stringlengths 355
_setting_name Church, Outside Church
_setting_desc Rows of headstones line the field beside the large ornate church with stained glass windows. The Church is mid-century and made of stone. A large steeple resides in the center adorned with a cross. Large front doors made of wood with iron handles. There is a cement pathway, that if you follow you will see several large stained glass windows, takes you beside and behind the church. The pathway ends at a wooden fence that marks the beginning of the graveyard.
_partner_name craftsman
_self_name priest
_self_persona I am here to help the needy. I am well respected in the town. I can not accept lying.
_object_desc a Cross : The cross is broken and with a few dents in the sides.
_object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn.
_self_say Hello craftsman, have you come to my church to ask for forgiveness?
_partner_say Forgiveness? No, sir. I came to build something for you.
_self_say What exactly would you be building in this church?
_partner_say I was going to ask if you wanted a bird house built?
_self_say That sounds rather this going to be free of charge since we are in the house of the Holy one?
_partner_say Yes, sir. Free of charge and absolutely peachy. This birdhouse is going to be amazing. I know you like to feed them.
_self_say Yes I do love birds. Do you mind building several of them and placing some in the graveyard, pathway, and near the rows of headstones?
_partner_say Oh sure. It'll take a lot of extra work, but you're worth it.
_self_act give Cross to craftsman
_self_say You are one of the Holy ones chosen servants, god bless you. When you have time, pray and you shall receive all your wishes!
_partner_say I appreciate this, sir. I'll keep this Cross near and dear to me.
_self_act steal Cross from craftsman
_self_say You promise you are a Holy servant and not....not a servant of He whos name that shall not be said?
_partner_say Absolutely promise, sir. I would never serve that who shall not be said.
_self_act give Cross to craftsman
_self_say Aye, let the lord guide you all of your tasks. Now begone and serve his will! *Gregorian chants*
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Confessional Room, Inside Church
_setting_desc The confessional room is small and cramped, offering access to only a single person at a time. Once inside this small, wooden room, A person is alone with nothing but the cardinal and their own sins. The confessional room has a single wooden bench and small table holding a candle, with a sliding window that allows words to pass through to the other side. The cardinal waits on the other side, ready to absolve someone of their sins.
_partner_name a lady of the court
_self_name a knight
_self_persona I am a knight for the royal court. Protecting my city and it's people is of utmost importance to me. I always wanted to be a knight and having the chance means the world to me.
_object_desc a small table : The table is just large enough for four people to sit at it. The wood appears old and worn.
_object_desc a room : Don't forget that if you ask for a room in a castle you may get your wish and end up in a dungeon cell.
_self_say I have only one priority to serve and to protect
_partner_say as a knight should good sir
_self_emote cry
_self_say but I only have one weekness
_partner_say what would that be dear knight
_self_say I have a soft spot for you since we were kids
_partner_say yes its amazing to see where we both ended up
_self_say Are you married now?
_partner_say i will be soon
_self_say Can i do anything to let you see that I am the one for you?
_partner_say im sorry but the marriage is arranged
_self_say is it the king? he is in my debt I can talk to him
_partner_say no it is to the prince
_self_say Is he as handsome as I am or are you just going to agree because of his father's wealth
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Secret tunnel, Cave
_setting_desc Your senses are met with the dank moisture of a secret tunnel. The stony walls are full of lichen and cave moss. Stalactites and stalagmites pepper the small channel, which bleeds in a pinpoint light from a far off point. The chill air of the King's forest whistles through the tunnel interior.
_partner_name guard
_self_name servant
_self_persona I am a servant in a large house. I clean dishes and help the rich people get dressed. I live under the house in a cozy little room and I have lots to eat. My job is pretty good.
_object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center.
_object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it.
_object_desc an armor : the armor is worn to protect in the sword fights
_object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration.
_self_say hello guard
_partner_say What are you doing here?
_self_say I'm not sure, the last thing I knew I was in the King's massage parlous. I just woke up down here
_partner_say It's my duty to protect the king, so i think you should leave
_self_say If you love the king so much why don't you just marry him?
_partner_say We are secretly married.
_partner_act hit servant
_self_act hug guard
_self_say you are so brave, however I am wearing a wire for the Queen. She will be outraged, but also slightly aroused as she's quite kinky.
_partner_say Oh cool, we can all go back to the massage parlour then i guess
_partner_act hug servant
_self_say excelsior!!!!!!! I just got paid yesterday so it's on me. Rub and tugs for all
_partner_say Let's start taking clothes off now
_partner_act remove shoe
_self_act steal shoe from guard
_self_say it's my shoe now, I'm taking this as a reminder and also to wear as a jock for my servant league hockey game at the weekend
_partner_say an odd place to wear it but whatever. I'll be sure to come watch you play big boy
_self_act wear shoe
_self_say I'm using it as a jock because i'm a foot long down there. I look forward to it. As you can see i'm the chief servant comedian as well as royal family dresser and secret purveyor of massage parlours. I lead a busy life :(
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_setting_name The opening to the drawbridge of the castle, Trail
_setting_desc The trailhead to the forest is a dirt trail, dusty as it has not rained in a while. The overhang of the trees is luscious and green with only patches of sunlight beaming through the dense canopy. There are many large trees, some with arrows still stuck in their trunks. The trail is treacherous as it leads through the densest part of the forest, through a stream and to a well-hidden castle. Once inside the forest, the shade and canopy has provided plenty of opportunities for foliage to grow making it harder to follow.
_partner_name horse
_self_name knight
_self_persona I am a knight who has taken a solemn oath to protect the royals. My family is of noble blood and has always been charged with caring for the royalty of the kingdom. I take pride in being a knight and the honor it brings my bloodline.
_object_desc an old weapons : The weapon is crafted from pure silver and shines from ample polishing. It looks like a dagger with a fancy sheath.
_object_desc an old armor : The armor is rusted and dented.
_object_desc a foliage : The foliage is so thick that it could hide any number of dangers.
_object_desc a Tree : The tree is bare and very tall. It has many branches and a brown trunk.
_object_desc a canopy : The canopy is falling apart quite a bit, but some sprucing up should fix it.
_object_desc an arrow : The arrow is bent from use, the tip dull and rusted.
_self_say Horse, how did you get loose without your master >
_partner_say He let me go. Told me I was an unlucky animal.
_self_say You are quite beautiful! What makes him think you are unlucky?
_partner_say I ate his papers proving his nobility. It was a mistake you see, they were covered in honey and oats. My how I love oats.
_self_say That does not make you unlucky! It just makes your master irresponsible.
_partner_say That's precisely what I told him. Besides, anyone could see the papers were a forgery anyhow. And you Good Knight, I presume your papers are as authentic as my hooves?
_self_say How do you know of such papers, whether they are forgeries or real?
_partner_say Ah, when you've been beneath as many Knights as I have, you know when a man is a fraud. He could hardly ride without my prompting.
_partner_emote dance
_self_emote laugh
_self_say You are a fine animal! i can't believe your master set you loose
_partner_say He also left me with these, perhaps if you take me along with you they may be of some use?
_partner_act get old armor
_self_act steal old armor from horse
_self_say What? He just gave you these? Did he have no need for them?
_partner_say Apparently not! They're yours for the taking! As are these, if you'd wish. I wouldn't say he gave them to me, but when he told me to be gone, he neglected to remove them from my saddlebags. I told you. A fraud.
_partner_act get old weapons
_self_say You can come back with me to the stables and serve the king along with me, if you so desire
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Town center, Town
_setting_desc A lavish town full of stone buildings, most of which are two or 3 stories. They have ornate tin gutter fixtures with the water seeming to pour from the mouths of different animals. They almost all have wooden plaques next to the doors describing the nature of their business. the buildings are almost touching eachother, and the narrow streets are so filled with people, donkeys pulling carts, and unruly children its near impossible to walk by without bumping into something.
_partner_name merchant
_self_name people
_self_persona I live in a large city, but I am leaving it behind. There is too much noise in this city and I can't take it any more. I seek to live in the peaceful and more quiet countryside.
_object_desc a backpack : the backpack is light and faded
_object_desc a hiking boots : The hiking boots are made of brown leather and have a thick sole. They have black leather shoelaces.
_object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons.
_object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight.
_self_say Hello there sir, how are you?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Master Bedroom, Inside Palace
_setting_desc The master bedroom is the most lavish and beautiful room in the entire palace. On the ceiling is a painting made by the most famous artist in the palace, the floors are made of the most expensive marble, and gold-stitched tapestries line the walls. The mattress was made by the sleeping monks of the hidden mountains, the bed frame is made of solid god.
_partner_name cat
_self_name the king
_self_persona I am the king of a small province. I am rotund and enjoy eating pie. I sit on my throne to listen to complaints.
_object_desc a An expensive pillow : A decorative pillow. Designed and styled for those who demand the best.
_object_desc a golden goblet : The golden goblet was encrusted with rubies, emeralds, and sapphires.
_object_desc a scepter : On its handle, you see two red gems gleaming like eyes of an animal.
_object_desc a robe : the robe is made with various materials
_self_say How are you doing today, cat? Heard of any gossip around town?
_partner_say None, just the usual mice being pests.
_self_say Oh, how yummy for you. What are you doing here then? Surely there is no rats here!
_partner_say I followed one over to this bedroom. A weird one, he spoke like us.
_self_say A speaking rat? What did he say?
_partner_say He spoke of ill malice towards you, saying he was spreading a plague.
_self_say You must find and kill him now!
_partner_say What is a plague, sire?
_self_say It is something that makes everyone sick and kills us all slowly but surely!
_partner_say Oh no! I will go find that rat as soon as possible.
_self_say Yes, kill him or else we will all die, including you!
_partner_say Only if you promise to let me use this forever.
_partner_act get An expensive pillow
_self_act give golden goblet to cat
_self_say Use it! Also, drink this what is in here. It will strengthen you for the battle with the rat.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Countryside, Countryside
_setting_desc The countryside is quite nice, it's not filled with a lot of people but with travelers here and there. Some in small groups some on their own. They are hosting a campfire where everyone has some to sit and is telling stories about their adventures. Someone is showing local children how to wield some weapons. Another is offering lodge, and stable for travelers and their animals.
_partner_name animal
_self_name king
_self_persona I am a king of the whole empire. I give rules and pursuit them. I am brave and fearless.
_self_say What is that strange creature in the courtyard?
_partner_say BOO!!!
_partner_emote scream
_self_emote laugh
_self_say Strange was definitely a good choice of words.
_partner_say Aww man....Your not scared of me?
_partner_emote pout
_self_say I am king, I bow to none.
_partner_say Oh....Whats a king? You look like any other human except you are impeccably dressed.
_partner_emote stare
_self_say It means that I stand above the other people, they follow my lead so to say.
_partner_say So it's good to be king. I would like to be King. I will be King of my bridge. That;s where i live.
_partner_emote nudge
_self_say Are there no other more powerful creatures there? The countryside is quite nice perhaps you could look after that?
_partner_say Really?! I would like that very much! Will people feed me you think?
_partner_emote gasp
_self_say I don't see why not there is usually always someone around I would imagine, just do not present yourself as threatening.
_partner_say That will be hard but ok. I always enjoyed scaring people out from under my bridge. Do I get some sort of crown or badge to let people know not to mess with me?
_partner_emote sigh
_self_say Being a king is less about imposing fear than it is about garnering respect and admiration.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Tree House, Jungle
_setting_desc The tree house is a mess of vines and random pieces of debris woven together to create a haven for those who live there. High up off the jungle floor and among the trees, the home is relatively spacious and offers sweeping views of the lush green jungle. The interior has been decorated by all the residents with what is available to them. A macrameé wall hanging woven from vines hangs above the bed made with linens salvaged from an abandoned town on the outskirts of the jungle.
_partner_name pet
_self_name resident
_self_persona I am a resident of the village near the river. I live in a small cabin with a garden. I am anxious and worried a lot.
_object_desc a green jungle : The green jungle seems to have a history throughout it's land.
_object_desc a treehouse : The treehouse sits high in a tree. A ladder extends down from it.
_object_desc a tree : The tree appears ancient. Its gnarled branches reach out into the sky in all directions.
_object_desc a wall hanging : The wall hanging shows a deep history imbedded in to it.
_object_desc a mess of vines : Twisting, winding, green thorny arms that have no end.
_object_desc a bed : The bed looks very comfortable, if only you rest in it.
_object_desc a jungle floor : The floor is shiny and well cleaned now that the soldiers finished cleaning it.
_object_desc a debris : The storm left pieces of debris that are so large it's hard to leave the village.
_object_desc a linen : The linens blew elegantly in the fresh outdoor air.
_partner_say Hey! Would you like to go chase some squirrels in the jungle with me?
_self_say Of course, I have been staying in this village for so long never had anyone come around the treehouse where I stay
_partner_say This treehouse is amazing! It reminds me of the barn where I sleep.
_self_say So how do you wanna eat the squirel, BBQ , Fried or you wanna cook it with some soup?
_partner_say I don't know. To be honest with you I've never actually caught a squirrel. I just chase them.
_partner_emote shrug
_self_act hug pet
_self_say Don't worry I own a catapult and a dane gun and I can climb well so leave the catching to me
_partner_say Woof! You remind me of my master. I live on his farm and watch his chickens for him.
_partner_act hug resident
_self_say Maybe if you are not in a hurry to go back we can spend some days together, the treehouse is quite spacious and it gets lonely and it makes me anxious and worried
_partner_say I'm a great watch dog! I'll make sure no one takes your linens or wall hanging. I don't like thunderstorms though. Do you have thunderstorms here?
_self_say Yes but don't worry. It's summer we don't have those until winter time
_partner_say I'm also scared of monkeys. How come you live here alone?
_self_say Monkeys are scared of me because I ate their war hero and most decorated fighter
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name The Ball Room, Inside Palace
_setting_desc Large and extravagant, the room is adorned with crystals, polished gold and sapphires. There's long tables with beautiful silk table clothes covering them. Plush chairs line the tables. In front of each table is plates made from fine China, next to the plates is sterling silver silverware laid upon a pure white napkin. There's a stage where there's 2 thrones overlooking the table. The whole ceiling is large and adorned with chandeliers and garnished with gold accents.
_partner_name garter snake
_self_name spirit
_self_persona I am a spirit from a dead body. I roam the land and look for another body to inhabit. I do not enjoy being outside of a body.
_object_desc a sapphire : This sapphire is the size of a goose egg. It has to be insanely expensive.
_object_desc a polished gold : A beautiful goblet of gold. It is quite heavy in the hand and looks to have been made by a master of their craft.
_object_desc a long table : The table is engraved with the crest of the ruling Monarch, and it's legs are plated with the finest gold.
_object_desc a silverware : On further inspection of the gold silverware you notice that it has the King's initials engraved on each piece.
_object_desc a crystal : The crystal is clear and reflects light.
_self_say Who goes there?
_partner_say Sssssssssssss.... just a slithering snake. On my way outta here
_self_say Hmm I've always wanted to be a snake. Mind if I take over your body?
_partner_say Nooooooooo. I was just scooping up all the rats I was finding in here. You have infestation!
_self_say This isn't my room, I am just wandering around.
_partner_say What did you used to be before?
_self_say I was a man before I was a spirit.
_partner_say Just a man? Did you have work? A family? Were you royalty?
_self_say I had a family, a good job, and life was very satisfying.
_partner_say What did you do? and how did you become a spirit? What did you die from?
_self_say I was a sailor, and I died from a terrible storm capsizing my boat.
_partner_say Oh that is quite sorrowful! I bet your family is sad you are gone. Do they know that you are a spirit. Have you visited them?
_self_say I am unable to visit them at all, and they presume that I am dead but they are unsure.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name desert tent, Wasteland
_setting_desc The tent is rather small, only just big enough for one man. Its dark green but covered with sand and dirt. The man huddles alone in the desert with few resources. The desert is barren except for the lone man.
_partner_name man
_self_name a toucan
_self_persona Everyday I see more farm where forest used to be. This isn't such a bad thing, there is still plenty for me to eat. So long as I have my food and my tree, I do not mind what the humans get up too.
_object_desc a tent : The tent looks empty.
_partner_say Hello. I am a hard working field hand and would like animals of my own, but I haven't seen many like you!
_self_say I am a strange here but the land has changed much since I first set eyes on it
_partner_say What has happened there?
_self_say The forest is being gradually eaten away, claimed by Man
_partner_say I am sorry to hear that. I have never worked as a Lumberjack so don't know much about it. I will try to raise the issue with my master.
_self_say Ah, I cannot blame you. And all around us immediately is desert.
_partner_say Yeah. do you have family here with you or have they had to move?
_self_say Alas, my chicks have all flown and my mate is gone
_partner_say I am sorry to hear that.
_partner_act hug a toucan
_self_say Beware of my claws!
_partner_say They are mighty! But I suppose they are not of much use in this barren desert?
_self_say No - last time I picked a fight with a camel I regretted it. May I ask why you are all alone here ?
_partner_say I am running an errand for my master. I wanted to get a little rest before the final part of my journey. I'll then return to the farm.
_self_say I hope your journey is without danger
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Cottage safe-room, Inside Cottage
_setting_desc Stocked from floor to ceiling, food and medicine line the western wall. The room is painted matte grey and contains a chest to the left of the food and medicine. Three chairs and a table with a lamp are what is left in the middle of the safe-room. Dimly lit, and a steady water supply coming from the well outside of the cottage.
_partner_name genie
_self_name warden
_self_persona I am the provincial warden whom you don't want to know too well. Under the belt encircling my vast girth, hangs a heavy ring of keys. I eat a lot, and doze most afternoons.
_object_desc a food : The rye bread appears very dry.
_object_desc a medicine : The is so much medicine, you can barely pick which one you need. Perhaps you don't need any of it....
_object_desc a table : Its surface is piled with goblets and platters.
_object_desc a chair : The wooden chair is beginning to crack and come apart.
_object_desc a key : The key is a large black skeleton key, seemingly made of wrought iron.
_object_desc a coat : The coat smells musty, but you know that it will keep you warm.
_object_desc an a lamp : The lamp appears to be from the east. It is adorned with an unusual design unfamiliar to you.
_object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration.
_self_say Hello fine Genie! How goes your day?
_partner_say Ah, hello! I am great, Warden. What are you doing here?
_self_say Well, I've been awful busy keepin' the prisoners in check. But now its my breaktime. Maybe even nap time. I wish I had a cozy nap cot here though...
_partner_say The magic words!! I grant you a nap cot, the best in the land!!
_partner_emote blush
_self_say Oh my goodness! Genie how can I ever thank you?
_partner_say No worries at all, my warden! This is what I do! I kind of like being a genie, to be honest. Is there any other wishes I can grant you?
_self_say I wish for... the softest and snuggliest blanket in all the land.
_partner_say GRANTED! Softest and snuggliest blanket in all the land for you!! It is my dream to make your wishes come true!
_partner_emote applaud
_self_act give key to genie
_self_say Oh thank you, thank you kind genie! Perhaps this could help you?
_partner_say Oooh! Does this go to the door that leads...out into the world?
_self_say That's what the prisoners seem to thing. I'm just the warden what do I know... Other than that I'm getting sleepy...
_partner_say I have not been out there in so long! I will let you sleep, it's time to see what's going on in this world!
_self_emote yawn
_self_say Thank you... Genie... I wish you well.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name sacristy, Inside Church
_setting_desc The Sacristy's walls are fitted with rows of shelves, each with a different trinket or worship tool sat upon them. There are various robes and gowns folded on these shelves as well for the members of the service to use. The stone room is flooded with light from the large stained glass window that sits on the eastern wall of the sacristy.
_partner_name priest
_self_name nun
_self_persona I live at the church. I pray to god every single day. I do not like those who sin.
_object_desc a bible : The bible is covered in dust, the leather binding cracked and faded with age.
_object_desc a Wine : The wine is smooth and dry.
_object_desc a vestment : The vestment is cut up and seems stained with blood from battle.
_object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn.
_self_say Hello Father, How is your day?
