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Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Archaeological interpretation aimed at understanding the past by reconstructing the point of view of past peoples who produced the archaeological record. | [] | postprocessual archaeology |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | ‘Elementary thoughts’, those beliefs and aspects of culture held by Bastian to be common to all humankind (cf. psychicidentity, Völkergedanken). | [] | Elementargedanken |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A structural model proposed by Le ́vi-Strauss in which roast, smoked, and boiled foods are seen as analogous to raw, cooked, and rotted foods. | [] | culinary triangle |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The production of items in units or small batches. | [] | unit production |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Weber’s notion of the basic forms of social phenomena, simplified from observed cases. For example, his studies of Protestantism assume an ideal type which is not necessarily an accurate representation of all Protestant societies. | [] | ideal type |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | a combination of independent commercial enterprises that work together to control prices and limit competition. | [] | cartel |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Words and other features of language that are used by humans to communicate and that can become conditioned stimuli. | [] | second signal system |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The five basic functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. | [] | management process |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Conflicts that prevent a group from achieving its goals. | [] | dysfunctional conflict |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The method by which scanners allow detailed internal views of bodies such as mummies. The body is passed into the machine and images of cross-sectional “slices” through the body are produced. | [] | computerized (computed) axial tomography—(CAT or CT scanner) |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Scientifically acceptable set of principles offered to explain a phenomenon. | [] | theory |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Process of changing behavior whereby responses made to a particular stimulus eventually are made to a different stimulus as a consequence of altering the stimulus slightly on repeated trials. | [] | associative shifting |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Interactive dialogue between teacher and students in which teacher initially models activities, after which teacher and students take turns being the teacher. | [] | reciprocal teaching |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The form that provides information on education, prior work record, and skills. | [] | application form |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | an artistic movement of the seventeenth century in Europe that used dramatic effects to arouse the emotions and reflected the search for power that was a large part of the seventeenth-century ethos. | [] | Baroque |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A person’s needs for security and protection from physical and emotional harm. | [] | safety needs |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The service sequence from employees to customers to profit. | [] | service profit chain |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The commission, created by Title VII, is empowered to investigate job discrimination complaints and sue on behalf of complainants. | [] | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A mode of exchange in which transactions take place between individuals who are symmetrically placed, i.e. they are exchanging as equals, neither being in a dominant position. | [] | reciprocity |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Those self-schemas that are mentally active at any time; currently accessible selfknowledge. | [] | working self-concept |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The form of relativism which holds that all statements about the world are culturally contingent (cf. moral relativism). | [] | cognitive relativism |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The children of a brother and those of a sister. In many societies, cross-cousins are marriageable whereas parallel cousins are not (cf. parallel cousins). | [] | cross-cousin |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A perspective which emphasizes the interpretation of culture over the quest for formal structures. Geertz’s anthropology is the most commonly cited example. | [] | interpretivism, interpretivist |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Nonlinear thinking style: Decision style characterized by a person's preference for internal sources of information and processing this information with internal insights, feelings, and hunches. | [] | nonlinear thinking style |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | External equity financing provided by professionally managed pools of investor money. | [] | venture capitalist |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Theories postulating the types of functions or processes that a child is able to perform at a particular time. | [] | functional theories of development |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Means of representing information in long-term memory; bits of information that occur close together in time or that otherwise are associated and stored together so that when one is remembered, the other also is remembered. | [] | associative structure |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | a Christian heresy that taught that Jesus was inferior to God. Though condemned by the Council of Nicaea in 325, Arianism was adopted by many of the Germanic peoples who entered the Roman Empire over the next centuries. | [] | Arianism |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | a sixteenth-century artistic movement in Europe that deliberately broke down the High Renaissance principles of balance, harmony, and moderation. | [] | Mannerism |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Societies in which there is unequal access to prestige and status, e.g. chiefdoms and states. | [] | ranked society |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | the traditional tripartite division of European society based on heredity and quality rather than wealth or economic standing, first established in the Middle Ages and continuing into the eighteenth century; traditionally consisted of those who pray (the clergy), those who fight (the nobility), and those who work (all the rest). | [] | estates (orders) |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A development technique in which teams of managers compete by making computerized decisions regarding realistic but simulated situations. | [] | management game |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Summons informing employers and employees of the regulations and standards that have been violated in the workplace. | [] | citation |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Any perspective which stresses change for the better or advancement from simple to complex. In contrast to diffusionism, a perspective which emphasizes evolution over diffusion or migration as the greater cause of cultural change in the world. In contrast to a revolutionist perspective, one which argues for gradual over revolutionary change. | [] | evolutionism; evolutionist |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | the chief popular assembly of the Roman Republic. It passed laws and elected the chief magistrates. | [] | centuriate assembly |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | This technique involves the absorption of water on exposed surfaces of obsidian; when the local hydration rate is known, the