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lb481bn | 1dspwzl | He won’t be defined by the debate. He will be defined as the man whose refusal to step aside resulted in the reelection of Donald J. Trump. | mudpiechicken | 35 | 2024-07-01T12:24:39 | 3,589 |
lb4881n | 1dsqsrf | Destroying public education to push religious indoctrination is a primary selling point of the GOP. | Watch_Capt | 26 | 2024-07-01T12:26:09 | 3,603 |
lb489d5 | 1dsqm78 | Sounds like they are doubling, no tripling down on elderly abuse. | FckRddt1800 | 11 | 2024-07-01T12:26:25 | 3,604 |
lb48het | 1dsq1yv | The U. S. Military is the 2nd strongest fighting force on Earth capable of waging multiple wars across the globe. Superior firepower across land and, sea, and air.
Their only true weakness.... My neighbor Ken and his drinking buddy's gun collection.
I'd hate to be the idiot piloting a pussy little AC10 Warthog or cowering in an M1A2 Abrams when Darryl and Steve show up ready to kick ass. Them old boys won't even have to put their beers down.
Imagine the stupid look on your face sitting in the cockpit put of a Blackhawk helicopter thinking your hot shit when fuckin' Dave's bad ass Dodge Ram appears out from behind the Piggly Wiggly.
"Be all Save me, Hillary!" - Then kabooom! Cause I seen Dave shootin. He don't miss. | AeonFluxIncapacitaor | 27 | 2024-07-01T12:28:10 | 3,615 |
lb48jhj | 1dsrore | Oh they're scared. | OiUey | 41 | 2024-07-01T12:28:37 | 3,619 |
lb48jus | 1dsrore | Only if they do it in a way that violated the Democratic process... | clit_ticklerr | 27 | 2024-07-01T12:28:41 | 3,621 |
lb48pvd | 1dsqwqb | Out of curiosity, how many "regular" (aka. US citizen on US citizen) murders are there in Texas?
For example, just a quick google for "Houston shooting" seems to bring up very recent shootings in Houston - as fresh as yesterday. Not a word on that kind of violence, though. | kastbort2021 | 11 | 2024-07-01T12:30:00 | 3,632 |
lb48sv4 | 1dsrqpi | 2 down, 1 to go. Navarro, Bannon and then hopefully Jordan. | Northerngal_420 | 18 | 2024-07-01T12:30:38 | 3,644 |
lb48t5f | 1dsqubj | Starting to think Jill Biden is a real piece of shit | Competitive_Turn_149 | 16 | 2024-07-01T12:30:42 | 3,645 |
lb49978 | 1dsqsbz | Cutoff electronic media in an emergency?
So like what Venezuela does to silence the voice of the people | clit_ticklerr | 15 | 2024-07-01T12:34:09 | 3,663 |
lb49efu | 1dsrore | Not really partys are not official parts of the government and can pick candidates how they want. | sedatedlife | 11 | 2024-07-01T12:35:17 | 3,669 |
lb49jr6 | 1dsqsrf | Force birth. End education. Force child labor. Pretend that's what Jesus wants - GOP | faith_apnea | 21 | 2024-07-01T12:36:26 | 3,675 |
lb49meg | 1dspwzl | They are so out of touch of reality surrounded by yes people it’s infuriating.
Biden and the dems called out Trump to the debate.
That means the burden of looking anything but dead is on Biden.
And he failed more than I could imagine.