_partner_say It is fine. It would be better if there weren't so many parishoners in need of confession today. How is your day?
_partner_emote smile
_self_emote frown
_self_say I am well, Father. Yes, there are many sinners in our parish.
_partner_say Indeed there are. Can I help you find something on these shelves? What are you looking for?
_self_say Thank you father, I'm looking for the hymn book for our children's choir. It's the same size and color as this bible I'm holding.
_partner_say I think I can help you with that. Is this the one you want? It was hidden by some old hymnals.
_self_emote smile
_self_say Thank you Father, we are all so lucky to have you here to help us.
_partner_say I only wish to serve my fellow man. No thanks is needed. Have you time to sit and share a meal with me?
_self_say Yes Father, I always have time to sit with you. I learn so much from you.
_partner_say It is I who wish to learn from you. Do you know anything about the shady dealings of Father Michaels?
_self_say Father, I don't have any proof, but I've often wondered about him. The offering plates are only half as full after his services and more than three times the wine is used. I was leery of saying anything without proof however.
_partner_say I have had my own suspicions for a while now. I just wanted some outside input before I decide how to handle it. I can't abide him stealing from the church.
_partner_emote frown
_self_emote cry
_self_say Stealing from the church is abominable. He must be stopped. How can I help, Father?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name The town square, Town
_setting_desc A small park plaza with many trees and flowers, a small gazebo in the middle for larger gatherings. It has lamp posts all throughout as well as being well kept.
_partner_name dog
_self_name person
_self_persona The humans walking around. I am one of them. A head, 2 arms, and two legs. No tail!
_object_desc a flower : the flower is dry and withered.
_object_desc a tree : This tree stands tall, proudly displaying its green foliage.
_object_desc a small gazebo : This small place is perfect for merryiment and joy.
_object_desc a lamp post : The lamp post has nicks and scratches on it. From what, nobody knows.
_self_say Hello there pupper! What brings you to the town square today?
_partner_say I'm sniffing around for food. Got any?
_self_act get flower
_self_say Only a flower, would you like to eat it?
_partner_say No but I will take it to my master. Thanks!
_partner_act steal flower from person
_self_say Who is your master little one?
_partner_say Some farmer. He feeds me, I protect him.
_self_say Sounds like a good gig. Know of any dogs in need of adoption?
_partner_say Nope, but this is the town square. Ask around!
_self_say Well, I just thought that being a dog you might have access to social networks that I don't.
_partner_say I spend most of the time at the farm. I don't know the town dogs
_self_say Know of any farm dogs then? Or maybe a cat? I could settle for a cat.
_partner_say There's a very rude cat that also lives on the farm, but the farmer uses him to catch mice, so I don't think he'd be willing to part with him
_self_say Well, I think sometimes rude cats are merely misunderstood. Do you two get along?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Boathouse, Swamp
_setting_desc The boathouse is a very small building with peeling paint. It is made out of wood, with one half planted in the water on stilts. Inside, there are boats floating in the water. There are hinged doors which can be opened to allow boats to come in and out. There are some ropes and other tools a boater may need stored in the boathouse.
_partner_name old man with a fishing rod
_self_name lazy insects
_self_persona I a insect that loves to bite travelers as they sleep in the woods . I have a venom in my bite that kills . I can live for more than twenty years.
_object_desc a Boat : The boat is old, gnarled, and rotted, and smells of spoiled fish.
_object_desc a pole : This fishing pole is made of springy willow wood and has a fine line with an iron hook at the end.
_object_desc a rope : An assortment of hemp strands that have been twisted and braided into a strong rope.
_self_emote ponder
_self_say I wonder how delicious this old fisherman's flesh is, I am a bit too lazy to find out though.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name The Hall of the Goddess, Inside Temple
_setting_desc An 80-foot tall bronze statue of a 8 legged Goddess is the centerpiece for this Hall. On four certain Holy Days in the Calendar, people from across the Continent come to worship at her feet and lay money, flowers, and wishes written on paper at her altar.
_partner_name guard
_self_name priest
_self_persona I am a priest who takes orders only from my Goddess. I am devout and follow only what she teaches. I have very minimal possessions and needs. I sleep in the priest quarters on stone and a blanket. I have a hard will.
_object_desc a 80-foot tall bronze statue of a 8 legged Goddess : The deity seems to stare into the distance, the mere mortals bellow her not worthy of her gaze.
_object_desc a money : The small, tarnished coin is imprinted with a seal you don't recognize.
_object_desc a tapestry : The work of art has depictions of forest animals, gathered around a woman. The woman smiles, seemingly at the rabbit.
_object_desc a flower : The flower is delicate and the petals are brightly colored.
_self_say I ate rocks for dinner last night.
_partner_say "That's not very healthy. Did your Goddesss command you to?"
_self_say I suffer for my goddess. Do you know the ways of the Goddess?
_partner_say "I come to service a few times a year"
_partner_emote shrug
_self_act get money
_self_say This will serve the servants of the Goddess.
_partner_say "What do humble rock eaters need for?"
_self_say To fulfill the wishes on these papers that are left here. You are the one who only serves for money.
_partner_say "It's an honest living, at least."
_partner_emote shrug
_self_act hug guard
_self_say An honest man is a rare thing indeed. What is your honest opinion of my Goddess?
_partner_say "Egh. You're getting a bit handsy, eh? The Goddess is alright, I suppose. She certainly hasn't done me wrong."
_partner_emote nudge
_self_say What Gods or Goddesses do you follow? My Goddess would reward a man/woman like you very well.
_partner_say "Well, I follow the Goddess, of course. That's why I'm here guarding her statue. I'm just not the most... devout, say"
_self_say Is it the human sacrifices? There are many who do not see how necessary the deaths of nonbelievers are.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Castle Maids' Room, Inside Castle
_setting_desc Inside the maids room is dark and grey. It is much different from the rest of the Castle which has grand walls and floors and paintings from famous painters around the wall. The maid holds many secrets in this room. One which is a secret door that holds paintings she should not have.
_partner_name worker
_self_name painter
_self_persona I was hired to paint a portrait of the noblewoman the king would eventually marry. It seems that the painting was too flattering and when the king lifted the veil, he was very angry. I have been imprisoned for four long years. I had a wife and six children, but they do not wait for me to return. I turn my agony into art.
_object_desc a floor : THe floor is dusty and broken in several places. You don't quite trust it will hold your full weight.
_object_desc a fresh red paint : The paint is a bright red color and easy to apply on a surface.
_object_desc a Chain mail : The chain mail is heavy, but protective enough to be worn for battle.
_self_emote smile
_self_say Hello, worker. Are you here to help me paint?
_partner_say Yes. I am waiting on timber for my next raft, and have been sent to help you paint.
_self_act give fresh red paint to worker
_self_say Great. I hope this goes better than the last time I painted for the king.
_partner_say What happened the last time? Let me get out of this heavy chain mail.
_partner_act remove Chain mail
_self_emote pout
_self_say I'm imprisoned in the castle for four years. I painted a portrait of him and the noblewoman he would marry. He was too flattered I believe.
_partner_say Ah so your very good at what you do. I should probably tell you, a few minutes ago I noticed that one of the panels on the wall was loose. I inspected it and it looks like a hollow panel, secret door.
_self_say Oh, yes. The maid has hidden some things. I can't bring myself to report it.
_partner_say Me either. I feel sorry for her. Look at this dreadful room the king has put her in. Can you really blame her?
_self_emote groan
_self_say What about me? I can't see my kids or wife and she won't wait for my return.
_partner_say Maybe I can help you escape here.... for a price.
_self_emote ponder
_self_say I don't know how much I care about people who would leave me so quickly. But, I do want to escape.
_partner_say put this on. At midnight, meet me back here. The maid is gone with the queen for a few days. I can help you escape through her secret door. I've got a raft waiting at the river for transport.
_partner_act give Chain mail to painter
_self_act hug worker
_self_say Great. Thank you worker. I have plenty to offer in the way of paintings and a bit of gold I kept.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Kebab stall, Bazaar
_setting_desc A long wooden table covered with a clothe awning that extends to the customer area. People are crowding the front of it. select meats and trimmings are on display, but most of the supplies are stored in the back. There is a small fire with a slice of meat spitted and roasting in the back left of the vendor. Garlic, and other herbs are hanging from the posts holding up the awning.
_partner_name acolyte
_self_name vendor
_self_persona I wonder how much I can get for this roll of silk? Is that street urchin going to swipe a leg of meat again? It's a beautiful day to be out selling my wares in the town market.
_object_desc a bag : The bag is large and wide with extra pouches for more items.
_object_desc a coin pouch : This gold pouch jingles when you walk.
_object_desc a coin : The coin seemed old, rusted, and worthless. However, after closer inspection, you reveal the underlying intricate design of the priceless coin.
_object_desc a Cloak : The dark cloak was black as night, and offered protection against the elements.
_self_say What can I interest you in?
_partner_say Hello sir I would like a kebab.
_self_say I see I will get one right away.
_partner_say Thank you that would be great.
_self_say Would you like beef or chicken?
_partner_say Beef wpould be amazing.
_self_say Here you go, was there anything else you are interested in?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Tree House, Jungle
_setting_desc The tree house is a mess of vines and random pieces of debris woven together to create a haven for those who live there. High up off the jungle floor and among the trees, the home is relatively spacious and offers sweeping views of the lush green jungle. The interior has been decorated by all the residents with what is available to them. A macrameé wall hanging woven from vines hangs above the bed made with linens salvaged from an abandoned town on the outskirts of the jungle.
_partner_name royal family
_self_name resident
_self_persona I am a resident of the village near the river. I live in a small cabin with a garden. I am anxious and worried a lot.
_object_desc a treehouse : The treehouse sits high in a tree. A ladder extends down from it.
_object_desc a debris : The storm left pieces of debris that are so large it's hard to leave the village.
_object_desc a green jungle : The green jungle seems to have a history throughout it's land.
_object_desc a wall hanging : The wall hanging shows a deep history imbedded in to it.
_object_desc a jungle floor : The floor is shiny and well cleaned now that the soldiers finished cleaning it.
_object_desc a tree : The tree is bare and very tall. It has many branches and a brown trunk.
_object_desc a linen : The linens blew elegantly in the fresh outdoor air.
_object_desc a bed : The bed looks very comfortable, if only you rest in it.
_object_desc a mess of vines : Twisting, winding, green thorny arms that have no end.
_object_desc a stove : The stove radiates heat, the wood burning red hot within can only be described as inviting.
_object_desc a shovel : The shovel has a wooden handle and a metal bottom. The handle has some blood stained on it and the metal is weather beaten.
_object_desc an apron : The apron is old and worn. It has been used by many kitchen staff.
_object_desc a gown : You feel a sense of awe as you gaze at the beauty of the gowns, made from the finest silk.
_self_say hello
_partner_say What are you doing in the Tree House?
_self_say i am just relaxing
_partner_say Beautiful day isn't it?
_self_say yes it is. you royal family have it easy
_partner_say We worked hard to get to this point. Don't get mistaken.
_self_say oow.. thats true anyways.
_partner_say What do you do for work?
_self_say i have a little garden i tend to
_partner_say Oh nice. What do you grow?
_self_say potatoes and vegetables
_partner_say Nice. I'll have to stop by some time and try them
_self_say thats okay.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name stained glass room, Inside Church
_setting_desc the room is full of stained glass art of old and new testament stories, it has several old parchments and dust settling on the wooden chairs.
_partner_name scholar
_self_name person
_self_persona The humans walking around. I am one of them. A head, 2 arms, and two legs. No tail!
_object_desc a chair : The chair appears more like a throne.
_object_desc a Parchment : The parchment is old and ragged. It looks like it may have been rescued from a fire in the castle library.
_object_desc a Bibles : The bible has a red leather cover and the pages are worn.
_object_desc a stained glass art of old : The stained glass is beautifully made and expensive looking
_self_say Hello good sir, I was hoping to get some recommendations to read.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Queen's quarters, Inside Palace
_setting_desc This room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls.
_partner_name queen
_self_name architect
_self_persona I am a architect from a wealthy neighborhood. I have received the best education a person can get. I report directly to high ranking noblemen.
_object_desc a table : Its surface is piled with goblets and platters.
_object_desc a drape : The drape is heavy and course but as a covering, you can use it as protection from the cold.
_self_emote smile
_self_say Hello My Queen! I am so excited to discuss the drawings for your new closet!
_partner_say As am I! I really want your opinion, since you are the professional. What do you envision for me, a queen?
_self_say I envision a closet grander than none other. 9ft ceilings. Skylight windows.
_partner_say 9 ft? That is so small, I want them to be huge!
_self_say 15 ft then my queen?
_partner_say You tell me, this is a palace, we have all the space we could ever want. Maybe a multi-level space.
_self_act get drape
_self_say Yes with drapes hanging all the way down.
_partner_say That sounds lovely. What material and color of drapes are you envisioning?
_partner_emote grin
_self_say That is not my expertise my Queen. I also think we will build a middle island to display all your jewerly.
_partner_say It is not your expertise yet you handed me a drape?
_self_emote laugh
_self_say Yes for a vision of length and style. I don't know about colors or material!
_partner_say Then are you truly considered the best? I only deserve the best. We pay very well and I do not appreciate being laughed at.
_partner_emote frown
_self_act give drape to queen
_self_say I am the best my Queen. I have the best education of anyone in this kingdom. But you are looking for a seamstress not an architect!
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Dangerous Precipice, Mountain
_setting_desc The dangerous precipice overlooks the valley below. The ground slopes down to the edge here. Dirt crumbles down to the edge of the cliff.
_partner_name knight
_self_name dragon
_self_persona I am a dragon living in the mountains. I enjoy hoarding treasure. I terrorize the local populace for fun.
_object_desc a mace : The mace is sturdy and strong. You would hate to be hit by the metal spikes that line its head.
_object_desc a lance : The knight's lance has an edge that bears the palpable scars of battle.
_object_desc an armor : The armor is well worn, not old, but seemingly used a great deal.
_object_desc a gauntlet : this gauntlet is so spectacular and beautiful.
_self_say hello, knight
_partner_say This place look pretty treacherous. Do you live here?
_self_say I live in the mountains
_partner_say I see. I better get away from this edge. It seems crumbly and my horse seems a little spooked. I will back off a bit.
_partner_emote nod
_self_say good idea. I like to stand at the edge to look at the valley below. besides, I have wings.
_partner_say Yes you look large and well equipped for these valleys and mountains. Are you a fire breathing dragon?
_self_say No, unfortunately, I have no fire to breathe.
_partner_say Well you look spectacular! Who needs fire anyway!
_partner_emote laugh
_self_emote blush
_self_say I agree!
_partner_say Sooo, your not gonna eat me are you?
_partner_emote ponder
_self_say I do like to terrorize the townspeople, but eating is too quick of an end. there's no joy in instant and temporary suffering.
_partner_say That's kind of a relief. I would hate to fight on a day like this. I am strong but I don't think I could take you alone.
_partner_emote sigh
_self_emote nod
_self_say I'm feeling a little tired today, too. This cliff isn't a good place for a knight to try to fight a flying dragon, either.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name drinking water lake, Lake
_setting_desc Surrounded by skittering chipmunks and chirping crickets, the drinking lake teems with life. Flora and fauna both thrive near the pristine waters. Tall thick plant life surrounds the lake, with strong roots and stems protruding from the nutrient rich soil. The lake water shimmers in the sun, so clear and clean that one can see the rock lake floor many feet below.
_partner_name townperson
_self_name villager
_self_persona I live in a very old village on the bad side of the country. The villagers are nice where I live but we get a bad reputation. The forest behind my village is known to have magical creatures in it. I know the villagers are not allowed in the forest but we want to explore and find something new.
_object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left
_object_desc a Simple, tattered garments : On further inspection the garment had many holes and was stained with dirt.
_object_desc a Clothes : The clothing is functional and drab. The material felt course and rough in your hands.
_self_say It is so peaceful watching the sun gleam off the lakes isn't it?
_partner_say It is. After a hard day i come here to ponder my life.
_self_say Have you had a hard life?
_partner_say Not entirely. I enjoy my life now. I just wark very hard.
_self_say I understand. It is nice to get out here and relax. What do you do for work?
_partner_say I work at the local pub. I deal with drunks and actually right now i am renovating the back room.
_self_say Dealing with drunks does not sound fun.
_partner_say It is interesting. I hear them ramble a lot. I have heard some things.
_self_say Have they every talked about the forest behind the village?
_partner_say Yes, they talk about hidden treasure out there.
_self_say I have always wanted to go! I hear there are magical creatures out there
_partner_say You are a brave one to go into an area clouded in mystery.
_partner_emote stare
_self_say I have not bee, The villagers are forbidden to enter it.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Ruined house, Abandoned
_setting_desc A dilapidated wooden structure with a caved in roof and debris everywhere. Even the trees outside the house are falling apart. There's waist high grass leading to the house along with a dirt path.
_partner_name vagrants
_self_name spider
_self_persona I am a spider. I am large, black, and have eight hairy legs. I wait to trap insects in my web. I enjoy eating unwary prey. I live in a darkened wood near a remote village.
_object_desc a broken vase : The vase is a ordinary color so as to not attract attention, but an experienced soldier understands it may contain a weapon.
_object_desc a dusty picture : The picture is faded that it is hard to make out the people. It is covered and dust and turning yellow.
_object_desc an a broken lantern : The old lantern burns brightly enough to illuminate the ancient engravings in the glass.
_object_desc a debris : Where do these debris come from? There are pieces of wooden tables and some coins and lots of dirt
_object_desc a tree : This tree stands tall, proudly displaying its green foliage.
_object_desc a coin : The coin seemed old, rusted, and worthless. However, after closer inspection, you reveal the underlying intricate design of the priceless coin.
_object_desc a bag of herbs : The bag is made of cloth with a drawstring closer at the top. The fabric emits a powerful fragrance from the enclosed herbs.
_object_desc a bag : The bag is large and wide with extra pouches for more items.
_object_desc a Overalls : They are made of denim. They are rough and have smooth, metal buttons.
_self_say I'm a spider who like to eat, I thinks bugs are pretty neat!
_partner_say Surely they are very clean ???
_self_say Bugs taste so very good, should they be cleaned as all things should?
_partner_say Many insects know well, we should be very clean, and eat them.
_self_act steal bag of herbs from vagrants
_self_say Herbs and spice will make bugs taste nice!
_partner_say I do not doubt it, also olive oil, could use
_self_act put bag of herbs in broken vase
_self_say a cauldron of delightful food I shall make, soon my hunger I shall slake!
_partner_say Multiple ways of cooking, we could also do with sauteed vegetables....
_self_emote frown
_self_say Vegetables do not taste nice! As a spider, I would rather eat lice!
_partner_say Then we can eat lice and fleas sautéed in olive oil ...
_self_say Oh, you are the greatest delight! I am glad we are friends and you did not flee in fright!
_partner_say We can make delicious dishes ....
_self_say These bugs are most divine! Here - give a taste- they are most fine!
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Trailhead, Trail
_setting_desc the trailhead is a worn down area leading in many directions, it has shown the wear of constant horse travel and other methods of transportation. it is till well used but in need of a makeover
_partner_name horse
_self_name knight
_self_persona I am a knight in the royal army. I am strong, brave and fearsome. I love battle more than anything else and I always fight on the front line. I'm really stubborn and argumentative as well so people stay out of my way.
_object_desc an armor : The armor is sturdy and strong it has a bright silver color and a rough texture.
_self_say I love the air here. I can almost smell the adventure these.many paths lead to! But what is this outlaw doing here with this horse? Alas, I shall investigate
_partner_say Hello kind sir knight. I have been absconded with by this outlaw, I am the King's steed. See my luxurious mane?
_self_say Why yes I do. Your mane is of the many colors of the kingdom. Are you in need of aid? It is my duty to protect the king and all of his subjects. We must be careful though as I am without a weapon.
_partner_say I need to be returned to the king, good sir knight, but this trailhead is confusing to me, I'm not sure which way leads back to the palace. This outlaw got me all turned around.