thickness of the hydration layer, if accurately measured, can be used to provide an absolute date. | [] | Obsidian hydrationdating |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A qualified, tax-deductible stock bonus plan in which employers contribute stock to a trust for eventual use by employees. | [] | employment stock ownership plan |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The first stage of behavioral processes, in which raw materials are procured (see manufacture, use, and deposition). | [] | acquisition |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A technique used in the analysis of artifact composition, based on the principle that electrons, when excited (i.e. heated to a high temperature), release light of a particular wavelength. The presence or absence of various elements is established by examining the appropriate spectral line of their characteristic wavelengths. Generally, this method gives an accuracy of only 25 percent and has been superseded by ICPS (inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry). | [] | optical emission spectrometry(OES) |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | emphasis on and interest in the unique traits of each person. | [] | individualism |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | the five emperors who ruled from 96 to 180 (Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius), a period of peace and prosperity for the Roman Empire. | [] | good emperors |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | In componential analysis, the term for a given category. | [] | designatum |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | in Spanish America, a form of economic and social organization in which a Spaniard was given a royal grant that enabled the holder of the grant to collect tribute from the Indians and use them as laborers. | [] | encomienda |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A device used in subsurface survey that measures minor variations in the earth’s magnetic field, which may reveal archaeological features as magnetic anomalies. | [] | magnetometer |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A term variously used to denote the purpose of a custom or social institution in the abstract, or its relation to other customs or social institutions within a social system. | [] | function |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Leaders who stimulate and inspire (transform) followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes. | [] | transformational leader |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Claim that due to affirmative action quota systems, white males are discriminated against. | [] | reverse discrimination |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Computer simulation of learning processes in which learning is linked with neural system processing, where impulses fire across synapses toform connections. | [] | connectionist model |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A form of organization characterized by division of labor, a clearly defined hierarchy, detailed rules and regulations, and impersonal relationships. | [] | bureaucracy |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A mathematical approach to the analysis of decorative style which claims that patterns can be divided into two distinct groups of symmetry classes: 17 classes for those patterns that repeat motifs horizontally, and 46 classes for those that repeat them horizontally and vertically. Such studies have suggested that the choice of motif arrangement within a particular culture is far from random. | [] | symmetry analysis. |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | the dominant male in a Roman family whose powers over his wife and children were theoretically unlimited, though they were sometimes circumvented in practice. | [] | paterfamilias |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The genetic makeup of an organism (cf. phenotype). | [] | genotype |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Figure-ground relationship: A perceptual field is composed of a figure against a background. Proximity: Elements in a perceptual field are viewed as belonging together according to their closeness in space or time. Similarity: Perceptual field elements similar in such respects as size or color are viewed as belonging together. Common direction: Elements of a perceptual field appearing to constitute a pattern or flow in the same direction are perceived as a figure. Simplicity: People organize perceptual fields in simple, regular features. Closure: People fill in incomplete patterns or experiences. | [] | gestalt principle |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Type of advance organizer that introduces new material by drawing an analogy with familiar material. | [] | comparative organizer |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Publicizing an open job to employees (often by literally posting it on bulletin boards) and listing its attributes, like qualifications, supervisor, working schedule, and pay rate. | [] | job posting |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | the outbreak of plague (mostly bubonic) in the mid-fourteenth century that killed from 25 to 50 percent of Europe's population. | [] | Black Death |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A response to a stimulus that acts within a system. | [] | feedback |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A case study presented in detail within an ethnographic article or book, in order to illustrate a more general point. The idea came into anthropology from legal studies and is characteristic of the Manchester School. | [] | extended case study |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | a company or association that raises capital by selling shares to individuals who receive dividends on their investment while a board of directors runs the company. | [] | joint-stock company |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Organizations that produce nonphysical products in the form of services. | [] | service organization |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Means of presenting instruction in which one begins with a general view of the content, moves to specific details, and returns later to the general view with review and practice. | [] | elaboration theory of instruction |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | People who are relaxed and easygoing and accept change easily. | [] | type B personality/type B |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Technological applications that allow users to communicate with one another (e.g., distance education, computer conferencing). | [] | computer-mediated communication (CMC) |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | In componential analysis, a synonym for ‘significatum’. | [] | component |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Any form of comparison which involves limiting the range of variables, such as by confining comparisons to thosewithin a region. | [] | controlled comparison |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | a philosophical movement that arose after World War II that emphasized the meaninglessness of life, born of the desperation caused by two world wars. | [] | existentialism |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The form of relativism which holds that culture regulates the ways in which humans perceive the world, and therefore that cultural variability will produce different social and psychological understandings among different peoples (cf. epistemological relativism, normative relativism). | [] | descriptive relativism |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Theory that views learning as a change in the form or frequency of behavior as a consequence of environmental events. | [] | behavioral theory |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | an ideology based on tradition and social stability that favored the