Biden is Done for. And the shitshow of 4 years of Trump is coming and all we can do is write text on social media while these people still deny what’s coming. | papaz1 | 12 | 2024-07-01T12:37:00 | 3,678 |
lb49vfo | 1dsr3u6 | All he had to do was comply. | WaitingForNormal | 13 | 2024-07-01T12:38:54 | 3,692 |
lb49vlr | 1dsqubj | Jill Biden should be very mindful of what’s at stake and urge her husband to drop out. | SkyriderRJM | 17 | 2024-07-01T12:38:56 | 3,693 |
lb49vv3 | 1dsqjjf | "I was just joking, brah!" | NotAPreppie | 14 | 2024-07-01T12:38:59 | 3,694 |
lb49yku | 1dsqmf3 | The alarm bells of a Taliban type government are getting louder and louder. Forced Religious Indoctrination, locking up Muslims, Jews, Agnostics, Atheists, and anyone who doesn't conform to these Evangelicals wet dreams. Complete Religious Control is their goal. Forcing their rules upon a nation built on freedoms isn't going to sit well, but the left are extremely weak and few will fight back as they lose everything. Mass arrests of anyone viewed as supporting anything other than a heterosexual lifestyle. Concentration Camps for those who don't support Republicans. This is what Project 2025 is about and they don't care who they have to hurt to make it happen. You are too weak to stop them and they know it. | Watch_Capt | 13 | 2024-07-01T12:39:34 | 3,696 |
lb4ad7z | 1dsrore | Whoa whoa, I thought we were a *constitutional republic*?! | ClusterFoxtrot | 41 | 2024-07-01T12:42:37 | 3,717 |
lb4ahkp | 1dsrz8x | That debate performance can’t be spun. They’ve tried all weekend- there’s no coherent defense. | Historical_Emotion43 | 14 | 2024-07-01T12:43:34 | 3,727 |
lb4b10g | 1dss0rr | "Mission accomplished" | SlippidySlappity | 250 | 2024-07-01T12:47:36 | 3,741 |
lb4b1j5 | 1dsr06r | Would you rather have these people be 35-year-olds that we would all have to put up with for the next 50 years?
There are *no* shortage of right-wing evangelical born-again republicans who are just as insane as Trump but 40 years younger. | LlanviewOLTL | 28 | 2024-07-01T12:47:42 | 3,744 |
lb4b5fu | 1dsrz8x | He looked panicked, he looked down towards the ground, his mouth was open in awe, he would turn to look at trump like he's scared and shocked.
Horrible body language. He looked confused, weak, old and scared
Robert Hur was right | clit_ticklerr | 11 | 2024-07-01T12:48:30 | 3,749 |
lb4b7gt | 1dsq1yv | > there is a “Maga army” ready
> his show - described as a “military command centre for Maga”
> his show have played a major part in empowering and mobilising thousands of Trump-supporting activists, who he called “street fighters”.
> “Maga army” that “can’t and won’t stop until final victory” | Searchlights | 11 | 2024-07-01T12:48:54 | 3,752 |
lb4bk2c | 1dss0rr | Is anyone surprised? | rocks_and_soup | 20 | 2024-07-01T12:51:27 | 3,766 |
lb4c2v2 | 1dsqm78 | And I bet plenty of people told RBG not to step down when the democrats were in a position to replace her. I thought we all learned the lesson when Barrett replaced her. | 3Grilledjalapenos | 16 | 2024-07-01T12:55:12 | 3,789 |
lb4c5bw | 1dsr06r | He seems really sensitive to anything Pelosi says, can we run a 24/7 stream of her just taking potshots at him? | Skastrik | 300 | 2024-07-01T12:55:41 | 3,791 |
lb4caye | 1dsrz8x | There's not enough spin, news cycles, or good PR to make those visuals and, more importantly, the distraught feeling go away. It will be seared in millions of people's mind and affect voter turn out. It will cost us the election. | cybermort | 17 | 2024-07-01T12:56:49 | 3,802 |
lb4cehd | 1dspwzl | I'm going to repeat what I wrote elsewhere because it's too important not to:
This is an enormous mistake.
I've repeatedly asked anyone defending Biden's remaining in where they're getting their confidence that he can defeat Trump in November and they **cannot point to a single, solitary piece of data**.
Why? Because it all shows Joe Biden is performing significantly-worse than his 2020 run where he won by merely 40,000 votes in 3 battleground states.
Let's face reality:
- Biden is TEN POINTS nationally below where he was at this time in 2020.
- Biden is losing in every single battleground state.