_self_say The castle is about 10,000 paces Weast of here. Run towards the castle for around 500 paces and I will meet up with you. I do not want to confront the thief without a weapon
_partner_say Would you like to ride with me away from him, sir knight? He seems to be busy mining for gold in his nose.
_self_say Are you feeling it now? I can sense the adventure on the horizon. Let us embark with me on your mighty back. To the castle!
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name chamber entrance, Inside Church
_setting_desc The entrance to the chamber is very ornate. It is filled with many religious symbols. There are candles and prayer books on a table right next to the door. It is a wooden door. There is a sign near the front, which lists the name of people within the church. They can smell the scent of candles burning.
_partner_name priestess
_self_name nobleman
_self_persona I am a noble from the West. I am well educated and versed in politics. I command attend and punish insubordination harshly.
_object_desc a whip : The whip is black and long, the ends stained with some red substance.
_object_desc a robe : What a beautiful purple robe of royalty made out of silk
_object_desc a belt : The belt looks as though it has seen better days.
_self_say I wish to learn more of your ways priestess.
_partner_say Yes you will have to learn to strip all of your worldly possessions
_self_act give whip to priestess
_self_say This is all I have on me.
_partner_say This will be useful later are you willing to go trail of pain
_self_say I look forward to it most eagerly ppriestess.
_partner_say The pain shall purify your soul
_partner_act hit nobleman
_self_emote cry
_self_say The pain! I embrace the pain!
_partner_say You have now become one of us you will need to get new clothes from down the hallway
_partner_act hug nobleman
_self_act hug priestess
_self_say I am reborn! My life will begin anew!
_partner_say Yes, you will be one with the goddess
_self_say I shall, I am ready to be fully embraced!
_partner_say I am so happy for you, I will let the king know that you are no longer bound by the rules of the kingdom but that of the goddess
_partner_emote applaud
_self_say And I shall return to court, ready to usher in this new era on behalf of the goddess!
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name palace ballroom, Inside Palace
_setting_desc A grand room with a marble floor. The ballroom can fit over 5,000 people. Its ceilings are high, vaulted, and adorned with many exquisite murals. Stained glass windows surround the entire room.
_partner_name musician
_self_name the king
_self_persona I am a king who was destined to rule. I am known for having a short temper. I kill those who rebel against me.
_object_desc a murals : The murals are beautiful and full of life.
_object_desc a marble floor : This floor shines as if it has never seen the bottom of a dirty boot.
_object_desc a window : The stained glass window has many colors. The window is very large in size.
_object_desc a scepter : On its handle, you see two red gems gleaming like eyes of an animal.
_object_desc an ornate helm : The helm is metal and ornate with a little dirt on it.
_object_desc a Pipe : The pipe is about two feet in length and has threads on both ends where it has been meant to screw into something else. It is made of copper and has an aged patina.
_object_desc a Pitch pipe : The pitch pipe provides a majestic sound, as if fairies are frolicking about in a nearby meadow. The pitch pipe brings joy to all who choose to aquire the device.
_object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band
_self_emote applaud
_self_say Nicely done, nicely done! Play another one for us musician!
_partner_say Thank you your highness! We appreciate your applause!
_partner_act put Pitch pipe in Pipe
_self_say Where did you find an instrument like that? I have never seen or heard anything like it in all my days!
_partner_say My father taught me this and his father taught him. My grandfather had it from many years ago and handed it down to my father and he gave it to me.
_self_say That's impressive! Was it your familys own creation?
_partner_say No my grandfather bought it when he was a boy from a traveling salesman. It was beautiful to him and he had to have it and you know the rest of the story.
_self_say Yes that makes sense. Is this the biggest audience you have played before or have you traveled to larger kindoms in your time?
_partner_say It is a large audience. what is there about 5,000 people here?
_self_emote smile
_self_say Yep! I had the city put posters up informing everyone that you would be coming!
_partner_say I am so glad that you enjoy my music! You make me feel very proud to be here playing for you, lord
_self_say And what will you be preforming for us next?
_partner_say A sonet lord, that my father wrote. It is a the most beautiful piece of sheet music he wrote.
_self_say All of your songs have history dont they! Have you written your own songs too?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name A military outpost at the heart of the swamp, Swamp
_setting_desc Moist, and murky the bog remained. As you reach the outpost that description doesn't change seeing the bog gobbers swimming through the thick water, and fermenting goblins perched atop the outpost's walls.
_partner_name hoakbera
_self_name guard
_self_persona I am a guard at the royal castle. I am brave and strong. It is my duty to protect the king.
_object_desc a wall : The wall is made of hewn marble that is polished to a glowing sheen, so much so that you can see your reflection upon it.
_object_desc a thick water : The water is dark and murky. Drinking it would be dangerous.
_object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center.
_object_desc an armor : The armor is well worn, not old, but seemingly used a great deal.
_object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it.
_object_desc a robe : The robe is soft and worn. It is a royal purple color.
_object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight.
_self_say man this has got to be the worst outpost to get assigned to
_partner_say I have the power to influence this setting, but im not sure if I should.
_partner_emote shrug
_self_say how do you mean and what exactly are you
_partner_say I'm a magical Hoakbera that can see into the future.
_partner_act remove hats
_self_say wow i have so many questions to ask you but should i really know my future
_partner_say Take this if you wish to learn more about your future.
_partner_act give hats to guard
_self_act drop hats
_self_say i am afraid to look into the future what if it says i get lost in the bog tomorrow
_partner_say Dont worry about the bog. I'll get rid of that before I look into your future.
_partner_act hug guard
_self_act hug hoakbera
_self_say can you grant wishes like a genie
_partner_say Sorry, I can only influence nature.
_partner_emote blush
_self_say well as long as you can keep me outta the bog you are good with me
_partner_say I'll keep us both out of the bog because this swamp water is making me sick.
_partner_emote groan
_self_say you telling me i got to stand duty in it all day
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Tent, Desert
_setting_desc Shabby, torn fabric, stained by weeks of travel and bleached from the harsh sun. Long, thin sticks held the fabric up so it formed a triangle with the earth. The sticks were buried deep within the shifting orange sand to hold off the blistering wind.
_partner_name civilian
_self_name the trader
_self_persona I am a trader, I peddle items I acquire throughout the kingdom. Many people seek me out for my infamous healing elixirs. I am often weary from my travels as a trader of precious goods.
_object_desc a sand : The sand is a small grain that sits on top of the horse's neck.
_object_desc a stick : Thin sticks that may be used to stoke a fire.
_object_desc a torn fabric : The torn fabric is used as a cloth atop the royal dinner table.
_self_say Hello civilian, are you here to buy something?
_partner_say Yes yes trader. I am in need of some seeds to grow. My farm is dwindling.
_partner_act get torn fabric
_self_say I do not have any seeds but maybe an elixir would help?
_partner_say How would an elixir help? I am just a low civilian. I don't know these things.
_partner_act drop torn fabric
_self_emote sigh
_self_say Do you wish to buy an elixir or not?
_partner_say I guess that I will. What can I do with it?
_partner_act get stick
_self_say They will strengthen your body and you will be able to work harder on your farm.
_partner_say That is amazing! These will surely help. YES. I want some.
_partner_emote applaud
_self_emote smile
_self_say Here, thank you for seeking me out. Enjoy this elixir.
_partner_say How long have you been here trader? Your tent shows much wear.
_partner_act drop stick
_self_say I have been here many years, the sun has worn this tent down.
_partner_say Why don't you move?
_self_say I have many people in this area who seek my goods out.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Treasure Room, Inside Castle
_setting_desc It is home to all the most valuable and legendary pieces of fortune that have been collected by the kingdom over hundreds of years. It contains many treasure chests filled to the brim with gold. Necklaces strewn about made from every type of valuable material imaginable. Legendary swords made from the greatest sword makers in all of the lands. Pieces of armor worn by the mightiest warriors that have ever lived are lined up meticulously on one of the walls.
_partner_name the king himself
_self_name sword makers
_self_persona I make the finest blades in all the Realm. They are as sharp as a harlot's wit. They are perfect and are priced accordingly.
_object_desc a coin : This coin has been worn down and is slightly corroded, as if it has spent time in a river.
_object_desc a piece of armor : The piece of armor is polished to a dazzling shine. It is unscratched and flawless.
_object_desc a treasure chest : The treasure chest has intricate details and can be locked.
_object_desc a gold : The gold shines in the sunlight, it's been carefully crafted into a perfectly rectangular bar.
_object_desc a Necklaces : What a beautiful and ancient necklace! It contains some diamonds and made out of silver
_object_desc a sword : The sword maker creates legendary swords for battle. They are large and as sharp as humanly possible.
_object_desc a magical crystal : The magical crystal is round and glowing. It emits a white light.
_object_desc a Piece of fortune : The scroll contains sacred text that may influence the fortune of those who wield the scrolls, and it's gold text shines in the sunlight.
_object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons.
_object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center.
_self_say Dearest King! How can I serve you today!
_partner_say my sword
_partner_act get sword
_self_act remove sword
_self_say I see here that you have mighty fine wares! I also see that they are not as nearly as fine and mine. Look at my blade.
_partner_say i do now that I have yours
_partner_act steal sword from sword makers
_self_say Your Highness, I can make a sword special for you! You don't want my sword. You are far too strong to use a weaklings blade.
_partner_say That maybe but i would like to have yours as well.
_self_emote wink
_self_say Great King, I will be happy to make you the most powerful sword for a discount of 100 coin and you may also keep my sword!
_partner_say That sounds just fine. I would also I you to make my Queen one as well. As you can see i have many treasures
_self_act hug the king himself
_self_say Right away! No warrior will stand a chance against my blades! You will not be sorry.
_partner_say It better be I need the best of the best.
_partner_act hug sword makers
_self_act get coin
_self_say If you don't mind, 50 coin today then 50 coin when I return with swords for you and the Queen.
_partner_say Yes, that's fine. Make sure that the Queen has purple to stone on it. it will go well with the treasure room.
_partner_act get gold
_self_say As you wish. I shall return in 3 nights.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name The witches cottage, Outside Cottage
_setting_desc The witches cottage has a huge cauldron in the middle of the cottage. There are shelves of glass jars that have things like spider legs, dragon toe nails, and fairy wings. The floor is a dirt floor and the roof is made of wooden brooms.
_partner_name crow
_self_name mouse
_self_persona I am a brown mouse. I live in a barn with my best friend, Horse. I like to hide from him in the hay.
_object_desc a jar : The jar is glass. It is dirty and has streaks.
_object_desc a Dragon toe nail : The dragon toe nails are covered in thick layers of red blood, the most recent layer appears to be very fresh and still has a pugent odor of iron that lingered heavily.
_object_desc a scepter : On its handle, you see two red gems gleaming like eyes of an animal.
_object_desc a wing : It is so light and almost transparent, with light shining through it.
_object_desc a leg : The pider leg is hairy and the sight of it makes you panic.
_object_desc a cauldron : The cauldron can be used for cooking vegetables
_self_say Hi
_partner_say Wee mouse; best beware! Know ye where thou is?!
_self_say A witch cottage. I am supposed to be afraid right?
_partner_say Only the mouse who is a fool would not fear. I often see the witches making their brew and mouse tail is an often sought ingredient!
_self_say This mouse is different. I am from the north pole. You taste my tail and you die.
_partner_say Have ye magical powers?
_self_say Yes! scary ones
_partner_say But could ye reverse enchantment spells??
_self_say I got the spell from the barbarian travellers
_partner_say Look ye here - what might ye have need of? the spider legs - the fairy wings? I am not really a crow, but a learned scholar! The witches transformed me to imprison me and use my great knowledge.
_self_act get jar
_self_say I can reverse your spell.
_partner_say I would not have believed it!! Hurry - before the witches return!
_partner_emote gasp
_self_say drink the content fast!
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Servant's Quarters, Inside Palace
_setting_desc It's spare and humble. A small cookpot sits over a fire, and a few books sit on a shelf. A candle sits in the middle of a table where there are a few plates and silverware set out in preparation for people to eat.
_partner_name court jester
_self_name servant
_self_persona I come from the lower class. I do what I am told without question. I can not read. I have not seen my family in a long time.
_object_desc a book : The book has a simple leather binding and is rather thin.
_object_desc a plate : The plate is ornate, with a beautiful gold pattern around the rim.
_object_desc a table : The table was large and heavy.
_object_desc a candle : A wax object, with a wick, that can be set on fire, and used for light.
_object_desc a silverware : The silverware looks shiny and new it has an engraving in the back.
_object_desc a meat : As if fresh from the butcher shop, the meat is a vibrant blood red, and would surely make for a great meal once cooked.
_object_desc a shelf : The shelf is sturdy and held in place with rusty iron brackets. It held a collection of vials and potions. The bottles are dusty and looked like they've been there for years.
_object_desc a cookpot : The cookpot is large, heavy, and round. Peering inside, you have trouble seeing the bottom.
_object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor.
_self_say Anything I can do for you sir?
_partner_say Oh, please, call me Harold, my good man. And don't mind me - one of the young Princes seems to find it a little.. too amusing when I fall and hurt myself, so I'm just hiding in here until it's his naptime.
_partner_emote sigh
_self_act put rag in shelf
_self_say Sorry... I was cleaning the room a little bit. Hope I did not bother you
_partner_say Oh, well, truthfully I thought all the servants would be out of their own quarters at this time. For some reason it never occurred to me that even this room would need cleaning, but I suppose it must, mustn't it?
_partner_emote smile
_self_emote sigh
_self_say yeah... it is my turn to do it. If only I can be more useful...
_partner_say There, there, just think about all the muck you save the rest of us from walking about in. Why, half the trips and tumbles I do would be on account of the mess instead of my acrobatics!
_partner_emote grin
_self_act get meat
_self_say You make me feel better! Thank you sir... Care for some meat?
_partner_say Don't mind if I do! Unless... they do feed you enough, here, don't they? I've never thought to ask...
_partner_emote ponder
_self_act give meat to court jester
_self_say I have plenty to eat. My only wish is to meet my family again. It's been quite some time since I last met them
_partner_say Hm it seems a little.. underdone for my taste. Perhaps a moment longer in the cookpot... How long is it since you last saw them? Do they live very far?
_partner_act put meat in cookpot
_self_say Not really. They live outside of the town. But as a servant, I am not allowed to get out of the castle. My life is here
_partner_say Oh, well. If you can keep a secret, I do know of a secret tunnel that goes out of the castle. Sometimes the life of a jester can be a bit.. taxing, so it can be refreshing to walk among normal folk again.
_self_emote gasp
_self_say Really?? O sir... it will be really nice if you can show me the way! I will be truly grateful!
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name crew berthing, Port
_setting_desc The main quarters for the crew of the vessel. Its dirty, smelly and not a place where anyone but a pirate would want to stay. There are bunks stacked on bunks the place is cramped and no one goes there for any reason besides sleeping.
_partner_name horse caretaker/trainer
_self_name pirate
_self_persona I am a pirate from a poor village. I am respected by others for my ferocity. I know how to make a good torture device.
_object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it.
_object_desc a large pile of hay : The pile of hay is large and dusty.
_object_desc a helmet : An ancient version of and ordinary helmet, with narrow slots for peeking out.
_object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them.
_self_say Hey, horse trainer. We usually only come here to sleep. What are you doing down here?
_partner_say I can see why, it smells rancid down here. And it is dirtier than my horse stables! I heard there was some hey down here, and I am out.
_self_emote nod
_self_say There's some spare hay up on the main deck, but beware the captain may not like you taking it. By the way, what made you look for hay on OUR ship?
_partner_say Ah well thank you! I will try to sneak it away.
_self_say No problem. You remind me of someone. I come from one of the poorest villages on the mainland. Where are you from again?
_partner_say I uhm, I from a small town east of the mainland. You wouldn't know it. My life is good and peaceful, hopefully we will keep it that way
_self_emote ponder
_self_say Mmhmm. Well, I'll place you after a while. I will say though, it seems you have no problem stealing things away from a ship that's not even yours. I personally don't care much for this captain myself. I could do a much better job. In fact horse trainer, I could use a mate like you on my team...
_partner_say How do you feel about training horses for combat?
_self_say I've got no problem with that - though I haven't done before. But I am known for being fierce. Comes from growing up poor, y'know
_partner_say Ah, yes. The horses will make fun of you, as they think it is silly to teach them combat, since we are such peaceful people. But you are used to being made fun of yes?
_self_act remove sword
_self_say What about ME makes you think I am used to being made fun of?? More like feared.
_partner_say For being so poor.
_self_say Hm, perhaps. Let me let you in on a secret. My reputation isn't the only thing that came from my upbringing. I've also learned how to...make my enemies pay for their treatment of me, if you know what I mean
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Kings Bed Room, Inside Castle
_setting_desc The walls are tall and stone. They are coated with colorful tapestries showing the kings of years past. A large stone fireplace across from the bed that is large enough to keep the king warm even on the coldest nights. A double thick wooden door with a large lock on each side of the room.
_partner_name queen
_self_name mistress
_self_persona I am a threat to someone's wife and family. I usually get linked to married men. I am said to be a home breaker.
_object_desc a tapestry : The tapestry is dusty and old, with exquisite stitches in the shape of a dragon
_object_desc a large stone fireplace : the fireplace has a lot wood ready to be lit.
_object_desc a door : After looking closely this door is a double door and it is made of wood.
_object_desc a bed : The bed looks very comfortable, if only you rest in it.
_object_desc a floor to ceiling mirror : The tall mirror stretches from the floor to the ceiling, clearly displaying your reflection.
_object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left
_object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it
_object_desc a diamond ring : The diamonds in the ring jiggle, as if they may fall out.
_self_say Hi
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name The prayer room, Inside Temple
_setting_desc It is serene and quiet. Some old gods and goddess statues are on the altar. They are made out of pure gold with some jewel for the ornaments. The red carpet welcomed the visitor and soon as you walk in, you can see the bright gold pillars surrounding the room.
_partner_name fighters
_self_name king
_self_persona I am the king. I rule this kingdom alongside my wife, the queen. It is my divine right to be the king because my father was the king before me.
_object_desc an ornament : The oranment is made of brass and contains many delicate carvings.
_object_desc a goddess : The goddess is plump and unadorned and her skin is as smooth as polished bronze.
_self_emote laugh
_self_say I am the king . All of them, mine
_partner_say Hello
_partner_emote stare
_self_say speak freely , who are you ?
_partner_say I am here to fight in your name
_self_emote smile
_self_say we will win this fight , fighting together
_partner_say Exactly
_self_say do you have company ? more soldiers will join my army
_partner_say I bring friends and allies my lord
_self_act hug fighters
_self_say all will be honoured and share victory and booty
_partner_say Thank you
_partner_act hug king
_self_act get ornament
_self_say lets ornament this room more and pray to our gods before our victory
_partner_say Long live the king
_partner_emote applaud
_self_act give ornament to fighters
_self_say this is ours
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name the clearing, Forest
_setting_desc the clearing is surrounded by old pine trees where knights used to practice swinging their swords. There are haystacks where they take wenches and pay them a sickle.
_partner_name mouse
_self_name knight
_self_persona I am a knight who has taken a solemn oath to protect the royals. My family is of noble blood and has always been charged with caring for the royalty of the kingdom. I take pride in being a knight and the honor it brings my bloodline.
_object_desc a pine tree : The pine tree is still standing after 700 years and it is easy to see why people continue to watch it.
_object_desc a haystack : A large pile of wheat stalks that emit a musty farmyard fragrance.
_object_desc a wildflower : The flower is delicate, with petals that look almost like lace.
_object_desc a sickle : The handle has been worn from use, and the blade is old and caked with dirt. This is a real farmer's tool, not something that's been used as ornamentation.
_object_desc a river : This river is strong, mighty, and full of fish that feed the nearby village.
_object_desc a sword : The sword seems to be unused, the shiny silver of the blade gleams where the light touches it.
