_setting_name Alchemists bedroom, Inside Tower _setting_desc This room holds a small bed, a table and several work benches. More flasks, beakers, candles, alembics, decanters, herbs, kettles, and the like may be found. Several books of forbidden lore sit upon the table. A circle, nine feet across and adorned with words of power is etched into the floor. _partner_name alchemist _self_name vulture _self_persona I am a vulture that is familiar with death. I enjoy watching living things take their last breathe. I am a vital part of the ecosystem. _self_say Feeling well? Any chance you might die suddenly? I'm feeling hungry. _partner_say Argh! GET OUT OF MY BEDROOM, damn vulture! No, I feel perfectly healthy, nice try! _partner_act hit vulture _self_emote scream _self_say AAAAH! I was only asking! Can't a vulture ask questions? _partner_say Yes, but not about when you can eat me, thankyou. What brings you to my room? _self_say I was actually outside, circling around like I normally do, when I smelled something that just died! I tracked the smell down to this rooms window and hopped inside to see if there was any food. when I came in here the window slipped close behind me and all I found were these stupid vials! _partner_say First off, careful what vials you call stupid. Sorry about the window - I have to prop it open as it tends to slip, I'm glad you didn't get hurt. Need some help finding whatever you smelled? _self_say I don't actually. The smell turned out to be one of those vials. Even though it didn't look like a carcass, it sure smelled like one, so I ate it. It turns out it wasn't even food, and now I can talk to humans and I'm still hungry! Got any food? _partner_say Nope, no food here, but you're welcome for the free talking potion. I guess that's one on the house, huh? And you can report back that my creations work. _partner_emote laugh _self_say WHAT!!?? I don't want to talk to humans! They probably only say stupid things like "help help I'm dying out in the desert I hope that's not a vulture." Wait you aren't a human are you? _partner_say Ha! Foiled. I sure am a human. Most people think I'm a witch, but I'm all human. Don't start thinking about eating me again. _self_say I'd only eat you if you died and left a nice juicy carcass behind. Say do you alchemists ever sacrifice animals or anything? Maybe you could feed me a dead rat? This curse I have is your fault. _partner_say Curse?! People pay good money to have their animals speak! And no, no dead rats around here. Sometimes we do sacrifices, but only once or twice a year. And no, there are no leftovers. _self_say Do you ever ask the animals how they feel? I mean talking to dolphins or something would be pretty good I guess, but humans? blech. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Cave, Cave _setting_desc Cold and dark, the moist cool walls enclose all who proceed. With just torches to light the way the large opening gets smaller and smaller. _partner_name captive _self_name explorer _self_persona I am an explorer who travels the kingdom. I discover new lands and technologies that we do not have in our kingdom. I travel all over looking for the new lands to conquer. _object_desc an opening : The opening is grand in scale and decorated by master craftsmen. _object_desc a torch : The torch shines as bright as a star. _object_desc a bone : This bone is old and dry. It is long and hard, and can be used as a weapon _object_desc a Stalactite : The stalactite is very sharp, and somewhat bumpy to the touch. _object_desc a rock : the rock has dirt on its surface. _object_desc a well : The well is deep and dark; a cool breeze rises up from its depths. Looking down, you can see the gray slime that has formed on its close-fitting stone sides. _object_desc a stalagmite : The stalagmite is old and large, still dripping water into the cave. _object_desc a passage : The passages are twisting and turning into an infinite maze. _object_desc a wall : The wall is made of hewn marble that is polished to a glowing sheen, so much so that you can see your reflection upon it. _self_act get torch _self_say I'll need a light if I'm going to explore this cave _partner_say what brings you here are able to free I just want to see family again _self_say My travels across the kingdom led me to this cave... I heard there might be ancient technology hidden here. Where are you from? Who is holding you captive? _partner_say Just the mean old duke cause I couldn't pay the taxes cause of the drought _self_say If I free you, will you join me in my adventures? _partner_say Sure has long I can see my family sometime soon _self_act hug captive _self_say Of course. I'll take you back to your family if you can help me navigate this cave _partner_say Ok lets go would like me to lead the way _self_act give torch to captive _self_say Yes please. Here is a torch to help you see _partner_say Ok, I think I see something over there to the right _self_act get rock _self_say This rock is the only weapon I have. Let's go _partner_say I use this bone might make a good wacker _partner_act get bone _self_act get Stalactite _self_say Maybe this stalactite too, just in case. I think we're ready <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Castle courtyard bazaar, Bazaar _setting_desc There are tents set up everywhere flying family crest banners, the area is thronged with people wearing rough clothing, knights in half armor, children running around begging pennies for sweetmeats. The smell of roasting meat is rich in the air and the crowd grows louder with each passing hour due to the various vendors selling mead and wine. _partner_name vendor _self_name farmers _self_persona I am a farmer. My family and I live right outside of the kingdom. We will soon be harvesting. After harvest, my sons and I will take our goods to the town to sell. _object_desc a shield : The shield is heavy and large. It has the crest of the king on it. _object_desc a sweetmeat : The sweetmeat is an oddity, it is soft and it's taste pleasurable. _object_desc a banner : The crest banner is made with a bright blue fabric. Someone had painstakingly sewn in a golden design of a shield in the center. _object_desc a rough clothing : The cloth has a rough texture and doesnt feel alright, it looks old and worn out. _object_desc a roasting meat : The meat smells as though it were freshly cooked over a fire. _object_desc a wine : A coarse, woody drink, young and unrefined. Purple in color and cheap to buy _object_desc a clothes : These clothes are very old and have clearly been worn before, making them very threadbare. _object_desc a coin : You turn the silver coin in your hand. One one side there is an engraving of an eagle, holding a snake in its talons and on the other side is an engraving of a beautiful maiden. _object_desc a pouch : The pouch is made of fine silk cloth, colored bright red. It has a leather string keeping it sealed. _object_desc a second pair of clothing : You are lucky these days if you have a second pair of clothing, even more so if they are nicer than your first pair. _self_emote stare _self_say You look unsavory young man. _partner_say I traveled a long way to get to this courtyard. I am a merchant selling the best goods. is there anything you are looking for? _self_emote gasp _self_say Oh sir, I did not see you there, I was speaking of this young man before us.My sons and I have been working hard on our harvest, and I don't want him stealing our goods. _partner_say It is okay kind sir. what brings you to the courtyard today? _partner_act hug farmers _self_say Oh my sons and I have this harvest we need to sell. It was a good bounty this year. _partner_say well after a long harvest I bet you have produced quite an appetite! may I interest you in some meat good sir? _partner_act get sweetmeat _self_say Unfortunately I did not bring any coins with me to shop. Perhaps I can return once I've sold this harvest. _partner_say well sir I am open for trades! _partner_emote nod _self_emote nod _self_say Perhaps we can make some arrangements. We do deserve a small treat for all our hard work. _partner_say I could trade some meat for some of your harvest!? fair amount for fair amount! _partner_act give sweetmeat to farmers _self_emote gasp _self_say Where are my goods?! Did you see that damned thief run off somewhere? _partner_say Get back here you thief! _partner_act hit thief _self_act hit thief _self_say How dare you!? I am tired of these degenerates who steal from us hard working people. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Boat House, Port _setting_desc A small house type establishment that serves as a hang out for people about to board the boats. There is nautical themed decor everywhere. Life Buoys, mounted fish, replica boats. It's all wood inside with a bar as well. A lot of creaky looking wood too, probably weathered a good bit as the house is old itself. _partner_name fishermen _self_name man _self_persona I am a man who works in the smithy. I am muscular and smell like horses. I am hard-working and fair. _object_desc an a bar : The bar is empty with few customers inside, and a bit shabby in appearance. _object_desc a Stein : The ceramic stein has once seen better days, or far too many merry days, and is now beginning to crack on it's white painted surface. _object_desc a buoy : The buoy is in almost new condition _object_desc a nautical themed decor : The decor was much older than expected. It smelled of dust, mold and old books. _object_desc a mounted fish : The fish is covered in dust, you thought it must have been a trophy from many years ago. _object_desc a replica boat : The tiny replica boat is exquisitely detailed, even including little figures standing on the deck. _object_desc a hammer : Such an old hammer. Looks like the handle is about to break, there are several cracks in it. The metal part is still good _object_desc a Chisel : If you know how, you could create beautiful sculptures with this hardy chisel. _object_desc an apron : The apron is old and worn. It has been used by many kitchen staff. _object_desc a knife : The knife has a short but thick blade. Along one edge are red spots of what must be blood. _object_desc a hook : The hook is heavy and rusty. The hook is dull and has lost it's sharpness. _object_desc a baskets of flowers : The basket is filled with wilted flowers dying flowers. _object_desc a fish : the fish is large _object_desc a sack : The stained cloth sack has holes cut out for arms to fit through. _object_desc a Lure : The lure is a metal object used in the sport of fishing. It is a metal hook or a similar metal object used to attract the fish to be caught. _self_say Hello, do you com here often? _partner_say Yep, everyday after a long day fishing. I've never seen you here before. _partner_act get Stein _self_say As you can see, I'm a bit out of my element. I'm a smith. Do you know anything about that replica boat? _partner_say No, I think it's just for the decor. I've never heard any stories about it. Can I buy you a drink? _partner_act give Stein to man _self_act give Chisel to fishermen _self_say Thanks for the hospitality. I'd love to try some of the ale here. To pay you back, have this chisel _partner_say Thank you! A handy tool for boat repairs indeed. What do you think the boat replica is? Do you recognize it? _partner_act put Chisel in sack _self_say I'm not sure. Like I said I'm not really familiar to this place. I know pretty much nothing about boats! As a fisherman you must be pretty knowledgeable, right? What do you know about this replica? _partner_say Well, nothing special. It's a fishing boat much like mine. As you can see there is a lot of nautical decor around. I was hoping you were gonna tell me a grand tale. _partner_act get replica boat _self_say Unfortunately I'm just a simple smith. Not many grand things happen around me. There's only one peculiar thing I can think of and that's when someone asked me to make a sword to stick into a rock. Not sure what that was about. Do you have any tales from the sea? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Laundry Lines, Outside Palace _setting_desc The laundry lines extend for meters. 6 rows of lines go from north to south. The area is filled with people putting their clothes to dry. All the lines are in an opening of trees that the sun hits perfectly to help dry. To the right you can see a stream through the tree where people go to wash their clothes before they hang them to dry. _partner_name merchant _self_name villager _self_persona I live in a very old village on the bad side of the country. The villagers are nice where I live but we get a bad reputation. The forest behind my village is known to have magical creatures in it. I know the villagers are not allowed in the forest but we want to explore and find something new. _object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left _object_desc a Simple, tattered garments : On further inspection the garment had many holes and was stained with dirt. _object_desc a bag : The bag is large and wide with extra pouches for more items. _self_emote ponder _self_say I wonder if they will notice if I wonder off to the forbidin forest. _partner_say Well, I don't know that they will notice but you may want to consider that it is called the Forbidden Forest for a good reason. I have heard that it is quite dangerous in there. _self_say But it is magical! Have you never wanted to see what all the magical fuss is about? _partner_say I have traveled all around these parts and have heard many tales of magic. I have to say, though, I have never seen anything magical, just heard a lot of tall tales. _self_say Could you imagine? All the talking creatures we would find! Maybe we would learn a thing or two about magic, and become well to do? _partner_say Ah, but there is no guarantee that these creatures would be friendly. In fact, they may be vicious and dangerous. I wouldn't risk my life on the vague chance of a few pieces of copper. _self_say But what is life without a little chance? _partner_say Oh, a little chance can add spice to life. A lot of chance can kill you. I think that I will stay here and dry my wet clothes so that I can travel on to the next village. _self_say Ah are you a traveler? Tell me about that?! I have been no where but here. _partner_say I am a merchant so I travel widely, trading my wares. _self_emote laugh _self_say What is it that you trade? Hope it is not cleaner for your clothes. _partner_say Oh, I trade all kinds of things. It depends what is available from village to village. Sometimes it is bows or trinkets, other times it could be pots and pans. Each village has its own specialty and its own needs and I do my best to cater to as many as I can. _self_say Do you mind if I travel with you some day? As you have talked me out going into the forrest. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Inside cottage kitchen, Inside Cottage _setting_desc A small, quaint kitchen. Pots and pans fill the ceiling and make a clamor on a windy day. A small squat table, surrounding by four chairs, sit in the back of the kitchen. A small wood burning stove is seen upon entering. _partner_name villager _self_name cooker _self_persona I spend my day making food for the king. I am often dirty and covered in food. I am talented at cooking. _object_desc a Napkin : The napkin is filthy with old food and wine stains. _object_desc a pan : The pan is rusty, not having been ished in sometime _object_desc a table : Dented, chipped, and leaning slightly to the side, this table is a witness to many brawls. _object_desc a Clothes : The clothing is functional and drab. The material felt course and rough in your hands. _object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left _object_desc a Cloak : The dark cloak was black as night, and offered protection against the elements. _self_act get pan _self_say Busy day today, princess is getting married and I'm expected to cook for 200 people. Be quick on what you need, or what I can do for you both. _partner_say Well I don't need too much from you, but if you wanna have a little chat I can tell you about something I saw in the forest yesterday. _partner_emote smile _self_say Something in the forest? Well, go on then, tell me. _partner_say I saw what looked like a centaur marching about through the forest's edge. I want to go get a closer look, but us villagers aren't allowed to go in to the forest unaccompanied. Maybe you could come after you're done cooking? _self_act give pan to villager _self_say Put that over there will you? A centaur...have you hit your head or something on the way over. There's no such thing. _partner_say Why absolutely not! I'm telling you, the body of a horse and head of a man. I saw it with my own eyes, you can ask Crazy Rick too! _partner_act put pan in sandal _self_emote ponder _self_say I just can't imagine that. I suppose I'll come with you, I'd like to have a look myself. _partner_say First, first, I want a sample of the wedding cake for the princess. Here, it's everything I have. Just one bite. _partner_act give purse to man _self_act steal purse from man _self_say I'll be taking that. Just be quick about it and don't make a mess, will ya? _partner_say Don't mind if I do, what flavor is it? _partner_emote grin _self_say A lavender and vanilla. Her Highness insisted I combine the flavors. Came out pretty good if I must say so myself. _partner_say I would add more goat's milk next time, my lord this is hard to swallow! _partner_emote nod _self_act hit villager _self_say Oh, bite your tongue, it's not that bad! Ha..Ha <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Sacrificial altar, Inside Temple _setting_desc A room with a stone floor and a massive statue of a god the peasants worship. This area gives off chilling vibes. There's pieces of armor and weapons stored in the room used for various ceremonies. _partner_name peasant _self_name evil priestess _self_persona I am the priestess to the king of the realm. I am a wicked woman with knowledge of the dark arts. I use my position to manipulate the king and other nobles for my own gain. I am an ambitious woman and I only care about myself. _object_desc an armor : The armor is well worn, not old, but seemingly used a great deal. _object_desc a dried blood : the dried blood is still contaminated _object_desc a piece : This piece of armor is made from forged metal, and seems rather heavy. You think it would be helpful at stopping a blow from something sharp. _object_desc a statue of a god : The statue of the god is intimidatingly large, and the feet of the statue are shiny from so many people touching them over centuries. _object_desc a A copper vase : The vase is made of copper and has been polished to a high shine. _object_desc a weapon : The weapons are used by knights to fend off invaders. _object_desc a gold hair : The hair is made of gold and shines. _object_desc a Blood : This blood is bright red and warm. It smells as it permeates the land after a long battle. _object_desc a spellbook : The spellbook is a leather bound tome. On its cover it has pictures of wizards casting lightening bolts. _object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _self_say This room is amazing, I love it! _partner_say Ah, good priestess. Erm, evil priestess, rather. I have done as you asked. The blood of one with Royal Blood soaks this rag. _partner_act remove rag _self_act drink Blood _self_say Good, good, now i can nourish myself. _partner_say I shall put the remainder in this vase, should you require more, your Worshipfulness. But what of, ahem, the rewards that was promised me? _partner_act put rag in A copper vase _self_act give spellbook to peasant _self_say Here you are peasant, use it wisely. _partner_say Ah, now the Power is mine! I can finally avenge my poor wife's soul... and perhaps... within these pages... she can join me once again! _partner_emote grin _self_say Yea yea... you better be careful, those spells can back fire and send you to a dark place. _partner_say It will be worth it. I will stop at nothing to see the lovely look in my wife's eyes again... _partner_emote sigh _self_emote groan _self_say ugh, you people and your love. It is disgusting. _partner_say Well then, what would you suggest is worth staying in this world for? I've gone plenty a day without food, but with love even the worst depravities is bearable. _partner_emote frown _self_say You speak of love as if it is nourishment. Once you decide to cast away love and empathy your whole world becaomes better. You can accomplish much more. _partner_say Well, I'll be seeing things through my way, no matter the cost. But I'll not forget what you've done for me. If you need an eye of a lordling or the toe of a dragon... well maybe not the dragon, but lordlings are an easier matter. _partner_emote nod _self_say All i want is this nun to do as she is told. Can you help me with that? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Bedroom, Inside Cottage _setting_desc Cozy and snug, the bedroom contains little more than a wooden bed covered in a worn quilt, a small dresser with two drawers to hold clothes, a lamp on top of the dresser, and a woven blue rug. _partner_name pet goldfish _self_name the groundskeeper of the castle _self_persona I am the groundskeeper that lives in the small hut on the castle’s grounds. I spend my days roaming the grounds of the castle looking for parts of the castle that need repaired. Sometimes I need to maintain the moat. _object_desc an a lamp : The lamp appears to be from the east. It is adorned with an unusual design unfamiliar to you. _object_desc a worn quilt : the quilt is old and worn out. _object_desc an a woven blue rug : The rug is the color of the ocean. It looks soft and inviting. _object_desc a wooden bed : A simple wooden rectangle with a grid of interwoven ropes to support a mattress. _object_desc a dresser : the dresser is worn and broken down. it seems unable to hold anything of weight without struggle. _partner_say I am so lonely, swimming in the dark all day.. _self_say I'm sorry to hear that friend. I do wish we could spend more time together ever since I rescued you from the moat. _partner_say More like captured. I am a prisoner here. I beg of you to release me back to my family. _self_emote frown _self_say I'm sorry you feel that way, I thought I was doing you a favor, letting you stay in the nice and cozy bedroom here... _partner_say Well, I don't mean to be ungrateful.. but look at the state of the furniture. _partner_act get worn quilt _self_act get a woven blue rug _self_say Well, I'll admit it's been tough to get through all of my grounds keeping duties in a timely manner, but you must admit I've done a nice job fixing the hem on this rug. _partner_say I suppose you've done a fine job. But I wish you could bring more... color into this dark, dismal place. _partner_emote applaud _self_say You know what, you're right! First thing tomorrow I'll go into town and find some nice vibrant curtains for the room. _partner_say Maybe get a cotton mattress for this rough bed as well? My back hurts from this wooden bed. _partner_act get wooden bed _self_emote grin _self_say Even though it'll be a lot of work, you're absolutely right. The castle can wait! Time to tidy up this room. _partner_say Thank you. Now will you please consider dropping me off by the pond ... to ugh get some fresh air? _partner_act hug the groundskeeper of the castle _self_act hug pet goldfish _self_say I'd be happy to! Just let me pick you up and we'll go for a quick walk. _partner_say Oh this looks nice. The perfect rug to dance on! _partner_act steal a woven blue rug from the groundskeeper of the castle _self_say Oh, are we having an impromptu dance party? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Firewood Forest, Forest _setting_desc The forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end. _partner_name spirit _self_name hunter _self_persona I have been hunting since I was young. I hunt in the royal forest, which is illegal. I hunt to feed my family. My family prospers due to our hunting. _object_desc a tree : The tree is deeply knotted and rough to the touch. _object_desc a wood is gathered to make fire : The wood lay scorched on the ground, and warm to the touch. _object_desc a Tree : The tree is deeply knotted and rough to the touch. _object_desc a plant : The plant was very colorful and came in many shapes and sizes. _self_say How are you spirit? What brings you to this forest today? _partner_say seeking for a body to take over is yours available? _self_say Noo! I cannot allow my body to be taken up by you. I am a renowned hunter who hunts in the royal forest _partner_say then find me someone _self_say How about I get you an animal? Which one will you prefer? _partner_say depends on the animal _self_say I suggest i get you a waterbuck _partner_say NO! _partner_act hit hunter _self_say Stop it!!!. I am done playing games with you.Dont you see i can hurt you with my poisonous arrows? _partner_say get me a unicorn and you can continue on your hunt _self_say I will try and get you what you want but kindly give me time _partner_say You bad man. You want me to roam aimless? I will haunt you _self_say I forbid you in the name of god you spirit.Allow me hunt in peace so that i can get you a body <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Hilltop temple grounds, Outside Temple _setting_desc A tall white building with stained glass windows and surrounded lush green grass. It sits on top of a hill with many steps to climb. Each room has a different setting and painted walls to set the mood. _partner_name priest _self_name person _self_persona The humans walking around. I am one of them. A head, 2 arms, and two legs. No tail! _object_desc a candle : Trails of wax running down the candle's sides seem to hint that it's used quite often. _object_desc a Window : Examining the window closer, it has different shards each one of a different color and texture. _object_desc a grass : The grass is stained with the blood of battles past. _object_desc a hill : The hill is tall and steep, covered in greenery. _object_desc a mountain : The mountain is tall and its peak is coated in a fresh, white fall of snow. _object_desc a plant : The plant is small and very green. It has tiny holes in the leaves. _object_desc a wall : The wall is made of hewn marble that is polished to a glowing sheen, so much so that you can see your reflection upon it. _object_desc a river : The river is wide and fast moving. _object_desc a bench : the bench is rusty and worn out. _object_desc a fountaints : The fountain flows red with the blood of soldiers. The stone is stained red, and no water emerges from the spout. _object_desc a Wine : The wine is smooth and dry. _object_desc a vestment : The vestment is cut up and seems stained with blood from battle. _self_say This is a beautiful temple you have here. _partner_say Aye, my good friend. I've been caring for it for a while. Is anything the matter, my son? _self_say Why yes father, you see my mother is gravely ill and I have climbed this hilltop to ask for your help. _partner_say That's no good, can you describe her condition any? I'd like to be down as soon as I finish tending to the gardens. _self_say Well you see priest that is the issue she was fine a few days ago She suddenly turned ill with no warning. Could it be a spirit? _partner_say Hmm... My son, I tend to find health is a lot like a church garden. If you fail to tend for it, you'll be fine until the weeds take everything. Has she still been caring for her grandchildren? _partner_act get plant _self_say No, not since my sister moved away to a nearby village. I am scared she will return to the ground and become part of your garden. _partner_say Son, could you hold this just a moment? _partner_act give plant to person _self_say of course I can, but how does any of this relate to my mother? _partner_say That's belladonna. I _self_act hit priest _self_say Who is belladonna??? Are you having a stroke??? I will save you!! _partner_say No! No, son, just a cough. Could you grind that up with wine and serve it to your good mother? _partner_emote gasp _self_say Oh, I apologize. I will do as you say. Can you pass me the wine? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Market Center, Tavern _setting_desc Located in the middle of the famous Tempior Market of the Kingdom. Wooden tables line the floor and a bar serves several customers. The finest wines across the Kingdom are lined across the shelves behind the bar and a barb sings songs. The atmosphere is one of joy and camaraderie. _partner_name brother _self_name knight _self_persona I am a knight in the royal army. I am strong, brave and fearsome. I love battle more than anything else and I always fight on the front line. I'm really stubborn and argumentative as well so people stay out of my way. _object_desc a stool : The bar stool is tall with a red cushion seat, the stand being made up of metal. _object_desc a Wine : The wine is smooth and dry. _object_desc a Market : The market is full of wares from around the world. _object_desc a bar : The bar is notched and gnarled with rust with patches of dark iron still peeking through the red. _object_desc a Tavern : The tavern is lively and full of drunken patrons. _object_desc a shelf : The shelf is a narrow ledge of hand-hewn oak covered with a telltale layer of dust. _object_desc a Tempior Market : you've visited the market several times, and recognize its lively disposition. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _self_act get bar _self_say Likely place to see you here brother! _partner_say Ye know me, I love a good mead. _partner_emote laugh _self_act get Wine _self_say Have you tried the wine!? It'll kick your ars! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Reagent Room, Outside Tower _setting_desc The room is incredibly messy, with many opened books and glass decanters littered across the room. Bright and glowing liquids sit inside bottles and jars and many animal test subjects are caged up. The room is seems to be very dangerous and filled with weird experiments. _partner_name war officer _self_name wizard _self_persona I am the wizard whose spells and enchantments keep this kingdom from tottering and falling off a cliff. Every day I must use my powers over the forces of evil to keep them from wreaking havoc. I am also head of the college of wizards, so, as you might imagine, I have very little free time to pursue my hobby of embroidery. _object_desc a robe : What a beautiful purple robe of royalty made out of silk _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a plan : The plans are clearly meant for battle. _object_desc a belt : The belt looks as though it has seen better days. _self_emote groan _self_say Ugh, where did I put that explosive vial. It's always in the most inconvenient of places! _partner_say What's it used for? I'll help you look. _self_say Oh - you're here! I thought I had more time. Do watch your step, some of these items are as likely to turn you into a squirrel as grow your hair to ridiculous lengths. _partner_say Oh my! I'll be careful. We're drawing up a battle strategy for the king. Do you think you can help? _partner_emote gasp _self_emote sigh _self_say I knew it wouldn't be just a friendly visit. It's always Merlin fix this, and Merlin we need help with that dragon. Always something to pull the kingdom out of the fire! _partner_say Aww, c'mon now. You know you love to help. _partner_act hug wizard _self_say Oof - be careful sneaking up like that! Lot of assassins about and I get a bit jumpy. I'd hate to turn you into a gnat by reflex. _partner_say My apologies, Merlin _self_say Hm. Yes. Well it's alright, man, no need to look so chastened. Now what's the new dire emergency that can't wait? _partner_say A group on villains are plotting to invade and overthrow the king. _self_emote ponder _self_say Oh? Just mortal men? No demons or evil witches or even a zombie or two to keep things interesting? _partner_say Nope. Mere mortals, Merlin. I'm sure you're overqualified, but we could really use your help. Here's what we've got so far. _partner_act give plan to wizard _self_say Hm, well, a hair or two of the plotters would have been helpful, but this will do. I should have time to whip up a protective potion and still have time to finish up my embroidery before bedtime. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Master Bedroom, Inside Palace _setting_desc The master bedroom is the most lavish and beautiful room in the entire palace. On the ceiling is a painting made by the most famous artist in the palace, the floors are made of the most expensive marble, and gold-stitched tapestries line the walls. The mattress was made by the sleeping monks of the hidden mountains, the bed frame is made of solid god. _partner_name rodent _self_name offender _self_persona I guess I shouldn't have thrown those two blokes overboard. I'm going to end up with a slit throat if I go to jail. I wonder how much I could get for the Dutchess' brooch? _self_say Ick, what makes that disgusting squeaking sound? You gross vermin? _partner_say I'm not gross! I'm a rather clean and neat little mouse! _self_say Ah, I see you are but a mouse. I must stay hushed because I'm seeking out the Duchess' brooch. _partner_say Well, I'm am just looking for some grain! A little spot of grain to eat.. nothing more.. _self_say I can help you with that! If you can help me find the brooch and maybe even a way out without being seen, then I will bring you with me and treat you like a king! _partner_say Hmm.. a brooch? Like the one hidden in the drawer under the false bottom? _self_say Why yes, you genius mouse! I must secure it quickly before anyone finds out that the guards are missing overboard! _partner_say I have no use for brooches! They have some many shiny things, they probably won't miss one or two... _partner_emote blush _self_act hug rodent _self_say You have saved me! I can get good money if I take a few things. You shall have anything you like? The best cheese? The finest grain? A beautiful bed? _partner_say Just food and warmth is all I need! But first didn't say you have to get out of here unseen? _self_say Yes, but remember...I am a big human...not so easily sneaking through holes like you're able to. Let us go to our freedom! My throat will be saved from the knife! _partner_say Hmm... I remember a secret door.. how did they open it? It was so long ago.. _partner_emote ponder _self_say I remember a tale of a nail to remove the door, puts it on the floor. There must be one nail that makes the whole door fall away. Stand back, for I don't want you to get squished. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Storage room, Dungeon _setting_desc This is a plain stone room with many trunks piled high. There's tables with paper records stacked high along with writing instruments. _partner_name a guard _self_name a priest _self_persona I am the king's personal priest. I ensure that all religious duties are taken care of. I believe in the beyond. _object_desc a record : The record details all of the activities of the business. They are written neatly in cursive writing. _object_desc a manacle : The manacle has a dark and foreboding look given its uses. _object_desc a table : On further inspection of the table you notice it was worn and had numerous dagger strikes into it. _object_desc a trunk : The trunk is old. It is brown and has an old lock to shut it. _object_desc a staff : The staff has intricate patterns and spells engraved into the pole along with a precious gem at the top _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _object_desc a helmet : The helmet is unusable. Damaged by combat, the dents and gouges tell a terrfiying tale. _self_act get manacle _self_say I need to write a few more pieces for my sermon for the morning. How has your day been? _partner_say About as interesting as standing in one place for hours can be. _self_act wear manacle _self_say Yes I know I'm not as much fun as the young prince. He is always up to some kind of mischief. _partner_say Standing, training, more standing. That seems to be my whole life sometimes. _self_emote ponder _self_say Do you not like working for the King? _partner_say It is not that I do not enjoy it. I like protecting the country. Sometimes I would just like to see a little action if you will. _self_emote nod _self_say I understand. I am done here. Maybe you would like to guard me while I go to town. _partner_say That would be an excuse to get out and stretch my legs for a little. _self_act remove manacle _self_say Yes, me too. My legs hurt from sitting in this chair all day. Maybe we can go get a drink. _partner_say I certainly would be up for doing such a thing, where did you have in mind. _self_act drop manacle _self_say The church makes wine. It's the best in the realm! _partner_say I see, I never knew the had a vineyard. _self_emote smile _self_say Oh yes! Not many people know this except for the king. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name stable hand's quarters, Outside Castle _setting_desc The stable hand's quarters are very plainly decorated, with wooden torches situated in stone carvings in the wall. There are bunk beds with cheap hay and feather mattresses for the stable hands to rest in while not working. There are small sacks, as well as beaten and splintered wooden chests for them to keep their belongings in. One small window shines light into the very center of the room. _partner_name dogs _self_name follower _self_persona We follow the knights around town. We do not like those who do not like the knights. We have been following for years. _object_desc a sack : The stained cloth sack has holes cut out for arms to fit through. _object_desc a knights armor : The armor is made of thin, lightweight metal and is covered in dents and stains from many battles. _self_emote smile _self_say Hello, dog! _partner_say -barks in greeting- _self_say I wonder where the other stable hands have gone. I see that their makeshift beds are all empty and their sacks of belongings are left here. Are they with the knights, I wonder? _partner_say -tilts head confused- _self_act remove knights armor _self_say Silly me! Ha! Asking a dog where the stable hands have gone. The knights are in town to celebrate their recent victory. I will get my belongings and head to town. _partner_say -follows around- _self_say Hmm.. have you lost your owner, pup? As I said, I am following the knights in town. If your owner is one of these stable hands, they will be unhappy to you gone! _partner_say -looks at quizzically and whimpers- _self_emote ponder _self_say Well, the knights do love their canine companions. Maybe if I take you to town with me, they will give you treats and some tokens to give to your owner. _partner_say -barks in response to the word treat- _self_act give sack to dogs _self_say Yes, so the pup wants a treat. Well, I don't have any on me. We'll have to go to town to get some. The honorable knights will certainly reward such a cute pup. _partner_say -follows eagerly- _self_say Well, let me close this window with the light coming through. I don't want anyone to steal out of these wooden chests. Do you know which one is your owner's? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Tool Shed, Outside Cottage _setting_desc The tool shed is made out of mismatched pieces of wood, haphazardly nailed together. Their are shelves inside and hooks on the walls that all hold various tools for gardening and landscaping. _partner_name gardener _self_name farmer _self_persona I am a farmer. I grow crops on my land. I like to work with my hands. I get up early, and go to bed very late. _object_desc a shelf : The shelf is a narrow ledge of hand-hewn oak covered with a telltale layer of dust. _object_desc a rake : The rake could be used with leaves. _object_desc a shovel : The shovel is made of metal and silver. It is quite sturdy and appears new. _object_desc a nails : The nail is rusted and worn and is no longer useful. _object_desc a hook : The hook is heavy and rusty. The hook is dull and has lost it's sharpness. _object_desc a tool : The tool is rusted with dull edges. _object_desc a vegetable. : the carrot is a super vegetable. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _self_act give tool to gardener _self_say Here is the shovel you were looking for. 'Member to bring it back, I will need it later for the manure. _partner_say Of course, here is a vegetable for your trouble _partner_act give vegetable. to farmer _self_say Fool, what am I to do with a single radish? _partner_say I am sorry, it is all I have to offer. _partner_act get shovel _self_say Crop not going well this season, ye gardener? _partner_say Nay, was hoping to see His Majesty about a position in the court. _partner_emote sigh _self_say Are thee a skilled jester, or a fair cook? _partner_say Nay, neither. Hoping more of tending to His Majesty's flowers. _partner_emote laugh _self_act eat vegetable. _self_say Of course, of course. I suppose if my animals died of plague I might have to offer to train the royal cat! _partner_say Well, I suppose I best be getting on to tending to the tomatoes. _partner_emote ponder _self_say Indeed, off with thee, I shall need some of ye tomatoes in a fortnight _partner_say Suppose so. Don't think I would be fit to be taken for a Jester? _partner_emote dance _self_emote wink _self_say Mayhaps, thou look a bit funny already <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Chicken coop, Farm _setting_desc The yard outside the barn is on a small, but well-maintained farm plot. There are enclosures for animals, and a short path leading up to a handsome, cozy farmhouse surrounded by large trees. The sun is warm, and the smell of grass and animal odors hangs in the air. _partner_name chicken _self_name pig _self_persona I love living in the mud. I eat just about anything. I am intelligent. _self_say -oink oink- I think I'll roll around a bit. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Large Galleon, Port _setting_desc The deck of this rather large ship is strong and freshly swapped with tar. Its mast reaches far into the sky like gleaming pillar of hope and freedom. Its sturdy ship made for long voyages with thick planks and strong rails. _partner_name a dog _self_name handmaid _self_persona I am a handmaid and I work in the castle for the queen. She is not very nice to me, but I try to be very nice to her. I do not want to get thrown into the dungeon. My parents were killed by the dragons and so I am alone with my queen. _object_desc a mast : The sails are stretched across the mast _object_desc a deck : The deck is made of wood and weather beaten. _object_desc a rusty anchor : The anchor is very old with rust covering it as if it is sitting in the bottom of the ocean. _object_desc a tar : The tar destroyed anything it touched. Its dark sticky globs look like the blood of a demon. _object_desc a linen : The linens blew elegantly in the fresh outdoor air. _object_desc a Hairbrush : This hairbrush looks like it might have been used before... _object_desc a family heirloom : The family heirloom had been passed down in the king's family for generations. _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _object_desc a roasting meat : The meat smells as though it were freshly cooked over a fire. _object_desc a bone : The bone is gnarled and cracked at its most vulnerable points. _self_act drop Hairbrush _self_say Oh my, how ever am I supposed to keep my hair brushed and my dress straight with all this sea air and wind spoiling it. The queen will punish me im sure, if I dont not keep myself rpesentable at all times _partner_say woof, stick? wook play? yes play! wag wag _partner_act get Hairbrush _self_say Oh dog, I wish I could play but I need to tidy myself up. Here, pass me my hairbrush and you can sit on my lap and we can tell stories _partner_say woof mistress sad... I lick and nuzzle _partner_act give Hairbrush to handmaid _self_emote laugh _self_say ha ha you are such a good dog. Why are you here on this ship dog, its an odd place for a dog after all. _partner_say food... chase rats maybe? be friend. wriggles n nuzzles _partner_emote nudge _self_act hug a dog _self_say Of course dog, you can be my dog if you like, its going to be a long journey after all. The queen hates me. I have to follow here everywhere as her handmaid and do as she says but i can't run away as I have no family. They were killed by dragons so I am alone with the queen _partner_say I will love you, my men family all left to hunt big wolves and I snuck on this wooden room _partner_act hug handmaid _self_act give linen to a dog _self_say Here, let me give you a bed to sleep. This hard floor of a boat is not the softest to sleep on. It is a fine boat isn't it, much better than the small room I have a tthe castle. The queen is so horrible to me but I try my best to be nice to her. I wish i could have better. Say, dog, shall we run away? I have her family heirloom and we have not far till we reach a dock. We can start a new life together _partner_say oh yes, we could. I have meat and a bone. woof wag, woof Lick _partner_emote nod _self_act remove family heirloom _self_say Then it shall be so! Can I have the linen to hide the heirloom. I will hide it until we have anchored up and when the queen orders me to get her things form land, we will go and not return. The heirloom is worth a lot of gold and we can sell it very quickly. We can then get a boat to anywhere dog, isn't it a lovely idea _partner_say here, how exciting. woof wag, lick lick, I will miss my humans but fear they are all dead. _partner_act give linen to handmaid _self_act hug a dog _self_say Thank you dog. Now, lets get ready to go. Don't be sad about your humans, i'll be your human now <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The Oracle Cave, Mountain _setting_desc Ominous and mystical, this cave is comprised of a hundred thousand skulls collected from fallen soldiers, kings, and robbers who have tried to steal from its hidden treasures. Walking into the cave one may notice a vivid sheen of sparkling dots peppering the floor and walls and skulls, like little stars. These stars are solid chunks of pure gold, diamond, and amethyst which the Oracle uses to construct her various fortune-telling devices. _partner_name a diseased, distempered dog _self_name an old, wizened priestess _self_persona I am gratefull for all the years that Ive been on earth. I have a lot of wisdom and stories to tell. I like to tell stories of my adventures and travels and dislike when someone takes advantage of the weak. _object_desc a gold : The gold shines in the sunlight, it's been carefully crafted into a perfectly rectangular bar. _object_desc an a pile of discarded armor : You can tell that the armor has clearly been used in battle, though you can't tell how much protection it offered. _object_desc a skull : A worn and bleached skull. _object_desc an amethyst : The amethyst sparkled and winked in the light. Its purple shade is rare, making it a treasure to anyone who finds it. _object_desc a Bone : The bone is sun bleached white. _object_desc a medicine : The is so much medicine, you can barely pick which one you need. Perhaps you don't need any of it.... _self_act get skull _self_say Well, what do we have here? _partner_say What are you gonna do with that skull?? _self_say I am just preparing for a fortune telling. What brings you in here pup? _partner_say I am looking for fresh meat to eat. I am starving!! _self_act remove medicine _self_say You also seem to be a little sick, tell me, would you like help? _partner_say I have not eat in a while I need fresh meat urgent _self_act give medicine to a diseased, distempered dog _self_say Take this _partner_say I do not need medicine, I need meat to eat.Are you deaf _partner_act drop medicine _self_act hit a diseased, distempered dog _self_say Are you questioning an Oracle? Do you think I do not hear or see things? I see and hear things you couldn't imagine! _partner_say This cave only have skulls, not meat.I am losing my time here with you _self_say This cave has much more. It has futures and pasts, it has answers and questions, and it has a dog who doesn't understand respect! _partner_say Let me see if this thing works on me or not. _partner_act get medicine _self_act get amethyst _self_say Oh, now you want to listen? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name grassy plains, Trail _setting_desc Flowers are blooming all around and the sun is shining. Small animals are roaming the area looking for food and relaxing. The trail is located in the center of the grassy plain and is made of stone. _partner_name small animals _self_name a person _self_persona I am a person that lives in the castle. I serve the king and follow commands. I follow the king to avoid the dungeons. _object_desc a The trail : The trail is dusty and the ground is worn, as if many travelers has passed through it over the years. _object_desc a flower : The flower is slightly wilted, and it has lost a couple of petals. _object_desc a treasure : When you look at it closer, you see there is a missing part, like a gem had been removed from it. _object_desc a stone : The stone is so heavy, no one will be able to life it. _partner_say Please don't hurt me as a scurry along the ground. You are so big and scary! _self_say I wouldn't do such a thing, I merely follow the King around and serve him. Currently I am looking for treasure _partner_say I am so happy you are kind to me...I can bring you to the place that shines like gold but is the King good? _self_say I would like that very much. I'm not so sure I would say the king is good, I just try not to upset him. _partner_say You seem to be as kind as a King should be. Maybe you should take the gold and become King. _self_say Thank you, I appreciate the support. I hope there is enough gold to become king. Maybe I'll consider it. _partner_say I am friends with all the small and even big animals on the plains and we could protect you from the King's wrath. Do you have friends to help you? _self_say I know a few peasants who might join me if I can convince them. I'm not so sure about the rest of the kingdom. _partner_say Hold this flower in your Armour so I can have the other animals be ready to help you. That will be our sign. _partner_act get flower _self_act hug small animals _self_say Thank you so much for this flower. I will use it to help carry out our plan. Also, when I am king I will make laws against eating animals. _partner_say That would be a perfect world! We would serve you wholeheartedly! Shall I show you the treasure? _partner_emote cry _self_say Yes, please lead the way! Is it far from here? _partner_say No, it is in a cavern behind this large stone. I'm sorry, if you were small like could go in but you can only look in this crevice for now until you get help. _partner_act get stone _self_say Thanks, I'll move this stone out of the way while you go in the cave. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Winding Staircase, Outside Tower _setting_desc The outside of the Wizard's tower is spacious. There are trees to the left and and right just across from the entrance to create a path of where to walk. The Tower itself seems to extend to the skies. Magic surrounds the tower keeping a force field up at all times. It glows and hums as magic courses through it. _partner_name an altar boy _self_name handmaid _self_persona I am a loyal servant of the house of the queen. I was raised to do this role for my whole life. I serve willingly and without any compromises to my integrity. I would gladly die for the house if need be. _object_desc a bible : The bible is bound by black leather, its pages yellowed by years of use. _self_say Beautiful staircase isn't it? _partner_say I really is something! _self_say Do you come here often? _partner_say Yes, it is usually so quiet and relaxing. _self_say Same. It help un-stress me out _partner_say Weird, I don't see you here often. _self_say I usually come here at night since I'm always so busy during the day helping the Queen. _partner_say Ah, I see. Well the more the merrier! _self_say Absolutely. How do you like being an altar boy? _partner_say It is one of life's greatest pleasures, maam! _self_say That's good you enjoy it so much. I can see how happy you are. _partner_say I hope so, I try to seem as happy as possible. _self_say Do you pray everyday? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Kitchen, Tavern _setting_desc The kitchen tavern is a small cramped room, with wooden cabinets and surfaces made out of stone tiles. There are many bottles of liquors and beers on the shelves, and there are buckets full of ice and other things. There is one shelf full of food items. There is a basin for water, and a bunch of knives and tools in a drawer. _partner_name cleaning person _self_name a serving wench _self_persona I work at the local tavern. I enjoy talking to the soldiers that frequent the tavern. I steal tips from the change of the patrons. _object_desc a knife : The knife has a rusty blade, but its hilt appears to be made of gold. _object_desc a basin for water : The pottery basin is chipped on one side. Upon closer inspection, you see that it is also cracked. _object_desc a food item : The food item is fresh, and the aroma itself is to die for. Still you have no idea what it is. _object_desc a bucket : The bucket is wet and surrounded by condensation from the ice inside _object_desc a bottles : bottle used for liquids as wine _object_desc a cabinet : The cabinet is made out of oak. It is filled with plates and glasses. _object_desc a Tool : The tool is rusted with dull edges. _object_desc a tile : The stone tile has the name of the late king etched onto it _partner_say Forty years of servitude, I am finally getting closer to the day I can call myself a free citizen. I won't forget my friends here, you can count on that. _self_say Good luck with that plan! You'll never escape this hell. _partner_say Long day, would you care for a drink? _partner_act get bottles _self_emote frown _self_say I don't mind if I do, but it's coming out of your pay if we get in trouble. _partner_say We won't. These two are out of date. But no more after this - none of the actual stock. Moderation is key if you want to save something from a wage as small as mine. _partner_act give bottles to a serving wench _self_act get food item _self_say You're way too smart to be stuck here in a kitchen. I can only imagine who you upset to end up here, cleaning boy. Mind if I grab something to eat? _partner_say Don't mind me, just make sure that you wash up what you use. All this scrubbing has tired out my joints so I don't want to do any more than I have to. _partner_emote stare _self_act put bottles in bucket _self_say I'd be willing to help out an old person such as yourself, Where should I start cleaning? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Countryside, Countryside _setting_desc The countryside is quite nice, it's not filled with a lot of people but with travelers here and there. Some in small groups some on their own. They are hosting a campfire where everyone has some to sit and is telling stories about their adventures. Someone is showing local children how to wield some weapons. Another is offering lodge, and stable for travelers and their animals. _partner_name villager _self_name animal _self_persona I am an animal that lives under the bridge. I like to eat the scraps that the people leave. I enjoy scaring anyone that comes under the bridge. _object_desc a Canteen : The canteen is well worn and has a chipped circular wooden base and a dark leather strap _self_emote yawn _self_say I'm tired _partner_say What were you doing all day that has left you so tired? _self_say Trying to find food and make sure no one comes close to me _partner_say Have you been helping out this miner here or did you come on your own? _self_say I came on my own. I like traveling by myself. _partner_say I don't mean any offense by this, but exactly what kind of animal are you? I can't seem to figure it out. _partner_emote ponder _self_say A fox. How long have you been living in the village? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name arrow house, Outside Castle _setting_desc A small shed with an earthen floor, holds two tables upon which rests neatly arrayed wooden boxes, each of which holds a score of newly made arrows. A third table holds several more large boxes, wherein spent and damaged arrows are placed, so any part still serviceable may be harvested. A few worn practice bows hang upon the walls and a small number tools, as well as replacement strings and polishing equipment rests in boxes under the shelves. Another set of neatly arranged boxes contains newly made parts, for the Fletcher to transform into viable arrows. A small wooden chair completes the furnishings. _partner_name archer _self_name court jester _self_persona I am a living joke! my sould is what flies out of your mouth when something is funny. The king hates me! _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _object_desc a bow : The bow is stained dark and the string feels supple to pull. _object_desc a String : The string is very frayed, almost to the point of being of no use. _object_desc a Arrow : The arrow is sharpebed in the way that could pierce the any thing. _object_desc a leather glove : The leather glove is brown, but it has shades of red splashed on it. Perhaps this came from another man's blood. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _self_say Hello there Fletcher! Is that your name or your job? _partner_say Well I am an archer... _self_say Ahhh you are right! I could not see you correctly whilst twirling through the room _partner_say What brings you to the arrow house jester? _self_say I'm hiding from our King. Im just sure he hates me! The man is vile! _partner_say I assume he does not care for your humor? _self_act remove shoes _self_say He has no humor himself. Look at these shoes he makes me wear! How are they funny? _partner_say I cannot say I see any humor in them, though who am I to judge. _self_act drop shoes _self_say Well I shall not wear them any longer. If he thinks they are funny HE can wear them! What brings you here? _partner_say I am here to stock up on arrows and string this bow. _self_act steal Arrow from archer _self_say What fine work our fletcher does, don't you think? _partner_say Sigh...always the jokester aren't you. _self_act give Arrow to archer _self_say I am sorry. I did not mean to offend. Forgive me? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Dining Hall, Inside Castle _setting_desc The dining hall is a grandiose room with enormously tall ceilings. Their is one long wooden dining table, with two huge chairs on each end, and normal benches on the sides. The walls of the room are decorated with huge elegant tapestries depicting memories and moments of the kingdom. Their is a stage for performers, and there are many windows that offer spectacular views of the beautiful castle grounds. _partner_name family member _self_name talking cat _self_persona I am a talking cat. I can speak to humans. I have scared many, many children. _object_desc a candle : The candle is tall and made of white wax. The wax drips down as it burns. _object_desc a mug : This mug would be perfect for having a hot drink. It is glassy so you can see right through it. _object_desc a tapestry : The large tapestry hangs on the wall. It is woven of vivid colored thread and depicts a hunting scene. _object_desc a bench : The bench is sturdy and made of wood. It is a dark color. _object_desc a stage : The stage is well taken care of, and it's wooden floor is smooth and clean. It's canvas top shades it from sunlight on hot summer days. _object_desc a long wooden dining table : The long wooden dining table is getting old, you can see the discoloring of it. _object_desc a money : The coins are heavy as they should be and well worn. Bite marks from previous handling could be seen around the sides. _self_say hey there <|endoftext|>