- Biden is losing a large chunk of black and Hispanic voters compared to his 2020 run.
- Biden's aggregate approval ratings for Presidency are 37.7% with 56.7% disapproval.
Former Obama/Biden staffers from Pod Save America are pretty much outright saying he should step down. Nate Silver wrote a data-driven article saying he should step down. The NYT Editorial board said he should step down. Ezra Klein. Thomas Friedman....
It's now or never before the convention.
And to those who think we should ride this horse to the end, tell me: what happens if Biden worsens from now until November? What happens if the 81-year-old suffers a fatal medical emergency in October? Then we are really screwed.
We either take the chance to nominate a fresh, younger face (you know, what the vast majority of Americans keep telling us they want), or watch this car crash in slow motion.
I am so unbelievably pissed off right now because my children's future is on the line because of the ego of this octogenarian and his out-of-touch Yes Men who surround him.
[Preliminary post-debate polling data results are in. Trump won the debate.]( "Voters are more concerned about Biden's age than Trump's criminal charges." Keep in mind that while it says, "other candidates perform similarly against Trump," that's pre-viral media attention and the entire DNC apparatus including Obama rallying behind someone like Whitmer. Most of those candidates, people just haven't heard enough of. But they would in the coming months if the headlines are, "President Biden Resigns; Endorses Gov. Whitmer." | Independent-Bug-9352 | 38 | 2024-07-01T12:57:32 | 3,806 |
lb4cfxv | 1dss4xp | Narrator's voice: But they didn't stop there... | pet_dragon | 11 | 2024-07-01T12:57:49 | 3,809 |
lb4chyx | 1dssbd1 | He is not mentally capable, folks are not blind. | StemBro45 | 17 | 2024-07-01T12:58:12 | 3,814 |
lb4ck3v | 1dsq1yv | When I picture the “MAGA Army”, I just see a bunch of old racist guys, middle aged Karens & goofy incels with way too much love for their orange God. Quite the formidable army. | Crowbar_Faith | 18 | 2024-07-01T12:58:37 | 3,819 |
lb4cpkn | 1dssbd1 | Oh hey it's the least surprising thing ever.
I wonder if there will be further repercussions for Dems for running a party-wide campaign of lying and gaslighting over what it's clear people can see with their own eyes. | driveacarintothemall | 14 | 2024-07-01T12:59:44 | 3,831 |
lb4crpm | 1dssbd1 | Oof. What’s the move? | gangstasadvocate | 12 | 2024-07-01T13:00:09 | 3,833 |
lb4cruc | 1dssbd1 | Watch those polls get much worse than that over the next 2 weeks, as they catch up with the impact of the debate. | yosarian_reddit | 42 | 2024-07-01T13:00:11 | 3,834 |
lb4culz | 1dss7xb | Well... stop voting for republicans. Their stated goal is destroying public education. | chmod777 | 271 | 2024-07-01T13:00:44 | 3,839 |
lb4cuw9 | 1dss4xp | Love me a good petard hoisting | Majestic-Lake-5602 | 22 | 2024-07-01T13:00:47 | 3,840 |
lb4cvn8 | 1dsqsrf | If you actually look deeper into the issue you will see that vouchers primarily help well to do families in the suburbs.
Look at where private schools are generally located and look at the tuitions. Even if a voucher covers 80% of tuition, a struggling family is more than likely not paying that when the local public school is free. Plus, public schools have the more qualified teachers (not saying there aren’t good ones in private). They are just another hand out or tax kickback to wealthy families. | Effective-Luck-4524 | 14 | 2024-07-01T13:00:56 | 3,842 |
lb4cw6u | 1dss4xp | Pertinent point: these women blocked a total abortion ban. | keyjan | 2,953 | 2024-07-01T13:01:03 | 3,844 |
lb4d02a | 1dss0rr | Oh of course it’s too late, that was the whole point. | keyjan | 239 | 2024-07-01T13:01:48 | 3,850 |
lb4d3fd | 1dssbd1 | Drop the fuck out | cybermort | 35 | 2024-07-01T13:02:30 | 3,854 |
lb4d3k4 | 1dspwzl | Joe Biden should have said that.
