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lb3o7cu | 1dsiqzh | What the actual fuck is the point of articles like these? Who are they directed at? | _Androxis_ | 389 | 2024-07-01T09:04:49 | 2,887 |
lb3opb9 | 1dslz4j | “No you “ lol the damage control | brucio_u | 19 | 2024-07-01T09:10:57 | 2,900 |
lb3otu6 | 1dsel6l | This messaging only works if people don’t think Biden has dementia. | wuncean | 52 | 2024-07-01T09:12:28 | 2,904 |
lb3p6wz | 1dslz4j | this is a straight propaganda sub | Ok-Creme-8298 | 16 | 2024-07-01T09:16:50 | 2,912 |
lb3pfb7 | 1dske16 | Article wrote by chatgpt | brucio_u | 26 | 2024-07-01T09:19:42 | 2,917 |
lb3qjtl | 1dslz4j | We know, we would love a candidate that can highlight it and exploit it in a debate. | Antique_Cricket_4087 | 103 | 2024-07-01T09:33:30 | 2,948 |
lb3qk0e | 1dslz4j | Man we are throwing absolutely everything at the wall to try to get something to stick after biden's godawful debate performance huh | iunoyou | 14 | 2024-07-01T09:33:34 | 2,949 |
lb3qyul | 1dsjc1b | Hey Jake Tapper, Would it kill you to push back on use of the self contradicting term “post-birth abortions?” Maybe correcting him by calling it infanticide, and adding how it is infanticide is illegal in all 50 states? | cornmanjammer | 21 | 2024-07-01T09:38:36 | 2,953 |
lb3r2bm | 1dsoxc1 | By holding on to the case until early July, the justices have reduced, if not eliminated, the chance that Trump will have to stand trial before the November election, no matter what the court decides. | Murky-Site7468 | 73 | 2024-07-01T09:39:47 | 2,954 |
lb3r3ap | 1dslz4j | Yes, let’s pretend he was the one who was obviously senile at the debate. | fffan9391 | 11 | 2024-07-01T09:40:06 | 2,955 |
lb3rtez | 1dsiqzh | I've been seeing articles with titles like this at the top of the page for the past 3 days. What's the point? Most people agree Trump did better and he will not be dropping out because people think he should. This is just a distraction away from all the posts about whether or not Biden should drop out. | StupudTATO | 14 | 2024-07-01T09:48:40 | 2,976 |
lb3rxa4 | 1dsjc1b | r/politics right now is approaching that beyond parody point last scene during the dying days of the 'here's how Bernie can still win' movement. Like this is not something that can be spun out of
Yeah trump will be a nightmare and yes he said some idiotic, wrong and downright evil things in that debate- And noone noticed because they were focused on the Buden mumbling nonsense, trailing off, staring into space with a slackjawed lost expression that anyone who lost an elderly relative to dementia is familiar with.
With so much at stake it is terrifyingly irresponsible to have hidden this from the American people and avoided making an informed decision before the primary season about who will take on trump. And now it is out in the open it is bordering on criminally negligent to pretend everything will be okay and delay making the obvious decision any further. | secretsquirrelbiz | 11 | 2024-07-01T09:49:55 | 2,977 |
lb3s60t | 1dsiqzh | Is this subreddit serious or is it satire? | Thin_Sky | 12 | 2024-07-01T09:52:45 | 2,985 |
lb3s7w0 | 1dsjc1b | Watching r/politics just continue to cope and seethe over the worst debate performance of a sitting President in American history. | FucktardSupreme | 12 | 2024-07-01T09:53:21 | 2,987 |
lb3stdh | 1dsoxc1 | MAGA SCOTUS running interference for Donnie just like their billionaire daddies told them to. | SeegsonSynthetics | 26 | 2024-07-01T10:00:14 | 3,001 |
lb3tgh6 | 1dsiqzh | I just don't understand why trump even allowed to run when he stole stuff from the government or whatever among other things.