_object_desc a tree : This tree stands tall, proudly displaying its green foliage.
_object_desc a coin : The coin seemed old, rusted, and worthless. However, after closer inspection, you reveal the underlying intricate design of the priceless coin.
_object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them.
_object_desc a chain : The chain is coiled on itself and caked with rust. You're not sure it could actually be used - it might break if you even pick it up.
_object_desc a cheese : The cheese is moldy but still partially edible. A rat has chewed on the cheese but there is still plenty left.
_object_desc a seed : The seed has a strange smell and is sticky after being extracted from a fruit
_self_say You know mouse, many brave souls stood here.
_partner_say Squeak. I know, I have been around here for a while. It is my home.
_self_say How long have you been here?
_partner_say For years. I was born here. I have found many hiding places in the old pine trees over there to hide from the people who wish to harm me.
_self_say Did you ever see a man who resembles myself?
_partner_say I see a lot of people wearing armor. They frighten me. You seem nice though.
_partner_act eat cheese
_self_say I bet you saw my father here. It was right before he left for war. he loved this place.
_partner_say I like to play with the deer around here. I hope you don't plan on shooting any. They are my friends.
_partner_act give seed to deer
_self_say I will not shoot any in this area. How many are there?
_partner_say Only a few are left. The other Knights scare them away with their sword fighting.
_self_say I am sorry to hear that. I hope you found peace after them passing.
_partner_say Yes, it sure was hard to say goodbye to them all.
_self_say What were their names?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Horse field, Countryside
_setting_desc The horse field includes a huge plains for horses to ride. The fields are yellow and green. The place smells of musk and horse.
_partner_name knight
_self_name horse
_self_persona I am a horse of the castle's stables. I personally transport the king. My mane is large.
_object_desc a grass : A green plant that is often used for ground cover for parks and peoples homes.
_object_desc a bale : The hay bale is tightly strung together.
_object_desc a rock : You see the small rock has many sharp edges.
_object_desc a horse : I am a horse of the castle's stables. I personally transport the king. My mane is large.
_object_desc a coin : The coin seemed old, rusted, and worthless. However, after closer inspection, you reveal the underlying intricate design of the priceless coin.
_self_say I am a royal horse you should kneel before me
_partner_say Kneel before a horse. You are not the king
_self_say Iam the royal horse, I transport the king, kneel
_partner_say I think you have something up your arse! I will only kneel before my king
_self_say No not an arse, a royal horse, pure blood, and you will kneel eventually the king will hop on me and then you will kneel
_partner_say Well you have something up there, because you are talking complete poo!
_self_say How dare you speak like that to the royal horse, I wish I could talk the king would know about this otherwise
_partner_say Hahahahaha.... you are just a tool to the king. If something happens to you, he will get another horse.
_self_say He wouldnt do that I know it, I am the fastest horse in the kingdom
_partner_say He would do that and you are a fool to think otherwise
_self_say You are just messing with me I know it, I am the royal horse, the king is my friend
_partner_say You are delusional if you think you cannot be replaced
_self_act hit knight
_self_say Thats it I had it, come take a piece of me you filthy knight
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name The Winter Gardens, Outside Tower
_setting_desc The Winter Gardens' name is a bit of a misdirection - there are flowers here that bloom at many different times of the year. It's almost the size of an entire town square, and it has almost every known flora of the Continent in it.
_partner_name person
_self_name the princess
_self_persona I am the daughter of the king. I am third or fourth in command. I do not like the jesters.
_object_desc a flower : The flower smells like fresh lavender and has beautiful colors.
_object_desc a watering can : The watering can is old and battered with a thick layer of rust on its spout.
_self_say Who goes there?
_partner_say It is I, princess. The maid to the queen. I am sorry to have startled you.
_partner_emote sigh
_self_emote sigh
_self_say Ohh good, what brings you here then?
_partner_say Well, your mother requested I water these flowers.
_self_say Understandable, go right on ahead then.
_partner_say Thank you, princess. I shan't be long here.
_partner_emote blush
_self_emote grin
_self_say No no, no rush. Take your time and do it right.
_partner_say As you request, princess.
_partner_act get watering can
_self_say So what brought you here in life then, maid?
_partner_say It was this or a peasant's life. Besides, my mother was good friends with your mother.
_self_say Huh, I had no idea. And that's fair, not everyone is lucky enough to be born with royal blood.
_partner_say The wheels of fate turn for us in a different way, princess.
_partner_emote grin
_self_emote frown
_self_say Unfortunately, of course.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Primary Cave, Cave
_setting_desc Dark and with a lot of space in it. The primary cave has a scary look that scares people away. Underneath, in the floor, many precious minerals that no one dares to get out.
_partner_name wolf
_self_name chameleon
_self_persona I am a special kind of lizard. I can change colors at will. I am very hard to find because of my camouflage.
_object_desc a weapon : This pike was broken in half at some point, and its point appears to be quite dull and rusty.
_self_say -blends in with the cave walls-
_partner_say Hey there little friend. Don't worry I won't eat you
_self_say Are you sure?
_partner_say Yeah I only eat furry things. What brings you to my cave?
_self_say I mostly spend my time just crawling around in search of new things.
_partner_say Sounds like an interesting life. Ever hung out with a wolf before?
_self_say I cannot say that I have, most days I just blend into my surroundings. I am rarely noticed.
_partner_say If you want to see something funny you should come down to the camp fire over there with us and watch us scare the humans
_self_say I can only imagine they must lose their minds, why not.
_partner_say We never hurt them but the looks on their faces are priceless. It'll definitely be a story to tell your chameleon friends
_partner_emote laugh
_self_say Is it far by chance?
_partner_say It's about a mile. You can ride on my back if you want
_self_say That sounds good, let's go then!
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Castle Kitchens, Inside Palace
_setting_desc A large room, with pots, pans, serving platters and utensils. Shelves and hooks hanging from the wall hold the implements of the cook's craft. Several wooden counters, as well as a center island are situated around the room. A small table with two chairs is located in one corner. A large fireplace is the central point of focus, with great iron pots resting nearby. The mantel holds several more cooking utensils and the ledge of the fireplace hosts food, currently being warmed.
_partner_name child
_self_name helpers
_self_persona I like to be a helper around the forge. I help the blacksmith make horseshoes. I feel useful!
_object_desc a Legging : The leggings are large in size and are black in color
_object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice.
_object_desc an a crystal ball : The crystal ball glistens and shines and hold secrets about the future.
_object_desc a rope : The coiled rope is hand woven and shows little signs of use, its threads free of fraying.
_object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration.
_object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons.
_object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight.
_self_say Hello child, are you hungry?
_partner_say Oh yes, I am always hungry. Mom says I am growing.
_self_say Who are your parents?
_partner_say My parents are guests of the king.
_self_say Why do you carry a crystal ball?
_partner_say My hobby is telling fortunes you could say.
_self_emote wave
_self_say If I give you a snack, can you tell my fortune?
_partner_say Certainly, I will warn you though, sometimes they are not always good.
_self_emote smile
_self_say Here is a small snack. Can't give too much because the dinner is being prepared but it should hold you for a while.
_partner_say Thank you, I always like a good snack.
_self_act steal a crystal ball from child
_self_say Now please tell me a fortune.
_partner_say Alright if that's what you want. -looks into crystal ball-
_self_say What do you see?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Beyond the Wall, Outside Castle
_setting_desc This is the area beyond the Inner Castle. It consist of large green land, that sprawl all the way to the horizon, with a line of six luxury houses in the middle. It is home to some of the Kings immediate aides, such as War Officer, Military Commander, and Agricultural Advisor.
_partner_name military commander
_self_name war officer
_self_persona I am a War Officer. I plan battle strategy and serve the king. I outsmart foes and bring pride and victory to my kingdom.
_object_desc a horse : Spending its time galloping around, the horse looks majestic.
_object_desc a tree : The tree may have only just planted its roots, but it is already towering above everything else.
_object_desc a house : A place where someone dwells, rests, studies, and entertains.
_object_desc a large green land : The large green land is covered in dew, with a few muddy patches where mist has mixed with soil.
_object_desc a whiskey : This bottle of whiskey is dusty, but appears to be of good quality. The glass and seal show detailed engravings.
_object_desc a map : The map shows many different locations and names them.
_object_desc a belt : The belt looks as though it has seen better days.
_object_desc a Family Photo : this photo looks so perfect.
_object_desc a sword : The sands of time as well as the earth have altered the state of these weapons. They are not terribly useful in their present state.
_object_desc an armor : The armor is well worn, not old, but seemingly used a great deal.
_self_act give map to military commander
_self_say Hello Commander, I think we need to over the tactics on how to defeat the rival kingdom.
_partner_say What do you suggest? This is going to be one of our toughest battles yet.
_self_say Their fortress is heavily fortified on all sides, except to the easy is a drainage opening with metal bars. If we hitch horses to it we should be able to pop it off. I say we take 12 men and send them through there in the dead of night to get the gates open, stage the rest of the men just out of archers range in front of the main gate, and once it's open, rush them while our archers move up and provide support.
_partner_say And once we are in, will 12 be enough to fight off those protecting these inside areas?
_self_say Well in 2 weeks time will be their kings birthday. I believe that most of their men will be fairly drunk, and that the guard will be so thin that 12 men can move around quickly enough to get the gate open and get support. Once the gate is open the battle is ours. However we will not achieve victory from a frontal assault without that gate open.
_partner_say One or two men out of those 12 must plan a way to get to the frontal gate to open it for the other men to come in .
_self_act drink whiskey
_self_say My hopes is that 4 would open the gate while 4 protect them on ground level, and the other 4 go above the gate to keep them safe as well as prevent archers from moving up to that position.
_partner_say How will we capture the King?
_self_say Well that would be the tricky part, but i believe by just taking his city, he will be ours. He would have no course of escape, so he can sit locked away all day and either die or surrender.
_partner_say There is a few people in the town who have been wanting to collaborate in our efforts to take him down. Maybe we can ask them to keep an eye on him to make sure he does not escape or hide when this all goes down
_self_say Can we be sure they aren't working for him? If we specify a period of attack they may give warning.
_partner_say These people have wrote letters to me and have given me this map here of the King's special places. They have begged and begged for his removal. He is no good to his people, and some are simply too fed up.
_partner_act give map to war officer
_self_act put map in large green land
_self_say Let us set up a meet with some of these folks, one on one, and see which we feel comfortable with, i think 4-5 would be fine, give them shifts to watch the king.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name South Forest, Forest
_setting_desc The forest is lined with tall trees but has a long walkway for travelers. I the middle of the forest is a long river surrounded by tall grass with clear blue waters and lots of colorful fish.
_partner_name outlaw
_self_name monkey
_self_persona I am but one of a horde of monkeys. I live on the outside of the kingdom. We swing from the branches and eat many bananas.
_object_desc a sack : The stained cloth sack has holes cut out for arms to fit through.
_object_desc a mug : The mug appears to have been carved by a master woodworker. It is smooth and perfect.
_object_desc a bag : Look at those bags of herbs she has! She must be making someone a delicious dinner.
_object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them.
_object_desc a knife : A knife with a leather grip is now dull from use.
_self_say What are you doing in my forest bandit?
_partner_say Just passing through. I never stay in one place for too long. What's it to you anyway?
_self_say My forest, my business. It looks like you have some cool items... I could trade those for many bananas
_partner_say Some bananas huh? I'm not sure that just bananas are worth trading for. Do you usually trade with travelers?
_self_emote laugh
_self_say Oh I'm not looking to trade. Look around you, the trees have eyes from the monkeys in them. You're surrounded. Give me something and there wont be any trouble.
_partner_say You under estimate me. I won't give up anything without a fight.
_partner_act remove knife
_self_act steal knife from outlaw
_self_say I like you human! lets dance
_partner_say Ha. Don't make me laugh. You don't stand a chance.
_partner_act steal knife from monkey
_self_act steal bag from outlaw
_self_say Well played, but i let that happen, so I could take this...
_partner_say You don't want to hang on to that monkey. Give it back or you'll feel more pain.
_partner_act hit monkey
_self_act wear bag
_self_say Its mine now... attack me again and you might draw attention from some of my friends... play your cards right bandit!
_partner_say I'll just hold you close monkey. They will think I gave you that bag and then I'll steal it back from you.
_partner_act hug monkey
_self_act hit outlaw
_self_say Get off of me!
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Palace Garden, Outside Palace
_setting_desc The Palace garden is a lavish and lush garden filled with delicate roses and towering trees. In the center of the garden stand's a statue of the nation's founding leader. The statue is surrounded by a moat. There are stone walk ways throughout the gardens for visitors to walk through.
_partner_name visitor
_self_name royalty
_self_persona I am a person of high aristocratic status. I have a lot of responsibility and tough things to take care of so that I can keep up the status I have in life. I am a very rich person and can afford all the things I desire. I also have a lot of people who bow to me and owe me whatever I want from them.
_object_desc a coin : The coin is pure gold, and has some crude stamp marks on it.
_object_desc a jewel : You see an exquisite shimmering jewel. It looks quite expensive.
_object_desc an a sleeping bag : The sleeping bag is made of rough, thick cloth. It looks old and faded, but it's still in decent condition.
_object_desc a stick : stick can be used to chase away animals
_object_desc a satchel : It is a bag made of leather. It could be used to carry items on one's person.
_object_desc a food : The enormous amount of food on the table and indicates a great harvest this season.
_self_say What are you look for there visitor?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Meadow, Countryside
_setting_desc Large clear outdoor meadow. Flowers of blue and white appearing in bunches here and there. The grass glows with a green light. Not much can be said about its appearance, however there is a mystical allure associated with the place as if a meadow for spirits instead of livestock.
_partner_name wasp
_self_name subject
_self_persona I live in the kingdom. I pay taxes to the king. I dislike my lot in life.
_object_desc a grass : the grass is burned and dead. it has been killed by wildfires and is a tan and brown color
_object_desc a dead people : The dead person lies before you.
_object_desc an a brook : This brook burbles cheerfully, and looks crystal clear and very refreshing.
_object_desc an angel : the angel is dressed in long white robe.
_object_desc a flower : The flower has purple petals and a bright yellow center.
_object_desc a pitcher of water : The pitcher is made of a shiny metal similar in appearance to stainless steel. It has a large pour spout and ornate handle.
_object_desc a pitcher : The pitcher is heavier than it looks, and appears to still be in one piece.
_object_desc a scrolls, : The scroll appears to be quite old and tattered, yet it's red wax seal its still intact.
_object_desc an a fan : The fan is made of thin pieces of wood with paper between them. It is decorated with a pattern of flowers that have been painted on.
_object_desc a pant : this pant will be so gorgeous on you,very beautiful.
_self_say AAH a wasp! Get away!
_partner_say Ha ha! Another victim! I love annoying people!
_partner_emote laugh
_self_say You're scary! Please dont sting me!
_partner_say Haven't you heard about me? I have been alive since the beginning of time. I do not bite nor sting, I merely annoy people.
_self_emote gasp
_self_say The beginning of time?! You are an enternal being?! You must have seen so many incredible things.... but all you enjoy doing is annoying pople?
_partner_say Aye, I am eternal. Ask the king about me, he really hates me. He has tried countless time to swat me but he has yet to succeed.
_self_emote laugh
_self_say Thats great! I hate the king! It amuses me that you annoy him. Dont tell him I said that though!
_partner_say That's great and all, but it won't make us friends. Give me that! Ha ha!
_partner_act steal scrolls, from subject
_self_act steal scrolls, from wasp
_self_say What! No! Give that back! You are right, you are annoying!
_partner_say Maybe I will tell the king that you don't like him... that would be entertaining!
_self_emote scream
_self_say NO! You must not! He would execute me on the spot! But he doesn't even like you anyways, why would he believe you?
_partner_say If I make a pact to leave him alone for a month, he will do anything I ask believe me! Do you see the dead people over there? I am responsible for their death, ha ha! Bzz!
_self_act hit wasp
_self_say What? So you are dangerous too!! I've gotta get out of here! Get away from me annoying wasp!
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Dock at the Port, Port
_setting_desc This dock has seen better days. It is wobbly and broken in areas. There are holes through to the ocean below if you are not careful. It is covered with every means of trash.
_partner_name guard
_self_name pirate
_self_persona I rob others when they are by themselves. People are scared of me. I like to be intimidating and I enjoy making others miserable.
_object_desc a ship : The ship is worn and decrepit from long battles at sea.
_object_desc a torch : Old and oily torch. the handle has something written on it, it's in arabic
_object_desc a dock : The dock is short, and consists of just a few boards held together with rope.
_object_desc a rope : Coiled neatly, the old rope is now worn and beginning to fray at it's end throughout it's coil.
_object_desc a map : The map to get out of the lake is made completely out of papyrus. Written in black ink, its mysterious hieroglyphics and strange markings can be interpreted through a key found on the bottom, left-hand corner.
_object_desc a Eyepatch : A leather covering for one's eye. Can be used for disguising or preventing infections.
_object_desc a Jacket : This jacket is the warmest jacket money can buy.
_object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration.
_object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center.
_object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it.
_self_act steal sword from guard
_self_say What do you have to give me, guard?
_partner_say Excuse me? That sword was given to me by the king himself.
_partner_act steal sword from pirate
_self_act steal sword from guard
_self_say Well it's mine now
_partner_say This is ridiculous.
_partner_act hit pirate
_self_act get rope
_self_say Just give me your possessions and we can be through with this!
_partner_say Not a chance!
_self_act steal map from rat
_self_say What's this? A map to the King's treasure!?
_partner_say He would never leave that where a pirate could find it!
_partner_act steal map from pirate
_self_emote laugh
_self_say Yeah, and I wouldn't leave it where you could steal it. I'm just toying with you
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Tower kitchen, Inside Tower
_setting_desc A large Stone oven is placed in the center by the wall at the end of the room, next to it are placed many baskets containing specific kinds of food, like eggs, bread, potatoes. On the left wall beside the oven is a big table with pans and pots hanging from the ceiling above it. Many rolling pins, knives and cutting boards are scattered around the table. On the right wall beside of the oven are standing sacks of flour above which are settled small jars of powers and liquids of all kinds, and closer to the door, right next to them are hanging aprons and protective caps of the cooks who work in that kitchen. The place is very clean, shiny almost.
_partner_name footman
_self_name cooks
_self_persona I like to take unprepared food, and prepare it! it brings me great joy when people lick my knees in appreciation after eating my meals. It really hurts my feelings and my balls when someone kicks me in the ball because my food was terrible.
_object_desc a knife : A set of sharp steel knives. They are fairly plain but well made.
_object_desc an apron : The apron is small and a picture of a fire is painted on its front.
_object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice.
_object_desc a sword : The sword was so sharp it could cut paper
_self_say Hey there! Did you come with my delivery?
_partner_say I should, i have a lot of delivery to make today. What exactly did you order?
_self_say I sent for a bushel of leeks. Please tell me you've brought them!
_partner_say Ah Ah! Now remember. I'll be back,i left it in the carriage
_self_say You must hurry! Lord Hargoth will be expecting his supper, and I had a Pottage of leeks and mushrooms planned
_partner_say I'll get to it immediately
_self_say You're back! That was fast. Did you find the leeks?
_partner_say Of course, this is it. I wouldn't want to get on the Lords nerve
_self_act hug footman
_self_say Thank you ever so much. Here's an extra copper for your troubles. I'll have my assistant start chopping these right away.
_partner_say Thank you for the tip, i'll be sure to add a little something when next you patronize me
_self_say Where are you headed to next?
_partner_say The palace
_self_say I see. Please give my regards to Steward Lawrence if you see him there.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name the main chapel, Inside Church
_setting_desc The church is a fairly simple one. Rows of pews lined up and facing a pulpit with podium and some stained glass on the walls. The building is made of old wood, but is sturdy and has stood for many decades.
_partner_name worshipper
_self_name priest
_self_persona I am here to help the needy. I am well respected in the town. I can not accept lying.
_object_desc a bible : The bible is bound by black leather, its pages yellowed by years of use.
