWl4azJtY0N4SE1NTEpmVEVsc2o0X0NZbC1uZnI3Qk9MY1VKN0hxU0x6XzVRUVk4X3dJQnJfSVJxNzhWNUNvZFByNjlBbjN3aF83enBockFpLWZ4cEg4VzVlUmsyVjhGS3ZhLWdnRzVCMFAydzdxVm5lVjJ6Z1I5dWdsaWpOeHZpNlNwRk1JdWtiR0xlYU00MVBjVWlqdHdoSmVCelpNbHZN |
Robinhood is not available in my country | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-01-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxR1g4VjgwZkVMTjVSOEg2N1FkUURiaTlNU3U2N3pZTkV5VnVMNDRoVno2dVp2aG8teWVnRzItYVpJOVIyY1JRNmlYVDJmaUF6UGs5T05xWGFwd3gzX0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5YUtUMHFaYURiNndfUldIcl82RjVOd2Ruc252X2ltWnVQNjAzVnBLenJjYTc4NG9qT0xBa2stcHhpWjU1LUwtRE5PVG9jYndrRE1pY2tJQndQZzdHZXVQSV9sRmNOdGM4Z3hvM1M3NlNocU9TNVYyQVVfcWkzWWZDLVVLckdPb0NWd1E3blhyZUpXZV96NmVtUER1N1dtTHZsTllGNjJoNmZ2VXFPRThOTmVBV3k3R3FWbmtSazlDQld3OURQcjNH |
There are plenty of low fee trading platforms. Even if you start with a stock market simulator from the app store. It's just a game, but works the same way. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-01-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxc2lMODg2T1E3ZDVCRWVtSndtZC13djlLanBJTkNxS3hoWC1aTGlMLXVCdnBEYkJwV3NoMzhXQ2ZfTWt6cUJ0eEhlTlZDTWhoY3gzdEFvWlZ0Xy04SlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5TnRVSUR6c3RLcFl6X3BmS3RKOUtGQTB5YUJmT3FoYy1JaC0tUzZ6NFJMZDBjc1I3LVNOQUZCSjN6MHJEZGxPTHVPbnk0WmJjZ3dzZTRJa0VVaVVKWGVTWWppM2NSNXRiZ1pkVElvRkp1OEVLVVdQR2hEeTlKdm1yb1NKa2RHaFNSZkVGeE16YjJEWHBrckljZTdKVG9wd2FnZUJoYTVjSll3bXVhRF8zZmNzdkhxaU1ENWxWTjl0bVFIQUEwWElh |
Robinhood is fantastic. No frills attached. Not sure about your “weird gut feeling”. Sign up, it’s well worth it, I promise. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-01-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMTlYZHcteXhqY2ExVTE0OXhBMXZSbWVIUFV4X1dQbDBUR3lDbVVCQzlueTBvTnprTWEwVmx6YXR1UXFhVmZsWVJXS0RGSFBOU202SHZJTWJhTlUyOFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5WEZNVGVITGhBM1VJcjVxV3BTZGhxTzl6bWd3YjFCTlJSc3BKUkZLZm9NcnAzUVZNV0VrRXR1bGdtSzB2a2k3LVhMUVVPT2RZd2FKRkhadTkzYzNSN0lvZnlQV3lhZ2tGODl2YjlLejA3NGFlT1l0d0ZoQmhEeHVjMWEtV1pqRkZUXzVsalhyTmZ2dGx3SFQ2aUtFMXhGOF9pM1RvVEdrZUdfMVFsbHlPdS1nPQ== |
#**It's cold.** *(I've never watched an episode of Game of Thrones, please enjoy the reference if it makes sense! If it doesn't, it's treason, then. ^And ^if ^I ^made ^anyone ^cringe, ^I'm ^sorry. )*
**In Case You Missed It:**
* **December's winner, /u/ltrain430, is accepting donations, after initially lacking communication for a period of several days.** He has donated a portion of his winning funds to charities. Donating is not required to enter, but is actively encouraged in the spirit of giving. If you please, [donate here!](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/a9vhlz/a_christmas_miracle_winners_thread_37)
* December 28, 2018 was the day of a subreddit-wide survey. Due to the fault of negligence, that day was treated as any other day. **Any developments on this survey will likely be announced on February 1 or February 8, but I can't guarantee anything.** Stay tuned.
* **/r/MillionaireMakers has a new Discord server,** with exclusive tags for winners and people who have assisted me with technical help. Joining will not increase anyone's odds of winning; this is for pure discussion of the event. To join, [click here and sign-in with a Discord account.](https://discord.gg/eQPW33F)
* **All 2019 dates for the /r/MillionaireMakers Drawing Thread are set!** [Please refer to this Dropbox document for all RemindMe dates, or keep watch of the sidebar at the right, to keep updated.](https://www.dropbox.com/s/pk72syin68443cj/MillionaireMaker%20Dates%202019.txt?dl=0) *Note: I originally planned to change this, but as it's consistently structured since before my modship, I felt there was a lack of need to address it, let alone change when it's not necessary. Thank you for understanding.*
**TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media! [If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner by RemindMeBot, click here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[http%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky]+RemindMe!+January+21+2019+11%3A00+PM+"Donate+to+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+winner!")**
**What is this, anyway?**
Three years ago, a Redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact, [if a million people picked a certain Redditor and all donated just $1, they would have the power to make someone a millionaire](https://redd.it/2mq94c).
This subreddit is an embodiment of that showerthought, and the monthly drawings are the attempts to make it happen.
We **need** your help to keep this running, which amounts to only $1 a month to make someone's day. In the long term, that’s $120 every **decade**, which is a much more affordable price than other expenses. How does it work? Below, you will find an explanation on entering, rules to keep in mind, the selection, and other important things to note.
**How to enter:**
* REQUIRED: Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. It is highly recommended to comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`", which will remind you via PM to donate.
**Important Rules:**
* Only **ONE** top level comment per person *(replies and subsequent-level comments aren't included)*, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment.
* If, by any chance, you do double comment, **delete any extra duplicates ASAP, ideally before the thread is locked in 24 hours, as any chosen draws found to violate this will not be eligible to win, and will be banned from the subreddit.**
* Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person.
**How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?**
* After 24 hours, this thread will close, and the method of selection will begin.
* While attempts to make the selection method similar to 2017’s have been performed, it still varies from the original. For an example from a prior drawing, see **[[Draw #36]]( https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/9y71hn/i_would_make_a_thanksgiving_joke_but_im_not/)**. For archival purposes, please [click here](http://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/2ournt/explanation_of_our_new_drawing_system_inspired_by/) for the original selection method.
* **Method's TL;DR:** Your number is assigned by sorting the comments by old, resulting in the first commenter being 1. The list of comments will be publicly released for the community to verify per their own accord. The subreddit then waits for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, after a preselected date and time, and calculates the winner using a formula described in the posts mentioned above.
* Comment IDs are downloaded at 2:00 UTC, three hours following the thread being locked. There will be a trial run prior to the time listed, one at the time listed, and one trial run thirty minutes after. **If it is shown that the deletion of comments has occurred between any of the trial runs, or technical difficulties, the retrieval of the comments will be delayed by an hour, following the same procedures.**
* While not necessary, to determine if you are on the list, please go to your comment and save it. The comment ID is what gets recorded and selected, which looks like this: `e3yxpj4`.
* The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for their chosen payment methods (mods will help set this up if needed).
* The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! A donation table will be stickied to the winner’s post, giving users the freedom in how they donate.
* The lucky Redditor follows up with a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking their generosity.
* Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal, Square Cash, and Google Wallet account, and/or cryptocurrency wallets. *(Note: Some services may not be available depending on where you reside.)*
* To buy any cryptocurrencies, you may use [Coinbase](https://www.coinbase.com/) for purchases using your bank account.
* To store cryptocurrencies, there are many accessible wallets, and if you win, you will be guided on which ones to download. For Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, it’s recommended to use the [Electrum](https://electrum.org/#home) and [Electron Cash](https://electroncash.org/index.html) wallet for Mac, Linux, and PC.
* Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it.
* If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a correlation between this subreddit making it in /r/all and an increase in donations.
* Try to cross-post to relevant subs, and upvote. There is a correlation between reaching /r/all and the amount of donations for the winner. *(Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here.)*
* **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.**
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
Note about legality: **This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter.** No prizes are given away directly by the moderators of this subreddit *(the moderators will never even touch your donations; this is done voluntarily)*. As for gift taxes, according to the IRS, they're paid by the donor, and any donations under $14,000 is not taxable.
If a lone $1 can get you ice cream (I did eat a Frosty this week), imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can start a loan for a new vehicle, raise money for a TV, or pay gas bills to stay warm!
One million dollars can keep someone from the pain of the frost and cold. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
**Let's heat a millionaire!**
*The cold of the night,*
*Whether sweaters or letters,*
*Today, set things right!* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-01-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxaHM3VVItSzBZTm83TUN6M2xiMVJfV0RablIydzZoYS1NemY5YW0zejRmV1ZGYmNUWXN0ZkRQSThEQktjcEVGcVhPbVkyMnBMd01YNHNWRmdhczdjNWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5RC12d1liaTZFM3lMajVZemZyanpIM3d2VUJBdTFOR2RqTXhVcE5aZHJQaElldklQZm5aTS1yM1NYS3lYQ3pUVVppT1EyRDZLSURnejMtN3lScHlPM1dyT20zODJ2emlOc01ZSFVfMG4yaDB5OGJQZTh4Z2xwZzRaY2JqVXBTT2hJQUVXeVc2ejhOLTM5bzktSnllSFlZWkZVNUxLcnhUOElCRm1TaFhhZU55STBiTXVHVkI2Y2ZYZXNxaXRzZ1hqbl9MaXpOVzNKaUpyLS1JZ1RjNHZDQT09 |
#**Here's a good thing about doing Christmas shopping in January: everything is on discount!** *I heard in Mexico, they celebrate the arrival of the Three Wise Men.*
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. If you commented in the [[Drawing Thread]](https://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/ahg40l/winter_is_coming_get_ready_to_overthrow_the), you are entered in the drawing and don't need to do anything else. By 16:00 UTC (less than an hour as of posting this), the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, look for the lack-of a star near the time passed since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**If you would like to watch the winner being picked live, head here: https://twitch.tv/nandinmaster**
**DISCLAIMER:** *Some of the information may be unrevised, but procedures are the same as prior draws. Thank you.*
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three blocks. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**Awareness for Fairness:**
*This post will not be edited,* aside from potential ninja edits for formatting. This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators. To prove this, look for the lack of an asterisk near the time since creation.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #38, remove the first two lines, and upload the file to a SHA-256 generator. The hash you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, download Python 3 and follow the path to the text file here: *MillionaireMakers Drawing #38\Drawing\OfficialMM38IDs.txt*
**Mostly Consistent Stream:**
There will likely be a stream on my Twitch channel: https://twitch.tv/nandinmaster
This stream, while it may start earlier, will happen at 16:00 UTC, which in my time-zone, translates to 11:00 PM ET (hour before high noon).
This stream will occur on Android via screen recording, and most likely under a cellular service's umbrella. Thank you for reading this.