And he still can. Joe, time to start delivering speeches, interviews and rallies daily.
If he can’t he should step aside | Careless_Dimension58 | 16 | 2024-07-01T13:02:32 | 3,855 |
lb4d65p | 1dssbd1 | Absolutely devastating numbers. He needs to pass the torch | 420PokerFace | 24 | 2024-07-01T13:03:03 | 3,856 |
lb4d88m | 1dslz4j | It's ok you guys, I'm sure all the people who are concerned after the debate will read all these articles and the transcripts and everything and then they'll be ok with Biden not being able to finish sentences consistently. We're cool, just keep telling everyone that independent voters in swing states will surely fall in line. | friedporksandwich | 17 | 2024-07-01T13:03:28 | 3,858 |
lb4d89q | 1dssbd1 | It’s Joever. If he doesn’t step down he’ll be remembered as the president that allowed democracy to die, because he had too big of an ego to step aside when his time was at an end.
Basically the exact opposite of George Washington’s legacy. | Oisschez | 29 | 2024-07-01T13:03:28 | 3,859 |
lb4dc7o | 1dss7xb | Who are they fighting to save their schools from? *Other Republicans.* | Apathetic_Zealot | 781 | 2024-07-01T13:04:16 | 3,867 |
lb4dl62 | 1dss4xp | ....going South, Carolina...lack respect for women/US... | echoeco | 23 | 2024-07-01T13:06:04 | 3,876 |
lb4dljl | 1dsshia | What about his father's brothers former roommate? | noforgayjesus | 39 | 2024-07-01T13:06:09 | 3,878 |
lb4dm64 | 1dss7xb | at first i thought this was posted under r/leopardsatemyface | RepulsiveLoquat418 | 212 | 2024-07-01T13:06:16 | 3,879 |
lb4dmxh | 1dssbd1 | It says he lags in young voters but leads middle aged and retirement aged voters. | Aggressive_Fox316 | 25 | 2024-07-01T13:06:24 | 3,882 |
lb4ds8a | 1dsshia | Stop this. Lol. | LolAtAllOfThis | 12 | 2024-07-01T13:07:25 | 3,887 |
lb4dwv4 | 1dss4xp | yet another politics post that could easily be r/leopardsatemyface. how so many of these people continue to not see this coming is mystifying. | RepulsiveLoquat418 | 459 | 2024-07-01T13:08:21 | 3,892 |
lb4e0wm | 1dsqapa | The amount of misinformation on this ruling is honestly astounding.
The 8th amendment applies to penalties the government (local or otherwise) imposes after a guilty verdict or plea "not on the question whether a government may criminalize particular behavior in the first place. Powell, 392 U. S., at 531–532."
The other problem raised is that the methods of punishment or not unusual because these methods (fines and jail time after repeated problems) are used in every city and state in the US. There's nothing unusual about a fine and in repeated circumstances - jail.
One noteworthy point raised in the decision was that this is not the same as making homelessness a crime. In a very different case (Robinson) California had attempted to make addiction a crime. This was considered a violation of the 8th Amendment. In Grants Pass v Johnson, public camping laws are the subject, but these don't criminalize what the court is saying is a "status" (i.e. being an addict or being homeless). For example, anyone could be charged with it if they decided to stay too long or too late on public property like a park. "It makes no difference whether the charged defendant is currently a person experiencing homelessness, a backpacker on vacation, or a student who abandons his dorm room to camp out in protest on the lawn of a municipal building." | GhezziTCG | 18 | 2024-07-01T13:09:09 | 3,900 |
lb4e443 | 1dsshia | Did you check with the model from Canada he dated in middle school? | addled_and_old | 27 | 2024-07-01T13:09:47 | 3,907 |
lb4e5ah | 1dsshia | Wow... somebody is really trying to beat this horse to keep it going.