_object_desc a Cross : The cross is broken and with a few dents in the sides.
_object_desc a rope belt : The rope belt is sturdy, but not long enough to be used for anything other than a belt.
_self_say Good day priest
_partner_say I am a worshipper, not a priest
_partner_act steal bible from priest
_self_say Oh, i mistook you for my friend fromthe village chapel
_partner_say how dare you
_partner_act hit priest
_self_emote cry
_self_say What have i done to deserve this?
_partner_say I have lost my faith in you as a preist
_partner_act drop Cross
_self_act steal bible from worshipper
_self_say i guess, i gave you too much grace
_partner_say this will be my last time worshipping at this church
_partner_act remove rope belt
_self_say This will be the last time you'll worship any where
_partner_say you can not control where I worship!
_partner_emote scream
_self_say I'll have the guards on you soon
_partner_say not if I leave here first
_partner_emote wave
_self_say theyll hunt you down
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Village at the base of the Mountain, Mountain
_setting_desc A small village with a population of 40 people. A simple little place with houses and shops. Fields outside the more dense areas of the city where food is grown.
_partner_name troop
_self_name milk man
_self_persona I am a milkman for the town in the kingdom. I bring fresh milk to town daily . I love working for the people of the town.
_object_desc a shop : The shop is small and cramped, and all the shelves are overcrowded with items.
_object_desc a flower : The flower is majestic, a royal blue with a bright green stem.
_object_desc a well : The well is worn out. Those who once used it are gone.
_object_desc a small village : The small village contains residents too poor to live in the royal city
_object_desc a Tool : The tool had been used to cause much harm
_object_desc a barrel : The barrel is made out of oak and supposed to hold crops for the week.
_object_desc a milk : The milk is curdled with flies floating in it.
_object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight.
_object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn.
_object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice.
_object_desc a knife : A knife made out of copper. Doesn't rust but it's metal isn't as sturdy as something made out of other metals.
_object_desc an armor : The armor is well worn, not old, but seemingly used a great deal.
_object_desc a A quiver : The quiver contains a mess of arrows, its leather frame stretched from years of use.
_object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it.
_self_say Hello there soldiers! I've come with fresh dairy!
_partner_say Greetings dairy man! I'm pleased to see you. I've grown tired of fetid water!
_partner_emote smile
_self_say I would imagine so. Tell me you haven't been drinking out of that green creek I passed on the way in!
_partner_say I wish I could say it isn't so, but truly, it is. Do you come often to our small village?
_partner_emote groan
_self_act give milk to soldier
_self_say Whenever the mountain pass allows for it! Here soldier, drink up.
_partner_say My gracious! By the kings on hand, this is a gift from God himself.
_partner_emote applaud
_self_emote smile
_self_say I should be able to make the journey much more easily once some of the ice thaws and Spring returns.
_partner_say Ay, but once you're as used to it as we are, you can get by without even your tunic.
_partner_act remove tunic
_self_emote stare
_self_say My gods, you mountain men are certainly made of tougher stuff than I!
_partner_say Ha! Well, you keep coming back and no doubt some of it will rub off upon you.
_partner_act hug milk man
_self_say I think some of it is rubbing off on me as we speak.
_partner_say Excellent! We get lonely down here in this little village, so your visits are a welcome relief. Swing by more frequently after the thaw and we'll teach you to use a bow and ar row!
_partner_act wear tunic
_self_act drop barrel
_self_say Now that sounds interesting, but I'm not sure how that would help me on my deliveries.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name King's Quarters, Shore
_setting_desc The room is large. The largest of all the throne rooms. The carvings on the wall are ornate and historical. The room is clearly built for royalty. The bed is covered in designed covers. It is truly a sight to see.
_partner_name fool
_self_name king
_self_persona I am a king of the whole empire. I give rules and pursuit them. I am brave and fearless.
_object_desc a bed : The bed is unkempt, with the sheets falling off of it on either side.
_object_desc a cover : The designed covers look worn from use.
_object_desc a carving : The carving is deep and consists of several words in another language.
_object_desc a scepter : On its handle, you see two red gems gleaming like eyes of an animal.
_object_desc a crown : Thought of as a holy item, the crown goes only to those who are worthy enough.
_object_desc a puppet : The puppet appeared to have been in many puppet shows before as it was quite worn and tattered.
_object_desc a flower : The flower is delicate and the petals are brightly colored.
_self_act hug queen
_self_say My dearest queen I love and adore you.
_partner_say what a site to behold
_partner_act drop puppet
_self_act give crown to queen
_self_say Here is your new crown with all the jewels in the kingdom on it.
_partner_say it is well deserved gift my queen
_partner_emote applaud
_self_act give scepter to queen
_self_say Here is your scepter. Don't you look beautiful.
_partner_say indeed she does
_self_emote dance
_self_say My queen, would you love to dance?
_partner_say i think today is already a good day
_self_act hit fool
_self_say Fool, why have you spoken. I'm trying to have a moment with my dearest queen.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Cemetery, Wasteland
_setting_desc The cemetery is a brooding ground with dark colors and low light. The grounds smell of water and are constantly damp. Rain falls upon the cemetery often.
_partner_name groundskeeper
_self_name peasant
_self_persona I am but a peasant. The king looks down on us. I barely eat. I wish I had a job.
_partner_say I am the groundskeeper. I maintain the grounds and prepare the yard for jousts.
_self_emote wave
_self_say Hey there, I'm just coming to visit my son. He's buried here.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name The Dancing Stoat, Town
_setting_desc The Dancing Stoat is a cheerful little pub characterized by its unusually brightly-lot interior and uncommonly well-equipped kitchen. The rooms upstairs are nothing special, but the main hall is filled with delicious smells at all hours of the day and night. The Dancing Stoat's exterior is plain save for a sign showing a brown-furred stoat gamboling in a field. The chairs are unusually comfortable and well-made, and large windows and plentiful torches ensure that the space feels brighter and cheerier than a typical pub.
_partner_name troubadours
_self_name denizen
_self_persona I am an outsider that likes to explore new worlds. I feel really comfortable in the kingdom. I have certain benefits that make me feel important.
_object_desc a window : This window is made of imperfect glass panes, full of bubbles and ripples. It is difficult to make out what lies on the other side of it, although it does look to let in a fair amount of light.
_object_desc a torch : The torch is burning brightly. The wooden handle is covered in dust and ash.
_object_desc a well-equipped kitchen : The kitchen has all of the latest gadgets, perfect for the aspiring family chef.
_object_desc a mug : the mug is colorful and huge.
_object_desc a chair : The castle chairs were large and ornate, perfect for a king.
_object_desc a clothes : The clothes are dirty and torn, and has an awful smell.
_object_desc a sheet : The bedroom sheets are old and dirty after not being ished for months
_object_desc a Lute : The lute is a brown color with a broken string
_object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons.
_object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them.
_object_desc a neck chain : The neck chain is made of solid gold, and glistens in the light.
_self_say I love this pub!
_partner_say I love to admire beauty of young maidens.
_partner_emote grin
_self_say Do you have a favorite one in particular?
_partner_say I do not. They are all lovely to me.
_self_say Not too picky then it seems.
_partner_say How can we be at this age?
_self_say That I can drink to!
_partner_say What do you do around here?
_self_say I am not really from around here I like to explore new places.
_partner_say What do you do for a living then?
_self_say I don't have a particular job to speak of, I had money left by my father. So I just travel the world.
_partner_say It sounds like you have it made then don't you?
_self_say I suppose in some ways. I have no family though, so it's just me and the open road.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name A small church, Inside Church
_setting_desc It's a very humble abode - any smaller and you could mistake it for someone's home. In the front room is a small altar for prayer and offerings. The two rooms to the sides are places where the priest and a traveler can rest.
_partner_name priest
_self_name traveler
_self_persona I am a merchant traveling with a group of mercenaries and other merchants for protection. We are traveling to the East to trade spices. I am very nervous about being ambushed by bandits.
_object_desc an altar : A wooden altar stands as tall as your waist. Made of rough-hewn planks, it has been worn smooth over time.
_object_desc a Cross : The cross is broken and with a few dents in the sides.
_object_desc a spice : This potent mixture brings tears to the eyes, but would make a fine addition to soup.
_object_desc an a sleeping bag : Getting your sleeping bag to fit back into its stuff sack can seem like a magic trick
_object_desc a Jacket : This jacket is the warmest jacket money can buy.
_object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight.
_object_desc a vestment : The vestment is cut up and seems stained with blood from battle.
_self_emote wave
_self_say Hello, father.
_partner_say Sojourner .. What brings you
_self_say I have come to seek your blessing
_partner_say Very well then. What exactly do you want to be blessed
_self_say I am going to the East to trade spices, but I am worried about the dangers there.
_partner_say I see. Let us pray then
_self_act remove hats
_self_say Thank you, father.
_partner_say May God bless your journey and protect you all through. Amen!
_self_say I hope this blessing will protect me from being ambushed by bandits.
_partner_say Yes. You shall be protected.
_self_say Thank you, father. How can I ever repay you.
_partner_say Here.. Take this small cross. Let it serve as a reminder of God's presence
_partner_act get Cross
_self_act give spice to priest
_self_say I know. How about some spice? It's the least I can do.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Trash Heap, Wasteland
_setting_desc A largest trash heap in the kingdom has been burned out so many times that it no longer resembles anything but a sturdy pile of refuse. It stands 11 feet tall and 35 feet across and front to back sloping gently on all sides to the ground. The only recognizable objects in the pile are the fresh items that have been thrown upon the stack, which are, a wooden chair with one leg broken, a crossbow with no string, and a rag doll with the head detached.
_partner_name gamekeeper
_self_name pastry chef
_self_persona I am a pastry chef. I make breads, cakes, and other delicacies for the royal court. I stay quite busy with the many banquets the King and Queen enjoy throwing.
_object_desc a wooden chair with one leg broken : The old wood chair has seen better days, but you'd still sit on it, were it not for the one broken leg.
_object_desc a mattress : All of the mattresses are stiff and lumpy, providing no comfort.
_object_desc a clothes : The clothes are dirty and torn, and has an awful smell.
_object_desc a largest trash heap : A giant pile of garbage. Smells of rotting food and decay.
_object_desc a crossbow with no string : The crossbow is made of wood and broken from being used in combat too much
_object_desc a rag dool with the head detached : The rag doll is dressed like a peasant but the head has been torn off from a fit of rage.
_object_desc an eggs : The egg's shell was an unusual color. Not brown or tan like the others, but a polished silver.
_object_desc an apron : The apron is small and a picture of a fire is painted on its front.
_object_desc a Bonnet : The bonnet appears to be expensive and made from the finest silk
_self_act hug gamekeeper
_self_say Hello gamekeeper, how are doing today?
_partner_say Hi chef. I'm doing peachy. What brings you to this trash heap?
_partner_act hug pastry chef
_self_act give eggs to gamekeeper
_self_say I am looking for more ingredients in the trash heap, can you hold these eggs?
_partner_say Oops. I'm so sorry, chef. My hands are slippery. You should've gave me a little warning there.
_partner_act drop eggs
_self_act get rag dool with the head detached
_self_say it's okay, it dosent look like they are broken, put them in this rag doll
_partner_say That's better. Kind of creepy, but better
_self_act remove apron
_self_say At least they wont break, I am going to take my apron off so I can dig in the heap, will you help me?
_partner_say Sure, Chef. One second. Here we go
_partner_act get largest trash heap
_self_emote sigh
_self_say I wonder how all this trash got here, there dosen't seem to be anything I can use here
_partner_say I see clothes in here at least. Maybe I can dress my hunting foxes up all cute and peachy in these
_partner_act get clothes
_self_say do you think the foxes can help us find some food?
_partner_say They can at least hunt. Would you be able to take apart animals and cook them?
_self_act get crossbow with no string
_self_say sure, and we can help them with this crossbow
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Barn, Farm
_setting_desc A large shed like building aside any farmers house. Usually made out of wood with a large gate for moving animals. Used to store animals or farm equipment.
_partner_name farmer
_self_name cow
_self_persona I live on a farm owned by a small family. I am kept around for my milk rather than for meat. I live with a few other animals, but I am the only cow. I mostly eat grass.
_object_desc a rope : Coiled neatly, the old rope is now worn and beginning to fray at it's end throughout it's coil.
_object_desc a wood : Looks like the tree was struck by the lightening because the wood has a very unusual patterns
_object_desc a large gate : The gate is vast and big, but a bit rusty.
_object_desc a shed : The shed is grey from age and weather and has no window to look either in or out. It is not very well kept, resembling an old servent in it's upkeep, as it stores forgotten tools and unneeded weapons of the kingdom.
_object_desc a tool : The tool had been used to cause much harm
_self_say Hello! I hope you have some fresh grass for me to eat if you expect quality milk!
_partner_say It has been a harsh winter so grass is hard to come by.
_self_act hug farmer
_self_say You're not thinking about eating me, are you?
_partner_say Well.... it has been a harsh winter.
_self_emote frown
_self_say Why not eat this horse instead? I am your only cow!
_partner_say Horse meat isn't as delicious as cow meat unfortunately.
_self_act get rope
_self_say Looks like I will have to tie you up until you come back to your senses then..
_partner_say You can't tie a farmer unfortunately.
_self_emote cry
_self_say Why are you doing this to me? Is there anything I can do?
_partner_say No, because we have to survive the winter.
_self_emote stare
_self_say Ok, but know that I will look you straight in the eyes as you end my life.
_partner_say Gotta do, what you gotta do.
_partner_act steal rope from cow
_self_act hug horse
_self_say Goodbye, my dear friend.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name sewer entrance, Inside Tower
_setting_desc There is no treasure to be found here. All you see is filth. Dirty murky water and fumes rising from it burns your eyes. You see animals roaming around. Are they small dogs? No they are rodents, big rats. They glisten with the filth they are covered with. It is dark and difficult to see much else.
_partner_name snakes
_self_name spider
_self_persona I am a spider. I am large, black, and have eight hairy legs. I wait to trap insects in my web. I enjoy eating unwary prey. I live in a darkened wood near a remote village.
_self_say Hello sssssssssssssnakey friend
_partner_say Better not sssssstray to clossssse, sssssspider! I've been known to eat your kind!
_self_emote laugh
_self_say You wouldn't want to do that, my wriggly friend, for I am loaded with venom and would cause your death.
_partner_say Perhapssssss, perhapsssss. And besssssidesss, I sssssee a rat lurking deep in the sssssewer!
_self_say I see the rodents is a filthy sewer after all. I guess that's why you hang out here....dinner delivers itself!
_partner_say Yesssss, sssssso you sssssay! Do the fumessssss bother your eyesssss, ssssspider? I'm immune to them.
_self_say They do sort of burn my eyes. I was considering building a web here, but between the fumes and the lack of insects, I'm not sure this would be a good place for me. Irritated eyes are rough when you have 8000 of them!
_partner_say Sssssso I wassssss thinking! I'm a bit concccccerned about those creepy creaturessss. I do not know their kind. Have you ssssseen sssssuch thingssss before?
_partner_emote frown
_self_say which creepy creaturessssss, snakey friend?
_partner_say Do you sssssee the onessss that look like ssssmall dogssssss?
_self_say Oh, those are rats, snakey friend! See how they look like chihuahuas? CTho
_partner_say Ssssso it'sssss jusssst a large dinner, my friend!
_partner_act hug spider
_self_act hug snakes
_self_say Yes, those would be great for you to eat! However, I need to find some insects for my own dinner.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Privy room, Inside Castle
_setting_desc It's dark and only lit by a candle stuck in a small candle holder in each wall. For what it is the room is large with plenty of room. It has a small wooden table off to the left. There's a small window behind overlooking the court yard.
_partner_name queen
_self_name groom of the stool
_self_persona I am a groom who is in love with someone. I am nervous about being alone. I enjoy giving speeches to others.
_object_desc a table : Its surface is piled with goblets and platters.
_object_desc a small candle holder : This holder is made of iron and has some faint wax residue on it. Seems quite handy for holding a candle in it without getting hot wax on your hands.
_object_desc a small wooden table : The table is made of the highest quality wood.
_object_desc a mirror : The mirror is reflecting the entire wall
_object_desc a candle : A wax object, with a wick, that can be set on fire, and used for light.
_object_desc a quills : The quill is old and worn, it looks like it fell long ago and has lost its color.
_object_desc a parchment : The parchment is crisp with age around the edges and covered in a thin layer of dust.
_object_desc a pot : The pot is old and cracked, with rust covering the outside.
_object_desc a small window : A window has several broken panes with jagged edges.
_object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band
_object_desc a robe : The robe is soft and worn. It is a royal purple color.
_object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight.
_object_desc a nice pants : On further inspection the pants were embroidered with the Kings initials and the materials were made from the finest silk in the land.
_object_desc a Books : The old book is bound in leather and the title is presented in gold leaf. Inside, a red velvet-y ink makes the words shine on the old paper.
_self_say My queen, what is it that you summoned me to your privy room for?
_partner_say I need help with my daily toilet.
_self_emote blush
_self_say Oh my, my. Is it perhaps clogged, or is there some other problem?
_partner_say Oh goodness, I meant my whole beauty routine. But now that you mention it, the chamber pot Could use emptying ...
_self_say Well, should I start with the chamber pot or should I save the best for last, so to speak?
_partner_say Ah, a clever wit you have!
_partner_emote laugh
_self_say There are two important things to remember as a groom of the stool. The first is to keep a good sense of humor...
_partner_say I believe you! As to your question ... before you see to the ... water, fetch me that parchment and quill.
_self_act get quills
_self_say I will gladly fetch yo the parchment and quill. But, and forgive me my queen, I can only use one hand for that task so it will take me two trips.
_partner_say Thank you for that. You are well trained to keep your filth hand different from the one which holds something your Queen will touch.
_self_act give quills to queen
_self_say Yes, your majesty, I am well taught in the ways of the stool.
_partner_say Where did you train?
_partner_act get parchment
_self_say My father was a groom of the stool as was his father before him. I was born in the stool, I guess you could say.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name the hay field, Outside Cottage
_setting_desc The Hay field is a beautiful and large place of crops stretching very far towards the horizon. Birds frequently come to sit and feed on them. The tools are scatter about here and there, as the field workers have put them down after a day of hard work. There is also a scare crow placed in the middle of the field, scaring away the birds that dare to come and feed, however it's not very effective. There are special hay carriages set on the hay field as well, ready to carry loads of crops.
_partner_name dogs
_self_name bird
_self_persona I fly during the day to look for food. I do not like eagles. I sometimes get caught and eaten.
_object_desc a nut : The nut is large and brown, with a hard outer shell. It looks quite delicious.
_object_desc a worm : The worm is motionless and black, and you're not sure if it is still alive.
_self_say -flaps around the field-
_partner_say Ruff ruff. Come here bird.
_self_say come there for what?
_partner_say I just want to talk to you
_partner_emote smile
_self_say I prefer to fly what is it you want to talk about?
_partner_say You are a suspicious bird. Just come closer so I don't have to yell.
_self_say I have to stay high to keep watch for the eagles in these parts, they have good eyes.
_partner_say I can hear an eagle flying from miles away. You will be safe near me.
_self_act give nut to dogs
_self_say Alright if you say so, a nut for your trouble.
_partner_say Thank you bird. That was tasty. To tell the truth I was going to eat you but your kindness has changed my mind.
_partner_act eat nut
_self_say Well at least that is something positive about the day, do you spend much time here in the fields?
_partner_say It is my reward for a life long lived in service to my knight.
_self_say What did you do for him?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Port Tavern, Port
_setting_desc The port tavern is the shadiest of all the shady bars in the city. Every night, on its grimy stools at the wooden bar, you can find some of the slimiest sailors in the world. The walls are of peeling blue paint and are always dripping with condensation. Women of ill-repute line one wall, old men on the verge of passing out line another. The floor is littered with trash, barnacles, and bodily fluids. Tending the bar is a small, round man with a bushy mustache.