**Information Used For Draw #38:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1er2sedqmnm8xgb/AABlL7KWoUnBOrQLnnwZgIb5a?dl=0
SHA-256 (hash.online-convert.com): 87e55d8b96b349ce6335b73b6b1f99363bf1812330c558cedd3f960690314c8f
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b715p7xy81izxjp/MillionaireMakers%20%2338%20Drawing%20Code.py?dl=0
Python Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jcmj31grl3j0t6b/%28ALTERED%29%20MM%20Comment%20IDs%20Retrieval%20via%20PRAW.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ivkbguyvt07ovht/OfficialMM38IDs.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Block After 20 January 2018 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 5,056
*** | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-01-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZ1A2MnJMZ1VtV09sekdaU2J3aWctOTJtRzVscXFvX19SVDJjRUdpUkI4cHMxZ3RoZHRWRElhenFPb2hjTElkVWExQjZwVU9MbGRyT1Q5T1dkdUNoR3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5V3NyTzI0eEVPal9jZHpEejRzTFFZWVJ6cVNIbjE4ckY3WExMakEwTWtpTzd4aVBmbElkUUtvT0h5QUxRWHo2QTJVMkNCTy1aRHBSeFY1VXRrdUVkZUplM2RoTEQ1QW9Ldkl6czRRUVZFYjJYS3VIVnBLQnVucW1xVFZGVFEyRnd2ZVp5MVlxV2VqUkJUUWpMZ3p4dV9naHo5SEhNU3RUWUF5RXczb0c2MWNzSFE1WUhOeEpqajBlSENYWUdDeVUtLS1wYmlBQnV4MnFMTHhTNmFlamZZdz09 |
axiomatic flag agonizing file flowery jeans worry combative correct ask
*This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev/home)* | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-01-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxSE1naXlaQ3F3WVhrUHlQVnJXcDNtam1halYwLTdiNWNOdTE0bzFfdDJTbUpYSExJeHlBNmVxT09sdk96LUJuNGItMk5JenZNYmtNWnM3NF90ZWFfTmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5TlpiclpYMzBzcVY4V2lrZzAwZkRZZWtBdkZCejJ2NWlpT2ZUNG5fMXBWcS1hUV9qSi1XRFhKTXRyVzU0cFZ1Ym9YMEFBYUt6N1djMVhKWVNaOFJWcTU0M3F5c0x3XzZjcXdTYlJONm9KMlJpM0RNcnY2YVJ4Tk9nRUR6VjlJSlZtN0hDSm1mQVoxZE5VaTBvM3U5dU1wdHB3S1BHeTR2M2RYenNrQXZoSmRjUXVOcHFBeTljUkV3TUt2cFJUcVNF |
[https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sp-500-best-start-market-since-1987-keisha-cajanding/?published=t](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sp-500-best-start-market-since-1987-keisha-cajanding/?published=t) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-02-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxLUdXNEpSTnFmSkhPVkl6LXBGSTNETFJENG9uNU9wN1FjQnY5VXJ0ZU5vcEI4ZHFMQjZYa3JfZjN6Mm9jZkRvUXAtM2RoY2hndUZBN2pJMVlkbEZGRlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5S3pCRVZjMWtyT0RQTHo5NHdUYl9oa0M2ZlhBTXdxZVAtRTg4MWMzV3FTcEFCaG01ZDYyWEVPczI2U3dvWXVzb3pMU0NxeWZzd2gzMXpHSHMzSnUwbkdDdkJOU2VlWXFFWVhxRVNZRkNwcnpWTW9RUVlpdExhV3dLWDdlUjQ3ZzlCLUhGbVhQSXVZRElaSkk0T3NpZEY4aldYSmFWN0daa1FnZEZ5dUowYUptWm45ZVAydS15a2pLMmk0aXBqZ1BxMzRjejA0VUxnYVd0a2VSUFF1UHJaUT09 |
[https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sp-500-ends-win-streak-5-days-energy-stocks-lurch-keisha-cajanding/?published=t](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sp-500-ends-win-streak-5-days-energy-stocks-lurch-keisha-cajanding/?published=t) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-02-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxNUJNRXBEUEM1WVZLaGF1eGN2SHYwY0UyeE1sMW55TnJoSEExUlpVN2Fic2R6TnFUZ3hFdjZRVFNSd1MzdENIS3RWYUVGSTh0U2kyQU9IX3JZWFRkemc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5SnZSQkdtbE45SEVTN05OQUxUNXJnb1hQZWRUaXFUQmIwOEoyemFtYzd5MEp0SGpvMVRiQjVNeTFzVkQ1bGVOSGZPaXVHSWZlcnd6aDU4UlY4VWVGREUxd29rUWQ3R0tGRV9ES296M3F5eFN4RkhKcXU5N0thNWN0aTAzMWpBbVpTajNZVGxBX0FFNklJSU9WM0Y1YVhEZDhpRFVaRkdKQjZJekdmZnN1bHYxRTI5MGdTbURvNmJKYmZHaWpPeWduXzh4SFphSUJjTHhUbUFmWlNJbXRfQT09 |
I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
- [/r/stocktrading] [S&P 500 ends win streak at 5 days as energy and communication-services stocks lurch](https://www.reddit.com/r/stockTrading/comments/ao1v8d/sp_500_ends_win_streak_at_5_days_as_energy_and/)
*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))* | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-02-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxNEw5SzdNUUlsdTRHUXRRSUR2Q0FGS3ZsMWtaSUxXeVlNTndSV1ZtUW9DVzhUYXI4UlpyUG80cGxVeWthM1J1WkVsMjRoN2l0bTA3ajVwcEZrbnlSVWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5cmZNZzI4QldTc0hkOVg0RGdycGJ1WTd2N3F2eEphRHR1QTVjMnhoNkVEMHV3c0NBNlVlcmdSWVBMWDh1WTYwTHMyeDItMlpMaHc4ejZmN3QtcmQxdXdEWGFZLTFjeTFYN1lTX0J6UXA5eEp5VnJmYlh0R2o3ZXhHUHZyTElGMkJ4UWc0cExUNzVYQUhoRGt6Tm5jc3ZhU2RWZkRGcGFUdXdsR3J4a3BpSS1RR0VuNkR0eXVLUXdlazkwM0RjNFY0U2lzbXVwd01qb3lQWmVNZGVhOUo5dz09 |
I've been doing some small scale investing on Robin hood but they dont have some of the companies I'm looking for. What's another good investing platform for a smaller investor? I'm specifically looking to trade on the cse but I dont even know what Robin hood actual trades on | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-02-08 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMkp0ODIxcE1hQXJGTHRKdkprV1Vkak40OHc4cWV1c2FIeVJ0YmkwZURrSC1MZ1M3SUZXblNySVVFT1FuSVFyRW5mVHpucnZvY0N0N3c5MmVMd0FhZkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5WnNMemRoZVRTaEZWMGtPbVB3b0gtcWFUV2t2aTJ0NVVwbk9oUjRMZ2g1aUNRbU1VRGQtdDVzQXJETExPblZnaXFYUy1LWUpkMEhMbWRxYWZKdndNbTU3V3RMN0MzeHRPcnF6MklMOFJEU2lQYzZOYnN0WTdqQzFzRGhGUmFYSGVHN0o2cE1BaVJqa2FiczdSbFUyY2RyRVdhVWxTUGdsNHpmcnRpWHpZaGxNPQ== |
Blue chip kids | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-02-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMklNSEZkSDFpWldqY0YwYjRoSFljOVEzRVFLUWhjWnJoelhYdDVEVVQ2MTR2YkJNTVNkQUNUVkpQczBld0laVGJPazVkSmNOWjdjY2FkX2tSQ0F6ZVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5S3Z1QVBtWV9PY0tfdGU1NDZGR254eWNwSEVnT1c0LXl2YWtsc2FRdTFGT2FoU21JT0pJLWNoUVVHUHMzRGFuNVZXbEk4Ukd1Ylp5Wm9yY2RnYUFfMG9aMGhMcm1USGZGblloTmhGNXFrMXN1cW5pNXBrbDZSZkdtMVVhZng3Q0JLU0RkY05oNlFSNzdEMUZhclZ6Vy1iTk5aYXAtMFJDSUJ1OXQ1M041SGxQVmU5ajI0anlDR3ptT3VkYUtCUmZkSE96Nk8yZVpQWGlRVVllZGxLT0liemgwOTBNTFdWMk9tWDFtYXR3T2tHaz0= |
#**I love you! I love all of you guys!**
*It's been fifteen minutes and I'm already gilded. I really do love you all.*
**In Case You Missed It:**
* **January's winner, /u/Portax, is accepting donations!** Being a husband and father, proceeds will go towards the elimination of their student debt, as well as other expenses! To assist in this endeavour, [donate here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/ai1tsc/insert_witty_title_here_winners_thread_38)
* **Due to the delay, this Drawing will close at 0:00 UTC to accomodate for those who planned to enter at 23:00 UTC but couldn't. Thank you for understanding.**
* This drawing will use new code to retrieve the comments. It will automatically remove comments from accounts that don't qualify to draw. Unfortunately, due to the length of time used to run such code, it will only run once, at ~~2:00 UTC~~ 3:00 UTC (*apparently, 3:00 UTC is three hours after closing*). All credit goes to /u/Jman005, thank you for the work you are doing for this subreddit. [If you would like to see the code for yourself, click here.](https://gist.github.com/jman005/b2a41d8cab8abcf4c705786576e89c9a)
* **/r/MillionaireMakers has a new Discord server,** with exclusive tags for winners and people who have assisted me with technical help. Joining will not increase anyone's odds of winning; this is for pure discussion of the event. To join, [click here and sign-in with a Discord account.](https://discord.gg/eQPW33F)
* **Once again, all 2019 dates for the /r/MillionaireMakers Drawing Thread are set!** [Please refer to this Dropbox document for all RemindMe dates, or keep watch of the sidebar at the right, to keep updated.](https://www.dropbox.com/s/pk72syin68443cj/MillionaireMaker%20Dates%202019.txt?dl=0)
**TL;DR: Leave a comment on this thread. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media! [If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner by RemindMeBot, click here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=[http%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky]+RemindMe!+January+21+2019+11%3A00+PM+"Donate+to+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+winner!")**
**What is this, anyway?**
Three years ago, a Redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact, [if a million people picked a certain Redditor and all donated just $1, they would have the power to make someone a millionaire](https://redd.it/2mq94c).
This subreddit is an embodiment of that showerthought, and the monthly drawings are the attempts to make it happen.
We **need** your help to keep this running, which amounts to only $1 a month to make someone's day. In the long term, that’s $120 every **decade**, which is a much more affordable price than other expenses. How does it work? Below, you will find an explanation on entering, rules to keep in mind, the selection, and other important things to note.
**How to enter:**
* REQUIRED: Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. It is highly recommended to comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`", which will remind you via PM to donate.
**Important Rules:**
* Only **ONE** top level comment per person *(replies and subsequent-level comments aren't included)*, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment.
* If, by any chance, you do double comment, **delete any extra duplicates ASAP, ideally before the thread is locked, as any chosen draws found to violate this will not be eligible to win, and will be banned from the subreddit.**
* Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person.
**How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?**
* After 24 hours and 30 minutes, this thread will close, and the method of selection will begin.
* While attempts to make the selection method similar to 2017’s have been performed, it still varies from the original. For an example from a prior drawing, see **[[Draw #36]]( https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/9y71hn/i_would_make_a_thanksgiving_joke_but_im_not/)**. For archival purposes, please [click here](http://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/2ournt/explanation_of_our_new_drawing_system_inspired_by/) for the original selection method.
* **Method's TL;DR:** Your number is assigned by sorting the comments by old, resulting in the first commenter being 1. The list of comments will be publicly released for the community to verify per their own accord. The subreddit then waits for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, after a preselected date and time, and calculates the winner using a formula described in the posts mentioned above.
* Comment IDs are downloaded at ~~2:00~~ 3:00 UTC, three hours following the thread being locked. There will be an official run at the time listed. **If it is shown that there are any technical difficulties, the retrieval of the comments will be delayed by an hour, following the same procedures.**
* While not necessary, to determine if you are on the list, please go to your comment and save it. The comment ID is what gets recorded and selected, which looks like this: `e3yxpj4`.
* The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for their chosen payment methods (mods will help set this up if needed).
* The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! A donation table will be stickied to the winner’s post, giving users the freedom in how they donate.
* The lucky Redditor follows up with a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking their generosity.
* Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal, Square Cash, and Google Wallet account, and/or cryptocurrency wallets. *(Note: Some services may not be available depending on where you reside.)*
* To buy any cryptocurrencies, you may use [Coinbase](https://www.coinbase.com/) for purchases using your bank account.
* To store cryptocurrencies, there are many accessible wallets, and if you win, you will be guided on which ones to download. For Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, it’s recommended to use the [Electrum](https://electrum.org/#home) and [Electron Cash](https://electroncash.org/index.html) wallet for Mac, Linux, and PC.
* Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it.
* If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a correlation between this subreddit making it in /r/all and an increase in donations.
* Try to cross-post to relevant subs, and upvote. There is a correlation between reaching /r/all and the amount of donations for the winner. *(Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here.)*
* **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.**
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
Note about legality: **This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter.** No prizes are given away directly by the moderators of this subreddit *(the moderators will never even touch your donations; this is done voluntarily)*. As for gift taxes, according to the IRS, they're paid by the donor, and any donations under $14,000 is not taxable.
If a lone $1 can get you candy, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can take a vacation, gift a present, or woo a girl/boy!
One million dollars can reward the gift of love. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
**Let's ^^give love ^^to a millionaire!**
*Love's within the air.*
*With the heart you are a part.*
*The Valentine's fair!* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-02-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxY3BHcGgzd1hqYmxjTTFiNGpxOUg0SEMzeU1jTzQ4d3FlUThVMFczUldGUEVud1lqb2JLbU9tOWFEM19jakZnb3JWOGlKVS1mWU5acWFXSU9LQ1hrT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5QzZHQXU2Y0V5VFdJMFcyVnJvXzMzaVNFWTRVWHNCVHVhZlUwYVdoOHlVaHVvdmFYUkVPa0VXUklkX1pQOGZxSkFHWXB1SU5uSWFDS0lZamY0SDVZVnFUOFVrNGZUa01XMkx0cHQtbG8ydTZ1MUJURm1Ka0I5M1lBcGRNVWJ5WS1YZzh5ZWxjVUVWUjlGVFA5eDI2TnB6TGJGNkNjbl9NeERWWlA1dFlQWktOd2YtSWNQVkNxSl9MTTR5V2NDc3hwNzR0azhQand5enZ0RmJ3bHNXYmRYQT09 |
#Had this not happened, the title would've been "Love's in the air" or something...
**The Problem:**
This Drawing Thread was supposed to be the introduction of new code for comment retrieval. However, despite addressing the problem with throwaway accounts, I forgot one thing: organizing the comments by "old". Because I am code-illiterate, I feel uncomfortable touching anything within it. I didn't want anyone to feel robbed out of winning, and I especially don't want to be accused of some conspiracy, which I have been accused of already without this.
**The Solution:**
So having everything done at 16:00 UTC was surprisingly convenient for me, but now with this problem, I'm going to have to work this subreddit around a new schedule.
I will use the older way to retrieve comment IDs here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8pwj5e52yodc4qw/PUBLICClassicCommentRetrieval.py?dl=0
I am also editing this post to link all information necessary. While this will be edited, the comments will not.
**The Schedule:**
18:45 UTC - Comment retrieval will be done as through Draw #38, and the first run will be performed
19:00 UTC - The second run will be performed
19:30 UTC - The third run will be performed, and all three files will be compared (if there are any discrepencies (a comment has been deleted), the process will be redone, with comment retrieval being delayed by an hour)
19:45 UTC - Given that all runs are equivalent, a fourth version of the comment ID text will be created, with the SHA-256 hash inserted in
22:00 UTC - **Drawing Information** will be stickied in the comments, and the wait for the Bitcoin hash begins
**The Inquiry:**
So, how do most people on this subreddit deal with fulfilling deadlines (or minimizing them)? What works for you?
Thank you. | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-02-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxSDJ4aEE1U09BWHUycTZSWG1HLWVEOTJwNWlJS1FjQmlROWhsNmFMSkYyUWJnekxGYlRoOHRLbWJnYlpZQVVMZldjOUJ3ZVRzbmdRMTJ3eXpHZnphUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5MTFYNTBua2tyLVZhRnlXRW0wT2tlNkRBTGk4VWprTkhENVZfTmdCQzM1YWQ1Q1g2UkUtRlFZeFJrdEptTk5Fb3RDNHd1SnBNNWFnMV81ekE2V0hiMWNyaENucHFuS3E0ZnVFYWhBNTNTZEFteWxtbzdtVUphOURoeXBwbFZybW9xeXYta3BUZDE5R1IyZm5pdXc3S05vdVA4ZFl5bTBWeGRIZ1RNSmdtcENXa3Z2UEJJT2FYRVVHLWtXalJPSzlM |
[how to read a balance sheet](https://youtu.be/MK8BhnJPGfk) | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-02-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxcWY5Q0lHQU00VnBvZU4wNk5BLV9ibVBiVVlyaGhkeHYyZ2dKYW9lS1V6MkJ5OFJyeU1YX3VnWkJLa2ROUjE0UlhlRUNQVzctc0JCQlFEY25XbEJ0Z2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ampUak1XUFlnX3dKQ09CRWdQX01FcGQ5T0dsX0RsQVVNQ2lOTko1S1dBbTRlREhiOFc4cmtVeHFyWkdaV0NsR084R2ZGbjJzVjJocldPQThfTDF2dlk0bGU3dFZOZGhKcTlrUXVDMTljaDd5WnZQb3MzOVVHNW1zNU5CRjFtWjVKMC1ZNENCYnd3TUlZaWhQalJtNTBpMnhHZ0dYS2FINEdsRkE1dXRqdWVKR0wyNW9RV19PYVlvd1pqRXVKanVITmdKR3RZQWs5S3IyelpKRzByUF9SQT09 |
I don’t know what to say quite honestly, I was minding my own business on a Sunday evening when I saw I had a message on reddit. When I saw the “congratulations to /u/lolsokje” I let out my biggest “WTF” ever (and in my excitement I forgot to actually reply to the drawing thread, oops), and I'm pretty sure I almost woke up my parents, whom I'm staying at for the weekend. It's still kinda surreal I actually won one of these!
Anyway, some more details about me; I’m a 23-year old Dutchman currently living in Belgium. I started my first ever full time job as a web developer September last year, after finally getting my Bachelor’s degree after 6 years and 2 earlier studies I dropped out off. My main interests are Formula 1, the NBA (currently watching the All Star game while typing this up at 3am), playing guitar and occasionally gaming as well. I also like making websites in my free time, but as that's my job as well it's less of a hobby.
During the 6 years to get my degree I racked up quite some student debt (more than is usual here), and I also had to borrow some money from my grandparents, so that’ll be the main target for any money kindly donated! In case anyone wants something in return, we've got a cute as fuck dog I can post pictures of if anyone's interested :D
Edit: [Dog pictures!](https://imgur.com/a/iq7WA6p)
Everything listed should result in direct lines of payment to /u/lolsokje. We ask all users to donate at least $1 USD.
* PayPal: [email protected]
* Bitcoin: 1CYhzzhzjS8WczBXqipu4haML7c8cEjkx1
* Bitcoin Cash: qpl23q8p04a9dvdmlg9739x82sf6p64qsvj5uezuxc
* Ethereum (and BRD token): 0xcA3aa854a9E7746Fced7E503901dfaF2D249af21
* Litecoin: litecoin:LVP1LHYDcFxuzSPF11EAHLNqzR1XdYWS66
* Dogecoin: D5znoY9UY28SdiiPkEo5mung1YcuJpSNNU | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-02-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxNngzMlVJWkh0eHBBdEdqNnhIb2lsNmRoWWNRSkNyRXpRMjdtMGhoNzRrY3ZNQUpkelA5V0VSTVZSZ2NWaXJFSTV5d1VNTzViQjFVMXNMYkx6OFo3TGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5bTlHYVZCR3NjT1M2V0wzUFFUTlVfX3JneHRTX2ZlTkRLYTJiUnRjNE1BeFhncm9vWG91ZU95eWhRSzdENmpsU1JlY2oyblAwNmZJVTJwaVoycWVTNTNpNGc4OU44LVphUFpWd1gwdmphMWk4LXNDeGQzcU5LbjZmcWM1aUE5TFdodU91OHpUNnV2ZzQ5TXhpNThTTDNVbm9mR1dDLThvQzdDZ3prM3FidFkxRFctRTZ2TDdUZ1RkeEp0My1zeTViT0VzbUpmVTlkQTcyOU90aFZMQkZkZz09 |
#**March onwards!**
**Updates (all of which are edited in):**
* 11:13 PM ET - I forgot to gather comments, so per past examples, there will be three retrievals.
These retrievals will start at 3:45 UTC, 4:00 UTC, and 4:30 UTC respectively.
**TL;DR of the TL;DR:**
* **To enter, comment only once to this post.** *Replies to other comments can be posted, but will not count as an entry. Good luck!*
**In Case You Missed It:**
* **February's winner, /u/lolsokje, is accepting donations!** A web developer and [a believer in the dog tax](https://imgur.com/a/iq7WA6p), he's a Dutchman who managed to rack up student debt. To assist in this endeavour, [donate here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/ars3i8/a_late_valentines_day_gift_i_guess_winners_thread)
* **[/r/MillionaireMakers has a Discord server.](https://discord.gg/eQPW33F)**
* **There are links for future 2019 dates for the /r/MillionaireMakers Drawing Threads!** [Please refer to this Dropbox document for all RemindMe dates, or keep watch of the sidebar at the right, to keep updated.](https://www.dropbox.com/s/pk72syin68443cj/MillionaireMaker%20Dates%202019.txt?dl=0)
* **Leave a single comment on this thread, replies can be published but won't count. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media!**
* **[If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner through PM via the RemindMeBot, click here!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe!+March+18+2019+11%3A00+PM+%22Donate+to+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+winner!%22)**
**What is this, anyway?**
Three years ago, a Redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact, [if a million people picked a certain Redditor and all donated just $1, they would have the power to make someone a millionaire](https://redd.it/2mq94c).
This subreddit is an embodiment of that showerthought, and the monthly drawings are the attempts to make it happen.
We **need** your help to keep this running, which amounts to only $1 a month to make someone's day. In the long term, that’s $120 every **decade**, which is much more affordable than other expenses. How does it work? Below, you will find an explanation on entering, rules to keep in mind, the selection, and other important things to note.
**How to enter:**
* REQUIRED: Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. It is highly recommended to comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`", which will remind you via PM to donate. *That's it!*
**Important Rules:**
* Only **ONE** top level comment per person *(replies and subsequent-level comments aren't included)*, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment.
* If, by any chance, you do double comment, **delete any extra duplicates ASAP, ideally before the thread is locked, as any chosen draws found to violate this will not be eligible to win, and will be banned from the subreddit.**
* Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person.
**How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?**
* After 24 hours, this thread will close, and the method of selection will begin.
* While attempts to make the selection method similar to 2017’s have been performed, it still varies from the original. For an example from a prior drawing, see **[[Draw #36]]( https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/9y71hn/i_would_make_a_thanksgiving_joke_but_im_not/)**. For archival purposes, please [click here](http://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/2ournt/explanation_of_our_new_drawing_system_inspired_by/) for the original selection method.
* **Method's TL;DR:** Your number is assigned by sorting the comments by old, resulting in the first commenter being 1. The list of comments will be publicly released for the community to verify per their own accord. The subreddit then waits for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, after a preselected date and time, and calculates the winner using a formula described in the posts mentioned above.
* Comment IDs are downloaded at 2:00 UTC, three hours following the thread being locked. There will be an official run at the time listed. **If it is shown that there are any technical difficulties, the retrieval of the comments will be delayed by an hour, following the same procedures.**
* While not necessary, to determine if you are on the list, please go to your comment and save it. The comment ID is what gets recorded and selected, which looks like this: `e3yxpj4`.
* The Draw is held at 16:00 UTC the Sunday after comments have been downloaded, unless stated otherwise. Using the Bitcoin blockchain, the third block yet to be mined will be used to select a winner.
* The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for their chosen payment methods (mods will help set this up if needed).
* The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! A donation table will be stickied to the winner’s post, giving users the freedom in how they donate.
* The lucky Redditor follows up with a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking their generosity.
* Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal, Square Cash, and Google Wallet account, and/or cryptocurrency wallets. *(Note: Some services may not be available depending on where you reside.)*
* To buy any cryptocurrencies, you may use [Coinbase](https://www.coinbase.com/) for purchases using your bank account.