The news cycle is moving on because Bannon is going to hail, the presidential immunity decision is happening today, and people are reading the crazy shit that Trump actually said. | code_archeologist | 12 | 2024-07-01T13:10:01 | 3,911 |
lb4e5if | 1dsr06r | “But she wondered why all the attention was on Biden while Trump’s glaring issues were ignored. This guy’s old. He doesn’t have a stream of thought that is logical,” she said. “And nobody says anything about that, that he can be so disassociated from the facts.”
Yes, the bar is so low for Trump regarding any expectation of truth, that it barely gets acknowledged. If voters don’t care about “hush money” or Trump’s multiple felony convictions, let’s review a few other reasons Trump should never be let near the Oval Office again.
January 6. Trump incited a violent mob to attack the Capitol so he could stay in Office. He tried to overturn a US election he knew he lost. This alone is disqualifying for the presidency.
Supreme Court. If Trump is re-elected, he will nominate one or more conservatives justices making the Supreme Court even more unbalanced. If you read Clarence Thomas’ Roe Opinion, you know personal freedoms are in jeopardy.
Foreign Policy. Trump will pull support for Ukraine, and Russia will roll over Ukraine. Anyone who thinks Russia will not continue to a NATO country has not read history. An attack on one NATO country is an attack on all and American boots will be sent overseas.
I could go on, but in the end, people need to have a clear understanding of just how dangerous Trump is to our democracy and Republican’s Project 2025 to understand the gravity of the 2024 election. Vote Democrat down the ballot. | EmmaLouLove | 469 | 2024-07-01T13:10:03 | 3,912 |
lb4eel7 | 1dss0rr | Listening to the audio of the argument in front SCOTUS, it's looking like a great day to be former President Trump. Biden in shambles and Trump getting full immunity in less than a week.
This country is fucking COOKED. | Suitable-Economy-346 | 50 | 2024-07-01T13:11:51 | 3,920 |
lb4ej0r | 1dsshia | I thought this was an Onion article at first. The fact that the media would publish the opinion of some random childhood neighbor on Biden's candidacy as if it's going to be influential and as if it matters to the American people or Biden is hysterical to me. | okayblueberries | 15 | 2024-07-01T13:12:43 | 3,928 |
lb4ekl9 | 1dss7xb | Good luck with that. Trump's plan (Project 2025) has a top line that abolishes the Department of Education... which means nobody managing the distribute the federal funds that rural schools depend on to continue operating. | code_archeologist | 193 | 2024-07-01T13:13:01 | 3,929 |
lb4ev3q | 1dssbd1 | If Biden fails to step aside, his sole legacy will be his complicity in destroying American democracy. | Historical_Emotion43 | 11 | 2024-07-01T13:15:02 | 3,943 |
lb4f4o3 | 1dsslmt | Looks like republicans are scared of the prospect of Biden dropping out | Bretmd | 21 | 2024-07-01T13:16:53 | 3,956 |
lb4f6zc | 1dss0rr | the coup already happened, SC took it into their own hands, if the SC judge's sponsors want project2025 to happen it's happening whoever wins in november. | padspa | 166 | 2024-07-01T13:17:20 | 3,958 |
lb4flui | 1dsr06r | Pretty crazy the national guard would be needed after a peaceful rally by a sitting President. | cruisysuzyhahaha | 51 | 2024-07-01T13:20:09 | 3,984 |
lb4g06b | 1dsrqpi | Will he? I actually think there's a chance he runs | greywar777 | 36 | 2024-07-01T13:22:53 | 4,005 |
lb4g0j3 | 1dsslmt | When an alt-right rag wants you to keep your incoherent 81-year-old candidate running against their 78-year-old mentally unstable nutbag, you don't have to wonder too much to see their angle. | cybermort | 11 | 2024-07-01T13:22:57 | 4,006 |
lb4g4zh | 1dssucp | It's wild how many of these things Trump can have and literally no one calls for him to drop out. That's the double standard between democrats and republicans | inb4ban2 | 1,072 | 2024-07-01T13:23:47 | 4,012 |
lb4gba4 | 1dsr06r | There’s nothing DJT hates more than age appropriate women. | HerbertKornfeldRIP | 26 | 2024-07-01T13:24:58 | 4,019 |
lb4gens | 1dssucp | is this supposed to make me feel better? if we only had a candidate without brain freeze moments, maybe we could use it as campaign issue. | cybermort | 206 | 2024-07-01T13:25:36 | 4,026 |
lb4gma8 | 1dssnz6 | I don't understand why they didn't just pick a clear successor to President as their VP. Kamala is not it - everyone can agree there. A Gretchen Whitmer or Gavin Newsom or something along those lines as VP would signal the Democratic Party's intention to succeed Biden. It doesn't have to be succession for the next Presidency necessarily, but just whenever Biden is "finished"... either at the end of this term or at the end of the next or anywhere in-between. This would quell a lot of concerns for his entire base.