maintenance of established institutions, organized religion, and obedience to authority and resisted change, especially abrupt change. | [] | conservatism |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | In its widest sense, the subject which includes social or cultural anthropology, anthropological linguistics, prehistoric archaeology, and biological or physical anthropology (cf. four Welds). In a narrower sense, a short name for social anthropology. | [] | anthropology |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | the political and social system of France in the eighteenth century before the Revolution. | [] | old regime (old order) |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Cognitive activity directed toward determining whether one is properly applying knowledge to material to be learned, evaluating whether one understands the material, deciding that the strategy is effective or that a better strategy is needed, and knowing why strategy use improves learning. Monitoring procedures include self-questioning, rereading, paraphrasing, and checking consistencies. | [] | comprehension monitoring |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Manual or computerized records listing employees education, career and development interests, languages, special skills, and so on, to be used in selecting inside candidates for promotion. | [] | qualifications inventory |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | the reciprocal importation and exportation of plants and animals between Europe and the Americas. | [] | Columbian Exchange |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The physical medium that surrounds, holds, or supports archaeological data. | [] | matrix |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | an artistic movement that began in France in the 1880s. Post-impressionists sought to use color and line to express inner feelings and produce a personal statement of reality. | [] | Post-Impressionism |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Individualized plans allowed by employers to accommodate employee preferences for benefits. | [] | flexible benefits plan |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Extent that information in memory is being processed or is capable of being processed quickly; information in an active state is quickly accessible. | [] | activation level |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | this involves the identification and analysis of faunal species from archaeological sites, as an aid to the reconstruction of human diets and to an understanding of the contemporaryenvironment at the time of deposition. | [] | zooarchaeology |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | tribes—A term used to describe a social grouping generally larger than a band, but rarely numbering more than a few thousand; unlike bands tribes are usually settled farmers, though they also include nomadic pastoral groups whose economy is based on exploitation of livestock. Individual communities tend to be integrated into the larger society through kinship ties. | [] | tribes |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | According to Le ́vi-Strauss, those kinship systems based on rules about whom one may not marry (e.g., that marriage between close relatives is forbidden) (cf. elementary structures). | [] | complex structure |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Plans covering one year or less. | [] | short-term plan |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Inclusions in pottery clay which act as a filler to give the clay added strength and workability and to counteract any cracking or shrinkage during firing. | [] | temper |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | An approach to job design that focuses on how people’s tasks and jobs are increasingly based on social relationships. | [] | relational perspective of work design |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A relative dating technique in which artifacts or other data are ordered chronologically according to stylistic similarities. | [] | stylistic seriation |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Corrective action that looks at how and why performance deviated before correcting the source of deviation. | [] | basic corrective action |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | the crisis in the late medieval church when there were first two and then three popes; ended by the Council of Constance (1414–1418). | [] | Great Schism |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The branch of anthropology or perspective within anthropology which emphasizes the relation between cultural categories and structures or processes of thought. | [] | cognitive anthropology |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Volcanic ash. In the Mediterranean, for example, deep-sea coring produced evidence for the ash fall from the eruption of Thera, and its stratigraphic position provided important information in the construction of a relative chronology. | [] | tephra |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The regular process by which radioactive isotopes break down into their decay products with a half-life which is specific to the isotope in question. | [] | radioactive decay |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Systematically moving a worker from one job to another to enhance work team performance and/or to broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak points to prepare the person for an enhanced role with the company. | [] | job rotation |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The study of ethnic groups, broadly a synonym for social or cultural anthropology. The term was in general use in Britain prior to the 1870s, but since then has been more common on the Continent and to some extent in North America (cf. cultural anthropology, social anthropology). | [] | ethnology |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Derrida’s term implying roughly ‘a delay in difference’, in that the differences which define something in opposition to what it is not, cannot, in his view, be fully conceptualized. There is always, he argues, something beyond such differences. | [] | différance |
Explain the management field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The search for the best practices among competitors or noncompetitors that lead to their superior performance. | [] | benchmarking |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | A verbal construction, often humorous, in which words are used to mean the opposite of what they normally mean. | [] | irony |
Explain the pedagogic field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Descriptive term for Thorndike’s theory postulating learning as the forming of connections between sensory experiences (perceptions of stimuli or events) and neural impulses that manifest themselves behaviorally. | [] | connectionism |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | the organization of troops and supplies for service in time of war. | [] | mobilization |
Explain the historical field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | the doctrine, enunciated by Leonid Brezhnev,that the Soviet Union had a right to intervene if socialism was threatened in another socialist state; used to justify moving Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia in 1968. | [] | Brezhnev Doctrine |
Explain the archaeological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | The basic units of inheritance, now known to be governed by the specific sequence of the genetic markers within the DNA of the individual concerned. | [] | gene |
Explain the ethnological field term given below in as much detail as possible, exporting only the explanation and nothing else. | Comparison on a world-wide basis in the search for universal cross-cultural generalizations or predictions. | [] | global comparison, global-sample comparison |
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