Like why are we letting someone stealing and giving secrets a chance at presidency again? | Shadou_Wolf | 39 | 2024-07-01T10:07:33 | 3,019 |
lb3tiri | 1dsa19u | Weirdly, after the debate, all the political subs I visit were panicking about the need to drop Joe. However all the non political subs, who were also talking about the debate, were saying that the debate was comically bad but they would still rather have Joe than Trump. Had me thinking that maybe the pundits are overreacting. | Evorgleb | 22 | 2024-07-01T10:08:16 | 3,024 |
lb3uar5 | 1dsel6l | As strong Democrat, anyone who thinks Trump has dementia (he seems to have signs), but thinks Joe Biden does not, is delusional. | OsakaWilson | 12 | 2024-07-01T10:17:00 | 3,043 |
lb3ubke | 1dsjmc5 | Article from December 18, 2023. | Imnogrinchard | 11 | 2024-07-01T10:17:14 | 3,044 |
lb3uzcx | 1dslz4j | I am just shaking my head in amazement at the stuff getting churned out on this board over the past few days.
Like seriously guys, you think you can spin your way out of this? | secretsquirrelbiz | 15 | 2024-07-01T10:24:31 | 3,066 |
lb3vm7x | 1dsiqzh | This is giving massive ‘no you!’ Vibes | HorseFacedDipShit | 21 | 2024-07-01T10:31:28 | 3,092 |
lb3vqt4 | 1ds9ifx | Such a difficult decision but "keep fighting" isn't the answer, IMO. Nobody blames Joe Biden for the debate performance. He was bad because of limitations out of his control. Limitations that we all will experience eventually if we're lucky enough to live into old age.
It's much like asking a boxer who has been knocked down and suffered a concussion to "keep fighting" for a few more rounds. They may be able to stay upright but willpower will not make them any more effective. He is unlikely to be able to complete his term in office and the existing cognitive decline will only accelerate.
I'm registered Independent. Would never vote for Trump in a million years but the debate changed my mind about Biden's fitness for a second term. It would be an act of patriotism, IMO, to finish out his term while supporting someone else who can keep Trump out of office. | Exodys03 | 14 | 2024-07-01T10:32:50 | 3,095 |
lb3wu1s | 1dspwzl | ***The Telegraph reports:***
Jill Biden has insisted her husband’s lacklustre debate performance against Donald Trump should not “define the four years he’s been president”, in a cover interview with American Vogue.
The first lady spoke to the magazine from the secluded presidential retreat of Camp David on Sunday – where her family had gathered following Thursday’s disastrous debate, in which her husband repeatedly froze and stumbled over his answers which were at times incomprehensible.
“We will not let those 90 minutes define the four years he’s been president. We will continue to fight”, Mrs Biden said.
Democrat donors have turned on the first lady over her failure to advise her husband to pull out of the 2024 presidential race.
“Lots of people are blaming his wife…for not telling him \[to step aside\],” one told the New York Post.
The Vogue interview was conducted ahead of the CNN debate but the publication followed up with Mrs Biden via phone on Sunday.
Hunter Biden is also said to be one of the strongest voices urging his father to resist the mounting pressure to stand aside.
The New York Times reported that Hunter, 54, is desperate for his father’s awkward display in front of 50 million American viewers on Thursday not to become his legacy, according to a source informed by the ongoing family discussions.
**Full story:** [****]( | TheTelegraph | 46 | 2024-07-01T10:44:24 | 3,136 |
lb3wveq | 1dspwzl | And I say being bald shouldn’t define my ability to use a comb | ShrimpieAC | 29 | 2024-07-01T10:44:48 | 3,138 |
lb3wvjq | 1dspa73 | > Vladimir Putin wants more political violence — the Supreme Court just handed MAGA one excuse
Fixed that for you. Putin’s the one benefitting from all of this, and Trump is just his lackey. | IAmArique | 70 | 2024-07-01T10:44:50 | 3,139 |
lb3x0ig | 1dsoxc1 | Future history books will point to this SCOTUS as the reason the US finally failed as an ongoing (democratic) concern. | barneyrubbble | 179 | 2024-07-01T10:46:16 | 3,142 |
lb3x4ui | 1dspvlt | > "That's not how this works. We don't have smoke-filled rooms."