* To store cryptocurrencies, there are many accessible wallets, and if you win, you will be guided on which ones to download. For Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, it’s recommended to use the [Electrum](https://electrum.org/#home) and [Electron Cash](https://electroncash.org/index.html) wallet for Mac, Linux, and PC.
* Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it.
* If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a correlation between this subreddit making it in /r/all and an increase in donations.
* Try to cross-post to relevant subs, and upvote. There is a correlation between reaching /r/all and the amount of donations for the winner. *(Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here.)*
* **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.**
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
Note about legality: **This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter.** No prizes are given away directly by the moderators of this subreddit *(the moderators will never even touch your donations; this is done voluntarily)*. As for gift taxes, according to the IRS, they're paid by the donor, and any donations under $15,000 is not taxable.
If a lone $1 can get you seeds (I'm running out of ideas), imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can rake, bake, or skate freely (there aren't many stand-out features in March)!
One million dollars can help give relief to some debts. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
**Let's spring up/grow a millionaire!**
*Pollen has fallen.*
*Here comes a sneeze and a wheeze.*
*The winner's calling.*
*Edits are for reclarification and updates.* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-03-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVGlsSmV6ZzZTMEtXUmZKcnFRSm42aWtrRG9KbVJmaDhaNFdBOERoUmRLZFpYb1h2ZTBXdXhSQm1KTWRXOXdoVWdCOE5WdV9jeGR0dXI5alJaT0JfLVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5OTR2dFJSMXcteEdRXzFqVExMTU05ejUxU2dkQmY5aFpkS0FUNjNnc3FLX1hPQl9tZlNIaGtoU0o4eWU5dy13cElBX2owNHNYWjhVSTlKdzF3WnNTZ083RW5MWGo4UmtSQWhrYnRZb2N1Q1NCLXpUbTBkcHZHSVIwRU1CY3Y5S2J5OEo2M0FodGd6aDNmSnl5Z0VtQTRRd1g1aHZuZlZVWko3c0ZRLUlfWHVEcG54b2hrOTQ3cVFCNExNMGpOUUgtOE9FTWVtNzd3cTRIc1JkazQtQy01UT09 |
#**Let's see, there's green grass in March...**
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. If you commented in the [[Drawing Thread]](https://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/b1lgf3/were_springing_into_a_new_season_and_with_it_a), you are entered in the drawing and don't need to do anything else. By 16:00 UTC (less than an hour as of posting this), the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, there will not be an asterisk near the time passed since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**DISCLAIMER:** *Some of the information may be unrevised, but procedures are the same as prior draws. Thank you.*
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three blocks. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**Awareness for Fairness:**
*This post will not be edited!* This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators. To prove this, look for the lack of an asterisk near the time since creation.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #40, remove the first two lines, and upload the file to a SHA-256 generator. The hash you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, download Python 3 and follow the path to the text file here: *MillionaireMakers Drawing #40\Drawing\OfficialMM40IDs.txt*
**No Stream:**
There won't be a stream today, due to a personal scheduling conflict.
Instead, I will be commenting on the progress of the drawing via a timeline, so other users can keep track of the progress.
**Information Used For Draw #40:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jxmlrvc9pgkaql3/AAD29FijTBDIIeuzdl7RpFxAa?dl=0
SHA-256 (hash.online-convert.com): 6ea24426c46ea955d4f2a1ff002f5691a248ff3c939126458aabfa0c9a6bd325
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kbdbsdph4010win/PUBLICClassicCommentRetrieval.py?dl=0
Python Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ndptoongzc1xbi9/MillionaireMakersDrawingCode.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zybzd1kc1h3z82q/OfficialMM40IDs.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Block After 17 March 2019 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 5,023
*Haikus get written.*
*Three short lines make it all fine.*
*Now who likes kittens?*
(Not my best work.) | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-03-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxTkVScmRxNFVVSkhEaFZNNWZlam4wZXVfMmFSVXc5cTVWaTJaZTBNTHRpalo2UXBEMGlQLUxVcGxWeXFGM0ZYTGxzdl9ycHI0b1J4WFVnZHJXczhHR3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Q2J0RHdQbEdwZV93bGdwV0pmUzBtc3ZHdHhENndpSEt5XzBkQ2NER2loZ0k5enZQZHpETU1CcXFiMUl0a1d0LVJwMllJcFVCNVU1b0FoeXR2NENLbTNXWUxGODFoTVBXeHBDVFhrUXBhX2tqQVRCcDQtY1NXUXBkV0gxZklidW84bU1qUlllb05LWGFiZjdEMzUtVmt0NWZzR0Zoek5YT0FpeEsycFpyZ2V6VUtHSjJ3VGROMVI5cDBRQ3hyeHBlZEthYm0tRnBPYmtWdW85eUNHX09rQT09 |
An introduction always seem obligatory to these things, doesn't it? I honestly never expected myself to win period until I got a message from someone congratulating me. I obviously thought he/she was pulling my leg and wondered why me? Until more notifications kept ringing in of people thanking me and then the beautiful mod of this place messaged me. I still can't believe it amd truthfully I entered these things because it's unbelievable to me to think I would actually win as I tend to be very unlucky in these things. Like, God. But what can I share about me that I'd be comfortable with. I'm a very cautious person
Let's see. I'm a 20 something year old average adult who lives in the good ol'd U.S.A. if anyone give a crap about that. I, just like a lot of people, tend to work all day seemingly wasting away their life, trying to survive day by day. So this is why this money would be helpful as well. What's the purpose of life, I sometimes wonder. Why am I here? Those existential questions ponders my mind, but tbh there isn't much exciting things about my life but I feel the normalcy and boredom is something that I like. Perhaps I should change that? Anyway I am a strongly opinionated person as well whom just can't seem to stay out of arguments, probably explain why I come here to Reddit. When not circlejerking with people of other subs, focusing on things in real life kinda brings me joy I guess. I am an avid fan of technology in the sense that I like to keep updated with it. (Don't come to me for advice) gamer here. (RISE UP!) enjoy listening to hip-hop/rap music. I also like reading as well, but not traditional reading as reading fanfiction seem to be my go-to. Mangas as well. I enjoy the MEMEZ bruh
I'm sure there are a very controversial things about me as a few people have problems with what I say and that's okay. If this is something that prevents you from donating, then remember that this is all voluntary and I thank anyone who decide to do so, even if it's 1 cent. Hah.
NOW! The true reason why you're here and what do you want to know. WHAT WILL I do with the MONEY?! Truthfully to be told I've been wanting to get my financial situation under control so you guys are safe to know that I will not be spending it on alcohol and drugs. I'm actually planning on saving this money for however much I get, as blowing it all would be irresponsible imo. THAT'S RIGHT. A majority of it will probably go to my savings and maybe indulge a little. I have nothing else to say and if you have questions (yes controversial or not) then ask me. I'm sure some people are curious what kind of person I am. Regardless of what you do, thank you.
EDIT: Hey guys what's up. Just wanted to update you on how much money I have received so far. I thank and appreciate everyone who donated and even those that have not, well maybe next time you can. Obviously I didn't expect much but I'll take everything I can get and really thank you to everybody.
EDIT 2: Hey guys. I am still grateful for everyone whom donated. I really do APPRECIATE IT SO much. The kindness some people showed was amazing. So shout-outs to everyone who was kind enough to do that and to everyone else. Still mind-boggling that I won. One thing I noticed though is that a quite of few people sent me Google Pay through my paypal email and some even sent money to my paypal through Google Pay email. As for everyone else whom sent me money through other means like cashapp and Venmo I'm sorry but I couldn't accept. The ones listed below is where you can send if interested in donating.
Edit 3: Somewhere last month I calculated how much I received and it was like $500 something in total. I did do each individual as it got confusing but appreciate and shoutout to everyone whom donated. Also my paypal acc is now limited so please send anything through paypal to the Google Pay email.
ALSO may the next winner hopefully be someone in this thread
Paypal: $295
Google Pay: $31
ETH: $7.83
BCH: $6.08
Litecoin: $3.15
BTC: $120.16
Everything listed should result in direct lines of payment to /u/PureGold07. We ask all users to donate at least $1 USD.
PayPal: [email protected]
Google Pay: [email protected]
Bitcoin: 32eMbrezk5nLk5xBU7xJ2u6DUe8YbV7uD2
Bitcoin Cash: qpd2hka99fxaw84najldme4sehcy68u9tvq3kmkmt5
Ethereum: 0xa4Ea6918b2F9F7c6e6aDE03C238F55F257Af0187
Litecoin: MLK2hgfSqD4brRmEmj7GfLPvXgHLw5n1SQ | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-03-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxOUJVVVRvd01LU19OTUpLUUp0N0tHdVk0OHFsMXpMTkdNMGkxdWxtc0FRSjNrZ3EySlBEZXhPR3BYRGhtdDZFQjZJVFBiNlBES2txUGFVWVBIYWpYS3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5OUJYNkN1SHdRMkJPSzhoWENlY3JyeVNiSHQ1SmJCTHA5TFJCN2F4Zm5DS241d2l6SDhIbHM0NVRCd2x2UldhcnVrUWFFV01hLWRyYnNIUFhQbmVJaFptT19QN2VIN0VIT2JYVnQzc2kyZGtfZ3liczUxVjJoaHJwdnN4WWx1bmFIMm9NMmkzOVo2bExURk9YcjdVS052dU1ld182NGRmUWo4YXdUamYyTTVWZjluZnhPSm0wem84cTBnM2Z2QVcxZnNTdjJ5Q3VqbHNMQkNfRWwwamNTUT09 |
# Welcome to r/Arweave!
# Meet Arweave:Permanent information storage.
The Arweave network is like Bitcoin, but for data: A permanent and decentralized web inside an open ledger.
Permanent storage has many applications: from the preservation of humanity's most important data, to the hosting of truly decentralized and provably neutral web apps.
The Arweave protocol is stable, mature and widely adopted. As such, its ecosystem is fully decentralized.
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Developed by leading scientists and engineers in distributed systems, the blockweave offers true data permanence by utilising Succinct Proofs of Random Access (SPoRA) - a new type of consensus mechanism for the Arweave network. [Read more about Arweave'e technology here](https://www.arweave.org/technology#blockweaves).
By rewarding the crowd for hosting data, Arweave encourages participants to compete to create as many copies of your website as they can. This new algorithm provides immense safety in numbers for your data, while drastically decreasing the energy wastage associated with typical blockchain systems.
The Arweave is a totally open source platform built from the ground up to empower our community of developers, miners, and archivists to forge the next web. No patents, no proprietary licences, no nonsense.
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The permaweb ecosystem is a full stack for building decentralized web applications on Arweave. It offers everything from hosting of your web app’s UI, to database querying, and domain name services – all completely decentralized. This lets you build web apps with the properties of blockchains: permanent, provably neutral and transparent.
# Get Started.
[Permaweb Cookbook](https://cookbook.g8way.io/): a curated collection of developer guides & more to build on the Permaweb.
[Developer Documents](https://docs.arweave.org/developers/): Here you'll find technical documentation & support \[including mining guide\]
[SmartWeave](https://github.com/ArweaveTeam/SmartWeave): Simple, scalable smart contracts on the Arweave protocol
[Viewblock](https://viewblock.io/arweave/): Arweave block explorer
Explore Arweave web wallets here: [https://docs.arweave.org/developers/wallets/wallet-faq](https://docs.arweave.org/developers/wallets/wallet-faq)
# Grants & Funding.
Join our community of founders and pursue your vision for applications, integrations, and beyond with the Arweave protocol: [https://arweave.org/funding](https://arweave.org/funding)
# Community.
[Arweave Wiki](https://arwiki.wiki/)
# AO.
The ao computer is a decentralized, actor-oriented computing environment built on the Arweave network, designed to host an indefinite number of parallel processes without limitations on their size or form.