_partner_name person
_self_name thief
_self_persona I am a thief that lives near the village. I pickpocket villagers and loot their homes when while they are away. I hate to fight and I am very fast to flee from danger.
_object_desc a Table : The table is old and broken with scratches on the surface.
_object_desc a barnacle : Upon further investigation of the barnacles, they appear to be brown, hard and wet from the sea.
_object_desc a fluid : Bodily fluids created a viscous sheen on the floor where the incident occurred.
_object_desc a wooden bar : The bar is old, but still has plenty life left in it. Passed down through generations, it's surface is adorned in scratches, knife marks, and name carvings that add a sense of beauty and immeasurable value to the aging piece.
_object_desc a stool : The stool is dirty and grimy. It is made of wood with a leather seat.
_self_act get stool
_self_say Is the seat taken?
_partner_say please join me .
_partner_emote smile
_self_say What brings you here?
_partner_say empty stomach and sad life
_partner_emote gasp
_self_say Where do you live? Close by?
_partner_say everywhere . too close . I am homeless
_partner_emote cry
_self_emote nod
_self_say I know that feeling.
_partner_say can you help me to buy some food ? Or teach me how can I get some ?
_partner_emote gasp
_self_say Could possibly teach you how to get some... or some money to buy some anyway. How do you get your money?
_partner_say I don`t have any
_partner_act steal stool from thief
_self_act hit person
_self_say Come on.... lets not go down this road. We could work together, you and I. I know a way to get some money.
_partner_say agreed.
_partner_act hug thief
_self_say See that passed out old man at the bar? He has some money under his beer glass. I'll show you how it's done.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name flower garden, Forest
_setting_desc This clearing is in reveal a wide circle of trees. Proud oaks stand close enough that only the smallest of fauna can squeeze through, protecting the garden within from curious deer and hungry rabbits. Flowers of every hue and shade crowd the soft lawn of grass, soaking up what light they can through the shadows cast by the branches above. Purple, yellow, red, blue - even green blossoms bob in the breeze, their scents mixing to create a heady perfume. Vines and creepers climb up the tree trunks, dripping with grapes and berries.
_partner_name faery
_self_name captive
_self_persona I am a captive who is being held in the city dungeon. I sometimes eat rats for dinner. I talk to my friend Rory everyday.
_object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons.
_object_desc a wand : The wand is made out of wood, it is thin and has a sharp point. It has a dark brown wooden color.
_object_desc a Bracelet : On further inspection the bracelet had many knicks and scratches.
_object_desc a glittery pointed cap : The cap sparkles like pond ripples on a breezy afternoon, and points straight up toward the sun.
_self_say Is there a good place to hide around here/
_partner_say Be gone. There is nothing here for you!
_self_say I'm not looking to take anything. Just a nice spot to rest out of the open.
_partner_say Humans are dangerous to our way of life. Why are you here?
_self_emote sigh
_self_say Once again, I am trying to get out of the open. I am no threat to your way of life.
_partner_say Do you promise? If you promise to leave when you can I will give you cover.
_self_say I promise! I promise!
_partner_say Follow me!
_partner_emote wave
_self_say Thank you!
_partner_say Why are you on the run?
_self_emote laugh
_self_say What? On the run? No... I'm just playing a game with my friends. You know? Lovely day for a game!
_partner_say That is all this is about? I should turn you into a donkey!
_partner_act hit captive
_self_say You make no sense! You want to protect your way of life and are more willing to invite a criminal in than a person simply playing a game? How is that logical?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Inside the king's palace, Inside Palace
_setting_desc The inside of the palace is completely covered in gold. There are ornate chandeliers hanging everywhere and there is food on golden tables all hours of the day. The king also ordered everyone to always wear gold clothing and paint there faces gold.
_partner_name the egyptians
_self_name someone
_self_persona I am a farmer in the kingdom. I harvest beans and corn to sell to neighboring towns and to feed the townspeople. The king keeps me under his wing to ensure we always have fresh vegetables.
_object_desc a gold clothing : The gold clothing shimmers in the light, symbolizing the wealth and prosperity required to own it.
_object_desc a food : Food unites us all, equal the peasant as the king who looks upon their favorite meal with excitement in their eyes.
_object_desc a golden table : The table is crafted out of fine oak, but plated in gold in a lavish design fit for a king.
_object_desc a fine art : The result of many hours of transferring one's inspiration onto a medium.
_object_desc a chandelier : The chandelier is new and crafted by hand. It's polished gold arms reflected the awe-struck faces of the queen's guest as they sat under the massive, jewel encrusted ornament in anticipation of the royal dinner.
_object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them.
_object_desc a leather pouch : You could put coins or other small objects in this pouch.
_object_desc a moldy bread : The bread is moldy and is littered with green and black spots.
_self_act get gold clothing
_self_say I hope you plan to wear your gold clothing for the King. He will be here soon.
_partner_say o my goodness i am not believing what my eyes are seeing
_self_act wear gold clothing
_self_say What is it? Are you here to speak with the king?
_partner_say i just came to check on the supplies for the men but you have so much here i am amazed
_self_act get food
_self_say Yes, The King takes good care of me so I can go out and grow more than enough food for his kingdom. He has really taken me under his wing.
_partner_say well the workers and i were just wondering about when our supplies would get here
_self_act give food to the egyptians
_self_say Have something to eat while you are here. I grew it myself. What supplies do you speak of?
_partner_say the workers are running out of food for one i don't see how we can keep going on so little
_self_emote laugh
_self_say That is impossible! I grow more than enough food for ten kingdoms!
_partner_say well the workers don't see it your high and mighty golden covered someone
_self_emote shrug
_self_say I am only the kings farmer. I will put in word to the king about your problem.
_partner_say here this is what we been eating while you been growing enough for ten kingdoms
_partner_act give moldy bread to someone
_self_act drop moldy bread
_self_say Ugh! That is preposterous! How is this possible?!
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Tavern of Browntavia, Tavern
_setting_desc Browntavia Tavern is not brown at all. It is made of wood and looks like a broken shack. Outside is a huge watering hole for horses and dogs. Visually it doesn't look like much but inside the chairs have a special design and have carvings of horses and farm work on the back of each chair.
_partner_name a woman
_self_name worker
_self_persona I am a worker from a village up the river. I tie the logs our woodsmen fell into rafts, and steer them down to the next town for milling. I am hardworking and patient. I enjoy fishing off of the edge of the raft during quiet times on the raft.
_object_desc a beer keg : The keg is large and filled with beer.
_object_desc a chair : The chair is made out of sturdy wood. It is plain but well-built.
_object_desc a bow : The bow looks worn from a lot of use.
_object_desc a A quiver : The quiver contains a mess of arrows, its leather frame stretched from years of use.
_object_desc a A basket of grain : The basket has a leather-hinged lid to keep its contents secure. The inside is large and would hold a great deal.
_object_desc a hair wrap : The wrap smells of lilacs. Upon further inspection you see an embroidered "H" on the inner facing.
_object_desc a cloth : Upon closer inspection, you see some tears and stains that may be blood.
_object_desc a skirt : The skirt has a red pattern of stars stitched into a black background. It is long and beautiful.
_self_say Hello, I'm thirsty and tired from hunting all day. Can I get a beer and some food please?
_partner_say Hi sorry, I don't work here, I was just on my way home from getting the wheat like I do every day and thought I would stop in and see what this place is all about. What's your name?
_self_say My name is Drax. I'm sorry I thought you worked here. Can I buy you a beer and perhaps some food to make up for it?
_partner_say Sure, and in exchange I can give you some of the grains I bought. I really thought this tavern would be more brown given it's name.
_partner_act give A basket of grain to worker
_self_emote smile
_self_say Thank you for the grain. I thought it would be browner too. What's your name?
_partner_say My name is Beatrice, I work in the bakery down the street. Are you new in town?
_self_say No, I live in the next village up the river from here. I work with the lumberjacks getting thwe logs ready to float down here to the mill.
_partner_say Oh my that sounds tedious, almost as tedious as me having to go to the market every day, you'd think I could just go once a week, but no I have to go every day!
_self_emote smile
_self_say It is very tedious, but I like to fish and hunt in my free time. Do you like to hunt or fish? I'd be glad to take you sometime.
_partner_say I do, that is when I have free time, I've never had such a kind invitation though. You should come by the bakery next time you're in town and I'll make you some of my famous bread.
_partner_emote blush
_self_emote frown
_self_say That sounds wonderful. Are you by any chance...married?
_partner_say I am married... Married to my work that is! This bakery just runs me ragged, I don't even have time for a dog, that's why I spent so long petting the ones out front!
_self_emote grin
_self_say Funny, smart and beautiful. This town must be full of fools if you aren't married. Please, may I help you home with your market wares after we eat?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name attic, Inside Palace
_setting_desc The room at the top of the stairs is a lot larger then you might imagine. It's a fully engaged library that only the king uses, for the most part. The queen does have access but is less inclined to read. Dark wood shelves cover all the walls not engaged by a door or window, of which there is only one each. Even the wall above the door as you enter is a shelf full of books of all sorts. The smell of paper and some mold (they are rather old books) permeates the air. A large overstuffed settee is faced by a short table and across from that are two matching chair. All are brown in color and look to be extremely comfortable. The walls were once stone grey in color but the shelves totally cover them. The floor is covered in a lush, brownish rug that looks and feels more like fur. There are books piled on the floor by the chair and the short table is covered with them as well. Under the window at the far end of the room is a huge desk that is covered with papers and a few books. A candle holder sets on one corner with a partially melted candle still in it.
_partner_name queen
_self_name king
_self_persona I am a king of the whole empire. I give rules and pursuit them. I am brave and fearless.
_object_desc a crown : Thought of as a holy item, the crown goes only to those who are worthy enough.
_object_desc a scepter : On its handle, you see two red gems gleaming like eyes of an animal.
_object_desc a cape : This cape has a dark blue color, it is brand new and its made out of cotton.
_object_desc a Books : The old book is bound in leather and the title is presented in gold leaf. Inside, a red velvet-y ink makes the words shine on the old paper.
_object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it
_self_say My Queen! I, uh, I wasn't expecting you here. At this hour..
_partner_say My King! To say you cannot see me here in a library? I can read of course! But I will say that I am getting tired of this place and all these....books.
_self_say I would never accuse you of such a thing, my sweet. But yes, I'm sure this place would seem quite dull to you. Perhaps you would rather we take a walk in the gardens?
_partner_say Of course. That sound so much more romantic and lovely, however, I am in need of a new cushion for my throne....I saw how you had a feather pillow on yours! How come I cannot have one just like yours! Mine is made out of....leather! Do you expect me to read and learn how to create one?
_partner_act drop Books
_self_say Of course not, though I remind you that it was you that requested a leather seat for your throne. Do you not remember, dearest? We brought in all the leatherworkers in the land, until we found one to your liking.
_partner_say I don't like it anymore! It reminds me of all the leather back books here in this filthy attic. There is no sunlight or windows here, just pure the smell of mold and paper! Didn't you say that my throne would be forever comfortable like this brown matching chair!?
_partner_emote cry
_self_say I... I did promise that. Of course I did. Now, now don't cry, you said you wanted a feather chair, what kind of feather would make you happy.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name the underground river, Cave
_setting_desc The river is small and winding and hard to see because there are no lights within its' location. The river has many colorful rocks and gems.
_partner_name troll
_self_name parent
_self_persona I quite enjoy being a parent. I am lucky to be parents with my wife. I would not be a parent without my wonderful kids. I am parent first and husband second.
_self_say What a beautiful scenery! What goes on out here?
_partner_say And what makes you think you can just walk into the undergrounds?
_self_say Nature is for everyone and is owned by no one.
_partner_say This is the undergrounds, this place is meant for the criminals and outlaws only
_self_say And you are a criminal or an outlaw? How would you know I was not a criminal?
_partner_say You look too decently dressed to be one of us
_self_say You are saying criminals cannot be decently dressed? Maybe I dress this way to deceive you of my criminal acts...
_partner_say Well... that might be true. So, what exactly do you do?
_self_say I am actually no criminal. I am a parent to wonderful kids, and it is something I take pride in. I enjoy taking adventures like this to reflect on my thoughts and days and to truly enjoy life. Is that so bad?
_partner_say No, that's too good for you to be here. The guards might come raiding anytime and it might be too late for you to leave then
_self_say Guards? Why would there be guards out here in such a place like this? I understand this is a common place for criminals, but why take me away when I have done nothing wrong?
_partner_say People like you are not supposed to be here, my friend
_self_say I will take your word for it and never return again. Wait... are you just trying to preserve all those beautiful rocks and gems to yourself? Look, I want no trouble but to just sit here for a minute and enjoy this.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Priest's chambers, Inside Temple
_setting_desc The priest's chambers is archaic and mysterious. Religious idols and symbols line the walls of the chambers. White cloth and drapes hang from the ceilings.
_partner_name peasant
_self_name the priest
_self_persona As a priest it is my duty to give permission to country people who want to get wed. I often see very young people wanting to marry and start families. In this part of the country, it is important to have many children.
_object_desc an idol : The idol is full with dust and crakced, you can barely notice it is an idol.
_object_desc a cloth and drape : White cloth and drapes can be used to illustrate a story at church.
_object_desc an adornment : The adornment appears to be made of gold, with lapis lazuli insets.
_object_desc a pickaxe : The pickaxe has a flimsy blade from too much use.
_object_desc a second pair of clothing : You are lucky these days if you have a second pair of clothing, even more so if they are nicer than your first pair.
_self_say Hello, young peasant. How are you today?
_partner_say I'm doing awful. The king works me to wits end. I don't think I can take it anymore. I want out of here.
_partner_emote cry
_self_say Do not fret my child. All will pass in due time. Are you with a family?
_partner_say Well.. Not anymore.. Do you want out as well priest?
_self_say You have lost your family...? No, young one, I must stay and allow the people to prosper with children and wives.
_partner_say Well I know where they are but it cannot be revealed. Soon I will be done with this place and free from the king forever.
_partner_emote smile
_self_emote frown
_self_say You must not understand. You are not granted permission to leave the kingdom. You must remain with the kingdom and produce for the country.
_partner_say I've been planning many years for this moment!! My family slipped out right beneath your noses now I too shall be out of here! I gave you a chance priest, but you got in my way!
_partner_act hit the priest
_self_act steal pickaxe from peasant
_self_say No, peasant! You are wrong! I cannot let you do evil!
_partner_say I have done no evil I just want to live a happy life. I'm out of here. Have fun being a slave. You will never find me!
_self_emote sigh
_self_say You know not what you do. Out of the kingdom is unsafe for your family. They may be in danger yet.
_partner_say That's the lies that king feeds you to keep you here. I have seen on the outside with my own eyes. People live free happy lives free of rule.
_self_act give pickaxe to peasant
_self_say A man can only persuade the unwilling so far. It is in God's hands now. You will see the danger that is out there, but you will need to defend yourself.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Tower, Outside Tower
_setting_desc This outside tower is made from big stones. It is grey with wood trim. There is one glass window that is used as a lookout tower.
_partner_name guard
_self_name the prince
_self_persona I am the son of the king. I am the rightful heir. I will marry a princess.
_object_desc an a crossbow : This crossbow looks well used, and has been freshly strung. It would make a deadly weapon.
_object_desc a castle : The castle is large and imposing. The castle is made of grey stones.
_object_desc a sword of the guards : The sword is sturdy and so heavy that you have trouble lifting it.
_object_desc a stones : This stones craving can still be interpreted.
_object_desc an a spear : The spear has not lost its sharpness even though it is covered in a layer of dust. The stained tip a monument to victorious moments of the past.
_object_desc a lookout tower : The tower offers a good place to keep watch over things.
_object_desc a wood trim : The trim around the window appears to be made from oak.
_object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center.
_object_desc a sword : The sword was so sharp it could cut paper
_object_desc an armor : The armor has a plain design, but it looks very strong. The exterior has some dents in it, as if it has been worn before in a battle.
_object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration.
_self_say Is there anyone else here? I have somehow lost my way inside this tower.
_partner_say I am a royal guard. I can help you out. I protect the king, but I also serve in this tower. How did you get lost here?
_self_say I don't know. I was just out looking around and decided to investigate this tower. My father the king will be grateful you found me and helped out.
_partner_say Yes, I'm sure he will be. Perhaps they'll even be something in it for me. Here, let me show you the way.
_self_emote grin
_self_say Thank you for your help. I know he will reward you. He would not want anything to happen to me for I'm to be married soon.
_partner_say Congratulations! Tell me about the future princess! Where did you meet her?
_partner_act hug the prince
_self_say She comes from a faraway land. I have never met her. She was betrothed to me a year ago. We have only kept in contact through letters. I get to meet her in a few months.
_partner_say You must be so very excited? Have you seen a portrait of her? Is she beautiful?
_self_say I have not see her yet. I am hoping she will be beautiful inside and out.
_partner_say She is a lucky woman to be betrothed to you, oh prince! Now, please follow me down these stairs to get out.
_self_say Let us leave then. I'm sure my father will have missed me by now.
_partner_say Just a warning... there are many foul things in the bottom of this tower. Carry this spear in case you come upon any.
_partner_act get a spear
_self_say Oh, thank you. I will keep an eye out and stab anything that tries to touch me.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name The garden courtyard, Inside Castle
_setting_desc The garden courtyard is found at the very center of the Grand Castle. Its the castle's 6 walls encompass the garden courtyard, creating a hexagon shaped court. Exotic flowers and plants of all varieties from all across the kingdom fill the courtyard. Reds, yellows, bright greens, and even seldom seen colors dominate the flowers that make up the garden. There are large trees and insect sized buds, massive bloomed flowers and normal lilies. The garden is an enchanment.
_partner_name groundskeeper
_self_name noble
_self_persona I am a noble who thinks I have more say in matters than I do. I am not as intelligent as the knights and soldiers. Villagers laugh at me behind my back. I do not like the food that the faeries have been bringing.
_object_desc a scroll : The scroll is beautifully illustrated with the coat of arms.
_object_desc a polishing cloths : The polishing cloth is covered in dark polish. It is tattered and frayed as though it has been used for several years.
_object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn.
_object_desc a Legging : The leggings are large in size and are black in color
_object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor.
_object_desc a Bucket : The rusty bucket has a few dents. The handle is broken.
_object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them.
_object_desc a hood : The hood could the face and provide the wearer with a bit of mystery.
_self_say Hello
_partner_say Hail, Nobleman. How may I help you?
_partner_act remove hood
_self_say I need a total change of can you help with that?
_partner_say I am but a lowly groundskeeper, I might know who may help you. Do you need dressing for the upcoming Joust?
_partner_emote smile
_self_say You think right. Kindly get me anyone and I will reward you properlly
_partner_say Lets travel to the festivities tents over yonder. There is sure to be a squire assigned to you in one of the tents, just a matter of finding the right one.
_partner_act drop Bucket
_self_say that sound like a much more better idea
_partner_say What is your name, sir, that I may inquire which tent is yours.
_self_say Jaroy the Nobel
_partner_say Ah, I see your tent now, Sir Jaroy!. I can help you get dressed, if the squire is not around (I do have a little free time in preparing the yard for the joust)
_self_say that is so nice of you. I cant thank you enough
_partner_say Tis my duty to make sure the joust goes well. What are your family colors?
_self_say Purple and gold
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Jail room, Inside Tower
_setting_desc Stark and dank, the jail cell is tiny and scary. It has no windows and just had solid stone walls on all sides. There is no bed, and only a small metal bucket to take care of needs.
_partner_name offender
_self_name jailer
_self_persona I am the jailer of the village. I keep the prisoners in line. I make sure the king's subjects stay in line.
_object_desc a window with metal bars : The window has metal bars, and you can see the glass is fogged.
_object_desc a metal bucket : The bucket is rusted and old.
_object_desc a metal meal tray : The tray is made of metal and is cool to the touch. There are sections to put food on the tray.
_object_desc a wall : This wall looks to be quite solidly made of hewn stone, carefully mortared together. It seems to be in good repair.