Don't get me wrong, I'm voting Biden and I'm telling everyone I know to vote Biden. It's just that what irks me so much is that my party **has no Plan B.** Make a Plan B and a Plan C because of how much is at stake! Contingency plan and think about all possibilities. Biden could take a fall and that could be the end. What is the plan!?! Things can change so quickly. Anyone that has had a grandparent should know this. If Dem's lose this one, it's their own damn fault. | khmonday | 11 | 2024-07-01T13:27:01 | 4,033 |
lb4gvlk | 1dspwzl | The problem with this is that she and many others are not recognizing that the majority of voters are one or more of the following; stupid, shallow, ignorant and/or easily influenced by simple propaganda.
That debate performance was a gift for the Trump campaign in that it validated their claims of "old-man dementia Joe". Once it's seen, it cannot be unseen - 50 million people saw it.
He is truly fucked. He would have to pull something amazing out of the bag over the next 5 months, with amazing debates and speeches for this debate not to define him going into the vote. That's just how people's minds work.
What is worse, is that Trump is highly likely to give Joe the finger for the next debate and refuse to appear. He has nothing to gain and everything to lose. So, I just don't see that Trump will give Biden an opportunity to redeem himself. | NorgesTaff | 15 | 2024-07-01T13:28:44 | 4,046 |
lb4h5pt | 1dss7xb | Welp guys, you hitched your wagon to the wrong party for that. | Designer-Contract852 | 87 | 2024-07-01T13:30:37 | 4,059 |
lb4hhal | 1dssucp | Lol, keep on coping. | KrakenKappa | 25 | 2024-07-01T13:32:46 | 4,072 |
lb4hk49 | 1dssnz6 | Still voting for biden over the crook | splycedaddy | 22 | 2024-07-01T13:33:17 | 4,078 |
lb4hkcc | 1dst0or | This is news worthy? | Sufficient_Meal4378 | 11 | 2024-07-01T13:33:19 | 4,079 |
lb4hqmq | 1dst0or | are we supposed to care about this? | Outside-Block5363 | 22 | 2024-07-01T13:34:29 | 4,085 |
lb4htw2 | 1dsr06r | Go Nancy go! She never took his stupid shit. | Dwayla | 13 | 2024-07-01T13:35:05 | 4,087 |
lb4htwz | 1dssucp | Leftist Reddit copium in the days after Biden's bed shitting performance is fucking unbelievable. | Sufficient_Meal4378 | 36 | 2024-07-01T13:35:05 | 4,088 |
lb4hu6r | 1dssbd1 | Biden will get absolutely eviscerated in the swing states. Nevada is in play and I think he’ll also take Arizona and Georgia. That pretty means Trump can win ONE of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, or Michigan and he automatically wins. | ArgentoFox | 12 | 2024-07-01T13:35:08 | 4,089 |
lb4huau | 1dssucp | Yes, Trump had a D- performance and was spewing stupid nonsense.