I suppose it was just a coincidence every moderate candidate, who beat Biden in Iowa and New Hampshire, dropped out on the same night. | Rfunkpocket | 23 | 2024-07-01T10:47:29 | 3,144 |
lb3xrxi | 1dsq1yv | Bye bye buddy. Enjoy your upcoming [state prosecution]( for more serious felonies when you're done with this one. | CaptainNoBoat | 273 | 2024-07-01T10:54:02 | 3,162 |
lb3xs2q | 1dspwzl | It confirmed everyone’s worst fears that Biden can’t think or speak for himself without a teleprompter and being surrounded by his family/staff. His top aide bizarrely leaking that they have a set 11 to 4 schedule for him to accommodate his sundowning certainly didn’t do any favors.
That’s why the media and all these democrats are rising up against him, because they had so much invested in him but they’re realizing he’s a total lost cause who’ll lead to a Trump landslide. Unless we get fresh blood in. | hockeybro3775 | 62 | 2024-07-01T10:54:04 | 3,163 |
lb3xtzs | 1dspa73 | If Trump wins this election, religious extremism will take hold of the USA for a generation. This will lead to all out fascism and all of this will lead to unprecedented levels of political violence in America, fracturing the Union itself.
The only peaceful way for reasonable people to prevent this is to vote blue all the way down the ticket. To encourage your friends, your family and your neighbors to get out and vote blue, and for them to do the same.
If Trump wins, the USA will become like Nazi Germany, except this time, there will not be a force of Allies capable of waging a war of liberation.
The stakes literally couldn't be higher. Biden will be the Democratic Nominee, whether we like it or not, and he must be elected to avoid bloodshed - whether that be next year, or in 10 years.
Vote blue and save the USA. | General_Merchandise | 279 | 2024-07-01T10:54:37 | 3,164 |
lb3y2g4 | 1dsq1yv | Great. Let's put those 5,000 fanatics up against the professional military. That would be HILARIOUS.
Enjoy prison, Fuckface. | Tony2030 | 254 | 2024-07-01T10:56:59 | 3,178 |
lb3y4pn | 1dsq1yv | I am surprised he did not leave the country in hopes of Trump winning and granting him a pardon. | sedatedlife | 25 | 2024-07-01T10:57:37 | 3,182 |
lb3ys28 | 1dsq1yv | May your alcohol withdrawal be exactly as pain free as you deserve. | Spare_Philosopher893 | 134 | 2024-07-01T11:04:03 | 3,209 |
lb3z4kw | 1dspwzl | It shouldn’t, but he had to do literally one thing - look like he wasn’t about to die - and he failed at it. | hamhead | 636 | 2024-07-01T11:07:29 | 3,222 |
lb3z5ze | 1dsoxc1 | It's ridiculous that the court is allowed to even take this case, as it isn't an actual case.
President's are not kings, so what the hell is there for them to discuss? | _mort1_ | 28 | 2024-07-01T11:07:53 | 3,225 |
lb3z9jw | 1dspwzl | She is starting to play the role of a Alexandra Feodorovna, tsar Nicholas II wife who consistently pressed him to never give up any power, and helped hide the ailments of their hemophiliac son and heir from the public | 420PokerFace | 18 | 2024-07-01T11:08:50 | 3,229 |
lb3zakh | 1dsq1yv | Maga's Army? I did not know riding to war on a mobility scooter was an option.... | Agressive-toothbrush | 124 | 2024-07-01T11:09:07 | 3,230 |
lb3zvlz | 1dsq1yv | “I've served my country now for the last 10 or so years focusing on this,”
< facepalm > | termacct | 27 | 2024-07-01T11:14:42 | 3,250 |
lb40113 | 1dspwzl | This is what happens with power; the people around you don’t want you to give it up. Everyone in the Biden Administration enjoys the perks. No one sees the reality of the situation and it will cost all of us dearly. | Hayes4prez | 38 | 2024-07-01T11:16:08 | 3,257 |
lb404yv | 1dspwzl | It doesn’t define his first four years, but it’s going to define his chances at the next four. | IJustCantHelpYou | 161 | 2024-07-01T11:17:09 | 3,264 |
lb40c5d | 1dsqey3 | I mean of course. There's absolutely no upside to condoning that desire until and if Biden actually steps aside. And not a moment sooner.