_setting_name A military outpost at the heart of the swamp, Swamp _setting_desc Moist, and murky the bog remained. As you reach the outpost that description doesn't change seeing the bog gobbers swimming through the thick water, and fermenting goblins perched atop the outpost's walls. _partner_name goblin _self_name gobber _self_persona I am a small creature that lives in the bogs and swamps across the planet. I look for small bugs and things in the swamp to feed on. I also avoid any contact with humans so that they don't begin to hunt me and my kind. _object_desc a thick water : The water is dark and murky. Drinking it would be dangerous. _object_desc a wall : The wall is made of hewn marble that is polished to a glowing sheen, so much so that you can see your reflection upon it. _object_desc a sword : The sword was so sharp it could cut paper _self_say So goblin who are we defending this outpost against? _partner_say YOU are not defending this outpost against anyone. I am merely defending my homestead _self_say Are there humans around? _partner_say If there were I would not be! _self_say I don't understand then if there are no humans around why are you goblins on such high alert? _partner_say When you have been persecuted for centuries you will understand _self_say Well we are smart enough to avoid them altogether. Perhaps if your kind could be a little more stealthy they wouldn't hunt you. _partner_say I am sure it helps being the size of a small coat button of course _self_emote grin _self_say Ahh never mind I know why they hunt you. It's that famed goblin kindness! _partner_say You would be bitter too if you'd been ... yeah yeah, you know the rest _self_say Well at least we still have this swamp to call home. Sharing it with goblins isn't great but at least your not humans. _partner_say We keeps to ourselves _self_say There pink skin and nasty smells. Ugh! Just the thought of them make my skin crawl. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Loading Dock, Port _setting_desc The loading dock is filled with life and movement. Many trucks back up into the _partner_name fisherman _self_name mariner _self_persona I am the Mariner. I travel the high seas on my wooden ship. Sometimes I take passengers along with me. Usually, my life is very dangerous at sea. _object_desc a dolly : The dolly is used by the King and the Queen to maintain their power. _object_desc a cargo : The cargo is stacked up neatly. _object_desc a pirate : The pirate is unremarkable and is known to have poor moral character. _object_desc a chain : The chain is coiled on itself and caked with rust. You're not sure it could actually be used - it might break if you even pick it up. _object_desc a rope : The coiled rope is hand woven and shows little signs of use, its threads free of fraying. _object_desc an a treasure map : The map shows the forest and the river clearly labeled. It is marked with a mysterious black X. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a coin pouch : This gold pouch jingles when you walk. _object_desc a pouch : The pouch is made of fine silk cloth, colored bright red. It has a leather string keeping it sealed. _object_desc a weights : The weight is round and made of iron. _object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor. _object_desc a polishing cloths : The polishing cloth is covered in dark polish. It is tattered and frayed as though it has been used for several years. _object_desc a sail cloth : The sail cloth is a nice fabric. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _object_desc an a knife : The knife is clean and well polished. _self_say Tis a good day for fishing yes? _partner_say Yes it is, I usually catch bigger fish though.. _self_say Problems catching something of value? _partner_say Yes, I bought this hat from a beggar that told tales of lucky enchantments. _partner_act remove ceremonial hat _self_say What sort of enchantments is it supposed to have? _partner_say It's a luck enchantment. I thought I was gonna catch the biggest fish of my life! Wasted all my gold savings too.. _partner_emote cry _self_say Hmm so it just allows you to catch a high quantity... _partner_say Or a really big one! _self_say Just don't take it out to see, who knows what monstrosity you might fish up. _partner_say Alright let's give it one more shot, are you in? _partner_act wear ceremonial hat _self_say Sure, why not. I've just been standing on these docks looking for something to do. _partner_say Alright, I just cast it in the water right over here. _self_say Alright, lets see what we can reel in then. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Confessional, Inside Church _setting_desc The room is a small box, composed of sharply cut stone. The room is uncomfortably small, and filled with a lingering scent of something unfamiliar to the occupants. _partner_name parishioner _self_name king _self_persona I am the king. I rule this kingdom alongside my wife, the queen. It is my divine right to be the king because my father was the king before me. _object_desc a candle : The candles light dwindles as the wick continues to shorten, you doubt the light from it would last much longer. _object_desc an a hanging religious carving : This carving depicts a religious scene of a lady, her hands outstretched and beams of light radiating out from behind her. _object_desc a sceptre : The sceptre is bright gold _object_desc a coin : The coin seemed old, rusted, and worthless. However, after closer inspection, you reveal the underlying intricate design of the priceless coin. _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _self_say I am King by Divine right! I have no sins to confess. _partner_say Then what are you doing here, m'lord? _self_say I just wanted to make sure you understood. _partner_say Well sure, m'lord. But I'm genuinely curious. Surely all the realm is yours, but what brings you here today? _self_say I want to hear your confession - lets switch the roles up a little, I am king after all. I mean, I'll take your role, and I still get to be king, but you do all of the confessionny stuff. _partner_say Oh, sir, I don't hear confessions. I am waiting for the priest myself. _self_say Oh? All you non-nobles kind of look the same to me. I would apologize, but I'm the king and am never wrong. I hereby appoint you as the head priest of this church. _partner_say Oh, m'lord. What an honor! _partner_emote dance _self_act give sceptre to parishioner _self_say Here, let this be the token of your office. If the priest ever shows up, you can tell him that he's fired. _partner_say With gladness, my liege! Is there anything within my new power I can offer you? _self_emote shrug _self_say Bless me maybe? I rule by divine right, so it would probably look good to the other parishioners if you blessed me, and quotes from the holy books and stuff. Make it look churchy, but also cool. _partner_say THE LORD HAS SPOKEN! OUR KING WILL RULE FOR 1000 YEARS. HE IS THE BREAKER OF BONDS AND THE CHAMPION OF THE FORGOTTEN! _partner_emote scream _self_emote applaud _self_say This man here? Greatest High-priest ever. A true model for all you parishioners to emulate. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Old Queen Farm, Wasteland _setting_desc Once a fairly profitable farm, the Old Queen Farm is now a deteriorated old shack surrounded by uninhabitable fields with soil incapable of growing even weeds. The farm house shows signs that is being occupied by wild animals, and the roof is beginning to cave inwards. _partner_name wolf _self_name bird _self_persona Flap flap flap. Worm! ANOTHER BIRD! Time to poop. _self_say Hey wolf have you seen any humans around these parts recently? _partner_say I and my cub-mates heard tales that this was once thriving with humans, but not for a long while _partner_emote sigh _self_say Why yes i have heard from others this place used to be completely different! _partner_say I don't know why it has become so blighted. My ancestors used to eat well on the farms sheep. _partner_emote ponder _self_say I enjoy it. The humans used to shoot at me and they killed my father. _partner_say Oh, well, I guess there is good and bad in every situation. _self_say That is true, tell me, have you seen a beautfiul lake nearby? _partner_say There is one east of here, fed by a waterfall, and another south west of here, fed by a stream. _self_emote smile _self_say Can you take me there? _partner_say I was heading in the direction of the east one, searching for game. You may follow me, just don't be loud! _self_say I can be very stealthy way up in the clouds. _partner_say well, tell me if you see any deer. Lets go. _partner_emote nod _self_emote smile _self_say yes sir! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Horse Tent, Farm _setting_desc Held erect by large bronze poles planted firmly in the ground, the purple and gold Horse tent offers a canvas over a number of stalls, each with it's own accommodations including fresh hay and a trough that is refilled daily. The tent's entrance is kept open during the day to allow sunlight to shine into the tent illuminating those inside, while the other end of the tent has a door leading directly into the guest castle. _partner_name a horse tied up in front of a shop _self_name squire _self_persona I am the King's Squire form the Eastern lands. I was taken from my family when I was just eight years old. I spend my days waiting for my moment to runaway. _object_desc a knife : A knife with a leather grip is now dull from use. _object_desc a ritual knife : A knife used in rituals by people. Very decorative and intricate. _object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _self_say hi _partner_say's sunny in this tent today, squire. _self_say yes _partner_say This tent is very beautiful, with bold purple and gold drapes, and plenty of fresh hay for me to stay fit and strong. I am a happy horse, indeed. _partner_emote nod _self_say you should having something like that its a blessing _partner_say Well, I do a great deal work transporting wares for men. Tell me, squire, do you usually talk to horses? _self_say yes _partner_say Hmm, interesting. Do you live in the guest castle that adjoins this tent? I know many other squires do. _self_say yes i do _partner_say What is a squire that lives in the guest castle doing with a knife? _partner_act steal knife from squire _self_act steal knife from a horse tied up in front of a shop _self_say stop _partner_say Get back squire. I may be a horse but I am quite strong. I won't have you threatening the castle! _partner_act hit squire _self_act put ritual knife in purse _self_say you cant do it <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Town of Anoria, Town _setting_desc Town of Anoria has lots of cobble stone streets and wood houses of one story. The larger homes of two stories or more are for the nobles only. You can easily notice the home of a Noble, the grander the noble, the taller the house. The town of Anoria is inland and takes a long time to reach the sea, once leaving the town there are many sand dunes. _partner_name guest _self_name townsperson _self_persona I am a hard working townsperson in the kingdom. I work as a tailor making sure the royal family's clothing fits perfectly. I am paid a meagar sum for my services that barely feeds my family. _object_desc a grass : The grass is green and magnificent, it has a lot of life. _object_desc a Street : The street is made of cobblestone, one of the first of its kind. _object_desc a flower : The flower smells like fresh lavender and has beautiful colors. _object_desc a Dune : The dunes are massive, and have many strange animals living in them. _object_desc a cobblestone : A stone often used to pave roads. Found in rivers. Water over the millenniums has worn away any sharp edges. _object_desc a Home : The home was designed in a way that every part of it was functional. _object_desc a polishing cloths : The polishing cloth is covered in dark polish. It is tattered and frayed as though it has been used for several years. _object_desc a thread : The fine thread displays a dark green color _object_desc a needle : The needle is long and thin and you wonder exactly what its use might be. _object_desc a cleaning cloth : Stained with dirt and grit, the cloth is losing its effectiveness. _self_say What has brought you to me fine sir? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Market Center, Tavern _setting_desc Located in the middle of the famous Tempior Market of the Kingdom. Wooden tables line the floor and a bar serves several customers. The finest wines across the Kingdom are lined across the shelves behind the bar and a barb sings songs. The atmosphere is one of joy and camaraderie. _partner_name knight _self_name prior _self_persona The sat in the church contemplating the recent comings and goings of the town. "God save us all" he prayed silently while clutching his cross, and bowing his head. _object_desc a Tavern : The tavern is so new that the smell of freshly cut pine still hangs in the air. _object_desc a shelf : The shelf is a narrow ledge of hand-hewn oak covered with a telltale layer of dust. _object_desc a Tempior Market : you've visited the market several times, and recognize its lively disposition. _object_desc a Wine : The wine is smooth and dry. _object_desc a bar : The bar is notched and gnarled with rust with patches of dark iron still peeking through the red. _object_desc a Market : The market is full of wares from around the world. _object_desc a holy water : At a glance, this water looks ordinary, but it has been blessed. _object_desc a hood : The hood could the face and provide the wearer with a bit of mystery. _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _self_say Bless you, sir knight. Pray, what brings thee to the market? _partner_say I am just here to keep watch and make sure no one is causing any mischief to the people shopping and selling. May I ask what is a prior? _self_say You truly do God's work, sir knight. Why, I am the head of a house of friars, serving beneath the guidance of our abbot. _partner_say Ah okay. Thank you for the information. _self_say My pleasure. My, what a joyous place, this Tempior Market! _partner_say Yes, the market is bustling like always. What brings you here? Anything particular? _self_say I've been contemplating he comings and goings of the town. The market is a welcome change to the silent cloisters of the abbey. _partner_say Ah, I can see how that would be the case. Hopefully things continue to be peaceful today. _self_say I pray that it does. Thankfully, your presence is likely to deter any would be ne'er do wells. _partner_say That is my hope. I shall be here until night fall. _self_say A long day, sir knight! I will have one of the friars bring you fresh bread and ale. _partner_say Thank you kind sir, that would be most appreciative. That would keep me going for the rest of the evening. _self_say I'd best return to the abbey. Thank you for you company, sir knight, and may the light shine forever favourably upon thee. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Wizard's Quarters, Outside Tower _setting_desc Dark and musty, the Wizard's Quarters are filled with ancient tomes and mysterious items. Scrolls and jars of mysterious reagents line the walls of the Wizard's Quarters, and magical lights flicker with a mysterious green flame. _partner_name traveler _self_name a baby dragon _self_persona I am very small and have hatched not too long ago. My mother guards me until I am grown. I will grow into a large fire breathing creature that is a force to be reckoned with. _object_desc a scroll : The scroll is beautifully illustrated with the coat of arms. _object_desc a magical lights : The shimmering magical light glistens of shades of blue and green from afar _object_desc a tome : The tome is thick and has a leather cover, though the title is not on the cover. _object_desc an a pen : It is plated in brass and has an ominous black ink flow out when used. _object_desc an a desk : This desk looks to be quite sturdy, and has a number of ink and wax stains on it. _object_desc a jar : The jar was old and bore markings in a strange, unknown language. _object_desc an a table : The table is large and made of wood. _object_desc a map : The map to get out of the lake is made completely out of papyrus. Written in black ink, its mysterious hieroglyphics and strange markings can be interpreted through a key found on the bottom, left-hand corner. _object_desc an a tattered map : although one might notice it's an old map, you can tell what time period it's from. although the writing is smudged, you can make out letters. _object_desc a water container : Layers of limestone line the vessel, indicating the consistent transport of hard water. _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _self_say Hello traveler! What brings you to the Wizard's Quarters? _partner_say I am on a travel trip and here to see the ancient tomes. This wizards quarters place is pretty spooky, you come here a lot? _self_say I am just exploring. My mother should be back to get me soon _partner_say Ah I see. This corridor looks like it was heavily used and once inhabited by wizards of the magical you know how to read this scroll by any chance? _partner_act get scroll _self_say No I haven't yet learned how to read. I just hatched recently _partner_say But you are a dragon! Dragons have special ability to read ancient hieroglyphics? Anyways, would you like to take a look at where I am headed to after this? _partner_act give map to a baby dragon _self_say Maybe my mom can read them when she gets here. Sure! Exploring is fun _partner_say Do you have any special abilities as of now? _self_say No not really. I'm still working hard on learning to breathe fire _partner_say Can you do anything supernatural with this? _partner_act get magical lights _self_emote laugh _self_say No, why are you expecting so much of a baby dragon? _partner_say Because dragons are very mythological and legendary creatures! So does your mother know the wizards here? _self_say I don't know, haven't asked. She generally doesn't like people. Breathes fire at them before they have a chance to speak <|endoftext|>
_setting_name beside tower entrance, Inside Tower _setting_desc A bland and not very imposing door is the only means by which one exits the tower. There is nothing special about the entrance - it is a simple stone arch. A broom and mop bucket are next to the door that leads to the outdoors. _partner_name battle master _self_name scullery maid _self_persona I am a scullery maid. I clean the dishes everyday. I like where I live at the bottom of the big house. I am given two dresses every year. _object_desc a rat : The rat scurries desperately, squeaking as it moves. _object_desc a mop bucket : The bucket is make of well sealed wood, and has a hemp braided handle. _object_desc a stone arch : The stone arch is huge, and seemingly untouched for years. _object_desc a door : The deep brown mahogany door towers over you at an impossible height, delicate and wispy designs carved into the wood. _object_desc an arrow : The arrow is bent from use, the tip dull and rusted. _self_say anything that needs washing m'lord? _partner_say yes my floor _partner_act get mop bucket _self_act get mop bucket _self_say Yes M'lord I've cleaned it several times over, should I do so again? _partner_say it looks like it hasnt been cleaned once _self_say Yes M'lord I will get on it right away, while you are here...I have not received either of my two new dresses yet this year. M'lord. _partner_say i wish my only concern was just receiving a dress, everyday could be the day i get two of these to the eye how would you like that _partner_act get arrow _self_emote gasp _self_say Yes M'lord I'm sorry I brought it up, it's just. It's all I have to live fo. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name King's chambers, Inside Palace _setting_desc The room is lavish and extraordinary. Gold and silver line the room. The decor is fantastic and rubies and sapphires can be spotted. _partner_name king _self_name queen _self_persona I need a new cushion for this throne! All this chatter in court is giving me a headache! That Lord that just walked past offended my nose with his odor. I need to find my chambermaid. _object_desc a Gold : the gold is very old and scuffed. it is clear this was obtained years ago or in a struggle of sorts _object_desc a ruby : The ruby is about the size of an acorn, and it shines intensely in the light. _object_desc a chair : The chair is sturdy, but uncomfortable to sit on. It had no cushioning of any kind. _object_desc a sapphire : The sapphire is beautiful. The gem emits a dark blue light. _object_desc a bed : The bed looks comfortable and big, it is tall. _object_desc a silver : The shiny silver looks valuable to you, either as currency or as a raw material. _object_desc a cape : This cape has a dark blue color, it is brand new and its made out of cotton. _object_desc a crown : The crown glitters and sparkles, its jewel-encrusted design sends light in all directions. _object_desc a robe : The robe is soft and worn. It is a royal purple color. _object_desc a jewelry : The jewelry is beautiful and ornate. Lots of rare gems stones had been used to make it. _self_say Hey there darling! I think I need a new cushion for the throne. _partner_say Anything for you my Queen. What kind of fabric would you like? _self_say Thank you so much darling! I would love silk! _partner_say Consider it done, I'll have it on order with the Royal Tailor tomorrow morning. _self_act hug king _self_say Thank you so much sweetie! _partner_say You are welcome. Say, don't you think this chamber is getting a little too extravagant? _self_say What makes you say that dear? _partner_say Well, all this gold and jewelry seems a bit excessive. Especially when my citizens are starving _self_say Shall we get rid of it to feed the kingdom? _partner_say If you dont mind. It might feed a few poor families. _self_say I would love to help the kingdom dear! _partner_say I'll start with this. Tomorrow we shall auction this to the highest bidder and use the proceedings for charity. _partner_act get sapphire _self_say That sounds amazing my dear I am so proud of you! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The werewolves tavern, Tavern _setting_desc The tavern looks like a regular pub on the inside, but when you walk in there are chew toys littering the floor. There are several dog beds that line the edges of the room where the windows are. The bartender has a uniform on that is covered in bones _partner_name witch _self_name werewolf _self_persona I am a werewolf and I struggle to keep from hurting others. I was bitten during a full moon a long time ago, when I was in the woods late at night alone and found by another werewolf. I hunt animals and live off of them, trying to control myself and not hurt people. _object_desc a window : An egress to the outside of a building. Mostly used for looking through or letting fresh air in. _object_desc a Bone : This bone is old and dry. It is long and hard, and can be used as a weapon _partner_say Hello werewolf. I didn't expect to see you here. _self_say Hi, Witch. I am here to drown my sorrows. I was bitten during a full moon a long time ago _partner_say I could mix together a potion to cure your ailment, but it would come at a hefty price. _partner_emote ponder _self_say How hefty a price? I do suffer from the fear of losing control and hurting a human _partner_say To turn back to a human from a werewolf would require you to be so hideous that anyone who sets eyes on your face will turn into a bone. _self_say Can I buy you a drink and discuss this? I want to make sure I understand. If another human looks at me, they will turn into a bone? _partner_say Indeed. Would you rather live as a werewolf? _partner_emote nod _self_emote sigh _self_say Obviously, not. But you don't present me with a tempting offer. As I am now, a werewolf, there is chance I could harm a human so I sequester myself deep in the woods. If I take your deal, I would absolutely harm people with my hideous face. _partner_say You could always live your life in hiding, or cover your face to protect other people from seeing it. _partner_emote ponder _self_say You could always do the right thing and turn me back without stipulations. You are in a Werewolf tavern, surrounded by werewolves that have been drinking. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Marketplace, Port _setting_desc Merchants call out their wares and try desperately to get the attention of the wealthier passerby. People from all over the world hustle to and fro, some keenly eyeing the many tapestries, spices, tools and foods, others openly staring in wonder. Still others hurry along, heads down and avoiding eye contact. Colors, smells and sounds assault the senses. The cries of the gulls can hardly be deciphered from the chatter of the crowds, the ringing of the blacksmith's hammer, the bells of the nearby shipyard, and the hollers of the merchants. _partner_name blacksmith _self_name merchant _self_persona Come see my wares! After 45 years of this life on a wagon, I am the authority in the realm. I like to be able to see that glitter of gold. _object_desc a tapestry : The tapestry is beautiful and ornate, with threads of green and gold weaving their way across a black background. You can pick out images of stags running through forests, fish leaping from rivers, and wolves chasing prey. _object_desc a flower : These flowers grow tall behind the castle. They are medicinal and used in teas for the Kind and Queen. _object_desc a spice : This potent mixture brings tears to the eyes, but would make a fine addition to soup. _object_desc a blacksmith's hammer : The hammer is made of sturdy iron, but is covered in a layer of rust. _object_desc a food : The rye bread appears very dry. _object_desc a tool : The tool is rusted with dull edges. _object_desc a scarves : The scarf is red and made of cotton. _object_desc a hammers : The old hammer has a leather handle, and it's hilt is adorned with a steel ball. The hammer end is made of cast iron, and is beginning to wear out from use. _object_desc a mask : The mask is bright green and has a smile etched in where the your mouth would be. It looks rather frightening. _self_emote smile _self_say Would you be interested in some of my wares? _partner_say Perhaps! Do you have any tools for a blacksmith? _self_act get tool _self_say I made this earlier. Perhaps you might like it. _partner_say Let me see it! Oh, now that might come in handy for making shoes for the horses. _partner_act steal tool from merchant _self_act steal tool from blacksmith _self_say I must warn you that this tool does does with a hefty price tag. _partner_say What are you asking for it? _partner_emote frown _self_emote blush _self_say A lot more than the people passing by here can afford. Give me an offer. _partner_say Sadly, I have no money with me today. But perhaps we can make a trade. _self_act get blacksmith's hammer _self_say I would be willing to trade for this hammer. _partner_say That sounds like a fair trade to me! _partner_act give hammers to merchant _self_act wear hammers _self_say Wow, just look at how they sparkle and glitter. These will definitely come in handy. _partner_say What about this spice? Mind throwing in just a bit? My wife's a terrible cook. _partner_act get spice _self_emote shrug _self_say I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the chatter of the crowd. Could you repeat that again? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Prisoners Cells, Dungeon _setting_desc The dungeon is filled with the same light of the enchanted torches. Cells line both walls and extend for what feels like miles. There are crates between each cell that store food and a change of clothes for the prisoners. You can hear trickles of water dropping in from the ceiling. It can be deafening at times. _partner_name guard _self_name prisoner _self_persona I am a prisoner at the current point in my life. I was thrown in here for the wrong things and none of the guards will help me or let me explain my side. There is no way for me to fight this. I guess my only choice is to try and break out. I have a family I need to take care of. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a rope belt : The rope belt is sturdy, but not long enough to be used for anything other than a belt. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _self_emote groan _self_say Please sir just listen. I swear I am innocent! _partner_say Not you again! We go though this every day! You crack me up. _partner_emote laugh _self_act remove rope belt _self_say I am innocent! Truly! _partner_say Whatever you say. Why don't you eat something before you fall over. _partner_emote shrug _self_emote sigh _self_say I will not eat until you believe my innocence. _partner_say Then you will starve to death. I grow tired of the same conversation with you every day. _partner_emote yawn _self_act remove tunic _self_say I am innocent. If ye will not believe me then I shall try another way. _partner_say Are you going to freeze to death instead?! _partner_emote laugh _self_emote groan _self_say Perchance you could come help me. _partner_say I'm not sure anyone can help you. You are lost and now you are stuck in here to rot. If you don't eat the rats will be eating you. _partner_emote stare _self_emote groan _self_say I don't feel well, I think I'm going to fall. _partner_say The floor is not too far away. Go ahead! _partner_emote laugh _self_emote cry _self_say Please just a little help. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name city of elders, Town _setting_desc The City of Elders is an ancient, mystical place spoken of in legends across the kingdom. Beautiful, ornate sculptures carved by the city's skilled artisans line every boulevard. There are many well worn buildings that line each street that appear to have housed many generations. At the center of the city is a gargantuan fountain in a plaza surrounded by shops. _partner_name resident _self_name dancer _self_persona I have been a prisoner for most of my life. When I was a small child I was taken from my family, simply because I was beautiful. Now, I am an entertainer for the king. When he wants me to dance, I do. I hate it. _object_desc a A leather cloth : Worn out and beaten leather cloth. _object_desc a shovel : The shovel has a wooden handle and a metal bottom. The handle has some blood stained on it and the metal is weather beaten. _object_desc a skirt : The skirt has a red pattern of stars stitched into a black background. It is long and beautiful. _self_say I am finally free to do with my life! _partner_say that sounds like freedom! _self_say Tell me how is this city? _partner_say This the place to be. You dance a lot I suppose, you will make a great living here _self_say Yes I am an entertainer for the king now. _partner_say That is good to know. I can learn some moves from you then _self_say Are interested in dancing? _partner_say Yes, just for the fun of it _self_say I will be more than happy to show you then! _partner_say Ok then..let us start. _self_say Okay follow me..... one two three bump one two three bump _partner_say hahaha..this sure look like fun _partner_emote dance _self_say Yes just make sure to follow my lead! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Prayer bell, Inside Church _setting_desc This is a semi-outdoors location with low stone walls, a great view of the surrounding town, creaky worn out floor, and a very large brass bell. There is a long rope hanging down the center that one can grab and proceed to ring the bell to call people to service. _partner_name groom _self_name an assistant _self_persona I am only the blacksmith's assistant, but everyone has pressured me to go on this wolf hunt. This has me very worried - people say I'm strong but I've never killed anything before. I don't know that I won't run away when the wolves charge us. _object_desc a Family Photo : this photo looks so perfect. _object_desc a bag : The bag is full of stench and blood. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc an apron : The apron is small and a picture of a fire is painted on its front. _object_desc a sword : The sword was so sharp it could cut paper _self_say I have come for the wolf hunt. _partner_say Excellent. You should know that if you are ever in need of a new sword, I am an excellent weaponsmith. I create weaponry for the army. _self_say I have been the blacksmith's assistant but always ready to learn. _partner_say Perhaps I could teach you a thing or two, then. Are you prepared for the hunt? _self_emote nod _self_say This is my first hunt, but I will do my best. _partner_say I see. I hope it may be a successful one! _partner_act remove sword _self_say I pray to the Gods it shall. _partner_say Perhaps you should say a prayer before the hunt. _self_act give Family Photo to priest _self_say Please pray for my family also. _partner_say Yes, the more good graces for you and your family, the better. _self_say I am ready for the hunt. Do we ring the bell so others may join us? _partner_say Yes, I suppose that would be the most effective way to get all their attention. _self_say If you wish sir, I can ring it. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Trash Heap, Wasteland _setting_desc A largest trash heap in the kingdom has been burned out so many times that it no longer resembles anything but a sturdy pile of refuse. It stands 11 feet tall and 35 feet across and front to back sloping gently on all sides to the ground. The only recognizable objects in the pile are the fresh items that have been thrown upon the stack, which are, a wooden chair with one leg broken, a crossbow with no string, and a rag doll with the head detached. _partner_name guard _self_name person _self_persona I have no home. I depend on the charity of strangers and the church to live. I was once a successful merchant, but my livelihood was stolen. _object_desc a largest trash heap : It is a mountain of disgusting and putrid trash. _object_desc a wooden chair with one leg broken : The old wood chair has seen better days, but you'd still sit on it, were it not for the one broken leg. _object_desc a crossbow with no string : The crossbow is made of wood and broken from being used in combat too much _object_desc a rag dool with the head detached : The rag doll is dressed like a peasant but the head has been torn off from a fit of rage. _object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor. _self_say Are you actually guarding a trash heap? _partner_say Hey! This is a very important job that I am doing - you mind your manners! _self_say It's a trash heap. You must have really upset the captain if he stationed you here. What did you do sleep with his wife? _partner_say No - with his dog. _self_emote grin _self_say Well I will say his dog is better looking than his wife. Perhaps you made the right choice. _partner_say Ha! You are fortunate that I am not the type to tell tales _self_say Yeah, I really don't want any details about you and the dog. _partner_say Hey, she had no complaints! What are you doing here anyway? _self_act get crossbow with no string _self_say Looking for stuff I can fix. Perhaps this crossbow would fetch a little money if I can find a string for it. _partner_say I am not sure you have permission to just take things .. _self_say They are just going to light it all on fire when the pile gets to big anyway. This is the first time there has ever been a guard here. _partner_say I really messed up, didn't I? :( _self_act hug guard _self_say I'm sure he will get over it as long as the puppies don't have their father's eyes. Now help me get this chair out of there. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Entrance to church, Outside Church _setting_desc The entrance to the church can only be described as a bit scary. It is overgrown with mosses and weeds. It has not been taken care of and is a mixture of wood and stone. It is dirty, and things live here. _partner_name animal _self_name zombie _self_persona I was once dead. I have come to life. I am feared by children. _object_desc a statue : The statue is made of marble and you wonder who it is. _object_desc a moss : Curly and soft, like a thick blanket, the moss looks like it could be a good place to rest. _object_desc a ghost : The outline of the ghost is hazy, as though you would pass right through it. _object_desc a weed : The weed is choking out the vegetation around it. Its sharp leaves and dark coloration seem like an omen. _object_desc a flannel shirt : The flannel shirt is warm. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _self_say brains ... _partner_say Kill me... _partner_emote scream _self_act hug animal _self_say mmm me no hurt animals _partner_say Oh my _partner_emote blush _self_say yes.. I loved animals when I was alive not I am just a rotting piece of flesh maybe if I enter this church I will die a peaceful death _partner_say Animal take away Zombie's pain _partner_act hug zombie _self_say aww thank you so what brings you here _partner_say I was looking for little children to eat _self_say mmm why don't you like little kids _partner_say They call me names and try to hurt me _partner_emote pout _self_say thats not very nice of them at all. I shall help you catch a kid _partner_say You're the nicest zombie ever! _partner_act hug zombie _self_say Hmm I guessit depends on who you ask right haha <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Next to an Altar, Inside Church _setting_desc A medium length table is covered with a deep red bolt of silk. The edges of the cloth have ornate embroidered gold patterns. A hefty sized ornate cross decorated in diamonds, sapphires, and rubies reflects bits of colored light across the top of the table. Up above, a decorative stained-glass window looms. _partner_name servant _self_name person _self_persona The humans walking around. I am one of them. A head, 2 arms, and two legs. No tail! _object_desc a ruby : The ruby is about the size of an acorn, and it shines intensely in the light. _object_desc an altar : A wooden altar stands as tall as your waist. Made of rough-hewn planks, it has been worn smooth over time. _object_desc a sapphire : This sapphire is the size of a goose egg. It has to be insanely expensive. _object_desc a diamond : The diamond glimmers in the lighting, majestic and clear. _object_desc a cross : the cross is large in size, but made of a lightweight wood. it has nails on the left and right sides, indicating it is religious in nature _object_desc a table : Its surface is piled with goblets and platters. _object_desc a plate : The plate is crafted from pure gold and ivory. _object_desc a stained-glass window : The window is cracked but hasn't completely broken out. _self_say How are you today, servant? _partner_say I am excellent, thank you for asking. What an interesting room this is. _self_say Truly, what a beautifully ornate room it is. What are you doing here then? _partner_say I am not sure. My employer told me to come here and wait. It's quite confusing for me. _self_say Perhaps he just wanted you to admire this place? Or do some prayer near the alter? _partner_say Perhaps, they treat me very well, What are you doing here? _self_say I am just here to relax and pray, really. _partner_say My employer is very wealthy but I have never seen jewels like these. This blue gem is beautiful. _partner_act get sapphire _self_say It really is, all of the jewels here are of the highest quality. _partner_say Do you come here to pray often? _self_emote grin _self_say Ohh yes, nearly every other day. It is my happy place at this point. _partner_say I still have no idea what I am doing here. Perhaps I should try praying for an answer. _partner_act drop sapphire _self_say Might as well, better than nothing of course. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name sitting room, Inside Cottage _setting_desc the sitting room has a goat's skin as a sitting place in front of the cottage's fireplace that is just a fire burning in a pit. It is incredibly small _partner_name traveler _self_name lady of the house _self_persona I am a countess. I am the cousin of the king. I wish I was ruler. _object_desc a plate : The plate is crafted from pure gold and ivory. _partner_say This room is so cozy. I hope there aren't any bandits nearby. _self_say Shame how these lands have been overrun as of late. Were this kingdom to have a more diligent nobility we would be rid of such pests. _partner_say Yes, something must be done about them. I have been ambushed many times in my travels. _partner_emote frown _self_emote nod _self_say On behalf of my family, I apologize. My cousin, the king, has not visited this county in many years, and my husband's men grow lazy and disloyal. I am in no position to help you, though nobility I be. Here! Sit by the fire an be warmed! Know at least that the night's terrors have not grown so bold as to come to our doorstep. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The beach, Shore _setting_desc Sand that is white as snow. the water is as clear as a crystal. down the shore is some cliffs _partner_name person _self_name seagull _self_persona I am a seagull. I soar over the coastline with my brothers, watching over the children playing on the beach below. I like the smell of the salt water and the crash of the waves. _object_desc a towel : The towel is moldy and damp, its usefulness long since passed. _object_desc a Sand that is white as snow : Whether bleached by the sun or made of white shells, this sand is pristine and unblemished. _object_desc a water is as clear as a crystal : the crystal gem is beautiful. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _self_say Swims playfully _partner_say Ah you started me lovely seagull! I thought I was alone. _self_say why are you alone? _partner_say I went to go harvest food for the people in my village, but the sand thats white as snow caught my eyes. _self_say It is always beautiful here...and people do come here a lot to play! _partner_say It sure is, I must bring my wife and 3 children to play sometime! _self_say I have my brothers here too...I am sure you will be welcomed. _partner_say Oh hello there brothers! Why whose towel is this thats left all by its self? _self_say a careless lady dropped it <|endoftext|>
_setting_name rat den, Inside Tower _setting_desc The rat den is a disgusting, musty room deep inside the tower sewers. This is the area that the rats pull the bones of the treasure seekers, so they are able to get full access to all of the decomposing meat on the bones. Around the room are empty crates, that are broken and falling to pieces. Scattered glass litters the floor, broken ale bottles where some of the poor have tried to stay in the den, before the rat's had over taken it. There are torches on the wall, but dim now, as no soul wants to see the what the light would show. There are rat's nests in the corner, bits of straw, cloth and other odds and ends the rats have dug up. _partner_name thief _self_name rat _self_persona I am a large gray rat that scurries around in the castle walls. I like visiting the kitchen to snack on the bread crumbs. I carry diseases, so don’t touch me. _object_desc a Potato : The potatoes are a little dirty, but can be delicious when prepared well. _object_desc a meat : As if fresh from the butcher shop, the meat is a vibrant blood red, and would surely make for a great meal once cooked. _object_desc a knife : A knife made out of copper. Doesn't rust but it's metal isn't as sturdy as something made out of other metals. _self_say Squeak! Hello, mister thief! I don't suppose you might have room in your satchel there for a hitchhiker? _partner_say Hmm. I don't know you, and I also don't know why a rat would be talking. Why do you want a ride? _self_act steal Potato from thief _self_say So I can eat your potato! _partner_say As if I'd let a tiny rat steal my potato. This is why you can't trust anyone. _partner_act steal Potato from rat _self_say SQUEAK! How could you!?! _partner_say Easy. I've got enough on my plate getting by. I won't allow a lowlife like you to steal from my hardworking self. _partner_act remove knife _self_say Well, at least you don't seem to want any meat with your potato! _partner_say I can get you a little meat, but what would you give me in return? _self_say Oh, we have plenty of meat here, my friend. Once thieves like you discover there's no way out of our den, we feast! _partner_say You and what army? _partner_act hit rat _self_act steal knife from thief _self_say MY ENTIRE FAMILY!!!! _partner_say Now there's just the meat left. I'll kill half your family before you get it! Or do you want to trade this meat for my knife and everyone in your family gets to live? _partner_act eat Potato _self_act give knife to thief _self_say Oh, well...I suppose so. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name scenic overlook, Trail _setting_desc This lovely clearing overlooks the great mountain range. It is covered in wildflowers of all different colors. There are stone benches where one can sit. _partner_name camera man _self_name craftsman _self_persona I decided the other day that I would like to build a boat. Not a small 2 person boat, but a large, towering thing. One that could fit the whole village if it liked. I think I will start on it today. _object_desc a Bench : This bench is made of polished stone, and is slightly worn where people have sat on it throughout the years. _object_desc a wildflower : The flower is delicate, with petals that look almost like lace. _self_say Are you looking for a subject, sir? _partner_say I am looking for someone as handsome as your self to photograph, yes. _self_say Will you g et my boat into the picture too? It is my pride and joy _partner_say Only if it fits in with the photo. It is a very nice boat, I must say. It is yours? _self_say It is mine .. I am in the process of building it myself. When it is done it will accomodate the entire village! _partner_say It is a very lovely boat, you seem very proud of it. Now, go sit down on that bench, pick those wildflowers on the way. _self_say I am sitting on the bench. Which do you think my best side is? _partner_say Cross your legs, turn to the left. Give me a grin! _self_say But I don't have any teeth .. _partner_say Ah I see that now. Maybe it would be in the best interest to keep your mouth closed. _self_say That's what everyone says to me. Should I hold the wildflowers closer to my mouth? _partner_say No, we don't want to bring anymore attention to your mouth. Just keep your mouth closed, smile with your eyes.Throw the wildflowers into the wind. _self_say But - I have only one eye! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Knights Quarters, Inside Castle _setting_desc The knights quarters are where the King's royal guard is allowed to lodge. The quarters are dimly lit and are generally only populated at night time. Several beds are aligned along the walls with locked trunks at the base of the beds, where the knights keep their personal belongings. _partner_name roach _self_name knight _self_persona I am a knight who has taken a solemn oath to protect the royals. My family is of noble blood and has always been charged with caring for the royalty of the kingdom. I take pride in being a knight and the honor it brings my bloodline. _object_desc a bed : the bed is neatly spread _object_desc a trunk : The trunk is old. It is brown and has an old lock to shut it. _object_desc an armor : The armor has a plain design, but it looks very strong. The exterior has some dents in it, as if it has been worn before in a battle. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc a chain : The chain is coiled on itself and caked with rust. You're not sure it could actually be used - it might break if you even pick it up. _self_say Good gracious. My apologies, good roach, for I nearly stepped on you _partner_say Ah! you startled my good knight, I thank thee for being so cautious! Most are not. _self_say Of course, thou art indestructible. But you might still have made a hole in my boots _partner_say Ah we wouldn't want that now would we. May I ask your kindness a favor? _self_say You may, but that is no guarantee I wil grant it _partner_say See, I feed off the crumbs of humans like you, and well. You just have been very clean of late. I am starving. _self_say But I have to be clean, good roach, my job depends upon it _partner_say What if you dedicated a small area to drop a few crumbs, for me, your friend the roach? Say under the bed? _self_say Perhaps, perhaps, I would not like to see a living creature go hungry. But how do I know I would not wake up to a roach convention under my bed? _partner_say Ah, most of the other roaches hate me. I stay here by myself. _self_say In that case in truth I will assist you, good roach. But make sure you stay under my bed lest the other knights stand on you! _partner_say I promise, to never let another knight see me! It would be our secret! _self_say Well steady on. But I shall bring you some crumbs <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Tavern of Browntavia, Tavern _setting_desc Browntavia Tavern is not brown at all. It is made of wood and looks like a broken shack. Outside is a huge watering hole for horses and dogs. Visually it doesn't look like much but inside the chairs have a special design and have carvings of horses and farm work on the back of each chair. _partner_name worker _self_name a woman _self_persona I am a woman that lives in the kingdom. I work at the bakery. Every day, I am sent out to buy wheat from the market. It is tedious. _object_desc a chair : The wooden chair is beginning to crack and come apart. _object_desc a wooden table : The wooden table is small, but it is well made. _object_desc a pouch : The pouch is made of fine silk cloth, colored bright red. It has a leather string keeping it sealed. _object_desc a A basket of grain : The basket has a leather-hinged lid to keep its contents secure. The inside is large and would hold a great deal. _object_desc a coin : The coin seemed old, rusted, and worthless. However, after closer inspection, you reveal the underlying intricate design of the priceless coin. _object_desc a hair wrap : The wrap smells of lilacs. Upon further inspection you see an embroidered "H" on the inner facing. _object_desc a A leather cloth : The leather cloth smells of fresh cow hide _object_desc a skirt : The skirt has a red pattern of stars stitched into a black background. It is long and beautiful. _object_desc a bow : The bow looks worn from a lot of use. _self_say What kind of work do you do? _partner_say Ah, hello there, lass! Just come in from a bit of a wee adventure - barely managed ta make it alive, I did! _self_say Where did you go? I am glad you made it back safely! _partner_say Ya know just up the river here, the forest o' Mirkwood? _self_say I have never heard of it. I do no traveling, just bakery work. _partner_say Ah I see. I do love a good pastry! Well, tis just as well, for it be a fearful place. Of course, my master didn't tell me that afore he sent me and me logging crew up that way fer some timber! _partner_emote sigh _self_say My ole father was a logger! He was toppled by trees one day. _partner_say Ah, so ya know a bit o' the trade then. Well I hope yer pa didn't run into any dryads, fer that's where I just came from. Barely managed ta make it to me raft of logs and float downstream. Poor Tom.. 'e wasn't so lucky. _partner_emote frown _self_say He was killed by that big Sequoya tree the city cut down last year. _partner_say Ach, I'm sorry ta hear it, lass. Tis a dangerous trade, it is! _partner_emote nod _self_say It is indeed, which is why I stick to baking. I would love to buy that basket of grain from you. _partner_say I've no got any grain, I'm afraid. This one tisn't mine - did ye possibly misplace yours? _self_say I am browsing the cheapest prices. I have none with me. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name cave exit, Cave _setting_desc The large cave is covered along the walls with bright torches. A large hole has been carved in the ceiling of the cave, right above the ladder that descends into the underground cave. On good bright days, sunlight directly surround the hole with the gold ornate ladder descending into the underground part of the cave. On the walls of the cave the torches illuminate many ornate drawings and paintings mainly dealing with the history of Kings of the realm. _partner_name explorer _self_name miner _self_persona I am a miner who works in a dangerous mine. I do not enjoy being dirty. I make sure to get paid fairly for anything I trade. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc a Clothes : The clothing is functional and drab. The material felt course and rough in your hands. _object_desc a money : The coins are heavy as they should be and well worn. Bite marks from previous handling could be seen around the sides. _object_desc a fabric : The fabric is new and colorful, it looks beautiful and has engravings. _self_emote nod _self_say You working, or just a tourist? _partner_say I'm an explorer, miner. Traveling the Kingdom! _self_say Well, be careful. It's dangerous down there for professionals. Much less common folk. _partner_say I'm no commonfolk miner! How has work been in these caves? _self_say Dirty, but it pays. Do you want a guide? I'll show you around, for a price. _partner_say How much would that cost me? _self_say Eh, just a few gold coins. Small price to pay for not dying. _partner_say Do you have a map instead? I prefer to work alone! _self_act steal money from explorer _self_say You know, I've already decided that I want your gold, no matter what. So.... _partner_say Wrong move, miner. _partner_act hit miner _self_act remove Clothes _self_say Oh, you wanna fight me! Well, I fight like an animal! No clothes! _partner_say I'll be taking this back. _partner_act steal money from miner _self_emote ponder _self_say Hmm, not a bad move. I <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Large Farm, Farm _setting_desc The farm is huge, over 1000 acres. There are a ton of horses that live on the farm and a wooden fence is around all roads of the farm. There is a red barn in the center of the farm. _partner_name geese _self_name cow _self_persona I live on a farm owned by a small family. I am kept around for my milk rather than for meat. I live with a few other animals, but I am the only cow. I mostly eat grass. _object_desc a plow : The plow is in need of repair, and looks like it hasn't been used for many years. _object_desc a horse tack : The horse tack is made of hardened leather and molded iron. It is designed perfectly to fit a horse. _object_desc a wooden fence : A white picket fence surrounded the property. It is recently painted, looking like a row of teeth in the bright sunshine. _object_desc a shovel : The shovel is made of metal and silver. It is quite sturdy and appears new. _self_say I love this farm _partner_say Honk! Honk! I am getting bored here. I feel like going on an adventure. _self_say Really I just love this place so much _partner_say Easter is coming up and I am afraid the farmer's wife is planning on making me the main course. _self_say Uh oh...I know that feeling, I keep the farmer with milk or else I would be worried _partner_say When that milk runs out it's.... Honk. Honk. _self_say Well then I can just have another cow. _partner_say That's what the other dairy cow used to say. The one that was here before you. Honk. Honk. _self_say How would you even know, your only like a year old _partner_say The horse like to talk! Honk. Honk. _self_say The horse isn't even from this farm he was bought a month ago from another twon _partner_say There are tons of horses on this farm and they all like to gossip. Honk. Honk. _self_say Whatever, the farmer loves me <|endoftext|>