But was overshadowed by Biden's F-
Like imagine a debate where the guy who talks about post birth abortions actually coming out looking bettter, unbelievable | cukablayat | 14 | 2024-07-01T13:35:10 | 4,090 |
lb4hxyp | 1dssucp | Wuttabout is not a good strategy. | disasterbot | 119 | 2024-07-01T13:35:50 | 4,094 |
lb4hyd2 | 1dsq1yv | I have an uncle in the MAGA army. He's in his late 70s and can barely get in and out of his pick up truck, but he definitely thinks owning some guns makes him ready to fight in a war. | demystifier | 15 | 2024-07-01T13:35:54 | 4,095 |
lb4i0pj | 1dssnz6 | I am laughing at the boldface gaslighting delusion that this is down-voted to 21%. | Independent-Bug-9352 | 18 | 2024-07-01T13:36:20 | 4,100 |
lb4i1zv | 1dst0or | I love that she didn’t buy the “real” sneakers and bought knock offs I stead.
Peak MAGA move. | Deathdar1577 | 27 | 2024-07-01T13:36:34 | 4,102 |
lb4i4l0 | 1dsr3u6 | He's not just an "ally". He was the chief executive of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign and chief strategist and senior counselor to the president in Trump's White House. | Dianneis | 19 | 2024-07-01T13:37:02 | 4,108 |
lb4i4x7 | 1dsr06r | These type of articles are why Dems must retain the White House. I don't want to see this kind of drivel every day for four years. Enough! | Hushes | 11 | 2024-07-01T13:37:05 | 4,110 |
lb4i5tx | 1dss7xb | Vote for school vouchers, or vote for a Democrat. Rural republican voters sweating at the ballot box.
Who am I kidding. They’re going to hatefully vote for the school vouchers and then say both parties are the same. | Former-Lab-9451 | 60 | 2024-07-01T13:37:16 | 4,114 |
lb4i7if | 1dst0or | ...I mean, the 'real' ones are probably made in the same factory. | MrLurid | 67 | 2024-07-01T13:37:34 | 4,117 |
lb4i7ni | 1dsqjjf | It’s all a joke right up until the very instant they think they can get away with it. They’re like fucking children holding their finger right in front of your face and chanting, “I’m not touching you! I’m joy touching you!” | FreneticPlatypus | 79 | 2024-07-01T13:37:35 | 4,118 |
lb4ibxj | 1dsq1yv | My dad died from alcohol withdrawal while in a physical rehab center (for just a couple of days). I really hope Mr. Bannon gets to meet my father. | golden-rabbit | 12 | 2024-07-01T13:38:23 | 4,129 |
lb4igdu | 1dssucp | This is a bullshit distraction. Look at the recent polling being down-voted to death. Biden needs to step aside. Otherwise Trump wins. | OiUey | 24 | 2024-07-01T13:39:11 | 4,136 |
lb4iib0 | 1dss0rr | The supreme traitor's only job is to protect Trump | Cute-Draw7599 | 32 | 2024-07-01T13:39:33 | 4,140 |
lb4ind9 | 1dss0rr | Took 3 week for them to clear up the Colorado ballot case.
But 6 months to issue anything on this.
Supreme Court is 100% political and in the Republicans pockets. | Nephthyzz | 2,165 | 2024-07-01T13:40:29 | 4,148 |
lb4is90 | 1dst850 | Does this move American politics more towards a “Republic of States” and less a nation? | robertomeyers | 17 | 2024-07-01T13:41:23 | 4,153 |
lb4it5s | 1dss0rr | Have a sinking feeling they're just going to remand it to lower courts, so this continues to be dragged out. | campfire_eventide | 162 | 2024-07-01T13:41:33 | 4,156 |
lb4ivqm | 1dsqjjf | Narcissist say horrible things that they believe. And when somebody goes “What did you just say? That’s horrible!” They realize what they said made them look bad and they suddenly are inappropriate in public eye and they will be judged for what they said… and they say “ oh I was just joking”. | El_Guap | 21 | 2024-07-01T13:42:02 | 4,160 |
lb4jf8q | 1dsr3u6 | This is actually well timed, as he won't be able to instigate his terroristic base in the months leading up to the election.