>This governor said the party was likely best off sticking with Biden, but reserved the right to revise and extend that assessment based on the president’s polling and fundraising by mid-July. | CaptainNoBoat | 48 | 2024-07-01T11:19:01 | 3,272 |
lb40itx | 1dspwzl | It does not define his last 4 years but it does raise serious concerns about his ability over the next four years. Its not like he is applying to be a walmart greeter he is running for the president of the United States as fascism is on the march. Democrats winning is a must to certain communities and many do not believe Biden could be a door greeter et alonethe President. | sedatedlife | 29 | 2024-07-01T11:20:44 | 3,279 |
lb40jrb | 1dspa73 | MAGA doesn't even need an excuse, why does this article pretend like they need one | s4t0sh1n4k4m0t0 | 32 | 2024-07-01T11:20:59 | 3,280 |
lb40ogb | 1dspa73 | Blows my mind he was never charged for his J6 involvement. He gets away withd too much shut at the cost of our democracy. | Wizard_Writa_Obscura | 95 | 2024-07-01T11:22:11 | 3,285 |
lb40pay | 1dslz4j | Wow the swing machine is in full effect, do we just gaslight Americans now by pretending trump was the deteriorated candidate? | wjta | 25 | 2024-07-01T11:22:24 | 3,287 |
lb40zkw | 1dspwzl | It doesn’t “define him.” It does what every debate is supposed to do- assess the electability of the candidates in relation to each other. And he failed. | just-a-simple-song | 50 | 2024-07-01T11:25:02 | 3,299 |
lb419q5 | 1dsqjjf | Bannon is a very lucky guy for not being in jail at this very moment | Ok_Consideration_242 | 32 | 2024-07-01T11:27:37 | 3,308 |
lb41k7p | 1dsqm78 | Elder abuse. | fretpretzel | 45 | 2024-07-01T11:30:12 | 3,323 |
lb41p8f | 1dsj4lh | “If you read the actual transcript, Biden actually did much better than trump.” Yeah but I watched, and it’s not something I can un-see. | lefthandsuzukimthd | 24 | 2024-07-01T11:31:28 | 3,325 |
lb41ryd | 1dsqm78 | Should we start urging the Biden family to urge Biden to step down? Start talking to Obama and Clinton and anyone else who has influence in the party. We seriously can't go on like this. | Armano-Avalus | 38 | 2024-07-01T11:32:08 | 3,329 |
lb41u61 | 1dspwzl | I used to love Jill but she’s absolutely disgusting me now I’m sorry. It’s clear especially after all these Camp David leaks that she doesn’t give a SHIT about saving democracy; she’s just out to save her own power and influence as First Lady.
If she genuinely gave a shit about the country she’d hitch her wagon to a new, younger and more dynamic DNC candidate who might actually stand a chance of going up against Trump unlike her physically/mentally drained husband who has nothing but targets on his back now | rhysxart | 37 | 2024-07-01T11:32:41 | 3,331 |
lb423qw | 1dspwzl | These people are all power hungry, selfish, delusional.
We are talking about the most powerful position in the most powerful country in the world.