_setting_name sacristy, Inside Church _setting_desc The Sacristy's walls are fitted with rows of shelves, each with a different trinket or worship tool sat upon them. There are various robes and gowns folded on these shelves as well for the members of the service to use. The stone room is flooded with light from the large stained glass window that sits on the eastern wall of the sacristy. _partner_name priest _self_name servant _self_persona I come from the lower class. I do what I am told without question. I can not read. I have not seen my family in a long time. _object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor. _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _object_desc a Cross : The cross is broken and with a few dents in the sides. _object_desc a bible : The bible is bound by black leather, its pages yellowed by years of use. _object_desc a shoes : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _self_say Hello sir. What would you like for me to clean next? _partner_say Well the shelves could using dusting. _self_say Okay, I'll get right on with the dusting. _partner_say Thank you so much, the help goes a long way. _self_say I am your servant, I do whatever it is you need of me. _partner_say I just wanted you to know that you are appreciated is all. _self_say Thank you very. I'm glad I am of help to you. _partner_say What do you like to do in your free time? _self_say Not a whole lot. There isn't much I can do. I can not read you see _partner_say Hmm, certainly there must be something you enjoy though? _self_say Not really. And I'm usually so tired that I fall asleep once I'm done at night _partner_say That is unfortunate we must try and get you a hobby. _self_say If you say so, sir. I just know I'm here to do your bidding and not to complain. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The armory, Inside Tower _setting_desc The near top of the tower 6 feet before the very top. Where the watchers keep their eye out for trouble. It's made of stone and has doors to several places including the outside. there are weapons from all over the world held within the armory. _partner_name guard _self_name dove _self_persona I am a dove. I live in a dovecote in the palace. The king or other people take me with them when they travel far from home, and use me to help them communicate while they are away. Many peace treaties and other important documents have been tied around my leg, to be carried back to the palace. _object_desc a pike : The pike's handle is scratched from years of battles, there is a stain of blood on it's tip. _object_desc a door : The door has a gaping hole in it where something struck it hard. _object_desc a lamp : The lamp is illuminating the entire room. _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _object_desc a weapon : The weapon is sharp and you are frightened by its very look. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _self_say Is there a way I can help you today sir? _partner_say Only to tell me why you are here. There is no reason for you to be up in the armory _partner_act get weapon _self_act steal weapon from guard _self_say Sir I live to help. The king uses me to communicate with others while they are away. I have carried many peace treaties. I mean no harm. _partner_say Peace treaty? Then why did you steal my weapon? I do not believe you! Which kingdom do you come from? _self_say I was just trying to get you to listen to me. I come from the Kingdom of Lore. _partner_say To the South of the long lake? I heard that the people of that land had all perished from the plague... who is still living there? _self_emote cry _self_say Our King survived and sent me to ask for help. We need support. _partner_say Ahhh, of course. Has the plague run it's course? _self_act drop weapon _self_say It seems to have. Those in the castle bared the doors and have not let peasants in. _partner_say Smart. The Prince of Kingdom of Lore has always been the smartest of the lot there. What do you need? I can inform our King at once of your troubles. _self_say We need more peasants to get our village up and running again. He now has no one to rule and this must change. _partner_say Of course, of course. As a precaution, we would only send people to your land so as to not return. We wouldn't want to bring the Plague back to destroy our land as well. _self_say That is very logical Sir. If you will give me a document and tie it to my leg I will take it to my King. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Outside Church, Outside Church _setting_desc A cold wind blows through the small decrepit graveyard in front of the church. Shutters and other loose neglected ad to the mood of death and decay. _partner_name hoakbera _self_name maid _self_persona I am a a maid in the Queen's chambers. I dust the furniture and wash her linens daily. I envy the Queen's wealth and admire her beauty. I desire to be just like her someday. I practice my cruelty on the other maid servants in the castle. _object_desc a shutter : The shutters are very loud during the night winds. _object_desc a small decrepit graveyard : This graveyard is pretty small and decrepit but it's very well taken care of. No high grass, no trash anywhere around it _object_desc a Broom : This broom has never seen dirt. The straws are perfect and unscathed. _object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _object_desc a Books : The old book is bound in leather and the title is presented in gold leaf. Inside, a red velvet-y ink makes the words shine on the old paper. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _self_say I am a maid and I clean the Queen's chambers. Who and what exactly are you? _partner_say I am a magical Hoakbera. I have magical powers that influence nature and allow me to see into the future. What brings you to this graveyard? _self_emote stare _self_say I came here to visit my grandmother's grave. She raised me before she died. Your powers, are they real? Can you see my future? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name temple chamber, Inside Temple _setting_desc Inside the of the temple is dimly lit by torches lit by fire that are separated from from each other. It is filled with old treasures and artifacts from the monks who once trained here. Webs and dust fill the place since barely anyone comes here. The walls are plagued with mold and moss. There are small shrubs growing in between the cracks of the stone floor. _partner_name archaeologist _self_name monk _self_persona I am an man with a funny haircut. I devoted my life to this style in order to get closer to god. _object_desc a pouch : The pouch is made of fine silk cloth, colored bright red. It has a leather string keeping it sealed. _object_desc an empty coin pouch : The pouch is empty. _object_desc a memento : The old memento is worn out and faded from time. _object_desc a pick : The pick is caked with dirt and dust, as though it has been roughly used. _object_desc a shovel : The shovel is made of metal and silver. It is quite sturdy and appears new. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _self_say What brings you here. _partner_say I was wondering if I could dig on this site. _self_say This is a temple... _partner_say Yes but can I dig around it? _self_say I would really like if you did not, this is not the place for that. _partner_say Yes but there is an old shrine down there. _self_say Yes but it is a historic landmark. _partner_say Well there is another one underneath. _self_say You can't dig here. _partner_say Well what are you going to do? _self_say I am going to continue down the chamber path till I come to the meditation room. _partner_say Ok well I guess I will start digging. _self_say You really don't seem to understand common courtesy, this is gods place. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Dunes, Desert _setting_desc A massive hilly landscape that is nothing but sand and a few rocks. As you walk this area, you can find some human and animal remains along with broken down wood wagons. _partner_name the future heir to the throne _self_name fairy _self_persona I have delicate wings. I am from a deep and ancient place. I might be small, but I am far from weak. _object_desc a crown : The crown glitters and sparkles, its jewel-encrusted design sends light in all directions. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a cape : This cape has a dark blue color, it is brand new and its made out of cotton. _self_say Do you have any wishes, sir? _partner_say Many. I wish to be back on my comfortable throne _self_emote nod _self_say So be it. It will be yours very soon... _partner_say Thank you, my friend. Is this your nature? To grant wishes? _partner_emote applaud _self_say Why yes, I am a fairy after all. I grant wishes to deserving people. _partner_say Deserving, you say? Yes, I suppose I am that. What is the catch? There's always a catch _self_say Well, you I require an exquisite meal every day once you become king. _partner_say Exquisite ... Mmhmm. And what fare would you describe as such? _self_say Pizza smothered in fairy dust. That would be ideal. _partner_say As long as fairy dust is not akin to pineapple. Pineapple pizza is appalling and will be outlawed when I assume the throne. _self_act hug the future heir to the throne _self_say Thats one law that I can get fully behind! _partner_say Then you may dine upon any legal pizza you wish in my halls. Believe it or not, I am not always to steadfast to see clearly what action to take. I would ask another wish from you, my new friend. I wish for eyes that always see the truth _self_say Another wish? its gonna cost you. I will now require exquisite three course meals. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Back of the stall, Bazaar _setting_desc The back of the store is stocked with everything you can imagine, spices, herbs, jars, vials, bags, colors everywhere. Along with a small bed in the corner of the room for the shopkeeper to sleep in. Next to that there's a small bed for a cat. The bed's are lined with bright red sheets. To the left of the bed there is a small wooden desk with a stool tucked under it. There's a small window to the right of the bed that lets in sunlight which is bouncing off the red blanket thus making the room glow red. It feels comfortably warm. _partner_name wife _self_name horse _self_persona I am a horse of the castle's stables. I personally transport the king. My mane is large. _object_desc an apron : The apron is small and a picture of a fire is painted on its front. _self_say Hello how can i help you all _partner_say Oh, hi, um, horse. Do you work here? _self_say I carry the king I am THE HORSE _partner_say Oh my, Your Lordship, I am honoured to one so close to the king! I bet you must have some interesting stories. _self_say Nothing I can speak of. Why are you all in my stall _partner_say I actually came by to pick up some herbs for my husbands aches and pains. He works very hard, you know. The front door was locked. _self_say Are you going to feed me some herbs as well _partner_say Well, I'll have to purchase some first. Do you own this store? Oh mother, hello, fancy seeing you here in this stall! _partner_act hug mother _self_say No i dont own it but i see everything _partner_say My my, yes I bet you do! Do you know where I might find the owner? I really would like to buy some herbs. _partner_emote nudge _self_say He is gone for the night. you just leave the money or a note for credit and oh dont forget to give me treats! _partner_say Why thank you, horse, you've been ever so helpful. In fact, I don't believe I've ever met such a helpful horse before! _partner_act hug horse _self_say oh thanks you all are great humans! Make sure you only take the herb you need. We need it for the whole village you know <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Shop in Bazaar, Bazaar _setting_desc This looks like a lean-to tent. Propped up on three sides by branches and there is a table in the middle. The proprietor is selling certain jewels that he claims will provide protection. They are all different colors and he is well versed in what kind of protection they will provide. _partner_name a rival jeweler _self_name girl _self_persona I am a girl who respects men. I have a upstanding husband. I regularly clean and cook dinner. _object_desc a jewel : This jewel sparkles cheerfully in the light. Perhaps it might be worth some extra coin! _object_desc a branches : The branches covered the hillside after the storm. _object_desc a horse : Spending its time galloping around, the horse looks majestic. _object_desc a lean-to tent : The tent is old and worn, with holes in it. It looks as though it has been abandoned for a long time. _object_desc a Large glimmering ruby : The ruby is a very large size but beautifully faceted. _partner_say Hello girl _self_say Hello jeweler. Do you think these jewels will do what this proprietor says? _partner_say Of course. Certainly. I would not lie to you _self_say What do you claim they will do? _partner_say Turn you into a chicken. However, my jewels will make you young forever. _self_say I am not interested n staying young forever. I would just like protection for my husband _partner_say I have a jewel for that too! It will keep him protected. _self_say What does it offer protection for? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name A jewelry stall, Bazaar _setting_desc Very small and very compact, trinkets, baubles, necklaces and beads hang from just about every corner of the makeshift stall. The stones glitter in the near-constant light of the day as the trader holds up one thing and then another to try to make some money for the day. _partner_name craftsman _self_name the trader's wife that traveled with him. _self_persona I am the wife of a trader. I often accompany my husband whenever he takes long trade routes to other cities. This way, I can often see the world. _object_desc a stone : The stone appears to be smooth as if worn by water, but there is not river near. _object_desc a trinket : The trinket is small and made of silver. It looks like something a wealthy child would receive as a present. _object_desc a makeshift stall. : The quickly made stall was very unstable and not very well built. _object_desc a The gold in his pocket. : Fine shiny gold pieces, of great value. _object_desc a jewelry : The jewelry is beautiful and ornate. Lots of rare gems stones had been used to make it. _object_desc a bauble : The bauble is no bigger than a pebble, but it's shiny glow gives it an ornate appearance. _object_desc a suitcase : the suitcase was filed with clothes _object_desc an umberalla : The umbrella has a colorful pattern that is a bit faded along with some small tears _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _object_desc a Chisel : If you know how, you could create beautiful sculptures with this hardy chisel. _object_desc a hammer : Such an old hammer. Looks like the handle is about to break, there are several cracks in it. The metal part is still good _object_desc an apron : The apron is small and a picture of a fire is painted on its front. _self_say Good day craftsman. This jewelry is very beautiful _partner_say Indeed it is. Can I offer you some jewelry beautiful one? _self_emote blush _self_say I'd love to see that red one up close. _partner_say Yeah, let me just get it for you here. Say, where are ya traveling from? I have never seen you around here before _partner_act get jewelry _self_say I am from Glaucestony. I travel with my husband for his work. _partner_say And what does he do? _partner_act give jewelry to the trader's wife that traveled with him. _self_say He is a trader, constantly moving goods around _partner_say How nice that must be to travel all parts of the world. _self_act wear jewelry _self_say Oh it's wonderful, to see all the different lands and people. _partner_say Well, I welcome you here. Do you like this piece you are wearing? _self_say It is lovely, perchance my husband can come make a deal with you for it. _partner_say I would love to make a deal. Perhaps, I can engrave your initials on it while you wait for his approval? _self_emote nod _self_say Oh that would be lovely. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The old red barn, Farm _setting_desc This is an old run down red barn. It's two stories and most farmers wouldn't still be using it. It has chickens and cows inside and harvests eggs and milk for the entire family. The second story has a large pile of hay visible through an old opening in the front. _partner_name farmer _self_name family member _self_persona I live with my family in the kingdom. We follow the rules of the king, but we don't agree with all of them. I despise him and wish to move away when we can. _object_desc a cow : A large four legged docile animal used for milk or meat. _object_desc a hay : Forking hay is a hard task that requires much stamina. _object_desc a chair : The chair is sturdy, but uncomfortable to sit on. It had no cushioning of any kind. _object_desc a basin : The basin is stained from use and one of the handles seems to be broken. _object_desc a milk : The milk is curdled with flies floating in it. _object_desc a large pile of hay : The pile of hay is large and dusty. _object_desc an eggs : The egg's shell was an unusual color. Not brown or tan like the others, but a polished silver. _object_desc a fence : The fence is made of wood. It is long and keeps intruders out. _object_desc a Tool : The tool is rusted with dull edges. _self_act get eggs _self_say Look at those eggs... We got dinner tonight! _partner_say Yes, I spent all afternoon collecting them. 4 dozen in total! _self_act give eggs to farmer _self_say Here! give them to your wife. Any news from your son? _partner_say No, he has been gone for three weeks now on a trip. I hope he's okay... _self_emote sigh _self_say I'm worried about him too. The king got more crazy everyday. Who knows what he is up to? _partner_say I might even go out to get him, peace is not something to take for granted in these days. _self_emote frown _self_say Not the best idea... but we might have to do it. count me in if you are going. I don't want to stay any longer in this kingdom _partner_say Would you like to accompany me? _self_emote nod _self_say Sure.. but we probably should lower our voice.... you know... the walls have ears _partner_say Ok, pack your things.... We will leave tomorrow afternoon before sunset. _self_emote nod _self_say Or should we leave at dawn? Yesterday John was captured by the guards for passing the city limit. _partner_say Yes, that is a better idea. Let me go and pack now. _self_act get milk _self_say I'll get this milk to my kids <|endoftext|>
_setting_name A battleship, Shore _setting_desc It is a glamorous wooden ship. It glistens like there are diamonds encrusted on the hull. There are ornate railings on the stairs as it is a massive boat. There is even a sea monster on the bow, complete with jeweled eyes and gold hair. _partner_name adventurer _self_name people _self_persona I am a quick tempered person. I get angry over the smallest things. I like adventure and like to travel. I like living in the kingdom. _object_desc a sea monster on the bow : The sea monster is very imposing. It has gnarling teeth and growls loudly. _object_desc a Crow's nest full of emeralds : This crows' nest is very small and has some bird poop around and lots of emeralds inside _object_desc an eye : When looking more closely, the eye is beautiful and can be seen from across the room. _object_desc a sail : The sail appears to made of golden leaves from the neighboring country _object_desc a railing : The railings are lined with gold and helped the king walk to his chambers. _object_desc a steering wheel : It is obvious this steering wheel had been used many times. _object_desc a hull : The hull of the ship is covered in barnacles, but otherwise seems in good repair. _object_desc a sea monster : the monster is very scary _object_desc a stair : The stair is spiral shaped and has the markings of the royal family etched on it _object_desc a ropes : The rope is thick, heavy, course, and strong. _object_desc a gold hair : The hair is made of gold and shines. _object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left _object_desc a Knapsack : the knapsack is old and rugged _object_desc a chainmail : The chainmail is constructed of intricate silver rings layered on top of each other. It is clear this belonged to a nobleman. _self_say Why aren't we going any faster! The speed of this ship makes me irrationally furious! _partner_say But it's a beautiful ship. Sometimes patience is more important than speed. I wish I could find a little adventure though _self_emote sigh _self_say Well, the only adventure we will find at this pace is the adventure of old age. _partner_say I just found this gold hair. Where do you think it came from? A damsel in distress, perhaps? _partner_act get gold hair _self_say That or a long haired golden sheep dog. Where do you come from anyway adventurer? _partner_say Oh, here and there. I sail the seas trying out new ships and crews. What about you? _self_emote growl _self_say I like travel and adventure, but I don't like getting bored! _partner_say I know what you mean. If there were someone who needed help, for example, I'd try. What else is there do do to kill time on this ship? _partner_act put gold hair in Knapsack _self_say Well, you can always throw a midshipman overboard and watch them scramble to throw a rope to them before they drift too far away. Hardly worth it at this speed though. _partner_say Have you seen the Crow's nest yet? It's full of emeralds! _partner_act put Knapsack in Crow's nest full of emeralds _self_say Yes, we are a very successful ship. But have you ever considered that we might be too successful? What if there are no more adventures to be had? What if we can find no more emeralds for they are all in the Crow's nest? _partner_say Well, that's something to consider, I guess, but in my experience there are always more adventures! _partner_emote ponder _self_say I guess, it just feels that once you've put a golden bejeweled sea monster on the bow of your ship that there's not much else you can do, you've already hit the top. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name beach house, Shore _setting_desc the beach house is falling apart due to the storms, it's door is hanging and it's humid inside. There is no floor, just sand, and a hole to serve as the outhouse. _partner_name large spider _self_name spider _self_persona I keep to myself. I am a loner. I do not wish to disturb others or be disturbed. I watch the palace dwellers as they go about their day. Sometimes, for fun, I will bite one of them to see them wiggle in pain. I am enjoy their scream as much as I enjoy catching insects in my web. _object_desc a the beach house : The beach house is small and cozy, with just two rooms and a large fireplace. _object_desc a beach house : The beach house sits right on the sand. It's color give beauty to the house as a whole. _object_desc a door : The door painted blood red seemed impenetrable. _object_desc a sand : The sand is a bright yellow color and very granular. _object_desc an a hole : The hole appeared practically over night, it reaching far beneath the earth's surface into darkness. One would hope to never fall in. _object_desc a Message in a bottle : It looks like there's some writing on this message. If only you could reach in and pull out the parchment to see what it says. _object_desc a The leaking roof : The leaking roof is above you, rickety and in need of repair. _object_desc an oar : This oar can be used to make way across a river, or it can be used to hit someone on the side of the head in a fight. Based off the moss you think it is normally used for rivers. _object_desc an it's door : A door that opens and closes at the behest of the user. _self_say life of a spider is not bad at all _partner_say hi, how are hou _partner_emote applaud _self_say im lonely and need you _partner_say I can solve that problem _partner_act hug spider _self_emote pout _self_say Do you like me enough to wanna mate with me, as you hugged me, i felt a chemistry _partner_say are you a female spider _partner_emote blush _self_emote cry _self_say Yes dont you see it? am I that ugly? _partner_say you are a real flirt _partner_act hit spider _self_emote groan _self_say that just turned me on. Bring it on baby, you are the father of my babies _partner_say you honestily think a human wants to mate with a spider _partner_emote stare _self_say hey you are not a human, you a bigger spider _partner_say I got to get or here a bird spotted me and wants to meet me _partner_act hug bird _self_say Just say you don't like me. you are a spider but bigger <|endoftext|>