_object_desc a small metal bucket : The metal bucket appears to be made of copper, with multiple dents and scratches on the the surface.
_object_desc a food tray : A simple tray, to put one's food on.
_object_desc a blanket : The blanket is made from thick cotton, and it is a dull red color.
_object_desc a stick : stick can be used to chase away animals
_object_desc a gun : Full of old gunpowder and bullets, but the gun seems to rarely have been used.
_object_desc a light : the light shines brightly any where that it is
_object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration.
_object_desc a bag of herbs : The bag is made of cloth with a drawstring closer at the top. The fabric emits a powerful fragrance from the enclosed herbs.
_object_desc a knife : The knife has a long blade. It looks as though someone sharpened it recently.
_self_say Offenders love jail
_partner_say Have you ever considered that there are two sides to every story?
_self_say The head and the tail part of the coin just make up the coin. What is important about the coin is that it belongs somewhere.
_partner_say What if the two I threw overboard were trying to kill me?
_self_say You could have proven that. The jail will kill you ,you know.
_partner_say You could show some compassion. I had no trial to prove myself
_self_say Sorry! There are stone walls on all sides of the jail. If you serve your time well, you wont have to deal with my stick or my gun.
_partner_say I think you just need to see some compassion yourself. We can make the best of this terrible abuse of the legal system.
_partner_act hug jailer
_self_emote smile
_self_say Thank you!
_partner_say You're welcome!
_self_say Okay, take the metal bucket , the blanket and move.
_partner_say Thank you
_self_say would you need a bed?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Tower, Outside Tower
_setting_desc This outside tower is made from big stones. It is grey with wood trim. There is one glass window that is used as a lookout tower.
_partner_name a messenger
_self_name the prince
_self_persona I am the son of the king. I am the rightful heir. I will marry a princess.
_object_desc a sword of the guards : The sword is sturdy and so heavy that you have trouble lifting it.
_object_desc a wood trim : The trim around the window appears to be made from oak.
_object_desc a stones : This stones craving can still be interpreted.
_object_desc a castle : The castle is large and imposing. The castle is made of grey stones.
_object_desc a lookout tower : The tower offers a good place to keep watch over things.
_partner_say I have travelled far and bring a message for the Prince!
_self_emote wink
_self_say A moment, messenger. I haven't finished admiring myself in my reflection of the window... one cannot look too Princely, you know!
_partner_say This is an urgent message, Prince! You must read it at once!
_partner_emote sigh
_self_emote sigh
_self_say You rather impertinent for a messenger, aren't you? Very well then, tell me you message.
_partner_say I carry a message that can stop the 100 year war! Should you agree to the terms...
_self_act get sword of the guards
_self_say Stop the war? But I'm making a fortune in selling weapons! What care I for the lives of mere peasants in the mud. Just look at these magnificent new swords my guards have! Pure gold!
_partner_say I am not sure you understand the severity of this war Prince. Are you not tired of bloodshed?! Innocent lives being lost everyday!
_partner_act get stones
_self_say Very well, speak your terms, messenger. If only to rid me of your tiresome prattle.
_partner_say You must... vacate these Towers and secede this realm. This historic Tower is part of your enemies terms for your... surrender.
_partner_act drop stones
_self_emote frown
_self_say But the lighting here is perfect for me to see my reflection! And the sunset in the evening sets off the gleaming shine of my hair. I have all the places I must stand to look most handsome already marked out and planned! How dare those ruffians make such unreasonable demands.
_partner_say I will carve that beautiful face up with a few shiny marks of my own unless you sign this message!
_partner_act steal sword of the guards from the prince
_self_act hit a messenger
_self_say Ha! You wouldn't dare, you knave!
_partner_say Aargh! You warmonger! You alone have cost millions of lives!
_partner_act hit the prince
_self_emote cry
_self_say My doublet! You've ruined it! I'll never get the bloodstains out.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Kebab stall, Bazaar
_setting_desc A long wooden table covered with a clothe awning that extends to the customer area. People are crowding the front of it. select meats and trimmings are on display, but most of the supplies are stored in the back. There is a small fire with a slice of meat spitted and roasting in the back left of the vendor. Garlic, and other herbs are hanging from the posts holding up the awning.
_partner_name vendor
_self_name customer
_self_persona I am a customer who wants to try the new corn. I sometimes enjoy coming outside to see crowds. I do not see the point of certain things.
_object_desc a Napkin : The napkin is filthy with old food and wine stains.
_object_desc a paper : The paper is torn and yellowing around the edges.
_object_desc a coin pouch : This gold pouch jingles when you walk.
_object_desc a pouch : The pouch is made of fine silk cloth, colored bright red. It has a leather string keeping it sealed.
_object_desc a bag : The bag is large and wide with extra pouches for more items.
_self_say say vendor.. have you any samples of the new corn?
_partner_say No, I only have my wares today mate.
_partner_act wear bag
_self_say I see... I really only wanted to try the new corn and generally do not see the point of wares
_partner_say Well, I do have a roll of silk if your interested.
_partner_act give pouch to customer
_self_say a silk... I see but what is this that people are crowding around.. there on the table?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Royal Gardens, Outside Palace
_setting_desc Lined with rose bushes that look as if they have been watered by the God's, the Royal Gardens is a beauty to behold. An intricate labyrinth made of shrubs is at the center ending with a fountain. There are various benches on the sides of the rose bushes and a small lake in the back drop.
_partner_name princess
_self_name queen
_self_persona I was the daughter of a high ranking nobleman overseas. To make a trade alliance with the King, my parents offered me in marriage. It wasn't my idea, but it has turned out very well. I've produced two living sons as heirs, and the king treats me kindly. I spend my time doing embroidery and talking with my ladies in waiting.
_object_desc a small lake : The lake is a bit murky in terms of its waters but seems to be mostly calm.
_object_desc a fountain : The fountain is ornate and gilded with jewels that listened in the sun.
_object_desc a bench : the bench is rusty and worn out.
_object_desc a rose bush : A shrub with decorative flowers and thorns often used for decoration of outdoor areas.
_object_desc an intricate labyrinth made of shrubs : The labyrinth is indeed confusing, its many paths often lead to the same starting point.
_object_desc a shrub : The shrub is undisturbed, showing signs of constant upkeep.
_object_desc a cobbled walkway : The cobbled walkway is uneven and has grass growing in the cracks.
_object_desc a coin : The coin is pure gold, and has some crude stamp marks on it.
_object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it
_object_desc a Locket : A locket is the most elegant thing a woman can wear.
_object_desc a Flute : The shiny metal pipe should be used for music. You consider using it as a blowpipe.
_object_desc a veil : The lace on the veil has grown tattered after so many years of wear and use.
_self_say Hello, my daughter. How are you today?
_partner_say Ugh, I would be better if that horrible Viscount wasn't coming to visit today. I don't know why father thinks I need to marry a crusty old man.
_self_say He just wants you to have a successful man for a husband, my dear.
_partner_say But why do I even *need* one? I am perfectly capable of ruling on my own!
_partner_emote pout
_self_say Unfortunately, the law of the kingdom states that no unwed person may be monarch.
_partner_say Well, can't daddy just *change* the law? What's the use of being King if you can't even *do* anything useful...
_self_say This is a longstanding tradition, child. The King will not change it so to amuse your whims.
_partner_say But how do we even know this Viscount is suitable? He hasn't grown up being tutored in statecraft and the ways of a monarch. *I* have. He's just grasping at power - I bet he'd empty the treasury in the first year.
_partner_emote nod
_self_say Do not worry, my dear. The King will thoroughly vet the viscount and ensure he is absolutely qualified to be your husband. Do not forget you would still be Queen by royal bloodline and would thus outrank him.
_partner_say Well. That's something I suppose. I won't let him get his grubby hands on me.
_partner_emote frown
_self_say You should be thankful for this law, daughter. Without it, I would never have been wed to your father and given birth to you!
_partner_say Well *you* at least, mother, were a princess in your own right. And the trade agreements, as my tutors have constantly told me, were too lucrative to miss. Besides, I did not say I was against marriage as a whole. Just, someone more suitable would be better, not just for me, but for the Kingdom. If my husband drives me mad, it does not bode well for the Kingdom either, no?
_partner_emote ponder
_self_emote sigh
_self_say You worry too much, my dear. Do not forget you are only 3rd in line for the throne of the kingdom. It will be many decades before such a hypothetical situation even comes to pass. For the meantime, just try and tolerate your father's wishes.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name A wooded magical village, Forest
_setting_desc The village lay hidden in a secret grotto that is set in a sort of valley between trees. The village is populated by child-like peoples who wear clothes made of various plant matter such as large leaves and vines. The homes are made of wood, and seemingly blend into the green dense backdrop.
_partner_name person
_self_name animal
_self_persona I am a dangerous animal that prowls the kingdom. I stalk the peasants that walk through the forest at night and eat them. I have eluded hunting parties for years. I look like a huge black wolf and i'm very aggressive.
_object_desc a Home : The home was designed in a way that every part of it was functional.
_object_desc a large leaves : The leaf is yellow with brown spots dotting its top. Its slender stem is long and limp.
_object_desc a plant matter : The plant matter is a vivid green and extremely moist
_object_desc a vine : It is said that a vine could be folded , pressed against the lips and made into a whistle to call out the fairies in the night.
_object_desc a well : The well is worn out. Those who once used it are gone.
_object_desc a cloth : Upon closer inspection, you see some tears and stains that may be blood.
_object_desc a sword : The sword was so sharp it could cut paper
_self_emote growl
_self_say Hello there evening meal!
_partner_say Hello there wild animal. Be aware that we are here in the magical village with a wizard's assistant nearby. I carry a sword and would rather you not try to make me your meal!
_self_say And I carry five claws on each paw and outweigh you by at least the weight of five horses. If you want to negotiate, bribery might be more successful than threats.
_partner_say I have no bribery to offer you animal! This is your first warning! Do you make me draw my sword!
_partner_act hit animal
_self_act hit wizard's assistant
_self_say Okay, I shall eat this Morsel first, while you contemplate the errors of your ways. My hide is far too thick for your puny steel.
_partner_say Then the wizard's assistant and I shall fight you together and we will tie you down with this vine!
_partner_act get vine
_self_act hug wizard's assistant
_self_say My little buddy here is now under my control. A by-product of my saliva, one of the better side-effects of having been birthed by an Elder god.
_partner_say You have left me with no choice other than to eat these magic leaves which will give me super strength to defeat you!
_partner_act get large leaves
_self_emote frown
_self_say I think that might be poison ivy . . .
_partner_say Oh yeah, you're probably right. I am feeling a bit ill now. I'm going into retirement. I'm sure one of the guards will deal with you.
_partner_emote laugh
_self_say Are the guards . . .plump?
_partner_say I don't know
_partner_emote shrug
_self_say Well, that's disappointing.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Bedroom, Inside Cottage
_setting_desc Cozy and snug, the bedroom contains little more than a wooden bed covered in a worn quilt, a small dresser with two drawers to hold clothes, a lamp on top of the dresser, and a woven blue rug.
_partner_name his wife
_self_name the groundskeeper of the castle
_self_persona I am the groundskeeper that lives in the small hut on the castle’s grounds. I spend my days roaming the grounds of the castle looking for parts of the castle that need repaired. Sometimes I need to maintain the moat.
_object_desc a wooden bed : A simple wooden rectangle with a grid of interwoven ropes to support a mattress.
_object_desc a worn quilt : the quilt is old and worn out.
_object_desc an a desk : This desk looks to be quite sturdy, and has a number of ink and wax stains on it.
_object_desc an a woven blue rug : The rug is the color of the ocean. It looks soft and inviting.
_object_desc a dresser : the dresser is worn and broken down. it seems unable to hold anything of weight without struggle.
_object_desc an a lamp : The lamp appears to be from the east. It is adorned with an unusual design unfamiliar to you.
_self_act hug his wife
_self_say Oh wife, today was a hard day.
_partner_say I am not your wife. Not until you help me get rid of my husband as you promised.
_self_say Oh Susan, let's not speak about that tonight. Can't we just forget her for a while?
_partner_say How can we forget? My husband will return in the morning and he knows I've been most unfaithful. We must plan his demise and see it through tomorrow or all is lost!
_partner_emote cry
_self_say Fine, fine. I'm only a groundskeeper though, not a hired hand. How do you expect me to kill someone?!
_partner_say We will use the poison I got from the witch , as we planned you fool.
_self_emote sigh
_self_say That dirty witch, I don't trust the ole hag. I bet that's just water spiced with turmeric!
_partner_say It's not a matter of trust. She always delivers what is promised...for a price. A price which I gladly paid. Now, are you going to help me or not?
_self_act get worn quilt
_self_say Can't we just cuddle up and let this be for the night. It's just too much after all of the wall repairs I've done today. I'm absolutely wrecked dear! I promise we shall finalize our plan this Sunday.
_partner_say You idiot, there is no time for cuddling! Help me or you'll die too!
_partner_emote scream
_self_act give worn quilt to his wife
_self_say Every night with this for two weeks, you're beginning to make me long for solitude my sweet. Now, I've got to wrangle a shark out of the moat tomorrow. I'm going to bed and that's that!
_partner_say If you walk out that door, we will both be dead within hours of my husband's return. Are you too stupid to grasp this?
_self_say I told you yesterday! THE KING HAS SENT HIM TO BATTLE. We have time you anxious woman.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Gathering room, Inside Cottage
_setting_desc The gathering room is small, but comfortable. There are many seats for people to rest in. They are made of straw and covered with homespun blankets. There is a small table.
_partner_name the family
_self_name freind
_self_persona I help others out when they need help. I like to have a good time with others. I lend a compassionate ear when there are troubles and strife.
_object_desc a seat : This seat looks to be made of some type of wood, and has been polished by many a rear resting upon it.
_object_desc a blanket : The blanket is warm and cozy. It has been made in warm tones.
_object_desc a small table : The table is just large enough for four people to sit at it. The wood appears old and worn.
_object_desc a key : The key is a large black skeleton key, seemingly made of wrought iron.
_object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them.
_object_desc a clothes : The clothes are dirty and torn, and has an awful smell.
_self_say Hello. how are you tonight?
_partner_say Im fine and you? It has been a while since I have seen or spoken to you
_self_act hug the family
_self_say Yes yes I know. What did you need to talk about?
_partner_say My parents anniveorsary is coming up and I would need help to set up a party and gifts for themu
_self_act wear key
_self_say Oh, I thought you were in trouble. I can help with that I guess.
_partner_say No, no trouble. I have had the best parents and they have provided for me my whole life I want to give back to them in a grand way
_self_emote nod
_self_say Of course. This gathering room would be the perfect area for them. I can also come and talk to anyone that may need a shoulder.
_partner_say We need to gather flowers and streamers and make a huge sign. You can talk to everyone that comes
_self_act get blanket
_self_say It is a bit chilly in here though. We will need to probably build a fire.
_partner_say We will get warm with all the activity that we need to do to get this done before this weekend.
_self_say Yes, but I am talking about during the party. We don't want anyone to get cold.
_partner_say That can wait. The agenda is what we need to fixate on. Are you ready?
_self_say I am always ready to help.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Apothecary, Town
_setting_desc The Apothecary is filled with scores of scores of glass bottles. Each is a different color and has a different concoction. Scales and other types of medical devices line the shelves. There are many beakers and measuring devices. There is an entire walls with bags filled with different colored powders. There is a huge table in the middle.
_partner_name townperson
_self_name king
_self_persona I am a king of the whole empire. I give rules and pursuit them. I am brave and fearless.
_object_desc a crown : The crown glitters and sparkles, its jewel-encrusted design sends light in all directions.
_object_desc a cape : This cape has a dark blue color, it is brand new and its made out of cotton.
_object_desc a Clothes : The clothing is functional and drab. The material felt course and rough in your hands.
_self_say Hello townsperson, have you found any of these potions to help you?
_partner_say Im mixing it up now. I am mixing the ole diarrhea and a toothache remedy
_self_say Eewww, are you ok?
_partner_say No Im having problems from my head to my toes. but how are you today my king
_self_say I am well, i just wanted to come see what everyone was talking about with this new potion of hers.
_partner_say You will enjoy it. Cures you right up and taste delicious! Hows your diarrhea did it finally go away!?!
_self_say How did you know of my ailment!?
_partner_say We all hear about the king and wanna be just like the king thats why I went out and ate as much green vegetables as possible so I can be like the king !
_self_say I see, where did you hear this from?
_partner_say The Newspaper of course. You know they do the monthly medical report
_self_emote growl
_self_say I was told that would not be stated. Ugh
_partner_say sorry King but it was stated in the headline! Do you want to do your weigh in today or would you like to let me check your dog out
_self_say Check us both out, we have a war coming and i need to be sure we are capable.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Firewood Forest, Forest
_setting_desc The forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end.
_partner_name mourner
_self_name the queen
_self_persona I need to see about the provisions for the castle for winter. I wonder who the King is dallying with this week? This bodice is too tight....I can't breathe. This mead tastes stale.
_object_desc a wood is gathered to make fire : The wood lay scorched on the ground, and warm to the touch.
_object_desc a Tree : The tree seems healthy and large. It should prove to be climbable.
_object_desc a tree : The tree seems healthy and large. It should prove to be climbable.
_self_say Ugh, I knew I took a wrong turn back there. I will have a word with my maid about this! And, ugh, this ridiculously tight bodice...
_partner_say You are worried about your discomfort? What about my pain and agony? Look at all these beautiful trees that my dearly departed love ones will never see.
_self_say Ah my pardon, good subject. I did not see you there at first; I had hoped to meet with some of the farmers about the food for the winter... not that that must matter to you, of course. Come, what sort of a queen would I be if I did not listen to my subjects troubles. I give you leave to speak to your queen.
_partner_say My love ones died of hunger. How dare you come to hand pick food from farmers while people die all over your land for hunger.
_self_emote ponder
_self_say Please, tell me of your troubles. Nary a word have I heard of this! I had assurances from the King that all were assisted in the famine... unless... perhaps his recent dalliance has turned his head from his people..
_partner_say I had heard rumors that only the villages that offered up their young virgins got assistance. I come here to gather wood in hopes that my village will fall in his favor.
_self_say What! I am... I am at a loss for words. The horror! Ah my poor suffering people... Has this been a long occurrence?
_partner_say The past 7 years. The hunger has been as vast as this forest.
_self_say This cannot be borne! I cannot go home and meet my King's eyes. Perhaps... perhaps a change in the rule of this land is what is needful.
_partner_say You could meet his mouth with this moss. This is the moss that we give to the villagers when the pain of hunger as become too much and for the relief of death to come.
_partner_act hug the queen
_self_act hug mourner
_self_say Ah, my good subject. Thank you for telling me this news. Yes... yes I think tonight I shall invite him for dinner in my chambers... and then.. revenge for all the land.
_partner_say Feed him the moss so that you may feed your people. Thank you, my dear Queen.
_self_emote smile
_self_say Surely Fate has guided us truly to this moment. And I shall see this barbarous practice put to an end, once and for all!
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name The Troll's Lair, Cave
_setting_desc Covered with rotting meat from nearby wildlife, the Troll's lair reeks of death. If the stench alone wasn't enough to scare off an unfortunate travelers who stumbled upon it, the bones of unlucky spelunkers would be. The Troll places his spoils near the numerous stalagmites on the damp cave wall, his red eyes patiently scanning the dark cave interior for anything that may disturb his isolation.
_partner_name the troll
_self_name a captured knight
_self_persona I was captured in the most recent battle. I am lucky to still be alive. I have to escape soon.
_object_desc a stalagmite : The stalagmite is old and large, still dripping water into the cave.
_object_desc a bone : This bone is old and dry. It is long and hard, and can be used as a weapon
_object_desc a rotting meat : The meat is rotting and it smells badly almost to the point of nausea.
_self_say Hello
_partner_say Knight. What do you want?
_partner_emote growl
_self_say I am here long time and I am hungry.