You *need* to be cognitively all together to be president of the US. I cannot believe this is a question, I can’t believe this is even a debate. | lalalibraaa | 139 | 2024-07-01T11:35:05 | 3,343 |
lb42act | 1dsqsrf | A bit from the article:
> Voucher advocates, backed by a handful of billionaire funders, are on the march to bring more red and purple states into the fold for “school choice,” their preferred terminology for vouchers. And again and again, they are running up against rural Republicans like Warner, who are joining forces with Democratic lawmakers in a rare bipartisan alliance. That is, it’s the reddest regions of these red and purple states that are putting up some of the strongest resistance to the conservative assault on public schools.
> Conservative orthodoxy at the national level holds that parents must be given an out from a failing public education system that force-feeds children progressive fads. But many rural Republican lawmakers have trouble reconciling this with the reality in their districts, where many public schools are not only the sole educational option, but also the largest employer and the hub of the community — where everyone goes for holiday concerts, Friday night football and basketball. Unlike schools in blue metro areas, rural schools mostly reopened for in-person instruction in the fall of 2020, and they are far less likely to be courting controversy on issues involving race and gender. | zsreport | 17 | 2024-07-01T11:36:40 | 3,347 |
lb42e1l | 1dsq1yv | >“I’m going to be more powerful in prison than I am now,” Bannon said last week.
I wonder what the Police Union's opinion is on this one. | postsshortcomments | 20 | 2024-07-01T11:37:34 | 3,353 |
lb42iws | 1dslz4j | More pathetic cope. You can really see the Democrat spin machine at full power after Thursday night’s disaster. And I’m a never trumper. | TKFourTwenty | 13 | 2024-07-01T11:38:44 | 3,360 |
lb42ole | 1dspwzl | Is Jill Biden the president? Because I think right now she is.
People didn't vote for Jill Biden | baconkrew | 15 | 2024-07-01T11:40:09 | 3,367 |
lb42q0y | 1dsqm78 | This timeline sucks lmao
Is it too much to ask for that a president can at least string together a few sentences without a teleprompter?
And isn't communication a big part of a president's job anyways | cukablayat | 56 | 2024-07-01T11:40:29 | 3,369 |
lb42ra5 | 1dspwzl | I wish he had just stepped down and given the Dem party the time and space to find a viable alternative candidate.
The people who would vote for a rock over Trump will still vote for a replacement, but a younger, more engaged candidate would have a better chance to pulling in voters who might sit this election out due to disliking both candidates. | lavenderpenguin | 18 | 2024-07-01T11:40:47 | 3,374 |
lb42vam | 1dsqm78 | This is elder abuse. | StemBro45 | 15 | 2024-07-01T11:41:45 | 3,379 |
lb42xvx | 1dsqqy9 | I find it amusing when I hit the Republican and Conservative subs and you find MAGA commenters espousing Bannon's Trotsky Leninist burn the house down, free the people philosophy and confusion abounds as they try to argue their way back to traditional capitalism.
>You’ve got to not just reallocate income, you have to reallocate assets. People have to have a stake in this. That’s all they’re asking for.
>I took Michael Porter’s classes at Harvard back in the ’80s, and globalization was — Harvard, at that time, treated this as the second law of thermodynamics. It was a natural property that could not be questioned. And then I went to the M. & A. department at Goldman Sachs and I worked with Hank Paulson. I was put on a lot of things to sell companies. You could just see America was being gutted. You had Mike Milken and the junk bond guys, and they were after these companies. And you go out there, and the companies were not particularly well run.
>The guys were always going to the country club, and the management was very detached from labor — you see this evisceration, you saw these jobs going, and they were never coming back.