Visit the website: [http://ao.computer/](http://ao.computer/)
Read the full spec: [https://ao.arweave.dev/#/spec](https://ao.arweave.dev/#/spec)
Developer Help: https://cookbook\_ao.arweave.dev/
GitHub: [http://github.com/permaweb/ao](http://github.com/permaweb/ao)
Social: [https://x.com/aoTheComputer](https://x.com/aoTheComputer) | r/arweave | post | r/Arweave | 2019-04-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVVFoa3dsdktZeHFQYTBsTmc3eU9HS3VnaERqX0lieEE3NmZ4cFBZdVA2YU95QkFrYXpqVlZzekxwMjBNQmpjTXBxei1uTDQ0aTMyc2preWF1cTdDZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5M0duNHllQTVHelNWWmJhdGZRWlFEYUxpb2E5ZGU2Mnkxeno1RVVCTlpGNjNGNkpiclZ1akdwNU5MaGdYN3REVzBjY3lBOFJIeEhyd2Y0U19vTTItTzZSc3VFN09laGhBUk5obEY2U0tFNGNGbmRYbUJTRjgwTjdSbXFLOUpRMXJUcHV1TEs0QjhLYmNTTDU5WHlOSl9FRW5ZYTA4OXFHQUlpM2ozNGlyNHRBPQ== |
#**Most of what’s being discussed is quality of life changes.**
**REMINDER:** [The next Drawing Thread takes place from April 19 at 23:00 UTC to April 20, and will last for 24 hours. Click here to automatically get sent a reminder via the RemindMeBot, and thank you for reading this post!](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe!+April+19+2019+11%3A00+PM+%22Enter+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+drawing!%22)
Taken inspiration from other subreddits, such as \/r/BestofLegalAdvice and \/r/SubredditSimulatorMeta, /r/MillionaireMakersMeta is the discussion-friendly counterpart that lets its users post text, links, and images.
*Why was the subreddit created?* Not every Reddit user has Discord, nor are they willing to submit their email towards a mailing list. A separate subreddit grants users active discussion and appeals to first time visitors curious about /r/MillionaireMakers.
*Will there be any events?* Actually, yes. One of which is a fan-art contest that’ll start in summer and run seasonally. The top three pieces get to be June’s, July’s, and August’s subreddit banner, and featured in said month’s **[Drawing Thread]**. Artists will get full credit for their work, although I can’t guarantee any monetary prizes. This is still tentative, but it should be a nice change of pace from the standard planet icon over at Reddit’s newer version.
As of right now, the subreddit is claimed, but the stylesheet seen through *old.reddit.com* has not been implemented. Additionally, I haven’t invited the other mods yet, so please be patient. However, you are welcome to post there as developments occur.
#**Redesigning “Former Millionaire Threads ”:**
I’ve changed the design of the sidebar, notably the list of winners. Every winners’ username handle now takes the place of a link to their winning post, and it’s clear from a glance who won and when. **[Draw]** threads have been removed, and that’s because the sidebar has a character limit, in addition to minimizing clutter in the sidebar. I’ll post the list of **[Draw]** posts on /r/MillionaireMakersMeta at some point in the future. All upcoming winners will have a hyperlink to the **[Draw]** thread that they respectively won within their winning post.
Really, it’s just redesigning. If you don’t like it, let me know. It’s still incomplete.
#*April Fools Footnote:*
I wanted to add in this announcement that I originally planned for an April Fools joke, and I originally had three ideas that it could possibly be. There’s no dramatic reason for why this wasn’t done, it just wasn’t. However, I wanted to share the most chaotic of the three ideas (I may use the other two next year, hence why I won’t share them):
There’d be a **[Drawing Thread]** open for a limited time, being only five seconds. The winner would be picked via a one-sided die. However, because of the element of April Foolery, I’d be the only comment, and therefore, I’d win thanks to the fair drawing process. (The one-sided die is just a sports ball.)
*That certainly would not be at all whatsoever controversial!*
Here’s a haiku that summarizes what I just talked about.
*Stuff is happening.*
*Whether art, wins, or meta.*
*Huff the laughening.*
(It doesn’t have to make sense, it just needs to rhyme.) | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-04-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxM25CMkRLdVhtcERhTjM0czBEcDRXU3JUejYxR2ktR1hMMmNYVmtFSjEtRUVXMHZFbHNxYk5MSWRwYXJLYVJsaDVFRjJhYWpTYkFJRG5zUHhSSHVwMnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5d3Q1bmFmcXg3UWdtY1pORFBNMXlLaFg4SkRvbldpLU5sa2Z2dldVa05hRHVna1RiZkJJaTZZZWpOaGZSbVFuMURIZXVJSkNHeEk4XzNXaTRhaTRJdG5VQzQxQkRCTEN3TTlQbmJFbDBhVGxqclVvdWFOVVJLbjdpSkVWRzNHV2tfQW1RcUVWSmxJSE51T0lycm0zT3F1MlJCeWd3WGdXSXdSYS1YcEs4VlYzaER5Zk1nN01pLVZ3cDd6a1U5TFBZeGhpZTFVUTlFbU95dlhUek42MGZBUT09 |
Hey so I have been investing in stocks for a couple years now and I’m just starting to understand what going on. So one of my questions is.. is it smarter to invest in an ETF with a lump sum of money or bi weekly/monthly?? | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-04-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxcjl5RzU2OUZFaXVuQVg5b0xHWTZXc3J4ZklTR2R0NUczejIxS2xSN1ZSMlMtc1pLdHNwVFBIbmFaZW5kOS1RREg3alJ6bUFUdURYRnZWSUxmQWx4dUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5bThlNURuTjlIYkJXSEFZbXQ5OGE1TjBHb2Q3NzFWVEd4bzNxY2Y0YVFDR2V4TmU3M2o0WE50dEpiM25BTUIyN0o4ZFVKQlFoT3VWTWF2clFwYjI4YWRtUVF2RUpTVjZoQ19aYWwxQ3EwNWdWVENGZTBTYWVCZjg4TkNwMWtqUU1iLVR2SENqMlEzYy15VTg0ZEJUX0MtbWFzYjBsWDk3VjAyUkYxcWdCVng0PQ== |
#**Praise thy!**
**TL;DR of the TL;DR:**
* **To enter, comment only once to this post.** *Replies to other comments will not count. Good luck!*
**In Case You Missed It:**
* So I'm going to be unavailable for the next few hours. Quick notes, this thread will close at 0:00 UTC (8 PM ET) due to me being late by thirteen minutes. ~~As a side effect, comment retrieval will occur, centered at 3:00 UTC (11 PM ET). Not good enough, I was not able to get online before that. 4:00 UTC (12 AM ET) it is!~~ 5:00 UTC (1 AM). Apparently, Pydroid need a repository plug-in, whatever that means. Hope I stay up for that long.
* The /r/millionairemakersmeta discussion thread is up, and be welcome to donate to the past winner.
* **UNDER CONSTRUCTION**, though can't guarantee it'll get repaired.
**Leave a comment on this thread, replies won't count. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media!**
* **[If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner through PM via the RemindMeBot, click here!](UNAVAILABLE)**
**What is this, anyway?**
Three years ago, a Redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact, [if a million people picked a certain Redditor and all donated just $1, they would have the power to make someone a millionaire](https://redd.it/2mq94c).
This subreddit is an embodiment of that showerthought, and the monthly drawings are the attempts to make it happen.
We **need** your help to keep this running, which amounts to only $1 a month to make someone's day. In the long term, that’s $120 every **decade**, which is much more affordable than other expenses. How does it work? Below, you will find an explanation on entering, rules to keep in mind, the selection, and other important things to note.
**How to enter:**
* REQUIRED: Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. It is highly recommended to comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`", which will remind you via PM to donate. *That's it!*
**Important Rules:**
* Only **ONE** top level comment per person *(replies and subsequent-level comments aren't included)*, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment.
* If, by any chance, you do double comment, **delete any extra duplicates ASAP, ideally before the thread is locked, as any chosen draws found to violate this will not be eligible to win, and will be banned from the subreddit.**
* Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person.
**How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?**
* After 24 hours, this thread will close, and the method of selection will begin.
* While attempts to make the selection method similar to 2017’s have been performed, it still varies from the original. For an example from a prior drawing, see **[[Draw #36]]( https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/9y71hn/i_would_make_a_thanksgiving_joke_but_im_not/)**. For archival purposes, please [click here](http://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/2ournt/explanation_of_our_new_drawing_system_inspired_by/) for the original selection method.
* **Method's TL;DR:** Your number is assigned by sorting the comments by old, resulting in the first commenter being 1. The list of comments will be publicly released for the community to verify per their own accord. The subreddit then waits for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, after a preselected date and time, and calculates the winner using a formula described in the posts mentioned above.
* Comment IDs are downloaded at 2:00 UTC, three hours following the thread being locked. There will be an official run at the time listed. **If it is shown that there are any technical difficulties, the retrieval of the comments will be delayed by an hour, following the same procedures.**
* While not necessary, to determine if you are on the list, please go to your comment and save it. The comment ID is what gets recorded and selected, which looks like this: `e3yxpj4`.
* The Draw is held at 16:00 UTC the Sunday after comments have been downloaded, unless stated otherwise. Using the Bitcoin blockchain, the third block yet to be mined will be used to select a winner.
* The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for their chosen payment methods (mods will help set this up if needed).
* The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! A donation table will be stickied to the winner’s post, giving users the freedom in how they donate.
* The lucky Redditor follows up with a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking their generosity.
* Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal, Square Cash, and Google Wallet account, and/or cryptocurrency wallets. *(Note: Some services may not be available depending on where you reside.)*
* To buy any cryptocurrencies, you may use [Coinbase](https://www.coinbase.com/) for purchases using your bank account.
* To store cryptocurrencies, there are many accessible wallets, and if you win, you will be guided on which ones to download. For Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, it’s recommended to use the [Electrum](https://electrum.org/#home) and [Electron Cash](https://electroncash.org/index.html) wallet for Mac, Linux, and PC.
* Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it.
* If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a correlation between this subreddit making it in /r/all and an increase in donations.
* Try to cross-post to relevant subs, and upvote. There is a correlation between reaching /r/all and the amount of donations for the winner. *(Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here.)*
* **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.**
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
Note about legality: **This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter.** No prizes are given away directly by the moderators of this subreddit *(the moderators will never even touch your donations; this is done voluntarily)*. As for gift taxes, according to the IRS, they're paid by the donor, and any donations under $15,000 is not taxable.
If a lone $1 can get you stuff, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can get stuff, stuff, and stuff!
One million dollars can help do things. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
**Let's make an egg-cellent millionaire!**
(This is an altered generic template thread.) | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-04-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxQTRKYzNZbl93OEJKNk5NWUdyeUhBOG9zVWZSZXhBc0w0UkJrNmduYWo0cC1HS0FlX1dSZnpyZ1NrZjMtb2w0UllqNTJPbkx1eFlUaWk5R2picjlVc2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5WHVVMFVMd2I1Qm9nWV9SQlBFNHBLTlV0MmVRMV9aaUVKam1xNlVGNWNfWXlESXM3Nnl1bDdzbjh2c1ZZS1F4ei1sSE9mbGc4c0pFbHBLNEFIMDZfZXk0aDdIQzNRaTBVNlZwMEpEUmFrVXQtQm9aZ1BkSzRRTW5RZ3VCX3g3a21ZMk5DaHVackhiMTIzWENsUEtUanBMaWl2MkJjRjd3ZUVTd2lfeWx1RW1acndjMzkteVZLNFhJSGplbk43WDR0dWRzZW9KSklaVTZYOTdpemRnalZWQT09 |
#**There was no cellular service whatsoever where I was. Either that, or my phone sucks.**
**PLEASE READ THIS!** The [Draw] has been delayed to 22:00 UTC (or 10 PM ET). This will be the standard for procedures where I am not able to submit a [Draw] on time due to either technical difficulties or situations beyond my control. The time is chosen because that, too, was the case for [[Draw #39]](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/arm6ji/i_have_an_issue_draw_39), where a delay took place.
Everything necessary to perform the [Draw] is already here, it's just that the winner will be picked a few hours later from now, so as to keep the unpredictable nature of choosing a winner.