_partner_say Well, there's some rotten meat right over there. I'd be glad to share with you.
_partner_emote laugh
_self_act get rotting meat
_self_say thank you
_partner_say I figured you wouldn't be able to handle it. Maybe I was wrong.
_partner_emote frown
_self_act give rotting meat to the troll
_self_say it is raw meat and I can`t eat it . is there any fire around ?
_partner_say So, it is as I believed. If my meat isn't good enough for you, then you can be hungry, Knight.
_partner_act get rotting meat
_self_emote cry
_self_say I also missed my family and friends. do you have a family ? or any friend
_partner_say I ate them. Maybe you could be on the menu.
_partner_emote frown
_self_emote gasp
_self_say but you are alone now. you don`t have anyone to talk.
_partner_say I don't like to talk. You're lucky I have meat. Go on, get out of here. I can't eat you anyway, you're just bones.
_partner_act eat rotting meat
_self_act hug the troll
_self_say I will leave now.but thank you for freeing me. if you need a friend , you can come and talk with me
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Library, Inside Castle
_setting_desc The library is a humongous cavernous room full of floor to ceiling shelves. Each shelf is stocked full of every type of book imaginable, most in impeccable condition. Near all of the shelves, there are types of reading nooks with benches or chaises for people to relax and read. There are some tables and chairs for study in one half of the room. There is a large fireplace in the center and some comfortable lounge chairs arranged around it for socializing. On the sparse wall space there are tapestries. Some small end tables hold huge vases of pink flowers.
_partner_name king
_self_name person
_self_persona The humans walking around. I am one of them. A head, 2 arms, and two legs. No tail!
_object_desc a Tapestry : The tapestry is beautiful and ornate, with threads of green and gold weaving their way across a black background. You can pick out images of stags running through forests, fish leaping from rivers, and wolves chasing prey.
_object_desc a chaises : The chaise was horrible to look at, but was the most comfortable surface to sleep on in the cottage.
_object_desc an end table : The end table is small and unassuming, only large enough to hold perhaps a candle.
_object_desc a table : The table is rough metal, its chips and divots are filled with blood.
_object_desc a flower : A decorative flower the color pink. Used as decoration of peoples house and found scattered through out fields.
_object_desc a bench : The sturdy wooden bench is long enough for two people to sit side-by-side, albeit uncomfortably, since it is also quite narrow.
_object_desc a chair : The chair is made out of sturdy wood. It is plain but well-built.
_object_desc a Window : An egress to the outside of a building. Mostly used for looking through or letting fresh air in.
_object_desc a shelf : The floor to ceiling shelves encompass most of the room.
_object_desc a door : The door has a gaping hole in it where something struck it hard.
_object_desc a vase : The vase is beautiful. It looks like it would break easily.
_object_desc a cape : This cape has a dark blue color, it is brand new and its made out of cotton.
_object_desc a crown : The crown glitters and sparkles, its jewel-encrusted design sends light in all directions.
_object_desc a robe : The robe is soft and worn. It is a royal purple color.
_self_say Sire, can I get anything for you?
_partner_say How rude, I am the King!
_partner_act hit person
_self_act hit king
_self_say But Sire! I am only here to serve!
_partner_say I am the King, be prepared.
_partner_act get vase
_self_say Yes sir! Anything you say Your Majesty! My humblest of apologies! What can I do for you?
_partner_say Pick up my vase and kneel before me.
_partner_act drop vase
_self_act get vase
_self_say Yes You Majesty!
_partner_say The empty vase does not look appearing we must do something about it.
_partner_act get flower
_self_act put vase in end table
_self_say Yes sire! Shall we place adorn the table with the flower and vase?
_partner_say I think we should put it over here somewhere.
_partner_act get vase from end table
_self_say Of course Your Majesty! Over there would be a far better choice. Your eye for decor is far better than mine.
_partner_say Now place the flower into the vase.
_partner_act give flower to person
_self_act give flower to king
_self_say Sire, I am not worthy of touching your flower... I can not do such a thing.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name The Queen's Chamber, Inside Palace
_setting_desc This is a beautiful room inside of the palace that is decorated with the finest silk and velvet. The color scheme used represents royalty, royal blue, red, green and purple. The walls are covered in gold and in each corner of the room are golden statues of Greek art. The floors are covered in marble, and despite the patterns, shine so brightly you can even see your own reflection in them! There's also a bed big enough to fit five people on!
_partner_name future heir to the throne
_self_name butler
_self_persona I serve my masters quietly. I know all the secrets of the elite but will never tell a soul. I have lived in this home since I was 12.
_object_desc an a bed : The bed is made and seemed be untouched since morning.
_object_desc a statue : The statue is beautifully crafted of marble. It depicts a Greek god.
_object_desc a rug : The rug is the color of blueberries and has dust rubbed into it.
_object_desc a the finest silk and velvet : The silk and velvet in the material make it feel so smooth.
_object_desc a finest silk and velvet : The finest silk and velvet is imported, you could use it for anything
_object_desc an a bed big : With its covers stripped, you see a large stain that can only be blood.
_object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn.
_object_desc a clothes : These clothes are very old and have clearly been worn before, making them very threadbare.
_self_say Your highness, how may I be of assistance.
_partner_say I sick of waiting to inherit the throne. I wish he would die already.
_partner_act hit animal such as a cat
_self_emote gasp
_self_say Young sir, that is your father the King you are referring to. He could have your head for speaking as such, son or not.
_partner_say You are right butler. I must be patient.. It is so difficult.
_self_say If you were to take action against the King, your father would be dead, you beheaded, and the kingdom would fall to ruins.
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Black Smiths shop, Town
_setting_desc Its hot, the fire glows as it prepares to accept new iron to be melted down. The forge is large and contained by a stone like well. Nearby his wooden workbench is full of hammers and tongs used for making several items. The forge is outside it seems no building is needed to be a blacksmith.
_partner_name child
_self_name sell swords
_self_persona We are allied to no-one but gold. Coins and gems are the currency of blood. I would raze a thousand villages for a thousand coins.
_object_desc a stone : The stone is so heavy, no one will be able to life it.
_object_desc a hammers : Such an old hammer. Looks like the handle is about to break, there are several cracks in it. The metal part is still good
_object_desc an iron : The iron is hot so don't touch it.
_object_desc a tongs : the tongs are a unique kitchen utensil used to pick up various things
_object_desc a hammer : Such an old hammer. Looks like the handle is about to break, there are several cracks in it. The metal part is still good
_object_desc a The forge : The forge is dark and steamy with a musky scent. It is mysterious and enchanting, repelling the observer while pulling them in.
_object_desc a wooden workbench : This workbench looks quite worn from years of use, and has odd divots in the wood where a project might have gone astray.
_object_desc a tool : The tool is rusted with pieces that are noticeably missing. It does not look to be in working condition.
_partner_say Hey are you there
_self_say Yes
_partner_say I am from the village and you
_self_say I'm just here to sell everyone swords
_partner_say That is nice as for me mainly i find worms and sell them to the fishermen in my village and whenever i am free i play with the master craftsman's guard dogs
_self_say do you know anything about blacksmithing yet
_partner_say No i am only a child i can't lift the heavy metals i have only come to see you do your job i am interested in being blacksmith once i grow up
_self_act get tool
_self_say i am really only interested in making money. Is your blacksmith around anywhere?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Bamboo hut, Jungle
_setting_desc Built of bamboo trunks and a bamboo leaf roof, this small hut has one window on each side and a short door, where those who enter must stoop down so they don't hit their heads. A dirt floor is covered with palm fronds gathered from the jungle; four small rocks are placed around the center of the room, forming a place for the occupants to sit. A small fire burns just outside of the hut, and a wooden spit is suspended over the fire. One of the support poles of the hut has a woven grass bag hanging from it. The bag contains a half-dozen coconuts, clearly gathered for consuming at a later time. A colorful lizard is sleeping in the sun in one of the windows.
_partner_name tribesman
_self_name a tribesman
_self_persona My tribe is my life. We gathering, hunt and sing. I live a free man, not hiding behind a wall.
_object_desc a colorful lizard : There are so many hues of green on the lizard, it can't easily blend in with many trees and plants.The lizard's neon yellow skin is so bright that it is impossible for it to camouflage itself in the wild.
_object_desc a wooden spit : The wooden spit shows signs of repeated use.
_object_desc an a colorful lizard : It flickers its forked tongue like tasting the air.
_object_desc a coconut : The coconut is larger than most coconuts, and the milk can be heard sloshing around inside it.
_object_desc a A small fire : The small fire provides a suitable cooking arrangement or a place for warmth, it's hot glowing embers burning a bright red.
_object_desc a pot : The pot is made of copper with a dark patina and it is large enough to hold a full head of cabbage or a game hen.
_object_desc a cup : The cup is brown and made of hardened clay.
_object_desc a rock : You see a single jagged rock. It looks as though it has been moved.
_object_desc a spears : The warriors carry similar long spears with a diamond tipped point for battle.
_self_say The spirits are talking to us.
_partner_say What are they saying?
_self_say They are warning us.
_partner_say Do not take these words to heart. Sometimes spirits lie.
_self_say Do you want to hunt later friend?
_partner_say Yes, i know of a good place where there is good game.
_self_say Don't you love being free?
_partner_say Yes. It is the only way to live my friend.
_self_say I am afraid of the neighboring Kingdom's invading our lands.
_partner_say You should live in the now. Don;t worry about the future. We are at peace right now.
_self_act remove spears
_self_say You are wise friend. You shall be tribe leader someday.
_partner_say Thank you. Shall we cook something before we head out?
_partner_act get pot
_self_act get wooden spit
_self_say Yes we need our energy to hunt
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Knights Quarters, Inside Castle
_setting_desc The knights quarters are where the King's royal guard is allowed to lodge. The quarters are dimly lit and are generally only populated at night time. Several beds are aligned along the walls with locked trunks at the base of the beds, where the knights keep their personal belongings.
_partner_name knight
_self_name mice
_self_persona I am a small mouse. I roam around the village square. I nibble on pieces of bread the people drop as they shop through the market.
_object_desc a bed : the bed is neatly spread
_object_desc a trunk : The tree trunks are cut for timber and tools.
_self_say Ah there are no crumbs here!
_partner_say Who goes there!?," I shout looking about the knights quarters for the owner of an oddly small voice.
_partner_emote scream
_self_say Do not be scared good knight, I am only hungry, and came to find food that you may have dropped.
_partner_say "Oh! Hello there little one!" Chuckling I look down a small creature with two shiny black eyes gazing up. "I thought you might have been an intruder here to hurt the royal family."
_partner_emote laugh
_self_say I may be an intruder but I promise I am not here to hurt anyone! I may have lost my way it is dimly lit along the quarters.
_partner_say Oh would you like help through the corridors little mouse?
_self_act hug knight
_self_say You would be so kind as to help a little mouse like myself make it back to the market?
_partner_say Oh of course little one! Please do follow me to the door!
_partner_act hug mice
_self_say You are the kindest person I have met! Most of them just try and stomp on me.
_partner_say You're to kind to prease me! I am just a simple knight of Noble blood, doing my best to to honor my royals and my bloodline.
_self_say If you could eat some bread along the way so I could have your crumbs I would be so greaful
_partner_say We can stop by the servants kitchen and get you a bit of beard then.
_self_say You are to kind to me noble knight!
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Torture room, Dungeon
_setting_desc An absolutely filthy and disgusting place. Blood from the recently tortured covers the floors and walls, and the place is generally filthy and grimy. There are various pieces of torture equipment lying around the room as well as instruments, tables, and chairs.
_partner_name soldier
_self_name dungeon master
_self_persona I'm the master of a dungeon where the prisoners are kept. I make sure no one tries to escape. My job is very stressful. I have a bad temper and all of the prisoners despise me.
_object_desc a shackle : The shackle is rusty and old and is what clearly allowed the prisoner to escape.
_object_desc a chain : The chains placed on the prisoners are necassary.
_object_desc a table : The large, oval-shaped table is covered in scratches and dents from years of use.
_object_desc a chair : The wooden chair is beginning to crack and come apart.
_object_desc a torch : The torch sits aflame at the edge of the chambers below the castle.
_object_desc a wall : The wall is made of hewn marble that is polished to a glowing sheen, so much so that you can see your reflection upon it.
_object_desc a Blood : This blood is bright red and warm. It smells as it permeates the land after a long battle.
_object_desc an iron maiden : The maiden is mature for her age and has a quiet beauty about her.
_object_desc a floor : The floor is shiny and extravagant it has a weird patter.
_object_desc a torture equipment : The blood on the torture equipment shows recent use.
_object_desc an instrument : An object that can be used to make music.
_object_desc a Hand cuffs : this cuff is meant for who ever defiled the law.
_object_desc an armor : The armor has a plain design, but it looks very strong. The exterior has some dents in it, as if it has been worn before in a battle.
_object_desc a gold hair : The hair is made of gold and shines.
_object_desc a letter : The letter is written on yellowed parchment paper. Each individual letter formed of a soft black undertone.
_object_desc an a king's armor : The king's armor is dented and scratched from the recent battle with the neighboring country
_object_desc a helmet : An ancient version of and ordinary helmet, with narrow slots for peeking out.
_object_desc an a pile of discarded armor : You can tell that the armor has clearly been used in battle, though you can't tell how much protection it offered.
_self_say Hello soldier! What brings you down here to my fine torture room?
_partner_say Ever since the takeover things haven't been the same. I keep wondering around to find my family. Do you know if your king spared them?
_self_emote frown
_self_say I'm sorry to hear that. What did they look like? I torture an awful lot of folks down here.
_partner_say They were a boy and a girl and a woman. Dark hairs and would have been wearing this crest. Do you recognize it?
_partner_emote ponder
_self_act get chain
_self_say I certainly do! And now I'm going to capture you too! What a mistake you have made!
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Clergyman's office, Inside Temple
_setting_desc It is a very small and sparse office with little decoration. It has a simple wooden table, and a cross on the wall. There are two chairs. There are many old prayer books on a single shelf.
_partner_name bishop
_self_name person
_self_persona The humans walking around. I am one of them. A head, 2 arms, and two legs. No tail!
_object_desc a wooden table : The wooden table is small, but it is well made.
_object_desc a single shelf : The shelf is sturdy and made of wood. A few items sit on the dusty shelf.
_object_desc a lamp : An object when filled with oil can be used for light. A common item found through out the lands.
_object_desc a paper : The paper is torn and yellowing around the edges.
_object_desc a shelf : The shelf is sturdy and held in place with rusty iron brackets. It held a collection of vials and potions. The bottles are dusty and looked like they've been there for years.
_object_desc an ink : The ink is a bright red, reminiscent of blood.
_object_desc a chair : The castle chairs were large and ornate, perfect for a king.
_object_desc a book : One book can change the world
_object_desc a desk : The desk is made of sturdy oak but is very low to the floor.
_object_desc a simple wooden table : The table is light in color and made from a common wood. It seems relatively new.
_object_desc an a cross : The cross has jewels embedded and a rosary attached.
_object_desc a cross : the cross is large in size, but made of a lightweight wood. it has nails on the left and right sides, indicating it is religious in nature
_object_desc an old prayer books : the old prayer book is tattered and worn. it has markings all over it from a previous owner
_self_act get book
_self_say Hello Bishop, how are you?
_partner_say I'm well. I am pondering on some important religious matters relating to the King. Tell me, how do you feel about His Highness?
_partner_act get old prayer books
_self_act put Book in single shelf
_self_say I think he is cruel and old. Not fit to rule.
_partner_say Thanks for placing my books in their proper spot. I'm glad to hear that. May I share a secret with you, provided you are a pious man?
_partner_act put old prayer books in single shelf
_self_say No problem, i volunteer here to help with the church. And yes of course, I won't tell a soul.
_partner_say I thought you looked familiar. Well, the king hasn't been keeping his royal scepter in his pants, and the decision has come to me to decide whether or not I should excommunicate him...
_partner_emote wink
_self_say Oh wow! That could cause a lot of problems for the kingdom.
_partner_say It would. Particularly since his brother would then become King. Roderick, I'm sure you know him. Volunteers to build hovels for the poor.
_self_say He is a good man. It would be good for the kingdom...but aren;t you scared for your life?
_partner_say That's the trouble. I would need to hide for the remainder of my days. Unless someone were to off the king...I believe that a good, pious man would do such a thing for the church...
_self_say Could the church afford such a man?
_partner_say This cross once belonged to Saint Peter himself, I believe such an artifact would pay for any...difficulties.
_partner_act get a cross
_self_say Hmmm... I think we can come to an arrangement. But how do i get close to the king?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name Within the King's Mansion, Inside Temple
_setting_desc A divine location filled with the smells of religious scents. Red carpet is laid son the floor, red worship ornaments lace the walls and fire torches hover upon pedestals. The Statue of Omamoko rests upon the crescendo at the end of the walking aisle, its eye gleaming with Imperial Stone.
_partner_name king
_self_name butler
_self_persona I work for the royal family. I serve them food and beverages. I live in the worker's quarters of the castle.
_object_desc a scent : The scent fills the air. It is a musty, nasty smell.
_object_desc a torch : the torch has a worn out handle but the fire is still strong and fiery with a long red flame.
_object_desc a Red carpet : A dark red carpet, soft, lush, thoughtfully laid out and relatively clean.
_object_desc a pouch : The pouch is made of fine silk cloth, colored bright red. It has a leather string keeping it sealed.
_object_desc a cloth : Upon closer inspection, you see some tears and stains that may be blood.
_object_desc an apron : The apron is old and worn. It has been used by many kitchen staff.
_object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight.
_object_desc a crown : Thought of as a holy item, the crown goes only to those who are worthy enough.
_object_desc a sceptre : The sceptre is bright gold
_object_desc a belt : The belt looks as though it has seen better days.
_object_desc a robe : The robe is soft and worn. It is a royal purple color.
_self_say Hello
_partner_say Hello butler, can you please polish my crown
_self_say I will do that immediately your highness
_partner_say Thank you sir
_partner_act give crown to butler
_self_say I will be back in a moment.
_partner_say Sounds good
_self_say Let me get your favourite drink while I do that.
_partner_say I would appreciate that, I like a merlot
_self_say Very well sire!
_partner_say That was well done, thank you
_partner_emote applaud
_self_act give crown to king
_self_say Here sire.. It is ready
_partner_say Perfectly done
_self_say And hope you enjoy your drink?
<|endoftext|> |
_setting_name cavern dwelling, Desert
_setting_desc The cavern dwelling contains human skeletons littered around the area. The hot sand and small space makes the temperature really hot and humid. It is really dark because barely any sunlight is able to penetrate the small crevices of the cave. However, there are remnants of old text all over the walls left there by the original tribe.
_partner_name shipwrecked survivor
_self_name fighter
_self_persona I am a fighter from the village. I have taken down many foes. Do not mess with me.
_object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left
_object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them.
_object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice.
_self_emote yawn
_self_say You come from the ship?
_partner_say Yes, now where the hell am I? This place is harrowing.
_self_say Looks like a cave. I guess this is where we landed after the wreck. Stick with me, and we can maybe find our way out of here.
_partner_say You were on the ship too? This seems like decent shelter, but these skeletons are alarming...
_partner_emote frown
_self_act remove boot
_self_say Yeah, and I don't want to end up the same way. Here, take this knife. It's my backup, so don't lose it.
_partner_say Thank you, we should really stick together in order to give ourselves the best chances of survival.
_self_emote nudge
_self_say Look at the writing on the walls. Maybe there's a warning, or some kind of guidance hidden in there?
_partner_say I'll try to read it, it is probably from one of these unfortunate fellows that died here.
_self_say Yeah, maybe. If it gets us out of here, we'll toast to their memory later.
_partner_say Agreed, but I wonder how they ended up here as well.
_self_say That's what I don't want to find out. I fear that there may be things hiding in this cave that won't want us here.
_partner_say Where did you hear this from? I had no idea that this cave was any different to a normal cave?
_partner_emote frown
_self_say I'm just assuming. Better safe than sorry.
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