I despise David Brooks and his pop psycho babble faux morality - but it's amusing watching his head explode as he realizes that he and the other " moderates" looked away during decades of the Southern Strategy that created an opening for Bannon to find just the right pompous idiot in trump to take the country down. | SicilyMalta | 30 | 2024-07-01T11:42:23 | 3,381 |
lb42zo3 | 1dsqsbz | You'd be amazed what could be considered an emergency by a governor | MrIrrelevantsHypeMan | 23 | 2024-07-01T11:42:48 | 3,383 |
lb4300e | 1dsqubj | I could honestly give less of a shit what Jill thinks or wants at this point, she’s royally fucking the party over for the sake of her own greed. | hockeybro3775 | 25 | 2024-07-01T11:42:53 | 3,384 |
lb431qp | 1dsdr6f | I'm a little tired of articles that declaim the decisions of Republicans or the Supreme Court as "baffling". Or any sort of reaction that is like, hands in the air and "what!?" surprise and shock.
I feel like our whole country is sleepwalking into fascism, and those who have been ringing the alarm have been told over and over that it's childish to think that way. And while we are getting closer to the mainstream media in particular actually admitting where we're heading, particularly with a supreme court that is actively laying the groundwork for a fascist government takeover, it is very frustrating that collectively we are pretending that there is any other reason for the supreme court to act any other way right now other than dismantling our government controls. | SappyGemstone | 13 | 2024-07-01T11:43:18 | 3,385 |
lb432yu | 1dspwzl | The one thing that *guarantees* Biden will always be defined by that debate is if he stays in the race and Trump wins. | BristolShambler | 22 | 2024-07-01T11:43:35 | 3,387 |
lb435sg | 1dslz4j | Is this the whataboutism that everyone on reddit talks about? | isic | 11 | 2024-07-01T11:44:15 | 3,391 |
lb439zu | 1dsqwqb | Who again sabotaged the best immigration and border security bill? | greenascanbe | 62 | 2024-07-01T11:45:16 | 3,394 |
lb43f29 | 1dsqm78 | Absolutely ridiculous! Take the keys away from the old man before he kills someone (like our democracy)! What is it about these narcissistic fucking old men?! | nick3504 | 12 | 2024-07-01T11:46:29 | 3,399 |
lb43hau | 1dsqubj | We know what is at stake, that is why it's important Biden passes the torch gracefully. You are in denial if you don't admit to the obvious REALITY that Biden is too old and frail for 4 more years. | gerrymandering_jack | 49 | 2024-07-01T11:47:01 | 3,403 |
lb43jhh | 1dsjc1b | I like how everyone glossed over him saying immigrants were taking all the black jobs. | Bigdx | 29 | 2024-07-01T11:47:32 | 3,407 |
lb43k8e | 1dsqmf3 | Interesting article.
In the UK we had a similar figure (albeit without the weight of the HF behind him) called Dominic Cummings whom, it is largely believed, was responsible for the Leave campaign getting the enormously costly ‘victory’ of Brexit over the line.
His ‘reward’ for subsequently getting British PM Johnson into power was an unelected seat in government, along with his ‘advisors’. At first, he was much-feted as a kind of super Technocrat who was going to dismantle the Civil Service and run things “his way.”
He, too, was unaware of the capriciousness of Johnson as PM, and the whole project spectacularly collapsed around the middle of the pandemic. He literally left No.10 by the back door and used his chance as a witness at the Covid Inquiry to expose and destroy Johnson’s true reputation as a dithering, egotistical and inconsistent leader, only in position for the benefits it would bring HIM.
The phrase “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes”, seems appropriate here… | EditorRedditer | 32 | 2024-07-01T11:47:42 | 3,408 |
lb43lar | 1dsqubj | She’s wrong. Women didn’t give Biden the victory in 2020. Young voters did.
And Joe Biden has lost the young vote this time. And it will cost us the election if he doesn’t step down. | RickKassidy | 45 | 2024-07-01T11:47:57 | 3,410 |
lb43m2y | 1dspvlt | Just to remind everyone Joe Biden hasn't had a live press conference since the debate. The only thing he has done is read from a teleprompter. If they really want to dispel the perception they need to put him out live instead of having Jill/Pelosi and others making statements for me.