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. If you commented in the [Drawing Thread], you are entered in the drawing and don't need to do anything else. By 16:00 UTC (less than an hour as of posting this), the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, there will not be an asterisk near the time passed since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**DISCLAIMER:** *Some of the information may be unrevised, but procedures are the same as prior draws. Thank you.*
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three blocks. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
*This post will not be edited!* This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators. To prove this, look for the lack of an asterisk near the time since creation.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #41, remove the first two lines, and upload the file to a SHA-256 generator. The hash you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, download Python 3 and follow the path to the text file here: *MillionaireMakers Drawing #41\Drawing\OfficialMM41IDs.txt*
**No Stream:**
There won't be a stream today, due to a personal scheduling conflict.
Instead, I will be commenting on the progress of the drawing via a timeline, so other users can keep track of the progress.
**Information Used For Draw #41:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g9ocktiq3cbfxvi/AAC8dJYSJoKhKy0evYJRV0mBa?dl=0
SHA-256 (hash.online-convert.com): 588835bce4e2680ee0daa7af02d47f5e8ae07bb25454a75fc143bc14a24dbe80
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ipn53ox2znk3fh/%28ALTERED%29%20MM%20Comment%20IDs%20Retrieval%20via%20PRAW.py?dl=0
Python Drawing Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s61ryfpfby7q090/MillionaireMakersDrawingCode.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fb3c1wagt6a6pca/OfficialMM41IDs.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Block After 21 April 2019 - 22:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: 6,603
*It's hard to believe.*
*I've spent hours without service...*
*But hey! Now I'm here!* | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-04-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxYWVOWGVReWx0UHU5aW5iQWN3WEctdTNxdkhaOU80VlVjNVhtSWdRZS1Qb3Z3RVVJZVZURjBlZGd3YWNXLVZOUmlvNDFEa3hvcG5HQlF5YUNEeVhQeUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5TnNjdDF5NXZ3WXpGMjVFWGJWTmd0MjhDZjg0dEFTNGlNdmg1YlBVUUZCblpzT3NRR2VIcENRaEdHNjRmeWllMU1GeHQ4bzlkcEQtZmMxMm41alpJRE5OdGFYM1A2c2w5Vzk5YjV1ejZwQnVZbnZoWXlOamN4Y3VoU0ZEbDFnRXVNTmhxOUUwZFBteW9IbnYxejc4NXJCeTg5UVNWS0tsdW1NVFVBdVZ3cDdjY2hJNjZlLWM0WXkzNHUxYnk1azM0OE40WmVzUnk3MS11MnRnelB6Y2Fsdz09 |
Waking up at 7.30am on a bank holiday morning is not a great start to a day off work.
Reading the multiple messages from wellwishers at 7.31am congratulating you on winning the millionairemaker draw is *the* best way to start any day.
Im dumbfounded!!
Hey, everyone, Im u/Lereisn and im your 41st winner!!
Im a 41yr old dude from England (41! My new favourite number). Happily married, no kidlets, one crazy pooch.
Im a manager in insurance (16yr old me would be horrified at this), but take joy in my dull day job by also being a mental health first aider.
Im a huge movie and music nerd, if im not at work or on reddit then im sat in the dark watching either movies or stand up comedy, laughter is key to a long, happy, life.
Noone really believes they're going to win these things so im kinda speechless at the moment.
What am i going to spend the money on? I have no idea! Like everyone, moneys tight and times are hard.
I was due to take my first holiday in yeeears this Friday with a trip down to the cornwall coast so ill use that time to think about what to do with it.
What i can say is that i had been toying with the idea of completely changing things up and training as a counsellor, but couldn't really afford the tuition.
Could this be the kickstart to a whole new future? I can't even begin to process this.
Thank you! Thank you, anyone who decides to contribute, and good luck to anyone who enters in the future, anyone really can win it!!!
Edit : [Dog Tax!](https://i.imgur.com/wsEu37m.jpg)
Edit 1: Wow! Thanks everyone, I've had notifications on and every time my phone has buzzed its felt like a virtual hug! You guys rock!!
Ive discovered that Google Pay only lets you receive money sent in your countries currency, so thanks everyone from the US sending money but i can't accept. Ill send it right back so it doesn't sit in Googles account rather than yours. Same those sending by Venmo.
Currently approx £200 by Paypal and £25 crypto.
You're all beautiful.
EDIT 2: My phone is still buzzing. This has been the most incredible day!! I *may* have opened a bottle of wine last night to toast each and every one of you generous souls.
Current generosity standing at:
Paypal - £379.96
Crypto - £52
Google - £49 **all returned as Google dont allow $ to £**
Thanks, everyone, again. Redditors are the best kind of people!!
Edit 3: what a crazy couple of days!! My phone has been buzzing non stop with messages and donations, thanks to everyone who contributed. At this point everyone just wants to know how much i got, haha.
Paypal was the most used method, obviously they charge so this has impacted the total amount coming through, thanks again to everyone who paid so that i could receive something, youre all incredible.
Paypal: £539.44
Combined crypto : £175 approx
Taking exchange rates and charges into account that's probably $1400ish dollars that people have forked out.
Cheers millionairemakers, youre beautiful people!
~ Lereisn.
Everything listed should result in direct lines of payment to /u/Lereisn. We ask all users to donate at least $1 USD. The [Draw] thread is also listed for users who want to see the results and confirm the validity of the winner.
* [Draw #41]: https://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/bfrwlh/_/
* PayPal: [email protected]
* Bitcoin: 1GoffxxpZEhWi1XVhb84TU5Yypi1dHPyss
* Bitcoin Cash: qzk46nthrd8400y3yf05689nxsxazevlpg92jm2jde
* Ethereum (and BRD token): 0x4bE57aFACB6465175D996E828fa1df89d3c59FCe
* Litecoin: LY6RTQuUwCdDBtmDE81KU71BiDLC6i2E5N
* Dogecoin: DG9ZGwEhTs4FKDdcHtVJDWox498FX61JYQ | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-04-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxWXdjMFVHNGJzNl84aTRPeS1aRldyczdMZ3dxR0UtS3U4eThDbXAwRzF1V0hfOVhMa2xhRUtnYTlDdkppZDZVcEVkZ1piMlpvV1JDN1FZSkFmR0QzV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5Z1dMZHMxTGtteEIxY2xPbmJGZVVkWENGSllSZXE2MUxZN29DWF9VNVVCUk01Zkd6YVRBTm90WEMtNm91VWFrc3pMSjUxMHdSYWVMQkFrMTRtRVpaekxiRHFGM1k3STFQUzJ4Y2FEXzlCVGI4dDFOODlaYU5WOS1qS05Za1VSUjVaUzQ3Z1lwVXdVNEFoZlhYZ1JOVHdRMi1oNUpHekxOUml4RV9BZmVOekFfTjJiM3BkZTl6S09zYzI2S3FBM25B |
Lyft lost about 15% since it's IPO so far. Not directly relevant but interesting | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-04-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxMG1DNGxTTmVYeUFmVmthT0lPUjZvcUp3WXZYQ3NkaDJwZVVPQm52WTd1aU1oNWxUeWpmd3dWVTVLWlJWZVBMbHI3R0JPd1NqZXdlWmVrVzBWZVNiREE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5MWhIanUxZnZGMzJNQ091WUFpaFBsRlFTdjF3eG5UNnNqMjZwRmp5QVNuaWRwZzlDWXppamw0M2h2VTB2Qy1haWNBOV9PZGJVaGpXSmNYbFZSSjJ6YnVIQ0w4cy02Sm5pbEhKZlUxSm1SWHEyLXp6R3pReXdBZTV1NW12Q0YyRnFCYjJtRFFvSzZ0cXFlX3dvWXFodWlNYW1kcWlHMEFMaWtxajBUaVRPaTY0PQ== |
Take [accurate Intraday Trading Tips](https://profitmresearch.com/freetrial), Best Stock Trading Tips and trade along with intraday stock tips generated by SEBI Registered Advisory Company. To know more give a miss call on 7049501000 or visit us at: https://profitmresearch.com/freetrial | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-04-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxWWVzTDdSR2V4R0xuMlZTb1prN0hGODkwdVlNaHQxRDR2N3U3ZDVaM3VyUFAwT1JQN2prU0V0eWpFcXZqS3ZBVEhsMVd5RGdLUTN4UUtveUNwSklka3FMa2hqZzRWXzNWMlVIQ1NjZ21nUjQ9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5YUJmUVpBRmQyLUREcUl0RTdtSmFvWVVBY0F0dkZ5dHV0NGpmbEhrTTNjZTFjbGlrbGV6QUEwbHp6TUJyV0RGd2tKUjlFVDFQaWRvdWpSZ1pwNzlGZ3cyVkluT3ZhSHpwNFUySzAyaTFyX2MwRWZHTTJpd1JTWXRkQlo1cmljMmwyb0k1em54SnBrYVhmSmhjbTY4b29lQjNRY0o2WndTMmZUSUdYRUtKOFJncGhkRUVrRmt3V0V1dE1RMThIdVBJTGl5d3dGczdzcjg4X0R2U0I1X2c4UT09 |
Would you have bought Uber without this deal? If you wouldn’t invest in the company without someone giving you a deal don’t do it.
Also be prepared for some price fluctuation (as the other comment says, Lyft has lost 15% since IPO). | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-04-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxaW41bURqQ1hZSEhRUVFvR0xjMkNsbkhfa19WdWVkY3N4SWduZllNcDZmVTNmQllXSlBuajJHakRtUnlSS0xTV0RqVlNvV0g3YWtZSUkwRGo0bHdDZlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5QUxsTUtxaVBfYUFkbDFGTFl0bGhhR0VKQzgzWjBOMEp1U19meXA1SkZzamVKWUE2cnMwWTFkVW9PX1pJUzVLWWxLZE9fQkhuNGhoUlRzak5uWndXVTQ5cGdUZjd0cFdxOUQ4UWtjSlB6aGxBYlZpb0ZaRjVRdDZBaXBpMUVFLWFiOXc3b2pGLUVVZnJTRWNmb3FSUmpJdW9LSDFXWlNBYXBGdl9Rb1dNQVcwPQ== |
##Hello and welcome to The /r/Forex Trading Community!
**Please do not post a new thread until you have read through our [WIKI/FAQ.](https://volatility.red/Main_Page)**
It is highly likely that your questions are already answered there.
All members are expected to follow our sidebar rules. Some rules have a zero tolerance policy, so be sure to read through them to avoid being perma-banned without the ability to appeal.
(Mobile users, click the info tab at the stop of our subreddit to view the sidebar rules.)
**Don't forget to join us in our [live trading chatroom!](https://fxgears.com/index.php?pages/trading_chatroom/)**
**Finally, **the most commonly posted questions by new members are as followed:
**What is a good broker to use?**
*We have some great info on brokers listed in our wiki (UPDATED FOR 2021):*
* **USA:** [**CFTC/NFA regulatory info, onshore and offshore broker info found here**](https://volatility.red/Forex_Brokers_and_Regulatory_Info_for_United_States_Residents)
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* **Canada:** [**IIROC regulatory info, onshore, and offshore broker info found here**](https://volatility.red/Forex_Brokers_and_Regulatory_Info_for_Canadian_Residents)
**What is the best prop / scouting firm for forex?**
We have a great writeup on [forex prop / scouting firms over on our new resource wiki.](https://volatility.red/Trader_Scouting_and_Prop_Firms_Overview_and_Comparison)
**What just happened in the markets? -** You must follow an economic calendar if you're a currency trader. This will explain many events and snap market moves. [You can find links to resources and calendars here.]( https://volatility.red/Forex#Economic_Calendar) - Again, questions of this nature will be removed.
If you have any questions regarding our policies, rules, etc.. please message the mods.