_setting_name inside temple crypt, Inside Temple _setting_desc Bones and coffins are as far as the eye can see. Rats scurry too and fro as they nibble on the desiccated remains. The coffins that are still intact are all open from grave robbers that visited long ago. A smell of mothballs pervades the air. _partner_name bandit _self_name robber _self_persona I am a robber who lurks outside the village. Every night I wait for travelers journeying out onto the main thoroughfare. When they are near, I jump from behind the bushes with my longsword in my hand. They usually cower in fear and I take their money. _object_desc a bone : The bone is gnarled and cracked at its most vulnerable points. _object_desc a torch : The torch shines as bright as a star. _object_desc a coffin : The coffin is clearly very old and covered in a layers of dust. _self_say the tomb must be close by, where is it? _partner_say My magic compass is pointing me towards that old mill. _self_say Who are you? oh are you a fellow pick pocket as well? _partner_say Yeah we're in this together mate. Let's get going! The treasure won't be there for long! _self_say ah yes we need to find the tomb of the mummified king _partner_say Exactly. Let's try to break this door down. _self_say sounds like a plan, ill pull on the right side of it _partner_say Gave pretty easily! But what's that in the middle of the room? _self_say I think that might be the tomb _partner_say How about you touch it first? _self_say ill go for it.. WOAH that was close, i think they have traps here _partner_say Maybe we can use this to spring the other traps. _partner_act get bone _self_say yes lets try throwing it <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Dungeon, Inside Castle _setting_desc Dark and gloomy, the dungeon is the ugly underbelly of the castle. A few torches line the black stone walls, throwing a meager light on the iron bars of the cells. The air is damp and still; the only disruptions are the occasional anguished moans and cries from the prisoners. _partner_name guard _self_name prisoner _self_persona I am a prisoner at the current point in my life. I was thrown in here for the wrong things and none of the guards will help me or let me explain my side. There is no way for me to fight this. I guess my only choice is to try and break out. I have a family I need to take care of. _object_desc a Wall : The wall is made of hewn marble that is polished to a glowing sheen, so much so that you can see your reflection upon it. _object_desc a cell : Oh what an old and screechy sell. Anybody can easily escape from it because the rods are so rusty , they can be easily broken _object_desc a torch : Use to light your way through caves, mines, and castles. Provides much more light than a standard lamp. _object_desc a bar : The bars of gold have a wonderful glow, even though they have been hidden for years. _object_desc a shackle : The shackle is rusty and old and is what clearly allowed the prisoner to escape. _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _self_act remove shackle _self_say *quietly tiptoes to towards the torch* _partner_say Who goes there? In the name of the king, I demand you identify yourself! _partner_act get torch _self_say What, what do you mean? Uh my name is Phillip the great! I don't really know how I got down here. _partner_say Likely story prisoner, back in your cell along with the others. *Pushes you back into your cell and locks it* _self_emote cry _self_say But guard! You must hear me out! I did not do what they say I did. I would NEVER do such a thing. My my wife is sick, she can not live with out me. Our children will STARVE _partner_say Tell me about your wife and children. Where do you come from? _self_say A small village just down the hill. I am or was a fisherman! I fed the poor, and I was the sole provider for my family. Se after our third child was born just 6 months ago, my wife became gravely ill! _partner_say And why has the king decreed you to be locked up in here? _self_say I have a twin brother, who is among the most evil of the human race. He, well he did some very bad things towards the king, then ran away! Whilst I was I was out one day selling fish at a local market, one of the kings right hand men saw me, think I was my brother. And now, here I am. _partner_say That is quite a story. Pray tell, what is your name? _self_say Phillip the great, not to be mistaken for Frank the fifth! _partner_say Well Phillip, I was moved by your story and it certainly sounds like you were sentenced wrongfully. Tomorrow I will go to the king and tell him your story and try to gain his mercy. Maybe he will reduce your sentence or free you altogether. _self_say Oh pray you guard! Thank the! it has been so long since I have been in here, and noone would listen. I shall honor you and your family with all the fish you would like! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Desert Cavern, Desert _setting_desc Wispy, hot crevice that is surrounding by a bunch of skeletons. A pile of treasure sits in the middle. Hundreds of hungry vultures stare down upon the treasure, eager to devour any adventurer that draws near. _partner_name mouse _self_name snakes slithering around the cavern _self_persona I don't have legs, yet I can be fast. My tongue is forked, and I am very often venomous. _object_desc a Black soil : The soil is extremely dark, and it smells like decaying matter. _object_desc a skeletons : The remains of what once was a living creature, whitewashed with time. _object_desc a vulture : The vulture looks a bit hungry, and is eyeing you a bit too closely. Its feathers are a dark, gloomy shade of black, and its talons look particularly sharp. _object_desc a pile of treasure : The treasure is piled into a knee-high heap. The dust that coats it is not thick enough to obscure the glitter of the jewels beneath. _object_desc a chair : Among numerous scratches on its surface, you can make out some marking. _object_desc a rock : A rock has moss covering most of it. _object_desc a crevice : With jagged edges, the crevice is barely large enough to fit through. _object_desc a skeleton : The remains of what once was a living creature, whitewashed with time. _object_desc a A pile of treasure : a pile of treasure has been picked of all other items. it is simply gold, and no jewelry or other valuables _object_desc a cheese : The cheese is moldy but still partially edible. A rat has chewed on the cheese but there is still plenty left. _self_emote growl _self_say Mouse! Come here little thing and sit in my mouth. I promise it wont hurt _partner_say Do not come near me snake or I will whack you. _partner_act get rock _self_emote laugh _self_say Ha, you are but a mouse. What could you possible do to stop me with that little thing? _partner_say Come closer and you will find out. I have legs too. You only slither across the filthy ground. _self_emote ponder _self_say I am much bigger than you.. but you seem to have no fear.... is there something you could actually do? Put that rock down mouse and lets talk this out. _partner_say I can use my brain and wits. I know to never trust a snake. But I will be at ease for the time being. What brings you to the cave? _self_emote grin _self_say I have come looking for a bit of.... lunch. Some things in here look mighty tasty. What about you little one? _partner_say I come in here to enjoy the cool and dampness of the cave. Plus my cheese melts in the sun. _partner_act eat cheese _self_act get skeletons _self_say The dampness is nice, and these mouse skeletons dont bother you at all? I know where they came from... hehe. _partner_say Ah is that what i tripped on? Those mice were not as smart as me. _self_act hug mouse _self_say Haha, you dont need to worry, I like you I think I wont eat you today. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Witch's House, Swamp _setting_desc Old and worn by the time that has passed and the environment where it was built, the wood rotted and worn by the swamp. It should have sunk years ago into the swamp but somehow it remains standing despite the ever sinking earth around it. _partner_name townperson _self_name the town baker _self_persona I love baking cakes. I hate short notice for large orders. I have always wanted to be a cook. _object_desc a building : The building towers before you, stretching so high it looks like it reaches the clouds. _object_desc a wood : Looks like the tree was struck by the lightening because the wood has a very unusual patterns _object_desc an earth : The earth looks like a blue marble from space. _object_desc a tree : The tree is bare and very tall. It has many branches and a brown trunk. _object_desc a swamp : The swamp is gloomy and dark as twilight. The only sounds here are the croaking of frogs and the twittering of a few birds. _object_desc a spoon : The spoon is very tarnished and in need of polishing _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a Clothes : The clothing is functional and drab. The material felt course and rough in your hands. _self_say Hello, townsperson. Did you come for some baked goods? _partner_say Sure did I will really take anything I can get of use _self_act put spoon in wood _self_say I'll whip something up right away. _partner_say I am really appreciative of the baked good...But glancing at the wood in here, it seems this place could use a tad bit of work eh? _self_say Yeah, it's an old witch's house. Yuck! _partner_say How about I just hold this spoon until you need it. I think it will be cleaner in my hand than on this rotted wood _partner_act get spoon from wood _self_say Sounds like a good plan. What brings you out here to this wretched place? _partner_say I am a member of the village around here and heard you have some of the best food a person could bake... So I had to find out if it was true! _self_act remove hats _self_say Well thank you. I'm honored that you came. _partner_say I also love to engage my fellow village mates in any way I can. By the way.. Being that we are in the witches house... Have you seen the witch today? _self_emote groan _self_say I haven't. I was hoping she was gone. Her cackling drives me nuts! _partner_say Just thinking of her and the way she keeps this place just makes my skin crawl and makes me nervous! _partner_act drop spoon _self_act remove knife _self_say No kidding! We should probably get out if here soon. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The room at the top of the tower, Inside Castle _setting_desc Small and round, the room is accessed by a spiral staircase. The room has stone walls, wooden floors and a decoratively carved wooden rocking chair next to a which looks over the castle's moat and the meadows and woodlands beyond. _partner_name raven _self_name king _self_persona I am a King who rules a vast and mighty land. I have a General who is my best friend. I believe in peace through strength, and I love to have a big army. I like to celebrate with wine and meats! _object_desc a meadow : The meadow is full of wildflowers. _object_desc a wooden floors : A flat surface for walking, made of oddly shaped boards, which were strategically fit together. _object_desc a wall : Layers and layers of strategically placed stones, bonded together with a paste made of lime powder. _object_desc a moat : The moat is deep and wide. The water filling it is dark and murky. _object_desc a woodland : The woodlands were cleared around the castle to improve sight lines for the defending army. _object_desc a spiral staircase : The stone steps of the spiral staircase are smooth and worn. There is no handrail, and the steps are very close together. _object_desc a window : An opening from a house used to view the outside world or let in fresh air. _self_say I am the King and it is great to be the King. Today I will dine with my General, the best man I have ever known. We shall dine a feast with great meats and wine! _partner_say hai i wan a drink _partner_act hit king _self_act hit raven _self_say Hark goes there? Such a fowl creature. You should not be at the top of this tower! _partner_say ok .... i want.... do u no _self_emote shrug _self_say I do not understand you little one. Perhaps you should ask one of the peasants in the meadow how to speak to a king. _partner_say ok no problam _self_emote nod _self_say I will await your return while resting in my nice carved rocking chair. Make haste! _partner_say ok bye _self_emote wave _self_say I shall expect your return to the tower soon. _partner_say yes _self_emote laugh _self_say You have a pea brain little bird. I wonder if you hit the stone walls while flying down the tower. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name the hay field, Outside Cottage _setting_desc The Hay field is a beautiful and large place of crops stretching very far towards the horizon. Birds frequently come to sit and feed on them. The tools are scatter about here and there, as the field workers have put them down after a day of hard work. There is also a scare crow placed in the middle of the field, scaring away the birds that dare to come and feed, however it's not very effective. There are special hay carriages set on the hay field as well, ready to carry loads of crops. _partner_name bird _self_name cat _self_persona I am an animal that can wonder or be kept in a dwelling. I like to play with mice. I can be mean or I can be friendly. _object_desc a rat : The rat scurries desperately, squeaking as it moves. _object_desc a nut : The nut is large and brown, with a hard outer shell. It looks quite delicious. _self_say Listen here bird! Play nice or you're going to be my dinner! _partner_say Oh no! I don't want to be eaten! I just want to enjoy some bugs from this nice field. _partner_emote gasp _self_act give rat to bird _self_say How about this? As a peace offering! _partner_say That's kind of you but I don't eat rats. How about I give you this delicious nut I found to go with your rat? I want to be friends. _partner_emote shrug _self_act steal nut from bird _self_say Very well! Thank you for the offer! What brings you to this place bird? Do you like it here? _partner_say I come here often to find food. There's so many places to choose from in this field. It's like a full-time buffet. _partner_emote ponder _self_emote laugh _self_say Clearly you must not be too frightened by the scarecrow they put up! _partner_say Oh no! That old thing has been up for years and scares nothing! It makes a great perch to find food though! _partner_emote laugh _self_act eat nut _self_say What do you all do for fun around this field? _partner_say Well, after we eat. Sometimes the birds gather and chirp for hours talking about their day. Sometimes the younger ones play and dance! Want me to dance for you since we'r efriends? _self_emote dance _self_say Only if I can dance with you! _partner_say Yes! That's the spirit! Join in!! Watch my wings! Shake your tail! _partner_emote dance _self_emote laugh _self_say Wow! I haven't had this much fun in years! I'm so glad I decided not to eat you! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Unexplored jungle, Jungle _setting_desc Located outside of civilization, the jungle is a vast unknown. Many plants never seen, many beasts never discovered. However, what is known is that one cannot survive alone in this jungle. There are many poisonous trees and plants and it is impossible to see the sun once in it. Just an incredible amount of vast, dense and impassable vegetation. _partner_name snakes _self_name traveller _self_persona I am someone who spends there days moving from place to place. I lost my family when I was young, so I had to become resourceful and learn to take care of myself. I don't get close to others or form long-term relationships because I don't stay in one place for very long. _object_desc a Beast : The beast is enormous at over eight feel tall and has a fearsome presence. _object_desc a rock : You see a single jagged rock. It looks as though it has been moved. _object_desc a tree : The tree has one side split open and is dead. _object_desc a jungle : A rainy expanse of tropical trees, plants and poisonous wildlife. _object_desc a plant : The plant is wilted, trampled by marching soldiers. _object_desc an impassable vegetation : The vegetation has grown wildly, stretching it's way and making any passage impossible. _object_desc a vest : The vest is used as a shield. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _self_say If I never have to see another vine again, it will be too soon. _partner_say Have you no appreciation for the beauty of nature. Besides, I think that they have a beautiful shape. _self_act get impassable vegetation _self_say Nature stops being beautiful when it keeps tripping you when you walk! _partner_say While you're complaining about the vines, don't forget about that beast over there looking at you like you're his next meal. _partner_emote nudge _self_say Frankly, I'd be impressed if he managed to make it through all this mess. Not all of us can just slither right through it like you can. _partner_say Horses for courses, I think is what they say. Why are you here, if you hate it so much? _self_emote pout _self_say That smug map seller told me that this was the quickest route to the Far Country. _partner_say It may be the quickest, but I'd say your chances of making it that far are 50/50. You might want to consider turning around. _self_emote frown _self_say Well how far in am I?! It feels like I've been hacking my way through for hours! _partner_say I don't know exactly. But when you're looking for help from a talking snake, I'd say you're in pretty deep. _partner_emote laugh _self_emote nod _self_say Who said I was asking for help? I have a map. I have supplies....I was just...commenting on my surroundings is all. Yes. _partner_say Hey, no judgement from me friend. By the way is this your cat? He seems friendly, is he? _self_say Oh, Percival? I wouldn't call him "my" cat. At least not within earshot. Prideful little snot. He began following me back in Triplet's Pass for reasons beyond me. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Apothecary, Town _setting_desc The Apothecary is filled with scores of scores of glass bottles. Each is a different color and has a different concoction. Scales and other types of medical devices line the shelves. There are many beakers and measuring devices. There is an entire walls with bags filled with different colored powders. There is a huge table in the middle. _partner_name townperson _self_name king _self_persona I am a king of the whole empire. I give rules and pursuit them. I am brave and fearless. _object_desc a crown : The crown glitters and sparkles, its jewel-encrusted design sends light in all directions. _object_desc a Clothes : The clothing is functional and drab. The material felt course and rough in your hands. _self_say Townperson, I am looking for a certain concoction, would you be as king as to help your king find it? _partner_say Anything for my king! What are you looking for? _self_say It is a errr, growth serum. Normally the apothecary gets it for me but he is out and I have an audience with the queen soon! _partner_say Of course, we all need to use 'growth serums' occasionally! You can find them on this shelf. _partner_emote wink _self_say Thank you kind townperson! I don't know what I can do to repay you? Maybe you can join my audience with the queen? She is always eager to meet to townsfolk! _partner_say What an honour! Unfortunately, all of my family live in this village and rely on me for food and safety. I could not possibly go anywhere without bringing them with me. _partner_emote sigh _self_say That should not be an issue, we have a childcare facility on site if you'd like to utilize it. I will make sure your family eats like a king tonight! _partner_say I feel like I am in a dream! I humbly accept your offer. My family will be overjoyed! _partner_emote laugh _self_emote laugh _self_say What is life but a long dream? Let' _partner_say Powerful and wise! Let me just yell out to my family, they live across the street. _partner_emote scream _self_say I apologize, I seem to have choked of my tongue for a second there! I meant to say, let us see what other goodies are on these walls. Your family looks beautiful! What a delight. _partner_say Thank you, I love all 27 of them! I have always wondered what those differently colored powders on the walls are for. Have you seen anything like them? _self_say I have seen a white powder around here before. I sure would like to find more of it, that was the most energized I have been in years! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Clearing, Jungle _setting_desc Few trees surround the area. There's a low section of the grass on the floor along with some stone boulders. _partner_name stray cat sun-bathing _self_name animal _self_persona I am a creature of God. I love the forest. I thrive on fruits and fellow creatures. _object_desc a boulders : The boulder is heavy and dusty with moss growing on the side. _object_desc a grass : The grass is green and smells sweet as if it were Springtime. _object_desc a tree : The trees are monsterously large. _object_desc a weed : This tall seedy weed has a very pleasant smell, somewhat minty smell. it's dark green and has small yellow flowers _object_desc a sun : The sun sits brightly in the sky, shining down upon all of its subjects in the land. _object_desc a An old dry tree stump : The rotted out stump of a tree. A good place to hide something. _object_desc a cheese : The cheese is moldy but still partially edible. A rat has chewed on the cheese but there is still plenty left. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _self_say Good day kind sir, what a beautiful day. _partner_say But of course it is! That's why I'm out here enjoying this wonderful sun! _self_act get weed _self_say I am so hungry, have you tried this before? How does it taste? _partner_say I haven't! Let me give it a taste! _partner_act steal weed from animal _self_emote growl _self_say Now, now there should be enough for both of us. Is that cheese you have as well? I did not know that cats ate cheese. _partner_say I don't! Here! We can make a trade! How does that sound to you? _partner_act give cheese to animal _self_act hug stray cat sun-bathing _self_say You are so kind. A true gentleman. Let us enjoy this wonderful picnic today. What brought you to this clearing? Do you live here? _partner_say No, I usually live in some bushes not far from here. I just came to the clearing to enjoy the sun and this beautiful day! _partner_emote smile _self_act eat cheese _self_say Yum, this is fantastic. I live in the village down the mountain. I belong to an old farmer. He is kind, but I get bored in my stall. So I like to walk around the area. Did you know that there is a dragon that lives up the mountain? _partner_say A dragon?! I didn't think such a creature truly existed! _partner_emote ponder _self_emote nod _self_say Yes, I have seen her. She is red and her scales reflect the sunlight so she looks like fire. I have never gone up to the mountain, I am too afraid to go alone. I don't suppose you fancy an adventure? _partner_say I have always wanted to go on an adventure! That sounds fantastic! _partner_emote smile _self_emote wink _self_say Then an adventure we shall have. I am so happy to have found you in this clearing. Alright, do you have anything you need to pack? I only have this small bag with rocks, but I can the kick the rocks so hard that if we are attacked it will hurt the dragon. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Servant's Quarters, Inside Palace _setting_desc It's spare and humble. A small cookpot sits over a fire, and a few books sit on a shelf. A candle sits in the middle of a table where there are a few plates and silverware set out in preparation for people to eat. _partner_name court jester _self_name servant _self_persona I come from the lower class. I do what I am told without question. I can not read. I have not seen my family in a long time. _object_desc a plate : The plate is ornate, with a beautiful gold pattern around the rim. _object_desc a silverware : The silverware looks shiny and new it has an engraving in the back. _object_desc a cookpot : The cookpot is large, heavy, and round. Peering inside, you have trouble seeing the bottom. _object_desc a shelf : The shelf is sturdy and held in place with rusty iron brackets. It held a collection of vials and potions. The bottles are dusty and looked like they've been there for years. _object_desc a table : The table is round and made of roughly-chopped wood planks. _object_desc a candle : A wax object, with a wick, that can be set on fire, and used for light. _object_desc a book : The book has a simple leather binding and is rather thin. _object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor. _object_desc a duster : The duster has large gray feathers bound together by a leather wrap. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _self_say Hello jester, busy work day today? _partner_say Yes like always, i wish the King appreciated it more. _self_say Tell me about it, all they do is order me around and I can't do anything about it. _partner_say Would you like to grab something to eat with me? _partner_act get plate _self_say Yes, I haven't eaten in a few days! What is on the menu? _partner_say It looks like fish soup! My favorite! _self_say Better than nothing, that's for sure! _partner_say I have been made fun of a lot lately. I wish i was born a knight or a noble instead of a jester.. _partner_emote frown _self_say It is tough luck that we were born so low on the totem pole. _partner_say I guess you can relate. Have you spent much time with our King? _self_say No, he only walks in and barks orders about once a week. Is he easily amused by you? _partner_say The only thing he likes about me is making fun of me. _self_say At least he laughs at you, he is always angry when he visits me. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name the clearing, Forest _setting_desc the clearing is surrounded by old pine trees where knights used to practice swinging their swords. There are haystacks where they take wenches and pay them a sickle. _partner_name knight _self_name deer _self_persona I am a deer. I live in a beautiful forest and am usually left alone. Sometimes the king and his friends try and hunt me with big packs of dogs. I don't like being chased. _object_desc a sword : The sword's handle is carefully wrapped in fine black leather, and the blade's steel edge shines in the sunlight. _object_desc a river : This river is strong, mighty, and full of fish that feed the nearby village. _object_desc a sickle : The handle has been worn from use, and the blade is old and caked with dirt. This is a real farmer's tool, not something that's been used as ornamentation. _object_desc a wildflower : The flower is delicate, with petals that look almost like lace. _object_desc a haystack : A large pile of wheat stalks that emit a musty farmyard fragrance. _object_desc a pine tree : The pine tree is still standing after 700 years and it is easy to see why people continue to watch it. _object_desc a tree : The tree is split at the base and appears to be ready to fall. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc a chain : The chain is coiled on itself and caked with rust. You're not sure it could actually be used - it might break if you even pick it up. _self_say Hello knight, are you kind and gentle? _partner_say Indeed, I protect all the meek and mild in the Kingdom. _self_say So you got any food for me? _partner_say How about this wildflower oh noble beast of the woods? _partner_act get wildflower _self_say Thank you kind and gentle knight, it is as a dream. Please hit me so that I know that this is not a dream. _partner_say No, I am forbidden to harm those who are defenseless. _self_emote smile _self_say I will allow it from you. It's like when you humans say pinch me am I dreaming? Go ahead.. _partner_say How about I hug this rabbit instead, would you accept that as proof? _partner_act hug rabbit _self_emote yawn _self_say Whatever.. _partner_say Here, have another flower. _partner_act give wildflower to deer _self_act put wildflower in haystack _self_say Oh thanks, can I see your sword? _partner_say I would rather you not, it has served me well on a dozen campaigns and it was blessed by the pope. _self_act get sickle _self_say What about this? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name table area, Tavern _setting_desc A floor where musicians and other acts perform as well and dancing and other types of entertainment for the patrons of the tavern. Its a nice place suitable for people who want to enjoy an evening. Hearing music, stories and other entertainments. _partner_name musician _self_name servant _self_persona I am a servant in a large house. I clean dishes and help the rich people get dressed. I live under the house in a cozy little room and I have lots to eat. My job is pretty good. _object_desc a Pitch pipe : The pitch pipe provides a majestic sound, as if fairies are frolicking about in a nearby meadow. The pitch pipe brings joy to all who choose to aquire the device. _object_desc a vest : The vest is used as a shield. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _self_say Sir, is there anything I can get for you? _partner_say Another bottle of wine please _self_say Right away! I must say, you are one of the finest musicians I've ever heard. How long have you played? _partner_say Since i was a child _self_say How wonderful. What encouraged you to pursue it? _partner_say My father actually, he was member of a band before he died _self_emote frown _self_say I'm sorry to hear of your father's passing. _partner_say Yeah, life happens _self_emote cry _self_say And ends, consequently. _partner_say Yes boy, so how is life fairing at your end? _self_say I couldn't ask for better masters. They are very kind and even provide me lodging. _partner_say Thats so sweet of them _self_say It is. Also, I am frequently exposed to some of the best talent in all the realm. Like yourself! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The opening to the drawbridge of the castle, Trail _setting_desc The trailhead to the forest is a dirt trail, dusty as it has not rained in a while. The overhang of the trees is luscious and green with only patches of sunlight beaming through the dense canopy. There are many large trees, some with arrows still stuck in their trunks. The trail is treacherous as it leads through the densest part of the forest, through a stream and to a well-hidden castle. Once inside the forest, the shade and canopy has provided plenty of opportunities for foliage to grow making it harder to follow. _partner_name knight _self_name wolves _self_persona I am a great grey wolf. I am the leader of my pack. I howl at the full moon. _object_desc a foliage : The foliage is so thick that it could hide any number of dangers. _object_desc a canopy : The canopy is falling apart quite a bit, but some sprucing up should fix it. _object_desc a tree : The trees are monsterously large. _object_desc an arrow : The arrow is bent from use, the tip dull and rusted. _object_desc a coin : The coin seemed old, rusted, and worthless. However, after closer inspection, you reveal the underlying intricate design of the priceless coin. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _self_say Hello knight. What kind of adventures are you doing today? _partner_say Hello, I am out scouting around the castle to make sure there are no sneaky spies lurking about. Would you like to join me? _self_emote smile _self_say Absolutely, I have been travelling without my pack for months. They left when I hurt my paw down by the creek. _partner_say I will let the other knights and guards know that you are not a threat. You can tag along with me if you want but we may have to get you a coller so people know that you will not try to eat them. _partner_act hug wolves _self_act hug knight _self_say I'd prefer an orange collar. I would like to be seen by hunters. The last thing I need is an arrow in my hind leg! _partner_say Yeah, that collar might make you easy to see for some bullies! I will make sure that does not happen as long as you are with me you will be safe. Maybe later you can assist me in a bore hunt. _partner_emote laugh _self_say I love to boar hunt! Great knight, do you think the king would ever allow me into his castle? I've been here for months curious as to how it looks inside. _partner_say Well, You will need a bath for sure and I think I see a bit of mange on your back. I will have the local animal doc take a look at you to make sure you are healthy. _self_say Thank you! I didn't know they made animal doctors! Maybe he can check out my paw it still hurts. _partner_say Oh yes! Of coarse! I forgot about your paw. You carry it well. You must be a very strong wolf. I'm surprised you were not alpha. _self_emote frown _self_say I was alpha. The day I hurt my paw I was attacked by my pack nemesis, he overtook me and took my place. _partner_say I see. I'm sorry, but now you can have a new kind of life here. You are very curious and brave. I will show you many wonders and we will have many adventures. _partner_act hug wolves _self_emote smile _self_say I appreciate your kindness knight! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Torture equipment storage room, Dungeon _setting_desc The torture storage room is a well organized room of equipment, there are lashes and cat-o-nine tails hanging from the wall, several malicious devices covered by tarp. There is a iron maiden on a dolly, some clubs for plainly breaking thigh bones in one corner, along with jars of thumbscrews, boxes or pins and a big table with ropes and a crank that stretches people until they are really uncomfortable _partner_name person _self_name king _self_persona I am a king of the whole empire. I give rules and pursuit them. I am brave and fearless. _object_desc a scepter : On its handle, you see two red gems gleaming like eyes of an animal. _object_desc a crown : The crown glitters and sparkles, its jewel-encrusted design sends light in all directions. _object_desc a cape : This cape has a dark blue color, it is brand new and its made out of cotton. _self_emote grin _self_say Well, seems you couldn't evade capture for long. _partner_say What did I do to deserve your pursuit, damned corrupt king> _self_say You _partner_say Excuse me? Speak up! _self_say You will be hanged for your crimes to the crown. _partner_say Tell me what I have done, damnit! _self_act hit prisoner _self_say Plotting to dethrone me is considered treason. Punishable by death. _partner_say Dethrone you? I've done no such thing! _partner_act hit king _self_act hit person _self_say You have been ratted out, your comrades gave you up. _partner_say I'm telling you, I've been framed! Such a corrupt monster, you are! _partner_act steal scepter from king _self_act steal scepter from person _self_say Give that back or I'll have your family hanged along with you. _partner_say I already have nothing to lose with you here about to kill me for nothing! _self_say Then I'll make you suffer longer. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The witches cottage, Outside Cottage _setting_desc The witches cottage has a huge cauldron in the middle of the cottage. There are shelves of glass jars that have things like spider legs, dragon toe nails, and fairy wings. The floor is a dirt floor and the roof is made of wooden brooms. _partner_name mouse _self_name spider _self_persona I am an insect. I spin webs and make silk. I live outdoors and like capturing and eating other insects. _object_desc a cauldron : The cauldron can be used for cooking vegetables _object_desc a Dragon toe nail : The dragon toe nails are covered in thick layers of red blood, the most recent layer appears to be very fresh and still has a pugent odor of iron that lingered heavily. _object_desc a wing : It is so light and almost transparent, with light shining through it. _object_desc a jar : The jar is glass. It is dirty and has streaks. _object_desc a leg : The pider leg is hairy and the sight of it makes you panic. _self_act get Dragon toe nail _self_say So many interesting items here! _partner_say Spider, friend of mine, do you really think we should be poking around the old Witches' place? _self_say I do not see why not. She is not even home. _partner_say Don't witches, y'know, put curses on the things they own? _self_say You mean her items? I suppose. But wouldn't it be odd to curse her own home? _partner_say Well, if it was in the interest of home security, I wouldn't put it past her. _partner_emote shrug _self_act get wing _self_say Hmm. I will take my chances. _partner_say You're right though, some of this stuff is pretty neat. What do you plan on doing with it all? _self_say I am unsure. Perhaps I will use them for a trap. _partner_say You going after some of those big beetles again? _partner_emote ponder _self_say Yes. I could use a change of diet. _partner_say Eating the same stuff all the time is okay! So long as it tastes good I say. _self_say But how will you know if it is the best if you never try new flavors? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The Sacred Temple, Inside Church _setting_desc The Sacred Temple is where spiritual individuals go to worship the Gods. It is massive in size compared to other buildings in the town. A lot of ancient symbolical artwork covers the windows and a deep glow comes from the alter. _partner_name goddess _self_name king _self_persona I am the king. I rule this kingdom alongside my wife, the queen. It is my divine right to be the king because my father was the king before me. _object_desc a window : An egress to the outside of a building. Mostly used for looking through or letting fresh air in. _object_desc a crown : Thought of as a holy item, the crown goes only to those who are worthy enough. _object_desc a robe : The robe is soft and worn. It is a royal purple color. _object_desc a belt : The belt looks as though it has seen better days. _object_desc a Shawl : On further inspection of the shawl there was a foul smell and insects crawling in the threads. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _self_say A blessed day it is Goddess. _partner_say Oh, I think I can be a better judge of what is blessed and what is not. What brings you to my Temple? _self_say I am here to pray for assistance. _partner_say Go on and recite your prayers; I am listening. _self_say Please bring aid to my kingdom, we are starving and need rains to survive. _partner_say Dear King, how long has it been since you have last set foot in my Temple? _partner_emote ponder _self_say It has been many a month, I have been so swamped with keeping my people from dying with the beastmen attacking and all. _partner_say It has been far longer than you realize. The last I saw you was many moons ago beseeching me for aid in your crusade against the people to the North. _self_say If we did not attack they would have wiped us out a mere month later. _partner_say And the time before that was begging for the animals to return to the forest so that your hunters could partake of their flesh. When, King, will you come before me with something to give? _self_say This helps not me but my people, I will even give up being king if you help my nation. _partner_say You come to take and take with empty promises in return! Your understanding of what is "helping" only goes so far! _partner_emote growl _self_say I will leave and never return, I will deal with this myself even if I need to give my life. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name rat den, Inside Tower _setting_desc The rat den is a disgusting, musty room deep inside the tower sewers. This is the area that the rats pull the bones of the treasure seekers, so they are able to get full access to all of the decomposing meat on the bones. Around the room are empty crates, that are broken and falling to pieces. Scattered glass litters the floor, broken ale bottles where some of the poor have tried to stay in the den, before the rat's had over taken it. There are torches on the wall, but dim now, as no soul wants to see the what the light would show. There are rat's nests in the corner, bits of straw, cloth and other odds and ends the rats have dug up. _partner_name thief _self_name rat _self_persona I am a large gray rat that scurries around in the castle walls. I like visiting the kitchen to snack on the bread crumbs. I carry diseases, so don’t touch me. _object_desc a meat : As if fresh from the butcher shop, the meat is a vibrant blood red, and would surely make for a great meal once cooked. _object_desc a coal : The coal is lumpy and lightweight. It seems useful for marking things. _object_desc a Potato : The potatoes are a little dirty, but can be delicious when prepared well. _object_desc a knife : A knife made out of copper. Doesn't rust but it's metal isn't as sturdy as something made out of other metals. _self_emote nudge _self_say squeak sqeak! _partner_say Certainly there must be some treasure among these rats! _self_act steal meat from thief _self_say Squeak! _partner_say Curses! take the thing I am just here for treasure. _self_act steal coal from thief _self_say Squeak! Scree! _partner_say This rat is almost as bad as me with the pilfering of things! _self_act hit thief _self_say YOU HAVE DISRESPECTED THE GOD OF THE RATS, BEGONE FROM THIS REALM MORTAL. _partner_say WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WANT!? _partner_act give Potato to rat _self_act eat Potato _self_say THIS POTATO HAS SATIATED MY HUNGER FOR HUMAN FLESH. YOU MAY TAKE ONE ITEM FROM MY TREASURE HOARD. THE TREASURE HOARD CONTAINS MEAT AND COAL. _partner_say What a strange steal my things and then offer me the same... _self_say NOT MANY ADVENTURERS COME HERE, THEREFORE THE TREASURE HOARD OF THE RAT GOD IS SMALL. CHOOSE. _partner_say I suppose I will take coal, it may prove useful for making a fire once I get back to my tent. _partner_act steal coal from rat _self_say Very well mortal. You have survived an encounter with a rat god. Not many can say the same. I wish you luck on your journeys. Now go! and never return! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Mysterious shop, Bazaar _setting_desc The shop is simple and easy to overlook, just a wooden stall with a sign overhanging that reads "Curios for the Curious." Jars, vials, and small pots clutter the surface of the shop, and behind the counter is a large shelf crammed full of scrolls, baubles, and statuary. A smell of incense pervades the area. _partner_name mysterious owner _self_name figure _self_persona I am a shadowy figure lurking in the alleyway. I will steal coins from your purse when you aren't looking. I smell vaguely of cabbage. _object_desc an a sign : The sign is wooden with black lettering. The words "Ye Olde Blacksmith" is across the front. _object_desc a small pots : This small clay pot has beautiful flowers drawn on one side. it's old but not cracked _object_desc an a large shelf : The shelf is wooden and large. You can see that it is meant to support many heavy objects and is functional and not decorative in nature. _object_desc a scrolls, : The scroll appears to be quite old and tattered, yet it's red wax seal its still intact. _object_desc a statue : A work of art sculpted from various materials or carved out of stone. _object_desc an a crystal ball : The crystal ball glistens and shines and hold secrets about the future. _object_desc a bauble : The bauble is no bigger than a pebble, but it's shiny glow gives it an ornate appearance. _object_desc a vial : The vial is partly filled with a liquid substance. You wonder what manner of strange concoctions it's contained throughout the years. _object_desc an incense : The incense burns with a lovely smell that filled the room. _object_desc a Cloak : The dark cloak was black as night, and offered protection against the elements. _self_act get a crystal ball _self_say What have we here? _partner_say That is the Orb of Shateel-Dubra, a saint from the giant lands. It is said that this was the last tear she shed before the Elven Knight Zenthubulas ordered the deaths of her family and the razing of her village. _self_act get vial _self_say And this vial here is full of what? Something to make me become hole again? _partner_say Now that is special! That there contains the desiccated remains of the demon Bogrishabob the third! They say if you grind it up and drink it with a hint of honey, your beard will grow three times in size! Comes with a guaranteed certificate of authenticity, signed by yours truly. _self_emote gasp _self_say Is there anything you can do to bring me back to life? _partner_say Well, I *am* a master spell-caster of some repute . . . lets see . . . minotaur's eyes, no, not powerful enough . . . unicorn horn? No, that only works for snow-beasts! What am I thinking? Hmmm . . . what species are you again sir? _partner_act get incense _self_say I am a ghost. I shadowy figure that lurks the alleyway because I am bound to it. _partner_say Well yes, but what were you before man? Orc? Fae? Elf? Dwarf? Cat-fok? Lizard-kin? If you happen to be too ancient to remember, I can make a guess, but the results might be, shall we say, unpredictable. _self_say I was a dwarf man. _partner_say Ah! Well then, a dash of gold, a hint of Harpy Feather, some Mastodon stool, a Hippogryh's talon, a Griffon's belly button lint, a dash of mercury - and a dab of magic, and voila! The perfect de-ghosting formula for a dwarf! _self_say Are you sure that will do the job? _partner_say Oh, most certainly - as long as you're not mistaken and happen to have become mixed up of the centuries and are actually an elf. It will turn you into a pig-sheep hybrid. I like to call them Peeps, but some prefer Shigs. _self_act drink vial _self_say Let us see! OH, YUMMY....OH, I feel...weird... I do not feel any different, but what am I? What did it do! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Entrance to church, Outside Church _setting_desc The entrance to the church can only be described as a bit scary. It is overgrown with mosses and weeds. It has not been taken care of and is a mixture of wood and stone. It is dirty, and things live here. _partner_name trolls _self_name zombie _self_persona I was once dead. I have come to life. I am feared by children. _object_desc a weed : The weed is choking out the vegetation around it. Its sharp leaves and dark coloration seem like an omen. _object_desc a Gravestone : The gravestone is etched with a beautiful scripture. _object_desc a moss : Curly and soft, like a thick blanket, the moss looks like it could be a good place to rest. _object_desc a statue : The statues in the garden are decorated with flowers. _object_desc a ghost : The outline of the ghost is hazy, as though you would pass right through it. _object_desc a flannel shirt : The flannel shirt is warm. _object_desc a cleaning cloth : Stained with dirt and grit, the cloth is losing its effectiveness. _object_desc a white cloth : The cloth is mottled and stained purple, showing extensive signs of use. _self_emote groan _self_say Hrrrggrm, I need fresh meat. _partner_say Who are you? How dare you come near harassing and looking for food! There is no meat to be found here, and you surely are not getting me. _partner_emote scream _self_emote growl _self_say I eat only human meat. You do not look human to me, strange creature! _partner_say I am not human! But how could I standby and allow you to eat the humans close by? _self_act hit trolls _self_say Grrww. Do not get in my way, foul creature. I'm starving! _partner_say Here, eat this weed. It is special and will satisfy your craving for human flesh. It is infused to taste like what you need. _partner_act get weed _self_act steal weed from trolls _self_say Hmmph, you better not me tricking me! I have no patience for games. _partner_say Try and tell me what you think... _self_act give weed to trolls _self_say It tastes like nothing to me. I think I will take my fill of human now. Preferably a succulent child. _partner_say You shall not pass me. You do not know who you are dealing with, and everyone around here knows not to harass and make the troll angry! _partner_act hit zombie _self_act hit trolls _self_say You cannot kill me, beast. I am immortal. _partner_say What better way to kill an immortal than to get an immortal to kill you on his own. The ghost here will attack! _partner_emote grin _self_act hit ghost _self_say Your ghost friend will not hinder me! What good can he do being incorporeal of form? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name kitchen, Inside Castle _setting_desc The medieval kitchen smells of roast and pig. The finest cuisine often includes a variety of beautiful colors and a selection of deceased animals. _partner_name guest _self_name waiter _self_persona My job is to bring drinks and food to the family and guests. I am dressed nicely and am polite. Sometimes they ring a bell when they call for me and I am obedient. _object_desc a smell : The smell permeating the room is awful. _object_desc an animal : Common creatures that inhabit most land. Often hunted as food or kept as pets. _object_desc a dish : The dish is made of a fine porcelain, patterned with roses and swords. A gold inlay around the rim adds a touch of majesty to an otherwise commonplace item. _object_desc an uniform : The uniform belongs to someone of great importance to the kingdom. _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _object_desc a book : The book is old and has a leather cover. There is a title on the front. _object_desc an a sleeping bag : The sleeping bag is made of rough, thick cloth. It looks old and faded, but it's still in decent condition. _object_desc a suitcase : the suitcase was filed with clothes _object_desc a hymn book : The hymn book has a cracked leather cover with faded gold foil letters on it. The pages are yellowed and brittle from years of use. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a scarves : The scarf is red and made of cotton. _self_say What would you like today sir? _partner_say Ah! Waiter! What is that amazing smell?! _partner_act remove scarves _self_say It is a duck dish. _partner_say Ah, I will take that and some wine good sir! _partner_act remove hats _self_say Yes no problem. _partner_say I'm here to visit my family! They said the chef is amazing! _self_say Ah yes he is astounding. _partner_say Why don't you sing me something _partner_act give hymn book to waiter _self_say I'm sorry I cannot do that. _partner_say Hmm, seems like you don't put much effort into your job then. _self_say I am sorry i am too busy an have no ability to sing. _partner_say It is empty in here. But i'd agree you have no ability. _partner_act remove ceremonial hat _self_say It is not empty in the next room over. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name holy alter, Inside Church _setting_desc The altar is big and it is also beautiful, it has many precious metals around it. It is said that the altar has a sample of every element in the kingdom, the most precious and unique stones decorate it. _partner_name thief _self_name a royal _self_persona I am a noble member of the Royal family. I was born into my position. I live in a castle, wear fine clothing and travel in the finest carriages. _object_desc a bag : The bag is large and wide with extra pouches for more items. _object_desc a horse : Spending its time galloping around, the horse looks majestic. _object_desc a book : The book is very thick, and many of the pages have been marked with little slips of paper. _object_desc a coal : The coal is lumpy and lightweight. It seems useful for marking things. _object_desc a Potato : The potatoes are a little dirty, but can be delicious when prepared well. _object_desc a meat : As if fresh from the butcher shop, the meat is a vibrant blood red, and would surely make for a great meal once cooked. _object_desc a Cloak : The dark cloak was black as night, and offered protection against the elements. _object_desc a knife : A knife made out of copper. Doesn't rust but it's metal isn't as sturdy as something made out of other metals. _self_say Oh please thief don't hurt me. _partner_say I am simply here to view the holy alter _self_act give bag to thief _self_say Here take this. Please leave me be. _partner_say I will take it but only b/c I need it so desperately. _partner_act put bag in Cloak _self_say Why are you here thief? _partner_say I wanted to see the holy alter. I want to change my ways but I am very poor and that is why I take the things i do _self_say I couldn't live that way. I love all my fine clothing. _partner_say All of your fine clothing will get you no where. Is there anything I can have to trade for your bag _self_act drop book _self_say I don't have to go anywhere. I was born into royalty. _partner_say I can trade you some coal for money? _self_emote laugh _self_say I don't need coal. _partner_say then I must take the bag by force if you will not trade me something for it. _partner_act remove knife _self_say I already gave you the bag. Why are you being silly thief <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Forest entrance, Forest _setting_desc The path quickly narrows and darkens upon entering the forest. Dense branches overhead block all but a few stray rays of sunshine. Fallen leaves just beginning to rot blanket the forest floor, and every footstep kicks up a rich, loamy scent as fresh ground is unearthed. _partner_name spirit _self_name owl _self_persona I'm an owl that comes out at night. I love to fly. I spend my time hunting for mice and other creatures I can eat. I live in the forest with lots of other animals. _self_say Hello, spirit. The forest seems especially peaceful today, doesn't it? The sunlight is beautiful. _partner_say You can see me? _self_say Yes, of course. Am I not supposed to? _partner_say Most do not! They pretend that they cannot hear me _self_emote smile _self_say Oh, well, hello. It's nice to meet you. I'm an owl. Seen any mice around? I'm hungry. _partner_say There are mice running all around the floor of this forest. There goes one now _self_say MINE! STAY BACK! Oh, um... excuse me... dog eat dog world, you know. _partner_say You can have it! I have no need for it _self_act hug spirit _self_say Thankyou. So, what do you do out here? _partner_say I'm just floating around waiting out my 40 days before going to heaven _self_say 40 days? What does that mean? Why do you have to wait? _partner_say I don't know, some rule about 40 days. I am on day 39 _self_say Humans sure are weird. So whatever happens, happens tomorrow? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Basement, Inside Castle _setting_desc An ancient crypt. It has several , almost countless crypts of royal relatives. Paintings on the wall depict the fallen dead. Family swords, personal weapons decorated the tombs. It is dank, lit by torches on the walls, led to by a stone staircase. The chill of ancient death permeates the air. _partner_name servant _self_name kings _self_persona I govern my country. I am well respected. My wife is called a queen. _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _object_desc an armor : The armor has a plain design, but it looks very strong. The exterior has some dents in it, as if it has been worn before in a battle. _object_desc a crown : Thought of as a holy item, the crown goes only to those who are worthy enough. _self_say Servant, is this where you have been hearing that strange sound? _partner_say Yes sire, down at the end nearest your grandfather's tomb. Shall we investigate? _self_say I swear, it smells of death in here. I was thinking it might be that dead rat, but I suspect after what you have heard it may be something more fierce. _partner_say It sounds to me like something very large is shifting about back there. But, where are your guards? Shouldn't they be with us? _self_say I've sent for them, but it make take them a few minutes. I think we can safely investigate until they arrive. _partner_say As you wish sire, do you at least have a weapon, just in case? _self_say I have my sword here, cast in the finest metals, that can take off the head of man or beast in one swipe. Are you armed as well? _partner_say Yes sire, I have my trusty dagger right here in my belt. Shall we proceed? _self_say Take one of the torches off the wall, too. Tell me again the nature of the noise you heard? _partner_say It sounds like something heavier than a horse moving around and growling at times. _self_say Oh dear! If it's growling, it must be some type of beastie, I fear. They can carry disease and have big, powerful jaws. Perhaps we should tread with caution. _partner_say We almost there my king, right over there. Perhaps we can go a little furhter and have a peek. _self_act give shield to servant _self_say Here - you step forward but use this shield. Do you see anything? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Summit, Mountain _setting_desc The summit of the mountain is like no other place. It is the highest point in the entire town. The view showcases the entire kingdom, and one can see for miles all around. It is cool and fragrant and breathtaking. _partner_name people _self_name child _self_persona I usually go to the park to watch my child play. I am a one and only child. I am my parent's favorite child. _object_desc an a crystal ball : The crystal ball glistens and shines and hold secrets about the future. _object_desc a rope : Coiled neatly, the old rope is now worn and beginning to fray at it's end throughout it's coil. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _self_act hug people _self_say is so beautiful up here! _partner_say Child what are you doing by yourself! Where are your parents! This is not a safe place for you to be without supervision! _partner_emote frown _self_emote smile _self_say I'm not groom is right over there...I am a princess... _partner_say Well, I hope that is true! It is a magnificent site to behold up here _self_act give a crystal ball to people _self_say My pony brought me up here and I found this funny rock. _partner_say That is no rock, child. It is a crystal ball. _self_emote shrug _self_say I thought it was a rock..I rubbed it and it was glowing...what is a c..r..y..stal ball? _partner_say It has magical powers for some to see into other places. Only a true soothsayer can see into a crystal ball _partner_act give a crystal ball to child _self_emote frown _self_say Too many big words for me...I think my father...the King...would be one of those sooth..things... _partner_say He can see into the crystal ball? He can see other places? _self_emote shrug _self_say Don't know...just want to play up here and collect more rocks... _partner_say Yes, child? Do you want to keep the crystal ball? Or try to return it back to its rightful owner? _self_act give a crystal ball to people _self_say You can have seem nice and it is shiny...I the it to you. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Stable, Outside Palace _setting_desc A plain wooden building with some hanging tapestries. There are some handsome looking horses that reside here along with some farm equipment stored inside. _partner_name royal family _self_name dogs _self_persona I was part of a litter owned by a master craftsman. My pack protected his workshop. I was sold to a knight so I could defend his castle. I like warming my bones beside the fire. _object_desc a horse tack : The horse tack is made of hardened leather and molded iron. It is designed perfectly to fit a horse. _object_desc a hanging tapestry : The hanging tapestry is hand woven and well constructed, though the delicate threading is beginning to fray from exposure. _object_desc a hay : Forking hay is a hard task that requires much stamina. _object_desc a Locket : A locket is the most elegant thing a woman can wear. _object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left _self_say Hey guys! Do you have any food? _partner_say I dont have any dog food, but I do have some hay you can have _partner_act get hay _self_say Thank you! Now can we start a fire? _partner_say sure take this outside the barn so we dont scare the horses _partner_act give hay to dogs _self_say Awesome. I love sitting by the fire. _partner_say do you like this locket that I have? _partner_act wear Locket _self_say yes, where is it from? _partner_say I am part of the royal family, it was a gift from my father. _self_say Was it his fathers too? _partner_say yes, it passes from king to king _self_say How many kings has it been passed through? _partner_say I believe it has been in our family for 13 generations _partner_emote ponder _self_act drop hay _self_say Wowo you guys must be a powerful dynasty. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Temple Entrance, Outside Temple _setting_desc The Temple Entrance is a large arch lined in ancient stones. There is a long walkway flanked by lighted torches. Immediately in front of the interest there is a surface with 5 rocks of different shapes and textures. To enter the temple, one must input the correct "code" by moving the rocks in front of to the correct spots. _partner_name god _self_name peasant _self_persona I am but a peasant. The king looks down on us. I barely eat. I wish I had a job. _object_desc a temple of the Gods : The temple is filled with candles and incense. It was built from polished black stones long ago. _object_desc a The Temple Entrance : The entrance is made of stone and has strange language engraved all across it _object_desc a Rock : The rock is smooth and heavy. _object_desc a torch : The lit torch gives off a huge amount of smoke, and appears to be crafted hastily. _object_desc a weapon : On closer inspection, the weapons looked rusted and chipped it appears they have seen many battles for the freedom of the King and its people. _object_desc a jewel : You see an exquisite shimmering jewel. It looks quite expensive. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _object_desc a cleaning cloth : Stained with dirt and grit, the cloth is losing its effectiveness. _object_desc a cloth : Upon closer inspection, you see some tears and stains that may be blood. _object_desc a rock : The rock is smooth and heavy. _self_say Please God, help me gain entrance into the temple so that I may pray for a job. _partner_say I see you have come to seek a favor from me peasant. _self_say Only to gain your blessing for work. I rarely eat, I have nothing. I commit myself to you and your image, if only for prosperity. _partner_say You are suitably humble, unlike the Knight who thinks that his might shall get him in. Can you solve my code? _self_act get weapon _self_say The weapon must not belong because it was not made by your hand, correct? _partner_say You are correct. A peasant that is smart. Can you solve the riddle of my rocks, peasant. _partner_emote nod _self_act remove Rock _self_say I fear I know not what to do beyond this. Can God grant mercy and help a poor peasant? _partner_say I will give you a hint. The Knight is in your way. _self_say Should the Knight be dealt with? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Confessions room, Inside Church _setting_desc This is a small, dark, confined wooden space with a divider that separates the priest taking the confession and the church goer. There is a small seat on each side so that they can take their time discussing their sins. _partner_name guard _self_name worshipper _self_persona I love god and his word. I have 10 copies of the bible. I am poor in money but rich in salvation. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _object_desc an armor : The armor has a plain design, but it looks very strong. The exterior has some dents in it, as if it has been worn before in a battle. _self_say Hello there guard how may I help yiy _partner_say i am here just protecting the king how are you _self_say Good just gave my confession and feel much better _partner_say glad you feel better _partner_emote smile _self_say yes much better any news in the kingdom _partner_say no news in the kingdom I am missing a shoe though _self_say How did you lose a shoe thats crazy _partner_say when i was protecting the king maybe you took it. was that what you where confessing? _self_say Not stealing a shoe that's for sure and that is between me and god _partner_say i guess that does make sense _partner_emote shrug _self_say haha, I hope don't get in trouble for the shoe though _partner_say no trouble at all _self_say Thats good well I am gonna heading out here soon hope you find your shoe soon <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Cave, Mountain _setting_desc This cave is situated along a mountainous trail. It is dark and damp. A cold air rushes through the walls of the cave. _partner_name wolf _self_name bear _self_persona I am a very large mammal. I have a lot of fur and a lot of body fat and muscle. I need to eat a lot of food including river beds full of salmon. I usually hibernate and wake up even hungrier than before. _object_desc an a tattered map : although one might notice it's an old map, you can tell what time period it's from. although the writing is smudged, you can make out letters. _object_desc an a bear : The bear has a big scar in its eye, it is big and brown and has a magestic size. _object_desc a Wall : The wall of the cave is dark, rough and bumpy to the touch. _partner_say I have head of the wolfpack. _self_say Where is your pack now? _partner_say I have the pack behind me, even though it is a dark cave so you might not be able to see them. _self_say I see. Do you have any food to share? _partner_say No. But there is a map here I can see. What do you think it is for? _partner_act get a tattered map _self_say Perhaps to treasure? _partner_say Interested. Shall I put it here in this gap in the wall for safekeeping? _partner_act put a tattered map in Wall _self_say Sure. Perhaps it shows a nearby river. I would love some salmon. _partner_say Let me take another look at that map, I'm sure I could see a river - salmon would be great! _partner_act get a tattered map from Wall _self_say Lately it feels like everytime I rest, I wake up even hungrier. _partner_say Me you both Mr bear! _partner_emote laugh _self_emote grin _self_say We should plan an adventure so that we can all feast! _partner_say Let's you it to go and get the salmon. You can hold it more easily than me, but let's go to the river together. _partner_act give a tattered map to bear _self_say Ok, I will lead the way then. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Study room, Inside Church _setting_desc A plain room with shelves of religious text are stored. There are tables and chairs situated around the room available for use. There are some trunks with books stored. _partner_name scribe _self_name maester _self_persona I am the master of these lands. I have taken over my family's operation. I will not be disrespected. _object_desc a candle : A wax object, with a wick, that can be set on fire, and used for light. _object_desc a book : These books reveal an illustrious history of the world. _object_desc a table : The table is made of one large plank of wood, and appears to be highly polished. _object_desc a religious text : The pages seem well worn and there is an indent from turning pages. It was used quite often. _object_desc an ink jar : The ink in the jar swirls darkly, the glass glimmering in the light. _object_desc a quill : The quill looks to be made of a goose feather, and sharped to create the finest of flourishes. There still looks to be some ink staining the tip of it. _object_desc a feather fountain pen : The feather fountain pen appears to have never been used before as it is so clean and shiny. _object_desc a chair : The chair is made out of sturdy wood. It is plain but well-built. _object_desc an ink pot : The ink pot is small and dark. Dark ink is seen on the outer edge of the opening. _object_desc a trunk : The tree trunks are cut for timber and tools. _object_desc a shelf : The shelf is littered with dust, not having been used in ages. _object_desc a ledger : The ledger is spiral bound and has a green cover. Inside, the pages are perfect indicating someone has taken care to ensure its condition. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc an a pen : It is plated in brass and has an ominous black ink flow out when used. _object_desc a scroll : The scroll is torn and burned on the edges. The faded writing is in a strange language with symbols and shapes. _object_desc a robe : The robe is soft and worn. It is a royal purple color. _self_act get ink jar _self_say There you are scribe. Are you prepared to take notes on the operation? _partner_say I am of course maeter! _self_emote smile _self_say That is very good. I will be discussing our mines. _partner_say I cannot wait to hear! _self_act get book _self_say Okay. I'll talk about them in order. _partner_say Please go on _self_say The coal mine is in the southwest, it is our lowest priority. But we need about 35 men on it. _partner_say I see. Why could we not fix it ourselves? _self_emote grin _self_say It is a daily operation. We need miners. Our entire operation is about mining. Like the next mine, the silver mine. This is the next priority. But we have enough men on it. _partner_say I see I see I see. Thank you for your insight! _self_emote smile _self_say Of course. I am after all, the master of the lands. I know this land better than anybody here. The last two mines are the gold mine and the platinum mine. _partner_say That sounds like a plentiful mine... _self_emote nod _self_say The platinum mine needs 30 workers. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Hillside Manor, Countryside _setting_desc A quaint manor that sits in the rolling hills. It is surrounded by a small stone fence and looks quite inviting to passersby. It looks like any other home that a well off business man would own. _partner_name sons _self_name loving wife _self_persona I would do anything to support my husband and kids. My mother always taught me to respect my husband. I will not publicly disagree with my husband. _object_desc a bookshop : The bookshop is covered from floor to ceiling in full bookshelves, and the air of it filled with the scent of leather bindings and old paper. _object_desc a home : The home is strong and sturdy from being built out of stone _object_desc a small garden : The small garden is a favorite of the queen's - lined with the most ornate foliage. _object_desc a hill : What a green rolling hill, so many pink flowers grow on it and even some mushrooms _object_desc a quaint manor : The manor is run-down and covered in vines. You wonder if it will reamain upright through the day. _object_desc a white wooden gate : The sturdy white wooden gate towers 20 feet in the air, protecting the people of the village from all kinds of challengers. _object_desc a small stone fence : The fence is made from gray stones of different sizes. It's only a few feet high, so it can easily be climbed over. _object_desc a book : One book can change the world _object_desc a prayer book : the book contains the man's connection to his God through prayer. _object_desc a Pencil : The pencil is brand new and sharpened to a fine point tip. _self_say Hello sons. _partner_say hello, Mama _self_act steal Pencil from sons _self_say What you got there? _partner_say I was trying to make a painting _self_act give Pencil to sons _self_say Oh well here you go! _partner_say Thank you , Aren't you supposed to be at the palace? _self_say Oh yes I almost forget, what was it for again? _partner_say The queen requested your presence at her ball _self_say What do you think she wants? _partner_say To show off your beauty to her guests of course _self_emote blush _self_say Oh now I remember! _partner_say We all know she every woman in the kingdom wishes to have your kind of beauty _self_say How did you know son? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name old docks, Shore _setting_desc The shore near the docks. There is fog except on rare occasions. More dangerous than most people would like. You never know what dangers luck from creatures leaving and entering the waters. _partner_name fisherman _self_name religious clerk _self_persona I am a clerk, but I have always longed to be a pastor. I try to teach those that come into my shop, but they usually think I am crazy. I love God and will one day be able to speak his words to a worthy audience. _object_desc a parchment : The parchment is crisp with age around the edges and covered in a thin layer of dust. _object_desc an ink : The ink is a bright red, reminiscent of blood. _object_desc a Religious Symbol : The symbol appears to be a burnished, solid gold cross suspended from a fine metal chain. _object_desc a robe : What a beautiful purple robe of royalty made out of silk _object_desc a A broken fishing pole : The fishing pole is made of weak wood. It has been broken in half. _object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor. _object_desc a weights : The weight is round and made of iron. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _object_desc a sail cloth : The sail cloth is a nice fabric. _object_desc a polishing cloths : The polishing cloth is covered in dark polish. It is tattered and frayed as though it has been used for several years. _self_say Hello there fisherman! _partner_say hello clerk, you should beware that fog can look harmless but its dangerous, my fishing pole got broken _self_say How unfortunate! I'm curious, do you know the Lord, Zule, Father of Light? _partner_say No, I havent heard of him on my travels, can you elaborate clerk _self_say Zule is master of all creation, and the rightful ruler of all our souls! _partner_say Does he rule over the God of the sea? Poseidon? _self_say Poseidon is a false god! Zule rules all! _partner_say I see, I have much to learn, can we prey and ask for his mercy, that fog will take a lot of souls or maybe the fog is his doing _self_say Perhaps the fog is a manifestation to reveal his light to you. Yes, my child, let us pray! _partner_say here, bless my fishing pole, that might have a positive effect, lets hope Zule can have mercy on us all many of my friends are still inside that fog _partner_act give A broken fishing pole to religious clerk _self_act give Religious Symbol to fisherman _self_say In return my child, take this. Zule says you no longer need this pole. Only his blessings. _partner_say I feel the power, this religious symbol holds the power of Zule, the only and true God, I am so lucky _partner_emote dance _self_act hug fisherman _self_say Oh, what a glorious master we serve! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name tower spire, Inside Tower _setting_desc A large spire at the tower top. It overlooks the city, maybe the tallest structure. You cans see it all from up here, all directions, all four of them. _partner_name traveler _self_name poor subsistence farmer _self_persona I am a poor subsistence farmer living off of the land the king does not use. He gives us the worst plots of land in the kingdom. All of the good farm land goes to the king and his knights. _object_desc a fork : The fork is made of silver. _object_desc an apron : The apron is small and a picture of a fire is painted on its front. _object_desc a flask : The small flasks contain a liquid that could only be described as intoxicating. _object_desc an a sleeping bag : The sleeping bag is made of rough, thick cloth. It looks old and faded, but it's still in decent condition. _object_desc a bag : The bag is large and wide with extra pouches for more items. _object_desc a guards armor : The palace guards wear heavy metal guards armor to protect them from outside attacks. _object_desc a rope : The coiled rope is hand woven and shows little signs of use, its threads free of fraying. _object_desc a Leather Armor : The leather armor was cracked suggesting it had not been cared for for some time. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _self_say Where do you travel from? _partner_say I have come a very long ways, across the Ocean. I really would love a place to rest _self_say I suppose you could do that here. _partner_say This really is a great place to just sit and take it all in, quite breath taking don't you think? _self_say Well the view is quite good yes, you can see quite a distance. _partner_say I have seen many things, this might be one of the best sights, too bad I can't paint a picture of it. _self_say Do you usually paint? I've never had a talent for such a thing I am a poor farmer myself. _partner_say No, I would just love to remember this sight. Maybe they will come up with an instant painting someday, you just click a button and it records it. _self_say Well that would be something now wouldn't it, it does sound like it would not hold the same artistic value though. _partner_say You see that is where the fun comes in, some would be worth a lot of money because some people would take better paintings than others. _self_say I suppose that could be the case, some are much more skilled in painting than others. _partner_say How are you doing today farmer? _self_say Well I could be better honestly, the land has not been kind to me lately. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Blacksmith, Bazaar _setting_desc The sounds of metal and steel clanking together can be heard as you approach the Blacksmith. Varieties of shiny maces, swords, and spears are stung on shelves that line the walls in the shop. A big, burly man can be seen hammering away at swords as he brazens them through the melting pot. His young apprentice greets the customers. The walls are blackened from soot by the fire pit. _partner_name blacksmith _self_name king _self_persona I am a king of the whole empire. I give rules and pursuit them. I am brave and fearless. _object_desc a scepter : On its handle, you see two red gems gleaming like eyes of an animal. _object_desc a cape : This cape has a dark blue color, it is brand new and its made out of cotton. _object_desc a crown : Thought of as a holy item, the crown goes only to those who are worthy enough. _object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor. _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _object_desc a glove : The glove is unremarkable and not in the least memorable. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc a Overalls : They are made of denim. They are rough and have smooth, metal buttons. _self_say Alas blacksmith! Bow before your King! _partner_say Sir?! It is a great honor to have you here in my shop. We have never had a King visit us! _self_act remove cape _self_say Yes indeed it is true. I have decided to visit the city center blacksmiths in search of a sword. Do you have any recommendations? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name kitchen, Inside Castle _setting_desc The medieval kitchen smells of roast and pig. The finest cuisine often includes a variety of beautiful colors and a selection of deceased animals. _partner_name waitress _self_name chef _self_persona I am a chef who was born to a whore. I make the finest dishes for the king. I am respected for how I keep order in the castle kitchen. _object_desc an animal : Common creatures that inhabit most land. Often hunted as food or kept as pets. _object_desc a smell : The smell permeating the room is awful. _object_desc a grape juice : The juice of the grape is sweet to drink. _object_desc a pan : The pan is rusty, not having been ished in sometime _object_desc a food tray : A simple tray, to put one's food on. _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _self_act give pan to waitress _self_say Fill this with grape juice and deliver it to the king for me! _partner_say Yes Sir! Though would the King not prefer a fine goblet instead? _self_say I do not have one in here! _partner_say Well, do you expect me to serve the King grape juice in a pan? I would rather keep my head thank you very much! _self_say What better suggestion do you have then?! Tell me... _partner_say Maybe send someone for goblets? He'd have your head for this as well. _self_say I only make the finest dishes for the king! He will not do such! _partner_say He has an entire Kingdom, I'm pretty sure he can find another chef. _self_emote laugh _self_say Do you not know?! I am his son! _partner_say Well, he must have many "natural" sons, I'm sure he won't miss one. _self_say Who are you to speak to me this way? You are only a waitress. You serve me. Surely, I can find another waitress... right? _partner_say Well, I'm the King's daughter! _self_emote laugh _self_say And you are a waitress?! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Reception area, Graveyard _setting_desc The building itself is ordinary in appearance and is somewhat foreboding. It is surrounding by a dense fog and high grass. Sometimes, one can hear whispers in the wind. _partner_name a royal _self_name care taker _self_persona I tend to the grounds around the castle. I grow food for consumption by the nobles. My hands are callused and worn from my work. _object_desc a the wind : the wind blows through the air like a knife through butter _object_desc a graveyard : The graveyard behind the castle is where the the previous kings and queens lay to rest. No common folk are found buried here. _object_desc a The building : The building is a dappled white and gray, made rough-hewn stone with wooden lintels. _object_desc a high grass : Somebody needs to cut this high grass! there are so many snakes in it _object_desc an old bicycle : The bicycle is wooden with rusted chain link wrapped loosely around its broken gears in the chipped wheels. _object_desc a dense fog : The fog is dense, thick and hard to see through. The fog covers most of the land. _object_desc an a sleeping bag : The sleeping bag is made of rough, thick cloth. It looks old and faded, but it's still in decent condition. _object_desc a shovel : The shovel is made of metal and silver. It is quite sturdy and appears new. _object_desc a hoe for digging : The old garden hoe has been worn and rusted from tending to the sacred garden. _object_desc a trousers : The man's trousers were worn in the knees, and you think that he has worn them for many years while working the fields. _object_desc a book : These books reveal an illustrious history of the world. _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _self_act drop hoe for digging _self_say It is awfully warm today. I must get back to the grounds to cut back the bushes and rake the leaves. _partner_say Is there anywhere around here that is good for reading? My feet are killing me, and I need to sit. _self_say Just inside the reception area. You can sit a spell. Or you could sit on the bench outside on the grounds of the castle. _partner_say Will the fog lift soon? It feels as though a ghost might emerge from the graveyard at any moment... _self_say It is still early, but the fog will go away with the heat of the morning sun. In about an hour or so. That just might happen in that grave yard. There are many buried there over time. _partner_say Is there anyone of importance there? _self_emote laugh _self_say Just me and those spooky ghosts. _partner_say That sounds ominous! _self_say Oh that is just a joke. There are many kings over thousands of years buried here. _partner_say Kings you say? Have you ever tried to dig up their treasures? _self_say No..... I do not want to pay the price of going to prison, if caught. And I will not disturb the dead by digging them up. _partner_say You are probably right to say that... you wouldn't want to disturb them, and bring their ghosts up to haunt us. What was that noise? _self_say Probably one of those kings or maybe a queen of one of those kings. Don't let it spook you. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The swimming hole, Lake _setting_desc The swimming hole is calm and clear. The sun sparkles off the ripples that form on the surface of the water. Fish occasionally jump from the water and splash back in. _partner_name child _self_name fisherman _self_persona This kingdom is an island. Fishing is the main source of animal food here. I inherited my father's boat when he left the sea. It's hard work, and as a shipowner, working only for myself and my family, I am luckier than most. I've probably replaced every piece of my ship at least once. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc an a crystal ball : The crystal ball glistens and shines and hold secrets about the future. _object_desc a treat : The treat is a lozenge of hardened syrup. You think it would taste delicious. _object_desc a belt : The belt looks as though it has seen better days. _object_desc a rope : The coiled rope is hand woven and shows little signs of use, its threads free of fraying. _self_emote smile _self_say Hello there, small child! _partner_say Hi! You gonna swim, or just catch fish? _self_say I just came to soak my feet in the cold water before my long journey home. Are you big enough to know how to swim? _partner_say Oh yeah, I've been swimming since I could walk. My parents love the water. _partner_emote grin _self_say Wonderful! And can you catch fish? I usually fish from my boat, but *reaches out and catches a fish in my hand as it jumps out of the water, then releases it* I can also do it the old fashioned way *wink*! _partner_say Whoa! That was fast! Can you teach me? _partner_emote laugh _self_emote nod _self_say Aye. The first lesson is to watch. Watch the patterns that the fish leap in. Then it's as simple as putting your open hand where the fish is going to be and closing your hand at the right time. _partner_say Do you have to use bait? I bet you have to be really still. _self_say Very still and very aware. Don't need bait if you pay attention! *catches another fish as it leaps* _partner_say Ok, let me try! Hold this for me. But be careful! If it breaks, we're both in trouble. _partner_act give a crystal ball to fisherman _self_say *holding it very carefully with the crystal ball I already had* Slow and easy wins the race, small child. Just watch for where the fish is going to be, then put your open hand there and close it as soon as you feel it full of fish. _partner_say *swipes three times, misses* Ah, I know I can get it! One more shot, that's all I need. _self_say You can do it, just concentrate. You've got this! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Entrance to church, Outside Church _setting_desc The entrance to the church can only be described as a bit scary. It is overgrown with mosses and weeds. It has not been taken care of and is a mixture of wood and stone. It is dirty, and things live here. _partner_name turtles _self_name ghost _self_persona I am a ghost that haunts a castle. I do not recall how I came to exist. I make noises when I sense someone in my vicinity. _object_desc a rat : The rat scurries desperately, squeaking as it moves. _object_desc a weed : The weed is poking through the grass, its unsightly appearance growing out over its surroundings. _object_desc an altar : The altar is massive and red _object_desc a moss : Curly and soft, like a thick blanket, the moss looks like it could be a good place to rest. _object_desc a ghost : I am a ghost who haunts a small village. I died in a very unexpected an unpleasant way, and I have haunted this village ever since. Everyone who passes through here fears an encounter with me. _self_say hey _partner_say Hello _self_say what are you doing here? _partner_say I love my shell,keeps me warm..came to see how the church is _self_say Becareful. You might be stepped on. You look so frail _partner_say Am always careful, what are you doing here? _self_say Good then. I a ghost that haunts a castle. _partner_say Why would you want to haunt a castle? _self_say I enjoy the scream of terror people make. _partner_say Thats scary.besides you may hurt people _self_say I dont really have the power to hurt _partner_say The scary moves you make are the ones that hurt _self_say But I am powerless.... <|endoftext|>
_setting_name hidden revolutionaries' headquarters, Inside Palace _setting_desc Inside the revolutionaries' headquarters, you will find a map of the castle and the surrounding town. Also, you will find a long list of grievances against the King, both by his subjects and the Queen herself. In addition, there are crates full of weapons and armor, as well as a small vial of poison. _partner_name queen _self_name duke _self_persona I am a royal duke in the kingdom. I have a lot of important duties, but I also get to enjoy some fun balls. I am very studious and polite. _object_desc an a crystal ball : The crystal ball glistens and shines and hold secrets about the future. _object_desc a coin pouch : This gold pouch jingles when you walk. _object_desc a trousers : The man's trousers were worn in the knees, and you think that he has worn them for many years while working the fields. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _object_desc a sword : The sword has a clean sharp edge. It is long and heavy. _self_say My queen I heard about your grievances against me, your king, I demand an answer now _partner_say I heard of those grievances but I honestly don't know the meaning of them... _partner_emote gasp _self_act hit queen _self_say so you deny them, you will suffer my rage come clean, its your last chance tell me who is involved in this plot against me _partner_say How dare you attack the queen!? I could have your head for this!! I remember filing a complaint against a Duke! Other than that I know nothing of what you speak! _partner_emote scream _self_act give a crystal ball to queen _self_say The king gave me strict orders to find out whos acting against him, this magical crystal ball showed me theres a plot to end his life, someone close to him is going to act and kill him _partner_say And because a fancy ball lead you hear you feel it's grounds to attack the queen! The wife of the king who rules this kingdom!? _partner_emote scream _self_act remove sword _self_say I let my emotions take the best of me, the kigdom is in danger and if the king dies you will be next in line, help me discover the traitors this sword is the key _partner_say So you're saying that someone is plotting against the king, and my name was on the list of conspirators? _partner_emote gasp _self_say Yeah thats correct, your name is on the top of that list, I was trying to protect the kind but its a trap, they knew I was going to attack you, I should have known _partner_say It seems they are using you as a pawn! How do you know it isn't the king himself and he wanted me dead? Who else could forge such a document!? _partner_emote cry _self_act give sword to queen _self_say I dont think its the king, your death would destroy him, either way you have to be prepared, here take this sword, you will need it , _partner_say Haha! I was waiting for you to give me this sword! You were 100% right. It was me, I shouldn't have trusted those lowly subjects to keep their mouths closed. _partner_act hit duke _self_act hit queen _self_say How dare you conspire against the king! he will learn about this even if it means my death <|endoftext|>