Dude is the President and he can't even speak for himself? | baconkrew | 12 | 2024-07-01T11:48:09 | 3,412 |
lb43r31 | 1dsq1yv | Gravy seals, enjoy your time Traitor. | Deepthoughts9911 | 12 | 2024-07-01T11:49:20 | 3,417 |
lb43tsw | 1dsqubj | The power that she gets from exploiting her husband is at stake, so vote blue everyone! | Miserable_Escape8177 | 17 | 2024-07-01T11:50:00 | 3,422 |
lb43waq | 1dsqwqb | Fuck off Fox News | Jsnow827 | 29 | 2024-07-01T11:50:33 | 3,425 |
lb43zyu | 1dsqwqb | Yea and i am more likely to be murdered by a family member what is Biden doing about that. /s | sedatedlife | 13 | 2024-07-01T11:51:25 | 3,430 |
lb442t5 | 1dsqubj | Every time I see her name, I just see her treating Joe Biden, the president, as a preschooler.
Good job Joe! You answered all the questions! 😬 | Late_Sample_5568 | 68 | 2024-07-01T11:52:06 | 3,433 |
lb44ab8 | 1dsqm78 | I can't believe the Obamas and Clintons are treating the American public with such contempt. They should be forcing Biden to step down post haste.
Trump losing is the most important thing. We can't let Biden's determination to not be a "one term president" guarantee that result in November. | H7H8D4D0D0 | 13 | 2024-07-01T11:53:49 | 3,439 |
lb44gr2 | 1dsq1yv | Sure they are, Steve. Now let's get you out of the 6 layers of polos and into this nice, single layer, orange jumpsuit. | cultfourtyfive | 15 | 2024-07-01T11:55:17 | 3,446 |
lb44io9 | 1dspwzl | It does Jill. For a lot of voters the debate was a chance to assuage concerns of his age. He failed miserably. It was a complete disaster. | eternal_sorreaux | 38 | 2024-07-01T11:55:45 | 3,449 |
lb44sn1 | 1dsr3u6 | Finally, some good news. | Diamondphalanges756 | 100 | 2024-07-01T11:58:03 | 3,457 |
lb44uyr | 1dsqubj | We know what's at stake. That's why you're going to become the most hated person in history when your decision gives trump the presidency | nocountryforcoldham | 41 | 2024-07-01T11:58:35 | 3,459 |
lb44zo4 | 1dsqm78 | I will vote for him but in my opinion him staying in is a massive mistake that will cost him enough votes to end his chances to come back in this race. | sedatedlife | 15 | 2024-07-01T11:59:41 | 3,463 |
lb452t0 | 1dsq1yv | Coal rolling trucks with moose antler side mirrors with a bunch Trump flags driven by a bunch of rednecks does not make an army. | Permitty | 12 | 2024-07-01T12:00:26 | 3,468 |
lb455kc | 1dsqsrf | >Ohio adopted universal private school vouchers, with middle- and working-class families eligible for up to $8,407 per high school student
Why can Republicans all of a sudden afford these very expensive programs that cost even more than the maximum benefit of SNAP Food Stamps for a family of three?
>SNAP Benefit: The maximum benefit in 2024 for a family of three is $766. The maximum benefit minus the household contribution ($766 minus $25) equals about $741. The family’s monthly SNAP benefit is $741.b | postsshortcomments | 55 | 2024-07-01T12:01:04 | 3,473 |
lb4563w | 1dspa73 | It's imperative to understand if Trump wins; it will not only be 4 years of his right wing extreme insanity; it will be decades of such.
2 sitting members of the supreme court are due to retire. The expectation is they will wait until Trump or another republican is elected to retire; in which case Trump would fill their seat with a 30-40 year old right wing extremist who will vote for conservative, right wing laws and bans for the next decades of their lifetime role.
Trump filled 3 seats after his election. This is why the supreme court has been able to roll out extremist laws; destroying Roe, Destroying Chevron (power to federal expert agencies to protect, study and enforce regulations to protect the people such as FDA, CDC, and EPA) among other extreme measures scotus has ruled on such as legalized bribery by "tipping a service to a judge".