**Be friendly and professional toward each other and enjoy your stay! :)** | r/forex | post | r/Forex | 2019-05-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxUFl3Wno1WWNfeXhlRmVTZTIzNUN5Qi1jNzRybzVkUVBrZ3BHejFVYWt1Y0lsbWJXSVVLRHFmc08xVXczN2xVb2RKcTh0Y2dVMEVUdm1kYmVQNnFOUmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5eWFTN2dDa04zWXBaZm0xQWNhdUNkUENQcjA4c3hrQUV5R3dQenVIZmYxX0JZVExydFVINWRnQVlnU3pidllqNEV4Y3BNSTNHMmo4Z3pHaFdJSmE3VDdISEdLUUhpYmJJdk1PRmp5c2lwbnJGZEk3Y3dzZEJCVVUxOFFuLUV3dlFYaUpnMWVLLVRJWFBuUkN0X3BmNFh4QjhLeGZKdmRqV1Y4OGtPdGFDSU1yRzh5NkhXa0tWLTZqYlhISEIxbVF4bm1HcHdWLS1vem5XVEkydHJicU5xQT09 |
#**I forgot to change the leading title.**
Overslept. ~~Comment collection will be performed on 10 AM ET (14:00 UTC), following standard procedure.~~ Someone deleted their comment, there will be a second attempt at 11 AM ET (15:00 UTC), again via standard procedures. A trial will be performed a few minutes before the set time, right at the set time, and thirty minutes after. Drawing the winner will begin at 16:00 UTC.
**TL;DR of the TL;DR:**
* **To enter, comment only once to this post.** *Replies to other comments will not count. Good luck!*
**In Case You Missed It:**
* The /r/millionairemakersmeta discussion thread is up, and be welcome to donate to the past winner.
* **UNDER CONSTRUCTION**, please wait!
**Leave a comment on this thread, replies won't count. A random user will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire. You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media!**
* **[If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner through PM via the RemindMeBot, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&%3Bsubject=Reminder&%3Bmessage=%5Bhttp%3A%2F%2Freddit.com%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers%2Fabout%2Fsticky%5D+RemindMe%21+May+20+2019+11%3A00+PM+%22Enter+the+%2Fr%2FMillionaireMakers+drawing%21%22)**
**What is this, anyway?**
Three years ago, a Redditor posted an idea in /r/Showerthoughts that speculated the fact, [if a million people picked a certain Redditor and all donated just $1, they would have the power to make someone a millionaire](https://redd.it/2mq94c).
This subreddit is an embodiment of that showerthought, and the monthly drawings are the attempts to make it happen.
We **need** your help to keep this running, which amounts to only $1 a month to make someone's day. In the long term, that’s $120 every **decade**, which is much more affordable than other expenses. How does it work? Below, you will find an explanation on entering, rules to keep in mind, the selection, and other important things to note.
**How to enter:**
* REQUIRED: Leave only **one** (1) top level comment in reply to this thread! Replying to other comments will not count. It is highly recommended to comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`", which will remind you via PM to donate. *That's it!*
**Important Rules:**
* Only **ONE** top level comment per person *(replies and subsequent-level comments aren't included)*, but feel free to reply to other comments. Making duplicate top level comments may result in exclusion from entering. Go to /u/me to ensure you don't accidentally double comment.
* If, by any chance, you do double comment, **delete any extra duplicates ASAP, ideally before the thread is locked, as any chosen draws found to violate this will not be eligible to win, and will be banned from the subreddit.**
* Your account must be older than 30 days with some amount of activity. Throwaway accounts with very minimal activity will also not be eligible. This is to prevent multiple entries from the same person.
**How will the winner be picked and how can you donate?**
* After 24 hours, this thread will close, and the method of selection will begin.
* While attempts to make the selection method similar to 2017’s have been performed, it still varies from the original. For an example from a prior drawing, see **[[Draw #36]]( https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/9y71hn/i_would_make_a_thanksgiving_joke_but_im_not/)**. For archival purposes, please [click here](http://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/2ournt/explanation_of_our_new_drawing_system_inspired_by/) for the original selection method.
* **Method's TL;DR:** Your number is assigned by sorting the comments by old, resulting in the first commenter being 1. The list of comments will be publicly released for the community to verify per their own accord. The subreddit then waits for a randomly generated block (a string of numbers) from Bitcoin's blockchain, after a preselected date and time, and calculates the winner using a formula described in the posts mentioned above.
* ~~Comment IDs are downloaded at 2:00 UTC, three hours following the thread being locked.~~ *(See addendum above.)* There will be an official run at the time listed. **If it is shown that there are any technical difficulties, the retrieval of the comments will be delayed by an hour, following the same procedures.**
* While not necessary, to determine if you are on the list, please go to your comment and save it. The comment ID is what gets recorded and selected, which looks like this: `e3yxpj4`.
* The Draw is held at 16:00 UTC the Sunday after comments have been downloaded, unless stated otherwise. Using the Bitcoin blockchain, the third block yet to be mined will be used to select a winner.
* The user who created the winning comment will be informed of their luck and will provide any information necessary for their chosen payment methods (mods will help set this up if needed).
* The generous Reddit community donates to this lucky person, hopefully making some worthy soul a millionaire! A donation table will be stickied to the winner’s post, giving users the freedom in how they donate.
* The lucky Redditor follows up with a thank you within the next days, revealing to the community exactly how much was raised and thanking their generosity.
* Take the time you have available now to setup your PayPal, Square Cash, and Google Wallet account, and/or cryptocurrency wallets. *(Note: Some services may not be available depending on where you reside.)*
* To buy any cryptocurrencies, you may use [Coinbase](https://www.coinbase.com/) for purchases using your bank account.
* To store cryptocurrencies, there are many accessible wallets, and if you win, you will be guided on which ones to download. For Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, it’s recommended to use the [Electrum](https://electrum.org/#home) and [Electron Cash](https://electroncash.org/index.html) wallet for Mac, Linux, and PC.
* Please try your best to donate a $1, no matter who wins. Every single dollar, cent, anything really counts, so please take the effort to remember and go through with it.
* If you want to be reminded to donate, please comment "`RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers`".
* Spread the word! The more people who participate, the better this gets for everyone! There has been a correlation between this subreddit making it in /r/all and an increase in donations.
* Try to cross-post to relevant subs, and upvote. There is a correlation between reaching /r/all and the amount of donations for the winner. *(Please don't spam other subs though. We're not trying to make any enemies here.)*
* **If you are under 18, please talk to your parents to get their consent to participate and use their help to setup a PayPal account.**
Remember, this is about generosity, making history, and coming together to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few pennies. Every cent counts.
Note about legality: **This is NOT a lottery. You don't have to pay to enter.** No prizes are given away directly by the moderators of this subreddit *(the moderators will never even touch your donations; this is done voluntarily)*. As for gift taxes, according to the IRS, they're paid by the donor, and any donations under $15,000 is not taxable.
If a lone $1 can get you a pencil, imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. You can get preparation books, prepare for college, or even raise money for a graduation party!
One million dollars can help do things. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.
**Let's make a millionaire!** | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-05-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxdVV5UDd0UWl0MU5iRTN4dy0yUXVoUUpIa3BOOFZWLU5LTFhDS19CUk5STmMwREhnb2NKX2Y3Q3MyWGFiRDZOV3lJUVZFWVRuY1RuTHVxT1FSeTdHTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5aFIwSTktTFlObFBVekZkMVM0VmNCRkhLVHljbk1XTUdNNmV6WkszUmIzSkNQa3oyT0t4LUxOcHQ3QV95YUJhYXFIZmlxUXpYM3A4dDZIeERNSG0wanByVUJhWG5mMlNxb1RTc0c3Ykc2M2ZhbFc2c1hjd3VHUklaU0F3OE5vNTNHa0tGaXZXZ0xPaEZSQ1dHdE4xUDFPQndiNG14aVYwMkwwb3NuLWZBT0Rtbm9iWVItWVJ0clZvZTlBR0dzYmsxOWVxWEFVM25sRmdCeGtFcXNTTFdMZz09 |
Theres a big factor that is missing.. quality. Quality comes through specialization and that drives demand. The global markets are connected and cant offer 30 different foods that are not as best as the specialized ones. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-05-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxZ3RHTmVpc201dWlid0VYZFhsRy1wR3VXTDNhTU1uN0VLZWd0dnF3d1lrdHZRbzliMDZIVVJEdjZIWExGZkhuLTFTTmpWR2pQcmxQbVVZRkNZUS1BMHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ZFdrWXdGNUplTkpiRldHRXFZbGZpWnptTHZrWG9GOTlmYnZRWWd2ZTdJbWp1LVMwMmp6U1E5ZnVNQTNoX1JuazJobktDSm5BNDktbExxY0FJUU42Y3A3ZTRnQnBrdnczMkVWSEVmbWpXNFJ1N1kyWk1mSHJuNWw3X3VUS0JZQ3VFYjFjZkZZck95MkVVOFlNQUpsZWN1WmpYVVIwa0xzY20zLTdKWjZQaHNTNUhjUzBJOXhoR0ZoY1BxSUlVWV9V |
#**Anyway, at least AP tests are done for the month.**
**TL;DR - This post is for the sole purpose of choosing a winner. If you commented in the [[Drawing Thread]](https://www.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/b1lgf3/were_springing_into_a_new_season_and_with_it_a), you are entered in the drawing and don't need to do anything else. By 16:00 UTC (less than an hour as of posting this), the winner will be selected. The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to pick this winner. This can be verified at any device running Python 3.7, and you do not need to own Bitcoin in order to participate.**
**Additionally, all information to replicate the Drawing at home is available on Dropbox, scroll down for more information.**
**Importantly, this post WILL NOT BE EDITED in order to keep the integrity of the Drawing. To verify this, there will not be an asterisk near the time passed since its creation. The winner will be announced in a stickied comment.**
**DISCLAIMER:** *Some of the information may be unrevised, but procedures are the same as prior draws. Thank you.*
The Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain will be used to choose a winner. Once the time listed has passed, there will be an active check to determine the blockchain's winning hash. Like before, this subreddit will wait for the **3^rd Block** after the time (being 16:00 UTC) to select the winner.
If a block is discovered by 15:59 UTC, it will not be counted towards the counter of three blocks. If it's discovered by 16:00 UTC, then it will, simple. This can be checked by seeing the timestamp given to it by blockchain explorers.
You are able to see how this subreddit will verify the winner by checking the Dropbox folder, which also includes a back-up plan in case of an emergency.
**Awareness for Fairness:**
*This post will not be edited!* This is to prevent tampering of the hash or files by any of the moderators. To prove this, look for the lack of an asterisk near the time since creation.
To verify if a hash for a file is that of Draw #42, remove the first two lines, and upload the file to a SHA-256 generator. The hash you receive should be the same as what is listed here.
If you are interested in doing this for yourself, download Python 3 and follow the path to the text file here: *MillionaireMakers Drawing #42\Drawing\OfficialMM42IDs.txt*
**No Stream:**
There won't be a stream today, due to a personal scheduling conflict.
Instead, I will be commenting on the progress of the drawing via a timeline, so other users can keep track of the progress.
**Information Used For Draw #42:**
Dropbox Folder: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2azfrpixpij079u/AACKZRCdrKvzREVt_yUR7xHDa?dl=0
SHA-256 (hash.online-convert.com): bad926f43c716213c6bf2754bf14716781bbeadc8c4ed9de6f3b3e9d4cb06197
Python PRAW Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l4jixqylxx965tf/%28ALTERED%29%20MM%20Comment%20IDs%20Retrieval%20via%20PRAW.py?dl=0
Python Selection Code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bevdemsa6e1uqlb/MillionaireMakersDrawingCode.py?dl=0
Comment IDs' Text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d8jozuuy6avrdmd/OfficialMM42IDs.txt?dl=0
Block Selection: The Third Block After 19 May 2019 - 16:00:00 UTC
Total Participants: OH CRAP I DON’T KNOW
*** | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-05-19 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxSzNZVFltUjZncXhId1plVWhkb3NZN1RWQ1B1b2ZrSlMwQ2dvZnNaYmxZQ1RQc3lwWUJodzlVM0VtR3J1MEcxZkpwRThnSnVfa3FtLVVWT2lnVXpuR1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5cUM5cnZUd2c0dkI3bUlPeHliTE9rVmd2N05ianB3cFNDdEQyQlM1NkYxeGROR3FaNHd3RGd3Z3RaTlF5THRYOXhQdlpjNzhnNFdOVVgzQU4tTDEzdnNCQ3A0SkprY1p5UzdfYnVkWmt4M245b2Zyd0UwTi1meFl2cXVWZUdZT3pkMWFQSEJwYnowZkhfc21malZ3eWJ6SzZHLU9nTjhWTnF1SEJKdHRSVmNrZks2US0xSUN1eC1INkVoNWtRQmxkZkV6ZWJLWUYtNkRfNXpwWG9lM3RvQT09 |
Hey guys, first of all thank you all very much for the kind messages
I'm just a normal guy without any kind of special story, 26 years old and recently started my career overseas after spending some years in, and graduated, university.