Hope the alcohol withdrawals are miserable for him. | Dont_Touch_Me_There9 | 44 | 2024-07-01T13:45:32 | 4,185 |
lb4jgb3 | 1dsr06r | Listening to him continue to get away with his bullshit is exhausting. You can't debate him on his Great Value Twitter platform but come *on!* That's what was supposed to happen in the debate. The **\*\*debate\*\*** that's why they call it that. Stop letting him get away with his hyperbolic bullshit, and if the moderators won't do it (they won't) Biden needs to. Here's my humble suggestion:
Trump: \[Biden\] wants to raise your taxes by four times
Biden: Explain how my proposal will quadruple taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000/year, please. Explain it.
Trump: Biden "allowed millions of people to come in here from prisons, jails and mental institutions."
Biden: Explain how you know that, please. What data do you have, where did it come from? What percentage of immigrants are coming from prisons, jails and mental institutions? How do you know that?
Trump: **We had the safest border in the history of our country.**
Biden: Based on what? What study? What statistics? Explain.
Trump: **Biden allowed in "18 million people."**
**Biden: Where did you get that number? Immigration officials have stopped nearly 10 million illegal border crossings. How do you know 18 million more have come in?**
Trump: The problem (Democrats) have is they're radical, because they will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth.
Biden: When did this happen? Who was the mother? What state? What doctor? What are their names?
Trump: \[They\] "indicted me because I was his opponent."
Biden: Prove it. Four grand juries found there was enough evidence to go to trial, one jury of 12 citizens, approved by your lawyers, found you guilty of fraud. You and your businesses have been involved in more than 3500 lawsuits, how do you know this is because you're running for president?
Just make this dipshit follow up his nonsense claims with facts or data. Every single time. He tells one of his 'sir' stories? Ask for names. Who was the person that came up to you and said that? What was their name? What did they look like? What was the name of the business? What time of day was it? Don't let him bullshit his way though any debate, shine a floodlight on how flimsy his lies really are. | Acrimonious_Hex | 19 | 2024-07-01T13:45:43 | 4,187 |
lb4jh0q | 1dss7xb | Gee that’s too bad, guess they shouldn’t have voted for Republicans who have worked for years to make education inaccessible to anyone not white, rich and Christian. What are they gonna do when the people they elected come for them because they are NOT loyal enough. | bakeacake45 | 30 | 2024-07-01T13:45:51 | 4,190 |
lb4jir8 | 1dss0rr | The trial won't be finished but this could hurt his campaign if he is required to be in court | processedmeat | 11 | 2024-07-01T13:46:09 | 4,192 |
lb4jt3x | 1dstbp0 | Biden needs to drop out. Not because of the results of one poll, but because the American people deserve a candidate they want to support | Conscious-Work-5637 | 23 | 2024-07-01T13:48:00 | 4,209 |
lb4jtey | 1dstc6q | The immunity ruling could go a few different ways today, but the leading theory is that they will create some sort of "test" for an "official act" and kick it back to Chutkan for review.
If they go this route, it sucks because it essentially gives Trump the gift they keep on giving - delay.
But there is a tiny silver lining to that decision:
Chutkan would then hold an evidentiary hearing. And she can start it almost immediately.
This creates a "mini-trial" of sorts which allows a judge to hear testimony, evidence and whatever is necessary for Chutkan to reach a determination.
Since that determination delves deep into the heart of the prosecution, this means we could hear new testimony under oath from huge figures like Pence, the public could learn about previously-undisclosed evidence regarding Jan. 6, etc.
It gives Jack Smith at least an avenue to produce some pretty damning material that will become public knowledge - and possibly for months leading up to the election.
It absolutely pales in comparison to, y'know... A criminal trial. But given the circumstances, it'll be interesting to see unfold. | CaptainNoBoat | 29 | 2024-07-01T13:48:03 | 4,210 |
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