And thats best case scenario; its unclear if he would relinquish his presidential powers after his 4 years is up. Project 2025 aims to further weaken balances and checks of government to allow even more power to trump and other extremists. He wants and intends to be a dictator | SoccerGamerGuy7 | 278 | 2024-07-01T12:01:12 | 3,474 |
lb458f6 | 1dsr3u6 | Lock him up and save a spot for Trump. | Thorne1269 | 160 | 2024-07-01T12:01:45 | 3,478 |
lb45efk | 1dsr06r | He is leading the polls, he “won” the debate, he is on his way to reclaim the White House and he is still throwing tantrums like a petulant brat instead of enjoying his surreal successes. Pathetic! I will never be able to comprehend the idea that even one person could vote for this evil ignoramus. | KareenTu | 47 | 2024-07-01T12:03:09 | 3,484 |
lb45fqr | 1dsqwqb | Uhh, so what’s the yearly death toll up to on Americans killing each other with guns? The same guns we are all but constitutionally obligated to carry but that will get us killed in a heartbeat if a law enforcement officer thinks we have one? Or even something that looks like one?
But by all means, point to a single tragic case and pretend that’s the thing that we are most at threat from | augustusleonus | 13 | 2024-07-01T12:03:28 | 3,488 |
lb45i84 | 1dsr06r | I love how he blames Pelosi for not deploying the National Guard during the insurrection despite the fact that the Speaker Of The House does not have that authority. Can this guy say a sentence without lying? | InAllThingsBalance | 1,947 | 2024-07-01T12:04:02 | 3,492 |
lb466yr | 1dsqwqb | Her blood is on Trump's hands for blocking meaningful bipartisan border measures. | dust-ranger | 32 | 2024-07-01T12:09:46 | 3,518 |
lb46e4r | 1dsqsbz | Social media has become the fastest way to get news these days. An elected persons power should be limited, not our ability to stay informed. | Wizard_Writa_Obscura | 14 | 2024-07-01T12:11:25 | 3,525 |
lb46lfd | 1dsqubj | Well this is terrifying. | 1randomusername2 | 47 | 2024-07-01T12:13:04 | 3,534 |
lb46vhz | 1dsqubj | And these two candidates are the best of the so-called free world. It’s obvious that they are controlled by corporate lobbyists. | enaph | 13 | 2024-07-01T12:15:21 | 3,542 |
lb47f95 | 1dsqjjf | >Fauci, in a Sunday appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” was asked about Bannon’s earlier remarks. The former Trump adviser argued that his past comments suggesting that Fauci and FBI Director Christopher Wray should be beheaded were a metaphor.
Yeah, that's a metaphor in the same way that "I'm gonna rip off your head and shit down your neck" is a metaphor for "I'm going to kill you and desecrate your corpse". | Neat-Boysenberry-67 | 151 | 2024-07-01T12:19:47 | 3,566 |
lb47h44 | 1dsr3u6 | Hopefully he goes right back in after the trial for swindling donors for the wall | KAY-toe | 43 | 2024-07-01T12:20:12 | 3,568 |
lb47mqn | 1dsiqzh | These articles are pointless, he's not going to fucking drop out. | shift4338 | 30 | 2024-07-01T12:21:26 | 3,572 |
lb47oqa | 1dsr3u6 | Only 4? | sharkerdark44 | 49 | 2024-07-01T12:21:52 | 3,576 |
lb47w8q | 1dsr06r | Is someone who is so easily triggered mentally fit to be president and command a nuclear arsenal? I say no. | DragonPup | 506 | 2024-07-01T12:23:32 | 3,584 |
lb47yqi | 1dsr06r | Based on Trump and the bot response on this post. This is the strategy the dems need to employ till November. Just keep having various members needle Trump and keep him lashing out like a child. Enough of the when they go low we go high crap. Time to punch a bully in the face. | blueclawsoftware | 340 | 2024-07-01T12:24:04 | 3,586 |
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