I'm usually lurking on reddit reading through my favorite subs to get some time away from my daily routine life.
Pretty much like every other guy on here I guess.
What can I say, I am super greatful for the opportunities this sub gives out every month, and this time I got lucky.
I hope one of you guys win next time and I can give something back to you
Now, what am I going to spend the money on?
I really am not sure. I have never been able to take my girlfriend out on an expensive dinner, or a trip to some nice beach or something, so I might just do that. Apart from that, we always wanted to get a pet, maybe put some money into the pet fund!
Of course I'll keep updating this thread and if you guys want to know anything, please feel free to ask!
Hey guys, I woke up a while ago, after one real rough work day yesterday and saw all you messages and donations. It made me feel so much better.
Leave the donations aside for a second, you guys wouldn't believe how much power all those kind messages hold. I feel so much happier, regenerated and ready to tackle challenges in life again.
As of now I've received the following amounts:
PayPal: 360$
Crypto (w/o Nano): \~50$
Crypto (Nano): \~510$
Reddit GOLD!
So all in all roughly 900$!!! Thank you guys so much. I'm trying to get back to everyone of you commenting here and sending me private messages. I'm heading back to work right now, but I'm replying whenever I find free time!!!
Everything listed should result in direct lines of payment to /u/livo23. We ask all users to donate at least $1 USD. The \[Draw\] thread is also listed for users who want to see the results and confirm the validity of the winner.
Draw #42: [https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/bqik2c/\_/](https://old.reddit.com/r/millionairemakers/comments/bqik2c/_/)
PayPal: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Bitcoin: 1FmsBH6vgj7cgz6zuJok1RPJVKtoKdzZxD
Bitcoin Cash: qz3qmuhc69dm09uh7xw56uhrvlpevyyvvg89k4pdl3
Ethereum: 0xd28017ae53C15606026c0CC22E2fA08227F08FFC
Litecoin: LUCgne4v4oQJRkUBxWbu7w72N8dQiFDYkA
Nano: xrb\_3coi15j5nzco5gwhw9wxu5fngfcjge4tab9gif4uopbecu8oyp4sxdej1eez | r/millionairemakers | post | r/millionairemakers | 2019-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxcTlBME9fVVpycko0andwSURaS1RWMm5hNjFDdndLWkUxX284VjdUWlh5VENGNnBxYVB2UE9FUzRxYXJRZkVNNERCSWJTa3VoTzhaRFBwNi10Y3FtRUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5d2p5ZGpNY0hSZXcwNmlqWFIwaDd1WW1oWVc4czZ5c0I3RF82RzBCSWJRY1A4U0l1eU5TbXFydFgwNFZHUktTbjNQU291cm5FSUtFakJzZS10eE4zQUx5VHc1RF9MYWJJbWtQZkM2V0I1dnB2VkZLX182QVhMRDNWMnFlSURjUXZzMWl5QWZiUWduWDZ5dUtMcjZPNUdqV2Y0OVU0c0dkUHJjQURwTkdtT2hwT0ducnkycTJCaS1ISjFPb2d1azdFZFppQjUyMTVET2lONUlHbnFCQ0tBQT09 |
and what is it you get out of spamming us? | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-05-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxVnkzMU15LVMxaWs1bHZQb1ZKQTZiQm9La01QLVFmZnl5OUJqQW4xSjNyTlZBdGdaNVByWVVRTkdxQ2k1WXBYcGE5ZWprMjFLTFBRVnA3RlVrNVYtV1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5ejlNMm9XaDgtYVB3aDRzTzh4X1ZGLWluUkxmNDVadWc2dEVmaV82ZDZuSVpHS0JZVl9EZzlHSExfNUxESVQzdlVEZWJXUmxEQjJxZlAtNk1wY2hDUkJCRlNqaTd5MjROeng1QnVjUHRIbFVWZ1lsb2tmWFV1cFlaWENiMVZpM1YzTTg5cEZlNldPN1ZQaUhPdGhENGxVUFBKUnpsUkNMWGtxc1ItbU5zZnZtLVNaSWlMVkc2YzBSMHlYY2t3U3hRYVFzaTJjYmZUcS11akpNVjJraHE3Zz09 |
The way referrals work is the person referring also gets the same reward. If you use the link you and OP get rewarded. | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-05-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0Nxczg5R0tsVmEyRUNKQlJselVSU2NLVFpmYzlfenRkYWhTQXl1b1d4a21ydWdqVXg4MWZRbFVVWC1qQXRxNnFCMHRwSFhXTm9fdDhPMWNJOEk1YzRPZHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5cEpsLUFFUkJ0T2pPZnNsRW1NSjVhOUNsTzFiSTZhZXNQYzdjSnB4RUNBeU1qZ3hfU3ZnRXN3alhwYWU2Zl9ob2ZLTm5NRDZ6c3pHc3dqOTVoVmN5dWJMTTJGU2ZfMlZSekZGV21NUEtCTi1EUUpOTWViTmJDNmc0M0hDdU9hZVhJNEp6NC1iaWg5Z09UREFJdnN4NlJSaTdKYjEtM2VrdERra1cySGpKVWU1eDNLUjkxTS1KZ3BGaEtjcTByRWFFSzlaLXFBR19zcmJmaFE5bEcwaS1Edz09 |
I did think I was spamming anybody these link are what this app is for and I get 300 | r/investing101 | comment | r/Investing101 | 2019-05-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxaEg4N2t0WDZZVDNNd242X0xLQ01ONDg4WnRCS3RBZFBSRy13U2NfZnhPRkd4ZzY5TmJ0LXV5Wk9rY0VqRjB3U0kzai1iblNQVnJ2M21ZOHFkODRkUlNieV9ndmRRVXVXR0NtYnFVUFRGRnc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5d29uaWRiTG9LMXlhd25PamdCU2VSQ3phbkFjekNUMFpEN0J6TTl2MnVWdnBoNFNlbnlJQ2hGRHBDeWFBcEdjdldlWW93cmY2ZmhyaERkX0VGS2tZdHZBOHZRd0lZcExUaHQ0ZWY3ei0ycnhZbFdKRS11ekRZU2M0ZW81aGlJWlBING12ZzB1b2g0S1JaQk42RFU5QVZTcm9xMlQ1Y1UyczVuWXBjaXUyT0djUHJTY0tRZ1BuQVNoTjFkbTN5amk1ZWY3YzRuUGlXSzhlYWVicENQWTh0UT09 |
Were you looking for [https://www.reddit.com/r/synthetix\_io/](https://www.reddit.com/r/synthetix_io/)? | r/synthetix | comment | r/Synthetix | 2019-05-30 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxV1ZySEMxNl9UVy1wcThlRER4eVJHd1NReXRoYTFDa3FZN20xTW1jeERKdnAxcWl3WUY3Ym1XOHFURVFERXZXNlNVY1d0WTk1Y25OYVJJcjQxQmRDdWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5VXVlSzdoYlpTSm5yYVBLWjM4cFlzeDYwRUY2b0RTNnVpbk9rZVk3OTF5ME12d3FWbkZVZnA5Rnc4bFA5VHdhdDNNRlBuUjlvMW1PN3R0SnlaWVJtYU51Y0h5NkRRUmZHU3R4bHF0S3lFcGpkOV9WV0Fvd2JPcVotSWZSRVpUTEFuaGwtQjdIWFFWWWhJdTV0SVRILXVUa0luTDV6ajFYTW5GMUZqeUpJTGdzUlBGd3lBbHNnczNvb0VJQmptNURqc1VyZmtoUVJ3dzM5RGJpTEpzOVFYUT09 |
The upcoming G-20 Leaders’ Summit to be held on June 7 to 9 in Fukuoka, Japan, serves as an opening for U.S Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to respark the deadlocked trade tensions between the U.S and China, if representatives from both sides agree to fire up trade talks during their time in Japan. On Tuesday, a statement from the Treasury Department revealed that Mnuchin and Chinese central bank Governor Yi Gang will be coming together during the summit. This talk may serve as a preliminary foundation which can open a meeting for President Trump and Xi Jinping. Furthermore, China’s finance minister will also be engaged in a panel discussion regarding tax policies on Sunday.
James Lucier, the managing director of Washington-based Capital Alpha Partners, commented that any confirmation of Mnuchin initiating a positive talk will be uplifting, but the managing director failed to see how the two sides would decrease the tension surrounding the trade talks at this point. This looked impossible to achieve unless the tariffs are removed or postponed. Both countries reached a deadlock following the months of serious trade talks, causing retaliation from both sides when it comes to tariffs. The previous month, President Trump raised tariffs from 10% to 25% on $200 billion worth of Chinese merchandise. The Chinese followed with their own countermove. Both sides of the country’s teams have held dozens of meetings about the trade, but an agreement appears difficult to achieve. Before the talks collapsed, both sides have contemplated a signing ceremony, as stated my Mnuchin.
Michael Feroli, chief economist for JPMorgan Chase & Co, commented about the situation, stating that the U.S may be stuck in a lasting disagreement with China. As a result, presently, safe assets have been more popular with investors. In May, bonds went through a rally, causing the 10-year Treasury yields to plummet at the quickest rate since 2016. | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxNmc5NXNUTVhmMzZlYkFCOEFKNEc3aXFNQXdoQ2p6SjlRNVRjUEdQemg3aGZVNUNRVFhZVVJxRk5SN2RjRnBtQ1ZmdGpRbDZqeGh6MDh2ajBOb2FLOUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5NjFuV0t1R2VISEk5SDJVYnktUWZka2xjM2oxdWZGZWs3Z2dGd05hZzc2RjZDLWozUndrSDZLajcyRXdIOWdKVjVhb0dtanRhc1FCSHJsZ1ZnZ2d6RkhXU0gwcjNMMGFid0JPUkNvay14OTVTeXlfN0plSWFoQ1NrS0toLTl6dnI4SDFpZlVNUVZUeWc0NklLYXNObURIa3MxUmgzWjVNRmFmeWRqSGVpM29lNXJ0bVplNW9sSE9LTjJuTjNWM1ozbDFta1lDV25UTklycnBIV25ONDR2QT09 |
Your free stock is waiting for you! Join Robinhood and we’ll both get a stock like Apple, Ford, or Facebook for free. Sign up with my link. https://freestock.robinhood.com/austend24 | r/investing101 | post | r/Investing101 | 2019-06-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0NxeWpNSXhFTTBlamNiemczVFRzR2V4cUs2WUJBaFpGbVFNNGNpM0VpUjJyTmt6ZXBaRzNYZXIyZWNDWGtza3lqSnJvYlpOb2hvS01yVE01SnB3LUt0b1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zR0M5RGdzSmF1NGpMYlJPb2dWd3BXYkRLeU14ekpvNS10UHg4MFZaRlRYVWxFSF9sUnNUell2S0lzTXh5RDdlRW5pQ1FiXzdSeXMwMG9SLThDa0ZlbFB3cUs2WlJhcDIwUlB1NGRrdGJVZVJaaGdiNWVaVmRDaG5iaHh2N2lLaEwyUGUxbXI1X0lDdDk0MHBhSzNuTGVqbGc0QS1UR1BtX3hoSnZkaWtiRTkwcW9VPQ== |
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