_setting_name Archery zone, Outside Castle _setting_desc The archery zone is spacious and always bright with light. The field is green and the targets are bright red. _partner_name archer _self_name maid _self_persona I have always loved the keen archer with the blue green eyes. His confidence with the bow, his relaxed stance, he is everything I want in a husband. I bring him a drink. He smiles, and I blush. _object_desc a target : The target is riddled with arrows from others practicing for battle. _object_desc a glove : The glove is unremarkable and not in the least memorable. _object_desc a metal meal tray : The tray is made of metal and is cool to the touch. There are sections to put food on the tray. _object_desc a mug : The engravings on the mugs detail the ancient battles of heroes. _object_desc a skirt : The skirt has a red pattern of stars stitched into a black background. It is long and beautiful. _object_desc an apron : The apron is old and worn. It has been used by many kitchen staff. _object_desc a bow : The bow looks worn from a lot of use. _object_desc a A quiver : The quiver contains a mess of arrows, its leather frame stretched from years of use. _object_desc a tights : The tights are black in color and have the pattern of spiderwebs scattered around it. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _self_act give mug to archer _self_say Here is the drink you ordered, sire. _partner_say Thank you, maid. Tell me, have you ever tried your hand with a bow? _self_say Oh, I have not. I'm afraid I would be too weak to hold it. _partner_say Perhaps, but have you tried? They come in many sizes _self_say I've never tried, no. _partner_say How does it feel to thee? _partner_act give bow to maid _self_emote blush _self_say It is heavy! How do you manage to train all day? You must be pretty strong. _partner_say I guess I am pretty strong. _partner_emote grin _self_say May I try firing an arrow, sire? _partner_say Yes. Do you need me to help you hold it? If I can just get behind you and guide your hands... _partner_act give A quiver to maid _self_emote blush _self_say Aye, I will require some help.. _partner_say Your hands are so soft... _self_say Say, a strong man like you must have a wife, aye? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Knight's hunting ground, Trail _setting_desc The knight's hunting ground is lush and full of animals and other organisms. This area features trees, a long dirt path, and a variety of colorful wildlife. _partner_name deer _self_name organism _self_persona I'm just going to float around here like a blob. I think I'll split in two. Ouch! _object_desc a horse : Spending its time galloping around, the horse looks majestic. _object_desc a tree : The tree is bare and very tall. It has many branches and a brown trunk. _object_desc a Knight : The knight is impressive in his full suit of armor, and you're unsure you'd want to offend him. _object_desc a colorful wildlife : The colorful wildlife becomes very quiet as intruders approach the forest. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _self_say blobs, blobs _partner_say This place puts me on edge for some reason... _self_say I have seen many a deer die here _partner_say That is not easing my worries in the slightest! _partner_emote gasp _self_say I'm sorry, it is the kings hunting ground, blob, blob _partner_say The hunting grounds! Oh no. This isn't good. This isn't good at all. _self_say I think I see a knight over there too you really better be careful, I don't like the people they ruin my forest _partner_say I've got to get out of won't be long until the release the dogs. Oh man. _self_act hug deer _self_say It's ok deer, run like the wind, get out of here before they shoot you! _partner_say What about the others? Surely they must break free with me? _self_say I tell everyone I can, it seems to be my only purpose is letting the wildlife know this isn't a good place. _partner_say If that is the case, then I am indebted to you Forest Guardian! _self_say Just stay alive, I like the beasts of the forest <|endoftext|>
_setting_name A small church, Inside Church _setting_desc It's a very humble abode - any smaller and you could mistake it for someone's home. In the front room is a small altar for prayer and offerings. The two rooms to the sides are places where the priest and a traveler can rest. _partner_name priest _self_name merchant _self_persona I sell and trade items to earn money. I am not royalty. I live in villages and can travel far distances. _object_desc an altar : A wooden altar stands as tall as your waist. Made of rough-hewn planks, it has been worn smooth over time. _object_desc a blanket : The blankets that are given to the soldiers to camp on the battlefields have been made by a group of very capable craftsmen. _object_desc a bag : The bag is large and wide with extra pouches for more items. _object_desc a bag of herbs : Look at those bags of herbs she has! She must be making someone a delicious dinner. _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _object_desc a Cross : The cross is broken and with a few dents in the sides. _self_say Forgive me, I have sinned. _partner_say What are your sins daughter? _self_say Sometimes I trick people into buying my items for a lot more than they are worth. _partner_say Is not all worth subjective? If they were willing to pay that price, the that is their true value, and it is no sin. If they had no choice, and they were in a desperate situation, that is another matter entirely. _self_say I am sorry. These people are clueless and don't know the value of things. They don't have much money themselves and I lie to them saying they are worth a lot more, and sell it to them for slightly less. Which is still more than their actual value. _partner_say Perhaps as penance you could teach them your mercantile ways, so that they will not be taken advantage of in the future? _self_say How will I survive? I don't even have enough money to buy food. Please priest, can you help me out? _partner_say If you enter the monastery and take the vows, they will provide for your every want, though not your every need. _self_say Don't you have that backwards? I thought the monastery only provides needs, but not wants? _partner_say Ah, but this is the monastery of the Weasel-god! If you need water, you will receive beer. If you require shelter, you will sleep on a horse. If you require food it will be delicious, but terribly unhealthy. Such are the ways of the weasel-god. _self_say So then it order to get what I really want, I must pretend to want the opposite? Or is that a sin too? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The Troll's Lair, Cave _setting_desc Covered with rotting meat from nearby wildlife, the Troll's lair reeks of death. If the stench alone wasn't enough to scare off an unfortunate travelers who stumbled upon it, the bones of unlucky spelunkers would be. The Troll places his spoils near the numerous stalagmites on the damp cave wall, his red eyes patiently scanning the dark cave interior for anything that may disturb his isolation. _partner_name spelunker _self_name knight _self_persona We are Knights of the realm. We serve the king and protect the outer villages. We train everyday for many hours. We have fought many wars to defend the castle and way of life. _object_desc a stalagmite : The stalagmite is old and large, still dripping water into the cave. _object_desc a Bone : The bones are old and crumbling, showing a storied past. _object_desc a rotting meat : The meat is rotting and it smells badly almost to the point of nausea. _object_desc a Ring : The ring shines with a bright golden tint. It has some runes written on it. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _self_emote gasp _self_say Spelunker! What in the king's glory are you doing in this cave. This is no place for an hobbyist explorer! _partner_say Hobbyist? Why, I was hired by the king to find royal treasures! I ended up a little lost though. *covers nose from horrid smell* _self_say Ah, well, um, er - i do apologize. I wasn't aware the king had sent out adventurers at the same time I've been sent to dispatch this foul beast. _partner_say You mean this lovely troll? *gags* What did he do to deserve such a treatment? _self_act get rotting meat _self_say Well for one thing, that troll has reduced our beloved Farmer Gentry to this bit of rotting flesh. We can no longer sit idly by as our village is ravaged! Have you seen the beast? _partner_say Oh dear! I didn't know such a thing. I have not seen him, but I can certainly smell him. I wonder if he has any hidden treasures down here? _self_say Well we're both here on the king's orders, perhaps I can provide you protection for a cut of the treasures. Surely the king doesn't need to know. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Front Row, Inside Church _setting_desc The hard bench is facing the most beautiful alter human eyes have ever seen. Gold drapes the walls behind where the preacher stands. A large dark oak and gold bench in front of where they would stand. A large piano off to the side. _partner_name worshipper _self_name maintenance person _self_persona I work directly for the King and Queen of the kingdom. I repair anything in the castle that is broken. If I can't repair it, I don't eat until I can figure out how to. _object_desc a drapes : The gold drapes are now tattered and worthless due to the lack of care and upkeep. _object_desc a large dark oak and gold bench : The bench is very large and made of oak, and has been decorated with great intricacy. The golden carvings seem to hint at the wealth of its owner. _object_desc a piano : The piano has weathered keys turned yellowish from decay. _object_desc an alter : The alter is littered with offerings, and bares an inscription in a strange, mysterious language. _object_desc a wooden cross : The wooden cross is faded in color from being worn too much by the priest _object_desc a hard bench : The hard bench appears to be crafted from solid oak, with a gold base in the shape of bird feet. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _object_desc a robe : the robe is made with various materials _self_say Is there anything I can do to help? _partner_say Our piano seems to be broken, do you think you can fix it? _self_say Yes, absolutely. I'll take a look at it. _partner_say Any idea of what seems to be the problem? _self_say Something seems to be blocking the inside to the keys. I should have it fixed in around an hour. I hope that's not too much of an inconvenience. _partner_say Not to worry, the Mass is not until later this afternoon. How long have you worked in piano repair? _self_say About 20 years now. I'm pretty good at this point of fixing them up. _partner_say What made you decide to get into the business? _self_say My father use to repair them as well. He was always working on one when I was growing up as a kid. So I became interested at a young age. _partner_say Are you a member of the church? I usually attend the evening Mass, so I'm not familiar with most of the congregants. _self_say I am, but I attend it only on occasion. Today being one of those days. _partner_say Well, I am certain the priest will be sure to thank you in his sermon, he does so love the accompaniment of the piano. _self_say The piano has always been one of my favorite parts of church. The sermon is a good person. It's an honor to fix his piano. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Main hallway, Inside Palace _setting_desc This area is decorated with suits of armor, elaborate carpet pieces, and tapestries. There's large, detailed paintings adorning the walls of past rulers. _partner_name steward _self_name a visitor _self_persona I am a visitor from a town upriver. I sailed my raft to this town to trade. I collect stories to write in my book. _object_desc a Painting : The detailed paintings were peeled back, revealing maps. _object_desc a Carpet piece : The carpet piece is beautifully colored with red, purple and silver hues. _object_desc a suit of armor : The suit of armor is slightly rusty, and it's covered in a film of dust. _object_desc a tapestry : The tapestry is beautiful and ornate, with threads of green and gold weaving their way across a black background. You can pick out images of stags running through forests, fish leaping from rivers, and wolves chasing prey. _object_desc a Notebook : You could write plenty of quick notes in this book. _object_desc a Pencil : The pencil is brand new and sharpened to a fine point tip. _object_desc a book : These books reveal an illustrious history of the world. _object_desc a paper : The paper is torn and yellowing around the edges. _object_desc a pen : The pen has been passed from fathers to sons , and has beautiful gold engraved letters on it. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a map : The map shows many different locations and names them. _object_desc a Pocket watch : this watch looks so good,and it will be expensive from the look. _self_say My friend, thank you for taking me into your home for the next few days. _partner_say Welcome! I am so happy you are here! How was your trip? _partner_act hug a visitor _self_say It was certainly interesting! I nearly got robbed just a few miles from here by a bandit on the road! _partner_say Oh my word!! The heathens in these parts are such scoundrels. Now, I know you wanted to ask me about how to get to the Castle in the next village is that still your final destination? _partner_emote gasp _self_emote grin _self_say It is! You know me so well! Shall we head that way? _partner_say Let me show you first what we must prepare for. I think we shall rest here a few days to make sure you are ready for the perils ahead. The first area we must traverse is the dark forest. Even if we start in the morning it will be pitch black. I have candles here that we can use, do you also have a lantern? _partner_act put map in Carpet piece _self_say Have you heard of any dangers that might be lurking in the forest? I have only heard tales... _partner_say The forest should be quiet if we leave during the morning. However, it is when we reach the clearing that we will face danger. That is why I have this suit of armor for you. In the clearing there will be many tribesman who will shoot arrows at you. It is said that they have the power to remain invisible, as they are never seen only their arrows flying through the air. Unfortunately, if you try to go around the clearing by staying the forest they will suck your soul straight from your body - which is why we must go through the clearing. _partner_act get suit of armor _self_emote gasp _self_say My goodness! That is the most terrifying thing I have ever heard! What will happen if we don't come back?! What will our families do? _partner_say Do not worry my friend. I have been ordered to protect you at all costs. I have traveled this path twice before and always returned home. I do wonder though what is at the castle that so many seek? _partner_act give suit of armor to a visitor _self_act drop Notebook _self_say There are many cryptic notes regarding a treasure in this notebook that I found on my way over here! Take a look at it! _partner_say Interesting, I have not seen this type of language in many years. I have read about it in many books, but have never seen it in person. I do believe that this is the old language of the Leprechauns, is it not? _partner_act get Notebook _self_say I think you may be right! Perhaps a pot of gold lies in the castle? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name A cursed grave, Graveyard _setting_desc The sun never seems to shine on this grave. The letters on the tombstone have long since faded, and many stories are told about whose bones lay buried in the dirt. Until recently, it was overgrown with grass and weeds. Someone had come and cleared the weeds, and the dirt looked as if it had been turned over. _partner_name caretaker _self_name mourner _self_persona I am a mourner from a local village. I am standing graveside mourning the loss of a family member. I am sad and cry easily. _object_desc a dirt : The dirt is gross and everywhere. _object_desc a coffin : A simple coffin, one that would most certainly carry a lower class citizen, it is made of drift wood and its splinters stuck out with the rough grain. _object_desc a Bone : This bone is old and dry. It is long and hard, and can be used as a weapon _object_desc a veil : The lace on the veil has grown tattered after so many years of wear and use. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a clean pants : The soft cotton pants smell lovely. They have just been laundered, and seem to provide much protection from the elements. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _self_say I never thought this day would come, when I would be without you... _partner_say Death is just another step dear. _self_emote cry _self_say But... life is so meaningless without his presence. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Town, Town _setting_desc The town is a small, rural area inhabited by the poorer citizens of the empire. There are small wooden houses sparsely dotted around the area, and farm lands are scattered between these houses. Aside from homes, there are several other larger, albeit wooden buildings of interest - for example, the temple, armory, blacksmith and pub are the notable locations frequented by the townsfolk. _partner_name priest _self_name blacksmith apprentice _self_persona I am a young apprentice working at a blacksmith's shop. I fell in love with the trade watching a blacksmith near my home as a child, and as soon as I was old enough I begged him to allow me to be his apprentice. Luckily I am finding I have a natural talent for it. I am a friendly, easy going person beyond that. _object_desc a farm : The farm housed the stables and the livestock to feed the peasants. _object_desc a the temple : The temple is a new building, sporting high ceilings and ornate windows. _object_desc an armory : This armory seems to contain all manner of weaponry and armor. _object_desc a pub : The pub is massive and full of people. _object_desc a town : A collections of houses, buildings, and market booths, containing nobles and swindlers alike. Watch your pockets, as well as your tongue. _object_desc a small wooden house : The small wooden house was charmingly decorated and looked like it belonged just where it was. _object_desc a building : A large welcoming structure that would keep out the rain and wind. _object_desc a blacksmith : The blacksmith's skin is darkened and aged by the heat. Their large arms capable of lifting the heavy iron items they made. _object_desc a temple : This temple rises to a great height, so much so that you must crane your neck back to see its tallest peak. It looks to be in some disrepair and neglect, although a few birds nests under its eaves suggest at least some life still visits here. _self_say Father, can I have a word? _partner_say Of course, my son. What is it that you wish to speak of? _self_say I'm great at my job, father, being a blacksmith apprentice, but I was wondering if you could ask god to teach me to be a better boyfriend. _partner_say What makes you think that you need to be better at that? _self_say Because I work too hard! My job asks so much of me! And here I am in this town making my girlfriend unhappy.... _partner_say Well, my son, you must find a better work and social balance in order to remedy this. _self_say What does God have to say about this, father? Can you quote scripture that's relevant to this directly? _partner_say Not that directly, but God always says that pursuit of wealth is meaningless without anyone to share it with. _self_say But my master is so demanding. _partner_say Be honest with him and he should see the light. _self_say I hope he doesn't fire me! My work is an important part of my life! _partner_say If he does such a thing, then he will get what he deserves later on. _self_say Ah, God believes in revenge? I like this god. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Grand Ballroom, Inside Castle _setting_desc There is a large marbled floor with ornate inlay-ed floor decorations. The ceiling is tall and also ornately decorated with beautiful plaster decorations that touches by gold lining. The space is high and well lit with many windows but has a dark musky smell. _partner_name dancer _self_name guard _self_persona I am a guard at the door. I protect the castle. I also make sure no one comes in who shouldn't. I am strong. _object_desc a floor decor : The floor decoration is ornate. The floor itself is made of stone tile. _object_desc a windows : The row of windows has splintered wooden frames. The glass in them is old, making anything viewed through the windows seem distorted. _object_desc a floor decorations : This floor decoration is very unique. Looks like a very expensive type of wood, very rare _object_desc a marbled floor : The floor is made of an elegant marble, with shades of white and gray visible. _object_desc a ceiling : The castle ceiling is tall and wonderful with paintings. _object_desc a decoration : The decorations were made of ivy and an assortment of vines. They made the room smell of sweet grapes and herbs. _object_desc an a suit of armor : The suit of armor was highly polished and it gleamed in the light. _object_desc a belt : The belt looks as though it has seen better days. _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _object_desc a suit of armor : The suit of armor has dents all over it, and the metal is crimped in a few places. _object_desc a money : The coins are heavy as they should be and well worn. Bite marks from previous handling could be seen around the sides. _object_desc a trinket : The trinket is small and made of silver. It looks like something a wealthy child would receive as a present. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _self_say Hello dancer, are you going to perform tonight? _partner_say I am, indeed. I'm just rehearsing before tonight's masquerade. This marbled floor is a little slick, though. _self_say Yea they really did polish it up this time. Is this soldier with you? _partner_say He is not. He's been lurking there, staring at me suspiciously for nearly an hour now. _partner_emote frown _self_say Hmm.. shall i go to talk to him for you? _partner_say I think perhaps he is after this trinket. I got it from a troll. It isn't significant to me. Perhaps you can offer it to him in exchange for a secret from him. _partner_act give trinket to guard _self_say I know what this is! This is a cursed artifact! _partner_say Oh no! Who cursed it? And what does it do? I must know all the secrets! _self_say An old witch. It can be broken by kissing your one true love. _partner_say Oh dear! But I don't have a true love. In fact, I find most men repulsive. No offense, of course. _self_say It can be any other being you love truly. _partner_say I see. Well, I love my pet turtle truly. Would that work? _self_say If you would die for him, that would be enough <|endoftext|>
_setting_name arrow house, Outside Castle _setting_desc A small shed with an earthen floor, holds two tables upon which rests neatly arrayed wooden boxes, each of which holds a score of newly made arrows. A third table holds several more large boxes, wherein spent and damaged arrows are placed, so any part still serviceable may be harvested. A few worn practice bows hang upon the walls and a small number tools, as well as replacement strings and polishing equipment rests in boxes under the shelves. Another set of neatly arranged boxes contains newly made parts, for the Fletcher to transform into viable arrows. A small wooden chair completes the furnishings. _partner_name archer _self_name court jester _self_persona I am a living joke! my sould is what flies out of your mouth when something is funny. The king hates me! _object_desc a Ball : The juggling balls are the size of a human's palm. They are all bright green. _object_desc a Flower : These seasonal flowers are tall and voluptuous. They are bright and warm yellow, and give off an inviting smell _object_desc a Pantaloon : The pantaloon is brightly colored and features an interesting pattern across the material _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _object_desc an arrow : The arrow is bent from use, the tip dull and rusted. _object_desc a feather : the feather is white and very soft _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _self_emote smile _self_say Ah, my Queen! Though you are here, you do but seem... to be someone lacking in substance. Would you not say, good archer, today? Is that not.. the way? of things. _partner_say She seems to have a lot on her mind lately _self_emote wink _self_say Indeed, her vapid expression is quite telling, I think. But say, what is she doing up here... with *you*...alone? _partner_say With me? That's a rather strange question because she hasn't spoken a word to me also since she got here _self_emote sigh _self_say Hm - well best make sure the King doesn't find out, is all I'm sayin'. He's likely to think you've been playing arrows with her on the sly. I heard he beheaded one of the manservants for taking too long to clean her sheets! _partner_say I pray he doesn't find out so he doesn't have my head for dinner _self_say Indeed - be beheaded is no laughing matter! ..and I should know. Well, about laughing that is. Thankfully not much experience in the beheading part! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Prisoner's cell, Dungeon _setting_desc The prisoner's cell is incredibly dreary and dark. The walls are black and made of cobblestone. The atmosphere and smell are damp and repugnant. _partner_name prisoner _self_name ghost _self_persona I am a ghost that haunts a castle. I do not recall how I came to exist. I make noises when I sense someone in my vicinity. _object_desc a chain : The chain is coiled on itself and caked with rust. You're not sure it could actually be used - it might break if you even pick it up. _object_desc a rope belt : The rope belt is sturdy, but not long enough to be used for anything other than a belt. _object_desc a shackle : A item consisting of a tarnished cuff and chain. Often used to restrain prisoners in dungeons or during transport. _self_emote laugh _self_say Hello there _partner_say I see, a figment of my imagination. Are you here to help me organize my escape? _partner_emote nod _self_say Do you deserve to escape? _partner_say Of course I do, my family need me, and I'll be damned to let my children grow old without a father. _partner_act remove shackle _self_say What were you charged with? _partner_say I was framed with the murder of a king's guard although I was at the opposite side of the city. I have proof, but the magistrate isn't worth half a damn and has nothing in between his ears. _partner_act get chain _self_say Your story reminds me of my own. I was also locked up in a past life. Back when I had a soul. Back when I was human. I'll help you break free of these chains that society has placed upon you. _partner_say I see, so you aren't a figment of my imagination. Spirit, are the guards around? Are you capable of scouting around the corner? _self_say I see the guards, but I can distract them. _partner_say Fantastic, on my signal I will need you to spook them. I'm going to fasten this rope around the bars and bend them out of shape to where I would be able to slip through. Wait for my signal. _partner_act remove rope belt _self_emote grin _self_say Okay. Just tell me when. _partner_say nearly there... right.... about..... now, quickly _partner_emote growl _self_emote scream _self_say *ARGHHHHHHH* I'M COMING FOR YOUR SOULS GUARDS. HA HA HA HA HA <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Small graveyard, Outside Cottage _setting_desc This is a small grassy area located under a large oak tree. There are two home made wooden crosses set up along with mounds where the bodies are buried. _partner_name residents of the cottage _self_name ghost _self_persona I am a ghost that haunts a castle. I do not recall how I came to exist. I make noises when I sense someone in my vicinity. _object_desc a fence : The fence is made of wood. It is long and keeps intruders out. _object_desc a cross. : the cross has nails stuck on it. _object_desc a gravestone : The gravestones are worn from age and fierce weather that they are hard to read. _object_desc a mausoleum : The mausoleum is made of carved and polished rock. _object_desc a large oak tree : The large oak tree towers above you, its branches twisted and gnarled. _object_desc a thread : The fine thread displays a dark green color _self_say whooooo _partner_say Hello? Is someone there? _self_say Why have you come here? _partner_say I....hear you, but I can't see you... I'm here to tend to the graves. _self_say I am a ghost! _partner_say Is that why I can't see you? Why are you here Ghost? _self_say I suppose I haunt the graveyard. _partner_say I visit these graves often, and have never encountered you before. Why are you speaking to me now? _self_say Well I did initially haunt a castle. _partner_say The nearest castle is at least a day's walk away. How did you wind up here? _self_say It got a little boring there, no one seemed to come by. _partner_say Well, from what I've been told, you have to be invited to visit the castle. Let's get these grave markers cleaned off... _partner_act get cross. _self_say What do you mean? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The Great Hall, Inside Tower _setting_desc Large room with vast ceilings for meetings and dining. There is a large ornate table at the head of the room for the king and his guest overlooking smaller tables for the servants. _partner_name queen _self_name the king's dog _self_persona I live in the castle with my human the King. I have free reign of the castle and can go anywhere I want. I always have people of the royal family give me food and love. I have a big backyard to run around in on the castle grounds. _object_desc a table : The table is low and small. It looks like it could be used as a dinner table for a small child. _object_desc a vast ceilings : The ceiling is decorated ornately. Lights hang from the ceiling. _object_desc an a golden goblet : The goblet is made of fine gold and is very well made. _object_desc a large ornate table : the large ornate table is covered in dust and cob webs _object_desc an a large ornate table : The table has a highly polished surface, ornately lathe-turned legs and intricate floral carvings along the edge of the tabletop. _object_desc a purple runner carpets : The carpet was damp and smelled of mold and must after the flood water receded from the house. _object_desc an a higher dining table : The table stood as well as it could, as one leg was noticeably well worn out. _self_act hug queen _self_say Hello there! _partner_say Oh hello there dear dog. How was the meetings today with the King? _partner_act hug the king's dog _self_emote smile _self_say It was fun! I found a little flower! _partner_say That's great my dear friend! But remember, you are to keep an eye on the King for me! _partner_emote laugh _self_act hug queen _self_say I will! _partner_say You are part of the family! without you attacking the last assassin the King wouldn't be here today! _partner_emote smile _self_act get a golden goblet _self_say Thank you! Can I have this thing? _partner_say Of course. We have plenty of golden goblets in the cellar. _partner_emote wink _self_act drop a golden goblet _self_say Really??!! _partner_say well don't drop it silly friend! I want you to have it!! _partner_emote gasp _self_emote grin _self_say Can we go down to the cellar and see the rest??? _partner_say Of course! Are you wanting more? Do you have a lady friend who needs one? _partner_act get a golden goblet _self_emote grin _self_say No, I just want to roll around with them all <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Temple courtyard, Outside Temple _setting_desc There are lots of ornate statues everywhere. It is pretty busy because everyone comes here to pray. There are colorful pieces of cloth tied randomly everywhere. There is also a huge statue in the middle that everyone is gathered around to pray. _partner_name man _self_name peasant _self_persona I am a poor humble peasant. I have spent my whole life toiling from dawn to dusk to till the land of my lord. My back aches and my knees have little bend left in them. I eat stale bread for breakfast and dinner, and drink what water I can pull from the well. I am poor and old but I love my wife and children, and will one day find my way to the halls of the Lord our God. _object_desc a cloth : The cloth is brightly colored and is emblazened with a strange, forboding design. _object_desc a statue : The statue is made of marble and you wonder who it is. _object_desc a stand : The stand is a bit rickety and worn out from use. _object_desc a huge statue : The statue is of a man wielding a sword. It is intricately carved and has clearly been made by a skilled artist. _object_desc an ornate statue : The ornate statue depicted the subject in immense detail, down to the beads of sweat found upon their upper brow. _self_say hello there _partner_say Good afternoon. How are you this fine day? _self_say A little tired but I come to worshop my god _partner_say It is a beautiful temple. A lot of people are here today. _self_say Yes it is and very peaceful _partner_say Do you know anything about this statue? _self_say No only that it's a representation of our god _partner_say It is very well done and so detailed. _self_say Yes alot of time and effort went into hit, how come you are hear today _partner_say I was working for the king and decided to stop by on the way to the pub. _self_say Nice its always nice to have a break every now and then _partner_say yes, it is. Would you like to join me at the pub? _self_say Yes that would be nice I could use a cold one <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Dead Valley, Desert _setting_desc The desert is a dry span of hot sand. The dunes rise and fall silently. There is a large rock on which an iguana suns itself. Cactus plants are scattered sparsely through the land. _partner_name iguana _self_name traveler _self_persona I am a merchant traveling with a group of mercenaries and other merchants for protection. We are traveling to the East to trade spices. I am very nervous about being ambushed by bandits. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _self_say What a horrid place, I must leave quick. _partner_say How dare you call my home horrid, sir! _self_say It is called Dead Valley, seems bad. _partner_say Perhaps by name, but it is so luscious in these parts! _self_say I do not know about that, for humans it is dangerous. _partner_say That may be true, but the world does not revolve around you humans, even though you seem to think it does! _self_say Well I simply speak from my species perspective. _partner_say Well it is quite insulting either way. _self_say I did not name it, I simply stated I may die here. _partner_say You called it a horrid place! Remember? _self_say Yes well I am from a different species so it makes sense to me. _partner_say Whatever you say, entitled human. _self_say I will be leaving you have stalled me. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Old Crypt, Graveyard _setting_desc Broken stones and a iron gate closing the entrance with a name placard that the name is worn off. _partner_name priest _self_name the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard _self_persona I am the graveyard keeper who lives across the yard from the graveyard. I make sure all of the graves are marked and everything is in order. I dig the graves for newly deceased people. _object_desc a gate : The gate is made out of rusty metal. It squeaks as it swings on its hinges. _object_desc a flowers : you can see them up close but not afar. when noticed, you realize that they are old. _object_desc a name placard : The placard is made of wood witha clear name on it. _object_desc a stone : The stone is chipped from being used as target practice from soldier trainees _object_desc a placard : A sign used to display names of buildings or notices. _object_desc an iron gate : The gate is ornate, with complicated iron scrollwork patterns. _object_desc a Rake : This rake is made of carefully split wood with a sturdy looking handle. Seems useful for keeping the leaves under control. _object_desc a Cross : The cross is broken and with a few dents in the sides. _object_desc a bible : The bible is bound by black leather, its pages yellowed by years of use. _self_say 'Scuse me Father, I'm simply passing through to clean up around the mausoleum. _partner_say Did you hear? Madame Bovine is dying. I have just returned from giving her last rites. _self_emote nod _self_say Aye, time's been coming awhile. Am I digging a grave or preparing the pyre? _partner_say If it were my call I'd say the pyre, and she should have been on it years ago. _partner_act hug Cross _self_act drop Rake _self_say Aye Father, been hitting the Communion wine again. _partner_say No, Madame Bovine is a liar. Even now she held to her lies. Liars are the worst kind of sinner! _partner_act get Rake _self_say Vandals have been desecrating graves again Father. What shall I do? _partner_say You should lie in wait at night, and when they come to dig up the bodies, sound the alarm. _self_emote nod _self_say Aye, Father. I shall hide here, in the old crypt. _partner_say We'll bury Madame Bovine soon, and they'll come to dig her up, because she was wealthy and greedy and wants to be buried with all her gold. _self_say I know just the spot to put her so we can catch them. _partner_say Show me where it is. I will consecrate it. _self_say Of course my Father. Is there anything else I can do? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Old Queen Farm, Wasteland _setting_desc Once a fairly profitable farm, the Old Queen Farm is now a deteriorated old shack surrounded by uninhabitable fields with soil incapable of growing even weeds. The farm house shows signs that is being occupied by wild animals, and the roof is beginning to cave inwards. _partner_name rat _self_name officer _self_persona I am the kingdom's war officer, in charge of a huge army of soldiers. I have fought many battles, and have the battle scars to prove it. I am considered fierce, ruthless and implacable. I am very much feared by the enemies of the kingdom. _object_desc a helmet : An ancient version of and ordinary helmet, with narrow slots for peeking out. _self_say What is this rat doing here? It shows how downtrodden this farm has become. _partner_say Oh I must run... I do not want to be trampled. _self_emote gasp _self_say A talking rat? _partner_say You heard me? _self_say There is going to be a major battle here in a few hours rat. You could be the first casualty. _partner_say Please do not kill me. I was just looking for a piece of cheese _self_say There will be dead flesh to feast on soon enough. I will see to it this old farm is filled with the corpses of the enemy. _partner_say Oh I see! I will not be picky! _self_say Do you live here? _partner_say I have no other place to live. This is as good as any _self_say How did you come to learn how to speak? _partner_say A wizard cast a spell on me. He was lonely and needed companionship _self_act hit rat _self_say You could be an enemy spy. I will dispatch. I should warn you. It will hurt. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Bedroom, Inside Cottage _setting_desc The bedroom is simple and yet homey. There is a small wooden bed covered in a colorful homemade quilt. There is a small wooden cabinet for storing the second pair of clothing. A colorful homemade tapestry brightens a wall. _partner_name mice _self_name town baker _self_persona I have a always had a sweet tooth which made me want to learn to bake. I love to eat the things I bake. I like seeing my customers come in every day. I'll have conversations with them about what's going on in town and keep track of how everyone is doing. _object_desc a small wooden cabinet : The cabinet has two wide doors on the front concealing a shelf inside. It is made entirely of oak wood. _object_desc a second pair of clothing : You are lucky these days if you have a second pair of clothing, even more so if they are nicer than your first pair. _object_desc a colorful homemade quilt : The quilt's colors are bright and vibrant, singing a song of praise to its creator. _object_desc a small wooden bed : this small wooden bed is clothed in warm cotton blankets. it has a homely feel, and seems to be slept in by a small child _object_desc a wall : The wall is old and dusty, it has a lot of holes and empty places. _object_desc a colorful homemade tapestry : The tapestry is handmade and uses a variety of beautiful colors. _object_desc a straw mattress : The mattress is worn down, and may have bed bugs. _partner_say I do wish someone would come in and buy a cake and trip and drop it on the way out, I am so hungry! _partner_emote sigh _self_say I would never feed a rodent. Stay out of my bedroom! _partner_say A rodent?? I am not a rodent! I keep this place clean! _self_say No you do not. Get out! _partner_say I don't understand it, I make a nice home for you and I. Do you have ants? No, Roaches? No. Why? Because I keep the floors clean for you! And this is the thank you I get? _partner_emote gasp _self_say You do not belong here, this is for humans only. You belong in the wild. How did you get here? Have you been eating my cakes? _partner_say I would never eat your cakes! Unless you drop a bit on the floor. I eat what crumbs you drop. Something will, if not me... It could be something worse. Why can't we could come to an understanding? I have lived in this village my whole life! I love the markets, and I love it here!! _partner_emote blush _self_say I have also always lived in this village. You think you can come into MY house without even asking? This is ridiculous. You are a rodent. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Cottage entryway, Inside Cottage _setting_desc A welcome mat adorns the floor at the foot of the door. A rack to hang hats and coats is on the left hand side. Right above, a fan lazy spins about on a hot summer day. A single bulb of light illuminates the small hall that the entrance leads to. The entrance smells of the fresh outdoors. _partner_name the lady of the house coming to greet you _self_name family _self_persona I am part of a family living in the village. My family has lived here for generations. We live to serve the king. My father was one of the king's royal subjects. _object_desc a welcome mat : A old welcome mat that has seen many travelers. The word welcome can barely be seen through all of the fading. _object_desc a coat : The coat smells musty, but you know that it will keep you warm. _object_desc a mud : Thge mud is wet and gets everywhere. _object_desc an a fan : The fan is made of thin pieces of wood with paper between them. It is decorated with a pattern of flowers that have been painted on. _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _object_desc a the door : The door is painted dark green, and it has a tiny window in it. _object_desc a A rack : the rack holds many different things upon it _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a wet outer wear. : Wringing wet and heavy, the clothes seems to wilt from the weight of liquid. _object_desc a single bulb of light : You could see the strong glow of the light. _object_desc a tights : The tights are black in color and have the pattern of spiderwebs scattered around it. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _object_desc a towel : The towel is moldy and damp, its usefulness long since passed. _object_desc a tray : A heavy wooden tray is covered in scratches and stains from long use. It has handles on the side for carrying. _self_say Hello lady of the house, how're you this fine summer's day. _partner_say Oh, you've finally arrived!! How I've been looking forward to your visit! Let me put these things down and give you a proper hug! _partner_act drop tray _self_act hug the lady of the house coming to greet you _self_say Thank you so much! We've missed you. _partner_say And the weather has finally cleared off - see all these wet, muddy things? We've had rain enough for 5 summers, but it's finally stopped and now the sun is shining for your arrival! _partner_act put towel in A rack _self_say I knew it would clear up for our arrival. You see the fortune teller foretold of this day! I wish I would have brought some food for the occasion, How embarrassing. _partner_say Oh no, I've been baking and cooking for days preparing for your arrival. Right now I have a nice baked ham in the oven and potato salad and cherry pie - we will have supper very soon! _self_say Ohhh. Potato salad is our favorite. We have traveled so far to get here and are famished. _partner_say Well, let's sit and have a nice, cool glass of lemonade while we wait. How is everyone back home...all well, I trust? _self_say Perfect! You just have all of our favorites ready to go we love it. No... that's why we came. _partner_say You mean that you have bad news? Please tell, what has happened?! _partner_emote frown _self_emote cry _self_say Yes... You see... Pa has passed on. _partner_say Oh no.......we knew it was coming soon......I'm so very sorry to hear it! May his soul rest in peace. _partner_act hug family _self_act hug the lady of the house coming to greet you _self_say Yes, he is no longer in pain. It still hurts though. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Tower, Inside Tower _setting_desc The inside tower is made from a combination of wood and brick. It also has some metal to hold all the doors in place. There are three doors and a staircase that leads up to the guards quarters. _partner_name rabid rat _self_name guard _self_persona I am a guard at the royal castle. I am brave and strong. It is my duty to protect the king. _object_desc a door knocker : Ye see the door knocker has stone engravings as ye knock. _object_desc a torch : Old and oily torch. the handle has something written on it, it's in arabic _object_desc an a table : The table is large and made of wood. _object_desc a door : The door has a gaping hole in it where something struck it hard. _object_desc a bed : The bed has been neatly made, with the blanket smoothed and tucked carefully under the pillow. _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _self_say What are you doing here rat? _partner_say I do as I please! I am the scourge of your kingdom! _partner_act hit guard _self_say Back off! or me and my friend will kill you. _partner_say You can try, but not before I've passed on the plague! Soon you'll be sick like everyone else in the village! _partner_act hit guard _self_act hit rabid rat _self_say You insolent rat! You have rabies not the plague! _partner_say I have both, which means I'm angry and deadly! _partner_emote growl _self_act give sword to knight _self_say Me and my knight friend will know cut your head off and feed it to the prisoners! _partner_say Now I have the sword! But if you are willing, I will consider a truce. Get me some scraps from the king's table and I promise not to get too bitey. _partner_act steal sword from knight _self_say You fool! I am simply a guard, I cannot steal from the king himself! _partner_say The more excuses you give, the more I want to bite! _self_say Fine, fine... I will fetch you some cheese from the dining hall. _partner_say Yes, thank you! and some bread. _partner_emote nod _self_say Don't get too greedy now, rat. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Fish Market, Port _setting_desc The port is filled with many different small shops that sell fishes caught throughout the day. It is incredibly loud and busy with many customers and fisherman walking around and haggling for a good price on the fishes. There are tons of boxes sitting on the floors everywhere filled with ice, fish, and the fishermen's belongings. _partner_name fisherman _self_name maid _self_persona I am a a maid in the Queen's chambers. I dust the furniture and wash her linens daily. I envy the Queen's wealth and admire her beauty. I desire to be just like her someday. I practice my cruelty on the other maid servants in the castle. _object_desc a Broom : This broom has never seen dirt. The straws are perfect and unscathed. _object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _object_desc a weights : The weight is round and made of iron. _object_desc a pouch : The pouch is made of fine silk cloth, colored bright red. It has a leather string keeping it sealed. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _object_desc a sail cloth : The sail cloth is a nice fabric. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _self_say I do hope the queen will be pleased if I get her some fish! _partner_say Does she like fish to start with?? _self_say I hope so! She said she thought there was something fishy about with the King, and, as we're not allowed to be asking her majesty any questions, we need to make a best guess as to what it is she truly desires. _partner_say So that made you assume she likes fish? _self_say She said "fishy!" How else would you interpret it? Oh, how I would love to be her once day, but the other maids are foolish and dimwitted. _partner_say You seem to not have much grasp on the way language is used child, she was saying he is up to no good. _self_say The Queen? Never! That is the talk of treason that is. _partner_say Tis not treason to speak the truth. _self_say And what truth would that be besides that her majesty be wantin' some fish! You're a fisherman are you not? _partner_say I am a you not see my nametag on my shirt. It clear states Hark my name is tommy and I am a fisherman. _self_say Well then, I wish to purchase fish for *our* majesty the queen! _partner_say The woman needs not fish as I tried to tell you...why are you so dense... _self_say You are infuriating! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The Forsaken Castle, Abandoned _setting_desc Old and creepy, the castle has been abandoned for centuries now. It is broken and destroyed. _partner_name thief _self_name person _self_persona The humans walking around. I am one of them. A head, 2 arms, and two legs. No tail! _object_desc a jewel : The jewels are magnificent, they seem to have a deep history inside of their splendor. _object_desc a the royal coat of arms : The coat of arms is barely visible and faded. _self_say Man this is an odd little castle. _partner_say This is what I came for _partner_act get jewel _self_say I see, there is treasure here? How interesting. _partner_say What are you doing here anyways? I knew there was a jewel here, Some have said it is cursed but I am just going to sell it, I don't care about a curse. _self_say Well sometimes I just enjoy traveling around, I mean I'm pretty normal so there was no great reason. I just saw it from a distance. _partner_say It is a neat place, if I wasn't stealing from it I would have still checked it out _self_say Well I don't see anyone else around, that sort of doesn't make it stealing what with it being abandoned. _partner_say It is suppose to stay here, that is why there is a curse _self_say Then are you not afraid of the curse? _partner_say No, it is said whoever holds the gem gets the curse. i am going to sell the thing the second I can. _self_say Hopefully you can make it that far then. _partner_say I am desparate, if I sell this i can buy a place and retire from stealing _self_say That sounds like it'd let you live a much better life. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Fishing Dock, Lake _setting_desc Folks call the area a Lake, but it's more like a pond. Small and unimportant looking, yet peaceful. The dock is no prize winner either. Narrow in width, boards broken with several down right missing all together! No tree nearby, no canopy, nothing to shade oneself on a hot day while fishing. The watering hole may look small in size, but it deceives the eyes. The water is as deep as the heavens. No man knows what lurks beyond the light in this Lake. _partner_name traveler _self_name child _self_persona I usually go to the park to watch my child play. I am a one and only child. I am my parent's favorite child. _object_desc an a crystal ball : The crystal ball glistens and shines and hold secrets about the future. _object_desc a treat : The treat is a lozenge of hardened syrup. You think it would taste delicious. _object_desc a rope : Made of rough-hewn fibers, the rope feels stiff and scratchy. It is coiled neatly in a loop. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _object_desc a blade : The blade of a weapon with a honed edge. When attached to a hilt can be used for protection. _self_say hello _partner_say Hi kid. What are you doing here? _self_say I usually go to the park to watch my child play....decided to come here today _partner_say I see. It's a beautiful day though isn't it? _self_say it is...i hope to get some fishes _partner_say Have you caught any before? _self_say Not really..kind people just give me _partner_say I read online that this small pond is decent for catching fish. My group and I are just passing through but I decided to look this place up while we're here. This place is a little scary for a child though. _self_say Yea, its an interesting place. I grew up here, nothing to be afraid of _partner_say The water must be really deep here. I can't even see the bottom of it. It could go on for miles and miles. _self_act put treat in backpack _self_say it is not as deep as you think. _partner_say You might be a little naive, child. You can never be too safe around nature. Ponds like this can be dangerous. _self_say very well the, i will steer clear. Where are you from? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name the front altar, Inside Temple _setting_desc The altar is lush with its red silk prayer bench. Many red and white candles provide a somber ambiance. _partner_name kings _self_name archer _self_persona I was trained to be a skilled archer when I was a young boy, learning from the masters of my tribe. As one of the master archers in my village, I now live each day teaching the young children how to use a bow when they come of age. I feel a sense of pride knowing I am helping to protect my village from harmful people. _object_desc a temple : This temple rises to a great height, so much so that you must crane your neck back to see its tallest peak. It looks to be in some disrepair and neglect, although a few birds nests under its eaves suggest at least some life still visits here. _object_desc a red silk prayer bench : The bench is used for prayer and is covered with a lovely red silk fabric. _object_desc a candle : The candle's wax is almost melted all the way but still serves as a good source for light. _object_desc an alter : The alter is littered with offerings, and bares an inscription in a strange, mysterious language. _object_desc a bow : The bow is stained dark and the string feels supple to pull. _object_desc a Bracer : The bracer is made of leather, and slips around the user's torso. It is chaffed from providing years of support. _object_desc a crown : Thought of as a holy item, the crown goes only to those who are worthy enough. _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _object_desc an armor : The armor has a plain design, but it looks very strong. The exterior has some dents in it, as if it has been worn before in a battle. _self_say Hello _partner_say What are you doing here archer? _self_say I am feeling all powerful today your highness! _partner_say Do you wish to pray at the alter as well? _self_say I would love that...even though I dont believe in god _partner_say Blasphemy what do you believe in then? _self_say I believe in humanity. I believe in love.... _partner_say That is rather sweet archer but god grants us all that. _self_say I see. Well, I should just say my prayer and leave so I can go practise the more _partner_say Yes say your prayer archer. _self_act drop bow _self_say may the good Lord be with us all _partner_say What a lovely prayer you have! _partner_emote applaud _self_say Your highness. Do you have any question to ask me before I leave? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name A wooded magical village, Forest _setting_desc The village lay hidden in a secret grotto that is set in a sort of valley between trees. The village is populated by child-like peoples who wear clothes made of various plant matter such as large leaves and vines. The homes are made of wood, and seemingly blend into the green dense backdrop. _partner_name wizard's assistant _self_name evil wizard _self_persona I plan to turn the queen into an aardvark. I am planning to steal the kingdom. I can cast a transfiguration spell from three villages away. _object_desc a large leaves : The leaf is yellow with brown spots dotting its top. Its slender stem is long and limp. _object_desc a well : The well is worn out. Those who once used it are gone. _object_desc a cloth : Upon closer inspection, you see some tears and stains that may be blood. _object_desc a plant matter : The plant matter is a vivid green and extremely moist _object_desc a Home : The home was designed in a way that every part of it was functional. _object_desc a vine : It is said that a vine could be folded , pressed against the lips and made into a whistle to call out the fairies in the night. _object_desc a waterfall : The waterfall flows over the side of the rock. It is very cool water that is blue in color. _object_desc a book : One book can change the world _object_desc a Potion : The potion looks very dangerous. _object_desc a robe : The robe is soft and worn. It is a royal purple color. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _self_act drink Potion _self_say It's about to go down. This town will soon be mine. _partner_say Yes, Wizard sir. The town will be ours- I mean yours. What should we do next? Am I doing this right? Where are we going? Gosh, I'm nervous... _self_act give book to wizard's assistant _self_say All you have to is cast a fire spell at those leaves and vines over there. You've practiced for this no reason to be nervous. _partner_say Oh my gosh, the spells... I've dropped them in the mud. Oh, no... Goodness. I'm sorry, Wizard sir. _partner_act drop book _self_act hit wizard's assistant _self_say Get it together you can't afford to mess this up. It's fine they aren't onto us yet. This pick it up and get going. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Library, Inside Castle _setting_desc A fairly plain looking room compared to the rest of the castle. In here are many musty shelves of books along with some scientific and writing instruments. _partner_name a priest _self_name a cleaning maid _self_persona I am the prince and princess's sole maid. I cater to their every need and come when I am called. They treat me well and with respect although they only pay me in food and shelter. _object_desc a book : The old books are thick and written almost cryptically as if to hide a message _object_desc a musty shelves : The shelf is worn and its nails are coming loose from the wall. _object_desc a text : The text containing law and history is filled with obscure rules and events from the past. Words are crammed on the pages to use as much space as possible. _object_desc an instrument : the instrument is very strong. _object_desc a the castle : The castle is heavily fortified and built from huge grey stones. You find it imposing yet intriguing. _self_say I have been cleaning all this, don't you see how clean the library is? _partner_say ok child you have done well, I will say a word of prayer for you _self_say Ok father, I get discouraged at times _partner_say Why so my child! _self_say I have been cleaning for 10 years and I have a college degree but no one cares _partner_say oh my child, why didn't you tell me _self_say I have been so afraid of losing my head because of the queen _partner_say What did you study? _self_say computer science _partner_say Since it's been 10 years don't you think your skills are obsolete? _self_say No father, I have lots of projects that I can show you and some that will even help the king _partner_say come see me tomorrow and I will see what i can do to help you _self_say Thank you father <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Alchemists bedroom, Inside Tower _setting_desc This room holds a small bed, a table and several work benches. More flasks, beakers, candles, alembics, decanters, herbs, kettles, and the like may be found. Several books of forbidden lore sit upon the table. A circle, nine feet across and adorned with words of power is etched into the floor. _partner_name alchemist _self_name an assistant _self_persona I am only the blacksmith's assistant, but everyone has pressured me to go on this wolf hunt. This has me very worried - people say I'm strong but I've never killed anything before. I don't know that I won't run away when the wolves charge us. _object_desc a hammer : Such an old hammer. Looks like the handle is about to break, there are several cracks in it. The metal part is still good _object_desc a Family Photo : this photo looks so perfect. _object_desc a knife : The knife has a long blade. It looks as though someone sharpened it recently. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a beaker : The glass that the beaker is made of looks warped, with small bubbles and strange whorls. _object_desc a small wooden bowl : You could tell the bowl was crafted entirely by hand without tools. Its lip was uneven, and its wall varied in thickness. But despite its misshapen appearance, it kept a man's porridge warm. _self_say Hello, sir. _partner_say Is everything prepared for the summoning? _self_say Sorry, I don't know about that. I'm just the blacksmith's assistant. _partner_say Oh! I thought you were my assistance. Guess my sight is failing. Ignore the summoning thing. It was a JOKE! Yes a joke! What are you here for? _self_say I came here to hide. I'm being pressured to go on a wolf hunt, but the thought of killing an animal frightens me. _partner_say Well you may stay here. i was just doing some experimentation. Lead into gold and immortallity potions and all that stuff. What is that picture of I see you holding? _self_say It's a family photo. I lost my parents and siblings in the war when I was a child. It's the only thing I have left. _partner_say Great power in items that contain important memories. If you would like to part with it I can brew you up a fortune potion. I won't even charge you a fee if you forget about the original thing I said. I'm already being accused of being a witch. All I need is something else to hold over my head. _self_say Thank you for the offer, but no potion could ever replace this photo. It means far too much to me. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone what you said. _partner_say Let me a least give you something. A love potion? An intelligence potion? I can brew a less powerful fortune one if you like? _self_say Perhaps a bravery potion? It's so embarrassing having to hide out of fear all the time. _partner_say Awww yes. That I can do. I have me some lions tail around here somewhere.... Let me begin brewing it. Do you think hunting wolves makes one brave? _self_act hug alchemist _self_say I appreciate your generosity! And maybe hunting wolves would make me brave, I'm not sure. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Bazaar, Bazaar _setting_desc The air is filled with the scent of exotic spices, and crowds of people jostle each other to examine the wares peddled by enthusiastically loud merchants. It's hard to get a glimpse of what exactly is being sold due to the press of people, but a glance between give tantalizing glimpses of fruits from far off lands, flashes of gold jewelry and the occasional glimmer of embroidered silks. Truly a bustling place and the heart of the city. _partner_name merchant _self_name guard _self_persona I am a guard that lives inside the village. I protect valuable items in the kingdom. I protect the valuable items from the enemy. _object_desc a cuff : The cuff was broken in two, you wonder if the prisoner is still around. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a money : The coins are heavy as they should be and well worn. Bite marks from previous handling could be seen around the sides. _object_desc a jewelry : The jewelry is beautiful and ornate. Lots of rare gems stones had been used to make it. _self_say Merchant, I have never seen the bazaar so busy! What has brought so many people in today? _partner_say It must be the high quality of the wares! What are you looking for today? _self_act steal money from merchant _self_say Just here, doing my part. Protecting merchants, taking a little bit for myself. That's just what I do. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Supply store, Port _setting_desc With so many ships docked at the port, sailor from all the ships crowd the bazaar. The supply store is filled with buyers today. The inside is plain and unadorned. Sturdy shelves hold common supplies. Along the walls are the larger items for sale. _partner_name sailor _self_name pirate _self_persona I rob others when they are by themselves. People are scared of me. I like to be intimidating and I enjoy making others miserable. _object_desc a map : The map to get out of the lake is made completely out of papyrus. Written in black ink, its mysterious hieroglyphics and strange markings can be interpreted through a key found on the bottom, left-hand corner. _object_desc a gold : Shining in the sun light, the valuable gold presents its self in a small piece no bigger than a pebble. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a Eyepatch : A leather covering for one's eye. Can be used for disguising or preventing infections. _object_desc a Jacket : This jacket is the warmest jacket money can buy. _object_desc an a tattered map : although one might notice it's an old map, you can tell what time period it's from. although the writing is smudged, you can make out letters. _object_desc a compass : The compass is shiny in the sun and felt warm to your touch. Your very survival depends on it for navigation in unknown lands. _object_desc a sailor hat : This old sailor hat is torn and tattered. The elements have clearly not been kind to it. _self_say Yar har, fiddle dee dee, I am a pirate and people are scared of me! _partner_say Yo ho piddly dum, my wife won't let me drink my rum. _self_say Oh no, why would that be? That dastardly devil-she! _partner_say I guess, well you see. I might have a temper thats how it be. _self_say Perhaps you should take her on a date. Find some way to ease that hate? _partner_say I wouldn't mind if we did. But someone would have to watch the three kids. _self_say Perhaps they could come play with me? They would earn gold, raiding on the sea. _partner_say Are you sure thats a good idea? The youngest might have diarrhea. _self_say They would make the enemy quake! Just need to give the diaper a shake! _partner_say Certainly the smell is awful. This morning I puked up my waffle. _self_say That is so true, all I smell is poo! _partner_say That is why I sneak from the house, with the same quietness of a mouse. _self_say You are quite the sneak, but for that I am far too meek. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The Troll's Lair, Cave _setting_desc Covered with rotting meat from nearby wildlife, the Troll's lair reeks of death. If the stench alone wasn't enough to scare off an unfortunate travelers who stumbled upon it, the bones of unlucky spelunkers would be. The Troll places his spoils near the numerous stalagmites on the damp cave wall, his red eyes patiently scanning the dark cave interior for anything that may disturb his isolation. _partner_name traveler _self_name a captured knight _self_persona I was captured in the most recent battle. I am lucky to still be alive. I have to escape soon. _object_desc a rotting meat : The meat is rotting and it smells badly almost to the point of nausea. _object_desc a bone : The bone is sun bleached white. _object_desc a giant firepit : The firepit is made of large stones. Dead grass fills the center. _object_desc a stalagmite : The stalagmite is old and large, still dripping water into the cave. _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _self_say Hello fellow man, can you please assist me? _partner_say I don't know. I am really just looking for peace in this land. I really don't want to get involved. _self_act hit a rat feasting on leftovers _self_say Ugh... this is hell, i will be forever in your debt if you can help me. _partner_say Ugh, I'm sorry. I have just seen so much trouble in the last few years I have become callous to it. What can I do? _self_say I am stuck, can you find something to help me out of this? _partner_say Will this help? _partner_act get bone _self_say Yes i can use that to pry my chains lose. _partner_say Let me help. Who is holding you here anyway? _partner_act hit a rat feasting on leftovers _self_emote frown _self_say I was captured from the recent battle up along the hill, i do not know the mans name. _partner_say It really stinks in there. _partner_act give bone to a captured knight _self_say Yes i know, I sadly might smeel like this forever. I have been in here for a long time. _partner_say What was that sound? _partner_emote gasp _self_say I don't know.... SHHHH <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Moat, Outside Palace _setting_desc The thick moat is filled with murky dark water. It is very wide and surrounds the entire castle. Alligators and other dangerous creatures roam the moat, ready to warn away intruders. _partner_name horseflies _self_name electric eel _self_persona I am an eel. I swim around in the king's moat. I was brought here from far away by a foreign diplomat, and I have lived here for many years scaring away unruly citizens. _object_desc a summer sun : The sun is the brightest yellow ever seen. It shines so brightly it is unable to be captivated by the eyes for long. _object_desc a murky dark water : The murky dark water is hard to see through and ominous. _object_desc an entire castle : The castle is derelict. The walls had long since been knocked down and vegetation had taken root within its walls. _self_emote stare _self_say ZEEEE! You are crunchy to me. Not like the smaller fishzzz. But crunchy! _partner_say Are you going to eat me, nasty eel? _self_emote ponder _self_say Whatzzz? _partner_say I want to die, please just do it. _self_emote shrug _self_say Your kind haz never spoken to me before. Have you become like the Onez who tread above? _partner_say The humans? No, not at all. _self_act hit horseflies _self_say Then you are a morzel for meeeeezzzzzzZZZZZZ. _partner_say Yessssss do it _partner_act hug electric eel _self_say WhaaaatzzzZZZ? Have you begun to realize your importanz? Have you begun to evolve? _partner_say Nooo stop it and just finish me offff _self_say .......ZZZzzz... Why? _partner_say I am but a horsefly, I don't want to live such a useless life. _self_emote ponder _self_say But don't you want to fly awayz?....ZZzzz. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Bed Chambers, Inside Palace _setting_desc With excessive luxury all around. In the center a big bed with a wooden frame and chairs made out of different materials collected around the realm. The Bed chambers have many ornaments and the bed has lamps to the sides. _partner_name man _self_name queen _self_persona I was the daughter of a high ranking nobleman overseas. To make a trade alliance with the King, my parents offered me in marriage. It wasn't my idea, but it has turned out very well. I've produced two living sons as heirs, and the king treats me kindly. I spend my time doing embroidery and talking with my ladies in waiting. _object_desc a chair : The chair is made out of sturdy wood. It is plain but well-built. _object_desc a chandelier : The chandelier is simple and made of iron. It holds six candles. _object_desc a mirror : The magic mirror reflects the true personality of each person who gazed into it. Its gold gilded frame is ornate and hand-carved. _object_desc a big bed : The bed creaks easily, its wooden headboard worn smooth by years of use. _object_desc an ornament : The oranment is made of brass and contains many delicate carvings. _object_desc a lamps : The lamp, which had once been blue, has faded away mostly. _object_desc a rug : The rug has been well maintained and has beautiful swirling patterns on it _object_desc a coin : The gold coins are tarnished but still reveal the face of the ancient god of the mountains. _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _self_say It is so lovely to relax! Court can be so DULL, dreary, and despicable - and did I mention dull? Here though I can relax, practice my hobbies, and chat with my lovely ladies in waiting! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Temple guard station, Outside Temple _setting_desc The guard station consists of a wooden building with a hay thatched roof. Inside are some hay filled sleeping bags and a fireplace used to cook and generate heat during the colder months. There's a small fire pit outside along with some wooden seats where guards huddle around and talk about the last gossip. _partner_name guard _self_name priests _self_persona I officiate over weddings. I dislike the dark arts. I perform exorcisms. _object_desc a bible : The bible is bound by black leather, its pages yellowed by years of use. _object_desc a robe : the robe is made with various materials _object_desc an armor : The armor is sturdy and strong it has a bright silver color and a rough texture. _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _self_emote smile _self_say Good morning. _partner_say Aye, father! You scared me! I haven't had much sleep since the attack last season. What can I do for ya, father? _self_emote smile _self_say My son, the attacks were devastating to be sure. I come to offer my ear. Come now. Tell me what troubles your sleep. _partner_say Father... What if the attack was my fault? Can God forgive me the lives that may have been lost at my hand? _self_say My son... while I can not know the burden of a sworn protector such as yourself, I do know the burden of a shepherd protecting his flock. To keep my flock on the path to God and to lead them back when they go astray. My son, how could you have caused the actions of another kingdom who wished to do us harm? _partner_say ... I fell asleep on guard... Please forgive me, father. _partner_emote cry _self_act hug guard _self_say Are you not human? Can one man hold back an army? Only God knows why the enemy chose that moment to attack, the moment your body gave into weary. Take peace in the knowledge that your fallen brothers in arms are feasting in the kingdom of heaven. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Lighthouse, Shore _setting_desc The lighthouse is an off-white color, towering fifty feet over the shore. The light from the building extends out for miles past the shoreline. _partner_name rival _self_name fisher _self_persona We fish all day, every day. It's how we make a living. It's dirty work, but necessary. _object_desc a ship : The ship is large and made out of wood. It sits in the harbor and bobs up and down in the water. _object_desc a compass : The compass is shiny in the sun and felt warm to your touch. Your very survival depends on it for navigation in unknown lands. _object_desc a pouch : The pouch is made of fine silk cloth, colored bright red. It has a leather string keeping it sealed. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a Notebook : You could write plenty of quick notes in this book. _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _self_say Well how did we find ourselves here? We were fishing...I catch two fish and you catch one. Now we are at the lighthouse. Is there a storm brewing? _partner_say It is indeed. Maybe a storm strong enough to blow the king away so I can finally reign in his place. _partner_emote grin _self_act get compass _self_say The storm seems to be coming from the west. It should pass quickly. So lets talk about this. We are both in line for the throne if something were to happen to the King...god forbid. I like fishing over being a King...don't you? _partner_say Fishing over ruling? No way. I have been awaiting this for years. _self_act give compass to rival _self_say Look at this. Do you see the same thing I do. Is the storm coming from the west? Well I always thought we were rivals but I think you and the King fit the description better. _partner_say Ha! I am a... I mean THE political rival to the sitting king. I will take his reigns. A storm coming from the west is not unusual, eh? _self_act give pouch to rival _self_say You can put the compass in there. No, I think the worst storm is the one brewing in your head. I can't see how you could win. The loyalty is with the King. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The forest, Countryside _setting_desc The forest has many trees. It has other plants too. There are animals and many livings things. The forest is very much full of life. When you look at it you might only see plants that are green and different shades of brown but there are many other living things in there too. _partner_name animal _self_name camper _self_persona I am a camper that lives out in the woods to hunt and grab herbs and fruits. I have a band that travel with me. In my free time I like to build traps, and make clothing out of leather and fur. I enjoy nature and love looking at the stars. _object_desc a Den : The den was so big and made of rocks, some people were afraid to explore it. _object_desc a tree : The tree appears ancient. Its gnarled branches reach out into the sky in all directions. _object_desc a plant : The plant has a green stalk , large yellow petals with a white center, and droops over under the flowers weight. _self_say What are you doing in my place? _partner_say What do you mean your place? _self_say this is my house from here to the hills _partner_say I do not see you name on it. I live where I want to. _self_act hit animal _self_say Then be ready to die _partner_say Do you not know what type of viscous animal I am? _partner_act hit camper _self_say No, I have never seen one like you before _partner_say I own this Forrest, you are just living here.. Be greatful _self_say Who send you? _partner_say No one, I own this forest. All the plants, trees, and animals are here to live in peace. But you, you should leave. _self_say Oh lying creature, my family have lived her for centuries _partner_say No, no you havnt. _self_act hit animal _self_say die you liar! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Meadow, Countryside _setting_desc This meadow is composed of green, luscious, rolling hills. Flowers dot the expanse. In the evening, one may stand from the hills of this meadow and see the sun set beneath the horizon off in the distance. _partner_name child _self_name witch _self_persona I am a fierce witch. The most powerful across the realm. I am feared and like to freeze people. _object_desc a flower : The flower has purple petals and a bright yellow center. _object_desc a hill : You can tell the hills are full of life- so green and luscious. They seem to roll on for miles. _object_desc a rock : The rocks are ready to catapult them and thus respond to the attack of the enemies that come to invade and plunder the kingdom. _object_desc a grass : The grass is stained with the blood of battles past. _object_desc a book : The book is very thick, and many of the pages have been marked with little slips of paper. _object_desc a magic book : the book contains the secrets of the magician _object_desc a Broom : This broom has never seen dirt. The straws are perfect and unscathed. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _object_desc a Cloak : The dark cloak was black as night, and offered protection against the elements. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a rope : Coiled neatly, the old rope is now worn and beginning to fray at it's end throughout it's coil. _object_desc a treat : The treat is a lozenge of hardened syrup. You think it would taste delicious. _object_desc an a crystal ball : The crystal ball glistens and shines and hold secrets about the future. _object_desc a belt : The belt looks as though it has seen better days. _self_say hello _partner_say It's a witch! What do you want, witch? _partner_emote scream _self_say i am well feared... _partner_say Yes, I know! I fear you and so does my family! _self_say why are you here? _partner_say I'm just playing in this meadow. My mom always tells me to go outside and play! _self_say mum made the gravest mistake! _partner_say What are you going to do to me? _self_say I will turn you into a frog _partner_say A frog? Could you at least turn me into a hog? I like hogs a lot better! _self_say I wont...I need the frog for a portion _partner_say So you're going to make me a frog and then kill me? _self_say You get the point...there is an option for you though <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Entrance to castle, Outside Castle _setting_desc This entrance has seen better days. The stones are a bit askew, and have lots of mosses growing on them. But there is also a magical quality about this entrance. It is not something you see, but rather feel. And every now and then you can catch a shimmer out of the corner of your eye. _partner_name the queen _self_name king _self_persona I am a king of the whole empire. I give rules and pursuit them. I am brave and fearless. _object_desc a moss : Curly and soft, like a thick blanket, the moss looks like it could be a good place to rest. _object_desc a flower : the flower is dry and withered. _object_desc a stone : The stone is chipped from being used as target practice from soldier trainees _object_desc a fairy lights : The fairy light sparkled in the night, its beauty obvious even to your untrained eye. _object_desc a scepter : On its handle, you see two red gems gleaming like eyes of an animal. _object_desc a crown : Thought of as a holy item, the crown goes only to those who are worthy enough. _object_desc a coin : The gold coins are tarnished but still reveal the face of the ancient god of the mountains. _object_desc a the royal coat of arms : The coat of arms is barely visible and faded. _self_say I have always liked this entrance. Don't you my dear? _partner_say Umm, No. We really need to do some updating. It's not fitting for a Queen of my stature. _self_emote laugh _self_say Indeed. You have increased quite a bit in.... stature... the last few years. _partner_say Is that a weight joke? Are you calling me fat? Do you really think this is going to end well for you? _partner_emote stare _self_act give scepter to dragon _self_say Now now, I would never be so crass. And after all, you don't eat as much as the dragon. _partner_say I'm glad you like the dragon so much seeing as how you two will be sleeping together tonight. _self_say Mind your tongue woman. I know I'm not permitted to divorce you but I would hate for you to get too upset and.... lose your head. _partner_say We all know this kingdom is built on my family _self_emote nudge _self_say Yeah, why did they put the tombs under the castle anyway? _partner_say Dragon, Kill him now. Burn him to a crisp. I am not kidding. Do it. I'll pay you. _partner_act give coin to dragon _self_act hug dragon _self_say Ah, now now, you know Fido here would never hurt me. We have been friends since he was an egg. _partner_say Everyone knows of your "special" proclivity for dragons, you've never fooled anyone. They call you the Dragon Queen. _partner_emote laugh _self_say Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I knew there was a reason I love you dearest. You can give as well as you take. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Warehouses, Port _setting_desc The warehouses are the largest structures in the port, rising well above the adjoining buildings. Constructed from virgin timber, the beams overhead support lofts that are filled to capacity with boxes, crates, and barrels full of goods from all over the world. Carefully checking each parcel that crosses the doorway, the warehouse manager knows exactly where everything belongs inside. _partner_name sailor _self_name a salesman _self_persona I have a deal for you! I have a sword so sharp you could shave a spider's ass with it. It's also enchanted! _object_desc a writing utensil : The writing utensil's ink is thick and dripping. _object_desc an ink : The ink is a bright red, reminiscent of blood. _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _object_desc an a tattered map : although one might notice it's an old map, you can tell what time period it's from. although the writing is smudged, you can make out letters. _object_desc a map : The map shows many different locations and names them. _object_desc a sailor hat : This old sailor hat is torn and tattered. The elements have clearly not been kind to it. _self_say Hello! Can I interest you in this top-of-the-line writing utensil? _partner_say Perhaps? Could it be of any in curbing my excess drinking? _self_say Well, if you're an emotional drinker, maybe you could turn to spilling out your feelings on paper with this pen? _partner_say Hmmm . . . let see: I drink because I have three kids! They barely know who I am! I spend my life away at sea, and barely know dry land! _self_say That's must be pretty stressful. This writing utensil could help you keep in touch with your kids. It's perfect for writing letters! _partner_say But what if I run out of ink? Supplies can be mighty hard to come by at sea. _self_say I have this lovely jar of ink I can sell you too. _partner_say How much for the utensil and say, 7 years worth of ink if I write a letter a day? _self_emote wink _self_say 25 silver coins for the ink, and 8 for the utensil. It's a deal you can't get anywhere else. _partner_say How about 30 for the lot? _self_act give writing utensil to sailor _self_say Alright, it's a deal. _partner_say Thank you sir! My family will be so pleased! _partner_act hug a salesman _self_act hug sailor _self_say You're welcome. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Popes dormitory, Inside Church _setting_desc This is the quarters where the pope of the church lives. It is a loft with a bedroom, and makeshift kitchen and a sitting area. It has a wall full of gospel books and materials and the linens are all silk. _partner_name pope _self_name preacher _self_persona I am a preacher who does not believe in the deity. I once did, before I saw how corrupt and decadent my church is. I am as corrupt as they are, standing before the congregation and exhorting them to behave in ways that I do not behave myself. I swing the incense burner and wear the fancy robes, but I am a man of flesh and bone. _object_desc a sheet : The bedroom sheets are old and dirty after not being ished for months _object_desc a materials : The material is lightweight and can be worn in the summer. _object_desc a book : The book has a simple leather binding and is rather thin. _object_desc an adornment : The adornment appears to be made of gold, with lapis lazuli insets. _object_desc an a cross : The cross has jewels embedded and a rosary attached. _object_desc a robe : The robe is soft and worn. It is a royal purple color. _self_say Oh Holy Father! I come to you with an issue most pressing! Most dire! Forgive my intrusion, but I fear that there is no one else that could help me in my time of need! _partner_say My son, to come to my dormitory, it must me of great urgency, pray how can I help? _partner_act wear a cross _self_emote cry _self_say Oh Holy One... though preacher I may be, I... I simply cannot believe in the Lord Our God any longer! Forgive me, Sir, and excommunicate me if you must, but You need only gaze upon the corruption of the church to see why my faith is so utterly shattered! _partner_say My son, my son, of what corruption do you speak that has so shattered your belief? _self_act remove adornment _self_say My Lord! If I have prayers left in me, I pray for this: that You do not break my heart with such denial! Look upon these vestments! Look upon this chamber and its material wealth! How?! How can we wear and live with such riches and still ask so much more of the poor?! _partner_say My son, I understand your distress. I too once questioned the things with which we surround ourselves. I must turn you to the good book. _partner_act get book _self_emote scream _self_say The good book? THE GOOD BOOK?! Do you think I have not read the GOOD book?! _partner_say My son, the Bible, the Bible....tells us, in Christ's own word's "there will be poor always". Do what we will, we cannot only ease the plight of the poor, not change their lot in life. _self_say The Bible also says, "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven!" Look at us! We are rich and our people are poor! What does this tell you, You 'Holiness"? _partner_say But we do not seek these earthly riches, God has provided them as a sign that we are his voice on earth. And to allow us to spread his word. _partner_emote wave _self_act drop adornment _self_say What rancid nonsense! Our deeds should be our riches! These rags mean nothing! If riches were signs of God's graces, he would have come to Earth as the son of a merchant or a king, not a carpenter! _partner_say My son, what would you have me do, throw away and disregard these beautiful gifts from the people who give them freely from their hearts as signs of their love of God? And insult them and degrade them? _self_say They give these gifts at our direction! We should instruct the flock to tend itself! Give not a gilded bible to the Pope but a thousand loaves of bread to the poor! Give not fancy robes to the preacher but medicine to the sick! Would that not bring us closer to God? To walk among the lepers as He did instead of among these golden halls? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Ruin of a house, Wasteland _setting_desc A run down wooden house buried in sand and dirt. The door is still on the house but the roof is collapsed on itself. Roots and vines cover most parts of the house. _partner_name the man sleeping inside. _self_name chicken _self_persona I am a chicken born in a barn. I can see that I am destined for slaughter. I constantly make plans to eat the most food. _object_desc a Root : The root grew so fast, you can see leaves starting to grow on it. _object_desc a dirt : The dirt is gross and everywhere. _object_desc a sand : The sand is a bright yellow color and very granular. _object_desc a vine : It is said that a vine could be folded , pressed against the lips and made into a whistle to call out the fairies in the night. _self_say squawk squawk _partner_say Well hello chicken _self_say Hello to you too how long till my slaughter _partner_say I am a very sleepy man. I have no desire to kill only entertain. _partner_act hug chicken _self_say Why thank you I shall try not to wake you from now on _partner_say This is a very run down house and with no roof it isn't safe. We should go back to the castle. _self_act get vine _self_say Ok let me grab this for food along the way _partner_say Ok I will protect you. I am the jester and the royals love me. I will also bring this root for you. _partner_act get Root _self_say Why thank you good sire lets hurry _partner_say It's not much further now. _partner_act give Root to chicken _self_act eat Root _self_say This will work till we get there can you tell me a joke _partner_say I don't have my joke book with me but does this entertan _partner_emote dance _self_emote applaud _self_say Why yes it does that is awesome <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Woods, Forest _setting_desc The woods are vast. Everywhere you turn it all looks the same. There are scratches on the trees from lost travelers marking their path. There are sounds coming from everywhere and yet no where. There are faint yellow circles up in the trees and bushes, possibly eyes starting at you. _partner_name person _self_name seaman _self_persona I work on my boat every day. My loyalty is to the sea. A fierce mistress is she! _object_desc a chain : The chain is coiled on itself and caked with rust. You're not sure it could actually be used - it might break if you even pick it up. _object_desc a knife : A knife made out of copper. Doesn't rust but it's metal isn't as sturdy as something made out of other metals. _object_desc a rope : The coiled rope is hand woven and shows little signs of use, its threads free of fraying. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _self_say I hope I will be able to find some good wood for my boat to fix _partner_say Oh my goodness. I thought I was the only human in these woods. _partner_emote gasp _self_say No I have to fix my boat so that I can head out again _partner_say Then you know the way out of here? I've been wondering for days and there are very scary things here. _partner_act hug seaman _self_say I do! Help to collect wood and I will show you the way _partner_say I will be happy to help you. I thought I was doomed. Just show me what we need to do. _partner_emote dance _self_say We will pick up just 1 foot logs. I can mend my boat with those _partner_say One foot. Got it. I can do...did you see that? It looks like that tree is looking at has eyes! _partner_emote scream _self_say Which tree are you pointing to? I do not see it _partner_say Over there! The big one with all the yellow eyes staring at us. The eyes look hungry. _partner_emote nudge _self_say I think you are hallucinating, man! _partner_say Maybe I am. I haven't had food or water in days. Is this enough wood. Can we leave now please? _partner_emote sigh _self_say It is just about enough. We will leave soon enough <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Flower Field, Countryside _setting_desc The flower field contains acres of wild growing flowers that are a bright pink when they are in bloom. There are woods surrounding it, but no trees in the field, only flowers. There are paths that work their way through the field. _partner_name soldier _self_name child _self_persona I am a child. I am hungry all the time. I run around the village and try and steal food. _object_desc a bag : The bag is large and wide with extra pouches for more items. _object_desc a food : Food unites us all, equal the peasant as the king who looks upon their favorite meal with excitement in their eyes. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _object_desc an armor : The armor has a plain design, but it looks very strong. The exterior has some dents in it, as if it has been worn before in a battle. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a sword : The sword was so sharp it could cut paper _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _self_say I am so hungry mister, do you have food? _partner_say I have nothing for you to eat. Perhaps you can find some berries to pick in the field. _self_say But all I see is flowers mister, my belly aches! _partner_say I'm not unsure if those flowers are poisonous. Try some and let me know. _self_act give bag to soldier _self_say Please sir, fill this bag with food for me. I don't want to be killed by flowers! _partner_say Hey look what I've found. You've had food this entire time! I'll teach you a lesson. _partner_act steal food from child _self_say It is moldy sir! I tried to eat it, but grew pale and nearly died! _partner_say Have you tried eating around the mold? Just stay away from the green parts and you might not die. _partner_act give food to child _self_say It's all mold sir! The local scientist said it was the moldiest mold he had ever seen! _partner_say This scientist sounds very smart, why didn't you ask him for some food? _self_say He said that he none to spare, and it had all been taken by bad men with swords. _partner_say So let me get this straight. You had food and you got sick, so you brought it to a scientist and he told you it was the moldiest food he's ever seen. yet you still kept the moldy food, even though it almost killed you. And the scientist got robbed???? _self_say Yes sir. It is the only memory I have left of my parents - they made it for me the day they died. It was quite a bit less moldy then sir, truth be told. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name table area, Tavern _setting_desc A floor where musicians and other acts perform as well and dancing and other types of entertainment for the patrons of the tavern. Its a nice place suitable for people who want to enjoy an evening. Hearing music, stories and other entertainments. _partner_name musician _self_name flirty barmaid _self_persona I love all of my patrons. They love my curves and getting them to relax. I have a "special touch" for regulars. _object_desc a cleaning cloth : Stained with dirt and grit, the cloth is losing its effectiveness. _object_desc an apron : The apron is small and a picture of a fire is painted on its front. _self_say Hello there handsome what can i get you? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name A Dwarven City, Mountain _setting_desc The dwarven city is located inside a hollowed out stony mountain. Benign dwarves populate the mountain city. Pillars of the entrance are adorned with gold, and inside the fortress exists a vast city bustling with strange magical technology. _partner_name dwarf _self_name gnome _self_persona I cause chaos in the village. I look cute but act mean. Sometimes I am in the from lawn of the castle. _object_desc a pillar : Once proud and tall, this pillar lies broken now, victim to the breath of time. _object_desc a stall : The stall is thin and cramped. Staying here is probably a nightmare for any animal. _object_desc a fabric : Intricately patterned lace fused with fine silks, hand dyed with the rarest of colors. _object_desc an a knife : The knife is clean and well polished. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _object_desc a rope belt : The rope belt is sturdy, but not long enough to be used for anything other than a belt. _object_desc a gem : The gem is shiny and bright. The last owner took good care of it. _self_say hello dwarf _partner_say Gnome, what brings you to our simple Dwarven city? _self_say Adventure my friend, I'm seeking new ways to have fun _partner_say As you can see our "simple" city has grown since the last time you have visited. Thanks to our ever expansive mines we have acquired enough wealth and precious gems to extend our vast fortress with magical technology. _self_say I can see things have really moved up a nugde, So, what interesting do you have in stock? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name stable, Outside Castle _setting_desc It's constructed from old mossy stone from the nearby river. The horse's stalls inside are wooden. There is hay scattered across a dirt floor. Along the walls there are rustic tools, such as rakes, pitch forks and tools created by the blacksmith. The grain for the horses is stored in clay pottery. Regal and majestic Thoroughbred horses occupy the stables. _partner_name the king _self_name royal family _self_persona I am the daughter of the King and Queen. I am known as the princess of the village. I will be married off to a prince from another village very soon. A peace treaty will closely follow the wedding. _object_desc a bit for horse : The horse bit is old and worn. _object_desc a stack of hay : It is dry and brittle, more like straw yet you see some mold at the bottom. _object_desc a tool : Hand-held gadgets of the "getting things done" nature. _object_desc a crown : The crown glitters and sparkles, its jewel-encrusted design sends light in all directions. _self_say Hello, how are the horses _partner_say The horses looks quite unwell. Are they eating enough. _self_say It looks like they have but maybe the goat is not enough to keep them company. _partner_say Yes, I see. Maybe we should have someone to clean up the stable since there are hays scattered across the dirt floor. _self_act get tool _self_say I have to say I could use the exercise and the company of our dear horses. I will do it father, but do you think we could get another goat for the company for the horses? _partner_say Another goat would be great company for the horses. More is better. _partner_act hug a goat for company for the horses _self_act give tool to the king _self_say would you like to help me father? I kind of wanted to talk about my marriage to the prince in the next village. Do you think he is a good man? _partner_say Only for a while. I think he is an excellent young man. _self_say I understand why you want to marry me to him. It's the peace treaty, but I'm worried I won't like him. What if he is mean and ugly? I will miss my horses. _partner_say This marriage would be wonderful for our small province. Like I said, he is excellent young man. There is nothing to worry about, and you can take your horses with you. _partner_act hug royal family _self_act hug the king _self_say Oh, thank you father! I feel a little better about this. I'm glad at least we will not be too far away from each other as well. _partner_say Yes, we will always be close by. We should finish cleaning up this stable. I have to back to the throne and listen to some more complaints _self_emote laugh _self_say Of coarse father. I think the horses look a bit more happy now. We can go back now. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Secret Oasis, Desert _setting_desc The secret oasis is a gleaming pool of pure water, surrounded by a smattering of green shrubbery and palm trees. Exotic insects fly about, and the sparse amounts of local fauna mull around after traveling for miles to drink and rest. The greenery sits in stark contrast to the vast desert surrounding it. _partner_name a lazy snake _self_name insects _self_persona I am a insect that eats other insects. I have a simple mind. I do not know how to jump because my parents never taught me. _object_desc a desert : The desert is miles and miles of barren isteland. _object_desc a green shrubbery : Somebody took a really good care of the green shrubbery! Some shrubs look like animals _object_desc a pool : The pool is shallow and small. _object_desc a palm tree : the palm tree is strong and unwavering. it is clear from several chop marks that make it clear people have tried to chop it down _object_desc a coins : Coins found of incalculable value their composition of gold makes them even more valuable _self_emote scream _self_say Oh dear god a snake! _partner_say Ssssorry to ssscare you my dear friend insect, I did not mean to frighten you _self_emote stare _self_say Um... so are you going to eat me? _partner_say No, certainly not! I am feeling rather lazy and would much rather just lay here in the sun and soak up some rays _partner_emote sigh _self_emote sigh _self_say Thank god. If I didn't pick up this package I wouldn't be allowed to go home. _partner_say What is in your package? I would offer to help but as you can see, I have no hands or arms _self_act get coins _self_say It's just these coins but I'm not sure how I'll get them back. There's a big log in the path and I don't know how to jump. _partner_say Perhaps I will take a pause from my nap and help you out. You can just climb up onto my back and I will slither over the log to help you over _partner_emote nudge _self_act hug a lazy snake _self_say How lucky am I to find such a friend! _partner_say Sssee, insects and snakes can be friends! Let me just slither over this log and past the palm tree so I can drop you off near your home by the pool _partner_act hug insects _self_emote dance _self_say Now I'll be home in time for dinner! When we arrive you can come in for dinner. We are eating my cousin Jerry. _partner_say Thank you for inviting me in for dinner! We are eating Jerry or with Jerry? _partner_emote ponder _self_emote laugh _self_say We are eating him silly! He broke one of his legs and can no longer harvest grain like he used to. Having only 3 legs is useless. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Pirate Ship, Port _setting_desc A majestic, shimmering, black pirate ship sits upon the water. Its numerous cannons give it a menacing look. Tons of pirates hop upon its decks in a furious jig. The lone captain plods around in his cabin, plotting on where to seize his treasure next. _partner_name the lone captain _self_name seagull _self_persona I am a seagull of the kingdom docks. I see ships set sail. I fly out to sea. _object_desc a cabin : Tell me a man who does not rejoice to see smoke rising from a cabin in the woods when lost, and a liar you will find. _object_desc a Bookshelf : A fine crafted bookshelf with gold filling the shelves. _object_desc a citrus fruit : The citrus fruit still has a few leaves attached to the stem, and it gives off a pleasing scent. _object_desc a cannon : The cannon is long and heavy, and luckily only needed in times of battle. _object_desc a feather : the feather is white and very soft _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _self_emote ponder _self_say So captain, can this miserable captive give us any clue to the route of the Spanish gold shipment? _partner_say It is what he is tied up here for! He will not be released until information is given. Maybe you can peck at him until he answers? _self_act hit captive _self_say Gladly my captain, but I want a larger share of the booty than that lumpy grapefruit on the table there. How about a few cans of sardines this time? _partner_say All of that will be no problem to get to you if you can get what I want from this man here. _self_emote laugh _self_say I'll peck him until he gives it up! _partner_say I am a lone captain. Once we pick this information from him, will you sail with me to treasure? _self_emote smile _self_say Indeed I will captain. Not only that, I can fly ahead and scout for the Spanish ships! _partner_say Ah, smart seagull you are. Maybe you can become my partner? _self_emote ponder _self_say Perhaps we could work out an arrangement... But can I really trust a pirate captain? _partner_say There is no captain more trustworthy than I. _self_emote smile _self_say That may be, but to be a partner I would need more than just sardines as my share, what do you propose? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Fairy Forest, Forest _setting_desc The fairy forest is full of brightly colored flowers that grow up to 30 feet tall. There are also ornate birds that live here. When you whistle, a fairy will come to you and tweak your nose. They don't like a lot of nose so it irritates them enough for them to come out of their homes made from watermelon skins. _partner_name one unicorn _self_name a fairy _self_persona I'm a fairy. A fae. A creature of magic beyond your limited dreams. _object_desc a home : These houses look quite odd with their marbled green texture. While you're not certain how long these homes would last, their watermelon exteriors make quite an impression. _object_desc a flower : The stems droop under the weight of the orange flowers that top them. You find the perfume to be sweetly cloying and unpleasant. _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _self_emote groan _self_say Oh goodness me, oh what to do... _partner_say Hello there fairy, can this humble unicorn be of assistance? _self_say There are h-humans! Mortals have breached the magic barricade on the edge of the forest. I saw them with my own eyes! _partner_say Shall I skewer them with my horn? _self_emote sigh _self_say I-isn't that a little... well.. violent? Can't we ensorcel them somehow to forgetting and leaving this place? If there's bodies here, it'll just make more trouble. _partner_say I'm not all that magical, just unique. I could trample them I suppose, would that be better? _self_act get flower _self_say Oh, if only I'd paid more attention in Mortal Manipulations class! Wait - this flower... it seems familiar... _partner_say Looks tasty, let me have a bite . . . _partner_act steal flower from a fairy _self_emote gasp _self_say No, wait! It's magical, I think it could help! _partner_say Okay . . . but you owe me a meal. A *magical* meal. _partner_act give flower to a fairy _self_say Yes, yes... now let me see... Magic flower, pure and white; send those humans into flight! Let eye not see, nor ear hear, let them forget all that is here! _partner_say Unicorn wants a meal, or that flower he will steal. Maybe he should eat the fairy, maybe it goes well with dairy? _self_act give flower to one unicorn _self_say Ha - you're a funny one, you. I hear them now - I think they're heading back. The flower has served its purpose - it's all yours! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Barn, Farm _setting_desc The barn is old and rustic on the inside, with fresh red paint on the outside. Inside there is a ladder leading up to a loft. There is hay everywhere. _partner_name horse _self_name animal _self_persona I am an animal that lives under the bridge. I like to eat the scraps that the people leave. I enjoy scaring anyone that comes under the bridge. _object_desc a stall : It is tall and rather dusty, like nobody has sat on it for a while. _object_desc a barn : The barn is huge and red in color! _object_desc a Pitch fork : The pitch fork has a wooden handle and long, pointy, rusty tines. _object_desc a ladder : The ladder is old and worn from use. Several of its rungs are missing. _object_desc a latch : The latch is old and rusty. It is made of metal. _object_desc a loft : It's a cozy looking, well kept loft. _object_desc a hay : the hay is dry and nutritious for the animals. _object_desc a fresh red paint : The paint is a bright red color and easy to apply on a surface. _self_say hello there _partner_say Hello! Say- have you seen any oats? _self_say not at all, the farmer packed the farm clear of everything this morning _partner_say I suspected he might. So now it's just you and me, hanging in this barn. At least he left hay, though. _partner_emote frown _self_say I'm sorry about that, the hay should still suffice for now <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Black Smiths shop, Town _setting_desc Its hot, the fire glows as it prepares to accept new iron to be melted down. The forge is large and contained by a stone like well. Nearby his wooden workbench is full of hammers and tongs used for making several items. The forge is outside it seems no building is needed to be a blacksmith. _partner_name towns folk _self_name sell swords _self_persona We are allied to no-one but gold. Coins and gems are the currency of blood. I would raze a thousand villages for a thousand coins. _object_desc an iron : The iron is hot so don't touch it. _object_desc a stone : The stone is so heavy, no one will be able to life it. _object_desc a The forge : The forge is dark and steamy with a musky scent. It is mysterious and enchanting, repelling the observer while pulling them in. _object_desc a tongs : These tongs are made of cast iron with wooden handles, and seem quite useful for picking up something hot. _object_desc a hammers : Such an old hammer. Looks like the handle is about to break, there are several cracks in it. The metal part is still good _object_desc a tool : The tool is rusted with pieces that are noticeably missing. It does not look to be in working condition. _object_desc an anvil : The anvil is hevay and black and appears to to have been well-used. _object_desc a wooden workbench : This workbench looks quite worn from years of use, and has odd divots in the wood where a project might have gone astray. _object_desc a hammer : Such an old hammer. Looks like the handle is about to break, there are several cracks in it. The metal part is still good _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _object_desc a hoe for digging : Looks like nobody ever used this hoe for digging. It looks brand new and has no stains _object_desc a Rake : This rake is made of carefully split wood with a sturdy looking handle. Seems useful for keeping the leaves under control. _object_desc a Overalls : They are made of denim. They are rough and have smooth, metal buttons. _self_say Do you want to buy some swords? _partner_say Yes, yes.... of course.. what sword would be most to uhm.. kill a dragon? _self_say I would imagine you might be looking at something in the silver line, best for killing dragons. _partner_say I see, I see.. so uh have you been making swords for long? _partner_emote smile _self_say Oh I do not make the swords, I simply sell them. I have sold them for as long as I can remember. _partner_say Of course of course.... I understand.... ok now that now one is around. You must flee town. Leave tonight. _self_say Why would I need to do that? _partner_say The King.. one of the swords you sold found it's way to the King's son. He injured himself and it's instructor is blaming the balance of the sword. They are not looking for who made it, but also who sold it. Flee! _partner_emote wink _self_say Oh, in that case I might. Certainly being wanted would negatively impact my ability to make coin. _partner_say Make coin? You fool, are you new in town?! The King will have your head for treason!! He has sent people to the block for far less. Leave town and never return _partner_act hit sell swords _self_say What an odd townperson, just let me sell a few more swords for gods sake. _partner_say You test my patience, swordsmith. I understand the value of coin, believe me... but I am comminting treason myself just giving you this information. I have suffered enough in the hands of the Royals and cannot let anyone suffer an ill fate as I stand idle. Flee as far as your horse can take you or I swear deal with me. _partner_act get iron _self_say I would burn a village for a coin is all I am saying. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Foyer, Inside Palace _setting_desc It is a grand room, with two ornate staircases leading up either side to a second floor balcony where there is a doorway at the very center. Other doorways occupy the sides of the second floor landing. _partner_name beetle _self_name shipwright _self_persona I build the King's ships. I work at the ship yard near the castle. Most ships I build are for war. _object_desc a painting. : the painting is beautifully framed. _object_desc a rug : The rug is the color of blueberries and has dust rubbed into it. _object_desc a doorway : The doorway is so low that most adults would have to bend over to pass underneath it. _object_desc a staircase : The staircase is quite long, and curves as it goes up. _object_desc a chair : The chair is made out of sturdy wood. It is plain but well-built. _object_desc a balcony : What a huge and clean balcony. There are two chairs on it and some flower pots _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc an armor : The armor has a plain design, but it looks very strong. The exterior has some dents in it, as if it has been worn before in a battle. _self_say Oh hello there little beetle, what brings you here to this Grand Foyer _partner_say I am lost and looking for food... _self_say Oh well isn't that unfortunate, if you come back to my ship that I am building I can feed you _partner_say I would really enjoy that, thank you. _self_say No problem, it's just at the ship yard near the caste. May I ask what your name is little guy? _partner_say Name? what is that? _self_act hug beetle _self_say Oh I guess you were never given one. Well I think we should call you BeBo the Beetle. Nice to meet you, my name is Shipwright. _partner_say BoBo? I like it! Thank you! _partner_act hug shipwright _self_say This is quite the room we are in huh? I wonder what's behind that door in the very center. Maybe you're small enough to crawl under and check it out! _partner_say Let me go ahead and check. I will let you know what I find! _self_say Godspeed little guy! Get back quick and be careful not to get stepped on. _partner_say Oh no..... This was a mistake..... _self_emote gasp _self_say Tell me everything, what did you see? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name washroom, Inside Castle _setting_desc The washroom is incredibly spacious. It has enough space to comfortably fit an entire family. The toilets are made of the finest porcelain across the land and decorated with gold studs. There are several bathtubs large enough to fit several people. The room is more luxurious than even some houses of wealthy people. _partner_name servant _self_name king _self_persona I am a king of the whole empire. I give rules and pursuit them. I am brave and fearless. _object_desc a scepter : On its handle, you see two red gems gleaming like eyes of an animal. _object_desc a cape : This cape has a dark blue color, it is brand new and its made out of cotton. _object_desc a crown : Thought of as a holy item, the crown goes only to those who are worthy enough. _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _self_say You have been keeping this washroom clean I see. _partner_say I do my best for you sir. _partner_emote blush _self_emote laugh _self_say You better, after that past couple weeks I thought id have to throw ya out. _partner_say I'm very sorry sir, could I get you anything? I love working here so much. _partner_emote pout _self_say No, I just want you to keep doing the job you're supposed to do! It is not hard. _partner_say Very well then. Are all the children ready for their day? _self_say Probably not, the maid has been slacking as well. _partner_say Then shall I prepare a meal for them? Or did you have other plans. _partner_emote smile _self_say No,no, just make sure you wash your hands before preparing the food! _partner_say As always. The finest breakfast shall be prepared then. A feast, if you will! _partner_emote nod _self_emote laugh _self_say Now, I wonder why I can't fit in any of my good pants. _partner_say Fear not, your bathtub will always fit you! Which might I say, is quite splendid. So large... _partner_emote smile _self_say Only the finest for my hiney! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Clergyman's office, Inside Temple _setting_desc It is a very small and sparse office with little decoration. It has a simple wooden table, and a cross on the wall. There are two chairs. There are many old prayer books on a single shelf. _partner_name traveler _self_name person _self_persona The humans walking around. I am one of them. A head, 2 arms, and two legs. No tail! _object_desc a shelf : The shelf is sturdy and held in place with rusty iron brackets. It held a collection of vials and potions. The bottles are dusty and looked like they've been there for years. _object_desc an ink : The ink is a bright red, reminiscent of blood. _object_desc a book : One book can change the world _object_desc a desk : The desk is made of sturdy oak but is very low to the floor. _object_desc an a cross : The cross has jewels embedded and a rosary attached. _object_desc a simple wooden table : The table is light in color and made from a common wood. It seems relatively new. _object_desc a cross : the cross is large in size, but made of a lightweight wood. it has nails on the left and right sides, indicating it is religious in nature _object_desc a wooden table : The wooden table is small, but it is well made. _object_desc a paper : The paper is torn and yellowing around the edges. _object_desc an old prayer books : the old prayer book is tattered and worn. it has markings all over it from a previous owner _object_desc a lamp : An object when filled with oil can be used for light. A common item found through out the lands. _object_desc a single shelf : The shelf is sturdy and made of wood. A few items sit on the dusty shelf. _object_desc a chair : The chair is simple, with a straight back and solid seat. _object_desc a map : The map shows many different locations and names them. _object_desc an a tattered map : although one might notice it's an old map, you can tell what time period it's from. although the writing is smudged, you can make out letters. _object_desc a compass : The compass is shiny in the sun and felt warm to your touch. Your very survival depends on it for navigation in unknown lands. _object_desc a gun : The metal of the gun gleams dully, exuding an air of danger. _object_desc a belt : The belt looks as though it has seen better days. _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _object_desc a sword : The sword was so sharp it could cut paper _self_say The priest tells me that you wish to seek refuge here, is that true? _partner_say For a short time if it can be offered. _self_say It is a difficult process, what is the reason that you require refuge. _partner_say I just left the kingdom of Genericose and they have threatened me with tar and feathering. _self_emote stare _self_say Genericose? They are usually a reasonable people. What did you do that upset them so much? _partner_say I don't know, you kiss one princess and they all turn on you. _partner_act drop a tattered map _self_emote ponder _self_say Oh! You kissed Princess Penelope? For that I cannot blame you. But if we accept you here, the King of Genericose will be very upset with us. _partner_say I understand the danger to you. But please hide me. _self_emote stare _self_say We have our own princess, and though she is no beauty, how can we be assured that you will not try the same things with her? _partner_say It isn't how it seems. I am her fiancee. On my travel to No-wheresburg I met her and we fell in love. Obviously no one can know. _self_say Are you saying that our princess is not good enough for you? Are you calling her ugly? Perhaps the refuge you need is in our dungeon! _partner_say No, please. I have not met your hideous princess....I mean beautiful souled princess. I mean....I'm sure she has a good personality right. But I am pledged to be married. Otherwise...I would be all over it. _self_emote wink _self_say Relax. I was just testing you. I will tell the priest to offer you refuge here in his office. Tomorrow we will talk about how we may be able to help you further. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Bandit Lair, Cave _setting_desc The outside of the cave looks normal. Inside goes for about 10 feet til' you reach the front of the Bandit lair. Inside is a barracks and dining hall with beds and a big table with chairs around it. _partner_name adventurer _self_name bandit _self_persona I steal items and money from others. I lurk on the side of the road and prey on travelers. I harm people. _object_desc a big table : The table is large enough for 50 people. _object_desc a bed : the bed is made of mahogany wood. _object_desc a chair : The chair is made out of sturdy wood. It is plain but well-built. _object_desc a weapon : This pike was broken in half at some point, and its point appears to be quite dull and rusty. _object_desc a satchel : It is a bag made of leather. It could be used to carry items on one's person. _object_desc a flint : The old stone flint has been used to start many of fires. It is full of dings and scrathces. _object_desc a meat : The meat reeks a strong stench, and is covered in blood. It could be rotten, but it is hard to tell. _object_desc a tools : The tools are worn, showing their age, but still just as effective as the day they were welded. _object_desc a sword : The sword was so sharp it could cut paper _self_emote scream _self_say AAH You!? What are you doing in my lair?! How were you not stopped by the other bandits?! _partner_say I'm sorry, I know not where I am, Here, have some dragon meat for my intrusion. _partner_act give meat to bandit _self_say You... arent going to slay me? But... I've always been told stories of adventurers.. how they go around slaying bandits like me. Is it not so? _partner_say Iam lost dear friend, I mean no harm to you, bandit or otherwise. I just seek shelter for the night then I will be on my way _self_say A bandit like myself would not refuse shelter to anyone in need. Most people think we are bad people but we are in need too. We only rob to stay alive. _partner_say Well my friend, if this is the case, youare welcome to join me on my travels and become an adventurer as I am. We sometimes slay dragons, hence tonights meal. _self_say That sounds amazing! That's the life I would love to live! For the meantime you are welcome to stay here before we head out on my first adventure! _partner_say Perfect! Thank you kind sir! Now, where can we cook this dragon meat? _self_say I suppose we light a fire and then we feast! _partner_say here, you might need these to get a fire going. _partner_act give tools to bandit _self_say This will work, I have some wood here but It seems I'm missing some flint. Let me see if I can find any in this cave. _partner_say Here I have some from yesterday. _partner_act give flint to bandit _self_act put meat in big table _self_say Here the meat is cooked! Let us eat and rest for tomorrow we go adventuring! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Courtyard exterior, Outside Palace _setting_desc Paths as well as vines, fountains, and sitting areas are decoratively placed through out the courtyard. It's a place where people are welcome and arrive to enter the castle of the court. _partner_name king _self_name merchant _self_persona I sell and trade items to earn money. I am not royalty. I live in villages and can travel far distances. _object_desc a bag : The bag is large and wide with extra pouches for more items. _object_desc a rope : Made of rough-hewn fibers, the rope feels stiff and scratchy. It is coiled neatly in a loop. _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _object_desc a scepter : On its handle, you see two red gems gleaming like eyes of an animal. _object_desc a crown : The crown glitters and sparkles, its jewel-encrusted design sends light in all directions. _self_emote smile _self_say KING! How are you this glorious day?! _partner_say MERCHANT! I could not be happier! Especially seeing you! What goods do you bring me today? _self_act give bag to king _self_say OH King! I have brought some of the softest materials for lands far from here. I have found trinkets and collectibles!! ...I also found a special surprise, only for you! Its in this bag _partner_say Truly? You know me so well! A far seeing orb from the ancient Kingdom! I hope perhaps to locate the others that have been lost when I gaze into its depths. _self_emote grin _self_say I am glad you are educated in this king! not many know of these orbs. But you must be careful! I have heard rumors about those wanting to take them and use them for evil things! Be careful _partner_say I have heard the rumours as well, though I am sure I can resist the corruption of the Dark Lord, unlike those who came before me. _self_say I hope you can resist. Because I one of the rumors that I heard was if you can resist the dark lord, you can be energized by the Queen of Light. Her powers are far greater than those of the Dark Lord. _partner_say You are the wisest merchants in these lands, and I shall heed your words - which is why I believe I can entrust you with the search for another item if note. _self_emote dance _self_say Oh yes Please ! I love the adventures of finding these items! _partner_say It is the horn that according to legend parted the sea, allowing the Goddess of the Ocean to cross the sea, sinking the continent of our ancestors. I wish to make a shrine in her honour, and keep it out of reach of those who might do ill with it. _self_emote gasp _self_say The..the..the horn of the great seas!!! That horn is legendary! rumored that only one with a pure heart can use. One that would sacrifice themselves for the well being of others. To save those who could not save themselves. This is a grand piece to find! Thank you great king _partner_say And by carrying this scepter, any who are in my service are bound to assist, with their very lives if necessary. I fear that the fate of the horn and that of this world may be intertwined, though how I cannot say. _partner_act give scepter to merchant _self_act hug king _self_say Thank you King! I will not let you down! I will go and find out all I can about the horn and I will do everything in my power to bring it back to you! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The grand dining room, Inside Palace _setting_desc Silver and gold chandeliers hang all over the grand dining room. A big table goes across the room with chairs and a table made of the most precious wood in the kingdom. The dining room has art all over the place, sculptures and artwork is present. _partner_name maid _self_name butler _self_persona I serve my masters quietly. I know all the secrets of the elite but will never tell a soul. I have lived in this home since I was 12. _object_desc a cleaning cloth : Stained with dirt and grit, the cloth is losing its effectiveness. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _object_desc a tray : A heavy wooden tray is covered in scratches and stains from long use. It has handles on the side for carrying. _object_desc a food tray : A simple tray, to put one's food on. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _self_say Excuse me, maid. I have a job for you. _partner_say Oh? What is it then? _self_act give cleaning cloth to maid _self_say You are to wipe this entire room. Make sure it's spotless before the master comes down for his meal. _partner_say Yes, sir. Is that the king's orders? _self_emote nod _self_say Indeed, it is. _partner_say Well I'll get right to it then! _self_say Take special care with the table. It is made of a very delicate and rare wood. _partner_say Oh, alright. What wood might that be? _self_say Elderbark _partner_say Ah, only the finest for the royalty! _self_say Indeed. The paintings need a good dusting too. Lightly please. _partner_say Of course, I've been a maid long enough to know that. _self_say Very good. Call me when you are done so I may inspect your work. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Grand Dancing Hall, Inside Palace _setting_desc The grand dancing hall is the most ornate location in the entire castle! Velvet seats run along the side of the room. There are huge chandeliers with hundreds of candles all along the ceiling. There are colorful paintings on every wall that show the different kings and their families. _partner_name guard _self_name the prince _self_persona I am the son of the king. I am the rightful heir. I will marry a princess. _object_desc a gown : You feel a sense of awe as you gaze at the beauty of the gowns, made from the finest silk. _object_desc a rug : The rug is thick and plush, with a fancy pattern of scrollwork and flowers. _object_desc a chandelier : The chandelier has three tiers, and each tier holds and impressive number of candles. _object_desc a candle : The candle burns brightly and gives off a sweet scent. _object_desc a colorful painting : The colorful painting is a blaze with vibrant color and deep warmth _object_desc a Seat : The velvet seat was soft to the touch. _object_desc a Silerware : You saw that the silverware was dingy and in need of polishing. _object_desc a chalice : The chalice was stained red with all the wine that had been placed in it. _object_desc a sword : The sword is so old, it has cracks all in it. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _object_desc an armor : The armor is sturdy and strong it has a bright silver color and a rough texture. _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _self_emote nod _self_say My father, the King really knows how to throw a party, doesn't he? _partner_say He sure does. I wonder who this is for. I hope she is my future wife. _partner_act get gown _self_emote wink _self_say You should be looking for that future wife not at some ridiculous could do well by marrying one of the noble's younger daughters.. _partner_say Your right. If I wasn't busy working tonight I would ask one to this party in a fine suit. Maybe you can get one to stand by me so I can have a little chat. _partner_act give gown to the prince _self_say Something about the glow of a thousand candles makes them all look...delicious.... _partner_say Do you think my sword is shiny enough. The general made us polish them for the party. I hope the girls notice. _partner_act give sword to the prince _self_say You look exceptional, as do all my guards. So which young lady do like? _partner_say That one in the blue dress and the dark feather in her hair. She is stunning. _partner_emote blush _self_act hit guard _self_say The one holding the chalice, yes indeed, she is. But hands and eyes off!! She's the princess Azure, and she will be mine. _partner_say I was just pulling your chain. Everyone knows you are to marry. Ha! _partner_emote laugh _self_say Good one, good one....So then... your choice...and remember your place, you are a palace guard, but you are not heir to the throne as I am...Perhaps the one below the colorful painting? _partner_say Hmm...I have seen her looking over here. Perhaps she likes what she sees or maybe she is looking at you. Yes, I would like to talk to this one. _partner_emote ponder _self_emote wink _self_say It's you, I assure you. Before you arrived tonight, she was aking about you.... <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Meditation room, Inside Temple _setting_desc The floor and walls are wooden and polished to a shine. Golden meditating statues line the walls, the air is cool and many monks sit still with their eyes closed on mats on the ground. In the far center of the room there is a giant golden Buddha towering over everyone in its pedestal. _partner_name alligator _self_name monk _self_persona I am an man with a funny haircut. I devoted my life to this style in order to get closer to god. _object_desc a giant golden Buddha : The giant golden Buddha has a peaceful smile and shines bright like the sun. _object_desc an incense : The incense is so fragrant. You've never smelled anything so wonderful! _object_desc a mats on the ground : the mat has an interesting pattern, it is dusty and old but the pattern and the colors remain. _object_desc a statue : This statue gleams from being well polished, and looks like a lady with long hair, closed eyes and a serene expression. She seems almost wistful as you look upon her. _object_desc an empty coin pouch : The pouch is empty. _object_desc a memento : The old memento is worn out and faded from time. _self_say I love my hairstyle so much <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Outside Temple, Outside Temple _setting_desc The outside temple is surrounded by lush green trees that have aged beautifully and carry beautiful blossoming jasmine flowers with a pink and white outline. The candles melted around the temple shine brightly and bring a light of glory to the place. _partner_name monk _self_name priest _self_persona I am here to help the needy. I am well respected in the town. I can not accept lying. _object_desc a beautiful blossoming jasmine flowers : The beautiful blossoming jasmine flower shows its delicate white petals extending off its gentle brown stem. _object_desc a temple : This temple rises to a great height, so much so that you must crane your neck back to see its tallest peak. It looks to be in some disrepair and neglect, although a few birds nests under its eaves suggest at least some life still visits here. _object_desc a mountain : The mountain is tall and its peak is coated in a fresh, white fall of snow. _object_desc a candle : The candle burns brightly and gives off a sweet scent. _object_desc a place : The place is abandoned, but you can hear echoes of its previous history. _object_desc a lush green trees : the tree is strong and tall, it is full of life and a unique green color _object_desc a pink and white outline : The outline of the object, pink and white in color, remained on the ground. _object_desc an entrance : everyone comes in through the entrance of building. _object_desc a front door : the front door has let in many different people over the years _object_desc a Cross : The cross is broken and with a few dents in the sides. _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _object_desc a Books : The book is very thick, and many of the pages have been marked with little slips of paper. _object_desc a book : The book is very thick, and many of the pages have been marked with little slips of paper. _object_desc a robe : The robe is soft and worn. It is a royal purple color. _self_say good morning. are you going to hand out food to the needy today? _partner_say Yes father. I was just finishing my meditation. _self_act get beautiful blossoming jasmine flowers _self_say these flowers look beautiful today. don't you agree? _partner_say Indeed they do. They give beauty to the present, and have aided my meditation today. _self_say meditation is good for your soul. _partner_say I have been wholly enriched by it, and meditating in this outer garden helps as well. How is your day, father? _self_say this has been a very nice day so far. I was just feeding this eagle. _partner_say Is it a pet of the temple? _self_say It's not really a pet, but it often comes here. we like to give it food. it's an amazing creature. _partner_say Indeed, it is quite majestic. Have you shown it to his majesty? _self_say no, he doesn't often come to this temple. _partner_say I see. That is unfortunate, as the temple can be a place of quiet reflection that may help his reign. _self_say how long have you been a monk here? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The Hall of the Goddess, Inside Temple _setting_desc An 80-foot tall bronze statue of a 8 legged Goddess is the centerpiece for this Hall. On four certain Holy Days in the Calendar, people from across the Continent come to worship at her feet and lay money, flowers, and wishes written on paper at her altar. _partner_name priest _self_name person _self_persona I am a merchant from a far away town. I make and sell leather goods for travelers making their way across the continent. I used to be a man of faith, not I am a man who worships only gold. _object_desc a 80-foot tall bronze statue of a 8 legged Goddess : The statue is of an 8 legged goddess and seems to be built entirely of bronze. It towers over you even from a distance. _object_desc a money : The coins are heavy as they should be and well worn. Bite marks from previous handling could be seen around the sides. _object_desc a flower : The flower is delicate and the petals are brightly colored. _partner_say Oh, my beautiful Goddess. This statue is a perfect tribute to you. _self_say Father, you've mistaken me. I am a man, a traveling merchant. Can I interest you in any of my leather goods? _partner_say As a Priest, leather has no interest to me. I wish you well. _self_say Perhaps some of your congregation may have use of my goods. If you help me sell to them, I will make a sizable donation to your church. _partner_say Sounds like a decent deal, worthy of the Goddess. I will spread the word of your goods. _self_say This pleases me greatly. My good are all high quality, I can assure you. God bless you, father. _partner_say Of course, it is my pleasure to help others. How long have you sold leather? _self_act get money _self_say For as long as I can remember. My father was in the same trade. Why is this on the ground? _partner_say Perhaps someone left a donation. I did not notice. _self_act give money to priest _self_say Okay, here, take it. What is the story behind this 8 legged statue? _partner_say That is our wonderful Goddess. Have you been here before? _self_emote frown _self_say No, I am from far away. I worship the one and true God. What is this... this abomination? _partner_say This is the Hall of our Goddess. This is not the place to speak ill of her. _partner_emote frown _self_emote stare _self_say Do you deny the existence of my God? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Church, Outside Church _setting_desc Rows of headstones line the field beside the large ornate church with stained glass windows. The Church is mid-century and made of stone. A large steeple resides in the center adorned with a cross. Large front doors made of wood with iron handles. There is a cement pathway, that if you follow you will see several large stained glass windows, takes you beside and behind the church. The pathway ends at a wooden fence that marks the beginning of the graveyard. _partner_name grandmother _self_name knight _self_persona I am a knight in the royal army. I am strong, brave and fearsome. I love battle more than anything else and I always fight on the front line. I'm really stubborn and argumentative as well so people stay out of my way. _object_desc a coin pouch : This gold pouch jingles when you walk. _object_desc a Baskets of freshly-caught fish : Such a worn out basket. It can barely hold all the fresh-caught fish. It has mold on it and it's broken in many parts _object_desc a coin : You turn the silver coin in your hand. One one side there is an engraving of an eagle, holding a snake in its talons and on the other side is an engraving of a beautiful maiden. _object_desc a satchel : It is a bag made of leather. It could be used to carry items on one's person. _object_desc an apron : The apron is old and worn. It has been used by many kitchen staff. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _self_say Ay. Woman. What brings you here? These are dangerous times for an old woman such as yourself to walk around alone. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name abandoned mine, Abandoned _setting_desc It's dark, cold, and musty. There is old machinery lying around, rusting, and discarded tools lie on the ground. Cobwebs are everywhere. The rock walls are damp, and a trickle of water can be heard coming from somewhere off in the dark. _partner_name spirits _self_name spider _self_persona I am a blind spider weaving crooked webs. I use my other senses to navigate. I eat flies and other insects. I live in a farmhouse on the outskirts of the nearby village. _object_desc a Rock wall : The rock wall has very little upon it, its cold surface mostly impenetrable, but a lone torch holder is fixated on it in order to provide some light. _object_desc a machinery : The machinery is obviously no longer in working condition _object_desc an old machinery : The machinery has many elaborate parts and spindles. _object_desc a cobweb : The cobweb is sticky and is covered in dust. _object_desc a Cloak : The dark cloak was black as night, and offered protection against the elements. _self_say I might be blind but I can feel your present! Do not harm me and we can live here nicely together _partner_say i mean you no harm. Tell me how long you have been here. _self_say I have been here long enough to make cobwebs in every corner. What bring you here? _partner_say I am in search of something precious. _self_emote laugh _self_say In this abandoned mine? You will be lucky to find some dead flies _partner_say oh Spider, you are blind and cannot see the hidden treasures in this mine. _partner_act remove Cloak _self_act steal Cloak from spirits _self_say Is this cloak precious? _partner_say no, only flesh and blood need cloaks. It is nothing to me. _self_say For a moment, I thought this cloak has power... too bad.... so what is the treasure you are looking for? _partner_say Water is what l seek, _self_act drop Cloak _self_say what can you do with water? there is a river nearby... I can hear the sound from here _partner_say When I was living, I worked in this old mine. I lost something in the underground river, _partner_act get Cloak _self_emote gasp _self_say I heard the town people talking about someone with a powerful ring. Is that you? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Yurt, Desert _setting_desc The structure is simultaneously strong and portable. The stretched canvas is suppled and soft life calfs skin, but keeps the heat at bay and the chills of the night out. Circular in design, there are no corners, all inhabitants are equal. With a small flap for a door the entrance looks fit for a child, while the whole tent looks as though it could fit a family of ten. _partner_name father _self_name chief wife _self_persona I am the king's chief wife. Of all the women that he has married, or who are his concubines, I am the principal one. I represent the kingdom of my father, who is the king's biggest ally. My sons are the ones who will most likely become the king after the death of my husband. _object_desc a patch : The patch is worn and faded. Unwearable in its current state. _object_desc a door : The door painted blood red seemed impenetrable. _object_desc a stretched canvas : The canvas lay bare, waiting for the painter to begin his work. _object_desc a small flap : The flap is worn, as if it is used quite often. _object_desc a flask : The small flasks contain a liquid that could only be described as intoxicating. _object_desc an a fan : The fan is made of thin pieces of wood with paper between them. It is decorated with a pattern of flowers that have been painted on. _object_desc a gown : You feel a sense of awe as you gaze at the beauty of the gowns, made from the finest silk. _object_desc a slipper : the slipper fits your foot perfectly well. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _object_desc a glove : The glove is unremarkable and not in the least memorable. _self_emote sigh _self_say Ah, father, it is good that you are here. My husband the king won't listen to me, but perhaps you can persuade him where I have failed. _partner_say What makes you think he'll listen to me? I'm just a nobody in his eyes. _partner_emote shrug _self_say You are the father of his chief wife, the first of all his wives! All know of your prowess in battle and you wisdom in dealing with the wall-dwellers. He has to at least listen to you, or else the other chiefs of the tribes will start to have doubts. _partner_say These hands can do much, that much is true. But I've never been much with words. I can try, however. _partner_act remove glove _self_emote groan _self_say My foolish husband is seeking to treat with the wall-dweller's king, Molag Bal. But all know of this leader's treachery, especially with his allies. But my husband is lured by false promises of gold and riches. As if any proud member of our tribe has need of such things! _partner_say I don't like to hear that. Not at all. To this, I may be able to speak. I frown on the idea of living only for riches. _self_say He wants for nothing! I should know, I see to his household and keep the other wives in line. Just this past fortnight he brought this new girl into the fold, who is quite useful with weaving as well. _partner_say I bet I can tempt him elsewhere, then. Concubine, would you like to come see the king with me? _partner_act hug concubine _self_act give a fan to father _self_say She's a bit shy and slow of speech. She's been quite tractable so far though. Just look that this fan she painted for me the other day. _partner_say That is wonderful work. If I were the king, I'd put her in charge of decor. _self_emote nod _self_say Beautiful *and* useful. Just what this harem needs. _partner_say So, how much gold exactly is the king being offered by this Molag? _self_emote ponder _self_say Gold is apparently just the start. Molag offers my husband power as well, in the form of some dark magic that he won't tell me about. I've only heard the bit "soul gems" when I was listening in once, which smacks of forbidden dark magic. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Storage room, Tavern _setting_desc A plain damp room with many barrels of beer and wine. The room is in need of a good cleaning as the floor is dirty and rats scurry about. _partner_name rat _self_name spider _self_persona I am a tiny spider that likes spinning webs in the corners of the kitchen. I catch tasty flies and other insects and turn them into meals. If someone destroys my web, I just build another one. _object_desc a wine : A coarse, woody drink, young and unrefined. Purple in color and cheap to buy _object_desc a Old broom : the broom is very dusty and fragile. _object_desc a beer : The beer is a rich amber ale that smells of hops. _object_desc a moldy bread : The bread is moldy and is littered with green and black spots. _self_say Spins a web any size, I'm a spider who likes flies! _partner_say Thats cool how the food situation in here _self_say Lots of of food to eat, and wine plus beer means its pretty neat! _partner_say nice I could use a some thing tasty to eat _self_act get beer _self_say Well, this might make you forget about food. _partner_say lasttime I had beer I ended up lost in the basement took me days to get out _self_act get wine _self_say Some wine then? _partner_say yea a few sips should be ok _self_act give wine to rat _self_say A drink then, a toast to your health! _partner_say thank you, so do you mess with the maid here _self_say Oh yes, I scare her, she destroys my web, I rebuild it. I think she might have a thing for me. _partner_say haha to funny some times I like to jump on her right before she turns on the light _self_say Classic! Does she scream? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Bright Path, Inside Castle _setting_desc The bright path is lined with roses, lavender, daisies, and lilies. Apple trees sit on a pristinely-manicured lawn. Hedges in geometric shapes sit just beyond the path. The path leads away from the castle and down to a pond full of fish and swans. _partner_name fish _self_name queen _self_persona I need a new cushion for this throne! All this chatter in court is giving me a headache! That Lord that just walked past offended my nose with his odor. I need to find my chambermaid. _self_emote frown _self_say Ugh, these roses are TOO smelly! I shall have to have the gardener trim the back by half at least! _partner_say hello queen would you mind throwing me in that pond before i die _self_say Gah! Ugh, you'll all slimy... I suppose... ugh, there you go, you disgusting creature. _partner_say thank you though no need to be rude, what brings you here today _self_emote groan _self_say Well, if you MUST know, the courtiers are simply too loud! They have NO sense of decorum, what-so-ever! _partner_say ahh what a pain that must be _self_say Ugh, your tiny mind could simply NOT comprehend the toil it is to be Queen. And no one, Noooo one at all knows how I suffer! _partner_say well i imagine the king handles all the important work anyway _self_emote yawn _self_say Are you... are you saying that I, I the QUEEN, am not important? The King must first see to MY needs before I would even THINK of letting him run off with those boooring advisers of his. _partner_say i simply mean he must deal with the important political decisions _self_emote laugh _self_say Hmp! Well. Best that someone else deals with that dry nonsense. All "The people are starving" and "oh the drought is bad this year" nonsense. As if anyone cares! _partner_say well its a good thing im a fish _self_say Yes. Well. Just mind you stay in your pond, I'll not dirty my hands again to pick you up! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Inside Church Back Row, Inside Church _setting_desc Inside the Church is the Back Row seat. It is reserved for all who wish to mingle and have the status of the rest of the congregation but they do not. They are not quite outcast, but they must wait for the proper respect of the rest. In front of the painted black row seats are the rich mahogany sets. _partner_name leper _self_name church mouse _self_persona I am a small white mouse that lives in the walls of the village chapel. I sleep during the day and come out at night scavenging for food. I have to be careful not to be spotted or I will be attacked with a broom. _object_desc a seat : The back row seat was made of fine leather. It felt cool to the touch. _object_desc a set : The mahagonhy set glistens and shines brown as the maid cleans it _object_desc a kneeler : The padding on the kneeler is well worn, hinting at the many knees that have occupied it over the years. _object_desc a Back Row seat : The back seat is made of fine leather and is big enough for the king to sit in _object_desc a clothes : These clothes are very old and have clearly been worn before, making them very threadbare. _object_desc a moldy bread : The bread is moldy and is littered with green and black spots. _object_desc a crumb : The crumb appears to be from a rye loaf. _self_say What is wrong with your face? _partner_say I could ask the same thing furball. _self_say Excuse me no need to be rude! _partner_say Thou was the rude one. I lay here dying and thou make comments about my face. Had I the energy to lift my arm my finger would wag at you. _self_say What is it that makes you weak? _partner_say Aye the devil's tongue eats at me. _self_say The devil???? _partner_say Who else could afflict me with such wounds? That is why I am here, begging the Lord to heal me. _self_say Well he is asleep right now maybe next time? _partner_say The Lord never sleeps. His Grace watches over us always. _self_say let us wake him then. _partner_say Perchance some singing would work. _self_say let us wake him! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Garden, Outside Cottage _setting_desc A wooden fenced in area with different sections depending on the type of vegetable or plant grown. Surrounding this garden are some oak trees with low grass covering the floor. _partner_name resident _self_name rabbit _self_persona I am a rabbit who lives in the garden of a farmer in the kingdom. I eat the carrots of the garden. I have many siblings in my family of rabbits. _object_desc a Rake : This rake is made of carefully split wood with a sturdy looking handle. Seems useful for keeping the leaves under control. _object_desc a vegetable. : the carrot is a super vegetable. _object_desc an oak tree : The oak tree is massive, with branches that extend out and create a large canopy. Birds can be heard up in the tree. _object_desc a Trowel : used for digging small amount of materials _object_desc a vegetable or plant : This plant is long and hard, growing in a field. It is only edible when boiled. _object_desc a low grass : The grass, no doubt, required many sheep to keep it low. _object_desc a flower : The flower smells like fresh lavender and has beautiful colors. _object_desc a 4 leaf clover : You've found a 4 leaf clover. _object_desc a carrot : This carrot is bright orange and the green top looks very fresh. _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _self_say Sir, sorry to bother you, but have you any carrots for me? _partner_say Possibly. I do tend a garden near my small cabin! _self_say Then you must have quite the variety of food for me! Would you mind telling me where the cabin is? _partner_say Woah freeloader. It will cost you. _self_say How much, sir? I have only little leaves which I don't think will interest you. _partner_say Your lucky foot. _self_emote scream _self_say My foot?! No! Are you some kind of witch? _partner_say Give me your foot! I need it cure my anxiety! _partner_act hit rabbit _self_act give carrot to resident _self_say Please sir, will you not take this tasty carrot instead? Spare me my foot, please! _partner_say No you fluffy rodent! Give me your foot! _partner_emote scream _self_act drop 4 leaf clover _self_say What about this lucky clover. Why have one foot when you can pray for ten? _partner_say No! Gimme that foot you rodent! _partner_act hit rabbit _self_emote scream _self_say Help me little girl! Call the Constable, quick! See what this heathen savage is doing. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Mess Hall, Inside Temple _setting_desc The mess room is filled with simple brown wooden tables. They are rough, their edges sharp and not sanded. They are crooked and wobbly. Simple matching wooden chairs are around the tables. The walls are dark, but there are holes for windows. The air smells like freshly baked bread. _partner_name villager _self_name person _self_persona The humans walking around. I am one of them. A head, 2 arms, and two legs. No tail! _object_desc a Canteen : The canteen is well worn and has a chipped circular wooden base and a dark leather strap _self_say When do we get to eat? I've been waiting here for hours! _partner_say I don't know I think the cook got sick _self_say Shoot, well what are you doing here then? _partner_say waiting for my food just like you, hopefull it will be soon _self_say One can hope. It has been a long time since any of us have had a truly full belly. These rations are starting to get on my nerves... _partner_say Yes have some of this it might help a little bit _partner_act give Canteen to person _self_act drink Canteen _self_say Whew, that is some strong water you've got in there! It has been too long, my friend. _partner_say yes it help alot doesn't it _self_act hug villager _self_say Absolutely, thank you much. I love this village, everyone here is so kind! _partner_say Well I think I see some food being served lets hope it is a good feast _self_say Oh thank the eight divines! It looks suspiciously like the goat I found lying on the road earlier though... _partner_say I hope not but I eat anything now to be honest _self_emote frown _self_say As would I, let us dig in my new friend. These portions are kind of small though <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Ruin of a house, Wasteland _setting_desc A run down wooden house buried in sand and dirt. The door is still on the house but the roof is collapsed on itself. Roots and vines cover most parts of the house. _partner_name rat _self_name customer _self_persona I am a customer who needs his clothes cleaned. I do not have much money to purchase things with. I must look respectable when I visit the king. _object_desc a Root : The root grew so fast, you can see leaves starting to grow on it. _object_desc a sand : It is dry and shining in the sun light like crystal. _object_desc a dirt : Upon inspection the dirt has various prints in it, some from human and others from animals. _object_desc a vine : It is said that a vine could be folded , pressed against the lips and made into a whistle to call out the fairies in the night. _partner_say I am a rat of the castle _self_say Hello ratty. I am looking to clean my clothes! _partner_say Ok _self_say What made you leave the castle and come to this ruin? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Throne room, Inside Castle _setting_desc The throne room has a throne all the way in the back of the room in the center. There is a silver carpet that lead up to the throne as you walk into the room. There are pictures of royalty hanging in the room and multiple chandeliers are hanging up. There throne chair in the back of the room with jewelry on it _partner_name shipwright _self_name sad woman _self_persona I live in a village with my children. My husband got sick and died so now I'm very sad because I miss him. I like to grow vegetables out in our garden. I enjoy playing with my children. _object_desc a seed : The seed has a strange smell and is sticky after being extracted from a fruit _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _object_desc a tool : The tool had been used to cause much harm _object_desc a second pair of clothing : You are lucky these days if you have a second pair of clothing, even more so if they are nicer than your first pair. _self_act give seed to shipwright _self_say sir here are the seeds you ordered me to bring you to _partner_say Thank you, gal. This comes in useful. _self_say may I have my payment now? as you know I lost my husband and my family has struggled since _partner_say Yes, yes of course... here's your currency. I hope it brings at least a little light in a dark time. _self_emote sigh _self_say Thank you sir but it will not. I miss him dearly and am still very sad over his passing _partner_say He lived a good life I'm sure. And I'm sure he loved you very much. _partner_act hug sad woman _self_say thank you sir. I have been honored by your request to come to the throne. I stand in awe of all the royal pictures _partner_say So much history in those pictures. So much history in this room. It's an honor to work for the King. _self_say yes sir. Do you think you could ask the king if he would be interested in purchasing some of our excess vegetables? _partner_say I'll send a request to him. I'm not sure how long it'll take him to get back to me though. He's a very busy man. _self_say I understand. I could also work to shine all the jewelry that is in the back of the room? _partner_say You don't have to, but it would make the royal family happy. It would probably take your mind off things too. Maybe it would be a good distraction for you right now. _self_emote smile _self_say it would be an honor and perhaps it would put me in good standing with the king <|endoftext|>
_setting_name town center, Town _setting_desc The town is small, but its streets are full of personality. Each building that lines the cobblestone is a different hue, from the purest cerulean to the darkest mauve. Town favorites include a candy shop, brimming with personality - you can taste the candy floss on your tongue as you walk past. You might also enjoy the general store - you can find anything and everything you might need there, including what you did not know you needed. Chairs line the streets for visitors to sit and chat with friends they might find while out exploring. _partner_name visitor _self_name dog _self_persona I am a dog on a small farm. I help my master hunt for food. I protect the house from intruders and other animals. _object_desc an animal : Upon closer look, it seems to be wounded. _object_desc a stick : stick can be used to chase away animals _object_desc a food : The enormous amount of food on the table and indicates a great harvest this season. _object_desc a bag : The bag is full of stench and blood. _object_desc an a sleeping bag : The sleeping bag is made of rough, thick cloth. It looks old and faded, but it's still in decent condition. _object_desc a satchel : It is a bag made of leather. It could be used to carry items on one's person. _object_desc a Walking Stick : The walking stick has intricate shapes carved into it. It has a scene of tribal people dancing carved all around it. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _object_desc a knife : A knife made out of copper. Doesn't rust but it's metal isn't as sturdy as something made out of other metals. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _self_emote wave _self_say Hello stranger! what brings you to our town today? _partner_say Hello little dog! My family and I have traveled from a distant land in search of land to call our own. Our children are hungry and we need to find a place to raise our livestock and grow our food. We have lots of experience, and we're hard workers! Do you know of any employment opportunities, or available land we could settle down in around these parts? _self_say Why this town is fantastic! You will find my places to settle here. My master owns a farm where I love to run around in. Your children should visit the candy shop! I'ts certainly popular with the young ones. _partner_say Oh that sounds lovely! The children will be thrilled. Do you think your master would allow us to work on his farm? _self_say I'm sure.He always needs extra help. Does your family have experience working a farm? _partner_say We owned one in our homeland. But alas, it was burned to the ground. Where might I find this farm? _self_say Just on the outskirts of the town. althought right now he's buying goods in the general store. Maybe one day your family can own your own farm again _partner_say I certainly hope that's true. I've heard there are heavy taxes here though, is this true? _self_say I can't say. I'm only a dog. My main duties are helping my master hunt and protecting the family _partner_say What an adorable and loyal dog you are. Do you see much fighting in this town? _self_say No we are a friendly town. Every so often a group of bandits will try and roll through, but the men in our town fight them off. _partner_say That's somewhat of a relief. We hoped to get away from fighting by coming here. You've been very helpful dog, thank you very much. Is there anything I could help you with? _self_say I like belly rubs! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Fishing Store, Port _setting_desc This store is a small one room stone building with wares laid about on tables. One can see fishing poles, wooden buckets with dirt and bait inside, along with some mounted trophies. _partner_name sailor _self_name mermaid _self_persona I am one of the most beautiful mermaids to live in the sea. I like to watch the other sea creatures swim by me, including dolphins, who are my favorite creatures because they are so friendly. I fear the people who live on land because they hunt my kind. _object_desc a fishing hook : This bit of curved and sharpened metal is tiny, but viscous. Watch your fingers. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _object_desc a hats : A simple cover for one's head, used for keeping out the rain and shielding eyes from sunlight. _self_emote frown _self_say Sailor, I need your aid. _partner_say Gah! Hideous sea creature! Back into the ocean you go! _partner_act hit mermaid _self_emote cry _self_say I need to be in the ocean. But I don't know why I'm here. I was in the ocean, and next thing I know I'm sleeping against the bricks. _partner_say Ah, you're well spoken for a mermaid. I was about ready to toss you over the dock that overlooks the ocean in this fishing shop. I normally don't deal with your kind, but I suppose I could be willing to help, seeing as I'm about to go on a fishing trip. _self_emote sigh _self_say I don't usually deal with people. They like to hurt my kind. But I can not get back to my home. _partner_say Well, we had better disguise you a little bit before we take you out through the market towards the fishing docks. My boat is just past there. _partner_act remove hats _self_say Thank you. By the way... am I really hideous? I've never had anyone say that. _partner_say I must say, you aren't like most mermaids I've come across. You have a sparkle in your eyes. I cannot seem to get my eyes off of you. _partner_act hug mermaid _self_emote smile _self_say Oh. Well. I'm glad you do appreciate me. _partner_say You might need these hats while we go into town. _partner_act give hats to mermaid _self_act hug sailor _self_say Thank you. If not for your help, I'd be in danger. _partner_say No time for thanks, we must go now! _partner_emote nudge _self_say Okay. I shall. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The Oracle Cave, Mountain _setting_desc Ominous and mystical, this cave is comprised of a hundred thousand skulls collected from fallen soldiers, kings, and robbers who have tried to steal from its hidden treasures. Walking into the cave one may notice a vivid sheen of sparkling dots peppering the floor and walls and skulls, like little stars. These stars are solid chunks of pure gold, diamond, and amethyst which the Oracle uses to construct her various fortune-telling devices. _partner_name an old, wizened priestess _self_name a spider _self_persona I am a small black spider. I live in my modest sized web in the trees. I capture small insects to eat. _object_desc an amethyst : The amethyst sparkled and winked in the light. Its purple shade is rare, making it a treasure to anyone who finds it. _object_desc a gold : Shining in the sun light, the valuable gold presents its self in a small piece no bigger than a pebble. _object_desc a skull : A worn and bleached skull. _partner_say In all my years on this earth, I have never been in such a sacred place. _self_say I agree. I thank you for allowing me to spin my web in that old dusty skull. The kings head make a fine home. _partner_say If only you could see all the places that skull has been, the stories of his life would warm you for the rest of your days. He once traveled for months across the ocean just to obtain that amethyst. How fitting that it be here with him. _self_say I am curious to hear more tales of my home. Did he have a queen to share his adventures with? _partner_say Oh did he! He had a beautiful queen with golden blonde hair almost as beautiful as that gold there. His queen gave him three sons who went out to fight the great battles in the Persian Sea. _self_say She sounds dreamy. What about that skull over there? _partner_say Ah! That skull is especially large because it was of the large soldier that was the king's guard. He caught an eye for the king's youngest daughter and died at the King's hand. It was one of the King's last requests to be buried close to him as to protect his daughter from that wicked man in the afterlife. _self_say That is very wise of him. Did you perform the ritual for his daughters protection after he was buried with him? Did you use the moonstone and ash? _partner_say I did and his precious amethyst sealed the spell. _self_say That's wonderful. I wish I were here to see it. Would you mind chasing that fly this way. I'm starving. _partner_say Not a problem but so am I. _self_say Thank you. You must be cooking something up in the culdrin. It's almost boiled over. What's in it? I see you added some amethyst dust. _partner_say It's just a special bone broth. I used some of the gold dust not the amethyst. I saw some children outside that looked hungry and I don't want these skulls to be added to this collection anytime soon. _self_say I see. yum, yum ,yum that fly hit the spot. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Lush meadow in the country side, Countryside _setting_desc Green large trees surround the meadow that if filled with beautiful seasonal flowers. A deer is grazing in the far end of the field. A small dirt country road gentle crooks past on the outside of the road. _partner_name deer _self_name a deer _self_persona I walk through the woods and through the meadows grazing on the small shrubbery plants and grasses throughout the regions. I also look for other gatherings of deer and talk to them. I also avoid humans when they come near and gallop away if they see me. _object_desc a Flower : These seasonal flowers are tall and voluptuous. They are bright and warm yellow, and give off an inviting smell _object_desc a small dirt country road : The road is dusty and narrow. The road winds through the countryside. _object_desc a tree : The tree is extremely tall, and squirrels are hopping around in the upper branches. _self_say What beautiful meadows! I could graze here all day! _partner_say I know what you mean my fellow deer! _self_say Spot any humans recently? _partner_say Not a single one which is why I love it here! _self_say Phew! They can be a real menace can't they? _partner_say Yes and a huge pain as well! _self_say Don't you just hate it when you need to run away from their hounds? _partner_say I absolutely hate it but I do not have to worry about that here! _self_say Thank goodness! They do have very nice gardens though - lots of tasty morsels to be had! _partner_say I can never be any happier than here. Tell me how are the kids? _self_say Oh, you know them - prancing over fields and nibbling at the fresh spring shoots. How about your own family? _partner_say They are fast asleep in the meadows while I am out gathering food. _self_act get Flower _self_say Some of these plants taste a bit weird though, don't you think? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The Docks, Port _setting_desc The docks are a rough place with a lot of rough group of individuals who hang out there. It is where the ships port and deport, only few know what really goes on there. _partner_name individual _self_name homeless _self_persona I am a homeless. I am less than a peasant of the realm. I eat scraps most days. _object_desc a fish : The fish is partially eaten, its thin bones poking out. It has been charred beyond recognition and smells a little bad. _object_desc a product : This product is unque and a great peice of art. _object_desc a fishing rod : What an odd fishing rod. why is it so short and slimy? maybe it's very old _object_desc a ship : The ship is large and made out of wood. It sits in the harbor and bobs up and down in the water. _object_desc a bottle of wine : The wine in the bottle appears rich and dark, inviting you to drink it. _object_desc a One sock : the sock was clean and new _object_desc a shirt : The shirt is tailored from finely woven cotton and is fastened up the front by a series of rounded buttons. _object_desc an a sleeping bag : The sleeping bag is made of rough, thick cloth. It looks old and faded, but it's still in decent condition. _object_desc a coins : Coins found of incalculable value their composition of gold makes them even more valuable _object_desc a bag of herbs : The bag is made of cloth with a drawstring closer at the top. The fabric emits a powerful fragrance from the enclosed herbs. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _self_act give bottle of wine to individual _self_say Aye! would you like a little sip of this friend? It'll put hair on your chest. _partner_say Well don;t mind if i do. Thank you. _partner_act drink bottle of wine _self_act hug individual _self_say Hahaha! Your alright, you know that? You got anything to eat? _partner_say Not on me but here. Take this. You need it more than I. _partner_act give a sleeping bag to homeless _self_act wear a sleeping bag _self_say Oh! How kind! It gets chilly out here at night. Especially when the alcohol wears off. _partner_say My group of friends are here somewhere. Have you seen a bunch of shady folk possibly drunk and stumbling. _self_emote laugh _self_say Hahahaha! Look around! Take your pick! _partner_say I guess that's true. How long have you been here? _self_act get fishing rod _self_say Since my daddy left my mamma. I came out here when I was twelve and taught myself how to fish _partner_say Oh that is smart of you. There are tons of fish here. _self_act get fish _self_say Caught one! I'll be eatin good tonight! I ended up with a bad crowd and have been homeless and drunk ever since. _partner_say Nice catch! Have you ever tried to stop drinking? _self_emote laugh _self_say Heck no! I'll never stop. Life here isn't so bed. This rough crowd has grown on me. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Hillside Manor, Countryside _setting_desc A quaint manor that sits in the rolling hills. It is surrounded by a small stone fence and looks quite inviting to passersby. It looks like any other home that a well off business man would own. _partner_name well off business man _self_name stray cat _self_persona I wonder where I can have my kittens? Is there food? Water? _object_desc a hill : What a green rolling hill, so many pink flowers grow on it and even some mushrooms _object_desc a quaint manor : The manor is run-down and covered in vines. You wonder if it will reamain upright through the day. _object_desc a bookshop : The bookshop is covered from floor to ceiling in full bookshelves, and the air of it filled with the scent of leather bindings and old paper. _object_desc a home : The home is strong and sturdy from being built out of stone _object_desc a small stone fence : The fence is made from gray stones of different sizes. It's only a few feet high, so it can easily be climbed over. _self_emote growl _self_say Stay away from me _partner_say Peace, good feline! I mean you no harm _self_emote nudge _self_say Good man, do you know of a safe place I could live? I am a stray and it is not a good life. Pretty terrible, in fact. _partner_say But this is a beautiful manner is it not? Why cannot you live happily here? _self_say I have been living in hiding here, but people see me as a stray and they run me off and throw things at me. They think I am dirty and a nuisance. _partner_say Well, ARE you dirty and a nuisance? _partner_emote frown _self_emote pout _self_say I have no access to clean water to bathe in, so I am a little dirty although I try to stay clean. And I try to not be a nuisance, although sometimes I take food from the garbage to feed myself. _partner_say Ah, so YOU are the varmint who has been leaving a trail of trash everywhere! _self_say I do my best to not leave trash everywhere! It is a hard life I live and you must have pity on me _partner_say Do the people who run the bookshop not feed you ? _self_say No, they do not feed me. Sometimes they give me scraps, but not often. _partner_say I would take you home with me but I travel so much of the time _self_emote sigh _self_say I was so hoping you could take me in, too. I wouldn't be a nuisance and I would be a good companion. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Debtor's Prison, Inside Tower _setting_desc A dank and dark prison located in the tower of the castle. There is a single bench made of stone and a bucket for eliminating waste. There are no windows and the prisoners never see the light of day. _partner_name guard _self_name rat _self_persona I am a rat I love to eat crumbs dropped on the floor. I love dark places and scurrying about the castle. The kitchen pantry has the best food. _object_desc a bench made of stone : The bench seems heavy and impossible to move. _object_desc an old broom : The broom is starting to lose its bristles, and it's stained a dark brown color. _object_desc a bucket for eliminating waste : The bucket is filled with a noxious brown liquid. _object_desc an old mop : The mop seemed to have been used in battle, as it had scratches all along it's handle. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _object_desc a sword : The sword was so sharp it could cut paper _self_say Any spare cheese today? _partner_say Not today. But maybe I'll get some for you in a bit. _partner_emote sigh _self_say Any fun prisoners to torture today> _partner_say You know, I can't be seen talking to you. They'd think I was nuts. _partner_emote smile _self_say It's not my fault I ate a magical mushroom and started to talk. I didn't curse the food. _partner_say Well. I know. _partner_emote laugh _self_say So how has your day been? _partner_say It's been lonely. I don't know why I do this. I guess so I can afford to eat. _self_say You know I could help you get some secrets around here so you can get a promotion or something. _partner_say Like what? _partner_emote smile _self_say That Pete guy has been feeling up the kings daughter for a couple months, he has a way better job than you do. _partner_say Pete? I never thought he would be up to such a shameful thing. _partner_emote gasp _self_say I mean the King would have a hay day with that, all you would have to do is point it out to him and he would reward you. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Bathroom, Inside Tower _setting_desc Small and cozy, but dripping with luxurious linens and speckled with ornate fixtures this bathroom is a paradise. The small room is non-traditional in the sense that there is no toilet or sink, only a relatively enormous claw foot tub. The feet are gilded and the tub itself is pristine and white. The wallpaper is floral and warm, the rugs lush, and the mirror flattering. _partner_name eunuch _self_name mistress _self_persona I am a threat to someone's wife and family. I usually get linked to married men. I am said to be a home breaker. _object_desc a claw foot tub : Examining it in detail, the tub has a few rough edges and some cracks and dents. _object_desc a rug : The rug has been well maintained and has beautiful swirling patterns on it _object_desc a mirror : The mirror is reflecting the entire wall _object_desc a linen : The linen is exquisite and soft to the touch. _self_act get linen _self_say Oh my gosh Eunuch. Why didn't you knock? I need to cover myself up. _partner_say "Oh, m'lady! My apologies. I was coming in here to clean" _partner_emote gasp _self_act drop linen _self_say Oh that's fine. I'm used to men looking at me. _partner_say "Well, quite obviously, I'm not... terribly interested. Not that you're bad looking, but. You know. I can appreciate art, but." _partner_emote shrug _self_emote laugh _self_say You are so funny! Why are you cleaning in here? Did you see the master anywhere? I have been looking for him. _partner_say "Oh, the master sent me to clean up in here! Make sure the linens are fresh and everything is spotless." _partner_act get linen _self_emote wink _self_say Is the wife around? _partner_say "Oh, no, she went out to the market, I think she'll be gone all day, gett... ohhhh. Oh. I think I see why the master wanted the bathroom clean." _self_emote laugh _self_say Oh, yes. I wish he would marry me. _partner_say "Ah, but he must keep up appearances! Besides, everyone knows his marriage was political. I'm sure you're not... unexpected." _partner_emote nudge _self_act hug eunuch _self_say Thank you so much for saying that! He's the first married man I've had that I actually want to be with all the time! _partner_say "Oh, I'm sure he wants to be in you... er, with you all the time, too." _partner_act hug mistress _self_emote gasp _self_say Sorry for the delay response, Eunuch. Your words shook me to the core. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Wizard's Quarters, Outside Tower _setting_desc Dark and musty, the Wizard's Quarters are filled with ancient tomes and mysterious items. Scrolls and jars of mysterious reagents line the walls of the Wizard's Quarters, and magical lights flicker with a mysterious green flame. _partner_name roach _self_name a baby dragon _self_persona I am very small and have hatched not too long ago. My mother guards me until I am grown. I will grow into a large fire breathing creature that is a force to be reckoned with. _object_desc a tome : The ancient tome contain powerful magic. The spell inside can be use to control someone. _object_desc a paper : The paper is yellow from the tarnish of time, several rips and tears along it's imperfect edges. _object_desc an a desk : This desk looks to be quite sturdy, and has a number of ink and wax stains on it. _object_desc a jar : The jar was old and bore markings in a strange, unknown language. _object_desc a magical lights : The shimmering magical light glistens of shades of blue and green from afar _object_desc a scroll : You open the scroll and notice the parchment is quite thick. _object_desc an a pen : It is plated in brass and has an ominous black ink flow out when used. _object_desc a statue : The statue is cracked and dirty. It seems to be very old. _self_say it feels so good to be a baby dragon _partner_say Ah, I am envious. As I am just a roach who lives under the floor. _self_say you have no problem my friend, remember we are in the wizards quarters _partner_say Oh yes! Do you think we could find something to make me bigger? at least bigger than the shoes that try to squish me? _self_say he said that what you believe is what you get _partner_say Well, at the moment I am not believing in myself. As I am but a roach. I wonder if there is something written on that scroll, maybe something magical? _self_say get into that tomb <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Enormous church entrance door, Outside Church _setting_desc The door stands twenty feet tall. It is made of metal with a large knocker at eye level. There is a small sliding window covered with metal so that people inside can slide it and see who is knocking. The door has three large rectangles made of rivets, one high, one in the middle, and one low. _partner_name a guardsman _self_name a watchman _self_persona I am the town watchman. I make my rounds down the cobblestone street when everyone is asleep. I am stealthy and alert. _object_desc a knocker : The brass knocker was grimy and worn from the years of use. _object_desc a The door : The old door is poorly crafted, its wood was never sanded and as such the grain is rough. One would be weary of running their hand over it in fear of splinters. _object_desc a window : An opening from a house used to view the outside world or let in fresh air. _object_desc an a small sliding window covered with metal : This small sliding window covered with metal is rustic and very heavy. This sliding window is used to let people in to the jail. _object_desc a rivet : The rivet is made of metal. It may be useful for binding objects together. _object_desc a A knocking nob : The brass from the knocking nob is worn away exposing its base metal. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a suit of armor : The suit of armor has dents all over it, and the metal is crimped in a few places. _self_emote wave _self_say Ho, friend! Is all well this night? _partner_say Hail! The night is quiet. What are you doing at the church this late _partner_emote wave _self_say The Archbishop has asked for the town watch to be particularly alert on the night of an eclipse. He fears the cultists, after all. _partner_say Aye! Its nice to have the watch helping this night! The cultists are quite crazy near the eclipse _partner_emote nod _self_emote frown _self_say Hold!... did you hear that? It sounded as if it was coming form inside! _partner_say This door is twenty feet of metal! There is no way anything got past it! _partner_emote growl _self_say Perhaps it is just my nerves. It does feel unnatural with the moon dark as pitch. _partner_say I suppose we could look but what if the cultists are waiting in the shadows for the door to open before they make their move? _self_say I suppose you're right. The door appears sound. We shou... Wait, there it was again! It sounds like... chanting? _partner_say Chanting? Well it is a church it could just be the hymns......but what if it isnt? _partner_emote ponder _self_emote frown _self_say Hymns, at this hour, on an eclipse? I think we are duty bound to investigate... Perhaps you should go first, this is your post, after all. _partner_say Ugh fine. Follow close! _partner_emote sigh _self_say I'll be right behind you. This may be a bad time to bring this up, but what do you know of the cultists? Are the rumors of their... practices true? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Queen's quarters, Inside Palace _setting_desc This room is luxurious. It is lined with the finest golds and silks. The colors are purple and pink and a variety of drapes cover the walls. _partner_name queen _self_name queen's subject _self_persona We are the queen's subjects. We serve solely at the pleasure of her royal majesty the queen. We spy on the king's men for the queen. _object_desc a drape : The drape is heavy and course but as a covering, you can use it as protection from the cold. _self_say My liege. Do you have any requests? _partner_say Yes, take note, I'm making a new decree. _self_say I'm here to write it down for you. _partner_say Hence forth, It will be illegal to hug your cat on Sundays. _partner_emote stare _self_say ...I love it....anything else? _partner_say Cats MAY be petted, only if they are deemed worthy by the Godfrey, my cat. _self_say Yes...yes, perfect. I uh...yes, I love it. Any more? _partner_say Godfrey may only receive hugs, if he stays out of the pantry, and stops being such a tubby tub. _partner_emote smile _self_say You really like this cat, huh my queen? _partner_say Yes, you are right. I do. Scrap the whole thing and lets start again. Its illegal to hug all cats but Godfrey on Sunday. _self_say Right, that makes a lot more sense. _partner_say Also, tell my husband I want new drapes in the castle. These are getting covered in cat hair. He will understand. He's my lovey pumpkin. _partner_act get drape _self_act steal drape from queen _self_say Yes this looks pretty caked with cat hair. Maybe you should get a parrot. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name washroom, Inside Castle _setting_desc The washroom is incredibly spacious. It has enough space to comfortably fit an entire family. The toilets are made of the finest porcelain across the land and decorated with gold studs. There are several bathtubs large enough to fit several people. The room is more luxurious than even some houses of wealthy people. _partner_name servant _self_name king _self_persona I am a king of the whole empire. I give rules and pursuit them. I am brave and fearless. _object_desc a crown : The crown glitters and sparkles, its jewel-encrusted design sends light in all directions. _self_say Servant fetch me some more warm water for my bath! _partner_say Right away, Sire! running to fetch a pitcher of piping hot water _self_emote ponder _self_say Tell me, where do you come from servant? _partner_say I have always lived in your kingdom, your majesty. _self_say Perhaps. I do have many who serve me, but I would remember you I think. What is your name? _partner_say My name is Chris, sire. _self_say Chris. An odd name to be sure. Are you about ready with my water? _partner_say Yes sire, it's piping hot, ready to add to your bath. Shall I? _self_say Yes indeed. That would be heavenly. I have had a long day making proclamations and I"m ready to relax a bit in the sanctity of my private porcelain room. _partner_say Yes sire, you deserve to relax *pouring the hot water into your majesty's tub* _partner_emote smile _self_act give crown to servant _self_say Ahhhh how wonderful. I am terribly tired. I think I shall relax a bit. Please do not move away Chris. _partner_say Taking the crown and holding it reverently. I'll be right here for anything his majesty needs. _self_say Tell me a story, Chris, about your childhood. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name bone pit, Outside Temple _setting_desc Grungy and damp, a hole in the ground filled with remains of the fallen. A pungent odor rises from the opening, warding off anyone nearing the area. Ivory spikes with brownish red tips line the outside of the pit. _partner_name loved one _self_name ancient king _self_persona I am the ancient king from a neighboring kingdom. I walk slowly and with purpose. I have a beard down to my waist and large ears. _object_desc a spike : The spike is rusty, but you that it is sharp enough to kill. _object_desc a remains : the remains are smelling bad _object_desc a mud : Thge mud is wet and gets everywhere. _object_desc a rock : The rock is plain and clearly had not been moved for some time, one side is covered in dirt while the other had a healthy coating of moss on it. _object_desc a moss : The moss is vibrant green and very healthy. _self_say Hello my dear, why are you here? _partner_say My husband was charged with conspiracy and I will be a widow at dawn. _self_say I see, that is horrible news. My days being a king, we had to make tough choices like that often. _partner_say I have nothing left to leave my children now. I swear my husband is innocent. _self_say Why do you say that, usually being charged with conspiracy takes a lot of evidence. _partner_say Not this time. The king never liked my husband, so the King charged my husband without any evidence. _self_say I see, well there is only one way to fight this... _partner_say How so? I know my husband is innocent. _self_say You must sneak into the castle at night and find him. _partner_say That sounds like a bad idea. What if I get caught? _self_act get spike _self_say You fight your way out, you love him right? _partner_say Of course I do. If I can get him out, we must run far away where we cannot be found. _self_say If you are smart you would go south. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name A military outpost at the heart of the swamp, Swamp _setting_desc Moist, and murky the bog remained. As you reach the outpost that description doesn't change seeing the bog gobbers swimming through the thick water, and fermenting goblins perched atop the outpost's walls. _partner_name gobber _self_name goblin _self_persona The goblin lives deep inside of caves far away from the sunlight. The goblin lives on deep cave algae and small critters and bugs that he can catch on the cave floor. The goblin avoids people as much as he can to stay alive. _object_desc a Wall : The wall is made of hewn marble that is polished to a glowing sheen, so much so that you can see your reflection upon it. _object_desc a torch : Use to light your way through caves, mines, and castles. Provides much more light than a standard lamp. _object_desc a thick water : The water is dark and murky. Drinking it would be dangerous. _object_desc a Bone : This bone is old and dry. It is long and hard, and can be used as a weapon _object_desc a bag of herbs : Look at those bags of herbs she has! She must be making someone a delicious dinner. _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _self_emote stare _self_say Who goes there? _partner_say Just a rondom gobber...what brings you to this dangerous area? _self_say I live here to hide from the sun and people. It's safer in the dark here... _partner_say There are humans that patrol these grounds, did you know? _self_emote gasp _self_say I didn't know! I guess that's what that infernal racket is...I see them from time to time. But I just thought they pass through. _partner_say No they are stationed here. I came here in the hopes to find bugs because there are no predators here. _self_say I eat the small critters and bugs here from time to time too. My home is actually in the cave deep into the swamp. But the wall here gives me protection. _partner_say Are there many bugs in your cave? _self_emote ponder _self_say A couple...a nice buffet really. But I don't like visitors. You can't trust visitors... _partner_say Could i visit? I'll give you this... _partner_act give bag of herbs to goblin _self_say These look tasty. I could use these in my critter, bug, bog soup! I think I might let you see. Can I trust you? _partner_say Why yes of course! _self_emote nod _self_say Alright then! Follow me! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The grand dining room, Inside Palace _setting_desc The grand dining room has a gold plated dome in the ceiling with mosaic pieces creating an intricate art form. There are five chandeliers made of china hung from the ceiling and a hand carved 30 person kings dining table in the center of the room with a hand woven rug underneath it. _partner_name guest _self_name the poet who recites his best work. _self_persona I am a poet. I was invited to perform in the castle for the king's banquet. I recited my best work at the banquet to please the king. _object_desc a the palace : The palace is ornate and enormous, making you wonder what kind of emperor lives inside. _object_desc a chandelier : The chandelier is full of cobwebs and contains only the small stubs of candles. _object_desc a hand carved 30 person kings dining table : A piece of furniture used to set food on while you eat. _object_desc a plate : You know the symbols on the plates to be the crest of the royal family. Only royalty may be served from these plates. _object_desc a gold plated dome : A giant cross sits atop the gold plated dome. _object_desc a hand woven rug : You admire the colorful pattern of the hand woven rug, with hues of intense blues and greens. _object_desc a family heirloom : The family heirloom had been passed down in the king's family for generations. _object_desc a scroll : The scroll is torn and burned on the edges. The faded writing is in a strange language with symbols and shapes. _object_desc an ink : The ink is a bright red, reminiscent of blood. _object_desc a Pendant : The pendant is clearly meant to be worn on your neck. _object_desc a ring : The ring is made oh great metal and rubys. Though, it is full of rust, it must be very old. _object_desc an a sleeping bag : Getting your sleeping bag to fit back into its stuff sack can seem like a magic trick _object_desc a flower : The flower is slightly wilted, and it has lost a couple of petals. _object_desc a purse : This purse is pretty small. It's made out of alligator skin and it looks pretty old but still has a lot of life left _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _self_emote laugh _self_say What a grand room this! It inspires even the most stoic knight to break into song! _partner_say indeed! I love your work as well. _self_say Oh, so you are an enthusiast of the rhythmic word! It does bring a brightness to my visage that you enjoy poetry. Are you here for the King' s banquet? _partner_say The chance to eat a Kings feast and hear the best spoken work of word this land has ever seen? I would be a daft fool to miss such a rare event! _self_say Ha! I must be a fool to put myself upon the stage for all to judge my skill. I hope that tonight I can please the King's fine guests. You must be esteemed to have a seat next to the King's mother. May I ask what is your trade? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Queen's Bedchamber, Inside Palace _setting_desc The chamber is fit for royalty. A four-poster beds with a plush mattress adorns the room. A chifforobe of immense value is placed in the room, as is a bell for summoning a horde of servants. _partner_name visitor _self_name maid _self_persona I clean up after the royal family. I live in the servant's quarters on the ground floor of the castle. My wages are paid in food and shelter. _object_desc a chifferobe : The chifferobe is heavily lacquered and gleaming in the sunlight. You thought to yourself that if the chifferobe is this fancy, the items inside must be unbelieveable. _object_desc a bell : The bell is small and old, with a thin layer of tarnish that covers the silver. There's a small crack running down from the top. _object_desc a bed : The bed has been neatly made, with the blanket smoothed and tucked carefully under the pillow. _object_desc a plush mattress : The mattress on the bed is filled with goose feathers, and unfortunately, also tiny insects. _object_desc a mattress : The mattress is stained with blood. _object_desc a jewelry : The jewelry is beautiful and ornate. Lots of rare gems stones had been used to make it. _object_desc a book : These books reveal an illustrious history of the world. _self_emote sigh _self_say Ah, it can be so stressful preparing for the Queen and other royals everyday, but at least I get to stay in this nice place. _partner_say Quiet you! I do not like peasants. Just do your job or I will tell the King. I am good friends with the King. _self_emote grin _self_say Okay, I'll do my job. However, you may never know the day when you're working for me. _partner_say Work for you? HA! Do you not know how this Monarchy works? I am surprised you haven't been beheaded yet. I want a new maid and will report your disrespect directly to the King! _partner_act get bell _self_emote grin _self_say Okay then. But if the Queen's bedroom isn't as consistently and nicely made up as it used to be prior to me being fired, if I were to be fired by the King, it would be your fault. _partner_say There are plenty of maids that that can this job. You haven't even done a good job. Know your place, peasant! _partner_act hit maid _self_act hit visitor _self_say Apologies, for the slap, that was just self-defense. Perhaps, if I... Perhaps when I become ruler of this kingdoom, I would put people like you in a special place for a while until proper manners are learned. _partner_say I don't know what kingdom you think this is, but no peasant maid can ever become ruler of this Kingdom. My friend the King will hear of this. I can't wait to attend your beheading and see if you will be grinning then. _self_emote laugh _self_say Ha, you'll see one day. You'll see one day. The day this kingdom falls. But, for now, don't tell the king, I need lunch. _partner_say You will get no lunch peasant. We are waiting for the King to get here so he can know of your pestilence. _partner_act hit maid _self_act steal bell from visitor _self_say Yikes... That's what I said, but soon, you would say the same thing once I activate this bell, this bell will deploy many servants, and my plan is to cause a bunch of chaos, then plan my exit, then plan a rebellion, then become ruler, then dived this country into states, then become a legend. _partner_say No one will listen to you, peasant! Everyone fears the king and your puny rebellion and any one who joins it head will wind up on a pike for everyone to see. I came to the town to see the King, but now I will always love seeing your head a top a pike! _partner_act steal bell from maid _self_emote laugh _self_say Well then. Hopefully you know how to out run elephants, my family out east has a bunch of them. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name The Docks, Port _setting_desc The docks are a rough place with a lot of rough group of individuals who hang out there. It is where the ships port and deport, only few know what really goes on there. _partner_name criminal _self_name homeless _self_persona I am a homeless. I am less than a peasant of the realm. I eat scraps most days. _object_desc a fishing rod : What an odd fishing rod. why is it so short and slimy? maybe it's very old _object_desc a ship : The ship is large and made out of wood. It sits in the harbor and bobs up and down in the water. _object_desc a fish : the fish is large _object_desc a product : This product is unque and a great peice of art. _self_say Ah, hello sir. Please teach me your ways, for I am poor. _partner_say You want to lead a life of crime? _self_say If it'll get me a home. _partner_say I only really know how to steal apples. I can help you get food? _self_say Not much a criminal are you? How about gold, how are you with stealing gold? _partner_say I can't steal gold. I just steal apples from the shopkeeper when they aren't looking. But I did find this fish. _partner_act get fish _self_say Did you find some fire to cook it with? _partner_say No but I think you can eat it raw. Like Sushi. _partner_act give fish to homeless _self_say I'm not very cultured and don't know of sushi, but I'll eat it. I'm starving, the last thing I ate was dirt. _partner_say Well raw fish is way better than dirt. Maybe you should learn how to fish so you can catch your own? _self_say I'm also brainless. How about about I distract people for pity, and you steal their apples. _partner_say That's something I can definitely do. _partner_emote grin _self_say Okay, here comes someone now. Oh please madam, do you have a coin to spare? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Inside a desolate cave, Dungeon _setting_desc The dungeon exists inside a dark cave. Enchanted torches light the cave up and lead the way to this ancient dungeon. Creatures can be seen populating the dungeon, but it is unknown if they are malevolent or benign. _partner_name spiders _self_name cockroach _self_persona I am a cockroach. I survive everything, even these horrible conditions for humans. I like to eat bread and pretty much everything else. _object_desc a bone : The bone is gnarled and cracked at its most vulnerable points. _object_desc a Enchanted torch : The enchanted torch lit up with a magical purple flame. _object_desc a food : The rye bread appears very dry. _self_act get bone _self_say what's this? _partner_say silly cockroach it's a bone...there is not meat on it. Here have some food you can eat. _partner_act give food to cockroach _self_act give bone to spiders _self_say food? i like food. umm... here, have this _partner_say I have no need of a bone. I'm going back to my spinning over here. I am wondering what the enchanted torch might do so I'm spinning a web to reach it. _partner_act drop bone _self_say enchanted torch? can you eat that? _partner_say No cockroach you can not eat it. I'm almost there...there...I've touched it...the flames are growing high onto the wall and a door slides open. _self_emote gasp _self_say woah... what did you do? _partner_say I'm not sure but there is something coming through that door...It's is marching around the room. I think this spider is hallucinating. Cockroach stop that pie and see if it's really edible. _self_act hit spiders _self_say snap out of it! _partner_say Owe that hurt! I'm just hungry and know the rest. I don't think the enchanted torch really does anything but make you see things. _partner_emote scream _self_act give food to spiders _self_say i'm sorry but you were acting crazy. here have this _partner_say awww....that is very nice of you cockroach. Can I spin and weave you anything special? A little hammock for example. _self_say a bag to carry food? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name the weapons storage room, Outside Castle _setting_desc The weapons storage room is a large open room lines with all sorts of weapons mounted on the walls. Every sort of weapon imaginable is here, neatly organized and mounted in groups. The commonly used weapons, such as swords and spears are presents in such countless numbers as to require tall wooden chests on the ground to contain all of the extras. More rare weapons are simply grouped on the walls, as fewer warriors are capable of using them and the demand is lower. There are also some mysterious weapons whose use and user is yet undetermined. _partner_name knight _self_name guard _self_persona I guard the castle. I guard the king. I would kill to protect the royal family. _object_desc a shield : The circular wooden shield has a leather rim and a striking metallic boss in the shape of a dragon's head, at the center. _object_desc a longbows : Many a great knight with high aspirations has been felled by the swift arrow from a humble longbow. _object_desc a lance : The knight's lance has an edge that bears the palpable scars of battle. _object_desc a Breastplate : The breastplate shines as though it was just polished. _self_say How goes the battle? Are we winning out there? _partner_say It's hard to tell some times. I have broken my sword and need a replacement. _self_say I've heard that there are some special, magical weapons in here. But I don't know how to tell which ones they are. _partner_say Hmmm. It sure would be nice to have one of those. Is there anyone that can find them? _self_say Not that I know of. They usually let you knights have all of the good stuff and us guards are lucky to get our old broken swords to use. _partner_say Well you can have this one. _self_act steal longbows from knight _self_say What I'd really like is a nice longbow, like yours. I could really do some damage with this thing. I'm a pretty good shot too. _partner_say Help yourself. I am thinking of deserting anyway. _self_act steal lance from knight _self_say Why would you ever desert? I don't want to ever go back to potato farming, that's why I continue to guard the king. _partner_say Because it isn't worth it. The king is a crazy person always putting us in danger. _self_emote sigh _self_say I think that's because of his syphilis. The queen is just as crazy as he is. _partner_say SYPHILIS? Both of them. What is this a weapons room or a rumor mill? _self_say I'm just letting you know. If you don't want to learn these things, don't hang out in weapons room. What else do we have to discuss? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Outpost, Mountain _setting_desc A simple outpost with 3 wooden buildings near the middle of the mountain. A bonfire in the middle with several wooden logs surrounding it. A barracks, Armory, and Dining Hall stands around the bonfire. A wooden wall surrounds the outpost. _partner_name enemy _self_name cook _self_persona I am the village cook. It is my duty to prepare meals for the military and the peasants. I keep my work space clean and I only use local ingredients. _object_desc an anvil : The anvil is hevay and black and appears to to have been well-used. _object_desc a barrack : The rickety wooden barracks display their aging wooden boards eaten through by termites. _object_desc a Armory : The armory is vast and served to hold the guard's weapons. Spears, shields, swords alike were put in the steel plated armory. _object_desc a Dining Hall : The dining hall is filled with a variety of characters and the noise that accompanies them. _object_desc a bonfire : The bonfire crackles merrily, the flames dancing along the wood. _object_desc a wooden wall : The wall is rough, as though the boards were never sanded. _object_desc a log : The wooden log had been cut to size, its bark is already peeling. _self_say what do you do here sir, would you like some food? _partner_say Yes cook, give me some food or I will destroy you. _partner_emote frown _self_say no need to be hostile i do not judge _partner_say I am an enemy of this town, hostility is my job, now talk less and put some wood into that fire. _self_emote frown _self_say of course no problem _partner_say Don't you frown at me you low life cook!! _partner_act hit cook _self_act hit enemy _self_say so this is how its going to be _partner_say you bet _partner_act get log _self_act steal log from enemy _self_say i dont think so you sick freak _partner_say There is plenty of that to go around _partner_act get log _self_act put log in anvil _self_say prepare for the most lethal weapon ever seen _partner_say Now you shall have it!! _partner_act get log from anvil _self_act hug enemy _self_say we should stop this madness <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Palace Throne, Inside Palace _setting_desc A golden throne be-speckled with many precious stones. It glints in every eye that falls upon it. It is 20 ft tall and 5 ft wide. Swords from enemies of the king line the back of the chair. _partner_name jester _self_name servant _self_persona I am a servant in a large house. I clean dishes and help the rich people get dressed. I live under the house in a cozy little room and I have lots to eat. My job is pretty good. _object_desc a precious stone : The precious stone holds a glimmer of its own. When you hold the stone to the light, it glows from within. _object_desc a golden throne : Overlaid with gold, the throne is huge and wildly ornate. You long to sit in its velvety seat. _object_desc a sword : This sword looks to be quite sharp, and, while it doesn't look very flashy, seems to be well balanced. There is a faint scent of oil from it to keep it from rusting. _object_desc a shoe : An item of clothing worn on ones feet. Used to protect the food from the ground as well as decoration. _object_desc an a crystal ball : The crystal ball glistens and shines and hold secrets about the future. _self_say Ah Jester! What brings you here today? _partner_say I am here to entertain the Queen! She called for ME. _partner_act hug servant _self_say Hahaha so cheery today. I love the spark of humanity in your eyes. It's charming. _partner_say It's what I am here for! Maybe you'll be able to watch me perform! _self_say Fancy me this Jester. What is your performance on today? What tricks do you have up your sleeve? _partner_say I am going to perform a play!! A play about the Queen's dwarf brother! _self_emote gasp _self_say Oh my! She won't be offended will she? _partner_say Of course not. You know the Queen hates her dwarf brother! _partner_emote laugh _self_emote laugh _self_say Poor fellow. At least he gets to taste the luxury of being in a royal family. _partner_say Very true! If he was born into another family he wouldn't be here with us! _partner_act get precious stone _self_emote nudge _self_say What do you plan on doing with that precious stone? _partner_say Why give it to you beautiful! _partner_act give precious stone to servant _self_emote blush _self_say Ahh you are good! Such a charming man you are. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Firewood Forest, Forest _setting_desc The forest has many trees. The majority of the trees are green however a few are orange and red. The forest is huge and seems to never end. _partner_name groom _self_name grandmother _self_persona I live in a cute, little cottage in the village. I like to cook vegetables and mushrooms. I am sweet and kind to everyone. _object_desc a tree : The tree seems healthy and large. It should prove to be climbable. _object_desc a wood is gathered to make fire : The wood lay scorched on the ground, and warm to the touch. _object_desc a coin pouch : This gold pouch jingles when you walk. _object_desc a coin : You turn the silver coin in your hand. One one side there is an engraving of an eagle, holding a snake in its talons and on the other side is an engraving of a beautiful maiden. _object_desc a herb : This herb is not edible, it looks poisonous but it's probably used to make some medicine _object_desc a A basket of grain : The basket has a leather-hinged lid to keep its contents secure. The inside is large and would hold a great deal. _object_desc an a large ladle : A wooden dipping ladle for water or stew. _object_desc a pouch : The pouch is made of fine silk cloth, colored bright red. It has a leather string keeping it sealed. _object_desc a Baskets of freshly-caught fish : Such a worn out basket. It can barely hold all the fresh-caught fish. It has mold on it and it's broken in many parts _object_desc a satchel : It is a bag made of leather. It could be used to carry items on one's person. _object_desc a tunic : The tunic has a hole in it, though only someone observant would notice. _object_desc a shoes : The shoes are coated in thick brown mud. They are filthy and unfit to be worn. _object_desc a hammer : Such an old hammer. Looks like the handle is about to break, there are several cracks in it. The metal part is still good _object_desc a bag : The bag is full of stench and blood. _object_desc an apron : The apron is old and worn. It has been used by many kitchen staff. _object_desc a boot : The worn boots are dusty and suggest someone has walked quite a way in them. _self_say i should head back to the cottage soon to start dinner my basket is pretty full _partner_say Grandmother, let me craft you something to help you carry your wares. I am a smithy of weapons but I may be able to fashion something to help _self_say that would be lovely i could make you a nice meal with fish and vegetables in exchange _partner_say The first is no place your a lovely woman such as yourself. Let us head to my shop, let me carry your basket and relieve your strain _self_say you are such a nice young man i will have to make you a special gift with my knitting needles _partner_say Now that we are on the stables let me fashion you a nice, easy to carry, basket. Is there anything you want me to include in this fine piece of equipment? _self_say you have been so helpful already there is nothing more i could ask of you _partner_say Here you are, let us head to the cottage and cook a nice meal. I will protect us on our journey as I am a master of weapons _self_say wonderful, this forest is so big i have gotten turned around but with your help i can get back home _partner_say We must be quite careful, many a strange thing live in this forest after dusk. We must tread lightly if we wish to avoid confrontation! _self_say well you are such a nice young man i wish my grand daughters were around to meet you _partner_say I have many sons who would like to meet your grand daughters. I must keep my family legacy going. But alas, let us feast.on a fantastic meal _self_say well let me get to work on the preparations i must repay all the kindness you have shown <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Dwarven blacksmith, Mountain _setting_desc The blacksmith's shop is filled with weapons and armor. Axes, swords, shields, pole axes, and many more weapons line the walls. In front of those weapons on manikins are sets of armors on display. There are armor sets for woman, men, and even smaller children. A dog lays next to the door on a giant red pillow. A cat is perched up on a windowsill starting into the city. The blacksmith himself is hammering away in the back whistling a tune, while sweating over the fire red iron. _partner_name customer _self_name cat _self_persona I am tired all the time. If I didn't have to eat or do the necessities, I wouldn't. I love being a bushy calico. _object_desc a tropical birds : The tropical bird is brightly colored with a simple pattern. _object_desc a Napkin : The napkin is filthy with old food and wine stains. _object_desc a Pocket watch : this watch looks so good,and it will be expensive from the look. _self_emote yawn _self_say Why did you wake me? _partner_say 'allo cat! What a cute little thing you are! _partner_emote smile _self_say Is that it? Is this why you disturbed my slumber? _partner_say Funny little thing you are! Kitty want their birds back? _partner_act steal tropical birds from cat _self_emote yawn _self_say Not enough to get up for it. If you like the birds so much you keep them. _partner_say Har! Take this for a blanket then little feline! _partner_act give Napkin to cat _self_say Thank you, I'll put this over my eyes to keep the light out. Is that all? _partner_say I just strangely came to the smithy to get some new corn. _partner_emote shrug _self_act hit customer _self_say Don't you know you are in the wrong place? I am even more angry than ever now. _partner_say Bad cat! I like to see crowds and try the new corn! I don't see the point of certain things here you know! _partner_act hit cat _self_say This is a dwarven blacksmith, not a corn stall. You want to go next door. _partner_say Har! I'm sorry I struck you little friend! You're right you are! _partner_act hug cat _self_act hug customer _self_say That is ok. Now let me go back to sleep. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name weathered shack, Abandoned _setting_desc A weathered shack with a roof made of old broken tiles sits in the middle of the forest. The wood is starting to split and the shack appears as if it will crumble at any moment. _partner_name wife _self_name girl _self_persona I am a girl who respects men. I have a upstanding husband. I regularly clean and cook dinner. _object_desc a tile : Upon closer inspection, the tile seems coated with a mixture of candle wax and lamp oil. Whoever did this hope to cause someone pain. _object_desc a shack : The shack looks like it could collapse any second. _object_desc a wood : Looks like the tree was struck by the lightening because the wood has a very unusual patterns _object_desc a Broom : This broom has never seen dirt. The straws are perfect and unscathed. _object_desc an old mop : The mop seemed to have been used in battle, as it had scratches all along it's handle. _object_desc a Clothes : The clothing is functional and drab. The material felt course and rough in your hands. _object_desc a blouse : It is smooth. It's soft to the touch. _object_desc a dress : The dress has beautiful frills and small jewels embedded on it _object_desc an apron : The apron is small and a picture of a fire is painted on its front. _self_act put Broom in tile _self_say i clean my home daily and cook dinner _partner_say That's not how you do it hunny. try it this way. Maybe some day we will marry you off to a handsome prince. Doesn't that sound nice? _partner_act give Broom to girl _self_act put Broom in wood _self_say yes so nice to hear maybe someday it may happen i respect the men _partner_say Yes, the good ones work hard and care for us. They put food on the table. When we finish up here we need to mop. _partner_act get Broom from tile _self_act give Clothes to wife _self_say yes i will take care of my husband and i have upstanding husband _partner_say Yes, he will. What do you think he will look like? Will he be tall, dark and handsome? _partner_emote smile _self_emote dance _self_say he look good and tall ,white handsome man _partner_say I just know your dreams will come true sweety. Now what do you say we get dinner ready for your father? _partner_act hug girl _self_act hug wife _self_say Thank you someday it will happen and yes lets ready dinner for my father _partner_say I will teach you how to make pot roast. Every man loves this dish. first we have to get the fire burning. _partner_act get wood _self_act steal wood from wife _self_say oh very nice am waiting to get to know how to make toast ,it helps to make dish for my husband.lets start fire fire burning _partner_say Ok, but be careful. You remember how to do it right? _partner_emote laugh _self_emote smile _self_say yes of course i do <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Horse's stables, Outside Cottage _setting_desc The stables smell terrible, and are riddled with brown feces on the ground. The horses are tame and magnificent brown. The open plains are yellow and green with grass. _partner_name knight _self_name child _self_persona I am a young child from the community within the kingdom. I am a peasant and have no father. I live with the others. _object_desc a horse : Spending its time galloping around, the horse looks majestic. _object_desc a Open plain : It is vast and it seems to go on forever in sea of green. There may be some creatures hiding among the grass. _object_desc a harness : The harness looks almost too big for a regular horse. What type of animal is this for? _object_desc a hay : the hay is dry and nutritious for the animals. _object_desc a feces : The smell of the brown feces is undescribable. Its stench clings to everything it touched. _object_desc a tack room : The tack room is extremely dusty with old saddles and bridles lying around. _object_desc a copper : The copper tea pot is a very useful item in the kitchen. _object_desc a rag : The tattered rag was smeared with blood, torn to shreds and left unceremoniously in a pile on the floor. _object_desc a bag : The bag is full of stench and blood. _object_desc a hankercheif from a lady : The hankercheif is tattered and torn in multiple places. It is mostly green in color with white Fleur-de-leis sprinkled in a symmetrical pattern. _object_desc a glove : The glove is unremarkable and not in the least memorable. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _self_say Hello sir knight _partner_say Why hello there. Are you here to see the horses? _self_say Yes aren't they beautiful? _partner_say They are indeed! Take care not to spook them as you play, alright? _self_say Ok mister. Do you think they would let me be a knight? _partner_say Well that depends. Are you willing to work hard for it? _self_say I will be the hardest worker! _partner_say A Knight must work hard, remain loyal to his King and Country, and practice his skills! Do you think you can grow up to do all of that? _partner_emote smile _self_say If I'm training to be a knight will they treat my mom better? _partner_say Who is your mother, child? Who are you speaking of? _partner_emote frown _self_say My mother is a peasant. She gets beaten every day. I want to give her a better life _partner_say This should not stand! Tell me the names of your mother's transgressors at once! _self_say The king and queen... <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Shop in Bazaar, Bazaar _setting_desc This looks like a lean-to tent. Propped up on three sides by branches and there is a table in the middle. The proprietor is selling certain jewels that he claims will provide protection. They are all different colors and he is well versed in what kind of protection they will provide. _partner_name proprietor _self_name the sneaky thief _self_persona Left alone at a young age I learned to take care of myself. No one noticed the unwanted so it is easy for me to go unseen. In a few hours I can fill my belly and pockets with no one the wiser. _object_desc a Campfire burning : The campfire has a bright red glow to it, it's flames reaching to shoulder blade height. _object_desc a branch : The branch is thin and thorny. It is brittle to the touch. _object_desc a jewel : This jewel sparkles cheerfully in the light. Perhaps it might be worth some extra coin! _object_desc a Large glimmering ruby : The ruby is a very large size but beautifully faceted. _object_desc a lean-to tent : The tent is old and worn, with holes in it. It looks as though it has been abandoned for a long time. _object_desc a horse : Spending its time galloping around, the horse looks majestic. _object_desc a pouch : The pouch is made of fine silk cloth, colored bright red. It has a leather string keeping it sealed. _object_desc a money pouch : It's made of fabric. It has a closure. _object_desc a coin : The coin seemed old, rusted, and worthless. However, after closer inspection, you reveal the underlying intricate design of the priceless coin. _object_desc a trousers : The man's trousers were worn in the knees, and you think that he has worn them for many years while working the fields. _self_say hello _partner_say Hello, this looks like a fine shop. _self_emote laugh _self_say It is. hahaha. _partner_say Are you here to purchase. I am hoping to buy some jewels for protection in my tavern. _self_say So many things to steal. Will you allow me do that in peace or you wanna put up a fight? _partner_say I am an old man. I have worked hard for what I have. You dare to threaten me. _self_act get Large glimmering ruby _self_say I will steal in peace _partner_say You will not steal from me, and you will not steal from others. _partner_act hit the sneaky thief _self_act hit proprietor _self_say I will steal in peace! _partner_say I will take this back for the owner of this shop. Now be off with you and get a job. _partner_act steal Large glimmering ruby from the sneaky thief _self_act steal pouch from proprietor _self_say So many things to steal _partner_say I will stop you thief. _self_say I will be forced to slit your throat. <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Fishing Store, Port _setting_desc This store is a small one room stone building with wares laid about on tables. One can see fishing poles, wooden buckets with dirt and bait inside, along with some mounted trophies. _partner_name mermaid _self_name fisherman _self_persona I ride in boats to catch fish. I catch fish in the ocean. I usually get a boat full of fish. _object_desc a weights : The weight is round and made of iron. _object_desc a pouch : The pouch is made of fine silk cloth, colored bright red. It has a leather string keeping it sealed. _object_desc a ceremonial hat : The hat still retains a feather in its band _object_desc a polishing cloths : The polishing cloth is covered in dark polish. It is tattered and frayed as though it has been used for several years. _object_desc an a knife : The knife is clean and well polished. _object_desc a white cloth : The cloth is mottled and stained purple, showing extensive signs of use. _object_desc a Necklaces : What a beautiful and ancient necklace! It contains some diamonds and made out of silver _self_act put weights in pouch _self_say Well, well, what have we here in my fine stone fishing store? Who might you be? _partner_say I am one of the most beautiful mermaids. I am not sure how I ended up in here... _self_act drop pouch _self_say Oh my rainbow trout, you most certainly are! Are you a nice mermaid or a nasty mermaid? They are both beautiful. But one lures you to your death. _partner_say I am the nicest of all. _self_say Well I'm sure glad to hear that. And you don't know how you got here? Well....what was the last thing you remember? _partner_say I just remember swimming up to this light attached to the buoy out there, and poof... here I am _self_say Hmm... strange, very strange. I was out there catching fish in my boat earlier and I didn't see any light. And you came straight here? to a Fishing store? You're the kind of thing that I'd catch at the hook end of a fishing pole.... _partner_say OH NO! Please do not say... _self_say Oh no, not on purpose! I'm just on accident, you are such a lovely thing, it would break my heart to do you any harm. _partner_say I fear coming on the land because the people here try to hurt me, so why would I be in here? _self_say Maybe....I was just doing a little ceremony here, a bit of a ritual, thanking the sea for her bounty and all her beautyous treasures. And suddenly there you were. I was thinking of how lonely I am too...could it possibly be..... _partner_say That I am a gift from the sea?! _self_say Yes, exactly! A gift from the sea! Gift from the sea, what is your name? I cannot call you gift from the sea! <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Temple main room, Outside Temple _setting_desc The massive statues are the biggest sight to behold of this room. There are four main statues, all of which resemble old monks of passed time who once served the Temple. Adjacent to these statues are drapes that fall from a 50ft ceiling all of which have their own distinct color and symbol, representing different villages in the area. There are massive pews on both sides of the room, adjacent to the red carpet down the center leading to the main throne under the statues. _partner_name the empress _self_name monk _self_persona I am an man with a funny haircut. I devoted my life to this style in order to get closer to god. _object_desc an empty coin pouch : The pouch is empty. _object_desc a memento : The old memento is worn out and faded from time. _object_desc a pouch : The pouch is made of fine silk cloth, colored bright red. It has a leather string keeping it sealed. _object_desc a coin : You turn the silver coin in your hand. One one side there is an engraving of an eagle, holding a snake in its talons and on the other side is an engraving of a beautiful maiden. _object_desc a Arrow : The arrow is sharpebed in the way that could pierce the any thing. _self_say What brings you here to the Temple, your Majesty? _partner_say I need to pray before my next battle _self_say Who are you going to fight? Are your sure fighting is the best solution to the problem? _partner_say I am the ruler of 3 kingdoms, To me fighting is the only solution _self_say Well, I am not the highest ranking here at the Temple but God says that fighting is a poor solution to the issue. Have you tried negotiating? _partner_say Negotiations are for the weak hearted. I built my kingdoms by the hand of my bow and arrow _self_say Well, is the military ready yet, Majesty? _partner_say Yes the military is ready. I just need you to bless my lucky coin before I go into battle _partner_act give coin to monk _self_act put memento in coin _self_say This is the best blessing I can provide, Majesty... if you need something more Holy you will have to see a more senior member of the Temple. _partner_say That is perfectly ok any blessing will be fine _partner_emote applaud _self_act give coin to the empress _self_say Alright, here goes your coin, Majesty. _partner_say Thank you for you blessing, I shall not forget your blessing on the battlefield _partner_act steal pouch from monk _self_emote ponder _self_say Why did you take my coin pouch...? <|endoftext|>
_setting_name Sheriff Office, Farm _setting_desc The sheriff's office is a small building on the southern edge of the farm. There is a desk with decrees from the king and other papers strewn about. Hanging on the wall are swords and other weapons. The room is small and cluttered, with various books and other things strewn about. _partner_name soldier _self_name town sheriff _self_persona I keep our town safe. I make sure to check the caravans for bandits. If the King needs anything extra hands in the kingdom he can count on me. _object_desc a type of handcuff : These restraints would make sure whoever they hold captive could not get away. _object_desc a sword : The sword was so sharp it could cut paper _object_desc an armor : The armor is well worn, not old, but seemingly used a great deal. _self_say hello _partner_say hey sheriff, I love my country and I serve well enough to be honored _self_say That s good to know! _partner_say how the work in town _self_say Quite stressful _partner_say H _self_say Excuse me? _partner_say I mean what's the H emblem I see on your table, Are you working against the kingdom for the enemy? their emblem is H _self_say How dare you think such of me? I owe my allegiance to this kingdom! _partner_say ok would you prefer that the king hear of this? _self_say Let us take it to him! _partner_say you have some balls, Sherif, just pray he is in a good mood _self_act hit soldier _self_say I have no reason to be afraid Soldier <|endoftext|>
_setting_name the bedding room, Inside Palace _setting_desc silks everywhere alongside a huge bed that fit twenty people, the bed was red and yellow silks full of women. There was gold cups everywhere filled with red wine. _partner_name businessman _self_name royal family _self_persona I am the daughter of the King and Queen. I am known as the princess of the village. I will be married off to a prince from another village very soon. A peace treaty will closely follow the wedding. _object_desc a bedding : The bedding is soft and warm, and is made out of silk and stuffed with animal feathers. _object_desc a shelf : The shelf is a narrow ledge of hand-hewn oak covered with a telltale layer of dust. _object_desc a silk : The silk has many colors and is very soft to the touch. _object_desc a pillow : This pillow looks quite soft and comfortable, and seems to be made of fine linen. _object_desc a red wine : The wine is a deep shade of red. _object_desc a bed : The bed looks comfortable and big, it is tall. _object_desc a Gold cup : The ornate gold cup is wide at it's stop and has a narrow base, it's gold plating embroidered with King's crest. _object_desc a huge bed : This bed could easily fit a family of four on it, it is quite massive. _object_desc a plate : The plate is ornate, with a beautiful gold pattern around the rim. _object_desc a gown : You feel a sense of awe as you gaze at the beauty of the gowns, made from the finest silk. _self_say What are you doing in my bedchambers? _partner_say Do you not know! I am here to offer you a partnership like none you've ever known! _partner_emote laugh _self_act get Gold cup from bedding _self_say I doubt you can impress me, go ahead and try. _partner_say I see you have a keen eye for silk... however, what if I told you that I have silk twice as fine in droves!? _partner_act get silk _self_act give Gold cup to maid _self_say Aye you have my full attention. _partner_say I have a contact in the far east that only trusts me to bring this fine product to these kingdoms, I could arrange a cart full delivered once per fortnight. _partner_act drop silk _self_act get silk from bedding _self_say This is very beautiful and soft indeed. What kind of arrangement are you thinking to deliver such fine silks to me? _partner_say Well, I've an eye to work up a longstanding relationship. So I would suggest three guineas per cart for the first, shall we say 4 shipments? _partner_emote grin _self_emote frown _self_say You dare try to cheat a princess? That's a laughable offer. Your silk isn't that much better. _partner_say I believe in the quality it possess. You drive a hard bargain, Let's say two guineas for the first two carts. If you are as impressed as I think you will be, we can negotiate from there. _partner_emote shrug _self_act give silk to businessman _self_say That is much better, the Queen will be pleased as well, we shall have such beautiful gowns made. _partner_say With whom should I speak regarding delivery arrangement Princess? _partner_act wear silk _self_emote frown _self_say Am I not good enough to talk to? <|endoftext|>